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345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [13, 297.6875, 80.203125, 26], [17, 301.6875, 62.453125, 15], [17, 301.6875, 62.453125, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [97.203125, 297.6875, 44.46875, 26], [101.203125, 301.6875, 26.71875, 15], [101.203125, 301.6875, 26.71875, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [145.671875, 297.6875, 92.484375, 26], [149.671875, 301.6875, 74.734375, 15], [149.671875, 301.6875, 74.734375, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [242.15625, 298.6875, 1028.84375, 23], [8, 347.40625, 1264, 250.71875], [8, 347.40625, 1264, 22], [8, 347.40625, 121.0625, 21], [8, 388.125, 1264, 210], [48, 388.125, 1224, 21], [31, 389.125, 7, 18], [31, 389.125, 7, 17], [48, 388.125, 46.390625, 21], [56, 391.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 409.125, 1224, 21], [31, 410.125, 7, 18], [31, 410.125, 7, 17], [48, 409.125, 52.296875, 21], [56, 412.125, 36.296875, 15], [48, 430.125, 1224, 21], [31, 431.125, 7, 18], [31, 431.125, 7, 17], [48, 430.125, 52.328125, 21], [56, 433.125, 36.328125, 15], [48, 451.125, 1224, 21], [31, 452.125, 7, 18], [31, 452.125, 7, 17], [48, 451.125, 51.5625, 21], [56, 454.125, 35.5625, 15], [48, 472.125, 1224, 21], [31, 473.125, 7, 18], [31, 473.125, 7, 17], [48, 472.125, 59.71875, 21], [56, 475.125, 43.71875, 15], [48, 493.125, 1224, 21], [31, 494.125, 7, 18], [31, 494.125, 7, 17], [48, 493.125, 46.390625, 21], [56, 496.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 514.125, 1224, 21], [31, 515.125, 7, 18], [31, 515.125, 7, 17], [48, 514.125, 37.5, 21], [56, 517.125, 21.5, 15], [48, 535.125, 1224, 21], [31, 536.125, 7, 18], [31, 536.125, 7, 17], [48, 535.125, 38.96875, 21], [56, 538.125, 22.96875, 15], [48, 556.125, 1224, 21], [31, 557.125, 7, 18], [31, 557.125, 7, 17], [48, 556.125, 55.265625, 21], [56, 559.125, 39.265625, 15], [48, 577.125, 1224, 21], [31, 578.125, 7, 18], [31, 578.125, 7, 17], [48, 577.125, 63.421875, 21], [56, 580.125, 47.421875, 15], [8, 614.125, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 616.5625, 70.171875, 21.265625], [16, 619.5625, 7.5, 12.265625], [16.703125, 620.265625, 6.09375, 10.859375], [23.5, 619.828125, 46.671875, 15], [78.171875, 614.125, 82.953125, 23.703125], [86.171875, 619.828125, 57.765625, 15], [143.9375, 617.125, 9.1875, 14.703125], [137.5, 610.6875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 233.875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 102.171875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 102.171875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 27], [8, 657.734375, 172.71875, 26], [8, 704.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 704.640625, 233.703125, 17], [8, 738.640625, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 741.640625, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 737.34375, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 741.90625, 60, 15], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 131.703125], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 131.703125], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 108], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 108], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 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153.515625, 1264, 101.90625], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 27], [8, 153.515625, 234.03125, 26], [8, 200.421875, 1264, 18], [8, 200.421875, 279.90625, 17], [8, 234.421875, 1264, 21], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [178.640625, 234.421875, 100.46875, 21], [186.640625, 237.421875, 84.46875, 15], [8, 271.421875, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 274.421875, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 270.125, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 274.6875, 60, 15], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [13, 297.6875, 80.203125, 26], [17, 301.6875, 62.453125, 15], [17, 301.6875, 62.453125, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [97.203125, 297.6875, 44.46875, 26], [101.203125, 301.6875, 26.71875, 15], [101.203125, 301.6875, 26.71875, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [145.671875, 297.6875, 92.484375, 26], [149.671875, 301.6875, 74.734375, 15], [149.671875, 301.6875, 74.734375, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [242.15625, 298.6875, 1028.84375, 23], [8, 347.40625, 1264, 250.71875], [8, 347.40625, 1264, 22], [8, 347.40625, 121.0625, 21], [8, 388.125, 1264, 210], [48, 388.125, 1224, 21], [31, 389.125, 7, 18], [31, 389.125, 7, 17], [48, 388.125, 46.390625, 21], [56, 391.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 409.125, 1224, 21], [31, 410.125, 7, 18], [31, 410.125, 7, 17], [48, 409.125, 52.296875, 21], [56, 412.125, 36.296875, 15], [48, 430.125, 1224, 21], [31, 431.125, 7, 18], [31, 431.125, 7, 17], [48, 430.125, 52.328125, 21], [56, 433.125, 36.328125, 15], [48, 451.125, 1224, 21], [31, 452.125, 7, 18], [31, 452.125, 7, 17], [48, 451.125, 51.5625, 21], [56, 454.125, 35.5625, 15], [48, 472.125, 1224, 21], [31, 473.125, 7, 18], [31, 473.125, 7, 17], [48, 472.125, 59.71875, 21], [56, 475.125, 43.71875, 15], [48, 493.125, 1224, 21], [31, 494.125, 7, 18], [31, 494.125, 7, 17], [48, 493.125, 46.390625, 21], [56, 496.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 514.125, 1224, 21], [31, 515.125, 7, 18], [31, 515.125, 7, 17], [48, 514.125, 37.5, 21], [56, 517.125, 21.5, 15], [48, 535.125, 1224, 21], [31, 536.125, 7, 18], [31, 536.125, 7, 17], [48, 535.125, 38.96875, 21], [56, 538.125, 22.96875, 15], [48, 556.125, 1224, 21], [31, 557.125, 7, 18], [31, 557.125, 7, 17], [48, 556.125, 55.265625, 21], [56, 559.125, 39.265625, 15], [48, 577.125, 1224, 21], [31, 578.125, 7, 18], [31, 578.125, 7, 17], [48, 577.125, 63.421875, 21], [56, 580.125, 47.421875, 15], [8, 614.125, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 616.5625, 70.171875, 21.265625], [16, 619.5625, 7.5, 12.265625], [16.703125, 620.265625, 6.09375, 10.859375], [23.5, 619.828125, 46.671875, 15], [78.171875, 614.125, 82.953125, 23.703125], [86.171875, 619.828125, 57.765625, 15], [143.9375, 617.125, 9.1875, 14.703125], [137.5, 610.6875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 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43.71875, 15], [48, 493.125, 1224, 21], [31, 494.125, 7, 18], [31, 494.125, 7, 17], [48, 493.125, 46.390625, 21], [56, 496.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 514.125, 1224, 21], [31, 515.125, 7, 18], [31, 515.125, 7, 17], [48, 514.125, 37.5, 21], [56, 517.125, 21.5, 15], [48, 535.125, 1224, 21], [31, 536.125, 7, 18], [31, 536.125, 7, 17], [48, 535.125, 38.96875, 21], [56, 538.125, 22.96875, 15], [48, 556.125, 1224, 21], [31, 557.125, 7, 18], [31, 557.125, 7, 17], [48, 556.125, 55.265625, 21], [56, 559.125, 39.265625, 15], [48, 577.125, 1224, 21], [31, 578.125, 7, 18], [31, 578.125, 7, 17], [48, 577.125, 63.421875, 21], [56, 580.125, 47.421875, 15], [8, 614.125, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 616.5625, 70.171875, 21.265625], [16, 619.5625, 7.5, 12.265625], [16.703125, 620.265625, 6.09375, 10.859375], [23.5, 619.828125, 46.671875, 15], [78.171875, 614.125, 82.953125, 23.703125], [86.171875, 619.828125, 57.765625, 15], [143.9375, 617.125, 9.1875, 14.703125], [137.5, 610.6875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 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230], [226, -1, 150, 160, 8, 232], [226, -1, 8, 234], [226, -1, 8, 236], [], [226, -1, 8, 239], [], [226, -1, 8, 242], [226, -1, 8, 245], [], [226, -1, 150, 248, 8, 249], [], [], [226, -1, 150, 252, 8, 253], [226, -1, 202, 203, 204, 255, 206, 256, 208, 257, 8, 258], [226, -1, 213, 260, 215, 261, 217, 218, 219, 218, 220, 221, 222, 262, 8, 263], [], [226, -1, 150, 157, 8, 266], [226, -1, 150, 160, 8, 268], [226, -1, 8, 270], [226, -1, 150, 272, 8, 273], [150, 275, 8, 276], [8, 278], [], [150, 282, 8, 283], [], [150, 275, 8, 288], [8, 290], [], [150, 282, 8, 293], [], [150, 275, 8, 295], [8, 297], [], [150, 282, 8, 300], [], [179, -1, 22, 178, 150, 302, 182, 183, 184, 15, 8, 303], [305, -1, 226, -1, 150, 306, 8, 307], [305, -1, 8, 310], [], [305, -1, 150, 314, 8, 315], [305, -1, 150, 318, 99, 319, 8, 320], [], [305, -1, 8, 325], [], [305, -1, 150, 318, 99, 328, 8, 329], [], [305, -1, 8, 331], [], [305, -1, 150, 318, 99, 334, 8, 335], [], [305, -1, 8, 337], [], [305, -1, 150, 318, 99, 340, 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[422, -1, 150, 609, 99, 628, 8, 629], [398, -1, 150, 193, 8, 631], [398, -1, 150, 384, 8, 633], [398, -1, 202, 203, 204, 255, 206, 256, 208, 257, 8, 635], [398, -1, 213, 260, 215, 261, 220, 221, 222, 262, 8, 637], [], [398, -1, 150, 197, 8, 639], [], [398, -1, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 8, 642], [398, -1, 213, 214, 215, 216, 220, 221, 222, 223, 8, 644], [646, -1, 150, 399, 8, 647], [646, -1, 150, 157, 8, 649], [646, -1, 150, 160, 8, 651], [], [646, -1, 8, 653], [], [646, -1, 8, 656], [150, 658, 8, 659], [202, 203, 204, 661, 206, 662, 208, 663, 8, 664], [213, 666, 215, 667, 217, 218, 219, 218, 220, 221, 222, 262, 8, 668], [], [80, 109, 8, 670], [80, 105, 8, 672], [99, 675, 8, 676], [678, 679, 99, 680, 8, 681], [99, 683, 8, 684], [30, 74, 32, 686, 8, 687], [99, 680, 8, 689], [99, 683, 8, 691], [30, 74, 32, 686, 8, 693]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [58, 59, 102], "value": [-1, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": 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88.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 88.90625, 205, 21], [213, 88.90625, 205, 21], [8, 109.90625, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 109.90625, 82.953125, 23.703125], [16, 115.609375, 57.765625, 15], [73.765625, 112.90625, 9.1875, 14.703125], [67.328125, 106.46875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 484.3125], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 139.171875], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 139.171875], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 101.90625], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 27], [8, 153.515625, 234.03125, 26], [8, 200.421875, 1264, 18], [8, 200.421875, 279.90625, 17], [8, 234.421875, 1264, 21], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [178.640625, 234.421875, 100.46875, 21], [186.640625, 237.421875, 84.46875, 15], [8, 271.421875, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 274.421875, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 270.125, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 274.6875, 60, 15], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [13, 297.6875, 80.203125, 26], [17, 301.6875, 62.453125, 15], [17, 301.6875, 62.453125, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [79.453125, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [97.203125, 297.6875, 44.46875, 26], [101.203125, 301.6875, 26.71875, 15], [101.203125, 301.6875, 26.71875, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [127.921875, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [145.671875, 297.6875, 92.484375, 26], [149.671875, 301.6875, 74.734375, 15], [149.671875, 301.6875, 74.734375, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [224.40625, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [242.15625, 298.6875, 1028.84375, 23], [8, 347.40625, 1264, 250.71875], [8, 347.40625, 1264, 22], [8, 347.40625, 121.0625, 21], [8, 388.125, 1264, 210], [48, 388.125, 1224, 21], [31, 389.125, 7, 18], [31, 389.125, 7, 17], [48, 388.125, 46.390625, 21], [56, 391.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 409.125, 1224, 21], [31, 410.125, 7, 18], [31, 410.125, 7, 17], [48, 409.125, 52.296875, 21], [56, 412.125, 36.296875, 15], [48, 430.125, 1224, 21], [31, 431.125, 7, 18], [31, 431.125, 7, 17], [48, 430.125, 52.328125, 21], [56, 433.125, 36.328125, 15], [48, 451.125, 1224, 21], [31, 452.125, 7, 18], [31, 452.125, 7, 17], [48, 451.125, 51.5625, 21], [56, 454.125, 35.5625, 15], [48, 472.125, 1224, 21], [31, 473.125, 7, 18], [31, 473.125, 7, 17], [48, 472.125, 59.71875, 21], [56, 475.125, 43.71875, 15], [48, 493.125, 1224, 21], [31, 494.125, 7, 18], [31, 494.125, 7, 17], [48, 493.125, 46.390625, 21], [56, 496.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 514.125, 1224, 21], [31, 515.125, 7, 18], [31, 515.125, 7, 17], [48, 514.125, 37.5, 21], [56, 517.125, 21.5, 15], [48, 535.125, 1224, 21], [31, 536.125, 7, 18], [31, 536.125, 7, 17], [48, 535.125, 38.96875, 21], [56, 538.125, 22.96875, 15], [48, 556.125, 1224, 21], [31, 557.125, 7, 18], [31, 557.125, 7, 17], [48, 556.125, 55.265625, 21], [56, 559.125, 39.265625, 15], [48, 577.125, 1224, 21], [31, 578.125, 7, 18], [31, 578.125, 7, 17], [48, 577.125, 63.421875, 21], [56, 580.125, 47.421875, 15], [8, 614.125, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 616.5625, 70.171875, 21.265625], [16, 619.5625, 7.5, 12.265625], [16.703125, 620.265625, 6.09375, 10.859375], [23.5, 619.828125, 46.671875, 15], [78.171875, 614.125, 82.953125, 23.703125], [86.171875, 619.828125, 57.765625, 15], [143.9375, 617.125, 9.1875, 14.703125], [137.5, 610.6875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 233.875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 102.171875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 102.171875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 27], [8, 657.734375, 172.71875, 26], [8, 704.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 704.640625, 233.703125, 17], [8, 738.640625, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 741.640625, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 737.34375, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 741.90625, 60, 15], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 131.703125], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 131.703125], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 108], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 108], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 759.90625, 45.34375, 17], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 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44.703125], [8, 88.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 88.90625, 205, 21], [213, 88.90625, 205, 21], [8, 109.90625, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 109.90625, 82.953125, 23.703125], [16, 115.609375, 57.765625, 15], [73.765625, 112.90625, 9.1875, 14.703125], [67.328125, 106.46875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 484.3125], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 139.171875], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 139.171875], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 101.90625], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 27], [8, 153.515625, 234.03125, 26], [8, 200.421875, 1264, 18], [8, 200.421875, 279.90625, 17], [8, 234.421875, 1264, 21], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [178.640625, 234.421875, 100.46875, 21], [186.640625, 237.421875, 84.46875, 15], [8, 271.421875, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 274.421875, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 270.125, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 274.6875, 60, 15], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [13, 297.6875, 80.203125, 26], [17, 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[[0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [8, 8, 1264, 1001.3125], [8, 8, 1264, 1001.3125], [8, 8, 1264, 1001.3125], [8, 8, 1264, 125.609375], [8, 8, 1264, 64.90625], [8, 8, 1264, 64.90625], [8, 8, 1264, 27], [8, 8, 164.671875, 26], [8, 54.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 54.90625, 406.53125, 17], [8, 88.90625, 1264, 44.703125], [8, 88.90625, 1264, 44.703125], [8, 88.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 88.90625, 205, 21], [213, 88.90625, 205, 21], [8, 109.90625, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 109.90625, 82.953125, 23.703125], [16, 115.609375, 57.765625, 15], [73.765625, 112.90625, 9.1875, 14.703125], [67.328125, 106.46875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 484.3125], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 139.171875], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 139.171875], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 101.90625], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 27], [8, 153.515625, 234.03125, 26], [8, 200.421875, 1264, 18], [8, 200.421875, 279.90625, 17], [8, 234.421875, 1264, 21], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [178.640625, 234.421875, 100.46875, 21], [186.640625, 237.421875, 84.46875, 15], [8, 271.421875, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 274.421875, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 270.125, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 274.6875, 60, 15], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [13, 298.6875, 1258, 23], [8, 347.40625, 1264, 250.71875], [8, 347.40625, 1264, 22], [8, 347.40625, 121.0625, 21], [8, 388.125, 1264, 210], [48, 388.125, 1224, 21], [31, 389.125, 7, 18], [31, 389.125, 7, 17], [48, 388.125, 46.390625, 21], [56, 391.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 409.125, 1224, 21], [31, 410.125, 7, 18], [31, 410.125, 7, 17], [48, 409.125, 52.296875, 21], [56, 412.125, 36.296875, 15], [48, 430.125, 1224, 21], [31, 431.125, 7, 18], [31, 431.125, 7, 17], [48, 430.125, 52.328125, 21], [56, 433.125, 36.328125, 15], [48, 451.125, 1224, 21], [31, 452.125, 7, 18], [31, 452.125, 7, 17], [48, 451.125, 51.5625, 21], [56, 454.125, 35.5625, 15], [48, 472.125, 1224, 21], [31, 473.125, 7, 18], 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9.1875, 14.703125], [137.5, 610.6875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 233.875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 102.171875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 102.171875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 27], [8, 657.734375, 172.71875, 26], [8, 704.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 704.640625, 233.703125, 17], [8, 738.640625, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 741.640625, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 737.34375, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 741.90625, 60, 15], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 131.703125], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 131.703125], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 108], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 108], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 759.90625, 45.34375, 17], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 759.90625, 45.34375, 17], [8, 777.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 777.90625, 47.921875, 17], [8, 777.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 777.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 777.90625, 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21], [8, 88.90625, 205, 21], [213, 88.90625, 205, 21], [8, 109.90625, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 109.90625, 82.953125, 23.703125], [16, 115.609375, 57.765625, 15], [73.765625, 112.90625, 9.1875, 14.703125], [67.328125, 106.46875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 484.3125], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 139.171875], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 139.171875], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 101.90625], [8, 153.515625, 1264, 27], [8, 153.515625, 234.03125, 26], [8, 200.421875, 1264, 18], [8, 200.421875, 279.90625, 17], [8, 234.421875, 1264, 21], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [178.640625, 234.421875, 100.46875, 21], [186.640625, 237.421875, 84.46875, 15], [8, 271.421875, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 274.421875, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 270.125, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 274.6875, 60, 15], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [13, 297.6875, 47.359375, 26], [17, 301.6875, 29.609375, 15], [17, 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46.390625, 21], [56, 496.125, 30.390625, 15], [48, 514.125, 1224, 21], [31, 515.125, 7, 18], [31, 515.125, 7, 17], [48, 514.125, 37.5, 21], [56, 517.125, 21.5, 15], [48, 535.125, 1224, 21], [31, 536.125, 7, 18], [31, 536.125, 7, 17], [48, 535.125, 38.96875, 21], [56, 538.125, 22.96875, 15], [48, 556.125, 1224, 21], [31, 557.125, 7, 18], [31, 557.125, 7, 17], [48, 556.125, 55.265625, 21], [56, 559.125, 39.265625, 15], [48, 577.125, 1224, 21], [31, 578.125, 7, 18], [31, 578.125, 7, 17], [48, 577.125, 63.421875, 21], [56, 580.125, 47.421875, 15], [8, 614.125, 1264, 23.703125], [8, 616.5625, 70.171875, 21.265625], [16, 619.5625, 7.5, 12.265625], [16.703125, 620.265625, 6.09375, 10.859375], [23.5, 619.828125, 46.671875, 15], [78.171875, 614.125, 82.953125, 23.703125], [86.171875, 619.828125, 57.765625, 15], [143.9375, 617.125, 9.1875, 14.703125], [137.5, 610.6875, 22.0625, 27.578125], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 233.875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 102.171875], [8, 657.734375, 1264, 102.171875], [8, 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912, 1264, 27], [], [8, 958, 1264, 0], [8, 958, 42, 51], [16, 961, 26, 45], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1009], [0, 0, 1280, 1009], [0, 0, 1264, 1001], [0, 0, 1264, 1001], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1264, 65], [0, 0, 1264, 65], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 24], [0, 0, 79, 20], [], [0, 0, 9, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 484], [0, 0, 1264, 139], [0, 0, 1264, 139], [0, 0, 1264, 102], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 96, 17], [], [0, 0, 80, 17], [0, 0, 8, 12], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 345], [0, 0, 1264, 345], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1262, 34], [0, 0, 45, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1207, 23], [0, 0, 1264, 251], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 210], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], 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[648, -1, 150, 160, 8, 653], [], [648, -1, 8, 655], [], [648, -1, 8, 658], [150, 660, 8, 661], [203, 204, 205, 663, 207, 664, 209, 665, 8, 666], [214, 668, 216, 669, 218, 219, 220, 219, 221, 222, 223, 263, 8, 670], [], [80, 109, 8, 672], [80, 105, 8, 674], [99, 677, 8, 678], [680, 681, 99, 682, 8, 683], [99, 685, 8, 686], [30, 74, 32, 688, 8, 689], [99, 682, 8, 691], [99, 685, 8, 693], [30, 74, 32, 688, 8, 695]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [58, 59, 102], "value": [-1, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoType": {"index": [91, 96, 101, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144], "value": [288, 288, 288, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326]}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [58, 59, 102]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [], "value": []}, "originURL": {"index": [], "value": []}}, "layout": 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[8, 153.515625, 234.03125, 26], [8, 200.421875, 1264, 18], [8, 200.421875, 279.90625, 17], [8, 234.421875, 1264, 21], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [8, 235.421875, 170.640625, 17], [178.640625, 234.421875, 100.46875, 21], [186.640625, 237.421875, 84.46875, 15], [8, 271.421875, 83.5, 21.265625], [16, 274.421875, 7.5, 12.265625], [11.703125, 270.125, 16.09375, 20.859375], [23.5, 274.6875, 60, 15], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 345.140625], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [8, 292.6875, 1264, 36], [13, 297.6875, 47.359375, 26], [17, 301.6875, 29.609375, 15], [17, 301.6875, 29.609375, 15], [46.609375, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [46.609375, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [46.609375, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [64.359375, 297.6875, 77.328125, 26], [68.359375, 301.6875, 59.578125, 15], [68.359375, 301.6875, 59.578125, 15], [127.9375, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [127.9375, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [127.9375, 301.6875, 9.75, 15], [145.6875, 297.6875, 49.515625, 26], [149.6875, 301.6875, 31.765625, 15], 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[15, 139, 140, 233, 17, 285, 7, 286], [15, 135, 40, 83, 17, 288, 7, 289], [108, 109, 43, 291, 7, 292], [15, 139, 140, 233, 17, 294, 7, 295], [15, 135, 40, 83, 17, 297, 7, 298], [108, 109, 43, 300, 7, 301], [15, 139, 140, 233, 17, 303, 7, 304], [15, 135, 40, 83, 17, 306, 7, 307], [108, 109, 43, 309, 7, 310], [15, 312, 17, 313, 314, 57, 7, 315], [112, 317, 114, 318, 314, 57, 7, 319], [112, 321, 114, 318, 314, 57, 7, 322], [324, 325, 114, 326, 314, 57, 7, 327], [324, 329, 114, 330, 314, 57, 7, 331], [324, 333, 114, 334, 314, 57, 7, 335], [112, 337, 114, 338, 314, 57, 7, 339], [324, 341, 114, 313, 314, 57, 7, 342], [344, 345, 114, 346, 7, 347], [344, 345, 114, 349, 7, 350], [352, -1, 40, 41, 42, -1, 43, 353, 7, 354], [15, 139, 140, 233, 17, 356, 7, 357], [15, 135, 40, 83, 17, 359, 7, 360], [108, 109, 43, 362, 7, 363], [15, 139, 140, 233, 17, 365, 7, 366], [15, 135, 40, 83, 17, 368, 7, 369], [108, 109, 43, 371, 7, 372], [15, 139, 140, 233, 17, 374, 7, 375], [15, 135, 40, 83, 17, 377, 7, 378], [108, 109, 43, 380, 7, 381], [15, 139, 140, 233, 17, 383, 7, 384], [15, 135, 40, 83, 17, 386, 7, 387], [108, 109, 43, 389, 7, 390], [15, 139, 140, 233, 17, 392, 7, 393], [15, 135, 40, 83, 17, 395, 7, 396], [108, 109, 43, 398, 7, 399], [42, 57, 40, 41, 43, 401, 7, 402], [108, 109, 43, 404, 7, 405], [40, 41, 43, 407, 42, 57, 7, 408], [42, 57, 40, 41, 43, 410], [], [7, 412], [], [13, 415, 7, 416], [260, -1, 7, 418], [13, 420, 260, 421, 7, 422], [13, 424, 260, 425, 7, 426], [260, 428, 7, 429], [260, 431, 7, 432], [260, 435, 17, 436, 7, 437], [], [260, 440, 7, 441], [260, 443, 7, 444], [260, 446, 17, 447, 7, 448], [260, 451, 7, 452], [], [260, 455, 7, 456], [260, 458, 7, 459], [260, 461, 7, 462], [260, 464, 7, 465], [112, 468, 260, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 473, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, -1, 7, 484], [260, 486, 7, 487], [260, 489, 7, 490], [260, 493, 13, 477, 494, 495, 496, 473, 233, 497, 7, 498], [494, 500, 501, 502, 496, 473, 260, 503, 7, 504], [260, 506, 7, 507], [260, 509, 7, 510], [], [260, 513, 7, 514], [], [260, 517, 7, 518], [], [260, 521, 7, 522], [260, 524, 7, 525], [260, 528, 7, 529], [], [260, 535, 7, 536], [], [260, 539, 7, 540], [], [496, 473, 542, 543, 260, 544, 7, 545], [260, 548, 7, 549], [260, 551, 7, 552], [], [260, 554, 7, 555], [260, 557, 7, 558], [17, 560, 260, 561, 542, 562, 496, 473, 7, 563], [260, 565, 7, 566], [260, 568, 7, 569], [], [40, 500, 260, 571, 7, 572], [260, 565, 7, 574], [260, 568, 7, 576], [], [260, 578, 7, 579], [260, 581, 233, 582, 7, 583], [260, 585, 7, 586], [260, 588, 7, 589], [], [260, 591, 7, 592], [17, 594, 260, 595, 7, 596], [260, 598, 7, 599], [], [260, 588, 7, 602], [], [260, 604, 7, 605], [17, 607, 260, 608, 7, 609], [260, 611, 7, 612], [], [260, 588, 7, 615], [], [260, 617, 7, 618], [17, 620, 260, 608, 7, 621], [260, 623, 7, 624], [], [260, 588, 7, 627], [], [260, 629, 7, 630], [17, 632, 260, 608, 7, 633], [260, 635, 7, 636], [], [260, 588, 7, 639], [], [260, 641, 7, 642], [17, 644, 260, 608, 7, 645], [260, 647, 7, 648], [], [260, 588, 7, 651], [], [260, 653, 7, 654], [17, 656, 260, 608, 7, 657], [260, 659, 7, 660], [], [260, 663, 7, 664], [260, 666, 7, 667], [], [17, 669, 260, 670, 7, 671], [], [260, 666, 7, 674], [], [494, 500, 501, 502, 260, 676, 7, 677], [260, 679, 7, 680], [], [260, 683, 7, 684], [260, 687, 7, 688], [260, 691, 7, 692], [], [40, 500, 260, 695, 7, 696], [], [260, 699, 7, 700], [260, 703, 7, 704], [], [13, 707, 260, 708, 7, 709], [260, 711, 40, 500, 7, 712], [], [260, 715, 40, 500, 7, 716], [], [13, 719, 260, 720, 7, 721], [260, 723, 7, 724], [542, 727, 260, 728, 112, 729, 13, 729, 7, 730], [483, 733, 7, 734], [], [483, 737, 7, 738], [], [483, 740, 7, 741], [], [483, 743, 7, 744], [], [483, 746, 7, 747], [], [483, 749, 7, 750], [], [483, 752, 7, 753], [], [260, 723, 7, 755], [542, 757, 260, 758, 112, 759, 13, 759, 7, 760], [483, 762, 7, 763], [], [483, 765, 7, 766], [], [483, 768, 7, 769], [], [483, 771, 7, 772], [], [483, 774, 7, 775], [], [483, 777, 7, 778], [], [483, 780, 7, 781], [], [483, 783, 7, 784], [], [483, 786, 7, 787], [], [483, 789, 7, 790], [], [483, 792, 7, 793], [], [483, 795, 7, 796], [], [483, 798, 7, 799], [], [483, 801, 7, 802], [], [483, 804, 7, 805], [], [483, 807, 7, 808], [], [483, 810, 7, 811], [], [483, 813, 7, 814], [], [483, 816, 7, 817], [], [483, 819, 7, 820], [], [483, 822, 7, 823], [], [483, 825, 7, 826], [], [483, 828, 7, 829], [], [483, 831, 7, 832], [], [483, 834, 7, 835], [], [483, 837, 7, 838], [], [483, 840, 7, 841], [], [260, 843, 7, 844], [260, 846, 7, 847], [], [40, 500, 260, 849, 7, 850], [], [260, 852, 7, 853], [260, 855, 7, 856], [260, 858, 494, 500, 7, 859], [260, 861, 7, 862], [260, 864, 7, 865], [], [260, 868, 7, 869], [], [260, 872, 7, 873], [260, 875, 7, 876], [260, 878, 7, 879], [260, 881, 7, 882], [260, 884, 7, 885], [], [260, 888, 7, 889], [260, 891, 7, 892], [], [260, 843, 7, 895], [260, 846, 7, 897], [], [40, 500, 260, 849, 7, 899], [], [260, 852, 7, 901], [260, 855, 7, 903], [260, 858, 494, 500, 7, 905], [260, 861, 7, 907], [260, 864, 7, 909], [], [260, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 233, 917, 7, 918], [], [260, 872, 7, 921], [260, 875, 7, 923], [260, 925, 7, 926], [260, 929, 930, 931, 7, 932], [260, 934, 7, 935], [40, 937, 13, 931, 112, 938, 260, 939, 483, 940, 7, 941], [260, 943, 7, 944], [260, 947, 7, 948], [], [260, 925, 7, 951], [260, 929, 930, 953, 7, 954], [260, 934, 7, 956], [40, 937, 13, 953, 112, 938, 260, 939, 483, 958, 7, 959], [260, 943, 7, 961], [260, 947, 7, 963], [], [260, 925, 7, 966], [260, 929, 930, 968, 7, 969], [260, 934, 7, 971], [40, 937, 13, 968, 112, 938, 260, 939, 483, 973, 7, 974], [260, 943, 7, 976], [260, 947, 7, 978], [], [260, 925, 7, 981], [260, 929, 930, 983, 7, 984], [260, 934, 7, 986], [40, 937, 13, 983, 112, 938, 260, 939, 483, 988, 7, 989], [260, 943, 7, 991], [260, 947, 7, 993], [], [260, 925, 7, 996], [260, 929, 930, 998, 7, 999], [260, 934, 7, 1001], [40, 937, 13, 998, 112, 938, 260, 939, 483, 1003, 7, 1004], [260, 1006, 7, 1007], [260, 943, 7, 1009], [260, 947, 7, 1011], [], [260, 925, 7, 1014], [260, 929, 930, 1016, 7, 1017], [260, 934, 7, 1019], [40, 937, 13, 1016, 112, 938, 260, 939, 483, 1021, 7, 1022], [260, 943, 7, 1024], [260, 947, 7, 1026], [], [260, 1029, 7, 1030], [260, 1033, 7, 1034], [260, 1036, 7, 1037], [], [17, 1040, 260, 1041, 7, 1042], [7, 1044], [], [260, 1047, 7, 1048], [], [260, 1051, 7, 1052], [260, 1054, 7, 1055], [], [17, 1057, 260, 1058, 7, 1059], [7, 1061], [], [260, 1064, 7, 1065], [], [260, 1054, 7, 1068], [], [17, 1071, 260, 1058, 7, 1072], [7, 1074], [], [260, 1064, 7, 1077], [], [260, 1054, 7, 1080], [], [17, 1083, 260, 1058, 7, 1084], [7, 1086], [], [260, 1064, 7, 1089], [], [260, 1054, 7, 1092], [], [17, 1095, 260, 1058, 7, 1096], [7, 1098], [], [260, 1064, 7, 1101], [], [260, 1054, 7, 1104], [], [17, 1107, 260, 1058, 7, 1108], [7, 1110], [], [260, 1064, 7, 1113], [], [260, 1116, 7, 1117], [], [260, 1120, 7, 1121], [], [260, 843, 7, 1124], [260, 846, 7, 1126], [], [40, 500, 260, 849, 7, 1128], [], [260, 852, 7, 1130], [260, 855, 7, 1132], [260, 858, 494, 500, 7, 1134], [260, 861, 7, 1136], [260, 864, 7, 1138], [], [260, 872, 7, 1141], [260, 875, 7, 1143], [260, 1145, 7, 1146], [260, 1148, 7, 1149], [260, 1151, 7, 1152], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1157], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1159], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1161], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1163], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1165], [260, 843, 7, 1167], [260, 846, 7, 1169], [], [40, 500, 260, 849, 7, 1171], [], [260, 852, 7, 1173], [260, 855, 7, 1175], [260, 858, 494, 500, 7, 1177], [260, 861, 7, 1179], [260, 864, 7, 1181], [], [260, 872, 7, 1184], [260, 875, 7, 1186], [260, 1188, 7, 1189], [260, 1191, 7, 1192], [260, 1194, 494, 500, 542, 1195, 7, 1196], [], [], [260, 1194, 494, 500, 542, 1199, 7, 1200], [], [], [260, 1194, 494, 500, 542, 1203, 7, 1204], [], [], [260, 843, 7, 1207], [260, 846, 7, 1209], [], [40, 500, 260, 849, 7, 1211], [], [260, 852, 7, 1213], [260, 855, 7, 1215], [260, 858, 494, 500, 7, 1217], [260, 861, 7, 1219], [260, 864, 7, 1221], [], [260, 872, 7, 1224], [260, 875, 7, 1226], [260, 925, 7, 1228], [260, 929, 930, 1230, 7, 1231], [260, 934, 7, 1233], [40, 937, 13, 1230, 112, 1235, 260, 939, 483, 1236, 7, 1237], [260, 943, 7, 1239], [260, 947, 7, 1241], [], [260, 925, 7, 1244], [260, 929, 930, 1246, 7, 1247], [260, 934, 7, 1249], [40, 937, 13, 1246, 112, 1235, 260, 939, 483, 1251, 7, 1252], [260, 943, 7, 1254], [260, 947, 7, 1256], [], [260, 925, 7, 1259], [260, 929, 930, 1261, 7, 1262], [260, 934, 7, 1264], [40, 937, 13, 1261, 112, 1235, 260, 939, 483, 1266, 7, 1267], [260, 943, 7, 1269], [260, 947, 7, 1271], [], [260, 843, 7, 1274], [260, 846, 7, 1276], [], [40, 500, 260, 849, 7, 1278], [], [260, 852, 7, 1280], [260, 855, 7, 1282], [260, 858, 494, 500, 7, 1284], [260, 861, 7, 1286], [260, 864, 7, 1288], [], [260, 872, 7, 1291], [260, 875, 7, 1293], [260, 878, 7, 1295], [260, 881, 7, 1297], [260, 884, 7, 1299], [], [260, 881, 7, 1302], [260, 884, 7, 1304], [], [260, 881, 7, 1307], [260, 884, 7, 1309], [], [260, 1312, 7, 1313], [], [7, 1317], [], [260, 1321, 7, 1322], [260, 1324, 7, 1325], [260, 1328, 7, 1329], [], [260, 1332, 7, 1333], [260, 1335, 7, 1336], [260, 1338, 930, 1339, 7, 1340], [], [260, 1343, 7, 1344], [260, 1346, 7, 1347], [260, 1349, 494, 1156, 7, 1350], [], [13, 502, 260, 1353, 542, 1342, 7, 1354], [483, 1356, 1357, 1352, 7, 1358], [], [483, 1360, 1357, 1361, 7, 1362], [], [483, 1364, 1357, 1365, 7, 1366], [], [483, 1368, 1357, 1369, 7, 1370], [], [483, 1372, 1357, 1373, 7, 1374], [], [483, 1376, 1357, 1377, 7, 1378], [], [260, 1380, 7, 1381], [40, 500, 260, 1383, 542, 1384, 7, 1385], [260, 1387, 7, 1388], [260, 1390, 7, 1391], [], [260, 1394, 7, 1395], [260, 1397, 7, 1398], [260, 1400, 7, 1401], [260, 1403, 7, 1404], [494, 500, 501, 502, 260, 1406, 542, 1407, 7, 1408], [260, 1410, 7, 1411], [], [260, 1414, 7, 1415], [260, 1417, 7, 1418], [260, 1420, 7, 1421], [260, 1423, 7, 1424], [260, 1426, 7, 1427], [], [17, 1429, 260, 1430, 7, 1431], [260, 1433, 7, 1434], [260, 1436, 7, 1437], [260, 1439, 7, 1440], [260, 1443, 43, 1444, 1445, 1446, 7, 1447], [260, 1449, 7, 1450], [260, 1452, 7, 1453], [260, 1455, 7, 1456], [], [260, 1459, 7, 1460], [260, 1462, 7, 1463], [260, 1465, 7, 1466], [260, 1468, 7, 1469], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1473], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1475], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1478], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 1482], [260, 1484, 7, 1485], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 1487], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 1490], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 1492], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 1495], [260, 1497, 7, 1498], [260, 1500, 7, 1501], [260, 1148, 7, 1503], [260, 1151, 7, 1505], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1509], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1511], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1513], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1515], [260, 1517, 7, 1518], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1520], [260, 1522, 7, 1523], [7, 1526], [], [260, 1529, 7, 1530], [260, 1532, 7, 1533], [260, 1535, 7, 1536], [], [260, 1539, 7, 1540], [260, 1542, 7, 1543], [], [260, 1546, 7, 1547], [260, 1549, 7, 1550], [260, 1552, 7, 1553], [], [260, 1556, 7, 1557], [260, 1559, 7, 1560], [], [260, 1562, 7, 1563], [260, 1565, 7, 1566], [260, 1568, 7, 1569], [], [260, 1572, 7, 1573], [260, 1575, 7, 1576], [], [260, 1578, 7, 1579], [260, 1581, 7, 1582], [260, 1584, 7, 1585], [], [260, 1588, 7, 1589], [260, 1591, 7, 1592], [], [260, 1595, 7, 1596], [260, 1598, 7, 1599], [260, 1601, 7, 1602], [260, 1604, 7, 1605], [260, 1607, 7, 1608], [260, 1610, 7, 1611], [7, 1613], [], [260, 1616, 7, 1617], [], [260, 1423, 7, 1620], [260, 1426, 7, 1622], [], [17, 1624, 260, 1430, 7, 1625], [260, 1433, 7, 1627], [260, 1436, 7, 1629], [260, 1439, 7, 1631], [260, 1443, 43, 1633, 1445, 1634, 7, 1635], [260, 1449, 7, 1637], [260, 1452, 7, 1639], [260, 1455, 7, 1641], [], [260, 1459, 7, 1644], [260, 1462, 7, 1646], [260, 1465, 7, 1648], [260, 1468, 7, 1650], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1652], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1654], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1656], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 1659], [260, 1484, 7, 1661], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 1663], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 1665], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 1667], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 1669], [260, 1497, 7, 1671], [260, 1500, 7, 1673], [260, 1148, 7, 1675], [260, 1151, 7, 1677], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1680], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1682], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1684], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1686], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1688], [260, 1522, 7, 1690], [7, 1692], [], [260, 1529, 7, 1695], [260, 1532, 7, 1697], [260, 1535, 7, 1699], [], [260, 1539, 7, 1702], [260, 1542, 7, 1704], [], [260, 1562, 7, 1706], [260, 1565, 7, 1708], [260, 1568, 7, 1710], [], [260, 1572, 7, 1712], [260, 1575, 7, 1714], [], [260, 1578, 7, 1716], [260, 1581, 7, 1718], [260, 1584, 7, 1720], [], [260, 1588, 7, 1723], [260, 1591, 7, 1725], [], [260, 1595, 7, 1727], [260, 1729, 7, 1730], [260, 1732, 7, 1733], [260, 1735, 7, 1736], [260, 1738, 7, 1739], [], [260, 1742, 7, 1743], [260, 1745, 7, 1746], [], [260, 1426, 7, 1749], [], [17, 1751, 260, 1430, 7, 1752], [260, 1433, 7, 1754], [260, 1436, 7, 1756], [260, 1439, 7, 1758], [260, 1443, 43, 1760, 1445, 1761, 7, 1762], [260, 1449, 7, 1764], [260, 1452, 7, 1766], [260, 1455, 7, 1768], [], [260, 1459, 7, 1771], [260, 1462, 7, 1773], [260, 1465, 7, 1775], [260, 1468, 7, 1777], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1780], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1783], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1786], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 1788], [260, 1484, 7, 1790], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 1792], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 1794], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 1796], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 1798], [260, 1800, 7, 1801], [260, 1803, 7, 1804], [260, 1148, 7, 1806], [260, 1151, 7, 1808], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1810], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1812], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1814], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1816], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1818], [260, 1820, 7, 1821], [7, 1823], [], [260, 1529, 7, 1826], [260, 1532, 7, 1828], [260, 1535, 7, 1830], [], [260, 1539, 7, 1833], [260, 1542, 7, 1835], [], [260, 1562, 7, 1837], [260, 1565, 7, 1839], [260, 1568, 7, 1841], [], [260, 1572, 7, 1844], [260, 1575, 7, 1846], [], [260, 1578, 7, 1848], [260, 1581, 7, 1850], [260, 1584, 7, 1852], [], [260, 1588, 7, 1855], [260, 1591, 7, 1857], [], [260, 1595, 7, 1859], [260, 1729, 7, 1861], [260, 1732, 7, 1863], [260, 1735, 7, 1865], [260, 1738, 7, 1867], [], [260, 1742, 7, 1869], [260, 1745, 7, 1871], [], [260, 1426, 7, 1874], [], [17, 1876, 260, 1430, 7, 1877], [260, 1433, 7, 1879], [260, 1436, 7, 1881], [260, 1439, 7, 1883], [260, 1443, 43, 1885, 1445, 1886, 7, 1887], [260, 1449, 7, 1889], [260, 1452, 7, 1891], [260, 1455, 7, 1893], [], [260, 1459, 7, 1896], [260, 1462, 7, 1898], [260, 1465, 7, 1900], [260, 1468, 7, 1902], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1904], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1906], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 1908], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 1910], [260, 1484, 7, 1912], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 1914], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 1916], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 1918], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 1920], [260, 1497, 7, 1922], [260, 1500, 7, 1924], [260, 1148, 7, 1926], [260, 1151, 7, 1928], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1931], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1933], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1935], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 1937], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 1939], [260, 1517, 7, 1941], [260, 1522, 7, 1943], [7, 1945], [], [260, 1529, 7, 1948], [260, 1532, 7, 1950], [260, 1535, 7, 1952], [], [260, 1539, 7, 1955], [260, 1542, 7, 1957], [], [260, 1562, 7, 1959], [260, 1565, 7, 1961], [260, 1568, 7, 1963], [], [260, 1572, 7, 1966], [260, 1575, 7, 1968], [], [260, 1578, 7, 1970], [260, 1581, 7, 1972], [260, 1584, 7, 1974], [], [260, 1588, 7, 1976], [260, 1591, 7, 1978], [], [260, 1595, 7, 1980], [260, 1729, 7, 1982], [260, 1732, 7, 1984], [260, 1735, 7, 1986], [260, 1738, 7, 1988], [], [260, 1742, 7, 1990], [260, 1745, 7, 1992], [], [260, 1426, 7, 1995], [], [17, 1997, 260, 1430, 7, 1998], [260, 1433, 7, 2000], [260, 1436, 7, 2002], [260, 2004, 7, 2005], [260, 1449, 7, 2007], [260, 1452, 7, 2009], [260, 1455, 7, 2011], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2014], [260, 1462, 7, 2016], [260, 1465, 7, 2018], [260, 1468, 7, 2020], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2022], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2025], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2027], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2030], [260, 1484, 7, 2032], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 2034], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2036], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2038], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2040], [260, 1497, 7, 2042], [260, 1500, 7, 2044], [260, 1148, 7, 2046], [260, 1151, 7, 2048], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2050], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2052], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2054], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2056], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2058], [260, 1517, 7, 2060], [260, 1522, 7, 2062], [7, 2064], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2067], [260, 1532, 7, 2069], [260, 1535, 7, 2071], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2074], [260, 1542, 7, 2076], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2078], [260, 1565, 7, 2080], [260, 1568, 7, 2082], [], [260, 1572, 7, 2084], [260, 1575, 7, 2086], [], [260, 1578, 7, 2088], [260, 1581, 7, 2090], [260, 1584, 7, 2092], [], [260, 1588, 7, 2094], [260, 1591, 7, 2096], [], [260, 1595, 7, 2098], [260, 1729, 7, 2100], [260, 1732, 7, 2102], [260, 1735, 7, 2104], [260, 1738, 7, 2106], [], [260, 1742, 7, 2108], [260, 1745, 7, 2110], [], [260, 1426, 7, 2112], [], [17, 2114, 260, 1430, 7, 2115], [260, 1433, 7, 2117], [260, 1436, 7, 2119], [260, 2004, 7, 2121], [260, 1449, 7, 2123], [260, 1452, 7, 2125], [260, 1455, 7, 2127], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2130], [260, 1462, 7, 2132], [260, 1465, 7, 2134], [260, 1468, 7, 2136], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2139], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2141], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2143], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2145], [260, 1484, 7, 2147], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2149], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2151], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2153], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2155], [260, 1497, 7, 2157], [260, 1500, 7, 2159], [260, 1148, 7, 2161], [260, 1151, 7, 2163], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2165], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2167], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2169], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2171], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2173], [260, 1517, 7, 2175], [260, 1522, 7, 2177], [7, 2179], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2182], [260, 1532, 7, 2184], [260, 1535, 7, 2186], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2189], [260, 1542, 7, 2191], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2193], [260, 1565, 7, 2195], [260, 1568, 7, 2197], [], [260, 1572, 7, 2200], [260, 1575, 7, 2202], [], [260, 1578, 7, 2204], [260, 1581, 7, 2206], [260, 1584, 7, 2208], [], [260, 1588, 7, 2210], [260, 1591, 7, 2212], [], [260, 1595, 7, 2214], [260, 1729, 7, 2216], [260, 1732, 7, 2218], [260, 1735, 7, 2220], [260, 1738, 7, 2222], [], [260, 1742, 7, 2224], [260, 1745, 7, 2226], [], [260, 1426, 7, 2229], [], [17, 2231, 260, 1430, 7, 2232], [260, 1433, 7, 2234], [260, 1436, 7, 2236], [260, 2004, 7, 2238], [260, 1449, 7, 2240], [260, 1452, 7, 2242], [260, 1455, 7, 2244], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2247], [260, 1462, 7, 2249], [260, 1465, 7, 2251], [260, 1468, 7, 2253], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2256], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2258], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2260], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2263], [260, 1484, 7, 2265], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 2267], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2269], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2271], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2273], [260, 1497, 7, 2275], [260, 1500, 7, 2277], [260, 1148, 7, 2279], [260, 1151, 7, 2281], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2283], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2285], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2287], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2289], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2291], [260, 1517, 7, 2293], [260, 1522, 7, 2295], [7, 2297], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2300], [260, 1532, 7, 2302], [260, 1535, 7, 2304], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2307], [260, 1542, 7, 2309], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2311], [260, 1565, 7, 2313], [260, 1568, 7, 2315], [], [260, 1572, 7, 2318], [260, 1575, 7, 2320], [], [260, 1578, 7, 2322], [260, 1581, 7, 2324], [260, 1584, 7, 2326], [], [260, 1588, 7, 2328], [260, 1591, 7, 2330], [], [260, 1595, 7, 2332], [260, 1729, 7, 2334], [260, 1732, 7, 2336], [260, 1735, 7, 2338], [260, 1738, 7, 2340], [], [260, 1742, 7, 2342], [260, 1745, 7, 2344], [], [260, 1426, 7, 2346], [], [17, 2348, 260, 1430, 7, 2349], [260, 1433, 7, 2351], [260, 1436, 7, 2353], [260, 2004, 7, 2355], [260, 1449, 7, 2357], [260, 1452, 7, 2359], [260, 1455, 7, 2361], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2364], [260, 1462, 7, 2366], [260, 1465, 7, 2368], [260, 1468, 7, 2370], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2373], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2376], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2378], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2381], [260, 1484, 7, 2383], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 2385], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2387], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2389], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2391], [260, 1497, 7, 2393], [260, 1500, 7, 2395], [260, 1148, 7, 2397], [260, 1151, 7, 2399], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2401], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2403], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2405], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2407], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2409], [260, 1517, 7, 2411], [260, 1522, 7, 2413], [7, 2415], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2418], [260, 1532, 7, 2420], [260, 1535, 7, 2422], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2425], [260, 1542, 7, 2427], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2429], [260, 1565, 7, 2431], [260, 1568, 7, 2433], [], [260, 1572, 7, 2435], [260, 1575, 7, 2437], [], [260, 1578, 7, 2439], [260, 1581, 7, 2441], [260, 1584, 7, 2443], [], [260, 1588, 7, 2446], [260, 1591, 7, 2448], [], [260, 1595, 7, 2450], [260, 1729, 7, 2452], [260, 1732, 7, 2454], [260, 1735, 7, 2456], [260, 1738, 7, 2458], [], [260, 1742, 7, 2460], [260, 1745, 7, 2462], [], [260, 1426, 7, 2464], [], [17, 2466, 260, 1430, 7, 2467], [260, 1433, 7, 2469], [260, 1436, 7, 2471], [260, 2004, 7, 2473], [260, 1449, 7, 2475], [260, 1452, 7, 2477], [260, 1455, 7, 2479], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2482], [260, 1462, 7, 2484], [260, 1465, 7, 2486], [260, 1468, 7, 2488], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2491], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2494], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2496], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2498], [260, 1484, 7, 2500], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 2502], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2504], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2506], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2508], [260, 1497, 7, 2510], [260, 1500, 7, 2512], [260, 1148, 7, 2514], [260, 1151, 7, 2516], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2518], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2520], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2522], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2524], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2526], [260, 1517, 7, 2528], [260, 1522, 7, 2530], [7, 2532], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2535], [260, 1532, 7, 2537], [260, 1535, 7, 2539], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2541], [260, 1542, 7, 2543], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2545], [260, 1565, 7, 2547], [260, 1568, 7, 2549], [], [260, 1572, 7, 2551], [260, 1575, 7, 2553], [], [260, 1578, 7, 2555], [260, 1581, 7, 2557], [260, 1584, 7, 2559], [], [260, 1588, 7, 2561], [260, 1591, 7, 2563], [], [260, 1595, 7, 2565], [260, 1729, 7, 2567], [260, 1732, 7, 2569], [260, 1735, 7, 2571], [260, 1738, 7, 2573], [], [260, 1742, 7, 2575], [260, 1745, 7, 2577], [], [260, 1426, 7, 2580], [], [17, 2582, 260, 1430, 7, 2583], [260, 1433, 7, 2585], [260, 1436, 7, 2587], [260, 2004, 7, 2589], [260, 1449, 7, 2591], [260, 1452, 7, 2593], [260, 1455, 7, 2595], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2598], [260, 1462, 7, 2600], [260, 1465, 7, 2602], [260, 1468, 7, 2604], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2606], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2608], [260, 1484, 7, 2610], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 2612], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2614], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2616], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2618], [260, 1497, 7, 2620], [260, 1500, 7, 2622], [260, 1148, 7, 2624], [260, 1151, 7, 2626], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2629], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2631], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2633], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2635], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2637], [260, 1522, 7, 2639], [7, 2641], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2644], [260, 1532, 7, 2646], [260, 1535, 7, 2648], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2651], [260, 1542, 7, 2653], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2655], [260, 1565, 7, 2657], [260, 1568, 7, 2659], [], [260, 1572, 7, 2661], [260, 1575, 7, 2663], [], [260, 1578, 7, 2665], [260, 1581, 7, 2667], [260, 1584, 7, 2669], [], [260, 1588, 7, 2671], [260, 1591, 7, 2673], [], [260, 1595, 7, 2675], [260, 1729, 7, 2677], [260, 1732, 7, 2679], [260, 1735, 7, 2681], [260, 1738, 7, 2683], [], [260, 1742, 7, 2685], [260, 1745, 7, 2687], [], [260, 1426, 7, 2689], [], [17, 2691, 260, 1430, 7, 2692], [260, 1433, 7, 2694], [260, 1436, 7, 2696], [260, 2004, 7, 2698], [260, 1449, 7, 2700], [260, 1452, 7, 2702], [260, 1455, 7, 2704], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2707], [260, 1462, 7, 2709], [260, 1465, 7, 2711], [260, 1468, 7, 2713], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2716], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2719], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2722], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2724], [260, 1484, 7, 2726], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2728], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2730], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2732], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2734], [260, 1800, 7, 2736], [260, 1803, 7, 2738], [260, 1148, 7, 2740], [260, 1151, 7, 2742], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2744], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2746], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2748], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2750], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2752], [260, 1820, 7, 2754], [7, 2756], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2758], [260, 1532, 7, 2760], [260, 1535, 7, 2762], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2765], [260, 1542, 7, 2767], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2769], [260, 1565, 7, 2771], [260, 1568, 7, 2773], [], [260, 1572, 7, 2775], [260, 1575, 7, 2777], [], [260, 1578, 7, 2779], [260, 1581, 7, 2781], [260, 1584, 7, 2783], [], [260, 1588, 7, 2785], [260, 1591, 7, 2787], [], [260, 1595, 7, 2789], [260, 1729, 7, 2791], [260, 1732, 7, 2793], [260, 1735, 7, 2795], [260, 1738, 7, 2797], [], [260, 1742, 7, 2799], [260, 1745, 7, 2801], [], [260, 1426, 7, 2804], [], [17, 2806, 260, 1430, 7, 2807], [260, 1433, 7, 2809], [260, 1436, 7, 2811], [260, 2004, 7, 2813], [260, 1449, 7, 2815], [260, 1452, 7, 2817], [260, 1455, 7, 2819], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2822], [260, 1462, 7, 2824], [260, 1465, 7, 2826], [260, 1468, 7, 2828], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2830], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2832], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2834], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2837], [260, 1484, 7, 2839], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 2841], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2843], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2845], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2847], [260, 1497, 7, 2849], [260, 1500, 7, 2851], [260, 1148, 7, 2853], [260, 1151, 7, 2855], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2857], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2859], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2861], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2863], [260, 1517, 7, 2865], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2867], [260, 1522, 7, 2869], [7, 2871], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2873], [260, 1532, 7, 2875], [260, 1535, 7, 2877], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2880], [260, 1542, 7, 2882], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2884], [260, 1565, 7, 2886], [260, 1568, 7, 2888], [], [260, 1572, 7, 2890], [260, 1575, 7, 2892], [], [260, 1578, 7, 2894], [260, 1581, 7, 2896], [260, 1584, 7, 2898], [], [260, 1588, 7, 2900], [260, 1591, 7, 2902], [], [260, 1595, 7, 2904], [260, 1729, 7, 2906], [260, 1732, 7, 2908], [260, 1735, 7, 2910], [260, 1738, 7, 2912], [], [260, 1742, 7, 2914], [260, 1745, 7, 2916], [], [260, 1426, 7, 2918], [], [17, 2920, 260, 1430, 7, 2921], [260, 1433, 7, 2923], [260, 1436, 7, 2925], [260, 2004, 7, 2927], [260, 1449, 7, 2929], [260, 1452, 7, 2931], [260, 1455, 7, 2933], [], [260, 1459, 7, 2936], [260, 1462, 7, 2938], [260, 1465, 7, 2940], [260, 1468, 7, 2942], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2944], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2946], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 2948], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 2950], [260, 1484, 7, 2952], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 2954], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2956], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 2958], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 2960], [260, 1497, 7, 2962], [260, 1500, 7, 2964], [260, 1148, 7, 2966], [260, 1151, 7, 2968], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2970], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2972], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 2974], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2976], [260, 1517, 7, 2978], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 2980], [260, 1522, 7, 2982], [7, 2984], [], [260, 1529, 7, 2986], [260, 1532, 7, 2988], [260, 1535, 7, 2990], [], [260, 1539, 7, 2993], [260, 1542, 7, 2995], [], [260, 1562, 7, 2997], [260, 1565, 7, 2999], [260, 1568, 7, 3001], [], [260, 1572, 7, 3004], [260, 1575, 7, 3006], [], [260, 1578, 7, 3008], [260, 1581, 7, 3010], [260, 1584, 7, 3012], [], [260, 1588, 7, 3015], [260, 1591, 7, 3017], [], [260, 1595, 7, 3019], [260, 1729, 7, 3021], [260, 1732, 7, 3023], [260, 1735, 7, 3025], [260, 1738, 7, 3027], [], [260, 1742, 7, 3029], [260, 1745, 7, 3031], [], [260, 1426, 7, 3033], [], [17, 3035, 260, 1430, 7, 3036], [260, 1433, 7, 3038], [260, 1436, 7, 3040], [260, 2004, 7, 3042], [260, 1449, 7, 3044], [260, 1452, 7, 3046], [260, 1455, 7, 3048], [], [260, 1459, 7, 3051], [260, 1462, 7, 3053], [260, 1465, 7, 3055], [260, 1468, 7, 3057], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3059], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3062], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 3064], [260, 1484, 7, 3066], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3068], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3070], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3072], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 3074], [260, 1800, 7, 3076], [260, 1803, 7, 3078], [260, 1148, 7, 3080], [260, 1151, 7, 3082], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3084], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3086], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3088], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3090], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3092], [260, 1820, 7, 3094], [7, 3096], [], [260, 1529, 7, 3098], [260, 1532, 7, 3100], [260, 1535, 7, 3102], [], [260, 1539, 7, 3105], [260, 1542, 7, 3107], [], [260, 1562, 7, 3109], [260, 1565, 7, 3111], [260, 1568, 7, 3113], [], [260, 1572, 7, 3115], [260, 1575, 7, 3117], [], [260, 1578, 7, 3119], [260, 1581, 7, 3121], [260, 1584, 7, 3123], [], [260, 1588, 7, 3126], [260, 1591, 7, 3128], [], [260, 1595, 7, 3130], [260, 1729, 7, 3132], [260, 1732, 7, 3134], [260, 1735, 7, 3136], [260, 1738, 7, 3138], [], [260, 1742, 7, 3140], [260, 1745, 7, 3142], [], [260, 1426, 7, 3145], [], [17, 3147, 260, 1430, 7, 3148], [260, 1433, 7, 3150], [260, 1436, 7, 3152], [260, 2004, 7, 3154], [260, 1449, 7, 3156], [260, 1452, 7, 3158], [260, 1455, 7, 3160], [], [260, 3163, 7, 3164], [260, 3166, 7, 3167], [], [260, 1459, 7, 3170], [260, 1462, 7, 3172], [260, 1465, 7, 3174], [260, 1468, 7, 3176], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3178], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3180], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3182], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 3185], [260, 1484, 7, 3187], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3189], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3191], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3193], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 3195], [260, 1497, 7, 3197], [260, 1500, 7, 3199], [260, 1148, 7, 3201], [260, 1151, 7, 3203], [], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 3206], [260, 1508, 494, 1156, 7, 3208], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3210], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3212], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3214], [260, 1522, 7, 3216], [7, 3218], [], [260, 1529, 7, 3221], [260, 1532, 7, 3223], [260, 1535, 7, 3225], [], [260, 1539, 7, 3228], [260, 1542, 7, 3230], [], [260, 1562, 7, 3232], [260, 1565, 7, 3234], [260, 1568, 7, 3236], [], [260, 1572, 7, 3238], [260, 1575, 7, 3240], [], [260, 1578, 7, 3242], [260, 1581, 7, 3244], [260, 1584, 7, 3246], [], [260, 1588, 7, 3249], [260, 1591, 7, 3251], [], [260, 1595, 7, 3253], [260, 1729, 7, 3255], [260, 1732, 7, 3257], [260, 1735, 7, 3259], [260, 1738, 7, 3261], [], [260, 1742, 7, 3263], [260, 1745, 7, 3265], [], [260, 1426, 7, 3268], [], [17, 3270, 260, 1430, 7, 3271], [260, 1433, 7, 3273], [260, 1436, 7, 3275], [260, 2004, 7, 3277], [260, 1449, 7, 3279], [260, 1452, 7, 3281], [260, 1455, 7, 3283], [], [260, 1459, 7, 3286], [260, 1462, 7, 3288], [260, 1465, 7, 3290], [260, 1468, 7, 3292], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3294], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3296], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 3298], [260, 1484, 7, 3300], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3302], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3304], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3306], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 3308], [260, 1800, 7, 3310], [260, 1803, 7, 3312], [260, 1148, 7, 3314], [260, 1151, 7, 3316], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3318], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3320], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3322], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3324], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3326], [260, 1820, 7, 3328], [7, 3330], [], [260, 1529, 7, 3332], [260, 1532, 7, 3334], [260, 1535, 7, 3336], [], [260, 1539, 7, 3339], [260, 1542, 7, 3341], [], [260, 1562, 7, 3343], [260, 1565, 7, 3345], [260, 1568, 7, 3347], [], [260, 1572, 7, 3349], [260, 1575, 7, 3351], [], [260, 1578, 7, 3353], [260, 1581, 7, 3355], [260, 1584, 7, 3357], [], [260, 1588, 7, 3359], [260, 1591, 7, 3361], [], [260, 1595, 7, 3363], [260, 1729, 7, 3365], [260, 1732, 7, 3367], [260, 1735, 7, 3369], [260, 1738, 7, 3371], [], [260, 1742, 7, 3373], [260, 1745, 7, 3375], [], [260, 1426, 7, 3378], [], [17, 3380, 260, 1430, 7, 3381], [260, 1433, 7, 3383], [260, 1436, 7, 3385], [260, 2004, 7, 3387], [260, 1449, 7, 3389], [260, 1452, 7, 3391], [260, 1455, 7, 3393], [], [260, 1459, 7, 3396], [260, 1462, 7, 3398], [260, 1465, 7, 3400], [260, 1468, 7, 3402], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3404], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3407], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3409], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 3412], [260, 1484, 7, 3414], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3416], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3418], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3420], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 3422], [260, 1800, 7, 3424], [260, 1803, 7, 3426], [260, 1148, 7, 3428], [260, 1151, 7, 3430], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3432], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3434], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3436], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3438], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3440], [260, 1820, 7, 3442], [7, 3444], [], [260, 1529, 7, 3446], [260, 1532, 7, 3448], [260, 1535, 7, 3450], [], [260, 1539, 7, 3453], [260, 1542, 7, 3455], [], [260, 1562, 7, 3457], [260, 1565, 7, 3459], [260, 1568, 7, 3461], [], [260, 1572, 7, 3463], [260, 1575, 7, 3465], [], [260, 1578, 7, 3467], [260, 1581, 7, 3469], [260, 1584, 7, 3471], [], [260, 1588, 7, 3474], [260, 1591, 7, 3476], [], [260, 1595, 7, 3478], [260, 1729, 7, 3480], [260, 1732, 7, 3482], [260, 1735, 7, 3484], [260, 1738, 7, 3486], [], [260, 1742, 7, 3488], [260, 1745, 7, 3490], [], [260, 1426, 7, 3493], [], [17, 3495, 260, 1430, 7, 3496], [260, 1433, 7, 3498], [260, 1436, 7, 3500], [260, 2004, 7, 3502], [260, 1449, 7, 3504], [260, 1452, 7, 3506], [260, 1455, 7, 3508], [], [260, 3511, 7, 3512], [260, 3514, 7, 3515], [], [43, 3517, 1445, 3518, 260, 3519, 7, 3520], [260, 1459, 7, 3522], [260, 1462, 7, 3524], [260, 1465, 7, 3526], [260, 1468, 7, 3528], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3530], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 3532], [260, 1484, 7, 3534], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3536], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3538], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3540], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 3542], [260, 1800, 7, 3544], [260, 1803, 7, 3546], [260, 1148, 7, 3548], [260, 1151, 7, 3550], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3552], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3554], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3556], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3558], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3560], [260, 1820, 7, 3562], [7, 3564], [], [260, 1529, 7, 3566], [260, 1532, 7, 3568], [260, 1535, 7, 3570], [], [260, 1539, 7, 3573], [260, 1542, 7, 3575], [], [260, 1562, 7, 3577], [260, 1565, 7, 3579], [260, 1568, 7, 3581], [], [260, 1572, 7, 3583], [260, 1575, 7, 3585], [], [260, 1578, 7, 3587], [260, 1581, 7, 3589], [260, 1584, 7, 3591], [], [260, 1588, 7, 3593], [260, 1591, 7, 3595], [], [260, 1595, 7, 3597], [260, 1729, 7, 3599], [260, 1732, 7, 3601], [260, 1735, 7, 3603], [260, 1738, 7, 3605], [], [260, 1742, 7, 3607], [260, 1745, 7, 3609], [], [260, 1426, 7, 3611], [], [17, 3613, 260, 1430, 7, 3614], [260, 1433, 7, 3616], [260, 1436, 7, 3618], [260, 2004, 7, 3620], [260, 1449, 7, 3622], [260, 1452, 7, 3624], [260, 1455, 7, 3626], [], [260, 1459, 7, 3629], [260, 1462, 7, 3631], [260, 1465, 7, 3633], [260, 1468, 7, 3635], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3637], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 3639], [260, 1484, 7, 3641], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3643], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3645], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3647], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 3649], [260, 1800, 7, 3651], [260, 1803, 7, 3653], [260, 1148, 7, 3655], [260, 1151, 7, 3657], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3659], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3661], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3663], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3665], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3667], [260, 1820, 7, 3669], [7, 3671], [], [260, 1529, 7, 3673], [260, 1532, 7, 3675], [260, 1535, 7, 3677], [], [260, 1539, 7, 3679], [260, 1542, 7, 3681], [], [260, 1562, 7, 3683], [260, 1565, 7, 3685], [260, 1568, 7, 3687], [], [260, 1572, 7, 3689], [260, 1575, 7, 3691], [], [260, 1578, 7, 3693], [260, 1581, 7, 3695], [260, 1584, 7, 3697], [], [260, 1588, 7, 3699], [260, 1591, 7, 3701], [], [260, 1595, 7, 3703], [260, 1729, 7, 3705], [260, 1732, 7, 3707], [260, 1735, 7, 3709], [260, 1738, 7, 3711], [], [260, 1742, 7, 3713], [260, 1745, 7, 3715], [], [260, 1426, 7, 3717], [], [17, 3719, 260, 1430, 7, 3720], [260, 1433, 7, 3722], [260, 1436, 7, 3724], [260, 2004, 7, 3726], [260, 1449, 7, 3728], [260, 1452, 7, 3730], [260, 1455, 7, 3732], [], [260, 1459, 7, 3735], [260, 1462, 7, 3737], [260, 1465, 7, 3739], [260, 1468, 7, 3741], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3743], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3745], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 3747], [260, 1484, 7, 3749], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3751], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3753], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3755], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 3757], [260, 1800, 7, 3759], [260, 1803, 7, 3761], [260, 1148, 7, 3763], [260, 1151, 7, 3765], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3767], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3769], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3771], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3773], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 3775], [260, 1820, 7, 3777], [7, 3779], [], [260, 1529, 7, 3781], [260, 1532, 7, 3783], [260, 1535, 7, 3785], [], [260, 1539, 7, 3788], [260, 1542, 7, 3790], [], [260, 1562, 7, 3792], [260, 1565, 7, 3794], [260, 1568, 7, 3796], [], [260, 1572, 7, 3798], [260, 1575, 7, 3800], [], [260, 1578, 7, 3802], [260, 1581, 7, 3804], [260, 1584, 7, 3806], [], [260, 1588, 7, 3808], [260, 1591, 7, 3810], [], [260, 1595, 7, 3812], [260, 1729, 7, 3814], [260, 1732, 7, 3816], [260, 1735, 7, 3818], [260, 1738, 7, 3820], [], [260, 1742, 7, 3822], [260, 1745, 7, 3824], [], [260, 1426, 7, 3827], [], [17, 3829, 260, 1430, 7, 3830], [260, 1433, 7, 3832], [260, 1436, 7, 3834], [260, 2004, 7, 3836], [260, 1449, 7, 3838], [260, 1452, 7, 3840], [260, 1455, 7, 3842], [], [260, 1459, 7, 3845], [260, 1462, 7, 3847], [260, 1465, 7, 3849], [260, 1468, 7, 3851], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3853], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 3855], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 3857], [260, 1484, 7, 3859], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 3861], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3863], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 3865], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 3867], [260, 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1729, 7, 4032], [260, 1732, 7, 4034], [260, 1735, 7, 4036], [260, 1738, 7, 4038], [], [260, 1742, 7, 4040], [260, 1745, 7, 4042], [], [260, 1426, 7, 4045], [], [17, 4047, 260, 1430, 7, 4048], [260, 1433, 7, 4050], [260, 1436, 7, 4052], [260, 2004, 7, 4054], [260, 1449, 7, 4056], [260, 1452, 7, 4058], [260, 1455, 7, 4060], [], [260, 1459, 7, 4063], [260, 1462, 7, 4065], [260, 1465, 7, 4067], [260, 1468, 7, 4069], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 4072], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 4075], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 4077], [260, 1484, 7, 4079], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 4081], [], [], [260, 1484, 7, 4083], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 4085], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 4087], [260, 1800, 7, 4089], [260, 1803, 7, 4091], [260, 1148, 7, 4093], [260, 1151, 7, 4095], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4097], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4099], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4101], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4103], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4105], [260, 1820, 7, 4107], [7, 4109], [], [260, 1529, 7, 4111], [260, 1532, 7, 4113], [260, 1535, 7, 4115], [], [260, 1539, 7, 4118], [260, 1542, 7, 4120], [], [260, 1562, 7, 4122], [260, 1565, 7, 4124], [260, 1568, 7, 4126], [], [260, 1572, 7, 4128], [260, 1575, 7, 4130], [], [260, 1578, 7, 4132], [260, 1581, 7, 4134], [260, 1584, 7, 4136], [], [260, 1588, 7, 4138], [260, 1591, 7, 4140], [], [260, 1595, 7, 4142], [260, 1729, 7, 4144], [260, 1732, 7, 4146], [260, 1735, 7, 4148], [260, 1738, 7, 4150], [], [260, 1742, 7, 4152], [260, 1745, 7, 4154], [], [260, 1426, 7, 4157], [], [17, 4159, 260, 1430, 7, 4160], [260, 1433, 7, 4162], [260, 1436, 7, 4164], [260, 2004, 7, 4166], [260, 1449, 7, 4168], [260, 1452, 7, 4170], [260, 1455, 7, 4172], [], [260, 3511, 7, 4175], [260, 3514, 7, 4177], [], [43, 3517, 1445, 3518, 260, 3519, 7, 4179], [260, 1459, 7, 4181], [260, 1462, 7, 4183], [260, 1465, 7, 4185], [260, 1468, 7, 4187], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 4189], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 4191], [], [], [260, 1468, 7, 4193], [], [], [260, 1481, 7, 4195], [260, 1484, 7, 4197], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 4199], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 4201], [], [], [260, 1489, 7, 4203], [], [], [260, 1494, 7, 4205], [260, 1800, 7, 4207], [260, 1803, 7, 4209], [260, 1148, 7, 4211], [260, 1151, 7, 4213], [], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4215], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4217], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4219], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4221], [260, 1155, 494, 1156, 7, 4223], [260, 1820, 7, 4225], [7, 4227], [], [260, 1529, 7, 4229], [260, 1532, 7, 4231], [260, 1535, 7, 4233], [], [260, 1539, 7, 4236], [260, 1542, 7, 4238], [], [260, 1562, 7, 4240], [260, 1565, 7, 4242], [260, 1568, 7, 4244], [], [260, 1572, 7, 4246], [260, 1575, 7, 4248], [], [260, 1578, 7, 4250], [260, 1581, 7, 4252], [260, 1584, 7, 4254], [], [260, 1588, 7, 4256], [260, 1591, 7, 4258], [], [260, 1595, 7, 4260], [260, 1729, 7, 4262], [260, 1732, 7, 4264], [260, 1735, 7, 4266], [260, 1738, 7, 4268], [], [260, 1742, 7, 4270], [260, 1745, 7, 4272], [], [260, 4274, 7, 4275], [260, 4278, 7, 4279], [260, 4281, 7, 4282], [260, 4284, 7, 4285], [260, 4287, 7, 4288], [260, 4290, 7, 4291], [260, 4293, 17, 4294, 7, 4295], [], [260, 4297, 17, 4298, 15, 4299, 7, 4300], [], [260, 4297, 17, 4303, 15, 4299, 7, 4304], [], [260, 4307, 7, 4308], [260, 4310, 7, 4311], [260, 4313, 7, 4314], [260, 4317, 7, 4318], [260, 4320, 7, 4321], [260, 4323, 7, 4324], [260, 4326, 7, 4327], [260, 4329, 7, 4330], [], [17, 4332, 7, 4333], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4336], [], [17, 4338, 7, 4339], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4342], [], [17, 4344, 7, 4345], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4348], [], [17, 4350, 7, 4351], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4354], [], [17, 4356, 7, 4357], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4360], [], [17, 4362, 7, 4363], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4366], [], [17, 4368, 7, 4369], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4372], [], [17, 4374, 7, 4375], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4378], [], [17, 4380, 7, 4381], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4384], [], [17, 4386, 7, 4387], [], [260, 4329, 7, 4390], [], [17, 4392, 7, 4393], [], [260, 4396, 7, 4397], [260, 4399, 7, 4400], [15, 4402, 17, 4403, 4404, 4405, 260, 4406, 542, 4407, 7, 4408], [], [15, 4402, 17, 4410, 4404, 4405, 260, 4411, 542, 4412, 7, 4413], [], [15, 4402, 17, 4415, 4404, 4405, 260, 4416, 542, 4417, 7, 4418], [], [260, 4420, 7, 4421], [17, 4423, 260, 4424, 542, 4425, 7, 4426], [], [17, 4423, 260, 4428, 542, 4429, 7, 4430], [], [494, 1156, 260, 4433, 7, 4434], [260, 4436, 7, 4437], [7, 4439], [260, 4441, 7, 4442], [], [260, 4445, 7, 4446], [260, 4448, 7, 4449], [], [17, 4451, 7, 4452], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4455], [], [17, 4457, 7, 4458], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4461], [], [17, 4463, 7, 4464], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4467], [], [17, 4469, 7, 4470], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4473], [], [17, 4475, 7, 4476], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4479], [], [17, 4481, 7, 4482], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4485], [], [17, 4487, 7, 4488], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4491], [], [17, 4493, 7, 4494], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4497], [], [17, 4499, 7, 4500], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4503], [], [17, 4505, 7, 4506], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4509], [], [17, 4511, 7, 4512], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4515], [], [17, 4517, 7, 4518], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4521], [], 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1156, 260, 4641, 7, 4642], [7, 4644], [260, 4441, 7, 4646], [], [260, 4649, 7, 4650], [260, 4448, 7, 4652], [], [17, 4654, 7, 4655], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4658], [], [17, 4660, 7, 4661], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4664], [], [17, 4666, 7, 4667], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4670], [], [17, 4672, 7, 4673], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4676], [], [17, 4678, 7, 4679], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4682], [], [17, 4684, 7, 4685], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4688], [], [17, 4690, 7, 4691], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4694], [], [17, 4696, 7, 4697], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4700], [], [17, 4702, 7, 4703], [], [494, 1156, 260, 4641, 7, 4706], [7, 4708], [260, 4441, 7, 4710], [], [260, 4713, 7, 4714], [260, 4448, 7, 4716], [], [17, 4718, 7, 4719], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4722], [], [17, 4724, 7, 4725], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4728], [], [17, 4730, 7, 4731], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4734], [], [17, 4736, 7, 4737], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4740], [], [17, 4742, 7, 4743], [], [260, 4448, 7, 4746], [], [17, 4748, 7, 4749], [], [494, 1156, 260, 4433, 7, 4751], [260, 4753, 7, 4754], [260, 4756, 7, 4757], [7, 4759], [], [260, 4762, 17, 4763, 4404, 4405, 7, 4764], [43, 4766, 1445, 4767, 7, 4768], [260, 4770, 7, 4771], [260, 4773, 7, 4774], [], [17, 4386, 7, 4777], [], [], [17, 4392, 7, 4780], [], [], [260, 4783, 7, 4784], [], [17, 4787, 4404, 4405, 7, 4788], [260, 4790, 43, 4791, 1445, 4792, 7, 4793], [], [], [], [], [], [40, 41, 7, 4798], [], [], [], [], [7, 4802], [], [], [7, 4805], [], [], [40, 41, 13, 4808, 42, -1, 7, 4809], [], [], [40, 41, 43, 4812, 7, 4813], [40, 41, 43, 4815, 7, 4816], [40, 41, 43, 4818, 7, 4819], [], [40, 41, 13, -1, 43, 4821, 7, 4822], [233, 4824, 7, 4825], [7, 4827], [], [233, 4824, 7, 4830], [], [40, 41, 7, 4832], [], [43, 4836, 4837, 2073, 4838, 2073, 4839, 502, 233, 4840], [43, 4841, 4837, 2073, 4838, 2073, 4839, 502, 233, 4840, 7, 4842], [], [7, 4845], [], [], [40, 41, 13, -1, 7, 4847], [], [], [4850, 4851, 4852, 4853, 4854, 4855, 4838, 502, 4837, 502, 233, 4824, 43, 4856, 7, 4857], [4850, 4851, 4852, 4859, 4854, 4860, 4838, 502, 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7.421875, 15], [64, 157, 7.421875, 15], [8, 191, 1264, 0], [8, 191, 1264, 230], [8, 261, 1264, 108], [48, 261, 1224, 18], [31, 261, 7, 18], [31, 261, 7, 17], [48, 261, 1224, 18], [48, 261, 32.90625, 17], [48, 261, 0, 17], [48, 261, 32.90625, 17], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 17], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 51.546875, 17], [48, 279, 0, 17], [48, 279, 51.546875, 17], [48, 297, 1224, 18], [31, 297, 7, 18], [31, 297, 7, 17], [48, 297, 1224, 18], [48, 297, 62.1875, 17], [48, 297, 0, 17], [48, 297, 62.1875, 17], [48, 315, 1224, 18], [31, 315, 7, 18], [31, 315, 7, 17], [48, 315, 1224, 18], [48, 315, 54.203125, 17], [48, 315, 0, 17], [48, 315, 54.203125, 17], [48, 333, 1224, 18], [31, 333, 7, 18], [31, 333, 7, 17], [48, 333, 1224, 18], [48, 333, 55.09375, 17], [48, 333, 0, 17], [48, 333, 55.09375, 17], [48, 351, 1224, 18], [31, 351, 7, 18], [31, 351, 7, 17], [48, 351, 1224, 18], [48, 351, 32, 17], [48, 351, 0, 17], [48, 351, 32, 17], [8, 385, 1264, 36], [48, 385, 1224, 18], [31, 385, 7, 18], [31, 385, 7, 17], [48, 385, 66.796875, 17], [48, 385, 66.796875, 17], [48, 403, 1224, 18], [31, 403, 7, 18], [31, 403, 7, 17], [48, 403, 30.21875, 17], [48, 403, 0, 17], [48, 403, 30.21875, 17], [8, 440.90625, 1264, 12798.5], [8, 440.90625, 1264, 1848.6875], [8, 440.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 440.90625, 98, 26], [106, 446.90625, 64.890625, 21], [114, 449.90625, 48.890625, 15], [8, 487.8125, 1264, 99.71875], [8, 487.8125, 1264, 22], [8, 487.8125, 151.875, 21], [8, 528.53125, 1264, 21], [8, 528.53125, 64.140625, 21], [16, 531.53125, 48.140625, 15], [72.140625, 528.53125, 56.015625, 21], [80.140625, 531.53125, 40.015625, 15], [8, 549.53125, 1264, 38], [8, 549.53125, 1264, 19], [8, 549.53125, 87, 19], [8, 568.53125, 1264, 19], [8, 568.53125, 74, 19], [8, 607.4375, 1264, 129.625], [8, 607.4375, 1264, 27], [8, 607.4375, 98, 26], [106, 613.4375, 64.890625, 21], [114, 616.4375, 48.890625, 15], [8, 654.34375, 1264, 82.71875], [8, 654.34375, 1264, 82.71875], [8, 654.34375, 1264, 22], [8, 654.34375, 1264, 22], [8, 654.34375, 73.75, 21], [8, 654.34375, 73.75, 21], [81.75, 654.34375, 44.671875, 21], [81.75, 654.34375, 44.671875, 21], [8, 695.0625, 1264, 42], [8, 695.0625, 1264, 42], [8, 695.0625, 1264, 42], [8, 695.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 695.0625, 86.375, 21], [16, 698.0625, 70.375, 15], [8, 716.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 716.0625, 108.609375, 21], [16, 719.0625, 92.609375, 15], [8, 756.96875, 1264, 565.546875], [8, 756.96875, 1264, 27], [8, 756.96875, 98, 26], [106, 762.96875, 64.890625, 21], [114, 765.96875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 803.875, 1264, 518.640625], [8, 803.875, 1264, 518.640625], [8, 803.875, 1264, 44], [8, 803.875, 1264, 44], [8, 803.875, 1264, 44], [8, 803.875, 61.984375, 21], [8, 825.875, 1264, 22], [8, 825.875, 44.6875, 21], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 455.921875], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 455.921875], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 19], [12, 869.59375, 13, 13], [28, 868.59375, 0, 17], [8, 906.859375, 1264, 18], [8, 906.859375, 165.796875, 17], [8, 946.125, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 946.125, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 946.125, 1264, 19], [12, 949.125, 13, 13], [28, 948.125, 0, 17], [8, 986.390625, 1264, 18], [8, 986.390625, 115.203125, 17], [8, 1025.65625, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1025.65625, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1025.65625, 1264, 19], [12, 1028.65625, 13, 13], [28, 1027.65625, 0, 17], [8, 1065.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 1065.921875, 139.421875, 17], [8, 1105.1875, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1105.1875, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1105.1875, 1264, 19], [12, 1108.1875, 13, 13], [28, 1107.1875, 0, 17], [8, 1145.453125, 1264, 18], [8, 1145.453125, 52.875, 17], [8, 1184.71875, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1184.71875, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1184.71875, 1264, 19], [12, 1187.71875, 13, 13], [28, 1186.71875, 0, 17], [28, 1186.71875, 0, 17], [8, 1224.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 1224.984375, 138.65625, 17], [8, 1264.25, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1264.25, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1264.25, 1264, 19], [12, 1267.25, 13, 13], [28, 1266.25, 0, 17], [8, 1304.515625, 1264, 18], [8, 1304.515625, 119.078125, 17], [8, 1343.78125, 1264, 126], [8, 1343.78125, 1264, 126], [48, 1343.78125, 1224, 126], [32, 1343.78125, 16, 18], [32, 1343.78125, 16, 17], [48, 1343.78125, 127.53125, 17], [48, 1343.78125, 48.890625, 17], [48, 1343.78125, 48.890625, 17], [96.890625, 1343.78125, 78.640625, 17], [96.890625, 1343.78125, 78.640625, 17], [48, 1361.78125, 1224, 108], [88, 1361.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1361.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1361.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1361.78125, 67.984375, 17], [88, 1361.78125, 37.328125, 17], [88, 1361.78125, 37.328125, 17], [125.328125, 1361.78125, 30.65625, 17], [125.328125, 1361.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1379.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1379.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 107.09375, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 76.4375, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 76.4375, 17], [164.4375, 1379.78125, 30.65625, 17], [164.4375, 1379.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1397.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1397.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 82.203125, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 51.546875, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 51.546875, 17], [139.546875, 1397.78125, 30.65625, 17], [139.546875, 1397.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1415.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1415.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 65.3125, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 34.65625, 17], [122.65625, 1415.78125, 30.65625, 17], [122.65625, 1415.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1433.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1433.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 71.53125, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 40.875, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 40.875, 17], [128.875, 1433.78125, 30.65625, 17], [128.875, 1433.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1451.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1451.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1451.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1451.78125, 73.328125, 17], [88, 1451.78125, 73.328125, 17], [8, 1489.6875, 1264, 105.625], [8, 1489.6875, 1264, 27], [8, 1489.6875, 98, 26], [106, 1495.6875, 64.890625, 21], [114, 1498.6875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1536.59375, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 1536.59375, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 1536.59375, 1264, 22], [8, 1536.59375, 1264, 22], [8, 1536.59375, 65.453125, 21], [8, 1536.59375, 65.453125, 21], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1615.21875, 1264, 141.625], [8, 1615.21875, 1264, 27], [8, 1615.21875, 98, 26], [106, 1621.21875, 64.890625, 21], [114, 1624.21875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1662.125, 1264, 94.71875], [8, 1662.125, 1264, 94.71875], [8, 1662.125, 1264, 22], [8, 1662.125, 1264, 22], [8, 1662.125, 41.53125, 21], [8, 1662.125, 41.53125, 21], [8, 1702.84375, 1264, 54], [8, 1702.84375, 1264, 54], [8, 1702.84375, 1264, 54], [8, 1702.84375, 1264, 54], [48, 1702.84375, 1224, 18], [31, 1702.84375, 7, 18], [31, 1702.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1702.84375, 8, 17], [48, 1720.84375, 1224, 18], [31, 1720.84375, 7, 18], [31, 1720.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1720.84375, 16, 17], [48, 1738.84375, 1224, 18], [31, 1738.84375, 7, 18], [31, 1738.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1738.84375, 24, 17], [8, 1776.75, 1264, 304.953125], [8, 1776.75, 1264, 27], [8, 1776.75, 98, 26], [106, 1782.75, 64.890625, 21], [114, 1785.75, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1823.65625, 1264, 258.046875], [8, 1823.65625, 1264, 258.046875], [8, 1823.65625, 1264, 22], [8, 1823.65625, 1264, 22], [8, 1823.65625, 152.203125, 21], [8, 1823.65625, 152.203125, 21], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 217.328125], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 217.328125], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 19], [12, 1867.375, 13, 13], [28, 1866.375, 0, 17], [8, 1904.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 1904.640625, 75.78125, 17], [8, 1943.90625, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1943.90625, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1943.90625, 1264, 19], [12, 1946.90625, 13, 13], [28, 1945.90625, 0, 17], [8, 1984.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 1984.171875, 67.78125, 17], [8, 2023.4375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 2023.4375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 2023.4375, 1264, 19], [12, 2026.4375, 13, 13], [28, 2025.4375, 0, 17], [8, 2063.703125, 1264, 18], [8, 2063.703125, 67.78125, 17], [8, 2102.96875, 1264, 150.625], [8, 2102.96875, 1264, 27], [8, 2102.96875, 98, 26], [106, 2108.96875, 64.890625, 21], [114, 2111.96875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 2149.875, 1264, 103.71875], [8, 2149.875, 1264, 103.71875], [8, 2149.875, 1264, 22], [8, 2149.875, 1264, 22], [8, 2149.875, 142.828125, 21], [8, 2149.875, 142.828125, 21], [8, 2190.59375, 1264, 63], [8, 2190.59375, 1264, 63], [8, 2190.59375, 1264, 63], [8, 2190.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 2190.59375, 87.484375, 21], [16, 2193.59375, 71.484375, 15], [8, 2211.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 2211.59375, 94.90625, 21], [16, 2214.59375, 78.90625, 15], [8, 2232.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 2232.59375, 94.90625, 21], [16, 2235.59375, 78.90625, 15], [8, 2253.59375, 1264, 36], [8, 2253.59375, 131.71875, 17], [139.71875, 2253.59375, 0, 17], [8, 2271.59375, 83.234375, 17], [8, 2311.03125, 1264, 10928.375], [8, 2311.03125, 1264, 134.4375], [8, 2311.03125, 1264, 37], [8, 2311.03125, 818.984375, 36], [8, 2369.46875, 1264, 58], [8, 2369.46875, 1264, 37], [8, 2369.46875, 51.125, 17], [8, 2369.46875, 51.125, 17], [8, 2387.46875, 1264, 19], [8, 2387.46875, 1264, 19], [8, 2387.46875, 66.671875, 17], [8, 2387.46875, 66.671875, 17], [74.671875, 2387.46875, 82, 19], [156.671875, 2387.46875, 0, 17], [8, 2406.46875, 54.53125, 21], [16, 2409.46875, 0, 15], [16, 2409.46875, 38.53125, 15], [16, 2409.46875, 38.53125, 15], [54.53125, 2409.46875, 0, 15], [8, 2427.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2427.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2427.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2427.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2427.46875, 68.421875, 17], [8, 2427.46875, 68.421875, 17], [76.421875, 2427.46875, 0, 17], [8, 2461.46875, 1264, 10731.9375], [8, 2461.46875, 1264, 0], [8, 2461.46875, 1264, 507.4375], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 507.4375], [31, 2539.46875, 7, 18], [31, 2539.46875, 7, 17], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 507.4375], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 507.4375], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 295.4375], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 92], [48, 2461.46875, 92, 92], [48, 2572.1875, 1224, 22], [48, 2572.1875, 1224, 22], [48, 2572.1875, 209.890625, 21], [48, 2572.1875, 209.890625, 21], [48, 2612.90625, 1224, 144], [48, 2612.90625, 1224, 72], [48, 2612.90625, 1224, 72], [88, 2612.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 2612.90625, 7, 18], [71, 2612.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2612.90625, 29.328125, 17], [88, 2630.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 2630.90625, 7, 18], [71, 2630.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2630.90625, 37.328125, 17], [88, 2648.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 2648.90625, 7, 18], [71, 2648.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2648.90625, 68.40625, 17], [88, 2666.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 2666.90625, 7, 18], [71, 2666.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2666.90625, 40.875, 17], [48, 2684.90625, 1224, 72], [88, 2684.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 2684.90625, 16, 18], [72, 2684.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2684.90625, 8, 17], [88, 2702.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 2702.90625, 16, 18], [72, 2702.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2702.90625, 8, 17], [88, 2720.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 2720.90625, 16, 18], [72, 2720.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2720.90625, 8, 17], [88, 2738.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 2738.90625, 16, 18], [72, 2738.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2738.90625, 8, 17], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 212], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2756.90625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2790.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2790.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2790.90625, 83.109375, 17], [48, 2824.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 2824.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2824.90625, 20, 17], [48, 2824.90625, 20, 17], [48, 2842.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2842.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 2842.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 2860.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 2860.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2860.90625, 66.21875, 17], [48, 2860.90625, 66.21875, 17], [48, 2878.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2878.90625, 61.359375, 17], [48, 2878.90625, 61.359375, 17], [48, 2896.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 2896.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2896.90625, 24, 17], [48, 2896.90625, 24, 17], [48, 2914.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2914.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 2914.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 2932.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 2932.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2932.90625, 36, 17], [48, 2932.90625, 36, 17], [48, 2950.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2950.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 2950.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 2968.90625, 1224, 0], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 10205.78125], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 0], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 0], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 22], [8, 2987.625, 251.28125, 21], [8, 2987.625, 251.28125, 21], [8, 3028.34375, 1264, 18], [8, 3028.34375, 321.21875, 17], [8, 3062.34375, 1264, 10131.0625], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 523.4375], [31, 3140.34375, 7, 18], [31, 3140.34375, 7, 17], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 295.4375], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 92], [48, 3062.34375, 92, 92], [48, 3173.0625, 1224, 22], [48, 3173.0625, 1224, 22], [48, 3173.0625, 104.625, 21], [48, 3173.0625, 104.625, 21], [48, 3213.78125, 1224, 144], [48, 3213.78125, 1224, 72], [48, 3213.78125, 1224, 72], [88, 3213.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 3213.78125, 7, 18], [71, 3213.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3213.78125, 51.546875, 17], [88, 3231.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 3231.78125, 7, 18], [71, 3231.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3231.78125, 37.328125, 17], [88, 3249.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 3249.78125, 7, 18], [71, 3249.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3249.78125, 40.875, 17], [88, 3267.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 3267.78125, 7, 18], [71, 3267.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3267.78125, 35.578125, 17], [48, 3285.78125, 1224, 72], [88, 3285.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 3285.78125, 16, 18], [72, 3285.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3285.78125, 8, 17], [88, 3303.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 3303.78125, 16, 18], [72, 3303.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3303.78125, 8, 17], [88, 3321.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 3321.78125, 16, 18], [72, 3321.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3321.78125, 8, 17], [88, 3339.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 3339.78125, 16, 18], [72, 3339.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3339.78125, 8, 17], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 176], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3357.78125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3391.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3391.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3391.78125, 75.109375, 17], [48, 3425.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 3425.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3425.78125, 20, 17], [48, 3425.78125, 20, 17], [48, 3443.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3443.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 3443.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 3461.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 3461.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3461.78125, 24, 17], [48, 3461.78125, 24, 17], [48, 3479.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3479.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 3479.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 3497.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 3497.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3497.78125, 36, 17], [48, 3497.78125, 36, 17], [48, 3515.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3515.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 3515.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 3533.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 3533.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 3533.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3533.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 3533.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 3533.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 3567.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3567.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3567.78125, 149.828125, 17], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 523.4375], [31, 3679.78125, 7, 18], [31, 3679.78125, 7, 17], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 295.4375], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 92], [48, 3601.78125, 92, 92], [48, 3712.5, 1224, 22], [48, 3712.5, 1224, 22], [48, 3712.5, 150.03125, 21], [48, 3712.5, 150.03125, 21], [48, 3753.21875, 1224, 144], [48, 3753.21875, 1224, 72], [48, 3753.21875, 1224, 72], [88, 3753.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 3753.21875, 7, 18], [71, 3753.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3753.21875, 41.140625, 17], [88, 3771.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 3771.21875, 7, 18], [71, 3771.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3771.21875, 53.328125, 17], [88, 3789.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 3789.21875, 7, 18], [71, 3789.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3789.21875, 39.984375, 17], [88, 3807.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 3807.21875, 7, 18], [71, 3807.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3807.21875, 68.40625, 17], [48, 3825.21875, 1224, 72], [88, 3825.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 3825.21875, 16, 18], [72, 3825.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3825.21875, 8, 17], [88, 3843.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 3843.21875, 16, 18], [72, 3843.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3843.21875, 8, 17], [88, 3861.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 3861.21875, 16, 18], [72, 3861.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3861.21875, 8, 17], [88, 3879.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 3879.21875, 16, 18], [72, 3879.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3879.21875, 8, 17], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 176], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3897.21875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3931.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3931.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3931.21875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 3965.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 3965.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3965.21875, 20, 17], [48, 3965.21875, 20, 17], [48, 3983.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3983.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 3983.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4001.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 4001.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4001.21875, 24, 17], [48, 4001.21875, 24, 17], [48, 4019.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4019.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4019.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4037.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 4037.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4037.21875, 36, 17], [48, 4037.21875, 36, 17], [48, 4055.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4055.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4055.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4073.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 4073.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 4073.21875, 0, 0], [48, 4073.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 4073.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4073.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4107.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4107.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4107.21875, 177.078125, 17], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 523.4375], [31, 4219.21875, 7, 18], [31, 4219.21875, 7, 17], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 295.4375], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 92], [48, 4141.21875, 92, 92], [48, 4251.9375, 1224, 22], [48, 4251.9375, 1224, 22], [48, 4251.9375, 120.65625, 21], [48, 4251.9375, 120.65625, 21], [48, 4292.65625, 1224, 144], [48, 4292.65625, 1224, 72], [48, 4292.65625, 1224, 72], [88, 4292.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 4292.65625, 7, 18], [71, 4292.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4292.65625, 40.875, 17], [88, 4310.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 4310.65625, 7, 18], [71, 4310.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4310.65625, 34.65625, 17], [88, 4328.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 4328.65625, 7, 18], [71, 4328.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4328.65625, 76.4375, 17], [88, 4346.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 4346.65625, 7, 18], [71, 4346.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4346.65625, 40.875, 17], [48, 4364.65625, 1224, 72], [88, 4364.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 4364.65625, 16, 18], [72, 4364.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4364.65625, 8, 17], [88, 4382.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 4382.65625, 16, 18], [72, 4382.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4382.65625, 8, 17], [88, 4400.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 4400.65625, 16, 18], [72, 4400.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4400.65625, 8, 17], [88, 4418.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 4418.65625, 16, 18], [72, 4418.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4418.65625, 8, 17], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 176], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4436.65625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4470.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4470.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4470.65625, 82.515625, 17], [48, 4504.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 4504.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4504.65625, 20, 17], [48, 4504.65625, 20, 17], [48, 4522.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4522.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4522.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4540.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 4540.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4540.65625, 24, 17], [48, 4540.65625, 24, 17], [48, 4558.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4558.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4558.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4576.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 4576.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4576.65625, 36, 17], [48, 4576.65625, 36, 17], [48, 4594.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4594.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4594.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4612.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 4612.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 4612.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4612.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 4612.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4612.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4646.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4646.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4646.65625, 177.078125, 17], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 4686.375, 7, 18], [31, 4686.375, 7, 17], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 0], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 22], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 22], [48, 4683.375, 76.421875, 21], [48, 4683.375, 76.421875, 21], [48, 4724.09375, 1224, 144], [48, 4724.09375, 1224, 72], [48, 4724.09375, 1224, 72], [88, 4724.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 4724.09375, 7, 18], [71, 4724.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4724.09375, 35.578125, 17], [88, 4742.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 4742.09375, 7, 18], [71, 4742.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4742.09375, 56.859375, 17], [88, 4760.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 4760.09375, 7, 18], [71, 4760.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4760.09375, 37.328125, 17], [88, 4778.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 4778.09375, 7, 18], [71, 4778.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4778.09375, 43.578125, 17], [48, 4796.09375, 1224, 72], [88, 4796.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 4796.09375, 16, 18], [72, 4796.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4796.09375, 8, 17], [88, 4814.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 4814.09375, 16, 18], [72, 4814.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4814.09375, 8, 17], [88, 4832.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 4832.09375, 16, 18], [72, 4832.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4832.09375, 8, 17], [88, 4850.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 4850.09375, 16, 18], [72, 4850.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4850.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 176], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4868.09375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4902.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4902.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4902.09375, 75.109375, 17], [48, 4936.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 4936.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4936.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4936.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4954.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4954.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4954.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4972.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 4972.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4972.09375, 24, 17], [48, 4972.09375, 24, 17], [48, 4990.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4990.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4990.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5008.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 5008.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 5008.09375, 36, 17], [48, 5008.09375, 36, 17], [48, 5026.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 5026.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5026.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5044.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 5044.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 5044.09375, 0, 0], [48, 5044.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 5044.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5044.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5078.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 5078.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 5078.09375, 177.078125, 17], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 5117.8125, 7, 18], [31, 5117.8125, 7, 17], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 22], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 22], [48, 5114.8125, 98.234375, 21], [48, 5114.8125, 98.234375, 21], [48, 5155.53125, 1224, 144], [48, 5155.53125, 1224, 72], [48, 5155.53125, 1224, 72], [88, 5155.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 5155.53125, 7, 18], [71, 5155.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5155.53125, 40.875, 17], [88, 5173.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 5173.53125, 7, 18], [71, 5173.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5173.53125, 39.984375, 17], [88, 5191.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 5191.53125, 7, 18], [71, 5191.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5191.53125, 68.40625, 17], [88, 5209.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 5209.53125, 7, 18], [71, 5209.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5209.53125, 40.875, 17], [48, 5227.53125, 1224, 72], [88, 5227.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 5227.53125, 16, 18], [72, 5227.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5227.53125, 8, 17], [88, 5245.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 5245.53125, 16, 18], [72, 5245.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5245.53125, 8, 17], [88, 5263.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 5263.53125, 16, 18], [72, 5263.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5263.53125, 8, 17], [88, 5281.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 5281.53125, 16, 18], [72, 5281.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5281.53125, 8, 17], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 176], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5299.53125, 94.65625, 17], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5333.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5333.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5333.53125, 75.109375, 17], [48, 5367.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 5367.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5367.53125, 20, 17], [48, 5367.53125, 20, 17], [48, 5385.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5385.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5385.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5403.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 5403.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5403.53125, 24, 17], [48, 5403.53125, 24, 17], [48, 5421.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5421.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5421.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5439.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 5439.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5439.53125, 36, 17], [48, 5439.53125, 36, 17], [48, 5457.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5457.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5457.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5475.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 5475.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 5475.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5475.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 5475.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5475.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5509.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5509.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5509.53125, 149.828125, 17], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 5549.25, 7, 18], [31, 5549.25, 7, 17], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 0], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 22], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 22], [48, 5546.25, 211.140625, 21], [48, 5546.25, 211.140625, 21], [48, 5586.96875, 1224, 144], [48, 5586.96875, 1224, 72], [48, 5586.96875, 1224, 72], [88, 5586.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 5586.96875, 7, 18], [71, 5586.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5586.96875, 55.984375, 17], [88, 5604.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 5604.96875, 7, 18], [71, 5604.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5604.96875, 68.40625, 17], [88, 5622.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 5622.96875, 7, 18], [71, 5622.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5622.96875, 53.328125, 17], [88, 5640.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 5640.96875, 7, 18], [71, 5640.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5640.96875, 37.09375, 17], [48, 5658.96875, 1224, 72], [88, 5658.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 5658.96875, 16, 18], [72, 5658.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5658.96875, 8, 17], [88, 5676.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 5676.96875, 16, 18], [72, 5676.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5676.96875, 8, 17], [88, 5694.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 5694.96875, 16, 18], [72, 5694.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5694.96875, 8, 17], [88, 5712.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 5712.96875, 16, 18], [72, 5712.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5712.96875, 8, 17], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 176], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5730.96875, 94.65625, 17], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5764.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5764.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5764.96875, 75.109375, 17], [48, 5798.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 5798.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5798.96875, 20, 17], [48, 5798.96875, 20, 17], [48, 5816.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5816.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5816.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5834.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 5834.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5834.96875, 24, 17], [48, 5834.96875, 24, 17], [48, 5852.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5852.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5852.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5870.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 5870.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5870.96875, 36, 17], [48, 5870.96875, 36, 17], [48, 5888.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5888.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5888.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5906.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 5906.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 5906.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5906.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 5906.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5906.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5940.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5940.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5940.96875, 149.828125, 17], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 5980.6875, 7, 18], [31, 5980.6875, 7, 17], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 0], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 22], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 22], [48, 5977.6875, 181.3125, 21], [48, 5977.6875, 181.3125, 21], [48, 6018.40625, 1224, 144], [48, 6018.40625, 1224, 72], [48, 6018.40625, 1224, 72], [88, 6018.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 6018.40625, 7, 18], [71, 6018.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6018.40625, 93.28125, 17], [88, 6036.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 6036.40625, 7, 18], [71, 6036.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6036.40625, 98.203125, 17], [88, 6054.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 6054.40625, 7, 18], [71, 6054.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6054.40625, 68.40625, 17], [88, 6072.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 6072.40625, 7, 18], [71, 6072.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6072.40625, 41.78125, 17], [48, 6090.40625, 1224, 72], [88, 6090.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 6090.40625, 16, 18], [72, 6090.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6090.40625, 8, 17], [88, 6108.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 6108.40625, 16, 18], [72, 6108.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6108.40625, 8, 17], [88, 6126.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 6126.40625, 16, 18], [72, 6126.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6126.40625, 8, 17], [88, 6144.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 6144.40625, 16, 18], [72, 6144.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6144.40625, 8, 17], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 176], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6162.40625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6196.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6196.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6196.40625, 74.515625, 17], [48, 6230.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 6230.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6230.40625, 20, 17], [48, 6230.40625, 20, 17], [48, 6248.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6248.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6248.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6266.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 6266.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6266.40625, 24, 17], [48, 6266.40625, 24, 17], [48, 6284.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6284.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6284.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6302.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 6302.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6302.40625, 36, 17], [48, 6302.40625, 36, 17], [48, 6320.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6320.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6320.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6338.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 6338.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 6338.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6338.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 6338.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6338.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6372.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6372.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6372.40625, 149.828125, 17], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 6412.125, 7, 18], [31, 6412.125, 7, 17], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 0], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 22], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 22], [48, 6409.125, 162.625, 21], [48, 6409.125, 162.625, 21], [48, 6449.84375, 1224, 144], [48, 6449.84375, 1224, 72], [48, 6449.84375, 1224, 72], [88, 6449.84375, 1184, 18], [71, 6449.84375, 7, 18], [71, 6449.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6449.84375, 50.375, 17], [88, 6467.84375, 1184, 18], [71, 6467.84375, 7, 18], [71, 6467.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6467.84375, 61.3125, 17], [88, 6485.84375, 1184, 18], [71, 6485.84375, 7, 18], [71, 6485.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6485.84375, 76.4375, 17], [88, 6503.84375, 1184, 18], [71, 6503.84375, 7, 18], [71, 6503.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6503.84375, 93.28125, 17], [48, 6521.84375, 1224, 72], [88, 6521.84375, 1184, 18], [72, 6521.84375, 16, 18], [72, 6521.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6521.84375, 8, 17], [88, 6539.84375, 1184, 18], [72, 6539.84375, 16, 18], [72, 6539.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6539.84375, 8, 17], [88, 6557.84375, 1184, 18], [72, 6557.84375, 16, 18], [72, 6557.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6557.84375, 8, 17], [88, 6575.84375, 1184, 18], [72, 6575.84375, 16, 18], [72, 6575.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6575.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 176], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 52], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6593.84375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6627.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6627.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6627.84375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 6661.84375, 1224, 36], [48, 6661.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6661.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6661.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6679.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6679.84375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6679.84375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6697.84375, 1224, 36], [48, 6697.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6697.84375, 24, 17], [48, 6697.84375, 24, 17], [48, 6715.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6715.84375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6715.84375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6733.84375, 1224, 36], [48, 6733.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6733.84375, 36, 17], [48, 6733.84375, 36, 17], [48, 6751.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6751.84375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6751.84375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6769.84375, 1224, 52], [48, 6769.84375, 1224, 52], [48, 6769.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6769.84375, 1224, 52], [48, 6769.84375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6769.84375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6803.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6803.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6803.84375, 150.421875, 17], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 376.71875], [31, 6843.5625, 7, 18], [31, 6843.5625, 7, 17], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 376.71875], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 376.71875], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 148.71875], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 0], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 22], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 22], [48, 6840.5625, 213.453125, 21], [48, 6840.5625, 213.453125, 21], [48, 6881.28125, 1224, 108], [48, 6881.28125, 1224, 36], [48, 6881.28125, 1224, 36], [88, 6881.28125, 1184, 18], [71, 6881.28125, 7, 18], [71, 6881.28125, 7, 17], [88, 6881.28125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 6899.28125, 1184, 18], [71, 6899.28125, 7, 18], [71, 6899.28125, 7, 17], [88, 6899.28125, 40.875, 17], [48, 6917.28125, 1224, 72], [88, 6917.28125, 1184, 18], [72, 6917.28125, 16, 18], [72, 6917.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6917.28125, 8, 17], [88, 6935.28125, 1184, 18], [72, 6935.28125, 16, 18], [72, 6935.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6935.28125, 8, 17], [88, 6953.28125, 1184, 18], [72, 6953.28125, 16, 18], [72, 6953.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6953.28125, 8, 17], [88, 6971.28125, 1184, 18], [72, 6971.28125, 16, 18], [72, 6971.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6971.28125, 8, 17], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 176], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 52], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 6989.28125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7023.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7023.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7023.28125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 7057.28125, 1224, 36], [48, 7057.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7057.28125, 20, 17], [48, 7057.28125, 20, 17], [48, 7075.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7075.28125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7075.28125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7093.28125, 1224, 36], [48, 7093.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7093.28125, 24, 17], [48, 7093.28125, 24, 17], [48, 7111.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7111.28125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7111.28125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7129.28125, 1224, 36], [48, 7129.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7129.28125, 36, 17], [48, 7129.28125, 36, 17], [48, 7147.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7147.28125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7147.28125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7165.28125, 1224, 52], [48, 7165.28125, 1224, 52], [48, 7165.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7165.28125, 1224, 52], [48, 7165.28125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7165.28125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7199.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7199.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7199.28125, 149.828125, 17], [48, 7236, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 7239, 7, 18], [31, 7239, 7, 17], [48, 7236, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 7236, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 7236, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 7236, 1224, 0], [48, 7236, 1224, 22], [48, 7236, 1224, 22], [48, 7236, 212.453125, 21], [48, 7236, 212.453125, 21], [48, 7276.71875, 1224, 144], [48, 7276.71875, 1224, 72], [48, 7276.71875, 1224, 72], [88, 7276.71875, 1184, 18], [71, 7276.71875, 7, 18], [71, 7276.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7276.71875, 30.203125, 17], [88, 7294.71875, 1184, 18], [71, 7294.71875, 7, 18], [71, 7294.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7294.71875, 59.984375, 17], [88, 7312.71875, 1184, 18], [71, 7312.71875, 7, 18], [71, 7312.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7312.71875, 50.65625, 17], [88, 7330.71875, 1184, 18], [71, 7330.71875, 7, 18], [71, 7330.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7330.71875, 34.65625, 17], [48, 7348.71875, 1224, 72], [88, 7348.71875, 1184, 18], [72, 7348.71875, 16, 18], [72, 7348.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7348.71875, 8, 17], [88, 7366.71875, 1184, 18], [72, 7366.71875, 16, 18], [72, 7366.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7366.71875, 8, 17], [88, 7384.71875, 1184, 18], [72, 7384.71875, 16, 18], [72, 7384.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7384.71875, 8, 17], [88, 7402.71875, 1184, 18], [72, 7402.71875, 16, 18], [72, 7402.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7402.71875, 8, 17], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 176], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 52], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7420.71875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7454.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7454.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7454.71875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 7488.71875, 1224, 36], [48, 7488.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7488.71875, 20, 17], [48, 7488.71875, 20, 17], [48, 7506.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7506.71875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7506.71875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7524.71875, 1224, 36], [48, 7524.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7524.71875, 24, 17], [48, 7524.71875, 24, 17], [48, 7542.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7542.71875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7542.71875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7560.71875, 1224, 36], [48, 7560.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7560.71875, 36, 17], [48, 7560.71875, 36, 17], [48, 7578.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7578.71875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7578.71875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7596.71875, 1224, 52], [48, 7596.71875, 1224, 52], [48, 7596.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7596.71875, 1224, 52], [48, 7596.71875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7596.71875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7630.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7630.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7630.71875, 169.078125, 17], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 7670.4375, 7, 18], [31, 7670.4375, 7, 17], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 0], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 22], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 22], [48, 7667.4375, 162.09375, 21], [48, 7667.4375, 162.09375, 21], [48, 7708.15625, 1224, 144], [48, 7708.15625, 1224, 72], [48, 7708.15625, 1224, 72], [88, 7708.15625, 1184, 18], [71, 7708.15625, 7, 18], [71, 7708.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7708.15625, 51.546875, 17], [88, 7726.15625, 1184, 18], [71, 7726.15625, 7, 18], [71, 7726.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7726.15625, 37.328125, 17], [88, 7744.15625, 1184, 18], [71, 7744.15625, 7, 18], [71, 7744.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7744.15625, 76.4375, 17], [88, 7762.15625, 1184, 18], [71, 7762.15625, 7, 18], [71, 7762.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7762.15625, 74.5625, 17], [48, 7780.15625, 1224, 72], [88, 7780.15625, 1184, 18], [72, 7780.15625, 16, 18], [72, 7780.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7780.15625, 8, 17], [88, 7798.15625, 1184, 18], [72, 7798.15625, 16, 18], [72, 7798.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7798.15625, 8, 17], [88, 7816.15625, 1184, 18], [72, 7816.15625, 16, 18], [72, 7816.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7816.15625, 8, 17], [88, 7834.15625, 1184, 18], [72, 7834.15625, 16, 18], [72, 7834.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7834.15625, 8, 17], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 176], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 52], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7852.15625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7886.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7886.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7886.15625, 74.515625, 17], [48, 7920.15625, 1224, 36], [48, 7920.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7920.15625, 20, 17], [48, 7920.15625, 20, 17], [48, 7938.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7938.15625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7938.15625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7956.15625, 1224, 36], [48, 7956.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7956.15625, 24, 17], [48, 7956.15625, 24, 17], [48, 7974.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7974.15625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7974.15625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7992.15625, 1224, 36], [48, 7992.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7992.15625, 36, 17], [48, 7992.15625, 36, 17], [48, 8010.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 8010.15625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8010.15625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8028.15625, 1224, 52], [48, 8028.15625, 1224, 52], [48, 8028.15625, 0, 0], [48, 8028.15625, 1224, 52], [48, 8028.15625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8028.15625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8062.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 8062.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 8062.15625, 177.078125, 17], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 8101.875, 7, 18], [31, 8101.875, 7, 17], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 0], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 22], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 22], [48, 8098.875, 219.9375, 21], [48, 8098.875, 219.9375, 21], [48, 8139.59375, 1224, 144], [48, 8139.59375, 1224, 72], [48, 8139.59375, 1224, 72], [88, 8139.59375, 1184, 18], [71, 8139.59375, 7, 18], [71, 8139.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8139.59375, 40.875, 17], [88, 8157.59375, 1184, 18], [71, 8157.59375, 7, 18], [71, 8157.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8157.59375, 34.65625, 17], [88, 8175.59375, 1184, 18], [71, 8175.59375, 7, 18], [71, 8175.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8175.59375, 76.4375, 17], [88, 8193.59375, 1184, 18], [71, 8193.59375, 7, 18], [71, 8193.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8193.59375, 41.140625, 17], [48, 8211.59375, 1224, 72], [88, 8211.59375, 1184, 18], [72, 8211.59375, 16, 18], [72, 8211.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8211.59375, 8, 17], [88, 8229.59375, 1184, 18], [72, 8229.59375, 16, 18], [72, 8229.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8229.59375, 8, 17], [88, 8247.59375, 1184, 18], [72, 8247.59375, 16, 18], [72, 8247.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8247.59375, 8, 17], [88, 8265.59375, 1184, 18], [72, 8265.59375, 16, 18], [72, 8265.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8265.59375, 8, 17], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 176], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 52], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8283.59375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8317.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8317.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8317.59375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 8351.59375, 1224, 36], [48, 8351.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8351.59375, 20, 17], [48, 8351.59375, 20, 17], [48, 8369.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8369.59375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8369.59375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8387.59375, 1224, 36], [48, 8387.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8387.59375, 24, 17], [48, 8387.59375, 24, 17], [48, 8405.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8405.59375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8405.59375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8423.59375, 1224, 36], [48, 8423.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8423.59375, 36, 17], [48, 8423.59375, 36, 17], [48, 8441.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8441.59375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8441.59375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8459.59375, 1224, 52], [48, 8459.59375, 1224, 52], [48, 8459.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8459.59375, 1224, 52], [48, 8459.59375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8459.59375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8493.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8493.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8493.59375, 149.828125, 17], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 8533.3125, 7, 18], [31, 8533.3125, 7, 17], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 0], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 22], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 22], [48, 8530.3125, 127.625, 21], [48, 8530.3125, 127.625, 21], [48, 8571.03125, 1224, 126], [48, 8571.03125, 1224, 54], [48, 8571.03125, 1224, 54], [88, 8571.03125, 1184, 18], [71, 8571.03125, 7, 18], [71, 8571.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8571.03125, 40.875, 17], [88, 8589.03125, 1184, 18], [71, 8589.03125, 7, 18], [71, 8589.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8589.03125, 52.4375, 17], [88, 8607.03125, 1184, 18], [71, 8607.03125, 7, 18], [71, 8607.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8607.03125, 40.875, 17], [48, 8625.03125, 1224, 72], [88, 8625.03125, 1184, 18], [72, 8625.03125, 16, 18], [72, 8625.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8625.03125, 8, 17], [88, 8643.03125, 1184, 18], [72, 8643.03125, 16, 18], [72, 8643.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8643.03125, 8, 17], [88, 8661.03125, 1184, 18], [72, 8661.03125, 16, 18], [72, 8661.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8661.03125, 8, 17], [88, 8679.03125, 1184, 18], [72, 8679.03125, 16, 18], [72, 8679.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8679.03125, 8, 17], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 176], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 52], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8697.03125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8731.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8731.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8731.03125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 8765.03125, 1224, 36], [48, 8765.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8765.03125, 20, 17], [48, 8765.03125, 20, 17], [48, 8783.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8783.03125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8783.03125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8801.03125, 1224, 36], [48, 8801.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8801.03125, 24, 17], [48, 8801.03125, 24, 17], [48, 8819.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8819.03125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8819.03125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8837.03125, 1224, 36], [48, 8837.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8837.03125, 36, 17], [48, 8837.03125, 36, 17], [48, 8855.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8855.03125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8855.03125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8873.03125, 1224, 52], [48, 8873.03125, 1224, 52], [48, 8873.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8873.03125, 1224, 52], [48, 8873.03125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8873.03125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8907.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8907.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8907.03125, 169.078125, 17], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 430.71875], [31, 8946.75, 7, 18], [31, 8946.75, 7, 17], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 430.71875], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 430.71875], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 202.71875], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 0], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 58.71875], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 22], [48, 8943.75, 270.703125, 21], [48, 8943.75, 270.703125, 21], [48, 8984.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 8984.46875, 233.578125, 17], [48, 8984.46875, 233.578125, 17], [48, 9002.46875, 1224, 144], [48, 9002.46875, 1224, 72], [48, 9002.46875, 1224, 72], [88, 9002.46875, 1184, 18], [71, 9002.46875, 7, 18], [71, 9002.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9002.46875, 34.65625, 17], [88, 9020.46875, 1184, 18], [71, 9020.46875, 7, 18], [71, 9020.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9020.46875, 41.140625, 17], [88, 9038.46875, 1184, 18], [71, 9038.46875, 7, 18], [71, 9038.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9038.46875, 53.328125, 17], [88, 9056.46875, 1184, 18], [71, 9056.46875, 7, 18], [71, 9056.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9056.46875, 63.078125, 17], [48, 9074.46875, 1224, 72], [88, 9074.46875, 1184, 18], [72, 9074.46875, 16, 18], [72, 9074.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9074.46875, 8, 17], [88, 9092.46875, 1184, 18], [72, 9092.46875, 16, 18], [72, 9092.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9092.46875, 8, 17], [88, 9110.46875, 1184, 18], [72, 9110.46875, 16, 18], [72, 9110.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9110.46875, 8, 17], [88, 9128.46875, 1184, 18], [72, 9128.46875, 16, 18], [72, 9128.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9128.46875, 8, 17], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 176], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 52], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9146.46875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9180.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9180.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9180.46875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 9214.46875, 1224, 36], [48, 9214.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9214.46875, 20, 17], [48, 9214.46875, 20, 17], [48, 9232.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9232.46875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9232.46875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9250.46875, 1224, 36], [48, 9250.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9250.46875, 24, 17], [48, 9250.46875, 24, 17], [48, 9268.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9268.46875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9268.46875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9286.46875, 1224, 36], [48, 9286.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9286.46875, 36, 17], [48, 9286.46875, 36, 17], [48, 9304.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9304.46875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9304.46875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9322.46875, 1224, 52], [48, 9322.46875, 1224, 52], [48, 9322.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9322.46875, 1224, 52], [48, 9322.46875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9322.46875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9356.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9356.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9356.46875, 169.078125, 17], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 9396.1875, 7, 18], [31, 9396.1875, 7, 17], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 0], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 22], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 22], [48, 9393.1875, 53.671875, 21], [48, 9393.1875, 53.671875, 21], [48, 9433.90625, 1224, 126], [48, 9433.90625, 1224, 54], [48, 9433.90625, 1224, 54], [88, 9433.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 9433.90625, 7, 18], [71, 9433.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9433.90625, 55.984375, 17], [88, 9451.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 9451.90625, 7, 18], [71, 9451.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9451.90625, 41.78125, 17], [88, 9469.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 9469.90625, 7, 18], [71, 9469.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9469.90625, 37.09375, 17], [48, 9487.90625, 1224, 72], [88, 9487.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 9487.90625, 16, 18], [72, 9487.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9487.90625, 8, 17], [88, 9505.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 9505.90625, 16, 18], [72, 9505.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9505.90625, 8, 17], [88, 9523.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 9523.90625, 16, 18], [72, 9523.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9523.90625, 8, 17], [88, 9541.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 9541.90625, 16, 18], [72, 9541.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9541.90625, 8, 17], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 176], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9559.90625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9593.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9593.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9593.90625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 9627.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 9627.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9627.90625, 20, 17], [48, 9627.90625, 20, 17], [48, 9645.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9645.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9645.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9663.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 9663.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9663.90625, 24, 17], [48, 9663.90625, 24, 17], [48, 9681.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9681.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9681.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9699.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 9699.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9699.90625, 36, 17], [48, 9699.90625, 36, 17], [48, 9717.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9717.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9717.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9735.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 9735.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 9735.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9735.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 9735.90625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9735.90625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9769.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9769.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9769.90625, 169.078125, 17], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 9809.625, 7, 18], [31, 9809.625, 7, 17], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 0], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 22], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 22], [48, 9806.625, 119.65625, 21], [48, 9806.625, 119.65625, 21], [48, 9847.34375, 1224, 144], [48, 9847.34375, 1224, 72], [48, 9847.34375, 1224, 72], [88, 9847.34375, 1184, 18], [71, 9847.34375, 7, 18], [71, 9847.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9847.34375, 53.328125, 17], [88, 9865.34375, 1184, 18], [71, 9865.34375, 7, 18], [71, 9865.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9865.34375, 73.75, 17], [88, 9883.34375, 1184, 18], [71, 9883.34375, 7, 18], [71, 9883.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9883.34375, 76.4375, 17], [88, 9901.34375, 1184, 18], [71, 9901.34375, 7, 18], [71, 9901.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9901.34375, 82.234375, 17], [48, 9919.34375, 1224, 72], [88, 9919.34375, 1184, 18], [72, 9919.34375, 16, 18], [72, 9919.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9919.34375, 8, 17], [88, 9937.34375, 1184, 18], [72, 9937.34375, 16, 18], [72, 9937.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9937.34375, 8, 17], [88, 9955.34375, 1184, 18], [72, 9955.34375, 16, 18], [72, 9955.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9955.34375, 8, 17], [88, 9973.34375, 1184, 18], [72, 9973.34375, 16, 18], [72, 9973.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9973.34375, 8, 17], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 176], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 52], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 9991.34375, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10025.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10025.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10025.34375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10059.34375, 1224, 36], [48, 10059.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10059.34375, 20, 17], [48, 10059.34375, 20, 17], [48, 10077.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10077.34375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10077.34375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10095.34375, 1224, 36], [48, 10095.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10095.34375, 24, 17], [48, 10095.34375, 24, 17], [48, 10113.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10113.34375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10113.34375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10131.34375, 1224, 36], [48, 10131.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10131.34375, 36, 17], [48, 10131.34375, 36, 17], [48, 10149.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10149.34375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10149.34375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10167.34375, 1224, 52], [48, 10167.34375, 1224, 52], [48, 10167.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10167.34375, 1224, 52], [48, 10167.34375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10167.34375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10201.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10201.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10201.34375, 150.421875, 17], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 425.71875], [31, 10241.0625, 7, 18], [31, 10241.0625, 7, 17], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 425.71875], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 425.71875], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 197.71875], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 0], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 71], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 71], [48, 10238.0625, 113.453125, 21], [48, 10238.0625, 113.453125, 21], [48, 10260.0625, 1224, 49], [88, 10260.0625, 1184, 49], [69, 10287.0625, 8, 22], [69, 10287.0625, 8, 21], [88, 10260.0625, 92, 44], [48, 10327.78125, 1224, 108], [48, 10327.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 10327.78125, 1224, 36], [88, 10327.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 10327.78125, 7, 18], [71, 10327.78125, 7, 17], [88, 10327.78125, 37.328125, 17], [88, 10345.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 10345.78125, 7, 18], [71, 10345.78125, 7, 17], [88, 10345.78125, 35.578125, 17], [48, 10363.78125, 1224, 72], [88, 10363.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 10363.78125, 16, 18], [72, 10363.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10363.78125, 8, 17], [88, 10381.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 10381.78125, 16, 18], [72, 10381.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10381.78125, 8, 17], [88, 10399.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 10399.78125, 16, 18], [72, 10399.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10399.78125, 8, 17], [88, 10417.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 10417.78125, 16, 18], [72, 10417.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10417.78125, 8, 17], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 176], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10435.78125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10469.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10469.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10469.78125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10503.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 10503.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10503.78125, 20, 17], [48, 10503.78125, 20, 17], [48, 10521.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10521.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10521.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10539.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 10539.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10539.78125, 24, 17], [48, 10539.78125, 24, 17], [48, 10557.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10557.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10557.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10575.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 10575.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10575.78125, 36, 17], [48, 10575.78125, 36, 17], [48, 10593.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10593.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10593.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10611.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 10611.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 10611.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10611.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 10611.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10611.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10645.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10645.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10645.78125, 177.078125, 17], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 376.71875], [31, 10685.5, 7, 18], [31, 10685.5, 7, 17], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 376.71875], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 376.71875], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 148.71875], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 0], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 22], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 22], [48, 10682.5, 194.3125, 21], [48, 10682.5, 194.3125, 21], [48, 10723.21875, 1224, 108], [48, 10723.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 10723.21875, 1224, 36], [88, 10723.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 10723.21875, 7, 18], [71, 10723.21875, 7, 17], [88, 10723.21875, 37.328125, 17], [88, 10741.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 10741.21875, 7, 18], [71, 10741.21875, 7, 17], [88, 10741.21875, 43.578125, 17], [48, 10759.21875, 1224, 72], [88, 10759.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 10759.21875, 16, 18], [72, 10759.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10759.21875, 8, 17], [88, 10777.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 10777.21875, 16, 18], [72, 10777.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10777.21875, 8, 17], [88, 10795.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 10795.21875, 16, 18], [72, 10795.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10795.21875, 8, 17], [88, 10813.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 10813.21875, 16, 18], [72, 10813.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10813.21875, 8, 17], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 176], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10831.21875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10865.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10865.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10865.21875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10899.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 10899.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10899.21875, 20, 17], [48, 10899.21875, 20, 17], [48, 10917.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10917.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10917.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10935.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 10935.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10935.21875, 24, 17], [48, 10935.21875, 24, 17], [48, 10953.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10953.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10953.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10971.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 10971.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10971.21875, 36, 17], [48, 10971.21875, 36, 17], [48, 10989.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10989.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10989.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11007.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 11007.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 11007.21875, 0, 0], [48, 11007.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 11007.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11007.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11041.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 11041.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 11041.21875, 177.078125, 17], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 11080.9375, 7, 18], [31, 11080.9375, 7, 17], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 0], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 22], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 22], [48, 11077.9375, 87.4375, 21], [48, 11077.9375, 87.4375, 21], [48, 11118.65625, 1224, 126], [48, 11118.65625, 1224, 54], [48, 11118.65625, 1224, 54], [88, 11118.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 11118.65625, 7, 18], [71, 11118.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11118.65625, 34.65625, 17], [88, 11136.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 11136.65625, 7, 18], [71, 11136.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11136.65625, 39.984375, 17], [88, 11154.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 11154.65625, 7, 18], [71, 11154.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11154.65625, 41.78125, 17], [48, 11172.65625, 1224, 72], [88, 11172.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 11172.65625, 16, 18], [72, 11172.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11172.65625, 8, 17], [88, 11190.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 11190.65625, 16, 18], [72, 11190.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11190.65625, 8, 17], [88, 11208.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 11208.65625, 16, 18], [72, 11208.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11208.65625, 8, 17], [88, 11226.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 11226.65625, 16, 18], [72, 11226.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11226.65625, 8, 17], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 176], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11244.65625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11278.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11278.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11278.65625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 11312.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 11312.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11312.65625, 20, 17], [48, 11312.65625, 20, 17], [48, 11330.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11330.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11330.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11348.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 11348.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11348.65625, 24, 17], [48, 11348.65625, 24, 17], [48, 11366.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11366.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11366.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11384.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 11384.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11384.65625, 36, 17], [48, 11384.65625, 36, 17], [48, 11402.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11402.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11402.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11420.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 11420.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 11420.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11420.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 11420.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11420.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11454.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11454.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11454.65625, 142.421875, 17], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 11494.375, 7, 18], [31, 11494.375, 7, 17], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 0], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 22], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 22], [48, 11491.375, 107.5625, 21], [48, 11491.375, 107.5625, 21], [48, 11532.09375, 1224, 126], [48, 11532.09375, 1224, 54], [48, 11532.09375, 1224, 54], [88, 11532.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 11532.09375, 7, 18], [71, 11532.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11532.09375, 40.875, 17], [88, 11550.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 11550.09375, 7, 18], [71, 11550.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11550.09375, 37.328125, 17], [88, 11568.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 11568.09375, 7, 18], [71, 11568.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11568.09375, 40.875, 17], [48, 11586.09375, 1224, 72], [88, 11586.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 11586.09375, 16, 18], [72, 11586.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11586.09375, 8, 17], [88, 11604.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 11604.09375, 16, 18], [72, 11604.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11604.09375, 8, 17], [88, 11622.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 11622.09375, 16, 18], [72, 11622.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11622.09375, 8, 17], [88, 11640.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 11640.09375, 16, 18], [72, 11640.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11640.09375, 8, 17], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 176], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11658.09375, 82.65625, 17], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11692.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11692.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11692.09375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 11726.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 11726.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11726.09375, 20, 17], [48, 11726.09375, 20, 17], [48, 11744.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11744.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11744.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11762.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 11762.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11762.09375, 24, 17], [48, 11762.09375, 24, 17], [48, 11780.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11780.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11780.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11798.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 11798.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11798.09375, 36, 17], [48, 11798.09375, 36, 17], [48, 11816.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11816.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11816.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11834.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 11834.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 11834.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11834.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 11834.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11834.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11868.09375, 177.078125, 17], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 11907.8125, 7, 18], [31, 11907.8125, 7, 17], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 22], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 22], [48, 11904.8125, 135.578125, 21], [48, 11904.8125, 135.578125, 21], [48, 11945.53125, 1224, 126], [48, 11945.53125, 1224, 54], [48, 11945.53125, 1224, 54], [88, 11945.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 11945.53125, 7, 18], [71, 11945.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11945.53125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 11963.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 11963.53125, 7, 18], [71, 11963.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11963.53125, 40.875, 17], [88, 11981.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 11981.53125, 7, 18], [71, 11981.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11981.53125, 76.4375, 17], [48, 11999.53125, 1224, 72], [88, 11999.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 11999.53125, 16, 18], [72, 11999.53125, 16, 17], [88, 11999.53125, 8, 17], [88, 12017.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 12017.53125, 16, 18], [72, 12017.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12017.53125, 8, 17], [88, 12035.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 12035.53125, 16, 18], [72, 12035.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12035.53125, 8, 17], [88, 12053.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 12053.53125, 16, 18], [72, 12053.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12053.53125, 8, 17], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 176], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12071.53125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12105.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12105.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12105.53125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 12139.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 12139.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12139.53125, 20, 17], [48, 12139.53125, 20, 17], [48, 12157.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12157.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12157.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12175.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 12175.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12175.53125, 24, 17], [48, 12175.53125, 24, 17], [48, 12193.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12193.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12193.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12211.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 12211.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12211.53125, 36, 17], [48, 12211.53125, 36, 17], [48, 12229.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12229.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12229.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12247.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 12247.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 12247.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12247.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 12247.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12247.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12281.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12281.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12281.53125, 169.078125, 17], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 12321.25, 7, 18], [31, 12321.25, 7, 17], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 0], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 22], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 22], [48, 12318.25, 214.609375, 21], [48, 12318.25, 214.609375, 21], [48, 12358.96875, 1224, 126], [48, 12358.96875, 1224, 54], [48, 12358.96875, 1224, 54], [88, 12358.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 12358.96875, 7, 18], [71, 12358.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12358.96875, 66.25, 17], [88, 12376.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 12376.96875, 7, 18], [71, 12376.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12376.96875, 38.21875, 17], [88, 12394.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 12394.96875, 7, 18], [71, 12394.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12394.96875, 52.4375, 17], [48, 12412.96875, 1224, 72], [88, 12412.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 12412.96875, 16, 18], [72, 12412.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12412.96875, 8, 17], [88, 12430.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 12430.96875, 16, 18], [72, 12430.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12430.96875, 8, 17], [88, 12448.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 12448.96875, 16, 18], [72, 12448.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12448.96875, 8, 17], [88, 12466.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 12466.96875, 16, 18], [72, 12466.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12466.96875, 8, 17], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 176], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12484.96875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12518.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12518.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12518.96875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 12552.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 12552.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12552.96875, 20, 17], [48, 12552.96875, 20, 17], [48, 12570.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12570.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12570.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12588.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 12588.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12588.96875, 24, 17], [48, 12588.96875, 24, 17], [48, 12606.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12606.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12606.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12624.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 12624.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12624.96875, 36, 17], [48, 12624.96875, 36, 17], [48, 12642.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12642.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12642.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12660.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 12660.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 12660.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12660.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 12660.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12660.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12694.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12694.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12694.96875, 149.765625, 17], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 461.71875], [31, 12734.6875, 7, 18], [31, 12734.6875, 7, 17], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 461.71875], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 461.71875], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 233.71875], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 0], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 71], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 71], [48, 12731.6875, 114.796875, 21], [48, 12731.6875, 114.796875, 21], [48, 12753.6875, 1224, 49], [88, 12753.6875, 1184, 49], [69, 12780.6875, 8, 22], [69, 12780.6875, 8, 21], [88, 12753.6875, 92, 44], [48, 12821.40625, 1224, 144], [48, 12821.40625, 1224, 72], [48, 12821.40625, 1224, 72], [88, 12821.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 12821.40625, 7, 18], [71, 12821.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12821.40625, 93.28125, 17], [88, 12839.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 12839.40625, 7, 18], [71, 12839.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12839.40625, 98.203125, 17], [88, 12857.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 12857.40625, 7, 18], [71, 12857.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12857.40625, 39.984375, 17], [88, 12875.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 12875.40625, 7, 18], [71, 12875.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12875.40625, 68.40625, 17], [48, 12893.40625, 1224, 72], [88, 12893.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 12893.40625, 16, 18], [72, 12893.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12893.40625, 8, 17], [88, 12911.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 12911.40625, 16, 18], [72, 12911.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12911.40625, 8, 17], [88, 12929.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 12929.40625, 16, 18], [72, 12929.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12929.40625, 8, 17], [88, 12947.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 12947.40625, 16, 18], [72, 12947.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12947.40625, 8, 17], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 176], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12965.40625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12999.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12999.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12999.40625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 13033.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 13033.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13033.40625, 20, 17], [48, 13033.40625, 20, 17], [48, 13051.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13051.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 13051.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 13069.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 13069.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13069.40625, 24, 17], [48, 13069.40625, 24, 17], [48, 13087.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13087.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 13087.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 13105.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 13105.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13105.40625, 36, 17], [48, 13105.40625, 36, 17], [48, 13123.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13123.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 13123.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 13141.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 13141.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 13141.40625, 0, 0], [48, 13141.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 13141.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13141.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13175.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13175.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13175.40625, 149.828125, 17], [8, 13209.40625, 1264, 30], [8, 13209.40625, 1264, 30], [8, 13209.40625, 16, 6], [16, 13212.40625, 0, 0], [8, 13215.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 13215.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [8, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [16, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [16, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [24, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [24, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [8, 13233.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 13233.40625, 16, 6], [16, 13236.40625, 0, 0], [8, 13255.40625, 1264, 1589.8125], [8, 13255.40625, 1264, 1404.8125], [8, 13255.40625, 1264, 1404.8125], [8, 13255.40625, 1264, 198], [48, 13255.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13255.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13255.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13255.40625, 67.53125, 17], [48, 13255.40625, 67.53125, 17], [48, 13273.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13273.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13273.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13273.40625, 75.546875, 17], [48, 13273.40625, 75.546875, 17], [48, 13291.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13291.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13291.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13291.40625, 47.984375, 17], [48, 13291.40625, 47.984375, 17], [48, 13309.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13309.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13309.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13309.40625, 58.234375, 17], [48, 13309.40625, 58.234375, 17], [48, 13327.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13327.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13327.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13327.40625, 49.765625, 17], [48, 13327.40625, 49.765625, 17], [48, 13345.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13345.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13345.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13345.40625, 30.828125, 17], [48, 13345.40625, 30.828125, 17], [48, 13363.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13363.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13363.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13363.40625, 48.859375, 17], [48, 13363.40625, 48.859375, 17], [48, 13381.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13381.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13381.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13381.40625, 40.578125, 17], [48, 13381.40625, 40.578125, 17], [48, 13399.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13399.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13399.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13399.40625, 31.125, 17], [48, 13399.40625, 31.125, 17], [48, 13417.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13417.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13417.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13417.40625, 85.96875, 17], [48, 13417.40625, 85.96875, 17], [48, 13435.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13435.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13435.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13435.40625, 93.765625, 17], [48, 13435.40625, 93.765625, 17], [8, 13469.40625, 1264, 106], [8, 13469.40625, 1264, 54], [48, 13469.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13469.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13469.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13487.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13487.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13487.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13505.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13505.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13505.40625, 7, 17], [8, 13539.40625, 1264, 36], [48, 13539.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13539.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13539.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13557.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13557.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13557.40625, 7, 17], [8, 13591.40625, 1264, 2], [8, 13613.3125, 1264, 1028.90625], [8, 13613.3125, 1264, 622.90625], [8, 13613.3125, 1264, 27], [8, 13613.3125, 168.265625, 26], [8, 13660.21875, 1264, 576], [48, 13660.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13660.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13660.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13660.21875, 127.078125, 17], [48, 13660.21875, 127.078125, 17], [48, 13678.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13678.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13678.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13678.21875, 93.75, 17], [48, 13678.21875, 93.75, 17], [48, 13696.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13696.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13696.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13696.21875, 102.625, 17], [48, 13696.21875, 102.625, 17], [48, 13714.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13714.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13714.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13714.21875, 89.328125, 17], [48, 13714.21875, 89.328125, 17], [48, 13732.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13732.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13732.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13732.21875, 117.734375, 17], [48, 13732.21875, 117.734375, 17], [48, 13750.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13750.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13750.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13750.21875, 106.796875, 17], [48, 13750.21875, 106.796875, 17], [48, 13768.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13768.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13768.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13768.21875, 86.625, 17], [48, 13768.21875, 86.625, 17], [48, 13786.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13786.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13786.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13786.21875, 109.75, 17], [48, 13786.21875, 109.75, 17], [48, 13804.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13804.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13804.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13804.21875, 141.296875, 17], [48, 13804.21875, 141.296875, 17], [48, 13822.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13822.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13822.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13822.21875, 110.640625, 17], [48, 13822.21875, 110.640625, 17], [48, 13840.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13840.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13840.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13840.21875, 92.859375, 17], [48, 13840.21875, 92.859375, 17], [48, 13858.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13858.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13858.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13858.21875, 116.421875, 17], [48, 13858.21875, 116.421875, 17], [48, 13876.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13876.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13876.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13876.21875, 107.078125, 17], [48, 13876.21875, 107.078125, 17], [48, 13894.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13894.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13894.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13894.21875, 119.03125, 17], [48, 13894.21875, 119.03125, 17], [48, 13912.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13912.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13912.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13912.21875, 130.625, 17], [48, 13912.21875, 130.625, 17], [48, 13930.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13930.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13930.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13930.21875, 130.625, 17], [48, 13930.21875, 130.625, 17], [48, 13948.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13948.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13948.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13948.21875, 146.609375, 17], [48, 13948.21875, 146.609375, 17], [48, 13966.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13966.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13966.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13966.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13966.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13984.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13984.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13984.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13984.21875, 91.078125, 17], [48, 13984.21875, 91.078125, 17], [48, 14002.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14002.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14002.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14002.21875, 101.75, 17], [48, 14002.21875, 101.75, 17], [48, 14020.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14020.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14020.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14020.21875, 98.203125, 17], [48, 14020.21875, 98.203125, 17], [48, 14038.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14038.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14038.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14038.21875, 119.53125, 17], [48, 14038.21875, 119.53125, 17], [48, 14056.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14056.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14056.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14056.21875, 108.859375, 17], [48, 14056.21875, 108.859375, 17], [48, 14074.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14074.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14074.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14074.21875, 95.53125, 17], [48, 14074.21875, 95.53125, 17], [48, 14092.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14092.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14092.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14092.21875, 95.546875, 17], [48, 14092.21875, 95.546875, 17], [48, 14110.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14110.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14110.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14110.21875, 91.96875, 17], [48, 14110.21875, 91.96875, 17], [48, 14128.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14128.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14128.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14128.21875, 92, 17], [48, 14128.21875, 92, 17], [48, 14146.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14146.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14146.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14146.21875, 87.28125, 17], [48, 14146.21875, 87.28125, 17], [48, 14164.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14164.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14164.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14164.21875, 119.078125, 17], [48, 14164.21875, 119.078125, 17], [48, 14182.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14182.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14182.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14182.21875, 129.734375, 17], [48, 14182.21875, 129.734375, 17], [48, 14200.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14200.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14200.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14200.21875, 97.5625, 17], [48, 14200.21875, 97.5625, 17], [48, 14218.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14218.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14218.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14218.21875, 93.78125, 17], [48, 14218.21875, 93.78125, 17], [8, 14252.21875, 1264, 2], [8, 14270.21875, 1264, 196], [8, 14270.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 14270.21875, 87.546875, 17], [8, 14304.21875, 1264, 162], [48, 14304.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14304.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14304.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14304.21875, 45.34375, 17], [48, 14304.21875, 45.34375, 17], [48, 14322.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14322.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14322.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14322.21875, 53.328125, 17], [48, 14322.21875, 53.328125, 17], [48, 14340.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14340.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14340.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14340.21875, 40.875, 17], [48, 14340.21875, 40.875, 17], [48, 14358.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14358.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14358.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14358.21875, 79.984375, 17], [48, 14358.21875, 79.984375, 17], [48, 14376.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14376.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14376.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14376.21875, 79.546875, 17], [48, 14376.21875, 79.546875, 17], [48, 14394.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14394.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14394.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14394.21875, 64.90625, 17], [48, 14394.21875, 64.90625, 17], [48, 14412.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14412.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14412.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14412.21875, 90.203125, 17], [48, 14412.21875, 90.203125, 17], [48, 14430.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14430.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14430.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14430.21875, 76.046875, 17], [48, 14430.21875, 76.046875, 17], [48, 14448.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14448.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14448.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14448.21875, 87.546875, 17], [48, 14448.21875, 87.546875, 17], [8, 14482.21875, 1264, 2], [8, 14500.21875, 1264, 142], [8, 14500.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 14500.21875, 107.96875, 17], [8, 14534.21875, 1264, 108], [48, 14534.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14534.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14534.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14534.21875, 89.328125, 17], [48, 14534.21875, 89.328125, 17], [48, 14552.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14552.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14552.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14552.21875, 107.96875, 17], [48, 14552.21875, 107.96875, 17], [48, 14570.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14570.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14570.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14570.21875, 108.84375, 17], [48, 14570.21875, 108.84375, 17], [48, 14588.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14588.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14588.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14588.21875, 111.515625, 17], [48, 14588.21875, 111.515625, 17], [48, 14606.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14606.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14606.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14606.21875, 133.734375, 17], [48, 14606.21875, 133.734375, 17], [48, 14624.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14624.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14624.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14624.21875, 32, 17], [48, 14624.21875, 32, 17], [8, 14658.21875, 1264, 2], [8, 14668.21875, 1264, 177], [8, 14668.21875, 1264, 39], [8, 14689.21875, 145.75, 17], [8, 14689.21875, 145.75, 17], [153.75, 14689.21875, 35, 17], [153.75, 14668.21875, 35, 35], [8, 14707.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 14707.21875, 473.921875, 17], [8, 14707.21875, 221.015625, 17], [229.015625, 14707.21875, 85.96875, 17], [229.015625, 14707.21875, 85.96875, 17], [314.984375, 14707.21875, 70.203125, 17], [385.1875, 14707.21875, 92.734375, 17], [385.1875, 14707.21875, 92.734375, 17], [477.921875, 14707.21875, 4, 17], [481.921875, 14707.21875, 309.265625, 17], [481.921875, 14707.21875, 309.265625, 17], [8, 14831.21875, 220, 17], [8, 14725.21875, 220, 120]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 439, -1, -1, -1, -1, 454, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 512, -1, 516, -1, 520, -1, -1, -1, -1, 532, -1, 538, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 502, -1, -1, -1, 502, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, -1, 601, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, -1, 614, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, -1, 626, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, -1, 638, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, -1, 650, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, -1, 662, -1, -1, -1, 532, -1, 673, -1, -1, 532, -1, -1, 682, -1, -1, -1, 694, -1, 698, -1, -1, 706, -1, -1, 714, -1, 718, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 694, -1, 698, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 867, -1, 871, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 887, -1, -1, 894, -1, -1, 694, -1, 698, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 911, -1, 920, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 950, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 965, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 980, -1, 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1264, 19], [12, 1267, 13, 13], [28, 1266, 0, 17], [8, 1305, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1344, 1264, 126], [8, 1344, 1264, 126], [48, 1344, 1224, 126], [32, 1344, 16, 18], [32, 1344, 16, 18], [48, 1344, 128, 17], [48, 1344, 49, 17], [], [97, 1344, 79, 17], [], [48, 1362, 1224, 108], [88, 1362, 1184, 18], [72, 1362, 16, 18], [72, 1362, 16, 18], [88, 1362, 68, 17], [88, 1362, 37, 17], [], [125, 1362, 31, 17], [], [88, 1380, 1184, 18], [72, 1380, 16, 18], [72, 1380, 16, 18], [88, 1380, 107, 17], [88, 1380, 76, 17], [], [164, 1380, 31, 17], [], [88, 1398, 1184, 18], [72, 1398, 16, 18], [72, 1398, 16, 18], [88, 1398, 82, 17], [88, 1398, 52, 17], [], [140, 1398, 31, 17], [], [88, 1416, 1184, 18], [72, 1416, 16, 18], [72, 1416, 16, 18], [88, 1416, 65, 17], [88, 1416, 35, 17], [], [123, 1416, 31, 17], [], [88, 1434, 1184, 18], [72, 1434, 16, 18], [72, 1434, 16, 18], [88, 1434, 72, 17], [88, 1434, 41, 17], [], [129, 1434, 31, 17], [], [88, 1452, 1184, 18], [72, 1452, 16, 18], [72, 1452, 16, 18], [88, 1452, 73, 17], [], [8, 1490, 1264, 106], [8, 1490, 1264, 27], [], [106, 1496, 65, 21], [], [8, 1537, 1264, 59], [8, 1537, 1264, 59], [8, 1537, 1264, 22], [8, 1537, 1264, 22], [8, 1537, 65, 21], [], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1615, 1264, 142], [8, 1615, 1264, 27], [], [106, 1621, 65, 21], [], [8, 1662, 1264, 95], [8, 1662, 1264, 95], [8, 1662, 1264, 22], [8, 1662, 1264, 22], [8, 1662, 42, 21], [], [8, 1703, 1264, 54], [8, 1703, 1264, 54], [8, 1703, 1264, 54], [8, 1703, 1264, 54], [48, 1703, 1224, 18], [31, 1703, 7, 18], [31, 1703, 7, 18], [], [48, 1721, 1224, 18], [31, 1721, 7, 18], [31, 1721, 7, 18], [], [48, 1739, 1224, 18], [31, 1739, 7, 18], [31, 1739, 7, 18], [], [8, 1777, 1264, 305], [8, 1777, 1264, 27], [], [106, 1783, 65, 21], [], [8, 1824, 1264, 258], [8, 1824, 1264, 258], [8, 1824, 1264, 22], [8, 1824, 1264, 22], [8, 1824, 152, 21], [], [8, 1864, 1264, 217], [8, 1864, 1264, 217], [8, 1864, 1264, 58], [8, 1864, 1264, 58], [8, 1864, 1264, 19], [12, 1867, 13, 13], [28, 1866, 0, 17], [8, 1905, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1944, 1264, 58], [8, 1944, 1264, 58], [8, 1944, 1264, 19], [12, 1947, 13, 13], [28, 1946, 0, 17], [8, 1984, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2023, 1264, 58], [8, 2023, 1264, 58], [8, 2023, 1264, 19], [12, 2026, 13, 13], [28, 2025, 0, 17], [8, 2064, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2103, 1264, 151], [8, 2103, 1264, 27], [], [106, 2109, 65, 21], [], [8, 2150, 1264, 104], [8, 2150, 1264, 104], [8, 2150, 1264, 22], [8, 2150, 1264, 22], [8, 2150, 143, 21], [], [8, 2191, 1264, 63], [8, 2191, 1264, 63], [8, 2191, 1264, 63], [8, 2191, 1264, 21], [8, 2191, 87, 21], [], [8, 2212, 1264, 21], [8, 2212, 95, 21], [], [8, 2233, 1264, 21], [8, 2233, 95, 21], [], [8, 2254, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 2311, 1264, 10928], [8, 2311, 1264, 134], [8, 2311, 1264, 37], [], [8, 2369, 1264, 58], [8, 2369, 1264, 37], [8, 2369, 51, 17], [], [8, 2387, 1264, 19], [8, 2387, 1264, 19], [8, 2387, 67, 17], [], [75, 2387, 82, 19], [157, 2387, 0, 17], [8, 2406, 55, 21], [16, 2409, 0, 15], [16, 2409, 39, 15], [], [55, 2409, 0, 15], [8, 2427, 1264, 18], [8, 2427, 1264, 18], [8, 2427, 1264, 18], [8, 2427, 1264, 18], [8, 2427, 68, 17], [], [76, 2427, 0, 17], [8, 2461, 1264, 10732], [8, 2461, 1264, 0], [8, 2461, 1264, 507], [48, 2461, 1224, 507], [31, 2539, 7, 18], [31, 2539, 7, 18], [48, 2461, 1224, 507], [48, 2461, 1224, 507], [48, 2461, 1224, 295], [48, 2461, 1224, 92], [48, 2461, 92, 92], [48, 2572, 1224, 22], [48, 2572, 1224, 22], [48, 2572, 210, 21], [], [48, 2613, 1224, 144], [48, 2613, 1224, 72], [48, 2613, 1224, 72], [88, 2613, 1184, 18], [71, 2613, 7, 18], [71, 2613, 7, 18], [], [88, 2631, 1184, 18], [71, 2631, 7, 18], [71, 2631, 7, 18], [], [88, 2649, 1184, 18], [71, 2649, 7, 18], [71, 2649, 7, 18], [], [88, 2667, 1184, 18], [71, 2667, 7, 18], [71, 2667, 7, 18], [], [48, 2685, 1224, 72], [88, 2685, 1184, 18], [72, 2685, 16, 18], [72, 2685, 16, 18], [], [88, 2703, 1184, 18], [72, 2703, 16, 18], [72, 2703, 16, 18], [], [88, 2721, 1184, 18], [72, 2721, 16, 18], [72, 2721, 16, 18], [], [88, 2739, 1184, 18], [72, 2739, 16, 18], [72, 2739, 16, 18], [], [48, 2757, 1224, 212], [48, 2757, 1224, 52], [48, 2757, 1224, 18], [48, 2757, 1224, 18], [48, 2757, 1224, 18], [], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2791, 1224, 18], [48, 2791, 1224, 18], [], [48, 2825, 1224, 36], [48, 2825, 1224, 18], [48, 2825, 20, 17], [], [48, 2843, 1224, 18], [48, 2843, 36, 17], [], [48, 2861, 1224, 36], [48, 2861, 1224, 18], [48, 2861, 66, 17], [], [48, 2879, 1224, 18], [48, 2879, 61, 17], [], [48, 2897, 1224, 36], [48, 2897, 1224, 18], [48, 2897, 24, 17], [], [48, 2915, 1224, 18], [48, 2915, 64, 17], [], [48, 2933, 1224, 36], [48, 2933, 1224, 18], [48, 2933, 36, 17], [], [48, 2951, 1224, 18], [48, 2951, 83, 17], [], [48, 2969, 1224, 0], [8, 2988, 1264, 10206], [8, 2988, 1264, 0], [8, 2988, 1264, 0], [8, 2988, 1264, 59], [8, 2988, 1264, 22], [8, 2988, 251, 21], [], [8, 3028, 1264, 18], [], [8, 3062, 1264, 10131], [48, 3062, 1224, 523], [31, 3140, 7, 18], [31, 3140, 7, 18], [48, 3062, 1224, 523], [48, 3062, 1224, 523], [48, 3062, 1224, 295], [48, 3062, 1224, 92], [48, 3062, 92, 92], [48, 3173, 1224, 22], [48, 3173, 1224, 22], [48, 3173, 105, 21], [], [48, 3214, 1224, 144], [48, 3214, 1224, 72], [48, 3214, 1224, 72], [88, 3214, 1184, 18], [71, 3214, 7, 18], [71, 3214, 7, 18], [], [88, 3232, 1184, 18], [71, 3232, 7, 18], [71, 3232, 7, 18], [], [88, 3250, 1184, 18], [71, 3250, 7, 18], [71, 3250, 7, 18], [], [88, 3268, 1184, 18], [71, 3268, 7, 18], [71, 3268, 7, 18], [], [48, 3286, 1224, 72], [88, 3286, 1184, 18], [72, 3286, 16, 18], [72, 3286, 16, 18], [], [88, 3304, 1184, 18], [72, 3304, 16, 18], [72, 3304, 16, 18], [], [88, 3322, 1184, 18], [72, 3322, 16, 18], [72, 3322, 16, 18], [], [88, 3340, 1184, 18], [72, 3340, 16, 18], [72, 3340, 16, 18], [], [48, 3358, 1224, 176], [48, 3358, 1224, 52], [48, 3358, 1224, 18], [48, 3358, 1224, 18], [48, 3358, 1224, 18], [], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3392, 1224, 18], [48, 3392, 1224, 18], [], [48, 3426, 1224, 36], [48, 3426, 1224, 18], [48, 3426, 20, 17], [], [48, 3444, 1224, 18], [48, 3444, 36, 17], [], [48, 3462, 1224, 36], [48, 3462, 1224, 18], [48, 3462, 24, 17], [], [48, 3480, 1224, 18], [48, 3480, 64, 17], [], [48, 3498, 1224, 36], [48, 3498, 1224, 18], [48, 3498, 36, 17], [], [48, 3516, 1224, 18], [48, 3516, 83, 17], [], [48, 3534, 1224, 52], [48, 3534, 1224, 52], [48, 3534, 0, 0], [48, 3534, 1224, 52], [48, 3534, 146, 17], [], [194, 3534, 1224, 52], [48, 3568, 1224, 18], [], [48, 3602, 1224, 523], [31, 3680, 7, 18], [31, 3680, 7, 18], [48, 3602, 1224, 523], [48, 3602, 1224, 523], [48, 3602, 1224, 295], [48, 3602, 1224, 92], [48, 3602, 92, 92], [48, 3713, 1224, 22], [48, 3713, 1224, 22], [48, 3713, 150, 21], [], [48, 3753, 1224, 144], [48, 3753, 1224, 72], [48, 3753, 1224, 72], [88, 3753, 1184, 18], [71, 3753, 7, 18], [71, 3753, 7, 18], [], [88, 3771, 1184, 18], [71, 3771, 7, 18], [71, 3771, 7, 18], [], [88, 3789, 1184, 18], [71, 3789, 7, 18], [71, 3789, 7, 18], [], [88, 3807, 1184, 18], [71, 3807, 7, 18], [71, 3807, 7, 18], [], [48, 3825, 1224, 72], [88, 3825, 1184, 18], [72, 3825, 16, 18], [72, 3825, 16, 18], [], [88, 3843, 1184, 18], [72, 3843, 16, 18], [72, 3843, 16, 18], [], [88, 3861, 1184, 18], [72, 3861, 16, 18], [72, 3861, 16, 18], [], [88, 3879, 1184, 18], [72, 3879, 16, 18], [72, 3879, 16, 18], [], [48, 3897, 1224, 176], [48, 3897, 1224, 52], [48, 3897, 1224, 18], [48, 3897, 1224, 18], [48, 3897, 1224, 18], [], [48, 3915, 0, 0], [48, 3915, 0, 0], [48, 3915, 0, 0], [48, 3915, 0, 0], [48, 3915, 0, 0], [48, 3931, 1224, 18], [48, 3931, 1224, 18], [], [48, 3965, 1224, 36], [48, 3965, 1224, 18], [48, 3965, 20, 17], [], [48, 3983, 1224, 18], [48, 3983, 36, 17], [], [48, 4001, 1224, 36], [48, 4001, 1224, 18], [48, 4001, 24, 17], [], [48, 4019, 1224, 18], [48, 4019, 64, 17], [], [48, 4037, 1224, 36], [48, 4037, 1224, 18], [48, 4037, 36, 17], [], [48, 4055, 1224, 18], [48, 4055, 83, 17], [], [48, 4073, 1224, 52], [48, 4073, 1224, 52], [48, 4073, 0, 0], [48, 4073, 1224, 52], [48, 4073, 146, 17], [], [194, 4073, 1224, 52], [48, 4107, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4141, 1224, 523], [31, 4219, 7, 18], [31, 4219, 7, 18], [48, 4141, 1224, 523], [48, 4141, 1224, 523], [48, 4141, 1224, 295], [48, 4141, 1224, 92], [48, 4141, 92, 92], [48, 4252, 1224, 22], [48, 4252, 1224, 22], [48, 4252, 121, 21], [], [48, 4293, 1224, 144], [48, 4293, 1224, 72], [48, 4293, 1224, 72], [88, 4293, 1184, 18], [71, 4293, 7, 18], [71, 4293, 7, 18], [], [88, 4311, 1184, 18], [71, 4311, 7, 18], [71, 4311, 7, 18], [], [88, 4329, 1184, 18], [71, 4329, 7, 18], [71, 4329, 7, 18], [], [88, 4347, 1184, 18], [71, 4347, 7, 18], [71, 4347, 7, 18], [], [48, 4365, 1224, 72], [88, 4365, 1184, 18], [72, 4365, 16, 18], [72, 4365, 16, 18], [], [88, 4383, 1184, 18], [72, 4383, 16, 18], [72, 4383, 16, 18], [], [88, 4401, 1184, 18], [72, 4401, 16, 18], [72, 4401, 16, 18], [], [88, 4419, 1184, 18], [72, 4419, 16, 18], [72, 4419, 16, 18], [], [48, 4437, 1224, 176], [48, 4437, 1224, 52], [48, 4437, 1224, 18], [48, 4437, 1224, 18], [48, 4437, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4471, 1224, 18], [48, 4471, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4505, 1224, 36], [48, 4505, 1224, 18], [48, 4505, 20, 17], [], [48, 4523, 1224, 18], [48, 4523, 36, 17], [], [48, 4541, 1224, 36], [48, 4541, 1224, 18], [48, 4541, 24, 17], [], [48, 4559, 1224, 18], [48, 4559, 64, 17], [], [48, 4577, 1224, 36], [48, 4577, 1224, 18], [48, 4577, 36, 17], [], [48, 4595, 1224, 18], [48, 4595, 83, 17], [], [48, 4613, 1224, 52], [48, 4613, 1224, 52], [48, 4613, 0, 0], [48, 4613, 1224, 52], [48, 4613, 146, 17], [], [194, 4613, 1224, 52], [48, 4647, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4683, 1224, 413], [31, 4686, 7, 18], [31, 4686, 7, 18], [48, 4683, 1224, 413], [48, 4683, 1224, 413], [48, 4683, 1224, 185], [48, 4683, 1224, 0], [48, 4683, 1224, 22], [48, 4683, 1224, 22], [48, 4683, 76, 21], [], [48, 4724, 1224, 144], [48, 4724, 1224, 72], [48, 4724, 1224, 72], [88, 4724, 1184, 18], [71, 4724, 7, 18], [71, 4724, 7, 18], [], [88, 4742, 1184, 18], [71, 4742, 7, 18], [71, 4742, 7, 18], [], [88, 4760, 1184, 18], [71, 4760, 7, 18], [71, 4760, 7, 18], [], [88, 4778, 1184, 18], [71, 4778, 7, 18], [71, 4778, 7, 18], [], [48, 4796, 1224, 72], [88, 4796, 1184, 18], [72, 4796, 16, 18], [72, 4796, 16, 18], [], [88, 4814, 1184, 18], [72, 4814, 16, 18], [72, 4814, 16, 18], [], [88, 4832, 1184, 18], [72, 4832, 16, 18], [72, 4832, 16, 18], [], [88, 4850, 1184, 18], [72, 4850, 16, 18], [72, 4850, 16, 18], [], [48, 4868, 1224, 176], [48, 4868, 1224, 52], [48, 4868, 1224, 18], [48, 4868, 1224, 18], [48, 4868, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4902, 1224, 18], [48, 4902, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4936, 1224, 36], [48, 4936, 1224, 18], [48, 4936, 8, 17], [], [48, 4954, 1224, 18], [48, 4954, 36, 17], [], [48, 4972, 1224, 36], [48, 4972, 1224, 18], [48, 4972, 24, 17], [], [48, 4990, 1224, 18], [48, 4990, 64, 17], [], [48, 5008, 1224, 36], [48, 5008, 1224, 18], [48, 5008, 36, 17], [], [48, 5026, 1224, 18], [48, 5026, 83, 17], [], [48, 5044, 1224, 52], [48, 5044, 1224, 52], [48, 5044, 0, 0], [48, 5044, 1224, 52], [48, 5044, 146, 17], [], [194, 5044, 1224, 52], [48, 5078, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5115, 1224, 413], [31, 5118, 7, 18], [31, 5118, 7, 18], [48, 5115, 1224, 413], [48, 5115, 1224, 413], [48, 5115, 1224, 185], [48, 5115, 1224, 0], [48, 5115, 1224, 22], [48, 5115, 1224, 22], [48, 5115, 98, 21], [], [48, 5156, 1224, 144], [48, 5156, 1224, 72], [48, 5156, 1224, 72], [88, 5156, 1184, 18], [71, 5156, 7, 18], [71, 5156, 7, 18], [], [88, 5174, 1184, 18], [71, 5174, 7, 18], [71, 5174, 7, 18], [], [88, 5192, 1184, 18], [71, 5192, 7, 18], [71, 5192, 7, 18], [], [88, 5210, 1184, 18], [71, 5210, 7, 18], [71, 5210, 7, 18], [], [48, 5228, 1224, 72], [88, 5228, 1184, 18], [72, 5228, 16, 18], [72, 5228, 16, 18], [], [88, 5246, 1184, 18], [72, 5246, 16, 18], [72, 5246, 16, 18], [], [88, 5264, 1184, 18], [72, 5264, 16, 18], [72, 5264, 16, 18], [], [88, 5282, 1184, 18], [72, 5282, 16, 18], [72, 5282, 16, 18], [], [48, 5300, 1224, 176], [48, 5300, 1224, 52], [48, 5300, 1224, 18], [48, 5300, 1224, 18], [48, 5300, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5334, 1224, 18], [48, 5334, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5368, 1224, 36], [48, 5368, 1224, 18], [48, 5368, 20, 17], [], [48, 5386, 1224, 18], [48, 5386, 36, 17], [], [48, 5404, 1224, 36], [48, 5404, 1224, 18], [48, 5404, 24, 17], [], [48, 5422, 1224, 18], [48, 5422, 64, 17], [], [48, 5440, 1224, 36], [48, 5440, 1224, 18], [48, 5440, 36, 17], [], [48, 5458, 1224, 18], [48, 5458, 83, 17], [], [48, 5476, 1224, 52], [48, 5476, 1224, 52], [48, 5476, 0, 0], [48, 5476, 1224, 52], [48, 5476, 146, 17], [], [194, 5476, 1224, 52], [48, 5510, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5546, 1224, 413], [31, 5549, 7, 18], [31, 5549, 7, 18], [48, 5546, 1224, 413], [48, 5546, 1224, 413], [48, 5546, 1224, 185], [48, 5546, 1224, 0], [48, 5546, 1224, 22], [48, 5546, 1224, 22], [48, 5546, 211, 21], [], [48, 5587, 1224, 144], [48, 5587, 1224, 72], [48, 5587, 1224, 72], [88, 5587, 1184, 18], [71, 5587, 7, 18], [71, 5587, 7, 18], [], [88, 5605, 1184, 18], [71, 5605, 7, 18], [71, 5605, 7, 18], [], [88, 5623, 1184, 18], [71, 5623, 7, 18], [71, 5623, 7, 18], [], [88, 5641, 1184, 18], [71, 5641, 7, 18], [71, 5641, 7, 18], [], [48, 5659, 1224, 72], [88, 5659, 1184, 18], [72, 5659, 16, 18], [72, 5659, 16, 18], [], [88, 5677, 1184, 18], [72, 5677, 16, 18], [72, 5677, 16, 18], [], [88, 5695, 1184, 18], [72, 5695, 16, 18], [72, 5695, 16, 18], [], [88, 5713, 1184, 18], [72, 5713, 16, 18], [72, 5713, 16, 18], [], [48, 5731, 1224, 176], [48, 5731, 1224, 52], [48, 5731, 1224, 18], [48, 5731, 1224, 18], [48, 5731, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5765, 1224, 18], [48, 5765, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5799, 1224, 36], [48, 5799, 1224, 18], [48, 5799, 20, 17], [], [48, 5817, 1224, 18], [48, 5817, 36, 17], [], [48, 5835, 1224, 36], [48, 5835, 1224, 18], [48, 5835, 24, 17], [], [48, 5853, 1224, 18], [48, 5853, 64, 17], [], [48, 5871, 1224, 36], [48, 5871, 1224, 18], [48, 5871, 36, 17], [], [48, 5889, 1224, 18], [48, 5889, 83, 17], [], [48, 5907, 1224, 52], [48, 5907, 1224, 52], [48, 5907, 0, 0], [48, 5907, 1224, 52], [48, 5907, 146, 17], [], [194, 5907, 1224, 52], [48, 5941, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5978, 1224, 413], [31, 5981, 7, 18], [31, 5981, 7, 18], [48, 5978, 1224, 413], [48, 5978, 1224, 413], [48, 5978, 1224, 185], [48, 5978, 1224, 0], [48, 5978, 1224, 22], [48, 5978, 1224, 22], [48, 5978, 181, 21], [], [48, 6018, 1224, 144], [48, 6018, 1224, 72], [48, 6018, 1224, 72], [88, 6018, 1184, 18], [71, 6018, 7, 18], [71, 6018, 7, 18], [], [88, 6036, 1184, 18], [71, 6036, 7, 18], [71, 6036, 7, 18], [], [88, 6054, 1184, 18], [71, 6054, 7, 18], [71, 6054, 7, 18], [], [88, 6072, 1184, 18], [71, 6072, 7, 18], [71, 6072, 7, 18], [], [48, 6090, 1224, 72], [88, 6090, 1184, 18], [72, 6090, 16, 18], [72, 6090, 16, 18], [], [88, 6108, 1184, 18], [72, 6108, 16, 18], [72, 6108, 16, 18], [], [88, 6126, 1184, 18], [72, 6126, 16, 18], [72, 6126, 16, 18], [], [88, 6144, 1184, 18], [72, 6144, 16, 18], [72, 6144, 16, 18], [], [48, 6162, 1224, 176], [48, 6162, 1224, 52], [48, 6162, 1224, 18], [48, 6162, 1224, 18], [48, 6162, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6196, 1224, 18], [48, 6196, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6230, 1224, 36], [48, 6230, 1224, 18], [48, 6230, 20, 17], [], [48, 6248, 1224, 18], [48, 6248, 36, 17], [], [48, 6266, 1224, 36], [48, 6266, 1224, 18], [48, 6266, 24, 17], [], [48, 6284, 1224, 18], [48, 6284, 64, 17], [], [48, 6302, 1224, 36], [48, 6302, 1224, 18], [48, 6302, 36, 17], [], [48, 6320, 1224, 18], [48, 6320, 83, 17], [], [48, 6338, 1224, 52], [48, 6338, 1224, 52], [48, 6338, 0, 0], [48, 6338, 1224, 52], [48, 6338, 146, 17], [], [194, 6338, 1224, 52], [48, 6372, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6409, 1224, 413], [31, 6412, 7, 18], [31, 6412, 7, 18], [48, 6409, 1224, 413], [48, 6409, 1224, 413], [48, 6409, 1224, 185], [48, 6409, 1224, 0], [48, 6409, 1224, 22], [48, 6409, 1224, 22], [48, 6409, 163, 21], [], [48, 6450, 1224, 144], [48, 6450, 1224, 72], [48, 6450, 1224, 72], [88, 6450, 1184, 18], [71, 6450, 7, 18], [71, 6450, 7, 18], [], [88, 6468, 1184, 18], [71, 6468, 7, 18], [71, 6468, 7, 18], [], [88, 6486, 1184, 18], [71, 6486, 7, 18], [71, 6486, 7, 18], [], [88, 6504, 1184, 18], [71, 6504, 7, 18], [71, 6504, 7, 18], [], [48, 6522, 1224, 72], [88, 6522, 1184, 18], [72, 6522, 16, 18], [72, 6522, 16, 18], [], [88, 6540, 1184, 18], [72, 6540, 16, 18], [72, 6540, 16, 18], [], [88, 6558, 1184, 18], [72, 6558, 16, 18], [72, 6558, 16, 18], [], [88, 6576, 1184, 18], [72, 6576, 16, 18], [72, 6576, 16, 18], [], [48, 6594, 1224, 176], [48, 6594, 1224, 52], [48, 6594, 1224, 18], [48, 6594, 1224, 18], [48, 6594, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6628, 1224, 18], [48, 6628, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6662, 1224, 36], [48, 6662, 1224, 18], [48, 6662, 8, 17], [], [48, 6680, 1224, 18], [48, 6680, 36, 17], [], [48, 6698, 1224, 36], [48, 6698, 1224, 18], [48, 6698, 24, 17], [], [48, 6716, 1224, 18], [48, 6716, 64, 17], [], [48, 6734, 1224, 36], [48, 6734, 1224, 18], [48, 6734, 36, 17], [], [48, 6752, 1224, 18], [48, 6752, 83, 17], [], [48, 6770, 1224, 52], [48, 6770, 1224, 52], [48, 6770, 0, 0], [48, 6770, 1224, 52], [48, 6770, 146, 17], [], [194, 6770, 1224, 52], [48, 6804, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6841, 1224, 377], [31, 6844, 7, 18], [31, 6844, 7, 18], [48, 6841, 1224, 377], [48, 6841, 1224, 377], [48, 6841, 1224, 149], [48, 6841, 1224, 0], [48, 6841, 1224, 22], [48, 6841, 1224, 22], [48, 6841, 213, 21], [], [48, 6881, 1224, 108], [48, 6881, 1224, 36], [48, 6881, 1224, 36], [88, 6881, 1184, 18], [71, 6881, 7, 18], [71, 6881, 7, 18], [], [88, 6899, 1184, 18], [71, 6899, 7, 18], [71, 6899, 7, 18], [], [48, 6917, 1224, 72], [88, 6917, 1184, 18], [72, 6917, 16, 18], [72, 6917, 16, 18], [], [88, 6935, 1184, 18], [72, 6935, 16, 18], [72, 6935, 16, 18], [], [88, 6953, 1184, 18], [72, 6953, 16, 18], [72, 6953, 16, 18], [], [88, 6971, 1184, 18], [72, 6971, 16, 18], [72, 6971, 16, 18], [], [48, 6989, 1224, 176], [48, 6989, 1224, 52], [48, 6989, 1224, 18], [48, 6989, 1224, 18], [48, 6989, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7023, 1224, 18], [48, 7023, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7057, 1224, 36], [48, 7057, 1224, 18], [48, 7057, 20, 17], [], [48, 7075, 1224, 18], [48, 7075, 36, 17], [], [48, 7093, 1224, 36], [48, 7093, 1224, 18], [48, 7093, 24, 17], [], [48, 7111, 1224, 18], [48, 7111, 64, 17], [], [48, 7129, 1224, 36], [48, 7129, 1224, 18], [48, 7129, 36, 17], [], [48, 7147, 1224, 18], [48, 7147, 83, 17], [], [48, 7165, 1224, 52], [48, 7165, 1224, 52], [48, 7165, 0, 0], [48, 7165, 1224, 52], [48, 7165, 146, 17], [], [194, 7165, 1224, 52], [48, 7199, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7236, 1224, 413], [31, 7239, 7, 18], [31, 7239, 7, 18], [48, 7236, 1224, 413], [48, 7236, 1224, 413], [48, 7236, 1224, 185], [48, 7236, 1224, 0], [48, 7236, 1224, 22], [48, 7236, 1224, 22], [48, 7236, 212, 21], [], [48, 7277, 1224, 144], [48, 7277, 1224, 72], [48, 7277, 1224, 72], [88, 7277, 1184, 18], [71, 7277, 7, 18], [71, 7277, 7, 18], [], [88, 7295, 1184, 18], [71, 7295, 7, 18], [71, 7295, 7, 18], [], [88, 7313, 1184, 18], [71, 7313, 7, 18], [71, 7313, 7, 18], [], [88, 7331, 1184, 18], [71, 7331, 7, 18], [71, 7331, 7, 18], [], [48, 7349, 1224, 72], [88, 7349, 1184, 18], [72, 7349, 16, 18], [72, 7349, 16, 18], [], [88, 7367, 1184, 18], [72, 7367, 16, 18], [72, 7367, 16, 18], [], [88, 7385, 1184, 18], [72, 7385, 16, 18], [72, 7385, 16, 18], [], [88, 7403, 1184, 18], [72, 7403, 16, 18], [72, 7403, 16, 18], [], [48, 7421, 1224, 176], [48, 7421, 1224, 52], [48, 7421, 1224, 18], [48, 7421, 1224, 18], [48, 7421, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7455, 1224, 18], [48, 7455, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7489, 1224, 36], [48, 7489, 1224, 18], [48, 7489, 20, 17], [], [48, 7507, 1224, 18], [48, 7507, 36, 17], [], [48, 7525, 1224, 36], [48, 7525, 1224, 18], [48, 7525, 24, 17], [], [48, 7543, 1224, 18], [48, 7543, 64, 17], [], [48, 7561, 1224, 36], [48, 7561, 1224, 18], [48, 7561, 36, 17], [], [48, 7579, 1224, 18], [48, 7579, 83, 17], [], [48, 7597, 1224, 52], [48, 7597, 1224, 52], [48, 7597, 0, 0], [48, 7597, 1224, 52], [48, 7597, 146, 17], [], [194, 7597, 1224, 52], [48, 7631, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7667, 1224, 413], [31, 7670, 7, 18], [31, 7670, 7, 18], [48, 7667, 1224, 413], [48, 7667, 1224, 413], [48, 7667, 1224, 185], [48, 7667, 1224, 0], [48, 7667, 1224, 22], [48, 7667, 1224, 22], [48, 7667, 162, 21], [], [48, 7708, 1224, 144], [48, 7708, 1224, 72], [48, 7708, 1224, 72], [88, 7708, 1184, 18], [71, 7708, 7, 18], [71, 7708, 7, 18], [], [88, 7726, 1184, 18], [71, 7726, 7, 18], [71, 7726, 7, 18], [], [88, 7744, 1184, 18], [71, 7744, 7, 18], [71, 7744, 7, 18], [], [88, 7762, 1184, 18], [71, 7762, 7, 18], [71, 7762, 7, 18], [], [48, 7780, 1224, 72], [88, 7780, 1184, 18], [72, 7780, 16, 18], [72, 7780, 16, 18], [], [88, 7798, 1184, 18], [72, 7798, 16, 18], [72, 7798, 16, 18], [], [88, 7816, 1184, 18], [72, 7816, 16, 18], [72, 7816, 16, 18], [], [88, 7834, 1184, 18], [72, 7834, 16, 18], [72, 7834, 16, 18], [], [48, 7852, 1224, 176], [48, 7852, 1224, 52], [48, 7852, 1224, 18], [48, 7852, 1224, 18], [48, 7852, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7886, 1224, 18], [48, 7886, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7920, 1224, 36], [48, 7920, 1224, 18], [48, 7920, 20, 17], [], [48, 7938, 1224, 18], [48, 7938, 36, 17], [], [48, 7956, 1224, 36], [48, 7956, 1224, 18], [48, 7956, 24, 17], [], [48, 7974, 1224, 18], [48, 7974, 64, 17], [], [48, 7992, 1224, 36], [48, 7992, 1224, 18], [48, 7992, 36, 17], [], [48, 8010, 1224, 18], [48, 8010, 83, 17], [], [48, 8028, 1224, 52], [48, 8028, 1224, 52], [48, 8028, 0, 0], [48, 8028, 1224, 52], [48, 8028, 146, 17], [], [194, 8028, 1224, 52], [48, 8062, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8099, 1224, 413], [31, 8102, 7, 18], [31, 8102, 7, 18], [48, 8099, 1224, 413], [48, 8099, 1224, 413], [48, 8099, 1224, 185], [48, 8099, 1224, 0], [48, 8099, 1224, 22], [48, 8099, 1224, 22], [48, 8099, 220, 21], [], [48, 8140, 1224, 144], [48, 8140, 1224, 72], [48, 8140, 1224, 72], [88, 8140, 1184, 18], [71, 8140, 7, 18], [71, 8140, 7, 18], [], [88, 8158, 1184, 18], [71, 8158, 7, 18], [71, 8158, 7, 18], [], [88, 8176, 1184, 18], [71, 8176, 7, 18], [71, 8176, 7, 18], [], [88, 8194, 1184, 18], [71, 8194, 7, 18], [71, 8194, 7, 18], [], [48, 8212, 1224, 72], [88, 8212, 1184, 18], [72, 8212, 16, 18], [72, 8212, 16, 18], [], [88, 8230, 1184, 18], [72, 8230, 16, 18], [72, 8230, 16, 18], [], [88, 8248, 1184, 18], [72, 8248, 16, 18], [72, 8248, 16, 18], [], [88, 8266, 1184, 18], [72, 8266, 16, 18], [72, 8266, 16, 18], [], [48, 8284, 1224, 176], [48, 8284, 1224, 52], [48, 8284, 1224, 18], [48, 8284, 1224, 18], [48, 8284, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8318, 1224, 18], [48, 8318, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8352, 1224, 36], [48, 8352, 1224, 18], [48, 8352, 20, 17], [], [48, 8370, 1224, 18], [48, 8370, 36, 17], [], [48, 8388, 1224, 36], [48, 8388, 1224, 18], [48, 8388, 24, 17], [], [48, 8406, 1224, 18], [48, 8406, 64, 17], [], [48, 8424, 1224, 36], [48, 8424, 1224, 18], [48, 8424, 36, 17], [], [48, 8442, 1224, 18], [48, 8442, 83, 17], [], [48, 8460, 1224, 52], [48, 8460, 1224, 52], [48, 8460, 0, 0], [48, 8460, 1224, 52], [48, 8460, 146, 17], [], [194, 8460, 1224, 52], [48, 8494, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8530, 1224, 395], [31, 8533, 7, 18], [31, 8533, 7, 18], [48, 8530, 1224, 395], [48, 8530, 1224, 395], [48, 8530, 1224, 167], [48, 8530, 1224, 0], [48, 8530, 1224, 22], [48, 8530, 1224, 22], [48, 8530, 128, 21], [], [48, 8571, 1224, 126], [48, 8571, 1224, 54], [48, 8571, 1224, 54], [88, 8571, 1184, 18], [71, 8571, 7, 18], [71, 8571, 7, 18], [], [88, 8589, 1184, 18], [71, 8589, 7, 18], [71, 8589, 7, 18], [], [88, 8607, 1184, 18], [71, 8607, 7, 18], [71, 8607, 7, 18], [], [48, 8625, 1224, 72], [88, 8625, 1184, 18], [72, 8625, 16, 18], [72, 8625, 16, 18], [], [88, 8643, 1184, 18], [72, 8643, 16, 18], [72, 8643, 16, 18], [], [88, 8661, 1184, 18], [72, 8661, 16, 18], [72, 8661, 16, 18], [], [88, 8679, 1184, 18], [72, 8679, 16, 18], [72, 8679, 16, 18], [], [48, 8697, 1224, 176], [48, 8697, 1224, 52], [48, 8697, 1224, 18], [48, 8697, 1224, 18], [48, 8697, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8731, 1224, 18], [48, 8731, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8765, 1224, 36], [48, 8765, 1224, 18], [48, 8765, 20, 17], [], [48, 8783, 1224, 18], [48, 8783, 36, 17], [], [48, 8801, 1224, 36], [48, 8801, 1224, 18], [48, 8801, 24, 17], [], [48, 8819, 1224, 18], [48, 8819, 64, 17], [], [48, 8837, 1224, 36], [48, 8837, 1224, 18], [48, 8837, 36, 17], [], [48, 8855, 1224, 18], [48, 8855, 83, 17], [], [48, 8873, 1224, 52], [48, 8873, 1224, 52], [48, 8873, 0, 0], [48, 8873, 1224, 52], [48, 8873, 146, 17], [], [194, 8873, 1224, 52], [48, 8907, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8944, 1224, 431], [31, 8947, 7, 18], [31, 8947, 7, 18], [48, 8944, 1224, 431], [48, 8944, 1224, 431], [48, 8944, 1224, 203], [48, 8944, 1224, 0], [48, 8944, 1224, 59], [48, 8944, 1224, 22], [48, 8944, 271, 21], [], [48, 8984, 1224, 18], [48, 8984, 234, 17], [], [48, 9002, 1224, 144], [48, 9002, 1224, 72], [48, 9002, 1224, 72], [88, 9002, 1184, 18], [71, 9002, 7, 18], [71, 9002, 7, 18], [], [88, 9020, 1184, 18], [71, 9020, 7, 18], [71, 9020, 7, 18], [], [88, 9038, 1184, 18], [71, 9038, 7, 18], [71, 9038, 7, 18], [], [88, 9056, 1184, 18], [71, 9056, 7, 18], [71, 9056, 7, 18], [], [48, 9074, 1224, 72], [88, 9074, 1184, 18], [72, 9074, 16, 18], [72, 9074, 16, 18], [], [88, 9092, 1184, 18], [72, 9092, 16, 18], [72, 9092, 16, 18], [], [88, 9110, 1184, 18], [72, 9110, 16, 18], [72, 9110, 16, 18], [], [88, 9128, 1184, 18], [72, 9128, 16, 18], [72, 9128, 16, 18], [], [48, 9146, 1224, 176], [48, 9146, 1224, 52], [48, 9146, 1224, 18], [48, 9146, 1224, 18], [48, 9146, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9180, 1224, 18], [48, 9180, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9214, 1224, 36], [48, 9214, 1224, 18], [48, 9214, 20, 17], [], [48, 9232, 1224, 18], [48, 9232, 36, 17], [], [48, 9250, 1224, 36], [48, 9250, 1224, 18], [48, 9250, 24, 17], [], [48, 9268, 1224, 18], [48, 9268, 64, 17], [], [48, 9286, 1224, 36], [48, 9286, 1224, 18], [48, 9286, 36, 17], [], [48, 9304, 1224, 18], [48, 9304, 83, 17], [], [48, 9322, 1224, 52], [48, 9322, 1224, 52], [48, 9322, 0, 0], [48, 9322, 1224, 52], [48, 9322, 146, 17], [], [194, 9322, 1224, 52], [48, 9356, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9393, 1224, 395], [31, 9396, 7, 18], [31, 9396, 7, 18], [48, 9393, 1224, 395], [48, 9393, 1224, 395], [48, 9393, 1224, 167], [48, 9393, 1224, 0], [48, 9393, 1224, 22], [48, 9393, 1224, 22], [48, 9393, 54, 21], [], [48, 9434, 1224, 126], [48, 9434, 1224, 54], [48, 9434, 1224, 54], [88, 9434, 1184, 18], [71, 9434, 7, 18], [71, 9434, 7, 18], [], [88, 9452, 1184, 18], [71, 9452, 7, 18], [71, 9452, 7, 18], [], [88, 9470, 1184, 18], [71, 9470, 7, 18], [71, 9470, 7, 18], [], [48, 9488, 1224, 72], [88, 9488, 1184, 18], [72, 9488, 16, 18], [72, 9488, 16, 18], [], [88, 9506, 1184, 18], [72, 9506, 16, 18], [72, 9506, 16, 18], [], [88, 9524, 1184, 18], [72, 9524, 16, 18], [72, 9524, 16, 18], [], [88, 9542, 1184, 18], [72, 9542, 16, 18], [72, 9542, 16, 18], [], [48, 9560, 1224, 176], [48, 9560, 1224, 52], [48, 9560, 1224, 18], [48, 9560, 1224, 18], [48, 9560, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9594, 1224, 18], [48, 9594, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9628, 1224, 36], [48, 9628, 1224, 18], [48, 9628, 20, 17], [], [48, 9646, 1224, 18], [48, 9646, 36, 17], [], [48, 9664, 1224, 36], [48, 9664, 1224, 18], [48, 9664, 24, 17], [], [48, 9682, 1224, 18], [48, 9682, 64, 17], [], [48, 9700, 1224, 36], [48, 9700, 1224, 18], [48, 9700, 36, 17], [], [48, 9718, 1224, 18], [48, 9718, 83, 17], [], [48, 9736, 1224, 52], [48, 9736, 1224, 52], [48, 9736, 0, 0], [48, 9736, 1224, 52], [48, 9736, 146, 17], [], [194, 9736, 1224, 52], [48, 9770, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9807, 1224, 413], [31, 9810, 7, 18], [31, 9810, 7, 18], [48, 9807, 1224, 413], [48, 9807, 1224, 413], [48, 9807, 1224, 185], [48, 9807, 1224, 0], [48, 9807, 1224, 22], [48, 9807, 1224, 22], [48, 9807, 120, 21], [], [48, 9847, 1224, 144], [48, 9847, 1224, 72], [48, 9847, 1224, 72], [88, 9847, 1184, 18], [71, 9847, 7, 18], [71, 9847, 7, 18], [], [88, 9865, 1184, 18], [71, 9865, 7, 18], [71, 9865, 7, 18], [], [88, 9883, 1184, 18], [71, 9883, 7, 18], [71, 9883, 7, 18], [], [88, 9901, 1184, 18], [71, 9901, 7, 18], [71, 9901, 7, 18], [], [48, 9919, 1224, 72], [88, 9919, 1184, 18], [72, 9919, 16, 18], [72, 9919, 16, 18], [], [88, 9937, 1184, 18], [72, 9937, 16, 18], [72, 9937, 16, 18], [], [88, 9955, 1184, 18], [72, 9955, 16, 18], [72, 9955, 16, 18], [], [88, 9973, 1184, 18], [72, 9973, 16, 18], [72, 9973, 16, 18], [], [48, 9991, 1224, 176], [48, 9991, 1224, 52], [48, 9991, 1224, 18], [48, 9991, 1224, 18], [48, 9991, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10025, 1224, 18], [48, 10025, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10059, 1224, 36], [48, 10059, 1224, 18], [48, 10059, 20, 17], [], [48, 10077, 1224, 18], [48, 10077, 36, 17], [], [48, 10095, 1224, 36], [48, 10095, 1224, 18], [48, 10095, 24, 17], [], [48, 10113, 1224, 18], [48, 10113, 64, 17], [], [48, 10131, 1224, 36], [48, 10131, 1224, 18], [48, 10131, 36, 17], [], [48, 10149, 1224, 18], [48, 10149, 83, 17], [], [48, 10167, 1224, 52], [48, 10167, 1224, 52], [48, 10167, 0, 0], [48, 10167, 1224, 52], [48, 10167, 146, 17], [], [194, 10167, 1224, 52], [48, 10201, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10238, 1224, 426], [31, 10241, 7, 18], [31, 10241, 7, 18], [48, 10238, 1224, 426], [48, 10238, 1224, 426], [48, 10238, 1224, 198], [48, 10238, 1224, 0], [48, 10238, 1224, 71], [48, 10238, 1224, 71], [48, 10238, 113, 21], [], [48, 10260, 1224, 49], [88, 10260, 1184, 49], [69, 10287, 8, 22], [69, 10287, 8, 22], [88, 10260, 92, 44], [48, 10328, 1224, 108], [48, 10328, 1224, 36], [48, 10328, 1224, 36], [88, 10328, 1184, 18], [71, 10328, 7, 18], [71, 10328, 7, 18], [], [88, 10346, 1184, 18], [71, 10346, 7, 18], [71, 10346, 7, 18], [], [48, 10364, 1224, 72], [88, 10364, 1184, 18], [72, 10364, 16, 18], [72, 10364, 16, 18], [], [88, 10382, 1184, 18], [72, 10382, 16, 18], [72, 10382, 16, 18], [], [88, 10400, 1184, 18], [72, 10400, 16, 18], [72, 10400, 16, 18], [], [88, 10418, 1184, 18], [72, 10418, 16, 18], [72, 10418, 16, 18], [], [48, 10436, 1224, 176], [48, 10436, 1224, 52], [48, 10436, 1224, 18], [48, 10436, 1224, 18], [48, 10436, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10470, 1224, 18], [48, 10470, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10504, 1224, 36], [48, 10504, 1224, 18], [48, 10504, 20, 17], [], [48, 10522, 1224, 18], [48, 10522, 36, 17], [], [48, 10540, 1224, 36], [48, 10540, 1224, 18], [48, 10540, 24, 17], [], [48, 10558, 1224, 18], [48, 10558, 64, 17], [], [48, 10576, 1224, 36], [48, 10576, 1224, 18], [48, 10576, 36, 17], [], [48, 10594, 1224, 18], [48, 10594, 83, 17], [], [48, 10612, 1224, 52], [48, 10612, 1224, 52], [48, 10612, 0, 0], [48, 10612, 1224, 52], [48, 10612, 146, 17], [], [194, 10612, 1224, 52], [48, 10646, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10683, 1224, 377], [31, 10686, 7, 18], [31, 10686, 7, 18], [48, 10683, 1224, 377], [48, 10683, 1224, 377], [48, 10683, 1224, 149], [48, 10683, 1224, 0], [48, 10683, 1224, 22], [48, 10683, 1224, 22], [48, 10683, 194, 21], [], [48, 10723, 1224, 108], [48, 10723, 1224, 36], [48, 10723, 1224, 36], [88, 10723, 1184, 18], [71, 10723, 7, 18], [71, 10723, 7, 18], [], [88, 10741, 1184, 18], [71, 10741, 7, 18], [71, 10741, 7, 18], [], [48, 10759, 1224, 72], [88, 10759, 1184, 18], [72, 10759, 16, 18], [72, 10759, 16, 18], [], [88, 10777, 1184, 18], [72, 10777, 16, 18], [72, 10777, 16, 18], [], [88, 10795, 1184, 18], [72, 10795, 16, 18], [72, 10795, 16, 18], [], [88, 10813, 1184, 18], [72, 10813, 16, 18], [72, 10813, 16, 18], [], [48, 10831, 1224, 176], [48, 10831, 1224, 52], [48, 10831, 1224, 18], [48, 10831, 1224, 18], [48, 10831, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10865, 1224, 18], [48, 10865, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10899, 1224, 36], [48, 10899, 1224, 18], [48, 10899, 20, 17], [], [48, 10917, 1224, 18], [48, 10917, 36, 17], [], [48, 10935, 1224, 36], [48, 10935, 1224, 18], [48, 10935, 24, 17], [], [48, 10953, 1224, 18], [48, 10953, 64, 17], [], [48, 10971, 1224, 36], [48, 10971, 1224, 18], [48, 10971, 36, 17], [], [48, 10989, 1224, 18], [48, 10989, 83, 17], [], [48, 11007, 1224, 52], [48, 11007, 1224, 52], [48, 11007, 0, 0], [48, 11007, 1224, 52], [48, 11007, 146, 17], [], [194, 11007, 1224, 52], [48, 11041, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11078, 1224, 395], [31, 11081, 7, 18], [31, 11081, 7, 18], [48, 11078, 1224, 395], [48, 11078, 1224, 395], [48, 11078, 1224, 167], [48, 11078, 1224, 0], [48, 11078, 1224, 22], [48, 11078, 1224, 22], [48, 11078, 87, 21], [], [48, 11119, 1224, 126], [48, 11119, 1224, 54], [48, 11119, 1224, 54], [88, 11119, 1184, 18], [71, 11119, 7, 18], [71, 11119, 7, 18], [], [88, 11137, 1184, 18], [71, 11137, 7, 18], [71, 11137, 7, 18], [], [88, 11155, 1184, 18], [71, 11155, 7, 18], [71, 11155, 7, 18], [], [48, 11173, 1224, 72], [88, 11173, 1184, 18], [72, 11173, 16, 18], [72, 11173, 16, 18], [], [88, 11191, 1184, 18], [72, 11191, 16, 18], [72, 11191, 16, 18], [], [88, 11209, 1184, 18], [72, 11209, 16, 18], [72, 11209, 16, 18], [], [88, 11227, 1184, 18], [72, 11227, 16, 18], [72, 11227, 16, 18], [], [48, 11245, 1224, 176], [48, 11245, 1224, 52], [48, 11245, 1224, 18], [48, 11245, 1224, 18], [48, 11245, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11279, 1224, 18], [48, 11279, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11313, 1224, 36], [48, 11313, 1224, 18], [48, 11313, 20, 17], [], [48, 11331, 1224, 18], [48, 11331, 36, 17], [], [48, 11349, 1224, 36], [48, 11349, 1224, 18], [48, 11349, 24, 17], [], [48, 11367, 1224, 18], [48, 11367, 64, 17], [], [48, 11385, 1224, 36], [48, 11385, 1224, 18], [48, 11385, 36, 17], [], [48, 11403, 1224, 18], [48, 11403, 83, 17], [], [48, 11421, 1224, 52], [48, 11421, 1224, 52], [48, 11421, 0, 0], [48, 11421, 1224, 52], [48, 11421, 146, 17], [], [194, 11421, 1224, 52], [48, 11455, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11491, 1224, 395], [31, 11494, 7, 18], [31, 11494, 7, 18], [48, 11491, 1224, 395], [48, 11491, 1224, 395], [48, 11491, 1224, 167], [48, 11491, 1224, 0], [48, 11491, 1224, 22], [48, 11491, 1224, 22], [48, 11491, 108, 21], [], [48, 11532, 1224, 126], [48, 11532, 1224, 54], [48, 11532, 1224, 54], [88, 11532, 1184, 18], [71, 11532, 7, 18], [71, 11532, 7, 18], [], [88, 11550, 1184, 18], [71, 11550, 7, 18], [71, 11550, 7, 18], [], [88, 11568, 1184, 18], [71, 11568, 7, 18], [71, 11568, 7, 18], [], [48, 11586, 1224, 72], [88, 11586, 1184, 18], [72, 11586, 16, 18], [72, 11586, 16, 18], [], [88, 11604, 1184, 18], [72, 11604, 16, 18], [72, 11604, 16, 18], [], [88, 11622, 1184, 18], [72, 11622, 16, 18], [72, 11622, 16, 18], [], [88, 11640, 1184, 18], [72, 11640, 16, 18], [72, 11640, 16, 18], [], [48, 11658, 1224, 176], [48, 11658, 1224, 52], [48, 11658, 1224, 18], [48, 11658, 1224, 18], [48, 11658, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11692, 1224, 18], [48, 11692, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11726, 1224, 36], [48, 11726, 1224, 18], [48, 11726, 20, 17], [], [48, 11744, 1224, 18], [48, 11744, 36, 17], [], [48, 11762, 1224, 36], [48, 11762, 1224, 18], [48, 11762, 24, 17], [], [48, 11780, 1224, 18], [48, 11780, 64, 17], [], [48, 11798, 1224, 36], [48, 11798, 1224, 18], [48, 11798, 36, 17], [], [48, 11816, 1224, 18], [48, 11816, 83, 17], [], [48, 11834, 1224, 52], [48, 11834, 1224, 52], [48, 11834, 0, 0], [48, 11834, 1224, 52], [48, 11834, 146, 17], [], [194, 11834, 1224, 52], [48, 11868, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11905, 1224, 395], [31, 11908, 7, 18], [31, 11908, 7, 18], [48, 11905, 1224, 395], [48, 11905, 1224, 395], [48, 11905, 1224, 167], [48, 11905, 1224, 0], [48, 11905, 1224, 22], [48, 11905, 1224, 22], [48, 11905, 136, 21], [], [48, 11946, 1224, 126], [48, 11946, 1224, 54], [48, 11946, 1224, 54], [88, 11946, 1184, 18], [71, 11946, 7, 18], [71, 11946, 7, 18], [], [88, 11964, 1184, 18], [71, 11964, 7, 18], [71, 11964, 7, 18], [], [88, 11982, 1184, 18], [71, 11982, 7, 18], [71, 11982, 7, 18], [], [48, 12000, 1224, 72], [88, 12000, 1184, 18], [72, 12000, 16, 18], [72, 12000, 16, 18], [], [88, 12018, 1184, 18], [72, 12018, 16, 18], [72, 12018, 16, 18], [], [88, 12036, 1184, 18], [72, 12036, 16, 18], [72, 12036, 16, 18], [], [88, 12054, 1184, 18], [72, 12054, 16, 18], [72, 12054, 16, 18], [], [48, 12072, 1224, 176], [48, 12072, 1224, 52], [48, 12072, 1224, 18], [48, 12072, 1224, 18], [48, 12072, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12106, 1224, 18], [48, 12106, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12140, 1224, 36], [48, 12140, 1224, 18], [48, 12140, 20, 17], [], [48, 12158, 1224, 18], [48, 12158, 36, 17], [], [48, 12176, 1224, 36], [48, 12176, 1224, 18], [48, 12176, 24, 17], [], [48, 12194, 1224, 18], [48, 12194, 64, 17], [], [48, 12212, 1224, 36], [48, 12212, 1224, 18], [48, 12212, 36, 17], [], [48, 12230, 1224, 18], [48, 12230, 83, 17], [], [48, 12248, 1224, 52], [48, 12248, 1224, 52], [48, 12248, 0, 0], [48, 12248, 1224, 52], [48, 12248, 146, 17], [], [194, 12248, 1224, 52], [48, 12282, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12318, 1224, 395], [31, 12321, 7, 18], [31, 12321, 7, 18], [48, 12318, 1224, 395], [48, 12318, 1224, 395], [48, 12318, 1224, 167], [48, 12318, 1224, 0], [48, 12318, 1224, 22], [48, 12318, 1224, 22], [48, 12318, 215, 21], [], [48, 12359, 1224, 126], [48, 12359, 1224, 54], [48, 12359, 1224, 54], [88, 12359, 1184, 18], [71, 12359, 7, 18], [71, 12359, 7, 18], [], [88, 12377, 1184, 18], [71, 12377, 7, 18], [71, 12377, 7, 18], [], [88, 12395, 1184, 18], [71, 12395, 7, 18], [71, 12395, 7, 18], [], [48, 12413, 1224, 72], [88, 12413, 1184, 18], [72, 12413, 16, 18], [72, 12413, 16, 18], [], [88, 12431, 1184, 18], [72, 12431, 16, 18], [72, 12431, 16, 18], [], [88, 12449, 1184, 18], [72, 12449, 16, 18], [72, 12449, 16, 18], [], [88, 12467, 1184, 18], [72, 12467, 16, 18], [72, 12467, 16, 18], [], [48, 12485, 1224, 176], [48, 12485, 1224, 52], [48, 12485, 1224, 18], [48, 12485, 1224, 18], [48, 12485, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12519, 1224, 18], [48, 12519, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12553, 1224, 36], [48, 12553, 1224, 18], [48, 12553, 20, 17], [], [48, 12571, 1224, 18], [48, 12571, 36, 17], [], [48, 12589, 1224, 36], [48, 12589, 1224, 18], [48, 12589, 24, 17], [], [48, 12607, 1224, 18], [48, 12607, 64, 17], [], [48, 12625, 1224, 36], [48, 12625, 1224, 18], [48, 12625, 36, 17], [], [48, 12643, 1224, 18], [48, 12643, 83, 17], [], [48, 12661, 1224, 52], [48, 12661, 1224, 52], [48, 12661, 0, 0], [48, 12661, 1224, 52], [48, 12661, 146, 17], [], [194, 12661, 1224, 52], [48, 12695, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12732, 1224, 462], [31, 12735, 7, 18], [31, 12735, 7, 18], [48, 12732, 1224, 462], [48, 12732, 1224, 462], [48, 12732, 1224, 234], [48, 12732, 1224, 0], [48, 12732, 1224, 71], [48, 12732, 1224, 71], [48, 12732, 115, 21], [], [48, 12754, 1224, 49], [88, 12754, 1184, 49], [69, 12781, 8, 22], [69, 12781, 8, 22], [88, 12754, 92, 44], [48, 12821, 1224, 144], [48, 12821, 1224, 72], [48, 12821, 1224, 72], [88, 12821, 1184, 18], [71, 12821, 7, 18], [71, 12821, 7, 18], [], [88, 12839, 1184, 18], [71, 12839, 7, 18], [71, 12839, 7, 18], [], [88, 12857, 1184, 18], [71, 12857, 7, 18], [71, 12857, 7, 18], [], [88, 12875, 1184, 18], [71, 12875, 7, 18], [71, 12875, 7, 18], [], [48, 12893, 1224, 72], [88, 12893, 1184, 18], [72, 12893, 16, 18], [72, 12893, 16, 18], [], [88, 12911, 1184, 18], [72, 12911, 16, 18], [72, 12911, 16, 18], [], [88, 12929, 1184, 18], [72, 12929, 16, 18], [72, 12929, 16, 18], [], [88, 12947, 1184, 18], [72, 12947, 16, 18], [72, 12947, 16, 18], [], [48, 12965, 1224, 176], [48, 12965, 1224, 52], [48, 12965, 1224, 18], [48, 12965, 1224, 18], [48, 12965, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12999, 1224, 18], [48, 12999, 1224, 18], [], [48, 13033, 1224, 36], [48, 13033, 1224, 18], [48, 13033, 20, 17], [], [48, 13051, 1224, 18], [48, 13051, 36, 17], [], [48, 13069, 1224, 36], [48, 13069, 1224, 18], [48, 13069, 24, 17], [], [48, 13087, 1224, 18], [48, 13087, 64, 17], [], [48, 13105, 1224, 36], [48, 13105, 1224, 18], [48, 13105, 36, 17], [], [48, 13123, 1224, 18], [48, 13123, 83, 17], [], [48, 13141, 1224, 52], [48, 13141, 1224, 52], [48, 13141, 0, 0], [48, 13141, 1224, 52], [48, 13141, 146, 17], [], [194, 13141, 1224, 52], [48, 13175, 1224, 18], [], [8, 13209, 1264, 30], [8, 13209, 1264, 30], [8, 13209, 16, 6], [16, 13212, 0, 0], [8, 13215, 1264, 0], [8, 13215, 1264, 18], [8, 13215, 8, 17], [], [16, 13215, 8, 17], [], [24, 13215, 8, 17], [], [8, 13233, 1264, 0], [8, 13233, 16, 6], [16, 13236, 0, 0], [8, 13255, 1264, 1590], [8, 13255, 1264, 1405], [8, 13255, 1264, 1405], [8, 13255, 1264, 198], [48, 13255, 1224, 18], [31, 13255, 7, 18], [31, 13255, 7, 18], [48, 13255, 68, 17], [], [48, 13273, 1224, 18], [31, 13273, 7, 18], [31, 13273, 7, 18], [48, 13273, 76, 17], [], [48, 13291, 1224, 18], [31, 13291, 7, 18], [31, 13291, 7, 18], [48, 13291, 48, 17], [], [48, 13309, 1224, 18], [31, 13309, 7, 18], [31, 13309, 7, 18], [48, 13309, 58, 17], [], [48, 13327, 1224, 18], [31, 13327, 7, 18], [31, 13327, 7, 18], [48, 13327, 50, 17], [], [48, 13345, 1224, 18], [31, 13345, 7, 18], [31, 13345, 7, 18], [48, 13345, 31, 17], [], [48, 13363, 1224, 18], [31, 13363, 7, 18], [31, 13363, 7, 18], [48, 13363, 49, 17], [], [48, 13381, 1224, 18], [31, 13381, 7, 18], [31, 13381, 7, 18], [48, 13381, 41, 17], [], [48, 13399, 1224, 18], [31, 13399, 7, 18], [31, 13399, 7, 18], [48, 13399, 31, 17], [], [48, 13417, 1224, 18], [31, 13417, 7, 18], [31, 13417, 7, 18], [48, 13417, 86, 17], [], [48, 13435, 1224, 18], [31, 13435, 7, 18], [31, 13435, 7, 18], [48, 13435, 94, 17], [], [8, 13469, 1264, 106], [8, 13469, 1264, 54], [48, 13469, 1224, 18], [31, 13469, 7, 18], [31, 13469, 7, 18], [48, 13487, 1224, 18], [31, 13487, 7, 18], [31, 13487, 7, 18], [48, 13505, 1224, 18], [31, 13505, 7, 18], [31, 13505, 7, 18], [8, 13539, 1264, 36], [48, 13539, 1224, 18], [31, 13539, 7, 18], [31, 13539, 7, 18], [48, 13557, 1224, 18], [31, 13557, 7, 18], [31, 13557, 7, 18], [8, 13591, 1264, 2], [8, 13613, 1264, 1029], [8, 13613, 1264, 623], [8, 13613, 1264, 27], [], [8, 13660, 1264, 576], [48, 13660, 1224, 18], [31, 13660, 7, 18], [31, 13660, 7, 18], [48, 13660, 127, 17], [], [48, 13678, 1224, 18], [31, 13678, 7, 18], [31, 13678, 7, 18], [48, 13678, 94, 17], [], [48, 13696, 1224, 18], [31, 13696, 7, 18], [31, 13696, 7, 18], [48, 13696, 103, 17], [], [48, 13714, 1224, 18], [31, 13714, 7, 18], [31, 13714, 7, 18], [48, 13714, 89, 17], [], [48, 13732, 1224, 18], [31, 13732, 7, 18], [31, 13732, 7, 18], [48, 13732, 118, 17], [], [48, 13750, 1224, 18], [31, 13750, 7, 18], [31, 13750, 7, 18], [48, 13750, 107, 17], [], [48, 13768, 1224, 18], [31, 13768, 7, 18], [31, 13768, 7, 18], [48, 13768, 87, 17], [], [48, 13786, 1224, 18], [31, 13786, 7, 18], [31, 13786, 7, 18], [48, 13786, 110, 17], [], [48, 13804, 1224, 18], [31, 13804, 7, 18], [31, 13804, 7, 18], [48, 13804, 141, 17], [], [48, 13822, 1224, 18], [31, 13822, 7, 18], [31, 13822, 7, 18], [48, 13822, 111, 17], [], [48, 13840, 1224, 18], [31, 13840, 7, 18], [31, 13840, 7, 18], [48, 13840, 93, 17], [], [48, 13858, 1224, 18], [31, 13858, 7, 18], [31, 13858, 7, 18], [48, 13858, 116, 17], [], [48, 13876, 1224, 18], [31, 13876, 7, 18], [31, 13876, 7, 18], [48, 13876, 107, 17], [], [48, 13894, 1224, 18], [31, 13894, 7, 18], [31, 13894, 7, 18], [48, 13894, 119, 17], [], [48, 13912, 1224, 18], [31, 13912, 7, 18], [31, 13912, 7, 18], [48, 13912, 131, 17], [], [48, 13930, 1224, 18], [31, 13930, 7, 18], [31, 13930, 7, 18], [48, 13930, 131, 17], [], [48, 13948, 1224, 18], [31, 13948, 7, 18], [31, 13948, 7, 18], [48, 13948, 147, 17], [], [48, 13966, 1224, 18], [31, 13966, 7, 18], [31, 13966, 7, 18], [48, 13966, 146, 17], [], [48, 13984, 1224, 18], [31, 13984, 7, 18], [31, 13984, 7, 18], [48, 13984, 91, 17], [], [48, 14002, 1224, 18], [31, 14002, 7, 18], [31, 14002, 7, 18], [48, 14002, 102, 17], [], [48, 14020, 1224, 18], [31, 14020, 7, 18], [31, 14020, 7, 18], [48, 14020, 98, 17], [], [48, 14038, 1224, 18], [31, 14038, 7, 18], [31, 14038, 7, 18], [48, 14038, 120, 17], [], [48, 14056, 1224, 18], [31, 14056, 7, 18], [31, 14056, 7, 18], [48, 14056, 109, 17], [], [48, 14074, 1224, 18], [31, 14074, 7, 18], [31, 14074, 7, 18], [48, 14074, 96, 17], [], [48, 14092, 1224, 18], [31, 14092, 7, 18], [31, 14092, 7, 18], [48, 14092, 96, 17], [], [48, 14110, 1224, 18], [31, 14110, 7, 18], [31, 14110, 7, 18], [48, 14110, 92, 17], [], [48, 14128, 1224, 18], [31, 14128, 7, 18], [31, 14128, 7, 18], [48, 14128, 92, 17], [], [48, 14146, 1224, 18], [31, 14146, 7, 18], [31, 14146, 7, 18], [48, 14146, 87, 17], [], [48, 14164, 1224, 18], [31, 14164, 7, 18], [31, 14164, 7, 18], [48, 14164, 119, 17], [], [48, 14182, 1224, 18], [31, 14182, 7, 18], [31, 14182, 7, 18], [48, 14182, 130, 17], [], [48, 14200, 1224, 18], [31, 14200, 7, 18], [31, 14200, 7, 18], [48, 14200, 98, 17], [], [48, 14218, 1224, 18], [31, 14218, 7, 18], [31, 14218, 7, 18], [48, 14218, 94, 17], [], [8, 14252, 1264, 2], [8, 14270, 1264, 196], [8, 14270, 1264, 18], [], [8, 14304, 1264, 162], [48, 14304, 1224, 18], [31, 14304, 7, 18], [31, 14304, 7, 18], [48, 14304, 45, 17], [], [48, 14322, 1224, 18], [31, 14322, 7, 18], [31, 14322, 7, 18], [48, 14322, 53, 17], [], [48, 14340, 1224, 18], [31, 14340, 7, 18], [31, 14340, 7, 18], [48, 14340, 41, 17], [], [48, 14358, 1224, 18], [31, 14358, 7, 18], [31, 14358, 7, 18], [48, 14358, 80, 17], [], [48, 14376, 1224, 18], [31, 14376, 7, 18], [31, 14376, 7, 18], [48, 14376, 80, 17], [], [48, 14394, 1224, 18], [31, 14394, 7, 18], [31, 14394, 7, 18], [48, 14394, 65, 17], [], [48, 14412, 1224, 18], [31, 14412, 7, 18], [31, 14412, 7, 18], [48, 14412, 90, 17], [], [48, 14430, 1224, 18], [31, 14430, 7, 18], [31, 14430, 7, 18], [48, 14430, 76, 17], [], [48, 14448, 1224, 18], [31, 14448, 7, 18], [31, 14448, 7, 18], [48, 14448, 88, 17], [], [8, 14482, 1264, 2], [8, 14500, 1264, 142], [8, 14500, 1264, 18], [], [8, 14534, 1264, 108], [48, 14534, 1224, 18], [31, 14534, 7, 18], [31, 14534, 7, 18], [48, 14534, 89, 17], [], [48, 14552, 1224, 18], [31, 14552, 7, 18], [31, 14552, 7, 18], [48, 14552, 108, 17], [], [48, 14570, 1224, 18], [31, 14570, 7, 18], [31, 14570, 7, 18], [48, 14570, 109, 17], [], [48, 14588, 1224, 18], [31, 14588, 7, 18], [31, 14588, 7, 18], [48, 14588, 112, 17], [], [48, 14606, 1224, 18], [31, 14606, 7, 18], [31, 14606, 7, 18], [48, 14606, 134, 17], [], [48, 14624, 1224, 18], [31, 14624, 7, 18], [31, 14624, 7, 18], [48, 14624, 32, 17], [], [8, 14658, 1264, 2], [8, 14668, 1264, 177], [8, 14668, 1264, 39], [8, 14689, 146, 17], [], [154, 14689, 35, 17], [154, 14668, 35, 35], [8, 14707, 1264, 18], [8, 14707, 474, 17], [], [229, 14707, 86, 17], [], [], [385, 14707, 93, 17], [], [], [482, 14707, 309, 17], [], [8, 14831, 220, 17], [8, 14725, 220, 120]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 14853], [0, 0, 1280, 14853], [0, 0, 1264, 14840], [0, 0, 1264, 14840], [0, 0, 1264, 14840], [0, 0, 1264, 14840], [0, 0, 1264, 413], [0, 0, 1264, 167], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 149], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 60], [0, 0, 1264, 60], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 48, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 12, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 19, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 230], [0, 0, 1264, 108], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 12799], [0, 0, 1264, 1849], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 60, 17], [], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 85, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 72, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 130], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 82, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 105, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 566], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 519], [0, 0, 1264, 519], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 456], [0, 0, 1264, 456], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1224, 126], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 108], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 106], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 142], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 95], [0, 0, 1264, 95], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 305], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 258], [0, 0, 1264, 258], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 217], [0, 0, 1264, 217], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 151], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 83, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 10928], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 37], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 1264, 37], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 80, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 51, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 10732], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 507], [0, 0, 1224, 507], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 507], [0, 0, 1224, 295], [0, 0, 1224, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 1224, 22], [0, 0, 1224, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 144], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 212], [0, 0, 1224, 52], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 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1224, 21], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [2, 2, 19, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 230], [0, 0, 1264, 108], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 12799], [0, 0, 1264, 1849], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 60, 17], [], [2, 2, 52, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 85, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 72, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 130], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 82, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 105, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 566], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 519], [0, 0, 1264, 519], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 456], [0, 0, 1264, 456], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1224, 126], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 108], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 106], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 142], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 95], [0, 0, 1264, 95], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 305], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 258], [0, 0, 1264, 258], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 217], [0, 0, 1264, 217], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 151], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 83, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 10928], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 37], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 1264, 37], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 80, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 51, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 10732], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 507], [0, 0, 1224, 507], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 507], [0, 0, 1224, 295], [0, 0, 1224, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 1224, 22], [0, 0, 1224, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 144], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 212], [0, 0, 1224, 52], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], 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[16, 531.53125, 48.140625, 15], [80.140625, 531.53125, 40.015625, 15], [8, 607.4375, 98, 26], [114, 616.4375, 48.890625, 15], [8, 654.34375, 73.75, 21], [81.75, 654.34375, 44.671875, 21], [16, 698.0625, 70.375, 15], [16, 719.0625, 92.609375, 15], [8, 756.96875, 98, 26], [114, 765.96875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 803.875, 61.984375, 21], [8, 825.875, 44.6875, 21], [8, 906.859375, 165.796875, 17], [8, 986.390625, 115.203125, 17], [8, 1065.921875, 139.421875, 17], [8, 1145.453125, 52.875, 17], [8, 1224.984375, 138.65625, 17], [8, 1304.515625, 119.078125, 17], [32, 1343.78125, 16, 17], [48, 1343.78125, 48.890625, 17], [96.890625, 1343.78125, 78.640625, 17], [72, 1361.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1361.78125, 37.328125, 17], [125.328125, 1361.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1379.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 76.4375, 17], [164.4375, 1379.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1397.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 51.546875, 17], [139.546875, 1397.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1415.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 34.65625, 17], [122.65625, 1415.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1433.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 40.875, 17], [128.875, 1433.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1451.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1451.78125, 73.328125, 17], [8, 1489.6875, 98, 26], [114, 1498.6875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1536.59375, 65.453125, 21], [8, 1577.3125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 1615.21875, 98, 26], [114, 1624.21875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1662.125, 41.53125, 21], [31, 1702.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1702.84375, 8, 17], [31, 1720.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1720.84375, 16, 17], [31, 1738.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1738.84375, 24, 17], [8, 1776.75, 98, 26], [114, 1785.75, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1823.65625, 152.203125, 21], [8, 1904.640625, 75.78125, 17], [8, 1984.171875, 67.78125, 17], [8, 2063.703125, 67.78125, 17], [8, 2102.96875, 98, 26], [114, 2111.96875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 2149.875, 142.828125, 21], [16, 2193.59375, 71.484375, 15], [16, 2214.59375, 78.90625, 15], [16, 2235.59375, 78.90625, 15], [8, 2253.59375, 131.71875, 17], [139.71875, 2253.59375, 0, 17], [8, 2271.59375, 83.234375, 17], [8, 2311.03125, 818.984375, 36], [8, 2369.46875, 51.125, 17], [8, 2387.46875, 66.671875, 17], [16, 2409.46875, 38.53125, 15], [8, 2427.46875, 68.421875, 17], [31, 2539.46875, 7, 17], [48, 2572.1875, 209.890625, 21], [71, 2612.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2612.90625, 29.328125, 17], [71, 2630.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2630.90625, 37.328125, 17], [71, 2648.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2648.90625, 68.40625, 17], [71, 2666.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2666.90625, 40.875, 17], [72, 2684.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2684.90625, 8, 17], [72, 2702.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2702.90625, 8, 17], [72, 2720.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2720.90625, 8, 17], [72, 2738.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2738.90625, 8, 17], [48, 2756.90625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 2790.90625, 83.109375, 17], [48, 2824.90625, 20, 17], [48, 2842.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 2860.90625, 66.21875, 17], [48, 2878.90625, 61.359375, 17], [48, 2896.90625, 24, 17], [48, 2914.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 2932.90625, 36, 17], [48, 2950.90625, 83.078125, 17], [8, 2987.625, 251.28125, 21], [8, 3028.34375, 321.21875, 17], [31, 3140.34375, 7, 17], [48, 3173.0625, 104.625, 21], [71, 3213.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3213.78125, 51.546875, 17], [71, 3231.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3231.78125, 37.328125, 17], [71, 3249.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3249.78125, 40.875, 17], [71, 3267.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3267.78125, 35.578125, 17], [72, 3285.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3285.78125, 8, 17], [72, 3303.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3303.78125, 8, 17], [72, 3321.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3321.78125, 8, 17], [72, 3339.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3339.78125, 8, 17], [48, 3357.78125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 3391.78125, 75.109375, 17], [48, 3425.78125, 20, 17], [48, 3443.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 3461.78125, 24, 17], [48, 3479.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 3497.78125, 36, 17], [48, 3515.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 3533.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 3567.78125, 149.828125, 17], [31, 3679.78125, 7, 17], [48, 3712.5, 150.03125, 21], [71, 3753.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3753.21875, 41.140625, 17], [71, 3771.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3771.21875, 53.328125, 17], [71, 3789.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3789.21875, 39.984375, 17], [71, 3807.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3807.21875, 68.40625, 17], [72, 3825.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3825.21875, 8, 17], [72, 3843.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3843.21875, 8, 17], [72, 3861.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3861.21875, 8, 17], [72, 3879.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3879.21875, 8, 17], [48, 3897.21875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 3931.21875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 3965.21875, 20, 17], [48, 3983.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4001.21875, 24, 17], [48, 4019.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4037.21875, 36, 17], [48, 4055.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4073.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4107.21875, 177.078125, 17], [31, 4219.21875, 7, 17], [48, 4251.9375, 120.65625, 21], [71, 4292.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4292.65625, 40.875, 17], [71, 4310.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4310.65625, 34.65625, 17], [71, 4328.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4328.65625, 76.4375, 17], [71, 4346.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4346.65625, 40.875, 17], [72, 4364.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4364.65625, 8, 17], [72, 4382.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4382.65625, 8, 17], [72, 4400.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4400.65625, 8, 17], [72, 4418.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4418.65625, 8, 17], [48, 4436.65625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 4470.65625, 82.515625, 17], [48, 4504.65625, 20, 17], [48, 4522.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4540.65625, 24, 17], [48, 4558.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4576.65625, 36, 17], [48, 4594.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4612.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4646.65625, 177.078125, 17], [31, 4686.375, 7, 17], [48, 4683.375, 76.421875, 21], [71, 4724.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4724.09375, 35.578125, 17], [71, 4742.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4742.09375, 56.859375, 17], [71, 4760.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4760.09375, 37.328125, 17], [71, 4778.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4778.09375, 43.578125, 17], [72, 4796.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4796.09375, 8, 17], [72, 4814.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4814.09375, 8, 17], [72, 4832.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4832.09375, 8, 17], [72, 4850.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4850.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4868.09375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 4902.09375, 75.109375, 17], [48, 4936.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4954.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4972.09375, 24, 17], [48, 4990.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5008.09375, 36, 17], [48, 5026.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5044.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5078.09375, 177.078125, 17], [31, 5117.8125, 7, 17], [48, 5114.8125, 98.234375, 21], [71, 5155.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5155.53125, 40.875, 17], [71, 5173.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5173.53125, 39.984375, 17], [71, 5191.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5191.53125, 68.40625, 17], [71, 5209.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5209.53125, 40.875, 17], [72, 5227.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5227.53125, 8, 17], [72, 5245.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5245.53125, 8, 17], [72, 5263.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5263.53125, 8, 17], [72, 5281.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5281.53125, 8, 17], [48, 5299.53125, 94.65625, 17], [48, 5333.53125, 75.109375, 17], [48, 5367.53125, 20, 17], [48, 5385.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5403.53125, 24, 17], [48, 5421.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5439.53125, 36, 17], [48, 5457.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5475.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5509.53125, 149.828125, 17], [31, 5549.25, 7, 17], [48, 5546.25, 211.140625, 21], [71, 5586.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5586.96875, 55.984375, 17], [71, 5604.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5604.96875, 68.40625, 17], [71, 5622.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5622.96875, 53.328125, 17], [71, 5640.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5640.96875, 37.09375, 17], [72, 5658.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5658.96875, 8, 17], [72, 5676.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5676.96875, 8, 17], [72, 5694.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5694.96875, 8, 17], [72, 5712.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5712.96875, 8, 17], [48, 5730.96875, 94.65625, 17], [48, 5764.96875, 75.109375, 17], [48, 5798.96875, 20, 17], [48, 5816.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5834.96875, 24, 17], [48, 5852.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5870.96875, 36, 17], [48, 5888.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5906.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5940.96875, 149.828125, 17], [31, 5980.6875, 7, 17], [48, 5977.6875, 181.3125, 21], [71, 6018.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6018.40625, 93.28125, 17], [71, 6036.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6036.40625, 98.203125, 17], [71, 6054.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6054.40625, 68.40625, 17], [71, 6072.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6072.40625, 41.78125, 17], [72, 6090.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6090.40625, 8, 17], [72, 6108.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6108.40625, 8, 17], [72, 6126.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6126.40625, 8, 17], [72, 6144.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6144.40625, 8, 17], [48, 6162.40625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 6196.40625, 74.515625, 17], [48, 6230.40625, 20, 17], [48, 6248.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6266.40625, 24, 17], [48, 6284.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6302.40625, 36, 17], [48, 6320.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6338.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6372.40625, 149.828125, 17], [31, 6412.125, 7, 17], [48, 6409.125, 162.625, 21], [71, 6449.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6449.84375, 50.375, 17], [71, 6467.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6467.84375, 61.3125, 17], [71, 6485.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6485.84375, 76.4375, 17], [71, 6503.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6503.84375, 93.28125, 17], [72, 6521.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6521.84375, 8, 17], [72, 6539.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6539.84375, 8, 17], [72, 6557.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6557.84375, 8, 17], [72, 6575.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6575.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6593.84375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 6627.84375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 6661.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6679.84375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6697.84375, 24, 17], [48, 6715.84375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6733.84375, 36, 17], [48, 6751.84375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6769.84375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6803.84375, 150.421875, 17], [31, 6843.5625, 7, 17], [48, 6840.5625, 213.453125, 21], [71, 6881.28125, 7, 17], [88, 6881.28125, 34.65625, 17], [71, 6899.28125, 7, 17], [88, 6899.28125, 40.875, 17], [72, 6917.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6917.28125, 8, 17], [72, 6935.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6935.28125, 8, 17], [72, 6953.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6953.28125, 8, 17], [72, 6971.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6971.28125, 8, 17], [48, 6989.28125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 7023.28125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 7057.28125, 20, 17], [48, 7075.28125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7093.28125, 24, 17], [48, 7111.28125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7129.28125, 36, 17], [48, 7147.28125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7165.28125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7199.28125, 149.828125, 17], [31, 7239, 7, 17], [48, 7236, 212.453125, 21], [71, 7276.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7276.71875, 30.203125, 17], [71, 7294.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7294.71875, 59.984375, 17], [71, 7312.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7312.71875, 50.65625, 17], [71, 7330.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7330.71875, 34.65625, 17], [72, 7348.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7348.71875, 8, 17], [72, 7366.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7366.71875, 8, 17], [72, 7384.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7384.71875, 8, 17], [72, 7402.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7402.71875, 8, 17], [48, 7420.71875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 7454.71875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 7488.71875, 20, 17], [48, 7506.71875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7524.71875, 24, 17], [48, 7542.71875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7560.71875, 36, 17], [48, 7578.71875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7596.71875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7630.71875, 169.078125, 17], [31, 7670.4375, 7, 17], [48, 7667.4375, 162.09375, 21], [71, 7708.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7708.15625, 51.546875, 17], [71, 7726.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7726.15625, 37.328125, 17], [71, 7744.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7744.15625, 76.4375, 17], [71, 7762.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7762.15625, 74.5625, 17], [72, 7780.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7780.15625, 8, 17], [72, 7798.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7798.15625, 8, 17], [72, 7816.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7816.15625, 8, 17], [72, 7834.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7834.15625, 8, 17], [48, 7852.15625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 7886.15625, 74.515625, 17], [48, 7920.15625, 20, 17], [48, 7938.15625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7956.15625, 24, 17], [48, 7974.15625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7992.15625, 36, 17], [48, 8010.15625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8028.15625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8062.15625, 177.078125, 17], [31, 8101.875, 7, 17], [48, 8098.875, 219.9375, 21], [71, 8139.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8139.59375, 40.875, 17], [71, 8157.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8157.59375, 34.65625, 17], [71, 8175.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8175.59375, 76.4375, 17], [71, 8193.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8193.59375, 41.140625, 17], [72, 8211.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8211.59375, 8, 17], [72, 8229.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8229.59375, 8, 17], [72, 8247.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8247.59375, 8, 17], [72, 8265.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8265.59375, 8, 17], [48, 8283.59375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 8317.59375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 8351.59375, 20, 17], [48, 8369.59375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8387.59375, 24, 17], [48, 8405.59375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8423.59375, 36, 17], [48, 8441.59375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8459.59375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8493.59375, 149.828125, 17], [31, 8533.3125, 7, 17], [48, 8530.3125, 127.625, 21], [71, 8571.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8571.03125, 40.875, 17], [71, 8589.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8589.03125, 52.4375, 17], [71, 8607.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8607.03125, 40.875, 17], [72, 8625.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8625.03125, 8, 17], [72, 8643.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8643.03125, 8, 17], [72, 8661.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8661.03125, 8, 17], [72, 8679.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8679.03125, 8, 17], [48, 8697.03125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 8731.03125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 8765.03125, 20, 17], [48, 8783.03125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8801.03125, 24, 17], [48, 8819.03125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8837.03125, 36, 17], [48, 8855.03125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8873.03125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8907.03125, 169.078125, 17], [31, 8946.75, 7, 17], [48, 8943.75, 270.703125, 21], [48, 8984.46875, 233.578125, 17], [71, 9002.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9002.46875, 34.65625, 17], [71, 9020.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9020.46875, 41.140625, 17], [71, 9038.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9038.46875, 53.328125, 17], [71, 9056.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9056.46875, 63.078125, 17], [72, 9074.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9074.46875, 8, 17], [72, 9092.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9092.46875, 8, 17], [72, 9110.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9110.46875, 8, 17], [72, 9128.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9128.46875, 8, 17], [48, 9146.46875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 9180.46875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 9214.46875, 20, 17], [48, 9232.46875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9250.46875, 24, 17], [48, 9268.46875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9286.46875, 36, 17], [48, 9304.46875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9322.46875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9356.46875, 169.078125, 17], [31, 9396.1875, 7, 17], [48, 9393.1875, 53.671875, 21], [71, 9433.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9433.90625, 55.984375, 17], [71, 9451.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9451.90625, 41.78125, 17], [71, 9469.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9469.90625, 37.09375, 17], [72, 9487.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9487.90625, 8, 17], [72, 9505.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9505.90625, 8, 17], [72, 9523.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9523.90625, 8, 17], [72, 9541.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9541.90625, 8, 17], [48, 9559.90625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 9593.90625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 9627.90625, 20, 17], [48, 9645.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9663.90625, 24, 17], [48, 9681.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9699.90625, 36, 17], [48, 9717.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9735.90625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9769.90625, 169.078125, 17], [31, 9809.625, 7, 17], [48, 9806.625, 119.65625, 21], [71, 9847.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9847.34375, 53.328125, 17], [71, 9865.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9865.34375, 73.75, 17], [71, 9883.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9883.34375, 76.4375, 17], [71, 9901.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9901.34375, 82.234375, 17], [72, 9919.