Chartered banks, foreign currency assets and liabilities, at month-end, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered banks, foreign currency assets and liabilities, at month-end, Bank of Canada Date range: 1946-01-01 to 2021-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Foreign currency assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Foreign currency assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, foreign currency assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets, call loans ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets, other loans ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets, securities ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets, deposits with banks ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Other foreign currency assets ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total, foreign currency liabilities ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Foreign currency liabilities, deposits of banks ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Foreign currency liabilities, other deposits ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Other foreign currency liabilities ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Net foreign assets ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities, deposits ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Liabilities, deposits, demand ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Liabilities, deposits, notice ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Liabilities, deposits, demand and notice ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Liabilities, deposits, fixed term
Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, month-end, Bank of Canada
Title: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, month-end, Bank of Canada Date range: 1926-01-01 to 2021-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, currency and deposits ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Currency outside banks ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Currency outside banks, notes ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Currency outside banks, coin ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Total, chartered bank deposits, excluding float ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, Government of Canada ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal (excluding personal, chequable, demand) ID: 63, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, notice and term (excluding personal, chequable, demand) ID: 64, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, demand, excluding float ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Currency and privately held deposits ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Currency and total chartered bank deposits held by general public, M3 ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Non-personal term and notice, bearer terms ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, term ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Currency and all chequable notice and personal term deposits, M2 ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, notice, non-chequable ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, term ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, non-chequable ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Currency and all chequable deposits, M1B ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, chequable (excluding personal, chequable, demand) ID: 65, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, chequable ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, chequable, notice ID: 66, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, chequable ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Currency and demand deposits, M1 ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks at month-end ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Currency outside banks, notes, at month-end ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Currency outside banks, coin, at month-end ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: M1 + daily interest chequing accounts + non-personal chequable and non-chequable deposits, M1A ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Currency and deposits, total (excluding private sector float) ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits (including private sector float) ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, total (excluding private sector float) ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits (including private sector float) ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, demand (excluding private sector float) ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits held by general public (excluding private sector float) ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits held by general public (including private sector float) ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: M3 (net) (M2 (net), chartered bank non-personal term deposits, chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, adjustments to M3 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank term deposits)) ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: M3 (gross) (M2 (gross), chartered bank non-personal term deposits, chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, adjustments to M3 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank term deposits)) ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: M2 (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand and notice deposits, chartered bank personal term deposits, adjustments to M2 (net) (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand and notice deposits)) ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: M2 (gross) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand and notice deposits, chartered bank personal term deposits, adjustments to M2 (gross) (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand and notice deposits)) ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: M1B (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank chequable deposits, less inter-bank chequable deposits) ID: 72, Parent: None, Name: M1B (gross) (currency outside banks, chartered bank chequable deposits, less inter-bank chequable deposits) ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: M1 (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand deposits, adjustments to M1 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand deposits) ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand deposits ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand and notice deposits ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank deposits ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: M2+ (net) ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: M2+ (gross) ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Non-banks ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Total, trust and mortgage loan companies ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Notice deposits ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Term deposits ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Tax sheltered deposits at trust and mortgage loan companies. ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Total, credit unions and caisses populaires ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Notice deposits ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Term deposits ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Tax sheltered deposits at credit unions and caisses populaires ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Life insurance company individual annuities ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Personal deposits at government savings institutions ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Money market investment funds ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Tax sheltered deposits at chartered banks ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand deposits and other adjustments to M1 ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank notice deposits and other adjustments to M2 ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank deposits, demand and notice and other adjustments to M2 ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank term deposits and other adjustments to M3 ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Credit unions and caisses populaires share capital, adjustment to M2+ ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Gross M1 ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Monetary base (notes and coins in circulation, chartered bank and other Payments Canada members' deposits with the Bank of Canada) ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Monetary base (notes and coins in circulation, chartered bank and other Payments Canada members' deposits with the Bank of Canada) (excluding required reserves) ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Non-money market mutual funds ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: M2++ (net) (M2+ (net), Canada Savings Bonds, non-money market mutual funds) ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: M2++ (gross) (M2+ (gross), Canada Savings Bonds, non-money market mutual funds) ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: M1+ (gross) ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: M1++ (gross)
Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities and loans, Bank of Canada
Title: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities and loans, Bank of Canada Date range: 1946-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government of Canada direct securities and loans Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Government of Canada direct securities and loans: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Classification by type of issue, total outstanding ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Guaranteed securities ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total, direct securities outstanding ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Treasury Bills ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other unmatured market issues ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Matured and outstanding market issues ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Canada Savings Bonds ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Canada Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) bonds ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Other non-market issues ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Canada Pension Plan outstanding, long-term, more than 1 year, in Canadian dollars ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Non-marketable short-term instruments ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Canada Pension Plan outstanding, short-term, less than 1 year, in Canadian dollars ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Perpetuals, total outstanding ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Non-market securities ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Matured and outstanding market issues ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, 3 years and under, Treasury Bills ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, 3 years and under, other bills ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 3 years to 5 years ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 5 years to 10 years ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 10 years ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Total holdings, average term to maturity, number of months ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Total, general public holdings classified by term to maturity ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Perpetuals, general public holdings ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Canada Savings Bonds ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Canada Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) bonds ID: 30, Parent: 25, Name: Matured and outstanding market issues ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Total, general public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, inflation adjusted ID: 31, Parent: 93, Name: Total, general public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, 3 years and under, Treasury Bills ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, 3 years and under, other bills ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 3 years to 5 years ID: 35, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 5 years to 10 years ID: 36, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 10 years ID: 37, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, United States pay Canada bills ID: 94, Parent: 93, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, inflation adjustment ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Holdings of general public, term to maturity, number of months ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Distribution of holdings, total outstanding ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Total accounts held by the government of Canada ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Securities investment account ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Purchase fund ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unemployment insurance fund ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Other accounts held by the government ID: 45, Parent: 39, Name: Total held outside government accounts ID: 95, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Bank of Canada, inflation adjusted ID: 46, Parent: 95, Name: Total, Bank of Canada ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Bank of Canada, Treasury Bills ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Bank of Canada, other accounts, inflation adjusted ID: 48, Parent: 96, Name: Bank of Canada, other accounts ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Bank of Canada, other accounts, inflation adjustment ID: 49, Parent: 95, Name: Total, chartered banks ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Chartered banks, Treasury Bills ID: 51, Parent: 49, Name: Chartered banks, other accounts ID: 52, Parent: 95, Name: Total general public, residents, including Canada Savings Bonds but excluding United States payments ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Total, market issues ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Market issues, Treasury Bills ID: 98, Parent: 52, Name: Market issues, other accounts, inflation adjusted ID: 55, Parent: 98, Name: Market issues, other accounts ID: 99, Parent: 98, Name: Market issues, other accounts, inflation adjustment ID: 56, Parent: 52, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Canada Savings Bonds ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Canada Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) bonds ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada accounts, Treasury Bills ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Government of Canada accounts, bonds ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Direct and guaranteed marketable bonds, new issues, monthly ID: 62, Parent: 61, Name: Direct marketable bonds, new issues, monthly ID: 63, Parent: 61, Name: Guaranteed marketable bonds, new issues, monthly ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: Direct and guaranteed marketable bonds, retirements, monthly ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Direct marketable bonds, retirements, monthly ID: 66, Parent: 64, Name: Guaranteed marketable bonds, retirements, monthly ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada accounts held outside, Canadian dollars ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada accounts held outside, foreign currency ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Total loans and drawings under standby facilities ID: 100, Parent: None, Name: Total loans and securities outstanding, inflation adjusted ID: 70, Parent: 100, Name: Total loans and securities outstanding ID: 101, Parent: 100, Name: Total loans and securities outstanding, inflation adjustment ID: 71, Parent: 100, Name: Total unmatured direct debt ID: 72, Parent: 100, Name: Total, unmatured direct debt, payable in Canadian currency ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Unmatured Treasury Bills ID: 74, Parent: 72, Name: Unmatured marketable bonds ID: 75, Parent: 72, Name: Unmatured non-marketable bonds ID: 76, Parent: 100, Name: Total, unmatured direct debt, payable in foreign currency ID: 77, Parent: 76, Name: Marketable bonds and notes payable in foreign currencies ID: 78, Parent: 76, Name: Drawings under standby facilities payable to Canadian banks ID: 79, Parent: 76, Name: Drawings under standby facilities payable to foreign banks ID: 80, Parent: 76, Name: Term loans ID: 81, Parent: 76, Name: Canada bills paid in United States dollars ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by chartered banks ID: 102, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by the general public, inflation adjusted ID: 83, Parent: 102, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by the general public ID: 103, Parent: 102, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by the general public, inflation adjustment ID: 84, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada direct securities and loans outstanding ID: 104, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada securities, (including United States pay Canada bills) inflation adjusted ID: 85, Parent: 104, Name: Government of Canada securities, other holdings (including United States pay Canada bills) ID: 105, Parent: None, Name: Total securities outstanding, inflation adjusted ID: 86, Parent: 105, Name: Total securities outstanding ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Total loans and drawings under standby facilities ID: 106, Parent: None, Name: Total unmatured direct and guaranteed securities and loans (excluding non-marketable) inflation adjusted ID: 88, Parent: 106, Name: Total unmatured direct and guaranteed securities (excluding non-marketable) ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Total unmatured direct and guaranteed securities (excluding non-marketable) inflation adjustment ID: 89, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar deposits held at direct clearers ID: 90, Parent: None, Name: Total Canada notes outstanding ID: 91, Parent: None, Name: Euro dollar medium term notes outstanding ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada accounts, short-term instruments
Selected credit measures, monthly average or average of month-ends, unadjusted unless otherwise noted, Bank of Canada
Title: Selected credit measures, monthly average or average of month-ends, unadjusted unless otherwise noted, Bank of Canada Date range: 1968-12-01 to 2020-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Components Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Components: ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total short-term business credit ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Total short-term business credit, seasonally adjusted ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Adjustment to short-term business credit ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Adjustment to other business credit ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Total household and business credit ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Total household and business credit, seasonally adjusted ID: 20, Parent: 25, Name: Total business credit ID: 24, Parent: 25, Name: Total business credit, seasonally adjusted ID: 37, Parent: 24, Name: Total business loans, unadjusted ID: 38, Parent: 24, Name: Total business loans, seasonally adjusted ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Total non-mortgage loans ID: 1, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, chartered banks ID: 22, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, chartered banks, seasonally adjusted ID: 12, Parent: 22, Name: Chartered bank foreign currency loans to residents ID: 9, Parent: 22, Name: Leasing receivables, chartered banks ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, non-banks ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, non-banks, seasonally adjusted ID: 2, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, finance companies ID: 32, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, non-depository credit intermediaries ID: 3, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, other institutions ID: 11, Parent: 39, Name: Leasing receivables, finance companies ID: 30, Parent: 39, Name: Leasing receivables, financial leasing companies ID: 34, Parent: 39, Name: Leasing receivables, non-depository credit intermediaries ID: 10, Parent: 39, Name: Leasing receivables, other institutions ID: 29, Parent: 39, Name: Non-mortgage loans, off-balance sheet securitization ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Total non-residential mortgages ID: 4, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, chartered banks ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, non-banks ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, non-banks, seasonally adjusted ID: 5, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, trust and mortgage loan companies ID: 6, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, credit unions and caisses populaires ID: 7, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, life insurance companies ID: 8, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, finance companies ID: 33, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, non-depository credit intermediaries and other institutions ID: 31, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, off-balance sheet securitization ID: 13, Parent: 38, Name: Bankers' acceptances ID: 26, Parent: 38, Name: Bankers' acceptances, seasonally adjusted ID: 14, Parent: 24, Name: Commercial paper issued by non-financial corporations, Canadian dollars ID: 15, Parent: 24, Name: Commercial paper issued by non-financial corporations, foreign currency ID: 28, Parent: 24, Name: Commercial paper issued by non-financial corporations ID: 35, Parent: 24, Name: Commercial paper issued by non-financial corporations, seasonally adjusted ID: 19, Parent: 24, Name: Equity and warrants ID: 18, Parent: 24, Name: Bonds and debentures ID: 36, Parent: 24, Name: Trust units
Chartered bank assets and liabilities and monetary aggregates, month-end, seasonally adjusted, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered bank assets and liabilities and monetary aggregates, month-end, seasonally adjusted, Bank of Canada Date range: 1953-01-01 to 2021-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets, liabilities and monetary aggregates Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets, liabilities and monetary aggregates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal (excluding personal, chequable, demand) ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, chequable ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, demand (excluding private sector float) ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and Canadian dollar chartered bank deposits, total ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, held by general public ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, total loans ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: General loans (including grain dealers and installment finance companies) ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Business loans, at month-end ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Unsecured personal loans, at month-end ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Currency and demand deposits, M1 ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, demand and notice ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, chequable ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Total, major assets ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Active note circulation ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: General public plus "swapped" deposits ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Non-personal term and notice plus "swapped" deposits ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, liquid assets ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, less liquid assets ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar major assets, total ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Currency and total chartered bank deposits held by general public, M3 ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Non-personal fixed term plus foreign currency deposits of residents ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Currency and all chequable deposits, M1B ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Currency and all chequable notice and personal term deposits, M2 ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Total personal loans ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Business loans ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: M1 + daily interest chequing accounts + non-personal chequable and non-chequable deposits, M1A ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank Canadian dollar deposits, demand (excluding private sector float) and chartered bank demand deposits of Canadian residents ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, held by general public (excluding private sector float) ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, held by general public (including private sector float) ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, demand ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: M3 (net) (M2 (net), chartered bank non-personal term deposits, chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents booked in Canada, adjustments to M3 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank term deposits)) ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: M3 (gross) (M2 (gross), chartered bank non-personal term deposits, chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents booked in Canada, adjustments to M3 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank term deposits)) ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: M1B (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank chequable deposits, less inter-bank chequable deposits) ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: M1B (gross) (currency outside banks, chartered bank chequable deposits, less inter-bank chequable deposits) ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: M2 (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand and notice deposits, chartered bank personal term deposits, adjustments to M2 (net) (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand and notice deposits)) ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: M2 (gross) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand and notice deposits, chartered bank personal term deposits, adjustments to M2 (gross) (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand and notice deposits)) ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits (excluding private sector float) ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits (including private sector float) ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Residential mortgages ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: M2+ (net) ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: M2+ (gross) ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canadian liquid assets, short term paper and chartered bank instruments ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, total ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, notice ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, demand and notice ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, term ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, notice ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, demand and notice ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Non-banks ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Total, deposits at trust and mortgage loan companies ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Total, deposits at credit unions and caisses populaires ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Gross M1 ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Gross demand deposits, personal chequing accounts ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Gross demand deposits, current accounts ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Gross demand deposits ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Monetary base (notes and coin in circulation, chartered bank and other Payments Canada members' deposits with the Bank of Canada) ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Monetary base (notes and coin in circulation, chartered bank and other Payments Canada members' deposits with the Bank of Canada) (excluding required reserves) ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Non-money market mutual funds ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: M2++ (net) (M2+ (net), Canada Savings Bonds, non-money market mutual funds) ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: M2++ (gross) (M2+ (gross), Canada Savings Bonds, non-money market mutual funds) ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: M1+ (gross) ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: M1++ (gross)
Consumer credit, outstanding balances of selected holders, Bank of Canada
Title: Consumer credit, outstanding balances of selected holders, Bank of Canada Date range: 1956-01-01 to 2020-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Monthly, Seasonal adjustment, Components Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Monthly: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: At month-end ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Average at month-end Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total outstanding balances ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total of foregoing ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Chartered banks ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Finance companies and other institutions ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Non-banks ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Life insurance company policy loans ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Trust and mortgage loan companies ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Non-depository credit intermediaries and other institutions ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Credit unions and caisses populaires ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Adjustments to consumer credit ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Off-balance sheet securitization
Credit measures, Bank of Canada
Title: Credit measures, Bank of Canada Date range: 1969-01-01 to 2020-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of credit, Seasonal adjustment Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of credit: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total business and household credit ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Household credit ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Residential mortgage credit ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Consumer credit ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Business credit ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Other business credit ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Short-term business credit Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted
Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds, par value, Bank of Canada
Title: Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds, par value, Bank of Canada Date range: 1951-01-01 to 2018-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of bonds Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Abroad Type of bonds: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues of bonds delivered ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Gross retirements of bonds ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net new provincial bond issues excluding Canada Pension Plan
Gross new bond issues and retirements, Bank of Canada
Title: Gross new bond issues and retirements, Bank of Canada Date range: 1951-01-01 to 2018-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Securities, Type of issue Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Abroad Securities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total Treasury Bills ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 91-day Treasury Bills ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Provincial bonds ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Corporate and other bonds Type of issue: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues delivered ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Retirements
Corporate short-term paper outstanding, Bank of Canada, monthly, inactive
Title: Corporate short-term paper outstanding, Bank of Canada, monthly, inactive Date range: 1964-01-01 to 2020-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Components Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total short-term paper ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total Canadian dollars including bankers' acceptances ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Bankers' acceptances ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Canadian dollars ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Other currencies ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Sales finance and consumer loan company paper, all currencies ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Canadian dollars ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Other currencies ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Other commercial paper, all currencies ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Canadian dollars ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Other currencies ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Total commercial paper ID: 13, Parent: 6, Name: Of which: paper issued by non-financial corporations ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Of which: securitizations ID: 15, Parent: 6, Name: Of which: United States dollars ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Provincial governments and their enterprises, Treasury Bills and other short-term paper ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper issued by foreign corporations
Financial market statistics, last Wednesday unless otherwise stated, Bank of Canada
