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\n This hostel is committed to following WHO and local government guidelines for Covid-19 sanitation. This includes increased cleaning routines, better hygiene measures and social distancing when required.\n
\n Free WiFi\n
\n 7.9\n
Very Good
615 Total Reviews
Perfect Location
Superb Staff
Fantastic Cleanliness
Property Description
\n The Hostel is located directly in the center of Prague. You can reach all main tourist attractions within walking distance, a 8-minute walk from Wenceslas Square, National Museum as well as Vltava river, 15-minute walk from Old Town Square as well as Charles Bridge.\r\n* Private rooms with bathroom and a Smart TV(Internet,Youtube, .....). \r\n* Free High-speed Wifi Internet in all rooms. \r\n* We offer Free Unlimited Coffee and Tea during your stay.\r\n* No curfew - no lockout.\r\n* Leaflet for free city tours, free city maps, free bed linen, free luggage storage.\r\n* A microwave, hairdryer, kettle, as well as an iron are available upon request.\r\n* Breakfast is available upon request in a building next to the Hostel City Center.\r\n\r\nLot of possibilities around for lunch & dinner close to the property, restaurants, pubs offer classic Czech cuisine as well as Brewery house offers 10 kinds of fresh beer and a supermarket in the opposite side of the street.\r\n\r\nPublic transport is close to the property, Karlovo Namesti Metro station/Line B/ is 300m away. I.P.Pavlova metro station(line C) is one stop by tram any tram goes down e.g. tram no. 4,6,10,16,22 to St?pánská Tram stop which is in front of the Pension.\r\nTo Prague castle you get directly by tram no. 22 from the tram stop in front of the pension.\r\nClosest shopping centers, Andel is 1 stop by metro and Palladium are 3 stops .\r\n\r\nReception open(check-in) from 14:00-22:00\r\n\r\n- Breakfast / Swedish table for only 150 CZK / #6EUR/\r\n- Car parking place is available for extra 16EUR on request \r\n ! Important attention ! \r\n Time of arrival is reqired - will you be so kind and inform us and specific your arrival time to the reception for check-in as soon as posible few days before \r\n arrival . With out information about arrival time we ca not guarantee your check-in in time !!!\n
\n The staff is very nice and the place is super clean.\n
Couple, 18-24
\n 9.7\n
Oct 10, 2021
\n 🇮🇩 Very good hostel, clean and good price, I got private room and private bathroom, good location, the restorant around there are a good price as well. I enjoyed my stay in the hostel, hostel recommended\n
\n Excellent to rest with no excess noise. Breakfast was very well.\n
Male, 25-30
\n 8.9\n
Jul 2, 2023
\n Good location. Nicely secure and quiet.\r\n\r\nCould do with redecoration as the yellow walls do not have positive connotations for most British people! New bedding would be nice as well.\n
Male, 41+
\n 8.9\n
May 28, 2022
\n Very friendly reception, 8% discount when payed in cash. \r\nSeparate set of keys to enter the premises. \r\nClean, spacious room. Free coffee and/or tea on the corridor. \r\nEasy departure with Key deposit box.\n
Female, 31-40
\n 8.9\n
Dec 30, 2021
\n Mediocre rooms with very basic aesthetics and facilities for the the cost. But the security is high and hygiene level is above mark which were the two most important aspects for my previous journey. So felt safe and was able to concentrate on touring rather than worrying about the stay.\n
Couple, 25-30
\n 6.9\n
Sep 9, 2022
\n The place had a weird vibe for us. it was dark and pretty loud. Hard floors everywhere except in the rooms made the slightest noise seem louder. Probably wouldn't stay there again.\n
Male, 41+
\n 6.9\n
Jul 30, 2022
\n Very well located. For the price it is correct, lodging to sleep and nothing else.\n
Male, 31-40
\n 6.0\n
Jul 16, 2022
\n Just not great. Key system was weird, beds not v comfy, and vibes were bad\n