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9919.34375, 8, 17], [72, 9937.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9937.34375, 8, 17], [72, 9955.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9955.34375, 8, 17], [72, 9973.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9973.34375, 8, 17], [48, 9991.34375, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10025.34375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10059.34375, 20, 17], [48, 10077.34375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10095.34375, 24, 17], [48, 10113.34375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10131.34375, 36, 17], [48, 10149.34375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10167.34375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10201.34375, 150.421875, 17], [31, 10241.0625, 7, 17], [48, 10238.0625, 113.453125, 21], [69, 10287.0625, 8, 21], [71, 10327.78125, 7, 17], [88, 10327.78125, 37.328125, 17], [71, 10345.78125, 7, 17], [88, 10345.78125, 35.578125, 17], [72, 10363.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10363.78125, 8, 17], [72, 10381.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10381.78125, 8, 17], [72, 10399.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10399.78125, 8, 17], [72, 10417.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10417.78125, 8, 17], [48, 10435.78125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10469.78125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10503.78125, 20, 17], [48, 10521.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10539.78125, 24, 17], [48, 10557.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10575.78125, 36, 17], [48, 10593.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10611.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10645.78125, 177.078125, 17], [31, 10685.5, 7, 17], [48, 10682.5, 194.3125, 21], [71, 10723.21875, 7, 17], [88, 10723.21875, 37.328125, 17], [71, 10741.21875, 7, 17], [88, 10741.21875, 43.578125, 17], [72, 10759.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10759.21875, 8, 17], [72, 10777.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10777.21875, 8, 17], [72, 10795.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10795.21875, 8, 17], [72, 10813.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10813.21875, 8, 17], [48, 10831.21875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10865.21875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10899.21875, 20, 17], [48, 10917.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10935.21875, 24, 17], [48, 10953.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10971.21875, 36, 17], [48, 10989.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11007.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11041.21875, 177.078125, 17], [31, 11080.9375, 7, 17], [48, 11077.9375, 87.4375, 21], [71, 11118.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11118.65625, 34.65625, 17], [71, 11136.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11136.65625, 39.984375, 17], [71, 11154.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11154.65625, 41.78125, 17], [72, 11172.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11172.65625, 8, 17], [72, 11190.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11190.65625, 8, 17], [72, 11208.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11208.65625, 8, 17], [72, 11226.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11226.65625, 8, 17], [48, 11244.65625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 11278.65625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 11312.65625, 20, 17], [48, 11330.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11348.65625, 24, 17], [48, 11366.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11384.65625, 36, 17], [48, 11402.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11420.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11454.65625, 142.421875, 17], [31, 11494.375, 7, 17], [48, 11491.375, 107.5625, 21], [71, 11532.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11532.09375, 40.875, 17], [71, 11550.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11550.09375, 37.328125, 17], [71, 11568.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11568.09375, 40.875, 17], [72, 11586.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11586.09375, 8, 17], [72, 11604.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11604.09375, 8, 17], [72, 11622.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11622.09375, 8, 17], [72, 11640.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11640.09375, 8, 17], [48, 11658.09375, 82.65625, 17], [48, 11692.09375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 11726.09375, 20, 17], [48, 11744.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11762.09375, 24, 17], [48, 11780.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11798.09375, 36, 17], [48, 11816.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11834.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11868.09375, 177.078125, 17], [31, 11907.8125, 7, 17], [48, 11904.8125, 135.578125, 21], [71, 11945.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11945.53125, 34.65625, 17], [71, 11963.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11963.53125, 40.875, 17], [71, 11981.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11981.53125, 76.4375, 17], [72, 11999.53125, 16, 17], [88, 11999.53125, 8, 17], [72, 12017.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12017.53125, 8, 17], [72, 12035.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12035.53125, 8, 17], [72, 12053.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12053.53125, 8, 17], [48, 12071.53125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12105.53125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 12139.53125, 20, 17], [48, 12157.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12175.53125, 24, 17], [48, 12193.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12211.53125, 36, 17], [48, 12229.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12247.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12281.53125, 169.078125, 17], [31, 12321.25, 7, 17], [48, 12318.25, 214.609375, 21], [71, 12358.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12358.96875, 66.25, 17], [71, 12376.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12376.96875, 38.21875, 17], [71, 12394.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12394.96875, 52.4375, 17], [72, 12412.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12412.96875, 8, 17], [72, 12430.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12430.96875, 8, 17], [72, 12448.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12448.96875, 8, 17], [72, 12466.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12466.96875, 8, 17], [48, 12484.96875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12518.96875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 12552.96875, 20, 17], [48, 12570.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12588.96875, 24, 17], [48, 12606.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12624.96875, 36, 17], [48, 12642.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12660.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12694.96875, 149.765625, 17], [31, 12734.6875, 7, 17], [48, 12731.6875, 114.796875, 21], [69, 12780.6875, 8, 21], [71, 12821.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12821.40625, 93.28125, 17], [71, 12839.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12839.40625, 98.203125, 17], [71, 12857.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12857.40625, 39.984375, 17], [71, 12875.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12875.40625, 68.40625, 17], [72, 12893.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12893.40625, 8, 17], [72, 12911.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12911.40625, 8, 17], [72, 12929.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12929.40625, 8, 17], [72, 12947.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12947.40625, 8, 17], [48, 12965.40625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12999.40625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 13033.40625, 20, 17], [48, 13051.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 13069.40625, 24, 17], [48, 13087.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 13105.40625, 36, 17], [48, 13123.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 13141.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13175.40625, 149.828125, 17], [8, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [16, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [24, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [31, 13255.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13255.40625, 67.53125, 17], [31, 13273.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13273.40625, 75.546875, 17], [31, 13291.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13291.40625, 47.984375, 17], [31, 13309.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13309.40625, 58.234375, 17], [31, 13327.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13327.40625, 49.765625, 17], [31, 13345.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13345.40625, 30.828125, 17], [31, 13363.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13363.40625, 48.859375, 17], [31, 13381.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13381.40625, 40.578125, 17], [31, 13399.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13399.40625, 31.125, 17], [31, 13417.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13417.40625, 85.96875, 17], [31, 13435.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13435.40625, 93.765625, 17], [31, 13469.40625, 7, 17], [31, 13487.40625, 7, 17], [31, 13505.40625, 7, 17], [31, 13539.40625, 7, 17], [31, 13557.40625, 7, 17], [8, 13613.3125, 168.265625, 26], [31, 13660.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13660.21875, 127.078125, 17], [31, 13678.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13678.21875, 93.75, 17], [31, 13696.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13696.21875, 102.625, 17], [31, 13714.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13714.21875, 89.328125, 17], [31, 13732.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13732.21875, 117.734375, 17], [31, 13750.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13750.21875, 106.796875, 17], [31, 13768.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13768.21875, 86.625, 17], [31, 13786.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13786.21875, 109.75, 17], [31, 13804.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13804.21875, 141.296875, 17], [31, 13822.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13822.21875, 110.640625, 17], [31, 13840.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13840.21875, 92.859375, 17], [31, 13858.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13858.21875, 116.421875, 17], [31, 13876.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13876.21875, 107.078125, 17], [31, 13894.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13894.21875, 119.03125, 17], [31, 13912.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13912.21875, 130.625, 17], [31, 13930.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13930.21875, 130.625, 17], [31, 13948.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13948.21875, 146.609375, 17], [31, 13966.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13966.21875, 145.734375, 17], [31, 13984.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13984.21875, 91.078125, 17], [31, 14002.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14002.21875, 101.75, 17], [31, 14020.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14020.21875, 98.203125, 17], [31, 14038.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14038.21875, 119.53125, 17], [31, 14056.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14056.21875, 108.859375, 17], [31, 14074.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14074.21875, 95.53125, 17], [31, 14092.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14092.21875, 95.546875, 17], [31, 14110.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14110.21875, 91.96875, 17], [31, 14128.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14128.21875, 92, 17], [31, 14146.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14146.21875, 87.28125, 17], [31, 14164.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14164.21875, 119.078125, 17], [31, 14182.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14182.21875, 129.734375, 17], [31, 14200.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14200.21875, 97.5625, 17], [31, 14218.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14218.21875, 93.78125, 17], [8, 14270.21875, 87.546875, 17], [31, 14304.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14304.21875, 45.34375, 17], [31, 14322.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14322.21875, 53.328125, 17], [31, 14340.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14340.21875, 40.875, 17], [31, 14358.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14358.21875, 79.984375, 17], [31, 14376.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14376.21875, 79.546875, 17], [31, 14394.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14394.21875, 64.90625, 17], [31, 14412.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14412.21875, 90.203125, 17], [31, 14430.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14430.21875, 76.046875, 17], [31, 14448.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14448.21875, 87.546875, 17], [8, 14500.21875, 107.96875, 17], [31, 14534.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14534.21875, 89.328125, 17], [31, 14552.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14552.21875, 107.96875, 17], [31, 14570.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14570.21875, 108.84375, 17], [31, 14588.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14588.21875, 111.515625, 17], [31, 14606.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14606.21875, 133.734375, 17], [31, 14624.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14624.21875, 32, 17], [8, 14689.21875, 145.75, 17], [8, 14707.21875, 221.015625, 17], [229.015625, 14707.21875, 85.96875, 17], [314.984375, 14707.21875, 70.203125, 17], [385.1875, 14707.21875, 92.734375, 17], [477.921875, 14707.21875, 4, 17], [481.921875, 14707.21875, 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"0ae05607-4901-4646", "", "a381334e-5c3d-4cf4", "", "Vito Restaurant", "31c2a6d8-9fd5-41e2", "", "72ef396c-3eac-451e", "", "0b82b876-2172-4476", "", "fbedb54b-399d-4d96", "", "90ce7de6-4bf0-4a3e", "", "Seafood", "db05d69c-82b9-4e6d", "", "3082db3d-edcd-4289", "", "6dc891a7-d2b8-4b79", "", "1e15b197-955b-4453", "", "248ff08f-8dfe-48cd", "", "86e29320-b8f5-47d9", "", "ec8cfe44-f121-4046", "", "7fc8e743-af5b-4224", "", "580e61b7-f632-455a", "", "daab0119-801f-49d1", "", "91164070-4b8d-4e98", "", "a0e0ebdb-015d-4dfb", "", "8515d646-df59-4151", "", "cb0f194a-968f-4458", "", "240b96b7-e4ca-4184", "", "b16e5e58-dc3c-4334", "", "3c116578-daf0-49e2", "", "cf0f74c3-4119-4d63", "", "d4b27962-52c5-4f03", "", "e62681d0-54ec-475e", "", "accd4e81-45a9-4bc8", "", "5.6", "1901678f-b535-4935", "", "d7e7cf6d-6937-4930", "", "7901d8bd-1aa5-44f5", "", "1cb6515c-f1cf-4330", "", "086091fe-51c5-42b6", "", "08172228-9be1-43e3", "", "64f07869-0ed8-4ebf", "", "6d7aaafd-e16e-487d", "", "0502607b-38be-4096", "", 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[18, 38, 20, 35, 22, 27, 7, 39], [18, 41, 20, 35, 22, 31, 7, 42], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 49], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 50, 51, 52], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 50, 51, 52], [45, 46, 47, -1, 53, 54, 48, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 60], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 61], [48, 62, 47, -1, 7, 63], [48, 65, 47, -1, 56, 57, 7, 66], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 68, 56, 57, 58, 69, 7, 70], [18, 72, 48, 73, 7, 74], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 76, 7, 77], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 79, 51, 52, 7, 80], [48, 82, 45, 46, 47, 83, 7, 84], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 86, 7, 87], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 89, 7, 90], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 60, 7, 92], [47, -1, 48, 94, 7, 95], [47, -1, 48, 97, 7, 98], [18, 100, 45, 46, 48, 101, 7, 102], [18, 104, 45, 46, 48, 105, 7, 106], [45, 109, 7, 110], [], [], [], [], [45, 46, 18, 117, 47, -1, 48, 118, 7, 119], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 61, 7, 121], [45, 46, 7, 123], [], [], [], [], [22, 128, 7, 129], [], [], [], [53, 54, 7, 133], [], [135, 136, 15, 137, 7, 138], [], [], [], [135, 141, 15, 142, 7, 143], [], [135, 145, 15, 142, 7, 146], [], [], [], [20, 21, 22, 149, 56, -1, 7, 150], [], [20, 21, 22, 152, 56, -1, 7, 153], [], [22, 155, 20, 156, 7, 157], [], [20, 160, 161, 162, 45, 163, 22, 164, 56, -1, 7, 165], [], [7, 167], [], [], [], [], [135, 172, 15, 173, 7, 174], [], [], [], [20, 177, 178, 179, 22, 180, 7, 181], [], [20, 183, 178, 179, 22, 184, 7, 185], [], [], [], [20, 177, 178, 188, 22, 189, 7, 190], [], [20, 183, 178, 188, 22, 192, 7, 193], [], [], [], [20, 177, 178, 196, 22, 197, 7, 198], [], [20, 183, 178, 196, 22, 200, 7, 201], [], [], [], [20, 177, 178, 204, 22, 205, 7, 206], [], [], [], [20, 177, 178, 209, 22, 210, 7, 211], [], [20, 183, 178, 209, 22, 213, 7, 214], [], [], [], [20, 177, 178, 217, 22, 218, 7, 219], [], [20, 183, 178, 217, 22, 221, 7, 222], [], [], [], [20, 177, 178, 225, 22, 226, 7, 227], [], [20, 183, 178, 225, 22, 229, 7, 230], [], [], [], [20, 177, 178, 233, 22, 234, 7, 235], [], [], [], [45, 46, 7, 239], [], [], [7, 242], [], [18, 245, 45, 246, 48, 247], [18, 245, 45, 246, 48, 247, 7, 248], [], [22, 251, 20, 156, 7, 252], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 255, 7, 256], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 258, 7, 259], [53, 54, 48, 261, 7, 262], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 264, 7, 265], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 267, 7, 268], [53, 54, 48, 270, 7, 271], [7, 274], [], [18, 276, 7, 277], [], [18, 280, 281, 280, 45, 109, 7, 282], [], [45, 46, 47, 83, 48, 285, 7, 286], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 288, 7, 289], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 291, 7, 292], [53, 54, 48, 294, 7, 295], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 297, 7, 298], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 300, 7, 301], [53, 54, 48, 303, 7, 304], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 306, 7, 307], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 309, 7, 310], [53, 54, 48, 312, 7, 313], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 315, 7, 316], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 318, 7, 319], [53, 54, 48, 321, 7, 322], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 324, 7, 325], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 327, 7, 328], [53, 54, 48, 330, 7, 331], [20, 333, 22, 334, 335, 83, 7, 336], [135, 338, 15, 339, 335, 83, 7, 340], [135, 342, 15, 339, 335, 83, 7, 343], [345, 346, 15, 347, 335, 83, 7, 348], [345, 350, 15, 351, 335, 83, 7, 352], [345, 354, 15, 355, 335, 83, 7, 356], [135, 358, 15, 359, 335, 83, 7, 360], [345, 362, 15, 334, 335, 83, 7, 363], [13, 14, 15, 365, 7, 366], [13, 14, 15, 368, 7, 369], [371, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 372, 7, 373], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 375, 7, 376], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 378, 7, 379], [53, 54, 48, 381, 7, 382], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 384, 7, 385], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 387, 7, 388], [53, 54, 48, 390, 7, 391], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 393, 7, 394], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 396, 7, 397], [53, 54, 48, 399, 7, 400], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 402, 7, 403], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 405, 7, 406], [53, 54, 48, 408, 7, 409], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 411, 7, 412], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 414, 7, 415], [53, 54, 48, 417, 7, 418], [47, 83, 45, 46, 48, 420, 7, 421], [53, 54, 48, 423, 7, 424], [45, 46, 48, 426, 47, 83, 7, 427], [53, 54, 48, 429, 7, 430], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 432, 7, 433], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 435, 7, 436], [53, 54, 48, 438, 7, 439], [20, 160, 161, 254, 22, 441, 7, 442], [20, 156, 45, 109, 22, 444, 7, 445], [53, 54, 48, 447, 7, 448], [45, 109, 450, 451], [], [47, 83, 45, 46, 48, 453], [], [281, 455, 7, 456], [], [18, 459, 7, 460], [281, -1, 7, 462], [18, 464, 281, 465, 7, 466], [18, 468, 281, 469, 7, 470], [281, 472, 7, 473], [281, 475, 7, 476], [281, 479, 22, 480, 7, 481], [], [281, 484, 7, 485], [281, 487, 7, 488], [281, 490, 22, 491, 7, 492], [281, 495, 7, 496], [], [281, 499, 7, 500], [281, 502, 7, 503], [281, 505, 7, 506], [281, 508, 7, 509], [135, 512, 281, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 517, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, -1, 7, 528], [281, 530, 7, 531], [281, 533, 7, 534], [281, 537, 18, 521, 538, 539, 540, 517, 254, 541, 7, 542], [538, 544, 545, 546, 540, 517, 281, 547, 7, 548], [281, 550, 7, 551], [281, 553, 7, 554], [], [281, 557, 7, 558], [], [281, 561, 7, 562], [], [281, 565, 7, 566], [281, 568, 7, 569], [281, 572, 7, 573], [], [281, 579, 7, 580], [], [281, 583, 7, 584], [], [540, 517, 586, 587, 281, 588, 7, 589], [281, 592, 7, 593], [281, 595, 7, 596], [], [281, 598, 7, 599], [281, 601, 7, 602], [22, 604, 281, 605, 586, 606, 540, 517, 7, 607], [281, 609, 7, 610], [281, 612, 7, 613], [], [45, 544, 281, 615, 7, 616], [281, 609, 7, 618], [281, 612, 7, 620], [], [281, 622, 7, 623], [281, 625, 254, 626, 7, 627], [281, 629, 7, 630], [281, 632, 7, 633], [], [281, 635, 7, 636], [22, 638, 281, 639, 7, 640], [281, 642, 7, 643], [], [281, 632, 7, 646], [], [281, 648, 7, 649], [22, 651, 281, 652, 7, 653], [281, 655, 7, 656], [], [281, 632, 7, 659], [], [281, 661, 7, 662], [22, 664, 281, 652, 7, 665], [281, 667, 7, 668], [], [281, 632, 7, 671], [], [281, 673, 7, 674], [22, 676, 281, 652, 7, 677], [281, 679, 7, 680], [], [281, 632, 7, 683], [], [281, 685, 7, 686], [22, 688, 281, 652, 7, 689], [281, 691, 7, 692], [], [281, 632, 7, 695], [], [281, 697, 7, 698], [22, 700, 281, 652, 7, 701], [281, 703, 7, 704], [], [281, 707, 7, 708], [281, 710, 7, 711], [], [22, 713, 281, 714, 7, 715], [], [281, 710, 7, 718], [], [538, 544, 545, 546, 281, 720, 7, 721], [281, 723, 7, 724], [], [281, 727, 7, 728], [281, 731, 7, 732], [281, 735, 7, 736], [], [45, 544, 281, 739, 7, 740], [], [281, 743, 7, 744], [281, 747, 7, 748], [], [18, 751, 281, 752, 7, 753], [281, 755, 45, 544, 7, 756], [], [281, 759, 45, 544, 7, 760], [], [18, 763, 281, 764, 7, 765], [281, 767, 7, 768], [586, 771, 281, 772, 135, 773, 18, 773, 7, 774], [527, 777, 7, 778], [], [527, 781, 7, 782], [], [527, 784, 7, 785], [], [527, 787, 7, 788], [], [527, 790, 7, 791], [], [527, 793, 7, 794], [], [527, 796, 7, 797], [], [281, 767, 7, 799], [586, 801, 281, 802, 135, 803, 18, 803, 7, 804], [527, 806, 7, 807], [], [527, 809, 7, 810], [], [527, 812, 7, 813], [], [527, 815, 7, 816], [], [527, 818, 7, 819], [], [527, 821, 7, 822], [], [527, 824, 7, 825], [], [527, 827, 7, 828], [], [527, 830, 7, 831], [], [527, 833, 7, 834], [], [527, 836, 7, 837], [], [527, 839, 7, 840], [], [527, 842, 7, 843], [], [527, 845, 7, 846], [], [527, 848, 7, 849], [], [527, 851, 7, 852], [], [527, 854, 7, 855], [], [527, 857, 7, 858], [], [527, 860, 7, 861], [], [527, 863, 7, 864], [], [527, 866, 7, 867], [], [527, 869, 7, 870], [], [527, 872, 7, 873], [], [527, 875, 7, 876], [], [527, 878, 7, 879], [], [527, 881, 7, 882], [], [527, 884, 7, 885], [], [281, 887, 7, 888], [281, 890, 7, 891], [], [45, 544, 281, 893, 7, 894], [], [281, 896, 7, 897], [281, 899, 7, 900], [281, 902, 538, 544, 7, 903], [281, 905, 7, 906], [281, 908, 7, 909], [], [281, 912, 7, 913], [], [281, 916, 7, 917], [281, 919, 7, 920], [281, 922, 7, 923], [281, 925, 7, 926], [281, 928, 7, 929], [], [281, 932, 7, 933], [281, 935, 7, 936], [], [281, 887, 7, 939], [281, 890, 7, 941], [], [45, 544, 281, 893, 7, 943], [], [281, 896, 7, 945], [281, 899, 7, 947], [281, 902, 538, 544, 7, 949], [281, 905, 7, 951], [281, 908, 7, 953], [], [281, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960, 254, 961, 7, 962], [], [281, 916, 7, 965], [281, 919, 7, 967], [281, 969, 7, 970], [281, 973, 974, 975, 7, 976], [281, 978, 7, 979], [45, 981, 18, 975, 135, 982, 281, 983, 527, 984, 7, 985], [281, 987, 7, 988], [281, 991, 7, 992], [], [281, 969, 7, 995], [281, 973, 974, 997, 7, 998], [281, 978, 7, 1000], [45, 981, 18, 997, 135, 982, 281, 983, 527, 1002, 7, 1003], [281, 987, 7, 1005], [281, 991, 7, 1007], [], [281, 969, 7, 1010], [281, 973, 974, 1012, 7, 1013], [281, 978, 7, 1015], [45, 981, 18, 1012, 135, 982, 281, 983, 527, 1017, 7, 1018], [281, 987, 7, 1020], [281, 991, 7, 1022], [], [281, 969, 7, 1025], [281, 973, 974, 1027, 7, 1028], [281, 978, 7, 1030], [45, 981, 18, 1027, 135, 982, 281, 983, 527, 1032, 7, 1033], [281, 987, 7, 1035], [281, 991, 7, 1037], [], [281, 969, 7, 1040], [281, 973, 974, 1042, 7, 1043], [281, 978, 7, 1045], [45, 981, 18, 1042, 135, 982, 281, 983, 527, 1047, 7, 1048], [281, 1050, 7, 1051], [281, 987, 7, 1053], [281, 991, 7, 1055], [], [281, 969, 7, 1058], [281, 973, 974, 1060, 7, 1061], [281, 978, 7, 1063], [45, 981, 18, 1060, 135, 982, 281, 983, 527, 1065, 7, 1066], [281, 987, 7, 1068], [281, 991, 7, 1070], [], [281, 1073, 7, 1074], [281, 1077, 7, 1078], [281, 1080, 7, 1081], [], [22, 1084, 281, 1085, 7, 1086], [7, 1088], [], [281, 1091, 7, 1092], [], [281, 1095, 7, 1096], [281, 1098, 7, 1099], [], [22, 1101, 281, 1102, 7, 1103], [7, 1105], [], [281, 1108, 7, 1109], [], [281, 1098, 7, 1112], [], [22, 1115, 281, 1102, 7, 1116], [7, 1118], [], [281, 1108, 7, 1121], [], [281, 1098, 7, 1124], [], [22, 1127, 281, 1102, 7, 1128], [7, 1130], [], [281, 1108, 7, 1133], [], [281, 1098, 7, 1136], [], [22, 1139, 281, 1102, 7, 1140], [7, 1142], [], [281, 1108, 7, 1145], [], [281, 1098, 7, 1148], [], [22, 1151, 281, 1102, 7, 1152], [7, 1154], [], [281, 1108, 7, 1157], [], [281, 1160, 7, 1161], [], [281, 1164, 7, 1165], [], [281, 887, 7, 1168], [281, 890, 7, 1170], [], [45, 544, 281, 893, 7, 1172], [], [281, 896, 7, 1174], [281, 899, 7, 1176], [281, 902, 538, 544, 7, 1178], [281, 905, 7, 1180], [281, 908, 7, 1182], [], [281, 916, 7, 1185], [281, 919, 7, 1187], [281, 1189, 7, 1190], [281, 1192, 7, 1193], [281, 1195, 7, 1196], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1201], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1203], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1205], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1207], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1209], [281, 887, 7, 1211], [281, 890, 7, 1213], [], [45, 544, 281, 893, 7, 1215], [], [281, 896, 7, 1217], [281, 899, 7, 1219], [281, 902, 538, 544, 7, 1221], [281, 905, 7, 1223], [281, 908, 7, 1225], [], [281, 916, 7, 1228], [281, 919, 7, 1230], [281, 1232, 7, 1233], [281, 1235, 7, 1236], [281, 1238, 538, 544, 586, 1239, 7, 1240], [], [], [281, 1238, 538, 544, 586, 1243, 7, 1244], [], [], [281, 1238, 538, 544, 586, 1247, 7, 1248], [], [], [281, 887, 7, 1251], [281, 890, 7, 1253], [], [45, 544, 281, 893, 7, 1255], [], [281, 896, 7, 1257], [281, 899, 7, 1259], [281, 902, 538, 544, 7, 1261], [281, 905, 7, 1263], [281, 908, 7, 1265], [], [281, 916, 7, 1268], [281, 919, 7, 1270], [281, 969, 7, 1272], [281, 973, 974, 1274, 7, 1275], [281, 978, 7, 1277], [45, 981, 18, 1274, 135, 1279, 281, 983, 527, 1280, 7, 1281], [281, 987, 7, 1283], [281, 991, 7, 1285], [], [281, 969, 7, 1288], [281, 973, 974, 1290, 7, 1291], [281, 978, 7, 1293], [45, 981, 18, 1290, 135, 1279, 281, 983, 527, 1295, 7, 1296], [281, 987, 7, 1298], [281, 991, 7, 1300], [], [281, 969, 7, 1303], [281, 973, 974, 1305, 7, 1306], [281, 978, 7, 1308], [45, 981, 18, 1305, 135, 1279, 281, 983, 527, 1310, 7, 1311], [281, 987, 7, 1313], [281, 991, 7, 1315], [], [281, 887, 7, 1318], [281, 890, 7, 1320], [], [45, 544, 281, 893, 7, 1322], [], [281, 896, 7, 1324], [281, 899, 7, 1326], [281, 902, 538, 544, 7, 1328], [281, 905, 7, 1330], [281, 908, 7, 1332], [], [281, 916, 7, 1335], [281, 919, 7, 1337], [281, 922, 7, 1339], [281, 925, 7, 1341], [281, 928, 7, 1343], [], [281, 925, 7, 1346], [281, 928, 7, 1348], [], [281, 925, 7, 1351], [281, 928, 7, 1353], [], [281, 1356, 7, 1357], [], [7, 1361], [], [281, 1365, 7, 1366], [281, 1368, 7, 1369], [281, 1372, 7, 1373], [], [281, 1376, 7, 1377], [281, 1379, 7, 1380], [281, 1382, 974, 1383, 7, 1384], [], [281, 1387, 7, 1388], [281, 1390, 7, 1391], [281, 1393, 538, 1200, 7, 1394], [], [18, 546, 281, 1397, 586, 1386, 7, 1398], [527, 1400, 1401, 1396, 7, 1402], [], [527, 1404, 1401, 1405, 7, 1406], [], [527, 1408, 1401, 1409, 7, 1410], [], [527, 1412, 1401, 1413, 7, 1414], [], [527, 1416, 1401, 1417, 7, 1418], [], [527, 1420, 1401, 1421, 7, 1422], [], [281, 1424, 7, 1425], [45, 544, 281, 1427, 586, 1428, 7, 1429], [281, 1431, 7, 1432], [281, 1434, 7, 1435], [], [281, 1438, 7, 1439], [281, 1441, 7, 1442], [281, 1444, 7, 1445], [281, 1447, 7, 1448], [538, 544, 545, 546, 281, 1450, 586, 1451, 7, 1452], [281, 1454, 7, 1455], [], [281, 1458, 7, 1459], [281, 1461, 7, 1462], [281, 1464, 7, 1465], [281, 1467, 7, 1468], [281, 1470, 7, 1471], [], [22, 1473, 281, 1474, 7, 1475], [281, 1477, 7, 1478], [281, 1480, 7, 1481], [281, 1483, 7, 1484], [281, 1487, 48, 1488, 1489, 1490, 7, 1491], [281, 1493, 7, 1494], [281, 1496, 7, 1497], [281, 1499, 7, 1500], [], [281, 1503, 7, 1504], [281, 1506, 7, 1507], [281, 1509, 7, 1510], [281, 1512, 7, 1513], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1517], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1519], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1522], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 1526], [281, 1528, 7, 1529], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 1531], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 1534], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 1536], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 1539], [281, 1541, 7, 1542], [281, 1544, 7, 1545], [281, 1192, 7, 1547], [281, 1195, 7, 1549], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1553], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1555], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1557], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1559], [281, 1561, 7, 1562], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1564], [281, 1566, 7, 1567], [7, 1570], [], [281, 1573, 7, 1574], [281, 1576, 7, 1577], [281, 1579, 7, 1580], [], [281, 1583, 7, 1584], [281, 1586, 7, 1587], [], [281, 1590, 7, 1591], [281, 1593, 7, 1594], [281, 1596, 7, 1597], [], [281, 1600, 7, 1601], [281, 1603, 7, 1604], [], [281, 1606, 7, 1607], [281, 1609, 7, 1610], [281, 1612, 7, 1613], [], [281, 1616, 7, 1617], [281, 1619, 7, 1620], [], [281, 1622, 7, 1623], [281, 1625, 7, 1626], [281, 1628, 7, 1629], [], [281, 1632, 7, 1633], [281, 1635, 7, 1636], [], [281, 1639, 7, 1640], [281, 1642, 7, 1643], [281, 1645, 7, 1646], [281, 1648, 7, 1649], [281, 1651, 7, 1652], [281, 1654, 7, 1655], [7, 1657], [], [281, 1660, 7, 1661], [], [281, 1467, 7, 1664], [281, 1470, 7, 1666], [], [22, 1668, 281, 1474, 7, 1669], [281, 1477, 7, 1671], [281, 1480, 7, 1673], [281, 1483, 7, 1675], [281, 1487, 48, 1677, 1489, 1678, 7, 1679], [281, 1493, 7, 1681], [281, 1496, 7, 1683], [281, 1499, 7, 1685], [], [281, 1503, 7, 1688], [281, 1506, 7, 1690], [281, 1509, 7, 1692], [281, 1512, 7, 1694], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1696], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1698], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1700], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 1703], [281, 1528, 7, 1705], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 1707], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 1709], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 1711], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 1713], [281, 1541, 7, 1715], [281, 1544, 7, 1717], [281, 1192, 7, 1719], [281, 1195, 7, 1721], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1724], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1726], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1728], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1730], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1732], [281, 1566, 7, 1734], [7, 1736], [], [281, 1573, 7, 1739], [281, 1576, 7, 1741], [281, 1579, 7, 1743], [], [281, 1583, 7, 1746], [281, 1586, 7, 1748], [], [281, 1606, 7, 1750], [281, 1609, 7, 1752], [281, 1612, 7, 1754], [], [281, 1616, 7, 1756], [281, 1619, 7, 1758], [], [281, 1622, 7, 1760], [281, 1625, 7, 1762], [281, 1628, 7, 1764], [], [281, 1632, 7, 1767], [281, 1635, 7, 1769], [], [281, 1639, 7, 1771], [281, 1773, 7, 1774], [281, 1776, 7, 1777], [281, 1779, 7, 1780], [281, 1782, 7, 1783], [], [281, 1786, 7, 1787], [281, 1789, 7, 1790], [], [281, 1470, 7, 1793], [], [22, 1795, 281, 1474, 7, 1796], [281, 1477, 7, 1798], [281, 1480, 7, 1800], [281, 1483, 7, 1802], [281, 1487, 48, 1804, 1489, 1805, 7, 1806], [281, 1493, 7, 1808], [281, 1496, 7, 1810], [281, 1499, 7, 1812], [], [281, 1503, 7, 1815], [281, 1506, 7, 1817], [281, 1509, 7, 1819], [281, 1512, 7, 1821], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1824], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1827], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1830], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 1832], [281, 1528, 7, 1834], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 1836], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 1838], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 1840], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 1842], [281, 1844, 7, 1845], [281, 1847, 7, 1848], [281, 1192, 7, 1850], [281, 1195, 7, 1852], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1854], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1856], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1858], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1860], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1862], [281, 1864, 7, 1865], [7, 1867], [], [281, 1573, 7, 1870], [281, 1576, 7, 1872], [281, 1579, 7, 1874], [], [281, 1583, 7, 1877], [281, 1586, 7, 1879], [], [281, 1606, 7, 1881], [281, 1609, 7, 1883], [281, 1612, 7, 1885], [], [281, 1616, 7, 1888], [281, 1619, 7, 1890], [], [281, 1622, 7, 1892], [281, 1625, 7, 1894], [281, 1628, 7, 1896], [], [281, 1632, 7, 1899], [281, 1635, 7, 1901], [], [281, 1639, 7, 1903], [281, 1773, 7, 1905], [281, 1776, 7, 1907], [281, 1779, 7, 1909], [281, 1782, 7, 1911], [], [281, 1786, 7, 1913], [281, 1789, 7, 1915], [], [281, 1470, 7, 1918], [], [22, 1920, 281, 1474, 7, 1921], [281, 1477, 7, 1923], [281, 1480, 7, 1925], [281, 1483, 7, 1927], [281, 1487, 48, 1929, 1489, 1930, 7, 1931], [281, 1493, 7, 1933], [281, 1496, 7, 1935], [281, 1499, 7, 1937], [], [281, 1503, 7, 1940], [281, 1506, 7, 1942], [281, 1509, 7, 1944], [281, 1512, 7, 1946], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1948], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1950], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 1952], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 1954], [281, 1528, 7, 1956], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 1958], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 1960], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 1962], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 1964], [281, 1541, 7, 1966], [281, 1544, 7, 1968], [281, 1192, 7, 1970], [281, 1195, 7, 1972], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1975], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1977], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1979], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 1981], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 1983], [281, 1561, 7, 1985], [281, 1566, 7, 1987], [7, 1989], [], [281, 1573, 7, 1992], [281, 1576, 7, 1994], [281, 1579, 7, 1996], [], [281, 1583, 7, 1999], [281, 1586, 7, 2001], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2003], [281, 1609, 7, 2005], [281, 1612, 7, 2007], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2010], [281, 1619, 7, 2012], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2014], [281, 1625, 7, 2016], [281, 1628, 7, 2018], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2020], [281, 1635, 7, 2022], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2024], [281, 1773, 7, 2026], [281, 1776, 7, 2028], [281, 1779, 7, 2030], [281, 1782, 7, 2032], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2034], [281, 1789, 7, 2036], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2039], [], [22, 2041, 281, 1474, 7, 2042], [281, 1477, 7, 2044], [281, 1480, 7, 2046], [281, 2048, 7, 2049], [281, 1493, 7, 2051], [281, 1496, 7, 2053], [281, 1499, 7, 2055], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2058], [281, 1506, 7, 2060], [281, 1509, 7, 2062], [281, 1512, 7, 2064], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2066], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2069], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2071], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2074], [281, 1528, 7, 2076], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 2078], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2080], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2082], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 2084], [281, 1541, 7, 2086], [281, 1544, 7, 2088], [281, 1192, 7, 2090], [281, 1195, 7, 2092], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2094], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2096], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2098], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2100], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2102], [281, 1561, 7, 2104], [281, 1566, 7, 2106], [7, 2108], [], [281, 1573, 7, 2111], [281, 1576, 7, 2113], [281, 1579, 7, 2115], [], [281, 1583, 7, 2118], [281, 1586, 7, 2120], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2122], [281, 1609, 7, 2124], [281, 1612, 7, 2126], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2128], [281, 1619, 7, 2130], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2132], [281, 1625, 7, 2134], [281, 1628, 7, 2136], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2138], [281, 1635, 7, 2140], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2142], [281, 1773, 7, 2144], [281, 1776, 7, 2146], [281, 1779, 7, 2148], [281, 1782, 7, 2150], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2152], [281, 1789, 7, 2154], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2156], [], [22, 2158, 281, 1474, 7, 2159], [281, 1477, 7, 2161], [281, 1480, 7, 2163], [281, 2048, 7, 2165], [281, 1493, 7, 2167], [281, 1496, 7, 2169], [281, 1499, 7, 2171], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2174], [281, 1506, 7, 2176], [281, 1509, 7, 2178], [281, 1512, 7, 2180], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2183], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2185], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2187], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2189], [281, 1528, 7, 2191], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2193], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2195], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2197], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 2199], [281, 1541, 7, 2201], [281, 1544, 7, 2203], [281, 1192, 7, 2205], [281, 1195, 7, 2207], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2209], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2211], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2213], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2215], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2217], [281, 1561, 7, 2219], [281, 1566, 7, 2221], [7, 2223], [], [281, 1573, 7, 2226], [281, 1576, 7, 2228], [281, 1579, 7, 2230], [], [281, 1583, 7, 2233], [281, 1586, 7, 2235], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2237], [281, 1609, 7, 2239], [281, 1612, 7, 2241], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2244], [281, 1619, 7, 2246], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2248], [281, 1625, 7, 2250], [281, 1628, 7, 2252], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2254], [281, 1635, 7, 2256], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2258], [281, 1773, 7, 2260], [281, 1776, 7, 2262], [281, 1779, 7, 2264], [281, 1782, 7, 2266], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2268], [281, 1789, 7, 2270], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2273], [], [22, 2275, 281, 1474, 7, 2276], [281, 1477, 7, 2278], [281, 1480, 7, 2280], [281, 2048, 7, 2282], [281, 1493, 7, 2284], [281, 1496, 7, 2286], [281, 1499, 7, 2288], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2291], [281, 1506, 7, 2293], [281, 1509, 7, 2295], [281, 1512, 7, 2297], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2300], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2302], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2304], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2307], [281, 1528, 7, 2309], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 2311], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2313], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2315], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 2317], [281, 1541, 7, 2319], [281, 1544, 7, 2321], [281, 1192, 7, 2323], [281, 1195, 7, 2325], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2327], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2329], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2331], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2333], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2335], [281, 1561, 7, 2337], [281, 1566, 7, 2339], [7, 2341], [], [281, 1573, 7, 2344], [281, 1576, 7, 2346], [281, 1579, 7, 2348], [], [281, 1583, 7, 2351], [281, 1586, 7, 2353], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2355], [281, 1609, 7, 2357], [281, 1612, 7, 2359], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2362], [281, 1619, 7, 2364], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2366], [281, 1625, 7, 2368], [281, 1628, 7, 2370], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2372], [281, 1635, 7, 2374], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2376], [281, 1773, 7, 2378], [281, 1776, 7, 2380], [281, 1779, 7, 2382], [281, 1782, 7, 2384], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2386], [281, 1789, 7, 2388], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2390], [], [22, 2392, 281, 1474, 7, 2393], [281, 1477, 7, 2395], [281, 1480, 7, 2397], [281, 2048, 7, 2399], [281, 1493, 7, 2401], [281, 1496, 7, 2403], [281, 1499, 7, 2405], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2408], [281, 1506, 7, 2410], [281, 1509, 7, 2412], [281, 1512, 7, 2414], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2417], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2420], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2422], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2425], [281, 1528, 7, 2427], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 2429], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2431], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2433], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 2435], [281, 1541, 7, 2437], [281, 1544, 7, 2439], [281, 1192, 7, 2441], [281, 1195, 7, 2443], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2445], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2447], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2449], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2451], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2453], [281, 1561, 7, 2455], [281, 1566, 7, 2457], [7, 2459], [], [281, 1573, 7, 2462], [281, 1576, 7, 2464], [281, 1579, 7, 2466], [], [281, 1583, 7, 2469], [281, 1586, 7, 2471], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2473], [281, 1609, 7, 2475], [281, 1612, 7, 2477], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2479], [281, 1619, 7, 2481], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2483], [281, 1625, 7, 2485], [281, 1628, 7, 2487], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2490], [281, 1635, 7, 2492], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2494], [281, 1773, 7, 2496], [281, 1776, 7, 2498], [281, 1779, 7, 2500], [281, 1782, 7, 2502], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2504], [281, 1789, 7, 2506], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2508], [], [22, 2510, 281, 1474, 7, 2511], [281, 1477, 7, 2513], [281, 1480, 7, 2515], [281, 2048, 7, 2517], [281, 1493, 7, 2519], [281, 1496, 7, 2521], [281, 1499, 7, 2523], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2526], [281, 1506, 7, 2528], [281, 1509, 7, 2530], [281, 1512, 7, 2532], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2535], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2538], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2540], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2542], [281, 1528, 7, 2544], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 2546], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2548], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2550], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 2552], [281, 1541, 7, 2554], [281, 1544, 7, 2556], [281, 1192, 7, 2558], [281, 1195, 7, 2560], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2562], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2564], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2566], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2568], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2570], [281, 1561, 7, 2572], [281, 1566, 7, 2574], [7, 2576], [], [281, 1573, 7, 2579], [281, 1576, 7, 2581], [281, 1579, 7, 2583], [], [281, 1583, 7, 2585], [281, 1586, 7, 2587], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2589], [281, 1609, 7, 2591], [281, 1612, 7, 2593], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2595], [281, 1619, 7, 2597], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2599], [281, 1625, 7, 2601], [281, 1628, 7, 2603], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2605], [281, 1635, 7, 2607], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2609], [281, 1773, 7, 2611], [281, 1776, 7, 2613], [281, 1779, 7, 2615], [281, 1782, 7, 2617], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2619], [281, 1789, 7, 2621], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2624], [], [22, 2626, 281, 1474, 7, 2627], [281, 1477, 7, 2629], [281, 1480, 7, 2631], [281, 2048, 7, 2633], [281, 1493, 7, 2635], [281, 1496, 7, 2637], [281, 1499, 7, 2639], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2642], [281, 1506, 7, 2644], [281, 1509, 7, 2646], [281, 1512, 7, 2648], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2650], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2652], [281, 1528, 7, 2654], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 2656], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2658], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2660], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 2662], [281, 1541, 7, 2664], [281, 1544, 7, 2666], [281, 1192, 7, 2668], [281, 1195, 7, 2670], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2673], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2675], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2677], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2679], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2681], [281, 1566, 7, 2683], [7, 2685], [], [281, 1573, 7, 2688], [281, 1576, 7, 2690], [281, 1579, 7, 2692], [], [281, 1583, 7, 2695], [281, 1586, 7, 2697], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2699], [281, 1609, 7, 2701], [281, 1612, 7, 2703], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2705], [281, 1619, 7, 2707], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2709], [281, 1625, 7, 2711], [281, 1628, 7, 2713], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2715], [281, 1635, 7, 2717], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2719], [281, 1773, 7, 2721], [281, 1776, 7, 2723], [281, 1779, 7, 2725], [281, 1782, 7, 2727], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2729], [281, 1789, 7, 2731], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2733], [], [22, 2735, 281, 1474, 7, 2736], [281, 1477, 7, 2738], [281, 1480, 7, 2740], [281, 2048, 7, 2742], [281, 1493, 7, 2744], [281, 1496, 7, 2746], [281, 1499, 7, 2748], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2751], [281, 1506, 7, 2753], [281, 1509, 7, 2755], [281, 1512, 7, 2757], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2760], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2763], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2766], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2768], [281, 1528, 7, 2770], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2772], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2774], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2776], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 2778], [281, 1844, 7, 2780], [281, 1847, 7, 2782], [281, 1192, 7, 2784], [281, 1195, 7, 2786], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2788], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2790], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2792], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2794], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2796], [281, 1864, 7, 2798], [7, 2800], [], [281, 1573, 7, 2802], [281, 1576, 7, 2804], [281, 1579, 7, 2806], [], [281, 1583, 7, 2809], [281, 1586, 7, 2811], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2813], [281, 1609, 7, 2815], [281, 1612, 7, 2817], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2819], [281, 1619, 7, 2821], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2823], [281, 1625, 7, 2825], [281, 1628, 7, 2827], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2829], [281, 1635, 7, 2831], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2833], [281, 1773, 7, 2835], [281, 1776, 7, 2837], [281, 1779, 7, 2839], [281, 1782, 7, 2841], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2843], [281, 1789, 7, 2845], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2848], [], [22, 2850, 281, 1474, 7, 2851], [281, 1477, 7, 2853], [281, 1480, 7, 2855], [281, 2048, 7, 2857], [281, 1493, 7, 2859], [281, 1496, 7, 2861], [281, 1499, 7, 2863], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2866], [281, 1506, 7, 2868], [281, 1509, 7, 2870], [281, 1512, 7, 2872], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2874], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2876], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2878], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2881], [281, 1528, 7, 2883], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 2885], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2887], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 2889], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 2891], [281, 1541, 7, 2893], [281, 1544, 7, 2895], [281, 1192, 7, 2897], [281, 1195, 7, 2899], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2901], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2903], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 2905], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2907], [281, 1561, 7, 2909], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 2911], [281, 1566, 7, 2913], [7, 2915], [], [281, 1573, 7, 2917], [281, 1576, 7, 2919], [281, 1579, 7, 2921], [], [281, 1583, 7, 2924], [281, 1586, 7, 2926], [], [281, 1606, 7, 2928], [281, 1609, 7, 2930], [281, 1612, 7, 2932], [], [281, 1616, 7, 2934], [281, 1619, 7, 2936], [], [281, 1622, 7, 2938], [281, 1625, 7, 2940], [281, 1628, 7, 2942], [], [281, 1632, 7, 2944], [281, 1635, 7, 2946], [], [281, 1639, 7, 2948], [281, 1773, 7, 2950], [281, 1776, 7, 2952], [281, 1779, 7, 2954], [281, 1782, 7, 2956], [], [281, 1786, 7, 2958], [281, 1789, 7, 2960], [], [281, 1470, 7, 2962], [], [22, 2964, 281, 1474, 7, 2965], [281, 1477, 7, 2967], [281, 1480, 7, 2969], [281, 2048, 7, 2971], [281, 1493, 7, 2973], [281, 1496, 7, 2975], [281, 1499, 7, 2977], [], [281, 1503, 7, 2980], [281, 1506, 7, 2982], [281, 1509, 7, 2984], [281, 1512, 7, 2986], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2988], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2990], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 2992], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 2994], [281, 1528, 7, 2996], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 2998], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3000], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3002], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3004], [281, 1541, 7, 3006], [281, 1544, 7, 3008], [281, 1192, 7, 3010], [281, 1195, 7, 3012], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 3014], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 3016], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 3018], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3020], [281, 1561, 7, 3022], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3024], [281, 1566, 7, 3026], [7, 3028], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3030], [281, 1576, 7, 3032], [281, 1579, 7, 3034], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3037], [281, 1586, 7, 3039], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3041], [281, 1609, 7, 3043], [281, 1612, 7, 3045], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3048], [281, 1619, 7, 3050], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3052], [281, 1625, 7, 3054], [281, 1628, 7, 3056], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3059], [281, 1635, 7, 3061], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3063], [281, 1773, 7, 3065], [281, 1776, 7, 3067], [281, 1779, 7, 3069], [281, 1782, 7, 3071], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3073], [281, 1789, 7, 3075], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3077], [], [22, 3079, 281, 1474, 7, 3080], [281, 1477, 7, 3082], [281, 1480, 7, 3084], [281, 2048, 7, 3086], [281, 1493, 7, 3088], [281, 1496, 7, 3090], [281, 1499, 7, 3092], [], [281, 1503, 7, 3095], [281, 1506, 7, 3097], [281, 1509, 7, 3099], [281, 1512, 7, 3101], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3103], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3106], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 3108], [281, 1528, 7, 3110], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3112], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3114], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3116], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3118], [281, 1844, 7, 3120], [281, 1847, 7, 3122], [281, 1192, 7, 3124], [281, 1195, 7, 3126], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3128], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3130], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3132], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3134], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3136], [281, 1864, 7, 3138], [7, 3140], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3142], [281, 1576, 7, 3144], [281, 1579, 7, 3146], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3149], [281, 1586, 7, 3151], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3153], [281, 1609, 7, 3155], [281, 1612, 7, 3157], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3159], [281, 1619, 7, 3161], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3163], [281, 1625, 7, 3165], [281, 1628, 7, 3167], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3170], [281, 1635, 7, 3172], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3174], [281, 1773, 7, 3176], [281, 1776, 7, 3178], [281, 1779, 7, 3180], [281, 1782, 7, 3182], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3184], [281, 1789, 7, 3186], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3189], [], [22, 3191, 281, 1474, 7, 3192], [281, 1477, 7, 3194], [281, 1480, 7, 3196], [281, 2048, 7, 3198], [281, 1493, 7, 3200], [281, 1496, 7, 3202], [281, 1499, 7, 3204], [], [281, 3207, 7, 3208], [281, 3210, 7, 3211], [], [281, 1503, 7, 3214], [281, 1506, 7, 3216], [281, 1509, 7, 3218], [281, 1512, 7, 3220], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3222], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3224], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3226], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 3229], [281, 1528, 7, 3231], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3233], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3235], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3237], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3239], [281, 1541, 7, 3241], [281, 1544, 7, 3243], [281, 1192, 7, 3245], [281, 1195, 7, 3247], [], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 3250], [281, 1552, 538, 1200, 7, 3252], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3254], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3256], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3258], [281, 1566, 7, 3260], [7, 3262], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3265], [281, 1576, 7, 3267], [281, 1579, 7, 3269], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3272], [281, 1586, 7, 3274], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3276], [281, 1609, 7, 3278], [281, 1612, 7, 3280], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3282], [281, 1619, 7, 3284], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3286], [281, 1625, 7, 3288], [281, 1628, 7, 3290], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3293], [281, 1635, 7, 3295], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3297], [281, 1773, 7, 3299], [281, 1776, 7, 3301], [281, 1779, 7, 3303], [281, 1782, 7, 3305], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3307], [281, 1789, 7, 3309], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3312], [], [22, 3314, 281, 1474, 7, 3315], [281, 1477, 7, 3317], [281, 1480, 7, 3319], [281, 2048, 7, 3321], [281, 1493, 7, 3323], [281, 1496, 7, 3325], [281, 1499, 7, 3327], [], [281, 1503, 7, 3330], [281, 1506, 7, 3332], [281, 1509, 7, 3334], [281, 1512, 7, 3336], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3338], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3340], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 3342], [281, 1528, 7, 3344], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3346], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3348], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3350], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3352], [281, 1844, 7, 3354], [281, 1847, 7, 3356], [281, 1192, 7, 3358], [281, 1195, 7, 3360], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3362], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3364], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3366], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3368], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3370], [281, 1864, 7, 3372], [7, 3374], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3376], [281, 1576, 7, 3378], [281, 1579, 7, 3380], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3383], [281, 1586, 7, 3385], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3387], [281, 1609, 7, 3389], [281, 1612, 7, 3391], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3393], [281, 1619, 7, 3395], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3397], [281, 1625, 7, 3399], [281, 1628, 7, 3401], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3403], [281, 1635, 7, 3405], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3407], [281, 1773, 7, 3409], [281, 1776, 7, 3411], [281, 1779, 7, 3413], [281, 1782, 7, 3415], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3417], [281, 1789, 7, 3419], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3422], [], [22, 3424, 281, 1474, 7, 3425], [281, 1477, 7, 3427], [281, 1480, 7, 3429], [281, 2048, 7, 3431], [281, 1493, 7, 3433], [281, 1496, 7, 3435], [281, 1499, 7, 3437], [], [281, 1503, 7, 3440], [281, 1506, 7, 3442], [281, 1509, 7, 3444], [281, 1512, 7, 3446], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3448], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3451], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3453], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 3456], [281, 1528, 7, 3458], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3460], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3462], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3464], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3466], [281, 1844, 7, 3468], [281, 1847, 7, 3470], [281, 1192, 7, 3472], [281, 1195, 7, 3474], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3476], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3478], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3480], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3482], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3484], [281, 1864, 7, 3486], [7, 3488], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3490], [281, 1576, 7, 3492], [281, 1579, 7, 3494], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3497], [281, 1586, 7, 3499], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3501], [281, 1609, 7, 3503], [281, 1612, 7, 3505], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3507], [281, 1619, 7, 3509], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3511], [281, 1625, 7, 3513], [281, 1628, 7, 3515], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3518], [281, 1635, 7, 3520], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3522], [281, 1773, 7, 3524], [281, 1776, 7, 3526], [281, 1779, 7, 3528], [281, 1782, 7, 3530], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3532], [281, 1789, 7, 3534], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3537], [], [22, 3539, 281, 1474, 7, 3540], [281, 1477, 7, 3542], [281, 1480, 7, 3544], [281, 2048, 7, 3546], [281, 1493, 7, 3548], [281, 1496, 7, 3550], [281, 1499, 7, 3552], [], [281, 3555, 7, 3556], [281, 3558, 7, 3559], [], [48, 3561, 1489, 3562, 281, 3563, 7, 3564], [281, 1503, 7, 3566], [281, 1506, 7, 3568], [281, 1509, 7, 3570], [281, 1512, 7, 3572], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3574], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 3576], [281, 1528, 7, 3578], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3580], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3582], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3584], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3586], [281, 1844, 7, 3588], [281, 1847, 7, 3590], [281, 1192, 7, 3592], [281, 1195, 7, 3594], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3596], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3598], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3600], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3602], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3604], [281, 1864, 7, 3606], [7, 3608], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3610], [281, 1576, 7, 3612], [281, 1579, 7, 3614], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3617], [281, 1586, 7, 3619], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3621], [281, 1609, 7, 3623], [281, 1612, 7, 3625], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3627], [281, 1619, 7, 3629], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3631], [281, 1625, 7, 3633], [281, 1628, 7, 3635], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3637], [281, 1635, 7, 3639], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3641], [281, 1773, 7, 3643], [281, 1776, 7, 3645], [281, 1779, 7, 3647], [281, 1782, 7, 3649], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3651], [281, 1789, 7, 3653], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3655], [], [22, 3657, 281, 1474, 7, 3658], [281, 1477, 7, 3660], [281, 1480, 7, 3662], [281, 2048, 7, 3664], [281, 1493, 7, 3666], [281, 1496, 7, 3668], [281, 1499, 7, 3670], [], [281, 1503, 7, 3673], [281, 1506, 7, 3675], [281, 1509, 7, 3677], [281, 1512, 7, 3679], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3681], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 3683], [281, 1528, 7, 3685], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3687], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3689], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3691], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3693], [281, 1844, 7, 3695], [281, 1847, 7, 3697], [281, 1192, 7, 3699], [281, 1195, 7, 3701], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3703], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3705], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3707], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3709], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3711], [281, 1864, 7, 3713], [7, 3715], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3717], [281, 1576, 7, 3719], [281, 1579, 7, 3721], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3723], [281, 1586, 7, 3725], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3727], [281, 1609, 7, 3729], [281, 1612, 7, 3731], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3733], [281, 1619, 7, 3735], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3737], [281, 1625, 7, 3739], [281, 1628, 7, 3741], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3743], [281, 1635, 7, 3745], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3747], [281, 1773, 7, 3749], [281, 1776, 7, 3751], [281, 1779, 7, 3753], [281, 1782, 7, 3755], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3757], [281, 1789, 7, 3759], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3761], [], [22, 3763, 281, 1474, 7, 3764], [281, 1477, 7, 3766], [281, 1480, 7, 3768], [281, 2048, 7, 3770], [281, 1493, 7, 3772], [281, 1496, 7, 3774], [281, 1499, 7, 3776], [], [281, 1503, 7, 3779], [281, 1506, 7, 3781], [281, 1509, 7, 3783], [281, 1512, 7, 3785], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3787], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3789], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 3791], [281, 1528, 7, 3793], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3795], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3797], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3799], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3801], [281, 1844, 7, 3803], [281, 1847, 7, 3805], [281, 1192, 7, 3807], [281, 1195, 7, 3809], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3811], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3813], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3815], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3817], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3819], [281, 1864, 7, 3821], [7, 3823], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3825], [281, 1576, 7, 3827], [281, 1579, 7, 3829], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3832], [281, 1586, 7, 3834], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3836], [281, 1609, 7, 3838], [281, 1612, 7, 3840], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3842], [281, 1619, 7, 3844], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3846], [281, 1625, 7, 3848], [281, 1628, 7, 3850], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3852], [281, 1635, 7, 3854], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3856], [281, 1773, 7, 3858], [281, 1776, 7, 3860], [281, 1779, 7, 3862], [281, 1782, 7, 3864], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3866], [281, 1789, 7, 3868], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3871], [], [22, 3873, 281, 1474, 7, 3874], [281, 1477, 7, 3876], [281, 1480, 7, 3878], [281, 2048, 7, 3880], [281, 1493, 7, 3882], [281, 1496, 7, 3884], [281, 1499, 7, 3886], [], [281, 1503, 7, 3889], [281, 1506, 7, 3891], [281, 1509, 7, 3893], [281, 1512, 7, 3895], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3897], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 3899], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 3901], [281, 1528, 7, 3903], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 3905], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3907], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 3909], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 3911], [281, 1844, 7, 3913], [281, 1847, 7, 3915], [281, 1192, 7, 3917], [281, 1195, 7, 3919], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3921], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3923], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3925], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3927], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 3929], [281, 1864, 7, 3931], [7, 3933], [], [281, 1573, 7, 3935], [281, 1576, 7, 3937], [281, 1579, 7, 3939], [], [281, 1583, 7, 3941], [281, 1586, 7, 3943], [], [281, 1606, 7, 3945], [281, 1609, 7, 3947], [281, 1612, 7, 3949], [], [281, 1616, 7, 3951], [281, 1619, 7, 3953], [], [281, 1622, 7, 3955], [281, 1625, 7, 3957], [281, 1628, 7, 3959], [], [281, 1632, 7, 3961], [281, 1635, 7, 3963], [], [281, 1639, 7, 3965], [281, 1773, 7, 3967], [281, 1776, 7, 3969], [281, 1779, 7, 3971], [281, 1782, 7, 3973], [], [281, 1786, 7, 3975], [281, 1789, 7, 3977], [], [281, 1470, 7, 3979], [], [22, 3981, 281, 1474, 7, 3982], [281, 1477, 7, 3984], [281, 1480, 7, 3986], [281, 2048, 7, 3988], [281, 1493, 7, 3990], [281, 1496, 7, 3992], [281, 1499, 7, 3994], [], [281, 1503, 7, 3997], [281, 1506, 7, 3999], [281, 1509, 7, 4001], [281, 1512, 7, 4003], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 4005], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 4007], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 4009], [281, 1528, 7, 4011], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 4013], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 4015], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 4017], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 4019], [281, 1844, 7, 4021], [281, 1847, 7, 4023], [281, 1192, 7, 4025], [281, 1195, 7, 4027], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4029], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4031], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4033], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4035], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4037], [281, 1864, 7, 4039], [7, 4041], [], [281, 1573, 7, 4043], [281, 1576, 7, 4045], [281, 1579, 7, 4047], [], [281, 1583, 7, 4050], [281, 1586, 7, 4052], [], [281, 1606, 7, 4054], [281, 1609, 7, 4056], [281, 1612, 7, 4058], [], [281, 1616, 7, 4060], [281, 1619, 7, 4062], [], [281, 1622, 7, 4064], [281, 1625, 7, 4066], [281, 1628, 7, 4068], [], [281, 1632, 7, 4070], [281, 1635, 7, 4072], [], [281, 1639, 7, 4074], [281, 1773, 7, 4076], [281, 1776, 7, 4078], [281, 1779, 7, 4080], [281, 1782, 7, 4082], [], [281, 1786, 7, 4084], [281, 1789, 7, 4086], [], [281, 1470, 7, 4089], [], [22, 4091, 281, 1474, 7, 4092], [281, 1477, 7, 4094], [281, 1480, 7, 4096], [281, 2048, 7, 4098], [281, 1493, 7, 4100], [281, 1496, 7, 4102], [281, 1499, 7, 4104], [], [281, 1503, 7, 4107], [281, 1506, 7, 4109], [281, 1509, 7, 4111], [281, 1512, 7, 4113], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 4116], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 4119], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 4121], [281, 1528, 7, 4123], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 4125], [], [], [281, 1528, 7, 4127], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 4129], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 4131], [281, 1844, 7, 4133], [281, 1847, 7, 4135], [281, 1192, 7, 4137], [281, 1195, 7, 4139], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4141], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4143], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4145], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4147], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4149], [281, 1864, 7, 4151], [7, 4153], [], [281, 1573, 7, 4155], [281, 1576, 7, 4157], [281, 1579, 7, 4159], [], [281, 1583, 7, 4162], [281, 1586, 7, 4164], [], [281, 1606, 7, 4166], [281, 1609, 7, 4168], [281, 1612, 7, 4170], [], [281, 1616, 7, 4172], [281, 1619, 7, 4174], [], [281, 1622, 7, 4176], [281, 1625, 7, 4178], [281, 1628, 7, 4180], [], [281, 1632, 7, 4182], [281, 1635, 7, 4184], [], [281, 1639, 7, 4186], [281, 1773, 7, 4188], [281, 1776, 7, 4190], [281, 1779, 7, 4192], [281, 1782, 7, 4194], [], [281, 1786, 7, 4196], [281, 1789, 7, 4198], [], [281, 1470, 7, 4201], [], [22, 4203, 281, 1474, 7, 4204], [281, 1477, 7, 4206], [281, 1480, 7, 4208], [281, 2048, 7, 4210], [281, 1493, 7, 4212], [281, 1496, 7, 4214], [281, 1499, 7, 4216], [], [281, 3555, 7, 4219], [281, 3558, 7, 4221], [], [48, 3561, 1489, 3562, 281, 3563, 7, 4223], [281, 1503, 7, 4225], [281, 1506, 7, 4227], [281, 1509, 7, 4229], [281, 1512, 7, 4231], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 4233], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 4235], [], [], [281, 1512, 7, 4237], [], [], [281, 1525, 7, 4239], [281, 1528, 7, 4241], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 4243], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 4245], [], [], [281, 1533, 7, 4247], [], [], [281, 1538, 7, 4249], [281, 1844, 7, 4251], [281, 1847, 7, 4253], [281, 1192, 7, 4255], [281, 1195, 7, 4257], [], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4259], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4261], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4263], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4265], [281, 1199, 538, 1200, 7, 4267], [281, 1864, 7, 4269], [7, 4271], [], [281, 1573, 7, 4273], [281, 1576, 7, 4275], [281, 1579, 7, 4277], [], [281, 1583, 7, 4280], [281, 1586, 7, 4282], [], [281, 1606, 7, 4284], [281, 1609, 7, 4286], [281, 1612, 7, 4288], [], [281, 1616, 7, 4290], [281, 1619, 7, 4292], [], [281, 1622, 7, 4294], [281, 1625, 7, 4296], [281, 1628, 7, 4298], [], [281, 1632, 7, 4300], [281, 1635, 7, 4302], [], [281, 1639, 7, 4304], [281, 1773, 7, 4306], [281, 1776, 7, 4308], [281, 1779, 7, 4310], [281, 1782, 7, 4312], [], [281, 1786, 7, 4314], [281, 1789, 7, 4316], [], [281, 4318, 7, 4319], [281, 4322, 7, 4323], [281, 4325, 7, 4326], [281, 4328, 7, 4329], [281, 4331, 7, 4332], [281, 4334, 7, 4335], [281, 4337, 22, 4338, 7, 4339], [], [281, 4341, 22, 4342, 20, 4343, 7, 4344], [], [281, 4341, 22, 4347, 20, 4343, 7, 4348], [], [281, 4351, 7, 4352], [281, 4354, 7, 4355], [281, 4357, 7, 4358], [281, 4361, 7, 4362], [281, 4364, 7, 4365], [281, 4367, 7, 4368], [281, 4370, 7, 4371], [281, 4373, 7, 4374], [], [22, 4376, 7, 4377], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4380], [], [22, 4382, 7, 4383], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4386], [], [22, 4388, 7, 4389], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4392], [], [22, 4394, 7, 4395], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4398], [], [22, 4400, 7, 4401], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4404], [], [22, 4406, 7, 4407], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4410], [], [22, 4412, 7, 4413], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4416], [], [22, 4418, 7, 4419], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4422], [], [22, 4424, 7, 4425], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4428], [], [22, 4430, 7, 4431], [], [281, 4373, 7, 4434], [], [22, 4436, 7, 4437], [], [281, 4440, 7, 4441], [281, 4443, 7, 4444], [20, 4446, 22, 4447, 4448, 4449, 281, 4450, 586, 4451, 7, 4452], [], [20, 4446, 22, 4454, 4448, 4449, 281, 4455, 586, 4456, 7, 4457], [], [20, 4446, 22, 4459, 4448, 4449, 281, 4460, 586, 4461, 7, 4462], [], [281, 4464, 7, 4465], [22, 4467, 281, 4468, 586, 4469, 7, 4470], [], [22, 4467, 281, 4472, 586, 4473, 7, 4474], [], [538, 1200, 281, 4477, 7, 4478], [281, 4480, 7, 4481], [7, 4483], [281, 4485, 7, 4486], [], [281, 4489, 7, 4490], [281, 4492, 7, 4493], [], [22, 4495, 7, 4496], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4499], [], [22, 4501, 7, 4502], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4505], [], [22, 4507, 7, 4508], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4511], [], [22, 4513, 7, 4514], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4517], [], [22, 4519, 7, 4520], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4523], [], [22, 4525, 7, 4526], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4529], [], [22, 4531, 7, 4532], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4535], [], [22, 4537, 7, 4538], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4541], [], [22, 4543, 7, 4544], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4547], [], [22, 4549, 7, 4550], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4553], [], [22, 4555, 7, 4556], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4559], [], [22, 4561, 7, 4562], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4565], [], [22, 4567, 7, 4568], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4571], [], [22, 4573, 7, 4574], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4577], [], [22, 4579, 7, 4580], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4583], [], 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4702], [], [22, 4704, 7, 4705], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4708], [], [22, 4710, 7, 4711], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4714], [], [22, 4716, 7, 4717], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4720], [], [22, 4722, 7, 4723], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4726], [], [22, 4728, 7, 4729], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4732], [], [22, 4734, 7, 4735], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4738], [], [22, 4740, 7, 4741], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4744], [], [22, 4746, 7, 4747], [], [538, 1200, 281, 4685, 7, 4750], [7, 4752], [281, 4485, 7, 4754], [], [281, 4757, 7, 4758], [281, 4492, 7, 4760], [], [22, 4762, 7, 4763], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4766], [], [22, 4768, 7, 4769], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4772], [], [22, 4774, 7, 4775], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4778], [], [22, 4780, 7, 4781], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4784], [], [22, 4786, 7, 4787], [], [281, 4492, 7, 4790], [], [22, 4792, 7, 4793], [], [538, 1200, 281, 4477, 7, 4795], [281, 4797, 7, 4798], [281, 4800, 7, 4801], [7, 4803], [], [281, 4806, 22, 4807, 4448, 4449, 7, 4808], [48, 4810, 1489, 4811, 7, 4812], [281, 4814, 7, 4815], [281, 4817, 7, 4818], [], [22, 4430, 7, 4821], [], [], [22, 4436, 7, 4824], [], [], [281, 4827, 7, 4828], [], [22, 4831, 4448, 4449, 7, 4832], [281, 4834, 48, 4835, 1489, 4836, 7, 4837], [281, 4839, 7, 4840], [281, 4842, 545, 546, 7, 4843], [586, 4845, 281, 4846, 45, 544, 7, 4847], [281, 4849, 7, 4850], [281, 4852, 7, 4853], [281, 4855, 7, 4856], [7, 4858], [], [281, 4861, 7, 4862], [281, 4864, 7, 4865], [281, 4867, 7, 4868], [281, 4870, 7, 4871], [], [281, 4874, 7, 4875], [281, 4877, 7, 4878], [281, 4881, 7, 4882], [281, 4884, 7, 4885], [45, 4887, 18, 4888, 281, 4889, 514, 4890, 525, 4887, 527, 4891, 4892, 4350, 4893, 517, 7, 4894], [45, 4896, 281, 4897, 514, 4898, 525, 4899, 527, -1, 7, 4900], [281, 4902, 7, 4903], [7, 4905], [7, 4907], [254, 4909, 7, 4910], [7, 4912], [4915, 4916, 48, 4917, 4918, 4919, 4920, 4921, 538, 1200, 135, 4922, 4923, 546, 4924, 4925, 4926, 4927, 7, 4928], [18, 4931, 135, 4931, 281, 4931, 254, 4932, 7, 4933], [254, 4935, 7, 4936], [281, 4938, 7, 4939], [45, 4941, 281, 4942, 4943, 4944, 7, 4945], [281, 4947, 7, 4948], [281, 4950, 7, 4951], [], [281, 4954, 7, 4955], [281, 4957, 7, 4958], [281, 4960, 974, 4961, 7, 4962], [281, 978, 7, 4964], [45, 981, 18, 4961, 281, 4966, 527, -1, 4967, -1, 7, 4968], [281, 4970, 7, 4971], [281, 991, 7, 4973], [], [281, 4957, 7, 4976], [45, 544, 281, 4978, 7, 4979], [], [281, 4982, 7, 4983], [], [22, 4430, 4448, 4449, 7, 4986], [], [], [22, 4436, 4448, 4449, 7, 4989], [], [], [281, 4992, 7, 4993], [281, 4995, 7, 4996], [], [281, 4999, 7, 5000], [45, 544, 281, 5002, 4943, 4944, 7, 5003], [281, 5005, 7, 5006], [281, 5008, 7, 5009], [281, 5011, 7, 5012], [281, 5014, 7, 5015], [281, 5017, 7, 5018], [], [45, 544, 281, 5021, 4943, 4944, 7, 5022], [281, 5005, 7, 5024], [281, 5008, 7, 5026], [281, 5028, 7, 5029], [281, 5031, 7, 5032], [281, 5034, 7, 5035], [281, 5037, 7, 5038], [281, 5040, 7, 5041], [281, 5043, 7, 5044], [281, 5046, 7, 5047], [], [], [], [], [], [], [45, 46, 7, 5053], [], [], [], [], [7, 5057], [], [], [7, 5060], [], 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261, 32.90625, 17], [48, 261, 0, 17], [48, 261, 32.90625, 17], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 17], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 51.546875, 17], [48, 279, 0, 17], [48, 279, 51.546875, 17], [48, 297, 1224, 18], [31, 297, 7, 18], [31, 297, 7, 17], [48, 297, 1224, 18], [48, 297, 62.1875, 17], [48, 297, 0, 17], [48, 297, 62.1875, 17], [48, 315, 1224, 18], [31, 315, 7, 18], [31, 315, 7, 17], [48, 315, 1224, 18], [48, 315, 54.203125, 17], [48, 315, 0, 17], [48, 315, 54.203125, 17], [48, 333, 1224, 18], [31, 333, 7, 18], [31, 333, 7, 17], [48, 333, 1224, 18], [48, 333, 55.09375, 17], [48, 333, 0, 17], [48, 333, 55.09375, 17], [48, 351, 1224, 18], [31, 351, 7, 18], [31, 351, 7, 17], [48, 351, 1224, 18], [48, 351, 32, 17], [48, 351, 0, 17], [48, 351, 32, 17], [8, 385, 1264, 36], [48, 385, 1224, 18], [31, 385, 7, 18], [31, 385, 7, 17], [48, 385, 66.796875, 17], [48, 385, 66.796875, 17], [48, 403, 1224, 18], [31, 403, 7, 18], [31, 403, 7, 17], [48, 403, 30.21875, 17], [48, 403, 0, 17], [48, 403, 30.21875, 17], [8, 440.90625, 1264, 12798.5], [8, 440.90625, 1264, 1848.6875], [8, 440.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 440.90625, 98, 26], [106, 446.90625, 64.890625, 21], [114, 449.90625, 48.890625, 15], [8, 487.8125, 1264, 99.71875], [8, 487.8125, 1264, 22], [8, 487.8125, 151.875, 21], [8, 528.53125, 1264, 21], [8, 528.53125, 64.140625, 21], [16, 531.53125, 48.140625, 15], [72.140625, 528.53125, 56.015625, 21], [80.140625, 531.53125, 40.015625, 15], [8, 549.53125, 1264, 38], [8, 549.53125, 1264, 19], [8, 549.53125, 87, 19], [8, 568.53125, 1264, 19], [8, 568.53125, 74, 19], [8, 607.4375, 1264, 129.625], [8, 607.4375, 1264, 27], [8, 607.4375, 98, 26], [106, 613.4375, 64.890625, 21], [114, 616.4375, 48.890625, 15], [8, 654.34375, 1264, 82.71875], [8, 654.34375, 1264, 82.71875], [8, 654.34375, 1264, 22], [8, 654.34375, 1264, 22], [8, 654.34375, 73.75, 21], [8, 654.34375, 73.75, 21], [81.75, 654.34375, 44.671875, 21], [81.75, 654.34375, 44.671875, 21], [8, 695.0625, 1264, 42], [8, 695.0625, 1264, 42], [8, 695.0625, 1264, 42], [8, 695.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 695.0625, 86.375, 21], [16, 698.0625, 70.375, 15], [8, 716.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 716.0625, 108.609375, 21], [16, 719.0625, 92.609375, 15], [8, 756.96875, 1264, 565.546875], [8, 756.96875, 1264, 27], [8, 756.96875, 98, 26], [106, 762.96875, 64.890625, 21], [114, 765.96875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 803.875, 1264, 518.640625], [8, 803.875, 1264, 518.640625], [8, 803.875, 1264, 44], [8, 803.875, 1264, 44], [8, 803.875, 1264, 44], [8, 803.875, 61.984375, 21], [8, 825.875, 1264, 22], [8, 825.875, 44.6875, 21], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 455.921875], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 455.921875], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 866.59375, 1264, 19], [12, 869.59375, 13, 13], [28, 868.59375, 0, 17], [8, 906.859375, 1264, 18], [8, 906.859375, 165.796875, 17], [8, 946.125, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 946.125, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 946.125, 1264, 19], [12, 949.125, 13, 13], [28, 948.125, 0, 17], [8, 986.390625, 1264, 18], [8, 986.390625, 115.203125, 17], [8, 1025.65625, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1025.65625, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1025.65625, 1264, 19], [12, 1028.65625, 13, 13], [28, 1027.65625, 0, 17], [8, 1065.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 1065.921875, 139.421875, 17], [8, 1105.1875, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1105.1875, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1105.1875, 1264, 19], [12, 1108.1875, 13, 13], [28, 1107.1875, 0, 17], [8, 1145.453125, 1264, 18], [8, 1145.453125, 52.875, 17], [8, 1184.71875, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1184.71875, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1184.71875, 1264, 19], [12, 1187.71875, 13, 13], [28, 1186.71875, 0, 17], [28, 1186.71875, 0, 17], [8, 1224.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 1224.984375, 138.65625, 17], [8, 1264.25, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1264.25, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1264.25, 1264, 19], [12, 1267.25, 13, 13], [28, 1266.25, 0, 17], [8, 1304.515625, 1264, 18], [8, 1304.515625, 119.078125, 17], [8, 1343.78125, 1264, 126], [8, 1343.78125, 1264, 126], [48, 1343.78125, 1224, 126], [32, 1343.78125, 16, 18], [32, 1343.78125, 16, 17], [48, 1343.78125, 127.53125, 17], [48, 1343.78125, 48.890625, 17], [48, 1343.78125, 48.890625, 17], [96.890625, 1343.78125, 78.640625, 17], [96.890625, 1343.78125, 78.640625, 17], [48, 1361.78125, 1224, 108], [88, 1361.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1361.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1361.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1361.78125, 67.984375, 17], [88, 1361.78125, 37.328125, 17], [88, 1361.78125, 37.328125, 17], [125.328125, 1361.78125, 30.65625, 17], [125.328125, 1361.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1379.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1379.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 107.09375, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 76.4375, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 76.4375, 17], [164.4375, 1379.78125, 30.65625, 17], [164.4375, 1379.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1397.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1397.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 82.203125, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 51.546875, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 51.546875, 17], [139.546875, 1397.78125, 30.65625, 17], [139.546875, 1397.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1415.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1415.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 65.3125, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 34.65625, 17], [122.65625, 1415.78125, 30.65625, 17], [122.65625, 1415.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1433.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1433.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 71.53125, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 40.875, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 40.875, 17], [128.875, 1433.78125, 30.65625, 17], [128.875, 1433.78125, 30.65625, 17], [88, 1451.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 1451.78125, 16, 18], [72, 1451.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1451.78125, 73.328125, 17], [88, 1451.78125, 73.328125, 17], [8, 1489.6875, 1264, 105.625], [8, 1489.6875, 1264, 27], [8, 1489.6875, 98, 26], [106, 1495.6875, 64.890625, 21], [114, 1498.6875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1536.59375, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 1536.59375, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 1536.59375, 1264, 22], [8, 1536.59375, 1264, 22], [8, 1536.59375, 65.453125, 21], [8, 1536.59375, 65.453125, 21], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 1577.3125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1595.3125, 0, 0], [8, 1615.21875, 1264, 141.625], [8, 1615.21875, 1264, 27], [8, 1615.21875, 98, 26], [106, 1621.21875, 64.890625, 21], [114, 1624.21875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1662.125, 1264, 94.71875], [8, 1662.125, 1264, 94.71875], [8, 1662.125, 1264, 22], [8, 1662.125, 1264, 22], [8, 1662.125, 41.53125, 21], [8, 1662.125, 41.53125, 21], [8, 1702.84375, 1264, 54], [8, 1702.84375, 1264, 54], [8, 1702.84375, 1264, 54], [8, 1702.84375, 1264, 54], [48, 1702.84375, 1224, 18], [31, 1702.84375, 7, 18], [31, 1702.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1702.84375, 8, 17], [48, 1720.84375, 1224, 18], [31, 1720.84375, 7, 18], [31, 1720.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1720.84375, 16, 17], [48, 1738.84375, 1224, 18], [31, 1738.84375, 7, 18], [31, 1738.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1738.84375, 24, 17], [8, 1776.75, 1264, 304.953125], [8, 1776.75, 1264, 27], [8, 1776.75, 98, 26], [106, 1782.75, 64.890625, 21], [114, 1785.75, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1823.65625, 1264, 258.046875], [8, 1823.65625, 1264, 258.046875], [8, 1823.65625, 1264, 22], [8, 1823.65625, 1264, 22], [8, 1823.65625, 152.203125, 21], [8, 1823.65625, 152.203125, 21], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 217.328125], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 217.328125], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1864.375, 1264, 19], [12, 1867.375, 13, 13], [28, 1866.375, 0, 17], [8, 1904.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 1904.640625, 75.78125, 17], [8, 1943.90625, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1943.90625, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 1943.90625, 1264, 19], [12, 1946.90625, 13, 13], [28, 1945.90625, 0, 17], [8, 1984.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 1984.171875, 67.78125, 17], [8, 2023.4375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 2023.4375, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 2023.4375, 1264, 19], [12, 2026.4375, 13, 13], [28, 2025.4375, 0, 17], [8, 2063.703125, 1264, 18], [8, 2063.703125, 67.78125, 17], [8, 2102.96875, 1264, 150.625], [8, 2102.96875, 1264, 27], [8, 2102.96875, 98, 26], [106, 2108.96875, 64.890625, 21], [114, 2111.96875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 2149.875, 1264, 103.71875], [8, 2149.875, 1264, 103.71875], [8, 2149.875, 1264, 22], [8, 2149.875, 1264, 22], [8, 2149.875, 142.828125, 21], [8, 2149.875, 142.828125, 21], [8, 2190.59375, 1264, 63], [8, 2190.59375, 1264, 63], [8, 2190.59375, 1264, 63], [8, 2190.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 2190.59375, 87.484375, 21], [16, 2193.59375, 71.484375, 15], [8, 2211.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 2211.59375, 94.90625, 21], [16, 2214.59375, 78.90625, 15], [8, 2232.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 2232.59375, 94.90625, 21], [16, 2235.59375, 78.90625, 15], [8, 2253.59375, 1264, 36], [8, 2253.59375, 131.71875, 17], [139.71875, 2253.59375, 0, 17], [8, 2271.59375, 83.234375, 17], [8, 2311.03125, 1264, 10928.375], [8, 2311.03125, 1264, 134.4375], [8, 2311.03125, 1264, 37], [8, 2311.03125, 818.984375, 36], [8, 2369.46875, 1264, 58], [8, 2369.46875, 1264, 37], [8, 2369.46875, 51.125, 17], [8, 2369.46875, 51.125, 17], [8, 2387.46875, 1264, 19], [8, 2387.46875, 1264, 19], [8, 2387.46875, 66.671875, 17], [8, 2387.46875, 66.671875, 17], [74.671875, 2387.46875, 82, 19], [156.671875, 2387.46875, 0, 17], [8, 2406.46875, 54.53125, 21], [16, 2409.46875, 0, 15], [16, 2409.46875, 38.53125, 15], [16, 2409.46875, 38.53125, 15], [54.53125, 2409.46875, 0, 15], [8, 2427.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2427.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2427.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2427.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2427.46875, 68.421875, 17], [8, 2427.46875, 68.421875, 17], [76.421875, 2427.46875, 0, 17], [8, 2461.46875, 1264, 10731.9375], [8, 2461.46875, 1264, 0], [8, 2461.46875, 1264, 507.4375], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 507.4375], [31, 2539.46875, 7, 18], [31, 2539.46875, 7, 17], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 507.4375], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 507.4375], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 295.4375], [48, 2461.46875, 1224, 92], [48, 2461.46875, 92, 92], [48, 2572.1875, 1224, 22], [48, 2572.1875, 1224, 22], [48, 2572.1875, 209.890625, 21], [48, 2572.1875, 209.890625, 21], [48, 2612.90625, 1224, 144], [48, 2612.90625, 1224, 72], [48, 2612.90625, 1224, 72], [88, 2612.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 2612.90625, 7, 18], [71, 2612.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2612.90625, 29.328125, 17], [88, 2630.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 2630.90625, 7, 18], [71, 2630.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2630.90625, 37.328125, 17], [88, 2648.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 2648.90625, 7, 18], [71, 2648.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2648.90625, 68.40625, 17], [88, 2666.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 2666.90625, 7, 18], [71, 2666.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2666.90625, 40.875, 17], [48, 2684.90625, 1224, 72], [88, 2684.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 2684.90625, 16, 18], [72, 2684.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2684.90625, 8, 17], [88, 2702.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 2702.90625, 16, 18], [72, 2702.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2702.90625, 8, 17], [88, 2720.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 2720.90625, 16, 18], [72, 2720.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2720.90625, 8, 17], [88, 2738.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 2738.90625, 16, 18], [72, 2738.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2738.90625, 8, 17], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 212], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2756.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2756.90625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2774.90625, 0, 0], [48, 2790.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2790.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2790.90625, 83.109375, 17], [48, 2824.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 2824.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2824.90625, 20, 17], [48, 2824.90625, 20, 17], [48, 2842.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2842.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 2842.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 2860.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 2860.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2860.90625, 66.21875, 17], [48, 2860.90625, 66.21875, 17], [48, 2878.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2878.90625, 61.359375, 17], [48, 2878.90625, 61.359375, 17], [48, 2896.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 2896.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2896.90625, 24, 17], [48, 2896.90625, 24, 17], [48, 2914.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2914.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 2914.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 2932.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 2932.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2932.90625, 36, 17], [48, 2932.90625, 36, 17], [48, 2950.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 2950.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 2950.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 2968.90625, 1224, 0], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 10205.78125], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 0], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 0], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 2987.625, 1264, 22], [8, 2987.625, 251.28125, 21], [8, 2987.625, 251.28125, 21], [8, 3028.34375, 1264, 18], [8, 3028.34375, 321.21875, 17], [8, 3062.34375, 1264, 10131.0625], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 523.4375], [31, 3140.34375, 7, 18], [31, 3140.34375, 7, 17], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 295.4375], [48, 3062.34375, 1224, 92], [48, 3062.34375, 92, 92], [48, 3173.0625, 1224, 22], [48, 3173.0625, 1224, 22], [48, 3173.0625, 104.625, 21], [48, 3173.0625, 104.625, 21], [48, 3213.78125, 1224, 144], [48, 3213.78125, 1224, 72], [48, 3213.78125, 1224, 72], [88, 3213.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 3213.78125, 7, 18], [71, 3213.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3213.78125, 51.546875, 17], [88, 3231.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 3231.78125, 7, 18], [71, 3231.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3231.78125, 37.328125, 17], [88, 3249.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 3249.78125, 7, 18], [71, 3249.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3249.78125, 40.875, 17], [88, 3267.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 3267.78125, 7, 18], [71, 3267.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3267.78125, 35.578125, 17], [48, 3285.78125, 1224, 72], [88, 3285.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 3285.78125, 16, 18], [72, 3285.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3285.78125, 8, 17], [88, 3303.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 3303.78125, 16, 18], [72, 3303.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3303.78125, 8, 17], [88, 3321.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 3321.78125, 16, 18], [72, 3321.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3321.78125, 8, 17], [88, 3339.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 3339.78125, 16, 18], [72, 3339.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3339.78125, 8, 17], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 176], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3357.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3357.78125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3375.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3391.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3391.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3391.78125, 75.109375, 17], [48, 3425.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 3425.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3425.78125, 20, 17], [48, 3425.78125, 20, 17], [48, 3443.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3443.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 3443.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 3461.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 3461.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3461.78125, 24, 17], [48, 3461.78125, 24, 17], [48, 3479.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3479.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 3479.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 3497.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 3497.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3497.78125, 36, 17], [48, 3497.78125, 36, 17], [48, 3515.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3515.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 3515.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 3533.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 3533.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 3533.78125, 0, 0], [48, 3533.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 3533.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 3533.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 3567.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3567.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 3567.78125, 149.828125, 17], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 523.4375], [31, 3679.78125, 7, 18], [31, 3679.78125, 7, 17], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 295.4375], [48, 3601.78125, 1224, 92], [48, 3601.78125, 92, 92], [48, 3712.5, 1224, 22], [48, 3712.5, 1224, 22], [48, 3712.5, 150.03125, 21], [48, 3712.5, 150.03125, 21], [48, 3753.21875, 1224, 144], [48, 3753.21875, 1224, 72], [48, 3753.21875, 1224, 72], [88, 3753.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 3753.21875, 7, 18], [71, 3753.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3753.21875, 41.140625, 17], [88, 3771.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 3771.21875, 7, 18], [71, 3771.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3771.21875, 53.328125, 17], [88, 3789.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 3789.21875, 7, 18], [71, 3789.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3789.21875, 39.984375, 17], [88, 3807.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 3807.21875, 7, 18], [71, 3807.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3807.21875, 68.40625, 17], [48, 3825.21875, 1224, 72], [88, 3825.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 3825.21875, 16, 18], [72, 3825.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3825.21875, 8, 17], [88, 3843.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 3843.21875, 16, 18], [72, 3843.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3843.21875, 8, 17], [88, 3861.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 3861.21875, 16, 18], [72, 3861.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3861.21875, 8, 17], [88, 3879.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 3879.21875, 16, 18], [72, 3879.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3879.21875, 8, 17], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 176], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3897.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3897.21875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3915.21875, 0, 0], [48, 3931.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3931.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3931.21875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 3965.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 3965.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3965.21875, 20, 17], [48, 3965.21875, 20, 17], [48, 3983.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 3983.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 3983.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4001.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 4001.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4001.21875, 24, 17], [48, 4001.21875, 24, 17], [48, 4019.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4019.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4019.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4037.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 4037.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4037.21875, 36, 17], [48, 4037.21875, 36, 17], [48, 4055.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4055.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4055.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4073.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 4073.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 4073.21875, 0, 0], [48, 4073.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 4073.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4073.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4107.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4107.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 4107.21875, 177.078125, 17], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 523.4375], [31, 4219.21875, 7, 18], [31, 4219.21875, 7, 17], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 523.4375], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 295.4375], [48, 4141.21875, 1224, 92], [48, 4141.21875, 92, 92], [48, 4251.9375, 1224, 22], [48, 4251.9375, 1224, 22], [48, 4251.9375, 120.65625, 21], [48, 4251.9375, 120.65625, 21], [48, 4292.65625, 1224, 144], [48, 4292.65625, 1224, 72], [48, 4292.65625, 1224, 72], [88, 4292.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 4292.65625, 7, 18], [71, 4292.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4292.65625, 40.875, 17], [88, 4310.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 4310.65625, 7, 18], [71, 4310.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4310.65625, 34.65625, 17], [88, 4328.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 4328.65625, 7, 18], [71, 4328.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4328.65625, 76.4375, 17], [88, 4346.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 4346.65625, 7, 18], [71, 4346.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4346.65625, 40.875, 17], [48, 4364.65625, 1224, 72], [88, 4364.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 4364.65625, 16, 18], [72, 4364.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4364.65625, 8, 17], [88, 4382.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 4382.65625, 16, 18], [72, 4382.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4382.65625, 8, 17], [88, 4400.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 4400.65625, 16, 18], [72, 4400.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4400.65625, 8, 17], [88, 4418.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 4418.65625, 16, 18], [72, 4418.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4418.65625, 8, 17], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 176], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4436.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4436.65625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4454.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4470.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4470.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4470.65625, 82.515625, 17], [48, 4504.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 4504.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4504.65625, 20, 17], [48, 4504.65625, 20, 17], [48, 4522.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4522.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4522.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4540.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 4540.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4540.65625, 24, 17], [48, 4540.65625, 24, 17], [48, 4558.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4558.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4558.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4576.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 4576.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4576.65625, 36, 17], [48, 4576.65625, 36, 17], [48, 4594.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4594.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4594.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4612.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 4612.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 4612.65625, 0, 0], [48, 4612.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 4612.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4612.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4646.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4646.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 4646.65625, 177.078125, 17], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 4686.375, 7, 18], [31, 4686.375, 7, 17], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 0], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 22], [48, 4683.375, 1224, 22], [48, 4683.375, 76.421875, 21], [48, 4683.375, 76.421875, 21], [48, 4724.09375, 1224, 144], [48, 4724.09375, 1224, 72], [48, 4724.09375, 1224, 72], [88, 4724.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 4724.09375, 7, 18], [71, 4724.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4724.09375, 35.578125, 17], [88, 4742.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 4742.09375, 7, 18], [71, 4742.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4742.09375, 56.859375, 17], [88, 4760.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 4760.09375, 7, 18], [71, 4760.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4760.09375, 37.328125, 17], [88, 4778.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 4778.09375, 7, 18], [71, 4778.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4778.09375, 43.578125, 17], [48, 4796.09375, 1224, 72], [88, 4796.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 4796.09375, 16, 18], [72, 4796.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4796.09375, 8, 17], [88, 4814.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 4814.09375, 16, 18], [72, 4814.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4814.09375, 8, 17], [88, 4832.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 4832.09375, 16, 18], [72, 4832.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4832.09375, 8, 17], [88, 4850.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 4850.09375, 16, 18], [72, 4850.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4850.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 176], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4868.09375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4886.09375, 0, 0], [48, 4902.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4902.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4902.09375, 75.109375, 17], [48, 4936.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 4936.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4936.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4936.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4954.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4954.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4954.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4972.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 4972.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4972.09375, 24, 17], [48, 4972.09375, 24, 17], [48, 4990.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 4990.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4990.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5008.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 5008.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 5008.09375, 36, 17], [48, 5008.09375, 36, 17], [48, 5026.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 5026.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5026.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5044.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 5044.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 5044.09375, 0, 0], [48, 5044.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 5044.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5044.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5078.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 5078.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 5078.09375, 177.078125, 17], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 5117.8125, 7, 18], [31, 5117.8125, 7, 17], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 22], [48, 5114.8125, 1224, 22], [48, 5114.8125, 98.234375, 21], [48, 5114.8125, 98.234375, 21], [48, 5155.53125, 1224, 144], [48, 5155.53125, 1224, 72], [48, 5155.53125, 1224, 72], [88, 5155.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 5155.53125, 7, 18], [71, 5155.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5155.53125, 40.875, 17], [88, 5173.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 5173.53125, 7, 18], [71, 5173.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5173.53125, 39.984375, 17], [88, 5191.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 5191.53125, 7, 18], [71, 5191.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5191.53125, 68.40625, 17], [88, 5209.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 5209.53125, 7, 18], [71, 5209.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5209.53125, 40.875, 17], [48, 5227.53125, 1224, 72], [88, 5227.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 5227.53125, 16, 18], [72, 5227.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5227.53125, 8, 17], [88, 5245.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 5245.53125, 16, 18], [72, 5245.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5245.53125, 8, 17], [88, 5263.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 5263.53125, 16, 18], [72, 5263.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5263.53125, 8, 17], [88, 5281.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 5281.53125, 16, 18], [72, 5281.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5281.53125, 8, 17], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 176], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5299.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5299.53125, 94.65625, 17], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5317.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5333.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5333.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5333.53125, 75.109375, 17], [48, 5367.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 5367.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5367.53125, 20, 17], [48, 5367.53125, 20, 17], [48, 5385.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5385.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5385.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5403.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 5403.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5403.53125, 24, 17], [48, 5403.53125, 24, 17], [48, 5421.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5421.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5421.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5439.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 5439.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5439.53125, 36, 17], [48, 5439.53125, 36, 17], [48, 5457.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5457.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5457.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5475.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 5475.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 5475.53125, 0, 0], [48, 5475.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 5475.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5475.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5509.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5509.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 5509.53125, 149.828125, 17], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 5549.25, 7, 18], [31, 5549.25, 7, 17], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 0], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 22], [48, 5546.25, 1224, 22], [48, 5546.25, 211.140625, 21], [48, 5546.25, 211.140625, 21], [48, 5586.96875, 1224, 144], [48, 5586.96875, 1224, 72], [48, 5586.96875, 1224, 72], [88, 5586.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 5586.96875, 7, 18], [71, 5586.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5586.96875, 55.984375, 17], [88, 5604.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 5604.96875, 7, 18], [71, 5604.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5604.96875, 68.40625, 17], [88, 5622.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 5622.96875, 7, 18], [71, 5622.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5622.96875, 53.328125, 17], [88, 5640.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 5640.96875, 7, 18], [71, 5640.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5640.96875, 37.09375, 17], [48, 5658.96875, 1224, 72], [88, 5658.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 5658.96875, 16, 18], [72, 5658.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5658.96875, 8, 17], [88, 5676.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 5676.96875, 16, 18], [72, 5676.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5676.96875, 8, 17], [88, 5694.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 5694.96875, 16, 18], [72, 5694.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5694.96875, 8, 17], [88, 5712.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 5712.96875, 16, 18], [72, 5712.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5712.96875, 8, 17], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 176], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5730.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5730.96875, 94.65625, 17], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5748.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5764.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5764.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5764.96875, 75.109375, 17], [48, 5798.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 5798.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5798.96875, 20, 17], [48, 5798.96875, 20, 17], [48, 5816.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5816.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5816.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5834.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 5834.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5834.96875, 24, 17], [48, 5834.96875, 24, 17], [48, 5852.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5852.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5852.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5870.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 5870.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5870.96875, 36, 17], [48, 5870.96875, 36, 17], [48, 5888.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5888.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5888.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5906.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 5906.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 5906.96875, 0, 0], [48, 5906.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 5906.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5906.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5940.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5940.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 5940.96875, 149.828125, 17], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 5980.6875, 7, 18], [31, 5980.6875, 7, 17], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 0], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 22], [48, 5977.6875, 1224, 22], [48, 5977.6875, 181.3125, 21], [48, 5977.6875, 181.3125, 21], [48, 6018.40625, 1224, 144], [48, 6018.40625, 1224, 72], [48, 6018.40625, 1224, 72], [88, 6018.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 6018.40625, 7, 18], [71, 6018.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6018.40625, 93.28125, 17], [88, 6036.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 6036.40625, 7, 18], [71, 6036.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6036.40625, 98.203125, 17], [88, 6054.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 6054.40625, 7, 18], [71, 6054.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6054.40625, 68.40625, 17], [88, 6072.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 6072.40625, 7, 18], [71, 6072.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6072.40625, 41.78125, 17], [48, 6090.40625, 1224, 72], [88, 6090.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 6090.40625, 16, 18], [72, 6090.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6090.40625, 8, 17], [88, 6108.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 6108.40625, 16, 18], [72, 6108.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6108.40625, 8, 17], [88, 6126.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 6126.40625, 16, 18], [72, 6126.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6126.40625, 8, 17], [88, 6144.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 6144.40625, 16, 18], [72, 6144.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6144.40625, 8, 17], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 176], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6162.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6162.40625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6180.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6196.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6196.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6196.40625, 74.515625, 17], [48, 6230.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 6230.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6230.40625, 20, 17], [48, 6230.40625, 20, 17], [48, 6248.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6248.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6248.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6266.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 6266.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6266.40625, 24, 17], [48, 6266.40625, 24, 17], [48, 6284.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6284.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6284.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6302.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 6302.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6302.40625, 36, 17], [48, 6302.40625, 36, 17], [48, 6320.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6320.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6320.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6338.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 6338.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 6338.40625, 0, 0], [48, 6338.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 6338.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6338.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6372.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6372.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 6372.40625, 149.828125, 17], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 6412.125, 7, 18], [31, 6412.125, 7, 17], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 0], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 22], [48, 6409.125, 1224, 22], [48, 6409.125, 162.625, 21], [48, 6409.125, 162.625, 21], [48, 6449.84375, 1224, 144], [48, 6449.84375, 1224, 72], [48, 6449.84375, 1224, 72], [88, 6449.84375, 1184, 18], [71, 6449.84375, 7, 18], [71, 6449.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6449.84375, 50.375, 17], [88, 6467.84375, 1184, 18], [71, 6467.84375, 7, 18], [71, 6467.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6467.84375, 61.3125, 17], [88, 6485.84375, 1184, 18], [71, 6485.84375, 7, 18], [71, 6485.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6485.84375, 76.4375, 17], [88, 6503.84375, 1184, 18], [71, 6503.84375, 7, 18], [71, 6503.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6503.84375, 93.28125, 17], [48, 6521.84375, 1224, 72], [88, 6521.84375, 1184, 18], [72, 6521.84375, 16, 18], [72, 6521.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6521.84375, 8, 17], [88, 6539.84375, 1184, 18], [72, 6539.84375, 16, 18], [72, 6539.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6539.84375, 8, 17], [88, 6557.84375, 1184, 18], [72, 6557.84375, 16, 18], [72, 6557.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6557.84375, 8, 17], [88, 6575.84375, 1184, 18], [72, 6575.84375, 16, 18], [72, 6575.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6575.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 176], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 52], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6593.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6593.84375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6611.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6627.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6627.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6627.84375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 6661.84375, 1224, 36], [48, 6661.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6661.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6661.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6679.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6679.84375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6679.84375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6697.84375, 1224, 36], [48, 6697.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6697.84375, 24, 17], [48, 6697.84375, 24, 17], [48, 6715.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6715.84375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6715.84375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6733.84375, 1224, 36], [48, 6733.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6733.84375, 36, 17], [48, 6733.84375, 36, 17], [48, 6751.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6751.84375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6751.84375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6769.84375, 1224, 52], [48, 6769.84375, 1224, 52], [48, 6769.84375, 0, 0], [48, 6769.84375, 1224, 52], [48, 6769.84375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6769.84375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6803.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6803.84375, 1224, 18], [48, 6803.84375, 150.421875, 17], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 376.71875], [31, 6843.5625, 7, 18], [31, 6843.5625, 7, 17], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 376.71875], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 376.71875], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 148.71875], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 0], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 22], [48, 6840.5625, 1224, 22], [48, 6840.5625, 213.453125, 21], [48, 6840.5625, 213.453125, 21], [48, 6881.28125, 1224, 108], [48, 6881.28125, 1224, 36], [48, 6881.28125, 1224, 36], [88, 6881.28125, 1184, 18], [71, 6881.28125, 7, 18], [71, 6881.28125, 7, 17], [88, 6881.28125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 6899.28125, 1184, 18], [71, 6899.28125, 7, 18], [71, 6899.28125, 7, 17], [88, 6899.28125, 40.875, 17], [48, 6917.28125, 1224, 72], [88, 6917.28125, 1184, 18], [72, 6917.28125, 16, 18], [72, 6917.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6917.28125, 8, 17], [88, 6935.28125, 1184, 18], [72, 6935.28125, 16, 18], [72, 6935.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6935.28125, 8, 17], [88, 6953.28125, 1184, 18], [72, 6953.28125, 16, 18], [72, 6953.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6953.28125, 8, 17], [88, 6971.28125, 1184, 18], [72, 6971.28125, 16, 18], [72, 6971.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6971.28125, 8, 17], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 176], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 52], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 6989.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 6989.28125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7007.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7023.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7023.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7023.28125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 7057.28125, 1224, 36], [48, 7057.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7057.28125, 20, 17], [48, 7057.28125, 20, 17], [48, 7075.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7075.28125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7075.28125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7093.28125, 1224, 36], [48, 7093.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7093.28125, 24, 17], [48, 7093.28125, 24, 17], [48, 7111.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7111.28125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7111.28125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7129.28125, 1224, 36], [48, 7129.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7129.28125, 36, 17], [48, 7129.28125, 36, 17], [48, 7147.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7147.28125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7147.28125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7165.28125, 1224, 52], [48, 7165.28125, 1224, 52], [48, 7165.28125, 0, 0], [48, 7165.28125, 1224, 52], [48, 7165.28125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7165.28125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7199.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7199.28125, 1224, 18], [48, 7199.28125, 149.828125, 17], [48, 7236, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 7239, 7, 18], [31, 7239, 7, 17], [48, 7236, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 7236, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 7236, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 7236, 1224, 0], [48, 7236, 1224, 22], [48, 7236, 1224, 22], [48, 7236, 212.453125, 21], [48, 7236, 212.453125, 21], [48, 7276.71875, 1224, 144], [48, 7276.71875, 1224, 72], [48, 7276.71875, 1224, 72], [88, 7276.71875, 1184, 18], [71, 7276.71875, 7, 18], [71, 7276.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7276.71875, 30.203125, 17], [88, 7294.71875, 1184, 18], [71, 7294.71875, 7, 18], [71, 7294.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7294.71875, 59.984375, 17], [88, 7312.71875, 1184, 18], [71, 7312.71875, 7, 18], [71, 7312.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7312.71875, 50.65625, 17], [88, 7330.71875, 1184, 18], [71, 7330.71875, 7, 18], [71, 7330.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7330.71875, 34.65625, 17], [48, 7348.71875, 1224, 72], [88, 7348.71875, 1184, 18], [72, 7348.71875, 16, 18], [72, 7348.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7348.71875, 8, 17], [88, 7366.71875, 1184, 18], [72, 7366.71875, 16, 18], [72, 7366.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7366.71875, 8, 17], [88, 7384.71875, 1184, 18], [72, 7384.71875, 16, 18], [72, 7384.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7384.71875, 8, 17], [88, 7402.71875, 1184, 18], [72, 7402.71875, 16, 18], [72, 7402.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7402.71875, 8, 17], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 176], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 52], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7420.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7420.71875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7438.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7454.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7454.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7454.71875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 7488.71875, 1224, 36], [48, 7488.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7488.71875, 20, 17], [48, 7488.71875, 20, 17], [48, 7506.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7506.71875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7506.71875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7524.71875, 1224, 36], [48, 7524.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7524.71875, 24, 17], [48, 7524.71875, 24, 17], [48, 7542.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7542.71875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7542.71875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7560.71875, 1224, 36], [48, 7560.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7560.71875, 36, 17], [48, 7560.71875, 36, 17], [48, 7578.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7578.71875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7578.71875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7596.71875, 1224, 52], [48, 7596.71875, 1224, 52], [48, 7596.71875, 0, 0], [48, 7596.71875, 1224, 52], [48, 7596.71875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7596.71875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7630.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7630.71875, 1224, 18], [48, 7630.71875, 169.078125, 17], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 7670.4375, 7, 18], [31, 7670.4375, 7, 17], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 0], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 22], [48, 7667.4375, 1224, 22], [48, 7667.4375, 162.09375, 21], [48, 7667.4375, 162.09375, 21], [48, 7708.15625, 1224, 144], [48, 7708.15625, 1224, 72], [48, 7708.15625, 1224, 72], [88, 7708.15625, 1184, 18], [71, 7708.15625, 7, 18], [71, 7708.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7708.15625, 51.546875, 17], [88, 7726.15625, 1184, 18], [71, 7726.15625, 7, 18], [71, 7726.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7726.15625, 37.328125, 17], [88, 7744.15625, 1184, 18], [71, 7744.15625, 7, 18], [71, 7744.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7744.15625, 76.4375, 17], [88, 7762.15625, 1184, 18], [71, 7762.15625, 7, 18], [71, 7762.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7762.15625, 74.5625, 17], [48, 7780.15625, 1224, 72], [88, 7780.15625, 1184, 18], [72, 7780.15625, 16, 18], [72, 7780.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7780.15625, 8, 17], [88, 7798.15625, 1184, 18], [72, 7798.15625, 16, 18], [72, 7798.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7798.15625, 8, 17], [88, 7816.15625, 1184, 18], [72, 7816.15625, 16, 18], [72, 7816.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7816.15625, 8, 17], [88, 7834.15625, 1184, 18], [72, 7834.15625, 16, 18], [72, 7834.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7834.15625, 8, 17], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 176], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 52], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7852.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7852.15625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7870.15625, 0, 0], [48, 7886.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7886.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7886.15625, 74.515625, 17], [48, 7920.15625, 1224, 36], [48, 7920.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7920.15625, 20, 17], [48, 7920.15625, 20, 17], [48, 7938.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7938.15625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7938.15625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7956.15625, 1224, 36], [48, 7956.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7956.15625, 24, 17], [48, 7956.15625, 24, 17], [48, 7974.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7974.15625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7974.15625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7992.15625, 1224, 36], [48, 7992.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 7992.15625, 36, 17], [48, 7992.15625, 36, 17], [48, 8010.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 8010.15625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8010.15625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8028.15625, 1224, 52], [48, 8028.15625, 1224, 52], [48, 8028.15625, 0, 0], [48, 8028.15625, 1224, 52], [48, 8028.15625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8028.15625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8062.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 8062.15625, 1224, 18], [48, 8062.15625, 177.078125, 17], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 8101.875, 7, 18], [31, 8101.875, 7, 17], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 0], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 22], [48, 8098.875, 1224, 22], [48, 8098.875, 219.9375, 21], [48, 8098.875, 219.9375, 21], [48, 8139.59375, 1224, 144], [48, 8139.59375, 1224, 72], [48, 8139.59375, 1224, 72], [88, 8139.59375, 1184, 18], [71, 8139.59375, 7, 18], [71, 8139.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8139.59375, 40.875, 17], [88, 8157.59375, 1184, 18], [71, 8157.59375, 7, 18], [71, 8157.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8157.59375, 34.65625, 17], [88, 8175.59375, 1184, 18], [71, 8175.59375, 7, 18], [71, 8175.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8175.59375, 76.4375, 17], [88, 8193.59375, 1184, 18], [71, 8193.59375, 7, 18], [71, 8193.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8193.59375, 41.140625, 17], [48, 8211.59375, 1224, 72], [88, 8211.59375, 1184, 18], [72, 8211.59375, 16, 18], [72, 8211.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8211.59375, 8, 17], [88, 8229.59375, 1184, 18], [72, 8229.59375, 16, 18], [72, 8229.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8229.59375, 8, 17], [88, 8247.59375, 1184, 18], [72, 8247.59375, 16, 18], [72, 8247.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8247.59375, 8, 17], [88, 8265.59375, 1184, 18], [72, 8265.59375, 16, 18], [72, 8265.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8265.59375, 8, 17], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 176], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 52], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8283.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8283.59375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8301.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8317.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8317.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8317.59375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 8351.59375, 1224, 36], [48, 8351.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8351.59375, 20, 17], [48, 8351.59375, 20, 17], [48, 8369.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8369.59375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8369.59375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8387.59375, 1224, 36], [48, 8387.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8387.59375, 24, 17], [48, 8387.59375, 24, 17], [48, 8405.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8405.59375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8405.59375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8423.59375, 1224, 36], [48, 8423.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8423.59375, 36, 17], [48, 8423.59375, 36, 17], [48, 8441.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8441.59375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8441.59375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8459.59375, 1224, 52], [48, 8459.59375, 1224, 52], [48, 8459.59375, 0, 0], [48, 8459.59375, 1224, 52], [48, 8459.59375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8459.59375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8493.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8493.59375, 1224, 18], [48, 8493.59375, 149.828125, 17], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 8533.3125, 7, 18], [31, 8533.3125, 7, 17], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 0], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 22], [48, 8530.3125, 1224, 22], [48, 8530.3125, 127.625, 21], [48, 8530.3125, 127.625, 21], [48, 8571.03125, 1224, 126], [48, 8571.03125, 1224, 54], [48, 8571.03125, 1224, 54], [88, 8571.03125, 1184, 18], [71, 8571.03125, 7, 18], [71, 8571.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8571.03125, 40.875, 17], [88, 8589.03125, 1184, 18], [71, 8589.03125, 7, 18], [71, 8589.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8589.03125, 52.4375, 17], [88, 8607.03125, 1184, 18], [71, 8607.03125, 7, 18], [71, 8607.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8607.03125, 40.875, 17], [48, 8625.03125, 1224, 72], [88, 8625.03125, 1184, 18], [72, 8625.03125, 16, 18], [72, 8625.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8625.03125, 8, 17], [88, 8643.03125, 1184, 18], [72, 8643.03125, 16, 18], [72, 8643.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8643.03125, 8, 17], [88, 8661.03125, 1184, 18], [72, 8661.03125, 16, 18], [72, 8661.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8661.03125, 8, 17], [88, 8679.03125, 1184, 18], [72, 8679.03125, 16, 18], [72, 8679.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8679.03125, 8, 17], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 176], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 52], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8697.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8697.03125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8715.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8731.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8731.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8731.03125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 8765.03125, 1224, 36], [48, 8765.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8765.03125, 20, 17], [48, 8765.03125, 20, 17], [48, 8783.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8783.03125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8783.03125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8801.03125, 1224, 36], [48, 8801.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8801.03125, 24, 17], [48, 8801.03125, 24, 17], [48, 8819.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8819.03125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8819.03125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8837.03125, 1224, 36], [48, 8837.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8837.03125, 36, 17], [48, 8837.03125, 36, 17], [48, 8855.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8855.03125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8855.03125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8873.03125, 1224, 52], [48, 8873.03125, 1224, 52], [48, 8873.03125, 0, 0], [48, 8873.03125, 1224, 52], [48, 8873.03125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8873.03125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8907.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8907.03125, 1224, 18], [48, 8907.03125, 169.078125, 17], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 430.71875], [31, 8946.75, 7, 18], [31, 8946.75, 7, 17], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 430.71875], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 430.71875], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 202.71875], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 0], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 58.71875], [48, 8943.75, 1224, 22], [48, 8943.75, 270.703125, 21], [48, 8943.75, 270.703125, 21], [48, 8984.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 8984.46875, 233.578125, 17], [48, 8984.46875, 233.578125, 17], [48, 9002.46875, 1224, 144], [48, 9002.46875, 1224, 72], [48, 9002.46875, 1224, 72], [88, 9002.46875, 1184, 18], [71, 9002.46875, 7, 18], [71, 9002.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9002.46875, 34.65625, 17], [88, 9020.46875, 1184, 18], [71, 9020.46875, 7, 18], [71, 9020.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9020.46875, 41.140625, 17], [88, 9038.46875, 1184, 18], [71, 9038.46875, 7, 18], [71, 9038.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9038.46875, 53.328125, 17], [88, 9056.46875, 1184, 18], [71, 9056.46875, 7, 18], [71, 9056.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9056.46875, 63.078125, 17], [48, 9074.46875, 1224, 72], [88, 9074.46875, 1184, 18], [72, 9074.46875, 16, 18], [72, 9074.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9074.46875, 8, 17], [88, 9092.46875, 1184, 18], [72, 9092.46875, 16, 18], [72, 9092.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9092.46875, 8, 17], [88, 9110.46875, 1184, 18], [72, 9110.46875, 16, 18], [72, 9110.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9110.46875, 8, 17], [88, 9128.46875, 1184, 18], [72, 9128.46875, 16, 18], [72, 9128.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9128.46875, 8, 17], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 176], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 52], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9146.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9146.46875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9164.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9180.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9180.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9180.46875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 9214.46875, 1224, 36], [48, 9214.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9214.46875, 20, 17], [48, 9214.46875, 20, 17], [48, 9232.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9232.46875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9232.46875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9250.46875, 1224, 36], [48, 9250.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9250.46875, 24, 17], [48, 9250.46875, 24, 17], [48, 9268.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9268.46875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9268.46875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9286.46875, 1224, 36], [48, 9286.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9286.46875, 36, 17], [48, 9286.46875, 36, 17], [48, 9304.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9304.46875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9304.46875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9322.46875, 1224, 52], [48, 9322.46875, 1224, 52], [48, 9322.46875, 0, 0], [48, 9322.46875, 1224, 52], [48, 9322.46875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9322.46875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9356.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9356.46875, 1224, 18], [48, 9356.46875, 169.078125, 17], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 9396.1875, 7, 18], [31, 9396.1875, 7, 17], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 0], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 22], [48, 9393.1875, 1224, 22], [48, 9393.1875, 53.671875, 21], [48, 9393.1875, 53.671875, 21], [48, 9433.90625, 1224, 126], [48, 9433.90625, 1224, 54], [48, 9433.90625, 1224, 54], [88, 9433.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 9433.90625, 7, 18], [71, 9433.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9433.90625, 55.984375, 17], [88, 9451.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 9451.90625, 7, 18], [71, 9451.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9451.90625, 41.78125, 17], [88, 9469.90625, 1184, 18], [71, 9469.90625, 7, 18], [71, 9469.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9469.90625, 37.09375, 17], [48, 9487.90625, 1224, 72], [88, 9487.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 9487.90625, 16, 18], [72, 9487.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9487.90625, 8, 17], [88, 9505.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 9505.90625, 16, 18], [72, 9505.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9505.90625, 8, 17], [88, 9523.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 9523.90625, 16, 18], [72, 9523.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9523.90625, 8, 17], [88, 9541.90625, 1184, 18], [72, 9541.90625, 16, 18], [72, 9541.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9541.90625, 8, 17], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 176], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9559.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9559.90625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9577.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9593.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9593.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9593.90625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 9627.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 9627.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9627.90625, 20, 17], [48, 9627.90625, 20, 17], [48, 9645.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9645.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9645.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9663.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 9663.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9663.90625, 24, 17], [48, 9663.90625, 24, 17], [48, 9681.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9681.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9681.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9699.90625, 1224, 36], [48, 9699.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9699.90625, 36, 17], [48, 9699.90625, 36, 17], [48, 9717.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9717.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9717.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9735.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 9735.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 9735.90625, 0, 0], [48, 9735.90625, 1224, 52], [48, 9735.90625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9735.90625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9769.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9769.90625, 1224, 18], [48, 9769.90625, 169.078125, 17], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 412.71875], [31, 9809.625, 7, 18], [31, 9809.625, 7, 17], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 412.71875], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 184.71875], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 0], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 22], [48, 9806.625, 1224, 22], [48, 9806.625, 119.65625, 21], [48, 9806.625, 119.65625, 21], [48, 9847.34375, 1224, 144], [48, 9847.34375, 1224, 72], [48, 9847.34375, 1224, 72], [88, 9847.34375, 1184, 18], [71, 9847.34375, 7, 18], [71, 9847.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9847.34375, 53.328125, 17], [88, 9865.34375, 1184, 18], [71, 9865.34375, 7, 18], [71, 9865.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9865.34375, 73.75, 17], [88, 9883.34375, 1184, 18], [71, 9883.34375, 7, 18], [71, 9883.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9883.34375, 76.4375, 17], [88, 9901.34375, 1184, 18], [71, 9901.34375, 7, 18], [71, 9901.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9901.34375, 82.234375, 17], [48, 9919.34375, 1224, 72], [88, 9919.34375, 1184, 18], [72, 9919.34375, 16, 18], [72, 9919.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9919.34375, 8, 17], [88, 9937.34375, 1184, 18], [72, 9937.34375, 16, 18], [72, 9937.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9937.34375, 8, 17], [88, 9955.34375, 1184, 18], [72, 9955.34375, 16, 18], [72, 9955.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9955.34375, 8, 17], [88, 9973.34375, 1184, 18], [72, 9973.34375, 16, 18], [72, 9973.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9973.34375, 8, 17], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 176], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 52], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 9991.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 9991.34375, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10009.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10025.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10025.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10025.34375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10059.34375, 1224, 36], [48, 10059.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10059.34375, 20, 17], [48, 10059.34375, 20, 17], [48, 10077.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10077.34375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10077.34375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10095.34375, 1224, 36], [48, 10095.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10095.34375, 24, 17], [48, 10095.34375, 24, 17], [48, 10113.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10113.34375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10113.34375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10131.34375, 1224, 36], [48, 10131.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10131.34375, 36, 17], [48, 10131.34375, 36, 17], [48, 10149.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10149.34375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10149.34375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10167.34375, 1224, 52], [48, 10167.34375, 1224, 52], [48, 10167.34375, 0, 0], [48, 10167.34375, 1224, 52], [48, 10167.34375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10167.34375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10201.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10201.34375, 1224, 18], [48, 10201.34375, 150.421875, 17], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 425.71875], [31, 10241.0625, 7, 18], [31, 10241.0625, 7, 17], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 425.71875], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 425.71875], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 197.71875], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 0], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 71], [48, 10238.0625, 1224, 71], [48, 10238.0625, 113.453125, 21], [48, 10238.0625, 113.453125, 21], [48, 10260.0625, 1224, 49], [88, 10260.0625, 1184, 49], [69, 10287.0625, 8, 22], [69, 10287.0625, 8, 21], [88, 10260.0625, 92, 44], [48, 10327.78125, 1224, 108], [48, 10327.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 10327.78125, 1224, 36], [88, 10327.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 10327.78125, 7, 18], [71, 10327.78125, 7, 17], [88, 10327.78125, 37.328125, 17], [88, 10345.78125, 1184, 18], [71, 10345.78125, 7, 18], [71, 10345.78125, 7, 17], [88, 10345.78125, 35.578125, 17], [48, 10363.78125, 1224, 72], [88, 10363.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 10363.78125, 16, 18], [72, 10363.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10363.78125, 8, 17], [88, 10381.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 10381.78125, 16, 18], [72, 10381.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10381.78125, 8, 17], [88, 10399.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 10399.78125, 16, 18], [72, 10399.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10399.78125, 8, 17], [88, 10417.78125, 1184, 18], [72, 10417.78125, 16, 18], [72, 10417.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10417.78125, 8, 17], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 176], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10435.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10435.78125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10453.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10469.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10469.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10469.78125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10503.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 10503.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10503.78125, 20, 17], [48, 10503.78125, 20, 17], [48, 10521.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10521.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10521.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10539.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 10539.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10539.78125, 24, 17], [48, 10539.78125, 24, 17], [48, 10557.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10557.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10557.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10575.78125, 1224, 36], [48, 10575.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10575.78125, 36, 17], [48, 10575.78125, 36, 17], [48, 10593.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10593.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10593.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10611.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 10611.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 10611.78125, 0, 0], [48, 10611.78125, 1224, 52], [48, 10611.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10611.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10645.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10645.78125, 1224, 18], [48, 10645.78125, 177.078125, 17], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 376.71875], [31, 10685.5, 7, 18], [31, 10685.5, 7, 17], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 376.71875], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 376.71875], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 148.71875], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 0], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 22], [48, 10682.5, 1224, 22], [48, 10682.5, 194.3125, 21], [48, 10682.5, 194.3125, 21], [48, 10723.21875, 1224, 108], [48, 10723.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 10723.21875, 1224, 36], [88, 10723.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 10723.21875, 7, 18], [71, 10723.21875, 7, 17], [88, 10723.21875, 37.328125, 17], [88, 10741.21875, 1184, 18], [71, 10741.21875, 7, 18], [71, 10741.21875, 7, 17], [88, 10741.21875, 43.578125, 17], [48, 10759.21875, 1224, 72], [88, 10759.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 10759.21875, 16, 18], [72, 10759.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10759.21875, 8, 17], [88, 10777.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 10777.21875, 16, 18], [72, 10777.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10777.21875, 8, 17], [88, 10795.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 10795.21875, 16, 18], [72, 10795.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10795.21875, 8, 17], [88, 10813.21875, 1184, 18], [72, 10813.21875, 16, 18], [72, 10813.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10813.21875, 8, 17], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 176], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10831.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10831.21875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10849.21875, 0, 0], [48, 10865.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10865.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10865.21875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10899.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 10899.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10899.21875, 20, 17], [48, 10899.21875, 20, 17], [48, 10917.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10917.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10917.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10935.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 10935.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10935.21875, 24, 17], [48, 10935.21875, 24, 17], [48, 10953.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10953.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10953.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10971.21875, 1224, 36], [48, 10971.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10971.21875, 36, 17], [48, 10971.21875, 36, 17], [48, 10989.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 10989.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10989.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11007.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 11007.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 11007.21875, 0, 0], [48, 11007.21875, 1224, 52], [48, 11007.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11007.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11041.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 11041.21875, 1224, 18], [48, 11041.21875, 177.078125, 17], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 11080.9375, 7, 18], [31, 11080.9375, 7, 17], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 0], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 22], [48, 11077.9375, 1224, 22], [48, 11077.9375, 87.4375, 21], [48, 11077.9375, 87.4375, 21], [48, 11118.65625, 1224, 126], [48, 11118.65625, 1224, 54], [48, 11118.65625, 1224, 54], [88, 11118.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 11118.65625, 7, 18], [71, 11118.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11118.65625, 34.65625, 17], [88, 11136.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 11136.65625, 7, 18], [71, 11136.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11136.65625, 39.984375, 17], [88, 11154.65625, 1184, 18], [71, 11154.65625, 7, 18], [71, 11154.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11154.65625, 41.78125, 17], [48, 11172.65625, 1224, 72], [88, 11172.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 11172.65625, 16, 18], [72, 11172.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11172.65625, 8, 17], [88, 11190.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 11190.65625, 16, 18], [72, 11190.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11190.65625, 8, 17], [88, 11208.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 11208.65625, 16, 18], [72, 11208.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11208.65625, 8, 17], [88, 11226.65625, 1184, 18], [72, 11226.65625, 16, 18], [72, 11226.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11226.65625, 8, 17], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 176], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11244.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11244.65625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11262.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11278.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11278.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11278.65625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 11312.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 11312.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11312.65625, 20, 17], [48, 11312.65625, 20, 17], [48, 11330.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11330.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11330.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11348.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 11348.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11348.65625, 24, 17], [48, 11348.65625, 24, 17], [48, 11366.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11366.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11366.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11384.65625, 1224, 36], [48, 11384.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11384.65625, 36, 17], [48, 11384.65625, 36, 17], [48, 11402.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11402.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11402.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11420.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 11420.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 11420.65625, 0, 0], [48, 11420.65625, 1224, 52], [48, 11420.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11420.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11454.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11454.65625, 1224, 18], [48, 11454.65625, 142.421875, 17], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 11494.375, 7, 18], [31, 11494.375, 7, 17], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 0], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 22], [48, 11491.375, 1224, 22], [48, 11491.375, 107.5625, 21], [48, 11491.375, 107.5625, 21], [48, 11532.09375, 1224, 126], [48, 11532.09375, 1224, 54], [48, 11532.09375, 1224, 54], [88, 11532.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 11532.09375, 7, 18], [71, 11532.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11532.09375, 40.875, 17], [88, 11550.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 11550.09375, 7, 18], [71, 11550.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11550.09375, 37.328125, 17], [88, 11568.09375, 1184, 18], [71, 11568.09375, 7, 18], [71, 11568.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11568.09375, 40.875, 17], [48, 11586.09375, 1224, 72], [88, 11586.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 11586.09375, 16, 18], [72, 11586.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11586.09375, 8, 17], [88, 11604.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 11604.09375, 16, 18], [72, 11604.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11604.09375, 8, 17], [88, 11622.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 11622.09375, 16, 18], [72, 11622.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11622.09375, 8, 17], [88, 11640.09375, 1184, 18], [72, 11640.09375, 16, 18], [72, 11640.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11640.09375, 8, 17], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 176], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11658.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11658.09375, 82.65625, 17], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11676.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11692.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11692.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11692.09375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 11726.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 11726.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11726.09375, 20, 17], [48, 11726.09375, 20, 17], [48, 11744.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11744.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11744.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11762.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 11762.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11762.09375, 24, 17], [48, 11762.09375, 24, 17], [48, 11780.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11780.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11780.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11798.09375, 1224, 36], [48, 11798.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11798.09375, 36, 17], [48, 11798.09375, 36, 17], [48, 11816.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11816.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11816.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11834.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 11834.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 11834.09375, 0, 0], [48, 11834.09375, 1224, 52], [48, 11834.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11834.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11868.09375, 1224, 18], [48, 11868.09375, 177.078125, 17], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 11907.8125, 7, 18], [31, 11907.8125, 7, 17], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 22], [48, 11904.8125, 1224, 22], [48, 11904.8125, 135.578125, 21], [48, 11904.8125, 135.578125, 21], [48, 11945.53125, 1224, 126], [48, 11945.53125, 1224, 54], [48, 11945.53125, 1224, 54], [88, 11945.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 11945.53125, 7, 18], [71, 11945.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11945.53125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 11963.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 11963.53125, 7, 18], [71, 11963.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11963.53125, 40.875, 17], [88, 11981.53125, 1184, 18], [71, 11981.53125, 7, 18], [71, 11981.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11981.53125, 76.4375, 17], [48, 11999.53125, 1224, 72], [88, 11999.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 11999.53125, 16, 18], [72, 11999.53125, 16, 17], [88, 11999.53125, 8, 17], [88, 12017.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 12017.53125, 16, 18], [72, 12017.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12017.53125, 8, 17], [88, 12035.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 12035.53125, 16, 18], [72, 12035.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12035.53125, 8, 17], [88, 12053.53125, 1184, 18], [72, 12053.53125, 16, 18], [72, 12053.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12053.53125, 8, 17], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 176], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12071.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12071.53125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12089.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12105.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12105.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12105.53125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 12139.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 12139.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12139.53125, 20, 17], [48, 12139.53125, 20, 17], [48, 12157.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12157.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12157.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12175.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 12175.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12175.53125, 24, 17], [48, 12175.53125, 24, 17], [48, 12193.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12193.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12193.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12211.53125, 1224, 36], [48, 12211.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12211.53125, 36, 17], [48, 12211.53125, 36, 17], [48, 12229.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12229.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12229.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12247.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 12247.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 12247.53125, 0, 0], [48, 12247.53125, 1224, 52], [48, 12247.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12247.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12281.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12281.53125, 1224, 18], [48, 12281.53125, 169.078125, 17], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 394.71875], [31, 12321.25, 7, 18], [31, 12321.25, 7, 17], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 394.71875], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 166.71875], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 0], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 22], [48, 12318.25, 1224, 22], [48, 12318.25, 214.609375, 21], [48, 12318.25, 214.609375, 21], [48, 12358.96875, 1224, 126], [48, 12358.96875, 1224, 54], [48, 12358.96875, 1224, 54], [88, 12358.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 12358.96875, 7, 18], [71, 12358.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12358.96875, 66.25, 17], [88, 12376.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 12376.96875, 7, 18], [71, 12376.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12376.96875, 38.21875, 17], [88, 12394.96875, 1184, 18], [71, 12394.96875, 7, 18], [71, 12394.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12394.96875, 52.4375, 17], [48, 12412.96875, 1224, 72], [88, 12412.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 12412.96875, 16, 18], [72, 12412.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12412.96875, 8, 17], [88, 12430.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 12430.96875, 16, 18], [72, 12430.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12430.96875, 8, 17], [88, 12448.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 12448.96875, 16, 18], [72, 12448.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12448.96875, 8, 17], [88, 12466.96875, 1184, 18], [72, 12466.96875, 16, 18], [72, 12466.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12466.96875, 8, 17], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 176], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12484.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12484.96875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12502.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12518.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12518.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12518.96875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 12552.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 12552.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12552.96875, 20, 17], [48, 12552.96875, 20, 17], [48, 12570.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12570.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12570.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12588.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 12588.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12588.96875, 24, 17], [48, 12588.96875, 24, 17], [48, 12606.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12606.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12606.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12624.96875, 1224, 36], [48, 12624.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12624.96875, 36, 17], [48, 12624.96875, 36, 17], [48, 12642.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12642.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12642.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12660.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 12660.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 12660.96875, 0, 0], [48, 12660.96875, 1224, 52], [48, 12660.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12660.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12694.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12694.96875, 1224, 18], [48, 12694.96875, 149.765625, 17], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 461.71875], [31, 12734.6875, 7, 18], [31, 12734.6875, 7, 17], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 461.71875], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 461.71875], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 233.71875], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 0], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 71], [48, 12731.6875, 1224, 71], [48, 12731.6875, 114.796875, 21], [48, 12731.6875, 114.796875, 21], [48, 12753.6875, 1224, 49], [88, 12753.6875, 1184, 49], [69, 12780.6875, 8, 22], [69, 12780.6875, 8, 21], [88, 12753.6875, 92, 44], [48, 12821.40625, 1224, 144], [48, 12821.40625, 1224, 72], [48, 12821.40625, 1224, 72], [88, 12821.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 12821.40625, 7, 18], [71, 12821.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12821.40625, 93.28125, 17], [88, 12839.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 12839.40625, 7, 18], [71, 12839.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12839.40625, 98.203125, 17], [88, 12857.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 12857.40625, 7, 18], [71, 12857.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12857.40625, 39.984375, 17], [88, 12875.40625, 1184, 18], [71, 12875.40625, 7, 18], [71, 12875.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12875.40625, 68.40625, 17], [48, 12893.40625, 1224, 72], [88, 12893.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 12893.40625, 16, 18], [72, 12893.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12893.40625, 8, 17], [88, 12911.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 12911.40625, 16, 18], [72, 12911.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12911.40625, 8, 17], [88, 12929.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 12929.40625, 16, 18], [72, 12929.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12929.40625, 8, 17], [88, 12947.40625, 1184, 18], [72, 12947.40625, 16, 18], [72, 12947.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12947.40625, 8, 17], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 176], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12965.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12965.40625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12983.40625, 0, 0], [48, 12999.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12999.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 12999.40625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 13033.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 13033.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13033.40625, 20, 17], [48, 13033.40625, 20, 17], [48, 13051.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13051.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 13051.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 13069.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 13069.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13069.40625, 24, 17], [48, 13069.40625, 24, 17], [48, 13087.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13087.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 13087.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 13105.40625, 1224, 36], [48, 13105.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13105.40625, 36, 17], [48, 13105.40625, 36, 17], [48, 13123.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13123.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 13123.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 13141.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 13141.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 13141.40625, 0, 0], [48, 13141.40625, 1224, 52], [48, 13141.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13141.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13175.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13175.40625, 1224, 18], [48, 13175.40625, 149.828125, 17], [8, 13209.40625, 1264, 30], [8, 13209.40625, 1264, 30], [8, 13209.40625, 16, 6], [16, 13212.40625, 0, 0], [8, 13215.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 13215.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [8, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [16, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [16, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [24, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [24, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [8, 13233.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 13233.40625, 16, 6], [16, 13236.40625, 0, 0], [8, 13255.40625, 1264, 1589.8125], [8, 13255.40625, 1264, 1404.8125], [8, 13255.40625, 1264, 1404.8125], [8, 13255.40625, 1264, 198], [48, 13255.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13255.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13255.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13255.40625, 67.53125, 17], [48, 13255.40625, 67.53125, 17], [48, 13273.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13273.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13273.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13273.40625, 75.546875, 17], [48, 13273.40625, 75.546875, 17], [48, 13291.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13291.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13291.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13291.40625, 47.984375, 17], [48, 13291.40625, 47.984375, 17], [48, 13309.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13309.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13309.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13309.40625, 58.234375, 17], [48, 13309.40625, 58.234375, 17], [48, 13327.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13327.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13327.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13327.40625, 49.765625, 17], [48, 13327.40625, 49.765625, 17], [48, 13345.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13345.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13345.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13345.40625, 30.828125, 17], [48, 13345.40625, 30.828125, 17], [48, 13363.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13363.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13363.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13363.40625, 48.859375, 17], [48, 13363.40625, 48.859375, 17], [48, 13381.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13381.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13381.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13381.40625, 40.578125, 17], [48, 13381.40625, 40.578125, 17], [48, 13399.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13399.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13399.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13399.40625, 31.125, 17], [48, 13399.40625, 31.125, 17], [48, 13417.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13417.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13417.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13417.40625, 85.96875, 17], [48, 13417.40625, 85.96875, 17], [48, 13435.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13435.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13435.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13435.40625, 93.765625, 17], [48, 13435.40625, 93.765625, 17], [8, 13469.40625, 1264, 106], [8, 13469.40625, 1264, 54], [48, 13469.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13469.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13469.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13487.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13487.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13487.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13505.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13505.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13505.40625, 7, 17], [8, 13539.40625, 1264, 36], [48, 13539.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13539.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13539.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13557.40625, 1224, 18], [31, 13557.40625, 7, 18], [31, 13557.40625, 7, 17], [8, 13591.40625, 1264, 2], [8, 13613.3125, 1264, 1028.90625], [8, 13613.3125, 1264, 622.90625], [8, 13613.3125, 1264, 27], [8, 13613.3125, 168.265625, 26], [8, 13660.21875, 1264, 576], [48, 13660.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13660.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13660.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13660.21875, 127.078125, 17], [48, 13660.21875, 127.078125, 17], [48, 13678.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13678.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13678.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13678.21875, 93.75, 17], [48, 13678.21875, 93.75, 17], [48, 13696.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13696.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13696.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13696.21875, 102.625, 17], [48, 13696.21875, 102.625, 17], [48, 13714.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13714.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13714.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13714.21875, 89.328125, 17], [48, 13714.21875, 89.328125, 17], [48, 13732.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13732.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13732.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13732.21875, 117.734375, 17], [48, 13732.21875, 117.734375, 17], [48, 13750.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13750.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13750.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13750.21875, 106.796875, 17], [48, 13750.21875, 106.796875, 17], [48, 13768.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13768.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13768.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13768.21875, 86.625, 17], [48, 13768.21875, 86.625, 17], [48, 13786.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13786.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13786.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13786.21875, 109.75, 17], [48, 13786.21875, 109.75, 17], [48, 13804.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13804.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13804.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13804.21875, 141.296875, 17], [48, 13804.21875, 141.296875, 17], [48, 13822.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13822.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13822.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13822.21875, 110.640625, 17], [48, 13822.21875, 110.640625, 17], [48, 13840.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13840.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13840.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13840.21875, 92.859375, 17], [48, 13840.21875, 92.859375, 17], [48, 13858.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13858.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13858.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13858.21875, 116.421875, 17], [48, 13858.21875, 116.421875, 17], [48, 13876.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13876.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13876.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13876.21875, 107.078125, 17], [48, 13876.21875, 107.078125, 17], [48, 13894.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13894.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13894.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13894.21875, 119.03125, 17], [48, 13894.21875, 119.03125, 17], [48, 13912.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13912.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13912.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13912.21875, 130.625, 17], [48, 13912.21875, 130.625, 17], [48, 13930.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13930.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13930.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13930.21875, 130.625, 17], [48, 13930.21875, 130.625, 17], [48, 13948.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13948.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13948.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13948.21875, 146.609375, 17], [48, 13948.21875, 146.609375, 17], [48, 13966.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13966.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13966.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13966.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13966.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13984.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 13984.21875, 7, 18], [31, 13984.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13984.21875, 91.078125, 17], [48, 13984.21875, 91.078125, 17], [48, 14002.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14002.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14002.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14002.21875, 101.75, 17], [48, 14002.21875, 101.75, 17], [48, 14020.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14020.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14020.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14020.21875, 98.203125, 17], [48, 14020.21875, 98.203125, 17], [48, 14038.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14038.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14038.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14038.21875, 119.53125, 17], [48, 14038.21875, 119.53125, 17], [48, 14056.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14056.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14056.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14056.21875, 108.859375, 17], [48, 14056.21875, 108.859375, 17], [48, 14074.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14074.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14074.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14074.21875, 95.53125, 17], [48, 14074.21875, 95.53125, 17], [48, 14092.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14092.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14092.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14092.21875, 95.546875, 17], [48, 14092.21875, 95.546875, 17], [48, 14110.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14110.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14110.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14110.21875, 91.96875, 17], [48, 14110.21875, 91.96875, 17], [48, 14128.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14128.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14128.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14128.21875, 92, 17], [48, 14128.21875, 92, 17], [48, 14146.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14146.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14146.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14146.21875, 87.28125, 17], [48, 14146.21875, 87.28125, 17], [48, 14164.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14164.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14164.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14164.21875, 119.078125, 17], [48, 14164.21875, 119.078125, 17], [48, 14182.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14182.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14182.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14182.21875, 129.734375, 17], [48, 14182.21875, 129.734375, 17], [48, 14200.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14200.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14200.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14200.21875, 97.5625, 17], [48, 14200.21875, 97.5625, 17], [48, 14218.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14218.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14218.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14218.21875, 93.78125, 17], [48, 14218.21875, 93.78125, 17], [8, 14252.21875, 1264, 2], [8, 14270.21875, 1264, 196], [8, 14270.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 14270.21875, 87.546875, 17], [8, 14304.21875, 1264, 162], [48, 14304.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14304.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14304.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14304.21875, 45.34375, 17], [48, 14304.21875, 45.34375, 17], [48, 14322.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14322.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14322.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14322.21875, 53.328125, 17], [48, 14322.21875, 53.328125, 17], [48, 14340.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14340.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14340.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14340.21875, 40.875, 17], [48, 14340.21875, 40.875, 17], [48, 14358.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14358.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14358.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14358.21875, 79.984375, 17], [48, 14358.21875, 79.984375, 17], [48, 14376.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14376.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14376.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14376.21875, 79.546875, 17], [48, 14376.21875, 79.546875, 17], [48, 14394.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14394.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14394.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14394.21875, 64.90625, 17], [48, 14394.21875, 64.90625, 17], [48, 14412.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14412.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14412.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14412.21875, 90.203125, 17], [48, 14412.21875, 90.203125, 17], [48, 14430.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14430.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14430.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14430.21875, 76.046875, 17], [48, 14430.21875, 76.046875, 17], [48, 14448.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14448.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14448.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14448.21875, 87.546875, 17], [48, 14448.21875, 87.546875, 17], [8, 14482.21875, 1264, 2], [8, 14500.21875, 1264, 142], [8, 14500.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 14500.21875, 107.96875, 17], [8, 14534.21875, 1264, 108], [48, 14534.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14534.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14534.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14534.21875, 89.328125, 17], [48, 14534.21875, 89.328125, 17], [48, 14552.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14552.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14552.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14552.21875, 107.96875, 17], [48, 14552.21875, 107.96875, 17], [48, 14570.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14570.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14570.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14570.21875, 108.84375, 17], [48, 14570.21875, 108.84375, 17], [48, 14588.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14588.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14588.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14588.21875, 111.515625, 17], [48, 14588.21875, 111.515625, 17], [48, 14606.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14606.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14606.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14606.21875, 133.734375, 17], [48, 14606.21875, 133.734375, 17], [48, 14624.21875, 1224, 18], [31, 14624.21875, 7, 18], [31, 14624.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14624.21875, 32, 17], [48, 14624.21875, 32, 17], [8, 14658.21875, 1264, 2], [8, 14668.21875, 1264, 177], [8, 14668.21875, 1264, 39], [8, 14689.21875, 145.75, 17], [8, 14689.21875, 145.75, 17], [153.75, 14689.21875, 35, 17], [153.75, 14668.21875, 35, 35], [8, 14707.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 14707.21875, 473.921875, 17], [8, 14707.21875, 221.015625, 17], [229.015625, 14707.21875, 85.96875, 17], [229.015625, 14707.21875, 85.96875, 17], [314.984375, 14707.21875, 70.203125, 17], [385.1875, 14707.21875, 92.734375, 17], [385.1875, 14707.21875, 92.734375, 17], [477.921875, 14707.21875, 4, 17], [481.921875, 14707.21875, 309.265625, 17], [481.921875, 14707.21875, 309.265625, 17], [8, 14831.21875, 220, 17], [8, 14725.21875, 220, 120], [8, 14845.21875, 1264, 444.78125], [8, 14845.21875, 1264, 444.78125], [8, 14845.21875, 16, 6], [16, 14848.21875, 0, 0], [8, 14871.125, 1264, 27], [8, 14871.125, 0, 0], [8, 14871.125, 1264, 27], [8, 14871.125, 231.578125, 26], [8, 14918.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 14918.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 14919.03125, 221.703125, 17], [8, 14918.03125, 221.703125, 21], [16, 14921.03125, 205.703125, 15], [8, 14955.03125, 1264, 334.96875], [8, 14955.03125, 1264, 254.53125], [8, 14955.03125, 1264, 254.53125], [8, 14955.03125, 1264, 99], [8, 14955.03125, 205, 21], [213, 14955.03125, 205, 21], [8, 14976.03125, 1264, 78], [8, 14976.03125, 1264, 78], [8, 14976.03125, 1264, 78], [8, 14976.03125, 304, 78], [8, 14976.03125, 304, 78], [8, 14976.03125, 304, 78], [8, 15054.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 15054.03125, 53.0625, 21], [16, 15057.03125, 37.0625, 15], [16, 15057.03125, 37.0625, 15], [16, 15057.03125, 37.0625, 15], [8, 15075.03125, 1264, 100.53125], [8, 15075.03125, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 15075.03125, 1264, 58.265625], [8, 15075.03125, 1264, 19], [12, 15078.03125, 13, 13], [28, 15077.03125, 0, 17], [8, 15115.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 15115.296875, 125.765625, 17], [8, 15154.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 15154.5625, 122.6875, 21], [16, 15157.5625, 106.6875, 15], [8, 15191.5625, 1264, 18], [8, 15191.5625, 264.71875, 17], [272.71875, 15191.5625, 85.96875, 17], [272.71875, 15191.5625, 85.96875, 17], [358.6875, 15191.5625, 31.109375, 17], [389.796875, 15191.5625, 93.765625, 17], [389.796875, 15191.5625, 93.765625, 17], [483.5625, 15191.5625, 104.265625, 17], [8, 15228.28125, 1264, 22], [8, 15228.28125, 17.65625, 21], [8, 15228.28125, 17.65625, 21], [8, 15269, 1264, 21], [8, 15269, 144.921875, 21], [16, 15272, 128.921875, 15], [16, 15272, 128.921875, 15], [16, 15272, 128.921875, 0], [80.453125, 15272, 0, 0], [16, 15272, 128.921875, 15], [16, 15272, 128.921875, 15], [152.921875, 15269, 130.84375, 21], [160.921875, 15272, 114.84375, 15], [160.921875, 15272, 114.84375, 15], [160.921875, 15272, 114.84375, 0], [218.34375, 15272, 0, 0], [218.34375, 15272, 0, 0], [218.34375, 15272, 0, 0], [218.34375, 15272, 0, 0], [218.34375, 15272, 0, 0], [160.921875, 15272, 114.84375, 15], [160.921875, 15272, 114.84375, 15], [0, -10000, 302, 152], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [1, -10010, 22, 22], [1, -10009, 20, 20], [1, -9999, 300, 150], [1, -9999, 300, 150], [8, 15290, 1264, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 483, -1, -1, -1, -1, 498, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 556, -1, 560, -1, 564, -1, -1, -1, -1, 576, -1, 582, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 546, -1, -1, -1, 546, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, -1, 645, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, -1, 658, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, -1, 670, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, -1, 682, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, -1, 694, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, -1, 706, -1, -1, -1, 576, -1, 717, -1, -1, 576, -1, -1, 726, -1, -1, -1, 738, -1, 742, -1, -1, 750, -1, -1, 758, -1, 762, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 738, -1, 742, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 911, -1, 915, -1, -1, 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18], [48, 351, 32, 17], [48, 351, 0, 17], [], [8, 385, 1264, 36], [48, 385, 1224, 18], [31, 385, 7, 18], [31, 385, 7, 18], [48, 385, 67, 17], [], [48, 403, 1224, 18], [31, 403, 7, 18], [31, 403, 7, 18], [48, 403, 30, 17], [48, 403, 0, 17], [], [8, 441, 1264, 12799], [8, 441, 1264, 1849], [8, 441, 1264, 27], [], [106, 447, 65, 21], [], [8, 488, 1264, 100], [8, 488, 1264, 22], [], [8, 529, 1264, 21], [8, 529, 64, 21], [], [72, 529, 56, 21], [], [8, 550, 1264, 38], [8, 550, 1264, 19], [8, 550, 87, 19], [8, 569, 1264, 19], [8, 569, 74, 19], [8, 607, 1264, 130], [8, 607, 1264, 27], [], [106, 613, 65, 21], [], [8, 654, 1264, 83], [8, 654, 1264, 83], [8, 654, 1264, 22], [8, 654, 1264, 22], [8, 654, 74, 21], [], [82, 654, 45, 21], [], [8, 695, 1264, 42], [8, 695, 1264, 42], [8, 695, 1264, 42], [8, 695, 1264, 21], [8, 695, 86, 21], [], [8, 716, 1264, 21], [8, 716, 109, 21], [], [8, 757, 1264, 566], [8, 757, 1264, 27], [], [106, 763, 65, 21], [], [8, 804, 1264, 519], [8, 804, 1264, 519], [8, 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18], [48, 1344, 128, 17], [48, 1344, 49, 17], [], [97, 1344, 79, 17], [], [48, 1362, 1224, 108], [88, 1362, 1184, 18], [72, 1362, 16, 18], [72, 1362, 16, 18], [88, 1362, 68, 17], [88, 1362, 37, 17], [], [125, 1362, 31, 17], [], [88, 1380, 1184, 18], [72, 1380, 16, 18], [72, 1380, 16, 18], [88, 1380, 107, 17], [88, 1380, 76, 17], [], [164, 1380, 31, 17], [], [88, 1398, 1184, 18], [72, 1398, 16, 18], [72, 1398, 16, 18], [88, 1398, 82, 17], [88, 1398, 52, 17], [], [140, 1398, 31, 17], [], [88, 1416, 1184, 18], [72, 1416, 16, 18], [72, 1416, 16, 18], [88, 1416, 65, 17], [88, 1416, 35, 17], [], [123, 1416, 31, 17], [], [88, 1434, 1184, 18], [72, 1434, 16, 18], [72, 1434, 16, 18], [88, 1434, 72, 17], [88, 1434, 41, 17], [], [129, 1434, 31, 17], [], [88, 1452, 1184, 18], [72, 1452, 16, 18], [72, 1452, 16, 18], [88, 1452, 73, 17], [], [8, 1490, 1264, 106], [8, 1490, 1264, 27], [], [106, 1496, 65, 21], [], [8, 1537, 1264, 59], [8, 1537, 1264, 59], [8, 1537, 1264, 22], [8, 1537, 1264, 22], [8, 1537, 65, 21], [], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [8, 1577, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1595, 0, 0], [8, 1615, 1264, 142], [8, 1615, 1264, 27], [], [106, 1621, 65, 21], [], [8, 1662, 1264, 95], [8, 1662, 1264, 95], [8, 1662, 1264, 22], [8, 1662, 1264, 22], [8, 1662, 42, 21], [], [8, 1703, 1264, 54], [8, 1703, 1264, 54], [8, 1703, 1264, 54], [8, 1703, 1264, 54], [48, 1703, 1224, 18], [31, 1703, 7, 18], [31, 1703, 7, 18], [], [48, 1721, 1224, 18], [31, 1721, 7, 18], [31, 1721, 7, 18], [], [48, 1739, 1224, 18], [31, 1739, 7, 18], [31, 1739, 7, 18], [], [8, 1777, 1264, 305], [8, 1777, 1264, 27], [], [106, 1783, 65, 21], [], [8, 1824, 1264, 258], [8, 1824, 1264, 258], [8, 1824, 1264, 22], [8, 1824, 1264, 22], [8, 1824, 152, 21], [], [8, 1864, 1264, 217], [8, 1864, 1264, 217], [8, 1864, 1264, 58], [8, 1864, 1264, 58], [8, 1864, 1264, 19], [12, 1867, 13, 13], [28, 1866, 0, 17], [8, 1905, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1944, 1264, 58], [8, 1944, 1264, 58], [8, 1944, 1264, 19], [12, 1947, 13, 13], [28, 1946, 0, 17], [8, 1984, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2023, 1264, 58], [8, 2023, 1264, 58], [8, 2023, 1264, 19], [12, 2026, 13, 13], [28, 2025, 0, 17], [8, 2064, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2103, 1264, 151], [8, 2103, 1264, 27], [], [106, 2109, 65, 21], [], [8, 2150, 1264, 104], [8, 2150, 1264, 104], [8, 2150, 1264, 22], [8, 2150, 1264, 22], [8, 2150, 143, 21], [], [8, 2191, 1264, 63], [8, 2191, 1264, 63], [8, 2191, 1264, 63], [8, 2191, 1264, 21], [8, 2191, 87, 21], [], [8, 2212, 1264, 21], [8, 2212, 95, 21], [], [8, 2233, 1264, 21], [8, 2233, 95, 21], [], [8, 2254, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 2311, 1264, 10928], [8, 2311, 1264, 134], [8, 2311, 1264, 37], [], [8, 2369, 1264, 58], [8, 2369, 1264, 37], [8, 2369, 51, 17], [], [8, 2387, 1264, 19], [8, 2387, 1264, 19], [8, 2387, 67, 17], [], [75, 2387, 82, 19], [157, 2387, 0, 17], [8, 2406, 55, 21], [16, 2409, 0, 15], [16, 2409, 39, 15], [], [55, 2409, 0, 15], [8, 2427, 1264, 18], [8, 2427, 1264, 18], [8, 2427, 1264, 18], [8, 2427, 1264, 18], [8, 2427, 68, 17], [], [76, 2427, 0, 17], [8, 2461, 1264, 10732], [8, 2461, 1264, 0], [8, 2461, 1264, 507], [48, 2461, 1224, 507], [31, 2539, 7, 18], [31, 2539, 7, 18], [48, 2461, 1224, 507], [48, 2461, 1224, 507], [48, 2461, 1224, 295], [48, 2461, 1224, 92], [48, 2461, 92, 92], [48, 2572, 1224, 22], [48, 2572, 1224, 22], [48, 2572, 210, 21], [], [48, 2613, 1224, 144], [48, 2613, 1224, 72], [48, 2613, 1224, 72], [88, 2613, 1184, 18], [71, 2613, 7, 18], [71, 2613, 7, 18], [], [88, 2631, 1184, 18], [71, 2631, 7, 18], [71, 2631, 7, 18], [], [88, 2649, 1184, 18], [71, 2649, 7, 18], [71, 2649, 7, 18], [], [88, 2667, 1184, 18], [71, 2667, 7, 18], [71, 2667, 7, 18], [], [48, 2685, 1224, 72], [88, 2685, 1184, 18], [72, 2685, 16, 18], [72, 2685, 16, 18], [], [88, 2703, 1184, 18], [72, 2703, 16, 18], [72, 2703, 16, 18], [], [88, 2721, 1184, 18], [72, 2721, 16, 18], [72, 2721, 16, 18], [], [88, 2739, 1184, 18], [72, 2739, 16, 18], [72, 2739, 16, 18], [], [48, 2757, 1224, 212], [48, 2757, 1224, 52], [48, 2757, 1224, 18], [48, 2757, 1224, 18], [48, 2757, 1224, 18], [], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2775, 0, 0], [48, 2791, 1224, 18], [48, 2791, 1224, 18], [], [48, 2825, 1224, 36], [48, 2825, 1224, 18], [48, 2825, 20, 17], [], [48, 2843, 1224, 18], [48, 2843, 36, 17], [], [48, 2861, 1224, 36], [48, 2861, 1224, 18], [48, 2861, 66, 17], [], [48, 2879, 1224, 18], [48, 2879, 61, 17], [], [48, 2897, 1224, 36], [48, 2897, 1224, 18], [48, 2897, 24, 17], [], [48, 2915, 1224, 18], [48, 2915, 64, 17], [], [48, 2933, 1224, 36], [48, 2933, 1224, 18], [48, 2933, 36, 17], [], [48, 2951, 1224, 18], [48, 2951, 83, 17], [], [48, 2969, 1224, 0], [8, 2988, 1264, 10206], [8, 2988, 1264, 0], [8, 2988, 1264, 0], [8, 2988, 1264, 59], [8, 2988, 1264, 22], [8, 2988, 251, 21], [], [8, 3028, 1264, 18], [], [8, 3062, 1264, 10131], [48, 3062, 1224, 523], [31, 3140, 7, 18], [31, 3140, 7, 18], [48, 3062, 1224, 523], [48, 3062, 1224, 523], [48, 3062, 1224, 295], [48, 3062, 1224, 92], [48, 3062, 92, 92], [48, 3173, 1224, 22], [48, 3173, 1224, 22], [48, 3173, 105, 21], [], [48, 3214, 1224, 144], [48, 3214, 1224, 72], [48, 3214, 1224, 72], [88, 3214, 1184, 18], [71, 3214, 7, 18], [71, 3214, 7, 18], [], [88, 3232, 1184, 18], [71, 3232, 7, 18], [71, 3232, 7, 18], [], [88, 3250, 1184, 18], [71, 3250, 7, 18], [71, 3250, 7, 18], [], [88, 3268, 1184, 18], [71, 3268, 7, 18], [71, 3268, 7, 18], [], [48, 3286, 1224, 72], [88, 3286, 1184, 18], [72, 3286, 16, 18], [72, 3286, 16, 18], [], [88, 3304, 1184, 18], [72, 3304, 16, 18], [72, 3304, 16, 18], [], [88, 3322, 1184, 18], [72, 3322, 16, 18], [72, 3322, 16, 18], [], [88, 3340, 1184, 18], [72, 3340, 16, 18], [72, 3340, 16, 18], [], [48, 3358, 1224, 176], [48, 3358, 1224, 52], [48, 3358, 1224, 18], [48, 3358, 1224, 18], [48, 3358, 1224, 18], [], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3376, 0, 0], [48, 3392, 1224, 18], [48, 3392, 1224, 18], [], [48, 3426, 1224, 36], [48, 3426, 1224, 18], [48, 3426, 20, 17], [], [48, 3444, 1224, 18], [48, 3444, 36, 17], [], [48, 3462, 1224, 36], [48, 3462, 1224, 18], [48, 3462, 24, 17], [], [48, 3480, 1224, 18], [48, 3480, 64, 17], [], [48, 3498, 1224, 36], [48, 3498, 1224, 18], [48, 3498, 36, 17], [], [48, 3516, 1224, 18], [48, 3516, 83, 17], [], [48, 3534, 1224, 52], [48, 3534, 1224, 52], [48, 3534, 0, 0], [48, 3534, 1224, 52], [48, 3534, 146, 17], [], [194, 3534, 1224, 52], [48, 3568, 1224, 18], [], [48, 3602, 1224, 523], [31, 3680, 7, 18], [31, 3680, 7, 18], [48, 3602, 1224, 523], [48, 3602, 1224, 523], [48, 3602, 1224, 295], [48, 3602, 1224, 92], [48, 3602, 92, 92], [48, 3713, 1224, 22], [48, 3713, 1224, 22], [48, 3713, 150, 21], [], [48, 3753, 1224, 144], [48, 3753, 1224, 72], [48, 3753, 1224, 72], [88, 3753, 1184, 18], [71, 3753, 7, 18], [71, 3753, 7, 18], [], [88, 3771, 1184, 18], [71, 3771, 7, 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4055, 1224, 18], [48, 4055, 83, 17], [], [48, 4073, 1224, 52], [48, 4073, 1224, 52], [48, 4073, 0, 0], [48, 4073, 1224, 52], [48, 4073, 146, 17], [], [194, 4073, 1224, 52], [48, 4107, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4141, 1224, 523], [31, 4219, 7, 18], [31, 4219, 7, 18], [48, 4141, 1224, 523], [48, 4141, 1224, 523], [48, 4141, 1224, 295], [48, 4141, 1224, 92], [48, 4141, 92, 92], [48, 4252, 1224, 22], [48, 4252, 1224, 22], [48, 4252, 121, 21], [], [48, 4293, 1224, 144], [48, 4293, 1224, 72], [48, 4293, 1224, 72], [88, 4293, 1184, 18], [71, 4293, 7, 18], [71, 4293, 7, 18], [], [88, 4311, 1184, 18], [71, 4311, 7, 18], [71, 4311, 7, 18], [], [88, 4329, 1184, 18], [71, 4329, 7, 18], [71, 4329, 7, 18], [], [88, 4347, 1184, 18], [71, 4347, 7, 18], [71, 4347, 7, 18], [], [48, 4365, 1224, 72], [88, 4365, 1184, 18], [72, 4365, 16, 18], [72, 4365, 16, 18], [], [88, 4383, 1184, 18], [72, 4383, 16, 18], [72, 4383, 16, 18], [], [88, 4401, 1184, 18], [72, 4401, 16, 18], [72, 4401, 16, 18], [], [88, 4419, 1184, 18], [72, 4419, 16, 18], [72, 4419, 16, 18], [], [48, 4437, 1224, 176], [48, 4437, 1224, 52], [48, 4437, 1224, 18], [48, 4437, 1224, 18], [48, 4437, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4455, 0, 0], [48, 4471, 1224, 18], [48, 4471, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4505, 1224, 36], [48, 4505, 1224, 18], [48, 4505, 20, 17], [], [48, 4523, 1224, 18], [48, 4523, 36, 17], [], [48, 4541, 1224, 36], [48, 4541, 1224, 18], [48, 4541, 24, 17], [], [48, 4559, 1224, 18], [48, 4559, 64, 17], [], [48, 4577, 1224, 36], [48, 4577, 1224, 18], [48, 4577, 36, 17], [], [48, 4595, 1224, 18], [48, 4595, 83, 17], [], [48, 4613, 1224, 52], [48, 4613, 1224, 52], [48, 4613, 0, 0], [48, 4613, 1224, 52], [48, 4613, 146, 17], [], [194, 4613, 1224, 52], [48, 4647, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4683, 1224, 413], [31, 4686, 7, 18], [31, 4686, 7, 18], [48, 4683, 1224, 413], [48, 4683, 1224, 413], [48, 4683, 1224, 185], [48, 4683, 1224, 0], [48, 4683, 1224, 22], [48, 4683, 1224, 22], [48, 4683, 76, 21], [], [48, 4724, 1224, 144], [48, 4724, 1224, 72], [48, 4724, 1224, 72], [88, 4724, 1184, 18], [71, 4724, 7, 18], [71, 4724, 7, 18], [], [88, 4742, 1184, 18], [71, 4742, 7, 18], [71, 4742, 7, 18], [], [88, 4760, 1184, 18], [71, 4760, 7, 18], [71, 4760, 7, 18], [], [88, 4778, 1184, 18], [71, 4778, 7, 18], [71, 4778, 7, 18], [], [48, 4796, 1224, 72], [88, 4796, 1184, 18], [72, 4796, 16, 18], [72, 4796, 16, 18], [], [88, 4814, 1184, 18], [72, 4814, 16, 18], [72, 4814, 16, 18], [], [88, 4832, 1184, 18], [72, 4832, 16, 18], [72, 4832, 16, 18], [], [88, 4850, 1184, 18], [72, 4850, 16, 18], [72, 4850, 16, 18], [], [48, 4868, 1224, 176], [48, 4868, 1224, 52], [48, 4868, 1224, 18], [48, 4868, 1224, 18], [48, 4868, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4886, 0, 0], [48, 4902, 1224, 18], [48, 4902, 1224, 18], [], [48, 4936, 1224, 36], [48, 4936, 1224, 18], [48, 4936, 8, 17], [], [48, 4954, 1224, 18], [48, 4954, 36, 17], [], [48, 4972, 1224, 36], [48, 4972, 1224, 18], [48, 4972, 24, 17], [], [48, 4990, 1224, 18], [48, 4990, 64, 17], [], [48, 5008, 1224, 36], [48, 5008, 1224, 18], [48, 5008, 36, 17], [], [48, 5026, 1224, 18], [48, 5026, 83, 17], [], [48, 5044, 1224, 52], [48, 5044, 1224, 52], [48, 5044, 0, 0], [48, 5044, 1224, 52], [48, 5044, 146, 17], [], [194, 5044, 1224, 52], [48, 5078, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5115, 1224, 413], [31, 5118, 7, 18], [31, 5118, 7, 18], [48, 5115, 1224, 413], [48, 5115, 1224, 413], [48, 5115, 1224, 185], [48, 5115, 1224, 0], [48, 5115, 1224, 22], [48, 5115, 1224, 22], [48, 5115, 98, 21], [], [48, 5156, 1224, 144], [48, 5156, 1224, 72], [48, 5156, 1224, 72], [88, 5156, 1184, 18], [71, 5156, 7, 18], [71, 5156, 7, 18], [], [88, 5174, 1184, 18], [71, 5174, 7, 18], [71, 5174, 7, 18], [], [88, 5192, 1184, 18], [71, 5192, 7, 18], [71, 5192, 7, 18], [], [88, 5210, 1184, 18], [71, 5210, 7, 18], [71, 5210, 7, 18], [], [48, 5228, 1224, 72], [88, 5228, 1184, 18], [72, 5228, 16, 18], [72, 5228, 16, 18], [], [88, 5246, 1184, 18], [72, 5246, 16, 18], [72, 5246, 16, 18], [], [88, 5264, 1184, 18], [72, 5264, 16, 18], [72, 5264, 16, 18], [], [88, 5282, 1184, 18], [72, 5282, 16, 18], [72, 5282, 16, 18], [], [48, 5300, 1224, 176], [48, 5300, 1224, 52], [48, 5300, 1224, 18], [48, 5300, 1224, 18], [48, 5300, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5318, 0, 0], [48, 5334, 1224, 18], [48, 5334, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5368, 1224, 36], [48, 5368, 1224, 18], [48, 5368, 20, 17], [], [48, 5386, 1224, 18], [48, 5386, 36, 17], [], [48, 5404, 1224, 36], [48, 5404, 1224, 18], [48, 5404, 24, 17], [], [48, 5422, 1224, 18], [48, 5422, 64, 17], [], [48, 5440, 1224, 36], [48, 5440, 1224, 18], [48, 5440, 36, 17], [], [48, 5458, 1224, 18], [48, 5458, 83, 17], [], [48, 5476, 1224, 52], [48, 5476, 1224, 52], [48, 5476, 0, 0], [48, 5476, 1224, 52], [48, 5476, 146, 17], [], [194, 5476, 1224, 52], [48, 5510, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5546, 1224, 413], [31, 5549, 7, 18], [31, 5549, 7, 18], [48, 5546, 1224, 413], [48, 5546, 1224, 413], [48, 5546, 1224, 185], [48, 5546, 1224, 0], [48, 5546, 1224, 22], [48, 5546, 1224, 22], [48, 5546, 211, 21], [], [48, 5587, 1224, 144], [48, 5587, 1224, 72], [48, 5587, 1224, 72], [88, 5587, 1184, 18], [71, 5587, 7, 18], [71, 5587, 7, 18], [], [88, 5605, 1184, 18], [71, 5605, 7, 18], [71, 5605, 7, 18], [], [88, 5623, 1184, 18], [71, 5623, 7, 18], [71, 5623, 7, 18], [], [88, 5641, 1184, 18], [71, 5641, 7, 18], [71, 5641, 7, 18], [], [48, 5659, 1224, 72], [88, 5659, 1184, 18], [72, 5659, 16, 18], [72, 5659, 16, 18], [], [88, 5677, 1184, 18], [72, 5677, 16, 18], [72, 5677, 16, 18], [], [88, 5695, 1184, 18], [72, 5695, 16, 18], [72, 5695, 16, 18], [], [88, 5713, 1184, 18], [72, 5713, 16, 18], [72, 5713, 16, 18], [], [48, 5731, 1224, 176], [48, 5731, 1224, 52], [48, 5731, 1224, 18], [48, 5731, 1224, 18], [48, 5731, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5749, 0, 0], [48, 5765, 1224, 18], [48, 5765, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5799, 1224, 36], [48, 5799, 1224, 18], [48, 5799, 20, 17], [], [48, 5817, 1224, 18], [48, 5817, 36, 17], [], [48, 5835, 1224, 36], [48, 5835, 1224, 18], [48, 5835, 24, 17], [], [48, 5853, 1224, 18], [48, 5853, 64, 17], [], [48, 5871, 1224, 36], [48, 5871, 1224, 18], [48, 5871, 36, 17], [], [48, 5889, 1224, 18], [48, 5889, 83, 17], [], [48, 5907, 1224, 52], [48, 5907, 1224, 52], [48, 5907, 0, 0], [48, 5907, 1224, 52], [48, 5907, 146, 17], [], [194, 5907, 1224, 52], [48, 5941, 1224, 18], [], [48, 5978, 1224, 413], [31, 5981, 7, 18], [31, 5981, 7, 18], [48, 5978, 1224, 413], [48, 5978, 1224, 413], [48, 5978, 1224, 185], [48, 5978, 1224, 0], [48, 5978, 1224, 22], [48, 5978, 1224, 22], [48, 5978, 181, 21], [], [48, 6018, 1224, 144], [48, 6018, 1224, 72], [48, 6018, 1224, 72], [88, 6018, 1184, 18], [71, 6018, 7, 18], [71, 6018, 7, 18], [], [88, 6036, 1184, 18], [71, 6036, 7, 18], [71, 6036, 7, 18], [], [88, 6054, 1184, 18], [71, 6054, 7, 18], [71, 6054, 7, 18], [], [88, 6072, 1184, 18], [71, 6072, 7, 18], [71, 6072, 7, 18], [], [48, 6090, 1224, 72], [88, 6090, 1184, 18], [72, 6090, 16, 18], [72, 6090, 16, 18], [], [88, 6108, 1184, 18], [72, 6108, 16, 18], [72, 6108, 16, 18], [], [88, 6126, 1184, 18], [72, 6126, 16, 18], [72, 6126, 16, 18], [], [88, 6144, 1184, 18], [72, 6144, 16, 18], [72, 6144, 16, 18], [], [48, 6162, 1224, 176], [48, 6162, 1224, 52], [48, 6162, 1224, 18], [48, 6162, 1224, 18], [48, 6162, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6180, 0, 0], [48, 6196, 1224, 18], [48, 6196, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6230, 1224, 36], [48, 6230, 1224, 18], [48, 6230, 20, 17], [], [48, 6248, 1224, 18], [48, 6248, 36, 17], [], [48, 6266, 1224, 36], [48, 6266, 1224, 18], [48, 6266, 24, 17], [], [48, 6284, 1224, 18], [48, 6284, 64, 17], [], [48, 6302, 1224, 36], [48, 6302, 1224, 18], [48, 6302, 36, 17], [], [48, 6320, 1224, 18], [48, 6320, 83, 17], [], [48, 6338, 1224, 52], [48, 6338, 1224, 52], [48, 6338, 0, 0], [48, 6338, 1224, 52], [48, 6338, 146, 17], [], [194, 6338, 1224, 52], [48, 6372, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6409, 1224, 413], [31, 6412, 7, 18], [31, 6412, 7, 18], [48, 6409, 1224, 413], [48, 6409, 1224, 413], [48, 6409, 1224, 185], [48, 6409, 1224, 0], [48, 6409, 1224, 22], [48, 6409, 1224, 22], [48, 6409, 163, 21], [], [48, 6450, 1224, 144], [48, 6450, 1224, 72], [48, 6450, 1224, 72], [88, 6450, 1184, 18], [71, 6450, 7, 18], [71, 6450, 7, 18], [], [88, 6468, 1184, 18], [71, 6468, 7, 18], [71, 6468, 7, 18], [], [88, 6486, 1184, 18], [71, 6486, 7, 18], [71, 6486, 7, 18], [], [88, 6504, 1184, 18], [71, 6504, 7, 18], [71, 6504, 7, 18], [], [48, 6522, 1224, 72], [88, 6522, 1184, 18], [72, 6522, 16, 18], [72, 6522, 16, 18], [], [88, 6540, 1184, 18], [72, 6540, 16, 18], [72, 6540, 16, 18], [], [88, 6558, 1184, 18], [72, 6558, 16, 18], [72, 6558, 16, 18], [], [88, 6576, 1184, 18], [72, 6576, 16, 18], [72, 6576, 16, 18], [], [48, 6594, 1224, 176], [48, 6594, 1224, 52], [48, 6594, 1224, 18], [48, 6594, 1224, 18], [48, 6594, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6612, 0, 0], [48, 6628, 1224, 18], [48, 6628, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6662, 1224, 36], [48, 6662, 1224, 18], [48, 6662, 8, 17], [], [48, 6680, 1224, 18], [48, 6680, 36, 17], [], [48, 6698, 1224, 36], [48, 6698, 1224, 18], [48, 6698, 24, 17], [], [48, 6716, 1224, 18], [48, 6716, 64, 17], [], [48, 6734, 1224, 36], [48, 6734, 1224, 18], [48, 6734, 36, 17], [], [48, 6752, 1224, 18], [48, 6752, 83, 17], [], [48, 6770, 1224, 52], [48, 6770, 1224, 52], [48, 6770, 0, 0], [48, 6770, 1224, 52], [48, 6770, 146, 17], [], [194, 6770, 1224, 52], [48, 6804, 1224, 18], [], [48, 6841, 1224, 377], [31, 6844, 7, 18], [31, 6844, 7, 18], [48, 6841, 1224, 377], [48, 6841, 1224, 377], [48, 6841, 1224, 149], [48, 6841, 1224, 0], [48, 6841, 1224, 22], [48, 6841, 1224, 22], [48, 6841, 213, 21], [], [48, 6881, 1224, 108], [48, 6881, 1224, 36], [48, 6881, 1224, 36], [88, 6881, 1184, 18], [71, 6881, 7, 18], [71, 6881, 7, 18], [], [88, 6899, 1184, 18], [71, 6899, 7, 18], [71, 6899, 7, 18], [], [48, 6917, 1224, 72], [88, 6917, 1184, 18], [72, 6917, 16, 18], [72, 6917, 16, 18], [], [88, 6935, 1184, 18], [72, 6935, 16, 18], [72, 6935, 16, 18], [], [88, 6953, 1184, 18], [72, 6953, 16, 18], [72, 6953, 16, 18], [], [88, 6971, 1184, 18], [72, 6971, 16, 18], [72, 6971, 16, 18], [], [48, 6989, 1224, 176], [48, 6989, 1224, 52], [48, 6989, 1224, 18], [48, 6989, 1224, 18], [48, 6989, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7007, 0, 0], [48, 7023, 1224, 18], [48, 7023, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7057, 1224, 36], [48, 7057, 1224, 18], [48, 7057, 20, 17], [], [48, 7075, 1224, 18], [48, 7075, 36, 17], [], [48, 7093, 1224, 36], [48, 7093, 1224, 18], [48, 7093, 24, 17], [], [48, 7111, 1224, 18], [48, 7111, 64, 17], [], [48, 7129, 1224, 36], [48, 7129, 1224, 18], [48, 7129, 36, 17], [], [48, 7147, 1224, 18], [48, 7147, 83, 17], [], [48, 7165, 1224, 52], [48, 7165, 1224, 52], [48, 7165, 0, 0], [48, 7165, 1224, 52], [48, 7165, 146, 17], [], [194, 7165, 1224, 52], [48, 7199, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7236, 1224, 413], [31, 7239, 7, 18], [31, 7239, 7, 18], [48, 7236, 1224, 413], [48, 7236, 1224, 413], [48, 7236, 1224, 185], [48, 7236, 1224, 0], [48, 7236, 1224, 22], [48, 7236, 1224, 22], [48, 7236, 212, 21], [], [48, 7277, 1224, 144], [48, 7277, 1224, 72], [48, 7277, 1224, 72], [88, 7277, 1184, 18], [71, 7277, 7, 18], [71, 7277, 7, 18], [], [88, 7295, 1184, 18], [71, 7295, 7, 18], [71, 7295, 7, 18], [], [88, 7313, 1184, 18], [71, 7313, 7, 18], [71, 7313, 7, 18], [], [88, 7331, 1184, 18], [71, 7331, 7, 18], [71, 7331, 7, 18], [], [48, 7349, 1224, 72], [88, 7349, 1184, 18], [72, 7349, 16, 18], [72, 7349, 16, 18], [], [88, 7367, 1184, 18], [72, 7367, 16, 18], [72, 7367, 16, 18], [], [88, 7385, 1184, 18], [72, 7385, 16, 18], [72, 7385, 16, 18], [], [88, 7403, 1184, 18], [72, 7403, 16, 18], [72, 7403, 16, 18], [], [48, 7421, 1224, 176], [48, 7421, 1224, 52], [48, 7421, 1224, 18], [48, 7421, 1224, 18], [48, 7421, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7439, 0, 0], [48, 7455, 1224, 18], [48, 7455, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7489, 1224, 36], [48, 7489, 1224, 18], [48, 7489, 20, 17], [], [48, 7507, 1224, 18], [48, 7507, 36, 17], [], [48, 7525, 1224, 36], [48, 7525, 1224, 18], [48, 7525, 24, 17], [], [48, 7543, 1224, 18], [48, 7543, 64, 17], [], [48, 7561, 1224, 36], [48, 7561, 1224, 18], [48, 7561, 36, 17], [], [48, 7579, 1224, 18], [48, 7579, 83, 17], [], [48, 7597, 1224, 52], [48, 7597, 1224, 52], [48, 7597, 0, 0], [48, 7597, 1224, 52], [48, 7597, 146, 17], [], [194, 7597, 1224, 52], [48, 7631, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7667, 1224, 413], [31, 7670, 7, 18], [31, 7670, 7, 18], [48, 7667, 1224, 413], [48, 7667, 1224, 413], [48, 7667, 1224, 185], [48, 7667, 1224, 0], [48, 7667, 1224, 22], [48, 7667, 1224, 22], [48, 7667, 162, 21], [], [48, 7708, 1224, 144], [48, 7708, 1224, 72], [48, 7708, 1224, 72], [88, 7708, 1184, 18], [71, 7708, 7, 18], [71, 7708, 7, 18], [], [88, 7726, 1184, 18], [71, 7726, 7, 18], [71, 7726, 7, 18], [], [88, 7744, 1184, 18], [71, 7744, 7, 18], [71, 7744, 7, 18], [], [88, 7762, 1184, 18], [71, 7762, 7, 18], [71, 7762, 7, 18], [], [48, 7780, 1224, 72], [88, 7780, 1184, 18], [72, 7780, 16, 18], [72, 7780, 16, 18], [], [88, 7798, 1184, 18], [72, 7798, 16, 18], [72, 7798, 16, 18], [], [88, 7816, 1184, 18], [72, 7816, 16, 18], [72, 7816, 16, 18], [], [88, 7834, 1184, 18], [72, 7834, 16, 18], [72, 7834, 16, 18], [], [48, 7852, 1224, 176], [48, 7852, 1224, 52], [48, 7852, 1224, 18], [48, 7852, 1224, 18], [48, 7852, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7870, 0, 0], [48, 7886, 1224, 18], [48, 7886, 1224, 18], [], [48, 7920, 1224, 36], [48, 7920, 1224, 18], [48, 7920, 20, 17], [], [48, 7938, 1224, 18], [48, 7938, 36, 17], [], [48, 7956, 1224, 36], [48, 7956, 1224, 18], [48, 7956, 24, 17], [], [48, 7974, 1224, 18], [48, 7974, 64, 17], [], [48, 7992, 1224, 36], [48, 7992, 1224, 18], [48, 7992, 36, 17], [], [48, 8010, 1224, 18], [48, 8010, 83, 17], [], [48, 8028, 1224, 52], [48, 8028, 1224, 52], [48, 8028, 0, 0], [48, 8028, 1224, 52], [48, 8028, 146, 17], [], [194, 8028, 1224, 52], [48, 8062, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8099, 1224, 413], [31, 8102, 7, 18], [31, 8102, 7, 18], [48, 8099, 1224, 413], [48, 8099, 1224, 413], [48, 8099, 1224, 185], [48, 8099, 1224, 0], [48, 8099, 1224, 22], [48, 8099, 1224, 22], [48, 8099, 220, 21], [], [48, 8140, 1224, 144], [48, 8140, 1224, 72], [48, 8140, 1224, 72], [88, 8140, 1184, 18], [71, 8140, 7, 18], [71, 8140, 7, 18], [], [88, 8158, 1184, 18], [71, 8158, 7, 18], [71, 8158, 7, 18], [], [88, 8176, 1184, 18], [71, 8176, 7, 18], [71, 8176, 7, 18], [], [88, 8194, 1184, 18], [71, 8194, 7, 18], [71, 8194, 7, 18], [], [48, 8212, 1224, 72], [88, 8212, 1184, 18], [72, 8212, 16, 18], [72, 8212, 16, 18], [], [88, 8230, 1184, 18], [72, 8230, 16, 18], [72, 8230, 16, 18], [], [88, 8248, 1184, 18], [72, 8248, 16, 18], [72, 8248, 16, 18], [], [88, 8266, 1184, 18], [72, 8266, 16, 18], [72, 8266, 16, 18], [], [48, 8284, 1224, 176], [48, 8284, 1224, 52], [48, 8284, 1224, 18], [48, 8284, 1224, 18], [48, 8284, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8302, 0, 0], [48, 8318, 1224, 18], [48, 8318, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8352, 1224, 36], [48, 8352, 1224, 18], [48, 8352, 20, 17], [], [48, 8370, 1224, 18], [48, 8370, 36, 17], [], [48, 8388, 1224, 36], [48, 8388, 1224, 18], [48, 8388, 24, 17], [], [48, 8406, 1224, 18], [48, 8406, 64, 17], [], [48, 8424, 1224, 36], [48, 8424, 1224, 18], [48, 8424, 36, 17], [], [48, 8442, 1224, 18], [48, 8442, 83, 17], [], [48, 8460, 1224, 52], [48, 8460, 1224, 52], [48, 8460, 0, 0], [48, 8460, 1224, 52], [48, 8460, 146, 17], [], [194, 8460, 1224, 52], [48, 8494, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8530, 1224, 395], [31, 8533, 7, 18], [31, 8533, 7, 18], [48, 8530, 1224, 395], [48, 8530, 1224, 395], [48, 8530, 1224, 167], [48, 8530, 1224, 0], [48, 8530, 1224, 22], [48, 8530, 1224, 22], [48, 8530, 128, 21], [], [48, 8571, 1224, 126], [48, 8571, 1224, 54], [48, 8571, 1224, 54], [88, 8571, 1184, 18], [71, 8571, 7, 18], [71, 8571, 7, 18], [], [88, 8589, 1184, 18], [71, 8589, 7, 18], [71, 8589, 7, 18], [], [88, 8607, 1184, 18], [71, 8607, 7, 18], [71, 8607, 7, 18], [], [48, 8625, 1224, 72], [88, 8625, 1184, 18], [72, 8625, 16, 18], [72, 8625, 16, 18], [], [88, 8643, 1184, 18], [72, 8643, 16, 18], [72, 8643, 16, 18], [], [88, 8661, 1184, 18], [72, 8661, 16, 18], [72, 8661, 16, 18], [], [88, 8679, 1184, 18], [72, 8679, 16, 18], [72, 8679, 16, 18], [], [48, 8697, 1224, 176], [48, 8697, 1224, 52], [48, 8697, 1224, 18], [48, 8697, 1224, 18], [48, 8697, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8715, 0, 0], [48, 8731, 1224, 18], [48, 8731, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8765, 1224, 36], [48, 8765, 1224, 18], [48, 8765, 20, 17], [], [48, 8783, 1224, 18], [48, 8783, 36, 17], [], [48, 8801, 1224, 36], [48, 8801, 1224, 18], [48, 8801, 24, 17], [], [48, 8819, 1224, 18], [48, 8819, 64, 17], [], [48, 8837, 1224, 36], [48, 8837, 1224, 18], [48, 8837, 36, 17], [], [48, 8855, 1224, 18], [48, 8855, 83, 17], [], [48, 8873, 1224, 52], [48, 8873, 1224, 52], [48, 8873, 0, 0], [48, 8873, 1224, 52], [48, 8873, 146, 17], [], [194, 8873, 1224, 52], [48, 8907, 1224, 18], [], [48, 8944, 1224, 431], [31, 8947, 7, 18], [31, 8947, 7, 18], [48, 8944, 1224, 431], [48, 8944, 1224, 431], [48, 8944, 1224, 203], [48, 8944, 1224, 0], [48, 8944, 1224, 59], [48, 8944, 1224, 22], [48, 8944, 271, 21], [], [48, 8984, 1224, 18], [48, 8984, 234, 17], [], [48, 9002, 1224, 144], [48, 9002, 1224, 72], [48, 9002, 1224, 72], [88, 9002, 1184, 18], [71, 9002, 7, 18], [71, 9002, 7, 18], [], [88, 9020, 1184, 18], [71, 9020, 7, 18], [71, 9020, 7, 18], [], [88, 9038, 1184, 18], [71, 9038, 7, 18], [71, 9038, 7, 18], [], [88, 9056, 1184, 18], [71, 9056, 7, 18], [71, 9056, 7, 18], [], [48, 9074, 1224, 72], [88, 9074, 1184, 18], [72, 9074, 16, 18], [72, 9074, 16, 18], [], [88, 9092, 1184, 18], [72, 9092, 16, 18], [72, 9092, 16, 18], [], [88, 9110, 1184, 18], [72, 9110, 16, 18], [72, 9110, 16, 18], [], [88, 9128, 1184, 18], [72, 9128, 16, 18], [72, 9128, 16, 18], [], [48, 9146, 1224, 176], [48, 9146, 1224, 52], [48, 9146, 1224, 18], [48, 9146, 1224, 18], [48, 9146, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9164, 0, 0], [48, 9180, 1224, 18], [48, 9180, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9214, 1224, 36], [48, 9214, 1224, 18], [48, 9214, 20, 17], [], [48, 9232, 1224, 18], [48, 9232, 36, 17], [], [48, 9250, 1224, 36], [48, 9250, 1224, 18], [48, 9250, 24, 17], [], [48, 9268, 1224, 18], [48, 9268, 64, 17], [], [48, 9286, 1224, 36], [48, 9286, 1224, 18], [48, 9286, 36, 17], [], [48, 9304, 1224, 18], [48, 9304, 83, 17], [], [48, 9322, 1224, 52], [48, 9322, 1224, 52], [48, 9322, 0, 0], [48, 9322, 1224, 52], [48, 9322, 146, 17], [], [194, 9322, 1224, 52], [48, 9356, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9393, 1224, 395], [31, 9396, 7, 18], [31, 9396, 7, 18], [48, 9393, 1224, 395], [48, 9393, 1224, 395], [48, 9393, 1224, 167], [48, 9393, 1224, 0], [48, 9393, 1224, 22], [48, 9393, 1224, 22], [48, 9393, 54, 21], [], [48, 9434, 1224, 126], [48, 9434, 1224, 54], [48, 9434, 1224, 54], [88, 9434, 1184, 18], [71, 9434, 7, 18], [71, 9434, 7, 18], [], [88, 9452, 1184, 18], [71, 9452, 7, 18], [71, 9452, 7, 18], [], [88, 9470, 1184, 18], [71, 9470, 7, 18], [71, 9470, 7, 18], [], [48, 9488, 1224, 72], [88, 9488, 1184, 18], [72, 9488, 16, 18], [72, 9488, 16, 18], [], [88, 9506, 1184, 18], [72, 9506, 16, 18], [72, 9506, 16, 18], [], [88, 9524, 1184, 18], [72, 9524, 16, 18], [72, 9524, 16, 18], [], [88, 9542, 1184, 18], [72, 9542, 16, 18], [72, 9542, 16, 18], [], [48, 9560, 1224, 176], [48, 9560, 1224, 52], [48, 9560, 1224, 18], [48, 9560, 1224, 18], [48, 9560, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9578, 0, 0], [48, 9594, 1224, 18], [48, 9594, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9628, 1224, 36], [48, 9628, 1224, 18], [48, 9628, 20, 17], [], [48, 9646, 1224, 18], [48, 9646, 36, 17], [], [48, 9664, 1224, 36], [48, 9664, 1224, 18], [48, 9664, 24, 17], [], [48, 9682, 1224, 18], [48, 9682, 64, 17], [], [48, 9700, 1224, 36], [48, 9700, 1224, 18], [48, 9700, 36, 17], [], [48, 9718, 1224, 18], [48, 9718, 83, 17], [], [48, 9736, 1224, 52], [48, 9736, 1224, 52], [48, 9736, 0, 0], [48, 9736, 1224, 52], [48, 9736, 146, 17], [], [194, 9736, 1224, 52], [48, 9770, 1224, 18], [], [48, 9807, 1224, 413], [31, 9810, 7, 18], [31, 9810, 7, 18], [48, 9807, 1224, 413], [48, 9807, 1224, 413], [48, 9807, 1224, 185], [48, 9807, 1224, 0], [48, 9807, 1224, 22], [48, 9807, 1224, 22], [48, 9807, 120, 21], [], [48, 9847, 1224, 144], [48, 9847, 1224, 72], [48, 9847, 1224, 72], [88, 9847, 1184, 18], [71, 9847, 7, 18], [71, 9847, 7, 18], [], [88, 9865, 1184, 18], [71, 9865, 7, 18], [71, 9865, 7, 18], [], [88, 9883, 1184, 18], [71, 9883, 7, 18], [71, 9883, 7, 18], [], [88, 9901, 1184, 18], [71, 9901, 7, 18], [71, 9901, 7, 18], [], [48, 9919, 1224, 72], [88, 9919, 1184, 18], [72, 9919, 16, 18], [72, 9919, 16, 18], [], [88, 9937, 1184, 18], [72, 9937, 16, 18], [72, 9937, 16, 18], [], [88, 9955, 1184, 18], [72, 9955, 16, 18], [72, 9955, 16, 18], [], [88, 9973, 1184, 18], [72, 9973, 16, 18], [72, 9973, 16, 18], [], [48, 9991, 1224, 176], [48, 9991, 1224, 52], [48, 9991, 1224, 18], [48, 9991, 1224, 18], [48, 9991, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10009, 0, 0], [48, 10025, 1224, 18], [48, 10025, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10059, 1224, 36], [48, 10059, 1224, 18], [48, 10059, 20, 17], [], [48, 10077, 1224, 18], [48, 10077, 36, 17], [], [48, 10095, 1224, 36], [48, 10095, 1224, 18], [48, 10095, 24, 17], [], [48, 10113, 1224, 18], [48, 10113, 64, 17], [], [48, 10131, 1224, 36], [48, 10131, 1224, 18], [48, 10131, 36, 17], [], [48, 10149, 1224, 18], [48, 10149, 83, 17], [], [48, 10167, 1224, 52], [48, 10167, 1224, 52], [48, 10167, 0, 0], [48, 10167, 1224, 52], [48, 10167, 146, 17], [], [194, 10167, 1224, 52], [48, 10201, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10238, 1224, 426], [31, 10241, 7, 18], [31, 10241, 7, 18], [48, 10238, 1224, 426], [48, 10238, 1224, 426], [48, 10238, 1224, 198], [48, 10238, 1224, 0], [48, 10238, 1224, 71], [48, 10238, 1224, 71], [48, 10238, 113, 21], [], [48, 10260, 1224, 49], [88, 10260, 1184, 49], [69, 10287, 8, 22], [69, 10287, 8, 22], [88, 10260, 92, 44], [48, 10328, 1224, 108], [48, 10328, 1224, 36], [48, 10328, 1224, 36], [88, 10328, 1184, 18], [71, 10328, 7, 18], [71, 10328, 7, 18], [], [88, 10346, 1184, 18], [71, 10346, 7, 18], [71, 10346, 7, 18], [], [48, 10364, 1224, 72], [88, 10364, 1184, 18], [72, 10364, 16, 18], [72, 10364, 16, 18], [], [88, 10382, 1184, 18], [72, 10382, 16, 18], [72, 10382, 16, 18], [], [88, 10400, 1184, 18], [72, 10400, 16, 18], [72, 10400, 16, 18], [], [88, 10418, 1184, 18], [72, 10418, 16, 18], [72, 10418, 16, 18], [], [48, 10436, 1224, 176], [48, 10436, 1224, 52], [48, 10436, 1224, 18], [48, 10436, 1224, 18], [48, 10436, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10454, 0, 0], [48, 10470, 1224, 18], [48, 10470, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10504, 1224, 36], [48, 10504, 1224, 18], [48, 10504, 20, 17], [], [48, 10522, 1224, 18], [48, 10522, 36, 17], [], [48, 10540, 1224, 36], [48, 10540, 1224, 18], [48, 10540, 24, 17], [], [48, 10558, 1224, 18], [48, 10558, 64, 17], [], [48, 10576, 1224, 36], [48, 10576, 1224, 18], [48, 10576, 36, 17], [], [48, 10594, 1224, 18], [48, 10594, 83, 17], [], [48, 10612, 1224, 52], [48, 10612, 1224, 52], [48, 10612, 0, 0], [48, 10612, 1224, 52], [48, 10612, 146, 17], [], [194, 10612, 1224, 52], [48, 10646, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10683, 1224, 377], [31, 10686, 7, 18], [31, 10686, 7, 18], [48, 10683, 1224, 377], [48, 10683, 1224, 377], [48, 10683, 1224, 149], [48, 10683, 1224, 0], [48, 10683, 1224, 22], [48, 10683, 1224, 22], [48, 10683, 194, 21], [], [48, 10723, 1224, 108], [48, 10723, 1224, 36], [48, 10723, 1224, 36], [88, 10723, 1184, 18], [71, 10723, 7, 18], [71, 10723, 7, 18], [], [88, 10741, 1184, 18], [71, 10741, 7, 18], [71, 10741, 7, 18], [], [48, 10759, 1224, 72], [88, 10759, 1184, 18], [72, 10759, 16, 18], [72, 10759, 16, 18], [], [88, 10777, 1184, 18], [72, 10777, 16, 18], [72, 10777, 16, 18], [], [88, 10795, 1184, 18], [72, 10795, 16, 18], [72, 10795, 16, 18], [], [88, 10813, 1184, 18], [72, 10813, 16, 18], [72, 10813, 16, 18], [], [48, 10831, 1224, 176], [48, 10831, 1224, 52], [48, 10831, 1224, 18], [48, 10831, 1224, 18], [48, 10831, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10849, 0, 0], [48, 10865, 1224, 18], [48, 10865, 1224, 18], [], [48, 10899, 1224, 36], [48, 10899, 1224, 18], [48, 10899, 20, 17], [], [48, 10917, 1224, 18], [48, 10917, 36, 17], [], [48, 10935, 1224, 36], [48, 10935, 1224, 18], [48, 10935, 24, 17], [], [48, 10953, 1224, 18], [48, 10953, 64, 17], [], [48, 10971, 1224, 36], [48, 10971, 1224, 18], [48, 10971, 36, 17], [], [48, 10989, 1224, 18], [48, 10989, 83, 17], [], [48, 11007, 1224, 52], [48, 11007, 1224, 52], [48, 11007, 0, 0], [48, 11007, 1224, 52], [48, 11007, 146, 17], [], [194, 11007, 1224, 52], [48, 11041, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11078, 1224, 395], [31, 11081, 7, 18], [31, 11081, 7, 18], [48, 11078, 1224, 395], [48, 11078, 1224, 395], [48, 11078, 1224, 167], [48, 11078, 1224, 0], [48, 11078, 1224, 22], [48, 11078, 1224, 22], [48, 11078, 87, 21], [], [48, 11119, 1224, 126], [48, 11119, 1224, 54], [48, 11119, 1224, 54], [88, 11119, 1184, 18], [71, 11119, 7, 18], [71, 11119, 7, 18], [], [88, 11137, 1184, 18], [71, 11137, 7, 18], [71, 11137, 7, 18], [], [88, 11155, 1184, 18], [71, 11155, 7, 18], [71, 11155, 7, 18], [], [48, 11173, 1224, 72], [88, 11173, 1184, 18], [72, 11173, 16, 18], [72, 11173, 16, 18], [], [88, 11191, 1184, 18], [72, 11191, 16, 18], [72, 11191, 16, 18], [], [88, 11209, 1184, 18], [72, 11209, 16, 18], [72, 11209, 16, 18], [], [88, 11227, 1184, 18], [72, 11227, 16, 18], [72, 11227, 16, 18], [], [48, 11245, 1224, 176], [48, 11245, 1224, 52], [48, 11245, 1224, 18], [48, 11245, 1224, 18], [48, 11245, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11263, 0, 0], [48, 11279, 1224, 18], [48, 11279, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11313, 1224, 36], [48, 11313, 1224, 18], [48, 11313, 20, 17], [], [48, 11331, 1224, 18], [48, 11331, 36, 17], [], [48, 11349, 1224, 36], [48, 11349, 1224, 18], [48, 11349, 24, 17], [], [48, 11367, 1224, 18], [48, 11367, 64, 17], [], [48, 11385, 1224, 36], [48, 11385, 1224, 18], [48, 11385, 36, 17], [], [48, 11403, 1224, 18], [48, 11403, 83, 17], [], [48, 11421, 1224, 52], [48, 11421, 1224, 52], [48, 11421, 0, 0], [48, 11421, 1224, 52], [48, 11421, 146, 17], [], [194, 11421, 1224, 52], [48, 11455, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11491, 1224, 395], [31, 11494, 7, 18], [31, 11494, 7, 18], [48, 11491, 1224, 395], [48, 11491, 1224, 395], [48, 11491, 1224, 167], [48, 11491, 1224, 0], [48, 11491, 1224, 22], [48, 11491, 1224, 22], [48, 11491, 108, 21], [], [48, 11532, 1224, 126], [48, 11532, 1224, 54], [48, 11532, 1224, 54], [88, 11532, 1184, 18], [71, 11532, 7, 18], [71, 11532, 7, 18], [], [88, 11550, 1184, 18], [71, 11550, 7, 18], [71, 11550, 7, 18], [], [88, 11568, 1184, 18], [71, 11568, 7, 18], [71, 11568, 7, 18], [], [48, 11586, 1224, 72], [88, 11586, 1184, 18], [72, 11586, 16, 18], [72, 11586, 16, 18], [], [88, 11604, 1184, 18], [72, 11604, 16, 18], [72, 11604, 16, 18], [], [88, 11622, 1184, 18], [72, 11622, 16, 18], [72, 11622, 16, 18], [], [88, 11640, 1184, 18], [72, 11640, 16, 18], [72, 11640, 16, 18], [], [48, 11658, 1224, 176], [48, 11658, 1224, 52], [48, 11658, 1224, 18], [48, 11658, 1224, 18], [48, 11658, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11676, 0, 0], [48, 11692, 1224, 18], [48, 11692, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11726, 1224, 36], [48, 11726, 1224, 18], [48, 11726, 20, 17], [], [48, 11744, 1224, 18], [48, 11744, 36, 17], [], [48, 11762, 1224, 36], [48, 11762, 1224, 18], [48, 11762, 24, 17], [], [48, 11780, 1224, 18], [48, 11780, 64, 17], [], [48, 11798, 1224, 36], [48, 11798, 1224, 18], [48, 11798, 36, 17], [], [48, 11816, 1224, 18], [48, 11816, 83, 17], [], [48, 11834, 1224, 52], [48, 11834, 1224, 52], [48, 11834, 0, 0], [48, 11834, 1224, 52], [48, 11834, 146, 17], [], [194, 11834, 1224, 52], [48, 11868, 1224, 18], [], [48, 11905, 1224, 395], [31, 11908, 7, 18], [31, 11908, 7, 18], [48, 11905, 1224, 395], [48, 11905, 1224, 395], [48, 11905, 1224, 167], [48, 11905, 1224, 0], [48, 11905, 1224, 22], [48, 11905, 1224, 22], [48, 11905, 136, 21], [], [48, 11946, 1224, 126], [48, 11946, 1224, 54], [48, 11946, 1224, 54], [88, 11946, 1184, 18], [71, 11946, 7, 18], [71, 11946, 7, 18], [], [88, 11964, 1184, 18], [71, 11964, 7, 18], [71, 11964, 7, 18], [], [88, 11982, 1184, 18], [71, 11982, 7, 18], [71, 11982, 7, 18], [], [48, 12000, 1224, 72], [88, 12000, 1184, 18], [72, 12000, 16, 18], [72, 12000, 16, 18], [], [88, 12018, 1184, 18], [72, 12018, 16, 18], [72, 12018, 16, 18], [], [88, 12036, 1184, 18], [72, 12036, 16, 18], [72, 12036, 16, 18], [], [88, 12054, 1184, 18], [72, 12054, 16, 18], [72, 12054, 16, 18], [], [48, 12072, 1224, 176], [48, 12072, 1224, 52], [48, 12072, 1224, 18], [48, 12072, 1224, 18], [48, 12072, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12090, 0, 0], [48, 12106, 1224, 18], [48, 12106, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12140, 1224, 36], [48, 12140, 1224, 18], [48, 12140, 20, 17], [], [48, 12158, 1224, 18], [48, 12158, 36, 17], [], [48, 12176, 1224, 36], [48, 12176, 1224, 18], [48, 12176, 24, 17], [], [48, 12194, 1224, 18], [48, 12194, 64, 17], [], [48, 12212, 1224, 36], [48, 12212, 1224, 18], [48, 12212, 36, 17], [], [48, 12230, 1224, 18], [48, 12230, 83, 17], [], [48, 12248, 1224, 52], [48, 12248, 1224, 52], [48, 12248, 0, 0], [48, 12248, 1224, 52], [48, 12248, 146, 17], [], [194, 12248, 1224, 52], [48, 12282, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12318, 1224, 395], [31, 12321, 7, 18], [31, 12321, 7, 18], [48, 12318, 1224, 395], [48, 12318, 1224, 395], [48, 12318, 1224, 167], [48, 12318, 1224, 0], [48, 12318, 1224, 22], [48, 12318, 1224, 22], [48, 12318, 215, 21], [], [48, 12359, 1224, 126], [48, 12359, 1224, 54], [48, 12359, 1224, 54], [88, 12359, 1184, 18], [71, 12359, 7, 18], [71, 12359, 7, 18], [], [88, 12377, 1184, 18], [71, 12377, 7, 18], [71, 12377, 7, 18], [], [88, 12395, 1184, 18], [71, 12395, 7, 18], [71, 12395, 7, 18], [], [48, 12413, 1224, 72], [88, 12413, 1184, 18], [72, 12413, 16, 18], [72, 12413, 16, 18], [], [88, 12431, 1184, 18], [72, 12431, 16, 18], [72, 12431, 16, 18], [], [88, 12449, 1184, 18], [72, 12449, 16, 18], [72, 12449, 16, 18], [], [88, 12467, 1184, 18], [72, 12467, 16, 18], [72, 12467, 16, 18], [], [48, 12485, 1224, 176], [48, 12485, 1224, 52], [48, 12485, 1224, 18], [48, 12485, 1224, 18], [48, 12485, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12503, 0, 0], [48, 12519, 1224, 18], [48, 12519, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12553, 1224, 36], [48, 12553, 1224, 18], [48, 12553, 20, 17], [], [48, 12571, 1224, 18], [48, 12571, 36, 17], [], [48, 12589, 1224, 36], [48, 12589, 1224, 18], [48, 12589, 24, 17], [], [48, 12607, 1224, 18], [48, 12607, 64, 17], [], [48, 12625, 1224, 36], [48, 12625, 1224, 18], [48, 12625, 36, 17], [], [48, 12643, 1224, 18], [48, 12643, 83, 17], [], [48, 12661, 1224, 52], [48, 12661, 1224, 52], [48, 12661, 0, 0], [48, 12661, 1224, 52], [48, 12661, 146, 17], [], [194, 12661, 1224, 52], [48, 12695, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12732, 1224, 462], [31, 12735, 7, 18], [31, 12735, 7, 18], [48, 12732, 1224, 462], [48, 12732, 1224, 462], [48, 12732, 1224, 234], [48, 12732, 1224, 0], [48, 12732, 1224, 71], [48, 12732, 1224, 71], [48, 12732, 115, 21], [], [48, 12754, 1224, 49], [88, 12754, 1184, 49], [69, 12781, 8, 22], [69, 12781, 8, 22], [88, 12754, 92, 44], [48, 12821, 1224, 144], [48, 12821, 1224, 72], [48, 12821, 1224, 72], [88, 12821, 1184, 18], [71, 12821, 7, 18], [71, 12821, 7, 18], [], [88, 12839, 1184, 18], [71, 12839, 7, 18], [71, 12839, 7, 18], [], [88, 12857, 1184, 18], [71, 12857, 7, 18], [71, 12857, 7, 18], [], [88, 12875, 1184, 18], [71, 12875, 7, 18], [71, 12875, 7, 18], [], [48, 12893, 1224, 72], [88, 12893, 1184, 18], [72, 12893, 16, 18], [72, 12893, 16, 18], [], [88, 12911, 1184, 18], [72, 12911, 16, 18], [72, 12911, 16, 18], [], [88, 12929, 1184, 18], [72, 12929, 16, 18], [72, 12929, 16, 18], [], [88, 12947, 1184, 18], [72, 12947, 16, 18], [72, 12947, 16, 18], [], [48, 12965, 1224, 176], [48, 12965, 1224, 52], [48, 12965, 1224, 18], [48, 12965, 1224, 18], [48, 12965, 1224, 18], [], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12983, 0, 0], [48, 12999, 1224, 18], [48, 12999, 1224, 18], [], [48, 13033, 1224, 36], [48, 13033, 1224, 18], [48, 13033, 20, 17], [], [48, 13051, 1224, 18], [48, 13051, 36, 17], [], [48, 13069, 1224, 36], [48, 13069, 1224, 18], [48, 13069, 24, 17], [], [48, 13087, 1224, 18], [48, 13087, 64, 17], [], [48, 13105, 1224, 36], [48, 13105, 1224, 18], [48, 13105, 36, 17], [], [48, 13123, 1224, 18], [48, 13123, 83, 17], [], [48, 13141, 1224, 52], [48, 13141, 1224, 52], [48, 13141, 0, 0], [48, 13141, 1224, 52], [48, 13141, 146, 17], [], [194, 13141, 1224, 52], [48, 13175, 1224, 18], [], [8, 13209, 1264, 30], [8, 13209, 1264, 30], [8, 13209, 16, 6], [16, 13212, 0, 0], [8, 13215, 1264, 0], [8, 13215, 1264, 18], [8, 13215, 8, 17], [], [16, 13215, 8, 17], [], [24, 13215, 8, 17], [], [8, 13233, 1264, 0], [8, 13233, 16, 6], [16, 13236, 0, 0], [8, 13255, 1264, 1590], [8, 13255, 1264, 1405], [8, 13255, 1264, 1405], [8, 13255, 1264, 198], [48, 13255, 1224, 18], [31, 13255, 7, 18], [31, 13255, 7, 18], [48, 13255, 68, 17], [], [48, 13273, 1224, 18], [31, 13273, 7, 18], [31, 13273, 7, 18], [48, 13273, 76, 17], [], [48, 13291, 1224, 18], [31, 13291, 7, 18], [31, 13291, 7, 18], [48, 13291, 48, 17], [], [48, 13309, 1224, 18], [31, 13309, 7, 18], [31, 13309, 7, 18], [48, 13309, 58, 17], [], [48, 13327, 1224, 18], [31, 13327, 7, 18], [31, 13327, 7, 18], [48, 13327, 50, 17], [], [48, 13345, 1224, 18], [31, 13345, 7, 18], [31, 13345, 7, 18], [48, 13345, 31, 17], [], [48, 13363, 1224, 18], [31, 13363, 7, 18], [31, 13363, 7, 18], [48, 13363, 49, 17], [], [48, 13381, 1224, 18], [31, 13381, 7, 18], [31, 13381, 7, 18], [48, 13381, 41, 17], [], [48, 13399, 1224, 18], [31, 13399, 7, 18], [31, 13399, 7, 18], [48, 13399, 31, 17], [], [48, 13417, 1224, 18], [31, 13417, 7, 18], [31, 13417, 7, 18], [48, 13417, 86, 17], [], [48, 13435, 1224, 18], [31, 13435, 7, 18], [31, 13435, 7, 18], [48, 13435, 94, 17], [], [8, 13469, 1264, 106], [8, 13469, 1264, 54], [48, 13469, 1224, 18], [31, 13469, 7, 18], [31, 13469, 7, 18], [48, 13487, 1224, 18], [31, 13487, 7, 18], [31, 13487, 7, 18], [48, 13505, 1224, 18], [31, 13505, 7, 18], [31, 13505, 7, 18], [8, 13539, 1264, 36], [48, 13539, 1224, 18], [31, 13539, 7, 18], [31, 13539, 7, 18], [48, 13557, 1224, 18], [31, 13557, 7, 18], [31, 13557, 7, 18], [8, 13591, 1264, 2], [8, 13613, 1264, 1029], [8, 13613, 1264, 623], [8, 13613, 1264, 27], [], [8, 13660, 1264, 576], [48, 13660, 1224, 18], [31, 13660, 7, 18], [31, 13660, 7, 18], [48, 13660, 127, 17], [], [48, 13678, 1224, 18], [31, 13678, 7, 18], [31, 13678, 7, 18], [48, 13678, 94, 17], [], [48, 13696, 1224, 18], [31, 13696, 7, 18], [31, 13696, 7, 18], [48, 13696, 103, 17], [], [48, 13714, 1224, 18], [31, 13714, 7, 18], [31, 13714, 7, 18], [48, 13714, 89, 17], [], [48, 13732, 1224, 18], [31, 13732, 7, 18], [31, 13732, 7, 18], [48, 13732, 118, 17], [], [48, 13750, 1224, 18], [31, 13750, 7, 18], [31, 13750, 7, 18], [48, 13750, 107, 17], [], [48, 13768, 1224, 18], [31, 13768, 7, 18], [31, 13768, 7, 18], [48, 13768, 87, 17], [], [48, 13786, 1224, 18], [31, 13786, 7, 18], [31, 13786, 7, 18], [48, 13786, 110, 17], [], [48, 13804, 1224, 18], [31, 13804, 7, 18], [31, 13804, 7, 18], [48, 13804, 141, 17], [], [48, 13822, 1224, 18], [31, 13822, 7, 18], [31, 13822, 7, 18], [48, 13822, 111, 17], [], [48, 13840, 1224, 18], [31, 13840, 7, 18], [31, 13840, 7, 18], [48, 13840, 93, 17], [], [48, 13858, 1224, 18], [31, 13858, 7, 18], [31, 13858, 7, 18], [48, 13858, 116, 17], [], [48, 13876, 1224, 18], [31, 13876, 7, 18], [31, 13876, 7, 18], [48, 13876, 107, 17], [], [48, 13894, 1224, 18], [31, 13894, 7, 18], [31, 13894, 7, 18], [48, 13894, 119, 17], [], [48, 13912, 1224, 18], [31, 13912, 7, 18], [31, 13912, 7, 18], [48, 13912, 131, 17], [], [48, 13930, 1224, 18], [31, 13930, 7, 18], [31, 13930, 7, 18], [48, 13930, 131, 17], [], [48, 13948, 1224, 18], [31, 13948, 7, 18], [31, 13948, 7, 18], [48, 13948, 147, 17], [], [48, 13966, 1224, 18], [31, 13966, 7, 18], [31, 13966, 7, 18], [48, 13966, 146, 17], [], [48, 13984, 1224, 18], [31, 13984, 7, 18], [31, 13984, 7, 18], [48, 13984, 91, 17], [], [48, 14002, 1224, 18], [31, 14002, 7, 18], [31, 14002, 7, 18], [48, 14002, 102, 17], [], [48, 14020, 1224, 18], [31, 14020, 7, 18], [31, 14020, 7, 18], [48, 14020, 98, 17], [], [48, 14038, 1224, 18], [31, 14038, 7, 18], [31, 14038, 7, 18], [48, 14038, 120, 17], [], [48, 14056, 1224, 18], [31, 14056, 7, 18], [31, 14056, 7, 18], [48, 14056, 109, 17], [], [48, 14074, 1224, 18], [31, 14074, 7, 18], [31, 14074, 7, 18], [48, 14074, 96, 17], [], [48, 14092, 1224, 18], [31, 14092, 7, 18], [31, 14092, 7, 18], [48, 14092, 96, 17], [], [48, 14110, 1224, 18], [31, 14110, 7, 18], [31, 14110, 7, 18], [48, 14110, 92, 17], [], [48, 14128, 1224, 18], [31, 14128, 7, 18], [31, 14128, 7, 18], [48, 14128, 92, 17], [], [48, 14146, 1224, 18], [31, 14146, 7, 18], [31, 14146, 7, 18], [48, 14146, 87, 17], [], [48, 14164, 1224, 18], [31, 14164, 7, 18], [31, 14164, 7, 18], [48, 14164, 119, 17], [], [48, 14182, 1224, 18], [31, 14182, 7, 18], [31, 14182, 7, 18], [48, 14182, 130, 17], [], [48, 14200, 1224, 18], [31, 14200, 7, 18], [31, 14200, 7, 18], [48, 14200, 98, 17], [], [48, 14218, 1224, 18], [31, 14218, 7, 18], [31, 14218, 7, 18], [48, 14218, 94, 17], [], [8, 14252, 1264, 2], [8, 14270, 1264, 196], [8, 14270, 1264, 18], [], [8, 14304, 1264, 162], [48, 14304, 1224, 18], [31, 14304, 7, 18], [31, 14304, 7, 18], [48, 14304, 45, 17], [], [48, 14322, 1224, 18], [31, 14322, 7, 18], [31, 14322, 7, 18], [48, 14322, 53, 17], [], [48, 14340, 1224, 18], [31, 14340, 7, 18], [31, 14340, 7, 18], [48, 14340, 41, 17], [], [48, 14358, 1224, 18], [31, 14358, 7, 18], [31, 14358, 7, 18], [48, 14358, 80, 17], [], [48, 14376, 1224, 18], [31, 14376, 7, 18], [31, 14376, 7, 18], [48, 14376, 80, 17], [], [48, 14394, 1224, 18], [31, 14394, 7, 18], [31, 14394, 7, 18], [48, 14394, 65, 17], [], [48, 14412, 1224, 18], [31, 14412, 7, 18], [31, 14412, 7, 18], [48, 14412, 90, 17], [], [48, 14430, 1224, 18], [31, 14430, 7, 18], [31, 14430, 7, 18], [48, 14430, 76, 17], [], [48, 14448, 1224, 18], [31, 14448, 7, 18], [31, 14448, 7, 18], [48, 14448, 88, 17], [], [8, 14482, 1264, 2], [8, 14500, 1264, 142], [8, 14500, 1264, 18], [], [8, 14534, 1264, 108], [48, 14534, 1224, 18], [31, 14534, 7, 18], [31, 14534, 7, 18], [48, 14534, 89, 17], [], [48, 14552, 1224, 18], [31, 14552, 7, 18], [31, 14552, 7, 18], [48, 14552, 108, 17], [], [48, 14570, 1224, 18], [31, 14570, 7, 18], [31, 14570, 7, 18], [48, 14570, 109, 17], [], [48, 14588, 1224, 18], [31, 14588, 7, 18], [31, 14588, 7, 18], [48, 14588, 112, 17], [], [48, 14606, 1224, 18], [31, 14606, 7, 18], [31, 14606, 7, 18], [48, 14606, 134, 17], [], [48, 14624, 1224, 18], [31, 14624, 7, 18], [31, 14624, 7, 18], [48, 14624, 32, 17], [], [8, 14658, 1264, 2], [8, 14668, 1264, 177], [8, 14668, 1264, 39], [8, 14689, 146, 17], [], [154, 14689, 35, 17], [154, 14668, 35, 35], [8, 14707, 1264, 18], [8, 14707, 474, 17], [], [229, 14707, 86, 17], [], [], [385, 14707, 93, 17], [], [], [482, 14707, 309, 17], [], [8, 14831, 220, 17], [8, 14725, 220, 120], [8, 14845, 1264, 445], [8, 14845, 1264, 445], [8, 14845, 16, 6], [16, 14848, 0, 0], [8, 14871, 1264, 27], [8, 14871, 0, 0], [8, 14871, 1264, 27], [], [8, 14918, 1264, 21], [8, 14918, 1264, 21], [8, 14919, 222, 17], [8, 14918, 222, 21], [], [8, 14955, 1264, 335], [8, 14955, 1264, 255], [8, 14955, 1264, 255], [8, 14955, 1264, 99], [8, 14955, 205, 21], [213, 14955, 205, 21], [8, 14976, 1264, 78], [8, 14976, 1264, 78], [8, 14976, 1264, 78], [8, 14976, 304, 78], [8, 14976, 304, 78], [8, 14976, 304, 78], [8, 15054, 1264, 21], [8, 15054, 53, 21], [16, 15057, 37, 15], [16, 15057, 37, 15], [], [8, 15075, 1264, 101], [8, 15075, 1264, 58], [8, 15075, 1264, 58], [8, 15075, 1264, 19], [12, 15078, 13, 13], [28, 15077, 0, 17], [8, 15115, 1264, 18], [], [8, 15155, 1264, 21], [8, 15155, 123, 21], [], [8, 15192, 1264, 18], [], [273, 15192, 86, 17], [], [], [390, 15192, 94, 17], [], [], [8, 15228, 1264, 22], [8, 15228, 18, 21], [], [8, 15269, 1264, 21], [8, 15269, 145, 21], [16, 15272, 129, 15], [80, 15272, 129, 15], [16, 15272, 129, 0], [80, 15272, 0, 0], [16, 15272, 129, 15], [], [153, 15269, 131, 21], [161, 15272, 115, 15], [218, 15272, 115, 15], [161, 15272, 115, 0], [218, 15272, 0, 0], [218, 15272, 0, 0], [218, 15272, 0, 0], [218, 15272, 0, 0], [218, 15272, 0, 0], [161, 15272, 115, 15], [], [0, -10000, 302, 152], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, -11, 22, 22], [0, -10, 20, 20], [0, 0, 300, 150], [0, 0, 300, 150], [8, 15290, 1264, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 15298], [0, 0, 1280, 15298], [0, 0, 1264, 15282], [0, 0, 1264, 15282], [0, 0, 1264, 14840], [0, 0, 1264, 14840], [0, 0, 1264, 413], [0, 0, 1264, 167], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 149], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 60], [0, 0, 1264, 60], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 48, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 12, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 19, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 230], [0, 0, 1264, 108], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 12799], [0, 0, 1264, 1849], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 60, 17], [], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 85, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 72, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 130], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 82, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 105, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 566], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 519], [0, 0, 1264, 519], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 456], [0, 0, 1264, 456], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1224, 126], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 108], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 106], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 142], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 95], [0, 0, 1264, 95], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 305], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 258], [0, 0, 1264, 258], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 217], [0, 0, 1264, 217], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 151], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 63], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 83, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 10928], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 37], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 1264, 37], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 80, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 51, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 10732], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 507], [0, 0, 1224, 507], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 507], [0, 0, 1224, 295], [0, 0, 1224, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 1224, 22], [0, 0, 1224, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 144], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 72], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [], [0, 0, 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17], [0, 0, 37, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 101], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 119, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 141, 17], [0, 0, 129, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 129, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 127, 17], [0, 0, 115, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 115, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 300, 150], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 300, 150], [0, 0, 300, 150], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 15298], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 15282], [0, 0, 1264, 15282], [0, 0, 1264, 14837], [0, 0, 1264, 14837], [0, 0, 1264, 413], [0, 0, 1264, 167], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 149], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 60], [0, 0, 1264, 60], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [2, 2, 48, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [2, 2, 12, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [2, 2, 19, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 230], [0, 0, 1264, 108], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 12799], [0, 0, 1264, 1849], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 60, 17], [], [2, 2, 52, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 85, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 72, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 130], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 82, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 105, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 566], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 519], [0, 0, 1264, 519], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 456], [0, 0, 1264, 456], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1224, 126], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 108], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 106], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 142], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [2, 2, 61, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 95], [0, 0, 1264, 95], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 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"bounds": [[8, 8, 96.890625, 17], [8, 26, 86.484375, 17], [8, 81, 103.40625, 17], [111.40625, 81, 12.453125, 17], [123.859375, 81, 144.6875, 17], [31, 116, 7, 17], [56, 118, 36.328125, 15], [31, 136, 7, 17], [31, 155, 7, 17], [48, 155, 8, 17], [64, 157, 7.421875, 15], [31, 261, 7, 17], [48, 261, 32.90625, 17], [31, 279, 7, 17], [48, 279, 51.546875, 17], [31, 297, 7, 17], [48, 297, 62.1875, 17], [31, 315, 7, 17], [48, 315, 54.203125, 17], [31, 333, 7, 17], [48, 333, 55.09375, 17], [31, 351, 7, 17], [48, 351, 32, 17], [31, 385, 7, 17], [48, 385, 66.796875, 17], [31, 403, 7, 17], [48, 403, 30.21875, 17], [8, 440.90625, 98, 26], [114, 449.90625, 48.890625, 15], [8, 487.8125, 151.875, 21], [16, 531.53125, 48.140625, 15], [80.140625, 531.53125, 40.015625, 15], [8, 607.4375, 98, 26], [114, 616.4375, 48.890625, 15], [8, 654.34375, 73.75, 21], [81.75, 654.34375, 44.671875, 21], [16, 698.0625, 70.375, 15], [16, 719.0625, 92.609375, 15], [8, 756.96875, 98, 26], [114, 765.96875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 803.875, 61.984375, 21], [8, 825.875, 44.6875, 21], [8, 906.859375, 165.796875, 17], [8, 986.390625, 115.203125, 17], [8, 1065.921875, 139.421875, 17], [8, 1145.453125, 52.875, 17], [8, 1224.984375, 138.65625, 17], [8, 1304.515625, 119.078125, 17], [32, 1343.78125, 16, 17], [48, 1343.78125, 48.890625, 17], [96.890625, 1343.78125, 78.640625, 17], [72, 1361.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1361.78125, 37.328125, 17], [125.328125, 1361.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1379.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1379.78125, 76.4375, 17], [164.4375, 1379.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1397.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1397.78125, 51.546875, 17], [139.546875, 1397.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1415.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1415.78125, 34.65625, 17], [122.65625, 1415.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1433.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1433.78125, 40.875, 17], [128.875, 1433.78125, 30.65625, 17], [72, 1451.78125, 16, 17], [88, 1451.78125, 73.328125, 17], [8, 1489.6875, 98, 26], [114, 1498.6875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1536.59375, 65.453125, 21], [8, 1577.3125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 1615.21875, 98, 26], [114, 1624.21875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1662.125, 41.53125, 21], [31, 1702.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1702.84375, 8, 17], [31, 1720.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1720.84375, 16, 17], [31, 1738.84375, 7, 17], [48, 1738.84375, 24, 17], [8, 1776.75, 98, 26], [114, 1785.75, 48.890625, 15], [8, 1823.65625, 152.203125, 21], [8, 1904.640625, 75.78125, 17], [8, 1984.171875, 67.78125, 17], [8, 2063.703125, 67.78125, 17], [8, 2102.96875, 98, 26], [114, 2111.96875, 48.890625, 15], [8, 2149.875, 142.828125, 21], [16, 2193.59375, 71.484375, 15], [16, 2214.59375, 78.90625, 15], [16, 2235.59375, 78.90625, 15], [8, 2253.59375, 131.71875, 17], [139.71875, 2253.59375, 0, 17], [8, 2271.59375, 83.234375, 17], [8, 2311.03125, 818.984375, 36], [8, 2369.46875, 51.125, 17], [8, 2387.46875, 66.671875, 17], [16, 2409.46875, 38.53125, 15], [8, 2427.46875, 68.421875, 17], [31, 2539.46875, 7, 17], [48, 2572.1875, 209.890625, 21], [71, 2612.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2612.90625, 29.328125, 17], [71, 2630.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2630.90625, 37.328125, 17], [71, 2648.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2648.90625, 68.40625, 17], [71, 2666.90625, 7, 17], [88, 2666.90625, 40.875, 17], [72, 2684.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2684.90625, 8, 17], [72, 2702.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2702.90625, 8, 17], [72, 2720.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2720.90625, 8, 17], [72, 2738.90625, 16, 17], [88, 2738.90625, 8, 17], [48, 2756.90625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 2790.90625, 83.109375, 17], [48, 2824.90625, 20, 17], [48, 2842.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 2860.90625, 66.21875, 17], [48, 2878.90625, 61.359375, 17], [48, 2896.90625, 24, 17], [48, 2914.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 2932.90625, 36, 17], [48, 2950.90625, 83.078125, 17], [8, 2987.625, 251.28125, 21], [8, 3028.34375, 321.21875, 17], [31, 3140.34375, 7, 17], [48, 3173.0625, 104.625, 21], [71, 3213.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3213.78125, 51.546875, 17], [71, 3231.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3231.78125, 37.328125, 17], [71, 3249.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3249.78125, 40.875, 17], [71, 3267.78125, 7, 17], [88, 3267.78125, 35.578125, 17], [72, 3285.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3285.78125, 8, 17], [72, 3303.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3303.78125, 8, 17], [72, 3321.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3321.78125, 8, 17], [72, 3339.78125, 16, 17], [88, 3339.78125, 8, 17], [48, 3357.78125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 3391.78125, 75.109375, 17], [48, 3425.78125, 20, 17], [48, 3443.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 3461.78125, 24, 17], [48, 3479.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 3497.78125, 36, 17], [48, 3515.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 3533.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 3567.78125, 149.828125, 17], [31, 3679.78125, 7, 17], [48, 3712.5, 150.03125, 21], [71, 3753.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3753.21875, 41.140625, 17], [71, 3771.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3771.21875, 53.328125, 17], [71, 3789.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3789.21875, 39.984375, 17], [71, 3807.21875, 7, 17], [88, 3807.21875, 68.40625, 17], [72, 3825.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3825.21875, 8, 17], [72, 3843.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3843.21875, 8, 17], [72, 3861.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3861.21875, 8, 17], [72, 3879.21875, 16, 17], [88, 3879.21875, 8, 17], [48, 3897.21875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 3931.21875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 3965.21875, 20, 17], [48, 3983.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4001.21875, 24, 17], [48, 4019.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4037.21875, 36, 17], [48, 4055.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4073.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4107.21875, 177.078125, 17], [31, 4219.21875, 7, 17], [48, 4251.9375, 120.65625, 21], [71, 4292.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4292.65625, 40.875, 17], [71, 4310.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4310.65625, 34.65625, 17], [71, 4328.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4328.65625, 76.4375, 17], [71, 4346.65625, 7, 17], [88, 4346.65625, 40.875, 17], [72, 4364.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4364.65625, 8, 17], [72, 4382.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4382.65625, 8, 17], [72, 4400.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4400.65625, 8, 17], [72, 4418.65625, 16, 17], [88, 4418.65625, 8, 17], [48, 4436.65625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 4470.65625, 82.515625, 17], [48, 4504.65625, 20, 17], [48, 4522.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4540.65625, 24, 17], [48, 4558.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 4576.65625, 36, 17], [48, 4594.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4612.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 4646.65625, 177.078125, 17], [31, 4686.375, 7, 17], [48, 4683.375, 76.421875, 21], [71, 4724.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4724.09375, 35.578125, 17], [71, 4742.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4742.09375, 56.859375, 17], [71, 4760.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4760.09375, 37.328125, 17], [71, 4778.09375, 7, 17], [88, 4778.09375, 43.578125, 17], [72, 4796.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4796.09375, 8, 17], [72, 4814.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4814.09375, 8, 17], [72, 4832.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4832.09375, 8, 17], [72, 4850.09375, 16, 17], [88, 4850.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4868.09375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 4902.09375, 75.109375, 17], [48, 4936.09375, 8, 17], [48, 4954.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 4972.09375, 24, 17], [48, 4990.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5008.09375, 36, 17], [48, 5026.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5044.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5078.09375, 177.078125, 17], [31, 5117.8125, 7, 17], [48, 5114.8125, 98.234375, 21], [71, 5155.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5155.53125, 40.875, 17], [71, 5173.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5173.53125, 39.984375, 17], [71, 5191.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5191.53125, 68.40625, 17], [71, 5209.53125, 7, 17], [88, 5209.53125, 40.875, 17], [72, 5227.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5227.53125, 8, 17], [72, 5245.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5245.53125, 8, 17], [72, 5263.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5263.53125, 8, 17], [72, 5281.53125, 16, 17], [88, 5281.53125, 8, 17], [48, 5299.53125, 94.65625, 17], [48, 5333.53125, 75.109375, 17], [48, 5367.53125, 20, 17], [48, 5385.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5403.53125, 24, 17], [48, 5421.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5439.53125, 36, 17], [48, 5457.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5475.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5509.53125, 149.828125, 17], [31, 5549.25, 7, 17], [48, 5546.25, 211.140625, 21], [71, 5586.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5586.96875, 55.984375, 17], [71, 5604.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5604.96875, 68.40625, 17], [71, 5622.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5622.96875, 53.328125, 17], [71, 5640.96875, 7, 17], [88, 5640.96875, 37.09375, 17], [72, 5658.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5658.96875, 8, 17], [72, 5676.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5676.96875, 8, 17], [72, 5694.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5694.96875, 8, 17], [72, 5712.96875, 16, 17], [88, 5712.96875, 8, 17], [48, 5730.96875, 94.65625, 17], [48, 5764.96875, 75.109375, 17], [48, 5798.96875, 20, 17], [48, 5816.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 5834.96875, 24, 17], [48, 5852.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 5870.96875, 36, 17], [48, 5888.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 5906.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 5940.96875, 149.828125, 17], [31, 5980.6875, 7, 17], [48, 5977.6875, 181.3125, 21], [71, 6018.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6018.40625, 93.28125, 17], [71, 6036.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6036.40625, 98.203125, 17], [71, 6054.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6054.40625, 68.40625, 17], [71, 6072.40625, 7, 17], [88, 6072.40625, 41.78125, 17], [72, 6090.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6090.40625, 8, 17], [72, 6108.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6108.40625, 8, 17], [72, 6126.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6126.40625, 8, 17], [72, 6144.40625, 16, 17], [88, 6144.40625, 8, 17], [48, 6162.40625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 6196.40625, 74.515625, 17], [48, 6230.40625, 20, 17], [48, 6248.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6266.40625, 24, 17], [48, 6284.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6302.40625, 36, 17], [48, 6320.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6338.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6372.40625, 149.828125, 17], [31, 6412.125, 7, 17], [48, 6409.125, 162.625, 21], [71, 6449.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6449.84375, 50.375, 17], [71, 6467.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6467.84375, 61.3125, 17], [71, 6485.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6485.84375, 76.4375, 17], [71, 6503.84375, 7, 17], [88, 6503.84375, 93.28125, 17], [72, 6521.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6521.84375, 8, 17], [72, 6539.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6539.84375, 8, 17], [72, 6557.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6557.84375, 8, 17], [72, 6575.84375, 16, 17], [88, 6575.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6593.84375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 6627.84375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 6661.84375, 8, 17], [48, 6679.84375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 6697.84375, 24, 17], [48, 6715.84375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 6733.84375, 36, 17], [48, 6751.84375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 6769.84375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 6803.84375, 150.421875, 17], [31, 6843.5625, 7, 17], [48, 6840.5625, 213.453125, 21], [71, 6881.28125, 7, 17], [88, 6881.28125, 34.65625, 17], [71, 6899.28125, 7, 17], [88, 6899.28125, 40.875, 17], [72, 6917.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6917.28125, 8, 17], [72, 6935.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6935.28125, 8, 17], [72, 6953.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6953.28125, 8, 17], [72, 6971.28125, 16, 17], [88, 6971.28125, 8, 17], [48, 6989.28125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 7023.28125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 7057.28125, 20, 17], [48, 7075.28125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7093.28125, 24, 17], [48, 7111.28125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7129.28125, 36, 17], [48, 7147.28125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7165.28125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7199.28125, 149.828125, 17], [31, 7239, 7, 17], [48, 7236, 212.453125, 21], [71, 7276.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7276.71875, 30.203125, 17], [71, 7294.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7294.71875, 59.984375, 17], [71, 7312.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7312.71875, 50.65625, 17], [71, 7330.71875, 7, 17], [88, 7330.71875, 34.65625, 17], [72, 7348.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7348.71875, 8, 17], [72, 7366.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7366.71875, 8, 17], [72, 7384.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7384.71875, 8, 17], [72, 7402.71875, 16, 17], [88, 7402.71875, 8, 17], [48, 7420.71875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 7454.71875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 7488.71875, 20, 17], [48, 7506.71875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7524.71875, 24, 17], [48, 7542.71875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7560.71875, 36, 17], [48, 7578.71875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 7596.71875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 7630.71875, 169.078125, 17], [31, 7670.4375, 7, 17], [48, 7667.4375, 162.09375, 21], [71, 7708.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7708.15625, 51.546875, 17], [71, 7726.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7726.15625, 37.328125, 17], [71, 7744.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7744.15625, 76.4375, 17], [71, 7762.15625, 7, 17], [88, 7762.15625, 74.5625, 17], [72, 7780.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7780.15625, 8, 17], [72, 7798.