Title: Financial market statistics, last Wednesday unless otherwise stated, Bank of Canada Date range: 1934-01-01 to 2021-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Rates Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Rates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate, last Tuesday or last Thursday ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank administered interest rates - Prime rate ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - consumer loan rate ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollar in Canada: 1 month ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollar in Canada: 3 month ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 1 month ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 2 month ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 3 month ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 1 month ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 2 month ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 3 month ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Commercial certificates of deposit: 30 day ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Commercial certificates of deposit: 90 day ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Overnight money market financing, 7 day average ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Day-to-day loan rate (closing, weekly average) ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 2 year ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 3 year ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 5 year ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 7 year ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 10 years ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: long term ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 1-3 year ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 3-5 year ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 5-10 year ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: over 10 years ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - 90 day term deposits ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 1 year ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 3 year ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 5 year ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - 5 year personal fixed term ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - daily interest savings (balance over $100,000) ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - non-chequable savings deposits ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 1 year ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 3 year ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 5 year ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - conventional mortgage: 1 year ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - conventional mortgage: 5 year ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 1 year ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 5 year ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates, average: 5 year ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates, average of data values: 5 year ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 3 month ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 3 month, average at values ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 6 month ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 1 year ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 3 month ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 6 month ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 1 year ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount maturing ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 1 month ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 2 month ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 3 month ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 6 month ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 1 year ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Real return bonds, long-term ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield, average of Wednesdays: 1-3 year ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield, average of Wednesdays: 3-5 year ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield, average of Wednesdays: 5-10 year ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield, average of Wednesdays: over 10 years ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: (McLeod, Young and Weir) bond yield averages: total index, 40 ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: (McLeod, Young and Weir) bond yield averages: 10 provincials ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: (McLeod, Young and Weir) bond yield averages: 10 municipals ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: (McLeod, Young and Weir) bond yield averages: 10 industrials ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Commercial certificates of deposit, average, last week of month: 90 day ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Average residential mortgage lending rate: 5 year ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - chequable personal savings deposit rate ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: Covered differential: Canada-United States 3 month Treasury bills ID: 72, Parent: None, Name: Covered differential: Canada-United States 3 month short-term paper ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: First coupon of Canada Savings Bonds ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Effective yield to maturity of Canada Savings Bonds
Selected United States dollar interest rates, last Wednesday unless otherwise stated, Bank of Canada
Title: Selected United States dollar interest rates, last Wednesday unless otherwise stated, Bank of Canada Date range: 1925-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Rate Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States Rate: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: 91-day treasury bill yield ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills at Monday tender, adjusted: 3 month (average) ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: 5 year ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: 10 year ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: long term ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Long-term government bond yield, over 10 years (average) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Prime rate charged by banks ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Federal Reserve Bank of New York - discount rate ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Federal funds rate ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Euro-dollar, United States deposits in London, 3 months, bid ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, adjusted: 1 month ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, adjusted: 3 month ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: 90-day certificates of deposit, adjusted ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Corporate bonds (Moody's AAA)
Stock market statistics, Canada and United States, Bank of Canada
Title: Stock market statistics, Canada and United States, Bank of Canada Date range: 1953-01-01 to 2018-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Stock market statistics Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Stock market statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, value of shares traded ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, volume of shares traded ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: United States common stocks, Dow-Jones industrials, high ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: United States common stocks, Dow-Jones industrials, low ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: United States common stocks, Dow-Jones industrials, close ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: New York Stock Exchange, value of shares traded ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: New York Stock Exchange, volume of shares traded ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: New York Stock Exchange, customers' debit balances ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: New York Stock Exchange, customers' free credit balance ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: United States loans made to brokers by United States by commercial banks ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's stock dividend yields, common ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Montreal Stock Exchange, Canadian stock indices, month-end close, Canadian market portfolio (25), January 4 1983=1000 ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Montreal Stock Exchange, Canadian stock indices, month-end close, banks (6), January 4 1983=1000 ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's (500), 1941-43=10
Toronto Stock Exchange statistics
Title: Toronto Stock Exchange statistics Date range: 1956-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Toronto Stock Exchange Statistics Subject: Government Survey: Financial market statistics from the Toronto Stock Exchange Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Toronto Stock Exchange Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Composite Index, high ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Composite Index, low ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Composite Index, close ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, oil and gas, closing quotations ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, metals and minerals, closing quotations ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, utilities, closing quotations ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, paper and forest products, closing quotations ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, merchandising, closing quotations ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, financial services, closing quotations ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, gold and silver, closing quotations ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, stock dividend yields (composite), closing quotations ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, price earnings ratio, closing quotations ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, Toronto 35 index, closing quotations (May 27 1987=100) ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange 60 Index ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Consumer Discretionary Index ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Consumer Staples Index ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Energy Index ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Financial Index ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Gold Index ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Industrial Index ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Information Technology Index ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Materials Index ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Diversified Metals and Mining Index ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Telecommunication Service Index ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Utilities Index
Foreign exchange rates, United States and United Kingdom, Bank of canada
Title: Foreign exchange rates, United States and United Kingdom, Bank of canada Date range: 1950-10-01 to 2017-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of exchange rate, United States and United Kingdom Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of exchange rate, United States and United Kingdom: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per United States dollar, spot rate ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per United States dollar, 90 day forward rate ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per pound sterling, spot rate ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per pound sterling, 90 day forward rate ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Number of working days per month, Canadian foreign exchange market
Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, monthly
Title: Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, monthly Date range: 1951-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of reserve Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of reserve: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canada's official international reserves ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Convertible foreign currencies, United States dollars ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Convertible foreign currencies, other than United States ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Gold ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Special drawing rights ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Residential mortgage credit, outstanding balances of major private institutional lenders, Bank of Canada
Title: Residential mortgage credit, outstanding balances of major private institutional lenders, Bank of Canada Date range: 1969-01-01 to 2020-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Monthly, Seasonal adjustment, Components Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Monthly: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: At month-end ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Average at month-end Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted Components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total outstanding balances ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total of foregoing ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Chartered banks ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Non-banks ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Trust and mortgage loan companies ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Life insurance company policy loans ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Finance companies and other institutions ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Non-depository credit intermediaries and other institutions ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Credit unions and caisses populaires ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Pension funds ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Off-balance sheet securitization ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: National Housing Act (NHA) mortgage backed securities ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Special purpose corporations, securitization
Government of Canada bonds outstanding, shown at par value, by currency of payments
Title: Government of Canada bonds outstanding, shown at par value, by currency of payments Date range: 1975-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Currency of payment, Issuers Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad Currency of payment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total currencies ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian dollars ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currencies ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: United States dollars ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Euro dollars ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Deutschemarks ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) Euro ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Swiss francs ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Pound sterling ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Japanese yen ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Other currencies Issuers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, issuers ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada direct bonds ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada guaranteed bonds ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Newfoundland direct bonds ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Newfoundland guaranteed bonds ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Prince Edward Island direct bonds ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Prince Edward Island guaranteed bonds ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Nova Scotia direct bonds ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Nova Scotia guaranteed bonds ID: 11, Parent: 4, Name: New Brunswick direct bonds ID: 12, Parent: 4, Name: New Brunswick guaranteed bonds ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Quebec direct bonds ID: 14, Parent: 4, Name: Quebec guaranteed bonds ID: 15, Parent: 4, Name: Ontario direct bonds ID: 16, Parent: 4, Name: Ontario guaranteed bonds ID: 17, Parent: 4, Name: Manitoba direct bonds ID: 18, Parent: 4, Name: Manitoba guaranteed bonds ID: 19, Parent: 4, Name: Saskatchewan direct bonds ID: 20, Parent: 4, Name: Saskatchewan guaranteed bonds ID: 21, Parent: 4, Name: Alberta direct bonds ID: 22, Parent: 4, Name: Alberta guaranteed bonds ID: 23, Parent: 4, Name: British Columbia direct bonds ID: 24, Parent: 4, Name: British Columbia guaranteed bonds ID: 25, Parent: 4, Name: Yukon and Northwest Territories direct bonds ID: 26, Parent: 4, Name: Yukon and Northwest Territories guaranteed bonds ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Municipalities direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Financial corporation bonds ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Non-financial corporation bonds ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Other institution bonds ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign debtors ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Term securitizations
Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and Bank of Canada operations, Bank of Canada, monthly
Title: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and Bank of Canada operations, Bank of Canada, monthly Date range: 2007-06-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Positions of members of Payments Canada and buy back transactions with primary dealers Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Positions of members of Payments Canada and buy back transactions with primary dealers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total overdraft loans, total amount ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total overdraft loans, days transacted ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total positive balances, total amount ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total positive balances, days transacted ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts, total amount ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts, days transacted ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, Overnight Repo, total amount ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, Overnight Repo, days transacted ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, sale and repurchase agreements, total amount ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, sale and repurchase agreements, days transacted ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, Term Repo Operations, total amount ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, Term Repo Operations, days transacted ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, securities lending operations, total amount ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, securities lending operations, days transacted
Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, monthly
Title: Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, monthly Date range: 1972-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Commodity Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Commodity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all commodities ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total excluding energy ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metals and Minerals ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Fish ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry
Central government operations: budgetary balance, non-budgetary transactions, and financial source/requirement
Title: Central government operations: budgetary balance, non-budgetary transactions, and financial source/requirement Date range: 2009-04-01 to 2021-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Central government operations Subject: Government Survey: Department of Finance Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Central government operations: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: A. Budgetary balance, deficit (-) / surplus (+), (B - C) ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: B. Revenues ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: C. Expenses ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Program expenses ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Public debt charges ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: D. Non-budgetary transactions (internal sources of funds) ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Pensions and other accounts ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Non-financial assets ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Loans, investments and advances ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Accounts payable, receivables, accruals and allowances ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Foreign exchange activities ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: E. Financial source (+) / requirement (-), (A + D) ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: F. Net change in financing activities (external sources of funds) ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Market debt payable in Canadian currency ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Marketable bonds payable in Canadian currency ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Treasury bills ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Retail debt ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Other market debt payable in Canadian currency ID: 19, Parent: 13, Name: Market debt payable in foreign currencies ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Marketable bonds payable in foreign currencies ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Euro medium-term notes ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Canada bills ID: 23, Parent: 13, Name: Cross currency swap revaluation ID: 24, Parent: 13, Name: Unamortized discounts and premiums on market debt ID: 25, Parent: 13, Name: Obligations related to capital leases and other unmatured debt ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: G. Net change in cash balances, (E + F)
Chartered banks, mortgage loans report, end of period, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered banks, mortgage loans report, end of period, Bank of Canada Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Mortgages, Increases and decreases, Type of mortgage Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Mortgages: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, mortgage loans outstanding ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Mortgages in Canada outstanding ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mortgage loans outside Canada outstanding ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Allowance for credit losses Increases and decreases: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, increases and decreases ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Gross increase ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash disbursement of principal ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Purchases of mortgages from ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Residents, financial ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Residents, non-financial ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Non-residents ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Other increases ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Gross decrease ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Repayment of principal ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Sales of mortgages to ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Residents, financial ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Residents, non-financial ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Non-residents ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Other decreases Type of mortgage: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, mortgages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, residential mortgages ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Residential mortgages, insured ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Residential mortgages, uninsured ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Total, non-residential mortgages ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Non-residential, non-farm mortgages ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Non-residential, farm mortgages
Bank of Canada, assets and liabilities, Wednesdays
Title: Bank of Canada, assets and liabilities, Wednesdays Date range: 1980-12-03 to 2021-09-22 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed securities ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Government of Canada, Treasury Bills ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Total, Government of Canada, bonds ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, other maturities, 3 years and under ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, other maturities, over 3 years ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Real return bonds ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Canada mortgage bonds ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Other bills ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial money markets securities ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial bonds ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Bankers' acceptances ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Commercial paper ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Advances ID: 8, Parent: 25, Name: Advances to Government of Canada ID: 9, Parent: 25, Name: Advances to members of Payments Canada ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Loans and receivables, securities purchased under resale agreements ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Investment in Industrial Development Bank (IDB) ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets excluding other bill and investment in Industrial Development Bank (IDB) ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Other investments ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency deposits ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Securities purchased under resale agreements ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Derivatives - Indemnity agreements with the Government of Canada, assets ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Notes in circulation ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Notes in circulation, held by chartered banks ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Notes in circulation, held by others ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, Government of Canada ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, chartered banks ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Foreign currency liabilities ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other members of Payments Canada ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, members of Payments Canada ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other deposits ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Securities sold under repurchase agreements ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Derivatives - Indemnity agreements with the Government of Canada, liabilities ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: All other liabilities and capital
Representation of women and men elected to national Parliament and of ministers appointed to federal Cabinet
Title: Representation of women and men elected to national Parliament and of ministers appointed to federal Cabinet Date range: 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, National elected officials, Gender, Statistics Subject: Government Survey: Survey 5298, Survey 5348 Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut National elected officials: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 36th Parliament ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 1997 ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 1998 ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 1999 ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2000 ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 37th Parliament ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2001 ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2002 ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2003 ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 38th Parliament ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2004 ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2005 ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 39th Parliament ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2006 ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2007 ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2008 ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 40th Parliament ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2009 ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2010 ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 41st Parliament ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2011 ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2012 ID: 23, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2013 ID: 24, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2014 ID: 25, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2015 ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 42nd Parliament ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2016 ID: 28, Parent: 26, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2017 ID: 29, Parent: 26, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2018 ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2019 ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 43rd Parliament ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2020 ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Members of Cabinet, 26th Ministry (Chrétien) ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2002 ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2003 ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Members of Cabinet, 27th Ministry (Martin) ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2004 ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2005 ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Members of Cabinet, 28th Ministry (Harper) ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2006 ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2007 ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2008 ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2009 ID: 44, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2010 ID: 45, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2011 ID: 46, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2012 ID: 47, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2013 ID: 48, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2014 ID: 49, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2015 ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Members of Cabinet, 29th Ministry (Trudeau) ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2016 ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2017 ID: 53, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2018 ID: 54, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2019 ID: 55, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2020 Gender: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gender, total ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Male gender ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Female gender Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Proportion
Selected United States dollar interest rates, Wednesdays, Bank of Canada
Title: Selected United States dollar interest rates, Wednesdays, Bank of Canada Date range: 1954-07-07 to 2021-09-22 Dimensions: Geography, Rates Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States Rates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal Reserve Bank of New York - discount rate ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prime rate charged by banks ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Federal funds rate ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, adjusted: 1 month ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, adjusted: 3 month ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: 90 day certificates of deposit, adjusted ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Euro-dollar, United States dollar deposits in London, 3 month, bid ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: 5 year ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills at Monday tender, adjusted: 3 month ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: 10 year ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: long term ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Corporate bonds (Moody's AAA)
Bank of Canada, money market and other interest rates
Title: Bank of Canada, money market and other interest rates Date range: 1981-02-06 to 2021-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Financial market statistics Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Daily Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Financial market statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 1-month (composite rates) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 2-month (composite rates) ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 3-month (composite rates) ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 6-month (composite rates) ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 1-year (composite rates) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances, 1-month (composite rates) ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances, 2-month (composite rates) ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances, 3-month (composite rates) ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, 1-month (composite rates) ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, 2-month (composite rates) ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, 3-month (composite rates) ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Overnight money market financing ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 2 year ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 3 year ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 5 year ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 7 year ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 10 year ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, long term ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Real return benchmark bond yield, long term ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, 1 to 3 years ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, 3 to 5 years ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, 5 to 10 years ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, over 10 years ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 1-month ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 2-month ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 3-month ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 6-month ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 1-year ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances rate, 1-month ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances rate, 2-month ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances rate, 3-month ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate, 1-month ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate, 2-month ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate, 3-month ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Overnight money market financing ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Operating band, low ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Operating band, high ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Target rate
Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, daily
Title: Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, daily Date range: 1999-07-08 to 2021-09-15 Dimensions: Geography, Type of reserve Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Daily Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of reserve: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canada's official international reserves ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Convertible foreign currencies, United States dollars ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Convertible foreign currencies, other than United States ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Gold ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Special drawing rights ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and Bank of Canada operations, Bank of Canada, weekly
Title: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and Bank of Canada operations, Bank of Canada, weekly Date range: 2007-06-06 to 2021-09-22 Dimensions: Geography, Positions of members of Payments Canada and buy back transactions with primary dealers Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Positions of members of Payments Canada and buy back transactions with primary dealers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total overdraft loans, total amount ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total overdraft loans, days transacted ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total positive balances, total amount ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total positive balances, days transacted ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts, total amount ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts, days transacted ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, Overnight Repo, total amount ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, Overnight Repo, days transacted ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, sale and repurchase agreements, total amount ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, sale and repurchase agreements, days transacted ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, Term Repo Operations, total amount ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, Term Repo Operations, days transacted ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, securities lending operations, total amount ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, securities lending operations, days transacted
Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, weekly
Title: Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, weekly Date range: 1972-01-05 to 2021-09-29 Dimensions: Geography, Commodity Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Commodity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all commodities ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total excluding energy ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metals and Minerals ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Fish ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry
Financial market statistics, as at Tuesday, Bank of Canada
