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What's not to love?</div><div class=\"author\" data-webtasks-id=\"b27210f3-f136-41a9\"> By Lauren Cahn</div><div class=\"share-buttons\" data-webtasks-id=\"f6b77652-b081-4e2d\"><div class=\"addthis_inline_share_toolbox\" data-webtasks-id=\"e7a89d30-1cb6-4778\"></div></div></div></div>","outerHTML":"<div class=\"page-header clearfix\" data-webtasks-id=\"df1bbb9c-558a-43e6\"><div class=\"tg-container\" data-webtasks-id=\"04e2e5e6-5cbc-462b\"><div class=\"entry_breadcrumbs\" data-webtasks-id=\"9103b93e-0af5-4e6b\"><h3 class=\"entry-sub-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"a5493b07-2768-4caf\"><div class=\"myTest3\" style=\"display: none;\" data-webtasks-id=\"e5be00e3-d8ea-4dc1\"> last index=2<pre data-webtasks-id=\"6e1a6daf-0c62-4581\">Array\n(\n [0] => \n [1] => true-stories-lifestyle\n [2] => animal-kingdom\n [3] => 15-penguin-pictures-that-will-absolutely-melt-your-heart\n)\nWP_Term Object\n(\n [term_id] => 141\n [name] => Animal Kingdom\n [slug] => animal-kingdom\n [term_group] => 0\n [term_taxonomy_id] => 141\n [taxonomy] => category\n [description] => \n [parent] => 20\n [count] => 57\n [filter] => raw\n [cat_ID] => 141\n [category_count] => 57\n [category_description] => \n [cat_name] => Animal Kingdom\n [category_nicename] => animal-kingdom\n [category_parent] => 20\n)\ncheck====animal-kingdom</pre></div> <span typeof=\"v:Breadcrumb\" data-webtasks-id=\"d0900e37-5c41-490e\"><a href=\"\" data-webtasks-id=\"01ac2628-ce70-4157\">True Stories & Lifestyle Advice</a></span><span class=\"delimiter\" data-webtasks-id=\"c5f82b7a-cde9-48ef\"> ⁄ </span><span typeof=\"v:Breadcrumb\" data-webtasks-id=\"46d5c5b1-05cf-44db\"><a href=\"\" data-webtasks-id=\"25b969e3-b048-495d\">Animal Kingdom</a></span></h3></div><div class=\"detailPageHeader listicle-header\" data-webtasks-id=\"09add3fd-5b1b-4d95\"><div data-webtasks-id=\"10bda37c-ad50-4dd6\"><h1 class=\"entry-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"f0e0e7b8-c1ec-45bd\">15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart</h1></div><div class=\"postIntro\" data-webtasks-id=\"c4695aed-ec2e-4746\">They wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?</div><div class=\"author\" data-webtasks-id=\"b27210f3-f136-41a9\"> By Lauren Cahn</div><div class=\"share-buttons\" data-webtasks-id=\"f6b77652-b081-4e2d\"><div class=\"addthis_inline_share_toolbox\" data-webtasks-id=\"e7a89d30-1cb6-4778\"></div></div></div></div></div>","tagName":"DIV","textContent":" last index=2Array\n(\n [0] => \n [1] => true-stories-lifestyle\n [2] => animal-kingdom\n [3] => 15-penguin-pictures-that-will-absolutely-melt-your-heart\n)\nWP_Term Object\n(\n [term_id] => 141\n [name] => Animal Kingdom\n [slug] => animal-kingdom\n [term_group] => 0\n [term_taxonomy_id] => 141\n [taxonomy] => category\n [description] => \n [parent] => 20\n [count] => 57\n [filter] => raw\n [cat_ID] => 141\n [category_count] => 57\n [category_description] => \n [cat_name] => Animal Kingdom\n [category_nicename] => animal-kingdom\n [category_parent] => 20\n)\ncheck====animal-kingdom True Stories & Lifestyle Advice ⁄ Animal Kingdom15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heartThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love? By Lauren Cahn","xpath":"id(\"content\")/div[1]"}},"event_id":46,"element_html":"<div class=\"page-header clearfix\" data-webtasks-id=\"df1bbb9c-558a-43e6\"><div class=\"tg-container\" data-webtasks-id=\"04e2e5e6-5cbc-462b\"><div class=\"entry_breadcrumbs\" data-webtasks-id=\"9103b93e-0af5-4e6b\"><h3 class=\"entry-sub-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"a5493b07-2768-4caf\"><div class=\"myTest3\" data-webtasks-id=\"e5be00e3-d8ea-4dc1\" style=\"display: none;\"> last index=2<pre data-webtasks-id=\"6e1a6daf-0c62-4581\">Array\n(\n [0] => \n [1] => true-stories-lifestyle\n [2] => animal-kingdom\n [3] => 15-penguin-pictures-that-will-absolutely-melt-your-heart\n)\nWP_Term Object\n(\n [term_id] => 141\n [name] => Animal Kingdom\n [slug] => animal-kingdom\n [term_group] => 0\n [term_taxonomy_id] => 141\n [taxonomy] => category\n [description] => \n [parent] => 20\n [count] => 57\n [filter] => raw\n [cat_ID] => 141\n [category_count] => 57\n [category_description] => \n [cat_name] => Animal Kingdom\n [category_nicename] => animal-kingdom\n [category_parent] => 20\n)\ncheck====animal-kingdom</pre></div> <span data-webtasks-id=\"d0900e37-5c41-490e\" typeof=\"v:Breadcrumb\"><a data-webtasks-id=\"01ac2628-ce70-4157\" href=\"\">True Stories & Lifestyle Advice</a></span><span class=\"delimiter\" data-webtasks-id=\"c5f82b7a-cde9-48ef\"> ⁄ </span><span data-webtasks-id=\"46d5c5b1-05cf-44db\" typeof=\"v:Breadcrumb\"><a data-webtasks-id=\"25b969e3-b048-495d\" href=\"\">Animal Kingdom</a></span></h3></div><div class=\"detailPageHeader listicle-header\" data-webtasks-id=\"09add3fd-5b1b-4d95\"><div data-webtasks-id=\"10bda37c-ad50-4dd6\"><h1 class=\"entry-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"f0e0e7b8-c1ec-45bd\">15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart</h1></div><div class=\"postIntro\" data-webtasks-id=\"c4695aed-ec2e-4746\">They wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?