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7798.15625, 8, 17], [72, 7816.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7816.15625, 8, 17], [72, 7834.15625, 16, 17], [88, 7834.15625, 8, 17], [48, 7852.15625, 94.65625, 17], [48, 7886.15625, 74.515625, 17], [48, 7920.15625, 20, 17], [48, 7938.15625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 7956.15625, 24, 17], [48, 7974.15625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 7992.15625, 36, 17], [48, 8010.15625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8028.15625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8062.15625, 177.078125, 17], [31, 8101.875, 7, 17], [48, 8098.875, 219.9375, 21], [71, 8139.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8139.59375, 40.875, 17], [71, 8157.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8157.59375, 34.65625, 17], [71, 8175.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8175.59375, 76.4375, 17], [71, 8193.59375, 7, 17], [88, 8193.59375, 41.140625, 17], [72, 8211.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8211.59375, 8, 17], [72, 8229.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8229.59375, 8, 17], [72, 8247.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8247.59375, 8, 17], [72, 8265.59375, 16, 17], [88, 8265.59375, 8, 17], [48, 8283.59375, 94.65625, 17], [48, 8317.59375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 8351.59375, 20, 17], [48, 8369.59375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8387.59375, 24, 17], [48, 8405.59375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8423.59375, 36, 17], [48, 8441.59375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8459.59375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8493.59375, 149.828125, 17], [31, 8533.3125, 7, 17], [48, 8530.3125, 127.625, 21], [71, 8571.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8571.03125, 40.875, 17], [71, 8589.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8589.03125, 52.4375, 17], [71, 8607.03125, 7, 17], [88, 8607.03125, 40.875, 17], [72, 8625.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8625.03125, 8, 17], [72, 8643.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8643.03125, 8, 17], [72, 8661.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8661.03125, 8, 17], [72, 8679.03125, 16, 17], [88, 8679.03125, 8, 17], [48, 8697.03125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 8731.03125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 8765.03125, 20, 17], [48, 8783.03125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 8801.03125, 24, 17], [48, 8819.03125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 8837.03125, 36, 17], [48, 8855.03125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 8873.03125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 8907.03125, 169.078125, 17], [31, 8946.75, 7, 17], [48, 8943.75, 270.703125, 21], [48, 8984.46875, 233.578125, 17], [71, 9002.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9002.46875, 34.65625, 17], [71, 9020.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9020.46875, 41.140625, 17], [71, 9038.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9038.46875, 53.328125, 17], [71, 9056.46875, 7, 17], [88, 9056.46875, 63.078125, 17], [72, 9074.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9074.46875, 8, 17], [72, 9092.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9092.46875, 8, 17], [72, 9110.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9110.46875, 8, 17], [72, 9128.46875, 16, 17], [88, 9128.46875, 8, 17], [48, 9146.46875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 9180.46875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 9214.46875, 20, 17], [48, 9232.46875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9250.46875, 24, 17], [48, 9268.46875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9286.46875, 36, 17], [48, 9304.46875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9322.46875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9356.46875, 169.078125, 17], [31, 9396.1875, 7, 17], [48, 9393.1875, 53.671875, 21], [71, 9433.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9433.90625, 55.984375, 17], [71, 9451.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9451.90625, 41.78125, 17], [71, 9469.90625, 7, 17], [88, 9469.90625, 37.09375, 17], [72, 9487.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9487.90625, 8, 17], [72, 9505.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9505.90625, 8, 17], [72, 9523.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9523.90625, 8, 17], [72, 9541.90625, 16, 17], [88, 9541.90625, 8, 17], [48, 9559.90625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 9593.90625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 9627.90625, 20, 17], [48, 9645.90625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 9663.90625, 24, 17], [48, 9681.90625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 9699.90625, 36, 17], [48, 9717.90625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 9735.90625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 9769.90625, 169.078125, 17], [31, 9809.625, 7, 17], [48, 9806.625, 119.65625, 21], [71, 9847.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9847.34375, 53.328125, 17], [71, 9865.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9865.34375, 73.75, 17], [71, 9883.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9883.34375, 76.4375, 17], [71, 9901.34375, 7, 17], [88, 9901.34375, 82.234375, 17], [72, 9919.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9919.34375, 8, 17], [72, 9937.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9937.34375, 8, 17], [72, 9955.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9955.34375, 8, 17], [72, 9973.34375, 16, 17], [88, 9973.34375, 8, 17], [48, 9991.34375, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10025.34375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10059.34375, 20, 17], [48, 10077.34375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10095.34375, 24, 17], [48, 10113.34375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10131.34375, 36, 17], [48, 10149.34375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10167.34375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10201.34375, 150.421875, 17], [31, 10241.0625, 7, 17], [48, 10238.0625, 113.453125, 21], [69, 10287.0625, 8, 21], [71, 10327.78125, 7, 17], [88, 10327.78125, 37.328125, 17], [71, 10345.78125, 7, 17], [88, 10345.78125, 35.578125, 17], [72, 10363.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10363.78125, 8, 17], [72, 10381.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10381.78125, 8, 17], [72, 10399.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10399.78125, 8, 17], [72, 10417.78125, 16, 17], [88, 10417.78125, 8, 17], [48, 10435.78125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10469.78125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10503.78125, 20, 17], [48, 10521.78125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10539.78125, 24, 17], [48, 10557.78125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10575.78125, 36, 17], [48, 10593.78125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 10611.78125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 10645.78125, 177.078125, 17], [31, 10685.5, 7, 17], [48, 10682.5, 194.3125, 21], [71, 10723.21875, 7, 17], [88, 10723.21875, 37.328125, 17], [71, 10741.21875, 7, 17], [88, 10741.21875, 43.578125, 17], [72, 10759.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10759.21875, 8, 17], [72, 10777.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10777.21875, 8, 17], [72, 10795.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10795.21875, 8, 17], [72, 10813.21875, 16, 17], [88, 10813.21875, 8, 17], [48, 10831.21875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 10865.21875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 10899.21875, 20, 17], [48, 10917.21875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 10935.21875, 24, 17], [48, 10953.21875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 10971.21875, 36, 17], [48, 10989.21875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11007.21875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11041.21875, 177.078125, 17], [31, 11080.9375, 7, 17], [48, 11077.9375, 87.4375, 21], [71, 11118.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11118.65625, 34.65625, 17], [71, 11136.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11136.65625, 39.984375, 17], [71, 11154.65625, 7, 17], [88, 11154.65625, 41.78125, 17], [72, 11172.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11172.65625, 8, 17], [72, 11190.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11190.65625, 8, 17], [72, 11208.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11208.65625, 8, 17], [72, 11226.65625, 16, 17], [88, 11226.65625, 8, 17], [48, 11244.65625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 11278.65625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 11312.65625, 20, 17], [48, 11330.65625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11348.65625, 24, 17], [48, 11366.65625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11384.65625, 36, 17], [48, 11402.65625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11420.65625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11454.65625, 142.421875, 17], [31, 11494.375, 7, 17], [48, 11491.375, 107.5625, 21], [71, 11532.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11532.09375, 40.875, 17], [71, 11550.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11550.09375, 37.328125, 17], [71, 11568.09375, 7, 17], [88, 11568.09375, 40.875, 17], [72, 11586.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11586.09375, 8, 17], [72, 11604.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11604.09375, 8, 17], [72, 11622.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11622.09375, 8, 17], [72, 11640.09375, 16, 17], [88, 11640.09375, 8, 17], [48, 11658.09375, 82.65625, 17], [48, 11692.09375, 67.109375, 17], [48, 11726.09375, 20, 17], [48, 11744.09375, 36.453125, 17], [48, 11762.09375, 24, 17], [48, 11780.09375, 64.015625, 17], [48, 11798.09375, 36, 17], [48, 11816.09375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 11834.09375, 145.734375, 17], [48, 11868.09375, 177.078125, 17], [31, 11907.8125, 7, 17], [48, 11904.8125, 135.578125, 21], [71, 11945.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11945.53125, 34.65625, 17], [71, 11963.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11963.53125, 40.875, 17], [71, 11981.53125, 7, 17], [88, 11981.53125, 76.4375, 17], [72, 11999.53125, 16, 17], [88, 11999.53125, 8, 17], [72, 12017.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12017.53125, 8, 17], [72, 12035.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12035.53125, 8, 17], [72, 12053.53125, 16, 17], [88, 12053.53125, 8, 17], [48, 12071.53125, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12105.53125, 67.109375, 17], [48, 12139.53125, 20, 17], [48, 12157.53125, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12175.53125, 24, 17], [48, 12193.53125, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12211.53125, 36, 17], [48, 12229.53125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12247.53125, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12281.53125, 169.078125, 17], [31, 12321.25, 7, 17], [48, 12318.25, 214.609375, 21], [71, 12358.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12358.96875, 66.25, 17], [71, 12376.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12376.96875, 38.21875, 17], [71, 12394.96875, 7, 17], [88, 12394.96875, 52.4375, 17], [72, 12412.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12412.96875, 8, 17], [72, 12430.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12430.96875, 8, 17], [72, 12448.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12448.96875, 8, 17], [72, 12466.96875, 16, 17], [88, 12466.96875, 8, 17], [48, 12484.96875, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12518.96875, 67.109375, 17], [48, 12552.96875, 20, 17], [48, 12570.96875, 36.453125, 17], [48, 12588.96875, 24, 17], [48, 12606.96875, 64.015625, 17], [48, 12624.96875, 36, 17], [48, 12642.96875, 83.078125, 17], [48, 12660.96875, 145.734375, 17], [48, 12694.96875, 149.765625, 17], [31, 12734.6875, 7, 17], [48, 12731.6875, 114.796875, 21], [69, 12780.6875, 8, 21], [71, 12821.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12821.40625, 93.28125, 17], [71, 12839.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12839.40625, 98.203125, 17], [71, 12857.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12857.40625, 39.984375, 17], [71, 12875.40625, 7, 17], [88, 12875.40625, 68.40625, 17], [72, 12893.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12893.40625, 8, 17], [72, 12911.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12911.40625, 8, 17], [72, 12929.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12929.40625, 8, 17], [72, 12947.40625, 16, 17], [88, 12947.40625, 8, 17], [48, 12965.40625, 82.65625, 17], [48, 12999.40625, 67.109375, 17], [48, 13033.40625, 20, 17], [48, 13051.40625, 36.453125, 17], [48, 13069.40625, 24, 17], [48, 13087.40625, 64.015625, 17], [48, 13105.40625, 36, 17], [48, 13123.40625, 83.078125, 17], [48, 13141.40625, 145.734375, 17], [48, 13175.40625, 149.828125, 17], [8, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [16, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [24, 13215.40625, 8, 17], [31, 13255.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13255.40625, 67.53125, 17], [31, 13273.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13273.40625, 75.546875, 17], [31, 13291.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13291.40625, 47.984375, 17], [31, 13309.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13309.40625, 58.234375, 17], [31, 13327.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13327.40625, 49.765625, 17], [31, 13345.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13345.40625, 30.828125, 17], [31, 13363.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13363.40625, 48.859375, 17], [31, 13381.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13381.40625, 40.578125, 17], [31, 13399.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13399.40625, 31.125, 17], [31, 13417.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13417.40625, 85.96875, 17], [31, 13435.40625, 7, 17], [48, 13435.40625, 93.765625, 17], [31, 13469.40625, 7, 17], [31, 13487.40625, 7, 17], [31, 13505.40625, 7, 17], [31, 13539.40625, 7, 17], [31, 13557.40625, 7, 17], [8, 13613.3125, 168.265625, 26], [31, 13660.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13660.21875, 127.078125, 17], [31, 13678.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13678.21875, 93.75, 17], [31, 13696.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13696.21875, 102.625, 17], [31, 13714.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13714.21875, 89.328125, 17], [31, 13732.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13732.21875, 117.734375, 17], [31, 13750.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13750.21875, 106.796875, 17], [31, 13768.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13768.21875, 86.625, 17], [31, 13786.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13786.21875, 109.75, 17], [31, 13804.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13804.21875, 141.296875, 17], [31, 13822.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13822.21875, 110.640625, 17], [31, 13840.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13840.21875, 92.859375, 17], [31, 13858.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13858.21875, 116.421875, 17], [31, 13876.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13876.21875, 107.078125, 17], [31, 13894.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13894.21875, 119.03125, 17], [31, 13912.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13912.21875, 130.625, 17], [31, 13930.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13930.21875, 130.625, 17], [31, 13948.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13948.21875, 146.609375, 17], [31, 13966.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13966.21875, 145.734375, 17], [31, 13984.21875, 7, 17], [48, 13984.21875, 91.078125, 17], [31, 14002.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14002.21875, 101.75, 17], [31, 14020.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14020.21875, 98.203125, 17], [31, 14038.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14038.21875, 119.53125, 17], [31, 14056.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14056.21875, 108.859375, 17], [31, 14074.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14074.21875, 95.53125, 17], [31, 14092.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14092.21875, 95.546875, 17], [31, 14110.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14110.21875, 91.96875, 17], [31, 14128.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14128.21875, 92, 17], [31, 14146.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14146.21875, 87.28125, 17], [31, 14164.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14164.21875, 119.078125, 17], [31, 14182.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14182.21875, 129.734375, 17], [31, 14200.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14200.21875, 97.5625, 17], [31, 14218.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14218.21875, 93.78125, 17], [8, 14270.21875, 87.546875, 17], [31, 14304.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14304.21875, 45.34375, 17], [31, 14322.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14322.21875, 53.328125, 17], [31, 14340.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14340.21875, 40.875, 17], [31, 14358.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14358.21875, 79.984375, 17], [31, 14376.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14376.21875, 79.546875, 17], [31, 14394.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14394.21875, 64.90625, 17], [31, 14412.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14412.21875, 90.203125, 17], [31, 14430.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14430.21875, 76.046875, 17], [31, 14448.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14448.21875, 87.546875, 17], [8, 14500.21875, 107.96875, 17], [31, 14534.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14534.21875, 89.328125, 17], [31, 14552.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14552.21875, 107.96875, 17], [31, 14570.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14570.21875, 108.84375, 17], [31, 14588.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14588.21875, 111.515625, 17], [31, 14606.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14606.21875, 133.734375, 17], [31, 14624.21875, 7, 17], [48, 14624.21875, 32, 17], [8, 14689.21875, 145.75, 17], [8, 14707.21875, 221.015625, 17], [229.015625, 14707.21875, 85.96875, 17], [314.984375, 14707.21875, 70.203125, 17], [385.1875, 14707.21875, 92.734375, 17], [477.921875, 14707.21875, 4, 17], [481.921875, 14707.21875, 309.265625, 17], [8, 14871.125, 231.578125, 26], [16, 14921.03125, 205.703125, 15], [16, 15057.03125, 37.0625, 15], [8, 15115.296875, 125.765625, 17], [16, 15157.5625, 106.6875, 15], [8, 15191.5625, 264.71875, 17], [272.71875, 15191.5625, 85.96875, 17], [358.6875, 15191.5625, 31.109375, 17], [389.796875, 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"188cefdd-d55c-4fdb", "", "b0edf7e3-81c8-432c", "", "229b1745-aae9-43b6", "", "af3006d7-a81d-4b5a", "", "b241ca8d-f509-464e", "", "af89e831-91fd-4760", "", "753bafe9-8324-4c84", "", "7b7c3592-95c5-4b0c", "", "a9e09afa-8f55-499a", "", "b6d92598-a945-40eb", "", "41b524e4-2bb1-4eba", "", "060dcec4-d383-4663", "", "4e6c1738-016c-47fc", "", "39828e21-e80c-427d", "", "29a9736f-abaf-44be", "", "b77d6653-a45f-4e7a", "", "e3eab9de-f854-4c9e", "", "fee11a82-58a7-444b", "", "e24a48bc-3134-4103", "", "0fa78547-5d32-4cea", "", "/cities/los-angeles/categories/restaurant/indias-grill-s-san-vicente-blvd?orderType=delivery&orderTime=ASAP&address=136%20S%20Clark%20Dr%2C%2090048", "88140661-f8ee-43e1", "", "f0aa8182-157b-4266", "", "1a12769b-889c-4cf5", "", "2c38647c-ec3c-4f70", "", "14d4cbec-ce0a-481e", "", "856cd051-ba51-41cd", "", "d885416a-3503-4a6b", "", "India's Grill", "fa18ac4e-7462-4271", "", "9db84361-ac02-4d41", "", "753942ff-396d-42cb", "", "0f9918d2-67f4-4138", "", "Indian", "548cd925-c65a-4d0f", "", "d9cb83a2-3dc0-40dd", "", "ffea7de8-348d-4f7e", "", "898fe4c9-1ca3-46f6", "", "d851c3ec-0860-4b1a", "", "1ce37c83-944b-4204", "", "219898cc-505d-4874", "", "a9d930ff-6ea0-420b", "", "3618a37e-caf3-4efe", "", "9fe5f3dd-ee40-4c2c", "", "b28a1009-cf6d-4faf", "", "10f7e3f0-a66b-4d47", "", "270d3676-ce01-478e", "", "abe6212c-28f8-4fef", "", "e0557811-5a9a-425d", "", "5470b106-80a6-4364", "", "5456089f-f464-4a4f", "", "cb54c8f7-ee6a-493d", "", "ccc021cd-b3c3-41fb", "", "6eda424b-defa-4f32", "", "25690780-fd6c-45a1", "", "38 Reviews", "49d0d7f5-a5cd-4f41", "", "84a6121b-2428-4bf8", "", "f4e3ced5-96a6-4f82", "", "0.5", "6ace4450-3ea7-40e0", "", "c24fce89-8cf1-440f", "", "f0bcc0f2-f414-4cb7", "", "6a11911d-c8f7-42b2", "", "b8e77880-7f3b-452b", "", "$20", "52bb2cf7-94d4-4d57", "", "39a7153a-e6e0-4e0c", "", "ae26f768-e59c-4a8e", "", "000c0c19-f128-478f", "", "905c54ba-6a5f-4cc6", "", "cb8053a7-8d97-41fb", "", "2f85dbe7-0993-4f56", "", "6053c894-ee2d-4a6d", "", "d6c671f8-6709-4d06", "", "3a8e4331-c197-4886", "", "4743cfac-58d8-49e8", "", "37b3e46d-dd04-4d49", "", "9b05b6ed-7e59-43f2", "", "d959febc-b690-4c1c", "", "Today at 11:45pm PDT", "5e5eba2d-1214-4855", "", "/cities/los-angeles/categories/restaurant/bennys-tacos-culver-city?orderType=delivery&orderTime=ASAP&address=136%20S%20Clark%20Dr%2C%2090048", "370a51be-edb6-474c", "", "cc57c329-ae56-4f0a", "", "056fd746-5847-43e3", "", "a5e99cb8-3ca7-4c60", "", "40a9b24b-0961-4eca", "", "a2bd8798-e9f2-4e74", "", "f90047b7-3004-4bdd", "", "Benny's Tacos Culver City", "add9b7da-e059-449b", "", "892843d6-adac-439f", "", "9a4435d1-5d62-472d", "", "1c9d9708-24ff-4cf9", "", "Mexican", "d759f858-ce6d-4f57", "", "4c6e5bb3-4c62-498e", "", "cdac7fc2-5396-4064", "", "Tacos", "a5c4b306-f16b-4b61", "", "945573af-7d1a-417e", "", "571d2a13-1d3b-4c3d", "", "dc3f252d-4319-4ec4", "", "7420a704-be48-4ff6", "", "147f2377-e8d2-4027", "", "799c390e-f191-4a6c", "", "93071879-0b1c-4aae", "", "627e9b21-9faf-4088", "", "21f01325-3724-457c", "", "0d231304-b78f-4662", "", "8c7fc612-16d2-4b04", "", "b759c2e8-cf06-45b4", "", "323c4c4e-1df0-49e6", "", "e908c6e0-84d9-4a33", "", "03549e11-b5e8-4f2a", "", "89c044ea-73bd-42a2", "", "6f56c227-5840-48c5", "", "42 Reviews", "72ed757e-b442-4c3f", "", "c800ff85-9965-453c", "", "4ab50261-5289-4397", "", "3.9", "ade626ad-c2fe-4452", "", "9de2ce31-3d9e-48e2", "", "c85fa11f-0a3f-48af", "", "6b1db8c3-1b90-4237", "", "63f5586b-e499-416b", "", "$25", "b5b13c34-ca88-4568", "", "63f0ee28-b476-424b", "", "df79e94c-461d-41d1", "", "c9f97228-2a1c-4ece", "", "a6853bb4-946a-4f1d", "", "3b5a27a6-981c-4e72", "", "fbbb8103-4d05-4a4f", "", "d5e9f0b6-de0b-4988", "", "608d4197-8ed4-4b3d", "", "2c9cdf81-1f1c-47fb", "", "87750f47-5471-4101", "", "97f0c1eb-19e5-40b8", "", "293ceb12-4582-4ad3", "", "7c58b421-45f9-4a2e", "", "aeabb456-3f5b-45a4", "", "/cities/los-angeles/categories/restaurant/biibiip-mediterranean?orderType=delivery&orderTime=ASAP&address=136%20S%20Clark%20Dr%2C%2090048", 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"8b8b130e-d074-405d", "", "5f6efbe2-aae1-45d7", "", "54592768-74a2-4135", "", "eb84cb06-cc78-47d1", "", "42f4782d-f5f7-4323", "", "9037203e-8a9c-4b1a", "", "eac58a18-7b1c-4b4c", "", "0a958ab9-ecd7-49c9", "", "2c0a6b8b-5358-429f", "", "417e534e-d286-4ae7", "", "$3.99", "5b797695-5c52-4149", "", "91cf7dc0-6329-4955", "", "8d685856-6fed-47af", "", "335884c1-df0c-45d3", "", "b0a6f502-a7a8-4f42", "", "ea017e46-b82f-419a", "", "c0dfe647-1138-4389", "", "d093171c-ec31-43dc", "", "5c5bd893-a4a8-4e82", "", "e4787c74-7c15-4aad", "", "/cities/los-angeles/categories/restaurant/continental-kitchen-wilshire-blvd?orderType=delivery&orderTime=ASAP&address=136%20S%20Clark%20Dr%2C%2090048", "7ad0d4d8-0ffa-4120", "", "136833f1-852f-4f20", "", "7fb94d7b-987b-4dcc", "", "aef06aae-0cdc-446d", "", "987a1895-18f5-4829", "", "7ce00821-68dc-4f12", "", "1f26d724-dfbb-49f1", "", "Continental Kitchen", "a377821b-c8f0-4622", "", "6e411953-fd24-456f", "", "d338ae40-51b2-4cec", "", "940b8708-9f4e-46b8", "", "Burgers", "11249316-6778-4729", "", "Breakfast", "f8b09f0b-22b0-4e26", "", "1bedef94-156f-4ebb", "", "620baf25-5436-4496", "", "22e4f248-c544-4c7b", "", "fdae2d5c-474a-4101", "", "d5391c49-0e7a-491e", "", "7dab22f5-5dd9-4500", "", "f32113b5-01cf-41fe", "", "4b63981c-2213-49bf", "", "9b4f5a2f-b165-438c", "", "8eef00f2-1f3d-4f38", "", "0e01c4e1-7278-4204", "", "7c567fb2-d9f6-4da0", "", "a4566ae3-435a-4d3c", "", "c38ad420-bea0-49b3", "", "f9c987f3-f070-4ae0", "", "00ba2e0c-4a2b-441c", "", "dfe7851f-1495-4837", "", "5bb966aa-3a3e-451e", "", "13f9875a-190f-411a", "", "7 Reviews", "3d65ac30-794d-40dd", "", "7b9f3420-e8a0-4cdf", "", "27e8323c-fef3-4b1b", "", "ae78a228-c407-4f35", "", "d093ea9a-1166-4948", "", "a44d21a5-a1ef-49fe", "", "b1e0d2d9-d902-4135", "", "88ca7476-2826-43b0", "", "136da03c-455d-4a78", "", "cd35e637-610c-414c", "", "841b3b33-5887-4215", "", "89a2f889-2973-4f93", "", "d163d2cc-79dc-4572", "", "a9ed72a3-5068-4f46", "", "bf5df8b4-61d4-4b8c", "", "256156bf-58c1-4b55", "", "c57587c1-4ed1-42cc", "", "aecd15c6-1ccb-4a68", "", "8a703421-42e2-40e3", "", "db54fbd5-a061-4dbb", "", "11d3dfd6-0cc8-4f57", "", "5aa414d2-a3c3-4372", "", "Today at 10:15pm PDT", "d5bee9d6-6f66-4aad", "", "/cities/los-angeles/categories/restaurant/grecos-new-york-pizzeria-hollywood-blvd?orderType=delivery&orderTime=ASAP&address=136%20S%20Clark%20Dr%2C%2090048", "5691b6b0-e35b-4240", "", "ddd6c58c-0dab-4213", "", "336fcd16-dc48-4ea5", "", "be84f6be-88a3-4483", "", "9b5613b1-6f76-4ce0", "", "4b1b3070-3085-49b7", "", "ea2d31f9-a358-4874", "", "Greco's New York Pizzeria", "76a1c17d-3495-4139", "", "711bddc1-8b20-49cf", "", "6c0bf330-1d01-4b9d", "", "7603abaf-0616-44f8", "", "37719856-6b06-4d62", "", "55091f3a-0a20-4757", "", "30d3e8af-90c7-414c", "", "c269c317-d6d9-4ee4", "", "6801df2c-df37-44d4", "", "ea2edb35-f38a-47e5", "", "4e492355-8e07-4862", "", "98409d62-dce7-4b9e", "", "9d84daf2-8ff6-4c12", "", "38e491e9-d586-41a0", "", "3d7f82c1-9ac1-4d92", "", "Rated 1 stars", "3ec4119f-dea0-4875", "", "e00f0e99-573e-416b", "", "8790d6cb-401c-44af", "", "111efcd1-d367-4ed4", "", "da3fbac1-3865-49de", "", "3f3557bc-b864-4ebd", "", "07aec620-2fee-4f72", "", "3 Reviews", "50788509-eae8-473e", "", "0ade581a-ae1b-4698", "", "66a4cebb-1db0-481e", "", "3.6", "1233436d-8537-4b81", "", "fad6dba4-a667-4d62", "", "8595b76a-8d0d-448f", "", "226d8c9b-80e5-418b", "", "c3a2a07b-029b-47af", "", "9de34713-4d56-4b57", "", "83f45cd7-f9cc-4fde", "", "64f94d2e-6d89-4c50", "", "0498056f-3a01-4ae5", "", "2562af81-fea5-4c7d", "", "f74476dc-24cc-4224", "", "b51561c0-6cd0-4d1c", "", "0d1e6f3c-d302-4be0", "", "d3fe9884-13f8-4322", "", "dee97874-f5d0-4962", "", "7399978c-a0a9-461e", "", "c33ec255-56d3-4778", "", "76f8cfdf-adb7-42af", "", "805149eb-9fa6-40e5", "", "596abc4c-fd97-464e", "", "/cities/los-angeles/categories/restaurant/coffee-juice-smoothie-bar?orderType=delivery&orderTime=ASAP&address=136%20S%20Clark%20Dr%2C%2090048", "e9fdac6c-13b0-4bc4", "", "4d021f02-39a5-4d4e", "", "f3c64e1e-5707-4013", "", "12ca3d87-aab8-4eaa", "", "782c69de-b97d-4e35", "", "c851370c-3b99-42fe", "", "445b191c-c644-45cf", "", "Coffee Juice Smoothie Bar", "e728f396-57b3-42c5", "", "d35ba171-ce9b-4872", "", "45f2f3cd-b345-4f92", "", "25f28b87-588e-48a5", "", "Cafe", "217c4315-9402-4ec2", "", "Juice Bar", "c92075c8-bc77-4d27", "", "Healthy", "4a12bd2c-72af-43dc", "", "2dd41802-69ab-4251", "", "a258e07d-0bc0-4cf3", "", "b6358a12-2c56-4105", "", "9d69a506-81a0-4fc6", "", "3be98cef-3f4d-470d", "", "f2a6b890-5855-4977", "", "2dc6909e-05d0-4993", "", "9caf3792-890f-4697", "", "d1198bfc-91a1-4157", "", "9235c4ab-3b73-4b01", "", "e91a7334-c8d1-4344", "", "65cbea61-8255-49d5", "", "e2e56f10-403c-4cb3", "", "8a512230-02d8-4c48", "", "40aa0917-24b7-4add", "", "b1d57fda-35a5-4715", "", "0d8959db-d9b1-4327", "", "a9c0269e-2e93-4fe8", "", "890a550d-8ce4-44f5", "", "2b7a0838-511b-4df5", "", "1.4", "f6ead471-429e-45d9", "", "6c46962f-4ef5-47d4", "", "4338dd98-c53a-4558", "", "867c4e1b-14a5-4fc2", 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"c5cd135f-ec76-48a2", "", "201266d8-84d0-4809", "", "e3e653c5-8bd3-4197", "", "5393266a-0549-411c", "", "122686d7-2ba9-4cec", "", "0e1f527c-d5cb-432e", "", "a9d14e14-a7ae-4543", "", "72b194df-e458-43b0", "", "1ee3a3ef-cf82-452e", "", "bd62c894-3da5-4dbf", "", "e21695e5-b9e4-42c8", "", "b57b0328-f9ce-41ef", "", "0cdd3f2b-994c-445c", "", "7f19d5f4-f201-4a2f", "", "5c6474f1-4e74-4b84", "", "7ef7ca75-3f09-41f4", "", "1fabc53e-f145-4a6a", "", "72999d15-14f4-4afb", "", "90d09ffd-ee6a-4c1d", "", "4b5304df-e069-4fbc", "", "772addc6-6f39-42f5", "", "8.4", "97312919-24e2-4f70", "", "c9c003cb-4818-4b32", "", "ad4d50a8-c39e-45ad", "", "04a0e2b3-4e66-4ec3", "", "7f82edf0-2d2b-44ec", "", "b85047f0-f120-48cd", "", "54d18123-be72-43ee", "", "91257d4f-2741-424d", "", "4428a4b8-cf9e-4e03", "", "4860f372-7ae4-4755", "", "210d1bd8-2094-4450", "", "aa157344-04b2-464e", "", "37ea9361-2a5c-4a6f", "", "f0f9748b-ea2b-4cd7", "", "01a045c9-9f11-4959", "", "16d79c1c-5be7-4717", "", "8b4298a1-3482-4f6e", "", 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368], [13, 14, 15, 370, 7, 371], [13, 14, 15, 373, 7, 374], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 377, 7, 378], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 380, 7, 381], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 383, 7, 384], [50, 51, 48, 386, 7, 387], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 389, 7, 390], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 392, 7, 393], [50, 51, 48, 395, 7, 396], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 398, 7, 399], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 401, 7, 402], [50, 51, 48, 404, 7, 405], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 407, 7, 408], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 410, 7, 411], [50, 51, 48, 413, 7, 414], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 416, 7, 417], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 419, 7, 420], [50, 51, 48, 422, 7, 423], [47, 120, 45, 46, 48, 425, 7, 426], [50, 51, 48, 428, 7, 429], [45, 46, 48, 431, 47, 120, 7, 432], [50, 51, 48, 434, 7, 435], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 437, 7, 438], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 440, 7, 441], [50, 51, 48, 443, 7, 444], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 446, 7, 447], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 449, 7, 450], [50, 51, 48, 452, 7, 453], [45, 146, 455, 456, 7, 457], [], [45, 46, 50, 2, 48, 460, 7, 461], [45, 46, 50, 2, 48, 463, 7, 464], [45, 46, 50, 2, 48, 466, 7, 467], [45, 46, 50, 2, 48, 469, 7, 470], [45, 46, 50, 2, 48, 472, 7, 473], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 475, 7, 476], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 478, 7, 479], [50, 51, 48, 481, 7, 482], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 484, 7, 485], [13, 14, 15, 373, 7, 487], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 489, 7, 490], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 492, 7, 493], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 495, 7, 496], [20, 197, 198, 291, 22, 498, 7, 499], [20, 193, 45, 146, 22, 501, 7, 502], [50, 51, 48, 504, 7, 505], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 507, 7, 508], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 510, 7, 511], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 513, 7, 514], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 516, 7, 517], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 519, 7, 520], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 522, 7, 523], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 525, 7, 526], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 528, 7, 529], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 531, 7, 532], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 534, 7, 535], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 537, 7, 538], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 540, 7, 541], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 543, 7, 544], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 546, 7, 547], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 549, 7, 550], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 552, 7, 553], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 555, 7, 556], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 558, 7, 559], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 561, 7, 562], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 564, 7, 565], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 567, 7, 568], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 570, 7, 571], [45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 573, 7, 574], [20, 576, 22, 577, 578, 120, 7, 579], [172, 581, 15, 582, 578, 120, 7, 583], [172, 585, 15, 582, 578, 120, 7, 586], [588, 589, 15, 590, 578, 120, 7, 591], [588, 593, 15, 594, 578, 120, 7, 595], [588, 597, 15, 598, 578, 120, 7, 599], [172, 601, 15, 602, 578, 120, 7, 603], [588, 605, 15, 577, 578, 120, 7, 606], [376, -1, 45, 46, 47, -1, 48, 608, 7, 609], [45, 146, 455, 456], [], [47, 120, 45, 46, 48, 612], [18, 614, 615, 616, 291, 617], [18, 618, 615, 619, 291, 617], [18, 620, 615, 621, 291, 617], [18, 622, 615, 623, 291, 617], [], [318, -1, 7, 625], [], [18, 628, 7, 629], [318, 631, 7, 632], [18, 634, 318, 635, 7, 636], [18, 638, 318, 639, 7, 640], [318, 642, 7, 643], [318, 645, 7, 646], [318, 648, 7, 649], [318, 652, 22, 653, 7, 654], [], [318, 657, 7, 658], [318, 660, 7, 661], [318, 663, 22, 664, 7, 665], [318, 668, 7, 669], [], [318, 672, 7, 673], [318, 675, 7, 676], [318, 678, 7, 679], [318, 681, 7, 682], [172, 685, 318, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 690, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, -1, 7, 701], [318, 703, 7, 704], [318, 706, 7, 707], [318, 710, 18, 694, 711, 712, 713, 690, 291, 714, 7, 715], [711, 717, 718, 719, 713, 690, 318, 720, 7, 721], [318, 723, 7, 724], [318, 726, 7, 727], [], [318, 730, 7, 731], [], [318, 734, 7, 735], [], [318, 738, 7, 739], [318, 741, 7, 742], [318, 745, 7, 746], [], [318, 751, 7, 752], [318, 755, 7, 756], [318, 759, 48, 760, 761, 762, 7, 763], [318, 765, 7, 766], [], [318, 769, 7, 770], [], [713, 690, 772, 773, 318, 774, 7, 775], [318, 778, 7, 779], [318, 781, 7, 782], [], [318, 784, 7, 785], [318, 787, 7, 788], [22, 790, 318, 791, 772, 792, 713, 690, 7, 793], [318, 795, 7, 796], [318, 798, 7, 799], [318, 801, 7, 802], [45, 717, 318, 804, 7, 805], [318, 807, 7, 808], [318, 810, 7, 811], [318, 813, 7, 814], [318, 816, 7, 817], [], [318, 819, 7, 820], [18, -1, 318, 822, 7, 823], [318, 825, 7, 826], [318, 828, 7, 829], [7, 831], [], [7, 835], [], [], [7, 839], [], [], [45, 717, 772, 843, 318, 844, 7, 845], [318, 847, 7, 848], [318, 850, 7, 851], [318, 853, 291, 854, 7, 855], [318, 857, 7, 858], [318, 860, 7, 861], [], [318, 863, 7, 864], [22, 866, 318, 867, 7, 868], [318, 870, 7, 871], [], [318, 860, 7, 874], [], [318, 876, 7, 877], [22, 879, 318, 867, 7, 880], [318, 882, 7, 883], [], [318, 860, 7, 886], [], [318, 888, 7, 889], [22, 891, 318, 892, 7, 893], [318, 895, 7, 896], [], [318, 860, 7, 899], [], [318, 901, 7, 902], [22, 904, 318, 867, 7, 905], [318, 907, 7, 908], [], [318, 860, 7, 911], [], [318, 913, 7, 914], [22, 916, 318, 867, 7, 917], [318, 919, 7, 920], [], [318, 860, 7, 923], [], [318, 925, 7, 926], [22, 928, 318, 867, 7, 929], [318, 931, 7, 932], [], [318, 935, 7, 936], [318, 938, 7, 939], [], [22, 941, 318, 942, 7, 943], [], [318, 938, 7, 946], [], [711, 717, 718, 719, 318, 948, 7, 949], [318, 951, 7, 952], [], [318, 955, 22, 956, 7, 957], [], [318, 955, 22, 960, 7, 961], [], [318, 964, 7, 965], [45, 967, 7, 968], [], [318, 971, 7, 972], [18, 974, 318, 975, 7, 976], [318, 978, 7, 979], [318, 981, 7, 982], [318, 985, 7, 986], [318, 988, 7, 989], [318, 991, 48, 992, 761, 993, 7, 994], [318, 996, 7, 997], [318, 999, 7, 1000], [318, 1003, 7, 1004], [], [318, 1007, 7, 1008], [711, 717, 7, 1010], [318, -1, 7, 1012], [318, 1014, 7, 1015], [318, 1017, 7, 1018], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 1023], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 1025], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 1027], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 1029], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 1032], [318, 1034, 7, 1035], [], [318, 1039, 7, 1040], [318, 1042, 7, 1043], [], [318, 1046, 7, 1047], [], [318, 1050, 7, 1051], [7, 1053], [], [18, 1056, 318, -1, 7, 1057], [18, 956, 718, 719, 7, 1060], [718, 719, 18, 1062, 318, 1063, 7, 1064], [318, 1066, 7, 1067], [318, 1069, 7, 1070], [318, 1072, 7, 1073], [318, 1075, 7, 1076], [318, 1078, 7, 1079], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1082], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1086], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1088], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1091], [318, 1085, 7, 1093], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1096], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1099], [318, 1085, 7, 1101], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1104], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1107], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1109], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1112], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1114], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1117], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1119], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1122], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1124], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1127], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1129], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1132], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1134], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1137], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1139], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1142], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1144], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1147], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1149], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1152], [318, 1085, 7, 1154], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1156], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1159], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1161], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1164], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1166], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1169], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1171], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1174], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1176], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1179], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1181], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1184], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1186], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1189], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1191], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1194], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1196], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1199], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1201], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1203], [318, 1085, 7, 1205], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1207], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1209], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1211], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1214], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1216], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1219], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1221], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1224], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1226], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1229], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1231], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1234], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1236], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1239], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1241], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1244], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1246], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1249], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1251], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1254], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1256], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1259], [318, 1085, 7, 1261], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1263], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1266], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1268], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1271], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1273], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1276], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1278], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1280], [318, 1085, 7, 1282], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1284], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1287], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1289], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1292], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1294], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1297], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1299], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1302], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1304], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1307], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1309], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1312], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1314], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1317], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1319], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1322], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1324], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1327], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1329], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1332], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1334], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1337], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1339], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1342], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1344], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1347], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1349], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1352], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1354], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1357], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1359], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1362], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1364], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1367], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1369], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1372], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1374], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1377], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1379], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1382], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1384], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1387], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1389], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1392], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1394], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1397], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1399], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1402], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1404], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1407], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1409], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1412], [318, 1085, 7, 1414], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1416], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1419], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1421], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1424], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1426], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1429], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1431], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1434], [318, 1085, 7, 1436], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1438], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1440], [318, 1085, 7, 1442], [], [318, 1081, 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1635], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1637], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1640], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1642], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1645], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1647], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1650], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1652], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1655], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1657], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1660], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1662], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1665], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1667], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1670], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1672], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1675], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1677], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1680], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1682], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1685], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1687], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1690], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1692], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1695], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1697], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1700], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1702], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1705], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1707], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1710], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1712], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1715], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1717], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1720], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1722], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1725], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1727], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1730], [], 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1827], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1829], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1832], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1834], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1837], [318, 1085, 7, 1839], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1841], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1844], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1846], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1849], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1851], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1853], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1855], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1858], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1860], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1862], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1864], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1867], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1869], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1872], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1874], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1877], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1879], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1881], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1883], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1886], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1888], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1891], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1893], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1896], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1898], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1901], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1903], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1906], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1908], [], [318, 1075, 7, 1911], [318, 1085, 7, 1913], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1915], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1918], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1920], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1923], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1925], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1928], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1930], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1933], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1935], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1938], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1940], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1943], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1945], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1948], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1950], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1953], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1955], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1958], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1960], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1963], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1965], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1968], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1970], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1973], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1975], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1978], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1980], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1983], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1985], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1988], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1990], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1993], [], [318, 1081, 7, 1995], [], [318, 1085, 7, 1998], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2000], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2003], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2005], [], [318, 1075, 7, 2008], [318, 1085, 7, 2010], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2012], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2015], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2017], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2020], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2022], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2025], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2027], [], [318, 1075, 7, 2030], [318, 1085, 7, 2032], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2034], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2037], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2039], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2042], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2044], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2047], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2049], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2052], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2054], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2057], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2059], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2062], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2064], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2067], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2069], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2072], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2074], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2077], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2079], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2082], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2084], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2087], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2089], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2092], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2094], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2097], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2099], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2102], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2104], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2107], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2109], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2112], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2114], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2117], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2119], [], [318, 1075, 7, 2122], [318, 1085, 7, 2124], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2126], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2129], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2131], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2134], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2136], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2139], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2141], [], [318, 1075, 7, 2144], [318, 1085, 7, 2146], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2148], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2151], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2153], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2156], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2158], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2161], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2163], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2166], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2168], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2171], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2173], [], [318, 1075, 7, 2176], [318, 1085, 7, 2178], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2180], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2182], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2184], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2186], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2188], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2191], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2193], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2196], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2198], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2201], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2203], [], [318, 1075, 7, 2206], [318, 1085, 7, 2208], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2210], [], [318, 1075, 7, 2213], [318, 1085, 7, 2215], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2217], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2220], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2222], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2225], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2227], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2230], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2232], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2235], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2237], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2240], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2242], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2245], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2247], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2250], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2252], [], [318, 1075, 7, 2255], [318, 1085, 7, 2257], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2259], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2262], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2264], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2267], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2269], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2272], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2274], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2277], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2279], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2282], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2284], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2287], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2289], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2292], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2294], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2297], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2299], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2302], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2304], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2307], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2309], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2312], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2314], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2317], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2319], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2322], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2324], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2327], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2329], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2332], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2334], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2337], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2339], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2342], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2344], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2347], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2349], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2352], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2354], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2357], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2359], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2362], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2364], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2367], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2369], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2372], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2374], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2377], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2379], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2382], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2384], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2387], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2389], [], [318, 1085, 7, 2392], [], [318, 1081, 7, 2394], [], [318, 1085, 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3716], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3718], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3721], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3723], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3726], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3728], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3731], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3733], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3736], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3738], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3741], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3743], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3746], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3748], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3751], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3753], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3756], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3758], [], [318, 1075, 7, 3760], [318, 1085, 7, 3762], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3764], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3767], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3769], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3772], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3774], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3777], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3779], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3782], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3784], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3787], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3789], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3792], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3794], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3797], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3799], [], [318, 1085, 7, 3802], [], [318, 1081, 7, 3804], [], [318, 1075, 7, 3807], [318, 1085, 7, 3809], [], [318, 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4000], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4002], [], [318, 1075, 7, 4005], [318, 1085, 7, 4007], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4009], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4012], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4014], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4017], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4019], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4022], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4024], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4027], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4029], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4032], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4034], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4037], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4039], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4042], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4044], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4047], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4049], [], [318, 1075, 7, 4052], [318, 1085, 7, 4054], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4056], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4059], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4061], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4064], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4066], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4069], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4071], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4074], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4076], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4078], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4080], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4082], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4084], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4087], [], [318, 1081, 7, 4089], [], [318, 1085, 7, 4092], [], [318, 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5147], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5149], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5152], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5154], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5157], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5159], [], [318, 1075, 7, 5161], [318, 1085, 7, 5163], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5165], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5168], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5170], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5173], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5175], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5177], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5179], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5182], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5184], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5187], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5189], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5192], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5194], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5197], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5199], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5202], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5204], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5207], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5209], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5212], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5214], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5217], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5219], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5222], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5224], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5227], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5229], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5231], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5233], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5235], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5237], [], [318, 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5799], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5801], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5804], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5806], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5809], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5811], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5814], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5816], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5819], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5821], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5824], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5826], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5829], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5831], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5834], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5836], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5839], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5841], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5844], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5846], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5849], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5851], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5854], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5856], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5859], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5861], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5864], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5866], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5869], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5871], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5874], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5876], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5879], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5881], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5884], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5886], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5889], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5891], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5894], [], 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5990], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5993], [], [318, 1081, 7, 5995], [], [318, 1085, 7, 5998], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6000], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6003], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6005], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6008], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6010], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6013], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6015], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6018], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6020], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6022], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6024], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6027], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6029], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6032], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6034], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6037], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6039], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6042], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6044], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6047], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6049], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6052], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6054], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6057], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6059], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6062], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6064], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6067], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6069], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6072], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6074], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6077], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6079], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6082], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6084], [], 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6559], [318, 1085, 7, 6561], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6563], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6566], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6568], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6571], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6573], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6576], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6578], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6581], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6583], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6586], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6588], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6591], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6593], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6596], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6598], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6601], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6603], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6606], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6608], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6611], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6613], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6616], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6618], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6621], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6623], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6626], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6628], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6631], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6633], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6636], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6638], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6641], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6643], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6646], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6648], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6651], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6653], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6656], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6658], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6661], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6663], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6666], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6668], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6671], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6673], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6676], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6678], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6681], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6683], [], [318, 1075, 7, 6686], [318, 1085, 7, 6688], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6690], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6693], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6695], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6698], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6700], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6703], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6705], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6708], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6710], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6713], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6715], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6718], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6720], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6723], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6725], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6728], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6730], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6733], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6735], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6738], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6740], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6743], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6745], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6748], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6750], 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6845], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6848], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6850], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6853], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6855], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6858], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6860], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6863], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6865], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6868], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6870], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6873], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6875], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6878], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6880], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6883], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6885], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6888], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6890], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6893], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6895], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6898], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6900], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6903], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6905], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6908], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6910], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6913], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6915], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6918], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6920], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6923], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6925], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6928], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6930], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6933], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6935], [], [318, 1085, 7, 6938], [], [318, 1081, 7, 6940], [], 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7, 7037], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7039], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7042], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7044], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7047], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7049], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7052], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7054], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7057], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7059], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7062], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7064], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7067], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7069], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7072], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7074], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7077], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7079], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7082], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7084], [], [318, 1075, 7, 7087], [318, 1085, 7, 7089], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7091], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7094], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7096], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7099], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7101], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7104], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7106], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7109], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7111], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7114], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7116], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7119], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7121], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7124], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7126], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7129], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7131], [], 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7, 7227], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7229], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7232], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7234], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7237], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7239], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7242], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7244], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7247], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7249], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7252], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7254], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7257], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7259], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7262], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7264], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7267], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7269], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7272], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7274], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7277], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7279], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7282], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7284], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7287], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7289], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7292], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7294], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7297], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7299], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7302], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7304], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7307], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7309], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7312], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7314], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7317], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7319], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7322], 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7417], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7419], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7421], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7424], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7426], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7429], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7431], [], [318, 1075, 7, 7434], [318, 1085, 7, 7436], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7438], [], [318, 1075, 7, 7441], [318, 1085, 7, 7443], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7445], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7448], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7450], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7453], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7455], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7458], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7460], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7463], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7465], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7468], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7470], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7473], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7475], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7478], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7480], [], [318, 1075, 7, 7483], [318, 1085, 7, 7485], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7487], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7490], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7492], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7495], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7497], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7500], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7502], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7505], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7507], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7510], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7512], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7515], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7517], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7520], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7522], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7525], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7527], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7530], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7532], [], [318, 1075, 7, 7535], [318, 1085, 7, 7537], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7539], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7542], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7544], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7546], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7548], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7551], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7553], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7556], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7558], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7561], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7563], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7566], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7568], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7571], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7573], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7576], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7578], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7581], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7583], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7586], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7588], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7590], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7592], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7595], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7597], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7600], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7602], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7605], [], 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7701], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7703], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7706], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7708], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7710], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7712], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7715], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7717], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7720], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7722], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7725], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7727], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7730], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7732], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7734], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7736], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7739], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7741], [], [318, 1075, 7, 7744], [318, 1085, 7, 7746], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7748], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7751], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7753], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7756], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7758], [], [318, 1075, 7, 7761], [318, 1085, 7, 7763], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7765], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7768], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7770], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7773], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7775], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7778], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7780], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7783], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7785], [], [318, 1075, 7, 7788], [318, 1085, 7, 7790], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7792], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7795], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7797], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7800], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7802], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7805], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7807], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7810], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7812], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7815], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7817], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7820], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7822], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7825], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7827], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7830], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7832], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7835], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7837], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7840], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7842], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7845], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7847], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7850], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7852], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7854], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7856], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7859], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7861], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7864], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7866], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7869], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7871], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7874], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7876], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7879], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7881], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7884], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7886], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7889], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7891], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7893], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7895], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7897], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7899], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7902], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7904], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7906], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7908], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7911], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7913], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7916], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7918], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7921], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7923], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7926], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7928], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7931], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7933], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7936], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7938], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7941], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7943], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7946], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7948], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7951], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7953], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7956], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7958], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7961], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7963], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7966], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7968], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7971], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7973], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7976], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7978], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7981], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7983], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7986], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7988], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7991], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7993], [], [318, 1085, 7, 7996], [], [318, 1081, 7, 7998], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8001], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8003], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8006], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8008], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8011], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8013], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8015], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8017], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8020], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8022], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8025], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8027], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8030], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8032], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8035], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8037], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8040], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8042], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8045], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8047], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8050], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8052], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8054], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8056], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8059], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8061], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8063], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8065], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8068], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8070], [], [318, 1085, 7, 8073], [], [318, 1081, 7, 8075], [], [318, 8078, 7, 8079], [318, 1017, 7, 8081], [], [318, 8084, 7, 8085], [], [318, 8088, 7, 8089], [318, 8091, 7, 8092], [318, 8094, 7, 8095], [], [318, 8098, 7, 8099], [18, 8101, 318, 8102, 7, 8103], [318, 8105, 7, 8106], [318, 8109, 7, 8110], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8113], [318, 8115, 7, 8116], [318, -1, 7, 8118], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8121], [318, 8123, 7, 8124], [18, 8126, 318, 8102, 7, 8127], [318, 8105, 7, 8129], [318, 8109, 7, 8131], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8133], [318, 8115, 7, 8135], [318, -1, 7, 8137], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8139], [318, 8123, 7, 8141], [], [18, 8144, 318, 8102, 7, 8145], [318, 8105, 7, 8147], [318, 8109, 7, 8149], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8151], [318, 8115, 7, 8153], [318, -1, 7, 8155], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8157], [318, 8123, 7, 8159], [18, 8161, 318, 8102, 7, 8162], [318, 8105, 7, 8164], [318, 8109, 7, 8166], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8168], [318, 8115, 7, 8170], [318, -1, 7, 8172], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8174], [318, 8123, 7, 8176], [18, 8178, 318, 8102, 7, 8179], [318, 8105, 7, 8181], [318, 8109, 7, 8183], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8185], [318, 8115, 7, 8187], [318, -1, 7, 8189], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8191], [318, 8123, 7, 8193], [18, 8195, 318, 8102, 7, 8196], [318, 8105, 7, 8198], [318, 8109, 7, 8200], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8202], [318, 8115, 7, 8204], [318, -1, 7, 8206], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8208], [318, 8123, 7, 8210], [18, 8212, 318, 8102, 7, 8213], [318, 8105, 7, 8215], [318, 8109, 7, 8217], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8219], [318, 8115, 7, 8221], [318, -1, 7, 8223], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8225], [318, 8123, 7, 8227], [18, 8229, 318, 8102, 7, 8230], [318, 8105, 7, 8232], [318, 8109, 7, 8234], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8236], [318, 8115, 7, 8238], [318, -1, 7, 8240], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8242], [318, 8123, 7, 8244], [18, 8246, 318, 8102, 7, 8247], [318, 8105, 7, 8249], [318, 8109, 7, 8251], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8253], [318, 8115, 7, 8255], [318, -1, 7, 8257], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8259], [318, 8123, 7, 8261], [18, 8263, 318, 8102, 7, 8264], [318, 8105, 7, 8266], [318, 8109, 7, 8268], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8270], [318, 8115, 7, 8272], [318, -1, 7, 8274], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8276], [318, 8123, 7, 8278], [18, 8280, 318, 8102, 7, 8281], [318, 8105, 7, 8283], [318, 8109, 7, 8285], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8287], [318, 8115, 7, 8289], [318, -1, 7, 8291], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8293], [318, 8123, 7, 8295], [18, 8297, 318, 8102, 7, 8298], [318, 8105, 7, 8300], [318, 8109, 7, 8302], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8304], [318, 8115, 7, 8306], [318, -1, 7, 8308], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8310], [318, 8123, 7, 8312], [18, 8314, 318, 8102, 7, 8315], [318, 8105, 7, 8317], [318, 8109, 7, 8319], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8321], [318, 8115, 7, 8323], [318, -1, 7, 8325], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8327], [318, 8123, 7, 8329], [18, 8331, 318, 8102, 7, 8332], [318, 8105, 7, 8334], [318, 8109, 7, 8336], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8338], [318, 8115, 7, 8340], [318, -1, 7, 8342], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8344], [318, 8123, 7, 8346], [18, 8348, 318, 8102, 7, 8349], [318, 8105, 7, 8351], [318, 8109, 7, 8353], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8355], [318, 8115, 7, 8357], [318, -1, 7, 8359], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8361], [318, 8123, 7, 8363], [18, 8365, 318, 8102, 7, 8366], [318, 8105, 7, 8368], [318, 8109, 7, 8370], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8372], [318, 8115, 7, 8374], [318, -1, 7, 8376], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8378], [318, 8123, 7, 8380], [18, 8382, 318, 8102, 7, 8383], [318, 8105, 7, 8385], [318, 8109, 7, 8387], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8389], [318, 8115, 7, 8391], [318, -1, 7, 8393], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8395], [318, 8123, 7, 8397], [18, 8399, 318, 8102, 7, 8400], [318, 8105, 7, 8402], [318, 8109, 7, 8404], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8406], [318, 8115, 7, 8408], [318, -1, 7, 8410], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8412], [318, 8123, 7, 8414], [18, 8416, 318, 8102, 7, 8417], [318, 8105, 7, 8419], [318, 8109, 7, 8421], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8423], [318, 8115, 7, 8425], [318, -1, 7, 8427], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8429], [318, 8123, 7, 8431], [18, 8433, 318, 8102, 7, 8434], [318, 8105, 7, 8436], [318, 8109, 7, 8438], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8440], [318, 8115, 7, 8442], [318, -1, 7, 8444], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8446], [318, 8123, 7, 8448], [18, 8450, 318, 8102, 7, 8451], [318, 8105, 7, 8453], [318, 8109, 7, 8455], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8457], [318, 8115, 7, 8459], [318, -1, 7, 8461], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8463], [318, 8123, 7, 8465], [18, 8467, 318, 8102, 7, 8468], [318, 8105, 7, 8470], [318, 8109, 7, 8472], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8474], [318, 8115, 7, 8476], [318, -1, 7, 8478], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8480], [318, 8123, 7, 8482], [18, 8484, 318, 8102, 7, 8485], [318, 8105, 7, 8487], [318, 8109, 7, 8489], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8491], [318, 8115, 7, 8493], [318, -1, 7, 8495], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8497], [318, 8123, 7, 8499], [18, 8501, 318, 8102, 7, 8502], [318, 8105, 7, 8504], [318, 8109, 7, 8506], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8508], [318, 8115, 7, 8510], [318, -1, 7, 8512], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8514], [318, 8123, 7, 8516], [18, 8518, 318, 8102, 7, 8519], [318, 8105, 7, 8521], [318, 8109, 7, 8523], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8525], [318, 8115, 7, 8527], [318, -1, 7, 8529], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8531], [318, 8123, 7, 8533], [18, 8535, 318, 8102, 7, 8536], [318, 8105, 7, 8538], [318, 8109, 7, 8540], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8542], [318, 8115, 7, 8544], [318, -1, 7, 8546], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8548], [318, 8123, 7, 8550], [18, 8552, 318, 8102, 7, 8553], [318, 8105, 7, 8555], [318, 8109, 7, 8557], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8559], [318, 8115, 7, 8561], [318, -1, 7, 8563], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8565], [318, 8123, 7, 8567], [18, 8569, 318, 8102, 7, 8570], [318, 8105, 7, 8572], [318, 8109, 7, 8574], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8576], [318, 8115, 7, 8578], [318, -1, 7, 8580], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8582], [318, 8123, 7, 8584], [18, 8586, 318, 8102, 7, 8587], [318, 8105, 7, 8589], [318, 8109, 7, 8591], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8593], [318, 8115, 7, 8595], [318, -1, 7, 8597], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8599], [318, 8123, 7, 8601], [18, 8603, 318, 8102, 7, 8604], [318, 8105, 7, 8606], [318, 8109, 7, 8608], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8610], [318, 8115, 7, 8612], [318, -1, 7, 8614], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8616], [318, 8123, 7, 8618], [18, 8620, 318, 8102, 7, 8621], [318, 8105, 7, 8623], [318, 8109, 7, 8625], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8627], [318, 8115, 7, 8629], [318, -1, 7, 8631], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8633], [318, 8123, 7, 8635], [18, 8637, 318, 8102, 7, 8638], [318, 8105, 7, 8640], [318, 8109, 7, 8642], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8644], [318, 8115, 7, 8646], [318, -1, 7, 8648], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8650], [318, 8123, 7, 8652], [18, 8654, 318, 8102, 7, 8655], [318, 8105, 7, 8657], [318, 8109, 7, 8659], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8661], [318, 8115, 7, 8663], [318, -1, 7, 8665], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8667], [318, 8123, 7, 8669], [18, 8671, 318, 8102, 7, 8672], [318, 8105, 7, 8674], [318, 8109, 7, 8676], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8678], [318, 8115, 7, 8680], [318, -1, 7, 8682], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8684], [318, 8123, 7, 8686], [18, 8688, 318, 8102, 7, 8689], [318, 8105, 7, 8691], [318, 8109, 7, 8693], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8695], [318, 8115, 7, 8697], [318, -1, 7, 8699], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8701], [318, 8123, 7, 8703], [18, 8705, 318, 8102, 7, 8706], [318, 8105, 7, 8708], [318, 8109, 7, 8710], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8712], [318, 8115, 7, 8714], [318, -1, 7, 8716], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8718], [318, 8123, 7, 8720], [18, 8722, 318, 8102, 7, 8723], [318, 8105, 7, 8725], [318, 8109, 7, 8727], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8729], [318, 8115, 7, 8731], [318, -1, 7, 8733], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8735], [318, 8123, 7, 8737], [18, 8739, 318, 8102, 7, 8740], [318, 8105, 7, 8742], [318, 8109, 7, 8744], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8746], [318, 8115, 7, 8748], [318, -1, 7, 8750], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8752], [318, 8123, 7, 8754], [18, 8756, 318, 8102, 7, 8757], [318, 8105, 7, 8759], [318, 8109, 7, 8761], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8763], [318, 8115, 7, 8765], [318, -1, 7, 8767], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8769], [318, 8123, 7, 8771], [18, 8773, 318, 8102, 7, 8774], [318, 8105, 7, 8776], [318, 8109, 7, 8778], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8780], [318, 8115, 7, 8782], [318, -1, 7, 8784], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8786], [318, 8123, 7, 8788], [18, 8790, 318, 8102, 7, 8791], [318, 8105, 7, 8793], [318, 8109, 7, 8795], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8797], [318, 8115, 7, 8799], [318, -1, 7, 8801], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8803], [318, 8123, 7, 8805], [18, 8807, 318, 8102, 7, 8808], [318, 8105, 7, 8810], [318, 8109, 7, 8812], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8814], [318, 8115, 7, 8816], [318, -1, 7, 8818], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8820], [318, 8123, 7, 8822], [18, 8824, 318, 8102, 7, 8825], [318, 8105, 7, 8827], [318, 8109, 7, 8829], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8831], [318, 8115, 7, 8833], [318, -1, 7, 8835], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8837], [318, 8123, 7, 8839], [18, 8841, 318, 8102, 7, 8842], [318, 8105, 7, 8844], [318, 8109, 7, 8846], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8848], [318, 8115, 7, 8850], [318, -1, 7, 8852], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8854], [318, 8123, 7, 8856], [18, 8858, 318, 8102, 7, 8859], [318, 8105, 7, 8861], [318, 8109, 7, 8863], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8865], [318, 8115, 7, 8867], [318, -1, 7, 8869], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8871], [318, 8123, 7, 8873], [18, 8875, 318, 8102, 7, 8876], [318, 8105, 7, 8878], [318, 8109, 7, 8880], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8882], [318, 8115, 7, 8884], [318, -1, 7, 8886], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8888], [318, 8123, 7, 8890], [18, 8892, 318, 8102, 7, 8893], [318, 8105, 7, 8895], [318, 8109, 7, 8897], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8899], [318, 8115, 7, 8901], [318, -1, 7, 8903], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8905], [318, 8123, 7, 8907], [18, 8909, 318, 8102, 7, 8910], [318, 8105, 7, 8912], [318, 8109, 7, 8914], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8916], [318, 8115, 7, 8918], [318, -1, 7, 8920], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8922], [318, 8123, 7, 8924], [18, 8926, 318, 8102, 7, 8927], [318, 8105, 7, 8929], [318, 8109, 7, 8931], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8933], [318, 8115, 7, 8935], [318, -1, 7, 8937], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8939], [318, 8123, 7, 8941], [18, 8943, 318, 8102, 7, 8944], [318, 8105, 7, 8946], [318, 8109, 7, 8948], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8950], [318, 8115, 7, 8952], [318, -1, 7, 8954], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8956], [318, 8123, 7, 8958], [18, 8960, 318, 8102, 7, 8961], [318, 8105, 7, 8963], [318, 8109, 7, 8965], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8967], [318, 8115, 7, 8969], [318, -1, 7, 8971], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8973], [318, 8123, 7, 8975], [18, 8977, 318, 8102, 7, 8978], [318, 8105, 7, 8980], [318, 8109, 7, 8982], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 8984], [318, 8115, 7, 8986], [318, -1, 7, 8988], [], [318, 8120, 7, 8990], [318, 8123, 7, 8992], [18, 8994, 318, 8102, 7, 8995], [318, 8105, 7, 8997], [318, 8109, 7, 8999], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9001], [318, 8115, 7, 9003], [318, -1, 7, 9005], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9007], [318, 8123, 7, 9009], [18, 9011, 318, 8102, 7, 9012], [318, 8105, 7, 9014], [318, 8109, 7, 9016], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9018], [318, 8115, 7, 9020], [318, -1, 7, 9022], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9024], [318, 8123, 7, 9026], [18, 9028, 318, 8102, 7, 9029], [318, 8105, 7, 9031], [318, 8109, 7, 9033], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9035], [318, 8115, 7, 9037], [318, -1, 7, 9039], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9041], [318, 8123, 7, 9043], [18, 9045, 318, 8102, 7, 9046], [318, 8105, 7, 9048], [318, 8109, 7, 9050], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9052], [318, 8115, 7, 9054], [318, -1, 7, 9056], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9058], [318, 8123, 7, 9060], [18, 9062, 318, 8102, 7, 9063], [318, 8105, 7, 9065], [318, 8109, 7, 9067], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9069], [318, 8115, 7, 9071], [318, -1, 7, 9073], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9075], [318, 8123, 7, 9077], [18, 9079, 318, 8102, 7, 9080], [318, 8105, 7, 9082], [318, 8109, 7, 9084], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9086], [318, 8115, 7, 9088], [318, -1, 7, 9090], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9092], [318, 8123, 7, 9094], [18, 9096, 318, 8102, 7, 9097], [318, 8105, 7, 9099], [318, 8109, 7, 9101], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9103], [318, 8115, 7, 9105], [318, -1, 7, 9107], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9109], [318, 8123, 7, 9111], [18, 9113, 318, 8102, 7, 9114], [318, 8105, 7, 9116], [318, 8109, 7, 9118], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9120], [318, 8115, 7, 9122], [318, -1, 7, 9124], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9126], [318, 8123, 7, 9128], [18, 9130, 318, 8102, 7, 9131], [318, 8105, 7, 9133], [318, 8109, 7, 9135], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9137], [318, 8115, 7, 9139], [318, -1, 7, 9141], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9143], [318, 8123, 7, 9145], [18, 9147, 318, 8102, 7, 9148], [318, 8105, 7, 9150], [318, 8109, 7, 9152], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9154], [318, 8115, 7, 9156], [318, -1, 7, 9158], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9160], [318, 8123, 7, 9162], [18, 9164, 318, 8102, 7, 9165], [318, 8105, 7, 9167], [318, 8109, 7, 9169], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9171], [318, 8115, 7, 9173], [318, -1, 7, 9175], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9177], [318, 8123, 7, 9179], [18, 9181, 318, 8102, 7, 9182], [318, 8105, 7, 9184], [318, 8109, 7, 9186], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9188], [318, 8115, 7, 9190], [318, -1, 7, 9192], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9194], [318, 8123, 7, 9196], [18, 9198, 318, 8102, 7, 9199], [318, 8105, 7, 9201], [318, 8109, 7, 9203], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9205], [318, 8115, 7, 9207], [318, -1, 7, 9209], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9211], [318, 8123, 7, 9213], [18, 9215, 318, 8102, 7, 9216], [318, 8105, 7, 9218], [318, 8109, 7, 9220], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9222], [318, 8115, 7, 9224], [318, -1, 7, 9226], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9228], [318, 8123, 7, 9230], [18, 9232, 318, 8102, 7, 9233], [318, 8105, 7, 9235], [318, 8109, 7, 9237], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9239], [318, 8115, 7, 9241], [318, -1, 7, 9243], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9245], [318, 8123, 7, 9247], [18, 9249, 318, 8102, 7, 9250], [318, 8105, 7, 9252], [318, 8109, 7, 9254], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9256], [318, 8115, 7, 9258], [318, -1, 7, 9260], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9262], [318, 8123, 7, 9264], [18, 9266, 318, 8102, 7, 9267], [318, 8105, 7, 9269], [318, 8109, 7, 9271], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9273], [318, 8115, 7, 9275], [318, -1, 7, 9277], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9279], [318, 8123, 7, 9281], [18, 9283, 318, 8102, 7, 9284], [318, 8105, 7, 9286], [318, 8109, 7, 9288], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9290], [318, 8115, 7, 9292], [318, -1, 7, 9294], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9296], [318, 8123, 7, 9298], [18, 9300, 318, 8102, 7, 9301], [318, 8105, 7, 9303], [318, 8109, 7, 9305], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9307], [318, 8115, 7, 9309], [318, -1, 7, 9311], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9313], [318, 8123, 7, 9315], [18, 9317, 318, 8102, 7, 9318], [318, 8105, 7, 9320], [318, 8109, 7, 9322], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9324], [318, 8115, 7, 9326], [318, -1, 7, 9328], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9330], [318, 8123, 7, 9332], [18, 9334, 318, 8102, 7, 9335], [318, 8105, 7, 9337], [318, 8109, 7, 9339], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9341], [318, 8115, 7, 9343], [318, -1, 7, 9345], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9347], [318, 8123, 7, 9349], [18, 9351, 318, 8102, 7, 9352], [318, 8105, 7, 9354], [318, 8109, 7, 9356], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9358], [318, 8115, 7, 9360], [318, -1, 7, 9362], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9364], [318, 8123, 7, 9366], [18, 9368, 318, 8102, 7, 9369], [318, 8105, 7, 9371], [318, 8109, 7, 9373], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9375], [318, 8115, 7, 9377], [318, -1, 7, 9379], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9381], [318, 8123, 7, 9383], [18, 9385, 318, 8102, 7, 9386], [318, 8105, 7, 9388], [318, 8109, 7, 9390], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9392], [318, 8115, 7, 9394], [318, -1, 7, 9396], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9398], [318, 8123, 7, 9400], [18, 9402, 318, 8102, 7, 9403], [318, 8105, 7, 9405], [318, 8109, 7, 9407], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9409], [318, 8115, 7, 9411], [318, -1, 7, 9413], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9415], [318, 8123, 7, 9417], [18, 9419, 318, 8102, 7, 9420], [318, 8105, 7, 9422], [318, 8109, 7, 9424], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9426], [318, 8115, 7, 9428], [318, -1, 7, 9430], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9432], [318, 8123, 7, 9434], [18, 9436, 318, 8102, 7, 9437], [318, 8105, 7, 9439], [318, 8109, 7, 9441], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9443], [318, 8115, 7, 9445], [318, -1, 7, 9447], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9449], [318, 8123, 7, 9451], [18, 9453, 318, 8102, 7, 9454], [318, 8105, 7, 9456], [318, 8109, 7, 9458], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9460], [318, 8115, 7, 9462], [318, -1, 7, 9464], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9466], [318, 8123, 7, 9468], [18, 9470, 318, 8102, 7, 9471], [318, 8105, 7, 9473], [318, 8109, 7, 9475], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9477], [318, 8115, 7, 9479], [318, -1, 7, 9481], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9483], [318, 8123, 7, 9485], [18, 9487, 318, 8102, 7, 9488], [318, 8105, 7, 9490], [318, 8109, 7, 9492], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9494], [318, 8115, 7, 9496], [318, -1, 7, 9498], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9500], [318, 8123, 7, 9502], [18, 9504, 318, 8102, 7, 9505], [318, 8105, 7, 9507], [318, 8109, 7, 9509], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9511], [318, 8115, 7, 9513], [318, -1, 7, 9515], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9517], [318, 8123, 7, 9519], [18, 9521, 318, 8102, 7, 9522], [318, 8105, 7, 9524], [318, 8109, 7, 9526], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9528], [318, 8115, 7, 9530], [318, -1, 7, 9532], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9534], [318, 8123, 7, 9536], [18, 9538, 318, 8102, 7, 9539], [318, 8105, 7, 9541], [318, 8109, 7, 9543], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9545], [318, 8115, 7, 9547], [318, -1, 7, 9549], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9551], [318, 8123, 7, 9553], [18, 9555, 318, 8102, 7, 9556], [318, 8105, 7, 9558], [318, 8109, 7, 9560], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9562], [318, 8115, 7, 9564], [318, -1, 7, 9566], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9568], [318, 8123, 7, 9570], [18, 9572, 318, 8102, 7, 9573], [318, 8105, 7, 9575], [318, 8109, 7, 9577], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9579], [318, 8115, 7, 9581], [318, -1, 7, 9583], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9585], [318, 8123, 7, 9587], [18, 9589, 318, 8102, 7, 9590], [318, 8105, 7, 9592], [318, 8109, 7, 9594], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9596], [318, 8115, 7, 9598], [318, -1, 7, 9600], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9602], [318, 8123, 7, 9604], [18, 9606, 318, 8102, 7, 9607], [318, 8105, 7, 9609], [318, 8109, 7, 9611], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9613], [318, 8115, 7, 9615], [318, -1, 7, 9617], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9619], [318, 8123, 7, 9621], [18, 9623, 318, 8102, 7, 9624], [318, 8105, 7, 9626], [318, 8109, 7, 9628], [318, 8112, 45, 717, 7, 9630], [318, 8115, 7, 9632], [318, -1, 7, 9634], [], [318, 8120, 7, 9636], [318, 8123, 7, 9638], [318, 9640, 7, 9641], [318, 9644, 291, 9645, 7, 9646], [318, 9648, 18, 9649, 7, 9650], [318, 9652, 7, 9653], [], [318, 9655, 7, 9656], [], [7, 9659], [318, 9661, 7, 9662], [], [22, 9665, 7, 9666], [], [318, 9669, 7, 9670], [318, 9673, 7, 9674], [7, 9677], [318, 9680, 7, 9681], [318, 9684, 7, 9685], [318, 9684, 7, 9687], [], [7, 9691], [318, 9693, 7, 9694], [318, 9697, 7, 9698], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9701], [318, 9703, 7, 9704], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9707], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9709], [318, 9697, 7, 9711], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9714], [318, 9703, 7, 9716], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9718], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9720], [318, 9697, 7, 9722], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9725], [318, 9703, 7, 9727], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9729], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9731], [318, 9697, 7, 9733], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9736], [318, 9703, 7, 9738], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9740], [], [318, 9742, 7, 9743], [318, 9697, 7, 9745], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9748], [318, 9703, 7, 9750], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9752], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9754], [318, 9697, 7, 9756], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9759], [318, 9703, 7, 9761], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9763], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9765], [318, 9697, 7, 9767], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9770], [318, 9703, 7, 9772], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9774], [], [318, 9776, 7, 9777], [318, 9779, 7, 9780], [7, 9782], [318, 9680, 7, 9784], [318, 9684, 7, 9786], [318, 9684, 7, 9788], [], [7, 9791], [318, 9693, 7, 9793], [318, 9697, 7, 9795], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9797], [318, 9703, 7, 9799], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9801], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9803], [318, 9697, 7, 9805], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9807], [318, 9703, 7, 9809], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9811], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9813], [318, 9697, 7, 9815], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9817], [318, 9703, 7, 9819], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9821], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9823], [318, 9697, 7, 9825], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9827], [318, 9703, 7, 9829], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9831], [], [318, 9742, 7, 9833], [318, 9697, 7, 9835], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9837], [318, 9703, 7, 9839], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9841], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9843], [318, 9697, 7, 9845], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9847], [318, 9703, 7, 9849], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9851], [], [318, 9693, 7, 9853], [318, 9697, 7, 9855], [], [318, 9684, 7, 9857], [318, 9703, 7, 9859], [], [318, 9703, 7, 9861], [], [318, 9863, 7, 9864], [318, 9866, 18, 9867, 7, 9868], [318, 9870, 7, 9871], [318, 9873, 7, 9874], [], [318, 9876, 7, 9877], [318, 1014, 7, 9879], [318, 1017, 7, 9881], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9883], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9885], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9887], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9889], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 9891], [], [7, 9894], [], [], [7, 9898], [], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 9905], [318, 1014, 7, 9907], [318, 1017, 7, 9909], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9912], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9914], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9916], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9918], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9920], [318, 9923, 7, 9924], [], [7, 9927], [], [318, 9930, 7, 9931], [318, 9933, 7, 9934], [], [318, 9937, 7, 9938], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 9944], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 9949], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 9951], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 9954], [9942, 9956, 15, 9957, 7, 9958], [9942, 9960, 15, 9961, 7, 9962], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 9966], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 9970], [9942, 9972, 15, 9973, 7, 9974], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 9977], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 9979], [318, 1014, 7, 9981], [318, 1017, 7, 9983], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9985], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9987], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9989], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9991], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 9993], [318, 9923, 7, 9995], [], [7, 9998], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10001], [318, 9933, 7, 10003], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10005], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10008], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10011], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10013], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10015], [9942, 9956, 15, 10017, 7, 10018], [9942, 9960, 15, 10020, 7, 10021], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10023], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10025], [9942, 9972, 15, 9973, 7, 10027], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10029], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10031], [318, 1014, 7, 10033], [318, 1017, 7, 10035], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10037], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10039], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10041], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10043], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10045], [318, 9923, 7, 10047], [], [7, 10050], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10053], [318, 9933, 7, 10055], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10057], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10060], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10063], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10065], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10067], [9942, 9956, 15, 10069, 7, 10070], [9942, 9960, 15, 10072, 7, 10073], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10075], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10077], [9942, 9972, 15, 9973, 7, 10079], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10081], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10083], [318, 1014, 7, 10085], [318, 1017, 7, 10087], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10089], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10091], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10093], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10095], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10097], [318, 9923, 7, 10099], [], [7, 10102], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10105], [318, 9933, 7, 10107], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10109], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10112], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10115], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10117], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10119], [9942, 9956, 15, 10121, 7, 10122], [9942, 9960, 15, 10124, 7, 10125], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10127], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10129], [9942, 9972, 15, 9973, 7, 10131], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10133], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10135], [318, 1014, 7, 10137], [318, 1017, 7, 10139], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10142], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10144], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10146], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10148], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10150], [318, 9923, 7, 10152], [], [7, 10155], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10158], [318, 9933, 7, 10160], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10162], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10165], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10168], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10170], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10172], [9942, 9956, 15, 10174, 7, 10175], [9942, 9960, 15, 10177, 7, 10178], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10180], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10182], [9942, 9972, 15, 9969, 7, 10184], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10186], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10188], [318, 1014, 7, 10190], [318, 1017, 7, 10192], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10195], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10197], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10199], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10201], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10203], [318, 9923, 7, 10205], [], [7, 10208], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10211], [318, 9933, 7, 10213], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10215], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10218], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10221], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10223], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10225], [9942, 9956, 15, 10227, 7, 10228], [9942, 9960, 15, 10230, 7, 10231], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10233], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10235], [9942, 9972, 15, 10237, 7, 10238], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10240], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10242], [318, 1014, 7, 10244], [318, 1017, 7, 10246], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10248], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10250], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10252], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10254], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10256], [318, 9923, 7, 10258], [], [7, 10261], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10264], [318, 9933, 7, 10266], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10268], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10271], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10274], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10276], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10278], [9942, 9956, 15, 10280, 7, 10281], [9942, 9960, 15, 10283, 7, 10284], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10286], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10288], [9942, 9972, 15, 9969, 7, 10290], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10292], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10294], [318, 1014, 7, 10296], [318, 1017, 7, 10298], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10300], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10302], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10304], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10306], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10308], [318, 9923, 7, 10310], [], [7, 10313], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10316], [318, 9933, 7, 10318], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10320], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10323], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10326], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10328], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10330], [9942, 9956, 15, 10332, 7, 10333], [9942, 9960, 15, 10335, 7, 10336], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10338], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10340], [9942, 9972, 15, 9969, 7, 10342], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10344], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10346], [318, 1014, 7, 10348], [318, 1017, 7, 10350], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10352], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10354], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10356], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10358], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10360], [318, 9923, 7, 10362], [], [7, 10365], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10368], [318, 9933, 7, 10370], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10372], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10375], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10378], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10380], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10382], [9942, 9956, 15, 10384, 7, 10385], [9942, 9960, 15, 10387, 7, 10388], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10390], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10392], [9942, 9972, 15, 9969, 7, 10394], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10396], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10398], [318, 1014, 7, 10400], [318, 1017, 7, 10402], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10404], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10406], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10408], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10410], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10412], [318, 9923, 7, 10414], [], [7, 10417], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10420], [318, 9933, 7, 10422], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10424], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10427], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10430], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10432], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10434], [9942, 9956, 15, 10436, 7, 10437], [9942, 9960, 15, 10439, 7, 10440], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10442], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10444], [9942, 9972, 15, 9969, 7, 10446], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10448], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10450], [318, 1014, 7, 10452], [318, 1017, 7, 10454], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10456], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10458], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10460], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10462], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10464], [318, 9923, 7, 10466], [], [7, 10469], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10472], [318, 9933, 7, 10474], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10476], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10479], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10482], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10484], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10486], [9942, 9956, 15, 10488, 7, 10489], [9942, 9960, 15, 10491, 7, 10492], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10494], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10496], [9942, 9972, 15, 9973, 7, 10498], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10500], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10502], [318, 1014, 7, 10504], [318, 1017, 7, 10506], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10508], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10510], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10512], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10514], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10516], [318, 9923, 7, 10518], [], [7, 10521], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10523], [318, 9933, 7, 10525], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10527], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10530], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10533], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10535], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10537], [9942, 9956, 15, 10539, 7, 10540], [9942, 9960, 15, 10491, 7, 10542], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10544], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10546], [9942, 9972, 15, 9973, 7, 10548], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10550], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10552], [318, 1014, 7, 10554], [318, 1017, 7, 10556], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10558], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10560], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10562], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10564], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10566], [318, 9923, 7, 10568], [], [7, 10571], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10574], [318, 9933, 7, 10576], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10578], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10581], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10584], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10586], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10588], [9942, 9956, 15, 10590, 7, 10591], [9942, 9960, 15, 10593, 7, 10594], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10596], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10598], [9942, 9972, 15, 9973, 7, 10600], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10602], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10604], [318, 1014, 7, 10606], [318, 1017, 7, 10608], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10610], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10612], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10614], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10616], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10618], [318, 9923, 7, 10620], [], [7, 10623], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10626], [318, 9933, 7, 10628], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10630], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10633], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10636], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10638], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10640], [9942, 9956, 15, 10642, 7, 10643], [9942, 9960, 15, 10645, 7, 10646], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10648], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10650], [9942, 9972, 15, 10237, 7, 10652], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10654], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10656], [318, 1014, 7, 10658], [318, 1017, 7, 10660], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10662], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10664], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10666], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10668], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10670], [318, 9923, 7, 10672], [], [7, 10675], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10678], [318, 9933, 7, 10680], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10682], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10685], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10688], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10690], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10692], [9942, 9956, 15, 10694, 7, 10695], [9942, 9960, 15, 10697, 7, 10698], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10700], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10702], [9942, 9972, 15, 9969, 7, 10704], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10706], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10708], [318, 1014, 7, 10710], [318, 1017, 7, 10712], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10714], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10716], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10718], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10720], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10722], [318, 9923, 7, 10724], [], [7, 10727], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10730], [318, 9933, 7, 10732], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10734], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10737], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10740], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10742], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10744], [9942, 9956, 15, 10746, 7, 10747], [9942, 9960, 15, 10749, 7, 10750], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10752], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10754], [9942, 9972, 15, 9969, 7, 10756], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10758], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10760], [318, 1014, 7, 10762], [318, 1017, 7, 10764], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10766], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10768], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10770], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10772], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10774], [318, 9923, 7, 10776], [], [7, 10779], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10782], [318, 9933, 7, 10784], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10786], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10789], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10792], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10794], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10796], [9942, 9956, 15, 10798, 7, 10799], [9942, 9960, 15, 10801, 7, 10802], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10804], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10806], [9942, 9972, 15, 10237, 7, 10808], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10810], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10812], [318, 1014, 7, 10814], [318, 1017, 7, 10816], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10818], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10820], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10822], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10824], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10826], [318, 9923, 7, 10828], [], [7, 10830], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10833], [318, 9933, 7, 10835], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10837], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10839], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10842], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10844], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10846], [9942, 9956, 15, 10121, 7, 10848], [9942, 9960, 15, 10850, 7, 10851], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10853], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10855], [9942, 9972, 15, 10857, 7, 10858], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10860], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10862], [318, 1014, 7, 10864], [318, 1017, 7, 10866], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10868], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10870], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10872], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10874], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10876], [318, 9923, 7, 10878], [], [7, 10880], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10883], [318, 9933, 7, 10885], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10887], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10889], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10892], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10894], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10896], [9942, 9956, 15, 10488, 7, 10898], [9942, 9960, 15, 10900, 7, 10901], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10903], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10905], [9942, 9972, 15, 9973, 7, 10907], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10909], [318, 9901, 9902, -1, 9903, 9904, 7, 10911], [318, 1014, 7, 10913], [318, 1017, 7, 10915], [], [318, 1021, 711, 1022, 7, 10917], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10919], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10921], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10923], [318, 1031, 711, 1022, 7, 10925], [318, 9923, 7, 10927], [], [7, 10930], [], [318, 9930, 7, 10933], [318, 9933, 7, 10935], [], [318, 9937, 7, 10937], [], [318, 9941, 9942, 9943, 7, 10940], [], [9942, 9947, 9902, -1, 9903, 9948, 7, 10943], [9942, 172, 15, 1006, 7, 10945], [9942, 9953, 15, 598, 7, 10947], [9942, 9956, 15, 10949, 7, 10950], [9942, 9960, 15, 10952, 7, 10953], [9942, 9964, 9902, -1, 9903, 9965, 7, 10955], [9942, 9968, 15, 9969, 7, 10957], [9942, 9972, 15, 9969, 7, 10959], [9942, 9976, 15, 9973, 7, 10961], [318, 10963, 7, 10964], [45, 717, 318, 10966, 7, 10967], [], [318, 10970, 7, 10971], [318, 10973, 7, 10974], [318, 10976, 7, 10977], [318, 10979, 7, 10980], [318, 10982, 7, 10983], [7, 10986], [], [318, 1017, 7, 10989], [], [18, 10992, 318, 10993, 7, 10994], [318, 10996, 45, 717, 7, 10997], [], [318, 11000, 45, 717, 7, 11001], [], [18, 11004, 318, 11005, 7, 11006], [318, 11008, 7, 11009], [772, 11012, 318, 11013, 172, 11014, 18, 11014, 7, 11015], [700, 11018, 7, 11019], [], [700, 11022, 7, 11023], [], [700, 11025, 7, 11026], [], [700, 11028, 7, 11029], [], [700, 11031, 7, 11032], [], [700, 11034, 7, 11035], [], [700, 11037, 7, 11038], [], [318, 11008, 7, 11040], [772, 11042, 318, 11043, 172, 11044, 18, 11044, 7, 11045], [700, 11047, 7, 11048], [], [700, 11050, 7, 11051], [], [700, 11053, 7, 11054], [], [700, 11056, 7, 11057], [], [700, 11059, 7, 11060], [], [700, 11062, 7, 11063], [], [700, 11065, 7, 11066], [], [700, 11068, 7, 11069], [], [700, 11071, 7, 11072], [], [700, 11074, 7, 11075], [], [700, 11077, 7, 11078], [], [700, 11080, 7, 11081], [], [700, 11083, 7, 11084], [], [700, 11086, 7, 11087], [], [700, 11089, 7, 11090], [], [700, 11092, 7, 11093], [], [700, 11095, 7, 11096], [], [700, 11098, 7, 11099], [], [700, 11101, 7, 11102], [], [700, 11104, 7, 11105], [], [700, 11107, 7, 11108], [], [700, 11110, 7, 11111], [], [700, 11113, 7, 11114], [], [700, 11116, 7, 11117], [], [700, 11119, 7, 11120], [], [700, 11122, 7, 11123], [], [700, 11125, 7, 11126], [], [700, 11128, 7, 11129], [], [318, 11131, 7, 11132], [], [7, 11135], [318, 11137, 7, 11138], [7, 11140], [318, 11142, 7, 11143], [318, 11145, 7, 11146], [318, 11148, 7, 11149], [], [318, 11152, 7, 11153], [318, 11155, 11156, 11157, 7, 11158], [318, 11160, 7, 11161], [318, 11163, 7, 11164], [318, 11167, 7, 11168], [318, 11170, 7, 11171], [22, 11173, 318, 11174, 7, 11175], [], [318, 11177, 7, 11178], [], [318, 11181, 7, 11182], [318, 11184, 7, 11185], [318, 11188, 7, 11189], [7, 11191], [], [318, 11194, 7, 11195], [318, 11197, 7, 11198], [318, 11200, 7, 11201], [], [318, 11204, 7, 11205], [], [318, 11208, 7, 11209], [318, 11211, 7, 11212], [], [318, 11215, 7, 11216], [], [318, 11220, 7, 11221], [318, 11223, 7, 11224], [318, 11227, 7, 11228], [318, 11230, 7, 11231], [318, 11233, 7, 11234], [], [22, 11236, 7, 11237], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11240], [], [22, 11242, 7, 11243], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11246], [], [22, 11248, 7, 11249], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11252], [], [22, 11254, 7, 11255], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11258], [], [22, 11260, 7, 11261], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11264], [], [22, 11266, 7, 11267], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11270], [], [22, 11272, 7, 11273], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11276], [], [22, 11278, 7, 11279], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11282], [], [22, 11284, 7, 11285], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11288], [], [22, 11290, 7, 11291], [], [318, 11233, 7, 11294], [], [22, 11296, 7, 11297], [], [318, 11300, 7, 11301], [318, 11303, 7, 11304], [20, 11306, 22, 11307, 11308, 11309, 318, 11310, 772, 11311, 7, 11312], [], [20, 11306, 22, 11314, 11308, 11309, 318, 11315, 772, 11316, 7, 11317], [], [20, 11306, 22, 11319, 11308, 11309, 318, 11320, 772, 11321, 7, 11322], [], [318, 11324, 7, 11325], [22, 11327, 318, 11328, 772, 11329, 7, 11330], [], [22, 11327, 318, 11332, 772, 11333, 7, 11334], [], [711, 1022, 318, 11337, 7, 11338], [318, 11340, 7, 11341], [7, 11343], [318, 11345, 7, 11346], [], [318, 11349, 7, 11350], [318, 11352, 7, 11353], [], [22, 11355, 7, 11356], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11359], [], [22, 11361, 7, 11362], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11365], [], [22, 11367, 7, 11368], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11371], [], [22, 11373, 7, 11374], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11377], [], [22, 11379, 7, 11380], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11383], [], [22, 11385, 7, 11386], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11389], [], [22, 11391, 7, 11392], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11395], [], [22, 11397, 7, 11398], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11401], [], [22, 11403, 7, 11404], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11407], [], [22, 11409, 7, 11410], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11413], [], [22, 11415, 7, 11416], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11419], [], [22, 11421, 7, 11422], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11425], [], [22, 11427, 7, 11428], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11431], [], [22, 11433, 7, 11434], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11437], [], [22, 11439, 7, 11440], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11443], [], [22, 11445, 7, 11446], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11449], [], [22, 11451, 7, 11452], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11455], [], [22, 11457, 7, 11458], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11461], [], [22, 11463, 7, 11464], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11467], [], [22, 11469, 7, 11470], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11473], [], [22, 11475, 7, 11476], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11479], [], [22, 11481, 7, 11482], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11485], [], [22, 11487, 7, 11488], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11491], [], [22, 11493, 7, 11494], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11497], [], [22, 11499, 7, 11500], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11503], [], [22, 11505, 7, 11506], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11509], [], [22, 11511, 7, 11512], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11515], [], [22, 11517, 7, 11518], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11521], [], [22, 11523, 7, 11524], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11527], [], [22, 11529, 7, 11530], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11533], [], [22, 11535, 7, 11536], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11539], [], [22, 11541, 7, 11542], [], [711, 1022, 318, 11545, 7, 11546], [7, 11548], [318, 11345, 7, 11550], [], [318, 11553, 7, 11554], [318, 11352, 7, 11556], [], [22, 11558, 7, 11559], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11562], [], [22, 11564, 7, 11565], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11568], [], [22, 11570, 7, 11571], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11574], [], [22, 11576, 7, 11577], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11580], [], [22, 11582, 7, 11583], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11586], [], [22, 11588, 7, 11589], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11592], [], [22, 11594, 7, 11595], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11598], [], [22, 11600, 7, 11601], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11604], [], [22, 11606, 7, 11607], [], [711, 1022, 318, 11545, 7, 11610], [7, 11612], [318, 11345, 7, 11614], [], [318, 11617, 7, 11618], [318, 11352, 7, 11620], [], [22, 11622, 7, 11623], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11626], [], [22, 11628, 7, 11629], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11632], [], [22, 11634, 7, 11635], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11638], [], [22, 11640, 7, 11641], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11644], [], [22, 11646, 7, 11647], [], [318, 11352, 7, 11650], [], [22, 11652, 7, 11653], [], [711, 1022, 318, 11337, 7, 11655], [318, 11657, 7, 11658], [318, 11660, 7, 11661], [7, 11663], [], [318, 11666, 22, 11667, 11308, 11309, 7, 11668], [48, 11670, 761, 11671, 7, 11672], [318, 11674, 7, 11675], [318, 11677, 7, 11678], [], [22, 11290, 7, 11681], [], [], [22, 11296, 7, 11684], [], [], [318, 11687, 7, 11688], [], [22, 11691, 11308, 11309, 7, 11692], [318, 11694, 48, 11695, 761, 11696, 7, 11697], [], [], [], [], [], [45, 46, 7, 11702], [], [], [], [], [7, 11706], [], [], [7, 11709], [], [], [45, 46, 18, 11712, 47, -1, 7, 11713], [], [], [45, 46, 48, 11716, 7, 11717], [45, 46, 48, 11719, 7, 11720], [45, 46, 48, 11722, 7, 11723], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 48, 11725, 7, 11726], [291, 11728, 7, 11729], [7, 11731], [], [291, 11728, 7, 11734], [], [45, 46, 7, 11736], [], [48, 11739, 11740, 9969, 11741, 9969, 11742, 719, 291, 11743], [48, 11744, 11740, 9969, 11741, 9969, 11742, 719, 291, 11743, 7, 11745], [], [7, 11748], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11750], [], [], [11753, 11754, 11755, 11756, 11757, 11758, 11741, 719, 11740, 719, 291, 11728, 48, 11759, 7, 11760], [11753, 11754, 11755, 11762, 11757, 11763, 11741, 719, 11740, 719, 291, 11728, 48, 11764, 7, 11765], [45, 46, 18, -1, 48, 11767, 7, 11768], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11770], [], [], [7, 11773], [], [48, 11776, 11741, 9969, 11740, 9969, 291, 617, 7, 11777], [48, 11779, 11741, 9969, 11740, 9969, 291, 617, 7, 11780], [], [7, 11782], [], [], [7, 11785], [], [], [7, 11788], [], [], [7, 11790], [], [], [48, 11792, 47, -1, 7, 11793], [45, 46, 48, 11795, 11796, 120, 7, 11797], [18, 11799, 318, 11800, 7, 11801], [291, 11803, 7, 11804], [7, 11806], [291, 11803], [], [291, 11808, 7, 11809], [291, 11811, 7, 11812], [318, 11814, 291, 11815, 7, 11816], [318, 11814, 291, 11818, 7, 11819], [291, 11821, 7, 11822], [615, 11824, 48, 11825, 172, 11826, 11742, 719, 11827, 11828, 11829, 11830, 291, 11831, 7, 11832], [45, 46, 48, 11834, 7, 11835], [], [7, 11837], [], [], [7, 11839], [], [], [7, 11841], [], [], [7, 11843], [], [], [7, 11845], [], [], [7, 11847], [], [], [7, 11849], [], [], [7, 11851], [], [11753, 11754, 11755, 11853, 11757, 11854, 11741, 719, 11740, 719, 291, 11728, 48, 11855, 7, 11856], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11858], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11861], [], [], [7, 11864], [], [], [48, 11867, 761, -1, 291, 11868, 7, 11869], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11871], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 48, 11874, 7, 11875], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11877], [], [], [7, 11880], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11883], [], [], [7, 11886], [], [], [11753, 11754, 11755, 11889, 11757, 11890, 11741, 719, 11740, 719, 291, 11728, 48, 11891, 7, 11892], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11894], [], [], [7, 11897], [], [], [7, 11899], [], [], [7, 11901], [], [], [7, 11903], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11905], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11908], [], [], [7, 11910], [], [], [48, 11867, 761, -1, 291, 11868, 7, 11912], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11914], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 48, 11874, 7, 11916], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11918], [], [], [7, 11920], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11922], [], [], [7, 11924], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11926], [], [], [7, 11928], [], [], [7, 11930], [], [], [7, 11932], [], [], [7, 11934], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11936], [], [], [45, 46, 18, -1, 7, 11939], [], [], [7, 11941], [], [], [48, 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620, 615, 621, 291, 617, 7, 12225], [18, 622, 615, 623, 291, 617, 7, 12227], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229], [11741, 719, 11740, 719, 11742, 719, 291, 617, 48, 12229]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [288], "value": [-1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": [7596, 7612]}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [263, 264, 265, 266, 8019, 8020, 8028, 8029, 8064, 8090, 8120, 8276, 8572, 8573, 8574, 8575, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8579, 8580, 8581, 8582, 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1264, 24], [8, 260, 1264, 18], [8, 260, 1085.828125, 17], [8, 260, 193.484375, 17], [201.484375, 260, 32.90625, 17], [201.484375, 260, 32.90625, 17], [234.390625, 260, 213.28125, 17], [447.671875, 260, 25.796875, 17], [447.671875, 260, 25.796875, 17], [473.46875, 260, 620.359375, 17], [8, 278, 16, 6], [16, 281, 0, 0], [8, 284, 1264, 0], [8, 284, 1264, 273], [8, 397, 1264, 108], [48, 397, 1224, 18], [31, 397, 7, 18], [31, 397, 7, 17], [48, 397, 1224, 18], [48, 397, 32.90625, 17], [48, 397, 0, 17], [48, 397, 32.90625, 17], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [31, 415, 7, 18], [31, 415, 7, 17], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 51.546875, 17], [48, 415, 0, 17], [48, 415, 51.546875, 17], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 17], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 62.1875, 17], [48, 433, 0, 17], [48, 433, 62.1875, 17], [48, 451, 1224, 18], [31, 451, 7, 18], [31, 451, 7, 17], [48, 451, 1224, 18], [48, 451, 54.203125, 17], [48, 451, 0, 17], [48, 451, 54.203125, 17], [48, 469, 1224, 18], [31, 469, 7, 18], [31, 469, 7, 17], [48, 469, 1224, 18], [48, 469, 55.09375, 17], [48, 469, 0, 17], [48, 469, 55.09375, 17], [48, 487, 1224, 18], [31, 487, 7, 18], [31, 487, 7, 17], [48, 487, 1224, 18], [48, 487, 32, 17], [48, 487, 0, 17], [48, 487, 32, 17], [8, 521, 1264, 36], [48, 521, 1224, 18], [31, 521, 7, 18], [31, 521, 7, 17], [48, 521, 66.796875, 17], [48, 521, 66.796875, 17], [48, 539, 1224, 18], [31, 539, 7, 18], [31, 539, 7, 17], [48, 539, 30.21875, 17], [48, 539, 0, 17], [48, 539, 30.21875, 17], [8, 573, 138.234375, 17], [8, 573, 138.234375, 17], [146.234375, 573, 150.640625, 17], [146.234375, 573, 150.640625, 17], [8, 591, 1264, 0], [8, 591, 1264, 296.8125], [8, 591, 1264, 296.8125], [8, 591, 1264, 0], [8, 591, 1264, 296.8125], [8, 591, 1264, 296.8125], [8, 591, 1264, 92], [8, 591, 92, 92], [8, 702.90625, 1264, 184.90625], [8, 702.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 702.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 702.90625, 369.25, 26], [8, 749.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 749.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 749.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 749.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 749.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 749.8125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 767.8125, 0, 0], [8, 767.8125, 0, 0], [8, 767.8125, 0, 0], [8, 767.8125, 0, 0], [8, 767.8125, 0, 0], [8, 767.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 767.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 801.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 801.8125, 230.53125, 17], [8, 801.8125, 230.53125, 17], [8, 835.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 835.8125, 160.953125, 17], [8, 869.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 869.8125, 145.3125, 17], [8, 869.8125, 145.3125, 17], [8, 903.8125, 1264, 31944.625], [8, 903.8125, 1264, 31944.625], [8, 903.8125, 1264, 31944.625], [8, 903.8125, 1264, 24568], [8, 903.8125, 1264, 24568], [8, 903.8125, 1264, 24568], [8, 903.8125, 1264, 24516], [48, 903.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 903.8125, 7, 18], [31, 903.8125, 7, 17], [48, 903.8125, 91.96875, 17], [48, 903.8125, 91.96875, 17], [48, 921.8125, 1224, 378], [31, 921.8125, 7, 18], [31, 921.8125, 7, 17], [48, 921.8125, 95.09375, 17], [48, 921.8125, 95.09375, 17], [48, 939.8125, 1224, 360], [88, 939.8125, 1184, 180], [71, 939.8125, 7, 18], [71, 939.8125, 7, 17], [88, 939.8125, 120.015625, 17], [88, 939.8125, 120.015625, 17], [88, 957.8125, 1184, 162], [128, 957.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 957.8125, 7, 18], [111, 957.8125, 7, 17], [128, 957.8125, 30.203125, 17], [128, 957.8125, 30.203125, 17], [128, 975.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 975.8125, 7, 18], [111, 975.8125, 7, 17], [128, 975.8125, 155.09375, 17], [128, 975.8125, 155.09375, 17], [128, 993.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 993.8125, 7, 18], [111, 993.8125, 7, 17], [128, 993.8125, 166.625, 17], [128, 993.8125, 166.625, 17], [128, 1011.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1011.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1011.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1011.8125, 96.4375, 17], [128, 1011.8125, 96.4375, 17], [128, 1029.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1029.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1029.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1029.8125, 80.453125, 17], [128, 1029.8125, 80.453125, 17], [128, 1047.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1047.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1047.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1047.8125, 32, 17], [128, 1047.8125, 32, 17], [128, 1065.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1065.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1065.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1065.8125, 37.796875, 17], [128, 1065.8125, 37.796875, 17], [128, 1083.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1083.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1083.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1083.8125, 41.78125, 17], [128, 1083.8125, 41.78125, 17], [128, 1101.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1101.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1101.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1101.8125, 64.4375, 17], [128, 1101.8125, 64.4375, 17], [88, 1119.8125, 1184, 180], [71, 1119.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1119.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1119.8125, 67.078125, 17], [88, 1119.8125, 67.078125, 17], [88, 1137.8125, 1184, 162], [128, 1137.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1137.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1137.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1137.8125, 116.84375, 17], [128, 1137.8125, 116.84375, 17], [128, 1155.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1155.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1155.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1155.8125, 194.140625, 17], [128, 1155.8125, 194.140625, 17], [128, 1173.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1173.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1173.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1173.8125, 147.046875, 17], [128, 1173.8125, 147.046875, 17], [128, 1191.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1191.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1191.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1191.8125, 179.09375, 17], [128, 1191.8125, 179.09375, 17], [128, 1209.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1209.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1209.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1209.8125, 210.15625, 17], [128, 1209.8125, 210.15625, 17], [128, 1227.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1227.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1227.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1227.8125, 167.96875, 17], [128, 1227.8125, 167.96875, 17], [128, 1245.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1245.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1245.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1245.8125, 138.984375, 17], [128, 1245.8125, 138.984375, 17], [128, 1263.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1263.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1263.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1263.8125, 146.59375, 17], [128, 1263.8125, 146.59375, 17], [128, 1281.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 1281.8125, 7, 18], [111, 1281.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1281.8125, 175.0625, 17], [128, 1281.8125, 175.0625, 17], [48, 1299.8125, 1224, 108], [31, 1299.8125, 7, 18], [31, 1299.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1299.8125, 30.203125, 17], [48, 1299.8125, 30.203125, 17], [48, 1317.8125, 1224, 90], [88, 1317.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1317.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1317.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1317.8125, 116.84375, 17], [88, 1317.8125, 116.84375, 17], [88, 1335.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1335.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1335.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1335.8125, 223.953125, 17], [88, 1335.8125, 223.953125, 17], [88, 1353.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1353.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1353.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1353.8125, 71.53125, 17], [88, 1353.8125, 71.53125, 17], [88, 1371.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1371.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1371.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1371.8125, 92.859375, 17], [88, 1371.8125, 92.859375, 17], [88, 1389.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1389.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1389.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1389.8125, 155.96875, 17], [88, 1389.8125, 155.96875, 17], [48, 1407.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 1407.8125, 7, 18], [31, 1407.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1407.8125, 230.421875, 17], [48, 1407.8125, 230.421875, 17], [48, 1425.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 1425.8125, 7, 18], [31, 1425.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1425.8125, 149.421875, 17], [48, 1425.8125, 149.421875, 17], [48, 1443.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 1443.8125, 7, 18], [31, 1443.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1443.8125, 39.125, 17], [48, 1443.8125, 39.125, 17], [48, 1461.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 1461.8125, 7, 18], [31, 1461.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1461.8125, 173.453125, 17], [48, 1461.8125, 173.453125, 17], [48, 1479.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 1479.8125, 7, 18], [31, 1479.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1479.8125, 68, 17], [48, 1479.8125, 68, 17], [48, 1497.8125, 1224, 72], [31, 1497.8125, 7, 18], [31, 1497.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1497.8125, 83.109375, 17], [48, 1497.8125, 83.109375, 17], [48, 1515.8125, 1224, 54], [88, 1515.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1515.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1515.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1515.8125, 83.09375, 17], [88, 1515.8125, 83.09375, 17], [88, 1533.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1533.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1533.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1533.8125, 96.4375, 17], [88, 1533.8125, 96.4375, 17], [88, 1551.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1551.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1551.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1551.8125, 105.3125, 17], [88, 1551.8125, 105.3125, 17], [48, 1569.8125, 1224, 450], [31, 1569.8125, 7, 18], [31, 1569.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1569.8125, 155.09375, 17], [48, 1569.8125, 155.09375, 17], [48, 1587.8125, 1224, 432], [88, 1587.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1587.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1587.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1587.8125, 78.625, 17], [88, 1587.8125, 78.625, 17], [88, 1605.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1605.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1605.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1605.8125, 46.21875, 17], [88, 1605.8125, 46.21875, 17], [88, 1623.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1623.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1623.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1623.8125, 103.53125, 17], [88, 1623.8125, 103.53125, 17], [88, 1641.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1641.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1641.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1641.8125, 63.265625, 17], [88, 1641.8125, 63.265625, 17], [88, 1659.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1659.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1659.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1659.8125, 83.984375, 17], [88, 1659.8125, 83.984375, 17], [88, 1677.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1677.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1677.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1677.8125, 88.421875, 17], [88, 1677.8125, 88.421875, 17], [88, 1695.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1695.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1695.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1695.8125, 92.421875, 17], [88, 1695.8125, 92.421875, 17], [88, 1713.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1713.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1713.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1713.8125, 65.328125, 17], [88, 1713.8125, 65.328125, 17], [88, 1731.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1731.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1731.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1731.8125, 62.640625, 17], [88, 1731.8125, 62.640625, 17], [88, 1749.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1749.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1749.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1749.8125, 147.078125, 17], [88, 1749.8125, 147.078125, 17], [88, 1767.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1767.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1767.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1767.8125, 66.203125, 17], [88, 1767.8125, 66.203125, 17], [88, 1785.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1785.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1785.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1785.8125, 103.09375, 17], [88, 1785.8125, 103.09375, 17], [88, 1803.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1803.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1803.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1803.8125, 99.3125, 17], [88, 1803.8125, 99.3125, 17], [88, 1821.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1821.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1821.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1821.8125, 176.984375, 17], [88, 1821.8125, 176.984375, 17], [88, 1839.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1839.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1839.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1839.8125, 87.53125, 17], [88, 1839.8125, 87.53125, 17], [88, 1857.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1857.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1857.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1857.8125, 93.78125, 17], [88, 1857.8125, 93.78125, 17], [88, 1875.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1875.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1875.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1875.8125, 112.875, 17], [88, 1875.8125, 112.875, 17], [88, 1893.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1893.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1893.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1893.8125, 135.953125, 17], [88, 1893.8125, 135.953125, 17], [88, 1911.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1911.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1911.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1911.8125, 70.65625, 17], [88, 1911.8125, 70.65625, 17], [88, 1929.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1929.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1929.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1929.8125, 45.78125, 17], [88, 1929.8125, 45.78125, 17], [88, 1947.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1947.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1947.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1947.8125, 46.234375, 17], [88, 1947.8125, 46.234375, 17], [88, 1965.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1965.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1965.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1965.8125, 90.203125, 17], [88, 1965.8125, 90.203125, 17], [88, 1983.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 1983.8125, 7, 18], [71, 1983.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1983.8125, 72.15625, 17], [88, 1983.8125, 72.15625, 17], [88, 2001.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 2001.8125, 7, 18], [71, 2001.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2001.8125, 66.203125, 17], [88, 2001.8125, 66.203125, 17], [48, 2019.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 2019.8125, 7, 18], [31, 2019.8125, 7, 17], [48, 2019.8125, 138.671875, 17], [48, 2019.8125, 138.671875, 17], [48, 2037.8125, 1224, 54], [31, 2037.8125, 7, 18], [31, 2037.8125, 7, 17], [48, 2037.8125, 141.765625, 17], [48, 2037.8125, 141.765625, 17], [48, 2055.8125, 1224, 36], [88, 2055.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 2055.8125, 7, 18], [71, 2055.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2055.8125, 78.65625, 17], [88, 2055.8125, 78.65625, 17], [88, 2073.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 2073.8125, 7, 18], [71, 2073.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2073.8125, 223.109375, 17], [88, 2073.8125, 223.109375, 17], [48, 2091.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 2091.8125, 7, 18], [31, 2091.8125, 7, 17], [48, 2091.8125, 118.390625, 17], [48, 2091.8125, 118.390625, 17], [48, 2109.8125, 1224, 1692], [31, 2109.8125, 7, 18], [31, 2109.8125, 7, 17], [48, 2109.8125, 66.640625, 17], [48, 2109.8125, 66.640625, 17], [48, 2127.8125, 1224, 1674], [88, 2127.8125, 1184, 378], [71, 2127.8125, 7, 18], [71, 2127.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2127.8125, 66.640625, 17], [88, 2127.8125, 66.640625, 17], [88, 2145.8125, 1184, 360], [128, 2145.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2145.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2145.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2145.8125, 147.046875, 17], [128, 2145.8125, 147.046875, 17], [128, 2163.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2163.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2163.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2163.8125, 205, 17], [128, 2163.8125, 205, 17], [128, 2181.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2181.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2181.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2181.8125, 68, 17], [128, 2181.8125, 68, 17], [128, 2199.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2199.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2199.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2199.8125, 174.140625, 17], [128, 2199.8125, 174.140625, 17], [128, 2217.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2217.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2217.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2217.8125, 54.109375, 17], [128, 2217.8125, 54.109375, 17], [128, 2235.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2235.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2235.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2235.8125, 82.65625, 17], [128, 2235.8125, 82.65625, 17], [128, 2253.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2253.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2253.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2253.8125, 88.421875, 17], [128, 2253.8125, 88.421875, 17], [128, 2271.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2271.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2271.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2271.8125, 100.421875, 17], [128, 2271.8125, 100.421875, 17], [128, 2289.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2289.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2289.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2289.8125, 88.421875, 17], [128, 2289.8125, 88.421875, 17], [128, 2307.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2307.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2307.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2307.8125, 125.765625, 17], [128, 2307.8125, 125.765625, 17], [128, 2325.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2325.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2325.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2325.8125, 124.4375, 17], [128, 2325.8125, 124.4375, 17], [128, 2343.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2343.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2343.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2343.8125, 106.671875, 17], [128, 2343.8125, 106.671875, 17], [128, 2361.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2361.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2361.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2361.8125, 132.4375, 17], [128, 2361.8125, 132.4375, 17], [128, 2379.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2379.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2379.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2379.8125, 94.21875, 17], [128, 2379.8125, 94.21875, 17], [128, 2397.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2397.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2397.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2397.8125, 106.21875, 17], [128, 2397.8125, 106.21875, 17], [128, 2415.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2415.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2415.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2415.8125, 118.671875, 17], [128, 2415.8125, 118.671875, 17], [128, 2433.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2433.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2433.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2433.8125, 127.125, 17], [128, 2433.8125, 127.125, 17], [128, 2451.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2451.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2451.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2451.8125, 94.21875, 17], [128, 2451.8125, 94.21875, 17], [128, 2469.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2469.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2469.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2469.8125, 97.796875, 17], [128, 2469.8125, 97.796875, 17], [128, 2487.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2487.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2487.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2487.8125, 97.796875, 17], [128, 2487.8125, 97.796875, 17], [88, 2505.8125, 1184, 216], [71, 2505.8125, 7, 18], [71, 2505.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2505.8125, 93.46875, 17], [88, 2505.8125, 93.46875, 17], [88, 2523.8125, 1184, 198], [128, 2523.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2523.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2523.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2523.8125, 104.125, 17], [128, 2523.8125, 104.125, 17], [128, 2541.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2541.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2541.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2541.8125, 286.765625, 17], [128, 2541.8125, 286.765625, 17], [128, 2559.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2559.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2559.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2559.8125, 73.46875, 17], [128, 2559.8125, 73.46875, 17], [128, 2577.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2577.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2577.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2577.8125, 102.34375, 17], [128, 2577.8125, 102.34375, 17], [128, 2595.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2595.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2595.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2595.8125, 85.1875, 17], [128, 2595.8125, 85.1875, 17], [128, 2613.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2613.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2613.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2613.8125, 53.328125, 17], [128, 2613.8125, 53.328125, 17], [128, 2631.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2631.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2631.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2631.8125, 57.34375, 17], [128, 2631.8125, 57.34375, 17], [128, 2649.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2649.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2649.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2649.8125, 206.796875, 17], [128, 2649.8125, 206.796875, 17], [128, 2667.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2667.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2667.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2667.8125, 155.96875, 17], [128, 2667.8125, 155.96875, 17], [128, 2685.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2685.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2685.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2685.8125, 98.1875, 17], [128, 2685.8125, 98.1875, 17], [128, 2703.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2703.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2703.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2703.8125, 47.125, 17], [128, 2703.8125, 47.125, 17], [88, 2721.8125, 1184, 666], [71, 2721.8125, 7, 18], [71, 2721.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2721.8125, 75.890625, 17], [88, 2721.8125, 75.890625, 17], [88, 2739.8125, 1184, 648], [128, 2739.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2739.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2739.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2739.8125, 84.421875, 17], [128, 2739.8125, 84.421875, 17], [128, 2757.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2757.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2757.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2757.8125, 34.21875, 17], [128, 2757.8125, 34.21875, 17], [128, 2775.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2775.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2775.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2775.8125, 70.65625, 17], [128, 2775.8125, 70.65625, 17], [128, 2793.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2793.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2793.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2793.8125, 59.125, 17], [128, 2793.8125, 59.125, 17], [128, 2811.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2811.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2811.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2811.8125, 98.21875, 17], [128, 2811.8125, 98.21875, 17], [128, 2829.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2829.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2829.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2829.8125, 160.5625, 17], [128, 2829.8125, 160.5625, 17], [128, 2847.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2847.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2847.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2847.8125, 36.4375, 17], [128, 2847.8125, 36.4375, 17], [128, 2865.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2865.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2865.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2865.8125, 54.21875, 17], [128, 2865.8125, 54.21875, 17], [128, 2883.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2883.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2883.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2883.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 2883.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 2901.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2901.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2901.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2901.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 2901.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 2919.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2919.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2919.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2919.8125, 167.96875, 17], [128, 2919.8125, 167.96875, 17], [128, 2937.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2937.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2937.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2937.8125, 71.90625, 17], [128, 2937.8125, 71.90625, 17], [128, 2955.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2955.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2955.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2955.8125, 53.546875, 17], [128, 2955.8125, 53.546875, 17], [128, 2973.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2973.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2973.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [128, 2973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [128, 2991.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 2991.8125, 7, 18], [111, 2991.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2991.8125, 67.53125, 17], [128, 2991.8125, 67.53125, 17], [128, 3009.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3009.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3009.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3009.8125, 122.78125, 17], [128, 3009.8125, 122.78125, 17], [128, 3027.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3027.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3027.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3027.8125, 39.984375, 17], [128, 3027.8125, 39.984375, 17], [128, 3045.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3045.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3045.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3045.8125, 73.09375, 17], [128, 3045.8125, 73.09375, 17], [128, 3063.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3063.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3063.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3063.8125, 84, 17], [128, 3063.8125, 84, 17], [128, 3081.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3081.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3081.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3081.8125, 40.234375, 17], [128, 3081.8125, 40.234375, 17], [128, 3099.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3099.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3099.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3099.8125, 55.3125, 17], [128, 3099.8125, 55.3125, 17], [128, 3117.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3117.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3117.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3117.8125, 86.640625, 17], [128, 3117.8125, 86.640625, 17], [128, 3135.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3135.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3135.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3135.8125, 82.1875, 17], [128, 3135.8125, 82.1875, 17], [128, 3153.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3153.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3153.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3153.8125, 54.203125, 17], [128, 3153.8125, 54.203125, 17], [128, 3171.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3171.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3171.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3171.8125, 99.25, 17], [128, 3171.8125, 99.25, 17], [128, 3189.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3189.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3189.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3189.8125, 127.890625, 17], [128, 3189.8125, 127.890625, 17], [128, 3207.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3207.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3207.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3207.8125, 83.109375, 17], [128, 3207.8125, 83.109375, 17], [128, 3225.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3225.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3225.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3225.8125, 51.546875, 17], [128, 3225.8125, 51.546875, 17], [128, 3243.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3243.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3243.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3243.8125, 139.53125, 17], [128, 3243.8125, 139.53125, 17], [128, 3261.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3261.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3261.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3261.8125, 30.859375, 17], [128, 3261.8125, 30.859375, 17], [128, 3279.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3279.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3279.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3279.8125, 64.296875, 17], [128, 3279.8125, 64.296875, 17], [128, 3297.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3297.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3297.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3297.8125, 74.53125, 17], [128, 3297.8125, 74.53125, 17], [128, 3315.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3315.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3315.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3315.8125, 136.78125, 17], [128, 3315.8125, 136.78125, 17], [128, 3333.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3333.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3333.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3333.8125, 56.4375, 17], [128, 3333.8125, 56.4375, 17], [128, 3351.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3351.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3351.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3351.8125, 49.578125, 17], [128, 3351.8125, 49.578125, 17], [128, 3369.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3369.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3369.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3369.8125, 36.421875, 17], [128, 3369.8125, 36.421875, 17], [88, 3387.8125, 1184, 144], [71, 3387.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3387.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3387.8125, 119.546875, 17], [88, 3387.8125, 119.546875, 17], [88, 3405.8125, 1184, 126], [128, 3405.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3405.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3405.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3405.8125, 44.4375, 17], [128, 3405.8125, 44.4375, 17], [128, 3423.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3423.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3423.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3423.8125, 70.65625, 17], [128, 3423.8125, 70.65625, 17], [128, 3441.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3441.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3441.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3441.8125, 82.21875, 17], [128, 3441.8125, 82.21875, 17], [128, 3459.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3459.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3459.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3459.8125, 57.78125, 17], [128, 3459.8125, 57.78125, 17], [128, 3477.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3477.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3477.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3477.8125, 112.90625, 17], [128, 3477.8125, 112.90625, 17], [128, 3495.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3495.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3495.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3495.8125, 44.140625, 17], [128, 3495.8125, 44.140625, 17], [128, 3513.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3513.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3513.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3513.8125, 79.546875, 17], [128, 3513.8125, 79.546875, 17], [88, 3531.8125, 1184, 270], [71, 3531.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3531.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3531.8125, 166.625, 17], [88, 3531.8125, 166.625, 17], [88, 3549.8125, 1184, 252], [128, 3549.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3549.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3549.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3549.8125, 192.421875, 17], [128, 3549.8125, 192.421875, 17], [128, 3567.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3567.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3567.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3567.8125, 108.890625, 17], [128, 3567.8125, 108.890625, 17], [128, 3585.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3585.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3585.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3585.8125, 102.34375, 17], [128, 3585.8125, 102.34375, 17], [128, 3603.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3603.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3603.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3603.8125, 245.625, 17], [128, 3603.8125, 245.625, 17], [128, 3621.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3621.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3621.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3621.8125, 85.1875, 17], [128, 3621.8125, 85.1875, 17], [128, 3639.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3639.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3639.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3639.8125, 131.96875, 17], [128, 3639.8125, 131.96875, 17], [128, 3657.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3657.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3657.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3657.8125, 114.1875, 17], [128, 3657.8125, 114.1875, 17], [128, 3675.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3675.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3675.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3675.8125, 69.953125, 17], [128, 3675.8125, 69.953125, 17], [128, 3693.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3693.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3693.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3693.8125, 82.21875, 17], [128, 3693.8125, 82.21875, 17], [128, 3711.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3711.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3711.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3711.8125, 101.078125, 17], [128, 3711.8125, 101.078125, 17], [128, 3729.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3729.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3729.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3729.8125, 83.96875, 17], [128, 3729.8125, 83.96875, 17], [128, 3747.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3747.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3747.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3747.8125, 64.359375, 17], [128, 3747.8125, 64.359375, 17], [128, 3765.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3765.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3765.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3765.8125, 52.140625, 17], [128, 3765.8125, 52.140625, 17], [128, 3783.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 3783.8125, 7, 18], [111, 3783.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3783.8125, 29.328125, 17], [128, 3783.8125, 29.328125, 17], [48, 3801.8125, 1224, 324], [31, 3801.8125, 7, 18], [31, 3801.8125, 7, 17], [48, 3801.8125, 66.1875, 17], [48, 3801.8125, 66.1875, 17], [48, 3819.8125, 1224, 306], [88, 3819.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3819.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3819.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3819.8125, 74.1875, 17], [88, 3819.8125, 74.1875, 17], [88, 3837.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3837.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3837.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3837.8125, 87.3125, 17], [88, 3837.8125, 87.3125, 17], [88, 3855.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3855.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3855.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3855.8125, 123.09375, 17], [88, 3855.8125, 123.09375, 17], [88, 3873.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3873.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3873.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3873.8125, 103.328125, 17], [88, 3873.8125, 103.328125, 17], [88, 3891.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3891.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3891.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3891.8125, 59.5625, 17], [88, 3891.8125, 59.5625, 17], [88, 3909.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3909.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3909.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3909.8125, 202.140625, 17], [88, 3909.8125, 202.140625, 17], [88, 3927.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3927.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3927.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3927.8125, 86.171875, 17], [88, 3927.8125, 86.171875, 17], [88, 3945.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3945.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3945.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3945.8125, 59.46875, 17], [88, 3945.8125, 59.46875, 17], [88, 3963.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3963.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3963.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3963.8125, 47.96875, 17], [88, 3963.8125, 47.96875, 17], [88, 3981.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3981.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3981.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3981.8125, 95.125, 17], [88, 3981.8125, 95.125, 17], [88, 3999.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 3999.8125, 7, 18], [71, 3999.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3999.8125, 87.546875, 17], [88, 3999.8125, 87.546875, 17], [88, 4017.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4017.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4017.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4017.8125, 91.109375, 17], [88, 4017.8125, 91.109375, 17], [88, 4035.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4035.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4035.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4035.8125, 149.75, 17], [88, 4035.8125, 149.75, 17], [88, 4053.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4053.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4053.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4053.8125, 90.84375, 17], [88, 4053.8125, 90.84375, 17], [88, 4071.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4071.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4071.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4071.8125, 102.421875, 17], [88, 4071.8125, 102.421875, 17], [88, 4089.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4089.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4089.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4089.8125, 87.515625, 17], [88, 4089.8125, 87.515625, 17], [88, 4107.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4107.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4107.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4107.8125, 111.53125, 17], [88, 4107.8125, 111.53125, 17], [48, 4125.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 4125.8125, 7, 18], [31, 4125.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4125.8125, 19.53125, 17], [48, 4125.8125, 19.53125, 17], [48, 4143.8125, 1224, 72], [31, 4143.8125, 7, 18], [31, 4143.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4143.8125, 133.3125, 17], [48, 4143.8125, 133.3125, 17], [48, 4161.8125, 1224, 54], [88, 4161.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4161.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4161.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4161.8125, 244.390625, 17], [88, 4161.8125, 244.390625, 17], [88, 4179.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4179.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4179.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4179.8125, 247.21875, 17], [88, 4179.8125, 247.21875, 17], [88, 4197.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4197.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4197.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4197.8125, 212.40625, 17], [88, 4197.8125, 212.40625, 17], [48, 4215.8125, 1224, 324], [31, 4215.8125, 7, 18], [31, 4215.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4215.8125, 124.015625, 17], [48, 4215.8125, 124.015625, 17], [48, 4233.8125, 1224, 306], [88, 4233.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4233.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4233.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4233.8125, 109.75, 17], [88, 4233.8125, 109.75, 17], [88, 4251.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4251.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4251.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4251.8125, 46.203125, 17], [88, 4251.8125, 46.203125, 17], [88, 4269.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4269.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4269.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4269.8125, 135.328125, 17], [88, 4269.8125, 135.328125, 17], [88, 4287.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4287.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4287.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4287.8125, 77.96875, 17], [88, 4287.8125, 77.96875, 17], [88, 4305.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4305.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4305.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4305.8125, 50.671875, 17], [88, 4305.8125, 50.671875, 17], [88, 4323.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4323.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4323.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4323.8125, 124.421875, 17], [88, 4323.8125, 124.421875, 17], [88, 4341.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4341.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4341.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4341.8125, 49.75, 17], [88, 4341.8125, 49.75, 17], [88, 4359.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4359.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4359.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4359.8125, 68, 17], [88, 4359.8125, 68, 17], [88, 4377.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4377.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4377.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4377.8125, 41.75, 17], [88, 4377.8125, 41.75, 17], [88, 4395.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4395.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4395.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4395.8125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 4395.8125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 4413.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4413.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4413.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4413.8125, 109.734375, 17], [88, 4413.8125, 109.734375, 17], [88, 4431.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4431.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4431.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4431.8125, 93.765625, 17], [88, 4431.8125, 93.765625, 17], [88, 4449.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4449.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4449.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4449.8125, 48.875, 17], [88, 4449.8125, 48.875, 17], [88, 4467.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4467.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4467.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4467.8125, 35.5625, 17], [88, 4467.8125, 35.5625, 17], [88, 4485.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4485.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4485.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4485.8125, 65.3125, 17], [88, 4485.8125, 65.3125, 17], [88, 4503.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4503.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4503.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4503.8125, 55.078125, 17], [88, 4503.8125, 55.078125, 17], [88, 4521.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4521.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4521.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4521.8125, 83.078125, 17], [88, 4521.8125, 83.078125, 17], [48, 4539.8125, 1224, 288], [31, 4539.8125, 7, 18], [31, 4539.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4539.8125, 61.3125, 17], [48, 4539.8125, 61.3125, 17], [48, 4557.8125, 1224, 270], [88, 4557.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4557.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4557.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4557.8125, 97.78125, 17], [88, 4557.8125, 97.78125, 17], [88, 4575.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4575.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4575.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4575.8125, 29.328125, 17], [88, 4575.8125, 29.328125, 17], [88, 4593.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4593.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4593.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4593.8125, 120.890625, 17], [88, 4593.8125, 120.890625, 17], [88, 4611.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 4611.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4611.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4611.8125, 41.75, 17], [88, 4611.8125, 41.75, 17], [88, 4629.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 4629.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4629.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4629.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4629.8125, 143.3125, 17], [128, 4629.8125, 143.3125, 17], [88, 4647.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4647.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4647.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4647.8125, 43.25, 17], [88, 4647.8125, 43.25, 17], [88, 4665.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4665.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4665.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4665.8125, 178.234375, 17], [88, 4665.8125, 178.234375, 17], [88, 4683.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4683.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4683.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4683.8125, 126.859375, 17], [88, 4683.8125, 126.859375, 17], [88, 4701.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4701.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4701.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4701.8125, 81.984375, 17], [88, 4701.8125, 81.984375, 17], [88, 4719.8125, 1184, 54], [71, 4719.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4719.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4719.8125, 39.109375, 17], [88, 4719.8125, 39.109375, 17], [88, 4737.8125, 1184, 36], [128, 4737.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4737.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4737.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4737.8125, 40.234375, 17], [128, 4737.8125, 40.234375, 17], [128, 4755.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4755.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4755.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4755.8125, 64.296875, 17], [128, 4755.8125, 64.296875, 17], [88, 4773.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4773.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4773.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4773.8125, 51.265625, 17], [88, 4773.8125, 51.265625, 17], [88, 4791.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4791.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4791.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4791.8125, 124.421875, 17], [88, 4791.8125, 124.421875, 17], [88, 4809.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 4809.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4809.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4809.8125, 39.109375, 17], [88, 4809.8125, 39.109375, 17], [48, 4827.8125, 1224, 2052], [31, 4827.8125, 7, 18], [31, 4827.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4827.8125, 36.4375, 17], [48, 4827.8125, 36.4375, 17], [48, 4845.8125, 1224, 2034], [88, 4845.8125, 1184, 144], [71, 4845.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4845.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4845.8125, 40, 17], [88, 4845.8125, 40, 17], [88, 4863.8125, 1184, 126], [128, 4863.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4863.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4863.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4863.8125, 125.078125, 17], [128, 4863.8125, 125.078125, 17], [128, 4881.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4881.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4881.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4881.8125, 190.171875, 17], [128, 4881.8125, 190.171875, 17], [128, 4899.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4899.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4899.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4899.8125, 109.328125, 17], [128, 4899.8125, 109.328125, 17], [128, 4917.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4917.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4917.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4917.8125, 117.3125, 17], [128, 4917.8125, 117.3125, 17], [128, 4935.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4935.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4935.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4935.8125, 137.28125, 17], [128, 4935.8125, 137.28125, 17], [128, 4953.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4953.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4953.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4953.8125, 85.765625, 17], [128, 4953.8125, 85.765625, 17], [128, 4971.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 4971.8125, 7, 18], [111, 4971.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4971.8125, 137.734375, 17], [128, 4971.8125, 137.734375, 17], [88, 4989.8125, 1184, 612], [71, 4989.8125, 7, 18], [71, 4989.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4989.8125, 46.203125, 17], [88, 4989.8125, 46.203125, 17], [88, 5007.8125, 1184, 594], [128, 5007.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5007.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5007.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5007.8125, 128.828125, 17], [128, 5007.8125, 128.828125, 17], [128, 5025.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5025.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5025.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5025.8125, 159.953125, 17], [128, 5025.8125, 159.953125, 17], [128, 5043.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5043.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5043.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5043.8125, 135.078125, 17], [128, 5043.8125, 135.078125, 17], [128, 5061.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5061.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5061.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5061.8125, 76.890625, 17], [128, 5061.8125, 76.890625, 17], [128, 5079.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5079.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5079.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5079.8125, 119.546875, 17], [128, 5079.8125, 119.546875, 17], [128, 5097.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5097.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5097.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5097.8125, 137.734375, 17], [128, 5097.8125, 137.734375, 17], [128, 5115.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5115.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5115.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5115.8125, 160.859375, 17], [128, 5115.8125, 160.859375, 17], [128, 5133.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5133.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5133.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5133.8125, 88.421875, 17], [128, 5133.8125, 88.421875, 17], [128, 5151.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5151.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5151.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5151.8125, 107.984375, 17], [128, 5151.8125, 107.984375, 17], [128, 5169.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5169.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5169.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5169.8125, 164.84375, 17], [128, 5169.8125, 164.84375, 17], [128, 5187.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5187.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5187.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5187.8125, 127.9375, 17], [128, 5187.8125, 127.9375, 17], [128, 5205.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5205.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5205.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5205.8125, 135.96875, 17], [128, 5205.8125, 135.96875, 17], [128, 5223.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5223.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5223.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5223.8125, 102.640625, 17], [128, 5223.8125, 102.640625, 17], [128, 5241.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5241.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5241.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5241.8125, 138.15625, 17], [128, 5241.8125, 138.15625, 17], [128, 5259.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5259.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5259.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5259.8125, 107.671875, 17], [128, 5259.8125, 107.671875, 17], [128, 5277.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5277.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5277.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5277.8125, 123.515625, 17], [128, 5277.8125, 123.515625, 17], [128, 5295.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5295.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5295.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5295.8125, 83.96875, 17], [128, 5295.8125, 83.96875, 17], [128, 5313.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5313.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5313.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5313.8125, 140.84375, 17], [128, 5313.8125, 140.84375, 17], [128, 5331.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5331.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5331.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5331.8125, 171.96875, 17], [128, 5331.8125, 171.96875, 17], [128, 5349.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5349.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5349.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5349.8125, 99.3125, 17], [128, 5349.8125, 99.3125, 17], [128, 5367.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5367.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5367.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5367.8125, 127.515625, 17], [128, 5367.8125, 127.515625, 17], [128, 5385.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5385.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5385.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5385.8125, 150.1875, 17], [128, 5385.8125, 150.1875, 17], [128, 5403.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5403.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5403.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5403.8125, 146.03125, 17], [128, 5403.8125, 146.03125, 17], [128, 5421.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5421.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5421.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5421.8125, 99.546875, 17], [128, 5421.8125, 99.546875, 17], [128, 5439.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5439.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5439.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5439.8125, 106.796875, 17], [128, 5439.8125, 106.796875, 17], [128, 5457.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5457.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5457.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5457.8125, 175.515625, 17], [128, 5457.8125, 175.515625, 17], [128, 5475.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5475.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5475.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5475.8125, 105.3125, 17], [128, 5475.8125, 105.3125, 17], [128, 5493.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5493.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5493.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5493.8125, 86.640625, 17], [128, 5493.8125, 86.640625, 17], [128, 5511.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5511.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5511.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5511.8125, 215.984375, 17], [128, 5511.8125, 215.984375, 17], [128, 5529.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5529.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5529.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5529.8125, 142.484375, 17], [128, 5529.8125, 142.484375, 17], [128, 5547.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5547.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5547.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5547.8125, 136.859375, 17], [128, 5547.8125, 136.859375, 17], [128, 5565.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5565.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5565.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5565.8125, 125.296875, 17], [128, 5565.8125, 125.296875, 17], [128, 5583.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5583.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5583.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5583.8125, 49.109375, 17], [128, 5583.8125, 49.109375, 17], [88, 5601.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 5601.8125, 7, 18], [71, 5601.8125, 7, 17], [88, 5601.8125, 99.96875, 17], [88, 5601.8125, 99.96875, 17], [88, 5619.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 5619.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5619.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5619.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5619.8125, 175.953125, 17], [128, 5619.8125, 175.953125, 17], [128, 5637.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5637.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5637.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5637.8125, 172.421875, 17], [128, 5637.8125, 172.421875, 17], [128, 5655.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5655.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5655.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5655.8125, 151.9375, 17], [128, 5655.8125, 151.9375, 17], [128, 5673.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5673.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5673.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5673.8125, 199.796875, 17], [128, 5673.8125, 199.796875, 17], [88, 5691.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 5691.8125, 7, 18], [71, 5691.8125, 7, 17], [88, 5691.8125, 92.859375, 17], [88, 5691.8125, 92.859375, 17], [88, 5709.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 5709.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5709.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5709.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5709.8125, 244.421875, 17], [128, 5709.8125, 244.421875, 17], [128, 5727.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5727.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5727.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5727.8125, 176.84375, 17], [128, 5727.8125, 176.84375, 17], [128, 5745.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5745.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5745.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5745.8125, 140.171875, 17], [128, 5745.8125, 140.171875, 17], [128, 5763.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5763.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5763.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5763.8125, 180.828125, 17], [128, 5763.8125, 180.828125, 17], [88, 5781.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 5781.8125, 7, 18], [71, 5781.8125, 7, 17], [88, 5781.8125, 139.875, 17], [88, 5781.8125, 139.875, 17], [88, 5799.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 5799.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5799.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5799.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5799.8125, 187.171875, 17], [128, 5799.8125, 187.171875, 17], [128, 5817.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5817.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5817.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5817.8125, 30.21875, 17], [128, 5817.8125, 30.21875, 17], [128, 5835.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5835.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5835.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5835.8125, 77.765625, 17], [128, 5835.8125, 77.765625, 17], [88, 5853.8125, 1184, 198], [71, 5853.8125, 7, 18], [71, 5853.8125, 7, 17], [88, 5853.8125, 32, 17], [88, 5853.8125, 32, 17], [88, 5871.8125, 1184, 180], [128, 5871.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5871.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5871.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5871.8125, 88.875, 17], [128, 5871.8125, 88.875, 17], [128, 5889.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5889.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5889.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5889.8125, 232.25, 17], [128, 5889.8125, 232.25, 17], [128, 5907.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5907.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5907.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5907.8125, 237.3125, 17], [128, 5907.8125, 237.3125, 17], [128, 5925.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5925.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5925.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5925.8125, 134.65625, 17], [128, 5925.8125, 134.65625, 17], [128, 5943.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5943.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5943.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5943.8125, 175.8125, 17], [128, 5943.8125, 175.8125, 17], [128, 5961.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5961.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5961.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5961.8125, 275.640625, 17], [128, 5961.8125, 275.640625, 17], [128, 5979.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5979.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5979.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5979.8125, 166.375, 17], [128, 5979.8125, 166.375, 17], [128, 5997.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 5997.8125, 7, 18], [111, 5997.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5997.8125, 185.65625, 17], [128, 5997.8125, 185.65625, 17], [128, 6015.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6015.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6015.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6015.8125, 167.90625, 17], [128, 6015.8125, 167.90625, 17], [128, 6033.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6033.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6033.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6033.8125, 187.234375, 17], [128, 6033.8125, 187.234375, 17], [88, 6051.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 6051.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6051.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6051.8125, 66.1875, 17], [88, 6051.8125, 66.1875, 17], [88, 6069.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 6069.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6069.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6069.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6069.8125, 157.5, 17], [128, 6069.8125, 157.5, 17], [128, 6087.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6087.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6087.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6087.8125, 103.328125, 17], [128, 6087.8125, 103.328125, 17], [128, 6105.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6105.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6105.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6105.8125, 155.03125, 17], [128, 6105.8125, 155.03125, 17], [128, 6123.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6123.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6123.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6123.8125, 87.546875, 17], [128, 6123.8125, 87.546875, 17], [128, 6141.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6141.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6141.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6141.8125, 149.75, 17], [128, 6141.8125, 149.75, 17], [88, 6159.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 6159.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6159.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6159.8125, 31.125, 17], [88, 6159.8125, 31.125, 17], [88, 6177.8125, 1184, 342], [71, 6177.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6177.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6177.8125, 78.671875, 17], [88, 6177.8125, 78.671875, 17], [88, 6195.8125, 1184, 324], [128, 6195.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6195.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6195.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6195.8125, 55.28125, 17], [128, 6195.8125, 55.28125, 17], [128, 6213.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6213.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6213.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6213.8125, 63.109375, 17], [128, 6213.8125, 63.109375, 17], [128, 6231.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6231.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6231.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6231.8125, 68.421875, 17], [128, 6231.8125, 68.421875, 17], [128, 6249.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6249.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6249.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6249.8125, 60.4375, 17], [128, 6249.8125, 60.4375, 17], [128, 6267.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6267.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6267.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6267.8125, 52.4375, 17], [128, 6267.8125, 52.4375, 17], [128, 6285.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6285.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6285.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6285.8125, 95.828125, 17], [128, 6285.8125, 95.828125, 17], [128, 6303.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6303.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6303.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6303.8125, 45.640625, 17], [128, 6303.8125, 45.640625, 17], [128, 6321.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6321.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6321.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6321.8125, 90.640625, 17], [128, 6321.8125, 90.640625, 17], [128, 6339.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6339.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6339.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6339.8125, 25.796875, 17], [128, 6339.8125, 25.796875, 17], [128, 6357.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6357.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6357.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6357.8125, 47.96875, 17], [128, 6357.8125, 47.96875, 17], [128, 6375.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6375.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6375.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6375.8125, 111.53125, 17], [128, 6375.8125, 111.53125, 17], [128, 6393.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6393.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6393.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6393.8125, 45.640625, 17], [128, 6393.8125, 45.640625, 17], [128, 6411.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6411.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6411.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6411.8125, 68.453125, 17], [128, 6411.8125, 68.453125, 17], [128, 6429.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6429.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6429.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6429.8125, 110.671875, 17], [128, 6429.8125, 110.671875, 17], [128, 6447.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6447.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6447.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6447.8125, 56.875, 17], [128, 6447.8125, 56.875, 17], [128, 6465.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6465.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6465.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6465.8125, 112.109375, 17], [128, 6465.8125, 112.109375, 17], [128, 6483.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6483.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6483.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6483.8125, 33.765625, 17], [128, 6483.8125, 33.765625, 17], [128, 6501.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6501.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6501.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6501.8125, 86.671875, 17], [128, 6501.8125, 86.671875, 17], [88, 6519.8125, 1184, 54], [71, 6519.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6519.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6519.8125, 33.78125, 17], [88, 6519.8125, 33.78125, 17], [88, 6537.8125, 1184, 36], [128, 6537.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6537.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6537.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6537.8125, 90.234375, 17], [128, 6537.8125, 90.234375, 17], [128, 6555.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6555.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6555.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6555.8125, 143.3125, 17], [128, 6555.8125, 143.3125, 17], [88, 6573.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 6573.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6573.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6573.8125, 76.875, 17], [88, 6573.8125, 76.875, 17], [88, 6591.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 6591.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6591.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6591.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6591.8125, 152.859375, 17], [128, 6591.8125, 152.859375, 17], [88, 6609.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 6609.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6609.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6609.8125, 53.09375, 17], [88, 6609.8125, 53.09375, 17], [88, 6627.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 6627.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6627.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6627.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6627.8125, 86.125, 17], [128, 6627.8125, 86.125, 17], [88, 6645.8125, 1184, 234], [71, 6645.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6645.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6645.8125, 43.734375, 17], [88, 6645.8125, 43.734375, 17], [88, 6663.8125, 1184, 216], [128, 6663.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6663.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6663.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6663.8125, 144.4375, 17], [128, 6663.8125, 144.4375, 17], [128, 6681.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6681.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6681.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6681.8125, 90.03125, 17], [128, 6681.8125, 90.03125, 17], [128, 6699.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6699.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6699.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6699.8125, 129.359375, 17], [128, 6699.8125, 129.359375, 17], [128, 6717.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6717.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6717.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6717.8125, 97.796875, 17], [128, 6717.8125, 97.796875, 17], [128, 6735.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6735.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6735.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6735.8125, 114.59375, 17], [128, 6735.8125, 114.59375, 17], [128, 6753.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6753.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6753.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6753.8125, 64.015625, 17], [128, 6753.8125, 64.015625, 17], [128, 6771.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6771.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6771.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6771.8125, 94.234375, 17], [128, 6771.8125, 94.234375, 17], [128, 6789.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6789.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6789.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6789.8125, 143.3125, 17], [128, 6789.8125, 143.3125, 17], [128, 6807.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6807.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6807.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6807.8125, 209.34375, 17], [128, 6807.8125, 209.34375, 17], [128, 6825.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6825.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6825.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6825.8125, 276.453125, 17], [128, 6825.8125, 276.453125, 17], [128, 6843.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6843.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6843.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6843.8125, 77.78125, 17], [128, 6843.8125, 77.78125, 17], [128, 6861.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 6861.8125, 7, 18], [111, 6861.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6861.8125, 99.984375, 17], [128, 6861.8125, 99.984375, 17], [48, 6879.8125, 1224, 90], [31, 6879.8125, 7, 18], [31, 6879.8125, 7, 17], [48, 6879.8125, 91.984375, 17], [48, 6879.8125, 91.984375, 17], [48, 6897.8125, 1224, 72], [88, 6897.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 6897.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6897.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6897.8125, 137.765625, 17], [88, 6897.8125, 137.765625, 17], [88, 6915.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 6915.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6915.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6915.8125, 110.21875, 17], [88, 6915.8125, 110.21875, 17], [88, 6933.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 6933.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6933.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6933.8125, 144.859375, 17], [88, 6933.8125, 144.859375, 17], [88, 6951.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 6951.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6951.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6951.8125, 175.953125, 17], [88, 6951.8125, 175.953125, 17], [48, 6969.8125, 1224, 378], [31, 6969.8125, 7, 18], [31, 6969.8125, 7, 17], [48, 6969.8125, 81.328125, 17], [48, 6969.8125, 81.328125, 17], [48, 6987.8125, 1224, 360], [88, 6987.8125, 1184, 342], [71, 6987.8125, 7, 18], [71, 6987.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6987.8125, 81.328125, 17], [88, 6987.8125, 81.328125, 17], [88, 7005.8125, 1184, 324], [128, 7005.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7005.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7005.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7005.8125, 105.765625, 17], [128, 7005.8125, 105.765625, 17], [128, 7023.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7023.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7023.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7023.8125, 67.109375, 17], [128, 7023.8125, 67.109375, 17], [128, 7041.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7041.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7041.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7041.8125, 120.421875, 17], [128, 7041.8125, 120.421875, 17], [128, 7059.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7059.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7059.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7059.8125, 83.546875, 17], [128, 7059.8125, 83.546875, 17], [128, 7077.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7077.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7077.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7077.8125, 77.78125, 17], [128, 7077.8125, 77.78125, 17], [128, 7095.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7095.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7095.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7095.8125, 85.75, 17], [128, 7095.8125, 85.75, 17], [128, 7113.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7113.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7113.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7113.8125, 129.78125, 17], [128, 7113.8125, 129.78125, 17], [128, 7131.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7131.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7131.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7131.8125, 59.125, 17], [128, 7131.8125, 59.125, 17], [128, 7149.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7149.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7149.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7149.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 7149.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 7167.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7167.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7167.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7167.8125, 52.015625, 17], [128, 7167.8125, 52.015625, 17], [128, 7185.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7185.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7185.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7185.8125, 54.21875, 17], [128, 7185.8125, 54.21875, 17], [128, 7203.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7203.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7203.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7203.8125, 62.65625, 17], [128, 7203.8125, 62.65625, 17], [128, 7221.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7221.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7221.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7221.8125, 158.5625, 17], [128, 7221.8125, 158.5625, 17], [128, 7239.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7239.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7239.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7239.8125, 81.546875, 17], [128, 7239.8125, 81.546875, 17], [128, 7257.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7257.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7257.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7257.8125, 82.015625, 17], [128, 7257.8125, 82.015625, 17], [128, 7275.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7275.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7275.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7275.8125, 121.734375, 17], [128, 7275.8125, 121.734375, 17], [128, 7293.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7293.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7293.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7293.8125, 49.0625, 17], [128, 7293.8125, 49.0625, 17], [128, 7311.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7311.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7311.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7311.8125, 121.6875, 17], [128, 7311.8125, 121.6875, 17], [88, 7329.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 7329.8125, 7, 18], [71, 7329.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7329.8125, 162.0625, 17], [88, 7329.8125, 162.0625, 17], [48, 7347.8125, 1224, 4788], [31, 7347.8125, 7, 18], [31, 7347.8125, 7, 17], [48, 7347.8125, 62.1875, 17], [48, 7347.8125, 62.1875, 17], [48, 7365.8125, 1224, 4770], [88, 7365.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 7365.8125, 7, 18], [71, 7365.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7365.8125, 81.3125, 17], [88, 7365.8125, 81.3125, 17], [88, 7383.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 7383.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7383.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7383.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7383.8125, 81.3125, 17], [128, 7383.8125, 81.3125, 17], [88, 7401.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 7401.8125, 7, 18], [71, 7401.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7401.8125, 157.75, 17], [88, 7401.8125, 157.75, 17], [88, 7419.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 7419.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7419.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7419.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7419.8125, 70.671875, 17], [128, 7419.8125, 70.671875, 17], [128, 7437.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7437.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7437.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7437.8125, 60.421875, 17], [128, 7437.8125, 60.421875, 17], [128, 7455.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7455.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7455.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7455.8125, 59.546875, 17], [128, 7455.8125, 59.546875, 17], [88, 7473.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 7473.8125, 7, 18], [71, 7473.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7473.8125, 42.671875, 17], [88, 7473.8125, 42.671875, 17], [88, 7491.8125, 1184, 162], [71, 7491.8125, 7, 18], [71, 7491.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7491.8125, 38.203125, 17], [88, 7491.8125, 38.203125, 17], [88, 7509.8125, 1184, 144], [128, 7509.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7509.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7509.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7509.8125, 67.09375, 17], [128, 7509.8125, 67.09375, 17], [128, 7527.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7527.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7527.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7527.8125, 105.3125, 17], [128, 7527.8125, 105.3125, 17], [128, 7545.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7545.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7545.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7545.8125, 87.140625, 17], [128, 7545.8125, 87.140625, 17], [128, 7563.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7563.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7563.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7563.8125, 67.09375, 17], [128, 7563.8125, 67.09375, 17], [128, 7581.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7581.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7581.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7581.8125, 104.15625, 17], [128, 7581.8125, 104.15625, 17], [128, 7599.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7599.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7599.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7599.8125, 86.640625, 17], [128, 7599.8125, 86.640625, 17], [128, 7617.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7617.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7617.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7617.8125, 53.09375, 17], [128, 7617.8125, 53.09375, 17], [128, 7635.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7635.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7635.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7635.8125, 158.609375, 17], [128, 7635.8125, 158.609375, 17], [88, 7653.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 7653.8125, 7, 18], [71, 7653.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7653.8125, 196.15625, 17], [88, 7653.8125, 196.15625, 17], [88, 7671.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 7671.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7671.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7671.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7671.8125, 18.671875, 17], [128, 7671.8125, 18.671875, 17], [128, 7689.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7689.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7689.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7689.8125, 76.890625, 17], [128, 7689.8125, 76.890625, 17], [128, 7707.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7707.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7707.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7707.8125, 63.109375, 17], [128, 7707.8125, 63.109375, 17], [128, 7725.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7725.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7725.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7725.8125, 54.21875, 17], [128, 7725.8125, 54.21875, 17], [128, 7743.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7743.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7743.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7743.8125, 201.34375, 17], [128, 7743.8125, 201.34375, 17], [88, 7761.8125, 1184, 198], [71, 7761.8125, 7, 18], [71, 7761.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7761.8125, 184.859375, 17], [88, 7761.8125, 184.859375, 17], [88, 7779.8125, 1184, 180], [128, 7779.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7779.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7779.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7779.8125, 45.34375, 17], [128, 7779.8125, 45.34375, 17], [128, 7797.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7797.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7797.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7797.8125, 74.453125, 17], [128, 7797.8125, 74.453125, 17], [128, 7815.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7815.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7815.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7815.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 7815.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 7833.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7833.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7833.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7833.8125, 38.203125, 17], [128, 7833.8125, 38.203125, 17], [128, 7851.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7851.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7851.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7851.8125, 72.421875, 17], [128, 7851.8125, 72.421875, 17], [128, 7869.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7869.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7869.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7869.8125, 76.453125, 17], [128, 7869.8125, 76.453125, 17], [128, 7887.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7887.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7887.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7887.8125, 63.109375, 17], [128, 7887.8125, 63.109375, 17], [128, 7905.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7905.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7905.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7905.8125, 117.75, 17], [128, 7905.8125, 117.75, 17], [128, 7923.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7923.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7923.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7923.8125, 77.3125, 17], [128, 7923.8125, 77.3125, 17], [128, 7941.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7941.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7941.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7941.8125, 61.53125, 17], [128, 7941.8125, 61.53125, 17], [88, 7959.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 7959.8125, 7, 18], [71, 7959.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7959.8125, 84, 17], [88, 7959.8125, 84, 17], [88, 7977.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 7977.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7977.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7977.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7977.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 7977.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 7995.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 7995.8125, 7, 18], [111, 7995.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7995.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 7995.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 8013.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8013.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8013.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8013.8125, 46.21875, 17], [128, 8013.8125, 46.21875, 17], [128, 8031.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8031.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8031.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8031.8125, 124, 17], [128, 8031.8125, 124, 17], [88, 8049.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 8049.8125, 7, 18], [71, 8049.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8049.8125, 85.75, 17], [88, 8049.8125, 85.75, 17], [88, 8067.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 8067.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8067.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8067.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8067.8125, 85.75, 17], [128, 8067.8125, 85.75, 17], [88, 8085.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 8085.8125, 7, 18], [71, 8085.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8085.8125, 84, 17], [88, 8085.8125, 84, 17], [88, 8103.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 8103.8125, 7, 18], [71, 8103.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8103.8125, 94.65625, 17], [88, 8103.8125, 94.65625, 17], [88, 8121.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 8121.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8121.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8121.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8121.8125, 142.640625, 17], [128, 8121.8125, 142.640625, 17], [128, 8139.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8139.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8139.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8139.8125, 154.203125, 17], [128, 8139.8125, 154.203125, 17], [128, 8157.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8157.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8157.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8157.8125, 159.53125, 17], [128, 8157.8125, 159.53125, 17], [128, 8175.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8175.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8175.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8175.8125, 267.09375, 17], [128, 8175.8125, 267.09375, 17], [128, 8193.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8193.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8193.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8193.8125, 146.203125, 17], [128, 8193.8125, 146.203125, 17], [88, 8211.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 8211.8125, 7, 18], [71, 8211.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8211.8125, 105.3125, 17], [88, 8211.8125, 105.3125, 17], [88, 8229.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 8229.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8229.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8229.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8229.8125, 58.65625, 17], [128, 8229.8125, 58.65625, 17], [128, 8247.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8247.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8247.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8247.8125, 108.453125, 17], [128, 8247.8125, 108.453125, 17], [128, 8265.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8265.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8265.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8265.8125, 48.890625, 17], [128, 8265.8125, 48.890625, 17], [128, 8283.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8283.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8283.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8283.8125, 55.109375, 17], [128, 8283.8125, 55.109375, 17], [128, 8301.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8301.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8301.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8301.8125, 63.890625, 17], [128, 8301.8125, 63.890625, 17], [88, 8319.8125, 1184, 126], [71, 8319.8125, 7, 18], [71, 8319.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8319.8125, 85.78125, 17], [88, 8319.8125, 85.78125, 17], [88, 8337.8125, 1184, 108], [128, 8337.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8337.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8337.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8337.8125, 42.671875, 17], [128, 8337.8125, 42.671875, 17], [128, 8355.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8355.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8355.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8355.8125, 71.328125, 17], [128, 8355.8125, 71.328125, 17], [128, 8373.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8373.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8373.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8373.8125, 75.09375, 17], [128, 8373.8125, 75.09375, 17], [128, 8391.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8391.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8391.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8391.8125, 63.109375, 17], [128, 8391.8125, 63.109375, 17], [128, 8409.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8409.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8409.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8409.8125, 99.96875, 17], [128, 8409.8125, 99.96875, 17], [128, 8427.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8427.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8427.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8427.8125, 38.21875, 17], [128, 8427.8125, 38.21875, 17], [88, 8445.8125, 1184, 216], [71, 8445.8125, 7, 18], [71, 8445.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8445.8125, 121.890625, 17], [88, 8445.8125, 121.890625, 17], [88, 8463.8125, 1184, 198], [128, 8463.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8463.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8463.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8463.8125, 169.875, 17], [128, 8463.8125, 169.875, 17], [128, 8481.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8481.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8481.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8481.8125, 186.75, 17], [128, 8481.8125, 186.75, 17], [128, 8499.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8499.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8499.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8499.8125, 240.125, 17], [128, 8499.8125, 240.125, 17], [128, 8517.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8517.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8517.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8517.8125, 185.890625, 17], [128, 8517.8125, 185.890625, 17], [128, 8535.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8535.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8535.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8535.8125, 222.78125, 17], [128, 8535.8125, 222.78125, 17], [128, 8553.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8553.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8553.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8553.8125, 263.65625, 17], [128, 8553.8125, 263.65625, 17], [128, 8571.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8571.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8571.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8571.8125, 213.859375, 17], [128, 8571.8125, 213.859375, 17], [128, 8589.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8589.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8589.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8589.8125, 204.09375, 17], [128, 8589.8125, 204.09375, 17], [128, 8607.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8607.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8607.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8607.8125, 184.09375, 17], [128, 8607.8125, 184.09375, 17], [128, 8625.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8625.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8625.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8625.8125, 213.015625, 17], [128, 8625.8125, 213.015625, 17], [128, 8643.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8643.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8643.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8643.8125, 173.4375, 17], [128, 8643.8125, 173.4375, 17], [88, 8661.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 8661.8125, 7, 18], [71, 8661.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8661.8125, 103.546875, 17], [88, 8661.8125, 103.546875, 17], [88, 8679.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 8679.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8679.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8679.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8679.8125, 103.546875, 17], [128, 8679.8125, 103.546875, 17], [88, 8697.8125, 1184, 342], [71, 8697.8125, 7, 18], [71, 8697.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8697.8125, 43.25, 17], [88, 8697.8125, 43.25, 17], [88, 8715.8125, 1184, 324], [128, 8715.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8715.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8715.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8715.8125, 134.78125, 17], [128, 8715.8125, 134.78125, 17], [128, 8733.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8733.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8733.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8733.8125, 116.109375, 17], [128, 8733.8125, 116.109375, 17], [128, 8751.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8751.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8751.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8751.8125, 159.46875, 17], [128, 8751.8125, 159.46875, 17], [128, 8769.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8769.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8769.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8769.8125, 138.5625, 17], [128, 8769.8125, 138.5625, 17], [128, 8787.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8787.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8787.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8787.8125, 95.25, 17], [128, 8787.8125, 95.25, 17], [128, 8805.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8805.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8805.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8805.8125, 130.34375, 17], [128, 8805.8125, 130.34375, 17], [128, 8823.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8823.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8823.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8823.8125, 149, 17], [128, 8823.8125, 149, 17], [128, 8841.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8841.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8841.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8841.8125, 147.4375, 17], [128, 8841.8125, 147.4375, 17], [128, 8859.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8859.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8859.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8859.8125, 77.46875, 17], [128, 8859.8125, 77.46875, 17], [128, 8877.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8877.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8877.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8877.8125, 98.765625, 17], [128, 8877.8125, 98.765625, 17], [128, 8895.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8895.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8895.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8895.8125, 115.234375, 17], [128, 8895.8125, 115.234375, 17], [128, 8913.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8913.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8913.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8913.8125, 110.34375, 17], [128, 8913.8125, 110.34375, 17], [128, 8931.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8931.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8931.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8931.8125, 105.46875, 17], [128, 8931.8125, 105.46875, 17], [128, 8949.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8949.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8949.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8949.8125, 139.25, 17], [128, 8949.8125, 139.25, 17], [128, 8967.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8967.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8967.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8967.8125, 79.25, 17], [128, 8967.8125, 79.25, 17], [128, 8985.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 8985.8125, 7, 18], [111, 8985.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8985.8125, 112.5625, 17], [128, 8985.8125, 112.5625, 17], [128, 9003.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9003.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9003.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9003.8125, 57.78125, 17], [128, 9003.8125, 57.78125, 17], [128, 9021.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9021.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9021.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9021.8125, 84.578125, 17], [128, 9021.8125, 84.578125, 17], [88, 9039.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 9039.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9039.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9039.8125, 88.140625, 17], [88, 9039.8125, 88.140625, 17], [88, 9057.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 9057.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9057.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9057.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9057.8125, 147.671875, 17], [128, 9057.8125, 147.671875, 17], [88, 9075.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 9075.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9075.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9075.8125, 34.671875, 17], [88, 9075.8125, 34.671875, 17], [88, 9093.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 9093.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9093.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9093.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9093.8125, 125.78125, 17], [128, 9093.8125, 125.78125, 17], [128, 9111.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9111.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9111.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9111.8125, 124.875, 17], [128, 9111.8125, 124.875, 17], [128, 9129.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9129.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9129.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9129.8125, 105.796875, 17], [128, 9129.8125, 105.796875, 17], [128, 9147.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9147.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9147.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9147.8125, 100.421875, 17], [128, 9147.8125, 100.421875, 17], [128, 9165.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9165.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9165.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9165.8125, 95.09375, 17], [128, 9165.8125, 95.09375, 17], [88, 9183.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 9183.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9183.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9183.8125, 42.65625, 17], [88, 9183.8125, 42.65625, 17], [88, 9201.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 9201.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9201.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9201.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9201.8125, 163.109375, 17], [128, 9201.8125, 163.109375, 17], [128, 9219.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9219.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9219.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9219.8125, 106.640625, 17], [128, 9219.8125, 106.640625, 17], [128, 9237.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9237.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9237.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9237.8125, 151.515625, 17], [128, 9237.8125, 151.515625, 17], [128, 9255.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9255.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9255.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9255.8125, 101.546875, 17], [128, 9255.8125, 101.546875, 17], [128, 9273.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9273.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9273.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9273.8125, 112.59375, 17], [128, 9273.8125, 112.59375, 17], [88, 9291.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 9291.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9291.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9291.8125, 155.875, 17], [88, 9291.8125, 155.875, 17], [88, 9309.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 9309.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9309.