Title: Financial market statistics, as at Tuesday, Bank of Canada Date range: 1992-11-24 to 2021-09-28 Dimensions: Geography, Rates Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Rates: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 3 month ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 6 month ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 1 year ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 3 month ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 6 month ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 1 year ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount maturing
Financial market statistics, as at Wednesday, Bank of Canada
Title: Financial market statistics, as at Wednesday, Bank of Canada Date range: 1957-01-02 to 2021-09-29 Dimensions: Geography, Rates Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Rates: ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank administered interest rates - Prime rate ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - consumer loan rate ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollars in Canada: 1 month ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollars in Canada: 3 month ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 1 month ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 2 month ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 3 month ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 1 month ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 2 month ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 3 month ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Overnight money market financing, 7 day average ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 2 year ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 3 year ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 5 year ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 7 year ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 10 year ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: long term ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 1-3 year ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 3-5 year ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 5-10 year ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: over 10 years ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Chartered banks - 90 day term deposits ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 1 year ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 3 year ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 5 year ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - 5 year personal fixed term ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - daily interest savings (balance over $100,000) ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - non-chequable savings deposit ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 1 year ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 3 year ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 5 year ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 1 month ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 2 month ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 3 month ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 6 month ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 1 year ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Real return bonds, long-term ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Contractual interest rate for new insured 5-year fixed rate mortgages ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Benchmark qualifying mortgage rate
Canadian government finance statistics (CGFS), statement of operations and balance sheet for consolidated governments
Title: Canadian government finance statistics (CGFS), statement of operations and balance sheet for consolidated governments Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, Statement of operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated Canadian general government ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated provincial-territorial and local governments Display value: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows Statement of operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by individuals ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by corporations and other enterprises ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by nonresidents ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on payroll and workforce ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on property ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Recurrent taxes on immovable property ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Real property taxes ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Special assessments ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Business taxes ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Payments in lieu of taxes ID: 16, Parent: 10, Name: Other taxes on property ID: 17, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on goods and services ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: General taxes on goods and services ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Excises ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Liquor taxes ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Tobacco taxes ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Gasoline and motive fuel taxes ID: 138, Parent: 19, Name: Cannabis taxes ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Other excise taxes ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Profits of fiscal monopolies ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Remitted liquor profits ID: 26, Parent: 24, Name: Remitted profits on games of chance and other ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Taxes on specific services ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Motor vehicle taxes ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Other taxes on goods and services ID: 32, Parent: 4, Name: Other taxes ID: 33, Parent: 3, Name: Social contributions ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Social security contributions ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Contributions to workers' compensation boards ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Other social security contributions ID: 37, Parent: 33, Name: Other social contributions ID: 38, Parent: 3, Name: Grants, revenue ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Grants from foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Grants from general government units ID: 41, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Property income ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Interest revenue ID: 44, Parent: 42, Name: Dividend revenue ID: 45, Parent: 42, Name: Rent ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Oil and gas royalties ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Forestry royalties ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Mineral royalties ID: 49, Parent: 45, Name: Water power royalties ID: 50, Parent: 45, Name: Other rent and property income ID: 51, Parent: 41, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Administrative fees ID: 53, Parent: 51, Name: Housing and community amenities ID: 54, Parent: 51, Name: Tuition and school fees ID: 55, Parent: 51, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 56, Parent: 41, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits ID: 57, Parent: 41, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants ID: 58, Parent: 41, Name: Miscellaneous revenue ID: 59, Parent: 2, Name: Expense ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 61, Parent: 59, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 62, Parent: 59, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 63, Parent: 59, Name: Interest expense ID: 64, Parent: 59, Name: Subsidies ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Subsidies to government business enterprises ID: 66, Parent: 64, Name: Subsidies to private enterprises ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Agricultural subsidies to private enterprises ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Other subsidies to private enterprises on products ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Other subsidies to private enterprises on production ID: 70, Parent: 59, Name: Grants, expense ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Grants to foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 72, Parent: 70, Name: Grants to general government units ID: 73, Parent: 59, Name: Social benefits ID: 74, Parent: 73, Name: Social security benefits ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Employment insurance and parental insurance benefits ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Other social security benefits ID: 77, Parent: 73, Name: Social assistance benefits ID: 78, Parent: 73, Name: Employer social benefits ID: 79, Parent: 59, Name: Other expense ID: 80, Parent: 79, Name: Property expense other than interest ID: 81, Parent: 79, Name: Miscellaneous other expense ID: 82, Parent: 81, Name: Miscellaneous other current expense ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Tax expenses ID: 84, Parent: 82, Name: Transfers to persons ID: 85, Parent: 82, Name: Transfers to non-profit institutions ID: 86, Parent: 82, Name: Other miscellaneous current expenses ID: 87, Parent: 81, Name: Miscellaneous other capital expense ID: 137, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, Quebec abatement ID: 88, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures ID: 89, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development costs ID: 90, Parent: 89, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development compensation of employees ID: 91, Parent: 89, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development use of goods and services ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, consumption of fixed capital according to public sector accounts ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 94, Parent: 93, Name: Nonfinancial assets ID: 95, Parent: 93, Name: Net financial worth ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Financial assets ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Currency and deposits, assets ID: 98, Parent: 96, Name: Debt securities, assets ID: 99, Parent: 98, Name: Treasury bills, assets ID: 100, Parent: 98, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets ID: 101, Parent: 98, Name: Bonds, assets ID: 102, Parent: 96, Name: Loans, assets ID: 103, Parent: 102, Name: Loans and advances, assets ID: 104, Parent: 102, Name: Mortgages, assets ID: 105, Parent: 96, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Marketable shares ID: 107, Parent: 105, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Investment fund shares ID: 109, Parent: 96, Name: Insurance and pension, assets ID: 110, Parent: 96, Name: Other accounts receivable ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Other receivable ID: 113, Parent: 96, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets ID: 114, Parent: 95, Name: Liabilities ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Debt securities, liabilities ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities ID: 118, Parent: 116, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities ID: 119, Parent: 116, Name: Saving bonds ID: 120, Parent: 116, Name: Bonds, liabilities ID: 121, Parent: 114, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 123, Parent: 121, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities ID: 124, Parent: 121, Name: Mortgages, liabilities ID: 125, Parent: 114, Name: Equity, liabilities ID: 126, Parent: 114, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 127, Parent: 126, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities ID: 128, Parent: 126, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 129, Parent: 114, Name: Other accounts payable ID: 130, Parent: 129, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable ID: 131, Parent: 129, Name: Other payable ID: 132, Parent: 114, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities ID: 133, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, nonfinancial assets according to public sector accounts ID: 134, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value ID: 135, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits ID: 136, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities
Chartered banks, classification of non-mortgage loans, at end of period, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered banks, classification of non-mortgage loans, at end of period, Bank of Canada Date range: 1981-10-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of currency, Type of loans Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of currency: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Foreign currency Type of loans: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, loans ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Other loans ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Factored receivables ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Leasing receivables ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to non-residents ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to provincial and municipal governments ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to institutions ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Total, loans to non-financial corporations and unincorporated businesses ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Loans to provincial and municipal government enterprises ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Loans to federal government enterprises ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Total, loans to private businesses ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to multiproduct conglomerates ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to service industries, real estate ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to service industries, other than real estate ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Total, loans to retail trade ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Loans to retail trade, automotive ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Loans to retail trade, other than automotive ID: 18, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to wholesalers ID: 19, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to transportation, communication and other utilities ID: 20, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to construction industry, builders and developers ID: 21, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to construction industry, other than builders and developers ID: 22, Parent: 11, Name: Total, loans to manufacturers ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, food, beverage and tobacco products ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, leather, textile and apparel products ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, metal products ID: 26, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, transportation equipment ID: 27, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to petroleum products industry ID: 28, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, other products ID: 29, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to mining industry ID: 30, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to oil and gas industry ID: 31, Parent: 11, Name: Other loans to mines, quarries and oil wells ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Other loans to mines ID: 33, Parent: 11, Name: Loans for fishing and forestry ID: 34, Parent: 11, Name: Loans for logging and forestry ID: 35, Parent: 11, Name: Loans for fishing and trapping ID: 36, Parent: 11, Name: Loans for agriculture ID: 37, Parent: 8, Name: Loans to government enterprises ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to public financial institutions ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Total, loans to financial institutions ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to private financial institutions, deposit taking ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to investment dealers ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to other private financial institutions ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: Total, loans to Canadian individuals for non-business purposes ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to Canadian individuals to purchase securities ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Other loans to Canadian individuals for non-business purposes ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Total, loans to purchase consumer goods and services ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Loans to purchase consumer goods and services, credit card ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Loans to purchase consumer goods and services, excluding credit card ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Loans to purchase private passenger vehicles ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Loans to purchase mobile homes ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Loans for renovations of residential property ID: 49, Parent: 45, Name: Loans to purchase consumer goods and services, other ID: 50, Parent: 42, Name: Loans to purchase securities, market stocks and bonds ID: 51, Parent: 42, Name: Loans to carry tax sheltered plans ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Loans at investment dealers subsidiaries ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Own acceptances purchased ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Reverse repurchase loans ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: Total, loans to other Canadians ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Loans under personal loan plan ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Loans to unincorporated businesses ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Government guaranteed loans, small businesses ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Government guaranteed loans, farm improvement ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Government guaranteed loans, Canadian student loans ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Other government guaranteed loans ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Other government guaranteed loans of which: interim construction lending
Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities and loans, at quarter-end, Bank of Canada
Title: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities and loans, at quarter-end, Bank of Canada Date range: 1952-01-01 to 2017-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Distribution by type of holder Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Distribution by type of holder: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: General public, estimated distribution, residents ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: General public, estimated distribution, non-residents ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by non-residents ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Drawings under stand-by facilities and United States-pay Canada bills
Life insurers, including accident, sickness branches and segregated funds, Bank of Canada
Title: Life insurers, including accident, sickness branches and segregated funds, Bank of Canada Date range: 1977-04-01 to 2016-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Life insurers, including accident, sickness branches and segregated funds Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Life insurers, including accident, sickness branches and segregated funds: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets at booked value of life insurers ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits, Life insurers ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total securities, Life insurers ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada bonds ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial and municipal securities ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Short-term paper and bankers' acceptances ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 36, Parent: 3, Name: Securities, Short-term paper, Life insurers ID: 37, Parent: 3, Name: Securities, Bonds and debentures, Life insurers ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Securities, Corporates shares and other, Life insurers ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Total mortgages, Life insurers ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Residential mortgages, Life insurers ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Non-residential mortgages, Life insurers ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate held for income, Life insurers ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Policy loans, Life insurers ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets, Life insurers ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities at booked value of life insurers ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Actuarial liabilities, Life insurers ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Other liabilities, Life insurers ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Equity, Life insurers ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total assets at booked value of segregated funds ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Total assets or liabilities at market value of segregated funds ID: 21, Parent: 34, Name: Cash and deposits, Segregated funds ID: 22, Parent: 34, Name: Total securities, Segregated funds ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Government of Canada bonds ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Provincial and municipal securities ID: 26, Parent: 22, Name: Short-term paper and bankers' acceptances ID: 27, Parent: 22, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 38, Parent: 22, Name: Securities, Short-term paper, Segregated funds ID: 39, Parent: 22, Name: Securities, Bonds and debentures, Segregated funds ID: 28, Parent: 22, Name: Securities, Corporate shares and other, Segregated funds ID: 29, Parent: 34, Name: Total mortgages, Segregated funds ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Residential mortgages, Segregated funds ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Non-residential mortgages, Segregated funds ID: 32, Parent: 34, Name: Real estate held for income, Segregated funds ID: 33, Parent: 34, Name: Other assets, Segregated funds ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities to policy holders, Segregated funds
Local credit unions and caisses populaires: quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, end of period, Bank of Canada
Title: Local credit unions and caisses populaires: quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, end of period, Bank of Canada Date range: 1967-01-01 to 2016-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and demand and notice deposits, in centrals ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and demand and notice deposits, other ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Term deposits ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Short-term paper ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Bonds and debentures ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate shares and other ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Other short-term paper and bankers' acceptances ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada bonds ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial bonds ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Municipal bonds ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Other bonds and debentures ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Shares in central credit unions ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Other investments ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Personal loans ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Other loans ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Residential mortgages ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Non-residential mortgages ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total, liabilities ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Borrowings ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Total, deposits ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Chequable deposits ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Non-chequable deposits ID: 23, Parent: 20, Name: Term deposits ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Other liabilities ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Members' equity, share capital ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Members' equity, other ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Deposits, of which: tax-sheltered
Trust and mortgage loan companies excluding bank trust and mortgage subsidiaries: quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, end of period, Bank of Canada
Title: Trust and mortgage loan companies excluding bank trust and mortgage subsidiaries: quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, end of period, Bank of Canada Date range: 1984-01-01 to 2016-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Short term paper ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Bonds and debentures ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, major assets ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash and liquid assets ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Cash and gross demand ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Term deposits ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Term deposits, chartered banks ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Other term deposits ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Collateral business loans, with investment dealers ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Other short-term paper and bankers' acceptances ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Total, Canadian bonds ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Government of Canada bonds ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Provincial and municipal bonds ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Mortgage loans and sales agreements ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Non-residential mortgage loans ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Residential mortgage loans ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Personal loans ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate shares and other ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Leasing contracts ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Other loans ID: 22, Parent: 43, Name: Other business loans ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Items in transit ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Total, major liabilities ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Total, deposits ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Total, savings deposits ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Chequable savings deposits ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Non-chequable savings deposits ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Total, term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures, less than 1 year ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures, 1 year and over ID: 33, Parent: 25, Name: Bank loans ID: 34, Parent: 25, Name: Debentures issued under trust indentures ID: 35, Parent: 25, Name: Total, promissory notes ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Promissory notes, less than 1 year ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Other promissory notes ID: 49, Parent: 25, Name: Borrowings ID: 38, Parent: 25, Name: Other liabilities ID: 39, Parent: 25, Name: Shareholders equity ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Deposits, of which: personal deposits, Of which tax-sheltered ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Deposits, of which: personal deposits, total ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Promissory notes and debentures ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages insured under National Housing Act (NHA)
Gross new issues, retirements and net new issues, par value, Bank of Canada
Title: Gross new issues, retirements and net new issues, par value, Bank of Canada Date range: 1936-01-01 to 2017-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of issues, Issuers Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Abroad Type of issues: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Retirements ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net new issues Issuers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, issuers ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Municipal direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Preferred stocks ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Common stocks ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Trust units ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Other institutions and foreign debtors ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial securities purchased by Canada Pension Plan
Net new security issues placed in Canada and abroad, par value, Bank of Canada, inactive
Title: Net new security issues placed in Canada and abroad, par value, Bank of Canada, inactive Date range: 1936-01-01 to 2019-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Issuers Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Abroad ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: United States ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other countries Issuers: ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Provincial governments and their enterprises and municipal governments ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Net new security issues ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total government, corporations, other institutions, foreign borrowers and special purpose corporations ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills and bonds ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada bonds ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Canada Savings Bonds ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Other bonds ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Total retail instruments ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Other retail instruments ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial bonds ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Provincial: Canada Pension Plan ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Provincial: other bonds ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Municipal bonds ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Total corporate stocks ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Corporate: preferred stocks ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Corporate: common stocks ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Trust units ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Other institutions and foreign borrowers ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Term securitizations: National Housing Act (NHA) mortgage, backed securities ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Term securitizations: other asset, backed securities ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Total commercial paper ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Sales finance companies and other commercial paper ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Sales finance and consumer loan companies ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Other commercial paper ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Total short-term paper, including United States-pay Canada bills ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian dollar bankers' acceptances ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills and United States-pay Canada bills
Gross new bonds issues and retirements, Bank of Canada
Title: Gross new bonds issues and retirements, Bank of Canada Date range: 1952-01-01 to 2017-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Securities, Type of issue Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Abroad Securities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Municipal bonds ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Corporate and other bonds Type of issue: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues delivered ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Retirements
Corporate short-term paper outstanding, Bank of Canada, quarterly, inactive
Title: Corporate short-term paper outstanding, Bank of Canada, quarterly, inactive Date range: 1969-01-01 to 2019-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Components Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Municipal governments, Treasury Bills and other short-term paper ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total Treasury Bills and other short-term paper
Non-depository credit intermediation, quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, Bank of Canada
Title: Non-depository credit intermediation, quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, Bank of Canada Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2016-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total cash and deposits ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash and demand deposits ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Items in transit ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Term deposits ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Total portfolio investments ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Government of Canada treasury bills ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Canadian bonds, government of Canada direct and guaranteed ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Canadian bonds, provincial and municipal ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Canadian bonds, corporate ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Canadian preferred and common shares ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Other short-term paper and bankers acceptances ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Total mortgage loans ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Residential mortgages ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Non-residential mortgages ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Total non-mortgage loans ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Personal loans ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Business loans ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Leasing contracts ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Investments and accounts with affiliates ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Allowance for losses on investments and loans ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities and shareholders' equity ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Banker's acceptances and paper ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Long-term debt ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Loans and accounts with affiliates ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Loans and other borrowings ID: 28, Parent: 23, Name: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ID: 29, Parent: 23, Name: Other liabilities ID: 30, Parent: 23, Name: Shareholders' equity