</div><div class=\"author\" data-webtasks-id=\"b27210f3-f136-41a9\"> By Lauren Cahn</div><div class=\"share-buttons\" data-webtasks-id=\"f6b77652-b081-4e2d\"><div class=\"addthis_inline_share_toolbox\" data-webtasks-id=\"e7a89d30-1cb6-4778\"></div></div></div></div></div>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":147.54499983787537,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-48-0.png","page":"page-48-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"copy","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":174,"mouseY":273,"tabId":1465015041,"timestamp":1689657031488,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":true,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":true,"timeStamp":30512.09999999404},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"entry-title","data-webtasks-id":"f0e0e7b8-c1ec-45bd"},"bbox":{"bottom":-3569.859375,"height":84.0,"left":70.00000190734863,"right":1825.0000019073486,"top":-3653.859375,"width":1755.0,"x":70.00000190734863,"y":-3653.859375},"innerHTML":"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart","outerHTML":"<h1 class=\"entry-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"f0e0e7b8-c1ec-45bd\">15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart</h1>","tagName":"H1","textContent":"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart","xpath":"id(\"content\")/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/h1[1]"},"selected":"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\n\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\n\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\n"},"event_id":48,"element_html":"<h1 class=\"entry-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"f0e0e7b8-c1ec-45bd\">15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart</h1>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":149.73599982261658,"state":{"screenshot":null,"page":null},"action":{"intent":"tabcreate","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":0,"mouseY":0,"tabId":-1,"timestamp":1689657033679,"url":"","viewportHeight":-1,"viewportWidth":-1,"zoomLevel":1},"properties":{"tabId":1465015046}},"event_id":50,"element_html":null,"screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":149.9800000190735,"state":{"screenshot":null,"page":null},"action":{"intent":"tabswitch","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":0,"mouseY":0,"tabId":-1,"timestamp":1689657033923,"url":"","viewportHeight":-1,"viewportWidth":-1,"zoomLevel":1},"properties":{"tabId":1465015046,"tabIdOrigin":1465015041,"windowId":1465014857}},"event_id":51,"element_html":null,"screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":155.96599984169006,"state":{"screenshot":null,"page":null},"action":{"intent":"load","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":0,"mouseY":0,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657039909,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"documentId":"5FB37BD5174E58D4A10279F11D6A2801","documentLifecycle":"active","frameId":0,"frameType":"outermost_frame","parentFrameId":-1,"processId":371,"tabId":1465015046,"timeStamp":1689657039786.7788,"transitionQualifiers":["from_address_bar"],"transitionType":"typed","url":""}},"event_id":52,"element_html":null,"screenshot_effect":"screenshot-52-1.png"}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":159.3639998435974,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-48-1.png","page":"page-53-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"paste","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":602,"mouseY":310,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657043307,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":true,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":true,"timeStamp":3936.5},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0","data-id":"root","data-ms-editor":"true","data-webtasks-id":"4a44d23f-b259-4f38","id":"prompt-textarea","placeholder":"Send a message","rows":"1","spellcheck":"false","style":"max-height: 200px; height: 24px; overflow-y: hidden;","tabindex":"0"},"bbox":{"bottom":799.0000305175781,"height":36.0,"left":604.0000305175781,"right":1730.0000610351562,"top":763.0000305175781,"width":1126.0000305175781,"x":604.0000305175781,"y":763.0000305175781},"innerHTML":"","outerHTML":"<textarea id=\"prompt-textarea\" tabindex=\"0\" data-id=\"root\" rows=\"1\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 24px; overflow-y: hidden;\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" spellcheck=\"false\" data-ms-editor=\"true\"></textarea>","tagName":"TEXTAREA","textContent":"","xpath":"id(\"prompt-textarea\")"},"pasted":"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\r\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\r\nBy Lauren Cahn\r\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\r\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\r\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\r\n\r\nAdvertisement\r\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\r\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\r\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\r\n\r\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\r\n\r\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\r\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\r\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\r\n\r\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\r\n\r\n"},"event_id":53,"element_html":"<textarea class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" data-id=\"root\" data-ms-editor=\"true\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" id=\"prompt-textarea\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" rows=\"1\" spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 24px; overflow-y: hidden;\" tabindex=\"0\"></textarea>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":162.23099994659424,"state":{"screenshot":null,"page":null},"action":{"intent":"tabswitch","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":0,"mouseY":0,"tabId":-1,"timestamp":1689657046174,"url":"","viewportHeight":-1,"viewportWidth":-1,"zoomLevel":1},"properties":{"tabId":1465015041,"tabIdOrigin":1465015046,"windowId":1465014857}},"event_id":55,"element_html":null,"screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":164.60099983215332,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-58-1.png","page":"page-59-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":66,"mouseY":199,"tabId":1465015041,"timestamp":1689657048544,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":99.0,"clientY":298.5,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":35,"layerY":34,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":30.0,"offsetY":51.0,"pageX":99.0,"pageY":5014.5,"returnValue":true,"screenX":99.0,"screenY":405.0,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":47559.29999999702,"x":99.0,"y":298.5},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"slide-title","data-webtasks-id":"ae2c7305-d2a3-4ebf"},"bbox":{"bottom":332.953125,"height":84.890625,"left":70.00000190734863,"right":1239.9844379425049,"top":248.0625,"width":1169.9844360351562,"x":70.00000190734863,"y":248.0625},"innerHTML":"Do penguins really mate for life?","outerHTML":"<h2 class=\"slide-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"ae2c7305-d2a3-4ebf\">Do penguins really mate for life?