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9309.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9309.8125, 235.84375, 17], [128, 9309.8125, 235.84375, 17], [88, 9327.8125, 1184, 144], [71, 9327.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9327.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9327.8125, 137.734375, 17], [88, 9327.8125, 137.734375, 17], [88, 9345.8125, 1184, 126], [128, 9345.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9345.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9345.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9345.8125, 145.953125, 17], [128, 9345.8125, 145.953125, 17], [128, 9363.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9363.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9363.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9363.8125, 193.3125, 17], [128, 9363.8125, 193.3125, 17], [128, 9381.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9381.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9381.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9381.8125, 137.75, 17], [128, 9381.8125, 137.75, 17], [128, 9399.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9399.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9399.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9399.8125, 171.75, 17], [128, 9399.8125, 171.75, 17], [128, 9417.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9417.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9417.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9417.8125, 154.640625, 17], [128, 9417.8125, 154.640625, 17], [128, 9435.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9435.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9435.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9435.8125, 176.875, 17], [128, 9435.8125, 176.875, 17], [128, 9453.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9453.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9453.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9453.8125, 148.421875, 17], [128, 9453.8125, 148.421875, 17], [88, 9471.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 9471.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9471.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9471.8125, 179.140625, 17], [88, 9471.8125, 179.140625, 17], [88, 9489.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 9489.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9489.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9489.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9489.8125, 179.140625, 17], [128, 9489.8125, 179.140625, 17], [88, 9507.8125, 1184, 54], [71, 9507.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9507.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9507.8125, 54.203125, 17], [88, 9507.8125, 54.203125, 17], [88, 9525.8125, 1184, 36], [128, 9525.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9525.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9525.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9525.8125, 105.734375, 17], [128, 9525.8125, 105.734375, 17], [128, 9543.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9543.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9543.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9543.8125, 182.84375, 17], [128, 9543.8125, 182.84375, 17], [88, 9561.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 9561.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9561.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9561.8125, 78.203125, 17], [88, 9561.8125, 78.203125, 17], [88, 9579.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 9579.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9579.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9579.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9579.8125, 168.421875, 17], [128, 9579.8125, 168.421875, 17], [128, 9597.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9597.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9597.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9597.8125, 163.734375, 17], [128, 9597.8125, 163.734375, 17], [128, 9615.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9615.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9615.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9615.8125, 185.28125, 17], [128, 9615.8125, 185.28125, 17], [128, 9633.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9633.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9633.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9633.8125, 208.09375, 17], [128, 9633.8125, 208.09375, 17], [88, 9651.8125, 1184, 144], [71, 9651.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9651.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9651.8125, 53.328125, 17], [88, 9651.8125, 53.328125, 17], [88, 9669.8125, 1184, 126], [128, 9669.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9669.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9669.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9669.8125, 120.203125, 17], [128, 9669.8125, 120.203125, 17], [128, 9687.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9687.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9687.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9687.8125, 122.875, 17], [128, 9687.8125, 122.875, 17], [128, 9705.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9705.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9705.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9705.8125, 151.546875, 17], [128, 9705.8125, 151.546875, 17], [128, 9723.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9723.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9723.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9723.8125, 138.859375, 17], [128, 9723.8125, 138.859375, 17], [128, 9741.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9741.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9741.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9741.8125, 138.328125, 17], [128, 9741.8125, 138.328125, 17], [128, 9759.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9759.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9759.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9759.8125, 121.984375, 17], [128, 9759.8125, 121.984375, 17], [128, 9777.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9777.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9777.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9777.8125, 111.078125, 17], [128, 9777.8125, 111.078125, 17], [88, 9795.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 9795.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9795.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9795.8125, 91.171875, 17], [88, 9795.8125, 91.171875, 17], [88, 9813.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 9813.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9813.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9813.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9813.8125, 50.578125, 17], [128, 9813.8125, 50.578125, 17], [128, 9831.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9831.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9831.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9831.8125, 133.734375, 17], [128, 9831.8125, 133.734375, 17], [128, 9849.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9849.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9849.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9849.8125, 88.4375, 17], [128, 9849.8125, 88.4375, 17], [88, 9867.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 9867.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9867.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9867.8125, 95.546875, 17], [88, 9867.8125, 95.546875, 17], [88, 9885.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 9885.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9885.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9885.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9885.8125, 100.859375, 17], [128, 9885.8125, 100.859375, 17], [128, 9903.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9903.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9903.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9903.8125, 150.21875, 17], [128, 9903.8125, 150.21875, 17], [128, 9921.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9921.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9921.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9921.8125, 84, 17], [128, 9921.8125, 84, 17], [88, 9939.8125, 1184, 252], [71, 9939.8125, 7, 18], [71, 9939.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9939.8125, 279.25, 17], [88, 9939.8125, 279.25, 17], [88, 9957.8125, 1184, 234], [128, 9957.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9957.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9957.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9957.8125, 177.34375, 17], [128, 9957.8125, 177.34375, 17], [128, 9975.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9975.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9975.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9975.8125, 209.75, 17], [128, 9975.8125, 209.75, 17], [128, 9993.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 9993.8125, 7, 18], [111, 9993.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9993.8125, 210.640625, 17], [128, 9993.8125, 210.640625, 17], [128, 10011.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10011.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10011.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10011.8125, 200.859375, 17], [128, 10011.8125, 200.859375, 17], [128, 10029.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10029.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10029.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10029.8125, 204.4375, 17], [128, 10029.8125, 204.4375, 17], [128, 10047.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10047.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10047.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10047.8125, 189.75, 17], [128, 10047.8125, 189.75, 17], [128, 10065.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10065.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10065.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10065.8125, 181.96875, 17], [128, 10065.8125, 181.96875, 17], [128, 10083.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10083.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10083.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10083.8125, 160.421875, 17], [128, 10083.8125, 160.421875, 17], [128, 10101.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10101.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10101.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10101.8125, 224.421875, 17], [128, 10101.8125, 224.421875, 17], [128, 10119.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10119.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10119.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10119.8125, 185.53125, 17], [128, 10119.8125, 185.53125, 17], [128, 10137.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10137.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10137.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10137.8125, 180, 17], [128, 10137.8125, 180, 17], [128, 10155.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10155.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10155.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10155.8125, 147.546875, 17], [128, 10155.8125, 147.546875, 17], [128, 10173.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10173.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10173.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10173.8125, 69.75, 17], [128, 10173.8125, 69.75, 17], [88, 10191.8125, 1184, 162], [71, 10191.8125, 7, 18], [71, 10191.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10191.8125, 33.78125, 17], [88, 10191.8125, 33.78125, 17], [88, 10209.8125, 1184, 144], [128, 10209.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10209.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10209.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10209.8125, 119.515625, 17], [128, 10209.8125, 119.515625, 17], [128, 10227.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10227.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10227.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10227.8125, 155.078125, 17], [128, 10227.8125, 155.078125, 17], [128, 10245.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10245.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10245.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10245.8125, 90.640625, 17], [128, 10245.8125, 90.640625, 17], [128, 10263.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10263.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10263.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10263.8125, 80.859375, 17], [128, 10263.8125, 80.859375, 17], [128, 10281.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10281.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10281.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10281.8125, 125.40625, 17], [128, 10281.8125, 125.40625, 17], [128, 10299.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10299.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10299.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10299.8125, 116, 17], [128, 10299.8125, 116, 17], [128, 10317.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10317.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10317.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10317.8125, 101.328125, 17], [128, 10317.8125, 101.328125, 17], [128, 10335.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10335.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10335.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10335.8125, 83.109375, 17], [128, 10335.8125, 83.109375, 17], [88, 10353.8125, 1184, 234], [71, 10353.8125, 7, 18], [71, 10353.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10353.8125, 204.78125, 17], [88, 10353.8125, 204.78125, 17], [88, 10371.8125, 1184, 216], [128, 10371.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10371.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10371.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10371.8125, 153.46875, 17], [128, 10371.8125, 153.46875, 17], [128, 10389.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10389.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10389.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10389.8125, 175.46875, 17], [128, 10389.8125, 175.46875, 17], [128, 10407.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10407.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10407.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10407.8125, 173.234375, 17], [128, 10407.8125, 173.234375, 17], [128, 10425.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10425.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10425.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10425.8125, 181.234375, 17], [128, 10425.8125, 181.234375, 17], [128, 10443.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10443.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10443.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10443.8125, 167.609375, 17], [128, 10443.8125, 167.609375, 17], [128, 10461.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10461.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10461.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10461.8125, 123.078125, 17], [128, 10461.8125, 123.078125, 17], [128, 10479.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10479.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10479.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10479.8125, 143.53125, 17], [128, 10479.8125, 143.53125, 17], [128, 10497.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10497.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10497.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10497.8125, 191.28125, 17], [128, 10497.8125, 191.28125, 17], [128, 10515.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10515.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10515.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10515.8125, 126.640625, 17], [128, 10515.8125, 126.640625, 17], [128, 10533.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10533.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10533.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10533.8125, 132.84375, 17], [128, 10533.8125, 132.84375, 17], [128, 10551.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10551.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10551.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10551.8125, 138.1875, 17], [128, 10551.8125, 138.1875, 17], [128, 10569.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10569.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10569.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10569.8125, 140.484375, 17], [128, 10569.8125, 140.484375, 17], [88, 10587.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 10587.8125, 7, 18], [71, 10587.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10587.8125, 33.78125, 17], [88, 10587.8125, 33.78125, 17], [88, 10605.8125, 1184, 180], [71, 10605.8125, 7, 18], [71, 10605.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10605.8125, 87.546875, 17], [88, 10605.8125, 87.546875, 17], [88, 10623.8125, 1184, 162], [128, 10623.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10623.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10623.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10623.8125, 179.078125, 17], [128, 10623.8125, 179.078125, 17], [128, 10641.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10641.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10641.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10641.8125, 176.84375, 17], [128, 10641.8125, 176.84375, 17], [128, 10659.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10659.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10659.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10659.8125, 121.328125, 17], [128, 10659.8125, 121.328125, 17], [128, 10677.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10677.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10677.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10677.8125, 146.21875, 17], [128, 10677.8125, 146.21875, 17], [128, 10695.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10695.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10695.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10695.8125, 194.609375, 17], [128, 10695.8125, 194.609375, 17], [128, 10713.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10713.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10713.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10713.8125, 163.96875, 17], [128, 10713.8125, 163.96875, 17], [128, 10731.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10731.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10731.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10731.8125, 130.5, 17], [128, 10731.8125, 130.5, 17], [128, 10749.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10749.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10749.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10749.8125, 136.875, 17], [128, 10749.8125, 136.875, 17], [128, 10767.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10767.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10767.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10767.8125, 46.453125, 17], [128, 10767.8125, 46.453125, 17], [88, 10785.8125, 1184, 54], [71, 10785.8125, 7, 18], [71, 10785.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10785.8125, 121.78125, 17], [88, 10785.8125, 121.78125, 17], [88, 10803.8125, 1184, 36], [128, 10803.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10803.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10803.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10803.8125, 85.796875, 17], [128, 10803.8125, 85.796875, 17], [128, 10821.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10821.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10821.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10821.8125, 38.203125, 17], [128, 10821.8125, 38.203125, 17], [88, 10839.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 10839.8125, 7, 18], [71, 10839.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10839.8125, 60.375, 17], [88, 10839.8125, 60.375, 17], [88, 10857.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 10857.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10857.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10857.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10857.8125, 60.375, 17], [128, 10857.8125, 60.375, 17], [88, 10875.8125, 1184, 162], [71, 10875.8125, 7, 18], [71, 10875.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10875.8125, 119.5625, 17], [88, 10875.8125, 119.5625, 17], [88, 10893.8125, 1184, 144], [128, 10893.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10893.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10893.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10893.8125, 209.984375, 17], [128, 10893.8125, 209.984375, 17], [128, 10911.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10911.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10911.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10911.8125, 211.125, 17], [128, 10911.8125, 211.125, 17], [128, 10929.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10929.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10929.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10929.8125, 167.546875, 17], [128, 10929.8125, 167.546875, 17], [128, 10947.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10947.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10947.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10947.8125, 195.53125, 17], [128, 10947.8125, 195.53125, 17], [128, 10965.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10965.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10965.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10965.8125, 194.8125, 17], [128, 10965.8125, 194.8125, 17], [128, 10983.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 10983.8125, 7, 18], [111, 10983.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10983.8125, 205.3125, 17], [128, 10983.8125, 205.3125, 17], [128, 11001.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11001.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11001.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11001.8125, 168.890625, 17], [128, 11001.8125, 168.890625, 17], [128, 11019.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11019.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11019.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11019.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 11019.8125, 47.109375, 17], [88, 11037.8125, 1184, 162], [71, 11037.8125, 7, 18], [71, 11037.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11037.8125, 96.4375, 17], [88, 11037.8125, 96.4375, 17], [88, 11055.8125, 1184, 144], [128, 11055.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11055.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11055.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11055.8125, 186.640625, 17], [128, 11055.8125, 186.640625, 17], [128, 11073.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11073.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11073.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11073.8125, 173.703125, 17], [128, 11073.8125, 173.703125, 17], [128, 11091.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11091.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11091.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11091.8125, 201.453125, 17], [128, 11091.8125, 201.453125, 17], [128, 11109.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11109.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11109.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11109.8125, 229.953125, 17], [128, 11109.8125, 229.953125, 17], [128, 11127.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11127.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11127.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11127.8125, 211.734375, 17], [128, 11127.8125, 211.734375, 17], [128, 11145.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11145.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11145.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11145.8125, 229.734375, 17], [128, 11145.8125, 229.734375, 17], [128, 11163.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11163.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11163.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11163.8125, 215.296875, 17], [128, 11163.8125, 215.296875, 17], [128, 11181.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11181.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11181.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11181.8125, 157.078125, 17], [128, 11181.8125, 157.078125, 17], [88, 11199.8125, 1184, 180], [71, 11199.8125, 7, 18], [71, 11199.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11199.8125, 44.4375, 17], [88, 11199.8125, 44.4375, 17], [88, 11217.8125, 1184, 162], [128, 11217.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11217.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11217.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11217.8125, 19.5625, 17], [128, 11217.8125, 19.5625, 17], [128, 11235.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11235.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11235.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11235.8125, 62.21875, 17], [128, 11235.8125, 62.21875, 17], [128, 11253.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11253.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11253.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11253.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 11253.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 11271.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11271.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11271.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11271.8125, 46.4375, 17], [128, 11271.8125, 46.4375, 17], [128, 11289.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11289.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11289.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11289.8125, 38.203125, 17], [128, 11289.8125, 38.203125, 17], [128, 11307.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11307.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11307.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11307.8125, 76.890625, 17], [128, 11307.8125, 76.890625, 17], [128, 11325.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11325.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11325.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11325.8125, 89.75, 17], [128, 11325.8125, 89.75, 17], [128, 11343.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11343.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11343.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11343.8125, 58.65625, 17], [128, 11343.8125, 58.65625, 17], [128, 11361.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11361.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11361.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11361.8125, 53.09375, 17], [128, 11361.8125, 53.09375, 17], [88, 11379.8125, 1184, 342], [71, 11379.8125, 7, 18], [71, 11379.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11379.8125, 304.359375, 17], [88, 11379.8125, 304.359375, 17], [88, 11397.8125, 1184, 324], [128, 11397.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11397.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11397.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11397.8125, 157.078125, 17], [128, 11397.8125, 157.078125, 17], [128, 11415.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11415.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11415.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11415.8125, 212.421875, 17], [128, 11415.8125, 212.421875, 17], [128, 11433.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11433.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11433.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11433.8125, 89.765625, 17], [128, 11433.8125, 89.765625, 17], [128, 11451.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11451.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11451.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11451.8125, 132.421875, 17], [128, 11451.8125, 132.421875, 17], [128, 11469.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11469.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11469.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11469.8125, 121.765625, 17], [128, 11469.8125, 121.765625, 17], [128, 11487.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11487.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11487.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11487.8125, 156.578125, 17], [128, 11487.8125, 156.578125, 17], [128, 11505.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11505.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11505.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11505.8125, 154.21875, 17], [128, 11505.8125, 154.21875, 17], [128, 11523.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11523.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11523.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11523.8125, 107.96875, 17], [128, 11523.8125, 107.96875, 17], [128, 11541.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11541.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11541.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11541.8125, 171.96875, 17], [128, 11541.8125, 171.96875, 17], [128, 11559.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11559.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11559.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11559.8125, 104.453125, 17], [128, 11559.8125, 104.453125, 17], [128, 11577.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11577.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11577.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11577.8125, 146.234375, 17], [128, 11577.8125, 146.234375, 17], [128, 11595.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11595.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11595.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11595.8125, 183.984375, 17], [128, 11595.8125, 183.984375, 17], [128, 11613.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11613.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11613.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11613.8125, 153.328125, 17], [128, 11613.8125, 153.328125, 17], [128, 11631.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11631.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11631.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11631.8125, 167.234375, 17], [128, 11631.8125, 167.234375, 17], [128, 11649.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11649.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11649.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11649.8125, 126.796875, 17], [128, 11649.8125, 126.796875, 17], [128, 11667.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11667.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11667.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11667.8125, 155.984375, 17], [128, 11667.8125, 155.984375, 17], [128, 11685.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11685.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11685.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11685.8125, 170.21875, 17], [128, 11685.8125, 170.21875, 17], [128, 11703.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11703.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11703.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11703.8125, 205.53125, 17], [128, 11703.8125, 205.53125, 17], [88, 11721.8125, 1184, 198], [71, 11721.8125, 7, 18], [71, 11721.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11721.8125, 118.234375, 17], [88, 11721.8125, 118.234375, 17], [88, 11739.8125, 1184, 180], [128, 11739.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11739.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11739.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11739.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 11739.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 11757.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11757.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11757.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11757.8125, 85.765625, 17], [128, 11757.8125, 85.765625, 17], [128, 11775.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11775.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11775.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11775.8125, 38.21875, 17], [128, 11775.8125, 38.21875, 17], [128, 11793.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11793.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11793.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11793.8125, 68.640625, 17], [128, 11793.8125, 68.640625, 17], [128, 11811.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11811.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11811.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11811.8125, 62.421875, 17], [128, 11811.8125, 62.421875, 17], [128, 11829.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11829.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11829.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11829.8125, 31.984375, 17], [128, 11829.8125, 31.984375, 17], [128, 11847.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11847.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11847.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11847.8125, 99.078125, 17], [128, 11847.8125, 99.078125, 17], [128, 11865.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11865.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11865.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11865.8125, 40.875, 17], [128, 11865.8125, 40.875, 17], [128, 11883.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11883.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11883.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11883.8125, 65.984375, 17], [128, 11883.8125, 65.984375, 17], [128, 11901.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11901.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11901.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11901.8125, 36, 17], [128, 11901.8125, 36, 17], [88, 11919.8125, 1184, 216], [71, 11919.8125, 7, 18], [71, 11919.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11919.8125, 22.859375, 17], [88, 11919.8125, 22.859375, 17], [88, 11937.8125, 1184, 198], [128, 11937.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11937.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11937.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11937.8125, 168.171875, 17], [128, 11937.8125, 168.171875, 17], [128, 11955.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11955.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11955.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11955.8125, 167.4375, 17], [128, 11955.8125, 167.4375, 17], [128, 11973.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11973.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11973.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11973.8125, 90.390625, 17], [128, 11973.8125, 90.390625, 17], [128, 11991.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 11991.8125, 7, 18], [111, 11991.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11991.8125, 78.859375, 17], [128, 11991.8125, 78.859375, 17], [128, 12009.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12009.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12009.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12009.8125, 152.1875, 17], [128, 12009.8125, 152.1875, 17], [128, 12027.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12027.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12027.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12027.8125, 66.765625, 17], [128, 12027.8125, 66.765625, 17], [128, 12045.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12045.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12045.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12045.8125, 181.515625, 17], [128, 12045.8125, 181.515625, 17], [128, 12063.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12063.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12063.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12063.8125, 169.21875, 17], [128, 12063.8125, 169.21875, 17], [128, 12081.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12081.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12081.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12081.8125, 66, 17], [128, 12081.8125, 66, 17], [128, 12099.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12099.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12099.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12099.8125, 134.84375, 17], [128, 12099.8125, 134.84375, 17], [128, 12117.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12117.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12117.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12117.8125, 162.75, 17], [128, 12117.8125, 162.75, 17], [48, 12135.8125, 1224, 2970], [31, 12135.8125, 7, 18], [31, 12135.8125, 7, 17], [48, 12135.8125, 45.328125, 17], [48, 12135.8125, 45.328125, 17], [48, 12153.8125, 1224, 2952], [88, 12153.8125, 1184, 1044], [71, 12153.8125, 7, 18], [71, 12153.8125, 7, 17], [88, 12153.8125, 98.6875, 17], [88, 12153.8125, 98.6875, 17], [88, 12171.8125, 1184, 1026], [128, 12171.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12171.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12171.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12171.8125, 121.765625, 17], [128, 12171.8125, 121.765625, 17], [128, 12189.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12189.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12189.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12189.8125, 141.21875, 17], [128, 12189.8125, 141.21875, 17], [128, 12207.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12207.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12207.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12207.8125, 165.890625, 17], [128, 12207.8125, 165.890625, 17], [128, 12225.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12225.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12225.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12225.8125, 150.109375, 17], [128, 12225.8125, 150.109375, 17], [128, 12243.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12243.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12243.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12243.8125, 93.75, 17], [128, 12243.8125, 93.75, 17], [128, 12261.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12261.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12261.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12261.8125, 104.890625, 17], [128, 12261.8125, 104.890625, 17], [128, 12279.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12279.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12279.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12279.8125, 51.546875, 17], [128, 12279.8125, 51.546875, 17], [128, 12297.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12297.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12297.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12297.8125, 114.65625, 17], [128, 12297.8125, 114.65625, 17], [128, 12315.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12315.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12315.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12315.8125, 75.125, 17], [128, 12315.8125, 75.125, 17], [128, 12333.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12333.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12333.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12333.8125, 139.921875, 17], [128, 12333.8125, 139.921875, 17], [128, 12351.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12351.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12351.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12351.8125, 81.3125, 17], [128, 12351.8125, 81.3125, 17], [128, 12369.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12369.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12369.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12369.8125, 129.03125, 17], [128, 12369.8125, 129.03125, 17], [128, 12387.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12387.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12387.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12387.8125, 32.890625, 17], [128, 12387.8125, 32.890625, 17], [128, 12405.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12405.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12405.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12405.8125, 159.046875, 17], [128, 12405.8125, 159.046875, 17], [128, 12423.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12423.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12423.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12423.8125, 231.09375, 17], [128, 12423.8125, 231.09375, 17], [128, 12441.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12441.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12441.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12441.8125, 192.828125, 17], [128, 12441.8125, 192.828125, 17], [128, 12459.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12459.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12459.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12459.8125, 114.6875, 17], [128, 12459.8125, 114.6875, 17], [128, 12477.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12477.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12477.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12477.8125, 98.234375, 17], [128, 12477.8125, 98.234375, 17], [128, 12495.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12495.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12495.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12495.8125, 146.40625, 17], [128, 12495.8125, 146.40625, 17], [128, 12513.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12513.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12513.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12513.8125, 48.890625, 17], [128, 12513.8125, 48.890625, 17], [128, 12531.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12531.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12531.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12531.8125, 97.3125, 17], [128, 12531.8125, 97.3125, 17], [128, 12549.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12549.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12549.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12549.8125, 100.4375, 17], [128, 12549.8125, 100.4375, 17], [128, 12567.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12567.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12567.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12567.8125, 125.3125, 17], [128, 12567.8125, 125.3125, 17], [128, 12585.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12585.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12585.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12585.8125, 156.390625, 17], [128, 12585.8125, 156.390625, 17], [128, 12603.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12603.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12603.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12603.8125, 101.765625, 17], [128, 12603.8125, 101.765625, 17], [128, 12621.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12621.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12621.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12621.8125, 80.4375, 17], [128, 12621.8125, 80.4375, 17], [128, 12639.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12639.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12639.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12639.8125, 120.21875, 17], [128, 12639.8125, 120.21875, 17], [128, 12657.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12657.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12657.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12657.8125, 103.265625, 17], [128, 12657.8125, 103.265625, 17], [128, 12675.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12675.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12675.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12675.8125, 127.953125, 17], [128, 12675.8125, 127.953125, 17], [128, 12693.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12693.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12693.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12693.8125, 101.796875, 17], [128, 12693.8125, 101.796875, 17], [128, 12711.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12711.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12711.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12711.8125, 145.078125, 17], [128, 12711.8125, 145.078125, 17], [128, 12729.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12729.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12729.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12729.8125, 124.109375, 17], [128, 12729.8125, 124.109375, 17], [128, 12747.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12747.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12747.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12747.8125, 122.65625, 17], [128, 12747.8125, 122.65625, 17], [128, 12765.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12765.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12765.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12765.8125, 105.3125, 17], [128, 12765.8125, 105.3125, 17], [128, 12783.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12783.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12783.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12783.8125, 95.546875, 17], [128, 12783.8125, 95.546875, 17], [128, 12801.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12801.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12801.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12801.8125, 52.453125, 17], [128, 12801.8125, 52.453125, 17], [128, 12819.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12819.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12819.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12819.8125, 216.890625, 17], [128, 12819.8125, 216.890625, 17], [128, 12837.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12837.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12837.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12837.8125, 74.40625, 17], [128, 12837.8125, 74.40625, 17], [128, 12855.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12855.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12855.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12855.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 12855.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 12873.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12873.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12873.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12873.8125, 121.765625, 17], [128, 12873.8125, 121.765625, 17], [128, 12891.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12891.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12891.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12891.8125, 133.046875, 17], [128, 12891.8125, 133.046875, 17], [128, 12909.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12909.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12909.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12909.8125, 137.78125, 17], [128, 12909.8125, 137.78125, 17], [128, 12927.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12927.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12927.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12927.8125, 157.328125, 17], [128, 12927.8125, 157.328125, 17], [128, 12945.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12945.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12945.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12945.8125, 62.21875, 17], [128, 12945.8125, 62.21875, 17], [128, 12963.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12963.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12963.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12963.8125, 58.234375, 17], [128, 12963.8125, 58.234375, 17], [128, 12981.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12981.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12981.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12981.8125, 124.875, 17], [128, 12981.8125, 124.875, 17], [128, 12999.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 12999.8125, 7, 18], [111, 12999.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12999.8125, 82.203125, 17], [128, 12999.8125, 82.203125, 17], [128, 13017.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13017.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13017.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13017.8125, 114.890625, 17], [128, 13017.8125, 114.890625, 17], [128, 13035.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13035.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13035.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13035.8125, 125.96875, 17], [128, 13035.8125, 125.96875, 17], [128, 13053.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13053.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13053.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13053.8125, 66.25, 17], [128, 13053.8125, 66.25, 17], [128, 13071.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13071.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13071.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13071.8125, 171.96875, 17], [128, 13071.8125, 171.96875, 17], [128, 13089.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13089.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13089.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13089.8125, 119.75, 17], [128, 13089.8125, 119.75, 17], [128, 13107.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13107.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13107.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13107.8125, 181.890625, 17], [128, 13107.8125, 181.890625, 17], [128, 13125.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13125.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13125.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13125.8125, 91.796875, 17], [128, 13125.8125, 91.796875, 17], [128, 13143.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13143.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13143.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13143.8125, 101.75, 17], [128, 13143.8125, 101.75, 17], [128, 13161.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13161.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13161.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13161.8125, 118.46875, 17], [128, 13161.8125, 118.46875, 17], [128, 13179.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13179.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13179.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13179.8125, 162.5625, 17], [128, 13179.8125, 162.5625, 17], [88, 13197.8125, 1184, 972], [71, 13197.8125, 7, 18], [71, 13197.8125, 7, 17], [88, 13197.8125, 129.75, 17], [88, 13197.8125, 129.75, 17], [88, 13215.8125, 1184, 954], [128, 13215.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13215.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13215.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13215.8125, 100.21875, 17], [128, 13215.8125, 100.21875, 17], [128, 13233.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13233.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13233.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13233.8125, 96.859375, 17], [128, 13233.8125, 96.859375, 17], [128, 13251.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13251.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13251.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13251.8125, 108, 17], [128, 13251.8125, 108, 17], [128, 13269.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13269.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13269.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13269.8125, 158.796875, 17], [128, 13269.8125, 158.796875, 17], [128, 13287.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13287.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13287.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13287.8125, 212.140625, 17], [128, 13287.8125, 212.140625, 17], [128, 13305.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13305.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13305.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13305.8125, 93.546875, 17], [128, 13305.8125, 93.546875, 17], [128, 13323.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13323.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13323.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13323.8125, 161.21875, 17], [128, 13323.8125, 161.21875, 17], [128, 13341.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13341.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13341.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13341.8125, 64.21875, 17], [128, 13341.8125, 64.21875, 17], [128, 13359.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13359.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13359.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13359.8125, 37.546875, 17], [128, 13359.8125, 37.546875, 17], [128, 13377.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13377.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13377.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13377.8125, 80.4375, 17], [128, 13377.8125, 80.4375, 17], [128, 13395.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13395.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13395.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13395.8125, 76.015625, 17], [128, 13395.8125, 76.015625, 17], [128, 13413.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13413.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13413.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13413.8125, 140.421875, 17], [128, 13413.8125, 140.421875, 17], [128, 13431.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13431.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13431.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13431.8125, 139.515625, 17], [128, 13431.8125, 139.515625, 17], [128, 13449.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13449.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13449.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13449.8125, 78.640625, 17], [128, 13449.8125, 78.640625, 17], [128, 13467.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13467.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13467.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13467.8125, 159.4375, 17], [128, 13467.8125, 159.4375, 17], [128, 13485.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13485.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13485.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13485.8125, 142.21875, 17], [128, 13485.8125, 142.21875, 17], [128, 13503.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13503.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13503.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13503.8125, 86.65625, 17], [128, 13503.8125, 86.65625, 17], [128, 13521.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13521.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13521.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13521.8125, 129.328125, 17], [128, 13521.8125, 129.328125, 17], [128, 13539.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13539.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13539.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13539.8125, 80.4375, 17], [128, 13539.8125, 80.4375, 17], [128, 13557.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13557.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13557.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13557.8125, 47.578125, 17], [128, 13557.8125, 47.578125, 17], [128, 13575.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13575.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13575.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13575.8125, 116.421875, 17], [128, 13575.8125, 116.421875, 17], [128, 13593.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13593.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13593.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13593.8125, 126.15625, 17], [128, 13593.8125, 126.15625, 17], [128, 13611.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13611.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13611.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13611.8125, 80.59375, 17], [128, 13611.8125, 80.59375, 17], [128, 13629.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13629.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13629.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13629.8125, 124.40625, 17], [128, 13629.8125, 124.40625, 17], [128, 13647.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13647.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13647.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13647.8125, 117.296875, 17], [128, 13647.8125, 117.296875, 17], [128, 13665.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13665.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13665.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13665.8125, 84.859375, 17], [128, 13665.8125, 84.859375, 17], [128, 13683.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13683.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13683.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13683.8125, 60.875, 17], [128, 13683.8125, 60.875, 17], [128, 13701.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13701.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13701.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13701.8125, 61.921875, 17], [128, 13701.8125, 61.921875, 17], [128, 13719.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13719.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13719.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13719.8125, 143.28125, 17], [128, 13719.8125, 143.28125, 17], [128, 13737.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13737.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13737.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13737.8125, 132.640625, 17], [128, 13737.8125, 132.640625, 17], [128, 13755.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13755.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13755.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13755.8125, 229.0625, 17], [128, 13755.8125, 229.0625, 17], [128, 13773.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13773.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13773.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13773.8125, 108, 17], [128, 13773.8125, 108, 17], [128, 13791.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13791.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13791.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13791.8125, 113.296875, 17], [128, 13791.8125, 113.296875, 17], [128, 13809.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13809.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13809.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13809.8125, 115.09375, 17], [128, 13809.8125, 115.09375, 17], [128, 13827.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13827.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13827.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13827.8125, 101.046875, 17], [128, 13827.8125, 101.046875, 17], [128, 13845.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13845.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13845.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13845.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 13845.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 13863.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13863.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13863.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13863.8125, 56.890625, 17], [128, 13863.8125, 56.890625, 17], [128, 13881.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13881.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13881.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13881.8125, 84.875, 17], [128, 13881.8125, 84.875, 17], [128, 13899.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13899.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13899.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13899.8125, 160.796875, 17], [128, 13899.8125, 160.796875, 17], [128, 13917.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13917.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13917.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13917.8125, 31.984375, 17], [128, 13917.8125, 31.984375, 17], [128, 13935.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13935.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13935.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13935.8125, 109.75, 17], [128, 13935.8125, 109.75, 17], [128, 13953.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13953.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13953.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13953.8125, 123.515625, 17], [128, 13953.8125, 123.515625, 17], [128, 13971.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13971.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13971.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13971.8125, 142.375, 17], [128, 13971.8125, 142.375, 17], [128, 13989.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 13989.8125, 7, 18], [111, 13989.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13989.8125, 87.53125, 17], [128, 13989.8125, 87.53125, 17], [128, 14007.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14007.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14007.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14007.8125, 116.234375, 17], [128, 14007.8125, 116.234375, 17], [128, 14025.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14025.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14025.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14025.8125, 130.0625, 17], [128, 14025.8125, 130.0625, 17], [128, 14043.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14043.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14043.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14043.8125, 115.3125, 17], [128, 14043.8125, 115.3125, 17], [128, 14061.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14061.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14061.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14061.8125, 101.515625, 17], [128, 14061.8125, 101.515625, 17], [128, 14079.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14079.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14079.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14079.8125, 55.4375, 17], [128, 14079.8125, 55.4375, 17], [128, 14097.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14097.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14097.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14097.8125, 108.46875, 17], [128, 14097.8125, 108.46875, 17], [128, 14115.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14115.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14115.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14115.8125, 108.453125, 17], [128, 14115.8125, 108.453125, 17], [128, 14133.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14133.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14133.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14133.8125, 81.90625, 17], [128, 14133.8125, 81.90625, 17], [128, 14151.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14151.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14151.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14151.8125, 110.1875, 17], [128, 14151.8125, 110.1875, 17], [88, 14169.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 14169.8125, 7, 18], [71, 14169.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14169.8125, 221.765625, 17], [88, 14169.8125, 221.765625, 17], [88, 14187.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 14187.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14187.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14187.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14187.8125, 195.53125, 17], [128, 14187.8125, 195.53125, 17], [128, 14205.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14205.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14205.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14205.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 14205.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 14223.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14223.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14223.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14223.8125, 169.75, 17], [128, 14223.8125, 169.75, 17], [128, 14241.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14241.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14241.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14241.8125, 290.171875, 17], [128, 14241.8125, 290.171875, 17], [128, 14259.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14259.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14259.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14259.8125, 91.984375, 17], [128, 14259.8125, 91.984375, 17], [88, 14277.8125, 1184, 198], [71, 14277.8125, 7, 18], [71, 14277.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14277.8125, 128.453125, 17], [88, 14277.8125, 128.453125, 17], [88, 14295.8125, 1184, 180], [128, 14295.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14295.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14295.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14295.8125, 168.875, 17], [128, 14295.8125, 168.875, 17], [128, 14313.8125, 1144, 54], [111, 14313.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14313.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14313.8125, 83.109375, 17], [128, 14313.8125, 83.109375, 17], [128, 14331.8125, 1144, 36], [168, 14331.8125, 1104, 18], [151, 14331.8125, 7, 18], [151, 14331.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14331.8125, 155.5625, 17], [168, 14331.8125, 155.5625, 17], [168, 14349.8125, 1104, 18], [151, 14349.8125, 7, 18], [151, 14349.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14349.8125, 85.78125, 17], [168, 14349.8125, 85.78125, 17], [128, 14367.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14367.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14367.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14367.8125, 168.3125, 17], [128, 14367.8125, 168.3125, 17], [128, 14385.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14385.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14385.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14385.8125, 230.21875, 17], [128, 14385.8125, 230.21875, 17], [128, 14403.8125, 1144, 72], [111, 14403.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14403.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14403.8125, 225.859375, 17], [128, 14403.8125, 225.859375, 17], [128, 14421.8125, 1144, 54], [168, 14421.8125, 1104, 18], [151, 14421.8125, 7, 18], [151, 14421.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14421.8125, 132.390625, 17], [168, 14421.8125, 132.390625, 17], [168, 14439.8125, 1104, 18], [151, 14439.8125, 7, 18], [151, 14439.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14439.8125, 245.40625, 17], [168, 14439.8125, 245.40625, 17], [168, 14457.8125, 1104, 18], [151, 14457.8125, 7, 18], [151, 14457.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14457.8125, 298.078125, 17], [168, 14457.8125, 298.078125, 17], [88, 14475.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 14475.8125, 7, 18], [71, 14475.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14475.8125, 94.21875, 17], [88, 14475.8125, 94.21875, 17], [88, 14493.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 14493.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14493.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14493.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14493.8125, 199.09375, 17], [128, 14493.8125, 199.09375, 17], [128, 14511.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14511.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14511.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14511.8125, 32, 17], [128, 14511.8125, 32, 17], [128, 14529.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14529.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14529.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14529.8125, 135.546875, 17], [128, 14529.8125, 135.546875, 17], [128, 14547.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14547.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14547.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14547.8125, 110.640625, 17], [128, 14547.8125, 110.640625, 17], [128, 14565.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14565.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14565.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14565.8125, 164, 17], [128, 14565.8125, 164, 17], [88, 14583.8125, 1184, 360], [71, 14583.8125, 7, 18], [71, 14583.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14583.8125, 125.34375, 17], [88, 14583.8125, 125.34375, 17], [88, 14601.8125, 1184, 342], [128, 14601.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14601.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14601.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14601.8125, 108.4375, 17], [128, 14601.8125, 108.4375, 17], [128, 14619.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14619.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14619.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14619.8125, 201.71875, 17], [128, 14619.8125, 201.71875, 17], [128, 14637.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14637.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14637.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14637.8125, 123.75, 17], [128, 14637.8125, 123.75, 17], [128, 14655.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14655.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14655.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14655.8125, 107.78125, 17], [128, 14655.8125, 107.78125, 17], [128, 14673.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14673.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14673.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14673.8125, 137.296875, 17], [128, 14673.8125, 137.296875, 17], [128, 14691.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14691.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14691.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14691.8125, 89.75, 17], [128, 14691.8125, 89.75, 17], [128, 14709.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14709.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14709.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14709.8125, 101.3125, 17], [128, 14709.8125, 101.3125, 17], [128, 14727.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14727.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14727.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14727.8125, 152.40625, 17], [128, 14727.8125, 152.40625, 17], [128, 14745.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14745.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14745.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14745.8125, 111.953125, 17], [128, 14745.8125, 111.953125, 17], [128, 14763.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14763.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14763.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14763.8125, 149.078125, 17], [128, 14763.8125, 149.078125, 17], [128, 14781.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14781.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14781.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14781.8125, 123.546875, 17], [128, 14781.8125, 123.546875, 17], [128, 14799.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14799.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14799.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14799.8125, 90.640625, 17], [128, 14799.8125, 90.640625, 17], [128, 14817.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14817.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14817.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14817.8125, 77.3125, 17], [128, 14817.8125, 77.3125, 17], [128, 14835.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14835.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14835.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14835.8125, 137.28125, 17], [128, 14835.8125, 137.28125, 17], [128, 14853.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14853.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14853.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14853.8125, 100.8125, 17], [128, 14853.8125, 100.8125, 17], [128, 14871.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14871.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14871.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14871.8125, 81.78125, 17], [128, 14871.8125, 81.78125, 17], [128, 14889.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14889.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14889.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14889.8125, 80.90625, 17], [128, 14889.8125, 80.90625, 17], [128, 14907.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14907.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14907.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14907.8125, 120.4375, 17], [128, 14907.8125, 120.4375, 17], [128, 14925.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14925.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14925.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14925.8125, 114.046875, 17], [128, 14925.8125, 114.046875, 17], [88, 14943.8125, 1184, 162], [71, 14943.8125, 7, 18], [71, 14943.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14943.8125, 53.328125, 17], [88, 14943.8125, 53.328125, 17], [88, 14961.8125, 1184, 144], [128, 14961.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14961.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14961.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14961.8125, 37.765625, 17], [128, 14961.8125, 37.765625, 17], [128, 14979.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14979.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14979.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14979.8125, 75.09375, 17], [128, 14979.8125, 75.09375, 17], [128, 14997.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 14997.8125, 7, 18], [111, 14997.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14997.8125, 57.9375, 17], [128, 14997.8125, 57.9375, 17], [128, 15015.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15015.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15015.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15015.8125, 68.03125, 17], [128, 15015.8125, 68.03125, 17], [128, 15033.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15033.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15033.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15033.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 15033.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 15051.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15051.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15051.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15051.8125, 132.828125, 17], [128, 15051.8125, 132.828125, 17], [128, 15069.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15069.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15069.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15069.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 15069.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 15087.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15087.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15087.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15087.8125, 40, 17], [128, 15087.8125, 40, 17], [48, 15105.8125, 1224, 594], [31, 15105.8125, 7, 18], [31, 15105.8125, 7, 17], [48, 15105.8125, 41.75, 17], [48, 15105.8125, 41.75, 17], [48, 15123.8125, 1224, 576], [88, 15123.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15123.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15123.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15123.8125, 39.109375, 17], [88, 15123.8125, 39.109375, 17], [88, 15141.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15141.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15141.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15141.8125, 109.765625, 17], [88, 15141.8125, 109.765625, 17], [88, 15159.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15159.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15159.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15159.8125, 96.859375, 17], [88, 15159.8125, 96.859375, 17], [88, 15177.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15177.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15177.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15177.8125, 111.96875, 17], [88, 15177.8125, 111.96875, 17], [88, 15195.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15195.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15195.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15195.8125, 109.953125, 17], [88, 15195.8125, 109.953125, 17], [88, 15213.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15213.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15213.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15213.8125, 75.96875, 17], [88, 15213.8125, 75.96875, 17], [88, 15231.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15231.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15231.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15231.8125, 97.125, 17], [88, 15231.8125, 97.125, 17], [88, 15249.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15249.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15249.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15249.8125, 87.765625, 17], [88, 15249.8125, 87.765625, 17], [88, 15267.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15267.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15267.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15267.8125, 109.75, 17], [88, 15267.8125, 109.75, 17], [88, 15285.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15285.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15285.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15285.8125, 77.78125, 17], [88, 15285.8125, 77.78125, 17], [88, 15303.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15303.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15303.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15303.8125, 59.96875, 17], [88, 15303.8125, 59.96875, 17], [88, 15321.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15321.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15321.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15321.8125, 48.890625, 17], [88, 15321.8125, 48.890625, 17], [88, 15339.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15339.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15339.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15339.8125, 78.671875, 17], [88, 15339.8125, 78.671875, 17], [88, 15357.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15357.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15357.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15357.8125, 88.421875, 17], [88, 15357.8125, 88.421875, 17], [88, 15375.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15375.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15375.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15375.8125, 48.890625, 17], [88, 15375.8125, 48.890625, 17], [88, 15393.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15393.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15393.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15393.8125, 63.078125, 17], [88, 15393.8125, 63.078125, 17], [88, 15411.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15411.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15411.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15411.8125, 123.953125, 17], [88, 15411.8125, 123.953125, 17], [88, 15429.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15429.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15429.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15429.8125, 37.328125, 17], [88, 15429.8125, 37.328125, 17], [88, 15447.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15447.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15447.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15447.8125, 60.65625, 17], [88, 15447.8125, 60.65625, 17], [88, 15465.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15465.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15465.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15465.8125, 90.40625, 17], [88, 15465.8125, 90.40625, 17], [88, 15483.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15483.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15483.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15483.8125, 94.640625, 17], [88, 15483.8125, 94.640625, 17], [88, 15501.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15501.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15501.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15501.8125, 155.734375, 17], [88, 15501.8125, 155.734375, 17], [88, 15519.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15519.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15519.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15519.8125, 150.625, 17], [88, 15519.8125, 150.625, 17], [88, 15537.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15537.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15537.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15537.8125, 85.09375, 17], [88, 15537.8125, 85.09375, 17], [88, 15555.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15555.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15555.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15555.8125, 101.984375, 17], [88, 15555.8125, 101.984375, 17], [88, 15573.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15573.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15573.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15573.8125, 153.890625, 17], [88, 15573.8125, 153.890625, 17], [88, 15591.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15591.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15591.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15591.8125, 37.3125, 17], [88, 15591.8125, 37.3125, 17], [88, 15609.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15609.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15609.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15609.8125, 27.578125, 17], [88, 15609.8125, 27.578125, 17], [88, 15627.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15627.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15627.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15627.8125, 47.09375, 17], [88, 15627.8125, 47.09375, 17], [88, 15645.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15645.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15645.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15645.8125, 70.65625, 17], [88, 15645.8125, 70.65625, 17], [88, 15663.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15663.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15663.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15663.8125, 60.015625, 17], [88, 15663.8125, 60.015625, 17], [88, 15681.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 15681.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15681.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15681.8125, 135.515625, 17], [88, 15681.8125, 135.515625, 17], [48, 15699.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 15699.8125, 7, 18], [31, 15699.8125, 7, 17], [48, 15699.8125, 84.65625, 17], [48, 15699.8125, 84.65625, 17], [48, 15717.8125, 1224, 810], [31, 15717.8125, 7, 18], [31, 15717.8125, 7, 17], [48, 15717.8125, 103.234375, 17], [48, 15717.8125, 103.234375, 17], [48, 15735.8125, 1224, 792], [88, 15735.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 15735.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15735.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15735.8125, 161.296875, 17], [88, 15735.8125, 161.296875, 17], [88, 15753.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 15753.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15753.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15753.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15753.8125, 57.765625, 17], [128, 15753.8125, 57.765625, 17], [88, 15771.8125, 1184, 198], [71, 15771.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15771.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15771.8125, 210.78125, 17], [88, 15771.8125, 210.78125, 17], [88, 15789.8125, 1184, 180], [128, 15789.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15789.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15789.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15789.8125, 93.765625, 17], [128, 15789.8125, 93.765625, 17], [128, 15807.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15807.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15807.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15807.8125, 76, 17], [128, 15807.8125, 76, 17], [128, 15825.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15825.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15825.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15825.8125, 52.4375, 17], [128, 15825.8125, 52.4375, 17], [128, 15843.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15843.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15843.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15843.8125, 96.421875, 17], [128, 15843.8125, 96.421875, 17], [128, 15861.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15861.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15861.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15861.8125, 95.828125, 17], [128, 15861.8125, 95.828125, 17], [128, 15879.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15879.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15879.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15879.8125, 87.546875, 17], [128, 15879.8125, 87.546875, 17], [128, 15897.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15897.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15897.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15897.8125, 76.859375, 17], [128, 15897.8125, 76.859375, 17], [128, 15915.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15915.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15915.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15915.8125, 25.796875, 17], [128, 15915.8125, 25.796875, 17], [128, 15933.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15933.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15933.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15933.8125, 60.5, 17], [128, 15933.8125, 60.5, 17], [128, 15951.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15951.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15951.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15951.8125, 104.4375, 17], [128, 15951.8125, 104.4375, 17], [88, 15969.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 15969.8125, 7, 18], [71, 15969.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15969.8125, 147.21875, 17], [88, 15969.8125, 147.21875, 17], [88, 15987.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 15987.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 15987.8125, 7, 18], [111, 15987.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15987.8125, 41.109375, 17], [128, 15987.8125, 41.109375, 17], [128, 16005.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16005.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16005.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16005.8125, 32.875, 17], [128, 16005.8125, 32.875, 17], [128, 16023.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16023.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16023.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16023.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 16023.8125, 34.65625, 17], [88, 16041.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 16041.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16041.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16041.8125, 91.671875, 17], [88, 16041.8125, 91.671875, 17], [88, 16059.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 16059.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16059.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16059.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16059.8125, 95.828125, 17], [128, 16059.8125, 95.828125, 17], [88, 16077.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 16077.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16077.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16077.8125, 136.578125, 17], [88, 16077.8125, 136.578125, 17], [88, 16095.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 16095.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16095.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16095.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16095.8125, 81.328125, 17], [128, 16095.8125, 81.328125, 17], [88, 16113.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 16113.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16113.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16113.8125, 194.734375, 17], [88, 16113.8125, 194.734375, 17], [88, 16131.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 16131.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16131.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16131.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16131.8125, 66.1875, 17], [128, 16131.8125, 66.1875, 17], [88, 16149.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 16149.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16149.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16149.8125, 89.015625, 17], [88, 16149.8125, 89.015625, 17], [88, 16167.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 16167.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16167.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16167.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16167.8125, 214.984375, 17], [128, 16167.8125, 214.984375, 17], [128, 16185.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16185.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16185.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16185.8125, 173, 17], [128, 16185.8125, 173, 17], [128, 16203.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16203.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16203.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16203.8125, 149.671875, 17], [128, 16203.8125, 149.671875, 17], [128, 16221.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16221.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16221.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16221.8125, 166.3125, 17], [128, 16221.8125, 166.3125, 17], [88, 16239.8125, 1184, 144], [71, 16239.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16239.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16239.8125, 131.21875, 17], [88, 16239.8125, 131.21875, 17], [88, 16257.8125, 1184, 126], [128, 16257.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16257.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16257.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16257.8125, 188.96875, 17], [128, 16257.8125, 188.96875, 17], [128, 16275.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16275.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16275.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16275.8125, 187.203125, 17], [128, 16275.8125, 187.203125, 17], [128, 16293.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16293.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16293.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16293.8125, 184.78125, 17], [128, 16293.8125, 184.78125, 17], [128, 16311.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16311.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16311.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16311.8125, 211.65625, 17], [128, 16311.8125, 211.65625, 17], [128, 16329.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16329.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16329.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16329.8125, 257.1875, 17], [128, 16329.8125, 257.1875, 17], [128, 16347.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16347.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16347.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16347.8125, 186.3125, 17], [128, 16347.8125, 186.3125, 17], [128, 16365.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16365.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16365.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16365.8125, 195.71875, 17], [128, 16365.8125, 195.71875, 17], [88, 16383.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 16383.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16383.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16383.8125, 153.453125, 17], [88, 16383.8125, 153.453125, 17], [88, 16401.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 16401.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16401.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16401.8125, 191.640625, 17], [88, 16401.8125, 191.640625, 17], [88, 16419.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 16419.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16419.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16419.8125, 88.140625, 17], [88, 16419.8125, 88.140625, 17], [88, 16437.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 16437.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16437.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16437.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16437.8125, 32.90625, 17], [128, 16437.8125, 32.90625, 17], [88, 16455.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 16455.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16455.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16455.8125, 77.8125, 17], [88, 16455.8125, 77.8125, 17], [88, 16473.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 16473.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16473.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16473.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16473.8125, 22.859375, 17], [128, 16473.8125, 22.859375, 17], [88, 16491.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 16491.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16491.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16491.8125, 97.015625, 17], [88, 16491.8125, 97.015625, 17], [88, 16509.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 16509.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16509.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16509.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16509.8125, 86.34375, 17], [128, 16509.8125, 86.34375, 17], [48, 16527.8125, 1224, 576], [31, 16527.8125, 7, 18], [31, 16527.8125, 7, 17], [48, 16527.8125, 80.453125, 17], [48, 16527.8125, 80.453125, 17], [48, 16545.8125, 1224, 558], [88, 16545.8125, 1184, 234], [71, 16545.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16545.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16545.8125, 181.328125, 17], [88, 16545.8125, 181.328125, 17], [88, 16563.8125, 1184, 216], [128, 16563.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16563.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16563.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16563.8125, 47.984375, 17], [128, 16563.8125, 47.984375, 17], [128, 16581.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16581.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16581.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16581.8125, 57.375, 17], [128, 16581.8125, 57.375, 17], [128, 16599.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16599.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16599.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16599.8125, 64.4375, 17], [128, 16599.8125, 64.4375, 17], [128, 16617.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16617.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16617.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16617.8125, 36.4375, 17], [128, 16617.8125, 36.4375, 17], [128, 16635.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16635.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16635.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16635.8125, 38.671875, 17], [128, 16635.8125, 38.671875, 17], [128, 16653.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16653.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16653.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16653.8125, 78.65625, 17], [128, 16653.8125, 78.65625, 17], [128, 16671.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16671.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16671.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16671.8125, 68.890625, 17], [128, 16671.8125, 68.890625, 17], [128, 16689.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16689.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16689.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16689.8125, 160.875, 17], [128, 16689.8125, 160.875, 17], [128, 16707.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16707.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16707.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16707.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 16707.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 16725.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16725.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16725.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16725.8125, 55.984375, 17], [128, 16725.8125, 55.984375, 17], [128, 16743.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16743.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16743.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16743.8125, 41.78125, 17], [128, 16743.8125, 41.78125, 17], [128, 16761.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16761.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16761.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16761.8125, 96.421875, 17], [128, 16761.8125, 96.421875, 17], [88, 16779.8125, 1184, 306], [71, 16779.8125, 7, 18], [71, 16779.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16779.8125, 152, 17], [88, 16779.8125, 152, 17], [88, 16797.8125, 1184, 288], [128, 16797.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16797.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16797.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16797.8125, 41.78125, 17], [128, 16797.8125, 41.78125, 17], [128, 16815.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16815.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16815.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16815.8125, 55.109375, 17], [128, 16815.8125, 55.109375, 17], [128, 16833.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16833.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16833.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16833.8125, 76.875, 17], [128, 16833.8125, 76.875, 17], [128, 16851.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16851.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16851.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16851.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 16851.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 16869.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16869.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16869.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16869.8125, 47.546875, 17], [128, 16869.8125, 47.546875, 17], [128, 16887.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16887.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16887.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16887.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 16887.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 16905.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16905.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16905.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16905.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 16905.8125, 101.984375, 17], [128, 16923.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16923.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16923.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16923.8125, 57.375, 17], [128, 16923.8125, 57.375, 17], [128, 16941.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16941.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16941.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16941.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 16941.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 16959.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16959.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16959.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16959.8125, 108.90625, 17], [128, 16959.8125, 108.90625, 17], [128, 16977.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16977.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16977.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16977.8125, 71.5625, 17], [128, 16977.8125, 71.5625, 17], [128, 16995.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 16995.8125, 7, 18], [111, 16995.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16995.8125, 145.296875, 17], [128, 16995.8125, 145.296875, 17], [128, 17013.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17013.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17013.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17013.8125, 111.984375, 17], [128, 17013.8125, 111.984375, 17], [128, 17031.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17031.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17031.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17031.8125, 119.40625, 17], [128, 17031.8125, 119.40625, 17], [128, 17049.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17049.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17049.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17049.8125, 107.546875, 17], [128, 17049.8125, 107.546875, 17], [128, 17067.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17067.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17067.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17067.8125, 95.421875, 17], [128, 17067.8125, 95.421875, 17], [88, 17085.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 17085.8125, 7, 18], [71, 17085.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17085.8125, 65.34375, 17], [88, 17085.8125, 65.34375, 17], [48, 17103.8125, 1224, 2502], [31, 17103.8125, 7, 18], [31, 17103.8125, 7, 17], [48, 17103.8125, 115.109375, 17], [48, 17103.8125, 115.109375, 17], [48, 17121.8125, 1224, 2484], [88, 17121.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 17121.8125, 7, 18], [71, 17121.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17121.8125, 94.640625, 17], [88, 17121.8125, 94.640625, 17], [88, 17139.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 17139.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17139.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17139.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17139.8125, 100.375, 17], [128, 17139.8125, 100.375, 17], [128, 17157.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17157.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17157.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17157.8125, 124.09375, 17], [128, 17157.8125, 124.09375, 17], [128, 17175.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17175.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17175.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17175.8125, 96, 17], [128, 17175.8125, 96, 17], [128, 17193.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17193.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17193.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17193.8125, 135.96875, 17], [128, 17193.8125, 135.96875, 17], [88, 17211.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 17211.8125, 7, 18], [71, 17211.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17211.8125, 51.546875, 17], [88, 17211.8125, 51.546875, 17], [88, 17229.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 17229.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17229.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17229.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17229.8125, 249.625, 17], [128, 17229.8125, 249.625, 17], [128, 17247.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17247.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17247.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17247.8125, 175.53125, 17], [128, 17247.8125, 175.53125, 17], [128, 17265.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17265.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17265.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17265.8125, 135.078125, 17], [128, 17265.8125, 135.078125, 17], [128, 17283.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17283.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17283.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17283.8125, 90.8125, 17], [128, 17283.8125, 90.8125, 17], [88, 17301.8125, 1184, 432], [71, 17301.8125, 7, 18], [71, 17301.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17301.8125, 143.5625, 17], [88, 17301.8125, 143.5625, 17], [88, 17319.8125, 1184, 414], [128, 17319.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17319.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17319.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17319.8125, 165.328125, 17], [128, 17319.8125, 165.328125, 17], [128, 17337.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17337.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17337.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17337.8125, 303.296875, 17], [128, 17337.8125, 303.296875, 17], [128, 17355.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17355.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17355.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17355.8125, 246.296875, 17], [128, 17355.8125, 246.296875, 17], [128, 17373.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17373.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17373.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17373.8125, 252.515625, 17], [128, 17373.8125, 252.515625, 17], [128, 17391.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17391.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17391.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17391.8125, 234.1875, 17], [128, 17391.8125, 234.1875, 17], [128, 17409.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17409.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17409.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17409.8125, 236.875, 17], [128, 17409.8125, 236.875, 17], [128, 17427.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17427.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17427.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17427.8125, 275.96875, 17], [128, 17427.8125, 275.96875, 17], [128, 17445.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17445.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17445.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17445.8125, 290.609375, 17], [128, 17445.8125, 290.609375, 17], [128, 17463.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17463.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17463.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17463.8125, 280.953125, 17], [128, 17463.8125, 280.953125, 17], [128, 17481.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17481.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17481.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17481.8125, 84.171875, 17], [128, 17481.8125, 84.171875, 17], [128, 17499.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17499.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17499.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17499.8125, 84.9375, 17], [128, 17499.8125, 84.9375, 17], [128, 17517.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17517.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17517.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17517.8125, 172.859375, 17], [128, 17517.8125, 172.859375, 17], [128, 17535.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17535.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17535.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17535.8125, 224.875, 17], [128, 17535.8125, 224.875, 17], [128, 17553.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17553.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17553.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17553.8125, 274.625, 17], [128, 17553.8125, 274.625, 17], [128, 17571.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17571.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17571.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17571.8125, 49.78125, 17], [128, 17571.8125, 49.78125, 17], [128, 17589.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17589.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17589.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17589.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 17589.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 17607.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17607.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17607.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17607.8125, 101.765625, 17], [128, 17607.8125, 101.765625, 17], [128, 17625.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17625.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17625.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17625.8125, 161.34375, 17], [128, 17625.8125, 161.34375, 17], [128, 17643.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17643.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17643.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17643.8125, 231.09375, 17], [128, 17643.8125, 231.09375, 17], [128, 17661.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17661.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17661.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17661.8125, 230.625, 17], [128, 17661.8125, 230.625, 17], [128, 17679.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17679.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17679.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17679.8125, 247.53125, 17], [128, 17679.8125, 247.53125, 17], [128, 17697.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17697.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17697.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17697.8125, 208.546875, 17], [128, 17697.8125, 208.546875, 17], [128, 17715.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17715.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17715.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17715.8125, 225.328125, 17], [128, 17715.8125, 225.328125, 17], [88, 17733.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 17733.8125, 7, 18], [71, 17733.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17733.8125, 162.625, 17], [88, 17733.8125, 162.625, 17], [88, 17751.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 17751.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17751.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17751.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17751.8125, 127.46875, 17], [128, 17751.8125, 127.46875, 17], [128, 17769.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17769.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17769.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17769.8125, 209.28125, 17], [128, 17769.8125, 209.28125, 17], [128, 17787.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17787.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17787.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17787.8125, 165.328125, 17], [128, 17787.8125, 165.328125, 17], [128, 17805.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17805.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17805.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17805.8125, 160, 17], [128, 17805.8125, 160, 17], [88, 17823.8125, 1184, 792], [71, 17823.8125, 7, 18], [71, 17823.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17823.8125, 129.3125, 17], [88, 17823.8125, 129.3125, 17], [88, 17841.8125, 1184, 774], [128, 17841.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17841.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17841.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17841.8125, 84.90625, 17], [128, 17841.8125, 84.90625, 17], [128, 17859.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17859.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17859.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17859.8125, 116.40625, 17], [128, 17859.8125, 116.40625, 17], [128, 17877.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17877.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17877.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17877.8125, 58.234375, 17], [128, 17877.8125, 58.234375, 17], [128, 17895.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17895.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17895.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17895.8125, 45.328125, 17], [128, 17895.8125, 45.328125, 17], [128, 17913.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17913.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17913.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17913.8125, 54.203125, 17], [128, 17913.8125, 54.203125, 17], [128, 17931.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17931.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17931.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17931.8125, 82.203125, 17], [128, 17931.8125, 82.203125, 17], [128, 17949.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17949.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17949.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17949.8125, 179.953125, 17], [128, 17949.8125, 179.953125, 17], [128, 17967.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17967.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17967.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17967.8125, 42.671875, 17], [128, 17967.8125, 42.671875, 17], [128, 17985.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 17985.8125, 7, 18], [111, 17985.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17985.8125, 57.03125, 17], [128, 17985.8125, 57.03125, 17], [128, 18003.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18003.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18003.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18003.8125, 44.453125, 17], [128, 18003.8125, 44.453125, 17], [128, 18021.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18021.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18021.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18021.8125, 180.875, 17], [128, 18021.8125, 180.875, 17], [128, 18039.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18039.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18039.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18039.8125, 232.859375, 17], [128, 18039.8125, 232.859375, 17], [128, 18057.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18057.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18057.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18057.8125, 82.21875, 17], [128, 18057.8125, 82.21875, 17], [128, 18075.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18075.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18075.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18075.8125, 94.65625, 17], [128, 18075.8125, 94.65625, 17], [128, 18093.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18093.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18093.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18093.8125, 67.125, 17], [128, 18093.8125, 67.125, 17], [128, 18111.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18111.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18111.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18111.8125, 84.171875, 17], [128, 18111.8125, 84.171875, 17], [128, 18129.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18129.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18129.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18129.8125, 84.65625, 17], [128, 18129.8125, 84.65625, 17], [128, 18147.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18147.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18147.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18147.8125, 44.4375, 17], [128, 18147.8125, 44.4375, 17], [128, 18165.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18165.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18165.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18165.8125, 159.09375, 17], [128, 18165.8125, 159.09375, 17], [128, 18183.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18183.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18183.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18183.8125, 168.796875, 17], [128, 18183.8125, 168.796875, 17], [128, 18201.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18201.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18201.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18201.8125, 96.890625, 17], [128, 18201.8125, 96.890625, 17], [128, 18219.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18219.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18219.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18219.8125, 64, 17], [128, 18219.8125, 64, 17], [128, 18237.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18237.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18237.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18237.8125, 185.515625, 17], [128, 18237.8125, 185.515625, 17], [128, 18255.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18255.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18255.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18255.8125, 140.890625, 17], [128, 18255.8125, 140.890625, 17], [128, 18273.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18273.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18273.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18273.8125, 76.890625, 17], [128, 18273.8125, 76.890625, 17], [128, 18291.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18291.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18291.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18291.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 18291.8125, 68.875, 17], [128, 18309.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18309.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18309.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18309.8125, 182.65625, 17], [128, 18309.8125, 182.65625, 17], [128, 18327.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18327.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18327.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18327.8125, 53.796875, 17], [128, 18327.8125, 53.796875, 17], [128, 18345.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18345.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18345.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18345.8125, 43.546875, 17], [128, 18345.8125, 43.546875, 17], [128, 18363.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18363.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18363.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18363.8125, 51.546875, 17], [128, 18363.8125, 51.546875, 17], [128, 18381.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18381.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18381.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18381.8125, 64.859375, 17], [128, 18381.8125, 64.859375, 17], [128, 18399.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18399.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18399.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18399.8125, 126.671875, 17], [128, 18399.8125, 126.671875, 17], [128, 18417.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18417.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18417.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18417.8125, 68, 17], [128, 18417.8125, 68, 17], [128, 18435.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18435.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18435.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18435.8125, 62.6875, 17], [128, 18435.8125, 62.6875, 17], [128, 18453.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18453.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18453.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18453.8125, 80.421875, 17], [128, 18453.8125, 80.421875, 17], [128, 18471.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18471.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18471.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18471.8125, 47.703125, 17], [128, 18471.8125, 47.703125, 17], [128, 18489.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18489.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18489.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18489.8125, 33.203125, 17], [128, 18489.8125, 33.203125, 17], [128, 18507.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18507.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18507.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18507.8125, 55.765625, 17], [128, 18507.8125, 55.765625, 17], [128, 18525.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18525.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18525.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18525.8125, 147.546875, 17], [128, 18525.8125, 147.546875, 17], [128, 18543.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18543.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18543.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18543.8125, 143.3125, 17], [128, 18543.8125, 143.3125, 17], [128, 18561.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18561.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18561.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18561.8125, 142.4375, 17], [128, 18561.8125, 142.4375, 17], [128, 18579.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18579.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18579.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18579.8125, 50.265625, 17], [128, 18579.8125, 50.265625, 17], [128, 18597.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18597.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18597.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18597.8125, 32.890625, 17], [128, 18597.8125, 32.890625, 17], [88, 18615.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 18615.8125, 7, 18], [71, 18615.8125, 7, 17], [88, 18615.8125, 150.671875, 17], [88, 18615.8125, 150.671875, 17], [88, 18633.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 18633.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18633.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18633.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18633.8125, 32, 17], [128, 18633.8125, 32, 17], [128, 18651.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18651.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18651.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18651.8125, 69.75, 17], [128, 18651.8125, 69.75, 17], [128, 18669.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18669.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18669.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18669.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 18669.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 18687.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18687.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18687.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18687.8125, 30.21875, 17], [128, 18687.8125, 30.21875, 17], [88, 18705.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 18705.8125, 7, 18], [71, 18705.8125, 7, 17], [88, 18705.8125, 161.28125, 17], [88, 18705.8125, 161.28125, 17], [88, 18723.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 18723.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18723.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18723.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18723.8125, 125.296875, 17], [128, 18723.8125, 125.296875, 17], [128, 18741.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18741.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18741.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18741.8125, 113.75, 17], [128, 18741.8125, 113.75, 17], [128, 18759.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18759.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18759.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18759.8125, 130.625, 17], [128, 18759.8125, 130.625, 17], [128, 18777.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18777.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18777.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18777.8125, 125.3125, 17], [128, 18777.8125, 125.3125, 17], [128, 18795.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18795.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18795.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18795.8125, 129.734375, 17], [128, 18795.8125, 129.734375, 17], [88, 18813.8125, 1184, 216], [71, 18813.8125, 7, 18], [71, 18813.8125, 7, 17], [88, 18813.8125, 114.203125, 17], [88, 18813.8125, 114.203125, 17], [88, 18831.8125, 1184, 198], [128, 18831.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18831.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18831.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18831.8125, 37.328125, 17], [128, 18831.8125, 37.328125, 17], [128, 18849.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18849.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18849.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18849.8125, 20.453125, 17], [128, 18849.8125, 20.453125, 17], [128, 18867.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18867.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18867.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18867.8125, 48.875, 17], [128, 18867.8125, 48.875, 17], [128, 18885.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18885.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18885.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18885.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 18885.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 18903.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18903.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18903.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18903.8125, 161.703125, 17], [128, 18903.8125, 161.703125, 17], [128, 18921.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18921.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18921.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18921.8125, 136.84375, 17], [128, 18921.8125, 136.84375, 17], [128, 18939.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18939.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18939.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18939.8125, 28.765625, 17], [128, 18939.8125, 28.765625, 17], [128, 18957.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18957.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18957.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18957.8125, 50.265625, 17], [128, 18957.8125, 50.265625, 17], [128, 18975.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18975.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18975.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18975.8125, 174.765625, 17], [128, 18975.8125, 174.765625, 17], [128, 18993.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 18993.8125, 7, 18], [111, 18993.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18993.8125, 84.65625, 17], [128, 18993.8125, 84.65625, 17], [128, 19011.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19011.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19011.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19011.8125, 210.625, 17], [128, 19011.8125, 210.625, 17], [88, 19029.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 19029.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19029.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19029.8125, 76.015625, 17], [88, 19029.8125, 76.015625, 17], [88, 19047.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 19047.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19047.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19047.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19047.8125, 76.40625, 17], [128, 19047.8125, 76.40625, 17], [128, 19065.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19065.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19065.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19065.8125, 130.65625, 17], [128, 19065.8125, 130.65625, 17], [128, 19083.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19083.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19083.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19083.8125, 149.484375, 17], [128, 19083.8125, 149.484375, 17], [88, 19101.8125, 1184, 324], [71, 19101.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19101.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19101.8125, 165.3125, 17], [88, 19101.8125, 165.3125, 17], [88, 19119.8125, 1184, 306], [128, 19119.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19119.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19119.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19119.8125, 72.453125, 17], [128, 19119.8125, 72.453125, 17], [128, 19137.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19137.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19137.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19137.8125, 68.90625, 17], [128, 19137.8125, 68.90625, 17], [128, 19155.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19155.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19155.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19155.8125, 111.546875, 17], [128, 19155.8125, 111.546875, 17], [128, 19173.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19173.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19173.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19173.8125, 130.65625, 17], [128, 19173.8125, 130.65625, 17], [128, 19191.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19191.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19191.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19191.8125, 149.8125, 17], [128, 19191.8125, 149.8125, 17], [128, 19209.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19209.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19209.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19209.8125, 139.109375, 17], [128, 19209.8125, 139.109375, 17], [128, 19227.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19227.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19227.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19227.8125, 215.96875, 17], [128, 19227.8125, 215.96875, 17], [128, 19245.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19245.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19245.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19245.8125, 150.65625, 17], [128, 19245.8125, 150.65625, 17], [128, 19263.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19263.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19263.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19263.8125, 142.671875, 17], [128, 19263.8125, 142.671875, 17], [128, 19281.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19281.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19281.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19281.8125, 101.765625, 17], [128, 19281.8125, 101.765625, 17], [128, 19299.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19299.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19299.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19299.8125, 195.515625, 17], [128, 19299.8125, 195.515625, 17], [128, 19317.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19317.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19317.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19317.8125, 104.015625, 17], [128, 19317.8125, 104.015625, 17], [128, 19335.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19335.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19335.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19335.8125, 132.90625, 17], [128, 19335.8125, 132.90625, 17], [128, 19353.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19353.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19353.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19353.8125, 209.765625, 17], [128, 19353.8125, 209.765625, 17], [128, 19371.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19371.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19371.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19371.8125, 144.328125, 17], [128, 19371.8125, 144.328125, 17], [128, 19389.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19389.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19389.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19389.8125, 99.109375, 17], [128, 19389.8125, 99.109375, 17], [128, 19407.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19407.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19407.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19407.8125, 139.484375, 17], [128, 19407.8125, 139.484375, 17], [88, 19425.8125, 1184, 90], [71, 19425.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19425.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19425.8125, 96.4375, 17], [88, 19425.8125, 96.4375, 17], [88, 19443.8125, 1184, 72], [128, 19443.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19443.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19443.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19443.8125, 90.25, 17], [128, 19443.8125, 90.25, 17], [128, 19461.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19461.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19461.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19461.8125, 86.125, 17], [128, 19461.8125, 86.125, 17], [128, 19479.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19479.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19479.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19479.8125, 101.765625, 17], [128, 19479.8125, 101.765625, 17], [128, 19497.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19497.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19497.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19497.8125, 77.53125, 17], [128, 19497.8125, 77.53125, 17], [88, 19515.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 19515.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19515.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19515.8125, 180.25, 17], [88, 19515.8125, 180.25, 17], [88, 19533.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 19533.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19533.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19533.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19533.8125, 60.453125, 17], [128, 19533.8125, 60.453125, 17], [128, 19551.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19551.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19551.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19551.8125, 75.03125, 17], [128, 19551.8125, 75.03125, 17], [128, 19569.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19569.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19569.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19569.8125, 69.359375, 17], [128, 19569.8125, 69.359375, 17], [88, 19587.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 19587.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19587.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19587.8125, 40.234375, 17], [88, 19587.8125, 40.234375, 17], [48, 19605.8125, 1224, 36], [31, 19605.8125, 7, 18], [31, 19605.8125, 7, 17], [48, 19605.8125, 91.984375, 17], [48, 19605.8125, 91.984375, 17], [48, 19623.8125, 1224, 18], [88, 19623.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 19623.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19623.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19623.8125, 165.75, 17], [88, 19623.8125, 165.75, 17], [48, 19641.8125, 1224, 3456], [31, 19641.8125, 7, 18], [31, 19641.8125, 7, 17], [48, 19641.8125, 94.65625, 17], [48, 19641.8125, 94.65625, 17], [48, 19659.8125, 1224, 3438], [88, 19659.8125, 1184, 252], [71, 19659.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19659.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19659.8125, 237.96875, 17], [88, 19659.8125, 237.96875, 17], [88, 19677.8125, 1184, 234], [128, 19677.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19677.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19677.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19677.8125, 72.65625, 17], [128, 19677.8125, 72.65625, 17], [128, 19695.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19695.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19695.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19695.8125, 105.78125, 17], [128, 19695.8125, 105.78125, 17], [128, 19713.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19713.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19713.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19713.8125, 27.546875, 17], [128, 19713.8125, 27.546875, 17], [128, 19731.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19731.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19731.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19731.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 19731.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 19749.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19749.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19749.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19749.8125, 145.328125, 17], [128, 19749.8125, 145.328125, 17], [128, 19767.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19767.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19767.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19767.8125, 73.3125, 17], [128, 19767.8125, 73.3125, 17], [128, 19785.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19785.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19785.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19785.8125, 92.421875, 17], [128, 19785.8125, 92.421875, 17], [128, 19803.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19803.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19803.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19803.8125, 76.4375, 17], [128, 19803.8125, 76.4375, 17], [128, 19821.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19821.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19821.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19821.8125, 62.671875, 17], [128, 19821.8125, 62.671875, 17], [128, 19839.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19839.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19839.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19839.8125, 101.09375, 17], [128, 19839.8125, 101.09375, 17], [128, 19857.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19857.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19857.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19857.8125, 49.78125, 17], [128, 19857.8125, 49.78125, 17], [128, 19875.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19875.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19875.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19875.8125, 84.65625, 17], [128, 19875.8125, 84.65625, 17], [128, 19893.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19893.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19893.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19893.8125, 95.53125, 17], [128, 19893.8125, 95.53125, 17], [88, 19911.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 19911.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19911.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19911.8125, 61.34375, 17], [88, 19911.8125, 61.34375, 17], [88, 19929.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 19929.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19929.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19929.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19929.8125, 298.59375, 17], [128, 19929.8125, 298.59375, 17], [128, 19947.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19947.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19947.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19947.8125, 147.859375, 17], [128, 19947.8125, 147.859375, 17], [128, 19965.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 19965.8125, 7, 18], [111, 19965.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19965.8125, 180.734375, 17], [128, 19965.8125, 180.734375, 17], [88, 19983.8125, 1184, 450], [71, 19983.8125, 7, 18], [71, 19983.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19983.8125, 102.65625, 17], [88, 19983.8125, 102.65625, 17], [88, 20001.8125, 1184, 432], [128, 20001.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20001.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20001.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20001.8125, 105.75, 17], [128, 20001.8125, 105.75, 17], [128, 20019.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20019.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20019.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20019.8125, 74.21875, 17], [128, 20019.8125, 74.21875, 17], [128, 20037.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20037.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20037.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20037.8125, 44.421875, 17], [128, 20037.8125, 44.421875, 17], [128, 20055.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20055.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20055.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20055.8125, 166.203125, 17], [128, 20055.8125, 166.203125, 17], [128, 20073.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20073.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20073.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20073.8125, 132.8125, 17], [128, 20073.8125, 132.8125, 17], [128, 20091.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20091.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20091.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20091.8125, 86.125, 17], [128, 20091.8125, 86.125, 17], [128, 20109.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20109.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20109.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20109.8125, 232.125, 17], [128, 20109.8125, 232.125, 17], [128, 20127.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20127.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20127.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20127.8125, 33.78125, 17], [128, 20127.8125, 33.78125, 17], [128, 20145.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20145.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20145.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20145.8125, 116.8125, 17], [128, 20145.8125, 116.8125, 17], [128, 20163.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20163.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20163.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20163.8125, 186.359375, 17], [128, 20163.8125, 186.359375, 17], [128, 20181.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20181.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20181.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20181.8125, 131.96875, 17], [128, 20181.8125, 131.96875, 17], [128, 20199.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20199.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20199.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20199.8125, 97.296875, 17], [128, 20199.8125, 97.296875, 17], [128, 20217.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20217.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20217.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20217.8125, 220.46875, 17], [128, 20217.8125, 220.46875, 17], [128, 20235.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20235.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20235.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20235.8125, 169.328125, 17], [128, 20235.8125, 169.328125, 17], [128, 20253.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20253.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20253.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20253.8125, 159, 17], [128, 20253.8125, 159, 17], [128, 20271.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20271.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20271.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20271.8125, 205.3125, 17], [128, 20271.8125, 205.3125, 17], [128, 20289.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20289.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20289.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20289.8125, 80.90625, 17], [128, 20289.8125, 80.90625, 17], [128, 20307.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20307.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20307.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20307.8125, 126.140625, 17], [128, 20307.8125, 126.140625, 17], [128, 20325.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20325.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20325.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20325.8125, 39.109375, 17], [128, 20325.8125, 39.109375, 17], [128, 20343.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20343.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20343.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20343.8125, 69.328125, 17], [128, 20343.8125, 69.328125, 17], [128, 20361.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20361.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20361.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20361.8125, 59.3125, 17], [128, 20361.8125, 59.3125, 17], [128, 20379.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20379.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20379.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20379.8125, 303.5, 17], [128, 20379.8125, 303.5, 17], [128, 20397.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20397.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20397.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20397.8125, 233.640625, 17], [128, 20397.8125, 233.640625, 17], [128, 20415.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20415.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20415.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20415.8125, 70.875, 17], [128, 20415.8125, 70.875, 17], [88, 20433.8125, 1184, 234], [71, 20433.8125, 7, 18], [71, 20433.8125, 7, 17], [88, 20433.8125, 67.53125, 17], [88, 20433.8125, 67.53125, 17], [88, 20451.8125, 1184, 216], [128, 20451.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20451.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20451.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20451.8125, 205.765625, 17], [128, 20451.8125, 205.765625, 17], [128, 20469.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20469.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20469.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20469.8125, 136.875, 17], [128, 20469.8125, 136.875, 17], [128, 20487.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20487.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20487.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20487.8125, 154.609375, 17], [128, 20487.8125, 154.609375, 17], [128, 20505.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20505.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20505.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20505.8125, 143.078125, 17], [128, 20505.8125, 143.078125, 17], [128, 20523.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20523.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20523.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20523.8125, 199.515625, 17], [128, 20523.8125, 199.515625, 17], [128, 20541.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20541.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20541.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20541.8125, 184.40625, 17], [128, 20541.8125, 184.40625, 17], [128, 20559.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20559.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20559.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20559.8125, 171.96875, 17], [128, 20559.8125, 171.96875, 17], [128, 20577.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20577.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20577.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20577.8125, 226.640625, 17], [128, 20577.8125, 226.640625, 17], [128, 20595.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20595.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20595.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20595.8125, 148.40625, 17], [128, 20595.8125, 148.40625, 17], [128, 20613.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20613.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20613.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20613.8125, 147.53125, 17], [128, 20613.8125, 147.53125, 17], [128, 20631.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20631.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20631.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20631.8125, 137.75, 17], [128, 20631.8125, 137.75, 17], [128, 20649.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20649.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20649.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20649.8125, 178.1875, 17], [128, 20649.8125, 178.1875, 17], [88, 20667.8125, 1184, 198], [71, 20667.8125, 7, 18], [71, 20667.8125, 7, 17], [88, 20667.8125, 147.921875, 17], [88, 20667.8125, 147.921875, 17], [88, 20685.8125, 1184, 180], [128, 20685.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20685.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20685.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20685.8125, 95.53125, 17], [128, 20685.8125, 95.53125, 17], [128, 20703.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20703.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20703.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20703.8125, 164, 17], [128, 20703.8125, 164, 17], [128, 20721.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20721.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20721.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20721.8125, 135.046875, 17], [128, 20721.8125, 135.046875, 17], [128, 20739.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20739.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20739.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20739.8125, 331.140625, 17], [128, 20739.8125, 331.140625, 17], [128, 20757.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20757.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20757.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20757.8125, 139.515625, 17], [128, 20757.8125, 139.515625, 17], [128, 20775.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20775.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20775.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20775.8125, 139.515625, 17], [128, 20775.8125, 139.515625, 17], [128, 20793.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20793.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20793.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20793.8125, 110.640625, 17], [128, 20793.8125, 110.640625, 17], [128, 20811.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20811.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20811.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20811.8125, 136.375, 17], [128, 20811.8125, 136.375, 17], [128, 20829.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20829.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20829.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20829.8125, 121.765625, 17], [128, 20829.8125, 121.765625, 17], [128, 20847.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20847.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20847.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20847.8125, 99.046875, 17], [128, 20847.8125, 99.046875, 17], [88, 20865.8125, 1184, 36], [71, 20865.8125, 7, 18], [71, 20865.8125, 7, 17], [88, 20865.8125, 120.4375, 17], [88, 20865.8125, 120.4375, 17], [88, 20883.8125, 1184, 18], [128, 20883.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20883.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20883.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20883.8125, 120.4375, 17], [128, 20883.8125, 120.4375, 17], [88, 20901.8125, 1184, 936], [71, 20901.8125, 7, 18], [71, 20901.8125, 7, 17], [88, 20901.8125, 141.765625, 17], [88, 20901.8125, 141.765625, 17], [88, 20919.8125, 1184, 918], [128, 20919.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20919.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20919.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20919.8125, 222.625, 17], [128, 20919.8125, 222.625, 17], [128, 20937.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20937.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20937.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20937.8125, 177.3125, 17], [128, 20937.8125, 177.3125, 17], [128, 20955.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20955.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20955.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20955.8125, 200.390625, 17], [128, 20955.8125, 200.390625, 17], [128, 20973.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20973.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20973.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20973.8125, 281.734375, 17], [128, 20973.8125, 281.734375, 17], [128, 20991.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 20991.8125, 7, 18], [111, 20991.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20991.8125, 238.03125, 17], [128, 20991.8125, 238.03125, 17], [128, 21009.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21009.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21009.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21009.8125, 187.828125, 17], [128, 21009.8125, 187.828125, 17], [128, 21027.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21027.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21027.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21027.8125, 242.015625, 17], [128, 21027.8125, 242.015625, 17], [128, 21045.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21045.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21045.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21045.8125, 247.828125, 17], [128, 21045.8125, 247.828125, 17], [128, 21063.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21063.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21063.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21063.8125, 297.140625, 17], [128, 21063.8125, 297.140625, 17], [128, 21081.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21081.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21081.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21081.8125, 171.828125, 17], [128, 21081.8125, 171.828125, 17], [128, 21099.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21099.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21099.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21099.8125, 170.359375, 17], [128, 21099.8125, 170.359375, 17], [128, 21117.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21117.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21117.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21117.8125, 237.734375, 17], [128, 21117.8125, 237.734375, 17], [128, 21135.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21135.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21135.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21135.8125, 258.625, 17], [128, 21135.8125, 258.625, 17], [128, 21153.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21153.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21153.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21153.8125, 154.875, 17], [128, 21153.8125, 154.875, 17], [128, 21171.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21171.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21171.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21171.8125, 166.421875, 17], [128, 21171.8125, 166.421875, 17], [128, 21189.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21189.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21189.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21189.8125, 170.203125, 17], [128, 21189.8125, 170.203125, 17], [128, 21207.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21207.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21207.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21207.8125, 143.984375, 17], [128, 21207.8125, 143.984375, 17], [128, 21225.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21225.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21225.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21225.8125, 175.28125, 17], [128, 21225.8125, 175.28125, 17], [128, 21243.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21243.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21243.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21243.8125, 176, 17], [128, 21243.8125, 176, 17], [128, 21261.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21261.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21261.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21261.8125, 223.984375, 17], [128, 21261.8125, 223.984375, 17], [128, 21279.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21279.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21279.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21279.8125, 100, 17], [128, 21279.8125, 100, 17], [128, 21297.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21297.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21297.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21297.8125, 186.625, 17], [128, 21297.8125, 186.625, 17], [128, 21315.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21315.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21315.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21315.8125, 215.53125, 17], [128, 21315.8125, 215.53125, 17], [128, 21333.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21333.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21333.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21333.8125, 197.3125, 17], [128, 21333.8125, 197.3125, 17], [128, 21351.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21351.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21351.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21351.8125, 233.328125, 17], [128, 21351.8125, 233.328125, 17], [128, 21369.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21369.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21369.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21369.8125, 240.40625, 17], [128, 21369.8125, 240.40625, 17], [128, 21387.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21387.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21387.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21387.8125, 168.4375, 17], [128, 21387.8125, 168.4375, 17], [128, 21405.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21405.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21405.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21405.8125, 211.53125, 17], [128, 21405.8125, 211.53125, 17], [128, 21423.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21423.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21423.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21423.8125, 151.984375, 17], [128, 21423.8125, 151.984375, 17], [128, 21441.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21441.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21441.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21441.8125, 204.40625, 17], [128, 21441.8125, 204.40625, 17], [128, 21459.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21459.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21459.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21459.8125, 172.1875, 17], [128, 21459.8125, 172.1875, 17], [128, 21477.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21477.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21477.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21477.8125, 167.28125, 17], [128, 21477.8125, 167.28125, 17], [128, 21495.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21495.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21495.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21495.8125, 195.265625, 17], [128, 21495.8125, 195.265625, 17], [128, 21513.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21513.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21513.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21513.8125, 208.171875, 17], [128, 21513.8125, 208.171875, 17], [128, 21531.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21531.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21531.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21531.8125, 220.171875, 17], [128, 21531.8125, 220.171875, 17], [128, 21549.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21549.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21549.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21549.8125, 151.296875, 17], [128, 21549.8125, 151.296875, 17], [128, 21567.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21567.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21567.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21567.8125, 91.0625, 17], [128, 21567.8125, 91.0625, 17], [128, 21585.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21585.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21585.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21585.8125, 165.34375, 17], [128, 21585.8125, 165.34375, 17], [128, 21603.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21603.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21603.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21603.8125, 168.859375, 17], [128, 21603.8125, 168.859375, 17], [128, 21621.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21621.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21621.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21621.8125, 230.625, 17], [128, 21621.8125, 230.625, 17], [128, 21639.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21639.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21639.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21639.8125, 212.390625, 17], [128, 21639.8125, 212.390625, 17], [128, 21657.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21657.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21657.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21657.8125, 167.078125, 17], [128, 21657.8125, 167.078125, 17], [128, 21675.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21675.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21675.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21675.8125, 72.65625, 17], [128, 21675.8125, 72.65625, 17], [128, 21693.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21693.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21693.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21693.8125, 168.40625, 17], [128, 21693.8125, 168.40625, 17], [128, 21711.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21711.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21711.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21711.8125, 70.65625, 17], [128, 21711.8125, 70.65625, 17], [128, 21729.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21729.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21729.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21729.8125, 129.3125, 17], [128, 21729.8125, 129.3125, 17], [128, 21747.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21747.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21747.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21747.8125, 82.203125, 17], [128, 21747.8125, 82.203125, 17], [128, 21765.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21765.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21765.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21765.8125, 228, 17], [128, 21765.8125, 228, 17], [128, 21783.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21783.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21783.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21783.8125, 59.546875, 17], [128, 21783.8125, 59.546875, 17], [128, 21801.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21801.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21801.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21801.8125, 74.65625, 17], [128, 21801.8125, 74.65625, 17], [128, 21819.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21819.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21819.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21819.8125, 76, 17], [128, 21819.8125, 76, 17], [88, 21837.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 21837.8125, 7, 18], [71, 21837.8125, 7, 17], [88, 21837.8125, 151.546875, 17], [88, 21837.8125, 151.546875, 17], [88, 21855.8125, 1184, 990], [71, 21855.8125, 7, 18], [71, 21855.8125, 7, 17], [88, 21855.8125, 60.421875, 17], [88, 21855.8125, 60.421875, 17], [88, 21873.8125, 1184, 972], [128, 21873.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21873.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21873.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21873.8125, 36.453125, 17], [128, 21873.8125, 36.453125, 17], [128, 21891.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21891.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21891.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21891.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 21891.8125, 34.65625, 17], [128, 21909.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21909.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21909.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21909.8125, 57.765625, 17], [128, 21909.8125, 57.765625, 17], [128, 21927.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21927.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21927.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21927.8125, 45.3125, 17], [128, 21927.8125, 45.3125, 17], [128, 21945.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21945.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21945.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21945.8125, 79.53125, 17], [128, 21945.8125, 79.53125, 17], [128, 21963.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21963.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21963.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21963.8125, 53.328125, 17], [128, 21963.8125, 53.328125, 17], [128, 21981.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21981.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21981.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21981.8125, 67.125, 17], [128, 21981.8125, 67.125, 17], [128, 21999.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 21999.8125, 7, 18], [111, 21999.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21999.8125, 89.328125, 17], [128, 21999.8125, 89.328125, 17], [128, 22017.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22017.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22017.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22017.8125, 58.65625, 17], [128, 22017.8125, 58.65625, 17], [128, 22035.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22035.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22035.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22035.8125, 48.875, 17], [128, 22035.8125, 48.875, 17], [128, 22053.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22053.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22053.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22053.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 22053.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 22071.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22071.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22071.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22071.8125, 80.875, 17], [128, 22071.8125, 80.875, 17], [128, 22089.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22089.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22089.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22089.8125, 48.890625, 17], [128, 22089.8125, 48.890625, 17], [128, 22107.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22107.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22107.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22107.8125, 69.75, 17], [128, 22107.8125, 69.75, 17], [128, 22125.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22125.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22125.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22125.8125, 46.21875, 17], [128, 22125.8125, 46.21875, 17], [128, 22143.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22143.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22143.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22143.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 22143.8125, 47.109375, 17], [128, 22161.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22161.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22161.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22161.8125, 22.21875, 17], [128, 22161.8125, 22.21875, 17], [128, 22179.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22179.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22179.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22179.8125, 46.65625, 17], [128, 22179.8125, 46.65625, 17], [128, 22197.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22197.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22197.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22197.8125, 57.75, 17], [128, 22197.8125, 57.75, 17], [128, 22215.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22215.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22215.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22215.8125, 32, 17], [128, 22215.8125, 32, 17], [128, 22233.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22233.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22233.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22233.8125, 40.4375, 17], [128, 22233.8125, 40.4375, 17], [128, 22251.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22251.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22251.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22251.8125, 70.671875, 17], [128, 22251.8125, 70.671875, 17], [128, 22269.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22269.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22269.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22269.8125, 48.4375, 17], [128, 22269.8125, 48.4375, 17], [128, 22287.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22287.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22287.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22287.8125, 97.34375, 17], [128, 22287.8125, 97.34375, 17], [128, 22305.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22305.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22305.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22305.8125, 63.265625, 17], [128, 22305.8125, 63.265625, 17], [128, 22323.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22323.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22323.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22323.8125, 47.96875, 17], [128, 22323.8125, 47.96875, 17], [128, 22341.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22341.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22341.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22341.8125, 48.875, 17], [128, 22341.8125, 48.875, 17], [128, 22359.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22359.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22359.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22359.8125, 60.421875, 17], [128, 22359.8125, 60.421875, 17], [128, 22377.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22377.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22377.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22377.8125, 39.125, 17], [128, 22377.8125, 39.125, 17], [128, 22395.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22395.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22395.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22395.8125, 56.890625, 17], [128, 22395.8125, 56.890625, 17], [128, 22413.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22413.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22413.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22413.8125, 44.453125, 17], [128, 22413.8125, 44.453125, 17], [128, 22431.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22431.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22431.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22431.8125, 66.65625, 17], [128, 22431.8125, 66.65625, 17], [128, 22449.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22449.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22449.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22449.8125, 86.6875, 17], [128, 22449.8125, 86.6875, 17], [128, 22467.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22467.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22467.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22467.8125, 48.90625, 17], [128, 22467.8125, 48.90625, 17], [128, 22485.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22485.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22485.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22485.8125, 43.15625, 17], [128, 22485.8125, 43.15625, 17], [128, 22503.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22503.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22503.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22503.8125, 187.125, 17], [128, 22503.8125, 187.125, 17], [128, 22521.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22521.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22521.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22521.8125, 68.46875, 17], [128, 22521.8125, 68.46875, 17], [128, 22539.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22539.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22539.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22539.8125, 56.890625, 17], [128, 22539.8125, 56.890625, 17], [128, 22557.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22557.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22557.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22557.8125, 146.171875, 17], [128, 22557.8125, 146.171875, 17], [128, 22575.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22575.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22575.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22575.8125, 72.75, 17], [128, 22575.8125, 72.75, 17], [128, 22593.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22593.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22593.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22593.8125, 48.65625, 17], [128, 22593.8125, 48.65625, 17], [128, 22611.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22611.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22611.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22611.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 22611.8125, 50.671875, 17], [128, 22629.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22629.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22629.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22629.8125, 36.375, 17], [128, 22629.8125, 36.375, 17], [128, 22647.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22647.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22647.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22647.8125, 40.8125, 17], [128, 22647.8125, 40.8125, 17], [128, 22665.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22665.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22665.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22665.8125, 47.921875, 17], [128, 22665.8125, 47.921875, 17], [128, 22683.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22683.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22683.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22683.8125, 43.53125, 17], [128, 22683.8125, 43.53125, 17], [128, 22701.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22701.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22701.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22701.8125, 125.359375, 17], [128, 22701.8125, 125.359375, 17], [128, 22719.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22719.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22719.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22719.8125, 94.796875, 17], [128, 22719.8125, 94.796875, 17], [128, 22737.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22737.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22737.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22737.8125, 39.984375, 17], [128, 22737.8125, 39.984375, 17], [128, 22755.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22755.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22755.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22755.8125, 42.671875, 17], [128, 22755.8125, 42.671875, 17], [128, 22773.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22773.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22773.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22773.8125, 105.765625, 17], [128, 22773.8125, 105.765625, 17], [128, 22791.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22791.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22791.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22791.8125, 66.21875, 17], [128, 22791.8125, 66.21875, 17], [128, 22809.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22809.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22809.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22809.8125, 68.890625, 17], [128, 22809.8125, 68.890625, 17], [128, 22827.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22827.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22827.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22827.8125, 62.1875, 17], [128, 22827.8125, 62.1875, 17], [88, 22845.8125, 1184, 162], [71, 22845.8125, 7, 18], [71, 22845.8125, 7, 17], [88, 22845.8125, 169.328125, 17], [88, 22845.8125, 169.328125, 17], [88, 22863.8125, 1184, 144], [128, 22863.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22863.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22863.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22863.8125, 90.203125, 17], [128, 22863.8125, 90.203125, 17], [128, 22881.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22881.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22881.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22881.8125, 99.0625, 17], [128, 22881.8125, 99.0625, 17], [128, 22899.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22899.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22899.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22899.8125, 118.203125, 17], [128, 22899.8125, 118.203125, 17], [128, 22917.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22917.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22917.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22917.8125, 25.78125, 17], [128, 22917.8125, 25.78125, 17], [128, 22935.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22935.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22935.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22935.8125, 48, 17], [128, 22935.8125, 48, 17], [128, 22953.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22953.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22953.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22953.8125, 106.234375, 17], [128, 22953.8125, 106.234375, 17], [128, 22971.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22971.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22971.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22971.8125, 72.65625, 17], [128, 22971.8125, 72.65625, 17], [128, 22989.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 22989.8125, 7, 18], [111, 22989.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22989.8125, 39.109375, 17], [128, 22989.8125, 39.109375, 17], [88, 23007.8125, 1184, 72], [71, 23007.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23007.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23007.8125, 112.453125, 17], [88, 23007.8125, 112.453125, 17], [88, 23025.8125, 1184, 54], [128, 23025.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23025.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23025.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23025.8125, 142.640625, 17], [128, 23025.8125, 142.640625, 17], [128, 23043.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23043.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23043.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23043.8125, 72.65625, 17], [128, 23043.8125, 72.65625, 17], [128, 23061.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23061.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23061.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23061.8125, 44.4375, 17], [128, 23061.8125, 44.4375, 17], [88, 23079.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23079.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23079.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23079.8125, 80.671875, 17], [88, 23079.8125, 80.671875, 17], [48, 23097.8125, 1224, 342], [31, 23097.8125, 7, 18], [31, 23097.8125, 7, 17], [48, 23097.8125, 123.078125, 17], [48, 23097.8125, 123.078125, 17], [48, 23115.8125, 1224, 324], [88, 23115.8125, 1184, 126], [71, 23115.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23115.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23115.8125, 56.875, 17], [88, 23115.8125, 56.875, 17], [88, 23133.8125, 1184, 108], [128, 23133.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23133.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23133.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23133.8125, 129.4375, 17], [128, 23133.8125, 129.4375, 17], [128, 23151.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23151.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23151.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23151.8125, 131.515625, 17], [128, 23151.8125, 131.515625, 17], [128, 23169.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23169.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23169.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23169.8125, 143.078125, 17], [128, 23169.8125, 143.078125, 17], [128, 23187.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23187.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23187.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23187.8125, 69.75, 17], [128, 23187.8125, 69.75, 17], [128, 23205.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23205.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23205.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23205.8125, 70.640625, 17], [128, 23205.8125, 70.640625, 17], [128, 23223.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23223.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23223.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23223.8125, 135.078125, 17], [128, 23223.8125, 135.078125, 17], [88, 23241.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23241.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23241.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23241.8125, 69.3125, 17], [88, 23241.8125, 69.3125, 17], [88, 23259.8125, 1184, 108], [71, 23259.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23259.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23259.8125, 164.578125, 17], [88, 23259.8125, 164.578125, 17], [88, 23277.8125, 1184, 90], [128, 23277.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23277.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23277.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23277.8125, 155.546875, 17], [128, 23277.8125, 155.546875, 17], [128, 23295.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23295.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23295.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23295.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 23295.8125, 31.109375, 17], [128, 23313.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23313.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23313.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23313.8125, 101.21875, 17], [128, 23313.8125, 101.21875, 17], [128, 23331.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23331.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23331.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23331.8125, 126.21875, 17], [128, 23331.8125, 126.21875, 17], [128, 23349.8125, 1144, 18], [111, 23349.8125, 7, 18], [111, 23349.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23349.8125, 66.65625, 17], [128, 23349.8125, 66.65625, 17], [88, 23367.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23367.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23367.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23367.8125, 61.78125, 17], [88, 23367.8125, 61.78125, 17], [88, 23385.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23385.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23385.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23385.8125, 66.640625, 17], [88, 23385.8125, 66.640625, 17], [88, 23403.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23403.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23403.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23403.8125, 67.53125, 17], [88, 23403.8125, 67.53125, 17], [88, 23421.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23421.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23421.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23421.8125, 123.984375, 17], [88, 23421.8125, 123.984375, 17], [48, 23439.8125, 1224, 540], [31, 23439.8125, 7, 18], [31, 23439.8125, 7, 17], [48, 23439.8125, 209.75, 17], [48, 23439.8125, 209.75, 17], [48, 23457.8125, 1224, 522], [88, 23457.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23457.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23457.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23457.8125, 29.328125, 17], [88, 23457.8125, 29.328125, 17], [88, 23475.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23475.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23475.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23475.8125, 64.21875, 17], [88, 23475.8125, 64.21875, 17], [88, 23493.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23493.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23493.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23493.8125, 48.890625, 17], [88, 23493.8125, 48.890625, 17], [88, 23511.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23511.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23511.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23511.8125, 69.328125, 17], [88, 23511.8125, 69.328125, 17], [88, 23529.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23529.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23529.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23529.8125, 49.765625, 17], [88, 23529.8125, 49.765625, 17], [88, 23547.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23547.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23547.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23547.8125, 209.671875, 17], [88, 23547.8125, 209.671875, 17], [88, 23565.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23565.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23565.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23565.8125, 76.875, 17], [88, 23565.8125, 76.875, 17], [88, 23583.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23583.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23583.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23583.8125, 47.09375, 17], [88, 23583.8125, 47.09375, 17], [88, 23601.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23601.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23601.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23601.8125, 105.96875, 17], [88, 23601.8125, 105.96875, 17], [88, 23619.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23619.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23619.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23619.8125, 44.4375, 17], [88, 23619.8125, 44.4375, 17], [88, 23637.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23637.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23637.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23637.8125, 62.421875, 17], [88, 23637.8125, 62.421875, 17], [88, 23655.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23655.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23655.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23655.8125, 77.3125, 17], [88, 23655.8125, 77.3125, 17], [88, 23673.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23673.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23673.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23673.8125, 68.890625, 17], [88, 23673.8125, 68.890625, 17], [88, 23691.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23691.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23691.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23691.8125, 170.5625, 17], [88, 23691.8125, 170.5625, 17], [88, 23709.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23709.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23709.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23709.8125, 44.4375, 17], [88, 23709.8125, 44.4375, 17], [88, 23727.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23727.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23727.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23727.8125, 106.1875, 17], [88, 23727.8125, 106.1875, 17], [88, 23745.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23745.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23745.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23745.8125, 34.671875, 17], [88, 23745.8125, 34.671875, 17], [88, 23763.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23763.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23763.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23763.8125, 106.4375, 17], [88, 23763.8125, 106.4375, 17], [88, 23781.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23781.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23781.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23781.8125, 38.21875, 17], [88, 23781.8125, 38.21875, 17], [88, 23799.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23799.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23799.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23799.8125, 91.09375, 17], [88, 23799.8125, 91.09375, 17], [88, 23817.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23817.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23817.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23817.8125, 96.40625, 17], [88, 23817.8125, 96.40625, 17], [88, 23835.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23835.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23835.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23835.8125, 166.625, 17], [88, 23835.8125, 166.625, 17], [88, 23853.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23853.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23853.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23853.8125, 75.109375, 17], [88, 23853.8125, 75.109375, 17], [88, 23871.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23871.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23871.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23871.8125, 109.140625, 17], [88, 23871.8125, 109.140625, 17], [88, 23889.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23889.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23889.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23889.8125, 101.75, 17], [88, 23889.8125, 101.75, 17], [88, 23907.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23907.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23907.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23907.8125, 64.640625, 17], [88, 23907.8125, 64.640625, 17], [88, 23925.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23925.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23925.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23925.8125, 43.546875, 17], [88, 23925.8125, 43.546875, 17], [88, 23943.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23943.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23943.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23943.8125, 161.71875, 17], [88, 23943.8125, 161.71875, 17], [88, 23961.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23961.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23961.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23961.8125, 46.203125, 17], [88, 23961.8125, 46.203125, 17], [48, 23979.8125, 1224, 198], [31, 23979.8125, 7, 18], [31, 23979.8125, 7, 17], [48, 23979.8125, 220.84375, 17], [48, 23979.8125, 220.84375, 17], [48, 23997.8125, 1224, 180], [88, 23997.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 23997.8125, 7, 18], [71, 23997.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23997.8125, 66.640625, 17], [88, 23997.8125, 66.640625, 17], [88, 24015.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24015.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24015.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24015.8125, 128.875, 17], [88, 24015.8125, 128.875, 17], [88, 24033.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24033.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24033.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24033.8125, 51.546875, 17], [88, 24033.8125, 51.546875, 17], [88, 24051.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24051.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24051.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24051.8125, 151.3125, 17], [88, 24051.8125, 151.3125, 17], [88, 24069.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24069.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24069.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24069.8125, 62.1875, 17], [88, 24069.8125, 62.1875, 17], [88, 24087.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24087.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24087.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24087.8125, 190.1875, 17], [88, 24087.8125, 190.1875, 17], [88, 24105.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24105.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24105.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24105.8125, 39.109375, 17], [88, 24105.8125, 39.109375, 17], [88, 24123.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24123.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24123.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24123.8125, 150.1875, 17], [88, 24123.8125, 150.1875, 17], [88, 24141.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24141.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24141.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24141.8125, 169.78125, 17], [88, 24141.8125, 169.78125, 17], [88, 24159.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24159.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24159.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24159.8125, 22.859375, 17], [88, 24159.8125, 22.859375, 17], [48, 24177.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24177.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24177.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24177.8125, 221.71875, 17], [48, 24177.8125, 221.71875, 17], [48, 24195.8125, 1224, 54], [31, 24195.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24195.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24195.8125, 71.984375, 17], [48, 24195.8125, 71.984375, 17], [48, 24213.8125, 1224, 36], [88, 24213.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24213.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24213.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24213.8125, 138.171875, 17], [88, 24213.8125, 138.171875, 17], [88, 24231.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24231.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24231.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24231.8125, 124.84375, 17], [88, 24231.8125, 124.84375, 17], [48, 24249.8125, 1224, 54], [31, 24249.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24249.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24249.8125, 114.671875, 17], [48, 24249.8125, 114.671875, 17], [48, 24267.8125, 1224, 36], [88, 24267.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24267.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24267.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24267.8125, 56.890625, 17], [88, 24267.8125, 56.890625, 17], [88, 24285.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24285.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24285.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24285.8125, 97.3125, 17], [88, 24285.8125, 97.3125, 17], [48, 24303.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24303.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24303.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24303.8125, 160.8125, 17], [48, 24303.8125, 160.8125, 17], [48, 24321.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24321.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24321.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24321.8125, 103.03125, 17], [48, 24321.8125, 103.03125, 17], [48, 24339.8125, 1224, 126], [31, 24339.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24339.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24339.8125, 63.984375, 17], [48, 24339.8125, 63.984375, 17], [48, 24357.8125, 1224, 108], [88, 24357.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24357.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24357.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24357.8125, 107.109375, 17], [88, 24357.8125, 107.109375, 17], [88, 24375.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24375.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24375.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24375.8125, 107.953125, 17], [88, 24375.8125, 107.953125, 17], [88, 24393.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24393.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24393.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24393.8125, 163.953125, 17], [88, 24393.8125, 163.953125, 17], [88, 24411.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24411.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24411.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24411.8125, 173.78125, 17], [88, 24411.8125, 173.78125, 17], [88, 24429.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24429.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24429.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24429.8125, 123.546875, 17], [88, 24429.8125, 123.546875, 17], [88, 24447.8125, 1184, 18], [71, 24447.8125, 7, 18], [71, 24447.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24447.8125, 50.640625, 17], [88, 24447.8125, 50.640625, 17], [48, 24465.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24465.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24465.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24465.8125, 136.84375, 17], [48, 24465.8125, 136.84375, 17], [48, 24483.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24483.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24483.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24483.8125, 152.4375, 17], [48, 24483.8125, 152.4375, 17], [48, 24501.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24501.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24501.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24501.8125, 111.109375, 17], [48, 24501.8125, 111.109375, 17], [48, 24519.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24519.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24519.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24519.8125, 104.421875, 17], [48, 24519.8125, 104.421875, 17], [48, 24537.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24537.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24537.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24537.8125, 126.640625, 17], [48, 24537.8125, 126.640625, 17], [48, 24555.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24555.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24555.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24555.8125, 172.875, 17], [48, 24555.8125, 172.875, 17], [48, 24573.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24573.8125, 39.125, 17], [48, 24573.8125, 39.125, 17], [48, 24591.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24591.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24591.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24591.8125, 132.859375, 17], [48, 24591.8125, 132.859375, 17], [48, 24609.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24609.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24609.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24609.8125, 62.609375, 17], [48, 24609.8125, 62.609375, 17], [48, 24627.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24627.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24627.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24627.8125, 20.453125, 17], [48, 24627.8125, 20.453125, 17], [48, 24645.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24645.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24645.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24645.8125, 189.78125, 17], [48, 24645.8125, 189.78125, 17], [48, 24663.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24663.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24663.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24663.8125, 189.734375, 17], [48, 24663.8125, 189.734375, 17], [48, 24681.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24681.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24681.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24681.8125, 77.765625, 17], [48, 24681.8125, 77.765625, 17], [48, 24699.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24699.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24699.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24699.8125, 198.609375, 17], [48, 24699.8125, 198.609375, 17], [48, 24717.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24717.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24717.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24717.8125, 123.078125, 17], [48, 24717.8125, 123.078125, 17], [48, 24735.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24735.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24735.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24735.8125, 30.203125, 17], [48, 24735.8125, 30.203125, 17], [48, 24753.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24753.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24753.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24753.8125, 222.015625, 17], [48, 24753.8125, 222.015625, 17], [48, 24771.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24771.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24771.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24771.8125, 66.640625, 17], [48, 24771.8125, 66.640625, 17], [48, 24789.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24789.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24789.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24789.8125, 211.703125, 17], [48, 24789.8125, 211.703125, 17], [48, 24807.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24807.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24807.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24807.8125, 155.984375, 17], [48, 24807.8125, 155.984375, 17], [48, 24825.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24825.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24825.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24825.8125, 145.3125, 17], [48, 24825.8125, 145.3125, 17], [48, 24843.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24843.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24843.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24843.8125, 140.890625, 17], [48, 24843.8125, 140.890625, 17], [48, 24861.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24861.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24861.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24861.8125, 217.390625, 17], [48, 24861.8125, 217.390625, 17], [48, 24879.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24879.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24879.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24879.8125, 216.421875, 17], [48, 24879.8125, 216.421875, 17], [48, 24897.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24897.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24897.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24897.8125, 152.875, 17], [48, 24897.8125, 152.875, 17], [48, 24915.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24915.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24915.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24915.8125, 139.109375, 17], [48, 24915.8125, 139.109375, 17], [48, 24933.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24933.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24933.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24933.8125, 158.65625, 17], [48, 24933.8125, 158.65625, 17], [48, 24951.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24951.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24951.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24951.8125, 37.34375, 17], [48, 24951.8125, 37.34375, 17], [48, 24969.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24969.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24969.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24969.8125, 167.515625, 17], [48, 24969.8125, 167.515625, 17], [48, 24987.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 24987.8125, 7, 18], [31, 24987.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24987.8125, 145.765625, 17], [48, 24987.8125, 145.765625, 17], [48, 25005.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25005.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25005.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25005.8125, 207.53125, 17], [48, 25005.8125, 207.53125, 17], [48, 25023.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25023.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25023.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25023.8125, 215.4375, 17], [48, 25023.8125, 215.4375, 17], [48, 25041.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25041.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25041.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25041.8125, 211.609375, 17], [48, 25041.8125, 211.609375, 17], [48, 25059.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25059.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25059.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25059.8125, 128, 17], [48, 25059.8125, 128, 17], [48, 25077.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25077.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25077.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25077.8125, 205.3125, 17], [48, 25077.8125, 205.3125, 17], [48, 25095.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25095.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25095.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25095.8125, 69.3125, 17], [48, 25095.8125, 69.3125, 17], [48, 25113.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25113.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25113.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25113.8125, 98.65625, 17], [48, 25113.8125, 98.65625, 17], [48, 25131.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25131.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25131.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25131.8125, 96.921875, 17], [48, 25131.8125, 96.921875, 17], [48, 25149.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25149.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25149.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25149.8125, 99.96875, 17], [48, 25149.8125, 99.96875, 17], [48, 25167.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25167.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25167.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25167.8125, 145.3125, 17], [48, 25167.8125, 145.3125, 17], [48, 25185.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25185.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25185.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25185.8125, 90.203125, 17], [48, 25185.8125, 90.203125, 17], [48, 25203.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25203.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25203.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25203.8125, 172.421875, 17], [48, 25203.8125, 172.421875, 17], [48, 25221.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25221.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25221.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25221.8125, 164.84375, 17], [48, 25221.8125, 164.84375, 17], [48, 25239.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25239.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25239.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25239.8125, 211.03125, 17], [48, 25239.8125, 211.03125, 17], [48, 25257.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25257.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25257.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25257.8125, 174.1875, 17], [48, 25257.8125, 174.1875, 17], [48, 25275.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25275.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25275.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25275.8125, 202.140625, 17], [48, 25275.8125, 202.140625, 17], [48, 25293.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25293.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25293.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25293.8125, 206.265625, 17], [48, 25293.8125, 206.265625, 17], [48, 25311.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25311.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25311.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25311.8125, 215.4375, 17], [48, 25311.8125, 215.4375, 17], [48, 25329.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25329.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25329.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25329.8125, 156.875, 17], [48, 25329.8125, 156.875, 17], [48, 25347.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25347.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25347.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25347.8125, 128, 17], [48, 25347.8125, 128, 17], [48, 25365.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25365.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25365.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25365.8125, 76.890625, 17], [48, 25365.8125, 76.890625, 17], [48, 25383.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25383.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25383.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25383.8125, 99.546875, 17], [48, 25383.8125, 99.546875, 17], [48, 25401.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 25401.8125, 7, 18], [31, 25401.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25401.8125, 55.109375, 17], [48, 25401.8125, 55.109375, 17], [8, 25435.8125, 183.4375, 36], [16, 25438.8125, 167.4375, 15], [16, 25438.8125, 167.4375, 15], [94.15625, 25453.8125, 11.109375, 15], [94.15625, 25453.8125, 11.109375, 15], [8, 25471.8125, 1264, 7008.84375], [8, 25471.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 25471.8125, 0, 17], [8, 25471.8125, 188.609375, 17], [8, 25509.71875, 1264, 3699.5625], [8, 25509.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 25509.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 25509.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 25509.71875, 103.421875, 21], [16, 25512.71875, 87.421875, 15], [16, 25512.71875, 87.421875, 15], [16, 25512.71875, 87.421875, 15], [103.421875, 25512.71875, 0, 15], [8, 25550.625, 1264, 0], [8, 25550.625, 1264, 58.90625], [8, 25550.625, 1264, 58.90625], [8, 25550.625, 1264, 21], [8, 25550.625, 44.15625, 21], [16, 25553.625, 28.15625, 15], [16, 25553.625, 28.15625, 15], [16, 25553.625, 28.15625, 15], [44.15625, 25553.625, 0, 15], [8, 25591.53125, 1264, 18], [8, 25591.53125, 411.40625, 17], [8, 25629.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 25629.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 25629.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 25629.4375, 227.125, 21], [16, 25632.4375, 211.125, 15], [16, 25632.4375, 211.125, 15], [16, 25632.4375, 211.125, 15], [227.125, 25632.4375, 0, 15], [8, 25670.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 25670.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 25670.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 25670.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 25670.34375, 148.359375, 21], [16, 25673.34375, 132.359375, 15], [16, 25673.34375, 132.359375, 15], [16, 25673.34375, 132.359375, 15], [148.359375, 25673.34375, 0, 15], [8, 25711.25, 1264, 0], [8, 25711.25, 1264, 21], [8, 25711.25, 1264, 21], [8, 25711.25, 1264, 21], [8, 25711.25, 53.046875, 21], [16, 25714.25, 37.046875, 15], [16, 25714.25, 37.046875, 15], [16, 25714.25, 37.046875, 15], [53.046875, 25714.25, 0, 15], [8, 25752.15625, 1264, 0], [8, 25752.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 25752.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 25752.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 25752.15625, 169.859375, 21], [16, 25755.15625, 153.859375, 15], [16, 25755.15625, 153.859375, 15], [16, 25755.15625, 153.859375, 15], [169.859375, 25755.15625, 0, 15], [8, 25793.0625, 1264, 0], [8, 25793.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 25793.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 25793.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 25793.0625, 76.015625, 21], [16, 25796.0625, 60.015625, 15], [16, 25796.0625, 60.015625, 15], [16, 25796.0625, 60.015625, 15], [76.015625, 25796.0625, 0, 15], [8, 25833.96875, 1264, 0], [8, 25833.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 25833.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 25833.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 25833.96875, 94.546875, 21], [16, 25836.96875, 78.546875, 15], [16, 25836.96875, 78.546875, 15], [16, 25836.96875, 78.546875, 15], [94.546875, 25836.96875, 0, 15], [8, 25874.875, 1264, 0], [8, 25874.875, 1264, 21], [8, 25874.875, 1264, 21], [8, 25874.875, 1264, 21], [8, 25874.875, 151.5625, 21], [16, 25877.875, 135.5625, 15], [16, 25877.875, 135.5625, 15], [16, 25877.875, 135.5625, 15], [151.5625, 25877.875, 0, 15], [8, 25915.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 25915.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 25915.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 25915.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 25915.78125, 143.4375, 21], [16, 25918.78125, 127.4375, 15], [16, 25918.78125, 127.4375, 15], [16, 25918.78125, 127.4375, 15], [143.4375, 25918.78125, 0, 15], [8, 25956.6875, 1264, 0], [8, 25956.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 25956.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 25956.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 25956.6875, 144.171875, 21], [16, 25959.6875, 128.171875, 15], [16, 25959.6875, 128.171875, 15], [16, 25959.6875, 128.171875, 15], [144.171875, 25959.6875, 0, 15], [8, 25997.59375, 1264, 0], [8, 25997.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 25997.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 25997.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 25997.59375, 122.15625, 21], [16, 26000.59375, 106.15625, 15], [16, 26000.59375, 106.15625, 15], [16, 26000.59375, 106.15625, 15], [122.15625, 26000.59375, 0, 15], [8, 26038.5, 1264, 0], [8, 26038.5, 1264, 21], [8, 26038.5, 1264, 21], [8, 26038.5, 1264, 21], [8, 26038.5, 79.71875, 21], [16, 26041.5, 63.71875, 15], [16, 26041.5, 63.71875, 15], [16, 26041.5, 63.71875, 15], [79.71875, 26041.5, 0, 15], [8, 26079.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 26079.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 26079.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 26079.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 26079.40625, 77.484375, 21], [16, 26082.40625, 61.484375, 15], [16, 26082.40625, 61.484375, 15], [16, 26082.40625, 61.484375, 15], [77.484375, 26082.40625, 0, 15], [8, 26120.3125, 1264, 0], [8, 26120.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 26120.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 26120.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 26120.3125, 33.78125, 21], [16, 26123.3125, 17.78125, 15], [16, 26123.3125, 17.78125, 15], [16, 26123.3125, 17.78125, 15], [33.78125, 26123.3125, 0, 15], [8, 26161.21875, 1264, 0], [8, 26161.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 26161.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 26161.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 26161.21875, 142.6875, 21], [16, 26164.21875, 126.6875, 15], [16, 26164.21875, 126.6875, 15], [16, 26164.21875, 126.6875, 15], [142.6875, 26164.21875, 0, 15], [8, 26202.125, 1264, 0], [8, 26202.125, 1264, 21], [8, 26202.125, 1264, 21], [8, 26202.125, 1264, 21], [8, 26202.125, 127.109375, 21], [16, 26205.125, 111.109375, 15], [16, 26205.125, 111.109375, 15], [16, 26205.125, 111.109375, 15], [127.109375, 26205.125, 0, 15], [8, 26243.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 26243.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 26243.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 26243.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 26243.03125, 72.3125, 21], [16, 26246.03125, 56.3125, 15], [16, 26246.03125, 56.3125, 15], [16, 26246.03125, 56.3125, 15], [72.3125, 26246.03125, 0, 15], [8, 26283.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 26283.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 26283.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 26283.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 26283.9375, 47.109375, 21], [16, 26286.9375, 31.109375, 15], [16, 26286.9375, 31.109375, 15], [16, 26286.9375, 31.109375, 15], [47.109375, 26286.9375, 0, 15], [8, 26324.84375, 1264, 0], [8, 26324.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 26324.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 26324.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 26324.84375, 103.421875, 21], [16, 26327.84375, 87.421875, 15], [16, 26327.84375, 87.421875, 15], [16, 26327.84375, 87.421875, 15], [103.421875, 26327.84375, 0, 15], [8, 26365.75, 1264, 0], [8, 26365.75, 1264, 21], [8, 26365.75, 1264, 21], [8, 26365.75, 1264, 21], [8, 26365.75, 91.578125, 21], [16, 26368.75, 75.578125, 15], [16, 26368.75, 75.578125, 15], [16, 26368.75, 75.578125, 15], [91.578125, 26368.75, 0, 15], [8, 26406.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 26406.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 26406.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 26406.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 26406.65625, 73.78125, 21], [16, 26409.65625, 57.78125, 15], [16, 26409.65625, 57.78125, 15], [16, 26409.65625, 57.78125, 15], [73.78125, 26409.65625, 0, 15], [8, 26447.5625, 1264, 0], [8, 26447.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 26447.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 26447.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 26447.5625, 59.71875, 21], [16, 26450.5625, 43.71875, 15], [16, 26450.5625, 43.71875, 15], [16, 26450.5625, 43.71875, 15], [59.71875, 26450.5625, 0, 15], [8, 26488.46875, 1264, 0], [8, 26488.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 26488.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 26488.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 26488.46875, 55.265625, 21], [16, 26491.46875, 39.265625, 15], [16, 26491.46875, 39.265625, 15], [16, 26491.46875, 39.265625, 15], [55.265625, 26491.46875, 0, 15], [8, 26529.375, 1264, 0], [8, 26529.375, 1264, 21], [8, 26529.375, 1264, 21], [8, 26529.375, 1264, 21], [8, 26529.375, 91.859375, 21], [16, 26532.375, 75.859375, 15], [16, 26532.375, 75.859375, 15], [16, 26532.375, 75.859375, 15], [91.859375, 26532.375, 0, 15], [8, 26570.28125, 1264, 0], [8, 26570.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 26570.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 26570.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 26570.28125, 110.828125, 21], [16, 26573.28125, 94.828125, 15], [16, 26573.28125, 94.828125, 15], [16, 26573.28125, 94.828125, 15], [110.828125, 26573.28125, 0, 15], [8, 26611.1875, 1264, 0], [8, 26611.1875, 1264, 21], [8, 26611.1875, 1264, 21], [8, 26611.1875, 1264, 21], [8, 26611.1875, 92.3125, 21], [16, 26614.1875, 76.3125, 15], [16, 26614.1875, 76.3125, 15], [16, 26614.1875, 76.3125, 15], [92.3125, 26614.1875, 0, 15], [8, 26652.09375, 1264, 0], [8, 26652.09375, 1264, 21], [8, 26652.09375, 1264, 21], [8, 26652.09375, 1264, 21], [8, 26652.09375, 122.703125, 21], [16, 26655.09375, 106.703125, 15], [16, 26655.09375, 106.703125, 15], [16, 26655.09375, 106.703125, 15], [122.703125, 26655.09375, 0, 15], [8, 26693, 1264, 0], [8, 26693, 1264, 21], [8, 26693, 1264, 21], [8, 26693, 1264, 21], [8, 26693, 101.9375, 21], [16, 26696, 85.9375, 15], [16, 26696, 85.9375, 15], [16, 26696, 85.9375, 15], [101.9375, 26696, 0, 15], [8, 26733.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 26733.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 26733.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 26733.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 26733.90625, 104.90625, 21], [16, 26736.90625, 88.90625, 15], [16, 26736.90625, 88.90625, 15], [16, 26736.90625, 88.90625, 15], [104.90625, 26736.90625, 0, 15], [8, 26774.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 26774.8125, 1264, 21], [8, 26774.8125, 1264, 21], [8, 26774.8125, 1264, 21], [8, 26774.8125, 130.09375, 21], [16, 26777.8125, 114.09375, 15], [16, 26777.8125, 114.09375, 15], [16, 26777.8125, 114.09375, 15], [130.09375, 26777.8125, 0, 15], [8, 26815.71875, 1264, 0], [8, 26815.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 26815.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 26815.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 26815.71875, 207.140625, 21], [16, 26818.71875, 191.140625, 15], [16, 26818.71875, 191.140625, 15], [16, 26818.71875, 191.140625, 15], [207.140625, 26818.71875, 0, 15], [8, 26856.625, 1264, 0], [8, 26856.625, 1264, 21], [8, 26856.625, 1264, 21], [8, 26856.625, 1264, 21], [8, 26856.625, 215.265625, 21], [16, 26859.625, 199.265625, 15], [16, 26859.625, 199.265625, 15], [16, 26859.625, 199.265625, 15], [215.265625, 26859.625, 0, 15], [8, 26897.53125, 1264, 0], [8, 26897.53125, 1264, 21], [8, 26897.53125, 1264, 21], [8, 26897.53125, 1264, 21], [8, 26897.53125, 216.046875, 21], [16, 26900.53125, 200.046875, 15], [16, 26900.53125, 200.046875, 15], [16, 26900.53125, 200.046875, 15], [216.046875, 26900.53125, 0, 15], [8, 26938.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 26938.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 26938.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 26938.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 26938.4375, 81.203125, 21], [16, 26941.4375, 65.203125, 15], [16, 26941.4375, 65.203125, 15], [16, 26941.4375, 65.203125, 15], [81.203125, 26941.4375, 0, 15], [8, 26979.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 26979.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 26979.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 26979.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 26979.34375, 118.984375, 21], [16, 26982.34375, 102.984375, 15], [16, 26982.34375, 102.984375, 15], [16, 26982.34375, 102.984375, 15], [118.984375, 26982.34375, 0, 15], [8, 27020.25, 1264, 0], [8, 27020.25, 1264, 21], [8, 27020.25, 1264, 21], [8, 27020.25, 1264, 21], [8, 27020.25, 160.96875, 21], [16, 27023.25, 144.96875, 15], [16, 27023.25, 144.96875, 15], [16, 27023.25, 144.96875, 15], [160.96875, 27023.25, 0, 15], [8, 27061.15625, 1264, 0], [8, 27061.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 27061.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 27061.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 27061.15625, 105.390625, 21], [16, 27064.15625, 89.390625, 15], [16, 27064.15625, 89.390625, 15], [16, 27064.15625, 89.390625, 15], [105.390625, 27064.15625, 0, 15], [8, 27102.0625, 1264, 0], [8, 27102.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 27102.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 27102.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 27102.0625, 76, 21], [16, 27105.0625, 60, 15], [16, 27105.0625, 60, 15], [16, 27105.0625, 60, 15], [76, 27105.0625, 0, 15], [8, 27142.96875, 1264, 0], [8, 27142.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 27142.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 27142.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 27142.96875, 142.703125, 21], [16, 27145.96875, 126.703125, 15], [16, 27145.96875, 126.703125, 15], [16, 27145.96875, 126.703125, 15], [142.703125, 27145.96875, 0, 15], [8, 27183.875, 1264, 0], [8, 27183.875, 1264, 21], [8, 27183.875, 1264, 21], [8, 27183.875, 1264, 21], [8, 27183.875, 155.265625, 21], [16, 27186.875, 139.265625, 15], [16, 27186.875, 139.265625, 15], [16, 27186.875, 139.265625, 15], [155.265625, 27186.875, 0, 15], [8, 27224.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 27224.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 27224.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 27224.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 27224.78125, 119.71875, 21], [16, 27227.78125, 103.71875, 15], [16, 27227.78125, 103.71875, 15], [16, 27227.78125, 103.71875, 15], [119.71875, 27227.78125, 0, 15], [8, 27265.6875, 1264, 0], [8, 27265.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 27265.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 27265.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 27265.6875, 110.828125, 21], [16, 27268.6875, 94.828125, 15], [16, 27268.6875, 94.828125, 15], [16, 27268.6875, 94.828125, 15], [110.828125, 27268.6875, 0, 15], [8, 27306.59375, 1264, 0], [8, 27306.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 27306.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 27306.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 27306.59375, 135.296875, 21], [16, 27309.59375, 119.296875, 15], [16, 27309.59375, 119.296875, 15], [16, 27309.59375, 119.296875, 15], [135.296875, 27309.59375, 0, 15], [8, 27347.5, 1264, 0], [8, 27347.5, 1264, 21], [8, 27347.5, 1264, 21], [8, 27347.5, 1264, 21], [8, 27347.5, 175.296875, 21], [16, 27350.5, 159.296875, 15], [16, 27350.5, 159.296875, 15], [16, 27350.5, 159.296875, 15], [175.296875, 27350.5, 0, 15], [8, 27388.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 27388.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 27388.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 27388.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 27388.40625, 53.046875, 21], [16, 27391.40625, 37.046875, 15], [16, 27391.40625, 37.046875, 15], [16, 27391.40625, 37.046875, 15], [53.046875, 27391.40625, 0, 15], [8, 27429.3125, 1264, 0], [8, 27429.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 27429.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 27429.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 27429.3125, 136.015625, 21], [16, 27432.3125, 120.015625, 15], [16, 27432.3125, 120.015625, 15], [16, 27432.3125, 120.015625, 15], [136.015625, 27432.3125, 0, 15], [8, 27470.21875, 1264, 0], [8, 27470.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 27470.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 27470.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 27470.21875, 74.515625, 21], [16, 27473.21875, 58.515625, 15], [16, 27473.21875, 58.515625, 15], [16, 27473.21875, 58.515625, 15], [74.515625, 27473.21875, 0, 15], [8, 27511.125, 1264, 0], [8, 27511.125, 1264, 21], [8, 27511.125, 1264, 21], [8, 27511.125, 1264, 21], [8, 27511.125, 36.015625, 21], [16, 27514.125, 20.015625, 15], [16, 27514.125, 20.015625, 15], [16, 27514.125, 20.015625, 15], [36.015625, 27514.125, 0, 15], [8, 27552.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 27552.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 27552.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 27552.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 27552.03125, 187.890625, 21], [16, 27555.03125, 171.890625, 15], [16, 27555.03125, 171.890625, 15], [16, 27555.03125, 171.890625, 15], [187.890625, 27555.03125, 0, 15], [8, 27592.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 27592.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 27592.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 27592.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 27592.9375, 192.34375, 21], [16, 27595.9375, 176.34375, 15], [16, 27595.9375, 176.34375, 15], [16, 27595.9375, 176.34375, 15], [192.34375, 27595.9375, 0, 15], [8, 27633.84375, 1264, 0], [8, 27633.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 27633.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 27633.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 27633.84375, 88.609375, 21], [16, 27636.84375, 72.609375, 15], [16, 27636.84375, 72.609375, 15], [16, 27636.84375, 72.609375, 15], [88.609375, 27636.84375, 0, 15], [8, 27674.75, 1264, 0], [8, 27674.75, 1264, 21], [8, 27674.75, 1264, 21], [8, 27674.75, 1264, 21], [8, 27674.75, 196.75, 21], [16, 27677.75, 180.75, 15], [16, 27677.75, 180.75, 15], [16, 27677.75, 180.75, 15], [196.75, 27677.75, 0, 15], [8, 27715.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 27715.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 27715.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 27715.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 27715.65625, 130.09375, 21], [16, 27718.65625, 114.09375, 15], [16, 27718.65625, 114.09375, 15], [16, 27718.65625, 114.09375, 15], [130.09375, 27718.65625, 0, 15], [8, 27756.5625, 1264, 0], [8, 27756.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 27756.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 27756.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 27756.5625, 44.15625, 21], [16, 27759.5625, 28.15625, 15], [16, 27759.5625, 28.15625, 15], [16, 27759.5625, 28.15625, 15], [44.15625, 27759.5625, 0, 15], [8, 27797.46875, 1264, 0], [8, 27797.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 27797.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 27797.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 27797.46875, 223.46875, 21], [16, 27800.46875, 207.46875, 15], [16, 27800.46875, 207.46875, 15], [16, 27800.46875, 207.46875, 15], [223.46875, 27800.46875, 0, 15], [8, 27838.375, 1264, 0], [8, 27838.375, 1264, 21], [8, 27838.375, 1264, 21], [8, 27838.375, 1264, 21], [8, 27838.375, 79.71875, 21], [16, 27841.375, 63.71875, 15], [16, 27841.375, 63.71875, 15], [16, 27841.375, 63.71875, 15], [79.71875, 27841.375, 0, 15], [8, 27879.28125, 1264, 0], [8, 27879.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 27879.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 27879.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 27879.28125, 214.78125, 21], [16, 27882.28125, 198.78125, 15], [16, 27882.28125, 198.78125, 15], [16, 27882.28125, 198.78125, 15], [214.78125, 27882.28125, 0, 15], [8, 27920.1875, 1264, 0], [8, 27920.1875, 1264, 21], [8, 27920.1875, 1264, 21], [8, 27920.1875, 1264, 21], [8, 27920.1875, 160.453125, 21], [16, 27923.1875, 144.453125, 15], [16, 27923.1875, 144.453125, 15], [16, 27923.1875, 144.453125, 15], [160.453125, 27923.1875, 0, 15], [8, 27961.09375, 1264, 0], [8, 27961.09375, 1264, 21], [8, 27961.09375, 1264, 21], [8, 27961.09375, 1264, 21], [8, 27961.09375, 148.625, 21], [16, 27964.09375, 132.625, 15], [16, 27964.09375, 132.625, 15], [16, 27964.09375, 132.625, 15], [148.625, 27964.09375, 0, 15], [8, 28002, 1264, 0], [8, 28002, 1264, 21], [8, 28002, 1264, 21], [8, 28002, 1264, 21], [8, 28002, 141.9375, 21], [16, 28005, 125.9375, 15], [16, 28005, 125.9375, 15], [16, 28005, 125.9375, 15], [141.9375, 28005, 0, 15], [8, 28042.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 28042.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 28042.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 28042.90625, 1264, 21], [8, 28042.90625, 215.28125, 21], [16, 28045.90625, 199.28125, 15], [16, 28045.90625, 199.28125, 15], [16, 28045.90625, 199.28125, 15], [215.28125, 28045.90625, 0, 15], [8, 28083.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 28083.8125, 1264, 21], [8, 28083.8125, 1264, 21], [8, 28083.8125, 1264, 21], [8, 28083.8125, 219.28125, 21], [16, 28086.8125, 203.28125, 15], [16, 28086.8125, 203.28125, 15], [16, 28086.8125, 203.28125, 15], [219.28125, 28086.8125, 0, 15], [8, 28124.71875, 1264, 0], [8, 28124.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 28124.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 28124.71875, 1264, 21], [8, 28124.71875, 161.21875, 21], [16, 28127.71875, 145.21875, 15], [16, 28127.71875, 145.21875, 15], [16, 28127.71875, 145.21875, 15], [161.21875, 28127.71875, 0, 15], [8, 28165.625, 1264, 0], [8, 28165.625, 1264, 21], [8, 28165.625, 1264, 21], [8, 28165.625, 1264, 21], [8, 28165.625, 141.921875, 21], [16, 28168.625, 125.921875, 15], [16, 28168.625, 125.921875, 15], [16, 28168.625, 125.921875, 15], [141.921875, 28168.625, 0, 15], [8, 28206.53125, 1264, 0], [8, 28206.53125, 1264, 21], [8, 28206.53125, 1264, 21], [8, 28206.53125, 1264, 21], [8, 28206.53125, 156.734375, 21], [16, 28209.53125, 140.734375, 15], [16, 28209.53125, 140.734375, 15], [16, 28209.53125, 140.734375, 15], [156.734375, 28209.53125, 0, 15], [8, 28247.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 28247.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 28247.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 28247.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 28247.4375, 49.328125, 21], [16, 28250.4375, 33.328125, 15], [16, 28250.4375, 33.328125, 15], [16, 28250.4375, 33.328125, 15], [49.328125, 28250.4375, 0, 15], [8, 28288.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 28288.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 28288.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 28288.34375, 1264, 21], [8, 28288.34375, 164.171875, 21], [16, 28291.34375, 148.171875, 15], [16, 28291.34375, 148.171875, 15], [16, 28291.34375, 148.171875, 15], [164.171875, 28291.34375, 0, 15], [8, 28329.25, 1264, 0], [8, 28329.25, 1264, 21], [8, 28329.25, 1264, 21], [8, 28329.25, 1264, 21], [8, 28329.25, 153.0625, 21], [16, 28332.25, 137.0625, 15], [16, 28332.25, 137.0625, 15], [16, 28332.25, 137.0625, 15], [153.0625, 28332.25, 0, 15], [8, 28370.15625, 1264, 0], [8, 28370.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 28370.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 28370.15625, 1264, 21], [8, 28370.15625, 198.984375, 21], [16, 28373.15625, 182.984375, 15], [16, 28373.15625, 182.984375, 15], [16, 28373.15625, 182.984375, 15], [198.984375, 28373.15625, 0, 15], [8, 28411.0625, 1264, 0], [8, 28411.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 28411.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 28411.0625, 1264, 21], [8, 28411.0625, 221, 21], [16, 28414.0625, 205, 15], [16, 28414.0625, 205, 15], [16, 28414.0625, 205, 15], [221, 28414.0625, 0, 15], [8, 28451.96875, 1264, 0], [8, 28451.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 28451.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 28451.96875, 1264, 21], [8, 28451.96875, 211.34375, 21], [16, 28454.96875, 195.34375, 15], [16, 28454.96875, 195.34375, 15], [16, 28454.96875, 195.34375, 15], [211.34375, 28454.96875, 0, 15], [8, 28492.875, 1264, 0], [8, 28492.875, 1264, 21], [8, 28492.875, 1264, 21], [8, 28492.875, 1264, 21], [8, 28492.875, 135.296875, 21], [16, 28495.875, 119.296875, 15], [16, 28495.875, 119.296875, 15], [16, 28495.875, 119.296875, 15], [135.296875, 28495.875, 0, 15], [8, 28533.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 28533.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 28533.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 28533.78125, 1264, 21], [8, 28533.78125, 207.859375, 21], [16, 28536.78125, 191.859375, 15], [16, 28536.78125, 191.859375, 15], [16, 28536.78125, 191.859375, 15], [207.859375, 28536.78125, 0, 15], [8, 28574.6875, 1264, 0], [8, 28574.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 28574.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 28574.6875, 1264, 21], [8, 28574.6875, 81.96875, 21], [16, 28577.6875, 65.96875, 15], [16, 28577.6875, 65.96875, 15], [16, 28577.6875, 65.96875, 15], [81.96875, 28577.6875, 0, 15], [8, 28615.59375, 1264, 0], [8, 28615.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 28615.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 28615.59375, 1264, 21], [8, 28615.59375, 104.90625, 21], [16, 28618.59375, 88.90625, 15], [16, 28618.59375, 88.90625, 15], [16, 28618.59375, 88.90625, 15], [104.90625, 28618.59375, 0, 15], [8, 28656.5, 1264, 0], [8, 28656.5, 1264, 21], [8, 28656.5, 1264, 21], [8, 28656.5, 1264, 21], [8, 28656.5, 105.921875, 21], [16, 28659.5, 89.921875, 15], [16, 28659.5, 89.921875, 15], [16, 28659.5, 89.921875, 15], [105.921875, 28659.5, 0, 15], [8, 28697.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 28697.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 28697.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 28697.40625, 1264, 21], [8, 28697.40625, 110.09375, 21], [16, 28700.40625, 94.09375, 15], [16, 28700.40625, 94.09375, 15], [16, 28700.40625, 94.09375, 15], [110.09375, 28700.40625, 0, 15], [8, 28738.3125, 1264, 0], [8, 28738.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 28738.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 28738.3125, 1264, 21], [8, 28738.3125, 148.625, 21], [16, 28741.3125, 132.625, 15], [16, 28741.3125, 132.625, 15], [16, 28741.3125, 132.625, 15], [148.625, 28741.3125, 0, 15], [8, 28779.21875, 1264, 0], [8, 28779.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 28779.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 28779.21875, 1264, 21], [8, 28779.21875, 98.984375, 21], [16, 28782.21875, 82.984375, 15], [16, 28782.21875, 82.984375, 15], [16, 28782.21875, 82.984375, 15], [98.984375, 28782.21875, 0, 15], [8, 28820.125, 1264, 0], [8, 28820.125, 1264, 21], [8, 28820.125, 1264, 21], [8, 28820.125, 1264, 21], [8, 28820.125, 177.5, 21], [16, 28823.125, 161.5, 15], [16, 28823.125, 161.5, 15], [16, 28823.125, 161.5, 15], [177.5, 28823.125, 0, 15], [8, 28861.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 28861.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 28861.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 28861.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 28861.03125, 173.09375, 21], [16, 28864.03125, 157.09375, 15], [16, 28864.03125, 157.09375, 15], [16, 28864.03125, 157.09375, 15], [173.09375, 28864.03125, 0, 15], [8, 28901.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 28901.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 28901.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 28901.9375, 1264, 21], [8, 28901.9375, 213.046875, 21], [16, 28904.9375, 197.046875, 15], [16, 28904.9375, 197.046875, 15], [16, 28904.9375, 197.046875, 15], [213.046875, 28904.9375, 0, 15], [8, 28942.84375, 1264, 0], [8, 28942.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 28942.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 28942.84375, 1264, 21], [8, 28942.84375, 176, 21], [16, 28945.84375, 160, 15], [16, 28945.84375, 160, 15], [16, 28945.84375, 160, 15], [176, 28945.84375, 0, 15], [8, 28983.75, 1264, 0], [8, 28983.75, 1264, 21], [8, 28983.75, 1264, 21], [8, 28983.75, 1264, 21], [8, 28983.75, 200.96875, 21], [16, 28986.75, 184.96875, 15], [16, 28986.75, 184.96875, 15], [16, 28986.75, 184.96875, 15], [200.96875, 28986.75, 0, 15], [8, 29024.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 29024.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 29024.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 29024.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 29024.65625, 205.421875, 21], [16, 29027.65625, 189.421875, 15], [16, 29027.65625, 189.421875, 15], [16, 29027.65625, 189.421875, 15], [205.421875, 29027.65625, 0, 15], [8, 29065.5625, 1264, 0], [8, 29065.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 29065.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 29065.5625, 1264, 21], [8, 29065.5625, 221, 21], [16, 29068.5625, 205, 15], [16, 29068.5625, 205, 15], [16, 29068.5625, 205, 15], [221, 29068.5625, 0, 15], [8, 29106.46875, 1264, 0], [8, 29106.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 29106.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 29106.46875, 1264, 21], [8, 29106.46875, 157.5, 21], [16, 29109.46875, 141.5, 15], [16, 29109.46875, 141.5, 15], [16, 29109.46875, 141.5, 15], [157.5, 29109.46875, 0, 15], [8, 29147.375, 1264, 0], [8, 29147.375, 1264, 21], [8, 29147.375, 1264, 21], [8, 29147.375, 1264, 21], [8, 29147.375, 135.296875, 21], [16, 29150.375, 119.296875, 15], [16, 29150.375, 119.296875, 15], [16, 29150.375, 119.296875, 15], [135.296875, 29150.375, 0, 15], [8, 29188.28125, 1264, 0], [8, 29188.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 29188.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 29188.28125, 1264, 21], [8, 29188.28125, 86.390625, 21], [16, 29191.28125, 70.390625, 15], [16, 29191.28125, 70.390625, 15], [16, 29191.28125, 70.390625, 15], [86.390625, 29191.28125, 0, 15], [8, 29229.1875, 1264, 0], [8, 29229.1875, 1264, 0], [8, 29229.1875, 620, 0], [8, 29229.1875, 1264, 722.90625], [8, 29229.1875, 1264, 27], [8, 29229.1875, 162.703125, 26], [8, 29276.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 29276.09375, 942.28125, 17], [8, 29310.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 29310.09375, 44.453125, 17], [8, 29310.09375, 44.453125, 17], [52.453125, 29310.09375, 90.65625, 17], [52.453125, 29310.09375, 90.65625, 17], [8, 29344.09375, 1264, 608], [8, 29344.09375, 208.953125, 304], [10, 29346.09375, 204.953125, 20], [10, 29346.09375, 204.953125, 20], [10, 29346.09375, 32.234375, 20], [44.234375, 29346.09375, 170.71875, 20], [77.375, 29347.09375, 104.421875, 17], [10, 29368.09375, 204.953125, 278], [10, 29368.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29368.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29378.09375, 30.234375, 17], [44.234375, 29368.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29369.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29369.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29387.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29387.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29408.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29408.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29418.09375, 24.3125, 17], [44.234375, 29408.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29409.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29409.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29427.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29427.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29448.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29448.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29458.09375, 28.921875, 17], [44.234375, 29448.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29449.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29449.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29467.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29467.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29488.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29488.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29498.09375, 25.78125, 17], [44.234375, 29488.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29489.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29489.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29507.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29507.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29528.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29528.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29538.09375, 18.671875, 17], [44.234375, 29528.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29529.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29529.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29547.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29547.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29568.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29568.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29578.09375, 20.453125, 17], [44.234375, 29568.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29569.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29569.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29587.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29587.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29608.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29608.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29618.09375, 24.90625, 17], [44.234375, 29608.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29609.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29609.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29627.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29627.09375, 168.71875, 17], [8, 29648.09375, 0, 0], [8, 29648.09375, 208.953125, 304], [10, 29650.09375, 204.953125, 20], [10, 29650.09375, 204.953125, 20], [10, 29650.09375, 32.234375, 20], [44.234375, 29650.09375, 170.71875, 20], [82.25, 29651.09375, 94.6875, 17], [10, 29672.09375, 204.953125, 278], [10, 29672.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29672.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29682.09375, 30.234375, 17], [44.234375, 29672.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29673.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29673.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29691.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29691.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29712.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29712.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29722.09375, 24.3125, 17], [44.234375, 29712.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29713.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29713.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29731.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29731.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29752.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29752.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29762.09375, 28.921875, 17], [44.234375, 29752.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29753.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29753.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29771.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29771.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29792.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29792.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29802.09375, 25.78125, 17], [44.234375, 29792.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29793.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29793.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29811.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29811.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29832.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29832.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29842.09375, 18.671875, 17], [44.234375, 29832.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29833.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29833.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29851.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29851.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29872.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29872.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29882.09375, 20.453125, 17], [44.234375, 29872.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29873.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29873.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29891.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29891.09375, 168.71875, 17], [10, 29912.09375, 204.953125, 38], [10, 29912.09375, 32.234375, 38], [11, 29922.09375, 24.90625, 17], [44.234375, 29912.09375, 170.71875, 38], [45.234375, 29913.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29913.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29931.09375, 168.71875, 18], [45.234375, 29931.09375, 168.71875, 17], [8, 29952.09375, 1264, 0], [8, 29972, 1264, 2508.65625], [8, 29972, 1264, 2471.65625], [8, 29972, 1264, 27], [8, 29972, 83.984375, 26], [8, 30018.90625, 1264, 36], [8, 30018.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 30018.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 30018.90625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30036.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30036.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30036.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30036.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30036.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30036.90625, 63.109375, 17], [71.109375, 30036.90625, 84, 17], [71.109375, 30036.90625, 84, 17], [155.109375, 30036.90625, 31.109375, 17], [186.21875, 30036.90625, 79.25, 17], [186.21875, 30036.90625, 79.25, 17], [8, 30054.90625, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 30054.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 30054.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 30054.90625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30072.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30072.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30072.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30072.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30072.90625, 0, 0], [8, 30097.875, 1264, 12], [8, 30097.875, 64.625, 12], [72.625, 30097.875, 74.5625, 12], [72.625, 30097.875, 74.5625, 12], [147.1875, 30097.875, 164.09375, 12], [147.1875, 30097.875, 2.375, 12], [147.1875, 30097.875, 2.375, 12], [149.5625, 30097.875, 161.71875, 12], [149.5625, 30097.875, 161.71875, 12], [8, 30134.84375, 1264, 18], [8, 30134.84375, 375.421875, 17], [8, 30168.84375, 1264, 0], [8, 30168.84375, 1264, 0], [8, 30168.84375, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 30168.84375, 1264, 18], [8, 30168.84375, 1264, 18], [8, 30168.84375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30186.84375, 0, 0], [8, 30186.84375, 0, 0], [8, 30186.84375, 0, 0], [8, 30186.84375, 0, 0], [8, 30186.84375, 0, 0], [8, 30211.8125, 1264, 12], [8, 30211.8125, 50.34375, 12], [58.34375, 30211.8125, 74.15625, 12], [58.34375, 30211.8125, 74.15625, 12], [132.5, 30211.8125, 169.453125, 12], [132.5, 30211.8125, 2.375, 12], [132.5, 30211.8125, 2.375, 12], [134.875, 30211.8125, 167.078125, 12], [134.875, 30211.8125, 167.078125, 12], [8, 30248.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 30248.78125, 111.265625, 17], [8, 30282.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 30282.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 30282.78125, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 30282.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 30282.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 30282.78125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30300.78125, 0, 0], [8, 30300.78125, 0, 0], [8, 30300.78125, 0, 0], [8, 30300.78125, 0, 0], [8, 30300.78125, 0, 0], [8, 30325.75, 1264, 12], [8, 30325.75, 62.25, 12], [70.25, 30325.75, 74.15625, 12], [70.25, 30325.75, 74.15625, 12], [144.40625, 30325.75, 164.09375, 12], [144.40625, 30325.75, 2.375, 12], [144.40625, 30325.75, 2.375, 12], [146.78125, 30325.75, 161.71875, 12], [146.78125, 30325.75, 161.71875, 12], [8, 30362.71875, 1264, 18], [8, 30362.71875, 370.578125, 17], [8, 30396.71875, 1264, 0], [8, 30396.71875, 1264, 0], [8, 30396.71875, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 30396.71875, 1264, 18], [8, 30396.71875, 1264, 18], [8, 30396.71875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30414.71875, 0, 0], [8, 30414.71875, 0, 0], [8, 30414.71875, 0, 0], [8, 30414.71875, 0, 0], [8, 30414.71875, 0, 0], [8, 30439.6875, 1264, 12], [8, 30439.6875, 68.203125, 12], [76.203125, 30439.6875, 73.5625, 12], [76.203125, 30439.6875, 73.5625, 12], [149.765625, 30439.6875, 180.171875, 12], [149.765625, 30439.6875, 2.375, 12], [149.765625, 30439.6875, 2.375, 12], [152.140625, 30439.6875, 177.796875, 12], [152.140625, 30439.6875, 177.796875, 12], [8, 30476.65625, 1264, 18], [8, 30476.65625, 100.859375, 17], [8, 30510.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 30510.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 30510.65625, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 30510.65625, 1264, 18], [8, 30510.65625, 1264, 18], [8, 30510.65625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30528.65625, 0, 0], [8, 30528.65625, 0, 0], [8, 30528.65625, 0, 0], [8, 30528.65625, 0, 0], [8, 30528.65625, 0, 0], [8, 30553.625, 1264, 12], [8, 30553.625, 65.203125, 12], [73.203125, 30553.625, 75.34375, 12], [73.203125, 30553.625, 75.34375, 12], [148.546875, 30553.625, 154.5625, 12], [148.546875, 30553.625, 2.375, 12], [148.546875, 30553.625, 2.375, 12], [150.921875, 30553.625, 152.1875, 12], [150.921875, 30553.625, 152.1875, 12], [8, 30590.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 30590.59375, 541.1875, 17], [8, 30624.59375, 1264, 0], [8, 30624.59375, 1264, 0], [8, 30624.59375, 1264, 115.9375], [8, 30624.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 30624.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 30624.59375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30642.59375, 0, 0], [8, 30642.59375, 0, 0], [8, 30642.59375, 0, 0], [8, 30642.59375, 0, 0], [8, 30642.59375, 0, 0], [8, 30667.5625, 1264, 12], [8, 30667.5625, 64.015625, 12], [72.015625, 30667.5625, 73.546875, 12], [72.015625, 30667.5625, 73.546875, 12], [145.5625, 30667.5625, 174.8125, 12], [145.5625, 30667.5625, 2.375, 12], [145.5625, 30667.5625, 2.375, 12], [147.9375, 30667.5625, 172.4375, 12], [147.9375, 30667.5625, 172.4375, 12], [8, 30704.53125, 1264, 36], [8, 30704.53125, 1248.125, 35], [8, 30756.53125, 1264, 0], [8, 30756.53125, 1264, 0], [8, 30756.53125, 1264, 151.9375], [8, 30756.53125, 1264, 18], [8, 30756.53125, 1264, 18], [8, 30756.53125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30774.53125, 0, 0], [8, 30774.53125, 0, 0], [8, 30774.53125, 0, 0], [8, 30774.53125, 0, 0], [8, 30774.53125, 0, 0], [8, 30799.5, 1264, 12], [8, 30799.5, 65.609375, 12], [73.609375, 30799.5, 73.546875, 12], [73.609375, 30799.5, 73.546875, 12], [147.15625, 30799.5, 174.8125, 12], [147.15625, 30799.5, 2.375, 12], [147.15625, 30799.5, 2.375, 12], [149.53125, 30799.5, 172.4375, 12], [149.53125, 30799.5, 172.4375, 12], [8, 30836.46875, 1264, 72], [8, 30836.46875, 1255.25, 71], [8, 30924.46875, 1264, 0], [8, 30924.46875, 1264, 0], [8, 30924.46875, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 30924.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 30924.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 30924.46875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30942.46875, 0, 0], [8, 30942.46875, 0, 0], [8, 30942.46875, 0, 0], [8, 30942.46875, 0, 0], [8, 30942.46875, 0, 0], [8, 30967.4375, 1264, 12], [8, 30967.4375, 54.5, 12], [62.5, 30967.4375, 73.5625, 12], [62.5, 30967.4375, 73.5625, 12], [136.0625, 30967.4375, 169.453125, 12], [136.0625, 30967.4375, 2.375, 12], [136.0625, 30967.4375, 2.375, 12], [138.4375, 30967.4375, 167.078125, 12], [138.4375, 30967.4375, 167.078125, 12], [8, 31004.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 31004.40625, 453.171875, 17], [8, 31038.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 31038.40625, 1264, 0], [8, 31038.40625, 1264, 115.9375], [8, 31038.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 31038.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 31038.40625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31056.40625, 0, 0], [8, 31056.40625, 0, 0], [8, 31056.40625, 0, 0], [8, 31056.40625, 0, 0], [8, 31056.40625, 0, 0], [8, 31081.375, 1264, 12], [8, 31081.375, 60.453125, 12], [68.453125, 31081.375, 73.5625, 12], [68.453125, 31081.375, 73.5625, 12], [142.015625, 31081.375, 169.453125, 12], [142.015625, 31081.375, 2.375, 12], [142.015625, 31081.375, 2.375, 12], [144.390625, 31081.375, 167.078125, 12], [144.390625, 31081.375, 167.078125, 12], [8, 31118.34375, 1264, 36], [8, 31118.34375, 1246.8125, 35], [8, 31170.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 31170.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 31170.34375, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 31170.34375, 1264, 18], [8, 31170.34375, 1264, 18], [8, 31170.34375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31188.34375, 0, 0], [8, 31188.34375, 0, 0], [8, 31188.34375, 0, 0], [8, 31188.34375, 0, 0], [8, 31188.34375, 0, 0], [8, 31213.3125, 1264, 12], [8, 31213.3125, 50.90625, 12], [58.90625, 31213.3125, 71.1875, 12], [58.90625, 31213.3125, 71.1875, 12], [130.09375, 31213.3125, 169.453125, 12], [130.09375, 31213.3125, 2.375, 12], [130.09375, 31213.3125, 2.375, 12], [132.46875, 31213.3125, 167.078125, 12], [132.46875, 31213.3125, 167.078125, 12], [8, 31250.28125, 1264, 18], [8, 31250.28125, 76.84375, 17], [8, 31284.28125, 1264, 0], [8, 31284.28125, 1264, 0], [8, 31284.28125, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 31284.28125, 1264, 18], [8, 31284.28125, 1264, 18], [8, 31284.28125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31302.28125, 0, 0], [8, 31302.28125, 0, 0], [8, 31302.28125, 0, 0], [8, 31302.28125, 0, 0], [8, 31302.28125, 0, 0], [8, 31327.25, 1264, 12], [8, 31327.25, 58.078125, 12], [66.078125, 31327.25, 71.1875, 12], [66.078125, 31327.25, 71.1875, 12], [137.265625, 31327.25, 174.8125, 12], [137.265625, 31327.25, 2.375, 12], [137.265625, 31327.25, 2.375, 12], [139.640625, 31327.25, 172.4375, 12], [139.640625, 31327.25, 172.4375, 12], [8, 31364.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 31364.21875, 207.234375, 17], [8, 31398.21875, 1264, 0], [8, 31398.21875, 1264, 0], [8, 31398.21875, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 31398.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 31398.21875, 1264, 18], [8, 31398.21875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31416.21875, 0, 0], [8, 31416.21875, 0, 0], [8, 31416.21875, 0, 0], [8, 31416.21875, 0, 0], [8, 31416.21875, 0, 0], [8, 31441.1875, 1264, 12], [8, 31441.1875, 44.984375, 12], [52.984375, 31441.1875, 71.1875, 12], [52.984375, 31441.1875, 71.1875, 12], [124.171875, 31441.1875, 174.8125, 12], [124.171875, 31441.1875, 2.375, 12], [124.171875, 31441.1875, 2.375, 12], [126.546875, 31441.1875, 172.4375, 12], [126.546875, 31441.1875, 172.4375, 12], [8, 31478.15625, 1264, 18], [8, 31478.15625, 133.265625, 17], [8, 31512.15625, 1264, 0], [8, 31512.15625, 1264, 0], [8, 31512.15625, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 31512.15625, 1264, 18], [8, 31512.15625, 1264, 18], [8, 31512.15625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31530.15625, 0, 0], [8, 31530.15625, 0, 0], [8, 31530.15625, 0, 0], [8, 31530.15625, 0, 0], [8, 31530.15625, 0, 0], [8, 31555.125, 1264, 12], [8, 31555.125, 62.4375, 12], [70.4375, 31555.125, 77.71875, 12], [70.4375, 31555.125, 77.71875, 12], [148.15625, 31555.125, 174.8125, 12], [148.15625, 31555.125, 2.375, 12], [148.15625, 31555.125, 2.375, 12], [150.53125, 31555.125, 172.4375, 12], [150.53125, 31555.125, 172.4375, 12], [8, 31592.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 31592.09375, 835.71875, 17], [8, 31626.09375, 1264, 0], [8, 31626.09375, 1264, 0], [8, 31626.09375, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 31626.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 31626.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 31626.09375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31644.09375, 0, 0], [8, 31644.09375, 0, 0], [8, 31644.09375, 0, 0], [8, 31644.09375, 0, 0], [8, 31644.09375, 0, 0], [8, 31669.0625, 1264, 12], [8, 31669.0625, 58.0625, 12], [66.0625, 31669.0625, 77.71875, 12], [66.0625, 31669.0625, 77.71875, 12], [143.78125, 31669.0625, 164.09375, 12], [143.78125, 31669.0625, 2.375, 12], [143.78125, 31669.0625, 2.375, 12], [146.15625, 31669.0625, 161.71875, 12], [146.15625, 31669.0625, 161.71875, 12], [8, 31706.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 31706.03125, 491.640625, 17], [8, 31740.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 31740.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 31740.03125, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 31740.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 31740.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 31740.03125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31758.03125, 0, 0], [8, 31758.03125, 0, 0], [8, 31758.03125, 0, 0], [8, 31758.03125, 0, 0], [8, 31758.03125, 0, 0], [8, 31783, 1264, 12], [8, 31783, 70.171875, 12], [78.171875, 31783, 77.71875, 12], [78.171875, 31783, 77.71875, 12], [155.890625, 31783, 164.09375, 12], [155.890625, 31783, 2.375, 12], [155.890625, 31783, 2.375, 12], [158.265625, 31783, 161.71875, 12], [158.265625, 31783, 161.71875, 12], [8, 31819.96875, 1264, 18], [8, 31819.96875, 1250, 17], [8, 31853.96875, 1264, 0], [8, 31853.96875, 1264, 0], [8, 31853.96875, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 31853.96875, 1264, 18], [8, 31853.96875, 1264, 18], [8, 31853.96875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31871.96875, 0, 0], [8, 31871.96875, 0, 0], [8, 31871.96875, 0, 0], [8, 31871.96875, 0, 0], [8, 31871.96875, 0, 0], [8, 31896.9375, 1264, 12], [8, 31896.9375, 63.40625, 12], [71.40625, 31896.9375, 77.71875, 12], [71.40625, 31896.9375, 77.71875, 12], [149.125, 31896.9375, 150.203125, 12], [149.125, 31896.9375, 2.375, 12], [149.125, 31896.9375, 2.375, 12], [151.5, 31896.9375, 147.828125, 12], [151.5, 31896.9375, 147.828125, 12], [8, 31933.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 31933.90625, 158.578125, 17], [8, 31967.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 31967.90625, 1264, 0], [8, 31967.90625, 1264, 115.9375], [8, 31967.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 31967.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 31967.90625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31985.90625, 0, 0], [8, 31985.90625, 0, 0], [8, 31985.90625, 0, 0], [8, 31985.90625, 0, 0], [8, 31985.90625, 0, 0], [8, 32010.875, 1264, 12], [8, 32010.875, 60.46875, 12], [68.46875, 32010.875, 77.71875, 12], [68.46875, 32010.875, 77.71875, 12], [146.1875, 32010.875, 174.8125, 12], [146.1875, 32010.875, 2.375, 12], [146.1875, 32010.875, 2.375, 12], [148.5625, 32010.875, 172.4375, 12], [148.5625, 32010.875, 172.4375, 12], [8, 32047.84375, 1264, 36], [8, 32047.84375, 1217.328125, 35], [8, 32099.84375, 1264, 0], [8, 32099.84375, 1264, 0], [8, 32099.84375, 1264, 115.9375], [8, 32099.84375, 1264, 18], [8, 32099.84375, 1264, 18], [8, 32099.84375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 32117.84375, 0, 0], [8, 32117.84375, 0, 0], [8, 32117.84375, 0, 0], [8, 32117.84375, 0, 0], [8, 32117.84375, 0, 0], [8, 32142.8125, 1264, 12], [8, 32142.8125, 68.203125, 12], [76.203125, 32142.8125, 74.5625, 12], [76.203125, 32142.8125, 74.5625, 12], [150.765625, 32142.8125, 180.171875, 12], [150.765625, 32142.8125, 2.375, 12], [150.765625, 32142.8125, 2.375, 12], [153.140625, 32142.8125, 177.796875, 12], [153.140625, 32142.8125, 177.796875, 12], [8, 32179.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 32179.78125, 1233.390625, 35], [8, 32231.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 32231.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 32231.78125, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 32231.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 32231.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 32231.78125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 32249.78125, 0, 0], [8, 32249.78125, 0, 0], [8, 32249.78125, 0, 0], [8, 32249.78125, 0, 0], [8, 32249.78125, 0, 0], [8, 32274.75, 1264, 12], [8, 32274.75, 58.078125, 12], [66.078125, 32274.75, 74.5625, 12], [66.078125, 32274.75, 74.5625, 12], [140.640625, 32274.75, 174.8125, 12], [140.640625, 32274.75, 2.375, 12], [140.640625, 32274.75, 2.375, 12], [143.015625, 32274.75, 172.4375, 12], [143.015625, 32274.75, 172.4375, 12], [8, 32311.71875, 1264, 18], [8, 32311.71875, 172.59375, 17], [8, 32345.71875, 1264, 0], [8, 32345.71875, 1264, 0], [8, 32345.71875, 1264, 97.9375], [8, 32345.71875, 1264, 18], [8, 32345.71875, 1264, 18], [8, 32345.71875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 32363.71875, 0, 0], [8, 32363.71875, 0, 0], [8, 32363.71875, 0, 0], [8, 32363.71875, 0, 0], [8, 32363.71875, 0, 0], [8, 32388.6875, 1264, 12], [8, 32388.6875, 53.328125, 12], [61.328125, 32388.6875, 76.921875, 12], [61.328125, 32388.6875, 76.921875, 12], [138.25, 32388.6875, 174.8125, 12], [138.25, 32388.6875, 2.375, 12], [138.25, 32388.6875, 2.375, 12], [140.625, 32388.6875, 172.4375, 12], [140.625, 32388.6875, 172.4375, 12], [8, 32425.65625, 1264, 18], [8, 32425.65625, 595.9375, 17], [8, 32459.