Chartered banks, regional distribution of selected assets and liabilities, at end of period, Canada, provinces and international, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered banks, regional distribution of selected assets and liabilities, at end of period, Canada, provinces and international, Bank of Canada Date range: 1981-10-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada, provinces and international ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Unallocated in Canada and international ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Unallocated in Canada ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: International Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Bank notes and coin other than gold and silver bullion ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Securities issued or guaranteed by a Canadian province ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Securities issued or guaranteed by a Canadian municipal or school corporation ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Other securities ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, call and other short loans to investment dealers and brokers ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to Canadian federal government, provinces, municipalities, or school corporations ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, lease receivables ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals for non-business purposes, total personal loans ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals for non-business purposes, personal loan plans ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals for non-business purposes, credit card ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals for non-business purposes, other ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, total loans to Canadian resident non-financial business ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, loans to Canadian resident non-financial business with authorizations of: less than 0.5 ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, loans to Canadian resident non-financial business with authorizations of: 0.5 to 5 ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, loans to Canadian resident non-financial business with authorizations of: over 5 ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, Canadian agricultural loans ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, other loans for business purposes and own acceptances purchased ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages, residential ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages, non-residential ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Customers' liability under acceptances ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Land, building and equipment less accumulated depreciation ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Personal deposits, total ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Personal deposits, demand and notice, total ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Personal deposits, demand and notice, of which: tax-sheltered ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Personal deposits, fixed term, total ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Personal deposits, fixed term, of which: tax-sheltered ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), total ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), demand and notice, provinces ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), demand and notice, municipalities ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), demand and notice, other ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), fixed term, provinces ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), fixed term, municipalities ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), fixed term, other ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Acceptances ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities of subsidiaries, other than deposits ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries
Federal government expenditures on culture, by culture activity
Title: Federal government expenditures on culture, by culture activity Date range: 1998-01-01 to 2002-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Federal government expenditures, Culture activity Subject: Government Survey: Survey of Federal Government Expenditures on Culture Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Other national organizations and foreign countries Federal government expenditures: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total federal government expenditures ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government operating expenditures ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government capital expenditures ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government operating grants, contributions and transfers ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government capital grants, contributions and transfers Culture activity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total culture activities ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total libraries ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: National libraries ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Public libraries ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: School libraries ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: University and college libraries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Total heritage resources ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Museums ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Public archives ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Historic parks and sites ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Nature and provincial parks ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Other heritage resources ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Arts education ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Literary arts ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Performing arts ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Visual arts and crafts ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Film and video ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Broadcasting ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Sound recording ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Multiculturalism ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Multidisciplinary activities ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Other culture activities
Provincial and territorial government expenditures on culture, by culture activity
Title: Provincial and territorial government expenditures on culture, by culture activity Date range: 1998-01-01 to 2002-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Provincial and territorial government expenditures, Culture activity Subject: Government Survey: Survey of Provincial/Territorial Government Expenditures on Culture Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories Provincial and territorial government expenditures: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total provincial and territorial government expenditures ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government operating expenditures ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government capital expenditures ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government operating grants, contributions and transfers ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government capital grants, contributions and transfers Culture activity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total culture activities ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total libraries ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: National libraries ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Public libraries ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: School libraries ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: University and college libraries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Total heritage resources ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Museums ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Public archives ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Historic parks and sites ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Nature and provincial parks ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Other heritage resources ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Arts education ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Literary arts ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Performing arts ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Visual arts and crafts ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Film and video ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Broadcasting ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Sound recording ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Multiculturalism ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Multidisciplinary activities ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Other culture activities
Children aged 17 and under living in low-income families (1995 income) as a proportion of children aged 17 and under living in economic families, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions, 1996
Title: Children aged 17 and under living in low-income families (1995 income) as a proportion of children aged 17 and under living in economic families, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions, 1996 Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Census of Population Frequency: Every 5 years Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Québec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Québec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Québec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Québec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood and Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut
Tax filers with charitable donations by sex and age
Title: Tax filers with charitable donations by sex and age Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Donors and donations Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Donors and donations: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of male tax filers ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of female tax filers ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Number of donors ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of male donors ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of female donors ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 0 to 24 years ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 25 to 34 years ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 35 to 44 years ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 45 to 54 years ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 55 to 64 years ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 65 years and over ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Total median donations ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Median donation, males ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Median donation, females ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Total charitable donations ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Charitable donations, males ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Charitable donations, females
Tax filers with charitable donations by income
Title: Tax filers with charitable donations by income Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Donors and donations Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Donors and donations: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of charitable donors ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income of $80,000 or more ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Total charitable donations ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income of less than $20,000 ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income of $80,000 or more
Selected characteristics of tax filers and dependants, income and demographics (final T1 Family File)
Title: Selected characteristics of tax filers and dependants, income and demographics (final T1 Family File) Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Summary table Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Québec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Summary table: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 0 to 24 years ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 25 to 44 years ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 45 to 64 years ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 65 years and over ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Average age of tax filers ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers, female ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers, married ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers in apartments ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of persons ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons aged 0 to 24 years ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons aged 25 to 44 years ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons aged 45 to 64 years ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons aged 65 years and over ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Average age of persons ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons, female ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons, married ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons in apartments ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons with total income ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $15,000 and over ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $25,000 and over ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $35,000 and over ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $50,000 and over ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $75,000 and over ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $100,000 and over ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, males ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, females ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, both sexes ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Canadian index of median total income ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Provincial index of median total income ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of median total income ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons reporting employment income and/or Employment Insurance benefits ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of females reporting employment income and/or Employment Insurance benefits ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with labour income receiving Employment Insurance benefits ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income, males ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income, females ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income, both sexes ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons reporting Federal Child Benefits ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Amount for persons reporting Federal Child Benefits (Dollars)
Tax filers and dependants by sex, marital status and age
Title: Tax filers and dependants by sex, marital status and age Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Tax filers and dependants Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Tax filers and dependants: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers and dependants, all marital statuses ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Single, tax filers and dependants ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Married, tax filers and dependants ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Common law, tax filers and dependants ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Separated or divorced, tax filers and dependants ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Widowers/widows, tax filers and dependants ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants, under age 15 years ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 15 to 19 years ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 20 to 24 years ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 25 to 29 years ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 30 to 34 years ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 35 to 39 years ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 40 to 44 years ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 45 to 49 years ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 50 to 54 years ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 55 to 59 years ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 60 to 64 years ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 65 to 74 years ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 75 years and over ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total percentage of tax filers and dependants, all age groups ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants under age 15 years ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 15 to 19 years ID: 23, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 20 to 24 years ID: 24, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 25 to 29 years ID: 25, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 30 to 34 years ID: 26, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 35 to 39 years ID: 27, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 40 to 44 years ID: 28, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 45 to 49 years ID: 29, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 50 to 54 years ID: 30, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 55 to 59 years ID: 31, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 60 to 64 years ID: 32, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 65 to 74 years ID: 33, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 75 years and over ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Average age of tax filers and dependants
Tax filers and dependants by single years of age
Title: Tax filers and dependants by single years of age Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all ages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 years (under 1 year) ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 1 year ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 2 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 3 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 4 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 5 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 6 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 7 years ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: 8 years ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: 9 years ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: 10 years ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: 11 years ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: 12 years ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: 13 years ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: 14 years ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: 15 years ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: 16 years ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: 17 years ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: 18 years ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: 19 years ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: 20 years ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: 21 years ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: 22 years ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: 23 years ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: 24 years ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: 25 years ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: 26 years ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: 27 years ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: 28 years ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: 29 years ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: 30 years ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: 31 years ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: 32 years ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: 33 years ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: 34 years ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: 35 years ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: 36 years ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: 37 years ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: 38 years ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: 39 years ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: 40 years ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: 41 years ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: 42 years ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: 43 years ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: 44 years ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: 45 years ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: 46 years ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: 47 years ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: 48 years ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: 49 years ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: 50 years ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: 51 years ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: 52 years ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: 53 years ID: 56, Parent: 1, Name: 54 years ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: 55 years ID: 58, Parent: 1, Name: 56 years ID: 59, Parent: 1, Name: 57 years ID: 60, Parent: 1, Name: 58 years ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: 59 years ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: 60 years ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: 61 years ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: 62 years ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: 63 years ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: 64 years ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: 66 years ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: 67 years ID: 70, Parent: 1, Name: 68 years ID: 71, Parent: 1, Name: 69 years ID: 72, Parent: 1, Name: 70 years ID: 73, Parent: 1, Name: 71 years ID: 74, Parent: 1, Name: 72 years ID: 75, Parent: 1, Name: 73 years ID: 76, Parent: 1, Name: 74 years ID: 77, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years ID: 78, Parent: 1, Name: 76 years ID: 79, Parent: 1, Name: 77 years ID: 80, Parent: 1, Name: 78 years ID: 81, Parent: 1, Name: 79 years ID: 82, Parent: 1, Name: 80 years ID: 83, Parent: 1, Name: 81 years ID: 84, Parent: 1, Name: 82 years ID: 85, Parent: 1, Name: 83 years ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: 84 years ID: 87, Parent: 1, Name: 85 years ID: 88, Parent: 1, Name: 86 years ID: 89, Parent: 1, Name: 87 years ID: 90, Parent: 1, Name: 88 years ID: 91, Parent: 1, Name: 89 years ID: 92, Parent: 1, Name: 90 years ID: 93, Parent: 1, Name: 91 years ID: 94, Parent: 1, Name: 92 years ID: 95, Parent: 1, Name: 93 years ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: 94 years ID: 97, Parent: 1, Name: 95 years ID: 98, Parent: 1, Name: 96 years ID: 99, Parent: 1, Name: 97 years ID: 100, Parent: 1, Name: 98 years ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: 99 years ID: 102, Parent: 1, Name: 100 years and over
Tax filers and dependants with income by source of income
Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by source of income Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Individuals and income, Source of income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Individuals and income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers and dependants ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income (Dollars) Source of income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total employment income ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wages, salaries and commissions ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net self-employment income ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Dividend and interest income ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Total government transfers ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Federal Child Benefits ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits ID: 13, Parent: 6, Name: Social Assistance Benefits ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits ID: 18, Parent: 6, Name: Other government transfers ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Private pensions ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Other income
Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, sex and age
Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, sex and age Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group, Persons with income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 24 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 34 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 44 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 54 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 74 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years and over Persons with income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total persons with income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income under $5,000 ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $5,000 and over ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $10,000 and over ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $15,000 and over ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $20,000 and over ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $25,000 and over ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $35,000 and over ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $50,000 and over ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $75,000 and over ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $100,000 and over ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $150,000 and over ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $200,000 and over ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $250,000 and over ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Median total income ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of median income
Selected income characteristics of census families by family type
Title: Selected income characteristics of census families by family type Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family characteristics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers and dependants, all age groups ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Tax filers and dependants, under age 15 years ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 15 to 64 years ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 65 years and over ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Total families ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Couple families ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, all families ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Per capita income, all families ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons with income, all families ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, couple families ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Per capita income, couple families ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons with income, couple families ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, lone-parent families ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Per capita income, lone-parent families ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons with income, lone-parent families ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Total persons in families ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Persons in couple families ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Persons in lone-parent families ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, persons not in census families ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Per capita income, persons not in census families ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons not in census families with income ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Families with employment income ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of families ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families with employment income ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of persons not in census families ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Dual-earner couple families ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of dual-earner couple families ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Single-earner-male couple families ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of single-earner-male couple families ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Single-earner-female couple families ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of single-earner-female couple families ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Families with government transfers ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Average government transfers to families ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Median government transfers to families ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families with government transfers ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Average government transfers to persons not in census families ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Median government transfers to persons not in census families ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Families with labour income ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Families receiving Employment Insurance benefits ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Average Employment Insurance benefits received by families ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Median Employment Insurance benefits received by families ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families with labour income ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families receiving Employment Insurance benefits ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Average Employment Insurance benefits received by persons not in census families ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Median Employment Insurance benefits received by persons not in census families
Tax filers and dependants by census family type and age
Title: Tax filers and dependants by census family type and age Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Age group Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers and dependants ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Parents in couple families ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Children in couple families ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Parents in lone-parent families ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Children in lone-parent families ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all age groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 4 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 5 to 9 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 10 to 14 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 20 to 24 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 29 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 30 to 34 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 39 years ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: 40 to 44 years ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 49 years ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: 50 to 54 years ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 59 years ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: 60 to 64 years ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 69 years ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: 70 to 74 years ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: 75 to 79 years ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: 80 to 84 years ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: 85 years and over ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total percentage of all age groups ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Average age of tax filers and dependants
Census families by age of older partner or parent and number of children
Title: Census families by age of older partner or parent and number of children Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Family composition, Parent characteristics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All families ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Couple families ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Male lone-parent families ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Female lone-parent families Family composition: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Families with or without children ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Families with no children ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 1 child ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 2 children ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 3 or more children ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Average family size ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Average size of families with children Parent characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All parental age groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 0 to 24 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 25 to 34 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 35 to 44 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 45 to 54 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 55 to 64 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 65 years and over ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Median total income
Distribution of total income by census family type and age of older partner, parent or individual
Title: Distribution of total income by census family type and age of older partner, parent or individual Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Age of older adult, Family income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Couple families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families Age of older adult: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all ages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 24 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 34 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 44 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 54 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over Family income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all income groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Under $5,000 ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: $5,000 and over ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Under $10,000 ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: $10,000 and over ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: $15,000 and over ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: $20,000 and over ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: $25,000 and over ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: $30,000 and over ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: $35,000 and over ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: $40,000 and over ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: $45,000 and over ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: $50,000 and over ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: $60,000 and over ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: $70,000 and over ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: $75,000 and over ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: $80,000 and over ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: $90,000 and over ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: $100,000 and over ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: $150,000 and over ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: $200,000 and over ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: $250,000 and over ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Median total income
Census families by total income, family type and number of children
Title: Census families by total income, family type and number of children Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Family composition, Family income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Couple families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families Family composition: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Families with or without children ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Families with no children ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 1 child ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 2 children ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 3 or more children Family income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all income groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Under $5,000 ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: $5,000 and over ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Under $10,000 ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: $10,000 and over ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: $15,000 and over ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: $20,000 and over ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: $25,000 and over ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: $30,000 and over ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: $35,000 and over ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: $40,000 and over ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: $45,000 and over ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: $50,000 and over ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: $60,000 and over ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: $70,000 and over ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: $75,000 and over ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: $80,000 and over ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: $90,000 and over ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: $100,000 and over ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: $150,000 and over ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: $200,000 and over ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: $250,000 and over ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Median total income
