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\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\nGirls' dresses | Dresses for kids | UNIQLO EU \n \n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids \n\n \n\n\n\nDresses \n\n \n\n\n \n
\n\tGirls' dresses \n\t\n\t\t
Discover a delightful range of girls' dresses, perfect for young fashion enthusiasts. Our collection includes dresses designed specifically for kids, combining style and comfort. From vibrant summer dresses to charming and trendy options, we have a variety of dresses for girls to suit different occasions. These dresses are made with attention to detail and high-quality materials, ensuring both durability and a comfortable fit. Our girls' dresses are perfect for casual outings, special events, or simply adding a touch of cuteness to everyday wear. With their fashionable designs and playful prints, our kids' dresses will make your little ones shine with confidence and style.
\n\tRead more \n\t\t\n \n\n\n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
Back to school \n
Discover a new collection of comfy clothing to help kids have a great day at school.
\n \n \n \n\t\n
\nFilters & Sort\n\n \n \n \n\n
One Column \n
Two Columns \n
\n\n\nSort By\n\n \n
\n\nColour\n \n\n
\n\nPrice\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\nApply\n\n \n
\n14 \nitems\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
\nGirls Corduroy Pinafore Dress\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
More colours available
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
Shop now \n
\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
More colours available
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
Shop now \n
\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
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\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n\n\n7.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
","outerHTML":"\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\nGirls' dresses | Dresses for kids | UNIQLO EU \n \n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids \n\n \n\n\n\nDresses \n\n \n\n\n \n
\n\tGirls' dresses \n\t\n\t\t
Discover a delightful range of girls' dresses, perfect for young fashion enthusiasts. Our collection includes dresses designed specifically for kids, combining style and comfort. From vibrant summer dresses to charming and trendy options, we have a variety of dresses for girls to suit different occasions. These dresses are made with attention to detail and high-quality materials, ensuring both durability and a comfortable fit. Our girls' dresses are perfect for casual outings, special events, or simply adding a touch of cuteness to everyday wear. With their fashionable designs and playful prints, our kids' dresses will make your little ones shine with confidence and style.
\n\tRead more \n\t\t\n \n\n\n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
Back to school \n
Discover a new collection of comfy clothing to help kids have a great day at school.
\n \n \n \n\t\n
\nFilters & Sort\n\n \n \n \n\n
One Column \n
Two Columns \n
\n\n\nSort By\n\n \n
\n\nColour\n \n\n
\n\nPrice\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\nApply\n\n \n
\n14 \nitems\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
\nGirls Corduroy Pinafore Dress\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
More colours available
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
Shop now \n
\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
More colours available
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
Shop now \n
\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n\n\n7.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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€\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇮🇪 Ireland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇺 Luxembourg: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇵🇱 Poland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇵🇹 Portugal: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇮 Slovenia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇰 Slovakia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇹 Lithuania: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇻 Latvia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇪🇪 Estonia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇨🇿 Czech Republic: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇭🇺 Hungary: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇷🇴 Romania: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇧🇬 Bulgaria: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇭🇷 Croatia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSubscribe to our Newsletter\nSustainability\nStore Locator\nFAQ\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tPopular searches\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSuggested products\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRelated content\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSearch\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy Account\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nこんにちは\nHello,\n\n\nWebtasks Navigator!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n YOUR UNIQLO ACCOUNT GIVES YOU...\n \n Surprise member-exclusive offers\n Browse your purchase history\n Save favourite items to your wishlist\n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOrders\n\n\n\n\nMake a return\n\n\n\n\nWishlist\n\n\n\n\nManage Account\n\n\n\n\nFAQs\n\n\n\n\nSign Out\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy bag\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMenu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar resx = window.resx || {};\nresx.appid = \"UniqloEU03\";\nresx.top1 = 100000;\nresx.top2 = 100000;\n\nif (!window.uq) {window.uq = {}};\nwindow.uq.certona = resx;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n//\n\n\n\n\nKids\n\n\n\n\n\nDresses\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tGirls' dresses\n\t\n\t\tDiscover a delightful range of girls' dresses, perfect for young fashion enthusiasts. Our collection includes dresses designed specifically for kids, combining style and comfort. From vibrant summer dresses to charming and trendy options, we have a variety of dresses for girls to suit different occasions. These dresses are made with attention to detail and high-quality materials, ensuring both durability and a comfortable fit. Our girls' dresses are perfect for casual outings, special events, or simply adding a touch of cuteness to everyday wear. With their fashionable designs and playful prints, our kids' dresses will make your little ones shine with confidence and style.\n\t\n\tRead more\n\t\t\n\t\t\tShop Women\n\t\t\tShop Toddler\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Back to school\n Discover a new collection of comfy clothing to help kids have a great day at school.\n LEARN\n MORE\n \n \n \n \n \n\t\n\t\tlet elem = document.querySelector(\"#read-more\");\n\t\t \n\t\t elem.addEventListener('click', event => {\n\t\t \n\t\t document.querySelector(\".category-inner\").classList.add(\"open\");\n\t\t elem.classList.add(\"hide\");\n\t\t \n\t\t });\n\t\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFilters & Sort\n\n\n\n\n\n\nView\nOne Column\nTwo Columns\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSort By\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMost popular\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice (Lowest First)\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice (Highest First)\n\n\n\n\n\nNewest\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nColour\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWHITE\n\n\n\n\n\nBLACK\n\n\n\n\n\nPINK\n\n\n\n\n\nRED\n\n\n\n\n\nORANGE\n\n\n\n\n\nBEIGE\n\n\n\n\n\nYELLOW\n\n\n\n\n\nGREEN\n\n\n\n\n\nBLUE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSize\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3 to 4 years\n\n\n\n\n\n5 to 6 years\n\n\n\n\n\n7 to 8 years\n\n\n\n\n\n9 to 10 years\n\n\n\n\n\n11 to 12 years\n\n\n\n\n\n13 years\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnder 10 €\n\n\n\n\n\n10 - 19.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n20 - 39.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApply\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14\nitems\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Corduroy Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Corduroy Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMore colours available\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\nShop now\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMore colours available\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\nShop now\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO 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Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 €\n\n\n\n\n9.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tsale\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Rayon Flower Printed Short Sleeved Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n12.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tsale\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Chambray Gathered Short Sleeved Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n12.90 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€\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇳🇱 Netherlands: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇧🇪 België: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇧🇪 Belgique: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇦🇹 Austria: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇫🇮 Finland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇬🇷 Greece: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇮🇪 Ireland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇺 Luxembourg: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇵🇱 Poland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇵🇹 Portugal: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇮 Slovenia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇰 Slovakia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇹 Lithuania: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇻 Latvia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇪🇪 Estonia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇨🇿 Czech Republic: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇭🇺 Hungary: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇷🇴 Romania: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇧🇬 Bulgaria: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇭🇷 Croatia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n About Uniqlo\n\n\n Careers\n\t\n Our Story\n\t\n Sustainability\n\t\n Uniqlo Today\n\t\n\n\n Uniqlo Global Brand Ambassadors\n\t\n Corporate information\n\t\n Group Companies\n\n\n\n Press\n\t\n Privacy Policy\n\t\n Terms & Conditions\n\t\n Returns Policy\n\t\n Cookie Settings\n\n\n © UNIQLO CO. LTD. All rights reserved.\n\n\n\t \n\t\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t/**\n\t * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. 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\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids \n\n \n\n\n\nDresses \n\n \n\n\n \n
\n\tGirls' dresses \n\t\n\t\t
Discover a delightful range of girls' dresses, perfect for young fashion enthusiasts. Our collection includes dresses designed specifically for kids, combining style and comfort. From vibrant summer dresses to charming and trendy options, we have a variety of dresses for girls to suit different occasions. These dresses are made with attention to detail and high-quality materials, ensuring both durability and a comfortable fit. Our girls' dresses are perfect for casual outings, special events, or simply adding a touch of cuteness to everyday wear. With their fashionable designs and playful prints, our kids' dresses will make your little ones shine with confidence and style.
\n\tRead more \n\t\t\n \n\n\n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
Back to school \n
Discover a new collection of comfy clothing to help kids have a great day at school.
\n \n \n \n\t\n
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Two Columns \n
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\n\nColour\n \n\n
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\n14 \nitems\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
\nGirls Corduroy Pinafore Dress\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
More colours available
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
Shop now \n
\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
More colours available
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
Shop now \n
\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n\n\n7.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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","outerHTML":"\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\nGirls' dresses | Dresses for kids | UNIQLO EU \n \n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids \n\n \n\n\n\nDresses \n\n \n\n\n \n
\n\tGirls' dresses \n\t\n\t\t
Discover a delightful range of girls' dresses, perfect for young fashion enthusiasts. Our collection includes dresses designed specifically for kids, combining style and comfort. From vibrant summer dresses to charming and trendy options, we have a variety of dresses for girls to suit different occasions. These dresses are made with attention to detail and high-quality materials, ensuring both durability and a comfortable fit. Our girls' dresses are perfect for casual outings, special events, or simply adding a touch of cuteness to everyday wear. With their fashionable designs and playful prints, our kids' dresses will make your little ones shine with confidence and style.
\n\tRead more \n\t\t\n \n\n\n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
Back to school \n
Discover a new collection of comfy clothing to help kids have a great day at school.
\n \n \n \n\t\n
\nFilters & Sort\n\n \n \n \n\n
One Column \n
Two Columns \n
\n\n\nSort By\n\n \n
\n\nColour\n \n\n
\n\nPrice\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\nApply\n\n \n
\n14 \nitems\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
\nGirls Corduroy Pinafore Dress\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
More colours available
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
Shop now \n
\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
More colours available
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
Shop now \n
\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n\n\n7.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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Vests\n \n \n Knitted\n Jumpers & Cardigans\n \n \n Sweatshirts, Hoodies & Joggers\n \n \n Bra\n Tops, Tank Tops & Camisoles\n \n \n T-Shirts & Tops\n \n \n Dresses,\n Jumpsuits & Rompers\n \n \n Shirts & Blouses\n \n \n Trousers, Leggings & Joggers\n \n \n Jeans\n \n \n Accessories &\n Bags\n \n\n \n Skirts\n \n\n \n Shorts\n \n\n \n \n Bras & Underwear\n \n\n \n Loungewear &\n Pyjamas\n \n\n \n Socks & Tights\n \n\n \n Maternity\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Featured\n \n \n \n\n \n Sale & Limited Offers\n \n \n\n \n Best\n Sellers\n \n \n\n \n Creator-Curated\n Looks\n \n \n\n \n Multibuy Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n Coming Soon\n \n \n\n \n Extended\n Sizes (XXS - 3XL)\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n Collaborations\n \n\n \n View All Designers\n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t \n Ines de la Fressange \n \n \n \n UT Archive NY Pop Art \n \n \n \n Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War \n \n \n \n \n \n Comptoir des Cotonniers \n \n\n \n PEACE FOR ALL \n \n\n \n\t\t\t \n \n Roger Federer by JW ANDERSON \n \n \n \n The World of CLAMP \n \n\n \n UNIQLO : C \n \n\t\t\t \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n DISCOVER LIFEWEAR\n \n \n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n Gift Cards\n \n \n \n \n What’s next, Roger?\n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n UTGP2024\n \n\n \n Newsletter \n \n\n\n UNIQLO Today Blog\n \n\n \n\n \n LifeWear Magazine\n \n \n\n \n Masterpiece\n \n\n \n Sustainability\n \n\n \n\n \n Ambassadors\n \n\n \n Store Locator\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: none;\n } */\n @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {\n\n #navMenu-sale,\n #navMenu-spring,\n #navMenu-new-arrivals {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {\n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: block;\n } */\n\n #navMenu-sale h3 {\n color: red;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale a {\n padding-top: 0px;\n padding-bottom: 0px;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale h3::after {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n \n\n \n \n Sale & Limited\n Offers\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n Men\n\n \n \n \n \n Shop by Collection\n \n \n \n All Menswear\n \n \n New Arrivals\n \n\n \n\n \n Autumn 2023 Collection\n \n \n \n Corduroy: Velvety &\n Vintage\n \n \n The New Workplace Uniform\n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n HEATTECH\n Thermals\n \n\t\t\t \n \n Fashion-Forward Fleece\n \n \n Soft & Cosy Flannel\n \n\n \n \n Summer\n Holiday Collection\n \n \n\n \n UT Graphic T-Shirts\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n Sport Utility\n Wear\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n Mix & Match\n Sets & Co-Ords\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Shop by Category\n \n \n \n Coats,\n Jackets, Parkas & Vests\n \n \n Knitted\n Jumpers & Cardigans\n \n \n Overshirts\n \n \n Sweatshirts, Hoodies & Joggers\n \n \n T-Shirts & Tops\n \n \n Shirts\n \n \n Polo Shirts\n \n\n \n Trousers,\n Chinos & Joggers\n \n \n Jeans\n \n \n Suits\n \n \n \n\n \n Accessories &\n Bags\n \n \n Shorts\n \n\n \n \n Underwear\n \n \n Loungewear &\n Pyjamas\n \n\n \n \n Socks\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Featured\n \n \n \n\n \n Sale & Limited Offers\n \n \n\n \n Best Sellers\n \n \n\n \n Creator-Curated\n Looks\n \n \n\n \n Multibuy Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n Coming Soon\n \n \n\n \n Extended\n Sizes (XXS - 3XL)\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Collaborations\n \n \n \n View All Designers\n \n \n UT Archive NY Pop Art \n \n \n Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War \n \n \n \n PEACE FOR ALL \n \n\n\t \n Chainsaw Man x Kosuke Kawamura \n \n \n My\n Hero Academia \n \n \n \n Roger Federer by JW ANDERSON \n \n\n \n Naruto\n \n \n\n \n Dragon Ball \n \n\n \n Attack on Titan \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n DISCOVER LIFEWEAR\n \n \n \n Gift Cards\n \n \n\n \n What’s next, Roger?\n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n UTGP2024\n \n\t\t\t \n \n Newsletter \n \n\n\n UNIQLO Today Blog\n \n\n \n\n \n LifeWear Magazine\n \n \n\n \n Masterpiece\n \n\n \n Sustainability\n \n\n \n Ambassadors\n \n\n \n Store Locator\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: none;\n } */\n @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {\n\n #navMenu-sale,\n #navMenu-spring,\n #navMenu-new-arrivals {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {\n /* 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& Blouses\n \n\n\n \n Dresses &\n Jumpsuits\n \n\n \n Trousers, Leggings &\n Joggers\n \n\n \n Jeans\n \n\n \n Skirts & Shorts\n \n\n \n Loungewear &\n Pyjamas\n \n\n \n Bras, Bra Tops & Underwear\n \n\n \n Socks & Tights\n \n\n \n Accessories\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Featured\n \n \n \n New Arrivals\n \n\n \n\n \n Sale & Limited Offers\n \n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n Best Sellers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n Multipack Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n Coming Soon\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Collaborations\n \n \n \n\n\n \n Peanuts \n \n\n \n Pokémon Masters EX \n \n \n The Super Mario Bros. Movie \n \n \n Splatoon \n \n \n Doraemon \n \n \n Dragon Ball \n \n \n UT Archive NY Pop Art \n \n \n Andy Warhol Flowers Collection \n \n \n Sumikkogurashi \n \n\n \n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n DISCOVER LIFEWEAR\n \n \n \n Gift Cards\n \n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n UTGP2024\n \n\n \n Newsletter \n \n\n\n UNIQLO Today Blog\n \n\n \n\n \n LifeWear Magazine\n \n \n\n \n Masterpiece\n \n\n \n Sustainability\n \n\n \n Ambassadors\n \n\n \n Store Locator\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: none;\n } */\n @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {\n\n #navMenu-sale,\n #navMenu-spring,\n #navMenu-new-arrivals {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {\n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: block;\n } */\n\n #navMenu-sale h3 {\n color: red;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale a {\n padding-top: 0px;\n padding-bottom: 0px;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale h3::after {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n \n\n \n \n Sale & Limited\n Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n New\n Arrivals\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n Baby\n \n \n \n \n Shop by Collection\n \n \n\n\n \n \n \n New Arrivals\n \n\n \n Autumn 2023 Collection\n \n \n \n Back\n to School \n \n \n Designed with Babies in Mind\n \n \n UT Graphic T-Shirts\n \n \n Summer\n Holiday Collection\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n HEATTECH Thermals\n \n\n \n Fashion-Forward Fleece\n \n \n \n Mix & Match Sets & Co-Ords\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n Shop by Category (0 - 4 Years)\n \n \n \n All Baby\n \n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n One-Pieces &\n Bodysuits\n \n \n Coats, Jackets, Parkas & Vests\n \n \n Knitted\n Cardigans\n \n \n Sweatshirts\n \n \n Tops &\n T-Shirts\n \n \n \n Leggings &\n Shorts\n \n \n Dresses \n \n \n Pyjamas\n \n \n \n Socks\n \n \n Accessories\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Featured\n \n \n\n \n \n Sale & Limited Offers \n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t \n Best Sellers\n \n \n\n \n Multipack Offers \n \n\n\n \n\n \n Coming Soon \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Collaborations\n \n \n \n \n \n Clay Animation \n \n\n \n PAW Patrol\n \n \n\n \n My Favourite Toys \n\n \n UT Graphic T-Shirts\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n DISCOVER LIFEWEAR\n \n \n \n Gift Cards\n \n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n UTGP2024\n \n\n\n \n Newsletter \n \n\n\n UNIQLO Today Blog\n \n\n \n\n \n LifeWear Magazine\n \n \n\n \n Masterpiece\n \n\n \n Sustainability\n \n\n \n Ambassadors\n \n\n \n Store Locator\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: none;\n } */\n @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {\n\n #navMenu-sale,\n #navMenu-spring,\n #navMenu-new-arrivals {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {\n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: block;\n } */\n\n #navMenu-sale h3 {\n color: red;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale a {\n padding-top: 0px;\n padding-bottom: 0px;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale h3::after {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n \n\n \n \n Sale & Limited\n Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n New\n Arrivals\n \n \n \n\n\n\n /* @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px){\n [data-section-child]{\n max-height: 0px;\n overflow: hidden;\n 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€\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇮🇪 Ireland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇺 Luxembourg: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇵🇱 Poland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇵🇹 Portugal: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇮 Slovenia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇰 Slovakia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇹 Lithuania: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇻 Latvia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇪🇪 Estonia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇨🇿 Czech Republic: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇭🇺 Hungary: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇷🇴 Romania: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇧🇬 Bulgaria: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇭🇷 Croatia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSubscribe to our Newsletter\nSustainability\nStore Locator\nFAQ\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tPopular searches\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSuggested products\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRelated content\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSearch\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy Account\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nこんにちは\nHello,\n\n\nWebtasks Navigator!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n YOUR UNIQLO ACCOUNT GIVES YOU...\n \n Surprise member-exclusive offers\n Browse your purchase history\n Save favourite items to your wishlist\n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOrders\n\n\n\n\nMake a return\n\n\n\n\nWishlist\n\n\n\n\nManage Account\n\n\n\n\nFAQs\n\n\n\n\nSign Out\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy bag\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMenu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar resx = window.resx || {};\nresx.appid = \"UniqloEU03\";\nresx.top1 = 100000;\nresx.top2 = 100000;\n\nif (!window.uq) {window.uq = {}};\nwindow.uq.certona = resx;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n//\n\n\n\n\nKids\n\n\n\n\n\nDresses\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tGirls' dresses\n\t\n\t\tDiscover a delightful range of girls' dresses, perfect for young fashion enthusiasts. Our collection includes dresses designed specifically for kids, combining style and comfort. From vibrant summer dresses to charming and trendy options, we have a variety of dresses for girls to suit different occasions. These dresses are made with attention to detail and high-quality materials, ensuring both durability and a comfortable fit. Our girls' dresses are perfect for casual outings, special events, or simply adding a touch of cuteness to everyday wear. With their fashionable designs and playful prints, our kids' dresses will make your little ones shine with confidence and style.\n\t\n\tRead more\n\t\t\n\t\t\tShop Women\n\t\t\tShop Toddler\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Back to school\n Discover a new collection of comfy clothing to help kids have a great day at school.\n LEARN\n MORE\n \n \n \n \n \n\t\n\t\tlet elem = document.querySelector(\"#read-more\");\n\t\t \n\t\t elem.addEventListener('click', event => {\n\t\t \n\t\t document.querySelector(\".category-inner\").classList.add(\"open\");\n\t\t elem.classList.add(\"hide\");\n\t\t \n\t\t });\n\t\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFilters & Sort\n\n\n\n\n\n\nView\nOne Column\nTwo Columns\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSort By\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMost popular\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice (Lowest First)\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice (Highest First)\n\n\n\n\n\nNewest\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nColour\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWHITE\n\n\n\n\n\nBLACK\n\n\n\n\n\nPINK\n\n\n\n\n\nRED\n\n\n\n\n\nORANGE\n\n\n\n\n\nBEIGE\n\n\n\n\n\nYELLOW\n\n\n\n\n\nGREEN\n\n\n\n\n\nBLUE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSize\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3 to 4 years\n\n\n\n\n\n5 to 6 years\n\n\n\n\n\n7 to 8 years\n\n\n\n\n\n9 to 10 years\n\n\n\n\n\n11 to 12 years\n\n\n\n\n\n13 years\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPrice\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnder 10 €\n\n\n\n\n\n10 - 19.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n20 - 39.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nApply\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14\nitems\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Corduroy Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Corduroy Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMore colours available\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\nShop now\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n3-4Y(110)5-6Y(120)7-8Y(130)9-10Y(140)11-12Y(150)13Y(160)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMore colours available\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\nShop now\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tsale\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAndy Warhol Flowers Collection UT Camisole Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n12.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n 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Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 €\n\n\n\n\n9.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tsale\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Rayon Flower Printed Short Sleeved Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n12.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n//\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tsale\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Chambray Gathered Short Sleeved Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n12.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWe accept\n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNeed help?\n\n Contact Us & FAQs\n\t\n Delivery\n\t\n Payment\n\t\n Returns\n\t\n Order Status\n\t\n Store Locator\n\t\n Make a Return\n\t\n Newsletter\n Gift Cards\n\n\n\n\nChange Country: \n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇩🇪 Deutschland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇫🇷 France: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇬🇧 United Kingdom: £\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇪🇸 España: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇩🇰 Denmark: DKK\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇪 Sweden: kr\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇮🇹 Italia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇳🇱 Nederland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇳🇱 Netherlands: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇧🇪 België: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇧🇪 Belgique: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇦🇹 Austria: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇫🇮 Finland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇬🇷 Greece: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇮🇪 Ireland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇺 Luxembourg: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇵🇱 Poland: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇵🇹 Portugal: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇮 Slovenia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇸🇰 Slovakia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇹 Lithuania: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇱🇻 Latvia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇪🇪 Estonia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇨🇿 Czech Republic: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇭🇺 Hungary: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇷🇴 Romania: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇧🇬 Bulgaria: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t🇭🇷 Croatia: €\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n About Uniqlo\n\n\n Careers\n\t\n Our Story\n\t\n Sustainability\n\t\n Uniqlo Today\n\t\n\n\n Uniqlo Global Brand Ambassadors\n\t\n Corporate information\n\t\n Group Companies\n\n\n\n Press\n\t\n Privacy Policy\n\t\n Terms & Conditions\n\t\n Returns Policy\n\t\n Cookie Settings\n\n\n © UNIQLO CO. LTD. All rights reserved.\n\n\n\t \n\t\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t/**\n\t * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n\t *\n\t * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n\t * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n\t * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\t *\n\t * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\t *\n\t * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n\t * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n\t * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n\t * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n\t * limitations under the License.\n\t */\n\n\t// [START log_event]\n\tfunction logEvent(name, params) {\n\t if (!name) {\n\t return;\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (window.AnalyticsWebInterface) {\n\t // Call Android interface\n\t window.AnalyticsWebInterface.logEvent(name, JSON.stringify(params));\n\t } else if (window.webkit\n\t && window.webkit.messageHandlers\n\t && window.webkit.messageHandlers.firebase) {\n\t // Call iOS interface\n\t var message = {\n\t command: 'logEvent',\n\t name: name,\n\t parameters: params\n\t };\n\t window.webkit.messageHandlers.firebase.postMessage(message);\n\t } else {\n\t // No Android or iOS interface found\n\t console.log(\"No native APIs found.\");\n\t }\n\t}\n\t// [END log_event]\n\n\t// [START set_user_property]\n\tfunction setUserProperty(name, value) {\n\t if (!name || !value) {\n\t return;\n\t }\n\t\n\t if (window.AnalyticsWebInterface) {\n\t // Call Android interface\n\t window.AnalyticsWebInterface.setUserProperty(name, value);\n\t } else if (window.webkit\n\t && window.webkit.messageHandlers\n\t && window.webkit.messageHandlers.firebase) {\n\t // Call iOS interface\n\t var message = {\n\t command: 'setUserProperty',\n\t name: name,\n\t value: value\n\t };\n\t window.webkit.messageHandlers.firebase.postMessage(message);\n\t } else {\n\t // No Android or iOS interface found\n\t console.log(\"No native APIs found.\");\n\t }\n\t}\n\t// [END set_user_property]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\tvar dataLayer = [];\n\t\t\n\t\tvar dataLayerObject = {\"siteType\":\"desktop\",\"device\":\"smartphone\",\"visitorLoginState\":\"guest\",\"userID\":undefined,\"siteCountry\":\"AT\",\"event\":\"data_feed\",\"pageType\":\"category\",\"pageTitle\":\"Dresses\",\"pageName\":\"category: Dresses\",\"page_hierarchy\":\"L3\",\"userType\":undefined,\"paymentType\":undefined,\"pageCategory\":\"IDkids\",\"pageSubCategory\":\"IDkids/IDk-kids/IDg-dresses\",\"impProducts\":undefined,\"productCategory\":undefined,\"forexRate\":undefined,\"ecommerce\":undefined,\"shippingSpeed\":undefined,\"shippingMethod\":undefined};\n\t\tvar recoDataObject = {\"ecommerce\":undefined};\n\t\tvar usrAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();\n\t\tvar usrAgentPart = usrAgent.substr(0, 4);\n\t\t//detect device type\n\t\tif(new RegExp(window.Constants.tableRecognitionRule, \"i\").test(usrAgent)){\n\t\t\tdataLayerObject.device = \"tablet\";\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(new RegExp(window.Constants.mobileRecognitionRule[0], \"i\").test(usrAgent) || new RegExp(window.Constants.mobileRecognitionRule[1], \"i\").test(usrAgentPart)){\n\t\t\tdataLayerObject.device = \"smartphone\";\n\t\t}\n\t\telse{\n\t\t\tdataLayerObject.device = \"desktop\";\n\t\t}\n\t\t//Detect new iPad devices, speical case\n\t\tif(typeof(navigator) !== 'undefined' && typeof(navigator.userAgent) !== 'undefined') {\n\t\t\tif(!!(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad)/) || (navigator.platform === \"MacIntel\" && typeof navigator.standalone !== \"undefined\"))){\n\t\t\t\tdataLayerObject.device = \"tablet\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tif(!dataLayerObject.device) {\n\t\t\tdataLayerObject.device = undefined;\n\t\t}\n\t\n dataLayer.push(dataLayerObject); 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\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids \n\n \n\n\n\nDresses \n\n \n\n\n\nGIRLS DENIM PINAFORE DRESS \n\n \n\n\n \n\n
\n#\n460672 \n\n \n
\n\t\t\t\t\tGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n\t\t\t\t
\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n \n
\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n \n
Color: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\n \n\n \n\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\n \n \nAdd to bag \n \n\t\t\t
https://www.uniqlo.com/eu/en/product/girls-denim-pinafore-dress-460672.html \n\n
\n\t\t\t\n \n \n \n \n\t\t
\n\t\t\tImage: 1 /9\n \t
Girls Denim Pinafore Dress \n\n
\n29.90 € \n
\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n \n
☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ No rating value for Girls Denim Pinafore Dress
\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\n
Color: Blue \n
\n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n
Size: 13Y(160) \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3-4Y(110)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5-6Y(120)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7-8Y(130)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9-10Y(140)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11-12Y(150)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13Y(160)\n\n \n\n\n\n
\n\nQuantity:\n\n\n\n1\n \n\n\n\n2\n \n\n\n\n3\n \n\n\n\n4\n \n\n\n\n5\n \n\n\n\n6\n \n\n\n\n7\n \n\n\n\n8\n \n\n\n\n9\n \n\n\n\n10\n \n\n\n\n11\n \n\n\n\n12\n \n\n \n \n \n
\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n Returns within 30 days\n
- The images shown may include colours that are not available.\" data-webtasks-id=\"cec89e8d-8a08-4e77\">\n
\n \n
Style It With \n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t
\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\nProduct Details\n \n
\n\n\nMaterial Composition:\n \n\n
\n74% Cotton, 24% Polyester, 2% Elastane\n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n\n\nCare Instructions:\n \n\n
\nMachine wash up to 40 degrees, gentle cycle, Do not Dry Clean, Not suitable for tumble-drying.\n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n\n\n\nDescription:\n \n\n
\nMade from stretch denim, this versatile pinafore dress is …
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
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\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t \n\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\t\n\n\t \n\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
You might also like \n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t
\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n\n\n7.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n\n\n5.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
☆☆☆☆☆ No rating value Be the first to review this product . This action will open a modal dialog.
▼ Rating Filter by Rating
Filter by Rating 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars \n
▼ Locale Filter by Locale
Filter by Locale English Français Deutsch Italiano Español English (European Union) \n
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\n \n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n
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","outerHTML":"\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress | UNIQLO \n \n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - The images shown may include colours that are not available.\" data-webtasks-id=\"9db1700a-f113-453a\">\n \n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids \n\n \n\n\n\nDresses \n\n \n\n\n\nGIRLS DENIM PINAFORE DRESS \n\n \n\n\n \n\n
\n#\n460672 \n\n \n
\n\t\t\t\t\tGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n\t\t\t\t
\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n \n
\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n \n
Color: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t
\n\n \n\n \n\t\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\n \n \nAdd to bag \n \n\t\t\t
https://www.uniqlo.com/eu/en/product/girls-denim-pinafore-dress-460672.html \n\n
\n\t\t\t\n \n \n \n \n\t\t
\n\t\t\tImage: 1 /9\n \t
Girls Denim Pinafore Dress \n\n
\n29.90 € \n
\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n \n
☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ No rating value for Girls Denim Pinafore Dress
\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\n
Color: Blue \n
\n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n
Size: 13Y(160) \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3-4Y(110)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5-6Y(120)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7-8Y(130)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9-10Y(140)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11-12Y(150)\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13Y(160)\n\n \n\n\n\n
\n\nQuantity:\n\n\n\n1\n \n\n\n\n2\n \n\n\n\n3\n \n\n\n\n4\n \n\n\n\n5\n \n\n\n\n6\n \n\n\n\n7\n \n\n\n\n8\n \n\n\n\n9\n \n\n\n\n10\n \n\n\n\n11\n \n\n\n\n12\n \n\n \n \n \n
\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n Returns within 30 days\n
- The images shown may include colours that are not available.\" data-webtasks-id=\"cec89e8d-8a08-4e77\">\n
\n \n
Style It With \n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\nProduct Details\n \n
\n\n\nMaterial Composition:\n \n\n
\n74% Cotton, 24% Polyester, 2% Elastane\n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n\n\nCare Instructions:\n \n\n
\nMachine wash up to 40 degrees, gentle cycle, Do not Dry Clean, Not suitable for tumble-drying.\n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n\n\n\nDescription:\n \n\n
\nMade from stretch denim, this versatile pinafore dress is …
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n\nDelivery & Returns\n \n \n\n
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\nStyleHint \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t \n\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\t\n\n\t \n\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140) \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
You might also like \n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t
\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n\n\n7.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n\n\n5.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n39.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 € \n\n\n\n\n7.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 € \n\n\n\n\n9.90 € \n\n\n
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\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n\n\n5.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 € \n\n\n
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\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
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\n\t\t \t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n
\nADD TO BAG\n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 € \n\n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
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Vests\n \n \n Knitted\n Jumpers & Cardigans\n \n \n Sweatshirts, Hoodies & Joggers\n \n \n Bra\n Tops, Tank Tops & Camisoles\n \n \n T-Shirts & Tops\n \n \n Dresses,\n Jumpsuits & Rompers\n \n \n Shirts & Blouses\n \n \n Trousers, Leggings & Joggers\n \n \n Jeans\n \n \n Accessories &\n Bags\n \n\n \n Skirts\n \n\n \n Shorts\n \n\n \n \n Bras & Underwear\n \n\n \n Loungewear &\n Pyjamas\n \n\n \n Socks & Tights\n \n\n \n Maternity\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Featured\n \n \n \n\n \n Sale & Limited Offers\n \n \n\n \n Best\n Sellers\n \n \n\n \n Creator-Curated\n Looks\n \n \n\n \n Multibuy Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n Coming Soon\n \n \n\n \n Extended\n Sizes (XXS - 3XL)\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n Collaborations\n \n\n \n View All Designers\n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t \n Ines de la Fressange \n \n \n \n UT Archive NY Pop Art \n \n \n \n Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War \n \n \n \n \n \n Comptoir des Cotonniers \n \n\n \n PEACE FOR ALL \n \n\n \n\t\t\t \n \n Roger Federer by JW ANDERSON \n \n \n \n The World of CLAMP \n \n\n \n UNIQLO : C \n \n\t\t\t \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n DISCOVER LIFEWEAR\n \n \n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n Gift Cards\n \n \n \n \n What’s next, Roger?\n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n UTGP2024\n \n\n \n Newsletter \n \n\n\n UNIQLO Today Blog\n \n\n \n\n \n LifeWear Magazine\n \n \n\n \n Masterpiece\n \n\n \n Sustainability\n \n\n \n\n \n Ambassadors\n \n\n \n Store Locator\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: none;\n } */\n @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {\n\n #navMenu-sale,\n #navMenu-spring,\n #navMenu-new-arrivals {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {\n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: block;\n } */\n\n #navMenu-sale h3 {\n color: red;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale a {\n padding-top: 0px;\n padding-bottom: 0px;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale h3::after {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n \n\n \n \n Sale & Limited\n Offers\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\n Men\n\n \n \n \n \n Shop by Collection\n \n \n \n All Menswear\n \n \n New Arrivals\n \n\n \n\n \n Autumn 2023 Collection\n \n \n \n Corduroy: Velvety &\n Vintage\n \n \n The New Workplace Uniform\n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n HEATTECH\n Thermals\n \n\t\t\t \n \n Fashion-Forward Fleece\n \n \n Soft & Cosy Flannel\n \n\n \n \n Summer\n Holiday Collection\n \n \n\n \n UT Graphic T-Shirts\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n Sport Utility\n Wear\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n Mix & Match\n Sets & Co-Ords\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Shop by Category\n \n \n \n Coats,\n Jackets, Parkas & Vests\n \n \n Knitted\n Jumpers & Cardigans\n \n \n Overshirts\n \n \n Sweatshirts, Hoodies & Joggers\n \n \n T-Shirts & Tops\n \n \n Shirts\n \n \n Polo Shirts\n \n\n \n Trousers,\n Chinos & Joggers\n \n \n Jeans\n \n \n Suits\n \n \n \n\n \n Accessories &\n Bags\n \n \n Shorts\n \n\n \n \n Underwear\n \n \n Loungewear &\n Pyjamas\n \n\n \n \n Socks\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Featured\n \n \n \n\n \n Sale & Limited Offers\n \n \n\n \n Best Sellers\n \n \n\n \n Creator-Curated\n Looks\n \n \n\n \n Multibuy Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n Coming Soon\n \n \n\n \n Extended\n Sizes (XXS - 3XL)\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Collaborations\n \n \n \n View All Designers\n \n \n UT Archive NY Pop Art \n \n \n Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War \n \n \n \n PEACE FOR ALL \n \n\n\t \n Chainsaw Man x Kosuke Kawamura \n \n \n My\n Hero Academia \n \n \n \n Roger Federer by JW ANDERSON \n \n\n \n Naruto\n \n \n\n \n Dragon Ball \n \n\n \n Attack on Titan \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n DISCOVER LIFEWEAR\n \n \n \n Gift Cards\n \n \n\n \n What’s next, Roger?\n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n UTGP2024\n \n\t\t\t \n \n Newsletter \n \n\n\n UNIQLO Today Blog\n \n\n \n\n \n LifeWear Magazine\n \n \n\n \n Masterpiece\n \n\n \n Sustainability\n \n\n \n Ambassadors\n \n\n \n Store Locator\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: none;\n } */\n @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {\n\n #navMenu-sale,\n #navMenu-spring,\n #navMenu-new-arrivals {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {\n /* 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& Blouses\n \n\n\n \n Dresses &\n Jumpsuits\n \n\n \n Trousers, Leggings &\n Joggers\n \n\n \n Jeans\n \n\n \n Skirts & Shorts\n \n\n \n Loungewear &\n Pyjamas\n \n\n \n Bras, Bra Tops & Underwear\n \n\n \n Socks & Tights\n \n\n \n Accessories\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Featured\n \n \n \n New Arrivals\n \n\n \n\n \n Sale & Limited Offers\n \n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n Best Sellers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n Multipack Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n Coming Soon\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n Collaborations\n \n \n \n\n\n \n Peanuts \n \n\n \n Pokémon Masters EX \n \n \n The Super Mario Bros. Movie \n \n \n Splatoon \n \n \n Doraemon \n \n \n Dragon Ball \n \n \n UT Archive NY Pop Art \n \n \n Andy Warhol Flowers Collection \n \n \n Sumikkogurashi \n \n\n \n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n DISCOVER LIFEWEAR\n \n \n \n Gift Cards\n \n \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n UTGP2024\n \n\n \n Newsletter \n \n\n\n UNIQLO Today Blog\n \n\n \n\n \n LifeWear Magazine\n \n \n\n \n Masterpiece\n \n\n \n Sustainability\n \n\n \n Ambassadors\n \n\n \n Store Locator\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: none;\n } */\n @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {\n\n #navMenu-sale,\n #navMenu-spring,\n #navMenu-new-arrivals {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n\n @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {\n /* #navMenu-sale {\n display: block;\n } */\n\n #navMenu-sale h3 {\n color: red;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale a {\n padding-top: 0px;\n padding-bottom: 0px;\n }\n\n #navMenu-sale h3::after {\n display: none;\n }\n }\n \n\n \n \n Sale & Limited\n Offers\n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n New\n 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searches\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSuggested products\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRelated content\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSearch\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy Account\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nこんにちは\nHello,\n\n\nWebtasks Navigator!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n YOUR UNIQLO ACCOUNT GIVES YOU...\n \n Surprise member-exclusive offers\n Browse your purchase history\n Save favourite items to your wishlist\n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOrders\n\n\n\n\nMake a return\n\n\n\n\nWishlist\n\n\n\n\nManage Account\n\n\n\n\nFAQs\n\n\n\n\nSign Out\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy bag\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMenu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n//\n\n\n\n\n\nKids\n\n\n\n\n\nDresses\n\n\n\n\n\nGIRLS DENIM PINAFORE DRESS\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#\n460672\n\n\n\n\n\n//\n\n//\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tColor: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize:\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLength:\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tQty:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\nAdd to 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\n \n \n\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tImage: 1/9\n \t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Denim Pinafore Dress\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n29.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ No rating value for Girls Denim Pinafore Dress \n \n\t\n\t\n\t\tvar rrConfigData = {};\n\t\trrConfigData.productId = \"460672\";\n\t\trrConfigData.doShowContent = function(json) {\n\t\t \n\t\t};\n\t\twindow.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){\n\t\t\tif (typeof $BV != 'undefined'){\n\t\t\t\t$BV.ui(\"rr\", \"show_reviews\", rrConfigData);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t \n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nColor: Blue\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSize: 13Y(160)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3-4Y(110)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5-6Y(120)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7-8Y(130)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9-10Y(140)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11-12Y(150)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13Y(160)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMySize ASSISTFind My Size\n\n\n\nSize Chart\n\n\n\n\n\n\nQuantity:\n\n\n\n1\n\n\n\n\n2\n\n\n\n\n3\n\n\n\n\n4\n\n\n\n\n5\n\n\n\n\n6\n\n\n\n\n7\n\n\n\n\n8\n\n\n\n\n9\n\n\n\n\n10\n\n\n\n\n11\n\n\n\n\n12\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAdd to bag\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nReturns within 30 days\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tStyle It With\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t \n\t\t \n\t\t 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\t\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids Soft Brushed Cotton Striped Crew Neck Long Sleeved T-Shirt\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t \t\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids Soft Brushed Crew Neck Long Sleeved T-Shirt\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t \t\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids Uniqlo U AIRism Cotton Crew Neck Short Sleeved T-Shirt\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n★★★★★\n★★★★★\n\n\n\n\n\n(10)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t \t\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids Ultra Stretch Soft Sweatshirt\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\nvar certonaScheme = \"product5_rr\";\nvar certonaMaxRecommendation = \"20\";\nvar certonaQueryparam = \"\";\nvar certonaExitemid = \"\";\nvar certonaCategoryid = \"\";\nvar certonaColorswatchlimitation = \"\";\nvar certonaMaxproductnamelength = \"\";\nvar certonaRecommendationURL = \"https://www.uniqlo.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-EU-Site/en/Recommendations-Ajax\";\nvar certonaShowRating = \"true\";\nvar certonaPrefConfig = \"[\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"nosearch1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"nosearchresult\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"no search result recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 12\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"nosearch2_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"nosearchresult\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"no search result recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 4\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"home1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"newhomepage\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"homepage recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"addtobag_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"addtocartpopup\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"add to bag popup\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"cart1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"cart\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"Cart recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"cart2_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"Cart recently viewed recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"cartredesignRecentlyViewed\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"product1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"productdetail\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"PDP recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"product5_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"productdetail\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"PDP recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"ppcCustomersAlsoBought_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"ppc\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"PDP recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"ppcRecentlyViewed_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"ppc\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"PDP recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"ppcBestSellers_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"ppc\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"PDP recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"categorylisting1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"category\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"categorylisting3_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": 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\\\"ordertracking2_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"orderconfirmation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"order confirmation recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"ordertracking1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"orderconfirmation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"order confirmation recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"myaccount1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"myaccountrecommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"My Account - Recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"myaccount2_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"myaccountrecentlyviewedrecommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"My Account - Recently viewed recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 20\\n\\t}\\n]\";\n\n\n\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar resx = window.resx || {};\nresx.appid = \"UniqloEU03\";\nresx.top1 = 100000;\nresx.top2 = 100000;\n\nif (!window.uq) {window.uq = {}};\nwindow.uq.certona = resx;\n\n\n\n\n\nvar resx = window.resx || {};\n\nresx.event = \"product\";\n\n\nresx.itemid = \"460672COL66KAG110000\";\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nresx = undefined;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProduct Details\n\n\n\n\nMaterial Composition:\n\n\n\n74% Cotton, 24% Polyester, 2% Elastane\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCare Instructions:\n\n\n\nMachine wash up to 40 degrees, gentle cycle, Do not Dry Clean, Not suitable for tumble-drying.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription:\n\n\n\nMade from stretch denim, this versatile pinafore dress is …\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDelivery & Returns\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou can find more information about our returns policy here.\n\nPlease note, online orders cannot be returned in store.\n\nTo reduce paper waste, returns labels are now provided electronically. Learn more\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNeed help?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFind your answer here >\nPlease ensure the delivery address linked to your PayPal Express account is up to date.\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStyleHint\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t \n\t \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160)\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 9-10Y(140)\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania bosa\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t166cm\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSize: 13Y(160)\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstefania 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size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tnew\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids Soufflé Yarn Jumper\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t 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\t\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Checked Pleated Skort\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n24.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t \t\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKids Fleece Ribbed High Neck Long Sleeved T-Shirt\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t \t\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls Cotton Floral Briefs (Three Pairs)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t \t\n//\n\n//\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\nSelect your size\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tnew\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nADD TO BAG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGirls HEATTECH Extra Warm Pile Lined Leggings\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12.90 €\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\nvar certonaScheme = \"product1_rr\";\nvar certonaMaxRecommendation = \"20\";\nvar certonaQueryparam = \"\";\nvar certonaExitemid = \"\";\nvar certonaCategoryid = \"\";\nvar certonaColorswatchlimitation = \"\";\nvar certonaMaxproductnamelength = \"\";\nvar certonaRecommendationURL = \"https://www.uniqlo.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-EU-Site/en/Recommendations-Ajax\";\nvar certonaShowRating = \"true\";\nvar certonaPrefConfig = \"[\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"nosearch1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"nosearchresult\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"no search result recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 12\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"nosearch2_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": true,\\n\\t\\t\\\"pageLocation\\\": \\\"nosearchresult\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"listName\\\": \\\"no search result recommendation\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"disablequickview\\\": false,\\n\\t\\t\\\"maxItems\\\": 4\\n\\t},\\n\\t{\\n\\t\\t\\\"id\\\": \\\"home1_rr\\\",\\n\\t\\t\\\"enableLocation\\\": 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655, 179, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [], [], [], [], [151, 533, 179, 660, 7, 661], [151, 537, 179, 538, 7, 663], [151, 541, 179, 542, 7, 665], [151, 545, 546, 549, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 555, 566, 567, 179, 667, 115, 668, 7, 669], [], [88, 671, 357, 672, 179, 673, 7, 674], [], [], [151, 533, 179, 677, 7, 678], [151, 537, 179, 538, 7, 680], [151, 541, 179, 542, 7, 682], [151, 604, 546, 587, 548, 588, 550, 589, 552, 590, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 555, 566, 567, 179, 684, 115, 685, 7, 686], [], [], [151, 533, 179, 689, 7, 690], [151, 537, 179, 538, 7, 692], [151, 541, 179, 542, 7, 694], [151, 586, 546, 587, 548, 696, 550, 589, 552, 590, 554, 591, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 555, 566, 567, 179, 697, 115, 698, 7, 699], [], [], [151, 533, 179, 701, 7, 702], [151, 537, 179, 538, 7, 704], [151, 541, 179, 542, 7, 706], [151, 618, 546, 587, 548, 619, 550, 589, 552, 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7, 760], [151, 541, 179, 538, 7, 762], [151, 764, 546, 549, 548, 588, 550, 589, 552, 590, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 555, 566, 567, 179, 765, 115, 766, 7, 767], [], [], [151, 740, 179, 741, 7, 770], [151, 537, 179, 538, 7, 772], [151, 541, 179, 538, 7, 774], [151, 776, 546, 549, 548, 605, 550, 589, 552, 590, 554, 591, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 555, 566, 567, 179, 777, 115, 778, 7, 779], [], [], [151, 740, 179, 741, 7, 782], [151, 537, 179, 538, 7, 784], [151, 541, 179, 538, 7, 786], [151, 788, 546, 549, 548, 619, 550, 589, 552, 590, 554, 620, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 555, 566, 567, 179, 789, 115, 790, 7, 791], [], [7, 794], [], [], [151, 740, 179, 741, 7, 797], [151, 537, 179, 538, 7, 799], [151, 541, 179, 538, 7, 801], [151, 803, 546, 549, 548, 634, 550, 589, 552, 590, 554, 635, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 555, 566, 567, 179, 749, 115, 804, 7, 805], [], [115, 807, 42, 315, 151, 642, 7, 808], [], [7, 810], [], [], [151, 650, 7, 812], [], [], [], [], [], [151, 814, 179, 250, 7, 815], [151, 817, 7, 818], [151, 820, 7, 821], [151, 823, 7, 824], [151, 826, 7, 827], [151, 829, 7, 830], [151, 832, 179, 833, 7, 834], [151, 836, 179, 837, 7, 838], [151, 840, 7, 841], [], [151, 844, 7, 845], [], [], [151, 847, 179, 848, 7, 849], [151, 840, 7, 851], [], [151, 844, 7, 853], [], [], [], [151, 855, 179, 856, 7, 857], [], [], [], [], [], [115, 26, 179, 861, 7, 862], [], [151, 864, 7, 865], [], [151, 191, 7, 867], [], [42, 870, 7, 871], [], [], [], [], [151, 874, 7, 875], [], [151, 191, 7, 877], [], [151, 879, 179, 880, 7, 881], [], [151, 883, 7, 884], [], [151, 886, 7, 887], [], [7, 890], [], [7, 893], [], [], [], [7, 896], [], [], [], [151, 883, 7, 899], [], [151, 886, 7, 901], [], [7, 903], [], [7, 906], [], [], [], [7, 909], [], [], [], [151, 912, 7, 913], [], [151, 886, 7, 915], [], [7, 917], [], [7, 920], [], [], [], [7, 923], [], [], [], [], [], [151, 191, 7, 926], [], [151, 928, 7, 929], [], [151, 931, 7, 932], [], [115, 934, 42, 392, 7, 935], [], [88, 937, 357, 393, 380, 393, 7, 938], [], [], [], [151, 940, 7, 941], [], [151, 931, 7, 943], [], [115, 945, 42, 946, 357, 947, 380, 947, 7, 948], [], [88, 950, 357, 947, 380, 947, 7, 951], [], [], [], [], [151, 953, 7, 954], [], [115, 956, 42, 315, 7, 957], [], [88, 959, 357, 960, 380, 960, 7, 961], [], [], [], [151, 940, 7, 963], [], [], [151, 965, 7, 966], [], [151, 191, 7, 968], [], [151, 970, 7, 971], [], [151, 973, 7, 974], [], [151, 976, 7, 977], [], [151, 979, 7, 980], [], [], [7, 983], [], [], [151, 986, 7, 987], [], [7, 990], [], [], [], [], [151, 970, 7, 993], [], [151, 973, 7, 995], [], [151, 976, 7, 997], [], [151, 999, 7, 1000], [], [], [7, 1002], [], [], [151, 986, 7, 1005], [], [], [], [], [151, 970, 7, 1008], [], [151, 973, 7, 1010], [], [151, 976, 7, 1012], [], [151, 1014, 7, 1015], [], [], [7, 1017], [], [], [151, 986, 7, 1020], [], [7, 1023], [], [], [], [], [151, 1026, 7, 1027], [], [151, 973, 7, 1029], [], [151, 976, 7, 1031], [], [151, 1033, 7, 1034], [], [], [7, 1036], [], [], [151, 986, 7, 1039], [], [7, 1042], [], [], [], [], [], [], [151, 1045, 7, 1046], [], [151, 191, 7, 1048], [], [151, 1050, 7, 1051], [], [88, 1053, 357, 1054, 380, 1054, 151, 200, 7, 1055], [], [], [151, 1057, 7, 1058], [], [151, 1060, 7, 1061], [], [7, 1063], [7, 1065], [], [], [7, 1068], [], [], [], [], [], [115, 1072, 42, 641, 151, 1073, 7, 1074], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [115, 1080, 151, 1081, 7, 1082], [], [], [], [115, 1085, 7, 1086], [], [151, 191, 7, 1088], [], [151, 1090, 7, 1091], [], [88, 1093, 380, 358, 357, 358, 151, 1094, 7, 1095], [], [151, 1097, 7, 1098], [], [7, 1100], [], [7, 1103], [7, 1105], [], [42, 1108, 1109, 1110, 357, 1111, 380, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [7, 1116], [7, 1118], [], [42, 1121, 1109, 1110, 7, 1122], [], [], [7, 1126], [7, 1128], [], [42, 1131, 1109, 1110, 7, 1132], [], [], [7, 1136], [], [42, 1139, 1109, 1110, 7, 1140], [], [], [7, 1144], [7, 1146], [], [7, 1149], [], [], [7, 1153], [7, 1155], [], [], [], [], [151, 1158, 7, 1159], [], [151, 1161, 7, 1162], [], [115, 1164, 42, 1165, 1109, 1110, 7, 1166], [], [], [115, 1164, 42, 1170, 1109, 1110, 7, 1171], [], [], [115, 1164, 42, 1174, 1109, 1110, 7, 1175], [], [], [115, 1179, 42, 1180, 1109, 1110, 7, 1181], [], [], [], [151, 1161, 179, 1184, 7, 1185], [], [7, 1187], [7, 1189], [], [], [7, 1192], [], [7, 1195], [], [7, 1198], [], [7, 1201], [], [], [], [], [], [151, 191, 7, 1203], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [115, 1209, 151, 1210, 7, 1211], [], [], [], [88, 1214, 7, 1215], [], [40, 93, 88, 1217, 7, 1218], [], [40, 93, 88, 1220, 7, 1221], [], [179, 1224, 7, 1225], [], [40, 93, 7, 1227], [], [], [179, 1224, 7, 1230], [7, 1232], [], [179, 1224, 7, 1235], [], [40, 93, 7, 1237], [], [], [1240, 1241, 1242, 14, 256, 1243, 380, 1244, 30, 1245, 115, 1245, 88, 1246, 179, 1247, 7, 1248], [115, 1250, 88, 1251, 7, 1252], [179, 1255, 7, 1256], [1258, 1259, 179, 1260, 7, 1261], [179, 1263, 7, 1264], [38, 51, 42, 1266, 7, 1267], [179, 1260, 7, 1269], [179, 1263, 7, 1271], [38, 51, 42, 1266, 7, 1273], [179, 1224], [], [40, 93], [], [], [179, 1224], [], [40, 93], [], [], [179, 1224], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [142, 150, 155], "value": [-1, -1, 300]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [857], "value": [1]}, "pseudoType": {"index": [128, 165, 170, 216, 230, 242, 254, 266, 278, 290, 302, 314, 350, 398, 450], "value": [241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241, 241]}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [0, 109, 114, 130, 142, 150, 153, 155, 158, 166, 171, 197, 202, 218, 232, 244, 256, 268, 280, 292, 304, 316, 387, 437, 491, 534, 595, 605, 614, 726, 756, 762, 768, 773, 792, 795, 798, 801]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [199, 204, 361, 409, 461, 597, 607, 616, 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7, 18], [31, 78, 7, 17], [48, 78, 19.578125, 17], [48, 78, 19.578125, 17], [8, 112, 1264, 322], [8, 112, 1264, 322], [8, 112, 1264, 322], [8, 112, 1264, 0], [8, 112, 0, 0], [8, 112, 1264, 18], [8, 112, 243.0625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 112, 239.0625, 18], [247.0625, 112, 4, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [251.0625, 112, 239.0625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [251.0625, 112, 239.0625, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 146, 1264, 288], [8, 146, 1264, 288], [48, 146, 1224, 36], [31, 146, 7, 18], [31, 146, 7, 17], [48, 146, 1224, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 146, 1224, 18], [48, 146, 39.109375, 17], [48, 164, 39.109375, 17], [48, 164, 39.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 182, 1224, 36], [31, 182, 7, 18], [31, 182, 7, 17], [48, 182, 1224, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 182, 1224, 18], [48, 182, 56, 17], [48, 200, 56, 17], [48, 200, 56, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 218, 1224, 36], [31, 218, 7, 18], [31, 218, 7, 17], [48, 218, 1224, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 218, 1224, 18], [48, 218, 81.546875, 17], [48, 236, 81.546875, 17], [48, 236, 81.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 254, 1224, 36], [31, 254, 7, 18], [31, 254, 7, 17], [48, 254, 1224, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 254, 1224, 18], [48, 254, 45.34375, 17], [48, 272, 45.34375, 17], [48, 272, 45.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 290, 1224, 36], [31, 290, 7, 18], [31, 290, 7, 17], [48, 290, 1224, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 290, 1224, 18], [48, 290, 30.234375, 17], [48, 308, 30.234375, 17], [48, 308, 30.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 326, 1224, 36], [31, 326, 7, 18], [31, 326, 7, 17], [48, 326, 1224, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 326, 1224, 18], [48, 326, 40, 17], [48, 344, 40, 17], [48, 344, 40, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 362, 1224, 36], [31, 362, 7, 18], [31, 362, 7, 17], [48, 362, 1224, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 362, 1224, 18], [48, 362, 49.765625, 17], [48, 380, 49.765625, 17], [48, 380, 49.765625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 398, 1224, 18], [31, 398, 7, 18], [31, 398, 7, 17], [48, 416, 1224, 18], [31, 416, 7, 18], [31, 416, 7, 17], [8, 450, 1264, 500], [8, 450, 1264, 500], [8, 450, 1349, 500], [8, 466, 1349, 500], [8, 466, 1389, 500], [48, 466, 1349, 500], [31, 466, 7, 18], [31, 466, 7, 17], [8, 450, 0, 0], [8, 450, 0, 0], [8, 450, 1920, 673], [-192, 450, 1920, 673], [-192, 450, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 0, 0], [683, 560, 0, 0], [683, 560, 0, 0], [683, 560, 430, 66], [618.5, 710, 559, 66], [618.5, 710, 600.015625, 65], [683, 630, 0, 0], [683, 630, 0, 0], [683, 630, 125.515625, 24], [664.171875, 780, 163.171875, 24], [664.171875, 783, 163.171875, 17], [683, 690, 0, 0], [683, 690, 0, 0], [683, 690, 550, 60], [600.5, 840, 715, 60], [600.5, 844, 694.609375, 52], [683, 790, 0, 0], [683, 790, 0, 0], [683, 790, 240.765625, 52], [646.875, 940, 313.015625, 52], [646.875, 956, 313.015625, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [688.484375, 956, 219.40625, 20], [688.484375, 956, 219.40625, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [907.875, 956, 0.015625, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 966, 1349, 500], [31, 966, 7, 18], [31, 966, 7, 17], [8, 450, 0, 0], [8, 450, 0, 0], [8, 450, 1920, 533], [8, 450, 1920, 533], [8, 310, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 0, 0], [683, 560, 0, 0], [683, 560, 0, 0], [683, 560, 257, 24], [683, 560, 257, 24], [683, 563, 257, 17], [683, 590, 0, 0], [683, 590, 0, 0], [683, 590, 344.1875, 66], [683, 590, 344.1875, 66], [683, 590, 344.1875, 65], [683, 690, 0, 0], [683, 690, 0, 0], [683, 690, 550, 60], [683, 690, 550, 60], [683, 694, 479.875, 22], [1162.875, 694, 0, 22], [683, 724, 337.125, 22], [683, 790, 0, 0], [683, 790, 0, 0], [683, 790, 240.765625, 52], [683, 790, 240.765625, 52], [683, 806, 240.765625, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [715, 806, 168.765625, 20], [715, 806, 168.765625, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [883.765625, 806, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 1349, 500], [31, 1466, 7, 18], [31, 1466, 7, 17], [8, 1466, 0, 0], [8, 1466, 0, 0], [8, 1466, 102.65625, 18], [8, 1466, 102.65625, 18], [8, 1466, 102.65625, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 389.671875, 100.6875], [48, 1466, 389.671875, 100.6875], [68, 1483, 349.671875, 65], [48, 1466, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 313.640625, 18], [48, 1466, 313.640625, 18], [48, 1466, 313.640625, 17], [48, 1466, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 550, 60], [48, 1466, 550, 60], [107.109375, 1470, 431.78125, 22], [538.890625, 1470, 0, 22], [204.046875, 1500, 237.890625, 22], [48, 1466, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 120.140625, 18], [48, 1466, 120.140625, 18], [48, 1466, 120.140625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1466, 120.140625, 17], [48, 1466, 120.140625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [168.140625, 1466, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 982, 857.6875, 0], [18, 952, 1349, 18], [18, 952, 1349, 18], [18, 952, 93.75, 17], [18, 952, 93.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [-62, 970, 1349, 18], [-62, 970, 1349, 18], [-62, 970, 83.0625, 17], [-62, 970, 83.0625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 450, 1264, 500], [8, 950, 1264, 889.78125], [8, 950, 1278, 37], [15, 957, 1264, 23], [453.703125, 957, 296.578125, 22], [750.28125, 957, 90, 22], [750.28125, 957, 90, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1008.265625, 1264, 831.515625], [8, 1008.265625, 1264, 268.328125], [8, 1008.265625, 1264, 268.328125], [23, 1008.265625, 1234, 75.265625], [23, 1008.265625, 1234, 18], [23, 1008.265625, 1234, 18], [23, 1008.265625, 33.328125, 17], [56.328125, 1008.265625, 60.40625, 17], [56.328125, 1008.265625, 60.40625, 17], [23, 1047.53125, 1234, 36], [23, 1047.53125, 1228.640625, 35], [23, 1104.796875, 1234, 75.265625], [23, 1104.796875, 1234, 18], [23, 1104.796875, 1234, 18], [23, 1104.796875, 80.875, 17], [103.875, 1104.796875, 47.125, 17], [103.875, 1104.796875, 47.125, 17], [23, 1144.0625, 1234, 36], [23, 1144.0625, 1220.796875, 35], [23, 1201.328125, 1234, 75.265625], [23, 1201.328125, 1234, 18], [23, 1201.328125, 1234, 18], [23, 1201.328125, 82.203125, 17], [105.203125, 1201.328125, 60.171875, 17], [105.203125, 1201.328125, 60.171875, 17], [23, 1240.59375, 1234, 36], [23, 1240.59375, 1227.578125, 35], [8, 1292.59375, 1264, 54], [8, 1292.59375, 1264, 36], [8, 1292.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1292.59375, 107.28125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1292.59375, 107.28125, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1310.59375, 1264, 0], [8, 1310.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1310.59375, 162.640625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1310.59375, 162.640625, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1328.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1328.59375, 134.625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1328.59375, 134.625, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1346.59375, 1264, 0], [8, 1365.3125, 1264, 345.03125], [8, 1365.3125, 1264, 345.03125], [8, 1365.3125, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 1365.3125, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 1365.3125, 1264, 0], [8, 1365.3125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1365.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1365.3125, 126.625, 21], [8, 1406.03125, 1264, 36], [8, 1406.03125, 220.578125, 17], [228.578125, 1406.03125, 0, 17], [8, 1424.03125, 108.859375, 17], [8, 1460.75, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 1460.75, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 1460.75, 1264, 0], [8, 1460.75, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1460.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1460.75, 206.125, 21], [8, 1501.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 1501.46875, 217.21875, 17], [8, 1538.1875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 1538.1875, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 1538.1875, 1264, 0], [8, 1538.1875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1538.1875, 1264, 22], [8, 1538.1875, 165.734375, 21], [8, 1578.90625, 1264, 36], [8, 1578.90625, 176.328125, 17], [184.328125, 1578.90625, 0, 17], [8, 1596.90625, 143.953125, 17], [8, 1633.625, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 1633.625, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 1633.625, 1264, 0], [8, 1633.625, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1633.625, 1264, 22], [8, 1633.625, 153.265625, 21], [8, 1674.34375, 1264, 36], [8, 1674.34375, 167.953125, 17], [175.953125, 1674.34375, 0, 17], [8, 1692.34375, 110.203125, 17], [8, 1726.34375, 1264, 113.4375], [8, 1726.34375, 1264, 113.4375], [8, 1726.34375, 1264, 18], [8, 1726.34375, 129.296875, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1763.0625, 1264, 76.71875], [8, 1763.0625, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 1763.0625, 1264, 22], [8, 1763.0625, 203.5625, 21], [8, 1763.0625, 203.5625, 21], [8, 1803.78125, 620.734375, 17], [8, 1803.78125, 620.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1821.78125, 82.640625, 17], [8, 1821.78125, 82.640625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1839.78125, 1264, 473], [8, 1839.78125, 1264, 473], [8, 1839.78125, 1264, 473], [8, 1839.78125, 1264, 286], [8, 1839.78125, 239.0625, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1873.78125, 1264, 252], [8, 1873.78125, 1264, 252], [8, 1873.78125, 907.296875, 17], [915.296875, 1873.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1891.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1909.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [202.1875, 1945.78125, 106.421875, 17], [202.1875, 1945.78125, 106.421875, 17], [308.609375, 1945.78125, 140.40625, 17], [449.015625, 1945.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1963.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1981.78125, 659.546875, 17], [667.546875, 1981.78125, 175.8125, 17], [667.546875, 1981.78125, 175.8125, 17], [8, 1981.78125, 1240.5625, 35], [89.765625, 1999.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2017.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2035.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2035.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2035.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2035.78125, 151.484375, 17], [1025.1875, 2035.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2053.78125, 54.640625, 17], [62.640625, 2053.78125, 94.21875, 17], [62.640625, 2053.78125, 94.21875, 17], [156.859375, 2053.78125, 9.328125, 17], [166.1875, 2053.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2071.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2089.78125, 209.453125, 17], [217.453125, 2089.78125, 212.890625, 17], [430.34375, 2089.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2107.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2141.78125, 1264, 171], [8, 2141.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 2141.78125, 176, 17], [8, 2141.78125, 176, 17], [184, 2141.78125, 11.5625, 17], [195.5625, 2141.78125, 83.546875, 17], [195.5625, 2141.78125, 83.546875, 17], [279.109375, 2141.78125, 12.15625, 17], [291.265625, 2141.78125, 85.96875, 17], [291.265625, 2141.78125, 85.96875, 17], [377.234375, 2141.78125, 12.453125, 17], [389.6875, 2141.78125, 93.765625, 17], [389.6875, 2141.78125, 93.765625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2224.78125, 1264, 88], [8, 2224.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 2224.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2224.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2258.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 2258.78125, 259.53125, 17], [267.53125, 2258.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2276.78125, 202.640625, 17], [210.640625, 2276.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2294.78125, 96.453125, 17], [104.453125, 2294.78125, 0, 17], [8, 2328.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 2328.78125, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 207, 208, -1, 213, 214, -1, 217, -1, 221, 198, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 240, -1, 248, 242, -1, -1, 240, -1, 318, -1, -1, 240, -1, 324, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 235, -1, 203, 203, -1, 235, -1, 203, 198, -1, -1, -1, -1, 240, -1, 253, -1, 381, -1, 381, 242, 235, -1, -1, 240, -1, 253, -1, 398, -1, 398, 242, 235, -1, -1, 240, -1, 253, -1, 405, -1, 405, 242, 235, -1, -1, 240, -1, 253, -1, 416, -1, 416, 242, 235, -1, -1, 240, -1, 253, -1, 427, -1, 427, 242, 235, -1, -1, 240, -1, 253, -1, 438, -1, 438, 242, 235, -1, -1, 240, -1, 253, -1, 449, -1, 449, 242, 235, -1, -1, 240, -1, -1, 240, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 240, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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450, 1264, 500], [8, 450, 1264, 500], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 16, 1349, 500], [0, 16, 1389, 500], [40, 16, 1349, 500], [23, 16, 7, 18], [23, 16, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [], [675, 110, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 430, 66], [0, 0, 430, 66], [], [675, 180, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 126, 24], [0, 0, 126, 24], [], [675, 240, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [675, 340, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 16, 241, 20], [], [32, 16, 169, 20], [], [], [201, 16, 0, 20], [], [], [40, 516, 1349, 500], [23, 516, 7, 18], [23, 516, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1920, 533], [0, 0, 1920, 533], [0, -140, 1920, 673], [], [675, 110, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 257, 24], [0, 0, 257, 24], [], [675, 140, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 344, 66], [0, 0, 344, 66], [], [675, 240, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [675, 340, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 16, 241, 20], [], [32, 16, 169, 20], [], [], [201, 16, 0, 20], [], [], [40, 1016, 1349, 500], [23, 1016, 7, 18], [23, 1016, 7, 18], [0, 1016, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 103, 18], [0, 0, 103, 18], [0, 0, 103, 18], [], [40, 1016, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 390, 101], [0, 0, 390, 101], [], [40, 1016, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 314, 18], [0, 0, 314, 18], [], [40, 1016, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [40, 1016, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 18], [0, 0, 120, 18], [0, 0, 120, 17], [], [0, 0, 120, 17], [], [], [120, 0, 0, 17], [], [], [0, 532, 858, 0], [0, 532, 1349, 18], [0, 0, 1349, 18], [0, 0, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 550, 1349, 18], [0, 0, 1349, 18], [0, 0, 83, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 500], [8, 950, 1264, 890], [8, 950, 1278, 37], [15, 957, 1264, 23], [], [750, 957, 90, 22], [], [], [8, 1008, 1264, 832], [8, 1008, 1264, 268], [8, 1008, 1264, 268], [23, 1008, 1234, 75], [23, 1008, 1234, 18], [23, 1008, 1234, 18], [], [56, 1008, 60, 17], [], [23, 1048, 1234, 36], [], [23, 1105, 1234, 75], [23, 1105, 1234, 18], [23, 1105, 1234, 18], [], [104, 1105, 47, 17], [], [23, 1144, 1234, 36], [], [23, 1201, 1234, 75], [23, 1201, 1234, 18], [23, 1201, 1234, 18], [], [105, 1201, 60, 17], [], [23, 1241, 1234, 36], [], [8, 1293, 1264, 54], [8, 1293, 1264, 36], [8, 1293, 1264, 18], [8, 1293, 107, 17], [], [8, 1293, 107, 18], [], [], [8, 1311, 1264, 0], [8, 1311, 1264, 18], [8, 1311, 163, 17], [], [8, 1311, 163, 18], [], [], [8, 1329, 1264, 18], [8, 1329, 135, 17], [], [8, 1329, 135, 18], [], [], [8, 1347, 1264, 0], [8, 1365, 1264, 345], [8, 1365, 1264, 345], [8, 1365, 1264, 77], [8, 1365, 1264, 77], [8, 1365, 1264, 0], [8, 1365, 0, 0], [], [8, 1365, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1406, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 1461, 1264, 59], [8, 1461, 1264, 59], [8, 1461, 1264, 0], [8, 1461, 0, 0], [], [8, 1461, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1501, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1538, 1264, 77], [8, 1538, 1264, 77], [8, 1538, 1264, 0], [8, 1538, 0, 0], [], [8, 1538, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1579, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 1634, 1264, 77], [8, 1634, 1264, 77], [8, 1634, 1264, 0], [8, 1634, 0, 0], [], [8, 1634, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1674, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 1726, 1264, 113], [8, 1726, 1264, 113], [8, 1726, 1264, 18], [8, 1726, 129, 18], [], [8, 1763, 1264, 77], [8, 1763, 1264, 59], [8, 1763, 1264, 22], [8, 1763, 204, 21], [], [8, 1804, 621, 17], [], [], [8, 1822, 83, 17], [], [], [8, 1840, 1264, 473], [8, 1840, 1264, 473], [8, 1840, 1264, 473], [8, 1840, 1264, 286], [8, 1840, 239, 18], [], [8, 1874, 1264, 252], [8, 1874, 1264, 252], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [202, 1946, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [668, 1982, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [753, 2036, 121, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [63, 2054, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2142, 1264, 171], [8, 2142, 1264, 18], [8, 2142, 176, 17], [], [], [196, 2142, 84, 17], [], [], [291, 2142, 86, 17], [], [], [390, 2142, 94, 17], [], [], [8, 2225, 1264, 88], [8, 2225, 1264, 18], [8, 2225, 373, 17], [], [8, 2259, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2329, 1264, 0], [8, 2329, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1928, 2329], [0, 0, 1928, 2329], [0, 0, 1920, 2305], [0, 0, 1264, 88], [0, 0, 1264, 88], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 322], [0, 0, 1264, 322], [0, 0, 1264, 322], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 239, 18], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 239, 18], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 288], [0, 0, 1264, 288], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1920, 1117], [0, 0, 1920, 1117], [0, 0, 1920, 1117], [0, 0, 1389, 522], [0, 0, 1389, 1500], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [], [0, 0, 536, 216], [0, 0, 536, 216], [0, 0, 536, 216], [0, 0, 462, 66], [], [0, 0, 144, 174], [0, 0, 144, 174], [0, 0, 144, 174], [0, 0, 126, 24], [], [0, 0, 633, 210], [0, 0, 633, 210], [0, 0, 633, 210], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [0, 0, 277, 202], [0, 0, 277, 202], [0, 0, 277, 202], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1920, 533], [0, 0, 1920, 533], [0, 0, 1920, 533], [0, 0, 1920, 533], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [], [0, 0, 257, 24], [0, 0, 257, 24], [0, 0, 257, 24], [0, 0, 257, 24], [], [0, 0, 344, 66], [0, 0, 344, 66], [0, 0, 344, 66], [0, 0, 344, 66], [], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 103, 18], [0, 0, 103, 18], [0, 0, 103, 18], [0, 0, 103, 18], [0, 0, 119, 18], [], [0, 0, 390, 101], [0, 0, 390, 101], [0, 0, 390, 101], [0, 0, 390, 97], [], [0, 0, 314, 18], [0, 0, 314, 18], [0, 0, 314, 18], [0, 0, 314, 18], [], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 120, 18], [0, 0, 120, 18], [0, 0, 120, 18], [0, 0, 120, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 858, 0], [0, 0, 1349, 18], [0, 0, 1349, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1349, 18], [0, 0, 1349, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 500], [0, 0, 1278, 890], [0, 0, 1278, 37], [0, 0, 1264, 23], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 832], [0, 0, 1264, 268], [0, 0, 1264, 268], [0, 0, 1234, 75], [0, 0, 1234, 18], [0, 0, 1234, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1234, 36], [], [0, 0, 1234, 75], [0, 0, 1234, 18], [0, 0, 1234, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1234, 36], [], [0, 0, 1234, 75], [0, 0, 1234, 18], [0, 0, 1234, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1234, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 107, 18], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 163, 18], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 135, 18], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 345], [0, 0, 1264, 345], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 129, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 473], [0, 0, 1264, 473], [0, 0, 1264, 473], [0, 0, 1264, 286], [0, 0, 239, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 252], [0, 0, 1264, 252], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 171], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 88], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 2329], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 2305], [0, 0, 1264, 88], [0, 0, 1264, 88], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 322], [0, 0, 1264, 322], [0, 0, 1264, 322], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 239, 18], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 239, 18], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 288], [0, 0, 1264, 288], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 500], [0, 0, 1264, 500], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 0, 1389, 500], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 430, 66], [0, 0, 430, 66], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 126, 24], [0, 0, 126, 24], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1920, 533], [0, 0, 1920, 533], [0, 0, 1920, 673], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 257, 24], [0, 0, 257, 24], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 344, 66], [0, 0, 344, 66], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 241, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1349, 500], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 103, 18], [0, 0, 103, 18], [0, 0, 103, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 390, 101], [0, 2, 390, 97], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 314, 18], [0, 0, 314, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 550, 60], [0, 0, 550, 60], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 18], [0, 0, 120, 18], [0, 0, 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It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets.", "ab21aa32-35dc-45aa", "", "3e16b9c7-12d2-4ff2", "", "\n\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9de57884-f725-4f69", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance", "7263670d-5782-4d9f", "", "agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "e7a26167-77c8-4bed", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").", "cb5c187b-edbf-4c1d", "", "08893cf2-749e-4bb0", "", "\n\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance, ", "11ba7ca3-33a6-4299", "", "document.write(new Date().getFullYear())", "20242023. \u00a0 All Rights Reserved.", "3353cf66-bbd3-4e64", "", "38ccff68-9dc7-488c", "", " \n ", "col_half col_last tright", "ed1a3a21-507b-4539", "", "copyrights-menu copyright-links fright clearfix", "886abc7c-4541-4df1", "", "footer-terms", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "9622fdd9-9c8c-418d", "", "Complaint Handling Policy", " /\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "257a3ad1-47d5-459e", "", "Accessibility", "/en/terms-of-use", "2be5c265-37e6-41a2", "", "Terms of Use", " / ", "footer-privacy", "/en/privacy", "34175171-ee96-4bc5", "", "Privacy Policy", "text-align:left;margin-top:65px;", "87a24b3a-c6c3-4dbe", "", "c8f48007-826d-4804", "", "21b0ead4-54be-416b", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team! 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e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(E?d(n)||T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n):d(n)&&T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n));return T.hasProperties(e)?e:null}function l(e,t,n){var r=lpTag.domainUtil.getParentDomain(t);return m(r)&&T.hasProperties(e)||(e[r]={ts:n}),e}function c(e,t){var n={};if(Array.isArray(e))for(var r=0;r1}function f(e){var t=e.filter(d);return Array.isArray(t)&&t.length>0?!0:!1}function d(e){var n,r=m(t);if(!r)for(var o=0;o-1){t=!0;break}return t}function h(e,t){lpTag.taglets.jsonp.issueCall({url:\"https://\"+b()+\"/api/account/\"+e+\"/configuration/domainprotection/refererrestrictions\",timeout:7e3,retries:3,success:y(t),error:y(t),context:this})}function y(e){return function(t){var n=Array.isArray(t)&&t.length?t[0]:null,r=n&&Array.isArray(n.whiteList)?n.whiteList:[];r=r.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e}),k(\"DataAnalyzer::_onWhiteListReceived whiteList:\"+r.join(\", \")),T.runCallback(e,r)}}function v(e,t){var n=t.substring(2),r=e.lastIndexOf(n);return r>=0&&e.length===r+n.length}function b(){return a||D[r&&r.toUpperCase()]||D[O.GA]}var w,T=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,k=T.log.log,S=/^\\*\\.([^\\.]+\\.)*([^\\.\\s])+$/gi,C=[\"liveperson.net\",\"liveperson.com\",\"lprnd.net\",\"lpsnmedia.net\"],E=\"boolean\"==typeof n?n:\"true\"===n,O={DEV:\"DEV\",QA:\"QA\",ALPHA:\"ALPHA\",GA:\"GA\"},D={};return D[O.DEV]=D[O.QA]=\"qtvr-wap06.dev.lprnd.net\",D[O.ALPHA]=\"accdn-a.lpsnmedia.net\",D[O.GA]=\"accdn.lpsnmedia.net\",u(),{isValidByLocations:i,cleanLocations:s,updateLocations:l,convertLocations:c}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager=window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager||function(e){function t(e,t,n){var r,o,a=t.app,i={},s=!1;t.keys&&Array.isArray(e)?(o=e.length,s=!0):(o=1,t.keys=[t.key],e=[e]),e.forEach(function(e,c){e=encodeURIComponent(e),l(a,e,function(e){r=t.keys[c],i[r]=e?S.getItems(e,t.appName):null,o--,0===o&&(w.hasProperties(i)?s?w.runCallback(n,i):w.runCallback(n,i[r]):(w.runCallback(n,null),k(\"No value\")))})})}function n(e,t,n){var o=t.app;\ne=encodeURIComponent(e),e?l(o,e,function(a){!a&&w.isTouchRequest(t)?w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No value to touch\"}):r(o,e,a,t,n)}):w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No key specified.\"})}function r(e,t,n,r,o){var s=S.getItemId(n&&n[r.appName]),l=w.isTouchRequest(r);\"undefined\"==typeof t||\"undefined\"==typeof r.value&&!l?!l&&n&&n[r.appName]?a(e,t,s,r,o,n):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Object not found.\"}):i(e,t,s,r,o,n)}function o(e){C.hasValidStorageSelected(e)&&window.setTimeout(function(){g(e,d.bind(this,e))},b)}function a(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=w.removeKeyFromObj(a&&a[r.appName],n);w.hasProperties(i&&i[r.appName])||(i=w.removeKeyFromObj(i&&i,r.appName)),w.hasProperties(i)?s(e,t,i,function(e){w.runCallback(o,e&&e.error?e:null)}):c(e,t,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||u(e,t)})}function i(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=S.enhanceObject(a,n,r);i?s(e,t,i,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||p(e,t)}):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Unable to set the item.\"})}function s(e,t,n,r){\"undefined\"!=typeof n&&\"\"!==n&&null!==n?C.getStorage(e).set(t,w.encodeItem(n),r):C.getStorage(e).remove(t,r)}function l(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).get(t,function(e){w.runCallback(n,S.cleanupObject(w.decodeItem(e)))})}function c(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).remove(t,n)}function u(e,t){(!y||y.hasOwnProperty(t))&&g(e,function(){y&&y.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})}function p(e,t){y?y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Adding key to map: \"+t)):g(e,function(){y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Got Map, adding key to map: \"+t))})}function g(e,t){l(e,v,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?e:{},(\"object\"!=typeof y||null===y)&&(y={}),w.runCallback(t,e),T(\"Got map: \"+JSON.stringify(y))})}function f(e,t){s(e,v,t,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?t:{},T(\"Setting map: \"+JSON.stringify(t))})}function d(e,t){y=\"object\"==typeof y?y:{},t=\"object\"==typeof t&&t||y;for(var n in t)T(\"Got key in map: \"+n),t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&m(e,n)}function m(e,t){l(e,t,function(n){var r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264], "attributes": [[], [], [7, 8], [13, 14, 7, 15], [13, 14, 7, 17], [13, 14, 7, 19], [22, 23, 24, 25, 7, 26], [], [30, 31, 24, 32, 7, 33], [], [7, 37], [], [], [30, 40, 24, 41, 7, 42], [], [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 7, 52], [], [50, 54, 46, 55, 7, 56], [], [50, 58, 46, 55, 7, 59], [], [48, 61, 46, 55, 50, 62, 7, 63], [], [50, 65, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 66], [], [46, 55, 50, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 48, 61, 7, 73], [], [50, 75, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 76], [], [79, 80, 81, -1], [81, -1, 79, 82], [81, -1, 79, 83], [81, -1, 79, 84], [48, 85, 81, -1, 79, 86, 7, 87], [48, 85, 81, -1, 79, 89, 7, 90], [79, 92, 81, -1, 7, 93], [81, -1, 79, 82, 7, 95], [48, 85, 81, -1, 79, 97, 7, 98], [81, -1, 79, 83, 7, 100], [81, -1, 79, 84, 7, 102], [79, 104, 7, 105], [], [79, 108, 48, 85, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 79, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 79, 134, 7, 135], [81, -1, 132, 137, 79, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [81, -1, 132, 142, 79, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [81, -1, 132, 146, 79, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [81, -1, 132, 150, 79, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [81, -1, 132, 154, 79, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 85, 128, 2, 79, 158, 7, 159], [48, 85, 128, 2, 79, 161, 7, 162], [128, 2, 79, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [184, 185, 173, 186, 187, 188, 7, 189], [], [184, 191, 7, 192], [], [132, 194, 7, 195], [], [184, 198, 7, 199], [], [7, 203], [], [7, 207], [], [], [50, 211, 7, 212], [], [], [7, 216], [], [50, 219, 7, 220], [], [], [], [], [184, 223, 7, 224], [], [50, 226, 7, 227], [], [184, 231, 7, 232], [], [], [], [], [132, 239, 184, 240, 7, 241], [], [7, 244], [], [], [50, 247, 248, 249, 7, 250], [], [7, 252], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 255, 7, 256], [], [184, 258, 7, 259], [], [50, 261, 248, 249, 7, 262], [], [79, 266, 184, 267, 7, 268], [], [], [], [], [132, 271, 7, 272], [], [7, 275], [], [184, 278, 7, 279], [], [], [], [], [184, 283, 7, 284], [], [184, 286, 7, 287], [], [132, 290, 184, 291, 7, 292], [], [132, 294, 7, 295], [], [132, 298, 7, 299], [], [303, 14, 304, 305, 132, 306, 30, 306, 48, 307, 308, 309, 7, 310], [], [303, 14, 304, 312, 132, 313, 30, 313, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 315], [], [184, 317, 7, 318], [], [132, 320, 184, 321, 7, 322], [], [184, 325, 7, 326], [], [184, 328, 7, 329], [], [], [], [333, 334, 335, 336, 132, 337, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 341], [303, 14, 304, 305, 132, 306, 30, 306, 48, 307, 308, 309, 7, 343], [303, 14, 304, 345, 132, 346, 30, 346, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 348], [303, 14, 304, 350, 132, 351, 30, 351, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 352], [303, 14, 304, 354, 132, 355, 30, 355, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 356], [132, 358, 30, 358, 48, 307, 308, -1, 7, 359], [303, 14, 304, 361, 132, 362, 30, 362, 48, 307, 308, 363, 7, 364], [303, 14, 304, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 307, 308, 363, 7, 368], [132, 370, 30, 370, 48, 307, 308, -1, 7, 371], [303, 14, 304, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 375], [303, 14, 377, 378, 304, 379, 132, 380, 30, 380, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 381], [132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 383], [132, 380, 30, 380, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 385], [], [184, -1, 173, -1, 7, 389], [], [7, 392], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 398], [], [184, 400, 7, 401], [], [184, 404, 7, 405], [408, 409, 7, 410], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 414], [], [303, 14, 416, 417, 418, 419, 304, 420, 132, 409, 30, 409, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 425], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 428], [], [184, 430, 7, 431], [], [184, 433, 434, 409, 435, 14, 7, 436], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 438], [], [], [184, 440, 7, 441], [], [184, 400, 7, 444], [], [184, 404, 7, 446], [408, 448, 184, 449, 7, 450], [], [], [], [184, 453, 7, 454], [], [184, 456, 7, 457], [], [184, 459, 460, 448, 303, 14, 304, 461, 132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 462, 308, 463, 7, 464], [], [408, 466, 184, 467, 7, 468], [], [184, 471, 7, 472], [], [], [], [], [184, 456, 7, 477], [], [184, 459, 460, 448, 132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 462, 308, 479, 7, 480], [], [408, 482, 184, 483, 7, 484], [], [184, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 491], [], [184, 430, 7, 493], [], [184, 433, 434, 448, 435, 14, 7, 495], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 497], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 500], [], [184, 400, 7, 503], [], [184, 404, 7, 506], [408, 508, 7, 509], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 512], [], [514, 515, 516, 517, 184, 518, 7, 519], [521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 132, 527, 30, 527, 173, 528, 48, 421, 308, -1, 184, 529, 530, 531, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 532], [], [534, 508, 303, 14, 304, 535, 132, 508, 30, 508, 173, 536, 48, 421, 308, 347, 7, 537], [], [132, 539, 173, 186, 184, 540, 7, 541], [], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 545], [], [184, 548, 7, 549], [], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 552], [], [184, 554, 7, 555], [], [184, 557, 434, 508, 435, 14, 7, 558], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 560], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 562], [], [184, 400, 7, 564], [], [184, 404, 7, 566], [], [408, 568, 7, 569], [], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 574, 7, 575], [], [184, 578, 303, 14, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 304, 587, 132, 588, 30, 588, 514, 589, 590, 591, 7, 592], [308, -1, 7, 595], [], [], [308, 586, 7, 598], [], [], [308, 601, 7, 602], [], [], [308, 605, 7, 606], [], [], [308, 609, 7, 610], [], [], [308, 613, 7, 614], [], [], [308, 617, 7, 618], [], [], [308, 621, 7, 622], [], [], [308, 625, 7, 626], [], [], [308, 629, 7, 630], [], [], [308, 633, 7, 634], [], [], [308, 637, 7, 638], [], [], [308, 584, 7, 641], [], [], [], [], [184, 644, 7, 645], [], [184, 647, 303, 14, 579, 648, 132, 649, 30, 649, 173, 650, 514, 589, 590, 591, 7, 651], [308, -1, 7, 653], [], [], [308, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [308, 586, 7, 660], [], [], [308, 601, 7, 662], [], [], [308, 605, 7, 664], [], [], [308, 609, 7, 666], [], [], [308, 613, 7, 668], [], [], [308, 617, 7, 670], [], [], [308, 621, 7, 672], [], [], [308, 625, 7, 674], [], [], [308, 629, 7, 676], [], [], [308, 633, 7, 678], [], [], [308, 637, 7, 680], [], [], [308, 584, 7, 682], [], [], [308, 684, 7, 685], [], [], [308, 687, 7, 688], [], [], [308, 690, 7, 691], [], [], [308, 693, 7, 694], [], [], [308, 696, 7, 697], [], [], [308, 699, 7, 700], [], [], [308, 702, 7, 703], [], [], [308, 705, 7, 706], [], [], [308, 708, 7, 709], [], [], [308, 711, 7, 712], [], [], [308, 714, 7, 715], [], [], [308, 717, 7, 718], [], [], [308, 720, 7, 721], [], [], [308, 723, 7, 724], [], [], [308, 726, 7, 727], [], [], [308, 729, 7, 730], [], [], [308, 732, 7, 733], [], [], [308, 735, 7, 736], [], [], [308, 738, 7, 739], [], [], [], [], [184, 644, 7, 741], [], [184, 743, 303, 14, 579, 744, 304, 745, 132, 746, 30, 746, 514, 589, 590, 591, 7, 747], [308, -1, 7, 749], [], [], [308, 752, 7, 753], [], [], [308, 755, 7, 756], [], [], [308, 758, 7, 759], [], [], [308, 761, 7, 762], [], [], [308, 764, 7, 765], [], [], [308, 767, 7, 768], [], [], [308, 770, 7, 771], [], [], [308, 773, 7, 774], [], [], [308, 776, 7, 777], [], [], [308, 779, 7, 780], [], [], [308, 782, 7, 783], [], [], [308, 785, 7, 786], [], [], [308, 788, 7, 789], [], [], [308, 791, 7, 792], [], [], [308, 794, 7, 795], [], [], [308, 797, 7, 798], [], [], [308, 800, 7, 801], [], [], [308, 803, 7, 804], [], [], [308, 806, 7, 807], [], [], [308, 809, 7, 810], [], [], [308, 812, 7, 813], [], [], [308, 815, 7, 816], [], [], [308, 818, 7, 819], [], [], [308, 821, 7, 822], [], [], [308, 824, 7, 825], [], [], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 827], [], [184, 430, 173, 186, 7, 829], [], [184, 433, 434, 588, 435, 14, 7, 831], [], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 833], [], [184, 430, 173, 186, 7, 835], [], [184, 433, 434, 746, 435, 14, 7, 837], [], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 839], [], [184, 430, 7, 841], [], [132, 843, 173, 186, 184, 540, 7, 844], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 847], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 849], [], [184, 400, 7, 851], [], [184, 404, 7, 853], [408, 855, 7, 856], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 859], [], [184, 861, 303, 14, 416, 862, 418, 621, 863, 617, 864, 865, 866, 867, 304, 868, 132, 855, 869, 621, 30, 855, 870, 871, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 872], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 875], [], [184, 430, 7, 877], [], [184, 433, 434, 855, 435, 14, 7, 879], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 882], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 884], [], [184, 400, 7, 886], [], [184, 404, 7, 888], [], [408, 890, 7, 891], [], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 894], [], [303, 14, 416, 896, 418, 897, 864, 898, 866, 899, 132, 890, 30, 890, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 900], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 903], [], [184, 430, 7, 905], [], [184, 433, 434, 890, 435, 14, 7, 907], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 909], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 911], [], [184, 914, 48, 915, 916, 917, 7, 918], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 920], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 924, 7, 925], [], [132, 928, 184, 400, 7, 929], [], [79, 931, 7, 932], [], [], [], [], [184, 936, 7, 937], [], [184, 939, 7, 940], [], [184, 942, 7, 943], [], [132, 945, 7, 946], [], [7, 948], [], [7, 952], [], [50, 955, 248, 249, 7, 956], [7, 959], [], [], [], [7, 964], [], [7, 967], [], [50, 970, 248, 249, 7, 971], [7, 973], [], [], [7, 977], [], [7, 980], [], [7, 982], [], [7, 984], [], [], [7, 987], [], [7, 989], [], [], [7, 993], [], [7, 995], [], [7, 997], [], [50, 1000, 248, 249, 7, 1001], [7, 1003], [], [], [50, 1007, 248, 249, 7, 1008], [7, 1010], [], [], [7, 1014], [], [184, 1016, 7, 1017], [], [7, 1019], [], [7, 1022], [], [50, 955, 248, 249, 1025, 1026, 916, 1026, 7, 1027], [7, 1029], [], [], [7, 1032], [], [184, 1016, 173, 1034, 7, 1035], [], [50, 1037, 248, 249, 1025, 1038, 916, 1038, 7, 1039], [], [], [50, 1042, 248, 249, 916, 1043, 7, 1044], [], [], [50, 1046, 248, 249, 7, 1047], [], [], [7, 1050], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [79, 1055, 48, 85, 7, 1056], [], [79, 1058, 48, 85, 7, 1059], [], [79, 1061, 48, 85, 7, 1062], [], [79, 1064, 48, 85, 7, 1065], [], [79, 1067, 48, 85, 7, 1068], [], [79, 1070, 48, 85, 7, 1071], [], [79, 1073, 48, 85, 7, 1074], [], [79, 1076, 48, 85, 7, 1077], [], [79, 1079, 48, 85, 7, 1080], [], [79, 1082, 7, 1083], [], [79, 1086, 7, 1087], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1090], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1094], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1098], [], [], [184, 1102, 132, 1103, 590, 591, 1104, 423, 173, 536, 7, 1105], [184, 1107, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 173, 536, 7, 1113], [184, 1115, 7, 1116], [132, 1112, 184, 1118, 7, 1119], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1125], [184, 1127, 7, 1128], [184, 1130, 7, 1131], [], [132, 1110, 173, -1, 1133, 1134, 184, 1135, 7, 1136], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1140], [184, 1142, 7, 1143], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1146], [184, 1130, 7, 1148], [], [184, 1150, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1151, 1111, 1152, 173, 536, 7, 1153], [184, 1115, 7, 1155], [132, 1152, 184, 1118, 7, 1157], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1159], [184, 1127, 7, 1161], [184, 1130, 7, 1163], [], [132, 1151, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1165], [], [184, 1167, 7, 1168], [], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1171, 1111, 1172, 173, 1173, 7, 1174], [184, 1115, 7, 1176], [132, 1172, 184, 1118, 7, 1178], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1181], [184, 1127, 7, 1183], [184, 1130, 7, 1185], [], [132, 1171, 1133, 1187, 1188, 1189, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1190], [], [132, 1192, 173, 536, 7, 1193], [], [1025, 1195, 79, 1196, 7, 1197], [], [], [132, 1200, 7, 1201], [], [333, 1204, 132, 1205, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1206], [], [132, 1208, 173, 1209, 7, 1210], [], [7, 1212], [], [7, 1214], [], [408, 890, 7, 1216], [], [], [303, 14, 416, 896, 418, 897, 864, 898, 866, 899, 304, 1219, 132, 890, 30, 890, 173, 1220, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1221], [], [184, 430, 7, 1223], [], [184, 1225, 434, 890, 435, 14, 173, 1226, 7, 1227], [], [], [], [7, 1229], [], [408, 855, 7, 1231], [], [], [184, 1234, 303, 14, 416, 1235, 418, 633, 863, 617, 864, 865, 866, 867, 304, 868, 132, 855, 30, 855, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1236], [], [184, 430, 7, 1238], [], [184, 1225, 434, 855, 435, 14, 173, 1226, 7, 1240], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1242], [184, 1142, 7, 1244], [48, 1122, 184, 1246, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1247], [184, 1130, 7, 1249], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1251], [184, 1130, 7, 1253], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1257], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1260], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1263], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1266], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1269], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1272], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1275], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1278], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1280, 1111, 1281, 173, 1173, 7, 1282], [184, 1115, 7, 1284], [132, 1281, 184, 1118, 7, 1286], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1289], [184, 1127, 7, 1291], [184, 1130, 7, 1293], [], [132, 1280, 173, -1, 1133, 1295, 1188, 1296, 1297, 1298, 184, 1135, 7, 1299], [], [132, 1301, 7, 1302], [], [7, 1304], [], [], [7, 1307], [], [], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1310], [184, 1142, 7, 1312], [48, 1122, 184, 1246, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1314], [184, 1130, 7, 1316], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1318], [184, 1130, 7, 1320], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1322], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1324], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1326], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1328], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1330], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1332], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1334], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1336], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1338, 1111, 1339, 173, 1173, 7, 1340], [184, 1115, 7, 1342], [132, 1339, 184, 1118, 7, 1344], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1347], [184, 1127, 7, 1349], [184, 1130, 7, 1351], [], [132, 1338, 1133, 1353, 173, 1354, 184, 1135, 7, 1355], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1358], [184, 1142, 7, 1360], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1362], [184, 1130, 7, 1364], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1366], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1368], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1370], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1372], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1374], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1376], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1378], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1380], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1382, 1111, 1383, 173, 1173, 7, 1384], [184, 1115, 7, 1386], [132, 1383, 184, 1118, 7, 1388], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1391], [184, 1127, 7, 1393], [184, 1130, 7, 1395], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1397], [184, 1142, 7, 1399], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1402], [184, 1130, 7, 1404], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1407], [184, 1130, 7, 1409], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1411], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1413], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1415], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1417], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1419], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1421], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1423], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1425], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1427, 1111, 1428, 173, 1173, 7, 1429], [184, 1115, 7, 1431], [132, 1428, 184, 1118, 7, 1433], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1436], [184, 1127, 7, 1438], [184, 1130, 7, 1440], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1442], [184, 1142, 7, 1444], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1446], [184, 1130, 7, 1448], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1450], [184, 1130, 7, 1452], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1454], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1456], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1458], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1460], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1462], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1464], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1466], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1468], [184, 1470, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1471, 1111, 1472, 173, 536, 7, 1473], [184, 1115, 7, 1475], [132, 1472, 184, 1118, 7, 1477], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1480], [184, 1127, 7, 1482], [184, 1130, 7, 1484], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1486], [184, 1142, 7, 1488], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1490], [184, 1130, 7, 1492], [], [184, 1470, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1494, 1111, 1495, 173, 536, 7, 1496], [184, 1115, 7, 1498], [132, 1495, 184, 1118, 7, 1500], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1502], [184, 1127, 7, 1504], [184, 1130, 7, 1506], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1508], [184, 1142, 7, 1510], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1512], [184, 1130, 7, 1514], [], [173, 1516, 7, 1517], [], [48, 85, 7, 1519], [], [], [173, 1516, 7, 1522], [7, 1524], [], [173, 1516, 7, 1527], [], [48, 85, 7, 1529], [], [], [], [48, 85, 132, -1, 7, 1531], [], [], [7, 1534], [], [], [590, 656, 1538, 14, 514, 1539, 916, 1540, 30, 1541, 132, 1541, 79, 1542, 173, 1543, 7, 1544], [132, 1546, 79, 1547, 7, 1548], [173, 1551, 7, 1552], [1554, 1555, 173, 1556, 7, 1557], [173, 1559, 7, 1560], [46, 55, 50, 1562, 7, 1563], [173, 1556, 7, 1565], [173, 1559, 7, 1567], [46, 55, 50, 1562, 7, 1569], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1382, 1111, 1103, 173, 1173], [184, 1115], [132, 1103, 184, 1118], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124], [184, 1127], [184, 1130], [], [132, 1382, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1571], [], [333, 1573, 132, 1574, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1575], [], [184, 1577, 7, 1578], [], [184, 1581, 7, 1582], [], [7, 1585], [], [7, 1587], [], [184, 404, 7, 1589], [184, 1591, 7, 1592], [], [408, 1595, 7, 1596], [], [], [184, 1599, 303, 14, 416, 1600, 418, 419, 304, 1601, 132, 1595, 30, 1595, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1602], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1595, 435, 14, 7, 1604], [], [], [7, 1606], [], [184, 404, 7, 1608], [184, 1591, 7, 1610], [], [408, 1612, 7, 1613], [], [], [303, 14, 416, 896, 418, 897, 864, 898, 866, 899, 304, 1219, 132, 1612, 30, 1612, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1615], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1612, 435, 14, 7, 1617], [], [], [7, 1619], [], [184, 404, 7, 1621], [184, 1591, 7, 1623], [], [408, 1625, 7, 1626], [], [], [7, 1629], [], [1632, 705, 303, 14, 304, 1633, 132, 1625, 30, 1625, 1634, 601, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1635], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1625, 435, 14, 7, 1637], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1639], [], [132, 1641, 30, 1641, 48, 421, 308, -1, 7, 1642], [], [132, 1218, 30, 1218, 48, 421, 308, -1, 7, 1644], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 1139], [184, 1142], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256], [184, 1259, 173, 1256], [184, 1262, 173, 1256], [184, 1265, 173, 1256], [184, 1268, 173, 1256], [184, 1271, 173, 1256], [184, 1274, 173, 1256], [184, 1277, 173, 1256], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1427, 1111, 1112, 173, 1173], [184, 1115], [132, 1112, 184, 1118], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124], [184, 1127], [184, 1130], [], [132, 1427, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1646], [], [132, 1649, 333, 1650, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1651], [], [48, 307, 132, 1653, 30, 1653, 308, 14, 7, 1654], [], [7, 1656], [], [7, 1658], [], [408, 1660, 7, 1661], [], [], [48, 421, 132, 1660, 30, 1664, 304, 1665, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1666], [], [173, 1668, 7, 1669], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1664, 435, 14, 7, 1671], [], [], [], [7, 1674], [], [408, 1676, 7, 1677], [], [], [132, 1676, 304, 1680, 30, 1681, 48, 1682, 184, 1683, 7, 1684], [], [173, 1668, 7, 1686], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1681, 435, 14, 7, 1688], [], [], [], [7, 1690], [], [408, 1692, 7, 1693], [], [], [184, 1697, 132, 1692, 30, 1698, 173, -1, 7, 1699], [308, 1701, 7, 1702], [], [], [308, 1704, 7, 1705], [], [], [308, 1707, 7, 1708], [], [], [308, 1710, 7, 1711], [], [], [308, 1713, 7, 1714], [], [], [308, 1716, 7, 1717], [], [], [], [], [7, 1720], [], [408, 1722, 7, 1723], [], [], [132, 1722, 30, 1726, 1634, 609, 1632, 419, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1727], [], [], [], [], [184, 1139], [184, 1142], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256], [184, 1259, 173, 1256], [184, 1262, 173, 1256], [184, 1265, 173, 1256], [184, 1268, 173, 1256], [184, 1271, 173, 1256], [184, 1274, 173, 1256], [184, 1277, 173, 1256], [184, 1470, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1471, 1111, 1152, 173, 536], [184, 1115], [132, 1152, 184, 1118], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124], [184, 1127], [184, 1130], [], [132, 1471, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1729], [], [132, 1731, 7, 1732], [], [184, 1139], [184, 1142], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [184, 1470, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1494, 1111, 1172, 173, 536], [184, 1115], [132, 1172, 184, 1118], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124], [184, 1127], [184, 1130], [], [132, 1494, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1734], [], [132, 1736, 7, 1737], [], [], [184, 1139], [184, 1142], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [173, 1516], [], [48, 85], [], [], [173, 1516], [], [48, 85], [], [], [173, 1516], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1091, 1195], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [154, 156, 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17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 209, 205, -1, 214, 215, -1, 218, -1, 222, 201, -1, -1, 229, -1, -1, 235, 237, 197, -1, -1, 246, 201, -1, 205, -1, 254, 201, 197, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 201, 197, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 331, -1, -1, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 412, 201, -1, -1, 201, -1, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 452, 201, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 470, -1, -1, 474, 475, 205, -1, -1, 264, -1, 470, -1, -1, 489, 490, 205, -1, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 511, 502, -1, -1, -1, 505, -1, -1, 551, 544, -1, -1, -1, 505, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 571, 205, 201, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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[8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 976, 1264, 18], [], [753, 976, 121, 17], [753, 976, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1148, 1264, 17], [8, 1148, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1148, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1148, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 111, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], 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[0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 111, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 1222, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 74, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 104, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new lpTag.DataAnalyzer(f.site,f.loc,f.isCrossDomain,f.env,a,f.accdn),m=new lpTag.StorageSelector({site:f.site,asyncStorageMaxRetry:f.asmr,cookiesEnabled:f.cookiesEnabled,localStorageEnabled:f.localStorageEnabled,sessionStorageEnabled:f.sessionStorageEnabled}),m.createWrappers(o)}function n(){d.reset(),v=!1,w=[]}function r(){d&&d.dispose(),h=null,m=null,d=null}function o(){d.initSelector(m),i()}function a(){v=!0,c(y)}function i(){d.sendPendingMessages(s,l,k.requestTypes.SELECT_STORAGE)}function s(e){e&&e.storage&&(y=e.app,w[e.app]=e.storage,c(e.app))}function l(){setTimeout(function(){i()},b)}function c(e){var t;u(e)&&(k.log.log(\"Initiated successfully with \"+w[e].name+\", app: \"+e),t=new lpTag.SecureStorageManager({app:e,storageSelector:m,dataAnalyzer:h}),d.initManager(t),d.sendPendingMessages(),d.setActive())}function u(e){return e&&v&&w&&w[e]}function p(){var e=k.getUrlParameters(location.search);return e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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856], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 859], [], [184, 861, 303, 14, 416, 862, 418, 621, 863, 617, 864, 865, 866, 867, 304, 868, 132, 855, 869, 621, 30, 855, 870, 871, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 872], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 875], [], [184, 430, 7, 877], [], [184, 433, 434, 855, 435, 14, 7, 879], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 882], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 884], [], [184, 400, 7, 886], [], [184, 404, 7, 888], [], [408, 890, 7, 891], [], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 894], [], [303, 14, 416, 896, 418, 897, 864, 898, 866, 899, 132, 890, 30, 890, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 900], [], [], [184, 427, 7, 903], [], [184, 430, 7, 905], [], [184, 433, 434, 890, 435, 14, 7, 907], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 909], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 911], [], [184, 914, 48, 915, 916, 917, 7, 918], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 920], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 924, 7, 925], [], [132, 928, 184, 400, 7, 929], [], [79, 931, 7, 932], [], [], [], [], [184, 936, 7, 937], [], [184, 939, 7, 940], [], [184, 942, 7, 943], [], [132, 945, 7, 946], [], [7, 948], [], [7, 952], [], [50, 955, 248, 249, 7, 956], [7, 959], [], [], [], [7, 964], [], [7, 967], [], [50, 970, 248, 249, 7, 971], [7, 973], [], [], [7, 977], [], [7, 980], [], [7, 982], [], [7, 984], [], [], [7, 987], [], [7, 989], [], [], [7, 993], [], [7, 995], [], [7, 997], [], [50, 1000, 248, 249, 7, 1001], [7, 1003], [], [], [50, 1007, 248, 249, 7, 1008], [7, 1010], [], [], [7, 1014], [], [184, 1016, 7, 1017], [], [7, 1019], [], [7, 1022], [], [50, 955, 248, 249, 1025, 1026, 916, 1026, 7, 1027], [7, 1029], [], [], [7, 1032], [], [184, 1016, 173, 1034, 7, 1035], [], [50, 1037, 248, 249, 1025, 1038, 916, 1038, 7, 1039], [], [], [50, 1042, 248, 249, 916, 1043, 7, 1044], [], [], [50, 1046, 248, 249, 7, 1047], [], [], [7, 1050], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [79, 1055, 48, 85, 7, 1056], [], [79, 1058, 48, 85, 7, 1059], [], [79, 1061, 48, 85, 7, 1062], [], [79, 1064, 48, 85, 7, 1065], [], [79, 1067, 48, 85, 7, 1068], [], [79, 1070, 48, 85, 7, 1071], [], [79, 1073, 48, 85, 7, 1074], [], [79, 1076, 48, 85, 7, 1077], [], [79, 1079, 48, 85, 7, 1080], [], [79, 1082, 7, 1083], [], [79, 1086, 7, 1087], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1090], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1094], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1098], [], [], [184, 1102, 132, 1103, 590, 591, 1104, 423, 173, 536, 7, 1105], [184, 1107, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 173, 536, 7, 1113], [184, 1115, 7, 1116], [132, 1112, 184, 1118, 7, 1119], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1125], [184, 1127, 7, 1128], [184, 1130, 7, 1131], [], [132, 1110, 173, -1, 1133, 1134, 184, 1135, 7, 1136], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1140], [184, 1142, 7, 1143], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1146], [184, 1130, 7, 1148], [], [184, 1150, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1151, 1111, 1152, 173, 536, 7, 1153], [184, 1115, 7, 1155], [132, 1152, 184, 1118, 7, 1157], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1159], [184, 1127, 7, 1161], [184, 1130, 7, 1163], [], [132, 1151, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1165], [], [184, 1167, 7, 1168], [], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1171, 1111, 1172, 173, 1173, 7, 1174], [184, 1115, 7, 1176], [132, 1172, 184, 1118, 7, 1178], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1181], [184, 1127, 7, 1183], [184, 1130, 7, 1185], [], [132, 1171, 1133, 1187, 1188, 1189, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1190], [], [132, 1192, 173, 536, 7, 1193], [], [1025, 1195, 79, 1196, 7, 1197], [], [], [132, 1200, 7, 1201], [], [333, 1204, 132, 1205, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1206], [], [132, 1208, 173, 1209, 7, 1210], [], [7, 1212], [], [7, 1214], [], [408, 890, 7, 1216], [], [], [303, 14, 416, 896, 418, 897, 864, 898, 866, 899, 304, 1219, 132, 890, 30, 890, 173, 1220, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1221], [], [184, 430, 7, 1223], [], [184, 1225, 434, 890, 435, 14, 173, 1226, 7, 1227], [], [], [], [7, 1229], [], [408, 855, 7, 1231], [], [], [184, 1234, 303, 14, 416, 1235, 418, 633, 863, 617, 864, 865, 866, 867, 304, 868, 132, 855, 30, 855, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1236], [], [184, 430, 7, 1238], [], [184, 1225, 434, 855, 435, 14, 173, 1226, 7, 1240], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1242], [184, 1142, 7, 1244], [48, 1122, 184, 1246, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1247], [184, 1130, 7, 1249], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1251], [184, 1130, 7, 1253], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1257], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1260], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1263], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1266], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1269], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1272], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1275], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1278], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1280, 1111, 1281, 173, 1173, 7, 1282], [184, 1115, 7, 1284], [132, 1281, 184, 1118, 7, 1286], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1289], [184, 1127, 7, 1291], [184, 1130, 7, 1293], [], [132, 1280, 173, -1, 1133, 1295, 1188, 1296, 1297, 1298, 184, 1135, 7, 1299], [], [132, 1301, 7, 1302], [], [7, 1304], [], [], [7, 1307], [], [], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1310], [184, 1142, 7, 1312], [48, 1122, 184, 1246, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1314], [184, 1130, 7, 1316], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1318], [184, 1130, 7, 1320], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1322], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1324], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1326], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1328], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1330], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1332], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1334], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1336], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1338, 1111, 1339, 173, 1173, 7, 1340], [184, 1115, 7, 1342], [132, 1339, 184, 1118, 7, 1344], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1347], [184, 1127, 7, 1349], [184, 1130, 7, 1351], [], [132, 1338, 1133, 1353, 173, 1354, 184, 1135, 7, 1355], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1358], [184, 1142, 7, 1360], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1362], [184, 1130, 7, 1364], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1366], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1368], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1370], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1372], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1374], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1376], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1378], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1380], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1382, 1111, 1383, 173, 1173, 7, 1384], [184, 1115, 7, 1386], [132, 1383, 184, 1118, 7, 1388], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1391], [184, 1127, 7, 1393], [184, 1130, 7, 1395], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1397], [184, 1142, 7, 1399], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1402], [184, 1130, 7, 1404], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1407], [184, 1130, 7, 1409], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1411], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1413], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1415], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1417], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1419], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1421], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1423], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1425], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1427, 1111, 1428, 173, 1173, 7, 1429], [184, 1115, 7, 1431], [132, 1428, 184, 1118, 7, 1433], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1436], [184, 1127, 7, 1438], [184, 1130, 7, 1440], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1442], [184, 1142, 7, 1444], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1446], [184, 1130, 7, 1448], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1450], [184, 1130, 7, 1452], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256, 7, 1454], [184, 1259, 173, 1256, 7, 1456], [184, 1262, 173, 1256, 7, 1458], [184, 1265, 173, 1256, 7, 1460], [184, 1268, 173, 1256, 7, 1462], [184, 1271, 173, 1256, 7, 1464], [184, 1274, 173, 1256, 7, 1466], [184, 1277, 173, 1256, 7, 1468], [184, 1470, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1471, 1111, 1472, 173, 536, 7, 1473], [184, 1115, 7, 1475], [132, 1472, 184, 1118, 7, 1477], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1480], [184, 1127, 7, 1482], [184, 1130, 7, 1484], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1486], [184, 1142, 7, 1488], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1490], [184, 1130, 7, 1492], [], [184, 1470, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1494, 1111, 1495, 173, 536, 7, 1496], [184, 1115, 7, 1498], [132, 1495, 184, 1118, 7, 1500], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124, 7, 1502], [184, 1127, 7, 1504], [184, 1130, 7, 1506], [], [184, 1139, 7, 1508], [184, 1142, 7, 1510], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 7, 1512], [184, 1130, 7, 1514], [], [173, 1516, 7, 1517], [], [48, 85, 7, 1519], [], [], [173, 1516, 7, 1522], [7, 1524], [], [173, 1516, 7, 1527], [], [48, 85, 7, 1529], [], [], [], [48, 85, 132, -1, 7, 1531], [], [], [7, 1534], [], [], [590, 656, 1538, 14, 514, 1539, 916, 1540, 30, 1541, 132, 1541, 79, 1542, 173, 1543, 7, 1544], [132, 1546, 79, 1547, 7, 1548], [173, 1551, 7, 1552], [1554, 1555, 173, 1556, 7, 1557], [173, 1559, 7, 1560], [46, 55, 50, 1562, 7, 1563], [173, 1556, 7, 1565], [173, 1559, 7, 1567], [46, 55, 50, 1562, 7, 1569], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1382, 1111, 1103, 173, 1173], [184, 1115], [132, 1103, 184, 1118], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124], [184, 1127], [184, 1130], [], [132, 1382, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1571], [], [333, 1573, 132, 1574, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1575], [], [184, 1577, 7, 1578], [], [184, 1581, 7, 1582], [], [7, 1585], [], [7, 1587], [], [184, 404, 7, 1589], [184, 1591, 7, 1592], [], [408, 1595, 7, 1596], [], [], [184, 1599, 303, 14, 416, 1600, 418, 419, 304, 1601, 132, 1595, 30, 1595, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1602], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1595, 435, 14, 7, 1604], [], [], [7, 1606], [], [184, 404, 7, 1608], [184, 1591, 7, 1610], [], [408, 1612, 7, 1613], [], [], [303, 14, 416, 896, 418, 897, 864, 898, 866, 899, 304, 1219, 132, 1612, 30, 1612, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1615], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1612, 435, 14, 7, 1617], [], [], [7, 1619], [], [184, 404, 7, 1621], [184, 1591, 7, 1623], [], [408, 1625, 7, 1626], [], [], [7, 1629], [], [1632, 705, 303, 14, 304, 1633, 132, 1625, 30, 1625, 1634, 601, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1635], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1625, 435, 14, 7, 1637], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1639], [], [132, 1641, 30, 1641, 48, 421, 308, -1, 7, 1642], [], [132, 1218, 30, 1218, 48, 421, 308, -1, 7, 1644], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 1139], [184, 1142], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256], [184, 1259, 173, 1256], [184, 1262, 173, 1256], [184, 1265, 173, 1256], [184, 1268, 173, 1256], [184, 1271, 173, 1256], [184, 1274, 173, 1256], [184, 1277, 173, 1256], [184, 1170, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1427, 1111, 1112, 173, 1173], [184, 1115], [132, 1112, 184, 1118], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124], [184, 1127], [184, 1130], [], [132, 1427, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1646], [], [132, 1649, 333, 1650, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1651], [], [48, 307, 132, 1653, 30, 1653, 308, 14, 7, 1654], [], [7, 1656], [], [7, 1658], [], [408, 1660, 7, 1661], [], [], [48, 421, 132, 1660, 30, 1664, 304, 1665, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1666], [], [173, 1668, 7, 1669], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1664, 435, 14, 7, 1671], [], [], [], [7, 1674], [], [408, 1676, 7, 1677], [], [], [132, 1676, 304, 1680, 30, 1681, 48, 1682, 184, 1683, 7, 1684], [], [173, 1668, 7, 1686], [], [184, 1225, 434, 1681, 435, 14, 7, 1688], [], [], [], [7, 1690], [], [408, 1692, 7, 1693], [], [], [184, 1697, 132, 1692, 30, 1698, 173, -1, 7, 1699], [308, 1701, 7, 1702], [], [], [308, 1704, 7, 1705], [], [], [308, 1707, 7, 1708], [], [], [308, 1710, 7, 1711], [], [], [308, 1713, 7, 1714], [], [], [308, 1716, 7, 1717], [], [], [], [], [7, 1720], [], [408, 1722, 7, 1723], [], [], [132, 1722, 30, 1726, 1634, 609, 1632, 419, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1727], [], [], [], [], [184, 1139], [184, 1142], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1401, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [184, 1255, 173, 1256], [184, 1259, 173, 1256], [184, 1262, 173, 1256], [184, 1265, 173, 1256], [184, 1268, 173, 1256], [184, 1271, 173, 1256], [184, 1274, 173, 1256], [184, 1277, 173, 1256], [184, 1470, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1471, 1111, 1152, 173, 536], [184, 1115], [132, 1152, 184, 1118], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124], [184, 1127], [184, 1130], [], [132, 1471, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1729], [], [132, 1731, 7, 1732], [], [184, 1139], [184, 1142], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [184, 1470, 590, 656, 514, 1108, 1109, 1494, 1111, 1172, 173, 536], [184, 1115], [132, 1172, 184, 1118], [], [48, 1122, 184, 1123, 514, 1122, 1104, 423, 916, 1124], [184, 1127], [184, 1130], [], [132, 1494, 173, -1, 184, 1135, 7, 1734], [], [132, 1736, 7, 1737], [], [], [184, 1139], [184, 1142], [48, 1122, 184, 1145, 514, 1122, 1104, 423], [184, 1130], [], [173, 1516], [], [48, 85], [], [], [173, 1516], [], [48, 85], [], [], [173, 1516], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1091, 1195], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [154, 156, 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583, 585, 586, 588, 590, 592, 593, 598, 599, 599, 601, 603, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 612, 614, 615, 617, 619, 621, 622, 627, 628, 628, 630, 632, 633, 634, 645, 647, 649, 650, 654, 656, 658, 660, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 671, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 683, 685, 686, 688, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 709, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 721, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1034, 1035], "styles": [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], 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17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 209, 205, -1, 214, 215, -1, 218, -1, 222, 201, -1, -1, 229, -1, -1, 235, 237, 197, -1, -1, 246, 201, -1, 205, -1, 254, 201, 197, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 201, 197, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 331, -1, -1, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 412, 201, -1, -1, 201, -1, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 452, 201, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 470, -1, -1, 474, 475, 205, -1, -1, 264, -1, 470, -1, -1, 489, 490, 205, -1, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 511, 502, -1, -1, -1, 505, -1, -1, 551, 544, -1, -1, -1, 505, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 571, 205, 201, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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[8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 976, 1264, 18], [], [753, 976, 121, 17], [753, 976, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1148, 1264, 17], [8, 1148, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1148, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1148, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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e)e.hasOwnProperty(o)&&!d(e[o],t)&&(e[o].locations=h.cleanLocations(e[o].locations),e[o].locations&&(h.isValidByLocations(e[o])?(!n||e[o].ts>e[n].ts)&&(n&&r[n]&&w.removeKeyFromObj(r,n),n=o,r[o]=e[o]):r[o]=e[o]));return w.hasProperties(r)?r:null}function d(e,t){var n=\"string\"==typeof e.ts?parseInt(e.ts,10):e.ts,r=p(e.ttl);return t=t||(new Date).getTime(),n&&t>n+r}function m(e){e[b]={v:v}}var h,y=864e5,v=\"1.0\",b=\"meta\",w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return u(),{getItems:i,getItemId:s,cleanupObject:c,enhanceObject:l}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageSelector=window.lpTag.StorageSelector||function(e){function t(e,t,n,r){g=r,b[e]?a(n,e,t):i(n)}function n(e){var t=e||Object.keys(h)[0];return t&&h[t]}function r(e){var t=e||Object.keys(h)[0];return t&&h[t]&&d.runCallback(h[t].isActive)}function o(t){if((d.isIE()||d.isSafari())&&!lpTag.firstParty||e.localStorageEnabled!==!0||(b.localStorage.storage=new lpTag[b.localStorage.wrapperName]),e.cookiesEnabled===!0&&(b.secureSessionCookie.storage=new lpTag[b.secureSessionCookie.wrapperName]),e.sessionStorageEnabled===!0&&(b.sessionStorage.storage=new lpTag[b.sessionStorage.wrapperName](!0)),d.isSafari()&&!lpTag.firstParty)d.runCallback(t);else try{new lpTag[b.indexedDB.wrapperName](function(e){e&&e.isActive()&&(b.indexedDB.storage=e),d.runCallback(t)})}catch(n){d.runCallback(t)}}function a(e,t,n){m(\"_selectInitialStorage\"),n?p(e,b[t].storage):p(e,b[t].storage||c(k))}function i(e){m(\"_selectStorageByTimestampOrPriority\");var t=!1,n=s(),r=e?e+\"-\":\"\",o=!!e;v=n.length,n.forEach(function(n){t=!0,n.get(r+y,l.bind(this,e,n,o))}),t||p(e,w)}function s(){var e=[];for(var t in b)b.hasOwnProperty(t)&&b[t].storage&&e.push(b[t].storage);return e}function l(e,t,n,r){!r&&n?t.get(y,l.bind(this,e,t,!1)):(v--,b[t.name][S]=u(r),0===v&&p(e,c(S)||c(k)))}function c(e){var t;for(var n in b)b.hasOwnProperty(n)&&b[n].storage&&\"number\"==typeof 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g,f=e.site,d=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,m=d.log.log,h={},y=\"storage_expiration-\"+f,v=0,b={indexedDB:{name:\"indexedDB\",priority:3,wrapperName:\"IndexDBWrapper\"},localStorage:{name:\"localStorage\",priority:2,wrapperName:\"DomStorageWrapper\"},secureSessionCookie:{name:\"secureSessionCookie\",priority:1,wrapperName:\"SessionCookieWrapper\"},sessionStorage:{name:\"sessionStorage\",priority:0,wrapperName:\"DomStorageWrapper\"}},w={name:\"NONE\",isActive:function(){return!1}},T=864e5,k=\"priority\",S=\"timestamp\";return{createWrappers:o,selectStorage:t,getStorage:n,hasValidStorageSelected:r,noStorageType:w}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.DomainResolver=window.lpTag.DomainResolver||function(e,t,n,r,o,a){function i(e){var t=e&&e.locations&&Object.keys(e.locations);return t&&Array.isArray(t)&&t.length>0?f(t):!1}function s(e){var t;if(t=e&&Object.keys(e)&&Object.keys(e).length,e&&\"object\"==typeof e&&t>1)for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(E?d(n)||T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n):d(n)&&T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n));return T.hasProperties(e)?e:null}function l(e,t,n){var r=lpTag.domainUtil.getParentDomain(t);return m(r)&&T.hasProperties(e)||(e[r]={ts:n}),e}function c(e,t){var n={};if(Array.isArray(e))for(var r=0;r1}function f(e){var t=e.filter(d);return Array.isArray(t)&&t.length>0?!0:!1}function d(e){var n,r=m(t);if(!r)for(var o=0;o-1){t=!0;break}return t}function h(e,t){lpTag.taglets.jsonp.issueCall({url:\"https://\"+b()+\"/api/account/\"+e+\"/configuration/domainprotection/refererrestrictions\",timeout:7e3,retries:3,success:y(t),error:y(t),context:this})}function y(e){return function(t){var n=Array.isArray(t)&&t.length?t[0]:null,r=n&&Array.isArray(n.whiteList)?n.whiteList:[];r=r.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e}),k(\"DataAnalyzer::_onWhiteListReceived whiteList:\"+r.join(\", \")),T.runCallback(e,r)}}function v(e,t){var n=t.substring(2),r=e.lastIndexOf(n);return r>=0&&e.length===r+n.length}function b(){return a||D[r&&r.toUpperCase()]||D[O.GA]}var w,T=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,k=T.log.log,S=/^\\*\\.([^\\.]+\\.)*([^\\.\\s])+$/gi,C=[\"liveperson.net\",\"liveperson.com\",\"lprnd.net\",\"lpsnmedia.net\"],E=\"boolean\"==typeof n?n:\"true\"===n,O={DEV:\"DEV\",QA:\"QA\",ALPHA:\"ALPHA\",GA:\"GA\"},D={};return D[O.DEV]=D[O.QA]=\"qtvr-wap06.dev.lprnd.net\",D[O.ALPHA]=\"accdn-a.lpsnmedia.net\",D[O.GA]=\"accdn.lpsnmedia.net\",u(),{isValidByLocations:i,cleanLocations:s,updateLocations:l,convertLocations:c}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager=window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager||function(e){function t(e,t,n){var r,o,a=t.app,i={},s=!1;t.keys&&Array.isArray(e)?(o=e.length,s=!0):(o=1,t.keys=[t.key],e=[e]),e.forEach(function(e,c){e=encodeURIComponent(e),l(a,e,function(e){r=t.keys[c],i[r]=e?S.getItems(e,t.appName):null,o--,0===o&&(w.hasProperties(i)?s?w.runCallback(n,i):w.runCallback(n,i[r]):(w.runCallback(n,null),k(\"No value\")))})})}function n(e,t,n){var o=t.app;\ne=encodeURIComponent(e),e?l(o,e,function(a){!a&&w.isTouchRequest(t)?w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No value to touch\"}):r(o,e,a,t,n)}):w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No key specified.\"})}function r(e,t,n,r,o){var s=S.getItemId(n&&n[r.appName]),l=w.isTouchRequest(r);\"undefined\"==typeof t||\"undefined\"==typeof r.value&&!l?!l&&n&&n[r.appName]?a(e,t,s,r,o,n):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Object not found.\"}):i(e,t,s,r,o,n)}function o(e){C.hasValidStorageSelected(e)&&window.setTimeout(function(){g(e,d.bind(this,e))},b)}function a(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=w.removeKeyFromObj(a&&a[r.appName],n);w.hasProperties(i&&i[r.appName])||(i=w.removeKeyFromObj(i&&i,r.appName)),w.hasProperties(i)?s(e,t,i,function(e){w.runCallback(o,e&&e.error?e:null)}):c(e,t,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||u(e,t)})}function i(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=S.enhanceObject(a,n,r);i?s(e,t,i,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||p(e,t)}):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Unable to set the item.\"})}function s(e,t,n,r){\"undefined\"!=typeof n&&\"\"!==n&&null!==n?C.getStorage(e).set(t,w.encodeItem(n),r):C.getStorage(e).remove(t,r)}function l(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).get(t,function(e){w.runCallback(n,S.cleanupObject(w.decodeItem(e)))})}function c(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).remove(t,n)}function u(e,t){(!y||y.hasOwnProperty(t))&&g(e,function(){y&&y.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})}function p(e,t){y?y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Adding key to map: \"+t)):g(e,function(){y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Got Map, adding key to map: \"+t))})}function g(e,t){l(e,v,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?e:{},(\"object\"!