Male, 31-40
\n 3.7\n
Jan 25, 2022
\n The man on reception was very stupid and I paid money and he doesn't give me room keys , I have my girlfriend and he doesn't allow my girlfriend with me ,I was very angry with him, I paid for 1 night and later I stayed in my car because of this stupid man ...\n
\n This hostel is committed to following WHO and local government guidelines for Covid-19 sanitation. This includes increased cleaning routines, better hygiene measures and social distancing when required.\n
\n Free WiFi\n
\n 7.9\n
Very Good
615 Total Reviews
Perfect Location
Superb Staff
Fantastic Cleanliness
Property Description
\n The Hostel is located directly in the center of Prague. You can reach all main tourist attractions within walking distance, a 8-minute walk from Wenceslas Square, National Museum as well as Vltava river, 15-minute walk from Old Town Square as well as Charles Bridge.\r\n* Private rooms with bathroom and a Smart TV(Internet,Youtube, .....). \r\n* Free High-speed Wifi Internet in all rooms. \r\n* We offer Free Unlimited Coffee and Tea during your stay.\r\n* No curfew - no lockout.\r\n* Leaflet for free city tours, free city maps, free bed linen, free luggage storage.\r\n* A microwave, hairdryer, kettle, as well as an iron are available upon request.\r\n* Breakfast is available upon request in a building next to the Hostel City Center.\r\n\r\nLot of possibilities around for lunch & dinner close to the property, restaurants, pubs offer classic Czech cuisine as well as Brewery house offers 10 kinds of fresh beer and a supermarket in the opposite side of the street.\r\n\r\nPublic transport is close to the property, Karlovo Namesti Metro station/Line B/ is 300m away. I.P.Pavlova metro station(line C) is one stop by tram any tram goes down e.g. tram no. 4,6,10,16,22 to St?pánská Tram stop which is in front of the Pension.\r\nTo Prague castle you get directly by tram no. 22 from the tram stop in front of the pension.\r\nClosest shopping centers, Andel is 1 stop by metro and Palladium are 3 stops .\r\n\r\nReception open(check-in) from 14:00-22:00\r\n\r\n- Breakfast / Swedish table for only 150 CZK / #6EUR/\r\n- Car parking place is available for extra 16EUR on request \r\n ! Important attention ! \r\n Time of arrival is reqired - will you be so kind and inform us and specific your arrival time to the reception for check-in as soon as posible few days before \r\n arrival . With out information about arrival time we ca not guarantee your check-in in time !!!\n
\n The staff is very nice and the place is super clean.\n
Couple, 18-24
\n 9.7\n
Oct 10, 2021
\n 🇮🇩 Very good hostel, clean and good price, I got private room and private bathroom, good location, the restorant around there are a good price as well. I enjoyed my stay in the hostel, hostel recommended\n
\n Excellent to rest with no excess noise. Breakfast was very well.\n
Male, 25-30
\n 8.9\n
Jul 2, 2023
\n Good location. Nicely secure and quiet.\r\n\r\nCould do with redecoration as the yellow walls do not have positive connotations for most British people! New bedding would be nice as well.\n
Male, 41+
\n 8.9\n
May 28, 2022
\n Very friendly reception, 8% discount when payed in cash. \r\nSeparate set of keys to enter the premises. \r\nClean, spacious room. Free coffee and/or tea on the corridor. \r\nEasy departure with Key deposit box.\n
Female, 31-40
\n 8.9\n
Dec 30, 2021
\n Mediocre rooms with very basic aesthetics and facilities for the the cost. But the security is high and hygiene level is above mark which were the two most important aspects for my previous journey. So felt safe and was able to concentrate on touring rather than worrying about the stay.\n
Couple, 25-30
\n 6.9\n
Sep 9, 2022
\n The place had a weird vibe for us. it was dark and pretty loud. Hard floors everywhere except in the rooms made the slightest noise seem louder. Probably wouldn't stay there again.\n
