--- language: - en - ar license: mit size_categories: - 1K. The main addition in this dataset variant is the `chain` column. It was created by converting the solution to a simple html-like language that can be easily parsed (e.g. by BeautifulSoup). The data contains 3 types of tags: - gadget: A tag whose content is intended to be evaluated by calling an external tool (sympy-based calculator in this case) - output: An output of the external tool - result: The final answer of the mathematical problem (a number) ## Supported Tasks This variant of the dataset is intended for training Chain-of-Thought reasoning models able to use external tools to enhance the factuality of their responses. This dataset presents in-context scenarios where models can out-source the computations in the reasoning chain to a calculator. ## Attributes: - `question`: problem description in English - `question_arabic`: problem description in Arabic - `chain`: series of simple operations (derived from `expression`) that lead to the solution - `result`: the solution for x as a number or fraction (string) - `result_float`: same as `result` but converted to a float - `equation`: equation that needs to be solved for `x` to obtain the result. Usually in a form of "x = ..." but not always. - `expression`: arithmetic expression derived from `equation` that solves it for `x` ## Content and data splits Both are consistent with the original source dataset. ## Licence MIT, consistent with the original source dataset linked above. ## Related work If you are interested in related datasets (or models), check out the MU-NLPC organization here on HuggingFace. We have released a few other datasets in a compatible format, and several models that use external calculator during inference. ## Cite If you use this version of dataset in research, please cite the original [MAWPS paper](https://aclanthology.org/N16-1136/). TODO