Work smarter. Live better. Think deeper.
+Our professional and personal lives are shifting on an unprecedented scale. Now that we’re working where we want and rethinking the value of what we do, a rigid nine-to-five office-based job seems like a quaint relic of the past. At the same time, as our work lives bleed into our private worlds, burnout, inequality and post-pandemic uncertainties are challenging us in ways that we far from fully understand.
+To move forward, we need to recognise and embrace this reality. BBC Worklife is your essential guide to navigating change – and thriving – in your personal and professional life.
+Our mission is to inform, inspire and empower you to live a more fulfilling life within yourself, your relationships and your workplace. BBC Worklife guides readers through the biggest issues of how to work, how to live and how to think today. From the new world of hybrid work, to the implications of inequality, to the forces that both breed and stifle success, we provide the insights needed to thrive as individuals.
We tell focus on human-centric narratives with a global outlook, diving deep beyond the headlines. We’ve looked at why workers are resigning en masse across the world, and what it means for your future. We’ve spotlighted changing identities that help explain friends, family and colleagues alike, like why women are increasingly sexually fluid, and why family estrangement is becoming so common. We’ve dug into how we can grow and improve in unexpected ways, like how to learn effectively at any age. These insights bring both our outer and inner worlds to the surface, explaining how to understand and build on our both our present and future selves.
+To bring this to life, BBC Worklife travels the world to find stories that help develop fresh perspectives on what work and life can and should be, and discover new and interesting approaches to shaping ourselves and those around us. Through the eyes of world-leading experts and the people who live each story, we provide the context to understand what each new development means for you, and what to make of it in your own life.
+BBC Worklife provides the tools we need to take charge of our own happiness – no matter what the world throws at us next.
+– Meredith Turits, Editor
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