Male, 41+
\n 6.9\n
Jul 30, 2022
\n Very well located. For the price it is correct, lodging to sleep and nothing else.\n
Male, 31-40
\n 6.0\n
Jul 16, 2022
\n Just not great. Key system was weird, beds not v comfy, and vibes were bad\n
Male, 31-40
\n 3.7\n
Jan 25, 2022
\n The man on reception was very stupid and I paid money and he doesn't give me room keys , I have my girlfriend and he doesn't allow my girlfriend with me ,I was very angry with him, I paid for 1 night and later I stayed in my car because of this stupid man ...\n
Couple, 31-40
\n Free\n
\n Linen Included\n
\n Free City Maps\n
\n Towels Included\n
\n Free WiFi\n
\n Free City Tour\n
\n General\n
\n Bicycle Parking\n
\n Adaptors\n
\n Hot Showers\n
\n Fridge/Freezer\n
\n Cable TV\n
\n Parking\n
\n Hair Dryers\n
\n Iron / Ironing Board\n
\n Follows Covid-19 sanitation guidance\n
\n Services\n
\n Internet access\n
\n Luggage Storage\n
\n Tours/Travel Desk\n
\n Housekeeping\n
\n Reception (limited hours)\n
\n Food & Drink\n
\n Tea & Coffee Making Facilities\n
\n Entertainment\n
\n Wi-Fi\n
","tagName":"SECTION","textContent":" \n English\n \n INR\n Menu \n 1/30\n Location Hostel City Center, Prague, Czech Republic Check In Aug 18, 2023 Check Out Aug 20, 2023 Guests 2 Guests Search\n Hostel City Center location A location marker \n Jecna 12, Nove Mesto,\n \n Prague,\n \n Czech Republic\n \n This hostel is committed to following WHO and local government guidelines for Covid-19 sanitation. This includes increased cleaning routines, better hygiene measures and social distancing when required.\n A sanitation badge This hostel is committed to following WHO and local government guidelines for Covid-19 sanitation. This includes increased cleaning routines, better hygiene measures and social distancing when required. \n Free WiFi\n A wifi badge Free WiFi Prices Facilities Map \n Reviews\n \n House Rules\n \n 7.9\n Very Good 615 Total Reviews Perfect Location Superb Staff Fantastic Cleanliness \n Read all reviews\n Property Description \n The Hostel is located directly in the center of Prague. You can reach all main tourist attractions within walking distance, a 8-minute walk from Wenceslas Square, National Museum as well as Vltava river, 15-minute walk from Old Town Square as well as Charles Bridge.\r\n* Private rooms with bathroom and a Smart TV(Internet,Youtube, .....). \r\n* Free High-speed Wifi Internet in all rooms. \r\n* We offer Free Unlimited Coffee and Tea during your stay.\r\n* No curfew - no lockout.\r\n* Leaflet for free city tours, free city maps, free bed linen, free luggage storage.\r\n* A microwave, hairdryer, kettle, as well as an iron are available upon request.\r\n* Breakfast is available upon request in a building next to the Hostel City Center.\r\n\r\nLot of possibilities around for lunch & dinner close to the property, restaurants, pubs offer classic Czech cuisine as well as Brewery house offers 10 kinds of fresh beer and a supermarket in the opposite side of the street.\r\n\r\nPublic transport is close to the property, Karlovo Namesti Metro station/Line B/ is 300m away. I.P.Pavlova metro station(line C) is one stop by tram any tram goes down e.g. tram no. 4,6,10,16,22 to St?pánská Tram stop which is in front of the Pension.\r\nTo Prague castle you get directly by tram no. 22 from the tram stop in front of the pension.\r\nClosest shopping centers, Andel is 1 stop by metro and Palladium are 3 stops .\r\n\r\nReception open(check-in) from 14:00-22:00\r\n\r\n- Breakfast / Swedish table for only 150 CZK / #6EUR/\r\n- Car parking place is available for extra 16EUR on request \r\n ! Important attention ! \r\n Time of arrival is reqired - will you be so kind and inform us and specific your arrival time to the reception for check-in as soon as posible few days before \r\n arrival . With out information about arrival time we ca not guarantee your check-in in time !!!