=typeof y||null===y)&&(y={}),w.runCallback(t,e),T(\"Got map: \"+JSON.stringify(y))})}function f(e,t){s(e,v,t,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?t:{},T(\"Setting map: \"+JSON.stringify(t))})}function d(e,t){y=\"object\"==typeof y?y:{},t=\"object\"==typeof t&&t||y;for(var n in t)T(\"Got key in map: \"+n),t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&m(e,n)}function m(e,t){l(e,t,function(n){var r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new lpTag.DataAnalyzer(f.site,f.loc,f.isCrossDomain,f.env,a,f.accdn),m=new lpTag.StorageSelector({site:f.site,asyncStorageMaxRetry:f.asmr,cookiesEnabled:f.cookiesEnabled,localStorageEnabled:f.localStorageEnabled,sessionStorageEnabled:f.sessionStorageEnabled}),m.createWrappers(o)}function n(){d.reset(),v=!1,w=[]}function r(){d&&d.dispose(),h=null,m=null,d=null}function o(){d.initSelector(m),i()}function a(){v=!0,c(y)}function i(){d.sendPendingMessages(s,l,k.requestTypes.SELECT_STORAGE)}function s(e){e&&e.storage&&(y=e.app,w[e.app]=e.storage,c(e.app))}function l(){setTimeout(function(){i()},b)}function c(e){var t;u(e)&&(k.log.log(\"Initiated successfully with \"+w[e].name+\", app: \"+e),t=new lpTag.SecureStorageManager({app:e,storageSelector:m,dataAnalyzer:h}),d.initManager(t),d.sendPendingMessages(),d.setActive())}function u(e){return e&&v&&w&&w[e]}function p(){var e=k.getUrlParameters(location.search);return e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 79, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 79, 134, 7, 135], [81, -1, 132, 137, 79, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [81, -1, 132, 142, 79, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [81, -1, 132, 146, 79, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [81, -1, 132, 150, 79, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [81, -1, 132, 154, 79, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 85, 128, 2, 79, 158, 7, 159], [48, 85, 128, 2, 79, 161, 7, 162], [128, 2, 79, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [184, 185, 173, 186, 187, 188, 7, 189], [], [184, 191, 7, 192], [], [132, 194, 7, 195], [], [184, 198, 7, 199], [], [7, 203], [], [7, 207], [], [], [50, 211, 7, 212], [], [], [7, 216], [], [50, 219, 7, 220], [], [], [], [], [184, 223, 7, 224], [], [50, 226, 7, 227], [], [184, 231, 7, 232], [], [], [], [], [132, 239, 184, 240, 7, 241], [], [7, 244], [], [], [50, 247, 248, 249, 7, 250], [], [7, 252], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 255, 7, 256], [], [184, 258, 7, 259], [], [50, 261, 248, 249, 7, 262], [], [79, 266, 184, 267, 7, 268], [], [], [], [], [132, 271, 7, 272], [], [7, 275], [], [184, 278, 7, 279], [], [], [], [], [184, 283, 7, 284], [], [184, 286, 7, 287], [], [132, 290, 184, 291, 7, 292], [], [132, 294, 7, 295], [], [132, 298, 7, 299], [], [303, 14, 304, 305, 132, 306, 30, 306, 48, 307, 308, 309, 7, 310], [], [303, 14, 304, 312, 132, 313, 30, 313, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 315], [], [184, 317, 7, 318], [], [132, 320, 184, 321, 7, 322], [], [184, 325, 7, 326], [], [184, 328, 7, 329], [], [], [], [333, 334, 335, 336, 132, 337, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 341], [303, 14, 304, 305, 132, 306, 30, 306, 48, 307, 308, 309, 7, 343], [303, 14, 304, 345, 132, 346, 30, 346, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 348], [303, 14, 304, 350, 132, 351, 30, 351, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 352], [303, 14, 304, 354, 132, 355, 30, 355, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 356], [132, 358, 30, 358, 48, 307, 308, -1, 7, 359], [303, 14, 304, 361, 132, 362, 30, 362, 48, 307, 308, 363, 7, 364], [303, 14, 304, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 307, 308, 363, 7, 368], [132, 370, 30, 370, 48, 307, 308, -1, 7, 371], [303, 14, 304, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 375], [303, 14, 377, 378, 304, 379, 132, 380, 30, 380, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 381], [132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 383], [132, 380, 30, 380, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 385], [], [184, -1, 173, -1, 7, 389], [], [7, 392], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 398], [], [184, 400, 7, 401], [], [184, 404, 7, 405], [408, 409, 7, 410], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 414], [], [303, 14, 416, 417, 418, 419, 304, 420, 132, 409, 30, 409, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 425, 426, 427, 423, 428, 14, 429, 423, 184, 430, 7, 431], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 434], [], [184, 436, 7, 437], [], [184, 439, 440, 409, 441, 14, 7, 442], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 444], [], [], [184, 446, 7, 447], [], [184, 400, 7, 450], [], [184, 404, 7, 452], [408, 454, 184, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [184, 459, 7, 460], [], [184, 462, 7, 463], [], [184, 465, 466, 454, 303, 14, 304, 467, 132, 454, 30, 454, 48, 468, 308, 469, 7, 470], [], [408, 472, 184, 473, 7, 474], [], [184, 477, 7, 478], [], [], [], [], [184, 462, 7, 483], [], [184, 465, 466, 454, 132, 454, 30, 454, 48, 468, 308, 485, 7, 486], [], [408, 488, 184, 489, 7, 490], [], [184, 492, 7, 493], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 497], [], [184, 436, 7, 499], [], [184, 501, 440, 454, 441, 14, 7, 502], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 504], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 507], [], [184, 400, 7, 510], [], [184, 404, 7, 513], [408, 515, 7, 516], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 519], [], [521, 522, 523, 524, 184, 525, 7, 526], [528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 132, 534, 30, 534, 173, 535, 48, 421, 308, -1, 184, 536, 537, 538, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 539], [], [541, 515, 303, 14, 304, 542, 132, 515, 30, 515, 173, 543, 48, 421, 308, 347, 7, 544], [], [132, 546, 173, 186, 184, 547, 7, 548], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 552], [], [184, 555, 7, 556], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 559], [], [184, 561, 7, 562], [], [184, 564, 440, 515, 441, 14, 7, 565], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 567], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 569], [], [184, 400, 7, 571], [], [184, 404, 7, 573], [], [408, 575, 7, 576], [], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 581, 7, 582], [], [184, 585, 303, 14, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 304, 594, 132, 595, 30, 595, 521, 596, 597, 598, 7, 599], [308, -1, 7, 602], [], [], [308, 593, 7, 605], [], [], [308, 608, 7, 609], [], [], [308, 612, 7, 613], [], [], [308, 616, 7, 617], [], [], [308, 620, 7, 621], [], [], [308, 624, 7, 625], [], [], [308, 628, 7, 629], [], [], [308, 632, 7, 633], [], [], [308, 636, 7, 637], [], [], [308, 640, 7, 641], [], [], [308, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [308, 591, 7, 648], [], [], [], [], [184, 651, 7, 652], [], [184, 654, 303, 14, 586, 655, 132, 656, 30, 656, 173, 657, 521, 596, 597, 598, 7, 658], [308, -1, 7, 660], [], [], [308, 663, 7, 664], [], [], [308, 593, 7, 667], [], [], [308, 608, 7, 669], [], [], [308, 612, 7, 671], [], [], [308, 616, 7, 673], [], [], [308, 620, 7, 675], [], [], [308, 624, 7, 677], [], [], [308, 628, 7, 679], [], [], [308, 632, 7, 681], [], [], [308, 636, 7, 683], [], [], [308, 640, 7, 685], [], [], [308, 644, 7, 687], [], [], [308, 591, 7, 689], [], [], [308, 426, 7, 691], [], [], [308, 693, 7, 694], [], [], [308, 696, 7, 697], [], [], [308, 699, 7, 700], [], [], [308, 702, 7, 703], [], [], [308, 705, 7, 706], [], [], [308, 708, 7, 709], [], [], [308, 711, 7, 712], [], [], [308, 714, 7, 715], [], [], [308, 717, 7, 718], [], [], [308, 720, 7, 721], [], [], [308, 723, 7, 724], [], [], [308, 726, 7, 727], [], [], [308, 729, 7, 730], [], [], [308, 732, 7, 733], [], [], [308, 735, 7, 736], [], [], [308, 738, 7, 739], [], [], [308, 741, 7, 742], [], [], [308, 744, 7, 745], [], [], [], [], [184, 651, 7, 747], [], [184, 749, 303, 14, 586, 750, 304, 751, 132, 752, 30, 752, 521, 596, 597, 598, 7, 753], [308, -1, 7, 755], [], [], [308, 758, 7, 759], [], [], [308, 761, 7, 762], [], [], [308, 764, 7, 765], [], [], [308, 767, 7, 768], [], [], [308, 770, 7, 771], [], [], [308, 773, 7, 774], [], [], [308, 776, 7, 777], [], [], [308, 779, 7, 780], [], [], [308, 782, 7, 783], [], [], [308, 785, 7, 786], [], [], [308, 788, 7, 789], [], [], [308, 791, 7, 792], [], [], [308, 794, 7, 795], [], [], [308, 797, 7, 798], [], [], [308, 800, 7, 801], [], [], [308, 803, 7, 804], [], [], [308, 806, 7, 807], [], [], [308, 809, 7, 810], [], [], [308, 812, 7, 813], [], [], [308, 815, 7, 816], [], [], [308, 818, 7, 819], [], [], [308, 821, 7, 822], [], [], [308, 824, 7, 825], [], [], [308, 827, 7, 828], [], [], [308, 830, 7, 831], [], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 833], [], [184, 436, 173, 186, 7, 835], [], [184, 501, 440, 595, 441, 14, 7, 837], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 839], [], [184, 436, 173, 186, 7, 841], [], [184, 501, 440, 752, 441, 14, 7, 843], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 845], [], [184, 436, 7, 847], [], [132, 849, 173, 186, 184, 547, 7, 850], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 853], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 855], [], [184, 400, 7, 857], [], [184, 404, 7, 859], [408, 861, 7, 862], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 865], [], [184, 867, 303, 14, 416, 868, 418, 628, 869, 624, 870, 871, 872, 873, 304, 874, 132, 861, 875, 628, 30, 861, 876, 877, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 878], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 881], [], [184, 436, 7, 883], [], [184, 501, 440, 861, 441, 14, 7, 885], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 888], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 890], [], [184, 400, 7, 892], [], [184, 404, 7, 894], [], [408, 896, 7, 897], [], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 900], [], [303, 14, 416, 902, 418, 903, 870, 904, 872, 905, 132, 896, 30, 896, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 906], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 909], [], [184, 436, 7, 911], [], [184, 501, 440, 896, 441, 14, 7, 913], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 915], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 917], [], [184, 920, 48, 921, 922, 923, 7, 924], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 926], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 930, 7, 931], [], [132, 934, 184, 400, 7, 935], [], [79, 937, 7, 938], [], [], [], [], [184, 942, 7, 943], [], [184, 945, 7, 946], [], [184, 948, 7, 949], [], [132, 951, 7, 952], [], [7, 954], [], [7, 958], [], [50, 961, 248, 249, 7, 962], [7, 965], [], [], [], [7, 970], [], [7, 973], [], [50, 976, 248, 249, 7, 977], [7, 979], [], [], [7, 983], [], [7, 986], [], [7, 988], [], [7, 990], [], [], [7, 993], [], [7, 995], [], [], [7, 999], [], [7, 1001], [], [7, 1003], [], [50, 1006, 248, 249, 7, 1007], [7, 1009], [], [], [50, 1013, 248, 249, 7, 1014], [7, 1016], [], [], [7, 1020], [], [184, 1022, 7, 1023], [], [7, 1025], [], [7, 1028], [], [50, 961, 248, 249, 1031, 1032, 922, 1032, 7, 1033], [7, 1035], [], [], [7, 1038], [], [184, 1022, 173, 1040, 7, 1041], [], [50, 1043, 248, 249, 1031, 1044, 922, 1044, 7, 1045], [], [], [50, 1048, 248, 249, 922, 1049, 7, 1050], [], [], [50, 1052, 248, 249, 7, 1053], [], [], [7, 1056], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [79, 1061, 48, 85, 7, 1062], [], [79, 1064, 48, 85, 7, 1065], [], [79, 1067, 48, 85, 7, 1068], [], [79, 1070, 48, 85, 7, 1071], [], [79, 1073, 48, 85, 7, 1074], [], [79, 1076, 48, 85, 7, 1077], [], [79, 1079, 48, 85, 7, 1080], [], [79, 1082, 48, 85, 7, 1083], [], [79, 1085, 48, 85, 7, 1086], [], [79, 1088, 7, 1089], [], [79, 1092, 7, 1093], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1096], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1100], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1104], [], [], [184, 1108, 132, 1109, 597, 598, 1110, 423, 173, 543, 7, 1111], [184, 1113, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 173, 543, 7, 1119], [184, 1121, 7, 1122], [132, 1118, 184, 1124, 7, 1125], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1131], [184, 1133, 7, 1134], [184, 1136, 7, 1137], [], [132, 1116, 173, -1, 1139, 1140, 184, 1141, 7, 1142], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1146], [184, 1148, 7, 1149], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1152], [184, 1136, 7, 1154], [], [184, 1156, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1157, 1117, 1158, 173, 543, 7, 1159], [184, 1121, 7, 1161], [132, 1158, 184, 1124, 7, 1163], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1165], [184, 1133, 7, 1167], [184, 1136, 7, 1169], [], [132, 1157, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1171], [], [184, 1173, 7, 1174], [], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1177, 1117, 1178, 173, 1179, 7, 1180], [184, 1121, 7, 1182], [132, 1178, 184, 1124, 7, 1184], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1187], [184, 1133, 7, 1189], [184, 1136, 7, 1191], [], [132, 1177, 1139, 1193, 1194, 1195, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1196], [], [132, 1198, 173, 543, 7, 1199], [], [1031, 1201, 79, 1202, 7, 1203], [], [], [132, 1206, 7, 1207], [], [333, 1210, 132, 1211, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1212], [], [132, 1214, 173, 1215, 7, 1216], [], [7, 1218], [], [7, 1220], [], [408, 896, 7, 1222], [], [], [303, 14, 416, 902, 418, 903, 870, 904, 872, 905, 304, 1225, 132, 896, 30, 896, 173, 1226, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1227], [], [184, 436, 7, 1229], [], [184, 1231, 440, 896, 441, 14, 173, 1232, 7, 1233], [], [], [], [7, 1235], [], [408, 861, 7, 1237], [], [], [184, 1240, 303, 14, 416, 1241, 418, 640, 869, 624, 870, 871, 872, 873, 304, 874, 132, 861, 30, 861, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1242], [], [184, 436, 7, 1244], [], [184, 1231, 440, 861, 441, 14, 173, 1232, 7, 1246], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1248], [184, 1148, 7, 1250], [48, 1128, 184, 1252, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1253], [184, 1136, 7, 1255], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1257], [184, 1136, 7, 1259], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1263], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1266], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1269], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1272], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1275], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1278], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1281], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1284], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1286, 1117, 1287, 173, 1179, 7, 1288], [184, 1121, 7, 1290], [132, 1287, 184, 1124, 7, 1292], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1295], [184, 1133, 7, 1297], [184, 1136, 7, 1299], [], [132, 1286, 173, -1, 1139, 1301, 1194, 1302, 1303, 1304, 184, 1141, 7, 1305], [], [132, 1307, 7, 1308], [], [7, 1310], [], [], [7, 1313], [], [], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1316], [184, 1148, 7, 1318], [48, 1128, 184, 1252, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1320], [184, 1136, 7, 1322], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1324], [184, 1136, 7, 1326], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1328], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1330], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1332], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1334], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1336], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1338], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1340], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1342], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1344, 1117, 1345, 173, 1179, 7, 1346], [184, 1121, 7, 1348], [132, 1345, 184, 1124, 7, 1350], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1353], [184, 1133, 7, 1355], [184, 1136, 7, 1357], [], [132, 1344, 1139, 1359, 173, 1360, 184, 1141, 7, 1361], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1364], [184, 1148, 7, 1366], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1368], [184, 1136, 7, 1370], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1372], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1374], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1376], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1378], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1380], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1382], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1384], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1386], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1388, 1117, 1389, 173, 1179, 7, 1390], [184, 1121, 7, 1392], [132, 1389, 184, 1124, 7, 1394], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1397], [184, 1133, 7, 1399], [184, 1136, 7, 1401], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1403], [184, 1148, 7, 1405], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1408], [184, 1136, 7, 1410], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1413], [184, 1136, 7, 1415], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1417], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1419], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1421], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1423], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1425], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1427], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1429], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1431], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1433, 1117, 1434, 173, 1179, 7, 1435], [184, 1121, 7, 1437], [132, 1434, 184, 1124, 7, 1439], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1442], [184, 1133, 7, 1444], [184, 1136, 7, 1446], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1448], [184, 1148, 7, 1450], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1452], [184, 1136, 7, 1454], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1456], [184, 1136, 7, 1458], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1460], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1462], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1464], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1466], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1468], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1470], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1472], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1474], [184, 1476, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1477, 1117, 1478, 173, 543, 7, 1479], [184, 1121, 7, 1481], [132, 1478, 184, 1124, 7, 1483], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1486], [184, 1133, 7, 1488], [184, 1136, 7, 1490], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1492], [184, 1148, 7, 1494], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1496], [184, 1136, 7, 1498], [], [184, 1476, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1500, 1117, 1501, 173, 543, 7, 1502], [184, 1121, 7, 1504], [132, 1501, 184, 1124, 7, 1506], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1508], [184, 1133, 7, 1510], [184, 1136, 7, 1512], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1514], [184, 1148, 7, 1516], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1518], [184, 1136, 7, 1520], [], [173, 1522, 7, 1523], [], [48, 85, 7, 1525], [], [], [173, 1522, 7, 1528], [7, 1530], [], [173, 1522, 7, 1533], [], [48, 85, 7, 1535], [], [], [], [48, 85, 132, -1, 7, 1537], [], [], [7, 1540], [], [], [597, 663, 1544, 14, 521, 1545, 922, 1546, 30, 1547, 132, 1547, 79, 1548, 173, 1549, 7, 1550], [132, 1552, 79, 1553, 7, 1554], [173, 1557, 7, 1558], [1560, 1561, 173, 1562, 7, 1563], [173, 1565, 7, 1566], [46, 55, 50, 1568, 7, 1569], [173, 1562, 7, 1571], [173, 1565, 7, 1573], [46, 55, 50, 1568, 7, 1575], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1388, 1117, 1109, 173, 1179], [184, 1121], [132, 1109, 184, 1124], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130], [184, 1133], [184, 1136], [], [132, 1388, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1577], [], [333, 1579, 132, 1580, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1581], [], [184, 1583, 7, 1584], [], [184, 1587, 7, 1588], [], [7, 1591], [], [7, 1593], [], [184, 404, 7, 1595], [184, 1597, 7, 1598], [], [408, 1601, 7, 1602], [], [], [184, 1605, 303, 14, 416, 1606, 418, 419, 304, 1607, 132, 1601, 30, 1601, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1608], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1601, 441, 14, 7, 1610], [], [], [7, 1612], [], [184, 404, 7, 1614], [184, 1597, 7, 1616], [], [408, 1618, 7, 1619], [], [], [303, 14, 416, 902, 418, 903, 870, 904, 872, 905, 304, 1225, 132, 1618, 30, 1618, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1621], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1618, 441, 14, 7, 1623], [], [], [7, 1625], [], [184, 404, 7, 1627], [184, 1597, 7, 1629], [], [408, 1631, 7, 1632], [], [], [7, 1635], [], [1638, 711, 303, 14, 304, 1639, 132, 1631, 30, 1631, 1640, 608, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1641], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1631, 441, 14, 7, 1643], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1645], [], [132, 1647, 30, 1647, 48, 421, 308, -1, 7, 1648], [], [132, 1224, 30, 1224, 48, 421, 308, -1, 7, 1650], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 1145], [184, 1148], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262], [184, 1265, 173, 1262], [184, 1268, 173, 1262], [184, 1271, 173, 1262], [184, 1274, 173, 1262], [184, 1277, 173, 1262], [184, 1280, 173, 1262], [184, 1283, 173, 1262], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1433, 1117, 1118, 173, 1179], [184, 1121], [132, 1118, 184, 1124], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130], [184, 1133], [184, 1136], [], [132, 1433, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1652], [], [132, 1655, 333, 1656, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1657], [], [48, 307, 132, 1659, 30, 1659, 308, 14, 7, 1660], [], [7, 1662], [], [7, 1664], [], [408, 1666, 7, 1667], [], [], [48, 421, 132, 1666, 30, 1670, 304, 1671, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1672], [], [173, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1670, 441, 14, 7, 1677], [], [], [], [7, 1680], [], [408, 1682, 7, 1683], [], [], [132, 1682, 304, 1686, 30, 1687, 48, 1688, 184, 1689, 7, 1690], [], [173, 1674, 7, 1692], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1687, 441, 14, 7, 1694], [], [], [], [7, 1696], [], [408, 1698, 7, 1699], [], [], [184, 1703, 132, 1698, 30, 1704, 173, -1, 7, 1705], [308, 1707, 7, 1708], [], [], [308, 1710, 7, 1711], [], [], [308, 1713, 7, 1714], [], [], [308, 1716, 7, 1717], [], [], [308, 1719, 7, 1720], [], [], [308, 1722, 7, 1723], [], [], [], [], [7, 1726], [], [408, 1728, 7, 1729], [], [], [132, 1728, 30, 1732, 1640, 616, 1638, 419, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1733], [], [], [], [], [184, 1145], [184, 1148], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262], [184, 1265, 173, 1262], [184, 1268, 173, 1262], [184, 1271, 173, 1262], [184, 1274, 173, 1262], [184, 1277, 173, 1262], [184, 1280, 173, 1262], [184, 1283, 173, 1262], [184, 1476, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1477, 1117, 1158, 173, 543], [184, 1121], [132, 1158, 184, 1124], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130], [184, 1133], [184, 1136], [], [132, 1477, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1735], [], [132, 1737, 7, 1738], [], [184, 1145], [184, 1148], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [184, 1476, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1500, 1117, 1178, 173, 543], [184, 1121], [132, 1178, 184, 1124], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130], [184, 1133], [184, 1136], [], [132, 1500, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1740], [], [132, 1742, 7, 1743], [], [], [184, 1145], [184, 1148], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [173, 1522], [], [48, 85], [], [], [173, 1522], [], [48, 85], [], [], [173, 1522], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1091, 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1100, 1108, 1111, 1122, 1123, 1126, 1132, 1134, 1140, 1143, 1153, 1156, 1202, 1205, 1216, 1217, 1220, 1230, 1233, 1234, 1237, 1248]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [130, 649, 819], "value": [266, -1, -1]}, "originURL": {"index": [], "value": []}}, "layout": {"nodeIndex": [0, 1, 68, 69, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135, 137, 139, 140, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 158, 160, 162, 164, 165, 168, 182, 184, 185, 185, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 198, 199, 201, 203, 205, 206, 211, 212, 212, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 232, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 243, 244, 245, 248, 250, 252, 253, 258, 259, 259, 261, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 281, 283, 284, 285, 287, 289, 291, 292, 297, 298, 298, 300, 302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 313, 315, 357, 359, 461, 463, 544, 552, 560, 562, 571, 572, 572, 574, 576, 578, 579, 580, 581, 583, 585, 586, 588, 590, 592, 593, 598, 599, 599, 601, 603, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 612, 614, 615, 617, 619, 621, 622, 627, 628, 628, 630, 632, 633, 634, 645, 647, 649, 650, 654, 656, 658, 660, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 671, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 683, 685, 686, 688, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 709, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 721, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1034, 1035], "styles": [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], 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[152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 209, 205, -1, 214, 215, -1, 218, -1, 222, 201, -1, -1, 229, -1, -1, 235, 237, 197, -1, -1, 246, 201, -1, 205, -1, 254, 201, 197, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 201, 197, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 331, -1, -1, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 412, 201, -1, -1, 201, -1, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 458, 201, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 476, -1, -1, 480, 481, 205, -1, -1, 264, -1, 476, -1, -1, 495, 496, 205, -1, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 518, 509, -1, -1, -1, 512, -1, -1, 558, 551, -1, -1, -1, 512, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, 264, 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198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 976, 1264, 18], [], [753, 976, 121, 17], [753, 976, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1148, 1264, 17], [8, 1148, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1148, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1148, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], 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0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 57, 62, 67, 78, 83, 88, 93, 94, 94, 98, 103, 104, 104, 112, 117, 125, 133, 139, 154, 159, 170, 176, 188, 191, 202, 202, 202, 203, 204, 207, 208, 209, 211, 214, 215, 216, 217, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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[188, 559, 7, 560], [], [], [], [188, 437, 7, 563], [], [188, 565, 7, 566], [], [188, 568, 444, 519, 445, 14, 7, 569], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 571], [], [], [188, 401, 7, 573], [], [188, 404, 7, 575], [], [188, 408, 7, 577], [], [412, 579, 7, 580], [], [], [], [], [], [], [188, 585, 7, 586], [], [188, 589, 307, 14, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 308, 598, 132, 599, 30, 599, 525, 600, 601, 602, 7, 603], [312, -1, 7, 606], [], [], [312, 597, 7, 609], [], [], [312, 612, 7, 613], [], [], [312, 616, 7, 617], [], [], [312, 620, 7, 621], [], [], [312, 624, 7, 625], [], [], [312, 628, 7, 629], [], [], [312, 632, 7, 633], [], [], [312, 636, 7, 637], [], [], [312, 640, 7, 641], [], [], [312, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [312, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [312, 595, 7, 652], [], [], [], [], [188, 655, 7, 656], [], [188, 658, 307, 14, 590, 659, 132, 660, 30, 660, 177, 661, 525, 600, 601, 602, 7, 662], [312, -1, 7, 664], [], [], [312, 667, 7, 668], [], [], [312, 597, 7, 671], [], [], [312, 612, 7, 673], [], [], [312, 616, 7, 675], [], [], [312, 620, 7, 677], [], [], [312, 624, 7, 679], [], [], [312, 628, 7, 681], [], [], [312, 632, 7, 683], [], [], [312, 636, 7, 685], [], [], [312, 640, 7, 687], [], [], [312, 644, 7, 689], [], [], [312, 648, 7, 691], [], [], [312, 595, 7, 693], [], [], [312, 430, 7, 695], [], [], [312, 697, 7, 698], [], [], [312, 700, 7, 701], [], [], [312, 703, 7, 704], [], [], [312, 706, 7, 707], [], [], [312, 709, 7, 710], [], [], [312, 712, 7, 713], [], [], [312, 715, 7, 716], [], [], [312, 718, 7, 719], [], [], [312, 721, 7, 722], [], [], [312, 724, 7, 725], [], [], [312, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [312, 730, 7, 731], [], [], [312, 733, 7, 734], [], [], [312, 736, 7, 737], [], [], [312, 739, 7, 740], [], [], [312, 742, 7, 743], [], [], [312, 745, 7, 746], [], [], [312, 748, 7, 749], [], [], [], [], [188, 655, 7, 751], [], [188, 753, 307, 14, 590, 754, 308, 755, 132, 756, 30, 756, 525, 600, 601, 602, 7, 757], [312, -1, 7, 759], [], [], [312, 762, 7, 763], [], [], [312, 765, 7, 766], [], [], [312, 768, 7, 769], [], [], [312, 771, 7, 772], [], [], [312, 774, 7, 775], [], [], [312, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [312, 780, 7, 781], [], [], [312, 783, 7, 784], [], [], [312, 786, 7, 787], [], [], [312, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [312, 792, 7, 793], [], [], [312, 795, 7, 796], [], [], [312, 798, 7, 799], [], [], [312, 801, 7, 802], [], [], [312, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [312, 807, 7, 808], [], [], [312, 810, 7, 811], [], [], [312, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [312, 816, 7, 817], [], [], [312, 819, 7, 820], [], [], [312, 822, 7, 823], [], [], [312, 825, 7, 826], [], [], [312, 828, 7, 829], [], [], [312, 831, 7, 832], [], [], [312, 834, 7, 835], [], [], [], [], [188, 437, 7, 837], [], [188, 440, 177, 190, 7, 839], [], [188, 505, 444, 599, 445, 14, 7, 841], [], [], [], [188, 437, 7, 843], [], [188, 440, 177, 190, 7, 845], [], [188, 505, 444, 756, 445, 14, 7, 847], [], [], [], [188, 437, 7, 849], [], [188, 440, 7, 851], [], [132, 853, 177, 190, 188, 551, 7, 854], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 857], [], [], [188, 401, 7, 859], [], [188, 404, 7, 861], [], [188, 408, 7, 863], [412, 865, 7, 866], [], [], [], [188, 417, 7, 869], [], [188, 871, 307, 14, 420, 872, 422, 632, 873, 628, 874, 875, 876, 877, 308, 878, 132, 865, 879, 632, 30, 865, 880, 881, 48, 425, 312, -1, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 882], [], [], [188, 437, 7, 885], [], [188, 440, 7, 887], [], [188, 505, 444, 865, 445, 14, 7, 889], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 892], [], [], [188, 401, 7, 894], [], [188, 404, 7, 896], [], [188, 408, 7, 898], [], [412, 900, 7, 901], [], [], [], [], [188, 417, 7, 904], [], [307, 14, 420, 906, 422, 907, 874, 908, 876, 909, 132, 900, 30, 900, 48, 425, 312, -1, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 910], [], [], [188, 437, 7, 913], [], [188, 440, 7, 915], [], [188, 505, 444, 900, 445, 14, 7, 917], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 919], [], [], [188, 401, 7, 921], [], [188, 924, 48, 925, 926, 927, 7, 928], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 930], [], [], [], [], [], [188, 934, 7, 935], [], [132, 938, 188, 404, 7, 939], [], [79, 941, 7, 942], [], [], [], [], [188, 946, 7, 947], [], [188, 949, 7, 950], [], [188, 952, 7, 953], [], [132, 955, 7, 956], [], [7, 958], [], [7, 962], [], [50, 965, 252, 253, 7, 966], [7, 969], [], [], [], [7, 974], [], [7, 977], [], [50, 980, 252, 253, 7, 981], [7, 983], [], [], [7, 987], [], [7, 990], [], [7, 992], [], [7, 994], [], [], [7, 997], [], [7, 999], [], [], [7, 1003], [], [7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [50, 1010, 252, 253, 7, 1011], [7, 1013], [], [], [50, 1017, 252, 253, 7, 1018], [7, 1020], [], [], [7, 1024], [], [188, 1026, 7, 1027], [], [7, 1029], [], [7, 1032], [], [50, 965, 252, 253, 1035, 1036, 926, 1036, 7, 1037], [7, 1039], [], [], [7, 1042], [], [188, 1026, 177, 1044, 7, 1045], [], [50, 1047, 252, 253, 1035, 1048, 926, 1048, 7, 1049], [], [], [50, 1052, 252, 253, 926, 1053, 7, 1054], [], [], [50, 1056, 252, 253, 7, 1057], [], [], [7, 1060], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [79, 1065, 48, 85, 7, 1066], [], [79, 1068, 48, 85, 7, 1069], [], [79, 1071, 48, 85, 7, 1072], [], [79, 1074, 48, 85, 7, 1075], [], [79, 1077, 48, 85, 7, 1078], [], [79, 1080, 48, 85, 7, 1081], [], [79, 1083, 48, 85, 7, 1084], [], [79, 1086, 48, 85, 7, 1087], [], [79, 1089, 48, 85, 7, 1090], [], [79, 1092, 7, 1093], [], [79, 1096, 7, 1097], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1100], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1104], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1108], [], [], [188, 1112, 132, 1113, 601, 602, 1114, 427, 177, 547, 7, 1115], [188, 1117, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 177, 547, 7, 1123], [188, 1125, 7, 1126], [132, 1122, 188, 1128, 7, 1129], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1135], [188, 1137, 7, 1138], [188, 1140, 7, 1141], [], [132, 1120, 177, -1, 1143, 1144, 188, 1145, 7, 1146], [], [188, 1149, 7, 1150], [188, 1152, 7, 1153], [48, 1132, 188, 1155, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1156], [188, 1140, 7, 1158], [], [188, 1160, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1161, 1121, 1162, 177, 547, 7, 1163], [188, 1125, 7, 1165], [132, 1162, 188, 1128, 7, 1167], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1169], [188, 1137, 7, 1171], [188, 1140, 7, 1173], [], [132, 1161, 177, -1, 188, 1145, 7, 1175], [], [188, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [188, 1180, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1181, 1121, 1182, 177, 1183, 7, 1184], [188, 1125, 7, 1186], [132, 1182, 188, 1128, 7, 1188], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1191], [188, 1137, 7, 1193], [188, 1140, 7, 1195], [], [132, 1181, 1143, 1197, 1198, 1199, 177, -1, 188, 1145, 7, 1200], [], [132, 1202, 177, 547, 7, 1203], [], [1035, 1205, 79, 1206, 7, 1207], [], [], [132, 1210, 7, 1211], [], [337, 1214, 132, 1215, 342, 343, 344, 344, 7, 1216], [], [132, 1218, 177, 1219, 7, 1220], [], [7, 1222], [], [7, 1224], [], [412, 900, 7, 1226], [], [], [307, 14, 420, 906, 422, 907, 874, 908, 876, 909, 308, 1229, 132, 900, 30, 900, 177, 1230, 48, 425, 312, -1, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 1231], [], [188, 440, 7, 1233], [], [188, 1235, 444, 900, 445, 14, 177, 1236, 7, 1237], [], [], [], [7, 1239], [], [412, 865, 7, 1241], [], [], [188, 1244, 307, 14, 420, 1245, 422, 644, 873, 628, 874, 875, 876, 877, 308, 878, 132, 865, 30, 865, 48, 425, 312, -1, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 1246], [], [188, 440, 7, 1248], [], [188, 1235, 444, 865, 445, 14, 177, 1236, 7, 1250], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [188, 1149, 7, 1252], [188, 1152, 7, 1254], [48, 1132, 188, 1256, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1257], [188, 1140, 7, 1259], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1155, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1261], [188, 1140, 7, 1263], [], [188, 1265, 177, 1266, 7, 1267], [188, 1269, 177, 1266, 7, 1270], [188, 1272, 177, 1266, 7, 1273], [188, 1275, 177, 1266, 7, 1276], [188, 1278, 177, 1266, 7, 1279], [188, 1281, 177, 1266, 7, 1282], [188, 1284, 177, 1266, 7, 1285], [188, 1287, 177, 1266, 7, 1288], [188, 1180, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1290, 1121, 1291, 177, 1183, 7, 1292], [188, 1125, 7, 1294], [132, 1291, 188, 1128, 7, 1296], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1299], [188, 1137, 7, 1301], [188, 1140, 7, 1303], [], [132, 1290, 177, -1, 1143, 1305, 1198, 1306, 1307, 1308, 188, 1145, 7, 1309], [], [132, 1311, 7, 1312], [], [7, 1314], [], [], [7, 1317], [], [], [], [188, 1149, 7, 1320], [188, 1152, 7, 1322], [48, 1132, 188, 1256, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1324], [188, 1140, 7, 1326], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1155, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1328], [188, 1140, 7, 1330], [], [188, 1265, 177, 1266, 7, 1332], [188, 1269, 177, 1266, 7, 1334], [188, 1272, 177, 1266, 7, 1336], [188, 1275, 177, 1266, 7, 1338], [188, 1278, 177, 1266, 7, 1340], [188, 1281, 177, 1266, 7, 1342], [188, 1284, 177, 1266, 7, 1344], [188, 1287, 177, 1266, 7, 1346], [188, 1180, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1348, 1121, 1349, 177, 1183, 7, 1350], [188, 1125, 7, 1352], [132, 1349, 188, 1128, 7, 1354], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1357], [188, 1137, 7, 1359], [188, 1140, 7, 1361], [], [132, 1348, 1143, 1363, 177, 1364, 188, 1145, 7, 1365], [], [188, 1149, 7, 1368], [188, 1152, 7, 1370], [48, 1132, 188, 1155, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1372], [188, 1140, 7, 1374], [], [188, 1265, 177, 1266, 7, 1376], [188, 1269, 177, 1266, 7, 1378], [188, 1272, 177, 1266, 7, 1380], [188, 1275, 177, 1266, 7, 1382], [188, 1278, 177, 1266, 7, 1384], [188, 1281, 177, 1266, 7, 1386], [188, 1284, 177, 1266, 7, 1388], [188, 1287, 177, 1266, 7, 1390], [188, 1180, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1392, 1121, 1393, 177, 1183, 7, 1394], [188, 1125, 7, 1396], [132, 1393, 188, 1128, 7, 1398], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1401], [188, 1137, 7, 1403], [188, 1140, 7, 1405], [], [188, 1149, 7, 1407], [188, 1152, 7, 1409], [48, 1132, 188, 1411, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1412], [188, 1140, 7, 1414], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1411, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1417], [188, 1140, 7, 1419], [], [188, 1265, 177, 1266, 7, 1421], [188, 1269, 177, 1266, 7, 1423], [188, 1272, 177, 1266, 7, 1425], [188, 1275, 177, 1266, 7, 1427], [188, 1278, 177, 1266, 7, 1429], [188, 1281, 177, 1266, 7, 1431], [188, 1284, 177, 1266, 7, 1433], [188, 1287, 177, 1266, 7, 1435], [188, 1180, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1437, 1121, 1438, 177, 1183, 7, 1439], [188, 1125, 7, 1441], [132, 1438, 188, 1128, 7, 1443], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1446], [188, 1137, 7, 1448], [188, 1140, 7, 1450], [], [188, 1149, 7, 1452], [188, 1152, 7, 1454], [48, 1132, 188, 1411, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1456], [188, 1140, 7, 1458], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1411, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1460], [188, 1140, 7, 1462], [], [188, 1265, 177, 1266, 7, 1464], [188, 1269, 177, 1266, 7, 1466], [188, 1272, 177, 1266, 7, 1468], [188, 1275, 177, 1266, 7, 1470], [188, 1278, 177, 1266, 7, 1472], [188, 1281, 177, 1266, 7, 1474], [188, 1284, 177, 1266, 7, 1476], [188, 1287, 177, 1266, 7, 1478], [188, 1480, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1481, 1121, 1482, 177, 547, 7, 1483], [188, 1125, 7, 1485], [132, 1482, 188, 1128, 7, 1487], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1490], [188, 1137, 7, 1492], [188, 1140, 7, 1494], [], [188, 1149, 7, 1496], [188, 1152, 7, 1498], [48, 1132, 188, 1155, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1500], [188, 1140, 7, 1502], [], [188, 1480, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1504, 1121, 1505, 177, 547, 7, 1506], [188, 1125, 7, 1508], [132, 1505, 188, 1128, 7, 1510], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134, 7, 1512], [188, 1137, 7, 1514], [188, 1140, 7, 1516], [], [188, 1149, 7, 1518], [188, 1152, 7, 1520], [48, 1132, 188, 1155, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 7, 1522], [188, 1140, 7, 1524], [], [177, 1526, 7, 1527], [], [48, 85, 7, 1529], [], [], [177, 1526, 7, 1532], [7, 1534], [], [177, 1526, 7, 1537], [], [48, 85, 7, 1539], [], [], [], [48, 85, 132, -1, 7, 1541], [], [], [7, 1544], [], [], [601, 667, 1548, 14, 525, 1549, 926, 1550, 30, 1551, 132, 1551, 79, 1552, 177, 1553, 7, 1554], [132, 1556, 79, 1557, 7, 1558], [177, 1561, 7, 1562], [1564, 1565, 177, 1566, 7, 1567], [177, 1569, 7, 1570], [46, 55, 50, 1572, 7, 1573], [177, 1566, 7, 1575], [177, 1569, 7, 1577], [46, 55, 50, 1572, 7, 1579], [188, 1180, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1392, 1121, 1113, 177, 1183], [188, 1125], [132, 1113, 188, 1128], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134], [188, 1137], [188, 1140], [], [132, 1392, 177, -1, 188, 1145, 7, 1581], [], [337, 1583, 132, 1584, 342, 343, 344, 344, 7, 1585], [], [188, 1587, 7, 1588], [], [188, 1591, 7, 1592], [], [7, 1595], [], [7, 1597], [], [188, 408, 7, 1599], [188, 1601, 7, 1602], [], [412, 1605, 7, 1606], [], [], [188, 1609, 307, 14, 420, 1610, 422, 423, 308, 1611, 132, 1605, 30, 1605, 48, 425, 312, -1, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 1612], [], [188, 1235, 444, 1605, 445, 14, 7, 1614], [], [], [7, 1616], [], [188, 408, 7, 1618], [188, 1601, 7, 1620], [], [412, 1622, 7, 1623], [], [], [307, 14, 420, 906, 422, 907, 874, 908, 876, 909, 308, 1229, 132, 1622, 30, 1622, 48, 425, 312, -1, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 1625], [], [188, 1235, 444, 1622, 445, 14, 7, 1627], [], [], [7, 1629], [], [188, 408, 7, 1631], [188, 1601, 7, 1633], [], [412, 1635, 7, 1636], [], [], [7, 1639], [], [1642, 715, 307, 14, 308, 1643, 132, 1635, 30, 1635, 1644, 612, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 1645], [], [188, 1235, 444, 1635, 445, 14, 7, 1647], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1649], [], [132, 1651, 30, 1651, 48, 425, 312, -1, 7, 1652], [], [132, 1228, 30, 1228, 48, 425, 312, -1, 7, 1654], [], [], [], [], [], [188, 1149], [188, 1152], [48, 1132, 188, 1411, 525, 1132, 1114, 427], [188, 1140], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1411, 525, 1132, 1114, 427], [188, 1140], [], [188, 1265, 177, 1266], [188, 1269, 177, 1266], [188, 1272, 177, 1266], [188, 1275, 177, 1266], [188, 1278, 177, 1266], [188, 1281, 177, 1266], [188, 1284, 177, 1266], [188, 1287, 177, 1266], [188, 1180, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1437, 1121, 1122, 177, 1183], [188, 1125], [132, 1122, 188, 1128], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134], [188, 1137], [188, 1140], [], [132, 1437, 177, -1, 188, 1145, 7, 1656], [], [132, 1659, 337, 1660, 342, 343, 344, 344, 7, 1661], [], [48, 311, 132, 1663, 30, 1663, 312, 14, 7, 1664], [], [7, 1666], [], [7, 1668], [], [412, 1670, 7, 1671], [], [], [48, 425, 132, 1670, 30, 1674, 308, 1675, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 1676], [], [177, 1678, 7, 1679], [], [188, 1235, 444, 1674, 445, 14, 7, 1681], [], [], [], [7, 1684], [], [412, 1686, 7, 1687], [], [], [132, 1686, 308, 1690, 30, 1691, 48, 1692, 188, 1693, 7, 1694], [], [177, 1678, 7, 1696], [], [188, 1235, 444, 1691, 445, 14, 7, 1698], [], [], [], [7, 1700], [], [412, 1702, 7, 1703], [], [], [188, 1707, 132, 1702, 30, 1708, 177, -1, 7, 1709], [312, 1711, 7, 1712], [], [], [312, 1714, 7, 1715], [], [], [312, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [], [312, 1720, 7, 1721], [], [], [312, 1723, 7, 1724], [], [], [312, 1726, 7, 1727], [], [], [], [], [7, 1730], [], [412, 1732, 7, 1733], [], [], [132, 1732, 30, 1736, 1644, 620, 1642, 423, 426, 427, 428, 14, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [], [188, 1149], [188, 1152], [48, 1132, 188, 1411, 525, 1132, 1114, 427], [188, 1140], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1411, 525, 1132, 1114, 427], [188, 1140], [], [188, 1265, 177, 1266], [188, 1269, 177, 1266], [188, 1272, 177, 1266], [188, 1275, 177, 1266], [188, 1278, 177, 1266], [188, 1281, 177, 1266], [188, 1284, 177, 1266], [188, 1287, 177, 1266], [188, 1480, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1481, 1121, 1162, 177, 547], [188, 1125], [132, 1162, 188, 1128], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134], [188, 1137], [188, 1140], [], [132, 1481, 177, -1, 188, 1145, 7, 1739], [], [132, 1741, 7, 1742], [], [188, 1149], [188, 1152], [48, 1132, 188, 1155, 525, 1132, 1114, 427], [188, 1140], [], [188, 1480, 601, 667, 525, 1118, 1119, 1504, 1121, 1182, 177, 547], [188, 1125], [132, 1182, 188, 1128], [], [48, 1132, 188, 1133, 525, 1132, 1114, 427, 926, 1134], [188, 1137], [188, 1140], [], [132, 1504, 177, -1, 188, 1145, 7, 1744], [], [132, 1746, 7, 1747], [], [], [188, 1149], [188, 1152], [48, 1132, 188, 1155, 525, 1132, 1114, 427], [188, 1140], [], [177, 1526], [], [48, 85], [], [], [177, 1526], [], [48, 85], [], 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[145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 213, 209, -1, 218, 219, -1, 222, -1, 226, 205, -1, -1, 233, -1, -1, 239, 241, 201, -1, -1, 250, 205, -1, 209, -1, 258, 205, 201, -1, -1, -1, 268, -1, 205, 201, -1, -1, -1, 285, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 335, -1, -1, -1, -1, 399, -1, -1, -1, -1, 416, 205, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, -1, 209, -1, -1, 399, -1, -1, -1, -1, 462, 205, -1, -1, -1, 268, -1, 480, -1, -1, 484, 485, 209, -1, -1, 268, -1, 480, -1, -1, 499, 500, 209, -1, -1, -1, 209, -1, -1, 399, -1, -1, -1, -1, 522, 513, -1, -1, -1, 516, -1, 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17], [], [8, 78, 222, 100], [], [], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(E?d(n)||T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n):d(n)&&T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n));return T.hasProperties(e)?e:null}function l(e,t,n){var r=lpTag.domainUtil.getParentDomain(t);return m(r)&&T.hasProperties(e)||(e[r]={ts:n}),e}function c(e,t){var n={};if(Array.isArray(e))for(var r=0;r1}function f(e){var t=e.filter(d);return Array.isArray(t)&&t.length>0?!0:!1}function d(e){var n,r=m(t);if(!r)for(var o=0;o-1){t=!0;break}return t}function h(e,t){lpTag.taglets.jsonp.issueCall({url:\"https://\"+b()+\"/api/account/\"+e+\"/configuration/domainprotection/refererrestrictions\",timeout:7e3,retries:3,success:y(t),error:y(t),context:this})}function y(e){return function(t){var n=Array.isArray(t)&&t.length?t[0]:null,r=n&&Array.isArray(n.whiteList)?n.whiteList:[];r=r.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e}),k(\"DataAnalyzer::_onWhiteListReceived whiteList:\"+r.join(\", \")),T.runCallback(e,r)}}function v(e,t){var n=t.substring(2),r=e.lastIndexOf(n);return r>=0&&e.length===r+n.length}function b(){return a||D[r&&r.toUpperCase()]||D[O.GA]}var w,T=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,k=T.log.log,S=/^\\*\\.([^\\.]+\\.)*([^\\.\\s])+$/gi,C=[\"liveperson.net\",\"liveperson.com\",\"lprnd.net\",\"lpsnmedia.net\"],E=\"boolean\"==typeof n?n:\"true\"===n,O={DEV:\"DEV\",QA:\"QA\",ALPHA:\"ALPHA\",GA:\"GA\"},D={};return D[O.DEV]=D[O.QA]=\"qtvr-wap06.dev.lprnd.net\",D[O.ALPHA]=\"accdn-a.lpsnmedia.net\",D[O.GA]=\"accdn.lpsnmedia.net\",u(),{isValidByLocations:i,cleanLocations:s,updateLocations:l,convertLocations:c}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager=window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager||function(e){function t(e,t,n){var r,o,a=t.app,i={},s=!1;t.keys&&Array.isArray(e)?(o=e.length,s=!0):(o=1,t.keys=[t.key],e=[e]),e.forEach(function(e,c){e=encodeURIComponent(e),l(a,e,function(e){r=t.keys[c],i[r]=e?S.getItems(e,t.appName):null,o--,0===o&&(w.hasProperties(i)?s?w.runCallback(n,i):w.runCallback(n,i[r]):(w.runCallback(n,null),k(\"No value\")))})})}function n(e,t,n){var o=t.app;\ne=encodeURIComponent(e),e?l(o,e,function(a){!a&&w.isTouchRequest(t)?w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No value to touch\"}):r(o,e,a,t,n)}):w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No key specified.\"})}function r(e,t,n,r,o){var s=S.getItemId(n&&n[r.appName]),l=w.isTouchRequest(r);\"undefined\"==typeof t||\"undefined\"==typeof r.value&&!l?!l&&n&&n[r.appName]?a(e,t,s,r,o,n):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Object not found.\"}):i(e,t,s,r,o,n)}function o(e){C.hasValidStorageSelected(e)&&window.setTimeout(function(){g(e,d.bind(this,e))},b)}function a(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=w.removeKeyFromObj(a&&a[r.appName],n);w.hasProperties(i&&i[r.appName])||(i=w.removeKeyFromObj(i&&i,r.appName)),w.hasProperties(i)?s(e,t,i,function(e){w.runCallback(o,e&&e.error?e:null)}):c(e,t,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||u(e,t)})}function i(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=S.enhanceObject(a,n,r);i?s(e,t,i,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||p(e,t)}):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Unable to set the item.\"})}function s(e,t,n,r){\"undefined\"!=typeof n&&\"\"!==n&&null!==n?C.getStorage(e).set(t,w.encodeItem(n),r):C.getStorage(e).remove(t,r)}function l(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).get(t,function(e){w.runCallback(n,S.cleanupObject(w.decodeItem(e)))})}function c(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).remove(t,n)}function u(e,t){(!y||y.hasOwnProperty(t))&&g(e,function(){y&&y.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})}function p(e,t){y?y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Adding key to map: \"+t)):g(e,function(){y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Got Map, adding key to map: \"+t))})}function g(e,t){l(e,v,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?e:{},(\"object\"!=typeof y||null===y)&&(y={}),w.runCallback(t,e),T(\"Got map: \"+JSON.stringify(y))})}function f(e,t){s(e,v,t,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?t:{},T(\"Setting map: \"+JSON.stringify(t))})}function d(e,t){y=\"object\"==typeof y?y:{},t=\"object\"==typeof t&&t||y;for(var n in t)T(\"Got key in map: \"+n),t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&m(e,n)}function m(e,t){l(e,t,function(n){var r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264], "attributes": [[], [], [7, 8], [13, 14, 7, 15], [13, 14, 7, 17], [13, 14, 7, 19], [22, 23, 24, 25, 7, 26], [], [30, 31, 24, 32, 7, 33], [], [7, 37], [], [], [30, 40, 24, 41, 7, 42], [], [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 7, 52], [], [50, 54, 46, 55, 7, 56], [], [50, 58, 46, 55, 7, 59], [], [48, 61, 46, 55, 50, 62, 7, 63], [], [50, 65, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 66], [], [46, 55, 50, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 48, 61, 7, 73], [], [50, 75, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 76], [], [79, 80, 81, -1], [81, -1, 79, 82], [81, -1, 79, 83], [81, -1, 79, 84], [48, 85, 81, -1, 79, 86, 7, 87], [48, 85, 81, -1, 79, 89, 7, 90], [79, 92, 81, -1, 7, 93], [81, -1, 79, 82, 7, 95], [48, 85, 81, -1, 79, 97, 7, 98], [81, -1, 79, 83, 7, 100], [81, -1, 79, 84, 7, 102], [79, 104, 7, 105], [], [79, 108, 48, 85, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 79, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 79, 134, 7, 135], [81, -1, 132, 137, 79, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [81, -1, 132, 142, 79, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [81, -1, 132, 146, 79, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [81, -1, 132, 150, 79, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [81, -1, 132, 154, 79, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 85, 128, 2, 79, 158, 7, 159], [48, 85, 128, 2, 79, 161, 7, 162], [128, 2, 79, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [184, 185, 173, 186, 187, 188, 7, 189], [], [184, 191, 7, 192], [], [132, 194, 7, 195], [], [184, 198, 7, 199], [], [7, 203], [], [7, 207], [], [], [50, 211, 7, 212], [], [], [7, 216], [], [50, 219, 7, 220], [], [], [], [], [184, 223, 7, 224], [], [50, 226, 7, 227], [], [184, 231, 7, 232], [], [], [], [], [132, 239, 184, 240, 7, 241], [], [7, 244], [], [], [50, 247, 248, 249, 7, 250], [], [7, 252], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 255, 7, 256], [], [184, 258, 7, 259], [], [50, 261, 248, 249, 7, 262], [], [79, 266, 184, 267, 7, 268], [], [], [], [], [132, 271, 7, 272], [], [7, 275], [], [184, 278, 7, 279], [], [], [], [], [184, 283, 7, 284], [], [184, 286, 7, 287], [], [132, 290, 184, 291, 7, 292], [], [132, 294, 7, 295], [], [132, 298, 7, 299], [], [303, 14, 304, 305, 132, 306, 30, 306, 48, 307, 308, 309, 7, 310], [], [303, 14, 304, 312, 132, 313, 30, 313, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 315], [], [184, 317, 7, 318], [], [132, 320, 184, 321, 7, 322], [], [184, 325, 7, 326], [], [184, 328, 7, 329], [], [], [], [333, 334, 335, 336, 132, 337, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 341], [303, 14, 304, 305, 132, 306, 30, 306, 48, 307, 308, 309, 7, 343], [303, 14, 304, 345, 132, 346, 30, 346, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 348], [303, 14, 304, 350, 132, 351, 30, 351, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 352], [303, 14, 304, 354, 132, 355, 30, 355, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 356], [132, 358, 30, 358, 48, 307, 308, -1, 7, 359], [303, 14, 304, 361, 132, 362, 30, 362, 48, 307, 308, 363, 7, 364], [303, 14, 304, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 307, 308, 363, 7, 368], [132, 370, 30, 370, 48, 307, 308, -1, 7, 371], [303, 14, 304, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 375], [303, 14, 377, 378, 304, 379, 132, 380, 30, 380, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 381], [132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 307, 308, 347, 7, 383], [132, 380, 30, 380, 48, 307, 308, 314, 7, 385], [], [184, -1, 173, -1, 7, 389], [], [7, 392], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 398], [], [184, 400, 7, 401], [], [184, 404, 7, 405], [408, 409, 7, 410], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 414], [], [303, 14, 416, 417, 418, 419, 304, 420, 132, 409, 30, 409, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 425, 426, 427, 423, 428, 14, 429, 423, 184, 430, 7, 431], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 434], [], [184, 436, 7, 437], [], [184, 439, 440, 409, 441, 14, 7, 442], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 444], [], [], [184, 446, 7, 447], [], [184, 400, 7, 450], [], [184, 404, 7, 452], [408, 454, 184, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [184, 459, 7, 460], [], [184, 462, 7, 463], [], [184, 465, 466, 454, 303, 14, 304, 467, 132, 454, 30, 454, 48, 468, 308, 469, 7, 470], [], [408, 472, 184, 473, 7, 474], [], [184, 477, 7, 478], [], [], [], [], [184, 462, 7, 483], [], [184, 465, 466, 454, 132, 454, 30, 454, 48, 468, 308, 485, 7, 486], [], [408, 488, 184, 489, 7, 490], [], [184, 492, 7, 493], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 497], [], [184, 436, 7, 499], [], [184, 501, 440, 454, 441, 14, 7, 502], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 504], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 507], [], [184, 400, 7, 510], [], [184, 404, 7, 513], [408, 515, 7, 516], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 519], [], [521, 522, 523, 524, 184, 525, 7, 526], [528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 132, 534, 30, 534, 173, 535, 48, 421, 308, -1, 184, 536, 537, 538, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 539], [], [541, 515, 303, 14, 304, 542, 132, 515, 30, 515, 173, 543, 48, 421, 308, 347, 7, 544], [], [132, 546, 173, 186, 184, 547, 7, 548], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 552], [], [184, 555, 7, 556], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 559], [], [184, 561, 7, 562], [], [184, 564, 440, 515, 441, 14, 7, 565], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 567], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 569], [], [184, 400, 7, 571], [], [184, 404, 7, 573], [], [408, 575, 7, 576], [], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 581, 7, 582], [], [184, 585, 303, 14, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 304, 594, 132, 595, 30, 595, 521, 596, 597, 598, 7, 599], [308, -1, 7, 602], [], [], [308, 593, 7, 605], [], [], [308, 608, 7, 609], [], [], [308, 612, 7, 613], [], [], [308, 616, 7, 617], [], [], [308, 620, 7, 621], [], [], [308, 624, 7, 625], [], [], [308, 628, 7, 629], [], [], [308, 632, 7, 633], [], [], [308, 636, 7, 637], [], [], [308, 640, 7, 641], [], [], [308, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [308, 591, 7, 648], [], [], [], [], [184, 651, 7, 652], [], [184, 654, 303, 14, 586, 655, 132, 656, 30, 656, 173, 657, 521, 596, 597, 598, 7, 658], [308, -1, 7, 660], [], [], [308, 663, 7, 664], [], [], [308, 593, 7, 667], [], [], [308, 608, 7, 669], [], [], [308, 612, 7, 671], [], [], [308, 616, 7, 673], [], [], [308, 620, 7, 675], [], [], [308, 624, 7, 677], [], [], [308, 628, 7, 679], [], [], [308, 632, 7, 681], [], [], [308, 636, 7, 683], [], [], [308, 640, 7, 685], [], [], [308, 644, 7, 687], [], [], [308, 591, 7, 689], [], [], [308, 426, 7, 691], [], [], [308, 693, 7, 694], [], [], [308, 696, 7, 697], [], [], [308, 699, 7, 700], [], [], [308, 702, 7, 703], [], [], [308, 705, 7, 706], [], [], [308, 708, 7, 709], [], [], [308, 711, 7, 712], [], [], [308, 714, 7, 715], [], [], [308, 717, 7, 718], [], [], [308, 720, 7, 721], [], [], [308, 723, 7, 724], [], [], [308, 726, 7, 727], [], [], [308, 729, 7, 730], [], [], [308, 732, 7, 733], [], [], [308, 735, 7, 736], [], [], [308, 738, 7, 739], [], [], [308, 741, 7, 742], [], [], [308, 744, 7, 745], [], [], [], [], [184, 651, 7, 747], [], [184, 749, 303, 14, 586, 750, 304, 751, 132, 752, 30, 752, 521, 596, 597, 598, 7, 753], [308, -1, 7, 755], [], [], [308, 758, 7, 759], [], [], [308, 761, 7, 762], [], [], [308, 764, 7, 765], [], [], [308, 767, 7, 768], [], [], [308, 770, 7, 771], [], [], [308, 773, 7, 774], [], [], [308, 776, 7, 777], [], [], [308, 779, 7, 780], [], [], [308, 782, 7, 783], [], [], [308, 785, 7, 786], [], [], [308, 788, 7, 789], [], [], [308, 791, 7, 792], [], [], [308, 794, 7, 795], [], [], [308, 797, 7, 798], [], [], [308, 800, 7, 801], [], [], [308, 803, 7, 804], [], [], [308, 806, 7, 807], [], [], [308, 809, 7, 810], [], [], [308, 812, 7, 813], [], [], [308, 815, 7, 816], [], [], [308, 818, 7, 819], [], [], [308, 821, 7, 822], [], [], [308, 824, 7, 825], [], [], [308, 827, 7, 828], [], [], [308, 830, 7, 831], [], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 833], [], [184, 436, 173, 186, 7, 835], [], [184, 501, 440, 595, 441, 14, 7, 837], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 839], [], [184, 436, 173, 186, 7, 841], [], [184, 501, 440, 752, 441, 14, 7, 843], [], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 845], [], [184, 436, 7, 847], [], [132, 849, 173, 186, 184, 547, 7, 850], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 853], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 855], [], [184, 400, 7, 857], [], [184, 404, 7, 859], [408, 861, 7, 862], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 865], [], [184, 867, 303, 14, 416, 868, 418, 628, 869, 624, 870, 871, 872, 873, 304, 874, 132, 861, 875, 628, 30, 861, 876, 877, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 878], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 881], [], [184, 436, 7, 883], [], [184, 501, 440, 861, 441, 14, 7, 885], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 888], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 890], [], [184, 400, 7, 892], [], [184, 404, 7, 894], [], [408, 896, 7, 897], [], [], [], [], [184, 413, 7, 900], [], [303, 14, 416, 902, 418, 903, 870, 904, 872, 905, 132, 896, 30, 896, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 906], [], [], [184, 433, 7, 909], [], [184, 436, 7, 911], [], [184, 501, 440, 896, 441, 14, 7, 913], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 915], [], [], [184, 397, 7, 917], [], [184, 920, 48, 921, 922, 923, 7, 924], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 926], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 930, 7, 931], [], [132, 934, 184, 400, 7, 935], [], [79, 937, 7, 938], [], [], [], [], [184, 942, 7, 943], [], [184, 945, 7, 946], [], [184, 948, 7, 949], [], [132, 951, 7, 952], [], [7, 954], [], [7, 958], [], [50, 961, 248, 249, 7, 962], [7, 965], [], [], [], [7, 970], [], [7, 973], [], [50, 976, 248, 249, 7, 977], [7, 979], [], [], [7, 983], [], [7, 986], [], [7, 988], [], [7, 990], [], [], [7, 993], [], [7, 995], [], [], [7, 999], [], [7, 1001], [], [7, 1003], [], [50, 1006, 248, 249, 7, 1007], [7, 1009], [], [], [50, 1013, 248, 249, 7, 1014], [7, 1016], [], [], [7, 1020], [], [184, 1022, 7, 1023], [], [7, 1025], [], [7, 1028], [], [50, 961, 248, 249, 1031, 1032, 922, 1032, 7, 1033], [7, 1035], [], [], [7, 1038], [], [184, 1022, 173, 1040, 7, 1041], [], [50, 1043, 248, 249, 1031, 1044, 922, 1044, 7, 1045], [], [], [50, 1048, 248, 249, 922, 1049, 7, 1050], [], [], [50, 1052, 248, 249, 7, 1053], [], [], [7, 1056], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [79, 1061, 48, 85, 7, 1062], [], [79, 1064, 48, 85, 7, 1065], [], [79, 1067, 48, 85, 7, 1068], [], [79, 1070, 48, 85, 7, 1071], [], [79, 1073, 48, 85, 7, 1074], [], [79, 1076, 48, 85, 7, 1077], [], [79, 1079, 48, 85, 7, 1080], [], [79, 1082, 48, 85, 7, 1083], [], [79, 1085, 48, 85, 7, 1086], [], [79, 1088, 7, 1089], [], [79, 1092, 7, 1093], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1096], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1100], [], [], [], [], [48, 85, 7, 1104], [], [], [184, 1108, 132, 1109, 597, 598, 1110, 423, 173, 543, 7, 1111], [184, 1113, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 173, 543, 7, 1119], [184, 1121, 7, 1122], [132, 1118, 184, 1124, 7, 1125], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1131], [184, 1133, 7, 1134], [184, 1136, 7, 1137], [], [132, 1116, 173, -1, 1139, 1140, 184, 1141, 7, 1142], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1146], [184, 1148, 7, 1149], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1152], [184, 1136, 7, 1154], [], [184, 1156, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1157, 1117, 1158, 173, 543, 7, 1159], [184, 1121, 7, 1161], [132, 1158, 184, 1124, 7, 1163], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1165], [184, 1133, 7, 1167], [184, 1136, 7, 1169], [], [132, 1157, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1171], [], [184, 1173, 7, 1174], [], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1177, 1117, 1178, 173, 1179, 7, 1180], [184, 1121, 7, 1182], [132, 1178, 184, 1124, 7, 1184], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1187], [184, 1133, 7, 1189], [184, 1136, 7, 1191], [], [132, 1177, 1139, 1193, 1194, 1195, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1196], [], [132, 1198, 173, 543, 7, 1199], [], [1031, 1201, 79, 1202, 7, 1203], [], [], [132, 1206, 7, 1207], [], [333, 1210, 132, 1211, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1212], [], [132, 1214, 173, 1215, 7, 1216], [], [7, 1218], [], [7, 1220], [], [408, 896, 7, 1222], [], [], [303, 14, 416, 902, 418, 903, 870, 904, 872, 905, 304, 1225, 132, 896, 30, 896, 173, 1226, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1227], [], [184, 436, 7, 1229], [], [184, 1231, 440, 896, 441, 14, 173, 1232, 7, 1233], [], [], [], [7, 1235], [], [408, 861, 7, 1237], [], [], [184, 1240, 303, 14, 416, 1241, 418, 640, 869, 624, 870, 871, 872, 873, 304, 874, 132, 861, 30, 861, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1242], [], [184, 436, 7, 1244], [], [184, 1231, 440, 861, 441, 14, 173, 1232, 7, 1246], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1248], [184, 1148, 7, 1250], [48, 1128, 184, 1252, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1253], [184, 1136, 7, 1255], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1257], [184, 1136, 7, 1259], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1263], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1266], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1269], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1272], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1275], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1278], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1281], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1284], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1286, 1117, 1287, 173, 1179, 7, 1288], [184, 1121, 7, 1290], [132, 1287, 184, 1124, 7, 1292], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1295], [184, 1133, 7, 1297], [184, 1136, 7, 1299], [], [132, 1286, 173, -1, 1139, 1301, 1194, 1302, 1303, 1304, 184, 1141, 7, 1305], [], [132, 1307, 7, 1308], [], [7, 1310], [], [], [7, 1313], [], [], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1316], [184, 1148, 7, 1318], [48, 1128, 184, 1252, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1320], [184, 1136, 7, 1322], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1324], [184, 1136, 7, 1326], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1328], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1330], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1332], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1334], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1336], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1338], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1340], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1342], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1344, 1117, 1345, 173, 1179, 7, 1346], [184, 1121, 7, 1348], [132, 1345, 184, 1124, 7, 1350], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1353], [184, 1133, 7, 1355], [184, 1136, 7, 1357], [], [132, 1344, 1139, 1359, 173, 1360, 184, 1141, 7, 1361], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1364], [184, 1148, 7, 1366], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1368], [184, 1136, 7, 1370], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1372], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1374], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1376], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1378], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1380], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1382], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1384], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1386], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1388, 1117, 1389, 173, 1179, 7, 1390], [184, 1121, 7, 1392], [132, 1389, 184, 1124, 7, 1394], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1397], [184, 1133, 7, 1399], [184, 1136, 7, 1401], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1403], [184, 1148, 7, 1405], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1408], [184, 1136, 7, 1410], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1413], [184, 1136, 7, 1415], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1417], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1419], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1421], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1423], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1425], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1427], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1429], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1431], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1433, 1117, 1434, 173, 1179, 7, 1435], [184, 1121, 7, 1437], [132, 1434, 184, 1124, 7, 1439], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1442], [184, 1133, 7, 1444], [184, 1136, 7, 1446], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1448], [184, 1148, 7, 1450], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1452], [184, 1136, 7, 1454], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1456], [184, 1136, 7, 1458], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262, 7, 1460], [184, 1265, 173, 1262, 7, 1462], [184, 1268, 173, 1262, 7, 1464], [184, 1271, 173, 1262, 7, 1466], [184, 1274, 173, 1262, 7, 1468], [184, 1277, 173, 1262, 7, 1470], [184, 1280, 173, 1262, 7, 1472], [184, 1283, 173, 1262, 7, 1474], [184, 1476, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1477, 1117, 1478, 173, 543, 7, 1479], [184, 1121, 7, 1481], [132, 1478, 184, 1124, 7, 1483], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1486], [184, 1133, 7, 1488], [184, 1136, 7, 1490], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1492], [184, 1148, 7, 1494], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1496], [184, 1136, 7, 1498], [], [184, 1476, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1500, 1117, 1501, 173, 543, 7, 1502], [184, 1121, 7, 1504], [132, 1501, 184, 1124, 7, 1506], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130, 7, 1508], [184, 1133, 7, 1510], [184, 1136, 7, 1512], [], [184, 1145, 7, 1514], [184, 1148, 7, 1516], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 7, 1518], [184, 1136, 7, 1520], [], [173, 1522, 7, 1523], [], [48, 85, 7, 1525], [], [], [173, 1522, 7, 1528], [7, 1530], [], [173, 1522, 7, 1533], [], [48, 85, 7, 1535], [], [], [], [48, 85, 132, -1, 7, 1537], [], [], [7, 1540], [], [], [597, 663, 1544, 14, 521, 1545, 922, 1546, 30, 1547, 132, 1547, 79, 1548, 173, 1549, 7, 1550], [132, 1552, 79, 1553, 7, 1554], [173, 1557, 7, 1558], [1560, 1561, 173, 1562, 7, 1563], [173, 1565, 7, 1566], [46, 55, 50, 1568, 7, 1569], [173, 1562, 7, 1571], [173, 1565, 7, 1573], [46, 55, 50, 1568, 7, 1575], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1388, 1117, 1109, 173, 1179], [184, 1121], [132, 1109, 184, 1124], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130], [184, 1133], [184, 1136], [], [132, 1388, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1577], [], [333, 1579, 132, 1580, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1581], [], [184, 1583, 7, 1584], [], [184, 1587, 7, 1588], [], [7, 1591], [], [7, 1593], [], [184, 404, 7, 1595], [184, 1597, 7, 1598], [], [408, 1601, 7, 1602], [], [], [184, 1605, 303, 14, 416, 1606, 418, 419, 304, 1607, 132, 1601, 30, 1601, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1608], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1601, 441, 14, 7, 1610], [], [], [7, 1612], [], [184, 404, 7, 1614], [184, 1597, 7, 1616], [], [408, 1618, 7, 1619], [], [], [303, 14, 416, 902, 418, 903, 870, 904, 872, 905, 304, 1225, 132, 1618, 30, 1618, 48, 421, 308, -1, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1621], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1618, 441, 14, 7, 1623], [], [], [7, 1625], [], [184, 404, 7, 1627], [184, 1597, 7, 1629], [], [408, 1631, 7, 1632], [], [], [7, 1635], [], [1638, 711, 303, 14, 304, 1639, 132, 1631, 30, 1631, 1640, 608, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1641], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1631, 441, 14, 7, 1643], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1645], [], [132, 1647, 30, 1647, 48, 421, 308, -1, 7, 1648], [], [132, 1224, 30, 1224, 48, 421, 308, -1, 7, 1650], [], [], [], [], [], [184, 1145], [184, 1148], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262], [184, 1265, 173, 1262], [184, 1268, 173, 1262], [184, 1271, 173, 1262], [184, 1274, 173, 1262], [184, 1277, 173, 1262], [184, 1280, 173, 1262], [184, 1283, 173, 1262], [184, 1176, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1433, 1117, 1118, 173, 1179], [184, 1121], [132, 1118, 184, 1124], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130], [184, 1133], [184, 1136], [], [132, 1433, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1652], [], [132, 1655, 333, 1656, 338, 339, 340, 340, 7, 1657], [], [48, 307, 132, 1659, 30, 1659, 308, 14, 7, 1660], [], [7, 1662], [], [7, 1664], [], [408, 1666, 7, 1667], [], [], [48, 421, 132, 1666, 30, 1670, 304, 1671, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1672], [], [173, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1670, 441, 14, 7, 1677], [], [], [], [7, 1680], [], [408, 1682, 7, 1683], [], [], [132, 1682, 304, 1686, 30, 1687, 48, 1688, 184, 1689, 7, 1690], [], [173, 1674, 7, 1692], [], [184, 1231, 440, 1687, 441, 14, 7, 1694], [], [], [], [7, 1696], [], [408, 1698, 7, 1699], [], [], [184, 1703, 132, 1698, 30, 1704, 173, -1, 7, 1705], [308, 1707, 7, 1708], [], [], [308, 1710, 7, 1711], [], [], [308, 1713, 7, 1714], [], [], [308, 1716, 7, 1717], [], [], [308, 1719, 7, 1720], [], [], [308, 1722, 7, 1723], [], [], [], [], [7, 1726], [], [408, 1728, 7, 1729], [], [], [132, 1728, 30, 1732, 1640, 616, 1638, 419, 422, 423, 424, 14, 7, 1733], [], [], [], [], [184, 1145], [184, 1148], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1407, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [184, 1261, 173, 1262], [184, 1265, 173, 1262], [184, 1268, 173, 1262], [184, 1271, 173, 1262], [184, 1274, 173, 1262], [184, 1277, 173, 1262], [184, 1280, 173, 1262], [184, 1283, 173, 1262], [184, 1476, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1477, 1117, 1158, 173, 543], [184, 1121], [132, 1158, 184, 1124], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130], [184, 1133], [184, 1136], [], [132, 1477, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1735], [], [132, 1737, 7, 1738], [], [184, 1145], [184, 1148], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [184, 1476, 597, 663, 521, 1114, 1115, 1500, 1117, 1178, 173, 543], [184, 1121], [132, 1178, 184, 1124], [], [48, 1128, 184, 1129, 521, 1128, 1110, 423, 922, 1130], [184, 1133], [184, 1136], [], [132, 1500, 173, -1, 184, 1141, 7, 1740], [], [132, 1742, 7, 1743], [], [], [184, 1145], [184, 1148], [48, 1128, 184, 1151, 521, 1128, 1110, 423], [184, 1136], [], [173, 1522], [], [48, 85], [], [], [173, 1522], [], [48, 85], [], [], [173, 1522], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1091, 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1100, 1108, 1111, 1122, 1123, 1126, 1132, 1134, 1140, 1143, 1153, 1156, 1202, 1205, 1216, 1217, 1220, 1230, 1233, 1234, 1237, 1248]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [130, 649, 819], "value": [266, -1, -1]}, "originURL": {"index": [], "value": []}}, "layout": {"nodeIndex": [0, 1, 68, 69, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135, 137, 139, 140, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 158, 160, 162, 164, 165, 168, 182, 184, 185, 185, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 198, 199, 201, 203, 205, 206, 211, 212, 212, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 232, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 243, 244, 245, 248, 250, 252, 253, 258, 259, 259, 261, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 281, 283, 284, 285, 287, 289, 291, 292, 297, 298, 298, 300, 302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 313, 315, 357, 359, 461, 463, 544, 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[152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 209, 205, -1, 214, 215, -1, 218, -1, 222, 201, -1, -1, 229, -1, -1, 235, 237, 197, -1, -1, 246, 201, -1, 205, -1, 254, 201, 197, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 201, 197, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 331, -1, -1, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 412, 201, -1, -1, 201, -1, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 458, 201, -1, -1, -1, 264, -1, 476, -1, -1, 480, 481, 205, -1, -1, 264, -1, 476, -1, -1, 495, 496, 205, -1, -1, -1, 205, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, -1, 518, 509, -1, -1, -1, 512, -1, -1, 558, 551, -1, -1, -1, 512, -1, -1, 395, -1, -1, -1, 264, 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198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 976, 1264, 18], [], [753, 976, 121, 17], [753, 976, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1148, 1264, 17], [8, 1148, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1148, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1148, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 111, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 1222, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 74, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 104, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1, 1], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 111, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 1222, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 74, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 104, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new lpTag.DataAnalyzer(f.site,f.loc,f.isCrossDomain,f.env,a,f.accdn),m=new lpTag.StorageSelector({site:f.site,asyncStorageMaxRetry:f.asmr,cookiesEnabled:f.cookiesEnabled,localStorageEnabled:f.localStorageEnabled,sessionStorageEnabled:f.sessionStorageEnabled}),m.createWrappers(o)}function n(){d.reset(),v=!1,w=[]}function r(){d&&d.dispose(),h=null,m=null,d=null}function o(){d.initSelector(m),i()}function a(){v=!0,c(y)}function i(){d.sendPendingMessages(s,l,k.requestTypes.SELECT_STORAGE)}function s(e){e&&e.storage&&(y=e.app,w[e.app]=e.storage,c(e.app))}function l(){setTimeout(function(){i()},b)}function c(e){var t;u(e)&&(k.log.log(\"Initiated successfully with \"+w[e].name+\", app: \"+e),t=new lpTag.SecureStorageManager({app:e,storageSelector:m,dataAnalyzer:h}),d.initManager(t),d.sendPendingMessages(),d.setActive())}function u(e){return e&&v&&w&&w[e]}function p(){var e=k.getUrlParameters(location.search);return e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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727, 7, 728], [], [], [317, 730, 7, 731], [], [], [317, 733, 7, 734], [], [], [317, 736, 7, 737], [], [], [317, 739, 7, 740], [], [], [317, 742, 7, 743], [], [], [317, 745, 7, 746], [], [], [317, 748, 7, 749], [], [], [317, 751, 7, 752], [], [], [317, 754, 7, 755], [], [], [317, 757, 7, 758], [], [], [317, 760, 7, 761], [], [], [317, 763, 7, 764], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 766], [], [193, 768, 312, 14, 606, 769, 313, 770, 134, 771, 32, 771, 530, 616, 617, 618, 7, 772], [317, -1, 7, 774], [], [], [317, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [317, 780, 7, 781], [], [], [317, 783, 7, 784], [], [], [317, 786, 7, 787], [], [], [317, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [317, 792, 7, 793], [], [], [317, 795, 7, 796], [], [], [317, 798, 7, 799], [], [], [317, 801, 7, 802], [], [], [317, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [317, 807, 7, 808], [], [], [317, 810, 7, 811], [], [], [317, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [317, 816, 7, 817], [], [], [317, 819, 7, 820], [], [], [317, 822, 7, 823], [], [], [317, 825, 7, 826], [], [], [317, 828, 7, 829], [], [], [317, 831, 7, 832], [], [], [317, 834, 7, 835], [], [], [317, 837, 7, 838], [], [], [317, 840, 7, 841], [], [], [317, 843, 7, 844], [], [], [317, 846, 7, 847], [], [], [317, 849, 7, 850], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 852], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 854], [], [193, 448, 449, 615, 450, 14, 7, 856], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 858], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 860], [], [193, 510, 449, 771, 450, 14, 7, 862], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 864], [], [193, 445, 7, 866], [], [134, 868, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 869], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 872], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 874], [], [193, 409, 7, 876], [], [193, 413, 7, 878], [417, 880, 7, 881], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 884], [], [193, 886, 312, 14, 425, 887, 427, 648, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 894, 648, 32, 880, 895, 896, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 897], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 900], [], [193, 445, 7, 902], [], [193, 510, 449, 880, 450, 14, 7, 904], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 907], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 909], [], [193, 409, 7, 911], [], [193, 413, 7, 913], [], [417, 915, 7, 916], [], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 919], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 134, 915, 32, 915, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 925], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 928], [], [193, 445, 7, 930], [], [193, 510, 449, 915, 450, 14, 7, 932], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 934], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 936], [], [193, 939, 50, 940, 941, 942, 7, 943], [], [], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 945], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 949, 7, 950], [], [134, 953, 193, 409, 7, 954], [], [81, 956, 7, 957], [], [], [], [], [193, 961, 7, 962], [], [193, 964, 7, 965], [], [193, 967, 7, 968], [], [134, 970, 7, 971], [], [7, 973], [], [7, 977], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 7, 981], [7, 984], [], [], [], [7, 989], [], [7, 992], [], [52, 995, 257, 258, 7, 996], [7, 998], [], [], [7, 1002], [], [7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [7, 1009], [], [], [7, 1012], [], [7, 1014], [], [], [7, 1018], [], [7, 1020], [], [7, 1022], [], [52, 1025, 257, 258, 7, 1026], [7, 1028], [], [], [52, 1032, 257, 258, 7, 1033], [7, 1035], [], [], [7, 1039], [], [193, 1041, 7, 1042], [], [7, 1044], [], [7, 1047], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 1050, 1051, 941, 1051, 7, 1052], [7, 1054], [], [], [7, 1057], [], [193, 1041, 182, 1059, 7, 1060], [], [52, 1062, 257, 258, 1050, 1063, 941, 1063, 7, 1064], [], [], [52, 1067, 257, 258, 941, 1068, 7, 1069], [], [], [52, 1071, 257, 258, 7, 1072], [], [], [7, 1075], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [81, 1080, 50, 87, 7, 1081], [], [81, 1083, 50, 87, 7, 1084], [], [81, 1086, 50, 87, 7, 1087], [], [81, 1089, 50, 87, 7, 1090], [], [81, 1092, 50, 87, 7, 1093], [], [81, 1095, 50, 87, 7, 1096], [], [81, 1098, 50, 87, 7, 1099], [], [81, 1101, 50, 87, 7, 1102], [], [81, 1104, 50, 87, 7, 1105], [], [81, 1107, 7, 1108], [], [81, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1115], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1119], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1123], [], [], [193, 1127, 134, 1128, 617, 618, 1129, 432, 182, 1130, 7, 1131], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1135], [134, 1137, 193, 1138, 617, 683, 7, 1139], [], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1142], [134, 1144, 193, 1145, 617, 683, 7, 1146], [], [193, 1149, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 182, 554, 7, 1155], [193, 1157, 7, 1158], [134, 1154, 193, 1160, 7, 1161], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1167], [193, 1169, 7, 1170], [193, 1172, 7, 1173], [], [134, 1152, 182, -1, 1175, 1176, 193, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1182], [193, 1184, 7, 1185], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1188], [193, 1172, 7, 1190], [], [193, 1192, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1193, 1153, 1194, 182, 554, 7, 1195], [193, 1157, 7, 1197], [134, 1194, 193, 1160, 7, 1199], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1201], [193, 1169, 7, 1203], [193, 1172, 7, 1205], [], [134, 1193, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1207], [], [193, 1209, 7, 1210], [], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1213, 1153, 1214, 182, 1215, 7, 1216], [193, 1157, 7, 1218], [134, 1214, 193, 1160, 7, 1220], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1223], [193, 1169, 7, 1225], [193, 1172, 7, 1227], [], [134, 1213, 1175, 1229, 1230, 1231, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1232], [], [134, 1234, 182, 554, 7, 1235], [], [1050, 1237, 81, 1238, 7, 1239], [], [], [134, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [342, 1246, 134, 1247, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1248], [], [134, 1250, 182, 1251, 7, 1252], [], [7, 1254], [], [7, 1256], [], [417, 915, 7, 1258], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 915, 32, 915, 182, 1262, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1263], [], [193, 445, 7, 1265], [], [193, 1267, 449, 915, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1269], [], [], [], [7, 1271], [], [417, 880, 7, 1273], [], [], [193, 1276, 312, 14, 425, 1277, 427, 660, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 32, 880, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1278], [], [193, 445, 7, 1280], [], [193, 1267, 449, 880, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1282], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1284], [193, 1184, 7, 1286], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1289], [193, 1172, 7, 1291], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1293], [193, 1172, 7, 1295], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1299], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1302], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1305], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1308], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1311], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1314], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1317], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1320], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1322, 1153, 1323, 182, 1215, 7, 1324], [193, 1157, 7, 1326], [134, 1323, 193, 1160, 7, 1328], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1331], [193, 1169, 7, 1333], [193, 1172, 7, 1335], [], [134, 1322, 182, -1, 1175, 1337, 1230, 1338, 1339, 1340, 193, 1177, 7, 1341], [], [134, 1343, 7, 1344], [], [7, 1346], [], [], [7, 1349], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1352], [193, 1184, 7, 1354], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1356], [193, 1172, 7, 1358], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1360], [193, 1172, 7, 1362], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1364], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1366], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1368], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1370], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1372], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1374], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1376], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1378], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1380, 1153, 1381, 182, 1215, 7, 1382], [193, 1157, 7, 1384], [134, 1381, 193, 1160, 7, 1386], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1389], [193, 1169, 7, 1391], [193, 1172, 7, 1393], [], [134, 1380, 1175, 1395, 182, 1396, 193, 1177, 7, 1397], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1400], [193, 1184, 7, 1402], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1404], [193, 1172, 7, 1406], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1408], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1410], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1412], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1414], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1416], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1418], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1420], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1422], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1425, 182, 1215, 7, 1426], [193, 1157, 7, 1428], [134, 1425, 193, 1160, 7, 1430], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1433], [193, 1169, 7, 1435], [193, 1172, 7, 1437], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1439], [193, 1184, 7, 1441], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1444], [193, 1172, 7, 1446], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1449], [193, 1172, 7, 1451], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1453], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1455], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1457], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1459], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1461], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1463], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1465], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1467], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1470, 182, 1215, 7, 1471], [193, 1157, 7, 1473], [134, 1470, 193, 1160, 7, 1475], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1478], [193, 1169, 7, 1480], [193, 1172, 7, 1482], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1484], [193, 1184, 7, 1486], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1488], [193, 1172, 7, 1490], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1492], [193, 1172, 7, 1494], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1496], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1498], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1500], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1502], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1504], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1506], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1508], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1510], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1514, 182, 554, 7, 1515], [193, 1157, 7, 1517], [134, 1514, 193, 1160, 7, 1519], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1522], [193, 1169, 7, 1524], [193, 1172, 7, 1526], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1528], [193, 1184, 7, 1530], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1532], [193, 1172, 7, 1534], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1537, 182, 554, 7, 1538], [193, 1157, 7, 1540], [134, 1537, 193, 1160, 7, 1542], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1544], [193, 1169, 7, 1546], [193, 1172, 7, 1548], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1550], [193, 1184, 7, 1552], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1554], [193, 1172, 7, 1556], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1559], [], [50, 87, 7, 1561], [], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1564], [7, 1566], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1569], [], [50, 87, 7, 1571], [], [], [], [50, 87, 134, -1, 7, 1573], [], [], [7, 1576], [], [], [617, 683, 1580, 14, 530, 1134, 941, 1581, 32, 1582, 134, 1582, 81, 1583, 182, 1584, 7, 1585], [134, 1587, 81, 1588, 7, 1589], [182, 1592, 7, 1593], [1595, 1596, 182, 1597, 7, 1598], [182, 1600, 7, 1601], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1604], [182, 1597, 7, 1606], [182, 1600, 7, 1608], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1610], [182, 1600, 7, 1612], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1614], [182, 1600, 7, 1616], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1618], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1128, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1128, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1424, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1620], [], [342, 1622, 134, 1623, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1624], [], [193, 1626, 7, 1627], [], [193, 1630, 7, 1631], [], [7, 1634], [], [7, 1636], [], [193, 413, 7, 1638], [193, 1640, 7, 1641], [], [417, 1644, 7, 1645], [], [], [193, 1648, 312, 14, 425, 1649, 427, 428, 313, 1650, 134, 1644, 32, 1644, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1651], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1644, 450, 14, 7, 1653], [], [], [7, 1655], [], [193, 413, 7, 1657], [193, 1640, 7, 1659], [], [417, 1661, 7, 1662], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 1661, 32, 1661, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1664], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1661, 450, 14, 7, 1666], [], [], [7, 1668], [], [193, 413, 7, 1670], [193, 1640, 7, 1672], [], [417, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [], [7, 1678], [], [1681, 730, 312, 14, 313, 1682, 134, 1674, 32, 1674, 1683, 628, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1684], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1674, 450, 14, 7, 1686], [], [], [134, 32, 7, 1688], [], [134, 1690, 32, 1690, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1691], [], [134, 1260, 32, 1260, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1693], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1154, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1154, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1469, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1695], [], [134, 1698, 342, 1699, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1700], [], [50, 316, 134, 1702, 32, 1702, 317, 14, 7, 1703], [], [7, 1705], [], [7, 1707], [], [417, 1709, 7, 1710], [], [], [50, 430, 134, 1709, 32, 1713, 313, 1714, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1715], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1713, 450, 14, 7, 1720], [], [], [], [7, 1723], [], [417, 1725, 7, 1726], [], [], [134, 1725, 313, 1729, 32, 1730, 50, 1731, 193, 1732, 7, 1733], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1735], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1730, 450, 14, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [7, 1739], [], [417, 1741, 7, 1742], [], [], [193, 1746, 134, 1741, 32, 1747, 182, -1, 7, 1748], [317, 1750, 7, 1751], [], [], [317, 1753, 7, 1754], [], [], [317, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [317, 1759, 7, 1760], [], [], [317, 1762, 7, 1763], [], [], [317, 1765, 7, 1766], [], [], [], [], [7, 1769], [], [417, 1771, 7, 1772], [], [], [134, 1771, 32, 1775, 1683, 636, 1681, 428, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1776], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1194, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1194, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1513, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1778], [], [134, 1780, 7, 1781], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1214, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1214, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1536, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1783], [], [134, 1785, 7, 1786], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1109, 1213], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [157, 159, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 201, 230, 241, 277, 279, 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188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [47, 392.8125, 61.75, 215], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 218, 214, -1, 223, 224, -1, 227, -1, 231, 210, -1, -1, 238, -1, -1, 244, 246, 206, -1, -1, 255, 210, -1, 214, -1, 263, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 340, -1, -1, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 421, 210, -1, -1, 210, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 467, 210, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 489, 490, 214, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 504, 505, 214, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 527, 518, -1, -1, 537, -1, 521, -1, -1, -1, -1, 578, 571, -1, -1, -1, 521, 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164, 222, 17], [], [8, 78, 222, 100], [], [], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [253, 395, 0, 17], [253, 395, 0, 17], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 976, 1264, 18], [], [753, 976, 121, 17], [753, 976, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [1084, 976, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(E?d(n)||T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n):d(n)&&T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n));return T.hasProperties(e)?e:null}function l(e,t,n){var r=lpTag.domainUtil.getParentDomain(t);return m(r)&&T.hasProperties(e)||(e[r]={ts:n}),e}function c(e,t){var n={};if(Array.isArray(e))for(var r=0;r1}function f(e){var t=e.filter(d);return Array.isArray(t)&&t.length>0?!0:!1}function d(e){var n,r=m(t);if(!r)for(var o=0;o-1){t=!0;break}return t}function h(e,t){lpTag.taglets.jsonp.issueCall({url:\"https://\"+b()+\"/api/account/\"+e+\"/configuration/domainprotection/refererrestrictions\",timeout:7e3,retries:3,success:y(t),error:y(t),context:this})}function y(e){return function(t){var n=Array.isArray(t)&&t.length?t[0]:null,r=n&&Array.isArray(n.whiteList)?n.whiteList:[];r=r.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e}),k(\"DataAnalyzer::_onWhiteListReceived whiteList:\"+r.join(\", \")),T.runCallback(e,r)}}function v(e,t){var n=t.substring(2),r=e.lastIndexOf(n);return r>=0&&e.length===r+n.length}function b(){return a||D[r&&r.toUpperCase()]||D[O.GA]}var w,T=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,k=T.log.log,S=/^\\*\\.([^\\.]+\\.)*([^\\.\\s])+$/gi,C=[\"liveperson.net\",\"liveperson.com\",\"lprnd.net\",\"lpsnmedia.net\"],E=\"boolean\"==typeof n?n:\"true\"===n,O={DEV:\"DEV\",QA:\"QA\",ALPHA:\"ALPHA\",GA:\"GA\"},D={};return D[O.DEV]=D[O.QA]=\"qtvr-wap06.dev.lprnd.net\",D[O.ALPHA]=\"accdn-a.lpsnmedia.net\",D[O.GA]=\"accdn.lpsnmedia.net\",u(),{isValidByLocations:i,cleanLocations:s,updateLocations:l,convertLocations:c}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager=window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager||function(e){function t(e,t,n){var r,o,a=t.app,i={},s=!1;t.keys&&Array.isArray(e)?(o=e.length,s=!0):(o=1,t.keys=[t.key],e=[e]),e.forEach(function(e,c){e=encodeURIComponent(e),l(a,e,function(e){r=t.keys[c],i[r]=e?S.getItems(e,t.appName):null,o--,0===o&&(w.hasProperties(i)?s?w.runCallback(n,i):w.runCallback(n,i[r]):(w.runCallback(n,null),k(\"No value\")))})})}function n(e,t,n){var o=t.app;\ne=encodeURIComponent(e),e?l(o,e,function(a){!a&&w.isTouchRequest(t)?w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No value to touch\"}):r(o,e,a,t,n)}):w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No key specified.\"})}function r(e,t,n,r,o){var s=S.getItemId(n&&n[r.appName]),l=w.isTouchRequest(r);\"undefined\"==typeof t||\"undefined\"==typeof r.value&&!l?!l&&n&&n[r.appName]?a(e,t,s,r,o,n):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Object not found.\"}):i(e,t,s,r,o,n)}function o(e){C.hasValidStorageSelected(e)&&window.setTimeout(function(){g(e,d.bind(this,e))},b)}function a(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=w.removeKeyFromObj(a&&a[r.appName],n);w.hasProperties(i&&i[r.appName])||(i=w.removeKeyFromObj(i&&i,r.appName)),w.hasProperties(i)?s(e,t,i,function(e){w.runCallback(o,e&&e.error?e:null)}):c(e,t,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||u(e,t)})}function i(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=S.enhanceObject(a,n,r);i?s(e,t,i,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||p(e,t)}):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Unable to set the item.\"})}function s(e,t,n,r){\"undefined\"!=typeof n&&\"\"!==n&&null!==n?C.getStorage(e).set(t,w.encodeItem(n),r):C.getStorage(e).remove(t,r)}function l(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).get(t,function(e){w.runCallback(n,S.cleanupObject(w.decodeItem(e)))})}function c(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).remove(t,n)}function u(e,t){(!y||y.hasOwnProperty(t))&&g(e,function(){y&&y.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})}function p(e,t){y?y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Adding key to map: \"+t)):g(e,function(){y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Got Map, adding key to map: \"+t))})}function g(e,t){l(e,v,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?e:{},(\"object\"!=typeof y||null===y)&&(y={}),w.runCallback(t,e),T(\"Got map: \"+JSON.stringify(y))})}function f(e,t){s(e,v,t,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?t:{},T(\"Setting map: \"+JSON.stringify(t))})}function d(e,t){y=\"object\"==typeof y?y:{},t=\"object\"==typeof t&&t||y;for(var n in t)T(\"Got key in map: \"+n),t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&m(e,n)}function m(e,t){l(e,t,function(n){var r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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1185, 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1194, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282], "attributes": [[], [], [7, 8], [13, 14, 7, 15], [13, 14, 7, 17], [13, 14, 7, 19], [13, 14, 7, 21], [24, 25, 26, 27, 7, 28], [], [32, 33, 26, 34, 7, 35], [], [7, 39], [], [], [32, 42, 26, 43, 7, 44], [], [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 7, 54], [], [52, 56, 48, 57, 7, 58], [], [52, 60, 48, 57, 7, 61], [], [50, 63, 48, 57, 52, 64, 7, 65], [], [52, 67, 48, 57, 50, 63, 7, 68], [], [48, 57, 52, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 50, 63, 7, 75], [], [52, 77, 48, 57, 50, 63, 7, 78], [], [81, 82, 83, -1], [83, -1, 81, 84], [83, -1, 81, 85], [83, -1, 81, 86], [50, 87, 83, -1, 81, 88, 7, 89], [50, 87, 83, -1, 81, 91, 7, 92], [81, 94, 83, -1, 7, 95], [83, -1, 81, 84, 7, 97], [50, 87, 83, -1, 81, 99, 7, 100], [83, -1, 81, 85, 7, 102], [83, -1, 81, 86, 7, 104], [81, 106, 7, 107], [], [81, 110, 50, 87, 7, 111], [], [48, 57, 52, 113, 71, 114, 73, 74, 7, 115], [], [52, 117, 48, 57, 50, 63, 7, 118], [], [52, 120, 48, 57, 50, 63, 7, 121], [], [], [], [7, 126], [], [], [], [], [130, 2, 81, 131, 7, 132], [130, 2, 134, 135, 81, 136, 7, 137], [83, -1, 134, 139, 81, 140, 130, 141, 7, 142], [83, -1, 134, 144, 81, 145, 130, 141, 7, 146], [83, -1, 134, 148, 81, 149, 130, 141, 7, 150], [83, -1, 134, 152, 81, 153, 130, 141, 7, 154], [83, -1, 134, 156, 81, 157, 130, 141, 7, 158], [50, 87, 130, 2, 81, 160, 7, 161], [50, 87, 130, 2, 81, 163, 7, 164], [166, 167, 7, 168], [166, 170, 7, 171], [130, 2, 81, 131], [], [134, 175, 176, 177, 7, 178], [134, 181, 182, 183, 7, 184], [], [], [], [], [7, 189], [], [], [], [], [193, 194, 182, 195, 196, 197, 7, 198], [], [193, 200, 7, 201], [], [134, 203, 7, 204], [], [193, 207, 7, 208], [], [7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [], [52, 220, 7, 221], [], [], [7, 225], [], [52, 228, 7, 229], [], [], [], [], [193, 232, 7, 233], [], [52, 235, 7, 236], [], [193, 240, 7, 241], [], [], [], [], [134, 248, 193, 249, 7, 250], [], [7, 253], [], [], [52, 256, 257, 258, 7, 259], [], [7, 261], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 264, 7, 265], [], [193, 267, 7, 268], [], [52, 270, 257, 258, 7, 271], [], [81, 275, 193, 276, 7, 277], [], [], [], [], [134, 280, 7, 281], [], [7, 284], [], [193, 287, 7, 288], [], [], [], [], [193, 292, 7, 293], [], [193, 295, 7, 296], [], [134, 299, 193, 300, 7, 301], [], [134, 303, 7, 304], [], [134, 307, 7, 308], [], [312, 14, 313, 314, 134, 315, 32, 315, 50, 316, 317, 318, 7, 319], [], [312, 14, 313, 321, 134, 322, 32, 322, 50, 316, 317, 323, 7, 324], [], [193, 326, 7, 327], [], [134, 329, 193, 330, 7, 331], [], [193, 334, 7, 335], [], [193, 337, 7, 338], [], [], [], [342, 343, 344, 345, 134, 346, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 350], [312, 14, 313, 314, 134, 315, 32, 315, 50, 316, 317, 318, 7, 352], [312, 14, 313, 354, 134, 355, 32, 355, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 357], [312, 14, 313, 359, 134, 360, 32, 360, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 361], [312, 14, 313, 363, 134, 364, 32, 364, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 365], [134, 367, 32, 367, 50, 316, 317, -1, 7, 368], [312, 14, 313, 370, 134, 371, 32, 371, 50, 316, 317, 372, 7, 373], [312, 14, 313, 375, 134, 376, 32, 376, 50, 316, 317, 372, 7, 377], [134, 379, 32, 379, 50, 316, 317, -1, 7, 380], [312, 14, 313, 382, 134, 383, 32, 383, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 384], [312, 14, 386, 387, 313, 388, 134, 389, 32, 389, 50, 316, 317, 323, 7, 390], [134, 383, 32, 383, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 392], [134, 389, 32, 389, 50, 316, 317, 323, 7, 394], [], [193, -1, 182, -1, 7, 398], [], [7, 401], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 407], [], [193, 409, 7, 410], [], [193, 413, 7, 414], [417, 418, 7, 419], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 423], [], [312, 14, 425, 426, 427, 428, 313, 429, 134, 418, 32, 418, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 435, 436, 432, 437, 14, 438, 432, 193, 439, 7, 440], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 443], [], [193, 445, 7, 446], [], [193, 448, 449, 418, 450, 14, 7, 451], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 453], [], [], [193, 455, 7, 456], [], [193, 409, 7, 459], [], [193, 413, 7, 461], [417, 463, 193, 464, 7, 465], [], [], [], [193, 468, 7, 469], [], [193, 471, 7, 472], [], [193, 474, 475, 463, 312, 14, 313, 476, 134, 463, 32, 463, 50, 477, 317, 478, 7, 479], [], [417, 481, 193, 482, 7, 483], [], [193, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [], [], [193, 471, 7, 492], [], [193, 474, 475, 463, 134, 463, 32, 463, 50, 477, 317, 494, 7, 495], [], [417, 497, 193, 498, 7, 499], [], [193, 501, 7, 502], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 506], [], [193, 445, 7, 508], [], [193, 510, 449, 463, 450, 14, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 513], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 516], [], [193, 409, 7, 519], [], [193, 413, 7, 522], [417, 524, 7, 525], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 528], [], [530, 531, 532, 533, 193, 534, 7, 535], [], [538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 134, 544, 32, 544, 182, 545, 50, 430, 317, -1, 193, 546, 547, 548, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 549, 436, 432, 438, 432, 7, 550], [], [552, 524, 312, 14, 313, 553, 134, 524, 32, 524, 182, 554, 50, 430, 317, 356, 7, 555], [], [134, 557, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 559], [], [], [7, 563], [7, 565], [], [193, 568, 7, 569], [], [193, 442, 7, 572], [], [193, 575, 7, 576], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 579], [], [193, 581, 7, 582], [], [193, 584, 449, 524, 450, 14, 7, 585], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 587], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 589], [], [193, 409, 7, 591], [], [193, 413, 7, 593], [], [417, 595, 7, 596], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 601, 7, 602], [], [193, 605, 312, 14, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 313, 614, 134, 615, 32, 615, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 619], [317, -1, 7, 622], [], [], [317, 613, 7, 625], [], [], [317, 628, 7, 629], [], [], [317, 632, 7, 633], [], [], [317, 636, 7, 637], [], [], [317, 640, 7, 641], [], [], [317, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [317, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [317, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [317, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [317, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [317, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [317, 611, 7, 668], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 672], [], [193, 674, 312, 14, 606, 675, 134, 676, 32, 676, 182, 677, 530, 616, 617, 618, 438, 432, 7, 678], [317, -1, 7, 680], [], [], [317, 683, 7, 684], [], [], [317, 613, 7, 687], [], [], [317, 628, 7, 689], [], [], [317, 632, 7, 691], [], [], [317, 636, 7, 693], [], [], [317, 640, 7, 695], [], [], [317, 644, 7, 697], [], [], [317, 648, 7, 699], [], [], [317, 652, 7, 701], [], [], [317, 656, 7, 703], [], [], [317, 660, 7, 705], [], [], [317, 664, 7, 707], [], [], [317, 611, 7, 709], [], [], [317, 435, 7, 711], [], [], [317, 713, 7, 714], [], [], [317, 716, 7, 717], [], [], [317, 549, 7, 719], [], [], [317, 721, 7, 722], [], [], [317, 724, 7, 725], [], [], [317, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [317, 730, 7, 731], [], [], [317, 733, 7, 734], [], [], [317, 736, 7, 737], [], [], [317, 739, 7, 740], [], [], [317, 742, 7, 743], [], [], [317, 745, 7, 746], [], [], [317, 748, 7, 749], [], [], [317, 751, 7, 752], [], [], [317, 754, 7, 755], [], [], [317, 757, 7, 758], [], [], [317, 760, 7, 761], [], [], [317, 763, 7, 764], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 766], [], [193, 768, 312, 14, 606, 769, 313, 770, 134, 771, 32, 771, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 772], [317, -1, 7, 774], [], [], [317, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [317, 780, 7, 781], [], [], [317, 783, 7, 784], [], [], [317, 786, 7, 787], [], [], [317, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [317, 792, 7, 793], [], [], [317, 795, 7, 796], [], [], [317, 798, 7, 799], [], [], [317, 801, 7, 802], [], [], [317, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [317, 807, 7, 808], [], [], [317, 810, 7, 811], [], [], [317, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [317, 816, 7, 817], [], [], [317, 819, 7, 820], [], [], [317, 822, 7, 823], [], [], [317, 825, 7, 826], [], [], [317, 828, 7, 829], [], [], [317, 831, 7, 832], [], [], [317, 834, 7, 835], [], [], [317, 837, 7, 838], [], [], [317, 840, 7, 841], [], [], [317, 843, 7, 844], [], [], [317, 846, 7, 847], [], [], [317, 849, 7, 850], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 852], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 854], [], [193, 448, 449, 615, 450, 14, 7, 856], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 858], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 860], [], [193, 448, 449, 771, 450, 14, 7, 862], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 864], [], [193, 445, 7, 866], [], [134, 868, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 869], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 872], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 874], [], [193, 409, 7, 876], [], [193, 413, 7, 878], [417, 880, 7, 881], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 884], [], [193, 886, 312, 14, 425, 887, 427, 648, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 894, 648, 32, 880, 895, 896, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 897], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 900], [], [193, 445, 7, 902], [], [193, 510, 449, 880, 450, 14, 7, 904], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 907], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 909], [], [193, 409, 7, 911], [], [193, 413, 7, 913], [], [417, 915, 7, 916], [], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 919], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 134, 915, 32, 915, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 925], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 928], [], [193, 445, 7, 930], [], [193, 510, 449, 915, 450, 14, 7, 932], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 934], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 936], [], [193, 939, 50, 940, 941, 942, 7, 943], [], [], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 945], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 949, 7, 950], [], [134, 953, 193, 409, 7, 954], [], [81, 956, 7, 957], [], [], [], [], [193, 961, 7, 962], [], [193, 964, 7, 965], [], [193, 967, 7, 968], [], [134, 970, 7, 971], [], [7, 973], [], [7, 977], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 7, 981], [7, 984], [], [], [], [7, 989], [], [7, 992], [], [52, 995, 257, 258, 7, 996], [7, 998], [], [], [7, 1002], [], [7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [7, 1009], [], [], [7, 1012], [], [7, 1014], [], [], [7, 1018], [], [7, 1020], [], [7, 1022], [], [52, 1025, 257, 258, 7, 1026], [7, 1028], [], [], [52, 1032, 257, 258, 7, 1033], [7, 1035], [], [], [7, 1039], [], [193, 1041, 7, 1042], [], [7, 1044], [], [7, 1047], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 1050, 1051, 941, 1051, 7, 1052], [7, 1054], [], [], [7, 1057], [], [193, 1041, 182, 1059, 7, 1060], [], [52, 1062, 257, 258, 1050, 1063, 941, 1063, 7, 1064], [], [], [52, 1067, 257, 258, 941, 1068, 7, 1069], [], [], [52, 1071, 257, 258, 7, 1072], [], [], [7, 1075], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [81, 1080, 50, 87, 7, 1081], [], [81, 1083, 50, 87, 7, 1084], [], [81, 1086, 50, 87, 7, 1087], [], [81, 1089, 50, 87, 7, 1090], [], [81, 1092, 50, 87, 7, 1093], [], [81, 1095, 50, 87, 7, 1096], [], [81, 1098, 50, 87, 7, 1099], [], [81, 1101, 50, 87, 7, 1102], [], [81, 1104, 50, 87, 7, 1105], [], [81, 1107, 7, 1108], [], [81, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1115], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1119], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1123], [], [], [193, 1127, 134, 1128, 617, 618, 1129, 432, 182, 1130, 7, 1131], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1135], [134, 1137, 193, 1138, 617, 683, 7, 1139], [], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1142], [134, 1144, 193, 1145, 617, 683, 7, 1146], [], [193, 1149, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 182, 554, 7, 1155], [193, 1157, 7, 1158], [134, 1154, 193, 1160, 7, 1161], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1167], [193, 1169, 7, 1170], [193, 1172, 7, 1173], [], [134, 1152, 182, -1, 1175, 1176, 193, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1182], [193, 1184, 7, 1185], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1188], [193, 1172, 7, 1190], [], [193, 1192, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1193, 1153, 1194, 182, 554, 7, 1195], [193, 1157, 7, 1197], [134, 1194, 193, 1160, 7, 1199], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1201], [193, 1169, 7, 1203], [193, 1172, 7, 1205], [], [134, 1193, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1207], [], [193, 1209, 7, 1210], [], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1213, 1153, 1214, 182, 1215, 7, 1216], [193, 1157, 7, 1218], [134, 1214, 193, 1160, 7, 1220], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1223], [193, 1169, 7, 1225], [193, 1172, 7, 1227], [], [134, 1213, 1175, 1229, 1230, 1231, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1232], [], [134, 1234, 182, 554, 7, 1235], [], [1050, 1237, 81, 1238, 7, 1239], [], [], [134, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [342, 1246, 134, 1247, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1248], [], [134, 1250, 182, 1251, 7, 1252], [], [7, 1254], [], [7, 1256], [], [417, 915, 7, 1258], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 915, 32, 915, 182, 1262, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1263], [], [193, 445, 7, 1265], [], [193, 1267, 449, 915, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1269], [], [], [], [7, 1271], [], [417, 880, 7, 1273], [], [], [193, 1276, 312, 14, 425, 1277, 427, 660, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 32, 880, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1278], [], [193, 445, 7, 1280], [], [193, 1267, 449, 880, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1282], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1284], [193, 1184, 7, 1286], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1289], [193, 1172, 7, 1291], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1293], [193, 1172, 7, 1295], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1299], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1302], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1305], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1308], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1311], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1314], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1317], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1320], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1322, 1153, 1323, 182, 1215, 7, 1324], [193, 1157, 7, 1326], [134, 1323, 193, 1160, 7, 1328], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1331], [193, 1169, 7, 1333], [193, 1172, 7, 1335], [], [134, 1322, 182, -1, 1175, 1337, 1230, 1338, 1339, 1340, 193, 1177, 7, 1341], [], [134, 1343, 7, 1344], [], [7, 1346], [], [], [7, 1349], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1352], [193, 1184, 7, 1354], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1356], [193, 1172, 7, 1358], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1360], [193, 1172, 7, 1362], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1364], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1366], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1368], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1370], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1372], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1374], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1376], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1378], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1380, 1153, 1381, 182, 1215, 7, 1382], [193, 1157, 7, 1384], [134, 1381, 193, 1160, 7, 1386], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1389], [193, 1169, 7, 1391], [193, 1172, 7, 1393], [], [134, 1380, 1175, 1395, 182, 1396, 193, 1177, 7, 1397], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1400], [193, 1184, 7, 1402], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1404], [193, 1172, 7, 1406], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1408], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1410], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1412], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1414], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1416], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1418], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1420], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1422], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1425, 182, 1215, 7, 1426], [193, 1157, 7, 1428], [134, 1425, 193, 1160, 7, 1430], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1433], [193, 1169, 7, 1435], [193, 1172, 7, 1437], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1439], [193, 1184, 7, 1441], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1444], [193, 1172, 7, 1446], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1449], [193, 1172, 7, 1451], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1453], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1455], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1457], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1459], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1461], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1463], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1465], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1467], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1470, 182, 1215, 7, 1471], [193, 1157, 7, 1473], [134, 1470, 193, 1160, 7, 1475], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1478], [193, 1169, 7, 1480], [193, 1172, 7, 1482], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1484], [193, 1184, 7, 1486], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1488], [193, 1172, 7, 1490], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1492], [193, 1172, 7, 1494], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1496], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1498], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1500], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1502], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1504], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1506], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1508], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1510], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1514, 182, 554, 7, 1515], [193, 1157, 7, 1517], [134, 1514, 193, 1160, 7, 1519], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1522], [193, 1169, 7, 1524], [193, 1172, 7, 1526], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1528], [193, 1184, 7, 1530], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1532], [193, 1172, 7, 1534], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1537, 182, 554, 7, 1538], [193, 1157, 7, 1540], [134, 1537, 193, 1160, 7, 1542], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1544], [193, 1169, 7, 1546], [193, 1172, 7, 1548], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1550], [193, 1184, 7, 1552], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1554], [193, 1172, 7, 1556], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1559], [], [50, 87, 7, 1561], [], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1564], [7, 1566], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1569], [], [50, 87, 7, 1571], [], [], [], [50, 87, 134, -1, 7, 1573], [], [], [7, 1576], [], [], [617, 683, 1580, 14, 530, 1134, 941, 1581, 32, 1582, 134, 1582, 81, 1583, 182, 1584, 7, 1585], [134, 1587, 81, 1588, 7, 1589], [182, 1592, 7, 1593], [1595, 1596, 182, 1597, 7, 1598], [182, 1600, 7, 1601], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1604], [182, 1597, 7, 1606], [182, 1600, 7, 1608], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1610], [182, 1600, 7, 1612], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1614], [182, 1600, 7, 1616], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1618], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1128, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1128, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1424, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1620], [], [342, 1622, 134, 1623, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1624], [], [193, 1626, 7, 1627], [], [193, 1630, 7, 1631], [], [7, 1634], [], [7, 1636], [], [193, 413, 7, 1638], [193, 1640, 7, 1641], [], [417, 1644, 7, 1645], [], [], [193, 1648, 312, 14, 425, 1649, 427, 428, 313, 1650, 134, 1644, 32, 1644, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1651], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1644, 450, 14, 7, 1653], [], [], [7, 1655], [], [193, 413, 7, 1657], [193, 1640, 7, 1659], [], [417, 1661, 7, 1662], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 1661, 32, 1661, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1664], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1661, 450, 14, 7, 1666], [], [], [7, 1668], [], [193, 413, 7, 1670], [193, 1640, 7, 1672], [], [417, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [], [7, 1678], [], [1681, 730, 312, 14, 313, 1682, 134, 1674, 32, 1674, 1683, 628, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1684], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1674, 450, 14, 7, 1686], [], [], [134, 32, 7, 1688], [], [134, 1690, 32, 1690, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1691], [], [134, 1260, 32, 1260, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1693], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1154, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1154, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1469, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1695], [], [134, 1698, 342, 1699, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1700], [], [50, 316, 134, 1702, 32, 1702, 317, 14, 7, 1703], [], [7, 1705], [], [7, 1707], [], [417, 1709, 7, 1710], [], [], [50, 430, 134, 1709, 32, 1713, 313, 1714, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1715], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1713, 450, 14, 7, 1720], [], [], [], [7, 1723], [], [417, 1725, 7, 1726], [], [], [134, 1725, 313, 1729, 32, 1730, 50, 1731, 193, 1732, 7, 1733], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1735], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1730, 450, 14, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [7, 1739], [], [417, 1741, 7, 1742], [], [], [193, 1746, 134, 1741, 32, 1747, 182, -1, 7, 1748], [317, 1750, 7, 1751], [], [], [317, 1753, 7, 1754], [], [], [317, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [317, 1759, 7, 1760], [], [], [317, 1762, 7, 1763], [], [], [317, 1765, 7, 1766], [], [], [], [], [7, 1769], [], [417, 1771, 7, 1772], [], [], [134, 1771, 32, 1775, 1683, 636, 1681, 428, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1776], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1194, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1194, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1513, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1778], [], [134, 1780, 7, 1781], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1214, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1214, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1536, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1783], [], [134, 1785, 7, 1786], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1109, 1213], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [157, 159, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 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[203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [47, 392.8125, 61.75, 215], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 218, 214, -1, 223, 224, -1, 227, -1, 231, 210, -1, -1, 238, -1, -1, 244, 246, 206, -1, -1, 255, 210, -1, 214, -1, 263, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 340, -1, -1, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 421, 210, -1, -1, 210, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 467, 210, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 489, 490, 214, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 504, 505, 214, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 527, 518, -1, -1, 537, -1, 521, -1, -1, -1, -1, 578, 571, -1, 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1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [], [8, 78, 222, 100], [], [], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [253, 395, 0, 17], [253, 395, 0, 17], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 976, 1264, 18], [], [753, 976, 121, 17], [753, 976, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1148, 1264, 17], [8, 1148, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1148, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1148, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 62, 216], [], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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178], [134, 181, 182, 183, 7, 184], [], [], [], [], [7, 189], [], [], [], [], [193, 194, 182, 195, 196, 197, 7, 198], [], [193, 200, 7, 201], [], [134, 203, 7, 204], [], [193, 207, 7, 208], [], [7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [], [52, 220, 7, 221], [], [], [7, 225], [], [52, 228, 7, 229], [], [], [], [], [193, 232, 7, 233], [], [52, 235, 7, 236], [], [193, 240, 7, 241], [], [], [], [], [134, 248, 193, 249, 7, 250], [], [7, 253], [], [], [52, 256, 257, 258, 7, 259], [], [7, 261], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 264, 7, 265], [], [193, 267, 7, 268], [], [52, 270, 257, 258, 7, 271], [], [81, 275, 193, 276, 7, 277], [], [], [], [], [134, 280, 7, 281], [], [7, 284], [], [193, 287, 7, 288], [], [], [], [], [193, 292, 7, 293], [], [193, 295, 7, 296], [], [134, 299, 193, 300, 7, 301], [], [134, 303, 7, 304], [], [134, 307, 7, 308], [], [312, 14, 313, 314, 134, 315, 32, 315, 50, 316, 317, 318, 7, 319], [], [312, 14, 313, 321, 134, 322, 32, 322, 50, 316, 317, 323, 7, 324], [], [193, 326, 7, 327], [], 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7, 519], [], [193, 413, 7, 522], [417, 524, 7, 525], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 528], [], [530, 531, 532, 533, 193, 534, 7, 535], [], [538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 134, 544, 32, 544, 182, 545, 50, 430, 317, -1, 193, 546, 547, 548, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 549, 436, 432, 438, 432, 7, 550], [], [552, 524, 312, 14, 313, 553, 134, 524, 32, 524, 182, 554, 50, 430, 317, 356, 7, 555], [], [134, 557, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 559], [], [], [7, 563], [7, 565], [], [193, 568, 7, 569], [], [193, 442, 7, 572], [], [193, 575, 7, 576], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 579], [], [193, 581, 7, 582], [], [193, 584, 449, 524, 450, 14, 7, 585], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 587], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 589], [], [193, 409, 7, 591], [], [193, 413, 7, 593], [], [417, 595, 7, 596], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 601, 7, 602], [], [193, 605, 312, 14, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 313, 614, 134, 615, 32, 615, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 619], [317, -1, 7, 622], [], [], [317, 613, 7, 625], [], [], [317, 628, 7, 629], [], [], [317, 632, 7, 633], [], [], [317, 636, 7, 637], [], [], [317, 640, 7, 641], [], [], [317, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [317, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [317, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [317, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [317, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [317, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [317, 611, 7, 668], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 672], [], [193, 674, 312, 14, 606, 675, 134, 676, 32, 676, 182, 677, 530, 616, 617, 618, 438, 432, 7, 678], [317, -1, 7, 680], [], [], [317, 683, 7, 684], [], [], [317, 613, 7, 687], [], [], [317, 628, 7, 689], [], [], [317, 632, 7, 691], [], [], [317, 636, 7, 693], [], [], [317, 640, 7, 695], [], [], [317, 644, 7, 697], [], [], [317, 648, 7, 699], [], [], [317, 652, 7, 701], [], [], [317, 656, 7, 703], [], [], [317, 660, 7, 705], [], [], [317, 664, 7, 707], [], [], [317, 611, 7, 709], [], [], [317, 435, 7, 711], [], [], [317, 713, 7, 714], [], [], [317, 716, 7, 717], [], [], [317, 549, 7, 719], [], [], [317, 721, 7, 722], [], [], [317, 724, 7, 725], [], [], [317, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [317, 730, 7, 731], [], [], [317, 733, 7, 734], [], [], [317, 736, 7, 737], [], [], [317, 739, 7, 740], [], [], [317, 742, 7, 743], [], [], [317, 745, 7, 746], [], [], [317, 748, 7, 749], [], [], [317, 751, 7, 752], [], [], [317, 754, 7, 755], [], [], [317, 757, 7, 758], [], [], [317, 760, 7, 761], [], [], [317, 763, 7, 764], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 766], [], [193, 768, 312, 14, 606, 769, 313, 770, 134, 771, 32, 771, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 772], [317, -1, 7, 774], [], [], [317, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [317, 780, 7, 781], [], [], [317, 783, 7, 784], [], [], [317, 786, 7, 787], [], [], [317, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [317, 792, 7, 793], [], [], [317, 795, 7, 796], [], [], [317, 798, 7, 799], [], [], [317, 801, 7, 802], [], [], [317, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [317, 807, 7, 808], [], [], [317, 810, 7, 811], [], [], [317, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [317, 816, 7, 817], [], [], [317, 819, 7, 820], [], [], [317, 822, 7, 823], [], [], [317, 825, 7, 826], [], [], [317, 828, 7, 829], [], [], [317, 831, 7, 832], [], [], [317, 834, 7, 835], [], [], [317, 837, 7, 838], [], [], [317, 840, 7, 841], [], [], [317, 843, 7, 844], [], [], [317, 846, 7, 847], [], [], [317, 849, 7, 850], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 852], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 854], [], [193, 448, 449, 615, 450, 14, 7, 856], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 858], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 860], [], [193, 448, 449, 771, 450, 14, 7, 862], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 864], [], [193, 445, 7, 866], [], [134, 868, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 869], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 872], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 874], [], [193, 409, 7, 876], [], [193, 413, 7, 878], [417, 880, 7, 881], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 884], [], [193, 886, 312, 14, 425, 887, 427, 648, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 894, 648, 32, 880, 895, 896, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 897], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 900], [], [193, 445, 7, 902], [], [193, 510, 449, 880, 450, 14, 7, 904], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 907], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 909], [], [193, 409, 7, 911], [], [193, 413, 7, 913], [], [417, 915, 7, 916], [], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 919], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 134, 915, 32, 915, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 925], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 928], [], [193, 445, 7, 930], [], [193, 510, 449, 915, 450, 14, 7, 932], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 934], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 936], [], [193, 939, 50, 940, 941, 942, 7, 943], [], [], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 945], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 949, 7, 950], [], [134, 953, 193, 409, 7, 954], [], [81, 956, 7, 957], [], [], [], [], [193, 961, 7, 962], [], [193, 964, 7, 965], [], [193, 967, 7, 968], [], [134, 970, 7, 971], [], [7, 973], [], [7, 977], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 7, 981], [7, 984], [], [], [], [7, 989], [], [7, 992], [], [52, 995, 257, 258, 7, 996], [7, 998], [], [], [7, 1002], [], [7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [7, 1009], [], [], [7, 1012], [], [7, 1014], [], [], [7, 1018], [], [7, 1020], [], [7, 1022], [], [52, 1025, 257, 258, 7, 1026], [7, 1028], [], [], [52, 1032, 257, 258, 7, 1033], [7, 1035], [], [], [7, 1039], [], [193, 1041, 7, 1042], [], [7, 1044], [], [7, 1047], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 1050, 1051, 941, 1051, 7, 1052], [7, 1054], [], [], [7, 1057], [], [193, 1041, 182, 1059, 7, 1060], [], [52, 1062, 257, 258, 1050, 1063, 941, 1063, 7, 1064], [], [], [52, 1067, 257, 258, 941, 1068, 7, 1069], [], [], [52, 1071, 257, 258, 7, 1072], [], [], [7, 1075], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [81, 1080, 50, 87, 7, 1081], [], [81, 1083, 50, 87, 7, 1084], [], [81, 1086, 50, 87, 7, 1087], [], [81, 1089, 50, 87, 7, 1090], [], [81, 1092, 50, 87, 7, 1093], [], [81, 1095, 50, 87, 7, 1096], [], [81, 1098, 50, 87, 7, 1099], [], [81, 1101, 50, 87, 7, 1102], [], [81, 1104, 50, 87, 7, 1105], [], [81, 1107, 7, 1108], [], [81, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1115], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1119], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1123], [], [], [193, 1127, 134, 1128, 617, 618, 1129, 432, 182, 1130, 7, 1131], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1135], [134, 1137, 193, 1138, 617, 683, 7, 1139], [], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1142], [134, 1144, 193, 1145, 617, 683, 7, 1146], [], [193, 1149, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 182, 554, 7, 1155], [193, 1157, 7, 1158], [134, 1154, 193, 1160, 7, 1161], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1167], [193, 1169, 7, 1170], [193, 1172, 7, 1173], [], [134, 1152, 182, -1, 1175, 1176, 193, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1182], [193, 1184, 7, 1185], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1188], [193, 1172, 7, 1190], [], [193, 1192, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1193, 1153, 1194, 182, 554, 7, 1195], [193, 1157, 7, 1197], [134, 1194, 193, 1160, 7, 1199], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1201], [193, 1169, 7, 1203], [193, 1172, 7, 1205], [], [134, 1193, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1207], [], [193, 1209, 7, 1210], [], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1213, 1153, 1214, 182, 1215, 7, 1216], [193, 1157, 7, 1218], [134, 1214, 193, 1160, 7, 1220], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1223], [193, 1169, 7, 1225], [193, 1172, 7, 1227], [], [134, 1213, 1175, 1229, 1230, 1231, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1232], [], [134, 1234, 182, 554, 7, 1235], [], [1050, 1237, 81, 1238, 7, 1239], [], [], [134, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [342, 1246, 134, 1247, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1248], [], [134, 1250, 182, 1251, 7, 1252], [], [7, 1254], [], [7, 1256], [], [417, 915, 7, 1258], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 915, 32, 915, 182, 1262, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1263], [], [193, 445, 7, 1265], [], [193, 1267, 449, 915, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1269], [], [], [], [7, 1271], [], [417, 880, 7, 1273], [], [], [193, 1276, 312, 14, 425, 1277, 427, 660, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 32, 880, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1278], [], [193, 445, 7, 1280], [], [193, 1267, 449, 880, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1282], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1284], [193, 1184, 7, 1286], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1289], [193, 1172, 7, 1291], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1293], [193, 1172, 7, 1295], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1299], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1302], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1305], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1308], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1311], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1314], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1317], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1320], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1322, 1153, 1323, 182, 1215, 7, 1324], [193, 1157, 7, 1326], [134, 1323, 193, 1160, 7, 1328], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1331], [193, 1169, 7, 1333], [193, 1172, 7, 1335], [], [134, 1322, 182, -1, 1175, 1337, 1230, 1338, 1339, 1340, 193, 1177, 7, 1341], [], [134, 1343, 7, 1344], [], [7, 1346], [], [], [7, 1349], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1352], [193, 1184, 7, 1354], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1356], [193, 1172, 7, 1358], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1360], [193, 1172, 7, 1362], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1364], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1366], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1368], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1370], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1372], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1374], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1376], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1378], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1380, 1153, 1381, 182, 1215, 7, 1382], [193, 1157, 7, 1384], [134, 1381, 193, 1160, 7, 1386], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1389], [193, 1169, 7, 1391], [193, 1172, 7, 1393], [], [134, 1380, 1175, 1395, 182, 1396, 193, 1177, 7, 1397], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1400], [193, 1184, 7, 1402], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1404], [193, 1172, 7, 1406], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1408], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1410], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1412], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1414], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1416], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1418], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1420], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1422], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1425, 182, 1215, 7, 1426], [193, 1157, 7, 1428], [134, 1425, 193, 1160, 7, 1430], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1433], [193, 1169, 7, 1435], [193, 1172, 7, 1437], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1439], [193, 1184, 7, 1441], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1444], [193, 1172, 7, 1446], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1449], [193, 1172, 7, 1451], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1453], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1455], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1457], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1459], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1461], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1463], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1465], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1467], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1470, 182, 1215, 7, 1471], [193, 1157, 7, 1473], [134, 1470, 193, 1160, 7, 1475], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1478], [193, 1169, 7, 1480], [193, 1172, 7, 1482], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1484], [193, 1184, 7, 1486], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1488], [193, 1172, 7, 1490], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1492], [193, 1172, 7, 1494], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1496], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1498], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1500], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1502], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1504], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1506], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1508], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1510], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1514, 182, 554, 7, 1515], [193, 1157, 7, 1517], [134, 1514, 193, 1160, 7, 1519], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1522], [193, 1169, 7, 1524], [193, 1172, 7, 1526], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1528], [193, 1184, 7, 1530], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1532], [193, 1172, 7, 1534], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1537, 182, 554, 7, 1538], [193, 1157, 7, 1540], [134, 1537, 193, 1160, 7, 1542], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1544], [193, 1169, 7, 1546], [193, 1172, 7, 1548], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1550], [193, 1184, 7, 1552], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1554], [193, 1172, 7, 1556], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1559], [], [50, 87, 7, 1561], [], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1564], [7, 1566], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1569], [], [50, 87, 7, 1571], [], [], [], [50, 87, 134, -1, 7, 1573], [], [], [7, 1576], [], [], [617, 683, 1580, 14, 530, 1134, 941, 1581, 32, 1582, 134, 1582, 81, 1583, 182, 1584, 7, 1585], [134, 1587, 81, 1588, 7, 1589], [182, 1592, 7, 1593], [1595, 1596, 182, 1597, 7, 1598], [182, 1600, 7, 1601], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1604], [182, 1597, 7, 1606], [182, 1600, 7, 1608], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1610], [182, 1600, 7, 1612], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1614], [182, 1600, 7, 1616], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1618], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1128, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1128, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1424, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1620], [], [342, 1622, 134, 1623, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1624], [], [193, 1626, 7, 1627], [], [193, 1630, 7, 1631], [], [7, 1634], [], [7, 1636], [], [193, 413, 7, 1638], [193, 1640, 7, 1641], [], [417, 1644, 7, 1645], [], [], [193, 1648, 312, 14, 425, 1649, 427, 428, 313, 1650, 134, 1644, 32, 1644, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1651], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1644, 450, 14, 7, 1653], [], [], [7, 1655], [], [193, 413, 7, 1657], [193, 1640, 7, 1659], [], [417, 1661, 7, 1662], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 1661, 32, 1661, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1664], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1661, 450, 14, 7, 1666], [], [], [7, 1668], [], [193, 413, 7, 1670], [193, 1640, 7, 1672], [], [417, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [], [7, 1678], [], [1681, 730, 312, 14, 313, 1682, 134, 1674, 32, 1674, 1683, 628, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1684], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1674, 450, 14, 7, 1686], [], [], [134, 32, 7, 1688], [], [134, 1690, 32, 1690, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1691], [], [134, 1260, 32, 1260, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1693], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1154, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1154, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1469, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1695], [], [134, 1698, 342, 1699, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1700], [], [50, 316, 134, 1702, 32, 1702, 317, 14, 7, 1703], [], [7, 1705], [], [7, 1707], [], [417, 1709, 7, 1710], [], [], [50, 430, 134, 1709, 32, 1713, 313, 1714, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1715], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1713, 450, 14, 7, 1720], [], [], [], [7, 1723], [], [417, 1725, 7, 1726], [], [], [134, 1725, 313, 1729, 32, 1730, 50, 1731, 193, 1732, 7, 1733], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1735], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1730, 450, 14, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [7, 1739], [], [417, 1741, 7, 1742], [], [], [193, 1746, 134, 1741, 32, 1747, 182, -1, 7, 1748], [317, 1750, 7, 1751], [], [], [317, 1753, 7, 1754], [], [], [317, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [317, 1759, 7, 1760], [], [], [317, 1762, 7, 1763], [], [], [317, 1765, 7, 1766], [], [], [], [], [7, 1769], [], [417, 1771, 7, 1772], [], [], [134, 1771, 32, 1775, 1683, 636, 1681, 428, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1776], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1194, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1194, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1513, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1778], [], [134, 1780, 7, 1781], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1214, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1214, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1536, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1783], [], [134, 1785, 7, 1786], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1109, 1213], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [157, 159, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 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[203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [47, 392.8125, 61.75, 215], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 218, 214, -1, 223, 224, -1, 227, -1, 231, 210, -1, -1, 238, -1, -1, 244, 246, 206, -1, -1, 255, 210, -1, 214, -1, 263, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 340, -1, -1, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 421, 210, -1, -1, 210, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 467, 210, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 489, 490, 214, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 504, 505, 214, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 527, 518, -1, -1, 537, -1, 521, -1, -1, -1, -1, 578, 571, -1, 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[1084, 976, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1148, 1264, 17], [8, 1148, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1148, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1148, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 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337.8125, 27.5625, 17], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 4, 17], [93, 357.8125, 22.21875, 17], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [47, 392.8125, 8, 17], [47, 410.8125, 41.78125, 17], [47, 428.8125, 19.53125, 17], [47, 446.8125, 61.75, 17], [47, 464.8125, 21.328125, 17], [47, 482.8125, 16, 17], [47, 500.8125, 23.109375, 17], [47, 518.8125, 35.5625, 17], [47, 536.8125, 37.3125, 17], [47, 554.8125, 29.328125, 17], [47, 572.8125, 12.453125, 17], [47, 590.8125, 58.203125, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 17], [8, 683.8125, 1197.390625, 17], [8, 701.8125, 74.234375, 17], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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r&&r({error:e.target.result||\"Error making IDB request for \"+t}),o=null}}else\"function\"==typeof r&&r({error:\"IndexedDB not active\"})}function c(t){t?A.runCallback(e,p):u()}function u(){C>=S?A.runCallback(e,null):(C++,n())}var p,g,f,d=t||\"LPSecureStorage\",m=\"lpSS\",h=1,y=\"indexedDB\",v=\"tk\"+(new Date).getTime(),b=\"1\",w=10,T=80,k=1.1,S=15,C=0,E={READWRITE:\"readwrite\",READONLY:\"readonly\",VERSIONCHANGE:\"versionchange\"},O={ADD:\"add\",PUT:\"put\",GET:\"get\",DELETE:\"delete\"},D=window.indexedDB||window.mozIndexedDB||window.webkitIndexedDB||window.msIndexedDB,A=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;D?n():e(null),p={set:r,get:o,remove:a,isActive:i,name:y}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.DomStorageWrapper=window.lpTag.DomStorageWrapper||function(e){function t(e,t,n){var r={error:\"Unable to perform setItem on \"+e};o()&&(r=i?a.setSessionData(e,t):a.setPersistentData(e,t)),l.runCallback(n,r||null)}function n(e,t){var n={error:\"Unable to perform getItem on 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a||(a={},m(a)),a[n.appName]||(a[n.appName]={}),t||(t=w.getUID()),r=a[n.appName][t]&&a[n.appName][t].locations||{},r=h.updateLocations(r,n.origin,s),o=n.value,!o&&w.isTouchRequest(n)&&(o=a[n.appName][t]&&a[n.appName][t].value),a[n.appName][t]={value:o,locations:r,ttl:i,ts:s},a}function c(e){var t,n=(new Date).getTime(),r={};if(e&&\"object\"==typeof e)for(var o in e)e.hasOwnProperty(o)&&o!==b&&(t=f(e[o],n),t&&(r[o]=t));return w.hasProperties(r)?(m(r),r):null}function u(){h=new lpTag.DomainResolver(e,t,n,r,o,a)}function p(e){return!e||\"string\"!=typeof e&&\"number\"!=typeof e?y:+e}function g(e){var t=null,n=(new Date).getTime();if(e)for(var r in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&!d(e[r],n)&&h.isValidByLocations(e[r])){t=e[r].value;break}return t}function f(e,t){var n,r={};if(e&&\"object\"==typeof e)for(var o in e)e.hasOwnProperty(o)&&!d(e[o],t)&&(e[o].locations=h.cleanLocations(e[o].locations),e[o].locations&&(h.isValidByLocations(e[o])?(!n||e[o].ts>e[n].ts)&&(n&&r[n]&&w.removeKeyFromObj(r,n),n=o,r[o]=e[o]):r[o]=e[o]));return w.hasProperties(r)?r:null}function d(e,t){var n=\"string\"==typeof e.ts?parseInt(e.ts,10):e.ts,r=p(e.ttl);return t=t||(new Date).getTime(),n&&t>n+r}function m(e){e[b]={v:v}}var h,y=864e5,v=\"1.0\",b=\"meta\",w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return u(),{getItems:i,getItemId:s,cleanupObject:c,enhanceObject:l}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageSelector=window.lpTag.StorageSelector||function(e){function t(e,t,n,r){g=r,b[e]?a(n,e,t):i(n)}function n(e){var t=e||Object.keys(h)[0];return t&&h[t]}function r(e){var t=e||Object.keys(h)[0];return t&&h[t]&&d.runCallback(h[t].isActive)}function o(t){if((d.isIE()||d.isSafari())&&!lpTag.firstParty||e.localStorageEnabled!==!0||(b.localStorage.storage=new lpTag[b.localStorage.wrapperName]),e.cookiesEnabled===!0&&(b.secureSessionCookie.storage=new lpTag[b.secureSessionCookie.wrapperName]),e.sessionStorageEnabled===!0&&(b.sessionStorage.storage=new lpTag[b.sessionStorage.wrapperName](!0)),d.isSafari()&&!lpTag.firstParty)d.runCallback(t);else try{new lpTag[b.indexedDB.wrapperName](function(e){e&&e.isActive()&&(b.indexedDB.storage=e),d.runCallback(t)})}catch(n){d.runCallback(t)}}function a(e,t,n){m(\"_selectInitialStorage\"),n?p(e,b[t].storage):p(e,b[t].storage||c(k))}function i(e){m(\"_selectStorageByTimestampOrPriority\");var t=!1,n=s(),r=e?e+\"-\":\"\",o=!!e;v=n.length,n.forEach(function(n){t=!0,n.get(r+y,l.bind(this,e,n,o))}),t||p(e,w)}function s(){var e=[];for(var t in b)b.hasOwnProperty(t)&&b[t].storage&&e.push(b[t].storage);return e}function l(e,t,n,r){!r&&n?t.get(y,l.bind(this,e,t,!1)):(v--,b[t.name][S]=u(r),0===v&&p(e,c(S)||c(k)))}function c(e){var t;for(var n in b)b.hasOwnProperty(n)&&b[n].storage&&\"number\"==typeof b[n][e]&&b[n][e]>=0&&(t?b[n][e]>t[e]&&(t=b[n]):t=b[n]);return t&&t.storage||null}function u(e){var t=d.parseInteger(e);return\"number\"==typeof t&&t>(new Date).getTime()?t:-1}function p(e,t){var n=e?e+\"-\":\"\";t&&\"function\"==typeof t.isActive&&t.isActive()?(h[e]=t,m(\"Chosen storage: \"+h[e].name+\", app: \"+e),d.runCallback(g,{app:e,storage:h[e]}),h[e].set(n+y,(new Date).getTime()+T+\"\")):(h[e]=w,m(\"Storage selection error, chosen storage: \"+h[e].name+\", app: \"+e),d.runCallback(g,{app:e,storage:h[e]}))}var g,f=e.site,d=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,m=d.log.log,h={},y=\"storage_expiration-\"+f,v=0,b={indexedDB:{name:\"indexedDB\",priority:3,wrapperName:\"IndexDBWrapper\"},localStorage:{name:\"localStorage\",priority:2,wrapperName:\"DomStorageWrapper\"},secureSessionCookie:{name:\"secureSessionCookie\",priority:1,wrapperName:\"SessionCookieWrapper\"},sessionStorage:{name:\"sessionStorage\",priority:0,wrapperName:\"DomStorageWrapper\"}},w={name:\"NONE\",isActive:function(){return!1}},T=864e5,k=\"priority\",S=\"timestamp\";return{createWrappers:o,selectStorage:t,getStorage:n,hasValidStorageSelected:r,noStorageType:w}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.DomainResolver=window.lpTag.DomainResolver||function(e,t,n,r,o,a){function i(e){var t=e&&e.locations&&Object.keys(e.locations);return t&&Array.isArray(t)&&t.length>0?f(t):!1}function s(e){var t;if(t=e&&Object.keys(e)&&Object.keys(e).length,e&&\"object\"==typeof e&&t>1)for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(E?d(n)||T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n):d(n)&&T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n));return T.hasProperties(e)?e:null}function l(e,t,n){var r=lpTag.domainUtil.getParentDomain(t);return m(r)&&T.hasProperties(e)||(e[r]={ts:n}),e}function c(e,t){var n={};if(Array.isArray(e))for(var r=0;r1}function f(e){var t=e.filter(d);return Array.isArray(t)&&t.length>0?!0:!1}function d(e){var n,r=m(t);if(!r)for(var o=0;o-1){t=!0;break}return t}function h(e,t){lpTag.taglets.jsonp.issueCall({url:\"https://\"+b()+\"/api/account/\"+e+\"/configuration/domainprotection/refererrestrictions\",timeout:7e3,retries:3,success:y(t),error:y(t),context:this})}function y(e){return function(t){var n=Array.isArray(t)&&t.length?t[0]:null,r=n&&Array.isArray(n.whiteList)?n.whiteList:[];r=r.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e}),k(\"DataAnalyzer::_onWhiteListReceived whiteList:\"+r.join(\", \")),T.runCallback(e,r)}}function v(e,t){var n=t.substring(2),r=e.lastIndexOf(n);return r>=0&&e.length===r+n.length}function b(){return a||D[r&&r.toUpperCase()]||D[O.GA]}var w,T=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,k=T.log.log,S=/^\\*\\.([^\\.]+\\.)*([^\\.\\s])+$/gi,C=[\"liveperson.net\",\"liveperson.com\",\"lprnd.net\",\"lpsnmedia.net\"],E=\"boolean\"==typeof n?n:\"true\"===n,O={DEV:\"DEV\",QA:\"QA\",ALPHA:\"ALPHA\",GA:\"GA\"},D={};return D[O.DEV]=D[O.QA]=\"qtvr-wap06.dev.lprnd.net\",D[O.ALPHA]=\"accdn-a.lpsnmedia.net\",D[O.GA]=\"accdn.lpsnmedia.net\",u(),{isValidByLocations:i,cleanLocations:s,updateLocations:l,convertLocations:c}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager=window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager||function(e){function t(e,t,n){var r,o,a=t.app,i={},s=!1;t.keys&&Array.isArray(e)?(o=e.length,s=!0):(o=1,t.keys=[t.key],e=[e]),e.forEach(function(e,c){e=encodeURIComponent(e),l(a,e,function(e){r=t.keys[c],i[r]=e?S.getItems(e,t.appName):null,o--,0===o&&(w.hasProperties(i)?s?w.runCallback(n,i):w.runCallback(n,i[r]):(w.runCallback(n,null),k(\"No value\")))})})}function n(e,t,n){var o=t.app;\ne=encodeURIComponent(e),e?l(o,e,function(a){!a&&w.isTouchRequest(t)?w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No value to touch\"}):r(o,e,a,t,n)}):w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No key specified.\"})}function r(e,t,n,r,o){var s=S.getItemId(n&&n[r.appName]),l=w.isTouchRequest(r);\"undefined\"==typeof t||\"undefined\"==typeof r.value&&!l?!l&&n&&n[r.appName]?a(e,t,s,r,o,n):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Object not found.\"}):i(e,t,s,r,o,n)}function o(e){C.hasValidStorageSelected(e)&&window.setTimeout(function(){g(e,d.bind(this,e))},b)}function a(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=w.removeKeyFromObj(a&&a[r.appName],n);w.hasProperties(i&&i[r.appName])||(i=w.removeKeyFromObj(i&&i,r.appName)),w.hasProperties(i)?s(e,t,i,function(e){w.runCallback(o,e&&e.error?e:null)}):c(e,t,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||u(e,t)})}function i(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=S.enhanceObject(a,n,r);i?s(e,t,i,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||p(e,t)}):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Unable to set the item.\"})}function s(e,t,n,r){\"undefined\"!=typeof n&&\"\"!==n&&null!==n?C.getStorage(e).set(t,w.encodeItem(n),r):C.getStorage(e).remove(t,r)}function l(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).get(t,function(e){w.runCallback(n,S.cleanupObject(w.decodeItem(e)))})}function c(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).remove(t,n)}function u(e,t){(!y||y.hasOwnProperty(t))&&g(e,function(){y&&y.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})}function p(e,t){y?y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Adding key to map: \"+t)):g(e,function(){y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Got Map, adding key to map: \"+t))})}function g(e,t){l(e,v,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?e:{},(\"object\"!