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 32459.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 32459.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 32459.65625, 83.421875, 21], [16, 32462.65625, 67.421875, 15], [8, 32502.828125, 1264, 345.609375], [8, 32502.828125, 1264, 345.609375], [8, 32502.828125, 1264, 149.171875], [8, 32502.828125, 1264, 149.171875], [8, 32502.828125, 1264, 149.171875], [8, 32502.828125, 1264, 16], [8, 32502.828125, 107.71875, 15], [8, 32541, 1264, 18], [8, 32541, 128.40625, 17], [8, 32559, 1264, 21], [8, 32559, 64.140625, 21], [16, 32562, 48.140625, 15], [72.140625, 32559, 56.015625, 21], [80.140625, 32562, 40.015625, 15], [8, 32580, 1264, 38], [8, 32580, 1264, 19], [8, 32580, 87, 19], [8, 32599, 1264, 19], [8, 32599, 74, 19], [8, 32634, 1264, 18], [8, 32634, 116.4375, 17], [8, 32668, 1264, 0], [8, 32671.90625, 1264, 176.53125], [8, 32671.90625, 1264, 176.53125], [8, 32671.90625, 1264, 176.53125], [8, 32671.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 32671.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 32671.90625, 96.25, 26], [8, 32720.171875, 1264, 57.265625], [8, 32720.171875, 1264, 57.265625], [8, 32720.171875, 1264, 57.265625], [8, 32720.171875, 1264, 57.265625], [8, 32720.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 32720.171875, 0, 17], [8, 32720.171875, 246.171875, 17], [8, 32720.171875, 246.171875, 17], [8, 32759.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 32759.4375, 135.09375, 17], [8, 32793.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 32793.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 32793.4375, 1264, 18], [48, 32793.4375, 1224, 18], [32, 32793.4375, 16, 18], [32, 32793.4375, 16, 17], [48, 32793.4375, 1224, 18], [48, 32793.4375, 1224, 18], [48, 32793.4375, 83.078125, 17], [48, 32793.4375, 83.078125, 17], [131.078125, 32793.4375, 28.4375, 17], [131.078125, 32793.4375, 28.4375, 17], [8, 32827.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 32827.4375, 145.671875, 21], [16, 32830.4375, 96.3125, 15], [112.3125, 32830.4375, 33.359375, 15], [112.3125, 32830.4375, 33.359375, 15], [8, 32864.4375, 1264, 1589.8125], [8, 32864.4375, 1264, 1404.8125], [8, 32864.4375, 1264, 1404.8125], [8, 32864.4375, 1264, 198], [48, 32864.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 32864.4375, 7, 18], [31, 32864.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32864.4375, 67.53125, 17], [48, 32864.4375, 67.53125, 17], [48, 32882.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 32882.4375, 7, 18], [31, 32882.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32882.4375, 75.546875, 17], [48, 32882.4375, 75.546875, 17], [48, 32900.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 32900.4375, 7, 18], [31, 32900.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32900.4375, 47.984375, 17], [48, 32900.4375, 47.984375, 17], [48, 32918.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 32918.4375, 7, 18], [31, 32918.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32918.4375, 58.234375, 17], [48, 32918.4375, 58.234375, 17], [48, 32936.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 32936.4375, 7, 18], [31, 32936.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32936.4375, 49.765625, 17], [48, 32936.4375, 49.765625, 17], [48, 32954.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 32954.4375, 7, 18], [31, 32954.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32954.4375, 30.828125, 17], [48, 32954.4375, 30.828125, 17], [48, 32972.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 32972.4375, 7, 18], [31, 32972.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32972.4375, 48.859375, 17], [48, 32972.4375, 48.859375, 17], [48, 32990.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 32990.4375, 7, 18], [31, 32990.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32990.4375, 40.578125, 17], [48, 32990.4375, 40.578125, 17], [48, 33008.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 33008.4375, 7, 18], [31, 33008.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33008.4375, 31.125, 17], [48, 33008.4375, 31.125, 17], [48, 33026.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 33026.4375, 7, 18], [31, 33026.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33026.4375, 85.96875, 17], [48, 33026.4375, 85.96875, 17], [48, 33044.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 33044.4375, 7, 18], [31, 33044.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33044.4375, 93.765625, 17], [48, 33044.4375, 93.765625, 17], [8, 33078.4375, 1264, 106], [8, 33078.4375, 1264, 54], [48, 33078.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 33078.4375, 7, 18], [31, 33078.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33096.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 33096.4375, 7, 18], [31, 33096.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33114.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 33114.4375, 7, 18], [31, 33114.4375, 7, 17], [8, 33148.4375, 1264, 36], [48, 33148.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 33148.4375, 7, 18], [31, 33148.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33166.4375, 1224, 18], [31, 33166.4375, 7, 18], [31, 33166.4375, 7, 17], [8, 33200.4375, 1264, 2], [8, 33222.34375, 1264, 1028.90625], [8, 33222.34375, 1264, 622.90625], [8, 33222.34375, 1264, 27], [8, 33222.34375, 168.265625, 26], [8, 33269.25, 1264, 576], [48, 33269.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33269.25, 7, 18], [31, 33269.25, 7, 17], [48, 33269.25, 127.078125, 17], [48, 33269.25, 127.078125, 17], [48, 33287.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33287.25, 7, 18], [31, 33287.25, 7, 17], [48, 33287.25, 93.75, 17], [48, 33287.25, 93.75, 17], [48, 33305.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33305.25, 7, 18], [31, 33305.25, 7, 17], [48, 33305.25, 102.625, 17], [48, 33305.25, 102.625, 17], [48, 33323.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33323.25, 7, 18], [31, 33323.25, 7, 17], [48, 33323.25, 89.328125, 17], [48, 33323.25, 89.328125, 17], [48, 33341.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33341.25, 7, 18], [31, 33341.25, 7, 17], [48, 33341.25, 117.734375, 17], [48, 33341.25, 117.734375, 17], [48, 33359.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33359.25, 7, 18], [31, 33359.25, 7, 17], [48, 33359.25, 106.796875, 17], [48, 33359.25, 106.796875, 17], [48, 33377.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33377.25, 7, 18], [31, 33377.25, 7, 17], [48, 33377.25, 86.625, 17], [48, 33377.25, 86.625, 17], [48, 33395.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33395.25, 7, 18], [31, 33395.25, 7, 17], [48, 33395.25, 109.75, 17], [48, 33395.25, 109.75, 17], [48, 33413.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33413.25, 7, 18], [31, 33413.25, 7, 17], [48, 33413.25, 141.296875, 17], [48, 33413.25, 141.296875, 17], [48, 33431.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33431.25, 7, 18], [31, 33431.25, 7, 17], [48, 33431.25, 110.640625, 17], [48, 33431.25, 110.640625, 17], [48, 33449.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33449.25, 7, 18], [31, 33449.25, 7, 17], [48, 33449.25, 92.859375, 17], [48, 33449.25, 92.859375, 17], [48, 33467.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33467.25, 7, 18], [31, 33467.25, 7, 17], [48, 33467.25, 116.421875, 17], [48, 33467.25, 116.421875, 17], [48, 33485.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33485.25, 7, 18], [31, 33485.25, 7, 17], [48, 33485.25, 107.078125, 17], [48, 33485.25, 107.078125, 17], [48, 33503.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33503.25, 7, 18], [31, 33503.25, 7, 17], [48, 33503.25, 119.03125, 17], [48, 33503.25, 119.03125, 17], [48, 33521.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33521.25, 7, 18], [31, 33521.25, 7, 17], [48, 33521.25, 130.625, 17], [48, 33521.25, 130.625, 17], [48, 33539.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33539.25, 7, 18], [31, 33539.25, 7, 17], [48, 33539.25, 130.625, 17], [48, 33539.25, 130.625, 17], [48, 33557.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33557.25, 7, 18], [31, 33557.25, 7, 17], [48, 33557.25, 146.609375, 17], [48, 33557.25, 146.609375, 17], [48, 33575.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33575.25, 7, 18], [31, 33575.25, 7, 17], [48, 33575.25, 145.734375, 17], [48, 33575.25, 145.734375, 17], [48, 33593.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33593.25, 7, 18], [31, 33593.25, 7, 17], [48, 33593.25, 91.078125, 17], [48, 33593.25, 91.078125, 17], [48, 33611.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33611.25, 7, 18], [31, 33611.25, 7, 17], [48, 33611.25, 101.75, 17], [48, 33611.25, 101.75, 17], [48, 33629.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33629.25, 7, 18], [31, 33629.25, 7, 17], [48, 33629.25, 98.203125, 17], [48, 33629.25, 98.203125, 17], [48, 33647.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33647.25, 7, 18], [31, 33647.25, 7, 17], [48, 33647.25, 119.53125, 17], [48, 33647.25, 119.53125, 17], [48, 33665.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33665.25, 7, 18], [31, 33665.25, 7, 17], [48, 33665.25, 108.859375, 17], [48, 33665.25, 108.859375, 17], [48, 33683.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33683.25, 7, 18], [31, 33683.25, 7, 17], [48, 33683.25, 95.53125, 17], [48, 33683.25, 95.53125, 17], [48, 33701.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33701.25, 7, 18], [31, 33701.25, 7, 17], [48, 33701.25, 95.546875, 17], [48, 33701.25, 95.546875, 17], [48, 33719.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33719.25, 7, 18], [31, 33719.25, 7, 17], [48, 33719.25, 91.96875, 17], [48, 33719.25, 91.96875, 17], [48, 33737.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33737.25, 7, 18], [31, 33737.25, 7, 17], [48, 33737.25, 92, 17], [48, 33737.25, 92, 17], [48, 33755.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33755.25, 7, 18], [31, 33755.25, 7, 17], [48, 33755.25, 87.28125, 17], [48, 33755.25, 87.28125, 17], [48, 33773.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33773.25, 7, 18], [31, 33773.25, 7, 17], [48, 33773.25, 119.078125, 17], [48, 33773.25, 119.078125, 17], [48, 33791.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33791.25, 7, 18], [31, 33791.25, 7, 17], [48, 33791.25, 129.734375, 17], [48, 33791.25, 129.734375, 17], [48, 33809.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33809.25, 7, 18], [31, 33809.25, 7, 17], [48, 33809.25, 97.5625, 17], [48, 33809.25, 97.5625, 17], [48, 33827.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33827.25, 7, 18], [31, 33827.25, 7, 17], [48, 33827.25, 93.78125, 17], [48, 33827.25, 93.78125, 17], [8, 33861.25, 1264, 2], [8, 33879.25, 1264, 196], [8, 33879.25, 1264, 18], [8, 33879.25, 87.546875, 17], [8, 33913.25, 1264, 162], [48, 33913.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33913.25, 7, 18], [31, 33913.25, 7, 17], [48, 33913.25, 45.34375, 17], [48, 33913.25, 45.34375, 17], [48, 33931.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33931.25, 7, 18], [31, 33931.25, 7, 17], [48, 33931.25, 53.328125, 17], [48, 33931.25, 53.328125, 17], [48, 33949.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33949.25, 7, 18], [31, 33949.25, 7, 17], [48, 33949.25, 40.875, 17], [48, 33949.25, 40.875, 17], [48, 33967.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33967.25, 7, 18], [31, 33967.25, 7, 17], [48, 33967.25, 79.984375, 17], [48, 33967.25, 79.984375, 17], [48, 33985.25, 1224, 18], [31, 33985.25, 7, 18], [31, 33985.25, 7, 17], [48, 33985.25, 79.546875, 17], [48, 33985.25, 79.546875, 17], [48, 34003.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34003.25, 7, 18], [31, 34003.25, 7, 17], [48, 34003.25, 64.90625, 17], [48, 34003.25, 64.90625, 17], [48, 34021.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34021.25, 7, 18], [31, 34021.25, 7, 17], [48, 34021.25, 90.203125, 17], [48, 34021.25, 90.203125, 17], [48, 34039.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34039.25, 7, 18], [31, 34039.25, 7, 17], [48, 34039.25, 76.046875, 17], [48, 34039.25, 76.046875, 17], [48, 34057.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34057.25, 7, 18], [31, 34057.25, 7, 17], [48, 34057.25, 87.546875, 17], [48, 34057.25, 87.546875, 17], [8, 34091.25, 1264, 2], [8, 34109.25, 1264, 142], [8, 34109.25, 1264, 18], [8, 34109.25, 107.96875, 17], [8, 34143.25, 1264, 108], [48, 34143.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34143.25, 7, 18], [31, 34143.25, 7, 17], [48, 34143.25, 89.328125, 17], [48, 34143.25, 89.328125, 17], [48, 34161.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34161.25, 7, 18], [31, 34161.25, 7, 17], [48, 34161.25, 107.96875, 17], [48, 34161.25, 107.96875, 17], [48, 34179.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34179.25, 7, 18], [31, 34179.25, 7, 17], [48, 34179.25, 108.84375, 17], [48, 34179.25, 108.84375, 17], [48, 34197.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34197.25, 7, 18], [31, 34197.25, 7, 17], [48, 34197.25, 111.515625, 17], [48, 34197.25, 111.515625, 17], [48, 34215.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34215.25, 7, 18], [31, 34215.25, 7, 17], [48, 34215.25, 133.734375, 17], [48, 34215.25, 133.734375, 17], [48, 34233.25, 1224, 18], [31, 34233.25, 7, 18], [31, 34233.25, 7, 17], [48, 34233.25, 32, 17], [48, 34233.25, 32, 17], [8, 34267.25, 1264, 2], [8, 34277.25, 1264, 177], [8, 34277.25, 1264, 39], [8, 34298.25, 145.75, 17], [8, 34298.25, 145.75, 17], [153.75, 34298.25, 35, 17], [153.75, 34277.25, 35, 35], [8, 34316.25, 1264, 18], [8, 34316.25, 473.921875, 17], [8, 34316.25, 221.015625, 17], [229.015625, 34316.25, 85.96875, 17], [229.015625, 34316.25, 85.96875, 17], [314.984375, 34316.25, 70.203125, 17], [385.1875, 34316.25, 92.734375, 17], [385.1875, 34316.25, 92.734375, 17], [477.921875, 34316.25, 4, 17], [481.921875, 34316.25, 309.265625, 17], [481.921875, 34316.25, 309.265625, 17], [8, 34440.25, 220, 17], [8, 34334.25, 220, 120], [8, 34454.25, 1264, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0], [0, -10000, 302, 152], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [1, -10010, 22, 22], [1, -10009, 20, 20], [1, -9999, 300, 150], [1, -9999, 300, 150]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 656, -1, -1, -1, -1, 671, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 729, -1, 733, -1, 737, -1, -1, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, -1, 768, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 719, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 833, -1, 837, 838, -1, 841, 842, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, 873, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, 885, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, 898, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, 910, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, 922, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, -1, 934, -1, -1, -1, 749, -1, 945, -1, -1, 749, -1, -1, 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7, 18], [48, 1570, 155, 17], [], [48, 1588, 1224, 432], [88, 1588, 1184, 18], [71, 1588, 7, 18], [71, 1588, 7, 18], [88, 1588, 79, 17], [], [88, 1606, 1184, 18], [71, 1606, 7, 18], [71, 1606, 7, 18], [88, 1606, 46, 17], [], [88, 1624, 1184, 18], [71, 1624, 7, 18], [71, 1624, 7, 18], [88, 1624, 104, 17], [], [88, 1642, 1184, 18], [71, 1642, 7, 18], [71, 1642, 7, 18], [88, 1642, 63, 17], [], [88, 1660, 1184, 18], [71, 1660, 7, 18], [71, 1660, 7, 18], [88, 1660, 84, 17], [], [88, 1678, 1184, 18], [71, 1678, 7, 18], [71, 1678, 7, 18], [88, 1678, 88, 17], [], [88, 1696, 1184, 18], [71, 1696, 7, 18], [71, 1696, 7, 18], [88, 1696, 92, 17], [], [88, 1714, 1184, 18], [71, 1714, 7, 18], [71, 1714, 7, 18], [88, 1714, 65, 17], [], [88, 1732, 1184, 18], [71, 1732, 7, 18], [71, 1732, 7, 18], [88, 1732, 63, 17], [], [88, 1750, 1184, 18], [71, 1750, 7, 18], [71, 1750, 7, 18], [88, 1750, 147, 17], [], [88, 1768, 1184, 18], [71, 1768, 7, 18], [71, 1768, 7, 18], [88, 1768, 66, 17], [], [88, 1786, 1184, 18], [71, 1786, 7, 18], [71, 1786, 7, 18], [88, 1786, 103, 17], [], [88, 1804, 1184, 18], [71, 1804, 7, 18], [71, 1804, 7, 18], [88, 1804, 99, 17], [], [88, 1822, 1184, 18], [71, 1822, 7, 18], [71, 1822, 7, 18], [88, 1822, 177, 17], [], [88, 1840, 1184, 18], [71, 1840, 7, 18], [71, 1840, 7, 18], [88, 1840, 88, 17], [], [88, 1858, 1184, 18], [71, 1858, 7, 18], [71, 1858, 7, 18], [88, 1858, 94, 17], [], [88, 1876, 1184, 18], [71, 1876, 7, 18], [71, 1876, 7, 18], [88, 1876, 113, 17], [], [88, 1894, 1184, 18], [71, 1894, 7, 18], [71, 1894, 7, 18], [88, 1894, 136, 17], [], [88, 1912, 1184, 18], [71, 1912, 7, 18], [71, 1912, 7, 18], [88, 1912, 71, 17], [], [88, 1930, 1184, 18], [71, 1930, 7, 18], [71, 1930, 7, 18], [88, 1930, 46, 17], [], [88, 1948, 1184, 18], [71, 1948, 7, 18], [71, 1948, 7, 18], [88, 1948, 46, 17], [], [88, 1966, 1184, 18], [71, 1966, 7, 18], [71, 1966, 7, 18], [88, 1966, 90, 17], [], [88, 1984, 1184, 18], [71, 1984, 7, 18], [71, 1984, 7, 18], [88, 1984, 72, 17], [], [88, 2002, 1184, 18], [71, 2002, 7, 18], [71, 2002, 7, 18], [88, 2002, 66, 17], [], [48, 2020, 1224, 18], [31, 2020, 7, 18], [31, 2020, 7, 18], [48, 2020, 139, 17], [], [48, 2038, 1224, 54], [31, 2038, 7, 18], [31, 2038, 7, 18], [48, 2038, 142, 17], [], [48, 2056, 1224, 36], [88, 2056, 1184, 18], [71, 2056, 7, 18], [71, 2056, 7, 18], [88, 2056, 79, 17], [], [88, 2074, 1184, 18], [71, 2074, 7, 18], [71, 2074, 7, 18], [88, 2074, 223, 17], [], [48, 2092, 1224, 18], [31, 2092, 7, 18], [31, 2092, 7, 18], [48, 2092, 118, 17], [], [48, 2110, 1224, 1692], [31, 2110, 7, 18], [31, 2110, 7, 18], [48, 2110, 67, 17], [], [48, 2128, 1224, 1674], [88, 2128, 1184, 378], [71, 2128, 7, 18], [71, 2128, 7, 18], [88, 2128, 67, 17], [], [88, 2146, 1184, 360], [128, 2146, 1144, 18], [111, 2146, 7, 18], [111, 2146, 7, 18], [128, 2146, 147, 17], [], [128, 2164, 1144, 18], [111, 2164, 7, 18], [111, 2164, 7, 18], [128, 2164, 205, 17], [], [128, 2182, 1144, 18], [111, 2182, 7, 18], [111, 2182, 7, 18], [128, 2182, 68, 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18], [111, 2398, 7, 18], [111, 2398, 7, 18], [128, 2398, 106, 17], [], [128, 2416, 1144, 18], [111, 2416, 7, 18], [111, 2416, 7, 18], [128, 2416, 119, 17], [], [128, 2434, 1144, 18], [111, 2434, 7, 18], [111, 2434, 7, 18], [128, 2434, 127, 17], [], [128, 2452, 1144, 18], [111, 2452, 7, 18], [111, 2452, 7, 18], [128, 2452, 94, 17], [], [128, 2470, 1144, 18], [111, 2470, 7, 18], [111, 2470, 7, 18], [128, 2470, 98, 17], [], [128, 2488, 1144, 18], [111, 2488, 7, 18], [111, 2488, 7, 18], [128, 2488, 98, 17], [], [88, 2506, 1184, 216], [71, 2506, 7, 18], [71, 2506, 7, 18], [88, 2506, 93, 17], [], [88, 2524, 1184, 198], [128, 2524, 1144, 18], [111, 2524, 7, 18], [111, 2524, 7, 18], [128, 2524, 104, 17], [], [128, 2542, 1144, 18], [111, 2542, 7, 18], [111, 2542, 7, 18], [128, 2542, 287, 17], [], [128, 2560, 1144, 18], [111, 2560, 7, 18], [111, 2560, 7, 18], [128, 2560, 73, 17], [], [128, 2578, 1144, 18], [111, 2578, 7, 18], [111, 2578, 7, 18], [128, 2578, 102, 17], [], [128, 2596, 1144, 18], [111, 2596, 7, 18], [111, 2596, 7, 18], [128, 2596, 85, 17], [], [128, 2614, 1144, 18], [111, 2614, 7, 18], [111, 2614, 7, 18], [128, 2614, 53, 17], [], [128, 2632, 1144, 18], [111, 2632, 7, 18], [111, 2632, 7, 18], [128, 2632, 57, 17], [], [128, 2650, 1144, 18], [111, 2650, 7, 18], [111, 2650, 7, 18], [128, 2650, 207, 17], [], [128, 2668, 1144, 18], [111, 2668, 7, 18], [111, 2668, 7, 18], [128, 2668, 156, 17], [], [128, 2686, 1144, 18], [111, 2686, 7, 18], [111, 2686, 7, 18], [128, 2686, 98, 17], [], [128, 2704, 1144, 18], [111, 2704, 7, 18], [111, 2704, 7, 18], [128, 2704, 47, 17], [], [88, 2722, 1184, 666], [71, 2722, 7, 18], [71, 2722, 7, 18], [88, 2722, 76, 17], [], [88, 2740, 1184, 648], [128, 2740, 1144, 18], [111, 2740, 7, 18], [111, 2740, 7, 18], [128, 2740, 84, 17], [], [128, 2758, 1144, 18], [111, 2758, 7, 18], [111, 2758, 7, 18], [128, 2758, 34, 17], [], [128, 2776, 1144, 18], [111, 2776, 7, 18], [111, 2776, 7, 18], [128, 2776, 71, 17], [], [128, 2794, 1144, 18], [111, 2794, 7, 18], [111, 2794, 7, 18], [128, 2794, 59, 17], [], [128, 2812, 1144, 18], [111, 2812, 7, 18], [111, 2812, 7, 18], [128, 2812, 98, 17], [], [128, 2830, 1144, 18], [111, 2830, 7, 18], [111, 2830, 7, 18], [128, 2830, 161, 17], [], [128, 2848, 1144, 18], [111, 2848, 7, 18], [111, 2848, 7, 18], [128, 2848, 36, 17], [], [128, 2866, 1144, 18], [111, 2866, 7, 18], [111, 2866, 7, 18], [128, 2866, 54, 17], [], [128, 2884, 1144, 18], [111, 2884, 7, 18], [111, 2884, 7, 18], [128, 2884, 69, 17], [], [128, 2902, 1144, 18], [111, 2902, 7, 18], [111, 2902, 7, 18], [128, 2902, 31, 17], [], [128, 2920, 1144, 18], [111, 2920, 7, 18], [111, 2920, 7, 18], [128, 2920, 168, 17], [], [128, 2938, 1144, 18], [111, 2938, 7, 18], [111, 2938, 7, 18], [128, 2938, 72, 17], [], [128, 2956, 1144, 18], [111, 2956, 7, 18], [111, 2956, 7, 18], [128, 2956, 54, 17], [], [128, 2974, 1144, 18], [111, 2974, 7, 18], [111, 2974, 7, 18], [128, 2974, 43, 17], [], [128, 2992, 1144, 18], [111, 2992, 7, 18], [111, 2992, 7, 18], [128, 2992, 68, 17], [], [128, 3010, 1144, 18], [111, 3010, 7, 18], [111, 3010, 7, 18], [128, 3010, 123, 17], [], [128, 3028, 1144, 18], [111, 3028, 7, 18], [111, 3028, 7, 18], [128, 3028, 40, 17], [], [128, 3046, 1144, 18], [111, 3046, 7, 18], [111, 3046, 7, 18], [128, 3046, 73, 17], [], [128, 3064, 1144, 18], [111, 3064, 7, 18], [111, 3064, 7, 18], [128, 3064, 84, 17], [], [128, 3082, 1144, 18], [111, 3082, 7, 18], [111, 3082, 7, 18], [128, 3082, 40, 17], [], [128, 3100, 1144, 18], [111, 3100, 7, 18], [111, 3100, 7, 18], [128, 3100, 55, 17], [], [128, 3118, 1144, 18], [111, 3118, 7, 18], [111, 3118, 7, 18], [128, 3118, 87, 17], [], [128, 3136, 1144, 18], [111, 3136, 7, 18], [111, 3136, 7, 18], [128, 3136, 82, 17], [], [128, 3154, 1144, 18], [111, 3154, 7, 18], [111, 3154, 7, 18], [128, 3154, 54, 17], [], [128, 3172, 1144, 18], [111, 3172, 7, 18], [111, 3172, 7, 18], [128, 3172, 99, 17], [], [128, 3190, 1144, 18], [111, 3190, 7, 18], [111, 3190, 7, 18], [128, 3190, 128, 17], [], [128, 3208, 1144, 18], [111, 3208, 7, 18], [111, 3208, 7, 18], [128, 3208, 83, 17], [], [128, 3226, 1144, 18], [111, 3226, 7, 18], [111, 3226, 7, 18], [128, 3226, 52, 17], [], [128, 3244, 1144, 18], [111, 3244, 7, 18], [111, 3244, 7, 18], [128, 3244, 140, 17], [], [128, 3262, 1144, 18], [111, 3262, 7, 18], [111, 3262, 7, 18], [128, 3262, 31, 17], [], [128, 3280, 1144, 18], [111, 3280, 7, 18], [111, 3280, 7, 18], [128, 3280, 64, 17], [], [128, 3298, 1144, 18], [111, 3298, 7, 18], [111, 3298, 7, 18], [128, 3298, 75, 17], [], [128, 3316, 1144, 18], [111, 3316, 7, 18], [111, 3316, 7, 18], [128, 3316, 137, 17], [], [128, 3334, 1144, 18], [111, 3334, 7, 18], [111, 3334, 7, 18], [128, 3334, 56, 17], [], [128, 3352, 1144, 18], [111, 3352, 7, 18], [111, 3352, 7, 18], [128, 3352, 50, 17], [], [128, 3370, 1144, 18], [111, 3370, 7, 18], [111, 3370, 7, 18], [128, 3370, 36, 17], [], [88, 3388, 1184, 144], [71, 3388, 7, 18], [71, 3388, 7, 18], [88, 3388, 120, 17], [], [88, 3406, 1184, 126], [128, 3406, 1144, 18], [111, 3406, 7, 18], [111, 3406, 7, 18], [128, 3406, 44, 17], [], [128, 3424, 1144, 18], [111, 3424, 7, 18], [111, 3424, 7, 18], [128, 3424, 71, 17], [], [128, 3442, 1144, 18], [111, 3442, 7, 18], [111, 3442, 7, 18], [128, 3442, 82, 17], [], [128, 3460, 1144, 18], [111, 3460, 7, 18], [111, 3460, 7, 18], [128, 3460, 58, 17], [], [128, 3478, 1144, 18], [111, 3478, 7, 18], [111, 3478, 7, 18], [128, 3478, 113, 17], [], [128, 3496, 1144, 18], [111, 3496, 7, 18], [111, 3496, 7, 18], [128, 3496, 44, 17], [], [128, 3514, 1144, 18], [111, 3514, 7, 18], [111, 3514, 7, 18], [128, 3514, 80, 17], [], [88, 3532, 1184, 270], [71, 3532, 7, 18], [71, 3532, 7, 18], [88, 3532, 167, 17], [], [88, 3550, 1184, 252], [128, 3550, 1144, 18], [111, 3550, 7, 18], [111, 3550, 7, 18], [128, 3550, 192, 17], [], [128, 3568, 1144, 18], [111, 3568, 7, 18], [111, 3568, 7, 18], [128, 3568, 109, 17], [], [128, 3586, 1144, 18], [111, 3586, 7, 18], [111, 3586, 7, 18], [128, 3586, 102, 17], [], [128, 3604, 1144, 18], [111, 3604, 7, 18], [111, 3604, 7, 18], [128, 3604, 246, 17], [], [128, 3622, 1144, 18], [111, 3622, 7, 18], [111, 3622, 7, 18], [128, 3622, 85, 17], [], [128, 3640, 1144, 18], [111, 3640, 7, 18], [111, 3640, 7, 18], [128, 3640, 132, 17], [], [128, 3658, 1144, 18], [111, 3658, 7, 18], [111, 3658, 7, 18], [128, 3658, 114, 17], [], [128, 3676, 1144, 18], [111, 3676, 7, 18], [111, 3676, 7, 18], [128, 3676, 70, 17], [], [128, 3694, 1144, 18], [111, 3694, 7, 18], [111, 3694, 7, 18], [128, 3694, 82, 17], [], [128, 3712, 1144, 18], [111, 3712, 7, 18], [111, 3712, 7, 18], [128, 3712, 101, 17], [], [128, 3730, 1144, 18], [111, 3730, 7, 18], [111, 3730, 7, 18], [128, 3730, 84, 17], [], [128, 3748, 1144, 18], [111, 3748, 7, 18], [111, 3748, 7, 18], [128, 3748, 64, 17], [], [128, 3766, 1144, 18], [111, 3766, 7, 18], [111, 3766, 7, 18], [128, 3766, 52, 17], [], [128, 3784, 1144, 18], [111, 3784, 7, 18], [111, 3784, 7, 18], [128, 3784, 29, 17], [], [48, 3802, 1224, 324], [31, 3802, 7, 18], [31, 3802, 7, 18], [48, 3802, 66, 17], [], [48, 3820, 1224, 306], [88, 3820, 1184, 18], [71, 3820, 7, 18], [71, 3820, 7, 18], [88, 3820, 74, 17], [], [88, 3838, 1184, 18], [71, 3838, 7, 18], [71, 3838, 7, 18], [88, 3838, 87, 17], [], [88, 3856, 1184, 18], [71, 3856, 7, 18], [71, 3856, 7, 18], [88, 3856, 123, 17], [], [88, 3874, 1184, 18], [71, 3874, 7, 18], [71, 3874, 7, 18], [88, 3874, 103, 17], [], [88, 3892, 1184, 18], [71, 3892, 7, 18], [71, 3892, 7, 18], [88, 3892, 60, 17], [], [88, 3910, 1184, 18], [71, 3910, 7, 18], [71, 3910, 7, 18], [88, 3910, 202, 17], [], [88, 3928, 1184, 18], [71, 3928, 7, 18], [71, 3928, 7, 18], [88, 3928, 86, 17], [], [88, 3946, 1184, 18], [71, 3946, 7, 18], [71, 3946, 7, 18], [88, 3946, 59, 17], [], [88, 3964, 1184, 18], [71, 3964, 7, 18], [71, 3964, 7, 18], [88, 3964, 48, 17], [], [88, 3982, 1184, 18], [71, 3982, 7, 18], [71, 3982, 7, 18], [88, 3982, 95, 17], [], [88, 4000, 1184, 18], [71, 4000, 7, 18], [71, 4000, 7, 18], [88, 4000, 88, 17], [], [88, 4018, 1184, 18], [71, 4018, 7, 18], [71, 4018, 7, 18], [88, 4018, 91, 17], [], [88, 4036, 1184, 18], [71, 4036, 7, 18], [71, 4036, 7, 18], [88, 4036, 150, 17], [], [88, 4054, 1184, 18], [71, 4054, 7, 18], [71, 4054, 7, 18], [88, 4054, 91, 17], [], [88, 4072, 1184, 18], [71, 4072, 7, 18], [71, 4072, 7, 18], [88, 4072, 102, 17], [], [88, 4090, 1184, 18], [71, 4090, 7, 18], [71, 4090, 7, 18], [88, 4090, 88, 17], [], [88, 4108, 1184, 18], [71, 4108, 7, 18], [71, 4108, 7, 18], [88, 4108, 112, 17], [], [48, 4126, 1224, 18], [31, 4126, 7, 18], [31, 4126, 7, 18], [48, 4126, 20, 17], [], [48, 4144, 1224, 72], [31, 4144, 7, 18], [31, 4144, 7, 18], [48, 4144, 133, 17], [], [48, 4162, 1224, 54], [88, 4162, 1184, 18], [71, 4162, 7, 18], [71, 4162, 7, 18], [88, 4162, 244, 17], [], [88, 4180, 1184, 18], [71, 4180, 7, 18], [71, 4180, 7, 18], [88, 4180, 247, 17], [], [88, 4198, 1184, 18], [71, 4198, 7, 18], [71, 4198, 7, 18], [88, 4198, 212, 17], [], [48, 4216, 1224, 324], [31, 4216, 7, 18], [31, 4216, 7, 18], [48, 4216, 124, 17], [], [48, 4234, 1224, 306], [88, 4234, 1184, 18], [71, 4234, 7, 18], [71, 4234, 7, 18], [88, 4234, 110, 17], [], [88, 4252, 1184, 18], [71, 4252, 7, 18], [71, 4252, 7, 18], [88, 4252, 46, 17], [], [88, 4270, 1184, 18], [71, 4270, 7, 18], [71, 4270, 7, 18], [88, 4270, 135, 17], [], [88, 4288, 1184, 18], [71, 4288, 7, 18], [71, 4288, 7, 18], [88, 4288, 78, 17], [], [88, 4306, 1184, 18], [71, 4306, 7, 18], [71, 4306, 7, 18], [88, 4306, 51, 17], [], [88, 4324, 1184, 18], [71, 4324, 7, 18], [71, 4324, 7, 18], [88, 4324, 124, 17], [], [88, 4342, 1184, 18], [71, 4342, 7, 18], [71, 4342, 7, 18], [88, 4342, 50, 17], [], [88, 4360, 1184, 18], [71, 4360, 7, 18], [71, 4360, 7, 18], [88, 4360, 68, 17], [], [88, 4378, 1184, 18], [71, 4378, 7, 18], [71, 4378, 7, 18], [88, 4378, 42, 17], [], [88, 4396, 1184, 18], [71, 4396, 7, 18], [71, 4396, 7, 18], [88, 4396, 35, 17], [], [88, 4414, 1184, 18], [71, 4414, 7, 18], [71, 4414, 7, 18], [88, 4414, 110, 17], [], [88, 4432, 1184, 18], [71, 4432, 7, 18], [71, 4432, 7, 18], [88, 4432, 94, 17], [], [88, 4450, 1184, 18], [71, 4450, 7, 18], [71, 4450, 7, 18], [88, 4450, 49, 17], [], [88, 4468, 1184, 18], [71, 4468, 7, 18], [71, 4468, 7, 18], [88, 4468, 36, 17], [], [88, 4486, 1184, 18], [71, 4486, 7, 18], [71, 4486, 7, 18], [88, 4486, 65, 17], [], [88, 4504, 1184, 18], [71, 4504, 7, 18], [71, 4504, 7, 18], [88, 4504, 55, 17], [], [88, 4522, 1184, 18], [71, 4522, 7, 18], [71, 4522, 7, 18], [88, 4522, 83, 17], [], [48, 4540, 1224, 288], [31, 4540, 7, 18], [31, 4540, 7, 18], [48, 4540, 61, 17], [], [48, 4558, 1224, 270], [88, 4558, 1184, 18], [71, 4558, 7, 18], [71, 4558, 7, 18], [88, 4558, 98, 17], [], [88, 4576, 1184, 18], [71, 4576, 7, 18], [71, 4576, 7, 18], [88, 4576, 29, 17], [], [88, 4594, 1184, 18], [71, 4594, 7, 18], [71, 4594, 7, 18], [88, 4594, 121, 17], [], [88, 4612, 1184, 36], [71, 4612, 7, 18], [71, 4612, 7, 18], [88, 4612, 42, 17], [], [88, 4630, 1184, 18], [128, 4630, 1144, 18], [111, 4630, 7, 18], [111, 4630, 7, 18], [128, 4630, 143, 17], [], [88, 4648, 1184, 18], [71, 4648, 7, 18], [71, 4648, 7, 18], [88, 4648, 43, 17], [], [88, 4666, 1184, 18], [71, 4666, 7, 18], [71, 4666, 7, 18], [88, 4666, 178, 17], [], [88, 4684, 1184, 18], [71, 4684, 7, 18], [71, 4684, 7, 18], [88, 4684, 127, 17], [], [88, 4702, 1184, 18], [71, 4702, 7, 18], [71, 4702, 7, 18], [88, 4702, 82, 17], [], [88, 4720, 1184, 54], [71, 4720, 7, 18], [71, 4720, 7, 18], [88, 4720, 39, 17], [], [88, 4738, 1184, 36], [128, 4738, 1144, 18], [111, 4738, 7, 18], [111, 4738, 7, 18], [128, 4738, 40, 17], [], [128, 4756, 1144, 18], [111, 4756, 7, 18], [111, 4756, 7, 18], [128, 4756, 64, 17], [], [88, 4774, 1184, 18], [71, 4774, 7, 18], [71, 4774, 7, 18], [88, 4774, 51, 17], [], [88, 4792, 1184, 18], [71, 4792, 7, 18], [71, 4792, 7, 18], [88, 4792, 124, 17], [], [88, 4810, 1184, 18], [71, 4810, 7, 18], [71, 4810, 7, 18], [88, 4810, 39, 17], [], [48, 4828, 1224, 2052], [31, 4828, 7, 18], [31, 4828, 7, 18], [48, 4828, 36, 17], [], [48, 4846, 1224, 2034], [88, 4846, 1184, 144], [71, 4846, 7, 18], [71, 4846, 7, 18], [88, 4846, 40, 17], [], [88, 4864, 1184, 126], [128, 4864, 1144, 18], [111, 4864, 7, 18], [111, 4864, 7, 18], [128, 4864, 125, 17], [], [128, 4882, 1144, 18], [111, 4882, 7, 18], [111, 4882, 7, 18], [128, 4882, 190, 17], [], [128, 4900, 1144, 18], [111, 4900, 7, 18], [111, 4900, 7, 18], [128, 4900, 109, 17], [], [128, 4918, 1144, 18], [111, 4918, 7, 18], [111, 4918, 7, 18], [128, 4918, 117, 17], [], [128, 4936, 1144, 18], [111, 4936, 7, 18], [111, 4936, 7, 18], [128, 4936, 137, 17], [], [128, 4954, 1144, 18], [111, 4954, 7, 18], [111, 4954, 7, 18], [128, 4954, 86, 17], [], [128, 4972, 1144, 18], [111, 4972, 7, 18], [111, 4972, 7, 18], [128, 4972, 138, 17], [], [88, 4990, 1184, 612], [71, 4990, 7, 18], [71, 4990, 7, 18], [88, 4990, 46, 17], [], [88, 5008, 1184, 594], [128, 5008, 1144, 18], [111, 5008, 7, 18], [111, 5008, 7, 18], [128, 5008, 129, 17], [], [128, 5026, 1144, 18], [111, 5026, 7, 18], [111, 5026, 7, 18], [128, 5026, 160, 17], [], [128, 5044, 1144, 18], [111, 5044, 7, 18], [111, 5044, 7, 18], [128, 5044, 135, 17], [], [128, 5062, 1144, 18], [111, 5062, 7, 18], [111, 5062, 7, 18], [128, 5062, 77, 17], [], [128, 5080, 1144, 18], [111, 5080, 7, 18], [111, 5080, 7, 18], [128, 5080, 120, 17], [], [128, 5098, 1144, 18], [111, 5098, 7, 18], [111, 5098, 7, 18], [128, 5098, 138, 17], [], [128, 5116, 1144, 18], [111, 5116, 7, 18], [111, 5116, 7, 18], [128, 5116, 161, 17], [], [128, 5134, 1144, 18], [111, 5134, 7, 18], [111, 5134, 7, 18], [128, 5134, 88, 17], [], [128, 5152, 1144, 18], [111, 5152, 7, 18], [111, 5152, 7, 18], [128, 5152, 108, 17], [], [128, 5170, 1144, 18], [111, 5170, 7, 18], [111, 5170, 7, 18], [128, 5170, 165, 17], [], [128, 5188, 1144, 18], [111, 5188, 7, 18], [111, 5188, 7, 18], [128, 5188, 128, 17], [], [128, 5206, 1144, 18], [111, 5206, 7, 18], [111, 5206, 7, 18], [128, 5206, 136, 17], [], [128, 5224, 1144, 18], [111, 5224, 7, 18], [111, 5224, 7, 18], [128, 5224, 103, 17], [], [128, 5242, 1144, 18], [111, 5242, 7, 18], [111, 5242, 7, 18], [128, 5242, 138, 17], [], [128, 5260, 1144, 18], [111, 5260, 7, 18], [111, 5260, 7, 18], [128, 5260, 108, 17], [], [128, 5278, 1144, 18], [111, 5278, 7, 18], [111, 5278, 7, 18], [128, 5278, 124, 17], [], [128, 5296, 1144, 18], [111, 5296, 7, 18], [111, 5296, 7, 18], [128, 5296, 84, 17], [], [128, 5314, 1144, 18], [111, 5314, 7, 18], [111, 5314, 7, 18], [128, 5314, 141, 17], [], [128, 5332, 1144, 18], [111, 5332, 7, 18], [111, 5332, 7, 18], [128, 5332, 172, 17], [], [128, 5350, 1144, 18], [111, 5350, 7, 18], [111, 5350, 7, 18], [128, 5350, 99, 17], [], [128, 5368, 1144, 18], [111, 5368, 7, 18], [111, 5368, 7, 18], [128, 5368, 128, 17], [], [128, 5386, 1144, 18], [111, 5386, 7, 18], [111, 5386, 7, 18], [128, 5386, 150, 17], [], [128, 5404, 1144, 18], [111, 5404, 7, 18], [111, 5404, 7, 18], [128, 5404, 146, 17], [], [128, 5422, 1144, 18], [111, 5422, 7, 18], [111, 5422, 7, 18], [128, 5422, 100, 17], [], [128, 5440, 1144, 18], [111, 5440, 7, 18], [111, 5440, 7, 18], [128, 5440, 107, 17], [], [128, 5458, 1144, 18], [111, 5458, 7, 18], [111, 5458, 7, 18], [128, 5458, 176, 17], [], [128, 5476, 1144, 18], [111, 5476, 7, 18], [111, 5476, 7, 18], [128, 5476, 105, 17], [], [128, 5494, 1144, 18], [111, 5494, 7, 18], [111, 5494, 7, 18], [128, 5494, 87, 17], [], [128, 5512, 1144, 18], [111, 5512, 7, 18], [111, 5512, 7, 18], [128, 5512, 216, 17], [], [128, 5530, 1144, 18], [111, 5530, 7, 18], [111, 5530, 7, 18], [128, 5530, 142, 17], [], [128, 5548, 1144, 18], [111, 5548, 7, 18], [111, 5548, 7, 18], [128, 5548, 137, 17], [], [128, 5566, 1144, 18], [111, 5566, 7, 18], [111, 5566, 7, 18], [128, 5566, 125, 17], [], [128, 5584, 1144, 18], [111, 5584, 7, 18], [111, 5584, 7, 18], [128, 5584, 49, 17], [], [88, 5602, 1184, 90], [71, 5602, 7, 18], [71, 5602, 7, 18], [88, 5602, 100, 17], [], [88, 5620, 1184, 72], [128, 5620, 1144, 18], [111, 5620, 7, 18], [111, 5620, 7, 18], [128, 5620, 176, 17], [], [128, 5638, 1144, 18], [111, 5638, 7, 18], [111, 5638, 7, 18], [128, 5638, 172, 17], [], [128, 5656, 1144, 18], [111, 5656, 7, 18], [111, 5656, 7, 18], [128, 5656, 152, 17], [], [128, 5674, 1144, 18], [111, 5674, 7, 18], [111, 5674, 7, 18], [128, 5674, 200, 17], [], [88, 5692, 1184, 90], [71, 5692, 7, 18], [71, 5692, 7, 18], [88, 5692, 93, 17], [], [88, 5710, 1184, 72], [128, 5710, 1144, 18], [111, 5710, 7, 18], [111, 5710, 7, 18], [128, 5710, 244, 17], [], [128, 5728, 1144, 18], [111, 5728, 7, 18], [111, 5728, 7, 18], [128, 5728, 177, 17], [], [128, 5746, 1144, 18], [111, 5746, 7, 18], [111, 5746, 7, 18], [128, 5746, 140, 17], [], [128, 5764, 1144, 18], [111, 5764, 7, 18], [111, 5764, 7, 18], [128, 5764, 181, 17], [], [88, 5782, 1184, 72], [71, 5782, 7, 18], [71, 5782, 7, 18], [88, 5782, 140, 17], [], [88, 5800, 1184, 54], [128, 5800, 1144, 18], [111, 5800, 7, 18], [111, 5800, 7, 18], [128, 5800, 187, 17], [], [128, 5818, 1144, 18], [111, 5818, 7, 18], [111, 5818, 7, 18], [128, 5818, 30, 17], [], [128, 5836, 1144, 18], [111, 5836, 7, 18], [111, 5836, 7, 18], [128, 5836, 78, 17], [], [88, 5854, 1184, 198], [71, 5854, 7, 18], [71, 5854, 7, 18], [88, 5854, 32, 17], [], [88, 5872, 1184, 180], [128, 5872, 1144, 18], [111, 5872, 7, 18], [111, 5872, 7, 18], [128, 5872, 89, 17], [], [128, 5890, 1144, 18], [111, 5890, 7, 18], [111, 5890, 7, 18], [128, 5890, 232, 17], [], [128, 5908, 1144, 18], [111, 5908, 7, 18], [111, 5908, 7, 18], [128, 5908, 237, 17], [], [128, 5926, 1144, 18], [111, 5926, 7, 18], [111, 5926, 7, 18], [128, 5926, 135, 17], [], [128, 5944, 1144, 18], [111, 5944, 7, 18], [111, 5944, 7, 18], [128, 5944, 176, 17], [], [128, 5962, 1144, 18], [111, 5962, 7, 18], [111, 5962, 7, 18], [128, 5962, 276, 17], [], [128, 5980, 1144, 18], [111, 5980, 7, 18], [111, 5980, 7, 18], [128, 5980, 166, 17], [], [128, 5998, 1144, 18], [111, 5998, 7, 18], [111, 5998, 7, 18], [128, 5998, 186, 17], [], [128, 6016, 1144, 18], [111, 6016, 7, 18], [111, 6016, 7, 18], [128, 6016, 168, 17], [], [128, 6034, 1144, 18], [111, 6034, 7, 18], [111, 6034, 7, 18], [128, 6034, 187, 17], [], [88, 6052, 1184, 108], [71, 6052, 7, 18], [71, 6052, 7, 18], [88, 6052, 66, 17], [], [88, 6070, 1184, 90], [128, 6070, 1144, 18], [111, 6070, 7, 18], [111, 6070, 7, 18], [128, 6070, 158, 17], [], [128, 6088, 1144, 18], [111, 6088, 7, 18], [111, 6088, 7, 18], [128, 6088, 103, 17], [], [128, 6106, 1144, 18], [111, 6106, 7, 18], [111, 6106, 7, 18], [128, 6106, 155, 17], [], [128, 6124, 1144, 18], [111, 6124, 7, 18], [111, 6124, 7, 18], [128, 6124, 88, 17], [], [128, 6142, 1144, 18], [111, 6142, 7, 18], [111, 6142, 7, 18], [128, 6142, 150, 17], [], [88, 6160, 1184, 18], [71, 6160, 7, 18], [71, 6160, 7, 18], [88, 6160, 31, 17], [], [88, 6178, 1184, 342], [71, 6178, 7, 18], [71, 6178, 7, 18], [88, 6178, 79, 17], [], [88, 6196, 1184, 324], [128, 6196, 1144, 18], [111, 6196, 7, 18], [111, 6196, 7, 18], [128, 6196, 55, 17], [], [128, 6214, 1144, 18], [111, 6214, 7, 18], [111, 6214, 7, 18], [128, 6214, 63, 17], [], [128, 6232, 1144, 18], [111, 6232, 7, 18], [111, 6232, 7, 18], [128, 6232, 68, 17], [], [128, 6250, 1144, 18], [111, 6250, 7, 18], [111, 6250, 7, 18], [128, 6250, 60, 17], [], [128, 6268, 1144, 18], [111, 6268, 7, 18], [111, 6268, 7, 18], [128, 6268, 52, 17], [], [128, 6286, 1144, 18], [111, 6286, 7, 18], [111, 6286, 7, 18], [128, 6286, 96, 17], [], [128, 6304, 1144, 18], [111, 6304, 7, 18], [111, 6304, 7, 18], [128, 6304, 46, 17], [], [128, 6322, 1144, 18], [111, 6322, 7, 18], [111, 6322, 7, 18], [128, 6322, 91, 17], [], [128, 6340, 1144, 18], [111, 6340, 7, 18], [111, 6340, 7, 18], [128, 6340, 26, 17], [], [128, 6358, 1144, 18], [111, 6358, 7, 18], [111, 6358, 7, 18], [128, 6358, 48, 17], [], [128, 6376, 1144, 18], [111, 6376, 7, 18], [111, 6376, 7, 18], [128, 6376, 112, 17], [], [128, 6394, 1144, 18], [111, 6394, 7, 18], [111, 6394, 7, 18], [128, 6394, 46, 17], [], [128, 6412, 1144, 18], [111, 6412, 7, 18], [111, 6412, 7, 18], [128, 6412, 68, 17], [], [128, 6430, 1144, 18], [111, 6430, 7, 18], [111, 6430, 7, 18], [128, 6430, 111, 17], [], [128, 6448, 1144, 18], [111, 6448, 7, 18], [111, 6448, 7, 18], [128, 6448, 57, 17], [], [128, 6466, 1144, 18], [111, 6466, 7, 18], [111, 6466, 7, 18], [128, 6466, 112, 17], [], [128, 6484, 1144, 18], [111, 6484, 7, 18], [111, 6484, 7, 18], [128, 6484, 34, 17], [], [128, 6502, 1144, 18], [111, 6502, 7, 18], [111, 6502, 7, 18], [128, 6502, 87, 17], [], [88, 6520, 1184, 54], [71, 6520, 7, 18], [71, 6520, 7, 18], [88, 6520, 34, 17], [], [88, 6538, 1184, 36], [128, 6538, 1144, 18], [111, 6538, 7, 18], [111, 6538, 7, 18], [128, 6538, 90, 17], [], [128, 6556, 1144, 18], [111, 6556, 7, 18], [111, 6556, 7, 18], [128, 6556, 143, 17], [], [88, 6574, 1184, 36], [71, 6574, 7, 18], [71, 6574, 7, 18], [88, 6574, 77, 17], [], [88, 6592, 1184, 18], [128, 6592, 1144, 18], [111, 6592, 7, 18], [111, 6592, 7, 18], [128, 6592, 153, 17], [], [88, 6610, 1184, 36], [71, 6610, 7, 18], [71, 6610, 7, 18], [88, 6610, 53, 17], [], [88, 6628, 1184, 18], [128, 6628, 1144, 18], [111, 6628, 7, 18], [111, 6628, 7, 18], [128, 6628, 86, 17], [], [88, 6646, 1184, 234], [71, 6646, 7, 18], [71, 6646, 7, 18], [88, 6646, 44, 17], [], [88, 6664, 1184, 216], [128, 6664, 1144, 18], [111, 6664, 7, 18], [111, 6664, 7, 18], [128, 6664, 144, 17], [], [128, 6682, 1144, 18], [111, 6682, 7, 18], [111, 6682, 7, 18], [128, 6682, 90, 17], [], [128, 6700, 1144, 18], [111, 6700, 7, 18], [111, 6700, 7, 18], [128, 6700, 129, 17], [], [128, 6718, 1144, 18], [111, 6718, 7, 18], [111, 6718, 7, 18], [128, 6718, 98, 17], [], [128, 6736, 1144, 18], [111, 6736, 7, 18], [111, 6736, 7, 18], [128, 6736, 115, 17], [], [128, 6754, 1144, 18], [111, 6754, 7, 18], [111, 6754, 7, 18], [128, 6754, 64, 17], [], [128, 6772, 1144, 18], [111, 6772, 7, 18], [111, 6772, 7, 18], [128, 6772, 94, 17], [], [128, 6790, 1144, 18], [111, 6790, 7, 18], [111, 6790, 7, 18], [128, 6790, 143, 17], [], [128, 6808, 1144, 18], [111, 6808, 7, 18], [111, 6808, 7, 18], [128, 6808, 209, 17], [], [128, 6826, 1144, 18], [111, 6826, 7, 18], [111, 6826, 7, 18], [128, 6826, 276, 17], [], [128, 6844, 1144, 18], [111, 6844, 7, 18], [111, 6844, 7, 18], [128, 6844, 78, 17], [], [128, 6862, 1144, 18], [111, 6862, 7, 18], [111, 6862, 7, 18], [128, 6862, 100, 17], [], [48, 6880, 1224, 90], [31, 6880, 7, 18], [31, 6880, 7, 18], [48, 6880, 92, 17], [], [48, 6898, 1224, 72], [88, 6898, 1184, 18], [71, 6898, 7, 18], [71, 6898, 7, 18], [88, 6898, 138, 17], [], [88, 6916, 1184, 18], [71, 6916, 7, 18], [71, 6916, 7, 18], [88, 6916, 110, 17], [], [88, 6934, 1184, 18], [71, 6934, 7, 18], [71, 6934, 7, 18], [88, 6934, 145, 17], [], [88, 6952, 1184, 18], [71, 6952, 7, 18], [71, 6952, 7, 18], [88, 6952, 176, 17], [], [48, 6970, 1224, 378], [31, 6970, 7, 18], [31, 6970, 7, 18], [48, 6970, 81, 17], [], [48, 6988, 1224, 360], [88, 6988, 1184, 342], [71, 6988, 7, 18], [71, 6988, 7, 18], [88, 6988, 81, 17], [], [88, 7006, 1184, 324], [128, 7006, 1144, 18], [111, 7006, 7, 18], [111, 7006, 7, 18], [128, 7006, 106, 17], [], [128, 7024, 1144, 18], [111, 7024, 7, 18], [111, 7024, 7, 18], [128, 7024, 67, 17], [], [128, 7042, 1144, 18], [111, 7042, 7, 18], [111, 7042, 7, 18], [128, 7042, 120, 17], [], [128, 7060, 1144, 18], [111, 7060, 7, 18], [111, 7060, 7, 18], [128, 7060, 84, 17], [], [128, 7078, 1144, 18], [111, 7078, 7, 18], [111, 7078, 7, 18], [128, 7078, 78, 17], [], [128, 7096, 1144, 18], [111, 7096, 7, 18], [111, 7096, 7, 18], [128, 7096, 86, 17], [], [128, 7114, 1144, 18], [111, 7114, 7, 18], [111, 7114, 7, 18], [128, 7114, 130, 17], [], [128, 7132, 1144, 18], [111, 7132, 7, 18], [111, 7132, 7, 18], [128, 7132, 59, 17], [], [128, 7150, 1144, 18], [111, 7150, 7, 18], [111, 7150, 7, 18], [128, 7150, 35, 17], [], [128, 7168, 1144, 18], [111, 7168, 7, 18], [111, 7168, 7, 18], [128, 7168, 52, 17], [], [128, 7186, 1144, 18], [111, 7186, 7, 18], [111, 7186, 7, 18], [128, 7186, 54, 17], [], [128, 7204, 1144, 18], [111, 7204, 7, 18], [111, 7204, 7, 18], [128, 7204, 63, 17], [], [128, 7222, 1144, 18], [111, 7222, 7, 18], [111, 7222, 7, 18], [128, 7222, 159, 17], [], [128, 7240, 1144, 18], [111, 7240, 7, 18], [111, 7240, 7, 18], [128, 7240, 82, 17], [], [128, 7258, 1144, 18], [111, 7258, 7, 18], [111, 7258, 7, 18], [128, 7258, 82, 17], [], [128, 7276, 1144, 18], [111, 7276, 7, 18], [111, 7276, 7, 18], [128, 7276, 122, 17], [], [128, 7294, 1144, 18], [111, 7294, 7, 18], [111, 7294, 7, 18], [128, 7294, 49, 17], [], [128, 7312, 1144, 18], [111, 7312, 7, 18], [111, 7312, 7, 18], [128, 7312, 122, 17], [], [88, 7330, 1184, 18], [71, 7330, 7, 18], [71, 7330, 7, 18], [88, 7330, 162, 17], [], [48, 7348, 1224, 4788], [31, 7348, 7, 18], [31, 7348, 7, 18], [48, 7348, 62, 17], [], [48, 7366, 1224, 4770], [88, 7366, 1184, 36], [71, 7366, 7, 18], [71, 7366, 7, 18], [88, 7366, 81, 17], [], [88, 7384, 1184, 18], [128, 7384, 1144, 18], [111, 7384, 7, 18], [111, 7384, 7, 18], [128, 7384, 81, 17], [], [88, 7402, 1184, 72], [71, 7402, 7, 18], [71, 7402, 7, 18], [88, 7402, 158, 17], [], [88, 7420, 1184, 54], [128, 7420, 1144, 18], [111, 7420, 7, 18], [111, 7420, 7, 18], [128, 7420, 71, 17], [], [128, 7438, 1144, 18], [111, 7438, 7, 18], [111, 7438, 7, 18], [128, 7438, 60, 17], [], [128, 7456, 1144, 18], [111, 7456, 7, 18], [111, 7456, 7, 18], [128, 7456, 60, 17], [], [88, 7474, 1184, 18], [71, 7474, 7, 18], [71, 7474, 7, 18], [88, 7474, 43, 17], [], [88, 7492, 1184, 162], [71, 7492, 7, 18], [71, 7492, 7, 18], [88, 7492, 38, 17], [], [88, 7510, 1184, 144], [128, 7510, 1144, 18], [111, 7510, 7, 18], [111, 7510, 7, 18], [128, 7510, 67, 17], [], [128, 7528, 1144, 18], [111, 7528, 7, 18], [111, 7528, 7, 18], [128, 7528, 105, 17], [], [128, 7546, 1144, 18], [111, 7546, 7, 18], [111, 7546, 7, 18], [128, 7546, 87, 17], [], [128, 7564, 1144, 18], [111, 7564, 7, 18], [111, 7564, 7, 18], [128, 7564, 67, 17], [], [128, 7582, 1144, 18], [111, 7582, 7, 18], [111, 7582, 7, 18], [128, 7582, 104, 17], [], [128, 7600, 1144, 18], [111, 7600, 7, 18], [111, 7600, 7, 18], [128, 7600, 87, 17], [], [128, 7618, 1144, 18], [111, 7618, 7, 18], [111, 7618, 7, 18], [128, 7618, 53, 17], [], [128, 7636, 1144, 18], [111, 7636, 7, 18], [111, 7636, 7, 18], [128, 7636, 159, 17], [], [88, 7654, 1184, 108], [71, 7654, 7, 18], [71, 7654, 7, 18], [88, 7654, 196, 17], [], [88, 7672, 1184, 90], [128, 7672, 1144, 18], [111, 7672, 7, 18], [111, 7672, 7, 18], [128, 7672, 19, 17], [], [128, 7690, 1144, 18], [111, 7690, 7, 18], [111, 7690, 7, 18], [128, 7690, 77, 17], [], [128, 7708, 1144, 18], [111, 7708, 7, 18], [111, 7708, 7, 18], [128, 7708, 63, 17], [], [128, 7726, 1144, 18], [111, 7726, 7, 18], [111, 7726, 7, 18], [128, 7726, 54, 17], [], [128, 7744, 1144, 18], [111, 7744, 7, 18], [111, 7744, 7, 18], [128, 7744, 201, 17], [], [88, 7762, 1184, 198], [71, 7762, 7, 18], [71, 7762, 7, 18], [88, 7762, 185, 17], [], [88, 7780, 1184, 180], [128, 7780, 1144, 18], [111, 7780, 7, 18], [111, 7780, 7, 18], [128, 7780, 45, 17], [], [128, 7798, 1144, 18], [111, 7798, 7, 18], [111, 7798, 7, 18], [128, 7798, 74, 17], [], [128, 7816, 1144, 18], [111, 7816, 7, 18], [111, 7816, 7, 18], [128, 7816, 35, 17], [], [128, 7834, 1144, 18], [111, 7834, 7, 18], [111, 7834, 7, 18], [128, 7834, 38, 17], [], [128, 7852, 1144, 18], [111, 7852, 7, 18], [111, 7852, 7, 18], [128, 7852, 72, 17], [], [128, 7870, 1144, 18], [111, 7870, 7, 18], [111, 7870, 7, 18], [128, 7870, 76, 17], [], [128, 7888, 1144, 18], [111, 7888, 7, 18], [111, 7888, 7, 18], [128, 7888, 63, 17], [], [128, 7906, 1144, 18], [111, 7906, 7, 18], [111, 7906, 7, 18], [128, 7906, 118, 17], [], [128, 7924, 1144, 18], [111, 7924, 7, 18], [111, 7924, 7, 18], [128, 7924, 77, 17], [], [128, 7942, 1144, 18], [111, 7942, 7, 18], [111, 7942, 7, 18], [128, 7942, 62, 17], [], [88, 7960, 1184, 90], [71, 7960, 7, 18], [71, 7960, 7, 18], [88, 7960, 84, 17], [], [88, 7978, 1184, 72], [128, 7978, 1144, 18], [111, 7978, 7, 18], [111, 7978, 7, 18], [128, 7978, 69, 17], [], [128, 7996, 1144, 18], [111, 7996, 7, 18], [111, 7996, 7, 18], [128, 7996, 31, 17], [], [128, 8014, 1144, 18], [111, 8014, 7, 18], [111, 8014, 7, 18], [128, 8014, 46, 17], [], [128, 8032, 1144, 18], [111, 8032, 7, 18], [111, 8032, 7, 18], [128, 8032, 124, 17], [], [88, 8050, 1184, 36], [71, 8050, 7, 18], [71, 8050, 7, 18], [88, 8050, 86, 17], [], [88, 8068, 1184, 18], [128, 8068, 1144, 18], [111, 8068, 7, 18], [111, 8068, 7, 18], [128, 8068, 86, 17], [], [88, 8086, 1184, 18], [71, 8086, 7, 18], [71, 8086, 7, 18], [88, 8086, 84, 17], [], [88, 8104, 1184, 108], [71, 8104, 7, 18], [71, 8104, 7, 18], [88, 8104, 95, 17], [], [88, 8122, 1184, 90], [128, 8122, 1144, 18], [111, 8122, 7, 18], [111, 8122, 7, 18], [128, 8122, 143, 17], [], [128, 8140, 1144, 18], [111, 8140, 7, 18], [111, 8140, 7, 18], [128, 8140, 154, 17], [], [128, 8158, 1144, 18], [111, 8158, 7, 18], [111, 8158, 7, 18], [128, 8158, 160, 17], [], [128, 8176, 1144, 18], [111, 8176, 7, 18], [111, 8176, 7, 18], [128, 8176, 267, 17], [], [128, 8194, 1144, 18], [111, 8194, 7, 18], [111, 8194, 7, 18], [128, 8194, 146, 17], [], [88, 8212, 1184, 108], [71, 8212, 7, 18], [71, 8212, 7, 18], [88, 8212, 105, 17], [], [88, 8230, 1184, 90], [128, 8230, 1144, 18], [111, 8230, 7, 18], [111, 8230, 7, 18], [128, 8230, 59, 17], [], [128, 8248, 1144, 18], [111, 8248, 7, 18], [111, 8248, 7, 18], [128, 8248, 108, 17], [], [128, 8266, 1144, 18], [111, 8266, 7, 18], [111, 8266, 7, 18], [128, 8266, 49, 17], [], [128, 8284, 1144, 18], [111, 8284, 7, 18], [111, 8284, 7, 18], [128, 8284, 55, 17], [], [128, 8302, 1144, 18], [111, 8302, 7, 18], [111, 8302, 7, 18], [128, 8302, 64, 17], [], [88, 8320, 1184, 126], [71, 8320, 7, 18], [71, 8320, 7, 18], [88, 8320, 86, 17], [], [88, 8338, 1184, 108], [128, 8338, 1144, 18], [111, 8338, 7, 18], [111, 8338, 7, 18], [128, 8338, 43, 17], [], [128, 8356, 1144, 18], [111, 8356, 7, 18], [111, 8356, 7, 18], [128, 8356, 71, 17], [], [128, 8374, 1144, 18], [111, 8374, 7, 18], [111, 8374, 7, 18], [128, 8374, 75, 17], [], [128, 8392, 1144, 18], [111, 8392, 7, 18], [111, 8392, 7, 18], [128, 8392, 63, 17], [], [128, 8410, 1144, 18], [111, 8410, 7, 18], [111, 8410, 7, 18], [128, 8410, 100, 17], [], [128, 8428, 1144, 18], [111, 8428, 7, 18], [111, 8428, 7, 18], [128, 8428, 38, 17], [], [88, 8446, 1184, 216], [71, 8446, 7, 18], [71, 8446, 7, 18], [88, 8446, 122, 17], [], [88, 8464, 1184, 198], [128, 8464, 1144, 18], [111, 8464, 7, 18], [111, 8464, 7, 18], [128, 8464, 170, 17], [], [128, 8482, 1144, 18], [111, 8482, 7, 18], [111, 8482, 7, 18], [128, 8482, 187, 17], [], [128, 8500, 1144, 18], [111, 8500, 7, 18], [111, 8500, 7, 18], [128, 8500, 240, 17], [], [128, 8518, 1144, 18], [111, 8518, 7, 18], [111, 8518, 7, 18], [128, 8518, 186, 17], [], [128, 8536, 1144, 18], [111, 8536, 7, 18], [111, 8536, 7, 18], [128, 8536, 223, 17], [], [128, 8554, 1144, 18], [111, 8554, 7, 18], [111, 8554, 7, 18], [128, 8554, 264, 17], [], [128, 8572, 1144, 18], [111, 8572, 7, 18], [111, 8572, 7, 18], [128, 8572, 214, 17], [], [128, 8590, 1144, 18], [111, 8590, 7, 18], [111, 8590, 7, 18], [128, 8590, 204, 17], [], [128, 8608, 1144, 18], [111, 8608, 7, 18], [111, 8608, 7, 18], [128, 8608, 184, 17], [], [128, 8626, 1144, 18], [111, 8626, 7, 18], [111, 8626, 7, 18], [128, 8626, 213, 17], [], [128, 8644, 1144, 18], [111, 8644, 7, 18], [111, 8644, 7, 18], [128, 8644, 173, 17], [], [88, 8662, 1184, 36], [71, 8662, 7, 18], [71, 8662, 7, 18], [88, 8662, 104, 17], [], [88, 8680, 1184, 18], [128, 8680, 1144, 18], [111, 8680, 7, 18], [111, 8680, 7, 18], [128, 8680, 104, 17], [], [88, 8698, 1184, 342], [71, 8698, 7, 18], [71, 8698, 7, 18], [88, 8698, 43, 17], [], [88, 8716, 1184, 324], [128, 8716, 1144, 18], [111, 8716, 7, 18], [111, 8716, 7, 18], [128, 8716, 135, 17], [], [128, 8734, 1144, 18], [111, 8734, 7, 18], [111, 8734, 7, 18], [128, 8734, 116, 17], [], [128, 8752, 1144, 18], [111, 8752, 7, 18], [111, 8752, 7, 18], [128, 8752, 159, 17], [], [128, 8770, 1144, 18], [111, 8770, 7, 18], [111, 8770, 7, 18], [128, 8770, 139, 17], [], [128, 8788, 1144, 18], [111, 8788, 7, 18], [111, 8788, 7, 18], [128, 8788, 95, 17], [], [128, 8806, 1144, 18], [111, 8806, 7, 18], [111, 8806, 7, 18], [128, 8806, 130, 17], [], [128, 8824, 1144, 18], [111, 8824, 7, 18], [111, 8824, 7, 18], [128, 8824, 149, 17], [], [128, 8842, 1144, 18], [111, 8842, 7, 18], [111, 8842, 7, 18], [128, 8842, 147, 17], [], [128, 8860, 1144, 18], [111, 8860, 7, 18], [111, 8860, 7, 18], [128, 8860, 77, 17], [], [128, 8878, 1144, 18], [111, 8878, 7, 18], [111, 8878, 7, 18], [128, 8878, 99, 17], [], [128, 8896, 1144, 18], [111, 8896, 7, 18], [111, 8896, 7, 18], [128, 8896, 115, 17], [], [128, 8914, 1144, 18], [111, 8914, 7, 18], [111, 8914, 7, 18], [128, 8914, 110, 17], [], [128, 8932, 1144, 18], [111, 8932, 7, 18], [111, 8932, 7, 18], [128, 8932, 105, 17], [], [128, 8950, 1144, 18], [111, 8950, 7, 18], [111, 8950, 7, 18], [128, 8950, 139, 17], [], [128, 8968, 1144, 18], [111, 8968, 7, 18], [111, 8968, 7, 18], [128, 8968, 79, 17], [], [128, 8986, 1144, 18], [111, 8986, 7, 18], [111, 8986, 7, 18], [128, 8986, 113, 17], [], [128, 9004, 1144, 18], [111, 9004, 7, 18], [111, 9004, 7, 18], [128, 9004, 58, 17], [], [128, 9022, 1144, 18], [111, 9022, 7, 18], [111, 9022, 7, 18], [128, 9022, 85, 17], [], [88, 9040, 1184, 36], [71, 9040, 7, 18], [71, 9040, 7, 18], [88, 9040, 88, 17], [], [88, 9058, 1184, 18], [128, 9058, 1144, 18], [111, 9058, 7, 18], [111, 9058, 7, 18], [128, 9058, 148, 17], [], [88, 9076, 1184, 108], [71, 9076, 7, 18], [71, 9076, 7, 18], [88, 9076, 35, 17], [], [88, 9094, 1184, 90], [128, 9094, 1144, 18], [111, 9094, 7, 18], [111, 9094, 7, 18], [128, 9094, 126, 17], [], [128, 9112, 1144, 18], [111, 9112, 7, 18], [111, 9112, 7, 18], [128, 9112, 125, 17], [], [128, 9130, 1144, 18], [111, 9130, 7, 18], [111, 9130, 7, 18], [128, 9130, 106, 17], [], [128, 9148, 1144, 18], [111, 9148, 7, 18], [111, 9148, 7, 18], [128, 9148, 100, 17], [], [128, 9166, 1144, 18], [111, 9166, 7, 18], [111, 9166, 7, 18], [128, 9166, 95, 17], [], [88, 9184, 1184, 108], [71, 9184, 7, 18], [71, 9184, 7, 18], [88, 9184, 43, 17], [], [88, 9202, 1184, 90], [128, 9202, 1144, 18], [111, 9202, 7, 18], [111, 9202, 7, 18], [128, 9202, 163, 17], [], [128, 9220, 1144, 18], [111, 9220, 7, 18], [111, 9220, 7, 18], [128, 9220, 107, 17], [], [128, 9238, 1144, 18], [111, 9238, 7, 18], [111, 9238, 7, 18], [128, 9238, 152, 17], [], [128, 9256, 1144, 18], [111, 9256, 7, 18], [111, 9256, 7, 18], [128, 9256, 102, 17], [], [128, 9274, 1144, 18], [111, 9274, 7, 18], [111, 9274, 7, 18], [128, 9274, 113, 17], [], [88, 9292, 1184, 36], [71, 9292, 7, 18], [71, 9292, 7, 18], [88, 9292, 156, 17], [], [88, 9310, 1184, 18], [128, 9310, 1144, 18], [111, 9310, 7, 18], [111, 9310, 7, 18], [128, 9310, 236, 17], [], [88, 9328, 1184, 144], [71, 9328, 7, 18], [71, 9328, 7, 18], [88, 9328, 138, 17], [], [88, 9346, 1184, 126], [128, 9346, 1144, 18], [111, 9346, 7, 18], [111, 9346, 7, 18], [128, 9346, 146, 17], [], [128, 9364, 1144, 18], [111, 9364, 7, 18], [111, 9364, 7, 18], [128, 9364, 193, 17], [], [128, 9382, 1144, 18], [111, 9382, 7, 18], [111, 9382, 7, 18], [128, 9382, 138, 17], [], [128, 9400, 1144, 18], [111, 9400, 7, 18], [111, 9400, 7, 18], [128, 9400, 172, 17], [], [128, 9418, 1144, 18], [111, 9418, 7, 18], [111, 9418, 7, 18], [128, 9418, 155, 17], [], [128, 9436, 1144, 18], [111, 9436, 7, 18], [111, 9436, 7, 18], [128, 9436, 177, 17], [], [128, 9454, 1144, 18], [111, 9454, 7, 18], [111, 9454, 7, 18], [128, 9454, 148, 17], [], [88, 9472, 1184, 36], [71, 9472, 7, 18], [71, 9472, 7, 18], [88, 9472, 179, 17], [], [88, 9490, 1184, 18], [128, 9490, 1144, 18], [111, 9490, 7, 18], [111, 9490, 7, 18], [128, 9490, 179, 17], [], [88, 9508, 1184, 54], [71, 9508, 7, 18], [71, 9508, 7, 18], [88, 9508, 54, 17], [], [88, 9526, 1184, 36], [128, 9526, 1144, 18], [111, 9526, 7, 18], [111, 9526, 7, 18], [128, 9526, 106, 17], [], [128, 9544, 1144, 18], [111, 9544, 7, 18], [111, 9544, 7, 18], [128, 9544, 183, 17], [], [88, 9562, 1184, 90], [71, 9562, 7, 18], [71, 9562, 7, 18], [88, 9562, 78, 17], [], [88, 9580, 1184, 72], [128, 9580, 1144, 18], [111, 9580, 7, 18], [111, 9580, 7, 18], [128, 9580, 168, 17], [], [128, 9598, 1144, 18], [111, 9598, 7, 18], [111, 9598, 7, 18], [128, 9598, 164, 17], [], [128, 9616, 1144, 18], [111, 9616, 7, 18], [111, 9616, 7, 18], [128, 9616, 185, 17], [], [128, 9634, 1144, 18], [111, 9634, 7, 18], [111, 9634, 7, 18], [128, 9634, 208, 17], [], [88, 9652, 1184, 144], [71, 9652, 7, 18], [71, 9652, 7, 18], [88, 9652, 53, 17], [], [88, 9670, 1184, 126], [128, 9670, 1144, 18], [111, 9670, 7, 18], [111, 9670, 7, 18], [128, 9670, 120, 17], [], [128, 9688, 1144, 18], [111, 9688, 7, 18], [111, 9688, 7, 18], [128, 9688, 123, 17], [], [128, 9706, 1144, 18], [111, 9706, 7, 18], [111, 9706, 7, 18], [128, 9706, 152, 17], [], [128, 9724, 1144, 18], [111, 9724, 7, 18], [111, 9724, 7, 18], [128, 9724, 139, 17], [], [128, 9742, 1144, 18], [111, 9742, 7, 18], [111, 9742, 7, 18], [128, 9742, 138, 17], [], [128, 9760, 1144, 18], [111, 9760, 7, 18], [111, 9760, 7, 18], [128, 9760, 122, 17], [], [128, 9778, 1144, 18], [111, 9778, 7, 18], [111, 9778, 7, 18], [128, 9778, 111, 17], [], [88, 9796, 1184, 72], [71, 9796, 7, 18], [71, 9796, 7, 18], [88, 9796, 91, 17], [], [88, 9814, 1184, 54], [128, 9814, 1144, 18], [111, 9814, 7, 18], [111, 9814, 7, 18], [128, 9814, 51, 17], [], [128, 9832, 1144, 18], [111, 9832, 7, 18], [111, 9832, 7, 18], [128, 9832, 134, 17], [], [128, 9850, 1144, 18], [111, 9850, 7, 18], [111, 9850, 7, 18], [128, 9850, 88, 17], [], [88, 9868, 1184, 72], [71, 9868, 7, 18], [71, 9868, 7, 18], [88, 9868, 96, 17], [], [88, 9886, 1184, 54], [128, 9886, 1144, 18], [111, 9886, 7, 18], [111, 9886, 7, 18], [128, 9886, 101, 17], [], [128, 9904, 1144, 18], [111, 9904, 7, 18], [111, 9904, 7, 18], [128, 9904, 150, 17], [], [128, 9922, 1144, 18], [111, 9922, 7, 18], [111, 9922, 7, 18], [128, 9922, 84, 17], [], [88, 9940, 1184, 252], [71, 9940, 7, 18], [71, 9940, 7, 18], [88, 9940, 279, 17], [], [88, 9958, 1184, 234], [128, 9958, 1144, 18], [111, 9958, 7, 18], [111, 9958, 7, 18], [128, 9958, 177, 17], [], [128, 9976, 1144, 18], [111, 9976, 7, 18], [111, 9976, 7, 18], [128, 9976, 210, 17], [], [128, 9994, 1144, 18], [111, 9994, 7, 18], [111, 9994, 7, 18], [128, 9994, 211, 17], [], [128, 10012, 1144, 18], [111, 10012, 7, 18], [111, 10012, 7, 18], [128, 10012, 201, 17], [], [128, 10030, 1144, 18], [111, 10030, 7, 18], [111, 10030, 7, 18], [128, 10030, 204, 17], [], [128, 10048, 1144, 18], [111, 10048, 7, 18], [111, 10048, 7, 18], [128, 10048, 190, 17], [], [128, 10066, 1144, 18], [111, 10066, 7, 18], [111, 10066, 7, 18], [128, 10066, 182, 17], [], [128, 10084, 1144, 18], [111, 10084, 7, 18], [111, 10084, 7, 18], [128, 10084, 160, 17], [], [128, 10102, 1144, 18], [111, 10102, 7, 18], [111, 10102, 7, 18], [128, 10102, 224, 17], [], [128, 10120, 1144, 18], [111, 10120, 7, 18], [111, 10120, 7, 18], [128, 10120, 186, 17], [], [128, 10138, 1144, 18], [111, 10138, 7, 18], [111, 10138, 7, 18], [128, 10138, 180, 17], [], [128, 10156, 1144, 18], [111, 10156, 7, 18], [111, 10156, 7, 18], [128, 10156, 148, 17], [], [128, 10174, 1144, 18], [111, 10174, 7, 18], [111, 10174, 7, 18], [128, 10174, 70, 17], [], [88, 10192, 1184, 162], [71, 10192, 7, 18], [71, 10192, 7, 18], [88, 10192, 34, 17], [], [88, 10210, 1184, 144], [128, 10210, 1144, 18], [111, 10210, 7, 18], [111, 10210, 7, 18], [128, 10210, 120, 17], [], [128, 10228, 1144, 18], [111, 10228, 7, 18], [111, 10228, 7, 18], [128, 10228, 155, 17], [], [128, 10246, 1144, 18], [111, 10246, 7, 18], [111, 10246, 7, 18], [128, 10246, 91, 17], [], [128, 10264, 1144, 18], [111, 10264, 7, 18], [111, 10264, 7, 18], [128, 10264, 81, 17], [], [128, 10282, 1144, 18], [111, 10282, 7, 18], [111, 10282, 7, 18], [128, 10282, 125, 17], [], [128, 10300, 1144, 18], [111, 10300, 7, 18], [111, 10300, 7, 18], [128, 10300, 116, 17], [], [128, 10318, 1144, 18], [111, 10318, 7, 18], [111, 10318, 7, 18], [128, 10318, 101, 17], [], [128, 10336, 1144, 18], [111, 10336, 7, 18], [111, 10336, 7, 18], [128, 10336, 83, 17], [], [88, 10354, 1184, 234], [71, 10354, 7, 18], [71, 10354, 7, 18], [88, 10354, 205, 17], [], [88, 10372, 1184, 216], [128, 10372, 1144, 18], [111, 10372, 7, 18], [111, 10372, 7, 18], [128, 10372, 153, 17], [], [128, 10390, 1144, 18], [111, 10390, 7, 18], [111, 10390, 7, 18], [128, 10390, 175, 17], [], [128, 10408, 1144, 18], [111, 10408, 7, 18], [111, 10408, 7, 18], [128, 10408, 173, 17], [], [128, 10426, 1144, 18], [111, 10426, 7, 18], [111, 10426, 7, 18], [128, 10426, 181, 17], [], [128, 10444, 1144, 18], [111, 10444, 7, 18], [111, 10444, 7, 18], [128, 10444, 168, 17], [], [128, 10462, 1144, 18], [111, 10462, 7, 18], [111, 10462, 7, 18], [128, 10462, 123, 17], [], [128, 10480, 1144, 18], [111, 10480, 7, 18], [111, 10480, 7, 18], [128, 10480, 144, 17], [], [128, 10498, 1144, 18], [111, 10498, 7, 18], [111, 10498, 7, 18], [128, 10498, 191, 17], [], [128, 10516, 1144, 18], [111, 10516, 7, 18], [111, 10516, 7, 18], [128, 10516, 127, 17], [], [128, 10534, 1144, 18], [111, 10534, 7, 18], [111, 10534, 7, 18], [128, 10534, 133, 17], [], [128, 10552, 1144, 18], [111, 10552, 7, 18], [111, 10552, 7, 18], [128, 10552, 138, 17], [], [128, 10570, 1144, 18], [111, 10570, 7, 18], [111, 10570, 7, 18], [128, 10570, 140, 17], [], [88, 10588, 1184, 18], [71, 10588, 7, 18], [71, 10588, 7, 18], [88, 10588, 34, 17], [], [88, 10606, 1184, 180], [71, 10606, 7, 18], [71, 10606, 7, 18], [88, 10606, 88, 17], [], [88, 10624, 1184, 162], [128, 10624, 1144, 18], [111, 10624, 7, 18], [111, 10624, 7, 18], [128, 10624, 179, 17], [], [128, 10642, 1144, 18], [111, 10642, 7, 18], [111, 10642, 7, 18], [128, 10642, 177, 17], [], [128, 10660, 1144, 18], [111, 10660, 7, 18], [111, 10660, 7, 18], [128, 10660, 121, 17], [], [128, 10678, 1144, 18], [111, 10678, 7, 18], [111, 10678, 7, 18], [128, 10678, 146, 17], [], [128, 10696, 1144, 18], [111, 10696, 7, 18], [111, 10696, 7, 18], [128, 10696, 195, 17], [], [128, 10714, 1144, 18], [111, 10714, 7, 18], [111, 10714, 7, 18], [128, 10714, 164, 17], [], [128, 10732, 1144, 18], [111, 10732, 7, 18], [111, 10732, 7, 18], [128, 10732, 131, 17], [], [128, 10750, 1144, 18], [111, 10750, 7, 18], [111, 10750, 7, 18], [128, 10750, 137, 17], [], [128, 10768, 1144, 18], [111, 10768, 7, 18], [111, 10768, 7, 18], [128, 10768, 46, 17], [], [88, 10786, 1184, 54], [71, 10786, 7, 18], [71, 10786, 7, 18], [88, 10786, 122, 17], [], [88, 10804, 1184, 36], [128, 10804, 1144, 18], [111, 10804, 7, 18], [111, 10804, 7, 18], [128, 10804, 86, 17], [], [128, 10822, 1144, 18], [111, 10822, 7, 18], [111, 10822, 7, 18], [128, 10822, 38, 17], [], [88, 10840, 1184, 36], [71, 10840, 7, 18], [71, 10840, 7, 18], [88, 10840, 60, 17], [], [88, 10858, 1184, 18], [128, 10858, 1144, 18], [111, 10858, 7, 18], [111, 10858, 7, 18], [128, 10858, 60, 17], [], [88, 10876, 1184, 162], [71, 10876, 7, 18], [71, 10876, 7, 18], [88, 10876, 120, 17], [], [88, 10894, 1184, 144], [128, 10894, 1144, 18], [111, 10894, 7, 18], [111, 10894, 7, 18], [128, 10894, 210, 17], [], [128, 10912, 1144, 18], [111, 10912, 7, 18], [111, 10912, 7, 18], [128, 10912, 211, 17], [], [128, 10930, 1144, 18], [111, 10930, 7, 18], [111, 10930, 7, 18], [128, 10930, 168, 17], [], [128, 10948, 1144, 18], [111, 10948, 7, 18], [111, 10948, 7, 18], [128, 10948, 196, 17], [], [128, 10966, 1144, 18], [111, 10966, 7, 18], [111, 10966, 7, 18], [128, 10966, 195, 17], [], [128, 10984, 1144, 18], [111, 10984, 7, 18], [111, 10984, 7, 18], [128, 10984, 205, 17], [], [128, 11002, 1144, 18], [111, 11002, 7, 18], [111, 11002, 7, 18], [128, 11002, 169, 17], [], [128, 11020, 1144, 18], [111, 11020, 7, 18], [111, 11020, 7, 18], [128, 11020, 47, 17], [], [88, 11038, 1184, 162], [71, 11038, 7, 18], [71, 11038, 7, 18], [88, 11038, 96, 17], [], [88, 11056, 1184, 144], [128, 11056, 1144, 18], [111, 11056, 7, 18], [111, 11056, 7, 18], [128, 11056, 187, 17], [], [128, 11074, 1144, 18], [111, 11074, 7, 18], [111, 11074, 7, 18], [128, 11074, 174, 17], [], [128, 11092, 1144, 18], [111, 11092, 7, 18], [111, 11092, 7, 18], [128, 11092, 201, 17], [], [128, 11110, 1144, 18], [111, 11110, 7, 18], [111, 11110, 7, 18], [128, 11110, 230, 17], [], [128, 11128, 1144, 18], [111, 11128, 7, 18], [111, 11128, 7, 18], [128, 11128, 212, 17], [], [128, 11146, 1144, 18], [111, 11146, 7, 18], [111, 11146, 7, 18], [128, 11146, 230, 17], [], [128, 11164, 1144, 18], [111, 11164, 7, 18], [111, 11164, 7, 18], [128, 11164, 215, 17], [], [128, 11182, 1144, 18], [111, 11182, 7, 18], [111, 11182, 7, 18], [128, 11182, 157, 17], [], [88, 11200, 1184, 180], [71, 11200, 7, 18], [71, 11200, 7, 18], [88, 11200, 44, 17], [], [88, 11218, 1184, 162], [128, 11218, 1144, 18], [111, 11218, 7, 18], [111, 11218, 7, 18], [128, 11218, 20, 17], [], [128, 11236, 1144, 18], [111, 11236, 7, 18], [111, 11236, 7, 18], [128, 11236, 62, 17], [], [128, 11254, 1144, 18], [111, 11254, 7, 18], [111, 11254, 7, 18], [128, 11254, 51, 17], [], [128, 11272, 1144, 18], [111, 11272, 7, 18], [111, 11272, 7, 18], [128, 11272, 46, 17], [], [128, 11290, 1144, 18], [111, 11290, 7, 18], [111, 11290, 7, 18], [128, 11290, 38, 17], [], [128, 11308, 1144, 18], [111, 11308, 7, 18], [111, 11308, 7, 18], [128, 11308, 77, 17], [], [128, 11326, 1144, 18], [111, 11326, 7, 18], [111, 11326, 7, 18], [128, 11326, 90, 17], [], [128, 11344, 1144, 18], [111, 11344, 7, 18], [111, 11344, 7, 18], [128, 11344, 59, 17], [], [128, 11362, 1144, 18], [111, 11362, 7, 18], [111, 11362, 7, 18], [128, 11362, 53, 17], [], [88, 11380, 1184, 342], [71, 11380, 7, 18], [71, 11380, 7, 18], [88, 11380, 304, 17], [], [88, 11398, 1184, 324], [128, 11398, 1144, 18], [111, 11398, 7, 18], [111, 11398, 7, 18], [128, 11398, 157, 17], [], [128, 11416, 1144, 18], [111, 11416, 7, 18], [111, 11416, 7, 18], [128, 11416, 212, 17], [], [128, 11434, 1144, 18], [111, 11434, 7, 18], [111, 11434, 7, 18], [128, 11434, 90, 17], [], [128, 11452, 1144, 18], [111, 11452, 7, 18], [111, 11452, 7, 18], [128, 11452, 132, 17], [], [128, 11470, 1144, 18], [111, 11470, 7, 18], [111, 11470, 7, 18], [128, 11470, 122, 17], [], [128, 11488, 1144, 18], [111, 11488, 7, 18], [111, 11488, 7, 18], [128, 11488, 157, 17], [], [128, 11506, 1144, 18], [111, 11506, 7, 18], [111, 11506, 7, 18], [128, 11506, 154, 17], [], [128, 11524, 1144, 18], [111, 11524, 7, 18], [111, 11524, 7, 18], [128, 11524, 108, 17], [], [128, 11542, 1144, 18], [111, 11542, 7, 18], [111, 11542, 7, 18], [128, 11542, 172, 17], [], [128, 11560, 1144, 18], [111, 11560, 7, 18], [111, 11560, 7, 18], [128, 11560, 104, 17], [], [128, 11578, 1144, 18], [111, 11578, 7, 18], [111, 11578, 7, 18], [128, 11578, 146, 17], [], [128, 11596, 1144, 18], [111, 11596, 7, 18], [111, 11596, 7, 18], [128, 11596, 184, 17], [], [128, 11614, 1144, 18], [111, 11614, 7, 18], [111, 11614, 7, 18], [128, 11614, 153, 17], [], [128, 11632, 1144, 18], [111, 11632, 7, 18], [111, 11632, 7, 18], [128, 11632, 167, 17], [], [128, 11650, 1144, 18], [111, 11650, 7, 18], [111, 11650, 7, 18], [128, 11650, 127, 17], [], [128, 11668, 1144, 18], [111, 11668, 7, 18], [111, 11668, 7, 18], [128, 11668, 156, 17], [], [128, 11686, 1144, 18], [111, 11686, 7, 18], [111, 11686, 7, 18], [128, 11686, 170, 17], [], [128, 11704, 1144, 18], [111, 11704, 7, 18], [111, 11704, 7, 18], [128, 11704, 206, 17], [], [88, 11722, 1184, 198], [71, 11722, 7, 18], [71, 11722, 7, 18], [88, 11722, 118, 17], [], [88, 11740, 1184, 180], [128, 11740, 1144, 18], [111, 11740, 7, 18], [111, 11740, 7, 18], [128, 11740, 31, 17], [], [128, 11758, 1144, 18], [111, 11758, 7, 18], [111, 11758, 7, 18], [128, 11758, 86, 17], [], [128, 11776, 1144, 18], [111, 11776, 7, 18], [111, 11776, 7, 18], [128, 11776, 38, 17], [], [128, 11794, 1144, 18], [111, 11794, 7, 18], [111, 11794, 7, 18], [128, 11794, 69, 17], [], [128, 11812, 1144, 18], [111, 11812, 7, 18], [111, 11812, 7, 18], [128, 11812, 62, 17], [], [128, 11830, 1144, 18], [111, 11830, 7, 18], [111, 11830, 7, 18], [128, 11830, 32, 17], [], [128, 11848, 1144, 18], [111, 11848, 7, 18], [111, 11848, 7, 18], [128, 11848, 99, 17], [], [128, 11866, 1144, 18], [111, 11866, 7, 18], [111, 11866, 7, 18], [128, 11866, 41, 17], [], [128, 11884, 1144, 18], [111, 11884, 7, 18], [111, 11884, 7, 18], [128, 11884, 66, 17], [], [128, 11902, 1144, 18], [111, 11902, 7, 18], [111, 11902, 7, 18], [128, 11902, 36, 17], [], [88, 11920, 1184, 216], [71, 11920, 7, 18], [71, 11920, 7, 18], [88, 11920, 23, 17], [], [88, 11938, 1184, 198], [128, 11938, 1144, 18], [111, 11938, 7, 18], [111, 11938, 7, 18], [128, 11938, 168, 17], [], [128, 11956, 1144, 18], [111, 11956, 7, 18], [111, 11956, 7, 18], [128, 11956, 167, 17], [], [128, 11974, 1144, 18], [111, 11974, 7, 18], [111, 11974, 7, 18], [128, 11974, 90, 17], [], [128, 11992, 1144, 18], [111, 11992, 7, 18], [111, 11992, 7, 18], [128, 11992, 79, 17], [], [128, 12010, 1144, 18], [111, 12010, 7, 18], [111, 12010, 7, 18], [128, 12010, 152, 17], [], [128, 12028, 1144, 18], [111, 12028, 7, 18], [111, 12028, 7, 18], [128, 12028, 67, 17], [], [128, 12046, 1144, 18], [111, 12046, 7, 18], [111, 12046, 7, 18], [128, 12046, 182, 17], [], [128, 12064, 1144, 18], [111, 12064, 7, 18], [111, 12064, 7, 18], [128, 12064, 169, 17], [], [128, 12082, 1144, 18], [111, 12082, 7, 18], [111, 12082, 7, 18], [128, 12082, 66, 17], [], [128, 12100, 1144, 18], [111, 12100, 7, 18], [111, 12100, 7, 18], [128, 12100, 135, 17], [], [128, 12118, 1144, 18], [111, 12118, 7, 18], [111, 12118, 7, 18], [128, 12118, 163, 17], [], [48, 12136, 1224, 2970], [31, 12136, 7, 18], [31, 12136, 7, 18], [48, 12136, 45, 17], [], [48, 12154, 1224, 2952], [88, 12154, 1184, 1044], [71, 12154, 7, 18], [71, 12154, 7, 18], [88, 12154, 99, 17], [], [88, 12172, 1184, 1026], [128, 12172, 1144, 18], [111, 12172, 7, 18], [111, 12172, 7, 18], [128, 12172, 122, 17], [], [128, 12190, 1144, 18], [111, 12190, 7, 18], [111, 12190, 7, 18], [128, 12190, 141, 17], [], [128, 12208, 1144, 18], [111, 12208, 7, 18], [111, 12208, 7, 18], [128, 12208, 166, 17], [], [128, 12226, 1144, 18], [111, 12226, 7, 18], [111, 12226, 7, 18], [128, 12226, 150, 17], [], [128, 12244, 1144, 18], [111, 12244, 7, 18], [111, 12244, 7, 18], [128, 12244, 94, 17], [], [128, 12262, 1144, 18], [111, 12262, 7, 18], [111, 12262, 7, 18], [128, 12262, 105, 17], [], [128, 12280, 1144, 18], [111, 12280, 7, 18], [111, 12280, 7, 18], [128, 12280, 52, 17], [], [128, 12298, 1144, 18], [111, 12298, 7, 18], [111, 12298, 7, 18], [128, 12298, 115, 17], [], [128, 12316, 1144, 18], [111, 12316, 7, 18], [111, 12316, 7, 18], [128, 12316, 75, 17], [], [128, 12334, 1144, 18], [111, 12334, 7, 18], [111, 12334, 7, 18], [128, 12334, 140, 17], [], [128, 12352, 1144, 18], [111, 12352, 7, 18], [111, 12352, 7, 18], [128, 12352, 81, 17], [], [128, 12370, 1144, 18], [111, 12370, 7, 18], [111, 12370, 7, 18], [128, 12370, 129, 17], [], [128, 12388, 1144, 18], [111, 12388, 7, 18], [111, 12388, 7, 18], [128, 12388, 33, 17], [], [128, 12406, 1144, 18], [111, 12406, 7, 18], [111, 12406, 7, 18], [128, 12406, 159, 17], [], [128, 12424, 1144, 18], [111, 12424, 7, 18], [111, 12424, 7, 18], [128, 12424, 231, 17], [], [128, 12442, 1144, 18], [111, 12442, 7, 18], [111, 12442, 7, 18], [128, 12442, 193, 17], [], [128, 12460, 1144, 18], [111, 12460, 7, 18], [111, 12460, 7, 18], [128, 12460, 115, 17], [], [128, 12478, 1144, 18], [111, 12478, 7, 18], [111, 12478, 7, 18], [128, 12478, 98, 17], [], [128, 12496, 1144, 18], [111, 12496, 7, 18], [111, 12496, 7, 18], [128, 12496, 146, 17], [], [128, 12514, 1144, 18], [111, 12514, 7, 18], [111, 12514, 7, 18], [128, 12514, 49, 17], [], [128, 12532, 1144, 18], [111, 12532, 7, 18], [111, 12532, 7, 18], [128, 12532, 97, 17], [], [128, 12550, 1144, 18], [111, 12550, 7, 18], [111, 12550, 7, 18], [128, 12550, 100, 17], [], [128, 12568, 1144, 18], [111, 12568, 7, 18], [111, 12568, 7, 18], [128, 12568, 125, 17], [], [128, 12586, 1144, 18], [111, 12586, 7, 18], [111, 12586, 7, 18], [128, 12586, 156, 17], [], [128, 12604, 1144, 18], [111, 12604, 7, 18], [111, 12604, 7, 18], [128, 12604, 102, 17], [], [128, 12622, 1144, 18], [111, 12622, 7, 18], [111, 12622, 7, 18], [128, 12622, 80, 17], [], [128, 12640, 1144, 18], [111, 12640, 7, 18], [111, 12640, 7, 18], [128, 12640, 120, 17], [], [128, 12658, 1144, 18], [111, 12658, 7, 18], [111, 12658, 7, 18], [128, 12658, 103, 17], [], [128, 12676, 1144, 18], [111, 12676, 7, 18], [111, 12676, 7, 18], [128, 12676, 128, 17], [], [128, 12694, 1144, 18], [111, 12694, 7, 18], [111, 12694, 7, 18], [128, 12694, 102, 17], [], [128, 12712, 1144, 18], [111, 12712, 7, 18], [111, 12712, 7, 18], [128, 12712, 145, 17], [], [128, 12730, 1144, 18], [111, 12730, 7, 18], [111, 12730, 7, 18], [128, 12730, 124, 17], [], [128, 12748, 1144, 18], [111, 12748, 7, 18], [111, 12748, 7, 18], [128, 12748, 123, 17], [], [128, 12766, 1144, 18], [111, 12766, 7, 18], [111, 12766, 7, 18], [128, 12766, 105, 17], [], [128, 12784, 1144, 18], [111, 12784, 7, 18], [111, 12784, 7, 18], [128, 12784, 96, 17], [], [128, 12802, 1144, 18], [111, 12802, 7, 18], [111, 12802, 7, 18], [128, 12802, 52, 17], [], [128, 12820, 1144, 18], [111, 12820, 7, 18], [111, 12820, 7, 18], [128, 12820, 217, 17], [], [128, 12838, 1144, 18], [111, 12838, 7, 18], [111, 12838, 7, 18], [128, 12838, 74, 17], [], [128, 12856, 1144, 18], [111, 12856, 7, 18], [111, 12856, 7, 18], [128, 12856, 102, 17], [], [128, 12874, 1144, 18], [111, 12874, 7, 18], [111, 12874, 7, 18], [128, 12874, 122, 17], [], [128, 12892, 1144, 18], [111, 12892, 7, 18], [111, 12892, 7, 18], [128, 12892, 133, 17], [], [128, 12910, 1144, 18], [111, 12910, 7, 18], [111, 12910, 7, 18], [128, 12910, 138, 17], [], [128, 12928, 1144, 18], [111, 12928, 7, 18], [111, 12928, 7, 18], [128, 12928, 157, 17], [], [128, 12946, 1144, 18], [111, 12946, 7, 18], [111, 12946, 7, 18], [128, 12946, 62, 17], [], [128, 12964, 1144, 18], [111, 12964, 7, 18], [111, 12964, 7, 18], [128, 12964, 58, 17], [], [128, 12982, 1144, 18], [111, 12982, 7, 18], [111, 12982, 7, 18], [128, 12982, 125, 17], [], [128, 13000, 1144, 18], [111, 13000, 7, 18], [111, 13000, 7, 18], [128, 13000, 82, 17], [], [128, 13018, 1144, 18], [111, 13018, 7, 18], [111, 13018, 7, 18], [128, 13018, 115, 17], [], [128, 13036, 1144, 18], [111, 13036, 7, 18], [111, 13036, 7, 18], [128, 13036, 126, 17], [], [128, 13054, 1144, 18], [111, 13054, 7, 18], [111, 13054, 7, 18], [128, 13054, 66, 17], [], [128, 13072, 1144, 18], [111, 13072, 7, 18], [111, 13072, 7, 18], [128, 13072, 172, 17], [], [128, 13090, 1144, 18], [111, 13090, 7, 18], [111, 13090, 7, 18], [128, 13090, 120, 17], [], [128, 13108, 1144, 18], [111, 13108, 7, 18], [111, 13108, 7, 18], [128, 13108, 182, 17], [], [128, 13126, 1144, 18], [111, 13126, 7, 18], [111, 13126, 7, 18], [128, 13126, 92, 17], [], [128, 13144, 1144, 18], [111, 13144, 7, 18], [111, 13144, 7, 18], [128, 13144, 102, 17], [], [128, 13162, 1144, 18], [111, 13162, 7, 18], [111, 13162, 7, 18], [128, 13162, 118, 17], [], [128, 13180, 1144, 18], [111, 13180, 7, 18], [111, 13180, 7, 18], [128, 13180, 163, 17], [], [88, 13198, 1184, 972], [71, 13198, 7, 18], [71, 13198, 7, 18], [88, 13198, 130, 17], [], [88, 13216, 1184, 954], [128, 13216, 1144, 18], [111, 13216, 7, 18], [111, 13216, 7, 18], [128, 13216, 100, 17], [], [128, 13234, 1144, 18], [111, 13234, 7, 18], [111, 13234, 7, 18], [128, 13234, 97, 17], [], [128, 13252, 1144, 18], [111, 13252, 7, 18], [111, 13252, 7, 18], [128, 13252, 108, 17], [], [128, 13270, 1144, 18], [111, 13270, 7, 18], [111, 13270, 7, 18], [128, 13270, 159, 17], [], [128, 13288, 1144, 18], [111, 13288, 7, 18], [111, 13288, 7, 18], [128, 13288, 212, 17], [], [128, 13306, 1144, 18], [111, 13306, 7, 18], [111, 13306, 7, 18], [128, 13306, 94, 17], [], [128, 13324, 1144, 18], [111, 13324, 7, 18], [111, 13324, 7, 18], [128, 13324, 161, 17], [], [128, 13342, 1144, 18], [111, 13342, 7, 18], [111, 13342, 7, 18], [128, 13342, 64, 17], [], [128, 13360, 1144, 18], [111, 13360, 7, 18], [111, 13360, 7, 18], [128, 13360, 38, 17], [], [128, 13378, 1144, 18], [111, 13378, 7, 18], [111, 13378, 7, 18], [128, 13378, 80, 17], [], [128, 13396, 1144, 18], [111, 13396, 7, 18], [111, 13396, 7, 18], [128, 13396, 76, 17], [], [128, 13414, 1144, 18], [111, 13414, 7, 18], [111, 13414, 7, 18], [128, 13414, 140, 17], [], [128, 13432, 1144, 18], [111, 13432, 7, 18], [111, 13432, 7, 18], [128, 13432, 140, 17], [], [128, 13450, 1144, 18], [111, 13450, 7, 18], [111, 13450, 7, 18], [128, 13450, 79, 17], [], [128, 13468, 1144, 18], [111, 13468, 7, 18], [111, 13468, 7, 18], [128, 13468, 159, 17], [], [128, 13486, 1144, 18], [111, 13486, 7, 18], [111, 13486, 7, 18], [128, 13486, 142, 17], [], [128, 13504, 1144, 18], [111, 13504, 7, 18], [111, 13504, 7, 18], [128, 13504, 87, 17], [], [128, 13522, 1144, 18], [111, 13522, 7, 18], [111, 13522, 7, 18], [128, 13522, 129, 17], [], [128, 13540, 1144, 18], [111, 13540, 7, 18], [111, 13540, 7, 18], [128, 13540, 80, 17], [], [128, 13558, 1144, 18], [111, 13558, 7, 18], [111, 13558, 7, 18], [128, 13558, 48, 17], [], [128, 13576, 1144, 18], [111, 13576, 7, 18], [111, 13576, 7, 18], [128, 13576, 116, 17], [], [128, 13594, 1144, 18], [111, 13594, 7, 18], [111, 13594, 7, 18], [128, 13594, 126, 17], [], [128, 13612, 1144, 18], [111, 13612, 7, 18], [111, 13612, 7, 18], [128, 13612, 81, 17], [], [128, 13630, 1144, 18], [111, 13630, 7, 18], [111, 13630, 7, 18], [128, 13630, 124, 17], [], [128, 13648, 1144, 18], [111, 13648, 7, 18], [111, 13648, 7, 18], [128, 13648, 117, 17], [], [128, 13666, 1144, 18], [111, 13666, 7, 18], [111, 13666, 7, 18], [128, 13666, 85, 17], [], [128, 13684, 1144, 18], [111, 13684, 7, 18], [111, 13684, 7, 18], [128, 13684, 61, 17], [], [128, 13702, 1144, 18], [111, 13702, 7, 18], [111, 13702, 7, 18], [128, 13702, 62, 17], [], [128, 13720, 1144, 18], [111, 13720, 7, 18], [111, 13720, 7, 18], [128, 13720, 143, 17], [], [128, 13738, 1144, 18], [111, 13738, 7, 18], [111, 13738, 7, 18], [128, 13738, 133, 17], [], [128, 13756, 1144, 18], [111, 13756, 7, 18], [111, 13756, 7, 18], [128, 13756, 229, 17], [], [128, 13774, 1144, 18], [111, 13774, 7, 18], [111, 13774, 7, 18], [128, 13774, 108, 17], [], [128, 13792, 1144, 18], [111, 13792, 7, 18], [111, 13792, 7, 18], [128, 13792, 113, 17], [], [128, 13810, 1144, 18], [111, 13810, 7, 18], [111, 13810, 7, 18], [128, 13810, 115, 17], [], [128, 13828, 1144, 18], [111, 13828, 7, 18], [111, 13828, 7, 18], [128, 13828, 101, 17], [], [128, 13846, 1144, 18], [111, 13846, 7, 18], [111, 13846, 7, 18], [128, 13846, 102, 17], [], [128, 13864, 1144, 18], [111, 13864, 7, 18], [111, 13864, 7, 18], [128, 13864, 57, 17], [], [128, 13882, 1144, 18], [111, 13882, 7, 18], [111, 13882, 7, 18], [128, 13882, 85, 17], [], [128, 13900, 1144, 18], [111, 13900, 7, 18], [111, 13900, 7, 18], [128, 13900, 161, 17], [], [128, 13918, 1144, 18], [111, 13918, 7, 18], [111, 13918, 7, 18], [128, 13918, 32, 17], [], [128, 13936, 1144, 18], [111, 13936, 7, 18], [111, 13936, 7, 18], [128, 13936, 110, 17], [], [128, 13954, 1144, 18], [111, 13954, 7, 18], [111, 13954, 7, 18], [128, 13954, 124, 17], [], [128, 13972, 1144, 18], [111, 13972, 7, 18], [111, 13972, 7, 18], [128, 13972, 142, 17], [], [128, 13990, 1144, 18], [111, 13990, 7, 18], [111, 13990, 7, 18], [128, 13990, 88, 17], [], [128, 14008, 1144, 18], [111, 14008, 7, 18], [111, 14008, 7, 18], [128, 14008, 116, 17], [], [128, 14026, 1144, 18], [111, 14026, 7, 18], [111, 14026, 7, 18], [128, 14026, 130, 17], [], [128, 14044, 1144, 18], [111, 14044, 7, 18], [111, 14044, 7, 18], [128, 14044, 115, 17], [], [128, 14062, 1144, 18], [111, 14062, 7, 18], [111, 14062, 7, 18], [128, 14062, 102, 17], [], [128, 14080, 1144, 18], [111, 14080, 7, 18], [111, 14080, 7, 18], [128, 14080, 55, 17], [], [128, 14098, 1144, 18], [111, 14098, 7, 18], [111, 14098, 7, 18], [128, 14098, 108, 17], [], [128, 14116, 1144, 18], [111, 14116, 7, 18], [111, 14116, 7, 18], [128, 14116, 108, 17], [], [128, 14134, 1144, 18], [111, 14134, 7, 18], [111, 14134, 7, 18], [128, 14134, 82, 17], [], [128, 14152, 1144, 18], [111, 14152, 7, 18], [111, 14152, 7, 18], [128, 14152, 110, 17], [], [88, 14170, 1184, 108], [71, 14170, 7, 18], [71, 14170, 7, 18], [88, 14170, 222, 17], [], [88, 14188, 1184, 90], [128, 14188, 1144, 18], [111, 14188, 7, 18], [111, 14188, 7, 18], [128, 14188, 196, 17], [], [128, 14206, 1144, 18], [111, 14206, 7, 18], [111, 14206, 7, 18], [128, 14206, 69, 17], [], [128, 14224, 1144, 18], [111, 14224, 7, 18], [111, 14224, 7, 18], [128, 14224, 170, 17], [], [128, 14242, 1144, 18], [111, 14242, 7, 18], [111, 14242, 7, 18], [128, 14242, 290, 17], [], [128, 14260, 1144, 18], [111, 14260, 7, 18], [111, 14260, 7, 18], [128, 14260, 92, 17], [], [88, 14278, 1184, 198], [71, 14278, 7, 18], [71, 14278, 7, 18], [88, 14278, 128, 17], [], [88, 14296, 1184, 180], [128, 14296, 1144, 18], [111, 14296, 7, 18], [111, 14296, 7, 18], [128, 14296, 169, 17], [], [128, 14314, 1144, 54], [111, 14314, 7, 18], [111, 14314, 7, 18], [128, 14314, 83, 17], [], [128, 14332, 1144, 36], [168, 14332, 1104, 18], [151, 14332, 7, 18], [151, 14332, 7, 18], [168, 14332, 156, 17], [], [168, 14350, 1104, 18], [151, 14350, 7, 18], [151, 14350, 7, 18], [168, 14350, 86, 17], [], [128, 14368, 1144, 18], [111, 14368, 7, 18], [111, 14368, 7, 18], [128, 14368, 168, 17], [], [128, 14386, 1144, 18], [111, 14386, 7, 18], [111, 14386, 7, 18], [128, 14386, 230, 17], [], [128, 14404, 1144, 72], [111, 14404, 7, 18], [111, 14404, 7, 18], [128, 14404, 226, 17], [], [128, 14422, 1144, 54], [168, 14422, 1104, 18], [151, 14422, 7, 18], [151, 14422, 7, 18], [168, 14422, 132, 17], [], [168, 14440, 1104, 18], [151, 14440, 7, 18], [151, 14440, 7, 18], [168, 14440, 245, 17], [], [168, 14458, 1104, 18], [151, 14458, 7, 18], [151, 14458, 7, 18], [168, 14458, 298, 17], [], [88, 14476, 1184, 108], [71, 14476, 7, 18], [71, 14476, 7, 18], [88, 14476, 94, 17], [], [88, 14494, 1184, 90], [128, 14494, 1144, 18], [111, 14494, 7, 18], [111, 14494, 7, 18], [128, 14494, 199, 17], [], [128, 14512, 1144, 18], [111, 14512, 7, 18], [111, 14512, 7, 18], [128, 14512, 32, 17], [], [128, 14530, 1144, 18], [111, 14530, 7, 18], [111, 14530, 7, 18], [128, 14530, 136, 17], [], [128, 14548, 1144, 18], [111, 14548, 7, 18], [111, 14548, 7, 18], [128, 14548, 111, 17], [], [128, 14566, 1144, 18], [111, 14566, 7, 18], [111, 14566, 7, 18], [128, 14566, 164, 17], [], [88, 14584, 1184, 360], [71, 14584, 7, 18], [71, 14584, 7, 18], [88, 14584, 125, 17], [], [88, 14602, 1184, 342], [128, 14602, 1144, 18], [111, 14602, 7, 18], [111, 14602, 7, 18], [128, 14602, 108, 17], [], [128, 14620, 1144, 18], [111, 14620, 7, 18], [111, 14620, 7, 18], [128, 14620, 202, 17], [], [128, 14638, 1144, 18], [111, 14638, 7, 18], [111, 14638, 7, 18], [128, 14638, 124, 17], [], [128, 14656, 1144, 18], [111, 14656, 7, 18], [111, 14656, 7, 18], [128, 14656, 108, 17], [], [128, 14674, 1144, 18], [111, 14674, 7, 18], [111, 14674, 7, 18], [128, 14674, 137, 17], [], [128, 14692, 1144, 18], [111, 14692, 7, 18], [111, 14692, 7, 18], [128, 14692, 90, 17], [], [128, 14710, 1144, 18], [111, 14710, 7, 18], [111, 14710, 7, 18], [128, 14710, 101, 17], [], [128, 14728, 1144, 18], [111, 14728, 7, 18], [111, 14728, 7, 18], [128, 14728, 152, 17], [], [128, 14746, 1144, 18], [111, 14746, 7, 18], [111, 14746, 7, 18], [128, 14746, 112, 17], [], [128, 14764, 1144, 18], [111, 14764, 7, 18], [111, 14764, 7, 18], [128, 14764, 149, 17], [], [128, 14782, 1144, 18], [111, 14782, 7, 18], [111, 14782, 7, 18], [128, 14782, 124, 17], [], [128, 14800, 1144, 18], [111, 14800, 7, 18], [111, 14800, 7, 18], [128, 14800, 91, 17], [], [128, 14818, 1144, 18], [111, 14818, 7, 18], [111, 14818, 7, 18], [128, 14818, 77, 17], [], [128, 14836, 1144, 18], [111, 14836, 7, 18], [111, 14836, 7, 18], [128, 14836, 137, 17], [], [128, 14854, 1144, 18], [111, 14854, 7, 18], [111, 14854, 7, 18], [128, 14854, 101, 17], [], [128, 14872, 1144, 18], [111, 14872, 7, 18], [111, 14872, 7, 18], [128, 14872, 82, 17], [], [128, 14890, 1144, 18], [111, 14890, 7, 18], [111, 14890, 7, 18], [128, 14890, 81, 17], [], [128, 14908, 1144, 18], [111, 14908, 7, 18], [111, 14908, 7, 18], [128, 14908, 120, 17], [], [128, 14926, 1144, 18], [111, 14926, 7, 18], [111, 14926, 7, 18], [128, 14926, 114, 17], [], [88, 14944, 1184, 162], [71, 14944, 7, 18], [71, 14944, 7, 18], [88, 14944, 53, 17], [], [88, 14962, 1184, 144], [128, 14962, 1144, 18], [111, 14962, 7, 18], [111, 14962, 7, 18], [128, 14962, 38, 17], [], [128, 14980, 1144, 18], [111, 14980, 7, 18], [111, 14980, 7, 18], [128, 14980, 75, 17], [], [128, 14998, 1144, 18], [111, 14998, 7, 18], [111, 14998, 7, 18], [128, 14998, 58, 17], [], [128, 15016, 1144, 18], [111, 15016, 7, 18], [111, 15016, 7, 18], [128, 15016, 68, 17], [], [128, 15034, 1144, 18], [111, 15034, 7, 18], [111, 15034, 7, 18], [128, 15034, 102, 17], [], [128, 15052, 1144, 18], [111, 15052, 7, 18], [111, 15052, 7, 18], [128, 15052, 133, 17], [], [128, 15070, 1144, 18], [111, 15070, 7, 18], [111, 15070, 7, 18], [128, 15070, 69, 17], [], [128, 15088, 1144, 18], [111, 15088, 7, 18], [111, 15088, 7, 18], [128, 15088, 40, 17], [], [48, 15106, 1224, 594], [31, 15106, 7, 18], [31, 15106, 7, 18], [48, 15106, 42, 17], [], [48, 15124, 1224, 576], [88, 15124, 1184, 18], [71, 15124, 7, 18], [71, 15124, 7, 18], [88, 15124, 39, 17], [], [88, 15142, 1184, 18], [71, 15142, 7, 18], [71, 15142, 7, 18], [88, 15142, 110, 17], [], [88, 15160, 1184, 18], [71, 15160, 7, 18], [71, 15160, 7, 18], [88, 15160, 97, 17], [], [88, 15178, 1184, 18], [71, 15178, 7, 18], [71, 15178, 7, 18], [88, 15178, 112, 17], [], [88, 15196, 1184, 18], [71, 15196, 7, 18], [71, 15196, 7, 18], [88, 15196, 110, 17], [], [88, 15214, 1184, 18], [71, 15214, 7, 18], [71, 15214, 7, 18], [88, 15214, 76, 17], [], [88, 15232, 1184, 18], [71, 15232, 7, 18], [71, 15232, 7, 18], [88, 15232, 97, 17], [], [88, 15250, 1184, 18], [71, 15250, 7, 18], [71, 15250, 7, 18], [88, 15250, 88, 17], [], [88, 15268, 1184, 18], [71, 15268, 7, 18], [71, 15268, 7, 18], [88, 15268, 110, 17], [], [88, 15286, 1184, 18], [71, 15286, 7, 18], [71, 15286, 7, 18], [88, 15286, 78, 17], [], [88, 15304, 1184, 18], [71, 15304, 7, 18], [71, 15304, 7, 18], [88, 15304, 60, 17], [], [88, 15322, 1184, 18], [71, 15322, 7, 18], [71, 15322, 7, 18], [88, 15322, 49, 17], [], [88, 15340, 1184, 18], [71, 15340, 7, 18], [71, 15340, 7, 18], [88, 15340, 79, 17], [], [88, 15358, 1184, 18], [71, 15358, 7, 18], [71, 15358, 7, 18], [88, 15358, 88, 17], [], [88, 15376, 1184, 18], [71, 15376, 7, 18], [71, 15376, 7, 18], [88, 15376, 49, 17], [], [88, 15394, 1184, 18], [71, 15394, 7, 18], [71, 15394, 7, 18], [88, 15394, 63, 17], [], [88, 15412, 1184, 18], [71, 15412, 7, 18], [71, 15412, 7, 18], [88, 15412, 124, 17], [], [88, 15430, 1184, 18], [71, 15430, 7, 18], [71, 15430, 7, 18], [88, 15430, 37, 17], [], [88, 15448, 1184, 18], [71, 15448, 7, 18], [71, 15448, 7, 18], [88, 15448, 61, 17], [], [88, 15466, 1184, 18], [71, 15466, 7, 18], [71, 15466, 7, 18], [88, 15466, 90, 17], [], [88, 15484, 1184, 18], [71, 15484, 7, 18], [71, 15484, 7, 18], [88, 15484, 95, 17], [], [88, 15502, 1184, 18], [71, 15502, 7, 18], [71, 15502, 7, 18], [88, 15502, 156, 17], [], [88, 15520, 1184, 18], [71, 15520, 7, 18], [71, 15520, 7, 18], [88, 15520, 151, 17], [], [88, 15538, 1184, 18], [71, 15538, 7, 18], [71, 15538, 7, 18], [88, 15538, 85, 17], [], [88, 15556, 1184, 18], [71, 15556, 7, 18], [71, 15556, 7, 18], [88, 15556, 102, 17], [], [88, 15574, 1184, 18], [71, 15574, 7, 18], [71, 15574, 7, 18], [88, 15574, 154, 17], [], [88, 15592, 1184, 18], [71, 15592, 7, 18], [71, 15592, 7, 18], [88, 15592, 37, 17], [], [88, 15610, 1184, 18], [71, 15610, 7, 18], [71, 15610, 7, 18], [88, 15610, 28, 17], [], [88, 15628, 1184, 18], [71, 15628, 7, 18], [71, 15628, 7, 18], [88, 15628, 47, 17], [], [88, 15646, 1184, 18], [71, 15646, 7, 18], [71, 15646, 7, 18], [88, 15646, 71, 17], [], [88, 15664, 1184, 18], [71, 15664, 7, 18], [71, 15664, 7, 18], [88, 15664, 60, 17], [], [88, 15682, 1184, 18], [71, 15682, 7, 18], [71, 15682, 7, 18], [88, 15682, 136, 17], [], [48, 15700, 1224, 18], [31, 15700, 7, 18], [31, 15700, 7, 18], [48, 15700, 85, 17], [], [48, 15718, 1224, 810], [31, 15718, 7, 18], [31, 15718, 7, 18], [48, 15718, 103, 17], [], [48, 15736, 1224, 792], [88, 15736, 1184, 36], [71, 15736, 7, 18], [71, 15736, 7, 18], [88, 15736, 161, 17], [], [88, 15754, 1184, 18], [128, 15754, 1144, 18], [111, 15754, 7, 18], [111, 15754, 7, 18], [128, 15754, 58, 17], [], [88, 15772, 1184, 198], [71, 15772, 7, 18], [71, 15772, 7, 18], [88, 15772, 211, 17], [], [88, 15790, 1184, 180], [128, 15790, 1144, 18], [111, 15790, 7, 18], [111, 15790, 7, 18], [128, 15790, 94, 17], [], [128, 15808, 1144, 18], [111, 15808, 7, 18], [111, 15808, 7, 18], [128, 15808, 76, 17], [], [128, 15826, 1144, 18], [111, 15826, 7, 18], [111, 15826, 7, 18], [128, 15826, 52, 17], [], [128, 15844, 1144, 18], [111, 15844, 7, 18], [111, 15844, 7, 18], [128, 15844, 96, 17], [], [128, 15862, 1144, 18], [111, 15862, 7, 18], [111, 15862, 7, 18], [128, 15862, 96, 17], [], [128, 15880, 1144, 18], [111, 15880, 7, 18], [111, 15880, 7, 18], [128, 15880, 88, 17], [], [128, 15898, 1144, 18], [111, 15898, 7, 18], [111, 15898, 7, 18], [128, 15898, 77, 17], [], [128, 15916, 1144, 18], [111, 15916, 7, 18], [111, 15916, 7, 18], [128, 15916, 26, 17], [], [128, 15934, 1144, 18], [111, 15934, 7, 18], [111, 15934, 7, 18], [128, 15934, 61, 17], [], [128, 15952, 1144, 18], [111, 15952, 7, 18], [111, 15952, 7, 18], [128, 15952, 104, 17], [], [88, 15970, 1184, 72], [71, 15970, 7, 18], [71, 15970, 7, 18], [88, 15970, 147, 17], [], [88, 15988, 1184, 54], [128, 15988, 1144, 18], [111, 15988, 7, 18], [111, 15988, 7, 18], [128, 15988, 41, 17], [], [128, 16006, 1144, 18], [111, 16006, 7, 18], [111, 16006, 7, 18], [128, 16006, 33, 17], [], [128, 16024, 1144, 18], [111, 16024, 7, 18], [111, 16024, 7, 18], [128, 16024, 35, 17], [], [88, 16042, 1184, 36], [71, 16042, 7, 18], [71, 16042, 7, 18], [88, 16042, 92, 17], [], [88, 16060, 1184, 18], [128, 16060, 1144, 18], [111, 16060, 7, 18], [111, 16060, 7, 18], [128, 16060, 96, 17], [], [88, 16078, 1184, 36], [71, 16078, 7, 18], [71, 16078, 7, 18], [88, 16078, 137, 17], [], [88, 16096, 1184, 18], [128, 16096, 1144, 18], [111, 16096, 7, 18], [111, 16096, 7, 18], [128, 16096, 81, 17], [], [88, 16114, 1184, 36], [71, 16114, 7, 18], [71, 16114, 7, 18], [88, 16114, 195, 17], [], [88, 16132, 1184, 18], [128, 16132, 1144, 18], [111, 16132, 7, 18], [111, 16132, 7, 18], [128, 16132, 66, 17], [], [88, 16150, 1184, 90], [71, 16150, 7, 18], [71, 16150, 7, 18], [88, 16150, 89, 17], [], [88, 16168, 1184, 72], [128, 16168, 1144, 18], [111, 16168, 7, 18], [111, 16168, 7, 18], [128, 16168, 215, 17], [], [128, 16186, 1144, 18], [111, 16186, 7, 18], [111, 16186, 7, 18], [128, 16186, 173, 17], [], [128, 16204, 1144, 18], [111, 16204, 7, 18], [111, 16204, 7, 18], [128, 16204, 150, 17], [], [128, 16222, 1144, 18], [111, 16222, 7, 18], [111, 16222, 7, 18], [128, 16222, 166, 17], [], [88, 16240, 1184, 144], [71, 16240, 7, 18], [71, 16240, 7, 18], [88, 16240, 131, 17], [], [88, 16258, 1184, 126], [128, 16258, 1144, 18], [111, 16258, 7, 18], [111, 16258, 7, 18], [128, 16258, 189, 17], [], [128, 16276, 1144, 18], [111, 16276, 7, 18], [111, 16276, 7, 18], [128, 16276, 187, 17], [], [128, 16294, 1144, 18], [111, 16294, 7, 18], [111, 16294, 7, 18], [128, 16294, 185, 17], [], [128, 16312, 1144, 18], [111, 16312, 7, 18], [111, 16312, 7, 18], [128, 16312, 212, 17], [], [128, 16330, 1144, 18], [111, 16330, 7, 18], [111, 16330, 7, 18], [128, 16330, 257, 17], [], [128, 16348, 1144, 18], [111, 16348, 7, 18], [111, 16348, 7, 18], [128, 16348, 186, 17], [], [128, 16366, 1144, 18], [111, 16366, 7, 18], [111, 16366, 7, 18], [128, 16366, 196, 17], [], [88, 16384, 1184, 18], [71, 16384, 7, 18], [71, 16384, 7, 18], [88, 16384, 153, 17], [], [88, 16402, 1184, 18], [71, 16402, 7, 18], [71, 16402, 7, 18], [88, 16402, 192, 17], [], [88, 16420, 1184, 36], [71, 16420, 7, 18], [71, 16420, 7, 18], [88, 16420, 88, 17], [], [88, 16438, 1184, 18], [128, 16438, 1144, 18], [111, 16438, 7, 18], [111, 16438, 7, 18], [128, 16438, 33, 17], [], [88, 16456, 1184, 36], [71, 16456, 7, 18], [71, 16456, 7, 18], [88, 16456, 78, 17], [], [88, 16474, 1184, 18], [128, 16474, 1144, 18], [111, 16474, 7, 18], [111, 16474, 7, 18], [128, 16474, 23, 17], [], [88, 16492, 1184, 36], [71, 16492, 7, 18], [71, 16492, 7, 18], [88, 16492, 97, 17], [], [88, 16510, 1184, 18], [128, 16510, 1144, 18], [111, 16510, 7, 18], [111, 16510, 7, 18], [128, 16510, 86, 17], [], [48, 16528, 1224, 576], [31, 16528, 7, 18], [31, 16528, 7, 18], [48, 16528, 80, 17], [], [48, 16546, 1224, 558], [88, 16546, 1184, 234], [71, 16546, 7, 18], [71, 16546, 7, 18], [88, 16546, 181, 17], [], [88, 16564, 1184, 216], [128, 16564, 1144, 18], [111, 16564, 7, 18], [111, 16564, 7, 18], [128, 16564, 48, 17], [], [128, 16582, 1144, 18], [111, 16582, 7, 18], [111, 16582, 7, 18], [128, 16582, 57, 17], [], [128, 16600, 1144, 18], [111, 16600, 7, 18], [111, 16600, 7, 18], [128, 16600, 64, 17], [], [128, 16618, 1144, 18], [111, 16618, 7, 18], [111, 16618, 7, 18], [128, 16618, 36, 17], [], [128, 16636, 1144, 18], [111, 16636, 7, 18], [111, 16636, 7, 18], [128, 16636, 39, 17], [], [128, 16654, 1144, 18], [111, 16654, 7, 18], [111, 16654, 7, 18], [128, 16654, 79, 17], [], [128, 16672, 1144, 18], [111, 16672, 7, 18], [111, 16672, 7, 18], [128, 16672, 69, 17], [], [128, 16690, 1144, 18], [111, 16690, 7, 18], [111, 16690, 7, 18], [128, 16690, 161, 17], [], [128, 16708, 1144, 18], [111, 16708, 7, 18], [111, 16708, 7, 18], [128, 16708, 102, 17], [], [128, 16726, 1144, 18], [111, 16726, 7, 18], [111, 16726, 7, 18], [128, 16726, 56, 17], [], [128, 16744, 1144, 18], [111, 16744, 7, 18], [111, 16744, 7, 18], [128, 16744, 42, 17], [], [128, 16762, 1144, 18], [111, 16762, 7, 18], [111, 16762, 7, 18], [128, 16762, 96, 17], [], [88, 16780, 1184, 306], [71, 16780, 7, 18], [71, 16780, 7, 18], [88, 16780, 152, 17], [], [88, 16798, 1184, 288], [128, 16798, 1144, 18], [111, 16798, 7, 18], [111, 16798, 7, 18], [128, 16798, 42, 17], [], [128, 16816, 1144, 18], [111, 16816, 7, 18], [111, 16816, 7, 18], [128, 16816, 55, 17], [], [128, 16834, 1144, 18], [111, 16834, 7, 18], [111, 16834, 7, 18], [128, 16834, 77, 17], [], [128, 16852, 1144, 18], [111, 16852, 7, 18], [111, 16852, 7, 18], [128, 16852, 51, 17], [], [128, 16870, 1144, 18], [111, 16870, 7, 18], [111, 16870, 7, 18], [128, 16870, 48, 17], [], [128, 16888, 1144, 18], [111, 16888, 7, 18], [111, 16888, 7, 18], [128, 16888, 47, 17], [], [128, 16906, 1144, 18], [111, 16906, 7, 18], [111, 16906, 7, 18], [128, 16906, 102, 17], [], [128, 16924, 1144, 18], [111, 16924, 7, 18], [111, 16924, 7, 18], [128, 16924, 57, 17], [], [128, 16942, 1144, 18], [111, 16942, 7, 18], [111, 16942, 7, 18], [128, 16942, 31, 17], [], [128, 16960, 1144, 18], [111, 16960, 7, 18], [111, 16960, 7, 18], [128, 16960, 109, 17], [], [128, 16978, 1144, 18], [111, 16978, 7, 18], [111, 16978, 7, 18], [128, 16978, 72, 17], [], [128, 16996, 1144, 18], [111, 16996, 7, 18], [111, 16996, 7, 18], [128, 16996, 145, 17], [], [128, 17014, 1144, 18], [111, 17014, 7, 18], [111, 17014, 7, 18], [128, 17014, 112, 17], [], [128, 17032, 1144, 18], [111, 17032, 7, 18], [111, 17032, 7, 18], [128, 17032, 119, 17], [], [128, 17050, 1144, 18], [111, 17050, 7, 18], [111, 17050, 7, 18], [128, 17050, 108, 17], [], [128, 17068, 1144, 18], [111, 17068, 7, 18], [111, 17068, 7, 18], [128, 17068, 95, 17], [], [88, 17086, 1184, 18], [71, 17086, 7, 18], [71, 17086, 7, 18], [88, 17086, 65, 17], [], [48, 17104, 1224, 2502], [31, 17104, 7, 18], [31, 17104, 7, 18], [48, 17104, 115, 17], [], [48, 17122, 1224, 2484], [88, 17122, 1184, 90], [71, 17122, 7, 18], [71, 17122, 7, 18], [88, 17122, 95, 17], [], [88, 17140, 1184, 72], [128, 17140, 1144, 18], [111, 17140, 7, 18], [111, 17140, 7, 18], [128, 17140, 100, 17], [], [128, 17158, 1144, 18], [111, 17158, 7, 18], [111, 17158, 7, 18], [128, 17158, 124, 17], [], [128, 17176, 1144, 18], [111, 17176, 7, 18], [111, 17176, 7, 18], [128, 17176, 96, 17], [], [128, 17194, 1144, 18], [111, 17194, 7, 18], [111, 17194, 7, 18], [128, 17194, 136, 17], [], [88, 17212, 1184, 90], [71, 17212, 7, 18], [71, 17212, 7, 18], [88, 17212, 52, 17], [], [88, 17230, 1184, 72], [128, 17230, 1144, 18], [111, 17230, 7, 18], [111, 17230, 7, 18], [128, 17230, 250, 17], [], [128, 17248, 1144, 18], [111, 17248, 7, 18], [111, 17248, 7, 18], [128, 17248, 176, 17], [], [128, 17266, 1144, 18], [111, 17266, 7, 18], [111, 17266, 7, 18], [128, 17266, 135, 17], [], [128, 17284, 1144, 18], [111, 17284, 7, 18], [111, 17284, 7, 18], [128, 17284, 91, 17], [], [88, 17302, 1184, 432], [71, 17302, 7, 18], [71, 17302, 7, 18], [88, 17302, 144, 17], [], [88, 17320, 1184, 414], [128, 17320, 1144, 18], [111, 17320, 7, 18], [111, 17320, 7, 18], [128, 17320, 165, 17], [], [128, 17338, 1144, 18], [111, 17338, 7, 18], [111, 17338, 7, 18], [128, 17338, 303, 17], [], [128, 17356, 1144, 18], [111, 17356, 7, 18], [111, 17356, 7, 18], [128, 17356, 246, 17], [], [128, 17374, 1144, 18], [111, 17374, 7, 18], [111, 17374, 7, 18], [128, 17374, 253, 17], [], [128, 17392, 1144, 18], [111, 17392, 7, 18], [111, 17392, 7, 18], [128, 17392, 234, 17], [], [128, 17410, 1144, 18], [111, 17410, 7, 18], [111, 17410, 7, 18], [128, 17410, 237, 17], [], [128, 17428, 1144, 18], [111, 17428, 7, 18], [111, 17428, 7, 18], [128, 17428, 276, 17], [], [128, 17446, 1144, 18], [111, 17446, 7, 18], [111, 17446, 7, 18], [128, 17446, 291, 17], [], [128, 17464, 1144, 18], [111, 17464, 7, 18], [111, 17464, 7, 18], [128, 17464, 281, 17], [], [128, 17482, 1144, 18], [111, 17482, 7, 18], [111, 17482, 7, 18], [128, 17482, 84, 17], [], [128, 17500, 1144, 18], [111, 17500, 7, 18], [111, 17500, 7, 18], [128, 17500, 85, 17], [], [128, 17518, 1144, 18], [111, 17518, 7, 18], [111, 17518, 7, 18], [128, 17518, 173, 17], [], [128, 17536, 1144, 18], [111, 17536, 7, 18], [111, 17536, 7, 18], [128, 17536, 225, 17], [], [128, 17554, 1144, 18], [111, 17554, 7, 18], [111, 17554, 7, 18], [128, 17554, 275, 17], [], [128, 17572, 1144, 18], [111, 17572, 7, 18], [111, 17572, 7, 18], [128, 17572, 50, 17], [], [128, 17590, 1144, 18], [111, 17590, 7, 18], [111, 17590, 7, 18], [128, 17590, 47, 17], [], [128, 17608, 1144, 18], [111, 17608, 7, 18], [111, 17608, 7, 18], [128, 17608, 102, 17], [], [128, 17626, 1144, 18], [111, 17626, 7, 18], [111, 17626, 7, 18], [128, 17626, 161, 17], [], [128, 17644, 1144, 18], [111, 17644, 7, 18], [111, 17644, 7, 18], [128, 17644, 231, 17], [], [128, 17662, 1144, 18], [111, 17662, 7, 18], [111, 17662, 7, 18], [128, 17662, 231, 17], [], [128, 17680, 1144, 18], [111, 17680, 7, 18], [111, 17680, 7, 18], [128, 17680, 248, 17], [], [128, 17698, 1144, 18], [111, 17698, 7, 18], [111, 17698, 7, 18], [128, 17698, 209, 17], [], [128, 17716, 1144, 18], [111, 17716, 7, 18], [111, 17716, 7, 18], [128, 17716, 225, 17], [], [88, 17734, 1184, 90], [71, 17734, 7, 18], [71, 17734, 7, 18], [88, 17734, 163, 17], [], [88, 17752, 1184, 72], [128, 17752, 1144, 18], [111, 17752, 7, 18], [111, 17752, 7, 18], [128, 17752, 127, 17], [], [128, 17770, 1144, 18], [111, 17770, 7, 18], [111, 17770, 7, 18], [128, 17770, 209, 17], [], [128, 17788, 1144, 18], [111, 17788, 7, 18], [111, 17788, 7, 18], [128, 17788, 165, 17], [], [128, 17806, 1144, 18], [111, 17806, 7, 18], [111, 17806, 7, 18], [128, 17806, 160, 17], [], [88, 17824, 1184, 792], [71, 17824, 7, 18], [71, 17824, 7, 18], [88, 17824, 129, 17], [], [88, 17842, 1184, 774], [128, 17842, 1144, 18], [111, 17842, 7, 18], [111, 17842, 7, 18], [128, 17842, 85, 17], [], [128, 17860, 1144, 18], [111, 17860, 7, 18], [111, 17860, 7, 18], [128, 17860, 116, 17], [], [128, 17878, 1144, 18], [111, 17878, 7, 18], [111, 17878, 7, 18], [128, 17878, 58, 17], [], [128, 17896, 1144, 18], [111, 17896, 7, 18], [111, 17896, 7, 18], [128, 17896, 45, 17], [], [128, 17914, 1144, 18], [111, 17914, 7, 18], [111, 17914, 7, 18], [128, 17914, 54, 17], [], [128, 17932, 1144, 18], [111, 17932, 7, 18], [111, 17932, 7, 18], [128, 17932, 82, 17], [], [128, 17950, 1144, 18], [111, 17950, 7, 18], [111, 17950, 7, 18], [128, 17950, 180, 17], [], [128, 17968, 1144, 18], [111, 17968, 7, 18], [111, 17968, 7, 18], [128, 17968, 43, 17], [], [128, 17986, 1144, 18], [111, 17986, 7, 18], [111, 17986, 7, 18], [128, 17986, 57, 17], [], [128, 18004, 1144, 18], [111, 18004, 7, 18], [111, 18004, 7, 18], [128, 18004, 44, 17], [], [128, 18022, 1144, 18], [111, 18022, 7, 18], [111, 18022, 7, 18], [128, 18022, 181, 17], [], [128, 18040, 1144, 18], [111, 18040, 7, 18], [111, 18040, 7, 18], [128, 18040, 233, 17], [], [128, 18058, 1144, 18], [111, 18058, 7, 18], [111, 18058, 7, 18], [128, 18058, 82, 17], [], [128, 18076, 1144, 18], [111, 18076, 7, 18], [111, 18076, 7, 18], [128, 18076, 95, 17], [], [128, 18094, 1144, 18], [111, 18094, 7, 18], [111, 18094, 7, 18], [128, 18094, 67, 17], [], [128, 18112, 1144, 18], [111, 18112, 7, 18], [111, 18112, 7, 18], [128, 18112, 84, 17], [], [128, 18130, 1144, 18], [111, 18130, 7, 18], [111, 18130, 7, 18], [128, 18130, 85, 17], [], [128, 18148, 1144, 18], [111, 18148, 7, 18], [111, 18148, 7, 18], [128, 18148, 44, 17], [], [128, 18166, 1144, 18], [111, 18166, 7, 18], [111, 18166, 7, 18], [128, 18166, 159, 17], [], [128, 18184, 1144, 18], [111, 18184, 7, 18], [111, 18184, 7, 18], [128, 18184, 169, 17], [], [128, 18202, 1144, 18], [111, 18202, 7, 18], [111, 18202, 7, 18], [128, 18202, 97, 17], [], [128, 18220, 1144, 18], [111, 18220, 7, 18], [111, 18220, 7, 18], [128, 18220, 64, 17], [], [128, 18238, 1144, 18], [111, 18238, 7, 18], [111, 18238, 7, 18], [128, 18238, 186, 17], [], [128, 18256, 1144, 18], [111, 18256, 7, 18], [111, 18256, 7, 18], [128, 18256, 141, 17], [], [128, 18274, 1144, 18], [111, 18274, 7, 18], [111, 18274, 7, 18], [128, 18274, 77, 17], [], [128, 18292, 1144, 18], [111, 18292, 7, 18], [111, 18292, 7, 18], [128, 18292, 69, 17], [], [128, 18310, 1144, 18], [111, 18310, 7, 18], [111, 18310, 7, 18], [128, 18310, 183, 17], [], [128, 18328, 1144, 18], [111, 18328, 7, 18], [111, 18328, 7, 18], [128, 18328, 54, 17], [], [128, 18346, 1144, 18], [111, 18346, 7, 18], [111, 18346, 7, 18], [128, 18346, 44, 17], [], [128, 18364, 1144, 18], [111, 18364, 7, 18], [111, 18364, 7, 18], [128, 18364, 52, 17], [], [128, 18382, 1144, 18], [111, 18382, 7, 18], [111, 18382, 7, 18], [128, 18382, 65, 17], [], [128, 18400, 1144, 18], [111, 18400, 7, 18], [111, 18400, 7, 18], [128, 18400, 127, 17], [], [128, 18418, 1144, 18], [111, 18418, 7, 18], [111, 18418, 7, 18], [128, 18418, 68, 17], [], [128, 18436, 1144, 18], [111, 18436, 7, 18], [111, 18436, 7, 18], [128, 18436, 63, 17], [], [128, 18454, 1144, 18], [111, 18454, 7, 18], [111, 18454, 7, 18], [128, 18454, 80, 17], [], [128, 18472, 1144, 18], [111, 18472, 7, 18], [111, 18472, 7, 18], [128, 18472, 48, 17], [], [128, 18490, 1144, 18], [111, 18490, 7, 18], [111, 18490, 7, 18], [128, 18490, 33, 17], [], [128, 18508, 1144, 18], [111, 18508, 7, 18], [111, 18508, 7, 18], [128, 18508, 56, 17], [], [128, 18526, 1144, 18], [111, 18526, 7, 18], [111, 18526, 7, 18], [128, 18526, 148, 17], [], [128, 18544, 1144, 18], [111, 18544, 7, 18], [111, 18544, 7, 18], [128, 18544, 143, 17], [], [128, 18562, 1144, 18], [111, 18562, 7, 18], [111, 18562, 7, 18], [128, 18562, 142, 17], [], [128, 18580, 1144, 18], [111, 18580, 7, 18], [111, 18580, 7, 18], [128, 18580, 50, 17], [], [128, 18598, 1144, 18], [111, 18598, 7, 18], [111, 18598, 7, 18], [128, 18598, 33, 17], [], [88, 18616, 1184, 90], [71, 18616, 7, 18], [71, 18616, 7, 18], [88, 18616, 151, 17], [], [88, 18634, 1184, 72], [128, 18634, 1144, 18], [111, 18634, 7, 18], [111, 18634, 7, 18], [128, 18634, 32, 17], [], [128, 18652, 1144, 18], [111, 18652, 7, 18], [111, 18652, 7, 18], [128, 18652, 70, 17], [], [128, 18670, 1144, 18], [111, 18670, 7, 18], [111, 18670, 7, 18], [128, 18670, 51, 17], [], [128, 18688, 1144, 18], [111, 18688, 7, 18], [111, 18688, 7, 18], [128, 18688, 30, 17], [], [88, 18706, 1184, 108], [71, 18706, 7, 18], [71, 18706, 7, 18], [88, 18706, 161, 17], [], [88, 18724, 1184, 90], [128, 18724, 1144, 18], [111, 18724, 7, 18], [111, 18724, 7, 18], [128, 18724, 125, 17], [], [128, 18742, 1144, 18], [111, 18742, 7, 18], [111, 18742, 7, 18], [128, 18742, 114, 17], [], [128, 18760, 1144, 18], [111, 18760, 7, 18], [111, 18760, 7, 18], [128, 18760, 131, 17], [], [128, 18778, 1144, 18], [111, 18778, 7, 18], [111, 18778, 7, 18], [128, 18778, 125, 17], [], [128, 18796, 1144, 18], [111, 18796, 7, 18], [111, 18796, 7, 18], [128, 18796, 130, 17], [], [88, 18814, 1184, 216], [71, 18814, 7, 18], [71, 18814, 7, 18], [88, 18814, 114, 17], [], [88, 18832, 1184, 198], [128, 18832, 1144, 18], [111, 18832, 7, 18], [111, 18832, 7, 18], [128, 18832, 37, 17], [], [128, 18850, 1144, 18], [111, 18850, 7, 18], [111, 18850, 7, 18], [128, 18850, 20, 17], [], [128, 18868, 1144, 18], [111, 18868, 7, 18], [111, 18868, 7, 18], [128, 18868, 49, 17], [], [128, 18886, 1144, 18], [111, 18886, 7, 18], [111, 18886, 7, 18], [128, 18886, 47, 17], [], [128, 18904, 1144, 18], [111, 18904, 7, 18], [111, 18904, 7, 18], [128, 18904, 162, 17], [], [128, 18922, 1144, 18], [111, 18922, 7, 18], [111, 18922, 7, 18], [128, 18922, 137, 17], [], [128, 18940, 1144, 18], [111, 18940, 7, 18], [111, 18940, 7, 18], [128, 18940, 29, 17], [], [128, 18958, 1144, 18], [111, 18958, 7, 18], [111, 18958, 7, 18], [128, 18958, 50, 17], [], [128, 18976, 1144, 18], [111, 18976, 7, 18], [111, 18976, 7, 18], [128, 18976, 175, 17], [], [128, 18994, 1144, 18], [111, 18994, 7, 18], [111, 18994, 7, 18], [128, 18994, 85, 17], [], [128, 19012, 1144, 18], [111, 19012, 7, 18], [111, 19012, 7, 18], [128, 19012, 211, 17], [], [88, 19030, 1184, 72], [71, 19030, 7, 18], [71, 19030, 7, 18], [88, 19030, 76, 17], [], [88, 19048, 1184, 54], [128, 19048, 1144, 18], [111, 19048, 7, 18], [111, 19048, 7, 18], [128, 19048, 76, 17], [], [128, 19066, 1144, 18], [111, 19066, 7, 18], [111, 19066, 7, 18], [128, 19066, 131, 17], [], [128, 19084, 1144, 18], [111, 19084, 7, 18], [111, 19084, 7, 18], [128, 19084, 149, 17], [], [88, 19102, 1184, 324], [71, 19102, 7, 18], [71, 19102, 7, 18], [88, 19102, 165, 17], [], [88, 19120, 1184, 306], [128, 19120, 1144, 18], [111, 19120, 7, 18], [111, 19120, 7, 18], [128, 19120, 72, 17], [], [128, 19138, 1144, 18], [111, 19138, 7, 18], [111, 19138, 7, 18], [128, 19138, 69, 17], [], [128, 19156, 1144, 18], [111, 19156, 7, 18], [111, 19156, 7, 18], [128, 19156, 112, 17], [], [128, 19174, 1144, 18], [111, 19174, 7, 18], [111, 19174, 7, 18], [128, 19174, 131, 17], [], [128, 19192, 1144, 18], [111, 19192, 7, 18], [111, 19192, 7, 18], [128, 19192, 150, 17], [], [128, 19210, 1144, 18], [111, 19210, 7, 18], [111, 19210, 7, 18], [128, 19210, 139, 17], [], [128, 19228, 1144, 18], [111, 19228, 7, 18], [111, 19228, 7, 18], [128, 19228, 216, 17], [], [128, 19246, 1144, 18], [111, 19246, 7, 18], [111, 19246, 7, 18], [128, 19246, 151, 17], [], [128, 19264, 1144, 18], [111, 19264, 7, 18], [111, 19264, 7, 18], [128, 19264, 143, 17], [], [128, 19282, 1144, 18], [111, 19282, 7, 18], [111, 19282, 7, 18], [128, 19282, 102, 17], [], [128, 19300, 1144, 18], [111, 19300, 7, 18], [111, 19300, 7, 18], [128, 19300, 196, 17], [], [128, 19318, 1144, 18], [111, 19318, 7, 18], [111, 19318, 7, 18], [128, 19318, 104, 17], [], [128, 19336, 1144, 18], [111, 19336, 7, 18], [111, 19336, 7, 18], [128, 19336, 133, 17], [], [128, 19354, 1144, 18], [111, 19354, 7, 18], [111, 19354, 7, 18], [128, 19354, 210, 17], [], [128, 19372, 1144, 18], [111, 19372, 7, 18], [111, 19372, 7, 18], [128, 19372, 144, 17], [], [128, 19390, 1144, 18], [111, 19390, 7, 18], [111, 19390, 7, 18], [128, 19390, 99, 17], [], [128, 19408, 1144, 18], [111, 19408, 7, 18], [111, 19408, 7, 18], [128, 19408, 139, 17], [], [88, 19426, 1184, 90], [71, 19426, 7, 18], [71, 19426, 7, 18], [88, 19426, 96, 17], [], [88, 19444, 1184, 72], [128, 19444, 1144, 18], [111, 19444, 7, 18], [111, 19444, 7, 18], [128, 19444, 90, 17], [], [128, 19462, 1144, 18], [111, 19462, 7, 18], [111, 19462, 7, 18], [128, 19462, 86, 17], [], [128, 19480, 1144, 18], [111, 19480, 7, 18], [111, 19480, 7, 18], [128, 19480, 102, 17], [], [128, 19498, 1144, 18], [111, 19498, 7, 18], [111, 19498, 7, 18], [128, 19498, 78, 17], [], [88, 19516, 1184, 72], [71, 19516, 7, 18], [71, 19516, 7, 18], [88, 19516, 180, 17], [], [88, 19534, 1184, 54], [128, 19534, 1144, 18], [111, 19534, 7, 18], [111, 19534, 7, 18], [128, 19534, 60, 17], [], [128, 19552, 1144, 18], [111, 19552, 7, 18], [111, 19552, 7, 18], [128, 19552, 75, 17], [], [128, 19570, 1144, 18], [111, 19570, 7, 18], [111, 19570, 7, 18], [128, 19570, 69, 17], [], [88, 19588, 1184, 18], [71, 19588, 7, 18], [71, 19588, 7, 18], [88, 19588, 40, 17], [], [48, 19606, 1224, 36], [31, 19606, 7, 18], [31, 19606, 7, 18], [48, 19606, 92, 17], [], [48, 19624, 1224, 18], [88, 19624, 1184, 18], [71, 19624, 7, 18], [71, 19624, 7, 18], [88, 19624, 166, 17], [], [48, 19642, 1224, 3456], [31, 19642, 7, 18], [31, 19642, 7, 18], [48, 19642, 95, 17], [], [48, 19660, 1224, 3438], [88, 19660, 1184, 252], [71, 19660, 7, 18], [71, 19660, 7, 18], [88, 19660, 238, 17], [], [88, 19678, 1184, 234], [128, 19678, 1144, 18], [111, 19678, 7, 18], [111, 19678, 7, 18], [128, 19678, 73, 17], [], [128, 19696, 1144, 18], [111, 19696, 7, 18], [111, 19696, 7, 18], [128, 19696, 106, 17], [], [128, 19714, 1144, 18], [111, 19714, 7, 18], [111, 19714, 7, 18], [128, 19714, 28, 17], [], [128, 19732, 1144, 18], [111, 19732, 7, 18], [111, 19732, 7, 18], [128, 19732, 35, 17], [], [128, 19750, 1144, 18], [111, 19750, 7, 18], [111, 19750, 7, 18], [128, 19750, 145, 17], [], [128, 19768, 1144, 18], [111, 19768, 7, 18], [111, 19768, 7, 18], [128, 19768, 73, 17], [], [128, 19786, 1144, 18], [111, 19786, 7, 18], [111, 19786, 7, 18], [128, 19786, 92, 17], [], [128, 19804, 1144, 18], [111, 19804, 7, 18], [111, 19804, 7, 18], [128, 19804, 76, 17], [], [128, 19822, 1144, 18], [111, 19822, 7, 18], [111, 19822, 7, 18], [128, 19822, 63, 17], [], [128, 19840, 1144, 18], [111, 19840, 7, 18], [111, 19840, 7, 18], [128, 19840, 101, 17], [], [128, 19858, 1144, 18], [111, 19858, 7, 18], [111, 19858, 7, 18], [128, 19858, 50, 17], [], [128, 19876, 1144, 18], [111, 19876, 7, 18], [111, 19876, 7, 18], [128, 19876, 85, 17], [], [128, 19894, 1144, 18], [111, 19894, 7, 18], [111, 19894, 7, 18], [128, 19894, 96, 17], [], [88, 19912, 1184, 72], [71, 19912, 7, 18], [71, 19912, 7, 18], [88, 19912, 61, 17], [], [88, 19930, 1184, 54], [128, 19930, 1144, 18], [111, 19930, 7, 18], [111, 19930, 7, 18], [128, 19930, 299, 17], [], [128, 19948, 1144, 18], [111, 19948, 7, 18], [111, 19948, 7, 18], [128, 19948, 148, 17], [], [128, 19966, 1144, 18], [111, 19966, 7, 18], [111, 19966, 7, 18], [128, 19966, 181, 17], [], [88, 19984, 1184, 450], [71, 19984, 7, 18], [71, 19984, 7, 18], [88, 19984, 103, 17], [], [88, 20002, 1184, 432], [128, 20002, 1144, 18], [111, 20002, 7, 18], [111, 20002, 7, 18], [128, 20002, 106, 17], [], [128, 20020, 1144, 18], [111, 20020, 7, 18], [111, 20020, 7, 18], [128, 20020, 74, 17], [], [128, 20038, 1144, 18], [111, 20038, 7, 18], [111, 20038, 7, 18], [128, 20038, 44, 17], [], [128, 20056, 1144, 18], [111, 20056, 7, 18], [111, 20056, 7, 18], [128, 20056, 166, 17], [], [128, 20074, 1144, 18], [111, 20074, 7, 18], [111, 20074, 7, 18], [128, 20074, 133, 17], [], [128, 20092, 1144, 18], [111, 20092, 7, 18], [111, 20092, 7, 18], [128, 20092, 86, 17], [], [128, 20110, 1144, 18], [111, 20110, 7, 18], [111, 20110, 7, 18], [128, 20110, 232, 17], [], [128, 20128, 1144, 18], [111, 20128, 7, 18], [111, 20128, 7, 18], [128, 20128, 34, 17], [], [128, 20146, 1144, 18], [111, 20146, 7, 18], [111, 20146, 7, 18], [128, 20146, 117, 17], [], [128, 20164, 1144, 18], [111, 20164, 7, 18], [111, 20164, 7, 18], [128, 20164, 186, 17], [], [128, 20182, 1144, 18], [111, 20182, 7, 18], [111, 20182, 7, 18], [128, 20182, 132, 17], [], [128, 20200, 1144, 18], [111, 20200, 7, 18], [111, 20200, 7, 18], [128, 20200, 97, 17], [], [128, 20218, 1144, 18], [111, 20218, 7, 18], [111, 20218, 7, 18], [128, 20218, 220, 17], [], [128, 20236, 1144, 18], [111, 20236, 7, 18], [111, 20236, 7, 18], [128, 20236, 169, 17], [], [128, 20254, 1144, 18], [111, 20254, 7, 18], [111, 20254, 7, 18], [128, 20254, 159, 17], [], [128, 20272, 1144, 18], [111, 20272, 7, 18], [111, 20272, 7, 18], [128, 20272, 205, 17], [], [128, 20290, 1144, 18], [111, 20290, 7, 18], [111, 20290, 7, 18], [128, 20290, 81, 17], [], [128, 20308, 1144, 18], [111, 20308, 7, 18], [111, 20308, 7, 18], [128, 20308, 126, 17], [], [128, 20326, 1144, 18], [111, 20326, 7, 18], [111, 20326, 7, 18], [128, 20326, 39, 17], [], [128, 20344, 1144, 18], [111, 20344, 7, 18], [111, 20344, 7, 18], [128, 20344, 69, 17], [], [128, 20362, 1144, 18], [111, 20362, 7, 18], [111, 20362, 7, 18], [128, 20362, 59, 17], [], [128, 20380, 1144, 18], [111, 20380, 7, 18], [111, 20380, 7, 18], [128, 20380, 304, 17], [], [128, 20398, 1144, 18], [111, 20398, 7, 18], [111, 20398, 7, 18], [128, 20398, 234, 17], [], [128, 20416, 1144, 18], [111, 20416, 7, 18], [111, 20416, 7, 18], [128, 20416, 71, 17], [], [88, 20434, 1184, 234], [71, 20434, 7, 18], [71, 20434, 7, 18], [88, 20434, 68, 17], [], [88, 20452, 1184, 216], [128, 20452, 1144, 18], [111, 20452, 7, 18], [111, 20452, 7, 18], [128, 20452, 206, 17], [], [128, 20470, 1144, 18], [111, 20470, 7, 18], [111, 20470, 7, 18], [128, 20470, 137, 17], [], [128, 20488, 1144, 18], [111, 20488, 7, 18], [111, 20488, 7, 18], [128, 20488, 155, 17], [], [128, 20506, 1144, 18], [111, 20506, 7, 18], [111, 20506, 7, 18], [128, 20506, 143, 17], [], [128, 20524, 1144, 18], [111, 20524, 7, 18], [111, 20524, 7, 18], [128, 20524, 200, 17], [], [128, 20542, 1144, 18], [111, 20542, 7, 18], [111, 20542, 7, 18], [128, 20542, 184, 17], [], [128, 20560, 1144, 18], [111, 20560, 7, 18], [111, 20560, 7, 18], [128, 20560, 172, 17], [], [128, 20578, 1144, 18], [111, 20578, 7, 18], [111, 20578, 7, 18], [128, 20578, 227, 17], [], [128, 20596, 1144, 18], [111, 20596, 7, 18], [111, 20596, 7, 18], [128, 20596, 148, 17], [], [128, 20614, 1144, 18], [111, 20614, 7, 18], [111, 20614, 7, 18], [128, 20614, 148, 17], [], [128, 20632, 1144, 18], [111, 20632, 7, 18], [111, 20632, 7, 18], [128, 20632, 138, 17], [], [128, 20650, 1144, 18], [111, 20650, 7, 18], [111, 20650, 7, 18], [128, 20650, 178, 17], [], [88, 20668, 1184, 198], [71, 20668, 7, 18], [71, 20668, 7, 18], [88, 20668, 148, 17], [], [88, 20686, 1184, 180], [128, 20686, 1144, 18], [111, 20686, 7, 18], [111, 20686, 7, 18], [128, 20686, 96, 17], [], [128, 20704, 1144, 18], [111, 20704, 7, 18], [111, 20704, 7, 18], [128, 20704, 164, 17], [], [128, 20722, 1144, 18], [111, 20722, 7, 18], [111, 20722, 7, 18], [128, 20722, 135, 17], [], [128, 20740, 1144, 18], [111, 20740, 7, 18], [111, 20740, 7, 18], [128, 20740, 331, 17], [], [128, 20758, 1144, 18], [111, 20758, 7, 18], [111, 20758, 7, 18], [128, 20758, 140, 17], [], [128, 20776, 1144, 18], [111, 20776, 7, 18], [111, 20776, 7, 18], [128, 20776, 140, 17], [], [128, 20794, 1144, 18], [111, 20794, 7, 18], [111, 20794, 7, 18], [128, 20794, 111, 17], [], [128, 20812, 1144, 18], [111, 20812, 7, 18], [111, 20812, 7, 18], [128, 20812, 136, 17], [], [128, 20830, 1144, 18], [111, 20830, 7, 18], [111, 20830, 7, 18], [128, 20830, 122, 17], [], [128, 20848, 1144, 18], [111, 20848, 7, 18], [111, 20848, 7, 18], [128, 20848, 99, 17], [], [88, 20866, 1184, 36], [71, 20866, 7, 18], [71, 20866, 7, 18], [88, 20866, 120, 17], [], [88, 20884, 1184, 18], [128, 20884, 1144, 18], [111, 20884, 7, 18], [111, 20884, 7, 18], [128, 20884, 120, 17], [], [88, 20902, 1184, 936], [71, 20902, 7, 18], [71, 20902, 7, 18], [88, 20902, 142, 17], [], [88, 20920, 1184, 918], [128, 20920, 1144, 18], [111, 20920, 7, 18], [111, 20920, 7, 18], [128, 20920, 223, 17], [], [128, 20938, 1144, 18], [111, 20938, 7, 18], [111, 20938, 7, 18], [128, 20938, 177, 17], [], [128, 20956, 1144, 18], [111, 20956, 7, 18], [111, 20956, 7, 18], [128, 20956, 200, 17], [], [128, 20974, 1144, 18], [111, 20974, 7, 18], [111, 20974, 7, 18], [128, 20974, 282, 17], [], [128, 20992, 1144, 18], [111, 20992, 7, 18], [111, 20992, 7, 18], [128, 20992, 238, 17], [], [128, 21010, 1144, 18], [111, 21010, 7, 18], [111, 21010, 7, 18], [128, 21010, 188, 17], [], [128, 21028, 1144, 18], [111, 21028, 7, 18], [111, 21028, 7, 18], [128, 21028, 242, 17], [], [128, 21046, 1144, 18], [111, 21046, 7, 18], [111, 21046, 7, 18], [128, 21046, 248, 17], [], [128, 21064, 1144, 18], [111, 21064, 7, 18], [111, 21064, 7, 18], [128, 21064, 297, 17], [], [128, 21082, 1144, 18], [111, 21082, 7, 18], [111, 21082, 7, 18], [128, 21082, 172, 17], [], [128, 21100, 1144, 18], [111, 21100, 7, 18], [111, 21100, 7, 18], [128, 21100, 170, 17], [], [128, 21118, 1144, 18], [111, 21118, 7, 18], [111, 21118, 7, 18], [128, 21118, 238, 17], [], [128, 21136, 1144, 18], [111, 21136, 7, 18], [111, 21136, 7, 18], [128, 21136, 259, 17], [], [128, 21154, 1144, 18], [111, 21154, 7, 18], [111, 21154, 7, 18], [128, 21154, 155, 17], [], [128, 21172, 1144, 18], [111, 21172, 7, 18], [111, 21172, 7, 18], [128, 21172, 166, 17], [], [128, 21190, 1144, 18], [111, 21190, 7, 18], [111, 21190, 7, 18], [128, 21190, 170, 17], [], [128, 21208, 1144, 18], [111, 21208, 7, 18], [111, 21208, 7, 18], [128, 21208, 144, 17], [], [128, 21226, 1144, 18], [111, 21226, 7, 18], [111, 21226, 7, 18], [128, 21226, 175, 17], [], [128, 21244, 1144, 18], [111, 21244, 7, 18], [111, 21244, 7, 18], [128, 21244, 176, 17], [], [128, 21262, 1144, 18], [111, 21262, 7, 18], [111, 21262, 7, 18], [128, 21262, 224, 17], [], [128, 21280, 1144, 18], [111, 21280, 7, 18], [111, 21280, 7, 18], [128, 21280, 100, 17], [], [128, 21298, 1144, 18], [111, 21298, 7, 18], [111, 21298, 7, 18], [128, 21298, 187, 17], [], [128, 21316, 1144, 18], [111, 21316, 7, 18], [111, 21316, 7, 18], [128, 21316, 216, 17], [], [128, 21334, 1144, 18], [111, 21334, 7, 18], [111, 21334, 7, 18], [128, 21334, 197, 17], [], [128, 21352, 1144, 18], [111, 21352, 7, 18], [111, 21352, 7, 18], [128, 21352, 233, 17], [], [128, 21370, 1144, 18], [111, 21370, 7, 18], [111, 21370, 7, 18], [128, 21370, 240, 17], [], [128, 21388, 1144, 18], [111, 21388, 7, 18], [111, 21388, 7, 18], [128, 21388, 168, 17], [], [128, 21406, 1144, 18], [111, 21406, 7, 18], [111, 21406, 7, 18], [128, 21406, 212, 17], [], [128, 21424, 1144, 18], [111, 21424, 7, 18], [111, 21424, 7, 18], [128, 21424, 152, 17], [], [128, 21442, 1144, 18], [111, 21442, 7, 18], [111, 21442, 7, 18], [128, 21442, 204, 17], [], [128, 21460, 1144, 18], [111, 21460, 7, 18], [111, 21460, 7, 18], [128, 21460, 172, 17], [], [128, 21478, 1144, 18], [111, 21478, 7, 18], [111, 21478, 7, 18], [128, 21478, 167, 17], [], [128, 21496, 1144, 18], [111, 21496, 7, 18], [111, 21496, 7, 18], [128, 21496, 195, 17], [], [128, 21514, 1144, 18], [111, 21514, 7, 18], [111, 21514, 7, 18], [128, 21514, 208, 17], [], [128, 21532, 1144, 18], [111, 21532, 7, 18], [111, 21532, 7, 18], [128, 21532, 220, 17], [], [128, 21550, 1144, 18], [111, 21550, 7, 18], [111, 21550, 7, 18], [128, 21550, 151, 17], [], [128, 21568, 1144, 18], [111, 21568, 7, 18], [111, 21568, 7, 18], [128, 21568, 91, 17], [], [128, 21586, 1144, 18], [111, 21586, 7, 18], [111, 21586, 7, 18], [128, 21586, 165, 17], [], [128, 21604, 1144, 18], [111, 21604, 7, 18], [111, 21604, 7, 18], [128, 21604, 169, 17], [], [128, 21622, 1144, 18], [111, 21622, 7, 18], [111, 21622, 7, 18], [128, 21622, 231, 17], [], [128, 21640, 1144, 18], [111, 21640, 7, 18], [111, 21640, 7, 18], [128, 21640, 212, 17], [], [128, 21658, 1144, 18], [111, 21658, 7, 18], [111, 21658, 7, 18], [128, 21658, 167, 17], [], [128, 21676, 1144, 18], [111, 21676, 7, 18], [111, 21676, 7, 18], [128, 21676, 73, 17], [], [128, 21694, 1144, 18], [111, 21694, 7, 18], [111, 21694, 7, 18], [128, 21694, 168, 17], [], [128, 21712, 1144, 18], [111, 21712, 7, 18], [111, 21712, 7, 18], [128, 21712, 71, 17], [], [128, 21730, 1144, 18], [111, 21730, 7, 18], [111, 21730, 7, 18], [128, 21730, 129, 17], [], [128, 21748, 1144, 18], [111, 21748, 7, 18], [111, 21748, 7, 18], [128, 21748, 82, 17], [], [128, 21766, 1144, 18], [111, 21766, 7, 18], [111, 21766, 7, 18], [128, 21766, 228, 17], [], [128, 21784, 1144, 18], [111, 21784, 7, 18], [111, 21784, 7, 18], [128, 21784, 60, 17], [], [128, 21802, 1144, 18], [111, 21802, 7, 18], [111, 21802, 7, 18], [128, 21802, 75, 17], [], [128, 21820, 1144, 18], [111, 21820, 7, 18], [111, 21820, 7, 18], [128, 21820, 76, 17], [], [88, 21838, 1184, 18], [71, 21838, 7, 18], [71, 21838, 7, 18], [88, 21838, 152, 17], [], [88, 21856, 1184, 990], [71, 21856, 7, 18], [71, 21856, 7, 18], [88, 21856, 60, 17], [], [88, 21874, 1184, 972], [128, 21874, 1144, 18], [111, 21874, 7, 18], [111, 21874, 7, 18], [128, 21874, 36, 17], [], [128, 21892, 1144, 18], [111, 21892, 7, 18], [111, 21892, 7, 18], [128, 21892, 35, 17], [], [128, 21910, 1144, 18], [111, 21910, 7, 18], [111, 21910, 7, 18], [128, 21910, 58, 17], [], [128, 21928, 1144, 18], [111, 21928, 7, 18], [111, 21928, 7, 18], [128, 21928, 45, 17], [], [128, 21946, 1144, 18], [111, 21946, 7, 18], [111, 21946, 7, 18], [128, 21946, 80, 17], [], [128, 21964, 1144, 18], [111, 21964, 7, 18], [111, 21964, 7, 18], [128, 21964, 53, 17], [], [128, 21982, 1144, 18], [111, 21982, 7, 18], [111, 21982, 7, 18], [128, 21982, 67, 17], [], [128, 22000, 1144, 18], [111, 22000, 7, 18], [111, 22000, 7, 18], [128, 22000, 89, 17], [], [128, 22018, 1144, 18], [111, 22018, 7, 18], [111, 22018, 7, 18], [128, 22018, 59, 17], [], [128, 22036, 1144, 18], [111, 22036, 7, 18], [111, 22036, 7, 18], [128, 22036, 49, 17], [], [128, 22054, 1144, 18], [111, 22054, 7, 18], [111, 22054, 7, 18], [128, 22054, 51, 17], [], [128, 22072, 1144, 18], [111, 22072, 7, 18], [111, 22072, 7, 18], [128, 22072, 81, 17], [], [128, 22090, 1144, 18], [111, 22090, 7, 18], [111, 22090, 7, 18], [128, 22090, 49, 17], [], [128, 22108, 1144, 18], [111, 22108, 7, 18], [111, 22108, 7, 18], [128, 22108, 70, 17], [], [128, 22126, 1144, 18], [111, 22126, 7, 18], [111, 22126, 7, 18], [128, 22126, 46, 17], [], [128, 22144, 1144, 18], [111, 22144, 7, 18], [111, 22144, 7, 18], [128, 22144, 47, 17], [], [128, 22162, 1144, 18], [111, 22162, 7, 18], [111, 22162, 7, 18], [128, 22162, 22, 17], [], [128, 22180, 1144, 18], [111, 22180, 7, 18], [111, 22180, 7, 18], [128, 22180, 47, 17], [], [128, 22198, 1144, 18], [111, 22198, 7, 18], [111, 22198, 7, 18], [128, 22198, 58, 17], [], [128, 22216, 1144, 18], [111, 22216, 7, 18], [111, 22216, 7, 18], [128, 22216, 32, 17], [], [128, 22234, 1144, 18], [111, 22234, 7, 18], [111, 22234, 7, 18], [128, 22234, 40, 17], [], [128, 22252, 1144, 18], [111, 22252, 7, 18], [111, 22252, 7, 18], [128, 22252, 71, 17], [], [128, 22270, 1144, 18], [111, 22270, 7, 18], [111, 22270, 7, 18], [128, 22270, 48, 17], [], [128, 22288, 1144, 18], [111, 22288, 7, 18], [111, 22288, 7, 18], [128, 22288, 97, 17], [], [128, 22306, 1144, 18], [111, 22306, 7, 18], [111, 22306, 7, 18], [128, 22306, 63, 17], [], [128, 22324, 1144, 18], [111, 22324, 7, 18], [111, 22324, 7, 18], [128, 22324, 48, 17], [], [128, 22342, 1144, 18], [111, 22342, 7, 18], [111, 22342, 7, 18], [128, 22342, 49, 17], [], [128, 22360, 1144, 18], [111, 22360, 7, 18], [111, 22360, 7, 18], [128, 22360, 60, 17], [], [128, 22378, 1144, 18], [111, 22378, 7, 18], [111, 22378, 7, 18], [128, 22378, 39, 17], [], [128, 22396, 1144, 18], [111, 22396, 7, 18], [111, 22396, 7, 18], [128, 22396, 57, 17], [], [128, 22414, 1144, 18], [111, 22414, 7, 18], [111, 22414, 7, 18], [128, 22414, 44, 17], [], [128, 22432, 1144, 18], [111, 22432, 7, 18], [111, 22432, 7, 18], [128, 22432, 67, 17], [], [128, 22450, 1144, 18], [111, 22450, 7, 18], [111, 22450, 7, 18], [128, 22450, 87, 17], [], [128, 22468, 1144, 18], [111, 22468, 7, 18], [111, 22468, 7, 18], [128, 22468, 49, 17], [], [128, 22486, 1144, 18], [111, 22486, 7, 18], [111, 22486, 7, 18], [128, 22486, 43, 17], [], [128, 22504, 1144, 18], [111, 22504, 7, 18], [111, 22504, 7, 18], [128, 22504, 187, 17], [], [128, 22522, 1144, 18], [111, 22522, 7, 18], [111, 22522, 7, 18], [128, 22522, 68, 17], [], [128, 22540, 1144, 18], [111, 22540, 7, 18], [111, 22540, 7, 18], [128, 22540, 57, 17], [], [128, 22558, 1144, 18], [111, 22558, 7, 18], [111, 22558, 7, 18], [128, 22558, 146, 17], [], [128, 22576, 1144, 18], [111, 22576, 7, 18], [111, 22576, 7, 18], [128, 22576, 73, 17], [], [128, 22594, 1144, 18], [111, 22594, 7, 18], [111, 22594, 7, 18], [128, 22594, 49, 17], [], [128, 22612, 1144, 18], [111, 22612, 7, 18], [111, 22612, 7, 18], [128, 22612, 51, 17], [], [128, 22630, 1144, 18], [111, 22630, 7, 18], [111, 22630, 7, 18], [128, 22630, 36, 17], [], [128, 22648, 1144, 18], [111, 22648, 7, 18], [111, 22648, 7, 18], [128, 22648, 41, 17], [], [128, 22666, 1144, 18], [111, 22666, 7, 18], [111, 22666, 7, 18], [128, 22666, 48, 17], [], [128, 22684, 1144, 18], [111, 22684, 7, 18], [111, 22684, 7, 18], [128, 22684, 44, 17], [], [128, 22702, 1144, 18], [111, 22702, 7, 18], [111, 22702, 7, 18], [128, 22702, 125, 17], [], [128, 22720, 1144, 18], [111, 22720, 7, 18], [111, 22720, 7, 18], [128, 22720, 95, 17], [], [128, 22738, 1144, 18], [111, 22738, 7, 18], [111, 22738, 7, 18], [128, 22738, 40, 17], [], [128, 22756, 1144, 18], [111, 22756, 7, 18], [111, 22756, 7, 18], [128, 22756, 43, 17], [], [128, 22774, 1144, 18], [111, 22774, 7, 18], [111, 22774, 7, 18], [128, 22774, 106, 17], [], [128, 22792, 1144, 18], [111, 22792, 7, 18], [111, 22792, 7, 18], [128, 22792, 66, 17], [], [128, 22810, 1144, 18], [111, 22810, 7, 18], [111, 22810, 7, 18], [128, 22810, 69, 17], [], [128, 22828, 1144, 18], [111, 22828, 7, 18], [111, 22828, 7, 18], [128, 22828, 62, 17], [], [88, 22846, 1184, 162], [71, 22846, 7, 18], [71, 22846, 7, 18], [88, 22846, 169, 17], [], [88, 22864, 1184, 144], [128, 22864, 1144, 18], [111, 22864, 7, 18], [111, 22864, 7, 18], [128, 22864, 90, 17], [], [128, 22882, 1144, 18], [111, 22882, 7, 18], [111, 22882, 7, 18], [128, 22882, 99, 17], [], [128, 22900, 1144, 18], [111, 22900, 7, 18], [111, 22900, 7, 18], [128, 22900, 118, 17], [], [128, 22918, 1144, 18], [111, 22918, 7, 18], [111, 22918, 7, 18], [128, 22918, 26, 17], [], [128, 22936, 1144, 18], [111, 22936, 7, 18], [111, 22936, 7, 18], [128, 22936, 48, 17], [], [128, 22954, 1144, 18], [111, 22954, 7, 18], [111, 22954, 7, 18], [128, 22954, 106, 17], [], [128, 22972, 1144, 18], [111, 22972, 7, 18], [111, 22972, 7, 18], [128, 22972, 73, 17], [], [128, 22990, 1144, 18], [111, 22990, 7, 18], [111, 22990, 7, 18], [128, 22990, 39, 17], [], [88, 23008, 1184, 72], [71, 23008, 7, 18], [71, 23008, 7, 18], [88, 23008, 112, 17], [], [88, 23026, 1184, 54], [128, 23026, 1144, 18], [111, 23026, 7, 18], [111, 23026, 7, 18], [128, 23026, 143, 17], [], [128, 23044, 1144, 18], [111, 23044, 7, 18], [111, 23044, 7, 18], [128, 23044, 73, 17], [], [128, 23062, 1144, 18], [111, 23062, 7, 18], [111, 23062, 7, 18], [128, 23062, 44, 17], [], [88, 23080, 1184, 18], [71, 23080, 7, 18], [71, 23080, 7, 18], [88, 23080, 81, 17], [], [48, 23098, 1224, 342], [31, 23098, 7, 18], [31, 23098, 7, 18], [48, 23098, 123, 17], [], [48, 23116, 1224, 324], [88, 23116, 1184, 126], [71, 23116, 7, 18], [71, 23116, 7, 18], [88, 23116, 57, 17], [], [88, 23134, 1184, 108], [128, 23134, 1144, 18], [111, 23134, 7, 18], [111, 23134, 7, 18], [128, 23134, 129, 17], [], [128, 23152, 1144, 18], [111, 23152, 7, 18], [111, 23152, 7, 18], [128, 23152, 132, 17], [], [128, 23170, 1144, 18], [111, 23170, 7, 18], [111, 23170, 7, 18], [128, 23170, 143, 17], [], [128, 23188, 1144, 18], [111, 23188, 7, 18], [111, 23188, 7, 18], [128, 23188, 70, 17], [], [128, 23206, 1144, 18], [111, 23206, 7, 18], [111, 23206, 7, 18], [128, 23206, 71, 17], [], [128, 23224, 1144, 18], [111, 23224, 7, 18], [111, 23224, 7, 18], [128, 23224, 135, 17], [], [88, 23242, 1184, 18], [71, 23242, 7, 18], [71, 23242, 7, 18], [88, 23242, 69, 17], [], [88, 23260, 1184, 108], [71, 23260, 7, 18], [71, 23260, 7, 18], [88, 23260, 165, 17], [], [88, 23278, 1184, 90], [128, 23278, 1144, 18], [111, 23278, 7, 18], [111, 23278, 7, 18], [128, 23278, 156, 17], [], [128, 23296, 1144, 18], [111, 23296, 7, 18], [111, 23296, 7, 18], [128, 23296, 31, 17], [], [128, 23314, 1144, 18], [111, 23314, 7, 18], [111, 23314, 7, 18], [128, 23314, 101, 17], [], [128, 23332, 1144, 18], [111, 23332, 7, 18], [111, 23332, 7, 18], [128, 23332, 126, 17], [], [128, 23350, 1144, 18], [111, 23350, 7, 18], [111, 23350, 7, 18], [128, 23350, 67, 17], [], [88, 23368, 1184, 18], [71, 23368, 7, 18], [71, 23368, 7, 18], [88, 23368, 62, 17], [], [88, 23386, 1184, 18], [71, 23386, 7, 18], [71, 23386, 7, 18], [88, 23386, 67, 17], [], [88, 23404, 1184, 18], [71, 23404, 7, 18], [71, 23404, 7, 18], [88, 23404, 68, 17], [], [88, 23422, 1184, 18], [71, 23422, 7, 18], [71, 23422, 7, 18], [88, 23422, 124, 17], [], [48, 23440, 1224, 540], [31, 23440, 7, 18], [31, 23440, 7, 18], [48, 23440, 210, 17], [], [48, 23458, 1224, 522], [88, 23458, 1184, 18], [71, 23458, 7, 18], [71, 23458, 7, 18], [88, 23458, 29, 17], [], [88, 23476, 1184, 18], [71, 23476, 7, 18], [71, 23476, 7, 18], [88, 23476, 64, 17], [], [88, 23494, 1184, 18], [71, 23494, 7, 18], [71, 23494, 7, 18], [88, 23494, 49, 17], [], [88, 23512, 1184, 18], [71, 23512, 7, 18], [71, 23512, 7, 18], [88, 23512, 69, 17], [], [88, 23530, 1184, 18], [71, 23530, 7, 18], [71, 23530, 7, 18], [88, 23530, 50, 17], [], [88, 23548, 1184, 18], [71, 23548, 7, 18], [71, 23548, 7, 18], [88, 23548, 210, 17], [], [88, 23566, 1184, 18], [71, 23566, 7, 18], [71, 23566, 7, 18], [88, 23566, 77, 17], [], [88, 23584, 1184, 18], [71, 23584, 7, 18], [71, 23584, 7, 18], [88, 23584, 47, 17], [], [88, 23602, 1184, 18], [71, 23602, 7, 18], [71, 23602, 7, 18], [88, 23602, 106, 17], [], [88, 23620, 1184, 18], [71, 23620, 7, 18], [71, 23620, 7, 18], [88, 23620, 44, 17], [], [88, 23638, 1184, 18], [71, 23638, 7, 18], [71, 23638, 7, 18], [88, 23638, 62, 17], [], [88, 23656, 1184, 18], [71, 23656, 7, 18], [71, 23656, 7, 18], [88, 23656, 77, 17], [], [88, 23674, 1184, 18], [71, 23674, 7, 18], [71, 23674, 7, 18], [88, 23674, 69, 17], [], [88, 23692, 1184, 18], [71, 23692, 7, 18], [71, 23692, 7, 18], [88, 23692, 171, 17], [], [88, 23710, 1184, 18], [71, 23710, 7, 18], [71, 23710, 7, 18], [88, 23710, 44, 17], [], [88, 23728, 1184, 18], [71, 23728, 7, 18], [71, 23728, 7, 18], [88, 23728, 106, 17], [], [88, 23746, 1184, 18], [71, 23746, 7, 18], [71, 23746, 7, 18], [88, 23746, 35, 17], [], [88, 23764, 1184, 18], [71, 23764, 7, 18], [71, 23764, 7, 18], [88, 23764, 106, 17], [], [88, 23782, 1184, 18], [71, 23782, 7, 18], [71, 23782, 7, 18], [88, 23782, 38, 17], [], [88, 23800, 1184, 18], [71, 23800, 7, 18], [71, 23800, 7, 18], [88, 23800, 91, 17], [], [88, 23818, 1184, 18], [71, 23818, 7, 18], [71, 23818, 7, 18], [88, 23818, 96, 17], [], [88, 23836, 1184, 18], [71, 23836, 7, 18], [71, 23836, 7, 18], [88, 23836, 167, 17], [], [88, 23854, 1184, 18], [71, 23854, 7, 18], [71, 23854, 7, 18], [88, 23854, 75, 17], [], [88, 23872, 1184, 18], [71, 23872, 7, 18], [71, 23872, 7, 18], [88, 23872, 109, 17], [], [88, 23890, 1184, 18], [71, 23890, 7, 18], [71, 23890, 7, 18], [88, 23890, 102, 17], [], [88, 23908, 1184, 18], [71, 23908, 7, 18], [71, 23908, 7, 18], [88, 23908, 65, 17], [], [88, 23926, 1184, 18], [71, 23926, 7, 18], [71, 23926, 7, 18], [88, 23926, 44, 17], [], [88, 23944, 1184, 18], [71, 23944, 7, 18], [71, 23944, 7, 18], [88, 23944, 162, 17], [], [88, 23962, 1184, 18], [71, 23962, 7, 18], [71, 23962, 7, 18], [88, 23962, 46, 17], [], [48, 23980, 1224, 198], [31, 23980, 7, 18], [31, 23980, 7, 18], [48, 23980, 221, 17], [], [48, 23998, 1224, 180], [88, 23998, 1184, 18], [71, 23998, 7, 18], [71, 23998, 7, 18], [88, 23998, 67, 17], [], [88, 24016, 1184, 18], [71, 24016, 7, 18], [71, 24016, 7, 18], [88, 24016, 129, 17], [], [88, 24034, 1184, 18], [71, 24034, 7, 18], [71, 24034, 7, 18], [88, 24034, 52, 17], [], [88, 24052, 1184, 18], [71, 24052, 7, 18], [71, 24052, 7, 18], [88, 24052, 151, 17], [], [88, 24070, 1184, 18], [71, 24070, 7, 18], [71, 24070, 7, 18], [88, 24070, 62, 17], [], [88, 24088, 1184, 18], [71, 24088, 7, 18], [71, 24088, 7, 18], [88, 24088, 190, 17], [], [88, 24106, 1184, 18], [71, 24106, 7, 18], [71, 24106, 7, 18], [88, 24106, 39, 17], [], [88, 24124, 1184, 18], [71, 24124, 7, 18], [71, 24124, 7, 18], [88, 24124, 150, 17], [], [88, 24142, 1184, 18], [71, 24142, 7, 18], [71, 24142, 7, 18], [88, 24142, 170, 17], [], [88, 24160, 1184, 18], [71, 24160, 7, 18], [71, 24160, 7, 18], [88, 24160, 23, 17], [], [48, 24178, 1224, 18], [31, 24178, 7, 18], [31, 24178, 7, 18], [48, 24178, 222, 17], [], [48, 24196, 1224, 54], [31, 24196, 7, 18], [31, 24196, 7, 18], [48, 24196, 72, 17], [], [48, 24214, 1224, 36], [88, 24214, 1184, 18], [71, 24214, 7, 18], [71, 24214, 7, 18], [88, 24214, 138, 17], [], [88, 24232, 1184, 18], [71, 24232, 7, 18], [71, 24232, 7, 18], [88, 24232, 125, 17], [], [48, 24250, 1224, 54], [31, 24250, 7, 18], [31, 24250, 7, 18], [48, 24250, 115, 17], [], [48, 24268, 1224, 36], [88, 24268, 1184, 18], [71, 24268, 7, 18], [71, 24268, 7, 18], [88, 24268, 57, 17], [], [88, 24286, 1184, 18], [71, 24286, 7, 18], [71, 24286, 7, 18], [88, 24286, 97, 17], [], [48, 24304, 1224, 18], [31, 24304, 7, 18], [31, 24304, 7, 18], [48, 24304, 161, 17], [], [48, 24322, 1224, 18], [31, 24322, 7, 18], [31, 24322, 7, 18], [48, 24322, 103, 17], [], [48, 24340, 1224, 126], [31, 24340, 7, 18], [31, 24340, 7, 18], [48, 24340, 64, 17], [], [48, 24358, 1224, 108], [88, 24358, 1184, 18], [71, 24358, 7, 18], [71, 24358, 7, 18], [88, 24358, 107, 17], [], [88, 24376, 1184, 18], [71, 24376, 7, 18], [71, 24376, 7, 18], [88, 24376, 108, 17], [], [88, 24394, 1184, 18], [71, 24394, 7, 18], [71, 24394, 7, 18], [88, 24394, 164, 17], [], [88, 24412, 1184, 18], [71, 24412, 7, 18], [71, 24412, 7, 18], [88, 24412, 174, 17], [], [88, 24430, 1184, 18], [71, 24430, 7, 18], [71, 24430, 7, 18], [88, 24430, 124, 17], [], [88, 24448, 1184, 18], [71, 24448, 7, 18], [71, 24448, 7, 18], [88, 24448, 51, 17], [], [48, 24466, 1224, 18], [31, 24466, 7, 18], [31, 24466, 7, 18], [48, 24466, 137, 17], [], [48, 24484, 1224, 18], [31, 24484, 7, 18], [31, 24484, 7, 18], [48, 24484, 152, 17], [], [48, 24502, 1224, 18], [31, 24502, 7, 18], [31, 24502, 7, 18], [48, 24502, 111, 17], [], [48, 24520, 1224, 18], [31, 24520, 7, 18], [31, 24520, 7, 18], [48, 24520, 104, 17], [], [48, 24538, 1224, 18], [31, 24538, 7, 18], [31, 24538, 7, 18], [48, 24538, 127, 17], [], [48, 24556, 1224, 18], [31, 24556, 7, 18], [31, 24556, 7, 18], [48, 24556, 173, 17], [], [48, 24574, 1224, 18], [31, 24574, 7, 18], [31, 24574, 7, 18], [48, 24574, 39, 17], [], [48, 24592, 1224, 18], [31, 24592, 7, 18], [31, 24592, 7, 18], [48, 24592, 133, 17], [], [48, 24610, 1224, 18], [31, 24610, 7, 18], [31, 24610, 7, 18], [48, 24610, 63, 17], [], [48, 24628, 1224, 18], [31, 24628, 7, 18], [31, 24628, 7, 18], [48, 24628, 20, 17], [], [48, 24646, 1224, 18], [31, 24646, 7, 18], [31, 24646, 7, 18], [48, 24646, 190, 17], [], [48, 24664, 1224, 18], [31, 24664, 7, 18], [31, 24664, 7, 18], [48, 24664, 190, 17], [], [48, 24682, 1224, 18], [31, 24682, 7, 18], [31, 24682, 7, 18], [48, 24682, 78, 17], [], [48, 24700, 1224, 18], [31, 24700, 7, 18], [31, 24700, 7, 18], [48, 24700, 199, 17], [], [48, 24718, 1224, 18], [31, 24718, 7, 18], [31, 24718, 7, 18], [48, 24718, 123, 17], [], [48, 24736, 1224, 18], [31, 24736, 7, 18], [31, 24736, 7, 18], [48, 24736, 30, 17], [], [48, 24754, 1224, 18], [31, 24754, 7, 18], [31, 24754, 7, 18], [48, 24754, 222, 17], [], [48, 24772, 1224, 18], [31, 24772, 7, 18], [31, 24772, 7, 18], [48, 24772, 67, 17], [], [48, 24790, 1224, 18], [31, 24790, 7, 18], [31, 24790, 7, 18], [48, 24790, 212, 17], [], [48, 24808, 1224, 18], [31, 24808, 7, 18], [31, 24808, 7, 18], [48, 24808, 156, 17], [], [48, 24826, 1224, 18], [31, 24826, 7, 18], [31, 24826, 7, 18], [48, 24826, 145, 17], [], [48, 24844, 1224, 18], [31, 24844, 7, 18], [31, 24844, 7, 18], [48, 24844, 141, 17], [], [48, 24862, 1224, 18], [31, 24862, 7, 18], [31, 24862, 7, 18], [48, 24862, 217, 17], [], [48, 24880, 1224, 18], [31, 24880, 7, 18], [31, 24880, 7, 18], [48, 24880, 216, 17], [], [48, 24898, 1224, 18], [31, 24898, 7, 18], [31, 24898, 7, 18], [48, 24898, 153, 17], [], [48, 24916, 1224, 18], [31, 24916, 7, 18], [31, 24916, 7, 18], [48, 24916, 139, 17], [], [48, 24934, 1224, 18], [31, 24934, 7, 18], [31, 24934, 7, 18], [48, 24934, 159, 17], [], [48, 24952, 1224, 18], [31, 24952, 7, 18], [31, 24952, 7, 18], [48, 24952, 37, 17], [], [48, 24970, 1224, 18], [31, 24970, 7, 18], [31, 24970, 7, 18], [48, 24970, 168, 17], [], [48, 24988, 1224, 18], [31, 24988, 7, 18], [31, 24988, 7, 18], [48, 24988, 146, 17], [], [48, 25006, 1224, 18], [31, 25006, 7, 18], [31, 25006, 7, 18], [48, 25006, 208, 17], [], [48, 25024, 1224, 18], [31, 25024, 7, 18], [31, 25024, 7, 18], [48, 25024, 215, 17], [], [48, 25042, 1224, 18], [31, 25042, 7, 18], [31, 25042, 7, 18], [48, 25042, 212, 17], [], [48, 25060, 1224, 18], [31, 25060, 7, 18], [31, 25060, 7, 18], [48, 25060, 128, 17], [], [48, 25078, 1224, 18], [31, 25078, 7, 18], [31, 25078, 7, 18], [48, 25078, 205, 17], [], [48, 25096, 1224, 18], [31, 25096, 7, 18], [31, 25096, 7, 18], [48, 25096, 69, 17], [], [48, 25114, 1224, 18], [31, 25114, 7, 18], [31, 25114, 7, 18], [48, 25114, 99, 17], [], [48, 25132, 1224, 18], [31, 25132, 7, 18], [31, 25132, 7, 18], [48, 25132, 97, 17], [], [48, 25150, 1224, 18], [31, 25150, 7, 18], [31, 25150, 7, 18], [48, 25150, 100, 17], [], [48, 25168, 1224, 18], [31, 25168, 7, 18], [31, 25168, 7, 18], [48, 25168, 145, 17], [], [48, 25186, 1224, 18], [31, 25186, 7, 18], [31, 25186, 7, 18], [48, 25186, 90, 17], [], [48, 25204, 1224, 18], [31, 25204, 7, 18], [31, 25204, 7, 18], [48, 25204, 172, 17], [], [48, 25222, 1224, 18], [31, 25222, 7, 18], [31, 25222, 7, 18], [48, 25222, 165, 17], [], [48, 25240, 1224, 18], [31, 25240, 7, 18], [31, 25240, 7, 18], [48, 25240, 211, 17], [], [48, 25258, 1224, 18], [31, 25258, 7, 18], [31, 25258, 7, 18], [48, 25258, 174, 17], [], [48, 25276, 1224, 18], [31, 25276, 7, 18], [31, 25276, 7, 18], [48, 25276, 202, 17], [], [48, 25294, 1224, 18], [31, 25294, 7, 18], [31, 25294, 7, 18], [48, 25294, 206, 17], [], [48, 25312, 1224, 18], [31, 25312, 7, 18], [31, 25312, 7, 18], [48, 25312, 215, 17], [], [48, 25330, 1224, 18], [31, 25330, 7, 18], [31, 25330, 7, 18], [48, 25330, 157, 17], [], [48, 25348, 1224, 18], [31, 25348, 7, 18], [31, 25348, 7, 18], [48, 25348, 128, 17], [], [48, 25366, 1224, 18], [31, 25366, 7, 18], [31, 25366, 7, 18], [48, 25366, 77, 17], [], [48, 25384, 1224, 18], [31, 25384, 7, 18], [31, 25384, 7, 18], [48, 25384, 100, 17], [], [48, 25402, 1224, 18], [31, 25402, 7, 18], [31, 25402, 7, 18], [48, 25402, 55, 17], [], [8, 25436, 183, 36], [16, 25439, 167, 15], [], [94, 25454, 11, 15], [], [8, 25472, 1264, 7009], [8, 25472, 1264, 18], [8, 25472, 0, 17], [], [8, 25510, 1264, 3700], [8, 25510, 1264, 21], [8, 25510, 1264, 21], [8, 25510, 1264, 21], [8, 25510, 103, 21], [16, 25513, 87, 15], [16, 25513, 87, 15], [], [103, 25513, 0, 15], [8, 25551, 1264, 0], [8, 25551, 1264, 59], [8, 25551, 1264, 59], [8, 25551, 1264, 21], [8, 25551, 44, 21], [16, 25554, 28, 15], [16, 25554, 28, 15], [], [44, 25554, 0, 15], [8, 25592, 1264, 18], [], [8, 25629, 1264, 21], [8, 25629, 1264, 21], [8, 25629, 1264, 21], [8, 25629, 227, 21], [16, 25632, 211, 15], [16, 25632, 211, 15], [], [227, 25632, 0, 15], [8, 25670, 1264, 0], [8, 25670, 1264, 21], [8, 25670, 1264, 21], [8, 25670, 1264, 21], [8, 25670, 148, 21], [16, 25673, 132, 15], [16, 25673, 132, 15], [], [148, 25673, 0, 15], [8, 25711, 1264, 0], [8, 25711, 1264, 21], [8, 25711, 1264, 21], [8, 25711, 1264, 21], [8, 25711, 53, 21], [16, 25714, 37, 15], [16, 25714, 37, 15], [], [53, 25714, 0, 15], [8, 25752, 1264, 0], [8, 25752, 1264, 21], [8, 25752, 1264, 21], [8, 25752, 1264, 21], [8, 25752, 170, 21], [16, 25755, 154, 15], [16, 25755, 154, 15], [], [170, 25755, 0, 15], [8, 25793, 1264, 0], [8, 25793, 1264, 21], [8, 25793, 1264, 21], [8, 25793, 1264, 21], [8, 25793, 76, 21], [16, 25796, 60, 15], [16, 25796, 60, 15], [], [76, 25796, 0, 15], [8, 25834, 1264, 0], [8, 25834, 1264, 21], [8, 25834, 1264, 21], [8, 25834, 1264, 21], [8, 25834, 95, 21], [16, 25837, 79, 15], [16, 25837, 79, 15], [], [95, 25837, 0, 15], [8, 25875, 1264, 0], [8, 25875, 1264, 21], [8, 25875, 1264, 21], [8, 25875, 1264, 21], [8, 25875, 152, 21], [16, 25878, 136, 15], [16, 25878, 136, 15], [], [152, 25878, 0, 15], [8, 25916, 1264, 0], [8, 25916, 1264, 21], [8, 25916, 1264, 21], [8, 25916, 1264, 21], [8, 25916, 143, 21], [16, 25919, 127, 15], [16, 25919, 127, 15], [], [143, 25919, 0, 15], [8, 25957, 1264, 0], [8, 25957, 1264, 21], [8, 25957, 1264, 21], [8, 25957, 1264, 21], [8, 25957, 144, 21], [16, 25960, 128, 15], [16, 25960, 128, 15], [], [144, 25960, 0, 15], [8, 25998, 1264, 0], [8, 25998, 1264, 21], [8, 25998, 1264, 21], [8, 25998, 1264, 21], [8, 25998, 122, 21], [16, 26001, 106, 15], [16, 26001, 106, 15], [], [122, 26001, 0, 15], [8, 26039, 1264, 0], [8, 26039, 1264, 21], [8, 26039, 1264, 21], [8, 26039, 1264, 21], [8, 26039, 80, 21], [16, 26042, 64, 15], [16, 26042, 64, 15], [], [80, 26042, 0, 15], [8, 26079, 1264, 0], [8, 26079, 1264, 21], [8, 26079, 1264, 21], [8, 26079, 1264, 21], [8, 26079, 77, 21], [16, 26082, 61, 15], [16, 26082, 61, 15], [], [77, 26082, 0, 15], [8, 26120, 1264, 0], [8, 26120, 1264, 21], [8, 26120, 1264, 21], [8, 26120, 1264, 21], [8, 26120, 34, 21], [16, 26123, 18, 15], [16, 26123, 18, 15], [], [34, 26123, 0, 15], [8, 26161, 1264, 0], [8, 26161, 1264, 21], [8, 26161, 1264, 21], [8, 26161, 1264, 21], [8, 26161, 143, 21], [16, 26164, 127, 15], [16, 26164, 127, 15], [], [143, 26164, 0, 15], [8, 26202, 1264, 0], [8, 26202, 1264, 21], [8, 26202, 1264, 21], [8, 26202, 1264, 21], [8, 26202, 127, 21], [16, 26205, 111, 15], [16, 26205, 111, 15], [], [127, 26205, 0, 15], [8, 26243, 1264, 0], [8, 26243, 1264, 21], [8, 26243, 1264, 21], [8, 26243, 1264, 21], [8, 26243, 72, 21], [16, 26246, 56, 15], [16, 26246, 56, 15], [], [72, 26246, 0, 15], [8, 26284, 1264, 0], [8, 26284, 1264, 21], [8, 26284, 1264, 21], [8, 26284, 1264, 21], [8, 26284, 47, 21], [16, 26287, 31, 15], [16, 26287, 31, 15], [], [47, 26287, 0, 15], [8, 26325, 1264, 0], [8, 26325, 1264, 21], [8, 26325, 1264, 21], [8, 26325, 1264, 21], [8, 26325, 103, 21], [16, 26328, 87, 15], [16, 26328, 87, 15], [], [103, 26328, 0, 15], [8, 26366, 1264, 0], [8, 26366, 1264, 21], [8, 26366, 1264, 21], [8, 26366, 1264, 21], [8, 26366, 92, 21], [16, 26369, 76, 15], [16, 26369, 76, 15], [], [92, 26369, 0, 15], [8, 26407, 1264, 0], [8, 26407, 1264, 21], [8, 26407, 1264, 21], [8, 26407, 1264, 21], [8, 26407, 74, 21], [16, 26410, 58, 15], [16, 26410, 58, 15], [], [74, 26410, 0, 15], [8, 26448, 1264, 0], [8, 26448, 1264, 21], [8, 26448, 1264, 21], [8, 26448, 1264, 21], [8, 26448, 60, 21], [16, 26451, 44, 15], [16, 26451, 44, 15], [], [60, 26451, 0, 15], [8, 26488, 1264, 0], [8, 26488, 1264, 21], [8, 26488, 1264, 21], [8, 26488, 1264, 21], [8, 26488, 55, 21], [16, 26491, 39, 15], [16, 26491, 39, 15], [], [55, 26491, 0, 15], [8, 26529, 1264, 0], [8, 26529, 1264, 21], [8, 26529, 1264, 21], [8, 26529, 1264, 21], [8, 26529, 92, 21], [16, 26532, 76, 15], [16, 26532, 76, 15], [], [92, 26532, 0, 15], [8, 26570, 1264, 0], [8, 26570, 1264, 21], [8, 26570, 1264, 21], [8, 26570, 1264, 21], [8, 26570, 111, 21], [16, 26573, 95, 15], [16, 26573, 95, 15], [], [111, 26573, 0, 15], [8, 26611, 1264, 0], [8, 26611, 1264, 21], [8, 26611, 1264, 21], [8, 26611, 1264, 21], [8, 26611, 92, 21], [16, 26614, 76, 15], [16, 26614, 76, 15], [], [92, 26614, 0, 15], [8, 26652, 1264, 0], [8, 26652, 1264, 21], [8, 26652, 1264, 21], [8, 26652, 1264, 21], [8, 26652, 123, 21], [16, 26655, 107, 15], [16, 26655, 107, 15], [], [123, 26655, 0, 15], [8, 26693, 1264, 0], [8, 26693, 1264, 21], [8, 26693, 1264, 21], [8, 26693, 1264, 21], [8, 26693, 102, 21], [16, 26696, 86, 15], [16, 26696, 86, 15], [], [102, 26696, 0, 15], [8, 26734, 1264, 0], [8, 26734, 1264, 21], [8, 26734, 1264, 21], [8, 26734, 1264, 21], [8, 26734, 105, 21], [16, 26737, 89, 15], [16, 26737, 89, 15], [], [105, 26737, 0, 15], [8, 26775, 1264, 0], [8, 26775, 1264, 21], [8, 26775, 1264, 21], [8, 26775, 1264, 21], [8, 26775, 130, 21], [16, 26778, 114, 15], [16, 26778, 114, 15], [], [130, 26778, 0, 15], [8, 26816, 1264, 0], [8, 26816, 1264, 21], [8, 26816, 1264, 21], [8, 26816, 1264, 21], [8, 26816, 207, 21], [16, 26819, 191, 15], [16, 26819, 191, 15], [], [207, 26819, 0, 15], [8, 26857, 1264, 0], [8, 26857, 1264, 21], [8, 26857, 1264, 21], [8, 26857, 1264, 21], [8, 26857, 215, 21], [16, 26860, 199, 15], [16, 26860, 199, 15], [], [215, 26860, 0, 15], [8, 26898, 1264, 0], [8, 26898, 1264, 21], [8, 26898, 1264, 21], [8, 26898, 1264, 21], [8, 26898, 216, 21], [16, 26901, 200, 15], [16, 26901, 200, 15], [], [216, 26901, 0, 15], [8, 26938, 1264, 0], [8, 26938, 1264, 21], [8, 26938, 1264, 21], [8, 26938, 1264, 21], [8, 26938, 81, 21], [16, 26941, 65, 15], [16, 26941, 65, 15], [], [81, 26941, 0, 15], [8, 26979, 1264, 0], [8, 26979, 1264, 21], [8, 26979, 1264, 21], [8, 26979, 1264, 21], [8, 26979, 119, 21], [16, 26982, 103, 15], [16, 26982, 103, 15], [], [119, 26982, 0, 15], [8, 27020, 1264, 0], [8, 27020, 1264, 21], [8, 27020, 1264, 21], [8, 27020, 1264, 21], [8, 27020, 161, 21], [16, 27023, 145, 15], [16, 27023, 145, 15], [], [161, 27023, 0, 15], [8, 27061, 1264, 0], [8, 27061, 1264, 21], [8, 27061, 1264, 21], [8, 27061, 1264, 21], [8, 27061, 105, 21], [16, 27064, 89, 15], [16, 27064, 89, 15], [], [105, 27064, 0, 15], [8, 27102, 1264, 0], [8, 27102, 1264, 21], [8, 27102, 1264, 21], [8, 27102, 1264, 21], [8, 27102, 76, 21], [16, 27105, 60, 15], [16, 27105, 60, 15], [], [76, 27105, 0, 15], [8, 27143, 1264, 0], [8, 27143, 1264, 21], [8, 27143, 1264, 21], [8, 27143, 1264, 21], [8, 27143, 143, 21], [16, 27146, 127, 15], [16, 27146, 127, 15], [], [143, 27146, 0, 15], [8, 27184, 1264, 0], [8, 27184, 1264, 21], [8, 27184, 1264, 21], [8, 27184, 1264, 21], [8, 27184, 155, 21], [16, 27187, 139, 15], [16, 27187, 139, 15], [], [155, 27187, 0, 15], [8, 27225, 1264, 0], [8, 27225, 1264, 21], [8, 27225, 1264, 21], [8, 27225, 1264, 21], [8, 27225, 120, 21], [16, 27228, 104, 15], [16, 27228, 104, 15], [], [120, 27228, 0, 15], [8, 27266, 1264, 0], [8, 27266, 1264, 21], [8, 27266, 1264, 21], [8, 27266, 1264, 21], [8, 27266, 111, 21], [16, 27269, 95, 15], [16, 27269, 95, 15], [], [111, 27269, 0, 15], [8, 27307, 1264, 0], [8, 27307, 1264, 21], [8, 27307, 1264, 21], [8, 27307, 1264, 21], [8, 27307, 135, 21], [16, 27310, 119, 15], [16, 27310, 119, 15], [], [135, 27310, 0, 15], [8, 27348, 1264, 0], [8, 27348, 1264, 21], [8, 27348, 1264, 21], [8, 27348, 1264, 21], [8, 27348, 175, 21], [16, 27351, 159, 15], [16, 27351, 159, 15], [], [175, 27351, 0, 15], [8, 27388, 1264, 0], [8, 27388, 1264, 21], [8, 27388, 1264, 21], [8, 27388, 1264, 21], [8, 27388, 53, 21], [16, 27391, 37, 15], [16, 27391, 37, 15], [], [53, 27391, 0, 15], [8, 27429, 1264, 0], [8, 27429, 1264, 21], [8, 27429, 1264, 21], [8, 27429, 1264, 21], [8, 27429, 136, 21], [16, 27432, 120, 15], [16, 27432, 120, 15], [], [136, 27432, 0, 15], [8, 27470, 1264, 0], [8, 27470, 1264, 21], [8, 27470, 1264, 21], [8, 27470, 1264, 21], [8, 27470, 75, 21], [16, 27473, 59, 15], [16, 27473, 59, 15], [], [75, 27473, 0, 15], [8, 27511, 1264, 0], [8, 27511, 1264, 21], [8, 27511, 1264, 21], [8, 27511, 1264, 21], [8, 27511, 36, 21], [16, 27514, 20, 15], [16, 27514, 20, 15], [], [36, 27514, 0, 15], [8, 27552, 1264, 0], [8, 27552, 1264, 21], [8, 27552, 1264, 21], [8, 27552, 1264, 21], [8, 27552, 188, 21], [16, 27555, 172, 15], [16, 27555, 172, 15], [], [188, 27555, 0, 15], [8, 27593, 1264, 0], [8, 27593, 1264, 21], [8, 27593, 1264, 21], [8, 27593, 1264, 21], [8, 27593, 192, 21], [16, 27596, 176, 15], [16, 27596, 176, 15], [], [192, 27596, 0, 15], [8, 27634, 1264, 0], [8, 27634, 1264, 21], [8, 27634, 1264, 21], [8, 27634, 1264, 21], [8, 27634, 89, 21], [16, 27637, 73, 15], [16, 27637, 73, 15], [], [89, 27637, 0, 15], [8, 27675, 1264, 0], [8, 27675, 1264, 21], [8, 27675, 1264, 21], [8, 27675, 1264, 21], [8, 27675, 197, 21], [16, 27678, 181, 15], [16, 27678, 181, 15], [], [197, 27678, 0, 15], [8, 27716, 1264, 0], [8, 27716, 1264, 21], [8, 27716, 1264, 21], [8, 27716, 1264, 21], [8, 27716, 130, 21], [16, 27719, 114, 15], [16, 27719, 114, 15], [], [130, 27719, 0, 15], [8, 27757, 1264, 0], [8, 27757, 1264, 21], [8, 27757, 1264, 21], [8, 27757, 1264, 21], [8, 27757, 44, 21], [16, 27760, 28, 15], [16, 27760, 28, 15], [], [44, 27760, 0, 15], [8, 27797, 1264, 0], [8, 27797, 1264, 21], [8, 27797, 1264, 21], [8, 27797, 1264, 21], [8, 27797, 223, 21], [16, 27800, 207, 15], [16, 27800, 207, 15], [], [223, 27800, 0, 15], [8, 27838, 1264, 0], [8, 27838, 1264, 21], [8, 27838, 1264, 21], [8, 27838, 1264, 21], [8, 27838, 80, 21], [16, 27841, 64, 15], [16, 27841, 64, 15], [], [80, 27841, 0, 15], [8, 27879, 1264, 0], [8, 27879, 1264, 21], [8, 27879, 1264, 21], [8, 27879, 1264, 21], [8, 27879, 215, 21], [16, 27882, 199, 15], [16, 27882, 199, 15], [], [215, 27882, 0, 15], [8, 27920, 1264, 0], [8, 27920, 1264, 21], [8, 27920, 1264, 21], [8, 27920, 1264, 21], [8, 27920, 160, 21], [16, 27923, 144, 15], [16, 27923, 144, 15], [], [160, 27923, 0, 15], [8, 27961, 1264, 0], [8, 27961, 1264, 21], [8, 27961, 1264, 21], [8, 27961, 1264, 21], [8, 27961, 149, 21], [16, 27964, 133, 15], [16, 27964, 133, 15], [], [149, 27964, 0, 15], [8, 28002, 1264, 0], [8, 28002, 1264, 21], [8, 28002, 1264, 21], [8, 28002, 1264, 21], [8, 28002, 142, 21], [16, 28005, 126, 15], [16, 28005, 126, 15], [], [142, 28005, 0, 15], [8, 28043, 1264, 0], [8, 28043, 1264, 21], [8, 28043, 1264, 21], [8, 28043, 1264, 21], [8, 28043, 215, 21], [16, 28046, 199, 15], [16, 28046, 199, 15], [], [215, 28046, 0, 15], [8, 28084, 1264, 0], [8, 28084, 1264, 21], [8, 28084, 1264, 21], [8, 28084, 1264, 21], [8, 28084, 219, 21], [16, 28087, 203, 15], [16, 28087, 203, 15], [], [219, 28087, 0, 15], [8, 28125, 1264, 0], [8, 28125, 1264, 21], [8, 28125, 1264, 21], [8, 28125, 1264, 21], [8, 28125, 161, 21], [16, 28128, 145, 15], [16, 28128, 145, 15], [], [161, 28128, 0, 15], [8, 28166, 1264, 0], [8, 28166, 1264, 21], [8, 28166, 1264, 21], [8, 28166, 1264, 21], [8, 28166, 142, 21], [16, 28169, 126, 15], [16, 28169, 126, 15], [], [142, 28169, 0, 15], [8, 28207, 1264, 0], [8, 28207, 1264, 21], [8, 28207, 1264, 21], [8, 28207, 1264, 21], [8, 28207, 157, 21], [16, 28210, 141, 15], [16, 28210, 141, 15], [], [157, 28210, 0, 15], [8, 28247, 1264, 0], [8, 28247, 1264, 21], [8, 28247, 1264, 21], [8, 28247, 1264, 21], [8, 28247, 49, 21], [16, 28250, 33, 15], [16, 28250, 33, 15], [], [49, 28250, 0, 15], [8, 28288, 1264, 0], [8, 28288, 1264, 21], [8, 28288, 1264, 21], [8, 28288, 1264, 21], [8, 28288, 164, 21], [16, 28291, 148, 15], [16, 28291, 148, 15], [], [164, 28291, 0, 15], [8, 28329, 1264, 0], [8, 28329, 1264, 21], [8, 28329, 1264, 21], [8, 28329, 1264, 21], [8, 28329, 153, 21], [16, 28332, 137, 15], [16, 28332, 137, 15], [], [153, 28332, 0, 15], [8, 28370, 1264, 0], [8, 28370, 1264, 21], [8, 28370, 1264, 21], [8, 28370, 1264, 21], [8, 28370, 199, 21], [16, 28373, 183, 15], [16, 28373, 183, 15], [], [199, 28373, 0, 15], [8, 28411, 1264, 0], [8, 28411, 1264, 21], [8, 28411, 1264, 21], [8, 28411, 1264, 21], [8, 28411, 221, 21], [16, 28414, 205, 15], [16, 28414, 205, 15], [], [221, 28414, 0, 15], [8, 28452, 1264, 0], [8, 28452, 1264, 21], [8, 28452, 1264, 21], [8, 28452, 1264, 21], [8, 28452, 211, 21], [16, 28455, 195, 15], [16, 28455, 195, 15], [], [211, 28455, 0, 15], [8, 28493, 1264, 0], [8, 28493, 1264, 21], [8, 28493, 1264, 21], [8, 28493, 1264, 21], [8, 28493, 135, 21], [16, 28496, 119, 15], [16, 28496, 119, 15], [], [135, 28496, 0, 15], [8, 28534, 1264, 0], [8, 28534, 1264, 21], [8, 28534, 1264, 21], [8, 28534, 1264, 21], [8, 28534, 208, 21], [16, 28537, 192, 15], [16, 28537, 192, 15], [], [208, 28537, 0, 15], [8, 28575, 1264, 0], [8, 28575, 1264, 21], [8, 28575, 1264, 21], [8, 28575, 1264, 21], [8, 28575, 82, 21], [16, 28578, 66, 15], [16, 28578, 66, 15], [], [82, 28578, 0, 15], [8, 28616, 1264, 0], [8, 28616, 1264, 21], [8, 28616, 1264, 21], [8, 28616, 1264, 21], [8, 28616, 105, 21], [16, 28619, 89, 15], [16, 28619, 89, 15], [], [105, 28619, 0, 15], [8, 28657, 1264, 0], [8, 28657, 1264, 21], [8, 28657, 1264, 21], [8, 28657, 1264, 21], [8, 28657, 106, 21], [16, 28660, 90, 15], [16, 28660, 90, 15], [], [106, 28660, 0, 15], [8, 28697, 1264, 0], [8, 28697, 1264, 21], [8, 28697, 1264, 21], [8, 28697, 1264, 21], [8, 28697, 110, 21], [16, 28700, 94, 15], [16, 28700, 94, 15], [], [110, 28700, 0, 15], [8, 28738, 1264, 0], [8, 28738, 1264, 21], [8, 28738, 1264, 21], [8, 28738, 1264, 21], [8, 28738, 149, 21], [16, 28741, 133, 15], [16, 28741, 133, 15], [], [149, 28741, 0, 15], [8, 28779, 1264, 0], [8, 28779, 1264, 21], [8, 28779, 1264, 21], [8, 28779, 1264, 21], [8, 28779, 99, 21], [16, 28782, 83, 15], [16, 28782, 83, 15], [], [99, 28782, 0, 15], [8, 28820, 1264, 0], [8, 28820, 1264, 21], [8, 28820, 1264, 21], [8, 28820, 1264, 21], [8, 28820, 178, 21], [16, 28823, 162, 15], [16, 28823, 162, 15], [], [178, 28823, 0, 15], [8, 28861, 1264, 0], [8, 28861, 1264, 21], [8, 28861, 1264, 21], [8, 28861, 1264, 21], [8, 28861, 173, 21], [16, 28864, 157, 15], [16, 28864, 157, 15], [], [173, 28864, 0, 15], [8, 28902, 1264, 0], [8, 28902, 1264, 21], [8, 28902, 1264, 21], [8, 28902, 1264, 21], [8, 28902, 213, 21], [16, 28905, 197, 15], [16, 28905, 197, 15], [], [213, 28905, 0, 15], [8, 28943, 1264, 0], [8, 28943, 1264, 21], [8, 28943, 1264, 21], [8, 28943, 1264, 21], [8, 28943, 176, 21], [16, 28946, 160, 15], [16, 28946, 160, 15], [], [176, 28946, 0, 15], [8, 28984, 1264, 0], [8, 28984, 1264, 21], [8, 28984, 1264, 21], [8, 28984, 1264, 21], [8, 28984, 201, 21], [16, 28987, 185, 15], [16, 28987, 185, 15], [], [201, 28987, 0, 15], [8, 29025, 1264, 0], [8, 29025, 1264, 21], [8, 29025, 1264, 21], [8, 29025, 1264, 21], [8, 29025, 205, 21], [16, 29028, 189, 15], [16, 29028, 189, 15], [], [205, 29028, 0, 15], [8, 29066, 1264, 0], [8, 29066, 1264, 21], [8, 29066, 1264, 21], [8, 29066, 1264, 21], [8, 29066, 221, 21], [16, 29069, 205, 15], [16, 29069, 205, 15], [], [221, 29069, 0, 15], [8, 29106, 1264, 0], [8, 29106, 1264, 21], [8, 29106, 1264, 21], [8, 29106, 1264, 21], [8, 29106, 158, 21], [16, 29109, 142, 15], [16, 29109, 142, 15], [], [158, 29109, 0, 15], [8, 29147, 1264, 0], [8, 29147, 1264, 21], [8, 29147, 1264, 21], [8, 29147, 1264, 21], [8, 29147, 135, 21], [16, 29150, 119, 15], [16, 29150, 119, 15], [], [135, 29150, 0, 15], [8, 29188, 1264, 0], [8, 29188, 1264, 21], [8, 29188, 1264, 21], [8, 29188, 1264, 21], [8, 29188, 86, 21], [16, 29191, 70, 15], [16, 29191, 70, 15], [], [86, 29191, 0, 15], [8, 29229, 1264, 0], [8, 29229, 1264, 0], [8, 29229, 620, 0], [8, 29229, 1264, 723], [8, 29229, 1264, 27], [], [8, 29276, 1264, 18], [], [8, 29310, 1264, 18], [8, 29310, 44, 17], [], [52, 29310, 91, 17], [], [8, 29344, 1264, 608], [8, 29344, 209, 304], [2, 2, 205, 20], [2, 2, 205, 20], [2, 2, 32, 20], [36, 2, 171, 20], [], [2, 24, 205, 278], [2, 24, 205, 38], [2, 24, 32, 38], [], [36, 24, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 64, 205, 38], [2, 64, 32, 38], [], [36, 64, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 104, 205, 38], [2, 104, 32, 38], [], [36, 104, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 144, 205, 38], [2, 144, 32, 38], [], [36, 144, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 184, 205, 38], [2, 184, 32, 38], [], [36, 184, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 224, 205, 38], [2, 224, 32, 38], [], [36, 224, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 264, 205, 38], [2, 264, 32, 38], [], [36, 264, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [8, 29648, 0, 0], [8, 29648, 209, 304], [2, 2, 205, 20], [2, 2, 205, 20], [2, 2, 32, 20], [36, 2, 171, 20], [], [2, 24, 205, 278], [2, 24, 205, 38], [2, 24, 32, 38], [], [36, 24, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 64, 205, 38], [2, 64, 32, 38], [], [36, 64, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 104, 205, 38], [2, 104, 32, 38], [], [36, 104, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 144, 205, 38], [2, 144, 32, 38], [], [36, 144, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 184, 205, 38], [2, 184, 32, 38], [], [36, 184, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 224, 205, 38], [2, 224, 32, 38], [], [36, 224, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [2, 264, 205, 38], [2, 264, 32, 38], [], [36, 264, 171, 38], [1, 1, 169, 18], [], [1, 19, 169, 18], [], [8, 29952, 1264, 0], [8, 29972, 1264, 2509], [8, 29972, 1264, 2472], [8, 29972, 1264, 27], [], [8, 30019, 1264, 36], [8, 30019, 1264, 18], [8, 30019, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30037, 0, 0], [8, 30037, 0, 0], [8, 30037, 0, 0], [8, 30037, 0, 0], [8, 30037, 0, 0], [], [71, 30037, 84, 17], [], [], [186, 30037, 79, 17], [], [8, 30055, 1264, 98], [8, 30055, 1264, 18], [8, 30055, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30073, 0, 0], [8, 30073, 0, 0], [8, 30073, 0, 0], [8, 30073, 0, 0], [8, 30073, 0, 0], [8, 30098, 1264, 12], [], [73, 30098, 75, 12], [], [147, 30098, 164, 12], [147, 30098, 2, 12], [], [150, 30098, 162, 12], [], [8, 30135, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30169, 1264, 0], [8, 30169, 1264, 0], [8, 30169, 1264, 98], [8, 30169, 1264, 18], [8, 30169, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30187, 0, 0], [8, 30187, 0, 0], [8, 30187, 0, 0], [8, 30187, 0, 0], [8, 30187, 0, 0], [8, 30212, 1264, 12], [], [58, 30212, 74, 12], [], [133, 30212, 169, 12], [133, 30212, 2, 12], [], [135, 30212, 167, 12], [], [8, 30249, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30283, 1264, 0], [8, 30283, 1264, 0], [8, 30283, 1264, 98], [8, 30283, 1264, 18], [8, 30283, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30301, 0, 0], [8, 30301, 0, 0], [8, 30301, 0, 0], [8, 30301, 0, 0], [8, 30301, 0, 0], [8, 30326, 1264, 12], [], [70, 30326, 74, 12], [], [144, 30326, 164, 12], [144, 30326, 2, 12], [], [147, 30326, 162, 12], [], [8, 30363, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30397, 1264, 0], [8, 30397, 1264, 0], [8, 30397, 1264, 98], [8, 30397, 1264, 18], [8, 30397, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30415, 0, 0], [8, 30415, 0, 0], [8, 30415, 0, 0], [8, 30415, 0, 0], [8, 30415, 0, 0], [8, 30440, 1264, 12], [], [76, 30440, 74, 12], [], [150, 30440, 180, 12], [150, 30440, 2, 12], [], [152, 30440, 178, 12], [], [8, 30477, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30511, 1264, 0], [8, 30511, 1264, 0], [8, 30511, 1264, 98], [8, 30511, 1264, 18], [8, 30511, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30529, 0, 0], [8, 30529, 0, 0], [8, 30529, 0, 0], [8, 30529, 0, 0], [8, 30529, 0, 0], [8, 30554, 1264, 12], [], [73, 30554, 75, 12], [], [149, 30554, 155, 12], [149, 30554, 2, 12], [], [151, 30554, 152, 12], [], [8, 30591, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30625, 1264, 0], [8, 30625, 1264, 0], [8, 30625, 1264, 116], [8, 30625, 1264, 18], [8, 30625, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30643, 0, 0], [8, 30643, 0, 0], [8, 30643, 0, 0], [8, 30643, 0, 0], [8, 30643, 0, 0], [8, 30668, 1264, 12], [], [72, 30668, 74, 12], [], [146, 30668, 175, 12], [146, 30668, 2, 12], [], [148, 30668, 172, 12], [], [8, 30705, 1264, 36], [], [8, 30757, 1264, 0], [8, 30757, 1264, 0], [8, 30757, 1264, 152], [8, 30757, 1264, 18], [8, 30757, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30775, 0, 0], [8, 30775, 0, 0], [8, 30775, 0, 0], [8, 30775, 0, 0], [8, 30775, 0, 0], [8, 30800, 1264, 12], [], [74, 30800, 74, 12], [], [147, 30800, 175, 12], [147, 30800, 2, 12], [], [150, 30800, 172, 12], [], [8, 30836, 1264, 72], [], [8, 30924, 1264, 0], [8, 30924, 1264, 0], [8, 30924, 1264, 98], [8, 30924, 1264, 18], [8, 30924, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30942, 0, 0], [8, 30942, 0, 0], [8, 30942, 0, 0], [8, 30942, 0, 0], [8, 30942, 0, 0], [8, 30967, 1264, 12], [], [63, 30967, 74, 12], [], [136, 30967, 169, 12], [136, 30967, 2, 12], [], [138, 30967, 167, 12], [], [8, 31004, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31038, 1264, 0], [8, 31038, 1264, 0], [8, 31038, 1264, 116], [8, 31038, 1264, 18], [8, 31038, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31056, 0, 0], [8, 31056, 0, 0], [8, 31056, 0, 0], [8, 31056, 0, 0], [8, 31056, 0, 0], [8, 31081, 1264, 12], [], [68, 31081, 74, 12], [], [142, 31081, 169, 12], [142, 31081, 2, 12], [], [144, 31081, 167, 12], [], [8, 31118, 1264, 36], [], [8, 31170, 1264, 0], [8, 31170, 1264, 0], [8, 31170, 1264, 98], [8, 31170, 1264, 18], [8, 31170, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31188, 0, 0], [8, 31188, 0, 0], [8, 31188, 0, 0], [8, 31188, 0, 0], [8, 31188, 0, 0], [8, 31213, 1264, 12], [], [59, 31213, 71, 12], [], [130, 31213, 169, 12], [130, 31213, 2, 12], [], [132, 31213, 167, 12], [], [8, 31250, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31284, 1264, 0], [8, 31284, 1264, 0], [8, 31284, 1264, 98], [8, 31284, 1264, 18], [8, 31284, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31302, 0, 0], [8, 31302, 0, 0], [8, 31302, 0, 0], [8, 31302, 0, 0], [8, 31302, 0, 0], [8, 31327, 1264, 12], [], [66, 31327, 71, 12], [], [137, 31327, 175, 12], [137, 31327, 2, 12], [], [140, 31327, 172, 12], [], [8, 31364, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31398, 1264, 0], [8, 31398, 1264, 0], [8, 31398, 1264, 98], [8, 31398, 1264, 18], [8, 31398, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31416, 0, 0], [8, 31416, 0, 0], [8, 31416, 0, 0], [8, 31416, 0, 0], [8, 31416, 0, 0], [8, 31441, 1264, 12], [], [53, 31441, 71, 12], [], [124, 31441, 175, 12], [124, 31441, 2, 12], [], [127, 31441, 172, 12], [], [8, 31478, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31512, 1264, 0], [8, 31512, 1264, 0], [8, 31512, 1264, 98], [8, 31512, 1264, 18], [8, 31512, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31530, 0, 0], [8, 31530, 0, 0], [8, 31530, 0, 0], [8, 31530, 0, 0], [8, 31530, 0, 0], [8, 31555, 1264, 12], [], [70, 31555, 78, 12], [], [148, 31555, 175, 12], [148, 31555, 2, 12], [], [151, 31555, 172, 12], [], [8, 31592, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31626, 1264, 0], [8, 31626, 1264, 0], [8, 31626, 1264, 98], [8, 31626, 1264, 18], [8, 31626, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31644, 0, 0], [8, 31644, 0, 0], [8, 31644, 0, 0], [8, 31644, 0, 0], [8, 31644, 0, 0], [8, 31669, 1264, 12], [], [66, 31669, 78, 12], [], [144, 31669, 164, 12], [144, 31669, 2, 12], [], [146, 31669, 162, 12], [], [8, 31706, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31740, 1264, 0], [8, 31740, 1264, 0], [8, 31740, 1264, 98], [8, 31740, 1264, 18], [8, 31740, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31758, 0, 0], [8, 31758, 0, 0], [8, 31758, 0, 0], [8, 31758, 0, 0], [8, 31758, 0, 0], [8, 31783, 1264, 12], [], [78, 31783, 78, 12], [], [156, 31783, 164, 12], [156, 31783, 2, 12], [], [158, 31783, 162, 12], [], [8, 31820, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31854, 1264, 0], [8, 31854, 1264, 0], [8, 31854, 1264, 98], [8, 31854, 1264, 18], [8, 31854, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31872, 0, 0], [8, 31872, 0, 0], [8, 31872, 0, 0], [8, 31872, 0, 0], [8, 31872, 0, 0], [8, 31897, 1264, 12], [], [71, 31897, 78, 12], [], [149, 31897, 150, 12], [149, 31897, 2, 12], [], [152, 31897, 148, 12], [], [8, 31934, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31968, 1264, 0], [8, 31968, 1264, 0], [8, 31968, 1264, 116], [8, 31968, 1264, 18], [8, 31968, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31986, 0, 0], [8, 31986, 0, 0], [8, 31986, 0, 0], [8, 31986, 0, 0], [8, 31986, 0, 0], [8, 32011, 1264, 12], [], [68, 32011, 78, 12], [], [146, 32011, 175, 12], [146, 32011, 2, 12], [], [149, 32011, 172, 12], [], [8, 32048, 1264, 36], [], [8, 32100, 1264, 0], [8, 32100, 1264, 0], [8, 32100, 1264, 116], [8, 32100, 1264, 18], [8, 32100, 1264, 18], [], [8, 32118, 0, 0], [8, 32118, 0, 0], [8, 32118, 0, 0], [8, 32118, 0, 0], [8, 32118, 0, 0], [8, 32143, 1264, 12], [], [76, 32143, 75, 12], [], [151, 32143, 180, 12], [151, 32143, 2, 12], [], [153, 32143, 178, 12], [], [8, 32180, 1264, 36], [], [8, 32232, 1264, 0], [8, 32232, 1264, 0], [8, 32232, 1264, 98], [8, 32232, 1264, 18], [8, 32232, 1264, 18], [], [8, 32250, 0, 0], [8, 32250, 0, 0], [8, 32250, 0, 0], [8, 32250, 0, 0], [8, 32250, 0, 0], [8, 32275, 1264, 12], [], [66, 32275, 75, 12], [], [141, 32275, 175, 12], [141, 32275, 2, 12], [], [143, 32275, 172, 12], [], [8, 32312, 1264, 18], [], [8, 32346, 1264, 0], [8, 32346, 1264, 0], [8, 32346, 1264, 98], [8, 32346, 1264, 18], [8, 32346, 1264, 18], [], [8, 32364, 0, 0], [8, 32364, 0, 0], [8, 32364, 0, 0], [8, 32364, 0, 0], [8, 32364, 0, 0], [8, 32389, 1264, 12], [], [61, 32389, 77, 12], [], [138, 32389, 175, 12], [138, 32389, 2, 12], [], [141, 32389, 172, 12], [], [8, 32426, 1264, 18], [], [8, 32460, 1264, 0], [8, 32460, 1264, 0], [8, 32460, 1264, 21], [8, 32460, 83, 21], [], [8, 32503, 1264, 346], [8, 32503, 1264, 346], [8, 32503, 1264, 149], [8, 32503, 1264, 149], [8, 32503, 1264, 149], [8, 32503, 1264, 16], [], [8, 32541, 1264, 18], [], [8, 32559, 1264, 21], [8, 32559, 64, 21], [], [72, 32559, 56, 21], [], [8, 32580, 1264, 38], [8, 32580, 1264, 19], [8, 32580, 87, 19], [8, 32599, 1264, 19], [8, 32599, 74, 19], [8, 32634, 1264, 18], [], [8, 32668, 1264, 0], [8, 32672, 1264, 177], [8, 32672, 1264, 177], [8, 32672, 1264, 177], [8, 32672, 1264, 27], [8, 32672, 1264, 27], [], [8, 32720, 1264, 57], [8, 32720, 1264, 57], [8, 32720, 1264, 57], [8, 32720, 1264, 57], [8, 32720, 1264, 18], [8, 32720, 0, 17], [8, 32720, 246, 17], [], [8, 32759, 1264, 18], [], [8, 32793, 1264, 55], [8, 32793, 1264, 18], [8, 32793, 1264, 18], [48, 32793, 1224, 18], [32, 32793, 16, 18], [32, 32793, 16, 18], [48, 32793, 1224, 18], [48, 32793, 1224, 18], [48, 32793, 83, 17], [], [131, 32793, 28, 17], [], [8, 32827, 1264, 21], [8, 32827, 146, 21], [], [112, 32830, 33, 15], [], [8, 32864, 1264, 1590], [8, 32864, 1264, 1405], [8, 32864, 1264, 1405], [8, 32864, 1264, 198], [48, 32864, 1224, 18], [31, 32864, 7, 18], [31, 32864, 7, 18], [48, 32864, 68, 17], [], [48, 32882, 1224, 18], [31, 32882, 7, 18], [31, 32882, 7, 18], [48, 32882, 76, 17], [], [48, 32900, 1224, 18], [31, 32900, 7, 18], [31, 32900, 7, 18], [48, 32900, 48, 17], [], [48, 32918, 1224, 18], [31, 32918, 7, 18], [31, 32918, 7, 18], [48, 32918, 58, 17], [], [48, 32936, 1224, 18], [31, 32936, 7, 18], [31, 32936, 7, 18], [48, 32936, 50, 17], [], [48, 32954, 1224, 18], [31, 32954, 7, 18], [31, 32954, 7, 18], [48, 32954, 31, 17], [], [48, 32972, 1224, 18], [31, 32972, 7, 18], [31, 32972, 7, 18], [48, 32972, 49, 17], [], [48, 32990, 1224, 18], [31, 32990, 7, 18], [31, 32990, 7, 18], [48, 32990, 41, 17], [], [48, 33008, 1224, 18], [31, 33008, 7, 18], [31, 33008, 7, 18], [48, 33008, 31, 17], [], [48, 33026, 1224, 18], [31, 33026, 7, 18], [31, 33026, 7, 18], [48, 33026, 86, 17], [], [48, 33044, 1224, 18], [31, 33044, 7, 18], [31, 33044, 7, 18], [48, 33044, 94, 17], [], [8, 33078, 1264, 106], [8, 33078, 1264, 54], [48, 33078, 1224, 18], [31, 33078, 7, 18], [31, 33078, 7, 18], [48, 33096, 1224, 18], [31, 33096, 7, 18], [31, 33096, 7, 18], [48, 33114, 1224, 18], [31, 33114, 7, 18], [31, 33114, 7, 18], [8, 33148, 1264, 36], [48, 33148, 1224, 18], [31, 33148, 7, 18], [31, 33148, 7, 18], [48, 33166, 1224, 18], [31, 33166, 7, 18], [31, 33166, 7, 18], [8, 33200, 1264, 2], [8, 33222, 1264, 1029], [8, 33222, 1264, 623], [8, 33222, 1264, 27], [], [8, 33269, 1264, 576], [48, 33269, 1224, 18], [31, 33269, 7, 18], [31, 33269, 7, 18], [48, 33269, 127, 17], [], [48, 33287, 1224, 18], [31, 33287, 7, 18], [31, 33287, 7, 18], [48, 33287, 94, 17], [], [48, 33305, 1224, 18], [31, 33305, 7, 18], [31, 33305, 7, 18], [48, 33305, 103, 17], [], [48, 33323, 1224, 18], [31, 33323, 7, 18], [31, 33323, 7, 18], [48, 33323, 89, 17], [], [48, 33341, 1224, 18], [31, 33341, 7, 18], [31, 33341, 7, 18], [48, 33341, 118, 17], [], [48, 33359, 1224, 18], [31, 33359, 7, 18], [31, 33359, 7, 18], [48, 33359, 107, 17], [], [48, 33377, 1224, 18], [31, 33377, 7, 18], [31, 33377, 7, 18], [48, 33377, 87, 17], [], [48, 33395, 1224, 18], [31, 33395, 7, 18], [31, 33395, 7, 18], [48, 33395, 110, 17], [], [48, 33413, 1224, 18], [31, 33413, 7, 18], [31, 33413, 7, 18], [48, 33413, 141, 17], [], [48, 33431, 1224, 18], [31, 33431, 7, 18], [31, 33431, 7, 18], [48, 33431, 111, 17], [], [48, 33449, 1224, 18], [31, 33449, 7, 18], [31, 33449, 7, 18], [48, 33449, 93, 17], [], [48, 33467, 1224, 18], [31, 33467, 7, 18], [31, 33467, 7, 18], [48, 33467, 116, 17], [], [48, 33485, 1224, 18], [31, 33485, 7, 18], [31, 33485, 7, 18], [48, 33485, 107, 17], [], [48, 33503, 1224, 18], [31, 33503, 7, 18], [31, 33503, 7, 18], [48, 33503, 119, 17], [], [48, 33521, 1224, 18], [31, 33521, 7, 18], [31, 33521, 7, 18], [48, 33521, 131, 17], [], [48, 33539, 1224, 18], [31, 33539, 7, 18], [31, 33539, 7, 18], [48, 33539, 131, 17], [], [48, 33557, 1224, 18], [31, 33557, 7, 18], [31, 33557, 7, 18], [48, 33557, 147, 17], [], [48, 33575, 1224, 18], [31, 33575, 7, 18], [31, 33575, 7, 18], [48, 33575, 146, 17], [], [48, 33593, 1224, 18], [31, 33593, 7, 18], [31, 33593, 7, 18], [48, 33593, 91, 17], [], [48, 33611, 1224, 18], [31, 33611, 7, 18], [31, 33611, 7, 18], [48, 33611, 102, 17], [], [48, 33629, 1224, 18], [31, 33629, 7, 18], [31, 33629, 7, 18], [48, 33629, 98, 17], [], [48, 33647, 1224, 18], [31, 33647, 7, 18], [31, 33647, 7, 18], [48, 33647, 120, 17], [], [48, 33665, 1224, 18], [31, 33665, 7, 18], [31, 33665, 7, 18], [48, 33665, 109, 17], [], [48, 33683, 1224, 18], [31, 33683, 7, 18], [31, 33683, 7, 18], [48, 33683, 96, 17], [], [48, 33701, 1224, 18], [31, 33701, 7, 18], [31, 33701, 7, 18], [48, 33701, 96, 17], [], [48, 33719, 1224, 18], [31, 33719, 7, 18], [31, 33719, 7, 18], [48, 33719, 92, 17], [], [48, 33737, 1224, 18], [31, 33737, 7, 18], [31, 33737, 7, 18], [48, 33737, 92, 17], [], [48, 33755, 1224, 18], [31, 33755, 7, 18], [31, 33755, 7, 18], [48, 33755, 87, 17], [], [48, 33773, 1224, 18], [31, 33773, 7, 18], [31, 33773, 7, 18], [48, 33773, 119, 17], [], [48, 33791, 1224, 18], [31, 33791, 7, 18], [31, 33791, 7, 18], [48, 33791, 130, 17], [], [48, 33809, 1224, 18], [31, 33809, 7, 18], [31, 33809, 7, 18], [48, 33809, 98, 17], [], [48, 33827, 1224, 18], [31, 33827, 7, 18], [31, 33827, 7, 18], [48, 33827, 94, 17], [], [8, 33861, 1264, 2], [8, 33879, 1264, 196], [8, 33879, 1264, 18], [], [8, 33913, 1264, 162], [48, 33913, 1224, 18], [31, 33913, 7, 18], [31, 33913, 7, 18], [48, 33913, 45, 17], [], [48, 33931, 1224, 18], [31, 33931, 7, 18], [31, 33931, 7, 18], [48, 33931, 53, 17], [], [48, 33949, 1224, 18], [31, 33949, 7, 18], [31, 33949, 7, 18], [48, 33949, 41, 17], [], [48, 33967, 1224, 18], [31, 33967, 7, 18], [31, 33967, 7, 18], [48, 33967, 80, 17], [], [48, 33985, 1224, 18], [31, 33985, 7, 18], [31, 33985, 7, 18], [48, 33985, 80, 17], [], [48, 34003, 1224, 18], [31, 34003, 7, 18], [31, 34003, 7, 18], [48, 34003, 65, 17], [], [48, 34021, 1224, 18], [31, 34021, 7, 18], [31, 34021, 7, 18], [48, 34021, 90, 17], [], [48, 34039, 1224, 18], [31, 34039, 7, 18], [31, 34039, 7, 18], [48, 34039, 76, 17], [], [48, 34057, 1224, 18], [31, 34057, 7, 18], [31, 34057, 7, 18], [48, 34057, 88, 17], [], [8, 34091, 1264, 2], [8, 34109, 1264, 142], [8, 34109, 1264, 18], [], [8, 34143, 1264, 108], [48, 34143, 1224, 18], [31, 34143, 7, 18], [31, 34143, 7, 18], [48, 34143, 89, 17], [], [48, 34161, 1224, 18], [31, 34161, 7, 18], [31, 34161, 7, 18], [48, 34161, 108, 17], [], [48, 34179, 1224, 18], [31, 34179, 7, 18], [31, 34179, 7, 18], [48, 34179, 109, 17], [], [48, 34197, 1224, 18], [31, 34197, 7, 18], [31, 34197, 7, 18], [48, 34197, 112, 17], [], [48, 34215, 1224, 18], [31, 34215, 7, 18], [31, 34215, 7, 18], [48, 34215, 134, 17], [], [48, 34233, 1224, 18], [31, 34233, 7, 18], [31, 34233, 7, 18], [48, 34233, 32, 17], [], [8, 34267, 1264, 2], [8, 34277, 1264, 177], [8, 34277, 1264, 39], [8, 34298, 146, 17], [], [154, 34298, 35, 17], [154, 34277, 35, 35], [8, 34316, 1264, 18], [8, 34316, 474, 17], [], [229, 34316, 86, 17], [], [], [385, 34316, 93, 17], [], [], [482, 34316, 309, 17], [], [8, 34440, 220, 17], [8, 34334, 220, 120], [8, 34454, 1264, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, -10000, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, -10000, 302, 152], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, -11, 22, 22], [0, -10, 20, 20], [0, 0, 300, 150], [0, 0, 300, 150]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 34462], [0, 0, 1280, 34462], [0, 0, 1264, 34449], [0, 0, 1264, 34449], [0, 0, 1264, 34449], [0, 0, 1264, 34449], [0, 0, 1264, 32840], [0, 0, 1264, 549], [0, 0, 1264, 276], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 218], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 129], [0, 0, 1264, 129], [0, 0, 1224, 90], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 90], [0, 0, 149, 86], [0, 0, 81, 81], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 12, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1224, 21], 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0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 166, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 72, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 91, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 148, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 139, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 140, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 118, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 76, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 73, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 30, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 139, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 123, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 68, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 43, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 99, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 88, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 70, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 51, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 88, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 107, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 88, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 119, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 98, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 101, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 126, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 203, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 211, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 212, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 77, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 115, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 157, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 101, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 72, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 139, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 151, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 116, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], 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0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 188, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 85, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 193, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 126, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 40, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 219, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 76, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 211, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 156, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 145, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 138, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 211, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 215, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 157, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 138, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 153, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 45, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 160, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 149, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 195, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 217, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 207, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 131, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 204, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 78, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 101, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 102, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 106, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 145, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 95, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 174, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 169, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 209, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 172, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 197, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 217, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 154, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 131, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 82, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 620, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 723], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 608], [0, 0, 209, 304], [0, 0, 205, 20], [0, 0, 205, 20], [0, 0, 32, 20], [0, 0, 171, 20], [], [0, 0, 205, 278], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 209, 304], [0, 0, 205, 20], [0, 0, 205, 20], [0, 0, 32, 20], [0, 0, 171, 20], [], [0, 0, 205, 278], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], 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1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 116], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], 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0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 116], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], 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1264, 149], [0, 0, 1264, 149], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 60, 17], [], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 85, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 72, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 177], [0, 0, 1264, 177], [0, 0, 1264, 177], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 142, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 1593], [0, 0, 1264, 1405], [0, 0, 1264, 1405], [0, 0, 1264, 198], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 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0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 223, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 144, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 49, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 166, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 72, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 91, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 148, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 139, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 140, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 118, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 76, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 73, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 30, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 139, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 123, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 68, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 43, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 99, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 88, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 70, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 51, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 88, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 107, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 88, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 119, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 98, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 101, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 126, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 203, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 211, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 212, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 77, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 115, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 157, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 101, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 72, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 139, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 151, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 116, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 107, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 131, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 171, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 49, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 132, 17], 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211, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 215, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 157, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 138, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 153, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 45, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 160, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 149, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 195, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 217, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 207, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 131, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 204, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 78, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 101, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 102, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 106, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 145, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 95, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 174, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 169, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 209, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 172, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 197, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 217, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 154, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 131, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 82, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 620, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 723], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 608], [0, 0, 209, 304], [0, 0, 205, 20], [0, 0, 205, 20], [0, 0, 32, 20], [0, 0, 171, 20], [], [0, 0, 205, 278], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 209, 304], [0, 0, 205, 20], [0, 0, 205, 20], [0, 0, 32, 20], [0, 0, 171, 20], [], [0, 0, 205, 278], [0, 0, 205, 38], [0, 0, 32, 38], [], [0, 0, 171, 38], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 169, 18], [], [0, 0, 205, 38], 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0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 116], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 152], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 116], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 12], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 98], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 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127.40625, 17], [135.40625, 81, 12.453125, 17], [147.859375, 81, 140.421875, 17], [31, 185, 7, 17], [137, 187, 55.5625, 15], [31, 205, 7, 17], [31, 224, 7, 17], [56, 226, 7.421875, 15], [8, 260, 193.484375, 17], [201.484375, 260, 32.90625, 17], [234.390625, 260, 213.28125, 17], [447.671875, 260, 25.796875, 17], [473.46875, 260, 620.359375, 17], [31, 397, 7, 17], [48, 397, 32.90625, 17], [31, 415, 7, 17], [48, 415, 51.546875, 17], [31, 433, 7, 17], [48, 433, 62.1875, 17], [31, 451, 7, 17], [48, 451, 54.203125, 17], [31, 469, 7, 17], [48, 469, 55.09375, 17], [31, 487, 7, 17], [48, 487, 32, 17], [31, 521, 7, 17], [48, 521, 66.796875, 17], [31, 539, 7, 17], [48, 539, 30.21875, 17], [8, 573, 138.234375, 17], [146.234375, 573, 150.640625, 17], [8, 702.90625, 369.25, 26], [8, 749.8125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 767.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 801.8125, 230.53125, 17], [8, 835.8125, 160.953125, 17], [8, 869.8125, 145.3125, 17], [31, 903.8125, 7, 17], [48, 903.8125, 91.96875, 17], [31, 921.8125, 7, 17], [48, 921.8125, 95.09375, 17], [71, 939.8125, 7, 17], [88, 939.8125, 120.015625, 17], [111, 957.8125, 7, 17], [128, 957.8125, 30.203125, 17], [111, 975.8125, 7, 17], [128, 975.8125, 155.09375, 17], [111, 993.8125, 7, 17], [128, 993.8125, 166.625, 17], [111, 1011.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1011.8125, 96.4375, 17], [111, 1029.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1029.8125, 80.453125, 17], [111, 1047.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1047.8125, 32, 17], [111, 1065.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1065.8125, 37.796875, 17], [111, 1083.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1083.8125, 41.78125, 17], [111, 1101.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1101.8125, 64.4375, 17], [71, 1119.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1119.8125, 67.078125, 17], [111, 1137.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1137.8125, 116.84375, 17], [111, 1155.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1155.8125, 194.140625, 17], [111, 1173.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1173.8125, 147.046875, 17], [111, 1191.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1191.8125, 179.09375, 17], [111, 1209.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1209.8125, 210.15625, 17], [111, 1227.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1227.8125, 167.96875, 17], [111, 1245.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1245.8125, 138.984375, 17], [111, 1263.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1263.8125, 146.59375, 17], [111, 1281.8125, 7, 17], [128, 1281.8125, 175.0625, 17], [31, 1299.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1299.8125, 30.203125, 17], [71, 1317.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1317.8125, 116.84375, 17], [71, 1335.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1335.8125, 223.953125, 17], [71, 1353.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1353.8125, 71.53125, 17], [71, 1371.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1371.8125, 92.859375, 17], [71, 1389.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1389.8125, 155.96875, 17], [31, 1407.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1407.8125, 230.421875, 17], [31, 1425.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1425.8125, 149.421875, 17], [31, 1443.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1443.8125, 39.125, 17], [31, 1461.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1461.8125, 173.453125, 17], [31, 1479.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1479.8125, 68, 17], [31, 1497.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1497.8125, 83.109375, 17], [71, 1515.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1515.8125, 83.09375, 17], [71, 1533.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1533.8125, 96.4375, 17], [71, 1551.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1551.8125, 105.3125, 17], [31, 1569.8125, 7, 17], [48, 1569.8125, 155.09375, 17], [71, 1587.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1587.8125, 78.625, 17], [71, 1605.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1605.8125, 46.21875, 17], [71, 1623.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1623.8125, 103.53125, 17], [71, 1641.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1641.8125, 63.265625, 17], [71, 1659.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1659.8125, 83.984375, 17], [71, 1677.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1677.8125, 88.421875, 17], [71, 1695.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1695.8125, 92.421875, 17], [71, 1713.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1713.8125, 65.328125, 17], [71, 1731.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1731.8125, 62.640625, 17], [71, 1749.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1749.8125, 147.078125, 17], [71, 1767.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1767.8125, 66.203125, 17], [71, 1785.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1785.8125, 103.09375, 17], [71, 1803.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1803.8125, 99.3125, 17], [71, 1821.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1821.8125, 176.984375, 17], [71, 1839.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1839.8125, 87.53125, 17], [71, 1857.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1857.8125, 93.78125, 17], [71, 1875.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1875.8125, 112.875, 17], [71, 1893.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1893.8125, 135.953125, 17], [71, 1911.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1911.8125, 70.65625, 17], [71, 1929.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1929.8125, 45.78125, 17], [71, 1947.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1947.8125, 46.234375, 17], [71, 1965.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1965.8125, 90.203125, 17], [71, 1983.8125, 7, 17], [88, 1983.8125, 72.15625, 17], [71, 2001.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2001.8125, 66.203125, 17], [31, 2019.8125, 7, 17], [48, 2019.8125, 138.671875, 17], [31, 2037.8125, 7, 17], [48, 2037.8125, 141.765625, 17], [71, 2055.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2055.8125, 78.65625, 17], [71, 2073.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2073.8125, 223.109375, 17], [31, 2091.8125, 7, 17], [48, 2091.8125, 118.390625, 17], [31, 2109.8125, 7, 17], [48, 2109.8125, 66.640625, 17], [71, 2127.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2127.8125, 66.640625, 17], [111, 2145.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2145.8125, 147.046875, 17], [111, 2163.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2163.8125, 205, 17], [111, 2181.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2181.8125, 68, 17], [111, 2199.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2199.8125, 174.140625, 17], [111, 2217.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2217.8125, 54.109375, 17], [111, 2235.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2235.8125, 82.65625, 17], [111, 2253.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2253.8125, 88.421875, 17], [111, 2271.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2271.8125, 100.421875, 17], [111, 2289.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2289.8125, 88.421875, 17], [111, 2307.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2307.8125, 125.765625, 17], [111, 2325.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2325.8125, 124.4375, 17], [111, 2343.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2343.8125, 106.671875, 17], [111, 2361.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2361.8125, 132.4375, 17], [111, 2379.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2379.8125, 94.21875, 17], [111, 2397.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2397.8125, 106.21875, 17], [111, 2415.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2415.8125, 118.671875, 17], [111, 2433.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2433.8125, 127.125, 17], [111, 2451.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2451.8125, 94.21875, 17], [111, 2469.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2469.8125, 97.796875, 17], [111, 2487.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2487.8125, 97.796875, 17], [71, 2505.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2505.8125, 93.46875, 17], [111, 2523.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2523.8125, 104.125, 17], [111, 2541.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2541.8125, 286.765625, 17], [111, 2559.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2559.8125, 73.46875, 17], [111, 2577.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2577.8125, 102.34375, 17], [111, 2595.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2595.8125, 85.1875, 17], [111, 2613.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2613.8125, 53.328125, 17], [111, 2631.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2631.8125, 57.34375, 17], [111, 2649.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2649.8125, 206.796875, 17], [111, 2667.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2667.8125, 155.96875, 17], [111, 2685.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2685.8125, 98.1875, 17], [111, 2703.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2703.8125, 47.125, 17], [71, 2721.8125, 7, 17], [88, 2721.8125, 75.890625, 17], [111, 2739.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2739.8125, 84.421875, 17], [111, 2757.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2757.8125, 34.21875, 17], [111, 2775.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2775.8125, 70.65625, 17], [111, 2793.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2793.8125, 59.125, 17], [111, 2811.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2811.8125, 98.21875, 17], [111, 2829.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2829.8125, 160.5625, 17], [111, 2847.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2847.8125, 36.4375, 17], [111, 2865.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2865.8125, 54.21875, 17], [111, 2883.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2883.8125, 68.875, 17], [111, 2901.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2901.8125, 31.109375, 17], [111, 2919.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2919.8125, 167.96875, 17], [111, 2937.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2937.8125, 71.90625, 17], [111, 2955.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2955.8125, 53.546875, 17], [111, 2973.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [111, 2991.8125, 7, 17], [128, 2991.8125, 67.53125, 17], [111, 3009.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3009.8125, 122.78125, 17], [111, 3027.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3027.8125, 39.984375, 17], [111, 3045.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3045.8125, 73.09375, 17], [111, 3063.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3063.8125, 84, 17], [111, 3081.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3081.8125, 40.234375, 17], [111, 3099.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3099.8125, 55.3125, 17], [111, 3117.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3117.8125, 86.640625, 17], [111, 3135.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3135.8125, 82.1875, 17], [111, 3153.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3153.8125, 54.203125, 17], [111, 3171.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3171.8125, 99.25, 17], [111, 3189.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3189.8125, 127.890625, 17], [111, 3207.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3207.8125, 83.109375, 17], [111, 3225.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3225.8125, 51.546875, 17], [111, 3243.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3243.8125, 139.53125, 17], [111, 3261.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3261.8125, 30.859375, 17], [111, 3279.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3279.8125, 64.296875, 17], [111, 3297.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3297.8125, 74.53125, 17], [111, 3315.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3315.8125, 136.78125, 17], [111, 3333.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3333.8125, 56.4375, 17], [111, 3351.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3351.8125, 49.578125, 17], [111, 3369.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3369.8125, 36.421875, 17], [71, 3387.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3387.8125, 119.546875, 17], [111, 3405.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3405.8125, 44.4375, 17], [111, 3423.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3423.8125, 70.65625, 17], [111, 3441.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3441.8125, 82.21875, 17], [111, 3459.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3459.8125, 57.78125, 17], [111, 3477.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3477.8125, 112.90625, 17], [111, 3495.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3495.8125, 44.140625, 17], [111, 3513.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3513.8125, 79.546875, 17], [71, 3531.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3531.8125, 68.421875, 17], [156.421875, 3531.8125, 98.203125, 17], [111, 3549.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3549.8125, 192.421875, 17], [111, 3567.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3567.8125, 108.890625, 17], [111, 3585.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3585.8125, 102.34375, 17], [111, 3603.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3603.8125, 245.625, 17], [111, 3621.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3621.8125, 85.1875, 17], [111, 3639.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3639.8125, 131.96875, 17], [111, 3657.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3657.8125, 114.1875, 17], [111, 3675.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3675.8125, 69.953125, 17], [111, 3693.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3693.8125, 82.21875, 17], [111, 3711.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3711.8125, 101.078125, 17], [111, 3729.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3729.8125, 83.96875, 17], [111, 3747.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3747.8125, 64.359375, 17], [111, 3765.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3765.8125, 52.140625, 17], [111, 3783.8125, 7, 17], [128, 3783.8125, 29.328125, 17], [31, 3801.8125, 7, 17], [48, 3801.8125, 66.1875, 17], [71, 3819.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3819.8125, 74.1875, 17], [71, 3837.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3837.8125, 87.3125, 17], [71, 3855.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3855.8125, 123.09375, 17], [71, 3873.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3873.8125, 103.328125, 17], [71, 3891.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3891.8125, 59.5625, 17], [71, 3909.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3909.8125, 202.140625, 17], [71, 3927.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3927.8125, 86.171875, 17], [71, 3945.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3945.8125, 59.46875, 17], [71, 3963.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3963.8125, 47.96875, 17], [71, 3981.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3981.8125, 95.125, 17], [71, 3999.8125, 7, 17], [88, 3999.8125, 87.546875, 17], [71, 4017.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4017.8125, 91.109375, 17], [71, 4035.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4035.8125, 149.75, 17], [71, 4053.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4053.8125, 90.84375, 17], [71, 4071.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4071.8125, 102.421875, 17], [71, 4089.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4089.8125, 87.515625, 17], [71, 4107.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4107.8125, 111.53125, 17], [31, 4125.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4125.8125, 19.53125, 17], [31, 4143.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4143.8125, 133.3125, 17], [71, 4161.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4161.8125, 244.390625, 17], [71, 4179.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4179.8125, 247.21875, 17], [71, 4197.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4197.8125, 212.40625, 17], [31, 4215.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4215.8125, 124.015625, 17], [71, 4233.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4233.8125, 109.75, 17], [71, 4251.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4251.8125, 46.203125, 17], [71, 4269.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4269.8125, 135.328125, 17], [71, 4287.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4287.8125, 77.96875, 17], [71, 4305.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4305.8125, 50.671875, 17], [71, 4323.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4323.8125, 124.421875, 17], [71, 4341.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4341.8125, 49.75, 17], [71, 4359.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4359.8125, 68, 17], [71, 4377.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4377.8125, 41.75, 17], [71, 4395.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4395.8125, 34.65625, 17], [71, 4413.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4413.8125, 109.734375, 17], [71, 4431.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4431.8125, 93.765625, 17], [71, 4449.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4449.8125, 48.875, 17], [71, 4467.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4467.8125, 35.5625, 17], [71, 4485.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4485.8125, 65.3125, 17], [71, 4503.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4503.8125, 55.078125, 17], [71, 4521.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4521.8125, 83.078125, 17], [31, 4539.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4539.8125, 61.3125, 17], [71, 4557.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4557.8125, 97.78125, 17], [71, 4575.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4575.8125, 29.328125, 17], [71, 4593.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4593.8125, 120.890625, 17], [71, 4611.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4611.8125, 41.75, 17], [111, 4629.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4629.8125, 143.3125, 17], [71, 4647.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4647.8125, 43.25, 17], [71, 4665.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4665.8125, 144.453125, 17], [232.4375, 4665.8125, 33.796875, 17], [71, 4683.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4683.8125, 126.859375, 17], [71, 4701.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4701.8125, 81.984375, 17], [71, 4719.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4719.8125, 39.109375, 17], [111, 4737.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4737.8125, 40.234375, 17], [111, 4755.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4755.8125, 64.296875, 17], [71, 4773.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4773.8125, 51.265625, 17], [71, 4791.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4791.8125, 124.421875, 17], [71, 4809.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4809.8125, 39.109375, 17], [31, 4827.8125, 7, 17], [48, 4827.8125, 36.4375, 17], [71, 4845.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4845.8125, 40, 17], [111, 4863.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4863.8125, 125.078125, 17], [111, 4881.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4881.8125, 190.171875, 17], [111, 4899.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4899.8125, 109.328125, 17], [111, 4917.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4917.8125, 117.3125, 17], [111, 4935.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4935.8125, 137.28125, 17], [111, 4953.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4953.8125, 85.765625, 17], [111, 4971.8125, 7, 17], [128, 4971.8125, 137.734375, 17], [71, 4989.8125, 7, 17], [88, 4989.8125, 46.203125, 17], [111, 5007.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5007.8125, 128.828125, 17], [111, 5025.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5025.8125, 159.953125, 17], [111, 5043.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5043.8125, 135.078125, 17], [111, 5061.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5061.8125, 76.890625, 17], [111, 5079.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5079.8125, 119.546875, 17], [111, 5097.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5097.8125, 137.734375, 17], [111, 5115.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5115.8125, 160.859375, 17], [111, 5133.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5133.8125, 88.421875, 17], [111, 5151.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5151.8125, 107.984375, 17], [111, 5169.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5169.8125, 164.84375, 17], [111, 5187.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5187.8125, 127.9375, 17], [111, 5205.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5205.8125, 135.96875, 17], [111, 5223.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5223.8125, 102.640625, 17], [111, 5241.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5241.8125, 138.15625, 17], [111, 5259.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5259.8125, 107.671875, 17], [111, 5277.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5277.8125, 123.515625, 17], [111, 5295.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5295.8125, 83.96875, 17], [111, 5313.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5313.8125, 140.84375, 17], [111, 5331.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5331.8125, 171.96875, 17], [111, 5349.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5349.8125, 99.3125, 17], [111, 5367.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5367.8125, 127.515625, 17], [111, 5385.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5385.8125, 150.1875, 17], [111, 5403.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5403.8125, 146.03125, 17], [111, 5421.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5421.8125, 99.546875, 17], [111, 5439.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5439.8125, 106.796875, 17], [111, 5457.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5457.8125, 175.515625, 17], [111, 5475.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5475.8125, 105.3125, 17], [111, 5493.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5493.8125, 86.640625, 17], [111, 5511.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5511.8125, 215.984375, 17], [111, 5529.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5529.8125, 142.484375, 17], [111, 5547.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5547.8125, 136.859375, 17], [111, 5565.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5565.8125, 125.296875, 17], [111, 5583.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5583.8125, 49.109375, 17], [71, 5601.8125, 7, 17], [88, 5601.8125, 99.96875, 17], [111, 5619.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5619.8125, 175.953125, 17], [111, 5637.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5637.8125, 172.421875, 17], [111, 5655.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5655.8125, 151.9375, 17], [111, 5673.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5673.8125, 199.796875, 17], [71, 5691.8125, 7, 17], [88, 5691.8125, 92.859375, 17], [111, 5709.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5709.8125, 244.421875, 17], [111, 5727.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5727.8125, 176.84375, 17], [111, 5745.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5745.8125, 140.171875, 17], [111, 5763.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5763.8125, 180.828125, 17], [71, 5781.8125, 7, 17], [88, 5781.8125, 139.875, 17], [111, 5799.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5799.8125, 187.171875, 17], [111, 5817.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5817.8125, 30.21875, 17], [111, 5835.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5835.8125, 77.765625, 17], [71, 5853.8125, 7, 17], [88, 5853.8125, 32, 17], [111, 5871.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5871.8125, 88.875, 17], [111, 5889.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5889.8125, 232.25, 17], [111, 5907.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5907.8125, 237.3125, 17], [111, 5925.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5925.8125, 134.65625, 17], [111, 5943.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5943.8125, 175.8125, 17], [111, 5961.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5961.8125, 275.640625, 17], [111, 5979.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5979.8125, 166.375, 17], [111, 5997.8125, 7, 17], [128, 5997.8125, 185.65625, 17], [111, 6015.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6015.8125, 167.90625, 17], [111, 6033.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6033.8125, 187.234375, 17], [71, 6051.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6051.8125, 66.1875, 17], [111, 6069.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6069.8125, 157.5, 17], [111, 6087.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6087.8125, 103.328125, 17], [111, 6105.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6105.8125, 155.03125, 17], [111, 6123.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6123.8125, 87.546875, 17], [111, 6141.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6141.8125, 149.75, 17], [71, 6159.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6159.8125, 31.125, 17], [71, 6177.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6177.8125, 78.671875, 17], [111, 6195.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6195.8125, 55.28125, 17], [111, 6213.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6213.8125, 63.109375, 17], [111, 6231.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6231.8125, 68.421875, 17], [111, 6249.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6249.8125, 60.4375, 17], [111, 6267.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6267.8125, 52.4375, 17], [111, 6285.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6285.8125, 95.828125, 17], [111, 6303.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6303.8125, 45.640625, 17], [111, 6321.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6321.8125, 90.640625, 17], [111, 6339.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6339.8125, 25.796875, 17], [111, 6357.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6357.8125, 47.96875, 17], [111, 6375.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6375.8125, 111.53125, 17], [111, 6393.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6393.8125, 45.640625, 17], [111, 6411.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6411.8125, 68.453125, 17], [111, 6429.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6429.8125, 110.671875, 17], [111, 6447.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6447.8125, 56.875, 17], [111, 6465.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6465.8125, 112.109375, 17], [111, 6483.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6483.8125, 33.765625, 17], [111, 6501.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6501.8125, 86.671875, 17], [71, 6519.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6519.8125, 33.78125, 17], [111, 6537.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6537.8125, 90.234375, 17], [111, 6555.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6555.8125, 143.3125, 17], [71, 6573.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6573.8125, 76.875, 17], [111, 6591.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6591.8125, 152.859375, 17], [71, 6609.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6609.8125, 53.09375, 17], [111, 6627.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6627.8125, 86.125, 17], [71, 6645.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6645.8125, 43.734375, 17], [111, 6663.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6663.8125, 144.4375, 17], [111, 6681.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6681.8125, 90.03125, 17], [111, 6699.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6699.8125, 129.359375, 17], [111, 6717.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6717.8125, 97.796875, 17], [111, 6735.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6735.8125, 114.59375, 17], [111, 6753.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6753.8125, 64.015625, 17], [111, 6771.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6771.8125, 94.234375, 17], [111, 6789.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6789.8125, 143.3125, 17], [111, 6807.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6807.8125, 209.34375, 17], [111, 6825.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6825.8125, 276.453125, 17], [111, 6843.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6843.8125, 77.78125, 17], [111, 6861.8125, 7, 17], [128, 6861.8125, 99.984375, 17], [31, 6879.8125, 7, 17], [48, 6879.8125, 91.984375, 17], [71, 6897.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6897.8125, 137.765625, 17], [71, 6915.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6915.8125, 110.21875, 17], [71, 6933.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6933.8125, 144.859375, 17], [71, 6951.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6951.8125, 175.953125, 17], [31, 6969.8125, 7, 17], [48, 6969.8125, 81.328125, 17], [71, 6987.8125, 7, 17], [88, 6987.8125, 81.328125, 17], [111, 7005.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7005.8125, 105.765625, 17], [111, 7023.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7023.8125, 67.109375, 17], [111, 7041.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7041.8125, 120.421875, 17], [111, 7059.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7059.8125, 83.546875, 17], [111, 7077.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7077.8125, 77.78125, 17], [111, 7095.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7095.8125, 85.75, 17], [111, 7113.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7113.8125, 129.78125, 17], [111, 7131.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7131.8125, 59.125, 17], [111, 7149.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7149.8125, 34.65625, 17], [111, 7167.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7167.8125, 52.015625, 17], [111, 7185.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7185.8125, 54.21875, 17], [111, 7203.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7203.8125, 62.65625, 17], [111, 7221.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7221.8125, 158.5625, 17], [111, 7239.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7239.8125, 81.546875, 17], [111, 7257.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7257.8125, 82.015625, 17], [111, 7275.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7275.8125, 121.734375, 17], [111, 7293.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7293.8125, 49.0625, 17], [111, 7311.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7311.8125, 121.6875, 17], [71, 7329.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7329.8125, 162.0625, 17], [31, 7347.8125, 7, 17], [48, 7347.8125, 62.1875, 17], [71, 7365.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7365.8125, 81.3125, 17], [111, 7383.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7383.8125, 81.3125, 17], [71, 7401.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7401.8125, 157.75, 17], [111, 7419.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7419.8125, 70.671875, 17], [111, 7437.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7437.8125, 60.421875, 17], [111, 7455.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7455.8125, 59.546875, 17], [71, 7473.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7473.8125, 42.671875, 17], [71, 7491.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7491.8125, 38.203125, 17], [111, 7509.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7509.8125, 67.09375, 17], [111, 7527.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7527.8125, 105.3125, 17], [111, 7545.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7545.8125, 87.140625, 17], [111, 7563.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7563.8125, 67.09375, 17], [111, 7581.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7581.8125, 104.15625, 17], [111, 7599.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7599.8125, 86.640625, 17], [111, 7617.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7617.8125, 53.09375, 17], [111, 7635.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7635.8125, 158.609375, 17], [71, 7653.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7653.8125, 196.15625, 17], [111, 7671.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7671.8125, 18.671875, 17], [111, 7689.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7689.8125, 76.890625, 17], [111, 7707.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7707.8125, 63.109375, 17], [111, 7725.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7725.8125, 54.21875, 17], [111, 7743.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7743.8125, 201.34375, 17], [71, 7761.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7761.8125, 184.859375, 17], [111, 7779.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7779.8125, 45.34375, 17], [111, 7797.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7797.8125, 74.453125, 17], [111, 7815.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7815.8125, 34.65625, 17], [111, 7833.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7833.8125, 38.203125, 17], [111, 7851.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7851.8125, 72.421875, 17], [111, 7869.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7869.8125, 76.453125, 17], [111, 7887.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7887.8125, 63.109375, 17], [111, 7905.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7905.8125, 33.328125, 17], [161.328125, 7905.8125, 84.421875, 17], [111, 7923.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7923.8125, 77.3125, 17], [111, 7941.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7941.8125, 61.53125, 17], [71, 7959.8125, 7, 17], [88, 7959.8125, 84, 17], [111, 7977.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7977.8125, 68.875, 17], [111, 7995.8125, 7, 17], [128, 7995.8125, 31.109375, 17], [111, 8013.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8013.8125, 46.21875, 17], [111, 8031.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8031.8125, 124, 17], [71, 8049.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8049.8125, 85.75, 17], [111, 8067.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8067.8125, 85.75, 17], [71, 8085.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8085.8125, 84, 17], [71, 8103.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8103.8125, 94.65625, 17], [111, 8121.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8121.8125, 142.640625, 17], [111, 8139.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8139.8125, 154.203125, 17], [111, 8157.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8157.8125, 159.53125, 17], [111, 8175.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8175.8125, 267.09375, 17], [111, 8193.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8193.8125, 146.203125, 17], [71, 8211.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8211.8125, 105.3125, 17], [111, 8229.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8229.8125, 58.65625, 17], [111, 8247.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8247.8125, 108.453125, 17], [111, 8265.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8265.8125, 48.890625, 17], [111, 8283.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8283.8125, 55.109375, 17], [111, 8301.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8301.8125, 63.890625, 17], [71, 8319.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8319.8125, 85.78125, 17], [111, 8337.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8337.8125, 42.671875, 17], [111, 8355.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8355.8125, 71.328125, 17], [111, 8373.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8373.8125, 75.09375, 17], [111, 8391.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8391.8125, 63.109375, 17], [111, 8409.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8409.8125, 99.96875, 17], [111, 8427.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8427.8125, 38.21875, 17], [71, 8445.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8445.8125, 121.890625, 17], [111, 8463.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8463.8125, 169.875, 17], [111, 8481.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8481.8125, 186.75, 17], [111, 8499.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8499.8125, 240.125, 17], [111, 8517.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8517.8125, 185.890625, 17], [111, 8535.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8535.8125, 222.78125, 17], [111, 8553.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8553.8125, 263.65625, 17], [111, 8571.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8571.8125, 213.859375, 17], [111, 8589.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8589.8125, 204.09375, 17], [111, 8607.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8607.8125, 184.09375, 17], [111, 8625.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8625.8125, 213.015625, 17], [111, 8643.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8643.8125, 173.4375, 17], [71, 8661.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8661.8125, 103.546875, 17], [111, 8679.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8679.8125, 103.546875, 17], [71, 8697.8125, 7, 17], [88, 8697.8125, 43.25, 17], [111, 8715.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8715.8125, 134.78125, 17], [111, 8733.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8733.8125, 116.109375, 17], [111, 8751.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8751.8125, 159.46875, 17], [111, 8769.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8769.8125, 138.5625, 17], [111, 8787.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8787.8125, 95.25, 17], [111, 8805.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8805.8125, 130.34375, 17], [111, 8823.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8823.8125, 149, 17], [111, 8841.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8841.8125, 147.4375, 17], [111, 8859.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8859.8125, 77.46875, 17], [111, 8877.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8877.8125, 98.765625, 17], [111, 8895.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8895.8125, 115.234375, 17], [111, 8913.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8913.8125, 110.34375, 17], [111, 8931.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8931.8125, 105.46875, 17], [111, 8949.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8949.8125, 139.25, 17], [111, 8967.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8967.8125, 79.25, 17], [111, 8985.8125, 7, 17], [128, 8985.8125, 112.5625, 17], [111, 9003.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9003.8125, 57.78125, 17], [111, 9021.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9021.8125, 84.578125, 17], [71, 9039.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9039.8125, 88.140625, 17], [111, 9057.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9057.8125, 147.671875, 17], [71, 9075.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9075.8125, 34.671875, 17], [111, 9093.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9093.8125, 125.78125, 17], [111, 9111.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9111.8125, 124.875, 17], [111, 9129.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9129.8125, 105.796875, 17], [111, 9147.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9147.8125, 100.421875, 17], [111, 9165.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9165.8125, 95.09375, 17], [71, 9183.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9183.8125, 42.65625, 17], [111, 9201.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9201.8125, 163.109375, 17], [111, 9219.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9219.8125, 106.640625, 17], [111, 9237.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9237.8125, 151.515625, 17], [111, 9255.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9255.8125, 101.546875, 17], [111, 9273.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9273.8125, 112.59375, 17], [71, 9291.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9291.8125, 155.875, 17], [111, 9309.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9309.8125, 235.84375, 17], [71, 9327.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9327.8125, 137.734375, 17], [111, 9345.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9345.8125, 145.953125, 17], [111, 9363.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9363.8125, 193.3125, 17], [111, 9381.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9381.8125, 137.75, 17], [111, 9399.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9399.8125, 171.75, 17], [111, 9417.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9417.8125, 154.640625, 17], [111, 9435.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9435.8125, 176.875, 17], [111, 9453.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9453.8125, 148.421875, 17], [71, 9471.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9471.8125, 179.140625, 17], [111, 9489.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9489.8125, 179.140625, 17], [71, 9507.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9507.8125, 54.203125, 17], [111, 9525.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9525.8125, 105.734375, 17], [111, 9543.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9543.8125, 182.84375, 17], [71, 9561.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9561.8125, 78.203125, 17], [111, 9579.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9579.8125, 168.421875, 17], [111, 9597.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9597.8125, 163.734375, 17], [111, 9615.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9615.8125, 185.28125, 17], [111, 9633.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9633.8125, 208.09375, 17], [71, 9651.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9651.8125, 53.328125, 17], [111, 9669.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9669.8125, 120.203125, 17], [111, 9687.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9687.8125, 122.875, 17], [111, 9705.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9705.8125, 151.546875, 17], [111, 9723.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9723.8125, 138.859375, 17], [111, 9741.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9741.8125, 138.328125, 17], [111, 9759.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9759.8125, 121.984375, 17], [111, 9777.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9777.8125, 111.078125, 17], [71, 9795.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9795.8125, 91.171875, 17], [111, 9813.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9813.8125, 50.578125, 17], [111, 9831.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9831.8125, 133.734375, 17], [111, 9849.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9849.8125, 88.4375, 17], [71, 9867.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9867.8125, 95.546875, 17], [111, 9885.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9885.8125, 100.859375, 17], [111, 9903.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9903.8125, 150.21875, 17], [111, 9921.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9921.8125, 84, 17], [71, 9939.8125, 7, 17], [88, 9939.8125, 279.25, 17], [111, 9957.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9957.8125, 177.34375, 17], [111, 9975.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9975.8125, 209.75, 17], [111, 9993.8125, 7, 17], [128, 9993.8125, 210.640625, 17], [111, 10011.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10011.8125, 200.859375, 17], [111, 10029.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10029.8125, 204.4375, 17], [111, 10047.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10047.8125, 189.75, 17], [111, 10065.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10065.8125, 181.96875, 17], [111, 10083.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10083.8125, 160.421875, 17], [111, 10101.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10101.8125, 224.421875, 17], [111, 10119.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10119.8125, 185.53125, 17], [111, 10137.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10137.8125, 180, 17], [111, 10155.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10155.8125, 147.546875, 17], [111, 10173.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10173.8125, 69.75, 17], [71, 10191.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10191.8125, 33.78125, 17], [111, 10209.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10209.8125, 119.515625, 17], [111, 10227.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10227.8125, 155.078125, 17], [111, 10245.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10245.8125, 90.640625, 17], [111, 10263.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10263.8125, 80.859375, 17], [111, 10281.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10281.8125, 125.40625, 17], [111, 10299.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10299.8125, 116, 17], [111, 10317.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10317.8125, 101.328125, 17], [111, 10335.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10335.8125, 83.109375, 17], [71, 10353.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10353.8125, 204.78125, 17], [111, 10371.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10371.8125, 153.46875, 17], [111, 10389.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10389.8125, 175.46875, 17], [111, 10407.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10407.8125, 173.234375, 17], [111, 10425.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10425.8125, 181.234375, 17], [111, 10443.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10443.8125, 167.609375, 17], [111, 10461.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10461.8125, 123.078125, 17], [111, 10479.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10479.8125, 143.53125, 17], [111, 10497.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10497.8125, 191.28125, 17], [111, 10515.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10515.8125, 126.640625, 17], [111, 10533.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10533.8125, 132.84375, 17], [111, 10551.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10551.8125, 138.1875, 17], [111, 10569.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10569.8125, 140.484375, 17], [71, 10587.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10587.8125, 33.78125, 17], [71, 10605.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10605.8125, 87.546875, 17], [111, 10623.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10623.8125, 179.078125, 17], [111, 10641.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10641.8125, 176.84375, 17], [111, 10659.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10659.8125, 121.328125, 17], [111, 10677.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10677.8125, 146.21875, 17], [111, 10695.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10695.8125, 194.609375, 17], [111, 10713.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10713.8125, 163.96875, 17], [111, 10731.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10731.8125, 130.5, 17], [111, 10749.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10749.8125, 136.875, 17], [111, 10767.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10767.8125, 46.453125, 17], [71, 10785.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10785.8125, 121.78125, 17], [111, 10803.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10803.8125, 85.796875, 17], [111, 10821.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10821.8125, 38.203125, 17], [71, 10839.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10839.8125, 60.375, 17], [111, 10857.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10857.8125, 60.375, 17], [71, 10875.8125, 7, 17], [88, 10875.8125, 119.5625, 17], [111, 10893.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10893.8125, 209.984375, 17], [111, 10911.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10911.8125, 211.125, 17], [111, 10929.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10929.8125, 167.546875, 17], [111, 10947.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10947.8125, 195.53125, 17], [111, 10965.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10965.8125, 194.8125, 17], [111, 10983.8125, 7, 17], [128, 10983.8125, 205.3125, 17], [111, 11001.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11001.8125, 168.890625, 17], [111, 11019.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11019.8125, 47.109375, 17], [71, 11037.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11037.8125, 96.4375, 17], [111, 11055.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11055.8125, 186.640625, 17], [111, 11073.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11073.8125, 173.703125, 17], [111, 11091.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11091.8125, 201.453125, 17], [111, 11109.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11109.8125, 229.953125, 17], [111, 11127.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11127.8125, 211.734375, 17], [111, 11145.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11145.8125, 229.734375, 17], [111, 11163.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11163.8125, 215.296875, 17], [111, 11181.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11181.8125, 157.078125, 17], [71, 11199.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11199.8125, 44.4375, 17], [111, 11217.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11217.8125, 19.5625, 17], [111, 11235.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11235.8125, 62.21875, 17], [111, 11253.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11253.8125, 50.671875, 17], [111, 11271.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11271.8125, 46.4375, 17], [111, 11289.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11289.8125, 38.203125, 17], [111, 11307.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11307.8125, 76.890625, 17], [111, 11325.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11325.8125, 89.75, 17], [111, 11343.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11343.8125, 58.65625, 17], [111, 11361.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11361.8125, 53.09375, 17], [71, 11379.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11379.8125, 304.359375, 17], [111, 11397.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11397.8125, 157.078125, 17], [111, 11415.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11415.8125, 212.421875, 17], [111, 11433.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11433.8125, 89.765625, 17], [111, 11451.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11451.8125, 132.421875, 17], [111, 11469.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11469.8125, 121.765625, 17], [111, 11487.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11487.8125, 156.578125, 17], [111, 11505.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11505.8125, 154.21875, 17], [111, 11523.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11523.8125, 107.96875, 17], [111, 11541.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11541.8125, 171.96875, 17], [111, 11559.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11559.8125, 104.453125, 17], [111, 11577.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11577.8125, 146.234375, 17], [111, 11595.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11595.8125, 183.984375, 17], [111, 11613.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11613.8125, 153.328125, 17], [111, 11631.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11631.8125, 167.234375, 17], [111, 11649.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11649.8125, 126.796875, 17], [111, 11667.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11667.8125, 155.984375, 17], [111, 11685.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11685.8125, 170.21875, 17], [111, 11703.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11703.8125, 205.53125, 17], [71, 11721.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11721.8125, 118.234375, 17], [111, 11739.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11739.8125, 31.109375, 17], [111, 11757.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11757.8125, 85.765625, 17], [111, 11775.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11775.8125, 38.21875, 17], [111, 11793.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11793.8125, 68.640625, 17], [111, 11811.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11811.8125, 62.421875, 17], [111, 11829.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11829.8125, 31.984375, 17], [111, 11847.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11847.8125, 99.078125, 17], [111, 11865.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11865.8125, 40.875, 17], [111, 11883.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11883.8125, 65.984375, 17], [111, 11901.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11901.8125, 36, 17], [71, 11919.8125, 7, 17], [88, 11919.8125, 22.859375, 17], [111, 11937.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11937.8125, 168.171875, 17], [111, 11955.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11955.8125, 167.4375, 17], [111, 11973.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11973.8125, 90.390625, 17], [111, 11991.8125, 7, 17], [128, 11991.8125, 78.859375, 17], [111, 12009.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12009.8125, 152.1875, 17], [111, 12027.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12027.8125, 66.765625, 17], [111, 12045.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12045.8125, 181.515625, 17], [111, 12063.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12063.8125, 169.21875, 17], [111, 12081.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12081.8125, 66, 17], [111, 12099.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12099.8125, 134.84375, 17], [111, 12117.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12117.8125, 162.75, 17], [31, 12135.8125, 7, 17], [48, 12135.8125, 45.328125, 17], [71, 12153.8125, 7, 17], [88, 12153.8125, 98.6875, 17], [111, 12171.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12171.8125, 121.765625, 17], [111, 12189.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12189.8125, 141.21875, 17], [111, 12207.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12207.8125, 165.890625, 17], [111, 12225.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12225.8125, 150.109375, 17], [111, 12243.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12243.8125, 93.75, 17], [111, 12261.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12261.8125, 104.890625, 17], [111, 12279.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12279.8125, 51.546875, 17], [111, 12297.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12297.8125, 114.65625, 17], [111, 12315.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12315.8125, 75.125, 17], [111, 12333.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12333.8125, 139.921875, 17], [111, 12351.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12351.8125, 81.3125, 17], [111, 12369.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12369.8125, 129.03125, 17], [111, 12387.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12387.8125, 32.890625, 17], [111, 12405.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12405.8125, 159.046875, 17], [111, 12423.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12423.8125, 231.09375, 17], [111, 12441.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12441.8125, 192.828125, 17], [111, 12459.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12459.8125, 114.6875, 17], [111, 12477.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12477.8125, 98.234375, 17], [111, 12495.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12495.8125, 146.40625, 17], [111, 12513.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12513.8125, 48.890625, 17], [111, 12531.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12531.8125, 97.3125, 17], [111, 12549.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12549.8125, 100.4375, 17], [111, 12567.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12567.8125, 125.3125, 17], [111, 12585.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12585.8125, 156.390625, 17], [111, 12603.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12603.8125, 101.765625, 17], [111, 12621.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12621.8125, 80.4375, 17], [111, 12639.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12639.8125, 120.21875, 17], [111, 12657.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12657.8125, 103.265625, 17], [111, 12675.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12675.8125, 127.953125, 17], [111, 12693.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12693.8125, 101.796875, 17], [111, 12711.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12711.8125, 145.078125, 17], [111, 12729.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12729.8125, 124.109375, 17], [111, 12747.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12747.8125, 122.65625, 17], [111, 12765.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12765.8125, 105.3125, 17], [111, 12783.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12783.8125, 95.546875, 17], [111, 12801.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12801.8125, 52.453125, 17], [111, 12819.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12819.8125, 216.890625, 17], [111, 12837.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12837.8125, 74.40625, 17], [111, 12855.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12855.8125, 101.984375, 17], [111, 12873.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12873.8125, 121.765625, 17], [111, 12891.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12891.8125, 133.046875, 17], [111, 12909.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12909.8125, 137.78125, 17], [111, 12927.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12927.8125, 157.328125, 17], [111, 12945.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12945.8125, 62.21875, 17], [111, 12963.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12963.8125, 58.234375, 17], [111, 12981.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12981.8125, 124.875, 17], [111, 12999.8125, 7, 17], [128, 12999.8125, 82.203125, 17], [111, 13017.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13017.8125, 114.890625, 17], [111, 13035.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13035.8125, 125.96875, 17], [111, 13053.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13053.8125, 66.25, 17], [111, 13071.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13071.8125, 171.96875, 17], [111, 13089.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13089.8125, 119.75, 17], [111, 13107.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13107.8125, 181.890625, 17], [111, 13125.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13125.8125, 91.796875, 17], [111, 13143.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13143.8125, 101.75, 17], [111, 13161.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13161.8125, 118.46875, 17], [111, 13179.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13179.8125, 162.5625, 17], [71, 13197.8125, 7, 17], [88, 13197.8125, 129.75, 17], [111, 13215.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13215.8125, 47.765625, 17], [175.765625, 13215.8125, 52.453125, 17], [111, 13233.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13233.8125, 96.859375, 17], [111, 13251.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13251.8125, 108, 17], [111, 13269.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13269.8125, 158.796875, 17], [111, 13287.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13287.8125, 212.140625, 17], [111, 13305.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13305.8125, 93.546875, 17], [111, 13323.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13323.8125, 161.21875, 17], [111, 13341.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13341.8125, 64.21875, 17], [111, 13359.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13359.8125, 37.546875, 17], [111, 13377.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13377.8125, 80.4375, 17], [111, 13395.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13395.8125, 76.015625, 17], [111, 13413.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13413.8125, 140.421875, 17], [111, 13431.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13431.8125, 139.515625, 17], [111, 13449.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13449.8125, 78.640625, 17], [111, 13467.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13467.8125, 159.4375, 17], [111, 13485.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13485.8125, 142.21875, 17], [111, 13503.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13503.8125, 86.65625, 17], [111, 13521.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13521.8125, 129.328125, 17], [111, 13539.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13539.8125, 80.4375, 17], [111, 13557.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13557.8125, 47.578125, 17], [111, 13575.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13575.8125, 116.421875, 17], [111, 13593.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13593.8125, 126.15625, 17], [111, 13611.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13611.8125, 80.59375, 17], [111, 13629.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13629.8125, 124.40625, 17], [111, 13647.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13647.8125, 117.296875, 17], [111, 13665.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13665.8125, 84.859375, 17], [111, 13683.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13683.8125, 60.875, 17], [111, 13701.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13701.8125, 61.921875, 17], [111, 13719.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13719.8125, 143.28125, 17], [111, 13737.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13737.8125, 132.640625, 17], [111, 13755.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13755.8125, 229.0625, 17], [111, 13773.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13773.8125, 108, 17], [111, 13791.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13791.8125, 113.296875, 17], [111, 13809.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13809.8125, 115.09375, 17], [111, 13827.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13827.8125, 101.046875, 17], [111, 13845.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13845.8125, 101.984375, 17], [111, 13863.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13863.8125, 56.890625, 17], [111, 13881.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13881.8125, 84.875, 17], [111, 13899.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13899.8125, 160.796875, 17], [111, 13917.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13917.8125, 31.984375, 17], [111, 13935.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13935.8125, 109.75, 17], [111, 13953.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13953.8125, 123.515625, 17], [111, 13971.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13971.8125, 142.375, 17], [111, 13989.8125, 7, 17], [128, 13989.8125, 87.53125, 17], [111, 14007.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14007.8125, 116.234375, 17], [111, 14025.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14025.8125, 130.0625, 17], [111, 14043.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14043.8125, 115.3125, 17], [111, 14061.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14061.8125, 101.515625, 17], [111, 14079.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14079.8125, 55.4375, 17], [111, 14097.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14097.8125, 108.46875, 17], [111, 14115.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14115.8125, 108.453125, 17], [111, 14133.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14133.8125, 81.90625, 17], [111, 14151.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14151.8125, 110.1875, 17], [71, 14169.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14169.8125, 221.765625, 17], [111, 14187.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14187.8125, 195.53125, 17], [111, 14205.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14205.8125, 68.875, 17], [111, 14223.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14223.8125, 169.75, 17], [111, 14241.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14241.8125, 290.171875, 17], [111, 14259.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14259.8125, 91.984375, 17], [71, 14277.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14277.8125, 128.453125, 17], [111, 14295.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14295.8125, 168.875, 17], [111, 14313.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14313.8125, 83.109375, 17], [151, 14331.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14331.8125, 155.5625, 17], [151, 14349.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14349.8125, 85.78125, 17], [111, 14367.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14367.8125, 168.3125, 17], [111, 14385.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14385.8125, 230.21875, 17], [111, 14403.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14403.8125, 225.859375, 17], [151, 14421.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14421.8125, 132.390625, 17], [151, 14439.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14439.8125, 245.40625, 17], [151, 14457.8125, 7, 17], [168, 14457.8125, 298.078125, 17], [71, 14475.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14475.8125, 94.21875, 17], [111, 14493.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14493.8125, 199.09375, 17], [111, 14511.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14511.8125, 32, 17], [111, 14529.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14529.8125, 135.546875, 17], [111, 14547.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14547.8125, 110.640625, 17], [111, 14565.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14565.8125, 164, 17], [71, 14583.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14583.8125, 125.34375, 17], [111, 14601.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14601.8125, 108.4375, 17], [111, 14619.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14619.8125, 201.71875, 17], [111, 14637.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14637.8125, 123.75, 17], [111, 14655.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14655.8125, 107.78125, 17], [111, 14673.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14673.8125, 137.296875, 17], [111, 14691.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14691.8125, 89.75, 17], [111, 14709.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14709.8125, 101.3125, 17], [111, 14727.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14727.8125, 152.40625, 17], [111, 14745.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14745.8125, 111.953125, 17], [111, 14763.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14763.8125, 149.078125, 17], [111, 14781.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14781.8125, 123.546875, 17], [111, 14799.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14799.8125, 90.640625, 17], [111, 14817.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14817.8125, 77.3125, 17], [111, 14835.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14835.8125, 137.28125, 17], [111, 14853.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14853.8125, 100.8125, 17], [111, 14871.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14871.8125, 81.78125, 17], [111, 14889.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14889.8125, 80.90625, 17], [111, 14907.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14907.8125, 120.4375, 17], [111, 14925.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14925.8125, 114.046875, 17], [71, 14943.8125, 7, 17], [88, 14943.8125, 53.328125, 17], [111, 14961.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14961.8125, 37.765625, 17], [111, 14979.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14979.8125, 75.09375, 17], [111, 14997.8125, 7, 17], [128, 14997.8125, 57.9375, 17], [111, 15015.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15015.8125, 68.03125, 17], [111, 15033.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15033.8125, 101.984375, 17], [111, 15051.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15051.8125, 132.828125, 17], [111, 15069.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15069.8125, 68.875, 17], [111, 15087.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15087.8125, 40, 17], [31, 15105.8125, 7, 17], [48, 15105.8125, 41.75, 17], [71, 15123.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15123.8125, 39.109375, 17], [71, 15141.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15141.8125, 109.765625, 17], [71, 15159.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15159.8125, 96.859375, 17], [71, 15177.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15177.8125, 50.203125, 17], [138.203125, 15177.8125, 20.890625, 17], [159.078125, 15177.8125, 40.890625, 17], [71, 15195.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15195.8125, 109.953125, 17], [71, 15213.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15213.8125, 75.96875, 17], [71, 15231.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15231.8125, 39.78125, 17], [127.78125, 15231.8125, 29.78125, 17], [157.546875, 15231.8125, 27.578125, 17], [71, 15249.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15249.8125, 87.765625, 17], [71, 15267.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15267.8125, 109.75, 17], [71, 15285.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15285.8125, 77.78125, 17], [71, 15303.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15303.8125, 59.96875, 17], [71, 15321.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15321.8125, 48.890625, 17], [71, 15339.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15339.8125, 78.671875, 17], [71, 15357.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15357.8125, 88.421875, 17], [71, 15375.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15375.8125, 48.890625, 17], [71, 15393.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15393.8125, 63.078125, 17], [71, 15411.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15411.8125, 123.953125, 17], [71, 15429.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15429.8125, 37.328125, 17], [71, 15447.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15447.8125, 60.65625, 17], [71, 15465.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15465.8125, 90.40625, 17], [71, 15483.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15483.8125, 94.640625, 17], [71, 15501.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15501.8125, 155.734375, 17], [71, 15519.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15519.8125, 150.625, 17], [71, 15537.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15537.8125, 85.09375, 17], [71, 15555.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15555.8125, 101.984375, 17], [71, 15573.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15573.8125, 153.890625, 17], [71, 15591.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15591.8125, 37.3125, 17], [71, 15609.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15609.8125, 27.578125, 17], [71, 15627.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15627.8125, 47.09375, 17], [71, 15645.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15645.8125, 70.65625, 17], [71, 15663.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15663.8125, 60.015625, 17], [71, 15681.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15681.8125, 135.515625, 17], [31, 15699.8125, 7, 17], [48, 15699.8125, 84.65625, 17], [31, 15717.8125, 7, 17], [48, 15717.8125, 103.234375, 17], [71, 15735.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15735.8125, 161.296875, 17], [111, 15753.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15753.8125, 57.765625, 17], [71, 15771.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15771.8125, 210.78125, 17], [111, 15789.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15789.8125, 93.765625, 17], [111, 15807.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15807.8125, 76, 17], [111, 15825.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15825.8125, 52.4375, 17], [111, 15843.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15843.8125, 96.421875, 17], [111, 15861.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15861.8125, 95.828125, 17], [111, 15879.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15879.8125, 87.546875, 17], [111, 15897.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15897.8125, 76.859375, 17], [111, 15915.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15915.8125, 25.796875, 17], [111, 15933.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15933.8125, 60.5, 17], [111, 15951.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15951.8125, 104.4375, 17], [71, 15969.8125, 7, 17], [88, 15969.8125, 147.21875, 17], [111, 15987.8125, 7, 17], [128, 15987.8125, 41.109375, 17], [111, 16005.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16005.8125, 32.875, 17], [111, 16023.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16023.8125, 34.65625, 17], [71, 16041.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16041.8125, 91.671875, 17], [111, 16059.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16059.8125, 95.828125, 17], [71, 16077.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16077.8125, 136.578125, 17], [111, 16095.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16095.8125, 81.328125, 17], [71, 16113.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16113.8125, 194.734375, 17], [111, 16131.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16131.8125, 66.1875, 17], [71, 16149.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16149.8125, 89.015625, 17], [111, 16167.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16167.8125, 214.984375, 17], [111, 16185.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16185.8125, 173, 17], [111, 16203.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16203.8125, 149.671875, 17], [111, 16221.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16221.8125, 166.3125, 17], [71, 16239.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16239.8125, 131.21875, 17], [111, 16257.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16257.8125, 188.96875, 17], [111, 16275.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16275.8125, 187.203125, 17], [111, 16293.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16293.8125, 184.78125, 17], [111, 16311.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16311.8125, 211.65625, 17], [111, 16329.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16329.8125, 257.1875, 17], [111, 16347.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16347.8125, 186.3125, 17], [111, 16365.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16365.8125, 195.71875, 17], [71, 16383.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16383.8125, 153.453125, 17], [71, 16401.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16401.8125, 191.640625, 17], [71, 16419.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16419.8125, 88.140625, 17], [111, 16437.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16437.8125, 32.90625, 17], [71, 16455.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16455.8125, 77.8125, 17], [111, 16473.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16473.8125, 22.859375, 17], [71, 16491.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16491.8125, 97.015625, 17], [111, 16509.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16509.8125, 86.34375, 17], [31, 16527.8125, 7, 17], [48, 16527.8125, 80.453125, 17], [71, 16545.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16545.8125, 181.328125, 17], [111, 16563.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16563.8125, 47.984375, 17], [111, 16581.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16581.8125, 57.375, 17], [111, 16599.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16599.8125, 64.4375, 17], [111, 16617.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16617.8125, 36.4375, 17], [111, 16635.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16635.8125, 38.671875, 17], [111, 16653.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16653.8125, 78.65625, 17], [111, 16671.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16671.8125, 68.890625, 17], [111, 16689.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16689.8125, 160.875, 17], [111, 16707.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16707.8125, 101.984375, 17], [111, 16725.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16725.8125, 55.984375, 17], [111, 16743.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16743.8125, 41.78125, 17], [111, 16761.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16761.8125, 96.421875, 17], [71, 16779.8125, 7, 17], [88, 16779.8125, 152, 17], [111, 16797.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16797.8125, 41.78125, 17], [111, 16815.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16815.8125, 55.109375, 17], [111, 16833.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16833.8125, 76.875, 17], [111, 16851.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16851.8125, 50.671875, 17], [111, 16869.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16869.8125, 47.546875, 17], [111, 16887.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16887.8125, 47.109375, 17], [111, 16905.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16905.8125, 101.984375, 17], [111, 16923.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16923.8125, 57.375, 17], [111, 16941.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16941.8125, 31.109375, 17], [111, 16959.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16959.8125, 108.90625, 17], [111, 16977.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16977.8125, 71.5625, 17], [111, 16995.8125, 7, 17], [128, 16995.8125, 145.296875, 17], [111, 17013.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17013.8125, 111.984375, 17], [111, 17031.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17031.8125, 119.40625, 17], [111, 17049.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17049.8125, 107.546875, 17], [111, 17067.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17067.8125, 95.421875, 17], [71, 17085.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17085.8125, 65.34375, 17], [31, 17103.8125, 7, 17], [48, 17103.8125, 115.109375, 17], [71, 17121.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17121.8125, 94.640625, 17], [111, 17139.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17139.8125, 100.375, 17], [111, 17157.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17157.8125, 124.09375, 17], [111, 17175.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17175.8125, 96, 17], [111, 17193.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17193.8125, 135.96875, 17], [71, 17211.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17211.8125, 51.546875, 17], [111, 17229.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17229.8125, 249.625, 17], [111, 17247.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17247.8125, 175.53125, 17], [111, 17265.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17265.8125, 135.078125, 17], [111, 17283.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17283.8125, 90.8125, 17], [71, 17301.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17301.8125, 143.5625, 17], [111, 17319.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17319.8125, 165.328125, 17], [111, 17337.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17337.8125, 303.296875, 17], [111, 17355.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17355.8125, 246.296875, 17], [111, 17373.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17373.8125, 252.515625, 17], [111, 17391.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17391.8125, 234.1875, 17], [111, 17409.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17409.8125, 236.875, 17], [111, 17427.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17427.8125, 275.96875, 17], [111, 17445.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17445.8125, 290.609375, 17], [111, 17463.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17463.8125, 67.09375, 17], [195.078125, 17463.8125, 213.875, 17], [111, 17481.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17481.8125, 84.171875, 17], [111, 17499.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17499.8125, 84.9375, 17], [111, 17517.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17517.8125, 172.859375, 17], [111, 17535.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17535.8125, 224.875, 17], [111, 17553.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17553.8125, 274.625, 17], [111, 17571.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17571.8125, 49.78125, 17], [111, 17589.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17589.8125, 47.109375, 17], [111, 17607.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17607.8125, 101.765625, 17], [111, 17625.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17625.8125, 161.34375, 17], [111, 17643.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17643.8125, 231.09375, 17], [111, 17661.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17661.8125, 230.625, 17], [111, 17679.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17679.8125, 247.53125, 17], [111, 17697.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17697.8125, 208.546875, 17], [111, 17715.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17715.8125, 225.328125, 17], [71, 17733.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17733.8125, 162.625, 17], [111, 17751.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17751.8125, 127.46875, 17], [111, 17769.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17769.8125, 209.28125, 17], [111, 17787.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17787.8125, 165.328125, 17], [111, 17805.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17805.8125, 160, 17], [71, 17823.8125, 7, 17], [88, 17823.8125, 129.3125, 17], [111, 17841.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17841.8125, 84.90625, 17], [111, 17859.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17859.8125, 116.40625, 17], [111, 17877.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17877.8125, 58.234375, 17], [111, 17895.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17895.8125, 45.328125, 17], [111, 17913.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17913.8125, 54.203125, 17], [111, 17931.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17931.8125, 82.203125, 17], [111, 17949.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17949.8125, 179.953125, 17], [111, 17967.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17967.8125, 42.671875, 17], [111, 17985.8125, 7, 17], [128, 17985.8125, 57.03125, 17], [111, 18003.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18003.8125, 44.453125, 17], [111, 18021.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18021.8125, 180.875, 17], [111, 18039.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18039.8125, 232.859375, 17], [111, 18057.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18057.8125, 82.21875, 17], [111, 18075.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18075.8125, 94.65625, 17], [111, 18093.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18093.8125, 67.125, 17], [111, 18111.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18111.8125, 84.171875, 17], [111, 18129.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18129.8125, 84.65625, 17], [111, 18147.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18147.8125, 44.4375, 17], [111, 18165.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18165.8125, 159.09375, 17], [111, 18183.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18183.8125, 168.796875, 17], [111, 18201.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18201.8125, 96.890625, 17], [111, 18219.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18219.8125, 64, 17], [111, 18237.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18237.8125, 185.515625, 17], [111, 18255.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18255.8125, 140.890625, 17], [111, 18273.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18273.8125, 76.890625, 17], [111, 18291.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18291.8125, 68.875, 17], [111, 18309.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18309.8125, 182.65625, 17], [111, 18327.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18327.8125, 53.796875, 17], [111, 18345.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18345.8125, 43.546875, 17], [111, 18363.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18363.8125, 51.546875, 17], [111, 18381.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18381.8125, 64.859375, 17], [111, 18399.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18399.8125, 126.671875, 17], [111, 18417.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18417.8125, 68, 17], [111, 18435.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18435.8125, 62.6875, 17], [111, 18453.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18453.8125, 80.421875, 17], [111, 18471.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18471.8125, 47.703125, 17], [111, 18489.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18489.8125, 33.203125, 17], [111, 18507.