Sources of income by census family type
Title: Sources of income by census family type Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Family types and income, Source of income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood, Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family types ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Couple families ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families Family types and income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number in family type ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income (Dollars) Source of income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total employment income ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wages, salaries and commissions ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net self-employment income ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Farm and fish net self-employment income ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Other net self-employment income ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Dividend and interest income ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Total government transfers ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits ID: 12, Parent: 8, Name: Federal Child Benefits ID: 13, Parent: 8, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit ID: 14, Parent: 8, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits ID: 15, Parent: 8, Name: Social Assistance Benefits ID: 16, Parent: 8, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits ID: 20, Parent: 8, Name: Other government transfers ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Private pensions ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Other income
Before-tax and after-tax low income status (census family LIM) by family type and family composition
Title: Before-tax and after-tax low income status (census family LIM) by family type and family composition Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Family type composition, Family type characteristics, Low Income Measures (LIM; former methodology) Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family types ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Couple families ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: All low income family types ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Low income couple families ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Low income lone-parent families ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Low income persons not in census families Family type composition: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Family types with or without children ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with no children ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 1 child ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 2 children ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 3 or more children Family type characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number in family type ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number of children aged 0 to 17 years ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons aged 65 years and over ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Median total family income Low Income Measures (LIM; former methodology): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Before-tax income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: After-tax income
Assets and debts held by economic family type, by age group, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas, Survey of Financial Security
Title: Assets and debts held by economic family type, by age group, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas, Survey of Financial Security Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and debts, Age group, Economic family type, Statistics, Confidence intervals Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Survey of Financial Security Frequency: Occasional Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairies ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia Assets and debts: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Private pension assets ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs) ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Financial assets, non pension ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Deposits in financial institutions ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Mutual funds, investment funds and income trusts ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Stocks ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Bonds (saving and other) ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Tax Free Saving Accounts (TFSA) ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Other financial assets ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Non-financial assets ID: 28, Parent: 12, Name: Real estate ID: 13, Parent: 28, Name: Principal residence ID: 14, Parent: 28, Name: Other real estate ID: 29, Parent: 12, Name: Vehicles and other non-financial assets ID: 15, Parent: 29, Name: Vehicles ID: 16, Parent: 29, Name: Other non-financial assets ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Equity in business ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total debt ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Mortgage debt ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgage on principal residence ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgage on other real estate ID: 30, Parent: 18, Name: Non-mortgage debt ID: 22, Parent: 30, Name: Line of credit ID: 23, Parent: 30, Name: Credit card and installment debt ID: 24, Parent: 30, Name: Student loans ID: 25, Parent: 30, Name: Vehicle loans ID: 26, Parent: 30, Name: Other debt ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Net worth (total assets less total debt) Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All ages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Under 65 years ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Under 35 years ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 35 to 44 years ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 45 to 54 years ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and older Economic family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Economic families and persons not in an economic family ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in an economic family Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total values ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of total assets or total debts ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number holding asset or debt ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage holding asset or debt ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Median value for those holding asset or debt ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Average value for those holding asset or debt Confidence intervals: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Estimate ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lower bound of a 95% confidence interval ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Upper bound of a 95% confidence interval
Census families by family type and family composition including before and after-tax median income of the family
Title: Census families by family type and family composition including before and after-tax median income of the family Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Census family type, Family type composition, Statistics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 195, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 14, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 29, Parent: 21, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 31, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 31, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 31, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 31, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 31, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 31, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 31, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 196, Parent: 31, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 31, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 31, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 31, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 47, Parent: 31, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 48, Parent: 31, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 49, Parent: 31, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 50, Parent: 31, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 51, Parent: 31, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 52, Parent: 31, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 53, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 54, Parent: 31, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 55, Parent: 31, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 56, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 57, Parent: 31, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 58, Parent: 31, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 59, Parent: 31, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 60, Parent: 31, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 61, Parent: 31, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 62, Parent: 31, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 63, Parent: 31, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 64, Parent: 31, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 65, Parent: 31, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 197, Parent: 66, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 198, Parent: 66, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 66, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 66, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 66, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 66, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 66, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 66, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 66, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 66, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 66, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 66, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 66, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 66, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 66, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 66, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 66, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 66, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 66, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 66, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 66, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 66, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 66, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 66, Name: London, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 66, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 66, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 66, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 66, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 199, Parent: 66, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 66, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 66, Name: Collingwood, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 66, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 66, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 66, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 66, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 66, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 66, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 66, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 66, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 66, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 66, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 66, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 66, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 200, Parent: 116, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 118, Parent: 116, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 119, Parent: 116, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 120, Parent: 116, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 121, Parent: 116, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 122, Parent: 116, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 123, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 123, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 123, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 123, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 123, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 201, Parent: 123, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 123, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 133, Parent: 123, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 134, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 134, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 134, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 134, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 134, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 134, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 134, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 134, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 134, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 134, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 134, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 134, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 134, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 148, Parent: 134, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 149, Parent: 134, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 150, Parent: 134, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 151, Parent: 134, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 152, Parent: 134, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 153, Parent: 134, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 154, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 154, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 202, Parent: 154, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 154, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 154, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 154, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 154, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 154, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 154, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 154, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 154, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 154, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 154, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 154, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 154, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 154, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 171, Parent: 154, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 172, Parent: 154, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 173, Parent: 154, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 174, Parent: 154, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 175, Parent: 154, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 176, Parent: 154, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 177, Parent: 154, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 178, Parent: 154, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 179, Parent: 154, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 180, Parent: 154, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 181, Parent: 154, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 182, Parent: 154, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 183, Parent: 154, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 184, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 185, Parent: 184, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 186, Parent: 184, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 191, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 192, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 193, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 194, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Census family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All census families ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Couple families ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families Family type composition: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Family types with or without children ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Family types without children ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 1 child ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 2 children ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 3 or more children Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons aged 0 to 17 years ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons aged 18 to 64 years ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons aged 65 years and over ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Median before-tax family income ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Median after-tax family income
After-tax low income status of tax filers and dependants based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family type composition
Title: After-tax low income status of tax filers and dependants based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family type composition Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Census family type, Family type composition, Age group, Statistics (CFLIM-AT; updated methodology) Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 195, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 14, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 29, Parent: 21, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 31, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 31, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 31, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 31, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 31, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 31, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 31, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 196, Parent: 31, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 31, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 31, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 31, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 47, Parent: 31, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 48, Parent: 31, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 49, Parent: 31, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 50, Parent: 31, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 51, Parent: 31, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 52, Parent: 31, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 53, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 54, Parent: 31, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 55, Parent: 31, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 56, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 57, Parent: 31, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 58, Parent: 31, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 59, Parent: 31, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 60, Parent: 31, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 61, Parent: 31, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 62, Parent: 31, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 63, Parent: 31, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 64, Parent: 31, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 65, Parent: 31, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 197, Parent: 66, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 198, Parent: 66, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 66, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 66, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 66, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 66, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 66, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 66, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 66, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 66, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 66, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 66, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 66, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 66, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 66, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 66, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 66, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 66, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 66, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 66, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 66, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 66, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 66, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 66, Name: London, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 66, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 66, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 66, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 66, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 199, Parent: 66, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 66, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 66, Name: Collingwood, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 66, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 66, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 66, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 66, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 66, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 66, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 66, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 66, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 66, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 66, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 66, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 66, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 200, Parent: 116, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 118, Parent: 116, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 119, Parent: 116, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 120, Parent: 116, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 121, Parent: 116, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 122, Parent: 116, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 123, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 123, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 123, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 123, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 123, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 201, Parent: 123, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 123, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 133, Parent: 123, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 134, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 134, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 134, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 134, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 134, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 134, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 134, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 134, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 134, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 134, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 134, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 134, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 134, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 148, Parent: 134, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 149, Parent: 134, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 150, Parent: 134, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 151, Parent: 134, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 152, Parent: 134, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 153, Parent: 134, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 154, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 154, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 202, Parent: 154, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 154, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 154, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 154, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 154, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 154, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 154, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 154, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 154, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 154, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 154, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 154, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 154, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 154, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 171, Parent: 154, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 172, Parent: 154, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 173, Parent: 154, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 174, Parent: 154, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 175, Parent: 154, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 176, Parent: 154, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 177, Parent: 154, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 178, Parent: 154, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 179, Parent: 154, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 180, Parent: 154, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 181, Parent: 154, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 182, Parent: 154, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 183, Parent: 154, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 184, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 185, Parent: 184, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 186, Parent: 184, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 191, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 192, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 193, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 194, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Census family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units in low income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All census families in low income ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Couple families in low income ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Lone-parent families in low income ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families in low income Family type composition: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Family types with or without children ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with no children ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 1 child ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 2 children ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 3 or more children Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All persons ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Persons aged 0 to 17 years ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Persons aged 18 to 64 years ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Persons aged 65 years and over Statistics (CFLIM-AT; updated methodology): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons in low income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons in low income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Average low-income gap ratio
Economic dependency profile of census families by family type and source of income
Title: Economic dependency profile of census families by family type and source of income Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Individuals and income, Source of income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Couple families ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Male partners in couple families ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Female partners in couple families ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Children in couple families ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Parents in lone-parent families ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Children in lone-parent families ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families Individuals and income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Average amount of income ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Median amount of income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Provincial index of the Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Canadian index of the Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) Source of income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total government transfers ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Federal Child Benefits ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Social Assistance Benefits ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Other government transfers ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Private pensions
After-tax low income status of census families based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family composition
Title: After-tax low income status of census families based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family composition Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Census family type, Family type composition, Statistics (CFLIM-AT; updated methodology) Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 19, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 28, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 28, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: 28, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: 28, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: 28, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: 28, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 28, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: 28, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: 28, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: 28, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: 28, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: 28, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: 28, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: 28, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: 28, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 47, Parent: 28, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 48, Parent: 28, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 49, Parent: 28, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 50, Parent: 28, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 51, Parent: 28, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 52, Parent: 28, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 53, Parent: 28, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 54, Parent: 28, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 55, Parent: 28, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 56, Parent: 28, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 57, Parent: 28, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 58, Parent: 28, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 59, Parent: 28, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 60, Parent: 28, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 61, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 64, Parent: 62, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 65, Parent: 62, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 62, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 62, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 62, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 62, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 62, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 62, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 62, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 62, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 62, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 62, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 62, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 62, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 62, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 62, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 62, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 62, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 62, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 62, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 62, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 62, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 62, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 62, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 62, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 62, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 62, Name: London, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 62, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 62, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 62, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 62, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 62, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 62, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 62, Name: Collingwood, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 62, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 62, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 62, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 62, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 62, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 62, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 62, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 62, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 62, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 62, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 62, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 62, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 107, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 107, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 107, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 107, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 107, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 107, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 114, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 114, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 114, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 114, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 114, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 114, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 114, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 114, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 124, Parent: 114, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 126, Parent: 125, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 127, Parent: 125, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 125, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 125, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 125, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 125, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 125, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 125, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 125, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 125, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 125, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 125, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 125, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 125, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 140, Parent: 125, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 125, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 125, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 125, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 125, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 145, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 145, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 145, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 145, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 145, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 145, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 145, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 171, Parent: 145, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 172, Parent: 145, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 173, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 174, Parent: 173, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 175, Parent: 173, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 177, Parent: 176, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 178, Parent: 176, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 179, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 180, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 181, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 182, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 183, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Census family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units in low income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All census families in low income ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Couple families in low income ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Lone-parent families in low income ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families in low income Family type composition: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Family types with or without children ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Family types without children ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 1 child ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 2 children ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 3 or more children Statistics (CFLIM-AT; updated methodology): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of families in low income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Median after-tax income for family in low income