=typeof y||null===y)&&(y={}),w.runCallback(t,e),T(\"Got map: \"+JSON.stringify(y))})}function f(e,t){s(e,v,t,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?t:{},T(\"Setting map: \"+JSON.stringify(t))})}function d(e,t){y=\"object\"==typeof y?y:{},t=\"object\"==typeof t&&t||y;for(var n in t)T(\"Got key in map: \"+n),t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&m(e,n)}function m(e,t){l(e,t,function(n){var r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new lpTag.DataAnalyzer(f.site,f.loc,f.isCrossDomain,f.env,a,f.accdn),m=new lpTag.StorageSelector({site:f.site,asyncStorageMaxRetry:f.asmr,cookiesEnabled:f.cookiesEnabled,localStorageEnabled:f.localStorageEnabled,sessionStorageEnabled:f.sessionStorageEnabled}),m.createWrappers(o)}function n(){d.reset(),v=!1,w=[]}function r(){d&&d.dispose(),h=null,m=null,d=null}function o(){d.initSelector(m),i()}function a(){v=!0,c(y)}function i(){d.sendPendingMessages(s,l,k.requestTypes.SELECT_STORAGE)}function s(e){e&&e.storage&&(y=e.app,w[e.app]=e.storage,c(e.app))}function l(){setTimeout(function(){i()},b)}function c(e){var t;u(e)&&(k.log.log(\"Initiated successfully with \"+w[e].name+\", app: \"+e),t=new lpTag.SecureStorageManager({app:e,storageSelector:m,dataAnalyzer:h}),d.initManager(t),d.sendPendingMessages(),d.setActive())}function u(e){return e&&v&&w&&w[e]}function p(){var e=k.getUrlParameters(location.search);return e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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1185, 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1194, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282], "attributes": [[], [], [7, 8], [13, 14, 7, 15], [13, 14, 7, 17], [13, 14, 7, 19], [13, 14, 7, 21], [24, 25, 26, 27, 7, 28], [], [32, 33, 26, 34, 7, 35], [], [7, 39], [], [], [32, 42, 26, 43, 7, 44], [], [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 7, 54], [], [52, 56, 48, 57, 7, 58], [], [52, 60, 48, 57, 7, 61], [], [50, 63, 48, 57, 52, 64, 7, 65], [], [52, 67, 48, 57, 50, 63, 7, 68], [], [48, 57, 52, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 50, 63, 7, 75], [], [52, 77, 48, 57, 50, 63, 7, 78], [], [81, 82, 83, -1], [83, -1, 81, 84], [83, -1, 81, 85], [83, -1, 81, 86], [50, 87, 83, -1, 81, 88, 7, 89], [50, 87, 83, -1, 81, 91, 7, 92], [81, 94, 83, -1, 7, 95], [83, -1, 81, 84, 7, 97], [50, 87, 83, -1, 81, 99, 7, 100], [83, -1, 81, 85, 7, 102], [83, -1, 81, 86, 7, 104], [81, 106, 7, 107], [], [81, 110, 50, 87, 7, 111], [], [48, 57, 52, 113, 71, 114, 73, 74, 7, 115], [], [52, 117, 48, 57, 50, 63, 7, 118], [], [52, 120, 48, 57, 50, 63, 7, 121], [], [], [], [7, 126], [], [], [], [], [130, 2, 81, 131, 7, 132], [130, 2, 134, 135, 81, 136, 7, 137], [83, -1, 134, 139, 81, 140, 130, 141, 7, 142], [83, -1, 134, 144, 81, 145, 130, 141, 7, 146], [83, -1, 134, 148, 81, 149, 130, 141, 7, 150], [83, -1, 134, 152, 81, 153, 130, 141, 7, 154], [83, -1, 134, 156, 81, 157, 130, 141, 7, 158], [50, 87, 130, 2, 81, 160, 7, 161], [50, 87, 130, 2, 81, 163, 7, 164], [166, 167, 7, 168], [166, 170, 7, 171], [130, 2, 81, 131], [], [134, 175, 176, 177, 7, 178], [134, 181, 182, 183, 7, 184], [], [], [], [], [7, 189], [], [], [], [], [193, 194, 182, 195, 196, 197, 7, 198], [], [193, 200, 7, 201], [], [134, 203, 7, 204], [], [193, 207, 7, 208], [], [7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [], [52, 220, 7, 221], [], [], [7, 225], [], [52, 228, 7, 229], [], [], [], [], [193, 232, 7, 233], [], [52, 235, 7, 236], [], [193, 240, 7, 241], [], [], [], [], [134, 248, 193, 249, 7, 250], [], [7, 253], [], [], [52, 256, 257, 258, 7, 259], [], [7, 261], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 264, 7, 265], [], [193, 267, 7, 268], [], [52, 270, 257, 258, 7, 271], [], [81, 275, 193, 276, 7, 277], [], [], [], [], [134, 280, 7, 281], [], [7, 284], [], [193, 287, 7, 288], [], [], [], [], [193, 292, 7, 293], [], [193, 295, 7, 296], [], [134, 299, 193, 300, 7, 301], [], [134, 303, 7, 304], [], [134, 307, 7, 308], [], [312, 14, 313, 314, 134, 315, 32, 315, 50, 316, 317, 318, 7, 319], [], [312, 14, 313, 321, 134, 322, 32, 322, 50, 316, 317, 323, 7, 324], [], [193, 326, 7, 327], [], [134, 329, 193, 330, 7, 331], [], [193, 334, 7, 335], [], [193, 337, 7, 338], [], [], [], [342, 343, 344, 345, 134, 346, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 350], [312, 14, 313, 314, 134, 315, 32, 315, 50, 316, 317, 318, 7, 352], [312, 14, 313, 354, 134, 355, 32, 355, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 357], [312, 14, 313, 359, 134, 360, 32, 360, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 361], [312, 14, 313, 363, 134, 364, 32, 364, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 365], [134, 367, 32, 367, 50, 316, 317, -1, 7, 368], [312, 14, 313, 370, 134, 371, 32, 371, 50, 316, 317, 372, 7, 373], [312, 14, 313, 375, 134, 376, 32, 376, 50, 316, 317, 372, 7, 377], [134, 379, 32, 379, 50, 316, 317, -1, 7, 380], [312, 14, 313, 382, 134, 383, 32, 383, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 384], [312, 14, 386, 387, 313, 388, 134, 389, 32, 389, 50, 316, 317, 323, 7, 390], [134, 383, 32, 383, 50, 316, 317, 356, 7, 392], [134, 389, 32, 389, 50, 316, 317, 323, 7, 394], [], [193, -1, 182, -1, 7, 398], [], [7, 401], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 407], [], [193, 409, 7, 410], [], [193, 413, 7, 414], [417, 418, 7, 419], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 423], [], [312, 14, 425, 426, 427, 428, 313, 429, 134, 418, 32, 418, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 435, 436, 432, 437, 14, 438, 432, 193, 439, 7, 440], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 443], [], [193, 445, 7, 446], [], [193, 448, 449, 418, 450, 14, 7, 451], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 453], [], [], [193, 455, 7, 456], [], [193, 409, 7, 459], [], [193, 413, 7, 461], [417, 463, 193, 464, 7, 465], [], [], [], [193, 468, 7, 469], [], [193, 471, 7, 472], [], [193, 474, 475, 463, 312, 14, 313, 476, 134, 463, 32, 463, 50, 477, 317, 478, 7, 479], [], [417, 481, 193, 482, 7, 483], [], [193, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [], [], [193, 471, 7, 492], [], [193, 474, 475, 463, 134, 463, 32, 463, 50, 477, 317, 494, 7, 495], [], [417, 497, 193, 498, 7, 499], [], [193, 501, 7, 502], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 506], [], [193, 445, 7, 508], [], [193, 510, 449, 463, 450, 14, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 513], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 516], [], [193, 409, 7, 519], [], [193, 413, 7, 522], [417, 524, 7, 525], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 528], [], [530, 531, 532, 533, 193, 534, 7, 535], [], [538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 134, 544, 32, 544, 182, 545, 50, 430, 317, -1, 193, 546, 547, 548, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 549, 436, 432, 438, 432, 7, 550], [], [552, 524, 312, 14, 313, 553, 134, 524, 32, 524, 182, 554, 50, 430, 317, 356, 7, 555], [], [134, 557, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 559], [], [], [7, 563], [7, 565], [], [193, 568, 7, 569], [], [193, 442, 7, 572], [], [193, 575, 7, 576], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 579], [], [193, 581, 7, 582], [], [193, 584, 449, 524, 450, 14, 7, 585], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 587], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 589], [], [193, 409, 7, 591], [], [193, 413, 7, 593], [], [417, 595, 7, 596], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 601, 7, 602], [], [193, 605, 312, 14, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 313, 614, 134, 615, 32, 615, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 619], [317, -1, 7, 622], [], [], [317, 613, 7, 625], [], [], [317, 628, 7, 629], [], [], [317, 632, 7, 633], [], [], [317, 636, 7, 637], [], [], [317, 640, 7, 641], [], [], [317, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [317, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [317, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [317, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [317, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [317, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [317, 611, 7, 668], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 672], [], [193, 674, 312, 14, 606, 675, 134, 676, 32, 676, 182, 677, 530, 616, 617, 618, 438, 432, 7, 678], [317, -1, 7, 680], [], [], [317, 683, 7, 684], [], [], [317, 613, 7, 687], [], [], [317, 628, 7, 689], [], [], [317, 632, 7, 691], [], [], [317, 636, 7, 693], [], [], [317, 640, 7, 695], [], [], [317, 644, 7, 697], [], [], [317, 648, 7, 699], [], [], [317, 652, 7, 701], [], [], [317, 656, 7, 703], [], [], [317, 660, 7, 705], [], [], [317, 664, 7, 707], [], [], [317, 611, 7, 709], [], [], [317, 435, 7, 711], [], [], [317, 713, 7, 714], [], [], [317, 716, 7, 717], [], [], [317, 549, 7, 719], [], [], [317, 721, 7, 722], [], [], [317, 724, 7, 725], [], [], [317, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [317, 730, 7, 731], [], [], [317, 733, 7, 734], [], [], [317, 736, 7, 737], [], [], [317, 739, 7, 740], [], [], [317, 742, 7, 743], [], [], [317, 745, 7, 746], [], [], [317, 748, 7, 749], [], [], [317, 751, 7, 752], [], [], [317, 754, 7, 755], [], [], [317, 757, 7, 758], [], [], [317, 760, 7, 761], [], [], [317, 763, 7, 764], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 766], [], [193, 768, 312, 14, 606, 769, 313, 770, 134, 771, 32, 771, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 772], [317, -1, 7, 774], [], [], [317, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [317, 780, 7, 781], [], [], [317, 783, 7, 784], [], [], [317, 786, 7, 787], [], [], [317, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [317, 792, 7, 793], [], [], [317, 795, 7, 796], [], [], [317, 798, 7, 799], [], [], [317, 801, 7, 802], [], [], [317, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [317, 807, 7, 808], [], [], [317, 810, 7, 811], [], [], [317, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [317, 816, 7, 817], [], [], [317, 819, 7, 820], [], [], [317, 822, 7, 823], [], [], [317, 825, 7, 826], [], [], [317, 828, 7, 829], [], [], [317, 831, 7, 832], [], [], [317, 834, 7, 835], [], [], [317, 837, 7, 838], [], [], [317, 840, 7, 841], [], [], [317, 843, 7, 844], [], [], [317, 846, 7, 847], [], [], [317, 849, 7, 850], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 852], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 854], [], [193, 448, 449, 615, 450, 14, 7, 856], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 858], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 860], [], [193, 448, 449, 771, 450, 14, 7, 862], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 864], [], [193, 445, 7, 866], [], [134, 868, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 869], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 872], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 874], [], [193, 409, 7, 876], [], [193, 413, 7, 878], [417, 880, 7, 881], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 884], [], [193, 886, 312, 14, 425, 887, 427, 648, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 894, 648, 32, 880, 895, 896, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 736, 436, 432, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 897], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 900], [], [193, 445, 7, 902], [], [193, 448, 449, 880, 450, 14, 7, 904], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 907], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 909], [], [193, 409, 7, 911], [], [193, 413, 7, 913], [], [417, 915, 7, 916], [], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 919], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 134, 915, 32, 915, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 925], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 928], [], [193, 445, 7, 930], [], [193, 510, 449, 915, 450, 14, 7, 932], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 934], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 936], [], [193, 939, 50, 940, 941, 942, 7, 943], [], [], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 945], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 949, 7, 950], [], [134, 953, 193, 409, 7, 954], [], [81, 956, 7, 957], [], [], [], [], [193, 961, 7, 962], [], [193, 964, 7, 965], [], [193, 967, 7, 968], [], [134, 970, 7, 971], [], [7, 973], [], [7, 977], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 7, 981], [7, 984], [], [], [], [7, 989], [], [7, 992], [], [52, 995, 257, 258, 7, 996], [7, 998], [], [], [7, 1002], [], [7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [7, 1009], [], [], [7, 1012], [], [7, 1014], [], [], [7, 1018], [], [7, 1020], [], [7, 1022], [], [52, 1025, 257, 258, 7, 1026], [7, 1028], [], [], [52, 1032, 257, 258, 7, 1033], [7, 1035], [], [], [7, 1039], [], [193, 1041, 7, 1042], [], [7, 1044], [], [7, 1047], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 1050, 1051, 941, 1051, 7, 1052], [7, 1054], [], [], [7, 1057], [], [193, 1041, 182, 1059, 7, 1060], [], [52, 1062, 257, 258, 1050, 1063, 941, 1063, 7, 1064], [], [], [52, 1067, 257, 258, 941, 1068, 7, 1069], [], [], [52, 1071, 257, 258, 7, 1072], [], [], [7, 1075], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [81, 1080, 50, 87, 7, 1081], [], [81, 1083, 50, 87, 7, 1084], [], [81, 1086, 50, 87, 7, 1087], [], [81, 1089, 50, 87, 7, 1090], [], [81, 1092, 50, 87, 7, 1093], [], [81, 1095, 50, 87, 7, 1096], [], [81, 1098, 50, 87, 7, 1099], [], [81, 1101, 50, 87, 7, 1102], [], [81, 1104, 50, 87, 7, 1105], [], [81, 1107, 7, 1108], [], [81, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1115], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1119], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1123], [], [], [193, 1127, 134, 1128, 617, 618, 1129, 432, 182, 1130, 7, 1131], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1135], [134, 1137, 193, 1138, 617, 683, 7, 1139], [], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1142], [134, 1144, 193, 1145, 617, 683, 7, 1146], [], [193, 1149, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 182, 554, 7, 1155], [193, 1157, 7, 1158], [134, 1154, 193, 1160, 7, 1161], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1167], [193, 1169, 7, 1170], [193, 1172, 7, 1173], [], [134, 1152, 182, -1, 1175, 1176, 193, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1182], [193, 1184, 7, 1185], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1188], [193, 1172, 7, 1190], [], [193, 1192, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1193, 1153, 1194, 182, 554, 7, 1195], [193, 1157, 7, 1197], [134, 1194, 193, 1160, 7, 1199], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1201], [193, 1169, 7, 1203], [193, 1172, 7, 1205], [], [134, 1193, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1207], [], [193, 1209, 7, 1210], [], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1213, 1153, 1214, 182, 1215, 7, 1216], [193, 1157, 7, 1218], [134, 1214, 193, 1160, 7, 1220], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1223], [193, 1169, 7, 1225], [193, 1172, 7, 1227], [], [134, 1213, 1175, 1229, 1230, 1231, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1232], [], [134, 1234, 182, 554, 7, 1235], [], [1050, 1237, 81, 1238, 7, 1239], [], [], [134, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [342, 1246, 134, 1247, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1248], [], [134, 1250, 182, 1251, 7, 1252], [], [7, 1254], [], [7, 1256], [], [417, 915, 7, 1258], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 915, 32, 915, 182, 1262, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1263], [], [193, 445, 7, 1265], [], [193, 1267, 449, 915, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1269], [], [], [], [7, 1271], [], [417, 880, 7, 1273], [], [], [193, 1276, 312, 14, 425, 1277, 427, 660, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 32, 880, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1278], [], [193, 445, 7, 1280], [], [193, 1267, 449, 880, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1282], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1284], [193, 1184, 7, 1286], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1289], [193, 1172, 7, 1291], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1293], [193, 1172, 7, 1295], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1299], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1302], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1305], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1308], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1311], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1314], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1317], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1320], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1322, 1153, 1323, 182, 1215, 7, 1324], [193, 1157, 7, 1326], [134, 1323, 193, 1160, 7, 1328], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1331], [193, 1169, 7, 1333], [193, 1172, 7, 1335], [], [134, 1322, 182, -1, 1175, 1337, 1230, 1338, 1339, 1340, 193, 1177, 7, 1341], [], [134, 1343, 7, 1344], [], [7, 1346], [], [], [7, 1349], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1352], [193, 1184, 7, 1354], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1356], [193, 1172, 7, 1358], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1360], [193, 1172, 7, 1362], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1364], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1366], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1368], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1370], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1372], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1374], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1376], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1378], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1380, 1153, 1381, 182, 1215, 7, 1382], [193, 1157, 7, 1384], [134, 1381, 193, 1160, 7, 1386], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1389], [193, 1169, 7, 1391], [193, 1172, 7, 1393], [], [134, 1380, 1175, 1395, 182, 1396, 193, 1177, 7, 1397], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1400], [193, 1184, 7, 1402], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1404], [193, 1172, 7, 1406], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1408], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1410], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1412], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1414], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1416], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1418], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1420], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1422], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1425, 182, 1215, 7, 1426], [193, 1157, 7, 1428], [134, 1425, 193, 1160, 7, 1430], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1433], [193, 1169, 7, 1435], [193, 1172, 7, 1437], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1439], [193, 1184, 7, 1441], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1444], [193, 1172, 7, 1446], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1449], [193, 1172, 7, 1451], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1453], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1455], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1457], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1459], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1461], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1463], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1465], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1467], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1470, 182, 1215, 7, 1471], [193, 1157, 7, 1473], [134, 1470, 193, 1160, 7, 1475], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1478], [193, 1169, 7, 1480], [193, 1172, 7, 1482], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1484], [193, 1184, 7, 1486], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1488], [193, 1172, 7, 1490], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1492], [193, 1172, 7, 1494], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1496], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1498], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1500], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1502], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1504], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1506], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1508], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1510], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1514, 182, 554, 7, 1515], [193, 1157, 7, 1517], [134, 1514, 193, 1160, 7, 1519], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1522], [193, 1169, 7, 1524], [193, 1172, 7, 1526], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1528], [193, 1184, 7, 1530], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1532], [193, 1172, 7, 1534], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1537, 182, 554, 7, 1538], [193, 1157, 7, 1540], [134, 1537, 193, 1160, 7, 1542], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1544], [193, 1169, 7, 1546], [193, 1172, 7, 1548], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1550], [193, 1184, 7, 1552], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1554], [193, 1172, 7, 1556], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1559], [], [50, 87, 7, 1561], [], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1564], [7, 1566], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1569], [], [50, 87, 7, 1571], [], [], [], [50, 87, 134, -1, 7, 1573], [], [], [7, 1576], [], [], [617, 683, 1580, 14, 530, 1134, 941, 1581, 32, 1582, 134, 1582, 81, 1583, 182, 1584, 7, 1585], [134, 1587, 81, 1588, 7, 1589], [182, 1592, 7, 1593], [1595, 1596, 182, 1597, 7, 1598], [182, 1600, 7, 1601], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1604], [182, 1597, 7, 1606], [182, 1600, 7, 1608], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1610], [182, 1600, 7, 1612], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1614], [182, 1600, 7, 1616], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1618], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1128, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1128, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1424, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1620], [], [342, 1622, 134, 1623, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1624], [], [193, 1626, 7, 1627], [], [193, 1630, 7, 1631], [], [7, 1634], [], [7, 1636], [], [193, 413, 7, 1638], [193, 1640, 7, 1641], [], [417, 1644, 7, 1645], [], [], [193, 1648, 312, 14, 425, 1649, 427, 428, 313, 1650, 134, 1644, 32, 1644, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1651], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1644, 450, 14, 7, 1653], [], [], [7, 1655], [], [193, 413, 7, 1657], [193, 1640, 7, 1659], [], [417, 1661, 7, 1662], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 1661, 32, 1661, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1664], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1661, 450, 14, 7, 1666], [], [], [7, 1668], [], [193, 413, 7, 1670], [193, 1640, 7, 1672], [], [417, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [], [7, 1678], [], [1681, 730, 312, 14, 313, 1682, 134, 1674, 32, 1674, 1683, 628, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1684], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1674, 450, 14, 7, 1686], [], [], [134, 32, 7, 1688], [], [134, 1690, 32, 1690, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1691], [], [134, 1260, 32, 1260, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1693], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1154, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1154, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1469, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1695], [], [134, 1698, 342, 1699, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1700], [], [50, 316, 134, 1702, 32, 1702, 317, 14, 7, 1703], [], [7, 1705], [], [7, 1707], [], [417, 1709, 7, 1710], [], [], [50, 430, 134, 1709, 32, 1713, 313, 1714, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1715], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1713, 450, 14, 7, 1720], [], [], [], [7, 1723], [], [417, 1725, 7, 1726], [], [], [134, 1725, 313, 1729, 32, 1730, 50, 1731, 193, 1732, 7, 1733], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1735], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1730, 450, 14, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [7, 1739], [], [417, 1741, 7, 1742], [], [], [193, 1746, 134, 1741, 32, 1747, 182, -1, 7, 1748], [317, 1750, 7, 1751], [], [], [317, 1753, 7, 1754], [], [], [317, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [317, 1759, 7, 1760], [], [], [317, 1762, 7, 1763], [], [], [317, 1765, 7, 1766], [], [], [], [], [7, 1769], [], [417, 1771, 7, 1772], [], [], [134, 1771, 32, 1775, 1683, 636, 1681, 428, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1776], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1194, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1194, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1513, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1778], [], [134, 1780, 7, 1781], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1214, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1214, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1536, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1783], [], [134, 1785, 7, 1786], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1109, 1213], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [157, 159, 172, 173, 174, 175, 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594, 596, 598, 600, 601, 606, 607, 607, 609, 611, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 620, 622, 623, 625, 627, 629, 630, 635, 636, 636, 638, 640, 641, 642, 653, 655, 657, 658, 662, 664, 666, 668, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 679, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 691, 693, 694, 696, 698, 699, 700, 701, 703, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 717, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 729, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1048, 1049, 1051, 1053], "styles": [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], 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[203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [47, 392.8125, 61.75, 215], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 218, 214, -1, 223, 224, -1, 227, -1, 231, 210, -1, -1, 238, -1, -1, 244, 246, 206, -1, -1, 255, 210, -1, 214, -1, 263, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 340, -1, -1, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 421, 210, -1, -1, 210, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 467, 210, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 489, 490, 214, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 504, 505, 214, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 527, 518, -1, -1, 537, -1, 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[8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [], [8, 78, 222, 100], [], [], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [253, 395, 0, 17], [253, 395, 0, 17], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 976, 1264, 18], [], [753, 976, 121, 17], [753, 976, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1148, 1264, 17], [8, 1148, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1148, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1148, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 62, 216], [], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 111, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 1222, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 74, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 104, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. 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In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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7, 414], [417, 418, 7, 419], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 423], [], [312, 14, 425, 426, 427, 428, 313, 429, 134, 418, 32, 418, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 435, 436, 432, 437, 14, 438, 432, 193, 439, 7, 440], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 443], [], [193, 445, 7, 446], [], [193, 448, 449, 418, 450, 14, 7, 451], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 453], [], [], [193, 455, 7, 456], [], [193, 409, 7, 459], [], [193, 413, 7, 461], [417, 463, 193, 464, 7, 465], [], [], [], [193, 468, 7, 469], [], [193, 471, 7, 472], [], [193, 474, 475, 463, 312, 14, 313, 476, 134, 463, 32, 463, 50, 477, 317, 478, 7, 479], [], [417, 481, 193, 482, 7, 483], [], [193, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [], [], [193, 471, 7, 492], [], [193, 474, 475, 463, 134, 463, 32, 463, 50, 477, 317, 494, 7, 495], [], [417, 497, 193, 498, 7, 499], [], [193, 501, 7, 502], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 506], [], [193, 445, 7, 508], [], [193, 510, 449, 463, 450, 14, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 513], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 516], [], [193, 409, 7, 519], [], [193, 413, 7, 522], [417, 524, 7, 525], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 528], [], [530, 531, 532, 533, 193, 534, 7, 535], [], [538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 134, 544, 32, 544, 182, 545, 50, 430, 317, -1, 193, 546, 547, 548, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 549, 436, 432, 438, 432, 7, 550], [], [552, 524, 312, 14, 313, 553, 134, 524, 32, 524, 182, 554, 50, 430, 317, 356, 7, 555], [], [134, 557, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 559], [], [], [7, 563], [7, 565], [], [193, 568, 7, 569], [], [193, 442, 7, 572], [], [193, 575, 7, 576], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 579], [], [193, 581, 7, 582], [], [193, 584, 449, 524, 450, 14, 7, 585], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 587], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 589], [], [193, 409, 7, 591], [], [193, 413, 7, 593], [], [417, 595, 7, 596], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 601, 7, 602], [], [193, 605, 312, 14, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 313, 614, 134, 615, 32, 615, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 619], [317, -1, 7, 622], [], [], [317, 613, 7, 625], [], [], [317, 628, 7, 629], [], [], [317, 632, 7, 633], [], [], [317, 636, 7, 637], [], [], [317, 640, 7, 641], [], [], [317, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [317, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [317, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [317, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [317, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [317, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [317, 611, 7, 668], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 672], [], [193, 674, 312, 14, 606, 675, 134, 676, 32, 676, 182, 677, 530, 616, 617, 618, 438, 432, 7, 678], [317, -1, 7, 680], [], [], [317, 683, 7, 684], [], [], [317, 613, 7, 687], [], [], [317, 628, 7, 689], [], [], [317, 632, 7, 691], [], [], [317, 636, 7, 693], [], [], [317, 640, 7, 695], [], [], [317, 644, 7, 697], [], [], [317, 648, 7, 699], [], [], [317, 652, 7, 701], [], [], [317, 656, 7, 703], [], [], [317, 660, 7, 705], [], [], [317, 664, 7, 707], [], [], [317, 611, 7, 709], [], [], [317, 435, 7, 711], [], [], [317, 713, 7, 714], [], [], [317, 716, 7, 717], [], [], [317, 549, 7, 719], [], [], [317, 721, 7, 722], [], [], [317, 724, 7, 725], [], [], [317, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [317, 730, 7, 731], [], [], [317, 733, 7, 734], [], [], [317, 736, 7, 737], [], [], [317, 739, 7, 740], [], [], [317, 742, 7, 743], [], [], [317, 745, 7, 746], [], [], [317, 748, 7, 749], [], [], [317, 751, 7, 752], [], [], [317, 754, 7, 755], [], [], [317, 757, 7, 758], [], [], [317, 760, 7, 761], [], [], [317, 763, 7, 764], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 766], [], [193, 768, 312, 14, 606, 769, 313, 770, 134, 771, 32, 771, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 772], [317, -1, 7, 774], [], [], [317, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [317, 780, 7, 781], [], [], [317, 783, 7, 784], [], [], [317, 786, 7, 787], [], [], [317, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [317, 792, 7, 793], [], [], [317, 795, 7, 796], [], [], [317, 798, 7, 799], [], [], [317, 801, 7, 802], [], [], [317, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [317, 807, 7, 808], [], [], [317, 810, 7, 811], [], [], [317, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [317, 816, 7, 817], [], [], [317, 819, 7, 820], [], [], [317, 822, 7, 823], [], [], [317, 825, 7, 826], [], [], [317, 828, 7, 829], [], [], [317, 831, 7, 832], [], [], [317, 834, 7, 835], [], [], [317, 837, 7, 838], [], [], [317, 840, 7, 841], [], [], [317, 843, 7, 844], [], [], [317, 846, 7, 847], [], [], [317, 849, 7, 850], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 852], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 854], [], [193, 448, 449, 615, 450, 14, 7, 856], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 858], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 860], [], [193, 448, 449, 771, 450, 14, 7, 862], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 864], [], [193, 445, 7, 866], [], [134, 868, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 869], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 872], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 874], [], [193, 409, 7, 876], [], [193, 413, 7, 878], [417, 880, 7, 881], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 884], [], [193, 886, 312, 14, 425, 887, 427, 648, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 894, 648, 32, 880, 895, 896, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 736, 436, 432, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 897], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 900], [], [193, 445, 7, 902], [], [193, 448, 449, 880, 450, 14, 7, 904], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 907], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 909], [], [193, 409, 7, 911], [], [193, 413, 7, 913], [], [417, 915, 7, 916], [], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 919], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 134, 915, 32, 915, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 925], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 928], [], [193, 445, 7, 930], [], [193, 510, 449, 915, 450, 14, 7, 932], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 934], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 936], [], [193, 939, 50, 940, 941, 942, 7, 943], [], [], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 945], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 949, 7, 950], [], [134, 953, 193, 409, 7, 954], [], [81, 956, 7, 957], [], [], [], [], [193, 961, 7, 962], [], [193, 964, 7, 965], [], [193, 967, 7, 968], [], [134, 970, 7, 971], [], [7, 973], [], [7, 977], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 7, 981], [7, 984], [], [], [], [7, 989], [], [7, 992], [], [52, 995, 257, 258, 7, 996], [7, 998], [], [], [7, 1002], [], [7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [7, 1009], [], [], [7, 1012], [], [7, 1014], [], [], [7, 1018], [], [7, 1020], [], [7, 1022], [], [52, 1025, 257, 258, 7, 1026], [7, 1028], [], [], [52, 1032, 257, 258, 7, 1033], [7, 1035], [], [], [7, 1039], [], [193, 1041, 7, 1042], [], [7, 1044], [], [7, 1047], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 1050, 1051, 941, 1051, 7, 1052], [7, 1054], [], [], [7, 1057], [], [193, 1041, 182, 1059, 7, 1060], [], [52, 1062, 257, 258, 1050, 1063, 941, 1063, 7, 1064], [], [], [52, 1067, 257, 258, 941, 1068, 7, 1069], [], [], [52, 1071, 257, 258, 7, 1072], [], [], [7, 1075], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [81, 1080, 50, 87, 7, 1081], [], [81, 1083, 50, 87, 7, 1084], [], [81, 1086, 50, 87, 7, 1087], [], [81, 1089, 50, 87, 7, 1090], [], [81, 1092, 50, 87, 7, 1093], [], [81, 1095, 50, 87, 7, 1096], [], [81, 1098, 50, 87, 7, 1099], [], [81, 1101, 50, 87, 7, 1102], [], [81, 1104, 50, 87, 7, 1105], [], [81, 1107, 7, 1108], [], [81, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1115], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1119], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1123], [], [], [193, 1127, 134, 1128, 617, 618, 1129, 432, 182, 1130, 7, 1131], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1135], [134, 1137, 193, 1138, 617, 683, 7, 1139], [], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1142], [134, 1144, 193, 1145, 617, 683, 7, 1146], [], [193, 1149, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 182, 554, 7, 1155], [193, 1157, 7, 1158], [134, 1154, 193, 1160, 7, 1161], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1167], [193, 1169, 7, 1170], [193, 1172, 7, 1173], [], [134, 1152, 182, -1, 1175, 1176, 193, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1182], [193, 1184, 7, 1185], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1188], [193, 1172, 7, 1190], [], [193, 1192, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1193, 1153, 1194, 182, 554, 7, 1195], [193, 1157, 7, 1197], [134, 1194, 193, 1160, 7, 1199], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1201], [193, 1169, 7, 1203], [193, 1172, 7, 1205], [], [134, 1193, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1207], [], [193, 1209, 7, 1210], [], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1213, 1153, 1214, 182, 1215, 7, 1216], [193, 1157, 7, 1218], [134, 1214, 193, 1160, 7, 1220], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1223], [193, 1169, 7, 1225], [193, 1172, 7, 1227], [], [134, 1213, 1175, 1229, 1230, 1231, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1232], [], [134, 1234, 182, 554, 7, 1235], [], [1050, 1237, 81, 1238, 7, 1239], [], [], [134, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [342, 1246, 134, 1247, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1248], [], [134, 1250, 182, 1251, 7, 1252], [], [7, 1254], [], [7, 1256], [], [417, 915, 7, 1258], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 915, 32, 915, 182, 1262, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1263], [], [193, 445, 7, 1265], [], [193, 1267, 449, 915, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1269], [], [], [], [7, 1271], [], [417, 880, 7, 1273], [], [], [193, 1276, 312, 14, 425, 1277, 427, 660, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 32, 880, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1278], [], [193, 445, 7, 1280], [], [193, 1267, 449, 880, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1282], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1284], [193, 1184, 7, 1286], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1289], [193, 1172, 7, 1291], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1293], [193, 1172, 7, 1295], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1299], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1302], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1305], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1308], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1311], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1314], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1317], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1320], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1322, 1153, 1323, 182, 1215, 7, 1324], [193, 1157, 7, 1326], [134, 1323, 193, 1160, 7, 1328], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1331], [193, 1169, 7, 1333], [193, 1172, 7, 1335], [], [134, 1322, 182, -1, 1175, 1337, 1230, 1338, 1339, 1340, 193, 1177, 7, 1341], [], [134, 1343, 7, 1344], [], [7, 1346], [], [], [7, 1349], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1352], [193, 1184, 7, 1354], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1356], [193, 1172, 7, 1358], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1360], [193, 1172, 7, 1362], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1364], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1366], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1368], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1370], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1372], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1374], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1376], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1378], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1380, 1153, 1381, 182, 1215, 7, 1382], [193, 1157, 7, 1384], [134, 1381, 193, 1160, 7, 1386], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1389], [193, 1169, 7, 1391], [193, 1172, 7, 1393], [], [134, 1380, 1175, 1395, 182, 1396, 193, 1177, 7, 1397], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1400], [193, 1184, 7, 1402], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1404], [193, 1172, 7, 1406], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1408], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1410], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1412], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1414], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1416], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1418], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1420], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1422], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1425, 182, 1215, 7, 1426], [193, 1157, 7, 1428], [134, 1425, 193, 1160, 7, 1430], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1433], [193, 1169, 7, 1435], [193, 1172, 7, 1437], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1439], [193, 1184, 7, 1441], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1444], [193, 1172, 7, 1446], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1449], [193, 1172, 7, 1451], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1453], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1455], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1457], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1459], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1461], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1463], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1465], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1467], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1470, 182, 1215, 7, 1471], [193, 1157, 7, 1473], [134, 1470, 193, 1160, 7, 1475], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1478], [193, 1169, 7, 1480], [193, 1172, 7, 1482], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1484], [193, 1184, 7, 1486], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1488], [193, 1172, 7, 1490], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1492], [193, 1172, 7, 1494], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1496], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1498], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1500], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1502], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1504], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1506], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1508], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1510], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1514, 182, 554, 7, 1515], [193, 1157, 7, 1517], [134, 1514, 193, 1160, 7, 1519], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1522], [193, 1169, 7, 1524], [193, 1172, 7, 1526], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1528], [193, 1184, 7, 1530], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1532], [193, 1172, 7, 1534], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1537, 182, 554, 7, 1538], [193, 1157, 7, 1540], [134, 1537, 193, 1160, 7, 1542], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1544], [193, 1169, 7, 1546], [193, 1172, 7, 1548], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1550], [193, 1184, 7, 1552], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1554], [193, 1172, 7, 1556], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1559], [], [50, 87, 7, 1561], [], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1564], [7, 1566], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1569], [], [50, 87, 7, 1571], [], [], [], [50, 87, 134, -1, 7, 1573], [], [], [7, 1576], [], [], [617, 683, 1580, 14, 530, 1134, 941, 1581, 32, 1582, 134, 1582, 81, 1583, 182, 1584, 7, 1585], [134, 1587, 81, 1588, 7, 1589], [182, 1592, 7, 1593], [1595, 1596, 182, 1597, 7, 1598], [182, 1600, 7, 1601], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1604], [182, 1597, 7, 1606], [182, 1600, 7, 1608], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1610], [182, 1600, 7, 1612], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1614], [182, 1600, 7, 1616], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1618], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1128, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1128, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1424, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1620], [], [342, 1622, 134, 1623, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1624], [], [193, 1626, 7, 1627], [], [193, 1630, 7, 1631], [], [7, 1634], [], [7, 1636], [], [193, 413, 7, 1638], [193, 1640, 7, 1641], [], [417, 1644, 7, 1645], [], [], [193, 1648, 312, 14, 425, 1649, 427, 428, 313, 1650, 134, 1644, 32, 1644, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1651], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1644, 450, 14, 7, 1653], [], [], [7, 1655], [], [193, 413, 7, 1657], [193, 1640, 7, 1659], [], [417, 1661, 7, 1662], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 1661, 32, 1661, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1664], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1661, 450, 14, 7, 1666], [], [], [7, 1668], [], [193, 413, 7, 1670], [193, 1640, 7, 1672], [], [417, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [], [7, 1678], [], [1681, 730, 312, 14, 313, 1682, 134, 1674, 32, 1674, 1683, 628, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1684], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1674, 450, 14, 7, 1686], [], [], [134, 32, 7, 1688], [], [134, 1690, 32, 1690, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1691], [], [134, 1260, 32, 1260, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1693], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1154, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1154, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1469, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1695], [], [134, 1698, 342, 1699, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1700], [], [50, 316, 134, 1702, 32, 1702, 317, 14, 7, 1703], [], [7, 1705], [], [7, 1707], [], [417, 1709, 7, 1710], [], [], [50, 430, 134, 1709, 32, 1713, 313, 1714, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1715], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1713, 450, 14, 7, 1720], [], [], [], [7, 1723], [], [417, 1725, 7, 1726], [], [], [134, 1725, 313, 1729, 32, 1730, 50, 1731, 193, 1732, 7, 1733], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1735], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1730, 450, 14, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [7, 1739], [], [417, 1741, 7, 1742], [], [], [193, 1746, 134, 1741, 32, 1747, 182, -1, 7, 1748], [317, 1750, 7, 1751], [], [], [317, 1753, 7, 1754], [], [], [317, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [317, 1759, 7, 1760], [], [], [317, 1762, 7, 1763], [], [], [317, 1765, 7, 1766], [], [], [], [], [7, 1769], [], [417, 1771, 7, 1772], [], [], [134, 1771, 32, 1775, 1683, 636, 1681, 428, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1776], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1194, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1194, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1513, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1778], [], [134, 1780, 7, 1781], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1214, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1214, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1536, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1783], [], [134, 1785, 7, 1786], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1109, 1213], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [157, 159, 172, 173, 174, 175, 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[203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [47, 392.8125, 61.75, 215], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 218, 214, -1, 223, 224, -1, 227, -1, 231, 210, -1, -1, 238, -1, -1, 244, 246, 206, -1, -1, 255, 210, -1, 214, -1, 263, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 340, -1, -1, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 421, 210, -1, -1, 210, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 467, 210, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 489, 490, 214, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 504, 505, 214, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 527, 518, -1, -1, 537, -1, 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[8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [], [8, 78, 222, 100], [], [], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [253, 395, 0, 17], [253, 395, 0, 17], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 976, 1264, 18], [], [753, 976, 121, 17], [753, 976, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [1084, 976, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 0], [8, 1044, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [761, 1062, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1148, 1264, 17], [8, 1148, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1148, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1148, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 62, 216], [], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 111, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 1222, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [0, 0, 74, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 104, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1207], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1191], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 954], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 405], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 389], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1264, 355], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 58], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 57], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 1, 1], [], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 102], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 111, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 1222, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 28], [1, 1, 74, 26], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 39], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 21], [2, 2, 104, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 57, 62, 67, 78, 83, 88, 93, 94, 94, 98, 103, 104, 104, 112, 117, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 121, 128, 136, 142, 157, 162, 173, 179, 191, 194, 205, 205, 205, 206, 207, 210, 211, 212, 214, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 235, 236, 236, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 246, 249, 250, 250, 250, 251, 254, 255, 257, 258, 260, 262], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 4, 17], [93, 337.8125, 27.5625, 17], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 4, 17], [93, 357.8125, 22.21875, 17], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [47, 392.8125, 8, 17], [47, 410.8125, 41.78125, 17], [47, 428.8125, 19.53125, 17], [47, 446.8125, 61.75, 17], [47, 464.8125, 21.328125, 17], [47, 482.8125, 16, 17], [47, 500.8125, 23.109375, 17], [47, 518.8125, 35.5625, 17], [47, 536.8125, 37.3125, 17], [47, 554.8125, 29.328125, 17], [47, 572.8125, 12.453125, 17], [47, 590.8125, 58.203125, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 17], [8, 683.8125, 1197.390625, 17], [8, 701.8125, 74.234375, 17], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 975.8125, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 1061.8125, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 1061.8125, 284.796875, 17], [8, 1079.8125, 345.28125, 17], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new lpTag.DataAnalyzer(f.site,f.loc,f.isCrossDomain,f.env,a,f.accdn),m=new lpTag.StorageSelector({site:f.site,asyncStorageMaxRetry:f.asmr,cookiesEnabled:f.cookiesEnabled,localStorageEnabled:f.localStorageEnabled,sessionStorageEnabled:f.sessionStorageEnabled}),m.createWrappers(o)}function n(){d.reset(),v=!1,w=[]}function r(){d&&d.dispose(),h=null,m=null,d=null}function o(){d.initSelector(m),i()}function a(){v=!0,c(y)}function i(){d.sendPendingMessages(s,l,k.requestTypes.SELECT_STORAGE)}function s(e){e&&e.storage&&(y=e.app,w[e.app]=e.storage,c(e.app))}function l(){setTimeout(function(){i()},b)}function c(e){var t;u(e)&&(k.log.log(\"Initiated successfully with \"+w[e].name+\", app: \"+e),t=new lpTag.SecureStorageManager({app:e,storageSelector:m,dataAnalyzer:h}),d.initManager(t),d.sendPendingMessages(),d.setActive())}function u(e){return e&&v&&w&&w[e]}function p(){var e=k.getUrlParameters(location.search);return e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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178], [134, 181, 182, 183, 7, 184], [], [], [], [], [7, 189], [], [], [], [], [193, 194, 182, 195, 196, 197, 7, 198], [], [193, 200, 7, 201], [], [134, 203, 7, 204], [], [193, 207, 7, 208], [], [7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [], [52, 220, 7, 221], [], [], [7, 225], [], [52, 228, 7, 229], [], [], [], [], [193, 232, 7, 233], [], [52, 235, 7, 236], [], [193, 240, 7, 241], [], [], [], [], [134, 248, 193, 249, 7, 250], [], [7, 253], [], [], [52, 256, 257, 258, 7, 259], [], [7, 261], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 264, 7, 265], [], [193, 267, 7, 268], [], [52, 270, 257, 258, 7, 271], [], [81, 275, 193, 276, 7, 277], [], [], [], [], [134, 280, 7, 281], [], [7, 284], [], [193, 287, 7, 288], [], [], [], [], [193, 292, 7, 293], [], [193, 295, 7, 296], [], [134, 299, 193, 300, 7, 301], [], [134, 303, 7, 304], [], [134, 307, 7, 308], [], [312, 14, 313, 314, 134, 315, 32, 315, 50, 316, 317, 318, 7, 319], [], [312, 14, 313, 321, 134, 322, 32, 322, 50, 316, 317, 323, 7, 324], [], [193, 326, 7, 327], [], 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727, 7, 728], [], [], [317, 730, 7, 731], [], [], [317, 733, 7, 734], [], [], [317, 736, 7, 737], [], [], [317, 739, 7, 740], [], [], [317, 742, 7, 743], [], [], [317, 745, 7, 746], [], [], [317, 748, 7, 749], [], [], [317, 751, 7, 752], [], [], [317, 754, 7, 755], [], [], [317, 757, 7, 758], [], [], [317, 760, 7, 761], [], [], [317, 763, 7, 764], [], [], [], [], [193, 671, 7, 766], [], [193, 768, 312, 14, 606, 769, 313, 770, 134, 771, 32, 771, 530, 616, 617, 618, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 772], [317, -1, 7, 774], [], [], [317, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [317, 780, 7, 781], [], [], [317, 783, 7, 784], [], [], [317, 786, 7, 787], [], [], [317, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [317, 792, 7, 793], [], [], [317, 795, 7, 796], [], [], [317, 798, 7, 799], [], [], [317, 801, 7, 802], [], [], [317, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [317, 807, 7, 808], [], [], [317, 810, 7, 811], [], [], [317, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [317, 816, 7, 817], [], [], [317, 819, 7, 820], [], [], [317, 822, 7, 823], [], [], [317, 825, 7, 826], [], [], [317, 828, 7, 829], [], [], [317, 831, 7, 832], [], [], [317, 834, 7, 835], [], [], [317, 837, 7, 838], [], [], [317, 840, 7, 841], [], [], [317, 843, 7, 844], [], [], [317, 846, 7, 847], [], [], [317, 849, 7, 850], [], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 852], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 854], [], [193, 448, 449, 615, 450, 14, 7, 856], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 858], [], [193, 445, 182, 195, 7, 860], [], [193, 448, 449, 771, 450, 14, 7, 862], [], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 864], [], [193, 445, 7, 866], [], [134, 868, 182, 195, 193, 558, 7, 869], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 872], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 874], [], [193, 409, 7, 876], [], [193, 413, 7, 878], [417, 880, 7, 881], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 884], [], [193, 886, 312, 14, 425, 887, 427, 648, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 894, 648, 32, 880, 895, 896, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 736, 436, 432, 437, 14, 438, 432, 7, 897], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 900], [], [193, 445, 7, 902], [], [193, 448, 449, 880, 450, 14, 7, 904], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 907], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 909], [], [193, 409, 7, 911], [], [193, 413, 7, 913], [], [417, 915, 7, 916], [], [], [], [], [193, 422, 7, 919], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 134, 915, 32, 915, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 434, 742, 436, 432, 438, 432, 193, 439, 7, 925], [], [], [193, 442, 7, 928], [], [193, 445, 7, 930], [], [193, 448, 449, 915, 450, 14, 7, 932], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 934], [], [], [193, 406, 7, 936], [], [193, 939, 50, 940, 941, 942, 7, 943], [], [], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 945], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 949, 7, 950], [], [134, 953, 193, 409, 7, 954], [], [81, 956, 7, 957], [], [], [], [], [193, 961, 7, 962], [], [193, 964, 7, 965], [], [193, 967, 7, 968], [], [134, 970, 7, 971], [], [7, 973], [], [7, 977], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 7, 981], [7, 984], [], [], [], [7, 989], [], [7, 992], [], [52, 995, 257, 258, 7, 996], [7, 998], [], [], [7, 1002], [], [7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [7, 1009], [], [], [7, 1012], [], [7, 1014], [], [], [7, 1018], [], [7, 1020], [], [7, 1022], [], [52, 1025, 257, 258, 7, 1026], [7, 1028], [], [], [52, 1032, 257, 258, 7, 1033], [7, 1035], [], [], [7, 1039], [], [193, 1041, 7, 1042], [], [7, 1044], [], [7, 1047], [], [52, 980, 257, 258, 1050, 1051, 941, 1051, 7, 1052], [7, 1054], [], [], [7, 1057], [], [193, 1041, 182, 1059, 7, 1060], [], [52, 1062, 257, 258, 1050, 1063, 941, 1063, 7, 1064], [], [], [52, 1067, 257, 258, 941, 1068, 7, 1069], [], [], [52, 1071, 257, 258, 7, 1072], [], [], [7, 1075], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [81, 1080, 50, 87, 7, 1081], [], [81, 1083, 50, 87, 7, 1084], [], [81, 1086, 50, 87, 7, 1087], [], [81, 1089, 50, 87, 7, 1090], [], [81, 1092, 50, 87, 7, 1093], [], [81, 1095, 50, 87, 7, 1096], [], [81, 1098, 50, 87, 7, 1099], [], [81, 1101, 50, 87, 7, 1102], [], [81, 1104, 50, 87, 7, 1105], [], [81, 1107, 7, 1108], [], [81, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1115], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1119], [], [], [], [], [50, 87, 7, 1123], [], [], [193, 1127, 134, 1128, 617, 618, 1129, 432, 182, 1130, 7, 1131], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1135], [134, 1137, 193, 1138, 617, 683, 7, 1139], [], [193, 1133, 530, 1134, 7, 1142], [134, 1144, 193, 1145, 617, 683, 7, 1146], [], [193, 1149, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 182, 554, 7, 1155], [193, 1157, 7, 1158], [134, 1154, 193, 1160, 7, 1161], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1167], [193, 1169, 7, 1170], [193, 1172, 7, 1173], [], [134, 1152, 182, -1, 1175, 1176, 193, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1182], [193, 1184, 7, 1185], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1188], [193, 1172, 7, 1190], [], [193, 1192, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1193, 1153, 1194, 182, 554, 7, 1195], [193, 1157, 7, 1197], [134, 1194, 193, 1160, 7, 1199], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1201], [193, 1169, 7, 1203], [193, 1172, 7, 1205], [], [134, 1193, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1207], [], [193, 1209, 7, 1210], [], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1213, 1153, 1214, 182, 1215, 7, 1216], [193, 1157, 7, 1218], [134, 1214, 193, 1160, 7, 1220], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1223], [193, 1169, 7, 1225], [193, 1172, 7, 1227], [], [134, 1213, 1175, 1229, 1230, 1231, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1232], [], [134, 1234, 182, 554, 7, 1235], [], [1050, 1237, 81, 1238, 7, 1239], [], [], [134, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [342, 1246, 134, 1247, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1248], [], [134, 1250, 182, 1251, 7, 1252], [], [7, 1254], [], [7, 1256], [], [417, 915, 7, 1258], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 915, 32, 915, 182, 1262, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1263], [], [193, 445, 7, 1265], [], [193, 1267, 449, 915, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1269], [], [], [], [7, 1271], [], [417, 880, 7, 1273], [], [], [193, 1276, 312, 14, 425, 1277, 427, 660, 888, 644, 889, 890, 891, 892, 313, 893, 134, 880, 32, 880, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1278], [], [193, 445, 7, 1280], [], [193, 1267, 449, 880, 450, 14, 182, 1268, 7, 1282], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1284], [193, 1184, 7, 1286], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1289], [193, 1172, 7, 1291], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1293], [193, 1172, 7, 1295], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1299], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1302], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1305], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1308], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1311], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1314], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1317], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1320], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1322, 1153, 1323, 182, 1215, 7, 1324], [193, 1157, 7, 1326], [134, 1323, 193, 1160, 7, 1328], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1331], [193, 1169, 7, 1333], [193, 1172, 7, 1335], [], [134, 1322, 182, -1, 1175, 1337, 1230, 1338, 1339, 1340, 193, 1177, 7, 1341], [], [134, 1343, 7, 1344], [], [7, 1346], [], [], [7, 1349], [], [], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1352], [193, 1184, 7, 1354], [50, 1164, 193, 1288, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1356], [193, 1172, 7, 1358], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1360], [193, 1172, 7, 1362], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1364], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1366], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1368], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1370], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1372], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1374], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1376], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1378], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1380, 1153, 1381, 182, 1215, 7, 1382], [193, 1157, 7, 1384], [134, 1381, 193, 1160, 7, 1386], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1389], [193, 1169, 7, 1391], [193, 1172, 7, 1393], [], [134, 1380, 1175, 1395, 182, 1396, 193, 1177, 7, 1397], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1400], [193, 1184, 7, 1402], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1404], [193, 1172, 7, 1406], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1408], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1410], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1412], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1414], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1416], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1418], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1420], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1422], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1425, 182, 1215, 7, 1426], [193, 1157, 7, 1428], [134, 1425, 193, 1160, 7, 1430], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1433], [193, 1169, 7, 1435], [193, 1172, 7, 1437], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1439], [193, 1184, 7, 1441], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1444], [193, 1172, 7, 1446], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1449], [193, 1172, 7, 1451], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1453], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1455], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1457], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1459], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1461], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1463], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1465], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1467], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1470, 182, 1215, 7, 1471], [193, 1157, 7, 1473], [134, 1470, 193, 1160, 7, 1475], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1478], [193, 1169, 7, 1480], [193, 1172, 7, 1482], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1484], [193, 1184, 7, 1486], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1488], [193, 1172, 7, 1490], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1492], [193, 1172, 7, 1494], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298, 7, 1496], [193, 1301, 182, 1298, 7, 1498], [193, 1304, 182, 1298, 7, 1500], [193, 1307, 182, 1298, 7, 1502], [193, 1310, 182, 1298, 7, 1504], [193, 1313, 182, 1298, 7, 1506], [193, 1316, 182, 1298, 7, 1508], [193, 1319, 182, 1298, 7, 1510], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1514, 182, 554, 7, 1515], [193, 1157, 7, 1517], [134, 1514, 193, 1160, 7, 1519], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1522], [193, 1169, 7, 1524], [193, 1172, 7, 1526], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1528], [193, 1184, 7, 1530], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1532], [193, 1172, 7, 1534], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1537, 182, 554, 7, 1538], [193, 1157, 7, 1540], [134, 1537, 193, 1160, 7, 1542], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166, 7, 1544], [193, 1169, 7, 1546], [193, 1172, 7, 1548], [], [193, 1181, 7, 1550], [193, 1184, 7, 1552], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 7, 1554], [193, 1172, 7, 1556], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1559], [], [50, 87, 7, 1561], [], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1564], [7, 1566], [], [182, 1558, 7, 1569], [], [50, 87, 7, 1571], [], [], [], [50, 87, 134, -1, 7, 1573], [], [], [7, 1576], [], [], [617, 683, 1580, 14, 530, 1134, 941, 1581, 32, 1582, 134, 1582, 81, 1583, 182, 1584, 7, 1585], [134, 1587, 81, 1588, 7, 1589], [182, 1592, 7, 1593], [1595, 1596, 182, 1597, 7, 1598], [182, 1600, 7, 1601], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1604], [182, 1597, 7, 1606], [182, 1600, 7, 1608], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1610], [182, 1600, 7, 1612], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1614], [182, 1600, 7, 1616], [48, 57, 52, 1603, 7, 1618], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1424, 1153, 1128, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1128, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1424, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1620], [], [342, 1622, 134, 1623, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1624], [], [193, 1626, 7, 1627], [], [193, 1630, 7, 1631], [], [7, 1634], [], [7, 1636], [], [193, 413, 7, 1638], [193, 1640, 7, 1641], [], [417, 1644, 7, 1645], [], [], [193, 1648, 312, 14, 425, 1649, 427, 428, 313, 1650, 134, 1644, 32, 1644, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1651], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1644, 450, 14, 7, 1653], [], [], [7, 1655], [], [193, 413, 7, 1657], [193, 1640, 7, 1659], [], [417, 1661, 7, 1662], [], [], [312, 14, 425, 921, 427, 922, 889, 923, 891, 924, 313, 1261, 134, 1661, 32, 1661, 50, 430, 317, -1, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1664], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1661, 450, 14, 7, 1666], [], [], [7, 1668], [], [193, 413, 7, 1670], [193, 1640, 7, 1672], [], [417, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [], [7, 1678], [], [1681, 730, 312, 14, 313, 1682, 134, 1674, 32, 1674, 1683, 628, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1684], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1674, 450, 14, 7, 1686], [], [], [134, 32, 7, 1688], [], [134, 1690, 32, 1690, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1691], [], [134, 1260, 32, 1260, 50, 430, 317, -1, 7, 1693], [], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1212, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1469, 1153, 1154, 182, 1215], [193, 1157], [134, 1154, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1469, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1695], [], [134, 1698, 342, 1699, 347, 348, 349, 349, 7, 1700], [], [50, 316, 134, 1702, 32, 1702, 317, 14, 7, 1703], [], [7, 1705], [], [7, 1707], [], [417, 1709, 7, 1710], [], [], [50, 430, 134, 1709, 32, 1713, 313, 1714, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1715], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1713, 450, 14, 7, 1720], [], [], [], [7, 1723], [], [417, 1725, 7, 1726], [], [], [134, 1725, 313, 1729, 32, 1730, 50, 1731, 193, 1732, 7, 1733], [], [182, 1717, 7, 1735], [], [193, 1267, 449, 1730, 450, 14, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [7, 1739], [], [417, 1741, 7, 1742], [], [], [193, 1746, 134, 1741, 32, 1747, 182, -1, 7, 1748], [317, 1750, 7, 1751], [], [], [317, 1753, 7, 1754], [], [], [317, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [317, 1759, 7, 1760], [], [], [317, 1762, 7, 1763], [], [], [317, 1765, 7, 1766], [], [], [], [], [7, 1769], [], [417, 1771, 7, 1772], [], [], [134, 1771, 32, 1775, 1683, 636, 1681, 428, 431, 432, 433, 14, 7, 1776], [], [], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1443, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1297, 182, 1298], [193, 1301, 182, 1298], [193, 1304, 182, 1298], [193, 1307, 182, 1298], [193, 1310, 182, 1298], [193, 1313, 182, 1298], [193, 1316, 182, 1298], [193, 1319, 182, 1298], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1513, 1153, 1194, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1194, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1513, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1778], [], [134, 1780, 7, 1781], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [193, 1512, 617, 683, 530, 1150, 1151, 1536, 1153, 1214, 182, 554], [193, 1157], [134, 1214, 193, 1160], [], [50, 1164, 193, 1165, 530, 1164, 1129, 432, 941, 1166], [193, 1169], [193, 1172], [], [134, 1536, 182, -1, 193, 1177, 7, 1783], [], [134, 1785, 7, 1786], [], [], [193, 1181], [193, 1184], [50, 1164, 193, 1187, 530, 1164, 1129, 432], [193, 1172], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], [50, 87], [], [], [182, 1558], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1109, 1213], "value": [-1, -1]}, 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[152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 331.828125, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 954], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 405], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 389], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 244.8125, 82.203125, 17], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [8, 278.8125, 1264, 355], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 278.8125, 7, 18], [31, 278.8125, 7, 17], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 278.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [48, 278.8125, 76.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 296.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 296.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 317.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [31, 317.8125, 7, 18], [31, 317.8125, 7, 17], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 58], [48, 317.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [48, 317.8125, 60.359375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 40], [48, 335.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 338.8125, 13, 13], [69, 337.8125, 4, 17], [73, 337.8125, 47.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [73, 337.8125, 16, 16], [89, 337.8125, 31.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 355.8125, 1224, 20], [53, 358.8125, 13, 13], [69, 357.8125, 4, 17], [73, 357.8125, 42.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [73, 357.8125, 16, 16], [89, 357.8125, 26.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 375.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [31, 375.8125, 7, 18], [31, 375.8125, 7, 17], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 57], [48, 375.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 375.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 393.8125, 1224, 21], [47, 392.8125, 1, 1], [47, 392.8125, 61.75, 215], [48, 393.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [253, 394.8125, 0, 17], [48, 414.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [48, 414.8125, 266.796875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 432.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [31, 432.8125, 7, 18], [31, 432.8125, 7, 17], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 102], [48, 432.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [48, 432.8125, 105.09375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 450.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 450.8125, 113, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 478.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 1224, 28], [48, 506.8125, 76, 28], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 534.8125, 7, 18], [31, 534.8125, 7, 17], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 534.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [48, 534.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 552.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 552.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 573.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [31, 573.8125, 7, 18], [31, 573.8125, 7, 17], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 39], [48, 573.8125, 1224, 18], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [48, 573.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 591.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 591.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 0], [48, 612.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [31, 613.8125, 7, 18], [31, 613.8125, 7, 17], [48, 612.8125, 1224, 21], [48, 612.8125, 107.859375, 21], [56, 615.8125, 91.859375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 649.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 665.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 665.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 701.8125, 0, 17], [8, 719.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 719.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 719.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 753.8125, 0, 17], [8, 787.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 787.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 787.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 787.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 787.8125, 0, 17], [8, 805.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 805.8125, 0, 17], [8, 839.8125, 0, 17], [8, 873.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 873.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 907.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 907.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 907.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 907.8125, 0, 17], [8, 941.8125, 0, 17], [8, 975.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 975.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 975.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 975.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 975.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 975.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1009.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 1043.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 1043.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1043.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1061.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1061.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1113.8125, 0, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1147.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1147.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1147.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1147.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1147.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1180.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 218, 214, -1, 223, 224, -1, 227, -1, 231, 210, -1, -1, 238, -1, -1, 244, 246, 206, -1, -1, 255, 210, -1, 214, -1, 263, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 210, 206, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 340, -1, -1, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 421, 210, -1, -1, 210, -1, -1, -1, 214, -1, -1, 404, -1, -1, -1, -1, 467, 210, -1, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 489, 490, 214, -1, -1, 273, -1, 485, -1, -1, 504, 505, 214, -1, -1, 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15], [], [], [135, 60, 61, 17], [], [135, 62, 61, 15], [], [], [], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [], [8, 78, 222, 100], [], [], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 954], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 405], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 389], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [8, 245, 1264, 18], [], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [8, 279, 1264, 355], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [31, 279, 7, 18], [31, 279, 7, 18], [48, 279, 1224, 39], [48, 279, 1224, 18], [48, 279, 76, 17], [48, 279, 76, 17], [], [], [48, 297, 1224, 21], [48, 297, 205, 21], [], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 1224, 0], [48, 318, 0, 0], [], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [31, 318, 7, 18], [31, 318, 7, 18], [48, 318, 1224, 58], [48, 318, 1224, 18], [48, 318, 60, 17], [48, 318, 60, 17], [], [], [48, 336, 1224, 40], [48, 336, 1224, 20], [53, 339, 13, 13], [], [73, 338, 48, 17], [], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [73, 338, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 356, 1224, 20], [53, 359, 13, 13], [], [73, 358, 42, 17], [], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [73, 358, 16, 16], [], [], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 1224, 0], [48, 376, 0, 0], [], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [31, 376, 7, 18], [31, 376, 7, 18], [48, 376, 1224, 57], [48, 376, 1224, 18], [48, 376, 43, 17], [48, 376, 43, 17], [], [], [48, 394, 1224, 21], [47, 393, 1, 1], [], [48, 394, 205, 21], [], [253, 395, 0, 17], [253, 395, 0, 17], [48, 415, 1224, 18], [48, 415, 267, 17], [], [], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 1224, 0], [48, 433, 0, 0], [], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [31, 433, 7, 18], [31, 433, 7, 18], [48, 433, 1224, 102], [48, 433, 1224, 18], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [48, 433, 105, 17], [], [], [], [48, 451, 1224, 28], [48, 451, 113, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 479, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 1224, 28], [48, 507, 76, 28], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 0], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [31, 535, 7, 18], [31, 535, 7, 18], [48, 535, 1224, 39], [48, 535, 1224, 18], [48, 535, 81, 17], [48, 535, 81, 17], [], [], [48, 553, 1224, 21], [48, 553, 205, 21], [], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 1224, 0], [48, 574, 0, 0], [], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [31, 574, 7, 18], [31, 574, 7, 18], [48, 574, 1224, 39], [48, 574, 1224, 18], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [48, 574, 43, 17], [], [], [], [48, 592, 1224, 21], [48, 592, 205, 21], [], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 1224, 0], [48, 613, 0, 0], [], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [31, 614, 7, 18], [31, 614, 7, 18], [48, 613, 1224, 21], [48, 613, 108, 21], [], [], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 1264, 0], [8, 650, 0, 0], [], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 0], [8, 666, 1264, 533], [8, 666, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 720, 106, 17], [124, 720, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 788, 1264, 36], [], [504, 788, 176, 17], [504, 788, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 874, 1264, 18], [], [8, 908, 1264, 18], [8, 908, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "58c52b23-584b-4120", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "16196785-4e02-433f", "", "U", "21686d2b-660c-4521", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "e1475fba-d748-4e5e", "", "\n ", "7d1ad2ee-7ae9-4568", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "2c512e6b-3d01-4756", "", "74ac02e8-993f-46d3", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "5990a82d-12d4-4af9", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "7cc242ec-836e-436d", "", "c7a149e9-2c47-4640", "", "544e94c1-d095-42b5", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "fed9a31d-0680-44e1", "", "9ff76d32-7191-4e16", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "d90d2b47-9b19-43cc", "", "4d6a97f8-9b8a-488a", "", "048823ae-c10e-4ec6", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "f184a0ad-50ae-4b5c", "", "d408c252-3f23-4380", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "407c045d-bca5-4a5b", "", "39b7ae2e-1912-4269", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "2479db21-55e7-409f", "", "copyright", "5ac8eda9-1a1f-4290", "", "0b2a8c46-96d3-4425", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c26acb05-0916-4a2f", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "c0814557-503b-4c4e", "", "a8ec946d-7a98-48a1", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "9716353a-4cb2-43a8", "", "line-height: 17px;", "619dd6a6-fe79-4e79", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "70135592-4df5-4094", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "4e82789e-b6a3-4ce6", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "f8bae2c7-1624-4a91", "", "Complaint Policy", "d8aedb2a-3bd8-4176", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e75ca61a-1807-4f70", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "27dbdca4-047b-4398", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "8f7ba7e0-6da5-462d", "", "/Quote/Static/", "1fb8c8da-b0ea-4b05", "", "/Quote/Static/", "e50fa378-01a5-4d31", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "40e3917e-ae51-4e1f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0a02adda-a640-4466", "", "/Quote/Static/", "19c8baae-e4ac-4af2", "", "/Quote/Static/", "88433393-5aa4-44f4", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "245a55c1-e46e-4216", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/QuickQuoteJS?v=VOCgqeTE7USBjcL2Mnl1TrbYxpBie7QsBgPz0yth1zE1", "830b97bf-7b20-4500", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "7338787e-0b22-48b8", "", "\n (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n \n\n ", "78eec51e-1eea-40ce", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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b[n][e]&&b[n][e]>=0&&(t?b[n][e]>t[e]&&(t=b[n]):t=b[n]);return t&&t.storage||null}function u(e){var t=d.parseInteger(e);return\"number\"==typeof t&&t>(new Date).getTime()?t:-1}function p(e,t){var n=e?e+\"-\":\"\";t&&\"function\"==typeof t.isActive&&t.isActive()?(h[e]=t,m(\"Chosen storage: \"+h[e].name+\", app: \"+e),d.runCallback(g,{app:e,storage:h[e]}),h[e].set(n+y,(new Date).getTime()+T+\"\")):(h[e]=w,m(\"Storage selection error, chosen storage: \"+h[e].name+\", app: \"+e),d.runCallback(g,{app:e,storage:h[e]}))}var 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e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(E?d(n)||T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n):d(n)&&T.removeKeyFromObj(e,n));return T.hasProperties(e)?e:null}function l(e,t,n){var r=lpTag.domainUtil.getParentDomain(t);return m(r)&&T.hasProperties(e)||(e[r]={ts:n}),e}function c(e,t){var n={};if(Array.isArray(e))for(var r=0;r1}function f(e){var t=e.filter(d);return Array.isArray(t)&&t.length>0?!0:!1}function d(e){var n,r=m(t);if(!r)for(var o=0;o-1){t=!0;break}return t}function h(e,t){lpTag.taglets.jsonp.issueCall({url:\"https://\"+b()+\"/api/account/\"+e+\"/configuration/domainprotection/refererrestrictions\",timeout:7e3,retries:3,success:y(t),error:y(t),context:this})}function y(e){return function(t){var n=Array.isArray(t)&&t.length?t[0]:null,r=n&&Array.isArray(n.whiteList)?n.whiteList:[];r=r.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e}),k(\"DataAnalyzer::_onWhiteListReceived whiteList:\"+r.join(\", \")),T.runCallback(e,r)}}function v(e,t){var n=t.substring(2),r=e.lastIndexOf(n);return r>=0&&e.length===r+n.length}function b(){return a||D[r&&r.toUpperCase()]||D[O.GA]}var w,T=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,k=T.log.log,S=/^\\*\\.([^\\.]+\\.)*([^\\.\\s])+$/gi,C=[\"liveperson.net\",\"liveperson.com\",\"lprnd.net\",\"lpsnmedia.net\"],E=\"boolean\"==typeof n?n:\"true\"===n,O={DEV:\"DEV\",QA:\"QA\",ALPHA:\"ALPHA\",GA:\"GA\"},D={};return D[O.DEV]=D[O.QA]=\"qtvr-wap06.dev.lprnd.net\",D[O.ALPHA]=\"accdn-a.lpsnmedia.net\",D[O.GA]=\"accdn.lpsnmedia.net\",u(),{isValidByLocations:i,cleanLocations:s,updateLocations:l,convertLocations:c}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager=window.lpTag.SecureStorageManager||function(e){function t(e,t,n){var r,o,a=t.app,i={},s=!1;t.keys&&Array.isArray(e)?(o=e.length,s=!0):(o=1,t.keys=[t.key],e=[e]),e.forEach(function(e,c){e=encodeURIComponent(e),l(a,e,function(e){r=t.keys[c],i[r]=e?S.getItems(e,t.appName):null,o--,0===o&&(w.hasProperties(i)?s?w.runCallback(n,i):w.runCallback(n,i[r]):(w.runCallback(n,null),k(\"No value\")))})})}function n(e,t,n){var o=t.app;\ne=encodeURIComponent(e),e?l(o,e,function(a){!a&&w.isTouchRequest(t)?w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No value to touch\"}):r(o,e,a,t,n)}):w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No key specified.\"})}function r(e,t,n,r,o){var s=S.getItemId(n&&n[r.appName]),l=w.isTouchRequest(r);\"undefined\"==typeof t||\"undefined\"==typeof r.value&&!l?!l&&n&&n[r.appName]?a(e,t,s,r,o,n):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Object not found.\"}):i(e,t,s,r,o,n)}function o(e){C.hasValidStorageSelected(e)&&window.setTimeout(function(){g(e,d.bind(this,e))},b)}function a(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=w.removeKeyFromObj(a&&a[r.appName],n);w.hasProperties(i&&i[r.appName])||(i=w.removeKeyFromObj(i&&i,r.appName)),w.hasProperties(i)?s(e,t,i,function(e){w.runCallback(o,e&&e.error?e:null)}):c(e,t,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||u(e,t)})}function i(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=S.enhanceObject(a,n,r);i?s(e,t,i,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||p(e,t)}):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Unable to set the item.\"})}function s(e,t,n,r){\"undefined\"!=typeof n&&\"\"!==n&&null!==n?C.getStorage(e).set(t,w.encodeItem(n),r):C.getStorage(e).remove(t,r)}function l(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).get(t,function(e){w.runCallback(n,S.cleanupObject(w.decodeItem(e)))})}function c(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).remove(t,n)}function u(e,t){(!y||y.hasOwnProperty(t))&&g(e,function(){y&&y.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})}function p(e,t){y?y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Adding key to map: \"+t)):g(e,function(){y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Got Map, adding key to map: \"+t))})}function g(e,t){l(e,v,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?e:{},(\"object\"!=typeof y||null===y)&&(y={}),w.runCallback(t,e),T(\"Got map: \"+JSON.stringify(y))})}function f(e,t){s(e,v,t,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?t:{},T(\"Setting map: \"+JSON.stringify(t))})}function d(e,t){y=\"object\"==typeof y?y:{},t=\"object\"==typeof t&&t||y;for(var n in t)T(\"Got key in map: \"+n),t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&m(e,n)}function m(e,t){l(e,t,function(n){var r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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1834, 1835], "attributes": [[], [], [7, 8], [13, 14, 7, 15], [13, 14, 7, 17], [13, 14, 7, 19], [22, 23, 24, 25, 7, 26], [], [30, 31, 24, 32, 7, 33], [], [7, 37], [], [], [30, 40, 24, 41, 7, 42], [], [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 7, 52], [], [50, 54, 46, 55, 7, 56], [], [50, 58, 46, 55, 7, 59], [], [48, 61, 46, 55, 50, 62, 7, 63], [], [50, 65, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 66], [], [46, 55, 50, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 48, 61, 7, 73], [], [50, 75, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 76], [], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [79, -1, 132, 154, 80, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 158, 7, 159], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 161, 7, 162], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [80, 185, 7, 186], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 188], [], [], [7, 191], [], [], [7, 194], [], [], [197, 198, 173, 199, 200, 201, 7, 202], [], [197, 204, 7, 205], [], [132, 207, 7, 208], [], [197, 211, 7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [], [50, 224, 7, 225], [], [], [7, 229], [], [50, 232, 7, 233], [], [], [], [], [197, 236, 7, 237], [], [50, 239, 7, 240], [], [197, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [132, 252, 197, 253, 7, 254], [], [7, 257], [], [], [50, 260, 261, 262, 7, 263], [], [7, 265], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 268, 7, 269], [], [197, 271, 7, 272], [], [50, 274, 261, 262, 7, 275], [], [80, 279, 197, 280, 7, 281], [], [], [], [], [132, 283, 7, 284], [], [7, 287], [], [7, 290], [], [], [], [], [197, 293, 7, 294], [], [197, 297, 7, 298], [], [197, 301, 7, 302], [], [], [], [7, 308], [], [], [], [7, 311], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 314, 7, 315], [], [197, 317, 7, 318], [], [132, 321, 197, 322, 7, 323], [], [132, 325, 7, 326], [], [132, 329, 7, 330], [], [334, 14, 335, 336, 132, 337, 30, 337, 48, 338, 339, 340, 7, 341], [], [334, 14, 335, 343, 132, 344, 30, 344, 48, 338, 339, 345, 7, 346], [], [334, 14, 335, 348, 132, 349, 30, 349, 48, 338, 339, 350, 7, 351], [], [132, 353, 7, 354], [], [358, 359, 360, 361, 132, 362, 363, 364, 365, 365, 7, 366], [334, 14, 335, 343, 132, 344, 30, 344, 48, 338, 339, 345, 7, 368], [334, 14, 335, 370, 132, 371, 30, 371, 48, 338, 339, 372, 7, 373], [334, 14, 335, 375, 132, 376, 30, 376, 48, 338, 339, 377, 7, 378], [334, 14, 335, 380, 132, 381, 30, 381, 48, 338, 339, 382, 7, 383], [334, 14, 335, 385, 132, 386, 30, 386, 48, 338, 339, 387, 7, 388], [334, 14, 335, 390, 132, 391, 30, 391, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 393], [334, 14, 335, 395, 132, 396, 30, 396, 48, 338, 339, 397, 7, 398], [132, 400, 30, 400, 48, 338, 339, 401, 7, 402], [132, 404, 30, 404, 48, 338, 339, -1, 7, 405], [], [173, 199, 132, 408, 409, 410, 7, 411], [], [197, 414, 415, 416, 417, 14, 7, 418], [420, 421, 334, 14, 335, 422, 132, 421, 30, 421, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 423], [334, 14, 335, 425, 132, 426, 30, 426, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 427], [420, 416, 334, 14, 335, 429, 132, 416, 30, 416, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 430], [], [197, 432, 132, 433, 7, 434], [], [197, 436, 7, 437], [], [197, 439, 7, 440], [], [197, 442, 443, 444, 7, 445], [], [7, 448], [], [], [], [7, 452], [], [132, 455, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 458], [], [], [7, 462], [], [], [7, 465], [], [], [7, 469], [], [7, 471], [], [132, 474, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 475], [], [], [7, 477], [], [], [7, 479], [], [], [7, 482], [], [7, 484], [], [197, 486, 7, 487], [], [197, 490, 7, 491], [], [132, 494, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 495], [], [], [], [7, 497], [], [], [7, 500], [], [], [7, 503], [], [7, 505], [], [132, 508, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 509], [], [], [7, 511], [], [], [173, 514, 7, 515], [], [], [7, 518], [], [7, 520], [], [], [7, 523], [], [], [7, 526], [], [7, 528], [], [132, 531, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 532], [], [], [197, 534, 443, 444, 7, 535], [], [197, 537, 7, 538], [], [197, 540, 443, 444, 541, 542, 543, 544, 7, 545], [], [132, 542, 197, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 350, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 7, 559], [], [7, 562], [], [], [], [], [197, 540, 443, 444, 541, 544, 543, 542, 7, 564], [], [132, 544, 197, 566, 548, 567, 550, 568, 552, 340, 553, 569, 555, 570, 557, 499, 7, 571], [], [7, 573], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [], [], [7, 579], [], [7, 581], [], [], [197, 584, 7, 585], [], [197, 534, 132, 587, 7, 588], [], [197, 590, 7, 591], [593, 594, 7, 595], [], [], [173, 597, 7, 598], [], [], [], [], [132, 602, 197, 603, 48, 604, 605, 606, 443, 444, 173, 607, 608, -1, 7, 609], [], [], [], [], [197, 436, 7, 612], [], [197, 439, 7, 614], [], [197, 442, 443, 616, 173, 617, 7, 618], [], [7, 620], [], [], [], [173, 623, 7, 624], [], [132, 626, 197, 456, 200, 457, 173, 617, 7, 627], [], [], [7, 629], [], [], [7, 632], [], [], [7, 634], [], [173, 623, 7, 636], [], [132, 638, 197, 456, 200, 457, 173, 617, 7, 639], [], [], [7, 641], [], [], [7, 643], [], [], [7, 645], [], [173, 623, 7, 647], [], [197, 486, 7, 649], [], [197, 490, 7, 651], [], [132, 653, 197, 456, 200, 457, 173, 617, 7, 654], [], [], [], [7, 656], [], [], [7, 659], [], [], [7, 661], [], [173, 623, 7, 663], [], [132, 665, 197, 456, 200, 457, 173, 617, 7, 666], [], [], [7, 668], [], [], [173, 514, 7, 670], [], [], [7, 672], [], [7, 674], [], [], [7, 676], [], [], [7, 678], [], [173, 623, 7, 680], [], [132, 682, 197, 456, 200, 457, 173, 617, 7, 683], [], [], [197, 685, 443, 616, 7, 686], [], [197, 537, 7, 688], [], [197, 540, 443, 616, 541, 690, 543, 691, 7, 692], [], [132, 690, 197, 547, 548, 694, 550, 695, 552, 350, 553, 696, 555, 697, 557, 558, 7, 698], [], [7, 700], [], [], [], [], [197, 540, 443, 616, 541, 691, 543, 690, 7, 702], [], [132, 691, 197, 566, 548, 704, 550, 705, 552, 340, 553, 706, 555, 707, 557, 499, 7, 708], [], [7, 710], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 575, 7, 712], [], [], [], [7, 714], [], [173, 623, 7, 716], [], [], [197, 584, 7, 718], [], [197, 685, 132, 720, 7, 721], [], [197, 590, 7, 723], [593, 594, 7, 725], [], [], [173, 597, 7, 727], [], [], [], [], [132, 729, 197, 603, 48, 604, 605, 606, 443, 616, 173, 607, 608, -1, 7, 730], [], [], [], [], [197, 436, 7, 732], [], [197, 439, 7, 734], [], [197, 442, 443, 736, 7, 737], [], [7, 739], [], [], [], [7, 742], [], [132, 744, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 745], [], [], [7, 747], [], [], [7, 750], [], [], [7, 752], [], [7, 754], [], [132, 756, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 757], [], [], [7, 759], [], [], [7, 761], [], [], [7, 763], [], [7, 765], [], [197, 486, 7, 767], [], [197, 490, 7, 769], [], [132, 771, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 772], [], [], [], [7, 774], [], [], [7, 777], [], [], [7, 779], [], [7, 781], [], [132, 783, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 784], [], [], [7, 786], [], [], [173, 514, 7, 789], [], [], [7, 792], [], [7, 794], [], [], [7, 796], [], [], [7, 798], [], [7, 800], [], [132, 802, 197, 456, 200, 457, 7, 803], [], [], [197, 805, 443, 736, 7, 806], [], [197, 537, 7, 808], [], [197, 540, 443, 736, 541, 810, 543, 811, 7, 812], [], [132, 810, 197, 547, 548, 814, 550, 815, 552, 350, 553, 816, 555, 817, 557, 818, 7, 819], [], [7, 821], [], [7, 824], [], [], [7, 826], [], [], [], [197, 540, 443, 736, 541, 811, 543, 810, 7, 829], [], [132, 811, 197, 566, 548, 831, 550, 832, 552, 340, 553, 833, 555, 834, 557, 658, 7, 835], [], [7, 837], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 575, 7, 839], [], [], [], [7, 841], [], [7, 843], [], [], [197, 584, 7, 845], [], [197, 805, 132, 847, 7, 848], [], [197, 590, 7, 850], [593, 594, 7, 852], [], [], [173, 597, 7, 854], [], [], [], [], [132, 856, 197, 603, 48, 604, 605, 606, 443, 736, 173, 607, 608, -1, 7, 857], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 859, 197, 860, 200, 861, 7, 862], [], [197, 864, 7, 865], [], [197, 867, 7, 868], [], [7, 872], [197, 867, 7, 874], [], [], [], [132, 877, 197, 878, 200, 861, 7, 879], [], [197, 864, 7, 881], [], [197, 867, 7, 883], [], [7, 886], [197, 867, 7, 888], [], [], [], [132, 890, 197, 878, 200, 861, 7, 891], [], [197, 864, 7, 893], [], [197, 867, 7, 895], [], [], [], [132, 898, 197, 878, 200, 861, 7, 899], [], [197, 864, 7, 901], [], [197, 867, 7, 903], [], [173, 906, 7, 907], [7, 909], [], [], [7, 912], [], [], [7, 915], [], [], [7, 918], [], [], [7, 921], [], [], [7, 924], [], [], [7, 927], [], [], [7, 930], [], [], [], [], [132, 933, 197, 878, 200, 861, 7, 934], [], [197, 864, 7, 936], [], [197, 867, 7, 938], [], [], [], [], [173, 941, 7, 942], [], [173, 945, 7, 946], [], [7, 949], [], [], [], [], [173, 953, 7, 954], [], [173, 945, 7, 956], [], [7, 958], [], [], [], [], [197, 962, 7, 963], [197, 965, 7, 966], [], [197, 968, 7, 969], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 973], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 977], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 981], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 985], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 989], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 993], [], [7, 996], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1000], [], [197, 1002, 7, 1003], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1006], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1013], [1016, 1017, 7, 1018], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1020], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1022], [1016, 1017, 7, 1024], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1026], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1028], [1016, 1017, 7, 1030], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1032], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1034], [1016, 1017, 7, 1036], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1038], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1040], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1042], [1016, 1017, 7, 1044], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1046], [], [197, 1002, 7, 1048], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1051], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1053], [1016, 1017, 7, 1055], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1057], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1059], [1016, 1017, 7, 1061], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1063], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1065], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1067], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1069], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1071], [1016, 1017, 7, 1073], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1075], [], [197, 1077, 7, 1078], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1081], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1083], [1016, 1017, 7, 1085], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1087], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1089], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1091], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1093], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1095], [1016, 1017, 7, 1097], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1099], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1101], [], [197, 1077, 7, 1103], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1106], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1108], [1016, 1017, 7, 1110], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1112], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1114], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1116], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1118], [1016, 1017, 7, 1120], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1122], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1124], [1016, 1017, 7, 1126], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1128], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1130], [], [197, 1002, 7, 1132], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1135], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1137], [1016, 1017, 7, 1139], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1141], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1143], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1145], [1016, 1017, 7, 1147], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1149], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1151], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1153], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1155], [], [197, 1077, 7, 1157], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1160], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1162], [1016, 1017, 7, 1164], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1166], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1168], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1170], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1172], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1174], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1176], [], [197, 1002, 7, 1178], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1181], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1183], [1016, 1017, 7, 1185], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1187], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1189], [1016, 1017, 7, 1191], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1193], [], [], [197, 1195, 7, 1196], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1199], [], [], [197, 1201, 7, 1202], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1205], [], [197, 1002, 7, 1207], [], [], [197, 1210, 7, 1211], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1213], [1016, 1017, 7, 1215], [], [197, 1217, 7, 1218], [], [], [], [197, 1221, 7, 1222], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1224], [1016, 1017, 7, 1226], [], [197, 1217, 7, 1228], [], [], [], [197, 1231, 7, 1232], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1235], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1237], [], [], [197, 1201, 7, 1239], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1241], [], [197, 1077, 7, 1243], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1246], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1248], [1016, 1017, 7, 1250], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1252], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1254], [1016, 1017, 7, 1256], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1258], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1260], [1016, 1017, 7, 1262], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1264], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1266], [1016, 1017, 7, 1268], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1270], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1272], [1016, 1017, 7, 1274], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1276], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1278], [1016, 1017, 7, 1280], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1282], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1285], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1288], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1290], [1016, 1017, 7, 1292], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1294], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1296], [1016, 1017, 7, 1298], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1300], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1302], [1016, 1017, 7, 1304], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1306], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1308], [1016, 1017, 7, 1310], [], [], [197, 1312, 7, 1313], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1316], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1318], [1016, 1017, 7, 1320], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1322], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1324], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1327], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1329], [1016, 1017, 7, 1331], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1333], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1335], [1016, 1017, 7, 1337], [], [], [197, 1339, 7, 1340], [], [], [197, 1343, 7, 1344], [], [], [197, 1347, 7, 1348], [], [], [197, 1351, 7, 1352], [], [], [], [197, 999, 7, 1355], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1357], [], [], [197, 972, 7, 1360], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1362], [1016, 1017, 7, 1364], [], [], [197, 976, 7, 1366], [], [1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 7, 1368], [1016, 1017, 7, 1370], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 1372], [], [], [197, 984, 7, 1374], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 1376], [], [], [197, 992, 7, 1378], [], [], [], [197, 1380, 173, 1381, 7, 1382], [50, 1384, 7, 1385], [], [], [132, 1388, 7, 1389], [], [173, 1391, 7, 1392], [], [], [197, 1395, 7, 1396], [], [7, 1398], [], [], [50, 1400, 173, -1, 7, 1401], [], [], [7, 1403], [], [], [], [7, 1406], [], [], [50, 1400, 7, 1408], [], [], [7, 1411], [], [], [], [7, 1414], [], [], [50, 1400, 7, 1416], [], [], [7, 1419], [], [], [], [], [197, 1422, 7, 1423], [197, 1425, 7, 1426], [], [], [197, 1429, 7, 1430], [], [7, 1432], [], [], [7, 1435], [], [], [], [197, 1429, 7, 1438], [], [7, 1440], [], [], [7, 1443], [], [], [], [7, 1445], [], [197, 1429, 7, 1447], [], [7, 1449], [], [], [], [197, 1429, 7, 1452], [], [7, 1454], [], [], [], [7, 1457], [], [197, 1425, 7, 1459], [], [], [197, 1462, 7, 1463], [], [7, 1465], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1469], [], [], [], [], [197, 1473, 7, 1474], [], [], [], [197, 1478, 7, 1479], [], [197, 1481, 7, 1482], [], [197, 1484, 7, 1485], [], [132, 1487, 7, 1488], [], [7, 1490], [], [7, 1493], [], [50, 1496, 261, 262, 7, 1497], [7, 1500], [], [], [], [7, 1505], [], [7, 1508], [], [50, 1511, 261, 262, 7, 1512], [7, 1514], [], [], [7, 1518], [], [7, 1521], [], [7, 1523], [], [7, 1525], [], [], [7, 1528], [], [7, 1530], [], [], [7, 1534], [], [7, 1536], [], [7, 1538], [], [50, 1541, 261, 262, 7, 1542], [7, 1544], [], [], [50, 1548, 261, 262, 7, 1549], [7, 1551], [], [], [7, 1555], [], [197, 1557, 7, 1558], [], [7, 1560], [], [7, 1563], [], [50, 1496, 261, 262, 1566, 1567, 605, 1567, 7, 1568], [7, 1570], [], [], [7, 1573], [], [197, 1557, 173, 1575, 7, 1576], [], [50, 1578, 261, 262, 1566, 1579, 605, 1579, 7, 1580], [], [], [50, 1583, 261, 262, 605, 1584, 7, 1585], [], [], [50, 1587, 261, 262, 7, 1588], [], [], [7, 1591], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1596, 48, 87, 7, 1597], [], [80, 1599, 48, 87, 7, 1600], [], [80, 1602, 48, 87, 7, 1603], [], [80, 1605, 48, 87, 7, 1606], [], [80, 1608, 48, 87, 7, 1609], [], [80, 1611, 48, 87, 7, 1612], [], [80, 1614, 48, 87, 7, 1615], [], [80, 1617, 48, 87, 7, 1618], [], [80, 1620, 48, 87, 7, 1621], [], [80, 1623, 7, 1624], [], [80, 1627, 7, 1628], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1631], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1635], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1639], [], [], [197, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1650, 173, 1381, 7, 1651], [197, 1653, 7, 1654], [132, 1650, 197, 1656, 7, 1657], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662, 7, 1663], [197, 1665, 7, 1666], [197, 1668, 7, 1669], [], [132, 1648, 173, -1, 197, 1671, 7, 1672], [], [197, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [197, 1677, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1678, 1649, 1679, 173, 1680, 7, 1681], [197, 1653, 7, 1683], [132, 1679, 197, 1656, 7, 1685], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662, 7, 1688], [197, 1665, 7, 1690], [197, 1668, 7, 1692], [], [132, 1678, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 173, -1, 197, 1671, 7, 1698], [], [132, 1700, 173, 1381, 7, 1701], [], [1566, 1703, 80, 1704, 7, 1705], [], [], [132, 1708, 7, 1709], [], [358, 1712, 132, 1713, 363, 364, 365, 365, 7, 1714], [334, 14, 335, 370, 132, 371, 30, 371, 48, 338, 339, 372, 7, 1716], [334, 14, 335, 375, 132, 376, 30, 376, 48, 338, 339, 377, 7, 1718], [420, 1720, 334, 14, 335, 1721, 132, 416, 30, 416, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 1722], [420, 1724, 334, 14, 335, 1725, 132, 426, 30, 426, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 1726], [420, 1728, 334, 14, 335, 1729, 132, 421, 30, 421, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 1730], [334, 14, 335, 380, 132, 381, 30, 381, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 1732], [], [173, 1734, 7, 1735], [], [], [132, 1738, 7, 1739], [], [7, 1741], [], [7, 1743], [], [1746, 1747, 7, 1748], [], [], [], [7, 1752], [], [1746, 1754, 7, 1755], [], [], [], [7, 1759], [], [1746, 1761, 7, 1762], [], [], [], [7, 1766], [], [1746, 400, 7, 1768], [], [], [], [], [7, 1772], [], [7, 1774], [], [1746, 1776, 7, 1777], [], [], [1780, 1781, 334, 14, 1782, 1783, 1784, 1785, 335, 1786, 132, 1776, 30, 1776, 48, 1787, 339, -1, 7, 1788], [], [173, 1790, 7, 1791], [], [197, 414, 415, 1776, 417, 14, 173, 1793, 7, 1794], [], [], [], [7, 1797], [], [1746, 1799, 7, 1800], [], [], [1780, 1803, 334, 14, 1782, 1804, 1784, 1785, 335, 1805, 132, 1799, 30, 1799, 48, 1787, 339, -1, 7, 1806], [], [173, 1790, 7, 1808], [], [197, 414, 415, 1799, 417, 14, 173, 1793, 7, 1810], [], [], [], [7, 1812], [], [1746, 1814, 7, 1815], [], [], [1780, 1818, 334, 14, 1782, 1819, 1784, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 335, 1825, 132, 1814, 30, 1814, 48, 1787, 339, 1826, 1827, 410, 1828, 14, 7, 1829], [], [173, 1790, 7, 1831], [], [197, 414, 415, 1814, 417, 14, 173, 1793, 7, 1833], [], [], [], [7, 1835], [], [1746, 1837, 7, 1838], [], [], [197, 1841, 334, 14, 335, 1842, 132, 1837, 30, 1837, 48, 1787, 339, -1, 1827, 410, 1828, 14, 7, 1843], [], [173, 1790, 7, 1845], [], [197, 414, 415, 1837, 417, 14, 173, 1793, 7, 1847], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1849, 7, 1850], [197, 1852, 7, 1853], [48, 1659, 197, 1855, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 1856], [197, 1668, 7, 1858], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1860, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 1861], [197, 1668, 7, 1863], [], [197, 1865, 173, 1866, 7, 1867], [197, 1869, 173, 1866, 7, 1870], [197, 1872, 173, 1866, 7, 1873], [197, 1875, 173, 1866, 7, 1876], [197, 1878, 173, 1866, 7, 1879], [197, 1881, 173, 1866, 7, 1882], [197, 1884, 173, 1866, 7, 1885], [197, 1887, 173, 1866, 7, 1888], [197, 1677, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1890, 1649, 1891, 173, 1680, 7, 1892], [197, 1653, 7, 1894], [132, 1891, 197, 1656, 7, 1896], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662, 7, 1898], [197, 1665, 7, 1900], [197, 1668, 7, 1902], [], [132, 1890, 1694, 1904, 173, 1905, 197, 1671, 7, 1906], [], [197, 1849, 7, 1909], [197, 1852, 7, 1911], [48, 1659, 197, 1860, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 1913], [197, 1668, 7, 1915], [], [197, 1865, 173, 1866, 7, 1917], [197, 1869, 173, 1866, 7, 1919], [197, 1872, 173, 1866, 7, 1921], [197, 1875, 173, 1866, 7, 1923], [197, 1878, 173, 1866, 7, 1925], [197, 1881, 173, 1866, 7, 1927], [197, 1884, 173, 1866, 7, 1929], [197, 1887, 173, 1866, 7, 1931], [197, 1677, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1933, 1649, 1934, 173, 1680, 7, 1935], [197, 1653, 7, 1937], [132, 1934, 197, 1656, 7, 1939], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662, 7, 1942], [197, 1665, 7, 1944], [197, 1668, 7, 1946], [], [197, 1849, 7, 1948], [197, 1852, 7, 1950], [48, 1659, 197, 1952, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 1953], [197, 1668, 7, 1955], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1952, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 1958], [197, 1668, 7, 1960], [], [197, 1865, 173, 1866, 7, 1963], [197, 1869, 173, 1866, 7, 1965], [197, 1872, 173, 1866, 7, 1967], [197, 1875, 173, 1866, 7, 1969], [197, 1878, 173, 1866, 7, 1971], [197, 1881, 173, 1866, 7, 1973], [197, 1884, 173, 1866, 7, 1975], [197, 1887, 173, 1866, 7, 1977], [197, 1677, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1979, 1649, 1980, 173, 1680, 7, 1981], [197, 1653, 7, 1983], [132, 1980, 197, 1656, 7, 1985], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662, 7, 1988], [197, 1665, 7, 1990], [197, 1668, 7, 1992], [], [197, 1849, 7, 1994], [197, 1852, 7, 1996], [48, 1659, 197, 1952, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 1998], [197, 1668, 7, 2000], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1952, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 2002], [197, 1668, 7, 2004], [], [197, 1865, 173, 1866, 7, 2006], [197, 1869, 173, 1866, 7, 2008], [197, 1872, 173, 1866, 7, 2010], [197, 1875, 173, 1866, 7, 2012], [197, 1878, 173, 1866, 7, 2014], [197, 1881, 173, 1866, 7, 2016], [197, 1884, 173, 1866, 7, 2018], [197, 1887, 173, 1866, 7, 2020], [197, 2022, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 2023, 1649, 2024, 173, 1381, 7, 2025], [197, 1653, 7, 2027], [132, 2024, 197, 1656, 7, 2029], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662, 7, 2032], [197, 1665, 7, 2034], [197, 1668, 7, 2036], [], [197, 1849, 7, 2038], [197, 1852, 7, 2040], [48, 1659, 197, 1860, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 2042], [197, 1668, 7, 2044], [], [197, 2022, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 2046, 1649, 2047, 173, 1381, 7, 2048], [197, 1653, 7, 2050], [132, 2047, 197, 1656, 7, 2052], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662, 7, 2054], [197, 1665, 7, 2056], [197, 1668, 7, 2058], [], [197, 1849, 7, 2060], [197, 1852, 7, 2062], [48, 1659, 197, 1860, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 7, 2064], [197, 1668, 7, 2066], [], [173, 2068, 7, 2069], [], [48, 87, 7, 2071], [], [], [173, 2068, 7, 2074], [7, 2076], [], [173, 2068, 7, 2079], [], [48, 87, 7, 2081], [], [], [1643, 1644, 2084, 14, 1645, 2085, 605, 2086, 30, 2087, 132, 2087, 80, 2088, 173, 2089, 7, 2090], [132, 2092, 80, 2093, 7, 2094], [173, 2097, 7, 2098], [2100, 2101, 173, 2102, 7, 2103], [173, 2105, 7, 2106], [46, 55, 50, 2108, 7, 2109], [173, 2102, 7, 2111], [173, 2105, 7, 2113], [46, 55, 50, 2108, 7, 2115], [197, 1677, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1933, 1649, 1650, 173, 1680], [197, 1653], [132, 1650, 197, 1656], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662], [197, 1665], [197, 1668], [], [132, 1933, 173, -1, 197, 1671, 7, 2117], [], [358, 2120, 132, 2121, 363, 364, 365, 365, 7, 2122], [], [197, 2124, 7, 2125], [], [197, 2128, 7, 2129], [], [7, 2132], [], [7, 2134], [], [197, 2136, 7, 2137], [197, 2139, 7, 2140], [], [1746, 2143, 7, 2144], [], [], [197, 2147, 334, 14, 1782, 2148, 1784, 1785, 335, 2149, 132, 2143, 30, 2143, 48, 1787, 339, -1, 1827, 410, 1828, 14, 7, 2150], [], [197, 414, 415, 2143, 417, 14, 7, 2152], [], [], [7, 2154], [], [197, 2136, 7, 2156], [197, 2139, 7, 2158], [], [1746, 2160, 7, 2161], [], [], [334, 14, 1782, 1819, 1784, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 335, 1825, 132, 2160, 30, 2160, 48, 1787, 339, -1, 1827, 410, 1828, 14, 7, 2164], [], [197, 414, 415, 2160, 417, 14, 7, 2166], [], [], [7, 2168], [], [197, 2136, 7, 2170], [197, 2139, 7, 2172], [], [1746, 2174, 7, 2175], [], [], [7, 2178], [], [2181, 2182, 334, 14, 335, 2183, 132, 2174, 30, 2174, 2184, 1410, 1827, 410, 1828, 14, 7, 2185], [], [197, 414, 415, 2174, 417, 14, 7, 2187], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 2189], [], [132, 2191, 30, 2191, 48, 1787, 339, -1, 7, 2192], [], [132, 1817, 30, 1817, 48, 1787, 339, -1, 7, 2194], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1849], [197, 1852], [48, 1659, 197, 1952, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410], [197, 1668], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1952, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410], [197, 1668], [], [197, 1865, 173, 1866], [197, 1869, 173, 1866], [197, 1872, 173, 1866], [197, 1875, 173, 1866], [197, 1878, 173, 1866], [197, 1881, 173, 1866], [197, 1884, 173, 1866], [197, 1887, 173, 1866], [197, 1677, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1979, 1649, 1679, 173, 1680], [197, 1653], [132, 1679, 197, 1656], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662], [197, 1665], [197, 1668], [], [132, 1979, 173, -1, 197, 1671, 7, 2196], [], [132, 2199, 358, 2200, 363, 364, 365, 365, 7, 2201], [], [48, 338, 132, 2203, 30, 2203, 339, 14, 7, 2204], [], [7, 2206], [], [7, 2208], [], [1746, 2210, 7, 2211], [], [], [48, 1787, 132, 2210, 30, 2214, 335, 1786, 1827, 410, 1828, 14, 7, 2215], [], [173, 2217, 7, 2218], [], [197, 414, 415, 2214, 417, 14, 7, 2220], [], [], [], [7, 2223], [], [1746, 2225, 7, 2226], [], [], [132, 2225, 335, 1842, 30, 1837, 48, 2229, 197, 1841, 7, 2230], [], [173, 2217, 7, 2232], [], [197, 414, 415, 1837, 417, 14, 7, 2234], [], [], [], [7, 2236], [], [1746, 2238, 7, 2239], [], [], [197, 2244, 132, 2238, 30, 2245, 173, -1, 7, 2246], [339, 2249, 7, 2250], [], [], [339, 2252, 7, 2253], [], [], [339, 2255, 7, 2256], [], [], [339, 2258, 7, 2259], [], [], [339, 2261, 7, 2262], [], [], [339, 2264, 7, 2265], [], [], [], [], [7, 2268], [], [1746, 2270, 7, 2271], [], [], [132, 2270, 30, 2274, 2184, 2275, 2181, 1785, 1827, 410, 1828, 14, 7, 2276], [], [], [], [], [197, 1849], [197, 1852], [48, 1659, 197, 1952, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410], [197, 1668], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1952, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410], [197, 1668], [], [197, 1865, 173, 1866], [197, 1869, 173, 1866], [197, 1872, 173, 1866], [197, 1875, 173, 1866], [197, 1878, 173, 1866], [197, 1881, 173, 1866], [197, 1884, 173, 1866], [197, 1887, 173, 1866], [197, 2022, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 2023, 1649, 1891, 173, 1381], [197, 1653], [132, 1891, 197, 1656], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662], [197, 1665], [197, 1668], [], [132, 2023, 173, -1, 197, 1671, 7, 2278], [], [132, 2280, 7, 2281], [], [197, 1849], [197, 1852], [48, 1659, 197, 1860, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410], [197, 1668], [], [197, 2022, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 2046, 1649, 1934, 173, 1381], [197, 1653], [132, 1934, 197, 1656], [], [48, 1659, 197, 1660, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410, 605, 1662], [197, 1665], [197, 1668], [], [132, 2046, 173, -1, 197, 1671, 7, 2283], [], [132, 2285, 7, 2286], [], [], [197, 1849], [197, 1852], [48, 1659, 197, 1860, 1645, 1659, 1661, 410], [197, 1668], [], [173, 2068], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 2068], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 2068], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1662, 1766], "value": [-1, 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69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 302.09375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55959.40625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55959.40625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 3441.953125], [8, 317.53125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 3016.953125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 124.34375, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 400.96875, 1264, 16], [8, 400.96875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 439.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 439.140625, 77.734375, 17], [8, 473.140625, 1264, 2], [8, 496.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 496.40625, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 536.578125, 1264, 16], [8, 536.578125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 574.75, 1264, 18], [8, 574.75, 125.28125, 17], [8, 608.75, 1264, 2], [8, 632.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 632.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 632.015625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 672.1875, 1264, 16], [8, 672.1875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 710.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 710.359375, 160.796875, 17], [8, 744.359375, 1264, 2], [8, 767.625, 1264, 18], [8, 767.625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 807.796875, 1264, 16], [8, 807.796875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 845.96875, 1264, 22], [8, 845.96875, 4, 17], [8, 883.96875, 1264, 2], [8, 908.140625, 1264, 16], [8, 908.140625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 946.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 946.3125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 980.3125, 1264, 2], [8, 1003.578125, 1264, 18], [8, 1003.578125, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [8, 1043.75, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 1081.921875, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1120.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 1120.09375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 1154.09375, 1264, 2], [8, 1177.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 1177.359375, 123.109375, 17], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1255.703125, 1264, 18], [8, 1255.703125, 115.109375, 17], [8, 1289.703125, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 1292.703125, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 1329.421875, 75.875, 21], [8, 1372.6875, 1264, 18], [8, 1372.6875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1412.859375, 1264, 16], [8, 1412.859375, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1451.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1451.03125, 77.734375, 17], [8, 1485.03125, 1264, 2], [8, 1508.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 1508.296875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1548.46875, 1264, 16], [8, 1548.46875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1586.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 1586.640625, 125.28125, 17], [8, 1620.640625, 1264, 2], [8, 1643.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 1643.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 1643.90625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1684.078125, 1264, 16], [8, 1684.078125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1722.25, 1264, 18], [8, 1722.25, 160.796875, 17], [8, 1756.25, 1264, 2], [8, 1779.515625, 1264, 18], [8, 1779.515625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1819.6875, 1264, 16], [8, 1819.6875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 1857.859375, 1264, 22], [8, 1857.859375, 4, 17], [8, 1895.859375, 1264, 2], [8, 1920.03125, 1264, 16], [8, 1920.03125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1958.203125, 1264, 18], [8, 1958.203125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 1992.203125, 1264, 2], [8, 2015.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2015.46875, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [8, 2055.640625, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [8, 2093.8125, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2131.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 2131.984375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 2165.984375, 1264, 2], [8, 2189.25, 1264, 18], [8, 2189.25, 123.109375, 17], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 16], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2267.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 2267.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 2301.59375, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 2304.59375, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 2341.3125, 90.671875, 21], [8, 2384.578125, 1264, 18], [8, 2384.578125, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2424.75, 1264, 16], [8, 2424.75, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2462.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 2462.921875, 77.734375, 17], [8, 2496.921875, 1264, 2], [8, 2520.1875, 1264, 18], [8, 2520.1875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2560.359375, 1264, 16], [8, 2560.359375, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2598.53125, 1264, 18], [8, 2598.53125, 125.28125, 17], [8, 2632.53125, 1264, 2], [8, 2655.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 2655.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 2655.796875, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2695.96875, 1264, 16], [8, 2695.96875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2734.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 2734.140625, 160.796875, 17], [8, 2768.140625, 1264, 2], [8, 2791.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 2791.40625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2831.578125, 1264, 16], [8, 2831.578125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2869.75, 1264, 22], [8, 2869.75, 101.75, 17], [8, 2907.75, 1264, 2], [8, 2931.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 2931.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2970.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 2970.09375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3004.09375, 1264, 2], [8, 3027.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 3027.359375, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 0], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 3067.53125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [8, 3105.703125, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3143.875, 1264, 18], [8, 3143.875, 113.296875, 17], [8, 3177.875, 1264, 2], [8, 3201.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 3201.140625, 123.109375, 17], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 16], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3279.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3279.484375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 3313.484375, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 3316.484375, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3334.484375, 1264, 72], [8, 3334.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3334.484375, 123.0625, 17], [8, 3352.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3352.484375, 1077.5, 17], [8, 3370.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3388.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3388.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3406.484375, 1264, 72], [8, 3406.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3406.484375, 107.078125, 17], [8, 3424.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3424.484375, 1086.40625, 17], [8, 3442.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3460.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3460.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3478.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 3478.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3478.484375, 107.953125, 17], [8, 3496.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3496.484375, 814.5625, 17], [8, 3514.484375, 1264, 193], [8, 3514.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3514.484375, 108.1875, 17], [8, 3532.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3532.484375, 410.546875, 17], [8, 3563.484375, 1264, 144], [48, 3563.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3563.484375, 87.984375, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 81.75, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 164.40625, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 190.171875, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 99.96875, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 85.765625, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 65.78125, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 209.71875, 17], [8, 3723.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 3723.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3723.484375, 121.296875, 17], [8, 3741.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3741.484375, 1087.9375, 17], [8, 3775.484375, 1264, 57], [8, 3775.484375, 1264, 57], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [8, 3775.484375, 1257, 57], [8, 3857.484375, 1264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 1264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [272, 3857.484375, 392, 19], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 51117.6875], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 144], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3892.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3910.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3910.484375, 77.796875, 17], [8, 3928.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3928.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3946.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3946.484375, 51.578125, 17], [8, 3964.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3964.484375, 48, 17], [8, 3982.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3982.484375, 66.09375, 17], [8, 4000.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 4000.484375, 58.25, 17], [66.25, 4000.484375, 0, 17], [8, 4018.484375, 17.78125, 17], [8, 4036.484375, 1264, 7240.8125], [8, 4036.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 4036.484375, 579.890625, 17], [8, 4054.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 4054.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 4325.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 5499.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 5499.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 5769.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 6943.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 6943.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 7214.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 8388.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 8388.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 8659.09375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 10103.65625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 11277.296875, 1264, 4351.6875], [8, 11277.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 11277.296875, 585.140625, 17], [8, 11295.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 11295.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 11566.21875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 12739.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 12739.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 13010.78125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 14455.34375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 15628.984375, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 15628.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 15628.984375, 361.359375, 17], [8, 15646.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 15646.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 15917.90625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 17362.46875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 0], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 4351.6875], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 18], [8, 18536.109375, 310.703125, 17], [8, 18554.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 18554.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 18825.03125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 20269.59375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 21443.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 21443.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 21714.15625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 0], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 22887.796875, 498.65625, 17], [8, 22905.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 22905.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 23176.71875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 0], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 24621.28125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 25794.921875, 179.109375, 17], [8, 25812.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 25812.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 26083.84375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 2943.125], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 27257.484375, 463.390625, 17], [8, 27275.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 27275.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 27546.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 28720.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 28720.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 28990.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 30164.609375, 1264, 0], [8, 30164.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30164.609375, 98.15625, 17], [8, 30182.609375, 1264, 0], [8, 30182.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30182.609375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 30200.609375, 1264, 2979.125], [8, 30200.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30200.609375, 673.171875, 17], [8, 30218.609375, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 30218.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 30489.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 31663.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 31663.171875, 72.890625, 17], [8, 31681.171875, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 31681.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 31952.09375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 33125.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33125.734375, 63.53125, 17], [8, 33143.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33143.734375, 100.828125, 17], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33161.734375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 33179.734375, 1264, 8685.375], [8, 33179.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33179.734375, 199.34375, 17], [8, 33197.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 33197.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 33468.65625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 34642.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 34642.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 34913.21875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 36086.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 36086.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 36357.78125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 37531.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 37531.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 37802.34375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 38975.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 38975.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 39246.90625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 40420.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 40420.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 40691.46875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 41865.109375, 1264, 7258.8125], [8, 41865.109375, 1264, 18], [8, 41865.109375, 980.90625, 17], [8, 41883.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 41883.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 42154.03125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 43327.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 43327.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 43598.59375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 44772.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 44772.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 45043.15625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 46216.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 46216.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 46487.71875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 47661.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 47661.359375, 230.5625, 17], [8, 47679.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 47679.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 47950.28125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 49123.921875, 1264, 2979.125], [8, 49123.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 49123.921875, 696.296875, 17], [8, 49141.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 49141.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 49412.84375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 50586.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 50586.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 50857.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 52031.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52031.046875, 330.515625, 17], [8, 52049.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52049.046875, 347.859375, 17], [8, 52067.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52067.046875, 307.40625, 17], [8, 52085.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52085.046875, 307.296875, 17], [8, 52103.046875, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 52103.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52103.046875, 758.453125, 17], [8, 52121.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 52121.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 52391.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 53565.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 53565.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 53836.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55040.171875, 1264, 681.59375], [8, 55040.171875, 1264, 62], [269.875, 55041.171875, 740.25, 60], [8, 55156.5625, 1264, 212.859375], [48, 55156.5625, 1224, 56.171875], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 18], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 55196.734375, 1224, 16], [48, 55196.734375, 265.828125, 15], [48, 55234.90625, 1224, 56.171875], [31, 55234.90625, 7, 18], [31, 55234.90625, 7, 17], [48, 55234.90625, 8, 17], [48, 55234.90625, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 55275.078125, 1224, 16], [48, 55275.078125, 193.28125, 15], [48, 55313.25, 1224, 56.171875], [31, 55313.25, 7, 18], [31, 55313.25, 7, 17], [48, 55313.25, 8, 17], [48, 55313.25, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 55353.421875, 1224, 16], [48, 55353.421875, 108.734375, 15], [8, 55391.59375, 1264, 292], [8, 55391.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55391.59375, 54.203125, 17], [8, 55425.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 55425.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55425.59375, 40, 17], [8, 55459.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55459.59375, 37.328125, 17], [8, 55493.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 55493.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55493.59375, 47.984375, 17], [8, 55527.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55527.59375, 70.203125, 17], [8, 55561.59375, 1264, 2], [8, 55579.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55579.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55579.59375, 32, 17], [8, 55613.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55613.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55613.59375, 41.328125, 17], [8, 55647.59375, 1264, 2], [8, 55665.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55665.59375, 108, 17], [8, 55705.765625, 1264, 16], [8, 55705.765625, 1264, 16], [8, 55705.765625, 853.125, 15], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 72], [8, 55743.9375, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 55779.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55797.9375, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 55797.9375, 140.40625, 17], [8, 55831.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55865.9375, 1264, 36], [8, 55865.9375, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 55865.9375, 4, 17], [684.140625, 55865.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55883.9375, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 55883.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55917.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55951.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 55951.9375, 907.296875, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 55985.9375, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 55985.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56019.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56053.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 56053.9375, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 56053.9375, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 56053.9375, 9.328125, 17], [8, 56087.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56121.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 56121.9375, 1264, 54], [8, 56121.9375, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 56121.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 56191.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 1264, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 83.546875, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 56225.9375, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 56225.9375, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 56225.9375, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 56225.9375, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 56225.9375, 112.453125, 17], 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0, 0], [], [8, 8388, 1264, 1445], [8, 8388, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 9833, 1264, 0], [8, 9833, 1264, 1445], [8, 9833, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 11277, 1264, 4352], [8, 11277, 1264, 18], [], [8, 11295, 1264, 1445], [8, 11295, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 12740, 1264, 1445], [8, 12740, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 14184, 1264, 0], [8, 14184, 1264, 0], [8, 14184, 1264, 0], [8, 14184, 1264, 1445], [8, 14184, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 15629, 1264, 2907], [8, 15629, 1264, 18], [], [8, 15647, 1264, 1445], [8, 15647, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 17092, 1264, 0], [8, 17092, 1264, 0], [8, 17092, 1264, 0], [8, 17092, 1264, 1445], [8, 17092, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 18536, 1264, 0], [8, 18536, 1264, 4352], [8, 18536, 1264, 18], [], [8, 18554, 1264, 1445], [8, 18554, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 19999, 1264, 0], [8, 19999, 1264, 0], [8, 19999, 1264, 1445], [8, 19999, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 21443, 1264, 1445], [8, 21443, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 22888, 1264, 0], [8, 22888, 1264, 2907], [8, 22888, 1264, 18], [], [8, 22906, 1264, 1445], [8, 22906, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 24350, 1264, 0], [8, 24350, 1264, 1445], [8, 24350, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 25795, 1264, 0], [8, 25795, 1264, 0], [8, 25795, 1264, 0], [8, 25795, 1264, 1463], [8, 25795, 1264, 18], [], [8, 25813, 1264, 1445], [8, 25813, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 27257, 1264, 0], [8, 27257, 1264, 0], [8, 27257, 1264, 0], [8, 27257, 1264, 0], [8, 27257, 1264, 0], [8, 27257, 1264, 2943], [8, 27257, 1264, 18], [], [8, 27275, 1264, 1445], [8, 27275, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 28720, 1264, 1445], [8, 28720, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 30165, 1264, 0], [8, 30165, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30183, 1264, 0], [8, 30183, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30201, 1264, 2979], [8, 30201, 1264, 18], [], [8, 30219, 1264, 1463], [8, 30219, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 31663, 1264, 18], [], [8, 31681, 1264, 1463], [8, 31681, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 33126, 1264, 18], [], [8, 33144, 1264, 18], [], [8, 33162, 1264, 0], [8, 33162, 1264, 0], [8, 33162, 1264, 18], [], [8, 33180, 1264, 8685], [8, 33180, 1264, 18], [], [8, 33198, 1264, 1445], [8, 33198, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 34642, 1264, 1445], [8, 34642, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 36087, 1264, 1445], [8, 36087, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 37531, 1264, 1445], [8, 37531, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 38976, 1264, 1445], [8, 38976, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 40421, 1264, 1445], [8, 40421, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 41865, 1264, 7259], [8, 41865, 1264, 18], [], [8, 41883, 1264, 1445], [8, 41883, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 43328, 1264, 1445], [8, 43328, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 44772, 1264, 1445], [8, 44772, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 46217, 1264, 1445], [8, 46217, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 47661, 1264, 18], [], [8, 47679, 1264, 1445], [8, 47679, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 49124, 1264, 2979], [8, 49124, 1264, 18], [], [8, 49142, 1264, 1445], [8, 49142, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 50586, 1264, 1445], [8, 50586, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 52031, 1264, 18], [], [8, 52049, 1264, 18], [], [8, 52067, 1264, 18], [], [8, 52085, 1264, 18], [], [8, 52103, 1264, 2907], [8, 52103, 1264, 18], [], [8, 52121, 1264, 1445], [8, 52121, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 53566, 1264, 1445], [8, 53566, 1264, 1445], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 55010, 1264, 0], [8, 55010, 1264, 0], [8, 55010, 1264, 0], [8, 55010, 1264, 0], [8, 55040, 1264, 682], [8, 55040, 1264, 62], [], [8, 55157, 1264, 213], [48, 55157, 1224, 56], [31, 55157, 7, 18], [31, 55157, 7, 18], [48, 55157, 8, 17], [], [], [48, 55197, 1224, 16], [], [48, 55235, 1224, 56], [31, 55235, 7, 18], [31, 55235, 7, 18], [48, 55235, 8, 17], [], [], [48, 55275, 1224, 16], [], [48, 55313, 1224, 56], [31, 55313, 7, 18], [31, 55313, 7, 18], [48, 55313, 8, 17], [], [], [48, 55353, 1224, 16], [], [8, 55392, 1264, 292], [8, 55392, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55426, 1264, 52], [8, 55426, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55460, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55494, 1264, 52], [8, 55494, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55528, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55562, 1264, 2], [8, 55580, 1264, 18], [8, 55580, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55614, 1264, 18], [8, 55614, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55648, 1264, 2], [8, 55666, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55706, 1264, 16], [8, 55706, 1264, 16], [], [8, 55744, 1264, 0], [8, 55744, 1264, 533], [8, 55744, 1264, 533], [8, 55744, 1264, 0], [8, 55744, 1264, 533], [8, 55744, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 55798, 106, 17], [124, 55798, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 55866, 1264, 36], [], [504, 55866, 176, 17], [504, 55866, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 55952, 1264, 18], [], [8, 55986, 1264, 18], [8, 55986, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 56054, 1264, 18], [], [753, 56054, 121, 17], [753, 56054, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 56054, 94, 17], [1084, 56054, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 56122, 1264, 0], [8, 56122, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 56140, 106, 17], [761, 56140, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 56226, 1264, 17], [8, 56226, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 56226, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 56226, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 56285], [0, 0, 1280, 56285], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 56269], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 55959], [0, 0, 1264, 55959], [0, 0, 1264, 55404], [0, 0, 1264, 55404], [0, 0, 1264, 55404], [0, 0, 1264, 55404], [0, 0, 1264, 3442], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 3017], [0, 0, 1264, 993], [0, 0, 1264, 993], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1262, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 94], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 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"clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 56285], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 56269], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 55959], [0, 0, 1264, 55959], [0, 0, 1264, 55404], [0, 0, 1264, 55404], [0, 0, 1264, 55404], [0, 0, 1264, 55404], [0, 0, 1264, 3442], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 3017], [0, 0, 1264, 993], [0, 0, 1264, 993], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], 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1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 108, 110, 112, 114, 117, 119, 122, 124, 131, 137, 140, 143, 148, 150, 152, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 169, 171, 173, 175, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 190, 192, 194, 196, 199, 201, 204, 206, 213, 219, 222, 225, 230, 232, 234, 240, 242, 244, 246, 248, 251, 253, 255, 257, 261, 263, 265, 267, 269, 272, 274, 276, 278, 281, 283, 286, 288, 296, 303, 306, 309, 314, 316, 318, 322, 324, 325, 327, 330, 332, 333, 335, 338, 340, 343, 345, 349, 350, 353, 354, 357, 358, 361, 362, 365, 366, 369, 370, 373, 374, 377, 378, 381, 383, 387, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 392, 393, 393, 397, 399, 401, 403, 405, 407, 409, 410, 411, 414, 438, 456, 471, 489, 504, 516, 527, 530, 533, 539, 545, 547, 551, 554, 581, 599, 606, 616, 618, 620, 622, 625, 640, 644, 646, 649, 652, 654, 657, 660, 662, 665, 668, 671, 673, 676, 678, 682, 685, 688, 691, 698, 698, 698, 699, 700, 703, 704, 705, 707, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 717, 720, 721, 722, 723, 725, 728, 729, 729, 732, 733, 734, 737, 738, 739, 742, 743, 743, 743, 744, 747, 748, 750, 751, 753, 755], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 302.09375, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 124.34375, 21], [8, 360.796875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 400.96875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 439.140625, 77.734375, 17], [8, 496.40625, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 536.578125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 574.75, 125.28125, 17], [8, 632.015625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 672.1875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 710.359375, 160.796875, 17], [8, 767.625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 807.796875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 845.96875, 4, 17], [8, 908.140625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 946.3125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 1003.578125, 128.46875, 17], 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17], [8, 56139.9375, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 56139.9375, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 56139.9375, 284.796875, 17], [8, 56157.9375, 345.28125, 17], [8, 56191.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 56225.9375, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 56225.9375, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 56225.9375, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 56225.9375, 112.453125, 17], [8, 56258.9375, 0, 17]], "start": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 133, 202, 301, 0, 0, 3, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 0, 0, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 1, 1, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 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We cover up to 80% of the cost of care and veterinary services after your deductible is applied.", "BR", "e7e70fa0-4c3d-44f5", "", "5a7a7fac-773c-4332", "", "Coverage includes: diagnostics, x-rays, hospitalization, surgery, medication and more.", "illnessCoverageDetails", "plan-details-hover", "3e2aa0bc-b70d-4073", "", "cda2bc30-ab20-4c99", "", "248e29b0-6c80-47b3", "", "These coverage amounts are per condition and renew each and every year. We cover up to 80% of the cost of care and veterinary services after your deductible is applied.", "ebdef8ef-fc0b-45fe", "", "def3660a-b5e5-497b", "", "dentalCoverageDetails", "bd66c235-01d5-4a2a", "", "7303c93f-a840-4686", "", "a3aeb4b8-07ef-4a71", "", "Use this towards the cost of annual cleaning or problems with the teeth and/or gums. These coverage amounts renew each year.", "annualWellnessDetails", "f7f1cf15-bad0-4326", "", "d0632d58-4ca2-427d", "", "9b1cc038-511a-46b0", "", "On the Secure 4 plan, we cover routine annual wellness such as:", "margin-top: 13px", "a6c307c7-69e0-4858", "", "2664d25b-82c7-4ad9", "", "Examinations", "8e08ed5b-d684-47b8", "", "Vaccinations", "ca4b9db1-8626-4bc3", "", "Heartworm testing (dogs)", "03efe2a7-c14c-4f48", "", "Heartworm prevention (dogs)", "23e03616-0b44-4c2d", "", "Flea prevention", "cead1862-62c1-4076", "", "Blood profile", "8e7d8337-a562-4c12", "", "Urinalysis", "fb15f9d8-8c7c-4f2c", "", "Fecal test or routine de-worming", "annualDeductibleDetails", "7a5e9eae-91a0-43fc", "", "6f0d0454-d962-4dcd", "", "f008d6e8-f170-42bd", "", "Our deductibles are paid annual, so regardless of how many claims you make, you only need to satisfy your deductible amount once a year, and only if you need to claim.", "margin-top:15px;", "e9dcecd7-22e6-4e21", "", "\n\t", "font-size:16px;font-family:'Raleway', sans-serif;", "512382db-e1e9-4535", "", "\n\t\t", "7055a8f5-6b13-40f3", "", "Which deductible should I choose?", " Lower deductibles are satisfied sooner,\n\t\twhich means you receive money back faster. Higher deductibles are often more popular with budget-conscious pet owners, as they have a lower monthly premium.\n\t\tThis choice is ideal for customers who are comfortable paying for smaller veterinary expenses, but want insurance for the larger and unexpected costs.\n\t", "margin-top:25px;", "96a7b0a4-2cf4-4880", "", "24e64ff3-941f-4fa2", "", "af812477-8491-4978", "", "See why our insurance is the best.", "\n\t\tCompare our plans to other pet insurance providers.