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18507.8125, 55.765625, 17], [111, 18525.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18525.8125, 147.546875, 17], [111, 18543.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18543.8125, 143.3125, 17], [111, 18561.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18561.8125, 142.4375, 17], [111, 18579.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18579.8125, 50.265625, 17], [111, 18597.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18597.8125, 32.890625, 17], [71, 18615.8125, 7, 17], [88, 18615.8125, 150.671875, 17], [111, 18633.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18633.8125, 32, 17], [111, 18651.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18651.8125, 69.75, 17], [111, 18669.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18669.8125, 50.671875, 17], [111, 18687.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18687.8125, 30.21875, 17], [71, 18705.8125, 7, 17], [88, 18705.8125, 161.28125, 17], [111, 18723.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18723.8125, 125.296875, 17], [111, 18741.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18741.8125, 113.75, 17], [111, 18759.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18759.8125, 130.625, 17], [111, 18777.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18777.8125, 125.3125, 17], [111, 18795.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18795.8125, 129.734375, 17], [71, 18813.8125, 7, 17], [88, 18813.8125, 114.203125, 17], [111, 18831.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18831.8125, 37.328125, 17], [111, 18849.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18849.8125, 20.453125, 17], [111, 18867.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18867.8125, 48.875, 17], [111, 18885.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18885.8125, 47.109375, 17], [111, 18903.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18903.8125, 161.703125, 17], [111, 18921.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18921.8125, 136.84375, 17], [111, 18939.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18939.8125, 28.765625, 17], [111, 18957.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18957.8125, 50.265625, 17], [111, 18975.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18975.8125, 174.765625, 17], [111, 18993.8125, 7, 17], [128, 18993.8125, 84.65625, 17], [111, 19011.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19011.8125, 210.625, 17], [71, 19029.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19029.8125, 76.015625, 17], [111, 19047.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19047.8125, 76.40625, 17], [111, 19065.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19065.8125, 130.65625, 17], [111, 19083.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19083.8125, 149.484375, 17], [71, 19101.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19101.8125, 165.3125, 17], [111, 19119.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19119.8125, 72.453125, 17], [111, 19137.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19137.8125, 68.90625, 17], [111, 19155.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19155.8125, 111.546875, 17], [111, 19173.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19173.8125, 130.65625, 17], [111, 19191.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19191.8125, 149.8125, 17], [111, 19209.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19209.8125, 139.109375, 17], [111, 19227.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19227.8125, 215.96875, 17], [111, 19245.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19245.8125, 150.65625, 17], [111, 19263.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19263.8125, 142.671875, 17], [111, 19281.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19281.8125, 101.765625, 17], [111, 19299.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19299.8125, 195.515625, 17], [111, 19317.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19317.8125, 104.015625, 17], [111, 19335.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19335.8125, 132.90625, 17], [111, 19353.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19353.8125, 209.765625, 17], [111, 19371.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19371.8125, 144.328125, 17], [111, 19389.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19389.8125, 99.109375, 17], [111, 19407.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19407.8125, 139.484375, 17], [71, 19425.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19425.8125, 96.4375, 17], [111, 19443.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19443.8125, 90.25, 17], [111, 19461.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19461.8125, 86.125, 17], [111, 19479.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19479.8125, 101.765625, 17], [111, 19497.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19497.8125, 77.53125, 17], [71, 19515.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19515.8125, 180.25, 17], [111, 19533.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19533.8125, 60.453125, 17], [111, 19551.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19551.8125, 75.03125, 17], [111, 19569.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19569.8125, 69.359375, 17], [71, 19587.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19587.8125, 40.234375, 17], [31, 19605.8125, 7, 17], [48, 19605.8125, 91.984375, 17], [71, 19623.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19623.8125, 64.453125, 17], [152.4375, 19623.8125, 101.3125, 17], [31, 19641.8125, 7, 17], [48, 19641.8125, 94.65625, 17], [71, 19659.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19659.8125, 237.96875, 17], [111, 19677.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19677.8125, 72.65625, 17], [111, 19695.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19695.8125, 105.78125, 17], [111, 19713.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19713.8125, 27.546875, 17], [111, 19731.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19731.8125, 34.65625, 17], [111, 19749.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19749.8125, 145.328125, 17], [111, 19767.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19767.8125, 73.3125, 17], [111, 19785.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19785.8125, 92.421875, 17], [111, 19803.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19803.8125, 76.4375, 17], [111, 19821.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19821.8125, 62.671875, 17], [111, 19839.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19839.8125, 101.09375, 17], [111, 19857.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19857.8125, 49.78125, 17], [111, 19875.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19875.8125, 84.65625, 17], [111, 19893.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19893.8125, 95.53125, 17], [71, 19911.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19911.8125, 61.34375, 17], [111, 19929.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19929.8125, 298.59375, 17], [111, 19947.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19947.8125, 147.859375, 17], [111, 19965.8125, 7, 17], [128, 19965.8125, 180.734375, 17], [71, 19983.8125, 7, 17], [88, 19983.8125, 102.65625, 17], [111, 20001.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20001.8125, 105.75, 17], [111, 20019.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20019.8125, 74.21875, 17], [111, 20037.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20037.8125, 44.421875, 17], [111, 20055.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20055.8125, 166.203125, 17], [111, 20073.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20073.8125, 132.8125, 17], [111, 20091.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20091.8125, 86.125, 17], [111, 20109.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20109.8125, 232.125, 17], [111, 20127.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20127.8125, 33.78125, 17], [111, 20145.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20145.8125, 116.8125, 17], [111, 20163.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20163.8125, 186.359375, 17], [111, 20181.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20181.8125, 131.96875, 17], [111, 20199.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20199.8125, 97.296875, 17], [111, 20217.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20217.8125, 220.46875, 17], [111, 20235.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20235.8125, 169.328125, 17], [111, 20253.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20253.8125, 159, 17], [111, 20271.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20271.8125, 205.3125, 17], [111, 20289.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20289.8125, 80.90625, 17], [111, 20307.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20307.8125, 126.140625, 17], [111, 20325.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20325.8125, 39.109375, 17], [111, 20343.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20343.8125, 69.328125, 17], [111, 20361.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20361.8125, 59.3125, 17], [111, 20379.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20379.8125, 303.5, 17], [111, 20397.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20397.8125, 233.640625, 17], [111, 20415.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20415.8125, 70.875, 17], [71, 20433.8125, 7, 17], [88, 20433.8125, 67.53125, 17], [111, 20451.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20451.8125, 205.765625, 17], [111, 20469.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20469.8125, 136.875, 17], [111, 20487.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20487.8125, 154.609375, 17], [111, 20505.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20505.8125, 143.078125, 17], [111, 20523.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20523.8125, 199.515625, 17], [111, 20541.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20541.8125, 184.40625, 17], [111, 20559.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20559.8125, 171.96875, 17], [111, 20577.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20577.8125, 226.640625, 17], [111, 20595.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20595.8125, 148.40625, 17], [111, 20613.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20613.8125, 147.53125, 17], [111, 20631.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20631.8125, 137.75, 17], [111, 20649.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20649.8125, 178.1875, 17], [71, 20667.8125, 7, 17], [88, 20667.8125, 147.921875, 17], [111, 20685.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20685.8125, 95.53125, 17], [111, 20703.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20703.8125, 164, 17], [111, 20721.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20721.8125, 135.046875, 17], [111, 20739.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20739.8125, 331.140625, 17], [111, 20757.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20757.8125, 139.515625, 17], [111, 20775.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20775.8125, 139.515625, 17], [111, 20793.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20793.8125, 110.640625, 17], [111, 20811.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20811.8125, 136.375, 17], [111, 20829.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20829.8125, 121.765625, 17], [111, 20847.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20847.8125, 99.046875, 17], [71, 20865.8125, 7, 17], [88, 20865.8125, 120.4375, 17], [111, 20883.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20883.8125, 120.4375, 17], [71, 20901.8125, 7, 17], [88, 20901.8125, 141.765625, 17], [111, 20919.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20919.8125, 222.625, 17], [111, 20937.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20937.8125, 177.3125, 17], [111, 20955.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20955.8125, 200.390625, 17], [111, 20973.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20973.8125, 281.734375, 17], [111, 20991.8125, 7, 17], [128, 20991.8125, 238.03125, 17], [111, 21009.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21009.8125, 187.828125, 17], [111, 21027.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21027.8125, 242.015625, 17], [111, 21045.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21045.8125, 247.828125, 17], [111, 21063.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21063.8125, 297.140625, 17], [111, 21081.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21081.8125, 171.828125, 17], [111, 21099.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21099.8125, 170.359375, 17], [111, 21117.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21117.8125, 237.734375, 17], [111, 21135.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21135.8125, 258.625, 17], [111, 21153.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21153.8125, 89.546875, 17], [217.53125, 21153.8125, 65.34375, 17], [111, 21171.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21171.8125, 166.421875, 17], [111, 21189.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21189.8125, 170.203125, 17], [111, 21207.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21207.8125, 143.984375, 17], [111, 21225.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21225.8125, 175.28125, 17], [111, 21243.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21243.8125, 176, 17], [111, 21261.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21261.8125, 223.984375, 17], [111, 21279.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21279.8125, 100, 17], [111, 21297.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21297.8125, 186.625, 17], [111, 21315.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21315.8125, 215.53125, 17], [111, 21333.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21333.8125, 197.3125, 17], [111, 21351.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21351.8125, 233.328125, 17], [111, 21369.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21369.8125, 240.40625, 17], [111, 21387.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21387.8125, 168.4375, 17], [111, 21405.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21405.8125, 211.53125, 17], [111, 21423.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21423.8125, 151.984375, 17], [111, 21441.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21441.8125, 204.40625, 17], [111, 21459.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21459.8125, 172.1875, 17], [111, 21477.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21477.8125, 167.28125, 17], [111, 21495.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21495.8125, 195.265625, 17], [111, 21513.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21513.8125, 208.171875, 17], [111, 21531.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21531.8125, 220.171875, 17], [111, 21549.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21549.8125, 151.296875, 17], [111, 21567.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21567.8125, 91.0625, 17], [111, 21585.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21585.8125, 165.34375, 17], [111, 21603.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21603.8125, 168.859375, 17], [111, 21621.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21621.8125, 230.625, 17], [111, 21639.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21639.8125, 212.390625, 17], [111, 21657.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21657.8125, 167.078125, 17], [111, 21675.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21675.8125, 72.65625, 17], [111, 21693.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21693.8125, 168.40625, 17], [111, 21711.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21711.8125, 70.65625, 17], [111, 21729.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21729.8125, 129.3125, 17], [111, 21747.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21747.8125, 82.203125, 17], [111, 21765.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21765.8125, 228, 17], [111, 21783.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21783.8125, 59.546875, 17], [111, 21801.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21801.8125, 74.65625, 17], [111, 21819.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21819.8125, 76, 17], [71, 21837.8125, 7, 17], [88, 21837.8125, 151.546875, 17], [71, 21855.8125, 7, 17], [88, 21855.8125, 60.421875, 17], [111, 21873.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21873.8125, 36.453125, 17], [111, 21891.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21891.8125, 34.65625, 17], [111, 21909.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21909.8125, 57.765625, 17], [111, 21927.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21927.8125, 45.3125, 17], [111, 21945.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21945.8125, 79.53125, 17], [111, 21963.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21963.8125, 53.328125, 17], [111, 21981.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21981.8125, 67.125, 17], [111, 21999.8125, 7, 17], [128, 21999.8125, 89.328125, 17], [111, 22017.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22017.8125, 58.65625, 17], [111, 22035.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22035.8125, 48.875, 17], [111, 22053.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22053.8125, 50.671875, 17], [111, 22071.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22071.8125, 80.875, 17], [111, 22089.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22089.8125, 48.890625, 17], [111, 22107.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22107.8125, 69.75, 17], [111, 22125.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22125.8125, 46.21875, 17], [111, 22143.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22143.8125, 47.109375, 17], [111, 22161.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22161.8125, 22.21875, 17], [111, 22179.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22179.8125, 46.65625, 17], [111, 22197.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22197.8125, 57.75, 17], [111, 22215.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22215.8125, 32, 17], [111, 22233.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22233.8125, 40.4375, 17], [111, 22251.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22251.8125, 70.671875, 17], [111, 22269.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22269.8125, 48.4375, 17], [111, 22287.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22287.8125, 97.34375, 17], [111, 22305.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22305.8125, 63.265625, 17], [111, 22323.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22323.8125, 47.96875, 17], [111, 22341.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22341.8125, 48.875, 17], [111, 22359.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22359.8125, 60.421875, 17], [111, 22377.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22377.8125, 39.125, 17], [111, 22395.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22395.8125, 56.890625, 17], [111, 22413.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22413.8125, 44.453125, 17], [111, 22431.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22431.8125, 66.65625, 17], [111, 22449.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22449.8125, 86.6875, 17], [111, 22467.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22467.8125, 48.90625, 17], [111, 22485.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22485.8125, 43.15625, 17], [111, 22503.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22503.8125, 187.125, 17], [111, 22521.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22521.8125, 68.46875, 17], [111, 22539.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22539.8125, 56.890625, 17], [111, 22557.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22557.8125, 146.171875, 17], [111, 22575.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22575.8125, 72.75, 17], [111, 22593.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22593.8125, 48.65625, 17], [111, 22611.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22611.8125, 50.671875, 17], [111, 22629.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22629.8125, 36.375, 17], [111, 22647.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22647.8125, 40.8125, 17], [111, 22665.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22665.8125, 47.921875, 17], [111, 22683.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22683.8125, 43.53125, 17], [111, 22701.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22701.8125, 125.359375, 17], [111, 22719.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22719.8125, 94.796875, 17], [111, 22737.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22737.8125, 39.984375, 17], [111, 22755.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22755.8125, 42.671875, 17], [111, 22773.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22773.8125, 105.765625, 17], [111, 22791.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22791.8125, 66.21875, 17], [111, 22809.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22809.8125, 68.890625, 17], [111, 22827.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22827.8125, 62.1875, 17], [71, 22845.8125, 7, 17], [88, 22845.8125, 169.328125, 17], [111, 22863.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22863.8125, 90.203125, 17], [111, 22881.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22881.8125, 99.0625, 17], [111, 22899.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22899.8125, 118.203125, 17], [111, 22917.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22917.8125, 25.78125, 17], [111, 22935.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22935.8125, 48, 17], [111, 22953.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22953.8125, 106.234375, 17], [111, 22971.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22971.8125, 72.65625, 17], [111, 22989.8125, 7, 17], [128, 22989.8125, 39.109375, 17], [71, 23007.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23007.8125, 112.453125, 17], [111, 23025.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23025.8125, 142.640625, 17], [111, 23043.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23043.8125, 72.65625, 17], [111, 23061.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23061.8125, 44.4375, 17], [71, 23079.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23079.8125, 80.671875, 17], [31, 23097.8125, 7, 17], [48, 23097.8125, 123.078125, 17], [71, 23115.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23115.8125, 56.875, 17], [111, 23133.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23133.8125, 59.078125, 17], [187.078125, 23133.8125, 70.359375, 17], [111, 23151.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23151.8125, 131.515625, 17], [111, 23169.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23169.8125, 143.078125, 17], [111, 23187.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23187.8125, 69.75, 17], [111, 23205.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23205.8125, 70.640625, 17], [111, 23223.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23223.8125, 135.078125, 17], [71, 23241.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23241.8125, 69.3125, 17], [71, 23259.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23259.8125, 164.578125, 17], [111, 23277.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23277.8125, 155.546875, 17], [111, 23295.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23295.8125, 31.109375, 17], [111, 23313.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23313.8125, 101.21875, 17], [111, 23331.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23331.8125, 126.21875, 17], [111, 23349.8125, 7, 17], [128, 23349.8125, 66.65625, 17], [71, 23367.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23367.8125, 61.78125, 17], [71, 23385.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23385.8125, 66.640625, 17], [71, 23403.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23403.8125, 67.53125, 17], [71, 23421.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23421.8125, 123.984375, 17], [31, 23439.8125, 7, 17], [48, 23439.8125, 209.75, 17], [71, 23457.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23457.8125, 29.328125, 17], [71, 23475.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23475.8125, 64.21875, 17], [71, 23493.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23493.8125, 48.890625, 17], [71, 23511.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23511.8125, 69.328125, 17], [71, 23529.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23529.8125, 49.765625, 17], [71, 23547.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23547.8125, 77.28125, 17], [165.28125, 23547.8125, 8.453125, 17], [173.71875, 23547.8125, 123.953125, 17], [71, 23565.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23565.8125, 76.875, 17], [71, 23583.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23583.8125, 47.09375, 17], [71, 23601.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23601.8125, 105.96875, 17], [71, 23619.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23619.8125, 44.4375, 17], [71, 23637.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23637.8125, 62.421875, 17], [71, 23655.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23655.8125, 77.3125, 17], [71, 23673.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23673.8125, 68.890625, 17], [71, 23691.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23691.8125, 170.5625, 17], [71, 23709.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23709.8125, 44.4375, 17], [71, 23727.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23727.8125, 106.1875, 17], [71, 23745.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23745.8125, 34.671875, 17], [71, 23763.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23763.8125, 106.4375, 17], [71, 23781.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23781.8125, 38.21875, 17], [71, 23799.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23799.8125, 91.09375, 17], [71, 23817.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23817.8125, 96.40625, 17], [71, 23835.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23835.8125, 166.625, 17], [71, 23853.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23853.8125, 75.109375, 17], [71, 23871.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23871.8125, 109.140625, 17], [71, 23889.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23889.8125, 101.75, 17], [71, 23907.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23907.8125, 64.640625, 17], [71, 23925.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23925.8125, 43.546875, 17], [71, 23943.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23943.8125, 161.71875, 17], [71, 23961.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23961.8125, 46.203125, 17], [31, 23979.8125, 7, 17], [48, 23979.8125, 220.84375, 17], [71, 23997.8125, 7, 17], [88, 23997.8125, 66.640625, 17], [71, 24015.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24015.8125, 128.875, 17], [71, 24033.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24033.8125, 51.546875, 17], [71, 24051.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24051.8125, 151.3125, 17], [71, 24069.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24069.8125, 62.1875, 17], [71, 24087.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24087.8125, 190.1875, 17], [71, 24105.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24105.8125, 39.109375, 17], [71, 24123.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24123.8125, 150.1875, 17], [71, 24141.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24141.8125, 169.78125, 17], [71, 24159.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24159.8125, 22.859375, 17], [31, 24177.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24177.8125, 221.71875, 17], [31, 24195.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24195.8125, 71.984375, 17], [71, 24213.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24213.8125, 138.171875, 17], [71, 24231.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24231.8125, 124.84375, 17], [31, 24249.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24249.8125, 114.671875, 17], [71, 24267.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24267.8125, 56.890625, 17], [71, 24285.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24285.8125, 97.3125, 17], [31, 24303.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24303.8125, 160.8125, 17], [31, 24321.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24321.8125, 103.03125, 17], [31, 24339.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24339.8125, 63.984375, 17], [71, 24357.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24357.8125, 107.109375, 17], [71, 24375.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24375.8125, 107.953125, 17], [71, 24393.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24393.8125, 163.953125, 17], [71, 24411.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24411.8125, 173.78125, 17], [71, 24429.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24429.8125, 123.546875, 17], [71, 24447.8125, 7, 17], [88, 24447.8125, 50.640625, 17], [31, 24465.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24465.8125, 136.84375, 17], [31, 24483.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24483.8125, 152.4375, 17], [31, 24501.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24501.8125, 111.109375, 17], [31, 24519.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24519.8125, 104.421875, 17], [31, 24537.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24537.8125, 126.640625, 17], [31, 24555.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24555.8125, 172.875, 17], [31, 24573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24573.8125, 39.125, 17], [31, 24591.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24591.8125, 132.859375, 17], [31, 24609.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24609.8125, 62.609375, 17], [31, 24627.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24627.8125, 20.453125, 17], [31, 24645.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24645.8125, 189.78125, 17], [31, 24663.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24663.8125, 189.734375, 17], [31, 24681.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24681.8125, 77.765625, 17], [31, 24699.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24699.8125, 198.609375, 17], [31, 24717.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24717.8125, 123.078125, 17], [31, 24735.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24735.8125, 30.203125, 17], [31, 24753.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24753.8125, 222.015625, 17], [31, 24771.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24771.8125, 66.640625, 17], [31, 24789.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24789.8125, 211.703125, 17], [31, 24807.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24807.8125, 155.984375, 17], [31, 24825.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24825.8125, 145.3125, 17], [31, 24843.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24843.8125, 140.890625, 17], [31, 24861.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24861.8125, 217.390625, 17], [31, 24879.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24879.8125, 216.421875, 17], [31, 24897.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24897.8125, 152.875, 17], [31, 24915.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24915.8125, 139.109375, 17], [31, 24933.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24933.8125, 158.65625, 17], [31, 24951.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24951.8125, 37.34375, 17], [31, 24969.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24969.8125, 167.515625, 17], [31, 24987.8125, 7, 17], [48, 24987.8125, 145.765625, 17], [31, 25005.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25005.8125, 207.53125, 17], [31, 25023.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25023.8125, 215.4375, 17], [31, 25041.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25041.8125, 211.609375, 17], [31, 25059.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25059.8125, 128, 17], [31, 25077.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25077.8125, 205.3125, 17], [31, 25095.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25095.8125, 69.3125, 17], [31, 25113.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25113.8125, 98.65625, 17], [31, 25131.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25131.8125, 96.921875, 17], [31, 25149.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25149.8125, 99.96875, 17], [31, 25167.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25167.8125, 145.3125, 17], [31, 25185.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25185.8125, 90.203125, 17], [31, 25203.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25203.8125, 172.421875, 17], [31, 25221.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25221.8125, 164.84375, 17], [31, 25239.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25239.8125, 211.03125, 17], [31, 25257.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25257.8125, 174.1875, 17], [31, 25275.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25275.8125, 202.140625, 17], [31, 25293.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25293.8125, 206.265625, 17], [31, 25311.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25311.8125, 215.4375, 17], [31, 25329.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25329.8125, 156.875, 17], [31, 25347.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25347.8125, 128, 17], [31, 25365.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25365.8125, 76.890625, 17], [31, 25383.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25383.8125, 99.546875, 17], [31, 25401.8125, 7, 17], [48, 25401.8125, 55.109375, 17], [16, 25438.8125, 167.4375, 15], [94.15625, 25453.8125, 11.109375, 15], [8, 25471.8125, 188.609375, 17], [16, 25512.71875, 87.421875, 15], [16, 25553.625, 28.15625, 15], [8, 25591.53125, 411.40625, 17], [16, 25632.4375, 211.125, 15], [16, 25673.34375, 132.359375, 15], [16, 25714.25, 37.046875, 15], [16, 25755.15625, 153.859375, 15], [16, 25796.0625, 60.015625, 15], [16, 25836.96875, 78.546875, 15], [16, 25877.875, 135.5625, 15], [16, 25918.78125, 127.4375, 15], [16, 25959.6875, 128.171875, 15], [16, 26000.59375, 106.15625, 15], [16, 26041.5, 63.71875, 15], [16, 26082.40625, 61.484375, 15], [16, 26123.3125, 17.78125, 15], [16, 26164.21875, 126.6875, 15], [16, 26205.125, 111.109375, 15], [16, 26246.03125, 56.3125, 15], [16, 26286.9375, 31.109375, 15], [16, 26327.84375, 87.421875, 15], [16, 26368.75, 75.578125, 15], [16, 26409.65625, 57.78125, 15], [16, 26450.5625, 43.71875, 15], [16, 26491.46875, 39.265625, 15], [16, 26532.375, 75.859375, 15], [16, 26573.28125, 94.828125, 15], [16, 26614.1875, 76.3125, 15], [16, 26655.09375, 106.703125, 15], [16, 26696, 85.9375, 15], [16, 26736.90625, 88.90625, 15], [16, 26777.8125, 114.09375, 15], [16, 26818.71875, 191.140625, 15], [16, 26859.625, 199.265625, 15], [16, 26900.53125, 200.046875, 15], [16, 26941.4375, 65.203125, 15], [16, 26982.34375, 102.984375, 15], [16, 27023.25, 144.96875, 15], [16, 27064.15625, 89.390625, 15], [16, 27105.0625, 60, 15], [16, 27145.96875, 126.703125, 15], [16, 27186.875, 139.265625, 15], [16, 27227.78125, 103.71875, 15], [16, 27268.6875, 94.828125, 15], [16, 27309.59375, 119.296875, 15], [16, 27350.5, 159.296875, 15], [16, 27391.40625, 37.046875, 15], [16, 27432.3125, 120.015625, 15], [16, 27473.21875, 58.515625, 15], [16, 27514.125, 20.015625, 15], [16, 27555.03125, 171.890625, 15], [16, 27595.9375, 176.34375, 15], [16, 27636.84375, 72.609375, 15], [16, 27677.75, 180.75, 15], [16, 27718.65625, 114.09375, 15], [16, 27759.5625, 28.15625, 15], [16, 27800.46875, 207.46875, 15], [16, 27841.375, 63.71875, 15], [16, 27882.28125, 198.78125, 15], [16, 27923.1875, 144.453125, 15], [16, 27964.09375, 132.625, 15], [16, 28005, 125.9375, 15], [16, 28045.90625, 199.28125, 15], [16, 28086.8125, 203.28125, 15], [16, 28127.71875, 145.21875, 15], [16, 28168.625, 125.921875, 15], [16, 28209.53125, 140.734375, 15], [16, 28250.4375, 33.328125, 15], [16, 28291.34375, 148.171875, 15], [16, 28332.25, 137.0625, 15], [16, 28373.15625, 182.984375, 15], [16, 28414.0625, 205, 15], [16, 28454.96875, 195.34375, 15], [16, 28495.875, 119.296875, 15], [16, 28536.78125, 191.859375, 15], [16, 28577.6875, 65.96875, 15], [16, 28618.59375, 88.90625, 15], [16, 28659.5, 89.921875, 15], [16, 28700.40625, 94.09375, 15], [16, 28741.3125, 132.625, 15], [16, 28782.21875, 82.984375, 15], [16, 28823.125, 161.5, 15], [16, 28864.03125, 157.09375, 15], [16, 28904.9375, 197.046875, 15], [16, 28945.84375, 160, 15], [16, 28986.75, 184.96875, 15], [16, 29027.65625, 189.421875, 15], [16, 29068.5625, 205, 15], [16, 29109.46875, 141.5, 15], [16, 29150.375, 119.296875, 15], [16, 29191.28125, 70.390625, 15], [8, 29229.1875, 162.703125, 26], [8, 29276.09375, 942.28125, 17], [8, 29310.09375, 44.453125, 17], [52.453125, 29310.09375, 90.65625, 17], [77.375, 29347.09375, 104.421875, 17], [11, 29378.09375, 30.234375, 17], [45.234375, 29369.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29387.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29418.09375, 24.3125, 17], [45.234375, 29409.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29427.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29458.09375, 28.921875, 17], [45.234375, 29449.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29467.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29498.09375, 25.78125, 17], [45.234375, 29489.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29507.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29538.09375, 18.671875, 17], [45.234375, 29529.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29547.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29578.09375, 20.453125, 17], [45.234375, 29569.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29587.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29618.09375, 24.90625, 17], [45.234375, 29609.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29627.09375, 168.71875, 17], [82.25, 29651.09375, 94.6875, 17], [11, 29682.09375, 30.234375, 17], [45.234375, 29673.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29691.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29722.09375, 24.3125, 17], [45.234375, 29713.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29731.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29762.09375, 28.921875, 17], [45.234375, 29753.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29771.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29802.09375, 25.78125, 17], [45.234375, 29793.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29811.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29842.09375, 18.671875, 17], [45.234375, 29833.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29851.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29882.09375, 20.453125, 17], [45.234375, 29873.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29891.09375, 168.71875, 17], [11, 29922.09375, 24.90625, 17], [45.234375, 29913.09375, 168.71875, 17], [45.234375, 29931.09375, 168.71875, 17], [8, 29972, 83.984375, 26], [8, 30018.90625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30036.90625, 63.109375, 17], [71.109375, 30036.90625, 84, 17], [155.109375, 30036.90625, 31.109375, 17], [186.21875, 30036.90625, 79.25, 17], [8, 30054.90625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30097.875, 64.625, 12], [72.625, 30097.875, 74.5625, 12], [147.1875, 30097.875, 2.375, 12], [149.5625, 30097.875, 161.71875, 12], [8, 30134.84375, 375.421875, 17], [8, 30168.84375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30211.8125, 50.34375, 12], [58.34375, 30211.8125, 74.15625, 12], [132.5, 30211.8125, 2.375, 12], [134.875, 30211.8125, 167.078125, 12], [8, 30248.78125, 111.265625, 17], [8, 30282.78125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30325.75, 62.25, 12], [70.25, 30325.75, 74.15625, 12], [144.40625, 30325.75, 2.375, 12], [146.78125, 30325.75, 161.71875, 12], [8, 30362.71875, 370.578125, 17], [8, 30396.71875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30439.6875, 68.203125, 12], [76.203125, 30439.6875, 73.5625, 12], [149.765625, 30439.6875, 2.375, 12], [152.140625, 30439.6875, 177.796875, 12], [8, 30476.65625, 100.859375, 17], [8, 30510.65625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30553.625, 65.203125, 12], [73.203125, 30553.625, 75.34375, 12], [148.546875, 30553.625, 2.375, 12], [150.921875, 30553.625, 152.1875, 12], [8, 30590.59375, 541.1875, 17], [8, 30624.59375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30667.5625, 64.015625, 12], [72.015625, 30667.5625, 73.546875, 12], [145.5625, 30667.5625, 2.375, 12], [147.9375, 30667.5625, 172.4375, 12], [8, 30704.53125, 772.640625, 17], [780.625, 30704.53125, 424.96875, 17], [1205.59375, 30704.53125, 50.53125, 17], [8, 30722.53125, 864.71875, 17], [8, 30756.53125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30799.5, 65.609375, 12], [73.609375, 30799.5, 73.546875, 12], [147.15625, 30799.5, 2.375, 12], [149.53125, 30799.5, 172.4375, 12], [8, 30836.46875, 1251.3125, 17], [8, 30854.46875, 1255.25, 17], [8, 30872.46875, 1233.3125, 17], [8, 30890.46875, 941.125, 17], [8, 30924.46875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 30967.4375, 54.5, 12], [62.5, 30967.4375, 73.5625, 12], [136.0625, 30967.4375, 2.375, 12], [138.4375, 30967.4375, 167.078125, 12], [8, 31004.40625, 229.703125, 17], [237.6875, 31004.40625, 223.484375, 17], [8, 31038.40625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31081.375, 60.453125, 12], [68.453125, 31081.375, 73.5625, 12], [142.015625, 31081.375, 2.375, 12], [144.390625, 31081.375, 167.078125, 12], [8, 31118.34375, 149.28125, 17], [157.28125, 31118.34375, 497.25, 17], [654.53125, 31118.34375, 600.28125, 17], [8, 31136.34375, 111.96875, 17], [8, 31170.34375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31213.3125, 50.90625, 12], [58.90625, 31213.3125, 71.1875, 12], [130.09375, 31213.3125, 2.375, 12], [132.46875, 31213.3125, 167.078125, 12], [8, 31250.28125, 76.84375, 17], [8, 31284.28125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31327.25, 58.078125, 12], [66.078125, 31327.25, 71.1875, 12], [137.265625, 31327.25, 2.375, 12], [139.640625, 31327.25, 172.4375, 12], [8, 31364.21875, 207.234375, 17], [8, 31398.21875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31441.1875, 44.984375, 12], [52.984375, 31441.1875, 71.1875, 12], [124.171875, 31441.1875, 2.375, 12], [126.546875, 31441.1875, 172.4375, 12], [8, 31478.15625, 133.265625, 17], [8, 31512.15625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31555.125, 62.4375, 12], [70.4375, 31555.125, 77.71875, 12], [148.15625, 31555.125, 2.375, 12], [150.53125, 31555.125, 172.4375, 12], [8, 31592.09375, 835.71875, 17], [8, 31626.09375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31669.0625, 58.0625, 12], [66.0625, 31669.0625, 77.71875, 12], [143.78125, 31669.0625, 2.375, 12], [146.15625, 31669.0625, 161.71875, 12], [8, 31706.03125, 491.640625, 17], [8, 31740.03125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31783, 70.171875, 12], [78.171875, 31783, 77.71875, 12], [155.890625, 31783, 2.375, 12], [158.265625, 31783, 161.71875, 12], [8, 31819.96875, 1250, 17], [8, 31853.96875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 31896.9375, 63.40625, 12], [71.40625, 31896.9375, 77.71875, 12], [149.125, 31896.9375, 2.375, 12], [151.5, 31896.9375, 147.828125, 12], [8, 31933.90625, 158.578125, 17], [8, 31967.90625, 82.65625, 17], [8, 32010.875, 60.46875, 12], [68.46875, 32010.875, 77.71875, 12], [146.1875, 32010.875, 2.375, 12], [148.5625, 32010.875, 172.4375, 12], [8, 32047.84375, 1217.328125, 17], [8, 32065.84375, 689.5, 17], [8, 32099.84375, 82.65625, 17], [8, 32142.8125, 68.203125, 12], [76.203125, 32142.8125, 74.5625, 12], [150.765625, 32142.8125, 2.375, 12], [153.140625, 32142.8125, 177.796875, 12], [8, 32179.78125, 1233.390625, 17], [8, 32197.78125, 475.03125, 17], [8, 32231.78125, 82.65625, 17], [8, 32274.75, 58.078125, 12], [66.078125, 32274.75, 74.5625, 12], [140.640625, 32274.75, 2.375, 12], [143.015625, 32274.75, 172.4375, 12], [8, 32311.71875, 172.59375, 17], [8, 32345.71875, 82.65625, 17], [8, 32388.6875, 53.328125, 12], [61.328125, 32388.6875, 76.921875, 12], [138.25, 32388.6875, 2.375, 12], [140.625, 32388.6875, 172.4375, 12], [8, 32425.65625, 595.9375, 17], [16, 32462.65625, 67.421875, 15], [8, 32502.828125, 107.71875, 15], [8, 32541, 128.40625, 17], [16, 32562, 48.140625, 15], [80.140625, 32562, 40.015625, 15], [8, 32634, 116.4375, 17], [8, 32671.90625, 96.25, 26], [8, 32720.171875, 246.171875, 17], [8, 32759.4375, 135.09375, 17], [32, 32793.4375, 16, 17], [48, 32793.4375, 83.078125, 17], [131.078125, 32793.4375, 28.4375, 17], [16, 32830.4375, 96.3125, 15], [112.3125, 32830.4375, 33.359375, 15], [31, 32864.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32864.4375, 67.53125, 17], [31, 32882.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32882.4375, 75.546875, 17], [31, 32900.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32900.4375, 47.984375, 17], [31, 32918.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32918.4375, 58.234375, 17], [31, 32936.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32936.4375, 49.765625, 17], [31, 32954.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32954.4375, 30.828125, 17], [31, 32972.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32972.4375, 48.859375, 17], [31, 32990.4375, 7, 17], [48, 32990.4375, 40.578125, 17], [31, 33008.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33008.4375, 31.125, 17], [31, 33026.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33026.4375, 85.96875, 17], [31, 33044.4375, 7, 17], [48, 33044.4375, 93.765625, 17], [31, 33078.4375, 7, 17], [31, 33096.4375, 7, 17], [31, 33114.4375, 7, 17], [31, 33148.4375, 7, 17], [31, 33166.4375, 7, 17], [8, 33222.34375, 168.265625, 26], [31, 33269.25, 7, 17], [48, 33269.25, 127.078125, 17], [31, 33287.25, 7, 17], [48, 33287.25, 93.75, 17], [31, 33305.25, 7, 17], [48, 33305.25, 102.625, 17], [31, 33323.25, 7, 17], [48, 33323.25, 89.328125, 17], [31, 33341.25, 7, 17], [48, 33341.25, 117.734375, 17], [31, 33359.25, 7, 17], [48, 33359.25, 106.796875, 17], [31, 33377.25, 7, 17], [48, 33377.25, 86.625, 17], [31, 33395.25, 7, 17], [48, 33395.25, 109.75, 17], [31, 33413.25, 7, 17], [48, 33413.25, 141.296875, 17], [31, 33431.25, 7, 17], [48, 33431.25, 110.640625, 17], [31, 33449.25, 7, 17], [48, 33449.25, 92.859375, 17], [31, 33467.25, 7, 17], [48, 33467.25, 116.421875, 17], [31, 33485.25, 7, 17], [48, 33485.25, 107.078125, 17], [31, 33503.25, 7, 17], [48, 33503.25, 119.03125, 17], [31, 33521.25, 7, 17], [48, 33521.25, 130.625, 17], [31, 33539.25, 7, 17], [48, 33539.25, 130.625, 17], [31, 33557.25, 7, 17], [48, 33557.25, 146.609375, 17], [31, 33575.25, 7, 17], [48, 33575.25, 145.734375, 17], [31, 33593.25, 7, 17], [48, 33593.25, 91.078125, 17], [31, 33611.25, 7, 17], [48, 33611.25, 101.75, 17], [31, 33629.25, 7, 17], [48, 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Bars", "6b8aac5c-e4f8-4cb1", "", "3dd6ac96-010e-4ef9", "", "Pure Protein Bars", "3479e3a6-4f3f-4bc3", "", "bce84916-2057-4dda", "", "Quaker Granola Bars", "f3bf03c8-bc1b-48f1", "", "89af35d6-c4f4-4029", "", "Quest Bars", "06633ef4-aaf3-48f2", "", "a4f44450-d566-4161", "", "Rx Bar", "3ce3c0aa-df56-4271", "", "eeec5a46-2f10-4632", "", "Simply", "9f5578cf-ccb9-4a97", "", "94384ae3-77a9-49dc", "", "Snackless Bar", "7d2f5bd4-7b24-4609", "", "4f9894d0-5908-4197", "", "Think Thin", "0d08aae4-aef1-47d5", "", "d42b9cab-7ae1-416f", "", "Zone Bars", "21a80f61-58a0-401c", "", "44e9f027-da44-4f9c", "", "Cold Cut Sandwiches", "6af395e9-0747-448f", "", "2923dd60-f5c8-4db4", "", "Juice & Smoothie Bar", "200ebf20-4716-4014", "", "c9602ab7-a198-4881", "", "54fb1d8e-20f6-41dd", "", "Fresh Juices", "308c2e6c-ece3-453b", "", "af92edce-c086-49f9", "", "Fresh Smoothies & Protein Shakes", "82db58cb-293c-4fdb", "", "2f8cb019-3e50-4dd0", "", "Brita Water Filters", "05a5aead-1905-4356", "", "2178fdb1-a2d2-4884", "", "Beverages", "0c2099cf-1278-4822", "", "0ecdbbb5-7ee9-404e", "", "bb4c4c9a-b03f-4f9b", "", "c882a445-a899-4813", "", "c1637a80-3ee4-4134", "", "3af1ca98-2c6e-4421", "", "ca934777-cd89-485b", "", "6aab9331-76b0-4414", "", "Deal Zone - Water & Beverages", "c9cec548-b870-499d", "", "0fc0072b-5b46-45ff", "", "Fruit Juice", "128b398a-3c0a-4d0b", "", "fe92dbc1-3396-434b", "", "Glaceau, Gatorade & More", "14afd388-07c6-434f", "", "4cf93765-2c73-4b1e", "", "Iced Tea", "3caffd5a-3994-4aba", "", "1fee08d5-a677-4d35", "", "Soda (Misc.)", "8fe83b9a-dc48-4ee4", "", "df71066e-c3b7-4e76", "", "Soda - 1 Liter", "6e0fe240-7f95-4d6d", "", "5ed342fc-2ae9-4941", "", "Soda - 1.5 Liter", "5d60c422-b58f-4521", "", "09ec0702-a993-4b17", "", "Soda - 2 Liter", "905552b1-7114-427a", "", "5ce751e4-b3f3-4d3d", "", "Soda - 20oz Bottles", "938bce2e-9a7a-4936", "", "0eeea07a-10b9-42f5", "", "Soda - 6 Pack Cans", "cf4f3a6d-7989-4929", "", "a2d61db5-5ef0-4658", "", "Water - 1 Gallon", "cbe41cbc-117b-459e", "", "2527cd5b-3fbc-4a14", "", "Soda - 12 Pack Cans", "a0cfd240-4718-4599", "", "ac6d9c81-317e-42cd", "", "Water - 1 Liter", "b8ed0921-406c-45dc", "", "ec2038de-b9a9-47b8", "", "Water - 1.5 Liter", "6d703b63-4c5a-4b06", "", "47c5e9ea-e2c3-4ed5", "", "Water - 2.5 Gallon", "748e7b0e-2d28-45b6", "", "ec97df67-17ed-40ee", "", "Water - 250-500 Ml", "9f3572fe-cd4a-4dc7", "", "52fbb411-c46f-49bd", "", "Water - 3 Liter", "aac0ced5-6b4c-4a24", "", "0f696bd5-6bf8-4219", "", "Water - 500 Ml", "4bb26f83-997b-4fed", "", "5e8b581e-e734-4f82", "", "Water - 750 Ml", "98ef5093-7d83-4df2", "", "5ae6523b-4686-456a", "", "Energy Drinks", "8e9756e2-9d3d-4f08", "", "9f756f20-0e04-4e45", "", "30286b6e-2db7-4dce", "", "5 - Hour Energy", "8248965a-014b-4320", "", "199864bf-a128-4912", "", "Dream Water - 0 Calorie Sleep & Relaxation", "e16146ee-2e0b-4356", "", "388bd2e7-c851-4460", "", "Emergen-C", "ad0e9fc0-25a6-48cb", "", "a7505510-2c0c-47c5", "", "G.T. Kombucha", "0b9e11a0-27a2-4ac3", "", "49dcd5dd-d03e-4cc8", "", "G.T. Synergy", "0286de1c-7b07-4b11", "", "beeaf321-c27f-4382", "", "Monster", "46acfd7f-7e21-4e87", "", "a34d0501-8a58-429b", "", "Red Bull", "03df9603-3621-46b3", "", "f0f45fbf-c621-40a0", "", "Starbucks Double Shot - Energy", "9ec830fe-01f1-4140", "", "09755f8d-b6bc-47ba", "", "Chameleon - Cold Brew", "4ac12662-639f-4d8a", "", "bd579d49-c48e-486f", "", "Bawls Guarana", "3bc30b15-2651-46cb", "", "a07a45c6-cab3-4811", "", "Celsius", "5a79e9f1-8305-45fa", "", "3fb8345e-6f7c-47c6", "", "Juice & Tea", "89c23e78-5cd1-4c71", "", "d24752fd-ed15-497f", "", "257bf325-7242-49d7", "", "Apple & Eve", "2fc0c321-eeff-4b1a", "", "48a191c6-f444-41f0", "", "Bai 5", "6d9600f8-987f-4727", "", "ed3ba2fd-292b-4c7f", "", "Bio Nature", "8a756e47-59c3-423e", "", "7c2e2640-8e79-478a", "", "Blue Sky", "eaf90e25-1185-4571", "", "9e6dfbc2-2f0c-4b75", "", "BluePrint Juice", "80d09176-407e-4188", "", "14dddae3-f313-43ee", "", "Campbell's Tomato Juice", "3b519dc6-a63f-40c7", "", "e9c1425a-4e2d-4d7d", "", "Ceres", "f7b4d532-c50a-457d", "", "7132ab99-cee4-48e8", "", "Clamato", "64abd58a-84a6-4b82", "", "f1cef423-b49a-4beb", "", "Del Monte", "853e6a24-3b9e-477f", "", "ebbf482b-399e-4203", "", "Dole", "1d66b9f7-7bb6-4241", "", "e2f38f68-e855-4bd6", "", "Fresh Ginger - Ginger Ale", "62d033cb-9f11-4a44", "", "1e6b891e-01be-431c", "", "Honest Tea", "777e4676-b979-4147", "", "1c6c1a5a-5cae-4f43", "", "Hubert's", "610b9f93-66ee-4952", "", "1828fa13-4d77-4e22", "", "Kevita", "0822bad6-3efc-4821", "", "d4ca65ae-23b4-45b7", "", "Lakewood", "257e03d4-e4ec-404f", "", "83b62913-0692-4379", "", "Lakewood Organic", "0c10e817-8e84-4ae9", "", "258a5249-d2d3-4f84", "", "Looza", "3d01c8e6-5012-48fd", "", "5a6c71a8-240e-4474", "", "Martinelli's", "4e08658e-a9e9-4f83", "", "fa38c2b6-bede-443d", "", "Minute Maid", "a6a89741-08dc-441d", "", "f9020e9d-e2d5-401f", "", "Mott's", "eb53ab9f-5eb6-4965", "", "3ea308af-7751-4a9d", "", "Natalie's", "e6e1cd50-9fed-4e0e", "", "686fef0b-6bd0-4c72", "", "Natural Brew", "b8084104-e8c9-4efa", "", "d62371ae-c919-4ed0", "", "Ocean Spray", "c54c5c2c-1a26-468b", "", "7ba3386b-44fb-4fb4", "", "Odwalla", "a5038149-69a6-486c", "", "220b7a22-7491-45d7", "", "OKF Aloe Vera", "1653edf2-9ba2-4eeb", "", "dc8679a8-7f5d-478d", "", "Sacramento Tomato", "bbbdbd0f-cdc8-4af5", "", "1dd7770a-f5a8-4385", "", "Simply Juice", "1f5ee6ee-d3ee-4b99", "", "9fb4d9f7-c571-4559", "", "Snapple", "4ebc0a45-5553-4d86", "", "5ca96525-e34b-46f7", "", "Sunsweet Prune Juice", "1ab5fc3e-cbdf-49f5", "", "cd13c207-19b2-4ff4", "", "Tazo", "18b46158-a34e-46ae", "", "d1140c41-d44e-4102", "", "Tropicana", "983f4f4d-86a1-42cd", "", "3fcd4017-549e-4969", "", "Turkey Hill", "e40498ac-9905-4ce3", "", "8553c64d-7fd5-4603", "", "Uncle Matt's Organic", "b1d111e7-9677-463c", "", "1314905b-4126-4090", "", "V8 Juice", "0840a354-21b0-4b44", "", "13d1913a-2fc8-4635", "", "Welch's", "77d7ccd3-b07a-43b1", "", "fdb19360-d990-4860", "", "Zevia", "a2163a25-562c-4af9", "", "1fa543c9-18a9-40aa", "", "Meal Supplements", "758b1d3e-9c5a-4009", "", "b642340f-f9c3-4124", "", "8a6d4564-ae97-4a46", "", "Ensure", "fa61e980-760e-49d2", "", "372701a4-b78b-405d", "", "Lean Body", "0f8eca4f-6c8c-4d33", "", "d63fdea1-6a61-4c7f", "", "Muscle Milk", "d800f7dd-a3f8-4b14", "", "980c5436-4012-4ac3", "", "Myoplex", "eb7ec0d5-5ee4-4b76", "", "0a1dcc84-6cd1-42cd", "", "Optima Slim Fast", "8a09909a-d2a4-454f", "", "415f1044-8685-4e23", "", "Orgain", "ab3c097e-b48d-44f9", "", "944bea3e-75e6-4045", "", "Pure Protein", "a4ba0b23-1b61-49e6", "", "0fcac060-75ae-4e72", "", "Natural & Healthy Drinks", "46f49d66-150c-4d91", "", "240ebc13-b393-4499", "", "ca3678e0-0f45-4c68", "", "Amy & Brian - Coconut Juice", "5642f3fd-006f-43b0", "", "5222a3df-cb53-4587", "", "Bolthouse Farms", "e9d807df-4f52-4f9c", "", "0365d30a-7880-47ec", "", "0048c83f-6673-43c1", "", "519acdb0-4004-459a", "", "G.T. Kombucha & Synergy CLASSIC", "cc193f25-a45d-457b", "", "ceeaef54-4202-40bc", "", "450effe1-8016-49da", "", "66b8a463-cbfa-41d3", "", "Guayaki Yerba Mate", "9ca54cfc-0c7d-428a", "", "cf4dd1c1-3919-49f9", "", "Harmless Harvest", "40eb28df-f3c9-4e29", "", "3bf22acc-9cb3-466e", "", "Hint Water", "173505bd-efac-4982", "", "e6efaa33-3932-404f", "", "a9a63bc5-8804-463a", "", "02d47c23-1731-41b3", "", "Pom Wonderful", "8ca56fb6-f80c-45fe", "", "2ef05d3c-1873-4557", "", "Thai Kitchen", "5a91005d-d441-4527", "", "34b4d3b1-e99b-45d1", "", "Vita Coco", "4914e657-46f4-4cff", "", "74209631-74e9-4a8f", "", "Volcano", "bbcdfc3f-ee00-4b87", "", "03ddadd3-93c1-4fdd", "", "Zico", "de58a015-fab0-454b", "", "d172cb21-b19c-4bb9", "", "Ice Cream", "de5611f0-7f20-4dd9", "", "7c5a9dfe-2d07-48db", "", "0178819a-c94e-4db2", "", "Arctic Zero", "2ccac685-e26c-4a86", "", "014ace05-195f-49c3", "", "Ben & Jerry's", "34dea7cc-5722-4cbf", "", "0dd3d617-1ae0-4577", "", "Ciao Bella - Sorbet", "6f30ff60-73dd-40df", "", "4d7201b9-ce19-4d8d", "", "Edy's Fruit Bars", "a04de2cd-b7da-4f5c", "", "0c698dc9-c9f2-491e", "", "Goodpop", "ed32a107-a7bc-44c4", "", "9b3d9b53-fca9-4ab3", "", "Haagan-Dazs Spirits Ice Cream", "036e9b92-3a2d-4a89", "", "0ec05590-52e3-411e", "", "Haagen-Dazs", "7776ea01-bd28-4e15", "", "ccade63f-088e-4828", "", "Halo Top", "f174da56-8be4-4c38", "", "eeca09c0-2795-43aa", "", "Lactaid", "f6013f10-defc-454a", "", "2da92e44-e59d-46a1", "", "Phin & Phebes", "8e4d2a3c-f027-46fc", "", "1ba4a213-ce28-4dc6", "", "Popsicle Bars", "f0fce98b-9692-4461", "", "c2aea3a7-ae32-4240", "", "Sharon Sorbet", "2879cead-60f3-4f66", "", "57614ee2-8c7b-4a61", "", "Skinny Cow Ice Cream", "6bcb1278-cf95-48cb", "", "eece95f9-f919-498a", "", "Talenti Gelato", "a9d53bf2-bfc1-4a4c", "", "6da862c6-2385-482b", "", "Talenti Sorbetto", "94abf324-12f0-44df", "", "621ac87b-8661-4d72", "", "Van Leeuwen", "44ec8ffb-7adc-4f26", "", "aa2ccf96-33ed-4d17", "", "Weight Watcher's", "ac345244-1a9b-4168", "", "f68a0cb2-09eb-486d", "", "Ice", "d6609a9e-5420-4d22", "", "fd61b8d2-3395-4b0b", "", "Fresh Prepared Food", "17b4d517-b118-4b94", "", "ca2b7a05-5507-477b", "", "5e9a23a6-370b-42fa", "", "Prepared Food - Hale & Hearty Soups", "568d5696-7ae9-473d", "", "9e745d30-bf01-4e36", "", "Prepared Food - Macro Organic Foods", "6bd874db-2b7c-4b56", "", "9ba541bc-d092-45dc", "", "Prepared Food - Pita Sandwiches", "5a1c4adf-99ec-4e8a", "", "22060d87-7b6d-480c", "", "Meats & Cold Cuts", "e432fa77-6aed-4d82", "", "6bece4df-8fff-47cf", "", "d0acec58-2a37-47b1", "", "Applegate Farms", "3de047e4-40c1-4906", "", "be9286a3-4754-4e44", "", "Banner", "7aa36f88-3975-4f2f", "", "5d6dd59f-76d0-4d2d", "", "Bilinski's All Natural", "5bb05702-abdc-4737", "", "650d0f58-1f24-4fcb", "", "Boar's Head", "4bd4befe-7bb6-42e0", "", "8c930204-d812-4c83", "", "Busseto", "599c9363-ac0b-4cb9", "", "226e843d-ce33-442f", "", "Citterio All Natural", "e5292b93-21c6-4c69", "", "08264212-65aa-48b6", "", "Daniele", "f0917b56-aaaa-4906", "", "3be96a71-ebc9-42ef", "", "Echo Falls", "5f06edfa-3f99-42c8", "", "a1129199-4218-445d", "", "Galtee", "89aa1cfa-4ff5-4ff6", "", "2b4a366a-2ca4-41d6", "", "Goya", "deb26a20-b40a-41fc", "", "2690c906-9c14-400e", "", "Hebrew National", "962ed1e2-8a4e-4400", "", "8868018c-55f3-452a", "", "Hillshire Farm", "353b7d41-31e2-4111", "", "6e0eea14-2585-4fe7", "", "Hormel", "ee307ed3-3079-4237", "", "42693891-03a2-4ff3", "", "Jones", "045f6048-d06a-4758", "", "16befc5c-2935-4fbb", "", "Light Life", "1d9070bb-50c6-41e3", "", "66b9d135-171c-4278", "", "Naturale", "6c5d61e0-5080-4c14", "", "4af77ce0-3a0c-4546", "", "Oscar Mayer", "127fbc99-62db-468e", "", "ff41fdd2-e559-40f7", "", "Breakfast", "4ae30ccc-cd92-4590", "", "33f0a1e9-9969-49a0", "", "1658e072-4be6-4728", "", "Bagels & Rolls", "6e76bf60-2dfc-4135", "", "c010a201-51b8-46e8", "", "Bars", "771a7c86-d34f-45e0", "", "dfc8edec-2cb6-494a", "", "Bon Appetit Cakes", "a48ea74c-e5ab-436a", "", "2066439a-0c11-485f", "", "Cereal", "5514a242-16af-46eb", "", "2de62c62-3062-4298", "", "78ef45b0-25e5-4222", "", "Kellogg's Cereal Cups", "02ff84d5-7603-4548", "", "2ddfd7e8-65df-4711", "", "Coffee", "11d461c0-57e7-4bb0", "", "45cff733-d54d-4853", "", "Croissants , Danish & Rolls", "f1e32289-6dbf-4fc8", "", "45b0e241-83f4-42bb", "", "Emmy's Macaroons", "a44dde41-8260-49db", "", "ae266c0c-d288-452c", "", "Entenmann's", "2a87d99a-8d25-4b70", "", "83ab4ffe-be93-47d3", "", "Juices", "46460a78-7838-4959", "", "b9f38a36-2716-4d87", "", "fc6590a7-f276-4c2c", "", "b9554a4f-c12f-4004", "", "4d7f6c38-9936-4f35", "", "de784bba-52cb-4f3d", "", "913a7562-1718-4f36", "", "Muffins", "4d0d7422-22f9-42e0", "", "b1ec2d1b-2ad2-47db", "", "Single Serve Cakes", "69b60260-6762-4d42", "", "e456c26c-6fc1-4674", "", "Cakes", "92dd78ab-e20a-4c9f", "", "8ffce436-d5d5-4b97", "", "Dairy", "58110c44-9180-4c40", "", "fb7d5023-2b8e-4f36", "", "96b7c3c5-c13c-4a0f", "", "Butter", "e7496b2b-ce71-405f", "", "103f6057-e33a-45e4", "", "5c0673b3-6af4-4d59", "", "Breakstone's Butter", "85f45802-888d-4919", "", "419f365a-2ff7-44f8", "", "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter", "2201e811-c8d2-4928", "", "309f7933-b8f0-4f5b", "", "Irish Gold Butter", "097841d8-1f96-4c83", "", "ab96a79e-2e84-46d1", "", "Kerry Gold Butter", "e3e25fcf-3a5b-448c", "", "dbe3ce0d-99c5-499b", "", "Land-O-Lakes Butter", "b87dcdd4-9230-49db", "", "88b1c177-3ad6-4844", "", "Plugra Butter", "f9b84de1-131c-4f91", "", "fb43f394-375c-4609", "", "Smart Balance Butter", "19429076-fdcb-4c84", "", "c9827463-f342-45c6", "", "Cheese", "74e263df-9734-4ba5", "", "bd9d21de-9328-4312", "", "476e126d-217b-443e", "", "Alpine Lace Cheese", "e2809cd5-7496-4ec5", "", "b372ec0b-7ae3-44e4", "", "Applegate Farms Cheese", "decf4b3b-80f7-4b34", "", "ede1c92d-62df-430a", "", "Athenos Feta Cheese", "4ecb9a81-bffb-4f03", "", "ed9120d6-7fab-4d8c", "", "Bel Gioioso", "ce8840cd-c5af-46d6", "", "2790c2b5-9dc9-42a6", "", "Belgioioso Cheese", "466b9d75-6f29-4c94", "", "05d2d965-7c4e-4cf7", "", "Borden Dairy Cheese", "76caeace-179a-45ee", "", "4c7d4a42-b01b-418a", "", "Boursin Gournay Cheese", "28857e83-4bb1-4dd2", "", "a521bca2-96dd-4363", "", "Cabot Cheese", "bb49cbf3-cb7f-4c22", "", "8cc21d36-36f1-41a8", "", "Digiorno Cheese", "3471628a-7f5b-40de", "", "cb75e773-4b5a-46a2", "", "Dill Baby Havarti Cheese", "7584a1ac-5f35-4428", "", "af0385da-9339-439b", "", "Great Lakes Cheese", "57335898-eec8-4b78", "", "1ff890dd-21ad-41d9", "", "Heluva Good Cheese", "3bc40435-0e49-4247", "", "938efdd7-62cc-46f1", "", "Horizon Cheese", "ba95a6bf-aeab-47e1", "", "c12d9f1e-a0dc-49b0", "", "IIe De France Cheese", "edb16173-efb0-4efd", "", "292a7628-2506-4c9f", "", "Jarlsberg Cheese", "9f1c7c24-2709-4625", "", "eb3094f4-7d7b-4747", "", "Kerry Gold Cheese", "6058f7a8-ffc9-46b2", "", "ac7c20e9-c7aa-409a", "", "Kraft Cheese", "d0daeaa3-2fbf-49c6", "", "59364d86-0da3-4052", "", "Land O Lakes Cheese", "ed90d1ef-9186-4acb", "", "3269182d-707b-431c", "", "Life Time Cheddar Cheese", "424798c9-37c5-4978", "", "f230002c-0cd8-44b5", "", "Miller's Cheese", "8c071ca5-729d-410b", "", "ef1bc85f-51d9-4b5e", "", "Montchevre Cheese", "9b338ba3-be72-4d3e", "", "f2af4c12-b443-46d9", "", "Naturally Good Cheese", "2b878032-8f19-4a45", "", "69cae1c3-1e2f-4920", "", "Organic Valley Cheese", "b339f062-3df6-4c18", "", "9152972a-a6ef-4bb7", "", "Polly O Cheese", "572dc11c-87b1-4e1d", "", "a0faf73d-6d61-4273", "", "Sargento Cheese", "7d13ac9d-040f-4572", "", "65430a6a-cdfb-4d81", "", "Smart Beat Mellow Cheese", "d7921731-f576-4800", "", "6e22b33c-a6c2-4968", "", "Sorrento Cheese", "80133342-205b-4227", "", "09e8db18-d2fd-4647", "", "Stella Cheese", "9064d738-4e59-4e08", "", "a69f7064-1cd8-4aba", "", "The Laughing Cow Swiss Cheese", "27228054-7d93-43c3", "", "5fa02340-1f7b-4c83", "", "Treasure Cave Cheese", "1abc04cd-44a7-4618", "", "1acd9c95-77c0-4e71", "", "Veggie Slices Cheese", "ace877a4-2ba4-4c78", "", "6580beb8-5174-46d4", "", "White Rose Cheese", "ef6ef200-b4ad-4223", "", "3df7bf40-fef0-4fb2", "", "Aiello's", "5e9059ef-5e7f-4e8a", "", "d5a9957e-81a3-431f", "", "Cottage Cheese", "b0cb9f60-661a-4c98", "", "8811bf64-c2f8-4d39", "", "e8fe09fd-7e75-4de9", "", "Breakstone Cottage Cheese", "85a94c3e-0be9-43e3", "", "99ed1cf1-c8f3-4392", "", "Friendship Cottage Cheese", "d6340d14-07f4-436f", "", "a4ebcbfb-9c45-41f6", "", "Lactaid Cottage Cheese", "36076b63-82c4-4482", "", "339d7df7-646d-445b", "", "Organic Valley Cottage Cheese", "d5b18d02-f546-4a9d", "", "3048cd6f-34f9-4fa9", "", "Cream Cheese", "926c2d75-9089-46ae", "", "0418bc12-7341-4fa1", "", "102a5075-761c-4735", "", "Breakstone's Temp Tee Cream Cheese", "cdab751c-c96f-47dc", "", "117a0122-5f1c-4360", "", "Philadelphia Cream Cheese", "2f3476e8-4daa-4d24", "", "e80dd4d0-934b-4e85", "", "Tofutti Cream Cheese", "79874395-d92e-4076", "", "496c29ba-b814-496d", "", "The Devon Cream company", "3e2d3970-7c76-4560", "", "afed63f1-3450-45b5", "", "Dessert-Ready To Eat", "d6a35d40-9723-408b", "", "89a11363-9476-48ef", "", "0edb075f-2ed0-4be0", "", "Reddi - Wip Whipped Cream", "7072d56a-f741-469e", "", "5db450ec-02db-49aa", "", "Jello", "8c97f8b6-9bc2-468a", "", "18c0a67b-a843-4ff2", "", "Kozy Shack", "508a410e-00cd-4167", "", "85cafc8d-bd4b-4e01", "", "Eggs", "342f6646-9c68-45be", "", "a2cf7e99-8a0f-4ad7", "", "3f88cdac-bab0-4e64", "", "Grade A Eggs", "f6576618-d351-4f42", "", "0b261b0a-fdcc-46ec", "", "Horizon Organic Large Brown Eggs", "c62f461d-1a51-46b9", "", "777ec55f-01ec-4ae1", "", "Liberty Health Foods Rothkopf Eggs", "3c5c98b4-991f-45a5", "", "5b4e53d2-07fd-45b5", "", "Nelms Grade A Eggs", "4bf6bc1f-627a-4255", "", "692eb2ce-5ee5-450b", "", "Organic Large Brown Eggs", "f53401c1-7a23-4ae3", "", "021a9b23-aaeb-4ccc", "", "Organic Valley Organic Large Brown Eggs", "99870589-d565-45c4", "", "ef93c691-d124-4a0c", "", "Papetti Foods Egg Whites", "097c55ab-be57-43f2", "", "a391406d-74fb-488a", "", "Pete & Gerry's Organic Eggs", "dfd65382-a5fb-4f31", "", "d490ed73-cf33-4eba", "", "Vitamin E & Omega Eggs", "bc267faf-e16f-4440", "", "abd287df-7ec5-4af0", "", "White Rose Pure Egg Whites", "b0d20d84-492d-4230", "", "7e98467f-e092-41b8", "", "840dbea8-0066-43f4", "", "47db8471-16df-43d6", "", "a4214282-25cc-4360", "", "Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream", "72356801-ac6e-4149", "", "94829fd0-48b7-4687", "", "97c63305-d6e1-4dba", "", "5da40869-383c-44fc", "", "Haagen Dazs Ice Cream", "00ae1ed1-2359-4f98", "", "a012111a-d01a-4975", "", "20d6ecc6-18da-4ae0", "", "d3c10036-d1e1-4f25", "", "b3f4c630-d503-4696", "", "dbba550c-cfc6-4e08", "", "Milk", "efbec661-4c1b-4b7a", "", "ecc51ef2-85b0-4039", "", "Milk Drinks", "8c462235-4577-4065", "", "65a3839a-991b-4024", "", "9351117b-93db-46ff", "", "Yoo-hoo", "b994cbde-e046-489d", "", "157756a9-0ac6-47a9", "", "Starbucks", "494b20b3-dd15-42cd", "", "d71f7cf5-4236-4cc1", "", "Nutrament", "6cb52677-2860-45e7", "", "6168b24f-ebd9-44b4", "", "Nesquick", "d1a2c37a-c132-4e11", "", "1a52ffa8-11b9-44c6", "", "Horizon", "30d53a40-0688-4b37", "", "53bd0aa9-b729-456d", "", "Organic Valley", "6757cf27-9092-44b0", "", "19d92bb7-3138-4d4b", "", "Tuscan", "289c0505-fe16-414f", "", "50e126b8-d508-43f8", "", "Land O Lakes", "f152acea-5c29-4e4f", "", "88a62c40-c374-48c8", "", "Silk", "a7f506d2-fccf-49ba", "", "b0b9e834-accb-4ae5", "", "6260218a-6a63-4014", "", "22c2760e-fd15-4b9e", "", "Farmland Dairies", "685da542-59f4-47a0", "", "0dddca5d-f064-48af", "", "4e35ce5f-385f-4c8d", "", "9fb45c91-e505-481b", "", "Friendship", "3410447a-4912-4d41", "", "a9de8c56-998a-4e27", "", "Stonyfield Farms", "32020e7e-0304-427e", "", "74f2eff5-f84d-41c0", "", "Parmalat", "8253a06a-4d66-4163", "", "1e153070-e338-4995", "", "Nestle Coffemate", "ea6d1389-baf2-46d2", "", "fea65297-229c-4dba", "", "Kefir", "08bac6d4-8421-450d", "", "0bdc5c1a-61f6-4bb3", "", "Ronny Brook", "7aaea6f3-507e-4a82", "", "646807d7-826a-4686", "", "Pasta", "810c8893-4492-4f98", "", "e68fcc52-49ad-4d3c", "", "6b51ab59-37c1-45b6", "", "Buittoni Pasta", "ec026d3c-a81a-4ceb", "", "b8cff582-c2b0-4324", "", "Giovanni's Rana Pasta", "5097132a-93a5-4a13", "", "a99eb1a3-69be-402e", "", "Sour Cream", "d36f842e-faae-4ad3", "", "e0aa808b-9121-45be", "", "aaf72196-78ac-431c", "", "Breakstone Sour Cream", "4eb84ff1-ddeb-4450", "", "8fb94239-f7c0-44da", "", "Tortillas", "15857501-48b5-49a8", "", "8af7d996-9062-46fc", "", "5830dcd2-839e-4e60", "", "Baja Tortillas", "410aeac4-b2e5-48a5", "", "de02ecc2-a121-49e8", "", "Yogurt", "e9e32019-149d-4bc3", "", "a6bfd549-df8e-4c2a", "", "8996333a-63a3-4598", "", "Chobani Greek Yogurt", "dc7f3da0-68c1-44d4", "", "c4cd0b64-50ef-4023", "", "Siggi's Yogurt", "62f3dc04-a73d-4f6c", "", "b5eb9696-f878-4e36", "", "So Delicious Yogurt", "4d33dc6b-4d92-44c7", "", "5e54a296-c0e9-4b56", "", "Dannon Yogurt", "3920420b-c5c3-4d79", "", "ef4412c3-6150-4ac9", "", "Fage Total Yogurt", "04bb29ff-c4d8-4341", "", "8c04ce7e-503f-4034", "", "La Yogurt", "edee0e0e-0017-4520", "", "0dce7209-2383-4122", "", "Liberty Yogurt", "1a3b7ea8-d6f0-4a2d", "", "cfa21ce4-befe-421b", "", "Life Way Plain Yogurt", "aa3f2d67-392d-4fe4", "", "f490d732-a29b-4cb4", "", "Stonyfield Farm Low Fat Yogurt", "50e0d034-5ad5-453c", "", "1e001f89-14d5-4b52", "", "Stonyfield Farm Smooth & Creamy Yogurt", "ef930989-5d46-46c8", "", "4bfdb238-abcf-46bb", "", "Brown Cow", "36480d52-6885-4197", "", "304c8b1e-a6ed-458e", "", "Almond Dream", "5c9a3446-9832-48a3", "", "88a193d2-b132-47fc", "", "Fresh Produce", "ddd26079-d9f7-4d8a", "", "d5df98d9-bc15-427f", "", "6a036a85-bee8-4521", "", "Fresh Produce (Fruit)", "e16fbb3d-3375-4241", "", "f5dee479-52b1-4cd1", "", "Fresh Fruit Salad", "ce1480d9-ab9b-46f4", "", "ed58110b-db9b-43a1", "", "Fresh Produce (Herbs)", "9cfe6e15-07b2-4e3e", "", "a2ff27b4-06c4-4e8a", "", "Fresh Produce (Vegetables)", "6674a6a6-f037-472f", "", "053a984e-59c8-4feb", "", "Frozen Food", "30e7b24e-ffeb-43ca", "", "30374438-4743-464a", "", "f9ed0c27-895f-4218", "", "291d9213-db5a-4eeb", "", "e731a815-8980-453e", "", "bdb1d1df-9078-4ac2", "", "#1 Signature Pie", "ec0cd1eb-10d5-4f5e", "", "681d56b9-1592-4c36", "", "Bagel Bits", "ea0e6dac-5820-4530", "", "56882235-5073-4c93", "", "Fruit Juice, Frozen", "ffa69586-4bee-4010", "", "bdb22d45-e71c-4fdb", "", "Fruit, Frozen", "cacac78e-6c5e-4e04", "", "e63b760e-cea4-4b37", "", "Hot Pockets", "b51e5f69-a5c7-4215", "", "eb08be16-830e-4af1", "", "Lean Pockets", "dbc60fec-8f3a-49c3", "", "75606988-9904-460f", "", "Morning Star Farms", "0aadffef-6ef7-4cea", "", "90718014-8986-4f18", "", "Pie Crust", "4f05c6d0-6f40-4f2f", "", "fd1e92bd-a18a-4f79", "", "Pizza", "d5ed2fb1-3dcd-40fd", "", "3f2e01f8-e382-4cc7", "", "Pot Pies", "e33da828-1410-4d7a", "", "16492a56-912d-4e1c", "", "Potatoes", "f99cc7e4-471c-4543", "", "59e352a1-9619-4411", "", "Special K", "18909bbd-51b0-40bb", "", "13227024-b9a5-43af", "", "Stouffer's / Lean Cuisine", "40776a10-6803-4789", "", "603b2f32-8d0a-476d", "", "TGI Friday's", "30fe8ba1-8ea8-43d9", "", "7184aa99-2b66-4a0d", "", "Tyson Foods", "e8bf7ee8-0516-4786", "", "46e4c51a-db99-4d2d", "", "Vegetables, Frozen", "37f44a38-909b-47ed", "", "50c65c15-3e76-4c04", "", "Waffles", "ffa37e79-1027-4bf7", "", "705c2482-e5f5-4008", "", "Whipped Toppings", "5d414be2-9f64-4e4c", "", "e94c96e8-74db-4221", "", "P.F. Chang's Home Menu", "0e8deb77-d790-44c5", "", "230d7d69-2d4a-4390", "", "b6ff7ee3-6632-4c3b", "", "eb8a95fe-c7a8-4543", "", "1d7328d0-84bc-43af", "", "Apple Sauce", "a4113bf0-75c3-424b", "", "e28cb7bd-e3e7-48d5", "", "23eb3181-f997-4239", "", "d5a141a5-af40-4fe8", "", "51f344a4-a352-4ee7", "", "Baby Food & Beverages", "a701e8e0-55eb-443c", "", "cf2bb14d-99eb-4788", "", "7cfc2296-d77f-45ba", "", "Baby Food", "ffa7f1f8-78c9-44bd", "", "a430b2ea-1765-4bfc", "", "Beechnut", "5f153182-ec1f-4102", "", "a7f7fbec-fe76-4bc4", "", "Pedialyte", "a509bedc-1c89-4970", "", "7afdbcbd-131d-4d40", "", "Bitters", "ace16e34-a71a-4fd7", "", "716b5c06-38b9-49d5", "", "Bread", "0ed5111a-64b0-48a6", "", "b2359bd7-13f5-4891", "", "4a1eff71-e9d1-4b96", "", "Pita Bread", "76924ead-2ed8-4e66", "", "71074877-f204-42b4", "", "Sandwich Bread", "caf95e93-25dd-4a79", "", "4949338a-3e4a-4734", "", "Buns & Rolls", "710c22b6-c35d-4915", "", "2f1e0183-a520-4a2a", "", "Flat Bread", "1efd81fc-7026-4d5e", "", "398ce402-56c5-423e", "", "English Muffins", "60fa388d-7db7-4b57", "", "1612622c-24b0-4a7f", "", "French Bread", "d45d8cb1-5ced-4612", "", "404d60e9-be9b-4f8e", "", "ebd0537b-a9d8-4e40", "", "b6b134c2-6770-40db", "", "Schar Gluten Free Bread", "9fc23057-6c53-4b8b", "", "32f44597-ed92-4c55", "", "Bread Crumbs & Stuffing Mix", "89da9079-4abc-4294", "", "1dc836af-bab6-4f47", "", "812cface-8115-4481", "", "4C", "54d2b12f-9349-43cb", "", "9ad5ce31-2986-4971", "", "Kraft Foods", "de64f44d-43ef-46ee", "", "6a792c51-8736-49bf", "", "Progresso", "aa1e81c6-f9dc-4ec9", "", "312ee65f-4d24-4493", "", "Ronzoni", "06ff51cf-a0f4-465f", "", "7e705b35-c6e2-493f", "", "Wel Pack Panko Bread Crumbs", "27837c60-9f24-4b0a", "", "cf265c13-7f93-41be", "", "Canned Beans & Raw Beans", "80c6025e-ff5d-4626", "", "554c2ad7-e065-4a39", "", "0aaef906-e24b-4aff", "", "B & M", "938041d4-9fc5-448d", "", "52149fa1-e00b-4af5", "", "Bush's Best", "e2a6f715-aec3-4f10", "", "6715251f-b75f-4482", "", "d2dc7a89-6d6c-4b41", "", "2da68a4a-3595-45f8", "", "Heinz", "5fec8000-551d-4e8c", "", "36ddeb3a-ea4b-4e20", "", "La Costena", "fd890299-c81f-45a2", "", "78cbe859-80cd-4772", "", "Old El Paso", "392cd371-53e1-454e", "", "4c5b58c0-ae3f-4941", "", "ebfb2a5f-7d42-4892", "", "58175cfb-9d7a-4c89", "", "Raw - Jack Rabbit", "11b6bdb0-803d-4d33", "", "8cdaf42a-600d-4f09", "", "Raw - Goya", "c37f38a2-8d5e-454f", "", "26e3357c-57ef-4d40", "", "Taco Bell", "38dad50a-1d8f-4032", "", "487fe812-2672-4732", "", "Canned Fruit", "b05b8249-172e-4613", "", "8b0339c0-e7c6-437e", "", "b8650df3-8e5a-4df1", "", "52e173bd-9666-45ba", "", "c23b5b5d-465f-4267", "", "70e46d0f-b889-44aa", "", "22144d9a-c004-4ba6", "", "Roland", "73438372-6403-4edc", "", "d8349641-4a5f-4e38", "", "Misc. Canned Fruit", "b2b89bc1-68f8-4f19", "", "eee50dc9-b74a-4e7a", "", "Canned Meat", "b984d92c-5f8f-4a41", "", "7ac6609f-f187-47cc", "", "e1a8c3c0-fdd2-433a", "", "a6e2a42d-024c-42b5", "", "37482653-58ed-4972", "", "Canned Milk", "c2fda3c1-5131-473d", "", "2bb7dc2f-8c26-4d62", "", "Canned Olives", "4c635789-5d54-4ec7", "", "0fdada80-0973-40ee", "", "21a4b7ef-6e43-4581", "", "Canned Olives - Goya", "afc6b7e8-7c44-4215", "", "889463be-5bfd-4386", "", "Canned Olives - Roland", "900ebef4-011b-4a66", "", "fef558c5-775a-47a1", "", "Canned Olives - Lindsay", "8cea3a69-2eca-4b5e", "", "3c4d593a-d8ab-4f00", "", "Canned Olives - Musco Family Olive Co.", "0805e783-53d5-4a1c", "", "58417a5c-197e-4ace", "", "Canned Olives - Cento", "4c3b5968-7890-4672", "", "6eec6ddd-f7ca-4ec9", "", "Canned Seafood", "5684fb23-0012-488d", "", "97b03f45-57e1-43cd", "", "5ce09092-496e-470b", "", "Anchovy", "90a54926-e926-4de2", "", "7666bb25-07f2-43ea", "", "Clams & Shrimp", "a5cb49d6-71ff-44bd", "", "8517d905-9d84-4db4", "", "Salmon", "fa0779fc-858b-48b6", "", "bf30158c-4ad6-4ec2", "", "Sardines", "e9589bc1-da10-4452", "", "6c531aee-51d5-4a3b", "", "Tuna Fish", "1dcf0aa0-ca44-4edd", "", "4b1626b0-dd1a-4ce3", "", "Canned Soup", "a879b5a7-cc40-4eae", "", "b44ea96e-a48b-4580", "", "ada6ad5b-abd4-4423", "", "Lipton", "d0c6da4e-dd81-4611", "", "3b87af04-1a08-40a7", "", "Campbell's", "7154264e-dd06-4821", "", "08c036c4-ad53-485d", "", "College Inn", "985ecacd-fe1f-4ad5", "", "f9d6416e-340c-49d0", "", "116f6060-1cd8-4b86", "", "c1d4418c-7c1c-46bf", "", "Healthy Choice", "61d69936-7aa5-4b54", "", "20b43421-23f0-47e9", "", "Knorr", "5210c23b-ad29-448b", "", "3ce4c877-8535-426b", "", "Canned Vegetables", "4dad74ac-fd3f-4399", "", "f79540eb-5084-4be3", "", "d59a3106-bf71-4f7c", "", "Canned Vegetables - Goya", "58d9c372-a0ec-4254", "", "96364d60-c6de-4138", "", "Canned Vegetables - Lesueur", "35ad7538-bbfb-4e62", "", "e9ec1466-6c81-49c7", "", "Canned Vegetables - Con Agra Foods", "642cda46-ed93-4ea0", "", "c4b59464-8a56-4fc9", "", "Canned Vegetables - Rolland", "ce84f3aa-d411-4ef9", "", "62c716a4-0446-4398", "", "Canned Vegetables - French Foods", "ea3fa4bf-047a-485a", "", "608df101-2035-4f86", "", "Canned Vegetables - Seneca Foods Corp.", "354b58fa-7108-48a7", "", "753e6397-4fe2-4a69", "", "Canned Vegetables - Green Giant", "a7351e7a-05fb-4aa3", "", "1682d658-c052-4668", "", "Canned Vegetables - Del Monte", "81d4d426-5cb3-4fa9", "", "2643c66e-d8d1-413d", "", "Canned Vegetables - Polaner", "50e6b30e-7cfc-4459", "", "cf11da31-002c-48c8", "", "Canned Vegetables - B&G Foods", "baa44e69-e953-4525", "", "e939668f-1bd1-4554", "", "Canned Vegetables - Cento", "5004b77d-ff48-4809", "", "0a77c6d9-e63e-4e8f", "", "Cocktail Mixers", "0846fb88-bf98-47d7", "", "3b6b4e87-ea69-471e", "", "f487f6ec-3d39-4073", "", "2b91f5c9-d815-4745", "", "c2f2d7bd-dc28-4cac", "", "711a4a84-c2a2-4e1c", "", "453dafe9-21ad-4f45", "", "498cd2c3-47a5-4f82", "", "Cafe Bustello Coffee", "f3ad196f-92d5-4225", "", "ddc46454-83b8-4b65", "", "Cafe Goya Coffee", "3fb805da-c593-4694", "", "4df8244e-f67c-4c54", "", "Choc Full O'Nuts Coffee", "f189970b-f29c-4242", "", "3f270a13-7d6a-4134", "", "Eight O'Clock Coffee", "259d04ed-6a44-4d81", "", "123954da-c999-4c12", "", "Folgers Coffee", "99d8dece-6721-47bd", "", "e0ca3150-17ba-435b", "", "Illy Espresso Coffee", "cfeb8bf8-acfa-4bee", "", "2be8419d-2bc4-45b8", "", "Maxwell House Coffee", "c73b469a-3db6-481e", "", "fae2b042-82af-45f6", "", "Medaglia D'oro Coffee", "0d78e4b0-35df-4469", "", "065a96c4-ad8a-4c2b", "", "Mud Coffee", "f29fb849-7c25-459c", "", "232f8c39-a898-4daa", "", "Nescafe Coffee", "027dac8c-e22e-4b99", "", "f33b213a-7020-47b3", "", "Pilon Cafe Coffee", "3bc14e42-cd13-4adc", "", "fabf9905-8de5-4c1b", "", "Starbucks Coffee", "22e50eb6-dd7c-4fbe", "", "b9f0ed85-0481-4ea4", "", "Illy Coffee Cans", "77c29bf9-c748-4f1d", "", "0c60ad23-ae5c-4f19", "", "Dunkin Donut Coffee", "a6256119-6819-4c35", "", "59761d9d-83e4-4df1", "", "Misc Coffee", "d3de2754-19e6-43a4", "", "89bc5a09-b4bc-4e97", "", "Porto Rico coffee", "fc362744-1f7e-4fcc", "", "f24727d9-5c74-45cb", "", "K - Cups", "73dbe1ad-c17c-447a", "", "c7e1eb8e-c405-42f2", "", "Super Coffee", "eb6cc496-a5dc-4561", "", "6153d0d2-adcd-4649", "", "Coffee Filters", "d0f9d20a-f90a-4f9c", "", "14263112-7906-417a", "", "8ad33fc5-e089-4e19", "", "Coffee Filters - Melitta", "740c3180-253a-438d", "", "bb7d1d92-df7c-4f7f", "", "Flour", "a15e2770-b49c-47f3", "", "b6c9f815-4129-4d31", "", "f887cc6a-5ba8-41e1", "", "Flour - King Arthur", "fb1a54ee-760d-484a", "", "f7e9b308-3fe0-4d5e", "", "Flour - Gold Medal", "d7956087-2da7-4913", "", "0ccaf31d-598b-4b26", "", "Flour - Pillsbury", "95dcdf14-4fd1-4ad6", "", "48a8855c-c26d-4aec", "", "Flour - Heckers", "04327e8c-78bc-4c42", "", "fb7bf0a6-2cee-4880", "", "Flour - Quaker", "58d0efb4-6fe4-4ec4", "", "0e1d0bf4-327a-4357", "", "Honey", "a6ebdfec-6253-4c35", "", "7c6a0eb1-6d9e-44e3", "", "9092ed7d-618c-43b7", "", "Honey - Golden Blossom", "c41ae128-abc4-4948", "", "19d0ea67-0289-4489", "", "Honey - Gunters", "fb91b4ea-5119-4370", "", "b979216e-a9ed-4c29", "", "Honey - Honey Brother", "9d65af72-3259-4592", "", "a584a85a-ef61-4b64", "", "Honey - Sandt's", "b2bbf6e8-a274-4e75", "", "55fde6b8-c102-4657", "", "Honey - Wee Bee", "2ca3771b-7f0e-4011", "", "1c74c3ab-d0c2-4354", "", "Iced Tea & Drink Mixes", "4db8648f-c1f4-4f50", "", "fda0d584-7b72-48bf", "", "81cadb87-14c4-4b89", "", "Beverages - Iced Tea & Drink Mixes", "0851060f-b7f6-49a4", "", "4decbee9-5b2b-43e5", "", "Jam/Jelly/Marmalade", "d127ee09-bddc-49cc", "", "bf5c57b1-0e29-4963", "", "fb37d060-a59f-43a1", "", "Jams & Jellies - Welch", "0b477a00-7c76-4933", "", "d6a8bfd4-0afb-4a95", "", "Jams & Jellies - Bonne Mamn", "6b71c52c-7f0c-4b0c", "", "28d4df8b-d1d4-47f6", "", "Jams & Jellies - Hero", "8a7d0841-da12-4dab", "", "07770ff5-2518-492d", "", "Jams & Jellies - Smucker's", "76c96d23-0cff-419f", "", "5ea3db25-3f20-4309", "", "Jams & Jellies - Polaner", "b268fe2c-e4e9-405a", "", "a0b8f737-f6fd-4d3f", "", "Jams & Jellies - St. Dalfour", "da204231-54a1-49e9", "", "7bbcfea2-5e7f-4cde", "", "Jams & Jellies - Nutela", "3ffc31ba-c0cd-4e52", "", "eba45228-9d94-4372", "", "Jello, Pudding & Pie Filling", "e2b7e455-a499-4c67", "", "b63458b3-65d9-4289", "", "9a6fa7ae-6fd3-4d0a", "", "47e7faa4-49c1-406b", "", "0193e626-0cae-42ef", "", "Ketchup", "e6f46918-7c4d-4cca", "", "e7cfb2fd-66d7-4775", "", "9bc12b24-b278-4061", "", "Ketchup - Heinz", "c362edc5-1f3d-45ca", "", "b7664777-b52a-498b", "", "Ketchup - Woodstock Farms", "91a508c8-b58f-4461", "", "dc6e5262-e88a-4db1", "", "Mayonnaise", "f505dacc-0276-4a71", "", "db08b410-08b1-4361", "", "8d7f153e-90b5-4a88", "", "Mayonnaise - Kraft Foods", "9de4fa33-4777-4891", "", "8b8948b4-c588-4f67", "", "Mayonnaise - Hellmann's", "8d17713f-6229-4b54", "", "3800776b-6f35-4d6c", "", "Mayonnaise - Smart Balance", "7520cf65-9d7c-43ef", "", "0d352cd1-7c2c-4830", "", "Mayonnaise - Spectrum Organic", "983507a5-51ce-4484", "", "c1e136bd-f660-4568", "", "Mustard", "a237064c-eee1-4920", "", "472002c9-9940-4e16", "", "bb75994e-70e3-4afc", "", "Mustard - French's", "7bbd61e5-2c20-45aa", "", "b91246f2-cf59-403c", "", "Mustard - Gulden's", "dc1e28c2-9753-415f", "", "cee76659-16a1-4acf", "", "Mustard - Grey Poupon", "d689645a-9a34-4d76", "", "dc6e904f-d728-4d61", "", "Mustard - Hellmann's", "143abf02-2893-49ea", "", "e5994903-d867-4595", "", "Mustard - Inglehoffer", "239fa824-9532-416b", "", "57c9b31b-98dc-4d7b", "", "Mustard - Roland's", "9492ae24-fd5c-4167", "", "df241766-839e-4461", "", "Mustard - Mailee", "d7149165-7fa8-4c95", "", "5e5499f4-1d5f-4983", "", "Oil & Vinegar", "884bff88-4c63-4888", "", "3258815b-7e94-4bb8", "", "4b931080-57b8-4f1b", "", "Vinegar", "0a63701e-f385-4191", "", "51d9bf9d-2261-424d", "", "Cooking Wine & Oil", "7ff53d2a-7cdc-406b", "", "f3ea50f7-909e-4faf", "", "Speciality Oil", "ed25e733-c0ff-4977", "", "fa2192b9-5d2c-468b", "", "Oriental Foods", "dac49b08-370e-47c2", "", "647f9523-3179-4db6", "", "d85133d7-b768-4fc9", "", "Oriental Sauces", "d1c61335-ed42-4f02", "", "3ace5919-6f19-4c9e", "", "Rice, Noodles & Soups", "440c1b4a-6961-4cfa", "", "9dbeb727-0a04-4601", "", "Indian Foods", "07cd3992-1c5c-433b", "", "49ffb7a9-2b15-4f91", "", "Pancake/Waffle/Cake Mix/Baking Products", "815a283b-7867-4843", "", "45469646-e9f3-486f", "", "978012b1-816e-4b63", "", "Baking Products - Pillsbury", "8f398f9f-689c-4cb1", "", "b5732a32-d7cf-4885", "", "Baking Products - Betty Crocker", "f1d4172f-7a60-4a5d", "", "37a41d16-f17e-428e", "", "Baking Products - Duncan Hines", "aa332cb8-2ded-49c6", "", "a10a0f36-f87f-44de", "", "Baking Products - Hungry Jack", "773f7974-3c0e-4c7a", "", "97c3bef4-d16f-468d", "", "Baking Products - Aunt Jamima", "e98cfc38-80dd-4f07", "", "2ed964bd-a17e-4726", "", "Baking Products - Ghirardelli", "e3df5df5-ef82-4f9d", "", "12dd1275-4f2f-4371", "", "Baking Products - Hershey's", "2c3251b0-13af-4339", "", "763ff547-7442-4e8d", "", "Baking Products - Nestle", "d22ffa52-71ab-4b8f", "", "5023bdeb-f209-4c1d", "", "Baking Products - Arm & Hammer", "fe1da0dc-e1a7-4c1d", "", "160f926b-de5e-4071", "", "Baking Products - Smucker's", "5caf8267-6623-4347", "", "534c5b22-46c6-4925", "", "Baking Products - Reynolds", "effbbe20-f2d8-4028", "", "0ba203a2-3887-4598", "", "Baking Products -Misc", "e349b0e0-0581-412e", "", "8e4b1ec8-a6f5-4110", "", "Cake Mate", "fb3a9829-d898-482d", "", "9e702571-3349-4c70", "", "8a4ec980-de2a-4283", "", "533a5a6b-fbfb-44e1", "", "a9538658-c37d-4419", "", "Pasta - Ezekiel 4:9", "a17c2a54-b263-4b03", "", "fc1d64e3-e979-4f66", "", "Pasta - Gia Russa - Italy", "6ddb40df-013a-4676", "", "9d4f4ce3-4444-4006", "", "Pasta - Barilla", "9c3638b6-241b-4541", "", "fd5837b5-1c73-4627", "", "Pasta - Kraft", "73493c81-06b2-4172", "", "f637f14b-4747-418d", "", "Pasta - Luigi Vitelli", "ef9f66c4-c448-4934", "", "e12c8346-6123-4e5c", "", "Pasta - Pasta Roni", "9acef49b-1719-4a55", "", "6a59a107-ef41-40dd", "", "Pasta - Ronzoni", "d4ff73c7-a24c-4a21", "", "125cbfd3-a5e2-4ccc", "", "Pasta - Misc.", "801846a3-6fc5-4681", "", "a647747e-00c9-479f", "", "Pasta Sauce & Tomato Products", "26ca7a89-adb2-4e61", "", "8998dabc-084f-4bd4", "", "73e5c8d3-b8bc-4893", "", "Hunt's Tomato Products", "2b6fed45-a179-49fc", "", "670dc6a0-50dd-49e4", "", "Progresso Tomato Products", "50f626e0-b649-498f", "", "31dd667a-47e8-46eb", "", "Red Pack Tomato Products", "73dc213b-bcff-48b2", "", "0e1bf1b4-46da-439b", "", "Del Monte Tomato Products", "a5976f1f-7412-4b99", "", "91bf9c37-bf28-4f37", "", "Pasta Sauce - Luigi Vitelli", "4baf8e59-94fd-4145", "", "3ffd4ebf-4bda-4faf", "", "Pasta Sauce - Ragu", "62cb9a40-bc20-42ff", "", "921286dc-1e58-4cf8", "", "Pasta Sauce - Classico", "be201aeb-7155-4258", "", "c7bb4be1-b5be-49f7", "", "Pasta Sauce - Newman's Own", "5f87a96d-44b6-42b1", "", "56ae885b-8c6e-4d56", "", "Pasta Sauce - Prego", "213657a6-5827-40d9", "", "1d72f014-86a3-40b3", "", "Pasta Sauce - Barilla", "2c014916-8722-4c4e", "", "649b278c-d518-48fe", "", "Pasta Sauce - Bertolli", "d48443ca-5c38-49dd", "", "f9ae33e8-ae51-4541", "", "Pasta Sauce - Victoria", "01853da6-3a08-44be", "", "833dec96-4dfd-4ccb", "", "Paste", "f749f755-9329-469f", "", "6f2379a8-f9b6-4af7", "", "Peanut Butter", "f6e8eebf-2178-462a", "", "19d339e0-3ef6-470a", "", "b2415508-ac0c-4e69", "", "Peanut Butter - I M Healthy", "f3b3a704-b904-4d64", "", "cde6070e-fa4c-4dfd", "", "Peanut Butter - Once Again", "514c9d14-35dc-4279", "", "78134dea-fff9-47ab", "", "Peanut Butter - JIF", "17f1ba2f-02fc-4c1f", "", "d181a4e2-040e-4f7c", "", "Peanut Butter - Skippy", "f39e61dd-1aac-4420", "", "47d0779a-34da-4aec", "", "Peanut Butter - Smart Balance", "766598d3-f6b6-4d51", "", "e3317935-a015-4686", "", "Peanut Butter - Smuckers", "dc8859e9-c546-49ce", "", "452f9c75-7bce-4905", "", "Peanut Butter - Yum", "a7b07860-ecc2-43de", "", "2736910b-a55e-41f6", "", "Peanut Butter - Misc.", "4fbedfa3-ef1f-4476", "", "3ee5e517-33c5-4f6f", "", "Justin's", "3767728d-b9cf-42dd", "", "01dc65fa-3900-4c6b", "", "Pickles And Relish", "0e1c95ac-c409-4130", "", "14185341-3f55-4d16", "", "2fbf0edf-a389-436a", "", "B & G Foods", "3d9add82-d6fd-4a10", "", "4f211dec-24bf-4208", "", "8877a6d4-ce35-4c93", "", "7842de17-78ca-4d32", "", "Pop Tarts", "a8f78ea2-313e-4e38", "", "56991579-04db-4c92", "", "2f34ce7a-2835-4083", "", "690ae90e-f486-4642", "", "92ed470f-a315-4d6a", "", "Rice & Cous Cous", "116df952-9908-4f48", "", "d73e32dd-950e-4a99", "", "c286efa8-9de5-4ad8", "", "Rice & Cous Cous - Uncle Ben's", "8fe4536c-4470-4e3e", "", "95832293-7092-4ce3", "", "Rice & Cous Cous - Rice A Roni", "d381b34f-88af-4670", "", "e677f29a-3d2b-48dc", "", "Rice & Cous Cous - Goya", "f51b325a-92cd-41d5", "", "8593cbe6-f941-4af6", "", "Rice & Cous Cous - Near East", "a8e042d9-eae8-40ed", "", "2b063028-9993-4da0", "", "Rice & Cous Cous - Lundberg", "d0eb530f-fda8-48ee", "", "c0d81032-0469-44c5", "", "Rice & Cous Cous - Rice Select", "1dab27b0-3d00-4534", "", "cd1b3e10-262d-48d0", "", "Rice & Cous Cous - Misc.", "e2de3f5e-b287-4d94", "", "e7dab7b6-347c-4363", "", "Quinoa", "e0852eee-971d-4a96", "", "63115e24-7570-46c9", "", "Salad Dressing", "d8e460a4-785a-49d0", "", "d12c0877-6168-4aa5", "", "d3954f3a-8fc1-474c", "", "Salad Dressing - Kraft Foods", "22639923-3f2b-4133", "", "6f893495-5da2-4517", "", "Salad Dressing - Wishbone", "df513633-915e-4843", "", "c14af418-bee6-404d", "", "Salad Dressing - Hidden Valley", "c25fb251-8414-40a0", "", "e64e4b88-f413-49d1", "", "Salad Dressing - Ken's Steak House", "7d2d59d0-0606-4898", "", "e5b147d2-eed1-46c4", "", "Salad Dressing - Newman's Own", "9b5e5d9d-8c38-422f", "", "5584f1fe-fa00-4c6d", "", "Salad Dressing - San J International", "728fc718-ca22-4303", "", "e5791fd9-bf18-4d27", "", "Salad Dressing - Annie's Naturals", "f887e1e0-b8d4-467a", "", "2025cd2a-2c24-497f", "", "Salad Dressing - Marie's", "174c633e-7775-46c7", "", "f62d310f-ce10-404d", "", "Sauces", "e2324e6c-ed90-4067", "", "2e2806e6-c07b-4bd2", "", "0c5bb83a-5488-40df", "", "A1", "92137ab7-231e-4efc", "", "06db0c4c-7318-457a", "", "Campbell", "63af0599-53f3-4276", "", "e39376eb-bf70-49e9", "", "Cholula", "bc01726a-7cbd-477e", "", "5c5cdda0-6cca-4d9c", "", "Frank's", "daaea3ee-01e3-479b", "", "ffcabec9-3ca7-4427", "", "5a7b42ba-f02b-425b", "", "9200a0d7-c9c6-4af9", "", "9cd1c4b2-8fd4-429e", "", "edcaf339-35aa-4821", "", "Lea & Perrins", "694a7558-8234-4ae7", "", "bc72fe0a-7ec5-4574", "", "Louisana", "7125d592-a458-42ad", "", "1d0b11f6-eccf-420d", "", "Tobasco", "5aa7faad-d092-46be", "", "6b703f4d-71c6-4c29", "", "Sugar, Salt & Spices (Organic & Conventional)", "215d2368-09bb-459b", "", "dfd3b698-bdb2-47f1", "", "16781a35-813a-4c61", "", "Spices - Barnett's Spices", "16760f14-394e-4dba", "", "5659917d-998a-4a18", "", "Spices - Frontier Culinary Spices", "c72538f2-58ca-4ef0", "", "b03f4522-ee50-4204", "", "Spices - Goya", "f162e54a-1651-4027", "", "fb272c3f-b6dd-448d", "", "Spices - McCormick", "89452317-545c-4afc", "", "aaeec57e-8fe8-4176", "", "Spices - Mrs. Dash", "a67862b8-7c60-4c0b", "", "2eabe3a2-6fb3-4b7a", "", "Spices - Simply Organic", "547ca528-5a9a-45f8", "", "6c22fd85-635c-434f", "", "Salt - Diamond Crystals", "fd1d8ec3-abc0-43ea", "", "42048d05-ae99-412e", "", "Salt - La Baleine", "5ed9f956-d2aa-441a", "", "76003dac-e330-4f19", "", "Salt - Morton International", "e6306bcc-92bf-419b", "", "f0738488-e2ad-4347", "", "Salt - Red Cross", "b1bd9094-6915-43d7", "", "b7dc5826-bb4c-4049", "", "Sugar - Domino Foods", "0dd64d62-dad5-42ae", "", "960d6661-31af-4d54", "", "Salt - San Francisco Salt Co.", "764fedb0-35fc-427e", "", "f8e2b309-b436-4875", "", "Sugar - Florida Crystals", "82a85f08-cef2-498c", "", "4dc433e6-e9c7-4e86", "", "Sugar - Sugar In The Raw", "06f2081f-c987-47fa", "", "e0372493-777a-4913", "", "Sugar - Wholesome", "a8536d0d-1ac1-466c", "", "679f1363-6718-4d5b", "", "Sugar Substitute - Equal", "0cc2a2c7-a7d8-43b2", "", "88bb6d84-3e0d-4fa5", "", "Sugar Substitute - Splenda", "4c4e97b7-8ec1-461f", "", "5010e88a-4c85-4328", "", "Sugar Substitute - Sweet'N Low", "01cddd7e-772c-48e8", "", "054701c2-58de-42ff", "", "Syrup & Molasses", "b55021a1-be9a-40d9", "", "526486bb-1121-4e3e", "", "5765818a-8d49-4337", "", "Ubet", "47828ce8-fb60-4c01", "", "8057d556-9b09-41df", "", "Aunt Jemima", "829103fb-e01f-42bf", "", "537161a9-6209-4695", "", "Camp", "5c46b1a6-1405-42e8", "", "07263c37-f29d-4fc7", "", "Grandma's", "a8237ef3-b7ce-46fa", "", "9759dc86-7185-4966", "", "Hershey's", "a6e1b270-9f0b-4655", "", "5abf68fd-b348-438e", "", "Karo", "e47972b7-9348-4ff0", "", "6743d734-21c0-4679", "", "Liberty Natural", "531caa0c-3541-4a42", "", "d73b28fa-7745-4f9c", "", "Nestle", "f6b6fb1a-37c7-4d2c", "", "8975ab9d-85ea-4d9a", "", "Smucker's", "1864f916-ccd1-42c3", "", "a4112951-2482-461d", "", "Misc.", "0b096b70-008a-45e1", "", "9c66966a-5948-4c7f", "", "Tea", "2c69f346-9d20-4d3b", "", "4799c752-422c-4b1c", "", "e6d6f0bc-2837-4575", "", "Tea - Celestial Seasonings", "52ac51b2-adf0-4d0f", "", "942b2531-28c3-41e3", "", "Tea - Eden Foods Organic", "5f07bd07-8ffa-4d6d", "", "0c865bc2-7125-4ec7", "", "Tea - Guayaki", "0d48aa8d-51b1-4de6", "", "221de668-b416-414d", "", "Tea - Lipton", "97e589e9-7bfd-4a5b", "", "ac534dda-137b-47ea", "", "Tea - R.C. Bigelow Inc.", "9e233797-fc86-4db8", "", "7654b9bb-af39-403e", "", "Tea - Tazo", "f7d1da6b-5ad7-4d17", "", "cc1102df-91f0-4888", "", "Tea - Traditional Medicinals", "be08a242-51db-4065", "", "3d87d647-6ccb-4141", "", "Tea - Twining's of London", "366b3bac-22ec-44d5", "", "4cca9184-2063-43ef", "", "Tea - Yogi", "64dd8dc8-f669-4569", "", "4062c6d5-5fe2-4026", "", "Tea - Harney & Sons", "1c7b8705-7138-4301", "", "3f7c42f0-86c4-4f07", "", "Tea - Ahmad Tea London", "2f19c8aa-455f-4129", "", "7e3102ec-e9d1-4633", "", "Snacks", "452c8419-8e74-48c5", "", "5ae73cd8-f6e5-477d", "", "3647118f-5c4f-4e4a", "", "Chips & Crisps", "a2944004-b310-4a96", "", "11e30dcf-1be0-4a9c", "", "5ee19d78-f505-409e", "", "Baked in Brooklyn", "570ec229-40f9-4fb4", "", "a8aa7127-4b53-4af7", "", "Barbara's Cheese Puff", "82443d52-112f-4de9", "", "7463d95e-9234-4197", "", "Bearitos Organic Popcorn", "72613492-e49c-4f43", "", "5e29a276-cab0-4ac2", "", "Brad's Organic Pretzels", "5c5cf24d-9d16-4e16", "", "fedee603-c2d1-4b70", "", "Calbee Snacks", "0325ea7f-87b9-452a", "", "b0456a0a-69da-4fc7", "", "Cape Cod Chips", "c72d6282-8d5b-4a61", "", "5fc57300-2bed-4fe0", "", "Cheetos", "a38e85fa-85a8-4481", "", "64da88dd-cada-4979", "", "Deep River Chips", "b2879a42-6aba-4b23", "", "0a5adeeb-1861-4a57", "", "Dirty Chips", "5940e797-cc9c-4d8f", "", "41c2574e-d11c-4a36", "", "Doritos Tortilla Chips", "0be37d62-b5bf-47f3", "", "6d66e9bc-6a37-4120", "", "Easy Cheese", "27674fc5-92f9-4a23", "", "79ccf4aa-85f7-4607", "", "Eat Your Vegetables", "e87d26a6-1126-4eef", "", "7fee9461-65a3-46d8", "", "Flipz", "dff5e503-fbff-4f9a", "", "8b8de485-cbe0-47ad", "", "Food Should Taste Good", "bf07c27e-f571-4c51", "", "7db01b19-e34b-4087", "", "Fresh Gourmet - Premium Croutons", "48511161-814c-4a2f", "", "a503577e-53b0-4ccf", "", "Friendly Pack - Rice Crackers", "d23064bf-c18a-42be", "", "c4d2da32-dc09-4be8", "", "Fritos Corn Chips", "4d4dd0c6-f4df-4dc5", "", "46b848fd-7b26-4180", "", "Funyuns Brand", "8f387b0c-81d3-4f2a", "", "fe9c4fa6-9969-4fd5", "", "Garden of Eatin' Chips", "10517f40-5a1c-4546", "", "456c33b3-7a1b-4d07", "", "Glutino", "0e0e6568-e012-4178", "", "d1173bfb-bf0a-41bf", "", "Glutino Pretzel", "549d3289-fc4a-4021", "", "6abf288e-c0e3-4cbb", "", "Good Good Eat", "8bbab59e-7f49-4f75", "", "30bd4e77-9b9d-436c", "", "Good Health Brand", "8d6a5dd8-e96b-4172", "", "fa4d1231-bb50-48c7", "", "Happy Herberts Pretzels", "226b09d9-953f-4cea", "", "e85246b1-2ab1-4ad4", "", "Kasugai Snacks", "469c8e3f-4ee0-4ce9", "", "65166d79-586e-461d", "", "Kettle Chips", "181bb67d-4772-445c", "", "d75e293c-96b4-431e", "", "Lay's Potato Chips", "48cefa43-026c-4a28", "", "44453fd8-eba6-428e", "", "Lundberg Chips", "7a62a1b1-93ab-46d6", "", "fcabde03-a251-4950", "", "Mary Gone Cracker", "90777ae4-7d17-4bf7", "", "bcbadd15-e13e-4dcc", "", "New York Style", "44845da3-5aaf-48f4", "", "51fab6fd-5ec0-46e6", "", "Newman's Own Brand", "36c9c150-d092-4b0c", "", "cd2b049a-d35b-4236", "", "Organic Beef Jerky", "e02a6564-d454-484a", "", "d51911ec-42f5-4b43", "", "Pop Corners Brand", "0826c5d2-2b89-4e08", "", "b723d8c3-569f-40e9", "", "Popcorn Indiana", "6485aa3f-3b28-4e91", "", "eeb19cc3-7a26-493b", "", "Pretzels Crisps", "110d1d02-1fdf-427b", "", "2f16ee3e-9c1c-4f1f", "", "Pringles", "febc0281-a95e-4b68", "", "0f18c851-24db-4b57", "", "Rhythm Super Foods -Kale Chips", "fb805f5e-a2ec-4aaa", "", "404397e9-c858-4553", "", "Rice Works", "19207bf9-681e-43c3", "", "fffdec81-41fa-4377", "", "Robert's Snacks", "aba93b1a-70bc-49d8", "", "d28ed58e-458a-42b0", "", "Rold Gold Pretzels", "797f8464-2e1a-4466", "", "1150e5b5-cf14-4c70", "", "Ruffles Potato Chips", "90a1887c-e504-453f", "", "a569d9bd-7be6-4afc", "", "Samai Plantain Chips", "a952304f-0c97-4a4b", "", "03b16b0b-13f9-45ee", "", "Sea Point Farms - Snack", "f35f1d13-29ea-4192", "", "a970caec-424f-4883", "", "Shirakiku", "e0667b3d-30de-402e", "", "eada9b0b-f75a-4c0f", "", "Simply 7", "3b53375d-3c3c-4bc9", "", "d5a35c90-cf15-40e7", "", "Smartfood Popcorn", "27375eef-5d54-4a91", "", "f60c3f2a-5507-453f", "", "Snack Better", "52dd1fe3-83a1-4764", "", "eade5f40-2fe9-4be9", "", "Stacy's Pita Chips", "b107bf4a-fe94-4dd2", "", "8e25a8bc-906d-4416", "", "Stonewall's Jerquee", "1ee2be66-f505-429d", "", "e9e9cffb-94a8-4b35", "", "Sun Chips", "5644c135-a332-4eb7", "", "2c8e0ef0-e7cd-4e75", "", "Supereats Kale Chia Chips", "38353ed1-b26f-47c5", "", "c2d5af31-a165-4718", "", "Terra Potato Chips", "3cc295f4-1fef-46a0", "", "95393dfd-ee08-4924", "", "The Real Deal Veggie Chips", "1ef950ed-f19e-4881", "", "f25f7b18-c65d-4263", "", "Tostitos Chips", "103dfaad-a098-4532", "", "35e26e66-ca6b-4a2b", "", "Unique Pretzels", "df8333fa-45bc-4e63", "", "ea9025ef-64ff-4a9f", "", "Wise Potato Chips", "d814db23-f6c1-4ef6", "", "9476f803-d0c7-4fbd", "", "Xochill Totopos De Maiz", "2e3b4977-e74b-41df", "", "037014a5-24ff-4936", "", "Cookies & Crackers", "a446ac14-9a50-4b05", "", "8c73f896-f52f-4f13", "", "6f734dba-6827-4fbd", "", "Anna's Cookies", "1d969468-3dd8-4e77", "", "18c61507-2913-4e93", "", "Back to Nature", "35090d41-9379-46d0", "", "43d8c84c-92ad-4489", "", "Bahlsen Cookies", "9c2c8ed4-44e6-4193", "", "3e30e229-c449-4a94", "", "Belgian Chocolate Thins", "18bed50a-eb7e-49a9", "", "c6e454e2-606f-41d5", "", "Blue Diamond Artisan Nut Thins", "55cbd60d-baa2-476b", "", "413438e3-29b8-4342", "", "Brent & Sam's", "79d0a54d-fcd1-4863", "", "b6cf5eab-ca93-432b", "", "Bruschettini Italian Toast", "64038ed8-1aad-4ec9", "", "66f6c803-4dbd-40a1", "", "Cadbury's", "48c2e5d3-8e00-4df4", "", "8af7a40f-30ec-4fec", "", "Carr's", "58c0798a-a9d6-408a", "", "ddaa151a-48fd-40e8", "", "Cheese Nips", "73eb393a-77a4-4fa6", "", "199afedc-75ee-4775", "", "Chips Ahoy", "f63f1890-0024-4266", "", "9d29c0a3-340e-49ee", "", "Cookie Head Cookies", "a19f8cb3-9428-49fd", "", "84b16f62-06c4-4207", "", "Dancing Deer Baking", "9f2ca780-fd6e-4d68", "", "89775730-41fe-4454", "", "Dare Breton", "7411dc56-af6e-489b", "", "67f2fe45-8b34-45fa", "", "Devonsheer Melba Toast", "297eb499-5974-450e", "", "688944f3-7a63-455f", "", "Finn Crisp Crispbread", "c6a9e218-1b08-4c8e", "", "9f78f019-c6cb-49e1", "", "Ginger Snaps", "4ab283f9-8ee8-4c89", "", "2377c37e-9533-41ec", "", "Grissini Breadsticks", "5c4c3947-4163-405f", "", "b62cdf46-fd4c-435a", "", "Honey Maid", "c255dbcf-ab5f-429a", "", "7ef1e91e-9d9e-426f", "", "JJ Flats", "bcc0a059-7a1a-4fc5", "", "5692bdfb-d30f-40db", "", "Kalvi Crisp Bread", "64b9c391-9ff7-4ab3", "", "e6d26b98-d52e-4218", "", "Kame Rice Cracker", "d13cc921-8daf-4b3f", "", "2f3b7a05-e7c0-4a1c", "", "Kashi - TLC", "07999035-4d24-409b", "", "1af1e279-9ccc-4a55", "", "Landau Rice Cakes", "9dc5577f-e37f-4b2c", "", "225619d1-624f-442c", "", "Lavash Flat Bread", "f2be4502-1899-41a5", "", "4fc6b37b-7e58-422f", "", "Lorna Doone", "484011ab-fc09-4ead", "", "1a9ccef7-f9ad-4ceb", "", "Lu Brand", "4a63c409-ef94-4fce", "", "5a0f9664-99c5-4456", "", "Lundberg", "4ff19f18-1661-4b24", "", "f501834b-9f60-483c", "", "Mary's Gone Crackers", "ff4cdea4-3d8f-4dc9", "", "37ad29cf-22f3-42aa", "", "Mother's Rice Cakes", "c8f65c96-c62f-4be7", "", "2bb0a822-0494-432c", "", "Nabisco Barnum's Animal Crackers", "b0c52faa-b433-4922", "", "be56acda-4f9d-4ddc", "", "Nabisco Biscuits", "bbc4907f-8760-40b7", "", "24b1bd97-cad8-4656", "", "Nabisco Crackers", "296cb938-7aba-462a", "", "d2cf75d9-00fa-4e8c", "", "Nabisco Premium", "c439f60e-dc27-42f8", "", "38ce3256-9a41-43db", "", "Nabisco Wafers", "ef93c472-ac86-4542", "", "d598983d-45b2-405f", "", "Newman's Own", "046295a3-5e64-47f6", "", "3fb7957b-3901-41a5", "", "Newtons", "933913b5-306d-449d", "", "fecf471c-25dd-4882", "", "Nutter Butter", "f749c6a2-0701-4c07", "", "505ca813-ccc0-4c61", "", "Old London Melba Toast", "dc1ece2a-82c9-45e3", "", "183098aa-ee11-4d69", "", "Oreo", "76247077-5019-4ef0", "", "e4abbc45-2a54-43cb", "", "Pepperidge Farm", "f5fc4682-6264-41ec", "", "6e043388-1e92-4da4", "", "Quaker Rice Cakes", "c703bdad-7d12-4c52", "", "e81a8ca4-d9b3-4296", "", "Real Food Corn Thins", "99432a58-5704-4dd8", "", "929a6e35-daed-4b2c", "", "Ritz Crackers", "0439e340-6dbb-4ed4", "", "8d5df1ce-c6e3-4905", "", "Ryvita Crispbread", "5eda3f38-b58f-4b20", "", "605c4e8b-7539-4519", "", "Stoned Wheat Thins", "c4345c8f-a755-454f", "", "023e1dc5-7e14-4a09", "", "Suzie's Flatbreads", "7ca27c36-058d-4f2a", "", "748e6011-73df-47a0", "", "Teddy Grahams", "413e30da-4eb6-4fe8", "", "d8fb6606-7019-4a7e", "", "Triscuits", "c567e160-e186-4166", "", "bd1296b9-8ff8-4ff8", "", "Walkers Cookies", "6c588fda-10b5-4c3c", "", "7d6b5073-ce70-4ee3", "", "Wasa Crispbread", "37a41f75-e653-451d", "", "4f590184-1efb-4b68", "", "Wheat Thins", "9c740f8b-af88-4f2d", "", "363ce8ab-557b-4c48", "", "Tate's Bake Shop", "20ac2299-0040-4697", "", "5649e18c-942b-44d0", "", "Snacks, Bites & Delicious Nibbles", "b4582433-057d-4fa9", "", "8850b7e1-9819-46ff", "", "14893c4a-f410-4c60", "", "The GFB ( Gluten Free ) Bites", "83c17bb6-b0b7-440f", "", "c06faca4-2879-42e7", "", "Jack Links", "5f4b4f2f-d0e7-44a6", "", "100899aa-2e5a-4e00", "", "Krave Beef / Turkey Jerky", "7c512b6c-9148-41d7", "", "de8d37ca-8d27-417e", "", "Golden Valley All Natural Beef/Turkey Jerky", "25cc8058-d9bd-4c02", "", "3947a3b9-e3d2-4a1e", "", "Sahale Snacks", "47f2d0fd-0d60-4239", "", "4e550815-8a9b-4b00", "", "Dried Fruits & Nuts", "4b3bd5b9-2ec0-4c1b", "", "a6d4a05e-f4c3-45aa", "", "b5bf89cd-2a48-4696", "", "Dried Fruits & Nuts (Bag)", "20ea9a1a-ce3b-4e92", "", "c6e5fc76-3f80-4e0c", "", "Canned Nuts", "3391af9d-4d0c-43b9", "", "74be72eb-441c-43d0", "", "b470aa02-d851-4173", "", "Blue Diamond Almonds", "525d974b-de06-448e", "", "4135cc0b-ea4f-4a80", "", "Planters Nuts", "613782bc-3ca8-421f", "", "0e984519-91c2-4ccc", "", "Dried Fruits & Nuts (Tub)", "6b4bdcc0-3f97-4ad8", "", "6c5f7785-e2ae-449b", "", "Dried Fruits & Nuts (By the Pound)", "f008c9af-8ba9-49a9", "", "f1be2439-a5d3-45db", "", "Freeze-Dried Friuts and Vegetables", "5060b947-838e-4641", "", "5f6394a5-6b0a-4c3d", "", "f75ab59b-d034-442f", "", "Freeze Dried Snacks", "be9791a4-c909-4f72", "", "9767d11c-fe62-42b8", "", "Made in Nature Organic Dried Snacks", "436ba23c-7a32-4678", "", "1321a294-45d7-49dc", "", "Nature's All Foods Organic Freeze-Dried Fruit", "09f442ea-04b3-4b85", "", "a9377121-4b60-4e96", "", "Gum & Candy", "bff5462e-6944-4719", "", "95f5b8e0-74b8-425b", "", "3e813869-20db-4696", "", "Cough Drops & Antacid Relief", "9663ec0f-751c-4c6e", "", "f39f281b-b228-4da8", "", "Gum", "14b78bb9-5cbc-4e90", "", "5805e96d-0623-43a1", "", "Mints & Hard Candy", "0c96e44c-b6d2-4c4b", "", "8a022d13-1350-4d44", "", "Chocolate Candy", "86423f8f-7bbe-4bbc", "", "cb324510-fd2d-432b", "", "Chewy & Gummy Candy", "d1074cd5-cc9d-41ca", "", "bf58e784-aaf6-4005", "", "Hummus/Salsa/Dip", "7c268eb8-23a5-4e69", "", "9fe74c9f-c4a8-4a5e", "", "90dedcb0-01ba-4294", "", "Hummus - Sabra", "6132ac0b-895f-4529", "", "9dfee2cb-e815-4651", "", "Hummus - Tribe of Two Sheiks", "5ed8098c-ad21-4b68", "", "1a658ad6-2c59-49cd", "", "Hummus - Wakims", "57c60f99-b274-4a86", "", "04e62c78-94c8-4466", "", "Salsa - Chi-Chi's", "bab3d085-3e35-4f94", "", "0442eb5e-9902-48d3", "", "Salsa - Desert Pepper", "3fbd41a0-6026-48b2", "", "57730946-d3fc-4213", "", "Salsa - Enrico", "f30526ba-751b-4016", "", "e4d89f9b-101d-4f86", "", "Salsa - Frontera", "5f87b2d7-24c6-400e", "", "8f0122f6-6ab6-4336", "", "Salsa - Green Mountain", "cf94192f-5b15-4c49", "", "2ca2bb1a-4f4f-4faa", "", "Salsa - Lacostena", "df2a3191-c9ba-434e", "", "b8a8839d-c1e0-4cda", "", "Salsa - Newman's Own", "d11255de-8ef4-4227", "", "b1336944-d57e-4826", "", "Salsa - Old El Paso", "874cb15d-1a18-42b7", "", "7ff0daf8-4405-4629", "", "Salsa - Ortega", "06a0f728-0dd3-4c5c", "", "1820c05c-bff4-4984", "", "Salsa - Pace", "6aca6ad8-17e3-439d", "", "2bba186b-5c9b-4903", "", "Salsa - Santa Barbara", "2f91907b-cee7-41d9", "", "e6edca3e-2cb3-44ed", "", "Salsa - Tostidos", "bdefd68d-ae0d-43a2", "", "5f91dca7-7f5b-4995", "", "Dips - Calvo", "44217828-8faf-46ae", "", "3e3c201d-7126-4080", "", "Dips - Fritos", "3da76365-a0c6-4a73", "", "46165b3c-50b9-4a1a", "", "Dips - Kraft Foods", "b51e527d-351a-4f45", "", "99412fcf-b88d-495a", "", "Dips - T. Marzetti", "d9cb35e1-88a8-4945", "", "e8c3ce07-37ce-4776", "", "Popcorn", "a95c37f0-4747-4813", "", "cec1c456-ee38-491b", "", "4c01dade-58d3-4282", "", "Act II", "041cb7b8-7f97-4b87", "", "3c4747d5-6b9c-45fa", "", "Jack Rabbit", "4314bc1c-80a9-4642", "", "17184e08-b1bd-403a", "", "Jiffy Pop", "832feac1-4a77-4e3d", "", "1f82b5cf-1861-438c", "", "Jolly Time", "43f80d20-85a9-41be", "", "302a2e4c-2b60-4b58", "", "a3c697a3-203e-44c1", "", "fe15c570-8d62-4d98", "", "Orville Redenbacher", "8d2072f3-b75d-4c36", "", "77218a7a-91a8-4a55", "", "Pop Secret", "4f02d5dd-8db8-44f4", "", "3662780a-fe5b-4ce8", "", "Quinn", "a1f78c4e-ea65-404a", "", "3aafac5e-9fe3-4f32", "", "72812f92-bb3c-4ba9", "", "0d248ce7-f9d7-4cc9", "", "33258233-ccd5-4de7", "", "Alpen", "4568b8f6-5c77-4363", "", "9e2c4cff-a463-487a", "", "Arrowhead Mills", "d34777dd-cffc-4b10", "", "c4a86759-86e0-423c", "", "1a67f41d-8d1e-46c8", "", "367a6b4e-9e97-4138", "", "Bakery Of Maine", "280d7b41-9e05-4de4", "", "19f814e0-22f8-4cf7", "", "Barbara's Bakery", "49db95d2-f7a9-4775", "", "f16a1d6b-4265-4ae5", "", "Bear Naked", "47dbf9b7-7ae9-42ce", "", "fa4ad3cf-04a0-45ac", "", "Bob's Red Mill", "5c89406d-d299-451a", "", "84781a4b-8d43-4c7e", "", "Cap'n Crunch", "5e097d37-2203-4fd0", "", "2cc78e29-7bd2-422a", "", "Cascadian Farms", "811daf9e-5908-4181", "", "6ee88480-cf5a-4c8c", "", "Enviro Kids", "c3186e21-f676-4b6a", "", "1bfea8ee-f865-4c8c", "", "Ezekiel 4", "b3e86d1a-b5b2-4bf0", "", "2f40fac9-bc47-456a", "", "Familia", "714b2d2a-b0cc-4cc0", "", "6aad5333-0947-4cf8", "", "Farina Mills", "cee2e751-7d7d-4cfb", "", "1707e6b2-7e16-4ec8", "", "a5e79902-83a1-4772", "", "315ea59e-6fba-4b62", "", "3069ca76-f63f-4f44", "", "a77cb134-5b50-48b8", "", "Heartland", "6541f420-f9c5-4957", "", "87636492-c5ff-4517", "", "Himalayan Harvest", "4952936a-5430-4ca7", "", "7c58e79c-5e21-4b47", "", "Kashi", "cb9dc5f9-7f61-4b0c", "", "01989be6-8a4d-413b", "", "Kellogg's", "464a27cb-36bd-4fef", "", "b1f6a401-471b-4ff4", "", "Lizi's Granola", "af6de394-a522-499a", "", "d137d25c-76e6-470e", "", "Loose Granola", "1c7f0e19-c044-41b8", "", "7ccee56b-cba1-4d98", "", "McCann's Irish Oatmeal", "cca52e06-5e61-405d", "", "5b4f0370-abb2-4a78", "", "Natural Granola in Box", "a6cdb87b-0f33-4586", "", "26a27edb-c911-43e0", "", "Nature's Path", "7cd8aeee-3aa6-476e", "", "20706e88-7375-4b52", "", "840a204a-fea5-47e3", "", "ed2e7268-faa0-424e", "", "Organic Granola in Box", "cb6a8a5a-2a29-4b6d", "", "0b6da30a-43ac-48be", "", "Peace", "9e3a2a5a-64a0-4f33", "", "e1846c40-e239-4960", "", "Post", "bf96c48e-e272-47fc", "", "108f836c-43fa-4e21", "", "Quaker", "23554a08-b166-4bcc", "", "5cc6af57-a910-459d", "", "Uncle Sam", "794b5fe5-b02b-479d", "", "5fc16447-8dd2-4d95", "", "Weetabix", "56ad77f2-46a3-45ed", "", "e9551dd8-57fb-4da4", "", "Paleokrunch Granola", "a897c55b-a61f-470c", "", "4ae8c053-b01d-466a", "", "Mrs. Meyer's", "de021181-e18a-4dbb", "", "8e11fa38-6aac-4c8a", "", "Organic Section", "fe076e40-340f-436b", "", "df2c00bd-3b17-4b48", "", "200af864-611f-4fae", "", "Fresh & Natural Chicken", "2ca6f955-9301-48ff", "", "67adb15b-47e0-4eb0", "", "0aa396d4-778c-4cb0", "", "Coleman", "402764e3-47ff-4577", "", "a9cfb4e7-8299-41db", "", "Organic & Soy Dairy/Non-Dairy", "a3a7d8a8-2a82-43b2", "", "ea83c6ab-3a48-4356", "", "bf115adb-ffba-45d1", "", "Blue Diamond", "24209a68-514b-433e", "", "f2a771ec-3454-41ee", "", "Eden Foods", "642787d3-7daf-4526", "", "fd13e9ee-b362-419a", "", "ea26712e-4839-4fdd", "", "3bea6cde-a995-4fad", "", "Living Harvest", "b6b2e754-8105-4941", "", "4935678b-db47-46c0", "", "6c516cb9-9f04-4870", "", "e5651501-f8fe-4bfa", "", "Pacific Foods", "b2638da6-68ae-408f", "", "019fdcf0-3e97-4944", "", "Rice Dream", "485c2e12-1bb9-4375", "", "df08a5c8-79f5-4f48", "", "29693589-3a99-46d0", "", "3b7f40c9-bfc0-47ce", "", "West Soy", "f22306dc-5347-4ba9", "", "82a81a9b-3ce8-44c2", "", "Stonyfield Farm", "13359621-a9c2-4a05", "", "51c03d02-4d4b-4dce", "", "Organic Canned Beans", "45b785e4-4ca9-4d1a", "", "48d596d6-75fb-49f2", "", "48bc0f1f-004c-404c", "", "Amy's", "2cff050f-f6fe-4912", "", "c4b00810-aeb2-4139", "", "Eden", "b16e20f1-8e68-4719", "", "eed4e3b9-2a84-48f5", "", "fcdec48f-9bbb-4529", "", "de48ecf9-3a04-485f", "", "Organic Dairy", "a09d3cfd-70cd-4673", "", "fca49095-5d06-482a", "", "bb50bf29-469c-4d9f", "", "cc1df3c9-aa10-4ba0", "", "ac6f0220-b6be-4aff", "", "Organic Frozen Food", "f8a505df-9138-42fd", "", "5c4d77cf-7647-4003", "", "65013e29-87db-464c", "", "2e38af88-6e2c-4978", "", "3db5cfbd-c8da-4212", "", "Organic Non-Dairy Ice Cream", "6f9aa13c-424f-4134", "", "23c61055-2a78-4285", "", "59577235-5a46-4597", "", "547fd532-c265-433e", "", "e14b8f7a-139d-4d76", "", "Organic Pasta", "61b13845-c70a-4c1f", "", "ea121da2-893e-416c", "", "ff6ec41c-1d96-4ef3", "", "Organic Pasta - Rao's Homemade", "1dd01201-0bff-478b", "", "0d50fa24-216b-4ea4", "", "Organic Pasta - Bio Nature", "08c59e90-745b-4849", "", "3ac73317-22d1-4526", "", "Organic Pasta - Annie's", "3753ac54-3c0a-4059", "", "c9e83c14-a452-4bbb", "", "Organic Pasta - De-Cecco", "70eca6cf-f56d-42b2", "", "950d5a25-751f-479d", "", "Organic Pasta Sauce", "472fdb26-fbef-4fa7", "", "25cc0c6f-376a-4cd3", "", "f88e6b47-a3e2-4a76", "", "Organic Pasta Sauce - Pacific", "a8b4f988-b02f-4148", "", "bee69b6d-261a-4c63", "", "Organic Pasta Sauce - Enrico", "74bfee41-6458-4299", "", "308accff-77fc-48d3", "", "Organic Pasta Sauce - Amy's", "cdca50fd-6d9c-4d79", "", "fb9febc1-6ce6-453e", "", "Organic Pasta Sauce - Muir Glen", "c1ccbc1e-9bba-4ebf", "", "1ea8ebc4-ee95-4120", "", "Organic Pasta Sauce - Rao's Homemade", "260a79a6-d60b-40fa", "", "7659649e-4f36-4cfa", "", "Organic Pasta Sauce - Lucini", "5f1dd952-c430-4e0a", "", "4368b7e3-ea15-4a81", "", "Organic Pasta Sauce - Victoria", "d0a8a3ac-cef1-42d6", "", "9ba45c86-4382-48b0", "", "Organic Produce (Fruit)", "5ccbac5f-56fb-4b09", "", "8575fb1e-b740-4af3", "", "Organic Produce (Vegetables)", "db447ba2-2e15-4142", "", "f35fdad1-3418-46b2", "", "Organic Soup", "dcbaa7f8-edb7-484d", "", "cde7991a-2ac9-4d10", "", "40dd6bd2-59ec-47fb", "", "Soup", "6647441d-a1c6-4962", "", "b1f26599-397b-4f25", "", "Organic Tea", "680caeb5-e34a-42bc", "", "d151e576-8036-42a1", "", "2e09b772-3eb3-45ad", "", "265c1271-2f6f-4e6f", "", "32f4da4c-3e3d-4ec9", "", "Organic Candy", "bf4ca65c-75d2-4cf4", "", "09acc88d-4652-4e56", "", "4f2ad0ef-316c-498a", "", "Next Organic", "4e07a628-93d8-44ba", "", "8481fc8e-85e8-401d", "", "1429517e-ecdf-4d2a", "", "afbe7488-f967-4478", "", "d3e46eca-1642-403f", "", "Dog Food & Other Products", "01d7650e-444d-4354", "", "b84dd0d1-19b3-432b", "", "d37e817e-7395-43d8", "", "Natural", "1279de41-c28a-4826", "", "b5c5f54c-cf7f-46a5", "", "Wellness", "24d7b355-6661-4e39", "", "a7b8c1ee-2a7d-4479", "", "Pet Guard", "479e3904-2582-4bda", "", "a38e6adf-4996-4789", "", "Cesar", "d8c6653b-5b90-4d38", "", "94b65fee-e840-413f", "", "I Ams", "4dec0f18-d1ae-4e36", "", "0d1bddc2-226b-495e", "", "Meaty Bone", "a4f3803c-1a69-4fc5", "", "4b5d57d2-0de5-4fae", "", "Milk Bone", "01138fb6-0aab-4cd0", "", "dfc72d51-5748-47fd", "", "Miscellaneous Dog Food", "43f9cb1f-81fa-4237", "", "35072239-96fb-4de2", "", "63758893-5a2a-40a1", "", "ec8759be-aced-426b", "", "Pedigree", "57b8761b-3564-4d49", "", "ff89c407-5ddd-4bf6", "", "Purina", "76281e62-d469-4283", "", "c9bd3377-553c-4d6f", "", "Purina Beneful", "bf5379fd-7e03-4854", "", "65121c17-ebf6-4385", "", "Cat Food & Kitty Litter", "b2fc983f-c740-4b60", "", "c0568348-8398-4fb8", "", "e691a9ae-7e12-4fe3", "", "2f92ae5d-0f6a-49ca", "", "1cc36896-ebba-4cd2", "", "Whiskas", "21e577c5-9a5d-4313", "", "1e93aebb-170d-4824", "", "Fancy Feast", "c298391e-6219-42db", "", "900517fb-8113-4bef", "", "Friskies", "a6116561-5c85-4a63", "", "4dd10a2d-c886-4d96", "", "9 Lives", "093221ef-58bd-429b", "", "ea8cfeaa-4df1-438e", "", "Pounce", "5365d55d-d210-42d7", "", "9a69e7f0-7d9b-4be5", "", "eceb9c5e-6b3d-4da4", "", "bdd99255-fa1d-4d6e", "", "1946bb13-9d8a-432b", "", "0b82e11b-f5a5-4f9b", "", "Iams", "4026861d-2319-4a85", "", "81524652-2f34-40f4", "", "Lick Your Chops", "bb99d6b3-e205-4bf2", "", "267d5336-17b8-4581", "", "Meow Mix", "53b467d9-785a-4e82", "", "49840150-6e96-4d58", "", "Arm & Hammer Litter", "16c9c9f5-e902-4e2f", "", "caff4e3d-4085-43d9", "", "Johnny Cat Litter", "7ffb5e04-8425-42c8", "", "bcebea64-f0d8-4f5f", "", "Scoop Away Litter", "28432219-e812-49d8", "", "13cc023e-4aa6-4221", "", "Fresh Step Litter", "ce74e109-5c4f-427a", "", "204e5c65-8263-4235", "", "Tidy Cat Litter", "ce68d08c-3a05-430c", "", "5341d9f9-6c0f-42f1", "", "Bird Food", "8beed9a2-5932-4e3d", "", "d3e186d3-7a46-4405", "", "Household Goods", "7bba8d34-e0ac-47d3", "", "484c1666-97da-484e", "", "226d8505-c379-44ad", "", "Air Fresheners", "202f73f2-d509-4bc7", "", "3d27bd53-18f8-4aa0", "", "9e73d377-0e45-48af", "", "Air Wick 2 In 1", "15c2fc57-9173-4a9c", "", "3df386b6-e8ee-4c4f", "", "Febreze Air Effects", "73408fbf-9219-440a", "", "1fb5d212-442c-42e0", "", "Fresh Stick On", "3117e2cc-2479-448f", "", "5fef3da6-e41b-4fee", "", "Glade Air Fresheners", "04e399be-8e4b-47ce", "", "77f2ef89-6744-4143", "", "Candles", "32a89b6d-167d-4cad", "", "82096a73-a9ca-48d2", "", "29a743ac-d886-4b72", "", "Amscan Candles 12 Inch Taper Candle", "3dcaf8d0-818a-4a34", "", "e7dd33f9-6404-4781", "", "Candle In Glass Containers", "4ec00c07-cae2-46b5", "", "0e25ff66-fd78-4513", "", "Glade 2 In 1 Candles", "f54040ed-e628-468c", "", "120ce3eb-9415-4f2c", "", "Votive Candle", "6756ad3e-51a7-44e9", "", "a9126f13-3c87-4d1f", "", "Dishwashing Products", "c74a9067-7e3f-43e2", "", "c48f1ec1-200a-4be8", "", "93c9f9f4-b3e2-44db", "", "Ajax Dishwashing Liquid", "35ab1d31-f2fe-43a5", "", "7344da8b-30eb-47b5", "", "Brillo Steel Wool Pads - Lemon Fresh - 10 Pcs.", "667acb64-fc09-4fc6", "", "018c0295-3577-49cd", "", "Cascade Dishwasher Liquid Detergent", "edd889ab-b985-401e", "", "1b8dd367-8cf3-491f", "", "Cascade Powder Dishwasher Detergent", "83c62501-d000-4611", "", "166cb915-bc41-47b0", "", "Chore Boy Copper Scrubber - 2 Pcs.", "3b18d81b-9e2e-42dc", "", "85651f3a-e1a1-41c8", "", "Chore Boy Scrubbing Sponge - 1 Pc.", "981ea43a-5197-4cf4", "", "9723fd8c-8f6e-48a7", "", "Chore Boy Stainless Steel Scrubber - 2 Pcs", "5ff726bc-98a0-4701", "", "94bf0447-1e9a-49f7", "", "Dawn Ultra Concentrate Dishwashing Liquid", "15b5b889-7fb0-4921", "", "83239f78-ea6e-48d1", "", "Electrasol Automatic Dishwasher Detergent", "bfad7eca-f9d6-4f0d", "", "90ca97a2-06c6-44eb", "", "Green Works", "7ddffe95-2ca7-4450", "", "86af824d-91e2-46fa", "", "J .R .Watkins", "b2215a03-42b0-4b5f", "", "09cbc7f3-2111-4643", "", "Jet Dry Liquid Dishwasher", "693653a7-d466-41e3", "", "094285de-eebe-4be6", "", "Joy Non Ultra Dishwashing Liquid", "b87ff99c-d23e-45ed", "", "c626b315-aed9-4d2d", "", "Joy Ultra Concentrated Diswashing Liquid", "ff5b123f-a2ae-4413", "", "463ac224-eb27-4872", "", "Method", "e83da6e5-193c-41e3", "", "d223f350-3a93-4bfd", "", "O-Celo", "bd41c441-0ef1-4059", "", "318fdbfe-56aa-4561", "", "Palmolive Ultra", "3a71901c-88bb-4f81", "", "9d2f6528-1fa6-499f", "", "S.O.S. Scrubber Sponges", "d62b46d3-1690-4585", "", "70d46ccc-33e0-4144", "", "SOS Heavy Duty Scrubber Sponges", "7e4dcdc7-846d-4689", "", "81f228c4-ef89-45ce", "", "Scotch Brite Heavy Duty Scour Pad", "7d227487-1838-48aa", "", "0b81b9ea-1c15-4cbd", "", "Scotch Brite Heavy Duty Scrub Spong", "7d5709ff-550a-49d3", "", "a27d0a90-fdd3-48eb", "", "Scotch Brite The Original Dobie", "d98e763d-3e0a-4b77", "", "5376525f-c7c7-4539", "", "Sunlight Ultra Dishwashing Liquid", "d59f08da-5969-4e45", "", "9de776db-c25e-494f", "", "Drainage Clog Removers", "7f239e40-3516-48c5", "", "97b0e106-65e9-48b9", "", "31448702-7f74-4025", "", "Clogged Drain Tool", "bb7308a1-896f-4863", "", "97fbbb1b-e0c7-46a6", "", "Dranomax Gel (Drano Products)", "3741fd48-4126-4c64", "", "ae60dcc6-09a1-42b1", "", "Liquid Plummer Products", "8e98b7d1-bc2e-4860", "", "8305010d-86f3-49e9", "", "Mister Plumber Products", "a962a52d-88cb-484a", "", "ea13fef5-a225-476e", "", "Household Cleaners", "b4f1761f-1298-4f7f", "", "a1bbb254-bf65-4bd6", "", "ea448048-1e8b-46b7", "", "2000 Flushes", "30e137a0-5774-4d70", "", "fc372d7d-7648-426a", "", "Arm and Hammer", "8693c7cf-9bd9-4e04", "", "9607945e-2556-4379", "", "Bon Ami", "c17adfe4-125b-4da9", "", "75291702-475e-495d", "", "Cameo", "adbe0c31-d080-4727", "", "fe9541f8-49c9-4e9e", "", "Carbona", "c578c033-899e-4295", "", "209f640f-0a74-4209", "", "Carpet Fresh", "11253a40-d157-4e7d", "", "68e98372-1a42-4ec1", "", "Clorox Bleach and Cleaners", "b268fafc-683d-4b78", "", "dc5be37f-5ce6-48cf", "", "Comet", "1533bf90-507a-42e1", "", "77efde90-6d68-42da", "", "Easy Off", "4c3e751f-28ac-46da", "", "f7d2ed86-baf0-4bfd", "", "Endust", "c251e150-148a-4f49", "", "70248819-8fa4-401f", "", "Fabuloso Multi Use Cleaner", "402ffaaf-3e7e-48ad", "", "341ba089-f5aa-4e8d", "", "Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner Spray", "efadc0b5-74c9-47ae", "", "033c59f3-c7a3-4a1e", "", "Formula 409", "0838f700-3c5f-4bec", "", "5ecc783c-c8be-49a2", "", "Future Restore", "24ca5ac7-fb55-4688", "", "726433f2-229c-4773", "", "Glass Plus", "b341d964-7dcd-4be7", "", "05866706-7814-41da", "", "9702ca38-106d-42cc", "", "bbf53499-e0a2-474e", "", "J. R. Watkins", "d13ecad2-f44d-406d", "", "6faa737c-9757-4eed", "", "Lestoil", "073495cf-0b31-4653", "", "405fcc5d-ee44-426b", "", "Lysol Disinfectant Spray", "c96cf5f8-b2de-4173", "", "c891f6fc-247d-47ab", "", "Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner", "5194e227-19a7-4dfc", "", "89044941-4122-45a9", "", "Mop and Glow", "66133ffa-72d0-419d", "", "3e531222-1412-4d11", "", "Mr. Clean", "9d37e1ec-8683-4991", "", "e9ddcaac-c8f8-49bf", "", "Murphy Wood Floor Cleaner", "4ce5911c-eaf5-415f", "", "1657d1ef-10ee-44e7", "", "Noxon 7 Metal Polish", "861a5216-365a-424a", "", "643ac31e-0c58-42ac", "", "Old English", "82f54d26-55c8-4217", "", "d2dd68b6-6ef1-4b2a", "", "Oxy Clean", "61591f1f-ce47-493f", "", "fb05874f-c2d0-4d97", "", "Parsons All Purpose Cleaner", "8aadb425-4061-4987", "", "86dafa55-b4e6-46b7", "", "Pine Sol", "db8f6397-1d8a-492e", "", "b00d1008-d86a-415f", "", "Pledge", "0f4d5cd6-396f-40c4", "", "8a29273d-2def-4d49", "", "Resolve", "841dda42-776d-4341", "", "6c6d9439-06aa-4c6b", "", "Safeguard", "1f90c4a1-e1b5-4c79", "", "08dc2812-5d74-4a5b", "", "Scrubbling Bubbles", "c00e89f9-f562-4a9f", "", "6c5245b2-0e73-4414", "", "Soft Scrub", "121ea735-cd4a-4780", "", "be748025-9d7e-40a6", "", "Spot Shot", "fec6d454-f722-4ee4", "", "29ceeeba-13cd-4f5b", "", "Static Guard", "431cdf8d-b030-4dc6", "", "fbcabaa7-a29e-46a0", "", "Swiffer", "a0b0165d-86d5-49fd", "", "4876ffa8-1715-4f6d", "", "Tilex", "f350d657-c501-4159", "", "66131c8c-1920-41ad", "", "Ty-d-bol", "0efd03ca-44cf-4841", "", "21fa9d11-6185-47ef", "", "Wet Ones Moist Wipes", "3e8d2a56-b526-407e", "", "eb05bf2e-0eef-4f58", "", "Windex Glass Cleaner", "6123eb82-a166-46ef", "", "ffa62fa2-559f-4646", "", "Windex Multi Surface", "0b014151-c01c-403d", "", "f1665351-3ca4-4626", "", "Woolite", "bede64b5-c1d8-4bcb", "", "f767347f-1250-4a42", "", "X-14", "37bfc410-1d96-4163", "", "ac35ebcf-5452-46d9", "", "Insects & Pests Control", "53b8617b-b2ec-419e", "", "adfcd5fa-801e-4ec4", "", "0da5ef6a-ce77-4b34", "", "7 0 7", "5b2ec196-ca35-4f02", "", "63760512-896b-48d9", "", "Black Jack", "ac9ae79d-932f-4917", "", "3e8be870-831a-4a73", "", "Combat", "d671edfa-d6f4-462c", "", "a0f96035-6c95-46cd", "", "Raid", "83a8f411-400b-4553", "", "8a87d6f8-4f60-44ce", "", "Kitchen & Garbage Bags", "d4f669d3-7875-42b0", "", "6c25d7c3-3488-4748", "", "f3ef7e8e-d65c-4f5f", "", "Glad Garbage Bags", "66849205-55ef-4afc", "", "ac77ba11-4a56-44ca", "", "Glad Zipper Bags", "f642ff7d-f1ea-420b", "", "cffa7a59-563d-4823", "", "Hefty Garbage Bags", "427fc832-6157-4860", "", "23237295-2e31-416d", "", "Hefty Storage Bags", "9bd5c0f6-750a-43e5", "", "fe7bf19e-f72d-4ac7", "", "Ziploc Freezer Bags", "9ef09793-5672-4b1b", "", "91ec0339-4a1d-431e", "", "Laundry Products", "d25205fc-7442-43e9", "", "c1aa0b18-b625-429e", "", "3424be8a-39e8-45ef", "", "Purex", "a7224558-b043-4478", "", "2c160077-a755-44f8", "", "All", "497641cb-fa74-41dd", "", "92459c63-448e-456d", "", "Bounce", "4e7ec345-e75f-4478", "", "d080d463-71eb-43ef", "", "Downy", "dce2df20-3b6f-4044", "", "91045478-7a2a-4bb5", "", "Febreze Fabric Refresher", "9da7b4f0-5144-476f", "", "bf2be410-2c4f-478b", "", "Niagara Spray Starch", "01ca7b30-0e2a-4276", "", "5eb1d117-48ff-42be", "", "Tide", "b9b239d3-cbdd-4e79", "", "ba42db30-3f96-4d62", "", "414f4a15-3b45-4398", "", "56db6f78-ae91-40cb", "", "Method Laundry Detergent", "3b6184c5-92a1-4e19", "", "f4e9e388-b275-4443", "", "0f190e1d-1dd8-4fd1", "", "54a2704f-2a64-400a", "", "Miscellaneous Laundry Products", "ca53e5a6-2774-4bb2", "", "f27483c3-8baf-4d5f", "", "Light Bulbs", "b03ce79f-40b0-470d", "", "e582614a-fb77-4e19", "", "b510eb0a-3b9b-4925", "", "Decoratives", "3c09e4d4-2268-45bc", "", "07cc9ef5-c810-43ee", "", "Regular Light Bulbs", "6a91019b-6001-4547", "", "3262bc4a-9ac9-4fd9", "", "Soft White Light Bulbs", "3b6cbb08-a76d-426b", "", "97f985d0-b42d-4284", "", "Paper Plates, Cups & Etc.", "39b95e1a-3a37-4d48", "", "8c80a72f-9ef2-4e0b", "", "c46cb3d5-36a4-4992", "", "Dixie Cups", "5fc71512-bfe5-4f8f", "", "d851ad15-033a-41f2", "", "Misc Cups", "bd0c9dd0-4236-4f31", "", "fb8feb83-29e3-4d36", "", "Diamond Cutlery", "5ea23ec5-2ed7-430b", "", "e9f88025-39b4-4f5c", "", "Chinet Platter Plates", "39a8a862-9c31-466c", "", "0be25ca6-1812-4be7", "", "Cups Solo Plastic Cups", "19a3ad31-10c0-4c06", "", "eeca7760-98c7-4d8e", "", "Dixie Bowls & Plates", "fddbbc50-16d0-41e1", "", "0be933a0-c229-41fd", "", "Dixie Heavy Duty Plastic Cutlery", "8a6b673c-1ce8-4a28", "", "59d2c4b8-73ba-4266", "", "Hefty Bowls and Plates", "edc281a3-abd4-4199", "", "f2ca27a8-44f5-46c9", "", "Jack Frost Plastic Cup", "e9d0c2a2-f770-448a", "", "4aa9f817-2093-4ced", "", "Pioneer Glasses", "e63f7457-21ea-4074", "", "b9f4b293-9541-4cdd", "", "Plastic Handi Pac Paper Plates", "093bc1d0-5028-456d", "", "b502567f-1be9-4813", "", "Plastic Pet Cups", "4f4ac34b-f24f-47fb", "", "92f37f9e-0a3a-4fb9", "", "Solo Bowls & Plates", "db5b9b5a-b1ef-407b", "", "16cf11bd-d96c-4017", "", "Solo Heavy Duty Plastic Cutlery", "8843aba8-06fd-4bfa", "", "95ed8744-3991-4ae0", "", "Tumblers Plastic Cups", "46de5cdb-73c6-42e6", "", "0e1a3078-e8bf-404c", "", "Universal Cups", "2c802d1c-8fec-4b7b", "", "d2211719-25d4-44cb", "", "Universal Wine Glass", "371c64ab-54c3-499f", "", "5720e48b-3717-47f3", "", "be1525fb-19db-4b01", "", "182aa14f-eb6b-44aa", "", "2ba286e2-5567-457b", "", "Facial Tissues", "a17805a9-1bda-4873", "", "f6ad19ef-3cb0-4820", "", "Paper Towels", "0d33a5e3-3118-42fb", "", "18ae03c8-6ad7-4243", "", "Dinner Napkins", "4c0b7d32-475e-4dde", "", "21e6ce9d-93a2-4d47", "", "Toilet Paper", "3c869389-4304-4ea2", "", "73d3c34a-4d94-4657", "", "Tin Foil, Saran Wrap & Etc.", "20a57b36-b347-441a", "", "77a7ae37-c0b0-4ec4", "", "63cd630a-2db5-4fa6", "", "Reynolds", "134b29a3-6316-43f9", "", "db89bb4c-93b6-4cc6", "", "Saran Wrap", "41cd6627-7c0b-4466", "", "d077d7a1-0a00-46fc", "", "Wax Paper", "19a4cb59-5815-46bd", "", "760524c2-822e-468a", "", "Wipes", "0d1939c8-db77-4788", "", "2cca0f5c-37d1-4308", "", "Incense Sticks", "adb5e972-7b42-46db", "", "e0eceb66-92cb-425b", "", "0f82724b-b572-4bf9", "", "Shoyeido - Incense Sticks", "e6c43105-4226-406d", "", "67b5e1b6-e01b-4c5b", "", "Personal Items", "9660a770-4e90-474c", "", "26430c2c-064d-4c4a", "", "373275e2-beaa-47b9", "", "Body Wash, Soap Bars & Hand Soap", "ddd35f69-ce0d-4431", "", "41ff4e3b-bcac-459f", "", "166d2775-8e48-46f4", "", "Burt's Bees", "66f8db3c-acc2-4f2a", "", "a9518d50-cadc-43b8", "", "Coast Soap Bars", "9acec67d-3f26-4b66", "", "cfba73c8-ab12-40b9", "", "Dial", "ef11ba38-f699-487d", "", "18e94374-0ec1-473c", "", "Dove", "7cbcab7a-5703-4d90", "", "3a467f8e-7518-42d3", "", "Irish Spring Soap Bars", "ff4d2a74-2504-46f2", "", "1407064e-fbab-4d77", "", "Lever 2000", "17c25563-7782-4a0c", "", "498e101e-d293-47cd", "", "Miscellaneous", "9d8a1aa7-99a9-420d", "", "565511d0-8a91-4913", "", "Oil Of Olay", "0c6b5778-7c54-4241", "", "cdab5e6c-efd1-444d", "", "Soft Soap", "10e19e90-789c-4ef6", "", "5d181ad7-45aa-422f", "", "Tone Soap Bars", "793efcb7-c883-4e87", "", "d8be2e48-dad6-432b", "", "f828c741-8aa4-41b7", "", "9013c86d-2918-41f9", "", "a4a8351e-fbd9-4d10", "", "0068a094-3727-4af2", "", "Hand Sanitizer", "ef91c2f2-fc2f-48d1", "", "9ca273a8-0520-498b", "", "Condoms", "36651614-05e7-41e3", "", "5678f05b-f820-4519", "", "2f9e2fab-be72-4e50", "", "Lifestyle Premium Lubricated Latex Condoms", "f8df43dd-a3f3-4553", "", "59be4064-afab-4121", "", "Trojan Latex Condoms", "4704673c-a212-487a", "", "a33d58d6-a641-4606", "", "Trojan Lubricated Condoms", "6c6a621d-2793-4fbf", "", "27d9a132-5fa5-4ed1", "", "Dental Products", "717a5e7b-3eac-43b2", "", "982946e7-77ea-41d3", "", "52523d47-fb80-4f33", "", "Arm & Hammer", "659c10e3-ca85-4750", "", "7343a137-1175-43fb", "", "Aqua Fresh", "ed76e38b-4236-417e", "", "0d53713e-61af-4756", "", "Binaca", "b090596c-00d4-4b29", "", "5fe2790b-6c68-40bc", "", "Colgate Cavity Protection", "6cc47a92-01fd-4bcc", "", "825d5c58-9387-4b78", "", "Colgate Tooth Brush", "fc4afc19-2316-44bb", "", "3759c448-1e4c-4406", "", "Colgate Total", "3f345320-441f-4fd9", "", "5cbc91de-72bd-4729", "", "Colgate Whitening Oxygen Bubbles", "ee24cba8-5ee9-4f5d", "", "e51e256a-c5b8-411a", "", "Crest", "5a812e6a-06e4-4e9e", "", "c4e970c3-1c8d-413d", "", "Crest Tooth Brush", "e4df5d81-149d-4215", "", "69c8a417-f148-4328", "", "Crest Whitening Expressions", "2b3fcd64-e1b9-4d54", "", "a5430072-51d8-4935", "", "Dental Miscellanous", "68591a57-12c0-40a8", "", "ce50f81d-3b4c-48b4", "", "Desert Essence", "98cc609e-02c9-450f", "", "e4c75a38-65ea-421e", "", "Jason Natural, Organic Toothpaste", "6eba14bb-1857-4ffc", "", "67024527-a13c-4b21", "", "Johnson & Johnson Reach", "6563735d-0082-4746", "", "5f5958d8-cf82-48b7", "", "Kiss My face Toothpaste", "8d0f1653-e21e-4f5d", "", "d2403370-7faf-4b99", "", "Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash", "69d9b820-4266-48f9", "", "4d7cede4-8f35-448e", "", "Oral B Floss", "226e6106-e213-43de", "", "fa502a26-f3ce-46c2", "", "Oral B Tooth Brush", "a7ee2792-6dd7-4e30", "", "6002296e-3101-4810", "", "Scope", "bfd89d9b-785a-4360", "", "36e7ef29-a42a-490b", "", "Sensodyne", "b9e0d740-f20e-4ac9", "", "6425edc1-8454-4641", "", "Tek - Pro", "fe443cd4-6712-43a7", "", "cd4fbe9e-f32c-468b", "", "Tom's Of Maine Natural Cleansing Mouthwash", "2bf27995-4512-4179", "", "83763738-fd61-4dcb", "", "Tom's Of Maine Toothpaste, Natural", "f507472c-587d-4400", "", "cb2da39b-1160-4f48", "", "Toothpicks", "ede5e6d4-6321-4ce5", "", "cd2ed862-1fdf-4a8f", "", "Deodorant", "747fb69f-8848-426d", "", "c0e6af35-6919-45e0", "", "96e8c2ca-e6c3-467e", "", "Mitchum Sport Deodorant Stick", "53a9ca5c-518d-4313", "", "172379d1-6753-40f5", "", "Brut Deodorant Stick", "73ab42ff-1d2c-4adc", "", "edc97307-1b77-4383", "", "Degree Deodorant Stick", "b94dc92a-8764-410c", "", "80537d0c-4fd0-4a5a", "", "Dove Deodorant Stick", "31710035-4a78-4847", "", "5a5a161a-3813-4e6b", "", "Gillette Series Deodorant Stick", "1c026214-7b20-4cdd", "", "3f377cad-c2c6-4b06", "", "Lady Speed Deodorant Stick", "e5bbe786-2332-47c6", "", "46dff59b-e41e-4fb9", "", "Old Spice Deodorant Stick", "d1ea1342-00c8-4297", "", "0cec4f1a-a278-4e8a", "", "Right Guard Sport Deodorant Stick", "89be5704-2a7c-4a7f", "", "11ff0094-4728-4cf3", "", "Secret Deodorant Stick", "a555d8ca-2acc-4b2a", "", "41d94154-0bdb-4d8c", "", "Speed Deodorant Stick", "89ebf399-be70-4fc7", "", "e10cdb2e-1f30-4ef1", "", "Sure Deodorant Stick", "d3c4e334-8be2-487e", "", "dbdd017a-a06a-4f0a", "", "Axe Deodorant Body Spray", "7bae21ed-7bbf-4b61", "", "f174369e-78da-4354", "", "Diapers & Baby Wipes", "c8db1640-325e-43db", "", "6c1357f8-98bf-4644", "", "2606e3d8-ae22-47aa", "", "7th Generation", "75398264-570b-4bb9", "", "a5a97eb4-6c3d-4655", "", "Huggies Baby Shaped Fit", "5b1b0723-d7db-4c19", "", "11a76ae1-16ba-4930", "", "Huggies Baby Wipes", "b79a3c86-79eb-45aa", "", "b3773b49-ff27-4c2c", "", "Huggies Little Swimmers & Pull Up Training Pants", "0fdd2ecb-8cec-4f2b", "", "67729a3a-a05f-46c4", "", "Huggies Natural Care", "1e04a070-8633-45f8", "", "19414e3d-249e-4cd4", "", "Luvs Leakguard Core", "f2d1e8f9-f66a-4159", "", "a30a08f5-9b23-430a", "", "Luvs Leakguards", "a6f1e085-ad00-45b5", "", "9e1e7890-d05e-4c77", "", "Miscellaneous Wipes", "ae2cb5eb-2b73-4bc0", "", "e57cfa02-03c0-44da", "", "Pampers Baby Dry", "1d870037-41c0-4382", "", "63edcc3d-e846-4e53", "", "Pampers Wipes", "b1da8769-b287-4579", "", "17ab1315-c14f-437b", "", "Feminine Products", "a338ed62-edbf-4807", "", "49c7403e-adf3-4166", "", "cafa5309-40cf-4364", "", "ee784def-b9d4-4cf9", "", "c90d2988-0718-4b3f", "", "Health & Beauty Aids", "d722205e-e8a4-4abe", "", "52c82137-6ac8-4883", "", "36977140-00b7-44fa", "", "Alba Botanica Bath & Shower Gel", "fbaa5910-b92b-4662", "", "d61ff074-154a-4334", "", "Alba Botanica Body Lotion", "b35a67c6-0b22-48dc", "", "d7a89603-32ee-4756", "", "Alba Botanica Deodorant Stick", "3165f500-ae64-4686", "", "1e8a818c-bf4e-42fe", "", "Alba Botanica Moisturizing Shaving Cream", "781cd5c3-1b1b-4b96", "", "52766a36-06e9-498e", "", "Avalon Organics Bath & Shower Gel", "b613575b-346c-4089", "", "9e148ec7-49ea-4ce2", "", "Avalon Organics Conditioner", "78480957-2978-4761", "", "7316ebec-04d9-4882", "", "Avalon Organics Glycerin Hand Soap", "c5ddb995-6614-48ee", "", "68c0c694-0d14-43c9", "", "Avalon Organics Hand & Body Lotion", "7ff53883-fec1-406b", "", "f4f434e8-051c-47f5", "", "Avalon Organics Moisturizing Shaving Cream", "95253e44-68ec-497e", "", "f4e70e89-e2e8-44ec", "", "Avalon Organics Shampoo", "25ca9b79-f24d-4e81", "", "fe41f83d-9ddf-4dc3", "", "Desert Essence Face Wash", "5c93cfc8-cf47-4c4b", "", "b1ec9bcd-1eda-482e", "", "Desert Essence Hand & Body Lotion", "58dea9b9-ef07-4b94", "", "b25d9a54-6339-4de8", "", "Desert Essence Shampoo & Conditioner", "8d6d3cb9-78ad-4e41", "", "95c43eef-4a60-4385", "", "Dr. Bronner's Soap Bars", "479217b7-158e-4668", "", "7296dae1-8350-4d8a", "", "Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap", "bf1c41b2-b2ca-4ec0", "", "f66400b8-db4b-42e8", "", "Jason Conditioner and Gel", "51bbe569-f393-4612", "", "6b7a9859-1762-4666", "", "Jason Deodorant Stick", "eb337256-9a33-4e75", "", "a2ff2a53-a894-4eab", "", "Jason Facial Wash & Scrub", "f9aed70b-1547-4991", "", "1d6cae39-90d6-4829", "", "Jason Hand & Body Lotion", "d766234a-11e0-40da", "", "23c4a425-a59a-4269", "", "Jason Satin Soap For Hand & Face", "92d42b77-dcd7-4db5", "", "c91aedf4-73f0-4733", "", "Jason Shampoo", "1cb67274-0427-4a95", "", "2c1249d3-22c3-40e2", "", "Jason Shea and Cocoa Butter", "b75e8953-a1fd-477f", "", "d91607b8-6939-47df", "", "Kiss My Face Deodorant Roll On", "97c2150d-553d-40d6", "", "6279a111-defa-4604", "", "Kiss My Face Deodorant Stick", "301a268e-1318-4074", "", "670467c5-6825-4146", "", "Kiss My Face Liquid Moisture Soap", "a0587f6c-e6c5-45be", "", "dd8552f0-b76c-4548", "", "Kiss My Face Moisture Shave Cream", "3425014e-38f0-4b9f", "", "9e2e21e1-a7ab-41b7", "", "Kiss My Face Mouthwash", "b56bb7ca-4963-47f5", "", "1317cee7-d7e4-43ef", "", "Kiss My Face Shower / Bath Gel", "24b65ee6-042a-4b7d", "", "e600d469-efd2-4cc6", "", "Kiss My Face Soap Bar", "4a1f2456-8c57-4519", "", "8ee297d5-5252-470e", "", "Kiss My Face Ultra Moisturizer", "9a02a8dd-cfa5-4548", "", "c3e62603-2735-42ba", "", "Nature's Gate Body Lotion", "fbb11724-bfbc-48c5", "", "448734f6-0908-4a31", "", "Nature's Gate Conditioner", "26e8a71b-63de-402d", "", "212ecf2c-3510-4d14", "", "Nature's Gate Deodorant Stick", "a0602f35-09cd-4031", "", "bc1dc332-540d-4dfc", "", "Nature's Gate Liquid Hand Soap", "a31bc1ed-ccd3-44be", "", "00d9bc10-22c4-46e8", "", "Nature's Gate Moisturizing Lotion", "49521947-97e7-46c6", "", "2e0579b0-750f-4c25", "", "Nature's Gate Shampoo", "9cca204b-3664-4481", "", "3ccf5648-e1cb-4334", "", "Queen Helene", "1b860faa-2cb4-4368", "", "32a4feeb-dbfb-4c25", "", "Shikai Products Shampoo", "a3ff2559-4fb5-495a", "", "a819e8d2-930b-4b9f", "", "South Of France Soap Bar", "43a0528d-2c8f-4e9f", "", "7afded5a-5201-44f3", "", "Tom's Of Maine Deodorant Roll On", "ea58fbe3-80e7-4f78", "", "b0e98f86-87c5-4672", "", "Tom's Of Maine Deodorant Stick", "f2ca9c1b-e253-4695", "", "594864dd-f267-438b", "", "Tom's Of Maine Soap Bar", "d8cbcbf0-1d2a-4ea6", "", "2b67fb05-31dc-4da7", "", "9c416256-ff50-4d31", "", "d25a1ae3-c502-47af", "", "Alba Botanica Sun Screen", "ba7e4973-9161-41b7", "", "21b0eb65-97cb-4135", "", "Lint Roller", "ea1f0fb0-d1de-41b2", "", "7c45635c-80f4-42d4", "", "Thursday Plantation", "0ac4495e-83ec-46ba", "", "b24ac657-2bbb-4b7a", "", "Banana Boat", "d26c38dc-3ab5-4687", "", "8dff640d-ec01-447b", "", "A LA Maison Hand/Body Soap Bar", "3d5e9ab9-54bf-4091", "", "f2c761d9-09c0-44aa", "", "Giovanni", "e4b93892-f192-45a1", "", "4f02de54-5c01-4d0a", "", "Coppertone", "dd6d5928-fdfc-450b", "", "2ba14585-d64d-44fe", "", "Mill Creeks", "521ee29f-27f6-4e1e", "", "27862089-3b3b-4f9d", "", "Lip Balm & Chapsticks", "cf4faeb2-3c67-49f7", "", "7947e9ce-c5df-4814", "", "Medicine", "f16fac84-241b-4871", "", "62f95138-1a36-4863", "", "f3e3b11a-8838-45b2", "", "Advil", "a49ca619-0ef2-4d3f", "", "f636891a-fe7b-4462", "", "Afrin", "11279929-2f18-46f3", "", "2d3335fe-29a7-48db", "", "Airborne", "03323afa-57cb-4138", "", "aa834ceb-24ed-4e63", "", "Aleeve", "867c107b-ccb4-40ac", "", "a71ce8b2-8244-475d", "", "Alka Seltzer", "d1f7100d-f851-43b2", "", "3e0756a3-62bc-4864", "", "Anbesol", "5083c9e1-d41d-411a", "", "9068bc21-7f68-48d8", "", "Band Aids", "d8f0b2fe-de1f-4a25", "", "836147b5-428f-4f3b", "", "Bayer Aspirin", "a8958559-839a-48f5", "", "5ddf242d-8aa7-4910", "", "Benadryl", "910ebad3-c289-484e", "", "6a976d06-3fff-4754", "", "Bengay", "d34336a9-5859-4834", "", "5f0112e1-dc32-4410", "", "Boirons", "278e6166-cb58-4f05", "", "c8c6187a-7416-4a19", "", "Chloraseptic", "982329ac-9964-4663", "", "d1d3bbab-d8b7-4e47", "", "Claritin", "6e9af971-dd36-4076", "", "5e92120e-d4df-4993", "", "Clear Eyes", "f253d972-80fd-48f2", "", "9733ff58-a1fb-4c1f", "", "Desitin", "1627034d-e8cd-46f5", "", "81ccdc92-3181-493d", "", "Dristan", "d9a207a9-70a3-44fd", "", "ecb777ae-a7ed-4831", "", "Ept", "a41706f0-09b6-43e4", "", "5f45680c-2352-4a52", "", "Ex Lax", "4f630b66-c7a8-4ac6", "", "1f16c98d-d103-46e6", "", "Excedrin", "50b5d791-c963-499a", "", "5ec8c81c-b97c-4e3e", "", "Fleet", "106b75b0-7b9b-4a9f", "", "0d152bf1-254c-4b6a", "", "Gas X", "0106b37c-5312-42ce", "", "34a7963e-4a62-4fcf", "", "Gold Bond", "8248e9c5-6ca9-459f", "", "5c1e64b0-4765-44a0", "", "Icy Hot", "d5a9ad07-383e-4e89", "", "f3167d93-6cbe-4cab", "", "Immodium AD", "2db5c6fb-b605-4d9e", "", "db69dcc6-fb5a-4acc", "", "K.Y. Jelly", "8ee58a08-967f-4d64", "", "9e8875c8-382e-4987", "", "a185986a-34ad-411c", "", "000ba8a6-fe00-42d0", "", "Maalox", "f94457ae-d8fb-43a0", "", "a8aee78e-3b3e-4f28", "", "4ae622de-f238-48e1", "", "bd588a8b-8c63-48f8", "", "Midol", "221f51c4-fce8-4bb1", "", "cb54843c-4a13-4d60", "", "Monistat", "9d110030-3dd4-4762", "", "7d97e916-4c4e-4b69", "", "Motrin", "d887555f-4828-4ac8", "", "29d6eb91-be99-48d1", "", "Neosporin", "0cda5c1a-93a8-4549", "", "5ceae2ba-4a27-4690", "", "Pepto Bismol", "d0d19570-9c99-4838", "", "dd6cdb6d-0681-4364", "", "Phillips", "3fe7808c-8403-420f", "", "a9024ab1-0de8-440c", "", "Q Tips", "949b798b-593b-4e87", "", "29a117c6-afb6-4542", "", "Renu Multi Purpose Solution", "4b8a6cb9-372f-45d8", "", "81b28fb2-3f12-466f", "", "Robitussin", "16daabab-faae-49c9", "", "7cedea1c-09cb-495e", "", "Sominex", "fc6e753a-7fbe-48f3", "", "80eb517d-0731-45bd", "", "Theraflu / Alka Seltzer", "00697af9-3107-44bd", "", "aa1ae453-5be8-46b8", "", "Tiger Balm", "f489dc50-c6c2-4b43", "", "7ff03172-1582-4648", "", "Tylenol", "c53a428c-2d25-4177", "", "db747ae7-acd8-45eb", "", "Unisom", "63aa02a8-e408-4de4", "", "425dc636-43b2-4250", "", "Vicks", "37096ab3-f36f-4969", "", "040c6557-1c7e-4d5d", "", "Visine", "623af881-c25c-490f", "", "8f6a4115-dace-47cb", "", "Vivarin", "55be77d3-1151-4cc6", "", "1f81578a-20ba-4635", "", "Zantac", "7704f420-35df-4c2e", "", "00f93992-99bb-4a52", "", "Johnson & Johnson", "b0a02e2c-715a-4060", "", "b666360b-66a8-403c", "", "5 Hour Energy", "b92e5fda-96d8-4388", "", "b9994816-24ab-4eb8", "", "Orajel", "dc094e1a-924b-45a2", "", "f229be14-5d1e-4dff", "", "A & D", "800d3913-8ab1-4cd0", "", "aeb75869-1838-49b6", "", "Bausch & Lomb", "37f62bac-bb49-40f4", "", "e7730178-34d4-481f", "", "Castor Oil", "f6f110dc-f09b-4b6a", "", "3b795336-b63f-43ec", "", "Pepcid AC", "0693c89b-749f-48db", "", "359fba9f-a003-42b0", "", "Pediacare", "ac81ad0e-8128-42ba", "", "d6af04a3-7c33-46c9", "", "Shampoo & Hair Products", "dbd8dc28-c528-4952", "", "6aade499-e77c-4a3c", "", "6d4b8633-afb3-4a6f", "", "Pantene Pro-v", "23c77f07-5470-487c", "", "b0c806c6-7244-4bde", "", "Herbal Essence", "f104af9b-5e92-45ef", "", "55c90764-811b-4e24", "", "Head & Shoulders", "a07d3d74-fb0d-481a", "", "a12fa533-14c4-4e9c", "", "Pert", "e7998cda-29e0-465c", "", "ddf5c77a-7a9c-428e", "", "Finesse", "2e58c6be-a75b-4a32", "", "d7b48154-e27d-47e4", "", "Styling Products", "2cb25402-4900-460d", "", "69315781-b9c1-4ec4", "", "41b91765-51ec-4b2e", "", "323a2eb0-ef03-49ed", "", "Suave", "7aa2afa2-b49f-4e0a", "", "16b16dd2-31ec-4c0b", "", "Shaving Products", "973e2690-b7a1-4c8e", "", "bbfdb79c-4b39-4a60", "", "b9f67ac1-916d-4996", "", "Shaving Cream & Gel", "9c883e60-8f56-47d4", "", "1da32689-38b3-4786", "", "78f43edd-29e8-476d", "", "4edafc54-d687-434b", "", "Razors", "dc1a9607-8784-44cc", "", "1135dd90-7c7d-4a0c", "", "Mens' Socks", "4991285b-fd72-4474", "", "2aa412d4-1aad-4f78", "", "Convenience Items", "958b3e86-ab58-44d3", "", "5f2bfc00-1966-4501", "", "9e1c7aae-f971-428a", "", "Batteries", "a1adb21f-86d2-4dc3", "", "df57ab9c-5a69-4c31", "", "ccf65329-6f7f-4203", "", "Duracell 9V Battery", "961cd261-6de4-4ab2", "", "e9ff49c6-5843-426f", "", "Duracell AA Battery", "d53f697b-1a4a-4119", "", "ec15215a-af36-43c7", "", "Duracell AAA Battery", "90a7c701-0897-4805", "", "50e7462a-89bd-4eb4", "", "Duracell C", "2bbc8047-0a95-478d", "", "9634a7e2-7cf8-4736", "", "Duracell D", "70e56114-8a65-4750", "", "fb2a8135-94f3-4350", "", "Panasonic - Batteries", "79e854fd-7bba-4fd4", "", "5cb4ef17-97e1-42f6", "", "Magazines", "4f01e095-fbe9-4492", "", "914bdc63-f52f-4fe0", "", "School & Office Supplies", "485ae701-6e5a-4fd8", "", "1b774f26-0ad4-4491", "", "1f98bcbe-0d0f-4a11", "", "Stationery & Notebooks", "5ab8c6f0-9fe3-4834", "", "99c0ce2f-a52d-4747", "", "Glue", "33e5b7f5-0637-41ae", "", "d94a2ae5-4a0e-4b43", "", "Packaging Tape", "354a264b-ae8b-44ba", "", "7d20d2e1-4f46-490c", "", "Pencils, Pens & Etc", "41e3c99f-764f-408b", "", "93ed458e-1e5a-4759", "", "Envelopes", "e8364dbd-2bbe-4e76", "", "77f9a663-6330-4c0b", "", "Gift Bags", "31bed17b-afd9-4a74", "", "02cf5067-d7bf-4ec5", "", "Calculator", "03cfbc3c-4743-4a54", "", "7925205d-c054-4e34", "", "Earphones", "154cc646-673a-49fc", "", "f599d96e-8985-4b48", "", "iPhone Accessories", "40b80a5e-f72e-4330", "", "a4b7c582-911d-4687", "", "Imported Candies & Candy Bars", "40f65bb2-3c9c-4f6f", "", "fdf034ff-b932-40a8", "", "8f19fe38-5974-4a2e", "", "Baci", "9303d72a-7a93-479f", "", "e0e56931-e3c2-4b4d", "", "7e21f233-c25f-49a3", "", "b5f202cb-0d9a-4e91", "", "Chimes", "f665e34c-17cb-4405", "", "eb1d9e6c-b3ed-47b0", "", "Chocolove", "e8d31ff5-c4d0-4930", "", "06799ccc-0695-4c56", "", "Dagoba", "68bdc711-8b42-4330", "", "3deb9efb-1622-44e4", "", "Darrell Lee - Australian Licorice", "7f9e4525-4cef-4d6a", "", "a110c47e-9273-491f", "", "Divine Bars", "9d247e1d-726b-4ac2", "", "cfdb756c-2fc7-426a", "", "Ferrero", "b1c3c686-f5e7-4364", "", "cb5d1026-f3a2-4c6b", "", "Green & Black's", "0fab6473-0953-4ce1", "", "9543f5b0-58b5-4326", "", "Haribo", "09d6ac9f-2d61-4f12", "", "7cb27e0e-8133-4616", "", "644d1cc3-3f6a-41c7", "", "cb9b36f8-60e4-4136", "", "HI - CHEW", "80da0595-be87-4993", "", "902c7551-9cf2-480e", "", "Jelly Belly", "cf26befc-b5b4-4ffe", "", "030d6d33-0b93-4382", "", "Justin's Organic Chocolate", "d120b549-c52e-4a9d", "", "6e3d4744-56dd-4cd8", "", "Kinder", "0f51f832-bf82-43d2", "", "0dcde76b-7714-414b", "", "Lake Champlain", "ba84c6d6-b938-4ccc", "", "9a4bc2de-4449-4691", "", "Lindt", "3d16ad98-df64-4077", "", "cc4d4ff6-bcec-44d2", "", "Matt's Munchies", "daa069b9-469b-4a1b", "", "1de49f19-8b85-43be", "", "Milka", "2dddedb1-97b4-4c4e", "", "7547fa29-41a8-4021", "", "Nutella & Go.", "a9fbedcc-cad4-49bd", "", "1b0b2499-3b38-4059", "", "Panda Licorice", "326840ab-4364-4512", "", "a495ea30-93a2-4d74", "", "Pocky - (Japanese Candy)", "f021ee67-41bb-4fbe", "", "ff55dc95-9bd5-4a50", "", "Ritter Sport", "9cde92cb-ff90-47e4", "", "ffe8a0de-b183-4127", "", "Scharffen Berger", "061326c9-0479-483b", "", "e9b78def-c0e0-45b7", "", "Theo Chocolate", "9e9a98ef-54c6-4713", "", "9b375c7d-146f-43f7", "", "Toblerone", "81a18f59-322c-432f", "", "161d95e5-5e1e-45de", "", "KitKat", "9997233c-87c7-48d6", "", "a90ea71a-7284-46a4", "", "Lily Chocolate Sugarfree", "01aa94e0-9875-4c34", "", "3d74f1ed-2986-45ba", "", "Marich", "a934745e-3fc3-4697", "", "8eafc939-bab8-442f", "", "English/Irish Candies & Groceries", "85fb43db-e4fb-450a", "", "7eaafb32-1bcf-45b6", "", "f5662b9a-1c6a-44f0", "", "e9683d66-21ed-41dd", "", "761945af-75aa-4e97", "", "Biscuits & Crackers", "2b3d7751-9921-4fc7", "", "6d201625-3a51-42b5", "", "Candies", "6f02a707-65b0-4922", "", "d64ef566-34e7-48ce", "", "Crisps, Chips & Wafers", "42aa7b95-c413-4e83", "", "551c4c36-6ff5-457a", "", "1e398d2a-356b-4a03", "", "826a7db8-bb4a-417b", "", "Jams, Marmalades & Spreads", "ed06b7f8-4cfd-47a0", "", "8fdb324a-6550-4be2", "", "Meats", "acb3c470-e5f3-4dc7", "", "d177a727-99f8-414a", "", "Medicines & Remedies", "2b55ec30-2dbd-449c", "", "e5a73146-48a5-4175", "", "Pickles, Relish & Chutney", "37331a29-e1bf-49db", "", "d5691588-4075-4249", "", "81089e10-f160-4894", "", "41500c90-eb34-40cf", "", "Kitchen Appliances & Accessories", "e622313a-0384-4eed", "", "55ac58ad-5058-4c8e", "", "Appliances", "9202fd49-b5e6-48eb", "", "9c74bb1c-1431-4987", "", "b6e64da5-edb6-4f39", "", "Hardware Appliances", "c2ff7f9b-8acd-4773", "", "726ea097-1578-4402", "", "Electric Appliances", "4a63d259-ef43-4a18", "", "869e3c9e-e23b-4d5b", "", "Balloons & Cards", "1b2b368a-8292-40a0", "", "90ed76ac-1965-48c4", "", "d483154d-a533-4307", "", "Balloons", "51fadea0-f022-4fd0", "", "ef2d63f6-5be6-48f4", "", "Greeting Cards", "80b37398-8887-4b14", "", "63940e56-6ceb-489e", "", "Vitamins & Supplements", "faf58288-c35d-4e02", "", "267129ff-89b7-4b75", "", "Covid - Test Kit", "a9a47ca9-186d-415e", "", "f9031679-bafc-44aa", "", "Pharmacy", "f3e364d0-5309-42b0", "", "d1fffc55-c27c-4e54", "", "595b3819-b99d-45e5", "", "Covid Essentials", "52e7343f-9050-467a", "", "1b334f38-bcf5-4f50", "", "Medical Devices", "b4aeda2e-1636-4c3b", "", "881f5f50-685a-47a3", "", "Hygiene & Personal Care", "389a4c97-4f74-4867", "", "1d098a37-568b-4770", "", "Shop by Health Conditions", "423dcc75-8280-44a1", "", "43857958-7aac-470a", "", "Shop by Medicines", "1ced182a-0e5f-4135", "", "757c3efa-8c88-476d", "", "General", "4bbf2ce7-36e5-427e", "", "9f846add-661e-4b2f", "", "Candy throat lozenge", "ccd5523f-f01f-42ef", "", "f88803c5-0b4c-4c71", "", "Candies & Fruit Snacks", "f45ffc7f-a032-4ad4", "", "8ae54193-87a2-41f5", "", "Candy and Gums", "e2fba4d5-1b26-4463", "", "c6575ced-a157-4eee", "", "Imported Candy", "cf873261-2123-48c9", "", "333060ab-a659-4e8b", "", "Chocolates Candies", "72f66295-73ac-4adb", "", "9f6921c5-6a98-43b1", "", "Flower Bouquets, Bunches", "ebcf3f9a-0ffe-43e5", "", "7676365e-836c-4a21", "", "c733b72c-caaa-426e", "", "30cf07bf-a333-4bba", "", "Flower Arrangement", "d19e5edc-3149-4330", "", "9fb9f619-e216-40e3", "", "Ice cream", "5e2d8846-5322-47e3", "", "80cb9d56-7c26-48f2", "", "Pet", "0105ff26-74bd-4f2f", "", "65df0bf9-0487-469e", "", "School Supplies & Stationery", "9e012349-39d1-4bd4", "", "5f649646-00a7-4f07", "", "Household Items and Cleaner", "83fef80e-d3ff-4dbb", "", "e7a14bcc-73db-48ba", "", "Baby Needs", "38f74093-7ed1-4757", "", "a8041686-3720-4dd7", "", "Charcoal, Duraflame, Firelogs,", "ee31e475-bd11-4c56", "", "7b49fdbd-0d49-43a7", "", "9403186b-5330-48da", "", "a49f411d-3db2-49b0", "", "6af120ab-6593-44e6", "", "8a63ca4b-e03f-438a", "", "Raw,Vegan,Gluten-Free and Sugar", "bf69f392-a706-4518", "", "547dc778-bf69-41bd", "", "455b872e-7581-4a10", "", "adf9714d-0aa0-4532", "", "Fresh Squeezed Juices & Wallets", "399411fe-e60a-4354", "", "d9bd3fab-b37b-4bcf", "", "Fresh Fruit Salad Platter", "8b741f6b-acb7-464e", "", "ba20974e-85f4-4755", "", "Bread & Baked Goods", "6531a728-5ed5-43cb", "", "d6ac376f-0ec6-4311", "", "British and Irish Food", "0d67ef41-915a-412f", "", "955caba6-f20e-407d", "", "Cereal,Granola,Oatmeal & Wheat", "49ee5ff6-ef61-4238", "", "8538282e-95bd-46c1", "", "Coffee, Tea and Cocoa- Packaged", "caeddb72-ed40-4854", "", "b8a71a63-dce3-4cd6", "", "Condiments and Sauces", "8f7d84cc-02d8-4950", "", "4c7221e6-1f85-4511", "", "Dried Fruits and Nuts", "96bca2ef-406e-495e", "", "62c65b68-369b-4ee5", "", "Dairy Products and Milk", "29da0a9b-00b1-454a", "", "42785314-de05-4577", "", "Fruits", "7fffcace-cd86-45d0", "", "4fa84d46-47a2-49da", "", "Meat & Meat Alternatives", "a1c9bbd0-036f-4930", "", "cc567e28-b217-4eff", "", "Grains, Pasta, Noodles", "88c0194c-e33c-46a6", "", "40631cd8-f383-4cfd", "", "Nutrition, Protein & Gronola Ba", "4156c1d6-ff8c-4d0d", "", "e6454144-5665-4ae4", "", "Pasta Sauce and Tomato Products", "722b1f6d-eba9-4ccf", "", "6586fb91-22b4-4d75", "", "Peanut Butter,Jam,Jelly,Hazelnut", "f43d8d14-6258-43ac", "", "1dfb820a-bebd-487f", "", "Spices & Seasoning", "bd0aae7b-67b7-4744", "", "31fbb0af-68d2-4696", "", "Sweeteners, Syrups & Molasses", "5a939141-73e5-46ce", "", "83e513a6-49f3-457b", "", "Vegetables", "39a12559-7656-46db", "", "a3c032da-5a89-4d72", "", "Cinco de Mayo", "861992f4-36d5-42f3", "", "c9152b06-f8b9-4d8f", "", "Coffee and Tea", "b1ee6344-28f9-4bf4", "", "ac9293ce-ce75-4102", "", "Prepared Meals", "2fdf703f-f5df-4985", "", "7b7281ed-b9ca-4971", "", "963b7792-01f5-4b94", "", "fe75227d-27b9-46c0", "", "Baking Needs", "35c5a6b3-fbe4-41c0", "", "6cd818e7-038f-469b", "", "Chips, Pretzels and Pocorn", "673c06bd-a7aa-461f", "", "9052b440-989d-4cfd", "", "Canned and Jarred Goods", "1ca73c18-8f50-46ad", "", "6468508c-03f0-409f", "", "Cookies, Crackers and Rice cake", "44dbc8dd-b3a3-4814", "", "0553c4e1-db49-4dcb", "", "Frozen Foods & Ice Cream", "d10449c2-d856-4bab", "", "0b2229ec-b31c-4215", "", "Hummus,Salsa,Dips and Tahini", "7919ee84-e367-4ee1", "", "db4b84b0-3527-4d9c", "", "Oil, Vinegar and Salad Dressing", "b09bfa3e-3f3e-4a69", "", "b9d353ea-5407-429c", 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"71b39e57-ec33-4209", "", "e3d096a1-1c45-4b44", "", "fa87255d-2af2-408c", "", "075154d3-ad88-4eb3", "", "b5e3467f-966b-4983", "", "25a7a1ce-30f8-4e04", "", "94549053-910a-418d", "", "PE-27484-18856", "274e0044-ff75-426d", "", "8e1b5f3b-31bc-40f5", "", "8dbead2c-9c4b-4f6f", "", "519f8a7f-a56d-4672", "", "c2e0d31b-40e3-4388", "", "cf728ce5-3d24-464c", "", "aacf0ca5-569e-42aa", "", "377d649e-e61c-4eae", "", "PE-27484-19162", "cd891d69-35e8-4de7", "", "0de986a7-68d8-491e", "", "f4f5bf8f-21ca-44bd", "", "1731fef1-4804-4207", "", "fbdb238e-8ef3-4010", "", "f82696c3-e562-489e", "", "f069dc48-4295-4117", "", "b7c1dd23-4ea2-44dc", "", "PE-27484-19203", "acdbe745-8741-4e47", "", "43b740dd-765e-4623", "", "24d7ad12-370d-4e89", "", "99179f04-89d0-4407", "", "a5fc0272-cd60-40b1", "", "d53c6195-544e-47b2", "", "e118187d-46e8-4e83", "", "a6a68175-6b99-4666", "", "PE-27484-19844", "a2a67414-1820-4e6c", "", "844d4862-6469-4450", "", "01545690-d10b-4841", "", "00607e5c-f31c-497d", "", 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"f5d29ec1-8eb3-4761", "", "3f32253f-d163-46a9", "", "4726c8b7-a696-486e", "", "1d424b0e-52c5-4404", "", "13c21170-200d-4f8b", "", "525caee8-0e99-499d", "", "3e4850ad-d35f-40cc", "", "929cef72-b782-41a7", "", "PE-27484-31260", "6fa5596a-ad22-4dc6", "", "eadda5e6-b41f-41ce", "", "13d211b9-f747-4545", "", "7a000aec-ab81-4f9f", "", "c19bbce0-854e-4c9e", "", "8dd327dc-5688-4a05", "", "41ec100e-4810-4dee", "", "6c052eef-71cf-4ce7", "", "PE-27484-31386", "e30c0686-a3ee-47b8", "", "0be036b6-f68f-476e", "", "e6683169-5ae7-4daa", "", "88c49d54-e220-4a90", "", "fb3f8ce5-17d6-4db6", "", "24c8d7f7-26f9-43f4", "", "0489c6da-ac25-4d03", "", "8901b5b1-b490-491a", "", "PE-27484-31502", "46009999-fe82-4793", "", "b13db338-3a41-456c", "", "9bdb0e53-3e54-4f4e", "", "c95928ca-e388-49f1", "", "f45629c2-5690-483b", "", "d4ec6957-50e0-4ce8", "", "89d676c4-2bd0-4760", "", "a7adf363-444a-4cc9", "", "PE-27484-31571", "1f15a61c-5dae-41ce", "", "e78ab1bc-6f9e-4b4c", "", "1aac9426-1592-4cf0", "", "798d23b5-2e5f-465f", "", "6d9b5cb8-31de-4943", "", "dd12924f-975e-4584", "", "45154c2b-37c2-4ab0", "", "c48fab4a-ac3d-4e13", "", "PE-27484-31734", "e736bc08-32f4-4bbc", "", "9895dafb-12f7-4684", "", "59aa1d72-b8b2-4f44", "", "54c784f0-16d1-4860", "", "1dbcc1ef-3184-4658", "", "fd1bfe6f-74c9-4931", "", "67f7f205-5818-40b0", "", "626ca499-73bd-4f3f", "", "PE-27484-31834", "3a93d7f5-ece4-42c3", "", "4bb47802-f261-44d1", "", "0a654ec9-330e-42e8", "", "9ce11b74-38a2-4a65", "", "ca479059-d5a5-453c", "", "a7926c71-aa97-4e14", "", "923e56e1-5d8a-4db7", "", "14c7ce88-c4ff-406a", "", "PE-27484-31902", "da7b8768-847f-4d97", "", "355d193e-7104-41ee", "", "85748532-d82e-4e8c", "", "3d0c1f95-fa95-4b5b", "", "7e4c2ea9-af96-4b32", "", "dfa8141f-ef35-463f", "", "7f539e94-026b-440e", "", "4fcaf72c-a127-4bd1", "", "PE-27484-31993", "98fceb1c-e5d1-4d0a", "", "e603a9de-576f-4eb2", "", "01465a54-7c4f-4656", "", "d93d6056-f7fd-4dcf", "", "a5e3249d-9b02-43cf", "", "332a1bd6-339b-4617", "", "a5169cd5-bec2-488d", "", "c6043e1b-eb6c-41bc", "", "PE-27484-32024", "6a188643-06d9-4814", "", "56351041-fc73-419d", "", "9dec9aa3-5d14-4069", "", "d5961703-a332-4370", "", "b68e3fa2-8441-4efa", "", "4d63cd50-6646-4bc2", "", "f10ded3e-07d3-4c41", "", "8a270161-29c3-4dfc", "", "PE-27484-32179", "d9e8f82b-9d90-48f9", "", "a8095cda-b73d-4b38", "", "b0d596ba-2221-4007", "", "218d8539-142a-42b3", "", "0ab97c61-3d33-4f27", "", "a23e4dcd-7d27-42a4", "", "14688727-5ca7-4724", "", "819c4a6a-9dfe-465e", "", "PE-27484-32308", "dac5926c-5095-4c4f", "", "f58a5f75-2272-4ded", "", "4da63378-a988-434b", "", "d60a951f-6f18-4df4", "", "a9768243-62b4-4a91", "", "a48ab243-6c53-407a", "", "7b608410-a2a1-48ad", "", "834c06f6-4e44-4719", "", "PE-27484-32600", "54b7bd91-7fa4-4d98", "", "4eee1cc1-dca9-434f", "", "34e738b3-bfe2-426f", "", "0b121516-998a-4953", "", "ae21fea4-e20c-4d52", "", "24a40a04-bdb8-486c", "", "65d738cd-846a-4a1a", "", "ba4fb635-e07f-409e", "", "PE-27484-33035", "c92b27c0-f4bd-46bf", "", "010888d2-2d92-411b", "", "f9ac67fd-f50c-4451", "", "bf34f9cd-8630-4876", "", "4d989717-c191-44e7", "", "8884404e-96f0-49ad", "", "5e5843d1-b5b2-48fb", "", "59bee183-f63c-4747", "", "PE-27484-33428", "89a1633a-cb8b-4917", "", "7e138fb2-aef5-4f71", "", "de44b039-fbd1-4f93", "", "4de28007-acdc-4987", "", "5a178ba2-0ef1-4c6b", "", "30906755-c76c-424e", "", "db7acbef-1770-447e", "", "568e7241-ec4f-400d", "", "PE-27484-33495", "2581d245-6ef6-42c2", "", "0727356a-5717-449e", "", "3a7752a8-82c6-4a66", "", "3ace92c2-861d-4723", "", "de4fbba7-3b1f-4743", "", "d6bf229c-3ea9-4d48", "", "6a4a433d-fbee-478a", "", "124686c5-33cf-4d6a", "", "PE-27484-33613", "e9aa6a27-55fd-429f", "", "53790f6c-8355-4f9b", "", "cf8375dd-f63e-481c", "", "ebe6caa8-7d89-4b1b", "", "43bc623f-e2ff-49aa", "", "da370107-845b-4fdf", "", "f7538fcf-0b8e-4783", "", "5a10d61c-8051-4e0a", "", "PE-27484-33811", "19aa12bb-6745-4086", "", "1ab3ebcf-d2b6-4220", "", "73ce13ca-7e28-43cc", "", "e4f51edc-b1f4-4863", "", "cf5ed9d7-ffe8-4919", "", "96e8c7f5-52a3-4acb", "", "ae017dec-aea1-4a44", "", "d4b1410d-7aab-4f09", "", "PE-27484-33933", "2d5f850d-3d98-4eb5", "", "d1856230-33fc-415f", "", "b6ebd37b-1e6d-4f5a", "", "9bc5f2ba-732e-4d68", "", "4eee2294-a37d-4bf2", "", "dc16812b-d7d2-4e66", "", "ac3a09b8-5bfc-48bf", "", "61294fda-d07e-43be", "", "PE-27484-33985", "f7250311-a303-45a6", "", "525aebfd-2a0c-4741", "", "6ccbbc9f-4b3f-4d4b", "", "47cd48b2-b983-4c9e", "", "e30599d7-ff83-4870", "", "1744e803-d6e3-4dd7", "", "cd7af856-f95d-4e49", "", "b99f77be-d989-4119", "", "PE-27484-34055", "a519c0c1-3ae5-4996", "", "29511e50-7b31-4082", "", "6c551d9b-fc9b-49ac", "", "83345ed4-5649-4107", "", "ec0d9aa6-c5e5-49a2", "", "19c24614-2037-4930", "", "ad3a59aa-e8c5-467c", "", "231f0591-dccb-4480", "", "MenuStickyTitles sticky-title", "662dfa93-7a26-49f9", "", "H3", "MenuStickyTitles__Title sdk-module-header-text", "width: 620px;", "aa6ff8b4-01be-4b1e", "", "MerchantMapAndHours", "map-hours", "71289369-215c-4f9a", "", "MerchantMapAndHours__Title", "074d0a06-9d3b-4742", "", "MerchantMapAndHours__Description", "2372c413-500c-4dfd", "", "Village Farm and Grocery is a convenient grocery store, open 24/7, that delivers produce, sandwiches, ice creams, beverages, and household items.", "df313b6c-d9b5-4277", "", "MerchantMapAndHours__Label", "26f1e324-9687-4e18", "", "Phone:", "tel:212-475-7521", "59d6c59a-c47c-4c84", "", "212-475-7521", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours", "4b2bdd68-847e-4b58", "", "TABLE", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table--Delivery", "dba197ad-7427-44d1", "", "THEAD", "442d70d4-b784-4d91", "", "TR", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table__Row MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table__Row--Head", "a84a2b69-f929-4517", "", "TH", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table__Cell", "b5667f39-6a8a-4863", "", "93939b1c-2442-4a07", "", "Delivery Hours", "TBODY", "9d02914a-c5d6-490c", "", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table__Row ", "686a7302-7c01-4e97", "", "TD", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table__Row__Label MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table__Cell", "b371df28-0fc5-41fb", "", "Mon", "7fe3eda0-2098-4a7c", "", "MerchantMapAndHours__Range", "ec1b4209-6c13-490c", "", "12:00 am - 11:45 pm EDT", "48acc890-7ed8-4513", "", "c02f987f-f235-45cf", "", "c7e21215-2e87-4bbd", "", "Tue", "c91655e8-5d34-484e", "", "e2c2a4a4-7b77-4e3c", "", "2349ee51-2f06-4b1d", "", "2b70bb7b-e84c-47e5", "", "8de1a3bf-3aee-4b59", "", "Wed", "4e3b8f59-3fa6-4f42", "", "8400e81f-e6c9-4249", "", "4d25b383-2c9c-42a1", "", "2846f121-5a35-4250", "", "e460ca6a-b499-463d", "", "Thu", "d493b207-02f9-4e20", "", "5cc891bd-74e1-42f9", "", "3d0900c6-aaab-41b3", "", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table__Row MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table__Row--Active", "870002e2-89c5-48d6", "", "d5c324f5-d4d6-40c1", "", "Fri", "aa9493b8-cab1-49df", "", "64fdb110-9c5f-4448", "", "9f99e1a6-0128-41ab", "", "ed27f292-5f1b-4ec5", "", "c1d12adb-832a-4114", "", "Sat", "ec5c52f4-626f-4093", "", "1477e32a-0495-4d07", "", "a6e275eb-a999-4f9d", "", "35137118-5d42-420e", "", "8e5f2aa2-0f45-4924", "", "Sun", "1f6ebbe8-1fa2-47f9", "", "2b3b8889-9762-450a", "", "84e124b8-e052-4baa", "", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Separator", "c2d12edf-3074-4737", "", "MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table MerchantMapAndHours__Hours__Table--Pickup", "19a9d165-8bc7-45da", "", "eb4daf0d-381e-4f33", "", "5f1575c7-1b2c-4440", "", "7ec87deb-1fe9-4ff4", "", "60388d90-52b8-4a62", "", "Pickup Hours", "06156c65-6d48-494f", "", "efcd6d9c-27f9-4e6c", "", "526caaa0-0919-4c4b", "", "d54ea430-b229-4d92", "", "d94c050f-250e-44b3", "", "974b1397-5e58-453d", "", "3c9dc1f6-1b6d-429f", "", "d773bdd5-0e83-4486", "", "8348bf7e-84c9-427c", "", "451ed7c1-d17f-48dd", "", "07d88b46-b8aa-442b", "", "b09cbbd4-a27c-4315", "", "cafccb1a-df9d-4cf1", "", "45e683d9-0308-49fc", "", "25e9af35-ecaa-4d7a", "", "519ed600-4b18-4482", "", "4401ae26-05b3-4f12", "", "f8e8d8fd-2a4b-4f4c", "", "943f6510-d7a6-48aa", "", "756a10a0-2825-4bb4", "", "ae84d3a7-2eee-4917", "", "d6d154d8-5515-4267", "", "b46df222-e2ee-450d", "", "8ac56d5b-b143-4f67", "", "b0bb2d72-ca7f-429a", "", "3f7f8082-b595-4fa9", "", "d7ab65db-1f27-4b78", "", "79bbf24c-e156-4583", "", "7a5c9134-1682-4580", "", "d944d4ea-16e2-4a0d", "", "53201d49-2f58-4956", "", "e86252b3-173f-4332", "", "93468763-3493-4805", "", "499cdbde-6599-4feb", "", "b2cee3b9-c5c2-4ddd", "", "247f49ae-1c63-4456", "", "StaticMap ", "7b7fc58b-1ec5-4564", "", "MerchantReviews", "mer-reviews", "be7a8711-db1e-4e61", "", "MerchantReviews__Reviews MerchantReviews__module", "6a2468a7-068b-41c4", "", "MerchantReviews__Reviews__Title", "e44fa74e-d9bb-474d", "", "MerchantReviews__Stats", "eb959d3b-79a3-482b", "", "842e003b-932a-476c", "", "9f3e932b-5352-456a", "", "89a9cb72-4d80-4e6c", "", "b9a75719-fea8-4e21", "", "21065b8a-4e12-416b", "", "0cbbf4f6-0d00-4d8c", "", "71c5db65-9ceb-4455", "", " Based on ", "b3325b00-833c-4b0e", "", "2202 ratings", " and ", "62e09c2d-fbfe-45e8", "", "622 reviews", "MerchantReviews__Review", "itemscope", "itemtype", "http://schema.org/Review", "f0c1124f-dd87-48bc", "", "5cd54c3b-0a9e-4bf4", "", "8581cb8a-a356-42de", "", "Rated 5 stars", "01036b3a-c80f-4f27", "", "46aaec7a-5faf-4011", "", "a4fceb08-2901-4a38", "", "2afff907-c810-4898", "", "e019b55e-94c9-4f28", "", "H6", "MerchantReviews__Review__Reviewer", "f4d3fed3-d10a-44db", "", "By: Kristin N ", "9aa68f9d-3081-4deb", "", "on Apr 17, 2023 ", "MerchantReviews__Review__Reviewer__History", "c6630073-fce1-4b7e", "", "MerchantReviews__Review__Pipe", "9390c743-c52f-4142", "", "|", "MerchantReviews__Review__Break", "2df88a31-1e30-48fc", "", "7 reviews written | 23 orders placed", "MerchantReviews__Review__Review__Content", "itemprop", "reviewBody", "36cfb6ef-1f8a-4068", "", "Thank you! Delivery on time and accurate, love this place.", "itemReviewed", "http://schema.org/Restaurant", "70277b34-0312-4702", "", "0288f2ca-abb7-45ff", "", "image", "821c7502-090b-4de0", "", "author", "Kristin N", "73f26a99-7bf3-4429", "", "datePublished", "Apr 17, 2023", "f4c2940e-8150-4b3f", "", "reviewRating", "http://schema.org/Rating", "65f421b3-222d-4dc2", "", "worstRating", "1", "875f2cba-49bc-4b9f", "", "ratingValue", "5", "9807d106-7dd7-4d18", "", "bestRating", "f5354981-42d4-4bd0", "", "28c3a2cc-fdc7-4bda", "", "45f23f46-75cd-4dc6", "", "a7e643f3-0d5d-4cf1", "", "73b18f34-4e64-4a4d", "", "e1ab51b9-6401-4fcf", "", "1d15c5bf-53eb-4f88", "", "1f6b66cd-266f-4bbb", "", "1cc9a279-aac5-4b18", "", "3bb9c89f-aed4-47d7", "", "By: Lisa L ", "8c0049e9-f286-4c29", "", "on Feb 20, 2023 ", "c1405eb2-c0f8-4adb", "", "e0e4ab60-1788-40ad", "", "fccd02e9-5ea0-42dc", "", "20 reviews written | 79 orders placed", "f2e2197a-8bd8-498d", "", "GREAT PLACE!", "1b36afd6-1d46-4911", "", "10d7cbed-8448-4e56", "", "dcc5e46a-81c1-43da", "", "Lisa L", "4d977fea-f5c5-438e", "", "Feb 20, 2023", "7473577d-4084-461a", "", "2eef30d0-61e0-49b3", "", "e5891a7d-bb1c-41e9", "", "04747ef9-bd99-41ed", "", "313fcd8f-1aac-4509", "", "582a0ee0-677e-4ac8", "", "fa0283d1-cf0a-41fb", "", "398427c6-47cb-4b7e", "", "a0049163-0b0d-4d84", "", "d5487550-69d2-45ff", "", "9eb383e9-42a1-43a4", "", "18f1e1e5-0fe8-41a2", "", "763d90e9-69d4-4252", "", "c2d7e500-8d48-4541", "", "By: Sneha M ", "1706bd1a-414e-4ed5", "", "on Feb 12, 2023 ", "3d6fd050-47b8-43c9", "", "96154f8d-082a-45ac", "", "68ebae72-0dc0-4fe7", "", "9 reviews written | 17 orders placed", "8286fa8b-7b34-43ab", "", "Amazing ppl. Sent another item when there was an issue . ", "2c1964fd-e19a-40cd", "", "502cc8c8-57cd-4856", "", "cc4fba6f-7977-4ef5", "", "Sneha M", "2b814143-42a8-468b", "", "Feb 12, 2023", "ebad139f-0b72-4314", "", "f93700d5-3a46-401a", "", "91e8c14b-b3f4-4e15", "", "964fb7d5-481e-4499", "", "13a48f58-b09c-4025", "", "684a9cb5-aac8-475a", "", "ad6b587d-a052-4416", "", "79a83324-8594-4f50", "", "b10d64e8-eb33-4be1", "", "4582356a-4ad2-4d75", "", "ffda66f2-2926-48b5", "", "9535d7e4-ba78-4696", "", "215768ba-1b74-40b8", "", "fe3b2e8f-8a76-4d39", "", "By: Douglas E ", "beadab88-091c-415b", "", "on Jan 24, 2023 ", "f9da4139-acc4-446d", "", "c7e1cc04-a734-4674", "", "a7c576bc-b1cb-4a75", "", "169 reviews written | 840 orders placed", "42e7ed40-0f30-47ed", "", "Va va va voom!", "67aba1eb-bd3e-4138", "", "e888fa9b-58a6-495c", "", "b56a12ad-e0b4-45d3", "", "Douglas E", "423d288b-0926-4dd3", "", "Jan 24, 2023", "829195f2-e790-4a45", "", "a3c983fc-5231-4df7", "", "7358ab2a-b3ee-4bd0", "", "83530628-1c7b-4669", "", "f2566a7c-75af-4dad", "", "f93c8fdb-a0d7-4dce", "", "58b200be-bf20-4356", "", "39119807-b6cc-4407", "", "Rated 1 stars", "8a045644-6c33-498e", "", "9a62dcbd-4597-465d", "", "4e9e2ce3-3b0e-4b89", "", "1921db3b-7e93-4ad1", "", "368ca668-b625-45b2", "", "d7e51fbf-ed9b-4abd", "", "By: bridget w ", "3d784f5b-84d5-43e9", "", "on Nov 09, 2022 ", "530be102-fe4f-40ee", "", "e4be191b-e72a-48c5", "", "78208f91-5ad9-4c8a", "", "1 review written | 6 orders placed", "0bca9845-e18d-4b7c", "", "I am still waiting for my order to arrive and totally unsatisfied with customer service", "6b9ce3eb-60f5-464b", "", "2d042625-cf6a-4538", "", "fd285587-d68f-4bb3", "", "bridget w", "2e68e7f2-1acf-4bca", "", "Nov 09, 2022", "10e91060-f774-477e", "", "d8c2cc04-9eb2-41da", "", "8ee1fa94-4ac6-40b7", "", "8d607635-ffd8-4f2d", "", "62781f2a-f20a-46e1", "", "3a277ec7-32a5-4bdd", "", "d08585f8-dcfd-42e4", "", "1f9aeab9-64b3-4c9a", "", "Rated 2 stars", "33677f24-1007-419e", "", "6f63defe-2b2d-40d8", "", "08bd9e1d-81f1-4742", "", "71adec09-a2cf-4992", "", "215c2ed9-549d-44f0", "", "e595d615-cd72-4abc", "", "By: Patrick P ", "ee41fb28-9bba-4822", "", "on Oct 15, 2022 ", "72c6abcf-6cfd-4076", "", "d46e21d2-7057-4548", "", "1ac5e521-9f13-4845", "", "54 reviews written | 269 orders placed", "fc2648cb-360a-44c6", "", "PLAN AHEAD - multiply your max delivery time by 2x or 3x. This is the second time it took literally hours to get here. We had already gone to another store to pick up the items instead. Tried to follow up multiple times to check on it - they kept insisting it was 5 to 15 minutes away - it was another 30 mins after the last check in.", "8288f95f-a18e-444e", "", "607a3f65-a603-4ef7", "", "6532e4b3-fe9a-4201", "", "Patrick P", "62f05676-509f-4e49", "", "Oct 15, 2022", "96519f7e-cf47-47e5", "", "de674859-6714-48a5", "", "c6a68176-42b2-4c0e", "", "2", "4f43b570-5602-4591", "", "972b56cc-dac0-468f", "", "581055c1-250d-4be4", "", "f75ba8a5-5bf9-4a28", "", "7e664e0e-0157-4cd6", "", "3b17d4e7-14b1-4b50", "", "333ebfb2-abef-4640", "", "34a1d730-03c9-421a", "", "b4bbc031-760b-4047", "", "9cffd12e-3802-4c2b", "", "8d95ef84-5f00-49da", "", "By: Dolores L ", "e0ea0227-c2db-459d", "", "on Oct 04, 2022 ", "bc10dcd7-1726-4f58", "", "019890c4-46f8-488c", "", "ecbf82a3-6602-4961", "", "76 reviews written | 950 orders placed", "97828d31-3ad1-4f3b", "", "Hi, I would like to report my terrible experience with this vendor. First, their website did not even work. Almost every time I tried to order something, nothing showed up, just a heading. Second, I needed to call three times to ask, and was told each time my order was well on the way, that it would arrive in minutes. After approximately one hour of asking, I decided to call again. Was told my order was left in the Lobby about 10 minutes ago. I never received any call telling me about that...It also had a container of coffee that was half in the bag and just luke warm. Never, never did I receive such bad service. Additionally, they didn't have more than half the items ordered and I needed to substitute most items. Dolores La Guardia", "f92a9700-afea-4099", "", "dcae6519-2ee4-41b7", "", "0534d9bf-6438-437b", "", "Dolores L", "8580c906-7093-409c", "", "Oct 04, 2022", "4524abd7-54b4-4eb5", "", "38b20d75-57b0-4a31", "", "0942de1f-d3ab-46a4", "", "840fbd41-8d6f-4cd9", "", "d5ffef15-a5b4-47e0", "", "fd83f2d8-aa55-4e0e", "", "fd26064f-0754-4791", "", "0919e8bf-4e47-44e3", "", "7c1f2b76-9374-460d", "", "f28ee766-016e-47dc", "", "bdc113bb-f532-4fa3", "", "ce771414-fcea-4ba7", "", "0835f65b-d553-4684", "", "92fd8ed5-fdfa-4355", "", "By: ANA G ", "4ec3ae87-cabc-4d4a", "", "on Sep 19, 2022 ", "70a31f09-243f-4b72", "", "d6921ee7-6624-4589", "", "43f1d9f2-e064-49da", "", "32 reviews written | 81 orders placed", "4eff7127-188d-42e9", "", "The delivery person was very rude. Claimed the address was incorrect. ", "40dfb14f-f0a8-4c9a", "", "b300e753-e833-4f9a", "", "0e758ca3-4c62-4fd8", "", "ANA G", "e6aff83d-dcc7-46e0", "", "Sep 19, 2022", "340ebd86-4cd7-4895", "", "4ab025d9-314a-4e52", "", "e505feb1-2690-451f", "", "d9e49d4c-0e33-4199", "", "7895d707-fb9c-4c19", "", "329d896d-8a14-4a7e", "", "583090e5-03c3-4a45", "", "dbfeb06e-357a-4bf9", "", "69ac61cc-c090-4863", "", "11ffb642-4cd1-4086", "", "985dfdf4-b0e9-422c", "", "c7a030ef-2462-4937", "", "14b902c6-e464-4aca", "", "7585428f-cb94-42e7", "", "By: Steven S ", "acd8f929-537e-4394", "", "on Sep 07, 2022 ", "e6075fbc-fb9e-4b18", "", "6e2d0bdd-ecaa-4734", "", "901a7b6d-a9a2-4895", "", "5 reviews written | 133 orders placed", "4697f6da-d76e-4ed3", "", "Order was incomplete. Guy insisted he called multiple times even though I was sitting by the phone. I got one voicemail from him that miraculously came through right after his guy delivered the incomplete order.", "18dc30f2-ad8c-4172", "", "4dd5dbdf-32f3-43d6", "", "cb5160d7-32e5-4a80", "", "Steven S", "c3807200-bd52-4959", "", "Sep 07, 2022", "0c6aeed5-9c04-4ae5", "", "398d40a5-d583-4c78", "", "2025d6c1-3888-45cb", "", "865d5796-4216-49ef", "", "f9216ab8-e787-4d6f", "", "b2e502ec-908d-48ce", "", "a075a4f8-48ea-4863", "", "0d446876-0ccf-479f", "", "e06b8ef0-c09f-40c5", "", "e5368e27-11eb-4b43", "", "b7f3cc7e-2d48-4d0f", "", "9ef2dd46-e480-4466", "", "bf0051fb-434f-446d", "", "2313bef9-d7bb-4616", "", "By: tom m ", "92635b78-7d99-40e7", "", "on Jul 14, 2022 ", "3b2a255d-9d99-4e60", "", "848f0eba-aa8d-4e9c", "", "7f124464-f2f0-41f9", "", "14 reviews written | 39 orders placed", "adfb42bf-99df-4f0e", "", "Never came", "884a1818-27ad-472d", "", "57142047-3326-4d9d", "", "c36f7e5e-081c-4277", "", "tom m", "9c328c2d-0394-4887", "", "Jul 14, 2022", "94c2a0f0-2e90-4714", "", "7ab3cec4-1bf2-4520", "", "9a56744a-63a8-4b97", "", "9f610150-ab48-4f67", "", "1500c218-58ec-4869", "", "a0d80d7c-20da-47cf", "", "cfc0b4d4-ac68-4c41", "", "edf4e45b-4f1a-447d", "", "ddf34aa3-8c94-471e", "", "fe46e1e9-9c43-4126", "", "0ff621f9-f321-4390", "", "93c0df38-8025-49cd", "", "0ca42222-73ab-4ae5", "", "c0eb3380-7022-470e", "", "By: Brian R ", "68b03b7a-05fd-472c", "", "on Jul 04, 2022 ", "599a3623-9140-427d", "", "4bc9fece-8d0e-44e2", "", "f512afd1-be57-42cd", "", "37 reviews written | 189 orders placed", "f7299a82-e8b4-4509", "", "Thank You Very Much, Heather.", "5a45f1e9-8a21-41a6", "", "eb499786-cbb9-43ce", "", "b89bb617-f23e-4828", "", "Brian R", "c3b43609-eb19-4bb5", "", "Jul 04, 2022", "8d7e6a91-a601-4d0b", "", "077136ee-a034-4cfe", "", "97f700d5-3753-4dce", "", "6af71440-6962-45bb", "", "81525d13-ab0f-406d", "", "2eab943c-8bea-4c25", "", "d75a5f43-a682-4a20", "", "4a968fa3-a778-4929", "", "bcb8c744-e71a-4716", "", "997f4256-22c9-46a2", "", "8bce0b09-2a84-4ed0", "", "df8fee07-afef-4a2f", "", "46efbdf7-35e1-43ac", "", "555a6d54-8dfa-4b84", "", "By: BB A ", "1b4371be-c299-4b9e", "", "07a90b2b-a04b-4bfc", "", "9f18b898-a8bd-4ec2", "", "d1f0f6f5-5acc-41ab", "", "22 reviews written | 421 orders placed", "8c4d2903-98d3-4c19", "", "They are very sweet.", "d168ae57-24bc-46fa", "", "37ef402d-8424-48c1", "", "7b03101a-62ba-4ad6", "", "BB A", "e614f229-1a2d-4c63", "", "75e0490d-90c3-4b7c", "", "71b08330-1601-4e35", "", "582dcc63-c536-4ee2", "", "106a048f-7b2a-4a32", "", "65375899-7279-4eb3", "", "6b5633d2-023d-41a6", "", "68f84938-c8b9-4763", "", "ae8f1931-58be-4f4a", "", "2915f0df-4c77-456d", "", "252cc19f-1784-4aad", "", "daae1143-2249-4a79", "", "3b6bd462-a6f2-4522", "", "934abe82-4b99-4e89", "", "145f1cfe-3521-4ed9", "", "By: Megan T ", "99011cca-814d-4fb1", "", "on May 25, 2022 ", "0b21260e-eb44-46cb", "", "46e321f5-6972-45c2", "", "e18b125b-e2b6-49f4", "", "29 reviews written | 673 orders placed", "c304efbb-a21b-4ac5", "", "Delivery came later than they said but there was no hurry on my end; store called to confirm items and everyone was very friendly ", "268a14a9-e962-46c5", "", "b3ef2c4d-ed1f-46e1", "", "0bc13d4a-253c-4511", "", "Megan T", "2f1e523e-0f03-4b22", "", "May 25, 2022", "a9de1345-fb96-4c5e", "", "384ea93b-89c6-40c4", "", "7dc3d139-a5dc-498e", "", "ec6b86b0-80ed-4d27", "", "082291c2-750b-4ffd", "", "e2812578-6a36-4486", "", "576818db-0d9b-468f", "", "14644468-5fcd-48ab", "", "2364a487-a6af-445e", "", "6f61aada-b26f-4b9b", "", "03e8f1c5-2910-42aa", "", "70ee118e-bc88-4e1b", "", "cb704721-944e-42db", "", "67bc22f2-8e2b-4824", "", "By: Molly Z ", "cecc6f81-5314-4170", "", "on May 21, 2022 ", "e273f1f0-d536-4214", "", "9b49fb7a-c93c-421a", "", "5daeb4c9-b894-40f6", "", "6 reviews written | 25 orders placed", "2cf967eb-8ce2-4c2f", "", "Took more than twice as long as quoted and the wrong cheese item was sent.", "3c69a272-75f1-46d3", "", "b501063b-0edf-4584", "", "987538b3-a7c4-44bf", "", "Molly Z", "02240845-15a6-40e4", "", "May 21, 2022", "5d94624d-634a-4676", "", "3aa8cb94-f308-42c9", "", "87a93fd5-e1ce-4ec5", "", "f9877548-476b-4c5f", "", "d976a2e9-7f4b-43a2", "", "a41d7c3f-bd73-428c", "", "8172e6ec-edcb-45bf", "", "627e2f52-edbb-487f", "", "0b043936-90ea-44f0", "", "9655f19e-9b8e-4999", "", "c148d6a6-51e1-4615", "", "7f839a84-8208-415b", "", "50f1ea16-8d3c-488b", "", "6166803d-094d-4255", "", "By: Yasmine C ", "d9905812-7be8-4bf1", "", "on May 17, 2022 ", "eb5e2c4f-6a4e-45a9", "", "11e45fe7-3874-4da8", "", "f97d15c8-56e3-4b55", "", "4 reviews written | 93 orders placed", "426601c4-be6e-4949", "", "I never write bad reviews but this is the worst place that has the worst service ever. Very unprofessional. Does not have delivery people - will keep you waiting for your order that will never come. ", "07c27ece-3444-4cca", "", "16e722dd-27eb-4f4a", "", "0dd17548-da48-4a54", "", "Yasmine C", "1d5bb748-d3ee-43b0", "", "May 17, 2022", "2fab7c61-c3fd-4192", "", "6c3b43e8-6fe3-41eb", "", "faacccef-cbe6-4478", "", "8743d0a8-9de9-4a07", "", "ad905f7c-313e-4dc5", "", "fa237d9a-583a-460c", "", "e9ff3270-4141-4c9c", "", "37c1d519-0e07-4163", "", "deccca7c-b04a-49ce", "", "07276135-07bb-460f", "", "f6a3f29d-01a3-4cd7", "", "7458677e-6f76-47c7", "", "19163701-ac52-42ac", "", "577f1048-652d-4be1", "", "By: Jazelle G ", "67d80236-a512-4485", "", "on May 14, 2022 ", "c06efd7f-0a80-4628", "", "3bdc950e-0b01-41b1", "", "f8b5516e-70fa-4179", "", "1 review written | 1 order placed", "9e649f61-5fd9-4c43", "", "Never received the order", "c8397035-288c-4c3c", "", "e575db90-8bca-4f22", "", "b55cb8ce-b085-4714", "", "Jazelle G", "70e41f5c-7c69-4bf8", "", "May 14, 2022", "d15de306-c5dc-4722", "", "bcfc4b2a-cbfa-44c0", "", "588ff2f6-a52a-4d2b", "", "3a2dd9fb-68a5-456a", "", "edfd0422-1f25-43a0", "", "0115fc71-a331-45d7", "", "3cf496fe-94ed-47d1", "", "5e5b0e50-3435-4a26", "", "f198967a-c41e-4a8f", "", "38bdf21d-be83-4c31", "", "b82b49fc-a1da-4f23", "", "c0e3b319-5ccf-4138", "", "9c87083a-4973-48a0", "", "45c6cf50-5b9a-455a", "", "By: Kenny S ", "e8d0603b-5071-4a04", "", "on May 05, 2022 ", "8a02c362-7665-4710", "", "15ba2e95-16e1-45ae", "", "18b20d2d-b9ec-4cbf", "", "48 reviews written | 587 orders placed", "849ed9ec-9687-44ec", "", "I ordered food and medicine for a cold at 1:25 PM. At 3 PM I had to call to ask where the delivery was and was told \"a few minutes\". Then I got a call from the delivery person saying he was outside, went downstairs, only to find he was at the wrong address. Finally, at 4:45 PM I received my order. ", "01881b47-09a1-434c", "", "a8701c7f-8c18-4379", "", "36e6e130-c4f1-4925", "", "Kenny S", "fca07d03-eaf2-4d1d", "", "May 05, 2022", "1748678b-2a7c-4214", "", "0f14b2d6-7d40-47d6", "", "a8ee2c46-4098-404b", "", "260d209e-8e89-4352", "", "43b4fc13-a8fd-4e27", "", "7beb4637-b338-41c7", "", "fc6ff912-1fe4-4361", "", "b651c025-a9a8-4af2", "", "0840e094-f31a-404d", "", "b036cc6d-2f2d-4631", "", "8ab8585c-274c-4811", "", "fa5d62ef-d548-4100", "", "9a9c6f21-1277-4733", "", "74b83690-ff7a-4a55", "", "a5269b01-d43c-4d7d", "", "on Apr 22, 2022 ", "24326ea1-c168-4c75", "", "b45e40e2-f367-4963", "", "fb359e84-4771-427e", "", "71d12bd8-e6aa-4a9d", "", "One of the Ben and Jerry's Pints had a chemical odor on the carton and some crushing. The interior seemed ok; I ate it with no immediate digestive issues. But was the odor from a roach bomb? This is the East Village after all and we gots dem critters all over da place.", "0ebd729f-886c-4e99", "", "5fd4dd78-e873-43f4", "", "4b0a9760-a442-45c8", "", "74ec988f-8bdc-48c8", "", "Apr 22, 2022", "a2afb157-864e-4361", "", "e3f1b1f8-723c-41b3", "", "f0879a7d-6d9f-44de", "", "4", "335cb40e-e9c3-464c", "", "6d6cc01a-e515-4f44", "", "f3a025e6-d0d8-4e8a", "", "764a8f17-6942-4dc2", "", "de74c153-c6b0-43af", "", "5b4b8752-8598-49ac", "", "aeb52513-5e1d-4458", "", "9c6dff4a-2fbe-48f8", "", "8d6242a0-c3f6-479a", "", "e50c9b36-f229-4f08", "", "9a3d615c-7380-42b5", "", "960650b9-28e8-4286", "", "on Apr 13, 2022 ", "c828afd3-3ff8-4f22", "", "3a1947ad-3900-4c9d", "", "8e8c2ee9-79a0-45eb", "", "ec1a8b06-fa14-4e6a", "", "Thank You Very Much Ed!", "a3e3bb9e-2b8d-416f", "", "7f146c3d-a7b6-48d6", "", "b452c8f6-0bbc-4bed", "", "ce1de6b9-65f0-47ab", "", "Apr 13, 2022", "bcf18ef6-f24a-4295", "", "7d4a520d-69ed-4f69", "", "e710006b-f7b1-4d40", "", "4ba80bd5-5ff6-478e", "", "dad5ca6c-28e4-47a8", "", "a87f45c4-56dc-4d7e", "", "e317d5a3-b6d8-4880", "", "5f1f2ce7-1aae-4333", "", "9d299929-7805-4b89", "", "a91e6a68-742d-4232", "", "5784573c-3d9a-4349", "", "614d8021-5e46-4acb", "", "1e6982ba-8d2b-4a80", "", "2c9b5201-5fcd-4357", "", "By: John L ", "62dc2fe7-f359-4f53", "", "on Mar 05, 2022 ", "5620fd00-d1b6-49d8", "", "1fdec83f-248f-4ea5", "", "2d8ad0c1-d1f3-4e85", "", "64 reviews written | 923 orders placed", "b5053abc-9d88-4239", "", "Horrible service and didn\u2019t deliver the food. I had to cancel. Do not order from this place!!!!!", "fca4d096-ee09-4f2a", "", "e8302773-c548-4992", "", "5c396234-8930-4d6a", "", "John L", "0e8a8ed5-e213-4ff4", "", "Mar 05, 2022", "02004dd3-78eb-460d", "", "fc4a1696-80c2-4ccc", "", "9d1acc2d-b017-41aa", "", "784499b2-ee0c-4b17", "", "d7ce6ea1-7f09-49ea", "", "MerchantReviews__ShowMore", "3343067c-8fd5-4563", "", "MerchantReviews__ShowMore__Button dcom-button secondary", "56a47c93-eed4-404d", "", "Show More", "PageRightAside MerchantPageAside MerchantDetailsPage__MenuContainer__Aside ", "97475b74-e756-429a", "", "CartContainer ", "db06ccc8-bbbb-466d", "", "MerchantCartModules", "4e308b6d-5dd4-424c", "", "CartMerchantOrderSettings", "77cd941f-aa28-4733", "", "OrderSettingsMerchantContainer", "94443903-b83f-470e", "", "H5", "9b7d6118-8029-485b", "", "Order Information", "4f8b9015-83f5-428a", "", "Order time and type", "dy-eval-order-type", "OrderTypeToggle ", "436ecb0e-84dc-4938", "", "dcom-button OrderTypeToggle__Button OrderTypeToggle__Button--left sdk-primary-cta ", "20af4cae-0255-499d", "", "Delivery", "dcom-button OrderTypeToggle__Button OrderTypeToggle__Button--right OrderTypeToggle--Inactive ", "992747d8-f263-450c", "", "Pickup", "dy-eval-order-time", "OrderTimeSelector ", "45e22412-3827-486b", "", "OrderTimeSelector__SelectWrap __Wrap", "fdd59a33-2709-417f", "", "SELECT", "Select order date", "OrderTimeSelector__SelectWrap__Select __Day", "OrderTimeSelector__Day", "dbf467f9-1ebb-40b5", "", "OPTION", "Fri 06/16", "899f5968-c9dc-416f", "", "Today", "Sat 06/17", "032067d0-1071-42e2", "", "Sun 06/18", "5bae370c-e231-4c3a", "", "Mon 06/19", "c9c21de2-1bfc-44e2", "", "Tue 06/20", "e59515bc-a06c-4267", "", "Wed 06/21", "b2200d09-578f-4c09", "", "Thu 06/22", "c9e24a81-52db-47b0", "", "abde68d7-cab1-49a0", "", "Select order time", "OrderTimeSelector__SelectWrap__Select __Time", "OrderTimeSelector__Time", "4d5beab9-1ca8-4658", "", "ASAP", "a5fd8fdc-882c-40cb", "", "5:15pm", "3c76c4d6-e001-4179", "", "5:30pm", "3bec5dfc-0c10-4dff", "", "5:45pm", "ec5bbb9d-be1a-42c1", "", "6:00pm", "9257aac2-e3cc-4b08", "", "6:15pm", "ab7101d7-1222-43fb", "", "6:30pm", "767e54e6-090f-4dd1", "", "6:45pm", "45b49b60-9f78-400d", "", "7:00pm", "99c5dc49-73c7-4300", "", "7:15pm", "d6a6fb9c-060a-45a6", "", "7:30pm", "14dc88a4-feb2-4197", "", "7:45pm", "60328324-f8a5-4c83", "", "8:00pm", "67d63be7-68ed-4963", "", "8:15pm", "8cc1f4e4-4911-47f2", "", "8:30pm", "1a97552b-027c-4e9c", "", "8:45pm", "d8e2ee42-fa4f-4ac6", "", "9:00pm", "3097ee2b-3757-4941", "", "9:15pm", "fb183452-2eac-400c", "", "9:30pm", "2472e256-ae5e-42f7", "", "9:45pm", "e7ad2d0b-95de-4f2d", "", "10:00pm", "5c2c65c2-398a-4aa3", "", "10:15pm", "31956b77-7bc2-4642", "", "10:30pm", "6d6a54bb-8afb-400e", "", "10:45pm", "fbb327d2-30de-4ca9", "", "11:00pm", "5d605edc-1493-4262", "", "11:15pm", "7c967b0c-a2b7-4b84", "", "11:30pm", "c7e99e85-2e41-422c", "", "11:45pm", "b0502085-060a-417a", "", "OrderSettingsMerchantContainer__UserTimeZone", "cdc9b3fe-4588-45c6", "", "Scheduling in IST", "b089b8b0-bbbe-49ea", "", "Cart__Module Cart__Module--not-ready", "96bf386d-f4da-49fd", "", "338c8e48-65b2-4682", "", "StaticCartContainer MerchantPageAsideCart__IndividualCart", "9f81c9fa-05d7-4e38", "", "CartHeader", "43bf6c8e-aeda-444e", "", "CartHeader__Title sdk-module-header-text ", "7183d8b9-2694-4709", "", "Your Bag", "StaticCartContainer__ItemsWrap", "4ebdcfda-9db2-4240", "", "CartItems ", "aria-live", "polite", "6bf0df89-623e-43a2", "", "CartItems__Inner", "3d5ceed0-dcdb-4b18", "", "CartItems__Inner__Content", "989fc03c-5b70-42a0", "", "H4", "CartItemsHeader g ", "4f52f6c7-9cf3-4116", "", "CartItemsHeaderIcon icon-groceries", "fc8c5954-47d9-4169", "", "/cities/nyc/categories/grocery-store/village-farm-grocery-open-24-7-", "CartItemsHeader__Name sdk-primary-text ", "18d1be8b-3ee1-4ec0", "", "CartItems__Empty", "bb019697-60c2-412f", "", "No items in your bag", "Cart__SummaryWrap", "22a9974b-eace-441a", "", "CartSummary", "d49ce82d-31a9-4e99", "", "OL", "CartSummary__Totals", "7bc02966-6bd9-4369", "", "1f9bf843-acf2-4027", "", "1. 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+ + + + + +
+ +
+ +

+ + + Brand + Mark + + +

+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +
+ + + +

Create a unique, professional logo for your business

+ Kickstart your brand with business card designs, social media graphics, app icons, letter heads and more
+ + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + +
+ PubLaw Project brand design +
+ I'm not a designer, when I had to make a logo I found myself staring at a blank screen. Brandmark made the process actually enjoyable + + + + + + +
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+ Valentyna Kuzmych + +
+ NobleTide brand design +
+ +
+ I tried other logo makers and Brandmark is the best value. Quality is exceptional and includes a complete branding solution for my company + + + + + + +
+ +
+ Courtney Costrino + +
+ Hwear brand design +
+ +
+ I was afraid to pay thousands for a logo that didn't turn out right for my business. The Brandmark team helped me create a logo that I love! + + + + + + +
+ +
+ Sarah Locatelli + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
  • + img +
  • +
  • + img +
  • +
  • + img +
  • +
  • + img +
  • +
  • + img +
  • +
+ + + +
+ img +
+ + + +
+ +
+ Build a beautiful brand on time and on budget +
+ +
+ Kickstart your business with thousands of ready-to-use design assets. +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
Logo design files
+ + + +
Social profile icons
+ + + +
Business card designs
+ + + +
Animated designs
+ + + +
Letterhead templates
+ + + +
+ + + +
Social media designs
+ + + +
Presentation templates
+ + + +
Brand guide
+ + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
The only logo maker with free customization
We’ll personally help you customize your logo with the purchase of any package.
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ customer +
+ Can you put the icon on a hexagonal container, change the text to green, and also remove the tagline +
+ +
+ Jack +
+ Monkspace +
+ Sure thing, how does this look? +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + +
Instantly customize and export
Right in your browser, no designer or software needed
+ img +
Export to all major formats
Including SVG, EPS, PNG and PDF
Adjust text and image size
Perfecly sized for web and print
+ +
Easily edit and customize
Double click to edit text
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
Latest customer creations
See why over 108,704 users have + created a logo with Brandmark.io
+ + +
+ +
+ No BS +
+ +
+ The Local Know +
+ +
+ +
+ Monkspace +
+ +
+ COCO +
+ +
+ funfit +
+ +
+ +
+ Wooly Waif +
+ +
+ PathBase +
+ +
+ Lizzty +
+ lighten +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
No more designer anxiety
Get your logo instantly, not in weeks.
+ +
+ + + +
Need a tweak to your design?
We’ll do it for you, absolutely free
+ +
+ + + +
No monthly charges
Pay once, get access to our branding tools forever.
+ + +
+ + + +
Full copyright included
For use in commercial and personal projects
+ +
+ + + +
Unlimited revisions
Modify your logo at any time, even after purchase
+ +
+ +
Create your unique logo design
generate unlimited logos for free
+ + Create my logo +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/demonstrations/vngdibi/pages/page-26-0.html b/demonstrations/vngdibi/pages/page-26-0.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..295fcd9f58aee20b3f72d0fcb14a60ef36498013 --- /dev/null +++ b/demonstrations/vngdibi/pages/page-26-0.html @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +Brandmark - make your logo in minutes


Enter a few words that describe your brand.

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Keyword Ideas

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Keyword Ideas

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[423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 507], [303, 454, 7, 509], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 511], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 513, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 514], [423, 440, 7, 516], [124, 443, 7, 518], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 520, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 521], [423, 440, 7, 523], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 525], [303, 454, 7, 527], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 529], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 531, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 532], [423, 440, 7, 534], [124, 443, 7, 536], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 538, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 539], [423, 440, 7, 541], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 543], [303, 454, 7, 545], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 547], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 549, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 550], [423, 440, 7, 552], [124, 443, 7, 554], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 556, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 557], [423, 440, 7, 559], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 561], [303, 454, 7, 563], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 565], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 567, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 568], [423, 440, 7, 570], [124, 443, 7, 572], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 574, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 575], [423, 440, 7, 577], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 579], [303, 454, 7, 581], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 583], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 585, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 586], [423, 440, 7, 588], [124, 443, 7, 590], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 592, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 593], [423, 440, 7, 595], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 597], [303, 454, 7, 599], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 601], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 603, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 604], [423, 440, 7, 606], [124, 443, 7, 608], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 610, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 611], [423, 440, 7, 613], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 615], [303, 454, 7, 617], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 619], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 621, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 622], [423, 440, 7, 624], [124, 443, 7, 626], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 628, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 629], [423, 440, 7, 631], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 633], [303, 454, 7, 635], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 637], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 639, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 640], [423, 440, 7, 642], [124, 443, 7, 644], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 646, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 647], [423, 440, 7, 649], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 651], [303, 454, 7, 653], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 655], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 657, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 658], [423, 440, 7, 660], [124, 443, 7, 662], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 664, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 665], [423, 440, 7, 667], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 669], [303, 454, 7, 671], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 673], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 675, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 676], [423, 440, 7, 678], [124, 443, 7, 680], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 682, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 683], [423, 440, 7, 685], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 687], [303, 454, 7, 689], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 691], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 693], [423, 440, 7, 695], [124, 443, 7, 697], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 699, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 700], [423, 440, 7, 702], [124, 443, 7, 704], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 706, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 707], [423, 440, 7, 709], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 711], [303, 454, 7, 713], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 715], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 717, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 718], [423, 440, 7, 720], [124, 443, 7, 722], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 724, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 725], [423, 440, 7, 727], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 729], [303, 454, 7, 731], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 733], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 735, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 736], [423, 440, 7, 738], [124, 443, 7, 740], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 742, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 743], [423, 440, 7, 745], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 747], [303, 454, 7, 749], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 751], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 753, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 754], [423, 440, 7, 756], [124, 443, 7, 758], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 760, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 761], [423, 440, 7, 763], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 765], [303, 454, 7, 767], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 769], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 771, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 772], [423, 440, 7, 774], [124, 443, 7, 776], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 778, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 779], [423, 440, 7, 781], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 783], [303, 454, 7, 785], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 787], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 789, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 790], [423, 440, 7, 792], [124, 443, 7, 794], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 796, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 797], [423, 440, 7, 799], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 801], [303, 454, 7, 803], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 805], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 807, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 808], [423, 440, 7, 810], [124, 443, 7, 812], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 814, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 815], [423, 440, 7, 817], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 819], [303, 454, 7, 821], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 823], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 825, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 826], [423, 440, 7, 828], [124, 443, 7, 830], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 832, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 833], [423, 440, 7, 835], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 837], [303, 454, 7, 839], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 841], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 843, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 844], [423, 440, 7, 846], [124, 443, 7, 848], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 850, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 851], [423, 440, 7, 853], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 855], [303, 454, 7, 857], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 859], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 861, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 862], [423, 440, 7, 864], [124, 443, 7, 866], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 868, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 869], [423, 440, 7, 871], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 873], [303, 454, 7, 875], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 877], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 879, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 880], [423, 440, 7, 882], [124, 443, 7, 884], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 886, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 887], [423, 440, 7, 889], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 891], [303, 454, 7, 893], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 895], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 897, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 898], [423, 440, 7, 900], [124, 443, 7, 902], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 904, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 905], [423, 440, 7, 907], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 909], [303, 454, 7, 911], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 913], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 915, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 916], [423, 440, 7, 918], [124, 443, 7, 920], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 922, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 923], [423, 440, 7, 925], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 927], [303, 454, 7, 929], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 931], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 933, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 934], [423, 440, 7, 936], [124, 443, 7, 938], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 940, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 941], [423, 440, 7, 943], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 945], [303, 454, 7, 947], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 949], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 951, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 952], [423, 440, 7, 954], [124, 443, 7, 956], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 958, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 959], [423, 440, 7, 961], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 963], [303, 454, 7, 965], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 967], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 969, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 970], [423, 440, 7, 972], [124, 443, 7, 974], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 976, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 977], [423, 440, 7, 979], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 981], [303, 454, 7, 983], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 985], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 987, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 988], [423, 440, 7, 990], [124, 443, 7, 992], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 994, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 995], [423, 440, 7, 997], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 999], [303, 454, 7, 1001], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1003], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1005, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1006], [423, 440, 7, 1008], [124, 443, 7, 1010], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1012, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1013], [423, 440, 7, 1015], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1017], [303, 454, 7, 1019], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1021], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1023, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1024], [423, 440, 7, 1026], [124, 443, 7, 1028], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1030, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1031], [423, 440, 7, 1033], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1035], [303, 454, 7, 1037], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1039], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1041, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1042], [423, 440, 7, 1044], [124, 443, 7, 1046], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1048, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1049], [423, 440, 7, 1051], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1053], [303, 454, 7, 1055], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1057], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1059, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1060], [423, 440, 7, 1062], [124, 443, 7, 1064], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1066, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1067], [423, 440, 7, 1069], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1071], [303, 454, 7, 1073], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1075], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 1077], [423, 440, 7, 1079], [124, 443, 7, 1081], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1083, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1084], [423, 440, 7, 1086], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1088], [303, 454, 7, 1090], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1092], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1094, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1095], [423, 440, 7, 1097], [124, 443, 7, 1099], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1101, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1102], [423, 440, 7, 1104], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1106], [303, 454, 7, 1108], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1110], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1112, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1113], [423, 440, 7, 1115], [124, 443, 7, 1117], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1119, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1120], [423, 440, 7, 1122], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1124], [303, 454, 7, 1126], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1128], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1130, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1131], [423, 440, 7, 1133], [124, 443, 7, 1135], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1137, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1138], [423, 440, 7, 1140], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1142], [303, 454, 7, 1144], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1146], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1148, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1149], [423, 440, 7, 1151], [124, 443, 7, 1153], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1155, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1156], [423, 440, 7, 1158], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1160], [303, 454, 7, 1162], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1164], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1166, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1167], [423, 440, 7, 1169], [124, 443, 7, 1171], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1173, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1174], [423, 440, 7, 1176], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1178], [303, 454, 7, 1180], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1182], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1184, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1185], [423, 440, 7, 1187], [124, 443, 7, 1189], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1191, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1192], [423, 440, 7, 1194], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1196], [303, 454, 7, 1198], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1200], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1202, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1203], [423, 440, 7, 1205], [124, 443, 7, 1207], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1209, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1210], [423, 440, 7, 1212], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1214], [303, 454, 7, 1216], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1218], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1220, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1221], [423, 440, 7, 1223], [124, 443, 7, 1225], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1227, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1228], [423, 440, 7, 1230], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1232], [303, 454, 7, 1234], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1236], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1238, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1239], [423, 440, 7, 1241], [124, 443, 7, 1243], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1245, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1246], [423, 440, 7, 1248], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1250], [303, 454, 7, 1252], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1254], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1256, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1257], [423, 440, 7, 1259], [124, 443, 7, 1261], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1263, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1264], [423, 440, 7, 1266], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1268], [303, 454, 7, 1270], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1272], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1274, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1275], [423, 440, 7, 1277], [124, 443, 7, 1279], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1281, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1282], [423, 440, 7, 1284], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1286], [303, 454, 7, 1288], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1290], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1292, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1293], [423, 440, 7, 1295], [124, 443, 7, 1297], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1299, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1300], [423, 440, 7, 1302], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1304], [303, 454, 7, 1306], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1308], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1310, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1311], [423, 440, 7, 1313], [124, 443, 7, 1315], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1317, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1318], [423, 440, 7, 1320], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1322], [303, 454, 7, 1324], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1326], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1328, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1329], [423, 440, 7, 1331], [124, 443, 7, 1333], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1335, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1336], [423, 440, 7, 1338], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1340], [303, 454, 7, 1342], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1344], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1346, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1347], [423, 440, 7, 1349], [124, 443, 7, 1351], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1353, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1354], [423, 440, 7, 1356], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1358], [303, 454, 7, 1360], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1362], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1364, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1365], [423, 440, 7, 1367], [124, 443, 7, 1369], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1371, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1372], [423, 440, 7, 1374], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1376], [303, 454, 7, 1378], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1380], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1382, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1383], [423, 440, 7, 1385], [124, 443, 7, 1387], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1389, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1390], [423, 440, 7, 1392], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1394], [303, 454, 7, 1396], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1398], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1400, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1401], [423, 440, 7, 1403], [124, 443, 7, 1405], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1407, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1408], [423, 440, 7, 1410], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1412], [303, 454, 7, 1414], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1416], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1418, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1419], [423, 440, 7, 1421], [124, 443, 7, 1423], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1425, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1426], [423, 440, 7, 1428], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1430], [303, 454, 7, 1432], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1434], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1436, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1437], [423, 440, 7, 1439], [124, 443, 7, 1441], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1443, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1444], [423, 440, 7, 1446], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1448], [303, 454, 7, 1450], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1452], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1454, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1455], [423, 440, 7, 1457], [124, 443, 7, 1459], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1461, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1462], [423, 440, 7, 1464], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1466], [303, 454, 7, 1468], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1470], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1472, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1473], [423, 440, 7, 1475], [124, 443, 7, 1477], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1479, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1480], [423, 440, 7, 1482], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1484], [303, 454, 7, 1486], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1488], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1490, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1491], [423, 440, 7, 1493], [124, 443, 7, 1495], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1497, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1498], [423, 440, 7, 1500], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1502], [303, 454, 7, 1504], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1506], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1508, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1509], [423, 440, 7, 1511], [124, 443, 7, 1513], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1515, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1516], [423, 440, 7, 1518], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1520], [303, 454, 7, 1522], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1524], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 1526], [423, 440, 7, 1528], [124, 443, 7, 1530], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1532, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1533], [423, 440, 7, 1535], [124, 443, 7, 1537], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1539, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1540], [423, 440, 7, 1542], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1544], [303, 454, 7, 1546], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1548], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1550, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1551], [423, 440, 7, 1553], [124, 443, 7, 1555], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1557, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1558], [423, 440, 7, 1560], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1562], [303, 454, 7, 1564], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1566], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1568, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1569], [423, 440, 7, 1571], [124, 443, 7, 1573], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1575, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1576], [423, 440, 7, 1578], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1580], [303, 454, 7, 1582], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1584], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1586, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1587], [423, 440, 7, 1589], [124, 443, 7, 1591], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1593, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1594], [423, 440, 7, 1596], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1598], [303, 454, 7, 1600], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1602], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1604, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1605], [423, 440, 7, 1607], [124, 443, 7, 1609], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1611, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1612], [423, 440, 7, 1614], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1616], [303, 454, 7, 1618], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1620], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1622, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1623], [423, 440, 7, 1625], [124, 443, 7, 1627], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1629, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1630], [423, 440, 7, 1632], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1634], [303, 454, 7, 1636], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1638], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1640, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1641], [423, 440, 7, 1643], [124, 443, 7, 1645], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1647, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1648], [423, 440, 7, 1650], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1652], [303, 454, 7, 1654], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1656], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1658, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1659], [423, 440, 7, 1661], [124, 443, 7, 1663], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1665, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1666], [423, 440, 7, 1668], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1670], [303, 454, 7, 1672], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1674], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1676, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1677], [423, 440, 7, 1679], [124, 443, 7, 1681], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1683, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1684], [423, 440, 7, 1686], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1688], [303, 454, 7, 1690], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1692], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1694, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1695], [423, 440, 7, 1697], [124, 443, 7, 1699], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1701, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1702], [423, 440, 7, 1704], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1706], [303, 454, 7, 1708], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1710], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1712, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1713], [423, 440, 7, 1715], [124, 443, 7, 1717], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1719, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1720], [423, 440, 7, 1722], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1724], [303, 454, 7, 1726], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1728], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1730, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1731], [423, 440, 7, 1733], [124, 443, 7, 1735], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1737, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1738], [423, 440, 7, 1740], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1742], [303, 454, 7, 1744], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1746], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 1748], [423, 440, 7, 1750], [124, 443, 7, 1752], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1754, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1755], [423, 440, 7, 1757], [124, 443, 7, 1759], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1761, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1762], [423, 440, 7, 1764], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1766], [303, 454, 7, 1768], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1770], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1772, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1773], [423, 440, 7, 1775], [124, 443, 7, 1777], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1779, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1780], [423, 440, 7, 1782], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1784], [303, 454, 7, 1786], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1788], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1790, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1791], [423, 440, 7, 1793], [124, 443, 7, 1795], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1797, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1798], [423, 440, 7, 1800], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1802], [303, 454, 7, 1804], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1806], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1808, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1809], [423, 440, 7, 1811], [124, 443, 7, 1813], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1815, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1816], [423, 440, 7, 1818], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1820], [303, 454, 7, 1822], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1824], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1826, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1827], [423, 440, 7, 1829], [124, 443, 7, 1831], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1833, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1834], [423, 440, 7, 1836], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1838], [303, 454, 7, 1840], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1842], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1844, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1845], [423, 440, 7, 1847], [124, 443, 7, 1849], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1851, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1852], [423, 440, 7, 1854], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1856], [303, 454, 7, 1858], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1860], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1862, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1863], [423, 440, 7, 1865], [124, 443, 7, 1867], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1869, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1870], [423, 440, 7, 1872], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1874], [303, 454, 7, 1876], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1878], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1880, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1881], [423, 440, 7, 1883], [124, 443, 7, 1885], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1887, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1888], [423, 440, 7, 1890], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1892], [303, 454, 7, 1894], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1896], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1898, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1899], [423, 440, 7, 1901], [124, 443, 7, 1903], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1905, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1906], [423, 440, 7, 1908], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1910], [303, 454, 7, 1912], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1914], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1916, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1917], [423, 440, 7, 1919], [124, 443, 7, 1921], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1923, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1924], [423, 440, 7, 1926], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1928], [303, 454, 7, 1930], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1932], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1934, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1935], [423, 440, 7, 1937], [124, 443, 7, 1939], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1941, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1942], [423, 440, 7, 1944], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1946], [303, 454, 7, 1948], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1950], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1952, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1953], [423, 440, 7, 1955], [124, 443, 7, 1957], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1959, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1960], [423, 440, 7, 1962], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1964], [303, 454, 7, 1966], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1968], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1970, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1971], [423, 440, 7, 1973], [124, 443, 7, 1975], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1977, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1978], [423, 440, 7, 1980], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 1982], [303, 454, 7, 1984], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 1986], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1988, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 1989], [423, 440, 7, 1991], [124, 443, 7, 1993], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 1995, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 1996], [423, 440, 7, 1998], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2000], [303, 454, 7, 2002], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2004], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2006, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2007], [423, 440, 7, 2009], [124, 443, 7, 2011], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2013, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2014], [423, 440, 7, 2016], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2018], [303, 454, 7, 2020], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2022], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2024, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2025], [423, 440, 7, 2027], [124, 443, 7, 2029], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2031, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2032], [423, 440, 7, 2034], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2036], [303, 454, 7, 2038], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2040], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2042, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2043], [423, 440, 7, 2045], [124, 443, 7, 2047], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2049, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2050], [423, 440, 7, 2052], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2054], [303, 454, 7, 2056], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2058], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2060, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2061], [423, 440, 7, 2063], [124, 443, 7, 2065], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2067, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2068], [423, 440, 7, 2070], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2072], [303, 454, 7, 2074], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2076], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2078, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2079], [423, 440, 7, 2081], [124, 443, 7, 2083], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2085, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2086], [423, 440, 7, 2088], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2090], [303, 454, 7, 2092], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2094], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 2096], [423, 440, 7, 2098], [124, 443, 7, 2100], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2102, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2103], [423, 440, 7, 2105], [124, 443, 7, 2107], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2109, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2110], [423, 440, 7, 2112], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2114], [303, 454, 7, 2116], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2118], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2120, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2121], [423, 440, 7, 2123], [124, 443, 7, 2125], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2127, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2128], [423, 440, 7, 2130], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2132], [303, 454, 7, 2134], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2136], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2138, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2139], [423, 440, 7, 2141], [124, 443, 7, 2143], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2145, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2146], [423, 440, 7, 2148], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2150], [303, 454, 7, 2152], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2154], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2156, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2157], [423, 440, 7, 2159], [124, 443, 7, 2161], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2163, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2164], [423, 440, 7, 2166], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2168], [303, 454, 7, 2170], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2172], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2174, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2175], [423, 440, 7, 2177], [124, 443, 7, 2179], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2181, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2182], [423, 440, 7, 2184], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2186], [303, 454, 7, 2188], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2190], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2192, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2193], [423, 440, 7, 2195], [124, 443, 7, 2197], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2199, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2200], [423, 440, 7, 2202], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2204], [303, 454, 7, 2206], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2208], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2210, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2211], [423, 440, 7, 2213], [124, 443, 7, 2215], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2217, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2218], [423, 440, 7, 2220], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2222], [303, 454, 7, 2224], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2226], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2228, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2229], [423, 440, 7, 2231], [124, 443, 7, 2233], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2235, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2236], [423, 440, 7, 2238], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2240], [303, 454, 7, 2242], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2244], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2246, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2247], [423, 440, 7, 2249], [124, 443, 7, 2251], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2253, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2254], [423, 440, 7, 2256], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2258], [303, 454, 7, 2260], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2262], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2264, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2265], [423, 440, 7, 2267], [124, 443, 7, 2269], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2271, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2272], [423, 440, 7, 2274], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2276], [303, 454, 7, 2278], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2280], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2282, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2283], [423, 440, 7, 2285], [124, 443, 7, 2287], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2289, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2290], [423, 440, 7, 2292], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2294], [303, 454, 7, 2296], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2298], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2300, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2301], [423, 440, 7, 2303], [124, 443, 7, 2305], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2307, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2308], [423, 440, 7, 2310], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2312], [303, 454, 7, 2314], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2316], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2318, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2319], [423, 440, 7, 2321], [124, 443, 7, 2323], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2325, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2326], [423, 440, 7, 2328], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2330], [303, 454, 7, 2332], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2334], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2336, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2337], [423, 440, 7, 2339], [124, 443, 7, 2341], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2343, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2344], [423, 440, 7, 2346], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2348], [303, 454, 7, 2350], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2352], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2354, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2355], [423, 440, 7, 2357], [124, 443, 7, 2359], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2361, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2362], [423, 440, 7, 2364], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2366], [303, 454, 7, 2368], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2370], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2372, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2373], [423, 440, 7, 2375], [124, 443, 7, 2377], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2379, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2380], [423, 440, 7, 2382], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2384], [303, 454, 7, 2386], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2388], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2390, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2391], [423, 440, 7, 2393], [124, 443, 7, 2395], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2397, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2398], [423, 440, 7, 2400], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2402], [303, 454, 7, 2404], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2406], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2408, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2409], [423, 440, 7, 2411], [124, 443, 7, 2413], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2415, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2416], [423, 440, 7, 2418], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2420], [303, 454, 7, 2422], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2424], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2426, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2427], [423, 440, 7, 2429], [124, 443, 7, 2431], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2433, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2434], [423, 440, 7, 2436], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2438], [303, 454, 7, 2440], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2442], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2444, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2445], [423, 440, 7, 2447], [124, 443, 7, 2449], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2451, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2452], [423, 440, 7, 2454], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2456], [303, 454, 7, 2458], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2460], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2462, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2463], [423, 440, 7, 2465], [124, 443, 7, 2467], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2469, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2470], [423, 440, 7, 2472], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2474], [303, 454, 7, 2476], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2478], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 2480], [423, 440, 7, 2482], [124, 443, 7, 2484], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2486, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2487], [423, 440, 7, 2489], [124, 443, 7, 2491], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2493, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2494], [423, 440, 7, 2496], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2498], [303, 454, 7, 2500], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2502], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2504, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2505], [423, 440, 7, 2507], [124, 443, 7, 2509], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2511, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2512], [423, 440, 7, 2514], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2516], [303, 454, 7, 2518], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2520], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2522, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2523], [423, 440, 7, 2525], [124, 443, 7, 2527], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2529, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2530], [423, 440, 7, 2532], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2534], [303, 454, 7, 2536], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2538], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2540, 425, 2541, 124, 437, 7, 2542], [423, 440, 7, 2544], [124, 443, 7, 2546], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2548, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2549], [423, 440, 7, 2551], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2553], [303, 454, 7, 2555], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2557], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2559, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2560], [423, 440, 7, 2562], [124, 443, 7, 2564], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2566, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2567], [423, 440, 7, 2569], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2571], [303, 454, 7, 2573], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2575], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2577, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2578], [423, 440, 7, 2580], [124, 443, 7, 2582], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2584, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2585], [423, 440, 7, 2587], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2589], [303, 454, 7, 2591], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2593], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2595, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2596], [423, 440, 7, 2598], [124, 443, 7, 2600], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2602, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2603], [423, 440, 7, 2605], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2607], [303, 454, 7, 2609], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2611], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2613, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2614], [423, 440, 7, 2616], [124, 443, 7, 2618], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2620, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2621], [423, 440, 7, 2623], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2625], [303, 454, 7, 2627], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2629], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2631, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2632], [423, 440, 7, 2634], [124, 443, 7, 2636], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2638, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2639], [423, 440, 7, 2641], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2643], [303, 454, 7, 2645], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2647], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2649, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2650], [423, 440, 7, 2652], [124, 443, 7, 2654], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2656, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2657], [423, 440, 7, 2659], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2661], [303, 454, 7, 2663], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2665], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2667, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2668], [423, 440, 7, 2670], [124, 443, 7, 2672], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2674, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2675], [423, 440, 7, 2677], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2679], [303, 454, 7, 2681], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2683], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2685, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2686], [423, 440, 7, 2688], [124, 443, 7, 2690], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2692, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2693], [423, 440, 7, 2695], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2697], [303, 454, 7, 2699], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2701], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2703, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2704], [423, 440, 7, 2706], [124, 443, 7, 2708], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2710, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2711], [423, 440, 7, 2713], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2715], [303, 454, 7, 2717], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2719], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2721, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2722], [423, 440, 7, 2724], [124, 443, 7, 2726], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2728, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2729], [423, 440, 7, 2731], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2733], [303, 454, 7, 2735], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2737], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 2739], [423, 440, 7, 2741], [124, 443, 7, 2743], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2745, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2746], [423, 440, 7, 2748], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2750], [303, 454, 7, 2752], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2754], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2756, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2757], [423, 440, 7, 2759], [124, 443, 7, 2761], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2763, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2764], [423, 440, 7, 2766], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2768], [303, 454, 7, 2770], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2772], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2774, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2775], [423, 440, 7, 2777], [124, 443, 7, 2779], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2781, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2782], [423, 440, 7, 2784], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2786], [303, 454, 7, 2788], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2790], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2792, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2793], [423, 440, 7, 2795], [124, 443, 7, 2797], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2799, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2800], [423, 440, 7, 2802], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2804], [303, 454, 7, 2806], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2808], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2810, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2811], [423, 440, 7, 2813], [124, 443, 7, 2815], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2817, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2818], [423, 440, 7, 2820], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2822], [303, 454, 7, 2824], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2826], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2828, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2829], [423, 440, 7, 2831], [124, 443, 7, 2833], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2835, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2836], [423, 440, 7, 2838], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2840], [303, 454, 7, 2842], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2844], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2846, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2847], [423, 440, 7, 2849], [124, 443, 7, 2851], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2853, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2854], [423, 440, 7, 2856], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2858], [303, 454, 7, 2860], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2862], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2864, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2865], [423, 440, 7, 2867], [124, 443, 7, 2869], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2871, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2872], [423, 440, 7, 2874], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2876], [303, 454, 7, 2878], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2880], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2882, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2883], [423, 440, 7, 2885], [124, 443, 7, 2887], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2889, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2890], [423, 440, 7, 2892], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2894], [303, 454, 7, 2896], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2898], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2900, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2901], [423, 440, 7, 2903], [124, 443, 7, 2905], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2907, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2908], [423, 440, 7, 2910], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2912], [303, 454, 7, 2914], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2916], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2918, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2919], [423, 440, 7, 2921], [124, 443, 7, 2923], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2925, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2926], [423, 440, 7, 2928], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2930], [303, 454, 7, 2932], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2934], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2936, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2937], [423, 440, 7, 2939], [124, 443, 7, 2941], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2943, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2944], [423, 440, 7, 2946], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2948], [303, 454, 7, 2950], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2952], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2954, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2955], [423, 440, 7, 2957], [124, 443, 7, 2959], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2961, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2962], [423, 440, 7, 2964], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2966], [303, 454, 7, 2968], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2970], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2972, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2973], [423, 440, 7, 2975], [124, 443, 7, 2977], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2979, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2980], [423, 440, 7, 2982], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 2984], [303, 454, 7, 2986], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 2988], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2990, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 2991], [423, 440, 7, 2993], [124, 443, 7, 2995], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 2997, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 2998], [423, 440, 7, 3000], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3002], [303, 454, 7, 3004], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3006], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3008, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3009], [423, 440, 7, 3011], [124, 443, 7, 3013], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3015, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3016], [423, 440, 7, 3018], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3020], [303, 454, 7, 3022], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3024], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3026, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3027], [423, 440, 7, 3029], [124, 443, 7, 3031], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3033, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3034], [423, 440, 7, 3036], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3038], [303, 454, 7, 3040], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3042], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 3044], [423, 440, 7, 3046], [124, 443, 7, 3048], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3050, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3051], [423, 440, 7, 3053], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3055], [303, 454, 7, 3057], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3059], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3061, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3062], [423, 440, 7, 3064], [124, 443, 7, 3066], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3068, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3069], [423, 440, 7, 3071], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3073], [303, 454, 7, 3075], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3077], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3079, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3080], [423, 440, 7, 3082], [124, 443, 7, 3084], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3086, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3087], [423, 440, 7, 3089], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3091], [303, 454, 7, 3093], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3095], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3097, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3098], [423, 440, 7, 3100], [124, 443, 7, 3102], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3104, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3105], [423, 440, 7, 3107], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3109], [303, 454, 7, 3111], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3113], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3115, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3116], [423, 440, 7, 3118], [124, 443, 7, 3120], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3122, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3123], [423, 440, 7, 3125], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3127], [303, 454, 7, 3129], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3131], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3133, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3134], [423, 440, 7, 3136], [124, 443, 7, 3138], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3140, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3141], [423, 440, 7, 3143], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3145], [303, 454, 7, 3147], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3149], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3151, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3152], [423, 440, 7, 3154], [124, 443, 7, 3156], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3158, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3159], [423, 440, 7, 3161], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3163], [303, 454, 7, 3165], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3167], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3169, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3170], [423, 440, 7, 3172], [124, 443, 7, 3174], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3176, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3177], [423, 440, 7, 3179], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3181], [303, 454, 7, 3183], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3185], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3187, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3188], [423, 440, 7, 3190], [124, 443, 7, 3192], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3194, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3195], [423, 440, 7, 3197], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3199], [303, 454, 7, 3201], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3203], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3205, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3206], [423, 440, 7, 3208], [124, 443, 7, 3210], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3212, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3213], [423, 440, 7, 3215], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3217], [303, 454, 7, 3219], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3221], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3223, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3224], [423, 440, 7, 3226], [124, 443, 7, 3228], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3230, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3231], [423, 440, 7, 3233], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3235], [303, 454, 7, 3237], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3239], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3241, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3242], [423, 440, 7, 3244], [124, 443, 7, 3246], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3248, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3249], [423, 440, 7, 3251], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3253], [303, 454, 7, 3255], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3257], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3259, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3260], [423, 440, 7, 3262], [124, 443, 7, 3264], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3266, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3267], [423, 440, 7, 3269], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3271], [303, 454, 7, 3273], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3275], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3277, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3278], [423, 440, 7, 3280], [124, 443, 7, 3282], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3284, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3285], [423, 440, 7, 3287], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3289], [303, 454, 7, 3291], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3293], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3295, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3296], [423, 440, 7, 3298], [124, 443, 7, 3300], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3302, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3303], [423, 440, 7, 3305], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3307], [303, 454, 7, 3309], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3311], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3313, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3314], [423, 440, 7, 3316], [124, 443, 7, 3318], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3320, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3321], [423, 440, 7, 3323], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3325], [303, 454, 7, 3327], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3329], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3331, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3332], [423, 440, 7, 3334], [124, 443, 7, 3336], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3338, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3339], [423, 440, 7, 3341], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3343], [303, 454, 7, 3345], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3347], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3349, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3350], [423, 440, 7, 3352], [124, 443, 7, 3354], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3356, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3357], [423, 440, 7, 3359], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3361], [303, 454, 7, 3363], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3365], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3367, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3368], [423, 440, 7, 3370], [124, 443, 7, 3372], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3374, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3375], [423, 440, 7, 3377], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3379], [303, 454, 7, 3381], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3383], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 3385], [423, 440, 7, 3387], [124, 443, 7, 3389], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3391, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3392], [423, 440, 7, 3394], [124, 443, 7, 3396], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3398, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3399], [423, 440, 7, 3401], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3403], [303, 454, 7, 3405], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3407], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3409, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3410], [423, 440, 7, 3412], [124, 443, 7, 3414], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3416, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3417], [423, 440, 7, 3419], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3421], [303, 454, 7, 3423], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3425], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3427, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3428], [423, 440, 7, 3430], [124, 443, 7, 3432], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3434, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3435], [423, 440, 7, 3437], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3439], [303, 454, 7, 3441], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3443], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3445, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3446], [423, 440, 7, 3448], [124, 443, 7, 3450], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3452, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3453], [423, 440, 7, 3455], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3457], [303, 454, 7, 3459], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3461], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3463, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3464], [423, 440, 7, 3466], [124, 443, 7, 3468], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3470, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3471], [423, 440, 7, 3473], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3475], [303, 454, 7, 3477], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3479], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3481, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3482], [423, 440, 7, 3484], [124, 443, 7, 3486], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3488, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3489], [423, 440, 7, 3491], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3493], [303, 454, 7, 3495], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3497], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3499, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3500], [423, 440, 7, 3502], [124, 443, 7, 3504], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3506, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3507], [423, 440, 7, 3509], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3511], [303, 454, 7, 3513], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3515], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3517, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3518], [423, 440, 7, 3520], [124, 443, 7, 3522], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3524, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3525], [423, 440, 7, 3527], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3529], [303, 454, 7, 3531], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3533], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3535, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3536], [423, 440, 7, 3538], [124, 443, 7, 3540], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3542, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3543], [423, 440, 7, 3545], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3547], [303, 454, 7, 3549], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3551], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3553, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3554], [423, 440, 7, 3556], [124, 443, 7, 3558], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3560, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3561], [423, 440, 7, 3563], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3565], [303, 454, 7, 3567], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3569], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3571, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3572], [423, 440, 7, 3574], [124, 443, 7, 3576], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3578, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3579], [423, 440, 7, 3581], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3583], [303, 454, 7, 3585], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3587], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3589, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3590], [423, 440, 7, 3592], [124, 443, 7, 3594], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3596, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3597], [423, 440, 7, 3599], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3601], [303, 454, 7, 3603], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3605], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3607, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3608], [423, 440, 7, 3610], [124, 443, 7, 3612], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3614, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3615], [423, 440, 7, 3617], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3619], [303, 454, 7, 3621], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3623], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3625, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3626], [423, 440, 7, 3628], [124, 443, 7, 3630], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3632, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3633], [423, 440, 7, 3635], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3637], [303, 454, 7, 3639], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3641], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3643, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3644], [423, 440, 7, 3646], [124, 443, 7, 3648], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3650, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3651], [423, 440, 7, 3653], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3655], [303, 454, 7, 3657], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3659], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3661, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3662], [423, 440, 7, 3664], [124, 443, 7, 3666], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3668, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3669], [423, 440, 7, 3671], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3673], [303, 454, 7, 3675], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3677], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3679, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3680], [423, 440, 7, 3682], [124, 443, 7, 3684], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3686, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3687], [423, 440, 7, 3689], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3691], [303, 454, 7, 3693], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3695], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3697, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3698], [423, 440, 7, 3700], [124, 443, 7, 3702], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3704, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3705], [423, 440, 7, 3707], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3709], [303, 454, 7, 3711], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3713], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3715, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3716], [423, 440, 7, 3718], [124, 443, 7, 3720], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3722, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3723], [423, 440, 7, 3725], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3727], [303, 454, 7, 3729], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3731], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3733, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3734], [423, 440, 7, 3736], [124, 443, 7, 3738], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3740, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3741], [423, 440, 7, 3743], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3745], [303, 454, 7, 3747], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3749], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3751, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3752], [423, 440, 7, 3754], [124, 443, 7, 3756], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3758, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3759], [423, 440, 7, 3761], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3763], [303, 454, 7, 3765], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3767], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3769, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3770], [423, 440, 7, 3772], [124, 443, 7, 3774], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3776, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3777], [423, 440, 7, 3779], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3781], [303, 454, 7, 3783], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3785], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3787, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3788], [423, 440, 7, 3790], [124, 443, 7, 3792], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3794, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3795], [423, 440, 7, 3797], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3799], [303, 454, 7, 3801], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3803], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 3805], [423, 440, 7, 3807], [124, 443, 7, 3809], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3811, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3812], [423, 440, 7, 3814], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3816], [303, 454, 7, 3818], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3820], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3822, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3823], [423, 440, 7, 3825], [124, 443, 7, 3827], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3829, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3830], [423, 440, 7, 3832], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3834], [303, 454, 7, 3836], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3838], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3840, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3841], [423, 440, 7, 3843], [124, 443, 7, 3845], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3847, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3848], [423, 440, 7, 3850], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3852], [303, 454, 7, 3854], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3856], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3858, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3859], [423, 440, 7, 3861], [124, 443, 7, 3863], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3865, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3866], [423, 440, 7, 3868], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3870], [303, 454, 7, 3872], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3874], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3876, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3877], [423, 440, 7, 3879], [124, 443, 7, 3881], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3883, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3884], [423, 440, 7, 3886], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3888], [303, 454, 7, 3890], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3892], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3894, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3895], [423, 440, 7, 3897], [124, 443, 7, 3899], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3901, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3902], [423, 440, 7, 3904], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3906], [303, 454, 7, 3908], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3910], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3912, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3913], [423, 440, 7, 3915], [124, 443, 7, 3917], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3919, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3920], [423, 440, 7, 3922], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3924], [303, 454, 7, 3926], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3928], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3930, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3931], [423, 440, 7, 3933], [124, 443, 7, 3935], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3937, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3938], [423, 440, 7, 3940], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3942], [303, 454, 7, 3944], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3946], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3948, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3949], [423, 440, 7, 3951], [124, 443, 7, 3953], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3955, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3956], [423, 440, 7, 3958], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3960], [303, 454, 7, 3962], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3964], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3966, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3967], [423, 440, 7, 3969], [124, 443, 7, 3971], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3973, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3974], [423, 440, 7, 3976], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3978], [303, 454, 7, 3980], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 3982], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3984, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 3985], [423, 440, 7, 3987], [124, 443, 7, 3989], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 3991, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 3992], [423, 440, 7, 3994], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 3996], [303, 454, 7, 3998], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4000], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4002, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4003], [423, 440, 7, 4005], [124, 443, 7, 4007], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4009, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4010], [423, 440, 7, 4012], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4014], [303, 454, 7, 4016], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4018], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 4020], [423, 440, 7, 4022], [124, 443, 7, 4024], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4026, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4027], [423, 440, 7, 4029], [124, 443, 7, 4031], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4033, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4034], [423, 440, 7, 4036], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4038], [303, 454, 7, 4040], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4042], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4044, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4045], [423, 440, 7, 4047], [124, 443, 7, 4049], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4051, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4052], [423, 440, 7, 4054], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4056], [303, 454, 7, 4058], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4060], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4062, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4063], [423, 440, 7, 4065], [124, 443, 7, 4067], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4069, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4070], [423, 440, 7, 4072], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4074], [303, 454, 7, 4076], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4078], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4080, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4081], [423, 440, 7, 4083], [124, 443, 7, 4085], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4087, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4088], [423, 440, 7, 4090], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4092], [303, 454, 7, 4094], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4096], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4098, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4099], [423, 440, 7, 4101], [124, 443, 7, 4103], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4105, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4106], [423, 440, 7, 4108], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4110], [303, 454, 7, 4112], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4114], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4116, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4117], [423, 440, 7, 4119], [124, 443, 7, 4121], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4123, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4124], [423, 440, 7, 4126], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4128], [303, 454, 7, 4130], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4132], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4134, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4135], [423, 440, 7, 4137], [124, 443, 7, 4139], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4141, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4142], [423, 440, 7, 4144], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4146], [303, 454, 7, 4148], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4150], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4152, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4153], [423, 440, 7, 4155], [124, 443, 7, 4157], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4159, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4160], [423, 440, 7, 4162], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4164], [303, 454, 7, 4166], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4168], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4170, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4171], [423, 440, 7, 4173], [124, 443, 7, 4175], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4177, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4178], [423, 440, 7, 4180], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4182], [303, 454, 7, 4184], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4186], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4188, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4189], [423, 440, 7, 4191], [124, 443, 7, 4193], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4195, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4196], [423, 440, 7, 4198], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4200], [303, 454, 7, 4202], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4204], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4206, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4207], [423, 440, 7, 4209], [124, 443, 7, 4211], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4213, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4214], [423, 440, 7, 4216], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4218], [303, 454, 7, 4220], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4222], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4224, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4225], [423, 440, 7, 4227], [124, 443, 7, 4229], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4231, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4232], [423, 440, 7, 4234], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4236], [303, 454, 7, 4238], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4240], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 4242], [423, 440, 7, 4244], [124, 443, 7, 4246], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4248, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4249], [423, 440, 7, 4251], [124, 443, 7, 4253], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4255, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4256], [423, 440, 7, 4258], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4260], [303, 454, 7, 4262], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4264], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4266, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4267], [423, 440, 7, 4269], [124, 443, 7, 4271], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4273, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4274], [423, 440, 7, 4276], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4278], [303, 454, 7, 4280], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4282], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4284, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4285], [423, 