Survey of Financial Security (SFS), composition of assets and debts held by all family units, by net worth quintiles
Title: Survey of Financial Security (SFS), composition of assets and debts held by all family units, by net worth quintiles Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2012-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and debts, Net worth quintiles, Characteristics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Survey of Financial Security Frequency: Occasional Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairies ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia Assets and debts: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Private pension assets ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs) ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Financial assets, non pension ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Deposits in financial institutions ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Mutual funds, investment funds and income trusts ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Stocks ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Bonds (saving and other) ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Tax Free Saving Accounts (TFSA) ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Other financial assets ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Non-financial assets ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Principal residence ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Other real estate ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Vehicles ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Other non-financial assets ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Equity in business ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total debts ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Mortgages ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Principal residence ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Other real estate ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Line of credit ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Credit card and installment debt ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Student loans ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Vehicle loans ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Other debt ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Net Worth (assets less debts) Net worth quintiles: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all net worth quintiles ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Lowest net worth quintile ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Second net worth quintile ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Middle net worth quintile ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Fourth net worth quintile ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Highest net worth quintile Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Dollars ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of total assets or total debts ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number of family units ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of family units holding asset or debt ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Median amount for family units holding asset or debt ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Average amount for family units holding asset or debt
Labour income profile of census families by family type
Title: Labour income profile of census families by family type Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Labour income profile Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Couple families ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Male partners in couple families ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Female partners in couple families ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Children in couple families ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Parents in lone-parent families ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Children in lone-parent families ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families Labour income profile: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total number of persons or families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with total income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Total income of persons or families with total income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons or families with total income ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Provincial index of median total income of persons or families with total income ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Canadian index of median total income of persons or families with total income ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with labour income ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Total labour income of persons or families with labour income ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with employment income ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income of persons or families with employment income ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of persons or families with employment income ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Provincial index of median employment income of persons or families with employment income ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Canadian index of median employment income of persons or families with employment income ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with income from wages, salaries and commissions ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Total wages, salaries and commissions of persons or families with income from wages, salaries and commissions ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with self-employment income ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total net self-employment income of persons or families with net self-employment income ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Total Employment insurance benefits of persons or families with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Employment Insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio of persons or families with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Provincial index of Employment insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio of persons or families with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Canadian Index of Employment insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio of persons of families with Employment Insurance benefits
Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over with labour income by sex and age
Title: Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over with labour income by sex and age Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group, Labour characteristics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 20 to 24 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 29 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 30 to 34 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 39 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 40 to 44 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 49 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 50 to 54 years ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 59 years ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: 60 to 64 years ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over Labour characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total labour income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Labour participation rate
Low income entry and exit rates of tax filers in Canada
Title: Low income entry and exit rates of tax filers in Canada Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2017-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Selected characteristics, Low income threshold, Statistics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: All census metropolitan areas ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 15, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 15, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: London, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 15, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Ontario/Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario/Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 15, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 35, Parent: 15, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 36, Parent: 15, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 37, Parent: 15, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 40, Parent: 15, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 41, Parent: 15, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 15, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: All census agglomerations ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Non-census metropolitan areas and non-census agglomerations Selected characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total, 18 years and over ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: 18 to 24 years ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: 25 to 54 years ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: 65 years and above ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: All census family types ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Tax filers living in couple families ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Tax filers living in couple families with at least one child under 17 years ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Tax filers living in couple families, no children or children 17 years and above ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Tax filers living in single-parent families ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Tax filers living in single-parent families with at least one child under 17 years ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Tax filers living in single-parent families, children 17 years and above ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Tax filers not in census family ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total, immigrant and Canadian-born ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Canadian-born ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Immigrant tax filers landed in Canada in 1980 or after ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 0 to 5 years ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 6 to 10 years ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for more than 10 years Low income threshold: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Variable low income measure ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income measure fixed in 2002 Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Low income entry rate ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income exit rate ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Low income immobility rate ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Low income resistance rate ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers in low income, first year ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers in low income, second year ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers entering low income in second year ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers exiting low income in second year ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers in low income, first and second year ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers not in low income, first and second year ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers in first and second year
Low income persistence of tax filers in Canada
Title: Low income persistence of tax filers in Canada Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Selected characteristics, Low income threshold, Years in low income, Statistics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: All census metropolitan areas ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 15, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 15, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: London, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 15, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario ID: 32, Parent: 15, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 35, Parent: 15, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 36, Parent: 15, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 37, Parent: 15, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 40, Parent: 15, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 41, Parent: 15, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 15, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: All census agglomerations ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Non-census metropolitan area and non-census agglomeration Selected characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total, 18 years and over ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: 18 to 24 years ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: 25 to 54 years ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: 65 years and above ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Total, immigrant and Canadian-born ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Canadian-born ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Immigrant tax filers landed in Canada in 1980 or after ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 0 to 5 years ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 6 to 10 years ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for more than 10 years Low income threshold: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Variable low income measure ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income measure fixed in 2002 Years in low income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: 0 years in low income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 1 year in low income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: 2 years in low income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: 3 years in low income ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: 4 years in low income ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: 5 years in low income ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: 6 years in low income ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: 7 years in low income ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: 8 years in low income Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers in low income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers in low income
Low income duration of tax filers in Canada
Title: Low income duration of tax filers in Canada Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Selected characteristics, Low income threshold, Statistics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: All census metropolitan areas ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 15, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 15, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: London, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 15, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario/Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 15, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 35, Parent: 15, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 36, Parent: 15, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 37, Parent: 15, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 40, Parent: 15, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 41, Parent: 15, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 15, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: All census agglomerations ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Non-census metropolitan area and non-census agglomeration Selected characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total, 18 years and over ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: 18 to 24 years ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: 25 to 54 years ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: 65 years and above ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Total, immigrant and Canadian-born ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Canadian-born ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Immigrant tax filers landed in Canada in 1980 or after ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 0 to 5 years ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 6 to 10 years ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for more than 10 years Low income threshold: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Variable low income measure ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income measure fixed in 2002 Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: One-year low income exit rate ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Two-year low income exit rate ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Three-year low income exit rate ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Four-year low income exit rate ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Five-year low income exit rate ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Six-year low income exit rate ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting one year or longer ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting two years or longer ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting three years or longer ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting four years or longer ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting five years or longer ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting six years or longer ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Number of low income spells ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Average length of low income spells ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers in low income, one or more years ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a one-year duration ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a two-year duration ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a three-year duration ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a four-year duration ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a five-year duration ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a six-year duration ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a seven-year duration ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in one year ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in two years ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in three years ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in four years ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in five years ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in six years ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells not completed
Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over receiving employment insurance by age and sex
Title: Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over receiving employment insurance by age and sex Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 20 to 24 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 29 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 30 to 34 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 39 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 40 to 44 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 49 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 50 to 54 years ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 59 years ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: 60 to 64 years ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over
Single-earner and dual-earner census families by number of children
Title: Single-earner and dual-earner census families by number of children Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Families and employment income, Family type, Family composition Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Families and employment income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income Family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Single-earner-male couple families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Single-earner-female couple families ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Dual-earner couple families ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families Family composition: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Families with or without children ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Families with no children ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 1 child ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 2 children ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 3 or more children
Couple census families by wife's contribution to couple's employment income and by number of children
Title: Couple census families by wife's contribution to couple's employment income and by number of children Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Wife's contribution to husband-wife family employment income, Husband-wife families Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Wife's contribution to husband-wife family employment income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of husband-wife families with employment income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Average contribution of the wife to husband-wife family employment income ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median contribution of the wife to husband-wife family employment income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 0% of employment income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 1% to 25% of employment income ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 26% to 50% of employment income ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 51% to 75% of employment income ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 76% to 99% of employment income ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 100% of employment income Husband-wife families: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total husband-wife families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with no children ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with 1 child ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with 2 children ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with 3 or more children ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 0 to 24 years ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 25 to 34 years ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 35 to 44 years ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 45 to 54 years ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 55 to 64 years ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 65 years and over ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with employment income of $1 to $19,999 ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with employment income of $20,000 to $39,999 ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with employment income of $40,000 to $59,999 ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with employment income of $60,000 or more
Average personal income (1995 income), population aged 15 and over
Title: Average personal income (1995 income), population aged 15 and over Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Characteristics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Census of Population Frequency: Every 5 years Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Québec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Québec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Québec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Québec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood and Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut Characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Average personal income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Standard error - average personal income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval - average personal income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval - average personal income
Labour income profile of tax filers by sex
Title: Labour income profile of tax filers by sex Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Labour income profile Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Labour income profile: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with total income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total income of tax filers with total income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of tax filers with total income ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial index of median total income of tax filers with total income ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian index of median total income of tax filers with total income ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with labour income ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with labour income ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Total labour income of tax filers with labour income ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with employment income ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with employment income ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income of tax filers with employment income ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of tax filers with employment income ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Provincial index of median employment income of tax filers with employment income ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Canadian index of median employment income of tax filers with employment income ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of median employment income of tax filers with employment income ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total wages, salaries and commissions of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with self-employment income ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with self-employment income ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Total net self-employment income of tax filers with self-employment income ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions only ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions only ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Total wages, salaries and commissions of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions only ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with self-employment income only ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with self-employment income only ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Total net self-employment income of tax filers with self-employment income only ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with wages, salaries, commissions and self-employment income ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with wages, salaries, commissions and self-employment income ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Total wages, salaries, commissions and net self-employment income of tax filers with wages, salaries, commissions and self-employment income ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Total Employment insurance benefits of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Employment insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Provincial index of Employment Insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Canadian index of Employment Insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), market income, government transfers, total income, income tax and after-tax income
Title: Canadian Income Survey (CIS), market income, government transfers, total income, income tax and after-tax income Date range: 2012-01-01 to 2012-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Income concept, Economic family type Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Canadian Income Survey Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia Income concept: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Average market income ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Median market income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Average government transfers ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median government transfers ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Average total income ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Median total income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Average income tax ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Median income tax ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Average after-tax income ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Median after-tax income ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Implicit government transfer rate ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Implicit income tax rate Economic family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families, two persons or more ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Elderly families ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Elderly married couples ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other elderly families ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Non-elderly families ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Married couples ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Two-parent families with children ID: 16, Parent: 6, Name: Married couples with other relatives ID: 17, Parent: 6, Name: Lone-parent families ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Male lone-parent families ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Female lone-parent families ID: 23, Parent: 6, Name: Other non-elderly families ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Unattached individuals ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Elderly males ID: 28, Parent: 24, Name: Elderly females ID: 31, Parent: 24, Name: Non-elderly males ID: 34, Parent: 24, Name: Non-elderly females
Economic dependency profile of tax filers by source of income and sex
Title: Economic dependency profile of tax filers by source of income and sex Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Tax filers and income, Source of income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Tax filers and income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial index of the Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian index of the Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) Source of income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total government transfers ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Federal Child Benefits ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Social Assistance Benefits ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Other government transfers ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Private pensions
Tax filers and dependants with income by sex, income taxes, selected deductions and benefits
Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by sex, income taxes, selected deductions and benefits Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Individuals and income, Income taxes, deductions and benefits Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Individuals and income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers and dependants ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Dollar amount claimed on income tax form Income taxes, deductions and benefits: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total income taxes paid ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Federal taxes ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial taxes ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Abatement ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Capital gains received ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) premiums ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) premiums ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Registered pension plan premiums ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Annual union, professional or like dues ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), median after-tax income, by economic family type, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs)
Title: Canadian Income Survey (CIS), median after-tax income, by economic family type, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs) Date range: 2012-01-01 to 2012-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Economic family type Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Canadian Income Survey Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Total selected census metropolitan areas ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 14, Parent: 29, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 29, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 29, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 17, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 29, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 29, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 29, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 29, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 29, Name: London, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 29, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 29, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 35, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 25, Parent: 29, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 26, Parent: 29, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 27, Parent: 29, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 28, Parent: 29, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: All other non-selected areas Economic family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families, two persons or more ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Unattached individuals
Low income rate (1995 income) as a proportion, by household status