\n\t", "compare-table", "89e82f9a-d253-4d61", "", "row compare-header", "e85b7b49-0b60-44fb", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage", "ff295203-4e98-4c37", "", "\n Coverage\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ovma", "374a1017-6c9c-4def", "", "\n OVMA PHI\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsecure", "9ee6432a-67aa-49ed", "", "\n Petsecure\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ospca", "658e8495-29c0-4831", "", "\n OSPCA\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petplan", "ac979692-9fe4-4459", "", "\n Petplan\n ", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion", "204b29c3-e402-40e8", "", "\n Trupanion\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus", "f1a51b61-da58-4b0c", "", "\n Pets Plus", "b4b8c801-741a-4837", "", "Us\n ", "row compare-row", "6cf7dcb9-6828-42c8", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage two-line-text", "e65eed05-e0a1-470e", "", "\n Coverage for taxes, exam fees, specialist consultation, referrals, rechecks, emergency fees.\n ", "a95acbe9-d0c0-4281", "", "svg", "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "viewBox", "0 0 448 512", "d2ed5d5d-5ba1-4ffa", "", "path", "d", "M438.6 105.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-256 256c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0l-128-128c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0L160 338.7 393.4 105.4c12.5-12.5 32.8-12.5 45.3 0z", "9a67c2d7-05bd-4e87", "", "71c3eaec-ca5d-4891", "", "7b86cfda-a932-4bc0", "", "f0d3f3f4-f9bb-47fb", "", "3c7ea48d-767e-49ec", "", "233ba13d-34dd-4925", "", "36b98950-0aeb-4d6d", "", "a0d63398-7e0a-4371", "", "a8bf32ad-82dc-4113", "", "507d5d66-dc2a-449a", "", "c1c8aadf-f7db-4d70", "", "6164a620-29fa-43b4", "", "0215b235-41a1-445d", "", "6287c1af-67d4-4b06", "", "e24b1843-cffa-443d", "", "5645e6cf-57fc-49d4", "", "\n Medical records reviewed at point of purchase. No hidden surprises or delays at first claim!\n ", "854fbab3-4609-45fb", "", "bbf5f70a-00a7-4fea", "", "f14d5ca4-bdd5-48ca", "", "704874c0-2765-46c0", "", "2ab5c62d-5964-42ae", "", "f2524336-c0b9-48a5", "", "6cf12f1d-cfa1-4e55", "", "b43bcc1f-fdf7-430c", "", "d64b3675-f31b-4a70", "", "f935b3bc-4996-44cf", "", "a459e64b-f686-420f", "", "c66f5786-e1b0-4e06", "", "4c8444f6-0645-465e", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage one-line-text", "917f55a7-cbc0-4f40", "", "\n Quick and efficient claims turnaround \u2013 often same day!\n ", "d7093cb0-5489-4091", "", "faf0d5df-e0f9-46fa", "", "b7cd55e2-d233-4927", "", "f3470246-bce1-4ca4", "", "a677804a-7af8-438c", "", "0d25b93e-7849-41d4", "", "e2c85009-a37d-41fa", "", "f7da38df-e5fb-4243", "", "02be0ba2-a943-47fd", "", "c4427eda-c094-402e", "", "104fb57c-3c7e-47cd", "", "6a63ea02-e481-4af5", "", "\n 24/7 emergency support for veterinary practices.\n ", "7092f61d-89eb-45ef", "", "8646eac1-05f1-4703", "", "8754a8e4-7ecb-4f8c", "", "7ba8dbbe-ad8f-4fd6", "", "aed30cd1-4e93-4707", "", "d899b6f5-0a7a-4158", "", "2e888983-e1f0-4152", "", "73e8c827-e36f-493d", "", "8379f328-c45b-4df1", "", "26d8af1a-74af-4846", "", "63d588ed-d810-4269", "", "4b5356e1-94dd-4992", "", "4f1cb131-608f-4210", "", "2a67aa79-1586-4cc5", "", "\n Larger claim payout due to applying deductible first and co-insurance second.\n ", "b2b7d6ad-f175-4eee", "", "4e4ca5c3-c5ed-4d71", "", "d84a24e8-416f-4579", "", "65e9ec31-aa2a-4582", "", "7ddcbcaa-bce1-481f", "", "74eaa4c5-8c2f-4da4", "", "2dcbe600-6a55-46b0", "", "f56d42ed-a610-43c2", "", "0d79b3a1-a45e-4e7d", "", "b1cf0444-6e9d-4c17", "", "641ac5d8-ac7c-4136", "", "1ad9b59d-ec71-47f0", "", "\n Customer loyalty discounts.\n ", "61815e60-0391-477f", "", "8ac15b68-de1d-4c84", "", "8fa131b8-56b4-4b01", "", "94887622-9761-4f71", "", "0502e4a9-bd7e-4913", "", "96fb0470-d2bb-4068", "", "79887fa8-9ef1-4132", "", "124251e4-80c6-48ed", "", "1e2b76e4-dca0-4c11", "", "d5735710-f035-45d6", "", "\n Coverage for routine dental exams and cleanings included in every plan.\n ", "8327ba9d-2376-4faa", "", "9ede8e0f-e8e8-4cf5", "", "2bc4e8de-1a04-4d68", "", "cc516f7a-1f09-4af2", "", "c66e35b2-0a8f-4f91", "", "1499838c-a4a2-475b", "", "5eb59e73-e043-4194", "", "col-md-1 compare-petplan one-line-text", "5234a438-30c7-410a", "", "\n select coverage\n ", "4fd7dd99-06db-46ee", "", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus four-line-text", "5369c9dd-b15a-4445", "", "\n Self-financing of select costs with optional separate wellness plan\n ", "d920d428-751f-4964", "", "825917ad-0107-43bc", "", "\n Wellness care coverage option, such as annual exam and vaccinations, routine bloodwork, urinalysis, etc.\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ovma compare-check-over-text", "d4d78215-9d1f-43e1", "", "a0cfe447-9174-4ba1", "", "163c4040-3cab-44bd", "", "compare-text-under-check", "6c8b17e6-c8ef-42d5", "", " *Unlimited ", "col-md-1 compare-petsecure compare-check-over-text", "7594c808-f14a-402e", "", "444714d5-00c0-46cd", "", "1e0613dc-a320-4dcf", "", "7a182a7b-b38a-4fe8", "", " *Secure 4 ", "col-md-1 compare-ospca one-line-text", "4ffb748d-5876-41ca", "", "\n Select coverage\n ", "b1e44f42-cfe7-4167", "", "9d885c82-a7b4-42fe", "", "2b250b7b-5916-4f21", "", "a15087a7-f124-4063", "", "9597411c-17c4-464c", "", "\n Ability to pay practice directly.\n ", "3d54a2d8-14ae-42a9", "", "ae4b3853-1c3c-4849", "", "a1338ba4-7957-4ea6", "", "afd66b6f-7379-4dfc", "", "02685005-9313-425f", "", "2bcc9f9f-d4a6-4871", "", "17b90acb-1652-432b", "", "ed690393-8fa4-41bc", "", "1fe8a057-1711-4391", "", "346e53cb-2032-4980", "", "2b5e48df-ca21-4baa", "", "d8a04378-2234-44bd", "", "ecdcef41-8e9e-4147", "", "afa6e327-b295-40c5", "", "9938a3a0-0688-4a92", "", "aea3403f-8520-48d7", "", "3820af16-f0f7-4e4d", "", "77420830-3f3e-4d04", "", "1503defa-cdab-48ca", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage four-line-text", "99bb989c-559b-4e01", "", "\n Pet owner assistance with every policy, such as lost pet advertising & reward, boarding when you\u2019re in hospital, holiday cancellation, cremation or burial\n ", "b514d9e7-4b52-4e2f", "", "6ec28b79-746f-4022", "", "70974aea-36fc-4875", "", "e2403685-4caa-496c", "", "e4728488-890a-4a7a", "", "68add3ef-5d32-4ddb", "", "cd3cbcd2-333b-4a55", "", "6de61a8b-0df0-4af6", "", "2b78730f-44d5-41ef", "", "e0b9bf6c-4ae2-4e81", "", "d5cf61d6-dc96-401f", "", "56c590bc-4192-4188", "", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion two-line-text", "b0eac3aa-c876-4e69", "", "\n Rider available for an additional fee\n ", "ea50640a-1de3-4acb", "", "8cf53ab0-89e3-42ca", "", "8cdf3820-a3cb-460d", "", "765c6640-02e1-49f3", "", "2c8e0cf9-cb5d-49ca", "", "\n Includes additional coverage for alternative therapy, behavioural therapy, and medical devices on every plan.\n ", "6dcc68fe-d974-4d1a", "", "d9a91f8c-847e-4515", "", "9393503d-d28d-482b", "", "e56bebee-8a6a-4952", "", "22f00f8f-b6c6-4be8", "", "32392717-436b-4571", "", "col-md-1 compare-ospca three-line-text", "136b8230-5f80-4290", "", "\n No behavioural therapy or medical device coverage\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petplan three-line-text", "768dd7e6-a1ae-43c2", "", "\n Select behavioural and alternative, no medical devices\n ", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion three-line-text", "e7441691-4b4f-4eda", "", "\n Limited coverage available for an additional fee\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus three-line-text", "e9670d32-3ede-49e1", "", "\n Select alternative therapies only, no behavioural\n ", "7bb056c0-6d2b-4df4", "", "4c05dc8b-30cd-4b22", "", "\n Dental illness covered with no exclusion even if your pet had tartar or gingivitis before the end of your waiting period.\n ", "2071e212-aeb4-42fc", "", "2134c1a1-b670-4be5", "", "9daced68-10d4-417b", "", "6a057a45-d215-4deb", "", "908cf69a-0a5a-41d1", "", "c25f1e83-6ae1-4acb", "", "a4ffe876-73bb-4c5c", "", "e0040c51-20ea-474b", "", "114be49c-9b7c-4baf", "", "b709b189-4697-4158", "", "compareMobile", "display: none;", "f6bcf878-4e22-4975", "", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/ovma-comparison-sheet-en.pdf", "7e70eb69-3ec8-4655", "", " Click here to download a comparison chart.", "ClaimProcessContainer", "bf250240-c7a3-4937", "", "margin-top:30px;text-align:center;font-size:3.4rem;", "8c33abe4-4b4d-4fae", "", "What to expect when you claim.", "col-md-4", "d547774f-c240-4b94", "", "3f057e97-efe1-4a33", "", "#", "8ff17746-a9a4-4cb8", "", "09437ceb-cd7d-4cdb", "", "Pay your veterinarian in full and submit claim.", "5747fd23-20e1-4008", "", "d8b55056-38ad-4a70", "", "2", "37ee5318-d1e9-4d12", "", "Your annual deductible is applied.", "b4348c77-2746-424d", "", "a8be4591-ec2b-4f4c", "", "3", "93966609-f9d5-4fb9", "", "80% is paid to you.", "claim-chart col-md-7", "b8129af4-1c8e-44f0", "", "head-title", "92368283-3da5-414f", "", "example", "claim-chart-left", "c6c6f8eb-03e1-47d8", "", "14bb08bd-1f72-460b", "", "$1000", "a03895eb-2751-46c0", "", "-$100", "63bc1efe-4e97-431a", "", "2cae54f2-7c5b-4dc7", "", "Invoice", "bcf6a4ab-4aa4-4ca9", "", "aa658106-053e-47fd", "", "7a852181-229c-4ea2", "", "dd0a4076-63a9-44e8", "", "$900", "d7f27dd3-5ace-4841", "", "66218790-1d53-4cf3", "", "x 80%", "0f8dfd6d-5e20-426f", "", "41f68136-e304-4d87", "", "$720 paid to you", "col-md-10", "591a780a-7619-4710", "", "709041cb-fa70-4e20", "", "Once your annual deductible has been satisfied for your policy year, you will receive 80% of eligible veterinary fees. Subject to the terms of your policy.", "\n\n\n", "6b748f88-acda-46c5", "", "\n\nwindow.onload = function() {\n\nif (/ Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n$('#plans-slider').bxSlider({\nonSliderLoad: function () {\n$(\".bx-viewport\").css(\"visibility\", \"visible\");\n$('div.planBox').eq(1).addClass('active-slide')\n},\nonSlideAfter: function (currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) {\nconsole.log(currentSlideHtmlObject);\n$('.active-slide').removeClass('active-slide');\n$('div.planBox').eq(currentSlideHtmlObject).addClass('active-slide').trigger(\"click\");\n$('choose - plan - button').animate({ \"background-color\": \"#e8a010\", \"font-size\": \"48pt\" }, 1000);\n},\nonSlideBefore: function () {\nif (!$('.bx-clone').is(\":visible\")) {\n$('.bx-clone').show();\n}\n},\nrandomStart: false,\ncontrols: true,\nkeyboardEnabled: true,\ninfiniteLoop: false,\nhideControlOnEnd: true,\nautoReload: true,\nmaxSlides: 1,\nstartSlide: 1,\nslideMargin: 0,\nslideWidth: 310,\nuseCSS: false\n});\n}\n};\n", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "tab1_spacer", "ef2a0110-61d8-4bf7", "", "\n \n\n\n \n ", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "bd9ec4ba-0227-4196", "", "footer-wrapper", "68027dda-b054-48ae", "", "footer-br", "9de8156c-ac3c-4883", "", "footer", "dd49cb7d-01c0-438c", "", "afd77b0a-43e8-4196", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "f68d3966-272e-46e7", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a8ab1fc3-6adc-4e71", "", "U", "690560a8-9b82-4dcf", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "540809ec-d878-4714", "", "\n ", "1b53309f-a675-46b4", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "58906cb1-3521-421a", "", "a447fdb5-5ec2-49e2", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "6f9ab1d6-c49a-443c", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "af7d99cd-1008-42be", "", "234f5560-594f-4018", "", "88f102c3-cb1b-4f3d", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b0458682-e15b-4cb0", "", "500d1a85-87ce-48b5", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "53525e0d-2826-4fb1", "", "0fb6119c-da8b-475d", "", "27948ac6-c989-4705", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "a9942bbb-bd75-4c49", "", "dc50c26a-3aab-496d", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "47eb1527-3050-41a4", "", "8b2b19c0-b10e-4a89", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "6928250b-491c-42f9", "", "copyright", "1fcaa4a5-a8f9-45bd", "", "d2054825-573c-4e34", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "0efb209c-96b6-49d8", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "29b0ec31-8811-4e35", "", "04990aaa-2970-4a4b", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "54d1e461-80aa-4001", "", "line-height: 17px;", "c2c8d739-8fc2-486b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "c7034256-1f3b-4dd7", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "ecbee21d-cc74-4f2e", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "ccaffe02-09b0-4c2a", "", "Complaint Policy", "a77cd5ae-ba96-44c9", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e0481fbf-7b49-4601", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "6be36eda-b850-402b", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "98bd4ed6-0ea7-4ad6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f25ddced-8cce-48ca", "", "/Quote/Static/", "376d256b-6fd1-443d", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "4f753845-9590-4c56", "", "/Quote/Static/", "dc27cecf-f10b-4327", "", "/Quote/Static/", "00d3e6c8-c8a2-4388", "", "/Quote/Static/", "afc4e4b6-406d-4fdf", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "cd638d6f-82ed-4041", "", "\n\n \n", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step1JS?v=YML3jiCRibTbXNqwgJKGGPEa0-C9mHlmAsOGHxEEsN81", "c071bfde-302f-478b", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "72103bb5-fc76-4ee7", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "f645e695-00c2-4e1a", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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[132, 758, 197, 458, 200, 459, 173, 619, 7, 759], [], [], [7, 761], [], [], [7, 763], [], [], [7, 765], [], [173, 625, 7, 767], [], [197, 488, 7, 769], [], [197, 492, 7, 771], [], [132, 773, 197, 458, 200, 459, 173, 619, 7, 774], [], [], [], [7, 776], [], [], [7, 779], [], [], [7, 781], [], [173, 625, 7, 783], [], [132, 785, 197, 458, 200, 459, 173, 619, 7, 786], [], [], [7, 788], [], [], [173, 516, 7, 791], [], [], [7, 794], [], [7, 796], [], [], [7, 798], [], [], [7, 800], [], [173, 625, 7, 802], [], [132, 804, 197, 458, 200, 459, 173, 619, 7, 805], [], [], [197, 807, 443, 738, 7, 808], [], [197, 539, 7, 810], [], [197, 542, 443, 738, 543, 812, 545, 813, 7, 814], [], [132, 812, 197, 549, 550, 816, 552, 817, 554, 350, 555, 818, 557, 819, 559, 820, 7, 821], [], [7, 823], [], [7, 826], [], [], [7, 828], [], [], [], [197, 542, 443, 738, 543, 813, 545, 812, 7, 831], [], [132, 813, 197, 568, 550, 833, 552, 834, 554, 340, 555, 835, 557, 836, 559, 660, 7, 837], [], [7, 839], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 577, 7, 841], [], [], [], [7, 843], [], [173, 625, 7, 845], [], [], [197, 586, 7, 847], [], [197, 807, 132, 849, 7, 850], [], [197, 592, 7, 852], [595, 596, 7, 854], [], [], [173, 599, 7, 856], [], [], [], [], [132, 858, 197, 605, 48, 606, 607, 608, 443, 738, 173, 609, 610, -1, 7, 859], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 861, 197, 862, 200, 863, 7, 864], [], [197, 866, 7, 867], [], [197, 869, 7, 870], [], [7, 874], [197, 869, 7, 876], [], [], [], [132, 879, 197, 880, 200, 863, 7, 881], [], [197, 866, 7, 883], [], [197, 869, 7, 885], [], [7, 888], [197, 869, 7, 890], [], [], [], [132, 892, 197, 880, 200, 863, 7, 893], [], [197, 866, 7, 895], [], [197, 869, 7, 897], [], [], [], [132, 900, 197, 880, 200, 863, 7, 901], [], [197, 866, 7, 903], [], [197, 869, 7, 905], [], [173, 908, 7, 909], [7, 911], [], [], [7, 914], [], [], [7, 917], [], [], [7, 920], [], [], [7, 923], [], [], [7, 926], [], [], [7, 929], [], [], [7, 932], [], [], [], [], [132, 935, 197, 880, 200, 863, 7, 936], [], [197, 866, 7, 938], [], [197, 869, 7, 940], [], [], [], [], [173, 943, 7, 944], [], [173, 947, 7, 948], [], [7, 951], [], [], [], [], [173, 955, 7, 956], [], [173, 947, 7, 958], [], [7, 960], [], [], [], [], [197, 964, 7, 965], [197, 967, 7, 968], [], [197, 970, 7, 971], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 975], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 979], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 983], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 987], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 991], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 995], [], [7, 998], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1002], [], [197, 1004, 7, 1005], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1008], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1015], [1018, 1019, 7, 1020], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1022], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1024], [1018, 1019, 7, 1026], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1028], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1030], [1018, 1019, 7, 1032], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1034], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1036], [1018, 1019, 7, 1038], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1040], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1042], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1044], [1018, 1019, 7, 1046], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1048], [], [197, 1004, 7, 1050], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1053], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1055], [1018, 1019, 7, 1057], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1059], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1061], [1018, 1019, 7, 1063], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1065], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1067], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1069], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1071], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1073], [1018, 1019, 7, 1075], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1077], [], [197, 1079, 7, 1080], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1083], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1085], [1018, 1019, 7, 1087], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1089], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1091], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1093], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1095], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1097], [1018, 1019, 7, 1099], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1101], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1103], [], [197, 1079, 7, 1105], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1108], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1110], [1018, 1019, 7, 1112], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1114], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1116], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1118], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1120], [1018, 1019, 7, 1122], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1124], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1126], [1018, 1019, 7, 1128], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1130], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1132], [], [197, 1004, 7, 1134], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1137], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1139], [1018, 1019, 7, 1141], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1143], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1145], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1147], [1018, 1019, 7, 1149], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1151], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1153], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1155], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1157], [], [197, 1079, 7, 1159], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1162], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1164], [1018, 1019, 7, 1166], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1168], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1170], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1172], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1174], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1176], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1178], [], [197, 1004, 7, 1180], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1183], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1185], [1018, 1019, 7, 1187], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1189], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1191], [1018, 1019, 7, 1193], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1195], [], [], [197, 1197, 7, 1198], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1201], [], [], [197, 1203, 7, 1204], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1207], [], [197, 1004, 7, 1209], [], [], [197, 1212, 7, 1213], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1215], [1018, 1019, 7, 1217], [], [197, 1219, 7, 1220], [], [], [], [197, 1223, 7, 1224], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1226], [1018, 1019, 7, 1228], [], [197, 1219, 7, 1230], [], [], [], [197, 1233, 7, 1234], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1237], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1239], [], [], [197, 1203, 7, 1241], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1243], [], [197, 1079, 7, 1245], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1248], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1250], [1018, 1019, 7, 1252], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1254], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1256], [1018, 1019, 7, 1258], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1260], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1262], [1018, 1019, 7, 1264], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1266], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1268], [1018, 1019, 7, 1270], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1272], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1274], [1018, 1019, 7, 1276], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1278], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1280], [1018, 1019, 7, 1282], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1284], [], [197, 1286, 7, 1287], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1290], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1292], [1018, 1019, 7, 1294], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1296], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1298], [1018, 1019, 7, 1300], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1302], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1304], [1018, 1019, 7, 1306], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1308], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1310], [1018, 1019, 7, 1312], [], [], [197, 1314, 7, 1315], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1318], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1320], [1018, 1019, 7, 1322], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1324], [], [197, 1286, 7, 1326], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1329], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1331], [1018, 1019, 7, 1333], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1335], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1337], [1018, 1019, 7, 1339], [], [], [197, 1341, 7, 1342], [], [], [197, 1345, 7, 1346], [], [], [197, 1349, 7, 1350], [], [], [197, 1353, 7, 1354], [], [], [], [197, 1001, 7, 1357], [], [197, 1286, 7, 1359], [], [], [197, 974, 7, 1362], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1364], [1018, 1019, 7, 1366], [], [], [197, 978, 7, 1368], [], [1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 7, 1370], [1018, 1019, 7, 1372], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 1374], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 1376], [], [], [197, 990, 7, 1378], [], [], [197, 994, 7, 1380], [], [], [], [197, 1382, 173, 1383, 7, 1384], [50, 1386, 7, 1387], [], [], [132, 1390, 7, 1391], [], [173, 1393, 7, 1394], [], [], [197, 1397, 7, 1398], [], [7, 1400], [], [], [50, 1402, 173, -1, 7, 1403], [], [], [7, 1405], [], [], [], [7, 1408], [], [], [50, 1402, 7, 1410], [], [], [7, 1413], [], [], [], [7, 1416], [], [], [50, 1402, 7, 1418], [], [], [7, 1421], [], [], [], [], [197, 1424, 7, 1425], [197, 1427, 7, 1428], [], [], [197, 1431, 7, 1432], [], [7, 1434], [], [], [7, 1437], [], [], [], [197, 1431, 7, 1440], [], [7, 1442], [], [], [7, 1445], [], [], [], [7, 1447], [], [197, 1431, 7, 1449], [], [7, 1451], [], [], [], [197, 1431, 7, 1454], [], [7, 1456], [], [], [], [7, 1459], [], [197, 1427, 7, 1461], [], [], [197, 1464, 7, 1465], [], [7, 1467], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1471], [], [], [], [], [197, 1475, 7, 1476], [], [], [], [197, 1480, 7, 1481], [], [197, 1483, 7, 1484], [], [197, 1486, 7, 1487], [], [132, 1489, 7, 1490], [], [7, 1492], [], [7, 1495], [], [50, 1498, 261, 262, 7, 1499], [7, 1502], [], [], [], [7, 1507], [], [7, 1510], [], [50, 1513, 261, 262, 7, 1514], [7, 1516], [], [], [7, 1520], [], [7, 1523], [], [7, 1525], [], [7, 1527], [], [], [7, 1530], [], [7, 1532], [], [], [7, 1536], [], [7, 1538], [], [7, 1540], [], [50, 1543, 261, 262, 7, 1544], [7, 1546], [], [], [50, 1550, 261, 262, 7, 1551], [7, 1553], [], [], [7, 1557], [], [197, 1559, 7, 1560], [], [7, 1562], [], [7, 1565], [], [50, 1498, 261, 262, 1568, 1569, 607, 1569, 7, 1570], [7, 1572], [], [], [7, 1575], [], [197, 1559, 173, 1577, 7, 1578], [], [50, 1580, 261, 262, 1568, 1581, 607, 1581, 7, 1582], [], [], [50, 1585, 261, 262, 607, 1586, 7, 1587], [], [], [50, 1589, 261, 262, 7, 1590], [], [], [7, 1593], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1598, 48, 87, 7, 1599], [], [80, 1601, 48, 87, 7, 1602], [], [80, 1604, 48, 87, 7, 1605], [], [80, 1607, 48, 87, 7, 1608], [], [80, 1610, 48, 87, 7, 1611], [], [80, 1613, 48, 87, 7, 1614], [], [80, 1616, 48, 87, 7, 1617], [], [80, 1619, 48, 87, 7, 1620], [], [80, 1622, 48, 87, 7, 1623], [], [80, 1625, 7, 1626], [], [80, 1629, 7, 1630], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1633], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1637], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1641], [], [], [197, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1650, 1651, 1652, 173, 1383, 7, 1653], [197, 1655, 7, 1656], [132, 1652, 197, 1658, 7, 1659], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664, 7, 1665], [197, 1667, 7, 1668], [197, 1670, 7, 1671], [], [132, 1650, 173, -1, 197, 1673, 7, 1674], [], [197, 1676, 7, 1677], [], [197, 1679, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1680, 1651, 1681, 173, 1682, 7, 1683], [197, 1655, 7, 1685], [132, 1681, 197, 1658, 7, 1687], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664, 7, 1690], [197, 1667, 7, 1692], [197, 1670, 7, 1694], [], [132, 1680, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 173, -1, 197, 1673, 7, 1700], [], [132, 1702, 173, 1383, 7, 1703], [], [1568, 1705, 80, 1706, 7, 1707], [], [], [132, 1710, 7, 1711], [], [358, 1714, 132, 1715, 363, 364, 365, 365, 7, 1716], [334, 14, 335, 370, 132, 371, 30, 371, 48, 338, 339, 372, 7, 1718], [334, 14, 335, 375, 132, 376, 30, 376, 48, 338, 339, 377, 7, 1720], [420, 1722, 334, 14, 335, 1723, 132, 416, 30, 416, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 1724], [420, 1726, 334, 14, 335, 1727, 132, 426, 30, 426, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 1728], [420, 1730, 334, 14, 335, 1731, 132, 421, 30, 421, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 1732], [334, 14, 335, 380, 132, 381, 30, 381, 48, 338, 339, 392, 7, 1734], [], [173, 1736, 7, 1737], [], [], [132, 1740, 7, 1741], [], [7, 1743], [], [7, 1745], [], [1748, 1749, 7, 1750], [], [], [], [7, 1754], [], [1748, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [], [7, 1761], [], [1748, 1763, 7, 1764], [], [], [], [7, 1768], [], [1748, 400, 7, 1770], [], [], [], [], [7, 1774], [], [7, 1776], [], [1748, 1778, 7, 1779], [], [], [1782, 1783, 334, 14, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, 335, 1788, 132, 1778, 30, 1778, 48, 1789, 339, -1, 7, 1790], [], [173, 1792, 7, 1793], [], [197, 414, 415, 1778, 417, 14, 173, 1795, 7, 1796], [], [], [], [7, 1799], [], [1748, 1801, 7, 1802], [], [], [1782, 1805, 334, 14, 1784, 1806, 1786, 1787, 335, 1807, 132, 1801, 30, 1801, 48, 1789, 339, -1, 7, 1808], [], [173, 1792, 7, 1810], [], [197, 414, 415, 1801, 417, 14, 173, 1795, 7, 1812], [], [], [], [7, 1814], [], [1748, 1816, 7, 1817], [], [], [1782, 1820, 334, 14, 1784, 1821, 1786, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 335, 1827, 132, 1816, 30, 1816, 48, 1789, 339, 1828, 1829, 410, 1830, 14, 7, 1831], [], [173, 1792, 7, 1833], [], [197, 414, 415, 1816, 417, 14, 173, 1795, 7, 1835], [], [], [], [7, 1837], [], [1748, 1839, 7, 1840], [], [], [197, 1843, 334, 14, 335, 1844, 132, 1839, 30, 1839, 48, 1789, 339, -1, 1829, 410, 1830, 14, 7, 1845], [], [173, 1792, 7, 1847], [], [197, 414, 415, 1839, 417, 14, 173, 1795, 7, 1849], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1851, 7, 1852], [197, 1854, 7, 1855], [48, 1661, 197, 1857, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 1858], [197, 1670, 7, 1860], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1862, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 1863], [197, 1670, 7, 1865], [], [197, 1867, 173, 1868, 7, 1869], [197, 1871, 173, 1868, 7, 1872], [197, 1874, 173, 1868, 7, 1875], [197, 1877, 173, 1868, 7, 1878], [197, 1880, 173, 1868, 7, 1881], [197, 1883, 173, 1868, 7, 1884], [197, 1886, 173, 1868, 7, 1887], [197, 1889, 173, 1868, 7, 1890], [197, 1679, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1892, 1651, 1893, 173, 1682, 7, 1894], [197, 1655, 7, 1896], [132, 1893, 197, 1658, 7, 1898], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664, 7, 1900], [197, 1667, 7, 1902], [197, 1670, 7, 1904], [], [132, 1892, 1696, 1906, 173, 1907, 197, 1673, 7, 1908], [], [197, 1851, 7, 1911], [197, 1854, 7, 1913], [48, 1661, 197, 1862, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 1915], [197, 1670, 7, 1917], [], [197, 1867, 173, 1868, 7, 1919], [197, 1871, 173, 1868, 7, 1921], [197, 1874, 173, 1868, 7, 1923], [197, 1877, 173, 1868, 7, 1925], [197, 1880, 173, 1868, 7, 1927], [197, 1883, 173, 1868, 7, 1929], [197, 1886, 173, 1868, 7, 1931], [197, 1889, 173, 1868, 7, 1933], [197, 1679, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1935, 1651, 1936, 173, 1682, 7, 1937], [197, 1655, 7, 1939], [132, 1936, 197, 1658, 7, 1941], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664, 7, 1944], [197, 1667, 7, 1946], [197, 1670, 7, 1948], [], [197, 1851, 7, 1950], [197, 1854, 7, 1952], [48, 1661, 197, 1954, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 1955], [197, 1670, 7, 1957], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1954, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 1960], [197, 1670, 7, 1962], [], [197, 1867, 173, 1868, 7, 1965], [197, 1871, 173, 1868, 7, 1967], [197, 1874, 173, 1868, 7, 1969], [197, 1877, 173, 1868, 7, 1971], [197, 1880, 173, 1868, 7, 1973], [197, 1883, 173, 1868, 7, 1975], [197, 1886, 173, 1868, 7, 1977], [197, 1889, 173, 1868, 7, 1979], [197, 1679, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1981, 1651, 1982, 173, 1682, 7, 1983], [197, 1655, 7, 1985], [132, 1982, 197, 1658, 7, 1987], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664, 7, 1990], [197, 1667, 7, 1992], [197, 1670, 7, 1994], [], [197, 1851, 7, 1996], [197, 1854, 7, 1998], [48, 1661, 197, 1954, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 2000], [197, 1670, 7, 2002], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1954, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 2004], [197, 1670, 7, 2006], [], [197, 1867, 173, 1868, 7, 2008], [197, 1871, 173, 1868, 7, 2010], [197, 1874, 173, 1868, 7, 2012], [197, 1877, 173, 1868, 7, 2014], [197, 1880, 173, 1868, 7, 2016], [197, 1883, 173, 1868, 7, 2018], [197, 1886, 173, 1868, 7, 2020], [197, 1889, 173, 1868, 7, 2022], [197, 2024, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 2025, 1651, 2026, 173, 1383, 7, 2027], [197, 1655, 7, 2029], [132, 2026, 197, 1658, 7, 2031], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664, 7, 2034], [197, 1667, 7, 2036], [197, 1670, 7, 2038], [], [197, 1851, 7, 2040], [197, 1854, 7, 2042], [48, 1661, 197, 1862, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 2044], [197, 1670, 7, 2046], [], [197, 2024, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 2048, 1651, 2049, 173, 1383, 7, 2050], [197, 1655, 7, 2052], [132, 2049, 197, 1658, 7, 2054], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664, 7, 2056], [197, 1667, 7, 2058], [197, 1670, 7, 2060], [], [197, 1851, 7, 2062], [197, 1854, 7, 2064], [48, 1661, 197, 1862, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 7, 2066], [197, 1670, 7, 2068], [], [173, 2070, 7, 2071], [], [48, 87, 7, 2073], [], [], [173, 2070, 7, 2076], [7, 2078], [], [173, 2070, 7, 2081], [], [48, 87, 7, 2083], [], [], [1645, 1646, 2086, 14, 1647, 2087, 607, 2088, 30, 2089, 132, 2089, 80, 2090, 173, 2091, 7, 2092], [132, 2094, 80, 2095, 7, 2096], [173, 2099, 7, 2100], [2102, 2103, 173, 2104, 7, 2105], [173, 2107, 7, 2108], [46, 55, 50, 2110, 7, 2111], [173, 2104, 7, 2113], [173, 2107, 7, 2115], [46, 55, 50, 2110, 7, 2117], [197, 1679, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1935, 1651, 1652, 173, 1682], [197, 1655], [132, 1652, 197, 1658], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664], [197, 1667], [197, 1670], [], [132, 1935, 173, -1, 197, 1673, 7, 2119], [], [358, 2122, 132, 2123, 363, 364, 365, 365, 7, 2124], [], [197, 2126, 7, 2127], [], [197, 2130, 7, 2131], [], [7, 2134], [], [7, 2136], [], [197, 2138, 7, 2139], [197, 2141, 7, 2142], [], [1748, 2145, 7, 2146], [], [], [197, 2149, 334, 14, 1784, 2150, 1786, 1787, 335, 2151, 132, 2145, 30, 2145, 48, 1789, 339, -1, 1829, 410, 1830, 14, 7, 2152], [], [197, 414, 415, 2145, 417, 14, 7, 2154], [], [], [7, 2156], [], [197, 2138, 7, 2158], [197, 2141, 7, 2160], [], [1748, 2162, 7, 2163], [], [], [334, 14, 1784, 1821, 1786, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 335, 1827, 132, 2162, 30, 2162, 48, 1789, 339, -1, 1829, 410, 1830, 14, 7, 2166], [], [197, 414, 415, 2162, 417, 14, 7, 2168], [], [], [7, 2170], [], [197, 2138, 7, 2172], [197, 2141, 7, 2174], [], [1748, 2176, 7, 2177], [], [], [7, 2180], [], [2183, 2184, 334, 14, 335, 2185, 132, 2176, 30, 2176, 2186, 1412, 1829, 410, 1830, 14, 7, 2187], [], [197, 414, 415, 2176, 417, 14, 7, 2189], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 2191], [], [132, 2193, 30, 2193, 48, 1789, 339, -1, 7, 2194], [], [132, 1819, 30, 1819, 48, 1789, 339, -1, 7, 2196], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1851], [197, 1854], [48, 1661, 197, 1954, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410], [197, 1670], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1954, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410], [197, 1670], [], [197, 1867, 173, 1868], [197, 1871, 173, 1868], [197, 1874, 173, 1868], [197, 1877, 173, 1868], [197, 1880, 173, 1868], [197, 1883, 173, 1868], [197, 1886, 173, 1868], [197, 1889, 173, 1868], [197, 1679, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1981, 1651, 1681, 173, 1682], [197, 1655], [132, 1681, 197, 1658], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664], [197, 1667], [197, 1670], [], [132, 1981, 173, -1, 197, 1673, 7, 2198], [], [132, 2201, 358, 2202, 363, 364, 365, 365, 7, 2203], [], [48, 338, 132, 2205, 30, 2205, 339, 14, 7, 2206], [], [7, 2208], [], [7, 2210], [], [1748, 2212, 7, 2213], [], [], [48, 1789, 132, 2212, 30, 2216, 335, 1788, 1829, 410, 1830, 14, 7, 2217], [], [173, 2219, 7, 2220], [], [197, 414, 415, 2216, 417, 14, 7, 2222], [], [], [], [7, 2225], [], [1748, 2227, 7, 2228], [], [], [132, 2227, 335, 1844, 30, 1839, 48, 2231, 197, 1843, 7, 2232], [], [173, 2219, 7, 2234], [], [197, 414, 415, 1839, 417, 14, 7, 2236], [], [], [], [7, 2238], [], [1748, 2240, 7, 2241], [], [], [197, 2246, 132, 2240, 30, 2247, 173, -1, 7, 2248], [339, 2251, 7, 2252], [], [], [339, 2254, 7, 2255], [], [], [339, 2257, 7, 2258], [], [], [339, 2260, 7, 2261], [], [], [339, 2263, 7, 2264], [], [], [339, 2266, 7, 2267], [], [], [], [], [7, 2270], [], [1748, 2272, 7, 2273], [], [], [132, 2272, 30, 2276, 2186, 2277, 2183, 1787, 1829, 410, 1830, 14, 7, 2278], [], [], [], [], [197, 1851], [197, 1854], [48, 1661, 197, 1954, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410], [197, 1670], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1954, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410], [197, 1670], [], [197, 1867, 173, 1868], [197, 1871, 173, 1868], [197, 1874, 173, 1868], [197, 1877, 173, 1868], [197, 1880, 173, 1868], [197, 1883, 173, 1868], [197, 1886, 173, 1868], [197, 1889, 173, 1868], [197, 2024, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 2025, 1651, 1893, 173, 1383], [197, 1655], [132, 1893, 197, 1658], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664], [197, 1667], [197, 1670], [], [132, 2025, 173, -1, 197, 1673, 7, 2280], [], [132, 2282, 7, 2283], [], [197, 1851], [197, 1854], [48, 1661, 197, 1862, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410], [197, 1670], [], [197, 2024, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 2048, 1651, 1936, 173, 1383], [197, 1655], [132, 1936, 197, 1658], [], [48, 1661, 197, 1662, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410, 607, 1664], [197, 1667], [197, 1670], [], [132, 2048, 173, -1, 197, 1673, 7, 2285], [], [132, 2287, 7, 2288], [], [], [197, 1851], [197, 1854], [48, 1661, 197, 1862, 1647, 1661, 1663, 410], [197, 1670], [], [173, 2070], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 2070], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 2070], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1662, 1766], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [183, 185, 187, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 205, 206, 207, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1422, 1435, 1448, 1461, 1634, 1647, 1669, 1671, 1705, 1714, 1727], "value": [340, 345, 350, 345, 372, 377, 382, 387, 392, 397, 401, -1, 392, 392, 392, 372, 377, 392, 392, 392, 392, -1, -1, 1828, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": [1741]}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [1599], "value": [1]}, "pseudoType": {"index": [118, 160, 164, 168, 644, 647, 650, 653, 656, 659, 662, 665, 1134, 1144, 1154], "value": [249, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306, 306]}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [0, 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17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 302.09375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55959.40625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55959.40625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 3441.953125], [8, 317.53125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 3016.953125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 124.34375, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 400.96875, 1264, 16], [8, 400.96875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 439.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 439.140625, 77.734375, 17], [8, 473.140625, 1264, 2], [8, 496.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 496.40625, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 536.578125, 1264, 16], [8, 536.578125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 574.75, 1264, 18], [8, 574.75, 125.28125, 17], [8, 608.75, 1264, 2], [8, 632.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 632.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 632.015625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 672.1875, 1264, 16], [8, 672.1875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 710.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 710.359375, 160.796875, 17], [8, 744.359375, 1264, 2], [8, 767.625, 1264, 18], [8, 767.625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 807.796875, 1264, 16], [8, 807.796875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 845.96875, 1264, 22], [8, 845.96875, 4, 17], [8, 883.96875, 1264, 2], [8, 908.140625, 1264, 16], [8, 908.140625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 946.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 946.3125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 980.3125, 1264, 2], [8, 1003.578125, 1264, 18], [8, 1003.578125, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [8, 1043.75, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 1081.921875, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1120.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 1120.09375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 1154.09375, 1264, 2], [8, 1177.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 1177.359375, 123.109375, 17], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1255.703125, 1264, 18], [8, 1255.703125, 115.109375, 17], [8, 1289.703125, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 1292.703125, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 1329.421875, 75.875, 21], [8, 1372.6875, 1264, 18], [8, 1372.6875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1412.859375, 1264, 16], [8, 1412.859375, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1451.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1451.03125, 77.734375, 17], [8, 1485.03125, 1264, 2], [8, 1508.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 1508.296875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1548.46875, 1264, 16], [8, 1548.46875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1586.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 1586.640625, 125.28125, 17], [8, 1620.640625, 1264, 2], [8, 1643.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 1643.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 1643.90625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1684.078125, 1264, 16], [8, 1684.078125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1722.25, 1264, 18], [8, 1722.25, 160.796875, 17], [8, 1756.25, 1264, 2], [8, 1779.515625, 1264, 18], [8, 1779.515625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1819.6875, 1264, 16], [8, 1819.6875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 1857.859375, 1264, 22], [8, 1857.859375, 4, 17], [8, 1895.859375, 1264, 2], [8, 1920.03125, 1264, 16], [8, 1920.03125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1958.203125, 1264, 18], [8, 1958.203125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 1992.203125, 1264, 2], [8, 2015.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2015.46875, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [8, 2055.640625, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [8, 2093.8125, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2131.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 2131.984375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 2165.984375, 1264, 2], [8, 2189.25, 1264, 18], [8, 2189.25, 123.109375, 17], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 16], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2267.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 2267.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 2301.59375, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 2304.59375, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 2341.3125, 90.671875, 21], [8, 2384.578125, 1264, 18], [8, 2384.578125, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2424.75, 1264, 16], [8, 2424.75, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2462.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 2462.921875, 77.734375, 17], [8, 2496.921875, 1264, 2], [8, 2520.1875, 1264, 18], [8, 2520.1875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2560.359375, 1264, 16], [8, 2560.359375, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2598.53125, 1264, 18], [8, 2598.53125, 125.28125, 17], [8, 2632.53125, 1264, 2], [8, 2655.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 2655.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 2655.796875, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2695.96875, 1264, 16], [8, 2695.96875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2734.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 2734.140625, 160.796875, 17], [8, 2768.140625, 1264, 2], [8, 2791.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 2791.40625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2831.578125, 1264, 16], [8, 2831.578125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2869.75, 1264, 22], [8, 2869.75, 101.75, 17], [8, 2907.75, 1264, 2], [8, 2931.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 2931.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2970.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 2970.09375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3004.09375, 1264, 2], [8, 3027.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 3027.359375, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 0], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 3067.53125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [8, 3105.703125, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3143.875, 1264, 18], [8, 3143.875, 113.296875, 17], [8, 3177.875, 1264, 2], [8, 3201.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 3201.140625, 123.109375, 17], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 16], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3279.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3279.484375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 3313.484375, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 3316.484375, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3334.484375, 1264, 72], [8, 3334.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3334.484375, 123.0625, 17], [8, 3352.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3352.484375, 1077.5, 17], [8, 3370.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3388.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3388.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3406.484375, 1264, 72], [8, 3406.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3406.484375, 107.078125, 17], [8, 3424.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3424.484375, 1086.40625, 17], [8, 3442.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3460.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3460.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3478.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 3478.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3478.484375, 107.953125, 17], [8, 3496.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3496.484375, 814.5625, 17], [8, 3514.484375, 1264, 193], [8, 3514.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3514.484375, 108.1875, 17], [8, 3532.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3532.484375, 410.546875, 17], [8, 3563.484375, 1264, 144], [48, 3563.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3563.484375, 87.984375, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 81.75, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 164.40625, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 190.171875, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 99.96875, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 85.765625, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 65.78125, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 209.71875, 17], [8, 3723.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 3723.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3723.484375, 121.296875, 17], [8, 3741.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3741.484375, 1087.9375, 17], [8, 3775.484375, 1264, 57], [8, 3775.484375, 1264, 57], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [8, 3775.484375, 1257, 57], [8, 3857.484375, 1264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 1264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [272, 3857.484375, 392, 19], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 51117.6875], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 144], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3892.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3910.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3910.484375, 77.796875, 17], [8, 3928.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3928.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3946.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3946.484375, 51.578125, 17], [8, 3964.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3964.484375, 48, 17], [8, 3982.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3982.484375, 66.09375, 17], [8, 4000.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 4000.484375, 58.25, 17], [66.25, 4000.484375, 0, 17], [8, 4018.484375, 17.78125, 17], [8, 4036.484375, 1264, 7240.8125], [8, 4036.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 4036.484375, 579.890625, 17], [8, 4054.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 4054.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 4325.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 5499.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 5499.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 5769.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 6943.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 6943.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 7214.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 8388.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 8388.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 8659.09375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 10103.65625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 11277.296875, 1264, 4351.6875], [8, 11277.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 11277.296875, 585.140625, 17], [8, 11295.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 11295.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 11566.21875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 12739.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 12739.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 13010.78125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 14455.34375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 15628.984375, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 15628.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 15628.984375, 361.359375, 17], [8, 15646.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 15646.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 15917.90625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 17362.46875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 0], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 4351.6875], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 18], [8, 18536.109375, 310.703125, 17], [8, 18554.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 18554.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 18825.03125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 20269.59375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 21443.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 21443.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 21714.15625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 0], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 22887.796875, 498.65625, 17], [8, 22905.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 22905.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 23176.71875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 0], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 24621.28125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 25794.921875, 179.109375, 17], [8, 25812.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 25812.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 26083.84375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 2943.125], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 27257.484375, 463.390625, 17], [8, 27275.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 27275.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 27546.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 28720.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 28720.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 28990.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 30164.609375, 1264, 0], [8, 30164.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30164.609375, 98.15625, 17], [8, 30182.609375, 1264, 0], [8, 30182.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30182.609375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 30200.609375, 1264, 2979.125], [8, 30200.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30200.609375, 673.171875, 17], [8, 30218.609375, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 30218.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 30489.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 31663.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 31663.171875, 72.890625, 17], [8, 31681.171875, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 31681.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 31952.09375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 33125.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33125.734375, 63.53125, 17], [8, 33143.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33143.734375, 100.828125, 17], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33161.734375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 33179.734375, 1264, 8685.375], [8, 33179.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33179.734375, 199.34375, 17], [8, 33197.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 33197.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 33468.65625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 34642.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 34642.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 34913.21875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 36086.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 36086.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 36357.78125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 37531.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 37531.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 37802.34375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 38975.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 38975.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 39246.90625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 40420.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 40420.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 40691.46875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 41865.109375, 1264, 7258.8125], [8, 41865.109375, 1264, 18], [8, 41865.109375, 980.90625, 17], [8, 41883.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 41883.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 42154.03125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 43327.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 43327.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 43598.59375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 44772.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 44772.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 45043.15625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 46216.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 46216.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 46487.71875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 47661.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 47661.359375, 230.5625, 17], [8, 47679.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 47679.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 47950.28125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 49123.921875, 1264, 2979.125], [8, 49123.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 49123.921875, 696.296875, 17], [8, 49141.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 49141.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 49412.84375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 50586.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 50586.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 50857.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 52031.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52031.046875, 330.515625, 17], [8, 52049.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52049.046875, 347.859375, 17], [8, 52067.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52067.046875, 307.40625, 17], [8, 52085.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52085.046875, 307.296875, 17], [8, 52103.046875, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 52103.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52103.046875, 758.453125, 17], [8, 52121.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 52121.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 52391.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 53565.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 53565.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 53836.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55040.171875, 1264, 681.59375], [8, 55040.171875, 1264, 62], [269.875, 55041.171875, 740.25, 60], [8, 55156.5625, 1264, 212.859375], [48, 55156.5625, 1224, 56.171875], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 18], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 55196.734375, 1224, 16], [48, 55196.734375, 265.828125, 15], [48, 55234.90625, 1224, 56.171875], [31, 55234.90625, 7, 18], [31, 55234.90625, 7, 17], [48, 55234.90625, 8, 17], [48, 55234.90625, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 55275.078125, 1224, 16], [48, 55275.078125, 193.28125, 15], [48, 55313.25, 1224, 56.171875], [31, 55313.25, 7, 18], [31, 55313.25, 7, 17], [48, 55313.25, 8, 17], [48, 55313.25, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 55353.421875, 1224, 16], [48, 55353.421875, 108.734375, 15], [8, 55391.59375, 1264, 292], [8, 55391.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55391.59375, 54.203125, 17], [8, 55425.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 55425.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55425.59375, 40, 17], [8, 55459.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55459.59375, 37.328125, 17], [8, 55493.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 55493.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55493.59375, 47.984375, 17], [8, 55527.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55527.59375, 70.203125, 17], [8, 55561.59375, 1264, 2], [8, 55579.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55579.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55579.59375, 32, 17], [8, 55613.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55613.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55613.59375, 41.328125, 17], 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907.296875, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 55985.9375, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 55985.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56019.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56053.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 56053.9375, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 56053.9375, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 56053.9375, 9.328125, 17], [8, 56087.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56121.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 56121.9375, 1264, 54], [8, 56121.9375, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 56121.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 56191.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 1264, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 83.546875, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 56225.9375, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 56225.9375, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 56225.9375, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 56225.9375, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 56225.9375, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 56225.9375, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 56258.9375, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 214, -1, 218, -1, 267, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 277, -1, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 292, -1, -1, -1, -1, 305, 307, -1, -1, 305, 310, -1, -1, 305, 313, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 407, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 451, -1, 456, -1, 462, -1, 466, -1, 469, -1, -1, 475, -1, 462, -1, 466, -1, 483, -1, -1, -1, 491, -1, 495, -1, 462, -1, 501, -1, 504, -1, -1, 509, -1, 462, -1, 515, -1, 519, -1, -1, 524, -1, 527, -1, -1, 532, -1, 462, -1, -1, -1, 328, -1, -1, 560, 277, -1, 328, -1, -1, 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729, 732, 733, 734, 737, 738, 739, 742, 743, 743, 743, 744, 747, 748, 750, 751, 753, 755], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 302.09375, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 124.34375, 21], [8, 360.796875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 400.96875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 439.140625, 77.734375, 17], [8, 496.40625, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 536.578125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 574.75, 125.28125, 17], [8, 632.015625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 672.1875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 710.359375, 160.796875, 17], [8, 767.625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 807.796875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 845.96875, 4, 17], [8, 908.140625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 946.3125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 1003.578125, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1043.75, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1081.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1120.09375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 1177.359375, 123.109375, 17], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1255.703125, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 1292.703125, 53.359375, 15], [8, 1329.421875, 75.875, 21], [8, 1372.6875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1412.859375, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1451.03125, 77.734375, 17], [8, 1508.296875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1548.46875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1586.640625, 125.28125, 17], [8, 1643.90625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1684.078125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1722.25, 160.796875, 17], [8, 1779.515625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1819.6875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 1857.859375, 4, 17], [8, 1920.03125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1958.203125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2015.46875, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2055.640625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2093.8125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2131.984375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 2189.25, 123.109375, 17], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2267.59375, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 2304.59375, 53.359375, 15], [8, 2341.3125, 90.671875, 21], [8, 2384.578125, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2424.75, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2462.921875, 77.734375, 17], [8, 2520.1875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2560.359375, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2598.53125, 125.28125, 17], [8, 2655.796875, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2695.96875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2734.140625, 160.796875, 17], [8, 2791.40625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2831.578125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2869.75, 101.75, 17], [8, 2931.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2970.09375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3027.359375, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [8, 3067.53125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3105.703125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3143.875, 113.296875, 17], [8, 3201.140625, 123.109375, 17], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3279.484375, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 3316.484375, 53.359375, 15], [8, 3334.484375, 123.0625, 17], [8, 3352.484375, 1077.5, 17], [8, 3370.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3388.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3406.484375, 107.078125, 17], [8, 3424.484375, 1086.40625, 17], [8, 3442.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3460.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3478.484375, 107.953125, 17], [8, 3496.484375, 814.5625, 17], [8, 3514.484375, 108.1875, 17], [8, 3532.484375, 410.546875, 17], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3563.484375, 87.984375, 17], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 81.75, 17], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 164.40625, 17], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 190.171875, 17], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 99.96875, 17], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 85.765625, 17], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 65.78125, 17], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 209.71875, 17], [8, 3723.484375, 121.296875, 17], [8, 3741.484375, 1087.9375, 17], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [281, 3775.484375, 296, 19], [577, 3775.484375, 686, 19], [8, 3794.484375, 528, 19], [536, 3794.484375, 729, 19], [8, 3813.484375, 383, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [272, 3857.484375, 4, 19], [276, 3857.484375, 388, 19], [8, 3892.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3910.484375, 77.796875, 17], [8, 3928.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3946.484375, 51.578125, 17], [8, 3964.484375, 48, 17], [8, 3982.484375, 66.09375, 17], [8, 4000.484375, 58.25, 17], [66.25, 4000.484375, 0, 17], [8, 4018.484375, 17.78125, 17], [8, 4036.484375, 579.890625, 17], [8, 11277.296875, 585.140625, 17], [8, 15628.984375, 361.359375, 17], [8, 18536.109375, 310.703125, 17], [8, 22887.796875, 498.65625, 17], [8, 25794.921875, 179.109375, 17], [8, 27257.484375, 463.390625, 17], [8, 30164.609375, 98.15625, 17], [8, 30182.609375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 30200.609375, 673.171875, 17], [8, 31663.171875, 72.890625, 17], [8, 33125.734375, 63.53125, 17], [8, 33143.734375, 100.828125, 17], [8, 33161.734375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 33179.734375, 199.34375, 17], [8, 41865.109375, 980.90625, 17], [8, 47661.359375, 230.5625, 17], [8, 49123.921875, 696.296875, 17], [8, 52031.046875, 330.515625, 17], [8, 52049.046875, 347.859375, 17], [8, 52067.046875, 307.40625, 17], [8, 52085.046875, 307.296875, 17], [8, 52103.046875, 758.453125, 17], [269.875, 55041.171875, 740.25, 60], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [48, 55196.734375, 265.828125, 15], [31, 55234.90625, 7, 17], [48, 55234.90625, 8, 17], [48, 55275.078125, 193.28125, 15], [31, 55313.25, 7, 17], [48, 55313.25, 8, 17], [48, 55353.421875, 108.734375, 15], [8, 55391.59375, 54.203125, 17], [8, 55425.59375, 40, 17], [8, 55459.59375, 37.328125, 17], [8, 55493.59375, 47.984375, 17], [8, 55527.59375, 70.203125, 17], [8, 55579.59375, 32, 17], [8, 55613.59375, 41.328125, 17], [8, 55665.59375, 108, 17], [8, 55705.765625, 853.125, 15], [8, 55743.9375, 1253.671875, 17], [8, 55761.9375, 1197.390625, 17], [8, 55779.9375, 74.234375, 17], [82.234375, 55779.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55797.9375, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 55797.9375, 140.40625, 17], [8, 55831.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55865.9375, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 55865.9375, 4, 17], [684.140625, 55865.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55883.9375, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 55883.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55917.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55951.9375, 907.296875, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 55985.9375, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 55985.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56019.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56053.9375, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 56053.9375, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 56053.9375, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 56053.9375, 9.328125, 17], [8, 56087.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56121.9375, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 56121.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 56139.9375, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 56139.9375, 284.796875, 17], [8, 56157.9375, 345.28125, 17], [8, 56191.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 56225.9375, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 56225.9375, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 56225.9375, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 56225.9375, 112.453125, 17], [8, 56258.9375, 0, 17]], "start": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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"f452fa11-826e-4615", "", "annual-deductible-subheading", "dde95dda-bb02-4f81", "", "annual deductible", "53551f6a-7273-42fe", "", "ed1588ab-dac1-4189", "", "Monthly Payment", "plan-coverage", "e9ae5e31-cad1-4178", "", "premium-975bdd40-fd0e-413a-a7aa-151415005f05", "4e699bb7-e92d-405f", "", "permonth", "81f55bd6-d97b-4184", "", "data-display-type", "monthly", "064529c4-f00f-4e8e", "", "margin-top:2px;", "0f5e2ead-afda-4eff", "", "monthly premium", "BUTTON", "button2", "next-button", "submit", "title", "Select Plan and Continue", "background:#ddd;width:92%;", "disabled", "3289a261-f3a3-4d29", "", "Continue", "ceda581c-8099-4fd6", "", "d74f24af-2daf-496d", "", "7076bb87-bf39-45d0-b953-e2a8879908fb", "background-color: rgb(64, 150, 202);", "a7df9a01-8ad8-4858", "", "232d0c12-e382-481f", "", "Extended", "color: rgb(64, 150, 202);", "5dddd2ee-833d-4145", "", "accidentCoverage3", "c7bd1366-0026-4d7d", "", "cc02455d-3d70-4b55", "", "$5,000", "7b99f5d9-5c19-4afd", "", "a60a3808-d9be-4b62", 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"fdbdf4ca-7cc8-4feb-8409-cbcf8a7393c3", "a11691b1-fc26-45b6-b2cb-02f278339e48", "$93.88", "$3.13", "fbf83fd3-fad7-4f59", "", "ed52f88f-b2d2-43ca", "", "e776d5d4-4f3e-403b", "", "1ffb2ef5-343e-48a2", "", "18eb2b6d-2e05-4f3b", "", "c7168d65-f163-45af", "", "premium-7076bb87-bf39-45d0-b953-e2a8879908fb", "5a083c00-0236-4f85", "", "b6a37d7c-b341-43ff", "", "158e2a32-3a80-46fe", "", "8d3b5e7a-e4d7-4c21", "", "button3", "6ac987da-bdd8-48e5", "", "519ad14f-3256-42c2", "", "c261772c-4795-4fcb", "", "68d78a40-a592-4e99-92b9-008d1da6d967", "eefe0ee3-2ce1-420f", "", "233fd8ca-4514-4f1c", "", "Unlimited+", "05ef2b07-8e6e-4e7e", "", "accidentCoverage4", "2dfdd896-f740-40a0", "", "f874ebcf-e636-4102", "", "Unlimited ($)", "caa5e7af-5fa0-4e30", "", "290abd12-d60a-4cf6", "", "fa4f08cc-d75f-404b", "", "illnessCoverage4", "0307f64f-ece6-4146", "", "44006077-82a6-4d58", "", "d98b7c26-c49c-456c", "", "0129e391-88ac-4557", "", "5e0e15ad-9593-4d85", "", "dcaf1640-67e1-404b", "", "db434b93-75f2-4368", "", 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"", "d3bae77c-d156-4afa", "", "5563a93e-3c65-4ea3", "", "c0a72009-784e-4e00", "", "81d12ff1-f179-42fb", "", "premium-68d78a40-a592-4e99-92b9-008d1da6d967", "5937012a-b713-494c", "", "87e227c2-9c22-4c30", "", "96b640ca-4a8b-4d91", "", "bbd492a9-79e2-4f47", "", "button4", "1c28c9f3-672d-4939", "", "accidentCoverageDetails", "accidentCoverageDetails plan-details-hover", "hidePlanDetails(this.id)", "869b670e-9807-4277", "", "details-title-bar", "a5a50c3b-52bb-44cc", "", "details-content-div", "956bf581-5df3-41c2", "", "These coverage amounts are per incident and renew each and every year. We cover up to 80% of the cost of care and veterinary services after your deductible is applied.", "BR", "e7e70fa0-4c3d-44f5", "", "5a7a7fac-773c-4332", "", "Coverage includes: diagnostics, x-rays, hospitalization, surgery, medication and more.", "illnessCoverageDetails", "plan-details-hover", "3e2aa0bc-b70d-4073", "", "cda2bc30-ab20-4c99", "", "248e29b0-6c80-47b3", "", "These coverage amounts are per condition and renew each and every year. We cover up to 80% of the cost of care and veterinary services after your deductible is applied.", "ebdef8ef-fc0b-45fe", "", "def3660a-b5e5-497b", "", "dentalCoverageDetails", "bd66c235-01d5-4a2a", "", "7303c93f-a840-4686", "", "a3aeb4b8-07ef-4a71", "", "Use this towards the cost of annual cleaning or problems with the teeth and/or gums. These coverage amounts renew each year.", "annualWellnessDetails", "f7f1cf15-bad0-4326", "", "d0632d58-4ca2-427d", "", "9b1cc038-511a-46b0", "", "On the Secure 4 plan, we cover routine annual wellness such as:", "margin-top: 13px", "a6c307c7-69e0-4858", "", "2664d25b-82c7-4ad9", "", "Examinations", "8e08ed5b-d684-47b8", "", "Vaccinations", "ca4b9db1-8626-4bc3", "", "Heartworm testing (dogs)", "03efe2a7-c14c-4f48", "", "Heartworm prevention (dogs)", "23e03616-0b44-4c2d", "", "Flea prevention", "cead1862-62c1-4076", "", "Blood profile", "8e7d8337-a562-4c12", "", "Urinalysis", "fb15f9d8-8c7c-4f2c", "", "Fecal test or routine de-worming", "annualDeductibleDetails", "7a5e9eae-91a0-43fc", "", "6f0d0454-d962-4dcd", "", "f008d6e8-f170-42bd", "", "Our deductibles are paid annual, so regardless of how many claims you make, you only need to satisfy your deductible amount once a year, and only if you need to claim.", "margin-top:15px;", "e9dcecd7-22e6-4e21", "", "\n\t", "font-size:16px;font-family:'Raleway', sans-serif;", "512382db-e1e9-4535", "", "\n\t\t", "7055a8f5-6b13-40f3", "", "Which deductible should I choose?", " Lower deductibles are satisfied sooner,\n\t\twhich means you receive money back faster. Higher deductibles are often more popular with budget-conscious pet owners, as they have a lower monthly premium.\n\t\tThis choice is ideal for customers who are comfortable paying for smaller veterinary expenses, but want insurance for the larger and unexpected costs.\n\t", "margin-top:25px;", "96a7b0a4-2cf4-4880", "", "24e64ff3-941f-4fa2", "", "af812477-8491-4978", "", "See why our insurance is the best.", "\n\t\tCompare our plans to other pet insurance providers.\n\t", "compare-table", "89e82f9a-d253-4d61", "", "row compare-header", "e85b7b49-0b60-44fb", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage", "ff295203-4e98-4c37", "", "\n Coverage\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ovma", "374a1017-6c9c-4def", "", "\n OVMA PHI\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsecure", "9ee6432a-67aa-49ed", "", "\n Petsecure\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ospca", "658e8495-29c0-4831", "", "\n OSPCA\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petplan", "ac979692-9fe4-4459", "", "\n Petplan\n ", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion", "204b29c3-e402-40e8", "", "\n Trupanion\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus", "f1a51b61-da58-4b0c", "", "\n Pets Plus", "b4b8c801-741a-4837", "", "Us\n ", "row compare-row", "6cf7dcb9-6828-42c8", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage two-line-text", "e65eed05-e0a1-470e", "", "\n Coverage for taxes, exam fees, specialist consultation, referrals, rechecks, emergency fees.\n ", "a95acbe9-d0c0-4281", "", "svg", "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "viewBox", "0 0 448 512", "d2ed5d5d-5ba1-4ffa", "", "path", "d", "M438.6 105.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-256 256c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0l-128-128c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0L160 338.7 393.4 105.4c12.5-12.5 32.8-12.5 45.3 0z", "9a67c2d7-05bd-4e87", "", "71c3eaec-ca5d-4891", "", "7b86cfda-a932-4bc0", "", "f0d3f3f4-f9bb-47fb", "", "3c7ea48d-767e-49ec", "", "233ba13d-34dd-4925", "", "36b98950-0aeb-4d6d", "", "a0d63398-7e0a-4371", "", "a8bf32ad-82dc-4113", "", "507d5d66-dc2a-449a", "", "c1c8aadf-f7db-4d70", "", "6164a620-29fa-43b4", "", "0215b235-41a1-445d", "", "6287c1af-67d4-4b06", "", "e24b1843-cffa-443d", "", "5645e6cf-57fc-49d4", "", "\n Medical records reviewed at point of purchase. No hidden surprises or delays at first claim!\n ", "854fbab3-4609-45fb", "", "bbf5f70a-00a7-4fea", "", "f14d5ca4-bdd5-48ca", "", "704874c0-2765-46c0", "", "2ab5c62d-5964-42ae", "", "f2524336-c0b9-48a5", "", "6cf12f1d-cfa1-4e55", "", "b43bcc1f-fdf7-430c", "", "d64b3675-f31b-4a70", "", "f935b3bc-4996-44cf", "", "a459e64b-f686-420f", "", "c66f5786-e1b0-4e06", "", "4c8444f6-0645-465e", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage one-line-text", "917f55a7-cbc0-4f40", "", "\n Quick and efficient claims turnaround \u2013 often same day!\n ", "d7093cb0-5489-4091", "", "faf0d5df-e0f9-46fa", "", "b7cd55e2-d233-4927", "", "f3470246-bce1-4ca4", "", "a677804a-7af8-438c", "", "0d25b93e-7849-41d4", "", "e2c85009-a37d-41fa", "", "f7da38df-e5fb-4243", "", "02be0ba2-a943-47fd", "", "c4427eda-c094-402e", "", "104fb57c-3c7e-47cd", "", "6a63ea02-e481-4af5", "", "\n 24/7 emergency support for veterinary practices.\n ", "7092f61d-89eb-45ef", "", "8646eac1-05f1-4703", "", "8754a8e4-7ecb-4f8c", "", "7ba8dbbe-ad8f-4fd6", "", "aed30cd1-4e93-4707", "", "d899b6f5-0a7a-4158", "", "2e888983-e1f0-4152", "", "73e8c827-e36f-493d", "", "8379f328-c45b-4df1", "", "26d8af1a-74af-4846", "", "63d588ed-d810-4269", "", "4b5356e1-94dd-4992", "", "4f1cb131-608f-4210", "", "2a67aa79-1586-4cc5", "", "\n Larger claim payout due to applying deductible first and co-insurance second.\n ", "b2b7d6ad-f175-4eee", "", "4e4ca5c3-c5ed-4d71", "", "d84a24e8-416f-4579", "", "65e9ec31-aa2a-4582", "", "7ddcbcaa-bce1-481f", "", "74eaa4c5-8c2f-4da4", "", "2dcbe600-6a55-46b0", "", "f56d42ed-a610-43c2", "", "0d79b3a1-a45e-4e7d", "", "b1cf0444-6e9d-4c17", "", "641ac5d8-ac7c-4136", "", "1ad9b59d-ec71-47f0", "", "\n Customer loyalty discounts.\n ", "61815e60-0391-477f", "", "8ac15b68-de1d-4c84", "", "8fa131b8-56b4-4b01", "", "94887622-9761-4f71", "", "0502e4a9-bd7e-4913", "", "96fb0470-d2bb-4068", "", "79887fa8-9ef1-4132", "", "124251e4-80c6-48ed", "", "1e2b76e4-dca0-4c11", "", "d5735710-f035-45d6", "", "\n Coverage for routine dental exams and cleanings included in every plan.\n ", "8327ba9d-2376-4faa", "", "9ede8e0f-e8e8-4cf5", "", "2bc4e8de-1a04-4d68", "", "cc516f7a-1f09-4af2", "", "c66e35b2-0a8f-4f91", "", "1499838c-a4a2-475b", "", "5eb59e73-e043-4194", "", "col-md-1 compare-petplan one-line-text", "5234a438-30c7-410a", "", "\n select coverage\n ", "4fd7dd99-06db-46ee", "", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus four-line-text", "5369c9dd-b15a-4445", "", "\n Self-financing of select costs with optional separate wellness plan\n ", "d920d428-751f-4964", "", "825917ad-0107-43bc", "", "\n Wellness care coverage option, such as annual exam and vaccinations, routine bloodwork, urinalysis, etc.\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ovma compare-check-over-text", "d4d78215-9d1f-43e1", "", "a0cfe447-9174-4ba1", "", "163c4040-3cab-44bd", "", "compare-text-under-check", "6c8b17e6-c8ef-42d5", "", " *Unlimited ", "col-md-1 compare-petsecure compare-check-over-text", "7594c808-f14a-402e", "", "444714d5-00c0-46cd", "", "1e0613dc-a320-4dcf", "", "7a182a7b-b38a-4fe8", "", " *Secure 4 ", "col-md-1 compare-ospca one-line-text", "4ffb748d-5876-41ca", "", "\n Select coverage\n ", "b1e44f42-cfe7-4167", "", "9d885c82-a7b4-42fe", "", "2b250b7b-5916-4f21", "", "a15087a7-f124-4063", "", "9597411c-17c4-464c", "", "\n Ability to pay practice directly.\n ", "3d54a2d8-14ae-42a9", "", "ae4b3853-1c3c-4849", "", "a1338ba4-7957-4ea6", "", "afd66b6f-7379-4dfc", "", "02685005-9313-425f", "", "2bcc9f9f-d4a6-4871", "", "17b90acb-1652-432b", "", "ed690393-8fa4-41bc", "", "1fe8a057-1711-4391", "", "346e53cb-2032-4980", "", "2b5e48df-ca21-4baa", "", "d8a04378-2234-44bd", "", "ecdcef41-8e9e-4147", "", "afa6e327-b295-40c5", "", "9938a3a0-0688-4a92", "", "aea3403f-8520-48d7", "", "3820af16-f0f7-4e4d", "", "77420830-3f3e-4d04", "", "1503defa-cdab-48ca", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage four-line-text", "99bb989c-559b-4e01", "", "\n Pet owner assistance with every policy, such as lost pet advertising & reward, boarding when you\u2019re in hospital, holiday cancellation, cremation or burial\n ", "b514d9e7-4b52-4e2f", "", "6ec28b79-746f-4022", "", "70974aea-36fc-4875", "", "e2403685-4caa-496c", "", "e4728488-890a-4a7a", "", "68add3ef-5d32-4ddb", "", "cd3cbcd2-333b-4a55", "", "6de61a8b-0df0-4af6", "", "2b78730f-44d5-41ef", "", "e0b9bf6c-4ae2-4e81", "", "d5cf61d6-dc96-401f", "", "56c590bc-4192-4188", "", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion two-line-text", "b0eac3aa-c876-4e69", "", "\n Rider available for an additional fee\n ", "ea50640a-1de3-4acb", "", "8cf53ab0-89e3-42ca", "", "8cdf3820-a3cb-460d", "", "765c6640-02e1-49f3", "", "2c8e0cf9-cb5d-49ca", "", "\n Includes additional coverage for alternative therapy, behavioural therapy, and medical devices on every plan.\n ", "6dcc68fe-d974-4d1a", "", "d9a91f8c-847e-4515", "", "9393503d-d28d-482b", "", "e56bebee-8a6a-4952", "", "22f00f8f-b6c6-4be8", "", "32392717-436b-4571", "", "col-md-1 compare-ospca three-line-text", "136b8230-5f80-4290", "", "\n No behavioural therapy or medical device coverage\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petplan three-line-text", "768dd7e6-a1ae-43c2", "", "\n Select behavioural and alternative, no medical devices\n ", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion three-line-text", "e7441691-4b4f-4eda", "", "\n Limited coverage available for an additional fee\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus three-line-text", "e9670d32-3ede-49e1", "", "\n Select alternative therapies only, no behavioural\n ", "7bb056c0-6d2b-4df4", "", "4c05dc8b-30cd-4b22", "", "\n Dental illness covered with no exclusion even if your pet had tartar or gingivitis before the end of your waiting period.\n ", "2071e212-aeb4-42fc", "", "2134c1a1-b670-4be5", "", "9daced68-10d4-417b", "", "6a057a45-d215-4deb", "", "908cf69a-0a5a-41d1", "", "c25f1e83-6ae1-4acb", "", "a4ffe876-73bb-4c5c", "", "e0040c51-20ea-474b", "", "114be49c-9b7c-4baf", "", "b709b189-4697-4158", "", "compareMobile", "display: none;", "f6bcf878-4e22-4975", "", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/ovma-comparison-sheet-en.pdf", "7e70eb69-3ec8-4655", "", " Click here to download a comparison chart.", "ClaimProcessContainer", "bf250240-c7a3-4937", "", "margin-top:30px;text-align:center;font-size:3.4rem;", "8c33abe4-4b4d-4fae", "", "What to expect when you claim.", "col-md-4", "d547774f-c240-4b94", "", "3f057e97-efe1-4a33", "", "#", "8ff17746-a9a4-4cb8", "", "09437ceb-cd7d-4cdb", "", "Pay your veterinarian in full and submit claim.", "5747fd23-20e1-4008", "", "d8b55056-38ad-4a70", "", "2", "37ee5318-d1e9-4d12", "", "Your annual deductible is applied.", "b4348c77-2746-424d", "", "a8be4591-ec2b-4f4c", "", "3", "93966609-f9d5-4fb9", "", "80% is paid to you.", "claim-chart col-md-7", "b8129af4-1c8e-44f0", "", "head-title", "92368283-3da5-414f", "", "example", "claim-chart-left", "c6c6f8eb-03e1-47d8", "", "14bb08bd-1f72-460b", "", "$1000", "a03895eb-2751-46c0", "", "-$100", "63bc1efe-4e97-431a", "", "2cae54f2-7c5b-4dc7", "", "Invoice", "bcf6a4ab-4aa4-4ca9", "", "aa658106-053e-47fd", "", "7a852181-229c-4ea2", "", "dd0a4076-63a9-44e8", "", 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Subject to the terms of your policy.", "\n\n\n", "6b748f88-acda-46c5", "", "\n\nwindow.onload = function() {\n\nif (/ Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n$('#plans-slider').bxSlider({\nonSliderLoad: function () {\n$(\".bx-viewport\").css(\"visibility\", \"visible\");\n$('div.planBox').eq(1).addClass('active-slide')\n},\nonSlideAfter: function (currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) {\nconsole.log(currentSlideHtmlObject);\n$('.active-slide').removeClass('active-slide');\n$('div.planBox').eq(currentSlideHtmlObject).addClass('active-slide').trigger(\"click\");\n$('choose - plan - button').animate({ \"background-color\": \"#e8a010\", \"font-size\": \"48pt\" }, 1000);\n},\nonSlideBefore: function () {\nif (!$('.bx-clone').is(\":visible\")) {\n$('.bx-clone').show();\n}\n},\nrandomStart: false,\ncontrols: true,\nkeyboardEnabled: true,\ninfiniteLoop: false,\nhideControlOnEnd: true,\nautoReload: true,\nmaxSlides: 1,\nstartSlide: 1,\nslideMargin: 0,\nslideWidth: 310,\nuseCSS: false\n});\n}\n};\n", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "tab1_spacer", "ef2a0110-61d8-4bf7", "", "\n \n\n\n \n ", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "bd9ec4ba-0227-4196", "", "footer-wrapper", "68027dda-b054-48ae", "", "footer-br", "9de8156c-ac3c-4883", "", "footer", "dd49cb7d-01c0-438c", "", "afd77b0a-43e8-4196", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "f68d3966-272e-46e7", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a8ab1fc3-6adc-4e71", "", "U", "690560a8-9b82-4dcf", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "540809ec-d878-4714", "", "\n ", "1b53309f-a675-46b4", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "58906cb1-3521-421a", "", "a447fdb5-5ec2-49e2", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "6f9ab1d6-c49a-443c", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "af7d99cd-1008-42be", "", "234f5560-594f-4018", "", "88f102c3-cb1b-4f3d", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b0458682-e15b-4cb0", "", "500d1a85-87ce-48b5", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "53525e0d-2826-4fb1", "", "0fb6119c-da8b-475d", "", "27948ac6-c989-4705", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "a9942bbb-bd75-4c49", "", "dc50c26a-3aab-496d", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "47eb1527-3050-41a4", "", "8b2b19c0-b10e-4a89", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "6928250b-491c-42f9", "", "copyright", "1fcaa4a5-a8f9-45bd", "", "d2054825-573c-4e34", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "0efb209c-96b6-49d8", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "29b0ec31-8811-4e35", "", "04990aaa-2970-4a4b", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "54d1e461-80aa-4001", "", "line-height: 17px;", "c2c8d739-8fc2-486b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "c7034256-1f3b-4dd7", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "ecbee21d-cc74-4f2e", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "ccaffe02-09b0-4c2a", "", "Complaint Policy", "a77cd5ae-ba96-44c9", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e0481fbf-7b49-4601", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "6be36eda-b850-402b", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "98bd4ed6-0ea7-4ad6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f25ddced-8cce-48ca", "", "/Quote/Static/", "376d256b-6fd1-443d", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "4f753845-9590-4c56", "", "/Quote/Static/", "dc27cecf-f10b-4327", "", "/Quote/Static/", "00d3e6c8-c8a2-4388", "", "/Quote/Static/", "afc4e4b6-406d-4fdf", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "cd638d6f-82ed-4041", "", "\n\n \n", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step1JS?v=YML3jiCRibTbXNqwgJKGGPEa0-C9mHlmAsOGHxEEsN81", "c071bfde-302f-478b", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "72103bb5-fc76-4ee7", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "f645e695-00c2-4e1a", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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759], [], [], [7, 761], [], [175, 628, 7, 763], [], [132, 765, 169, 461, 201, 462, 175, 622, 7, 766], [], [], [7, 768], [], [], [7, 770], [], [], [7, 772], [], [175, 628, 7, 774], [], [169, 491, 7, 776], [], [169, 495, 7, 778], [], [132, 780, 169, 461, 201, 462, 175, 622, 7, 781], [], [], [], [7, 783], [], [], [7, 786], [], [], [7, 788], [], [175, 628, 7, 790], [], [132, 792, 169, 461, 201, 462, 175, 622, 7, 793], [], [], [7, 795], [], [], [175, 519, 7, 798], [], [], [7, 801], [], [7, 803], [], [], [7, 805], [], [], [7, 807], [], [175, 628, 7, 809], [], [132, 811, 169, 461, 201, 462, 175, 622, 7, 812], [], [], [169, 814, 447, 745, 7, 815], [], [169, 693, 7, 817], [], [169, 545, 447, 745, 546, 819, 548, 820, 7, 821], [], [132, 819, 169, 700, 553, 823, 554, 824, 555, 351, 556, 825, 558, 826, 560, 827, 7, 828], [], [7, 830], [], [7, 833], [], [], [7, 835], [], [], [], [169, 545, 447, 745, 546, 820, 548, 819, 7, 838], [], [132, 820, 169, 569, 553, 840, 554, 841, 555, 341, 556, 842, 558, 843, 560, 663, 7, 844], [], [7, 846], [], [], [], [], [], [169, 578, 7, 848], [], [], [], [7, 850], [], [175, 628, 7, 852], [], [], [169, 587, 7, 854], [], [169, 814, 132, 856, 7, 857], [], [169, 594, 7, 859], [597, 598, 7, 861], [], [], [175, 601, 7, 863], [], [], [], [], [132, 865, 169, 607, 48, 608, 609, 610, 447, 745, 175, 737, 738, -1, 7, 866], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 868, 169, 869, 201, 870, 7, 871], [], [169, 873, 7, 874], [], [169, 876, 7, 877], [], [7, 881], [169, 876, 7, 883], [], [], [], [132, 886, 169, 887, 201, 870, 7, 888], [], [169, 873, 7, 890], [], [169, 876, 7, 892], [], [7, 895], [169, 876, 7, 897], [], [], [], [132, 899, 169, 887, 201, 870, 7, 900], [], [169, 873, 7, 902], [], [169, 876, 7, 904], [], [], [], [132, 907, 169, 887, 201, 870, 7, 908], [], [169, 873, 7, 910], [], [169, 876, 7, 912], [], [175, 915, 7, 916], [7, 918], [], [], [7, 921], [], [], [7, 924], [], [], [7, 927], [], [], [7, 930], [], [], [7, 933], [], [], [7, 936], [], [], [7, 939], [], [], [], [], [132, 942, 169, 887, 201, 870, 7, 943], [], [169, 873, 7, 945], [], [169, 876, 7, 947], [], [], [], [], [175, 950, 7, 951], [], [175, 954, 7, 955], [], [7, 958], [], [], [], [], [175, 962, 7, 963], [], [175, 954, 7, 965], [], [7, 967], [], [], [], [], [169, 971, 7, 972], [169, 974, 7, 975], [], [169, 977, 7, 978], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 982], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 986], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 990], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 994], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 998], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1002], [], [7, 1005], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1009], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1012], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1015], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1022], [1025, 1026, 7, 1027], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1029], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1031], [1025, 1026, 7, 1033], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1035], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1037], [1025, 1026, 7, 1039], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1041], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1043], [1025, 1026, 7, 1045], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1047], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1049], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1051], [1025, 1026, 7, 1053], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1055], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1057], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1060], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1062], [1025, 1026, 7, 1064], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1066], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1068], [1025, 1026, 7, 1070], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1072], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1074], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1076], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1078], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1080], [1025, 1026, 7, 1082], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1084], [], [169, 1086, 7, 1087], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1090], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1092], [1025, 1026, 7, 1094], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1096], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1098], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1100], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1102], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1104], [1025, 1026, 7, 1106], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1108], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1110], [], [169, 1086, 7, 1112], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1115], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1117], [1025, 1026, 7, 1119], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1121], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1123], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1125], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1127], [1025, 1026, 7, 1129], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1131], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1133], [1025, 1026, 7, 1135], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1137], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1139], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1141], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1144], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1146], [1025, 1026, 7, 1148], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1150], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1152], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1154], [1025, 1026, 7, 1156], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1158], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1160], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1162], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1164], [], [169, 1086, 7, 1166], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1169], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1171], [1025, 1026, 7, 1173], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1175], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1177], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1179], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1181], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1183], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1185], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1187], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1190], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1192], [1025, 1026, 7, 1194], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1196], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1198], [1025, 1026, 7, 1200], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1202], [], [], [169, 1204, 7, 1205], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1208], [], [], [169, 1210, 7, 1211], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1214], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1216], [], [], [169, 1219, 7, 1220], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1222], [1025, 1026, 7, 1224], [], [169, 1226, 7, 1227], [], [], [], [169, 1230, 7, 1231], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1233], [1025, 1026, 7, 1235], [], [169, 1226, 7, 1237], [], [], [], [169, 1240, 7, 1241], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1244], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1246], [], [], [169, 1210, 7, 1248], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1250], [], [169, 1086, 7, 1252], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1255], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1257], [1025, 1026, 7, 1259], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1261], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1263], [1025, 1026, 7, 1265], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1267], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1269], [1025, 1026, 7, 1271], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1273], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1275], [1025, 1026, 7, 1277], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1279], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1281], [1025, 1026, 7, 1283], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1285], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1287], [1025, 1026, 7, 1289], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1291], [], [169, 1293, 7, 1294], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1297], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1299], [1025, 1026, 7, 1301], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1303], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1305], [1025, 1026, 7, 1307], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1309], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1311], [1025, 1026, 7, 1313], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1315], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1317], [1025, 1026, 7, 1319], [], [], [169, 1321, 7, 1322], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1325], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1327], [1025, 1026, 7, 1329], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1331], [], [169, 1293, 7, 1333], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1336], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1338], [1025, 1026, 7, 1340], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1342], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1344], [1025, 1026, 7, 1346], [], [], [169, 1348, 7, 1349], [], [], [169, 1352, 7, 1353], [], [], [169, 1356, 7, 1357], [], [], [169, 1360, 7, 1361], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1364], [], [169, 1293, 7, 1366], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1369], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1371], [1025, 1026, 7, 1373], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1375], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1377], [1025, 1026, 7, 1379], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1381], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1383], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1385], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1387], [], [], [], [169, 1389, 175, 1390, 7, 1391], [50, 1393, 7, 1394], [], [], [132, 1397, 7, 1398], [], [175, 1400, 7, 1401], [], [], [169, 1404, 7, 1405], [], [7, 1407], [], [], [50, 1409, 175, -1, 7, 1410], [], [], [7, 1412], [], [], [], [7, 1415], [], [], [50, 1409, 7, 1417], [], [], [7, 1420], [], [], [], [7, 1423], [], [], [50, 1409, 7, 1425], [], [], [7, 1428], [], [], [], [], [169, 1431, 7, 1432], [169, 1434, 7, 1435], [], [], [169, 1438, 7, 1439], [], [7, 1441], [], [], [7, 1444], [], [], [], [169, 1438, 7, 1447], [], [7, 1449], [], [], [7, 1452], [], [], [], [7, 1454], [], [169, 1438, 7, 1456], [], [7, 1458], [], [], [], [169, 1438, 7, 1461], [], [7, 1463], [], [], [], [7, 1466], [], [169, 1434, 7, 1468], [], [], [169, 1471, 7, 1472], [], [7, 1474], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1478], [], [], [], [], [169, 1482, 7, 1483], [], [], [], [169, 1487, 7, 1488], [], [169, 1490, 7, 1491], [], [169, 1493, 7, 1494], [], [132, 1496, 7, 1497], [], [7, 1499], [], [7, 1502], [], [50, 1505, 262, 263, 7, 1506], [7, 1509], [], [], [], [7, 1514], [], [7, 1517], [], [50, 1520, 262, 263, 7, 1521], [7, 1523], [], [], [7, 1527], [], [7, 1530], [], [7, 1532], [], [7, 1534], [], [], [7, 1537], [], [7, 1539], [], [], [7, 1543], [], [7, 1545], [], [7, 1547], [], [50, 1550, 262, 263, 7, 1551], [7, 1553], [], [], [50, 1557, 262, 263, 7, 1558], [7, 1560], [], [], [7, 1564], [], [169, 1566, 7, 1567], [], [7, 1569], [], [7, 1572], [], [50, 1505, 262, 263, 1575, 1576, 609, 1576, 7, 1577], [7, 1579], [], [], [7, 1582], [], [169, 1566, 175, 1584, 7, 1585], [], [50, 1587, 262, 263, 1575, 1588, 609, 1588, 7, 1589], [], [], [50, 1592, 262, 263, 609, 1593, 7, 1594], [], [], [50, 1596, 262, 263, 7, 1597], [], [], [7, 1600], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1605, 48, 87, 7, 1606], [], [80, 1608, 48, 87, 7, 1609], [], [80, 1611, 48, 87, 7, 1612], [], [80, 1614, 48, 87, 7, 1615], [], [80, 1617, 48, 87, 7, 1618], [], [80, 1620, 48, 87, 7, 1621], [], [80, 1623, 48, 87, 7, 1624], [], [80, 1626, 48, 87, 7, 1627], [], [80, 1629, 48, 87, 7, 1630], [], [80, 1632, 7, 1633], [], [80, 1636, 7, 1637], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1640], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1644], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1648], [], [], [169, 1651, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 175, 1390, 7, 1660], [169, 1662, 7, 1663], [132, 1659, 169, 1665, 7, 1666], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1672], [169, 1674, 7, 1675], [169, 1677, 7, 1678], [], [132, 1657, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 1681], [], [169, 1683, 7, 1684], [], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1687, 1658, 1688, 175, 1689, 7, 1690], [169, 1662, 7, 1692], [132, 1688, 169, 1665, 7, 1694], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1697], [169, 1674, 7, 1699], [169, 1677, 7, 1701], [], [132, 1687, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 1707], [], [132, 1709, 175, 1390, 7, 1710], [], [1575, 1712, 80, 1713, 7, 1714], [], [], [132, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [359, 1721, 132, 1722, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 1723], [335, 14, 336, 371, 132, 372, 30, 372, 48, 339, 340, 373, 7, 1725], [335, 14, 336, 376, 132, 377, 30, 377, 48, 339, 340, 378, 7, 1727], [421, 1729, 335, 14, 336, 1730, 132, 417, 30, 417, 48, 339, 340, 393, 7, 1731], [421, 1733, 335, 14, 336, 1734, 132, 428, 30, 428, 48, 339, 340, 393, 7, 1735], [421, 1737, 335, 14, 336, 1738, 132, 422, 30, 422, 48, 339, 340, 393, 7, 1739], [335, 14, 336, 381, 132, 382, 30, 382, 48, 339, 340, 393, 7, 1741], [], [175, 1743, 7, 1744], [], [], [132, 1747, 7, 1748], [], [7, 1750], [], [7, 1752], [], [1755, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [], [7, 1761], [], [1755, 1763, 7, 1764], [], [], [], [7, 1768], [], [1755, 1770, 7, 1771], [], [], [], [7, 1775], [], [1755, 401, 7, 1777], [], [], [], [], [7, 1781], [], [7, 1783], [], [1755, 1785, 7, 1786], [], [], [1789, 1790, 335, 14, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 336, 1795, 132, 1785, 30, 1785, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 7, 1797], [], [175, 1799, 7, 1800], [], [169, 415, 416, 1785, 418, 14, 175, 1802, 7, 1803], [], [], [], [7, 1806], [], [1755, 1808, 7, 1809], [], [], [1789, 1812, 335, 14, 1791, 1813, 1793, 1794, 336, 1814, 132, 1808, 30, 1808, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 7, 1815], [], [175, 1799, 7, 1817], [], [169, 415, 416, 1808, 418, 14, 175, 1802, 7, 1819], [], [], [], [7, 1821], [], [1755, 1823, 7, 1824], [], [], [1789, 1827, 335, 14, 1791, 1828, 1793, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 336, 1834, 132, 1823, 30, 1823, 48, 1796, 340, 1835, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 1838], [], [175, 1799, 7, 1840], [], [169, 415, 416, 1823, 418, 14, 175, 1802, 7, 1842], [], [], [], [7, 1844], [], [1755, 1846, 7, 1847], [], [], [169, 1850, 335, 14, 336, 1851, 132, 1846, 30, 1846, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 1852], [], [175, 1799, 7, 1854], [], [169, 415, 416, 1846, 418, 14, 175, 1802, 7, 1856], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [169, 1858, 7, 1859], [169, 1861, 7, 1862], [48, 1668, 169, 1864, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1865], [169, 1677, 7, 1867], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1870], [169, 1677, 7, 1872], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875, 7, 1876], [169, 1878, 175, 1875, 7, 1879], [169, 1881, 175, 1875, 7, 1882], [169, 1884, 175, 1875, 7, 1885], [169, 1887, 175, 1875, 7, 1888], [169, 1890, 175, 1875, 7, 1891], [169, 1893, 175, 1875, 7, 1894], [169, 1896, 175, 1875, 7, 1897], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1899, 1658, 1900, 175, 1689, 7, 1901], [169, 1662, 7, 1903], [132, 1900, 169, 1665, 7, 1905], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1907], [169, 1674, 7, 1909], [169, 1677, 7, 1911], [], [132, 1899, 1703, 1913, 175, 1914, 169, 1680, 7, 1915], [], [169, 1858, 7, 1918], [169, 1861, 7, 1920], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1922], [169, 1677, 7, 1924], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875, 7, 1926], [169, 1878, 175, 1875, 7, 1928], [169, 1881, 175, 1875, 7, 1930], [169, 1884, 175, 1875, 7, 1932], [169, 1887, 175, 1875, 7, 1934], [169, 1890, 175, 1875, 7, 1936], [169, 1893, 175, 1875, 7, 1938], [169, 1896, 175, 1875, 7, 1940], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1942, 1658, 1943, 175, 1689, 7, 1944], [169, 1662, 7, 1946], [132, 1943, 169, 1665, 7, 1948], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1951], [169, 1674, 7, 1953], [169, 1677, 7, 1955], [], [169, 1858, 7, 1957], [169, 1861, 7, 1959], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1962], [169, 1677, 7, 1964], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1967], [169, 1677, 7, 1969], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875, 7, 1972], [169, 1878, 175, 1875, 7, 1974], [169, 1881, 175, 1875, 7, 1976], [169, 1884, 175, 1875, 7, 1978], [169, 1887, 175, 1875, 7, 1980], [169, 1890, 175, 1875, 7, 1982], [169, 1893, 175, 1875, 7, 1984], [169, 1896, 175, 1875, 7, 1986], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1988, 1658, 1989, 175, 1689, 7, 1990], [169, 1662, 7, 1992], [132, 1989, 169, 1665, 7, 1994], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1997], [169, 1674, 7, 1999], [169, 1677, 7, 2001], [], [169, 1858, 7, 2003], [169, 1861, 7, 2005], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 2007], [169, 1677, 7, 2009], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 2011], [169, 1677, 7, 2013], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875, 7, 2015], [169, 1878, 175, 1875, 7, 2017], [169, 1881, 175, 1875, 7, 2019], [169, 1884, 175, 1875, 7, 2021], [169, 1887, 175, 1875, 7, 2023], [169, 1890, 175, 1875, 7, 2025], [169, 1893, 175, 1875, 7, 2027], [169, 1896, 175, 1875, 7, 2029], [169, 2031, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 2032, 1658, 2033, 175, 1390, 7, 2034], [169, 1662, 7, 2036], [132, 2033, 169, 1665, 7, 2038], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 2041], [169, 1674, 7, 2043], [169, 1677, 7, 2045], [], [169, 1858, 7, 2047], [169, 1861, 7, 2049], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 2051], [169, 1677, 7, 2053], [], [169, 2031, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 2055, 1658, 2056, 175, 1390, 7, 2057], [169, 1662, 7, 2059], [132, 2056, 169, 1665, 7, 2061], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 2063], [169, 1674, 7, 2065], [169, 1677, 7, 2067], [], [169, 1858, 7, 2069], [169, 1861, 7, 2071], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 2073], [169, 1677, 7, 2075], [], [175, 2077, 7, 2078], [], [48, 87, 7, 2080], [], [], [175, 2077, 7, 2083], [7, 2085], [], [175, 2077, 7, 2088], [], [48, 87, 7, 2090], [], [], [1652, 1653, 2093, 14, 1654, 2094, 609, 2095, 30, 2096, 132, 2096, 80, 2097, 175, 2098, 7, 2099], [132, 2101, 80, 2102, 7, 2103], [175, 2106, 7, 2107], [2109, 2110, 175, 2111, 7, 2112], [175, 2114, 7, 2115], [46, 55, 50, 2117, 7, 2118], [175, 2111, 7, 2120], [175, 2114, 7, 2122], [46, 55, 50, 2117, 7, 2124], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1942, 1658, 1659, 175, 1689], [169, 1662], [132, 1659, 169, 1665], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671], [169, 1674], [169, 1677], [], [132, 1942, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 2126], [], [359, 2129, 132, 2130, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 2131], [], [169, 2133, 7, 2134], [], [169, 2137, 7, 2138], [], [7, 2141], [], [7, 2143], [], [169, 2145, 7, 2146], [169, 2148, 7, 2149], [], [1755, 2152, 7, 2153], [], [], [169, 2156, 335, 14, 1791, 2157, 1793, 1794, 336, 2158, 132, 2152, 30, 2152, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2159], [], [169, 415, 416, 2152, 418, 14, 7, 2161], [], [], [7, 2163], [], [169, 2145, 7, 2165], [169, 2148, 7, 2167], [], [1755, 2169, 7, 2170], [], [], [335, 14, 1791, 1828, 1793, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 336, 1834, 132, 2169, 30, 2169, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2173], [], [169, 415, 416, 2169, 418, 14, 7, 2175], [], [], [7, 2177], [], [169, 2145, 7, 2179], [169, 2148, 7, 2181], [], [1755, 2183, 7, 2184], [], [], [7, 2187], [], [2190, 2191, 335, 14, 336, 2192, 132, 2183, 30, 2183, 2193, 1419, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2194], [], [169, 415, 416, 2183, 418, 14, 7, 2196], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 2198], [], [132, 2200, 30, 2200, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 7, 2201], [], [132, 1826, 30, 1826, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 7, 2203], [], [], [], [], [], [169, 1858], [169, 1861], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875], [169, 1878, 175, 1875], [169, 1881, 175, 1875], [169, 1884, 175, 1875], [169, 1887, 175, 1875], [169, 1890, 175, 1875], [169, 1893, 175, 1875], [169, 1896, 175, 1875], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1988, 1658, 1688, 175, 1689], [169, 1662], [132, 1688, 169, 1665], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671], [169, 1674], [169, 1677], [], [132, 1988, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 2205], [], [132, 2208, 359, 2209, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 2210], [], [48, 339, 132, 2212, 30, 2212, 340, 14, 7, 2213], [], [7, 2215], [], [7, 2217], [], [1755, 2219, 7, 2220], [], [], [48, 1796, 132, 2219, 30, 2223, 336, 1795, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2224], [], [175, 2226, 7, 2227], [], [169, 415, 416, 2223, 418, 14, 7, 2229], [], [], [], [7, 2232], [], [1755, 2234, 7, 2235], [], [], [132, 2234, 336, 1851, 30, 1846, 48, 2238, 169, 1850, 7, 2239], [], [175, 2226, 7, 2241], [], [169, 415, 416, 1846, 418, 14, 7, 2243], [], [], [], [7, 2245], [], [1755, 2247, 7, 2248], [], [], [169, 2253, 132, 2247, 30, 2254, 175, -1, 7, 2255], [340, 2258, 7, 2259], [], [], [340, 2261, 7, 2262], [], [], [340, 2264, 7, 2265], [], [], [340, 2267, 7, 2268], [], [], [340, 2270, 7, 2271], [], [], [340, 2273, 7, 2274], [], [], [], [], [7, 2277], [], [1755, 2279, 7, 2280], [], [], [132, 2279, 30, 2283, 2193, 2284, 2190, 1794, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2285], [], [], [], [], [169, 1858], [169, 1861], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875], [169, 1878, 175, 1875], [169, 1881, 175, 1875], [169, 1884, 175, 1875], [169, 1887, 175, 1875], [169, 1890, 175, 1875], [169, 1893, 175, 1875], [169, 1896, 175, 1875], [169, 2031, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 2032, 1658, 1900, 175, 1390], [169, 1662], [132, 1900, 169, 1665], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671], [169, 1674], [169, 1677], [], [132, 2032, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 2287], [], [132, 2289, 7, 2290], [], [169, 1858], [169, 1861], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [169, 2031, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 2055, 1658, 1943, 175, 1390], [169, 1662], [132, 1943, 169, 1665], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671], [169, 1674], [169, 1677], [], [132, 2055, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 2292], [], [132, 2294, 7, 2295], [], [], [169, 1858], [169, 1861], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [175, 2077], [], [48, 87], [], [], [175, 2077], [], [48, 87], [], [], [175, 2077], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1662, 1766], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [183, 185, 187, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 205, 206, 207, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1422, 1435, 1448, 1461, 1634, 1647, 1669, 1671, 1705, 1714, 1727], "value": [341, 346, 351, 346, 373, 378, 383, 388, 393, 398, 402, -1, 424, 429, 433, 373, 378, 393, 393, 393, 393, -1, -1, 1835, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": [1741]}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [1599], "value": [1]}, "pseudoType": {"index": [118, 160, 164, 168, 644, 647, 650, 653, 656, 659, 662, 665, 1134, 1144, 1154], "value": [250, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307]}, 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18], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 302.09375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55959.40625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55959.40625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 3441.953125], [8, 317.53125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 3016.953125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 124.34375, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 400.96875, 1264, 16], [8, 400.96875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 439.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 439.140625, 77.734375, 17], [8, 473.140625, 1264, 2], [8, 496.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 496.40625, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 536.578125, 1264, 16], [8, 536.578125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 574.75, 1264, 18], [8, 574.75, 125.28125, 17], [8, 608.75, 1264, 2], [8, 632.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 632.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 632.015625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 672.1875, 1264, 16], [8, 672.1875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 710.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 710.359375, 160.796875, 17], [8, 744.359375, 1264, 2], [8, 767.625, 1264, 18], [8, 767.625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 807.796875, 1264, 16], [8, 807.796875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 845.96875, 1264, 22], [8, 845.96875, 4, 17], [8, 883.96875, 1264, 2], [8, 908.140625, 1264, 16], [8, 908.140625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 946.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 946.3125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 980.3125, 1264, 2], [8, 1003.578125, 1264, 18], [8, 1003.578125, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [8, 1043.75, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 1081.921875, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1120.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 1120.09375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 1154.09375, 1264, 2], [8, 1177.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 1177.359375, 123.109375, 17], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1255.703125, 1264, 18], [8, 1255.703125, 115.109375, 17], [8, 1289.703125, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 1292.703125, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 1329.421875, 75.875, 21], [8, 1372.6875, 1264, 18], [8, 1372.6875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1412.859375, 1264, 16], [8, 1412.859375, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1451.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1451.03125, 77.734375, 17], [8, 1485.03125, 1264, 2], [8, 1508.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 1508.296875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1548.46875, 1264, 16], [8, 1548.46875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1586.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 1586.640625, 125.28125, 17], [8, 1620.640625, 1264, 2], [8, 1643.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 1643.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 1643.90625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1684.078125, 1264, 16], [8, 1684.078125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1722.25, 1264, 18], [8, 1722.25, 160.796875, 17], [8, 1756.25, 1264, 2], [8, 1779.515625, 1264, 18], [8, 1779.515625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1819.6875, 1264, 16], [8, 1819.6875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 1857.859375, 1264, 22], [8, 1857.859375, 4, 17], [8, 1895.859375, 1264, 2], [8, 1920.03125, 1264, 16], [8, 1920.03125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1958.203125, 1264, 18], [8, 1958.203125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 1992.203125, 1264, 2], [8, 2015.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2015.46875, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [8, 2055.640625, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [8, 2093.8125, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2131.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 2131.984375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 2165.984375, 1264, 2], [8, 2189.25, 1264, 18], [8, 2189.25, 123.109375, 17], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 16], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2267.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 2267.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 2301.59375, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 2304.59375, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 2341.3125, 90.671875, 21], [8, 2384.578125, 1264, 18], [8, 2384.578125, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2424.75, 1264, 16], [8, 2424.75, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2462.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 2462.921875, 77.734375, 17], [8, 2496.921875, 1264, 2], [8, 2520.1875, 1264, 18], [8, 2520.1875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2560.359375, 1264, 16], [8, 2560.359375, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2598.53125, 1264, 18], [8, 2598.53125, 125.28125, 17], [8, 2632.53125, 1264, 2], [8, 2655.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 2655.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 2655.796875, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2695.96875, 1264, 16], [8, 2695.96875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2734.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 2734.140625, 160.796875, 17], [8, 2768.140625, 1264, 2], [8, 2791.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 2791.40625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2831.578125, 1264, 16], [8, 2831.578125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2869.75, 1264, 22], [8, 2869.75, 101.75, 17], [8, 2907.75, 1264, 2], [8, 2931.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 2931.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2970.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 2970.09375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3004.09375, 1264, 2], [8, 3027.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 3027.359375, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 0], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 3067.53125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [8, 3105.703125, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3143.875, 1264, 18], [8, 3143.875, 113.296875, 17], [8, 3177.875, 1264, 2], [8, 3201.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 3201.140625, 123.109375, 17], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 16], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3279.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3279.484375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 3313.484375, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 3316.484375, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3334.484375, 1264, 72], [8, 3334.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3334.484375, 123.0625, 17], [8, 3352.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3352.484375, 1077.5, 17], [8, 3370.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3388.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3388.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3406.484375, 1264, 72], [8, 3406.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3406.484375, 107.078125, 17], [8, 3424.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3424.484375, 1086.40625, 17], [8, 3442.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3460.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3460.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3478.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 3478.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3478.484375, 107.953125, 17], [8, 3496.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3496.484375, 814.5625, 17], [8, 3514.484375, 1264, 193], [8, 3514.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3514.484375, 108.1875, 17], [8, 3532.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3532.484375, 410.546875, 17], [8, 3563.484375, 1264, 144], [48, 3563.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3563.484375, 87.984375, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 81.75, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 164.40625, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 190.171875, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 99.96875, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 85.765625, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 65.78125, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 209.71875, 17], [8, 3723.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 3723.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3723.484375, 121.296875, 17], [8, 3741.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3741.484375, 1087.9375, 17], [8, 3775.484375, 1264, 57], [8, 3775.484375, 1264, 57], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [8, 3775.484375, 1257, 57], [8, 3857.484375, 1264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 1264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [272, 3857.484375, 392, 19], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 51117.6875], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 144], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3892.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3910.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3910.484375, 77.796875, 17], [8, 3928.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3928.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3946.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3946.484375, 51.578125, 17], [8, 3964.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3964.484375, 48, 17], [8, 3982.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3982.484375, 66.09375, 17], [8, 4000.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 4000.484375, 58.25, 17], [66.25, 4000.484375, 0, 17], [8, 4018.484375, 17.78125, 17], [8, 4036.484375, 1264, 7240.8125], [8, 4036.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 4036.484375, 579.890625, 17], [8, 4054.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 4054.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 4325.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 5499.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 5499.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 5769.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 6943.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 6943.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 7214.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 8388.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 8388.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 8659.09375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 10103.65625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 11277.296875, 1264, 4351.6875], [8, 11277.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 11277.296875, 585.140625, 17], [8, 11295.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 11295.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 11566.21875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 12739.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 12739.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 13010.78125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 14455.34375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 15628.984375, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 15628.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 15628.984375, 361.359375, 17], [8, 15646.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 15646.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 15917.90625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 17362.46875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 0], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 4351.6875], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 18], [8, 18536.109375, 310.703125, 17], [8, 18554.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 18554.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 18825.03125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 20269.59375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 21443.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 21443.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 21714.15625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 0], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 22887.796875, 498.65625, 17], [8, 22905.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 22905.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 23176.71875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 0], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 24621.28125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 25794.921875, 179.109375, 17], [8, 25812.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 25812.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 26083.84375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 2943.125], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 27257.484375, 463.390625, 17], [8, 27275.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 27275.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 27546.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 28720.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 28720.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 28990.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 30164.609375, 1264, 0], [8, 30164.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30164.609375, 98.15625, 17], [8, 30182.609375, 1264, 0], [8, 30182.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30182.609375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 30200.609375, 1264, 2979.125], [8, 30200.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30200.609375, 673.171875, 17], [8, 30218.609375, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 30218.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 30489.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 31663.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 31663.171875, 72.890625, 17], [8, 31681.171875, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 31681.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 31952.09375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 33125.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33125.734375, 63.53125, 17], [8, 33143.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33143.734375, 100.828125, 17], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33161.734375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 33179.734375, 1264, 8685.375], [8, 33179.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33179.734375, 199.34375, 17], [8, 33197.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 33197.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 33468.65625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 34642.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 34642.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 34913.21875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 36086.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 36086.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 36357.78125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 37531.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 37531.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 37802.34375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 38975.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 38975.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 39246.90625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 40420.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 40420.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 40691.46875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 41865.109375, 1264, 7258.8125], [8, 41865.109375, 1264, 18], [8, 41865.109375, 980.90625, 17], [8, 41883.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 41883.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 42154.03125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 43327.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 43327.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 43598.59375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 44772.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 44772.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 45043.15625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 46216.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 46216.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 46487.71875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 47661.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 47661.359375, 230.5625, 17], [8, 47679.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 47679.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 47950.28125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 49123.921875, 1264, 2979.125], [8, 49123.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 49123.921875, 696.296875, 17], [8, 49141.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 49141.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 49412.84375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 50586.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 50586.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 50857.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 52031.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52031.046875, 330.515625, 17], [8, 52049.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52049.046875, 347.859375, 17], [8, 52067.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52067.046875, 307.40625, 17], [8, 52085.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52085.046875, 307.296875, 17], [8, 52103.046875, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 52103.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52103.046875, 758.453125, 17], [8, 52121.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 52121.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 52391.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 53565.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 53565.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 53836.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55040.171875, 1264, 681.59375], [8, 55040.171875, 1264, 62], [269.875, 55041.171875, 740.25, 60], [8, 55156.5625, 1264, 212.859375], [48, 55156.5625, 1224, 56.171875], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 18], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 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18], [8, 55613.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55613.59375, 41.328125, 17], [8, 55647.59375, 1264, 2], [8, 55665.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55665.59375, 108, 17], [8, 55705.765625, 1264, 16], [8, 55705.765625, 1264, 16], [8, 55705.765625, 853.125, 15], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 72], [8, 55743.9375, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 55779.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55797.9375, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 55797.9375, 140.40625, 17], [8, 55831.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55865.9375, 1264, 36], [8, 55865.9375, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 55865.9375, 4, 17], [684.140625, 55865.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55883.9375, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 55883.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55917.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55951.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 55951.9375, 907.296875, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 55985.9375, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 55985.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56019.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56053.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 56053.9375, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 56053.9375, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 56053.9375, 9.328125, 17], [8, 56087.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56121.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 56121.9375, 1264, 54], [8, 56121.9375, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 56121.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 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{"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 108, 110, 112, 114, 117, 119, 122, 124, 131, 137, 140, 143, 148, 150, 152, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 169, 171, 173, 175, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 190, 192, 194, 196, 199, 201, 204, 206, 213, 219, 222, 225, 230, 232, 234, 240, 242, 244, 246, 248, 251, 253, 255, 257, 261, 263, 265, 267, 269, 272, 274, 276, 278, 281, 283, 286, 288, 296, 303, 306, 309, 314, 316, 318, 322, 324, 325, 327, 330, 332, 333, 335, 338, 340, 343, 345, 349, 350, 353, 354, 357, 358, 361, 362, 365, 366, 369, 370, 373, 374, 377, 378, 381, 383, 387, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 392, 393, 393, 397, 399, 401, 403, 405, 407, 409, 410, 411, 414, 438, 456, 471, 489, 504, 516, 527, 530, 533, 539, 545, 547, 551, 554, 581, 599, 606, 616, 618, 620, 622, 625, 640, 644, 646, 649, 652, 654, 657, 660, 662, 665, 668, 671, 673, 676, 678, 682, 685, 688, 691, 698, 698, 698, 699, 700, 703, 704, 705, 707, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 717, 720, 721, 722, 723, 725, 728, 729, 729, 732, 733, 734, 737, 738, 739, 742, 743, 743, 743, 744, 747, 748, 750, 751, 753, 755], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 302.09375, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 124.34375, 21], [8, 360.796875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 400.96875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 439.140625, 77.734375, 17], [8, 496.40625, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 536.578125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 574.75, 125.28125, 17], [8, 632.015625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 672.1875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 710.359375, 160.796875, 17], [8, 767.625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 807.796875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 845.96875, 4, 17], [8, 908.140625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 946.3125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 1003.578125, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1043.75, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1081.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1120.09375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 1177.359375, 123.109375, 17], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1255.703125, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 1292.703125, 53.359375, 15], [8, 1329.421875, 75.875, 21], [8, 1372.6875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1412.859375, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1451.03125, 77.734375, 17], [8, 1508.296875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1548.46875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1586.640625, 125.28125, 17], [8, 1643.90625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1684.078125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1722.25, 160.796875, 17], [8, 1779.515625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1819.6875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 1857.859375, 4, 17], [8, 1920.03125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1958.203125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2015.46875, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2055.640625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2093.8125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2131.984375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 2189.25, 123.109375, 17], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2267.59375, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 2304.59375, 53.359375, 15], [8, 2341.3125, 90.671875, 21], [8, 2384.578125, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2424.75, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2462.921875, 77.734375, 17], [8, 2520.1875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2560.359375, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2598.53125, 125.28125, 17], [8, 2655.796875, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2695.96875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2734.140625, 160.796875, 17], [8, 2791.40625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2831.578125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2869.75, 101.75, 17], [8, 2931.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2970.09375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3027.359375, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [8, 3067.53125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3105.703125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3143.875, 113.296875, 17], [8, 3201.140625, 123.109375, 17], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3279.484375, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 3316.484375, 53.359375, 15], [8, 3334.484375, 123.0625, 17], [8, 3352.484375, 1077.5, 17], [8, 3370.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3388.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3406.484375, 107.078125, 17], [8, 3424.484375, 1086.40625, 17], [8, 3442.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3460.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3478.484375, 107.953125, 17], [8, 3496.484375, 814.5625, 17], [8, 3514.484375, 108.1875, 17], [8, 3532.484375, 410.546875, 17], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3563.484375, 87.984375, 17], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 81.75, 17], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 164.40625, 17], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 190.171875, 17], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 99.96875, 17], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 85.765625, 17], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 65.78125, 17], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 209.71875, 17], [8, 3723.484375, 121.296875, 17], [8, 3741.484375, 1087.9375, 17], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [281, 3775.484375, 296, 19], [577, 3775.484375, 686, 19], [8, 3794.484375, 528, 19], [536, 3794.484375, 729, 19], [8, 3813.484375, 383, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [272, 3857.484375, 4, 19], [276, 3857.484375, 388, 19], [8, 3892.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3910.484375, 77.796875, 17], [8, 3928.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3946.484375, 51.578125, 17], [8, 3964.484375, 48, 17], [8, 3982.484375, 66.09375, 17], [8, 4000.484375, 58.25, 17], [66.25, 4000.484375, 0, 17], [8, 4018.484375, 17.78125, 17], [8, 4036.484375, 579.890625, 17], [8, 11277.296875, 585.140625, 17], [8, 15628.984375, 361.359375, 17], [8, 18536.109375, 310.703125, 17], [8, 22887.796875, 498.65625, 17], [8, 25794.921875, 179.109375, 17], [8, 27257.484375, 463.390625, 17], [8, 30164.609375, 98.15625, 17], [8, 30182.609375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 30200.609375, 673.171875, 17], [8, 31663.171875, 72.890625, 17], [8, 33125.734375, 63.53125, 17], [8, 33143.734375, 100.828125, 17], [8, 33161.734375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 33179.734375, 199.34375, 17], [8, 41865.109375, 980.90625, 17], [8, 47661.359375, 230.5625, 17], [8, 49123.921875, 696.296875, 17], [8, 52031.046875, 330.515625, 17], [8, 52049.046875, 347.859375, 17], [8, 52067.046875, 307.40625, 17], [8, 52085.046875, 307.296875, 17], [8, 52103.046875, 758.453125, 17], [269.875, 55041.171875, 740.25, 60], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [48, 55196.734375, 265.828125, 15], [31, 55234.90625, 7, 17], [48, 55234.90625, 8, 17], [48, 55275.078125, 193.28125, 15], [31, 55313.25, 7, 17], [48, 55313.25, 8, 17], [48, 55353.421875, 108.734375, 15], [8, 55391.59375, 54.203125, 17], [8, 55425.59375, 40, 17], [8, 55459.59375, 37.328125, 17], [8, 55493.59375, 47.984375, 17], [8, 55527.59375, 70.203125, 17], [8, 55579.59375, 32, 17], [8, 55613.59375, 41.328125, 17], [8, 55665.59375, 108, 17], [8, 55705.765625, 853.125, 15], [8, 55743.9375, 1253.671875, 17], [8, 55761.9375, 1197.390625, 17], [8, 55779.9375, 74.234375, 17], [82.234375, 55779.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55797.9375, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 55797.9375, 140.40625, 17], [8, 55831.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55865.9375, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 55865.9375, 4, 17], [684.140625, 55865.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55883.9375, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 55883.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55917.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55951.9375, 907.296875, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 55985.9375, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 55985.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56019.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56053.9375, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 56053.9375, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 56053.9375, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 56053.9375, 9.328125, 17], [8, 56087.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56121.9375, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 56121.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 56139.9375, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 56139.9375, 284.796875, 17], [8, 56157.9375, 345.28125, 17], [8, 56191.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 56225.9375, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 56225.9375, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 56225.9375, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 56225.9375, 112.453125, 17], [8, 56258.9375, 0, 17]], "start": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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"Annual Wellness", "annualWellness2", "bb1e0fab-325e-4071", "", "2816d970-c9b9-41df", "", "-", "padding-bottom: 4px;", "4388d879-daa9-4dff", "", "\u00a0", "ba1852e8-c60a-4f4d", "", "171922a3-b7c3-439b", "", "80%", "8f73f7f8-1739-4fa8", "", "Coverage", "8520ddce-aedd-4b02", "", "e841b1c0-c8a9-4973", "", "Annual Deductible", "annualDeductible2", "a97aa085-312f-4289", "", "secure-2-content active-step", "121e6738-202f-4489", "", "deductible-pill-container active-step", "667721af-c5d7-4a83", "", "Deductible", "data-show-deductible", "plan2deductible1", "data-hide-deductible", "plan2deductible2", "13065688-3656-435c", "", "deductible-left-container selected-deductible selected-deductible-hover", "data-premium-id", "data-deductible-id", "data-default-deductible1", "data-premium-amount-monthly", "$78.81", "data-premium-amount-daily", "$2.63", "data-premium-deductible-amount", "$100", "8d7c837e-7713-40fb", "", "\n ", "1b25a9e5-f807-44cc", "", "b1faaa86-e8d8-41ba", "", 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"Unlimited ($)", "caa5e7af-5fa0-4e30", "", "290abd12-d60a-4cf6", "", "fa4f08cc-d75f-404b", "", "illnessCoverage4", "0307f64f-ece6-4146", "", "44006077-82a6-4d58", "", "d98b7c26-c49c-456c", "", "0129e391-88ac-4557", "", "5e0e15ad-9593-4d85", "", "dcaf1640-67e1-404b", "", "db434b93-75f2-4368", "", "dentalCoverage4", "f7b9d2ad-3a12-463c", "", "398b39b9-ee5b-4f50", "", "$600", "92728737-e82a-4239", "", "a88a5bd4-4892-4b93", "", "ad6e8d43-9a58-4a72", "", "annualWellness4", "d13feb48-d77c-420a", "", "faf8a0a8-7fcf-4124", "", "\n$450 ", "8b0f5fa3-71f3-4c4a", "", "annual wellness", "280815df-7552-4901", "", "06921f20-0c72-4c6d", "", "d2865149-f423-4a23", "", "60d9f4d5-ca49-4c0e", "", "ff4132ea-ac87-46a6", "", "annualDeductible4", "c9869f45-80f4-400d", "", "secure-4-content", "b5a87122-da80-4552", "", "820e2660-58a2-4cf3", "", "plan4deductible1", "plan4deductible2", "7022f3f0-10ec-455d", "", "b82d1360-7b82-4150-b5c0-31bdc45afe47", "f2dc3389-0ce9-4b6c-9782-9f2992204e79", "$189.43", "$6.31", "$250", "0d7312e6-91e3-4add", "", "3e4bc9b7-9d9c-4a78", "", "\n ", "34606a7a-636e-4c54", "", "4aa0cff1-4882-47e6", "", "\n\n ", "6d143d3c-08a9-4e6b", "", "cb664d11-9a9a-4eb3-a007-ebb3d899f7d5", "87fb5dbc-3b18-4316-a4b3-6503678fd1b9", "$170.20", "$5.67", "81c16b43-fff7-421a", "", "0836e80c-4b7d-47cc", "", "d3bae77c-d156-4afa", "", "5563a93e-3c65-4ea3", "", "c0a72009-784e-4e00", "", "81d12ff1-f179-42fb", "", "premium-68d78a40-a592-4e99-92b9-008d1da6d967", "5937012a-b713-494c", "", "87e227c2-9c22-4c30", "", "96b640ca-4a8b-4d91", "", "bbd492a9-79e2-4f47", "", "button4", "1c28c9f3-672d-4939", "", "accidentCoverageDetails", "accidentCoverageDetails plan-details-hover", "hidePlanDetails(this.id)", "869b670e-9807-4277", "", "details-title-bar", "a5a50c3b-52bb-44cc", "", "details-content-div", "956bf581-5df3-41c2", "", "These coverage amounts are per incident and renew each and every year. We cover up to 80% of the cost of care and veterinary services after your deductible is applied.", "BR", "e7e70fa0-4c3d-44f5", "", "5a7a7fac-773c-4332", "", "Coverage includes: diagnostics, x-rays, hospitalization, surgery, medication and more.", "illnessCoverageDetails", "plan-details-hover", "3e2aa0bc-b70d-4073", "", "cda2bc30-ab20-4c99", "", "248e29b0-6c80-47b3", "", "These coverage amounts are per condition and renew each and every year. We cover up to 80% of the cost of care and veterinary services after your deductible is applied.", "ebdef8ef-fc0b-45fe", "", "def3660a-b5e5-497b", "", "dentalCoverageDetails", "bd66c235-01d5-4a2a", "", "7303c93f-a840-4686", "", "a3aeb4b8-07ef-4a71", "", "Use this towards the cost of annual cleaning or problems with the teeth and/or gums. These coverage amounts renew each year.", "annualWellnessDetails", "f7f1cf15-bad0-4326", "", "d0632d58-4ca2-427d", "", "9b1cc038-511a-46b0", "", "On the Secure 4 plan, we cover routine annual wellness such as:", "margin-top: 13px", "a6c307c7-69e0-4858", "", "2664d25b-82c7-4ad9", "", "Examinations", "8e08ed5b-d684-47b8", "", "Vaccinations", "ca4b9db1-8626-4bc3", "", "Heartworm testing (dogs)", "03efe2a7-c14c-4f48", "", "Heartworm prevention (dogs)", "23e03616-0b44-4c2d", "", "Flea prevention", "cead1862-62c1-4076", "", "Blood profile", "8e7d8337-a562-4c12", "", "Urinalysis", "fb15f9d8-8c7c-4f2c", "", "Fecal test or routine de-worming", "annualDeductibleDetails", "7a5e9eae-91a0-43fc", "", "6f0d0454-d962-4dcd", "", "f008d6e8-f170-42bd", "", "Our deductibles are paid annual, so regardless of how many claims you make, you only need to satisfy your deductible amount once a year, and only if you need to claim.", "margin-top:15px;", "e9dcecd7-22e6-4e21", "", "\n\t", "font-size:16px;font-family:'Raleway', sans-serif;", "512382db-e1e9-4535", "", "\n\t\t", "7055a8f5-6b13-40f3", "", "Which deductible should I choose?", " Lower deductibles are satisfied sooner,\n\t\twhich means you receive money back faster. Higher deductibles are often more popular with budget-conscious pet owners, as they have a lower monthly premium.\n\t\tThis choice is ideal for customers who are comfortable paying for smaller veterinary expenses, but want insurance for the larger and unexpected costs.\n\t", "margin-top:25px;", "96a7b0a4-2cf4-4880", "", "24e64ff3-941f-4fa2", "", "af812477-8491-4978", "", "See why our insurance is the best.", "\n\t\tCompare our plans to other pet insurance providers.\n\t", "compare-table", "89e82f9a-d253-4d61", "", "row compare-header", "e85b7b49-0b60-44fb", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage", "ff295203-4e98-4c37", "", "\n Coverage\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ovma", "374a1017-6c9c-4def", "", "\n OVMA PHI\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsecure", "9ee6432a-67aa-49ed", "", "\n Petsecure\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ospca", "658e8495-29c0-4831", "", "\n OSPCA\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petplan", "ac979692-9fe4-4459", "", "\n Petplan\n ", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion", "204b29c3-e402-40e8", "", "\n Trupanion\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus", "f1a51b61-da58-4b0c", "", "\n Pets Plus", "b4b8c801-741a-4837", "", "Us\n ", "row compare-row", "6cf7dcb9-6828-42c8", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage two-line-text", "e65eed05-e0a1-470e", "", "\n Coverage for taxes, exam fees, specialist consultation, referrals, rechecks, emergency fees.\n ", "a95acbe9-d0c0-4281", "", "svg", "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "viewBox", "0 0 448 512", "d2ed5d5d-5ba1-4ffa", "", "path", "d", "M438.6 105.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-256 256c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0l-128-128c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0L160 338.7 393.4 105.4c12.5-12.5 32.8-12.5 45.3 0z", "9a67c2d7-05bd-4e87", "", "71c3eaec-ca5d-4891", "", "7b86cfda-a932-4bc0", "", "f0d3f3f4-f9bb-47fb", "", "3c7ea48d-767e-49ec", "", "233ba13d-34dd-4925", "", "36b98950-0aeb-4d6d", "", "a0d63398-7e0a-4371", "", "a8bf32ad-82dc-4113", "", "507d5d66-dc2a-449a", "", "c1c8aadf-f7db-4d70", "", "6164a620-29fa-43b4", "", "0215b235-41a1-445d", "", "6287c1af-67d4-4b06", "", "e24b1843-cffa-443d", "", "5645e6cf-57fc-49d4", "", "\n Medical records reviewed at point of purchase. No hidden surprises or delays at first claim!\n ", "854fbab3-4609-45fb", "", "bbf5f70a-00a7-4fea", "", "f14d5ca4-bdd5-48ca", "", "704874c0-2765-46c0", "", "2ab5c62d-5964-42ae", "", "f2524336-c0b9-48a5", "", "6cf12f1d-cfa1-4e55", "", "b43bcc1f-fdf7-430c", "", "d64b3675-f31b-4a70", "", "f935b3bc-4996-44cf", "", "a459e64b-f686-420f", "", "c66f5786-e1b0-4e06", "", "4c8444f6-0645-465e", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage one-line-text", "917f55a7-cbc0-4f40", "", "\n Quick and efficient claims turnaround \u2013 often same day!\n ", "d7093cb0-5489-4091", "", "faf0d5df-e0f9-46fa", "", "b7cd55e2-d233-4927", "", "f3470246-bce1-4ca4", "", "a677804a-7af8-438c", "", "0d25b93e-7849-41d4", "", "e2c85009-a37d-41fa", "", "f7da38df-e5fb-4243", "", "02be0ba2-a943-47fd", "", "c4427eda-c094-402e", "", "104fb57c-3c7e-47cd", "", "6a63ea02-e481-4af5", "", "\n 24/7 emergency support for veterinary practices.\n ", "7092f61d-89eb-45ef", "", "8646eac1-05f1-4703", "", "8754a8e4-7ecb-4f8c", "", "7ba8dbbe-ad8f-4fd6", "", "aed30cd1-4e93-4707", "", "d899b6f5-0a7a-4158", "", "2e888983-e1f0-4152", "", "73e8c827-e36f-493d", "", "8379f328-c45b-4df1", "", "26d8af1a-74af-4846", "", "63d588ed-d810-4269", "", "4b5356e1-94dd-4992", "", "4f1cb131-608f-4210", "", "2a67aa79-1586-4cc5", "", "\n Larger claim payout due to applying deductible first and co-insurance second.\n ", "b2b7d6ad-f175-4eee", "", "4e4ca5c3-c5ed-4d71", "", "d84a24e8-416f-4579", "", "65e9ec31-aa2a-4582", "", "7ddcbcaa-bce1-481f", "", "74eaa4c5-8c2f-4da4", "", "2dcbe600-6a55-46b0", "", "f56d42ed-a610-43c2", "", "0d79b3a1-a45e-4e7d", "", "b1cf0444-6e9d-4c17", "", "641ac5d8-ac7c-4136", "", "1ad9b59d-ec71-47f0", "", "\n Customer loyalty discounts.\n ", "61815e60-0391-477f", "", "8ac15b68-de1d-4c84", "", "8fa131b8-56b4-4b01", "", "94887622-9761-4f71", "", "0502e4a9-bd7e-4913", "", "96fb0470-d2bb-4068", "", "79887fa8-9ef1-4132", "", "124251e4-80c6-48ed", "", "1e2b76e4-dca0-4c11", "", "d5735710-f035-45d6", "", "\n Coverage for routine dental exams and cleanings included in every plan.\n ", "8327ba9d-2376-4faa", "", "9ede8e0f-e8e8-4cf5", "", "2bc4e8de-1a04-4d68", "", "cc516f7a-1f09-4af2", "", "c66e35b2-0a8f-4f91", "", "1499838c-a4a2-475b", "", "5eb59e73-e043-4194", "", "col-md-1 compare-petplan one-line-text", "5234a438-30c7-410a", "", "\n select coverage\n ", "4fd7dd99-06db-46ee", "", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus four-line-text", "5369c9dd-b15a-4445", "", "\n Self-financing of select costs with optional separate wellness plan\n ", "d920d428-751f-4964", "", "825917ad-0107-43bc", "", "\n Wellness care coverage option, such as annual exam and vaccinations, routine bloodwork, urinalysis, etc.\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ovma compare-check-over-text", "d4d78215-9d1f-43e1", "", "a0cfe447-9174-4ba1", "", "163c4040-3cab-44bd", "", "compare-text-under-check", "6c8b17e6-c8ef-42d5", "", " *Unlimited ", "col-md-1 compare-petsecure compare-check-over-text", "7594c808-f14a-402e", "", "444714d5-00c0-46cd", "", "1e0613dc-a320-4dcf", "", "7a182a7b-b38a-4fe8", "", " *Secure 4 ", "col-md-1 compare-ospca one-line-text", "4ffb748d-5876-41ca", "", "\n Select coverage\n ", "b1e44f42-cfe7-4167", "", "9d885c82-a7b4-42fe", "", "2b250b7b-5916-4f21", "", "a15087a7-f124-4063", "", "9597411c-17c4-464c", "", "\n Ability to pay practice directly.