\n \n show more\n Reviews & Ratings \n 7.9\n Very Good 615 Total Reviews \n Security\n \n 7.6\n \n Location\n \n 8.8\n \n Staff\n \n 8.4\n \n Atmosphere\n \n 6\n \n Cleanliness\n \n 8.4\n \n Facilities\n \n 7.6\n \n Value for Money\n \n 8.4\n Latest Reviews \n 10\n Oct 13, 2021 \n The staff is very nice and the place is super clean.\n Couple, 18-24\n 9.7\n Oct 10, 2021 \n 🇮🇩 Very good hostel, clean and good price, I got private room and private bathroom, good location, the restorant around there are a good price as well. I enjoyed my stay in the hostel, hostel recommended\n \n show more\n Male, 31-40\n 9.4\n Dec 13, 2021 \n Excellent to rest with no excess noise. Breakfast was very well.\n Male, 25-30\n 8.9\n Jul 2, 2023 \n Good location. Nicely secure and quiet.\r\n\r\nCould do with redecoration as the yellow walls do not have positive connotations for most British people! New bedding would be nice as well.\n Male, 41+\n 8.9\n May 28, 2022 \n Very friendly reception, 8% discount when payed in cash. \r\nSeparate set of keys to enter the premises. \r\nClean, spacious room. Free coffee and/or tea on the corridor. \r\nEasy departure with Key deposit box.\n Female, 31-40\n 8.9\n Dec 30, 2021 \n Mediocre rooms with very basic aesthetics and facilities for the the cost. But the security is high and hygiene level is above mark which were the two most important aspects for my previous journey. So felt safe and was able to concentrate on touring rather than worrying about the stay.\n Couple, 25-30\n 6.9\n Sep 9, 2022 \n The place had a weird vibe for us. it was dark and pretty loud. Hard floors everywhere except in the rooms made the slightest noise seem louder. Probably wouldn't stay there again.\n Male, 41+\n 6.9\n Jul 30, 2022 \n Very well located. For the price it is correct, lodging to sleep and nothing else.\n Male, 31-40\n 6.0\n Jul 16, 2022 \n Just not great. Key system was weird, beds not v comfy, and vibes were bad\n Male, 31-40\n 3.7\n Jan 25, 2022 \n The man on reception was very stupid and I paid money and he doesn't give me room keys , I have my girlfriend and he doesn't allow my girlfriend with me ,I was very angry with him, I paid for 1 night and later I stayed in my car because of this stupid man ...\n Couple, 31-40 \n Read all reviews\n Facilities \n Free\n \n Linen Included\n \n Free City Maps\n \n Towels Included\n \n Free WiFi\n \n Free City Tour\n \n General\n \n Bicycle Parking\n \n Adaptors\n \n Hot Showers\n \n Fridge/Freezer\n \n Cable TV\n \n Parking\n \n Hair Dryers\n \n Iron / Ironing Board\n \n Follows Covid-19 sanitation guidance\n \n Services\n \n Internet access\n \n Luggage Storage\n \n Tours/Travel Desk\n \n Housekeeping\n \n Reception (limited hours)\n \n Food & Drink\n \n Tea & Coffee Making Facilities\n \n Entertainment\n \n Wi-Fi\n \n View all Prague Hostels\n ","xpath":"id(\"__layout\")/div[1]/div[2]/section[1]"}},"event_id":54,"element_html":"
\n This hostel is committed to following WHO and local government guidelines for Covid-19 sanitation. This includes increased cleaning routines, better hygiene measures and social distancing when required.\n
\n Free WiFi\n
\n 7.9\n
Very Good
615 Total Reviews
Perfect Location
Superb Staff
Fantastic Cleanliness
Property Description