</h2>","tagName":"H2","textContent":"Do penguins really mate for life?","xpath":"id(\"page4\")/div[1]/h2[1]"}},"event_id":59,"element_html":"<h2 class=\"slide-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"ae2c7305-d2a3-4ebf\">Do penguins really mate for life?</h2>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":189.22599983215332,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-60-0.png","page":"page-60-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"copy","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":545,"mouseY":229,"tabId":1465015041,"timestamp":1689657073169,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":true,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":true,"timeStamp":72191.69999998808},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"slide-title","data-webtasks-id":"ae2c7305-d2a3-4ebf"},"bbox":{"bottom":-7881.046875,"height":84.890625,"left":70.00000190734863,"right":1239.9844379425049,"top":-7965.9375,"width":1169.9844360351562,"x":70.00000190734863,"y":-7965.9375},"innerHTML":"Do penguins really mate for life?","outerHTML":"<h2 class=\"slide-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"ae2c7305-d2a3-4ebf\">Do penguins really mate for life?</h2>","tagName":"H2","textContent":"Do penguins really mate for life?","xpath":"id(\"page4\")/div[1]/h2[1]"},"selected":"Do penguins really mate for life?\n\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\n\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\n\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\n\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\n\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\n\n"},"event_id":60,"element_html":"<h2 class=\"slide-title\" data-webtasks-id=\"ae2c7305-d2a3-4ebf\">Do penguins really mate for life?</h2>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":191.41899991035461,"state":{"screenshot":null,"page":null},"action":{"intent":"tabswitch","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":0,"mouseY":0,"tabId":-1,"timestamp":1689657075362,"url":"","viewportHeight":-1,"viewportWidth":-1,"zoomLevel":1},"properties":{"tabId":1465015046,"tabIdOrigin":1465015041,"windowId":1465014857}},"event_id":62,"element_html":null,"screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":192.8789999485016,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-63-1.png","page":"page-62-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"paste","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":751,"mouseY":501,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657076822,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":true,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":true,"timeStamp":37452.5},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0","data-id":"root","data-ms-editor":"true","data-webtasks-id":"4a44d23f-b259-4f38","id":"prompt-textarea","placeholder":"Send a message","rows":"1","spellcheck":"false","style":"max-height: 200px; height: 720px;","tabindex":"0"},"bbox":{"bottom":799.0000305175781,"height":300.0,"left":604.0000305175781,"right":1730.0000610351562,"top":499.0000305175781,"width":1126.0000305175781,"x":604.0000305175781,"y":499.0000305175781},"innerHTML":"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\n","outerHTML":"<textarea id=\"prompt-textarea\" tabindex=\"0\" data-id=\"root\" rows=\"1\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 720px;\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" spellcheck=\"false\" data-ms-editor=\"true\">15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\n</textarea>","tagName":"TEXTAREA","textContent":"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\n","xpath":"id(\"prompt-textarea\")"},"pasted":"Do penguins really mate for life?\r\nDo penguins really mate for life?\r\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\r\n\r\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\r\n\r\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\r\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\r\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\r\n\r\nLike an old married couple\r\nLike an old married couple\r\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\r\n\r\nAdvertisement\r\nAdvertisement\r\n\r\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\r\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\r\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\r\n\r\nWhen couples start to look alike\r\nWhen couples start to look alike\r\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\r\n\r\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\r\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\r\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\r\n\r\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\r\n\r\nAdvertisement\r\nAdvertisement\r\n\r\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\r\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\r\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\r\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\r\n\r\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\r\n\r\n"},"event_id":63,"element_html":"<textarea