440, 7, 4287], [124, 443, 7, 4289], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4291, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4292], [423, 440, 7, 4294], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4296], [303, 454, 7, 4298], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4300], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4302, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4303], [423, 440, 7, 4305], [124, 443, 7, 4307], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4309, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4310], [423, 440, 7, 4312], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4314], [303, 454, 7, 4316], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4318], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4320, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4321], [423, 440, 7, 4323], [124, 443, 7, 4325], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4327, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4328], [423, 440, 7, 4330], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4332], [303, 454, 7, 4334], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4336], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4338, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4339], [423, 440, 7, 4341], [124, 443, 7, 4343], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4345, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4346], [423, 440, 7, 4348], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4350], [303, 454, 7, 4352], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4354], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4356, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4357], [423, 440, 7, 4359], [124, 443, 7, 4361], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4363, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4364], [423, 440, 7, 4366], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4368], [303, 454, 7, 4370], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4372], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4374, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4375], [423, 440, 7, 4377], [124, 443, 7, 4379], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4381, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4382], [423, 440, 7, 4384], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4386], [303, 454, 7, 4388], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4390], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4392, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4393], [423, 440, 7, 4395], [124, 443, 7, 4397], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4399, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4400], [423, 440, 7, 4402], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4404], [303, 454, 7, 4406], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4408], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4410, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4411], [423, 440, 7, 4413], [124, 443, 7, 4415], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4417, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4418], [423, 440, 7, 4420], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4422], [303, 454, 7, 4424], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4426], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4428, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4429], [423, 440, 7, 4431], [124, 443, 7, 4433], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4435, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4436], [423, 440, 7, 4438], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4440], [303, 454, 7, 4442], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4444], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4446, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4447], [423, 440, 7, 4449], [124, 443, 7, 4451], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4453, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4454], [423, 440, 7, 4456], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4458], [303, 454, 7, 4460], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4462], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4464, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4465], [423, 440, 7, 4467], [124, 443, 7, 4469], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4471, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4472], [423, 440, 7, 4474], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4476], [303, 454, 7, 4478], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4480], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4482, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4483], [423, 440, 7, 4485], [124, 443, 7, 4487], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4489, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4490], [423, 440, 7, 4492], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4494], [303, 454, 7, 4496], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4498], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4500, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4501], [423, 440, 7, 4503], [124, 443, 7, 4505], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4507, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4508], [423, 440, 7, 4510], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4512], [303, 454, 7, 4514], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4516], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4518, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4519], [423, 440, 7, 4521], [124, 443, 7, 4523], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4525, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4526], [423, 440, 7, 4528], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4530], [303, 454, 7, 4532], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4534], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4536, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4537], [423, 440, 7, 4539], [124, 443, 7, 4541], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4543, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4544], [423, 440, 7, 4546], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4548], [303, 454, 7, 4550], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4552], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4554, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4555], [423, 440, 7, 4557], [124, 443, 7, 4559], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4561, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4562], [423, 440, 7, 4564], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4566], [303, 454, 7, 4568], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4570], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4572, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4573], [423, 440, 7, 4575], [124, 443, 7, 4577], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4579, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4580], [423, 440, 7, 4582], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4584], [303, 454, 7, 4586], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4588], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4590, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4591], [423, 440, 7, 4593], [124, 443, 7, 4595], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4597, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4598], [423, 440, 7, 4600], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4602], [303, 454, 7, 4604], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4606], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4608, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4609], [423, 440, 7, 4611], [124, 443, 7, 4613], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4615, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4616], [423, 440, 7, 4618], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4620], [303, 454, 7, 4622], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4624], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 4626], [423, 440, 7, 4628], [124, 443, 7, 4630], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4632, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4633], [423, 440, 7, 4635], [124, 443, 7, 4637], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4639, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4640], [423, 440, 7, 4642], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4644], [303, 454, 7, 4646], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4648], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4650, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4651], [423, 440, 7, 4653], [124, 443, 7, 4655], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4657, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4658], [423, 440, 7, 4660], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4662], [303, 454, 7, 4664], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4666], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4668, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4669], [423, 440, 7, 4671], [124, 443, 7, 4673], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4675, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4676], [423, 440, 7, 4678], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4680], [303, 454, 7, 4682], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4684], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4686, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4687], [423, 440, 7, 4689], [124, 443, 7, 4691], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4693, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4694], [423, 440, 7, 4696], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4698], [303, 454, 7, 4700], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4702], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4704, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4705], [423, 440, 7, 4707], [124, 443, 7, 4709], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4711, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4712], [423, 440, 7, 4714], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4716], [303, 454, 7, 4718], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4720], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4722, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4723], [423, 440, 7, 4725], [124, 443, 7, 4727], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4729, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4730], [423, 440, 7, 4732], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4734], [303, 454, 7, 4736], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4738], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4740, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4741], [423, 440, 7, 4743], [124, 443, 7, 4745], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4747, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4748], [423, 440, 7, 4750], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4752], [303, 454, 7, 4754], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4756], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4758, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4759], [423, 440, 7, 4761], [124, 443, 7, 4763], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4765, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4766], [423, 440, 7, 4768], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4770], [303, 454, 7, 4772], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4774], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4776, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4777], [423, 440, 7, 4779], [124, 443, 7, 4781], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4783, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4784], [423, 440, 7, 4786], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4788], [303, 454, 7, 4790], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4792], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4794, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4795], [423, 440, 7, 4797], [124, 443, 7, 4799], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4801, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4802], [423, 440, 7, 4804], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4806], [303, 454, 7, 4808], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4810], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4812, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4813], [423, 440, 7, 4815], [124, 443, 7, 4817], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4819, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4820], [423, 440, 7, 4822], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4824], [303, 454, 7, 4826], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4828], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 4830], [423, 440, 7, 4832], [124, 443, 7, 4834], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4836, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4837], [423, 440, 7, 4839], [124, 443, 7, 4841], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4843, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4844], [423, 440, 7, 4846], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4848], [303, 454, 7, 4850], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4852], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4854, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4855], [423, 440, 7, 4857], [124, 443, 7, 4859], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4861, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4862], [423, 440, 7, 4864], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4866], [303, 454, 7, 4868], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4870], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4872, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4873], [423, 440, 7, 4875], [124, 443, 7, 4877], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4879, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4880], [423, 440, 7, 4882], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4884], [303, 454, 7, 4886], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4888], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4890, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4891], [423, 440, 7, 4893], [124, 443, 7, 4895], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4897, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4898], [423, 440, 7, 4900], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4902], [303, 454, 7, 4904], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4906], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4908, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4909], [423, 440, 7, 4911], [124, 443, 7, 4913], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4915, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4916], [423, 440, 7, 4918], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4920], [303, 454, 7, 4922], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4924], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4926, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4927], [423, 440, 7, 4929], [124, 443, 7, 4931], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4933, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4934], [423, 440, 7, 4936], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4938], [303, 454, 7, 4940], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4942], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4944, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4945], [423, 440, 7, 4947], [124, 443, 7, 4949], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4951, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4952], [423, 440, 7, 4954], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4956], [303, 454, 7, 4958], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4960], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4962, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4963], [423, 440, 7, 4965], [124, 443, 7, 4967], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4969, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 4970], [423, 440, 7, 4972], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4974], [303, 454, 7, 4976], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4978], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4980, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4981], [423, 440, 7, 4983], [124, 443, 7, 4985], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4987, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4988], [423, 440, 7, 4990], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 4992], [303, 454, 7, 4994], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 4996], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 4998, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 4999], [423, 440, 7, 5001], [124, 443, 7, 5003], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5005, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5006], [423, 440, 7, 5008], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5010], [303, 454, 7, 5012], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5014], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5016, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5017], [423, 440, 7, 5019], [124, 443, 7, 5021], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5023, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5024], [423, 440, 7, 5026], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5028], [303, 454, 7, 5030], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5032], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5034, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5035], [423, 440, 7, 5037], [124, 443, 7, 5039], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5041, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5042], [423, 440, 7, 5044], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5046], [303, 454, 7, 5048], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5050], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5052, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5053], [423, 440, 7, 5055], [124, 443, 7, 5057], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5059, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5060], [423, 440, 7, 5062], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5064], [303, 454, 7, 5066], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5068], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5070, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5071], [423, 440, 7, 5073], [124, 443, 7, 5075], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5077, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5078], [423, 440, 7, 5080], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5082], [303, 454, 7, 5084], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5086], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5088, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5089], [423, 440, 7, 5091], [124, 443, 7, 5093], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5095, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5096], [423, 440, 7, 5098], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5100], [303, 454, 7, 5102], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5104], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5106, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5107], [423, 440, 7, 5109], [124, 443, 7, 5111], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5113, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5114], [423, 440, 7, 5116], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5118], [303, 454, 7, 5120], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5122], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5124, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5125], [423, 440, 7, 5127], [124, 443, 7, 5129], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5131, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5132], [423, 440, 7, 5134], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5136], [303, 454, 7, 5138], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5140], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 5142], [423, 440, 7, 5144], [124, 443, 7, 5146], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5148, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5149], [423, 440, 7, 5151], [124, 443, 7, 5153], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5155, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5156], [423, 440, 7, 5158], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5160], [303, 454, 7, 5162], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5164], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5166, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5167], [423, 440, 7, 5169], [124, 443, 7, 5171], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5173, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5174], [423, 440, 7, 5176], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5178], [303, 454, 7, 5180], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5182], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5184, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5185], [423, 440, 7, 5187], [124, 443, 7, 5189], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5191, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5192], [423, 440, 7, 5194], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5196], [303, 454, 7, 5198], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5200], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5202, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5203], [423, 440, 7, 5205], [124, 443, 7, 5207], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5209, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5210], [423, 440, 7, 5212], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5214], [303, 454, 7, 5216], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5218], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5220, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5221], [423, 440, 7, 5223], [124, 443, 7, 5225], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5227, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5228], [423, 440, 7, 5230], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5232], [303, 454, 7, 5234], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5236], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5238, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5239], [423, 440, 7, 5241], [124, 443, 7, 5243], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5245, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5246], [423, 440, 7, 5248], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5250], [303, 454, 7, 5252], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5254], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5256, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5257], [423, 440, 7, 5259], [124, 443, 7, 5261], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5263, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5264], [423, 440, 7, 5266], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5268], [303, 454, 7, 5270], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5272], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5274, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5275], [423, 440, 7, 5277], [124, 443, 7, 5279], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5281, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5282], [423, 440, 7, 5284], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5286], [303, 454, 7, 5288], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5290], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5292, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5293], [423, 440, 7, 5295], [124, 443, 7, 5297], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5299, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5300], [423, 440, 7, 5302], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5304], [303, 454, 7, 5306], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5308], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5310, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5311], [423, 440, 7, 5313], [124, 443, 7, 5315], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5317, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5318], [423, 440, 7, 5320], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5322], [303, 454, 7, 5324], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5326], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5328, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5329], [423, 440, 7, 5331], [124, 443, 7, 5333], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5335, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5336], [423, 440, 7, 5338], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5340], [303, 454, 7, 5342], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5344], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5346, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5347], [423, 440, 7, 5349], [124, 443, 7, 5351], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5353, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5354], [423, 440, 7, 5356], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5358], [303, 454, 7, 5360], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5362], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5364, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5365], [423, 440, 7, 5367], [124, 443, 7, 5369], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5371, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5372], [423, 440, 7, 5374], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5376], [303, 454, 7, 5378], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5380], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5382, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5383], [423, 440, 7, 5385], [124, 443, 7, 5387], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5389, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5390], [423, 440, 7, 5392], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5394], [303, 454, 7, 5396], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5398], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5400, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5401], [423, 440, 7, 5403], [124, 443, 7, 5405], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5407, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5408], [423, 440, 7, 5410], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5412], [303, 454, 7, 5414], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5416], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5418, 425, 403, 124, 437, 7, 5419], [423, 440, 7, 5421], [124, 443, 7, 5423], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 423, 5425, 425, 426, 124, 437, 7, 5426], [423, 440, 7, 5428], [423, 451, 425, 426, 124, 427, 7, 5430], [303, 454, 7, 5432], [425, 426, 423, 451, 7, 5434], [430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 124, 437, 7, 5436], [423, 440, 7, 5438], [124, 443, 7, 5440], [257, 278, 7, 5442], [257, 281, 7, 5444], [257, 5446, 7, 5447], [257, 5449, 7, 5450], [257, 5452, 7, 5453], [257, 5456, 7, 5457], [], [257, 5460, 7, 5461], [257, 5463, 7, 5464], [257, 5467, 7, 5468], [], [257, 5471, 7, 5472], [7, 5474], [257, 5476, 7, 5477], [], [257, 5480, 7, 5481], [257, 5483, 7, 5484], [257, 278, 7, 5486], [257, 281, 7, 5488], [257, 5490, 7, 5491], [257, 5493, 7, 5494], [385, 5496, 387, 5497, 297, 5498, 412, 5499, 257, 5500, 7, 5501], [412, 5503, 303, 5504, 7, 5505], [425, 5507, 408, 5508, 7, 5509], [412, 5503, 303, 5511, 7, 5512], [5515, 5516, 5517, 5518, 5519, 5520, 5521, 5522, 7, 5523], [303, 5525, 5521, 5522, 430, 433, 7, 5526], [7, 5528], [120, 5530, 7, 5531], [412, 5503, 423, 5533, 303, 5534, 7, 5535], [257, 5537, 7, 5538], [], [257, 5541, 7, 5542], [257, 5544, 7, 5545], [257, 5547, 7, 5548], [257, 5550, 7, 5551], [257, 5553, 7, 5554], [257, 5556, 7, 5557], [257, 5559, 7, 5560], [], [257, 5480, 7, 5563], [257, 5565, 7, 5566], [257, 310, 7, 5568], [76, 292, 78, 5570, 7, 5571], [257, 5573, 7, 5574], [5577, 5578, 257, 5579, 228, 5580, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 5584], [257, 5586, 7, 5587], [257, 5589, 7, 5590], [257, 5592, 7, 5593], [7, 5595], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5600, 5601, 5600, 7, 5602], [257, 5604, 7, 5605], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5570, 7, 5607], [257, 5610, 7, 5611], [], [257, 5565, 7, 5613], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5615, 7, 5616], [257, -1, 7, 5618], [257, 5620, 7, 5621], [], [257, 5624, 7, 5625], [257, 5604, 7, 5627], [7, 5629], [], [257, 5632, 5597, 81, 7, 5633], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 5635], [257, 5637, 7, 5638], [], [257, 5641, 7, 5642], [], [257, 5547, 7, 5645], [257, 5550, 7, 5647], [257, 5553, 7, 5649], [257, 5556, 7, 5651], [257, 5559, 7, 5653], [], [257, 5480, 7, 5656], [257, 5565, 7, 5658], [257, 310, 7, 5660], [78, 5662, 76, 292, 7, 5663], [5577, 5665, 257, 5666, 228, 5667, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 5668], [257, 5589, 7, 5670], [257, 5592, 7, 5672], [7, 5674], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5676, 5601, 5676, 7, 5677], [257, 5604, 7, 5679], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5681, 7, 5682], [257, 5610, 7, 5684], [], [257, 5687, 7, 5688], [257, 5690, 7, 5691], [], [257, 5694, 78, 5662, 76, 292, 7, 5695], [257, 5697, 7, 5698], [], [257, 5565, 7, 5700], [257, 291, 78, 5702, 76, 292, 7, 5703], [257, -1, 7, 5705], [257, 5620, 7, 5707], [], [257, 5624, 7, 5710], [257, 5604, 7, 5712], [7, 5714], [], [257, 5632, 5597, 81, 7, 5717], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 5719], [257, 5637, 7, 5721], [], [257, 5641, 7, 5723], [], [257, 5726, 7, 5727], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5730, 5601, 5730, 7, 5731], [257, 5733, 7, 5734], [257, -1, 7, 5736], [7, 5738], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 426, 5601, 426, 7, 5740], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 5744], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 5748], [257, 5547, 7, 5750], [257, 5550, 7, 5752], [257, 5553, 7, 5754], [257, 5556, 7, 5756], [257, 5559, 7, 5758], [], [257, 5480, 7, 5761], [257, 5565, 7, 5763], [257, 310, 7, 5765], [78, 5767, 76, 292, 7, 5768], [5577, 5770, 257, 5666, 228, 5771, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 5772], [257, 5589, 7, 5774], [257, 5592, 7, 5776], [7, 5778], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5780, 5601, 5780, 7, 5781], [257, 5604, 7, 5783], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5785, 7, 5786], [257, 5610, 7, 5788], [], [257, 5687, 7, 5791], [257, 5690, 7, 5793], [], [257, 5694, 78, 5767, 76, 292, 7, 5795], [257, 5697, 7, 5797], [], [257, 5565, 7, 5799], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5801, 7, 5802], [257, -1, 7, 5804], [257, 5620, 7, 5806], [], [257, 5624, 7, 5809], [257, 5604, 7, 5811], [7, 5813], [], [257, 5632, 5597, 81, 7, 5816], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 5818], [257, 5637, 7, 5820], [], [257, 5641, 7, 5822], [], [257, 5726, 7, 5825], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 435, 5601, 435, 7, 5827], [257, 5733, 7, 5829], [257, -1, 7, 5831], [7, 5833], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5835, 5601, 5835, 7, 5836], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 5838], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 5840], [257, 5547, 7, 5842], [257, 5550, 7, 5844], [257, 5553, 7, 5846], [257, 5556, 7, 5848], [257, 5559, 7, 5850], [], [257, 5480, 7, 5853], [257, 5565, 7, 5855], [257, 310, 7, 5857], [78, 5859, 76, 292, 7, 5860], [5577, 5862, 257, 5666, 228, 5863, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 5864], [257, 5589, 7, 5866], [257, 5592, 7, 5868], [7, 5870], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5872, 5601, 5872, 7, 5873], [257, 5604, 7, 5875], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5877, 7, 5878], [257, 5610, 7, 5880], [], [257, 5687, 7, 5883], [257, 5690, 7, 5885], [], [257, 5694, 78, 5859, 76, 292, 7, 5887], [257, 5697, 7, 5889], [], [257, 5565, 7, 5891], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5893, 7, 5894], [257, -1, 7, 5896], [257, 5620, 7, 5898], [], [257, 5624, 7, 5901], [257, 5604, 7, 5903], [7, 5905], [], [257, 5632, 5597, 81, 7, 5907], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 5909], [257, 5637, 7, 5911], [], [257, 5641, 7, 5913], [], [257, 5726, 7, 5916], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5918, 5601, 5918, 7, 5919], [257, 5733, 7, 5921], [257, -1, 7, 5923], [7, 5925], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5927, 5601, 5927, 7, 5928], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 5930], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 5932], [257, 5547, 7, 5934], [257, 5550, 7, 5936], [257, 5553, 7, 5938], [257, 5556, 7, 5940], [257, 5559, 7, 5942], [], [257, 5480, 7, 5945], [257, 5565, 7, 5947], [257, 310, 7, 5949], [76, 292, 78, 5951, 7, 5952], [257, 5573, 7, 5954], [5577, 5956, 257, 5579, 228, 5957, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 5958], [257, 5586, 7, 5960], [257, 5589, 7, 5962], [257, 5592, 7, 5964], [7, 5966], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5968, 5601, 5968, 7, 5969], [257, 5604, 7, 5971], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5951, 7, 5973], [257, 5610, 7, 5975], [], [257, 5565, 7, 5977], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 5979, 7, 5980], [257, -1, 7, 5982], [257, 5620, 7, 5984], [], [257, 5624, 7, 5987], [257, 5604, 7, 5989], [7, 5991], [], [257, 5632, 5597, 81, 7, 5993], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 5995], [257, 5637, 7, 5997], [], [257, 5641, 7, 5999], [], [257, 5547, 7, 6002], [257, 5550, 7, 6004], [257, 5553, 7, 6006], [257, 5556, 7, 6008], [257, 5559, 7, 6010], [], [257, 5480, 7, 6013], [257, 5565, 7, 6015], [257, 310, 7, 6017], [78, 6019, 76, 292, 7, 6020], [5577, 6022, 257, 5666, 228, 6023, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 6024], [257, 5589, 7, 6026], [257, 5592, 7, 6028], [7, 6030], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6032, 5601, 6032, 7, 6033], [257, 5604, 7, 6035], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6037, 7, 6038], [257, 5610, 7, 6040], [], [257, 5687, 7, 6043], [257, 5690, 7, 6045], [], [257, 5694, 78, 6019, 76, 292, 7, 6047], [257, 5697, 7, 6049], [], [257, 5565, 7, 6051], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6053, 7, 6054], [257, -1, 7, 6056], [257, 5620, 7, 6058], [], [257, 5624, 7, 6061], [257, 5604, 7, 6063], [7, 6065], [], [257, 5632, 5597, 81, 7, 6068], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6070], [257, 5637, 7, 6072], [], [257, 5641, 7, 6074], [], [257, 5726, 7, 6077], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6079, 5601, 6079, 7, 6080], [257, 5733, 7, 6082], [257, -1, 7, 6084], [7, 6086], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6088, 5601, 6088, 7, 6089], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 6091], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 6093], [257, 6095, 7, 6096], [257, 278, 7, 6098], [257, 281, 7, 6100], [257, 6102, 7, 6103], [257, 6105, 7, 6106], [257, 287, 7, 6108], [257, 6110, 7, 6111], [257, 5537, 7, 6113], [], [257, 6116, 7, 6117], [257, 6119, 7, 6120], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6123, 7, 6124], [257, 6126, 7, 6127], [], [257, 6119, 7, 6130], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6132, 7, 6133], [257, 6126, 7, 6135], [], [257, 6119, 7, 6138], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6140, 7, 6141], [257, 6126, 7, 6143], [], [257, 6119, 7, 6146], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6148, 7, 6149], [257, 6126, 7, 6151], [], [257, 6119, 7, 6154], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6156, 7, 6157], [257, 6126, 7, 6159], [], [257, 6119, 7, 6162], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6164, 7, 6165], [257, 6126, 7, 6167], [], [257, 6119, 7, 6170], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6172, 7, 6173], [257, 6126, 7, 6175], [], [257, 6119, 7, 6178], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6180, 7, 6181], [257, 6126, 7, 6183], [], [257, 6119, 7, 6186], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6188, 7, 6189], [257, 6126, 7, 6191], [], [257, 6194, 7, 6195], [257, 6197, 7, 6198], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6200, 7, 6201], [], [257, 6204, 7, 6205], [257, 278, 7, 6207], [257, 281, 7, 6209], [257, 6211, 7, 6212], [257, 6215, 7, 6216], [257, 287, 7, 6218], [7, 6220], [257, 6222, 7, 6223], [257, 5550, 7, 6225], [257, 6227, 7, 6228], [257, 6230, 7, 6231], [257, 6233, 7, 6234], [257, 6236, 7, 6237], [257, 310, 7, 6239], [76, 292, 78, 6241, 7, 6242], [257, 5573, 7, 6244], [5577, 5578, 257, 5579, 228, 5580, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 6246], [257, 5586, 7, 6248], [257, 5589, 7, 6250], [257, 5592, 7, 6252], [7, 6254], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6256, 5601, 6256, 7, 6257], [257, 5604, 7, 6259], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6241, 7, 6261], [257, 5610, 7, 6263], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6265, 7, 6266], [257, 6268, 7, 6269], [], [257, 6271, 7, 6272], [257, 6274, 7, 6275], [], [257, 6278, 7, 6279], [257, 6281, 7, 6282], [257, 6284, 7, 6285], [257, 5624, 7, 6287], [7, 6289], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 6292], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6294], [257, 5637, 7, 6296], [], [257, 6298, 7, 6299], [257, 5641, 7, 6301], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 6304], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6306], [257, 5637, 7, 6308], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6310, 7, 6311], [257, 6313, 7, 6314], [], [257, 5687, 7, 6317], [257, 5604, 7, 6319], [257, 6321, 7, 6322], [7, 6324], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6326, 5601, 6326, 7, 6327], [7, 6329], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6331, 7, 6332], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 6337], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 6341], [257, 307, 7, 6343], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6265, 7, 6345], [5577, 5623, 257, -1, 228, 6347, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 6350], [257, 5550, 7, 6352], [257, 6227, 7, 6354], [257, 6230, 7, 6356], [257, 6233, 7, 6358], [257, 6236, 7, 6360], [257, 310, 7, 6362], [76, 292, 78, 6364, 7, 6365], [257, 5573, 7, 6367], [5577, 6369, 257, 5579, 228, 6370, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 6371], [257, 5586, 7, 6373], [257, 5589, 7, 6375], [257, 5592, 7, 6377], [7, 6379], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6381, 5601, 6381, 7, 6382], [257, 5604, 7, 6384], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6364, 7, 6386], [257, 5610, 7, 6388], [], [257, 291, 78, 6390, 76, 292, 7, 6391], [257, 6268, 7, 6393], [], [257, 6271, 7, 6396], [257, 6274, 7, 6398], [], [257, 6278, 7, 6401], [257, 6281, 7, 6403], [257, 6284, 7, 6405], [257, 5624, 7, 6407], [7, 6409], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 6411], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6413], [257, 5637, 7, 6415], [], [257, 6298, 7, 6417], [257, 5641, 7, 6419], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 6421], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6423], [257, 5637, 7, 6425], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6427, 7, 6428], [257, 6313, 7, 6430], [], [257, 5687, 7, 6433], [257, 5604, 7, 6435], [257, 6321, 7, 6437], [7, 6439], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6441, 5601, 6441, 7, 6442], [7, 6444], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6446, 7, 6447], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 6449], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 6451], [257, 307, 7, 6453], [257, 291, 78, 6390, 76, 292, 7, 6455], [5577, 6395, 257, -1, 228, 6457, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 6458], [257, 5550, 7, 6460], [257, 6227, 7, 6462], [257, 6230, 7, 6464], [257, 6233, 7, 6466], [257, 6236, 7, 6468], [257, 310, 7, 6470], [78, 6472, 76, 292, 7, 6473], [5577, 6475, 257, 5666, 228, 6476, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 6477], [257, 5589, 7, 6479], [257, 5592, 7, 6481], [7, 6483], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6485, 5601, 6485, 7, 6486], [257, 5604, 7, 6488], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6490, 7, 6491], [257, 5610, 7, 6493], [], [257, 5687, 7, 6496], [257, 5690, 7, 6498], [], [257, 5694, 78, 6472, 76, 292, 7, 6500], [257, 5697, 7, 6502], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6504, 7, 6505], [257, 6268, 7, 6507], [], [257, 6271, 7, 6510], [257, 6274, 7, 6512], [], [257, 6278, 7, 6515], [257, 6281, 7, 6517], [257, 6284, 7, 6519], [257, 5624, 7, 6521], [7, 6523], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 6526], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6528], [257, 5637, 7, 6530], [], [257, 6298, 7, 6532], [257, 5641, 7, 6534], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 6537], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6539], [257, 5637, 7, 6541], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6543, 7, 6544], [257, 6313, 7, 6546], [], [257, 5726, 7, 6549], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6551, 5601, 6551, 7, 6552], [257, 5733, 7, 6554], [257, -1, 7, 6556], [7, 6558], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6560, 5601, 6560, 7, 6561], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 6563], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 6565], [257, 5687, 7, 6567], [257, 5604, 7, 6569], [257, 6321, 7, 6571], [7, 6573], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6575, 5601, 6575, 7, 6576], [7, 6578], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6580, 7, 6581], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 6583], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 6585], [257, 307, 7, 6587], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6504, 7, 6589], [5577, 6509, 257, -1, 228, 6591, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 6592], [257, 5550, 7, 6594], [257, 6227, 7, 6596], [257, 6230, 7, 6598], [257, 6233, 7, 6600], [257, 6236, 7, 6602], [257, 310, 7, 6604], [78, 6606, 76, 292, 7, 6607], [5577, 6609, 257, 5666, 228, 6610, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 6611], [257, 5589, 7, 6613], [257, 5592, 7, 6615], [7, 6617], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6619, 5601, 6619, 7, 6620], [257, 5604, 7, 6622], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6624, 7, 6625], [257, 5610, 7, 6627], [], [257, 5687, 7, 6630], [257, 5690, 7, 6632], [], [257, 5694, 78, 6606, 76, 292, 7, 6634], [257, 5697, 7, 6636], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6638, 7, 6639], [257, 6268, 7, 6641], [], [257, 6271, 7, 6644], [257, 6274, 7, 6646], [], [257, 6278, 7, 6649], [257, 6281, 7, 6651], [257, 6284, 7, 6653], [257, 5624, 7, 6655], [7, 6657], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 6660], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6662], [257, 5637, 7, 6664], [], [257, 6298, 7, 6666], [257, 5641, 7, 6668], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 6671], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6673], [257, 5637, 7, 6675], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6677, 7, 6678], [257, 6313, 7, 6680], [], [257, 5726, 7, 6682], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6684, 5601, 6684, 7, 6685], [257, 5733, 7, 6687], [257, -1, 7, 6689], [7, 6691], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6693, 5601, 6693, 7, 6694], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 6696], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 6698], [257, 5687, 7, 6700], [257, 5604, 7, 6702], [257, 6321, 7, 6704], [7, 6706], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6708, 5601, 6708, 7, 6709], [7, 6711], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6713, 7, 6714], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 6716], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 6718], [257, 307, 7, 6720], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6638, 7, 6722], [5577, 6643, 257, -1, 228, 6724, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 6725], [257, 5550, 7, 6727], [257, 6227, 7, 6729], [257, 6230, 7, 6731], [257, 6233, 7, 6733], [257, 6236, 7, 6735], [257, 310, 7, 6737], [78, 6739, 76, 292, 7, 6740], [5577, 6742, 257, 5666, 228, 6743, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 6744], [257, 5589, 7, 6746], [257, 5592, 7, 6748], [7, 6750], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6752, 5601, 6752, 7, 6753], [257, 5604, 7, 6755], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6757, 7, 6758], [257, 5610, 7, 6760], [], [257, 5687, 7, 6763], [257, 5690, 7, 6765], [], [257, 5694, 78, 6739, 76, 292, 7, 6767], [257, 5697, 7, 6769], [], [257, 291, 78, 6771, 76, 292, 7, 6772], [257, 6268, 7, 6774], [], [257, 6271, 7, 6777], [257, 6274, 7, 6779], [], [257, 6278, 7, 6782], [257, 6281, 7, 6784], [257, 6284, 7, 6786], [257, 5624, 7, 6788], [7, 6790], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 6793], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6795], [257, 5637, 7, 6797], [], [257, 6298, 7, 6799], [257, 5641, 7, 6801], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 6803], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6805], [257, 5637, 7, 6807], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6809, 7, 6810], [257, 6313, 7, 6812], [], [257, 5726, 7, 6814], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5516, 5601, 5516, 7, 6816], [257, 5733, 7, 6818], [257, -1, 7, 6820], [7, 6822], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6824, 5601, 6824, 7, 6825], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 6827], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 6829], [257, 5687, 7, 6831], [257, 5604, 7, 6833], [257, 6321, 7, 6835], [7, 6837], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6839, 5601, 6839, 7, 6840], [7, 6842], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6844, 7, 6845], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 6847], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 6849], [257, 307, 7, 6851], [257, 291, 78, 6771, 76, 292, 7, 6853], [5577, 6776, 257, -1, 228, 6855, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 6856], [257, 5550, 7, 6858], [257, 6227, 7, 6860], [257, 6230, 7, 6862], [257, 6233, 7, 6864], [257, 6236, 7, 6866], [257, 310, 7, 6868], [76, 292, 78, 6870, 7, 6871], [257, 5573, 7, 6873], [5577, 6875, 257, 5579, 228, 6876, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 6877], [257, 5586, 7, 6879], [257, 5589, 7, 6881], [257, 5592, 7, 6883], [7, 6885], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6887, 5601, 6887, 7, 6888], [257, 5604, 7, 6890], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6870, 7, 6892], [257, 5610, 7, 6894], [], [257, 291, 78, 6896, 76, 292, 7, 6897], [257, 6268, 7, 6899], [], [257, 6271, 7, 6902], [257, 6274, 7, 6904], [], [257, 6278, 7, 6907], [257, 6281, 7, 6909], [257, 6284, 7, 6911], [257, 5624, 7, 6913], [7, 6915], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 6918], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6920], [257, 5637, 7, 6922], [], [257, 6298, 7, 6924], [257, 5641, 7, 6926], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 6928], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 6930], [257, 5637, 7, 6932], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6934, 7, 6935], [257, 6313, 7, 6937], [], [257, 5687, 7, 6940], [257, 5604, 7, 6942], [257, 6321, 7, 6944], [7, 6946], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6948, 5601, 6948, 7, 6949], [7, 6951], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6953, 7, 6954], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 6956], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 6958], [257, 307, 7, 6960], [257, 291, 78, 6896, 76, 292, 7, 6962], [5577, 6901, 257, -1, 228, 6964, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 6965], [257, 5550, 7, 6967], [257, 6227, 7, 6969], [257, 6230, 7, 6971], [257, 6233, 7, 6973], [257, 6236, 7, 6975], [257, 310, 7, 6977], [78, 6979, 76, 292, 7, 6980], [5577, 6982, 257, 5666, 228, 6983, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 6984], [257, 5589, 7, 6986], [257, 5592, 7, 6988], [7, 6990], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 6992, 5601, 6992, 7, 6993], [257, 5604, 7, 6995], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6997, 7, 6998], [257, 5610, 7, 7000], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7003], [257, 5690, 7, 7005], [], [257, 5694, 78, 6979, 76, 292, 7, 7007], [257, 5697, 7, 7009], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7011, 7, 7012], [257, 6268, 7, 7014], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7017], [257, 6274, 7, 7019], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7022], [257, 6281, 7, 7024], [257, 6284, 7, 7026], [257, 5624, 7, 7028], [7, 7030], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7033], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7035], [257, 5637, 7, 7037], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7039], [257, 5641, 7, 7041], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7043], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7045], [257, 5637, 7, 7047], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7049, 7, 7050], [257, 6313, 7, 7052], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7055], [257, 5604, 7, 7057], [257, 6321, 7, 7059], [7, 7061], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7063, 5601, 7063, 7, 7064], [7, 7066], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7068, 7, 7069], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 7071], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 7073], [257, 307, 7, 7075], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7011, 7, 7077], [5577, 7016, 257, -1, 228, 7079, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 7080], [257, 5550, 7, 7082], [257, 6227, 7, 7084], [257, 6230, 7, 7086], [257, 6233, 7, 7088], [257, 6236, 7, 7090], [257, 310, 7, 7092], [76, 292, 78, 7094, 7, 7095], [257, 5573, 7, 7097], [5577, 7099, 257, 5579, 228, 7100, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 7101], [257, 5586, 7, 7103], [257, 5589, 7, 7105], [257, 5592, 7, 7107], [7, 7109], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7111, 5601, 7111, 7, 7112], [257, 5604, 7, 7114], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7094, 7, 7116], [257, 5610, 7, 7118], [], [257, 7120, 7, 7121], [257, 7123, 7, 7124], [257, 5687, 7, 7126], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 7128, 412, 5499, 7, 7129], [303, 7131, 412, 7132, 7, 7133], [303, 7135, 412, 5503, 7, 7136], [257, 291, 78, 7138, 76, 292, 7, 7139], [257, 6268, 7, 7141], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7144], [257, 6274, 7, 7146], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7149], [257, 6281, 7, 7151], [257, 6284, 7, 7153], [257, 5624, 7, 7155], [7, 7157], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7160], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7162], [257, 5637, 7, 7164], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7166], [257, 5641, 7, 7168], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7170], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7172], [257, 5637, 7, 7174], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7176, 7, 7177], [257, 6313, 7, 7179], [], [257, 5726, 7, 7182], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5742, 5601, 5742, 7, 7184], [257, 5733, 7, 7186], [257, -1, 7, 7188], [7, 7190], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7192, 5601, 7192, 7, 7193], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 7195], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 7197], [257, 5687, 7, 7199], [257, 5604, 7, 7201], [257, 6321, 7, 7203], [7, 7205], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7207, 5601, 7207, 7, 7208], [7, 7210], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7212, 7, 7213], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 7215], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 7217], [257, 307, 7, 7219], [257, 291, 78, 7138, 76, 292, 7, 7221], [5577, 7143, 257, -1, 228, 7223, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 7224], [257, 5550, 7, 7226], [257, 6227, 7, 7228], [257, 6230, 7, 7230], [257, 6233, 7, 7232], [257, 6236, 7, 7234], [257, 310, 7, 7236], [78, 7238, 76, 292, 7, 7239], [5577, 7241, 257, 5666, 228, 7242, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 7243], [257, 5589, 7, 7245], [257, 5592, 7, 7247], [7, 7249], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7251, 5601, 7251, 7, 7252], [257, 5604, 7, 7254], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7256, 7, 7257], [257, 5610, 7, 7259], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7262], [257, 5690, 7, 7264], [], [257, 5694, 78, 7238, 76, 292, 7, 7266], [257, 5697, 7, 7268], [], [257, 291, 78, 7270, 76, 292, 7, 7271], [257, 6268, 7, 7273], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7276], [257, 6274, 7, 7278], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7281], [257, 6281, 7, 7283], [257, 6284, 7, 7285], [257, 5624, 7, 7287], [7, 7289], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7292], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7294], [257, 5637, 7, 7296], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7298], [257, 5641, 7, 7300], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7302], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7304], [257, 5637, 7, 7306], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7308, 7, 7309], [257, 6313, 7, 7311], [], [257, 5726, 7, 7314], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7316, 5601, 7316, 7, 7317], [257, 5733, 7, 7319], [257, -1, 7, 7321], [7, 7323], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7325, 5601, 7325, 7, 7326], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 7328], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 7330], [257, 5687, 7, 7332], [257, 5604, 7, 7334], [257, 6321, 7, 7336], [7, 7338], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7340, 5601, 7340, 7, 7341], [7, 7343], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7345, 7, 7346], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 7348], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 7350], [257, 307, 7, 7352], [257, 291, 78, 7270, 76, 292, 7, 7354], [5577, 7275, 257, -1, 228, 7356, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 7357], [257, 5550, 7, 7359], [257, 6227, 7, 7361], [257, 6230, 7, 7363], [257, 6233, 7, 7365], [257, 6236, 7, 7367], [257, 310, 7, 7369], [76, 292, 78, 7371, 7, 7372], [257, 5573, 7, 7374], [5577, 7376, 257, 5579, 228, 7377, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 7378], [257, 5586, 7, 7380], [257, 5589, 7, 7382], [257, 5592, 7, 7384], [7, 7386], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7388, 5601, 7388, 7, 7389], [257, 5604, 7, 7391], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7371, 7, 7393], [257, 5610, 7, 7395], [], [257, 291, 78, 7397, 76, 292, 7, 7398], [257, 6268, 7, 7400], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7403], [257, 6274, 7, 7405], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7408], [257, 6281, 7, 7410], [257, 6284, 7, 7412], [257, 5624, 7, 7414], [7, 7416], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7418], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7420], [257, 5637, 7, 7422], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7424], [257, 5641, 7, 7426], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7429], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7431], [257, 5637, 7, 7433], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7435, 7, 7436], [257, 6313, 7, 7438], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7441], [257, 5604, 7, 7443], [257, 6321, 7, 7445], [7, 7447], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7449, 5601, 7449, 7, 7450], [7, 7452], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7454, 7, 7455], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 7457], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 7459], [257, 307, 7, 7461], [257, 291, 78, 7397, 76, 292, 7, 7463], [5577, 7402, 257, -1, 228, 7465, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 7466], [257, 5550, 7, 7468], [257, 6227, 7, 7470], [257, 6230, 7, 7472], [257, 6233, 7, 7474], [257, 6236, 7, 7476], [257, 310, 7, 7478], [78, 7480, 76, 292, 7, 7481], [5577, 7483, 257, 5666, 228, 7484, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 7485], [257, 5589, 7, 7487], [257, 5592, 7, 7489], [7, 7491], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7493, 5601, 7493, 7, 7494], [257, 5604, 7, 7496], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7498, 7, 7499], [257, 5610, 7, 7501], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7504], [257, 5690, 7, 7506], [], [257, 5694, 78, 7480, 76, 292, 7, 7508], [257, 5697, 7, 7510], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7512, 7, 7513], [257, 6268, 7, 7515], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7518], [257, 6274, 7, 7520], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7523], [257, 6281, 7, 7525], [257, 6284, 7, 7527], [257, 5624, 7, 7529], [7, 7531], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7534], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7536], [257, 5637, 7, 7538], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7540], [257, 5641, 7, 7542], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7545], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7547], [257, 5637, 7, 7549], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6677, 7, 7551], [257, 6313, 7, 7553], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7555], [257, 5604, 7, 7557], [257, 6321, 7, 7559], [7, 7561], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7563, 5601, 7563, 7, 7564], [7, 7566], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7568, 7, 7569], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 7571], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 7573], [257, 307, 7, 7575], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7512, 7, 7577], [5577, 7517, 257, -1, 228, 7579, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 7580], [257, 5550, 7, 7582], [257, 6227, 7, 7584], [257, 6230, 7, 7586], [257, 6233, 7, 7588], [257, 6236, 7, 7590], [257, 310, 7, 7592], [78, 7594, 76, 292, 7, 7595], [5577, 7597, 257, 5666, 228, 7598, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 7599], [257, 5589, 7, 7601], [257, 5592, 7, 7603], [7, 7605], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7607, 5601, 7607, 7, 7608], [257, 5604, 7, 7610], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7612, 7, 7613], [257, 5610, 7, 7615], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7618], [257, 5690, 7, 7620], [], [257, 5694, 78, 7594, 76, 292, 7, 7622], [257, 5697, 7, 7624], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7626, 7, 7627], [257, 6268, 7, 7629], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7632], [257, 6274, 7, 7634], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7637], [257, 6281, 7, 7639], [257, 6284, 7, 7641], [257, 5624, 7, 7643], [7, 7645], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7648], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7650], [257, 5637, 7, 7652], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7654], [257, 5641, 7, 7656], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7658], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7660], [257, 5637, 7, 7662], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7664, 7, 7665], [257, 6313, 7, 7667], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7670], [257, 5604, 7, 7672], [257, 6321, 7, 7674], [7, 7676], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7678, 5601, 7678, 7, 7679], [7, 7681], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7683, 7, 7684], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 7686], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 7688], [257, 307, 7, 7690], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7626, 7, 7692], [5577, 7631, 257, -1, 228, 7694, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 7695], [257, 5550, 7, 7697], [257, 6227, 7, 7699], [257, 6230, 7, 7701], [257, 6233, 7, 7703], [257, 6236, 7, 7705], [257, 310, 7, 7707], [78, 7709, 76, 292, 7, 7710], [5577, 6742, 257, 5666, 228, 7712, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 7713], [257, 5589, 7, 7715], [257, 5592, 7, 7717], [7, 7719], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7721, 5601, 7721, 7, 7722], [257, 5604, 7, 7724], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7726, 7, 7727], [257, 5610, 7, 7729], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7732], [257, 5690, 7, 7734], [], [257, 5694, 78, 7709, 76, 292, 7, 7736], [257, 5697, 7, 7738], [], [257, 291, 78, 7740, 76, 292, 7, 7741], [257, 6268, 7, 7743], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7746], [257, 6274, 7, 7748], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7751], [257, 6281, 7, 7753], [257, 6284, 7, 7755], [257, 5624, 7, 7757], [7, 7759], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7762], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7764], [257, 5637, 7, 7766], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7768], [257, 5641, 7, 7770], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7773], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7775], [257, 5637, 7, 7777], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7779, 7, 7780], [257, 6313, 7, 7782], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7785], [257, 5604, 7, 7787], [257, 6321, 7, 7789], [7, 7791], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7793, 5601, 7793, 7, 7794], [7, 7796], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7798, 7, 7799], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 7801], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 7803], [257, 307, 7, 7805], [257, 291, 78, 7740, 76, 292, 7, 7807], [5577, 7745, 257, -1, 228, 7809, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 7810], [257, 5550, 7, 7812], [257, 6227, 7, 7814], [257, 6230, 7, 7816], [257, 6233, 7, 7818], [257, 6236, 7, 7820], [257, 310, 7, 7822], [76, 292, 78, 7824, 7, 7825], [257, 5573, 7, 7827], [5577, 7829, 257, 5579, 228, 7830, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 7831], [257, 5586, 7, 7833], [257, 5589, 7, 7835], [257, 5592, 7, 7837], [7, 7839], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7841, 5601, 7841, 7, 7842], [257, 5604, 7, 7844], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7824, 7, 7846], [257, 5610, 7, 7848], [], [257, 291, 78, 7850, 76, 292, 7, 7851], [257, 6268, 7, 7853], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7856], [257, 6274, 7, 7858], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7861], [257, 6281, 7, 7863], [257, 6284, 7, 7865], [257, 5624, 7, 7867], [7, 7869], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7872], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7874], [257, 5637, 7, 7876], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7878], [257, 5641, 7, 7880], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7883], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7885], [257, 5637, 7, 7887], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7889, 7, 7890], [257, 6313, 7, 7892], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7894], [257, 5604, 7, 7896], [257, 6321, 7, 7898], [7, 7900], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7902, 5601, 7902, 7, 7903], [7, 7905], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7907, 7, 7908], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 7910], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 7912], [257, 307, 7, 7914], [257, 291, 78, 7850, 76, 292, 7, 7916], [5577, 7855, 257, -1, 228, 7918, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 7919], [257, 5550, 7, 7921], [257, 6227, 7, 7923], [257, 6230, 7, 7925], [257, 6233, 7, 7927], [257, 6236, 7, 7929], [257, 310, 7, 7931], [78, 7933, 76, 292, 7, 7934], [5577, 7936, 257, 5666, 228, 7937, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 7938], [257, 5589, 7, 7940], [257, 5592, 7, 7942], [7, 7944], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 7946, 5601, 7946, 7, 7947], [257, 5604, 7, 7949], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7951, 7, 7952], [257, 5610, 7, 7954], [], [257, 5687, 7, 7957], [257, 5690, 7, 7959], [], [257, 5694, 78, 7933, 76, 292, 7, 7961], [257, 5697, 7, 7963], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7965, 7, 7966], [257, 6268, 7, 7968], [], [257, 6271, 7, 7971], [257, 6274, 7, 7973], [], [257, 6278, 7, 7976], [257, 6281, 7, 7978], [257, 6284, 7, 7980], [257, 5624, 7, 7982], [7, 7984], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 7987], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7989], [257, 5637, 7, 7991], [], [257, 6298, 7, 7993], [257, 5641, 7, 7995], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 7997], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 7999], [257, 5637, 7, 8001], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8003, 7, 8004], [257, 6313, 7, 8006], [], [257, 5687, 7, 8009], [257, 5604, 7, 8011], [257, 6321, 7, 8013], [7, 8015], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8017, 5601, 8017, 7, 8018], [7, 8020], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8022, 7, 8023], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 8025], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 8027], [257, 307, 7, 8029], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 7965, 7, 8031], [5577, 7970, 257, -1, 228, 8033, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 8034], [257, 5550, 7, 8036], [257, 6227, 7, 8038], [257, 6230, 7, 8040], [257, 6233, 7, 8042], [257, 6236, 7, 8044], [257, 310, 7, 8046], [76, 292, 78, 8048, 7, 8049], [257, 5573, 7, 8051], [5577, 8053, 257, 5579, 228, 8054, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 8055], [257, 5586, 7, 8057], [257, 5589, 7, 8059], [257, 5592, 7, 8061], [7, 8063], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8065, 5601, 8065, 7, 8066], [257, 5604, 7, 8068], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8048, 7, 8070], [257, 5610, 7, 8072], [], [257, 7120, 7, 8074], [257, 7123, 7, 8076], [257, 5687, 7, 8078], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 7128, 412, 5499, 7, 8080], [303, 7131, 412, 7132, 7, 8082], [303, 7135, 412, 5503, 7, 8084], [257, 291, 78, 8086, 76, 292, 7, 8087], [257, 6268, 7, 8089], [], [257, 6271, 7, 8092], [257, 6274, 7, 8094], [], [257, 6278, 7, 8097], [257, 6281, 7, 8099], [257, 6284, 7, 8101], [257, 5624, 7, 8103], [7, 8105], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 8108], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8110], [257, 5637, 7, 8112], [], [257, 6298, 7, 8114], [257, 5641, 7, 8116], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 8118], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8120], [257, 5637, 7, 8122], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8124, 7, 8125], [257, 6313, 7, 8127], [], [257, 5726, 7, 8130], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8132, 5601, 8132, 7, 8133], [257, 5733, 7, 8135], [257, -1, 7, 8137], [7, 8139], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8141, 5601, 8141, 7, 8142], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 8144], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 8146], [257, 5687, 7, 8148], [257, 5604, 7, 8150], [257, 6321, 7, 8152], [7, 8154], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8156, 5601, 8156, 7, 8157], [7, 8159], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8161, 7, 8162], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 8164], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 8166], [257, 307, 7, 8168], [257, 291, 78, 8086, 76, 292, 7, 8170], [5577, 8091, 257, -1, 228, 8172, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 8173], [257, 5550, 7, 8175], [257, 6227, 7, 8177], [257, 6230, 7, 8179], [257, 6233, 7, 8181], [257, 6236, 7, 8183], [257, 310, 7, 8185], [78, 8187, 76, 292, 7, 8188], [5577, 8190, 257, 5666, 228, 8191, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 8192], [257, 5589, 7, 8194], [257, 5592, 7, 8196], [7, 8198], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8200, 5601, 8200, 7, 8201], [257, 5604, 7, 8203], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8205, 7, 8206], [257, 5610, 7, 8208], [], [257, 5687, 7, 8211], [257, 5690, 7, 8213], [], [257, 5694, 78, 8187, 76, 292, 7, 8215], [257, 5697, 7, 8217], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8219, 7, 8220], [257, 6268, 7, 8222], [], [257, 6271, 7, 8225], [257, 6274, 7, 8227], [], [257, 6278, 7, 8230], [257, 6281, 7, 8232], [257, 6284, 7, 8234], [257, 5624, 7, 8236], [7, 8238], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 8240], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8242], [257, 5637, 7, 8244], [], [257, 6298, 7, 8246], [257, 5641, 7, 8248], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 8250], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8252], [257, 5637, 7, 8254], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8256, 7, 8257], [257, 6313, 7, 8259], [], [257, 5726, 7, 8262], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8264, 5601, 8264, 7, 8265], [257, 5733, 7, 8267], [257, -1, 7, 8269], [7, 8271], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8273, 5601, 8273, 7, 8274], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 8276], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 8278], [257, 5687, 7, 8280], [257, 5604, 7, 8282], [257, 6321, 7, 8284], [7, 8286], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8288, 5601, 8288, 7, 8289], [7, 8291], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8293, 7, 8294], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 8296], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 8298], [257, 307, 7, 8300], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8219, 7, 8302], [5577, 8224, 257, -1, 228, 8304, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 8305], [257, 5550, 7, 8307], [257, 6227, 7, 8309], [257, 6230, 7, 8311], [257, 6233, 7, 8313], [257, 6236, 7, 8315], [257, 310, 7, 8317], [76, 292, 78, 8319, 7, 8320], [257, 5573, 7, 8322], [5577, 8324, 257, 5579, 228, 8325, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 8326], [257, 5586, 7, 8328], [257, 5589, 7, 8330], [257, 5592, 7, 8332], [7, 8334], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8336, 5601, 8336, 7, 8337], [257, 5604, 7, 8339], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8319, 7, 8341], [257, 5610, 7, 8343], [], [257, 291, 78, 8345, 76, 292, 7, 8346], [257, 6268, 7, 8348], [], [257, 6271, 7, 8351], [257, 6274, 7, 8353], [], [257, 6278, 7, 8356], [257, 6281, 7, 8358], [257, 6284, 7, 8360], [257, 5624, 7, 8362], [7, 8364], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 8367], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8369], [257, 5637, 7, 8371], [], [257, 6298, 7, 8373], [257, 5641, 7, 8375], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 8377], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8379], [257, 5637, 7, 8381], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8383, 7, 8384], [257, 6313, 7, 8386], [], [257, 5687, 7, 8389], [257, 5604, 7, 8391], [257, 6321, 7, 8393], [7, 8395], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8397, 5601, 8397, 7, 8398], [7, 8400], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8402, 7, 8403], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 8405], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 8407], [257, 307, 7, 8409], [257, 8411, 7, 8412], [257, 5550, 7, 8414], [257, 6227, 7, 8416], [257, 6230, 7, 8418], [257, 6233, 7, 8420], [257, 6236, 7, 8422], [257, 310, 7, 8424], [78, 8426, 76, 292, 7, 8427], [5577, 8429, 257, 5666, 228, 8430, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 8431], [257, 5589, 7, 8433], [257, 5592, 7, 8435], [7, 8437], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8439, 5601, 8439, 7, 8440], [257, 5604, 7, 8442], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8444, 7, 8445], [257, 5610, 7, 8447], [], [257, 5687, 7, 8450], [257, 5690, 7, 8452], [], [257, 5694, 78, 8426, 76, 292, 7, 8454], [257, 5697, 7, 8456], [], [257, 291, 78, 8458, 76, 292, 7, 8459], [257, 6268, 7, 8461], [], [257, 6271, 7, 8464], [257, 6274, 7, 8466], [], [257, 6278, 7, 8469], [257, 6281, 7, 8471], [257, 6284, 7, 8473], [257, 5624, 7, 8475], [7, 8477], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 8480], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8482], [257, 5637, 7, 8484], [], [257, 6298, 7, 8486], [257, 5641, 7, 8488], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 8490], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8492], [257, 5637, 7, 8494], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8496, 7, 8497], [257, 6313, 7, 8499], [], [257, 5687, 7, 8502], [257, 5604, 7, 8504], [257, 6321, 7, 8506], [7, 8508], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8510, 5601, 8510, 7, 8511], [7, 8513], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8515, 7, 8516], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 8518], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 8520], [257, 307, 7, 8522], [257, 291, 78, 8458, 76, 292, 7, 8524], [5577, 8463, 257, -1, 228, 8526, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 8527], [257, 5550, 7, 8529], [257, 6227, 7, 8531], [257, 6230, 7, 8533], [257, 6233, 7, 8535], [257, 6236, 7, 8537], [257, 310, 7, 8539], [78, 8541, 76, 292, 7, 8542], [5577, 6022, 257, 5666, 228, 8544, 385, 5581, 387, 5581, 5582, 5583, 7, 8545], [257, 5589, 7, 8547], [257, 5592, 7, 8549], [7, 8551], [257, 287, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8553, 5601, 8553, 7, 8554], [257, 5604, 7, 8556], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8558, 7, 8559], [257, 5610, 7, 8561], [], [257, 5687, 7, 8563], [257, 5690, 7, 8565], [], [257, 5694, 78, 8541, 76, 292, 7, 8567], [257, 5697, 7, 8569], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8571, 7, 8572], [257, 6268, 7, 8574], [], [257, 6271, 7, 8576], [257, 6274, 7, 8578], [], [257, 6278, 7, 8581], [257, 6281, 7, 8583], [257, 6284, 7, 8585], [257, 5624, 7, 8587], [7, 8589], [], [257, 6291, 5597, 81, 7, 8591], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8593], [257, 5637, 7, 8595], [], [257, 6298, 7, 8597], [257, 5641, 7, 8599], [], [257, 6303, 5597, 81, 7, 8601], [257, 287, 5597, 81, 7, 8603], [257, 5637, 7, 8605], [], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8607, 7, 8608], [257, 6313, 7, 8610], [], [257, 5726, 7, 8613], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8615, 5601, 8615, 7, 8616], [257, 5733, 7, 8618], [257, -1, 7, 8620], [7, 8622], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8624, 5601, 8624, 7, 8625], [385, 5742, 387, 5742, 297, 5743, 412, 5499, 7, 8627], [303, 5746, 412, 5747, 7, 8629], [257, 5687, 7, 8631], [257, 5604, 7, 8633], [257, 6321, 7, 8635], [7, 8637], [257, 5729, 5597, 5598, 5599, 8639, 5601, 8639, 7, 8640], [7, 8642], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8644, 7, 8645], [385, 6334, 387, 6334, 297, 6335, 412, 5499, 257, 6336, 7, 8647], [303, 6339, 412, 6340, 7, 8649], [257, 307, 7, 8651], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8571, 7, 8653], [5577, 6060, 257, -1, 228, 8655, 385, 6348, 387, 6349, 5582, 5583, 7, 8656], [7, 8658], [257, 8661, 7, 8662], [257, 8664, 7, 8665], [257, 8667, 7, 8668], [257, 6105, 7, 8670], [257, 287, 7, 8672], [257, 6110, 7, 8674], [257, 5537, 7, 8676], [], [257, 6116, 7, 8678], [257, 6119, 7, 8680], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6123, 7, 8682], [257, 6126, 7, 8684], [], [257, 6119, 7, 8686], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6132, 7, 8688], [257, 6126, 7, 8690], [], [257, 6119, 7, 8692], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6140, 7, 8694], [257, 6126, 7, 8696], [], [257, 6119, 7, 8698], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6148, 7, 8700], [257, 6126, 7, 8702], [], [257, 6119, 7, 8704], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6156, 7, 8706], [257, 6126, 7, 8708], [], [257, 6119, 7, 8710], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6164, 7, 8712], [257, 6126, 7, 8714], [], [257, 6119, 7, 8716], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6172, 7, 8718], [257, 6126, 7, 8720], [], [257, 6119, 7, 8722], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6180, 7, 8724], [257, 6126, 7, 8726], [], [257, 6119, 7, 8728], [257, 6122, 76, 292, 78, 6188, 7, 8730], [257, 6126, 7, 8732], [], [257, 6194, 7, 8734], [257, 6197, 7, 8736], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 6200, 7, 8738], [], [257, 8740, 7, 8741], [257, 8743, 7, 8744], [257, 291, 78, 8746, 76, 292, 7, 8747], [257, 5637, 7, 8749], [], [257, 8743, 7, 8752], [257, 291, 78, 8754, 76, 292, 7, 8755], [257, 5637, 7, 8757], [], [257, 8743, 7, 8760], [257, 291, 78, 8762, 76, 292, 7, 8763], [257, 5637, 7, 8765], [], [257, 8743, 7, 8768], [257, 291, 78, 8770, 76, 292, 7, 8771], [257, 5637, 7, 8773], [], [257, 8743, 7, 8776], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8778, 7, 8779], [257, 5637, 7, 8781], [], [257, 8743, 7, 8784], [257, 291, 78, 8786, 76, 292, 7, 8787], [257, 5637, 7, 8789], [], [257, 8743, 7, 8792], [257, 291, 78, 8794, 76, 292, 7, 8795], [257, 5637, 7, 8797], [], [257, 8743, 7, 8800], [257, 291, 78, 8802, 76, 292, 7, 8803], [257, 5637, 7, 8805], [], [257, 8743, 7, 8808], [257, 291, 78, 8810, 76, 292, 7, 8811], [257, 5637, 7, 8813], [], [257, 5565, 7, 8816], [257, 291, 76, 292, 78, 8818, 7, 8819], 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[333.96875, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 103.375, 15.40625, 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15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 103.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 103.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 119.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [94.671875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [94.671875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [101, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [99.25, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [124.296875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [122.546875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [147.59375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [145.84375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [170.890625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [169.140625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 130.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 130.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 146.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [7.796875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [7.796875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [7.796875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [7.796875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [6.046875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [24.78125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [24.78125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [31.09375, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [31.09375, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [31.09375, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [31.09375, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [29.34375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [48.078125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [48.078125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [54.40625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [54.40625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [54.40625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [54.40625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [52.640625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [71.375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [71.375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.703125, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [77.703125, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [77.703125, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [77.703125, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [75.953125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [94.671875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [94.671875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [101, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [99.25, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [124.296875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [122.546875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [147.59375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [145.84375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [170.890625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [169.140625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 157.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 157.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 173.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [304.34375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 183.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 183.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 199.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [141.265625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [147.59375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [145.84375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [170.890625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [169.140625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 209.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 209.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 225.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [94.671875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [94.671875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [101, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [99.25, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [124.296875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [122.546875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [147.59375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [145.84375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [170.890625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [169.140625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 236.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 236.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 252.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [257.75, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 262.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 262.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 278.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 289.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 289.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 305.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [147.59375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [145.84375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [170.890625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [169.140625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 315.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 315.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 331.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48.078125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [48.078125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [54.40625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [54.40625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [54.40625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [54.40625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [52.640625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [71.375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [71.375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.703125, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [77.703125, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [77.703125, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [77.703125, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [75.953125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [94.671875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [94.671875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [101, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [99.25, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [124.296875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [122.546875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [147.59375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [145.84375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [170.890625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [169.140625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 341.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 341.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 357.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 368.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 368.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 384.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [304.34375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 394.78125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 394.78125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 410.6875, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [94.671875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [94.671875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [101, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [101, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [99.25, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [117.96875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [124.296875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [124.296875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [122.546875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [141.265625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [147.59375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [147.59375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [145.84375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [164.5625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [170.890625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [170.890625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [169.140625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 421.1875, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 421.1875, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 437.09375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [327.640625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 447.578125, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 447.578125, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 463.484375, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [187.859375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [187.859375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [194.1875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [194.1875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [192.4375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 473.984375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 473.984375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 489.890625, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [211.15625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [211.15625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [217.484375, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [217.484375, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [215.734375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [234.453125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [240.78125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [240.78125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [239.03125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [257.75, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [264.078125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [264.078125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [262.328125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [281.046875, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [287.375, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [287.375, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [285.625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [304.34375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [310.671875, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [310.671875, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [308.921875, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [327.640625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [333.96875, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [333.96875, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [332.21875, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [350.953125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [357.265625, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [357.265625, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [355.515625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [374.25, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [380.578125, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [380.578125, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [378.8125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [397.546875, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [403.875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [403.875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [402.125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [420.84375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [427.171875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [427.171875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [425.421875, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [444.140625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [450.46875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [450.46875, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [448.71875, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [467.4375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [473.765625, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [473.765625, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [472.015625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [490.734375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [497.0625, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [497.0625, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [495.3125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [514.03125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [520.359375, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [520.359375, 500.375, 15.40625, 15.921875], [518.609375, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [537.328125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [543.65625, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [543.65625, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [541.90625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [560.625, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [0, 0, 0, 0], [566.953125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [566.953125, 500.375, 15.421875, 15.921875], [565.203125, 516.28125, 0.015625, 0.015625], [291, 307, 0, 0], [291, 307, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 75, 1280, 455], [64, 75, 1152, 455], [64, 75, 1152, 455], [64, 75, 550, 455], [64, 168, 550, 95], [64, 168, 550, 95], [64, 153, 506.578125, 125], [64, 298, 440, 48], [64, 298, 440, 48], [64, 298, 440, 48], [64, 296, 424.203125, 51], [64, 396, 550, 42], [64, 409, 213, 19], [64, 396, 213, 42], [113.234375, 406, 114.515625, 22], [0, 531, 1280, 4209], [0, 531, 1280, 341], [0, 531, 1280, 341], [64, 531, 1152, 341], [64, 531, 1152, 341], [64, 571, 1152, 29], [64, 571, 28, 29], [64, 571.796875, 28, 28.015625], [67.453125, 575.78125, 20.546875, 20.03125], [68, 575.796875, 20, 20.015625], [68, 575.78125, 20, 20.015625], [67.453125, 580.59375, 18.171875, 10.78125], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [68, 575.796875, 20, 20.015625], [102, 575.5, 146.15625, 20], [102, 576.5, 146.15625, 17], [64, 616, 1152, 240], [48, 616, 1184, 240], [48, 616, 394.65625, 120], [64, 616, 362.65625, 96], [64, 616, 362.65625, 96], [64, 606, 40, 38], [64, 607, 34.703125, 36], [64, 607, 34.703125, 36], [120, 616, 306.65625, 96], [120, 616, 306.65625, 20], [120, 616, 306.65625, 20], [120, 616, 20, 20], [120, 616, 20, 20], [120, 616, 20, 20], [120, 616, 20, 20], [148, 618, 76.453125, 16], [148, 618, 76.453125, 16], [148, 618, 76.453125, 16], [148, 618, 76.453125, 16], [148, 618, 76.453125, 16], [148, 618, 76.453125, 16], [148, 618, 76.453125, 16], [148, 618, 74.453125, 15], [120, 644, 306.65625, 40], [120, 644, 306.65625, 40], [120, 644, 306.65625, 40], [120, 644, 306.65625, 40], [120, 645, 302.28125, 37], [120, 692, 306.65625, 20], [120, 692, 306.65625, 20], [120, 692, 31.8125, 20], [120, 694, 31.8125, 15], [151.8125, 692, 16.671875, 20], [157.8125, 692, 4.671875, 20], [157.8125, 694, 4.671875, 16], [157.8125, 694, 4.671875, 16], [168.484375, 692, 68.65625, 20], [168.484375, 694, 68.65625, 15], [442.65625, 616, 394.65625, 120], [458.65625, 616, 362.65625, 96], [458.65625, 616, 362.65625, 96], [458.65625, 606, 40, 38], [458.65625, 607, 34.703125, 36], [458.65625, 607, 34.703125, 36], [514.65625, 616, 306.65625, 96], [514.65625, 616, 306.65625, 20], [514.65625, 616, 306.65625, 20], [514.65625, 616, 20, 20], [514.65625, 616, 20, 20], [542.65625, 618, 164.140625, 16], [542.65625, 618, 115.890625, 16], [542.65625, 618, 115.890625, 16], [542.65625, 618, 115.890625, 16], [542.65625, 618, 115.890625, 16], [542.65625, 618, 115.890625, 16], [542.65625, 618, 115.890625, 16], [542.65625, 618, 113.890625, 15], [658.546875, 618, 48.25, 16], [658.546875, 618, 12.125, 16], [658.546875, 618, 10.125, 15], [670.671875, 618, 36.125, 16], [670.671875, 618, 36.125, 16], [670.671875, 618, 36.125, 15], [514.65625, 644, 306.65625, 40], [514.65625, 644, 306.65625, 40], [514.65625, 644, 306.65625, 40], [514.65625, 644, 306.65625, 40], [514.65625, 645, 270.265625, 37], [514.65625, 692, 306.65625, 20], [514.65625, 692, 306.65625, 20], [514.65625, 692, 42.640625, 20], [514.65625, 694, 42.640625, 15], [557.296875, 692, 16.671875, 20], [563.296875, 692, 4.671875, 20], [563.296875, 694, 4.671875, 16], [563.296875, 694, 4.671875, 16], [573.96875, 692, 61.421875, 20], [573.96875, 694, 61.421875, 15], [635.390625, 694, 20, 16], [639.390625, 694, 16, 16], [639.390625, 694, 16, 16], [639.390625, 694, 16, 16], [639.390625, 694, 16, 16], [639.390625, 694, 16, 16], [639.390625, 694, 16, 16], [640.828125, 695.453125, 13.109375, 13.09375], [837.3125, 616, 394.65625, 100], [853.3125, 616, 362.65625, 76], [853.3125, 616, 362.65625, 76], [853.3125, 606, 40, 38], [853.3125, 607, 34.703125, 36], [853.3125, 607, 34.703125, 36], [909.3125, 616, 273.546875, 76], [909.3125, 616, 273.546875, 20], [909.3125, 616, 273.546875, 20], [909.3125, 616, 20, 20], [909.3125, 616, 20, 20], [937.3125, 618, 225.09375, 16], [937.3125, 618, 127, 16], [937.3125, 618, 127, 16], [937.3125, 618, 127, 16], [937.3125, 618, 127, 16], [937.3125, 618, 127, 16], [937.3125, 618, 127, 16], [937.3125, 618, 125, 15], [1064.3125, 618, 98.09375, 16], [1064.3125, 618, 12.125, 16], [1064.3125, 618, 10.125, 15], [1076.4375, 618, 85.96875, 16], [1076.4375, 618, 85.96875, 16], [1076.4375, 618, 85.96875, 15], [909.3125, 644, 273.546875, 20], [909.3125, 644, 273.546875, 20], [909.3125, 644, 273.546875, 20], [909.3125, 644, 273.546875, 20], [909.3125, 645, 273.546875, 17], [909.3125, 672, 273.546875, 20], [909.3125, 672, 273.546875, 20], [909.3125, 672, 31.8125, 20], [909.3125, 674, 31.8125, 15], [941.125, 672, 16.671875, 20], [947.125, 672, 4.671875, 20], [947.125, 674, 4.671875, 16], [947.125, 674, 4.671875, 16], [957.796875, 672, 61.421875, 20], [957.796875, 674, 61.421875, 15], [1019.21875, 674, 20, 16], [1023.21875, 674, 16, 16], [1023.21875, 674, 16, 16], [1023.21875, 674, 16, 16], [1023.21875, 674, 16, 16], [1023.21875, 674, 16, 16], [1023.21875, 674, 16, 16], [1024.65625, 675.453125, 13.109375, 13.09375], [48, 736, 394.65625, 120], [64, 736, 362.65625, 96], [64, 736, 362.65625, 96], [64, 726, 40, 38], [64, 727, 34.703125, 36], [64, 727, 34.703125, 36], [120, 736, 306.65625, 96], [120, 736, 306.65625, 20], [120, 736, 306.65625, 20], [120, 736, 20, 20], [120, 736, 20, 20], [148, 738, 183.171875, 16], [148, 738, 86.53125, 16], [148, 738, 86.53125, 16], [148, 738, 86.53125, 16], [148, 738, 86.53125, 16], [148, 738, 86.53125, 16], [148, 738, 86.53125, 16], [148, 738, 84.53125, 15], [234.53125, 738, 96.640625, 16], [234.53125, 738, 12.125, 16], [234.53125, 738, 10.125, 15], [246.65625, 738, 84.515625, 16], [246.65625, 738, 84.515625, 16], [246.65625, 738, 84.515625, 15], [120, 764, 306.65625, 40], [120, 764, 306.65625, 40], [120, 764, 306.65625, 40], [120, 764, 306.65625, 40], [120, 765, 284.5, 37], [120, 812, 306.65625, 20], [120, 812, 306.65625, 20], [120, 812, 42.640625, 20], [120, 814, 42.640625, 15], [162.640625, 812, 16.671875, 20], [168.640625, 812, 4.671875, 20], [168.640625, 814, 4.671875, 16], [168.640625, 814, 4.671875, 16], [179.3125, 812, 61.421875, 20], [179.3125, 814, 61.421875, 15], [240.734375, 814, 20, 16], [244.734375, 814, 16, 16], [244.734375, 814, 16, 16], [244.734375, 814, 16, 16], [244.734375, 814, 16, 16], [244.734375, 814, 16, 16], [244.734375, 814, 16, 16], [246.171875, 815.453125, 13.109375, 13.09375], [442.65625, 736, 394.65625, 100], [458.65625, 736, 362.65625, 76], [458.65625, 736, 362.65625, 76], [458.65625, 726, 40, 38], [458.65625, 727, 34.703125, 36], [458.65625, 727, 34.703125, 36], [514.65625, 736, 288.078125, 76], [514.65625, 736, 288.078125, 20], [514.65625, 736, 288.078125, 20], [514.65625, 736, 20, 20], [514.65625, 736, 20, 20], [514.65625, 736, 20, 20], [514.65625, 736, 20, 20], [542.65625, 738, 121.9375, 16], [542.65625, 738, 121.9375, 16], [542.65625, 738, 121.9375, 16], [542.65625, 738, 121.9375, 16], [542.65625, 738, 121.9375, 16], [542.65625, 738, 121.9375, 16], [542.65625, 738, 121.9375, 16], [542.65625, 738, 119.9375, 15], [514.65625, 764, 288.078125, 20], [514.65625, 764, 288.078125, 20], [514.65625, 764, 288.078125, 20], [514.65625, 764, 288.078125, 20], [514.65625, 765, 288.078125, 17], [514.65625, 792, 288.078125, 20], [514.65625, 792, 288.078125, 20], [514.65625, 792, 31.8125, 20], [514.65625, 794, 31.8125, 15], [546.46875, 792, 16.671875, 20], [552.46875, 792, 4.671875, 20], [552.46875, 794, 4.671875, 16], [552.46875, 794, 4.671875, 16], [563.140625, 792, 68.65625, 20], [563.140625, 794, 68.65625, 15], [837.3125, 736, 394.65625, 120], [853.3125, 736, 362.65625, 96], [853.3125, 736, 362.65625, 96], [853.3125, 726, 40, 38], [853.3125, 727, 34.703125, 36], [853.3125, 727, 34.703125, 36], [909.3125, 736, 306.65625, 96], [909.3125, 736, 306.65625, 20], [909.3125, 736, 306.65625, 20], [909.3125, 736, 20, 20], [909.3125, 736, 20, 20], [937.3125, 738, 163, 16], [937.3125, 738, 71.375, 16], [937.3125, 738, 71.375, 16], [937.3125, 738, 71.375, 16], [937.3125, 738, 71.375, 16], [937.3125, 738, 71.375, 16], [937.3125, 738, 71.375, 16], [937.3125, 738, 69.375, 15], [1008.6875, 738, 91.625, 16], [1008.6875, 738, 12.125, 16], [1008.6875, 738, 10.125, 15], [1020.8125, 738, 79.5, 16], [1020.8125, 738, 79.5, 16], [1020.8125, 738, 79.5, 15], [909.3125, 764, 306.65625, 40], [909.3125, 764, 306.65625, 40], [909.3125, 764, 306.65625, 40], [909.3125, 764, 306.65625, 40], [909.3125, 765, 278.296875, 37], [909.3125, 812, 306.65625, 20], [909.3125, 812, 306.65625, 20], [909.3125, 812, 42.640625, 20], [909.3125, 814, 42.640625, 15], [951.953125, 812, 16.671875, 20], [957.953125, 812, 4.671875, 20], [957.953125, 814, 4.671875, 16], [957.953125, 814, 4.671875, 16], [968.625, 812, 61.421875, 20], [968.625, 814, 61.421875, 15], [1030.046875, 814, 20, 16], [1034.046875, 814, 16, 16], [1034.046875, 814, 16, 16], [1034.046875, 814, 16, 16], [1034.046875, 814, 16, 16], [1034.046875, 814, 16, 16], [1034.046875, 814, 16, 16], [1035.484375, 815.453125, 13.109375, 13.09375], [0, 872, 1280, 0], [0, 872, 1280, 0], [64, 872, 1152, 0], [0, 872, 1280, 3868], [0, 929, 1280, 3811], [64, 929, 1152, 3811], [64, 929, 1152, 3811], [64, 929, 672, 3811], [64, 929, 672, 76292], [64, 929, 672, 76292], [64, 929, 672, 76292], [64, 941, 672, 3811], [64, 941, 672, 153], [64, 941, 672, 153], [64, 941, 452, 153], [64, 941, 452, 28], [64, 941, 452, 20], [64, 941, 20, 20], [64, 941, 20, 20], [64, 941, 20, 20], [64, 941, 20, 20], [92, 943, 76.453125, 16], [92, 943, 76.453125, 16], [92, 943, 76.453125, 16], [92, 943, 76.453125, 16], [92, 943, 76.453125, 16], [92, 943, 76.453125, 16], [92, 943, 76.453125, 16], [92, 943, 74.453125, 15], [64, 969, 452, 92], [64, 969, 452, 48], [64, 970, 446.40625, 46], [64, 1017, 452, 44], [64, 1021, 452, 40], [64, 1022, 430.171875, 57], [64, 1061, 452, 33], [64, 1070.734375, 169.0625, 22], [64, 1071.734375, 31.8125, 20], [64, 1073.734375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 1073.734375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 1073.734375, 31.8125, 15], [95.8125, 1070.734375, 16.671875, 20], [101.8125, 1070.734375, 4.671875, 20], [101.8125, 1072.734375, 4.671875, 16], [101.8125, 1072.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 1071.734375, 68.65625, 20], [112.484375, 1073.734375, 68.65625, 15], [112.484375, 1073.734375, 68.65625, 15], [181.140625, 1070.734375, 16.671875, 20], [187.140625, 1070.734375, 4.671875, 20], [187.140625, 1072.734375, 4.671875, 16], [187.140625, 1072.734375, 4.671875, 16], [197.8125, 1070.734375, 35.25, 22], [197.8125, 1070.734375, 35.25, 22], [198.8125, 1073.734375, 33.25, 15], [483, 1069, 33, 25], [483, 1069, 33, 25], [483, 1069, 25, 25], [483, 1069, 25, 25], [483, 1069, 25, 25], [483, 1070.734375, 25, 19], [483, 1070.734375, 25, 19], [483, 1069, 25, 25], [489, 1071, 16, 19.5], [516, 1081.5, 0, 0], [536, 950.5, 200, 134], [536, 950.5, 200, 134], [64, 4800, 672, 3811], [64, 4800, 672, 153], [64, 4800, 672, 153], [64, 4800, 452, 153], [64, 4800, 452, 28], [64, 4800, 452, 20], [64, 4800, 20, 20], [64, 4800, 20, 20], [64, 4800, 20, 20], [64, 4800, 20, 20], [92, 4802, 131.84375, 16], [92, 4802, 131.84375, 16], [92, 4802, 131.84375, 16], [92, 4802, 131.84375, 16], [92, 4802, 131.84375, 16], [92, 4802, 131.84375, 16], [92, 4802, 131.84375, 16], [92, 4802, 129.84375, 15], [64, 4828, 452, 92], [64, 4828, 452, 48], [64, 4829, 449.265625, 70], [64, 4876, 452, 44], [64, 4880, 452, 40], [64, 4881, 416.796875, 57], [64, 4920, 452, 33], [64, 4929.734375, 203.015625, 22], [64, 4930.734375, 31.8125, 20], [64, 4932.734375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 4932.734375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 4932.734375, 31.8125, 15], [95.8125, 4929.734375, 16.671875, 20], [101.8125, 4929.734375, 4.671875, 20], [101.8125, 4931.734375, 4.671875, 16], [101.8125, 4931.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 4930.734375, 61.421875, 20], [112.484375, 4932.734375, 61.421875, 15], [112.484375, 4932.734375, 61.421875, 15], [173.90625, 4929.734375, 16.671875, 20], [179.90625, 4929.734375, 4.671875, 20], [179.90625, 4931.734375, 4.671875, 16], [179.90625, 4931.734375, 4.671875, 16], [190.578125, 4929.734375, 76.4375, 22], [190.578125, 4929.734375, 76.4375, 22], [191.578125, 4932.734375, 74.4375, 15], [483, 4928, 33, 25], [483, 4928, 33, 25], [483, 4928, 25, 25], [483, 4928, 25, 25], [483, 4928, 25, 25], [483, 4929.734375, 25, 19], [483, 4929.734375, 25, 19], [483, 4928, 25, 25], [489, 4930, 16, 19.5], [516, 4940.5, 0, 0], [536, 4809.5, 200, 134], [536, 4809.5, 200, 134], [64, 8611, 672, 3811], [64, 8611, 672, 153], [64, 8611, 672, 153], [64, 8611, 452, 153], [64, 8611, 452, 28], [64, 8611, 452, 20], [64, 8611, 20, 20], [64, 8611, 20, 20], [92, 8613, 152.609375, 16], [92, 8613, 70.65625, 16], [92, 8613, 70.65625, 16], [92, 8613, 70.65625, 16], [92, 8613, 70.65625, 16], [92, 8613, 70.65625, 16], [92, 8613, 70.65625, 16], [92, 8613, 68.65625, 15], [162.65625, 8613, 81.953125, 16], [162.65625, 8613, 12.125, 16], [162.65625, 8613, 10.125, 15], [174.78125, 8613, 69.828125, 16], [174.78125, 8613, 69.828125, 16], [174.78125, 8613, 69.828125, 15], [64, 8639, 452, 92], [64, 8639, 452, 48], [64, 8640, 436.015625, 46], [64, 8687, 452, 44], [64, 8691, 452, 40], [64, 8692, 423.421875, 37], [64, 8731, 452, 33], [64, 8740.734375, 202.0625, 22], [64, 8741.734375, 39.046875, 20], [64, 8743.734375, 39.046875, 15], [64, 8743.734375, 39.046875, 15], [64, 8743.734375, 39.046875, 15], [103.046875, 8740.734375, 16.671875, 20], [109.046875, 8740.734375, 4.671875, 20], [109.046875, 8742.734375, 4.671875, 16], [109.046875, 8742.734375, 4.671875, 16], [119.71875, 8741.734375, 61.421875, 20], [119.71875, 8743.734375, 61.421875, 15], [119.71875, 8743.734375, 61.421875, 15], [181.140625, 8740.734375, 16.671875, 20], [187.140625, 8740.734375, 4.671875, 20], [187.140625, 8742.734375, 4.671875, 16], [187.140625, 8742.734375, 4.671875, 16], [197.8125, 8740.734375, 48.25, 22], [197.8125, 8740.734375, 48.25, 22], [198.8125, 8743.734375, 46.25, 15], [246.0625, 8743.734375, 20, 16], [250.0625, 8743.734375, 16, 16], [250.0625, 8743.734375, 16, 16], [250.0625, 8743.734375, 16, 16], [250.0625, 8743.734375, 16, 16], [250.0625, 8743.734375, 16, 16], [250.0625, 8743.734375, 16, 16], [251.5, 8745.1875, 13.109375, 13.09375], [483, 8739, 33, 25], [483, 8739, 33, 25], [483, 8739, 25, 25], [483, 8739, 25, 25], [483, 8739, 25, 25], [483, 8740.734375, 25, 19], [483, 8740.734375, 25, 19], [483, 8739, 25, 25], [489, 8741, 16, 19.5], [516, 8751.5, 0, 0], [536, 8620.5, 200, 134], [536, 8620.5, 200, 134], [64, 12422, 672, 3811], [64, 12422, 672, 134], [64, 12422, 672, 134], [64, 12434.5, 452, 109], [64, 12434.5, 452, 28], [64, 12434.5, 452, 20], [64, 12434.5, 20, 20], [64, 12434.5, 20, 20], [92, 12436.5, 252.390625, 16], [92, 12436.5, 76.4375, 16], [92, 12436.5, 76.4375, 16], [92, 12436.5, 76.4375, 16], [92, 12436.5, 76.4375, 16], [92, 12436.5, 76.4375, 16], [92, 12436.5, 76.4375, 16], [92, 12436.5, 74.4375, 15], [168.4375, 12436.5, 175.953125, 16], [168.4375, 12436.5, 12.125, 16], [168.4375, 12436.5, 10.125, 15], [180.5625, 12436.5, 163.828125, 16], [180.5625, 12436.5, 163.828125, 16], [180.5625, 12436.5, 163.828125, 15], [64, 12462.5, 452, 48], [64, 12462.5, 452, 24], [64, 12463.5, 219.828125, 22], [64, 12486.5, 452, 24], [64, 12490.5, 452, 20], [64, 12491.5, 393.96875, 17], [64, 12510.5, 452, 33], [64, 12520.234375, 197, 22], [64, 12521.234375, 39.046875, 20], [64, 12523.234375, 39.046875, 15], [64, 12523.234375, 39.046875, 15], [64, 12523.234375, 39.046875, 15], [103.046875, 12520.234375, 16.671875, 20], [109.046875, 12520.234375, 4.671875, 20], [109.046875, 12522.234375, 4.671875, 16], [109.046875, 12522.234375, 4.671875, 16], [119.71875, 12521.234375, 61.421875, 20], [119.71875, 12523.234375, 61.421875, 15], [119.71875, 12523.234375, 61.421875, 15], [181.140625, 12520.234375, 16.671875, 20], [187.140625, 12520.234375, 4.671875, 20], [187.140625, 12522.234375, 4.671875, 16], [187.140625, 12522.234375, 4.671875, 16], [197.8125, 12520.234375, 43.1875, 22], [197.8125, 12520.234375, 43.1875, 22], [198.8125, 12523.234375, 41.1875, 15], [241, 12523.234375, 20, 16], [245, 12523.234375, 16, 16], [245, 12523.234375, 16, 16], [245, 12523.234375, 16, 16], [245, 12523.234375, 16, 16], [245, 12523.234375, 16, 16], [245, 12523.234375, 16, 16], [246.4375, 12524.6875, 13.109375, 13.09375], [483, 12518.5, 33, 25], [483, 12518.5, 33, 25], [483, 12518.5, 25, 25], [483, 12518.5, 25, 25], [483, 12518.5, 25, 25], [483, 12520.234375, 25, 19], [483, 12520.234375, 25, 19], [483, 12518.5, 25, 25], [489, 12520.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 12531, 0, 0], [536, 12422, 200, 134], [536, 12422, 200, 134], [64, 16233, 672, 3811], [64, 16233, 672, 153], [64, 16233, 672, 153], [64, 16233, 452, 153], [64, 16233, 452, 28], [64, 16233, 452, 20], [64, 16233, 20, 20], [64, 16233, 20, 20], [92, 16235, 184.625, 16], [92, 16235, 94.46875, 16], [92, 16235, 94.46875, 16], [92, 16235, 94.46875, 16], [92, 16235, 94.46875, 16], [92, 16235, 94.46875, 16], [92, 16235, 94.46875, 16], [92, 16235, 92.46875, 15], [186.46875, 16235, 90.15625, 16], [186.46875, 16235, 12.125, 16], [186.46875, 16235, 10.125, 15], [198.59375, 16235, 78.03125, 16], [198.59375, 16235, 78.03125, 16], [198.59375, 16235, 78.03125, 15], [64, 16261, 452, 92], [64, 16261, 452, 48], [64, 16262, 441.609375, 46], [64, 16309, 452, 44], [64, 16313, 452, 40], [64, 16314, 447.359375, 57], [64, 16353, 452, 33], [64, 16362.734375, 214.359375, 22], [64, 16363.734375, 31.8125, 20], [64, 16365.734375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 16365.734375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 16365.734375, 31.8125, 15], [95.8125, 16362.734375, 16.671875, 20], [101.8125, 16362.734375, 4.671875, 20], [101.8125, 16364.734375, 4.671875, 16], [101.8125, 16364.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 16363.734375, 61.421875, 20], [112.484375, 16365.734375, 61.421875, 15], [112.484375, 16365.734375, 61.421875, 15], [173.90625, 16362.734375, 16.671875, 20], [179.90625, 16362.734375, 4.671875, 20], [179.90625, 16364.734375, 4.671875, 16], [179.90625, 16364.734375, 4.671875, 16], [190.578125, 16362.734375, 67.78125, 22], [190.578125, 16362.734375, 67.78125, 22], [191.578125, 16365.734375, 65.78125, 15], [258.359375, 16365.734375, 20, 16], [262.359375, 16365.734375, 16, 16], [262.359375, 16365.734375, 16, 16], [262.359375, 16365.734375, 16, 16], [262.359375, 16365.734375, 16, 16], [262.359375, 16365.734375, 16, 16], [262.359375, 16365.734375, 16, 16], [263.796875, 16367.1875, 13.109375, 13.09375], [483, 16361, 33, 25], [483, 16361, 33, 25], [483, 16361, 25, 25], [483, 16361, 25, 25], [483, 16361, 25, 25], [483, 16362.734375, 25, 19], [483, 16362.734375, 25, 19], [483, 16361, 25, 25], [489, 16363, 16, 19.5], [516, 16373.5, 0, 0], [536, 16242.5, 200, 134], [536, 16242.5, 200, 134], [64, 20044, 672, 3811], [64, 20044, 672, 134], [64, 20044, 672, 134], [64, 20046.5, 452, 129], [64, 20046.5, 452, 28], [64, 20046.5, 452, 20], [64, 20046.5, 20, 20], [64, 20046.5, 20, 20], [64, 20046.5, 20, 20], [64, 20046.5, 20, 20], [92, 20048.5, 31.640625, 16], [92, 20048.5, 31.640625, 16], [92, 20048.5, 31.640625, 16], [92, 20048.5, 31.640625, 16], [92, 20048.5, 31.640625, 16], [92, 20048.5, 31.640625, 16], [92, 20048.5, 31.640625, 16], [92, 20048.5, 29.640625, 15], [64, 20074.5, 452, 68], [64, 20074.5, 452, 24], [64, 20075.5, 208.90625, 22], [64, 20098.5, 452, 44], [64, 20102.5, 452, 40], [64, 20103.5, 445.5625, 57], [64, 20142.5, 452, 33], [64, 20152.234375, 236.484375, 22], [64, 20153.234375, 39.046875, 20], [64, 20155.234375, 39.046875, 15], [64, 20155.234375, 39.046875, 15], [64, 20155.234375, 39.046875, 15], [103.046875, 20152.234375, 16.671875, 20], [109.046875, 20152.234375, 4.671875, 20], [109.046875, 20154.234375, 4.671875, 16], [109.046875, 20154.234375, 4.671875, 16], [119.71875, 20153.234375, 61.421875, 20], [119.71875, 20155.234375, 61.421875, 15], [119.71875, 20155.234375, 61.421875, 15], [181.140625, 20152.234375, 16.671875, 20], [187.140625, 20152.234375, 4.671875, 20], [187.140625, 20154.234375, 4.671875, 16], [187.140625, 20154.234375, 4.671875, 16], [197.8125, 20152.234375, 102.671875, 22], [197.8125, 20152.234375, 102.671875, 22], [198.8125, 20155.234375, 100.671875, 15], [483, 20150.5, 33, 25], [483, 20150.5, 33, 25], [483, 20150.5, 25, 25], [483, 20150.5, 25, 25], [483, 20150.5, 25, 25], [483, 20152.234375, 25, 19], [483, 20152.234375, 25, 19], [483, 20150.5, 25, 25], [489, 20152.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 20163, 0, 0], [536, 20044, 200, 134], [536, 20044, 200, 134], [64, 23855, 672, 3811], [64, 23855, 672, 153], [64, 23855, 672, 153], [64, 23855, 452, 153], [64, 23855, 452, 28], [64, 23855, 452, 20], [64, 23855, 20, 20], [64, 23855, 20, 20], [92, 23857, 248.265625, 16], [92, 23857, 133.515625, 16], [92, 23857, 133.515625, 16], [92, 23857, 133.515625, 16], [92, 23857, 133.515625, 16], [92, 23857, 133.515625, 16], [92, 23857, 133.515625, 16], [92, 23857, 131.515625, 15], [225.515625, 23857, 114.75, 16], [225.515625, 23857, 12.125, 16], [225.515625, 23857, 10.125, 15], [237.640625, 23857, 102.625, 16], [237.640625, 23857, 102.625, 16], [237.640625, 23857, 102.625, 15], [64, 23883, 452, 92], [64, 23883, 452, 48], [64, 23884, 451.265625, 46], [64, 23931, 452, 44], [64, 23935, 452, 40], [64, 23936, 450.53125, 57], [64, 23975, 452, 33], [64, 23984.734375, 171.921875, 22], [64, 23985.734375, 31.8125, 20], [64, 23987.734375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 23987.734375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 23987.734375, 31.8125, 15], [95.8125, 23984.734375, 16.671875, 20], [101.8125, 23984.734375, 4.671875, 20], [101.8125, 23986.734375, 4.671875, 16], [101.8125, 23986.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 23985.734375, 61.421875, 20], [112.484375, 23987.734375, 61.421875, 15], [112.484375, 23987.734375, 61.421875, 15], [173.90625, 23984.734375, 16.671875, 20], [179.90625, 23984.734375, 4.671875, 20], [179.90625, 23986.734375, 4.671875, 16], [179.90625, 23986.734375, 4.671875, 16], [190.578125, 23984.734375, 45.34375, 22], [190.578125, 23984.734375, 45.34375, 22], [191.578125, 23987.734375, 43.34375, 15], [483, 23983, 33, 25], [483, 23983, 33, 25], [483, 23983, 25, 25], [483, 23983, 25, 25], [483, 23983, 25, 25], [483, 23984.734375, 25, 19], [483, 23984.734375, 25, 19], [483, 23983, 25, 25], [489, 23985, 16, 19.5], [516, 23995.5, 0, 0], [536, 23864.5, 200, 134], [536, 23864.5, 200, 134], [64, 27666, 672, 3811], [64, 27666, 672, 134], [64, 27666, 672, 134], [64, 27668.5, 452, 129], [64, 27668.5, 452, 28], [64, 27668.5, 452, 20], [64, 27668.5, 20, 20], [64, 27668.5, 20, 20], [64, 27668.5, 20, 20], [64, 27668.5, 20, 20], [92, 27670.5, 98.328125, 16], [92, 27670.5, 98.328125, 16], [92, 27670.5, 98.328125, 16], [92, 27670.5, 98.328125, 16], [92, 27670.5, 98.328125, 16], [92, 27670.5, 79.328125, 16], [92, 27670.5, 79.328125, 16], [92, 27670.5, 77.328125, 15], [171.328125, 27670.5, 16, 16], [171.328125, 27670.5, 16, 16], [171.328125, 27670.5, 16, 16], [171.328125, 27670.5, 16, 16], [172.765625, 27671.5, 13.734375, 14], [176.203125, 27676, 6.875, 6.015625], [64, 27696.5, 452, 68], [64, 27696.5, 452, 24], [64, 27697.5, 317.859375, 22], [64, 27720.5, 452, 44], [64, 27724.5, 452, 40], [64, 27725.5, 443.75, 57], [64, 27764.5, 452, 33], [64, 27774.234375, 197.703125, 22], [64, 27775.234375, 31.8125, 20], [64, 27777.234375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 27777.234375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 27777.234375, 31.8125, 15], [95.8125, 27774.234375, 16.671875, 20], [101.8125, 27774.234375, 4.671875, 20], [101.8125, 27776.234375, 4.671875, 16], [101.8125, 27776.234375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 27775.234375, 61.421875, 20], [112.484375, 27777.234375, 61.421875, 15], [112.484375, 27777.234375, 61.421875, 15], [173.90625, 27774.234375, 16.671875, 20], [179.90625, 27774.234375, 4.671875, 20], [179.90625, 27776.234375, 4.671875, 16], [179.90625, 27776.234375, 4.671875, 16], [190.578125, 27774.234375, 51.125, 22], [190.578125, 27774.234375, 51.125, 22], [191.578125, 27777.234375, 49.125, 15], [241.703125, 27777.234375, 20, 16], [245.703125, 27777.234375, 16, 16], [245.703125, 27777.234375, 16, 16], [245.703125, 27777.234375, 16, 16], [245.703125, 27777.234375, 16, 16], [245.703125, 27777.234375, 16, 16], [245.703125, 27777.234375, 16, 16], [247.140625, 27778.6875, 13.109375, 13.09375], [483, 27772.5, 33, 25], [483, 27772.5, 33, 25], [483, 27772.5, 25, 25], [483, 27772.5, 25, 25], [483, 27772.5, 25, 25], [483, 27774.234375, 25, 19], [483, 27774.234375, 25, 19], [483, 27772.5, 25, 25], [489, 27774.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 27785, 0, 0], [536, 27666, 200, 134], [536, 27666, 200, 134], [64, 31477, 672, 3811], [64, 31477, 672, 134], [64, 31477, 672, 134], [64, 31477.5, 452, 133], [64, 31477.5, 452, 28], [64, 31477.5, 452, 20], [64, 31477.5, 20, 20], [64, 31477.5, 20, 20], [92, 31479.5, 235.578125, 16], [92, 31479.5, 75.703125, 16], [92, 31479.5, 75.703125, 16], [92, 31479.5, 75.703125, 16], [92, 31479.5, 75.703125, 16], [92, 31479.5, 75.703125, 16], [92, 31479.5, 75.703125, 16], [92, 31479.5, 73.703125, 15], [167.703125, 31479.5, 159.875, 16], [167.703125, 31479.5, 12.125, 16], [167.703125, 31479.5, 10.125, 15], [179.828125, 31479.5, 147.75, 16], [179.828125, 31479.5, 147.75, 16], [179.828125, 31479.5, 147.75, 15], [64, 31505.5, 452, 72], [64, 31505.5, 452, 48], [64, 31506.5, 448.1875, 46], [64, 31553.5, 452, 24], [64, 31557.5, 452, 20], [64, 31558.5, 338.828125, 17], [64, 31577.5, 452, 33], [64, 31587.234375, 193.375, 22], [64, 31588.234375, 42.640625, 20], [64, 31590.234375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 31590.234375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 31590.234375, 42.640625, 15], [106.640625, 31587.234375, 16.671875, 20], [112.640625, 31587.234375, 4.671875, 20], [112.640625, 31589.234375, 4.671875, 16], [112.640625, 31589.234375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 31588.234375, 61.421875, 20], [123.3125, 31590.234375, 61.421875, 15], [123.3125, 31590.234375, 61.421875, 15], [184.734375, 31587.234375, 16.671875, 20], [190.734375, 31587.234375, 4.671875, 20], [190.734375, 31589.234375, 4.671875, 16], [190.734375, 31589.234375, 4.671875, 16], [201.40625, 31587.234375, 35.96875, 22], [201.40625, 31587.234375, 35.96875, 22], [202.40625, 31590.234375, 33.96875, 15], [237.375, 31590.234375, 20, 16], [241.375, 31590.234375, 16, 16], [241.375, 31590.234375, 16, 16], [241.375, 31590.234375, 16, 16], [241.375, 31590.234375, 16, 16], [241.375, 31590.234375, 16, 16], [241.375, 31590.234375, 16, 16], [242.8125, 31591.6875, 13.109375, 13.09375], [483, 31585.5, 33, 25], [483, 31585.5, 33, 25], [483, 31585.5, 25, 25], [483, 31585.5, 25, 25], [483, 31585.5, 25, 25], [483, 31587.234375, 25, 19], [483, 31587.234375, 25, 19], [483, 31585.5, 25, 25], [489, 31587.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 31598, 0, 0], [536, 31477, 200, 134], [536, 31477, 200, 134], [64, 35288, 672, 3811], [64, 35288, 672, 134], [64, 35288, 672, 134], [64, 35290.5, 452, 129], [64, 35290.5, 452, 28], [64, 35290.5, 452, 20], [64, 35290.5, 20, 20], [64, 35290.5, 20, 20], [64, 35290.5, 20, 20], [64, 35290.5, 20, 20], [92, 35292.5, 108.234375, 16], [92, 35292.5, 108.234375, 16], [92, 35292.5, 108.234375, 16], [92, 35292.5, 108.234375, 16], [92, 35292.5, 108.234375, 16], [92, 35292.5, 108.234375, 16], [92, 35292.5, 108.234375, 16], [92, 35292.5, 106.234375, 15], [64, 35318.5, 452, 68], [64, 35318.5, 452, 24], [64, 35319.5, 189.671875, 22], [64, 35342.5, 452, 44], [64, 35346.5, 452, 40], [64, 35347.5, 440.5625, 57], [64, 35386.5, 452, 33], [64, 35396.234375, 165.921875, 22], [64, 35397.234375, 31.8125, 20], [64, 35399.234375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 35399.234375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 35399.234375, 31.8125, 15], [95.8125, 35396.234375, 16.671875, 20], [101.8125, 35396.234375, 4.671875, 20], [101.8125, 35398.234375, 4.671875, 16], [101.8125, 35398.234375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 35397.234375, 67.6875, 20], [112.484375, 35399.234375, 67.6875, 15], [112.484375, 35399.234375, 67.6875, 15], [180.171875, 35396.234375, 16.671875, 20], [186.171875, 35396.234375, 4.671875, 20], [186.171875, 35398.234375, 4.671875, 16], [186.171875, 35398.234375, 4.671875, 16], [196.84375, 35396.234375, 33.078125, 22], [196.84375, 35396.234375, 33.078125, 22], [197.84375, 35399.234375, 31.078125, 15], [483, 35394.5, 33, 25], [483, 35394.5, 33, 25], [483, 35394.5, 25, 25], [483, 35394.5, 25, 25], [483, 35394.5, 25, 25], [483, 35396.234375, 25, 19], [483, 35396.234375, 25, 19], [483, 35394.5, 25, 25], [489, 35396.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 35407, 0, 0], [536, 35288, 200, 134], [536, 35288, 200, 134], [64, 39099, 672, 3811], [64, 39099, 672, 134], [64, 39099, 672, 134], [64, 39101.5, 452, 129], [64, 39101.5, 452, 28], [64, 39101.5, 452, 20], [64, 39101.5, 20, 20], [64, 39101.5, 20, 20], [92, 39103.5, 230.15625, 16], [92, 39103.5, 119.046875, 16], [92, 39103.5, 119.046875, 16], [92, 39103.5, 119.046875, 16], [92, 39103.5, 119.046875, 16], [92, 39103.5, 119.046875, 16], [92, 39103.5, 119.046875, 16], [92, 39103.5, 117.046875, 15], [211.046875, 39103.5, 111.109375, 16], [211.046875, 39103.5, 12.125, 16], [211.046875, 39103.5, 10.125, 15], [223.171875, 39103.5, 98.984375, 16], [223.171875, 39103.5, 98.984375, 16], [223.171875, 39103.5, 98.984375, 15], [64, 39129.5, 452, 68], [64, 39129.5, 452, 24], [64, 39130.5, 348.53125, 22], [64, 39153.5, 452, 44], [64, 39157.5, 452, 40], [64, 39158.5, 443.78125, 37], [64, 39197.5, 452, 33], [64, 39207.234375, 177, 22], [64, 39208.234375, 31.8125, 20], [64, 39210.234375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 39210.234375, 31.8125, 15], [64, 39210.234375, 31.8125, 15], [95.8125, 39207.234375, 16.671875, 20], [101.8125, 39207.234375, 4.671875, 20], [101.8125, 39209.234375, 4.671875, 16], [101.8125, 39209.234375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 39208.234375, 68.65625, 20], [112.484375, 39210.234375, 68.65625, 15], [112.484375, 39210.234375, 68.65625, 15], [181.140625, 39207.234375, 16.671875, 20], [187.140625, 39207.234375, 4.671875, 20], [187.140625, 39209.234375, 4.671875, 16], [187.140625, 39209.234375, 4.671875, 16], [197.8125, 39207.234375, 43.1875, 22], [197.8125, 39207.234375, 43.1875, 22], [198.8125, 39210.234375, 41.1875, 15], [483, 39205.5, 33, 25], [483, 39205.5, 33, 25], [483, 39205.5, 25, 25], [483, 39205.5, 25, 25], [483, 39205.5, 25, 25], [483, 39207.234375, 25, 19], [483, 39207.234375, 25, 19], [483, 39205.5, 25, 25], [489, 39207.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 39218, 0, 0], [536, 39099, 200, 134], [536, 39099, 200, 134], [64, 42910, 672, 3811], [64, 42910, 672, 153], [64, 42910, 672, 153], [64, 42910, 452, 153], [64, 42910, 452, 28], [64, 42910, 452, 20], [64, 42910, 20, 20], [64, 42910, 20, 20], [92, 42912, 142.03125, 16], [92, 42912, 74.265625, 16], [92, 42912, 74.265625, 16], [92, 42912, 74.265625, 16], [92, 42912, 74.265625, 16], [92, 42912, 74.265625, 16], [92, 42912, 74.265625, 16], [92, 42912, 72.265625, 15], [166.265625, 42912, 67.765625, 16], [166.265625, 42912, 12.125, 16], [166.265625, 42912, 10.125, 15], [178.390625, 42912, 55.640625, 16], [178.390625, 42912, 55.640625, 16], [178.390625, 42912, 55.640625, 15], [64, 42938, 452, 92], [64, 42938, 452, 48], [64, 42939, 422.46875, 46], [64, 42986, 452, 44], [64, 42990, 452, 40], [64, 42991, 435.796875, 37], [64, 43030, 452, 33], [64, 43039.734375, 276, 22], [64, 43040.734375, 31.078125, 20], [64, 43042.734375, 31.078125, 15], [64, 43042.734375, 31.078125, 15], [64, 43042.734375, 31.078125, 15], [95.078125, 43039.734375, 16.671875, 20], [101.078125, 43039.734375, 4.671875, 20], [101.078125, 43041.734375, 4.671875, 16], [101.078125, 43041.734375, 4.671875, 16], [111.75, 43040.734375, 61.421875, 20], [111.75, 43042.734375, 61.421875, 15], [111.75, 43042.734375, 61.421875, 15], [173.171875, 43039.734375, 16.671875, 20], [179.171875, 43039.734375, 4.671875, 20], [179.171875, 43041.734375, 4.671875, 16], [179.171875, 43041.734375, 4.671875, 16], [189.84375, 43039.734375, 150.15625, 22], [189.84375, 43039.734375, 150.15625, 22], [190.84375, 43042.734375, 148.15625, 15], [483, 43038, 33, 25], [483, 43038, 33, 25], [483, 43038, 25, 25], [483, 43038, 25, 25], [483, 43038, 25, 25], [483, 43039.734375, 25, 19], [483, 43039.734375, 25, 19], [483, 43038, 25, 25], [489, 43040, 16, 19.5], [516, 43050.5, 0, 0], [536, 42919.5, 200, 134], [536, 42919.5, 200, 134], [64, 46721, 672, 3811], [64, 46721, 672, 134], [64, 46721, 672, 134], [64, 46723.5, 452, 129], [64, 46723.5, 452, 28], [64, 46723.5, 452, 20], [64, 46723.5, 20, 20], [64, 46723.5, 20, 20], [92, 46725.5, 173.8125, 16], [92, 46725.5, 83.65625, 16], [92, 46725.5, 83.65625, 16], [92, 46725.5, 83.65625, 16], [92, 46725.5, 83.65625, 16], [92, 46725.5, 83.65625, 16], [92, 46725.5, 83.65625, 16], [92, 46725.5, 81.65625, 15], [175.65625, 46725.5, 90.15625, 16], [175.65625, 46725.5, 12.125, 16], [175.65625, 46725.5, 10.125, 15], [187.78125, 46725.5, 78.03125, 16], [187.78125, 46725.5, 78.03125, 16], [187.78125, 46725.5, 78.03125, 15], [64, 46751.5, 452, 68], [64, 46751.5, 452, 24], [64, 46752.5, 245.609375, 22], [64, 46775.5, 452, 44], [64, 46779.5, 452, 40], [64, 46780.5, 444.75, 37], [64, 46819.5, 452, 33], [64, 46829.234375, 216.71875, 22], [64, 46830.234375, 35.40625, 20], [64, 46832.234375, 35.40625, 15], [64, 46832.234375, 35.40625, 15], [64, 46832.234375, 35.40625, 15], [99.40625, 46829.234375, 16.671875, 20], [105.40625, 46829.234375, 4.671875, 20], [105.40625, 46831.234375, 4.671875, 16], [105.40625, 46831.234375, 4.671875, 16], [116.078125, 46830.234375, 68.65625, 20], [116.078125, 46832.234375, 68.65625, 15], [116.078125, 46832.234375, 68.65625, 15], [184.734375, 46829.234375, 16.671875, 20], [190.734375, 46829.234375, 4.671875, 20], [190.734375, 46831.234375, 4.671875, 16], [190.734375, 46831.234375, 4.671875, 16], [201.40625, 46829.234375, 79.3125, 22], [201.40625, 46829.234375, 79.3125, 22], [202.40625, 46832.234375, 77.3125, 15], [483, 46827.5, 33, 25], [483, 46827.5, 33, 25], [483, 46827.5, 25, 25], [483, 46827.5, 25, 25], [483, 46827.5, 25, 25], [483, 46829.234375, 25, 19], [483, 46829.234375, 25, 19], [483, 46827.5, 25, 25], [489, 46829.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 46840, 0, 0], [536, 46721, 200, 134], [536, 46721, 200, 134], [64, 50532, 672, 3811], [64, 50532, 672, 153], [64, 50532, 672, 153], [64, 50532, 452, 153], [64, 50532, 452, 28], [64, 50532, 452, 20], [64, 50532, 20, 20], [64, 50532, 20, 20], [64, 50532, 20, 20], [64, 50532, 20, 20], [92, 50534, 71.375, 16], [92, 50534, 71.375, 16], [92, 50534, 71.375, 16], [92, 50534, 71.375, 16], [92, 50534, 71.375, 16], [92, 50534, 71.375, 16], [92, 50534, 71.375, 16], [92, 50534, 69.375, 15], [64, 50560, 452, 92], [64, 50560, 452, 48], [64, 50561, 448.21875, 46], [64, 50608, 452, 44], [64, 50612, 452, 40], [64, 50613, 450.9375, 57], [64, 50652, 452, 33], [64, 50661.734375, 186.859375, 22], [64, 50662.734375, 42.640625, 20], [64, 50664.734375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 50664.734375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 50664.734375, 42.640625, 15], [106.640625, 50661.734375, 16.671875, 20], [112.640625, 50661.734375, 4.671875, 20], [112.640625, 50663.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.640625, 50663.734375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 50662.734375, 68.65625, 20], [123.3125, 50664.734375, 68.65625, 15], [123.3125, 50664.734375, 68.65625, 15], [191.96875, 50661.734375, 16.671875, 20], [197.96875, 50661.734375, 4.671875, 20], [197.96875, 50663.734375, 4.671875, 16], [197.96875, 50663.734375, 4.671875, 16], [208.640625, 50661.734375, 42.21875, 22], [208.640625, 50661.734375, 42.21875, 22], [209.640625, 50664.734375, 40.21875, 15], [483, 50660, 33, 25], [483, 50660, 33, 25], [483, 50660, 25, 25], [483, 50660, 25, 25], [483, 50660, 25, 25], [483, 50661.734375, 25, 19], [483, 50661.734375, 25, 19], [483, 50660, 25, 25], [489, 50662, 16, 19.5], [516, 50672.5, 0, 0], [536, 50541.5, 200, 134], [536, 50541.5, 200, 134], [64, 54343, 672, 3811], [64, 54343, 672, 134], [64, 54343, 672, 134], [64, 54345.5, 452, 129], [64, 54345.5, 452, 28], [64, 54345.5, 452, 20], [64, 54345.5, 20, 20], [64, 54345.5, 20, 20], [92, 54347.5, 182.75, 16], [92, 54347.5, 66.0625, 16], [92, 54347.5, 66.0625, 16], [92, 54347.5, 66.0625, 16], [92, 54347.5, 66.0625, 16], [92, 54347.5, 66.0625, 16], [92, 54347.5, 66.0625, 16], [92, 54347.5, 64.0625, 15], [158.0625, 54347.5, 116.6875, 16], [158.0625, 54347.5, 12.125, 16], [158.0625, 54347.5, 10.125, 15], [170.1875, 54347.5, 104.5625, 16], [170.1875, 54347.5, 104.5625, 16], [170.1875, 54347.5, 104.5625, 15], [64, 54373.5, 452, 68], [64, 54373.5, 452, 24], [64, 54374.5, 350.78125, 22], [64, 54397.5, 452, 44], [64, 54401.5, 452, 40], [64, 54402.5, 411.5, 57], [64, 54441.5, 452, 33], [64, 54451.234375, 266.375, 22], [64, 54452.234375, 76.625, 20], [64, 54454.234375, 76.625, 15], [64, 54454.234375, 76.625, 15], [64, 54454.234375, 76.625, 15], [140.625, 54451.234375, 16.671875, 20], [146.625, 54451.234375, 4.671875, 20], [146.625, 54453.234375, 4.671875, 16], [146.625, 54453.234375, 4.671875, 16], [157.296875, 54452.234375, 61.421875, 20], [157.296875, 54454.234375, 61.421875, 15], [157.296875, 54454.234375, 61.421875, 15], [218.71875, 54451.234375, 16.671875, 20], [224.71875, 54451.234375, 4.671875, 20], [224.71875, 54453.234375, 4.671875, 16], [224.71875, 54453.234375, 4.671875, 16], [235.390625, 54451.234375, 94.984375, 22], [235.390625, 54451.234375, 94.984375, 22], [236.390625, 54454.234375, 92.984375, 15], [483, 54449.5, 33, 25], [483, 54449.5, 33, 25], [483, 54449.5, 25, 25], [483, 54449.5, 25, 25], [483, 54449.5, 25, 25], [483, 54451.234375, 25, 19], [483, 54451.234375, 25, 19], [483, 54449.5, 25, 25], [489, 54451.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 54462, 0, 0], [536, 54343, 200, 134], [536, 54343, 200, 134], [64, 58154, 672, 3811], [64, 58154, 672, 134], [64, 58154, 672, 134], [64, 58166.5, 452, 109], [64, 58166.5, 452, 28], [64, 58166.5, 452, 20], [64, 58166.5, 20, 20], [64, 58166.5, 20, 20], [64, 58166.5, 20, 20], [64, 58166.5, 20, 20], [92, 58168.5, 151.5625, 16], [92, 58168.5, 151.5625, 16], [92, 58168.5, 151.5625, 16], [92, 58168.5, 151.5625, 16], [92, 58168.5, 151.5625, 16], [92, 58168.5, 132.5625, 16], [92, 58168.5, 132.5625, 16], [92, 58168.5, 130.5625, 15], [224.5625, 58168.5, 16, 16], [224.5625, 58168.5, 16, 16], [224.5625, 58168.5, 16, 16], [224.5625, 58168.5, 16, 16], [226, 58169.5, 13.734375, 14], [229.4375, 58174, 6.875, 6.015625], [64, 58194.5, 452, 48], [64, 58194.5, 452, 24], [64, 58195.5, 256.703125, 22], [64, 58218.5, 452, 24], [64, 58222.5, 452, 20], [64, 58223.5, 139.328125, 17], [64, 58242.5, 452, 33], [64, 58252.234375, 185.4375, 22], [64, 58253.234375, 40.46875, 20], [64, 58255.234375, 40.46875, 15], [64, 58255.234375, 40.46875, 15], [64, 58255.234375, 40.46875, 15], [104.46875, 58252.234375, 16.671875, 20], [110.46875, 58252.234375, 4.671875, 20], [110.46875, 58254.234375, 4.671875, 16], [110.46875, 58254.234375, 4.671875, 16], [121.140625, 58253.234375, 61.421875, 20], [121.140625, 58255.234375, 61.421875, 15], [121.140625, 58255.234375, 61.421875, 15], [182.5625, 58252.234375, 16.671875, 20], [188.5625, 58252.234375, 4.671875, 20], [188.5625, 58254.234375, 4.671875, 16], [188.5625, 58254.234375, 4.671875, 16], [199.234375, 58252.234375, 30.203125, 22], [199.234375, 58252.234375, 30.203125, 22], [200.234375, 58255.234375, 28.203125, 15], [229.4375, 58255.234375, 20, 16], [233.4375, 58255.234375, 16, 16], [233.4375, 58255.234375, 16, 16], [233.4375, 58255.234375, 16, 16], [233.4375, 58255.234375, 16, 16], [233.4375, 58255.234375, 16, 16], [233.4375, 58255.234375, 16, 16], [234.875, 58256.6875, 13.109375, 13.09375], [483, 58250.5, 33, 25], [483, 58250.5, 33, 25], [483, 58250.5, 25, 25], [483, 58250.5, 25, 25], [483, 58250.5, 25, 25], [483, 58252.234375, 25, 19], [483, 58252.234375, 25, 19], [483, 58250.5, 25, 25], [489, 58252.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 58263, 0, 0], [536, 58154, 200, 134], [536, 58154, 200, 134], [64, 61965, 672, 3811], [64, 61965, 672, 134], [64, 61965, 672, 134], [64, 61977.5, 452, 109], [64, 61977.5, 452, 28], [64, 61977.5, 452, 20], [64, 61977.5, 20, 20], [64, 61977.5, 20, 20], [92, 61979.5, 144.65625, 16], [92, 61979.5, 77.125, 16], [92, 61979.5, 77.125, 16], [92, 61979.5, 77.125, 16], [92, 61979.5, 77.125, 16], [92, 61979.5, 77.125, 16], [92, 61979.5, 77.125, 16], [92, 61979.5, 75.125, 15], [169.125, 61979.5, 67.53125, 16], [169.125, 61979.5, 12.125, 16], [169.125, 61979.5, 10.125, 15], [181.25, 61979.5, 55.40625, 16], [181.25, 61979.5, 55.40625, 16], [181.25, 61979.5, 55.40625, 15], [64, 62005.5, 452, 48], [64, 62005.5, 452, 24], [64, 62006.5, 313.359375, 22], [64, 62029.5, 452, 24], [64, 62033.5, 452, 20], [64, 62034.5, 384.171875, 17], [64, 62053.5, 452, 33], [64, 62063.234375, 233.140625, 22], [64, 62064.234375, 42.640625, 20], [64, 62066.234375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 62066.234375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 62066.234375, 42.640625, 15], [106.640625, 62063.234375, 16.671875, 20], [112.640625, 62063.234375, 4.671875, 20], [112.640625, 62065.234375, 4.671875, 16], [112.640625, 62065.234375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 62064.234375, 61.421875, 20], [123.3125, 62066.234375, 61.421875, 15], [123.3125, 62066.234375, 61.421875, 15], [184.734375, 62063.234375, 16.671875, 20], [190.734375, 62063.234375, 4.671875, 20], [190.734375, 62065.234375, 4.671875, 16], [190.734375, 62065.234375, 4.671875, 16], [201.40625, 62063.234375, 75.734375, 22], [201.40625, 62063.234375, 75.734375, 22], [202.40625, 62066.234375, 73.734375, 15], [277.140625, 62066.234375, 20, 16], [281.140625, 62066.234375, 16, 16], [281.140625, 62066.234375, 16, 16], [281.140625, 62066.234375, 16, 16], [281.140625, 62066.234375, 16, 16], [281.140625, 62066.234375, 16, 16], [281.140625, 62066.234375, 16, 16], [282.578125, 62067.6875, 13.109375, 13.09375], [483, 62061.5, 33, 25], [483, 62061.5, 33, 25], [483, 62061.5, 25, 25], [483, 62061.5, 25, 25], [483, 62061.5, 25, 25], [483, 62063.234375, 25, 19], [483, 62063.234375, 25, 19], [483, 62061.5, 25, 25], [489, 62063.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 62074, 0, 0], [536, 61965, 200, 134], [536, 61965, 200, 134], [64, 65776, 672, 3811], [64, 65776, 672, 129], [64, 65776, 672, 129], [64, 65776, 652, 129], [64, 65776, 652, 28], [64, 65776, 652, 20], [64, 65776, 20, 20], [64, 65776, 20, 20], [64, 65776, 20, 20], [64, 65776, 20, 20], [92, 65778, 75.03125, 16], [92, 65778, 75.03125, 16], [92, 65778, 75.03125, 16], [92, 65778, 75.03125, 16], [92, 65778, 75.03125, 16], [92, 65778, 75.03125, 16], [92, 65778, 75.03125, 16], [92, 65778, 73.03125, 15], [64, 65804, 652, 68], [64, 65804, 652, 24], [64, 65805, 194.828125, 22], [64, 65828, 652, 44], [64, 65832, 652, 40], [64, 65833, 643.5625, 37], [64, 65872, 652, 33], [64, 65881.734375, 187.109375, 22], [64, 65882.734375, 42.640625, 20], [64, 65884.734375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 65884.734375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 65884.734375, 42.640625, 15], [106.640625, 65881.734375, 16.671875, 20], [112.640625, 65881.734375, 4.671875, 20], [112.640625, 65883.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.640625, 65883.734375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 65882.734375, 61.421875, 20], [123.3125, 65884.734375, 61.421875, 15], [123.3125, 65884.734375, 61.421875, 15], [184.734375, 65881.734375, 16.671875, 20], [190.734375, 65881.734375, 4.671875, 20], [190.734375, 65883.734375, 4.671875, 16], [190.734375, 65883.734375, 4.671875, 16], [201.40625, 65881.734375, 49.703125, 22], [201.40625, 65881.734375, 49.703125, 22], [202.40625, 65884.734375, 47.703125, 15], [683, 65880, 33, 25], [683, 65880, 33, 25], [683, 65880, 25, 25], [683, 65880, 25, 25], [683, 65880, 25, 25], [683, 65881.734375, 25, 19], [683, 65881.734375, 25, 19], [683, 65880, 25, 25], [689, 65882, 16, 19.5], [716, 65892.5, 0, 0], [736, 65840.5, 0, 0], [64, 69587, 672, 3811], [64, 69587, 672, 134], [64, 69587, 672, 134], [64, 69587.5, 452, 133], [64, 69587.5, 452, 28], [64, 69587.5, 452, 20], [64, 69587.5, 20, 20], [64, 69587.5, 20, 20], [92, 69589.5, 256.90625, 16], [92, 69589.5, 115.4375, 16], [92, 69589.5, 115.4375, 16], [92, 69589.5, 115.4375, 16], [92, 69589.5, 115.4375, 16], [92, 69589.5, 115.4375, 16], [92, 69589.5, 115.4375, 16], [92, 69589.5, 113.4375, 15], [207.4375, 69589.5, 141.46875, 16], [207.4375, 69589.5, 12.125, 16], [207.4375, 69589.5, 10.125, 15], [219.5625, 69589.5, 129.34375, 16], [219.5625, 69589.5, 129.34375, 16], [219.5625, 69589.5, 129.34375, 15], [64, 69615.5, 452, 72], [64, 69615.5, 452, 48], [64, 69616.5, 384.484375, 46], [64, 69663.5, 452, 24], [64, 69667.5, 452, 20], [64, 69668.5, 321.96875, 17], [64, 69687.5, 452, 33], [64, 69697.234375, 186.40625, 22], [64, 69698.234375, 38.3125, 20], [64, 69700.234375, 38.3125, 15], [64, 69700.234375, 38.3125, 15], [64, 69700.234375, 38.3125, 15], [102.3125, 69697.234375, 16.671875, 20], [108.3125, 69697.234375, 4.671875, 20], [108.3125, 69699.234375, 4.671875, 16], [108.3125, 69699.234375, 4.671875, 16], [118.984375, 69698.234375, 68.65625, 20], [118.984375, 69700.234375, 68.65625, 15], [118.984375, 69700.234375, 68.65625, 15], [187.640625, 69697.234375, 16.671875, 20], [193.640625, 69697.234375, 4.671875, 20], [193.640625, 69699.234375, 4.671875, 16], [193.640625, 69699.234375, 4.671875, 16], [204.3125, 69697.234375, 46.09375, 22], [204.3125, 69697.234375, 46.09375, 22], [205.3125, 69700.234375, 44.09375, 15], [483, 69695.5, 33, 25], [483, 69695.5, 33, 25], [483, 69695.5, 25, 25], [483, 69695.5, 25, 25], [483, 69695.5, 25, 25], [483, 69697.234375, 25, 19], [483, 69697.234375, 25, 19], [483, 69695.5, 25, 25], [489, 69697.5, 16, 19.5], [516, 69708, 0, 0], [536, 69587, 200, 134], [536, 69587, 200, 134], [64, 73398, 672, 3811], [64, 73398, 672, 153], [64, 73398, 672, 153], [64, 73398, 452, 153], [64, 73398, 452, 28], [64, 73398, 452, 20], [64, 73398, 20, 20], [64, 73398, 20, 20], [92, 73400, 163, 16], [92, 73400, 71.375, 16], [92, 73400, 71.375, 16], [92, 73400, 71.375, 16], [92, 73400, 71.375, 16], [92, 73400, 71.375, 16], [92, 73400, 71.375, 16], [92, 73400, 69.375, 15], [163.375, 73400, 91.625, 16], [163.375, 73400, 12.125, 16], [163.375, 73400, 10.125, 15], [175.5, 73400, 79.5, 16], [175.5, 73400, 79.5, 16], [175.5, 73400, 79.5, 15], [64, 73426, 452, 92], [64, 73426, 452, 48], [64, 73427, 420.109375, 46], [64, 73474, 452, 44], [64, 73478, 452, 40], [64, 73479, 434.890625, 37], [64, 73518, 452, 33], [64, 73527.734375, 203.96875, 22], [64, 73528.734375, 42.640625, 20], [64, 73530.734375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 73530.734375, 42.640625, 15], [64, 73530.734375, 42.640625, 15], [106.640625, 73527.734375, 16.671875, 20], [112.640625, 73527.734375, 4.671875, 20], [112.640625, 73529.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.640625, 73529.734375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 73528.734375, 61.421875, 20], [123.3125, 73530.734375, 61.421875, 15], [123.3125, 73530.734375, 61.421875, 15], [184.734375, 73527.734375, 16.671875, 20], [190.734375, 73527.734375, 4.671875, 20], [190.734375, 73529.734375, 4.671875, 16], [190.734375, 73529.734375, 4.671875, 16], [201.40625, 73527.734375, 46.5625, 22], [201.40625, 73527.734375, 46.5625, 22], [202.40625, 73530.734375, 44.5625, 15], [247.96875, 73530.734375, 20, 16], [251.96875, 73530.734375, 16, 16], [251.96875, 73530.734375, 16, 16], [251.96875, 73530.734375, 16, 16], [251.96875, 73530.734375, 16, 16], [251.96875, 73530.734375, 16, 16], [251.96875, 73530.734375, 16, 16], [253.40625, 73532.1875, 13.109375, 13.09375], [483, 73526, 33, 25], [483, 73526, 33, 25], [483, 73526, 25, 25], [483, 73526, 25, 25], [483, 73526, 25, 25], [483, 73527.734375, 25, 19], [483, 73527.734375, 25, 19], [483, 73526, 25, 25], [489, 73528, 16, 19.5], [516, 73538.5, 0, 0], [536, 73407.5, 200, 134], [536, 73407.5, 200, 134], [64, 77221, 672, 0], [832, 929, 384, 3811], [832, 929, 384, 351], [832, 929, 384, 247], [832, 929, 384, 247], [832, 929, 384, 214], [832, 929, 384, 36], [832, 929, 384, 20], [832, 930, 264.984375, 17], [832, 965, 384, 144], [832, 965, 126.03125, 38], [832, 965, 118.03125, 38], [832, 965, 118.03125, 38], [849, 976, 84.03125, 16], [958.03125, 965, 125.28125, 38], [958.03125, 965, 117.28125, 38], [958.03125, 965, 117.28125, 38], [975.03125, 976, 83.28125, 16], [1083.3125, 965, 112.828125, 38], [1083.3125, 965, 104.828125, 38], [1083.3125, 965, 104.828125, 38], [1100.3125, 976, 70.828125, 16], [832, 1013, 151.71875, 38], [832, 1013, 143.71875, 38], [832, 1013, 143.71875, 38], [849, 1024, 109.71875, 16], [983.71875, 1013, 85.3125, 38], [983.71875, 1013, 77.3125, 38], [983.71875, 1013, 77.3125, 38], [1000.71875, 1024, 43.3125, 16], [1069.03125, 1013, 126.0625, 38], [1069.03125, 1013, 118.0625, 38], [1069.03125, 1013, 118.0625, 38], [1086.03125, 1024, 84.0625, 16], [832, 1061, 153.296875, 38], [832, 1061, 145.296875, 38], [832, 1061, 145.296875, 38], [849, 1072, 111.296875, 16], [985.296875, 1061, 114.359375, 38], [985.296875, 1061, 106.359375, 38], [985.296875, 1061, 106.359375, 38], [1002.296875, 1072, 72.359375, 16], [1099.65625, 1061, 86.359375, 38], [1099.65625, 1061, 78.359375, 38], [1099.65625, 1061, 78.359375, 38], [1116.65625, 1072, 44.359375, 16], [832, 1123, 384, 20], [832, 1123, 384, 20], [832, 1125, 101.171875, 16], [832, 1125, 101.171875, 16], [832, 1176, 384, 104], [832, 1200, 28.796875, 20], [832, 1200, 28.796875, 20], [832, 1200, 28.796875, 20], [832, 1202, 28.796875, 16], [886.796875, 1200, 39.703125, 20], [886.796875, 1200, 39.703125, 20], [886.796875, 1200, 39.703125, 20], [886.796875, 1202, 39.703125, 16], [952.5, 1200, 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1152, 455], [64, 0, 550, 455], [64, 93, 550, 95], [64, 93, 550, 95], [], [64, 223, 440, 48], [64, 223, 440, 48], [64, 223, 440, 48], [], [64, 321, 550, 42], [64, 334, 213, 19], [64, 321, 213, 42], [], [0, 531, 1280, 4209], [0, 531, 1280, 341], [0, 531, 1280, 341], [64, 531, 1152, 341], [64, 531, 1152, 341], [64, 571, 1152, 29], [64, 571, 28, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [102, 576, 146, 20], [], [64, 616, 1152, 240], [48, 616, 1184, 240], [48, 616, 395, 120], [64, 616, 363, 96], [64, 616, 363, 96], [64, 606, 40, 38], [0, 1, 35, 36], [], [120, 616, 307, 96], [120, 616, 307, 20], [120, 616, 307, 20], [120, 616, 20, 20], [120, 616, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [148, 618, 76, 16], [148, 618, 76, 16], [148, 618, 76, 16], [148, 618, 76, 16], [148, 618, 76, 16], [148, 618, 76, 16], [148, 618, 76, 16], [], [120, 644, 307, 40], [120, 644, 307, 40], [120, 644, 307, 40], [120, 644, 307, 40], [], [120, 692, 307, 20], [120, 692, 307, 20], [120, 692, 32, 20], [], [152, 692, 17, 20], [158, 692, 5, 20], [158, 694, 5, 16], [], [168, 692, 69, 20], [], [443, 616, 395, 120], [459, 616, 363, 96], [459, 616, 363, 96], [459, 606, 40, 38], [0, 1, 35, 36], [], [515, 616, 307, 96], [515, 616, 307, 20], [515, 616, 307, 20], [515, 616, 20, 20], [515, 616, 20, 20], [543, 618, 164, 16], [543, 618, 116, 16], [543, 618, 116, 16], [543, 618, 116, 16], [543, 618, 116, 16], [543, 618, 116, 16], [543, 618, 116, 16], [], [659, 618, 48, 16], [659, 618, 12, 16], [], [671, 618, 36, 16], [671, 618, 36, 16], [], [515, 644, 307, 40], [515, 644, 307, 40], [515, 644, 307, 40], [515, 644, 307, 40], [], [515, 692, 307, 20], [515, 692, 307, 20], [515, 692, 43, 20], [], [557, 692, 17, 20], [563, 692, 5, 20], [563, 694, 5, 16], [], [574, 692, 61, 20], [], [635, 694, 20, 16], [639, 694, 16, 16], [639, 694, 16, 16], [639, 694, 16, 16], [639, 694, 16, 16], [639, 694, 16, 16], [639, 694, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [837, 616, 395, 100], [853, 616, 363, 76], [853, 616, 363, 76], [853, 606, 40, 38], [0, 1, 35, 36], [], [909, 616, 274, 76], [909, 616, 274, 20], [909, 616, 274, 20], [909, 616, 20, 20], [909, 616, 20, 20], [937, 618, 225, 16], [937, 618, 127, 16], [937, 618, 127, 16], [937, 618, 127, 16], [937, 618, 127, 16], [937, 618, 127, 16], [937, 618, 127, 16], [], [1064, 618, 98, 16], [1064, 618, 12, 16], [], [1076, 618, 86, 16], [1076, 618, 86, 16], [], [909, 644, 274, 20], [909, 644, 274, 20], [909, 644, 274, 20], [909, 644, 274, 20], [], [909, 672, 274, 20], [909, 672, 274, 20], [909, 672, 32, 20], [], [941, 672, 17, 20], [947, 672, 5, 20], [947, 674, 5, 16], [], [958, 672, 61, 20], [], [1019, 674, 20, 16], [1023, 674, 16, 16], [1023, 674, 16, 16], [1023, 674, 16, 16], [1023, 674, 16, 16], [1023, 674, 16, 16], [1023, 674, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 736, 395, 120], [64, 736, 363, 96], [64, 736, 363, 96], [64, 726, 40, 38], [0, 1, 35, 36], [], [120, 736, 307, 96], [120, 736, 307, 20], [120, 736, 307, 20], [120, 736, 20, 20], [120, 736, 20, 20], [148, 738, 183, 16], [148, 738, 87, 16], [148, 738, 87, 16], [148, 738, 87, 16], [148, 738, 87, 16], [148, 738, 87, 16], [148, 738, 87, 16], [], [235, 738, 97, 16], [235, 738, 12, 16], [], [247, 738, 85, 16], [247, 738, 85, 16], [], [120, 764, 307, 40], [120, 764, 307, 40], [120, 764, 307, 40], [120, 764, 307, 40], [], [120, 812, 307, 20], [120, 812, 307, 20], [120, 812, 43, 20], [], [163, 812, 17, 20], [169, 812, 5, 20], [169, 814, 5, 16], [], [179, 812, 61, 20], [], [241, 814, 20, 16], [245, 814, 16, 16], [245, 814, 16, 16], [245, 814, 16, 16], [245, 814, 16, 16], [245, 814, 16, 16], [245, 814, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [443, 736, 395, 100], [459, 736, 363, 76], [459, 736, 363, 76], [459, 726, 40, 38], [0, 1, 35, 36], [], [515, 736, 288, 76], [515, 736, 288, 20], [515, 736, 288, 20], [515, 736, 20, 20], [515, 736, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [543, 738, 122, 16], [543, 738, 122, 16], [543, 738, 122, 16], [543, 738, 122, 16], [543, 738, 122, 16], [543, 738, 122, 16], [543, 738, 122, 16], [], [515, 764, 288, 20], [515, 764, 288, 20], [515, 764, 288, 20], [515, 764, 288, 20], [], [515, 792, 288, 20], [515, 792, 288, 20], [515, 792, 32, 20], [], [546, 792, 17, 20], [552, 792, 5, 20], [552, 794, 5, 16], [], [563, 792, 69, 20], [], [837, 736, 395, 120], [853, 736, 363, 96], [853, 736, 363, 96], [853, 726, 40, 38], [0, 1, 35, 36], [], [909, 736, 307, 96], [909, 736, 307, 20], [909, 736, 307, 20], [909, 736, 20, 20], [909, 736, 20, 20], [937, 738, 163, 16], [937, 738, 71, 16], [937, 738, 71, 16], [937, 738, 71, 16], [937, 738, 71, 16], [937, 738, 71, 16], [937, 738, 71, 16], [], [1009, 738, 92, 16], [1009, 738, 12, 16], [], [1021, 738, 80, 16], [1021, 738, 80, 16], [], [909, 764, 307, 40], [909, 764, 307, 40], [909, 764, 307, 40], [909, 764, 307, 40], [], [909, 812, 307, 20], [909, 812, 307, 20], [909, 812, 43, 20], [], [952, 812, 17, 20], [958, 812, 5, 20], [958, 814, 5, 16], [], [969, 812, 61, 20], [], [1030, 814, 20, 16], [1034, 814, 16, 16], [1034, 814, 16, 16], [1034, 814, 16, 16], [1034, 814, 16, 16], [1034, 814, 16, 16], [1034, 814, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 872, 1280, 0], [0, 872, 1280, 0], [64, 872, 1152, 0], [0, 872, 1280, 3868], [0, 929, 1280, 3811], [64, 929, 1152, 3811], [64, 929, 1152, 3811], [64, 929, 672, 3811], [64, 929, 672, 76292], [64, 929, 672, 76292], [64, 929, 672, 76292], [64, 941, 672, 3811], [64, 941, 672, 153], [64, 941, 672, 153], [64, 941, 452, 153], [64, 941, 452, 28], [64, 941, 452, 20], [64, 941, 20, 20], [64, 941, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [92, 943, 76, 16], [92, 943, 76, 16], [92, 943, 76, 16], [92, 943, 76, 16], [92, 943, 76, 16], [92, 943, 76, 16], [92, 943, 76, 16], [], [64, 969, 452, 92], [64, 969, 452, 48], [], [64, 1017, 452, 44], [64, 1021, 452, 40], [], [64, 1061, 452, 33], [64, 1071, 169, 22], [64, 1072, 32, 20], [64, 1074, 32, 15], [64, 1074, 32, 15], [], [96, 1071, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [112, 1072, 69, 20], [112, 1074, 69, 15], [], [181, 1071, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [198, 1071, 35, 22], [198, 1071, 35, 22], [], [483, 1069, 33, 25], [483, 1069, 33, 25], [483, 1069, 25, 25], [483, 1069, 25, 25], [483, 1069, 25, 25], [483, 1071, 25, 19], [483, 1071, 25, 19], [483, 1069, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 1082, 0, 0], [536, 951, 200, 134], [536, 951, 200, 134], [64, 4800, 672, 3811], [64, 4800, 672, 153], [64, 4800, 672, 153], [64, 4800, 452, 153], [64, 4800, 452, 28], [64, 4800, 452, 20], [64, 4800, 20, 20], [64, 4800, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [92, 4802, 132, 16], [92, 4802, 132, 16], [92, 4802, 132, 16], [92, 4802, 132, 16], [92, 4802, 132, 16], [92, 4802, 132, 16], [92, 4802, 132, 16], [], [64, 4828, 452, 92], [64, 4828, 452, 48], [], [64, 4876, 452, 44], [64, 4880, 452, 40], [], [64, 4920, 452, 33], [64, 4930, 203, 22], [64, 4931, 32, 20], [64, 4933, 32, 15], [64, 4933, 32, 15], [], [96, 4930, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [112, 4931, 61, 20], [112, 4933, 61, 15], [], [174, 4930, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [191, 4930, 76, 22], [191, 4930, 76, 22], [], [483, 4928, 33, 25], [483, 4928, 33, 25], [483, 4928, 25, 25], [483, 4928, 25, 25], [483, 4928, 25, 25], [483, 4930, 25, 19], [483, 4930, 25, 19], [483, 4928, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 4941, 0, 0], [536, 4810, 200, 134], [536, 4810, 200, 134], [64, 8611, 672, 3811], [64, 8611, 672, 153], [64, 8611, 672, 153], [64, 8611, 452, 153], [64, 8611, 452, 28], [64, 8611, 452, 20], [64, 8611, 20, 20], [64, 8611, 20, 20], [92, 8613, 153, 16], [92, 8613, 71, 16], [92, 8613, 71, 16], [92, 8613, 71, 16], [92, 8613, 71, 16], [92, 8613, 71, 16], [92, 8613, 71, 16], [], [163, 8613, 82, 16], [163, 8613, 12, 16], [], [175, 8613, 70, 16], [175, 8613, 70, 16], [], [64, 8639, 452, 92], [64, 8639, 452, 48], [], [64, 8687, 452, 44], [64, 8691, 452, 40], [], [64, 8731, 452, 33], [64, 8741, 202, 22], [64, 8742, 39, 20], [64, 8744, 39, 15], [64, 8744, 39, 15], [], [103, 8741, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [120, 8742, 61, 20], [120, 8744, 61, 15], [], [181, 8741, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [198, 8741, 48, 22], [198, 8741, 48, 22], [], [246, 8744, 20, 16], [250, 8744, 16, 16], [250, 8744, 16, 16], [250, 8744, 16, 16], [250, 8744, 16, 16], [250, 8744, 16, 16], [250, 8744, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [483, 8739, 33, 25], [483, 8739, 33, 25], [483, 8739, 25, 25], [483, 8739, 25, 25], [483, 8739, 25, 25], [483, 8741, 25, 19], [483, 8741, 25, 19], [483, 8739, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 8752, 0, 0], [536, 8621, 200, 134], [536, 8621, 200, 134], [64, 12422, 672, 3811], [64, 12422, 672, 134], [64, 12422, 672, 134], [64, 12435, 452, 109], [64, 12435, 452, 28], [64, 12435, 452, 20], [64, 12435, 20, 20], [64, 12435, 20, 20], [92, 12437, 252, 16], [92, 12437, 76, 16], [92, 12437, 76, 16], [92, 12437, 76, 16], [92, 12437, 76, 16], [92, 12437, 76, 16], [92, 12437, 76, 16], [], [168, 12437, 176, 16], [168, 12437, 12, 16], [], [181, 12437, 164, 16], [181, 12437, 164, 16], [], [64, 12463, 452, 48], [64, 12463, 452, 24], [], [64, 12487, 452, 24], [64, 12491, 452, 20], [], [64, 12511, 452, 33], [64, 12520, 197, 22], [64, 12521, 39, 20], [64, 12523, 39, 15], [64, 12523, 39, 15], [], [103, 12520, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [120, 12521, 61, 20], [120, 12523, 61, 15], [], [181, 12520, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [198, 12520, 43, 22], [198, 12520, 43, 22], [], [241, 12523, 20, 16], [245, 12523, 16, 16], [245, 12523, 16, 16], [245, 12523, 16, 16], [245, 12523, 16, 16], [245, 12523, 16, 16], [245, 12523, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [483, 12519, 33, 25], [483, 12519, 33, 25], [483, 12519, 25, 25], [483, 12519, 25, 25], [483, 12519, 25, 25], [483, 12520, 25, 19], [483, 12520, 25, 19], [483, 12519, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 12531, 0, 0], [536, 12422, 200, 134], [536, 12422, 200, 134], [64, 16233, 672, 3811], [64, 16233, 672, 153], [64, 16233, 672, 153], [64, 16233, 452, 153], [64, 16233, 452, 28], [64, 16233, 452, 20], [64, 16233, 20, 20], [64, 16233, 20, 20], [92, 16235, 185, 16], [92, 16235, 94, 16], [92, 16235, 94, 16], [92, 16235, 94, 16], [92, 16235, 94, 16], [92, 16235, 94, 16], [92, 16235, 94, 16], [], [186, 16235, 90, 16], [186, 16235, 12, 16], [], [199, 16235, 78, 16], [199, 16235, 78, 16], [], [64, 16261, 452, 92], [64, 16261, 452, 48], [], [64, 16309, 452, 44], [64, 16313, 452, 40], [], [64, 16353, 452, 33], [64, 16363, 214, 22], [64, 16364, 32, 20], [64, 16366, 32, 15], [64, 16366, 32, 15], [], [96, 16363, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [112, 16364, 61, 20], [112, 16366, 61, 15], [], [174, 16363, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [191, 16363, 68, 22], [191, 16363, 68, 22], [], [258, 16366, 20, 16], [262, 16366, 16, 16], [262, 16366, 16, 16], [262, 16366, 16, 16], [262, 16366, 16, 16], [262, 16366, 16, 16], [262, 16366, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [483, 16361, 33, 25], [483, 16361, 33, 25], [483, 16361, 25, 25], [483, 16361, 25, 25], [483, 16361, 25, 25], [483, 16363, 25, 19], [483, 16363, 25, 19], [483, 16361, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 16374, 0, 0], [536, 16243, 200, 134], [536, 16243, 200, 134], [64, 20044, 672, 3811], [64, 20044, 672, 134], [64, 20044, 672, 134], [64, 20047, 452, 129], [64, 20047, 452, 28], [64, 20047, 452, 20], [64, 20047, 20, 20], [64, 20047, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [92, 20049, 32, 16], [92, 20049, 32, 16], [92, 20049, 32, 16], [92, 20049, 32, 16], [92, 20049, 32, 16], [92, 20049, 32, 16], [92, 20049, 32, 16], [], [64, 20075, 452, 68], [64, 20075, 452, 24], [], [64, 20099, 452, 44], [64, 20103, 452, 40], [], [64, 20143, 452, 33], [64, 20152, 236, 22], [64, 20153, 39, 20], [64, 20155, 39, 15], [64, 20155, 39, 15], [], [103, 20152, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [120, 20153, 61, 20], [120, 20155, 61, 15], [], [181, 20152, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [198, 20152, 103, 22], [198, 20152, 103, 22], [], [483, 20151, 33, 25], [483, 20151, 33, 25], [483, 20151, 25, 25], [483, 20151, 25, 25], [483, 20151, 25, 25], [483, 20152, 25, 19], [483, 20152, 25, 19], [483, 20151, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 20163, 0, 0], [536, 20044, 200, 134], [536, 20044, 200, 134], [64, 23855, 672, 3811], [64, 23855, 672, 153], [64, 23855, 672, 153], [64, 23855, 452, 153], [64, 23855, 452, 28], [64, 23855, 452, 20], [64, 23855, 20, 20], [64, 23855, 20, 20], [92, 23857, 248, 16], [92, 23857, 134, 16], [92, 23857, 134, 16], [92, 23857, 134, 16], [92, 23857, 134, 16], [92, 23857, 134, 16], [92, 23857, 134, 16], [], [226, 23857, 115, 16], [226, 23857, 12, 16], [], [238, 23857, 103, 16], [238, 23857, 103, 16], [], [64, 23883, 452, 92], [64, 23883, 452, 48], [], [64, 23931, 452, 44], [64, 23935, 452, 40], [], [64, 23975, 452, 33], [64, 23985, 172, 22], [64, 23986, 32, 20], [64, 23988, 32, 15], [64, 23988, 32, 15], [], [96, 23985, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [112, 23986, 61, 20], [112, 23988, 61, 15], [], [174, 23985, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [191, 23985, 45, 22], [191, 23985, 45, 22], [], [483, 23983, 33, 25], [483, 23983, 33, 25], [483, 23983, 25, 25], [483, 23983, 25, 25], [483, 23983, 25, 25], [483, 23985, 25, 19], [483, 23985, 25, 19], [483, 23983, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 23996, 0, 0], [536, 23865, 200, 134], [536, 23865, 200, 134], [64, 27666, 672, 3811], [64, 27666, 672, 134], [64, 27666, 672, 134], [64, 27669, 452, 129], [64, 27669, 452, 28], [64, 27669, 452, 20], [64, 27669, 20, 20], [64, 27669, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [92, 27671, 98, 16], [92, 27671, 98, 16], [92, 27671, 98, 16], [92, 27671, 98, 16], [92, 27671, 98, 16], [92, 27671, 79, 16], [92, 27671, 79, 16], [], [171, 27671, 16, 16], [171, 27671, 16, 16], [171, 27671, 16, 16], [171, 27671, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [64, 27697, 452, 68], [64, 27697, 452, 24], [], [64, 27721, 452, 44], [64, 27725, 452, 40], [], [64, 27765, 452, 33], [64, 27774, 198, 22], [64, 27775, 32, 20], [64, 27777, 32, 15], [64, 27777, 32, 15], [], [96, 27774, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [112, 27775, 61, 20], [112, 27777, 61, 15], [], [174, 27774, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [191, 27774, 51, 22], [191, 27774, 51, 22], [], [242, 27777, 20, 16], [246, 27777, 16, 16], [246, 27777, 16, 16], [246, 27777, 16, 16], [246, 27777, 16, 16], [246, 27777, 16, 16], [246, 27777, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [483, 27773, 33, 25], [483, 27773, 33, 25], [483, 27773, 25, 25], [483, 27773, 25, 25], [483, 27773, 25, 25], [483, 27774, 25, 19], [483, 27774, 25, 19], [483, 27773, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 27785, 0, 0], [536, 27666, 200, 134], [536, 27666, 200, 134], [64, 31477, 672, 3811], [64, 31477, 672, 134], [64, 31477, 672, 134], [64, 31478, 452, 133], [64, 31478, 452, 28], [64, 31478, 452, 20], [64, 31478, 20, 20], [64, 31478, 20, 20], [92, 31480, 236, 16], [92, 31480, 76, 16], [92, 31480, 76, 16], [92, 31480, 76, 16], [92, 31480, 76, 16], [92, 31480, 76, 16], [92, 31480, 76, 16], [], [168, 31480, 160, 16], [168, 31480, 12, 16], [], [180, 31480, 148, 16], [180, 31480, 148, 16], [], [64, 31506, 452, 72], [64, 31506, 452, 48], [], [64, 31554, 452, 24], [64, 31558, 452, 20], [], [64, 31578, 452, 33], [64, 31587, 193, 22], [64, 31588, 43, 20], [64, 31590, 43, 15], [64, 31590, 43, 15], [], [107, 31587, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [123, 31588, 61, 20], [123, 31590, 61, 15], [], [185, 31587, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [201, 31587, 36, 22], [201, 31587, 36, 22], [], [237, 31590, 20, 16], [241, 31590, 16, 16], [241, 31590, 16, 16], [241, 31590, 16, 16], [241, 31590, 16, 16], [241, 31590, 16, 16], [241, 31590, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [483, 31586, 33, 25], [483, 31586, 33, 25], [483, 31586, 25, 25], [483, 31586, 25, 25], [483, 31586, 25, 25], [483, 31587, 25, 19], [483, 31587, 25, 19], [483, 31586, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 31598, 0, 0], [536, 31477, 200, 134], [536, 31477, 200, 134], [64, 35288, 672, 3811], [64, 35288, 672, 134], [64, 35288, 672, 134], [64, 35291, 452, 129], [64, 35291, 452, 28], [64, 35291, 452, 20], [64, 35291, 20, 20], [64, 35291, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [92, 35293, 108, 16], [92, 35293, 108, 16], [92, 35293, 108, 16], [92, 35293, 108, 16], [92, 35293, 108, 16], [92, 35293, 108, 16], [92, 35293, 108, 16], [], [64, 35319, 452, 68], [64, 35319, 452, 24], [], [64, 35343, 452, 44], [64, 35347, 452, 40], [], [64, 35387, 452, 33], [64, 35396, 166, 22], [64, 35397, 32, 20], [64, 35399, 32, 15], [64, 35399, 32, 15], [], [96, 35396, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [112, 35397, 68, 20], [112, 35399, 68, 15], [], [180, 35396, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [197, 35396, 33, 22], [197, 35396, 33, 22], [], [483, 35395, 33, 25], [483, 35395, 33, 25], [483, 35395, 25, 25], [483, 35395, 25, 25], [483, 35395, 25, 25], [483, 35396, 25, 19], [483, 35396, 25, 19], [483, 35395, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 35407, 0, 0], [536, 35288, 200, 134], [536, 35288, 200, 134], [64, 39099, 672, 3811], [64, 39099, 672, 134], [64, 39099, 672, 134], [64, 39102, 452, 129], [64, 39102, 452, 28], [64, 39102, 452, 20], [64, 39102, 20, 20], [64, 39102, 20, 20], [92, 39104, 230, 16], [92, 39104, 119, 16], [92, 39104, 119, 16], [92, 39104, 119, 16], [92, 39104, 119, 16], [92, 39104, 119, 16], [92, 39104, 119, 16], [], [211, 39104, 111, 16], [211, 39104, 12, 16], [], [223, 39104, 99, 16], [223, 39104, 99, 16], [], [64, 39130, 452, 68], [64, 39130, 452, 24], [], [64, 39154, 452, 44], [64, 39158, 452, 40], [], [64, 39198, 452, 33], [64, 39207, 177, 22], [64, 39208, 32, 20], [64, 39210, 32, 15], [64, 39210, 32, 15], [], [96, 39207, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [112, 39208, 69, 20], [112, 39210, 69, 15], [], [181, 39207, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [198, 39207, 43, 22], [198, 39207, 43, 22], [], [483, 39206, 33, 25], [483, 39206, 33, 25], [483, 39206, 25, 25], [483, 39206, 25, 25], [483, 39206, 25, 25], [483, 39207, 25, 19], [483, 39207, 25, 19], [483, 39206, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 39218, 0, 0], [536, 39099, 200, 134], [536, 39099, 200, 134], [64, 42910, 672, 3811], [64, 42910, 672, 153], [64, 42910, 672, 153], [64, 42910, 452, 153], [64, 42910, 452, 28], [64, 42910, 452, 20], [64, 42910, 20, 20], [64, 42910, 20, 20], [92, 42912, 142, 16], [92, 42912, 74, 16], [92, 42912, 74, 16], [92, 42912, 74, 16], [92, 42912, 74, 16], [92, 42912, 74, 16], [92, 42912, 74, 16], [], [166, 42912, 68, 16], [166, 42912, 12, 16], [], [178, 42912, 56, 16], [178, 42912, 56, 16], [], [64, 42938, 452, 92], [64, 42938, 452, 48], [], [64, 42986, 452, 44], [64, 42990, 452, 40], [], [64, 43030, 452, 33], [64, 43040, 276, 22], [64, 43041, 31, 20], [64, 43043, 31, 15], [64, 43043, 31, 15], [], [95, 43040, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [112, 43041, 61, 20], [112, 43043, 61, 15], [], [173, 43040, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [190, 43040, 150, 22], [190, 43040, 150, 22], [], [483, 43038, 33, 25], [483, 43038, 33, 25], [483, 43038, 25, 25], [483, 43038, 25, 25], [483, 43038, 25, 25], [483, 43040, 25, 19], [483, 43040, 25, 19], [483, 43038, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 43051, 0, 0], [536, 42920, 200, 134], [536, 42920, 200, 134], [64, 46721, 672, 3811], [64, 46721, 672, 134], [64, 46721, 672, 134], [64, 46724, 452, 129], [64, 46724, 452, 28], [64, 46724, 452, 20], [64, 46724, 20, 20], [64, 46724, 20, 20], [92, 46726, 174, 16], [92, 46726, 84, 16], [92, 46726, 84, 16], [92, 46726, 84, 16], [92, 46726, 84, 16], [92, 46726, 84, 16], [92, 46726, 84, 16], [], [176, 46726, 90, 16], [176, 46726, 12, 16], [], [188, 46726, 78, 16], [188, 46726, 78, 16], [], [64, 46752, 452, 68], [64, 46752, 452, 24], [], [64, 46776, 452, 44], [64, 46780, 452, 40], [], [64, 46820, 452, 33], [64, 46829, 217, 22], [64, 46830, 35, 20], [64, 46832, 35, 15], [64, 46832, 35, 15], [], [99, 46829, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [116, 46830, 69, 20], [116, 46832, 69, 15], [], [185, 46829, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [201, 46829, 79, 22], [201, 46829, 79, 22], [], [483, 46828, 33, 25], [483, 46828, 33, 25], [483, 46828, 25, 25], [483, 46828, 25, 25], [483, 46828, 25, 25], [483, 46829, 25, 19], [483, 46829, 25, 19], [483, 46828, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 46840, 0, 0], [536, 46721, 200, 134], [536, 46721, 200, 134], [64, 50532, 672, 3811], [64, 50532, 672, 153], [64, 50532, 672, 153], [64, 50532, 452, 153], [64, 50532, 452, 28], [64, 50532, 452, 20], [64, 50532, 20, 20], [64, 50532, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [92, 50534, 71, 16], [92, 50534, 71, 16], [92, 50534, 71, 16], [92, 50534, 71, 16], [92, 50534, 71, 16], [92, 50534, 71, 16], [92, 50534, 71, 16], [], [64, 50560, 452, 92], [64, 50560, 452, 48], [], [64, 50608, 452, 44], [64, 50612, 452, 40], [], [64, 50652, 452, 33], [64, 50662, 187, 22], [64, 50663, 43, 20], [64, 50665, 43, 15], [64, 50665, 43, 15], [], [107, 50662, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [123, 50663, 69, 20], [123, 50665, 69, 15], [], [192, 50662, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [209, 50662, 42, 22], [209, 50662, 42, 22], [], [483, 50660, 33, 25], [483, 50660, 33, 25], [483, 50660, 25, 25], [483, 50660, 25, 25], [483, 50660, 25, 25], [483, 50662, 25, 19], [483, 50662, 25, 19], [483, 50660, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 50673, 0, 0], [536, 50542, 200, 134], [536, 50542, 200, 134], [64, 54343, 672, 3811], [64, 54343, 672, 134], [64, 54343, 672, 134], [64, 54346, 452, 129], [64, 54346, 452, 28], [64, 54346, 452, 20], [64, 54346, 20, 20], [64, 54346, 20, 20], [92, 54348, 183, 16], [92, 54348, 66, 16], [92, 54348, 66, 16], [92, 54348, 66, 16], [92, 54348, 66, 16], [92, 54348, 66, 16], [92, 54348, 66, 16], [], [158, 54348, 117, 16], [158, 54348, 12, 16], [], [170, 54348, 105, 16], [170, 54348, 105, 16], [], [64, 54374, 452, 68], [64, 54374, 452, 24], [], [64, 54398, 452, 44], [64, 54402, 452, 40], [], [64, 54442, 452, 33], [64, 54451, 266, 22], [64, 54452, 77, 20], [64, 54454, 77, 15], [64, 54454, 77, 15], [], [141, 54451, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [157, 54452, 61, 20], [157, 54454, 61, 15], [], [219, 54451, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [235, 54451, 95, 22], [235, 54451, 95, 22], [], [483, 54450, 33, 25], [483, 54450, 33, 25], [483, 54450, 25, 25], [483, 54450, 25, 25], [483, 54450, 25, 25], [483, 54451, 25, 19], [483, 54451, 25, 19], [483, 54450, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 54462, 0, 0], [536, 54343, 200, 134], [536, 54343, 200, 134], [64, 58154, 672, 3811], [64, 58154, 672, 134], [64, 58154, 672, 134], [64, 58167, 452, 109], [64, 58167, 452, 28], [64, 58167, 452, 20], [64, 58167, 20, 20], [64, 58167, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [92, 58169, 152, 16], [92, 58169, 152, 16], [92, 58169, 152, 16], [92, 58169, 152, 16], [92, 58169, 152, 16], [92, 58169, 133, 16], [92, 58169, 133, 16], [], [225, 58169, 16, 16], [225, 58169, 16, 16], [225, 58169, 16, 16], [225, 58169, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [64, 58195, 452, 48], [64, 58195, 452, 24], [], [64, 58219, 452, 24], [64, 58223, 452, 20], [], [64, 58243, 452, 33], [64, 58252, 185, 22], [64, 58253, 40, 20], [64, 58255, 40, 15], [64, 58255, 40, 15], [], [104, 58252, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [121, 58253, 61, 20], [121, 58255, 61, 15], [], [183, 58252, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [199, 58252, 30, 22], [199, 58252, 30, 22], [], [229, 58255, 20, 16], [233, 58255, 16, 16], [233, 58255, 16, 16], [233, 58255, 16, 16], [233, 58255, 16, 16], [233, 58255, 16, 16], [233, 58255, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [483, 58251, 33, 25], [483, 58251, 33, 25], [483, 58251, 25, 25], [483, 58251, 25, 25], [483, 58251, 25, 25], [483, 58252, 25, 19], [483, 58252, 25, 19], [483, 58251, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 58263, 0, 0], [536, 58154, 200, 134], [536, 58154, 200, 134], [64, 61965, 672, 3811], [64, 61965, 672, 134], [64, 61965, 672, 134], [64, 61978, 452, 109], [64, 61978, 452, 28], [64, 61978, 452, 20], [64, 61978, 20, 20], [64, 61978, 20, 20], [92, 61980, 145, 16], [92, 61980, 77, 16], [92, 61980, 77, 16], [92, 61980, 77, 16], [92, 61980, 77, 16], [92, 61980, 77, 16], [92, 61980, 77, 16], [], [169, 61980, 68, 16], [169, 61980, 12, 16], [], [181, 61980, 55, 16], [181, 61980, 55, 16], [], [64, 62006, 452, 48], [64, 62006, 452, 24], [], [64, 62030, 452, 24], [64, 62034, 452, 20], [], [64, 62054, 452, 33], [64, 62063, 233, 22], [64, 62064, 43, 20], [64, 62066, 43, 15], [64, 62066, 43, 15], [], [107, 62063, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [123, 62064, 61, 20], [123, 62066, 61, 15], [], [185, 62063, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [201, 62063, 76, 22], [201, 62063, 76, 22], [], [277, 62066, 20, 16], [281, 62066, 16, 16], [281, 62066, 16, 16], [281, 62066, 16, 16], [281, 62066, 16, 16], [281, 62066, 16, 16], [281, 62066, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [483, 62062, 33, 25], [483, 62062, 33, 25], [483, 62062, 25, 25], [483, 62062, 25, 25], [483, 62062, 25, 25], [483, 62063, 25, 19], [483, 62063, 25, 19], [483, 62062, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 62074, 0, 0], [536, 61965, 200, 134], [536, 61965, 200, 134], [64, 65776, 672, 3811], [64, 65776, 672, 129], [64, 65776, 672, 129], [64, 65776, 652, 129], [64, 65776, 652, 28], [64, 65776, 652, 20], [64, 65776, 20, 20], [64, 65776, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [92, 65778, 75, 16], [92, 65778, 75, 16], [92, 65778, 75, 16], [92, 65778, 75, 16], [92, 65778, 75, 16], [92, 65778, 75, 16], [92, 65778, 75, 16], [], [64, 65804, 652, 68], [64, 65804, 652, 24], [], [64, 65828, 652, 44], [64, 65832, 652, 40], [], [64, 65872, 652, 33], [64, 65882, 187, 22], [64, 65883, 43, 20], [64, 65885, 43, 15], [64, 65885, 43, 15], [], [107, 65882, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [123, 65883, 61, 20], [123, 65885, 61, 15], [], [185, 65882, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [201, 65882, 50, 22], [201, 65882, 50, 22], [], [683, 65880, 33, 25], [683, 65880, 33, 25], [683, 65880, 25, 25], [683, 65880, 25, 25], [683, 65880, 25, 25], [683, 65882, 25, 19], [683, 65882, 25, 19], [683, 65880, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [716, 65893, 0, 0], [736, 65841, 0, 0], [64, 69587, 672, 3811], [64, 69587, 672, 134], [64, 69587, 672, 134], [64, 69588, 452, 133], [64, 69588, 452, 28], [64, 69588, 452, 20], [64, 69588, 20, 20], [64, 69588, 20, 20], [92, 69590, 257, 16], [92, 69590, 115, 16], [92, 69590, 115, 16], [92, 69590, 115, 16], [92, 69590, 115, 16], [92, 69590, 115, 16], [92, 69590, 115, 16], [], [207, 69590, 141, 16], [207, 69590, 12, 16], [], [220, 69590, 129, 16], [220, 69590, 129, 16], [], [64, 69616, 452, 72], [64, 69616, 452, 48], [], [64, 69664, 452, 24], [64, 69668, 452, 20], [], [64, 69688, 452, 33], [64, 69697, 186, 22], [64, 69698, 38, 20], [64, 69700, 38, 15], [64, 69700, 38, 15], [], [102, 69697, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [119, 69698, 69, 20], [119, 69700, 69, 15], [], [188, 69697, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [204, 69697, 46, 22], [204, 69697, 46, 22], [], [483, 69696, 33, 25], [483, 69696, 33, 25], [483, 69696, 25, 25], [483, 69696, 25, 25], [483, 69696, 25, 25], [483, 69697, 25, 19], [483, 69697, 25, 19], [483, 69696, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 69708, 0, 0], [536, 69587, 200, 134], [536, 69587, 200, 134], [64, 73398, 672, 3811], [64, 73398, 672, 153], [64, 73398, 672, 153], [64, 73398, 452, 153], [64, 73398, 452, 28], [64, 73398, 452, 20], [64, 73398, 20, 20], [64, 73398, 20, 20], [92, 73400, 163, 16], [92, 73400, 71, 16], [92, 73400, 71, 16], [92, 73400, 71, 16], [92, 73400, 71, 16], [92, 73400, 71, 16], [92, 73400, 71, 16], [], [163, 73400, 92, 16], [163, 73400, 12, 16], [], [176, 73400, 80, 16], [176, 73400, 80, 16], [], [64, 73426, 452, 92], [64, 73426, 452, 48], [], [64, 73474, 452, 44], [64, 73478, 452, 40], [], [64, 73518, 452, 33], [64, 73528, 204, 22], [64, 73529, 43, 20], [64, 73531, 43, 15], [64, 73531, 43, 15], [], [107, 73528, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [123, 73529, 61, 20], [123, 73531, 61, 15], [], [185, 73528, 17, 20], [6, 0, 5, 20], [6, 2, 5, 16], [], [201, 73528, 47, 22], [201, 73528, 47, 22], [], [248, 73531, 20, 16], [252, 73531, 16, 16], [252, 73531, 16, 16], [252, 73531, 16, 16], [252, 73531, 16, 16], [252, 73531, 16, 16], [252, 73531, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [483, 73526, 33, 25], [483, 73526, 33, 25], [483, 73526, 25, 25], [483, 73526, 25, 25], [483, 73526, 25, 25], [483, 73528, 25, 19], [483, 73528, 25, 19], [483, 73526, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [516, 73539, 0, 0], [536, 73408, 200, 134], [536, 73408, 200, 134], [64, 77221, 672, 0], [832, 929, 384, 3811], [832, 929, 384, 351], [0, 0, 384, 247], [0, 0, 384, 247], [0, 0, 384, 214], [0, 0, 384, 36], [0, 0, 384, 20], [], [0, 36, 384, 144], [0, 36, 126, 38], [0, 36, 118, 38], [0, 36, 118, 38], [], [126, 36, 125, 38], [126, 36, 117, 38], [126, 36, 117, 38], [], [251, 36, 113, 38], [251, 36, 105, 38], [251, 36, 105, 38], [], [0, 84, 152, 38], [0, 84, 144, 38], [0, 84, 144, 38], [], [152, 84, 85, 38], [152, 84, 77, 38], [152, 84, 77, 38], [], [237, 84, 126, 38], [237, 84, 118, 38], [237, 84, 118, 38], [], [0, 132, 153, 38], [0, 132, 145, 38], [0, 132, 145, 38], [], [153, 132, 114, 38], [153, 132, 106, 38], [153, 132, 106, 38], [], [268, 132, 86, 38], [268, 132, 78, 38], [268, 132, 78, 38], [], [0, 194, 384, 20], [0, 194, 384, 20], [0, 196, 101, 16], [], [0, 247, 384, 104], [0, 271, 29, 20], [0, 271, 29, 20], [0, 271, 29, 20], [], [55, 271, 40, 20], [55, 271, 40, 20], [55, 271, 40, 20], [], [121, 271, 44, 20], [121, 271, 44, 20], [121, 271, 44, 20], [], [191, 271, 28, 20], [191, 271, 28, 20], [191, 271, 28, 20], [], [245, 271, 50, 20], [245, 271, 50, 20], [245, 271, 50, 20], [], [0, 299, 46, 20], [0, 299, 46, 20], [0, 299, 46, 20], [], [72, 299, 38, 20], [72, 299, 38, 20], [72, 299, 38, 20], [], [136, 299, 37, 20], [136, 299, 37, 20], [136, 299, 37, 20], [], [199, 299, 90, 20], [199, 299, 90, 20], [199, 299, 90, 20], [], [315, 299, 41, 20], [315, 299, 41, 20], [315, 299, 41, 20], [], [0, 4740, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [307, 0, 667, 720], [307, 0, 667, 720], [0, 0, 667, 720], [0, 0, 667, 720], [257, 205, 152, 28], [], [333, 233, 0, 0], [333, 233, 0, 0], [207, 233, 253, 263], [207, 233, 156, 27], [208, 234, 154, 25], [208, 234, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [207, 260, 253, 27], [207, 260, 172, 27], [208, 261, 170, 25], [208, 261, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [207, 299, 253, 27], [207, 299, 146, 27], [208, 300, 144, 25], [208, 300, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [207, 338, 253, 27], [207, 338, 151, 27], [208, 339, 149, 25], [208, 339, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [207, 377, 253, 43], [207, 377, 176, 43], [224, 386, 142, 25], [224, 386, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [207, 420, 253, 24], [207, 420, 253, 24], [], [301, 423, 83, 18], [301, 423, 83, 17], [], [207, 444, 253, 20], [207, 444, 253, 20], [], [407, 446, 49, 15], [], [], [0, 496, 667, 20], [0, 496, 667, 20], [], [209, 498, 97, 15], [], [], [499, 498, 81, 15], [], [], [0, 720, 29, 29], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 77221], [0, 0, 1280, 77221], [0, 0, 1280, 77221], [0, 0, 1280, 77221], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 530], 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0], [], [0, 0, 61, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 17, 20], [0, 0, 5, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 36, 22], [0, 0, 34, 20], [], [0, 0, 20, 16], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 200, 134], [0, 0, 200, 134], [0, 0, 672, 3811], [0, 0, 672, 134], [0, 0, 672, 134], [0, 0, 452, 129], [0, 0, 452, 28], [0, 0, 452, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 108, 16], [0, 0, 108, 16], [0, 0, 108, 16], [0, 0, 108, 16], [0, 0, 108, 16], [0, 0, 108, 16], [0, 0, 108, 16], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 452, 24], [], [0, 0, 452, 44], [0, 0, 452, 60], [], [0, 0, 452, 33], [0, 0, 166, 22], [0, 0, 32, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 17, 20], [0, 0, 5, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 68, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 17, 20], [0, 0, 5, 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694, 42.640625, 15], [563.296875, 694, 4.671875, 16], [573.96875, 694, 61.421875, 15], [853.3125, 607, 34.703125, 36], [937.3125, 618, 125, 15], [1064.3125, 618, 10.125, 15], [1076.4375, 618, 85.96875, 15], [909.3125, 645, 273.546875, 17], [909.3125, 674, 31.8125, 15], [947.125, 674, 4.671875, 16], [957.796875, 674, 61.421875, 15], [64, 727, 34.703125, 36], [148, 738, 84.53125, 15], [234.53125, 738, 10.125, 15], [246.65625, 738, 84.515625, 15], [120, 765, 284.5, 17], [120, 785, 149.359375, 17], [120, 814, 42.640625, 15], [168.640625, 814, 4.671875, 16], [179.3125, 814, 61.421875, 15], [458.65625, 727, 34.703125, 36], [542.65625, 738, 119.9375, 15], [514.65625, 765, 288.078125, 17], [514.65625, 794, 31.8125, 15], [552.46875, 794, 4.671875, 16], [563.140625, 794, 68.65625, 15], [853.3125, 727, 34.703125, 36], [937.3125, 738, 69.375, 15], [1008.6875, 738, 10.125, 15], [1020.8125, 738, 79.5, 15], [909.3125, 765, 278.296875, 17], [909.3125, 785, 160.015625, 17], [909.3125, 814, 42.640625, 15], [957.953125, 814, 4.671875, 16], [968.625, 814, 61.421875, 15], [92, 943, 74.453125, 15], [64, 970, 446.40625, 22], [64, 994, 46.671875, 22], [64, 1022, 430.171875, 17], [64, 1042, 407.640625, 17], [64, 1062, 130.75, 17], [64, 1073.734375, 31.8125, 15], [101.8125, 1072.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 1073.734375, 68.65625, 15], [187.140625, 1072.734375, 4.671875, 16], [198.8125, 1073.734375, 33.25, 15], [92, 4802, 129.84375, 15], [64, 4829, 375.953125, 22], [64, 4853, 440.390625, 22], [64, 4881, 416.796875, 17], [64, 4901, 393.078125, 17], [64, 4921, 171.609375, 17], [64, 4932.734375, 31.8125, 15], [101.8125, 4931.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 4932.734375, 61.421875, 15], [179.90625, 4931.734375, 4.671875, 16], [191.578125, 4932.734375, 74.4375, 15], [92, 8613, 68.65625, 15], [162.65625, 8613, 10.125, 15], [174.78125, 8613, 69.828125, 15], [64, 8640, 436.015625, 22], [64, 8664, 36.296875, 22], [64, 8692, 423.421875, 17], [64, 8712, 281.0625, 17], [64, 8743.734375, 39.046875, 15], [109.046875, 8742.734375, 4.671875, 16], [119.71875, 8743.734375, 61.421875, 15], [187.140625, 8742.734375, 4.671875, 16], [198.8125, 8743.734375, 46.25, 15], [92, 12436.5, 74.4375, 15], [168.4375, 12436.5, 10.125, 15], [180.5625, 12436.5, 163.828125, 15], [64, 12463.5, 219.828125, 22], [64, 12491.5, 393.96875, 17], [64, 12523.234375, 39.046875, 15], [109.046875, 12522.234375, 4.671875, 16], [119.71875, 12523.234375, 61.421875, 15], [187.140625, 12522.234375, 4.671875, 16], [198.8125, 12523.234375, 41.1875, 15], [92, 16235, 92.46875, 15], [186.46875, 16235, 10.125, 15], [198.59375, 16235, 78.03125, 15], [64, 16262, 441.609375, 22], [64, 16286, 124.5, 22], [64, 16314, 447.359375, 17], [64, 16334, 444.953125, 17], [64, 16365.734375, 31.8125, 15], [101.8125, 16364.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 16365.734375, 61.421875, 15], [179.90625, 16364.734375, 4.671875, 16], [191.578125, 16365.734375, 65.78125, 15], [92, 20048.5, 29.640625, 15], [64, 20075.5, 208.90625, 22], [64, 20103.5, 445.5625, 17], [64, 20123.5, 391.921875, 17], [64, 20143.5, 114.734375, 17], [64, 20155.234375, 39.046875, 15], [109.046875, 20154.234375, 4.671875, 16], [119.71875, 20155.234375, 61.421875, 15], [187.140625, 20154.234375, 4.671875, 16], [198.8125, 20155.234375, 100.671875, 15], [92, 23857, 131.515625, 15], [225.515625, 23857, 10.125, 15], [237.640625, 23857, 102.625, 15], [64, 23884, 451.265625, 22], [64, 23908, 133.34375, 22], [64, 23936, 434.953125, 17], [64, 23956, 450.53125, 17], [64, 23987.734375, 31.8125, 15], [101.8125, 23986.734375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 23987.734375, 61.421875, 15], [179.90625, 23986.734375, 4.671875, 16], [191.578125, 23987.734375, 43.34375, 15], [92, 27670.5, 77.328125, 15], [64, 27697.5, 317.859375, 22], [64, 27725.5, 408.21875, 17], [64, 27745.5, 427.75, 17], [64, 27765.5, 119.1875, 17], [64, 27777.234375, 31.8125, 15], [101.8125, 27776.234375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 27777.234375, 61.421875, 15], [179.90625, 27776.234375, 4.671875, 16], [191.578125, 27777.234375, 49.125, 15], [92, 31479.5, 73.703125, 15], [167.703125, 31479.5, 10.125, 15], [179.828125, 31479.5, 147.75, 15], [64, 31506.5, 448.1875, 22], [64, 31530.5, 97.828125, 22], [64, 31558.5, 338.828125, 17], [64, 31590.234375, 42.640625, 15], [112.640625, 31589.234375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 31590.234375, 61.421875, 15], [190.734375, 31589.234375, 4.671875, 16], [202.40625, 31590.234375, 33.96875, 15], [92, 35292.5, 106.234375, 15], [64, 35319.5, 189.671875, 22], [64, 35347.5, 440.5625, 17], [64, 35367.5, 416.234375, 17], [64, 35387.5, 98.71875, 17], [64, 35399.234375, 31.8125, 15], [101.8125, 35398.234375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 35399.234375, 67.6875, 15], [186.171875, 35398.234375, 4.671875, 16], [197.84375, 35399.234375, 31.078125, 15], [92, 39103.5, 117.046875, 15], [211.046875, 39103.5, 10.125, 15], [223.171875, 39103.5, 98.984375, 15], [64, 39130.5, 348.53125, 22], [64, 39158.5, 443.78125, 17], [64, 39178.5, 91.578125, 17], [64, 39210.234375, 31.8125, 15], [101.8125, 39209.234375, 4.671875, 16], [112.484375, 39210.234375, 68.65625, 15], [187.140625, 39209.234375, 4.671875, 16], [198.8125, 39210.234375, 41.1875, 15], [92, 42912, 72.265625, 15], [166.265625, 42912, 10.125, 15], [178.390625, 42912, 55.640625, 15], [64, 42939, 422.46875, 22], [64, 42963, 161.171875, 22], [64, 42991, 435.796875, 17], [64, 43011, 164.546875, 17], [64, 43042.734375, 31.078125, 15], [101.078125, 43041.734375, 4.671875, 16], [111.75, 43042.734375, 61.421875, 15], [179.171875, 43041.734375, 4.671875, 16], [190.84375, 43042.734375, 148.15625, 15], [92, 46725.5, 81.65625, 15], [175.65625, 46725.5, 10.125, 15], [187.78125, 46725.5, 78.03125, 15], [64, 46752.5, 245.609375, 22], [64, 46780.5, 444.75, 17], [64, 46800.5, 437.59375, 17], [64, 46832.234375, 35.40625, 15], [105.40625, 46831.234375, 4.671875, 16], [116.078125, 46832.234375, 68.65625, 15], [190.734375, 46831.234375, 4.671875, 16], [202.40625, 46832.234375, 77.3125, 15], [92, 50534, 69.375, 15], [64, 50561, 448.21875, 22], [64, 50585, 18.890625, 22], [64, 50613, 449.421875, 17], [64, 50633, 434.9375, 17], [64, 50653, 116.5, 17], [64, 50664.734375, 42.640625, 15], [112.640625, 50663.734375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 50664.734375, 68.65625, 15], [197.96875, 50663.734375, 4.671875, 16], [209.640625, 50664.734375, 40.21875, 15], [92, 54347.5, 64.0625, 15], [158.0625, 54347.5, 10.125, 15], [170.1875, 54347.5, 104.5625, 15], [64, 54374.5, 350.78125, 22], [64, 54402.5, 398.015625, 17], [64, 54422.5, 395.5, 17], [64, 54442.5, 167.1875, 17], [64, 54454.234375, 76.625, 15], [146.625, 54453.234375, 4.671875, 16], [157.296875, 54454.234375, 61.421875, 15], [224.71875, 54453.234375, 4.671875, 16], [236.390625, 54454.234375, 92.984375, 15], [92, 58168.5, 130.5625, 15], [64, 58195.5, 256.703125, 22], [64, 58223.5, 139.328125, 17], [64, 58255.234375, 40.46875, 15], [110.46875, 58254.234375, 4.671875, 16], [121.140625, 58255.234375, 61.421875, 15], [188.5625, 58254.234375, 4.671875, 16], [200.234375, 58255.234375, 28.203125, 15], [92, 61979.5, 75.125, 15], [169.125, 61979.5, 10.125, 15], [181.25, 61979.5, 55.40625, 15], [64, 62006.5, 313.359375, 22], [64, 62034.5, 384.171875, 17], [64, 62066.234375, 42.640625, 15], [112.640625, 62065.234375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 62066.234375, 61.421875, 15], [190.734375, 62065.234375, 4.671875, 16], [202.40625, 62066.234375, 73.734375, 15], [92, 65778, 73.03125, 15], [64, 65805, 194.828125, 22], [64, 65833, 643.5625, 17], [64, 65853, 333.53125, 17], [64, 65884.734375, 42.640625, 15], [112.640625, 65883.734375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 65884.734375, 61.421875, 15], [190.734375, 65883.734375, 4.671875, 16], [202.40625, 65884.734375, 47.703125, 15], [92, 69589.5, 113.4375, 15], [207.4375, 69589.5, 10.125, 15], [219.5625, 69589.5, 129.34375, 15], [64, 69616.5, 384.484375, 22], [64, 69640.5, 323.4375, 22], [64, 69668.5, 321.96875, 17], [64, 69700.234375, 38.3125, 15], [108.3125, 69699.234375, 4.671875, 16], [118.984375, 69700.234375, 68.65625, 15], [193.640625, 69699.234375, 4.671875, 16], [205.3125, 69700.234375, 44.09375, 15], [92, 73400, 69.375, 15], [163.375, 73400, 10.125, 15], [175.5, 73400, 79.5, 15], [64, 73427, 420.109375, 22], [64, 73451, 127.796875, 22], [64, 73479, 434.890625, 17], [64, 73499, 231.84375, 17], [64, 73530.734375, 42.640625, 15], [112.640625, 73529.734375, 4.671875, 16], [123.3125, 73530.734375, 61.421875, 15], [190.734375, 73529.734375, 4.671875, 16], [202.40625, 73530.734375, 44.5625, 15], [832, 930, 264.984375, 17], [849, 976, 84.03125, 16], [975.03125, 976, 83.28125, 16], [1100.3125, 976, 70.828125, 16], [849, 1024, 109.71875, 16], [1000.71875, 1024, 43.3125, 16], [1086.03125, 1024, 84.0625, 16], [849, 1072, 111.296875, 16], [1002.296875, 1072, 72.359375, 16], [1116.65625, 1072, 44.359375, 16], [832, 1125, 101.171875, 16], [832, 1202, 28.796875, 16], [886.796875, 1202, 39.703125, 16], [952.5, 1202, 44.078125, 16], [1022.578125, 1202, 28.03125, 16], [1076.609375, 1202, 49.796875, 16], [832, 1230, 45.90625, 16], [903.90625, 1230, 38.125, 16], [968.03125, 1230, 36.59375, 16], [1030.625, 1230, 90.28125, 16], [1146.90625, 1230, 41.234375, 16], [563.9375, 204.5, 152.125, 28], [547.515625, 238, 120.640625, 16], [547.515625, 265, 136.96875, 16], [547.515625, 304, 110.53125, 16], [547.515625, 343, 116.46875, 16], [563.515625, 390, 108.9375, 16], [513.515625, 422.5, 94.28125, 17], [607.796875, 422.5, 82.703125, 17], [513.515625, 445.5, 200.171875, 15], [713.6875, 445.5, 49.15625, 15], [762.84375, 445.5, 3.625, 15], [306.515625, 497.5, 209.0625, 15], [515.578125, 497.5, 96.8125, 15], [612.390625, 497.5, 192.71875, 15], [805.109375, 497.5, 80.921875, 15], [886.03125, 497.5, 87.453125, 15]], "start": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 0, 63, 121, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 60, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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"5311d8a8-e661-44ca", "", "s t u v w x", "26de45ea-6e59-4f35", "", "SECTION", "pw-homefeed y z ab ac", "4a4b048b-c390-4075", "", "7e912575-91bd-4725", "", "d5cf88ba-93f5-45d1", "", "kk kl ah", "1bc6fbb0-ebb7-42e9", "", "dd4889fb-8e73-46e6", "", "pw-homefeed-item km kn ko kp kq kr ks", "0ad53536-bfce-4ab4", "", "cs n o kt ku kv kw kx ky", "7e693b82-3e80-4962", "", "ep al az ah", "337e419d-0dd5-4b1a", "", "kz ah", "80ee40b2-a851-4f86", "", "df889a8c-9ff7-4b11", "", "/@davidpogue?source=home---------0------------------0----------", "b021c235-cd52-42c3", "", "c69d7953-2b87-42be", "", "e937ec8f-062d-4e02", "", "a6829f6d-f5e1-4e98", "", "ae6ca993-bc8d-4f75", "", "8a30e1bc-09bb-45a7", "", "f7d061f0-9842-4b09", "", "43", "2b39ea91-28b5-49b0", "", "e8dc2576-c421-4a21", "", "c04a803e-5139-4cdc", "", "533a68af-9884-4676", "", "/@davidpogue/my-first-immersion-in-apple-vision-pro-heavy-man-d99f0a940c7c?source=home---------0------------------0----------", "d0c34242-8433-4f6b", "", "by jy la lb lc ld 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Will Apple\u2019s Vision Pro face the same fate?", "60f0dae5-8a3b-4ce4", "", "70733ddd-8bac-4899", "", "240010f8-7a45-4f56", "", "d0225833-faa0-43e1", "", "f84177be-58d0-429c", "", "Jun 9", "44e253fa-0fd6-4c3e", "", "c06737e6-ee41-45d0", "", "aa1bf563-c1ed-4e4e", "", "03e0e68f-96da-4a30", "", "9eb49a54-a1e7-4461", "", "b4c18e50-149a-4685", "", "8fdf1881-81ff-449f", "", "71cb4e2b-534c-499a", "", "/tag/technology?source=home--------------------technology-------0----------", "7e221b4f-24b9-4c0b", "", "b6557f2f-6c3f-4101", "", "167f780c-8680-415d", "", "310d0813-ce9e-46ad", "", "25b08f98-ebbb-4a4b", "", "f13d3300-6e9e-45de", "", "87f3dd35-49d0-4490", "", "13", "e3057fc7-8c89-42eb", "", "21da41cd-b42e-4aea", "", "4a6f27c2-904b-43a1", "", "4dd3b3b0-41d6-49e5", "", "598d82ff-9434-4e24", "", "a0657116-c417-4275", "", "748fc9d2-76d0-457e", "", "63", "995266e8-2832-4880", "", "d0758b97-eaf9-4b9d", "", "/m/signin?actionUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2F_%2Fbookmark%2Fp%2Fb186898989cf&operation=register&redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fuxdesign.cc%2Fcan-apples-vision-pro-succeed-where-google-glass-failed-b186898989cf&source=---------4-----------------bookmark_preview-0----------", "4dc55f17-cc81-4895", "", "0006a4e2-7c21-4e4a", "", "8eb23f89-f191-4b6f", "", "c67218c7-5072-45e3", "", "c5da7c90-304e-41ae", "", "https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:250:168/1*f-vk8QA1tAg12VguBLEq8A.jpeg", "7fa0d07e-903f-493e", "", "cff052ed-5314-4559", "", "7ca09a74-fb88-427e", "", "c35de941-6086-42ca", "", "7af6e64f-5d23-4b43", "", "8d6e6632-7411-4572", "", "887ec111-ab55-4009", "", "/@keithdb?source=home---------5------------------0----------", "875e4097-9c53-49ce", "", "716b0ed2-5bf4-435c", "", "Keith", "https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:40:40/1*7aEZo0FanooBtloF92u96Q.jpeg", "ac1823bc-fece-40a9", "", "813e6a56-b9cf-4859", "", "104174d5-f2cb-4cb5", "", "1b6d31c6-7dd2-4296", "", "cd765578-afd8-43f9", "", "48", "a68ac90f-8e4e-4a8d", "", "7c4baf68-ea22-46ec", "", "a1fc3b08-a588-47e0", "", "d6bd95dd-939b-49c6", "", "https://keithdb.medium.com/the-trump-indictment-7067090624ad?source=home---------5------------------0----------", "54524ec7-4dad-4f09", "", "347b28aa-b69d-4ef8", "", "The Trump Indictment", "87188883-2e42-49d3", "", "367f2972-c66a-4e8c", "", "The Trump indictment is out, and it is amazing. Please take the time to read it HERE. The evidence and charges are so sprawling and\u2026", "afa551b0-4f91-4892", "", "7a89f2ce-a867-4826", "", "5c2691d7-d242-4bbb", "", "dcadb2ea-bf37-481d", "", "0bd63374-b057-430c", "", "Jun 10", "76decc21-a688-4483", "", "e24140f3-bd46-4264", "", "5a225db0-fef5-48a3", "", "bb8b96ac-0bcd-409c", "", "5e7c2a48-e06f-4a8c", "", "343d1cb6-ea14-4a44", "", "ea70e9b2-993e-494b", "", "2f0f4e53-8489-480d", "", "/tag/trump-indictment?source=home--------------------trump_indictment-------0----------", "dd1319d9-b14b-4a30", "", "ff61c62f-8780-4dd3", "", "Trump Indictment", "2c93e165-c05c-43a1", "", "de68c41d-2145-4d1c", "", "e53afca8-e65e-4e6d", "", "8e769b95-fe90-40a7", "", "64", "e9d54fa2-5135-4eaf", "", "71229b46-572a-43b0", "", "/m/signin?actionUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2F_%2Fbookmark%2Fp%2F7067090624ad&operation=register&redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fkeithdb.medium.com%2Fthe-trump-indictment-7067090624ad&source=---------5-----------------bookmark_preview-0----------", "4d1f5115-ee02-4582", "", "964b1608-b795-461e", "", "37321388-c296-461d", "", "c45e346c-b77b-4a92", "", "87a733f0-baea-4f46", "", "https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:250:168/1*kqq1nCrLYeABMuhNn779Rw.png", "63281bab-143e-4481", "", "39f213d2-9817-4465", "", "3886ca77-3a2f-40f0", "", "42e3a657-cb71-4928", "", "a3533598-bcb1-4fe1", "", "81ef35b2-6576-427e", "", "15d7ff0c-349b-4100", "", "https://medium.com/the-conversation?source=home---------6------------------0----------", "b23abe52-080c-41ac", "", "The Conversation", "https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:40:40/1*_bL70o_AH7Es1hV1M8wvsw.png", "0fd2d783-2faa-4481", "", "d935d4d8-7ee2-4370", "", "7113fa1e-31eb-4c2f", "", "6b3ef6ca-879e-47ef", "", "49", "60efc135-9622-41dc", "", "e7f4f509-dba8-46eb", "", "/@ConversationUS?source=home---------6------------------0----------", "a748d7a3-4cef-4d21", "", "332aa983-c02b-4526", "", "The Conversation U.S.", "229907ea-8a3e-4d8d", "", "8529308a-8c3b-455e", "", "85ea40f0-90b6-42a9", "", "d8f4dc8b-76d0-4408", "", "/the-conversation/across-the-spider-verse-and-the-latino-legacy-of-spider-man-acd0a711ed25?source=home---------6------------------0----------", "cf93e6a7-fc31-42f7", "", "3b7933ac-ed0a-4ec3", "", "\u2018Across the Spider-Verse\u2019 and the Latino legacy of Spider-Man", "a6c15a00-54bb-42a5", "", "5f2bfd70-44b3-4a08", "", "Latino characters have traditionally been underrepresented in mainstream comics. But Spider-Man\u2019s backstory makes him the perfect superhero\u2026", "3da28ac0-6e6e-4995", "", "ee4fa5ee-637d-42a9", "", "940bf66f-7046-46ca", "", "99851012-41e1-4080", "", "163ecb89-28e9-4039", "", "Jun 3", "5662f7a5-c8f1-4642", "", "0344882c-b52c-45ea", "", "7d0abaa0-3d20-41eb", "", "b72d3e41-05a8-4193", "", "c282eb46-a5e7-4d14", "", "8b39886f-797a-4b85", "", "0c8f0a93-6c10-4175", "", "cc7c049c-6827-416d", "", "/tag/comics?source=home--------------------comics-------0----------", "e4cc47c6-378a-4f1b", "", "ae9177e4-618a-4d78", "", "Comics", "cd4d080a-0791-4027", "", "3d7ff828-c680-4b6f", "", "f1b071b0-3c50-426c", "", "5686c0d3-bbdc-4c29", "", "65", "d44b4234-f17c-4fad", "", "20b1e2c2-fe5f-409b", "", "/m/signin?actionUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2F_%2Fbookmark%2Fp%2Facd0a711ed25&operation=register&redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2Fthe-conversation%2Facross-the-spider-verse-and-the-latino-legacy-of-spider-man-acd0a711ed25&source=---------6-----------------bookmark_preview-0----------", "42e51cce-6b9e-448c", "", "c99192be-7bcf-4414", "", "cc63dab5-6b9a-4fb5", "", "a2e3b328-8d4b-417d", "", "27fb736d-fb88-4305", "", "https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:250:168/0*5p1Zh7jaZA_1yNiC.png", "e98245d4-3eaf-4995", "", "c3029bbc-e890-4bce", "", "f156bc0e-aa93-407f", "", "a905e651-813a-4876", "", "0fbb74eb-903b-4721", "", "5b6cf09d-5ffc-486a", "", "f0976151-fc4c-4f6c", "", "/@savalanolan?source=home---------7------------------0----------", "d1882fe7-8838-425b", "", "94be82b6-9f24-446b", "", "Savala Nolan", "https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fill:40:40/1*LIslnkNAxZXBrxauDbl29w.jpeg", "0362f800-53fb-449e", "", "10258b71-8c83-43c4", "", "5a517ce2-29a3-42a4", "", "e590f47b-22cd-4571", "", "4102bf61-a90b-4242", "", "50", "15263c36-b15d-46bf", "", "251871f8-83ff-4271", "", "54d1d52e-0814-4704", "", "1fcae847-d6a7-4cbd", "", "md ah", "b9a786b5-bfc4-4239", "", "n me", "7e270be6-cb74-4368", "", "b27dc1eb-25d7-4ad1", "", "0 0 16 16", "3ceed854-caf6-4061", "", "M15.16 8c0 .65-.46 1.14-.86 1.57-.23.25-.47.5-.56.72-.1.22-.09.55-.1.88 0 .6-.01 1.3-.48 1.78-.48.48-1.16.5-1.75.5-.32 0-.65.01-.86.1-.2.07-.46.33-.7.57-.42.41-.9.88-1.54.88s-1.12-.47-1.54-.88a2.87 2.87 0 0 0-.7-.58c-.22-.09-.54-.08-.87-.09-.59 0-1.27-.02-1.74-.5s-.48-1.17-.49-1.78c0-.33-.01-.67-.1-.88-.07-.2-.32-.47-.55-.71-.4-.44-.87-.93-.87-1.58s.46-1.14.87-1.58c.23-.24.47-.5.56-.71.09-.22.08-.55.09-.88 0-.6.02-1.3.49-1.78s1.15-.5 1.74-.5c.33 0 .66-.01.86-.1.2-.08.47-.33.7-.57.43-.41.91-.88 1.55-.88.63 0 1.12.47 0 1.27.02 1.17.49 1.78 0 .33 0 . 1.58z", "#437AFF", "126e80f7-f4a1-4440", "", "M7.33 10.5c.2 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 .35 0 .25.25 0 0 0 .07-.18c0-.2.08-.39.22-.53a.73.73 0 0 1 .52-.22h1.96c.13 0 .25-.05.34-.15a.5.5 0 0 0 .15-.35V6a.5.5 0 0 0-.15-.35.48.48 0 0 0-.34-.15H9.78c-.33 0-.64.13-.87.37-.23.23-.36.55-.36.88v2.5c0 .07-.02.13-.07.18a.24.24 0 0 1-.35 0 .25.25 0 0 1-.07-.18v-2.5c0-.33-.13-.65-.36-.88a1.21 1.21 0 0 0-.86-.37H5.37a.48.48 0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.14.35v4c0 .", "d5b65ac5-1cc4-426e", "", "https://savalanolan.medium.com/in-praise-of-the-low-key-summer-214c32abc566?source=home---------7------------------0----------", "72bcd04e-ebb8-4c70", "", "65664e54-0f04-4405", "", "In Praise of the Low-Key Summer", "519f836f-5297-484a", "", "89647226-dd42-425f", "", "My fomo peaks this time of year, as the days get long and school lets out. 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Do it well and everyone will love you. Mess it up and you\u2019ll lose the trust and support of everyone in\u2026", "e30a38be-093f-4ddd", "", "0200288d-5151-4c2e", "", "f69e112d-a575-4929", "", "41fdcc8d-6cf3-47e8", "", "ad09ec3b-f2eb-412d", "", "4569fe6b-11d2-4a87", "", "f423b2de-24ed-4f37", "", "adc962e7-b955-4fb6", "", "2d0256a0-d66c-44d6", "", "c3654ae1-ba0e-4af7", "", "11 min read", "4b17da9a-6560-4941", "", "13b0b4f2-297e-4117", "", "0fb78895-92f5-42b1", "", "/tag/toast?source=home--------------------toast-------0----------", "b053a93c-2589-4dbd", "", "88650185-8e8b-4e2a", "", "Toast", "7ab4e659-4be3-49db", "", "a7abf7d3-a27b-47af", "", "73ab8c59-08b7-48a1", "", "09057431-fc30-4c5f", "", "68", "c3c4404b-8450-4fa5", "", "d862ebe9-ba73-4bd1", "", "/m/signin?actionUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2F_%2Fbookmark%2Fp%2Fb1ee5d162d6f&operation=register&redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fbuckhouse.medium.com%2Fhow-to-give-a-toast-b1ee5d162d6f&source=---------9-----------------bookmark_preview-0----------", "e86c2d6f-c06b-45a7", "", 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[76, 201, 72, 202, 74, 203, 204, 205, 206, 92, 207, 205, 208, 205, 209, 205, 210, 92, 211, 205, 197, 212, 81, 213, 7, 214], [74, 216, 7, 217], [60, 219, 220, 221, 83, 216, 222, 223, 7, 224], [74, 227, 33, 228, 147, 229, 230, 231, 232, 90, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 128, 7, 238], [74, 240, 122, 240, 7, 241], [74, 243, 7, 244], [74, 246, 122, 247, 7, 248], [74, 250, 7, 251], [74, 254, 147, 255, 7, 256], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 264], [267, 268, 7, 269], [76, 271, 74, 272, 210, 92, 273, 274, 122, 275, 81, 276, 7, 277], [74, 279, 122, 280, 7, 281], [122, 283, 76, 284, 74, 285, 210, 92, 286, 287, 81, 93, 7, 288], [122, 291, 76, 292, 147, 148, 293, -1, 294, -1, 81, 93, 83, 295, 296, 92, 7, 297], [122, 299, 74, 300, 130, 301, 302, 295, 7, 303], [74, 305, 7, 306], [74, 308, 309, -1, 7, 310], [74, 312, 7, 313], [], [74, 316, 7, 317], [], [], [74, 275, 81, 322, 83, 323, 324, 325, 18, 188, 326, 236, 327, -1, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 205, 333, 329, 334, 331, 335, 186, 185, 186, 336, 186, 125, 337, 338, 205, 51, 192, 339, 340, 341, 342, 130, 343, 7, 344], [], [74, 346, 7, 347], [], [76, 350, 122, 351, 74, 352, 7, 353], [], [74, 355, 127, 128, 122, 356, 341, 357, 125, 358, 81, 359, 130, 360, 7, 361], [], [74, 364, 122, 365, 7, 366], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 368], [267, 370, 7, 371], [], [], [122, 373, 74, 374, 7, 375], [], [], [76, 377, 122, 378, 74, 379, 341, 380, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 381, 130, 382, 7, 383], [74, 385, 259, 205, 262, 263, 260, 261, 7, 386], [388, 389, 267, 390, 7, 391], [388, 393, 267, 394, 7, 395], [388, 397, 267, 398, 7, 399], [388, 401, 267, 402, 7, 403], [76, 405, 122, 406, 74, 407, 408, 409, 410, 205, 411, 92, 412, 205, 413, 92, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 92, 419, 92, 420, 205, 421, 205, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 427, 429, 430, 341, 431, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 432, 130, 433, 7, 434], [74, 436, 259, 205, 262, 437, 260, 261, 7, 438], [388, 441, 232, 442, 233, 442, 7, 443], [7, 446], [388, 393, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 7, 455], [388, 389, 449, 457, 451, 458, 453, 459, 7, 460], [388, 401, 267, 462, 7, 463], [388, 397, 267, 465, 7, 466], [388, 389, 267, 468, 7, 469], [], [122, 472, 74, 472, 341, 342, 51, 473, 130, 474, 7, 475], [], [74, 477, 7, 478], [], [74, 480, 7, 481], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 483], [267, 268, 7, 485], [], [], [], [76, 487, 74, 488, 147, 148, 122, 488, 81, 489, 7, 490], [74, 492, 122, 492, 7, 493], [74, 495, 122, 495, 7, 496], [74, 498, 7, 499], [74, 501, 83, 331, 125, 502, 7, 503], [74, 505, 122, 505, 7, 506], [74, 508, 122, 509, 125, 502, 7, 510], [122, 512, 74, 513, 83, 514, 125, 502, 7, 515], [122, 518, 74, 519, 125, 520, 7, 521], [122, 523, 74, 513, 125, 502, 7, 524], [122, 526, 74, 519, 125, 502, 7, 527], [74, 529, 83, 529, 125, 502, 7, 530], [533, 236, 74, 534, 83, 535, 125, 502, 7, 536], [74, 538, 7, 539], [74, 541, 7, 542], [74, 544, 147, 148, 7, 545], [7, 547], [74, 549, 230, -1, 147, 148, 235, 128, 237, 128, 7, 550], [74, 552, 7, 553], [74, 555, 230, -1, 147, 148, 235, 128, 237, 128, 7, 556], [74, 555, 230, -1, 147, 148, 235, 128, 237, 128, 7, 558], [74, 560, 7, 561], [74, 563, 564, 92, 125, 565, 7, 566], [74, 568, 7, 569], [7, 571], [74, 573, 7, 574], [7, 576], [74, 578, 7, 579], [7, 581], [74, 583, 147, 148, 341, 584, 125, 358, 127, 128, 7, 585], [74, 588, 589, 92, 7, 590], [74, 592, 7, 593], [74, 595, 7, 596], [], [74, 598, 147, 255, 7, 599], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 601], [267, 603, 7, 604], [74, 606, 564, 92, 125, 358, 7, 607], [74, 609, 125, 502, 7, 610], [], [74, 613, 7, 614], [74, 616, 83, 617, 7, 618], [74, 620, 7, 621], [533, 223, 74, 534, 83, 623, 125, 502, 7, 624], [74, 626, 7, 627], [74, 541, 7, 629], [74, 560, 7, 631], [7, 633], [74, 568, 7, 635], [7, 637], [74, 573, 7, 639], [7, 641], [74, 606, 564, 92, 125, 358, 7, 643], [74, 609, 125, 502, 7, 645], [], [74, 647, 83, 648, 125, 502, 7, 649], [7, 651], [74, 563, 564, 92, 125, 565, 7, 653], [74, 655, 7, 656], [74, 658, 7, 659], [74, 661, 7, 662], [74, 664, 7, 665], [74, 667, 7, 668], [74, 670, 7, 671], [74, 673, 564, 92, 125, 358, 147, 148, 7, 674], [74, 676, 7, 677], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 679], [267, 681, 7, 682], [74, 616, 83, 617, 7, 684], [74, 620, 7, 686], [74, 613, 125, 502, 147, 148, 7, 688], [74, 690, 7, 691], [74, 693, 533, 694, 83, 695, 125, 502, 7, 696], [74, 698, 7, 699], [74, 701, 7, 702], [74, 541, 7, 704], [74, 560, 125, 502, 7, 706], [74, 563, 564, 92, 125, 565, 7, 708], [74, 568, 7, 710], [7, 712], [74, 573, 7, 714], [7, 716], [122, 162, 76, 718, 74, 719, 142, 720, 7, 721], [76, 146, 147, 148, 81, 93, 7, 723], [83, 725, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 74, 158, 130, 726, 7, 727], [74, 729, 60, 730, 83, 731, 163, 725, 341, 732, 125, 358, 81, 164, 130, 733, 7, 734], [], [74, 737, 83, 738, 7, 739], [74, 741, 7, 742], [74, 744, 7, 745], [74, 748, 76, 749, 197, 750, 294, -1, 81, 751, 7, 752], [122, 755, 76, 756, 81, 757, 197, 758, 83, 759, 296, 92, 7, 760], [122, 762, 74, 763, 332, 205, 333, 92, 309, -1, 125, 358, 127, 128, 341, 584, 81, 764, 7, 765], [74, 767, 7, 768], [74, 770, 7, 771], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 773], [267, 775, 7, 776], [122, 778, 74, 779, 147, 780, 302, 759, 7, 781], [122, 784, 74, 785, 76, 786, 125, 787, 127, 788, 81, 789, 7, 790], [122, 793, 74, 794, 76, 795, 125, 796, 127, 128, 797, -1, 197, 798, 7, 799], [122, 801, 74, 802, 7, 803], [], [74, 806, 533, 807, 122, 808, 83, 809, 125, 502, 7, 810], [74, 812, 125, 565, 127, 128, 7, 813], [122, 815, 74, 816, 130, 817, 7, 818], [], [147, 820, 7, 821], [], [], [], [83, 823, 7, 824], [18, 827, 339, 828, 51, 91, 7, 829], [339, 831, 18, 832, 51, 91, 7, 833], [339, 835, 836, 92, 18, 837, 51, 91, 7, 838], [74, 840, 7, 841], [74, 843, 7, 844], [83, 846, 76, 847, 122, 848, 849, 850, 81, 851, 7, 852], [122, 854, 76, 855, 294, -1, 81, 856, 130, 857, 7, 858], [122, 861, 76, 862, 147, 148, 863, -1, 864, 128, 865, -1, 7, 866], [], [309, -1, 7, 869], [83, 871, 122, 850, 76, 872, 74, 873, 294, -1, 147, 874, 81, 93, 7, 875], [122, 877, 147, 148, 81, 878, 130, 879, 7, 880], [74, 882, 147, 883, 262, 884, 259, 205, 125, 502, 260, 261, 7, 885], [267, 887, 7, 888], [74, 890, 147, 891, 7, 892], [894, 79, 125, 895, 7, 896], [], [122, 899, 74, 900, 901, 902, 341, 903, 7, 904], [147, 906, 74, 907, 7, 908], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 910], [267, 370, 7, 912], [122, 914, 309, -1, 130, 915, 7, 916], [76, 847, 122, 848, 849, 918, 81, 851, 7, 919], [76, 921, 74, 922, 923, 924, 341, 925, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 926, 130, 927, 7, 928], [74, 930, 7, 931], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 933], [267, 935, 7, 936], [449, 938, 451, 938, 453, 939, 7, 940], [122, 942, 74, 943, 7, 944], [], [83, 947, 7, 948], [74, 950, 147, 148, 7, 951], [74, 953, 83, 950, 7, 954], [74, 956, 957, -1, 7, 958], [74, 960, 7, 961], [74, 963, 7, 964], [74, 966, 967, 92, 968, -1, 83, 969, 7, 970], [74, 972, 7, 973], [74, 975, 341, 976, 60, 977, 332, 205, 125, 358, 127, 128, 7, 978], [74, 980, 259, 205, 262, 263, 7, 981], [267, 983, 7, 984], [74, 986, 7, 987], [74, 989, 7, 990], [74, 992, 341, 993, 60, 994, 125, 358, 127, 128, 7, 995], [74, 997, 33, 998, 999, 1000, 230, -1, 589, 92, 1001, -1, 235, 236, 237, 128, 7, 1002], [74, 1004, 7, 1005], [74, 1007, 7, 1008], [147, 1010, 7, 1011], [147, 1013, 7, 1014], [74, 1016, 7, 1017], [83, 1019, 7, 1020], [74, 1022, 147, 148, 7, 1023], [74, 1025, 83, 1025, 7, 1026], [72, 1028, 74, 1029, 83, 1030, 7, 1031], [74, 1033, 83, 1034, 7, 1035], [74, 1037, 7, 1038], [74, 1040, 125, 1041, 7, 1042], [74, 1044, 7, 1045], [74, 1047, 7, 1048], [74, 110, 7, 1050], [], [7, 1053], [], [35, -1, 7, 1056], [], [1059, 1060, 83, 1061, 7, 1062], [83, 1064, 7, 1065], [7, 1067], [], [74, 1070, 7, 1071], [74, 1073, 125, 1041, 7, 1074], [74, 1076, 7, 1077], [74, 1079, 7, 1080], [74, 1044, 1059, 1082, 7, 1083], [74, 1047, 76, 1085, 1086, 1087, 122, 1088, 81, 93, 222, 1089, 130, 1090, 7, 1091], [74, 110, 7, 1093], [], [74, 1095, 60, 1096, 222, 1097, 130, 1098, 7, 1099], [74, 1101, 7, 1102], [], [], [74, 1109, 60, 1110, 341, 1111, 222, 1112, 130, 1113, 7, 1114], [74, 1101, 7, 1116], [], [], [74, 1095, 60, 1121, 222, 1122, 130, 1123, 7, 1124], [74, 1101, 7, 1126], [], [], [74, 1109, 60, 1131, 341, 1132, 222, 1133, 130, 1134, 7, 1135], [74, 1101, 7, 1137], [], [], [74, 1142, 7, 1143], [83, 1145, 7, 1146], [74, 1109, 60, 1148, 341, 1149, 222, 1150, 130, 1151, 7, 1152], [74, 1101, 7, 1154], [], [], [74, 1142, 7, 1158], [83, 1160, 7, 1161], [74, 1109, 60, 1163, 341, 1164, 222, 1165, 130, 1166, 7, 1167], [74, 1101, 7, 1169], [], [], [74, 1142, 7, 1174], [83, 1176, 7, 1177], [74, 1109, 60, 1179, 341, 1180, 222, 1181, 130, 1182, 7, 1183], [74, 1101, 7, 1185], [], [], [74, 1142, 7, 1190], [83, 1192, 7, 1193], [74, 1109, 60, 1195, 341, 1196, 222, 1197, 130, 1198, 7, 1199], [74, 1101, 7, 1201], [], [], [74, 1142, 7, 1206], [83, 1208, 7, 1209], [74, 1109, 60, 1211, 341, 1212, 222, 1213, 130, 1214, 7, 1215], [74, 1101, 7, 1217], [], [], [122, 1219, 74, 1220, 7, 1221], [122, 1223, 74, 1224, 7, 1225], [122, 1227, 74, 1228, 81, 1229, 589, 92, 127, 788, 130, 1230, 7, 1231], [74, 1233, 259, 205, 262, 1234, 7, 1235], [267, 1237, 7, 1238], [122, 1240, 74, 1241, 81, 1242, 589, 92, 127, 788, 130, 1243, 7, 1244], [74, 1233, 259, 205, 262, 1234, 7, 1246], [267, 1237, 7, 1248], [74, 1250, 83, 1251, 147, 1252, 7, 1253], [7, 1255], [], [74, 1258, 76, 1259, 81, 1260, 7, 1261], [7, 1263], [], [122, 778, 76, 756, 81, 757, 197, 1266, 7, 1267], [7, 1269], [], [122, 762, 74, 763, 332, 205, 333, 92, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 764, 7, 1272], [122, 1274, 74, 1275, 7, 1276], [], [147, 255, 74, 1279, 7, 1280], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 1282], [267, 1284, 7, 1285], [122, 778, 74, 779, 147, 1287, 83, 1288, 7, 1289], [122, 1291, 74, 1292, 76, 786, 125, 787, 127, 788, 81, 789, 7, 1293], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1297], [7, 1299], [], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1303], [74, 1305, 60, 1306, 125, 796, 127, 788, 7, 1307], [7, 1309], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1311], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1313], [74, 1305, 60, 1315, 125, 796, 127, 788, 7, 1316], [7, 1318], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1321], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1323], [74, 1305, 60, 1325, 125, 796, 127, 788, 7, 1326], [7, 1328], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1331], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1333], [74, 1305, 60, 1335, 125, 796, 127, 788, 7, 1336], [7, 1338], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1341], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1343], [74, 1305, 60, 1345, 125, 796, 127, 788, 7, 1346], [7, 1348], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1350], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1352], [74, 1305, 60, 1354, 125, 796, 127, 788, 7, 1355], [7, 1357], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1360], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1362], [74, 1305, 60, 1364, 125, 796, 127, 788, 7, 1365], [7, 1367], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1370], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1372], [74, 1305, 60, 1374, 125, 796, 127, 788, 7, 1375], [7, 1377], [], [74, 1380, 7, 1381], [74, 1383, 7, 1384], [74, 1386, 83, 1387, 330, 1388, 332, 205, 125, 358, 127, 128, 130, 1389, 7, 1390], [], [7, 1393], [], [7, 1396], [], [76, 1399, 74, 1400, 83, 1401, 197, 1402, 81, 93, 7, 1403], [74, 1405, 83, 1406, 7, 1407], [74, 1409, 83, 1388, 130, 1410, 7, 1411], [74, 1413, 83, 1414, 7, 1415], [74, 1417, 7, 1418], [76, 1259, 81, 1260, 7, 1420], [122, 778, 76, 756, 81, 757, 197, 1266, 7, 1422], [122, 762, 74, 763, 332, 205, 333, 92, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 764, 7, 1424], [122, 1274, 7, 1426], [74, 1428, 7, 1429], [74, 1431, 7, 1432], [], [74, 1435, 7, 1436], [122, 778, 74, 779, 147, 1287, 7, 1438], [122, 1291, 74, 1440, 76, 786, 125, 787, 127, 788, 81, 789, 7, 1441], [122, 793, 74, 1443, 76, 795, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1444], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1446], [74, 1448, 1449, 92, 125, 1450, 127, 128, 7, 1451], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1453], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1455], [60, 1457, 1449, 205, 125, 1450, 7, 1458], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1461], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1463], [60, 1465, 1449, 205, 125, 1450, 7, 1466], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1469], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1471], [60, 1473, 1449, 205, 125, 1450, 7, 1474], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1477], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1479], [60, 1481, 1449, 205, 125, 1450, 7, 1482], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1485], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1487], [60, 1489, 1449, 205, 125, 1450, 7, 1490], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1493], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1495], [74, 1448, 76, 1497, 1498, 205, 7, 1499], [125, 796, 127, 788, 81, 1501, 130, 1502, 7, 1503], [], [74, 1506, 147, 148, 7, 1507], [74, 1509, 81, 1510, 7, 1511], [74, 1513, 1514, 92, 125, 1515, 7, 1516], [74, 1518, 125, 895, 7, 1519], [], [74, 1523, 1524, 1525, 7, 1526], [], [74, 1529, 1524, 1530, 7, 1531], [], [74, 1534, 341, 903, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 1510, 7, 1535], [74, 1537, 7, 1538], [74, 1540, 7, 1541], [183, 184, 74, 1543, 83, 1543, 189, 1544, 7, 1545], [18, 188, 339, 340, 51, 91, 7, 1547], [18, 827, 339, 828, 51, 91, 7, 1549], [18, 1551, 51, 91, 339, 1552, 7, 1553], [339, 1555, 83, 1556, 18, 1557, 51, 91, 7, 1558], [339, -1, 18, 1560, 51, 91, 7, 1561], [74, 1525, 51, 1563, 339, -1, 185, 186, 83, 1525, 81, 1564, 7, 1565], [74, 1530, 51, 1563, 339, -1, 185, 186, 83, 1530, 81, 1564, 7, 1567], [74, 1570, 81, 1571, 125, 358, 127, 128, 7, 1572], [], [51, 473, 81, 1575, 147, 148, 7, 1576], [76, 1259, 81, 1260, 7, 1578], [122, 778, 76, 756, 81, 757, 197, 1266, 7, 1580], [122, 762, 74, 763, 332, 205, 333, 92, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 764, 7, 1582], [122, 1274, 7, 1584], [74, 1586, 7, 1587], [74, 1431, 7, 1589], [], [74, 1435, 7, 1592], [122, 778, 74, 779, 147, 1287, 7, 1594], [122, 1291, 74, 1440, 76, 786, 125, 787, 127, 788, 81, 789, 7, 1596], [122, 793, 74, 1443, 76, 795, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1598], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1600], [74, 1448, 1449, 92, 125, 1450, 127, 128, 7, 1602], [], [122, 793, 76, 795, 74, 1295, 125, 441, 797, -1, 197, 1296, 7, 1604], [122, 801, 74, 1302, 125, 441, 7, 1606], [60, 1608, 1449, 205, 125, 1450, 7, 1609], [], [83, 1612, 7, 1613], [74, 1615, 83, 1616, 7, 1617], [74, 1619, 1059, 1620, 83, 1619, 7, 1621], [83, 1623, 7, 1624], [147, 1626, 7, 1627], [74, 1629, 83, 1630, 7, 1631], [74, 1633, 7, 1634], [83, 1636, 7, 1637], [], [7, 1641], [], [76, 1644, 122, 1645, 74, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 236, 1650, 236, 1651, 236, 83, 1652, 125, 1515, 127, 788, 81, 1653, 130, 1654, 7, 1655], [122, 1657, 74, 1658, 83, 1659, 125, 1515, 127, 788, 81, 1660, 130, 1661, 7, 1662], [74, 1664, 7, 1665], [74, 1667, 7, 1668], [], [74, 1670, 341, 903, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 1671, 130, 1672, 7, 1673], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 1675], [267, 370, 7, 1677], [74, 1679, 60, 1680, 127, 128, 137, 1681, 7, 1682], [], [74, 1685, 7, 1686], [74, 1689, 7, 1690], [], [74, 1693, 7, 1694], [60, 1696, 137, 1697, 7, 1698], [74, 1700, 7, 1701], [], [74, 1704, 7, 1705], [74, 1707, 7, 1708], [130, 1710, 7, 1711], [], [147, 1714, 74, 1715, 7, 1716], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 1718], [267, 1720, 7, 1721], [122, 1723, 74, 1724, 130, 1725, 7, 1726], [74, 1728, 7, 1729], [7, 1731], [74, 1733, 60, 1734, 137, 1735, 7, 1736], [74, 1738, 7, 1739], [], [74, 1685, 7, 1742], [74, 1689, 7, 1744], [], [74, 1747, 7, 1748], [76, 1750, 74, 1751, 1752, 128, 1753, 1754, 1755, 1756, 81, 1757, 7, 1758], [74, 1760, 7, 1761], [7, 1763], [], [7, 1766], [74, 1768, 60, 1769, 7, 1770], [], [74, 1773, 7, 1774], [122, 1777, 147, 1778, 1779, 1780, 76, 1781, 74, 1782, 81, 93, 130, 1783, 7, 1784], [74, 1786, 1524, 1787, 7, 1788], [122, 1790, 74, 1791, 83, 1787, 125, 126, 51, 1792, 81, 1793, 7, 1794], [74, 1797, 7, 1798], [74, 1800, 7, 1801], [83, 1780, 147, 148, 7, 1803], [], [74, 1693, 7, 1806], [60, 1808, 147, 1809, 137, 1810, 7, 1811], [74, 1813, 7, 1814], [7, 1816], [], [74, 1819, 147, 1820, 7, 1821], [], [74, 1693, 7, 1824], [60, 1826, 137, 1827, 7, 1828], [74, 1700, 7, 1830], [], [147, 1714, 74, 1715, 7, 1833], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 1835], [267, 1720, 7, 1837], [74, 1685, 81, 1839, 7, 1840], [74, 1689, 7, 1842], [], [122, 1846, 74, 1847, 76, 1848, 1849, 205, 1850, 236, 125, 1851, 81, 1852, 7, 1853], [122, 1855, 74, 1856, 1449, 205, 1779, 1857, 1858, 128, 127, 788, 125, 1859, 81, 1860, 7, 1861], [74, 1863, 7, 1864], [74, 1866, 7, 1867], [74, 1869, 7, 1870], [74, 1872, 83, 1857, 7, 1873], [74, 1875, 122, 1876, 147, 1809, 130, 1877, 7, 1878], [74, 1880, 7, 1881], [], [74, 1884, 33, 1885, 230, -1, 235, 236, 237, 236, 7, 1886], [122, 1855, 74, 1856, 1449, 205, 1779, 1888, 1858, 236, 127, 788, 125, 1859, 81, 1860, 7, 1889], [74, 1863, 7, 1891], [74, 1866, 7, 1893], [74, 1869, 7, 1895], [74, 1872, 83, 1888, 7, 1897], [74, 1875, 122, 1899, 147, 1809, 130, 1900, 7, 1901], [74, 1880, 7, 1903], [], [74, 1884, 33, 1906, 230, -1, 235, 236, 237, 128, 7, 1907], [122, 1855, 74, 1909, 1449, 92, 1779, 1910, 1858, 1911, 127, 128, 125, 1859, 81, 1860, 7, 1912], [74, 1863, 7, 1914], [74, 1866, 7, 1916], [74, 1869, 7, 1918], [74, 1872, 83, 1910, 7, 1920], [74, 1875, 122, 1922, 147, 1809, 130, 1923, 7, 1924], [74, 1880, 7, 1926], [], [74, 1884, 33, 1929, 230, -1, 235, 236, 237, 128, 7, 1930], [74, 1685, 7, 1932], [74, 1689, 7, 1934], [], [74, 1693, 7, 1937], [60, 1939, 137, 1940, 7, 1941], [74, 1700, 7, 1943], [], [147, 1714, 74, 1715, 7, 1946], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 1948], [267, 1720, 7, 1950], [74, 1693, 7, 1952], [122, 1954, 74, 1955, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 1956, 130, 1957, 7, 1958], [74, 1700, 7, 1960], [], [74, 1963, 147, 1714, 7, 1964], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 1966], [267, 1968, 7, 1969], [267, 1971, 7, 1972], [], [83, 1974, 7, 1975], [], [122, 1977, 7, 1978], [], [147, 1980, 83, 1981, 152, 153, 154, 1982, 156, 1983, 74, 158, 1984, 192, 7, 1985], [], [], [122, 1987, 74, 1988, 147, 148, 7, 1989], [], [74, 1991, 1992, 1993, 125, 1994, 7, 1995], [74, 1997, 7, 1998], [74, 2000, 7, 2001], [74, 2003, 7, 2004], [74, 2006, 7, 2007], [74, 2009, 7, 2010], [74, 2012, 7, 2013], [74, 1997, 7, 2015], [74, 2000, 7, 2017], [74, 2003, 7, 2019], [74, 2006, 7, 2021], [74, 2009, 7, 2023], [74, 2012, 7, 2025], [74, 1997, 7, 2027], [74, 2000, 7, 2029], [74, 2003, 7, 2031], [74, 2006, 7, 2033], [74, 2009, 7, 2035], [74, 2012, 7, 2037], [74, 1997, 7, 2039], [74, 2000, 7, 2041], [74, 2003, 7, 2043], [74, 2006, 7, 2045], [74, 2009, 7, 2047], [74, 2012, 7, 2049], [74, 1997, 7, 2051], [74, 2000, 7, 2053], [74, 2003, 7, 2055], [74, 2006, 7, 2057], [74, 2009, 7, 2059], [74, 2012, 7, 2061], [74, 1997, 7, 2063], [74, 2000, 7, 2065], [74, 2003, 7, 2067], [74, 2006, 7, 2069], [74, 2009, 7, 2071], [74, 2012, 7, 2073], [74, 2075, 7, 2076], [], [], [122, 2078, 147, 148, 130, 2079, 7, 2080], [], [], [], [2082, 1648, 83, 2083, 147, 148, 7, 2084], [2086, 236, 83, 2087, 7, 2088], [74, 2090, 83, 2091, 7, 2092], [74, 2094, 83, 2095, 7, 2096], [7, 2098], [], [83, 2101, 7, 2102], [83, 2104, 130, 2105, 7, 2106], [83, 2108, 7, 2109], [74, 2111, 83, 2112, 125, 1025, 7, 2113], [83, 2115, 7, 2116], [83, 192, 7, 2118], [222, 2120, 130, 2121, 7, 2122], [74, 110, 7, 2124], [], [74, 2127, 2128, 831, 142, 2129, 83, 2130, 7, 2131], [74, 2133, 7, 2134], [74, 445, 222, 2136, 7, 2137], [74, 110, 7, 2139], [], [74, 2142, 7, 2143], [74, 2145, 7, 2146], [74, 445, 7, 2148], [2150, 2151, 222, 2152, 130, 2153, 7, 2154], [74, 2156, 7, 2157], [74, 2159, 7, 2160], [60, 2162, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 2165, 137, 2166, 7, 2167], [7, 2170], [74, 2174, 7, 2175], [], [74, 2178, 7, 2179], [74, 2181, 7, 2182], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 2185], [74, 2187, 33, 2188, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 236, 237, 128, 7, 2190], [7, 2192], [74, 2194, 7, 2195], [], [74, 2198, 7, 2199], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 2204], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 2208], [], [74, 2211, 7, 2212], [74, 2214, 7, 2215], [74, 2181, 7, 2217], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 2220], [7, 2222], [74, 2194, 7, 2224], [], [74, 2198, 7, 2226], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 2228], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 2230], [], [74, 2232, 7, 2233], [74, 2235, 7, 2236], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 2241, 130, 2242, 7, 2243], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2247, 147, 2248, 341, 2249, 7, 2250], [122, 2252, 74, 2253, 7, 2254], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 2258], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 2260], [267, 775, 7, 2262], [122, 2264, 130, 2265, 7, 2266], [74, 2268, 7, 2269], [74, 2271, 147, 2272, 7, 2273], [74, 2275, 7, 2276], [7, 2278], [], [], [7, 2282], [7, 2285], [], [], [74, 2275, 7, 2289], [], [74, 2293, 2294, 128, 2295, 128, 7, 2296], [7, 2299], [74, 2302, 7, 2303], [74, 2306, 7, 2307], [74, 2309, 7, 2310], [7, 2312], [74, 2314, 60, 2315, 130, 2316, 137, 2317, 7, 2318], [], [74, 2321, 7, 2322], [], [7, 2325], [74, 2327, 7, 2328], [74, 2306, 7, 2330], [74, 2309, 7, 2332], [7, 2334], [74, 2314, 60, 2336, 130, 2337, 137, 2338, 7, 2339], [], [74, 2321, 7, 2342], [], [7, 2345], [74, 2327, 7, 2347], [74, 2306, 7, 2349], [74, 2309, 7, 2351], [7, 2353], [74, 2314, 60, 2355, 130, 2356, 137, 2357, 7, 2358], [], [74, 2321, 7, 2361], [], [7, 2364], [74, 2366, 7, 2367], [74, 2306, 7, 2369], [74, 2309, 7, 2371], [7, 2373], [74, 2314, 60, 2375, 130, 2376, 137, 2377, 7, 2378], [], [74, 2321, 7, 2381], [], [7, 2384], [7, 2386], [74, 2388, 2389, 1911, 7, 2390], [74, 2392, 7, 2393], [74, 2395, 60, 2396, 7, 2397], [], [83, 2400, 7, 2401], [35, -1, 7, 2403], [], [74, 2406, 7, 2407], [74, 2133, 7, 2409], [74, 2411, 83, 2412, 7, 2413], [35, -1, 7, 2415], [], [7, 2418], [], [74, 2411, 83, 2421, 7, 2422], [35, -1, 7, 2424], [], [7, 2427], [], [76, 2430, 74, 2431, 2150, 2151, 147, 2432, 81, 2433, 222, 2434, 130, 2435, 7, 2436], [74, 2438, 2439, 2440, 7, 2441], [74, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 128, 7, 2447], [74, 2159, 7, 2449], [60, 2451, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 2452, 137, 2453, 7, 2454], [7, 2456], [74, 2174, 7, 2458], [], [74, 2178, 7, 2460], [74, 2181, 7, 2462], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 2464], [74, 2187, 33, 2188, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 236, 237, 128, 7, 2466], [7, 2468], [74, 2194, 7, 2470], [], [74, 2198, 7, 2472], [74, 2474, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 2475], [], [74, 2211, 7, 2477], [74, 2214, 7, 2479], [74, 2181, 7, 2481], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 2483], [7, 2485], [74, 2194, 7, 2487], [], [74, 2198, 7, 2489], [74, 2474, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 2491], [], [74, 2232, 7, 2493], [74, 2235, 7, 2495], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 2497, 130, 2498, 7, 2499], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2247, 147, 2248, 341, 2249, 7, 2501], [122, 2252, 74, 2253, 7, 2503], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 2505], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 2507], [267, 775, 7, 2509], [122, 2264, 130, 2511, 7, 2512], [74, 2514, 2515, 236, 2444, 2516, 7, 2517], [74, 2271, 147, 2272, 7, 2519], [7, 2521], [], [7, 2524], [], [], [74, 2133, 7, 2527], [76, 2529, 122, 2530, 74, 2531, 2532, 340, 2533, 2534, 2535, 274, 2536, 236, 197, 2537, 81, 2538, 222, 2539, 130, 2540, 7, 2541], [74, 2543, 7, 2544], [74, 2546, 7, 2547], [74, 2549, 7, 2550], [894, 1911, 125, 895, 7, 2552], [74, 2554, 7, 2555], [], [74, 2558, 7, 2559], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 2561, 130, 2562, 7, 2563], [81, 2565, 7, 2566], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2568, 147, 2569, 341, 2249, 7, 2570], [122, 2252, 74, 2572, 7, 2573], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 2575], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 2577], [267, 775, 7, 2579], [122, 2264, 130, 2581, 7, 2582], [122, 2584, 76, 292, 147, 148, 294, -1, 81, 93, 83, 2585, 296, 92, 7, 2586], [122, 299, 74, 2588, 130, 2589, 302, 2585, 7, 2590], [74, 305, 7, 2592], [74, 308, 309, -1, 7, 2594], [74, 2596, 7, 2597], [], [122, 2600, 2601, 2602, 2603, 92, 83, 2604, 7, 2605], [122, 2607, 7, 2608], [83, 2610, 7, 2611], [74, 2613, 76, 2614, 2615, 2616, 2617, 2618, 81, 2619, 130, 2620, 7, 2621], [122, 2623, 74, 2624, 76, 2625, 2626, -1, 2627, -1, 2628, -1, 294, -1, 81, 2629, 7, 2630], [122, 2632, 74, 2633, 7, 2634], [7, 2636], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2638, 122, 2639, 74, 2640, 330, 2641, 332, 205, 222, 2642, 7, 2643], [122, 2645, 74, 2646, 7, 2647], [74, 2649, 7, 2650], [74, 2652, 7, 2653], [], [122, 2655, 74, 2656, 7, 2657], [122, 2659, 74, 2660, 130, 2661, 7, 2662], [122, 2664, 74, 2665, 130, 2666, 7, 2667], [122, 2669, 74, 2670, 83, 2641, 130, 2671, 7, 2672], [74, 2674, 309, -1, 7, 2675], [122, 2677, 74, 2678, 222, 2679, 130, 2680, 7, 2681], [83, 2683, 7, 2684], [74, 2686, 2687, 2688, 147, 2689, 7, 2690], [74, 2692, 2693, 2694, 894, 79, 125, 895, 222, 2695, 7, 2696], [74, 2698, 2150, 2151, 7, 2699], [74, 2701, 7, 2702], [], [7, 2706], [], [], [83, 2710, 7, 2711], [74, 445, 7, 2713], [2150, 2151, 222, 2715, 130, 2716, 7, 2717], [74, 2156, 7, 2719], [74, 2159, 7, 2721], [60, 2723, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 2724, 137, 2725, 7, 2726], [7, 2728], [74, 2174, 7, 2730], [], [74, 2178, 7, 2733], [74, 2181, 7, 2735], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 2737], [74, 2187, 33, 2739, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 2740], [7, 2742], [74, 2194, 7, 2744], [], [74, 2198, 7, 2747], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2749, 7, 2750], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 2753], [], [74, 2211, 7, 2756], [74, 2214, 7, 2758], [74, 2181, 7, 2760], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 2762], [7, 2764], [74, 2194, 7, 2766], [], [74, 2198, 7, 2768], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2749, 7, 2770], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 2772], [], [74, 2232, 7, 2774], [74, 2268, 7, 2776], [74, 2778, 147, 2272, 7, 2779], [122, 2781, 74, 2782, 7, 2783], [], [60, 2786, 7, 2787], [], [122, 2607, 7, 2789], [83, 2791, 7, 2792], [74, 2613, 76, 2614, 2615, 2794, 2617, 2795, 81, 2619, 130, 2796, 7, 2797], [122, 2623, 74, 2624, 76, 2625, 2626, -1, 2627, -1, 2628, -1, 294, -1, 81, 2629, 7, 2799], [122, 2632, 74, 2633, 7, 2801], [7, 2803], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2638, 122, 2639, 74, 2640, 330, 2805, 332, 205, 222, 2806, 7, 2807], [122, 2645, 74, 2646, 7, 2809], [74, 2649, 7, 2811], [74, 2652, 7, 2813], [], [122, 2655, 74, 2656, 7, 2815], [122, 2659, 74, 2660, 130, 2817, 7, 2818], [122, 2664, 74, 2665, 130, 2820, 7, 2821], [122, 2669, 74, 2670, 83, 2805, 130, 2823, 7, 2824], [74, 2674, 309, -1, 7, 2826], [122, 2677, 74, 2678, 222, 2828, 130, 2829, 7, 2830], [83, 2832, 7, 2833], [74, 2686, 2687, 2688, 147, 2689, 7, 2835], [74, 2692, 2693, 2694, 894, 79, 125, 895, 222, 2837, 7, 2838], [74, 2698, 2150, 2151, 7, 2840], [74, 2701, 7, 2842], [], [74, 2845, 7, 2846], [], [83, 2849, 7, 2850], [74, 445, 7, 2852], [222, 2854, 130, 2855, 7, 2856], [74, 2156, 7, 2858], [74, 2159, 7, 2860], [60, 2862, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 2863, 137, 2864, 7, 2865], [7, 2867], [74, 2174, 7, 2869], [], [74, 2178, 7, 2872], [74, 2181, 7, 2874], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 2876], [74, 2187, 33, 2878, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 2879], [7, 2881], [74, 2194, 7, 2883], [], [74, 2198, 7, 2886], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2749, 7, 2888], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 2891], [], [74, 2211, 7, 2894], [74, 2214, 7, 2896], [74, 2181, 7, 2898], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 2900], [7, 2902], [74, 2194, 7, 2904], [], [74, 2198, 7, 2906], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2749, 7, 2908], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 2910], [], [74, 2232, 7, 2912], [74, 2268, 7, 2914], [74, 2778, 147, 2272, 7, 2916], [122, 2781, 74, 2782, 7, 2918], [], [60, 2920, 7, 2921], [], [122, 2607, 7, 2923], [83, 2925, 7, 2926], [74, 2613, 76, 2614, 2615, 2928, 2617, 2929, 81, 2619, 130, 2930, 7, 2931], [122, 2623, 74, 2624, 76, 2625, 2626, -1, 2627, -1, 2628, -1, 294, -1, 81, 2629, 7, 2933], [122, 2632, 74, 2633, 7, 2935], [7, 2937], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2638, 122, 2639, 74, 2640, 330, 2939, 332, 205, 222, 2940, 7, 2941], [122, 2645, 74, 2646, 7, 2943], [74, 2649, 7, 2945], [74, 2652, 7, 2947], [], [122, 2655, 74, 2656, 7, 2949], [122, 2659, 74, 2660, 130, 2951, 7, 2952], [122, 2664, 74, 2665, 130, 2954, 7, 2955], [122, 2669, 74, 2670, 83, 2939, 130, 2957, 7, 2958], [74, 2674, 309, -1, 7, 2960], [122, 2677, 74, 2678, 222, 2962, 130, 2963, 7, 2964], [83, 2966, 7, 2967], [74, 2686, 2687, 2688, 147, 2689, 7, 2969], [74, 2692, 2693, 2694, 894, 79, 125, 895, 222, 2971, 7, 2972], [74, 2698, 2150, 2151, 7, 2974], [74, 2701, 7, 2976], [], [7, 2979], [], [], [83, 2983, 7, 2984], [74, 445, 7, 2986], [222, 2988, 130, 2989, 7, 2990], [74, 2156, 7, 2992], [74, 2159, 7, 2994], [60, 2996, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 2997, 137, 2998, 7, 2999], [7, 3001], [74, 2174, 7, 3003], [], [74, 2178, 7, 3006], [74, 2181, 7, 3008], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 3010], [74, 2187, 33, 3012, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 3013], [7, 3015], [74, 2194, 7, 3017], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3020], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2749, 7, 3022], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3025], [], [74, 2211, 7, 3028], [74, 2214, 7, 3030], [74, 2181, 7, 3032], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 3034], [7, 3036], [74, 2194, 7, 3038], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3040], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2749, 7, 3042], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3044], [], [74, 2232, 7, 3046], [74, 2268, 7, 3048], [74, 2778, 147, 2272, 7, 3050], [122, 2781, 74, 2782, 7, 3052], [], [60, 3054, 7, 3055], [], [122, 2607, 7, 3057], [83, 3059, 7, 3060], [74, 2613, 76, 2614, 2615, 3062, 2617, 3063, 81, 2619, 130, 3064, 7, 3065], [122, 2623, 74, 2624, 76, 2625, 2626, -1, 2627, -1, 2628, -1, 294, -1, 81, 2629, 7, 3067], [122, 2632, 74, 2633, 7, 3069], [7, 3071], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2638, 122, 2639, 74, 2640, 330, 3073, 332, 205, 222, 3074, 7, 3075], [122, 2645, 74, 2646, 7, 3077], [74, 2649, 7, 3079], [74, 2652, 7, 3081], [], [122, 2655, 74, 2656, 7, 3083], [122, 2659, 74, 2660, 130, 3085, 7, 3086], [122, 2664, 74, 2665, 130, 3088, 7, 3089], [122, 2669, 74, 2670, 83, 3073, 130, 3091, 7, 3092], [74, 2674, 309, -1, 7, 3094], [122, 2677, 74, 2678, 222, 3096, 130, 3097, 7, 3098], [83, 3100, 7, 3101], [74, 3103, 2687, 3104, 147, 2689, 222, 3105, 130, 3106, 7, 3107], [147, 3109, 74, 3110, 83, 3111, 222, 3112, 7, 3113], [74, 3115, 7, 3116], [72, 3118, 3119, 236, 222, 3120, 7, 3121], [7, 3123], [7, 3125], [72, -1, 76, 3127, 81, 3128, 197, 3129, 7, 3130], [74, 3132, 3133, 3134, 3135, 236, 147, 3136, 130, 3137, 7, 3138], [122, 3140, 74, 3141, 76, 3142, 3143, -1, 197, 3144, 589, 92, 2693, 24, 3145, 3146, 3147, 3148, 3149, 236, 3150, 3151, 3152, 236, 81, 3153, 222, 3154, 130, 3155, 7, 3156], [122, 3158, 7, 3159], [122, 3161, 125, 358, 127, 128, 7, 3162], [7, 3164], [3166, -1, 74, 3167, 147, 3168, 7, 3169], [147, 3171, 230, 3172, 3173, 3174, 33, 3175, 76, 3176, 81, 3177, 3178, 236, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 3179], [122, 3181, 7, 3182], [83, 3184, 7, 3185], [74, 2686, 2687, 2688, 147, 2689, 7, 3187], [74, 2692, 2693, 2694, 894, 79, 125, 895, 222, 3189, 7, 3190], [74, 2698, 2150, 2151, 7, 3192], [74, 2701, 7, 3194], [], [7, 3197], [], [], [83, 3201, 7, 3202], [74, 445, 7, 3204], [222, 3206, 130, 3207, 7, 3208], [74, 2156, 7, 3210], [74, 2159, 7, 3212], [60, 3214, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 3215, 137, 3216, 7, 3217], [7, 3219], [74, 2174, 7, 3221], [], [74, 2178, 7, 3224], [74, 2181, 7, 3226], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 3228], [74, 2187, 33, 3230, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 3231], [7, 3233], [74, 2194, 7, 3235], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3238], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2749, 7, 3240], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3243], [], [74, 2211, 7, 3246], [74, 2214, 7, 3248], [74, 2181, 7, 3250], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 3252], [7, 3254], [74, 2194, 7, 3256], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3258], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2749, 7, 3260], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3262], [], [74, 2232, 7, 3264], [74, 2268, 7, 3266], [74, 2778, 147, 2272, 7, 3268], [122, 2781, 74, 2782, 7, 3270], [], [60, 3272, 7, 3273], [], [122, 3275, 74, 158, 3276, 3277, 3278, 79, 3279, 3280, 83, 3281, 130, 3282, 7, 3283], [122, 3286, 74, 3287, 147, 3288, 7, 3289], [232, 459, 33, 3291, 233, 459, 230, 1993, 125, 1994, 235, 128, 237, 128, 7, 3292], [74, 3294, 147, 3295, 7, 3296], [74, 3298, 7, 3299], [74, 3301, 7, 3302], [142, 3304, 7, 3305], [76, 146, 147, 148, 81, 93, 7, 3307], [83, 3309, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 74, 158, 130, 3310, 7, 3311], [74, 3313, 60, 730, 163, 3309, 341, 732, 125, 358, 81, 164, 130, 3314, 7, 3315], [], [74, 2133, 7, 3318], [76, 2430, 74, 2431, 2150, 2151, 147, 3320, 81, 2433, 222, 3321, 130, 3322, 7, 3323], [74, 3325, 2439, 3326, 7, 3327], [74, 3329, 2444, 2445, 2446, 128, 147, 3330, 7, 3331], [74, 2159, 7, 3333], [60, 3335, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 3336, 137, 3337, 7, 3338], [7, 3340], [74, 2174, 7, 3342], [], [74, 2178, 7, 3344], [74, 2181, 7, 3346], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 3348], [74, 2187, 33, 3350, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 3351], [7, 3353], [74, 2194, 7, 3355], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3358], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 3360], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3363], [], [74, 2211, 7, 3366], [74, 2214, 7, 3368], [74, 2181, 7, 3370], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 3372], [7, 3374], [74, 2194, 7, 3376], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3378], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 3380], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3382], [], [74, 2232, 7, 3384], [74, 2235, 7, 3386], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 3388, 130, 3389, 7, 3390], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2247, 147, 2248, 341, 2249, 7, 3392], [122, 2252, 74, 2253, 7, 3394], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 3396], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 3398], [267, 775, 7, 3400], [122, 2264, 130, 3402, 7, 3403], [74, 3405, 2515, 3406, 2444, 3407, 147, 3408, 7, 3409], [7, 3411], [60, 3335, 122, 3413, 130, 3414, 137, 3415, 7, 3416], [74, 3418, 589, 92, 147, 3419, 7, 3420], [], [230, 3424, 83, 3425, 33, 3426, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 3427], [74, 3429, 2515, 1911, 2444, 2516, 147, 3430, 7, 3431], [74, 3433, 7, 3434], [7, 3436], [7, 3438], [], [], [74, 3429, 2515, 79, 2444, 3441, 147, 3442, 7, 3443], [74, 3445, 222, 3446, 7, 3447], [74, 3449, 7, 3450], [74, 3452, 7, 3453], [74, 3455, 7, 3456], [74, 3458, 7, 3459], [], [74, 3462, 7, 3463], [], [74, 3466, 7, 3467], [74, 3455, 7, 3469], [74, 3458, 7, 3471], [], [74, 3462, 7, 3474], [60, 3476, 137, 3477, 7, 3478], [], [74, 3449, 7, 3480], [74, 3452, 7, 3482], [74, 3455, 7, 3484], [74, 3458, 7, 3486], [], [74, 3462, 7, 3489], [], [74, 3466, 7, 3492], [74, 3455, 7, 3494], [74, 3458, 7, 3496], [], [74, 3462, 7, 3499], [60, 3501, 137, 3502, 7, 3503], [], [74, 2133, 7, 3506], [76, 2430, 74, 2431, 2150, 2151, 147, 2432, 81, 2433, 222, 3508, 130, 3509, 7, 3510], [74, 2438, 2439, 3512, 7, 3513], [74, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 128, 7, 3515], [74, 2159, 7, 3517], [60, 3519, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 3520, 137, 3521, 7, 3522], [7, 3524], [74, 2174, 7, 3526], [], [74, 2178, 7, 3529], [74, 2181, 7, 3531], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 3533], [74, 2187, 33, 3535, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 3536], [7, 3538], [74, 2194, 7, 3540], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3543], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 3545], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3548], [], [74, 2211, 7, 3551], [74, 2214, 7, 3553], [74, 2181, 7, 3555], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 3557], [7, 3559], [74, 2194, 7, 3561], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3563], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 3565], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3567], [], [74, 2232, 7, 3569], [74, 2235, 7, 3571], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 3573, 130, 3574, 7, 3575], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2247, 147, 2248, 341, 2249, 7, 3577], [122, 2252, 74, 2253, 7, 3579], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 3581], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 3583], [267, 775, 7, 3585], [122, 2264, 130, 3587, 7, 3588], [74, 2514, 2515, 236, 2444, 2516, 7, 3590], [74, 2271, 147, 2272, 7, 3592], [74, 2275, 7, 3594], [7, 3596], [], [], [], [74, 2514, 2515, 1911, 2444, 3600, 7, 3601], [74, 3603, 7, 3604], [589, 92, 74, 3606, 341, 3607, 125, 3608, 7, 3609], [147, 3611, 7, 3612], [], [7, 3614], [], [], [7, 3618], [], [], [7, 3621], [], [], [7, 3624], [], [], [7, 3627], [], [74, 2133, 7, 3630], [76, 2430, 74, 2431, 2150, 2151, 147, 2432, 81, 2433, 222, 3632, 130, 3633, 7, 3634], [74, 2438, 2439, 3636, 7, 3637], [74, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 128, 7, 3639], [74, 2159, 7, 3641], [60, 3643, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 3644, 137, 3645, 7, 3646], [7, 3648], [74, 2174, 7, 3650], [], [74, 2178, 7, 3653], [74, 2181, 7, 3655], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 3657], [74, 2187, 33, 3659, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 3660], [7, 3662], [74, 2194, 7, 3664], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3667], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 3669], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3672], [], [74, 2211, 7, 3675], [74, 2214, 7, 3677], [74, 2181, 7, 3679], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 3681], [7, 3683], [74, 2194, 7, 3685], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3687], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 3689], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3691], [], [74, 2232, 7, 3693], [74, 2235, 7, 3695], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 3697, 130, 3698, 7, 3699], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2247, 147, 2248, 341, 2249, 7, 3701], [122, 2252, 74, 2253, 7, 3703], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 3705], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 3707], [267, 775, 7, 3709], [122, 2264, 130, 3711, 7, 3712], [74, 2514, 2515, 236, 2444, 2516, 7, 3714], [74, 2271, 147, 2272, 7, 3716], [74, 2275, 7, 3718], [7, 3720], [], [], [7, 3723], [7, 3725], [], [], [74, 2514, 2515, 1911, 2444, 3441, 147, 3728, 7, 3729], [222, 3731, 7, 3732], [74, 3734, 7, 3735], [74, 3737, 7, 3738], [74, 3458, 7, 3740], [], [74, 3462, 7, 3743], [], [74, 2133, 7, 3746], [222, 3748, 7, 3749], [74, 445, 7, 3751], [7, 3753], [76, 2430, 2150, 2151, 147, 2432, 81, 2433, 222, 3755, 130, 3756, 7, 3757], [74, 2438, 2439, 3759, 7, 3760], [74, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 128, 7, 3762], [74, 2159, 7, 3764], [60, 3766, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 3767, 137, 3768, 7, 3769], [7, 3771], [74, 2174, 7, 3773], [], [74, 2178, 7, 3776], [74, 2181, 7, 3778], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 3780], [74, 2187, 33, 3782, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 3783], [7, 3785], [74, 2194, 7, 3787], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3790], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 3792], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3795], [], [74, 2211, 7, 3798], [74, 2214, 7, 3800], [74, 2181, 7, 3802], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 3804], [7, 3806], [74, 2194, 7, 3808], [], [74, 2198, 7, 3810], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 3812], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 3814], [], [74, 2232, 7, 3816], [74, 2235, 7, 3818], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 3820, 130, 3821, 7, 3822], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2247, 147, 2248, 341, 2249, 7, 3824], [122, 2252, 74, 2253, 7, 3826], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 3828], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 3830], [267, 775, 7, 3832], [122, 2264, 130, 3834, 7, 3835], [74, 2514, 2515, 236, 2444, 2516, 7, 3837], [74, 2271, 147, 2272, 7, 3839], [74, 2275, 7, 3841], [7, 3843], [], [], [7, 3846], [7, 3848], [], [], [74, 2514, 2515, 1911, 2444, 3851, 7, 3852], [147, 3854, 7, 3855], [74, 3857, 7, 3858], [74, 3860, 7, 3861], [76, 3864, 3865, -1, 3866, -1, 3867, 236, 3868, 3869, 294, -1, 81, 3870, 7, 3871], [122, 3873, 309, 236, 7, 3874], [76, 3877, 3878, 236, 294, -1, 81, 3879, 7, 3880], [309, -1, 74, 3882, 7, 3883], [74, 3885, 76, 2625, 2626, -1, 2627, -1, 2628, -1, 294, -1, 81, 2629, 7, 3886], [122, 2632, 74, 2633, 7, 3888], [7, 3890], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2638, 122, 2639, 74, 2640, 330, 3892, 332, 205, 222, 3893, 7, 3894], [122, 2645, 74, 2646, 7, 3896], [74, 2649, 7, 3898], [7, 3900], [], [122, 2655, 74, 2656, 7, 3903], [122, 2659, 74, 2660, 130, 3905, 7, 3906], [122, 2664, 74, 2665, 130, 3908, 7, 3909], [122, 2669, 74, 2670, 83, 3892, 130, 3911, 7, 3912], [74, 2674, 309, -1, 7, 3914], [74, 3916, 7, 3917], [83, 3919, 7, 3920], [74, 3922, 7, 3923], [7, 3925], [], [74, 3885, 76, 2625, 2626, -1, 2627, -1, 2628, -1, 294, -1, 81, 2629, 7, 3928], [122, 2632, 74, 2633, 7, 3930], [7, 3932], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2638, 122, 2639, 74, 2640, 330, 3934, 332, 205, 222, 3935, 7, 3936], [122, 2645, 74, 2646, 7, 3938], [74, 2649, 7, 3940], [7, 3942], [], [122, 2655, 74, 2656, 7, 3945], [122, 2659, 74, 2660, 130, 3947, 7, 3948], [122, 2664, 74, 2665, 130, 3950, 7, 3951], [122, 2669, 74, 2670, 83, 3934, 130, 3953, 7, 3954], [74, 2674, 309, -1, 7, 3956], [74, 3916, 7, 3958], [83, 3960, 7, 3961], [74, 3922, 7, 3963], [7, 3965], [], [74, 3968, 7, 3969], [74, 3971, 7, 3972], [74, 3974, 7, 3975], [74, 3977, 7, 3978], [74, 3980, 7, 3981], [76, 2430, 2150, 2151, 147, 2432, 81, 2433, 222, 3983, 130, 3984, 7, 3985], [74, 2438, 2439, 3987, 7, 3988], [74, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 128, 7, 3990], [74, 2159, 7, 3992], [60, 3994, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 3995, 137, 3996, 7, 3997], [7, 3999], [74, 4001, 7, 4002], [], [74, 4005, 7, 4006], [7, 4008], [74, 4010, 125, 1563, 7, 4011], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 4013], [], [74, 4015, 7, 4016], [74, 4018, 7, 4019], [7, 4021], [74, 4010, 125, 1563, 7, 4023], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 4025], [], [74, 4027, 7, 4028], [74, 4030, 7, 4031], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 4033, 130, 4034, 7, 4035], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2247, 147, 2248, 341, 2249, 7, 4037], [122, 2252, 74, 2253, 7, 4039], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 4041], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 4043], [267, 775, 7, 4045], [122, 2264, 130, 4047, 7, 4048], [74, 2514, 2515, 236, 2444, 2516, 7, 4050], [74, 2271, 147, 2272, 7, 4052], [74, 2275, 7, 4054], [7, 4056], [], [], [7, 4058], [], [7, 4061], [], [], [74, 2514, 2515, 1911, 2444, 3441, 147, 3728, 7, 4064], [222, 4066, 7, 4067], [74, 3734, 7, 4069], [74, 3737, 7, 4071], [74, 3458, 7, 4073], [], [74, 3462, 7, 4075], [], [74, 2406, 7, 4078], [74, 2133, 7, 4080], [76, 2430, 74, 2431, 2150, 2151, 147, 2432, 81, 2433, 222, 4082, 130, 4083, 7, 4084], [74, 2438, 2439, 4086, 7, 4087], [74, 2443, 2444, 2445, 2446, 128, 7, 4089], [74, 2159, 7, 4091], [60, 4093, 76, 2163, 122, 2164, 81, 93, 130, 4094, 137, 4095, 7, 4096], [7, 4098], [74, 2174, 7, 4100], [], [74, 2178, 7, 4103], [74, 2181, 7, 4105], [74, 2184, 589, 92, 7, 4107], [74, 2187, 33, 4109, 147, 2189, 230, -1, 235, 274, 237, 128, 7, 4110], [7, 4112], [74, 2194, 7, 4114], [], [74, 2198, 7, 4117], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 4119], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 4122], [], [74, 2211, 7, 4125], [74, 2214, 7, 4127], [74, 2181, 7, 4129], [74, 2219, 147, 2189, 7, 4131], [7, 4133], [74, 2194, 7, 4135], [], [74, 2198, 7, 4137], [74, 2202, 125, 1563, 147, 2203, 7, 4139], [], [74, 2207, 125, 1563, 7, 4141], [], [74, 2232, 7, 4143], [74, 2235, 7, 4145], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 4147, 130, 4148, 7, 4149], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2247, 147, 2248, 341, 2249, 7, 4151], [122, 2252, 74, 2253, 7, 4153], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 4155], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 4157], [267, 775, 7, 4159], [122, 2264, 130, 4161, 7, 4162], [74, 2514, 2515, 236, 2444, 2516, 7, 4164], [74, 2271, 147, 2272, 7, 4166], [74, 2275, 7, 4168], [7, 4170], [], [], [7, 4173], [7, 4175], [], [], [74, 2514, 2515, 1911, 2444, 3851, 7, 4178], [147, 3854, 7, 4180], [74, 3857, 7, 4182], [74, 3860, 7, 4184], [76, 3864, 3865, -1, 3866, -1, 3867, 236, 3868, 3869, 294, -1, 81, 3870, 7, 4186], [122, 3873, 309, 236, 7, 4188], [76, 3877, 3878, 236, 294, -1, 81, 3879, 7, 4190], [309, -1, 74, 3882, 7, 4192], [74, 3885, 76, 2625, 2626, -1, 2627, -1, 2628, -1, 294, -1, 81, 2629, 7, 4194], [122, 2632, 74, 2633, 7, 4196], [7, 4198], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2638, 122, 2639, 74, 2640, 330, 4200, 332, 205, 222, 4201, 7, 4202], [122, 2645, 74, 2646, 7, 4204], [74, 2649, 7, 4206], [7, 4208], [], [122, 2655, 74, 2656, 7, 4211], [122, 2659, 74, 2660, 130, 4213, 7, 4214], [122, 2664, 74, 2665, 130, 4216, 7, 4217], [122, 2669, 74, 2670, 83, 4200, 130, 4219, 7, 4220], [74, 2674, 309, -1, 7, 4222], [74, 3916, 7, 4224], [83, 4226, 7, 4227], [74, 3922, 7, 4229], [7, 4231], [7, 4234], [7, 4236], [], [74, 3885, 76, 2625, 2626, -1, 2627, -1, 2628, -1, 294, -1, 81, 2629, 7, 4239], [122, 2632, 74, 2633, 7, 4241], [7, 4243], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2638, 122, 2639, 74, 2640, 330, 4245, 332, 205, 222, 4246, 7, 4247], [122, 2645, 74, 2646, 7, 4249], [74, 2649, 7, 4251], [7, 4253], [], [122, 2655, 74, 2656, 7, 4256], [122, 2659, 74, 2660, 130, 4258, 7, 4259], [122, 2664, 74, 2665, 130, 4261, 7, 4262], [122, 2669, 74, 2670, 83, 4245, 130, 4264, 7, 4265], [74, 2674, 309, -1, 7, 4267], [74, 3916, 7, 4269], [83, 4271, 7, 4272], [74, 3922, 7, 4274], [7, 4276], [7, 4278], [7, 4280], [], [74, 3968, 7, 4283], [83, 4285, 7, 4286], [83, 4288, 7, 4289], [222, 4291, 130, 4292, 7, 4293], [83, 4295, 7, 4296], [74, 2133, 7, 4298], [83, 4300, 7, 4301], [76, 4303, 74, 4304, 4305, 236, 2617, 340, 3143, 4306, 81, 4307, 222, 4308, 130, 4309, 7, 4310], [122, 4312, 74, 158, 3276, 4313, 3278, 79, 3279, 4314, 83, 4315, 130, 4316, 7, 4317], [74, 2133, 7, 4319], [76, 2529, 122, 2530, 74, 4321, 2532, 340, 4322, 236, 2533, 2534, 4323, 236, 2535, 274, 2536, 236, 197, 2537, 81, 2538, 222, 4324, 130, 4325, 7, 4326], [74, 2543, 7, 4328], [74, 2546, 7, 4330], [74, 2549, 7, 4332], [894, 1911, 125, 895, 7, 4334], [74, 2554, 7, 4336], [], [74, 2558, 7, 4338], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 2561, 130, 4340, 7, 4341], [81, 2565, 7, 4343], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2568, 147, 2569, 341, 2249, 7, 4345], [122, 2252, 74, 2572, 7, 4347], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 4349], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 4351], [267, 775, 7, 4353], [122, 2264, 130, 4355, 7, 4356], [122, 2584, 76, 292, 147, 148, 294, -1, 81, 93, 83, 4358, 296, 92, 7, 4359], [122, 299, 74, 2588, 130, 4361, 302, 4358, 7, 4362], [74, 305, 7, 4364], [74, 308, 309, -1, 7, 4366], [74, 2596, 7, 4368], [], [122, 2600, 2603, 92, 83, 4370, 7, 4371], [122, 3275, 74, 158, 3276, 4373, 3278, 79, 3279, 3280, 83, 4374, 130, 4375, 7, 4376], [122, 3286, 74, 3287, 147, 3288, 7, 4378], [232, 459, 33, 3291, 233, 459, 230, 1993, 125, 1994, 235, 128, 237, 128, 7, 4380], [74, 3294, 147, 3295, 7, 4382], [74, 3298, 7, 4384], [74, 3301, 7, 4386], [142, 3304, 7, 4388], [76, 146, 147, 148, 81, 93, 7, 4390], [83, 3309, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 74, 158, 130, 4392, 7, 4393], [74, 3313, 60, 730, 163, 3309, 341, 732, 125, 358, 81, 164, 130, 4395, 7, 4396], [], [74, 4398, 7, 4399], [74, 2133, 7, 4401], [4403, -1, 222, 4404, 130, 4405, 7, 4406], [74, 4408, 7, 4409], [74, 4411, 7, 4412], [74, 2549, 7, 4414], [894, 1911, 125, 895, 7, 4416], [74, 2554, 7, 4418], [], [74, 2558, 7, 4421], [76, 2238, 2239, 128, 2240, 92, 197, 4423, 130, 4424, 7, 4425], [81, 2565, 7, 4427], [125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 2245, 122, 2246, 74, 2568, 147, 2569, 341, 2249, 7, 4429], [122, 2252, 74, 2572, 7, 4431], [122, 2256, 74, 2257, 147, 906, 7, 4433], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 4435], [267, 775, 7, 4437], [122, 2264, 130, 4439, 7, 4440], [122, 2584, 76, 292, 147, 148, 294, -1, 81, 93, 83, 4442, 296, 92, 7, 4443], [122, 299, 74, 2588, 130, 4445, 302, 4442, 7, 4446], [74, 305, 7, 4448], [74, 308, 309, -1, 7, 4450], [74, 2596, 7, 4452], [], [74, 4454, 7, 4455], [74, 4457, 7, 4458], [74, 4460, 7, 4461], [222, 4463, 7, 4464], [74, 4466, 60, 4467, 7, 4468], [74, 4470, 7, 4471], [74, 4473, 7, 4474], [7, 4476], [], [222, 4479, 7, 4480], [74, 4466, 60, 4482, 7, 4483], [74, 4470, 7, 4485], [74, 4473, 7, 4487], [7, 4489], [], [74, 4460, 7, 4492], [222, 4494, 7, 4495], [74, 4466, 60, 4497, 7, 4498], [74, 4470, 7, 4500], [74, 4473, 7, 4502], [7, 4504], [], [222, 4507, 7, 4508], [74, 4466, 60, 4510, 7, 4511], [74, 4470, 7, 4513], [74, 4473, 7, 4515], [7, 4517], [], [], [7, 4521], [], [7, 4524], [], [125, 1041, 7, 4526], [74, 110, 7, 4528], [], [74, 4531, 147, 4532, 125, 502, 7, 4533], [7, 4535], [122, 4537, 4538, 1620, 7, 4539], [74, 4541, 7, 4542], [74, 4544, 147, 4545, 7, 4546], [74, 4548, 7, 4549], [74, 4544, 147, 4551, 7, 4552], [], [7, 4554], [341, 4556, 74, 2395, 60, 4557, 7, 4558], [74, 4560, 147, 4561, 7, 4562], [], [7, 4564], [341, 4566, 74, 2395, 60, 4567, 7, 4568], [74, 4560, 147, 4561, 7, 4570], [], [7, 4572], [341, 4574, 74, 2395, 60, 4575, 7, 4576], [74, 4560, 147, 4561, 7, 4578], [], [7, 4580], [341, 4582, 74, 2395, 60, 4583, 7, 4584], [74, 4560, 147, 4561, 7, 4586], [], [7, 4589], [341, 4591, 74, 2395, 60, 4592, 7, 4593], [74, 4560, 147, 4561, 7, 4595], [], [7, 4597], [341, 4599, 74, 2395, 60, 4600, 7, 4601], [74, 4560, 147, 4561, 7, 4603], [], [7, 4605], [341, 4607, 74, 2395, 60, 4608, 7, 4609], [74, 4560, 147, 4561, 7, 4611], [], [7, 4613], [341, 4615, 74, 2395, 60, 4616, 7, 4617], [74, 4560, 147, 4561, 7, 4619], [], [894, 79, 74, 4541, 125, 895, 7, 4622], [60, 4624, 83, 4625, 147, 4626, 7, 4627], [74, 4560, 147, 4629, 7, 4630], [147, 4632, 7, 4633], [], [222, 4636, 130, 4637, 7, 4638], [76, 4640, 147, 148, 4641, 236, 81, 93, 7, 4642], [125, 1041, 7, 4644], [83, 4646, 7, 4647], [83, 4649, 7, 4650], [83, 4652, 7, 4653], [74, 4655, 76, 4656, 4657, 4658, 4659, 92, 81, 93, 83, 4660, 197, 4661, 125, 4662, 222, 4663, 7, 4664], [35, -1, 7, 4666], [], [74, 110, 7, 4669], [], [35, -1, 7, 4672], [], [74, 4675, 7, 4676], [122, 4678, 72, 4679, 74, 4680, 222, 4681, 130, 4682, 7, 4683], [76, 4685, 122, 4686, 72, 4687, 4688, -1, 197, 4689, 81, 4690, 7, 4691], [122, 4693, 83, 4694, 152, 153, 154, 4695, 74, 158, 130, 4696, 7, 4697], [74, 4699, 7, 4700], [74, 4702, 83, 4703, 7, 4704], [74, 4706, 7, 4707], [74, 4709, 7, 4710], [74, 4712, 222, 4713, 130, 4714, 7, 4715], [74, 4717, 2687, 454, 147, 2689, 222, 4718, 130, 4719, 7, 4720], [74, 4722, 7, 4723], [74, 4725, 7, 4726], [74, 4728, 76, 4729, 4730, 236, 125, 358, 127, 128, 341, 4731, 197, 4732, 81, 4733, 222, 4734, 130, 4735, 7, 4736], [74, 4738, 7, 4739], [74, 4741, 7, 4742], [], [74, 4746, 7, 4747], [74, 4749, 7, 4750], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 4752], [267, 4754, 7, 4755], [83, 4757, 7, 4758], [122, 4760, 74, 4761, 76, 4762, 81, 4763, 7, 4764], [122, 4760, 76, 4767, 4768, 4769, 81, 4770, 197, 4771, 294, -1, 130, 4772, 7, 4773], [122, 4775, 83, 4769, 81, 4776, 7, 4777], [122, 4779, 74, 4780, 7, 4781], [74, 4783, 81, 4784, 7, 4785], [74, 4787, 589, 92, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 4788, 7, 4789], [309, -1, 81, 1660, 7, 4791], [74, 4793, 341, 4731, 125, 1515, 7, 4794], [122, 899, 74, 4796, 341, 903, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 4784, 130, 4797, 7, 4798], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 4800], [267, 370, 7, 4802], [122, 4804, 74, 4805, 7, 4806], [], [122, 4808, 74, 4809, 7, 4810], [122, 4812, 76, 4813, 7, 4814], [122, 4816, 74, 4817, 60, 730, 125, 126, 127, 128, 81, 4818, 7, 4819], [74, 4821, 7, 4822], [74, 4824, 33, 4825, 230, -1, 235, 128, 237, 128, 7, 4826], [], [122, 4829, 74, 4817, 60, 730, 125, 126, 127, 128, 81, 4830, 7, 4831], [74, 4821, 7, 4833], [74, 4824, 33, 4835, 230, -1, 235, 128, 237, 128, 7, 4836], [], [122, 4839, 74, 4840, 60, 730, 125, 126, 127, 128, 81, 4841, 7, 4842], [74, 4821, 7, 4844], [74, 4824, 33, 4846, 230, -1, 235, 128, 237, 128, 7, 4847], [74, 4849, 7, 4850], [], [122, 4853, 76, 4854, 7, 4855], [122, 4857, 7, 4858], [122, 4860, 7, 4861], [74, 4863, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 4864, 7, 4865], [], [122, 4868, 7, 4869], [74, 4871, 7, 4872], [], [122, 4875, 74, 4871, 4876, 4877, 147, 148, 7, 4878], [], [74, 4881, 7, 4882], [81, 4884, 7, 4885], [122, 4888, 74, 4889, 76, 4890, 294, -1, 81, 93, 7, 4891], [74, 4893, 7, 4894], [7, 4896], [74, 4898, 81, 4899, 341, 4874, 4900, -1, 51, 4901, 7, 4902], [122, 4904, 74, 4905, 7, 4906], [122, 4908, 74, 4909, 589, 92, 7, 4910], [74, 4787, 589, 92, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 4912, 7, 4913], [122, 4915, 147, 148, 130, 4916, 7, 4917], [122, 4919, 130, 4920, 7, 4921], [122, 4923, 130, 4924, 7, 4925], [122, 4927, 130, 4928, 7, 4929], [122, 4931, 130, 4932, 7, 4933], [122, 4935, 147, 148, 4936, 4937, 130, 4938, 7, 4939], [122, 4941, 147, 148, 4936, 4942, 130, 4943, 7, 4944], [122, 4946, 147, 148, 4936, 4947, 130, 4948, 7, 4949], [122, 4951, 147, 148, 4936, 4952, 130, 4953, 7, 4954], [122, 4956, 147, 148, 4936, 4957, 130, 4958, 7, 4959], [74, 4961, 7, 4962], [74, 4964, 4965, 4966, 2693, 220, 130, 4967, 7, 4968], [7, 4970], [], [74, 4972, 2693, 4973, 7, 4974], [130, 4976, 7, 4977], [], [74, 4980, 147, 4981, 7, 4982], [7, 4984], [74, 4986, 7, 4987], [83, 4989, 222, 4990, 130, 4991, 7, 4992], [74, 4994, 7, 4995], [83, 4997, 222, 4998, 130, 4999, 7, 5000], [], [74, 5002, 76, 5003, 81, 5004, 197, 5005, 222, 5006, 130, 5007, 7, 5008], [122, 5010, 7, 5011], [74, 5013, 7, 5014], [7, 5016], [74, 5018, 222, 5019, 7, 5020], [74, 5022, 7, 5023], [74, 5025, 7, 5026], [74, 2686, 2687, 5028, 147, 2689, 222, 5029, 130, 5030, 7, 5031], [74, 5033, 2693, 5034, 222, 5035, 130, 5036, 7, 5037], [76, 5039, 81, 5040, 7, 5041], [76, 5039, 74, 5043, 81, 5044, 7, 5045], [74, 110, 7, 5047], [], [7, 5050], [], [7, 5053], [7, 5055], [], [74, 5057, 60, 3335, 130, 5058, 137, 5059, 7, 5060], [], [74, 2686, 2693, 5062, 2687, 5063, 147, 2689, 222, 5064, 130, 5065, 7, 5066], [74, 5068, 7, 5069], [74, 5071, 130, 5072, 7, 5073], [74, 5075, 7, 5076], [74, 5078, 7, 5079], [74, 2395, 60, 5081, 130, 5082, 7, 5083], [], [7, 5086], [], [], [7, 5089], [74, 5091, 7, 5092], [74, 2395, 60, 5094, 130, 5095, 7, 5096], [], [74, 2686, 2693, 5098, 2687, 5063, 147, 2689, 222, 5099, 130, 5100, 7, 5101], [74, 5068, 7, 5103], [74, 5071, 130, 5105, 7, 5106], [74, 5075, 7, 5108], [74, 5078, 7, 5110], [74, 2395, 60, 5112, 130, 5113, 7, 5114], [], [7, 5117], [], [], [7, 5119], [74, 5091, 7, 5121], [], [], [76, 5124, 74, 5125, 2150, 5126, 81, 5127, 130, 5128, 7, 5129], [74, 5131, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 5132, 147, 255, 130, 5133, 7, 5134], [259, 205, 260, 261, 262, 263, 7, 5136], [267, 370, 7, 5138], [74, 5140, 7, 5141], [], [74, 5144, 7, 5145], [], [60, 730, 81, 5148, 130, 5149, 7, 5150], [], [74, 5153, 7, 5154], [74, 5156, 7, 5157], [74, 5159, 76, 5160, 2150, 5126, 125, 358, 127, 128, 197, 5161, 81, 5162, 130, 5163, 7, 5164], [74, 5166, 7, 5167], [7, 5169], [], [74, 5171, 147, 148, 7, 5172], [7, 5174], [], [74, 5177, 7, 5178], [76, 5180, 197, 5181, 81, 93, 7, 5182], [], [76, 5184, 5185, 128, 81, 93, 7, 5186], [], [76, 5188, 5189, 5190, 81, 93, 7, 5191], [], [7, 5193], [], [83, 5196, 7, 5197], [147, 148, 7, 5199], [76, 5201, 147, 148, 5202, 5203, 81, 93, 5204, 831, 7, 5205], [74, 5207, 147, 148, 83, 5207, 7, 5208], [74, 5210, 83, 5211, 341, 5212, 7, 5213], [], [74, 5216, 83, 5216, 7, 5217], [74, 5219, 7, 5220], [74, 5222, 7, 5223], [74, 5225, 83, 5226, 7, 5227], [74, 1274, 83, 5229, 7, 5230], [74, 5232, 7, 5233], [74, 5235, 7, 5236], [74, 5238, 7, 5239], [74, 5241, 7, 5242], [74, 5244, 7, 5245], [74, 5247, 7, 5248], [74, 5250, 147, 1820, 83, 5251, 7, 5252], [74, 5250, 147, 5254, 83, 5255, 7, 5256], [74, 5258, 7, 5259], [74, 5261, 7, 5262], [74, 5264, 7, 5265], [83, 5267, 125, 5268, 222, 5269, 130, 5270, 7, 5271], [74, 110, 7, 5273], [], [83, 5276, 7, 5277], [74, 5279, 147, 5280, 83, 5281, 7, 5282], [74, 5284, 83, 5285, 7, 5286], [76, 5288, 72, 5289, 197, 5290, 81, 93, 7, 5291], [76, 5293, 72, 5294, 197, 5295, 81, 93, 7, 5296], [74, 5298, 7, 5299], [74, 5301, 7, 5302], [74, 5304, 7, 5305], [], [74, 5308, 83, 5309, 7, 5310], [76, 5312, 197, 5313, 81, 5314, 7, 5315], [74, 5317, 147, 5318, 7, 5319], [122, 5321, 60, 730, 147, 5318, 5322, 5323, 81, 5324, 125, 358, 127, 128, 130, 5325, 7, 5326], [74, 5328, 7, 5329], [74, 5331, 7, 5332], [74, 5334, 7, 5335], [], [74, 5328, 7, 5338], [83, 5340, 7, 5341], [], [74, 5344, 7, 5345], [7, 5347], [], [83, 5350, 7, 5351], [122, 5353, 76, 4767, 4768, 5354, 81, 4770, 197, 4771, 294, -1, 7, 5355], [122, 4775, 83, 5354, 81, 4776, 7, 5357], [122, 4779, 74, 5359, 7, 5360], [74, 5362, 81, 4784, 7, 5363], [], [74, 4787, 589, 92, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 4788, 7, 5365], [309, -1, 81, 1660, 7, 5367], [74, 5369, 1779, 5370, 125, 1515, 7, 5371], [122, 5373, 83, 5373, 152, 153, 154, 5374, 74, 158, 7, 5375], [74, 4787, 589, 92, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 4912, 7, 5377], [83, 5379, 7, 5380], [], [74, 5383, 76, 5384, 125, 358, 127, 128, 81, 5385, 197, 5386, 130, 5387, 7, 5388], [], [83, 5391, 7, 5392], [122, 5395, 76, 5396, 81, 5397, 7, 5398], [83, 5400, 7, 5401], [122, 299, 76, 292, 147, 148, 293, -1, 294, -1, 81, 93, 83, 5403, 296, 92, 7, 5404], [122, 299, 74, 2588, 130, 5406, 302, 5403, 7, 5407], [74, 305, 7, 5409], [74, 308, 309, -1, 7, 5411], [74, 2596, 7, 5413], [], [74, 5417, 122, 5418, 76, 5419, 81, 5420, 130, 5421, 7, 5422], [74, 5425, 147, 5426, 125, 358, 127, 128, 7, 5427], [74, 5429, 7, 5430], [], [83, 5433, 7, 5434], [122, 5436, 76, 292, 147, 148, 294, -1, 81, 93, 83, 5437, 296, 92, 7, 5438], [122, 299, 74, 2588, 130, 5440, 302, 5437, 7, 5441], [74, 305, 7, 5443], [74, 308, 309, -1, 7, 5445], [74, 2596, 7, 5447], [], [74, 5285, 7, 5450], [74, 5452, 7, 5453], [83, 5455, 7, 5456], [74, 5458, 60, 5459, 137, 5460, 7, 5461], [], [60, 730, 74, 5464, 5465, 5466, 5467, 128, 83, 5468, 5469, 5470, 81, 5471, 130, 5472, 7, 5473], [], [74, 5458, 60, 5475, 137, 5476, 7, 5477], [], [74, 5458, 60, 5480, 137, 5481, 7, 5482], [], [35, -1, 7, 5485], [], [35, -1, 7, 5488], [], [], [83, 5493, 7, 5494], [7, 5496], [7, 5498], [7, 5500], [], [35, -1, 7, 5503], [], [35, -1, 7, 5506], [], [], [35, -1, 7, 5509], [], [], [35, -1, 7, 5512], [], [7, 5515], [76, 5517, 147, 148, 33, 5518, 83, 5519, 81, 5520, 7, 5521], [76, 5523, 74, 5524, 83, 5525, 81, 5526, 7, 5527], [83, 5529, 7, 5530], [35, -1, 7, 5532], [], [35, -1, 7, 5535], [], [83, 5538, 142, 5539, 152, 153, 154, 5538, 156, 5540, 74, 158, 7, 5541], [83, 5543, 7, 5544], [33, 5546, 35, -1, 7, 5547], [33, 5549, 35, -1, 36, -1, 7, 5550], [83, 5552, 7, 5553], [122, 5555, 4876, 4877, 74, 5556, 7, 5557], [122, 5555, 4876, 4877, 74, 5559, 7, 5560], [122, 5555, 4876, 4877, 74, 5559, 7, 5562], [122, 5555, 4876, 4877, 74, 5559, 7, 5564], [122, 5555, 4876, 4877, 74, 5559, 147, 5566, 7, 5567], [122, 5555, 4876, 4877, 74, 5559, 147, 5566, 7, 5569], [74, 5571, 5572, -1, 7, 5573], [], [74, 5575, 5572, -1, 7, 5576], [74, 5578, 7, 5579], [7, 5581], [], [74, 5584, 7, 5585], [], [7, 5588], [], [33, 5591, 35, -1, 36, -1, 7, 5592], [33, 5594, 35, -1, 36, -1, 5595, 92, 7, 5596], [33, 5598, 35, -1, 36, -1, 7, 5599], [147, 5602, 7, 5603], [33, 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[27.875, 90, 76.25, 36], [0, 26, 1280, 60], [0, 6, 1280, 69], [0, 26, 1280, 60], [0, 26, 758, 46], [0, 26, 758, 46], [211, 26, 567, 46], [72, 32, 150, 34], [102, 36, 92, 30], [102, 36, 92, 30], [238, 26, 540, 46], [239, 27, 494, 44], [253, 25, 6, 46], [253, 48, 0, 0], [259, 38, 337, 33], [259, 38, 0, 0], [259, 38, 0, 3], [259, 38, 337, 25], [596, 27, 133, 44], [596, 27, 53, 44], [596, 27, 48, 44], [608, 27, 24, 44], [608, 27, 24, 44], [613, 42, 14, 14], [644, 34.703125, 1, 28.59375], [649, 27, 40, 44], [657, 37, 24, 24], [666, 39, 6, 13], [668, 55.078125, 2, 3.921875], [662, 49, 3.484375, 4.890625], [664.046875, 49, 11.953125, 7], [689, 27, 40, 44], [697, 37, 24, 24], [697, 37, 24, 24], [700, 40, 18, 18], [713, 53, 4.015625, 4], [706, 47, 6.015625, 6], [700, 51.5, 9, 6.5], [711.5, 42, 6.5, 8], [700, 40, 14, 8.5], [733, 27, 44, 44], [736.5, 37, 24, 24], [736.5, 37, 24, 24], [736.5, 37, 24, 24], [739.5, 40, 17.5, 17.5], [0, 0, 0, 0], [211, 26, 567, 0], [0, 72, 758, 0], [0, 72, 758, 0], [1122, 26, 158, 60], [1122, 26, 40, 60], [1122, 26, 40, 60], [1122, 26, 40, 44], [1122, 26, 40, 44], [1122, 26, 40, 44], [1122, 30, 40, 40], [1122, 30, 40, 40], [1122, 30, 40, 40], [1130, 38, 24, 24], [1130, 38, 24, 24], [1131.984375, 39.75, 20.03125, 20.5], [1138.5, 46.5, 7, 7], [1090.3125, 76, 103.375, 24], [1096.3125, 81, 91.375, 14], [1148, 26, 132, 60], [1148, 26, 132, 0], [1164, 26, 100, 48], [1164, 26, 96, 48], [1164, 41.4375, 48, 15], [1164, 26, 48, 48], [1168, 30, 40, 40], [1168, 30, 40, 40], [1176, 38, 24, 24], [1180, 42, 16, 16], [1212, 26, 48, 48], [1216, 30, 40, 40], [1216, 30, 40, 40], [1220, 34, 32, 32], [948, 83, 328, 0], [876, 83, 400, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 2664.109375], [0, 0, 1280, 2664.109375], [0, 26, 1280, 65], [0, 95, 1280, 0], [0, 95, 1280, 0], [0, 88, 1280, 56], [0, 88, 1280, 56], [102, 88, 1178, 40], [102, 88, 1120, 40], [102, 88, 961.40625, 40], [102, 88, 961.40625, 40], [102, 88, 1, 1], [102, 88, 105.828125, 16], [102, 88, 65.03125, 40], [117, 100, 35.03125, 16], [117, 100, 10.125, 16], [117, 100, 10.125, 16], [127.125, 100, 24.90625, 16], [173.03125, 88, 64.265625, 40], [188.03125, 100, 34.265625, 16], [188.03125, 100, 7.796875, 16], [188.03125, 100, 7.796875, 16], [195.828125, 100, 26.46875, 16], [243.296875, 88, 75.921875, 40], [258.296875, 100, 45.921875, 16], [258.296875, 100, 3.890625, 16], [258.296875, 100, 3.890625, 16], [262.1875, 100, 42.03125, 16], [325.21875, 88, 92.28125, 40], [340.21875, 100, 62.28125, 16], [340.21875, 100, 10.125, 16], [340.21875, 100, 10.125, 16], [350.34375, 100, 52.15625, 16], [423.5, 88, 54.921875, 40], [423.5, 88, 54.921875, 40], [423.5, 88, 54.921875, 40], [438.5, 100, 24.921875, 16], [438.5, 100, 9.34375, 16], [438.5, 100, 9.34375, 16], [447.84375, 100, 15.578125, 16], [484.421875, 88, 80.328125, 40], [484.421875, 88, 80.328125, 40], [484.421875, 88, 80.328125, 40], [499.421875, 100, 50.328125, 16], [499.421875, 100, 12.96875, 16], [499.421875, 100, 12.96875, 16], [512.390625, 100, 37.359375, 16], [570.75, 88, 100.0625, 40], [570.75, 88, 100.0625, 40], [570.75, 88, 100.0625, 40], [585.75, 100, 70.0625, 16], [585.75, 100, 10.125, 16], [585.75, 100, 10.125, 16], [595.875, 100, 59.9375, 16], [676.8125, 88, 77.5, 40], [676.8125, 88, 77.5, 40], [676.8125, 88, 77.5, 40], [691.8125, 100, 47.5, 16], [691.8125, 100, 9.34375, 16], [691.8125, 100, 9.34375, 16], [701.15625, 100, 38.15625, 16], [760.3125, 88, 48, 40], [760.3125, 88, 48, 40], [760.3125, 88, 48, 40], [775.3125, 100, 7.796875, 16], [775.3125, 100, 7.796875, 16], [775.3125, 100, 7.796875, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [102, 88, 100, 40], [963.40625, 88, 100, 40], [102, 88, 40, 40], [110, 96, 24, 24], [118, 101.9375, 7.109375, 12.0625], [1023.40625, 88, 40, 40], [1031.40625, 96, 24, 24], [1040.296875, 102, 7.109375, 12.0625], [1063.40625, 88, 158.59375, 40], [1075.40625, 88, 96.90625, 40], [1075.40625, 100, 96.90625, 16], [1075.40625, 88, 96.90625, 48], [1075.40625, 88, 96.90625, 40], [1087.40625, 100, 52.90625, 16], [1144.3125, 98, 20, 20], [1144.3125, 98, 20, 20], [1150.140625, 106.328125, 8.34375, 4.171875], [1176.3125, 98, 1, 20], [1179.3125, 88, 42.6875, 40], [1179.3125, 88, 52.6875, 40], [1189.3125, 100, 32.6875, 16], [0, 144, 1280, 0], [0, 144, 1280, 0], [0, 144, 1280, 0], [0, -1000, 0, 0], [0, 144, 1280, 44], [106, 145, 1174, 43], [106, 145, 1174, 43], [106, 145, 1174, 43], [106, 145, 652, 43], [106, 145, 275.734375, 43], [106, 158, 167.34375, 16], [273.34375, 158, 100.390625, 16], [273.34375, 158, 100.390625, 16], [0, 188, 1280, 0], [0, 188, 1280, 0], [0, 188, 1280, 0], [0, 188, 1280, 0], [0, 188, 1206, 2358.109375], [106, 188, 652, 2358.109375], [106, 188, 652, 0], [106, 188, 652, 0], [106, 188, 652, 0], [106, 194, 652, 2022.109375], [106, 194, 652, 0], [106, 194, 652, 2022.109375], [106, 194, 652, 2022.109375], [106, 194, 1, 1], [106, 194, 94.9375, 16], [106, 194, 652, 2022.109375], [106, 194, 652, 406.859375], [106, 194, 600, 406.859375], [106, 194, 1, 1], [106, 199, 250.515625, 23], [106, 194, 600, 406.859375], [106, 194, 600, 138.859375], [106, 194, 600, 138.859375], [106, 194, 600, 138.859375], [106, 194, 600, 138.859375], [106, 194, 600, 72.53125], [106, 245.53125, 273.109375, 15], [106, 196, 0, 15], [106, 232.53125, 273.109375, 31], [106, 239.53125, 273.109375, 22], [106, 194, 221.453125, 38], [106, 199, 28, 28], [111, 204, 18, 18], [111, 204, 18, 18], [146, 194, 181.453125, 38], [146, 194, 181.453125, 20], [146, 196, 47.484375, 16], [146, 214, 181.453125, 18], [146, 214, 181.453125, 18], [146, 216, 98.0625, 14], [244.0625, 216, 83.390625, 14], [244.0625, 216, 83.390625, 14], [106, 194, 229.453125, 38], [106, 194, 221.453125, 38], [106, 199, 28, 28], [111, 204, 18, 18], [146, 194, 181.453125, 38], [146, 194, 181.453125, 20], [146, 196, 47.484375, 16], [146, 214, 181.453125, 18], [146, 214, 181.453125, 18], [146, 216, 98.0625, 14], [244.0625, 216, 83.390625, 14], [244.0625, 216, 83.390625, 14], [327.453125, 223, 0, 0], [335.453125, 212, 0, 18], [335.453125, 212, 0, 0], [335.453125, 212, 40, 20], [335.453125, 212, 22, 22], [335.453125, 214, 18, 18], [335.453125, 214, 18, 18], [342.953125, 217, 3, 12], [335.453125, 212, 0, 0], [106, 266.53125, 600, 66.328125], [106, 266.53125, 600, 44.21875], [106, 269.53125, 102.71875, 16], [106, 269.53125, 80.9375, 16], [106, 269.53125, 80.9375, 16], [186.9375, 269.53125, 21.78125, 16], [106, 269.53125, 545.453125, 38.109375], [208.71875, 269.53125, 59.890625, 16], [208.71875, 269.53125, 59.890625, 16], [106, 269.53125, 545.453125, 38.109375], [106, 310.75, 600, 22.109375], [106, 313.75, 337.5625, 16], [124, 332.859375, 576, 268], [124, 332.859375, 576, 268], [124, 332.859375, 576, 68], [124, 332.859375, 576, 68], [124, 344.859375, 570, 52], [125, 348.859375, 568, 26], [125, 350.859375, 127.46875, 22], [125, 350.859375, 127.46875, 22], [125, 374.859375, 568, 18], [125, 374.859375, 397.34375, 17], [522.34375, 374.859375, 0, 17], [124, 400.859375, 576, 60], [124, 400.859375, 576, 60], [124, 404.859375, 570, 52], [125, 408.859375, 568, 26], [125, 410.859375, 189.71875, 22], [125, 410.859375, 189.71875, 22], [125, 434.859375, 568, 18], [125, 434.859375, 458.578125, 17], [583.578125, 434.859375, 0, 17], [124, 460.859375, 576, 60], [124, 460.859375, 576, 60], [124, 464.859375, 570, 52], [125, 468.859375, 568, 26], [125, 470.859375, 197.25, 22], [125, 470.859375, 197.25, 22], [125, 494.859375, 568, 18], [125, 494.859375, 450.59375, 17], [575.59375, 494.859375, 0, 17], [124, 520.859375, 576, 56], [124, 520.859375, 576, 56], [124, 524.859375, 570, 52], [125, 528.859375, 568, 26], [125, 530.859375, 151.9375, 22], [125, 530.859375, 151.9375, 22], [125, 554.859375, 568, 18], [125, 554.859375, 482.109375, 17], [607.109375, 554.859375, 0, 17], [124, 576.859375, 576, 24], [124, 576.859375, 576, 24], [124, 576.859375, 576, 24], [124, 582.859375, 224.984375, 17], [124, 582.859375, 224.984375, 17], [106, 630.859375, 0, 0], [106, 630.859375, 652, 94.640625], [106, 630.859375, 652, 94.640625], [106, 630.859375, 0, 0], [106, 630.859375, 0, 0], [106, 630.859375, 600, 94.640625], [106, 630.859375, 600, 94.640625], [106, 630.859375, 600, 72.53125], [106, 630.859375, 600, 72.53125], [106, 682.390625, 67.828125, 15], [106, 632.859375, 0, 15], [106, 669.390625, 67.828125, 31], [106, 676.390625, 67.828125, 22], [106, 630.859375, 138.0625, 38], [106, 635.859375, 28, 28], [111, 640.859375, 18, 18], [111, 640.859375, 18, 18], [146, 630.859375, 98.0625, 38], [146, 630.859375, 98.0625, 20], [146, 632.859375, 47.484375, 16], [146, 650.859375, 98.0625, 18], [146, 650.859375, 98.0625, 18], [146, 652.859375, 98.0625, 14], [106, 630.859375, 146.0625, 38], [106, 630.859375, 138.0625, 38], [106, 635.859375, 28, 28], [111, 640.859375, 18, 18], [146, 630.859375, 98.0625, 38], [146, 630.859375, 98.0625, 20], [146, 632.859375, 47.484375, 16], [146, 650.859375, 98.0625, 18], [146, 650.859375, 98.0625, 18], [146, 652.859375, 98.0625, 14], [244.0625, 659.859375, 0, 0], [252.0625, 648.859375, 0, 18], [252.0625, 648.859375, 0, 0], [252.0625, 648.859375, 40, 20], [252.0625, 648.859375, 22, 22], [252.0625, 650.859375, 18, 18], [252.0625, 650.859375, 18, 18], [259.5625, 653.859375, 3, 12], [252.0625, 648.859375, 0, 0], [106, 703.390625, 600, 22.109375], [106, 703.390625, 600, 22.109375], [106, 706.390625, 235, 16], [106, 706.390625, 96.515625, 16], [202.515625, 706.390625, 59.890625, 16], [202.515625, 706.390625, 59.890625, 16], [262.40625, 706.390625, 78.59375, 16], [106, 769.5, 652, 248], [106, 769.5, 652, 248], [106, 769.5, 652, 248], [106, 769.5, 652, 36], [106, 769.5, 155.328125, 28], [106, 769.5, 155.328125, 28], [106, 769.5, 155.328125, 28], [106, 770.5, 155.328125, 25], [261.328125, 773.5, 0, 20], [261.328125, 773.5, 0, 0], [261.328125, 773.5, 0, 0], [261.328125, 773.5, 45, 20], [275.328125, 773.5, 22, 22], [275.328125, 775.5, 18, 18], [275.328125, 775.5, 18, 18], [282.828125, 778.5, 3, 12], [261.328125, 773.5, 0, 0], [106, 805.5, 652, 196], [106, 805.5, 652, 49], [106, 805.5, 652, 49], [106, 805.5, 652, 49], [106, 805.5, 652, 49], [106, 805.5, 652, 1], [106, 806.5, 652, 48], [106, 806.5, 652, 48], [106, 818.5, 628, 24], [106, 818.5, 628, 24], [106, 821.5, 195.34375, 17], [106, 821.5, 195.34375, 17], [734, 818.5, 24, 24], [106, 806.5, 652, 48], [106, 854.5, 652, 49], [106, 854.5, 652, 49], [106, 854.5, 652, 49], [106, 854.5, 652, 49], [106, 854.5, 652, 1], [106, 855.5, 652, 48], [106, 855.5, 652, 48], [106, 867.5, 628, 24], [106, 867.5, 628, 24], [106, 870.5, 219.375, 17], [106, 870.5, 219.375, 17], [734, 867.5, 24, 24], [106, 855.5, 652, 48], [106, 903.5, 652, 49], [106, 903.5, 652, 49], [106, 903.5, 652, 49], [106, 903.5, 652, 49], [106, 903.5, 652, 1], [106, 904.5, 652, 48], [106, 904.5, 652, 48], [106, 916.5, 628, 24], [106, 916.5, 628, 24], [106, 919.5, 246.921875, 17], [106, 919.5, 246.921875, 17], [734, 916.5, 24, 24], [106, 904.5, 652, 48], [106, 952.5, 652, 49], [106, 952.5, 652, 49], [106, 952.5, 652, 49], [106, 952.5, 652, 49], [106, 952.5, 652, 1], [106, 953.5, 652, 48], [106, 953.5, 652, 48], [106, 965.5, 628, 24], [106, 965.5, 628, 24], [106, 968.5, 209.5625, 17], [106, 968.5, 209.5625, 17], [734, 965.5, 24, 24], [106, 953.5, 652, 48], [106, 1001.5, 652, 0], [106, 1001.5, 652, 16], [106, 1009, 585.296875, 1], [705.296875, 1002.5, 52.703125, 14], [705.296875, 1002.5, 52.703125, 14], [705.296875, 1009.5, 0, 0], [705.296875, 1002.5, 52.703125, 14], [705.296875, 1002.5, 52.703125, 14], [106, 1061.5, 652, 170.75], [106, 1061.5, 652, 170.75], [106, 1061.5, 652, 170.75], [106, 1061.5, 540, 72.53125], [106, 1061.5, 540, 72.53125], [106, 1113.03125, 83.359375, 15], [106, 1063.5, 0, 15], [106, 1100.03125, 83.359375, 31], [106, 1107.03125, 83.359375, 22], [106, 1061.5, 254.09375, 38], [106, 1066.5, 28, 28], [111, 1071.5, 18, 18], [111, 1071.5, 18, 18], [146, 1061.5, 214.09375, 38], [146, 1061.5, 200, 20], [146, 1063.5, 60.703125, 16], [146, 1081.5, 214.09375, 18], [146, 1081.5, 214.09375, 18], [146, 1083.5, 122.75, 14], [268.75, 1083.5, 91.34375, 14], [268.75, 1083.5, 91.34375, 14], [106, 1061.5, 262.09375, 38], [106, 1061.5, 254.09375, 38], [106, 1066.5, 28, 28], [111, 1071.5, 18, 18], [146, 1061.5, 214.09375, 38], [146, 1061.5, 200, 20], [146, 1063.5, 60.703125, 16], [146, 1081.5, 214.09375, 18], [146, 1081.5, 214.09375, 18], [146, 1083.5, 122.75, 14], [268.75, 1083.5, 91.34375, 14], [268.75, 1083.5, 91.34375, 14], [360.09375, 1090.5, 0, 0], [368.09375, 1079.5, 0, 18], [368.09375, 1079.5, 0, 0], [368.09375, 1079.5, 40, 20], [368.09375, 1079.5, 22, 22], [368.09375, 1081.5, 18, 18], [368.09375, 1081.5, 18, 18], [375.59375, 1084.5, 3, 12], [368.09375, 1079.5, 0, 0], [646, 1061.5, 112, 92], [666, 1061.5, 92, 92], [666, 1061.5, 92, 92], [666, 1061.5, 92, 92], [666, 1061.5, 92, 92], [0, 0, 0, 0], [666, 1061.5, 92, 92], [106, 1134.03125, 540, 44.21875], [106, 1134.03125, 540, 44.21875], [106, 1137.03125, 502.234375, 38.109375], [106, 1137.03125, 59.890625, 16], [106, 1137.03125, 59.890625, 16], [106, 1137.03125, 502.234375, 38.109375], [106, 1183.25, 540, 44], [106, 1183.25, 540, 44], [106, 1183.25, 540, 22], [106, 1183.25, 270, 22], [106, 1183.25, 270, 22], [106, 1186.25, 90.28125, 16], [106, 1186.25, 90.28125, 16], [196.28125, 1186.25, 211.6875, 16], [196.28125, 1186.25, 211.6875, 16], [376, 1183.25, 270, 22], [391, 1183.25, 255, 22], [391, 1186.25, 87.921875, 16], [391, 1186.25, 87.921875, 16], [478.921875, 1186.25, 47.484375, 16], [478.921875, 1186.25, 47.484375, 16], [478.921875, 1186.25, 47.484375, 16], [106, 1205.25, 540, 22], [106, 1205.25, 270, 22], [106, 1205.25, 270, 22], [106, 1208.25, 97.296875, 16], [106, 1208.25, 97.296875, 16], [203.296875, 1208.25, 168.90625, 16], [203.296875, 1208.25, 168.90625, 16], [376, 1205.25, 270, 22], [391, 1205.25, 255, 22], [391, 1208.25, 66.65625, 16], [391, 1208.25, 66.65625, 16], [457.65625, 1208.25, 43.59375, 16], [457.65625, 1208.25, 43.59375, 16], [457.65625, 1208.25, 43.59375, 16], [106, 1262.25, 652, 138.859375], [106, 1262.25, 600, 138.859375], [106, 1262.25, 600, 138.859375], [106, 1262.25, 600, 72.53125], [106, 1262.25, 600, 72.53125], [106, 1313.78125, 237.5625, 15], [106, 1264.25, 0, 15], [106, 1300.78125, 237.5625, 31], [106, 1307.78125, 237.5625, 22], [106, 1262.25, 241.46875, 38], [106, 1267.25, 28, 28], [111, 1272.25, 18, 18], [111, 1272.25, 18, 18], [146, 1262.25, 201.46875, 38], [146, 1262.25, 200, 20], [146, 1264.25, 35.8125, 16], [146, 1282.25, 201.46875, 18], [146, 1282.25, 201.46875, 18], [146, 1284.25, 120.75, 14], [266.75, 1284.25, 80.71875, 14], [266.75, 1284.25, 80.71875, 14], [106, 1262.25, 249.46875, 38], [106, 1262.25, 241.46875, 38], [106, 1267.25, 28, 28], [111, 1272.25, 18, 18], [146, 1262.25, 201.46875, 38], [146, 1262.25, 200, 20], [146, 1264.25, 35.8125, 16], [146, 1282.25, 201.46875, 18], [146, 1282.25, 201.46875, 18], [146, 1284.25, 120.75, 14], [266.75, 1284.25, 80.71875, 14], [266.75, 1284.25, 80.71875, 14], [347.46875, 1291.25, 0, 0], [355.46875, 1280.25, 0, 18], [355.46875, 1280.25, 0, 0], [355.46875, 1280.25, 40, 20], [355.46875, 1280.25, 22, 22], [355.46875, 1282.25, 18, 18], [355.46875, 1282.25, 18, 18], [362.96875, 1285.25, 3, 12], [355.46875, 1280.25, 0, 0], [106, 1334.78125, 600, 44.21875], [106, 1334.78125, 600, 44.21875], [106, 1337.78125, 104.03125, 16], [106, 1337.78125, 82.5, 16], [106, 1337.78125, 82.5, 16], [188.5, 1337.78125, 21.53125, 16], [106, 1337.78125, 582.328125, 38.109375], [106, 1379, 600, 22.109375], [106, 1379, 600, 22.109375], [106, 1383.609375, 68, 11.390625], [106, 1383.609375, 62, 11.390625], [174, 1382, 3.890625, 16], [177.890625, 1382, 67.71875, 16], [177.890625, 1382, 67.71875, 16], [245.609375, 1382, 12.453125, 16], [258.0625, 1382, 86.390625, 16], [258.0625, 1382, 86.390625, 16], [344.453125, 1382, 12.453125, 16], [356.90625, 1382, 28.796875, 16], [356.90625, 1382, 28.796875, 16], [385.703125, 1382, 12.453125, 16], [398.15625, 1382, 23.34375, 16], [398.15625, 1382, 23.34375, 16], [421.5, 1382, 12.453125, 16], [433.953125, 1382, 133.0625, 16], [433.953125, 1382, 133.0625, 16], [106, 1431.109375, 652, 148.75], [106, 1431.109375, 600, 148.75], [106, 1431.109375, 600, 148.75], [106, 1431.109375, 600, 72.53125], [106, 1431.109375, 600, 72.53125], [106, 1482.640625, 500.78125, 15], [106, 1433.109375, 0, 15], [106, 1469.640625, 500.78125, 31], [106, 1476.640625, 500.78125, 22], [106, 1431.109375, 309.234375, 38], [106, 1436.109375, 28, 28], [111, 1441.109375, 18, 18], [111, 1441.109375, 18, 18], [146, 1431.109375, 269.234375, 38], [146, 1431.109375, 200, 20], [146, 1433.109375, 124.5, 16], [146, 1451.109375, 269.234375, 18], [146, 1451.109375, 269.234375, 18], [146, 1453.109375, 160.0625, 14], [306.0625, 1453.109375, 109.171875, 14], [306.0625, 1453.109375, 109.171875, 14], [106, 1431.109375, 317.234375, 38], [106, 1431.109375, 309.234375, 38], [106, 1436.109375, 28, 28], [111, 1441.109375, 18, 18], [146, 1431.109375, 269.234375, 38], [146, 1431.109375, 200, 20], [146, 1433.109375, 124.5, 16], [146, 1451.109375, 269.234375, 18], [146, 1451.109375, 269.234375, 18], [146, 1453.109375, 160.0625, 14], [306.0625, 1453.109375, 109.171875, 14], [306.0625, 1453.109375, 109.171875, 14], [415.234375, 1460.109375, 0, 0], [423.234375, 1449.109375, 0, 18], [423.234375, 1449.109375, 0, 0], [423.234375, 1449.109375, 40, 20], [423.234375, 1449.109375, 22, 22], [423.234375, 1451.109375, 18, 18], [423.234375, 1451.109375, 18, 18], [430.734375, 1454.109375, 3, 12], [423.234375, 1449.109375, 0, 0], [106, 1503.640625, 600, 44.21875], [106, 1503.640625, 600, 44.21875], [106, 1506.640625, 100.40625, 16], [106, 1506.640625, 78.625, 16], [106, 1506.640625, 78.625, 16], [184.625, 1506.640625, 21.78125, 16], [106, 1506.640625, 564.171875, 38.109375], [206.40625, 1506.640625, 59.890625, 16], [206.40625, 1506.640625, 59.890625, 16], [106, 1506.640625, 564.171875, 38.109375], [106, 1552.859375, 600, 22], [106, 1552.859375, 600, 22], [106, 1552.859375, 172, 22], [106, 1552.859375, 172, 22], [106, 1555.859375, 105.0625, 16], [106, 1555.859375, 105.0625, 16], [211.0625, 1555.859375, 66.9375, 16], [211.0625, 1555.859375, 66.9375, 16], [106, 1609.859375, 652, 360.5], [106, 1609.859375, 652, 360.5], [106, 1609.859375, 600, 360.5], [106, 1609.859375, 600, 215.75], [106, 1609.859375, 600, 215.75], [106, 1609.859375, 600, 215.75], [106, 1609.859375, 600, 72.53125], [106, 1609.859375, 600, 72.53125], [106, 1661.390625, 543.6875, 15], [106, 1611.859375, 0, 15], [106, 1648.390625, 543.6875, 31], [106, 1655.390625, 543.6875, 22], [106, 1609.859375, 296.765625, 38], [106, 1614.859375, 28, 28], [111, 1619.859375, 18, 18], [111, 1619.859375, 18, 18], [146, 1609.859375, 256.765625, 38], [146, 1609.859375, 200, 20], [146, 1611.859375, 40.453125, 16], [146, 1629.859375, 256.765625, 18], [146, 1629.859375, 256.765625, 18], [146, 1631.859375, 120.046875, 14], [266.046875, 1631.859375, 136.71875, 14], [266.046875, 1631.859375, 136.71875, 14], [106, 1609.859375, 304.765625, 38], [106, 1609.859375, 296.765625, 38], [106, 1614.859375, 28, 28], [111, 1619.859375, 18, 18], [146, 1609.859375, 256.765625, 38], [146, 1609.859375, 200, 20], [146, 1611.859375, 40.453125, 16], [146, 1629.859375, 256.765625, 18], [146, 1629.859375, 256.765625, 18], [146, 1631.859375, 120.046875, 14], [266.046875, 1631.859375, 136.71875, 14], [266.046875, 1631.859375, 136.71875, 14], [402.765625, 1638.859375, 0, 0], [410.765625, 1627.859375, 0, 18], [410.765625, 1627.859375, 0, 0], [410.765625, 1627.859375, 40, 20], [410.765625, 1627.859375, 22, 22], [410.765625, 1629.859375, 18, 18], [410.765625, 1629.859375, 18, 18], [418.265625, 1632.859375, 3, 12], [410.765625, 1627.859375, 0, 0], [106, 1682.390625, 600, 44.21875], [106, 1682.390625, 600, 44.21875], [106, 1685.390625, 104.28125, 16], [106, 1685.390625, 82.5, 16], [106, 1685.390625, 82.5, 16], [188.5, 1685.390625, 21.78125, 16], [106, 1685.390625, 572, 38.109375], [210.28125, 1685.390625, 59.890625, 16], [210.28125, 1685.390625, 59.890625, 16], [106, 1685.390625, 572, 38.109375], [106, 1726.609375, 600, 99], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 87], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 87], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 87], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 87], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 87], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 87], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 87], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 43], [106, 1738.609375, 600, 1], [106, 1739.609375, 600, 42], [106, 1739.609375, 600, 42], [106, 1751.609375, 576, 18], [106, 1751.609375, 576, 18], [106, 1752.609375, 116.703125, 16], [106, 1752.609375, 116.703125, 16], [682, 1748.609375, 24, 24], [106, 1739.609375, 600, 42], [106, 1781.609375, 600, 43], [106, 1781.609375, 600, 1], [106, 1782.609375, 600, 42], [106, 1782.609375, 600, 42], [106, 1794.609375, 576, 18], [106, 1794.609375, 576, 18], [106, 1795.609375, 205.453125, 16], [106, 1795.609375, 205.453125, 16], [682, 1791.609375, 24, 24], [106, 1782.609375, 600, 42], [106, 1824.609375, 600, 1], [106, 1825.609375, 600, 144.75], [106, 1825.609375, 600, 144.75], [124, 1843.609375, 582, 126.75], [124, 1843.609375, 600, 126.75], [124, 1843.609375, 600, 126.75], [124, 1843.609375, 600, 126.75], [124, 1843.609375, 600, 50.53125], [124, 1843.609375, 600, 50.53125], [124, 1876.140625, 454.6875, 15], [124, 1845.609375, 0, 15], [124, 1868.140625, 454.6875, 26], [124, 1870.140625, 454.6875, 22], [124, 1843.609375, 256.765625, 18.59375], [124, 1844.609375, 256.765625, 15.59375], [124, 1843.609375, 256.765625, 15], [124, 1844.609375, 120.046875, 14], [244.046875, 1844.609375, 136.71875, 14], [244.046875, 1844.609375, 136.71875, 14], [124, 1843.609375, 258.765625, 0], [124, 1843.609375, 256.765625, 18.59375], [124, 1844.609375, 256.765625, 15.59375], [124, 1843.609375, 256.765625, 15], [124, 1844.609375, 120.046875, 14], [244.046875, 1844.609375, 136.71875, 14], [244.046875, 1844.609375, 136.71875, 14], [380.765625, 1852.609375, 2, 3], [390.765625, 1845.609375, 0, 0], [390.765625, 1845.609375, 0, 0], [390.765625, 1845.609375, 40, 20], [390.765625, 1845.609375, 22, 22], [390.765625, 1847.609375, 18, 18], [390.765625, 1847.609375, 18, 18], [398.265625, 1850.609375, 3, 12], [390.765625, 1845.609375, 0, 0], [124, 1894.140625, 600, 44.21875], [124, 1894.140625, 600, 44.21875], [124, 1897.140625, 99.640625, 16], [124, 1897.140625, 78.625, 16], [124, 1897.140625, 78.625, 16], [202.625, 1897.140625, 21.015625, 16], [124, 1897.140625, 576.3125, 38.109375], [124, 1897.140625, 576.3125, 38.109375], [452.375, 1919.25, 59.890625, 16], [452.375, 1919.25, 59.890625, 16], [512.265625, 1919.25, 15.5625, 16], [124, 1943.359375, 600, 22], [124, 1943.359375, 600, 22], [124, 1943.359375, 154.875, 22], [124, 1943.359375, 154.875, 22], [124, 1946.359375, 105.828125, 16], [124, 1946.359375, 105.828125, 16], [229.828125, 1946.359375, 49.046875, 16], [229.828125, 1946.359375, 49.046875, 16], [106, 2000.359375, 652, 215.75], [106, 2000.359375, 652, 215.75], [106, 2000.359375, 600, 215.75], [106, 2000.359375, 600, 215.75], [106, 2000.359375, 600, 72.53125], [106, 2000.359375, 600, 72.53125], [106, 2051.890625, 391.296875, 15], [106, 2002.359375, 0, 15], [106, 2038.890625, 391.296875, 31], [106, 2045.890625, 391.296875, 22], [106, 2000.359375, 330.828125, 38], [106, 2005.359375, 28, 28], [111, 2010.359375, 18, 18], [111, 2010.359375, 18, 18], [146, 2000.359375, 290.828125, 38], [146, 2000.359375, 200, 20], [146, 2002.359375, 141.65625, 16], [146, 2020.359375, 290.828125, 18], [146, 2020.359375, 290.828125, 18], [146, 2022.359375, 198.78125, 14], [344.78125, 2022.359375, 92.046875, 14], [344.78125, 2022.359375, 92.046875, 14], [106, 2000.359375, 338.828125, 38], [106, 2000.359375, 330.828125, 38], [106, 2005.359375, 28, 28], [111, 2010.359375, 18, 18], [146, 2000.359375, 290.828125, 38], [146, 2000.359375, 200, 20], [146, 2002.359375, 141.65625, 16], [146, 2020.359375, 290.828125, 18], [146, 2020.359375, 290.828125, 18], [146, 2022.359375, 198.78125, 14], [344.78125, 2022.359375, 92.046875, 14], [344.78125, 2022.359375, 92.046875, 14], [436.828125, 2029.359375, 0, 0], [444.828125, 2018.359375, 0, 18], [444.828125, 2018.359375, 0, 0], [444.828125, 2018.359375, 40, 20], [444.828125, 2018.359375, 22, 22], [444.828125, 2020.359375, 18, 18], [444.828125, 2020.359375, 18, 18], [452.328125, 2023.359375, 3, 12], [444.828125, 2018.359375, 0, 0], [106, 2072.890625, 600, 44.21875], [106, 2072.890625, 600, 44.21875], [106, 2075.890625, 102.71875, 16], [106, 2075.890625, 80.9375, 16], [106, 2075.890625, 80.9375, 16], [186.9375, 2075.890625, 21.78125, 16], [106, 2075.890625, 576.6875, 38.109375], [208.71875, 2075.890625, 59.890625, 16], [208.71875, 2075.890625, 59.890625, 16], [106, 2075.890625, 576.6875, 38.109375], [106, 2117.109375, 600, 99], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 87], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 87], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 87], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 87], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 87], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 87], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 87], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 43], [106, 2129.109375, 600, 1], [106, 2130.109375, 600, 42], [106, 2130.109375, 600, 42], [106, 2142.109375, 576, 18], [106, 2142.109375, 576, 18], [106, 2143.109375, 117.484375, 16], [106, 2143.109375, 117.484375, 16], [682, 2139.109375, 24, 24], [106, 2130.109375, 600, 42], [106, 2172.109375, 600, 43], [106, 2172.109375, 600, 1], [106, 2173.109375, 600, 42], [106, 2173.109375, 600, 42], [106, 2185.109375, 576, 18], [106, 2185.109375, 576, 18], [106, 2186.109375, 129.9375, 16], [106, 2186.109375, 129.9375, 16], [682, 2182.109375, 24, 24], [106, 2173.109375, 600, 42], [106, 2215.109375, 600, 1], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 256], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 256], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 154], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 154], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 154], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 154], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 154], [106, 2260.109375, 652, 36], [106, 2260.109375, 171.21875, 28], [106, 2260.109375, 171.21875, 28], [106, 2260.109375, 171.21875, 28], [106, 2261.109375, 171.21875, 25], [277.21875, 2264.109375, 0, 20], [277.21875, 2264.109375, 0, 0], [277.21875, 2264.109375, 0, 0], [277.21875, 2264.109375, 45, 20], [291.21875, 2264.109375, 22, 22], [291.21875, 2266.109375, 18, 18], [291.21875, 2266.109375, 18, 18], [298.71875, 2269.109375, 3, 12], [277.21875, 2264.109375, 0, 0], [98, 2296.109375, 668, 118], [98, 2302.109375, 668, 112], [98, 2302.109375, 334, 112], [98, 2302.109375, 334, 56], [106, 2306.109375, 318, 48], [123, 2310.109375, 40, 40], [179, 2321.109375, 227, 18], [179, 2321.109375, 94.21875, 17], [179, 2321.109375, 94.21875, 17], [98, 2358.109375, 334, 56], [106, 2362.109375, 318, 48], [123, 2366.109375, 40, 40], [179, 2377.109375, 227, 18], [179, 2377.109375, 88.90625, 17], [179, 2377.109375, 88.90625, 17], [432, 2302.109375, 334, 112], [432, 2302.109375, 334, 56], [440, 2306.109375, 318, 48], [457, 2310.109375, 40, 40], [513, 2321.109375, 227, 18], [513, 2321.109375, 168.90625, 17], [513, 2321.109375, 168.90625, 17], [432, 2358.109375, 334, 56], [440, 2362.109375, 318, 48], [457, 2366.109375, 40, 40], [513, 2377.109375, 227, 18], [513, 2377.109375, 79.984375, 17], [513, 2377.109375, 79.984375, 17], [592.984375, 2377.109375, 61.375, 17], [654.359375, 2377.109375, 32.890625, 17], [654.359375, 2377.109375, 32.890625, 17], [106, 2458.