\n The Hostel is located directly in the center of Prague. You can reach all main tourist attractions within walking distance, a 8-minute walk from Wenceslas Square, National Museum as well as Vltava river, 15-minute walk from Old Town Square as well as Charles Bridge.\n* Private rooms with bathroom and a Smart TV(Internet,Youtube, .....). \n* Free High-speed Wifi Internet in all rooms. \n* We offer Free Unlimited Coffee and Tea during your stay.\n* No curfew - no lockout.\n* Leaflet for free city tours, free city maps, free bed linen, free luggage storage.\n* A microwave, hairdryer, kettle, as well as an iron are available upon request.\n* Breakfast is available upon request in a building next to the Hostel City Center.\n\nLot of possibilities around for lunch & dinner close to the property, restaurants, pubs offer classic Czech cuisine as well as Brewery house offers 10 kinds of fresh beer and a supermarket in the opposite side of the street.\n\nPublic transport is close to the property, Karlovo Namesti Metro station/Line B/ is 300m away. I.P.Pavlova metro station(line C) is one stop by tram any tram goes down e.g. tram no. 4,6,10,16,22 to St?pánská Tram stop which is in front of the Pension.\nTo Prague castle you get directly by tram no. 22 from the tram stop in front of the pension.\nClosest shopping centers, Andel is 1 stop by metro and Palladium are 3 stops .\n\nReception open(check-in) from 14:00-22:00\n\n- Breakfast / Swedish table for only 150 CZK / #6EUR/\n- Car parking place is available for extra 16EUR on request \n ! Important attention ! \n Time of arrival is reqired - will you be so kind and inform us and specific your arrival time to the reception for check-in as soon as posible few days before \n arrival . With out information about arrival time we ca not guarantee your check-in in time !!!\n
\n The staff is very nice and the place is super clean.\n
Couple, 18-24
\n 9.7\n
Oct 10, 2021
\n 🇮🇩 Very good hostel, clean and good price, I got private room and private bathroom, good location, the restorant around there are a good price as well. I enjoyed my stay in the hostel, hostel recommended\n
\n Excellent to rest with no excess noise. Breakfast was very well.\n
Male, 25-30
\n 8.9\n
Jul 2, 2023
\n Good location. Nicely secure and quiet.\n\nCould do with redecoration as the yellow walls do not have positive connotations for most British people! New bedding would be nice as well.\n
Male, 41+
\n 8.9\n
May 28, 2022
\n Very friendly reception, 8% discount when payed in cash. \nSeparate set of keys to enter the premises. \nClean, spacious room. Free coffee and/or tea on the corridor. \nEasy departure with Key deposit box.\n
Female, 31-40
\n 8.9\n
Dec 30, 2021
\n Mediocre rooms with very basic aesthetics and facilities for the the cost. But the security is high and hygiene level is above mark which were the two most important aspects for my previous journey. So felt safe and was able to concentrate on touring rather than worrying about the stay.\n
Couple, 25-30
\n 6.9\n
Sep 9, 2022
\n The place had a weird vibe for us. it was dark and pretty loud. Hard floors everywhere except in the rooms made the slightest noise seem louder. Probably wouldn't stay there again.\n
Male, 41+
\n 6.9\n
Jul 30, 2022
\n Very well located. For the price it is correct, lodging to sleep and nothing else.\n
Male, 31-40
\n 6.0\n
Jul 16, 2022
\n Just not great. Key system was weird, beds not v comfy, and vibes were bad\n
Male, 31-40
\n 3.7\n
Jan 25, 2022
\n The man on reception was very stupid and I paid money and he doesn't give me room keys , I have my girlfriend and he doesn't allow my girlfriend with me ,I was very angry with him, I paid for 1 night and later I stayed in my car because of this stupid man ...\n
Couple, 31-40
\n Free\n
\n Linen Included\n
\n Free City Maps\n
\n Towels Included\n
\n Free WiFi\n
\n Free City Tour\n
\n General\n
\n Bicycle Parking\n
\n Adaptors\n
\n Hot Showers\n
\n Fridge/Freezer\n
\n Cable TV\n
\n Parking\n
\n Hair Dryers\n
\n Iron / Ironing Board\n
\n Follows Covid-19 sanitation guidance\n
\n Services\n
\n Internet access\n
\n Luggage Storage\n
\n Tours/Travel Desk\n
\n Housekeeping\n
\n Reception (limited hours)\n
\n Food & Drink\n
\n Tea & Coffee Making Facilities\n
\n Entertainment\n
\n Wi-Fi\n
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