class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" data-id=\"root\" data-ms-editor=\"true\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" id=\"prompt-textarea\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" rows=\"1\" spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 720px;\" tabindex=\"0\">15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\n</textarea>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":210.42499995231628,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-66-1.png","page":"page-68-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":403,"mouseY":343,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657094368,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":604.5,"clientY":514.5,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":17,"layerY":27,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":1.5,"offsetY":16.5,"pageX":604.5,"pageY":514.5,"returnValue":true,"screenX":604.5,"screenY":621.0,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":55029.40000000596,"x":604.5,"y":514.5},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0","data-id":"root","data-ms-editor":"true","data-webtasks-id":"4a44d23f-b259-4f38","id":"prompt-textarea","placeholder":"Send a message","rows":"1","spellcheck":"false","style":"max-height: 200px; height: 2184px;","tabindex":"0"},"bbox":{"bottom":799.0000305175781,"height":300.0,"left":604.0000305175781,"right":1730.0000610351562,"top":499.0000305175781,"width":1126.0000305175781,"x":604.0000305175781,"y":499.0000305175781},"innerHTML":"\"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n","outerHTML":"<textarea id=\"prompt-textarea\" tabindex=\"0\" data-id=\"root\" rows=\"1\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 2184px;\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" spellcheck=\"false\" data-ms-editor=\"true\">\"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n</textarea>","tagName":"TEXTAREA","textContent":"\"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n","xpath":"id(\"prompt-textarea\")"}},"event_id":68,"element_html":"<textarea class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" data-id=\"root\" data-ms-editor=\"true\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" id=\"prompt-textarea\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" rows=\"1\" spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 2184px;\" tabindex=\"0\">\"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n</textarea>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":211.30999994277954,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-69-1.png","page":"page-69-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"paste","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":406,"mouseY":343,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657095253,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":true,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":true,"timeStamp":55901.09999999404},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0","data-id":"root","data-ms-editor":"true","data-webtasks-id":"4a44d23f-b259-4f38","id":"prompt-textarea","placeholder":"Send a message","rows":"1","spellcheck":"false","style":"max-height: 200px; height: 2184px;","tabindex":"0"},"bbox":{"bottom":799.0000305175781,"height":300.0,"left":604.0000305175781,"right":1730.0000610351562,"top":499.0000305175781,"width":1126.0000305175781,"x":604.0000305175781,"y":499.0000305175781},"innerHTML":"\"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n","outerHTML":"<textarea id=\"prompt-textarea\" tabindex=\"0\" data-id=\"root\" rows=\"1\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 2184px;\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" spellcheck=\"false\" data-ms-editor=\"true\">\"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n</textarea>","tagName":"TEXTAREA","textContent":"\"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n","xpath":"id(\"prompt-textarea\")"},"pasted":"summarize"},"event_id":69,"element_html":"<textarea class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" data-id=\"root\" data-ms-editor=\"true\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" id=\"prompt-textarea\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" rows=\"1\" spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 2184px;\" tabindex=\"0\">\"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n</textarea>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":235.78600001335144,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-73-0.png","page":"page-73-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":1131,"mouseY":526,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657119729,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":1696.5,"clientY":789.0,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":22,"layerY":21,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":21.0,"offsetY":21.0,"pageX":1696.5,"pageY":789.0,"returnValue":true,"screenX":1696.5,"screenY":895.5,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":80409.09999999404,"x":1696.5,"y":789.0},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"h-4 w-4 m-1 md:m-0","data-webtasks-id":"0ea76683-1546-493e","fill":"none","stroke-width":"2","viewBox":"0 0 16 16","xmlns":""},"bbox":{"bottom":793.0000305175781,"height":24.0,"left":1676.0000610351562,"right":1700.0000610351562,"top":769.0000305175781,"width":24.0,"x":1676.0000610351562,"y":769.0000305175781},"innerHTML":"<path d=\"M.5 1.163A1 1 0 0 1 1.97.28l12.868 6.837a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.766L1.969 15.72A1 1 0 0 1 .5 14.836V10.33a1 1 0 0 1 .816-.983L8.5 8 1.316 6.653A1 1 0 0 1 .5 5.67V1.163Z\" fill=\"currentColor\" data-webtasks-id=\"6014f8ff-cc54-4f1f\"></path>","outerHTML":"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\" fill=\"none\" class=\"h-4 w-4 m-1 md:m-0\" stroke-width=\"2\" data-webtasks-id=\"0ea76683-1546-493e\"><path d=\"M.5 1.163A1 1 0 0 