\n ", "3d54a2d8-14ae-42a9", "", "ae4b3853-1c3c-4849", "", "a1338ba4-7957-4ea6", "", "afd66b6f-7379-4dfc", "", "02685005-9313-425f", "", "2bcc9f9f-d4a6-4871", "", "17b90acb-1652-432b", "", "ed690393-8fa4-41bc", "", "1fe8a057-1711-4391", "", "346e53cb-2032-4980", "", "2b5e48df-ca21-4baa", "", "d8a04378-2234-44bd", "", "ecdcef41-8e9e-4147", "", "afa6e327-b295-40c5", "", "9938a3a0-0688-4a92", "", "aea3403f-8520-48d7", "", "3820af16-f0f7-4e4d", "", "77420830-3f3e-4d04", "", "1503defa-cdab-48ca", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage four-line-text", "99bb989c-559b-4e01", "", "\n Pet owner assistance with every policy, such as lost pet advertising & reward, boarding when you\u2019re in hospital, holiday cancellation, cremation or burial\n ", "b514d9e7-4b52-4e2f", "", "6ec28b79-746f-4022", "", "70974aea-36fc-4875", "", "e2403685-4caa-496c", "", "e4728488-890a-4a7a", "", "68add3ef-5d32-4ddb", "", "cd3cbcd2-333b-4a55", "", "6de61a8b-0df0-4af6", "", "2b78730f-44d5-41ef", "", "e0b9bf6c-4ae2-4e81", "", "d5cf61d6-dc96-401f", "", "56c590bc-4192-4188", "", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion two-line-text", "b0eac3aa-c876-4e69", "", "\n Rider available for an additional fee\n ", "ea50640a-1de3-4acb", "", "8cf53ab0-89e3-42ca", "", "8cdf3820-a3cb-460d", "", "765c6640-02e1-49f3", "", "2c8e0cf9-cb5d-49ca", "", "\n Includes additional coverage for alternative therapy, behavioural therapy, and medical devices on every plan.\n ", "6dcc68fe-d974-4d1a", "", "d9a91f8c-847e-4515", "", "9393503d-d28d-482b", "", "e56bebee-8a6a-4952", "", "22f00f8f-b6c6-4be8", "", "32392717-436b-4571", "", "col-md-1 compare-ospca three-line-text", "136b8230-5f80-4290", "", "\n No behavioural therapy or medical device coverage\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petplan three-line-text", "768dd7e6-a1ae-43c2", "", "\n Select behavioural and alternative, no medical devices\n ", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion three-line-text", "e7441691-4b4f-4eda", "", "\n Limited coverage available for an additional fee\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus three-line-text", "e9670d32-3ede-49e1", "", "\n Select alternative therapies only, no behavioural\n ", "7bb056c0-6d2b-4df4", "", "4c05dc8b-30cd-4b22", "", "\n Dental illness covered with no exclusion even if your pet had tartar or gingivitis before the end of your waiting period.\n ", "2071e212-aeb4-42fc", "", "2134c1a1-b670-4be5", "", "9daced68-10d4-417b", "", "6a057a45-d215-4deb", "", "908cf69a-0a5a-41d1", "", "c25f1e83-6ae1-4acb", "", "a4ffe876-73bb-4c5c", "", "e0040c51-20ea-474b", "", "114be49c-9b7c-4baf", "", "b709b189-4697-4158", "", "compareMobile", "display: none;", "f6bcf878-4e22-4975", "", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/ovma-comparison-sheet-en.pdf", "7e70eb69-3ec8-4655", "", " Click here to download a comparison chart.", "ClaimProcessContainer", "bf250240-c7a3-4937", "", "margin-top:30px;text-align:center;font-size:3.4rem;", "8c33abe4-4b4d-4fae", "", "What to expect when you claim.", "col-md-4", "d547774f-c240-4b94", "", "3f057e97-efe1-4a33", "", "#", "8ff17746-a9a4-4cb8", "", "09437ceb-cd7d-4cdb", "", "Pay your veterinarian in full and submit claim.", "5747fd23-20e1-4008", "", "d8b55056-38ad-4a70", "", "2", "37ee5318-d1e9-4d12", "", "Your annual deductible is applied.", "b4348c77-2746-424d", "", "a8be4591-ec2b-4f4c", "", "3", "93966609-f9d5-4fb9", "", "80% is paid to you.", "claim-chart col-md-7", "b8129af4-1c8e-44f0", "", "head-title", "92368283-3da5-414f", "", "example", "claim-chart-left", "c6c6f8eb-03e1-47d8", "", "14bb08bd-1f72-460b", "", "$1000", "a03895eb-2751-46c0", "", "-$100", "63bc1efe-4e97-431a", "", "2cae54f2-7c5b-4dc7", "", "Invoice", "bcf6a4ab-4aa4-4ca9", "", "aa658106-053e-47fd", "", "7a852181-229c-4ea2", "", "dd0a4076-63a9-44e8", "", 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Subject to the terms of your policy.", "\n\n\n", "6b748f88-acda-46c5", "", "\n\nwindow.onload = function() {\n\nif (/ Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n$('#plans-slider').bxSlider({\nonSliderLoad: function () {\n$(\".bx-viewport\").css(\"visibility\", \"visible\");\n$('div.planBox').eq(1).addClass('active-slide')\n},\nonSlideAfter: function (currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) {\nconsole.log(currentSlideHtmlObject);\n$('.active-slide').removeClass('active-slide');\n$('div.planBox').eq(currentSlideHtmlObject).addClass('active-slide').trigger(\"click\");\n$('choose - plan - button').animate({ \"background-color\": \"#e8a010\", \"font-size\": \"48pt\" }, 1000);\n},\nonSlideBefore: function () {\nif (!$('.bx-clone').is(\":visible\")) {\n$('.bx-clone').show();\n}\n},\nrandomStart: false,\ncontrols: true,\nkeyboardEnabled: true,\ninfiniteLoop: false,\nhideControlOnEnd: true,\nautoReload: true,\nmaxSlides: 1,\nstartSlide: 1,\nslideMargin: 0,\nslideWidth: 310,\nuseCSS: false\n});\n}\n};\n", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "tab1_spacer", "ef2a0110-61d8-4bf7", "", "\n \n\n\n \n ", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "bd9ec4ba-0227-4196", "", "footer-wrapper", "68027dda-b054-48ae", "", "footer-br", "9de8156c-ac3c-4883", "", "footer", "dd49cb7d-01c0-438c", "", "afd77b0a-43e8-4196", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "f68d3966-272e-46e7", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a8ab1fc3-6adc-4e71", "", "U", "690560a8-9b82-4dcf", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "540809ec-d878-4714", "", "\n ", "1b53309f-a675-46b4", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "58906cb1-3521-421a", "", "a447fdb5-5ec2-49e2", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "6f9ab1d6-c49a-443c", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "af7d99cd-1008-42be", "", "234f5560-594f-4018", "", "88f102c3-cb1b-4f3d", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b0458682-e15b-4cb0", "", "500d1a85-87ce-48b5", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "53525e0d-2826-4fb1", "", "0fb6119c-da8b-475d", "", "27948ac6-c989-4705", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "a9942bbb-bd75-4c49", "", "dc50c26a-3aab-496d", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "47eb1527-3050-41a4", "", "8b2b19c0-b10e-4a89", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "6928250b-491c-42f9", "", "copyright", "1fcaa4a5-a8f9-45bd", "", "d2054825-573c-4e34", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "0efb209c-96b6-49d8", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "29b0ec31-8811-4e35", "", "04990aaa-2970-4a4b", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "54d1e461-80aa-4001", "", "line-height: 17px;", "c2c8d739-8fc2-486b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "c7034256-1f3b-4dd7", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "ecbee21d-cc74-4f2e", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "ccaffe02-09b0-4c2a", "", "Complaint Policy", "a77cd5ae-ba96-44c9", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e0481fbf-7b49-4601", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "6be36eda-b850-402b", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "98bd4ed6-0ea7-4ad6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f25ddced-8cce-48ca", "", "/Quote/Static/", "376d256b-6fd1-443d", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "4f753845-9590-4c56", "", "/Quote/Static/", "dc27cecf-f10b-4327", "", "/Quote/Static/", "00d3e6c8-c8a2-4388", "", "/Quote/Static/", "afc4e4b6-406d-4fdf", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "cd638d6f-82ed-4041", "", "\n\n \n", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step1JS?v=YML3jiCRibTbXNqwgJKGGPEa0-C9mHlmAsOGHxEEsN81", "c071bfde-302f-478b", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "72103bb5-fc76-4ee7", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "f645e695-00c2-4e1a", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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759], [], [], [7, 761], [], [175, 628, 7, 763], [], [132, 765, 169, 461, 201, 462, 175, 622, 7, 766], [], [], [7, 768], [], [], [7, 770], [], [], [7, 772], [], [175, 628, 7, 774], [], [169, 491, 7, 776], [], [169, 495, 7, 778], [], [132, 780, 169, 461, 201, 462, 175, 622, 7, 781], [], [], [], [7, 783], [], [], [7, 786], [], [], [7, 788], [], [175, 628, 7, 790], [], [132, 792, 169, 461, 201, 462, 175, 622, 7, 793], [], [], [7, 795], [], [], [175, 519, 7, 798], [], [], [7, 801], [], [7, 803], [], [], [7, 805], [], [], [7, 807], [], [175, 628, 7, 809], [], [132, 811, 169, 461, 201, 462, 175, 622, 7, 812], [], [], [169, 814, 447, 745, 7, 815], [], [169, 693, 7, 817], [], [169, 545, 447, 745, 546, 819, 548, 820, 7, 821], [], [132, 819, 169, 700, 553, 823, 554, 824, 555, 351, 556, 825, 558, 826, 560, 827, 7, 828], [], [7, 830], [], [7, 833], [], [], [7, 835], [], [], [], [169, 545, 447, 745, 546, 820, 548, 819, 7, 838], [], [132, 820, 169, 569, 553, 840, 554, 841, 555, 341, 556, 842, 558, 843, 560, 663, 7, 844], [], [7, 846], [], [], [], [], [], [169, 578, 7, 848], [], [], [], [7, 850], [], [175, 628, 7, 852], [], [], [169, 587, 7, 854], [], [169, 814, 132, 856, 7, 857], [], [169, 594, 7, 859], [597, 598, 7, 861], [], [], [175, 601, 7, 863], [], [], [], [], [132, 865, 169, 607, 48, 608, 609, 610, 447, 745, 175, 737, 738, -1, 7, 866], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 868, 169, 869, 201, 870, 7, 871], [], [169, 873, 7, 874], [], [169, 876, 7, 877], [], [7, 881], [169, 876, 7, 883], [], [], [], [132, 886, 169, 887, 201, 870, 7, 888], [], [169, 873, 7, 890], [], [169, 876, 7, 892], [], [7, 895], [169, 876, 7, 897], [], [], [], [132, 899, 169, 887, 201, 870, 7, 900], [], [169, 873, 7, 902], [], [169, 876, 7, 904], [], [], [], [132, 907, 169, 887, 201, 870, 7, 908], [], [169, 873, 7, 910], [], [169, 876, 7, 912], [], [175, 915, 7, 916], [7, 918], [], [], [7, 921], [], [], [7, 924], [], [], [7, 927], [], [], [7, 930], [], [], [7, 933], [], [], [7, 936], [], [], [7, 939], [], [], [], [], [132, 942, 169, 887, 201, 870, 7, 943], [], [169, 873, 7, 945], [], [169, 876, 7, 947], [], [], [], [], [175, 950, 7, 951], [], [175, 954, 7, 955], [], [7, 958], [], [], [], [], [175, 962, 7, 963], [], [175, 954, 7, 965], [], [7, 967], [], [], [], [], [169, 971, 7, 972], [169, 974, 7, 975], [], [169, 977, 7, 978], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 982], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 986], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 990], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 994], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 998], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1002], [], [7, 1005], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1009], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1012], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1015], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1022], [1025, 1026, 7, 1027], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1029], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1031], [1025, 1026, 7, 1033], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1035], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1037], [1025, 1026, 7, 1039], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1041], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1043], [1025, 1026, 7, 1045], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1047], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1049], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1051], [1025, 1026, 7, 1053], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1055], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1057], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1060], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1062], [1025, 1026, 7, 1064], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1066], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1068], [1025, 1026, 7, 1070], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1072], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1074], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1076], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1078], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1080], [1025, 1026, 7, 1082], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1084], [], [169, 1086, 7, 1087], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1090], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1092], [1025, 1026, 7, 1094], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1096], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1098], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1100], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1102], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1104], [1025, 1026, 7, 1106], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1108], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1110], [], [169, 1086, 7, 1112], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1115], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1117], [1025, 1026, 7, 1119], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1121], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1123], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1125], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1127], [1025, 1026, 7, 1129], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1131], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1133], [1025, 1026, 7, 1135], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1137], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1139], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1141], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1144], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1146], [1025, 1026, 7, 1148], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1150], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1152], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1154], [1025, 1026, 7, 1156], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1158], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1160], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1162], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1164], [], [169, 1086, 7, 1166], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1169], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1171], [1025, 1026, 7, 1173], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1175], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1177], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1179], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1181], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1183], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1185], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1187], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1190], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1192], [1025, 1026, 7, 1194], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1196], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1198], [1025, 1026, 7, 1200], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1202], [], [], [169, 1204, 7, 1205], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1208], [], [], [169, 1210, 7, 1211], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1214], [], [169, 1011, 7, 1216], [], [], [169, 1219, 7, 1220], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1222], [1025, 1026, 7, 1224], [], [169, 1226, 7, 1227], [], [], [], [169, 1230, 7, 1231], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1233], [1025, 1026, 7, 1235], [], [169, 1226, 7, 1237], [], [], [], [169, 1240, 7, 1241], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1244], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1246], [], [], [169, 1210, 7, 1248], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1250], [], [169, 1086, 7, 1252], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1255], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1257], [1025, 1026, 7, 1259], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1261], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1263], [1025, 1026, 7, 1265], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1267], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1269], [1025, 1026, 7, 1271], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1273], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1275], [1025, 1026, 7, 1277], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1279], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1281], [1025, 1026, 7, 1283], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1285], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1287], [1025, 1026, 7, 1289], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1291], [], [169, 1293, 7, 1294], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1297], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1299], [1025, 1026, 7, 1301], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1303], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1305], [1025, 1026, 7, 1307], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1309], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1311], [1025, 1026, 7, 1313], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1315], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1317], [1025, 1026, 7, 1319], [], [], [169, 1321, 7, 1322], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1325], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1327], [1025, 1026, 7, 1329], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1331], [], [169, 1293, 7, 1333], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1336], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1338], [1025, 1026, 7, 1340], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1342], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1344], [1025, 1026, 7, 1346], [], [], [169, 1348, 7, 1349], [], [], [169, 1352, 7, 1353], [], [], [169, 1356, 7, 1357], [], [], [169, 1360, 7, 1361], [], [], [], [169, 1008, 7, 1364], [], [169, 1293, 7, 1366], [], [], [169, 981, 7, 1369], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1371], [1025, 1026, 7, 1373], [], [], [169, 985, 7, 1375], [], [1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 7, 1377], [1025, 1026, 7, 1379], [], [], [169, 989, 7, 1381], [], [], [169, 993, 7, 1383], [], [], [169, 997, 7, 1385], [], [], [169, 1001, 7, 1387], [], [], [], [169, 1389, 175, 1390, 7, 1391], [50, 1393, 7, 1394], [], [], [132, 1397, 7, 1398], [], [175, 1400, 7, 1401], [], [], [169, 1404, 7, 1405], [], [7, 1407], [], [], [50, 1409, 175, -1, 7, 1410], [], [], [7, 1412], [], [], [], [7, 1415], [], [], [50, 1409, 7, 1417], [], [], [7, 1420], [], [], [], [7, 1423], [], [], [50, 1409, 7, 1425], [], [], [7, 1428], [], [], [], [], [169, 1431, 7, 1432], [169, 1434, 7, 1435], [], [], [169, 1438, 7, 1439], [], [7, 1441], [], [], [7, 1444], [], [], [], [169, 1438, 7, 1447], [], [7, 1449], [], [], [7, 1452], [], [], [], [7, 1454], [], [169, 1438, 7, 1456], [], [7, 1458], [], [], [], [169, 1438, 7, 1461], [], [7, 1463], [], [], [], [7, 1466], [], [169, 1434, 7, 1468], [], [], [169, 1471, 7, 1472], [], [7, 1474], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1478], [], [], [], [], [169, 1482, 7, 1483], [], [], [], [169, 1487, 7, 1488], [], [169, 1490, 7, 1491], [], [169, 1493, 7, 1494], [], [132, 1496, 7, 1497], [], [7, 1499], [], [7, 1502], [], [50, 1505, 262, 263, 7, 1506], [7, 1509], [], [], [], [7, 1514], [], [7, 1517], [], [50, 1520, 262, 263, 7, 1521], [7, 1523], [], [], [7, 1527], [], [7, 1530], [], [7, 1532], [], [7, 1534], [], [], [7, 1537], [], [7, 1539], [], [], [7, 1543], [], [7, 1545], [], [7, 1547], [], [50, 1550, 262, 263, 7, 1551], [7, 1553], [], [], [50, 1557, 262, 263, 7, 1558], [7, 1560], [], [], [7, 1564], [], [169, 1566, 7, 1567], [], [7, 1569], [], [7, 1572], [], [50, 1505, 262, 263, 1575, 1576, 609, 1576, 7, 1577], [7, 1579], [], [], [7, 1582], [], [169, 1566, 175, 1584, 7, 1585], [], [50, 1587, 262, 263, 1575, 1588, 609, 1588, 7, 1589], [], [], [50, 1592, 262, 263, 609, 1593, 7, 1594], [], [], [50, 1596, 262, 263, 7, 1597], [], [], [7, 1600], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1605, 48, 87, 7, 1606], [], [80, 1608, 48, 87, 7, 1609], [], [80, 1611, 48, 87, 7, 1612], [], [80, 1614, 48, 87, 7, 1615], [], [80, 1617, 48, 87, 7, 1618], [], [80, 1620, 48, 87, 7, 1621], [], [80, 1623, 48, 87, 7, 1624], [], [80, 1626, 48, 87, 7, 1627], [], [80, 1629, 48, 87, 7, 1630], [], [80, 1632, 7, 1633], [], [80, 1636, 7, 1637], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1640], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1644], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1648], [], [], [169, 1651, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 175, 1390, 7, 1660], [169, 1662, 7, 1663], [132, 1659, 169, 1665, 7, 1666], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1672], [169, 1674, 7, 1675], [169, 1677, 7, 1678], [], [132, 1657, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 1681], [], [169, 1683, 7, 1684], [], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1687, 1658, 1688, 175, 1689, 7, 1690], [169, 1662, 7, 1692], [132, 1688, 169, 1665, 7, 1694], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1697], [169, 1674, 7, 1699], [169, 1677, 7, 1701], [], [132, 1687, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 1707], [], [132, 1709, 175, 1390, 7, 1710], [], [1575, 1712, 80, 1713, 7, 1714], [], [], [132, 1717, 7, 1718], [], [359, 1721, 132, 1722, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 1723], [335, 14, 336, 371, 132, 372, 30, 372, 48, 339, 340, 373, 7, 1725], [335, 14, 336, 376, 132, 377, 30, 377, 48, 339, 340, 378, 7, 1727], [421, 1729, 335, 14, 336, 1730, 132, 417, 30, 417, 48, 339, 340, 393, 7, 1731], [421, 1733, 335, 14, 336, 1734, 132, 428, 30, 428, 48, 339, 340, 393, 7, 1735], [421, 1737, 335, 14, 336, 1738, 132, 422, 30, 422, 48, 339, 340, 393, 7, 1739], [335, 14, 336, 381, 132, 382, 30, 382, 48, 339, 340, 393, 7, 1741], [], [175, 1743, 7, 1744], [], [], [132, 1747, 7, 1748], [], [7, 1750], [], [7, 1752], [], [1755, 1756, 7, 1757], [], [], [], [7, 1761], [], [1755, 1763, 7, 1764], [], [], [], [7, 1768], [], [1755, 1770, 7, 1771], [], [], [], [7, 1775], [], [1755, 401, 7, 1777], [], [], [], [], [7, 1781], [], [7, 1783], [], [1755, 1785, 7, 1786], [], [], [1789, 1790, 335, 14, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 336, 1795, 132, 1785, 30, 1785, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 7, 1797], [], [175, 1799, 7, 1800], [], [169, 415, 416, 1785, 418, 14, 175, 1802, 7, 1803], [], [], [], [7, 1806], [], [1755, 1808, 7, 1809], [], [], [1789, 1812, 335, 14, 1791, 1813, 1793, 1794, 336, 1814, 132, 1808, 30, 1808, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 7, 1815], [], [175, 1799, 7, 1817], [], [169, 415, 416, 1808, 418, 14, 175, 1802, 7, 1819], [], [], [], [7, 1821], [], [1755, 1823, 7, 1824], [], [], [1789, 1827, 335, 14, 1791, 1828, 1793, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 336, 1834, 132, 1823, 30, 1823, 48, 1796, 340, 1835, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 1838], [], [175, 1799, 7, 1840], [], [169, 415, 416, 1823, 418, 14, 175, 1802, 7, 1842], [], [], [], [7, 1844], [], [1755, 1846, 7, 1847], [], [], [169, 1850, 335, 14, 336, 1851, 132, 1846, 30, 1846, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 1852], [], [175, 1799, 7, 1854], [], [169, 415, 416, 1846, 418, 14, 175, 1802, 7, 1856], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [169, 1858, 7, 1859], [169, 1861, 7, 1862], [48, 1668, 169, 1864, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1865], [169, 1677, 7, 1867], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1870], [169, 1677, 7, 1872], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875, 7, 1876], [169, 1878, 175, 1875, 7, 1879], [169, 1881, 175, 1875, 7, 1882], [169, 1884, 175, 1875, 7, 1885], [169, 1887, 175, 1875, 7, 1888], [169, 1890, 175, 1875, 7, 1891], [169, 1893, 175, 1875, 7, 1894], [169, 1896, 175, 1875, 7, 1897], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1899, 1658, 1900, 175, 1689, 7, 1901], [169, 1662, 7, 1903], [132, 1900, 169, 1665, 7, 1905], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1907], [169, 1674, 7, 1909], [169, 1677, 7, 1911], [], [132, 1899, 1703, 1913, 175, 1914, 169, 1680, 7, 1915], [], [169, 1858, 7, 1918], [169, 1861, 7, 1920], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1922], [169, 1677, 7, 1924], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875, 7, 1926], [169, 1878, 175, 1875, 7, 1928], [169, 1881, 175, 1875, 7, 1930], [169, 1884, 175, 1875, 7, 1932], [169, 1887, 175, 1875, 7, 1934], [169, 1890, 175, 1875, 7, 1936], [169, 1893, 175, 1875, 7, 1938], [169, 1896, 175, 1875, 7, 1940], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1942, 1658, 1943, 175, 1689, 7, 1944], [169, 1662, 7, 1946], [132, 1943, 169, 1665, 7, 1948], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1951], [169, 1674, 7, 1953], [169, 1677, 7, 1955], [], [169, 1858, 7, 1957], [169, 1861, 7, 1959], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1962], [169, 1677, 7, 1964], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 1967], [169, 1677, 7, 1969], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875, 7, 1972], [169, 1878, 175, 1875, 7, 1974], [169, 1881, 175, 1875, 7, 1976], [169, 1884, 175, 1875, 7, 1978], [169, 1887, 175, 1875, 7, 1980], [169, 1890, 175, 1875, 7, 1982], [169, 1893, 175, 1875, 7, 1984], [169, 1896, 175, 1875, 7, 1986], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1988, 1658, 1989, 175, 1689, 7, 1990], [169, 1662, 7, 1992], [132, 1989, 169, 1665, 7, 1994], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 1997], [169, 1674, 7, 1999], [169, 1677, 7, 2001], [], [169, 1858, 7, 2003], [169, 1861, 7, 2005], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 2007], [169, 1677, 7, 2009], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 2011], [169, 1677, 7, 2013], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875, 7, 2015], [169, 1878, 175, 1875, 7, 2017], [169, 1881, 175, 1875, 7, 2019], [169, 1884, 175, 1875, 7, 2021], [169, 1887, 175, 1875, 7, 2023], [169, 1890, 175, 1875, 7, 2025], [169, 1893, 175, 1875, 7, 2027], [169, 1896, 175, 1875, 7, 2029], [169, 2031, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 2032, 1658, 2033, 175, 1390, 7, 2034], [169, 1662, 7, 2036], [132, 2033, 169, 1665, 7, 2038], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 2041], [169, 1674, 7, 2043], [169, 1677, 7, 2045], [], [169, 1858, 7, 2047], [169, 1861, 7, 2049], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 2051], [169, 1677, 7, 2053], [], [169, 2031, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 2055, 1658, 2056, 175, 1390, 7, 2057], [169, 1662, 7, 2059], [132, 2056, 169, 1665, 7, 2061], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671, 7, 2063], [169, 1674, 7, 2065], [169, 1677, 7, 2067], [], [169, 1858, 7, 2069], [169, 1861, 7, 2071], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 7, 2073], [169, 1677, 7, 2075], [], [175, 2077, 7, 2078], [], [48, 87, 7, 2080], [], [], [175, 2077, 7, 2083], [7, 2085], [], [175, 2077, 7, 2088], [], [48, 87, 7, 2090], [], [], [1652, 1653, 2093, 14, 1654, 2094, 609, 2095, 30, 2096, 132, 2096, 80, 2097, 175, 2098, 7, 2099], [132, 2101, 80, 2102, 7, 2103], [175, 2106, 7, 2107], [2109, 2110, 175, 2111, 7, 2112], [175, 2114, 7, 2115], [46, 55, 50, 2117, 7, 2118], [175, 2111, 7, 2120], [175, 2114, 7, 2122], [46, 55, 50, 2117, 7, 2124], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1942, 1658, 1659, 175, 1689], [169, 1662], [132, 1659, 169, 1665], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671], [169, 1674], [169, 1677], [], [132, 1942, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 2126], [], [359, 2129, 132, 2130, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 2131], [], [169, 2133, 7, 2134], [], [169, 2137, 7, 2138], [], [7, 2141], [], [7, 2143], [], [169, 2145, 7, 2146], [169, 2148, 7, 2149], [], [1755, 2152, 7, 2153], [], [], [169, 2156, 335, 14, 1791, 2157, 1793, 1794, 336, 2158, 132, 2152, 30, 2152, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2159], [], [169, 415, 416, 2152, 418, 14, 7, 2161], [], [], [7, 2163], [], [169, 2145, 7, 2165], [169, 2148, 7, 2167], [], [1755, 2169, 7, 2170], [], [], [335, 14, 1791, 1828, 1793, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 336, 1834, 132, 2169, 30, 2169, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2173], [], [169, 415, 416, 2169, 418, 14, 7, 2175], [], [], [7, 2177], [], [169, 2145, 7, 2179], [169, 2148, 7, 2181], [], [1755, 2183, 7, 2184], [], [], [7, 2187], [], [2190, 2191, 335, 14, 336, 2192, 132, 2183, 30, 2183, 2193, 1419, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2194], [], [169, 415, 416, 2183, 418, 14, 7, 2196], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 2198], [], [132, 2200, 30, 2200, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 7, 2201], [], [132, 1826, 30, 1826, 48, 1796, 340, -1, 7, 2203], [], [], [], [], [], [169, 1858], [169, 1861], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875], [169, 1878, 175, 1875], [169, 1881, 175, 1875], [169, 1884, 175, 1875], [169, 1887, 175, 1875], [169, 1890, 175, 1875], [169, 1893, 175, 1875], [169, 1896, 175, 1875], [169, 1686, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1988, 1658, 1688, 175, 1689], [169, 1662], [132, 1688, 169, 1665], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671], [169, 1674], [169, 1677], [], [132, 1988, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 2205], [], [132, 2208, 359, 2209, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 2210], [], [48, 339, 132, 2212, 30, 2212, 340, 14, 7, 2213], [], [7, 2215], [], [7, 2217], [], [1755, 2219, 7, 2220], [], [], [48, 1796, 132, 2219, 30, 2223, 336, 1795, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2224], [], [175, 2226, 7, 2227], [], [169, 415, 416, 2223, 418, 14, 7, 2229], [], [], [], [7, 2232], [], [1755, 2234, 7, 2235], [], [], [132, 2234, 336, 1851, 30, 1846, 48, 2238, 169, 1850, 7, 2239], [], [175, 2226, 7, 2241], [], [169, 415, 416, 1846, 418, 14, 7, 2243], [], [], [], [7, 2245], [], [1755, 2247, 7, 2248], [], [], [169, 2253, 132, 2247, 30, 2254, 175, -1, 7, 2255], [340, 2258, 7, 2259], [], [], [340, 2261, 7, 2262], [], [], [340, 2264, 7, 2265], [], [], [340, 2267, 7, 2268], [], [], [340, 2270, 7, 2271], [], [], [340, 2273, 7, 2274], [], [], [], [], [7, 2277], [], [1755, 2279, 7, 2280], [], [], [132, 2279, 30, 2283, 2193, 2284, 2190, 1794, 1836, 411, 1837, 14, 7, 2285], [], [], [], [], [169, 1858], [169, 1861], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1961, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [169, 1874, 175, 1875], [169, 1878, 175, 1875], [169, 1881, 175, 1875], [169, 1884, 175, 1875], [169, 1887, 175, 1875], [169, 1890, 175, 1875], [169, 1893, 175, 1875], [169, 1896, 175, 1875], [169, 2031, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 2032, 1658, 1900, 175, 1390], [169, 1662], [132, 1900, 169, 1665], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671], [169, 1674], [169, 1677], [], [132, 2032, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 2287], [], [132, 2289, 7, 2290], [], [169, 1858], [169, 1861], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [169, 2031, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 2055, 1658, 1943, 175, 1390], [169, 1662], [132, 1943, 169, 1665], [], [48, 1668, 169, 1669, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411, 609, 1671], [169, 1674], [169, 1677], [], [132, 2055, 175, -1, 169, 1680, 7, 2292], [], [132, 2294, 7, 2295], [], [], [169, 1858], [169, 1861], [48, 1668, 169, 1869, 1654, 1668, 1670, 411], [169, 1677], [], [175, 2077], [], [48, 87], [], [], [175, 2077], [], [48, 87], [], [], [175, 2077], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [1662, 1766], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [183, 185, 187, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 205, 206, 207, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1422, 1435, 1448, 1461, 1634, 1647, 1669, 1671, 1705, 1714, 1727], "value": [341, 346, 351, 346, 373, 378, 383, 388, 393, 398, 402, -1, 424, 429, 433, 373, 378, 393, 393, 393, 393, -1, -1, 1835, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": [1741]}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [1599], "value": [1]}, "pseudoType": {"index": [118, 160, 164, 168, 644, 647, 650, 653, 656, 659, 662, 665, 1134, 1144, 1154], "value": [250, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307, 307]}, 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18], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 302.09375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55959.40625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55959.40625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 55404.234375], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 3441.953125], [8, 317.53125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 3016.953125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 124.34375, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 400.96875, 1264, 16], [8, 400.96875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 439.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 439.140625, 77.734375, 17], [8, 473.140625, 1264, 2], [8, 496.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 496.40625, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 536.578125, 1264, 16], [8, 536.578125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 574.75, 1264, 18], [8, 574.75, 125.28125, 17], [8, 608.75, 1264, 2], [8, 632.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 632.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 632.015625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 672.1875, 1264, 16], [8, 672.1875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 710.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 710.359375, 160.796875, 17], [8, 744.359375, 1264, 2], [8, 767.625, 1264, 18], [8, 767.625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 807.796875, 1264, 16], [8, 807.796875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 845.96875, 1264, 22], [8, 845.96875, 4, 17], [8, 883.96875, 1264, 2], [8, 908.140625, 1264, 16], [8, 908.140625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 946.3125, 1264, 18], [8, 946.3125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 980.3125, 1264, 2], [8, 1003.578125, 1264, 18], [8, 1003.578125, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [8, 1043.75, 1264, 16], [8, 1043.75, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 1081.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 1081.921875, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1120.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 1120.09375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 1154.09375, 1264, 2], [8, 1177.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 1177.359375, 123.109375, 17], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 1217.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1255.703125, 1264, 18], [8, 1255.703125, 115.109375, 17], [8, 1289.703125, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 1292.703125, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 1329.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 1329.421875, 75.875, 21], [8, 1372.6875, 1264, 18], [8, 1372.6875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1412.859375, 1264, 16], [8, 1412.859375, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1451.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1451.03125, 77.734375, 17], [8, 1485.03125, 1264, 2], [8, 1508.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 1508.296875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1548.46875, 1264, 16], [8, 1548.46875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1586.640625, 1264, 18], [8, 1586.640625, 125.28125, 17], [8, 1620.640625, 1264, 2], [8, 1643.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 1643.90625, 1264, 18], [8, 1643.90625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1684.078125, 1264, 16], [8, 1684.078125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1722.25, 1264, 18], [8, 1722.25, 160.796875, 17], [8, 1756.25, 1264, 2], [8, 1779.515625, 1264, 18], [8, 1779.515625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1819.6875, 1264, 16], [8, 1819.6875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 1857.859375, 1264, 22], [8, 1857.859375, 4, 17], [8, 1895.859375, 1264, 2], [8, 1920.03125, 1264, 16], [8, 1920.03125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1958.203125, 1264, 18], [8, 1958.203125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 1992.203125, 1264, 2], [8, 2015.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2015.46875, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [8, 2055.640625, 1264, 16], [8, 2055.640625, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [8, 2093.8125, 1264, 16], [8, 2093.8125, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2131.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 2131.984375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 2165.984375, 1264, 2], [8, 2189.25, 1264, 18], [8, 2189.25, 123.109375, 17], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 2229.421875, 1264, 16], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2267.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 2267.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 2301.59375, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 2304.59375, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 993.171875], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 2341.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 2341.3125, 90.671875, 21], [8, 2384.578125, 1264, 18], [8, 2384.578125, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2424.75, 1264, 16], [8, 2424.75, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2462.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 2462.921875, 77.734375, 17], [8, 2496.921875, 1264, 2], [8, 2520.1875, 1264, 18], [8, 2520.1875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2560.359375, 1264, 16], [8, 2560.359375, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2598.53125, 1264, 18], [8, 2598.53125, 125.28125, 17], [8, 2632.53125, 1264, 2], [8, 2655.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 2655.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 2655.796875, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2695.96875, 1264, 16], [8, 2695.96875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2734.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 2734.140625, 160.796875, 17], [8, 2768.140625, 1264, 2], [8, 2791.40625, 1264, 18], [8, 2791.40625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2831.578125, 1264, 16], [8, 2831.578125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2869.75, 1264, 22], [8, 2869.75, 101.75, 17], [8, 2907.75, 1264, 2], [8, 2931.921875, 1264, 16], [8, 2931.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2970.09375, 1264, 18], [8, 2970.09375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3004.09375, 1264, 2], [8, 3027.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 3027.359375, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 94.34375], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 54.171875], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 0], [8, 3067.53125, 1264, 16], [8, 3067.53125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [8, 3105.703125, 1264, 16], [8, 3105.703125, 26.53125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3143.875, 1264, 18], [8, 3143.875, 113.296875, 17], [8, 3177.875, 1264, 2], [8, 3201.140625, 1264, 18], [8, 3201.140625, 123.109375, 17], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 56.171875], [8, 3241.3125, 1264, 16], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3279.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3279.484375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 3313.484375, 1162.875, 21], [562.75, 3316.484375, 53.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3334.484375, 1264, 72], [8, 3334.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3334.484375, 123.0625, 17], [8, 3352.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3352.484375, 1077.5, 17], [8, 3370.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3388.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3388.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3406.484375, 1264, 72], [8, 3406.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3406.484375, 107.078125, 17], [8, 3424.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3424.484375, 1086.40625, 17], [8, 3442.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3460.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3460.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3478.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 3478.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3478.484375, 107.953125, 17], [8, 3496.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3496.484375, 814.5625, 17], [8, 3514.484375, 1264, 193], [8, 3514.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3514.484375, 108.1875, 17], [8, 3532.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3532.484375, 410.546875, 17], [8, 3563.484375, 1264, 144], [48, 3563.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3563.484375, 87.984375, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 81.75, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 164.40625, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 190.171875, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 99.96875, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 85.765625, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 65.78125, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 1224, 18], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 18], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 209.71875, 17], [8, 3723.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 3723.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3723.484375, 121.296875, 17], [8, 3741.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3741.484375, 1087.9375, 17], [8, 3775.484375, 1264, 57], [8, 3775.484375, 1264, 57], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [8, 3775.484375, 1257, 57], [8, 3857.484375, 1264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 1264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [272, 3857.484375, 392, 19], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 51117.6875], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 144], [8, 3892.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3892.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3910.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3910.484375, 77.796875, 17], [8, 3928.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3928.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3946.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3946.484375, 51.578125, 17], [8, 3964.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3964.484375, 48, 17], [8, 3982.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 3982.484375, 66.09375, 17], [8, 4000.484375, 1264, 36], [8, 4000.484375, 58.25, 17], [66.25, 4000.484375, 0, 17], [8, 4018.484375, 17.78125, 17], [8, 4036.484375, 1264, 7240.8125], [8, 4036.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 4036.484375, 579.890625, 17], [8, 4054.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 4054.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 4325.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 5499.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 5499.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 5769.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 6943.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 6943.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 7214.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 8388.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 8388.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 8659.09375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 9832.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 10103.65625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 11277.296875, 1264, 4351.6875], [8, 11277.296875, 1264, 18], [8, 11277.296875, 585.140625, 17], [8, 11295.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 11295.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 11566.21875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 12739.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 12739.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 13010.78125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 0], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 14184.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 14455.34375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 15628.984375, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 15628.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 15628.984375, 361.359375, 17], [8, 15646.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 15646.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 15917.90625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 0], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 17091.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 17362.46875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 0], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 4351.6875], [8, 18536.109375, 1264, 18], [8, 18536.109375, 310.703125, 17], [8, 18554.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 18554.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 18825.03125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 0], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 19998.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 20269.59375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 21443.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 21443.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 21714.15625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 0], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 22887.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 22887.796875, 498.65625, 17], [8, 22905.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 22905.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 23176.71875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 0], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 24350.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 24621.28125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 0], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 25794.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 25794.921875, 179.109375, 17], [8, 25812.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 25812.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 26083.84375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 0], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 2943.125], [8, 27257.484375, 1264, 18], [8, 27257.484375, 463.390625, 17], [8, 27275.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 27275.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 27546.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 28720.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 28720.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 28990.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 30164.609375, 1264, 0], [8, 30164.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30164.609375, 98.15625, 17], [8, 30182.609375, 1264, 0], [8, 30182.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30182.609375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 30200.609375, 1264, 2979.125], [8, 30200.609375, 1264, 18], [8, 30200.609375, 673.171875, 17], [8, 30218.609375, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 30218.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 30489.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 31663.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 31663.171875, 72.890625, 17], [8, 31681.171875, 1264, 1462.5625], [8, 31681.171875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 31952.09375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 33125.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33125.734375, 63.53125, 17], [8, 33143.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33143.734375, 100.828125, 17], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 0], [8, 33161.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33161.734375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 33179.734375, 1264, 8685.375], [8, 33179.734375, 1264, 18], [8, 33179.734375, 199.34375, 17], [8, 33197.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 33197.734375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 33468.65625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 34642.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 34642.296875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 34913.21875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 36086.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 36086.859375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 36357.78125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 37531.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 37531.421875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 37802.34375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 38975.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 38975.984375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 39246.90625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 40420.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 40420.546875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 40691.46875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 41865.109375, 1264, 7258.8125], [8, 41865.109375, 1264, 18], [8, 41865.109375, 980.90625, 17], [8, 41883.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 41883.109375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 42154.03125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 43327.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 43327.671875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 43598.59375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 44772.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 44772.234375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 45043.15625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 46216.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 46216.796875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 46487.71875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 47661.359375, 1264, 18], [8, 47661.359375, 230.5625, 17], [8, 47679.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 47679.359375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 47950.28125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 49123.921875, 1264, 2979.125], [8, 49123.921875, 1264, 18], [8, 49123.921875, 696.296875, 17], [8, 49141.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 49141.921875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 49412.84375, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 50586.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 50586.484375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 50857.40625, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 52031.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52031.046875, 330.515625, 17], [8, 52049.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52049.046875, 347.859375, 17], [8, 52067.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52067.046875, 307.40625, 17], [8, 52085.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52085.046875, 307.296875, 17], [8, 52103.046875, 1264, 2907.125], [8, 52103.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 52103.046875, 758.453125, 17], [8, 52121.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 52121.046875, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 52391.96875, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 53565.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [8, 53565.609375, 1264, 1444.5625], [7.78125, 53836.53125, 1264.15625, 903], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55010.171875, 1264, 0], [8, 55040.171875, 1264, 681.59375], [8, 55040.171875, 1264, 62], [269.875, 55041.171875, 740.25, 60], [8, 55156.5625, 1264, 212.859375], [48, 55156.5625, 1224, 56.171875], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 18], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 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18], [8, 55613.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55613.59375, 41.328125, 17], [8, 55647.59375, 1264, 2], [8, 55665.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 55665.59375, 108, 17], [8, 55705.765625, 1264, 16], [8, 55705.765625, 1264, 16], [8, 55705.765625, 853.125, 15], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 533], [8, 55743.9375, 1264, 72], [8, 55743.9375, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 55779.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55797.9375, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 55797.9375, 140.40625, 17], [8, 55831.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55865.9375, 1264, 36], [8, 55865.9375, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 55865.9375, 4, 17], [684.140625, 55865.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55883.9375, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 55883.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55917.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55951.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 55951.9375, 907.296875, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 55985.9375, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 55985.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56019.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56053.9375, 1264, 18], [8, 56053.9375, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 56053.9375, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 56053.9375, 9.328125, 17], [8, 56087.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56121.9375, 1264, 0], [8, 56121.9375, 1264, 54], [8, 56121.9375, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 56121.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 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{"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 108, 110, 112, 114, 117, 119, 122, 124, 131, 137, 140, 143, 148, 150, 152, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 169, 171, 173, 175, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 190, 192, 194, 196, 199, 201, 204, 206, 213, 219, 222, 225, 230, 232, 234, 240, 242, 244, 246, 248, 251, 253, 255, 257, 261, 263, 265, 267, 269, 272, 274, 276, 278, 281, 283, 286, 288, 296, 303, 306, 309, 314, 316, 318, 322, 324, 325, 327, 330, 332, 333, 335, 338, 340, 343, 345, 349, 350, 353, 354, 357, 358, 361, 362, 365, 366, 369, 370, 373, 374, 377, 378, 381, 383, 387, 388, 388, 388, 388, 388, 392, 393, 393, 397, 399, 401, 403, 405, 407, 409, 410, 411, 414, 438, 456, 471, 489, 504, 516, 527, 530, 533, 539, 545, 547, 551, 554, 581, 599, 606, 616, 618, 620, 622, 625, 640, 644, 646, 649, 652, 654, 657, 660, 662, 665, 668, 671, 673, 676, 678, 682, 685, 688, 691, 698, 698, 698, 699, 700, 703, 704, 705, 707, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 717, 720, 721, 722, 723, 725, 728, 729, 729, 732, 733, 734, 737, 738, 739, 742, 743, 743, 743, 744, 747, 748, 750, 751, 753, 755], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 302.09375, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 124.34375, 21], [8, 360.796875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 360.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 400.96875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 439.140625, 77.734375, 17], [8, 496.40625, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 496.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 536.578125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 574.75, 125.28125, 17], [8, 632.015625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 632.015625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 632.015625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 672.1875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 710.359375, 160.796875, 17], [8, 767.625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 767.625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 807.796875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 845.96875, 4, 17], [8, 908.140625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 946.3125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 1003.578125, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 1003.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1043.75, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1081.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1120.09375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 1177.359375, 123.109375, 17], [8, 1217.53125, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1255.703125, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 1292.703125, 53.359375, 15], [8, 1329.421875, 75.875, 21], [8, 1372.6875, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 1372.6875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1412.859375, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1451.03125, 77.734375, 17], [8, 1508.296875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 1508.296875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1548.46875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 1586.640625, 125.28125, 17], [8, 1643.90625, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 1643.90625, 8, 17], [130.1875, 1643.90625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1684.078125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1722.25, 160.796875, 17], [8, 1779.515625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 1779.515625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 1819.6875, 4.421875, 15], [8, 1857.859375, 4, 17], [8, 1920.03125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 1958.203125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2015.46875, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 2015.46875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2055.640625, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2093.8125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2131.984375, 113.296875, 17], [8, 2189.25, 123.109375, 17], [8, 2229.421875, 36.484375, 15], [8, 2267.59375, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 2304.59375, 53.359375, 15], [8, 2341.3125, 90.671875, 21], [8, 2384.578125, 129.296875, 17], [137.296875, 2384.578125, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2424.75, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2462.921875, 77.734375, 17], [8, 2520.1875, 112.4375, 17], [120.4375, 2520.1875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2560.359375, 75.546875, 15], [8, 2598.53125, 125.28125, 17], [8, 2655.796875, 114.1875, 17], [122.1875, 2655.796875, 8, 17], [130.1875, 2655.796875, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2695.96875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2734.140625, 160.796875, 17], [8, 2791.40625, 113.96875, 17], [121.96875, 2791.40625, 4.453125, 17], [8, 2831.578125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2869.75, 101.75, 17], [8, 2931.921875, 26.53125, 15], [8, 2970.09375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3027.359375, 128.46875, 17], [136.46875, 3027.359375, 4.453125, 17], [8, 3067.53125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3105.703125, 26.53125, 15], [8, 3143.875, 113.296875, 17], [8, 3201.140625, 123.109375, 17], [8, 3241.3125, 43.125, 15], [8, 3279.484375, 115.109375, 17], [562.75, 3316.484375, 53.359375, 15], [8, 3334.484375, 123.0625, 17], [8, 3352.484375, 1077.5, 17], [8, 3370.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3388.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3406.484375, 107.078125, 17], [8, 3424.484375, 1086.40625, 17], [8, 3442.484375, 0, 17], [8, 3460.484375, 550.96875, 17], [8, 3478.484375, 107.953125, 17], [8, 3496.484375, 814.5625, 17], [8, 3514.484375, 108.1875, 17], [8, 3532.484375, 410.546875, 17], [31, 3563.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3563.484375, 87.984375, 17], [31, 3581.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3581.484375, 81.75, 17], [31, 3599.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3599.484375, 164.40625, 17], [31, 3617.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3617.484375, 190.171875, 17], [31, 3635.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3635.484375, 99.96875, 17], [31, 3653.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3653.484375, 85.765625, 17], [31, 3671.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3671.484375, 65.78125, 17], [31, 3689.484375, 7, 17], [48, 3689.484375, 209.71875, 17], [8, 3723.484375, 121.296875, 17], [8, 3741.484375, 1087.9375, 17], [8, 3775.484375, 273, 19], [281, 3775.484375, 296, 19], [577, 3775.484375, 686, 19], [8, 3794.484375, 528, 19], [536, 3794.484375, 729, 19], [8, 3813.484375, 383, 19], [8, 3857.484375, 264, 19], [272, 3857.484375, 4, 19], [276, 3857.484375, 388, 19], [8, 3892.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3910.484375, 77.796875, 17], [8, 3928.484375, 61.3125, 17], [8, 3946.484375, 51.578125, 17], [8, 3964.484375, 48, 17], [8, 3982.484375, 66.09375, 17], [8, 4000.484375, 58.25, 17], [66.25, 4000.484375, 0, 17], [8, 4018.484375, 17.78125, 17], [8, 4036.484375, 579.890625, 17], [8, 11277.296875, 585.140625, 17], [8, 15628.984375, 361.359375, 17], [8, 18536.109375, 310.703125, 17], [8, 22887.796875, 498.65625, 17], [8, 25794.921875, 179.109375, 17], [8, 27257.484375, 463.390625, 17], [8, 30164.609375, 98.15625, 17], [8, 30182.609375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 30200.609375, 673.171875, 17], [8, 31663.171875, 72.890625, 17], [8, 33125.734375, 63.53125, 17], [8, 33143.734375, 100.828125, 17], [8, 33161.734375, 421.21875, 17], [8, 33179.734375, 199.34375, 17], [8, 41865.109375, 980.90625, 17], [8, 47661.359375, 230.5625, 17], [8, 49123.921875, 696.296875, 17], [8, 52031.046875, 330.515625, 17], [8, 52049.046875, 347.859375, 17], [8, 52067.046875, 307.40625, 17], [8, 52085.046875, 307.296875, 17], [8, 52103.046875, 758.453125, 17], [269.875, 55041.171875, 740.25, 60], [31, 55156.5625, 7, 17], [48, 55156.5625, 8, 17], [48, 55196.734375, 265.828125, 15], [31, 55234.90625, 7, 17], [48, 55234.90625, 8, 17], [48, 55275.078125, 193.28125, 15], [31, 55313.25, 7, 17], [48, 55313.25, 8, 17], [48, 55353.421875, 108.734375, 15], [8, 55391.59375, 54.203125, 17], [8, 55425.59375, 40, 17], [8, 55459.59375, 37.328125, 17], [8, 55493.59375, 47.984375, 17], [8, 55527.59375, 70.203125, 17], [8, 55579.59375, 32, 17], [8, 55613.59375, 41.328125, 17], [8, 55665.59375, 108, 17], [8, 55705.765625, 853.125, 15], [8, 55743.9375, 1253.671875, 17], [8, 55761.9375, 1197.390625, 17], [8, 55779.9375, 74.234375, 17], [82.234375, 55779.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55797.9375, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 55797.9375, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 55797.9375, 140.40625, 17], [8, 55831.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55865.9375, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 55865.9375, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 55865.9375, 4, 17], [684.140625, 55865.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55883.9375, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 55883.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55917.9375, 0, 17], [8, 55951.9375, 907.296875, 17], [8, 55985.9375, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 55985.9375, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 55985.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56019.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56053.9375, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 56053.9375, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 56053.9375, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 56053.9375, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 56053.9375, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 56053.9375, 9.328125, 17], [8, 56087.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56121.9375, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 56121.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56139.9375, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 56139.9375, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 56139.9375, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 56139.9375, 284.796875, 17], [8, 56157.9375, 345.28125, 17], [8, 56191.9375, 0, 17], [8, 56225.9375, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 56225.9375, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 56225.9375, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 56225.9375, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 56225.9375, 112.453125, 17], [8, 56258.9375, 0, 17]], "start": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 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"Annual Wellness", "annualWellness2", "bb1e0fab-325e-4071", "", "2816d970-c9b9-41df", "", "-", "padding-bottom: 4px;", "4388d879-daa9-4dff", "", "\u00a0", "ba1852e8-c60a-4f4d", "", "171922a3-b7c3-439b", "", "80%", "8f73f7f8-1739-4fa8", "", "Coverage", "8520ddce-aedd-4b02", "", "e841b1c0-c8a9-4973", "", "Annual Deductible", "annualDeductible2", "a97aa085-312f-4289", "", "secure-2-content active-step", "121e6738-202f-4489", "", "deductible-pill-container active-step", "667721af-c5d7-4a83", "", "Deductible", "data-show-deductible", "plan2deductible1", "data-hide-deductible", "plan2deductible2", "13065688-3656-435c", "", "deductible-left-container selected-deductible selected-deductible-hover", "data-premium-id", "data-deductible-id", "data-default-deductible1", "data-premium-amount-monthly", "$78.81", "data-premium-amount-daily", "$2.63", "data-premium-deductible-amount", "$100", "8d7c837e-7713-40fb", "", "\n ", "1b25a9e5-f807-44cc", "", "b1faaa86-e8d8-41ba", "", 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"Unlimited ($)", "caa5e7af-5fa0-4e30", "", "290abd12-d60a-4cf6", "", "fa4f08cc-d75f-404b", "", "illnessCoverage4", "0307f64f-ece6-4146", "", "44006077-82a6-4d58", "", "d98b7c26-c49c-456c", "", "0129e391-88ac-4557", "", "5e0e15ad-9593-4d85", "", "dcaf1640-67e1-404b", "", "db434b93-75f2-4368", "", "dentalCoverage4", "f7b9d2ad-3a12-463c", "", "398b39b9-ee5b-4f50", "", "$600", "92728737-e82a-4239", "", "a88a5bd4-4892-4b93", "", "ad6e8d43-9a58-4a72", "", "annualWellness4", "d13feb48-d77c-420a", "", "faf8a0a8-7fcf-4124", "", "\n$450 ", "8b0f5fa3-71f3-4c4a", "", "annual wellness", "280815df-7552-4901", "", "06921f20-0c72-4c6d", "", "d2865149-f423-4a23", "", "60d9f4d5-ca49-4c0e", "", "ff4132ea-ac87-46a6", "", "annualDeductible4", "c9869f45-80f4-400d", "", "secure-4-content", "b5a87122-da80-4552", "", "820e2660-58a2-4cf3", "", "plan4deductible1", "plan4deductible2", "7022f3f0-10ec-455d", "", "b82d1360-7b82-4150-b5c0-31bdc45afe47", "f2dc3389-0ce9-4b6c-9782-9f2992204e79", "$189.43", "$6.31", "$250", "0d7312e6-91e3-4add", "", "3e4bc9b7-9d9c-4a78", "", "\n ", "34606a7a-636e-4c54", "", "4aa0cff1-4882-47e6", "", "\n\n ", "6d143d3c-08a9-4e6b", "", "cb664d11-9a9a-4eb3-a007-ebb3d899f7d5", "87fb5dbc-3b18-4316-a4b3-6503678fd1b9", "$170.20", "$5.67", "81c16b43-fff7-421a", "", "0836e80c-4b7d-47cc", "", "d3bae77c-d156-4afa", "", "5563a93e-3c65-4ea3", "", "c0a72009-784e-4e00", "", "81d12ff1-f179-42fb", "", "premium-68d78a40-a592-4e99-92b9-008d1da6d967", "5937012a-b713-494c", "", "87e227c2-9c22-4c30", "", "96b640ca-4a8b-4d91", "", "bbd492a9-79e2-4f47", "", "button4", "1c28c9f3-672d-4939", "", "accidentCoverageDetails", "accidentCoverageDetails plan-details-hover", "hidePlanDetails(this.id)", "869b670e-9807-4277", "", "details-title-bar", "a5a50c3b-52bb-44cc", "", "details-content-div", "956bf581-5df3-41c2", "", "These coverage amounts are per incident and renew each and every year. We cover up to 80% of the cost of care and veterinary services after your deductible is applied.", "BR", "e7e70fa0-4c3d-44f5", "", "5a7a7fac-773c-4332", "", "Coverage includes: diagnostics, x-rays, hospitalization, surgery, medication and more.", "illnessCoverageDetails", "plan-details-hover", "3e2aa0bc-b70d-4073", "", "cda2bc30-ab20-4c99", "", "248e29b0-6c80-47b3", "", "These coverage amounts are per condition and renew each and every year. We cover up to 80% of the cost of care and veterinary services after your deductible is applied.", "ebdef8ef-fc0b-45fe", "", "def3660a-b5e5-497b", "", "dentalCoverageDetails", "bd66c235-01d5-4a2a", "", "7303c93f-a840-4686", "", "a3aeb4b8-07ef-4a71", "", "Use this towards the cost of annual cleaning or problems with the teeth and/or gums. These coverage amounts renew each year.", "annualWellnessDetails", "f7f1cf15-bad0-4326", "", "d0632d58-4ca2-427d", "", "9b1cc038-511a-46b0", "", "On the Secure 4 plan, we cover routine annual wellness such as:", "margin-top: 13px", "a6c307c7-69e0-4858", "", "2664d25b-82c7-4ad9", "", "Examinations", "8e08ed5b-d684-47b8", "", "Vaccinations", "ca4b9db1-8626-4bc3", "", "Heartworm testing (dogs)", "03efe2a7-c14c-4f48", "", "Heartworm prevention (dogs)", "23e03616-0b44-4c2d", "", "Flea prevention", "cead1862-62c1-4076", "", "Blood profile", "8e7d8337-a562-4c12", "", "Urinalysis", "fb15f9d8-8c7c-4f2c", "", "Fecal test or routine de-worming", "annualDeductibleDetails", "7a5e9eae-91a0-43fc", "", "6f0d0454-d962-4dcd", "", "f008d6e8-f170-42bd", "", "Our deductibles are paid annual, so regardless of how many claims you make, you only need to satisfy your deductible amount once a year, and only if you need to claim.", "margin-top:15px;", "e9dcecd7-22e6-4e21", "", "\n\t", "font-size:16px;font-family:'Raleway', sans-serif;", "512382db-e1e9-4535", "", "\n\t\t", "7055a8f5-6b13-40f3", "", "Which deductible should I choose?", " Lower deductibles are satisfied sooner,\n\t\twhich means you receive money back faster. Higher deductibles are often more popular with budget-conscious pet owners, as they have a lower monthly premium.\n\t\tThis choice is ideal for customers who are comfortable paying for smaller veterinary expenses, but want insurance for the larger and unexpected costs.\n\t", "margin-top:25px;", "96a7b0a4-2cf4-4880", "", "24e64ff3-941f-4fa2", "", "af812477-8491-4978", "", "See why our insurance is the best.", "\n\t\tCompare our plans to other pet insurance providers.\n\t", "compare-table", "89e82f9a-d253-4d61", "", "row compare-header", "e85b7b49-0b60-44fb", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage", "ff295203-4e98-4c37", "", "\n Coverage\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ovma", "374a1017-6c9c-4def", "", "\n OVMA PHI\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsecure", "9ee6432a-67aa-49ed", "", "\n Petsecure\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ospca", "658e8495-29c0-4831", "", "\n OSPCA\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petplan", "ac979692-9fe4-4459", "", "\n Petplan\n ", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion", "204b29c3-e402-40e8", "", "\n Trupanion\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus", "f1a51b61-da58-4b0c", "", "\n Pets Plus", "b4b8c801-741a-4837", "", "Us\n ", "row compare-row", "6cf7dcb9-6828-42c8", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage two-line-text", "e65eed05-e0a1-470e", "", "\n Coverage for taxes, exam fees, specialist consultation, referrals, rechecks, emergency fees.\n ", "a95acbe9-d0c0-4281", "", "svg", "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "viewBox", "0 0 448 512", "d2ed5d5d-5ba1-4ffa", "", "path", "d", "M438.6 105.4c12.5 12.5 12.5 32.8 0 45.3l-256 256c-12.5 12.5-32.8 12.5-45.3 0l-128-128c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.8 0-45.3s32.8-12.5 45.3 0L160 338.7 393.4 105.4c12.5-12.5 32.8-12.5 45.3 0z", "9a67c2d7-05bd-4e87", "", "71c3eaec-ca5d-4891", "", "7b86cfda-a932-4bc0", "", "f0d3f3f4-f9bb-47fb", "", "3c7ea48d-767e-49ec", "", "233ba13d-34dd-4925", "", "36b98950-0aeb-4d6d", "", "a0d63398-7e0a-4371", "", "a8bf32ad-82dc-4113", "", "507d5d66-dc2a-449a", "", "c1c8aadf-f7db-4d70", "", "6164a620-29fa-43b4", "", "0215b235-41a1-445d", "", "6287c1af-67d4-4b06", "", "e24b1843-cffa-443d", "", "5645e6cf-57fc-49d4", "", "\n Medical records reviewed at point of purchase. No hidden surprises or delays at first claim!\n ", "854fbab3-4609-45fb", "", "bbf5f70a-00a7-4fea", "", "f14d5ca4-bdd5-48ca", "", "704874c0-2765-46c0", "", "2ab5c62d-5964-42ae", "", "f2524336-c0b9-48a5", "", "6cf12f1d-cfa1-4e55", "", "b43bcc1f-fdf7-430c", "", "d64b3675-f31b-4a70", "", "f935b3bc-4996-44cf", "", "a459e64b-f686-420f", "", "c66f5786-e1b0-4e06", "", "4c8444f6-0645-465e", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage one-line-text", "917f55a7-cbc0-4f40", "", "\n Quick and efficient claims turnaround \u2013 often same day!\n ", "d7093cb0-5489-4091", "", "faf0d5df-e0f9-46fa", "", "b7cd55e2-d233-4927", "", "f3470246-bce1-4ca4", "", "a677804a-7af8-438c", "", "0d25b93e-7849-41d4", "", "e2c85009-a37d-41fa", "", "f7da38df-e5fb-4243", "", "02be0ba2-a943-47fd", "", "c4427eda-c094-402e", "", "104fb57c-3c7e-47cd", "", "6a63ea02-e481-4af5", "", "\n 24/7 emergency support for veterinary practices.\n ", "7092f61d-89eb-45ef", "", "8646eac1-05f1-4703", "", "8754a8e4-7ecb-4f8c", "", "7ba8dbbe-ad8f-4fd6", "", "aed30cd1-4e93-4707", "", "d899b6f5-0a7a-4158", "", "2e888983-e1f0-4152", "", "73e8c827-e36f-493d", "", "8379f328-c45b-4df1", "", "26d8af1a-74af-4846", "", "63d588ed-d810-4269", "", "4b5356e1-94dd-4992", "", "4f1cb131-608f-4210", "", "2a67aa79-1586-4cc5", "", "\n Larger claim payout due to applying deductible first and co-insurance second.\n ", "b2b7d6ad-f175-4eee", "", "4e4ca5c3-c5ed-4d71", "", "d84a24e8-416f-4579", "", "65e9ec31-aa2a-4582", "", "7ddcbcaa-bce1-481f", "", "74eaa4c5-8c2f-4da4", "", "2dcbe600-6a55-46b0", "", "f56d42ed-a610-43c2", "", "0d79b3a1-a45e-4e7d", "", "b1cf0444-6e9d-4c17", "", "641ac5d8-ac7c-4136", "", "1ad9b59d-ec71-47f0", "", "\n Customer loyalty discounts.\n ", "61815e60-0391-477f", "", "8ac15b68-de1d-4c84", "", "8fa131b8-56b4-4b01", "", "94887622-9761-4f71", "", "0502e4a9-bd7e-4913", "", "96fb0470-d2bb-4068", "", "79887fa8-9ef1-4132", "", "124251e4-80c6-48ed", "", "1e2b76e4-dca0-4c11", "", "d5735710-f035-45d6", "", "\n Coverage for routine dental exams and cleanings included in every plan.\n ", "8327ba9d-2376-4faa", "", "9ede8e0f-e8e8-4cf5", "", "2bc4e8de-1a04-4d68", "", "cc516f7a-1f09-4af2", "", "c66e35b2-0a8f-4f91", "", "1499838c-a4a2-475b", "", "5eb59e73-e043-4194", "", "col-md-1 compare-petplan one-line-text", "5234a438-30c7-410a", "", "\n select coverage\n ", "4fd7dd99-06db-46ee", "", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus four-line-text", "5369c9dd-b15a-4445", "", "\n Self-financing of select costs with optional separate wellness plan\n ", "d920d428-751f-4964", "", "825917ad-0107-43bc", "", "\n Wellness care coverage option, such as annual exam and vaccinations, routine bloodwork, urinalysis, etc.\n ", "col-md-1 compare-ovma compare-check-over-text", "d4d78215-9d1f-43e1", "", "a0cfe447-9174-4ba1", "", "163c4040-3cab-44bd", "", "compare-text-under-check", "6c8b17e6-c8ef-42d5", "", " *Unlimited ", "col-md-1 compare-petsecure compare-check-over-text", "7594c808-f14a-402e", "", "444714d5-00c0-46cd", "", "1e0613dc-a320-4dcf", "", "7a182a7b-b38a-4fe8", "", " *Secure 4 ", "col-md-1 compare-ospca one-line-text", "4ffb748d-5876-41ca", "", "\n Select coverage\n ", "b1e44f42-cfe7-4167", "", "9d885c82-a7b4-42fe", "", "2b250b7b-5916-4f21", "", "a15087a7-f124-4063", "", "9597411c-17c4-464c", "", "\n Ability to pay practice directly.\n ", "3d54a2d8-14ae-42a9", "", "ae4b3853-1c3c-4849", "", "a1338ba4-7957-4ea6", "", "afd66b6f-7379-4dfc", "", "02685005-9313-425f", "", "2bcc9f9f-d4a6-4871", "", "17b90acb-1652-432b", "", "ed690393-8fa4-41bc", "", "1fe8a057-1711-4391", "", "346e53cb-2032-4980", "", "2b5e48df-ca21-4baa", "", "d8a04378-2234-44bd", "", "ecdcef41-8e9e-4147", "", "afa6e327-b295-40c5", "", "9938a3a0-0688-4a92", "", "aea3403f-8520-48d7", "", "3820af16-f0f7-4e4d", "", "77420830-3f3e-4d04", "", "1503defa-cdab-48ca", "", "col-md-3 compare-coverage four-line-text", "99bb989c-559b-4e01", "", "\n Pet owner assistance with every policy, such as lost pet advertising & reward, boarding when you\u2019re in hospital, holiday cancellation, cremation or burial\n ", "b514d9e7-4b52-4e2f", "", "6ec28b79-746f-4022", "", "70974aea-36fc-4875", "", "e2403685-4caa-496c", "", "e4728488-890a-4a7a", "", "68add3ef-5d32-4ddb", "", "cd3cbcd2-333b-4a55", "", "6de61a8b-0df0-4af6", "", "2b78730f-44d5-41ef", "", "e0b9bf6c-4ae2-4e81", "", "d5cf61d6-dc96-401f", "", "56c590bc-4192-4188", "", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion two-line-text", "b0eac3aa-c876-4e69", "", "\n Rider available for an additional fee\n ", "ea50640a-1de3-4acb", "", "8cf53ab0-89e3-42ca", "", "8cdf3820-a3cb-460d", "", "765c6640-02e1-49f3", "", "2c8e0cf9-cb5d-49ca", "", "\n Includes additional coverage for alternative therapy, behavioural therapy, and medical devices on every plan.\n ", "6dcc68fe-d974-4d1a", "", "d9a91f8c-847e-4515", "", "9393503d-d28d-482b", "", "e56bebee-8a6a-4952", "", "22f00f8f-b6c6-4be8", "", "32392717-436b-4571", "", "col-md-1 compare-ospca three-line-text", "136b8230-5f80-4290", "", "\n No behavioural therapy or medical device coverage\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petplan three-line-text", "768dd7e6-a1ae-43c2", "", "\n Select behavioural and alternative, no medical devices\n ", "col-md-1 compare-trupanion three-line-text", "e7441691-4b4f-4eda", "", "\n Limited coverage available for an additional fee\n ", "col-md-1 compare-petsplusus three-line-text", "e9670d32-3ede-49e1", "", "\n Select alternative therapies only, no behavioural\n ", "7bb056c0-6d2b-4df4", "", "4c05dc8b-30cd-4b22", "", "\n Dental illness covered with no exclusion even if your pet had tartar or gingivitis before the end of your waiting period.\n ", "2071e212-aeb4-42fc", "", "2134c1a1-b670-4be5", "", "9daced68-10d4-417b", "", "6a057a45-d215-4deb", "", "908cf69a-0a5a-41d1", "", "c25f1e83-6ae1-4acb", "", "a4ffe876-73bb-4c5c", "", "e0040c51-20ea-474b", "", "114be49c-9b7c-4baf", "", "b709b189-4697-4158", "", "compareMobile", "display: none;", "f6bcf878-4e22-4975", "", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/ovma-comparison-sheet-en.pdf", "7e70eb69-3ec8-4655", "", " Click here to download a comparison chart.", "ClaimProcessContainer", "bf250240-c7a3-4937", "", "margin-top:30px;text-align:center;font-size:3.4rem;", "8c33abe4-4b4d-4fae", "", "What to expect when you claim.", "col-md-4", "d547774f-c240-4b94", "", "3f057e97-efe1-4a33", "", "#", "8ff17746-a9a4-4cb8", "", "09437ceb-cd7d-4cdb", "", "Pay your veterinarian in full and submit claim.", "5747fd23-20e1-4008", "", "d8b55056-38ad-4a70", "", "2", "37ee5318-d1e9-4d12", "", "Your annual deductible is applied.", "b4348c77-2746-424d", "", "a8be4591-ec2b-4f4c", "", "3", "93966609-f9d5-4fb9", "", "80% is paid to you.", "claim-chart col-md-7", "b8129af4-1c8e-44f0", "", "head-title", "92368283-3da5-414f", "", "example", "claim-chart-left", "c6c6f8eb-03e1-47d8", "", "14bb08bd-1f72-460b", "", "$1000", "a03895eb-2751-46c0", "", "-$100", "63bc1efe-4e97-431a", "", "2cae54f2-7c5b-4dc7", "", "Invoice", "bcf6a4ab-4aa4-4ca9", "", "aa658106-053e-47fd", "", "7a852181-229c-4ea2", "", "dd0a4076-63a9-44e8", "", 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Subject to the terms of your policy.", "\n\n\n", "6b748f88-acda-46c5", "", "\n\nwindow.onload = function() {\n\nif (/ Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n$('#plans-slider').bxSlider({\nonSliderLoad: function () {\n$(\".bx-viewport\").css(\"visibility\", \"visible\");\n$('div.planBox').eq(1).addClass('active-slide')\n},\nonSlideAfter: function (currentSlideNumber, totalSlideQty, currentSlideHtmlObject) {\nconsole.log(currentSlideHtmlObject);\n$('.active-slide').removeClass('active-slide');\n$('div.planBox').eq(currentSlideHtmlObject).addClass('active-slide').trigger(\"click\");\n$('choose - plan - button').animate({ \"background-color\": \"#e8a010\", \"font-size\": \"48pt\" }, 1000);\n},\nonSlideBefore: function () {\nif (!$('.bx-clone').is(\":visible\")) {\n$('.bx-clone').show();\n}\n},\nrandomStart: false,\ncontrols: true,\nkeyboardEnabled: true,\ninfiniteLoop: false,\nhideControlOnEnd: true,\nautoReload: true,\nmaxSlides: 1,\nstartSlide: 1,\nslideMargin: 0,\nslideWidth: 310,\nuseCSS: false\n});\n}\n};\n", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "tab1_spacer", "ef2a0110-61d8-4bf7", "", "\n \n\n\n \n ", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "bd9ec4ba-0227-4196", "", "footer-wrapper", "68027dda-b054-48ae", "", "footer-br", "9de8156c-ac3c-4883", "", "footer", "dd49cb7d-01c0-438c", "", "afd77b0a-43e8-4196", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "f68d3966-272e-46e7", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a8ab1fc3-6adc-4e71", "", "U", "690560a8-9b82-4dcf", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "540809ec-d878-4714", "", "\n ", "1b53309f-a675-46b4", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "58906cb1-3521-421a", "", "a447fdb5-5ec2-49e2", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "6f9ab1d6-c49a-443c", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "af7d99cd-1008-42be", "", "234f5560-594f-4018", "", "88f102c3-cb1b-4f3d", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b0458682-e15b-4cb0", "", "500d1a85-87ce-48b5", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "53525e0d-2826-4fb1", "", "0fb6119c-da8b-475d", "", "27948ac6-c989-4705", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "a9942bbb-bd75-4c49", "", "dc50c26a-3aab-496d", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "47eb1527-3050-41a4", "", "8b2b19c0-b10e-4a89", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "6928250b-491c-42f9", "", "copyright", "1fcaa4a5-a8f9-45bd", "", "d2054825-573c-4e34", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "0efb209c-96b6-49d8", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "29b0ec31-8811-4e35", "", "04990aaa-2970-4a4b", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "54d1e461-80aa-4001", "", "line-height: 17px;", "c2c8d739-8fc2-486b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "c7034256-1f3b-4dd7", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "ecbee21d-cc74-4f2e", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "ccaffe02-09b0-4c2a", "", "Complaint Policy", "a77cd5ae-ba96-44c9", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "e0481fbf-7b49-4601", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "6be36eda-b850-402b", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "98bd4ed6-0ea7-4ad6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f25ddced-8cce-48ca", "", "/Quote/Static/", "376d256b-6fd1-443d", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "4f753845-9590-4c56", "", "/Quote/Static/", "dc27cecf-f10b-4327", "", "/Quote/Static/", "00d3e6c8-c8a2-4388", "", "/Quote/Static/", "afc4e4b6-406d-4fdf", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "cd638d6f-82ed-4041", "", "\n\n \n", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step1JS?v=YML3jiCRibTbXNqwgJKGGPEa0-C9mHlmAsOGHxEEsN81", "c071bfde-302f-478b", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "72103bb5-fc76-4ee7", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "f645e695-00c2-4e1a", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [79, -1, 132, 154, 80, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 158, 7, 159], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 161, 7, 162], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 164, 7, 165], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 167, 7, 168], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 170, 7, 171], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 173, 7, 174], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 176, 7, 177], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 179, 7, 180], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 182, 132, 183, 7, 184], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 188, 189, 190, 7, 191], [132, 194, 195, 196, 7, 197], [], [], [], [], [7, 202], [], [], [], [], [80, 207, 7, 208], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 210], [], [], [7, 213], [], [], [7, 216], [], [], [219, 220, 195, 221, 222, 223, 7, 224], [], [219, 226, 7, 227], [], [132, 229, 7, 230], [], [219, 233, 7, 234], [], [7, 238], [], [7, 242], [], [], [50, 246, 7, 247], [], [], [7, 251], [], [50, 254, 7, 255], [], [], [], [], [219, 258, 7, 259], [], [50, 261, 7, 262], [], [219, 266, 7, 267], [], [], [], [], [132, 274, 219, 275, 7, 276], [], [7, 279], [], [], [50, 282, 283, 284, 7, 285], [], [7, 287], [], [], [], [], [], [219, 290, 7, 291], [], [219, 293, 7, 294], [], [50, 296, 283, 284, 7, 297], [], [80, 301, 219, 302, 7, 303], [], [], [], [], [132, 305, 7, 306], [], [7, 309], [], [7, 312], [], [], [], [], [219, 315, 7, 316], [], [219, 319, 7, 320], [], [219, 323, 7, 324], [], [], [], [219, 330, 7, 331], [], [], [], [7, 334], [], [], [], [], [], [219, 337, 7, 338], [], [219, 340, 7, 341], [], [132, 344, 219, 345, 7, 346], [], [132, 348, 7, 349], [], [132, 352, 219, 353, 7, 354], [], [132, 357, 219, 358, 7, 359], [], [363, 364, 365, 366, 132, 367, 368, 369, 370, 370, 7, 371], [374, 14, 375, 376, 132, 377, 30, 377, 48, 378, 379, 380, 7, 381], [374, 14, 375, 383, 132, 384, 30, 384, 48, 378, 379, 385, 7, 386], [], [219, 389, 7, 390], [], [7, 392], [], [219, 394, 7, 395], [], [219, 397, 7, 398], [], [195, 400, 7, 401], [], [], [], [], [195, 404, 7, 405], [], [219, 394, 7, 407], [], [219, 409, 7, 410], [], [219, 412, 7, 413], [], [416, 417, 7, 418], [], [], [], [], [219, 421, 195, 422, 7, 423], [], [219, 426, 7, 427], [429, 417, 374, 14, 375, 430, 132, 431, 30, 417, 48, 432, 379, 433, 7, 434], [], [416, 431, 7, 437], [], [219, 426, 7, 440], [442, 442, 429, 417, 132, 443, 30, 417, 48, 432, 379, 444, 7, 445], [], [416, 443, 7, 447], [], [], [], [219, 353, 7, 450], [], [219, 452, 453, 417, 454, 14, 7, 455], [], [], [], [132, 458, 30, 458, 48, 378, 379, 459, 7, 460], [], [374, 14, 375, 462, 132, 463, 30, 463, 48, 378, 379, 464, 7, 465], [], [374, 14, 375, 467, 132, 468, 30, 468, 48, 378, 379, 469, 7, 470], [], [132, 472, 30, 472, 48, 378, 379, 473, 7, 474], [], [374, 14, 476, 477, 375, 478, 132, 479, 30, 479, 48, 378, 379, 480, 7, 481], [], [374, 14, 476, 483, 375, 484, 132, 485, 30, 485, 48, 378, 379, 486, 7, 487], [], [374, 14, 476, 489, 375, 490, 132, 491, 30, 491, 48, 378, 379, 492, 7, 493], [], [132, 495, 30, 495, 48, 378, 379, 496, 7, 497], [], [], [195, 499, 7, 500], [], [219, 502, 132, 503, 30, 504, 48, 505, 379, -1, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 511], [], [219, 502, 132, 513, 30, 514, 48, 505, 379, -1, 506, 515, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 516], [], [], [219, 394, 195, 518, 7, 519], [], [132, 521, 219, 522, 7, 523], [], [219, 525, 526, 527, 7, 528], [], [], [], [219, 532, 526, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 14, 7, 541], [50, 543, 219, 544, 526, 545, 534, 546, 132, 539, 7, 547], [], [], [219, 550, 526, 533, 534, 546, 536, 551, 538, 552, 540, 509, 7, 553], [50, 555, 222, 556, 219, 544, 526, 545, 534, 546, 132, 552, 7, 557], [], [], [], [132, 537, 538, 539, 219, 560, 526, 561, 562, 14, 563, 509, 7, 564], [], [219, 567, 7, 568], [], [132, 571, 572, 573, 574, 509, 7, 575], [], [], [219, 394, 7, 578], [], [219, 409, 7, 581], [], [219, 584, 7, 585], [], [], [], [219, 421, 7, 588], [], [526, 590, 591, 592, 219, 593, 7, 594], [596, 597, 598, 573, 599, 507, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 132, 608, 30, 609, 610, 611, 48, 505, 379, -1, 219, 612, 613, 614, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 615], [], [], [219, 353, 7, 617], [], [219, 619, 7, 620], [], [219, 452, 453, 504, 454, 14, 7, 623], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 625, 572, 573, 195, 221, 7, 626], [], [219, 394, 7, 628], [], [219, 409, 7, 630], [], [416, 632, 219, 584, 7, 633], [], [], [], [219, 421, 7, 636], [], [219, 639, 640, 573, 132, 641, 30, 642, 7, 643], [379, -1, 7, 646], [], [], [379, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [379, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [379, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [379, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [379, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [379, 669, 7, 670], [], [], [379, 673, 7, 674], [], [], [379, 677, 7, 678], [], [], [681, 681, 379, 682, 7, 683], [], [], [379, 686, 7, 687], [], [], [379, 690, 7, 691], [], [], [379, 694, 7, 695], [], [], [379, 698, 7, 699], [], [], [], [], [219, 353, 7, 702], [], [219, 452, 453, 642, 454, 14, 7, 704], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 551, 538, 552, 219, 560, 526, 561, 562, 509, 563, 14, 195, 706, 7, 707], [], [219, 394, 7, 710], [], [132, 712, 195, 221, 7, 713], [], [219, 715, 7, 716], [], [7, 718], [], [], [], [], [219, 394, 7, 722], [], [219, 724, 7, 725], [], [416, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [], [219, 731, 7, 732], [], [48, 505, 132, 727, 195, 734, 379, 496, 735, -1, 7, 736], [], [], [219, 409, 7, 738], [], [48, 740, 132, 741, 195, 706, 379, 742, 222, 743, 7, 744], [], [], [], [7, 746], [], [219, 394, 7, 748], [], [219, 409, 7, 750], [], [416, 727, 7, 752], [], [], [], [219, 409, 7, 755], [], [132, 757, 219, 639, 7, 758], [], [379, 760, 7, 761], [], [], [379, 480, 7, 764], [], [], [379, 767, 7, 768], [], [], [379, 771, 7, 772], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 775, 195, 776, 7, 777], [195, 779, 7, 780], [195, 782, 7, 783], [], [], [], [506, 787, 374, 14, 375, 788, 132, 789, 30, 790, 48, 378, 379, 791, 7, 792], [], [7, 794], [], [], [219, 394, 7, 797], [], [219, 353, 7, 799], [], [219, 801, 7, 802], [], [219, 806, 48, 807, 808, 809, 7, 810], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 813, 219, 275, 7, 814], [], [219, 817, 7, 818], [], [195, 821, 219, 822, 80, 823, 7, 824], [], [], [], [], [219, 828, 7, 829], [], [219, 831, 7, 832], [], [219, 834, 7, 835], [], [132, 837, 7, 838], [], [7, 840], [], [7, 844], [], [50, 847, 283, 284, 7, 848], [7, 851], [], [], [], [7, 856], [], [7, 859], [], [50, 862, 283, 284, 7, 863], [7, 865], [], [], [7, 869], [], [7, 872], [], [7, 874], [], [7, 876], [], [], [7, 879], [], [7, 882], [], [], [7, 886], [], [7, 888], [], [7, 890], [], [50, 893, 283, 284, 7, 894], [7, 896], [], [], [50, 900, 283, 284, 7, 901], [7, 903], [], [], [7, 907], [], [219, 909, 7, 910], [], [7, 912], [], [7, 915], [], [50, 847, 283, 284, 918, 919, 808, 919, 7, 920], [7, 922], [], [], [7, 925], [], [219, 909, 195, 927, 7, 928], [], [50, 930, 283, 284, 918, 931, 808, 931, 7, 932], [], [], [50, 935, 283, 284, 808, 936, 7, 937], [], [], [50, 939, 283, 284, 7, 940], [], [], [7, 943], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 948, 48, 87, 7, 949], [], [80, 951, 48, 87, 7, 952], [], [80, 954, 48, 87, 7, 955], [], [80, 957, 48, 87, 7, 958], [], [80, 960, 48, 87, 7, 961], [], [80, 963, 48, 87, 7, 964], [], [80, 966, 48, 87, 7, 967], [], [80, 969, 48, 87, 7, 970], [], [80, 972, 48, 87, 7, 973], [], [80, 975, 7, 976], [], [80, 979, 7, 980], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 983], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 987], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 991], [], [], [219, 995, 132, 996, 534, 535, 195, 706, 7, 997], [219, 999, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1002, 538, 1003, 195, 706, 7, 1004], [219, 1006, 7, 1007], [132, 1003, 219, 1009, 7, 1010], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014, 7, 1015], [219, 1017, 7, 1018], [219, 1020, 7, 1021], [], [132, 1002, 195, -1, 219, 1023, 7, 1024], [], [219, 1026, 7, 1027], [], [219, 1029, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1030, 538, 1031, 195, 1032, 7, 1033], [219, 1006, 7, 1035], [132, 1031, 219, 1009, 7, 1037], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014, 7, 1040], [219, 1017, 7, 1042], [219, 1020, 7, 1044], [], [132, 1030, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 195, -1, 219, 1023, 7, 1050], [], [132, 1052, 195, 706, 7, 1053], [], [918, 1055, 80, 1056, 7, 1057], [], [], [132, 1060, 7, 1061], [], [363, 1064, 132, 1065, 368, 369, 370, 370, 7, 1066], [374, 14, 375, 376, 132, 377, 30, 377, 48, 378, 379, 380, 7, 1068], [374, 14, 375, 383, 132, 384, 30, 384, 48, 378, 379, 385, 7, 1070], [506, 1072, 374, 14, 375, 1073, 132, 1074, 30, 1074, 48, 378, 379, 1075, 7, 1076], [506, 1078, 374, 14, 375, 1079, 132, 1080, 30, 1080, 48, 378, 379, 1075, 7, 1081], [506, 1083, 374, 14, 375, 1084, 132, 1085, 30, 1085, 48, 378, 379, 1075, 7, 1086], [374, 14, 375, 1088, 132, 1089, 30, 1089, 48, 378, 379, 1090, 7, 1091], [], [195, 1093, 7, 1094], [], [], [132, 1097, 7, 1098], [], [7, 1100], [], [7, 1102], [], [416, 1104, 7, 1105], [], [], [], [7, 1109], [], [416, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [], [7, 1115], [], [416, 472, 7, 1117], [], [], [], [7, 1120], [], [416, 1122, 7, 1123], [], [], [], [], [7, 1125], [], [7, 1127], [], [416, 1129, 7, 1130], [], [], [1133, 1134, 374, 14, 1135, 1136, 1137, 1138, 375, 1139, 132, 1129, 30, 1129, 48, 505, 379, -1, 7, 1140], [], [195, 1142, 7, 1143], [], [219, 452, 453, 1129, 454, 14, 195, 1145, 7, 1146], [], [], [], [7, 1148], [], [416, 1150, 7, 1151], [], [], [1133, 1154, 374, 14, 1135, 1155, 1137, 1138, 375, 1156, 132, 1150, 30, 1150, 48, 505, 379, -1, 7, 1157], [], [195, 1142, 7, 1159], [], [219, 452, 453, 1150, 454, 14, 195, 1145, 7, 1161], [], [], [], [7, 1163], [], [416, 1165, 7, 1166], [], [], [1133, 1169, 374, 14, 1135, 1170, 1137, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 375, 1176, 132, 1165, 30, 1165, 48, 505, 379, 1177, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 1178], [], [195, 1142, 7, 1180], [], [219, 452, 453, 1165, 454, 14, 195, 1145, 7, 1182], [], [], [], [7, 1184], [], [416, 1186, 7, 1187], [], [], [219, 1190, 374, 14, 375, 1191, 132, 1186, 30, 1186, 48, 505, 379, -1, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 1192], [], [195, 1142, 7, 1194], [], [219, 452, 453, 1186, 454, 14, 195, 1145, 7, 1196], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [219, 1198, 7, 1199], [219, 1201, 7, 1202], [48, 740, 219, 1204, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1205], [219, 1020, 7, 1207], [], [48, 740, 219, 1209, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1210], [219, 1020, 7, 1212], [], [219, 1214, 195, 1215, 7, 1216], [219, 1218, 195, 1215, 7, 1219], [219, 1221, 195, 1215, 7, 1222], [219, 1224, 195, 1215, 7, 1225], [219, 1227, 195, 1215, 7, 1228], [219, 1230, 195, 1215, 7, 1231], [219, 1233, 195, 1215, 7, 1234], [219, 1236, 195, 1215, 7, 1237], [219, 1029, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1239, 538, 1240, 195, 1032, 7, 1241], [219, 1006, 7, 1243], [132, 1240, 219, 1009, 7, 1245], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014, 7, 1248], [219, 1017, 7, 1250], [219, 1020, 7, 1252], [], [132, 1239, 1046, 1254, 1048, 1255, 1256, 1257, 195, -1, 219, 1023, 7, 1258], [], [132, 1260, 7, 1261], [], [], [219, 1198, 7, 1264], [219, 1201, 7, 1266], [48, 740, 219, 1268, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1269], [219, 1020, 7, 1271], [], [48, 740, 219, 1209, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1273], [219, 1020, 7, 1275], [], [219, 1214, 195, 1215, 7, 1277], [219, 1218, 195, 1215, 7, 1279], [219, 1221, 195, 1215, 7, 1281], [219, 1224, 195, 1215, 7, 1283], [219, 1227, 195, 1215, 7, 1285], [219, 1230, 195, 1215, 7, 1287], [219, 1233, 195, 1215, 7, 1289], [219, 1236, 195, 1215, 7, 1291], [219, 1029, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1293, 538, 1294, 195, 1032, 7, 1295], [219, 1006, 7, 1297], [132, 1294, 219, 1009, 7, 1299], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014, 7, 1302], [219, 1017, 7, 1304], [219, 1020, 7, 1306], [], [219, 1198, 7, 1308], [219, 1201, 7, 1310], [48, 740, 219, 1312, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1313], [219, 1020, 7, 1315], [], [48, 740, 219, 1312, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1318], [219, 1020, 7, 1320], [], [219, 1214, 195, 1215, 7, 1323], [219, 1218, 195, 1215, 7, 1325], [219, 1221, 195, 1215, 7, 1327], [219, 1224, 195, 1215, 7, 1329], [219, 1227, 195, 1215, 7, 1331], [219, 1230, 195, 1215, 7, 1333], [219, 1233, 195, 1215, 7, 1335], [219, 1236, 195, 1215, 7, 1337], [219, 1029, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1339, 538, 1340, 195, 1032, 7, 1341], [219, 1006, 7, 1343], [132, 1340, 219, 1009, 7, 1345], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014, 7, 1348], [219, 1017, 7, 1350], [219, 1020, 7, 1352], [], [219, 1198, 7, 1354], [219, 1201, 7, 1356], [48, 740, 219, 1312, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1358], [219, 1020, 7, 1360], [], [48, 740, 219, 1312, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1362], [219, 1020, 7, 1364], [], [219, 1214, 195, 1215, 7, 1366], [219, 1218, 195, 1215, 7, 1368], [219, 1221, 195, 1215, 7, 1370], [219, 1224, 195, 1215, 7, 1372], [219, 1227, 195, 1215, 7, 1374], [219, 1230, 195, 1215, 7, 1376], [219, 1233, 195, 1215, 7, 1378], [219, 1236, 195, 1215, 7, 1380], [219, 1382, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1383, 538, 1384, 195, 706, 7, 1385], [219, 1006, 7, 1387], [132, 1384, 219, 1009, 7, 1389], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014, 7, 1392], [219, 1017, 7, 1394], [219, 1020, 7, 1396], [], [219, 1198, 7, 1398], [219, 1201, 7, 1400], [48, 740, 219, 1209, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1402], [219, 1020, 7, 1404], [], [219, 1382, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1406, 538, 1407, 195, 706, 7, 1408], [219, 1006, 7, 1410], [132, 1407, 219, 1009, 7, 1412], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014, 7, 1414], [219, 1017, 7, 1416], [219, 1020, 7, 1418], [], [219, 1198, 7, 1420], [219, 1201, 7, 1422], [48, 740, 219, 1209, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 7, 1424], [219, 1020, 7, 1426], [], [195, 1428, 7, 1429], [], [48, 87, 7, 1431], [], [], [195, 1428, 7, 1434], [7, 1436], [], [195, 1428, 7, 1439], [], [48, 87, 7, 1441], [], [], [534, 546, 563, 14, 526, 545, 808, 1444, 30, 1445, 132, 1445, 80, 1446, 195, 1447, 7, 1448], [132, 1450, 80, 1451, 7, 1452], [195, 1455, 7, 1456], [1458, 1459, 195, 1460, 7, 1461], [195, 1463, 7, 1464], [46, 55, 50, 1466, 7, 1467], [195, 1460, 7, 1469], [195, 1463, 7, 1471], [46, 55, 50, 1466, 7, 1473], [219, 1029, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1293, 538, 996, 195, 1032], [219, 1006], [132, 996, 219, 1009], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014], [219, 1017], [219, 1020], [], [132, 1293, 195, -1, 219, 1023, 7, 1475], [], [363, 1478, 132, 1479, 368, 369, 370, 370, 7, 1480], [], [219, 1482, 7, 1483], [], [219, 1486, 7, 1487], [], [7, 1490], [], [7, 1492], [], [219, 412, 7, 1494], [219, 1496, 7, 1497], [], [416, 1500, 7, 1501], [], [], [219, 502, 374, 14, 1135, 1504, 1137, 1138, 375, 1505, 132, 1500, 30, 1500, 48, 505, 379, -1, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 1506], [], [219, 452, 453, 1500, 454, 14, 7, 1508], [], [], [7, 1510], [], [219, 412, 7, 1512], [219, 1496, 7, 1514], [], [416, 1516, 7, 1517], [], [], [374, 14, 1135, 1170, 1137, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 375, 1176, 132, 1516, 30, 1516, 48, 505, 379, -1, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 1520], [], [219, 452, 453, 1516, 454, 14, 7, 1522], [], [], [7, 1524], [], [219, 412, 7, 1526], [219, 1496, 7, 1528], [], [416, 1530, 7, 1531], [], [], [7, 1534], [], [1537, 771, 374, 14, 375, 1538, 132, 1530, 30, 1530, 1539, 760, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 1540], [], [219, 452, 453, 1530, 454, 14, 7, 1542], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1544], [], [132, 458, 30, 458, 48, 505, 379, -1, 7, 1546], [], [132, 1168, 30, 1168, 48, 505, 379, -1, 7, 1548], [], [], [], [], [], [219, 1198], [219, 1201], [48, 740, 219, 1312, 526, 740, 1013, 509], [219, 1020], [], [48, 740, 219, 1312, 526, 740, 1013, 509], [219, 1020], [], [219, 1214, 195, 1215], [219, 1218, 195, 1215], [219, 1221, 195, 1215], [219, 1224, 195, 1215], [219, 1227, 195, 1215], [219, 1230, 195, 1215], [219, 1233, 195, 1215], [219, 1236, 195, 1215], [219, 1029, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1339, 538, 1003, 195, 1032], [219, 1006], [132, 1003, 219, 1009], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014], [219, 1017], [219, 1020], [], [132, 1339, 195, -1, 219, 1023, 7, 1550], [], [132, 1553, 363, 1554, 368, 369, 370, 370, 7, 1555], [], [48, 378, 132, 1557, 30, 1557, 379, 14, 7, 1558], [], [7, 1560], [], [7, 1562], [], [416, 1564, 7, 1565], [], [], [48, 505, 132, 1564, 30, 1568, 375, 1139, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 1569], [], [195, 1571, 7, 1572], [], [219, 452, 453, 1568, 454, 14, 7, 1574], [], [], [], [7, 1577], [], [416, 1579, 7, 1580], [], [], [132, 1579, 375, 1191, 30, 1186, 48, 1583, 219, 1190, 7, 1584], [], [195, 1571, 7, 1586], [], [219, 452, 453, 1186, 454, 14, 7, 1588], [], [], [], [7, 1590], [], [416, 1592, 7, 1593], [], [], [219, 639, 132, 1592, 30, 1597, 195, -1, 7, 1598], [379, 1600, 7, 1601], [], [], [379, 1603, 7, 1604], [], [], [379, 1606, 7, 1607], [], [], [379, 1609, 7, 1610], [], [], [379, 1612, 7, 1613], [], [], [379, 1615, 7, 1616], [], [], [], [], [7, 1619], [], [416, 1621, 7, 1622], [], [], [132, 1621, 30, 1625, 1539, 1626, 1537, 1138, 508, 509, 510, 14, 7, 1627], [], [], [], [], [219, 1198], [219, 1201], [48, 740, 219, 1312, 526, 740, 1013, 509], [219, 1020], [], [48, 740, 219, 1312, 526, 740, 1013, 509], [219, 1020], [], [219, 1214, 195, 1215], [219, 1218, 195, 1215], [219, 1221, 195, 1215], [219, 1224, 195, 1215], [219, 1227, 195, 1215], [219, 1230, 195, 1215], [219, 1233, 195, 1215], [219, 1236, 195, 1215], [219, 1382, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1383, 538, 1031, 195, 706], [219, 1006], [132, 1031, 219, 1009], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014], [219, 1017], [219, 1020], [], [132, 1383, 195, -1, 219, 1023, 7, 1629], [], [132, 1631, 7, 1632], [], [219, 1198], [219, 1201], [48, 740, 219, 1209, 526, 740, 1013, 509], [219, 1020], [], [219, 1382, 534, 546, 526, 1000, 1001, 1406, 538, 1240, 195, 706], [219, 1006], [132, 1240, 219, 1009], [], [48, 740, 219, 1012, 526, 740, 1013, 509, 808, 1014], [219, 1017], [219, 1020], [], [132, 1406, 195, -1, 219, 1023, 7, 1634], [], [132, 1636, 7, 1637], [], [], [219, 1198], [219, 1201], [48, 740, 219, 1209, 526, 740, 1013, 509], [219, 1020], [], [195, 1428], [], [48, 87], [], [], [195, 1428], [], [48, 87], [], [], [195, 1428], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [927, 1031], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [193, 194, 225, 230, 242, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252, 254, 256, 261, 263, 301, 403, 408, 448, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 681, 694, 707, 720, 899, 912, 934, 936, 970, 979, 992], "value": [380, 385, 433, 444, 459, 464, 469, 473, 480, 486, 492, 496, -1, -1, -1, 496, 742, 791, 380, 385, 1075, 1075, 1075, 1090, -1, -1, 1177, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": [230]}, "optionSelected": {"index": [354, 426, 1006]}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [864], "value": [1]}, "pseudoType": {"index": [125, 167, 171, 175, 271, 272, 288], "value": [271, 328, 328, 328, 271, 531, 328]}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [0, 97, 110, 115, 122, 134, 146, 192, 193, 194, 225, 227, 230, 232, 242, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252, 254, 256, 261, 263, 275, 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54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 48], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 38], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 365.8125, 1264, 20], [8, 370.8125, 59.328125, 14], [13, 368.8125, 13, 13], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [67.328125, 370.8125, 48.65625, 14], [72.328125, 368.8125, 13, 13], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 385.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 385.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 405.8125, 205, 21], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 244, 240, -1, 249, 250, -1, 253, -1, 257, 236, -1, -1, 264, -1, -1, 270, 272, 232, -1, -1, 281, 236, -1, 240, -1, 289, 236, 232, -1, -1, -1, 299, -1, 236, 232, -1, -1, -1, 314, -1, -1, -1, -1, 327, 329, -1, -1, 327, 333, -1, -1, 327, 336, -1, 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245, 1264, 54], [8, 245, 1264, 54], [48, 245, 1224, 18], [31, 245, 7, 18], [31, 245, 7, 18], [], [48, 263, 1224, 18], [31, 263, 7, 18], [31, 263, 7, 18], [], [48, 281, 1224, 18], [31, 281, 7, 18], [31, 281, 7, 18], [], [8, 315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [], [8, 348, 1264, 48], [8, 348, 1264, 38], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 366, 1264, 20], [8, 371, 59, 14], [13, 369, 13, 13], [], [32, 371, 35, 14], [], [67, 371, 49, 14], [72, 369, 13, 13], [], [91, 371, 25, 14], [], [], [8, 386, 1264, 0], [8, 386, 0, 0], [], [8, 406, 1264, 0], [8, 406, 205, 21], [], [217, 406, 205, 21], [], [8, 406, 1264, 235], [8, 406, 1264, 220], [4, 4, 1255, 48], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 9, 177, 42], [0, 0, 175, 40], [], [189, 9, 164, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [4, 51, 1255, 118], [28, 87, 1206, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [50, 87, 7, 21], [50, 87, 7, 21], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 21], [68, 87, 224, 20], [], [], [68, 108, 1166, 27], [67, 107, 1, 1], [68, 108, 262, 27], [], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 0, 0], [], [4, 187, 1255, 0], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 86, 27], [], [], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [59, 657, 0, 0], [], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 0], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 727, 106, 17], [124, 727, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 795, 1264, 36], [], [504, 795, 176, 17], [504, 795, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 881, 1264, 18], [], [8, 915, 1264, 18], [8, 915, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 983, 1264, 18], [], [753, 983, 121, 17], [753, 983, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155, 1264, 17], [8, 1155, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1155, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1155, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1198], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], 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1255, 118], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1166, 48], [0, 0, 7, 21], [0, 0, 7, 21], [0, 0, 1166, 48], [0, 0, 1166, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1166, 27], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1166, 0], [0, 0, 1166, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1255, 0], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 82, 23], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], 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[2, 2, 82, 23], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 74, 80, 85, 87, 90, 92, 99, 117, 120, 125, 129, 144, 155, 155, 155, 156, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 185, 186, 186, 189, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, 200, 200, 201, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 212], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "94ecd908-e703-4b56", "", "line-height: 17px;", "4249c3a9-3985-46a2", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "97972877-b220-47d1", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "98c56cb5-2b00-43af", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "1c5b8511-fbb8-485e", "", "Complaint Policy", "2a512628-cca8-4aa6", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "eb7d123a-6ae5-4951", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "22dcc2e0-4da5-4eb0", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "4779eb1c-49e3-4f00", "", "/Quote/Static/", "7959e145-8196-40f6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5eb403f8-deaf-4d13", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "3d38344a-71d5-4a31", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0554471f-ea6e-43e6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f4ac4a2f-1259-4718", "", "/Quote/Static/", "07b30fb8-9483-4589", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "4072de1a-f86d-42e2", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step2JS?v=8hJ5_mXyq8hc9382Ff7AyvhDY119DLmtV50LGlGZx_k1", "7c0620af-dfbe-4ff6", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "c888d5b0-a2c3-473b", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "c835775a-8633-4028", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new lpTag.DataAnalyzer(f.site,f.loc,f.isCrossDomain,f.env,a,f.accdn),m=new lpTag.StorageSelector({site:f.site,asyncStorageMaxRetry:f.asmr,cookiesEnabled:f.cookiesEnabled,localStorageEnabled:f.localStorageEnabled,sessionStorageEnabled:f.sessionStorageEnabled}),m.createWrappers(o)}function n(){d.reset(),v=!1,w=[]}function r(){d&&d.dispose(),h=null,m=null,d=null}function o(){d.initSelector(m),i()}function a(){v=!0,c(y)}function i(){d.sendPendingMessages(s,l,k.requestTypes.SELECT_STORAGE)}function s(e){e&&e.storage&&(y=e.app,w[e.app]=e.storage,c(e.app))}function l(){setTimeout(function(){i()},b)}function c(e){var t;u(e)&&(k.log.log(\"Initiated successfully with \"+w[e].name+\", app: \"+e),t=new lpTag.SecureStorageManager({app:e,storageSelector:m,dataAnalyzer:h}),d.initManager(t),d.sendPendingMessages(),d.setActive())}function u(e){return e&&v&&w&&w[e]}function p(){var e=k.getUrlParameters(location.search);return e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [79, -1, 132, 154, 80, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 158, 7, 159], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 161, 7, 162], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 164, 7, 165], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 167, 7, 168], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 170, 7, 171], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 173, 7, 174], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 176, 7, 177], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 179, 7, 180], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 184, 185, 186, 7, 187], [132, 190, 191, 192, 7, 193], [], [], [], [], [7, 198], [], [], [], [], [80, 203, 7, 204], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 206], [], [], [7, 209], [], [], [7, 212], [], [], [215, 216, 191, 217, 218, 219, 7, 220], [], [215, 222, 7, 223], [], [132, 225, 7, 226], [], [215, 229, 7, 230], [], [7, 234], [], [7, 238], [], [], [50, 242, 7, 243], [], [], [7, 247], [], [50, 250, 7, 251], [], [], [], [], [215, 254, 7, 255], [], [50, 257, 7, 258], [], [215, 262, 7, 263], [], [], [], [], [132, 270, 215, 271, 7, 272], [], [7, 275], [], [], [50, 278, 279, 280, 7, 281], [], [7, 283], [], [], [], [], [], [215, 286, 7, 287], [], [215, 289, 7, 290], [], [50, 292, 279, 280, 7, 293], [], [80, 297, 215, 298, 7, 299], [], [], [], [], [132, 301, 7, 302], [], [7, 305], [], [7, 308], [], [], [], [], [215, 311, 7, 312], [], [215, 315, 7, 316], [], [215, 319, 7, 320], [], [], [], [215, 326, 7, 327], [], [], [], [7, 330], [], [], [], [], [], [215, 333, 7, 334], [], [215, 336, 7, 337], [], [132, 340, 215, 341, 7, 342], [], [132, 344, 7, 345], [], [132, 348, 215, 349, 7, 350], [], [132, 353, 215, 354, 7, 355], [], [359, 360, 361, 362, 132, 363, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 367], [370, 14, 371, 372, 132, 373, 30, 373, 48, 374, 375, 376, 7, 377], [370, 14, 371, 379, 132, 380, 30, 380, 48, 374, 375, 381, 7, 382], [], [215, 385, 7, 386], [], [7, 388], [], [215, 390, 7, 391], [], [215, 393, 7, 394], [], [191, 396, 7, 397], [], [], [], [], [191, 400, 7, 401], [], [215, 390, 7, 403], [], [215, 405, 7, 406], [], [215, 408, 7, 409], [], [412, 413, 7, 414], [], [], [], [], [215, 417, 191, 418, 7, 419], [], [215, 422, 7, 423], [425, 413, 370, 14, 371, 426, 132, 427, 30, 413, 48, 428, 375, 429, 7, 430], [], [412, 427, 7, 433], [], [215, 422, 7, 436], [438, 438, 425, 413, 132, 439, 30, 413, 48, 428, 375, 440, 7, 441], [], [412, 439, 7, 443], [], [], [], [215, 349, 7, 446], [], [215, 448, 449, 413, 450, 14, 7, 451], [], [], [], [132, 454, 30, 454, 48, 374, 375, 455, 7, 456], [], [370, 14, 371, 458, 132, 459, 30, 459, 48, 374, 375, 460, 7, 461], [], [370, 14, 371, 463, 132, 464, 30, 464, 48, 374, 375, 465, 7, 466], [], [132, 468, 30, 468, 48, 374, 375, 469, 7, 470], [], [370, 14, 472, 473, 371, 474, 132, 475, 30, 475, 48, 374, 375, 476, 7, 477], [], [370, 14, 472, 479, 371, 480, 132, 481, 30, 481, 48, 374, 375, 482, 7, 483], [], [370, 14, 472, 485, 371, 486, 132, 487, 30, 487, 48, 374, 375, 488, 7, 489], [], [132, 491, 30, 491, 48, 374, 375, 492, 7, 493], [], [], [191, 495, 7, 496], [], [215, 498, 132, 499, 30, 500, 48, 501, 375, -1, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 507], [], [215, 498, 132, 509, 30, 510, 48, 501, 375, -1, 502, 511, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 512], [], [], [215, 390, 191, 514, 7, 515], [], [132, 517, 215, 518, 7, 519], [], [215, 521, 522, 523, 7, 524], [], [], [], [215, 528, 522, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 14, 7, 537], [50, 539, 215, 540, 522, 541, 530, 542, 132, 535, 7, 543], [], [], [215, 546, 522, 529, 530, 542, 532, 547, 534, 548, 536, 505, 7, 549], [50, 551, 218, 552, 215, 540, 522, 541, 530, 542, 132, 548, 7, 553], [], [], [], [132, 533, 534, 535, 215, 556, 522, 557, 558, 14, 559, 505, 7, 560], [], [215, 563, 7, 564], [], [132, 567, 568, 569, 570, 505, 7, 571], [], [], [215, 390, 7, 574], [], [215, 405, 7, 577], [], [215, 580, 7, 581], [], [], [], [215, 417, 7, 584], [], [522, 586, 587, 588, 215, 589, 7, 590], [592, 593, 594, 569, 595, 503, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 132, 604, 30, 605, 606, 607, 48, 501, 375, -1, 215, 608, 609, 610, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 611], [], [], [215, 349, 7, 613], [], [215, 615, 7, 616], [], [215, 448, 449, 500, 450, 14, 7, 619], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 621, 568, 569, 191, 217, 7, 622], [], [215, 390, 7, 624], [], [215, 405, 7, 626], [], [412, 628, 215, 580, 7, 629], [], [], [], [215, 417, 7, 632], [], [215, 635, 636, 569, 132, 637, 30, 638, 7, 639], [375, -1, 7, 642], [], [], [375, 645, 7, 646], [], [], [375, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [375, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [375, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [375, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [375, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [375, 669, 7, 670], [], [], [375, 673, 7, 674], [], [], [677, 677, 375, 678, 7, 679], [], [], [375, 682, 7, 683], [], [], [375, 686, 7, 687], [], [], [375, 690, 7, 691], [], [], [375, 694, 7, 695], [], [], [], [], [215, 349, 7, 698], [], [215, 448, 449, 638, 450, 14, 7, 700], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 547, 534, 548, 215, 556, 522, 557, 558, 505, 559, 14, 191, 702, 7, 703], [], [215, 390, 7, 706], [], [132, 708, 191, 217, 7, 709], [], [215, 711, 7, 712], [], [7, 714], [], [], [], [], [215, 390, 7, 718], [], [215, 720, 7, 721], [], [412, 723, 7, 724], [], [], [], [215, 727, 7, 728], [], [48, 501, 132, 723, 191, 730, 375, 492, 731, -1, 7, 732], [], [], [215, 405, 7, 734], [], [48, 736, 132, 737, 191, 702, 375, 738, 218, 739, 7, 740], [], [], [], [7, 742], [], [215, 390, 7, 744], [], [215, 405, 7, 746], [], [412, 723, 7, 748], [], [], [], [215, 405, 7, 751], [], [132, 753, 215, 635, 7, 754], [], [375, 756, 7, 757], [], [], [375, 476, 7, 760], [], [], [375, 763, 7, 764], [], [], [375, 767, 7, 768], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 771, 191, 772, 7, 773], [191, 775, 7, 776], [191, 778, 7, 779], [], [], [], [502, 783, 370, 14, 371, 784, 132, 785, 30, 786, 48, 374, 375, 787, 7, 788], [], [7, 790], [], [], [215, 390, 7, 793], [], [215, 349, 7, 795], [], [215, 797, 7, 798], [], [215, 802, 48, 803, 804, 805, 7, 806], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 809, 215, 271, 7, 810], [], [215, 813, 7, 814], [], [191, 817, 215, 818, 80, 819, 7, 820], [], [], [], [], [215, 824, 7, 825], [], [215, 827, 7, 828], [], [215, 830, 7, 831], [], [132, 833, 7, 834], [], [7, 836], [], [7, 840], [], [50, 843, 279, 280, 7, 844], [7, 847], [], [], [], [7, 852], [], [7, 855], [], [50, 858, 279, 280, 7, 859], [7, 861], [], [], [7, 865], [], [7, 868], [], [7, 870], [], [7, 872], [], [], [7, 875], [], [7, 878], [], [], [7, 882], [], [7, 884], [], [7, 886], [], [50, 889, 279, 280, 7, 890], [7, 892], [], [], [50, 896, 279, 280, 7, 897], [7, 899], [], [], [7, 903], [], [215, 905, 7, 906], [], [7, 908], [], [7, 911], [], [50, 843, 279, 280, 914, 915, 804, 915, 7, 916], [7, 918], [], [], [7, 921], [], [215, 905, 191, 923, 7, 924], [], [50, 926, 279, 280, 914, 927, 804, 927, 7, 928], [], [], [50, 931, 279, 280, 804, 932, 7, 933], [], [], [50, 935, 279, 280, 7, 936], [], [], [7, 939], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 944, 48, 87, 7, 945], [], [80, 947, 48, 87, 7, 948], [], [80, 950, 48, 87, 7, 951], [], [80, 953, 48, 87, 7, 954], [], [80, 956, 48, 87, 7, 957], [], [80, 959, 48, 87, 7, 960], [], [80, 962, 48, 87, 7, 963], [], [80, 965, 48, 87, 7, 966], [], [80, 968, 48, 87, 7, 969], [], [80, 971, 7, 972], [], [80, 975, 7, 976], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 979], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 983], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 987], [], [], [215, 991, 132, 992, 530, 531, 191, 702, 7, 993], [215, 995, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 998, 534, 999, 191, 702, 7, 1000], [215, 1002, 7, 1003], [132, 999, 215, 1005, 7, 1006], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010, 7, 1011], [215, 1013, 7, 1014], [215, 1016, 7, 1017], [], [132, 998, 191, -1, 215, 1019, 7, 1020], [], [215, 1022, 7, 1023], [], [215, 1025, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1026, 534, 1027, 191, 1028, 7, 1029], [215, 1002, 7, 1031], [132, 1027, 215, 1005, 7, 1033], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010, 7, 1036], [215, 1013, 7, 1038], [215, 1016, 7, 1040], [], [132, 1026, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 191, -1, 215, 1019, 7, 1046], [], [132, 1048, 191, 702, 7, 1049], [], [914, 1051, 80, 1052, 7, 1053], [], [], [132, 1056, 7, 1057], [], [359, 1060, 132, 1061, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 1062], [370, 14, 371, 372, 132, 373, 30, 373, 48, 374, 375, 376, 7, 1064], [370, 14, 371, 379, 132, 380, 30, 380, 48, 374, 375, 381, 7, 1066], [502, 1068, 370, 14, 371, 1069, 132, 1070, 30, 1070, 48, 374, 375, 1071, 7, 1072], [502, 1074, 370, 14, 371, 1075, 132, 1076, 30, 1076, 48, 374, 375, 1071, 7, 1077], [502, 1079, 370, 14, 371, 1080, 132, 1081, 30, 1081, 48, 374, 375, 1071, 7, 1082], [370, 14, 371, 1084, 132, 1085, 30, 1085, 48, 374, 375, 1086, 7, 1087], [], [191, 1089, 7, 1090], [], [], [132, 1093, 7, 1094], [], [7, 1096], [], [7, 1098], [], [412, 1100, 7, 1101], [], [], [], [7, 1105], [], [412, 1107, 7, 1108], [], [], [], [7, 1111], [], [412, 468, 7, 1113], [], [], [], [7, 1116], [], [412, 1118, 7, 1119], [], [], [], [], [7, 1121], [], [7, 1123], [], [412, 1125, 7, 1126], [], [], [1129, 1130, 370, 14, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 371, 1135, 132, 1125, 30, 1125, 48, 501, 375, -1, 7, 1136], [], [191, 1138, 7, 1139], [], [215, 448, 449, 1125, 450, 14, 191, 1141, 7, 1142], [], [], [], [7, 1144], [], [412, 1146, 7, 1147], [], [], [1129, 1150, 370, 14, 1131, 1151, 1133, 1134, 371, 1152, 132, 1146, 30, 1146, 48, 501, 375, -1, 7, 1153], [], [191, 1138, 7, 1155], [], [215, 448, 449, 1146, 450, 14, 191, 1141, 7, 1157], [], [], [], [7, 1159], [], [412, 1161, 7, 1162], [], [], [1129, 1165, 370, 14, 1131, 1166, 1133, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 371, 1172, 132, 1161, 30, 1161, 48, 501, 375, 1173, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 1174], [], [191, 1138, 7, 1176], [], [215, 448, 449, 1161, 450, 14, 191, 1141, 7, 1178], [], [], [], [7, 1180], [], [412, 1182, 7, 1183], [], [], [215, 1186, 370, 14, 371, 1187, 132, 1182, 30, 1182, 48, 501, 375, -1, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 1188], [], [191, 1138, 7, 1190], [], [215, 448, 449, 1182, 450, 14, 191, 1141, 7, 1192], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [215, 1194, 7, 1195], [215, 1197, 7, 1198], [48, 736, 215, 1200, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1201], [215, 1016, 7, 1203], [], [48, 736, 215, 1205, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1206], [215, 1016, 7, 1208], [], [215, 1210, 191, 1211, 7, 1212], [215, 1214, 191, 1211, 7, 1215], [215, 1217, 191, 1211, 7, 1218], [215, 1220, 191, 1211, 7, 1221], [215, 1223, 191, 1211, 7, 1224], [215, 1226, 191, 1211, 7, 1227], [215, 1229, 191, 1211, 7, 1230], [215, 1232, 191, 1211, 7, 1233], [215, 1025, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1235, 534, 1236, 191, 1028, 7, 1237], [215, 1002, 7, 1239], [132, 1236, 215, 1005, 7, 1241], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010, 7, 1244], [215, 1013, 7, 1246], [215, 1016, 7, 1248], [], [132, 1235, 1042, 1250, 1044, 1251, 1252, 1253, 191, -1, 215, 1019, 7, 1254], [], [132, 1256, 7, 1257], [], [], [215, 1194, 7, 1260], [215, 1197, 7, 1262], [48, 736, 215, 1264, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1265], [215, 1016, 7, 1267], [], [48, 736, 215, 1205, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1269], [215, 1016, 7, 1271], [], [215, 1210, 191, 1211, 7, 1273], [215, 1214, 191, 1211, 7, 1275], [215, 1217, 191, 1211, 7, 1277], [215, 1220, 191, 1211, 7, 1279], [215, 1223, 191, 1211, 7, 1281], [215, 1226, 191, 1211, 7, 1283], [215, 1229, 191, 1211, 7, 1285], [215, 1232, 191, 1211, 7, 1287], [215, 1025, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1289, 534, 1290, 191, 1028, 7, 1291], [215, 1002, 7, 1293], [132, 1290, 215, 1005, 7, 1295], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010, 7, 1298], [215, 1013, 7, 1300], [215, 1016, 7, 1302], [], [215, 1194, 7, 1304], [215, 1197, 7, 1306], [48, 736, 215, 1308, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1309], [215, 1016, 7, 1311], [], [48, 736, 215, 1308, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1314], [215, 1016, 7, 1316], [], [215, 1210, 191, 1211, 7, 1319], [215, 1214, 191, 1211, 7, 1321], [215, 1217, 191, 1211, 7, 1323], [215, 1220, 191, 1211, 7, 1325], [215, 1223, 191, 1211, 7, 1327], [215, 1226, 191, 1211, 7, 1329], [215, 1229, 191, 1211, 7, 1331], [215, 1232, 191, 1211, 7, 1333], [215, 1025, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1335, 534, 1336, 191, 1028, 7, 1337], [215, 1002, 7, 1339], [132, 1336, 215, 1005, 7, 1341], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010, 7, 1344], [215, 1013, 7, 1346], [215, 1016, 7, 1348], [], [215, 1194, 7, 1350], [215, 1197, 7, 1352], [48, 736, 215, 1308, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1354], [215, 1016, 7, 1356], [], [48, 736, 215, 1308, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1358], [215, 1016, 7, 1360], [], [215, 1210, 191, 1211, 7, 1362], [215, 1214, 191, 1211, 7, 1364], [215, 1217, 191, 1211, 7, 1366], [215, 1220, 191, 1211, 7, 1368], [215, 1223, 191, 1211, 7, 1370], [215, 1226, 191, 1211, 7, 1372], [215, 1229, 191, 1211, 7, 1374], [215, 1232, 191, 1211, 7, 1376], [215, 1378, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1379, 534, 1380, 191, 702, 7, 1381], [215, 1002, 7, 1383], [132, 1380, 215, 1005, 7, 1385], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010, 7, 1388], [215, 1013, 7, 1390], [215, 1016, 7, 1392], [], [215, 1194, 7, 1394], [215, 1197, 7, 1396], [48, 736, 215, 1205, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1398], [215, 1016, 7, 1400], [], [215, 1378, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1402, 534, 1403, 191, 702, 7, 1404], [215, 1002, 7, 1406], [132, 1403, 215, 1005, 7, 1408], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010, 7, 1410], [215, 1013, 7, 1412], [215, 1016, 7, 1414], [], [215, 1194, 7, 1416], [215, 1197, 7, 1418], [48, 736, 215, 1205, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 7, 1420], [215, 1016, 7, 1422], [], [191, 1424, 7, 1425], [], [48, 87, 7, 1427], [], [], [191, 1424, 7, 1430], [7, 1432], [], [191, 1424, 7, 1435], [], [48, 87, 7, 1437], [], [], [530, 542, 559, 14, 522, 541, 804, 1440, 30, 1441, 132, 1441, 80, 1442, 191, 1443, 7, 1444], [132, 1446, 80, 1447, 7, 1448], [191, 1451, 7, 1452], [1454, 1455, 191, 1456, 7, 1457], [191, 1459, 7, 1460], [46, 55, 50, 1462, 7, 1463], [191, 1456, 7, 1465], [191, 1459, 7, 1467], [46, 55, 50, 1462, 7, 1469], [215, 1025, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1289, 534, 992, 191, 1028], [215, 1002], [132, 992, 215, 1005], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010], [215, 1013], [215, 1016], [], [132, 1289, 191, -1, 215, 1019, 7, 1471], [], [359, 1474, 132, 1475, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 1476], [], [215, 1478, 7, 1479], [], [215, 1482, 7, 1483], [], [7, 1486], [], [7, 1488], [], [215, 408, 7, 1490], [215, 1492, 7, 1493], [], [412, 1496, 7, 1497], [], [], [215, 498, 370, 14, 1131, 1500, 1133, 1134, 371, 1501, 132, 1496, 30, 1496, 48, 501, 375, -1, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 1502], [], [215, 448, 449, 1496, 450, 14, 7, 1504], [], [], [7, 1506], [], [215, 408, 7, 1508], [215, 1492, 7, 1510], [], [412, 1512, 7, 1513], [], [], [370, 14, 1131, 1166, 1133, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 371, 1172, 132, 1512, 30, 1512, 48, 501, 375, -1, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 1516], [], [215, 448, 449, 1512, 450, 14, 7, 1518], [], [], [7, 1520], [], [215, 408, 7, 1522], [215, 1492, 7, 1524], [], [412, 1526, 7, 1527], [], [], [7, 1530], [], [1533, 767, 370, 14, 371, 1534, 132, 1526, 30, 1526, 1535, 756, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 1536], [], [215, 448, 449, 1526, 450, 14, 7, 1538], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1540], [], [132, 454, 30, 454, 48, 501, 375, -1, 7, 1542], [], [132, 1164, 30, 1164, 48, 501, 375, -1, 7, 1544], [], [], [], [], [], [215, 1194], [215, 1197], [48, 736, 215, 1308, 522, 736, 1009, 505], [215, 1016], [], [48, 736, 215, 1308, 522, 736, 1009, 505], [215, 1016], [], [215, 1210, 191, 1211], [215, 1214, 191, 1211], [215, 1217, 191, 1211], [215, 1220, 191, 1211], [215, 1223, 191, 1211], [215, 1226, 191, 1211], [215, 1229, 191, 1211], [215, 1232, 191, 1211], [215, 1025, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1335, 534, 999, 191, 1028], [215, 1002], [132, 999, 215, 1005], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010], [215, 1013], [215, 1016], [], [132, 1335, 191, -1, 215, 1019, 7, 1546], [], [132, 1549, 359, 1550, 364, 365, 366, 366, 7, 1551], [], [48, 374, 132, 1553, 30, 1553, 375, 14, 7, 1554], [], [7, 1556], [], [7, 1558], [], [412, 1560, 7, 1561], [], [], [48, 501, 132, 1560, 30, 1564, 371, 1135, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 1565], [], [191, 1567, 7, 1568], [], [215, 448, 449, 1564, 450, 14, 7, 1570], [], [], [], [7, 1573], [], [412, 1575, 7, 1576], [], [], [132, 1575, 371, 1187, 30, 1182, 48, 1579, 215, 1186, 7, 1580], [], [191, 1567, 7, 1582], [], [215, 448, 449, 1182, 450, 14, 7, 1584], [], [], [], [7, 1586], [], [412, 1588, 7, 1589], [], [], [215, 635, 132, 1588, 30, 1593, 191, -1, 7, 1594], [375, 1596, 7, 1597], [], [], [375, 1599, 7, 1600], [], [], [375, 1602, 7, 1603], [], [], [375, 1605, 7, 1606], [], [], [375, 1608, 7, 1609], [], [], [375, 1611, 7, 1612], [], [], [], [], [7, 1615], [], [412, 1617, 7, 1618], [], [], [132, 1617, 30, 1621, 1535, 1622, 1533, 1134, 504, 505, 506, 14, 7, 1623], [], [], [], [], [215, 1194], [215, 1197], [48, 736, 215, 1308, 522, 736, 1009, 505], [215, 1016], [], [48, 736, 215, 1308, 522, 736, 1009, 505], [215, 1016], [], [215, 1210, 191, 1211], [215, 1214, 191, 1211], [215, 1217, 191, 1211], [215, 1220, 191, 1211], [215, 1223, 191, 1211], [215, 1226, 191, 1211], [215, 1229, 191, 1211], [215, 1232, 191, 1211], [215, 1378, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1379, 534, 1027, 191, 702], [215, 1002], [132, 1027, 215, 1005], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010], [215, 1013], [215, 1016], [], [132, 1379, 191, -1, 215, 1019, 7, 1625], [], [132, 1627, 7, 1628], [], [215, 1194], [215, 1197], [48, 736, 215, 1205, 522, 736, 1009, 505], [215, 1016], [], [215, 1378, 530, 542, 522, 996, 997, 1402, 534, 1236, 191, 702], [215, 1002], [132, 1236, 215, 1005], [], [48, 736, 215, 1008, 522, 736, 1009, 505, 804, 1010], [215, 1013], [215, 1016], [], [132, 1402, 191, -1, 215, 1019, 7, 1630], [], [132, 1632, 7, 1633], [], [], [215, 1194], [215, 1197], [48, 736, 215, 1205, 522, 736, 1009, 505], [215, 1016], [], [191, 1424], [], [48, 87], [], [], [191, 1424], 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636, 637, 638, 639, 677, 680, 690, 693, 703, 706, 716, 719, 872, 873, 876, 882, 895, 898, 908, 911, 933, 935, 943, 946, 957, 958, 961, 967, 969, 975, 978, 988, 991, 1037, 1040, 1051, 1052, 1055, 1065, 1068, 1069, 1072, 1083]}, "currentSourceURL": {"index": [147, 473, 628], "value": [297, -1, -1]}, "originURL": {"index": [], "value": []}}, "layout": {"nodeIndex": [0, 1, 74, 75, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 157, 161, 163, 165, 166, 166, 167, 169, 170, 170, 171, 173, 174, 174, 175, 179, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191, 195, 197, 199, 201, 203, 204, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 217, 218, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 237, 238, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 267, 269, 270, 270, 270, 270, 270, 271, 271, 271, 271, 271, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279, 282, 284, 286, 287, 287, 289, 291, 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123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 48], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 38], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 365.8125, 1264, 20], [8, 370.8125, 59.328125, 14], [13, 368.8125, 13, 13], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [67.328125, 370.8125, 48.65625, 14], [72.328125, 368.8125, 13, 13], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 385.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 385.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 405.8125, 205, 21], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 240, 236, -1, 245, 246, -1, 249, -1, 253, 232, -1, -1, 260, -1, -1, 266, 268, 228, -1, -1, 277, 232, -1, 236, -1, 285, 232, 228, -1, -1, -1, 295, -1, 232, 228, -1, -1, -1, 310, -1, -1, -1, -1, 323, 325, -1, -1, 323, 329, -1, -1, 323, 332, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 399, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 416, 295, -1, -1, -1, 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18], [], [48, 263, 1224, 18], [31, 263, 7, 18], [31, 263, 7, 18], [], [48, 281, 1224, 18], [31, 281, 7, 18], [31, 281, 7, 18], [], [8, 315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [], [8, 348, 1264, 48], [8, 348, 1264, 38], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 366, 1264, 20], [8, 371, 59, 14], [13, 369, 13, 13], [], [32, 371, 35, 14], [], [67, 371, 49, 14], [72, 369, 13, 13], [], [91, 371, 25, 14], [], [], [8, 386, 1264, 0], [8, 386, 0, 0], [], [8, 406, 1264, 0], [8, 406, 205, 21], [], [217, 406, 205, 21], [], [8, 406, 1264, 235], [8, 406, 1264, 220], [4, 4, 1255, 48], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 9, 177, 42], [0, 0, 175, 40], [], [189, 9, 164, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [4, 51, 1255, 118], [28, 87, 1206, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [50, 87, 7, 21], [50, 87, 7, 21], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 21], [68, 87, 224, 20], [], [], [68, 108, 1166, 27], [67, 107, 1, 1], [68, 108, 262, 27], [], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 0, 0], [], [4, 187, 1255, 0], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 86, 27], [], [], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [59, 657, 0, 0], [], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 0], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 727, 106, 17], [124, 727, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 795, 1264, 36], [], [504, 795, 176, 17], [504, 795, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 881, 1264, 18], [], [8, 915, 1264, 18], [8, 915, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 983, 1264, 18], [], [753, 983, 121, 17], [753, 983, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155, 1264, 17], [8, 1155, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1155, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1155, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1198], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], 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48], [0, 0, 1166, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1166, 27], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1166, 0], [0, 0, 1166, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1255, 0], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 82, 23], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1198], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 891], [0, 0, 1264, 891], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 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1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 74, 80, 85, 87, 90, 92, 99, 117, 120, 125, 129, 144, 155, 155, 155, 156, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 185, 186, 186, 189, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, 200, 200, 201, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 212], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 17], [8, 690.78125, 1197.390625, 17], [8, 708.78125, 74.234375, 17], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 982.78125, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "94ecd908-e703-4b56", "", "line-height: 17px;", "4249c3a9-3985-46a2", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "97972877-b220-47d1", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "98c56cb5-2b00-43af", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "1c5b8511-fbb8-485e", "", "Complaint Policy", "2a512628-cca8-4aa6", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "eb7d123a-6ae5-4951", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "22dcc2e0-4da5-4eb0", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "4779eb1c-49e3-4f00", "", "/Quote/Static/", "7959e145-8196-40f6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5eb403f8-deaf-4d13", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "3d38344a-71d5-4a31", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0554471f-ea6e-43e6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f4ac4a2f-1259-4718", "", "/Quote/Static/", "07b30fb8-9483-4589", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "4072de1a-f86d-42e2", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step2JS?v=8hJ5_mXyq8hc9382Ff7AyvhDY119DLmtV50LGlGZx_k1", "7c0620af-dfbe-4ff6", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "c888d5b0-a2c3-473b", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "c835775a-8633-4028", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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209, 583, 7, 584], [586, 587, 588, 563, 589, 497, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 600, 601, 48, 495, 369, -1, 209, 602, 603, 604, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 605], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 607], [], [209, 609, 7, 610], [], [209, 442, 443, 494, 444, 14, 7, 613], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 615, 562, 563, 185, 211, 7, 616], [], [209, 384, 7, 618], [], [209, 399, 7, 620], [], [406, 622, 209, 574, 7, 623], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 626], [], [209, 629, 630, 563, 132, 631, 30, 632, 7, 633], [369, -1, 7, 636], [], [], [369, 639, 7, 640], [], [], [369, 643, 7, 644], [], [], [369, 647, 7, 648], [], [], [369, 651, 7, 652], [], [], [369, 655, 7, 656], [], [], [369, 659, 7, 660], [], [], [369, 663, 7, 664], [], [], [369, 667, 7, 668], [], [], [671, 671, 369, 672, 7, 673], [], [], [369, 676, 7, 677], [], [], [369, 680, 7, 681], [], [], [369, 684, 7, 685], [], [], [369, 688, 7, 689], [], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 692], [], [209, 442, 443, 632, 444, 14, 7, 694], [], [], [], [], [], 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796, 48, 797, 798, 799, 7, 800], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 803, 209, 265, 7, 804], [], [209, 807, 7, 808], [], [185, 811, 209, 812, 80, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [], [], [209, 818, 7, 819], [], [209, 821, 7, 822], [], [209, 824, 7, 825], [], [132, 827, 7, 828], [], [7, 830], [], [7, 834], [], [50, 837, 273, 274, 7, 838], [7, 841], [], [], [], [7, 846], [], [7, 849], [], [50, 852, 273, 274, 7, 853], [7, 855], [], [], [7, 859], [], [7, 862], [], [7, 864], [], [7, 866], [], [], [7, 869], [], [7, 872], [], [], [7, 876], [], [7, 878], [], [7, 880], [], [50, 883, 273, 274, 7, 884], [7, 886], [], [], [50, 890, 273, 274, 7, 891], [7, 893], [], [], [7, 897], [], [209, 899, 7, 900], [], [7, 902], [], [7, 905], [], [50, 837, 273, 274, 908, 909, 798, 909, 7, 910], [7, 912], [], [], [7, 915], [], [209, 899, 185, 917, 7, 918], [], [50, 920, 273, 274, 908, 921, 798, 921, 7, 922], [], [], [50, 925, 273, 274, 798, 926, 7, 927], [], [], [50, 929, 273, 274, 7, 930], [], [], [7, 933], [], 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7, 1030], [209, 1007, 7, 1032], [209, 1010, 7, 1034], [], [132, 1020, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1040], [], [132, 1042, 185, 696, 7, 1043], [], [908, 1045, 80, 1046, 7, 1047], [], [], [132, 1050, 7, 1051], [], [353, 1054, 132, 1055, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 1056], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 1058], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 1060], [496, 1062, 364, 14, 365, 1063, 132, 1064, 30, 1064, 48, 368, 369, 1065, 7, 1066], [496, 1068, 364, 14, 365, 1069, 132, 1070, 30, 1070, 48, 368, 369, 1065, 7, 1071], [496, 1073, 364, 14, 365, 1074, 132, 1075, 30, 1075, 48, 368, 369, 1065, 7, 1076], [364, 14, 365, 1078, 132, 1079, 30, 1079, 48, 368, 369, 1080, 7, 1081], [], [185, 1083, 7, 1084], [], [], [132, 1087, 7, 1088], [], [7, 1090], [], [7, 1092], [], [406, 1094, 7, 1095], [], [], [], [7, 1099], [], [406, 1101, 7, 1102], [], [], [], [7, 1105], [], [406, 462, 7, 1107], [], [], [], [7, 1110], [], [406, 1112, 7, 1113], [], [], [], [], [7, 1115], [], [7, 1117], [], [406, 1119, 7, 1120], [], [], [1123, 1124, 364, 14, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 365, 1129, 132, 1119, 30, 1119, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 1130], [], [185, 1132, 7, 1133], [], [209, 442, 443, 1119, 444, 14, 185, 1135, 7, 1136], [], [], [], [7, 1138], [], [406, 1140, 7, 1141], [], [], [1123, 1144, 364, 14, 1125, 1145, 1127, 1128, 365, 1146, 132, 1140, 30, 1140, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 1147], [], [185, 1132, 7, 1149], [], [209, 442, 443, 1140, 444, 14, 185, 1135, 7, 1151], [], [], [], [7, 1153], [], [406, 1155, 7, 1156], [], [], [1123, 1159, 364, 14, 1125, 1160, 1127, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 365, 1166, 132, 1155, 30, 1155, 48, 495, 369, 1167, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1168], [], [185, 1132, 7, 1170], [], [209, 442, 443, 1155, 444, 14, 185, 1135, 7, 1172], [], [], [], [7, 1174], [], [406, 1176, 7, 1177], [], [], [209, 1180, 364, 14, 365, 1181, 132, 1176, 30, 1176, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1182], [], [185, 1132, 7, 1184], [], [209, 442, 443, 1176, 444, 14, 185, 1135, 7, 1186], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1189], [209, 1191, 7, 1192], [48, 730, 209, 1194, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1195], [209, 1010, 7, 1197], [], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1200], [209, 1010, 7, 1202], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205, 7, 1206], [209, 1208, 185, 1205, 7, 1209], [209, 1211, 185, 1205, 7, 1212], [209, 1214, 185, 1205, 7, 1215], [209, 1217, 185, 1205, 7, 1218], [209, 1220, 185, 1205, 7, 1221], [209, 1223, 185, 1205, 7, 1224], [209, 1226, 185, 1205, 7, 1227], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1229, 528, 1230, 185, 1022, 7, 1231], [209, 996, 7, 1233], [132, 1230, 209, 999, 7, 1235], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1238], [209, 1007, 7, 1240], [209, 1010, 7, 1242], [], [132, 1229, 1036, 1244, 1038, 1245, 1246, 1247, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1248], [], [132, 1250, 7, 1251], [], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1254], [209, 1191, 7, 1256], [48, 730, 209, 1258, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1259], [209, 1010, 7, 1261], [], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1263], [209, 1010, 7, 1265], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205, 7, 1267], [209, 1208, 185, 1205, 7, 1269], [209, 1211, 185, 1205, 7, 1271], [209, 1214, 185, 1205, 7, 1273], [209, 1217, 185, 1205, 7, 1275], [209, 1220, 185, 1205, 7, 1277], [209, 1223, 185, 1205, 7, 1279], [209, 1226, 185, 1205, 7, 1281], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1283, 528, 1284, 185, 1022, 7, 1285], [209, 996, 7, 1287], [132, 1284, 209, 999, 7, 1289], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1292], [209, 1007, 7, 1294], [209, 1010, 7, 1296], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1298], [209, 1191, 7, 1300], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1303], [209, 1010, 7, 1305], [], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1308], [209, 1010, 7, 1310], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205, 7, 1313], [209, 1208, 185, 1205, 7, 1315], [209, 1211, 185, 1205, 7, 1317], [209, 1214, 185, 1205, 7, 1319], [209, 1217, 185, 1205, 7, 1321], [209, 1220, 185, 1205, 7, 1323], [209, 1223, 185, 1205, 7, 1325], [209, 1226, 185, 1205, 7, 1327], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1329, 528, 1330, 185, 1022, 7, 1331], [209, 996, 7, 1333], [132, 1330, 209, 999, 7, 1335], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1338], [209, 1007, 7, 1340], [209, 1010, 7, 1342], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1344], [209, 1191, 7, 1346], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1348], [209, 1010, 7, 1350], [], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1352], [209, 1010, 7, 1354], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205, 7, 1356], [209, 1208, 185, 1205, 7, 1358], [209, 1211, 185, 1205, 7, 1360], [209, 1214, 185, 1205, 7, 1362], [209, 1217, 185, 1205, 7, 1364], [209, 1220, 185, 1205, 7, 1366], [209, 1223, 185, 1205, 7, 1368], [209, 1226, 185, 1205, 7, 1370], [209, 1372, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1373, 528, 1374, 185, 696, 7, 1375], [209, 996, 7, 1377], [132, 1374, 209, 999, 7, 1379], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1382], [209, 1007, 7, 1384], [209, 1010, 7, 1386], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1388], [209, 1191, 7, 1390], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1392], [209, 1010, 7, 1394], [], [209, 1372, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1396, 528, 1397, 185, 696, 7, 1398], [209, 996, 7, 1400], [132, 1397, 209, 999, 7, 1402], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1404], [209, 1007, 7, 1406], [209, 1010, 7, 1408], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1410], [209, 1191, 7, 1412], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1414], [209, 1010, 7, 1416], [], [185, 1418, 7, 1419], [], [48, 87, 7, 1421], [], [], [185, 1418, 7, 1424], [7, 1426], [], [185, 1418, 7, 1429], [], [48, 87, 7, 1431], [], [], [524, 536, 553, 14, 516, 535, 798, 1434, 30, 1435, 132, 1435, 80, 1436, 185, 1437, 7, 1438], [132, 1440, 80, 1441, 7, 1442], [185, 1445, 7, 1446], [1448, 1449, 185, 1450, 7, 1451], [185, 1453, 7, 1454], [46, 55, 50, 1456, 7, 1457], [185, 1450, 7, 1459], [185, 1453, 7, 1461], [46, 55, 50, 1456, 7, 1463], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1283, 528, 986, 185, 1022], [209, 996], [132, 986, 209, 999], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004], [209, 1007], [209, 1010], [], [132, 1283, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1465], [], [353, 1468, 132, 1469, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 1470], [], [209, 1472, 7, 1473], [], [209, 1476, 7, 1477], [], [7, 1480], [], [7, 1482], [], [209, 402, 7, 1484], [209, 1486, 7, 1487], [], [406, 1490, 7, 1491], [], [], [209, 492, 364, 14, 1125, 1494, 1127, 1128, 365, 1495, 132, 1490, 30, 1490, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1496], [], [209, 442, 443, 1490, 444, 14, 7, 1498], [], [], [7, 1500], [], [209, 402, 7, 1502], [209, 1486, 7, 1504], [], [406, 1506, 7, 1507], [], [], [364, 14, 1125, 1160, 1127, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 365, 1166, 132, 1506, 30, 1506, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1510], [], [209, 442, 443, 1506, 444, 14, 7, 1512], [], [], [7, 1514], [], [209, 402, 7, 1516], [209, 1486, 7, 1518], [], [406, 1520, 7, 1521], [], [], [7, 1524], [], [1527, 761, 364, 14, 365, 1528, 132, 1520, 30, 1520, 1529, 750, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1530], [], [209, 442, 443, 1520, 444, 14, 7, 1532], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1534], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 1536], [], [132, 1158, 30, 1158, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 1538], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 1188], [209, 1191], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205], [209, 1208, 185, 1205], [209, 1211, 185, 1205], [209, 1214, 185, 1205], [209, 1217, 185, 1205], [209, 1220, 185, 1205], [209, 1223, 185, 1205], [209, 1226, 185, 1205], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1329, 528, 993, 185, 1022], [209, 996], [132, 993, 209, 999], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004], [209, 1007], [209, 1010], [], [132, 1329, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1540], [], [132, 1543, 353, 1544, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 1545], [], [48, 368, 132, 1547, 30, 1547, 369, 14, 7, 1548], [], [7, 1550], [], [7, 1552], [], [406, 1554, 7, 1555], [], [], [48, 495, 132, 1554, 30, 1558, 365, 1129, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1559], [], [185, 1561, 7, 1562], [], [209, 442, 443, 1558, 444, 14, 7, 1564], [], [], [], [7, 1567], [], [406, 1569, 7, 1570], [], [], [132, 1569, 365, 1181, 30, 1176, 48, 1573, 209, 1180, 7, 1574], [], [185, 1561, 7, 1576], [], [209, 442, 443, 1176, 444, 14, 7, 1578], [], [], [], [7, 1580], [], [406, 1582, 7, 1583], [], [], [209, 629, 132, 1582, 30, 1587, 185, -1, 7, 1588], [369, 1590, 7, 1591], [], [], [369, 1593, 7, 1594], [], [], [369, 1596, 7, 1597], [], [], [369, 1599, 7, 1600], [], [], [369, 1602, 7, 1603], [], [], [369, 1605, 7, 1606], [], [], [], [], [7, 1609], [], [406, 1611, 7, 1612], [], [], [132, 1611, 30, 1615, 1529, 1616, 1527, 1128, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1617], [], [], [], [], [209, 1188], [209, 1191], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205], [209, 1208, 185, 1205], [209, 1211, 185, 1205], [209, 1214, 185, 1205], [209, 1217, 185, 1205], [209, 1220, 185, 1205], [209, 1223, 185, 1205], [209, 1226, 185, 1205], [209, 1372, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1373, 528, 1021, 185, 696], [209, 996], [132, 1021, 209, 999], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004], [209, 1007], [209, 1010], [], [132, 1373, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1619], [], [132, 1621, 7, 1622], [], [209, 1188], [209, 1191], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [209, 1372, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1396, 528, 1230, 185, 696], [209, 996], [132, 1230, 209, 999], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004], [209, 1007], [209, 1010], [], [132, 1396, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1624], [], [132, 1626, 7, 1627], [], [], [209, 1188], [209, 1191], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [185, 1418], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 1418], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 1418], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [924, 1028], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [190, 191, 222, 227, 239, 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0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 48], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 38], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 365.8125, 1264, 20], [8, 370.8125, 59.328125, 14], [13, 368.8125, 13, 13], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [67.328125, 370.8125, 48.65625, 14], [72.328125, 368.8125, 13, 13], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 385.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 385.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 405.8125, 205, 21], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 234, 230, -1, 239, 240, -1, 243, -1, 247, 226, -1, -1, 254, -1, -1, 260, 262, 222, -1, -1, 271, 226, -1, 230, -1, 279, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 289, -1, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 304, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, 319, -1, -1, 317, 323, -1, -1, 317, 326, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 393, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 410, 289, -1, -1, -1, 426, -1, 429, -1, -1, 426, -1, 439, 230, -1, -1, 230, -1, -1, 226, -1, 222, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 539, -1, -1, 549, 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315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [], [8, 348, 1264, 48], [8, 348, 1264, 38], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 366, 1264, 20], [8, 371, 59, 14], [13, 369, 13, 13], [], [32, 371, 35, 14], [], [67, 371, 49, 14], [72, 369, 13, 13], [], [91, 371, 25, 14], [], [], [8, 386, 1264, 0], [8, 386, 0, 0], [], [8, 406, 1264, 0], [8, 406, 205, 21], [], [217, 406, 205, 21], [], [8, 406, 1264, 235], [8, 406, 1264, 220], [4, 4, 1255, 48], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 9, 177, 42], [0, 0, 175, 40], [], [189, 9, 164, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [4, 51, 1255, 118], [28, 87, 1206, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [50, 87, 7, 21], [50, 87, 7, 21], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 21], [68, 87, 224, 20], [], [], [68, 108, 1166, 27], [67, 107, 1, 1], [68, 108, 262, 27], [], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 0, 0], [], [4, 187, 1255, 0], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 86, 27], [], [], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [59, 657, 0, 0], [], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 0], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 727, 106, 17], [124, 727, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 795, 1264, 36], [], [504, 795, 176, 17], [504, 795, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 881, 1264, 18], [], [8, 915, 1264, 18], [8, 915, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 983, 1264, 18], [], [753, 983, 121, 17], [753, 983, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155, 1264, 17], [8, 1155, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1155, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1155, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1198], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 891], [0, 0, 1264, 891], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 48], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 235], [0, 0, 1262, 218], [0, 0, 1253, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 175, 41], [0, 0, 175, 40], [], [0, 0, 162, 40], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 118], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1166, 48], [0, 0, 7, 21], [0, 0, 7, 21], [0, 0, 1166, 48], [0, 0, 1166, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1166, 27], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1166, 0], [0, 0, 1166, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1255, 0], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 82, 23], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1198], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 891], [0, 0, 1264, 891], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 48], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 235], [1, 1, 1262, 218], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 175, 41], [0, 0, 175, 40], [], [1, 1, 162, 40], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 118], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1166, 48], [0, 0, 7, 21], [0, 0, 7, 21], [0, 0, 1166, 48], [0, 0, 1166, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1166, 27], [0, 0, 1, 1], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1166, 0], [0, 0, 1166, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1255, 0], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [0, 0, 1255, 27], [2, 2, 82, 23], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 74, 80, 85, 87, 90, 92, 99, 117, 120, 125, 129, 144, 155, 155, 155, 156, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 185, 186, 186, 189, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, 200, 200, 201, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 212], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 17], [8, 690.78125, 1197.390625, 17], [8, 708.78125, 74.234375, 17], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 982.78125, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 1068.78125, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 1068.78125, 284.796875, 17], [8, 1086.78125, 345.28125, 17], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "94ecd908-e703-4b56", "", "line-height: 17px;", "4249c3a9-3985-46a2", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "97972877-b220-47d1", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "98c56cb5-2b00-43af", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "1c5b8511-fbb8-485e", "", "Complaint Policy", "2a512628-cca8-4aa6", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "eb7d123a-6ae5-4951", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "22dcc2e0-4da5-4eb0", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "4779eb1c-49e3-4f00", "", "/Quote/Static/", "7959e145-8196-40f6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5eb403f8-deaf-4d13", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "3d38344a-71d5-4a31", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0554471f-ea6e-43e6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f4ac4a2f-1259-4718", "", "/Quote/Static/", "07b30fb8-9483-4589", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "4072de1a-f86d-42e2", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step2JS?v=8hJ5_mXyq8hc9382Ff7AyvhDY119DLmtV50LGlGZx_k1", "7c0620af-dfbe-4ff6", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "c888d5b0-a2c3-473b", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "c835775a-8633-4028", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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c(){L.unbind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function u(e){e.firstParty=!0,e.origin=location.origin||location.protocol+\"//\"+location.host,p(e)}function p(e){x?g(e):f(e)}function g(e,t){var n,r;e&&e.data&&(n=h(e.data)),\"object\"==typeof n&&null!