Title: Low income rate (1995 income) as a proportion, by household status Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Income profile Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Census of Population Frequency: Every 5 years Geography: ID: 158, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 159, Parent: 158, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 1, Parent: 159, Name: Health and Community Services St John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: 159, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 159, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 159, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 159, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 159, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 160, Parent: 158, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 7, Parent: 160, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 8, Parent: 160, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 161, Parent: 158, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 9, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 10, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 11, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 12, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 162, Parent: 158, Name: New Brunswick ID: 15, Parent: 162, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 16, Parent: 162, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 17, Parent: 162, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 18, Parent: 162, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 19, Parent: 162, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 162, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 162, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 163, Parent: 158, Name: Québec ID: 22, Parent: 163, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec ID: 23, Parent: 163, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec ID: 24, Parent: 163, Name: Région de Québec, Québec ID: 25, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec, Québec ID: 26, Parent: 163, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec ID: 27, Parent: 163, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec ID: 28, Parent: 163, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec ID: 29, Parent: 163, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscaminque, Québec ID: 30, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec ID: 31, Parent: 163, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec ID: 32, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec ID: 33, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec ID: 34, Parent: 163, Name: Région de Laval, Québec ID: 35, Parent: 163, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec ID: 36, Parent: 163, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec ID: 37, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec ID: 38, Parent: 163, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec ID: 39, Parent: 163, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec ID: 164, Parent: 158, Name: Ontario ID: 140, Parent: 164, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 141, Parent: 164, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario ID: 142, Parent: 164, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario ID: 143, Parent: 164, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 144, Parent: 164, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 145, Parent: 164, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 146, Parent: 164, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario ID: 147, Parent: 164, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario ID: 148, Parent: 164, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 149, Parent: 164, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario ID: 150, Parent: 164, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario ID: 151, Parent: 164, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario ID: 152, Parent: 164, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario ID: 153, Parent: 164, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario ID: 154, Parent: 164, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario ID: 155, Parent: 164, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario ID: 40, Parent: 164, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 41, Parent: 164, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 42, Parent: 164, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 43, Parent: 164, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 164, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 164, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 164, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 164, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 164, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 164, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 164, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 164, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 164, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 164, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 164, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 164, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 164, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 164, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 164, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 164, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 164, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 164, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 164, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 164, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 64, Parent: 164, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 164, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 164, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 164, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 164, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 164, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 164, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 164, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 164, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 164, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 164, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 164, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 164, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 165, Parent: 158, Name: Manitoba ID: 77, Parent: 165, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 78, Parent: 165, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 79, Parent: 165, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 80, Parent: 165, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 81, Parent: 165, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 82, Parent: 165, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 83, Parent: 165, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 84, Parent: 165, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 85, Parent: 165, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 86, Parent: 165, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 87, Parent: 165, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 88, Parent: 165, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 166, Parent: 158, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 89, Parent: 166, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 90, Parent: 166, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 91, Parent: 166, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 92, Parent: 166, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 93, Parent: 166, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 94, Parent: 166, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 95, Parent: 166, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 96, Parent: 166, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 97, Parent: 166, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 98, Parent: 166, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 99, Parent: 166, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan ID: 167, Parent: 158, Name: Alberta ID: 100, Parent: 167, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 101, Parent: 167, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 102, Parent: 167, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 103, Parent: 167, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 104, Parent: 167, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 105, Parent: 167, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 106, Parent: 167, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 107, Parent: 167, Name: WestView Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 108, Parent: 167, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 109, Parent: 167, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 110, Parent: 167, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 111, Parent: 167, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 112, Parent: 167, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 113, Parent: 167, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 114, Parent: 167, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 115, Parent: 167, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 116, Parent: 167, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 168, Parent: 158, Name: British Columbia ID: 117, Parent: 168, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 118, Parent: 168, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 119, Parent: 168, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 120, Parent: 168, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 121, Parent: 168, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 122, Parent: 168, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 123, Parent: 168, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 124, Parent: 168, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 125, Parent: 168, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 126, Parent: 168, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 127, Parent: 168, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 128, Parent: 168, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 129, Parent: 168, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 130, Parent: 168, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 131, Parent: 168, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 132, Parent: 168, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 133, Parent: 168, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 134, Parent: 168, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 135, Parent: 168, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 136, Parent: 168, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 168, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 168, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 158, Name: Yukon ID: 137, Parent: 169, Name: Yukon ID: 170, Parent: 158, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 138, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 171, Parent: 158, Name: Northwest Territories less Nunavut ID: 139, Parent: 158, Name: Nunavut Income profile: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, economic families ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families - low income ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families - other income ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families - incidence of low income ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total, unattached individuals ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Unattached individuals - low income ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Unattached individuals - other income ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Unattached individuals - incidence of low income ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Total, population in private households ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Population in private households - low income ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Population in private households - other income ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Population in private households - incidence of low income
Income inequality (1995 income) as a proportion
Title: Income inequality (1995 income) as a proportion Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Census of Population Frequency: Every 5 years Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Québec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Québec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Québec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Québec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood and Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut
Government transfer income (1995 personal income) as a proportion of total income
Title: Government transfer income (1995 personal income) as a proportion of total income Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01 Dimensions: Geography Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Census of Population Frequency: Every 5 years Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Québec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Québec ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Québec ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Québec ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood and Churchill, Manitoba ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut
Tax filers and dependants, seniors with income by source of income and age
Title: Tax filers and dependants, seniors with income by source of income and age Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Age group, Seniors and income, Source of income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all ages ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 34 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 54 years ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 74 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years and over Seniors and income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of taxfilers and dependants ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Median total income Source of income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total employment income ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wages, salaries and commissions ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net self-employment income ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Dividend and interest income ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Total government transfers ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Federal Child Benefits ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits ID: 13, Parent: 6, Name: Social Assistance Benefits ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits ID: 18, Parent: 6, Name: Other government transfers ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Private pensions ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Other income
Tax filers by savers' characteristics, inactive
Title: Tax filers by savers' characteristics, inactive Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Savers characteristics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Savers characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total savers ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of male savers ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of female savers ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Average age of savers ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 0 to 24 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 25 to 34 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 35 to 44 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 45 to 54 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 55 to 64 years ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 65 years and over ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Median total income of savers ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income of $80,000 or more ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total interest income of savers ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Median interest income of savers ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Median interest income, male savers ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Median interest income, female savers ID: 21, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, male savers ID: 22, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, female savers ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 0 to 24 years ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 25 to 34 years ID: 25, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 35 to 44 years ID: 26, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 45 to 54 years ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 55 to 64 years ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 65 years and over ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 30, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 32, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 33, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income of $80,000 or more
Canadian Income Survey (CIS), persons in low income, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs)
Title: Canadian Income Survey (CIS), persons in low income, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs) Date range: 2012-01-01 to 2012-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Low income lines, Statistics, Persons in low income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Canadian Income Survey Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Total selected census metropolitan areas ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 14, Parent: 29, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 15, Parent: 29, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 29, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 17, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 29, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 29, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 29, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 29, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 29, Name: London, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 29, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 29, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 35, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 25, Parent: 29, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 26, Parent: 29, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 27, Parent: 29, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 28, Parent: 29, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: All other non-selected areas Low income lines: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Low income cut-offs after tax, 1992 base ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income cut-offs before tax, 1992 base ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Market basket measure, 2011 base ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Low income measure after tax Statistics: ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons in low income ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons in low income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Average gap ratio (percent) ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Median gap ratio (percent) ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Aggregate low income gap as a percentage of income Persons in low income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All persons ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Persons under 18 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Persons 18 to 64 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons 65 years and over ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Females ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Persons in economic families ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Unattached individuals
Tax filers by investors' characteristics, inactive
Title: Tax filers by investors' characteristics, inactive Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Investors' characteristics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Investors' characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total investors ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of male investors ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of female investors ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Average age of investors ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 0 to 24 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 25 to 34 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 35 to 44 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 45 to 54 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 55 to 64 years ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 65 years and over ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Median total income of investors ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income of $80,000 or more ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total investment income of investors ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income from dividends ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Median investment income of investors ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Median investment income, male investors ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Median investment income, female investors ID: 22, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, male investors ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, female investors ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 0 to 24 years ID: 25, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 25 to 34 years ID: 26, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 35 to 44 years ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 45 to 54 years ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 55 to 64 years ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 65 years and over ID: 30, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 32, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 33, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 34, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income of $80,000 or more
Canadian investment income, by characteristics of tax filers with investment income, inactive
Title: Canadian investment income, by characteristics of tax filers with investment income, inactive Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Characteristics of tax filers with investment income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Characteristics of tax filers with investment income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers with investment income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of male tax filers with investment income ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of female tax filers with investment income ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Average age of tax filers with investment income ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 0 to 24 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 25 to 34 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 35 to 44 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 45 to 54 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 55 to 64 years ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 65 years and over ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Median total income of tax filers with investment income ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income of $80,000 or more ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total investment income of tax filers with investment income ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Median investment income of tax filers with investment income ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Median investment income, male tax filers with investment income ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Median investment income, female tax filers with investment income ID: 21, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, male tax filers with investment income ID: 22, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, female tax filers with investment income ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 0 to 24 years ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 25 to 34 years ID: 25, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 35 to 44 years ID: 26, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 45 to 54 years ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 55 to 64 years ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 65 years and over ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 30, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 32, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 33, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income of $80,000 or more
Selected characteristics of tax filers with Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions
Title: Selected characteristics of tax filers with Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributor characteristics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributor characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of male tax filers ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of female tax filers ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total RRSP contributors ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of male RRSP contributors ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of female RRSP contributors ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Average age of RRSP contributors ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 0 to 24 years ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 25 to 34 years ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 35 to 44 years ID: 11, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 45 to 54 years ID: 12, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 55 to 64 years ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 65 years and over ID: 14, Parent: 4, Name: Median employment income of RRSP contributors ID: 15, Parent: 4, Name: 75th percentile employment income of RRSP contributors ID: 16, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 17, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 18, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 19, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 20, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income of $80,000 or more ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Total RRSP contributions ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Median RRSP contributions ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Median RRSP contribution, male contributors ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Median RRSP contribution, female contributors ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of total RRSP contributions, male contributors ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of total RRSP contributions, female contributors ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 0 to 24 years ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 25 to 34 years ID: 29, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 35 to 44 years ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 45 to 54 years ID: 31, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 55 to 64 years ID: 32, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 65 years and over ID: 33, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 34, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 35, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 36, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 37, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income of $80,000 or more
Individual statistics by tax filing method for all returns filed, economic characteristics, 2014 tax year, Canada Revenue Agency
Title: Individual statistics by tax filing method for all returns filed, economic characteristics, 2014 tax year, Canada Revenue Agency Date range: 2014-01-01 to 2014-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Filing method, Major source of income, Income range, Complexity of T1 return Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Canada Revenue Agency Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario/Quebec ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: St. Catherines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: None, Name: London, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: None, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: None, Name: Collingwood, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: None, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: None, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: None, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: None, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: None, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: None, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: None, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: None, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: None, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 91, Parent: None, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 94, Parent: None, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 95, Parent: None, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 96, Parent: None, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 97, Parent: None, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 98, Parent: None, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 99, Parent: None, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 100, Parent: None, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 101, Parent: None, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 102, Parent: None, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 103, Parent: None, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 104, Parent: None, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 105, Parent: None, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 106, Parent: None, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 107, Parent: None, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 108, Parent: None, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 109, Parent: None, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 110, Parent: None, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 111, Parent: None, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 112, Parent: None, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 113, Parent: None, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 114, Parent: None, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 115, Parent: None, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 116, Parent: None, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan/Alberta ID: 117, Parent: None, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 118, Parent: None, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 119, Parent: None, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 120, Parent: None, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 121, Parent: None, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 122, Parent: None, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 123, Parent: None, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 124, Parent: None, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 125, Parent: None, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 126, Parent: None, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 127, Parent: None, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 128, Parent: None, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 129, Parent: None, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 130, Parent: None, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 131, Parent: None, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 132, Parent: None, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 133, Parent: None, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 134, Parent: None, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 135, Parent: None, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 136, Parent: None, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 137, Parent: None, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 138, Parent: None, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 139, Parent: None, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 140, Parent: None, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 141, Parent: None, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 142, Parent: None, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 143, Parent: None, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 144, Parent: None, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 145, Parent: None, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: None, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 147, Parent: None, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 148, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 149, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Prince Edward Island ID: 150, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Nova Scotia ID: 151, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of New Brunswick ID: 152, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Québec ID: 153, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Ontario ID: 154, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Manitoba ID: 155, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Saskatchewan ID: 156, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Alberta ID: 157, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Northwest Territories ID: 159, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Yukon Territory ID: 160, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Nunavut ID: 161, Parent: None, Name: Other Non-Residents Filing method: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paper ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Netfile ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Efile Major source of income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Employment ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Investment ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Pension ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Self-employment ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Multiple sources of income ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: No income ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Other sources of income Income range: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Less than $25,000 ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Between $25,000 and $49,999 ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Between $50,000 and $99,999 ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: $100,000 and Above Complexity of T1 return: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Simple ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Complex
Summary characteristics of Canadian tax filers (preliminary T1 Family File)
Title: Summary characteristics of Canadian tax filers (preliminary T1 Family File) Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Canadian tax filers Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Canadian tax filers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers reporting in French ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Average age of tax filers ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 0 to 24 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 25 to 34 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 35 to 44 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 45 to 54 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 55 to 64 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 65 years and over ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Total income of tax filers ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Median employment income of tax filers ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: 75th percentile employment income of tax filers ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Median total income of tax filers ID: 14, Parent: 10, Name: 75th percentile total income of tax filers ID: 15, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 16, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 17, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 18, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 19, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income of $80,000 or more ID: 20, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 21, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 22, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 23, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 24, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income of $80,000 or more
Canadian capital gains, by characteristics of tax filers with capital gains, inactive