1 1.97.28l12.868 6.837a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.766L1.969 15.72A1 1 0 0 1 .5 14.836V10.33a1 1 0 0 1 .816-.983L8.5 8 1.316 6.653A1 1 0 0 1 .5 5.67V1.163Z\" fill=\"currentColor\" data-webtasks-id=\"6014f8ff-cc54-4f1f\"></path></svg>","tagName":"svg","textContent":"","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/form[1]/div[1]/div[1]/button[1]/span[1]/svg[1]"}},"event_id":73,"element_html":"<svg class=\"h-4 w-4 m-1 md:m-0\" data-webtasks-id=\"0ea76683-1546-493e\" fill=\"none\" stroke-width=\"2\" viewbox=\"0 0 16 16\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M.5 1.163A1 1 0 0 1 1.97.28l12.868 6.837a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.766L1.969 15.72A1 1 0 0 1 .5 14.836V10.33a1 1 0 0 1 .816-.983L8.5 8 1.316 6.653A1 1 0 0 1 .5 5.67V1.163Z\" data-webtasks-id=\"6014f8ff-cc54-4f1f\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":236.09099984169006,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-74-0.png","page":"page-74-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"submit","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":1131,"mouseY":526,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657120034,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":false,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":false,"timeStamp":80466.29999999702},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"stretch mx-2 flex flex-row gap-3 last:mb-2 md:mx-4 md:last:mb-6 lg:mx-auto lg:max-w-2xl xl:max-w-3xl","data-webtasks-id":"43a72347-1546-4a32"},"bbox":{"bottom":824.0000152587891,"height":350.00001525878906,"left":579.0,"right":1731.0,"top":474.0,"width":1152.0,"x":579.0,"y":474.0},"innerHTML":"<div class=\"relative flex h-full flex-1 items-stretch md:flex-col\" role=\"presentation\" data-webtasks-id=\"06c488d1-a851-408b\"><div class=\"flex flex-col w-full py-[10px] flex-grow md:py-4 md:pl-4 relative border border-black/10 bg-white dark:border-gray-900/50 dark:text-white dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-xl shadow-xs dark:shadow-xs\" data-webtasks-id=\"2cd79107-d86c-409e\"><textarea id=\"prompt-textarea\" tabindex=\"0\" data-id=\"root\" rows=\"1\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 2208px;\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" spellcheck=\"false\" data-ms-editor=\"true\">summarize the below article in one paragraph \"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n</textarea><button class=\"absolute p-1 rounded-md md:bottom-3 md:p-2 md:right-3 dark:hover:bg-gray-900 dark:disabled:hover:bg-transparent right-2 disabled:text-gray-400 enabled:bg-brand-purple text-white bottom-1.5 transition-colors disabled:opacity-40\" data-webtasks-id=\"f0915f97-2b6d-4091\" style=\"background-color: rgb(25, 195, 125);\"><span class=\"\" data-state=\"closed\" data-webtasks-id=\"0909545e-2bbe-46c7\"><svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\" fill=\"none\" class=\"h-4 w-4 m-1 md:m-0\" stroke-width=\"2\" data-webtasks-id=\"0ea76683-1546-493e\"><path d=\"M.5 1.163A1 1 0 0 1 1.97.28l12.868 6.837a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.766L1.969 15.72A1 1 0 0 1 .5 14.836V10.33a1 1 0 0 1 .816-.983L8.5 8 1.316 6.653A1 1 0 0 1 .5 5.67V1.163Z\" fill=\"currentColor\" data-webtasks-id=\"6014f8ff-cc54-4f1f\"></path></svg></span></button><editor-squiggler data-webtasks-id=\"ac825bbf-a9d6-44c7\"><style data-webtasks-id=\"6f7d8012-d4d7-4bf8\">\n @media print {\n .ms-editor-squiggles-container {\n display:none !important;\n }\n }\n .ms-editor-squiggles-container {\n all: initial;\n }</style><div class=\"ms-editor-squiggles-container\" data-webtasks-id=\"f57f5555-1d61-43a7\"></div></editor-squiggler></div></div>","outerHTML":"<form class=\"stretch mx-2 flex flex-row gap-3 last:mb-2 md:mx-4 md:last:mb-6 lg:mx-auto lg:max-w-2xl xl:max-w-3xl\" data-webtasks-id=\"43a72347-1546-4a32\"><div class=\"relative flex h-full flex-1 items-stretch md:flex-col\" role=\"presentation\" data-webtasks-id=\"06c488d1-a851-408b\"><div class=\"flex flex-col w-full py-[10px] flex-grow md:py-4 md:pl-4 relative border border-black/10 bg-white dark:border-gray-900/50 dark:text-white dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-xl shadow-xs dark:shadow-xs\" data-webtasks-id=\"2cd79107-d86c-409e\"><textarea id=\"prompt-textarea\" tabindex=\"0\" data-id=\"root\" rows=\"1\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 2208px;\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" spellcheck=\"false\" data-ms-editor=\"true\">summarize the below article in one paragraph \"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n</textarea><button class=\"absolute p-1 rounded-md md:bottom-3 md:p-2 md:right-3 dark:hover:bg-gray-900 dark:disabled:hover:bg-transparent right-2 disabled:text-gray-400 enabled:bg-brand-purple text-white bottom-1.5 transition-colors disabled:opacity-40\" data-webtasks-id=\"f0915f97-2b6d-4091\" style=\"background-color: rgb(25, 195, 125);\"><span class=\"\" data-state=\"closed\" data-webtasks-id=\"0909545e-2bbe-46c7\"><svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\" fill=\"none\" class=\"h-4 w-4 m-1 md:m-0\" stroke-width=\"2\" data-webtasks-id=\"0ea76683-1546-493e\"><path d=\"M.5 1.163A1 1 0 0 1 1.97.28l12.868 6.837a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.766L1.969 15.72A1 1 0 0 1 .5 14.836V10.33a1 1 0 0 1 .816-.983L8.5 8 1.316 6.653A1 1 0 0 1 .5 5.67V1.163Z\" fill=\"currentColor\" data-webtasks-id=\"6014f8ff-cc54-4f1f\"></path></svg></span></button><editor-squiggler data-webtasks-id=\"ac825bbf-a9d6-44c7\"><style data-webtasks-id=\"6f7d8012-d4d7-4bf8\">\n @media print {\n .ms-editor-squiggles-container {\n display:none !important;\n }\n }\n .ms-editor-squiggles-container {\n all: initial;\n }</style><div class=\"ms-editor-squiggles-container\" data-webtasks-id=\"f57f5555-1d61-43a7\"></div></editor-squiggler></div></div></form>","tagName":"FORM","textContent":"summarize the below article in