==n&&(n=d(n),r=N.isSelectStorageRequest(n),(n.key||n.keys||r)&&(n.origin=e.origin,n.source=e.source,n.domain=lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(e.origin,!1),n.firstParty=e.firstParty,D.hasValidStorageSelected(n.app)?r||(n.site&&(n.value||n.ttl)?T(n):y(n)):r?b(n,t):k(n,{error:\"no storage selected for the app \"+n.app+\", call 'configure' with the same app before\"})))}function f(e){U.push(e)}function d(e){var t;return e.keys&&Array.isArray(e.keys)?(t=e.keys.filter(function(e){return\"string\"==typeof e&&e!==M}),e.keys=t.length>0?t:null):e.key&&(e.key=\"string\"==typeof e.key&&e.key!==M?e.key:null),e}function m(e,t){var n;j[t.app]=t.storage&&t.storage.name,n={key:M,appName:\"secureStorage\",app:t.app||e.app,id:e.id,url:I,src:null,firstParty:e.firstParty},j[t.app]!==D.noStorageType.name?n.value=j[t.app]:n.error=z.STORAGE,C(n),P(\"Notify Key: \"+M+\" Value: \"+t.storage.name)}function h(e){var t;try{t=decodeURIComponent(e),t=JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}return t}function y(e){var t;A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&(t=v(e),O.getItems(t,e,k.bind(this,e)))}function v(e){return e.key?\"\"+e.site+e.key:e.keys.map(function(t){return\"\"+e.site+t})}function b(e,t){D.selectStorage(e.initialStorageType,e.force,e.app,w.bind(this,e,t))}function w(e,t,n){t&&t(n),m(e,n)}function T(e){A[\"\"+e.site]=e.site,O&&O.setItem(\"\"+e.site+e.key,e,k.bind(this,e))}function k(e,t){var n={appName:e.appName,url:e.origin,src:e.source,id:e.id,firstParty:e.firstParty};t&&t.error?n.error=t.error:n.value=N.isSetRequest(e)||N.isTouchRequest(e)?e.value:t,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),C(n)}function S(e){var t,n={appName:e.appName};return e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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9, 164], [], [59, 80, 82, 166, 9, 167], [], [59, 80, 82, 169, 9, 170], [], [59, 80, 82, 172, 9, 173], [], [59, 80, 82, 175, 9, 176], [], [59, 80, 82, 178, 9, 179], [], [59, 80, 82, 181, 9, 182], [], [59, 80, 82, 184, 9, 185], [], [59, 80, 82, 187, 9, 188], [], [59, 80, 82, 190, 9, 191], [], [59, 80, 82, 193, 9, 194], [], [59, 80, 82, 196, 9, 197], [], [59, 80, 82, 199, 9, 200], [], [], [204, 205, 206, -1, 9, 207], [204, 210, 28, 211, 9, 212], [], [], [216, 217, 218, 219, 7, 220, 9, 221], [], [204, 224, 9, 225], [], [59, 228, 33, 229, 7, 229, 230, -1, 9, 231], [], [59, 228, 33, 233, 7, 233, 230, -1, 9, 234], [], [], [59, 80, 9, 236], [], [], [82, 240, 59, 80, 9, 241], [], [82, 243, 59, 80, 9, 244], [], [82, 246, 59, 80, 9, 247], [59, 228, 33, 249, 7, 249, 9, 250], [], [59, 80, 9, 252], [], [], [204, 255, 9, 256], [], [204, 258, 9, 259], [], [204, 262, 9, 263], [], [9, 267], [204, 269, 28, 219, 9, 270], [], [], [204, 273, 9, 274], [], [], [], [204, 279, 9, 280], [], [204, 282, 9, 283], 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429, 7, 430, 206, -1, 9, 431], [], [], [], [], [9, 435], [], [9, 437], [], [28, 324, 7, 439, 206, -1, 9, 440], [], [], [], [], [9, 442], [], [9, 444], [], [28, 446, 7, 447, 206, -1, 9, 448], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 394, 9, 452], [], [7, 454, 9, 455], [], [], [204, 401, 9, 457], [], [28, 459, 7, 460, 204, 461, 9, 462], [], [204, 411, 9, 465], [], [204, 415, 9, 467], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 469], [], [9, 471], [], [9, 473], [], [28, 475, 7, 476, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 477], [], [204, 411, 9, 480], [], [204, 415, 9, 482], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 485], [], [9, 488], [28, 490, 7, 491, 206, -1, 9, 492], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 496], [], [9, 498], [], [28, 500, 7, 501, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 502], [], [204, 411, 9, 505], [], [204, 415, 9, 507], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 509], [], [9, 511], [28, 513, 7, 514, 206, -1, 9, 515], [], [], [9, 518], [28, 520, 7, 521, 206, -1, 9, 522], [], [], [9, 525], [28, 527, 7, 528, 206, -1, 9, 529], [], [], [9, 532], [28, 534, 7, 535, 206, -1, 9, 536], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 539], [], [9, 541], [], [28, 543, 7, 544, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 545], [], [204, 411, 9, 548], [], [204, 415, 9, 550], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 552], [], [9, 554], [28, 556, 7, 557, 206, -1, 9, 558], [], [], [9, 561], [28, 563, 7, 564, 206, -1, 9, 565], [], [], [9, 568], [28, 570, 7, 571, 206, -1, 9, 572], [], [], [9, 575], [28, 577, 7, 578, 206, -1, 9, 579], [], [], [9, 582], [28, 584, 7, 585, 206, -1, 9, 586], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 589], [], [9, 591], [], [28, 593, 7, 594, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 595], [], [204, 411, 9, 598], [], [204, 415, 9, 600], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 602], [], [9, 604], [28, 606, 7, 607, 206, -1, 9, 608], [], [], [9, 611], [28, 613, 7, 614, 206, -1, 9, 615], [], [], [9, 618], [28, 620, 7, 621, 206, -1, 9, 622], [], [], [9, 625], [28, 627, 7, 628, 206, -1, 9, 629], [], [], [9, 632], [28, 634, 7, 635, 206, -1, 9, 636], [], [], [9, 639], [28, 641, 7, 642, 206, -1, 9, 643], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 646], [], [9, 648], [], [28, 650, 7, 651, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 652], [], [204, 411, 9, 655], [], [204, 415, 9, 657], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 659], [], [9, 661], [28, 663, 7, 664, 206, -1, 9, 665], [], [], [9, 668], [28, 670, 7, 671, 206, -1, 9, 672], [], [], [9, 675], [28, 677, 7, 678, 206, -1, 9, 679], [], [], [9, 682], [28, 684, 7, 685, 206, -1, 9, 686], [], [], [9, 689], [28, 691, 7, 692, 206, -1, 9, 693], [], [], [9, 696], [28, 698, 7, 699, 206, -1, 9, 700], [], [], [9, 703], [28, 705, 7, 706, 206, -1, 9, 707], [], [], [9, 710], [28, 712, 7, 713, 206, -1, 9, 714], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 717], [], [9, 719], [], [28, 721, 7, 722, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 723], [], [204, 411, 9, 726], [], [204, 415, 9, 728], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 730], [], [9, 732], [28, 734, 7, 735, 206, -1, 9, 736], [], [], [9, 739], [28, 741, 7, 742, 206, -1, 9, 743], [], [], [9, 746], [28, 748, 7, 749, 206, -1, 9, 750], [], [], [9, 753], [28, 755, 7, 756, 206, -1, 9, 757], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 760], [], [9, 762], [], [28, 764, 7, 765, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 766], [], [204, 411, 9, 769], [], [204, 415, 9, 771], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 773], [], [9, 775], [28, 777, 7, 778, 206, -1, 9, 779], [], [], [9, 782], [28, 784, 7, 785, 206, -1, 9, 786], [], [], [9, 789], [28, 791, 7, 792, 206, -1, 9, 793], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 796], [], [9, 798], [], [28, 800, 7, 801, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 802], [], [204, 411, 9, 805], [], [204, 415, 9, 807], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 809], [], [9, 811], [28, 813, 7, 814, 206, -1, 9, 815], [], [], [9, 818], [28, 820, 7, 821, 206, -1, 9, 822], [], [], [9, 825], [28, 827, 7, 828, 206, -1, 9, 829], [], [], [9, 832], [28, 834, 7, 835, 206, -1, 9, 836], [], [], [9, 839], [28, 841, 7, 842, 206, -1, 9, 843], [], [], [9, 846], [28, 848, 7, 849, 206, -1, 9, 850], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 853], [], [9, 855], [], [28, 857, 7, 858, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 859], [], [204, 411, 9, 862], [], [204, 415, 9, 864], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 866], [], [9, 868], [28, 870, 7, 871, 206, -1, 9, 872], [], [], [9, 875], [28, 877, 7, 878, 206, -1, 9, 879], [], [], [9, 882], [28, 884, 7, 885, 206, -1, 9, 886], [], [], [9, 889], [28, 891, 7, 892, 206, -1, 9, 893], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 896], [], [9, 898], [], [28, 900, 7, 901, 206, -1, 9, 902], [], [], [], [], [9, 905], [], [9, 907], [], [28, 909, 7, 910, 206, -1, 9, 911], [], [], [], [], [9, 914], [], [9, 916], [], [28, 918, 7, 919, 206, -1, 9, 920], [], [], [], [], [9, 923], [], [9, 925], [], [28, 927, 7, 928, 206, -1, 9, 929], [], [], [], [], [9, 932], [], [9, 934], [], [28, 936, 7, 937, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 938], [], [204, 411, 9, 941], [], [204, 415, 9, 943], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 945], [], [9, 947], [28, 949, 7, 950, 206, -1, 9, 951], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 394, 9, 954], [], [7, 956, 9, 957], [], [], [204, 401, 9, 959], [], [28, 961, 7, 962, 204, 461, 9, 963], [], [204, 411, 9, 966], [], [204, 415, 9, 968], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 970], [], [9, 972], [], [9, 974], [], [28, 976, 7, 977, 206, -1, 9, 978], [], [], [], [], [9, 981], [], [9, 983], [], [28, 985, 7, 986, 206, -1, 9, 987], [], [], [], [], [9, 990], [], [9, 992], [], [28, 994, 7, 995, 206, -1, 9, 996], [], [], [], [], [9, 999], [], [9, 1001], [], [28, 1003, 7, 1004, 206, -1, 9, 1005], [], [], [], [], [9, 1008], [], [9, 1010], [], [28, 1012, 7, 1013, 206, -1, 9, 1014], [], [], [], [], [9, 1017], [], [9, 1019], [], [28, 1021, 7, 1022, 206, -1, 9, 1023], [], [], [], [], [9, 1026], [], [9, 1028], [], [28, 1030, 7, 1031, 206, -1, 9, 1032], [], [], [], [], [9, 1035], [], [9, 1037], [], [28, 1039, 7, 1040, 206, -1, 9, 1041], [], [], [], [], [9, 1044], [], [9, 1046], [], [28, 1048, 7, 1049, 206, -1, 9, 1050], [], [], [], [], [9, 1053], [], [9, 1055], [], [28, 1057, 7, 1058, 206, -1, 9, 1059], [], [], [], [], [9, 1062], [], [9, 1064], [], [28, 1066, 7, 1067, 206, -1, 9, 1068], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 394, 9, 1071], [], [7, 1073, 204, 1074, 9, 1075], [], [], [204, 401, 9, 1077], [], [28, 1079, 7, 1080, 204, 461, 9, 1081], [], [204, 411, 9, 1084], [], [204, 415, 9, 1086], [], [], [], [206, 1088, 9, 1089], [], [9, 1091], [], [], [9, 1094], [], [28, 1096, 7, 1097, 206, -1, 9, 1098], [], [], [], [], [9, 1101], [], [], [9, 1103], [], [28, 1105, 7, 1106, 206, -1, 204, 461, 9, 1107], [], [204, 411, 9, 1110], [], [204, 415, 9, 1112], [], [], [], [206, 420, 9, 1114], [], [9, 1116], [28, 1118, 7, 1119, 206, -1, 9, 1120], [], [], [9, 1123], [28, 1125, 7, 1126, 206, -1, 9, 1127], [], [], [9, 1130], [28, 1132, 7, 1133, 206, -1, 9, 1134], [], [], [9, 1137], [28, 1139, 7, 1140, 206, -1, 9, 1141], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 1144], [], [], [9, 1146], [], [28, 1148, 7, 1149, 206, -1, 9, 1150], [], [], [], [], [9, 1153], [], [], [9, 1155], [], [28, 1157, 7, 1158, 206, -1, 9, 1159], [], [], [], [], [9, 1162], [], [], [9, 1164], [], [28, 1166, 7, 1167, 206, -1, 9, 1168], [], [], [], [], [9, 1171], [], [], [9, 1173], [], [28, 1175, 7, 1176, 206, -1, 9, 1177], [], [], [], [], [9, 1180], [], [], [9, 1182], [], [28, 1184, 7, 1185, 206, -1, 9, 1186], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 394, 9, 1189], [], [7, 1191, 9, 1192], [], [], [204, 401, 9, 1194], [], [28, 1196, 7, 1197, 9, 1198], [], [], [], [], [204, 394, 9, 1202], [], [7, 1204, 204, 1205, 9, 1206], [], [], [204, 401, 9, 1208], [], [28, 1210, 7, 1211, 204, 1212, 9, 1213], [], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 1217, 9, 1218], [], [9, 1221], [204, 1223, 9, 1224], [], [], [], [204, 1223, 28, 1227, 9, 1228], [], [], [], [204, 273, 9, 1231], [], [], [], [], [204, 273, 9, 1234], [], [], [33, 1237, 9, 1238], [], [204, 1240, 9, 1241], [], [7, 1244, 204, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 16, 1259, 1260, 206, 1261, 9, 1262], [204, 1264, 206, 1265, 1266, 1267, 9, 1268], [204, 1270, 28, 1271, 1272, 1273, 206, 1274, 9, 1275], [204, 1277, 206, 1274, 9, 1278], [204, 1280, 206, 1274, 9, 1281], [206, 1274, 9, 1284], [], [], [], [204, 1289, 9, 1290], [], [204, 1292, 9, 1293], [], [1295, 1296, 204, 1297, 9, 1298], [], [], [1295, 1300, 204, 1301, 9, 1302], [], [], [7, 1304, 9, 1305], [204, -1, 9, 1307], [], [204, -1, 9, 1310], [], [204, 1312, 9, 1313], [], [], [], [], [204, 1315, 206, 1316, 1266, 1267, 9, 1317], [204, 1270, 28, 1271, 1272, 1273, 9, 1319], [204, 1277, 9, 1321], [204, 1280, 9, 1323], [9, 1325], [], [], [204, 1315, 206, 1327, 1266, 1328, 9, 1329], [204, 1270, 28, 1331, 1272, 1332, 9, 1333], [204, 1277, 9, 1335], [204, 1280, 9, 1337], [9, 1339], [], [], [204, 1342, 206, 1343, 1266, 1344, 9, 1345], [204, 1270, 28, 1347, 1272, 1348, 9, 1349], [204, 1277, 9, 1351], [204, 1280, 9, 1353], [9, 1355], [], [], [], [33, 1358, 59, 228, 7, 1359, 204, 1360, 230, 1361, 9, 1362], [], [], [], [], [204, 1366, 9, 1367], [], [204, 1369, 9, 1370], [], [204, 1372, 206, 1373, 9, 1374], [], [204, 1376, 9, 1377], [], [204, 1376, 9, 1379], [], [28, 1381, 9, 1382], [9, 1385], [], [], [204, 1389, 9, 1390], [], [204, 1393, 9, 1394], [], [9, 1398], [], [], [9, 1402], [28, 1404, 7, 1405, 204, 1406, 33, 1407, 9, 1408], [], [], [9, 1411], [], [], [204, 1389, 9, 1415], [], [204, 1393, 9, 1417], [], [9, 1420], [], [], [9, 1422], [28, 1424, 7, 1425, 204, 1406, 33, 1426, 9, 1427], [], [], [9, 1430], [], [], [204, 1389, 9, 1432], [], [204, 1393, 9, 1434], [], [9, 1437], [], [], [9, 1439], [28, 1441, 7, 1442, 204, 1406, 33, 1443, 9, 1444], [], [], [9, 1447], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 1372, 206, 1373, 9, 1451], [], [204, 1376, 9, 1453], [], [9, 1455], [28, 1457, 9, 1458], [], [9, 1461], [], [], [], [204, 1389, 9, 1464], [], [9, 1466], [], [], [], [9, 1469], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1472], [], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1475], [], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1478], [], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1481], [], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1484], [], [], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1487], [9, 1490], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1493], [], [], [9, 1495], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1497], [], [9, 1499], [28, 1501, 9, 1502], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1505], [], [28, 1507, 9, 1508], [9, 1510], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1513], [], [28, 1515, 9, 1516], [9, 1518], [], [], [], [204, 1471, 9, 1521], [], [9, 1524], [28, 475, 9, 1526], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 1372, 206, 1373, 9, 1530], [], [204, 1376, 9, 1532], [], [9, 1534], [28, 1536, 297, 298, 9, 1537], [], [], [204, 1389, 9, 1540], [], [9, 1542], [], [], [], [204, 1545, 9, 1546], [28, 1536, 297, 298, 9, 1548], [1551, 1552, 82, 1553, 206, 1554, 9, 1555], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 1558, 9, 1559], [], [204, 1369, 9, 1561], [], [204, 1563, 9, 1564], [], [204, 1566, 9, 1567], [], [9, 1569], [28, 1571, 9, 1572], [], [], [204, 1574, 9, 1575], [], [204, 1577, 9, 1578], [28, 1580, 9, 1581], [1551, 1583, 82, 1584, 206, 1585, 9, 1586], [], [204, 1588, 9, 1589], [], [9, 1591], [], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 1563, 9, 1593], [], [7, 1595, 204, 1596, 9, 1597], [], [204, 1600, 9, 1601], [], [204, 1566, 9, 1603], [], [9, 1606], [28, 1210, 9, 1608], [], [], [204, 1574, 9, 1611], [], [204, 1577, 9, 1614], [], [7, 1617, 9, 1618], [], [204, 1621, 9, 1622], [], [9, 1624], [28, 1626, 7, 1627, 9, 1628], [], [], [9, 1632], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 1637], [28, 1639, 9, 1640], [1551, 1642, 82, 1643, 206, 1644, 9, 1645], [], [], [], [], [204, 1648, 9, 1649], [], [204, 1369, 9, 1651], [], [204, 1653, 9, 1654], [], [206, 1657, 9, 1658], [], [204, 1661, 9, 1662], [28, 1664, 204, 1665, 9, 1666], [], [], [204, 273, 9, 1669], [], [204, 1671, 9, 1672], [204, 1674, 9, 1675], [28, 1677, 297, 298, 9, 1678], [1551, 1680, 82, 1681, 206, 1682, 9, 1683], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1685], [28, 1687, 297, 298, 9, 1688], [1551, 1690, 82, 1691, 206, 1692, 9, 1693], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1695], [28, 1697, 297, 298, 9, 1698], [1551, 1700, 82, 1701, 206, 1702, 9, 1703], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1705], [28, 1707, 297, 298, 9, 1708], [1551, 1710, 82, 1711, 206, 1712, 9, 1713], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1715], [1551, 1717, 82, 1718, 206, 1719, 9, 1720], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1722], [28, 1724, 9, 1725], [1551, 1727, 82, 1728, 206, 1729, 9, 1730], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1732], [28, 1734, 9, 1735], [1551, 1737, 82, 1738, 206, 1739, 9, 1740], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1742], [28, 1744, 297, 298, 9, 1745], [1551, 1747, 82, 1748, 206, 1749, 9, 1750], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1752], [28, 1754, 297, 298, 9, 1755], [1551, 1757, 82, 1758, 206, 1759, 9, 1760], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1762], [28, 1764, 9, 1765], [1551, 1767, 82, 1768, 206, 1769, 9, 1770], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1772], [1551, 1774, 82, 1775, 206, 1776, 9, 1777], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1779], [28, 1781, 297, 298, 9, 1782], [1551, 1784, 82, 1785, 206, 1786, 9, 1787], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1789], [28, 1791, 297, 298, 9, 1792], [1551, 1794, 82, 1795, 206, 1796, 9, 1797], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1799], [28, 1801, 297, 298, 9, 1802], [1551, 1804, 82, 1805, 206, 1806, 9, 1807], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1809], [28, 1811, 297, 298, 9, 1812], [1551, 1814, 82, 1815, 206, 1816, 9, 1817], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1819], [28, 1821, 297, 298, 9, 1822], [1551, 1824, 82, 1825, 206, 1826, 9, 1827], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1829], [28, 1831, 9, 1832], [1551, 1834, 82, 1835, 206, 1836, 9, 1837], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1839], [28, 1841, 9, 1842], [1551, 1844, 82, 1845, 206, 1846, 9, 1847], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1849], [28, 1851, 9, 1852], [1551, 1854, 82, 1855, 206, 1856, 9, 1857], [], [204, 1674, 9, 1859], [28, 1861, 9, 1862], [1551, 1864, 82, 1865, 206, 1866, 9, 1867], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 1369, 9, 1869], [], [204, 1871, 9, 1872], [], [204, 1874, 9, 1875], [], [204, 1877, 9, 1878], [], [9, 1880], [1551, 272, 82, 1882, 9, 1883], [], [], [], [204, 1885, 9, 1886], [], [9, 1888], [], [], [], [], [206, 1891, 9, 1892], [], [9, 1894], [], [], [9, 1897], [], [28, 1900, 9, 1901], [], [], [9, 1904], [28, 324, 9, 1906], [], [], [], [9, 1908], [], [], [], [204, 1874, 9, 1911], [], [204, 1913, 9, 1914], [], [204, 1916, 9, 1917], [], [9, 1919], [28, 1921, 9, 1922], [], [], [9, 1925], [28, 1927, 9, 1928], [], [], [9, 1931], [28, 1933, 9, 1934], [], [], [9, 1937], [28, 1939, 9, 1940], [], [], [9, 1943], [28, 1945, 9, 1946], [], [], [9, 1949], [28, 1951, 9, 1952], [], [], [9, 1955], [28, 1957, 9, 1958], [], [], [], [9, 1961], [], [], [], [], [], [], [204, 1369, 9, 1965], [], [204, 1871, 9, 1967], [], [204, 1563, 9, 1969], [], [204, 1971, 9, 1972], [], [], [], [204, 1563, 9, 1975], [], [204, 1977, 9, 1978], [], [9, 1980], [9, 1983], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1990, 204, 1991, 9, 1992], [], [204, 1994, 9, 1995], [], [204, 1997, 1998, 1999, 9, 2000], [], [204, 415, 9, 2002], [], [], [], [], [204, 2004, 7, 2005, 9, 2006], [], [], [], [], [204, 224, 9, 2009], [], [59, 228, 33, 2011, 7, 2011, 230, 2012, 9, 2013], [], [59, 228, 33, 2015, 7, 2015, 230, 2016, 9, 2017], [], [9, 2019], [59, 228, 33, 2021, 7, 2021, 230, 2022, 9, 2023], [], [59, 80, 9, 2025], [], [], [206, 2030, 9, 2031], [2033, 2034, 206, 2035, 9, 2036], [206, 2038, 9, 2039], [24, 58, 28, 2041, 9, 2042], [206, 2035, 9, 2044], [206, 2038, 9, 2046], [24, 58, 28, 2041, 9, 2048]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [109, 111, 122, 186, 191, 980, 1431, 1433, 1436], "value": [-1, -1, -1, -1, 345, 1361, 2012, 2016, 2022]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, 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[8, 162, 4, 17], [8, 196, 1264, 18], [1154.140625, 196, 43.109375, 17], [1154.140625, 196, 43.109375, 17], [1197.25, 196, 3.203125, 17], [1197.25, 196, 3.203125, 17], [1200.453125, 196, 71.546875, 17], [1200.453125, 196, 71.546875, 17], [8, 230, 1264, 0], [8, 230, 1264, 0], [8, 230, 1264, 39], [8, 230, 43.53125, 17], [8, 230, 43.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 248, 1264, 21], [8, 248, 1264, 21], [8, 248, 205, 21], [213, 249, 4, 17], [217, 249, 11.5625, 17], [217, 249, 11.5625, 17], [228.5625, 249, 4, 17], [232.5625, 248, 58.234375, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 285, 1264, 151.203125], [8, 285, 1264, 151.203125], [8, 285, 1264, 117.203125], [8, 285, 1264, 117.203125], [48, 285, 1224, 0], [48, 285, 1224, 18], [31, 285, 7, 18], [31, 285, 7, 17], [48, 285, 1224, 18], [48, 285, 52, 17], [48, 285, 40, 17], [88, 285, 12, 17], [88, 285, 4, 17], [92, 285, 8, 17], [92, 285, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 303, 1224, 0], [48, 303, 1224, 18], [31, 303, 7, 18], [31, 303, 7, 17], [48, 303, 1224, 18], [48, 303, 96.40625, 17], [48, 303, 84.40625, 17], [132.40625, 303, 12, 17], [132.40625, 303, 4, 17], [136.40625, 303, 8, 17], [136.40625, 303, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 321, 1224, 0], [48, 321, 1224, 18], [31, 321, 7, 18], [31, 321, 7, 17], [48, 321, 1224, 18], [48, 321, 82.21875, 17], [48, 321, 70.21875, 17], [118.21875, 321, 12, 17], [118.21875, 321, 4, 17], [122.21875, 321, 8, 17], [122.21875, 321, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 339, 1224, 0], [48, 339, 1224, 27.203125], [31, 339, 7, 18], [31, 339, 7, 17], [48, 339, 1224, 27.203125], [48, 339, 86.21875, 17], [48, 339, 74.21875, 17], [122.21875, 339, 12, 17], [122.21875, 339, 4, 17], [126.21875, 339, 8, 17], [126.21875, 339, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 357, 1224, 9.203125], [88, 357, 1184, 18], [71, 357, 7, 18], [71, 357, 7, 17], [88, 357, 1184, 18], [88, 357, 96.890625, 17], [88, 357, 96.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [88, 375, 1184, 18], [71, 375, 7, 18], [71, 375, 7, 17], [88, 375, 1184, 18], [88, 375, 106.203125, 17], [88, 375, 94.203125, 17], [182.203125, 375, 12, 17], [182.203125, 375, 4, 17], [186.203125, 375, 8, 17], [186.203125, 375, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [88, 393, 1184, 18], [71, 393, 7, 18], [71, 393, 7, 17], [88, 393, 1184, 18], [88, 393, 203.046875, 17], [88, 393, 203.046875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [88, 411, 1184, 18], [71, 411, 7, 18], [71, 411, 7, 17], [88, 411, 1184, 18], [88, 411, 117.765625, 17], [88, 411, 117.765625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [88, 429, 1184, 18], [71, 429, 7, 18], [71, 429, 7, 17], [88, 429, 1184, 18], [88, 429, 185.296875, 17], [88, 429, 185.296875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [88, 447, 1184, 18], [71, 447, 7, 18], [71, 447, 7, 17], [88, 447, 1184, 18], [88, 447, 179.671875, 17], [88, 447, 179.671875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [88, 465, 1184, 18], [71, 465, 7, 18], [71, 465, 7, 17], [88, 465, 1184, 18], [88, 465, 122.34375, 17], [88, 465, 122.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 366.203125, 1224, 0], [48, 366.203125, 1224, 18], [31, 366.203125, 7, 18], [31, 366.203125, 7, 17], [48, 366.203125, 1224, 18], [48, 366.203125, 43.546875, 17], [48, 366.203125, 43.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 384.203125, 1224, 0], [48, 384.203125, 1224, 18], [31, 384.203125, 7, 18], [31, 384.203125, 7, 17], [48, 384.203125, 1224, 18], [48, 384.203125, 36.4375, 17], [48, 384.203125, 36.4375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 418.203125, 1264, 18], [8, 418.203125, 1264, 18], [8, 418.203125, 26.671875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 418.203125, 26.671875, 17], [8, 418.203125, 26.671875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 452.203125, 1264, 0], [8, 452.203125, 1264, 0], [8, 452.203125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 456.109375, 1264, 82.90625], [8, 456.109375, 1264, 82.90625], [8, 456.109375, 1264, 27], [8, 456.109375, 1264, 27], [8, 456.109375, 1264, 27], [8, 456.109375, 1264, 27], [8, 456.109375, 1264, 27], [8, 456.109375, 156.1875, 26], [8, 503.015625, 1264, 36], [8, 503.015625, 1264, 36], [8, 503.015625, 4, 17], [8, 503.015625, 4, 17], [12, 503.015625, 4, 17], [16, 503.015625, 4, 17], [16, 503.015625, 4, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 521.015625, 1264, 18], [8, 521.015625, 5.609375, 17], [8, 521.015625, 5.609375, 17], [13.609375, 521.015625, 5.609375, 17], [13.609375, 521.015625, 5.609375, 17], [19.21875, 521.015625, 5.609375, 17], [19.21875, 521.015625, 5.609375, 17], [8, 456.109375, 369.953125, 66.8125], [8, 476.015625, 369.953125, 27], [8, 476.015625, 369.953125, 27], [8, 476.015625, 369.953125, 27], [8, 476.015625, 369.953125, 27], [8, 476.015625, 369.953125, 26], [8, 557.734375, 1264, 1132.4375], [8, 557.734375, 1264, 1132.4375], [8, 557.734375, 1264, 365], [8, 557.734375, 1264, 255.046875], [8, 557.734375, 1264, 255.046875], [8, 557.734375, 1264, 22], [8, 557.734375, 1264, 22], [8, 557.734375, 140.8125, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 598.453125, 1264, 57.265625], [8, 598.453125, 1264, 18], [8, 598.453125, 262.171875, 17], [270.171875, 598.453125, 0, 17], [8, 637.71875, 1264, 18], [8, 637.71875, 274.046875, 17], [8, 637.71875, 274.046875, 17], [8, 676.984375, 1264, 0], [8, 676.984375, 1264, 57.265625], [8, 676.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 676.984375, 262.171875, 17], [270.171875, 676.984375, 0, 17], [8, 716.25, 1264, 18], [8, 716.25, 227.953125, 17], [8, 716.25, 227.953125, 17], [8, 755.515625, 1264, 0], [8, 755.515625, 1264, 57.265625], [8, 755.515625, 1264, 18], [8, 755.515625, 262.171875, 17], [270.171875, 755.515625, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 794.78125, 294.25, 17], [8, 794.78125, 294.25, 17], [8, 834.046875, 1264, 0], [8, 941.453125, 1264, 365], [8, 941.453125, 1264, 358.71875], [8, 941.453125, 1264, 44], [8, 941.453125, 154.75, 43], [8, 941.453125, 154.75, 21], [162.75, 941.453125, 0, 21], [8, 963.453125, 54.03125, 21], [62.03125, 963.453125, 4.6875, 21], [8, 1004.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 1004.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 1004.171875, 483.40625, 17], [8, 1038.171875, 1264, 90], [48, 1038.171875, 1224, 18], [31, 1038.171875, 7, 18], [31, 1038.171875, 7, 17], [48, 1038.171875, 215.953125, 17], [48, 1056.171875, 1224, 18], [31, 1056.171875, 7, 18], [31, 1056.171875, 7, 17], [48, 1056.171875, 209.65625, 17], [48, 1074.171875, 1224, 18], [31, 1074.171875, 7, 18], [31, 1074.171875, 7, 17], [48, 1074.171875, 111.984375, 17], [48, 1092.171875, 1224, 18], [31, 1092.171875, 7, 18], [31, 1092.171875, 7, 17], [48, 1092.171875, 217.25, 17], [48, 1110.171875, 1224, 18], [31, 1110.171875, 7, 18], [31, 1110.171875, 7, 17], [48, 1110.171875, 214.625, 17], [8, 1144.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 1144.171875, 153.359375, 17], [8, 1144.171875, 153.359375, 17], [8, 1178.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 1178.171875, 4, 17], [8, 1212.171875, 1264, 54], [48, 1212.171875, 1224, 18], [31, 1212.171875, 7, 18], [31, 1212.171875, 7, 17], [48, 1212.171875, 205.3125, 17], [48, 1212.171875, 205.3125, 17], [48, 1212.171875, 205.3125, 17], [48, 1230.171875, 1224, 18], [31, 1230.171875, 7, 18], [31, 1230.171875, 7, 17], [48, 1230.171875, 121.796875, 17], [48, 1230.171875, 121.796875, 17], [48, 1230.171875, 121.796875, 17], [48, 1248.171875, 1224, 18], [31, 1248.171875, 7, 18], [31, 1248.171875, 7, 17], [48, 1248.171875, 248.671875, 17], [48, 1248.171875, 248.671875, 17], [48, 1248.171875, 248.671875, 17], [8, 1282.171875, 1264, 18], [8, 1282.171875, 127.28125, 17], [135.28125, 1282.171875, 113.90625, 17], [135.28125, 1282.171875, 113.90625, 17], [135.28125, 1282.171875, 113.90625, 17], [249.1875, 1282.171875, 8, 17], [8, 1325.171875, 1264, 365], [8, 1325.171875, 1264, 202.71875], [8, 1325.171875, 1264, 22], [8, 1325.171875, 184.96875, 21], [8, 1325.171875, 184.96875, 21], [8, 1365.890625, 1264, 36], [8, 1365.890625, 1264, 36], [8, 1365.890625, 1233.5, 35], [8, 1417.890625, 1264, 110], [8, 1513.890625, 250, 17], [8, 1417.890625, 250, 110], [8, 1710.078125, 1264, 535.15625], [8, 1710.078125, 1264, 535.15625], [8, 1710.078125, 1264, 390.90625], [8, 1710.078125, 1264, 390.90625], [8, 1710.078125, 1264, 27], [8, 1710.078125, 165.984375, 26], [8, 1710.078125, 165.984375, 26], [8, 1756.984375, 1264, 344], [8, 1756.984375, 1264, 310], [8, 2052.984375, 240, 17], [8, 1756.984375, 240, 310], [8, 2082.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 2082.984375, 1264, 18], [8, 2082.984375, 4, 17], [8, 2120.890625, 1264, 124.34375], [8, 2120.890625, 1264, 124.34375], [8, 2120.890625, 1264, 124.34375], [8, 2120.890625, 1264, 124.34375], [8, 2120.890625, 1264, 27], [8, 2120.890625, 54.65625, 26], [8, 2120.890625, 54.65625, 26], [8, 2167.796875, 1264, 77.4375], [8, 2167.796875, 1264, 0], [8, 2167.796875, 0, 0], [8, 2186.515625, 1264, 58.71875], [8, 2186.515625, 1264, 22], [8, 2186.515625, 302.390625, 21], [8, 2186.515625, 302.390625, 21], [8, 2227.234375, 1264, 18], [8, 2227.234375, 873.5, 17], [8, 2261.234375, 1264, 0], [299, 2261.234375, 0, 0], [16, 2271.234375, 275, 118], [8, 2265.140625, 1264, 968.90625], [8, 2265.140625, 1264, 968.90625], [8, 2265.140625, 1264, 968.90625], [8, 2265.140625, 1264, 27], [299, 2265.140625, 282.59375, 26], [581.59375, 2265.140625, 169.34375, 26], [581.59375, 2265.140625, 169.34375, 26], [581.59375, 2265.140625, 169.34375, 26], [8, 2312.046875, 1264, 0], [8, 2312.046875, 1264, 922], [8, 2312.046875, 1264, 51], [299, 2349.046875, 70, 17], [299, 2312.046875, 70, 51], [8, 2363.046875, 1264, 53], [299, 2402.046875, 125, 17], [299, 2363.046875, 125, 53], [8, 2416.046875, 1264, 37], [8, 2439.046875, 100, 17], [8, 2416.046875, 100, 37], [8, 2453.046875, 1264, 19], [8, 2458.046875, 120, 17], [8, 2453.046875, 120, 19], [8, 2472.046875, 1264, 47], [8, 2472.046875, 115, 47], [8, 2519.046875, 1264, 80], [8, 2585.046875, 80, 17], [8, 2519.046875, 80, 80], [8, 2599.046875, 1264, 65], [8, 2650.046875, 57, 17], [8, 2599.046875, 57, 65], [8, 2664.046875, 1264, 55], [8, 2705.046875, 55, 17], [8, 2664.046875, 55, 55], [8, 2719.046875, 1264, 44], [8, 2749.046875, 120, 17], [8, 2719.046875, 120, 44], [8, 2763.046875, 1264, 26], [8, 2775.046875, 95, 17], [8, 2763.046875, 95, 26], [8, 2789.046875, 1264, 77], [8, 2789.046875, 110, 77], [8, 2866.046875, 1264, 49], [8, 2901.046875, 115, 17], [8, 2866.046875, 115, 49], [8, 2915.046875, 1264, 29], [8, 2930.046875, 100, 17], [8, 2915.046875, 100, 29], [8, 2944.046875, 1264, 28], [8, 2958.046875, 75, 17], [8, 2944.046875, 75, 28], [8, 2972.046875, 1264, 33], [8, 2991.046875, 110, 17], [8, 2972.046875, 110, 33], [8, 3005.046875, 1264, 40], [8, 3031.046875, 120, 17], [8, 3005.046875, 120, 40], [8, 3045.046875, 1264, 39], [8, 3070.046875, 120, 17], [8, 3045.046875, 120, 39], [8, 3084.046875, 1264, 41], [8, 3111.046875, 110, 17], [8, 3084.046875, 110, 41], [8, 3125.046875, 1264, 48], [8, 3159.046875, 200, 17], [8, 3125.046875, 200, 48], [8, 3173.046875, 1264, 61], [8, 3220.046875, 110, 17], [8, 3173.046875, 110, 61], [8, 3250.046875, 1264, 407.90625], [8, 3250.046875, 1264, 407.90625], [8, 3250.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 3250.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 3250.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 3250.046875, 270.3125, 18], [8, 3284.046875, 1264, 178.75], [8, 3284.046875, 1264, 18], [8, 3284.046875, 4, 17], [8, 3321.234375, 1264, 104.375], [8, 3321.234375, 1264, 22], [8, 3321.234375, 376.25, 21], [8, 3362.421875, 1264, 22], [8, 3362.421875, 55.953125, 21], [63.953125, 3362.421875, 121.234375, 21], [63.953125, 3362.421875, 121.234375, 21], [8, 3403.609375, 1264, 22], [8, 3403.609375, 85.8125, 21], [8, 3403.609375, 85.8125, 21], [8, 3444.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 3444.796875, 4, 17], [8, 3478.796875, 1264, 179.15625], [8, 3478.796875, 1264, 179.15625], [8, 3478.796875, 1264, 179.15625], [8, 3478.796875, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 3482.796875, 40.875, 17], [8, 3482.796875, 40.875, 17], [8, 3504.390625, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 3508.390625, 62.203125, 17], [8, 3508.390625, 62.203125, 17], [8, 3529.984375, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 3533.984375, 173.28125, 17], [8, 3533.984375, 173.28125, 17], [8, 3555.578125, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 3559.578125, 162.640625, 17], [8, 3559.578125, 162.640625, 17], [8, 3581.171875, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 3585.171875, 124.828125, 17], [8, 3585.171875, 124.828125, 17], [8, 3606.765625, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 3610.765625, 45.328125, 17], [8, 3610.765625, 45.328125, 17], [8, 3632.359375, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 3636.359375, 58.21875, 17], [8, 3636.359375, 58.21875, 17], [8, 3673.953125, 1264, 16], [8, 3673.953125, 1264, 16], [8, 3673.953125, 1264, 0], [8, 3673.953125, 1264, 0], [8, 3673.953125, 1264, 16], [8, 3673.953125, 1264, 16], [8, 3673.953125, 1264, 16], [8, 3673.953125, 255.296875, 15], [8, 3673.953125, 255.296875, 15], [8, 3705.953125, 1264, 18], [8, 3705.953125, 1264, 18], [8, 3705.953125, 1264, 18], [8, 3705.953125, 36.453125, 17], [8, 3705.953125, 36.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3723.953125, 1264, 0], [8, 3723.953125, 1264, 0], [8, 3723.953125, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, 214, 202, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, -1, 276, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 293, -1, 301, -1, -1, 293, -1, 308, -1, 276, -1, -1, 319, -1, 323, -1, 327, -1, -1, -1, -1, 345, 202, -1, -1, -1, 261, -1, 368, 261, -1, 378, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 293, -1, -1, 410, -1, 414, -1, 418, 414, 419, -1, -1, -1, 293, -1, -1, 464, -1, 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1224, 18], [48, 366, 44, 17], [], [], [48, 384, 1224, 0], [48, 384, 1224, 18], [31, 384, 7, 18], [31, 384, 7, 18], [48, 384, 1224, 18], [48, 384, 36, 17], [], [], [8, 418, 1264, 18], [8, 418, 1264, 18], [8, 418, 27, 17], [], [8, 418, 27, 17], [], [], [8, 452, 1264, 0], [8, 452, 1264, 0], [8, 452, 0, 0], [], [8, 456, 1264, 83], [8, 456, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 47, 1264, 36], [0, 47, 1264, 36], [0, 47, 4, 17], [], [], [8, 47, 4, 17], [], [], [0, 65, 1264, 18], [0, 65, 6, 17], [], [6, 65, 6, 17], [], [11, 65, 6, 17], [], [0, 0, 370, 67], [0, 0, 370, 27], [0, 20, 370, 27], [0, 20, 370, 27], [0, 20, 370, 27], [], [8, 558, 1264, 1132], [8, 558, 1264, 1132], [8, 558, 1264, 365], [8, 558, 1264, 255], [8, 558, 1264, 255], [8, 558, 1264, 22], [8, 558, 1264, 22], [], [], [8, 598, 1264, 57], [8, 598, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 638, 1264, 18], [8, 638, 274, 17], [], [8, 677, 1264, 0], [8, 677, 1264, 57], [8, 677, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716, 1264, 18], [8, 716, 228, 17], [], [8, 756, 1264, 0], [8, 756, 1264, 57], [8, 756, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 795, 1264, 18], [8, 795, 294, 17], [], [8, 834, 1264, 0], [8, 941, 1264, 365], [8, 941, 1264, 359], [8, 941, 1264, 44], [8, 941, 155, 43], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 1004, 1264, 18], [8, 1004, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1038, 1264, 90], [48, 1038, 1224, 18], [31, 1038, 7, 18], [31, 1038, 7, 18], [], [48, 1056, 1224, 18], [31, 1056, 7, 18], [31, 1056, 7, 18], [], [48, 1074, 1224, 18], [31, 1074, 7, 18], [31, 1074, 7, 18], [], [48, 1092, 1224, 18], [31, 1092, 7, 18], [31, 1092, 7, 18], [], [48, 1110, 1224, 18], [31, 1110, 7, 18], [31, 1110, 7, 18], [], [8, 1144, 1264, 18], [8, 1144, 153, 17], [], [8, 1178, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1212, 1264, 54], [48, 1212, 1224, 18], [31, 1212, 7, 18], [31, 1212, 7, 18], [48, 1212, 205, 17], [48, 1212, 205, 17], [], [48, 1230, 1224, 18], [31, 1230, 7, 18], [31, 1230, 7, 18], [48, 1230, 122, 17], [48, 1230, 122, 17], [], [48, 1248, 1224, 18], [31, 1248, 7, 18], [31, 1248, 7, 18], [48, 1248, 249, 17], [48, 1248, 249, 17], [], [8, 1282, 1264, 18], [], [135, 1282, 114, 17], [135, 1282, 114, 17], [], [], [8, 1325, 1264, 365], [8, 1325, 1264, 203], [8, 1325, 1264, 22], [8, 1325, 185, 21], [], [8, 1366, 1264, 36], [8, 1366, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1418, 1264, 110], [8, 1514, 250, 17], [8, 1418, 250, 110], [8, 1710, 1264, 535], [8, 1710, 1264, 535], [8, 1710, 1264, 391], [8, 1710, 1264, 391], [8, 1710, 1264, 27], [8, 1710, 166, 26], [], [8, 1757, 1264, 344], [8, 1757, 1264, 310], [8, 2053, 240, 17], [8, 1757, 240, 310], [8, 2083, 1264, 18], [8, 2083, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2121, 1264, 124], [8, 2121, 1264, 124], [8, 2121, 1264, 124], [8, 2121, 1264, 124], [8, 2121, 1264, 27], [8, 2121, 55, 26], [], [8, 2168, 1264, 77], [8, 2168, 1264, 0], [8, 2168, 0, 0], [8, 2187, 1264, 59], [8, 2187, 1264, 22], [8, 2187, 302, 21], [], [8, 2227, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2261, 1264, 0], [299, 2261, 0, 0], [16, 2271, 275, 118], [8, 2265, 1264, 969], [8, 2265, 1264, 969], [8, 2265, 1264, 969], [8, 2265, 1264, 27], [], [582, 2265, 169, 26], [582, 2265, 169, 26], [], [8, 2312, 1264, 0], [8, 2312, 1264, 922], [8, 2312, 1264, 51], [299, 2349, 70, 17], [299, 2312, 70, 51], [8, 2363, 1264, 53], [299, 2402, 125, 17], [299, 2363, 125, 53], [8, 2416, 1264, 37], [8, 2439, 100, 17], [8, 2416, 100, 37], [8, 2453, 1264, 19], [8, 2458, 120, 17], [8, 2453, 120, 19], [8, 2472, 1264, 47], [8, 2472, 115, 47], [8, 2519, 1264, 80], [8, 2585, 80, 17], [8, 2519, 80, 80], [8, 2599, 1264, 65], [8, 2650, 57, 17], [8, 2599, 57, 65], [8, 2664, 1264, 55], [8, 2705, 55, 17], [8, 2664, 55, 55], [8, 2719, 1264, 44], [8, 2749, 120, 17], [8, 2719, 120, 44], [8, 2763, 1264, 26], [8, 2775, 95, 17], [8, 2763, 95, 26], [8, 2789, 1264, 77], [8, 2789, 110, 77], [8, 2866, 1264, 49], [8, 2901, 115, 17], [8, 2866, 115, 49], [8, 2915, 1264, 29], [8, 2930, 100, 17], [8, 2915, 100, 29], [8, 2944, 1264, 28], [8, 2958, 75, 17], [8, 2944, 75, 28], [8, 2972, 1264, 33], [8, 2991, 110, 17], [8, 2972, 110, 33], [8, 3005, 1264, 40], [8, 3031, 120, 17], [8, 3005, 120, 40], [8, 3045, 1264, 39], [8, 3070, 120, 17], [8, 3045, 120, 39], [8, 3084, 1264, 41], [8, 3111, 110, 17], [8, 3084, 110, 41], [8, 3125, 1264, 48], [8, 3159, 200, 17], [8, 3125, 200, 48], [8, 3173, 1264, 61], [8, 3220, 110, 17], [8, 3173, 110, 61], [8, 3250, 1264, 408], [8, 3250, 1264, 408], [8, 3250, 1264, 18], [8, 3250, 1264, 18], [8, 3250, 1264, 18], [8, 3250, 270, 18], [8, 3284, 1264, 179], [8, 3284, 1264, 18], [], [8, 3321, 1264, 104], [8, 3321, 1264, 22], [], [8, 3362, 1264, 22], [], [64, 3362, 121, 21], [], [8, 3404, 1264, 22], [8, 3404, 86, 21], [], [8, 3445, 1264, 18], [], [8, 3479, 1264, 179], [8, 3479, 1264, 179], [8, 3479, 1264, 179], [8, 3479, 1264, 26], [8, 3483, 41, 17], [], [8, 3504, 1264, 26], [8, 3508, 62, 17], [], [8, 3530, 1264, 26], [8, 3534, 173, 17], [], [8, 3556, 1264, 26], [8, 3560, 163, 17], [], [8, 3581, 1264, 26], [8, 3585, 125, 17], [], [8, 3607, 1264, 26], [8, 3611, 45, 17], [], [8, 3632, 1264, 26], [8, 3636, 58, 17], [], [8, 3674, 1264, 16], [8, 3674, 1264, 16], [8, 3674, 1264, 0], [8, 3674, 1264, 0], [8, 3674, 1264, 16], [8, 3674, 1264, 16], [8, 3674, 1264, 16], [8, 3674, 255, 15], [], [8, 3706, 1264, 18], [8, 3706, 1264, 18], [8, 3706, 1264, 18], [8, 3706, 36, 17], [], [], [8, 3724, 1264, 0], [8, 3724, 1264, 0], [8, 3724, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3740], [0, 0, 1280, 3740], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 3682], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 394], [0, 0, 1264, 227], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 159], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 54, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 151], [0, 0, 1264, 151], [0, 0, 1264, 117], [0, 0, 1264, 117], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 27], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 126], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1184, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 370, 67], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 370, 27], [0, 0, 370, 27], [0, 0, 370, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 1132], [0, 0, 1264, 1132], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 255], [0, 0, 1264, 255], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 359], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 90], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 206], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 113], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 250, 110], [0, 0, 1264, 679], [0, 0, 1264, 679], [0, 0, 1264, 391], [0, 0, 1264, 391], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 344], [0, 0, 1264, 313], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 240, 310], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 268], [0, 0, 1264, 124], [0, 0, 1264, 124], [0, 0, 1264, 124], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 59], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 128], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 275, 118], [0, 0, 1264, 972], [0, 0, 1264, 972], [0, 0, 1264, 972], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 925], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 70, 51], [0, 0, 1264, 56], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 125, 53], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 100, 37], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 19], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 115, 47], [0, 0, 1264, 83], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 80, 80], [0, 0, 1264, 68], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 57, 65], [0, 0, 1264, 58], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 55, 55], [0, 0, 1264, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 44], [0, 0, 1264, 29], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 95, 26], [0, 0, 1264, 77], [0, 0, 110, 77], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 115, 49], [0, 0, 1264, 32], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 100, 29], [0, 0, 1264, 31], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 75, 28], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 110, 33], [0, 0, 1264, 43], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 40], [0, 0, 1264, 42], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 44], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 110, 41], [0, 0, 1264, 51], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 200, 48], [0, 0, 1264, 64], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 110, 61], [0, 0, 1264, 408], [0, 0, 1264, 408], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 270, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3740], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 3682], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 394], [0, 0, 1264, 227], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 159], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [2, 2, 54, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 151], [0, 0, 1264, 151], [0, 0, 1264, 117], [0, 0, 1264, 117], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], 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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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[], [209, 384, 7, 385], [], [209, 387, 7, 388], [], [185, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [185, 394, 7, 395], [], [209, 384, 7, 397], [], [209, 399, 7, 400], [], [209, 402, 7, 403], [], [406, 407, 7, 408], [], [], [], [], [209, 411, 185, 412, 7, 413], [], [209, 416, 7, 417], [419, 407, 364, 14, 365, 420, 132, 421, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 423, 7, 424], [], [406, 421, 7, 427], [], [209, 416, 7, 430], [432, 432, 419, 407, 132, 433, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 434, 7, 435], [], [406, 433, 7, 437], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 440], [], [209, 442, 443, 407, 444, 14, 7, 445], [], [], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 368, 369, 449, 7, 450], [], [364, 14, 365, 452, 132, 453, 30, 453, 48, 368, 369, 454, 7, 455], [], [364, 14, 365, 457, 132, 458, 30, 458, 48, 368, 369, 459, 7, 460], [], [132, 462, 30, 462, 48, 368, 369, 463, 7, 464], [], [364, 14, 466, 467, 365, 468, 132, 469, 30, 469, 48, 368, 369, 470, 7, 471], [], [364, 14, 466, 473, 365, 474, 132, 475, 30, 475, 48, 368, 369, 476, 7, 477], [], [364, 14, 466, 479, 365, 480, 132, 481, 30, 481, 48, 368, 369, 482, 7, 483], [], [132, 485, 30, 485, 48, 368, 369, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [185, 489, 7, 490], [], [209, 492, 132, 493, 30, 494, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 501], [], [209, 492, 132, 503, 30, 504, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 505, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 506], [], [], [209, 384, 185, 508, 7, 509], [], [132, 511, 209, 512, 7, 513], [], [209, 515, 516, 517, 7, 518], [], [], [], [209, 522, 516, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 14, 7, 531], [50, 533, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 529, 7, 537], [], [], [209, 540, 516, 523, 524, 536, 526, 541, 528, 542, 530, 499, 7, 543], [50, 545, 212, 546, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 542, 7, 547], [], [], [], [132, 527, 528, 529, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 14, 553, 499, 7, 554], [], [209, 557, 7, 558], [], [132, 561, 562, 563, 564, 499, 7, 565], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 568], [], [209, 399, 7, 571], [], [209, 574, 7, 575], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 578], [], [516, 580, 581, 582, 209, 583, 7, 584], [586, 587, 588, 563, 589, 497, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 600, 601, 48, 495, 369, -1, 209, 602, 603, 604, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 605], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 607], [], [209, 609, 7, 610], [], [209, 442, 443, 494, 444, 14, 7, 613], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 615, 562, 563, 185, 211, 7, 616], [], [209, 384, 7, 618], [], [209, 399, 7, 620], [], [406, 622, 209, 574, 7, 623], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 626], [], [209, 629, 630, 563, 132, 631, 30, 632, 7, 633], [369, -1, 7, 636], [], [], [369, 639, 7, 640], [], [], [369, 643, 7, 644], [], [], [369, 647, 7, 648], [], [], [369, 651, 7, 652], [], [], [369, 655, 7, 656], [], [], [369, 659, 7, 660], [], [], [369, 663, 7, 664], [], [], [369, 667, 7, 668], [], [], [671, 671, 369, 672, 7, 673], [], [], [369, 676, 7, 677], [], [], [369, 680, 7, 681], [], [], [369, 684, 7, 685], [], [], [369, 688, 7, 689], [], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 692], [], [209, 442, 443, 632, 444, 14, 7, 694], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 541, 528, 542, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 499, 553, 14, 185, 696, 7, 697], [], [209, 384, 7, 700], [], [132, 702, 185, 211, 7, 703], [], [209, 705, 7, 706], [], [7, 708], [], [], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 712], [], [209, 714, 7, 715], [], [406, 717, 7, 718], [], [], [], [209, 721, 7, 722], [], [48, 495, 132, 717, 185, 724, 369, 486, 725, -1, 7, 726], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 728], [], [48, 730, 132, 731, 185, 696, 369, 732, 212, 733, 7, 734], [], [], [], [7, 736], [], [209, 384, 7, 738], [], [209, 399, 7, 740], [], [406, 717, 7, 742], [], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 745], [], [132, 747, 209, 629, 7, 748], [], [369, 750, 7, 751], [], [], [369, 470, 7, 754], [], [], [369, 757, 7, 758], [], [], [369, 761, 7, 762], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 765, 185, 766, 7, 767], [185, 769, 7, 770], [185, 772, 7, 773], [], [], [], [496, 777, 364, 14, 365, 778, 132, 779, 30, 780, 48, 368, 369, 781, 7, 782], [], [7, 784], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 787], [], [209, 343, 7, 789], [], [209, 791, 7, 792], [], [209, 796, 48, 797, 798, 799, 7, 800], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 803, 209, 265, 7, 804], [], [209, 807, 7, 808], [], [185, 811, 209, 812, 80, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [], [], [209, 818, 7, 819], [], [209, 821, 7, 822], [], [209, 824, 7, 825], [], [132, 827, 7, 828], [], [7, 830], [], [7, 834], [], [50, 837, 273, 274, 7, 838], [7, 841], [], [], [], [7, 846], [], [7, 849], [], [50, 852, 273, 274, 7, 853], [7, 855], [], [], [7, 859], [], [7, 862], [], [7, 864], [], [7, 866], [], [], [7, 869], [], [7, 872], [], [], [7, 876], [], [7, 878], [], [7, 880], [], [50, 883, 273, 274, 7, 884], [7, 886], [], [], [50, 890, 273, 274, 7, 891], [7, 893], [], [], [7, 897], [], [209, 899, 7, 900], [], [7, 902], [], [7, 905], [], [50, 837, 273, 274, 908, 909, 798, 909, 7, 910], [7, 912], [], [], [7, 915], [], [209, 899, 185, 917, 7, 918], [], [50, 920, 273, 274, 908, 921, 798, 921, 7, 922], [], [], [50, 925, 273, 274, 798, 926, 7, 927], [], [], [50, 929, 273, 274, 7, 930], [], [], [7, 933], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 938, 48, 87, 7, 939], [], [80, 941, 48, 87, 7, 942], [], [80, 944, 48, 87, 7, 945], [], [80, 947, 48, 87, 7, 948], [], [80, 950, 48, 87, 7, 951], [], [80, 953, 48, 87, 7, 954], [], [80, 956, 48, 87, 7, 957], [], [80, 959, 48, 87, 7, 960], [], [80, 962, 48, 87, 7, 963], [], [80, 965, 7, 966], [], [80, 969, 7, 970], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 973], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 977], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 981], [], [], [209, 985, 132, 986, 524, 525, 185, 696, 7, 987], [209, 989, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 992, 528, 993, 185, 696, 7, 994], [209, 996, 7, 997], [132, 993, 209, 999, 7, 1000], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1005], [209, 1007, 7, 1008], [209, 1010, 7, 1011], [], [132, 992, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1014], [], [209, 1016, 7, 1017], [], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1020, 528, 1021, 185, 1022, 7, 1023], [209, 996, 7, 1025], [132, 1021, 209, 999, 7, 1027], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1030], [209, 1007, 7, 1032], [209, 1010, 7, 1034], [], [132, 1020, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1040], [], [132, 1042, 185, 696, 7, 1043], [], [908, 1045, 80, 1046, 7, 1047], [], [], [132, 1050, 7, 1051], [], [353, 1054, 132, 1055, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 1056], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 1058], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 1060], [496, 1062, 364, 14, 365, 1063, 132, 1064, 30, 1064, 48, 368, 369, 1065, 7, 1066], [496, 1068, 364, 14, 365, 1069, 132, 1070, 30, 1070, 48, 368, 369, 1065, 7, 1071], [496, 1073, 364, 14, 365, 1074, 132, 1075, 30, 1075, 48, 368, 369, 1065, 7, 1076], [364, 14, 365, 1078, 132, 1079, 30, 1079, 48, 368, 369, 1080, 7, 1081], [], [185, 1083, 7, 1084], [], [], [132, 1087, 7, 1088], [], [7, 1090], [], [7, 1092], [], [406, 1094, 7, 1095], [], [], [], [7, 1099], [], [406, 1101, 7, 1102], [], [], [], [7, 1105], [], [406, 462, 7, 1107], [], [], [], [7, 1110], [], [406, 1112, 7, 1113], [], [], [], [], [7, 1115], [], [7, 1117], [], [406, 1119, 7, 1120], [], [], [1123, 1124, 364, 14, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 365, 1129, 132, 1119, 30, 1119, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 1130], [], [185, 1132, 7, 1133], [], [209, 442, 443, 1119, 444, 14, 185, 1135, 7, 1136], [], [], [], [7, 1138], [], [406, 1140, 7, 1141], [], [], [1123, 1144, 364, 14, 1125, 1145, 1127, 1128, 365, 1146, 132, 1140, 30, 1140, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 1147], [], [185, 1132, 7, 1149], [], [209, 442, 443, 1140, 444, 14, 185, 1135, 7, 1151], [], [], [], [7, 1153], [], [406, 1155, 7, 1156], [], [], [1123, 1159, 364, 14, 1125, 1160, 1127, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 365, 1166, 132, 1155, 30, 1155, 48, 495, 369, 1167, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1168], [], [185, 1132, 7, 1170], [], [209, 442, 443, 1155, 444, 14, 185, 1135, 7, 1172], [], [], [], [7, 1174], [], [406, 1176, 7, 1177], [], [], [209, 1180, 364, 14, 365, 1181, 132, 1176, 30, 1176, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1182], [], [185, 1132, 7, 1184], [], [209, 442, 443, 1176, 444, 14, 185, 1135, 7, 1186], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1189], [209, 1191, 7, 1192], [48, 730, 209, 1194, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1195], [209, 1010, 7, 1197], [], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1200], [209, 1010, 7, 1202], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205, 7, 1206], [209, 1208, 185, 1205, 7, 1209], [209, 1211, 185, 1205, 7, 1212], [209, 1214, 185, 1205, 7, 1215], [209, 1217, 185, 1205, 7, 1218], [209, 1220, 185, 1205, 7, 1221], [209, 1223, 185, 1205, 7, 1224], [209, 1226, 185, 1205, 7, 1227], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1229, 528, 1230, 185, 1022, 7, 1231], [209, 996, 7, 1233], [132, 1230, 209, 999, 7, 1235], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1238], [209, 1007, 7, 1240], [209, 1010, 7, 1242], [], [132, 1229, 1036, 1244, 1038, 1245, 1246, 1247, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1248], [], [132, 1250, 7, 1251], [], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1254], [209, 1191, 7, 1256], [48, 730, 209, 1258, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1259], [209, 1010, 7, 1261], [], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1263], [209, 1010, 7, 1265], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205, 7, 1267], [209, 1208, 185, 1205, 7, 1269], [209, 1211, 185, 1205, 7, 1271], [209, 1214, 185, 1205, 7, 1273], [209, 1217, 185, 1205, 7, 1275], [209, 1220, 185, 1205, 7, 1277], [209, 1223, 185, 1205, 7, 1279], [209, 1226, 185, 1205, 7, 1281], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1283, 528, 1284, 185, 1022, 7, 1285], [209, 996, 7, 1287], [132, 1284, 209, 999, 7, 1289], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1292], [209, 1007, 7, 1294], [209, 1010, 7, 1296], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1298], [209, 1191, 7, 1300], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1303], [209, 1010, 7, 1305], [], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1308], [209, 1010, 7, 1310], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205, 7, 1313], [209, 1208, 185, 1205, 7, 1315], [209, 1211, 185, 1205, 7, 1317], [209, 1214, 185, 1205, 7, 1319], [209, 1217, 185, 1205, 7, 1321], [209, 1220, 185, 1205, 7, 1323], [209, 1223, 185, 1205, 7, 1325], [209, 1226, 185, 1205, 7, 1327], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1329, 528, 1330, 185, 1022, 7, 1331], [209, 996, 7, 1333], [132, 1330, 209, 999, 7, 1335], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1338], [209, 1007, 7, 1340], [209, 1010, 7, 1342], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1344], [209, 1191, 7, 1346], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1348], [209, 1010, 7, 1350], [], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1352], [209, 1010, 7, 1354], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205, 7, 1356], [209, 1208, 185, 1205, 7, 1358], [209, 1211, 185, 1205, 7, 1360], [209, 1214, 185, 1205, 7, 1362], [209, 1217, 185, 1205, 7, 1364], [209, 1220, 185, 1205, 7, 1366], [209, 1223, 185, 1205, 7, 1368], [209, 1226, 185, 1205, 7, 1370], [209, 1372, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1373, 528, 1374, 185, 696, 7, 1375], [209, 996, 7, 1377], [132, 1374, 209, 999, 7, 1379], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1382], [209, 1007, 7, 1384], [209, 1010, 7, 1386], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1388], [209, 1191, 7, 1390], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1392], [209, 1010, 7, 1394], [], [209, 1372, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1396, 528, 1397, 185, 696, 7, 1398], [209, 996, 7, 1400], [132, 1397, 209, 999, 7, 1402], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004, 7, 1404], [209, 1007, 7, 1406], [209, 1010, 7, 1408], [], [209, 1188, 7, 1410], [209, 1191, 7, 1412], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 7, 1414], [209, 1010, 7, 1416], [], [185, 1418, 7, 1419], [], [48, 87, 7, 1421], [], [], [185, 1418, 7, 1424], [7, 1426], [], [185, 1418, 7, 1429], [], [48, 87, 7, 1431], [], [], [524, 536, 553, 14, 516, 535, 798, 1434, 30, 1435, 132, 1435, 80, 1436, 185, 1437, 7, 1438], [132, 1440, 80, 1441, 7, 1442], [185, 1445, 7, 1446], [1448, 1449, 185, 1450, 7, 1451], [185, 1453, 7, 1454], [46, 55, 50, 1456, 7, 1457], [185, 1450, 7, 1459], [185, 1453, 7, 1461], [46, 55, 50, 1456, 7, 1463], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1283, 528, 986, 185, 1022], [209, 996], [132, 986, 209, 999], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004], [209, 1007], [209, 1010], [], [132, 1283, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1465], [], [353, 1468, 132, 1469, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 1470], [], [209, 1472, 7, 1473], [], [209, 1476, 7, 1477], [], [7, 1480], [], [7, 1482], [], [209, 402, 7, 1484], [209, 1486, 7, 1487], [], [406, 1490, 7, 1491], [], [], [209, 492, 364, 14, 1125, 1494, 1127, 1128, 365, 1495, 132, 1490, 30, 1490, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1496], [], [209, 442, 443, 1490, 444, 14, 7, 1498], [], [], [7, 1500], [], [209, 402, 7, 1502], [209, 1486, 7, 1504], [], [406, 1506, 7, 1507], [], [], [364, 14, 1125, 1160, 1127, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 365, 1166, 132, 1506, 30, 1506, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1510], [], [209, 442, 443, 1506, 444, 14, 7, 1512], [], [], [7, 1514], [], [209, 402, 7, 1516], [209, 1486, 7, 1518], [], [406, 1520, 7, 1521], [], [], [7, 1524], [], [1527, 761, 364, 14, 365, 1528, 132, 1520, 30, 1520, 1529, 750, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1530], [], [209, 442, 443, 1520, 444, 14, 7, 1532], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 1534], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 1536], [], [132, 1158, 30, 1158, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 1538], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 1188], [209, 1191], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205], [209, 1208, 185, 1205], [209, 1211, 185, 1205], [209, 1214, 185, 1205], [209, 1217, 185, 1205], [209, 1220, 185, 1205], [209, 1223, 185, 1205], [209, 1226, 185, 1205], [209, 1019, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1329, 528, 993, 185, 1022], [209, 996], [132, 993, 209, 999], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004], [209, 1007], [209, 1010], [], [132, 1329, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1540], [], [132, 1543, 353, 1544, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 1545], [], [48, 368, 132, 1547, 30, 1547, 369, 14, 7, 1548], [], [7, 1550], [], [7, 1552], [], [406, 1554, 7, 1555], [], [], [48, 495, 132, 1554, 30, 1558, 365, 1129, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1559], [], [185, 1561, 7, 1562], [], [209, 442, 443, 1558, 444, 14, 7, 1564], [], [], [], [7, 1567], [], [406, 1569, 7, 1570], [], [], [132, 1569, 365, 1181, 30, 1176, 48, 1573, 209, 1180, 7, 1574], [], [185, 1561, 7, 1576], [], [209, 442, 443, 1176, 444, 14, 7, 1578], [], [], [], [7, 1580], [], [406, 1582, 7, 1583], [], [], [209, 629, 132, 1582, 30, 1587, 185, -1, 7, 1588], [369, 1590, 7, 1591], [], [], [369, 1593, 7, 1594], [], [], [369, 1596, 7, 1597], [], [], [369, 1599, 7, 1600], [], [], [369, 1602, 7, 1603], [], [], [369, 1605, 7, 1606], [], [], [], [], [7, 1609], [], [406, 1611, 7, 1612], [], [], [132, 1611, 30, 1615, 1529, 1616, 1527, 1128, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 1617], [], [], [], [], [209, 1188], [209, 1191], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [48, 730, 209, 1302, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [209, 1204, 185, 1205], [209, 1208, 185, 1205], [209, 1211, 185, 1205], [209, 1214, 185, 1205], [209, 1217, 185, 1205], [209, 1220, 185, 1205], [209, 1223, 185, 1205], [209, 1226, 185, 1205], [209, 1372, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1373, 528, 1021, 185, 696], [209, 996], [132, 1021, 209, 999], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004], [209, 1007], [209, 1010], [], [132, 1373, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1619], [], [132, 1621, 7, 1622], [], [209, 1188], [209, 1191], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [209, 1372, 524, 536, 516, 990, 991, 1396, 528, 1230, 185, 696], [209, 996], [132, 1230, 209, 999], [], [48, 730, 209, 1002, 516, 730, 1003, 499, 798, 1004], [209, 1007], [209, 1010], [], [132, 1396, 185, -1, 209, 1013, 7, 1624], [], [132, 1626, 7, 1627], [], [], [209, 1188], [209, 1191], [48, 730, 209, 1199, 516, 730, 1003, 499], [209, 1010], [], [185, 1418], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 1418], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 1418], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [924, 1028], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [190, 191, 222, 227, 239, 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0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 48], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 38], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 365.8125, 1264, 20], [8, 370.8125, 59.328125, 14], [13, 368.8125, 13, 13], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [67.328125, 370.8125, 48.65625, 14], [72.328125, 368.8125, 13, 13], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 385.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 385.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 405.8125, 205, 21], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 234, 230, -1, 239, 240, -1, 243, -1, 247, 226, -1, -1, 254, -1, -1, 260, 262, 222, -1, -1, 271, 226, -1, 230, -1, 279, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 289, -1, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 304, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, 319, -1, -1, 317, 323, -1, -1, 317, 326, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 393, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 410, 289, -1, -1, -1, 426, -1, 429, -1, -1, 426, -1, 439, 230, -1, -1, 230, -1, -1, 226, -1, 222, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 539, -1, -1, 549, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "94ecd908-e703-4b56", "", "line-height: 17px;", "4249c3a9-3985-46a2", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "97972877-b220-47d1", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "98c56cb5-2b00-43af", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "1c5b8511-fbb8-485e", "", "Complaint Policy", "2a512628-cca8-4aa6", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "eb7d123a-6ae5-4951", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "22dcc2e0-4da5-4eb0", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "4779eb1c-49e3-4f00", "", "/Quote/Static/", "7959e145-8196-40f6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5eb403f8-deaf-4d13", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "3d38344a-71d5-4a31", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0554471f-ea6e-43e6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f4ac4a2f-1259-4718", "", "/Quote/Static/", "07b30fb8-9483-4589", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "4072de1a-f86d-42e2", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step2JS?v=8hJ5_mXyq8hc9382Ff7AyvhDY119DLmtV50LGlGZx_k1", "7c0620af-dfbe-4ff6", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "c888d5b0-a2c3-473b", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "c835775a-8633-4028", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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o=t.app;\ne=encodeURIComponent(e),e?l(o,e,function(a){!a&&w.isTouchRequest(t)?w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No value to touch\"}):r(o,e,a,t,n)}):w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No key specified.\"})}function r(e,t,n,r,o){var s=S.getItemId(n&&n[r.appName]),l=w.isTouchRequest(r);\"undefined\"==typeof t||\"undefined\"==typeof r.value&&!l?!l&&n&&n[r.appName]?a(e,t,s,r,o,n):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Object not found.\"}):i(e,t,s,r,o,n)}function o(e){C.hasValidStorageSelected(e)&&window.setTimeout(function(){g(e,d.bind(this,e))},b)}function a(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=w.removeKeyFromObj(a&&a[r.appName],n);w.hasProperties(i&&i[r.appName])||(i=w.removeKeyFromObj(i&&i,r.appName)),w.hasProperties(i)?s(e,t,i,function(e){w.runCallback(o,e&&e.error?e:null)}):c(e,t,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||u(e,t)})}function i(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=S.enhanceObject(a,n,r);i?s(e,t,i,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||p(e,t)}):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Unable to set the item.\"})}function 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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132, 503, 30, 504, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 505, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 506], [], [], [209, 384, 185, 508, 7, 509], [], [132, 511, 209, 512, 7, 513], [], [209, 515, 516, 517, 7, 518], [], [], [], [209, 522, 516, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 14, 7, 531], [50, 533, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 529, 7, 537], [], [], [209, 540, 516, 523, 524, 536, 526, 541, 528, 542, 530, 499, 7, 543], [50, 545, 212, 546, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 542, 7, 547], [], [], [], [132, 527, 528, 529, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 14, 553, 499, 7, 554], [], [209, 557, 7, 558], [], [132, 561, 562, 563, 564, 499, 7, 565], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 568], [], [209, 399, 7, 571], [], [209, 574, 7, 575], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 578], [], [516, 580, 581, 582, 209, 583, 7, 584], [], [587, 588, 589, 563, 590, 497, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 132, 599, 30, 600, 601, 602, 48, 495, 369, -1, 209, 603, 604, 605, 498, 499, 500, 14, 606, 607, 608, 499, 609, 499, 7, 610], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 612], [], [209, 614, 7, 615], [], [209, 442, 443, 494, 444, 14, 7, 618], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 620, 562, 563, 185, 211, 7, 621], [], [209, 384, 7, 623], [], [209, 399, 7, 625], [], [406, 627, 209, 574, 7, 628], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 631], [], [209, 634, 635, 563, 132, 636, 30, 637, 7, 638], [369, -1, 7, 641], [], [], [369, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [369, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [369, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [369, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [369, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [369, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [369, 668, 7, 669], [], [], [369, 672, 7, 673], [], [], [676, 676, 369, 677, 7, 678], [], [], [369, 681, 7, 682], [], [], [369, 685, 7, 686], [], [], [369, 689, 7, 690], [], [], [369, 693, 7, 694], [], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 697], [], [209, 442, 443, 637, 444, 14, 7, 699], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 541, 528, 542, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 499, 553, 14, 185, 701, 7, 702], [], [209, 384, 7, 705], [], [132, 707, 185, 211, 7, 708], [], [209, 710, 7, 711], [], [7, 713], [], [], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 717], [], [209, 719, 7, 720], [], [406, 722, 7, 723], [], [], [], [209, 726, 7, 727], [], [48, 495, 132, 722, 185, 729, 369, 486, 730, -1, 7, 731], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 733], [], [48, 735, 132, 736, 185, 701, 369, 737, 212, 738, 7, 739], [], [], [], [7, 741], [], [209, 384, 7, 743], [], [209, 399, 7, 745], [], [406, 722, 7, 747], [], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 750], [], [132, 752, 209, 634, 7, 753], [], [369, 755, 7, 756], [], [], [369, 470, 7, 759], [], [], [369, 762, 7, 763], [], [], [369, 766, 7, 767], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 770, 185, 771, 7, 772], [185, 774, 7, 775], [185, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [], [496, 782, 364, 14, 365, 783, 132, 784, 30, 785, 48, 368, 369, 786, 7, 787], [], [7, 789], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 792], [], [209, 343, 7, 794], [], [209, 796, 7, 797], [], [209, 801, 48, 802, 803, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 808, 209, 265, 7, 809], [], [209, 812, 7, 813], [], [185, 816, 209, 817, 80, 818, 7, 819], [], [], [], [], [209, 823, 7, 824], [], [209, 826, 7, 827], [], [209, 829, 7, 830], [], [132, 832, 7, 833], [], [7, 835], [], [7, 839], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 7, 843], [7, 846], [], [], [], [7, 851], [], [7, 854], [], [50, 857, 273, 274, 7, 858], [7, 860], [], [], [7, 864], [], [7, 867], [], [7, 869], [], [7, 871], [], [], [7, 874], [], [7, 877], [], [], [7, 881], [], [7, 883], [], [7, 885], [], [50, 888, 273, 274, 7, 889], [7, 891], [], [], [50, 895, 273, 274, 7, 896], [7, 898], [], [], [7, 902], [], [209, 904, 7, 905], [], [7, 907], [], [7, 910], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 913, 914, 803, 914, 7, 915], [7, 917], [], [], [7, 920], [], [209, 904, 185, 922, 7, 923], [], [50, 925, 273, 274, 913, 926, 803, 926, 7, 927], [], [], [50, 930, 273, 274, 803, 931, 7, 932], [], [], [50, 934, 273, 274, 7, 935], [], [], [7, 938], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 943, 48, 87, 7, 944], [], [80, 946, 48, 87, 7, 947], [], [80, 949, 48, 87, 7, 950], [], [80, 952, 48, 87, 7, 953], [], [80, 955, 48, 87, 7, 956], [], [80, 958, 48, 87, 7, 959], [], [80, 961, 48, 87, 7, 962], [], [80, 964, 48, 87, 7, 965], [], [80, 967, 48, 87, 7, 968], [], [80, 970, 7, 971], [], [80, 974, 7, 975], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 978], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 982], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 986], [], [], [209, 990, 132, 991, 524, 525, 185, 992, 7, 993], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 996], [132, 998, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1000], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1003], [132, 1005, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1007], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1010], [132, 1012, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1013], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1016], [132, 1018, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1019], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1022], [132, 1024, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1025], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1028], [132, 1030, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1031], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1034], [132, 1036, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1037], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1040], [132, 1042, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1043], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1046], [132, 1048, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1049], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1052], [132, 1054, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1055], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1058], [132, 1060, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1061], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1064], [132, 1066, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1067], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1070], [132, 1072, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1073], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1076], [132, 1078, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1079], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1082], [132, 1084, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1085], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1088], [132, 1090, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1091], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1094], [132, 1096, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1097], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1100], [132, 1102, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1103], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1106], [132, 1108, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1109], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1112], [132, 1114, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1115], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1118], [132, 1120, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1121], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1124], [132, 1126, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1127], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1130], [132, 1132, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1133], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1136], [132, 1138, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1139], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1142], [132, 1144, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1145], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1148], [132, 1150, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1151], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1154], [132, 1156, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1157], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1160], [132, 1162, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1163], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1166], [132, 1168, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1169], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1172], [132, 1174, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1175], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1178], [132, 1180, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1181], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1184], [132, 1186, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1187], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1190], [132, 1192, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1193], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1196], [132, 1198, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1199], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1202], [132, 1204, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1205], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1208], [132, 1210, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1211], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1214], [132, 1216, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1217], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1220], [132, 1222, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1223], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1226], [132, 1228, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1229], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1232], [132, 1234, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1235], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1238], [132, 1240, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1241], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1244], [132, 1246, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1247], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1250], [132, 1252, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1253], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1256], [132, 1258, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1259], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1262], [132, 1264, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1265], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1268], [132, 1270, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1271], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1274], [132, 1276, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1277], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1280], [132, 1282, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1283], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1286], [132, 1288, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1289], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1292], [132, 1294, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1295], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1298], [132, 1300, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1301], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1304], [132, 1306, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1307], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1310], [132, 1312, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1313], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1316], [132, 1318, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1319], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1322], [132, 1324, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1325], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1328], [132, 1330, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1331], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1334], [132, 1336, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1337], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1340], [132, 1342, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1343], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1346], [132, 1348, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1349], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1352], [132, 1354, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1355], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1358], [132, 1360, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1361], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1364], [132, 1366, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1367], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1370], [132, 1372, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1373], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1376], [132, 1378, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1379], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1382], [132, 1384, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1385], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1388], [132, 1390, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1391], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1394], [132, 1396, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1397], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1400], [132, 1402, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1403], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1406], [132, 1408, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1409], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1412], [132, 1414, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1415], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1418], [132, 1420, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1421], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1424], [132, 1426, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1427], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1430], [132, 1432, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1433], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1436], [132, 1438, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1439], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1442], [132, 1444, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1445], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1448], [132, 1450, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1451], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1454], [132, 1456, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1457], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1460], [132, 1462, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1463], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1466], [132, 1468, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1469], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1472], [132, 1474, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1475], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1478], [132, 1480, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1481], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1484], [132, 1486, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1487], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1490], [132, 1492, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1493], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1496], [132, 1498, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1499], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1502], [132, 1504, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1505], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1508], [132, 1510, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1511], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1514], [132, 1516, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1517], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1520], [132, 1522, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1523], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1526], [132, 1528, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1529], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1532], [132, 1534, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1535], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1538], [132, 1540, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1541], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1544], [132, 1546, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1547], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1550], [132, 1552, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1553], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1556], [132, 1558, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1559], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1562], [132, 1564, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1565], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1568], [132, 1570, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1571], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1574], [132, 1576, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1577], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1580], [132, 1582, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1583], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1586], [132, 1588, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1589], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1592], [132, 1594, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1595], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1598], [132, 1600, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1601], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1604], [132, 1606, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1607], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1610], [132, 1612, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1613], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1616], [132, 1618, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1619], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1622], [132, 1624, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1625], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1628], [132, 1630, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1631], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1634], [132, 1636, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1637], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1640], [132, 1642, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1643], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1646], [132, 1648, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1649], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1652], [132, 1654, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1655], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1658], [132, 1660, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1661], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1664], [132, 1666, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1667], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1670], [132, 1672, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1673], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1676], [132, 1678, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1679], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1682], [132, 1684, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1685], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1688], [132, 1690, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1691], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1694], [132, 1696, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1697], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1700], [132, 1702, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1703], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1706], [132, 1708, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1709], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1712], [132, 1714, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1715], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1718], [132, 1720, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1721], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1724], [132, 1726, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1727], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1730], [132, 1732, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1733], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1736], [132, 1738, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1739], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1742], [132, 1744, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1745], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1748], [132, 1750, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1751], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1754], [132, 1756, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1757], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1760], [132, 1762, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1763], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1766], [132, 1768, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1769], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1772], [132, 1774, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1775], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1778], [132, 1780, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1781], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1784], [132, 1786, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1787], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1790], [132, 1792, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1793], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1796], [132, 1798, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1799], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1802], [132, 1804, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1805], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1808], [132, 1810, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1811], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1814], [132, 1816, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1817], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1820], [132, 1822, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1823], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1826], [132, 1828, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1829], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1832], [132, 1834, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1835], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1838], [132, 1840, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1841], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1844], [132, 1846, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1847], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1850], [132, 1852, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1853], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1856], [132, 1858, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1859], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1862], [132, 1864, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1865], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1868], [132, 1870, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1871], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1874], [132, 1876, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1877], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1880], [132, 1882, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1883], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1886], [132, 1888, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1889], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1892], [132, 1894, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1895], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1898], [132, 1900, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1901], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1904], [132, 1906, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1907], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1910], [132, 1912, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1913], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1916], [132, 1918, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1919], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1922], [132, 1924, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1925], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1928], [132, 1930, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1931], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1934], [132, 1936, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1937], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1940], [132, 1942, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1943], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1946], [132, 1948, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1949], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1952], [132, 1954, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1955], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1958], [132, 1960, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1961], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1964], [132, 1966, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1967], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1970], [132, 1972, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1973], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1976], [132, 1978, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1979], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1982], [132, 1984, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1985], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1988], [132, 1990, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1991], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1994], [132, 1996, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1997], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2000], [132, 2002, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2003], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2006], [132, 2008, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2009], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2012], [132, 2014, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2015], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2018], [132, 2020, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2021], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2024], [132, 2026, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2027], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2030], [132, 2032, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2033], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2036], [132, 2038, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2039], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2042], [132, 2044, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2045], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2048], [132, 2050, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2051], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2054], [132, 2056, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2057], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2060], [132, 2062, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2063], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2066], [132, 2068, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2069], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2072], [132, 2074, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2075], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2078], [132, 2080, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2081], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2084], [132, 2086, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2087], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2090], [132, 2092, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2093], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2096], [132, 2098, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2099], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2102], [132, 2104, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2105], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2108], [132, 2110, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2111], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2114], [132, 2116, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2117], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2120], [132, 2122, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2123], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2126], [132, 2128, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2129], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2132], [132, 2134, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2135], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2138], [132, 2140, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2141], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2144], [132, 2146, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2147], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2150], [132, 2152, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2153], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2156], [132, 2158, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2159], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2162], [132, 2164, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2165], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2168], [132, 2170, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2171], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2174], [132, 2176, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2177], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2180], [132, 2182, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2183], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2186], [132, 2188, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2189], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2192], [132, 2194, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2195], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2198], [132, 2200, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2201], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2204], [132, 2206, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2207], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2210], [132, 2212, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2213], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2216], [132, 2218, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2219], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2222], [132, 2224, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2225], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2228], [132, 2230, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2231], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2234], [132, 2236, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2237], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2240], [132, 2242, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2243], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2246], [132, 2248, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2249], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2252], [132, 2254, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2255], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2258], [132, 2260, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2261], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2264], [132, 2266, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2267], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2270], [132, 2272, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2273], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2275], [132, 2277, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2278], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2281], [132, 2283, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2284], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2287], [132, 2289, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2290], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2293], [132, 2295, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2296], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2299], [132, 2301, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2302], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2305], [132, 2307, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2308], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2311], [132, 2313, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2314], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2317], [132, 2319, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2320], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2323], [132, 2325, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2326], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2329], [132, 2331, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2332], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2335], [132, 2337, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2338], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2341], [132, 2343, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2344], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2347], [132, 2349, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2350], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2353], [132, 2355, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2356], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2359], [132, 2361, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2362], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2365], [132, 2367, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2368], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2371], [132, 2373, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2374], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2377], [132, 2379, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2380], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2383], [132, 2385, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2386], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2389], [132, 2391, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2392], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2395], [132, 2397, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2398], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2401], [132, 2403, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2404], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2407], [132, 2409, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2410], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2413], [132, 2415, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2416], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2419], [132, 2421, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2422], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2425], [132, 2427, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2428], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2431], [132, 2433, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2434], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2437], [132, 2439, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2440], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2443], [132, 2445, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2446], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2449], [132, 2451, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2452], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2455], [132, 2457, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2458], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2461], [132, 2463, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2464], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2467], [132, 2469, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2470], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2473], [132, 2475, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2476], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2479], [132, 2481, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2482], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2485], [132, 2487, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2488], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2491], [132, 2493, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2494], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2497], [132, 2499, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2500], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2503], [132, 2505, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2506], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2509], [132, 2511, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2512], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2515], [132, 2517, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2518], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2521], [132, 2523, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2524], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2527], [132, 2529, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2530], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2533], [132, 2535, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2536], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2539], [132, 2541, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2542], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2545], [132, 2547, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2548], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2551], [132, 2553, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2554], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2557], [132, 2559, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2560], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2563], [132, 2565, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2566], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2569], [132, 2571, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2572], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2575], [132, 2577, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2578], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2581], [132, 2583, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2584], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2587], [132, 2589, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2590], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2593], [132, 2595, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2596], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2599], [132, 2601, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2602], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2605], [132, 2607, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2608], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2611], [132, 2613, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2614], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2617], [132, 2619, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2620], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2623], [132, 2625, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2626], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2629], [132, 2631, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2632], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2635], [132, 2637, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2638], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2641], [132, 2643, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2644], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2647], [132, 2649, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2650], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2653], [132, 2655, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2656], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2659], [132, 2661, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2662], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2665], [132, 2667, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2668], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2671], [132, 2673, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2674], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2677], [132, 2679, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2680], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2683], [132, 2685, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2686], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2689], [132, 2691, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2692], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2695], [132, 2697, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2698], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2701], [132, 2703, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2704], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2707], [132, 2709, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2710], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2713], [132, 2715, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2716], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2719], [132, 2721, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2722], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2725], [132, 2727, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2728], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2731], [132, 2733, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2734], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2737], [132, 2739, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2740], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2743], [132, 2745, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2746], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2749], [132, 2751, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2752], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2755], [132, 2757, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2758], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2761], [132, 2763, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2764], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2767], [132, 2769, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2770], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2773], [132, 2775, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2776], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2779], [132, 2781, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2782], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2785], [132, 2787, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2788], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2791], [132, 2793, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2794], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2797], [132, 2799, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2800], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2803], [132, 2805, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2806], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2809], [132, 2811, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2812], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2815], [132, 2817, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2818], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2821], [132, 2823, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2824], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2827], [132, 2829, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2830], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2833], [132, 2835, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2836], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2839], [132, 2841, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2842], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2845], [132, 2847, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2848], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2851], [132, 2853, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2854], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2857], [132, 2859, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2860], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2863], [132, 2865, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2866], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2869], [132, 2871, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2872], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2875], [132, 2877, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2878], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2881], [132, 2883, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2884], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2887], [132, 2889, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2890], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2893], [132, 2895, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2896], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2899], [132, 2901, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2902], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2905], [132, 2907, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2908], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2911], [132, 2913, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2914], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2917], [132, 2919, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2920], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2923], [132, 2925, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2926], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2929], [132, 2931, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2932], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2935], [132, 2937, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2938], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2941], [132, 2943, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2944], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2947], [132, 2949, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2950], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2953], [132, 2955, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2956], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2959], [132, 2961, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2962], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2965], [132, 2967, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2968], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2971], [132, 2973, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2974], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2977], [132, 2979, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2980], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2983], [132, 2985, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2986], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2989], [132, 2991, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2992], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2995], [132, 2997, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2998], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3001], [132, 3003, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3004], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3007], [132, 3009, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3010], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3013], [132, 3015, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3016], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3019], [132, 3021, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3022], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3025], [132, 3027, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3028], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3031], [132, 3033, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3034], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3037], [132, 3039, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3040], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3043], [132, 3045, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3046], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3049], [132, 3051, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3052], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3055], [132, 3057, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3058], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3061], [132, 3063, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3064], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3067], [132, 3069, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3070], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3073], [132, 3075, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3076], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3079], [132, 3081, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3082], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3085], [132, 3087, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3088], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3091], [132, 3093, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3094], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3097], [132, 3099, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3100], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3103], [132, 3105, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3106], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3109], [132, 3111, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3112], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3115], [132, 3117, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3118], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3121], [132, 3123, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3124], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3127], [132, 3129, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3130], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3133], [132, 3135, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3136], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3139], [132, 3141, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3142], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3145], [132, 3147, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3148], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3151], [132, 3153, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3154], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3157], [132, 3159, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3160], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3163], [132, 3165, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3166], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3169], [132, 3171, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3172], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3175], [132, 3177, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3178], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3181], [132, 3183, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3184], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3187], [132, 3189, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3190], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3193], [132, 3195, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3196], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3199], [132, 3201, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3202], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3205], [132, 3207, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3208], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3211], [132, 3213, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3214], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3217], [132, 3219, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3220], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3223], [132, 3225, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3226], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3229], [132, 3231, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3232], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3235], [132, 3237, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3238], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3241], [132, 3243, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3244], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3247], [132, 3249, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3250], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3253], [132, 3255, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3256], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3259], [132, 3261, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3262], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3265], [132, 3267, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3268], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3271], [132, 3273, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3274], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3277], [132, 3279, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3280], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3283], [132, 3285, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3286], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3289], [132, 3291, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3292], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3295], [132, 3297, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3298], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3301], [132, 3303, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3304], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3307], [132, 3309, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3310], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3313], [132, 3315, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3316], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3319], [132, 3321, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3322], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3325], [132, 3327, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3328], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3331], [132, 3333, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3334], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3337], [132, 3339, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3340], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3343], [132, 3345, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3346], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3349], [132, 3351, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3352], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3355], [132, 3357, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3358], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3361], [132, 3363, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3364], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3367], [132, 3369, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3370], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3373], [132, 3375, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3376], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3379], [132, 3381, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3382], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3385], [132, 3387, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3388], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3391], [132, 3393, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3394], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3397], [132, 3399, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3400], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3403], [132, 3405, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3406], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3409], [132, 3411, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3412], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3415], [132, 3417, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3418], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3421], [132, 3423, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3424], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3427], [132, 3429, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3430], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3433], [132, 3435, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3436], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3439], [132, 3441, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3442], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3445], [132, 3447, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3448], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3451], [132, 3453, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3454], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3457], [132, 3459, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3460], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3463], [132, 3465, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3466], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3469], [132, 3471, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3472], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3475], [132, 3477, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3478], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3481], [132, 3483, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3484], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3487], [132, 3489, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3490], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3493], [132, 3495, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3496], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3499], [132, 3501, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3502], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3505], [132, 3507, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3508], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3511], [132, 3513, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3514], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3517], [132, 3519, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3520], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3523], [132, 3525, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3526], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3529], [132, 3531, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3532], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3535], [132, 3537, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3538], [], [209, 3541, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3544, 528, 3545, 185, 701, 7, 3546], [209, 3548, 7, 3549], [132, 3545, 209, 3551, 7, 3552], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556, 7, 3557], [209, 3559, 7, 3560], [209, 3562, 7, 3563], [], [132, 3544, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 3566], [], [209, 3568, 7, 3569], [], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3572, 528, 3573, 185, 3574, 7, 3575], [209, 3548, 7, 3577], [132, 3573, 209, 3551, 7, 3579], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556, 7, 3582], [209, 3559, 7, 3584], [209, 3562, 7, 3586], [], [132, 3572, 3588, 3589, 3590, 3591, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 3592], [], [132, 3594, 185, 701, 7, 3595], [], [913, 3597, 80, 3598, 7, 3599], [], [], [132, 3602, 7, 3603], [], [353, 3606, 132, 3607, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3608], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 3610], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 3612], [496, 3614, 364, 14, 365, 3615, 132, 3616, 30, 3616, 48, 368, 369, 3617, 7, 3618], [496, 3620, 364, 14, 365, 3621, 132, 3622, 30, 3622, 48, 368, 369, 3617, 7, 3623], [496, 3625, 364, 14, 365, 3626, 132, 3627, 30, 3627, 48, 368, 369, 3617, 7, 3628], [364, 14, 365, 3630, 132, 3631, 30, 3631, 48, 368, 369, 3632, 7, 3633], [], [185, 3635, 7, 3636], [], [], [132, 3639, 7, 3640], [], [7, 3642], [], [7, 3644], [], [406, 3646, 7, 3647], [], [], [], [7, 3651], [], [406, 3653, 7, 3654], [], [], [], [7, 3657], [], [406, 462, 7, 3659], [], [], [], [7, 3662], [], [406, 3664, 7, 3665], [], [], [], [], [7, 3667], [], [7, 3669], [], [406, 3671, 7, 3672], [], [], [3675, 3676, 364, 14, 3677, 3678, 3679, 3680, 365, 3681, 132, 3671, 30, 3671, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3682], [], [185, 3684, 7, 3685], [], [209, 442, 443, 3671, 444, 14, 185, 3687, 7, 3688], [], [], [], [7, 3690], [], [406, 3692, 7, 3693], [], [], [3675, 3696, 364, 14, 3677, 3697, 3679, 3680, 365, 3698, 132, 3692, 30, 3692, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3699], [], [185, 3684, 7, 3701], [], [209, 442, 443, 3692, 444, 14, 185, 3687, 7, 3703], [], [], [], [7, 3705], [], [406, 3707, 7, 3708], [], [], [3675, 3711, 364, 14, 3677, 3712, 3679, 3713, 3714, 3715, 3716, 3717, 365, 3718, 132, 3707, 30, 3707, 48, 495, 369, 3719, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3720], [], [185, 3684, 7, 3722], [], [209, 442, 443, 3707, 444, 14, 185, 3687, 7, 3724], [], [], [], [7, 3726], [], [406, 3728, 7, 3729], [], [], [209, 3732, 364, 14, 365, 3733, 132, 3728, 30, 3728, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3734], [], [185, 3684, 7, 3736], [], [209, 442, 443, 3728, 444, 14, 185, 3687, 7, 3738], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3741], [209, 3743, 7, 3744], [48, 735, 209, 3746, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3747], [209, 3562, 7, 3749], [], [48, 735, 209, 3751, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3752], [209, 3562, 7, 3754], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757, 7, 3758], [209, 3760, 185, 3757, 7, 3761], [209, 3763, 185, 3757, 7, 3764], [209, 3766, 185, 3757, 7, 3767], [209, 3769, 185, 3757, 7, 3770], [209, 3772, 185, 3757, 7, 3773], [209, 3775, 185, 3757, 7, 3776], [209, 3778, 185, 3757, 7, 3779], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3781, 528, 3782, 185, 3574, 7, 3783], [209, 3548, 7, 3785], [132, 3782, 209, 3551, 7, 3787], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556, 7, 3790], [209, 3559, 7, 3792], [209, 3562, 7, 3794], [], [132, 3781, 3588, 3796, 3590, 3797, 3798, 3799, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 3800], [], [132, 3802, 7, 3803], [], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3806], [209, 3743, 7, 3808], [48, 735, 209, 3810, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3811], [209, 3562, 7, 3813], [], [48, 735, 209, 3751, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3815], [209, 3562, 7, 3817], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757, 7, 3819], [209, 3760, 185, 3757, 7, 3821], [209, 3763, 185, 3757, 7, 3823], [209, 3766, 185, 3757, 7, 3825], [209, 3769, 185, 3757, 7, 3827], [209, 3772, 185, 3757, 7, 3829], [209, 3775, 185, 3757, 7, 3831], [209, 3778, 185, 3757, 7, 3833], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3835, 528, 3836, 185, 3574, 7, 3837], [209, 3548, 7, 3839], [132, 3836, 209, 3551, 7, 3841], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556, 7, 3844], [209, 3559, 7, 3846], [209, 3562, 7, 3848], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3850], [209, 3743, 7, 3852], [48, 735, 209, 3854, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3855], [209, 3562, 7, 3857], [], [48, 735, 209, 3854, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3860], [209, 3562, 7, 3862], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757, 7, 3865], [209, 3760, 185, 3757, 7, 3867], [209, 3763, 185, 3757, 7, 3869], [209, 3766, 185, 3757, 7, 3871], [209, 3769, 185, 3757, 7, 3873], [209, 3772, 185, 3757, 7, 3875], [209, 3775, 185, 3757, 7, 3877], [209, 3778, 185, 3757, 7, 3879], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3881, 528, 3882, 185, 3574, 7, 3883], [209, 3548, 7, 3885], [132, 3882, 209, 3551, 7, 3887], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556, 7, 3890], [209, 3559, 7, 3892], [209, 3562, 7, 3894], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3896], [209, 3743, 7, 3898], [48, 735, 209, 3854, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3900], [209, 3562, 7, 3902], [], [48, 735, 209, 3854, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3904], [209, 3562, 7, 3906], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757, 7, 3908], [209, 3760, 185, 3757, 7, 3910], [209, 3763, 185, 3757, 7, 3912], [209, 3766, 185, 3757, 7, 3914], [209, 3769, 185, 3757, 7, 3916], [209, 3772, 185, 3757, 7, 3918], [209, 3775, 185, 3757, 7, 3920], [209, 3778, 185, 3757, 7, 3922], [209, 3924, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3925, 528, 3926, 185, 701, 7, 3927], [209, 3548, 7, 3929], [132, 3926, 209, 3551, 7, 3931], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556, 7, 3934], [209, 3559, 7, 3936], [209, 3562, 7, 3938], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3940], [209, 3743, 7, 3942], [48, 735, 209, 3751, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3944], [209, 3562, 7, 3946], [], [209, 3924, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3948, 528, 3949, 185, 701, 7, 3950], [209, 3548, 7, 3952], [132, 3949, 209, 3551, 7, 3954], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556, 7, 3956], [209, 3559, 7, 3958], [209, 3562, 7, 3960], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3962], [209, 3743, 7, 3964], [48, 735, 209, 3751, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 7, 3966], [209, 3562, 7, 3968], [], [185, 3970, 7, 3971], [], [48, 87, 7, 3973], [], [], [185, 3970, 7, 3976], [7, 3978], [], [185, 3970, 7, 3981], [], [48, 87, 7, 3983], [], [], [524, 536, 553, 14, 516, 535, 803, 3986, 30, 3987, 132, 3987, 80, 3988, 185, 3989, 7, 3990], [132, 3992, 80, 3993, 7, 3994], [185, 3997, 7, 3998], [4000, 4001, 185, 4002, 7, 4003], [185, 4005, 7, 4006], [46, 55, 50, 4008, 7, 4009], [185, 4002, 7, 4011], [185, 4005, 7, 4013], [46, 55, 50, 4008, 7, 4015], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3835, 528, 991, 185, 3574], [209, 3548], [132, 991, 209, 3551], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556], [209, 3559], [209, 3562], [], [132, 3835, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 4017], [], [353, 4020, 132, 4021, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 4022], [], [209, 4024, 7, 4025], [], [209, 4028, 7, 4029], [], [7, 4032], [], [7, 4034], [], [209, 402, 7, 4036], [209, 4038, 7, 4039], [], [406, 4042, 7, 4043], [], [], [209, 492, 364, 14, 3677, 4046, 3679, 3680, 365, 4047, 132, 4042, 30, 4042, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4048], [], [209, 442, 443, 4042, 444, 14, 7, 4050], [], [], [7, 4052], [], [209, 402, 7, 4054], [209, 4038, 7, 4056], [], [406, 4058, 7, 4059], [], [], [364, 14, 3677, 3712, 3679, 3713, 3714, 3715, 3716, 3717, 365, 3718, 132, 4058, 30, 4058, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4062], [], [209, 442, 443, 4058, 444, 14, 7, 4064], [], [], [7, 4066], [], [209, 402, 7, 4068], [209, 4038, 7, 4070], [], [406, 4072, 7, 4073], [], [], [7, 4076], [], [4079, 766, 364, 14, 365, 4080, 132, 4072, 30, 4072, 4081, 755, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4082], [], [209, 442, 443, 4072, 444, 14, 7, 4084], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 4086], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 4088], [], [132, 3710, 30, 3710, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 4090], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3740], [209, 3743], [48, 735, 209, 3854, 516, 735, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [48, 735, 209, 3854, 516, 735, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757], [209, 3760, 185, 3757], [209, 3763, 185, 3757], [209, 3766, 185, 3757], [209, 3769, 185, 3757], [209, 3772, 185, 3757], [209, 3775, 185, 3757], [209, 3778, 185, 3757], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3881, 528, 3545, 185, 3574], [209, 3548], [132, 3545, 209, 3551], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556], [209, 3559], [209, 3562], [], [132, 3881, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 4092], [], [132, 4095, 353, 4096, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 4097], [], [48, 368, 132, 4099, 30, 4099, 369, 14, 7, 4100], [], [7, 4102], [], [7, 4104], [], [406, 4106, 7, 4107], [], [], [48, 495, 132, 4106, 30, 4110, 365, 3681, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4111], [], [185, 4113, 7, 4114], [], [209, 442, 443, 4110, 444, 14, 7, 4116], [], [], [], [7, 4119], [], [406, 4121, 7, 4122], [], [], [132, 4121, 365, 3733, 30, 3728, 48, 4125, 209, 3732, 7, 4126], [], [185, 4113, 7, 4128], [], [209, 442, 443, 3728, 444, 14, 7, 4130], [], [], [], [7, 4132], [], [406, 4134, 7, 4135], [], [], [209, 634, 132, 4134, 30, 4139, 185, -1, 7, 4140], [369, 4142, 7, 4143], [], [], [369, 4145, 7, 4146], [], [], [369, 4148, 7, 4149], [], [], [369, 4151, 7, 4152], [], [], [369, 4154, 7, 4155], [], [], [369, 4157, 7, 4158], [], [], [], [], [7, 4161], [], [406, 4163, 7, 4164], [], [], [132, 4163, 30, 4167, 4081, 4168, 4079, 3680, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4169], [], [], [], [], [209, 3740], [209, 3743], [48, 735, 209, 3854, 516, 735, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [48, 735, 209, 3854, 516, 735, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757], [209, 3760, 185, 3757], [209, 3763, 185, 3757], [209, 3766, 185, 3757], [209, 3769, 185, 3757], [209, 3772, 185, 3757], [209, 3775, 185, 3757], [209, 3778, 185, 3757], [209, 3924, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3925, 528, 3573, 185, 701], [209, 3548], [132, 3573, 209, 3551], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556], [209, 3559], [209, 3562], [], [132, 3925, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 4171], [], [132, 4173, 7, 4174], [], [209, 3740], [209, 3743], [48, 735, 209, 3751, 516, 735, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [209, 3924, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3948, 528, 3782, 185, 701], [209, 3548], [132, 3782, 209, 3551], [], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3555, 499, 803, 3556], [209, 3559], [209, 3562], [], [132, 3948, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 4176], [], [132, 4178, 7, 4179], [], [], [209, 3740], [209, 3743], [48, 735, 209, 3751, 516, 735, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [185, 3970], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 3970], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 3970], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2197, 2301], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [190, 191, 222, 227, 239, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253, 258, 260, 299, 401, 406, 446, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1951, 1964, 1977, 1990, 2169, 2182, 2204, 2206, 2240, 2249, 2262], "value": [370, 375, 423, 434, 449, 454, 459, 463, 470, 476, 482, 486, -1, -1, -1, 486, 737, 786, 370, 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0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 1213.78125], [8, 8, 1264, 1197.78125], [8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 1197.78125], [8, 8, 1264, 70], [8, 8, 1264, 18], [8, 8, 1264, 18], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 48], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 38], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 365.8125, 1264, 20], [8, 370.8125, 59.328125, 14], [13, 368.8125, 13, 13], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [67.328125, 370.8125, 48.65625, 14], [72.328125, 368.8125, 13, 13], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 385.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 385.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 405.8125, 205, 21], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [76.140625, 513.484375, 74.34375, 251], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 234, 230, -1, 239, 240, -1, 243, -1, 247, 226, -1, -1, 254, -1, -1, 260, 262, 222, -1, -1, 271, 226, -1, 230, -1, 279, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 289, -1, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 304, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, 319, -1, -1, 317, 323, -1, -1, 317, 326, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 393, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 410, 289, -1, -1, -1, 426, -1, 429, -1, -1, 426, -1, 439, 230, -1, -1, 230, -1, -1, 226, -1, 222, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 539, -1, -1, 549, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, -1, -1, -1, 577, 570, -1, -1, 586, -1, 570, -1, -1, -1, 573, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 804, 341, -1, -1, -1, 821, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 837, 29, 841, -1, 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"offsetRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1264, 1198], [8, 8, 1264, 0], [8, 8, 1264, 1198], [8, 8, 1264, 70], [8, 8, 1264, 18], [8, 8, 1264, 18], [8, 8, 38, 17], [], [], [46, 8, 100, 17], [], [], [153, 8, 50, 17], [], [203, 8, 188, 17], [], [], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69, 17], [], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [], [], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123, 15], [], [], [135, 60, 61, 17], [], [135, 62, 61, 15], [], [], [], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [], [8, 78, 222, 100], [], [], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [8, 198, 1264, 27], [], [8, 245, 1264, 54], [8, 245, 1264, 54], [48, 245, 1224, 18], [31, 245, 7, 18], [31, 245, 7, 18], [], [48, 263, 1224, 18], [31, 263, 7, 18], [31, 263, 7, 18], [], [48, 281, 1224, 18], [31, 281, 7, 18], [31, 281, 7, 18], [], [8, 315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [], [8, 348, 1264, 48], [8, 348, 1264, 38], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 366, 1264, 20], [8, 371, 59, 14], [13, 369, 13, 13], [], [32, 371, 35, 14], [], [67, 371, 49, 14], [72, 369, 13, 13], [], [91, 371, 25, 14], [], [], [8, 386, 1264, 0], [8, 386, 0, 0], [], [8, 406, 1264, 0], [8, 406, 205, 21], [], [217, 406, 205, 21], [], [8, 406, 1264, 235], [8, 406, 1264, 220], [4, 4, 1255, 48], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 9, 177, 42], [0, 0, 175, 40], [], [189, 9, 164, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [4, 51, 1255, 118], [28, 87, 1206, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [50, 87, 7, 21], [50, 87, 7, 21], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 21], [68, 87, 224, 20], [], [], [68, 108, 1166, 27], [67, 107, 1, 1], [], [68, 108, 262, 27], [], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 0, 0], [], [4, 187, 1255, 0], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 86, 27], [], [], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [59, 657, 0, 0], [], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 0], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 727, 106, 17], [124, 727, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 795, 1264, 36], [], [504, 795, 176, 17], [504, 795, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 881, 1264, 18], [], [8, 915, 1264, 18], [8, 915, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 983, 1264, 18], [], [753, 983, 121, 17], [753, 983, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155, 1264, 17], [8, 1155, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1155, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1155, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "94ecd908-e703-4b56", "", "line-height: 17px;", "4249c3a9-3985-46a2", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "97972877-b220-47d1", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "98c56cb5-2b00-43af", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "1c5b8511-fbb8-485e", "", "Complaint Policy", "2a512628-cca8-4aa6", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "eb7d123a-6ae5-4951", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "22dcc2e0-4da5-4eb0", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "4779eb1c-49e3-4f00", "", "/Quote/Static/", "7959e145-8196-40f6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5eb403f8-deaf-4d13", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "3d38344a-71d5-4a31", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0554471f-ea6e-43e6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f4ac4a2f-1259-4718", "", "/Quote/Static/", "07b30fb8-9483-4589", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "4072de1a-f86d-42e2", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step2JS?v=8hJ5_mXyq8hc9382Ff7AyvhDY119DLmtV50LGlGZx_k1", "7c0620af-dfbe-4ff6", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "c888d5b0-a2c3-473b", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "c835775a-8633-4028", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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Marie P6A 3T3", "27ef1e2c-8cbd-4e07", "", "ui-id-37", "0491adc5-805c-4edf", "", "Armitage Animal Clinic | Unit 6, 18025 Yonge Street Newmarket L3Y 8C9", "417fc7b7-db43-4a53", "", "ui-id-38", "ce4f1eaa-96f7-400f", "", "Arthur Veterinary Clinic | 15 Wells St. E. Arthur N0G 1A0", "d591cfba-b52b-4c95", "", "ui-id-39", "b45e1dc0-30ee-4f1b", "", "Ashcott Veterinary Clinic | 4915 Steeles Ave East Scarborough M1V 4Z4", "cf4b2dc3-9199-4694", "", "ui-id-40", "32f02513-b21a-415d", "", "Aurora Animal Clinic | 263 Edward St Aurora L4G 3M7", "f97f7b6e-a779-462d", "", "ui-id-41", "62a0f2bd-aee9-4384", "", "Aurora North Pet Clinic | Unit B4, 239 Earl Stewart Dr Aurora L4G 7Y3", "c4e632d4-5940-4979", "", "ui-id-42", "30371d7a-6b40-4da7", "", "-Ava Foster Park Pet Hospital | 213 Dundas St E Belleville K8N 1E2", "dc26db0f-5852-4bb3", "", "ui-id-43", "ef509f04-5e42-4f0c", "", "Avon Pet Hospital | 345 Douro Street Stratford N5A 3S8", "62313a83-9810-493b", "", "ui-id-44", "5f142d3e-3f71-4cdb", "", "Avonmore Veterinary Clinic | 3212 Main Street Avonmore K0C 1C0", "7904ca50-0737-40c4", "", "ui-id-45", "f559649d-a07b-428a", "", "Avro Pet Hospital | 9699 Jane Street, Unit 31 Vaughan L6A 0A4", "b3820cd5-d707-405e", "", "ui-id-46", "39a7e321-7382-49c1", "", "Aylmer Veterinary Clinic | 421 Talbot St West Aylmer N5H 1K8", "81419d28-d057-435c", "", "ui-id-47", "c4ace5ab-fe2f-4b78", "", "Baker Animal Clinic | 1627 Dundas St East Whitby L1N 2K9", "aaf8532f-f13e-4497", "", "ui-id-48", "2e103ba8-e44e-4178", "", "Ballantrae Plaza Veterinary Clinic | Unit # 1- 11 Felcher Blvd Stouffville L4A 7X4", "89c72f4f-4d91-4bab", "", "ui-id-49", "dbd25aee-a402-414d", "", "Balmy Beach Pet House Call Services | 2212 Queen Street East Toronto M4E 1E9", "a1cdcd36-e21f-49d2", "", "ui-id-50", "37ed2e82-66b3-4315", "", "Bathurst Animal Clinic Professional Corporation | 352 Wilson Ave Toronto M3H 1S9", "9c8f547e-654d-49ad", "", "ui-id-51", "5e79aa38-52cb-484b", "", "Bay Ridges Animal Clinic | 717 Krosno Blvd Pickering L1W 1G4", "f5631aaa-fae3-45f6", "", "ui-id-52", "59403979-ae3e-4bc9", "", "Bayview Mall Veterinary Clinic | 3289 Bayview Ave Willowdale M2K 1G4", "be4303e1-c136-4135", "", "ui-id-53", "dd2f4735-3deb-4513", "", "Bayview Pet Services | 16700 Bayview Ave unit 23 Newmarket L3X 1W1", "41fac81b-57c7-441e", "", "ui-id-54", "41e120b6-ac9d-4a44", "", "Bayview Village Veterinary Clinic | 324 Sheppard Ave East Willowdale M2M 3B4", "017ea3de-cc23-4b30", "", "ui-id-55", "e9187c90-e999-4c0e", "", "Bayview Wellington Veterinary Clinic | 15340 Bayview Ave Aurora L4G 7J1", "0a56d15c-6323-4b2c", "", "ui-id-56", "76149bd2-8ea5-499d", "", "Beaches-Fallingbrook Veterinary Clinic | 1210 Kingston Rd Scarborough M1N 1N8", "f08df7e4-9279-4b63", "", "ui-id-57", "73171720-93b1-4a54", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L5H9", "102fec1e-7c54-4397", "", "ui-id-58", "686c73fd-0f7e-40b5", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Ancaster) | 34 Stone Church Road Ancaster L9J 1S5", "244dcef4-bfa8-4cc7", "", "ui-id-59", "040180ff-b0d5-4936", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Burlington) | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L 5H9", "c4ca35b1-ef98-446a", "", "ui-id-60", "dfbcbd46-eea3-4de1", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (East Hamilton) | 954 Concession Street Hamilton L8V1G2", "8ddc299d-ec5b-4a01", "", "ui-id-61", "ee9a229d-4d77-40db", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Stoney Creek) | 131 - 135 Upper Centennial Parkway Stoney Creek L8J 0B2", "30fd59fc-be30-42eb", "", "ui-id-62", "43c269e7-4218-45cc", "", "Beaverdale Veterinary Clinic | 3510 Beaverdale Rd Cambridge N3H 4R7", "67f16298-736f-4bff", "", "ui-id-63", "62028b19-09e3-4834", "", "Beeton Veterinary Clinic | Box 830, 109 Main St West Beeton L0G 1A0", "87939c7c-5558-42d6", "", "ui-id-64", "9e991f85-1eb9-4758", "", "Belle River Animal Clinic | PO Box 1266, 576 Broadway St Belle River N0R 1A0", "56a38208-837f-4523", "", "ui-id-65", "9e28618a-691d-4e36", "", "Biddulph Veterinary Clinic | 290 Main St Lucan N0M 2J0", "074fcb29-e148-4d93", "", "ui-id-66", "748ee767-38aa-41fd", "", "Birch Dan Animal Clinic | 556 Danforth Road Scarborough M1K 1C6", "5accdf92-0a9d-41cc", "", "ui-id-67", "41b4183d-c1ba-4d56", "", "Bloor Kipling Animal Clinic | 3804 Bloor Street West Toronto M9B 6C2", "06a93331-155f-4460", "", "ui-id-68", "659e87c7-2036-4a43", "", "Bloorcourt Veterinary Clinic | 1074 Bloor St W Toronto M6H 1M6", "b4b732d7-0a56-46c3", "", "ui-id-69", "58a8c16f-7e88-4d65", "", "Bowhill Animal Clinic | 2820 Victoria Park Ave Willowdale M2J 4A8", "1be9e36d-d946-4b97", "", "ui-id-70", "03c7d64d-b7b2-4bb5", "", "Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic | 2826 Hwy 2 Bowmanville L1C 3K5", "ad6f04ec-d0e8-4776", "", "ui-id-71", "eb5433d4-5a1a-44bd", "", "Boyne Veterinary Clinic | 252 Young St Alliston L9R 1V1", "411b9316-9428-4041", "", "ui-id-72", "f31b962a-0550-455e", "", "Bradford Animal Clinic | P.O. Box 1006, 35 John Street W Bradford L3Z 2B4", "19bc7d7a-d440-4557", "", "ui-id-73", "af851aad-d692-4650", "", "Brant Animal Clinic | 2201 Brant Street Burlington L7P 3N8", "1d4638c4-d1ba-4f24", "", "ui-id-74", "032a28c1-4687-4ee1", "", "Brantford Veterinary Clinic | 277 King George Road Brantford N3R 5L1", "2866643d-5384-4c91", "", "ui-id-75", "a361d66f-d937-4053", "", "Brant-Norfolk Veterinary Clinic | 155 Lynden Road, Unit 5A Brantford N3R 8A7", "495847dd-88c2-4170", "", "ui-id-76", "171612a2-d1b7-4a3c", "", "Brealey Drive Animal Clinic | 1789 Stenson Blvd.