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2458.109375, 652, 58], [106, 2458.109375, 1, 1], [106, 2458.109375, 100.421875, 16], [285.046875, 2458.109375, 293.90625, 58], [285.046875, 2458.109375, 293.90625, 58], [285.046875, 2458.109375, 293.90625, 58], [285.046875, 2458.109375, 28, 58], [285.046875, 2458.109375, 28, 40], [313.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [313.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [318.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [333.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [333.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [333.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [338.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [353.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [353.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [353.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [358.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [373.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [373.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [373.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [378.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [393.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [393.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [393.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [398.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [413.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [413.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [413.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [418.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [433.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [433.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [433.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [438.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [453.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [453.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [453.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [458.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [473.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [473.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 58], [473.046875, 2458.109375, 20, 40], [478.59375, 2498.109375, 8.90625, 17], [493.046875, 2458.109375, 85.90625, 58], [493.046875, 2458.109375, 85.90625, 58], [493.046875, 2458.109375, 71, 40], [546.046875, 2498.109375, 32.90625, 18], [546.046875, 2498.109375, 32.90625, 17], [106, 2546.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2546.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2546.109375, 0, 0], [106, 2546.109375, 652, 0], [106, 2546.109375, 0, 0], [834, 188, 372, 2358.109375], [834, 188, 1, 1], [834, 188, 233.421875, 23], [834, 194, 372, 294.84375], [834, 194, 372, 294.84375], [834, 194, 372, 0], [834, 194, 372, 0], [834, 194, 372, 274.765625], [835, 195, 370, 256.765625], [835, 195, 370, 91.109375], [835, 195, 370, 90.109375], [835, 195, 370, 90.109375], [835, 207, 370, 66.109375], [835, 207, 370, 66.109375], [1150, 207, 40, 70.109375], [1150, 207, 40, 40], [1150, 207, 40, 40], [1150, 207, 40, 40], [1146, 203, 48, 48], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1150, 207, 40, 40], [1158, 217, 24, 20], [1158, 217, 24, 20], [1162.5, 218.65625, 15, 16.625], [1150, 247, 40, 0], [850, 207, 116.703125, 66.109375], [850, 207, 116.703125, 36], [850, 209, 116.703125, 31], [850, 209, 116.703125, 31], [850, 247, 116.703125, 22.109375], [850, 250, 55.25, 16], [850, 250, 55.25, 16], [835, 285.109375, 370, 1], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 165.65625], [835, 286.109375, 370, 107.4375], [850, 299.109375, 340, 88.4375], [850, 299.109375, 340, 88.4375], [850, 299.109375, 340, 88.4375], [850, 299.109375, 1, 1], [850, 301.109375, 100.046875, 22], [850, 302.109375, 335.171875, 60.21875], [850, 302.109375, 335.171875, 60.21875], [850, 368.4375, 60.703125, 16], [1178.40625, 346.328125, 0, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [850, 368.4375, 60.703125, 16], [850, 368.4375, 60.703125, 16], [835, 393.546875, 370, 29.109375], [850, 400.546875, 340, 22.109375], [850, 400.546875, 340, 22.109375], [850, 400.546875, 340, 22.109375], [850, 403.546875, 126.015625, 16], [850, 403.546875, 117.453125, 16], [850, 403.546875, 117.453125, 16], [967.453125, 403.546875, 4.671875, 16], [967.453125, 403.546875, 4.671875, 16], [972.125, 403.546875, 3.890625, 16], [976.015625, 403.546875, 47.484375, 16], [976.015625, 403.546875, 47.484375, 16], [976.015625, 403.546875, 47.484375, 16], [976.015625, 403.546875, 47.484375, 16], [835, 422.65625, 370, 29.109375], [850, 429.65625, 340, 22.109375], [850, 429.65625, 340, 22.109375], [850, 429.65625, 340, 22.109375], [850, 432.65625, 60.703125, 16], [850, 432.65625, 52.140625, 16], [850, 432.65625, 52.140625, 16], [902.140625, 432.65625, 4.671875, 16], [902.140625, 432.65625, 4.671875, 16], [906.8125, 432.65625, 3.890625, 16], [910.703125, 432.65625, 68.46875, 16], [910.703125, 432.65625, 68.46875, 16], [910.703125, 432.65625, 68.46875, 16], [835, 451.765625, 370, 0], [834, 468.765625, 372, 20.078125], 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600, 22], [0, 3, 235, 16], [], [97, 3, 60, 16], [], [], [0, 582, 652, 248], [0, 582, 652, 248], [0, 0, 652, 248], [0, 0, 652, 36], [0, 0, 155, 28], [0, 0, 155, 28], [0, 0, 155, 28], [], [155, 4, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 20], [14, 0, 22, 22], [0, 2, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 36, 652, 196], [0, 36, 652, 49], [0, 36, 652, 49], [0, 36, 652, 49], [0, 36, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 1], [0, 1, 652, 48], [0, 1, 652, 48], [0, 12, 628, 24], [0, 12, 628, 24], [0, 15, 195, 17], [], [628, 12, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 85, 652, 49], [0, 85, 652, 49], [0, 85, 652, 49], [0, 85, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 1], [0, 1, 652, 48], [0, 1, 652, 48], [0, 12, 628, 24], [0, 12, 628, 24], [0, 15, 219, 17], [], [628, 12, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 134, 652, 49], [0, 134, 652, 49], [0, 134, 652, 49], [0, 134, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 1], [0, 1, 652, 48], [0, 1, 652, 48], [0, 12, 628, 24], [0, 12, 628, 24], [0, 15, 247, 17], [], [628, 12, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 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[20, 0, 92, 92], [20, 0, 92, 92], [20, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 73, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 3, 502, 38], [0, 3, 60, 16], [], [], [0, 122, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 3, 90, 16], [], [90, 3, 212, 16], [], [270, 0, 270, 22], [285, 0, 255, 22], [285, 3, 88, 16], [], [373, 3, 47, 16], [373, 3, 47, 16], [], [0, 22, 540, 22], [0, 22, 270, 22], [0, 22, 270, 22], [0, 25, 97, 16], [], [97, 25, 169, 16], [], [270, 22, 270, 22], [285, 22, 255, 22], [285, 25, 67, 16], [], [352, 25, 44, 16], [352, 25, 44, 16], [], [0, 1074, 652, 139], [0, 1074, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 2, 238, 65], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 238, 31], [], [0, 0, 241, 38], [0, 5, 28, 28], [5, 10, 18, 18], [5, 10, 18, 18], [40, 0, 201, 38], [40, 0, 200, 20], [], [40, 20, 201, 18], [40, 20, 201, 18], [], [161, 22, 81, 14], [], [0, 0, 249, 38], [0, 0, 241, 38], [0, 5, 28, 28], [5, 10, 18, 18], [40, 0, 201, 38], [40, 0, 200, 20], [], [40, 20, 201, 18], [40, 20, 201, 18], [], [161, 22, 81, 14], [], [241, 29, 0, 0], [249, 18, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 2, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 73, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 3, 104, 16], [0, 3, 83, 16], [], [], [], [0, 117, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 5, 68, 11], [0, 0, 62, 11], [], [72, 3, 68, 16], [], [], [152, 3, 86, 16], [], [], [251, 3, 29, 16], [], [], [292, 3, 23, 16], [], [], [328, 3, 133, 16], [], [0, 1243, 652, 149], [0, 1243, 600, 149], [0, 0, 600, 149], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 2, 501, 65], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 501, 31], [], [0, 0, 309, 38], [0, 5, 28, 28], [5, 10, 18, 18], [5, 10, 18, 18], [40, 0, 269, 38], [40, 0, 200, 20], [], [40, 20, 269, 18], [40, 20, 269, 18], [], [200, 22, 109, 14], [], [0, 0, 317, 38], [0, 0, 309, 38], [0, 5, 28, 28], [5, 10, 18, 18], [40, 0, 269, 38], [40, 0, 200, 20], [], [40, 20, 269, 18], [40, 20, 269, 18], [], [200, 22, 109, 14], [], [309, 29, 0, 0], [317, 18, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 2, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 73, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 3, 100, 16], [0, 3, 79, 16], [], [], [100, 3, 564, 38], [100, 3, 60, 16], [], [], [0, 122, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 172, 22], [0, 0, 172, 22], [0, 3, 105, 16], [], [105, 3, 67, 16], [], [0, 1422, 652, 361], [0, 1422, 652, 361], [0, 1422, 600, 361], [0, 1422, 600, 216], [0, 1422, 600, 216], [0, 1422, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 2, 544, 65], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 544, 31], [], [0, 0, 297, 38], [0, 5, 28, 28], [5, 10, 18, 18], [5, 10, 18, 18], [40, 0, 257, 38], [40, 0, 200, 20], [], [40, 20, 257, 18], [40, 20, 257, 18], [], [160, 22, 137, 14], [], [0, 0, 305, 38], [0, 0, 297, 38], [0, 5, 28, 28], [5, 10, 18, 18], [40, 0, 257, 38], [40, 0, 200, 20], [], [40, 20, 257, 18], [40, 20, 257, 18], [], [160, 22, 137, 14], [], [297, 29, 0, 0], [305, 18, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 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[0, 0, 257, 19], [0, 1, 257, 16], [0, 0, 257, 15], [], [120, 1, 137, 14], [], [257, 9, 2, 3], [267, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 2, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 51, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 3, 100, 16], [0, 3, 79, 16], [], [], [100, 3, 576, 38], [], [328, 25, 60, 16], [], [], [0, 100, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 155, 22], [0, 0, 155, 22], [0, 3, 106, 16], [], [106, 3, 49, 16], [], [0, 1812, 652, 216], [0, 1812, 652, 216], [0, 1812, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 2, 391, 65], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 391, 31], [], [0, 0, 331, 38], [0, 5, 28, 28], [5, 10, 18, 18], [5, 10, 18, 18], [40, 0, 291, 38], [40, 0, 200, 20], [], [40, 20, 291, 18], [40, 20, 291, 18], [], [239, 22, 92, 14], [], [0, 0, 339, 38], [0, 0, 331, 38], [0, 5, 28, 28], [5, 10, 18, 18], [40, 0, 291, 38], [40, 0, 200, 20], [], [40, 20, 291, 18], [40, 20, 291, 18], [], [239, 22, 92, 14], [], [331, 29, 0, 0], [339, 18, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 2, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 73, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 3, 103, 16], [0, 3, 81, 16], [], [], [103, 3, 577, 38], [103, 3, 60, 16], [], [], [0, 117, 600, 99], [0, 12, 600, 87], [0, 12, 600, 87], [0, 12, 600, 87], [0, 12, 600, 87], [0, 12, 600, 87], [0, 12, 600, 87], [0, 12, 600, 87], [0, 12, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 1], [0, 1, 600, 42], [0, 1, 600, 42], [0, 12, 576, 18], [0, 12, 576, 18], [0, 13, 117, 16], [], [576, 9, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 55, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 1], [0, 1, 600, 42], [0, 1, 600, 42], [0, 12, 576, 18], [0, 12, 576, 18], [0, 13, 130, 16], [], [576, 9, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 98, 600, 1], [0, 2072, 652, 0], [0, 2072, 652, 256], [0, 2072, 652, 256], [0, 2072, 652, 154], [0, 2072, 652, 0], [0, 2072, 652, 0], [0, 2072, 652, 0], [0, 2072, 652, 0], [0, 2072, 652, 0], [0, 2072, 652, 154], [0, 2072, 652, 154], [0, 2072, 652, 154], [0, 2072, 652, 154], [0, 2072, 652, 36], [0, 0, 171, 28], [0, 0, 171, 28], [0, 0, 171, 28], [], [171, 4, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 20], [14, 0, 22, 22], [0, 2, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [-8, 2108, 668, 118], [-8, 2114, 668, 112], [-8, 2114, 334, 112], [-8, 2114, 334, 56], [0, 2118, 318, 48], [17, 4, 40, 40], [73, 15, 227, 18], [73, 15, 94, 17], [], [-8, 2170, 334, 56], [0, 2174, 318, 48], [17, 4, 40, 40], [73, 15, 227, 18], [73, 15, 89, 17], [], [326, 2114, 334, 112], [326, 2114, 334, 56], [334, 2118, 318, 48], [17, 4, 40, 40], [73, 15, 227, 18], [73, 15, 169, 17], [], [326, 2170, 334, 56], [334, 2174, 318, 48], [17, 4, 40, 40], [73, 15, 227, 18], [73, 15, 80, 17], [], [], [214, 15, 33, 17], [], [0, 2270, 652, 0], [0, 2270, 652, 58], [0, 2270, 1, 1], [], [179, 2270, 294, 58], [0, 0, 294, 58], [0, 0, 294, 58], [0, 0, 28, 58], [0, 0, 28, 40], [28, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [48, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [68, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [88, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [108, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [128, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [148, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [168, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [188, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [208, 0, 86, 58], [0, 0, 86, 58], [0, 0, 71, 40], [53, 40, 33, 18], [], [0, 2358, 652, 0], [0, 2358, 652, 0], [0, 2358, 0, 0], [0, 2358, 652, 0], [0, 2358, 0, 0], [834, 188, 372, 2358], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [0, 6, 372, 295], [0, 0, 372, 295], [0, 0, 372, 0], [0, 0, 372, 0], [0, 0, 372, 275], [1, 1, 370, 257], [1, 1, 370, 91], [0, 0, 370, 90], [0, 0, 370, 90], [0, 12, 370, 66], [0, 12, 370, 66], [315, 0, 40, 70], [315, 0, 40, 40], [315, 0, 40, 40], [315, 0, 40, 40], [-4, -4, 48, 48], [-4, -4, 48, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [8, 10, 24, 20], [0, 0, 24, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [315, 40, 40, 0], [15, 0, 117, 66], [15, 0, 117, 36], [15, 2, 117, 31], [], [15, 40, 117, 22], [15, 43, 55, 16], [], [0, 90, 370, 1], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 166], [1, 92, 370, 107], [16, 105, 340, 88], [16, 105, 340, 88], [16, 105, 340, 88], [16, 105, 1, 1], [], [16, 108, 335, 60], [], [344, 152, 328, 38], [344, 152, 0, 16], [], [16, 174, 61, 16], [], [1, 200, 370, 29], [16, 207, 340, 22], [16, 207, 340, 22], [16, 207, 340, 22], [16, 210, 126, 16], [16, 210, 117, 16], [], [133, 210, 5, 16], [], [], [142, 210, 47, 16], [142, 210, 47, 16], [142, 210, 47, 16], [], [1, 229, 370, 29], [16, 236, 340, 22], [16, 236, 340, 22], [16, 236, 340, 22], [16, 239, 61, 16], [16, 239, 52, 16], [], [68, 239, 5, 16], [], [], [77, 239, 68, 16], [77, 239, 68, 16], [], [1, 258, 370, 0], [0, 275, 372, 20], [16, 279, 340, 16], [303, 279, 53, 16], [0, 1, 53, 14], [], [0, 720, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 2546, 1280, 0], [0, 2546, 1280, 0], [0, 2546, 1280, 0], [0, 2546, 1280, 118], [0, 2546, 1, 1], [], [0, 2546, 1280, 118], [0, 2546, 1280, 118], [0, 2559, 1280, 105], [0, 12, 1280, 0], [0, 12, 1280, 0], [-27, 12, 1307, 41], [79, 12, 1201, 40], [106, 23, 33, 17], [], [152, 12, 460, 40], [169, 12, 443, 40], [169, 12, 333, 40], [169, 24, 333, 16], [169, 12, 153, 40], [169, 27, 10, 10], [183, 24, 139, 16], [], [322, 12, 180, 40], [322, 24, 12, 16], [], [334, 24, 167, 16], [334, 24, 167, 16], [], [502, 24, 333, 28], [502, 24, 333, 28], [169, 52, 333, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 920], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [829, 0, 0, 720], [829, 0, 0, 720], [0, 0, 0, 0], [451, 351, 378, 16], [451, 359, 378, 2], [0, 0, 376, 0], [0, 720, 0, 0], [502, 24, 12, 16], [], [514, 12, 97, 40], [], [611, 24, 0, 16], [611, 24, 0, 16], [611, 24, 0, 16], [611, 24, 0, 16], [-27, 53, 1307, 40], [79, 65, 314, 16], [79, 65, 314, 16], [79, 65, 56, 16], [], [135, 65, 120, 16], [], [255, 65, 73, 16], [], [328, 65, 65, 16], [], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [0, 2664, 1280, 0], [16, 720, 0, 0], [0, 720, 1280, 0], [0, 720, 1280, 0], [0, 720, 1280, 0], [0, 720, 1280, 0], [0, 720, 1280, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 2664], [0, 0, 1280, 2664], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 108, 16], [], [0, 0, 121, 130], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 106, 40], [], [0, 0, 106, 40], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 106, 40], [], [0, 0, 1280, 74], [0, 0, 1280, 69], [0, 0, 1280, 74], [0, 0, 778, 46], [0, 0, 778, 46], [0, 0, 567, 46], [0, 0, 150, 34], [0, 0, 92, 30], [0, 0, 92, 30], [0, 0, 538, 44], [0, 0, 494, 44], [0, 0, 6, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 337, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 337, 25], [0, 0, 133, 44], [0, 0, 53, 44], [0, 0, 48, 44], [0, 0, 24, 44], [0, 0, 24, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 29], [0, 0, 40, 44], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 44], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 44], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 567, 0], [0, 0, 758, 0], [0, 0, 758, 0], [0, 0, 158, 74], [0, 0, 72, 74], [0, 0, 72, 74], [0, 0, 72, 74], [0, 0, 72, 74], [0, 0, 72, 74], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 103, 24], [], [0, 0, 132, 60], [0, 0, 132, 48], [0, 0, 100, 48], [0, 0, 96, 48], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 48, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 48, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 328, 0], [0, 0, 400, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 2664], [0, 0, 1280, 2664], [0, 0, 1280, 65], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 56], [0, 0, 1280, 56], [0, 0, 1178, 48], [0, 0, 1130, 48], [0, 0, 961, 40], [0, 0, 961, 40], [0, 0, 106, 16], [], [0, 0, 63, 38], [0, 0, 35, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 62, 38], [0, 0, 34, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 74, 38], [0, 0, 46, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 90, 38], [0, 0, 62, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 55, 40], [0, 0, 55, 40], [0, 0, 53, 38], [0, 0, 25, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 80, 40], [0, 0, 80, 40], [0, 0, 78, 38], [0, 0, 50, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 100, 40], [0, 0, 100, 40], [0, 0, 98, 38], [0, 0, 70, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 78, 40], [0, 0, 78, 40], [0, 0, 76, 38], [0, 0, 48, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 48, 40], [0, 0, 48, 40], [0, 0, 46, 38], [0, 0, 8, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 100, 40], [0, 0, 100, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 169, 48], [0, 0, 97, 48], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 97, 48], [0, 0, 97, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 20], [0, 0, 53, 40], [0, 0, 53, 40], [], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 43], [0, 0, 1174, 43], [0, 0, 1174, 43], [0, 0, 1174, 43], [0, 0, 652, 43], [0, 0, 276, 43], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 2358], [0, 0, 660, 2358], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 2022], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 2022], [0, 0, 652, 2022], [0, 0, 95, 16], [], [0, 0, 652, 2022], [0, 0, 652, 407], [0, 0, 600, 407], [0, 0, 251, 33], [], [0, 0, 600, 407], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 273, 31], [], [0, 0, 221, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 181, 38], [0, 0, 181, 20], [], [0, 0, 181, 18], [0, 0, 181, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 269, 40], [0, 0, 221, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 181, 38], [0, 0, 181, 20], [], [0, 0, 181, 18], [0, 0, 181, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 66], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 22], [], [0, 0, 576, 268], [0, 0, 576, 268], [0, 0, 576, 68], [0, 0, 576, 68], [0, 0, 568, 50], [0, 0, 568, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 568, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 576, 60], [0, 0, 576, 60], [0, 0, 568, 50], [0, 0, 568, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 568, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 576, 60], [0, 0, 576, 60], [0, 0, 568, 50], [0, 0, 568, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 568, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 576, 56], [0, 0, 576, 56], [0, 0, 568, 50], [0, 0, 568, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 568, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 576, 24], [0, 0, 576, 24], [0, 0, 576, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 652, 95], [0, 0, 652, 95], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 95], [0, 0, 600, 95], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 68, 31], [], [0, 0, 138, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 98, 38], [0, 0, 98, 20], [], [0, 0, 98, 18], [0, 0, 98, 18], [], [0, 0, 186, 40], [0, 0, 138, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 98, 38], [0, 0, 98, 20], [], [0, 0, 98, 18], [0, 0, 98, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 652, 248], [0, 0, 652, 248], [0, 0, 652, 248], [0, 0, 652, 36], [0, 0, 155, 28], [0, 0, 155, 28], [0, 0, 155, 28], [], [0, 0, 45, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 652, 196], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 16], [0, 0, 585, 1], [0, 0, 53, 14], [0, 0, 53, 14], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 53, 14], [], [0, 0, 652, 171], [0, 0, 652, 171], [0, 0, 652, 171], [0, 0, 540, 73], [0, 0, 540, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 83, 31], [], [0, 0, 254, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 214, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 214, 18], [0, 0, 214, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 302, 40], [0, 0, 254, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 214, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 214, 18], [0, 0, 214, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 112, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 302, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 255, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 540, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 255, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 238, 31], [], [0, 0, 241, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 201, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 201, 18], [0, 0, 201, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 289, 40], [0, 0, 241, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 201, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 201, 18], [0, 0, 201, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 68, 11], [0, 0, 62, 11], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 149], [0, 0, 600, 149], [0, 0, 600, 149], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 501, 31], [], [0, 0, 309, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 269, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 269, 18], [0, 0, 269, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 357, 40], [0, 0, 309, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 269, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 269, 18], [0, 0, 269, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 172, 22], [0, 0, 172, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 361], [0, 0, 652, 361], [0, 0, 618, 361], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 544, 31], [], [0, 0, 297, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 257, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 257, 18], [0, 0, 257, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 345, 40], [0, 0, 297, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 257, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 257, 18], [0, 0, 257, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 99], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 618, 145], [0, 0, 618, 145], [0, 0, 600, 127], [0, 0, 600, 127], [0, 0, 600, 127], [0, 0, 600, 127], [0, 0, 600, 51], [0, 0, 600, 51], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 455, 26], [], [0, 0, 257, 19], [0, 0, 257, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 307, 24], [0, 0, 257, 19], [0, 0, 257, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 2, 3], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 155, 22], [0, 0, 155, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 216], [0, 0, 652, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 391, 31], [], [0, 0, 331, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 291, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 291, 18], [0, 0, 291, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 379, 40], [0, 0, 331, 38], [0, 0, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 291, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 291, 18], [0, 0, 291, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 99], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 660, 256], [0, 0, 660, 256], [0, 0, 660, 154], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 660, 154], [0, 0, 660, 154], [0, 0, 660, 154], [0, 0, 660, 154], [0, 0, 652, 36], [0, 0, 171, 28], [0, 0, 171, 28], [0, 0, 171, 28], [], [0, 0, 45, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 22], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 668, 118], [0, 0, 668, 112], [0, 0, 334, 112], [0, 0, 334, 56], [0, 0, 318, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 334, 56], [0, 0, 318, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 334, 112], [0, 0, 334, 56], [0, 0, 318, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 334, 56], [0, 0, 318, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 58], [0, 0, 100, 16], [], [0, 0, 294, 58], [0, 0, 294, 58], [0, 0, 294, 58], [0, 0, 28, 58], [0, 0, 28, 40], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], 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26], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 370, 29], [0, 0, 340, 22], [0, 0, 340, 22], [0, 0, 340, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 370, 29], [0, 0, 340, 22], [0, 0, 340, 22], [0, 0, 340, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 370, 0], [0, 0, 372, 20], [0, 0, 340, 16], [0, 0, 53, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 118], [0, 0, 72, 16], [], [0, 0, 1280, 118], [0, 0, 1280, 118], [0, 0, 1280, 105], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1307, 40], [0, 0, 1201, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 459, 40], [0, 0, 443, 40], [0, 0, 333, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 153, 40], [0, 0, 10, 10], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 180, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 333, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 920], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 0, 720], [0, 0, 0, 720], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 376, 0], [0, 0, 376, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 97, 40], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1307, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 2664], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [0, 0, 0, 88], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 106, 40], [], [2, 2, 106, 40], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 106, 40], [], [0, 0, 1280, 60], [0, 0, 1280, 69], [0, 0, 1280, 60], [0, 0, 758, 46], [0, 0, 758, 46], [0, 0, 567, 46], [0, 0, 150, 34], [0, 0, 92, 30], [0, 0, 92, 30], [1, 1, 538, 44], [0, 0, 494, 44], [0, 0, 6, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 337, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 337, 25], [0, 0, 133, 44], [0, 0, 53, 44], [0, 0, 48, 44], [0, 0, 24, 44], [0, 0, 24, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 29], [0, 0, 40, 44], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 44], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 44], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 567, 0], [0, 0, 758, 0], [0, 0, 758, 0], [0, 0, 158, 60], [0, 0, 40, 60], [0, 0, 40, 60], [0, 0, 40, 44], [0, 0, 40, 44], [0, 0, 40, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 103, 24], [], [0, 0, 132, 60], [0, 0, 132, 0], [0, 0, 100, 48], [0, 0, 96, 48], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 48, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 48, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 328, 0], [0, 0, 400, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 2664], [0, 0, 1280, 2664], [0, 0, 1280, 65], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 56], [0, 0, 1280, 56], [0, 0, 1178, 40], [0, 0, 1120, 40], [0, 0, 961, 40], [0, 0, 961, 40], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [1, 1, 63, 38], [0, 0, 35, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 62, 38], [0, 0, 34, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 74, 38], [0, 0, 46, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 90, 38], [0, 0, 62, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 55, 40], [0, 0, 55, 40], [1, 1, 53, 38], [0, 0, 25, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 80, 40], [0, 0, 80, 40], [1, 1, 78, 38], [0, 0, 50, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 100, 40], [0, 0, 100, 40], [1, 1, 98, 38], [0, 0, 70, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 78, 40], [0, 0, 78, 40], [1, 1, 76, 38], [0, 0, 48, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 48, 40], [0, 0, 48, 40], [1, 1, 46, 38], [0, 0, 8, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 100, 40], [0, 0, 100, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 159, 40], [0, 0, 97, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 97, 48], [0, 0, 97, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 20], [0, 0, 43, 40], [0, 0, 53, 40], [], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1280, 43], [0, 0, 1174, 43], [0, 0, 1174, 43], [0, 0, 1174, 43], [0, 0, 652, 43], [0, 0, 276, 43], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 2358], [0, 0, 652, 2358], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 2022], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 2022], [0, 0, 652, 2022], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [0, 0, 652, 2022], [0, 0, 652, 407], [0, 0, 600, 407], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [0, 0, 600, 407], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 273, 31], [], [0, 0, 221, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 181, 38], [0, 0, 181, 20], [], [0, 0, 181, 18], [0, 0, 181, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 229, 38], [0, 0, 221, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 181, 38], [0, 0, 181, 20], [], [0, 0, 181, 18], [0, 0, 181, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 66], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 22], [], [0, 0, 576, 268], [0, 0, 576, 268], [0, 0, 576, 68], [0, 0, 576, 68], [1, 1, 568, 50], [0, 0, 568, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 568, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 576, 60], [0, 0, 576, 60], [1, 1, 568, 50], [0, 0, 568, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 568, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 576, 60], [0, 0, 576, 60], [1, 1, 568, 50], [0, 0, 568, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 568, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 576, 56], [0, 0, 576, 56], [1, 1, 568, 50], [0, 0, 568, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 568, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 576, 24], [0, 0, 576, 24], [0, 0, 576, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 652, 95], [0, 0, 652, 95], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 95], [0, 0, 600, 95], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 68, 31], [], [0, 0, 138, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 98, 38], [0, 0, 98, 20], [], [0, 0, 98, 18], [0, 0, 98, 18], [], [0, 0, 146, 38], [0, 0, 138, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 98, 38], [0, 0, 98, 20], [], [0, 0, 98, 18], [0, 0, 98, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 652, 248], [0, 0, 652, 248], [0, 0, 652, 248], [0, 0, 652, 36], [0, 0, 155, 28], [0, 0, 155, 28], [0, 0, 155, 28], [], [0, 0, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 652, 196], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 49], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 628, 24], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 652, 48], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 16], [0, 0, 585, 1], [0, 0, 53, 14], [0, 0, 53, 14], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 53, 14], [], [0, 0, 652, 171], [0, 0, 652, 171], [0, 0, 652, 171], [0, 0, 540, 73], [0, 0, 540, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 83, 31], [], [0, 0, 254, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 214, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 214, 18], [0, 0, 214, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 262, 38], [0, 0, 254, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 214, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 214, 18], [0, 0, 214, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 112, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 92, 92], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 44], [0, 0, 540, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 255, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 540, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 270, 22], [0, 0, 255, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 139], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 238, 31], [], [0, 0, 241, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 201, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 201, 18], [0, 0, 201, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 249, 38], [0, 0, 241, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 201, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 201, 18], [0, 0, 201, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 68, 11], [0, 0, 62, 11], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 149], [0, 0, 600, 149], [0, 0, 600, 149], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 501, 31], [], [0, 0, 309, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 269, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 269, 18], [0, 0, 269, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 317, 38], [0, 0, 309, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 269, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 269, 18], [0, 0, 269, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 172, 22], [0, 0, 172, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 361], [0, 0, 652, 361], [0, 0, 600, 361], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 544, 31], [], [0, 0, 297, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 257, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 257, 18], [0, 0, 257, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 305, 38], [0, 0, 297, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 257, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 257, 18], [0, 0, 257, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 99], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 145], [0, 0, 600, 145], [0, 0, 582, 127], [0, 0, 600, 127], [0, 0, 600, 127], [0, 0, 600, 127], [0, 0, 600, 51], [0, 0, 600, 51], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 455, 26], [], [0, 0, 257, 19], [0, 0, 257, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 259, 0], [0, 0, 257, 19], [0, 0, 257, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 600, 22], [0, 0, 155, 22], [0, 0, 155, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 216], [0, 0, 652, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 216], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 600, 73], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 391, 31], [], [0, 0, 331, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 291, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 291, 18], [0, 0, 291, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 339, 38], [0, 0, 331, 38], [1, 1, 26, 26], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 291, 38], [0, 0, 200, 20], [], [0, 0, 291, 18], [0, 0, 291, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 600, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 600, 99], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 600, 87], [0, 0, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 43], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 576, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 24, 24], [0, 0, 600, 42], [0, 0, 600, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 256], [0, 0, 652, 256], [0, 0, 652, 154], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 154], [0, 0, 652, 154], [0, 0, 652, 154], [0, 0, 652, 154], [0, 0, 652, 36], [0, 0, 171, 28], [0, 0, 171, 28], [0, 0, 171, 28], [], [0, 0, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 20], [0, 0, 22, 22], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 18, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 668, 118], [0, 0, 668, 112], [0, 0, 334, 112], [0, 0, 334, 56], [0, 0, 318, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 334, 56], [0, 0, 318, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 334, 112], [0, 0, 334, 56], [0, 0, 318, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 334, 56], [0, 0, 318, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 58], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [0, 0, 294, 58], [0, 0, 294, 58], [0, 0, 294, 58], [0, 0, 28, 58], [0, 0, 28, 40], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 58], [0, 0, 20, 40], [], [0, 0, 86, 58], [0, 0, 86, 58], [0, 0, 71, 40], [0, 0, 33, 18], [], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 652, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 372, 2358], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [0, 0, 372, 295], [0, 0, 372, 295], [0, 0, 372, 0], [0, 0, 372, 0], [1, 1, 370, 273], [0, 0, 370, 257], [0, 0, 370, 91], [0, 0, 370, 90], [0, 0, 370, 90], [0, 0, 370, 66], [0, 0, 370, 66], [0, 0, 40, 70], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 48, 48], [0, 0, 48, 48], [0, 0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 24, 20], [0, 0, 24, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40, 0], [0, 0, 117, 66], [0, 0, 117, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 117, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 370, 0], [0, 0, 370, 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0, 1201, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 0, 459, 40], [0, 0, 443, 40], [0, 0, 333, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 153, 40], [0, 0, 10, 10], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 180, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 333, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 920], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 0, 720], [0, 0, 0, 720], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 376, 0], [0, 0, 376, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 97, 40], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1307, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0], [0, 0, 1280, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [5, 9, 9, 11, 11, 15, 15, 78, 109, 113, 114, 118, 119, 123, 124, 128, 129, 135, 136, 142, 143, 149, 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237.5625, 22], [146, 1264.25, 35.8125, 16], [146, 1284.25, 120.75, 14], [266.75, 1284.25, 80.71875, 14], [146, 1264.25, 35.8125, 16], [146, 1284.25, 120.75, 14], [266.75, 1284.25, 80.71875, 14], [106, 1337.78125, 82.5, 16], [188.5, 1337.78125, 21.53125, 16], [210.03125, 1337.78125, 478.296875, 16], [106, 1359.890625, 265.34375, 16], [174, 1382, 3.890625, 16], [177.890625, 1382, 67.71875, 16], [245.609375, 1382, 12.453125, 16], [258.0625, 1382, 86.390625, 16], [344.453125, 1382, 12.453125, 16], [356.90625, 1382, 28.796875, 16], [385.703125, 1382, 12.453125, 16], [398.15625, 1382, 23.34375, 16], [421.5, 1382, 12.453125, 16], [433.953125, 1382, 133.0625, 16], [106, 1433.109375, 0, 15], [106, 1476.640625, 500.78125, 22], [146, 1433.109375, 124.5, 16], [146, 1453.109375, 160.0625, 14], [306.0625, 1453.109375, 109.171875, 14], [146, 1433.109375, 124.5, 16], [146, 1453.109375, 160.0625, 14], [306.0625, 1453.109375, 109.171875, 14], [106, 1506.640625, 78.625, 16], [184.625, 1506.640625, 21.78125, 16], [206.40625, 1506.640625, 59.890625, 16], [266.296875, 1506.640625, 403.875, 16], [106, 1528.75, 280.15625, 16], [106, 1555.859375, 105.0625, 16], [211.0625, 1555.859375, 66.9375, 16], [106, 1611.859375, 0, 15], [106, 1655.390625, 543.6875, 22], [146, 1611.859375, 40.453125, 16], [146, 1631.859375, 120.046875, 14], [266.046875, 1631.859375, 136.71875, 14], [146, 1611.859375, 40.453125, 16], [146, 1631.859375, 120.046875, 14], [266.046875, 1631.859375, 136.71875, 14], [106, 1685.390625, 82.5, 16], [188.5, 1685.390625, 21.78125, 16], [210.28125, 1685.390625, 59.890625, 16], [270.171875, 1685.390625, 407.828125, 16], [106, 1707.5, 446.671875, 16], [106, 1752.609375, 116.703125, 16], [106, 1795.609375, 205.453125, 16], [124, 1845.609375, 0, 15], [124, 1870.140625, 454.6875, 22], [124, 1844.609375, 120.046875, 14], [244.046875, 1844.609375, 136.71875, 14], [124, 1844.609375, 120.046875, 14], [244.046875, 1844.609375, 136.71875, 14], [124, 1897.140625, 78.625, 16], [202.625, 1897.140625, 21.015625, 16], [223.640625, 1897.140625, 476.671875, 16], [124, 1919.25, 328.375, 16], [452.375, 1919.25, 59.890625, 16], [512.265625, 1919.25, 15.5625, 16], [124, 1946.359375, 105.828125, 16], [229.828125, 1946.359375, 49.046875, 16], [106, 2002.359375, 0, 15], [106, 2045.890625, 391.296875, 22], [146, 2002.359375, 141.65625, 16], [146, 2022.359375, 198.78125, 14], [344.78125, 2022.359375, 92.046875, 14], [146, 2002.359375, 141.65625, 16], [146, 2022.359375, 198.78125, 14], [344.78125, 2022.359375, 92.046875, 14], [106, 2075.890625, 80.9375, 16], [186.9375, 2075.890625, 21.78125, 16], [208.71875, 2075.890625, 59.890625, 16], [268.609375, 2075.890625, 414.078125, 16], [106, 2098, 409.3125, 16], [106, 2143.109375, 117.484375, 16], [106, 2186.109375, 129.9375, 16], [106, 2261.109375, 171.21875, 25], [179, 2321.109375, 94.21875, 17], [179, 2377.109375, 88.90625, 17], [513, 2321.109375, 168.90625, 17], [513, 2377.109375, 79.984375, 17], [592.984375, 2377.109375, 61.375, 17], 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for having developed the text-to-image generator DALL-E 2, ChatGPT is currently available for anyone to try out for free, now with even a free iOS app being launched.", "kX21rb ZYHQ7e", "cc3d66f6-63bd-4789", "", "05-Jun-2023", "nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0__91", "2e1846f5-27f4-4de3", "", "9c12b808-07ed-4855", "", "CEQQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFSgAegQIRBAA", "b57884da-8f7e-4920", "", "2022b100-7a9f-4513", "", "b2e778b5-09a7-4bb7", "", "https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/how-to-use-openai-chatgpt-text-generation-chatbot/#:~:text=Made%20by%20OpenAI%2C%20well%2Dknown,free%20iOS%20app%20being%20launched.", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECEQQAw", "/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/how-to-use-openai-chatgpt-text-generation-chatbot/%23:~:text%3DMade%2520by%2520OpenAI%252C%2520well%252Dknown,free%2520iOS%2520app%2520being%2520launched.&ved=2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECEQQAw", "23060790-8b3f-4a9d", "", "a3a04cb3-2076-4529", "", "119ae180-33c7-409a", "", "ChatGPT: How to use the AI chatbot that's changing everything", "fdca4eac-7c4c-47ea", "", "6bab8edf-f314-4e57", "", "92fede53-c054-4d36", "", "", "10b5ffc4-76af-4d75", "", "12a64ca9-7906-490c", "", "04a66c2c-24b2-43e1", "", "digitaltrends.com", "fd64accd-abc5-4d1f", "", "fc6787c2-013a-4d6e", "", "https://www.digitaltrends.com", "54a3d44a-a924-45c2", "", " \u203a computing \u203a how-to-use...", "7fbe4288-3893-4033", "", "602a4720-a05c-4ddd", "", "319c639f-607a-4477", "", "ba45f877-db46-484c", "", "31c8e0c8-48b4-493f", "", "412d01bf-98da-4240", "", "fa0ab4d8-a103-43bb", "", "10470b2b-6ba5-4eaf", "", "a2d879c6-ae39-4eaf", "", "df7b137c-abb2-4d2d", "", "2a5e18f5-f0af-464c", "", "424511db-e805-4f05", "", "50aa3a6f-33b4-4d86", "", "/search?sxsrf=APwXEdeRIiyc00EdSRJfe7MvIxQmBjF9uA:1686831261939&q=Can+we+use+ChatGPT+for+free%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQzmd6BAhKEAY", "1680b602-f808-4e55", "", "ae9ec2f7-2ea9-4732", "", "nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0__92", "2282b856-eba8-4df4", "", "c5OSL89ILFFILylQKC5JzEspVkjLL1LIzFNIhgoDAA", "What GTP stands for in chat GTP?", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQq7kBKAB6BAhNEAA", "2d0b636c-fe8b-4521", "", "541698b2-1ec1-47f6", "", "4b1a11f0-a8d3-4a21", "", "91e7a963-0731-4a12", "", "_nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0_46", "CE0QAQ", "47bae882-8476-4799", "", "4ce97369-bb6a-4bca", "", "66ef2a6e-e4e5-481f", "", "f130a600-7852-4502", "", "6f283a17-26e1-44b4", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQuk56BAhNEAI", "8b3757c1-7223-4f3c", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ36YDegQITRAD", "bb1048a2-1c83-412b", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ7NUEegQITRAE", "fc3e35e6-2a5e-4778", "", "7533641c-f58d-4461", "", "CE0QBQ", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQu04oAHoECE0QBQ", "3f689e47-ac74-4599", "", "nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0__93", "c368fe0a-0821-401c", "", "ba29fc90-6cf7-4cf5", "", "CEsQAA", "6d4a6208-a02b-41e3", "", "27afe10f-930e-4644", "", "8d7c16a1-d0c8-4341", "", "Chat GPT stands for ", "8c0f0bcc-a933-412a", "", "Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer", " and was developed by an AI research company, Open AI. It is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot technology that can process our natural human language and generate a response.", "nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0__94", "845c1b4f-08ec-4f99", "", "03af5506-be7f-4870", "", "CEMQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFSgAegQIQxAA", "f271a2bc-1b01-4f84", "", "1a7a9225-3e43-4f7b", "", "1f8fe897-5c79-47d5", "", "https://lighthouseguild.org/what-is-chat-gpt/#:~:text=Chat%20GPT%20stands%20for%20Chat,language%20and%20generate%20a%20response.", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECEMQAw", "/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://lighthouseguild.org/what-is-chat-gpt/%23:~:text%3DChat%2520GPT%2520stands%2520for%2520Chat,language%2520and%2520generate%2520a%2520response.&ved=2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECEMQAw", "c9e96336-c06b-4c47", "", "b14ecd7f-5e90-4aba", "", "f1c0cc6f-beb1-414d", "", "What is Chat GPT? - Lighthouse Guild", "f0dacd07-4cf1-425f", "", "6001aeea-c77b-4bc3", "", "bad2dda5-a473-454e", "", "", "4af587ee-26e8-43f6", "", "57821a08-71bf-448e", "", "680ff621-3a28-48ab", "", "lighthouseguild.org", "b2f32365-5905-4280", "", "3c3521ef-8290-4cd6", "", "https://lighthouseguild.org", "2062b4fb-3773-4dfb", "", " \u203a what-is-chat-gpt", "dbd45c84-4553-4f05", "", "8675a03a-7683-4ea1", "", "399d3b95-a263-4c82", "", "3343832e-fbc5-46ea", "", "e18deaf0-1569-49db", "", "1f9b4a55-5dfc-4db2", "", "eea6a24d-1565-4c04", "", "c6519747-8128-4c7f", "", "4b1550db-3259-4e0f", "", "b11f81c0-813c-4ae3", "", "5c3e9e9e-8501-4d74", "", "48b467a1-206a-46a1", "", "31cddbf4-ce18-4eb5", "", "/search?sxsrf=APwXEdeRIiyc00EdSRJfe7MvIxQmBjF9uA:1686831261939&q=What+GTP+stands+for+in+chat+GTP%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQzmd6BAhNEAY", "746ecd20-3ecd-40ad", "", "72e2e527-08ba-492f", "", "nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0__95", "5f1c5112-c71e-48db", "", "GhdjaGF0Z3B0IHByZW1pdW0gdnMgZnJlZQ", "Is ChatGPT free or premium?", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQq7kBKAB6BAhQEAA", "381069d6-c752-4898", "", "d37129a6-45cb-45b4", "", "cab7faf0-4a5e-40ac", "", "92bf86c2-27b6-43f7", "", "_nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0_47", "CFAQAQ", "fc09a63c-125b-4c2f", "", "a2f10569-94f1-4039", "", "05a87996-f8bb-4e6a", "", "e85ac92a-7fc2-4207", "", "d48593a1-3d52-4f94", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQuk56BAhQEAI", "6bd1e692-e726-49ac", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ36YDegQIUBAD", "2732d39c-0fd0-4999", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ7NUEegQIUBAE", "dec26fb2-6af8-4951", "", "b343be49-8458-4d3f", "", "CFAQBQ", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQu04oAHoECFAQBQ", "0373d61e-d781-4799", "", "nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0__96", "baa35c9c-5460-4ba2", "", "wDYxhc NFQFxe oHglmf xzPb7d", "32", "CEwQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ4dMGegQITBAA", "27139f39-3461-470a", "", "position:relative;overflow:visible", "kno-mrg-si kno-mrg kno-swp", "media_result_group", "CEwQAQ", "d67080f6-173f-4f7d", "", "kno-fiu kno-liu", "32140ce6-b815-4802", "", "Wn3aEc", "data-count", "CEIQAA", "4da0a346-cd85-43c3", "", "e6510819-79e8-49a1", "", "19b45c97-eba7-45b9", "", "TcZDme", "PdWSXe:h5M12e;rcuQ6b:npT2md;eJDJ0e:mRGGY;vGTXyb:T2P31d", "X2sNs;_;ApGfmU", "49360514-4d92-404a", "", "RYdNQb", "data-h", "130", "data-nr", "border-top-left-radius:8px;border-top-right-radius:8px", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQyQ0oAHoECEIQAg", "a96fb5ed-a539-435c", "", "dTDiAc", "eA0Zlc WghbWd ivg-i PZPZlf img-kc-m GMCzAd", "Um3BXb", "data-sd", "j0Opre;YupP_cb7LKLGTM;ApGfmY", "data-docid", "YupP_cb7LKLGTM", "data-lpage", "https://medium.com/@exceed73/chatgpt-free-vs-paid-b159902c966c", "data-ni", "data-ref-docid", "TNxJENKz5fQziM", "data-vc", "rcuQ6b:npT2md;tuz4af:RrAr1;nptbHe:XEuVS;h5M12e", "CEUQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQzkx6BAhFEAA", "6fbc8055-76b1-4af4", "", "IOBa3c", "ab95e82d-c8ef-44e4", "", "qQjpJ", "172bcb3c-d8ea-4b12", "", "a5101112-f032-495a", "", "data-bla", "uhHOwf BYbUcd", "height:147px;width:204px", "eeff91c8-4b7c-4dd0", "", "margin-left:-6px;width:238px", "ChatGPT free vs paid.. This story has been written with the ...", "data-src", "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9JAcG2CLkCxuAxe4x9Fzh6bqFNLGVXrjbKZbgbWNOcg&s", "", "R3fhkb", "rcuQ6b:npT2md;BUYwVb:QT8fkf;LsLGHf:iSvHDf;DdQV6c:QT8fkf", "data-lzy_", "b726a381-445c-4f2a", "", "tdeeNb", "01e982b4-1806-401b", "", "nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0__99", "285cbff4-8ea8-45eb", "", "7213286b-64ff-41ed", "", "CE4QAA", "c9e0aa09-190a-4161", "", "7e503c2a-a299-4249", "", "fdd225ed-e405-4e27", "", "In conclusion, ", "22c8a96e-7e82-4830", "", "both the free and paid versions of ChatGPT offer AI-powered responses to queries in multiple languages", ". However, the paid version of ChatGPT comes with additional features such as 24/7 customer support and priority responses. The paid version costs $9.99 per month or $99 per year.", "nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0__100", "8cc9e0d3-fb7f-4d6f", "", "1418bc45-e48b-49f3", "", "CEEQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFSgAegQIQRAA", "bd6eb381-1d3f-4d8f", "", "1a0b18f3-b5c7-4833", "", "da596fd7-99b0-4184", "", "https://medium.com/@exceed73/chatgpt-free-vs-paid-b159902c966c#:~:text=In%20conclusion%2C%20both%20the%20free,month%20or%20%2499%20per%20year.", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECEEQAw", "/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://medium.com/%40exceed73/chatgpt-free-vs-paid-b159902c966c%23:~:text%3DIn%2520conclusion%252C%2520both%2520the%2520free,month%2520or%2520%252499%2520per%2520year.&ved=2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECEEQAw", "75a86ab4-b43d-42d0", "", "cec00e8f-2338-4504", "", "950c44cd-6332-4e8c", "", "ChatGPT free vs paid. - Medium", "5afa76ed-052c-4241", "", "fb5c9c33-50c4-4707", "", "678fbeee-2991-4711", "", "", "19127d5a-a389-4465", "", "f424be55-5c0a-4b77", "", "15c77956-2d07-4af9", "", 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Here's what you ...", "c20f926c-2572-4a10", "", "054822eb-d5d4-4056", "", "71d982cb-5d36-4e66", "", "", "cf57a3ea-95cf-4a83", "", "07621b4c-0877-41db", "", "d7e23ffa-77f8-4438", "", "ZDNet", "645da149-7a37-4b6b", "", "4d27f1d3-80da-4d22", "", "https://www.zdnet.com", "2836388b-84bc-4b53", "", " \u203a ... \u203a Artificial Intelligence", "495d15af-2f70-4d01", "", "eb7a0633-5a6a-40bd", "", "ddaef207-3dfc-4078", "", "03bb27a8-53b3-4259", "", "dba49e28-9332-4c0d", "", "b4c934b2-d60b-42c4", "", "8d78721e-bda1-4e01", "", "d9fa99df-c414-4835", "", "091d28dc-9356-4e23", "", "22485af6-9b3b-4b90", "", "f188e207-900d-4a4f", "", "l7Bhpb;_;ApGfmE cECq7c;_;ApGfmI", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ2esEegQILxAJ", "62e19120-3142-4afd", "", "a14a43b0-1ec1-4e04", "", "3ba92d56-920d-4188", "", "7111e30b-1503-488c", "", "de4f2b9a-cdb7-41ad", "", "05ec3e95-0390-42bd", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQh-4GegQILxAK", "e26fa71b-5f77-4020", "", "14e2e3ef-78d1-4cb9", "", "73fd2297-03b0-4016", "", "d9b8d012-c80a-4e6f", "", "08d56161-f85f-41af", "", "30-May-2023", "44b028b5-f0e5-4838", "", "51c75fb4-f3b2-46fc", "", " is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with the\u00a0...", "RlqYWc", "2ffe1afb-3eed-4030", "", "max-width:600px", "c868fddd-033f-4193", "", "EWpfde", "dd6ba441-7ebd-4f6b", "", "sWISj wHYlTd", "346b1828-7bbe-4008", "", "G-EXPANDABLE-CONTAINER", "QE1bwd", "data-anim", "data-fcss", "data-npd", "data-slct", "mnr-c", "C7xow:Z6bwpe;xNpQtd:Nh5q2c;U6VCqe:GsRPff;Ep2Mgc:AgioGc;BDs6B:fW2qAb;ep03Ne:AvkpRc;gvA4Rc:yELBLe", "ca7aeffd-f980-40ac", "", "gI9xcc", "3ac8c655-dbc6-4f5a", "", "G-ACCORDION", "MaEUhd", "data-kno-aco", "QRorz:CQwlrf;uwoEDe:Nh5q2c;jnvnaf:jkYXCd;keydown:uYT2Vb;rcuQ6b:npT2md", "8d00b569-ed99-48ba", "", "dEsxWc", "5d839544-22f3-4d61", "", "HYvwY h373nd", "d89c2870-fba1-4b9e", "", "3195d1e0-7b20-43a5", "", "f81e0617-257d-4c0a", "", "_nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0_33", "CDkQAw", "c560e082-c37d-496a", "", "0abf8fa5-c28f-4d0c", "", "df15aab6-e21c-4d35", "", "ddfaeb99-b7a9-4635", "", "What is ChatGPT?", "1380e3c2-509d-4741", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQzLECegQIORAE", "dc805e59-b180-4d01", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQi7gIegQIORAF", "7ef87397-8906-48a2", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQkLgIegQIORAG", "d9398ee9-85e7-40de", "", "2df62dbe-c1e8-4e7f", "", "xRFGCb Wt5Tfe nlNnsd", "86612c95-d156-4683", "", "faq_5", "6b92d86c-b505-4fb7", "", "Xims0d", "fbe35c07-00c5-4ab9", "", "0e622da1-41f2-412a", "", "ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with the chatbot. The language model can answer questions and assist you with tasks, such as composing emails, essays, and code.Also: How to use ChatGPT: What you need to know nowIt's currently open to use to the public for free because ChatGPT is in its research and feedback-collection phase. A paid subscription version called ChatGPT Plus launched at the beginning of February.", "ad606ef0-b21b-47b8", "", "7430427d-a8d4-42d5", "", "fd4c9cba-97a6-4ab4", "", "_nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0_35", "CDkQBw", "fd3be57a-30da-4b69", "", "ad78ef68-c087-464f", "", "e9137a32-53e7-4e7d", "", "f7397651-6d8b-48c0", "", "How are people using ChatGPT?", "1a748e7a-cd7b-4546", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQzLECegQIORAI", "1ff9e151-a097-437b", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQi7gIegQIORAJ", "27153e34-3158-40d9", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQkLgIegQIORAK", "50293f6a-cf11-4097", "", "6aedaebf-8a43-44ff", "", "dfcb7b24-bcb7-47e2", "", "faq_7", "69f336cf-257a-4517", "", "f1859550-8dd1-4240", "", "f9b5b806-a79e-49f4", "", "The model has many functions in addition to answering simple questions. ChatGPT can compose essays, describe art in great detail, create AI art prompts, have philosophical conversations, and even code for you. Also: 5 ways to use chatbots to make your life easier My personal favorite use is asking the chatbot for help creating basic lists, such as packing, grocery, and to-do lists to make my daily life more productive. The possibilities are endless. ZDNET has published many ChatGPT how-to guides. Here are some of the most popular. How to use ChatGPT to: Write an essayCreate an appWrite codeBuild your resumeWrite Excel formulasSummarize contentWrite a cover letterStart an Etsy business", "iRPzcb", "055ff9fe-e477-459f", "", "d4rhi", "e6548bb9-e164-49b1", "", "FxLDp", "30c1b569-9a06-4223", "", "MYVUIe", "2956378b-fe44-4037", "", "XN9cAe", "9aadcd58-b944-4ee3", "", "CDUQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQtJkDKAB6BAg1EAA", "f052d832-dd8a-442f", "", "ih6Jnb_v4Vws", "6e521281-1989-4e2b", "", "6f95e64b-1776-4891", "", "260febb5-4b66-4252", "", "https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-use-chatgpt/", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECDEQAQ", "/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-use-chatgpt/&ved=2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECDEQAQ", "07779bd4-c90e-4b29", "", "fb36d5cd-b17e-467f", "", "LC20lb MBeuO xvfwl", "1db82a36-ca04-476d", "", "How to use ChatGPT: Everything you need to know", "TbwUpd NJjxre", "f62ed7fa-cbfe-4830", "", "75e7ebcc-27ea-41a3", "", "apx8Vc iUh30 qLRx3b tjvcx", "e3e770dc-f918-43f2", "", "0f8fd3da-51c3-4d06", "", "B6fmyf", "7ff390b6-6f3f-4fbc", "", "TbwUpd", "737eab02-09cc-411c", "", "da81c296-b90e-4eba", "", "69b33d1e-c891-469f", "", "34c18859-630b-46a5", "", "eFM0qc", "75b7e7be-d9d0-42af", "", "csDOgf I5pXif Pyz0Gd", "b27192e2-50d1-4a06", "", "l7Bhpb;_;ApGfl8 cECq7c;_;ApGfmA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ2esEegQIMRAE", "8a7be6d2-adc7-426e", "", "fa470e66-e9d5-4667", "", "d10227e1-7501-4a35", "", "967b6261-c18a-463b", "", "16bc23ed-daef-4d98", "", "e96d1647-58d4-4fff", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQh-4GegQIMRAF", "ec5d6e8a-5108-4c2b", "", "8b939e71-bac9-4faf", "", "0e68caef-f304-4b48", "", "ffe856e8-c07d-4a9b", "", "6587d7c7-62ab-40ad", "", "075aa048-170c-419e", "", "Although there's no Android app yet, Android users can use the AI-based tool from their mobile browser on their smartphone. Also: ", "5f0ba3e1-da7f-4ade", "", "\u00a0...", "8056af32-195c-490b", "", "CDIQAA", "320b7246-fdc0-4239", "", "5182c33c-9a67-448f", "", "aac65a59-c8c0-4c0e", "", "d65852c1-5b00-4690", "", "5673f261-bcea-4353", "", "Chatbot", "956855d5-c940-4b68", "", "cd5ee25c-6748-4238", "", "CCwQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFSgAegQILBAA", "b27eee08-7965-4053", "", "ih6Jnb_lNvnwb", "f6401311-548b-4499", "", "d67975b6-6ee8-4457", "", "d634d884-341b-4b8e", "", "https://www.searchenginejournal.com/what-is-chatgpt/473664/", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECCAQAQ", "/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.searchenginejournal.com/what-is-chatgpt/473664/&ved=2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQFnoECCAQAQ", "2e7b59ae-6068-49f2", "", "8ed06218-ea5c-4ec7", "", "7e6d9919-635c-4e1a", "", "ChatGPT: What Is It & How Can You Use It?", "466dfb17-531f-4c0d", "", "44c1c2bd-677e-4a5b", "", "9971953d-9d41-40e0", "", "", "f417b024-7db7-4af9", "", "51cee101-62fa-4f71", "", "b9f7ca6a-4fd7-4090", "", "Search Engine Journal", "29e78aac-2b3b-4465", "", "03ace445-bdda-4ddb", "", "https://www.searchenginejournal.com", "d18b8463-0958-432a", "", " \u203a what-is-chatgpt", "99479d52-637a-480f", "", "b84d2ee6-8c70-4e9b", "", "25784662-9378-429c", "", "250f0c40-1c55-4a7b", "", "ee5b3d6b-f0bf-47e6", "", "cc142ab1-d4f6-40b7", "", "8e3ac0f1-aab7-4188", "", "80c86dce-76de-43c1", "", "aa404e9e-0cde-4c0c", "", "ba7e30dd-e040-40a2", "", "cec324da-8d9c-412d", "", "l7Bhpb;_;ApGflk cECq7c;_;ApGflo", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ2esEegQIIBAJ", "4dcc5e1f-6765-40d5", "", "f93a6368-c9df-4257", "", "48ddd18e-7ffd-4dcb", "", "dc744437-8950-4702", "", "ca6e57e7-3c7c-4d4a", "", "94204b15-c45a-46ae", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQh-4GegQIIBAK", "61eec8f0-addf-46e9", "", "390f9aea-f1c2-4f72", "", "2b412e2b-5636-45a6", "", "6d8ee7af-b807-48e6", "", "cd0153da-0091-4788", "", "26-Dec-2022", "e3704711-020e-466a", "", "b4410fea-614d-4546", "", " is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI based on GPT-3.5. It has a remarkable ability to interact in conversational\u00a0...", "785c29e5-711b-4f6f", "", "5da2c781-6ad6-43c8", "", "8d661715-8130-4e51", "", "93db00e5-ba0c-4cab", "", "b93569f0-4ded-4b39", "", "10c473af-d5e8-4ee0", "", "2e1ce8cf-3ecb-4d82", "", "6f6d17cd-92f3-4049", "", "77b979ef-1ba9-4d1e", "", "ee20042b-24ca-4df7", "", "dbb3e95f-296d-478e", "", "_nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0_29", "CC4QAw", "18fc5f8e-22ee-4602", "", "0e81bfa7-a87c-4b86", "", "26bd5291-b6b1-4734", "", "a7a61d79-e0fe-4b2f", "", "What Is ChatGPT?", "69d993a4-fc66-406f", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQzLECegQILhAE", "5778cd31-a9c0-453c", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQi7gIegQILhAF", "05cfb775-646d-4eb3", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQkLgIegQILhAG", "c587f2ff-073b-4004", "", "8d4a17d4-327b-4bc6", "", "c0cc024d-30c2-4739", "", "faq_1", "7363b0d5-a1e5-4c8f", "", "8d5948fa-8cc2-4851", "", "b65d8f1e-7212-4dde", "", "P", "f84850c2-5980-4596", "", "011e1e78-398f-4e69", "", "ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI based on GPT-3.5. It has a remarkable ability to interact in conversational dialogue form and provide responses that can appear surprisingly human.", "8bc7ddca-3aa1-4349", "", "473d2544-9740-43b5", "", "7444a89b-3f48-46e5", "", "_nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0_30", "CC4QBw", "df6e5156-9716-4799", "", "cbee16f7-6110-4fb9", "", "4e49f770-27a1-47d1", "", "96bdfd96-1466-462b", "", "Who Built ChatGPT?", "0a878c0d-b23d-4e8a", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQzLECegQILhAI", "1a40a8ed-76d8-4573", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQi7gIegQILhAJ", "a7ef4093-699b-43e8", "", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQkLgIegQILhAK", "9463508b-7d49-4702", "", "c851acf8-cf51-4240", "", "dbf1fd9d-23e7-46ae", "", "faq_3", "67e51ce4-496b-4874", "", "423e84b9-9675-4292", "", "2b6105ea-11ee-4313", "", "eeaa686f-fba8-424b", "", "225843de-dcbb-4329", "", "ChatGPT was created by San Francisco-based artificial intelligence company OpenAI. OpenAI Inc. is the non-profit parent company of the for-profit OpenAI LP.", "477b7800-1873-4e35", "", "bottomads", "4a92b7c3-fee2-4e52", "", "botstuff", "fa777e8d-c17a-43c1", "", "CAUQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQCHoECAUQAA", "71eac216-0934-4e7c", "", "bres", "7abbbe71-4bad-40ec", "", "d072da3a-e6d2-4c9d", "", "_nQCLZIz7OOrKseMPlqmMsA0_31", "017c45e8-9558-4abe", "", "ND0kmf", "L7w3le AVxOgc", "data-fc", "CmC+/ragua3TqXjksIbfvNqZs/MBxPfg67eLsbv0AczVrtSptaD2Ub+1q8DGp435iwH/samDyK/hioEBic3x/MmJxgvQn4LS4M3v/cAB6vnCpbHEudrHAdTRu72Ow7224QEQAA", "pbJuwe:P0BF0c;cWX3If:FAhRHe", "CDwQAA", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQrpEFegQIPBAA", "a2235a28-1079-4362", "", "TGR4F", "EosBCkxBRXM3ak5ScWNkLW9Da0dNd1dLekZIZndEQk5FNUUySmpCcmxDbDlzdndZa2Q1U3NnSUtsbl9mYTAzOHI3NzVFT3NvNHBHNjVRWEp4EhduUUNMWkl6N09PcktzZU1QbHFtTXNBMBoiQU8tMHJsNU9FeGxveWNvd2Q3OEItZnNsbUR2VG0wY01oQQ", "1261", "fc_2", "2ahUKEwjMvaeRoMX_AhVqZWwGHZYUA9YQ3_IGegQIPBAB", "524f453d-85a4-4228", "", "1d71ee9d-4aad-458c", "", "cUnQKe 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[171, 438, 7, 439], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 441], [320, 372, 7, 443], [171, 375, 7, 445], [], [171, 448, 7, 449], [171, 340, 341, 451, 92, 434, 7, 452], [], [171, 438, 7, 455], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 457], [320, 372, 7, 459], [171, 375, 7, 461], [], [171, 448, 7, 464], [171, 340, 341, 249, 92, 434, 7, 466], [], [171, 438, 7, 469], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 471], [320, 372, 7, 473], [171, 375, 7, 475], [], [171, 448, 7, 478], [171, 340, 341, 480, 92, 434, 7, 481], [], [171, 438, 7, 484], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 486], [320, 372, 7, 488], [171, 375, 7, 490], [], [171, 448, 7, 493], [171, 340, 341, 495, 92, 434, 7, 496], [], [171, 438, 7, 499], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 501], [320, 372, 7, 503], [171, 375, 7, 505], [], [171, 448, 7, 508], [171, 340, 341, 48, 92, 434, 7, 510], [], [171, 438, 7, 513], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 515], [320, 372, 7, 517], [171, 375, 7, 519], [], [171, 448, 7, 522], [171, 340, 341, 276, 92, 434, 7, 524], [], [171, 438, 7, 527], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 529], [320, 372, 7, 531], [171, 375, 7, 533], [], [171, 448, 7, 536], [171, 340, 341, 426, 92, 434, 7, 538], [], [171, 438, 7, 541], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 543], [320, 372, 7, 545], [171, 375, 7, 547], [], [171, 448, 7, 549], [171, 340, 341, 427, 92, 434, 7, 551], [], [171, 438, 7, 554], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 556], [320, 372, 7, 558], [171, 375, 7, 560], [], [171, 448, 7, 563], [171, 340, 341, 247, 92, 343, 7, 565], [171, 567, 341, 568, 92, 347, 7, 569], [171, 351, 7, 571], [], [7, 574], [171, 340, 341, 431, 92, 434, 7, 576], [], [171, 438, 7, 578], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 580], [320, 372, 7, 582], [171, 375, 7, 584], [], [171, 448, 7, 587], [171, 340, 341, 413, 92, 434, 7, 589], [], [171, 438, 7, 591], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 593], [320, 372, 7, 595], [171, 375, 7, 597], [], [171, 448, 7, 600], [171, 340, 341, 602, 92, 434, 7, 603], [], [171, 438, 7, 605], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 607], [320, 372, 7, 609], [171, 375, 7, 611], [], [171, 448, 7, 614], [171, 340, 341, 428, 92, 434, 7, 616], [], [171, 438, 7, 618], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 620], [320, 372, 7, 622], [171, 375, 7, 624], [], [171, 448, 7, 627], [171, 340, 341, 271, 92, 434, 7, 629], [], [171, 438, 7, 631], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 633], [320, 372, 7, 635], [171, 375, 7, 637], [], [171, 448, 7, 640], [171, 340, 341, 252, 92, 434, 7, 642], [], [171, 438, 7, 644], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 646], [320, 372, 7, 648], [171, 375, 7, 650], [], [171, 448, 7, 653], [171, 340, 341, 655, 92, 434, 7, 656], [], [171, 438, 7, 658], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 660], [320, 372, 7, 662], [171, 375, 7, 664], [], [171, 448, 7, 667], [171, 340, 341, 277, 92, 434, 7, 669], [], [171, 438, 7, 671], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 673], [320, 372, 7, 675], [171, 375, 7, 677], [], [171, 448, 7, 680], [171, 340, 341, 682, 92, 434, 7, 683], [], [171, 438, 7, 685], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 687], [320, 372, 7, 689], [171, 375, 7, 691], [], [171, 448, 7, 694], [171, 340, 341, 696, 92, 434, 7, 697], [], [171, 438, 7, 699], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 701], [320, 372, 7, 703], [171, 375, 7, 705], [], [171, 448, 7, 708], [171, 340, 341, 710, 92, 434, 7, 711], [], [171, 438, 7, 714], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 716], [320, 372, 7, 718], [171, 375, 7, 720], [], [171, 448, 7, 723], [171, 340, 341, 725, 92, 434, 7, 726], [], [171, 438, 7, 729], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 731], [320, 372, 7, 733], [171, 375, 7, 735], [], [171, 448, 7, 738], [171, 340, 341, 740, 92, 434, 7, 741], [], [171, 438, 7, 744], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 746], [320, 372, 7, 748], [171, 375, 7, 750], [], [171, 448, 7, 753], [171, 340, 341, 755, 92, 343, 7, 756], [171, 567, 341, 758, 92, 347, 7, 759], [171, 351, 7, 761], [], [7, 764], [171, 340, 341, 766, 92, 434, 7, 767], [], [171, 438, 7, 769], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 771], [320, 372, 7, 773], [171, 375, 7, 775], [], [171, 448, 7, 778], [171, 340, 341, 780, 92, 434, 7, 781], [], [171, 438, 7, 783], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 785], [320, 372, 7, 787], [171, 375, 7, 789], [], [171, 448, 7, 792], [171, 340, 341, 794, 92, 434, 7, 795], [], [171, 438, 7, 797], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 799], [320, 372, 7, 801], [171, 375, 7, 803], [], [171, 448, 7, 806], [171, 340, 341, 808, 92, 434, 7, 809], [], [171, 438, 7, 811], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 813], [320, 372, 7, 815], [171, 375, 7, 817], [], [171, 448, 7, 820], [171, 340, 341, 822, 92, 434, 7, 823], [], [171, 438, 7, 825], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 827], [320, 372, 7, 829], [171, 375, 7, 831], [], [171, 448, 7, 834], [7, 836], [7, 838], [171, 840, 7, 841], [171, 843, 7, 844], [171, 846, 7, 847], [171, 849, 7, 850], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 852], [320, 854, 7, 855], [858, 247, 859, 495, 860, 451, 7, 861], [], [171, 864, 7, 865], [], [171, 868, 869, -1, 7, 870], [171, 872, 183, 873, 61, 393, 394, 397, 396, 874, 869, -1, 7, 875], [171, 877, 7, 878], [171, 880, 7, 881], [92, 883, 7, 884], [92, 886, 7, 887], [890, -1, 891, 397, 106, 892, 92, 893, 7, 894], [890, 896, 106, 897, 898, 105, 899, 900, 171, 901, 92, 902, 903, 904, 7, 905], [171, 907, 7, 908], [], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 911, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 912], [858, 247, 859, 247, 860, 342, 7, 914], [858, 252, 859, 247, 860, 342, 7, 916], [858, 249, 859, 247, 860, 342, 7, 918], [171, 920, 7, 921], [171, 923, 7, 924], [171, 927, 7, 928], [171, 930, 7, 931], [171, 933, 7, 934], [171, 936, 7, 937], [171, 939, 7, 940], [171, 942, 7, 943], [171, 945, 7, 946], [171, 948, 7, 949], [171, 951, 7, 952], [171, 954, 7, 955], [171, 880, 7, 957], [92, 883, 7, 959], [92, 886, 7, 961], [890, -1, 891, 397, 106, 963, 92, 893, 7, 964], [890, 896, 903, 966, 106, 967, 898, 105, 899, 900, 171, 901, 92, 902, 7, 968], [171, 970, 7, 971], [973, -1, 171, 974, 7, 975], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 977, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 978, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 979], [409, 981, 7, 982], [171, 984, 7, 985], [], [973, -1, 171, 974, 7, 988], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 977, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 978, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 990], [409, 992, 7, 993], [171, 995, 7, 996], [171, 998, 7, 999], [171, 1001, 7, 1002], [7, 1004], [], [171, 1007, 7, 1008], [171, 1010, 7, 1011], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1013], [320, 1015, 7, 1016], [320, 1018, 7, 1019], [171, 1021, 7, 1022], [171, 1024, 7, 1025], [171, 948, 7, 1027], [171, 951, 7, 1029], [171, 954, 7, 1031], [171, 1033, 92, 1034, 7, 1035], [240, 1037, 238, 1037, 232, 1038, 228, 229, 241, 242, 230, 977, 171, 1039, 1040, 1041, 7, 1042], [7, 1045], [], [268, 1048, 270, 1048, 7, 1049], [], [320, 1051, 228, 227, 7, 1052], [171, 970, 7, 1054], [973, -1, 171, 974, 7, 1056], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 977, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 978, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1058], [409, 981, 7, 1060], [171, 984, 7, 1062], [], [973, -1, 171, 974, 7, 1064], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 977, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 978, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1066], [409, 992, 7, 1068], [171, 995, 7, 1070], [171, 998, 7, 1072], [171, 1001, 7, 1074], [171, 1076, 7, 1077], [7, 1080], [], [7, 1083], [], [171, 1021, 7, 1086], [171, 1007, 7, 1088], [171, 1090, 7, 1091], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1093], [320, 1095, 7, 1096], [268, 48, 270, 231, 240, 48, 238, 451, 272, 342, 273, 342, 7, 1098], [171, 1100, 7, 1101], [171, 1103, 7, 1104], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1106], [320, 1108, 7, 1109], [171, 1103, 7, 1111], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1113], [320, 1115, 7, 1116], [171, 1118, 7, 1119], [171, 1121, 7, 1122], [171, 1125, 7, 1126], [171, 1128, 1040, 1129, 7, 1130], [171, -1, 7, 1132], [171, 1134, 7, 1135], [171, 1137, 77, 393, 7, 1138], [171, 314, 7, 1140], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 977, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 1142, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1143], [409, 1145, 7, 1146], [409, 1148, 7, 1149], [320, 1151, 7, 1152], [], [171, 1155, 7, 1156], [183, 1159, 177, 178, 1160, 1161, 1162, 342, 1163, 1164, 171, 1165, 92, 1166, 7, 1167], [171, 1169, 92, -1, 973, -1, 7, 1170], [171, -1, 258, 259, 7, 1172], [241, 242, 232, 1174, 228, 229, 171, 1175, 230, 231, 7, 1176], [320, 1178, 228, 227, 7, 1179], [171, 1181, 7, 1182], [7, 1184], [], [56, 1187, 303, 304, 52, 306, 171, 305, 7, 1188], [], [171, 1191, 7, 1192], [183, 1194, 61, 1195, 7, 1196], [], [7, 1199], [], [238, 342, 240, 342, 92, 1203], [238, 342, 240, 342, 92, 1203, 7, 1204], [7, 1207], [1209, 1210, 183, 1211, 1040, 1212, 92, 1213, 7, 1214], [1216, -1, 7, 1217], [171, 1219, 7, 1220], [183, 1222, 92, 1223, 891, 397, 177, 1224, 1044, 1225, 7, 1226], [171, 1228, 7, 1229], [183, 1231, 61, 1232, 7, 1233], [], [1236, -1, 92, 1237, 7, 1238], [1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 258, 400, 1040, 395, 183, 399, 171, 1244, 177, 1224, 92, 1245, 7, 1246], [7, 1248], [171, 1250, 7, 1251], [171, 1253, 7, 1254], [], [171, 1257, 7, 1258], [], [61, 393, 171, 1261, 7, 1262], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 237, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1264], [246, 271, 248, 480, 250, 480, 251, 271, 7, 1266], [246, 480, 248, 480, 250, 271, 251, 271, 7, 1268], [56, 1270, 171, 1271, 303, 304, 52, 306, 7, 1272], [], [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 977, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 235, 171, 978, 238, 239, 240, 239, 241, 242, 7, 1274], [320, 1276, 7, 1277], [409, 1279, 7, 1280], [246, 426, 248, 431, 250, 277, 251, 269, 7, 1282], [92, 1284, 7, 1285], [171, 1287, 240, 426, 238, 249, 1288, 1289, 1290, 229, 92, 1291, 7, 1292], [176, -1, 177, 178, 92, 179, 7, 1294], [183, 1222, 92, 1223, 891, 397, 177, 1224, 1044, 1225]], "textValue": {"index": [464], "value": [-1]}, 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[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], "bounds": [[0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 2151.265625], [8, 8, 1264, 2135.265625], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 2135.265625], [8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 2135.265625], [8, 8, 260, 1754.296875], [8, 8, 260, 1754.296875], [8, 8, 260, 1754.296875], [8, 8, 260, 1754.296875], [7, 7, 1, 1], [7, 7, 128.671875, 26], [8, 8, 260, 1754.296875], [8, 8, 260, 20], [8, 10, 76.859375, 17], [8, 8, 16, 16], [15.328125, 10.65625, 1.34375, 10.6875], [10.65625, 15.328125, 10.6875, 1.34375], [24, 10, 60.859375, 17], [84.859375, 10, 16, 17], [84.859375, 10, 16, 17], [84.859375, 8, 16, 16], [86.1875, 9.328125, 13.34375, 13.34375], [90.1875, 9.328125, 1.34375, 13.34375], [99.859375, 7, 1, 1], [99.859375, 7, 81.3125, 17], [8, 28, 260, 166.328125], [8, 28, 260, 166.328125], [8, 28, 260, 18], [8, 28, 227.6875, 17], [8, 46, 260, 126], [8, 46, 253.28125, 89], [8, 118, 228.90625, 35], [8, 118, 228.90625, 35], [226.203125, 136, 4, 17], [8, 136, 259.515625, 35], [8, 136, 259.515625, 35], [8, 172, 142.6875, 22.328125], [16, 175, 126.6875, 16.328125], [16, 175, 13.328125, 13.328125], [17.09375, 178.125, 11.125, 9.65625], [22.09375, 175.546875, 1.140625, 6.6875], [29.328125, 176.328125, 113.359375, 15], [8, 194.328125, 260, 0], [8, 213.046875, 260, 1458.921875], [8, 213.046875, 260, 1458.921875], [8, 213.046875, 260, 1458.921875], [8, 213.046875, 260, 1458.921875], [8, 213.046875, 260, 476.046875], [8, 213.046875, 260, 22], [8, 213.046875, 260, 22], [8, 213.046875, 49.21875, 21], [8, 253.765625, 260, 435.328125], [48, 253.765625, 220, 75.328125], [32, 255.765625, 16, 18], [32, 255.765625, 16, 17], [48, 255.765625, 220, 73.328125], [48, 253.765625, 16, 16], [49.328125, 255.09375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 273.765625, 220, 36], [48, 273.765625, 157.328125, 35], [48, 309.765625, 220, 19.328125], [48, 309.765625, 29.328125, 19.328125], [56, 312.765625, 13.328125, 13.328125], [62.09375, 323.3125, 6.125, 1.125], [57.109375, 313.796875, 10.625, 10.640625], [77.328125, 309.765625, 29.328125, 19.328125], [85.328125, 312.765625, 13.328125, 13.328125], [86.984375, 318.859375, 10.015625, 6.6875], [89.203125, 313.3125, 5.578125, 3.34375], [91.421875, 313.3125, 1.140625, 8.34375], [106.65625, 309.765625, 29.328125, 19.328125], [114.65625, 312.765625, 13.328125, 13.328125], [115.765625, 315.53125, 11.109375, 1.125], [116.875, 313.3125, 8.890625, 12.234375], [119.640625, 318.3125, 1.125, 4.453125], [121.875, 318.3125, 1.125, 4.453125], [48, 329.09375, 220, 38], [32, 331.09375, 16, 18], [32, 331.09375, 16, 17], [48, 331.09375, 220, 36], [48, 329.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 330.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 349.09375, 220, 18], [48, 349.09375, 155.546875, 17], [48, 367.09375, 220, 0], [48, 367.09375, 220, 38], [32, 369.09375, 16, 18], [32, 369.09375, 16, 17], [48, 369.09375, 220, 36], [48, 367.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 368.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 387.09375, 220, 18], [48, 387.09375, 201.078125, 17], [48, 405.09375, 220, 0], [48, 405.09375, 220, 38], [32, 407.09375, 16, 18], [32, 407.09375, 16, 17], [48, 407.09375, 220, 36], [48, 405.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 406.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 425.09375, 220, 18], [48, 425.09375, 190.1875, 17], [48, 443.09375, 220, 0], [48, 443.09375, 220, 38], [32, 445.09375, 16, 18], [32, 445.09375, 16, 17], [48, 445.09375, 220, 36], [48, 443.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 444.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 463.09375, 220, 18], [48, 463.09375, 185.46875, 17], [48, 481.09375, 220, 0], [48, 481.09375, 220, 38], [32, 483.09375, 16, 18], [32, 483.09375, 16, 17], [48, 483.09375, 220, 36], [48, 481.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 482.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 501.09375, 220, 18], [48, 501.09375, 207.9375, 17], [48, 519.09375, 220, 0], [48, 519.09375, 220, 56], [32, 521.09375, 16, 18], [32, 521.09375, 16, 17], [48, 521.09375, 220, 54], [48, 519.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 520.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 539.09375, 220, 36], [48, 539.09375, 206.34375, 35], [48, 575.09375, 220, 0], [48, 575.09375, 220, 38], [32, 577.09375, 16, 18], [32, 577.09375, 16, 17], [48, 577.09375, 220, 36], [48, 575.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 576.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 595.09375, 220, 18], [48, 595.09375, 214.625, 17], [48, 613.09375, 220, 0], [48, 613.09375, 220, 38], [32, 615.09375, 16, 18], [32, 615.09375, 16, 17], [48, 615.09375, 220, 36], [48, 613.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 614.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 633.09375, 220, 18], [48, 633.09375, 60.859375, 17], [48, 651.09375, 220, 0], [48, 651.09375, 220, 38], [24, 653.09375, 24, 18], [24, 653.09375, 24, 17], [48, 653.09375, 220, 36], [48, 651.09375, 16, 16], [49.328125, 652.421875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 671.09375, 220, 18], [48, 671.09375, 136.03125, 17], [48, 689.09375, 220, 0], [8, 707.8125, 260, 660.71875], [8, 707.8125, 260, 22], [8, 707.8125, 260, 22], [8, 707.8125, 78.953125, 21], [8, 748.53125, 260, 620], [48, 748.53125, 220, 56], [32, 750.53125, 16, 18], [32, 750.53125, 16, 17], [48, 750.53125, 220, 54], [48, 748.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 749.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 768.53125, 220, 36], [48, 768.53125, 159.046875, 35], [48, 804.53125, 220, 0], [48, 804.53125, 220, 38], [32, 806.53125, 16, 18], [32, 806.53125, 16, 17], [48, 806.53125, 220, 36], [48, 804.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 805.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 824.53125, 220, 18], [48, 824.53125, 192.875, 17], [48, 842.53125, 220, 0], [48, 842.53125, 220, 38], [32, 844.53125, 16, 18], [32, 844.53125, 16, 17], [48, 844.53125, 220, 36], [48, 842.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 843.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 862.53125, 220, 18], [48, 862.53125, 168.40625, 17], [48, 880.53125, 220, 0], [48, 880.53125, 220, 56], [32, 882.53125, 16, 18], [32, 882.53125, 16, 17], [48, 882.53125, 220, 54], [48, 880.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 881.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 900.53125, 220, 36], [48, 900.53125, 199.515625, 35], [48, 936.53125, 220, 0], [48, 936.53125, 220, 56], [32, 938.53125, 16, 18], [32, 938.53125, 16, 17], [48, 938.53125, 220, 54], [48, 936.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 937.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 956.53125, 220, 36], [48, 956.53125, 208.375, 35], [48, 992.53125, 220, 0], [48, 992.53125, 220, 56], [32, 994.53125, 16, 18], [32, 994.53125, 16, 17], [48, 994.53125, 220, 54], [48, 992.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 993.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1012.53125, 220, 36], [48, 1012.53125, 177.609375, 35], [48, 1048.53125, 220, 0], [48, 1048.53125, 220, 38], [32, 1050.53125, 16, 18], [32, 1050.53125, 16, 17], [48, 1050.53125, 220, 36], [48, 1048.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1049.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1068.53125, 220, 18], [48, 1068.53125, 158.984375, 17], [48, 1086.53125, 220, 0], [48, 1086.53125, 220, 38], [32, 1088.53125, 16, 18], [32, 1088.53125, 16, 17], [48, 1088.53125, 220, 36], [48, 1086.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1087.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1106.53125, 220, 18], [48, 1106.53125, 198.234375, 17], [48, 1124.53125, 220, 0], [48, 1124.53125, 220, 56], [32, 1126.53125, 16, 18], [32, 1126.53125, 16, 17], [48, 1126.53125, 220, 54], [48, 1124.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1125.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1144.53125, 220, 36], [48, 1144.53125, 205.953125, 35], [48, 1180.53125, 220, 0], [48, 1180.53125, 220, 38], [24, 1182.53125, 24, 18], [24, 1182.53125, 24, 17], [48, 1182.53125, 220, 36], [48, 1180.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1181.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1200.53125, 220, 18], [48, 1200.53125, 137.765625, 17], [48, 1218.53125, 220, 0], [48, 1218.53125, 220, 56], [24.59375, 1220.53125, 23.40625, 18], [24.59375, 1220.53125, 23.40625, 17], [48, 1220.53125, 220, 54], [48, 1218.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1219.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1238.53125, 220, 36], [48, 1238.53125, 189.296875, 35], [48, 1274.53125, 220, 0], [48, 1274.53125, 220, 38], [24, 1276.53125, 24, 18], [24, 1276.53125, 24, 17], [48, 1276.53125, 220, 36], [48, 1274.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1275.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1294.53125, 220, 18], [48, 1294.53125, 190.84375, 17], [48, 1312.53125, 220, 0], [48, 1312.53125, 220, 56], [24, 1314.53125, 24, 18], [24, 1314.53125, 24, 17], [48, 1314.53125, 220, 54], [48, 1312.53125, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1313.859375, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1332.53125, 220, 36], [48, 1332.53125, 158.1875, 35], [48, 1368.53125, 220, 0], [8, 1387.25, 260, 284.71875], [8, 1387.25, 260, 22], [8, 1387.25, 260, 22], [8, 1387.25, 127.46875, 21], [8, 1427.96875, 260, 244], [48, 1427.96875, 220, 56], [32, 1429.96875, 16, 18], [32, 1429.96875, 16, 17], [48, 1429.96875, 220, 54], [48, 1427.96875, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1429.296875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1447.96875, 220, 36], [48, 1447.96875, 219.484375, 35], [48, 1483.96875, 220, 0], [48, 1483.96875, 220, 56], [32, 1485.96875, 16, 18], [32, 1485.96875, 16, 17], [48, 1485.96875, 220, 54], [48, 1483.96875, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1485.296875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1503.96875, 220, 36], [48, 1503.96875, 168.84375, 35], [48, 1539.96875, 220, 0], [48, 1539.96875, 220, 38], [32, 1541.96875, 16, 18], [32, 1541.96875, 16, 17], [48, 1541.96875, 220, 36], [48, 1539.96875, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1541.296875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1559.96875, 220, 18], [48, 1559.96875, 179.5625, 17], [48, 1577.96875, 220, 0], [48, 1577.96875, 220, 38], [32, 1579.96875, 16, 18], [32, 1579.96875, 16, 17], [48, 1579.96875, 220, 36], [48, 1577.96875, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1579.296875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1597.96875, 220, 18], [48, 1597.96875, 111.546875, 17], [48, 1615.96875, 220, 0], [48, 1615.96875, 220, 56], [32, 1617.96875, 16, 18], [32, 1617.96875, 16, 17], [48, 1617.96875, 220, 54], [48, 1615.96875, 16, 16], [49.328125, 1617.296875, 13.34375, 13.34375], [48, 1635.96875, 220, 36], [48, 1635.96875, 169.765625, 35], [48, 1671.96875, 220, 0], [8, 1687.96875, 0, 0], [8, 1687.96875, 0, 0], [8, 1687.96875, 260, 74.328125], [8, 1689.96875, 155.546875, 17], [8, 1689.96875, 155.546875, 17], [8, 1689.96875, 119.109375, 17], [8, 1687.96875, 16, 16], [10, 1697.296875, 12, 5.34375], [12.65625, 1689.296875, 6.6875, 6.671875], [24, 1689.96875, 103.109375, 17], [127.109375, 1689.96875, 36.4375, 17], [127.109375, 1689.96875, 36.4375, 17], [8, 1707.96875, 260, 54.328125], [8, 1707.96875, 135.03125, 54.328125], [16, 1710.96875, 119.03125, 20], [16, 1710.96875, 119.03125, 20], [65.515625, 1710.96875, 20, 20], [65.515625, 1710.96875, 20, 20], [65.515625, 1710.96875, 20, 20], [65.515625, 1710.96875, 20, 20], [16, 1730.96875, 119.03125, 15], [16, 1730.96875, 119.03125, 15], [68.84375, 1745.96875, 13.328125, 13.328125], [74.390625, 1751.515625, 2.234375, 2.234375], [78.28125, 1751.515625, 2.234375, 2.234375], [70.5, 1751.515625, 2.234375, 2.234375], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 380.96875], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 380.96875], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 380.96875], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 0], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 297.640625], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 297.640625], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 297.640625], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 297.640625], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 95.65625], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 95.65625], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 58.328125], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 38], [8, 1762.296875, 1264, 38], [8, 1762.296875, 38, 38], [8, 1762.296875, 38, 38], [8, 1762.296875, 38, 38], [8, 1762.296875, 38, 38], [8, 1800.296875, 1264, 20.328125], [8, 1800.296875, 29.328125, 19.328125], [16, 1803.296875, 13.328125, 13.328125], [20.578125, 1806.203125, 4.171875, 7.515625], [37.328125, 1802.625, 28.453125, 17], [37.328125, 1802.625, 28.453125, 17], [65.78125, 1800.296875, 29.328125, 19.328125], [73.78125, 1803.296875, 13.328125, 13.328125], [78.359375, 1806.203125, 4.171875, 7.515625], [8, 1820.625, 1264, 37.328125], [8, 1820.625, 1264, 18], [8, 1820.625, 1264, 18], [8, 1820.625, 1264, 18], [8, 1820.625, 667.96875, 17], [8, 1838.625, 1264, 19.328125], [8, 1838.625, 29.328125, 19.328125], [16, 1841.625, 13.328125, 13.328125], [16.546875, 1843.28125, 11.125, 11.125], [19.875, 1842.109375, 8.96875, 8.96875], [8, 1857.953125, 1264, 0], [8, 1857.953125, 1264, 201.984375], [8, 1857.953125, 1264, 201.984375], [8, 1857.953125, 1264, 61.328125], [8, 1857.953125, 1264, 41], [8, 1857.953125, 1264, 41], [8, 1857.953125, 41, 41], [-9991, -8155.046875, 60.671875, 17], [-9991, -8155.046875, 60.453125, 17], [8.65625, 1858.453125, 39.484375, 40], [8, 1898.953125, 1264, 20.328125], [8, 1898.953125, 29.328125, 19.328125], [16, 1901.953125, 13.328125, 13.328125], [20.578125, 1904.859375, 4.171875, 7.515625], [37.328125, 1901.28125, 28.453125, 17], [37.328125, 1901.28125, 28.453125, 17], [65.78125, 1898.953125, 29.328125, 19.328125], [73.78125, 1901.953125, 13.328125, 13.328125], [78.359375, 1904.859375, 4.171875, 7.515625], [8, 1935.28125, 1264, 124.65625], [8, 1935.28125, 1264, 70], [8, 1935.28125, 1264, 70], [8, 1935.28125, 1264, 70], [8, 1935.28125, 1264, 18], [8, 1935.28125, 498.515625, 17], [8, 1969.28125, 1264, 36], [8, 1969.28125, 1240.703125, 35], [8, 2021.28125, 1264, 38.65625], [8, 2021.28125, 1264, 38.65625], [8, 2021.28125, 29.328125, 19.328125], [16, 2024.28125, 13.328125, 13.328125], [17.65625, 2025.9375, 10.015625, 11.125], [19.875, 2024.828125, 5.578125, 3.34375], [8, 2040.609375, 1264, 19.328125], [8, 2040.609375, 29.328125, 19.328125], [16, 2043.609375, 13.328125, 13.328125], [16.546875, 2044.15625, 12.0625, 12.234375], [37.328125, 2040.609375, 29.328125, 19.328125], [45.328125, 2043.609375, 13.328125, 13.328125], [46.046875, 2044.15625, 12.0625, 12.234375], [8, 2059.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 2059.9375, 1264, 83.328125], [8, 2059.9375, 1264, 49.328125], [8, 2059.9375, 1264, 49.328125], [8, 2059.9375, 1264, 22.328125], [8, 2059.9375, 1264, 22.328125], [8, 2059.9375, 157.515625, 22.328125], [16, 2062.9375, 141.515625, 16.328125], [16, 2062.9375, 13.328125, 13.328125], [16.125, 2064.734375, 4.1875, 4.1875], [25.015625, 2070.28125, 4.1875, 4.1875], [16.125, 2064.1875, 13.078125, 10.828125], [29.328125, 2064.265625, 128.1875, 15], [8, 2082.265625, 1264, 27], [8, 2082.265625, 167, 24], [175, 2103.265625, 16, 6], [183, 2094.265625, 0, 15], [183, 2106.265625, 0, 0], [183.5, 2106.421875, 14.875, 15.6875], [8, 2125.265625, 1264, 18], [8, 2125.265625, 814.734375, 17], [8, 2125.265625, 648.65625, 17], [656.65625, 2125.265625, 166.078125, 17], [656.65625, 2125.265625, 166.078125, 17], [8, 2143.265625, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [8, 2143.265625, 0, 0], [7, -1, 1, 1], [8, 2143.265625, 1264, 0], [8, 2143.265625, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [8, 2143.265625, 0, 0], [272, 77, 150.640625, 75.328125], [272, 77, 150.640625, 75.328125], [272, 77, 150.640625, 75.328125], [272, 77, 150.640625, 55.328125], [272, 77, 30.21875, 17], [272, 77, 30.21875, 17], [272, 95, 150.640625, 18], [272, 95, 150.640625, 17], [272, 113, 29.328125, 19.328125], [280, 116, 13.328125, 13.328125], [282.765625, 118.765625, 7.796875, 7.796875], [282.765625, 118.765625, 7.796875, 7.796875], [272, 134.328125, 90.1875, 17], [272, 134.328125, 74.1875, 17], [346.1875, 132.328125, 16, 16], [347.6875, 135.828125, 11, 11], [355.6875, 133.828125, 5, 5], [352.34375, 133.828125, 8.34375, 8.34375], [272, 108, 0, 0], [272, 108, 0, 0], [8, 2143.265625, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 212, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 257, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 282, -1, -1, -1, 292, -1, 296, -1, 300, 301, -1, 309, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 326, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 354, -1, -1, -1, 365, -1, -1, -1, -1, 378, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 437, -1, -1, -1, -1, 447, -1, -1, -1, 454, -1, -1, -1, -1, 463, -1, -1, -1, 468, -1, -1, -1, -1, 477, -1, -1, -1, 483, -1, -1, -1, -1, 492, -1, -1, -1, 498, -1, -1, -1, -1, 507, -1, -1, -1, 512, -1, -1, -1, -1, 521, -1, -1, -1, 526, -1, -1, -1, -1, 535, -1, -1, -1, 540, -1, -1, -1, -1, 257, -1, -1, -1, 553, -1, -1, -1, -1, 562, -1, -1, -1, -1, 573, -1, -1, -1, 365, -1, -1, -1, -1, 586, -1, -1, -1, 437, -1, -1, -1, -1, 599, -1, -1, -1, 454, -1, -1, -1, -1, 613, -1, -1, -1, 468, -1, -1, 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19], [85, 313, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [107, 310, 29, 19], [115, 313, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 329, 220, 38], [32, 331, 16, 18], [32, 331, 16, 18], [48, 331, 220, 36], [48, 329, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 349, 220, 18], [], [48, 367, 220, 0], [48, 367, 220, 38], [32, 369, 16, 18], [32, 369, 16, 18], [48, 369, 220, 36], [48, 367, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 387, 220, 18], [], [48, 405, 220, 0], [48, 405, 220, 38], [32, 407, 16, 18], [32, 407, 16, 18], [48, 407, 220, 36], [48, 405, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 425, 220, 18], [], [48, 443, 220, 0], [48, 443, 220, 38], [32, 445, 16, 18], [32, 445, 16, 18], [48, 445, 220, 36], [48, 443, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 463, 220, 18], [], [48, 481, 220, 0], [48, 481, 220, 38], [32, 483, 16, 18], [32, 483, 16, 18], [48, 483, 220, 36], [48, 481, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 501, 220, 18], [], [48, 519, 220, 0], [48, 519, 220, 56], [32, 521, 16, 18], [32, 521, 16, 18], [48, 521, 220, 54], [48, 519, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 539, 220, 36], [], [48, 575, 220, 0], [48, 575, 220, 38], [32, 577, 16, 18], [32, 577, 16, 18], [48, 577, 220, 36], [48, 575, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 595, 220, 18], [], [48, 613, 220, 0], [48, 613, 220, 38], [32, 615, 16, 18], [32, 615, 16, 18], [48, 615, 220, 36], [48, 613, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 633, 220, 18], [], [48, 651, 220, 0], [48, 651, 220, 38], [24, 653, 24, 18], [24, 653, 24, 18], [48, 653, 220, 36], [48, 651, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 671, 220, 18], [], [48, 689, 220, 0], [8, 708, 260, 661], [8, 708, 260, 22], [8, 708, 260, 22], [], [8, 749, 260, 620], [48, 749, 220, 56], [32, 751, 16, 18], [32, 751, 16, 18], [48, 751, 220, 54], [48, 749, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 769, 220, 36], [], [48, 805, 220, 0], [48, 805, 220, 38], [32, 807, 16, 18], [32, 807, 16, 18], [48, 807, 220, 36], [48, 805, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 825, 220, 18], [], [48, 843, 220, 0], [48, 843, 220, 38], [32, 845, 16, 18], [32, 845, 16, 18], [48, 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1145, 220, 36], [], [48, 1181, 220, 0], [48, 1181, 220, 38], [24, 1183, 24, 18], [24, 1183, 24, 18], [48, 1183, 220, 36], [48, 1181, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1201, 220, 18], [], [48, 1219, 220, 0], [48, 1219, 220, 56], [25, 1221, 23, 18], [25, 1221, 23, 18], [48, 1221, 220, 54], [48, 1219, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1239, 220, 36], [], [48, 1275, 220, 0], [48, 1275, 220, 38], [24, 1277, 24, 18], [24, 1277, 24, 18], [48, 1277, 220, 36], [48, 1275, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1295, 220, 18], [], [48, 1313, 220, 0], [48, 1313, 220, 56], [24, 1315, 24, 18], [24, 1315, 24, 18], [48, 1315, 220, 54], [48, 1313, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1333, 220, 36], [], [48, 1369, 220, 0], [8, 1387, 260, 285], [8, 1387, 260, 22], [8, 1387, 260, 22], [], [8, 1428, 260, 244], [48, 1428, 220, 56], [32, 1430, 16, 18], [32, 1430, 16, 18], [48, 1430, 220, 54], [48, 1428, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1448, 220, 36], [], [48, 1484, 220, 0], [48, 1484, 220, 56], [32, 1486, 16, 18], [32, 1486, 16, 18], [48, 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0], [8, 1762, 1264, 381], [8, 1762, 1264, 381], [8, 1762, 1264, 381], [8, 1762, 1264, 0], [8, 1762, 1264, 298], [8, 1762, 1264, 298], [8, 1762, 1264, 298], [8, 1762, 1264, 298], [8, 1762, 1264, 96], [8, 1762, 1264, 96], [8, 1762, 1264, 58], [8, 1762, 1264, 38], [8, 1762, 1264, 38], [8, 1762, 38, 38], [0, 0, 38, 38], [0, 0, 38, 38], [0, 0, 38, 38], [8, 1800, 1264, 20], [8, 1800, 29, 19], [16, 1803, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37, 1803, 28, 17], [], [66, 1800, 29, 19], [74, 1803, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1821, 1264, 37], [8, 1821, 1264, 18], [8, 1821, 1264, 18], [8, 1821, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1839, 1264, 19], [8, 1839, 29, 19], [16, 1842, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1858, 1264, 0], [8, 1858, 1264, 202], [8, 1858, 1264, 202], [8, 1858, 1264, 61], [8, 1858, 1264, 41], [8, 1858, 1264, 41], [8, 1858, 41, 41], [8, 1858, -9939, -9996], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1899, 1264, 20], [8, 1899, 29, 19], [16, 1902, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37, 1901, 28, 17], [], [66, 1899, 29, 19], [74, 1902, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1935, 1264, 125], [8, 1935, 1264, 70], [8, 1935, 1264, 70], [8, 1935, 1264, 70], [8, 1935, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1969, 1264, 36], [], [8, 2021, 1264, 39], [8, 2021, 1264, 39], [8, 2021, 29, 19], [16, 2024, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2041, 1264, 19], [8, 2041, 29, 19], [16, 2044, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37, 2041, 29, 19], [45, 2044, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2060, 1264, 0], [8, 2060, 1264, 83], [8, 2060, 1264, 49], [8, 2060, 1264, 49], [8, 2060, 1264, 22], [8, 2060, 1264, 22], [8, 2060, 158, 22], [16, 2063, 142, 16], [16, 2063, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 2082, 1264, 27], [8, 2082, 167, 24], [175, 2103, 16, 6], [183, 2094, 0, 15], [183, 2106, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2125, 1264, 18], [8, 2125, 815, 17], [], [657, 2125, 166, 17], [], [8, 2143, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [8, 2143, 0, 0], [7, -1, 1, 1], [8, 2143, 1264, 0], [8, 2143, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [8, 2143, 0, 0], [0, 0, 151, 75], [0, 0, 151, 75], [0, 0, 151, 75], [0, 0, 151, 55], [0, 0, 30, 17], [], [0, 18, 151, 18], [], [0, 36, 29, 19], [8, 39, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 57, 90, 17], [], [74, 55, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 31, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2143, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 2151], [0, 0, 1280, 2151], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 2135], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 2135], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 129, 27], [], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 260, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 81, 18], [], [0, 0, 260, 166], [0, 0, 260, 166], [0, 0, 260, 18], [], [0, 0, 260, 126], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 139, 18], [0, 0, 127, 16], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 260, 0], [0, 0, 260, 1459], [0, 0, 260, 1459], [0, 0, 260, 1459], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 260, 476], [0, 0, 260, 22], [0, 0, 260, 22], [], [0, 0, 260, 435], [0, 0, 220, 75], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 19], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 260, 661], [0, 0, 260, 22], [0, 0, 260, 22], [], [0, 0, 260, 620], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 23, 18], [0, 0, 23, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 260, 285], [0, 0, 260, 22], [0, 0, 260, 22], [], [0, 0, 260, 244], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 260, 74], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 260, 54], [0, 0, 131, 50], [0, 0, 119, 20], [0, 0, 119, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 20, 20], [0, 0, 119, 15], [], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 381], [0, 0, 1264, 381], [0, 0, 1264, 381], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 298], [0, 0, 1264, 298], [0, 0, 1264, 298], [0, 0, 1264, 298], [0, 0, 1264, 96], [0, 0, 1264, 96], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 38, 38], [0, 0, 38, 38], [0, 0, 38, 38], [0, 0, 38, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 20], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 37], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 202], [0, 0, 1264, 202], [0, 0, 1264, 61], [0, 0, 1264, 41], [0, 0, 1264, 41], [0, 0, 41, 41], [0, 0, 60, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 20], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 125], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 49], [0, 0, 1264, 49], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 154, 18], [0, 0, 142, 16], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 165, 22], [0, 0, 12, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 151, 75], [0, 0, 151, 75], [0, 0, 151, 75], [0, 0, 151, 55], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 151, 18], [], [0, 0, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 2151], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 2135], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 2135], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [0, 0, 260, 1754], [0, 0, 260, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [0, 0, 260, 166], [0, 0, 260, 166], [0, 0, 260, 18], [], [0, 0, 260, 126], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [2, 2, 139, 18], [0, 0, 127, 16], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 260, 0], [0, 0, 260, 1459], [0, 0, 260, 1459], [0, 0, 260, 1459], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 260, 476], [0, 0, 260, 22], [0, 0, 260, 22], [], [0, 0, 260, 435], [0, 0, 220, 75], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 19], [2, 2, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 25, 15], [0, 0, 13, 13], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 260, 661], [0, 0, 260, 22], [0, 0, 260, 22], [], [0, 0, 260, 620], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 18], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 56], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 16, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 220, 36], [], [0, 0, 220, 0], [0, 0, 220, 38], [0, 0, 24, 18], [0, 0, 24, 18], 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122], [35, 124, 125, 126, 45, 88, 37, 127, 9, 128], [35, 130, 37, 131, 9, 132], [135, -1, 136, 137], [135, -1, 136, 137, 9, 138], [125, 140, 9, 141], [], [35, 144, 125, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 37, 150, 9, 151], [35, 144, 37, 153, 9, 154], [9, 156], [], [9, 159], [], [9, 162], [], [9, 165], [], [135, -1, 136, 168, 9, 169], [], [35, 173, 37, 174, 146, 175, 9, 176], [35, 178, 179, 180, 37, 181, 9, 182], [35, 178, 179, 184, 37, 185, 9, 186], [35, 178, 179, 188, 37, 189, 9, 190], [35, 178, 179, 192, 37, 193, 9, 194], [35, 196, 37, 197, 198, 199, 9, 200], [60, 202, 17, 203, 9, 204], [207, -1, 146, 208, 209, 210, 9, 211], [9, 213], [], [146, 217, 148, 218, 9, 219], [146, 221, 209, 222, 9, 223], [146, 225, 148, 226, 227, 228, 9, 229], [146, 231, 232, 233, 209, 234, 9, 235], [136, 237, 9, 238], [136, 240, 9, 241], [146, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 9, 249], [146, 251, 9, 252], [146, 254, 209, 255, 9, 256], [146, 258, 209, 259, 9, 260], [146, 262, 9, 263], [146, 265, 9, 266], [146, 268, 9, 269], [146, 271, 9, 272], [37, 275, 276, 277, 146, 278, 9, 279], [146, 282, 9, 283], [146, 286, 247, 287, 288, 289, 9, 290], [293, 294, 9, 295], [293, 297, 9, 298], [301, 302, 9, 303], [301, 305, 9, 306], [301, 308, 9, 309], [146, 311, 9, 312], [], [146, 315, 9, 316], [146, 318, 9, 319], [], [146, 322, 9, 323], [], [146, 326, 9, 327], [146, 329, 9, 330], [146, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 9, 338], [146, 340, 9, 341], [], [146, 329, 9, 344], [146, 346, 334, 347, 9, 348], [146, 350, 9, 351], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 353], [301, 355, 356, 357, 9, 358], [146, 360, 9, 361], [146, 363, 45, 364, 365, 364, 334, 366, 9, 367], [146, 369, 9, 370], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 288, 372, 9, 373], [301, 375, 9, 376], [146, 378, 379, 233, 334, 380, 9, 381], [146, 383, 9, 384], [136, 387, 146, 388, 389, 390, 9, 391], [146, 393, 9, 394], [397, 398, 9, 399], [146, 402, 403, 404, 9, 405], [146, 407, 148, 408, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 9, 418], [15, 421, 146, 422, 9, 423], [146, 425, 9, 426], [146, 425, 9, 429], [146, 431, 9, 432], [146, 434, 9, 435], [15, 438, 146, 439, 9, 440], [], [15, 444, 146, 445, 9, 446], [146, 448, 9, 449], [], [9, 453], [146, 456, 227, 457, 9, 458], [146, 460, 9, 461], [146, 463, 227, 464, 9, 465], [146, 467, 227, 468, 9, 469], [], [146, 472, 9, 473], [], [146, 476, 9, 477], [], [146, 480, 227, 481, 9, 482], [146, 484, 45, 485, 365, 485, 334, 486, 487, 488, 9, 489], [146, 491, 9, 492], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 494], [301, 496, 356, 357, 9, 497], [146, 499, 9, 500], [146, 502, 45, 503, 365, 503, 334, 504, 487, 488, 9, 505], [146, 507, 9, 508], [146, 286, 245, 510, 247, 510, 511, 512, 9, 513], [356, 357, 515, 357, 301, 516, 511, 517, 9, 518], [356, 357, 515, 357, 301, 520, 511, 517, 9, 521], [524, 525, 526, 525, 245, 527, 247, 527, 528, 529, 530, 517, 9, 531], [146, 502, 45, 533, 365, 533, 334, 534, 487, 488, 9, 535], [146, 537, 9, 538], [146, 286, 245, 510, 247, 510, 511, 512, 9, 540], [301, 542, 511, 517, 9, 543], [524, 525, 526, 525, 245, 527, 247, 527, 528, 529, 530, 517, 9, 545], [146, 502, 45, 547, 365, 547, 334, 548, 549, 550, 487, 488, 9, 551], [146, 553, 9, 554], [146, 286, 245, 510, 247, 510, 511, 512, 9, 556], [524, 558, 526, 559, 245, 560, 247, 561, 528, 562, 530, 517, 9, 563], [301, 565, 530, 517, 566, 567, 9, 568], [524, 525, 526, 525, 245, 527, 247, 527, 528, 529, 530, 517, 9, 570], [146, 502, 45, 572, 365, 572, 334, 548, 549, 573, 487, 488, 9, 574], [146, 576, 9, 577], [146, 286, 245, 510, 247, 510, 511, 512, 9, 579], [301, 581, 511, 517, 9, 582], [301, 584, 511, 517, 9, 585], [524, 525, 526, 525, 245, 527, 247, 527, 528, 529, 530, 517, 9, 587], [146, 502, 45, 589, 365, 589, 334, 590, 487, 488, 9, 591], [146, 593, 9, 594], [146, 286, 245, 596, 247, 596, 288, 597, 511, 512, 9, 598], [356, 357, 515, 357, 301, 600, 511, 517, 9, 601], [524, 525, 526, 525, 245, 527, 247, 527, 528, 529, 530, 517, 9, 603], [146, 502, 45, 605, 365, 605, 334, 606, 487, 488, 9, 607], [146, 609, 9, 610], [146, 286, 245, 510, 247, 510, 511, 512, 9, 612], [356, 357, 515, 357, 301, 614, 511, 517, 9, 615], [301, 617, 511, 517, 9, 618], [301, 620, 511, 517, 9, 621], [301, 623, 511, 517, 9, 624], [356, 357, 515, 357, 301, 626, 511, 517, 9, 627], [524, 525, 526, 525, 245, 527, 247, 527, 528, 529, 530, 517, 9, 629], [146, 632, 9, 633], [146, 635, 209, 636, 9, 637], [146, 639, 334, 640, 9, 641], [146, 643, 9, 644], [146, 286, 245, 415, 247, 415, 9, 646], [301, 648, 356, 357, 9, 649], [146, 651, 9, 652], [146, 654, 45, 655, 365, 655, 334, 656, 9, 657], [146, 659, 9, 660], [146, 286, 245, 415, 247, 415, 9, 662], [301, 664, 356, 357, 9, 665], [146, 667, 9, 668], [146, 654, 45, 670, 365, 670, 334, 671, 9, 672], [146, 674, 9, 675], [146, 286, 245, 415, 247, 415, 9, 677], [301, 679, 356, 357, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 9, 686], [146, 688, 9, 689], [146, 691, 209, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 9, 696], [146, 698, 9, 699], [146, 701, 334, 702, 549, 703, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 706], [146, 708, 9, 709], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 711], [301, 713, 356, 357, 9, 714], [146, 716, 9, 717], [146, 719, 9, 720], [146, 691, 209, 722, 9, 723], [146, 725, 9, 726], [146, 698, 9, 728], [146, 701, 730, 730, 334, 731, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 732], [146, 734, 9, 735], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 738], [301, 740, 356, 357, 9, 741], [146, 701, 730, 730, 334, 743, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 744], [146, 746, 9, 747], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 749], [301, 751, 356, 357, 9, 752], [146, 701, 730, 730, 334, 754, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 755], [146, 757, 9, 758], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 760], [301, 762, 356, 357, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 768, 334, 769, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 770], [146, 772, 9, 773], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 775], [301, 777, 356, 357, 9, 778], [146, 701, 334, 780, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 781], [146, 783, 9, 784], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 786], [301, 788, 356, 357, 9, 789], [146, 701, 334, 791, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 792], [146, 794, 9, 795], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 797, 233, 9, 798], [301, 800, 9, 801], [301, 803, 9, 804], [146, 765, 9, 806], [146, 701, 334, 808, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 809], [146, 811, 9, 812], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 814], [356, 357, 9, 816], [301, 818, 9, 819], [301, 821, 9, 822], [146, 824, 9, 825], [146, 828, 125, 829, 830, 831, 9, 832], [146, 701, 334, 834, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 835], [146, 837, 9, 838], [146, 286, 245, 840, 247, 840, 9, 841], [301, 843, 356, 357, 9, 844], [146, 716, 9, 846], [146, 719, 9, 848], [146, 850, 9, 851], [9, 853], [], [9, 856], [], [859, 2, 136, 860, 135, -1, 9, 861], [9, 863], [], [125, 866, 9, 867], [], [870, -1, 136, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 9, 878], [], [146, 880, 9, 881], [859, 2, 136, 883, 9, 884], [859, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [411, 233, 487, 488, 227, 889, 9, 890], [859, 2, 136, 892, 9, 893]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [240], "value": [-1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": 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192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 259, 262], "styles": [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], "bounds": [[0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 1439.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1423.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1423.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 1423.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1423.4375], [8, 8, 1519, 746], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113.328125, 17], [8, 765, 44.015625, 17], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 24.828125, 25], [34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 286.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 286.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 79.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 79.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 957.4375, 109.984375, 17], [8, 957.4375, 109.984375, 17], [117.984375, 971.4375, 0, 0], [8, 991.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 991.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1112.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 991.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 991.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1112.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1112.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1128.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1115.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1120.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1143.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1160.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1157.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1157.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1157.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1159.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1156.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1156.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1143.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1167.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1146.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1155.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1146.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1157.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1162.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1162.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1162.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1169.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1182.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1182.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1182.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1202.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1185.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1193.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1217.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1217.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1237.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1224.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1252.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1252.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1272.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1259.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1287.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1303.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1290.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1295.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1318.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1318.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1318.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1318.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1318.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1318.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1330.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1321.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1325.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1318.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1330.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1321.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1324.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1318.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1330.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1321.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1324.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1345.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1345.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1357.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1350.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1345.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1357.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1353.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1345.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1357.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1352.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1352.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1372.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1388.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1375.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1379.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1379.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1383.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1403.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1410.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1403.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1413.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1406.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1411.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1431.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1431.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1431.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1431.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, -1, 451, 455, -1, -1, -1, -1, 471, -1, 475, -1, 479, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], "stackingContexts": {"index": [0, 1, 65, 66, 67]}, "paintOrders": [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 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0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [52, 765, 69, 17], [], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 222, 17], [], [191, 783, 39, 17], [], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 286], [8, 896, 1264, 286], [8, 896, 1264, 79], [8, 896, 1264, 79], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 59], [8, 917, 1264, 59], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 18], [8, 957, 110, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 991, 1264, 121], [8, 991, 1264, 0], [8, 991, 1264, 0], [8, 991, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1112, 1264, 70], [8, 1112, 41, 31], [16, 1128, 25, 15], [16, 1115, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1143, 1264, 39], [8, 1144, 48, 38], [16, 1167, 32, 15], [16, 1147, 32, 32], [0, 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0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 85], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 28], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 31, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1439], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 1423], [0, 0, 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31], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 85], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 28], [2, 2, 201, 17], [2, 2, 31, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [24, 27, 29, 34, 58, 61, 62, 67, 69, 71], "bounds": [[52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], 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596, 288, 597, 511, 512, 9, 598], [356, 357, 515, 357, 301, 600, 511, 517, 9, 601], [524, 525, 526, 525, 245, 527, 247, 527, 528, 529, 530, 517, 9, 603], [146, 502, 45, 605, 365, 605, 334, 606, 487, 488, 9, 607], [146, 609, 9, 610], [146, 286, 245, 510, 247, 510, 511, 512, 9, 612], [356, 357, 515, 357, 301, 614, 511, 517, 9, 615], [301, 617, 511, 517, 9, 618], [301, 620, 511, 517, 9, 621], [301, 623, 511, 517, 9, 624], [356, 357, 515, 357, 301, 626, 511, 517, 9, 627], [524, 525, 526, 525, 245, 527, 247, 527, 528, 529, 530, 517, 9, 629], [146, 632, 9, 633], [146, 635, 209, 636, 9, 637], [146, 639, 334, 640, 9, 641], [146, 643, 9, 644], [146, 286, 245, 415, 247, 415, 9, 646], [301, 648, 356, 357, 9, 649], [146, 651, 9, 652], [146, 654, 45, 655, 365, 655, 334, 656, 9, 657], [146, 659, 9, 660], [146, 286, 245, 415, 247, 415, 9, 662], [301, 664, 356, 357, 9, 665], [146, 667, 9, 668], [146, 654, 45, 670, 365, 670, 334, 671, 9, 672], [146, 674, 9, 675], [146, 286, 245, 415, 247, 415, 9, 677], [301, 679, 356, 357, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 9, 686], [146, 688, 9, 689], [146, 691, 209, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 9, 696], [146, 698, 9, 699], [146, 701, 334, 702, 549, 703, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 706], [146, 708, 9, 709], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 711], [301, 713, 356, 357, 9, 714], [146, 716, 9, 717], [146, 719, 9, 720], [146, 691, 209, 722, 9, 723], [146, 725, 9, 726], [146, 698, 9, 728], [146, 701, 730, 730, 334, 731, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 732], [146, 734, 9, 735], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 738], [301, 740, 356, 357, 9, 741], [146, 701, 730, 730, 334, 743, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 744], [146, 746, 9, 747], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 749], [301, 751, 356, 357, 9, 752], [146, 701, 730, 730, 334, 754, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 755], [146, 757, 9, 758], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 760], [301, 762, 356, 357, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 768, 334, 769, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 770], [146, 772, 9, 773], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 775], [301, 777, 356, 357, 9, 778], [146, 701, 334, 780, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 781], [146, 783, 9, 784], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 9, 786], [301, 788, 356, 357, 9, 789], [146, 701, 334, 791, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 792], [146, 794, 9, 795], [146, 286, 245, 737, 247, 737, 797, 233, 9, 798], [301, 800, 9, 801], [301, 803, 9, 804], [146, 765, 9, 806], [146, 701, 334, 808, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 809], [146, 811, 9, 812], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 814], [356, 357, 9, 816], [301, 818, 9, 819], [301, 821, 9, 822], [146, 824, 9, 825], [146, 828, 125, 829, 830, 831, 9, 832], [146, 701, 334, 834, 336, 704, 705, 233, 9, 835], [146, 837, 9, 838], [146, 286, 245, 840, 247, 840, 9, 841], [301, 843, 356, 357, 9, 844], [146, 716, 9, 846], [146, 719, 9, 848], [146, 850, 9, 851], [9, 853], [], [9, 856], [], [859, 2, 136, 860, 135, -1, 9, 861], [9, 863], [], [125, 866, 9, 867], [], [870, -1, 136, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 9, 878], [], [146, 880, 9, 881], [859, 2, 136, 883, 9, 884], [859, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [411, 233, 487, 488, 227, 889, 9, 890], [859, 2, 136, 892, 9, 893]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [240], "value": [-1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoType": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [75, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 240, 262]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [107], "value": [387]}, "originURL": {"index": [], "value": []}}, "layout": {"nodeIndex": [0, 1, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 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783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 286.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 286.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 79.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 79.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 957.4375, 109.984375, 17], [8, 957.4375, 109.984375, 17], [117.984375, 971.4375, 0, 0], [8, 991.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 991.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1112.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 991.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 991.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1112.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1112.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1128.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1115.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1120.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1143.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1160.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1157.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1157.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1157.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1159.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1156.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1156.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1143.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1167.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1146.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1155.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1146.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1144.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1167.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1157.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1162.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1162.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1162.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1169.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1147.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1182.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1182.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1182.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1202.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1185.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1193.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1217.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1217.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1237.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1224.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1252.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1252.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1272.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1259.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1287.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1287.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1303.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1290.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1295.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1318.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1318.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1318.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1318.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1318.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1318.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1330.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1321.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1325.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1318.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1330.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1321.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1324.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1318.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1330.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1321.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1324.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1345.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1345.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1357.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1350.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1345.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1357.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1353.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1345.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1357.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1352.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1352.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1372.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1388.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1375.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1379.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1379.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1383.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1403.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1410.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1403.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1413.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1406.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1411.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1431.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1431.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1431.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1431.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, -1, 451, 455, -1, -1, -1, -1, 471, -1, 475, -1, 479, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113, 17], [8, 765, 44, 17], [8, 754, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [52, 765, 69, 17], [], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 222, 17], [], [191, 783, 39, 17], [], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 286], [8, 896, 1264, 286], [8, 896, 1264, 79], [8, 896, 1264, 79], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 59], [8, 917, 1264, 59], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 18], [8, 957, 110, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 991, 1264, 121], [8, 991, 1264, 0], [8, 991, 1264, 0], [8, 991, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1112, 1264, 70], [8, 1112, 41, 31], [16, 1128, 25, 15], [16, 1115, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1143, 1264, 39], [8, 1144, 48, 38], [16, 1167, 32, 15], [16, 1147, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1144, 48, 38], [64, 1167, 32, 15], [64, 1147, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1144, 48, 38], [112, 1167, 32, 15], [112, 1147, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1144, 48, 38], [160, 1167, 32, 15], [160, 1147, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1143, 49, 39], [208, 1167, 33, 15], [208, 1146, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1144, 48, 38], [257, 1167, 32, 15], [257, 1147, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1182, 1264, 0], [8, 1182, 1264, 105], [8, 1182, 45, 35], [16, 1202, 29, 15], [16, 1185, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1217, 1264, 70], [8, 1217, 45, 35], [16, 1237, 29, 15], [16, 1220, 29, 29], [0, 0, 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683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 9, 717], [146, 719, 9, 720], [146, 692, 9, 722], [146, 724, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 724, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], [146, 286, 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43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, 448, -1, -1, -1, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, 472, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], "stackingContexts": {"index": [0, 1, 63, 64, 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[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [52, 765, 69, 17], [], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 222, 17], [], [191, 783, 39, 17], [], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 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[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], "bounds": [[0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 1457.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1519, 746], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113.328125, 17], [8, 765, 44.015625, 17], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 24.828125, 25], [34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 59.109375, 17], [8, 783, 59.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, -1, -1, -1, 339, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 438, -1, 444, -1, -1, -1, -1, 460, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], "stackingContexts": {"index": [0, 1, 61, 62, 63]}, "paintOrders": [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 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1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1527, 1457], [0, 0, 1527, 1457], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], 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592], [146, 491, 45, 594, 361, 594, 330, 595, 476, 477, 9, 596], [146, 598, 9, 599], [146, 286, 245, 499, 247, 499, 500, 501, 9, 601], [352, 353, 504, 353, 301, 603, 500, 506, 9, 604], [301, 606, 500, 506, 9, 607], [301, 609, 500, 506, 9, 610], [301, 612, 500, 506, 9, 613], [352, 353, 504, 353, 301, 615, 500, 506, 9, 616], [513, 514, 515, 514, 245, 516, 247, 516, 517, 518, 519, 506, 9, 618], [146, 621, 9, 622], [146, 624, 209, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 330, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 9, 633], [146, 286, 245, 635, 247, 635, 9, 636], [301, 638, 352, 353, 9, 639], [146, 641, 9, 642], [146, 644, 45, 645, 361, 645, 330, 646, 9, 647], [146, 649, 9, 650], [146, 286, 245, 635, 247, 635, 9, 652], [301, 654, 352, 353, 9, 655], [146, 657, 9, 658], [146, 644, 45, 660, 361, 660, 330, 661, 9, 662], [146, 664, 9, 665], [146, 286, 245, 635, 247, 635, 9, 667], [301, 669, 352, 353, 9, 670], [146, 672, 9, 673], [146, 675, 9, 676], [146, 678, 9, 679], [146, 681, 209, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 9, 686], [146, 688, 9, 689], [146, 691, 330, 692, 538, 693, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 696], [146, 698, 9, 699], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 701], [301, 703, 352, 353, 9, 704], [146, 706, 9, 707], [146, 709, 9, 710], [146, 681, 209, 712, 227, 713, 9, 714], [146, 716, 9, 717], [146, 688, 9, 719], [146, 691, 721, 721, 330, 722, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 723], [146, 725, 9, 726], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 729], [301, 731, 352, 353, 9, 732], [146, 691, 721, 721, 330, 734, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 735], [146, 737, 9, 738], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 740], [301, 742, 352, 353, 9, 743], [146, 691, 721, 721, 330, 745, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 746], [146, 748, 9, 749], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 751], [301, 753, 352, 353, 9, 754], [146, 756, 9, 757], [146, 759, 330, 760, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 761], [146, 763, 9, 764], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 766], [301, 768, 352, 353, 9, 769], [146, 691, 330, 771, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 772], [146, 774, 9, 775], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 777], [301, 779, 352, 353, 9, 780], [146, 691, 330, 782, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 783], [146, 785, 9, 786], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 788, 233, 9, 789], [301, 791, 9, 792], [301, 794, 9, 795], [146, 756, 9, 797], [146, 691, 330, 799, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 800], [146, 802, 9, 803], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 805], [352, 353, 9, 807], [301, 809, 9, 810], [301, 812, 9, 813], [146, 815, 9, 816], [146, 819, 125, 820, 821, 822, 9, 823], [146, 691, 330, 825, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 826], [146, 828, 9, 829], [146, 286, 245, 831, 247, 831, 9, 832], [301, 834, 352, 353, 9, 835], [146, 706, 9, 837], [146, 709, 9, 839], [146, 841, 9, 842], [9, 844], [], [9, 847], [], [850, 2, 136, 851, 135, -1, 9, 852], [9, 854], [], [125, 857, 9, 858], [], [861, -1, 136, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 9, 869], [], [146, 872, 9, 873], [850, 2, 136, 875, 9, 876], [850, 2, 136, 878, 9, 879], [407, 233, 476, 477, 227, 881, 9, 882], [850, 2, 136, 884, 9, 885]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, 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[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], "bounds": [[0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 1457.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1519, 746], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113.328125, 17], [8, 765, 44.015625, 17], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 24.828125, 25], [34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 59.109375, 17], [8, 783, 59.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, -1, -1, -1, 339, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 438, -1, 444, -1, -1, -1, -1, 460, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], "stackingContexts": {"index": [0, 1, 61, 62, 63]}, "paintOrders": [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 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1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1527, 1457], [0, 0, 1527, 1457], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 37], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 105], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 85], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 28], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 31, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1457], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [1, 1, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], 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675, 9, 676], [146, 678, 9, 679], [146, 681, 209, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 9, 686], [146, 688, 9, 689], [146, 691, 330, 692, 538, 693, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 696], [146, 698, 9, 699], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 701], [301, 703, 352, 353, 9, 704], [146, 706, 9, 707], [146, 709, 9, 710], [146, 712, 209, 713, 227, 714, 9, 715], [146, 717, 9, 718], [146, 688, 9, 720], [146, 691, 330, 722, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 723], [146, 725, 9, 726], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 729], [301, 731, 352, 353, 9, 732], [146, 691, 330, 734, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 735], [146, 737, 9, 738], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 740], [301, 742, 352, 353, 9, 743], [146, 691, 330, 745, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 746], [146, 748, 9, 749], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 751], [301, 753, 352, 353, 9, 754], [146, 756, 9, 757], [146, 691, 330, 759, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 760], [146, 762, 9, 763], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 765], [301, 767, 352, 353, 9, 768], [146, 691, 330, 770, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 771], [146, 773, 9, 774], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 776], [301, 778, 352, 353, 9, 779], [146, 691, 330, 781, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 782], [146, 784, 9, 785], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 787, 233, 9, 788], [301, 790, 9, 791], [301, 793, 9, 794], [146, 691, 330, 796, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 797], [146, 799, 9, 800], [146, 286, 245, 728, 247, 728, 9, 802], [301, 804, 352, 353, 9, 805], [146, 756, 9, 807], [146, 691, 330, 809, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 810], [146, 812, 9, 813], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 815], [352, 353, 9, 817], [301, 819, 9, 820], [301, 822, 9, 823], [146, 825, 9, 826], [146, 829, 125, 830, 831, 832, 9, 833], [146, 691, 330, 835, 332, 694, 695, 233, 9, 836], [146, 838, 9, 839], [146, 286, 245, 841, 247, 841, 9, 842], [301, 844, 352, 353, 9, 845], [146, 706, 9, 847], [146, 709, 9, 849], [146, 851, 9, 852], [9, 854], [], [9, 857], [], [860, 2, 136, 861, 135, -1, 9, 862], [9, 864], [], [125, 867, 9, 868], [], [871, -1, 136, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 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783, 59.109375, 17], [8, 783, 59.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [119, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [127, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [127, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [128.015625, 1371.46875, 19.5625, 13], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, -1, -1, -1, 339, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 438, -1, 444, -1, -1, -1, -1, 460, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [119, 1363, 37, 27], [127, 1375, 21, 15], [127, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1527, 1457], [0, 0, 1527, 1457], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 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0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 28], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 31, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1457], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [1, 1, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 45, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 105], [2, 2, 41, 31], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [2, 2, 41, 31], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 41, 31], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 85], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 28], [2, 2, 201, 17], [2, 2, 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136, 137, 9, 138], [125, 140, 9, 141], [], [35, 144, 125, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 37, 150, 9, 151], [35, 144, 37, 153, 9, 154], [9, 156], [], [9, 159], [], [9, 162], [], [9, 165], [], [135, -1, 136, 168, 9, 169], [], [35, 173, 37, 174, 146, 175, 9, 176], [35, 178, 179, 180, 37, 181, 9, 182], [35, 178, 179, 184, 37, 185, 9, 186], [35, 178, 179, 188, 37, 189, 9, 190], [35, 178, 179, 192, 37, 193, 9, 194], [35, 196, 37, 197, 198, 199, 9, 200], [60, 202, 17, 203, 9, 204], [207, -1, 146, 208, 209, 210, 9, 211], [9, 213], [], [146, 217, 148, 218, 9, 219], [146, 221, 209, 222, 9, 223], [146, 225, 148, 226, 227, 228, 9, 229], [146, 231, 232, 233, 209, 234, 9, 235], [136, 237, 9, 238], [136, 240, 9, 241], [146, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 9, 249], [146, 251, 9, 252], [146, 254, 209, 255, 9, 256], [146, 258, 209, 259, 9, 260], [146, 262, 9, 263], [146, 265, 9, 266], [146, 268, 9, 269], [146, 271, 9, 272], [37, 275, 276, 277, 146, 278, 9, 279], [146, 282, 9, 283], [146, 286, 247, 287, 288, 289, 9, 290], [293, 294, 9, 295], [293, 297, 9, 298], [301, 302, 9, 303], [301, 305, 9, 306], [301, 308, 9, 309], [146, 311, 9, 312], [], [146, 315, 9, 316], [146, 318, 9, 319], [], [146, 322, 9, 323], [], [146, 326, 9, 327], [146, 329, 9, 330], [146, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 9, 338], [146, 340, 9, 341], [], [146, 329, 9, 344], [146, 346, 334, 347, 9, 348], [146, 350, 9, 351], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 353], [301, 355, 356, 357, 9, 358], [146, 360, 9, 361], [146, 363, 45, 364, 365, 364, 334, 366, 9, 367], [146, 369, 9, 370], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 288, 372, 9, 373], [301, 375, 9, 376], [146, 378, 379, 233, 334, 380, 9, 381], [146, 383, 9, 384], [136, 387, 146, 388, 389, 390, 9, 391], [146, 393, 9, 394], [397, 398, 9, 399], [146, 402, 403, 404, 9, 405], [146, 407, 148, 408, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 9, 418], [15, 421, 146, 422, 9, 423], [146, 425, 9, 426], [146, 425, 9, 429], [146, 431, 9, 432], [146, 434, 9, 435], [15, 438, 146, 439, 9, 440], [], [15, 444, 146, 445, 9, 446], [], [146, 449, 227, 450, 9, 451], [146, 453, 9, 454], [146, 456, 227, 457, 9, 458], [146, 460, 227, 461, 9, 462], [], [146, 465, 9, 466], [], [146, 469, 9, 470], [], [146, 473, 227, 474, 9, 475], [146, 477, 45, 478, 365, 478, 334, 479, 480, 481, 9, 482], [146, 484, 9, 485], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 487], [301, 489, 356, 357, 9, 490], [146, 492, 9, 493], [146, 495, 45, 496, 365, 496, 334, 497, 480, 481, 9, 498], [146, 500, 9, 501], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 506], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 509, 504, 510, 9, 511], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 513, 504, 510, 9, 514], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 524], [146, 495, 45, 526, 365, 526, 334, 527, 480, 481, 9, 528], [146, 530, 9, 531], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 533], [301, 535, 504, 510, 9, 536], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 538], [146, 495, 45, 540, 365, 540, 334, 541, 542, 543, 480, 481, 9, 544], [146, 546, 9, 547], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 549], [517, 551, 519, 552, 245, 553, 247, 554, 521, 555, 523, 510, 9, 556], [301, 558, 523, 510, 559, 560, 9, 561], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 563], [146, 495, 45, 565, 365, 565, 334, 541, 542, 566, 480, 481, 9, 567], [146, 569, 9, 570], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 572], [301, 574, 504, 510, 9, 575], [301, 577, 504, 510, 9, 578], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 580], [146, 495, 45, 582, 365, 582, 334, 583, 480, 481, 9, 584], [146, 586, 9, 587], [146, 286, 245, 589, 247, 589, 288, 590, 504, 505, 9, 591], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 593, 504, 510, 9, 594], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 596], [146, 495, 45, 598, 365, 598, 334, 599, 480, 481, 9, 600], [146, 602, 9, 603], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 605], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 607, 504, 510, 9, 608], [301, 610, 504, 510, 9, 611], [301, 613, 504, 510, 9, 614], [301, 616, 504, 510, 9, 617], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 619, 504, 510, 9, 620], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 622], [146, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 209, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 334, 633, 9, 634], [146, 636, 9, 637], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 640], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 643], [146, 645, 9, 646], [146, 648, 45, 649, 365, 649, 334, 650, 9, 651], [146, 653, 9, 654], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 656], [301, 658, 356, 357, 9, 659], [146, 661, 9, 662], [146, 648, 45, 664, 365, 664, 334, 665, 9, 666], [146, 668, 9, 669], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 671], [301, 673, 356, 357, 9, 674], [146, 676, 9, 677], [146, 679, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 716, 209, 717, 227, 718, 9, 719], [146, 721, 9, 722], [146, 692, 9, 724], [146, 695, 334, 726, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 727], [146, 729, 9, 730], [146, 286, 245, 732, 247, 732, 9, 733], [301, 735, 356, 357, 9, 736], [146, 695, 334, 738, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 739], [146, 741, 9, 742], [146, 286, 245, 732, 247, 732, 9, 744], [301, 746, 356, 357, 9, 747], [146, 695, 334, 749, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 750], [146, 752, 9, 753], [146, 286, 245, 732, 247, 732, 9, 755], [301, 757, 356, 357, 9, 758], [146, 760, 9, 761], [146, 695, 334, 763, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 764], [146, 766, 9, 767], [146, 286, 245, 732, 247, 732, 9, 769], [301, 771, 356, 357, 9, 772], [146, 695, 334, 774, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 775], [146, 777, 9, 778], [146, 286, 245, 732, 247, 732, 9, 780], [301, 782, 356, 357, 9, 783], [146, 695, 334, 785, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 786], [146, 788, 9, 789], [146, 286, 245, 732, 247, 732, 791, 233, 9, 792], [301, 794, 9, 795], [301, 797, 9, 798], [146, 695, 334, 800, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 801], [146, 803, 9, 804], [146, 286, 245, 732, 247, 732, 9, 806], [301, 808, 356, 357, 9, 809], [146, 760, 9, 811], [146, 695, 334, 813, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 814], [146, 816, 9, 817], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 819], [356, 357, 9, 821], [301, 823, 9, 824], [301, 826, 9, 827], [146, 829, 9, 830], [146, 833, 125, 834, 835, 836, 9, 837], [146, 695, 334, 839, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 840], [146, 842, 9, 843], [146, 286, 245, 845, 247, 845, 9, 846], [301, 848, 356, 357, 9, 849], [146, 710, 9, 851], [146, 713, 9, 853], [146, 855, 9, 856], [9, 858], [], [9, 861], [], [864, 2, 136, 865, 135, -1, 9, 866], [9, 868], [], [125, 871, 9, 872], [], [875, -1, 136, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 9, 883], [], [146, 886, 9, 887], [864, 2, 136, 889, 9, 890], [864, 2, 136, 892, 9, 893], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 895, 9, 896], [864, 2, 136, 898, 9, 899], [146, 901, 209, 902, 9, 903], [146, 905, 480, 481, 9, 906], [146, 908, 9, 909], [146, 911, 9, 912], [146, 632, 334, 914, 365, 915, 9, 916], [146, 636, 9, 918], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 920], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 922], [146, 924, 9, 925], [146, 927, 9, 928], [9, 931], [], [146, 934, 935, 697, 9, 936], [146, 938, 9, 939], [146, 941, 9, 942], [], [146, 945, 935, 946, 9, 947], [146, 949, 148, 950, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 503, 9, 957], [15, 959, 146, 960, 9, 961], [], [146, 964, 148, 965, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 966, 952, 967, 954, 968, 956, 969, 9, 970], [15, 972, 146, 960, 9, 973], [], [146, 976, 9, 977], [9, 979], [], [], [146, 924, 9, 983], [146, 985, 9, 986], [], [9, 989], [], [146, 991, 935, 969, 9, 992], [146, 994, 9, 995], [146, 997, 9, 998], [], [146, 1001, 9, 1002], [146, 1004, 9, 1005], [146, 1007, 209, 1008, 9, 1009], [146, 1011, 148, 1012, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 1013, 9, 1014], [15, 1016, 146, 960, 9, 1017], [146, 1019, 9, 1020], [], [9, 1023], [146, 1025, 935, 1026, 9, 1027], [146, 1029, 935, 1030, 9, 1031], [9, 1034], [], [146, 1037, 9, 1038], [125, 1040, 146, 1041, 1042, 233, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 9, 1047], [146, 1049, 9, 1050], [146, 1052, 9, 1053], [], [146, 1056, 9, 1057], [], [146, 1060, 9, 1061], [146, 1063, 37, 1064, 1065, 1066, 9, 1067], [], [], [146, 1071, 9, 1072], [146, 1074, 9, 1075], [935, 1077, 9, 1078], [146, 1080, 334, 1081, 9, 1082], [146, 1084, 9, 1085], [], [146, 1088, 9, 1089], [146, 1091, 334, 1092, 9, 1093], [], [146, 1096, 334, 1097, 9, 1098], [], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 895, 9, 1101], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 895, 9, 1103], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 895, 9, 1105]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [242, 315], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoType": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [75, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 242, 264, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 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[34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [119, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [127, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [127, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [128.015625, 1371.46875, 19.5625, 13], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 458.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 458.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 458.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 458.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 237.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 90.65625, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 90.65625, 17], [98.65625, 1752.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1772.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1772.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1772.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1772.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1790.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1790.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1811.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1811.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1811.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1829.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1829.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1847.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1847.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1847.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1847.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1865.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1865.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1865.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1865.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1868.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1868.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1886.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1886.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1889.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1886.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1889.765625, 108.921875, 15], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, 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1441], [8, 8, 1519, 746], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113, 17], [8, 765, 44, 17], [8, 754, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [52, 765, 69, 17], [], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 222, 17], [], [191, 783, 39, 17], [], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [119, 1363, 37, 27], [127, 1375, 21, 15], [127, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 458], [8, 1449, 1264, 458], [8, 1449, 1264, 458], [8, 1449, 1264, 458], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 237], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 52], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1772, 1264, 0], [8, 1772, 1264, 75], [8, 1772, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1790, 1264, 21], [8, 1790, 195, 21], [8, 1812, 1264, 0], [8, 1812, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1830, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1848, 1264, 18], [8, 1848, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1866, 1264, 42], [8, 1866, 1264, 21], [8, 1866, 1264, 21], [8, 1866, 88, 21], [16, 1869, 72, 15], [], [8, 1887, 1264, 21], [8, 1887, 120, 21], [], [128, 1887, 125, 21], [], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1527, 1916], [0, 0, 1527, 1916], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 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337, 9, 338], [146, 340, 9, 341], [], [146, 329, 9, 344], [146, 346, 334, 347, 9, 348], [146, 350, 9, 351], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 353], [301, 355, 356, 357, 9, 358], [146, 360, 9, 361], [146, 363, 45, 364, 365, 364, 334, 366, 9, 367], [146, 369, 9, 370], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 288, 372, 9, 373], [301, 375, 9, 376], [146, 378, 379, 233, 334, 380, 9, 381], [146, 383, 9, 384], [136, 387, 146, 388, 389, 390, 9, 391], [146, 393, 9, 394], [397, 398, 9, 399], [146, 402, 403, 404, 9, 405], [146, 407, 148, 408, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 9, 418], [15, 421, 146, 422, 9, 423], [146, 425, 9, 426], [146, 425, 9, 429], [146, 431, 9, 432], [146, 434, 9, 435], [15, 438, 146, 439, 9, 440], [], [15, 444, 146, 445, 9, 446], [], [146, 449, 227, 450, 9, 451], [146, 453, 9, 454], [146, 456, 227, 457, 9, 458], [146, 460, 227, 461, 9, 462], [], [146, 465, 9, 466], [], [146, 469, 9, 470], [], [146, 473, 227, 474, 9, 475], [146, 477, 45, 478, 365, 478, 334, 479, 480, 481, 9, 482], [146, 484, 9, 485], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 487], [301, 489, 356, 357, 9, 490], [146, 492, 9, 493], [146, 495, 45, 496, 365, 496, 334, 497, 480, 481, 9, 498], [146, 500, 9, 501], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 506], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 509, 504, 510, 9, 511], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 513, 504, 510, 9, 514], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 524], [146, 495, 45, 526, 365, 526, 334, 527, 480, 481, 9, 528], [146, 530, 9, 531], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 533], [301, 535, 504, 510, 9, 536], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 538], [146, 495, 45, 540, 365, 540, 334, 541, 542, 543, 480, 481, 9, 544], [146, 546, 9, 547], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 549], [517, 551, 519, 552, 245, 553, 247, 554, 521, 555, 523, 510, 9, 556], [301, 558, 523, 510, 559, 560, 9, 561], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 563], [146, 495, 45, 565, 365, 565, 334, 541, 542, 566, 480, 481, 9, 567], [146, 569, 9, 570], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 572], [301, 574, 504, 510, 9, 575], [301, 577, 504, 510, 9, 578], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 580], [146, 495, 45, 582, 365, 582, 334, 583, 480, 481, 9, 584], [146, 586, 9, 587], [146, 286, 245, 589, 247, 589, 288, 590, 504, 505, 9, 591], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 593, 504, 510, 9, 594], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 596], [146, 495, 45, 598, 365, 598, 334, 599, 480, 481, 9, 600], [146, 602, 9, 603], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 605], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 607, 504, 510, 9, 608], [301, 610, 504, 510, 9, 611], [301, 613, 504, 510, 9, 614], [301, 616, 504, 510, 9, 617], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 619, 504, 510, 9, 620], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 622], [146, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 209, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 334, 633, 9, 634], [146, 636, 9, 637], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 640], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 643], [146, 645, 9, 646], [146, 648, 45, 649, 365, 649, 334, 650, 9, 651], [146, 653, 9, 654], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 656], [301, 658, 356, 357, 9, 659], [146, 661, 9, 662], [146, 648, 45, 664, 365, 664, 334, 665, 9, 666], [146, 668, 9, 669], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 671], [301, 673, 356, 357, 9, 674], [146, 676, 9, 677], [146, 679, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 227, 717, 9, 718], [146, 720, 9, 721], [146, 692, 9, 723], [146, 695, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 695, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 779], [301, 781, 356, 357, 9, 782], [146, 695, 334, 784, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 785], [146, 787, 9, 788], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 790, 233, 9, 791], [301, 793, 9, 794], [301, 796, 9, 797], [146, 759, 9, 799], [146, 695, 334, 801, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 802], [146, 804, 9, 805], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 807], [356, 357, 9, 809], [301, 811, 9, 812], [301, 814, 9, 815], [146, 817, 9, 818], [146, 821, 125, 822, 823, 824, 9, 825], [146, 695, 334, 827, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 828], [146, 830, 9, 831], [146, 286, 245, 833, 247, 833, 9, 834], [301, 836, 356, 357, 9, 837], [146, 710, 9, 839], [146, 713, 9, 841], [146, 843, 9, 844], [9, 846], [], [9, 849], [], [852, 2, 136, 853, 135, -1, 9, 854], [9, 856], [], [125, 859, 9, 860], [], [863, -1, 136, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 9, 871], [], [146, 874, 9, 875], [852, 2, 136, 877, 9, 878], [852, 2, 136, 880, 9, 881], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 884], [852, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [146, 889, 209, 890, 9, 891], [146, 893, 480, 481, 9, 894], [146, 896, 9, 897], [146, 899, 9, 900], [146, 632, 334, 902, 365, 903, 9, 904], [146, 636, 9, 906], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 908], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 910], [146, 912, 9, 913], [146, 915, 9, 916], [9, 919], [], [146, 922, 923, 697, 9, 924], [146, 926, 9, 927], [146, 929, 9, 930], [], [146, 933, 923, 934, 9, 935], [146, 937, 148, 938, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 939, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 503, 9, 945], [15, 947, 146, 948, 9, 949], [], [146, 952, 148, 953, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 954, 940, 955, 942, 956, 944, 957, 9, 958], [15, 960, 146, 948, 9, 961], [], [146, 964, 9, 965], [9, 967], [], [], [146, 912, 9, 971], [146, 973, 9, 974], [], [9, 977], [], [146, 979, 923, 957, 9, 980], [146, 982, 9, 983], [146, 985, 9, 986], [], [146, 989, 9, 990], [146, 992, 9, 993], [146, 995, 209, 996, 9, 997], [146, 999, 148, 1000, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 1001, 9, 1002], [15, 1004, 146, 948, 9, 1005], [146, 1007, 9, 1008], [], [9, 1011], [146, 1013, 923, 1014, 9, 1015], [146, 1017, 923, 1018, 9, 1019], [9, 1022], [], [146, 1025, 9, 1026], [125, 1028, 146, 1029, 1030, 233, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 9, 1035], [146, 1037, 9, 1038], [146, 1040, 9, 1041], [], [146, 1044, 9, 1045], [], [146, 1048, 9, 1049], [146, 1051, 37, 1052, 1053, 1054, 9, 1055], [], [], [146, 1059, 9, 1060], [146, 1062, 9, 1063], [923, 1065, 9, 1066], [146, 1068, 334, 1069, 9, 1070], [146, 1072, 9, 1073], [], [146, 1076, 9, 1077], [146, 1079, 334, 1080, 9, 1081], [], [146, 1084, 334, 1085, 9, 1086], [], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1089], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1091], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1093]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [238, 311], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoType": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [75, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 238, 260, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 318, 332, 333, 334]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [107], "value": [387]}, "originURL": {"index": [], "value": []}}, "layout": {"nodeIndex": [0, 1, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 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825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 458.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 458.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 458.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 458.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 237.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1738.4375, 90.65625, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 90.65625, 17], [98.65625, 1752.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1772.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1772.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1772.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1772.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1790.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1790.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1811.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1811.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1811.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1829.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1829.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1847.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1847.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1847.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1847.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1865.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1865.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1865.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1865.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1868.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1868.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1886.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1886.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1889.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1886.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1889.765625, 108.921875, 15], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, 448, -1, -1, -1, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, 472, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 458], [8, 1449, 1264, 458], [8, 1449, 1264, 458], [8, 1449, 1264, 458], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 237], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 52], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 1264, 18], [8, 1738, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1772, 1264, 0], [8, 1772, 1264, 75], [8, 1772, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1790, 1264, 21], [8, 1790, 195, 21], [8, 1812, 1264, 0], [8, 1812, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1830, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1848, 1264, 18], [8, 1848, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1866, 1264, 42], [8, 1866, 1264, 21], [8, 1866, 1264, 21], [8, 1866, 88, 21], [16, 1869, 72, 15], [], [8, 1887, 1264, 21], [8, 1887, 120, 21], [], [128, 1887, 125, 21], [], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1527, 1916], [0, 0, 1527, 1916], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 1441], [0, 0, 1519, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 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[146, 322, 9, 323], [], [146, 326, 9, 327], [146, 329, 9, 330], [146, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 9, 338], [146, 340, 9, 341], [], [146, 329, 9, 344], [146, 346, 334, 347, 9, 348], [146, 350, 9, 351], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 353], [301, 355, 356, 357, 9, 358], [146, 360, 9, 361], [146, 363, 45, 364, 365, 364, 334, 366, 9, 367], [146, 369, 9, 370], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 288, 372, 9, 373], [301, 375, 9, 376], [146, 378, 379, 233, 334, 380, 9, 381], [146, 383, 9, 384], [136, 387, 146, 388, 389, 390, 9, 391], [146, 393, 9, 394], [397, 398, 9, 399], [146, 402, 403, 404, 9, 405], [146, 407, 148, 408, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 9, 418], [15, 421, 146, 422, 9, 423], [146, 425, 9, 426], [146, 425, 9, 429], [146, 431, 9, 432], [146, 434, 9, 435], [15, 438, 146, 439, 9, 440], [], [15, 444, 146, 445, 9, 446], [], [146, 449, 227, 450, 9, 451], [146, 453, 9, 454], [146, 456, 227, 457, 9, 458], [146, 460, 227, 461, 9, 462], [], [146, 465, 9, 466], [], [146, 469, 9, 470], [], [146, 473, 227, 474, 9, 475], [146, 477, 45, 478, 365, 478, 334, 479, 480, 481, 9, 482], [146, 484, 9, 485], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 487], [301, 489, 356, 357, 9, 490], [146, 492, 9, 493], [146, 495, 45, 496, 365, 496, 334, 497, 480, 481, 9, 498], [146, 500, 9, 501], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 506], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 509, 504, 510, 9, 511], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 513, 504, 510, 9, 514], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 524], [146, 495, 45, 526, 365, 526, 334, 527, 480, 481, 9, 528], [146, 530, 9, 531], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 533], [301, 535, 504, 510, 9, 536], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 538], [146, 495, 45, 540, 365, 540, 334, 541, 542, 543, 480, 481, 9, 544], [146, 546, 9, 547], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 549], [517, 551, 519, 552, 245, 553, 247, 554, 521, 555, 523, 510, 9, 556], [301, 558, 523, 510, 559, 560, 9, 561], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 563], [146, 495, 45, 565, 365, 565, 334, 541, 542, 566, 480, 481, 9, 567], [146, 569, 9, 570], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 572], [301, 574, 504, 510, 9, 575], [301, 577, 504, 510, 9, 578], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 580], [146, 495, 45, 582, 365, 582, 334, 583, 480, 481, 9, 584], [146, 586, 9, 587], [146, 286, 245, 589, 247, 589, 288, 590, 504, 505, 9, 591], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 593, 504, 510, 9, 594], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 596], [146, 495, 45, 598, 365, 598, 334, 599, 480, 481, 9, 600], [146, 602, 9, 603], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 605], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 607, 504, 510, 9, 608], [301, 610, 504, 510, 9, 611], [301, 613, 504, 510, 9, 614], [301, 616, 504, 510, 9, 617], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 619, 504, 510, 9, 620], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 622], [146, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 209, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 334, 633, 9, 634], [146, 636, 9, 637], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 640], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 643], [146, 645, 9, 646], [146, 648, 45, 649, 365, 649, 334, 650, 9, 651], [146, 653, 9, 654], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 656], [301, 658, 356, 357, 9, 659], [146, 661, 9, 662], [146, 648, 45, 664, 365, 664, 334, 665, 9, 666], [146, 668, 9, 669], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 671], [301, 673, 356, 357, 9, 674], [146, 676, 9, 677], [146, 679, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 227, 717, 9, 718], [146, 720, 9, 721], [146, 692, 9, 723], [146, 695, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 695, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 779], [301, 781, 356, 357, 9, 782], [146, 695, 334, 784, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 785], [146, 787, 9, 788], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 790, 233, 9, 791], [301, 793, 9, 794], [301, 796, 9, 797], [146, 759, 9, 799], [146, 695, 334, 801, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 802], [146, 804, 9, 805], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 807], [356, 357, 9, 809], [301, 811, 9, 812], [301, 814, 9, 815], [146, 817, 9, 818], [146, 821, 125, 822, 823, 824, 9, 825], [146, 695, 334, 827, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 828], [146, 830, 9, 831], [146, 286, 245, 833, 247, 833, 9, 834], [301, 836, 356, 357, 9, 837], [146, 710, 9, 839], [146, 713, 9, 841], [146, 843, 9, 844], [9, 846], [], [9, 849], [], [852, 2, 136, 853, 135, -1, 9, 854], [9, 856], [], [125, 859, 9, 860], [], [863, -1, 136, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 9, 871], [], [146, 874, 9, 875], [852, 2, 136, 877, 9, 878], [852, 2, 136, 880, 9, 881], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 884], [852, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [146, 889, 209, 890, 9, 891], [146, 893, 480, 481, 414, 894, 416, 417, 9, 895], [146, 897, 9, 898], [146, 900, 9, 901], [146, 632, 334, 903, 365, 904, 9, 905], [146, 636, 9, 907], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 909], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 911], [146, 913, 9, 914], [146, 916, 9, 917], [9, 920], [], [146, 923, 924, 697, 9, 925], [146, 927, 9, 928], [146, 930, 9, 931], [], [146, 934, 924, 935, 9, 936], [146, 938, 148, 939, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 503, 9, 946], [15, 948, 146, 949, 9, 950], [], [146, 953, 148, 954, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 955, 941, 956, 943, 957, 945, 958, 9, 959], [15, 961, 146, 949, 9, 962], [], [146, 965, 9, 966], [9, 968], [], [], [146, 913, 9, 972], [146, 974, 9, 975], [], [9, 978], [], [146, 980, 924, 958, 9, 981], [146, 983, 9, 984], [146, 986, 9, 987], [], [146, 990, 9, 991], [146, 993, 9, 994], [146, 996, 209, 997, 9, 998], [146, 1000, 1001, 1002, 9, 1003], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1002, 9, 1010], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1014], [], [146, 1017, 148, 1018, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 1019, 414, 1020, 416, 233, 9, 1021], [15, 1023, 146, 1024, 9, 1025], [37, 1027, 1028, 1027, 146, 1029, 35, 1030, 9, 1031], [], [146, 1034, 924, 1035, 9, 1036], [146, 1038, 924, 1039, 9, 1040], [9, 1043], [], [146, 1046, 9, 1047], [125, 1049, 146, 1050, 1051, 233, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 9, 1056], [146, 1058, 9, 1059], [146, 1061, 9, 1062], [], [146, 1065, 9, 1066], [], [146, 1069, 9, 1070], [146, 1072, 37, 1073, 1074, 1075, 9, 1076], [], [], [146, 1080, 9, 1081], [146, 1083, 9, 1084], [924, 1086, 9, 1087], [146, 1089, 334, 1090, 9, 1091], [146, 1093, 9, 1094], [], [146, 1097, 9, 1098], [146, 1100, 334, 1101, 9, 1102], [], [146, 1105, 334, 1106, 9, 1107], [], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1110], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1112], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1114]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [238, 315], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoType": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [75, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 238, 260, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 306, 307, 308, 309, 312, 315, 322, 336, 337, 338]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [107], "value": [387]}, "originURL": {"index": [], "value": []}}, "layout": 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17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 274.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 89], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1738.4375, 82.65625, 21], [16, 1741.4375, 66.65625, 15], [90.65625, 1738.4375, 23.796875, 21], [98.65625, 1741.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1775.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1775.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1775.4375, 113.328125, 17], [8, 1775.4375, 113.328125, 17], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1809.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1827.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1827.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1848.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1848.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1848.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1866.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1866.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1884.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1884.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1884.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1884.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1902.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1905.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1905.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1923.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1926.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1923.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1926.765625, 108.921875, 15], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, 448, -1, -1, -1, -1, 464, -1, 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[8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113, 17], [8, 765, 44, 17], [8, 754, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [52, 765, 69, 17], [], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 222, 17], [], [191, 783, 39, 17], [], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 274], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 89], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 21], [8, 1738, 83, 21], [], [91, 1738, 24, 21], [], [8, 1775, 1264, 18], [8, 1775, 1264, 18], [8, 1775, 113, 17], [], [8, 1809, 1264, 0], [8, 1809, 1264, 75], [8, 1809, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1827, 1264, 21], [8, 1827, 195, 21], [8, 1849, 1264, 0], [8, 1849, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1867, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1885, 1264, 18], [8, 1885, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1903, 1264, 42], [8, 1903, 1264, 21], [8, 1903, 1264, 21], [8, 1903, 88, 21], [16, 1906, 72, 15], [], [8, 1924, 1264, 21], [8, 1924, 120, 21], [], [128, 1924, 125, 21], [], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1544, 1953], [0, 0, 1544, 1953], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 37], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 105], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 85], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 37, 29], 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[146, 254, 209, 255, 9, 256], [146, 258, 209, 259, 9, 260], [146, 262, 9, 263], [146, 265, 9, 266], [146, 268, 9, 269], [146, 271, 9, 272], [37, 275, 276, 277, 146, 278, 9, 279], [146, 282, 9, 283], [146, 286, 247, 287, 288, 289, 9, 290], [293, 294, 9, 295], [293, 297, 9, 298], [301, 302, 9, 303], [301, 305, 9, 306], [301, 308, 9, 309], [146, 311, 9, 312], [], [146, 315, 9, 316], [146, 318, 9, 319], [], [146, 322, 9, 323], [], [146, 326, 9, 327], [146, 329, 9, 330], [146, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 9, 338], [146, 340, 9, 341], [], [146, 329, 9, 344], [146, 346, 334, 347, 9, 348], [146, 350, 9, 351], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 353], [301, 355, 356, 357, 9, 358], [146, 360, 9, 361], [146, 363, 45, 364, 365, 364, 334, 366, 9, 367], [146, 369, 9, 370], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 288, 372, 9, 373], [301, 375, 9, 376], [146, 378, 379, 233, 334, 380, 9, 381], [146, 383, 9, 384], [136, 387, 146, 388, 389, 390, 9, 391], [146, 393, 9, 394], [397, 398, 9, 399], [146, 402, 403, 404, 9, 405], [146, 407, 148, 408, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 9, 418], [15, 421, 146, 422, 9, 423], [146, 425, 9, 426], [146, 425, 9, 429], [146, 431, 9, 432], [146, 434, 9, 435], [15, 438, 146, 439, 9, 440], [], [15, 444, 146, 445, 9, 446], [], [146, 449, 227, 450, 9, 451], [146, 453, 9, 454], [146, 456, 227, 457, 9, 458], [146, 460, 227, 461, 9, 462], [], [146, 465, 9, 466], [], [146, 469, 9, 470], [], [146, 473, 227, 474, 9, 475], [146, 477, 45, 478, 365, 478, 334, 479, 480, 481, 9, 482], [146, 484, 9, 485], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 487], [301, 489, 356, 357, 9, 490], [146, 492, 9, 493], [146, 495, 45, 496, 365, 496, 334, 497, 480, 481, 9, 498], [146, 500, 9, 501], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 506], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 509, 504, 510, 9, 511], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 513, 504, 510, 9, 514], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 524], [146, 495, 45, 526, 365, 526, 334, 527, 480, 481, 9, 528], [146, 530, 9, 531], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 533], [301, 535, 504, 510, 9, 536], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 538], [146, 495, 45, 540, 365, 540, 334, 541, 542, 543, 480, 481, 9, 544], [146, 546, 9, 547], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 549], [517, 551, 519, 552, 245, 553, 247, 554, 521, 555, 523, 510, 9, 556], [301, 558, 523, 510, 559, 560, 9, 561], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 563], [146, 495, 45, 565, 365, 565, 334, 541, 542, 566, 480, 481, 9, 567], [146, 569, 9, 570], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 572], [301, 574, 504, 510, 9, 575], [301, 577, 504, 510, 9, 578], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 580], [146, 495, 45, 582, 365, 582, 334, 583, 480, 481, 9, 584], [146, 586, 9, 587], [146, 286, 245, 589, 247, 589, 288, 590, 504, 505, 9, 591], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 593, 504, 510, 9, 594], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 596], [146, 495, 45, 598, 365, 598, 334, 599, 480, 481, 9, 600], [146, 602, 9, 603], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 605], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 607, 504, 510, 9, 608], [301, 610, 504, 510, 9, 611], [301, 613, 504, 510, 9, 614], [301, 616, 504, 510, 9, 617], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 619, 504, 510, 9, 620], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 622], [146, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 209, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 334, 633, 9, 634], [146, 636, 9, 637], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 640], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 643], [146, 645, 9, 646], [146, 648, 45, 649, 365, 649, 334, 650, 9, 651], [146, 653, 9, 654], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 656], [301, 658, 356, 357, 9, 659], [146, 661, 9, 662], [146, 648, 45, 664, 365, 664, 334, 665, 9, 666], [146, 668, 9, 669], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 671], [301, 673, 356, 357, 9, 674], [146, 676, 9, 677], [146, 679, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 227, 717, 9, 718], [146, 720, 9, 721], [146, 692, 9, 723], [146, 695, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 695, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 779], [301, 781, 356, 357, 9, 782], [146, 695, 334, 784, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 785], [146, 787, 9, 788], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 790, 233, 9, 791], [301, 793, 9, 794], [301, 796, 9, 797], [146, 759, 9, 799], [146, 695, 334, 801, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 802], [146, 804, 9, 805], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 807], [356, 357, 9, 809], [301, 811, 9, 812], [301, 814, 9, 815], [146, 817, 9, 818], [146, 821, 125, 822, 823, 824, 9, 825], [146, 695, 334, 827, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 828], [146, 830, 9, 831], [146, 286, 245, 833, 247, 833, 9, 834], [301, 836, 356, 357, 9, 837], [146, 710, 9, 839], [146, 713, 9, 841], [146, 843, 9, 844], [9, 846], [], [9, 849], [], [852, 2, 136, 853, 135, -1, 9, 854], [9, 856], [], [125, 859, 9, 860], [], [863, -1, 136, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 9, 871], [], [146, 874, 9, 875], [852, 2, 136, 877, 9, 878], [852, 2, 136, 880, 9, 881], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 884], [852, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [146, 889, 209, 890, 9, 891], [146, 893, 480, 481, 414, 894, 416, 417, 9, 895], [146, 897, 9, 898], [146, 900, 9, 901], [146, 632, 334, 903, 365, 904, 9, 905], [146, 636, 9, 907], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 909], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 911], [146, 913, 9, 914], [146, 916, 9, 917], [9, 920], [], [146, 923, 924, 697, 9, 925], [146, 927, 9, 928], [146, 930, 9, 931], [], [146, 934, 924, 935, 9, 936], [146, 938, 148, 939, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 503, 9, 946], [15, 948, 146, 949, 9, 950], [], [146, 953, 148, 954, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 955, 941, 956, 943, 957, 945, 958, 9, 959], [15, 961, 146, 949, 9, 962], [], [146, 965, 9, 966], [9, 968], [], [], [146, 913, 9, 972], [146, 974, 9, 975], [], [9, 978], [], [146, 980, 924, 958, 9, 981], [146, 983, 9, 984], [146, 986, 9, 987], [], [146, 990, 9, 991], [146, 993, 9, 994], [146, 996, 209, 997, 9, 998], [146, 1000, 1001, 1002, 9, 1003], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1002, 9, 1010], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1014], [], [146, 1017, 148, 1018, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 1019, 414, 1020, 416, 417, 9, 1021], [15, 1023, 146, 1024, 9, 1025], [37, 1027, 1028, 1027, 146, 1029, 35, 1030, 9, 1031], [], [146, 1034, 924, 1035, 9, 1036], [146, 1038, 924, 1039, 9, 1040], [9, 1043], [], [146, 1046, 9, 1047], [125, 1049, 146, 1050, 1051, 233, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 9, 1056], [146, 1058, 9, 1059], [146, 1061, 9, 1062], [], [146, 1065, 9, 1066], [], [146, 1069, 9, 1070], [146, 1072, 37, 1073, 1074, 1075, 9, 1076], [], [], [146, 1080, 9, 1081], [146, 1083, 9, 1084], [924, 1086, 9, 1087], [146, 1089, 334, 1090, 9, 1091], [146, 1093, 9, 1094], [], [146, 1097, 9, 1098], [146, 1100, 334, 1101, 9, 1102], [], [146, 1105, 334, 1106, 9, 1107], [], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1110], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1112], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1114]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [238, 315], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, 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1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113.328125, 17], [8, 765, 44.015625, 17], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 24.828125, 25], [34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 274.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 89], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1738.4375, 82.65625, 21], [16, 1741.4375, 66.65625, 15], [90.65625, 1738.4375, 23.796875, 21], [98.65625, 1741.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1775.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1775.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1775.4375, 113.328125, 17], [8, 1775.4375, 113.328125, 17], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1809.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1827.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1827.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1848.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1848.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1848.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1866.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1866.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1884.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1884.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1884.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1884.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1902.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1905.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1905.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1923.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1926.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1923.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1926.765625, 108.921875, 15], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, 448, -1, -1, -1, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, 472, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 922, -1, -1, -1, 933, -1, -1, -1, 952, -1, -1, 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[8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 274], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 89], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 21], [8, 1738, 83, 21], [], [91, 1738, 24, 21], [], [8, 1775, 1264, 18], [8, 1775, 1264, 18], [8, 1775, 113, 17], [], [8, 1809, 1264, 0], [8, 1809, 1264, 75], [8, 1809, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1827, 1264, 21], [8, 1827, 195, 21], [8, 1849, 1264, 0], [8, 1849, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1867, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1885, 1264, 18], [8, 1885, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1903, 1264, 42], [8, 1903, 1264, 21], [8, 1903, 1264, 21], [8, 1903, 88, 21], [16, 1906, 72, 15], [], [8, 1924, 1264, 21], [8, 1924, 120, 21], [], [128, 1924, 125, 21], [], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1544, 1953], [0, 0, 1544, 1953], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 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17, 109, 9, 110], [60, 112, 17, 88, 9, 113], [60, 115, 17, 99, 9, 116], [60, 118, 17, 99, 9, 119], [60, 121, 17, 38, 9, 122], [35, 124, 125, 126, 45, 88, 37, 127, 9, 128], [35, 130, 37, 131, 9, 132], [135, -1, 136, 137], [135, -1, 136, 137, 9, 138], [125, 140, 9, 141], [], [35, 144, 125, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 37, 150, 9, 151], [35, 144, 37, 153, 9, 154], [9, 156], [], [9, 159], [], [9, 162], [], [9, 165], [], [135, -1, 136, 168, 9, 169], [], [35, 173, 37, 174, 146, 175, 9, 176], [35, 178, 179, 180, 37, 181, 9, 182], [35, 178, 179, 184, 37, 185, 9, 186], [35, 178, 179, 188, 37, 189, 9, 190], [35, 178, 179, 192, 37, 193, 9, 194], [35, 196, 37, 197, 198, 199, 9, 200], [60, 202, 17, 203, 9, 204], [207, -1, 146, 208, 209, 210, 9, 211], [9, 213], [], [146, 217, 148, 218, 9, 219], [146, 221, 209, 222, 9, 223], [146, 225, 148, 226, 227, 228, 9, 229], [146, 231, 232, 233, 209, 234, 9, 235], [136, 237, 9, 238], [136, 240, 9, 241], [146, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 9, 249], [146, 251, 9, 252], [146, 254, 209, 255, 9, 256], [146, 258, 209, 259, 9, 260], [146, 262, 9, 263], [146, 265, 9, 266], [146, 268, 9, 269], [146, 271, 9, 272], [37, 275, 276, 277, 146, 278, 9, 279], [146, 282, 9, 283], [146, 286, 247, 287, 288, 289, 9, 290], [293, 294, 9, 295], [293, 297, 9, 298], [301, 302, 9, 303], [301, 305, 9, 306], [301, 308, 9, 309], [146, 311, 9, 312], [], [146, 315, 9, 316], [146, 318, 9, 319], [], [146, 322, 9, 323], [], [146, 326, 9, 327], [146, 329, 9, 330], [146, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 9, 338], [146, 340, 9, 341], [], [146, 329, 9, 344], [146, 346, 334, 347, 9, 348], [146, 350, 9, 351], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 353], [301, 355, 356, 357, 9, 358], [146, 360, 9, 361], [146, 363, 45, 364, 365, 364, 334, 366, 9, 367], [146, 369, 9, 370], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 288, 372, 9, 373], [301, 375, 9, 376], [146, 378, 379, 233, 334, 380, 9, 381], [146, 383, 9, 384], [136, 387, 146, 388, 389, 390, 9, 391], [146, 393, 9, 394], [397, 398, 9, 399], [146, 402, 403, 404, 9, 405], [146, 407, 148, 408, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 9, 418], [15, 421, 146, 422, 9, 423], [146, 425, 9, 426], [146, 425, 9, 429], [146, 431, 9, 432], [146, 434, 9, 435], [15, 438, 146, 439, 9, 440], [], [15, 444, 146, 445, 9, 446], [], [146, 449, 227, 450, 9, 451], [146, 453, 9, 454], [146, 456, 227, 457, 9, 458], [146, 460, 227, 461, 9, 462], [], [146, 465, 9, 466], [], [146, 469, 9, 470], [], [146, 473, 227, 474, 9, 475], [146, 477, 45, 478, 365, 478, 334, 479, 480, 481, 9, 482], [146, 484, 9, 485], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 487], [301, 489, 356, 357, 9, 490], [146, 492, 9, 493], [146, 495, 45, 496, 365, 496, 334, 497, 480, 481, 9, 498], [146, 500, 9, 501], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 506], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 509, 504, 510, 9, 511], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 513, 504, 510, 9, 514], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 524], [146, 495, 45, 526, 365, 526, 334, 527, 480, 481, 9, 528], [146, 530, 9, 531], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 533], [301, 535, 504, 510, 9, 536], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 538], [146, 495, 45, 540, 365, 540, 334, 541, 542, 543, 480, 481, 9, 544], [146, 546, 9, 547], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 549], [517, 551, 519, 552, 245, 553, 247, 554, 521, 555, 523, 510, 9, 556], [301, 558, 523, 510, 559, 560, 9, 561], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 563], [146, 495, 45, 565, 365, 565, 334, 541, 542, 566, 480, 481, 9, 567], [146, 569, 9, 570], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 572], [301, 574, 504, 510, 9, 575], [301, 577, 504, 510, 9, 578], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 580], [146, 495, 45, 582, 365, 582, 334, 583, 480, 481, 9, 584], [146, 586, 9, 587], [146, 286, 245, 589, 247, 589, 288, 590, 504, 505, 9, 591], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 593, 504, 510, 9, 594], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 596], [146, 495, 45, 598, 365, 598, 334, 599, 480, 481, 9, 600], [146, 602, 9, 603], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 605], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 607, 504, 510, 9, 608], [301, 610, 504, 510, 9, 611], [301, 613, 504, 510, 9, 614], [301, 616, 504, 510, 9, 617], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 619, 504, 510, 9, 620], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 622], [146, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 209, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 334, 633, 9, 634], [146, 636, 9, 637], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 640], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 643], [146, 645, 9, 646], [146, 648, 45, 649, 365, 649, 334, 650, 9, 651], [146, 653, 9, 654], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 656], [301, 658, 356, 357, 9, 659], [146, 661, 9, 662], [146, 648, 45, 664, 365, 664, 334, 665, 9, 666], [146, 668, 9, 669], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 671], [301, 673, 356, 357, 9, 674], [146, 676, 9, 677], [146, 679, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 227, 717, 9, 718], [146, 720, 9, 721], [146, 692, 9, 723], [146, 695, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 695, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 779], [301, 781, 356, 357, 9, 782], [146, 695, 334, 784, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 785], [146, 787, 9, 788], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 790, 233, 9, 791], [301, 793, 9, 794], [301, 796, 9, 797], [146, 759, 9, 799], [146, 695, 334, 801, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 802], [146, 804, 9, 805], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 807], [356, 357, 9, 809], [301, 811, 9, 812], [301, 814, 9, 815], [146, 817, 9, 818], [146, 821, 125, 822, 823, 824, 9, 825], [146, 695, 334, 827, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 828], [146, 830, 9, 831], [146, 286, 245, 833, 247, 833, 9, 834], [301, 836, 356, 357, 9, 837], [146, 710, 9, 839], [146, 713, 9, 841], [146, 843, 9, 844], [9, 846], [], [9, 849], [], [852, 2, 136, 853, 135, -1, 9, 854], [9, 856], [], [125, 859, 9, 860], [], [863, -1, 136, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 9, 871], [], [146, 874, 9, 875], [852, 2, 136, 877, 9, 878], [852, 2, 136, 880, 9, 881], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 884], [852, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [146, 889, 209, 890, 9, 891], [146, 893, 480, 481, 414, 894, 416, 417, 9, 895], [146, 897, 9, 898], [146, 900, 9, 901], [146, 632, 334, 903, 365, 904, 9, 905], [146, 636, 9, 907], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 909], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 911], [146, 913, 9, 914], [146, 916, 9, 917], [9, 920], [], [146, 923, 924, 697, 9, 925], [146, 927, 9, 928], [146, 930, 9, 931], [], [146, 934, 924, 935, 9, 936], [146, 938, 148, 939, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 503, 9, 946], [15, 948, 146, 949, 9, 950], [], [146, 953, 148, 954, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 955, 941, 956, 943, 957, 945, 958, 9, 959], [15, 961, 146, 949, 9, 962], [], [146, 965, 9, 966], [9, 968], [], [], [146, 913, 9, 972], [146, 974, 9, 975], [], [9, 978], [], [146, 980, 924, 958, 9, 981], [146, 983, 9, 984], [146, 986, 9, 987], [], [146, 990, 9, 991], [146, 993, 9, 994], [146, 996, 209, 997, 9, 998], [146, 1000, 1001, 1002, 9, 1003], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1002, 9, 1010], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1014], [], [146, 1017, 148, 1018, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 1019, 414, 1020, 416, 417, 9, 1021], [15, 1023, 146, 1024, 9, 1025], [37, 1027, 1028, 1027, 146, 1029, 35, 1030, 9, 1031], [], [146, 1034, 924, 1035, 9, 1036], [146, 1038, 924, 1039, 9, 1040], [9, 1043], [], [146, 1046, 9, 1047], [125, 1049, 146, 1050, 1051, 233, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 9, 1056], [146, 1058, 9, 1059], [146, 1061, 9, 1062], [], [146, 1065, 9, 1066], [], [146, 1069, 9, 1070], [146, 1072, 37, 1073, 1074, 1075, 9, 1076], [], [], [146, 1080, 9, 1081], [146, 1083, 9, 1084], [924, 1086, 9, 1087], [146, 1089, 334, 1090, 9, 1091], [146, 1093, 9, 1094], [], [146, 1097, 9, 1098], [146, 1100, 334, 1101, 9, 1102], [], [146, 1105, 334, 1106, 9, 1107], [], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1110], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1112], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1114]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [238, 315], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, 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1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113.328125, 17], [8, 765, 44.015625, 17], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 24.828125, 25], [34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 274.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 89], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1738.4375, 82.65625, 21], [16, 1741.4375, 66.65625, 15], [90.65625, 1738.4375, 23.796875, 21], [98.65625, 1741.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1775.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1775.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1775.4375, 113.328125, 17], [8, 1775.4375, 113.328125, 17], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1809.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1827.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1827.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1848.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1848.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1848.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1866.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1866.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1884.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1884.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1884.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1884.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1902.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1905.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1905.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1923.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1926.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1923.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1926.765625, 108.921875, 15], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, 448, -1, -1, -1, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, 472, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 922, -1, -1, -1, 933, -1, -1, -1, 952, -1, -1, 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[8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 274], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 89], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 21], [8, 1738, 83, 21], [], [91, 1738, 24, 21], [], [8, 1775, 1264, 18], [8, 1775, 1264, 18], [8, 1775, 113, 17], [], [8, 1809, 1264, 0], [8, 1809, 1264, 75], [8, 1809, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1827, 1264, 21], [8, 1827, 195, 21], [8, 1849, 1264, 0], [8, 1849, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1867, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1885, 1264, 18], [8, 1885, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1903, 1264, 42], [8, 1903, 1264, 21], [8, 1903, 1264, 21], [8, 1903, 88, 21], [16, 1906, 72, 15], [], [8, 1924, 1264, 21], [8, 1924, 120, 21], [], [128, 1924, 125, 21], [], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1544, 1953], [0, 0, 1544, 1953], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 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9, 531], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 533], [301, 535, 504, 510, 9, 536], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 538], [146, 495, 45, 540, 365, 540, 334, 541, 542, 543, 480, 481, 9, 544], [146, 546, 9, 547], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 549], [517, 551, 519, 552, 245, 553, 247, 554, 521, 555, 523, 510, 9, 556], [301, 558, 523, 510, 559, 560, 9, 561], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 563], [146, 495, 45, 565, 365, 565, 334, 541, 542, 566, 480, 481, 9, 567], [146, 569, 9, 570], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 572], [301, 574, 504, 510, 9, 575], [301, 577, 504, 510, 9, 578], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 580], [146, 495, 45, 582, 365, 582, 334, 583, 480, 481, 9, 584], [146, 586, 9, 587], [146, 286, 245, 589, 247, 589, 288, 590, 504, 505, 9, 591], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 593, 504, 510, 9, 594], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 596], [146, 495, 45, 598, 365, 598, 334, 599, 480, 481, 9, 600], [146, 602, 9, 603], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 605], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 607, 504, 510, 9, 608], [301, 610, 504, 510, 9, 611], [301, 613, 504, 510, 9, 614], [301, 616, 504, 510, 9, 617], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 619, 504, 510, 9, 620], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 622], [146, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 209, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 334, 633, 9, 634], [146, 636, 9, 637], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 640], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 643], [146, 645, 9, 646], [146, 648, 45, 649, 365, 649, 334, 650, 9, 651], [146, 653, 9, 654], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 656], [301, 658, 356, 357, 9, 659], [146, 661, 9, 662], [146, 648, 45, 664, 365, 664, 334, 665, 9, 666], [146, 668, 9, 669], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 671], [301, 673, 356, 357, 9, 674], [146, 676, 9, 677], [146, 679, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 227, 717, 9, 718], [146, 720, 9, 721], [146, 692, 9, 723], [146, 695, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 695, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 779], [301, 781, 356, 357, 9, 782], [146, 695, 334, 784, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 785], [146, 787, 9, 788], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 790, 233, 9, 791], [301, 793, 9, 794], [301, 796, 9, 797], [146, 759, 9, 799], [146, 695, 334, 801, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 802], [146, 804, 9, 805], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 807], [356, 357, 9, 809], [301, 811, 9, 812], [301, 814, 9, 815], [146, 817, 9, 818], [146, 821, 125, 822, 823, 824, 9, 825], [146, 695, 334, 827, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 828], [146, 830, 9, 831], [146, 286, 245, 833, 247, 833, 9, 834], [301, 836, 356, 357, 9, 837], [146, 710, 9, 839], [146, 713, 9, 841], [146, 843, 9, 844], [9, 846], [], [9, 849], [], [852, 2, 136, 853, 135, -1, 9, 854], [9, 856], [], [125, 859, 9, 860], [], [863, -1, 136, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 9, 871], [], [146, 874, 9, 875], [852, 2, 136, 877, 9, 878], [852, 2, 136, 880, 9, 881], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 884], [852, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [146, 889, 209, 890, 9, 891], [146, 893, 480, 481, 414, 894, 416, 417, 9, 895], [146, 897, 9, 898], [146, 900, 9, 901], [146, 632, 334, 903, 365, 904, 9, 905], [146, 636, 9, 907], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 909], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 911], [146, 913, 9, 914], [146, 916, 9, 917], [9, 920], [], [146, 923, 924, 697, 9, 925], [146, 927, 9, 928], [146, 930, 9, 931], [], [146, 934, 924, 935, 9, 936], [146, 938, 148, 939, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 503, 9, 946], [15, 948, 146, 949, 9, 950], [], [146, 953, 148, 954, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 955, 941, 956, 943, 957, 945, 958, 9, 959], [15, 961, 146, 949, 9, 962], [], [146, 965, 9, 966], [9, 968], [], [], [146, 913, 9, 972], [146, 974, 9, 975], [], [9, 978], [], [146, 980, 924, 958, 9, 981], [146, 983, 9, 984], [146, 986, 9, 987], [], [146, 990, 9, 991], [146, 993, 9, 994], [146, 996, 209, 997, 9, 998], [146, 1000, 1001, 1002, 9, 1003], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1002, 9, 1010], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1014], [], [146, 1017, 148, 1018, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 1019, 414, 1020, 416, 417, 9, 1021], [15, 1023, 146, 1024, 9, 1025], [37, 1027, 1028, 1027, 146, 1029, 35, 1030, 9, 1031], [], [146, 1034, 924, 1035, 9, 1036], [146, 1038, 924, 1039, 9, 1040], [9, 1043], [], [146, 1046, 9, 1047], [125, 1049, 146, 1050, 1051, 233, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 9, 1056], [146, 1058, 9, 1059], [146, 1061, 9, 1062], [], [146, 1065, 9, 1066], [], [146, 1069, 9, 1070], [146, 1072, 37, 1073, 1074, 1075, 9, 1076], [], [], [146, 1080, 9, 1081], [146, 1083, 9, 1084], [924, 1086, 9, 1087], [146, 1089, 334, 1090, 9, 1091], [146, 1093, 9, 1094], [], [146, 1097, 9, 1098], [146, 1100, 334, 1101, 9, 1102], [], [146, 1105, 334, 1106, 9, 1107], [], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1110], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1112], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1114]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [238, 315], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, 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1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113.328125, 17], [8, 765, 44.015625, 17], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 24.828125, 25], [34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 495.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 274.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 89], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 55], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1738.4375, 82.65625, 21], [16, 1741.4375, 66.65625, 15], [90.65625, 1738.4375, 23.796875, 21], [98.65625, 1741.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1775.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1775.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1775.4375, 113.328125, 17], [8, 1775.4375, 113.328125, 17], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1809.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1809.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1827.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1827.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1848.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1848.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1848.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1866.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1866.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1884.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1884.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1884.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1884.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1902.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1902.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1905.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1905.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1923.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1926.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1923.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1926.765625, 108.921875, 15], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, 448, -1, -1, -1, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, 472, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 922, -1, -1, -1, 933, -1, -1, -1, 952, -1, -1, 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[8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 1264, 495], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 274], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 89], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 55], [8, 1738, 1264, 21], [8, 1738, 83, 21], [], [91, 1738, 24, 21], [], [8, 1775, 1264, 18], [8, 1775, 1264, 18], [8, 1775, 113, 17], [], [8, 1809, 1264, 0], [8, 1809, 1264, 75], [8, 1809, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1827, 1264, 21], [8, 1827, 195, 21], [8, 1849, 1264, 0], [8, 1849, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1867, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1885, 1264, 18], [8, 1885, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1903, 1264, 42], [8, 1903, 1264, 21], [8, 1903, 1264, 21], [8, 1903, 88, 21], [16, 1906, 72, 15], [], [8, 1924, 1264, 21], [8, 1924, 120, 21], [], [128, 1924, 125, 21], [], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1544, 1953], [0, 0, 1544, 1953], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 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288, 590, 504, 505, 9, 591], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 593, 504, 510, 9, 594], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 596], [146, 495, 45, 598, 365, 598, 334, 599, 480, 481, 9, 600], [146, 602, 9, 603], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 605], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 607, 504, 510, 9, 608], [301, 610, 504, 510, 9, 611], [301, 613, 504, 510, 9, 614], [301, 616, 504, 510, 9, 617], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 619, 504, 510, 9, 620], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 622], [146, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 209, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 334, 633, 9, 634], [146, 636, 9, 637], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 640], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 643], [146, 645, 9, 646], [146, 648, 45, 649, 365, 649, 334, 650, 9, 651], [146, 653, 9, 654], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 656], [301, 658, 356, 357, 9, 659], [146, 661, 9, 662], [146, 648, 45, 664, 365, 664, 334, 665, 9, 666], [146, 668, 9, 669], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 671], [301, 673, 356, 357, 9, 674], [146, 676, 9, 677], [146, 679, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 227, 717, 9, 718], [146, 720, 9, 721], [146, 692, 9, 723], [146, 695, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 695, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 779], [301, 781, 356, 357, 9, 782], [146, 695, 334, 784, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 785], [146, 787, 9, 788], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 790, 233, 9, 791], [301, 793, 9, 794], [301, 796, 9, 797], [146, 759, 9, 799], [146, 695, 334, 801, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 802], [146, 804, 9, 805], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 807], [356, 357, 9, 809], [301, 811, 9, 812], [301, 814, 9, 815], [146, 817, 9, 818], [146, 821, 125, 822, 823, 824, 9, 825], [146, 695, 334, 827, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 828], [146, 830, 9, 831], [146, 286, 245, 833, 247, 833, 9, 834], [301, 836, 356, 357, 9, 837], [146, 710, 9, 839], [146, 713, 9, 841], [146, 843, 9, 844], [9, 846], [], [9, 849], [], [852, 2, 136, 853, 135, -1, 9, 854], [9, 856], [], [125, 859, 9, 860], [], [863, -1, 136, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 9, 871], [], [146, 874, 9, 875], [852, 2, 136, 877, 9, 878], [852, 2, 136, 880, 9, 881], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 884], [852, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [146, 889, 209, 890, 9, 891], [146, 893, 480, 481, 414, 894, 416, 417, 9, 895], [146, 897, 9, 898], [146, 900, 9, 901], [146, 632, 334, 903, 365, 904, 9, 905], [146, 636, 9, 907], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 909], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 911], [146, 913, 9, 914], [146, 916, 9, 917], [9, 920], [], [146, 923, 924, 697, 9, 925], [146, 927, 9, 928], [146, 930, 9, 931], [], [146, 934, 924, 935, 9, 936], [146, 938, 148, 939, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 503, 9, 946], [15, 948, 146, 949, 9, 950], [], [146, 953, 148, 954, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 955, 941, 956, 943, 957, 945, 958, 9, 959], [15, 961, 146, 949, 9, 962], [], [146, 965, 9, 966], [9, 968], [], [], [146, 913, 9, 972], [146, 974, 9, 975], [], [9, 978], [], [146, 980, 924, 958, 9, 981], [146, 983, 9, 984], [146, 986, 9, 987], [], [146, 990, 9, 991], [146, 993, 9, 994], [146, 996, 209, 997, 9, 998], [146, 1000, 1001, 1002, 9, 1003], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1002, 9, 1010], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1014], [], [146, 1000, 1001, 1017, 9, 1018], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1017, 9, 1020], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1022], [], [146, 1024, 148, 1025, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 1026, 414, 1027, 416, 417, 9, 1028], [15, 1030, 146, 1031, 9, 1032], [146, 1034, 9, 1035], [], [9, 1038], [146, 1040, 924, 1041, 9, 1042], [146, 1044, 924, 1045, 9, 1046], [9, 1049], [], [146, 1052, 9, 1053], [125, 1055, 146, 1056, 1057, 233, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 9, 1062], [146, 1064, 9, 1065], [146, 1067, 9, 1068], [], [146, 1071, 9, 1072], [], [146, 1075, 9, 1076], [146, 1078, 37, 1079, 1080, 1081, 9, 1082], [], [], [146, 1086, 9, 1087], [146, 1089, 9, 1090], [924, 1092, 9, 1093], [146, 1095, 334, 1096, 9, 1097], [146, 1099, 9, 1100], [], [146, 1103, 9, 1104], [146, 1106, 334, 1107, 9, 1108], [], [146, 1111, 334, 1112, 9, 1113], [], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1116], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1118], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 1120]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [238, 321], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoType": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [75, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 238, 260, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 318, 321, 328, 342, 343, 344]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [107], "value": [387]}, "originURL": {"index": [], "value": []}}, "layout": {"nodeIndex": [0, 1, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 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[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], "bounds": [[0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 1973.765625], [8, 8, 1264, 1957.765625], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1536, 746], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113.328125, 17], [8, 765, 44.015625, 17], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 24.828125, 25], [34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 516.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 516.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 516.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 516.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 295.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 110], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 76], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 76], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 76], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1738.4375, 82.65625, 21], [16, 1741.4375, 66.65625, 15], [90.65625, 1738.4375, 23.796875, 21], [98.65625, 1741.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1759.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1759.4375, 62.65625, 21], [16, 1762.4375, 46.65625, 15], [70.65625, 1759.4375, 23.796875, 21], [78.65625, 1762.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1796.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1796.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1796.4375, 90.65625, 17], [8, 1796.4375, 90.65625, 17], [98.65625, 1810.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1830.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1830.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1830.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1830.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1848.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1848.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1869.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1869.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1869.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1887.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1887.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1905.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1905.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1905.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1905.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1923.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1926.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1926.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1944.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1944.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1947.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1944.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1947.765625, 108.921875, 15], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, 448, -1, -1, -1, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, 472, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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[8, 765, 113, 17], [8, 765, 44, 17], [8, 754, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [52, 765, 69, 17], [], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 222, 17], [], [191, 783, 39, 17], [], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 516], [8, 1449, 1264, 516], [8, 1449, 1264, 516], [8, 1449, 1264, 516], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 295], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 110], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 76], [8, 1738, 1264, 76], [8, 1738, 1264, 76], [8, 1738, 1264, 21], [8, 1738, 83, 21], [], [91, 1738, 24, 21], [], [8, 1759, 1264, 21], [8, 1759, 63, 21], [], [71, 1759, 24, 21], [], [8, 1796, 1264, 18], [8, 1796, 1264, 18], [8, 1796, 91, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1830, 1264, 0], [8, 1830, 1264, 75], [8, 1830, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1848, 1264, 21], [8, 1848, 195, 21], [8, 1870, 1264, 0], [8, 1870, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1888, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1906, 1264, 18], [8, 1906, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1924, 1264, 42], [8, 1924, 1264, 21], [8, 1924, 1264, 21], [8, 1924, 88, 21], [16, 1927, 72, 15], [], [8, 1945, 1264, 21], [8, 1945, 120, 21], [], [128, 1945, 125, 21], [], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1544, 1974], [0, 0, 1544, 1974], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 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683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 227, 717, 9, 718], [146, 720, 9, 721], [146, 692, 9, 723], [146, 695, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 695, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], 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[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], "bounds": [[0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 2087.765625], [8, 8, 1264, 2063.765625], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1264, 1441.4375], [8, 8, 1536, 746], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113.328125, 17], [8, 765, 44.015625, 17], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 44.015625, 25], [8, 754, 24.828125, 25], [34.03125, 754.71875, 12.421875, 23.5625], [47.640625, 755.953125, 4.375, 21.09375], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 622.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 516.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 516.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 516.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 295.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 110], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 76], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 76], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 76], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1738.4375, 82.65625, 21], [16, 1741.4375, 66.65625, 15], [90.65625, 1738.4375, 23.796875, 21], [98.65625, 1741.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1759.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1759.4375, 62.65625, 21], [16, 1762.4375, 46.65625, 15], [70.65625, 1759.4375, 23.796875, 21], [78.65625, 1762.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1796.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1796.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1796.4375, 53.328125, 17], [8, 1796.4375, 53.328125, 17], [8, 1830.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1830.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1830.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1830.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1848.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1848.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1869.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1869.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1869.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1887.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1887.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1905.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1905.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1905.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1905.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1923.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1923.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1926.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1926.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1944.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1944.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1947.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1944.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1947.765625, 108.921875, 15], [8, 1981.765625, 1264, 90], [8, 1981.765625, 1264, 90], [8, 1981.765625, 1264, 90], [48, 1981.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 1981.765625, 7, 18], [31, 1981.765625, 7, 17], [48, 1981.765625, 55.109375, 17], [48, 1981.765625, 55.109375, 17], [103.109375, 1981.765625, 4, 17], [107.109375, 1981.765625, 42.21875, 17], [107.109375, 1981.765625, 42.21875, 17], [48, 1999.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 1999.765625, 7, 18], [31, 1999.765625, 7, 17], [48, 1999.765625, 114.0625, 17], [48, 1999.765625, 114.0625, 17], [162.0625, 1999.765625, 4, 17], [166.0625, 1999.765625, 34.65625, 17], [166.0625, 1999.765625, 34.65625, 17], [48, 2017.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 2017.765625, 7, 18], [31, 2017.765625, 7, 17], [48, 2017.765625, 156.421875, 17], [48, 2017.765625, 156.421875, 17], [204.421875, 2017.765625, 4, 17], [208.421875, 2017.765625, 34.65625, 17], [208.421875, 2017.765625, 34.65625, 17], [48, 2035.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 2035.765625, 7, 18], [31, 2035.765625, 7, 17], [48, 2035.765625, 138.34375, 17], [48, 2035.765625, 138.34375, 17], [186.34375, 2035.765625, 4, 17], [190.34375, 2035.765625, 34.65625, 17], [190.34375, 2035.765625, 34.65625, 17], [48, 2053.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 2053.765625, 7, 18], [31, 2053.765625, 7, 17], [48, 2053.765625, 137.78125, 17], [48, 2053.765625, 137.78125, 17], [185.78125, 2053.765625, 4, 17], [189.78125, 2053.765625, 34.65625, 17], [189.78125, 2053.765625, 34.65625, 17], [8, 2087.765625, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], 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21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 622], [8, 1449, 1264, 516], [8, 1449, 1264, 516], [8, 1449, 1264, 516], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 295], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 110], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 76], [8, 1738, 1264, 76], [8, 1738, 1264, 76], [8, 1738, 1264, 21], [8, 1738, 83, 21], [], [91, 1738, 24, 21], [], [8, 1759, 1264, 21], [8, 1759, 63, 21], [], [71, 1759, 24, 21], [], [8, 1796, 1264, 18], [8, 1796, 1264, 18], [8, 1796, 53, 17], [], [8, 1830, 1264, 0], [8, 1830, 1264, 75], [8, 1830, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1848, 1264, 21], [8, 1848, 195, 21], [8, 1870, 1264, 0], [8, 1870, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1888, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1906, 1264, 18], [8, 1906, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1924, 1264, 42], [8, 1924, 1264, 21], [8, 1924, 1264, 21], [8, 1924, 88, 21], [16, 1927, 72, 15], [], [8, 1945, 1264, 21], [8, 1945, 120, 21], [], [128, 1945, 125, 21], [], [8, 1982, 1264, 90], [8, 1982, 1264, 90], [8, 1982, 1264, 90], [48, 1982, 1224, 18], [31, 1982, 7, 18], [31, 1982, 7, 18], [48, 1982, 55, 17], [], [], [107, 1982, 42, 17], [], [48, 2000, 1224, 18], [31, 2000, 7, 18], [31, 2000, 7, 18], [48, 2000, 114, 17], [], [], [166, 2000, 35, 17], [], [48, 2018, 1224, 18], [31, 2018, 7, 18], [31, 2018, 7, 18], [48, 2018, 156, 17], [], [], [208, 2018, 35, 17], [], [48, 2036, 1224, 18], [31, 2036, 7, 18], [31, 2036, 7, 18], [48, 2036, 138, 17], [], [], [190, 2036, 35, 17], [], [48, 2054, 1224, 18], [31, 2054, 7, 18], [31, 2054, 7, 18], [48, 2054, 138, 17], [], [], [190, 2054, 35, 17], [], [8, 2088, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1544, 2088], [0, 0, 1544, 2088], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 45, 37], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 105], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 85], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 28], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 31, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 622], [0, 0, 1264, 516], [0, 0, 1264, 516], [0, 0, 1264, 516], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 154], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 295], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 110], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 76], [0, 0, 1264, 76], [0, 0, 1264, 76], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 79, 17], [], [0, 0, 20, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 59, 17], [], [0, 0, 20, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 191, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 84, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 116, 17], [], [0, 0, 121, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 90], [0, 0, 1264, 90], [0, 0, 1264, 90], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100], [0, 0, 100, 100], [0, 0, 100, 100]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 2088], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 147, 18], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 135, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 304], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 2], [1, 1, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 121], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 45, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], 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514], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 524], [146, 495, 45, 526, 365, 526, 334, 527, 480, 481, 9, 528], [146, 530, 9, 531], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 533], [301, 535, 504, 510, 9, 536], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 538], [146, 495, 45, 540, 365, 540, 334, 541, 542, 543, 480, 481, 9, 544], [146, 546, 9, 547], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 549], [517, 551, 519, 552, 245, 553, 247, 554, 521, 555, 523, 510, 9, 556], [301, 558, 523, 510, 559, 560, 9, 561], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 563], [146, 495, 45, 565, 365, 565, 334, 541, 542, 566, 480, 481, 9, 567], [146, 569, 9, 570], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 572], [301, 574, 504, 510, 9, 575], [301, 577, 504, 510, 9, 578], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 580], [146, 495, 45, 582, 365, 582, 334, 583, 480, 481, 9, 584], [146, 586, 9, 587], [146, 286, 245, 589, 247, 589, 288, 590, 504, 505, 9, 591], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 593, 504, 510, 9, 594], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 596], [146, 495, 45, 598, 365, 598, 334, 599, 480, 481, 9, 600], [146, 602, 9, 603], [146, 286, 245, 503, 247, 503, 504, 505, 9, 605], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 607, 504, 510, 9, 608], [301, 610, 504, 510, 9, 611], [301, 613, 504, 510, 9, 614], [301, 616, 504, 510, 9, 617], [356, 357, 508, 357, 301, 619, 504, 510, 9, 620], [517, 518, 519, 518, 245, 520, 247, 520, 521, 522, 523, 510, 9, 622], [146, 625, 9, 626], [146, 628, 209, 629, 9, 630], [146, 632, 334, 633, 9, 634], [146, 636, 9, 637], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 640], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 643], [146, 645, 9, 646], [146, 648, 45, 649, 365, 649, 334, 650, 9, 651], [146, 653, 9, 654], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 656], [301, 658, 356, 357, 9, 659], [146, 661, 9, 662], [146, 648, 45, 664, 365, 664, 334, 665, 9, 666], [146, 668, 9, 669], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 671], [301, 673, 356, 357, 9, 674], [146, 676, 9, 677], [146, 679, 9, 680], [146, 682, 9, 683], [146, 685, 209, 686, 9, 687], [146, 689, 9, 690], [146, 692, 9, 693], [146, 695, 334, 696, 542, 697, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 700], [146, 702, 9, 703], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 705], [301, 707, 356, 357, 9, 708], [146, 710, 9, 711], [146, 713, 9, 714], [146, 685, 209, 716, 227, 717, 9, 718], [146, 720, 9, 721], [146, 692, 9, 723], [146, 695, 334, 725, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 726], [146, 728, 9, 729], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 732], [301, 734, 356, 357, 9, 735], [146, 695, 334, 737, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 738], [146, 740, 9, 741], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 743], [301, 745, 356, 357, 9, 746], [146, 695, 334, 748, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 749], [146, 751, 9, 752], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 754], [301, 756, 356, 357, 9, 757], [146, 759, 9, 760], [146, 695, 334, 762, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 763], [146, 765, 9, 766], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 768], [301, 770, 356, 357, 9, 771], [146, 695, 334, 773, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 774], [146, 776, 9, 777], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 9, 779], [301, 781, 356, 357, 9, 782], [146, 695, 334, 784, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 785], [146, 787, 9, 788], [146, 286, 245, 731, 247, 731, 790, 233, 9, 791], [301, 793, 9, 794], [301, 796, 9, 797], [146, 759, 9, 799], [146, 695, 334, 801, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 802], [146, 804, 9, 805], [146, 286, 245, 287, 247, 287, 9, 807], [356, 357, 9, 809], [301, 811, 9, 812], [301, 814, 9, 815], [146, 817, 9, 818], [146, 821, 125, 822, 823, 824, 9, 825], [146, 695, 334, 827, 336, 698, 699, 233, 9, 828], [146, 830, 9, 831], [146, 286, 245, 833, 247, 833, 9, 834], [301, 836, 356, 357, 9, 837], [146, 710, 9, 839], [146, 713, 9, 841], [146, 843, 9, 844], [9, 846], [], [9, 849], [], [852, 2, 136, 853, 135, -1, 9, 854], [9, 856], [], [125, 859, 9, 860], [], [863, -1, 136, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 9, 871], [], [146, 874, 9, 875], [852, 2, 136, 877, 9, 878], [852, 2, 136, 880, 9, 881], [411, 233, 480, 481, 227, 883, 9, 884], [852, 2, 136, 886, 9, 887], [146, 889, 209, 890, 9, 891], [146, 893, 480, 481, 414, 894, 416, 417, 9, 895], [146, 897, 9, 898], [146, 900, 9, 901], [146, 632, 334, 903, 365, 904, 9, 905], [146, 636, 9, 907], [146, 286, 245, 639, 247, 639, 9, 909], [301, 642, 356, 357, 9, 911], [146, 913, 9, 914], [146, 916, 9, 917], [9, 920], [], [146, 923, 924, 697, 9, 925], [146, 927, 9, 928], [146, 930, 9, 931], [], [146, 934, 924, 935, 9, 936], [146, 938, 148, 939, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 503, 9, 946], [15, 948, 146, 949, 9, 950], [], [146, 953, 148, 954, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 955, 941, 956, 943, 957, 945, 958, 9, 959], [15, 961, 146, 949, 9, 962], [], [146, 965, 9, 966], [9, 968], [], [], [146, 913, 9, 972], [146, 974, 9, 975], [], [9, 978], [], [146, 980, 924, 958, 9, 981], [146, 983, 9, 984], [146, 986, 9, 987], [], [146, 990, 9, 991], [146, 993, 9, 994], [146, 996, 209, 997, 9, 998], [146, 1000, 1001, 1002, 9, 1003], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1002, 9, 1010], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1014], [], [146, 1000, 1001, 1017, 9, 1018], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1017, 9, 1020], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1022], [], [146, 1000, 1001, 1024, 9, 1025], [146, 1005, 334, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1024, 9, 1027], [], [146, 1012, 334, 1013, 9, 1029], [], [146, 1031, 148, 1032, 409, 233, 397, 410, 411, 233, 412, 1033, 414, 1034, 416, 417, 9, 1035], [15, 1037, 146, 1038, 9, 1039], [37, 1041, 1042, 1041, 146, 1043, 35, 1044, 9, 1045], [], [146, 1048, 924, 1049, 9, 1050], [146, 1052, 924, 1053, 9, 1054], [9, 1057], [], [146, 1060, 9, 1061], [125, 1063, 146, 1064, 1065, 233, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 9, 1070], [146, 1072, 9, 1073], [146, 1075, 9, 1076], [], [146, 1079, 9, 1080], [], [146, 1083, 9, 1084], [146, 1086, 37, 1087, 1088, 1089, 9, 1090], [], [], [146, 1094, 9, 1095], [146, 1097, 9, 1098], [924, 1100, 9, 1101], [146, 1103, 334, 1104, 9, 1105], [146, 1107, 9, 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783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 221.921875, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 59.71875, 21], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [21, 835.484375, 15.25, 4.015625], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [21, 860, 15, 17.453125], [49, 866, 151.03125, 22], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [57, 869, 135.03125, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 304.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 97.4375], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 916.71875, 1264, 22], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1264, 36], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 35], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 121], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1009.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1009.4375, 29.65625, 17], [8, 1027.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1027.4375, 49.78125, 17], [8, 1045.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1045.4375, 43.53125, 17], [8, 1130.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1130.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1146.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1133.4375, 25, 25], [21, 1138.4375, 15, 15], [8, 1161.4375, 1264, 39], [8, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [16, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [33, 1178.4375, 4, 4], [24, 1175.4375, 16, 12], [16, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [56, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [64, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [74, 1175.4375, 12, 12], [64, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [104, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [112, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [120, 1175.6875, 16, 12.546875], [125.75, 1177.84375, 6.25, 8.234375], [112, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [152, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [160, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [165.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [179.484375, 1174.921875, 7.03125, 13.03125], [160, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [200, 1161.4375, 49, 39], [208, 1185.4375, 33, 15], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [215.46875, 1173.203125, 18.0625, 15.984375], [208, 1164.4375, 33, 33], [249, 1162.4375, 48, 38], [257, 1185.4375, 32, 15], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [265, 1175.4375, 16, 1], [272, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [267, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [277, 1180.9375, 2, 2], [265, 1187.4375, 16, 1], [257, 1165.4375, 32, 32], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1200.4375, 1264, 105], [8, 1200.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1220.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1203.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1211.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1235.4375, 1264, 70], [8, 1235.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1255.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1238.4375, 29, 29], [24.1875, 1242.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1270.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1270.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1290.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1273.4375, 29, 29], [24, 1277.4375, 11.765625, 20.9375], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 1264, 31], [8, 1305.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1321.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1308.4375, 25, 25], [20.984375, 1313.4375, 14.25, 16.015625], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 113], [8, 1336.4375, 1264, 85], [8, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [20.375, 1343.453125, 12.3125, 14], [45, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [60.5, 1342.4375, 6.1875, 15.046875], [82, 1336.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1348.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1339.4375, 21, 21], [92.1875, 1342.4375, 16.875, 15], [8, 1363.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [16, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [16, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [19, 1368.4375, 15.859375, 16], [45, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [53, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [53, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [57, 1371.9375, 12.859375, 12.5], [82, 1363.4375, 37, 27], [90, 1375.4375, 21, 15], [90, 1366.4375, 21, 21], [101.015625, 1370.875, 7.84375, 13.59375], [92.125, 1370.875, 7.828125, 13.59375], [8, 1390.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.4375, 41, 31], [16, 1406.4375, 25, 15], [16, 1393.4375, 25, 25], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [19, 1397.984375, 19.03125, 17.453125], [27, 1401.5625, 3, 2.1875], [8, 1421.4375, 1264, 28], [8, 1428.4375, 205, 21], [213, 1421.4375, 35, 25], [221, 1431.4375, 19, 15], [221, 1424.4375, 19, 19], [225.59375, 1429.03125, 9.8125, 9.8125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 0, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 643.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 537.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 537.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 1264, 537.328125], [8, 1449.4375, 45, 35], [16, 1469.4375, 29, 15], [16, 1452.4375, 29, 29], [24.109375, 1460.546875, 12.828125, 12.828125], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 154], [8, 1500.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1500.4375, 96.125, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1534.4375, 499.4375, 17], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 52], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1568.4375, 460.421875, 17], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1602.4375, 887.921875, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [8, 1636.4375, 37.3125, 17], [45.3125, 1636.4375, 1004.0625, 17], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 316.328125], [8, 1670.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1670.4375, 93.359375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [101.359375, 1670.4375, 138.234375, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 131], [8, 1704.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1704.4375, 462.125, 17], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 97], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 97], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 97], [8, 1738.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1738.4375, 82.65625, 21], [16, 1741.4375, 66.65625, 15], [90.65625, 1738.4375, 23.796875, 21], [98.65625, 1741.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1759.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1759.4375, 62.65625, 21], [16, 1762.4375, 46.65625, 15], [70.65625, 1759.4375, 23.796875, 21], [78.65625, 1762.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1780.4375, 1264, 21], [8, 1780.4375, 64.171875, 21], [16, 1783.4375, 48.171875, 15], [72.171875, 1780.4375, 23.796875, 21], [80.171875, 1783.4375, 7.796875, 15], [8, 1817.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1817.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 1817.4375, 80, 17], [8, 1817.4375, 80, 17], [8, 1851.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 1851.4375, 1264, 75.328125], [8, 1851.4375, 1264, 39.328125], [8, 1851.4375, 174.203125, 17], [8, 1869.4375, 1264, 21.328125], [8, 1869.4375, 195.328125, 21.328125], [8, 1890.765625, 1264, 0], [8, 1890.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1890.765625, 164.984375, 17], [8, 1908.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1908.765625, 537.234375, 17], [8, 1926.765625, 1264, 18], [8, 1926.765625, 74.1875, 17], [8, 1926.765625, 74.1875, 17], [82.1875, 1926.765625, 333.296875, 17], [8, 1944.765625, 1264, 42], [8, 1944.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1944.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1944.765625, 87.875, 21], [16, 1947.765625, 71.875, 15], [16, 1947.765625, 71.875, 15], [8, 1965.765625, 1264, 21], [8, 1965.765625, 120.46875, 21], [16, 1968.765625, 104.46875, 15], [128.46875, 1965.765625, 124.921875, 21], [136.46875, 1968.765625, 108.921875, 15], [8, 2002.765625, 1264, 90], [8, 2002.765625, 1264, 90], [8, 2002.765625, 1264, 90], [48, 2002.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 2002.765625, 7, 18], [31, 2002.765625, 7, 17], [48, 2002.765625, 84.46875, 17], [48, 2002.765625, 84.46875, 17], [132.46875, 2002.765625, 4, 17], [136.46875, 2002.765625, 46.21875, 17], [136.46875, 2002.765625, 46.21875, 17], [48, 2020.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 2020.765625, 7, 18], [31, 2020.765625, 7, 17], [48, 2020.765625, 147.296875, 17], [48, 2020.765625, 147.296875, 17], [195.296875, 2020.765625, 4, 17], [199.296875, 2020.765625, 30.21875, 17], [199.296875, 2020.765625, 30.21875, 17], [48, 2038.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 2038.765625, 7, 18], [31, 2038.765625, 7, 17], [48, 2038.765625, 164.015625, 17], [48, 2038.765625, 164.015625, 17], [212.015625, 2038.765625, 4, 17], [216.015625, 2038.765625, 30.21875, 17], [216.015625, 2038.765625, 30.21875, 17], [48, 2056.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 2056.765625, 7, 18], [31, 2056.765625, 7, 17], [48, 2056.765625, 144.421875, 17], [48, 2056.765625, 144.421875, 17], [192.421875, 2056.765625, 4, 17], [196.421875, 2056.765625, 34.65625, 17], [196.421875, 2056.765625, 34.65625, 17], [48, 2074.765625, 1224, 18], [31, 2074.765625, 7, 18], [31, 2074.765625, 7, 17], [48, 2074.765625, 159.171875, 17], [48, 2074.765625, 159.171875, 17], [207.171875, 2074.765625, 4, 17], [211.171875, 2074.765625, 34.65625, 17], [211.171875, 2074.765625, 34.65625, 17], [8, 2108.765625, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, 321, -1, 325, -1, -1, -1, -1, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 442, -1, 448, -1, -1, -1, -1, 464, -1, 468, -1, 472, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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[8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 1441], [8, 8, 1264, 1441], [8, 8, 1536, 746], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 0], [8, 754, 1264, 134], [8, 754, 1264, 47], [8, 754, 1264, 29], [8, 765, 113, 17], [8, 765, 44, 17], [8, 754, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [52, 765, 69, 17], [], [8, 783, 1264, 18], [8, 783, 222, 17], [], [191, 783, 39, 17], [], [8, 801, 1264, 87], [8, 801, 1264, 21], [8, 801, 60, 21], [16, 804, 44, 15], [], [8, 822, 1264, 31], [8, 822, 41, 31], [16, 838, 25, 15], [16, 825, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 853, 1264, 35], [8, 853, 41, 31], [16, 869, 25, 15], [16, 856, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 866, 151, 22], [57, 869, 135, 16], [57, 869, 135, 16], [8, 888, 1264, 0], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 304], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 97], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 896, 1264, 2], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 77], [8, 917, 1264, 22], [], [8, 957, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1009, 1264, 121], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 0], [8, 1009, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1027, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1045, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1130, 1264, 70], [8, 1130, 41, 31], [16, 1146, 25, 15], [16, 1133, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1161, 1264, 39], [8, 1162, 48, 38], [16, 1185, 32, 15], [16, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [56, 1162, 48, 38], [64, 1185, 32, 15], [64, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [104, 1162, 48, 38], [112, 1185, 32, 15], [112, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [152, 1162, 48, 38], [160, 1185, 32, 15], [160, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [200, 1161, 49, 39], [208, 1185, 33, 15], [208, 1164, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [249, 1162, 48, 38], [257, 1185, 32, 15], [257, 1165, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 0], [8, 1200, 1264, 105], [8, 1200, 45, 35], [16, 1220, 29, 15], [16, 1203, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1235, 1264, 70], [8, 1235, 45, 35], [16, 1255, 29, 15], [16, 1238, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1270, 1264, 0], [8, 1270, 45, 35], [16, 1290, 29, 15], [16, 1273, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 0], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 1264, 31], [8, 1305, 41, 31], [16, 1321, 25, 15], [16, 1308, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 0], [8, 1336, 0, 0], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 113], [8, 1336, 1264, 85], [8, 1336, 37, 27], [16, 1348, 21, 15], [16, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1336, 37, 27], [53, 1348, 21, 15], [53, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1336, 37, 27], [90, 1348, 21, 15], [90, 1339, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1363, 1264, 0], [8, 1363, 37, 27], [16, 1375, 21, 15], [16, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45, 1363, 37, 27], [53, 1375, 21, 15], [53, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [82, 1363, 37, 27], [90, 1375, 21, 15], [90, 1366, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1390, 1264, 0], [8, 1390, 41, 31], [16, 1406, 25, 15], [16, 1393, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1421, 1264, 28], [8, 1428, 205, 21], [213, 1421, 35, 25], [221, 1431, 19, 15], [221, 1424, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 0, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [8, 1449, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [8, 1449, 1264, 643], [8, 1449, 1264, 537], [8, 1449, 1264, 537], [8, 1449, 1264, 537], [8, 1449, 45, 35], [16, 1469, 29, 15], [16, 1452, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1500, 1264, 154], [8, 1500, 1264, 18], [8, 1500, 96, 17], [], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 1264, 18], [8, 1534, 499, 17], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 52], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [8, 1568, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [8, 1602, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1636, 1264, 18], [8, 1636, 37, 17], [], [], [8, 1670, 1264, 316], [8, 1670, 1264, 18], [], [101, 1670, 138, 17], [], [8, 1704, 1264, 131], [8, 1704, 1264, 18], [8, 1704, 462, 17], [], [8, 1738, 1264, 97], [8, 1738, 1264, 97], [8, 1738, 1264, 97], [8, 1738, 1264, 21], [8, 1738, 83, 21], [], [91, 1738, 24, 21], [], [8, 1759, 1264, 21], [8, 1759, 63, 21], [], [71, 1759, 24, 21], [], [8, 1780, 1264, 21], [8, 1780, 64, 21], [], [72, 1780, 24, 21], [], [8, 1817, 1264, 18], [8, 1817, 1264, 18], [8, 1817, 80, 17], [], [8, 1851, 1264, 0], [8, 1851, 1264, 75], [8, 1851, 1264, 39], [], [8, 1869, 1264, 21], [8, 1869, 195, 21], [8, 1891, 1264, 0], [8, 1891, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1909, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1927, 1264, 18], [8, 1927, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 1945, 1264, 42], [8, 1945, 1264, 21], [8, 1945, 1264, 21], [8, 1945, 88, 21], [16, 1948, 72, 15], [], [8, 1966, 1264, 21], [8, 1966, 120, 21], [], [128, 1966, 125, 21], [], [8, 2003, 1264, 90], [8, 2003, 1264, 90], [8, 2003, 1264, 90], [48, 2003, 1224, 18], [31, 2003, 7, 18], [31, 2003, 7, 18], [48, 2003, 84, 17], [], [], [136, 2003, 46, 17], [], [48, 2021, 1224, 18], [31, 2021, 7, 18], [31, 2021, 7, 18], [48, 2021, 147, 17], [], [], [199, 2021, 30, 17], [], [48, 2039, 1224, 18], [31, 2039, 7, 18], [31, 2039, 7, 18], [48, 2039, 164, 17], [], [], [216, 2039, 30, 17], [], [48, 2057, 1224, 18], [31, 2057, 7, 18], [31, 2057, 7, 18], [48, 2057, 144, 17], [], [], [196, 2057, 35, 17], [], [48, 2075, 1224, 18], [31, 2075, 7, 18], [31, 2075, 7, 18], [48, 2075, 159, 17], [], [], [211, 2075, 35, 17], [], [8, 2109, 1264, 0], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100], [-9999, 0, 100, 100]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1544, 2109], [0, 0, 1544, 2109], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 1441], [0, 0, 1536, 746], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 134], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 44, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 87], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 35], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 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0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 105], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 85], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 37, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 28], [0, 0, 201, 17], [0, 0, 31, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 643], [0, 0, 1264, 537], [0, 0, 1264, 537], [0, 0, 1264, 537], [0, 0, 41, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 154], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 316], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 131], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 79, 17], [], [0, 0, 20, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 59, 17], [], [0, 0, 20, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 60, 17], [], [0, 0, 20, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 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[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 45, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 33, 33], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 44, 34], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 105], [2, 2, 41, 31], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [2, 2, 41, 31], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 41, 31], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 85], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 33, 23], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 21, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 37, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 25, 25], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 28], [2, 2, 201, 17], [2, 2, 31, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 19, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 643], [0, 0, 1264, 537], [0, 0, 1264, 537], [0, 0, 1264, 537], [2, 2, 41, 31], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 29, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 154], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 316], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 131], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 79, 17], [], [2, 2, 20, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 59, 17], [], [2, 2, 20, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 60, 17], [], [2, 2, 20, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 191, 17], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 84, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 116, 17], [], [2, 2, 121, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 90], [0, 0, 1264, 90], [0, 0, 1264, 90], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 100, 100], [0, 0, 100, 100], [0, 0, 100, 100]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [24, 27, 29, 34, 58, 60, 60, 65, 67, 69, 199, 203, 207, 210, 213, 214, 217, 219, 223, 229, 231, 234, 236, 239, 241, 245, 249, 254, 256, 259, 260, 266, 269, 271, 277, 279, 280, 282, 285, 287, 288, 290, 293, 295, 296, 298, 301, 303, 304, 306, 309, 311, 312, 314], "bounds": [[52.015625, 765, 69.3125, 17], [8, 783, 182.8125, 17], [190.8125, 783, 39.109375, 17], [16, 804, 43.71875, 15], [8, 916.71875, 566.859375, 21], [8, 957.4375, 1228.234375, 17], [8, 975.4375, 1046.234375, 17], [8, 1009.4375, 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