one paragraph \"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n\n @media print {\n .ms-editor-squiggles-container {\n display:none !important;\n }\n }\n .ms-editor-squiggles-container {\n all: initial;\n }","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/form[1]"}},"event_id":74,"element_html":"<form class=\"stretch mx-2 flex flex-row gap-3 last:mb-2 md:mx-4 md:last:mb-6 lg:mx-auto lg:max-w-2xl xl:max-w-3xl\" data-webtasks-id=\"43a72347-1546-4a32\"><div class=\"relative flex h-full flex-1 items-stretch md:flex-col\" data-webtasks-id=\"06c488d1-a851-408b\" role=\"presentation\"><div class=\"flex flex-col w-full py-[10px] flex-grow md:py-4 md:pl-4 relative border border-black/10 bg-white dark:border-gray-900/50 dark:text-white dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-xl shadow-xs dark:shadow-xs\" data-webtasks-id=\"2cd79107-d86c-409e\"><textarea class=\"m-0 w-full resize-none border-0 bg-transparent p-0 pr-10 focus:ring-0 focus-visible:ring-0 dark:bg-transparent md:pr-12 pl-3 md:pl-0\" data-id=\"root\" data-ms-editor=\"true\" data-webtasks-id=\"4a44d23f-b259-4f38\" id=\"prompt-textarea\" placeholder=\"Send a message\" rows=\"1\" spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"max-height: 200px; height: 2208px;\" tabindex=\"0\">summarize the below article in one paragraph \"15 penguin pictures that will absolutely melt your heart\nThey wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?\nBy Lauren Cahn\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nPenguins are among the most social birds on the planet\nSCHWAMMERHANS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThere are 17 known species of penguin, and all of them are highly social, which is why penguin pictures often depict more than one penguin at a time. When you see a photo of a lone penguin, it could be because the penguin in question is on its way to dive for food – which some species of penguin prefer to do alone, according to the penguin experts at SeaWorld.\n\nAdvertisement\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nHundreds of thousands can live together…\nNORA YUSUF/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAll species of penguin live in colonies known as “rookeries” during the breeding season. Some rookeries include hundreds of thousands of penguins and cover hundreds of square kilometres.\n\nDon’t miss these 27 funny but totally real names for groups of animals.\n\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\n…but King Penguins prefer travelling in smaller groups\nALEXEY SEAFARER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nKing penguins, which are identifiable by their golden-orange markings on their head and neck, are known to be very friendly with one another in their rookeries, but when it comes time to travel, they tend to break off into smaller groups of between 5 and 20 individuals.\n\nDon’t miss these 60 incredible animal facts you probably didn’t know.\n\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nDo penguins really mate for life?\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nA popular myth about penguins is they’re strictly monogamous. While some species do tend toward choosing lifetime partners, not all do, and the penguin experts at SeaWorld note that some penguins – both males and females – have multiple partners per season. So what’s going on this penguin picture?\n\nHere are 10 scary facts behind the world’s most adorable animals.\n\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\n“Hi, honey, I’m home.”\nSERGEY URYADNIKOV/SHUTTERSTOCK\nAfrican penguins are one notably monogamous penguin species. (They only seek out a new partner if their partnership hasn’t resulted in babies.) This couple, shown during mating season, look like they’re perfectly content with one another.\n\nLike an old married couple\nLike an old married couple\nGIEDRIIUS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nOf course, even the happiest of couples have been known to bicker at times. These two Falkland Island penguins appear to be arguing with one another, although if you asked them, they’d probably say, “We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.”\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nPenguins, they’re just like us…\nONDREJ PROSICKY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nIt appears this penguin couple is having the same argument you have with your spouse every single time you travel. We imagine it’s going something like this: “Go ask that guy for directions.” “I know where I’m going.” “We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”\n\nWhen couples start to look alike\nWhen couples start to look alike\nVARIOUSIMAGEBROKER/SHUTTERSTOCK\nYou know those couples who almost look like they could be brother and sister? When we see penguin pictures like this one, it’s hard to argue that penguins and humans don’t share that trait.\n\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nBaby penguins are known as “chicks”\nROGER CLARK ARPS/SHUTTERSTOCK\nThese emperor penguin chicks are still so young, they haven’t yet acquired the distinctive colouring of emperor penguin adults, which have yellowy-gold markings on the side of their head and neck.\n\nYou’ll love these adorable baby animal photos that are guaranteed to make your day.\n\nAdvertisement\nAdvertisement\n\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\nEmperor penguins are the tallest species of penguin\n33 DEGREES PHOTOGRAPHY/SHUTTERSTOCK\nSometimes penguin pictures can inadvertently hide how tall the penguins in them actually are. For example, this emperor penguin may be close to 120 centimetres tall, which is the height of an average human six-year-old.\n\nLearn about 23 of the biggest living animals in the world.