#6-7 Peterborough K9K 2H4", "89158e1d-7252-44d9", "", "ui-id-77", "a72d09e1-7bc5-47eb", "", "Brelmar Veterinary Clinic | Hwy 12 & hwy 7, RR# 2, Sunderland L0C 1H0", "16b033f4-5fa3-4b7b", "", "ui-id-78", "cabdd699-1fb9-4f42", "", "Bridle Trail Veterinary Clinic | 33 The Bridle Trail Unionville L3R 4E7", "09051afc-2683-4e6f", "", "ui-id-79", "241b179d-0a62-4715", "", "Brimley-Lawrence Animal Clinic | 807 Brimley Rd. Scarborough M1J 1C9", "edb7d31e-4fb5-40e6", "", "ui-id-80", "c919ef9f-2f82-421c", "", "Britannia Heights Veterinary Clinic | 2579 Carling Avenue Ottawa K2B 7H7", "1f22d6f8-1954-495a", "", "ui-id-81", "4bb631e0-31e4-407f", "", "Brock Road Animal Clinic | 2200 Brock Road, #A05 Pickering L1X 2R2", "f4996f4e-0255-4538", "", "ui-id-82", "ba4fa30c-b251-4bac", "", "Brookville Veterinary Clinic | 11280 Guelph Line RR 1 Campbellville L0P 1B0", "1fc8acf3-4182-4c02", "", "ui-id-83", "b937269d-0853-4930", "", "Byron Animal Clinic | 1310 Commissioners Rd W London N6K 1E1", "62b5aa30-a4d5-4982", "", "ui-id-84", "42805c90-cfd2-4679", "", "C1-01-19 Mountaingrove Pet Mobile Services | 413, 2025 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4X4", "25011259-f803-4401", "", "ui-id-85", "c7a3f572-5dae-4969", "", "C6-21-17Veterinary Emergency Clinic North | 280 Sheppard Ave. East North York M2N 3B1", "25a0fd59-cb25-4740", "", "ui-id-86", "e4d2137e-1fcf-4039", "", "Cabana @ Howard Pet Hospital | Unit A - 511 Cabana Rd E Windsor N9G 1A5", "4f0a3b92-7dca-429a", "", "ui-id-87", "6f5b2f17-1957-477a", "", "Cabbagetown Pet Clinic | 239 Gerrard Street East Toronto M5A 2G1", "c9e77959-5cfd-4c87", "", "ui-id-88", "914ffbba-9872-47d7", "", "Caledonia Veterinary Clinic | 230 Argyle Street S Caledonia N3W 1K7", "dd3094a6-1a61-4c60", "", "ui-id-89", "8d32bfee-ba37-46a0", "", "Caradoc Animal Clinic | 84 Caradoc Street South Strathroy N7G 2N8", "c518e0ee-5f2e-406d", "", "ui-id-90", "8d79db7c-5cb7-4781", "", "Casselman Veterinary Clinic | 695 Route 700 Aurele Road Casselman K0A 1M0", "f80b2060-7044-4658", "", "ui-id-91", "4703ee89-a5a2-45a6", "", "Cat Clinic Of Cornwall | 3040 Pitt Street Cornwall K6K 1A8", "78183b4f-0e80-4a96", "", "ui-id-92", "3b35e3cc-eca6-4b83", "", "Cataraqui Pet Hospital | 1183 Midland Ave Kingston K7P 2X8", "8353e730-ddc6-4104", "", "ui-id-93", "83883342-cee5-42bf", "", "Cayuga Veterinary Clinic | 6 Winnett Street South Cayuga N0A 1E0", "4fefb716-6454-46e6", "", "ui-id-94", "e7998f52-259c-479b", "", "Cedarbrae Animal Clinic | 700 Markham Rd - #6 Scarborough M1H 2A7", "6608764a-022c-4dff", "", "ui-id-95", "1ed2a83d-cc83-48e9", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Ave. W Toronto M6C 2C9", "73e87f3a-b409-44e1", "", "ui-id-96", "061f2686-62b1-4fd9", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Avenue West York M6C 2C9", "ff17ced0-23e8-4242", "", "ui-id-97", "043296c8-f99d-4234", "", "Chapel Hill Veterinary Clinic | 1615 Orleans Blvd Orleans K1C 7E2", "278531d2-330f-41ca", "", "ui-id-98", "b5529d30-e4ab-49f0", "", "Chartwell Veterinary Clinic | Unit 6 2375 Brimley Road Agincourt M1S 3L6", "a718f9e5-fd00-4d62", "", "ui-id-99", "0f9bf939-a572-4930", "", "Chesley Veterinary Clinic | 1773 Bruce Road 10 Chesley N0G 1L0", "01fe0c8c-8677-43bf", "", "ui-id-100", "d58e4072-25bf-4c52", "", "Church Yonge Animal Clinic | 19 Church Avenue North York M2N 4E7", "8a966f34-f200-4ddc", "", "ui-id-101", "2dc90a7b-7bd5-43a9", "", "City Of Ottawa Spay/ Neuter Clinic | Unit 5, 26 Concourse Gate Ottawa K2E 7T7", "db95967e-af05-4c37", "", "ui-id-102", "eb3f742b-536e-4a8e", "", "Cl - 08/05/22 -Ava Nor-Ont Veterinary Clinic | 4297 Regional Road 15 Chelmsford P0M 1L0", "1c33f049-84bf-4116", "", "ui-id-103", "81f924d6-8a2f-4aa4", "", "Cl 2023 - King West Veterinary Clinic | 1029 King Street West, Unit 36 Toronto M6K 3M9", "dcf3e24f-3eb4-4dac", "", "ui-id-104", "9251db67-3bda-46bd", "", "Cl- 2023 Simpson Veterinary Clinic (Records @ Wycliffe Village Vc) | 104-545 North Rivermede Concord L4K 4H1", "4c8c72e6-bd49-4d09", "", "ui-id-105", "e4b9b1ba-1624-448c", "", "Cl- 9/26/16 Cliffcrest Animal Clinic | 3674 St Clair Avenue East Scarborough M1M 1T2", "9af7e50c-587b-47a1", "", "ui-id-106", "946bd016-8d50-49f5", "", "Cl- Sept 15/20-Charing Cross Cat Clinic | 138 Charing Cross St. Brantford N3R 2J1", "efae18ff-e150-4235", "", "ui-id-107", "9ad51bf5-fd6a-4f23", "", "Cl-03/31/2018 Cat Clinic Of Windsor | 1277 Grand Marais West Windsor N9E 1E1", "480a5df7-9243-43f4", "", "ui-id-108", "d1f04793-d766-4843", "", "Cl-07-17-2015Embro Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 129, 123 Huron St Embro N0J 1J0", "b2c3fcdb-b69b-4f91", "", "ui-id-109", "e1a6821b-98eb-4c89", "", "Cl-07-17-2015Goderich Veterinary Clinic | P O Box 265 R R #2 Goderich N7A3Z2", "913b798d-4507-48ea", "", "ui-id-110", "fd321935-f726-43db", "", "Cl-07-30-2015Lucan Veterinary Clinic | 33341 Richmond St. Lucan L2R 6P9", "c44f3698-f2cf-434d", "", "ui-id-111", "96b13918-2fa6-46cd", "", "Cl-10-25-2018King Animal Clinic | 567 King Street London N6B 1T4", "b8251bee-88e9-470b", "", "ui-id-112", "0d9842c8-a392-45ec", "", "Cl-11-08-2017Owen Sound Veterinary Clinic-Downtown | 868 3rd Ave East Owen Sound N4K 2K5", "3203270a-b83f-4d8b", "", "ui-id-113", "4d76fe76-2695-4403", "", "Cl-2019 London Veterinary Emergency Clinic | #43 - 41 Adelaide St N London N6B 3P4", "6176073e-9acc-410b", "", "ui-id-114", "93ec83ae-be32-4562", "", "Clairfields Mobile Veterinary Clinic | 152 Farley Drive Guelph N1L1M1", "df8c3ed0-f5d0-4950", "", "ui-id-115", "93917975-2731-4be3", "", "Clarence St. Veterinary Clinic | 167 Clarence St Port Colborne L3K 3G4", "5a89e4d6-2083-4bba", "", "ui-id-116", "66196ddc-6e1f-4a32", "", "Close Vet Clinic | 1 - 162 McIntyre Drive Kitchener N2R 1E8", "98d579b8-7db1-4df8", "", "ui-id-117", "825a07a6-3bfe-4372", "", "Closed 21-07-27 -Cookstown Animal Clinic | 17 Queen Street Cookstown C0C 1L0", "d4ef7a80-7c5c-4e85", "", "ui-id-118", "87c483f3-c66e-4015", "", "Cobblestone Animal Clinic | 1084 Rest Acres Road, Unit 1 Paris N3L 0B5", "dcbd23b5-1605-4036", "", "ui-id-119", "93e1e571-5284-451a", "", "Cochrane Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 2360, 59 First St Cochrane P0L 1C0", "19b3d062-3889-4f93", "", "ui-id-120", "732195b2-647b-4026", "", "Colborne Street Pet Hospital | 77 Colborne Street W Orillia L3V 2Y6", "a6726875-1857-4ec7", "", "ui-id-121", "013a2a10-eb32-4dd7", "", "Colborne Veterinary Clinic | R R #4 (Norfolk Street) 2512 Hwy 24 North Simcoe N3Y 4K3", "d320f578-c4e6-40b0", "", "ui-id-122", "5d67f614-a914-4b42", "", "Conestoga Veterinary Clinic | 2095 Lobsinger Line Waterloo N2J 4G8", "ab4fd434-bf74-4ce7", "", "ui-id-123", "695c6496-7cf2-42a1", "", "Copetown Animal Hospital | 153 Highway 52 (P.O. Box 85) Copetown L0R 1J0", "094036fd-5443-4f3d", "", "ui-id-124", "e2f2c065-7660-41c8", "", "Cottage Country Animal Clinic | 2 Edward St. Parry Sound P2A 2W4", "536c2aff-5192-45f4", "", "ui-id-125", "6165bb52-de23-4394", "", "Courtice Pet Clinic | 1500 Highway #2 Courtice L1E 2T5", "4f101343-7e0b-42aa", "", "ui-id-126", "7e878c0f-dd91-4b78", "", "Coxwell Animal Clinic | 961 Coxwell Ave Toronto M4C 3G4", "c300302d-12f5-49f8", "", "ui-id-127", "c97c384b-26a6-4f54", "", "Crossing Bridge Veterinary Clinic | 1250 Main Street Stittsville K2S 1S9", "30049a8a-8c36-4570", "", "ui-id-128", "d39bfa29-a1b2-42b9", "", "Crossroads Veterinary Clinic | 3142 Arthur Street West Rosslyn P7K 0P3", "a0a2e252-e14a-446f", "", "ui-id-129", "419c378f-0026-4af2", "", "Dale Veterinary Clinic | 121 Toronto Rd, Unit #131 Port Hope L1A 3C5", "06053948-7b1a-4d6f", "", "ui-id-130", "0bb56c40-bd96-418c", "", "Danforth Veterinary Clinic | 966 Pape Avenue Toronto M4K 3V5", "de80d0e3-38dc-4fd0", "", "ui-id-131", "9b2c12da-0496-48fb", "", "Davis Drive Animal Clinic | 891 Davis Drive Newmarket L3Y 2R6", "74fbd559-1c4c-4ccc", "", "ui-id-132", "a31d206a-7974-4ad5", "", "Derry Village Animal Clinic | 32-7070 St. Barbara BlvdUnit 200 Mississauga L5W 0E6", "68ff8a66-6f56-4654", "", "ui-id-133", "cfaec39f-649b-4afc", "", "Desmond Veterinary Clinic | 2979 Unity Gate Mississauga L5L 3E5", "0af8c5e9-3507-414c", "", "ui-id-134", "ef8eab10-2611-49ba", "", "Dixie Eglinton Animal Clinic | 5120 Dixie Rd Mississauga L4W4J7", "09f9b2fd-2fc4-4193", "", "ui-id-135", "70c9d826-f759-4b81", "", "Dixie Road Pet Clinic | 10078 Dixie Road Brampton L6T3S1", "80dabefc-c24e-41cb", "", "ui-id-136", "969e85a0-ddaf-4877", "", "Dog & Cat Clinic Of Niagara | Unit 2 - 2E Tremont Drive St. Catharines L2T 3B2", "4acf9bfc-8c37-410e", "", "ui-id-137", "c5c69b03-da8f-414d", "", "Don Head Village Animal Clinic | 737 Carrville Road Richmond Hill L4C 6E5", "0c4099c6-6df2-4ad0", "", "ui-id-138", "51c002b9-fb8f-4824", "", "Doncaster Animal Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "f8fd5b7a-f8f9-4291", "", "ui-id-139", "06162728-3c7f-447c", "", "Downtown Toronto Cat Clinic | 739 Bloor St W Toronto M6G 1L6", "aa76950c-b201-4872", "", "ui-id-140", "47c46354-c093-41e7", "", "Dr. Asianova Animal Clinic | 9720 Dufferin Street Maple L6A 4L6", "0b1fde51-fecd-4816", "", "ui-id-141", "3c3bf73d-a2b1-4fdc", "", "Dr. Richard Murray Mobile Pet Service | 3051 Upper Dwyer Hill Rd Kinburn K0A 2HO", "e3400be2-588b-4c8a", "", "ui-id-142", "7497272c-0d9e-4c0b", "", "Drayton Veterinary Clinic | 7294 Wellington Street N, Hwy 11 Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "c2c9ae2a-5c94-4725", "", "ui-id-143", "902a5d10-a1db-454d", "", "Dresden Veterinary Clinic | 1220 Wellington St Box 520 Dresden N0P 1M0", "d8334c20-c0f9-4194", "", "ui-id-144", "7b605644-928a-4fd9", "", "Dufferin Queen Animal Clinic | 1179 Queen Street West Units A & B Toronto M6J 1J6", "bcb386c1-0a8b-4e81", "", "ui-id-145", "59e66add-7e7d-491d", "", "Dunnville Veterinary Clinic | 1017 Broad Street E. Dunnville N1A 2Z1", "0bf15ec1-dd4f-4f6e", "", "ui-id-146", "b6e41481-6b74-4e83", "", "Dunrobin Veterinary Clinic | 2719 Dunrobin Rd - R R #2 Dunrobin K0A 1T0", "a84028f1-b850-4ab8", "", "ui-id-147", "886a7c42-84a3-4887", "", "Durham Veterinary Clinic | 110 King St East Bowmanville L1C 1N5", "53533ca9-be28-4beb", "", "ui-id-148", "95597122-62da-4b6a", "", "Durham Veterinary Clinic | 298 Elm St. E Durham N0G 1R0", "ba0662d9-378c-4450", "", "ui-id-149", "625ecbaa-c815-4a7e", "", "Eagleson Veterinary Clinic | 46-500 Eagleson Road Kanata K2M 1H4", "771e71ed-8ae7-4f18", "", "ui-id-150", "f43c3cb6-6e84-4074", "", "East Middlesex Animal Clinic | 2599 Hamilton Rd Dorchester N0L 1G5", "771ff128-b0b8-4ac7", "", "ui-id-151", "8467ffb5-dc13-49a0", "", "East York Animal Clinic | 805 O' Connor Dr Toronto M4B 2S7", "2aa2e8a5-8630-4d33", "", "ui-id-152", "a8f66fc0-8404-4e76", "", "Edwards Lakeside Veterinary Clinic | 46 Port St East Mississauga L5G 1C1", "6db02b71-db09-461a", "", "ui-id-153", "3f9ef2c3-6983-4229", "", "Eglinton / Hwy 10 Veterinary Clinic | 295 Eglinton Ave E Unit 11 Mississauga L4Z 3X6", "f235ca2c-fd04-49f2", "", "ui-id-154", "5068e24d-f120-4823", "", "Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic | \uf041 Location 1540 Eglinton Avenue west York M6E 2G8", "40663a4b-fec7-4d49", "", "ui-id-155", "e138b356-8017-4a87", "", "Eldale Veterinary Clinic | 150 Church St W Elmira N3B 1N3", "b6e4ddf0-a161-4d94", "", "ui-id-156", "489ca1dd-5240-4331", "", "Ellesmere Animal Clinic | 85 Ellesmere road - unit F2 Toronto M1R 4B7", "4486025d-ae39-498f", "", "ui-id-157", "16d87c5d-2a7f-4de8", "", "Embrun Veterinary Clinic | 651 Notre Dame Embrun K0A 1W1", "9c31cae7-6c48-4d4a", "", "ui-id-158", "c9e49466-031e-40f2", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Hwy 10 | Unit 10, 1 Wexford Drive Brampton L6Z 2W1", "42af0bb5-8260-4bf8", "", "ui-id-159", "81f653d6-ead5-4a47", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E1B6", "2c727450-74db-4c3f", "", "ui-id-160", "b1c624af-11c6-462c", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | Unit 14 - 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E 1B6", "b911dcfb-a055-4f2f", "", "ui-id-161", "bf1f8eef-2995-42fc", "", "Erin Mills Pet Hospital | 2400 Dunwin Dr Mississauga L5L 1J9", "cd5aabe0-10c0-4913", "", "ui-id-162", "f6412dfb-96ab-405c", "", "Fairfield Pet Hospital | 6 Speers Blvd. Amherstview K7N 1Z6", "7cf3bbb9-367e-4133", "", "ui-id-163", "a5ef8435-596a-467f", "", "Fairview Animal Clinic | 1 Secord Drive St. Catharines L2N 1K9", "7f982d43-9a7c-4afc", "", "ui-id-164", "20e9c150-51db-41e5", "", "Fairview Drive Pet Hospital | Unit 7 & 8, 403 Fairview Drive Brantford N3R 6T2", "e3e3a34d-93f4-4139", "", "ui-id-165", "cb500505-e570-4be8", "", "Fallsview Veterinary Clinic | 6144 McLeod Road Niagara Falls L2G7P5", "ab181c25-bdc3-41d6", "", "ui-id-166", "b2fca2f9-d3e3-49b4", "", "Fenelon Animal Clinic | PO Box 310, 474 County Road 121 Fenelon Falls K0M 1N0", "347588b1-4e60-478f", "", "ui-id-167", "dd5e5d56-2e0e-4e97", "", "Fifth Avenue Veterinary Clinic | 10 Fifth Avenue Orangeville L9W1G2", "b4448331-c688-482a", "", "ui-id-168", "e7ba5c3d-2d14-4965", "", "Forest Veterinary Clinic | P O Box 119, 6378 Townsend Line Forest N0N 1J0", "682ac6ba-87cb-43e7", "", "ui-id-169", "5e4cf4db-18ae-4b6e", "", "Forestbrook Pet Hospital | 1105 Finch Avenue Pickering L1V 1J7", "5f0020c7-5d3f-4bad", "", "ui-id-170", "54af9e9b-0336-4b63", "", "Gananoque Veterinary Clinic | 231 Highway 32 N Gananoque K7G 2T6", "38ab0163-5392-40cf", "", "ui-id-171", "b44aef66-dc3f-4343", "", "Ganaraska Animal Clinic | 146 Rose Glen Rd S Port Hope L1A 3V6", "5be06cf9-2702-410b", "", "ui-id-172", "48767839-3b04-4d3b", "", "Gateway Pet Hospital | 4391 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "0e2ee035-a467-4fb1", "", "ui-id-173", "edfb8166-2912-4fa9", "", "Georgetown Animal Clinic | 4 Mountainview Rd S Georgetown L7G 4J9", "b0f82839-fb8b-4009", "", "ui-id-174", "7851cfaf-4f83-4b09", "", "Georgina Veterinary Clinic Ltd | P O Box 642, 25914 Hwy #48 Sutton L0E 1R0", "209880ce-7fdf-4561", "", "ui-id-175", "82aeab4d-f861-43fc", "", "Glebe Pet Hospital | 595 Bank Street Ottawa K1S 3T4", "a5c805c9-9868-4186", "", "ui-id-176", "98d3711a-9b8c-4780", "", "Golf Glen Veterinary Clinic | 15570 Yonge Street S - #1 Aurora L4G 1P2", "3cda7870-6d82-4968", "", "ui-id-177", "de24d43e-5e8d-4afa", "", "Grand Avenue Pet Hospital | 222 Grand Avenue West Chatham N7L 1C1", "c5dc1a1c-5651-4e21", "", "ui-id-178", "53a07b0e-1e0b-4697", "", "Grandview Bloor Animal Clinic | 600 Grandview Street South Oshawa L1H 8P4", "725aa4cf-eb1e-43b0", "", "ui-id-179", "73d180aa-0b96-4a69", "", "Greenboro Veterinary Clinic | 2 Lorry Greenberg Drive Ottawa K1G 5H6", "632238f6-abd9-4c16", "", "ui-id-180", "35909f5b-a785-47d1", "", "Grenville - Dundas Veterinary Clinic | Box 1552, RR#5, 2643 Hwy. 43 Kemptville K0G 1J0", "b56b1625-2720-4d30", "", "ui-id-181", "de338050-ad30-4154", "", "Grey Bruce Pet Hospital | 1393 16th Ave East Owen Sound N4K 0J3", "41ece782-8b0a-4567", "", "ui-id-182", "3ace6bdf-613f-43ff", "", "Guelph Cat Clinic | Unit 4 - 15 Surrey St W Guelph N1H 3R3", "68d5442d-7561-43c7", "", "ui-id-183", "588782b6-503b-45b0", "", "Guildwood Village Animal Clinic | 123 Guildwood Parkway Scarborough M1E 4V2", "c2387e8c-15d0-43cc", "", "ui-id-184", "59194b9a-bf33-4141", "", "Gull River Veterinary Clinic | 6826 Highway 35, RR # 1 Coboconk K0M 1K0", "b8fef1dc-fad2-4c5e", "", "ui-id-185", "ebfd5583-1e41-45ae", "", "Hale Veterinary Clinic | 159 Fife Road Guelph N1H 7N8", "612d6d34-07f2-4b81", "", "ui-id-186", "5a5f10f1-2ff3-4869", "", "Halton Hills Veterinary Clinic | 2 Main St Georgetown L7G 3G6", "36b62a31-fdb2-473c", "", "ui-id-187", "cd71fb27-c041-4204", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services: Home Pet Euthanasia | 7994 Maltby Rd. E Puslinch N0B 2J0", "596408bb-4114-4850", "", "ui-id-188", "16a39542-b2e4-4818", "", "Hamilton Region Emergency Veterinary Clinic | 50 Dundurn St S Hamilton L8P 4W3", "1faeb8cc-5bed-4d2b", "", "ui-id-189", "07bc268c-a5c6-49fb", "", "Harwood Pet Hospital | #1 Rossland Road WestUnit 12 AJAX L1Z 1Z2", "a6a46142-080f-40cf", "", "ui-id-190", "37fa5654-5a9d-4f94", "", "Hearst Veterinary Clinic | C/O Kampuskasing Veterinary Clinic, 2 Brunnelle South Kampuskasing P5N 2T2", "601ae294-1e42-4de2", "", "ui-id-191", "542cf0e3-5f4e-42f5", "", "Heartland Pet Hospital | 6085 Creditview Road Unit #20 Mississauga L5V 2A8", "cd2e32e5-1576-411e", "", "ui-id-192", "080cdf1d-6f51-43fa", "", "Herongate Animal Clinic | 9 Doric St Unit 1 Ajax L1S 7L5", "01ea9de3-4bfd-4a1d", "", "ui-id-193", "f62fa7a8-7032-4ae8", "", "Highbury North Pet Hospital | Unit 1 - 1570 Highbury Ave N London N5Y 5N7", "7c22f409-a49a-45ba", "", "ui-id-194", "4e68e4a8-08b5-4de8", "", "Highland Creek Animal Clinic Prof. Corp. | 6105 Kingston Road Scarborough M1C 1K5", "c7980011-3479-4429", "", "ui-id-195", "00e2879a-de28-441b", "", "Highland Road Pet Hospital | 200 Highland Road Kitchener N2M 3C2", "aa84facb-23cc-412c", "", "ui-id-196", "16514136-b768-4390", "", "Highview Animal Clinic | 860 Redriver Road Thunder Bay P7B 1K2", "e4422d11-bbc2-4ecc", "", "ui-id-197", "842708a3-7e57-4b4a", "", "Highway #24 Veterinary Clinic | 5041 Wellington Rd 32 RR#6 Guelph N1H 6J3", "d998017a-a322-4eef", "", "ui-id-198", "06fe04a4-e2b6-4663", "", "Hillcrest Animal Clinic | 195 Grand Trunk Ave Hwy17 Dryden P8N 2X1", "372fbb60-bda9-4f6e", "", "ui-id-199", "6f16c9cb-ee43-49f6", "", "Hills Pet Nutrition Primary Health Care Centre -Ontario Veterinary College | University of Guelph 50 Stone Rd Guelph N1G 2W1", "b256ea70-e311-4912", "", "ui-id-200", "a9e0365a-ae9e-44bc", "", "Hillside Veterinary Clinic | 17095 Yonge St Newmarket L3Y 4V7", "f0ef9196-ec1c-4f9a", "", "ui-id-201", "2c98a027-e91f-4284", "", "Hillview Veterinary Clinic | 5205 King Street West Unit 4 Beamsville L0R 1B3", "193669f6-d86c-4150", "", "ui-id-202", "6781e3e9-696e-4e14", "", "Hofmann Veterinary Clinic | 1917 Albion Road Rexdale M9W 5S8", "e39aa477-4864-4672", "", "ui-id-203", "9531d4f4-1310-40f9", "", "House Calls For Pets | P.O.Box 364, Station \\\"O\\\" Toronto M4A 2N9", "c27b45d1-de6e-41f3", "", "ui-id-204", "f6082822-da03-4dcc", "", "Huronia Veterinary Emergency Clinic | 391 Dunlop St W Barrie L4N 1C3", "ec837990-3a60-444d", "", "ui-id-205", "d400e20f-f2a7-430d", "", "Ilderton Pet Hospital | 125 King Street Ilderton N0M 2A0", "82cc7006-df7e-45a9", "", "ui-id-206", "0454401c-a639-4abc", "", "Image Pet | 1311 Riverbend Dr London N6K 3V1", "2c6fb9a3-6220-4716", "", "ui-id-207", "920cd44a-8ecf-474f", "", "In Balance Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic | Unit #2 - 2715 Bur Oak Avenue Markham L6B 1K7", "01048457-4905-4db2", "", "ui-id-208", "391905fd-4299-442e", "", "Inglewood Veterinary Clinic | 15352 - Hurontario St Caledon L7C 2C3", "714048ba-a9b6-4874", "", "ui-id-209", "b843b222-924a-4106", "", "Jane Animal Clinic | 313 Jane St Toronto M6S 3Z3", "e9a867e5-a9a2-4a2d", "", "ui-id-210", "deb14a65-adac-4df4", "", "Johnson Chiropractic Animal Clinic | 304 Norris Road Perth K7H1T1", "0269139f-bef4-4299", "", "ui-id-211", "61814fba-82ff-4c26", "", "Junction Pet Clinic | 2916 Dundas St W Toronto M6P1Y8", "5a906bce-b20a-4b72", "", "ui-id-212", "c00473ab-c6ed-4c74", "", "Juno Veterinary Summerhill Clinic | 1073 Yonge Street Toronto M4W1Y5", "a995fd7c-140a-4250", "", "ui-id-213", "da9d481e-b148-449d", "", "Kanata Lakes Animal Clinic | 145 Roland Michener Drive Kanata K2T 1G7", "f07c7bde-b9ca-4fcd", "", "ui-id-214", "e1d01edc-9540-4885", "", "Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Clinic | 1840 Lansdowne St. W Unit 1B Peterborough K9K 2M9", "6fa0fc76-1f1b-4dfd", "", "ui-id-215", "ba62ebbf-9286-467b", "", "Kelton Pet House Call Services | Box 71528 Aurora L4G 5W5", "12315811-0a43-4689", "", "ui-id-216", "9da08e58-d296-428b", "", "Kennedy Road Veterinary Clinic | 10410 Kennedy Road North Brampton L6Z 0A7", "835458c3-3713-4089", "", "ui-id-217", "a342f547-5de7-42b6", "", "Kenora Veterinary Clinic | 305 Matheson St S Kenora P9N 1V4", "5e8d2bfc-ea77-490e", "", "ui-id-218", "9b520973-607d-4363", "", "Kim Pet Hospital | 8362 Woodbine Avenue Unit 1 Markham L3R 2N8", "7b16018f-4f68-4361", "", "ui-id-219", "6971dbf3-d3ee-4e07", "", "King Hopkins Pet Hospital | 120 Hopkins Street Whitby L1N 2B7", "575de9e9-67fe-4ada", "", "ui-id-220", "76a8152e-408b-46d8", "", "King\u2019S Ridge Veterinary Clinic | 1700 King Road, Unit 23 King City L7B 0N1", "727a494b-ca36-4f25", "", "ui-id-221", "470413e8-0e6e-4956", "", "Kingston Regional Pet Hospital | Unit 10, 1381 Midland Avenue Kingston K7P 2W5", "bd8c1c7d-6f56-4ea7", "", "ui-id-222", "6d050849-910c-43f5", "", "Kingston Veterinary Clinic | 435 Division St Kingston K7K 4A8", "d34351c1-11b5-47df", "", "ui-id-223", "d63da1f5-509f-434a", "", "Kingsville Animal Clinic | 228 Division Street N Kingsville N9Y 1E4", "516f207b-96d2-452d", "", "ui-id-224", "5aa4d104-4f64-471c", "", "Kirkton Veterinary Clinic | P.O. Box 96 1911 Mary Street Kirkton N0K 1K0", "08e020ff-5372-4f9b", "", "ui-id-225", "03f33013-4949-4cec", "", "Komoka - Kilworth Animal Clinic | 9930 Glendon Dr Unit B Komoka N0L 1R0", "4303065e-d529-4e7e", "", "ui-id-226", "3f62bda8-e3db-47df", "", "Lafontaine Veterinary Clinic | 2799 Chamberland Street Rockland K4K 1M7", "a69041c4-d350-4b66", "", "ui-id-227", "8d6b1766-1fc9-4bf8", "", "35f9bfbe-8ba1-42ff", "", "ui-id-228", "4b97fc0b-e907-4db4", "", "Laird Eglinton Pet Hospital | 211 Laird Drive Toronto M4G 3W8", "ace50d50-63e0-43a4", "", "ui-id-229", "c7ca4eeb-7a85-4596", "", "Lakeshore Veterinary Clinic | Unit B - 1206 Lakeshore Road Sarnia N7S 2L2", "7f4b432f-c369-4643", "", "ui-id-230", "89fddc16-8a6b-4398", "", "Lakeside Niagara Veterinary Clinic | 107 Lakeshore Road St Catharines L2N2T6", "44113371-d7ea-4424", "", "ui-id-231", "c2708adf-1e2b-4bfb", "", "Lanark Leeds & Grenville Spay Neuter Clinic | 4099 County Road 29 RR#4 Brockville K6V 5T4", "3b995d74-8f3e-4ddc", "", "ui-id-232", "b0e7ead4-944f-4f0e", "", "Lanark Veterinary Clinic | 88D Cornelia Street West Smiths Falls K7A 4W7", "b1419bb9-af54-46a8", "", "ui-id-233", "9478e450-a935-4110", "", "Lancaster Veterinary Clinic | P.O. Box 308, 4 Maple St. Lancaster K0C 1N0", "b86f0b04-9e41-4b13", "", "ui-id-234", "1269106c-256d-4a01", "", "Lasalle Animal Clinic | Unit B, 1560 Lasalle Boulevard Sudbury P3A 1Z7", "f1170c87-20f8-4936", "", "ui-id-235", "f194b97a-a267-4a0f", "", "Lawrence Veterinary Clinic | 486 Lawrence Ave West Toronto M5M 1C4", "30a267f4-f05d-480c", "", "ui-id-236", "74151cb1-15ab-4312", "", "Leamington Veterinary Clinic | 110 Talbot Street East Leamington N8H 1L5", "4b9e9941-ae04-4264", "", "ui-id-237", "adca25d8-1eb9-41fd", "", "Leaside Animal Clinic | 1662 Bayview Ave Toronto M4G 3C2", "e4948899-56d0-440e", "", "ui-id-238", "8386ee32-37e2-403b", "", "Lincoln County Humane Society Animal Clinic | 160 Fourth Avenue St. Catharines L2S 0B6", "a4d67f30-9319-47cd", "", "ui-id-239", "2172d0a9-740d-4cc1", "", "Lindsay Animal Clinic | 62 Lindsay St South Lindsay K9V 2M2", "9a838576-bbea-4785", "", "ui-id-240", "cb186a96-9a26-4f01", "", "Links Road Animal Clinic The | 41 The Links Rd Toronto M2P 1T7", "bb98cf7d-7923-452e", "", "ui-id-241", "e30e8a79-af65-4068", "", "Listowel Veterinary Clinic | P O Box 66 Listowel N4W 3H2", "a972755c-f876-4246", "", "ui-id-242", "e8926da8-b9e6-4e23", "", "Lockwood Animal Clinic | 289 Wellington Rd South London N6C 4N8", "53d3ac8c-c9f0-4657", "", "ui-id-243", "1ab7e242-1df5-48ef", "", "London Cat Clinic | 6 Stanley St London N6C 1A8", "e77095cc-9ce5-41d2", "", "ui-id-244", "a516266e-4969-472c", "", "Long Branch Animal Clinic | 3459 Lakeshore Blvd W Etobicoke M8W 1N2", "f6b922ab-d255-490f", "", "ui-id-245", "2d905bc7-846a-44c9", "", "Lynden Animal Clinic | P.O. Box 44, 847 Lynden Road Lynden L0R 1T0", "bdabbf2d-d342-4e30", "", "ui-id-246", "a3163b3c-5848-4fcc", "", "Mac Animal Clinic | 1026 Speers Rd Oakville L6L 2X4", "834601db-70ad-493a", "", "ui-id-247", "bdac40e4-291f-4cb2", "", "Mackenzie Creek Mobile Pet Hospice Services | PO Box 96 Scotland N0E1R0", "ba726322-13d2-4a7f", "", "ui-id-248", "24b82c02-9154-48eb", "", "Main Street Veterinary Clinic | 170 Main Street Toronto M4E2W1", "b355d861-0a3c-4d30", "", "ui-id-249", "7c997721-9bb8-4912", "", "Maple Veterinary Clinic | Unit #1, 10040 Keele St Maple L6A 1G3", "2173a83a-485a-4bdc", "", "ui-id-250", "5e330b04-b373-4610", "", "Mapleview Animal Clinic | Unit 5A, 237 Mapleview Drive East Barrie L4N 0W5", "4398a208-7cb6-4402", "", "ui-id-251", "e63a84c7-cdd1-4aad", "", "Marion Vernon Memorial Animal Clinic | 91A Patterson Road Barrie L4N 3V9", "363c71e3-f204-44ad", "", "ui-id-252", "1041f154-cbb4-4abf", "", "Markham Veterinary Clinic | Units 13 & 14, 6605 Hwy #7 East Markham L3P 7P1", "f4d85e7b-4def-4cd2", "", "ui-id-253", "5e764f7a-17ef-4739", "", "Martindale Animal Clinic | 100 Fourth Ave Unit 15 & 16 St. Catharines L2S 3P2", "061c4a67-11bd-49ec", "", "ui-id-254", "2da7713a-9ffe-4c93", "", "Mavis Road Animal Clinic | Unit #1, 3095 Wolfedale Rd. Mississauga L5C 1V8", "0041aa38-45a1-40d1", "", "ui-id-255", "08e07a48-043e-4e6f", "", "Maxville Veterinary Clinic | 2477 CR-20P.O. Box 9 Maxville K0C 1T0", "e545ca33-f04e-4026", "", "ui-id-256", "be14a946-9ca0-4db2", "", "Mccowan Animal Clinic | 1599 Ellesmere Rd Scarborough M1P 2Y4", "032f5003-ba36-4f5b", "", "ui-id-257", "b575238f-e97c-4313", "", "Mcleod Road Animal Clinic | 7000 McLeod Road Niagara Falls L2G 7K3", "43c020c2-d48c-43c6", "", "ui-id-258", "b06be42a-039b-4591", "", "Meadows Animal Clinic | 644 Arthur St W Thunder Bay P7E 5R8", "f4e0fa22-0078-4c76", "", "ui-id-259", "0e12cabb-e077-4492", "", "Meadowvale Animal Clinic | 6040 Glen Erin Dr Mississauga L5N 3M4", "81082be6-1d1c-46d4", "", "ui-id-260", "346a48fd-5f4b-4468", "", "Mildmay Veterinary Clinic | RR#5 Box 123 #1342 Hwy 9 Mildmay N0G 2J0", "2308f31b-1d4f-40de", "", "ui-id-261", "3594e0e5-e601-44a3", "", "Mill Street Animal Clinic | 159 Mill Street Angus L0M 1B2", "c3ca7a40-6f82-49bc", "", "ui-id-262", "2c64bd23-b5f5-4ee4", "", "Millcreek Veterinary Clinic | 6400 Millcreek Dr Unit #7 Mississauga L5N 3E7", "53d8e413-1ad7-4bc8", "", "ui-id-263", "3a96348c-e42f-4a04", "", "Millcreek Veterinary Clinic (Odessa) | 143 Main Street, PO Box 177 Odessa K0H 2H0", "1dd49b47-6d9c-4160", "", "ui-id-264", "143683d5-1ba5-4583", "", "Milliken-Bridlewood Animal Clinic | 2770 Kennedy Road Scarborough M1T 3J2", "29fe58d8-e736-459a", "", "ui-id-265", "2134ea50-439a-4161", "", "Milliken-Bridlewood Veterinary Clinic | 2770 Kennedy Rd Scarborough M1T 3J2", "add8bf05-6784-4e76", "", "ui-id-266", "02f328c3-ba87-4c2a", "", "Milverton- Wellesley Veterinary Clinic | 93 Main St N Milverton N0K 2M0", "1f360249-f23c-4469", "", "ui-id-267", "6caa2946-52b0-4121", "", "Mobile Pet Hospice Services Of London | 31 Winship Close London N6C 5M7", "c7d95cfc-645e-4c8d", "", "ui-id-268", "2d58b993-df0c-405b", "", "Mohawk Animal Clinic | 962 Upper James St Hamilton L9C 3A5", "b0209cdd-c7bd-418e", "", "ui-id-269", "c283bede-5d07-4cdb", "", "Moira Veterinary Clinic | 44 B Moira Street West Belleville K8P 1S3", "744e5bfa-92d7-4049", "", "ui-id-270", "2779ed84-24dc-44d3", "", "Mono Veterinary Clinic | 633391 highway 10 Mono L9W 5P3", "e4575216-289b-401c", "", "ui-id-271", "017f2d9d-ff39-4129", "", "Morningstar Pet Hospital | 670 Taunton Road E Whitby L1R 0K6", "14a578fc-ce0f-44b2", "", "ui-id-272", "2ce22094-3631-40ef", "", "Morriston Veterinary Clinic | 29 Queen Street Morriston N0B 2C0", "c67e61d9-dd2d-48fc", "", "ui-id-273", "13e8b2cc-bd61-483a", "", "Mount Brydges Animal Clinic | RR # 5, 22276 Mill Road Mount Brydges N0L 1W0", "e461ec97-4cc4-48d2", "", "ui-id-274", "3db924e4-8477-4f09", "", "Mount Joy Animal Clinic | #10 - 50 Anderson Ave Markham L6E 1A6", "683c5877-291f-4a3f", "", "ui-id-275", "c46125fb-ba2e-4221", "", "Mountainside Animal Clinic | 2491 Industrial St Burlington L7P 1A6", "513d4fa4-a593-4971", "", "ui-id-276", "50104908-344c-49ac", "", "Mountainview Veterinary Clinic | 724 Balm Beach Road Midland L4R 4K4", "cd28f2de-f2b9-4a94", "", "ui-id-277", "24bd423b-2c65-4009", "", "Mullen Small Animal Clinic | P.O. Box 1090, 11 Colborne St N Walkerton N0G 2V0", "241e74d0-67d7-4784", "", "ui-id-278", "c8cf2b02-45b2-4f5d", "", "My Animal Veterinary Clinic | 703 Mount Pleasant Road Toronto M4S2N4", "62da2923-0fdc-4b50", "", "ui-id-279", "053b9908-ab3a-4b5f", "", "Neighbourhood Pet Clinic Of North London | 746 Waterloo Street London London N6A 3W3", "f9e57a57-3b48-43b7", "", "ui-id-280", "af0fc843-7a17-4638", "", "New Hamburg Veterinary Clinic | 19 Arnold Street New Hamburg N3A 2C6", "6011fd7a-f2cb-4381", "", "ui-id-281", "ded9cb0a-9148-4cb7", "", "New Tecumseth Animal Clinic | 33 Tottenham Road Alliston L9R1J9", "158ba0aa-809f-41f7", "", "ui-id-282", "8a44f528-59c6-48e8", "", "Newcastle Veterinary Clinic | 108 King Ave West Newcastle L1B 1H7", "ac62fbc8-d074-4c71", "", "ui-id-283", "9154f924-74d4-494b", "", "Niagara Pet Hospital | RR #1, 3032 Mountain Road/ Grimsby Road Grassie L0R 1M0", "a8864dee-dfc8-48ee", "", "ui-id-284", "07a07c89-6840-449c", "", "Niagara Veterinary Emergency Clinic | Unit 1A, 3300 Merrittville Highway Thorold L2V 4Y6", "8f3b3988-15cd-44e4", "", "ui-id-285", "dba97d00-1725-48f8", "", "Nobleton Veterinary Clinic | 13135 Hwy 27 Nobleton L0G 1N0", "dbb6b573-8220-43fe", "", "ui-id-286", "159faa59-80c8-4948", "", "North Toronto Veterinary Behaviour Specialty Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "fbf37378-71d8-46e3", "", "ui-id-287", "6017a67d-245e-4dfc", "", "Northview Pet Hospital | 8611 Weston Road Unit 5 Woodbridge L4L 9P1", "eec6e46d-5fcd-4ab8", "", "ui-id-288", "26e35ab0-6d47-441c", "", "Northwest London Veterinary Clinic | 1567 Hyde Park Rd London N6H 5L5", "e23948dc-3358-41b0", "", "ui-id-289", "c39cee2b-9487-47bc", "", "Nor-West Animal Clinic | 411 McIrvine Fort Frances P9A 3X7", "bb46c7bf-cc3c-4fc5", "", "ui-id-290", "87c7079c-38e7-432c", "", "Norwich Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 250, 51 Stover Street South Norwich N0J 1P0", "13e300a0-e03e-401a", "", "ui-id-291", "01c3709b-7ab1-49dc", "", "O.S.P.C.A Mount Vernon Memorial Clinic | 91a Patterson Rd Barrie L4N 3V9", "090c7abf-88a4-456e", "", "ui-id-292", "dedf02a1-fb12-423b", "", "Oak West Animal Clinic | 1311 Riverbend Rd London N6K 0J6", "f082dfe7-2bb0-4b8f", "", "ui-id-293", "7cf5f71a-3f27-4e6f", "", "Oakpark Pet Hospital | Unit C1 370 Dundas Street E. Oakville L6H 6Z9", "2b255690-f8d6-43eb", "", "ui-id-294", "4f30feb7-58bb-433f", "", "Oakridge Animal Clinic | 1109 Sarnia Road London N6H 5J9", "70befa5f-7736-48a4", "", "ui-id-295", "e50125eb-9626-469d", "", "Oakville Animal Clinic | 218 Kerr St Oakville L6K 3A8", "736e6603-dd60-4603", "", "ui-id-296", "dfbdf183-2b32-4071", "", "Orchard Grove Animal Clinic | 397 Old Orchard Grove Toronto M5M 2G1", "08137090-987b-4a9b", "", "ui-id-297", "5919e3e8-2cfd-4ea9", "", "Orillia Pet Hospital | 8035 Highway 12 West Orillia L3V 6H2", "4c25091e-ff32-44cc", "", "ui-id-298", "a8bb3046-5433-4cfc", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma St. Rockwood N0B 2K0", "96b3da89-b006-464e", "", "ui-id-299", "edf107e6-a419-4b08", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma Street Rockwood N0B2K0", "7c1527f0-9f63-418e", "", "ui-id-300", "7e5adf32-f9fb-4225", "", "Ostrander Veterinary Clinic | R R #1 332810 Plank Line Mt. Elgin N0J1N0", "a403861b-0d0d-4519", "", "ui-id-301", "adc0ae6c-dd41-4171", "", "Ottawa Animal Emergency And Specialty Clinic | 1155 Lola Street Ottawa K1K 4C1", "eba7ae87-43f0-4437", "", "ui-id-302", "250503c7-35a5-42bc", "", "Ottawa East Pet Housecall Services | 2033 Quincy Ave Gloucester K1J 6B2", "e6215c62-d61e-4f43", "", "ui-id-303", "a755d020-a14a-4b8c", "", "Ottawa Valley Large Animal Clinic | 2827 Donnelly Drive RR4 Kemptville K0G1J0", "f73697fd-37d3-4976", "", "ui-id-304", "10821e35-a01e-4c13", "", "Owen Sound Veterinary Clinic | 102743 Grey County Rd 18 Owen Sound N4K 5N6", "87d82554-772e-41df", "", "ui-id-305", "efd867a8-b86f-4538", "", "Oxford County Veterinary Clinic | 570 Ingersoll Ave Woodstock N4S4Y2", "ca92fc31-97f7-4450", "", "ui-id-306", "1af17820-7d20-4b7e", "", "Paris Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 21120, 321 Grand River Street N Paris N3L 2N9", "cb71a6ee-74ce-48dd", "", "ui-id-307", "85fe40c6-15d0-41aa", "", "Park Road Veterinary Clinic | 627 Park Rd North Brantford N3T 5L8", "268e5147-a41a-4dac", "", "ui-id-308", "6460ac99-bb69-478f", "", "Pathways Holistic Petcare Centre | 919 Oxford Street East London N5Y 3J8", "0aa9176b-1869-4af7", "", "ui-id-309", "efecc576-a864-4b29", "", "Pauly Veterinary Clinic | Box 359, 62 Main St. S Milverton N0K 1M0", "ae9e833b-68d6-49e2", "", "ui-id-310", "03503992-93e7-4895", "", "Perth Veterinary Clinic | Po Box 631, 118 Sunset Boulevard Perth K7H 3K4", "2b275fa7-2e94-46a8", "", "ui-id-311", "47b3c6ba-51ad-465a", "", "Pet Hospital On Main | 102 Main St.N UXBRIDGE L9P 1C7", "7b2abaa0-db73-4f47", "", "ui-id-312", "c48e81ba-c2a1-4662", "", "Petawawa Animal Hospital | 3261 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa K8H 1X8", "d14d0fd1-a88c-441f", "", "ui-id-313", "ded85632-213d-4b7d", "", "Peterborough Pet Hospital | 379 Lansdowne St East Peterborough K9J 6X9", "894001f9-70d7-46fc", "", "ui-id-314", "8cba56df-0551-4a3b", "", "Peterborough Veterinary Services | 720 The Kingsway Peterborough K9J 6W6", "4470cbeb-32a4-496b", "", "ui-id-315", "7f388f01-bdaf-4790", "", "Peterborough West Animal Hospital | 2605 Stewart Line RR#3 Peterborough K9J0G5", "0811333d-48a3-4d1c", "", "ui-id-316", "88041708-7f1a-43c6", "", "Petrolia Veterinary Services | 4247 Oil Heritage Rd Petrolia N0N 1R0", "6f5ee44a-ad83-4ba1", "", "ui-id-317", "cf4a4abc-67e4-444a", "", "Pickering Village Pet Hospital | 41 Church St. S Ajax L1S 6A6", "d14372f5-460b-489c", "", "ui-id-318", "62adfc9a-55b6-4fba", "", "Pine Holistic Veterinary Clinic | 30 Pine Street Collingwood L9Y 2N7", "78650314-d323-4ab6", "", "ui-id-319", "8b7ed828-5a7c-44c0", "", "Pine Ridge Veterinary Clinic | 483 Ontario St Cobourg K9A 3C1", "779f9c69-a293-45fc", "", "ui-id-320", "68fc81e2-6a08-475b", "", "Pioneer Pet Hospital | 4411 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "2cb7664d-f2a0-4746", "", "ui-id-321", "26d416f2-272e-4138", "", "Port Elgin Veterinary Clinic | 5 Bruce Road 25 Port Elgin N0H 2C5", "6fb8f8a5-f663-4390", "", "ui-id-322", "4958a913-c32e-4e8a", "", "Port Hope Veterinary Emergency Clinic And Services | 6597 Dale Road Port Hope L1A 3V6", "b7622095-c8c3-46ca", "", "ui-id-323", "b9e1c9a7-b6b9-4778", "", "Preston Animal Clinic | 1606 King St. E. Cambridge N3H 3R7", "bd1f95b1-40e5-4d91", "", "ui-id-324", "e2718f43-e67c-4d7f", "", "Prince Edward Animal Clinic | 2903 Bloor Street W Toronto M8X 1B3", "cd4d2905-7f54-4ec1", "", "ui-id-325", "00af3d90-3c29-46ff", "", "Queensville Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 229 20275 Leslie St Queensville L0G 1R0", "8c271911-976e-4fd0", "", "ui-id-326", "a9c30c63-f62b-4d94", "", "Quinte Pet House Call Services | 109 Dundas St E Belleville K8N1C9", "8082e38a-69af-4c01", "", "ui-id-327", "b723695a-fc7d-401b", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South Unit 2-5 RR#7 Belleville K8N4Z7", "874188e6-4a22-45d6", "", "ui-id-328", "c8fe1251-7f48-4a58", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South, Unit 2-5 RR #7 Belleville K8N 4Z7", "1b37e995-f102-4b4e", "", "ui-id-329", "e78ed5d5-a7c4-412b", "", "Rathburn Animal Clinic | 460 Renforth Dr ETOBICOKE M9C 2N2", "608252c2-f63c-4072", "", "ui-id-330", "e97de979-0d5e-434f", "", "Rehabilitation Fur Your Pet | 1663 A Carling Ave. Ottawa K2A 1C4", "31f49f0f-709c-4470", "", "ui-id-331", "ef9e6c82-1007-4b78", "", "Renforth Veterinary Clinic | 666 Burnhamthorpe Rd Etobicoke M9C 5E5", "987a6d10-b134-44ef", "", "ui-id-332", "c5f8796c-7fac-475a", "", "Richmond Green Veterinary Clinic | Unit 3, 10650 Leslie St Richmond Hill L4S OB9", "c3f40091-96e6-47b3", "", "ui-id-333", "611ad79c-8ff3-4c3b", "", "Richmond Veterinary Clinic | 203 Richmond Blvd Napanee K7R 3Z9", "e9840f8d-eb3f-4e2f", "", "ui-id-334", "259b32ab-e0ab-4e68", "", "Ripley- Huron Veterinary Clinic | 3290 County Rd 6 Ripley N0G 2R0", "14cdcfe9-2e8b-4111", "", "ui-id-335", "1dd1661b-3932-4fbb", "", "Ritson Veterinary Clinic | 490 Taunton Rd E, Unit 101 and 102 Oshawa L1K 1A8", "1ffc7033-23d3-4e75", "", "ui-id-336", "e718f5d4-629d-46e6", "", "River Glen Veterinary Clinic | 575 River Glen Blvd Unit # 3 Oakville L6H 6X6", "7e7621ea-5f37-4f6f", "", "ui-id-337", "cabbec23-7ce4-4beb", "", "Riverside Pet Hospital | 110 Richie Avenue #7 Ajax L1S 7G5", "f84d123d-f3a5-48d0", "", "ui-id-338", "d3363d10-6b27-44fa", "", "Robinson Pet Hospital | 724 Main Street E Milton L9T 3P6", "a969178c-547a-4726", "", "ui-id-339", "752da497-f26e-4961", "", "Rockwood Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 640, 179 Main St S Rockwood N0B 2K0", "c0416c16-c8ab-48e3", "", "ui-id-340", "1c8138d8-a482-42f7", "", "Romeo Pet Hospital | 782 Downie Street Stratford N5A 1Y7", "96207e3d-e4a6-48fe", "", "ui-id-341", "abb2d528-c236-4eaa", "", "Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic | 215 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2L6", "3635f63b-257f-4b1a", "", "ui-id-342", "edec3f9f-7745-45e3", "", "Rosedale Moore Park Veterinary Clinic | 402 Summerhill Avenue Toronto M4W 2E4", "2014d1ad-d328-4a94", "", "ui-id-343", "b3d5f735-098b-4d30", "", "Rosenburg Chiropractic Clinic | 4202 Dundas Street West Etobicoke M8X 1Y6", "307ca1b2-87c9-48a7", "", "ui-id-344", "6c87e879-ed20-408b", "", "Russell Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 399, 2980 Gregoire (Boundary Rd exit) Russell K4R 1E3", "fd1c71b4-bfa3-4d47", "", "ui-id-345", "25d38a37-cd12-4934", "", "Sauble Beach Pet Hospital | RR #1, 516 Sauble Falls Pkwy N Sauble Beach N0H 2G0", "7a680d7d-830c-4d41", "", "ui-id-346", "418141cf-7159-4ba3", "", "Sault Ste. Marie Animal Clinic | 884 Third Line East Sault Ste. Marie P6A 6J8", "dfa9dc3c-aaa6-439f", "", "ui-id-347", "f427f759-31bd-4ada", "", "Sault Ste. Marie Animal Health Clinic | 787 Trunk Road Sault Ste. Marie P6A 3T3", "b50ff0a3-b3a3-4373", "", "ui-id-348", "71d27185-cc3e-418e", "", "Scott Veterinary Clinic | 904 Colborne St. East Brantford N3S 3T4", "b1818b72-1e95-43b3", "", "ui-id-349", "e72eb844-a22b-42d5", "", "Seaway Veterinary Clinic | 2819 Concession Road 2 Brockville K6V 5T1", "3b2f8400-a375-40a1", "", "ui-id-350", "16a9d666-2112-4bf3", "", "Seneca Animal Clinic | 3879 Don Mills Rd Toronto M2H 2S7", "278bebf0-ad93-4bdd", "", "ui-id-351", "876338f2-26ca-4669", "", "Shannondale Pet Hospital | P.O. Box 214, 1429 Main St. North Callander P0H1H0", "6ddfacf7-7ab7-4965", "", "ui-id-352", "92adf5c8-a88b-4240", "", "Sharon Veterinary Clinic | 18716 Leslie St Sharon L0G 1V0", "5e6b424f-a85b-4a69", "", "ui-id-353", "cbbbba7d-f669-4cc2", "", "Shaw Road Veterinary Clinic | 18 Shaw Road Dorchester N0L 1G4", "ea4554d8-cd6a-44fc", "", "ui-id-354", "2bccfc9e-9eb8-4b91", "", "Sixteen Mile Veterinary Clinic | 483 Dundas St West Unit 7 Oakville L6M 1L9", "d974f323-2759-4f2c", "", "ui-id-355", "e09d270a-c23b-42ad", "", "South Howard Animal Clinic | RR #1 - 7250 Howard Ave Oldcastle N0R 1L0", "3687200e-da13-471d", "", "ui-id-356", "c9235d16-d3c7-4d28", "", "South Huron Veterinary Clinic | 20 Main Street Zurich N0M 2T0", "13fdbfa7-0a38-4dc9", "", "ui-id-357", "06684506-13c2-42ab", "", "South Ridge Veterinary Clinic | Box 568, 117 Erie St. S. Ridgetown N0P 2C0", "9b709de1-6a2f-4f03", "", "ui-id-358", "b8fccccc-7cde-4b9f", "", "South Shore Veterinary Clinic | 762 The Queensway South Keswick L4P 4C9", "11b379d5-9c3b-4e45", "", "ui-id-359", "0c5c5b2e-f572-44dd", "", "Southampton Pet Hospital | Box 1097, Hwy 21 Southampton N0H 2L0", "58a3e254-60a8-4d31", "", "ui-id-360", "0187de09-3460-4f12", "", "Southdown Animal Clinic | 2106 Truscott Dr Mississauga L5J 2A6", "4676a6c6-bae3-4e53", "", "ui-id-361", "5b0b078a-d611-4c70", "", "Southeastern Ontario Spay Neuter Clinic | 764A Old Highway 2 Trenton K8V 5P5", "1447125a-864e-4555", "", "ui-id-362", "4054d42c-2d83-4ef4", "", "Southside Animal Clinic (London) | 1509 Commissioners Rd E London N6M 1C6", "6bc89f74-ec04-4261", "", "ui-id-363", "f0badb72-7fbf-4453", "", "Southside Pet Clinic | 14990 Simcoe Street Port Perry L9L 1G2", "4dc38ad3-8cef-41ea", "", "ui-id-364", "a81d9d9b-8d3c-4b9e", "", "Southside Pet Hospital | 728 Burloak Drive Unit C2 Burlington L7L 0B1", "97f9eafd-4882-4c29", "", "ui-id-365", "95d6bce0-0678-4165", "", "Speedvale Pet Hospital | 400 Speedvale Avenue W - Unit H Guelph N1H 8H3", "7e4b171b-5f4c-49b3", "", "ui-id-366", "6791cc99-4bc0-42f1", "", "Spinks Veterinary Clinic | 3143 Yonge Street Toronto M4N 2K9", "b3915be3-659d-4c6f", "", "ui-id-367", "c08e369d-5a9f-439b", "", "St. David's Veterinary Clinic | 329 Four Mile Creek Road St. David's L0S 1P0", "acb2a899-3539-474d", "", "ui-id-368", "962b1f1c-beca-4e41", "", "St. Francis Animal Clinic | 22 Pandora Ave South Kitchener N2G3N5", "05a10fc5-4389-4284", "", "ui-id-369", "108b367f-e5f1-4ed0", "", "St. Marys Veterinary Clinic | Box 729, 500 Water St. S. St. Marys N4X 1B4", "9acda8a0-88cd-4e99", "", "ui-id-370", "716c590b-eb5b-41cc", "", "St.Thomas Animal Clinic | 53 Princess Avenue St. Thomas N5R 3V6", "0f612a89-9f63-492a", "", "ui-id-371", "c0b6bfac-ab67-4299", "", "Stittsville Small Animal Clinic | Box 525, 1648 Main St. Stittsville K2S 1A6", "f312aac6-263e-4d0c", "", "ui-id-372", "5473317c-7ffa-45bd", "", "Stone Church Animal Clinic | 634 Stone Church Rd West Hamilton L9B 1A7", "e0238cf8-c78b-4e08", "", "ui-id-373", "54fdfbff-5770-48d8", "", "Stouffville Veterinary Clinic | 5847 Main Street Box 670 Stouffville L4A 7Z8", "70e05090-a158-4b1f", "", "ui-id-374", "da1c3291-2ce6-4cbd", "", "Strathroy Animal Clinic | 425 Frances Street Strathroy N7G 2L7", "826a94cf-8fd0-4ece", "", "ui-id-375", "6aeec54e-a1ab-436a", "", "Strathy Road Animal Clinic | 1 Strathy Road, Unit 4 Cobourg K9A 5J6", "30e0e2a0-2d06-45f4", "", "ui-id-376", "9043c637-0152-4838", "", "Summeridge Animal Clinic | Building A, Unit 4, 8707 Dufferin Street Vaughan L4J 0A2", "1ed54a59-b5c5-4c1a", "", "ui-id-377", "d7ba7338-f93e-4f2c", "", "Summerlyn Pet Hospital | 465 Holland Street West Unit #5 Bradford L3Z 0C1", "5a565e1c-ec17-4561", "", "ui-id-378", "ae29a2de-eb4e-4d4f", "", "Sunningdale Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 2155 Richmond Street Unit 1 London N5X4B8", "197f1ecb-fee4-43a2", "", "ui-id-379", "16a7824d-fd0c-474c", "", "Sunset Strip Veterinary Clinic | R R #5 202421 Hwy 21 West Owen Sound N4K 5N7", "7b73bceb-5120-4dc2", "", "ui-id-380", "ece0408e-b785-4e5d", "", "Talbot Animal Clinic | 930 Talbot Street St. Thomas N5P 1E7", "4d2cc474-2a3b-4ac8", "", "ui-id-381", "44090627-421d-4298", "", "Taylor Veterinary Clinic | 809 Fairfax Road Lansdowne K0E 1L0", "de07940f-dddb-4370", "", "ui-id-382", "0b172b0d-761d-4a1c", "", "Thames Road Veterinary Clinic | 74 Thames Road West Exeter N0M 1S3", "b891678f-15b6-40f0", "", "ui-id-383", "17c94153-bdf5-4d0c", "", "The Animal Clinic | 106 Mutual Street Toronto M5B2R7", "5ba6bcee-6e39-43e8", "", "ui-id-384", "9e94c258-6e56-4197", "", "The Cat Clinic | 391 Concession St Hamilton L9A 1B8", "88ccd88e-01cf-4523", "", "ui-id-385", "c058a941-298a-47ea", "", "Thickson Road Pet Hospital | 1650 Victoria Street East Whitby L1N 9L4", "2d0ecb52-16a7-4b4b", "", "ui-id-386", "bc3f2358-45b8-4c2d", "", "Thornhill Veterinary Clinic | 38 Centre Street Thornhill L4J 1E9", "d8930046-fccf-44cd", "", "ui-id-387", "97d7e8ce-acda-4ba8", "", "Thornton Animal Clinic | 4171 Innisfil Beach Rd #12 Thornton L0L 2N0", "a643677c-55a2-4016", "", "ui-id-388", "a0bfaa4d-400a-4ebc", "", "Tilbury Veterinary Clinic | 2 Louise St Tilbury N0P 2L0", "a939f424-9bb1-4399", "", "ui-id-389", "9fd3147f-9200-4f14", "", "Tomken-Rathburn Veterinary Clinic | 925 Rathburn Road E Mississauga L4W 4C3", "5e74ac89-49fc-4763", "", "ui-id-390", "373dce32-fae5-4fed", "", "Toronto Animal Eye Clinic | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "e10d52dc-6581-4c55", "", "ui-id-391", "1a81a59d-273d-40b8", "", "Toronto Central Animal Clinic | 167 Parliament Street Toronto M5A 2Z2", "9a3ba75d-4acf-4d39", "", "ui-id-392", "996bf021-551f-4265", "", "Toronto Humane Society Vet. Clinic | 11 River St Toronto M5A 4C2", "842937cb-121e-4373", "", "ui-id-393", "d1654606-6449-4f59", "", "Toronto Veterinary Clinic | 2459 Lake Shore Blvd W Toronto M8V2M1", "a800adbd-e27a-4ee1", "", "ui-id-394", "fa79b241-092b-46e4", "", "Tottenham Animal Clinic | Box 1149, 4 Mill St. East Tottenham L0G 1W0", "b559e3c7-93f3-4092", "", "ui-id-395", "4861aa5e-b035-4f91", "", "Tower Drive Animal Clinic | 1331 Warden Avenue Unit 9 Scarborough M1R 2R9", "a3031aff-b1cb-468b", "", "ui-id-396", "76191e50-2cec-4203", "", "Town & Country Animal Clinic | 2055 Sandwich West Parkway Lasalle N9H 2E1", "a350243a-d6a2-491c", "", "ui-id-397", "94385874-28f5-4fd4", "", "Trans Canada Pet Clinic | Box 16, Site 134 R1, 596 Government Street Dryden P8N 2Y4", "8e6d4321-8288-4e70", "", "ui-id-398", "58f9b5a0-dca5-4d76", "", "Treatwell Pet Care - Mobile Veterinary Services Of Ottawa | Unit 1 170 Booth Street Ottawa K1R 7W1", "3106280d-39e0-45e0", "", "ui-id-399", "a93449bd-f2d1-4a16", "", "Trenton Pet Hospital | 441 Front Street Trenton K8V 6C1", "54dc8f54-254f-4e63", "", "ui-id-400", "89949ced-4ba1-4029", "", "Trim Pet Hospital | Unit 14, 2010 Trim Road Orleans K4A 0G4", "27d7efe2-13c4-4adc", "", "ui-id-401", "42c5d239-1dd0-4902", "", "Trinity Mews Veterinary Clinic | Unit #1, 465 King St East Toronto M5A 1L6", "9301999f-8ae9-4577", "", "ui-id-402", "73d22114-d7dc-4a3a", "", "Unionville South Pet Hospital | 4721 Highway 7 Unionville L3R 1M7", "dd27f735-f918-4ebb", "", "ui-id-403", "66ab60b8-19f7-4273", "", "Upper Bathurst Animal Clinic | 5887 Bathurst Street Toronto M2R 1Y7", "0ced7ead-0efe-4652", "", "ui-id-404", "95dd6888-5ab5-4962", "", "Upper Oakville Pet Hospital | A12 1011 Upper Middle Rd E Oakville L6H 4L2", "16c0aeec-be8a-4a12", "", "ui-id-405", "ff63f37b-9a66-44e5", "", "Uxbridge Veterinary Clinic | 6002 Owen Rd Uxbridge L9P 1M8", "6f88b083-c79b-4f87", "", "ui-id-406", "b8ca8d5f-779e-49b7", "", "Valley Veterinary Clinic | 339 Townline Rd.E Carleton Place K7C 3S2", "bad84d2c-e537-4e64", "", "ui-id-407", "11227e74-fd78-4f55", "", "Vaughan Veterinary Clinic | Unit 13, 2354 Major Mackenzie Dr Maple L6A 1W2", "8d4ff3a5-ac35-4b9c", "", "ui-id-408", "fb74729b-2844-4e57", "", "Vaughan-Richmond Hill Vet Emerg. Clinic | 10303 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 3B9", "fe11d953-3092-4be3", "", "ui-id-409", "6d5380db-29cf-4ea3", "", "Vellore Village Pet Hospital | Unit 9, 9750 Weston Road Woodbridge L4H2Z7", "c32214dd-ef44-4393", "", "ui-id-410", "f25027f5-a0bc-4c47", "", "Vellore Woods Veterinary Clinic | 125 Hawkview Blvd.Unit 10 Vaughn L4H 3T7", "07118808-4fdc-4ae7", "", "ui-id-411", "46d8682d-a1d1-4d55", "", "Veterinary Emergency Clinic Of York Region | 1210 Journey's End Circle Newmarket L3Y 8Z6", "eccb14bc-a04c-40d9", "", "ui-id-412", "d21675c1-b2bb-4cd1", "", "Veterinary Emergency Clinic South | 920 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 3C7", "02ccc554-4c67-4ef1", "", "ui-id-413", "862d3fb6-5fbb-4a1e", "", "Village Animal Clinic | 6060 Hwy #7 East Markham L3P 3A9", "fa7f468a-1518-4bdb", "", "ui-id-414", "5ddb71c5-92cf-4d8c", "", "Village Cat Clinic | 356 Wilson Street East Ancaster L9G 2C2", "01dd0456-19a0-4515", "", "ui-id-415", "f8508033-c340-4ca4", "", "Village Veterinary Clinic | 1108 Concession St. P.O. Box 384, Russell K4R 1E2", "829d86b5-d83c-40d0", "", "ui-id-416", "6ffe1dbc-8e21-4614", "", "Walkerton - Hanover Veterinary Clinic | R R #2 Walkerton N0G 2V0", "79783567-5277-4071", "", "ui-id-417", "36a48f2c-e914-48e2", "", "Wasaga Beach Veterinary Clinic | 1288 Mosley Street Wasaga Beach L9Z 2B9", "6e0e5e07-2cc3-485b", "", "ui-id-418", "7132c88d-8896-46cb", "", "Watford Veterinary Clinic | 517 Gold Street Watford N0M 2S0", "190ab92a-f9ae-49d2", "", "ui-id-419", "8e0b1905-f3d8-4729", "", "Watzin Veterinary Clinic | 64 Hamilton St N Waterdown L8B 0E6", "d0806dc8-924f-4bec", "", "ui-id-420", "7a1c83a8-f5e9-484c", "", "Wellesley Veterinary Clinic | 3580 Nafziger Road Wellesley N0B 2T0", "95ab2652-9983-4d5f", "", "ui-id-421", "927c0b06-4a33-463e", "", "West Hill Animal Clinic | 5528 Lawrence Ave East West Hill M1C 3B2", "501b44a8-9d70-4283", "", "ui-id-422", "86c4e19c-df38-4b2f", "", "West London Pet Hospital | 760 Hyde Park Road London N6H 5W9", "b012dcdc-7093-49a5", "", "ui-id-423", "07adce9b-d0fa-4504", "", "West Woodbridge Pet Hospital | 8280 Highway 27, Unit 16 Woodbridge L4H 0R9", "9a907d1b-0af4-4162", "", "ui-id-424", "f43a716f-def6-4003", "", "Western Animal Clinic | 455 Wharncliffe Rd South London N6J 2M8", "fde701a7-0782-4ca4", "", "ui-id-425", "615ed34e-8b2c-4acd", "", "Westmount Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 851 Wonderland Rd. 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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[], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [79, -1, 132, 154, 80, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 158, 7, 159], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 161, 7, 162], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 164, 7, 165], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 167, 7, 168], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 170, 7, 171], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 173, 7, 174], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 178, 179, 180, 7, 181], [132, 184, 185, 186, 7, 187], [], [], [], [], [7, 192], [], [], [], [], [80, 197, 7, 198], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 200], [], [], [7, 203], [], [], [7, 206], [], [], [209, 210, 185, 211, 212, 213, 7, 214], [], [209, 216, 7, 217], [], [132, 219, 7, 220], [], [209, 223, 7, 224], [], [7, 228], [], [7, 232], [], [], [50, 236, 7, 237], [], [], [7, 241], [], [50, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [209, 248, 7, 249], [], [50, 251, 7, 252], [], [209, 256, 7, 257], [], [], [], [], [132, 264, 209, 265, 7, 266], [], [7, 269], [], [], [50, 272, 273, 274, 7, 275], [], [7, 277], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 280, 7, 281], [], [209, 283, 7, 284], [], [50, 286, 273, 274, 7, 287], [], [80, 291, 209, 292, 7, 293], [], [], [], [], [132, 295, 7, 296], [], [7, 299], [], [7, 302], [], [], [], [], [209, 305, 7, 306], [], [209, 309, 7, 310], [], [209, 313, 7, 314], [], [], [], [209, 320, 7, 321], [], [], [], [7, 324], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 327, 7, 328], [], [209, 330, 7, 331], [], [132, 334, 209, 335, 7, 336], [], [132, 338, 7, 339], [], [132, 342, 209, 343, 7, 344], [], [132, 347, 209, 348, 7, 349], [], [353, 354, 355, 356, 132, 357, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 361], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 371], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 376], [], [209, 379, 7, 380], [], [7, 382], [], [209, 384, 7, 385], [], [209, 387, 7, 388], [], [185, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [185, 394, 7, 395], [], [209, 384, 7, 397], [], [209, 399, 7, 400], [], [209, 402, 7, 403], [], [406, 407, 7, 408], [], [], [], [], [209, 411, 185, 412, 7, 413], [], [209, 416, 7, 417], [419, 407, 364, 14, 365, 420, 132, 421, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 423, 7, 424], [], [406, 421, 7, 427], [], [209, 416, 7, 430], [432, 432, 419, 407, 132, 433, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 434, 7, 435], [], [406, 433, 7, 437], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 440], [], [209, 442, 443, 407, 444, 14, 7, 445], [], [], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 368, 369, 449, 7, 450], [], [364, 14, 365, 452, 132, 453, 30, 453, 48, 368, 369, 454, 7, 455], [], [364, 14, 365, 457, 132, 458, 30, 458, 48, 368, 369, 459, 7, 460], [], [132, 462, 30, 462, 48, 368, 369, 463, 7, 464], [], [364, 14, 466, 467, 365, 468, 132, 469, 30, 469, 48, 368, 369, 470, 7, 471], [], [364, 14, 466, 473, 365, 474, 132, 475, 30, 475, 48, 368, 369, 476, 7, 477], [], [364, 14, 466, 479, 365, 480, 132, 481, 30, 481, 48, 368, 369, 482, 7, 483], [], [132, 485, 30, 485, 48, 368, 369, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [185, 489, 7, 490], [], [209, 492, 132, 493, 30, 494, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 501], [], [209, 492, 132, 503, 30, 504, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 505, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 506], [], [], [209, 384, 185, 508, 7, 509], [], [132, 511, 209, 512, 7, 513], [], [209, 515, 516, 517, 7, 518], [], [], [], [209, 522, 516, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 14, 7, 531], [50, 533, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 529, 7, 537], [], [], [209, 540, 516, 523, 524, 536, 526, 541, 528, 542, 530, 499, 7, 543], [50, 545, 212, 546, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 542, 7, 547], [], [], [], [132, 527, 528, 529, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 14, 553, 499, 7, 554], [], [209, 557, 7, 558], [], [132, 561, 562, 563, 564, 499, 7, 565], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 568], [], [209, 399, 7, 571], [], [209, 574, 7, 575], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 578], [], [516, 580, 581, 582, 209, 583, 7, 584], [], [587, 588, 589, 563, 590, 497, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 132, 599, 30, 600, 601, 602, 48, 495, 369, -1, 209, 603, 604, 605, 498, 499, 500, 14, 606, 607, 608, 14, 7, 609], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 611], [], [209, 613, 7, 614], [], [209, 442, 443, 494, 444, 14, 7, 617], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 619, 562, 563, 185, 211, 7, 620], [], [209, 384, 7, 622], [], [209, 399, 7, 624], [], [406, 626, 209, 574, 7, 627], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 630], [], [209, 633, 634, 563, 132, 635, 30, 636, 7, 637], [369, -1, 7, 640], [], [], [369, 643, 7, 644], [], [], [369, 647, 7, 648], [], [], [369, 651, 7, 652], [], [], [369, 655, 7, 656], [], [], [369, 659, 7, 660], [], [], [369, 663, 7, 664], [], [], [369, 667, 7, 668], [], [], [369, 671, 7, 672], [], [], [675, 675, 369, 676, 7, 677], [], [], [369, 680, 7, 681], [], [], [369, 684, 7, 685], [], [], [369, 688, 7, 689], [], [], [369, 692, 7, 693], [], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 696], [], [209, 442, 443, 636, 444, 14, 7, 698], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 541, 528, 542, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 499, 553, 14, 185, 700, 7, 701], [], [209, 384, 7, 704], [], [132, 706, 185, 211, 7, 707], [], [209, 709, 7, 710], [], [7, 712], [], [], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 716], [], [209, 718, 7, 719], [], [406, 721, 7, 722], [], [], [], [209, 725, 7, 726], [], [48, 495, 132, 721, 185, 728, 369, 486, 729, -1, 7, 730], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 732], [], [48, 734, 132, 735, 185, 700, 369, 736, 212, 737, 7, 738], [], [], [], [7, 740], [], [209, 384, 7, 742], [], [209, 399, 7, 744], [], [406, 721, 7, 746], [], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 749], [], [132, 751, 209, 633, 7, 752], [], [369, 754, 7, 755], [], [], [369, 470, 7, 758], [], [], [369, 761, 7, 762], [], [], [369, 765, 7, 766], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 769, 185, 770, 7, 771], [185, 773, 7, 774], [185, 776, 7, 777], [], [], [], [496, 781, 364, 14, 365, 782, 132, 783, 30, 784, 48, 368, 369, 785, 7, 786], [], [7, 788], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 791], [], [209, 343, 7, 793], [], [209, 795, 7, 796], [], [209, 800, 48, 801, 802, 803, 7, 804], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 807, 209, 265, 7, 808], [], [209, 811, 7, 812], [], [185, 815, 209, 816, 80, 817, 7, 818], [], [], [], [], [209, 822, 7, 823], [], [209, 825, 7, 826], [], [209, 828, 7, 829], [], [132, 831, 7, 832], [], [7, 834], [], [7, 838], [], [50, 841, 273, 274, 7, 842], [7, 845], [], [], [], [7, 850], [], [7, 853], [], [50, 856, 273, 274, 7, 857], [7, 859], [], [], [7, 863], [], [7, 866], [], [7, 868], [], [7, 870], [], [], [7, 873], [], [7, 876], [], [], [7, 880], [], [7, 882], [], [7, 884], [], [50, 887, 273, 274, 7, 888], [7, 890], [], [], [50, 894, 273, 274, 7, 895], [7, 897], [], [], [7, 901], [], [209, 903, 7, 904], [], [7, 906], [], [7, 909], [], [50, 841, 273, 274, 912, 913, 802, 913, 7, 914], [7, 916], [], [], [7, 919], [], [209, 903, 185, 921, 7, 922], [], [50, 924, 273, 274, 912, 925, 802, 925, 7, 926], [], [], [50, 929, 273, 274, 802, 930, 7, 931], [], [], [50, 933, 273, 274, 7, 934], [], [], [7, 937], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 942, 48, 87, 7, 943], [], [80, 945, 48, 87, 7, 946], [], [80, 948, 48, 87, 7, 949], [], [80, 951, 48, 87, 7, 952], [], [80, 954, 48, 87, 7, 955], [], [80, 957, 48, 87, 7, 958], [], [80, 960, 48, 87, 7, 961], [], [80, 963, 48, 87, 7, 964], [], [80, 966, 48, 87, 7, 967], [], [80, 969, 7, 970], [], [80, 973, 7, 974], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 977], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 981], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 985], [], [], [209, 989, 132, 990, 524, 525, 185, 991, 7, 992], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 995], [], [132, 997, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 999], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1002], [], [132, 1004, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1006], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1009], [], [132, 1011, 209, 1012, 524, 536, 7, 1013], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1016], [], [132, 1018, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1019], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1022], [], [132, 1024, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1025], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1028], [], [132, 1030, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1031], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1034], [], [132, 1036, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1037], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1040], [], [132, 1042, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1043], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1046], [], [132, 1048, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1049], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1052], [], [132, 1054, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1055], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1058], [], [132, 1060, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1061], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1064], [], [132, 1066, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1067], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1070], [], [132, 1072, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1073], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1076], [], [132, 1078, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1079], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1082], [], [132, 1084, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1085], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1088], [], [132, 1090, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1091], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1094], [], [132, 1096, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1097], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1100], [], [132, 1102, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1103], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1106], [], [132, 1108, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1109], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1112], [], [132, 1114, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1115], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1118], [], [132, 1120, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1121], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1124], [], [132, 1126, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1127], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1130], [], [132, 1132, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1133], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1136], [], [132, 1138, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1139], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1142], [], [132, 1144, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1145], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1148], [], [132, 1150, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1151], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1154], [], [132, 1156, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1157], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1160], [], [132, 1162, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1163], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1166], [], [132, 1168, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1169], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1172], [], [132, 1174, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1175], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1178], [], [132, 1180, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1181], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1184], [], [132, 1186, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1187], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1190], [], [132, 1192, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1193], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1196], [], [132, 1198, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1199], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1202], [], [132, 1204, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1205], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1208], [], [132, 1210, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1211], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1214], [], [132, 1216, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1217], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1220], [], [132, 1222, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1223], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1226], [], [132, 1228, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1229], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1232], [], [132, 1234, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1235], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1238], [], [132, 1240, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1241], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1244], [], [132, 1246, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1247], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1250], [], [132, 1252, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1253], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1256], [], [132, 1258, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1259], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1262], [], [132, 1264, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1265], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1268], [], [132, 1270, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1271], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1274], [], [132, 1276, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1277], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1280], [], [132, 1282, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1283], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1286], [], [132, 1288, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1289], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1292], [], [132, 1294, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1295], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1298], [], [132, 1300, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1301], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1304], [], [132, 1306, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1307], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1310], [], [132, 1312, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1313], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1316], [], [132, 1318, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1319], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1322], [], [132, 1324, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1325], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1328], [], [132, 1330, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1331], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1334], [], [132, 1336, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1337], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1340], [], [132, 1342, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1343], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1346], [], [132, 1348, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1349], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1352], [], [132, 1354, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1355], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1358], [], [132, 1360, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1361], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1364], [], [132, 1366, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1367], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1370], [], [132, 1372, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1373], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1376], [], [132, 1378, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1379], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1382], [], [132, 1384, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1385], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1388], [], [132, 1390, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1391], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1394], [], [132, 1396, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1397], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1400], [], [132, 1402, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1403], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1406], [], [132, 1408, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1409], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1412], [], [132, 1414, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1415], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1418], [], [132, 1420, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1421], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1424], [], [132, 1426, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1427], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1430], [], [132, 1432, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1433], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1436], [], [132, 1438, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1439], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1442], [], [132, 1444, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1445], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1448], [], [132, 1450, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1451], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1454], [], [132, 1456, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1457], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1460], [], [132, 1462, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1463], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1466], [], [132, 1468, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1469], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1472], [], [132, 1474, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1475], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1478], [], [132, 1480, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1481], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1484], [], [132, 1486, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1487], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1490], [], [132, 1492, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1493], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1496], [], [132, 1498, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1499], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1502], [], [132, 1504, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1505], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1508], [], [132, 1510, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1511], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1514], [], [132, 1516, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1517], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1520], [], [132, 1522, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1523], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1526], [], [132, 1528, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1529], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1532], [], [132, 1534, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1535], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1538], [], [132, 1540, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1541], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1544], [], [132, 1546, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1547], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1550], [], [132, 1552, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1553], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1556], [], [132, 1558, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1559], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1562], [], [132, 1564, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1565], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1568], [], [132, 1570, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1571], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1574], [], [132, 1576, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1577], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1580], [], [132, 1582, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1583], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1586], [], [132, 1588, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1589], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1592], [], [132, 1594, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1595], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1598], [], [132, 1600, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1601], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1604], [], [132, 1606, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1607], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1610], [], [132, 1612, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1613], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1616], [], [132, 1618, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1619], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1622], [], [132, 1624, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1625], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1628], [], [132, 1630, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1631], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1634], [], [132, 1636, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1637], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1640], [], [132, 1642, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1643], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1646], [], [132, 1648, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1649], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1652], [], [132, 1654, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1655], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1658], [], [132, 1660, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1661], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1664], [], [132, 1666, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1667], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1670], [], [132, 1672, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1673], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1676], [], [132, 1678, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1679], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1682], [], [132, 1684, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1685], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1688], [], [132, 1690, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1691], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1694], [], [132, 1696, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1697], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1700], [], [132, 1702, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1703], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1706], [], [132, 1708, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1709], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1712], [], [132, 1714, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1715], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1718], [], [132, 1720, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1721], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1724], [], [132, 1726, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1727], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1730], [], [132, 1732, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1733], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1736], [], [132, 1738, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1739], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1742], [], [132, 1744, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1745], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1748], [], [132, 1750, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1751], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1754], [], [132, 1756, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1757], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1760], [], [132, 1762, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1763], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1766], [], [132, 1768, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1769], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1772], [], [132, 1774, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1775], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1778], [], [132, 1780, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1781], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1784], [], [132, 1786, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1787], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1790], [], [132, 1792, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1793], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1796], [], [132, 1798, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1799], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1802], [], [132, 1804, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1805], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1808], [], [132, 1810, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1811], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1814], [], [132, 1816, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1817], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1820], [], [132, 1822, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1823], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1826], [], [132, 1828, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1829], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1832], [], [132, 1834, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1835], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1838], [], [132, 1840, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1841], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1844], [], [132, 1846, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1847], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1850], [], [132, 1852, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1853], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1856], [], [132, 1858, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1859], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1862], [], [132, 1864, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1865], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1868], [], [132, 1870, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1871], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1874], [], [132, 1876, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1877], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1880], [], [132, 1882, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1883], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1886], [], [132, 1888, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1889], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1892], [], [132, 1894, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1895], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1898], [], [132, 1900, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1901], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1904], [], [132, 1906, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1907], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1910], [], [132, 1912, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1913], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1916], [], [132, 1918, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1919], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1922], [], [132, 1924, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1925], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1928], [], [132, 1930, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1931], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1934], [], [132, 1936, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1937], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1940], [], [132, 1942, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1943], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1946], [], [132, 1948, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1949], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1952], [], [132, 1954, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1955], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1958], [], [132, 1960, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1961], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1964], [], [132, 1966, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1967], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1970], [], [132, 1972, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1973], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1976], [], [132, 1978, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1979], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1982], [], [132, 1984, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1985], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1988], [], [132, 1990, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 1991], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 1994], [], [132, 1996, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 1997], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2000], [], [132, 2002, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2003], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2006], [], [132, 2008, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2009], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2012], [], [132, 2014, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2015], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2018], [], [132, 2020, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2021], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2024], [], [132, 2026, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2027], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2030], [], [132, 2032, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2033], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2036], [], [132, 2038, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2039], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2042], [], [132, 2044, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2045], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2048], [], [132, 2050, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2051], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2054], [], [132, 2056, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2057], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2060], [], [132, 2062, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2063], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2066], [], [132, 2068, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2069], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2072], [], [132, 2074, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2075], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2078], [], [132, 2080, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2081], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2084], [], [132, 2086, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2087], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2090], [], [132, 2092, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2093], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2096], [], [132, 2098, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2099], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2102], [], [132, 2104, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2105], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2108], [], [132, 2110, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2111], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2114], [], [132, 2116, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2117], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2120], [], [132, 2122, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2123], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2126], [], [132, 2128, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2129], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2132], [], [132, 2134, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2135], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2138], [], [132, 2140, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2141], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2144], [], [132, 2146, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2147], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2150], [], [132, 2152, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2153], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2156], [], [132, 2158, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2159], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2162], [], [132, 2164, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2165], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2168], [], [132, 2170, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2171], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2174], [], [132, 2176, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2177], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2180], [], [132, 2182, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2183], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2186], [], [132, 2188, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2189], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2192], [], [132, 2194, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2195], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2198], [], [132, 2200, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2201], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2204], [], [132, 2206, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2207], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2210], [], [132, 2212, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2213], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2216], [], [132, 2218, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2219], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2222], [], [132, 2224, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2225], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2228], [], [132, 2230, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2231], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2234], [], [132, 2236, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2237], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2240], [], [132, 2242, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2243], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2246], [], [132, 2248, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2249], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2252], [], [132, 2254, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2255], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2258], [], [132, 2260, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2261], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2264], [], [132, 2266, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2267], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2270], [], [132, 2272, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2273], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2275], [], [132, 2277, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2278], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2281], [], [132, 2283, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2284], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2287], [], [132, 2289, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2290], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2293], [], [132, 2295, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2296], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2299], [], [132, 2301, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2302], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2305], [], [132, 2307, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2308], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2311], [], [132, 2313, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2314], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2317], [], [132, 2319, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2320], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2323], [], [132, 2325, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2326], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2329], [], [132, 2331, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2332], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2335], [], [132, 2337, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2338], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2341], [], [132, 2343, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2344], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2347], [], [132, 2349, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2350], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2353], [], [132, 2355, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2356], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2359], [], [132, 2361, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2362], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2365], [], [132, 2367, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2368], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2371], [], [132, 2373, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2374], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2377], [], [132, 2379, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2380], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2383], [], [132, 2385, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2386], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2389], [], [132, 2391, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2392], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2395], [], [132, 2397, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2398], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2401], [], [132, 2403, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2404], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2407], [], [132, 2409, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2410], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2413], [], [132, 2415, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2416], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2419], [], [132, 2421, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2422], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2425], [], [132, 2427, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2428], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2431], [], [132, 2433, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2434], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2437], [], [132, 2439, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2440], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2443], [], [132, 2445, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2446], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2449], [], [132, 2451, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2452], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2455], [], [132, 2457, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2458], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2461], [], [132, 2463, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2464], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2467], [], [132, 2469, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2470], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2473], [], [132, 2475, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2476], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2479], [], [132, 2481, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2482], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2485], [], [132, 2487, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2488], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2491], [], [132, 2493, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2494], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2497], [], [132, 2499, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2500], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2503], [], [132, 2505, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2506], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2509], [], [132, 2511, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2512], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2515], [], [132, 2517, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2518], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2521], [], [132, 2523, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2524], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2527], [], [132, 2529, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2530], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2533], [], [132, 2535, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2536], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2539], [], [132, 2541, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2542], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2545], [], [132, 2547, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2548], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2551], [], [132, 2553, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2554], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2557], [], [132, 2559, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2560], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2563], [], [132, 2565, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2566], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2569], [], [132, 2571, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2572], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2575], [], [132, 2577, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2578], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2581], [], [132, 2583, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2584], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2587], [], [132, 2589, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2590], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2593], [], [132, 2595, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2596], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2599], [], [132, 2601, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2602], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2605], [], [132, 2607, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2608], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2611], [], [132, 2613, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2614], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2617], [], [132, 2619, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2620], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2623], [], [132, 2625, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2626], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2629], [], [132, 2631, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2632], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2635], [], [132, 2637, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2638], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2641], [], [132, 2643, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2644], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2647], [], [132, 2649, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2650], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2653], [], [132, 2655, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2656], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2659], [], [132, 2661, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2662], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2665], [], [132, 2667, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2668], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2671], [], [132, 2673, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2674], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2677], [], [132, 2679, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2680], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2683], [], [132, 2685, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2686], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2689], [], [132, 2691, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2692], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2695], [], [132, 2697, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2698], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2701], [], [132, 2703, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2704], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2707], [], [132, 2709, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2710], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2713], [], [132, 2715, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2716], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2719], [], [132, 2721, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2722], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2725], [], [132, 2727, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2728], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2731], [], [132, 2733, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2734], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2737], [], [132, 2739, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2740], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2743], [], [132, 2745, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2746], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2749], [], [132, 2751, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2752], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2755], [], [132, 2757, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2758], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2761], [], [132, 2763, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2764], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2767], [], [132, 2769, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2770], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2773], [], [132, 2775, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2776], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2779], [], [132, 2781, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2782], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2785], [], [132, 2787, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2788], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2791], [], [132, 2793, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2794], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2797], [], [132, 2799, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2800], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2803], [], [132, 2805, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2806], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2809], [], [132, 2811, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2812], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2815], [], [132, 2817, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2818], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2821], [], [132, 2823, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2824], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2827], [], [132, 2829, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2830], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2833], [], [132, 2835, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2836], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2839], [], [132, 2841, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2842], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2845], [], [132, 2847, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2848], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2851], [], [132, 2853, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2854], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2857], [], [132, 2859, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2860], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2863], [], [132, 2865, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2866], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2869], [], [132, 2871, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2872], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2875], [], [132, 2877, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2878], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2881], [], [132, 2883, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2884], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2887], [], [132, 2889, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2890], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2893], [], [132, 2895, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2896], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2899], [], [132, 2901, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2902], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2905], [], [132, 2907, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2908], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2911], [], [132, 2913, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2914], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2917], [], [132, 2919, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2920], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2923], [], [132, 2925, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2926], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2929], [], [132, 2931, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2932], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2935], [], [132, 2937, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2938], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2941], [], [132, 2943, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2944], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2947], [], [132, 2949, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2950], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2953], [], [132, 2955, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2956], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2959], [], [132, 2961, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2962], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2965], [], [132, 2967, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2968], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2971], [], [132, 2973, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2974], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2977], [], [132, 2979, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2980], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2983], [], [132, 2985, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2986], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2989], [], [132, 2991, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 2992], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 2995], [], [132, 2997, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 2998], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3001], [], [132, 3003, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3004], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3007], [], [132, 3009, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3010], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3013], [], [132, 3015, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3016], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3019], [], [132, 3021, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3022], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3025], [], [132, 3027, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3028], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3031], [], [132, 3033, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3034], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3037], [], [132, 3039, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3040], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3043], [], [132, 3045, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3046], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3049], [], [132, 3051, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3052], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3055], [], [132, 3057, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3058], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3061], [], [132, 3063, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3064], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3067], [], [132, 3069, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3070], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3073], [], [132, 3075, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3076], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3079], [], [132, 3081, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3082], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3085], [], [132, 3087, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3088], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3091], [], [132, 3093, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3094], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3097], [], [132, 3099, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3100], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3103], [], [132, 3105, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3106], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3109], [], [132, 3111, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3112], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3115], [], [132, 3117, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3118], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3121], [], [132, 3123, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3124], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3127], [], [132, 3129, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3130], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3133], [], [132, 3135, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3136], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3139], [], [132, 3141, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3142], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3145], [], [132, 3147, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3148], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3151], [], [132, 3153, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3154], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3157], [], [132, 3159, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3160], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3163], [], [132, 3165, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3166], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3169], [], [132, 3171, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3172], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3175], [], [132, 3177, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3178], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3181], [], [132, 3183, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3184], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3187], [], [132, 3189, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3190], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3193], [], [132, 3195, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3196], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3199], [], [132, 3201, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3202], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3205], [], [132, 3207, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3208], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3211], [], [132, 3213, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3214], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3217], [], [132, 3219, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3220], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3223], [], [132, 3225, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3226], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3229], [], [132, 3231, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3232], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3235], [], [132, 3237, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3238], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3241], [], [132, 3243, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3244], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3247], [], [132, 3249, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3250], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3253], [], [132, 3255, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3256], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3259], [], [132, 3261, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3262], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3265], [], [132, 3267, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3268], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3271], [], [132, 3273, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3274], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3277], [], [132, 3279, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3280], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3283], [], [132, 3285, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3286], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3289], [], [132, 3291, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3292], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3295], [], [132, 3297, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3298], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3301], [], [132, 3303, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3304], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3307], [], [132, 3309, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3310], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3313], [], [132, 3315, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3316], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3319], [], [132, 3321, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3322], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3325], [], [132, 3327, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3328], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3331], [], [132, 3333, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3334], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3337], [], [132, 3339, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3340], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3343], [], [132, 3345, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3346], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3349], [], [132, 3351, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3352], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3355], [], [132, 3357, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3358], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3361], [], [132, 3363, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3364], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3367], [], [132, 3369, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3370], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3373], [], [132, 3375, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3376], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3379], [], [132, 3381, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3382], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3385], [], [132, 3387, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3388], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3391], [], [132, 3393, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3394], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3397], [], [132, 3399, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3400], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3403], [], [132, 3405, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3406], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3409], [], [132, 3411, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3412], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3415], [], [132, 3417, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3418], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3421], [], [132, 3423, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3424], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3427], [], [132, 3429, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3430], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3433], [], [132, 3435, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3436], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3439], [], [132, 3441, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3442], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3445], [], [132, 3447, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3448], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3451], [], [132, 3453, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3454], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3457], [], [132, 3459, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3460], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3463], [], [132, 3465, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3466], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3469], [], [132, 3471, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3472], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3475], [], [132, 3477, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3478], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3481], [], [132, 3483, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3484], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3487], [], [132, 3489, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3490], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3493], [], [132, 3495, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3496], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3499], [], [132, 3501, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3502], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3505], [], [132, 3507, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3508], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3511], [], [132, 3513, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3514], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3517], [], [132, 3519, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3520], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3523], [], [132, 3525, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3526], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3529], [], [132, 3531, 209, 998, 524, 536, 7, 3532], [], [209, 994, 516, 535, 7, 3535], [], [132, 3537, 209, 1005, 524, 536, 7, 3538], [], [209, 3541, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3544, 528, 3545, 185, 700, 7, 3546], [209, 3548, 7, 3549], [132, 3545, 209, 3551, 7, 3552], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556, 7, 3557], [209, 3559, 7, 3560], [209, 3562, 7, 3563], [], [132, 3544, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 3566], [], [209, 3568, 7, 3569], [], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3572, 528, 3573, 185, 3574, 7, 3575], [209, 3548, 7, 3577], [132, 3573, 209, 3551, 7, 3579], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556, 7, 3582], [209, 3559, 7, 3584], [209, 3562, 7, 3586], [], [132, 3572, 3588, 3589, 3590, 3591, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 3592], [], [132, 3594, 185, 700, 7, 3595], [], [912, 3597, 80, 3598, 7, 3599], [], [], [132, 3602, 7, 3603], [], [353, 3606, 132, 3607, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3608], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 3610], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 3612], [496, 3614, 364, 14, 365, 3615, 132, 3616, 30, 3616, 48, 368, 369, 3617, 7, 3618], [496, 3620, 364, 14, 365, 3621, 132, 3622, 30, 3622, 48, 368, 369, 3617, 7, 3623], [496, 3625, 364, 14, 365, 3626, 132, 3627, 30, 3627, 48, 368, 369, 3617, 7, 3628], [364, 14, 365, 3630, 132, 3631, 30, 3631, 48, 368, 369, 3632, 7, 3633], [], [185, 3635, 7, 3636], [], [], [132, 3639, 7, 3640], [], [7, 3642], [], [7, 3644], [], [406, 3646, 7, 3647], [], [], [], [7, 3651], [], [406, 3653, 7, 3654], [], [], [], [7, 3657], [], [406, 462, 7, 3659], [], [], [], [7, 3662], [], [406, 3664, 7, 3665], [], [], [], [], [7, 3667], [], [7, 3669], [], [406, 3671, 7, 3672], [], [], [3675, 3676, 364, 14, 3677, 3678, 3679, 3680, 365, 3681, 132, 3671, 30, 3671, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3682], [], [185, 3684, 7, 3685], [], [209, 442, 443, 3671, 444, 14, 185, 3687, 7, 3688], [], [], [], [7, 3690], [], [406, 3692, 7, 3693], [], [], [3675, 3696, 364, 14, 3677, 3697, 3679, 3680, 365, 3698, 132, 3692, 30, 3692, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3699], [], [185, 3684, 7, 3701], [], [209, 442, 443, 3692, 444, 14, 185, 3687, 7, 3703], [], [], [], [7, 3705], [], [406, 3707, 7, 3708], [], [], [3675, 3711, 364, 14, 3677, 3712, 3679, 3713, 3714, 3715, 3716, 3717, 365, 3718, 132, 3707, 30, 3707, 48, 495, 369, 3719, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3720], [], [185, 3684, 7, 3722], [], [209, 442, 443, 3707, 444, 14, 185, 3687, 7, 3724], [], [], [], [7, 3726], [], [406, 3728, 7, 3729], [], [], [209, 3732, 364, 14, 365, 3733, 132, 3728, 30, 3728, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3734], [], [185, 3684, 7, 3736], [], [209, 442, 443, 3728, 444, 14, 185, 3687, 7, 3738], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3741], [209, 3743, 7, 3744], [48, 734, 209, 3746, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3747], [209, 3562, 7, 3749], [], [48, 734, 209, 3751, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3752], [209, 3562, 7, 3754], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757, 7, 3758], [209, 3760, 185, 3757, 7, 3761], [209, 3763, 185, 3757, 7, 3764], [209, 3766, 185, 3757, 7, 3767], [209, 3769, 185, 3757, 7, 3770], [209, 3772, 185, 3757, 7, 3773], [209, 3775, 185, 3757, 7, 3776], [209, 3778, 185, 3757, 7, 3779], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3781, 528, 3782, 185, 3574, 7, 3783], [209, 3548, 7, 3785], [132, 3782, 209, 3551, 7, 3787], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556, 7, 3790], [209, 3559, 7, 3792], [209, 3562, 7, 3794], [], [132, 3781, 3588, 3796, 3590, 3797, 3798, 3799, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 3800], [], [132, 3802, 7, 3803], [], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3806], [209, 3743, 7, 3808], [48, 734, 209, 3810, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3811], [209, 3562, 7, 3813], [], [48, 734, 209, 3751, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3815], [209, 3562, 7, 3817], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757, 7, 3819], [209, 3760, 185, 3757, 7, 3821], [209, 3763, 185, 3757, 7, 3823], [209, 3766, 185, 3757, 7, 3825], [209, 3769, 185, 3757, 7, 3827], [209, 3772, 185, 3757, 7, 3829], [209, 3775, 185, 3757, 7, 3831], [209, 3778, 185, 3757, 7, 3833], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3835, 528, 3836, 185, 3574, 7, 3837], [209, 3548, 7, 3839], [132, 3836, 209, 3551, 7, 3841], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556, 7, 3844], [209, 3559, 7, 3846], [209, 3562, 7, 3848], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3850], [209, 3743, 7, 3852], [48, 734, 209, 3854, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3855], [209, 3562, 7, 3857], [], [48, 734, 209, 3854, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3860], [209, 3562, 7, 3862], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757, 7, 3865], [209, 3760, 185, 3757, 7, 3867], [209, 3763, 185, 3757, 7, 3869], [209, 3766, 185, 3757, 7, 3871], [209, 3769, 185, 3757, 7, 3873], [209, 3772, 185, 3757, 7, 3875], [209, 3775, 185, 3757, 7, 3877], [209, 3778, 185, 3757, 7, 3879], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3881, 528, 3882, 185, 3574, 7, 3883], [209, 3548, 7, 3885], [132, 3882, 209, 3551, 7, 3887], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556, 7, 3890], [209, 3559, 7, 3892], [209, 3562, 7, 3894], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3896], [209, 3743, 7, 3898], [48, 734, 209, 3854, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3900], [209, 3562, 7, 3902], [], [48, 734, 209, 3854, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3904], [209, 3562, 7, 3906], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757, 7, 3908], [209, 3760, 185, 3757, 7, 3910], [209, 3763, 185, 3757, 7, 3912], [209, 3766, 185, 3757, 7, 3914], [209, 3769, 185, 3757, 7, 3916], [209, 3772, 185, 3757, 7, 3918], [209, 3775, 185, 3757, 7, 3920], [209, 3778, 185, 3757, 7, 3922], [209, 3924, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3925, 528, 3926, 185, 700, 7, 3927], [209, 3548, 7, 3929], [132, 3926, 209, 3551, 7, 3931], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556, 7, 3934], [209, 3559, 7, 3936], [209, 3562, 7, 3938], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3940], [209, 3743, 7, 3942], [48, 734, 209, 3751, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3944], [209, 3562, 7, 3946], [], [209, 3924, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3948, 528, 3949, 185, 700, 7, 3950], [209, 3548, 7, 3952], [132, 3949, 209, 3551, 7, 3954], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556, 7, 3956], [209, 3559, 7, 3958], [209, 3562, 7, 3960], [], [209, 3740, 7, 3962], [209, 3743, 7, 3964], [48, 734, 209, 3751, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 7, 3966], [209, 3562, 7, 3968], [], [185, 3970, 7, 3971], [], [48, 87, 7, 3973], [], [], [185, 3970, 7, 3976], [7, 3978], [], [185, 3970, 7, 3981], [], [48, 87, 7, 3983], [], [], [524, 536, 553, 14, 516, 535, 802, 3986, 30, 3987, 132, 3987, 80, 3988, 185, 3989, 7, 3990], [132, 3992, 80, 3993, 7, 3994], [185, 3997, 7, 3998], [4000, 4001, 185, 4002, 7, 4003], [185, 4005, 7, 4006], [46, 55, 50, 4008, 7, 4009], [185, 4002, 7, 4011], [185, 4005, 7, 4013], [46, 55, 50, 4008, 7, 4015], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3835, 528, 990, 185, 3574], [209, 3548], [132, 990, 209, 3551], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556], [209, 3559], [209, 3562], [], [132, 3835, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 4017], [], [353, 4020, 132, 4021, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 4022], [], [209, 4024, 7, 4025], [], [209, 4028, 7, 4029], [], [7, 4032], [], [7, 4034], [], [209, 402, 7, 4036], [209, 4038, 7, 4039], [], [406, 4042, 7, 4043], [], [], [209, 492, 364, 14, 3677, 4046, 3679, 3680, 365, 4047, 132, 4042, 30, 4042, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4048], [], [209, 442, 443, 4042, 444, 14, 7, 4050], [], [], [7, 4052], [], [209, 402, 7, 4054], [209, 4038, 7, 4056], [], [406, 4058, 7, 4059], [], [], [364, 14, 3677, 3712, 3679, 3713, 3714, 3715, 3716, 3717, 365, 3718, 132, 4058, 30, 4058, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4062], [], [209, 442, 443, 4058, 444, 14, 7, 4064], [], [], [7, 4066], [], [209, 402, 7, 4068], [209, 4038, 7, 4070], [], [406, 4072, 7, 4073], [], [], [7, 4076], [], [4079, 765, 364, 14, 365, 4080, 132, 4072, 30, 4072, 4081, 754, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4082], [], [209, 442, 443, 4072, 444, 14, 7, 4084], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 4086], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 4088], [], [132, 3710, 30, 3710, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 4090], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3740], [209, 3743], [48, 734, 209, 3854, 516, 734, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [48, 734, 209, 3854, 516, 734, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757], [209, 3760, 185, 3757], [209, 3763, 185, 3757], [209, 3766, 185, 3757], [209, 3769, 185, 3757], [209, 3772, 185, 3757], [209, 3775, 185, 3757], [209, 3778, 185, 3757], [209, 3571, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3881, 528, 3545, 185, 3574], [209, 3548], [132, 3545, 209, 3551], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556], [209, 3559], [209, 3562], [], [132, 3881, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 4092], [], [132, 4095, 353, 4096, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 4097], [], [48, 368, 132, 4099, 30, 4099, 369, 14, 7, 4100], [], [7, 4102], [], [7, 4104], [], [406, 4106, 7, 4107], [], [], [48, 495, 132, 4106, 30, 4110, 365, 3681, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4111], [], [185, 4113, 7, 4114], [], [209, 442, 443, 4110, 444, 14, 7, 4116], [], [], [], [7, 4119], [], [406, 4121, 7, 4122], [], [], [132, 4121, 365, 3733, 30, 3728, 48, 4125, 209, 3732, 7, 4126], [], [185, 4113, 7, 4128], [], [209, 442, 443, 3728, 444, 14, 7, 4130], [], [], [], [7, 4132], [], [406, 4134, 7, 4135], [], [], [209, 633, 132, 4134, 30, 4139, 185, -1, 7, 4140], [369, 4142, 7, 4143], [], [], [369, 4145, 7, 4146], [], [], [369, 4148, 7, 4149], [], [], [369, 4151, 7, 4152], [], [], [369, 4154, 7, 4155], [], [], [369, 4157, 7, 4158], [], [], [], [], [7, 4161], [], [406, 4163, 7, 4164], [], [], [132, 4163, 30, 4167, 4081, 4168, 4079, 3680, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 4169], [], [], [], [], [209, 3740], [209, 3743], [48, 734, 209, 3854, 516, 734, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [48, 734, 209, 3854, 516, 734, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [209, 3756, 185, 3757], [209, 3760, 185, 3757], [209, 3763, 185, 3757], [209, 3766, 185, 3757], [209, 3769, 185, 3757], [209, 3772, 185, 3757], [209, 3775, 185, 3757], [209, 3778, 185, 3757], [209, 3924, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3925, 528, 3573, 185, 700], [209, 3548], [132, 3573, 209, 3551], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556], [209, 3559], [209, 3562], [], [132, 3925, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 4171], [], [132, 4173, 7, 4174], [], [209, 3740], [209, 3743], [48, 734, 209, 3751, 516, 734, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [209, 3924, 524, 536, 516, 3542, 3543, 3948, 528, 3782, 185, 700], [209, 3548], [132, 3782, 209, 3551], [], [48, 734, 209, 3554, 516, 734, 3555, 499, 802, 3556], [209, 3559], [209, 3562], [], [132, 3948, 185, -1, 209, 3565, 7, 4176], [], [132, 4178, 7, 4179], [], [], [209, 3740], [209, 3743], [48, 734, 209, 3751, 516, 734, 3555, 499], [209, 3562], [], [185, 3970], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 3970], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 3970], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2621, 2725], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [190, 191, 222, 227, 239, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253, 258, 260, 299, 401, 406, 446, 2329, 2330, 2331, 2332, 2333, 2334, 2375, 2388, 2401, 2414, 2593, 2606, 2628, 2630, 2664, 2673, 2686], "value": [370, 375, 423, 434, 449, 454, 459, 463, 470, 476, 482, 486, -1, -1, -1, 486, 736, 785, 370, 375, 3617, 3617, 3617, 3632, -1, -1, 3719, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": [227]}, "optionSelected": {"index": [352, 424, 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0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [76.140625, 513.484375, 74.34375, 251], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [519, 503, 837, 12970.796875], [522, 506, 831, 30.390625], [514, 526, 1, 1], [514, 526, 1, 1], [522, 506, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 511, 578.015625, 20], [522, 536.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 556.390625, 1, 1], [514, 556.390625, 1, 1], [522, 536.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 541.390625, 726.234375, 20], [522, 565.78125, 831, 32.390625], [514, 586.78125, 1, 1], [514, 586.78125, 1, 1], [521, 565.78125, 833, 32.390625], [529.03125, 571.78125, 399.640625, 20], [522, 597.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 617.171875, 1, 1], [514, 617.171875, 1, 1], [522, 597.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 602.171875, 529.03125, 20], [522, 627.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 647.5625, 1, 1], [514, 647.5625, 1, 1], [522, 627.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 632.5625, 443, 20], [522, 657.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 677.953125, 1, 1], [514, 677.953125, 1, 1], [522, 657.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 662.953125, 434.90625, 20], [522, 688.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 708.34375, 1, 1], [514, 708.34375, 1, 1], [522, 688.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 693.34375, 596.265625, 20], [522, 718.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 738.734375, 1, 1], [514, 738.734375, 1, 1], [522, 718.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 723.734375, 592.28125, 20], [522, 749.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 769.125, 1, 1], [514, 769.125, 1, 1], [522, 749.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 754.125, 598.125, 20], [522, 779.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 799.515625, 1, 1], [514, 799.515625, 1, 1], [522, 779.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 784.515625, 780.1875, 20], [522, 809.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 829.90625, 1, 1], [514, 829.90625, 1, 1], [522, 809.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 814.90625, 526.765625, 20], [522, 840.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 860.296875, 1, 1], [514, 860.296875, 1, 1], [522, 840.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 845.296875, 521.890625, 20], [522, 870.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 890.6875, 1, 1], [514, 890.6875, 1, 1], [522, 870.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 875.6875, 663.671875, 20], [522, 901.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 921.078125, 1, 1], [514, 921.078125, 1, 1], [522, 901.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 906.078125, 539.5, 20], [522, 931.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 951.46875, 1, 1], [514, 951.46875, 1, 1], [522, 931.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 936.46875, 452.46875, 20], [522, 961.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 981.859375, 1, 1], [514, 981.859375, 1, 1], [522, 961.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 966.859375, 452.46875, 20], [522, 992.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1012.25, 1, 1], [514, 1012.25, 1, 1], [522, 992.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 997.25, 625.515625, 20], [522, 1022.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1042.640625, 1, 1], [514, 1042.640625, 1, 1], [522, 1022.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1027.640625, 757.546875, 20], [522, 1053.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1073.03125, 1, 1], [514, 1073.03125, 1, 1], [522, 1053.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1058.03125, 507.59375, 20], [522, 1083.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1103.421875, 1, 1], [514, 1103.421875, 1, 1], [522, 1083.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1088.421875, 722.34375, 20], [522, 1113.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1133.8125, 1, 1], [514, 1133.8125, 1, 1], [522, 1113.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1118.8125, 568.140625, 20], [522, 1144.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1164.203125, 1, 1], [514, 1164.203125, 1, 1], [522, 1144.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1149.203125, 479.828125, 20], [522, 1174.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1194.59375, 1, 1], [514, 1194.59375, 1, 1], [522, 1174.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1179.59375, 567.5625, 20], [522, 1204.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1224.984375, 1, 1], [514, 1224.984375, 1, 1], [522, 1204.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1209.984375, 438.40625, 20], [522, 1235.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1255.375, 1, 1], [514, 1255.375, 1, 1], [522, 1235.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1240.375, 563.65625, 20], [522, 1265.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1285.765625, 1, 1], [514, 1285.765625, 1, 1], [522, 1265.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1270.765625, 422.140625, 20], [522, 1296.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1316.15625, 1, 1], [514, 1316.15625, 1, 1], [522, 1296.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1301.15625, 546.3125, 20], [522, 1326.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1346.546875, 1, 1], [514, 1346.546875, 1, 1], [522, 1326.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1331.546875, 528.40625, 20], [522, 1356.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1376.9375, 1, 1], [514, 1376.9375, 1, 1], [522, 1356.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1361.9375, 434.5625, 20], [522, 1387.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1407.328125, 1, 1], [514, 1407.328125, 1, 1], [522, 1387.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1392.328125, 520.28125, 20], [522, 1417.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1437.71875, 1, 1], [514, 1437.71875, 1, 1], [522, 1417.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1422.71875, 494.921875, 20], [522, 1448.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1468.109375, 1, 1], [514, 1468.109375, 1, 1], [522, 1448.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1453.109375, 482.421875, 20], [522, 1478.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1498.5, 1, 1], [514, 1498.5, 1, 1], [522, 1478.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1483.5, 464.203125, 20], [522, 1508.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1528.890625, 1, 1], [514, 1528.890625, 1, 1], [522, 1508.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1513.890625, 619.046875, 20], [522, 1539.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1559.28125, 1, 1], [514, 1559.28125, 1, 1], [522, 1539.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1544.28125, 641.875, 20], [522, 1569.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1589.671875, 1, 1], [514, 1589.671875, 1, 1], [522, 1569.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1574.671875, 646.421875, 20], [522, 1600.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1620.0625, 1, 1], [514, 1620.0625, 1, 1], [522, 1600.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1605.0625, 495.46875, 20], [522, 1630.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1650.453125, 1, 1], [514, 1650.453125, 1, 1], [522, 1630.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1635.453125, 560.65625, 20], [522, 1660.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1680.84375, 1, 1], [514, 1680.84375, 1, 1], [522, 1660.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1665.84375, 565.578125, 20], [522, 1691.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1711.234375, 1, 1], [514, 1711.234375, 1, 1], [522, 1691.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1696.234375, 622.96875, 20], [522, 1721.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1741.625, 1, 1], [514, 1741.625, 1, 1], [522, 1721.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1726.625, 579.953125, 20], [522, 1752.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1772.015625, 1, 1], [514, 1772.015625, 1, 1], [522, 1752.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1757.015625, 641.21875, 20], [522, 1782.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1802.40625, 1, 1], [514, 1802.40625, 1, 1], [522, 1782.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1787.40625, 464.296875, 20], [522, 1812.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1832.796875, 1, 1], [514, 1832.796875, 1, 1], [522, 1812.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1817.796875, 576.6875, 20], [522, 1843.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1863.1875, 1, 1], [514, 1863.1875, 1, 1], [522, 1843.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1848.1875, 564.359375, 20], [522, 1873.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1893.578125, 1, 1], [514, 1893.578125, 1, 1], [522, 1873.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1878.578125, 616.75, 20], [522, 1903.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1923.96875, 1, 1], [514, 1923.96875, 1, 1], [522, 1903.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1908.96875, 761.515625, 20], [522, 1934.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1954.359375, 1, 1], [514, 1954.359375, 1, 1], [522, 1934.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1939.359375, 563.96875, 20], [522, 1964.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1984.75, 1, 1], [514, 1984.75, 1, 1], [522, 1964.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1969.75, 549.96875, 20], [522, 1995.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2015.140625, 1, 1], [514, 2015.140625, 1, 1], [522, 1995.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2000.140625, 619.65625, 20], [522, 2025.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2045.53125, 1, 1], [514, 2045.53125, 1, 1], [522, 2025.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2030.53125, 436.828125, 20], [522, 2055.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2075.921875, 1, 1], [514, 2075.921875, 1, 1], [522, 2055.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2060.921875, 529.734375, 20], [522, 2086.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2106.3125, 1, 1], [514, 2106.3125, 1, 1], [522, 2086.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2091.3125, 541.78125, 20], [522, 2116.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2136.703125, 1, 1], [514, 2136.703125, 1, 1], [522, 2116.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2121.703125, 499.046875, 20], [522, 2147.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2167.09375, 1, 1], [514, 2167.09375, 1, 1], [522, 2147.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2152.09375, 516.328125, 20], [522, 2177.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2197.484375, 1, 1], [514, 2197.484375, 1, 1], [522, 2177.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2182.484375, 515.03125, 20], [522, 2207.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2227.875, 1, 1], [514, 2227.875, 1, 1], [522, 2207.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2212.875, 434.921875, 20], [522, 2238.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2258.265625, 1, 1], [514, 2258.265625, 1, 1], [522, 2238.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2243.265625, 589.0625, 20], [522, 2268.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2288.65625, 1, 1], [514, 2288.65625, 1, 1], [522, 2268.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2273.65625, 457.0625, 20], [522, 2299.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2319.046875, 1, 1], [514, 2319.046875, 1, 1], [522, 2299.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2304.046875, 550.28125, 20], [522, 2329.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2349.4375, 1, 1], [514, 2349.4375, 1, 1], [522, 2329.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2334.4375, 608.28125, 20], [522, 2359.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2379.828125, 1, 1], [514, 2379.828125, 1, 1], [522, 2359.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2364.828125, 600.15625, 20], [522, 2390.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2410.21875, 1, 1], [514, 2410.21875, 1, 1], [522, 2390.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2395.21875, 567.828125, 20], [522, 2420.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2440.609375, 1, 1], [514, 2440.609375, 1, 1], [522, 2420.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2425.609375, 526.4375, 20], [522, 2451, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2471, 1, 1], [514, 2471, 1, 1], [522, 2451, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2456, 566.828125, 20], [522, 2481.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2501.390625, 1, 1], [514, 2501.390625, 1, 1], [522, 2481.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2486.390625, 579.296875, 20], [522, 2511.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2531.78125, 1, 1], [514, 2531.78125, 1, 1], [522, 2511.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2516.78125, 549.28125, 20], [522, 2542.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2562.171875, 1, 1], [514, 2562.171875, 1, 1], [522, 2542.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2547.171875, 596.578125, 20], [522, 2572.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2592.5625, 1, 1], [514, 2592.5625, 1, 1], [522, 2572.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2577.5625, 518.9375, 20], [522, 2602.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2622.953125, 1, 1], [514, 2622.953125, 1, 1], [522, 2602.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2607.953125, 703.5625, 20], [522, 2633.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2653.34375, 1, 1], [514, 2653.34375, 1, 1], [522, 2633.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2638.34375, 711.3125, 20], [522, 2663.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2683.734375, 1, 1], [514, 2683.734375, 1, 1], [522, 2663.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2668.734375, 610.828125, 20], [522, 2694.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2714.125, 1, 1], [514, 2714.125, 1, 1], [522, 2694.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2699.125, 530.390625, 20], [522, 2724.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2744.515625, 1, 1], [514, 2744.515625, 1, 1], [522, 2724.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2729.515625, 541.484375, 20], [522, 2754.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2774.90625, 1, 1], [514, 2774.90625, 1, 1], [522, 2754.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2759.90625, 534.59375, 20], [522, 2785.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2805.296875, 1, 1], [514, 2805.296875, 1, 1], [522, 2785.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2790.296875, 620.6875, 20], [522, 2815.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2835.6875, 1, 1], [514, 2835.6875, 1, 1], [522, 2815.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2820.6875, 455.359375, 20], [522, 2846.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2866.078125, 1, 1], [514, 2866.078125, 1, 1], [522, 2846.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2851.078125, 476.015625, 20], [522, 2876.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2896.46875, 1, 1], [514, 2896.46875, 1, 1], [522, 2876.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2881.46875, 523.875, 20], [522, 2906.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2926.859375, 1, 1], [514, 2926.859375, 1, 1], [522, 2906.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2911.859375, 557.09375, 20], [522, 2937.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2957.25, 1, 1], [514, 2957.25, 1, 1], [522, 2937.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2942.25, 644.140625, 20], [522, 2967.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2987.640625, 1, 1], [514, 2987.640625, 1, 1], [522, 2967.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2972.640625, 667.640625, 20], [522, 2998.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3018.03125, 1, 1], [514, 3018.03125, 1, 1], [522, 2998.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3003.03125, 517.96875, 20], [522, 3028.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3048.421875, 1, 1], [514, 3048.421875, 1, 1], [522, 3028.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3033.421875, 573.703125, 20], [522, 3058.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3078.8125, 1, 1], [514, 3078.8125, 1, 1], [522, 3058.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3063.8125, 515.078125, 20], [522, 3089.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3109.203125, 1, 1], [514, 3109.203125, 1, 1], [522, 3089.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3094.203125, 540.203125, 20], [522, 3119.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3139.59375, 1, 1], [514, 3139.59375, 1, 1], [522, 3119.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3124.59375, 626.5, 20], [522, 3149.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3169.984375, 1, 1], [514, 3169.984375, 1, 1], [522, 3149.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3154.984375, 710.3125, 20], [522, 3180.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3200.375, 1, 1], [514, 3200.375, 1, 1], [522, 3180.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3185.375, 687.15625, 20], [522, 3210.765625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3230.765625, 1, 1], [514, 3230.765625, 1, 1], [522, 3210.765625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3215.765625, 813.6875, 46.390625], [522, 3267.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3287.546875, 1, 1], [514, 3287.546875, 1, 1], [522, 3267.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3272.546875, 668.890625, 20], [522, 3297.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3317.9375, 1, 1], [514, 3317.9375, 1, 1], [522, 3297.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3302.9375, 648.96875, 20], [522, 3328.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3348.328125, 1, 1], [514, 3348.328125, 1, 1], [522, 3328.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3333.328125, 637.890625, 20], [522, 3358.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3378.71875, 1, 1], [514, 3378.71875, 1, 1], [522, 3358.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3363.71875, 645.09375, 20], [522, 3389.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3409.109375, 1, 1], [514, 3409.109375, 1, 1], [522, 3389.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3394.109375, 635, 20], [522, 3419.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3439.5, 1, 1], [514, 3439.5, 1, 1], [522, 3419.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3424.5, 592.359375, 20], [522, 3449.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3469.890625, 1, 1], [514, 3469.890625, 1, 1], [522, 3449.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3454.890625, 526.828125, 20], [522, 3480.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3500.28125, 1, 1], [514, 3500.28125, 1, 1], [522, 3480.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3485.28125, 762.84375, 20], [522, 3510.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3530.671875, 1, 1], [514, 3530.671875, 1, 1], [522, 3510.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3515.671875, 680.40625, 20], [522, 3541.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3561.0625, 1, 1], [514, 3561.0625, 1, 1], [522, 3541.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3546.0625, 542.390625, 20], [522, 3571.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3591.453125, 1, 1], [514, 3591.453125, 1, 1], [522, 3571.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3576.453125, 557.109375, 20], [522, 3601.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3621.84375, 1, 1], [514, 3621.84375, 1, 1], [522, 3601.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3606.84375, 466.109375, 20], [522, 3632.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3652.234375, 1, 1], [514, 3652.234375, 1, 1], [522, 3632.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3637.234375, 643.171875, 20], [522, 3662.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3682.625, 1, 1], [514, 3682.625, 1, 1], [522, 3662.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3667.625, 568.203125, 20], [522, 3693.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3713.015625, 1, 1], [514, 3713.015625, 1, 1], [522, 3693.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3698.015625, 571.109375, 20], [522, 3723.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3743.40625, 1, 1], [514, 3743.40625, 1, 1], [522, 3723.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3728.40625, 528.734375, 20], [522, 3753.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3773.796875, 1, 1], [514, 3773.796875, 1, 1], [522, 3753.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3758.796875, 690.703125, 20], [522, 3784.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3804.1875, 1, 1], [514, 3804.1875, 1, 1], [522, 3784.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3789.1875, 539.859375, 20], [522, 3814.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3834.578125, 1, 1], [514, 3834.578125, 1, 1], [522, 3814.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3819.578125, 609.625, 20], [522, 3844.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3864.96875, 1, 1], [514, 3864.96875, 1, 1], [522, 3844.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3849.96875, 529.703125, 20], [522, 3875.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3895.359375, 1, 1], [514, 3895.359375, 1, 1], [522, 3875.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3880.359375, 436.8125, 20], [522, 3905.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3925.75, 1, 1], [514, 3925.75, 1, 1], [522, 3905.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3910.75, 454.734375, 20], [522, 3936.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3956.140625, 1, 1], [514, 3956.140625, 1, 1], [522, 3936.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3941.140625, 554.15625, 20], [522, 3966.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3986.53125, 1, 1], [514, 3986.53125, 1, 1], [522, 3966.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3971.53125, 565.546875, 20], [522, 3996.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4016.921875, 1, 1], [514, 4016.921875, 1, 1], [522, 3996.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4001.921875, 544.109375, 20], [522, 4027.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4047.3125, 1, 1], [514, 4047.3125, 1, 1], [522, 4027.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4032.3125, 492.953125, 20], [522, 4057.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4077.703125, 1, 1], [514, 4077.703125, 1, 1], [522, 4057.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4062.703125, 500.953125, 20], [522, 4088.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4108.09375, 1, 1], [514, 4108.09375, 1, 1], [522, 4088.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4093.09375, 662.375, 20], [522, 4118.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4138.484375, 1, 1], [514, 4138.484375, 1, 1], [522, 4118.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4123.484375, 520.265625, 20], [522, 4148.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4168.875, 1, 1], [514, 4168.875, 1, 1], [522, 4148.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4153.875, 509.15625, 20], [522, 4179.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4199.265625, 1, 1], [514, 4199.265625, 1, 1], [522, 4179.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4184.265625, 467.140625, 20], [522, 4209.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4229.65625, 1, 1], [514, 4229.65625, 1, 1], [522, 4209.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4214.65625, 619.3125, 20], [522, 4240.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4260.046875, 1, 1], [514, 4260.046875, 1, 1], [522, 4240.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4245.046875, 589.03125, 20], [522, 4270.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4290.4375, 1, 1], [514, 4290.4375, 1, 1], [522, 4270.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4275.4375, 487.703125, 20], [522, 4300.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4320.828125, 1, 1], [514, 4320.828125, 1, 1], [522, 4300.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4305.828125, 498.75, 20], [522, 4331.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4351.21875, 1, 1], [514, 4351.21875, 1, 1], [522, 4331.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4336.21875, 498.140625, 20], [522, 4361.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4381.609375, 1, 1], [514, 4381.609375, 1, 1], [522, 4361.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4366.609375, 660.6875, 20], [522, 4392, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4412, 1, 1], [514, 4412, 1, 1], [522, 4392, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4397, 673.78125, 20], [522, 4422.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4442.390625, 1, 1], [514, 4442.390625, 1, 1], [522, 4422.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4427.390625, 578.96875, 20], [522, 4452.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4472.78125, 1, 1], [514, 4472.78125, 1, 1], [522, 4452.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4457.78125, 658.5, 20], [522, 4483.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4503.171875, 1, 1], [514, 4503.171875, 1, 1], [522, 4483.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4488.171875, 533.640625, 20], [522, 4513.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4533.5625, 1, 1], [514, 4533.5625, 1, 1], [522, 4513.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4518.5625, 579.609375, 20], [522, 4543.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4563.953125, 1, 1], [514, 4563.953125, 1, 1], [522, 4543.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4548.953125, 516.65625, 20], [522, 4574.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4594.34375, 1, 1], [514, 4594.34375, 1, 1], [522, 4574.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4579.34375, 462.1875, 20], [522, 4604.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4624.734375, 1, 1], [514, 4624.734375, 1, 1], [522, 4604.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4609.734375, 538.578125, 20], [522, 4635.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4655.125, 1, 1], [514, 4655.125, 1, 1], [522, 4635.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4640.125, 545.65625, 20], [522, 4665.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4685.515625, 1, 1], [514, 4685.515625, 1, 1], [522, 4665.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4670.515625, 472.125, 20], [522, 4695.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4715.90625, 1, 1], [514, 4715.90625, 1, 1], [522, 4695.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4700.90625, 585.453125, 20], [522, 4726.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4746.296875, 1, 1], [514, 4746.296875, 1, 1], [522, 4726.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4731.296875, 664.046875, 20], [522, 4756.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4776.6875, 1, 1], [514, 4776.6875, 1, 1], [522, 4756.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4761.6875, 669.46875, 20], [522, 4787.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4807.078125, 1, 1], [514, 4807.078125, 1, 1], [522, 4787.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4792.078125, 460.25, 20], [522, 4817.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4837.46875, 1, 1], [514, 4837.46875, 1, 1], [522, 4817.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4822.46875, 551.84375, 20], [522, 4847.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4867.859375, 1, 1], [514, 4867.859375, 1, 1], [522, 4847.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4852.859375, 481.78125, 20], [522, 4878.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4898.25, 1, 1], [514, 4898.25, 1, 1], [522, 4878.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4883.25, 647.65625, 20], [522, 4908.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4928.640625, 1, 1], [514, 4928.640625, 1, 1], [522, 4908.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4913.640625, 717.78125, 20], [522, 4939.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4959.03125, 1, 1], [514, 4959.03125, 1, 1], [522, 4939.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4944.03125, 794.046875, 20], [522, 4969.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4989.421875, 1, 1], [514, 4989.421875, 1, 1], [522, 4969.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4974.421875, 480.140625, 20], [522, 4999.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5019.8125, 1, 1], [514, 5019.8125, 1, 1], [522, 4999.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5004.8125, 470.03125, 20], [522, 5030.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5050.203125, 1, 1], [514, 5050.203125, 1, 1], [522, 5030.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5035.203125, 491.53125, 20], [522, 5060.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5080.59375, 1, 1], [514, 5080.59375, 1, 1], [522, 5060.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5065.59375, 610.796875, 20], [522, 5090.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5110.984375, 1, 1], [514, 5110.984375, 1, 1], [522, 5090.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5095.984375, 550.25, 20], [522, 5121.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5141.375, 1, 1], [514, 5141.375, 1, 1], [522, 5121.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5126.375, 648.078125, 20], [522, 5151.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5171.765625, 1, 1], [514, 5171.765625, 1, 1], [522, 5151.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5156.765625, 533.984375, 20], [522, 5182.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5202.15625, 1, 1], [514, 5202.15625, 1, 1], [522, 5182.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5187.15625, 593.296875, 20], [522, 5212.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5232.546875, 1, 1], [514, 5232.546875, 1, 1], [522, 5212.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5217.546875, 503.671875, 20], [522, 5242.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5262.9375, 1, 1], [514, 5262.9375, 1, 1], [522, 5242.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5247.9375, 554.234375, 20], [522, 5273.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5293.328125, 1, 1], [514, 5293.328125, 1, 1], [522, 5273.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5278.328125, 522.890625, 20], [522, 5303.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5323.71875, 1, 1], [514, 5323.71875, 1, 1], [522, 5303.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5308.71875, 510.84375, 20], [522, 5334.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5354.109375, 1, 1], [514, 5354.109375, 1, 1], [522, 5334.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5339.109375, 554.171875, 20], [522, 5364.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5384.5, 1, 1], [514, 5384.5, 1, 1], [522, 5364.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5369.5, 608.671875, 20], [522, 5394.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5414.890625, 1, 1], [514, 5414.890625, 1, 1], [522, 5394.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5399.890625, 421.1875, 20], [522, 5425.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5445.28125, 1, 1], [514, 5445.28125, 1, 1], [522, 5425.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5430.28125, 558.140625, 20], [522, 5455.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5475.671875, 1, 1], [514, 5475.671875, 1, 1], [522, 5455.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5460.671875, 567.28125, 20], [522, 5486.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5506.0625, 1, 1], [514, 5506.0625, 1, 1], [522, 5486.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5491.0625, 613.828125, 20], [522, 5516.