Title: Canadian capital gains, by characteristics of tax filers with capital gains, inactive Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Characteristics of tax filers with capital gains Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Characteristics of tax filers with capital gains: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers with capital gains ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income of $80,000 or more ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total capital gains of tax filers with capital gains ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income of less than $20,000 ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999 ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999 ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999 ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income of $80,000 or more
Assets and debts by net worth quintile, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas, Survey of Financial Security
Title: Assets and debts by net worth quintile, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas, Survey of Financial Security Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and debts, Net worth quintiles, Statistics, Confidence intervals Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Survey of Financial Security Frequency: Occasional Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Prairies ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Manitoba ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Alberta ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Québec ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia Assets and debts: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Private pension assets ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs) ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Financial assets, non-pension ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Deposits in financial institutions ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Mutual funds, investment funds and income trusts ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Stocks ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Bonds (saving and other) ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Tax Free Saving Accounts (TFSA) ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Other financial assets ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Non-financial assets ID: 28, Parent: 12, Name: Real estate ID: 13, Parent: 28, Name: Principal residence ID: 14, Parent: 28, Name: Other real estate ID: 29, Parent: 12, Name: Vehicles and other non-financial assets ID: 15, Parent: 29, Name: Vehicles ID: 16, Parent: 29, Name: Other non-financial assets ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Equity in business ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total debt ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Mortgage debt ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgage on principal residence ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgage on other real estate ID: 30, Parent: 18, Name: Non-mortgage debt ID: 22, Parent: 30, Name: Line of credit ID: 23, Parent: 30, Name: Credit card and installment debt ID: 24, Parent: 30, Name: Student loans ID: 25, Parent: 30, Name: Vehicle loans ID: 26, Parent: 30, Name: Other debt ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Net worth (total assets less total debt) Net worth quintiles: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all net worth quintiles ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Lowest net worth quintile ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Second net worth quintile ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Middle net worth quintile ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Fourth net worth quintile ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Highest net worth quintile Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total values ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of total assets or total debts ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number holding asset or debt ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage holding asset or debt ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Median value for those holding asset or debt ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Average value for those holding asset or debt Confidence intervals: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Estimate ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lower bound of a 95% confidence interval ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Upper bound of a 95% confidence interval
Tax filers and dependants with income by after-tax income, sex and age
Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by after-tax income, sex and age Date range: 2003-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group, Persons with after-tax income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 24 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 34 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 44 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 54 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 74 years ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years and over Persons with after-tax income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total persons with after-tax income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income under $5,000 ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $5,000 and over ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $10,000 and over ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $15,000 and over ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $20,000 and over ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $25,000 and over ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $35,000 and over ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $50,000 and over ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $75,000 and over ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $100,000 and over ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $150,000 and over ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $200,000 and over ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $250,000 and over ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Median after-tax income ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of median after-tax income
Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, income taxes paid and after-tax income, sex and age
Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, income taxes paid and after-tax income, sex and age Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group, Individuals and income, Income and Income Taxes Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 10, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 10, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 10, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 10, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 10, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 10, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 10, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 10, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 10, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 10, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 10, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 10, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 10, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 10, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 10, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 10, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 10, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 10, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 10, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 10, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 10, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 10, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 15, Parent: 10, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 10, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 10, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 10, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 10, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 10, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 10, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 16, Parent: 10, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 10, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 17, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 17, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 17, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 17, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 17, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 17, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 17, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 17, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 17, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 17, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 17, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 17, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 17, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 17, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 17, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 17, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 17, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 17, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 17, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 17, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 17, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 17, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 17, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 17, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 17, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 17, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 17, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 17, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 30, Parent: 17, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 17, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 17, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 17, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 17, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 17, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 17, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 17, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 32, Parent: 17, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 17, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 17, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 33, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 33, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 33, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 33, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 33, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 35, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 35, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 35, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 35, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 35, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 35, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 35, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 38, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 38, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 38, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 38, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 38, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 38, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 38, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 38, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 38, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 38, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 38, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 38, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 38, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 38, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 38, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 38, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 41, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 41, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 41, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 41, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 41, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 41, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 41, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 43, Parent: 41, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 44, Parent: 41, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 41, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 45, Parent: 41, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 41, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 41, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 41, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 41, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 41, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 41, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 41, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 41, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 41, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 41, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 41, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 41, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 41, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 41, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 41, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 46, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 46, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 47, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 47, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Sex: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 24 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 34 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 44 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 54 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over Individuals and income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers and dependants ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income (Dollars) Income and Income Taxes: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Before-tax income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Income taxes paid ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: After-tax income
Individual statistics by tax filing method for all returns filed, demographic characteristics, 2014 tax year, Canada Revenue Agency
Title: Individual statistics by tax filing method for all returns filed, demographic characteristics, 2014 tax year, Canada Revenue Agency Date range: 2014-01-01 to 2014-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Filing method, Marital status, Child status, Age group Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Canada Revenue Agency Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Montreal, Quebec ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario/Quebec ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: St. Catherines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 72, Parent: None, Name: London, Ontario ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 77, Parent: None, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 78, Parent: None, Name: Collingwood, Ontario ID: 79, Parent: None, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 80, Parent: None, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 81, Parent: None, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 83, Parent: None, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 84, Parent: None, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 85, Parent: None, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 88, Parent: None, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 89, Parent: None, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 90, Parent: None, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 91, Parent: None, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 94, Parent: None, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 95, Parent: None, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 96, Parent: None, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 97, Parent: None, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 98, Parent: None, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 99, Parent: None, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 100, Parent: None, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 101, Parent: None, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 102, Parent: None, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 103, Parent: None, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 104, Parent: None, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 105, Parent: None, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 106, Parent: None, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 107, Parent: None, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 108, Parent: None, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 109, Parent: None, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 110, Parent: None, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 111, Parent: None, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 112, Parent: None, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 113, Parent: None, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 114, Parent: None, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 115, Parent: None, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 116, Parent: None, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan/Alberta ID: 117, Parent: None, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 118, Parent: None, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 119, Parent: None, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 120, Parent: None, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 121, Parent: None, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 122, Parent: None, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 123, Parent: None, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 124, Parent: None, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 125, Parent: None, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 126, Parent: None, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 127, Parent: None, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 128, Parent: None, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 129, Parent: None, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 130, Parent: None, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 131, Parent: None, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 132, Parent: None, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 133, Parent: None, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 134, Parent: None, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 135, Parent: None, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 136, Parent: None, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 137, Parent: None, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 138, Parent: None, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 139, Parent: None, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 140, Parent: None, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 141, Parent: None, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 142, Parent: None, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 143, Parent: None, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 144, Parent: None, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 145, Parent: None, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 146, Parent: None, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 147, Parent: None, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 148, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 149, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Prince Edward Island ID: 150, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Nova Scotia ID: 151, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of New Brunswick ID: 152, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Québec ID: 153, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Ontario ID: 154, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Manitoba ID: 155, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Saskatchewan ID: 156, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Alberta ID: 157, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Northwest Territories ID: 159, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Yukon Territory ID: 160, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Nunavut ID: 161, Parent: None, Name: Other Non-Residents Filing method: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paper ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Netfile ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Efile Marital status: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Married or living common-law ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Single, divorced, separated or widowed ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Unstated Child status: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: No children declared ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: With children declared Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: 18 and under ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 19 to 25 years ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: 26 to 64 years ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: 65 and over
Sources of income of senior census families by family type and age of older partner, parent or individual
Title: Sources of income of senior census families by family type and age of older partner, parent or individual Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Age of oldest individual, Family type characteristics, Source of income Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan Family type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Couple families ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families and persons not in census families Age of oldest individual: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all ages ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 34 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 54 years ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 74 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years and over Family type characteristics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number in family type ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Median total income Source of income: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total employment income ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wages, salaries and commissions ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net self-employment income ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Dividend and interest income ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Private pensions ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Other income
Federal and provincial individual effective tax rates
Title: Federal and provincial individual effective tax rates Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2018-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Income percentiles, Age group, Tax and transfer type, Statistics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Territories Income percentiles: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All tax filers ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 5 percent income group ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 6 to 10 income group ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 11 to 15 income group ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 16 to 20 income group ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 21 to 25 income group ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 26 to 30 income group ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 31 to 35 income group ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 36 to 40 income group ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 41 to 45 income group ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 46 to 50 income group ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 51 to 55 income group ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 56 to 60 income group ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 61 to 65 income group ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 66 to 70 income group ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 71 to 75 income group ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 76 to 80 income group ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 81 to 85 income group ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 86 to 90 income group ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 91 to 95 income group ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Top 5 percent income group ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Top 1 percent income group Age group: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, 18 years and above ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 18 to 24 years ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 54 years ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and above Tax and transfer type: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal and provincial income tax and federal payroll tax ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Federal and provincial income tax ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Federal income tax ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial income tax ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Federal payroll tax ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Federal and provincial cash transfer payments ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Federal cash transfer payments ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Provincial cash transfer payments ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Federal and provincial income tax and federal payroll tax net of federal and provincial cash transfer payments Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total number of filers ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Aggregate taxes / transfers ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Aggregate modified total income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Mean effective rate ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: 5th percentile rate ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: 25th percentile rate ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: 50th percentile rate ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: 75th percentile rate ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: 95th percentile rate ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Rate of less than zero ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 0 ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 0.1% to 5% ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 5.1% to 10% ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 10.1% to 15% ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 15.1% to 20% ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 20.1% to 25% ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 25.1% to 30% ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 30.1% or more ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Number of filers reporting 0 ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Lower threshold of modified total income
High income tax filers in Canada
Title: High income tax filers in Canada Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2018-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Income concepts, Income groups, Statistics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: All census metropolitan areas ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 15, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 15, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: London, Ontario ID: 28, Parent: 15, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Quebec ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario ID: 32, Parent: 15, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 35, Parent: 15, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 36, Parent: 15, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 37, Parent: 15, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 40, Parent: 15, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 41, Parent: 15, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 42, Parent: 15, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: All census agglomerations ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Non-census metropolitan area and non-census agglomeration Income concepts: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Market income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: After tax income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Market income with capital gains ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total income with capital gains ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: After tax income with capital gains Income groups: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Top 0.01 percent income group ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Top 0.1 percent income group ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Top 1 percent income group ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Top 5 percent income group ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Top 10 percent income group ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Top 50 percent income group ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 99 percent income group ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 95 percent income group ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 90 percent income group ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 50 percent income group ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: All tax filers Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Threshold value ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentage, males ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage, females ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship, males ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship, females ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Median age ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median income ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Average income ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Share of income ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Share of income, males ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Share of income, females ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Median federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Average federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Share of federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries, males ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries, females ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in the same quantile last year ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in the same quantile five years ago ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles last year ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles five years ago ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles at least once during the preceding five-year period ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Percentage always in top 5 percentiles during the preceding five-year period
High income tax filers in Canada, specific geographic area thresholds
Title: High income tax filers in Canada, specific geographic area thresholds Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2018-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Income concepts, Income groups, Statistics Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces ID: 2, Parent: 43, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 43, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 43, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 43, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces ID: 8, Parent: 44, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 44, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 44, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: All census metropolitan areas ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 18, Parent: 13, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 19, Parent: 13, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 20, Parent: 13, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 21, Parent: 13, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 22, Parent: 13, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 23, Parent: 13, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 24, Parent: 13, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 25, Parent: 13, Name: London, Ontario ID: 26, Parent: 13, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 27, Parent: 13, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Quebec ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario ID: 30, Parent: 13, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 31, Parent: 13, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 32, Parent: 13, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 33, Parent: 13, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 34, Parent: 13, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 35, Parent: 13, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 36, Parent: 13, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 37, Parent: 13, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 38, Parent: 13, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 39, Parent: 13, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 40, Parent: 13, Name: Victoria, British Columbia ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: All census agglomerations ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Non-census metropolitan area and non-census agglomeration Income concepts: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Market income ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: After tax income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Market income with capital gains ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total income with capital gains ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: After tax income with capital gains Income groups: ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Top 0.01 percent income group ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Top 0.1 percent income group ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Top 1 percent income group ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Top 5 percent income group ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Top 10 percent income group ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Top 50 percent income group ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 99 percent income group ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 95 percent income group ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 90 percent income group ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 50 percent income group ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: All tax filers Statistics: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Threshold value ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentage, males ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage, females ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship, males ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship, females ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Median age ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median income ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Average income ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Share of income ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Share of income, males ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Share of income, females ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Median federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Average federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Share of federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries, males ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries, females ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in the same quantile last year ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in the same quantile five years ago ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles last year ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles five years ago ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles at least once during the preceding five-year period ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Percentage always in top 5 percentiles during the preceding five-year period