\"\n\n</textarea><button class=\"absolute p-1 rounded-md md:bottom-3 md:p-2 md:right-3 dark:hover:bg-gray-900 dark:disabled:hover:bg-transparent right-2 disabled:text-gray-400 enabled:bg-brand-purple text-white bottom-1.5 transition-colors disabled:opacity-40\" data-webtasks-id=\"f0915f97-2b6d-4091\" style=\"background-color: rgb(25, 195, 125);\"><span class=\"\" data-state=\"closed\" data-webtasks-id=\"0909545e-2bbe-46c7\"><svg class=\"h-4 w-4 m-1 md:m-0\" data-webtasks-id=\"0ea76683-1546-493e\" fill=\"none\" stroke-width=\"2\" viewbox=\"0 0 16 16\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M.5 1.163A1 1 0 0 1 1.97.28l12.868 6.837a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.766L1.969 15.72A1 1 0 0 1 .5 14.836V10.33a1 1 0 0 1 .816-.983L8.5 8 1.316 6.653A1 1 0 0 1 .5 5.67V1.163Z\" data-webtasks-id=\"6014f8ff-cc54-4f1f\" fill=\"currentColor\"></path></svg></span></button><editor-squiggler data-webtasks-id=\"ac825bbf-a9d6-44c7\"><style data-webtasks-id=\"6f7d8012-d4d7-4bf8\">\n @media print {\n .ms-editor-squiggles-container {\n display:none !important;\n }\n }\n .ms-editor-squiggles-container {\n all: initial;\n }</style><div class=\"ms-editor-squiggles-container\" data-webtasks-id=\"f57f5555-1d61-43a7\"></div></editor-squiggler></div></div></form>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":312.6889998912811,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-89-0.png","page":"page-89-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":438,"mouseY":93,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657196632,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":657.0,"clientY":139.5,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":2,"layerY":13,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":3.0,"offsetY":21.0,"pageX":657.0,"pageY":139.5,"returnValue":true,"screenX":657.0,"screenY":246.0,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":157315.20000000298,"x":657.0,"y":139.5},"element":{"attributes":{"data-webtasks-id":"7fa63795-2125-459a"},"bbox":{"bottom":665.0000038146973,"height":546.0,"left":654.0,"right":1633.5,"top":119.00000381469727,"width":979.5,"x":654.0,"y":119.00000381469727},"innerHTML":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","outerHTML":"<p data-webtasks-id=\"7fa63795-2125-459a\">The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.</p>","tagName":"P","textContent":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"}},"event_id":89,"element_html":"<p data-webtasks-id=\"7fa63795-2125-459a\">The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.</p>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":319.90499997138977,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-88-1.png","page":"page-90-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"copy","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":728,"mouseY":284,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657203848,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":true,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":true,"timeStamp":164532.59999999404},"element":{"attributes":{"data-webtasks-id":"7fa63795-2125-459a"},"bbox":{"bottom":665.0000038146973,"height":546.0,"left":654.0,"right":1633.5,"top":119.00000381469727,"width":979.5,"x":654.0,"y":119.00000381469727},"innerHTML":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","outerHTML":"<p data-webtasks-id=\"7fa63795-2125-459a\">The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.</p>","tagName":"P","textContent":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"},"selected":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals."},"event_id":90,"element_html":"<p data-webtasks-id=\"7fa63795-2125-459a\">The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.</p>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":325.9409999847412,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-92-0.png","page":"page-92-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":715,"mouseY":262,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657209884,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":1072.5,"clientY":393.0,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":279,"layerY":183,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":418.5,"offsetY":274.5,"pageX":1072.5,"pageY":393.0,"returnValue":true,"screenX":1072.5,"screenY":499.5,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":170555.40000000596,"x":1072.5,"y":393.0},"element":{"attributes":{"data-webtasks-id":"7fa63795-2125-459a"},"bbox":{"bottom":665.0000038146973,"height":546.0,"left":654.0,"right":1633.5,"top":119.00000381469727,"width":979.5,"x":654.0,"y":119.00000381469727},"innerHTML":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","outerHTML":"<p data-webtasks-id=\"7fa63795-2125-459a\">The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.</p>","tagName":"P","textContent":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"}},"event_id":92,"element_html":"<p data-webtasks-id=\"7fa63795-2125-459a\">The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.</p>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":328.3509998321533,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-89-0.png","page":"page-93-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"copy","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":929,"mouseY":427,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657212294,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":true,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":true,"timeStamp":172979.20000000298},"element":{"attributes":{"data-webtasks-id":"7fa63795-2125-459a"},"bbox":{"bottom":665.0000038146973,"height":546.0,"left":654.0,"right":1633.5,"top":119.00000381469727,"width":979.5,"x":654.0,"y":119.00000381469727},"innerHTML":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","outerHTML":"<p data-webtasks-id=\"7fa63795-2125-459a\">The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.</p>","tagName":"P","textContent":"The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"},"selected":"Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics."},"event_id":93,"element_html":"<p data-webtasks-id=\"7fa63795-2125-459a\">The article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals. Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.</p>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":342.0460000038147,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-94-1.png","page":"page-94-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"scroll","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":649,"mouseY":338,"tabId":1465015046,"timestamp":1689657225989,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":0,"clientX":973.5,"clientY":507.0,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":0,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":213,"layerY":359,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":319.5,"offsetY":538.5,"pageX":973.5,"pageY":507.0,"returnValue":true,"screenX":973.5,"screenY":613.5,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":186169.90000000596,"x":973.5,"y":507.0},"scrollX":0,"scrollY":150},"event_id":94,"element_html":null,"screenshot_effect":"screenshot-94-1.png"}},{"timestamp":331.057,"speaker":"navigator","utterance":"Here is the summary I found using ChatGPT:\n\t\n\tThe article features 15 penguin pictures that showcase the adorable and endearing qualities of these social birds. Penguins are known for their tuxedo-like appearance and waddling walk, making them incredibly lovable. There are 17 known species of penguins, all of which are highly social and often seen in groups. They live in colonies called \"rookeries\" during the breeding season, with some rookeries consisting of hundreds of thousands of penguins covering large areas. While most penguins prefer larger groups, King Penguins tend to travel in smaller groups of 5 to 20 individuals.","type":"chat"},{"timestamp":337.057,"speaker":"navigator","utterance":"Contrary to popular belief, not all penguins mate for life, and some species have multiple partners per season. However, African penguins are notably monogamous, sticking with one partner unless their partnership fails to produce offspring. The article also highlights amusing and relatable moments captured in the penguin pictures, such as penguin couples arguing or looking alike, reminiscent of human behavior. Additionally, it mentions baby penguins called \"chicks\" and the impressive height of emperor penguins, emphasizing their fascinating characteristics.","type":"chat"},{"timestamp":344.057,"speaker":"instructor","utterance":"Great! Could you tell me the name of the article's publisher?","type":"chat"},{"type":"browser","timestamp":347.88899993896484,"state":{"screenshot":null,"page":null},"action":{"intent":"tabswitch","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":0,"mouseY":0,"tabId":-1,"timestamp":1689657231832,"url":"","viewportHeight":-1,"viewportWidth":-1,"zoomLevel":1},"properties":{"tabId":1465015041,"tabIdOrigin":1465015046,"windowId":1465014857}},"event_id":95,"element_html":null,"screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":354.0620000362396,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-98-1.png","page":"page-98-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"click","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":154,"mouseY":117,"tabId":1465015041,"timestamp":1689657238005,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"altKey":false,"button":0,"buttons":1,"clientX":231.0,"clientY":175.5,"composed":true,"ctrlKey":false,"detail":1,"eventPhase":0,"layerX":123,"layerY":172,"metaKey":false,"movementX":0,"movementY":0,"offsetX":162.0,"offsetY":24.0,"pageX":231.0,"pageY":493.5,"returnValue":true,"screenX":231.0,"screenY":282.0,"shiftKey":false,"timeStamp":237030.09999999404,"x":231.0,"y":175.5},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"author","data-webtasks-id":"b27210f3-f136-41a9"},"bbox":{"bottom":190.0312557220459,"height":37.79687690734863,"left":70.00000190734863,"right":1825.0000019073486,"top":152.23437881469727,"width":1755.0,"x":70.00000190734863,"y":152.23437881469727},"innerHTML":" By Lauren Cahn","outerHTML":"<div class=\"author\" data-webtasks-id=\"b27210f3-f136-41a9\"> By Lauren Cahn</div>","tagName":"DIV","textContent":" By Lauren Cahn","xpath":"id(\"content\")/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]"}},"event_id":98,"element_html":"<div class=\"author\" data-webtasks-id=\"b27210f3-f136-41a9\"> By Lauren Cahn</div>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"type":"browser","timestamp":355.7539999485016,"state":{"screenshot":"screenshot-98-1.png","page":"page-99-0.html","screenshot_status":"good"},"action":{"intent":"copy","arguments":{"metadata":{"mouseX":136,"mouseY":140,"tabId":1465015041,"timestamp":1689657239697,"url":"","viewportHeight":601,"viewportWidth":1280,"zoomLevel":1.5},"properties":{"composed":true,"eventPhase":0,"returnValue":true,"timeStamp":238728.29999999702},"element":{"attributes":{"class":"author","data-webtasks-id":"b27210f3-f136-41a9"},"bbox":{"bottom":190.0312557220459,"height":37.79687690734863,"left":70.00000190734863,"right":1825.0000019073486,"top":152.23437881469727,"width":1755.0,"x":70.00000190734863,"y":152.23437881469727},"innerHTML":" By Lauren Cahn","outerHTML":"<div class=\"author\" data-webtasks-id=\"b27210f3-f136-41a9\"> By Lauren Cahn</div>","tagName":"DIV","textContent":" By Lauren Cahn","xpath":"id(\"content\")/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]"},"selected":"Lauren Cahn"},"event_id":99,"element_html":"<div class=\"author\" data-webtasks-id=\"b27210f3-f136-41a9\"> By Lauren Cahn</div>","screenshot_effect":null}},{"timestamp":380.057,"speaker":"navigator","utterance":"The publisher is Lauren Cahn.","type":"chat"},{"timestamp":388.057,"speaker":"instructor","utterance":"That's all for now.","type":"chat"},{"timestamp":391.057,"speaker":"navigator","utterance":"Alright.","type":"chat"}],"status":"checked"} |