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5536.453125, 1, 1], [514, 5536.453125, 1, 1], [522, 5516.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5521.453125, 558.046875, 20], [522, 5546.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5566.84375, 1, 1], [514, 5566.84375, 1, 1], [522, 5546.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5551.84375, 696.59375, 20], [522, 5577.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5597.234375, 1, 1], [514, 5597.234375, 1, 1], [522, 5577.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5582.234375, 534.328125, 20], [522, 5607.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5627.625, 1, 1], [514, 5627.625, 1, 1], [522, 5607.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5612.625, 471, 20], [522, 5638.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5658.015625, 1, 1], [514, 5658.015625, 1, 1], [522, 5638.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5643.015625, 633.078125, 20], [522, 5668.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5688.40625, 1, 1], [514, 5688.40625, 1, 1], [522, 5668.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5673.40625, 585.453125, 20], [522, 5698.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5718.796875, 1, 1], [514, 5718.796875, 1, 1], [522, 5698.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5703.796875, 431.9375, 20], [522, 5729.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5749.1875, 1, 1], [514, 5749.1875, 1, 1], [522, 5729.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5734.1875, 486.671875, 20], [522, 5759.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5779.578125, 1, 1], [514, 5779.578125, 1, 1], [522, 5759.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5764.578125, 782.03125, 20], [522, 5789.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5809.96875, 1, 1], [514, 5809.96875, 1, 1], [522, 5789.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5794.96875, 651.625, 20], [522, 5820.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5840.359375, 1, 1], [514, 5840.359375, 1, 1], [522, 5820.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5825.359375, 547.984375, 20], [522, 5850.75, 831, 56.78125], [514, 5870.75, 1, 1], [514, 5870.75, 1, 1], [522, 5850.75, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 5855.75, 790.796875, 46.390625], [522, 5907.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5927.53125, 1, 1], [514, 5927.53125, 1, 1], [522, 5907.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5912.53125, 607.984375, 20], [522, 5937.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5957.921875, 1, 1], [514, 5957.921875, 1, 1], [522, 5937.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5942.921875, 438.78125, 20], [522, 5968.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5988.3125, 1, 1], [514, 5988.3125, 1, 1], [522, 5968.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5973.3125, 599.515625, 20], [522, 5998.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6018.703125, 1, 1], [514, 6018.703125, 1, 1], [522, 5998.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6003.703125, 674.46875, 20], [522, 6029.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6049.09375, 1, 1], [514, 6049.09375, 1, 1], [522, 6029.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6034.09375, 539.546875, 20], [522, 6059.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6079.484375, 1, 1], [514, 6079.484375, 1, 1], [522, 6059.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6064.484375, 518.640625, 20], [522, 6089.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6109.875, 1, 1], [514, 6109.875, 1, 1], [522, 6089.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6094.875, 610.59375, 20], [522, 6120.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6140.265625, 1, 1], [514, 6140.265625, 1, 1], [522, 6120.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6125.265625, 544.03125, 20], [522, 6150.65625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 6170.65625, 1, 1], [514, 6170.65625, 1, 1], [522, 6150.65625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 6155.65625, 771.1875, 46.390625], [522, 6207.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6227.4375, 1, 1], [514, 6227.4375, 1, 1], [522, 6207.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6212.4375, 493.25, 20], [522, 6237.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6257.828125, 1, 1], [514, 6257.828125, 1, 1], [522, 6237.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6242.828125, 595.859375, 20], [522, 6268.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6288.21875, 1, 1], [514, 6288.21875, 1, 1], [522, 6268.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6273.21875, 508.21875, 20], [522, 6298.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6318.609375, 1, 1], [514, 6318.609375, 1, 1], [522, 6298.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6303.609375, 523.96875, 20], [522, 6329, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6349, 1, 1], [514, 6349, 1, 1], [522, 6329, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6334, 560.984375, 20], [522, 6359.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6379.390625, 1, 1], [514, 6379.390625, 1, 1], [522, 6359.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6364.390625, 435.859375, 20], [522, 6389.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6409.78125, 1, 1], [514, 6409.78125, 1, 1], [522, 6389.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6394.78125, 379.8125, 20], [522, 6420.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6440.171875, 1, 1], [514, 6440.171875, 1, 1], [522, 6420.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6425.171875, 757.28125, 20], [522, 6450.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6470.5625, 1, 1], [514, 6470.5625, 1, 1], [522, 6450.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6455.5625, 539.53125, 20], [522, 6480.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6500.953125, 1, 1], [514, 6500.953125, 1, 1], [522, 6480.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6485.953125, 391.53125, 20], [522, 6511.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6531.34375, 1, 1], [514, 6531.34375, 1, 1], [522, 6511.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6516.34375, 529.6875, 20], [522, 6541.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6561.734375, 1, 1], [514, 6561.734375, 1, 1], [522, 6541.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6546.734375, 442.375, 20], [522, 6572.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6592.125, 1, 1], [514, 6592.125, 1, 1], [522, 6572.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6577.125, 562.671875, 20], [522, 6602.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6622.515625, 1, 1], [514, 6622.515625, 1, 1], [522, 6602.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6607.515625, 576.359375, 20], [522, 6632.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6652.90625, 1, 1], [514, 6652.90625, 1, 1], [522, 6632.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6637.90625, 747.8125, 20], [522, 6663.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6683.296875, 1, 1], [514, 6683.296875, 1, 1], [522, 6663.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6668.296875, 478.890625, 20], [522, 6693.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6713.6875, 1, 1], [514, 6713.6875, 1, 1], [522, 6693.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6698.6875, 633.453125, 20], [522, 6724.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6744.078125, 1, 1], [514, 6744.078125, 1, 1], [522, 6724.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6729.078125, 489.65625, 20], [522, 6754.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6774.46875, 1, 1], [514, 6774.46875, 1, 1], [522, 6754.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6759.46875, 533.984375, 20], [522, 6784.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6804.859375, 1, 1], [514, 6804.859375, 1, 1], [522, 6784.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6789.859375, 499.40625, 20], [522, 6815.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6835.25, 1, 1], [514, 6835.25, 1, 1], [522, 6815.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6820.25, 588.421875, 20], [522, 6845.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6865.640625, 1, 1], [514, 6865.640625, 1, 1], [522, 6845.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6850.640625, 643.578125, 20], [522, 6876.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6896.03125, 1, 1], [514, 6896.03125, 1, 1], [522, 6876.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6881.03125, 479.859375, 20], [522, 6906.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6926.421875, 1, 1], [514, 6926.421875, 1, 1], [522, 6906.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6911.421875, 513.71875, 20], [522, 6936.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6956.8125, 1, 1], [514, 6956.8125, 1, 1], [522, 6936.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6941.8125, 567.1875, 20], [522, 6967.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6987.203125, 1, 1], [514, 6987.203125, 1, 1], [522, 6967.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6972.203125, 592.609375, 20], [522, 6997.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7017.59375, 1, 1], [514, 7017.59375, 1, 1], [522, 6997.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7002.59375, 585.5, 20], [522, 7027.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7047.984375, 1, 1], [514, 7047.984375, 1, 1], [522, 7027.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7032.984375, 585.5, 20], [522, 7058.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7078.375, 1, 1], [514, 7078.375, 1, 1], [522, 7058.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7063.375, 487.015625, 20], [522, 7088.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7108.765625, 1, 1], [514, 7108.765625, 1, 1], [522, 7088.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7093.765625, 594.296875, 20], [522, 7119.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7139.15625, 1, 1], [514, 7139.15625, 1, 1], [522, 7119.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7124.15625, 625.59375, 20], [522, 7149.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7169.546875, 1, 1], [514, 7169.546875, 1, 1], [522, 7149.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7154.546875, 737.0625, 20], [522, 7179.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7199.9375, 1, 1], [514, 7199.9375, 1, 1], [522, 7179.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7184.9375, 578.234375, 20], [522, 7210.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7230.328125, 1, 1], [514, 7230.328125, 1, 1], [522, 7210.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7215.328125, 583.1875, 20], [522, 7240.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7260.71875, 1, 1], [514, 7260.71875, 1, 1], [522, 7240.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7245.71875, 560.078125, 20], [522, 7271.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7291.109375, 1, 1], [514, 7291.109375, 1, 1], [522, 7271.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7276.109375, 556.140625, 20], [522, 7301.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7321.5, 1, 1], [514, 7321.5, 1, 1], [522, 7301.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7306.5, 580.953125, 20], [522, 7331.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7351.890625, 1, 1], [514, 7351.890625, 1, 1], [522, 7331.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7336.890625, 468.46875, 20], [522, 7362.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7382.28125, 1, 1], [514, 7382.28125, 1, 1], [522, 7362.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7367.28125, 707.421875, 20], [522, 7392.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7412.671875, 1, 1], [514, 7412.671875, 1, 1], [522, 7392.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7397.671875, 480.859375, 20], [522, 7423.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7443.0625, 1, 1], [514, 7443.0625, 1, 1], [522, 7423.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7428.0625, 509.859375, 20], [522, 7453.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7473.453125, 1, 1], [514, 7473.453125, 1, 1], [522, 7453.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7458.453125, 449.171875, 20], [522, 7483.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7503.84375, 1, 1], [514, 7503.84375, 1, 1], [522, 7483.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7488.84375, 534.328125, 20], [522, 7514.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7534.234375, 1, 1], [514, 7534.234375, 1, 1], [522, 7514.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7519.234375, 387.96875, 20], [522, 7544.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7564.625, 1, 1], [514, 7564.625, 1, 1], [522, 7544.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7549.625, 571.765625, 20], [522, 7575.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7595.015625, 1, 1], [514, 7595.015625, 1, 1], [522, 7575.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7580.015625, 551.96875, 20], [522, 7605.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7625.40625, 1, 1], [514, 7625.40625, 1, 1], [522, 7605.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7610.40625, 417.578125, 20], [522, 7635.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7655.796875, 1, 1], [514, 7655.796875, 1, 1], [522, 7635.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7640.796875, 608.90625, 20], [522, 7666.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7686.1875, 1, 1], [514, 7686.1875, 1, 1], [522, 7666.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7671.1875, 501.015625, 20], [522, 7696.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7716.578125, 1, 1], [514, 7716.578125, 1, 1], [522, 7696.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7701.578125, 506.296875, 20], [522, 7726.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7746.96875, 1, 1], [514, 7746.96875, 1, 1], [522, 7726.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7731.96875, 603.96875, 20], [522, 7757.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7777.359375, 1, 1], [514, 7777.359375, 1, 1], [522, 7757.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7762.359375, 594.265625, 20], [522, 7787.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7807.75, 1, 1], [514, 7807.75, 1, 1], [522, 7787.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7792.75, 628.140625, 20], [522, 7818.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7838.140625, 1, 1], [514, 7838.140625, 1, 1], [522, 7818.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7823.140625, 611.5625, 20], [522, 7848.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7868.53125, 1, 1], [514, 7868.53125, 1, 1], [522, 7848.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7853.53125, 607.625, 20], [522, 7878.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7898.921875, 1, 1], [514, 7898.921875, 1, 1], [522, 7878.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7883.921875, 530.328125, 20], [522, 7909.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7929.3125, 1, 1], [514, 7929.3125, 1, 1], [522, 7909.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7914.3125, 526.453125, 20], [522, 7939.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7959.703125, 1, 1], [514, 7959.703125, 1, 1], [522, 7939.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7944.703125, 560.046875, 20], [522, 7970.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7990.09375, 1, 1], [514, 7990.09375, 1, 1], [522, 7970.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7975.09375, 500.046875, 20], [522, 8000.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8020.484375, 1, 1], [514, 8020.484375, 1, 1], [522, 8000.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8005.484375, 537.515625, 20], [522, 8030.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8050.875, 1, 1], [514, 8050.875, 1, 1], [522, 8030.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8035.875, 578.5625, 20], [522, 8061.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8081.265625, 1, 1], [514, 8081.265625, 1, 1], [522, 8061.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8066.265625, 439.71875, 20], [522, 8091.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8111.65625, 1, 1], [514, 8111.65625, 1, 1], [522, 8091.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8096.65625, 588.328125, 20], [522, 8122.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8142.046875, 1, 1], [514, 8142.046875, 1, 1], [522, 8122.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8127.046875, 663.640625, 20], [522, 8152.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8172.4375, 1, 1], [514, 8172.4375, 1, 1], [522, 8152.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8157.4375, 610.578125, 20], [522, 8182.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8202.828125, 1, 1], [514, 8202.828125, 1, 1], [522, 8182.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8187.828125, 617.421875, 20], [522, 8213.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8233.21875, 1, 1], [514, 8233.21875, 1, 1], [522, 8213.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8218.21875, 559.625, 20], [522, 8243.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8263.609375, 1, 1], [514, 8263.609375, 1, 1], [522, 8243.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8248.609375, 605.03125, 20], [522, 8274, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8294, 1, 1], [514, 8294, 1, 1], [522, 8274, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8279, 493.515625, 20], [522, 8304.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8324.390625, 1, 1], [514, 8324.390625, 1, 1], [522, 8304.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8309.390625, 520.234375, 20], [522, 8334.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8354.78125, 1, 1], [514, 8354.78125, 1, 1], [522, 8334.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8339.78125, 469.125, 20], [522, 8365.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8385.171875, 1, 1], [514, 8385.171875, 1, 1], [522, 8365.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8370.171875, 499.109375, 20], [522, 8395.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8415.5625, 1, 1], [514, 8415.5625, 1, 1], [522, 8395.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8400.5625, 503.28125, 20], [522, 8425.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8445.953125, 1, 1], [514, 8445.953125, 1, 1], [522, 8425.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8430.953125, 630.75, 20], [522, 8456.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8476.34375, 1, 1], [514, 8476.34375, 1, 1], [522, 8456.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8461.34375, 529.421875, 20], [522, 8486.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8506.734375, 1, 1], [514, 8506.734375, 1, 1], [522, 8486.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8491.734375, 517.703125, 20], [522, 8517.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8537.125, 1, 1], [514, 8537.125, 1, 1], [522, 8517.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8522.125, 569.84375, 20], [522, 8547.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8567.515625, 1, 1], [514, 8567.515625, 1, 1], [522, 8547.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8552.515625, 636.9375, 20], [522, 8577.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8597.90625, 1, 1], [514, 8597.90625, 1, 1], [522, 8577.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8582.90625, 567.546875, 20], [522, 8608.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8628.296875, 1, 1], [514, 8628.296875, 1, 1], [522, 8608.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8613.296875, 711.0625, 20], [522, 8638.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8658.6875, 1, 1], [514, 8658.6875, 1, 1], [522, 8638.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8643.6875, 577.609375, 20], [522, 8669.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8689.078125, 1, 1], [514, 8689.078125, 1, 1], [522, 8669.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8674.078125, 524.1875, 20], [522, 8699.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8719.46875, 1, 1], [514, 8719.46875, 1, 1], [522, 8699.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8704.46875, 534.9375, 20], [522, 8729.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8749.859375, 1, 1], [514, 8749.859375, 1, 1], [522, 8729.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8734.859375, 662.703125, 20], [522, 8760.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8780.25, 1, 1], [514, 8780.25, 1, 1], [522, 8760.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8765.25, 702.453125, 20], [522, 8790.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8810.640625, 1, 1], [514, 8810.640625, 1, 1], [522, 8790.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8795.640625, 479.890625, 20], [522, 8821.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8841.03125, 1, 1], [514, 8841.03125, 1, 1], [522, 8821.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8826.03125, 700.578125, 20], [522, 8851.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8871.421875, 1, 1], [514, 8871.421875, 1, 1], [522, 8851.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8856.421875, 561.390625, 20], [522, 8881.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8901.8125, 1, 1], [514, 8901.8125, 1, 1], [522, 8881.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8886.8125, 580.625, 20], [522, 8912.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8932.203125, 1, 1], [514, 8932.203125, 1, 1], [522, 8912.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8917.203125, 471.296875, 20], [522, 8942.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8962.59375, 1, 1], [514, 8962.59375, 1, 1], [522, 8942.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8947.59375, 633.34375, 20], [522, 8972.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8992.984375, 1, 1], [514, 8992.984375, 1, 1], [522, 8972.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8977.984375, 593.9375, 20], [522, 9003.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9023.375, 1, 1], [514, 9023.375, 1, 1], [522, 9003.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9008.375, 483.125, 20], [522, 9033.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9053.765625, 1, 1], [514, 9053.765625, 1, 1], [522, 9033.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9038.765625, 552.203125, 20], [522, 9064.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9084.15625, 1, 1], [514, 9084.15625, 1, 1], [522, 9064.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9069.15625, 468.796875, 20], [522, 9094.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9114.546875, 1, 1], [514, 9114.546875, 1, 1], [522, 9094.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9099.546875, 411.359375, 20], [522, 9124.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9144.9375, 1, 1], [514, 9144.9375, 1, 1], [522, 9124.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9129.9375, 564.546875, 20], [522, 9155.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9175.328125, 1, 1], [514, 9175.328125, 1, 1], [522, 9155.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9160.328125, 462.875, 20], [522, 9185.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9205.71875, 1, 1], [514, 9205.71875, 1, 1], [522, 9185.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9190.71875, 454.421875, 20], [522, 9216.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9236.109375, 1, 1], [514, 9236.109375, 1, 1], [522, 9216.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9221.109375, 474.96875, 20], [522, 9246.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9266.5, 1, 1], [514, 9266.5, 1, 1], [522, 9246.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9251.5, 571.765625, 20], [522, 9276.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9296.890625, 1, 1], [514, 9296.890625, 1, 1], [522, 9276.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9281.890625, 644.796875, 20], [522, 9307.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9327.28125, 1, 1], [514, 9327.28125, 1, 1], [522, 9307.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9312.28125, 590.03125, 20], [522, 9337.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9357.671875, 1, 1], [514, 9357.671875, 1, 1], [522, 9337.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9342.671875, 630.09375, 20], [522, 9368.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9388.0625, 1, 1], [514, 9388.0625, 1, 1], [522, 9368.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9373.0625, 645.15625, 20], [522, 9398.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9418.453125, 1, 1], [514, 9418.453125, 1, 1], [522, 9398.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9403.453125, 556.453125, 20], [522, 9428.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9448.84375, 1, 1], [514, 9448.84375, 1, 1], [522, 9428.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9433.84375, 626.5, 20], [522, 9459.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9479.234375, 1, 1], [514, 9479.234375, 1, 1], [522, 9459.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9464.234375, 524.5, 20], [522, 9489.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9509.625, 1, 1], [514, 9509.625, 1, 1], [522, 9489.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9494.625, 590.046875, 20], [522, 9520.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9540.015625, 1, 1], [514, 9540.015625, 1, 1], [522, 9520.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9525.015625, 524.796875, 20], [522, 9550.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9570.40625, 1, 1], [514, 9570.40625, 1, 1], [522, 9550.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9555.40625, 583.21875, 20], [522, 9580.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9600.796875, 1, 1], [514, 9600.796875, 1, 1], [522, 9580.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9585.796875, 461.890625, 20], [522, 9611.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9631.1875, 1, 1], [514, 9631.1875, 1, 1], [522, 9611.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9616.1875, 552.25, 20], [522, 9641.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9661.578125, 1, 1], [514, 9661.578125, 1, 1], [522, 9641.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9646.578125, 589.46875, 20], [522, 9671.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9691.96875, 1, 1], [514, 9691.96875, 1, 1], [522, 9671.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9676.96875, 609.625, 20], [522, 9702.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9722.359375, 1, 1], [514, 9722.359375, 1, 1], [522, 9702.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9707.359375, 663.421875, 20], [522, 9732.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9752.75, 1, 1], [514, 9752.75, 1, 1], [522, 9732.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9737.75, 536.546875, 20], [522, 9763.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9783.140625, 1, 1], [514, 9783.140625, 1, 1], [522, 9763.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9768.140625, 478.5625, 20], [522, 9793.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9813.53125, 1, 1], [514, 9813.53125, 1, 1], [522, 9793.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9798.53125, 528.421875, 20], [522, 9823.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9843.921875, 1, 1], [514, 9843.921875, 1, 1], [522, 9823.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9828.921875, 492.59375, 20], [522, 9854.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9874.3125, 1, 1], [514, 9874.3125, 1, 1], [522, 9854.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9859.3125, 500.75, 20], [522, 9884.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9904.703125, 1, 1], [514, 9904.703125, 1, 1], [522, 9884.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9889.703125, 513.09375, 20], [522, 9915.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9935.09375, 1, 1], [514, 9935.09375, 1, 1], [522, 9915.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9920.09375, 709.6875, 20], [522, 9945.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9965.484375, 1, 1], [514, 9965.484375, 1, 1], [522, 9945.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9950.484375, 475.921875, 20], [522, 9975.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9995.875, 1, 1], [514, 9995.875, 1, 1], [522, 9975.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9980.875, 533.296875, 20], [522, 10006.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10026.265625, 1, 1], [514, 10026.265625, 1, 1], [522, 10006.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10011.265625, 631.453125, 20], [522, 10036.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10056.65625, 1, 1], [514, 10056.65625, 1, 1], [522, 10036.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10041.65625, 539.5, 20], [522, 10067.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10087.046875, 1, 1], [514, 10087.046875, 1, 1], [522, 10067.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10072.046875, 687.203125, 20], [522, 10097.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10117.4375, 1, 1], [514, 10117.4375, 1, 1], [522, 10097.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10102.4375, 701.875, 20], [522, 10127.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10147.828125, 1, 1], [514, 10147.828125, 1, 1], [522, 10127.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10132.828125, 503.921875, 20], [522, 10158.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10178.21875, 1, 1], [514, 10178.21875, 1, 1], [522, 10158.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10163.21875, 511.859375, 20], [522, 10188.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10208.609375, 1, 1], [514, 10208.609375, 1, 1], [522, 10188.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10193.609375, 557.109375, 20], [522, 10219, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10239, 1, 1], [514, 10239, 1, 1], [522, 10219, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10224, 646.078125, 20], [522, 10249.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10269.390625, 1, 1], [514, 10269.390625, 1, 1], [522, 10249.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10254.390625, 528.75, 20], [522, 10279.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10299.78125, 1, 1], [514, 10299.78125, 1, 1], [522, 10279.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10284.78125, 527.75, 20], [522, 10310.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10330.171875, 1, 1], [514, 10330.171875, 1, 1], [522, 10310.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10315.171875, 622.375, 20], [522, 10340.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10360.5625, 1, 1], [514, 10360.5625, 1, 1], [522, 10340.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10345.5625, 592.265625, 20], [522, 10370.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10390.953125, 1, 1], [514, 10390.953125, 1, 1], [522, 10370.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10375.953125, 469.46875, 20], [522, 10401.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10421.34375, 1, 1], [514, 10421.34375, 1, 1], [522, 10401.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10406.34375, 452.15625, 20], [522, 10431.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10451.734375, 1, 1], [514, 10451.734375, 1, 1], [522, 10431.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10436.734375, 606, 20], [522, 10462.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10482.125, 1, 1], [514, 10482.125, 1, 1], [522, 10462.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10467.125, 462.25, 20], [522, 10492.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10512.515625, 1, 1], [514, 10512.515625, 1, 1], [522, 10492.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10497.515625, 565.9375, 20], [522, 10522.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10542.90625, 1, 1], [514, 10542.90625, 1, 1], [522, 10522.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10527.90625, 647.390625, 20], [522, 10553.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10573.296875, 1, 1], [514, 10573.296875, 1, 1], [522, 10553.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10558.296875, 607.625, 20], [522, 10583.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10603.6875, 1, 1], [514, 10603.6875, 1, 1], [522, 10583.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10588.6875, 710.609375, 20], [522, 10614.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10634.078125, 1, 1], [514, 10634.078125, 1, 1], [522, 10614.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10619.078125, 671.546875, 20], [522, 10644.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10664.46875, 1, 1], [514, 10664.46875, 1, 1], [522, 10644.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10649.46875, 597.84375, 20], [522, 10674.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10694.859375, 1, 1], [514, 10694.859375, 1, 1], [522, 10674.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10679.859375, 628.484375, 20], [522, 10705.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10725.25, 1, 1], [514, 10725.25, 1, 1], [522, 10705.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10710.25, 510.15625, 20], [522, 10735.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10755.640625, 1, 1], [514, 10755.640625, 1, 1], [522, 10735.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10740.640625, 560.046875, 20], [522, 10766.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10786.03125, 1, 1], [514, 10786.03125, 1, 1], [522, 10766.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10771.03125, 464.84375, 20], [522, 10796.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10816.421875, 1, 1], [514, 10816.421875, 1, 1], [522, 10796.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10801.421875, 638.015625, 20], [522, 10826.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10846.8125, 1, 1], [514, 10846.8125, 1, 1], [522, 10826.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10831.8125, 460.34375, 20], [522, 10857.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10877.203125, 1, 1], [514, 10877.203125, 1, 1], [522, 10857.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10862.203125, 518.3125, 20], [522, 10887.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10907.59375, 1, 1], [514, 10907.59375, 1, 1], [522, 10887.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10892.59375, 594.890625, 20], [522, 10917.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10937.984375, 1, 1], [514, 10937.984375, 1, 1], [522, 10917.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10922.984375, 588.0625, 20], [522, 10948.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10968.375, 1, 1], [514, 10968.375, 1, 1], [522, 10948.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10953.375, 490.578125, 20], [522, 10978.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10998.765625, 1, 1], [514, 10998.765625, 1, 1], [522, 10978.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10983.765625, 593.640625, 20], [522, 11009.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11029.15625, 1, 1], [514, 11029.15625, 1, 1], [522, 11009.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11014.15625, 599.53125, 20], [522, 11039.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11059.546875, 1, 1], [514, 11059.546875, 1, 1], [522, 11039.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11044.546875, 545.421875, 20], [522, 11069.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11089.9375, 1, 1], [514, 11089.9375, 1, 1], [522, 11069.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11074.9375, 509.171875, 20], [522, 11100.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11120.328125, 1, 1], [514, 11120.328125, 1, 1], [522, 11100.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11105.328125, 630.484375, 20], [522, 11130.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11150.71875, 1, 1], [514, 11150.71875, 1, 1], [522, 11130.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11135.71875, 625.5625, 20], [522, 11161.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11181.109375, 1, 1], [514, 11181.109375, 1, 1], [522, 11161.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11166.109375, 491.921875, 20], [522, 11191.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11211.5, 1, 1], [514, 11211.5, 1, 1], [522, 11191.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11196.5, 549.640625, 20], [522, 11221.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11241.890625, 1, 1], [514, 11241.890625, 1, 1], [522, 11221.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11226.890625, 602.796875, 20], [522, 11252.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11272.28125, 1, 1], [514, 11272.28125, 1, 1], [522, 11252.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11257.28125, 485.4375, 20], [522, 11282.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11302.671875, 1, 1], [514, 11302.671875, 1, 1], [522, 11282.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11287.671875, 597.03125, 20], [522, 11313.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11333.0625, 1, 1], [514, 11333.0625, 1, 1], [522, 11313.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11318.0625, 532.34375, 20], [522, 11343.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11363.453125, 1, 1], [514, 11363.453125, 1, 1], [522, 11343.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11348.453125, 577.890625, 20], [522, 11373.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11393.84375, 1, 1], [514, 11393.84375, 1, 1], [522, 11373.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11378.84375, 531, 20], [522, 11404.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11424.234375, 1, 1], [514, 11424.234375, 1, 1], [522, 11404.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11409.234375, 569.78125, 20], [522, 11434.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11454.625, 1, 1], [514, 11454.625, 1, 1], [522, 11434.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11439.625, 588.078125, 20], [522, 11465.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11485.015625, 1, 1], [514, 11485.015625, 1, 1], [522, 11465.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11470.015625, 577.03125, 20], [522, 11495.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11515.40625, 1, 1], [514, 11515.40625, 1, 1], [522, 11495.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11500.40625, 492.53125, 20], [522, 11525.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11545.796875, 1, 1], [514, 11545.796875, 1, 1], [522, 11525.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11530.796875, 538.53125, 20], [522, 11556.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11576.1875, 1, 1], [514, 11576.1875, 1, 1], [522, 11556.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11561.1875, 664.0625, 20], [522, 11586.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11606.578125, 1, 1], [514, 11606.578125, 1, 1], [522, 11586.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11591.578125, 598.8125, 20], [522, 11616.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11636.96875, 1, 1], [514, 11636.96875, 1, 1], [522, 11616.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11621.96875, 676.515625, 20], [522, 11647.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11667.359375, 1, 1], [514, 11667.359375, 1, 1], [522, 11647.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11652.359375, 651.640625, 20], [522, 11677.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11697.75, 1, 1], [514, 11697.75, 1, 1], [522, 11677.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11682.75, 469.109375, 20], [522, 11708.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11728.140625, 1, 1], [514, 11728.140625, 1, 1], [522, 11708.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11713.140625, 495.515625, 20], [522, 11738.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11758.53125, 1, 1], [514, 11758.53125, 1, 1], [522, 11738.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11743.53125, 570.109375, 20], [522, 11768.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11788.921875, 1, 1], [514, 11788.921875, 1, 1], [522, 11768.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11773.921875, 425.734375, 20], [522, 11799.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11819.3125, 1, 1], [514, 11819.3125, 1, 1], [522, 11799.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11804.3125, 418.25, 20], [522, 11829.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11849.703125, 1, 1], [514, 11849.703125, 1, 1], [522, 11829.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11834.703125, 555.8125, 20], [522, 11860.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11880.09375, 1, 1], [514, 11880.09375, 1, 1], [522, 11860.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11865.09375, 484.40625, 20], [522, 11890.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11910.484375, 1, 1], [514, 11910.484375, 1, 1], [522, 11890.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11895.484375, 546.40625, 20], [522, 11920.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11940.875, 1, 1], [514, 11940.875, 1, 1], [522, 11920.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11925.875, 416.265625, 20], [522, 11951.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11971.265625, 1, 1], [514, 11971.265625, 1, 1], [522, 11951.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11956.265625, 636.296875, 20], [522, 11981.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12001.65625, 1, 1], [514, 12001.65625, 1, 1], [522, 11981.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11986.65625, 540.453125, 20], [522, 12012.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12032.046875, 1, 1], [514, 12032.046875, 1, 1], [522, 12012.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12017.046875, 548.953125, 20], [522, 12042.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12062.4375, 1, 1], [514, 12062.4375, 1, 1], [522, 12042.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12047.4375, 516.34375, 20], [522, 12072.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12092.828125, 1, 1], [514, 12092.828125, 1, 1], [522, 12072.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12077.828125, 538.203125, 20], [522, 12103.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12123.21875, 1, 1], [514, 12123.21875, 1, 1], [522, 12103.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12108.21875, 558.390625, 20], [522, 12133.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12153.609375, 1, 1], [514, 12153.609375, 1, 1], [522, 12133.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12138.609375, 616.75, 20], [522, 12164, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12184, 1, 1], [514, 12184, 1, 1], [522, 12164, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12169, 618.359375, 20], [522, 12194.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12214.390625, 1, 1], [514, 12214.390625, 1, 1], [522, 12194.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12199.390625, 690.4375, 20], [522, 12224.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12244.78125, 1, 1], [514, 12244.78125, 1, 1], [522, 12224.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12229.78125, 791.09375, 20], [522, 12255.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12275.171875, 1, 1], [514, 12275.171875, 1, 1], [522, 12255.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12260.171875, 441.078125, 20], [522, 12285.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12305.5625, 1, 1], [514, 12305.5625, 1, 1], [522, 12285.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12290.5625, 481.125, 20], [522, 12315.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12335.953125, 1, 1], [514, 12335.953125, 1, 1], [522, 12315.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12320.953125, 578.59375, 20], [522, 12346.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12366.34375, 1, 1], [514, 12366.34375, 1, 1], [522, 12346.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12351.34375, 524.859375, 20], [522, 12376.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12396.734375, 1, 1], [514, 12396.734375, 1, 1], [522, 12376.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12381.734375, 541.140625, 20], [522, 12407.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12427.125, 1, 1], [514, 12427.125, 1, 1], [522, 12407.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12412.125, 594.9375, 20], [522, 12437.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12457.515625, 1, 1], [514, 12457.515625, 1, 1], [522, 12437.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12442.515625, 484.421875, 20], [522, 12467.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12487.90625, 1, 1], [514, 12487.90625, 1, 1], [522, 12467.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12472.90625, 534.953125, 20], [522, 12498.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12518.296875, 1, 1], [514, 12518.296875, 1, 1], [522, 12498.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12503.296875, 610.5625, 20], [522, 12528.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12548.6875, 1, 1], [514, 12548.6875, 1, 1], [522, 12528.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12533.6875, 679.046875, 20], [522, 12559.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12579.078125, 1, 1], [514, 12579.078125, 1, 1], [522, 12559.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12564.078125, 598.234375, 20], [522, 12589.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12609.46875, 1, 1], [514, 12609.46875, 1, 1], [522, 12589.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12594.46875, 609.265625, 20], [522, 12619.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12639.859375, 1, 1], [514, 12639.859375, 1, 1], [522, 12619.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12624.859375, 728.328125, 20], [522, 12650.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12670.25, 1, 1], [514, 12670.25, 1, 1], [522, 12650.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12655.25, 567.5625, 20], [522, 12680.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12700.640625, 1, 1], [514, 12700.640625, 1, 1], [522, 12680.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12685.640625, 465.515625, 20], [522, 12711.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12731.03125, 1, 1], [514, 12731.03125, 1, 1], [522, 12711.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12716.03125, 474.625, 20], [522, 12741.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12761.421875, 1, 1], [514, 12761.421875, 1, 1], [522, 12741.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12746.421875, 609.9375, 20], [522, 12771.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12791.8125, 1, 1], [514, 12791.8125, 1, 1], [522, 12771.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12776.8125, 522.484375, 20], [522, 12802.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12822.203125, 1, 1], [514, 12822.203125, 1, 1], [522, 12802.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12807.203125, 611.546875, 20], [522, 12832.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12852.59375, 1, 1], [514, 12852.59375, 1, 1], [522, 12832.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12837.59375, 474.59375, 20], [522, 12862.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12882.984375, 1, 1], [514, 12882.984375, 1, 1], [522, 12862.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12867.984375, 498.0625, 20], [522, 12893.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12913.375, 1, 1], [514, 12913.375, 1, 1], [522, 12893.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12898.375, 531.984375, 20], [522, 12923.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12943.765625, 1, 1], [514, 12943.765625, 1, 1], [522, 12923.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12928.765625, 535.546875, 20], [522, 12954.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12974.15625, 1, 1], [514, 12974.15625, 1, 1], [522, 12954.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12959.15625, 525.53125, 20], [522, 12984.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13004.546875, 1, 1], [514, 13004.546875, 1, 1], [522, 12984.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12989.546875, 628.53125, 20], [522, 13014.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13034.9375, 1, 1], [514, 13034.9375, 1, 1], [522, 13014.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13019.9375, 524.1875, 20], [522, 13045.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13065.328125, 1, 1], [514, 13065.328125, 1, 1], [522, 13045.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13050.328125, 657.25, 20], [522, 13075.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13095.71875, 1, 1], [514, 13095.71875, 1, 1], [522, 13075.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13080.71875, 616.140625, 20], [522, 13106.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13126.109375, 1, 1], [514, 13126.109375, 1, 1], [522, 13106.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13111.109375, 476.90625, 20], [522, 13136.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13156.5, 1, 1], [514, 13156.5, 1, 1], [522, 13136.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13141.5, 486.703125, 20], [522, 13166.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13186.890625, 1, 1], [514, 13186.890625, 1, 1], [522, 13166.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13171.890625, 544.375, 20], [522, 13197.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13217.28125, 1, 1], [514, 13217.28125, 1, 1], [522, 13197.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13202.28125, 509.140625, 20], [522, 13227.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13247.671875, 1, 1], [514, 13247.671875, 1, 1], [522, 13227.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13232.671875, 552.1875, 20], [522, 13258.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13278.0625, 1, 1], [514, 13278.0625, 1, 1], [522, 13258.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13263.0625, 523.5, 20], [522, 13288.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13308.453125, 1, 1], [514, 13308.453125, 1, 1], [522, 13288.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13293.453125, 488.265625, 20], [522, 13318.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13338.84375, 1, 1], [514, 13338.84375, 1, 1], [522, 13318.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13323.84375, 482.828125, 20], [522, 13349.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13369.234375, 1, 1], [514, 13369.234375, 1, 1], [522, 13349.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13354.234375, 647.875, 20], [522, 13379.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13399.625, 1, 1], [514, 13399.625, 1, 1], [522, 13379.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13384.625, 550.65625, 20], [522, 13410.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13430.015625, 1, 1], [514, 13430.015625, 1, 1], [522, 13410.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 13415.015625, 531.75, 20], [522, 13440.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 13460.40625, 1, 1], [514, 13460.40625, 1, 1], [522, 13440.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 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1264, 36], [], [504, 795, 176, 17], [504, 795, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 881, 1264, 18], [], [8, 915, 1264, 18], [8, 915, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 983, 1264, 18], [], [753, 983, 121, 17], [753, 983, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155, 1264, 17], [8, 1155, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1155, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1155, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [519, 503, 837, 12971], [2, 2, 831, 30], [-6, 22, 1, 1], [-6, 22, 1, 1], [2, 2, 831, 30], [], [2, 32, 831, 30], [-6, 52, 1, 1], [-6, 52, 1, 1], [2, 32, 831, 30], [], [2, 62, 831, 32], [-6, 83, 1, 1], [-6, 83, 1, 1], [1, 62, 833, 32], [], [2, 93, 831, 30], [-6, 113, 1, 1], [-6, 113, 1, 1], [2, 93, 831, 30], [], [2, 124, 831, 30], [-6, 144, 1, 1], [-6, 144, 1, 1], [2, 124, 831, 30], [], [2, 154, 831, 30], [-6, 174, 1, 1], [-6, 174, 1, 1], [2, 154, 831, 30], [], [2, 184, 831, 30], [-6, 204, 1, 1], [-6, 204, 1, 1], [2, 184, 831, 30], [], [2, 215, 831, 30], [-6, 235, 1, 1], [-6, 235, 1, 1], [2, 215, 831, 30], [], [2, 245, 831, 30], [-6, 265, 1, 1], [-6, 265, 1, 1], [2, 245, 831, 30], [], [2, 276, 831, 30], [-6, 296, 1, 1], [-6, 296, 1, 1], [2, 276, 831, 30], [], [2, 306, 831, 30], [-6, 326, 1, 1], [-6, 326, 1, 1], [2, 306, 831, 30], [], [2, 336, 831, 30], [-6, 356, 1, 1], [-6, 356, 1, 1], [2, 336, 831, 30], [], [2, 367, 831, 30], [-6, 387, 1, 1], [-6, 387, 1, 1], [2, 367, 831, 30], [], [2, 397, 831, 30], [-6, 417, 1, 1], [-6, 417, 1, 1], [2, 397, 831, 30], [], [2, 427, 831, 30], [-6, 447, 1, 1], [-6, 447, 1, 1], [2, 427, 831, 30], [], [2, 458, 831, 30], [-6, 478, 1, 1], [-6, 478, 1, 1], [2, 458, 831, 30], [], [2, 488, 831, 30], [-6, 508, 1, 1], [-6, 508, 1, 1], [2, 488, 831, 30], [], [2, 519, 831, 30], [-6, 539, 1, 1], [-6, 539, 1, 1], [2, 519, 831, 30], [], [2, 549, 831, 30], [-6, 569, 1, 1], [-6, 569, 1, 1], [2, 549, 831, 30], [], [2, 579, 831, 30], [-6, 599, 1, 1], [-6, 599, 1, 1], [2, 579, 831, 30], [], [2, 610, 831, 30], [-6, 630, 1, 1], [-6, 630, 1, 1], [2, 610, 831, 30], [], [2, 640, 831, 30], [-6, 660, 1, 1], [-6, 660, 1, 1], [2, 640, 831, 30], [], [2, 671, 831, 30], [-6, 691, 1, 1], [-6, 691, 1, 1], [2, 671, 831, 30], [], [2, 701, 831, 30], [-6, 721, 1, 1], [-6, 721, 1, 1], [2, 701, 831, 30], [], [2, 731, 831, 30], [-6, 751, 1, 1], [-6, 751, 1, 1], [2, 731, 831, 30], [], [2, 762, 831, 30], [-6, 782, 1, 1], [-6, 782, 1, 1], [2, 762, 831, 30], [], [2, 792, 831, 30], [-6, 812, 1, 1], [-6, 812, 1, 1], [2, 792, 831, 30], [], [2, 823, 831, 30], [-6, 843, 1, 1], [-6, 843, 1, 1], [2, 823, 831, 30], [], [2, 853, 831, 30], [-6, 873, 1, 1], [-6, 873, 1, 1], [2, 853, 831, 30], [], [2, 883, 831, 30], [-6, 903, 1, 1], [-6, 903, 1, 1], [2, 883, 831, 30], [], [2, 914, 831, 30], [-6, 934, 1, 1], [-6, 934, 1, 1], [2, 914, 831, 30], [], [2, 944, 831, 30], [-6, 964, 1, 1], [-6, 964, 1, 1], [2, 944, 831, 30], [], [2, 975, 831, 30], [-6, 995, 1, 1], [-6, 995, 1, 1], [2, 975, 831, 30], [], [2, 1005, 831, 30], [-6, 1025, 1, 1], [-6, 1025, 1, 1], [2, 1005, 831, 30], [], [2, 1035, 831, 30], [-6, 1055, 1, 1], [-6, 1055, 1, 1], [2, 1035, 831, 30], [], [2, 1066, 831, 30], [-6, 1086, 1, 1], [-6, 1086, 1, 1], [2, 1066, 831, 30], [], [2, 1096, 831, 30], [-6, 1116, 1, 1], [-6, 1116, 1, 1], [2, 1096, 831, 30], [], [2, 1126, 831, 30], [-6, 1146, 1, 1], [-6, 1146, 1, 1], [2, 1126, 831, 30], [], [2, 1157, 831, 30], [-6, 1177, 1, 1], [-6, 1177, 1, 1], [2, 1157, 831, 30], [], [2, 1187, 831, 30], [-6, 1207, 1, 1], [-6, 1207, 1, 1], [2, 1187, 831, 30], [], [2, 1218, 831, 30], [-6, 1238, 1, 1], [-6, 1238, 1, 1], [2, 1218, 831, 30], [], [2, 1248, 831, 30], [-6, 1268, 1, 1], [-6, 1268, 1, 1], [2, 1248, 831, 30], [], [2, 1278, 831, 30], [-6, 1298, 1, 1], [-6, 1298, 1, 1], [2, 1278, 831, 30], [], [2, 1309, 831, 30], [-6, 1329, 1, 1], [-6, 1329, 1, 1], [2, 1309, 831, 30], [], [2, 1339, 831, 30], [-6, 1359, 1, 1], [-6, 1359, 1, 1], [2, 1339, 831, 30], [], [2, 1370, 831, 30], [-6, 1390, 1, 1], [-6, 1390, 1, 1], [2, 1370, 831, 30], [], [2, 1400, 831, 30], [-6, 1420, 1, 1], [-6, 1420, 1, 1], [2, 1400, 831, 30], [], [2, 1430, 831, 30], [-6, 1450, 1, 1], [-6, 1450, 1, 1], [2, 1430, 831, 30], [], [2, 1461, 831, 30], [-6, 1481, 1, 1], [-6, 1481, 1, 1], [2, 1461, 831, 30], [], [2, 1491, 831, 30], [-6, 1511, 1, 1], [-6, 1511, 1, 1], [2, 1491, 831, 30], [], [2, 1522, 831, 30], [-6, 1542, 1, 1], [-6, 1542, 1, 1], [2, 1522, 831, 30], [], [2, 1552, 831, 30], [-6, 1572, 1, 1], [-6, 1572, 1, 1], [2, 1552, 831, 30], [], [2, 1582, 831, 30], [-6, 1602, 1, 1], [-6, 1602, 1, 1], [2, 1582, 831, 30], [], [2, 1613, 831, 30], [-6, 1633, 1, 1], [-6, 1633, 1, 1], [2, 1613, 831, 30], [], [2, 1643, 831, 30], [-6, 1663, 1, 1], [-6, 1663, 1, 1], [2, 1643, 831, 30], [], [2, 1673, 831, 30], [-6, 1693, 1, 1], [-6, 1693, 1, 1], [2, 1673, 831, 30], [], [2, 1704, 831, 30], [-6, 1724, 1, 1], [-6, 1724, 1, 1], [2, 1704, 831, 30], [], [2, 1734, 831, 30], [-6, 1754, 1, 1], [-6, 1754, 1, 1], [2, 1734, 831, 30], [], [2, 1765, 831, 30], [-6, 1785, 1, 1], [-6, 1785, 1, 1], [2, 1765, 831, 30], [], [2, 1795, 831, 30], [-6, 1815, 1, 1], [-6, 1815, 1, 1], [2, 1795, 831, 30], [], [2, 1825, 831, 30], [-6, 1845, 1, 1], [-6, 1845, 1, 1], [2, 1825, 831, 30], [], [2, 1856, 831, 30], [-6, 1876, 1, 1], [-6, 1876, 1, 1], [2, 1856, 831, 30], [], [2, 1886, 831, 30], [-6, 1906, 1, 1], [-6, 1906, 1, 1], [2, 1886, 831, 30], [], [2, 1917, 831, 30], [-6, 1937, 1, 1], [-6, 1937, 1, 1], [2, 1917, 831, 30], [], [2, 1947, 831, 30], [-6, 1967, 1, 1], [-6, 1967, 1, 1], [2, 1947, 831, 30], [], [2, 1977, 831, 30], [-6, 1997, 1, 1], [-6, 1997, 1, 1], [2, 1977, 831, 30], [], [2, 2008, 831, 30], [-6, 2028, 1, 1], [-6, 2028, 1, 1], [2, 2008, 831, 30], [], [2, 2038, 831, 30], [-6, 2058, 1, 1], [-6, 2058, 1, 1], [2, 2038, 831, 30], [], [2, 2069, 831, 30], [-6, 2089, 1, 1], [-6, 2089, 1, 1], [2, 2069, 831, 30], [], [2, 2099, 831, 30], [-6, 2119, 1, 1], [-6, 2119, 1, 1], [2, 2099, 831, 30], [], [2, 2129, 831, 30], [-6, 2149, 1, 1], [-6, 2149, 1, 1], [2, 2129, 831, 30], [], [2, 2160, 831, 30], [-6, 2180, 1, 1], [-6, 2180, 1, 1], [2, 2160, 831, 30], [], [2, 2190, 831, 30], [-6, 2210, 1, 1], [-6, 2210, 1, 1], [2, 2190, 831, 30], [], [2, 2221, 831, 30], [-6, 2241, 1, 1], [-6, 2241, 1, 1], [2, 2221, 831, 30], [], [2, 2251, 831, 30], [-6, 2271, 1, 1], [-6, 2271, 1, 1], [2, 2251, 831, 30], [], [2, 2281, 831, 30], [-6, 2301, 1, 1], [-6, 2301, 1, 1], [2, 2281, 831, 30], [], [2, 2312, 831, 30], [-6, 2332, 1, 1], [-6, 2332, 1, 1], [2, 2312, 831, 30], [], [2, 2342, 831, 30], [-6, 2362, 1, 1], [-6, 2362, 1, 1], [2, 2342, 831, 30], [], [2, 2372, 831, 30], [-6, 2392, 1, 1], [-6, 2392, 1, 1], [2, 2372, 831, 30], [], [2, 2403, 831, 30], [-6, 2423, 1, 1], [-6, 2423, 1, 1], [2, 2403, 831, 30], [], [2, 2433, 831, 30], [-6, 2453, 1, 1], [-6, 2453, 1, 1], [2, 2433, 831, 30], [], [2, 2464, 831, 30], [-6, 2484, 1, 1], [-6, 2484, 1, 1], [2, 2464, 831, 30], [], [2, 2494, 831, 30], [-6, 2514, 1, 1], [-6, 2514, 1, 1], [2, 2494, 831, 30], [], [2, 2524, 831, 30], [-6, 2544, 1, 1], [-6, 2544, 1, 1], [2, 2524, 831, 30], [], [2, 2555, 831, 30], [-6, 2575, 1, 1], [-6, 2575, 1, 1], [2, 2555, 831, 30], [], [2, 2585, 831, 30], [-6, 2605, 1, 1], [-6, 2605, 1, 1], [2, 2585, 831, 30], [], [2, 2616, 831, 30], [-6, 2636, 1, 1], [-6, 2636, 1, 1], [2, 2616, 831, 30], [], [2, 2646, 831, 30], [-6, 2666, 1, 1], [-6, 2666, 1, 1], [2, 2646, 831, 30], [], [2, 2676, 831, 30], [-6, 2696, 1, 1], [-6, 2696, 1, 1], [2, 2676, 831, 30], [], [2, 2707, 831, 57], [-6, 2727, 1, 1], [-6, 2727, 1, 1], [2, 2707, 831, 57], [], [2, 2764, 831, 30], [-6, 2784, 1, 1], [-6, 2784, 1, 1], [2, 2764, 831, 30], [], [2, 2794, 831, 30], [-6, 2814, 1, 1], [-6, 2814, 1, 1], [2, 2794, 831, 30], [], [2, 2824, 831, 30], [-6, 2844, 1, 1], [-6, 2844, 1, 1], [2, 2824, 831, 30], [], [2, 2855, 831, 30], [-6, 2875, 1, 1], [-6, 2875, 1, 1], [2, 2855, 831, 30], [], [2, 2885, 831, 30], [-6, 2905, 1, 1], [-6, 2905, 1, 1], [2, 2885, 831, 30], [], [2, 2916, 831, 30], [-6, 2936, 1, 1], [-6, 2936, 1, 1], [2, 2916, 831, 30], [], [2, 2946, 831, 30], [-6, 2966, 1, 1], [-6, 2966, 1, 1], [2, 2946, 831, 30], [], [2, 2976, 831, 30], [-6, 2996, 1, 1], [-6, 2996, 1, 1], [2, 2976, 831, 30], [], [2, 3007, 831, 30], [-6, 3027, 1, 1], [-6, 3027, 1, 1], [2, 3007, 831, 30], [], [2, 3037, 831, 30], [-6, 3057, 1, 1], [-6, 3057, 1, 1], [2, 3037, 831, 30], [], [2, 3067, 831, 30], [-6, 3087, 1, 1], [-6, 3087, 1, 1], [2, 3067, 831, 30], [], [2, 3098, 831, 30], [-6, 3118, 1, 1], [-6, 3118, 1, 1], [2, 3098, 831, 30], [], [2, 3128, 831, 30], [-6, 3148, 1, 1], [-6, 3148, 1, 1], [2, 3128, 831, 30], [], [2, 3159, 831, 30], [-6, 3179, 1, 1], [-6, 3179, 1, 1], [2, 3159, 831, 30], [], [2, 3189, 831, 30], [-6, 3209, 1, 1], [-6, 3209, 1, 1], [2, 3189, 831, 30], [], [2, 3219, 831, 30], [-6, 3239, 1, 1], [-6, 3239, 1, 1], [2, 3219, 831, 30], [], [2, 3250, 831, 30], [-6, 3270, 1, 1], [-6, 3270, 1, 1], [2, 3250, 831, 30], [], [2, 3280, 831, 30], [-6, 3300, 1, 1], [-6, 3300, 1, 1], [2, 3280, 831, 30], [], [2, 3311, 831, 30], [-6, 3331, 1, 1], [-6, 3331, 1, 1], [2, 3311, 831, 30], [], [2, 3341, 831, 30], [-6, 3361, 1, 1], [-6, 3361, 1, 1], [2, 3341, 831, 30], [], [2, 3371, 831, 30], [-6, 3391, 1, 1], [-6, 3391, 1, 1], [2, 3371, 831, 30], [], [2, 3402, 831, 30], [-6, 3422, 1, 1], [-6, 3422, 1, 1], [2, 3402, 831, 30], [], [2, 3432, 831, 30], [-6, 3452, 1, 1], [-6, 3452, 1, 1], [2, 3432, 831, 30], [], [2, 3463, 831, 30], [-6, 3483, 1, 1], [-6, 3483, 1, 1], [2, 3463, 831, 30], [], [2, 3493, 831, 30], [-6, 3513, 1, 1], [-6, 3513, 1, 1], [2, 3493, 831, 30], [], [2, 3523, 831, 30], [-6, 3543, 1, 1], [-6, 3543, 1, 1], [2, 3523, 831, 30], [], [2, 3554, 831, 30], [-6, 3574, 1, 1], [-6, 3574, 1, 1], [2, 3554, 831, 30], [], [2, 3584, 831, 30], [-6, 3604, 1, 1], [-6, 3604, 1, 1], [2, 3584, 831, 30], [], [2, 3614, 831, 30], [-6, 3634, 1, 1], [-6, 3634, 1, 1], [2, 3614, 831, 30], [], [2, 3645, 831, 30], [-6, 3665, 1, 1], [-6, 3665, 1, 1], [2, 3645, 831, 30], [], [2, 3675, 831, 30], [-6, 3695, 1, 1], [-6, 3695, 1, 1], [2, 3675, 831, 30], [], [2, 3706, 831, 30], [-6, 3726, 1, 1], [-6, 3726, 1, 1], [2, 3706, 831, 30], [], [2, 3736, 831, 30], [-6, 3756, 1, 1], [-6, 3756, 1, 1], [2, 3736, 831, 30], [], [2, 3766, 831, 30], [-6, 3786, 1, 1], [-6, 3786, 1, 1], [2, 3766, 831, 30], [], [2, 3797, 831, 30], [-6, 3817, 1, 1], [-6, 3817, 1, 1], [2, 3797, 831, 30], [], [2, 3827, 831, 30], [-6, 3847, 1, 1], [-6, 3847, 1, 1], [2, 3827, 831, 30], [], [2, 3858, 831, 30], [-6, 3878, 1, 1], [-6, 3878, 1, 1], [2, 3858, 831, 30], [], [2, 3888, 831, 30], [-6, 3908, 1, 1], [-6, 3908, 1, 1], [2, 3888, 831, 30], [], [2, 3918, 831, 30], [-6, 3938, 1, 1], [-6, 3938, 1, 1], [2, 3918, 831, 30], [], [2, 3949, 831, 30], [-6, 3969, 1, 1], [-6, 3969, 1, 1], [2, 3949, 831, 30], [], [2, 3979, 831, 30], [-6, 3999, 1, 1], [-6, 3999, 1, 1], [2, 3979, 831, 30], [], [2, 4010, 831, 30], [-6, 4030, 1, 1], [-6, 4030, 1, 1], [2, 4010, 831, 30], [], [2, 4040, 831, 30], [-6, 4060, 1, 1], [-6, 4060, 1, 1], [2, 4040, 831, 30], [], [2, 4070, 831, 30], [-6, 4090, 1, 1], [-6, 4090, 1, 1], [2, 4070, 831, 30], [], [2, 4101, 831, 30], [-6, 4121, 1, 1], [-6, 4121, 1, 1], [2, 4101, 831, 30], [], [2, 4131, 831, 30], [-6, 4151, 1, 1], [-6, 4151, 1, 1], [2, 4131, 831, 30], [], [2, 4162, 831, 30], [-6, 4182, 1, 1], [-6, 4182, 1, 1], [2, 4162, 831, 30], [], [2, 4192, 831, 30], [-6, 4212, 1, 1], [-6, 4212, 1, 1], [2, 4192, 831, 30], [], [2, 4222, 831, 30], [-6, 4242, 1, 1], [-6, 4242, 1, 1], [2, 4222, 831, 30], [], [2, 4253, 831, 30], [-6, 4273, 1, 1], [-6, 4273, 1, 1], [2, 4253, 831, 30], [], [2, 4283, 831, 30], [-6, 4303, 1, 1], [-6, 4303, 1, 1], [2, 4283, 831, 30], [], [2, 4313, 831, 30], [-6, 4333, 1, 1], [-6, 4333, 1, 1], [2, 4313, 831, 30], [], [2, 4344, 831, 30], [-6, 4364, 1, 1], [-6, 4364, 1, 1], [2, 4344, 831, 30], [], [2, 4374, 831, 30], [-6, 4394, 1, 1], [-6, 4394, 1, 1], [2, 4374, 831, 30], [], [2, 4405, 831, 30], [-6, 4425, 1, 1], [-6, 4425, 1, 1], [2, 4405, 831, 30], [], [2, 4435, 831, 30], [-6, 4455, 1, 1], [-6, 4455, 1, 1], [2, 4435, 831, 30], [], [2, 4465, 831, 30], [-6, 4485, 1, 1], [-6, 4485, 1, 1], [2, 4465, 831, 30], [], [2, 4496, 831, 30], [-6, 4516, 1, 1], [-6, 4516, 1, 1], [2, 4496, 831, 30], [], [2, 4526, 831, 30], [-6, 4546, 1, 1], [-6, 4546, 1, 1], [2, 4526, 831, 30], [], [2, 4557, 831, 30], [-6, 4577, 1, 1], [-6, 4577, 1, 1], [2, 4557, 831, 30], [], [2, 4587, 831, 30], [-6, 4607, 1, 1], [-6, 4607, 1, 1], [2, 4587, 831, 30], [], [2, 4617, 831, 30], [-6, 4637, 1, 1], [-6, 4637, 1, 1], [2, 4617, 831, 30], [], [2, 4648, 831, 30], [-6, 4668, 1, 1], [-6, 4668, 1, 1], [2, 4648, 831, 30], [], [2, 4678, 831, 30], [-6, 4698, 1, 1], [-6, 4698, 1, 1], [2, 4678, 831, 30], [], [2, 4709, 831, 30], [-6, 4729, 1, 1], [-6, 4729, 1, 1], [2, 4709, 831, 30], [], [2, 4739, 831, 30], [-6, 4759, 1, 1], [-6, 4759, 1, 1], [2, 4739, 831, 30], [], [2, 4769, 831, 30], [-6, 4789, 1, 1], [-6, 4789, 1, 1], [2, 4769, 831, 30], [], [2, 4800, 831, 30], [-6, 4820, 1, 1], [-6, 4820, 1, 1], [2, 4800, 831, 30], [], [2, 4830, 831, 30], [-6, 4850, 1, 1], [-6, 4850, 1, 1], [2, 4830, 831, 30], [], [2, 4861, 831, 30], [-6, 4881, 1, 1], [-6, 4881, 1, 1], [2, 4861, 831, 30], [], [2, 4891, 831, 30], [-6, 4911, 1, 1], [-6, 4911, 1, 1], [2, 4891, 831, 30], [], [2, 4921, 831, 30], [-6, 4941, 1, 1], [-6, 4941, 1, 1], [2, 4921, 831, 30], [], [2, 4952, 831, 30], [-6, 4972, 1, 1], [-6, 4972, 1, 1], [2, 4952, 831, 30], [], [2, 4982, 831, 30], [-6, 5002, 1, 1], [-6, 5002, 1, 1], [2, 4982, 831, 30], [], [2, 5012, 831, 30], [-6, 5032, 1, 1], [-6, 5032, 1, 1], [2, 5012, 831, 30], [], [2, 5043, 831, 30], [-6, 5063, 1, 1], [-6, 5063, 1, 1], [2, 5043, 831, 30], [], [2, 5073, 831, 30], [-6, 5093, 1, 1], [-6, 5093, 1, 1], [2, 5073, 831, 30], [], [2, 5104, 831, 30], [-6, 5124, 1, 1], [-6, 5124, 1, 1], [2, 5104, 831, 30], [], [2, 5134, 831, 30], [-6, 5154, 1, 1], [-6, 5154, 1, 1], [2, 5134, 831, 30], [], [2, 5164, 831, 30], [-6, 5184, 1, 1], [-6, 5184, 1, 1], [2, 5164, 831, 30], [], [2, 5195, 831, 30], [-6, 5215, 1, 1], [-6, 5215, 1, 1], [2, 5195, 831, 30], [], [2, 5225, 831, 30], [-6, 5245, 1, 1], [-6, 5245, 1, 1], [2, 5225, 831, 30], [], [2, 5256, 831, 30], [-6, 5276, 1, 1], [-6, 5276, 1, 1], [2, 5256, 831, 30], [], [2, 5286, 831, 30], [-6, 5306, 1, 1], [-6, 5306, 1, 1], [2, 5286, 831, 30], [], [2, 5316, 831, 30], [-6, 5336, 1, 1], [-6, 5336, 1, 1], [2, 5316, 831, 30], [], [2, 5347, 831, 57], [-6, 5367, 1, 1], [-6, 5367, 1, 1], [2, 5347, 831, 57], [], [2, 5404, 831, 30], [-6, 5424, 1, 1], [-6, 5424, 1, 1], [2, 5404, 831, 30], [], [2, 5434, 831, 30], [-6, 5454, 1, 1], [-6, 5454, 1, 1], [2, 5434, 831, 30], [], [2, 5464, 831, 30], [-6, 5484, 1, 1], [-6, 5484, 1, 1], [2, 5464, 831, 30], [], [2, 5495, 831, 30], [-6, 5515, 1, 1], [-6, 5515, 1, 1], [2, 5495, 831, 30], [], [2, 5525, 831, 30], [-6, 5545, 1, 1], [-6, 5545, 1, 1], [2, 5525, 831, 30], [], [2, 5555, 831, 30], [-6, 5575, 1, 1], [-6, 5575, 1, 1], [2, 5555, 831, 30], [], [2, 5586, 831, 30], [-6, 5606, 1, 1], [-6, 5606, 1, 1], [2, 5586, 831, 30], [], [2, 5616, 831, 30], [-6, 5636, 1, 1], [-6, 5636, 1, 1], [2, 5616, 831, 30], [], [2, 5647, 831, 57], [-6, 5667, 1, 1], [-6, 5667, 1, 1], [2, 5647, 831, 57], [], [2, 5703, 831, 30], [-6, 5723, 1, 1], [-6, 5723, 1, 1], [2, 5703, 831, 30], [], [2, 5734, 831, 30], [-6, 5754, 1, 1], [-6, 5754, 1, 1], [2, 5734, 831, 30], [], [2, 5764, 831, 30], [-6, 5784, 1, 1], [-6, 5784, 1, 1], [2, 5764, 831, 30], [], [2, 5795, 831, 30], [-6, 5815, 1, 1], [-6, 5815, 1, 1], [2, 5795, 831, 30], [], [2, 5825, 831, 30], [-6, 5845, 1, 1], [-6, 5845, 1, 1], [2, 5825, 831, 30], [], [2, 5855, 831, 30], [-6, 5875, 1, 1], [-6, 5875, 1, 1], [2, 5855, 831, 30], [], [2, 5886, 831, 30], [-6, 5906, 1, 1], [-6, 5906, 1, 1], [2, 5886, 831, 30], [], [2, 5916, 831, 30], [-6, 5936, 1, 1], [-6, 5936, 1, 1], [2, 5916, 831, 30], [], [2, 5947, 831, 30], [-6, 5967, 1, 1], [-6, 5967, 1, 1], [2, 5947, 831, 30], [], [2, 5977, 831, 30], [-6, 5997, 1, 1], [-6, 5997, 1, 1], [2, 5977, 831, 30], [], [2, 6007, 831, 30], [-6, 6027, 1, 1], [-6, 6027, 1, 1], [2, 6007, 831, 30], [], [2, 6038, 831, 30], [-6, 6058, 1, 1], [-6, 6058, 1, 1], [2, 6038, 831, 30], [], [2, 6068, 831, 30], [-6, 6088, 1, 1], [-6, 6088, 1, 1], [2, 6068, 831, 30], [], [2, 6099, 831, 30], [-6, 6119, 1, 1], [-6, 6119, 1, 1], [2, 6099, 831, 30], [], [2, 6129, 831, 30], [-6, 6149, 1, 1], [-6, 6149, 1, 1], [2, 6129, 831, 30], [], [2, 6159, 831, 30], [-6, 6179, 1, 1], [-6, 6179, 1, 1], [2, 6159, 831, 30], [], [2, 6190, 831, 30], [-6, 6210, 1, 1], [-6, 6210, 1, 1], [2, 6190, 831, 30], [], [2, 6220, 831, 30], [-6, 6240, 1, 1], [-6, 6240, 1, 1], [2, 6220, 831, 30], [], [2, 6250, 831, 30], [-6, 6270, 1, 1], [-6, 6270, 1, 1], [2, 6250, 831, 30], [], [2, 6281, 831, 30], [-6, 6301, 1, 1], [-6, 6301, 1, 1], [2, 6281, 831, 30], [], [2, 6311, 831, 30], [-6, 6331, 1, 1], [-6, 6331, 1, 1], [2, 6311, 831, 30], [], [2, 6342, 831, 30], [-6, 6362, 1, 1], [-6, 6362, 1, 1], [2, 6342, 831, 30], [], [2, 6372, 831, 30], [-6, 6392, 1, 1], [-6, 6392, 1, 1], [2, 6372, 831, 30], [], [2, 6402, 831, 30], [-6, 6422, 1, 1], [-6, 6422, 1, 1], [2, 6402, 831, 30], [], [2, 6433, 831, 30], [-6, 6453, 1, 1], [-6, 6453, 1, 1], [2, 6433, 831, 30], [], [2, 6463, 831, 30], [-6, 6483, 1, 1], [-6, 6483, 1, 1], [2, 6463, 831, 30], [], [2, 6494, 831, 30], [-6, 6514, 1, 1], [-6, 6514, 1, 1], [2, 6494, 831, 30], [], [2, 6524, 831, 30], [-6, 6544, 1, 1], [-6, 6544, 1, 1], [2, 6524, 831, 30], [], [2, 6554, 831, 30], [-6, 6574, 1, 1], [-6, 6574, 1, 1], [2, 6554, 831, 30], [], [2, 6585, 831, 30], [-6, 6605, 1, 1], [-6, 6605, 1, 1], [2, 6585, 831, 30], [], [2, 6615, 831, 30], [-6, 6635, 1, 1], [-6, 6635, 1, 1], [2, 6615, 831, 30], [], [2, 6646, 831, 30], [-6, 6666, 1, 1], [-6, 6666, 1, 1], [2, 6646, 831, 30], [], [2, 6676, 831, 30], [-6, 6696, 1, 1], [-6, 6696, 1, 1], [2, 6676, 831, 30], [], [2, 6706, 831, 30], [-6, 6726, 1, 1], [-6, 6726, 1, 1], [2, 6706, 831, 30], [], [2, 6737, 831, 30], [-6, 6757, 1, 1], [-6, 6757, 1, 1], [2, 6737, 831, 30], [], [2, 6767, 831, 30], [-6, 6787, 1, 1], [-6, 6787, 1, 1], [2, 6767, 831, 30], [], [2, 6798, 831, 30], [-6, 6818, 1, 1], [-6, 6818, 1, 1], [2, 6798, 831, 30], [], [2, 6828, 831, 30], [-6, 6848, 1, 1], [-6, 6848, 1, 1], [2, 6828, 831, 30], [], [2, 6858, 831, 30], [-6, 6878, 1, 1], [-6, 6878, 1, 1], [2, 6858, 831, 30], [], [2, 6889, 831, 30], [-6, 6909, 1, 1], [-6, 6909, 1, 1], [2, 6889, 831, 30], [], [2, 6919, 831, 30], [-6, 6939, 1, 1], [-6, 6939, 1, 1], [2, 6919, 831, 30], [], [2, 6949, 831, 30], [-6, 6969, 1, 1], [-6, 6969, 1, 1], [2, 6949, 831, 30], [], [2, 6980, 831, 30], [-6, 7000, 1, 1], [-6, 7000, 1, 1], [2, 6980, 831, 30], [], [2, 7010, 831, 30], [-6, 7030, 1, 1], [-6, 7030, 1, 1], [2, 7010, 831, 30], [], [2, 7041, 831, 30], [-6, 7061, 1, 1], [-6, 7061, 1, 1], [2, 7041, 831, 30], [], [2, 7071, 831, 30], [-6, 7091, 1, 1], [-6, 7091, 1, 1], [2, 7071, 831, 30], [], [2, 7101, 831, 30], [-6, 7121, 1, 1], [-6, 7121, 1, 1], [2, 7101, 831, 30], [], [2, 7132, 831, 30], [-6, 7152, 1, 1], [-6, 7152, 1, 1], [2, 7132, 831, 30], [], [2, 7162, 831, 30], [-6, 7182, 1, 1], [-6, 7182, 1, 1], [2, 7162, 831, 30], [], [2, 7193, 831, 30], [-6, 7213, 1, 1], [-6, 7213, 1, 1], [2, 7193, 831, 30], [], [2, 7223, 831, 30], [-6, 7243, 1, 1], [-6, 7243, 1, 1], [2, 7223, 831, 30], [], [2, 7253, 831, 30], [-6, 7273, 1, 1], [-6, 7273, 1, 1], [2, 7253, 831, 30], [], [2, 7284, 831, 30], [-6, 7304, 1, 1], [-6, 7304, 1, 1], [2, 7284, 831, 30], [], [2, 7314, 831, 30], [-6, 7334, 1, 1], [-6, 7334, 1, 1], [2, 7314, 831, 30], [], [2, 7345, 831, 30], [-6, 7365, 1, 1], [-6, 7365, 1, 1], [2, 7345, 831, 30], [], [2, 7375, 831, 30], [-6, 7395, 1, 1], [-6, 7395, 1, 1], [2, 7375, 831, 30], [], [2, 7405, 831, 30], [-6, 7425, 1, 1], [-6, 7425, 1, 1], [2, 7405, 831, 30], [], [2, 7436, 831, 30], [-6, 7456, 1, 1], [-6, 7456, 1, 1], [2, 7436, 831, 30], [], [2, 7466, 831, 30], [-6, 7486, 1, 1], [-6, 7486, 1, 1], [2, 7466, 831, 30], [], [2, 7496, 831, 30], [-6, 7516, 1, 1], [-6, 7516, 1, 1], [2, 7496, 831, 30], [], [2, 7527, 831, 30], [-6, 7547, 1, 1], [-6, 7547, 1, 1], [2, 7527, 831, 30], [], [2, 7557, 831, 30], [-6, 7577, 1, 1], [-6, 7577, 1, 1], [2, 7557, 831, 30], [], [2, 7588, 831, 30], [-6, 7608, 1, 1], [-6, 7608, 1, 1], [2, 7588, 831, 30], [], [2, 7618, 831, 30], [-6, 7638, 1, 1], [-6, 7638, 1, 1], [2, 7618, 831, 30], [], [2, 7648, 831, 30], [-6, 7668, 1, 1], [-6, 7668, 1, 1], [2, 7648, 831, 30], [], [2, 7679, 831, 30], [-6, 7699, 1, 1], [-6, 7699, 1, 1], [2, 7679, 831, 30], [], [2, 7709, 831, 30], [-6, 7729, 1, 1], [-6, 7729, 1, 1], [2, 7709, 831, 30], [], [2, 7740, 831, 30], [-6, 7760, 1, 1], [-6, 7760, 1, 1], [2, 7740, 831, 30], [], [2, 7770, 831, 30], [-6, 7790, 1, 1], [-6, 7790, 1, 1], [2, 7770, 831, 30], [], [2, 7800, 831, 30], [-6, 7820, 1, 1], [-6, 7820, 1, 1], [2, 7800, 831, 30], [], [2, 7831, 831, 30], [-6, 7851, 1, 1], [-6, 7851, 1, 1], [2, 7831, 831, 30], [], [2, 7861, 831, 30], [-6, 7881, 1, 1], [-6, 7881, 1, 1], [2, 7861, 831, 30], [], [2, 7892, 831, 30], [-6, 7912, 1, 1], [-6, 7912, 1, 1], [2, 7892, 831, 30], [], [2, 7922, 831, 30], [-6, 7942, 1, 1], [-6, 7942, 1, 1], [2, 7922, 831, 30], [], [2, 7952, 831, 30], [-6, 7972, 1, 1], [-6, 7972, 1, 1], [2, 7952, 831, 30], [], [2, 7983, 831, 30], [-6, 8003, 1, 1], [-6, 8003, 1, 1], [2, 7983, 831, 30], [], [2, 8013, 831, 30], [-6, 8033, 1, 1], [-6, 8033, 1, 1], [2, 8013, 831, 30], [], [2, 8044, 831, 30], [-6, 8064, 1, 1], [-6, 8064, 1, 1], [2, 8044, 831, 30], [], [2, 8074, 831, 30], [-6, 8094, 1, 1], [-6, 8094, 1, 1], [2, 8074, 831, 30], [], [2, 8104, 831, 30], [-6, 8124, 1, 1], [-6, 8124, 1, 1], [2, 8104, 831, 30], [], [2, 8135, 831, 30], [-6, 8155, 1, 1], [-6, 8155, 1, 1], [2, 8135, 831, 30], [], [2, 8165, 831, 30], [-6, 8185, 1, 1], [-6, 8185, 1, 1], [2, 8165, 831, 30], [], [2, 8195, 831, 30], [-6, 8215, 1, 1], [-6, 8215, 1, 1], [2, 8195, 831, 30], [], [2, 8226, 831, 30], [-6, 8246, 1, 1], [-6, 8246, 1, 1], [2, 8226, 831, 30], [], [2, 8256, 831, 30], [-6, 8276, 1, 1], [-6, 8276, 1, 1], [2, 8256, 831, 30], [], [2, 8287, 831, 30], [-6, 8307, 1, 1], [-6, 8307, 1, 1], [2, 8287, 831, 30], [], [2, 8317, 831, 30], [-6, 8337, 1, 1], [-6, 8337, 1, 1], [2, 8317, 831, 30], [], [2, 8347, 831, 30], [-6, 8367, 1, 1], [-6, 8367, 1, 1], [2, 8347, 831, 30], [], [2, 8378, 831, 30], [-6, 8398, 1, 1], [-6, 8398, 1, 1], [2, 8378, 831, 30], [], [2, 8408, 831, 30], [-6, 8428, 1, 1], [-6, 8428, 1, 1], [2, 8408, 831, 30], [], [2, 8439, 831, 30], [-6, 8459, 1, 1], [-6, 8459, 1, 1], [2, 8439, 831, 30], [], [2, 8469, 831, 30], [-6, 8489, 1, 1], [-6, 8489, 1, 1], [2, 8469, 831, 30], [], [2, 8499, 831, 30], [-6, 8519, 1, 1], [-6, 8519, 1, 1], [2, 8499, 831, 30], [], [2, 8530, 831, 30], [-6, 8550, 1, 1], [-6, 8550, 1, 1], [2, 8530, 831, 30], [], [2, 8560, 831, 30], [-6, 8580, 1, 1], [-6, 8580, 1, 1], [2, 8560, 831, 30], [], [2, 8591, 831, 30], [-6, 8611, 1, 1], [-6, 8611, 1, 1], [2, 8591, 831, 30], [], [2, 8621, 831, 30], [-6, 8641, 1, 1], [-6, 8641, 1, 1], [2, 8621, 831, 30], [], [2, 8651, 831, 30], [-6, 8671, 1, 1], [-6, 8671, 1, 1], [2, 8651, 831, 30], [], [2, 8682, 831, 30], [-6, 8702, 1, 1], [-6, 8702, 1, 1], [2, 8682, 831, 30], [], [2, 8712, 831, 30], [-6, 8732, 1, 1], [-6, 8732, 1, 1], [2, 8712, 831, 30], [], [2, 8743, 831, 30], [-6, 8763, 1, 1], [-6, 8763, 1, 1], [2, 8743, 831, 30], [], [2, 8773, 831, 30], [-6, 8793, 1, 1], [-6, 8793, 1, 1], [2, 8773, 831, 30], [], [2, 8803, 831, 30], [-6, 8823, 1, 1], [-6, 8823, 1, 1], [2, 8803, 831, 30], [], [2, 8834, 831, 30], [-6, 8854, 1, 1], [-6, 8854, 1, 1], [2, 8834, 831, 30], [], [2, 8864, 831, 30], [-6, 8884, 1, 1], [-6, 8884, 1, 1], [2, 8864, 831, 30], [], [2, 8894, 831, 30], [-6, 8914, 1, 1], [-6, 8914, 1, 1], [2, 8894, 831, 30], [], [2, 8925, 831, 30], [-6, 8945, 1, 1], [-6, 8945, 1, 1], [2, 8925, 831, 30], [], [2, 8955, 831, 30], [-6, 8975, 1, 1], [-6, 8975, 1, 1], [2, 8955, 831, 30], [], [2, 8986, 831, 30], [-6, 9006, 1, 1], [-6, 9006, 1, 1], [2, 8986, 831, 30], [], [2, 9016, 831, 30], [-6, 9036, 1, 1], [-6, 9036, 1, 1], [2, 9016, 831, 30], [], [2, 9046, 831, 30], [-6, 9066, 1, 1], [-6, 9066, 1, 1], [2, 9046, 831, 30], [], [2, 9077, 831, 30], [-6, 9097, 1, 1], [-6, 9097, 1, 1], [2, 9077, 831, 30], [], [2, 9107, 831, 30], [-6, 9127, 1, 1], [-6, 9127, 1, 1], [2, 9107, 831, 30], [], [2, 9138, 831, 30], [-6, 9158, 1, 1], [-6, 9158, 1, 1], [2, 9138, 831, 30], [], [2, 9168, 831, 30], [-6, 9188, 1, 1], [-6, 9188, 1, 1], [2, 9168, 831, 30], [], [2, 9198, 831, 30], [-6, 9218, 1, 1], [-6, 9218, 1, 1], [2, 9198, 831, 30], [], [2, 9229, 831, 30], [-6, 9249, 1, 1], [-6, 9249, 1, 1], [2, 9229, 831, 30], [], [2, 9259, 831, 30], [-6, 9279, 1, 1], [-6, 9279, 1, 1], [2, 9259, 831, 30], [], [2, 9290, 831, 30], [-6, 9310, 1, 1], [-6, 9310, 1, 1], [2, 9290, 831, 30], [], [2, 9320, 831, 30], [-6, 9340, 1, 1], [-6, 9340, 1, 1], [2, 9320, 831, 30], [], [2, 9350, 831, 30], [-6, 9370, 1, 1], [-6, 9370, 1, 1], [2, 9350, 831, 30], [], [2, 9381, 831, 30], [-6, 9401, 1, 1], [-6, 9401, 1, 1], [2, 9381, 831, 30], [], [2, 9411, 831, 30], [-6, 9431, 1, 1], [-6, 9431, 1, 1], [2, 9411, 831, 30], [], [2, 9441, 831, 30], [-6, 9461, 1, 1], [-6, 9461, 1, 1], [2, 9441, 831, 30], [], [2, 9472, 831, 30], [-6, 9492, 1, 1], [-6, 9492, 1, 1], [2, 9472, 831, 30], [], [2, 9502, 831, 30], [-6, 9522, 1, 1], [-6, 9522, 1, 1], [2, 9502, 831, 30], [], [2, 9533, 831, 30], [-6, 9553, 1, 1], [-6, 9553, 1, 1], [2, 9533, 831, 30], [], [2, 9563, 831, 30], [-6, 9583, 1, 1], [-6, 9583, 1, 1], [2, 9563, 831, 30], [], [2, 9593, 831, 30], [-6, 9613, 1, 1], [-6, 9613, 1, 1], [2, 9593, 831, 30], [], [2, 9624, 831, 30], [-6, 9644, 1, 1], [-6, 9644, 1, 1], [2, 9624, 831, 30], [], [2, 9654, 831, 30], [-6, 9674, 1, 1], [-6, 9674, 1, 1], [2, 9654, 831, 30], [], [2, 9685, 831, 30], [-6, 9705, 1, 1], [-6, 9705, 1, 1], [2, 9685, 831, 30], [], [2, 9715, 831, 30], [-6, 9735, 1, 1], [-6, 9735, 1, 1], [2, 9715, 831, 30], [], [2, 9745, 831, 30], [-6, 9765, 1, 1], [-6, 9765, 1, 1], [2, 9745, 831, 30], [], [2, 9776, 831, 30], [-6, 9796, 1, 1], [-6, 9796, 1, 1], [2, 9776, 831, 30], [], [2, 9806, 831, 30], [-6, 9826, 1, 1], [-6, 9826, 1, 1], [2, 9806, 831, 30], [], [2, 9837, 831, 30], [-6, 9857, 1, 1], [-6, 9857, 1, 1], [2, 9837, 831, 30], [], [2, 9867, 831, 30], [-6, 9887, 1, 1], [-6, 9887, 1, 1], [2, 9867, 831, 30], [], [2, 9897, 831, 30], [-6, 9917, 1, 1], [-6, 9917, 1, 1], [2, 9897, 831, 30], [], [2, 9928, 831, 30], [-6, 9948, 1, 1], [-6, 9948, 1, 1], [2, 9928, 831, 30], [], [2, 9958, 831, 30], [-6, 9978, 1, 1], [-6, 9978, 1, 1], [2, 9958, 831, 30], [], [2, 9989, 831, 30], [-6, 10009, 1, 1], [-6, 10009, 1, 1], [2, 9989, 831, 30], [], [2, 10019, 831, 30], [-6, 10039, 1, 1], [-6, 10039, 1, 1], [2, 10019, 831, 30], [], [2, 10049, 831, 30], [-6, 10069, 1, 1], [-6, 10069, 1, 1], [2, 10049, 831, 30], [], [2, 10080, 831, 30], [-6, 10100, 1, 1], [-6, 10100, 1, 1], [2, 10080, 831, 30], [], [2, 10110, 831, 30], [-6, 10130, 1, 1], [-6, 10130, 1, 1], [2, 10110, 831, 30], [], [2, 10140, 831, 30], [-6, 10160, 1, 1], [-6, 10160, 1, 1], [2, 10140, 831, 30], [], [2, 10171, 831, 30], [-6, 10191, 1, 1], [-6, 10191, 1, 1], [2, 10171, 831, 30], [], [2, 10201, 831, 30], [-6, 10221, 1, 1], [-6, 10221, 1, 1], [2, 10201, 831, 30], [], [2, 10232, 831, 30], [-6, 10252, 1, 1], [-6, 10252, 1, 1], [2, 10232, 831, 30], [], [2, 10262, 831, 30], [-6, 10282, 1, 1], [-6, 10282, 1, 1], [2, 10262, 831, 30], [], [2, 10292, 831, 30], [-6, 10312, 1, 1], [-6, 10312, 1, 1], [2, 10292, 831, 30], [], [2, 10323, 831, 30], [-6, 10343, 1, 1], [-6, 10343, 1, 1], [2, 10323, 831, 30], [], [2, 10353, 831, 30], [-6, 10373, 1, 1], [-6, 10373, 1, 1], [2, 10353, 831, 30], [], [2, 10384, 831, 30], [-6, 10404, 1, 1], [-6, 10404, 1, 1], [2, 10384, 831, 30], [], [2, 10414, 831, 30], [-6, 10434, 1, 1], [-6, 10434, 1, 1], [2, 10414, 831, 30], [], [2, 10444, 831, 30], [-6, 10464, 1, 1], [-6, 10464, 1, 1], [2, 10444, 831, 30], [], [2, 10475, 831, 30], [-6, 10495, 1, 1], [-6, 10495, 1, 1], [2, 10475, 831, 30], [], [2, 10505, 831, 30], [-6, 10525, 1, 1], [-6, 10525, 1, 1], [2, 10505, 831, 30], [], [2, 10536, 831, 30], [-6, 10556, 1, 1], [-6, 10556, 1, 1], [2, 10536, 831, 30], [], [2, 10566, 831, 30], [-6, 10586, 1, 1], [-6, 10586, 1, 1], [2, 10566, 831, 30], [], [2, 10596, 831, 30], [-6, 10616, 1, 1], [-6, 10616, 1, 1], [2, 10596, 831, 30], [], [2, 10627, 831, 30], [-6, 10647, 1, 1], [-6, 10647, 1, 1], [2, 10627, 831, 30], [], [2, 10657, 831, 30], [-6, 10677, 1, 1], [-6, 10677, 1, 1], [2, 10657, 831, 30], [], [2, 10688, 831, 30], [-6, 10708, 1, 1], [-6, 10708, 1, 1], [2, 10688, 831, 30], [], [2, 10718, 831, 30], [-6, 10738, 1, 1], [-6, 10738, 1, 1], [2, 10718, 831, 30], [], [2, 10748, 831, 30], [-6, 10768, 1, 1], [-6, 10768, 1, 1], [2, 10748, 831, 30], [], [2, 10779, 831, 30], [-6, 10799, 1, 1], [-6, 10799, 1, 1], [2, 10779, 831, 30], [], [2, 10809, 831, 30], [-6, 10829, 1, 1], [-6, 10829, 1, 1], [2, 10809, 831, 30], [], [2, 10839, 831, 30], [-6, 10859, 1, 1], [-6, 10859, 1, 1], [2, 10839, 831, 30], [], [2, 10870, 831, 30], [-6, 10890, 1, 1], [-6, 10890, 1, 1], [2, 10870, 831, 30], [], [2, 10900, 831, 30], [-6, 10920, 1, 1], [-6, 10920, 1, 1], [2, 10900, 831, 30], [], [2, 10931, 831, 30], [-6, 10951, 1, 1], [-6, 10951, 1, 1], [2, 10931, 831, 30], [], [2, 10961, 831, 30], [-6, 10981, 1, 1], [-6, 10981, 1, 1], [2, 10961, 831, 30], [], [2, 10991, 831, 30], [-6, 11011, 1, 1], [-6, 11011, 1, 1], [2, 10991, 831, 30], [], [2, 11022, 831, 30], [-6, 11042, 1, 1], [-6, 11042, 1, 1], [2, 11022, 831, 30], [], [2, 11052, 831, 30], [-6, 11072, 1, 1], [-6, 11072, 1, 1], [2, 11052, 831, 30], [], [2, 11083, 831, 30], [-6, 11103, 1, 1], [-6, 11103, 1, 1], [2, 11083, 831, 30], [], [2, 11113, 831, 30], [-6, 11133, 1, 1], [-6, 11133, 1, 1], [2, 11113, 831, 30], [], [2, 11143, 831, 30], [-6, 11163, 1, 1], [-6, 11163, 1, 1], [2, 11143, 831, 30], [], [2, 11174, 831, 30], [-6, 11194, 1, 1], [-6, 11194, 1, 1], [2, 11174, 831, 30], [], [2, 11204, 831, 30], [-6, 11224, 1, 1], [-6, 11224, 1, 1], [2, 11204, 831, 30], 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831, 30], [], [2, 11599, 831, 30], [-6, 11619, 1, 1], [-6, 11619, 1, 1], [2, 11599, 831, 30], [], [2, 11630, 831, 30], [-6, 11650, 1, 1], [-6, 11650, 1, 1], [2, 11630, 831, 30], [], [2, 11660, 831, 30], [-6, 11680, 1, 1], [-6, 11680, 1, 1], [2, 11660, 831, 30], [], [2, 11690, 831, 30], [-6, 11710, 1, 1], [-6, 11710, 1, 1], [2, 11690, 831, 30], [], [2, 11721, 831, 30], [-6, 11741, 1, 1], [-6, 11741, 1, 1], [2, 11721, 831, 30], [], [2, 11751, 831, 30], [-6, 11771, 1, 1], [-6, 11771, 1, 1], [2, 11751, 831, 30], [], [2, 11782, 831, 30], [-6, 11802, 1, 1], [-6, 11802, 1, 1], [2, 11782, 831, 30], [], [2, 11812, 831, 30], [-6, 11832, 1, 1], [-6, 11832, 1, 1], [2, 11812, 831, 30], [], [2, 11842, 831, 30], [-6, 11862, 1, 1], [-6, 11862, 1, 1], [2, 11842, 831, 30], [], [2, 11873, 831, 30], [-6, 11893, 1, 1], [-6, 11893, 1, 1], [2, 11873, 831, 30], [], [2, 11903, 831, 30], [-6, 11923, 1, 1], [-6, 11923, 1, 1], [2, 11903, 831, 30], [], [2, 11934, 831, 30], [-6, 11954, 1, 1], [-6, 11954, 1, 1], [2, 11934, 831, 30], [], [2, 11964, 831, 30], [-6, 11984, 1, 1], [-6, 11984, 1, 1], [2, 11964, 831, 30], [], [2, 11994, 831, 30], [-6, 12014, 1, 1], [-6, 12014, 1, 1], [2, 11994, 831, 30], [], [2, 12025, 831, 30], [-6, 12045, 1, 1], [-6, 12045, 1, 1], [2, 12025, 831, 30], [], [2, 12055, 831, 30], [-6, 12075, 1, 1], [-6, 12075, 1, 1], [2, 12055, 831, 30], [], [2, 12085, 831, 30], [-6, 12105, 1, 1], [-6, 12105, 1, 1], [2, 12085, 831, 30], [], [2, 12116, 831, 30], [-6, 12136, 1, 1], [-6, 12136, 1, 1], [2, 12116, 831, 30], [], [2, 12146, 831, 30], [-6, 12166, 1, 1], [-6, 12166, 1, 1], [2, 12146, 831, 30], [], [2, 12177, 831, 30], [-6, 12197, 1, 1], [-6, 12197, 1, 1], [2, 12177, 831, 30], [], [2, 12207, 831, 30], [-6, 12227, 1, 1], [-6, 12227, 1, 1], [2, 12207, 831, 30], [], [2, 12237, 831, 30], [-6, 12257, 1, 1], [-6, 12257, 1, 1], [2, 12237, 831, 30], [], [2, 12268, 831, 30], [-6, 12288, 1, 1], [-6, 12288, 1, 1], [2, 12268, 831, 30], [], [2, 12298, 831, 30], [-6, 12318, 1, 1], [-6, 12318, 1, 1], [2, 12298, 831, 30], [], [2, 12329, 831, 30], [-6, 12349, 1, 1], [-6, 12349, 1, 1], [2, 12329, 831, 30], [], [2, 12359, 831, 30], [-6, 12379, 1, 1], [-6, 12379, 1, 1], [2, 12359, 831, 30], [], [2, 12389, 831, 30], [-6, 12409, 1, 1], [-6, 12409, 1, 1], [2, 12389, 831, 30], [], [2, 12420, 831, 30], [-6, 12440, 1, 1], [-6, 12440, 1, 1], [2, 12420, 831, 30], [], [2, 12450, 831, 30], [-6, 12470, 1, 1], [-6, 12470, 1, 1], [2, 12450, 831, 30], [], [2, 12481, 831, 30], [-6, 12501, 1, 1], [-6, 12501, 1, 1], [2, 12481, 831, 30], [], [2, 12511, 831, 30], [-6, 12531, 1, 1], [-6, 12531, 1, 1], [2, 12511, 831, 30], [], [2, 12541, 831, 30], [-6, 12561, 1, 1], [-6, 12561, 1, 1], [2, 12541, 831, 30], [], [2, 12572, 831, 30], [-6, 12592, 1, 1], [-6, 12592, 1, 1], [2, 12572, 831, 30], [], [2, 12602, 831, 30], [-6, 12622, 1, 1], [-6, 12622, 1, 1], [2, 12602, 831, 30], [], [2, 12633, 831, 30], [-6, 12653, 1, 1], [-6, 12653, 1, 1], [2, 12633, 831, 30], [], [2, 12663, 831, 30], [-6, 12683, 1, 1], [-6, 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7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [76.140625, 513.484375, 29.359375, 20], [76.140625, 534.484375, 51.828125, 20], [76.140625, 555.484375, 25.4375, 20], [76.140625, 576.484375, 74.34375, 20], [76.140625, 597.484375, 28.375, 20], [76.140625, 618.484375, 19.578125, 20], [76.140625, 639.484375, 29.359375, 20], [76.140625, 660.484375, 42.0625, 20], [76.140625, 681.484375, 44, 20], [76.140625, 702.484375, 36.1875, 20], [76.140625, 723.484375, 14.6875, 20], [76.140625, 744.484375, 71.40625, 20], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 17], [8, 690.78125, 1197.390625, 17], [8, 708.78125, 74.234375, 17], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 982.78125, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 1068.78125, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 1068.78125, 284.796875, 17], [8, 1086.78125, 345.28125, 17], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [529.03125, 511, 399.046875, 20], [928.0625, 511, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 541.390625, 565.203125, 20], [1094.21875, 541.390625, 161.046875, 20], [529.03125, 571.78125, 284.234375, 20], [813.25, 571.78125, 115.421875, 20], [529.03125, 602.171875, 416.890625, 20], [945.90625, 602.171875, 112.15625, 20], [529.03125, 632.5625, 408.765625, 20], [937.78125, 632.5625, 34.25, 20], [529.03125, 662.953125, 314.609375, 20], [843.625, 662.953125, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 693.34375, 437.828125, 20], [966.84375, 693.34375, 158.453125, 20], [529.03125, 723.734375, 429, 20], [958.015625, 723.734375, 163.296875, 20], [529.03125, 754.125, 437.75, 20], [966.765625, 754.125, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 784.515625, 648.171875, 20], [1177.1875, 784.515625, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 814.90625, 350.734375, 20], [879.75, 814.90625, 176.046875, 20], [529.03125, 845.296875, 345.890625, 20], [874.90625, 845.296875, 176.015625, 20], [529.03125, 875.6875, 519.90625, 20], [1048.921875, 875.6875, 143.78125, 20], [529.03125, 906.078125, 411.40625, 20], [940.421875, 906.078125, 128.109375, 20], [529.03125, 936.46875, 327.28125, 20], [856.296875, 936.46875, 125.203125, 20], [529.03125, 966.859375, 303.796875, 20], [832.8125, 966.859375, 148.6875, 20], [529.03125, 997.25, 488.59375, 20], [1017.609375, 997.25, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 1027.640625, 590.3125, 20], [1119.328125, 1027.640625, 167.25, 20], [529.03125, 1058.03125, 377.1875, 20], [906.203125, 1058.03125, 130.421875, 20], [529.03125, 1088.421875, 597.171875, 20], [1126.1875, 1088.421875, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 1118.8125, 418.546875, 20], [947.5625, 1118.8125, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1149.203125, 282.296875, 20], [811.3125, 1149.203125, 197.546875, 20], [529.03125, 1179.59375, 405.5625, 20], [934.578125, 1179.59375, 162.015625, 20], [529.03125, 1209.984375, 313.234375, 20], [842.25, 1209.984375, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 1240.375, 386.640625, 20], [915.65625, 1240.375, 177.03125, 20], [529.03125, 1270.765625, 292.078125, 20], [821.09375, 1270.765625, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 1301.15625, 419.171875, 20], [948.1875, 1301.15625, 127.15625, 20], [529.03125, 1331.546875, 383.671875, 20], [912.6875, 1331.546875, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 1361.9375, 292.765625, 20], [821.78125, 1361.9375, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 1392.328125, 364.125, 20], [893.140625, 1392.328125, 156.171875, 20], [529.03125, 1422.71875, 354.375, 20], [883.390625, 1422.71875, 140.5625, 20], [529.03125, 1453.109375, 351.71875, 20], [880.734375, 1453.109375, 130.71875, 20], [529.03125, 1483.5, 337.078125, 20], [866.09375, 1483.5, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 1513.890625, 471.671875, 20], [1000.6875, 1513.890625, 147.390625, 20], [529.03125, 1544.28125, 505.9375, 20], [1034.953125, 1544.28125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 1574.671875, 509.515625, 20], [1038.53125, 1574.671875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 1605.0625, 343.90625, 20], [872.921875, 1605.0625, 151.578125, 20], [529.03125, 1635.453125, 397.359375, 20], [926.375, 1635.453125, 163.3125, 20], [529.03125, 1665.84375, 399.359375, 20], [928.375, 1665.84375, 166.234375, 20], [529.03125, 1696.234375, 458.703125, 20], [987.71875, 1696.234375, 164.28125, 20], [529.03125, 1726.625, 455.75, 20], [984.765625, 1726.625, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 1757.015625, 461.28125, 20], [990.296875, 1757.015625, 179.953125, 20], [529.03125, 1787.40625, 318.546875, 20], [847.5625, 1787.40625, 145.765625, 20], [529.03125, 1817.796875, 437.8125, 20], [966.828125, 1817.796875, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 1848.1875, 414.375, 20], [943.390625, 1848.1875, 150, 20], [529.03125, 1878.578125, 477.875, 20], [1006.890625, 1878.578125, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 1908.96875, 585.46875, 20], [1114.484375, 1908.96875, 176.0625, 20], [529.03125, 1939.359375, 400.671875, 20], [929.6875, 1939.359375, 163.3125, 20], [529.03125, 1969.75, 419.875, 20], [948.890625, 1969.75, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 2000.140625, 458.328125, 20], [987.34375, 2000.140625, 161.34375, 20], [529.03125, 2030.53125, 313.609375, 20], [842.625, 2030.53125, 123.234375, 20], [529.03125, 2060.921875, 350.75, 20], [879.765625, 2060.921875, 179, 20], [529.03125, 2091.3125, 404.875, 20], [933.890625, 2091.3125, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 2121.703125, 359.21875, 20], [888.234375, 2121.703125, 139.84375, 20], [529.03125, 2152.09375, 357.9375, 20], [886.953125, 2152.09375, 158.40625, 20], [529.03125, 2182.484375, 342.90625, 20], [871.921875, 2182.484375, 172.140625, 20], [529.03125, 2212.875, 304.859375, 20], [833.875, 2212.875, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 2243.265625, 450.1875, 20], [979.203125, 2243.265625, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 2273.65625, 304.796875, 20], [833.8125, 2273.65625, 152.28125, 20], [529.03125, 2304.046875, 403.59375, 20], [932.609375, 2304.046875, 146.703125, 20], [529.03125, 2334.4375, 459.640625, 20], [988.65625, 2334.4375, 148.65625, 20], [529.03125, 2364.828125, 418.234375, 20], [947.25, 2364.828125, 181.9375, 20], [529.03125, 2395.21875, 403.5, 20], [932.515625, 2395.21875, 164.34375, 20], [529.03125, 2425.609375, 376.796875, 20], [905.8125, 2425.609375, 149.65625, 20], [529.03125, 2456, 390.796875, 20], [919.8125, 2456, 176.046875, 20], [529.03125, 2486.390625, 448.265625, 20], [977.28125, 2486.390625, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 2516.78125, 403.578125, 20], [932.59375, 2516.78125, 145.71875, 20], [529.03125, 2547.171875, 419.875, 20], [948.890625, 2547.171875, 176.71875, 20], [529.03125, 2577.5625, 384.921875, 20], [913.9375, 2577.5625, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 2607.953125, 552.265625, 20], [1081.28125, 2607.953125, 151.3125, 20], [529.03125, 2638.34375, 550.921875, 20], [1079.9375, 2638.34375, 160.40625, 20], [529.03125, 2668.734375, 469.046875, 20], [998.0625, 2668.734375, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 2699.125, 393.484375, 20], [922.5, 2699.125, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 2729.515625, 382.0625, 20], [911.078125, 2729.515625, 159.4375, 20], [529.03125, 2759.90625, 384.984375, 20], [914, 2759.90625, 149.625, 20], [529.03125, 2790.296875, 456.40625, 20], [985.421875, 2790.296875, 164.296875, 20], [529.03125, 2820.6875, 312.59375, 20], [841.609375, 2820.6875, 142.78125, 20], [529.03125, 2851.078125, 333.53125, 20], [862.546875, 2851.078125, 142.5, 20], [529.03125, 2881.46875, 388.90625, 20], [917.921875, 2881.46875, 134.984375, 20], [529.03125, 2911.859375, 378.125, 20], [907.140625, 2911.859375, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 2942.25, 506.265625, 20], [1035.28125, 2942.25, 137.890625, 20], [529.03125, 2972.640625, 553.875, 20], [1082.890625, 2972.640625, 113.78125, 20], [529.03125, 3003.03125, 381.0625, 20], [910.078125, 3003.03125, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 3033.421875, 424.078125, 20], [953.09375, 3033.421875, 149.640625, 20], [529.03125, 3063.8125, 376.203125, 20], [905.21875, 3063.8125, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 3094.203125, 379.828125, 20], [908.84375, 3094.203125, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 3124.59375, 497.40625, 20], [1026.421875, 3124.59375, 129.109375, 20], [529.03125, 3154.984375, 545.0625, 20], [1074.078125, 3154.984375, 165.265625, 20], [529.03125, 3185.375, 548.296875, 20], [1077.3125, 3185.375, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 3215.765625, 276.734375, 20], [805.75, 3215.765625, 470.46875, 20], [1276.203125, 3215.765625, 66.515625, 20], [529.03125, 3242.15625, 68.46875, 20], [529.03125, 3272.546875, 488.96875, 20], [1017.984375, 3272.546875, 179.9375, 20], [529.03125, 3302.9375, 503.265625, 20], [1032.28125, 3302.9375, 145.71875, 20], [529.03125, 3333.328125, 498.0625, 20], [1027.078125, 3333.328125, 139.84375, 20], [529.03125, 3363.71875, 523.84375, 20], [1052.859375, 3363.71875, 121.265625, 20], [529.03125, 3394.109375, 494.1875, 20], [1023.203125, 3394.109375, 140.828125, 20], [529.03125, 3424.5, 471.0625, 20], [1000.078125, 3424.5, 121.3125, 20], [529.03125, 3454.890625, 393.8125, 20], [922.828125, 3454.890625, 133.03125, 20], [529.03125, 3485.28125, 585.8125, 20], [1114.828125, 3485.28125, 177.046875, 20], [529.03125, 3515.671875, 546.390625, 20], [1075.40625, 3515.671875, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 3546.0625, 414.265625, 20], [943.28125, 3546.0625, 128.140625, 20], [529.03125, 3576.453125, 101.703125, 20], [630.71875, 3576.453125, 272.53125, 20], [903.234375, 3576.453125, 182.90625, 20], [529.03125, 3606.84375, 315.515625, 20], [844.53125, 3606.84375, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 3637.234375, 481.8125, 20], [1010.828125, 3637.234375, 161.375, 20], [529.03125, 3667.625, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 3667.625, 112.8125, 20], [529.03125, 3698.015625, 422.125, 20], [951.140625, 3698.015625, 149, 20], [529.03125, 3728.40625, 411.390625, 20], [940.40625, 3728.40625, 117.359375, 20], [529.03125, 3758.796875, 557.046875, 20], [1086.0625, 3758.796875, 133.671875, 20], [529.03125, 3789.1875, 395.796875, 20], [924.8125, 3789.1875, 144.078125, 20], [529.03125, 3819.578125, 459.984375, 20], [989, 3819.578125, 149.65625, 20], [529.03125, 3849.96875, 353.671875, 20], [882.6875, 3849.96875, 176.046875, 20], [529.03125, 3880.359375, 299.90625, 20], [828.921875, 3880.359375, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 3910.75, 315.875, 20], [844.890625, 3910.75, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 3941.140625, 410.40625, 20], [939.421875, 3941.140625, 143.765625, 20], [529.03125, 3971.53125, 428.640625, 20], [957.65625, 3971.53125, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 4001.921875, 392.5, 20], [921.515625, 4001.921875, 151.625, 20], [529.03125, 4032.3125, 357.015625, 20], [886.03125, 4032.3125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 4062.703125, 338.953125, 20], [867.96875, 4062.703125, 162.015625, 20], [529.03125, 4093.09375, 488.3125, 20], [1017.328125, 4093.09375, 174.078125, 20], [529.03125, 4123.484375, 353.6875, 20], [882.703125, 4123.484375, 166.59375, 20], [529.03125, 4153.875, 342.921875, 20], [871.9375, 4153.875, 166.25, 20], [529.03125, 4184.265625, 324.359375, 20], [853.375, 4184.265625, 142.796875, 20], [529.03125, 4214.65625, 436.75, 20], [965.765625, 4214.65625, 182.578125, 20], [529.03125, 4245.046875, 407.15625, 20], [936.171875, 4245.046875, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 4275.4375, 349.15625, 20], [878.171875, 4275.4375, 138.5625, 20], [529.03125, 4305.828125, 362.8125, 20], [891.828125, 4305.828125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 4336.21875, 380.75, 20], [909.765625, 4336.21875, 117.40625, 20], [529.03125, 4366.609375, 521.8125, 20], [1050.828125, 4366.609375, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 4397, 534.921875, 20], [1063.9375, 4397, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 4427.390625, 434.5625, 20], [963.578125, 4427.390625, 144.421875, 20], [529.03125, 4457.78125, 528.4375, 20], [1057.453125, 4457.78125, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 4488.171875, 387.921875, 20], [916.9375, 4488.171875, 115.421875, 20], [1032.34375, 4488.171875, 30.328125, 20], [529.03125, 4518.5625, 435.84375, 20], [964.859375, 4518.5625, 143.78125, 20], [529.03125, 4548.953125, 343.578125, 20], [872.59375, 4548.953125, 173.09375, 20], [529.03125, 4579.34375, 321.390625, 20], [850.40625, 4579.34375, 140.8125, 20], [529.03125, 4609.734375, 404.59375, 20], [933.609375, 4609.734375, 134, 20], [529.03125, 4640.125, 384.96875, 20], [913.984375, 4640.125, 160.703125, 20], [529.03125, 4670.515625, 336.1875, 20], [865.203125, 4670.515625, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 4700.90625, 413.34375, 20], [942.359375, 4700.90625, 172.125, 20], [529.03125, 4731.296875, 495.84375, 20], [1024.859375, 4731.296875, 168.21875, 20], [529.03125, 4761.6875, 267.78125, 20], [796.796875, 4761.6875, 71.421875, 20], [868.203125, 4761.6875, 216.53125, 20], [1084.71875, 4761.6875, 113.78125, 20], [529.03125, 4792.078125, 334.109375, 20], [863.125, 4792.078125, 126.15625, 20], [529.03125, 4822.46875, 414.9375, 20], [943.953125, 4822.46875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 4852.859375, 341.9375, 20], [870.953125, 4852.859375, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 4883.25, 495.109375, 20], [1024.125, 4883.25, 152.5625, 20], [529.03125, 4913.640625, 561.3125, 20], [1090.328125, 4913.640625, 156.484375, 20], [529.03125, 4944.03125, 632.6875, 20], [1161.703125, 4944.03125, 161.375, 20], [529.03125, 4974.421875, 316.5, 20], [845.515625, 4974.421875, 163.65625, 20], [529.03125, 5004.8125, 295.015625, 20], [824.03125, 5004.8125, 175.03125, 20], [529.03125, 5035.203125, 306.703125, 20], [835.71875, 5035.203125, 184.84375, 20], [529.03125, 5065.59375, 463.140625, 20], [992.15625, 5065.59375, 147.671875, 20], [529.03125, 5095.984375, 377.15625, 20], [906.171875, 5095.984375, 173.109375, 20], [529.03125, 5126.375, 464.234375, 20], [993.25, 5126.375, 183.859375, 20], [529.03125, 5156.765625, 370.671875, 20], [899.6875, 5156.765625, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 5187.15625, 470.09375, 20], [999.109375, 5187.15625, 123.21875, 20], [529.03125, 5217.546875, 361.875, 20], [890.890625, 5217.546875, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 5247.9375, 386.96875, 20], [915.984375, 5247.9375, 167.28125, 20], [529.03125, 5278.328125, 372.265625, 20], [901.28125, 5278.328125, 150.640625, 20], [529.03125, 5308.71875, 359.578125, 20], [888.59375, 5308.71875, 151.28125, 20], [529.03125, 5339.109375, 386.9375, 20], [915.953125, 5339.109375, 167.25, 20], [529.03125, 5369.5, 484.453125, 20], [1013.46875, 5369.5, 124.234375, 20], [529.03125, 5399.890625, 292.109375, 20], [821.125, 5399.890625, 129.09375, 20], [529.03125, 5430.28125, 431, 20], [960.015625, 5430.28125, 127.15625, 20], [529.03125, 5460.671875, 422.21875, 20], [951.234375, 5460.671875, 145.078125, 20], [529.03125, 5491.0625, 475.921875, 20], [1004.9375, 5491.0625, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 5521.453125, 425.0625, 20], [954.078125, 5521.453125, 133, 20], [529.03125, 5551.84375, 542.09375, 20], [1071.109375, 5551.84375, 154.515625, 20], [529.03125, 5582.234375, 360.234375, 20], [889.25, 5582.234375, 174.109375, 20], [529.03125, 5612.625, 337.015625, 20], [866.03125, 5612.625, 134, 20], [529.03125, 5643.015625, 455.078125, 20], [984.09375, 5643.015625, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 5673.40625, 428.96875, 20], [957.984375, 5673.40625, 156.5, 20], [529.03125, 5703.796875, 297.953125, 20], [826.96875, 5703.796875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 5734.1875, 314.53125, 20], [843.546875, 5734.1875, 172.15625, 20], [529.03125, 5764.578125, 643.15625, 20], [1172.171875, 5764.578125, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 5794.96875, 505.265625, 20], [1034.28125, 5794.96875, 146.375, 20], [529.03125, 5825.359375, 433.578125, 20], [962.59375, 5825.359375, 114.421875, 20], [529.03125, 5855.75, 636.28125, 20], [1165.296875, 5855.75, 154.53125, 20], [529.03125, 5882.140625, 30.328125, 20], [529.03125, 5912.53125, 438.796875, 20], [967.8125, 5912.53125, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 5942.921875, 334.109375, 20], [863.125, 5942.921875, 104.6875, 20], [529.03125, 5973.3125, 464.84375, 20], [993.859375, 5973.3125, 134.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6003.703125, 495.5, 20], [1024.515625, 6003.703125, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 6034.09375, 386.015625, 20], [915.03125, 6034.09375, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6064.484375, 343.578125, 20], [872.59375, 6064.484375, 175.078125, 20], [529.03125, 6094.875, 480.515625, 20], [1009.53125, 6094.875, 130.09375, 20], [529.03125, 6125.265625, 412.015625, 20], [941.03125, 6125.265625, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 6155.65625, 751.625, 20], [1280.640625, 6155.65625, 19.578125, 20], [529.03125, 6182.046875, 78.25, 20], [607.265625, 6182.046875, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6212.4375, 332.21875, 20], [861.234375, 6212.4375, 161.046875, 20], [529.03125, 6242.828125, 437.4375, 20], [966.453125, 6242.828125, 158.4375, 20], [529.03125, 6273.21875, 361.546875, 20], [890.5625, 6273.21875, 146.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6303.609375, 388.015625, 20], [917.03125, 6303.609375, 135.96875, 20], [529.03125, 6334, 439.734375, 20], [968.75, 6334, 121.265625, 20], [529.03125, 6364.390625, 298.953125, 20], [827.96875, 6364.390625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 6394.78125, 245.796875, 20], [774.8125, 6394.78125, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 6425.171875, 611.5625, 20], [1140.578125, 6425.171875, 145.734375, 20], [529.03125, 6455.5625, 399.671875, 20], [928.6875, 6455.5625, 139.875, 20], [529.03125, 6485.953125, 256.578125, 20], [785.59375, 6485.953125, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 6516.34375, 418.21875, 20], [947.234375, 6516.34375, 111.484375, 20], [529.03125, 6546.734375, 311.328125, 20], [840.34375, 6546.734375, 131.0625, 20], [529.03125, 6577.125, 426.75, 20], [955.765625, 6577.125, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 6607.515625, 445.625, 20], [974.640625, 6607.515625, 130.75, 20], [529.03125, 6637.90625, 563.9375, 20], [1092.953125, 6637.90625, 183.890625, 20], [529.03125, 6668.296875, 346.875, 20], [875.890625, 6668.296875, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 6698.6875, 485.78125, 20], [1014.796875, 6698.6875, 147.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6729.078125, 357.625, 20], [886.640625, 6729.078125, 132.046875, 20], [529.03125, 6759.46875, 335.484375, 20], [864.5, 6759.46875, 50.875, 20], [915.359375, 6759.46875, 147.65625, 20], [529.03125, 6789.859375, 372.28125, 20], [901.296875, 6789.859375, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 6820.25, 444.671875, 20], [973.6875, 6820.25, 143.765625, 20], [529.03125, 6850.640625, 496.21875, 20], [1025.234375, 6850.640625, 147.375, 20], [529.03125, 6881.03125, 337.0625, 20], [866.078125, 6881.03125, 142.8125, 20], [529.03125, 6911.421875, 364.421875, 20], [893.4375, 6911.421875, 149.3125, 20], [529.03125, 6941.8125, 437.125, 20], [966.140625, 6941.8125, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 6972.203125, 454.390625, 20], [983.40625, 6972.203125, 138.234375, 20], [529.03125, 7002.59375, 434.90625, 20], [963.921875, 7002.59375, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 7032.984375, 434.90625, 20], [963.921875, 7032.984375, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 7063.375, 344.265625, 20], [873.28125, 7063.375, 142.765625, 20], [529.03125, 7093.765625, 470.09375, 20], [999.109375, 7093.765625, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 7124.15625, 451.53125, 20], [980.546875, 7124.15625, 174.078125, 20], [529.03125, 7154.546875, 588.421875, 20], [1117.4375, 7154.546875, 148.65625, 20], [529.03125, 7184.9375, 404.203125, 20], [933.21875, 7184.9375, 174.046875, 20], [529.03125, 7215.328125, 429.65625, 20], [958.671875, 7215.328125, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 7245.71875, 422.171875, 20], [951.1875, 7245.71875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 7276.109375, 416.296875, 20], [945.3125, 7276.109375, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 7306.5, 414.671875, 20], [943.6875, 7306.5, 166.296875, 20], [529.03125, 7336.890625, 329.609375, 20], [858.625, 7336.890625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 7367.28125, 523.5625, 20], [1052.578125, 7367.28125, 183.875, 20], [529.03125, 7397.671875, 342.953125, 20], [871.96875, 7397.671875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 7428.0625, 375.21875, 20], [904.234375, 7428.0625, 134.65625, 20], [529.03125, 7458.453125, 304.46875, 20], [833.484375, 7458.453125, 144.71875, 20], [529.03125, 7488.84375, 398.375, 20], [927.390625, 7488.84375, 135.96875, 20], [529.03125, 7519.234375, 252.984375, 20], [782, 7519.234375, 135, 20], [529.03125, 7549.625, 411.40625, 20], [940.421875, 7549.625, 160.375, 20], [529.03125, 7580.015625, 422.53125, 20], [951.546875, 7580.015625, 129.453125, 20], [529.03125, 7610.40625, 285.234375, 20], [814.25, 7610.40625, 132.359375, 20], [529.03125, 7640.796875, 469.046875, 20], [998.0625, 7640.796875, 139.875, 20], [529.03125, 7671.1875, 365.09375, 20], [894.109375, 7671.1875, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 7701.578125, 385.015625, 20], [914.03125, 7701.578125, 121.296875, 20], [529.03125, 7731.96875, 478.8125, 20], [1007.828125, 7731.96875, 125.171875, 20], [529.03125, 7762.359375, 473.96875, 20], [1002.984375, 7762.359375, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 7792.75, 482.75, 20], [1011.765625, 7792.75, 145.40625, 20], [529.03125, 7823.140625, 427.703125, 20], [956.71875, 7823.140625, 183.875, 20], [529.03125, 7853.53125, 437.46875, 20], [966.484375, 7853.53125, 170.171875, 20], [529.03125, 7883.921875, 392.46875, 20], [921.484375, 7883.921875, 137.875, 20], [529.03125, 7914.3125, 348.765625, 20], [877.78125, 7914.3125, 177.703125, 20], [529.03125, 7944.703125, 382.0625, 20], [911.078125, 7944.703125, 178, 20], [529.03125, 7975.09375, 324, 20], [853.015625, 7975.09375, 176.0625, 20], [529.03125, 8005.484375, 364.4375, 20], [893.453125, 8005.484375, 173.09375, 20], [529.03125, 8035.875, 438.75, 20], [967.765625, 8035.875, 139.828125, 20], [529.03125, 8066.265625, 314.53125, 20], [843.546875, 8066.265625, 125.203125, 20], [529.03125, 8096.65625, 418.171875, 20], [947.1875, 8096.65625, 170.171875, 20], [529.03125, 8127.046875, 526.734375, 20], [1055.75, 8127.046875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 8157.4375, 436.828125, 20], [965.84375, 8157.4375, 173.765625, 20], [529.03125, 8187.828125, 443.671875, 20], [972.6875, 8187.828125, 173.765625, 20], [529.03125, 8218.21875, 410.03125, 20], [939.046875, 8218.21875, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 8248.609375, 467.125, 20], [996.140625, 8248.609375, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 8279, 350.734375, 20], [879.75, 8279, 142.796875, 20], [529.03125, 8309.390625, 376.78125, 20], [905.796875, 8309.390625, 143.46875, 20], [529.03125, 8339.78125, 347.859375, 20], [876.875, 8339.78125, 121.28125, 20], [529.03125, 8370.171875, 371.984375, 20], [901, 8370.171875, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 8400.5625, 353.671875, 20], [882.6875, 8400.5625, 149.625, 20], [529.03125, 8430.953125, 434.84375, 20], [963.859375, 8430.953125, 195.921875, 20], [529.03125, 8461.34375, 383.703125, 20], [912.71875, 8461.34375, 145.734375, 20], [529.03125, 8491.734375, 366.421875, 20], [895.4375, 8491.734375, 151.296875, 20], [529.03125, 8522.125, 434.875, 20], [963.890625, 8522.125, 134.984375, 20], [529.03125, 8552.515625, 481.140625, 20], [1010.15625, 8552.515625, 155.8125, 20], [529.03125, 8582.90625, 435.515625, 20], [964.53125, 8582.90625, 132.046875, 20], [529.03125, 8613.296875, 573.140625, 20], [1102.15625, 8613.296875, 137.9375, 20], [529.03125, 8643.6875, 389.859375, 20], [918.875, 8643.6875, 187.765625, 20], [529.03125, 8674.078125, 401.953125, 20], [930.96875, 8674.078125, 122.25, 20], [529.03125, 8704.46875, 380.421875, 20], [909.4375, 8704.46875, 154.53125, 20], [529.03125, 8734.859375, 525.8125, 20], [1054.828125, 8734.859375, 136.90625, 20], [529.03125, 8765.25, 570.421875, 20], [1099.4375, 8765.25, 132.046875, 20], [529.03125, 8795.640625, 334.15625, 20], [863.171875, 8795.640625, 145.75, 20], [529.03125, 8826.03125, 562.03125, 20], [1091.046875, 8826.03125, 138.5625, 20], [529.03125, 8856.421875, 397.046875, 20], [926.0625, 8856.421875, 164.359375, 20], [529.03125, 8886.8125, 447.578125, 20], [976.59375, 8886.8125, 133.0625, 20], [529.03125, 8917.203125, 298.21875, 20], [827.234375, 8917.203125, 173.09375, 20], [529.03125, 8947.59375, 497.4375, 20], [1026.453125, 8947.59375, 135.921875, 20], [529.03125, 8977.984375, 473.640625, 20], [1002.65625, 8977.984375, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 9008.375, 352.046875, 20], [881.0625, 9008.375, 131.09375, 20], [529.03125, 9038.765625, 417.265625, 20], [946.28125, 9038.765625, 134.953125, 20], [529.03125, 9069.15625, 336.75, 20], [865.765625, 9069.15625, 132.0625, 20], [529.03125, 9099.546875, 276.40625, 20], [805.421875, 9099.546875, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 9129.9375, 423.734375, 20], [952.75, 9129.9375, 140.828125, 20], [529.03125, 9160.328125, 344.5625, 20], [873.578125, 9160.328125, 118.328125, 20], [529.03125, 9190.71875, 296.96875, 20], [825.984375, 9190.71875, 157.46875, 20], [529.03125, 9221.109375, 322.40625, 20], [851.421875, 9221.109375, 152.578125, 20], [529.03125, 9251.5, 434.875, 20], [963.890625, 9251.5, 136.90625, 20], [529.03125, 9281.890625, 513.75, 20], [1042.765625, 9281.890625, 131.0625, 20], [529.03125, 9312.28125, 433.5625, 20], [962.578125, 9312.28125, 156.484375, 20], [529.03125, 9342.671875, 480.46875, 20], [1009.484375, 9342.671875, 149.640625, 20], [529.03125, 9373.0625, 467.15625, 20], [996.171875, 9373.0625, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 9403.453125, 399.34375, 20], [928.359375, 9403.453125, 157.125, 20], [529.03125, 9433.84375, 512.75, 20], [1041.765625, 9433.84375, 113.765625, 20], [529.03125, 9464.234375, 380.078125, 20], [909.09375, 9464.234375, 144.4375, 20], [529.03125, 9494.625, 459.28125, 20], [988.296875, 9494.625, 130.78125, 20], [529.03125, 9525.015625, 375.203125, 20], [904.21875, 9525.015625, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 9555.40625, 465.859375, 20], [994.875, 9555.40625, 117.375, 20], [529.03125, 9585.796875, 296.96875, 20], [825.984375, 9585.796875, 164.9375, 20], [529.03125, 9616.1875, 395.765625, 20], [924.78125, 9616.1875, 156.5, 20], [529.03125, 9646.578125, 411.453125, 20], [940.46875, 9646.578125, 178.03125, 20], [529.03125, 9676.96875, 426.734375, 20], [955.75, 9676.96875, 182.90625, 20], [529.03125, 9707.359375, 488.34375, 20], [1017.359375, 9707.359375, 175.09375, 20], [529.03125, 9737.75, 399.640625, 20], [928.65625, 9737.75, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9768.140625, 371.953125, 20], [900.96875, 9768.140625, 106.625, 20], [529.03125, 9798.53125, 359.546875, 20], [888.5625, 9798.53125, 168.890625, 20], [529.03125, 9828.921875, 350.765625, 20], [879.78125, 9828.921875, 141.84375, 20], [529.03125, 9859.3125, 349.484375, 20], [878.5, 9859.3125, 151.28125, 20], [529.03125, 9889.703125, 359.5625, 20], [888.578125, 9889.703125, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 9920.09375, 559.0625, 20], [1088.078125, 9920.09375, 150.640625, 20], [529.03125, 9950.484375, 312.625, 20], [841.640625, 9950.484375, 163.3125, 20], [529.03125, 9980.875, 397.359375, 20], [926.375, 9980.875, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 10011.265625, 464.21875, 20], [993.234375, 10011.265625, 167.25, 20], [529.03125, 10041.65625, 398.6875, 20], [927.703125, 10041.65625, 140.828125, 20], [529.03125, 10072.046875, 431.984375, 20], [961, 10072.046875, 116.375, 20], [1077.359375, 10072.046875, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 10102.4375, 558.125, 20], [1087.140625, 10102.4375, 143.765625, 20], [529.03125, 10132.828125, 322.390625, 20], [851.40625, 10132.828125, 181.546875, 20], [529.03125, 10163.21875, 381.796875, 20], [910.8125, 10163.21875, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 10193.609375, 401.625, 20], [930.640625, 10193.609375, 155.5, 20], [529.03125, 10224, 461.265625, 20], [990.28125, 10224, 184.828125, 20], [529.03125, 10254.390625, 383.015625, 20], [912.03125, 10254.390625, 145.75, 20], [529.03125, 10284.78125, 400.625, 20], [929.640625, 10284.78125, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10315.171875, 485.4375, 20], [1014.453125, 10315.171875, 136.953125, 20], [529.03125, 10345.5625, 456.34375, 20], [985.359375, 10345.5625, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 10375.953125, 360.90625, 20], [889.921875, 10375.953125, 108.578125, 20], [529.03125, 10406.34375, 334.15625, 20], [863.171875, 10406.34375, 118.015625, 20], [529.03125, 10436.734375, 448.546875, 20], [977.5625, 10436.734375, 157.46875, 20], [529.03125, 10467.125, 320.453125, 20], [849.46875, 10467.125, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 10497.515625, 430.96875, 20], [959.984375, 10497.515625, 134.984375, 20], [529.03125, 10527.90625, 506.578125, 20], [1035.59375, 10527.90625, 140.828125, 20], [529.03125, 10558.296875, 453.109375, 20], [982.125, 10558.296875, 154.53125, 20], [529.03125, 10588.6875, 577.625, 20], [1106.640625, 10588.6875, 133, 20], [529.03125, 10619.078125, 483.765625, 20], [1012.78125, 10619.078125, 187.796875, 20], [529.03125, 10649.46875, 402.265625, 20], [931.28125, 10649.46875, 195.59375, 20], [529.03125, 10679.859375, 430.9375, 20], [959.953125, 10679.859375, 197.5625, 20], [529.03125, 10710.25, 363.46875, 20], [892.484375, 10710.25, 146.703125, 20], [529.03125, 10740.640625, 411.421875, 20], [940.4375, 10740.640625, 148.640625, 20], [529.03125, 10771.03125, 327.9375, 20], [856.953125, 10771.03125, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10801.421875, 491.3125, 20], [1020.328125, 10801.421875, 146.71875, 20], [529.03125, 10831.8125, 329.265625, 20], [858.28125, 10831.8125, 131.09375, 20], [529.03125, 10862.203125, 357.625, 20], [886.640625, 10862.203125, 160.703125, 20], [529.03125, 10892.59375, 458.96875, 20], [987.984375, 10892.59375, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 10922.984375, 440.40625, 20], [969.421875, 10922.984375, 147.671875, 20], [529.03125, 10953.375, 364.453125, 20], [893.46875, 10953.375, 126.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10983.765625, 434.546875, 20], [963.5625, 10983.765625, 159.109375, 20], [529.03125, 11014.15625, 461.96875, 20], [990.984375, 11014.15625, 137.578125, 20], [529.03125, 11044.546875, 366.4375, 20], [895.453125, 11044.546875, 179, 20], [529.03125, 11074.9375, 342.9375, 20], [871.953125, 11074.9375, 166.25, 20], [529.03125, 11105.328125, 496.171875, 20], [1025.1875, 11105.328125, 134.328125, 20], [529.03125, 11135.71875, 487.65625, 20], [1016.671875, 11135.71875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 11166.109375, 341, 20], [870.015625, 11166.109375, 150.9375, 20], [529.03125, 11196.5, 400.640625, 20], [929.65625, 11196.5, 149.015625, 20], [529.03125, 11226.890625, 468.8125, 20], [997.828125, 11226.890625, 134, 20], [529.03125, 11257.28125, 348.53125, 20], [877.546875, 11257.28125, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 11287.671875, 441.109375, 20], [970.125, 11287.671875, 155.9375, 20], [529.03125, 11318.0625, 384.671875, 20], [913.6875, 11318.0625, 147.6875, 20], [529.03125, 11348.453125, 428.296875, 20], [957.3125, 11348.453125, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 11378.84375, 365.09375, 20], [894.109375, 11378.84375, 165.921875, 20], [529.03125, 11409.234375, 426.03125, 20], [955.046875, 11409.234375, 143.765625, 20], [529.03125, 11439.625, 446.265625, 20], [975.28125, 11439.625, 141.828125, 20], [529.03125, 11470.015625, 430.640625, 20], [959.65625, 11470.015625, 146.40625, 20], [529.03125, 11500.40625, 345.84375, 20], [874.859375, 11500.40625, 146.703125, 20], [529.03125, 11530.796875, 400.625, 20], [929.640625, 11530.796875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 11561.1875, 525.484375, 20], [1054.5, 11561.1875, 138.59375, 20], [529.03125, 11591.578125, 458.96875, 20], [987.984375, 11591.578125, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 11621.96875, 547.390625, 20], [1076.40625, 11621.96875, 129.140625, 20], [529.03125, 11652.359375, 473.640625, 20], [1002.65625, 11652.359375, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 11682.75, 304.484375, 20], [833.5, 11682.75, 164.640625, 20], [529.03125, 11713.140625, 333.140625, 20], [862.15625, 11713.140625, 162.390625, 20], [529.03125, 11743.53125, 441.03125, 20], [970.046875, 11743.53125, 129.09375, 20], [529.03125, 11773.921875, 293.71875, 20], [822.734375, 11773.921875, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 11804.3125, 277.40625, 20], [806.421875, 11804.3125, 140.859375, 20], [529.03125, 11834.703125, 430.640625, 20], [959.65625, 11834.703125, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11865.09375, 347.5, 20], [876.515625, 11865.09375, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 11895.484375, 405.234375, 20], [934.25, 11895.484375, 141.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11925.875, 291.09375, 20], [820.109375, 11925.875, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11956.265625, 461.28125, 20], [990.296875, 11956.265625, 175.03125, 20], [529.03125, 11986.65625, 385.953125, 20], [914.96875, 11986.65625, 154.515625, 20], [529.03125, 12017.046875, 414.96875, 20], [943.984375, 12017.046875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 12047.4375, 380.40625, 20], [909.421875, 12047.4375, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 12077.828125, 404.234375, 20], [933.25, 12077.828125, 133.984375, 20], [529.03125, 12108.21875, 397.03125, 20], [926.046875, 12108.21875, 161.375, 20], [529.03125, 12138.609375, 436.8125, 20], [965.828125, 12138.609375, 179.953125, 20], [529.03125, 12169, 486.328125, 20], [1015.34375, 12169, 132.046875, 20], [529.03125, 12199.390625, 558.421875, 20], [1087.4375, 12199.390625, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 12229.78125, 655.171875, 20], [1184.1875, 12229.78125, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 12260.171875, 305.78125, 20], [834.796875, 12260.171875, 135.3125, 20], [529.03125, 12290.5625, 344.203125, 20], [873.21875, 12290.5625, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 12320.953125, 445.578125, 20], [974.59375, 12320.953125, 133.03125, 20], [529.03125, 12351.34375, 372.296875, 20], [901.3125, 12351.34375, 152.578125, 20], [529.03125, 12381.734375, 404.21875, 20], [933.234375, 12381.734375, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 12412.125, 460.953125, 20], [989.96875, 12412.125, 134, 20], [529.03125, 12442.515625, 339.015625, 20], [868.03125, 12442.515625, 145.421875, 20], [529.03125, 12472.90625, 344.25, 20], [873.265625, 12472.90625, 190.71875, 20], [529.03125, 12503.296875, 486.359375, 20], [1015.375, 12503.296875, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 12533.6875, 497.171875, 20], [1026.1875, 12533.6875, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 12564.078125, 436.203125, 20], [965.21875, 12564.078125, 162.046875, 20], [529.03125, 12594.46875, 477.546875, 20], [1006.5625, 12594.46875, 131.734375, 20], [529.03125, 12624.859375, 568.28125, 20], [1097.296875, 12624.859375, 160.0625, 20], [529.03125, 12655.25, 425.78125, 20], [954.796875, 12655.25, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 12685.640625, 320.125, 20], [849.140625, 12685.640625, 145.40625, 20], [529.03125, 12716.03125, 329.890625, 20], [858.90625, 12716.03125, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 12746.421875, 476.9375, 20], [1005.953125, 12746.421875, 133.015625, 20], [529.03125, 12776.8125, 366.6875, 20], [895.703125, 12776.8125, 155.8125, 20], [529.03125, 12807.203125, 421.5, 20], [950.515625, 12807.203125, 190.0625, 20], [529.03125, 12837.59375, 335.421875, 20], [864.4375, 12837.59375, 139.1875, 20], [529.03125, 12867.984375, 337.34375, 20], [866.359375, 12867.984375, 160.734375, 20], [529.03125, 12898.375, 382.703125, 20], [911.71875, 12898.375, 149.296875, 20], [529.03125, 12928.765625, 388.234375, 20], [917.25, 12928.765625, 147.328125, 20], [529.03125, 12959.15625, 385.671875, 20], [914.6875, 12959.15625, 139.875, 20], [529.03125, 12989.546875, 459.65625, 20], [988.671875, 12989.546875, 168.890625, 20], [529.03125, 13019.9375, 390.1875, 20], [919.203125, 13019.9375, 134.015625, 20], [529.03125, 13050.328125, 524.234375, 20], [1053.25, 13050.328125, 133.03125, 20], [529.03125, 13080.71875, 509.53125, 20], [1038.546875, 13080.71875, 106.625, 20], [529.03125, 13111.109375, 340.984375, 20], [870, 13111.109375, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 13141.5, 351.078125, 20], [880.09375, 13141.5, 135.640625, 20], [529.03125, 13171.890625, 396.703125, 20], [925.71875, 13171.890625, 147.6875, 20], [529.03125, 13202.28125, 358.546875, 20], [887.5625, 13202.28125, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 13232.671875, 408.421875, 20], [937.4375, 13232.671875, 143.78125, 20], [529.03125, 13263.0625, 384.671875, 20], [913.6875, 13263.0625, 138.84375, 20], [529.03125, 13293.453125, 331.828125, 20], [860.84375, 13293.453125, 156.453125, 20], [529.03125, 13323.84375, 348.84375, 20], [877.859375, 13323.84375, 134, 20], [529.03125, 13354.234375, 468.9375, 20], [997.953125, 13354.234375, 178.953125, 20], [529.03125, 13384.625, 368.78125, 20], [897.796875, 13384.625, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 13415.015625, 389.96875, 20], [918.984375, 13415.015625, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 13445.40625, 435.5625, 20], [964.578125, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". 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Arthur N0G 1A0", "d591cfba-b52b-4c95", "", "ui-id-39", "b45e1dc0-30ee-4f1b", "", "Ashcott Veterinary Clinic | 4915 Steeles Ave East Scarborough M1V 4Z4", "cf4b2dc3-9199-4694", "", "ui-id-40", "32f02513-b21a-415d", "", "Aurora Animal Clinic | 263 Edward St Aurora L4G 3M7", "f97f7b6e-a779-462d", "", "ui-id-41", "62a0f2bd-aee9-4384", "", "Aurora North Pet Clinic | Unit B4, 239 Earl Stewart Dr Aurora L4G 7Y3", "c4e632d4-5940-4979", "", "ui-id-42", "30371d7a-6b40-4da7", "", "-Ava Foster Park Pet Hospital | 213 Dundas St E Belleville K8N 1E2", "dc26db0f-5852-4bb3", "", "ui-id-43", "ef509f04-5e42-4f0c", "", "Avon Pet Hospital | 345 Douro Street Stratford N5A 3S8", "62313a83-9810-493b", "", "ui-id-44", "5f142d3e-3f71-4cdb", "", "Avonmore Veterinary Clinic | 3212 Main Street Avonmore K0C 1C0", "7904ca50-0737-40c4", "", "ui-id-45", "f559649d-a07b-428a", "", "Avro Pet Hospital | 9699 Jane Street, Unit 31 Vaughan L6A 0A4", "b3820cd5-d707-405e", "", "ui-id-46", "39a7e321-7382-49c1", "", "Aylmer Veterinary Clinic | 421 Talbot St West Aylmer N5H 1K8", "81419d28-d057-435c", "", "ui-id-47", "c4ace5ab-fe2f-4b78", "", "Baker Animal Clinic | 1627 Dundas St East Whitby L1N 2K9", "aaf8532f-f13e-4497", "", "ui-id-48", "2e103ba8-e44e-4178", "", "Ballantrae Plaza Veterinary Clinic | Unit # 1- 11 Felcher Blvd Stouffville L4A 7X4", "89c72f4f-4d91-4bab", "", "ui-id-49", "dbd25aee-a402-414d", "", "Balmy Beach Pet House Call Services | 2212 Queen Street East Toronto M4E 1E9", "a1cdcd36-e21f-49d2", "", "ui-id-50", "37ed2e82-66b3-4315", "", "Bathurst Animal Clinic Professional Corporation | 352 Wilson Ave Toronto M3H 1S9", "9c8f547e-654d-49ad", "", "ui-id-51", "5e79aa38-52cb-484b", "", "Bay Ridges Animal Clinic | 717 Krosno Blvd Pickering L1W 1G4", "f5631aaa-fae3-45f6", "", "ui-id-52", "59403979-ae3e-4bc9", "", "Bayview Mall Veterinary Clinic | 3289 Bayview Ave Willowdale M2K 1G4", "be4303e1-c136-4135", "", "ui-id-53", "dd2f4735-3deb-4513", "", "Bayview Pet Services | 16700 Bayview Ave unit 23 Newmarket L3X 1W1", "41fac81b-57c7-441e", "", "ui-id-54", "41e120b6-ac9d-4a44", "", "Bayview Village Veterinary Clinic | 324 Sheppard Ave East Willowdale M2M 3B4", "017ea3de-cc23-4b30", "", "ui-id-55", "e9187c90-e999-4c0e", "", "Bayview Wellington Veterinary Clinic | 15340 Bayview Ave Aurora L4G 7J1", "0a56d15c-6323-4b2c", "", "ui-id-56", "76149bd2-8ea5-499d", "", "Beaches-Fallingbrook Veterinary Clinic | 1210 Kingston Rd Scarborough M1N 1N8", "f08df7e4-9279-4b63", "", "ui-id-57", "73171720-93b1-4a54", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L5H9", "102fec1e-7c54-4397", "", "ui-id-58", "686c73fd-0f7e-40b5", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Ancaster) | 34 Stone Church Road Ancaster L9J 1S5", "244dcef4-bfa8-4cc7", "", "ui-id-59", "040180ff-b0d5-4936", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Burlington) | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L 5H9", "c4ca35b1-ef98-446a", "", "ui-id-60", "dfbcbd46-eea3-4de1", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (East Hamilton) | 954 Concession Street Hamilton L8V1G2", "8ddc299d-ec5b-4a01", "", "ui-id-61", "ee9a229d-4d77-40db", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Stoney Creek) | 131 - 135 Upper Centennial Parkway Stoney Creek L8J 0B2", "30fd59fc-be30-42eb", "", "ui-id-62", "43c269e7-4218-45cc", "", "Beaverdale Veterinary Clinic | 3510 Beaverdale Rd Cambridge N3H 4R7", "67f16298-736f-4bff", "", "ui-id-63", "62028b19-09e3-4834", "", "Beeton Veterinary Clinic | Box 830, 109 Main St West Beeton L0G 1A0", "87939c7c-5558-42d6", "", "ui-id-64", "9e991f85-1eb9-4758", "", "Belle River Animal Clinic | PO Box 1266, 576 Broadway St Belle River N0R 1A0", "56a38208-837f-4523", "", "ui-id-65", "9e28618a-691d-4e36", "", "Biddulph Veterinary Clinic | 290 Main St Lucan N0M 2J0", "074fcb29-e148-4d93", "", "ui-id-66", "748ee767-38aa-41fd", "", "Birch Dan Animal Clinic | 556 Danforth Road Scarborough M1K 1C6", "5accdf92-0a9d-41cc", "", "ui-id-67", "41b4183d-c1ba-4d56", "", "Bloor Kipling Animal Clinic | 3804 Bloor Street West Toronto M9B 6C2", "06a93331-155f-4460", "", "ui-id-68", "659e87c7-2036-4a43", "", "Bloorcourt Veterinary Clinic | 1074 Bloor St W Toronto M6H 1M6", "b4b732d7-0a56-46c3", "", "ui-id-69", "58a8c16f-7e88-4d65", "", "Bowhill Animal Clinic | 2820 Victoria Park Ave Willowdale M2J 4A8", "1be9e36d-d946-4b97", "", "ui-id-70", "03c7d64d-b7b2-4bb5", "", "Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic | 2826 Hwy 2 Bowmanville L1C 3K5", "ad6f04ec-d0e8-4776", "", "ui-id-71", "eb5433d4-5a1a-44bd", "", "Boyne Veterinary Clinic | 252 Young St Alliston L9R 1V1", "411b9316-9428-4041", "", "ui-id-72", "f31b962a-0550-455e", "", "Bradford Animal Clinic | P.O. Box 1006, 35 John Street W Bradford L3Z 2B4", "19bc7d7a-d440-4557", "", "ui-id-73", "af851aad-d692-4650", "", "Brant Animal Clinic | 2201 Brant Street Burlington L7P 3N8", "1d4638c4-d1ba-4f24", "", "ui-id-74", "032a28c1-4687-4ee1", "", "Brantford Veterinary Clinic | 277 King George Road Brantford N3R 5L1", "2866643d-5384-4c91", "", "ui-id-75", "a361d66f-d937-4053", "", "Brant-Norfolk Veterinary Clinic | 155 Lynden Road, Unit 5A Brantford N3R 8A7", "495847dd-88c2-4170", "", "ui-id-76", "171612a2-d1b7-4a3c", "", "Brealey Drive Animal Clinic | 1789 Stenson Blvd.#6-7 Peterborough K9K 2H4", "89158e1d-7252-44d9", "", "ui-id-77", "a72d09e1-7bc5-47eb", "", "Brelmar Veterinary Clinic | Hwy 12 & hwy 7, RR# 2, Sunderland L0C 1H0", "16b033f4-5fa3-4b7b", "", "ui-id-78", "cabdd699-1fb9-4f42", "", "Bridle Trail Veterinary Clinic | 33 The Bridle Trail Unionville L3R 4E7", "09051afc-2683-4e6f", "", "ui-id-79", "241b179d-0a62-4715", "", "Brimley-Lawrence Animal Clinic | 807 Brimley Rd. Scarborough M1J 1C9", "edb7d31e-4fb5-40e6", "", "ui-id-80", "c919ef9f-2f82-421c", "", "Britannia Heights Veterinary Clinic | 2579 Carling Avenue Ottawa K2B 7H7", "1f22d6f8-1954-495a", "", "ui-id-81", "4bb631e0-31e4-407f", "", "Brock Road Animal Clinic | 2200 Brock Road, #A05 Pickering L1X 2R2", "f4996f4e-0255-4538", "", "ui-id-82", "ba4fa30c-b251-4bac", "", "Brookville Veterinary Clinic | 11280 Guelph Line RR 1 Campbellville L0P 1B0", "1fc8acf3-4182-4c02", "", "ui-id-83", "b937269d-0853-4930", "", "Byron Animal Clinic | 1310 Commissioners Rd W London N6K 1E1", "62b5aa30-a4d5-4982", "", "ui-id-84", "42805c90-cfd2-4679", "", "C1-01-19 Mountaingrove Pet Mobile Services | 413, 2025 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4X4", "25011259-f803-4401", "", "ui-id-85", "c7a3f572-5dae-4969", "", "C6-21-17Veterinary Emergency Clinic North | 280 Sheppard Ave. East North York M2N 3B1", "25a0fd59-cb25-4740", "", "ui-id-86", "e4d2137e-1fcf-4039", "", "Cabana @ Howard Pet Hospital | Unit A - 511 Cabana Rd E Windsor N9G 1A5", "4f0a3b92-7dca-429a", "", "ui-id-87", "6f5b2f17-1957-477a", "", "Cabbagetown Pet Clinic | 239 Gerrard Street East Toronto M5A 2G1", "c9e77959-5cfd-4c87", "", "ui-id-88", "914ffbba-9872-47d7", "", "Caledonia Veterinary Clinic | 230 Argyle Street S Caledonia N3W 1K7", "dd3094a6-1a61-4c60", "", "ui-id-89", "8d32bfee-ba37-46a0", "", "Caradoc Animal Clinic | 84 Caradoc Street South Strathroy N7G 2N8", "c518e0ee-5f2e-406d", "", "ui-id-90", "8d79db7c-5cb7-4781", "", "Casselman Veterinary Clinic | 695 Route 700 Aurele Road Casselman K0A 1M0", "f80b2060-7044-4658", "", "ui-id-91", "4703ee89-a5a2-45a6", "", "Cat Clinic Of Cornwall | 3040 Pitt Street Cornwall K6K 1A8", "78183b4f-0e80-4a96", "", "ui-id-92", "3b35e3cc-eca6-4b83", "", "Cataraqui Pet Hospital | 1183 Midland Ave Kingston K7P 2X8", "8353e730-ddc6-4104", "", "ui-id-93", "83883342-cee5-42bf", "", "Cayuga Veterinary Clinic | 6 Winnett Street South Cayuga N0A 1E0", "4fefb716-6454-46e6", "", "ui-id-94", "e7998f52-259c-479b", "", "Cedarbrae Animal Clinic | 700 Markham Rd - #6 Scarborough M1H 2A7", "6608764a-022c-4dff", "", "ui-id-95", "1ed2a83d-cc83-48e9", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Ave. W Toronto M6C 2C9", "73e87f3a-b409-44e1", "", "ui-id-96", "061f2686-62b1-4fd9", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Avenue West York M6C 2C9", "ff17ced0-23e8-4242", "", "ui-id-97", "043296c8-f99d-4234", "", "Chapel Hill Veterinary Clinic | 1615 Orleans Blvd Orleans K1C 7E2", "278531d2-330f-41ca", "", "ui-id-98", "b5529d30-e4ab-49f0", "", "Chartwell Veterinary Clinic | Unit 6 2375 Brimley Road Agincourt M1S 3L6", "a718f9e5-fd00-4d62", "", "ui-id-99", "0f9bf939-a572-4930", "", "Chesley Veterinary Clinic | 1773 Bruce Road 10 Chesley N0G 1L0", "01fe0c8c-8677-43bf", "", "ui-id-100", "d58e4072-25bf-4c52", "", "Church Yonge Animal Clinic | 19 Church Avenue North York M2N 4E7", "8a966f34-f200-4ddc", "", "ui-id-101", "2dc90a7b-7bd5-43a9", "", "City Of Ottawa Spay/ Neuter Clinic | Unit 5, 26 Concourse Gate Ottawa K2E 7T7", "db95967e-af05-4c37", "", "ui-id-102", "eb3f742b-536e-4a8e", "", "Cl - 08/05/22 -Ava Nor-Ont Veterinary Clinic | 4297 Regional Road 15 Chelmsford P0M 1L0", "1c33f049-84bf-4116", "", "ui-id-103", "81f924d6-8a2f-4aa4", "", "Cl 2023 - King West Veterinary Clinic | 1029 King Street West, Unit 36 Toronto M6K 3M9", "dcf3e24f-3eb4-4dac", "", "ui-id-104", "9251db67-3bda-46bd", "", "Cl- 2023 Simpson Veterinary Clinic (Records @ Wycliffe Village Vc) | 104-545 North Rivermede Concord L4K 4H1", "4c8c72e6-bd49-4d09", "", "ui-id-105", "e4b9b1ba-1624-448c", "", "Cl- 9/26/16 Cliffcrest Animal Clinic | 3674 St Clair Avenue East Scarborough M1M 1T2", "9af7e50c-587b-47a1", "", "ui-id-106", "946bd016-8d50-49f5", "", "Cl- Sept 15/20-Charing Cross Cat Clinic | 138 Charing Cross St. Brantford N3R 2J1", "efae18ff-e150-4235", "", "ui-id-107", "9ad51bf5-fd6a-4f23", "", "Cl-03/31/2018 Cat Clinic Of Windsor | 1277 Grand Marais West Windsor N9E 1E1", "480a5df7-9243-43f4", "", "ui-id-108", "d1f04793-d766-4843", "", "Cl-07-17-2015Embro Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 129, 123 Huron St Embro N0J 1J0", "b2c3fcdb-b69b-4f91", "", "ui-id-109", "e1a6821b-98eb-4c89", "", "Cl-07-17-2015Goderich Veterinary Clinic | P O Box 265 R R #2 Goderich N7A3Z2", "913b798d-4507-48ea", "", "ui-id-110", "fd321935-f726-43db", "", "Cl-07-30-2015Lucan Veterinary Clinic | 33341 Richmond St. Lucan L2R 6P9", "c44f3698-f2cf-434d", "", "ui-id-111", "96b13918-2fa6-46cd", "", "Cl-10-25-2018King Animal Clinic | 567 King Street London N6B 1T4", "b8251bee-88e9-470b", "", "ui-id-112", "0d9842c8-a392-45ec", "", "Cl-11-08-2017Owen Sound Veterinary Clinic-Downtown | 868 3rd Ave East Owen Sound N4K 2K5", "3203270a-b83f-4d8b", "", "ui-id-113", "4d76fe76-2695-4403", "", "Cl-2019 London Veterinary Emergency Clinic | #43 - 41 Adelaide St N London N6B 3P4", "6176073e-9acc-410b", "", "ui-id-114", "93ec83ae-be32-4562", "", "Clairfields Mobile Veterinary Clinic | 152 Farley Drive Guelph N1L1M1", "df8c3ed0-f5d0-4950", "", "ui-id-115", "93917975-2731-4be3", "", "Clarence St. Veterinary Clinic | 167 Clarence St Port Colborne L3K 3G4", "5a89e4d6-2083-4bba", "", "ui-id-116", "66196ddc-6e1f-4a32", "", "Close Vet Clinic | 1 - 162 McIntyre Drive Kitchener N2R 1E8", "98d579b8-7db1-4df8", "", "ui-id-117", "825a07a6-3bfe-4372", "", "Closed 21-07-27 -Cookstown Animal Clinic | 17 Queen Street Cookstown C0C 1L0", "d4ef7a80-7c5c-4e85", "", "ui-id-118", "87c483f3-c66e-4015", "", "Cobblestone Animal Clinic | 1084 Rest Acres Road, Unit 1 Paris N3L 0B5", "dcbd23b5-1605-4036", "", "ui-id-119", "93e1e571-5284-451a", "", "Cochrane Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 2360, 59 First St Cochrane P0L 1C0", "19b3d062-3889-4f93", "", "ui-id-120", "732195b2-647b-4026", "", "Colborne Street Pet Hospital | 77 Colborne Street W Orillia L3V 2Y6", "a6726875-1857-4ec7", "", "ui-id-121", "013a2a10-eb32-4dd7", "", "Colborne Veterinary Clinic | R R #4 (Norfolk Street) 2512 Hwy 24 North Simcoe N3Y 4K3", "d320f578-c4e6-40b0", "", "ui-id-122", "5d67f614-a914-4b42", "", "Conestoga Veterinary Clinic | 2095 Lobsinger Line Waterloo N2J 4G8", "ab4fd434-bf74-4ce7", "", "ui-id-123", "695c6496-7cf2-42a1", "", "Copetown Animal Hospital | 153 Highway 52 (P.O. Box 85) Copetown L0R 1J0", "094036fd-5443-4f3d", "", "ui-id-124", "e2f2c065-7660-41c8", "", "Cottage Country Animal Clinic | 2 Edward St. Parry Sound P2A 2W4", "536c2aff-5192-45f4", "", "ui-id-125", "6165bb52-de23-4394", "", "Courtice Pet Clinic | 1500 Highway #2 Courtice L1E 2T5", "4f101343-7e0b-42aa", "", "ui-id-126", "7e878c0f-dd91-4b78", "", "Coxwell Animal Clinic | 961 Coxwell Ave Toronto M4C 3G4", "c300302d-12f5-49f8", "", "ui-id-127", "c97c384b-26a6-4f54", "", "Crossing Bridge Veterinary Clinic | 1250 Main Street Stittsville K2S 1S9", "30049a8a-8c36-4570", "", "ui-id-128", "d39bfa29-a1b2-42b9", "", "Crossroads Veterinary Clinic | 3142 Arthur Street West Rosslyn P7K 0P3", "a0a2e252-e14a-446f", "", "ui-id-129", "419c378f-0026-4af2", "", "Dale Veterinary Clinic | 121 Toronto Rd, Unit #131 Port Hope L1A 3C5", "06053948-7b1a-4d6f", "", "ui-id-130", "0bb56c40-bd96-418c", "", "Danforth Veterinary Clinic | 966 Pape Avenue Toronto M4K 3V5", "de80d0e3-38dc-4fd0", "", "ui-id-131", "9b2c12da-0496-48fb", "", "Davis Drive Animal Clinic | 891 Davis Drive Newmarket L3Y 2R6", "74fbd559-1c4c-4ccc", "", "ui-id-132", "a31d206a-7974-4ad5", "", "Derry Village Animal Clinic | 32-7070 St. Barbara BlvdUnit 200 Mississauga L5W 0E6", "68ff8a66-6f56-4654", "", "ui-id-133", "cfaec39f-649b-4afc", "", "Desmond Veterinary Clinic | 2979 Unity Gate Mississauga L5L 3E5", "0af8c5e9-3507-414c", "", "ui-id-134", "ef8eab10-2611-49ba", "", "Dixie Eglinton Animal Clinic | 5120 Dixie Rd Mississauga L4W4J7", "09f9b2fd-2fc4-4193", "", "ui-id-135", "70c9d826-f759-4b81", "", "Dixie Road Pet Clinic | 10078 Dixie Road Brampton L6T3S1", "80dabefc-c24e-41cb", "", "ui-id-136", "969e85a0-ddaf-4877", "", "Dog & Cat Clinic Of Niagara | Unit 2 - 2E Tremont Drive St. Catharines L2T 3B2", "4acf9bfc-8c37-410e", "", "ui-id-137", "c5c69b03-da8f-414d", "", "Don Head Village Animal Clinic | 737 Carrville Road Richmond Hill L4C 6E5", "0c4099c6-6df2-4ad0", "", "ui-id-138", "51c002b9-fb8f-4824", "", "Doncaster Animal Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "f8fd5b7a-f8f9-4291", "", "ui-id-139", "06162728-3c7f-447c", "", "Downtown Toronto Cat Clinic | 739 Bloor St W Toronto M6G 1L6", "aa76950c-b201-4872", "", "ui-id-140", "47c46354-c093-41e7", "", "Dr. Asianova Animal Clinic | 9720 Dufferin Street Maple L6A 4L6", "0b1fde51-fecd-4816", "", "ui-id-141", "3c3bf73d-a2b1-4fdc", "", "Dr. Richard Murray Mobile Pet Service | 3051 Upper Dwyer Hill Rd Kinburn K0A 2HO", "e3400be2-588b-4c8a", "", "ui-id-142", "7497272c-0d9e-4c0b", "", "Drayton Veterinary Clinic | 7294 Wellington Street N, Hwy 11 Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "c2c9ae2a-5c94-4725", "", "ui-id-143", "902a5d10-a1db-454d", "", "Dresden Veterinary Clinic | 1220 Wellington St Box 520 Dresden N0P 1M0", "d8334c20-c0f9-4194", "", "ui-id-144", "7b605644-928a-4fd9", "", "Dufferin Queen Animal Clinic | 1179 Queen Street West Units A & B Toronto M6J 1J6", "bcb386c1-0a8b-4e81", "", "ui-id-145", "59e66add-7e7d-491d", "", "Dunnville Veterinary Clinic | 1017 Broad Street E. Dunnville N1A 2Z1", "0bf15ec1-dd4f-4f6e", "", "ui-id-146", "b6e41481-6b74-4e83", "", "Dunrobin Veterinary Clinic | 2719 Dunrobin Rd - R R #2 Dunrobin K0A 1T0", "a84028f1-b850-4ab8", "", "ui-id-147", "886a7c42-84a3-4887", "", "Durham Veterinary Clinic | 110 King St East Bowmanville L1C 1N5", "53533ca9-be28-4beb", "", "ui-id-148", "95597122-62da-4b6a", "", "Durham Veterinary Clinic | 298 Elm St. E Durham N0G 1R0", "ba0662d9-378c-4450", "", "ui-id-149", "625ecbaa-c815-4a7e", "", "Eagleson Veterinary Clinic | 46-500 Eagleson Road Kanata K2M 1H4", "771e71ed-8ae7-4f18", "", "ui-id-150", "f43c3cb6-6e84-4074", "", "East Middlesex Animal Clinic | 2599 Hamilton Rd Dorchester N0L 1G5", "771ff128-b0b8-4ac7", "", "ui-id-151", "8467ffb5-dc13-49a0", "", "East York Animal Clinic | 805 O' Connor Dr Toronto M4B 2S7", "2aa2e8a5-8630-4d33", "", "ui-id-152", "a8f66fc0-8404-4e76", "", "Edwards Lakeside Veterinary Clinic | 46 Port St East Mississauga L5G 1C1", "6db02b71-db09-461a", "", "ui-id-153", "3f9ef2c3-6983-4229", "", "Eglinton / Hwy 10 Veterinary Clinic | 295 Eglinton Ave E Unit 11 Mississauga L4Z 3X6", "f235ca2c-fd04-49f2", "", "ui-id-154", "5068e24d-f120-4823", "", "Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic | \uf041 Location 1540 Eglinton Avenue west York M6E 2G8", "40663a4b-fec7-4d49", "", "ui-id-155", "e138b356-8017-4a87", "", "Eldale Veterinary Clinic | 150 Church St W Elmira N3B 1N3", "b6e4ddf0-a161-4d94", "", "ui-id-156", "489ca1dd-5240-4331", "", "Ellesmere Animal Clinic | 85 Ellesmere road - unit F2 Toronto M1R 4B7", "4486025d-ae39-498f", "", "ui-id-157", "16d87c5d-2a7f-4de8", "", "Embrun Veterinary Clinic | 651 Notre Dame Embrun K0A 1W1", "9c31cae7-6c48-4d4a", "", "ui-id-158", "c9e49466-031e-40f2", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Hwy 10 | Unit 10, 1 Wexford Drive Brampton L6Z 2W1", "42af0bb5-8260-4bf8", "", "ui-id-159", "81f653d6-ead5-4a47", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E1B6", "2c727450-74db-4c3f", "", "ui-id-160", "b1c624af-11c6-462c", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | Unit 14 - 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E 1B6", "b911dcfb-a055-4f2f", "", "ui-id-161", "bf1f8eef-2995-42fc", "", "Erin Mills Pet Hospital | 2400 Dunwin Dr Mississauga L5L 1J9", "cd5aabe0-10c0-4913", "", "ui-id-162", "f6412dfb-96ab-405c", "", "Fairfield Pet Hospital | 6 Speers Blvd. Amherstview K7N 1Z6", "7cf3bbb9-367e-4133", "", "ui-id-163", "a5ef8435-596a-467f", "", "Fairview Animal Clinic | 1 Secord Drive St. Catharines L2N 1K9", "7f982d43-9a7c-4afc", "", "ui-id-164", "20e9c150-51db-41e5", "", "Fairview Drive Pet Hospital | Unit 7 & 8, 403 Fairview Drive Brantford N3R 6T2", "e3e3a34d-93f4-4139", "", "ui-id-165", "cb500505-e570-4be8", "", "Fallsview Veterinary Clinic | 6144 McLeod Road Niagara Falls L2G7P5", "ab181c25-bdc3-41d6", "", "ui-id-166", "b2fca2f9-d3e3-49b4", "", "Fenelon Animal Clinic | PO Box 310, 474 County Road 121 Fenelon Falls K0M 1N0", "347588b1-4e60-478f", "", "ui-id-167", "dd5e5d56-2e0e-4e97", "", "Fifth Avenue Veterinary Clinic | 10 Fifth Avenue Orangeville L9W1G2", "b4448331-c688-482a", "", "ui-id-168", "e7ba5c3d-2d14-4965", "", "Forest Veterinary Clinic | P O Box 119, 6378 Townsend Line Forest N0N 1J0", "682ac6ba-87cb-43e7", "", "ui-id-169", "5e4cf4db-18ae-4b6e", "", "Forestbrook Pet Hospital | 1105 Finch Avenue Pickering L1V 1J7", "5f0020c7-5d3f-4bad", "", "ui-id-170", "54af9e9b-0336-4b63", "", "Gananoque Veterinary Clinic | 231 Highway 32 N Gananoque K7G 2T6", "38ab0163-5392-40cf", "", "ui-id-171", "b44aef66-dc3f-4343", "", "Ganaraska Animal Clinic | 146 Rose Glen Rd S Port Hope L1A 3V6", "5be06cf9-2702-410b", "", "ui-id-172", "48767839-3b04-4d3b", "", "Gateway Pet Hospital | 4391 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "0e2ee035-a467-4fb1", "", "ui-id-173", "edfb8166-2912-4fa9", "", "Georgetown Animal Clinic | 4 Mountainview Rd S Georgetown L7G 4J9", "b0f82839-fb8b-4009", "", "ui-id-174", "7851cfaf-4f83-4b09", "", "Georgina Veterinary Clinic Ltd | P O Box 642, 25914 Hwy #48 Sutton L0E 1R0", "209880ce-7fdf-4561", "", "ui-id-175", "82aeab4d-f861-43fc", "", "Glebe Pet Hospital | 595 Bank Street Ottawa K1S 3T4", "a5c805c9-9868-4186", "", "ui-id-176", "98d3711a-9b8c-4780", "", "Golf Glen Veterinary Clinic | 15570 Yonge Street S - #1 Aurora L4G 1P2", "3cda7870-6d82-4968", "", "ui-id-177", "de24d43e-5e8d-4afa", "", "Grand Avenue Pet Hospital | 222 Grand Avenue West Chatham N7L 1C1", "c5dc1a1c-5651-4e21", "", "ui-id-178", "53a07b0e-1e0b-4697", "", "Grandview Bloor Animal Clinic | 600 Grandview Street South Oshawa L1H 8P4", "725aa4cf-eb1e-43b0", "", "ui-id-179", "73d180aa-0b96-4a69", "", "Greenboro Veterinary Clinic | 2 Lorry Greenberg Drive Ottawa K1G 5H6", "632238f6-abd9-4c16", "", "ui-id-180", "35909f5b-a785-47d1", "", "Grenville - Dundas Veterinary Clinic | Box 1552, RR#5, 2643 Hwy. 43 Kemptville K0G 1J0", "b56b1625-2720-4d30", "", "ui-id-181", "de338050-ad30-4154", "", "Grey Bruce Pet Hospital | 1393 16th Ave East Owen Sound N4K 0J3", "41ece782-8b0a-4567", "", "ui-id-182", "3ace6bdf-613f-43ff", "", "Guelph Cat Clinic | Unit 4 - 15 Surrey St W Guelph N1H 3R3", "68d5442d-7561-43c7", "", "ui-id-183", "588782b6-503b-45b0", "", "Guildwood Village Animal Clinic | 123 Guildwood Parkway Scarborough M1E 4V2", "c2387e8c-15d0-43cc", "", "ui-id-184", "59194b9a-bf33-4141", "", "Gull River Veterinary Clinic | 6826 Highway 35, RR # 1 Coboconk K0M 1K0", "b8fef1dc-fad2-4c5e", "", "ui-id-185", "ebfd5583-1e41-45ae", "", "Hale Veterinary Clinic | 159 Fife Road Guelph N1H 7N8", "612d6d34-07f2-4b81", "", "ui-id-186", "5a5f10f1-2ff3-4869", "", "Halton Hills Veterinary Clinic | 2 Main St Georgetown L7G 3G6", "36b62a31-fdb2-473c", "", "ui-id-187", "cd71fb27-c041-4204", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services: Home Pet Euthanasia | 7994 Maltby Rd. E Puslinch N0B 2J0", "596408bb-4114-4850", "", "ui-id-188", "16a39542-b2e4-4818", "", "Hamilton Region Emergency Veterinary Clinic | 50 Dundurn St S Hamilton L8P 4W3", "1faeb8cc-5bed-4d2b", "", "ui-id-189", "07bc268c-a5c6-49fb", "", "Harwood Pet Hospital | #1 Rossland Road WestUnit 12 AJAX L1Z 1Z2", "a6a46142-080f-40cf", "", "ui-id-190", "37fa5654-5a9d-4f94", "", "Hearst Veterinary Clinic | C/O Kampuskasing Veterinary Clinic, 2 Brunnelle South Kampuskasing P5N 2T2", "601ae294-1e42-4de2", "", "ui-id-191", "542cf0e3-5f4e-42f5", "", "Heartland Pet Hospital | 6085 Creditview Road Unit #20 Mississauga L5V 2A8", "cd2e32e5-1576-411e", "", "ui-id-192", "080cdf1d-6f51-43fa", "", "Herongate Animal Clinic | 9 Doric St Unit 1 Ajax L1S 7L5", "01ea9de3-4bfd-4a1d", "", "ui-id-193", "f62fa7a8-7032-4ae8", "", "Highbury North Pet Hospital | Unit 1 - 1570 Highbury Ave N London N5Y 5N7", "7c22f409-a49a-45ba", "", "ui-id-194", "4e68e4a8-08b5-4de8", "", "Highland Creek Animal Clinic Prof. Corp. | 6105 Kingston Road Scarborough M1C 1K5", "c7980011-3479-4429", "", "ui-id-195", "00e2879a-de28-441b", "", "Highland Road Pet Hospital | 200 Highland Road Kitchener N2M 3C2", "aa84facb-23cc-412c", "", "ui-id-196", "16514136-b768-4390", "", "Highview Animal Clinic | 860 Redriver Road Thunder Bay P7B 1K2", "e4422d11-bbc2-4ecc", "", "ui-id-197", "842708a3-7e57-4b4a", "", "Highway #24 Veterinary Clinic | 5041 Wellington Rd 32 RR#6 Guelph N1H 6J3", "d998017a-a322-4eef", "", "ui-id-198", "06fe04a4-e2b6-4663", "", "Hillcrest Animal Clinic | 195 Grand Trunk Ave Hwy17 Dryden P8N 2X1", "372fbb60-bda9-4f6e", "", "ui-id-199", "6f16c9cb-ee43-49f6", "", "Hills Pet Nutrition Primary Health Care Centre -Ontario Veterinary College | University of Guelph 50 Stone Rd Guelph N1G 2W1", "b256ea70-e311-4912", "", "ui-id-200", "a9e0365a-ae9e-44bc", "", "Hillside Veterinary Clinic | 17095 Yonge St Newmarket L3Y 4V7", "f0ef9196-ec1c-4f9a", "", "ui-id-201", "2c98a027-e91f-4284", "", "Hillview Veterinary Clinic | 5205 King Street West Unit 4 Beamsville L0R 1B3", "193669f6-d86c-4150", "", "ui-id-202", "6781e3e9-696e-4e14", "", "Hofmann Veterinary Clinic | 1917 Albion Road Rexdale M9W 5S8", "e39aa477-4864-4672", "", "ui-id-203", "9531d4f4-1310-40f9", "", "House Calls For Pets | P.O.Box 364, Station \\\"O\\\" Toronto M4A 2N9", "c27b45d1-de6e-41f3", "", "ui-id-204", "f6082822-da03-4dcc", "", "Huronia Veterinary Emergency Clinic | 391 Dunlop St W Barrie L4N 1C3", "ec837990-3a60-444d", "", "ui-id-205", "d400e20f-f2a7-430d", "", "Ilderton Pet Hospital | 125 King Street Ilderton N0M 2A0", "82cc7006-df7e-45a9", "", "ui-id-206", "0454401c-a639-4abc", "", "Image Pet | 1311 Riverbend Dr London N6K 3V1", "2c6fb9a3-6220-4716", "", "ui-id-207", "920cd44a-8ecf-474f", "", "In Balance Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic | Unit #2 - 2715 Bur Oak Avenue Markham L6B 1K7", "01048457-4905-4db2", "", "ui-id-208", "391905fd-4299-442e", "", "Inglewood Veterinary Clinic | 15352 - Hurontario St Caledon L7C 2C3", "714048ba-a9b6-4874", "", "ui-id-209", "b843b222-924a-4106", "", "Jane Animal Clinic | 313 Jane St Toronto M6S 3Z3", "e9a867e5-a9a2-4a2d", "", "ui-id-210", "deb14a65-adac-4df4", "", "Johnson Chiropractic Animal Clinic | 304 Norris Road Perth K7H1T1", "0269139f-bef4-4299", "", "ui-id-211", "61814fba-82ff-4c26", "", "Junction Pet Clinic | 2916 Dundas St W Toronto M6P1Y8", "5a906bce-b20a-4b72", "", "ui-id-212", "c00473ab-c6ed-4c74", "", "Juno Veterinary Summerhill Clinic | 1073 Yonge Street Toronto M4W1Y5", "a995fd7c-140a-4250", "", "ui-id-213", "da9d481e-b148-449d", "", "Kanata Lakes Animal Clinic | 145 Roland Michener Drive Kanata K2T 1G7", "f07c7bde-b9ca-4fcd", "", "ui-id-214", "e1d01edc-9540-4885", "", "Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Clinic | 1840 Lansdowne St. W Unit 1B Peterborough K9K 2M9", "6fa0fc76-1f1b-4dfd", "", "ui-id-215", "ba62ebbf-9286-467b", "", "Kelton Pet House Call Services | Box 71528 Aurora L4G 5W5", "12315811-0a43-4689", "", "ui-id-216", "9da08e58-d296-428b", "", "Kennedy Road Veterinary Clinic | 10410 Kennedy Road North Brampton L6Z 0A7", "835458c3-3713-4089", "", "ui-id-217", "a342f547-5de7-42b6", "", "Kenora Veterinary Clinic | 305 Matheson St S Kenora P9N 1V4", "5e8d2bfc-ea77-490e", "", "ui-id-218", "9b520973-607d-4363", "", "Kim Pet Hospital | 8362 Woodbine Avenue Unit 1 Markham L3R 2N8", "7b16018f-4f68-4361", "", "ui-id-219", "6971dbf3-d3ee-4e07", "", "King Hopkins Pet Hospital | 120 Hopkins Street Whitby L1N 2B7", "575de9e9-67fe-4ada", "", "ui-id-220", "76a8152e-408b-46d8", "", "King\u2019S Ridge Veterinary Clinic | 1700 King Road, Unit 23 King City L7B 0N1", "727a494b-ca36-4f25", "", "ui-id-221", "470413e8-0e6e-4956", "", "Kingston Regional Pet Hospital | Unit 10, 1381 Midland Avenue Kingston K7P 2W5", "bd8c1c7d-6f56-4ea7", "", "ui-id-222", "6d050849-910c-43f5", "", "Kingston Veterinary Clinic | 435 Division St Kingston K7K 4A8", "d34351c1-11b5-47df", "", "ui-id-223", "d63da1f5-509f-434a", "", "Kingsville Animal Clinic | 228 Division Street N Kingsville N9Y 1E4", "516f207b-96d2-452d", "", "ui-id-224", "5aa4d104-4f64-471c", "", "Kirkton Veterinary Clinic | P.O. Box 96 1911 Mary Street Kirkton N0K 1K0", "08e020ff-5372-4f9b", "", "ui-id-225", "03f33013-4949-4cec", "", "Komoka - Kilworth Animal Clinic | 9930 Glendon Dr Unit B Komoka N0L 1R0", "4303065e-d529-4e7e", "", "ui-id-226", "3f62bda8-e3db-47df", "", "Lafontaine Veterinary Clinic | 2799 Chamberland Street Rockland K4K 1M7", "a69041c4-d350-4b66", "", "ui-id-227", "8d6b1766-1fc9-4bf8", "", "35f9bfbe-8ba1-42ff", "", "ui-id-228", "4b97fc0b-e907-4db4", "", "Laird Eglinton Pet Hospital | 211 Laird Drive Toronto M4G 3W8", "ace50d50-63e0-43a4", "", "ui-id-229", "c7ca4eeb-7a85-4596", "", "Lakeshore Veterinary Clinic | Unit B - 1206 Lakeshore Road Sarnia N7S 2L2", "7f4b432f-c369-4643", "", "ui-id-230", "89fddc16-8a6b-4398", "", "Lakeside Niagara Veterinary Clinic | 107 Lakeshore Road St Catharines L2N2T6", "44113371-d7ea-4424", "", "ui-id-231", "c2708adf-1e2b-4bfb", "", "Lanark Leeds & Grenville Spay Neuter Clinic | 4099 County Road 29 RR#4 Brockville K6V 5T4", "3b995d74-8f3e-4ddc", "", "ui-id-232", "b0e7ead4-944f-4f0e", "", "Lanark Veterinary Clinic | 88D Cornelia Street West Smiths Falls K7A 4W7", "b1419bb9-af54-46a8", "", "ui-id-233", "9478e450-a935-4110", "", "Lancaster Veterinary Clinic | P.O. Box 308, 4 Maple St. Lancaster K0C 1N0", "b86f0b04-9e41-4b13", "", "ui-id-234", "1269106c-256d-4a01", "", "Lasalle Animal Clinic | Unit B, 1560 Lasalle Boulevard Sudbury P3A 1Z7", "f1170c87-20f8-4936", "", "ui-id-235", "f194b97a-a267-4a0f", "", "Lawrence Veterinary Clinic | 486 Lawrence Ave West Toronto M5M 1C4", "30a267f4-f05d-480c", "", "ui-id-236", "74151cb1-15ab-4312", "", "Leamington Veterinary Clinic | 110 Talbot Street East Leamington N8H 1L5", "4b9e9941-ae04-4264", "", "ui-id-237", "adca25d8-1eb9-41fd", "", "Leaside Animal Clinic | 1662 Bayview Ave Toronto M4G 3C2", "e4948899-56d0-440e", "", "ui-id-238", "8386ee32-37e2-403b", "", "Lincoln County Humane Society Animal Clinic | 160 Fourth Avenue St. Catharines L2S 0B6", "a4d67f30-9319-47cd", "", "ui-id-239", "2172d0a9-740d-4cc1", "", "Lindsay Animal Clinic | 62 Lindsay St South Lindsay K9V 2M2", "9a838576-bbea-4785", "", "ui-id-240", "cb186a96-9a26-4f01", "", "Links Road Animal Clinic The | 41 The Links Rd Toronto M2P 1T7", "bb98cf7d-7923-452e", "", "ui-id-241", "e30e8a79-af65-4068", "", "Listowel Veterinary Clinic | P O Box 66 Listowel N4W 3H2", "a972755c-f876-4246", "", "ui-id-242", "e8926da8-b9e6-4e23", "", "Lockwood Animal Clinic | 289 Wellington Rd South London N6C 4N8", "53d3ac8c-c9f0-4657", "", "ui-id-243", "1ab7e242-1df5-48ef", "", "London Cat Clinic | 6 Stanley St London N6C 1A8", "e77095cc-9ce5-41d2", "", "ui-id-244", "a516266e-4969-472c", "", "Long Branch Animal Clinic | 3459 Lakeshore Blvd W Etobicoke M8W 1N2", "f6b922ab-d255-490f", "", "ui-id-245", "2d905bc7-846a-44c9", "", "Lynden Animal Clinic | P.O. Box 44, 847 Lynden Road Lynden L0R 1T0", "bdabbf2d-d342-4e30", "", "ui-id-246", "a3163b3c-5848-4fcc", "", "Mac Animal Clinic | 1026 Speers Rd Oakville L6L 2X4", "834601db-70ad-493a", "", "ui-id-247", "bdac40e4-291f-4cb2", "", "Mackenzie Creek Mobile Pet Hospice Services | PO Box 96 Scotland N0E1R0", "ba726322-13d2-4a7f", "", "ui-id-248", "24b82c02-9154-48eb", "", "Main Street Veterinary Clinic | 170 Main Street Toronto M4E2W1", "b355d861-0a3c-4d30", "", "ui-id-249", "7c997721-9bb8-4912", "", "Maple Veterinary Clinic | Unit #1, 10040 Keele St Maple L6A 1G3", "2173a83a-485a-4bdc", "", "ui-id-250", "5e330b04-b373-4610", "", "Mapleview Animal Clinic | Unit 5A, 237 Mapleview Drive East Barrie L4N 0W5", "4398a208-7cb6-4402", "", "ui-id-251", "e63a84c7-cdd1-4aad", "", "Marion Vernon Memorial Animal Clinic | 91A Patterson Road Barrie L4N 3V9", "363c71e3-f204-44ad", "", "ui-id-252", "1041f154-cbb4-4abf", "", "Markham Veterinary Clinic | Units 13 & 14, 6605 Hwy #7 East Markham L3P 7P1", "f4d85e7b-4def-4cd2", "", "ui-id-253", "5e764f7a-17ef-4739", "", "Martindale Animal Clinic | 100 Fourth Ave Unit 15 & 16 St. Catharines L2S 3P2", "061c4a67-11bd-49ec", "", "ui-id-254", "2da7713a-9ffe-4c93", "", "Mavis Road Animal Clinic | Unit #1, 3095 Wolfedale Rd. Mississauga L5C 1V8", "0041aa38-45a1-40d1", "", "ui-id-255", "08e07a48-043e-4e6f", "", "Maxville Veterinary Clinic | 2477 CR-20P.O. Box 9 Maxville K0C 1T0", "e545ca33-f04e-4026", "", "ui-id-256", "be14a946-9ca0-4db2", "", "Mccowan Animal Clinic | 1599 Ellesmere Rd Scarborough M1P 2Y4", "032f5003-ba36-4f5b", "", "ui-id-257", "b575238f-e97c-4313", "", "Mcleod Road Animal Clinic | 7000 McLeod Road Niagara Falls L2G 7K3", "43c020c2-d48c-43c6", "", "ui-id-258", "b06be42a-039b-4591", "", "Meadows Animal Clinic | 644 Arthur St W Thunder Bay P7E 5R8", "f4e0fa22-0078-4c76", "", "ui-id-259", "0e12cabb-e077-4492", "", "Meadowvale Animal Clinic | 6040 Glen Erin Dr Mississauga L5N 3M4", "81082be6-1d1c-46d4", "", "ui-id-260", "346a48fd-5f4b-4468", "", "Mildmay Veterinary Clinic | RR#5 Box 123 #1342 Hwy 9 Mildmay N0G 2J0", "2308f31b-1d4f-40de", "", "ui-id-261", "3594e0e5-e601-44a3", "", "Mill Street Animal Clinic | 159 Mill Street Angus L0M 1B2", "c3ca7a40-6f82-49bc", "", "ui-id-262", "2c64bd23-b5f5-4ee4", "", "Millcreek Veterinary Clinic | 6400 Millcreek Dr Unit #7 Mississauga L5N 3E7", "53d8e413-1ad7-4bc8", "", "ui-id-263", "3a96348c-e42f-4a04", "", "Millcreek Veterinary Clinic (Odessa) | 143 Main Street, PO Box 177 Odessa K0H 2H0", "1dd49b47-6d9c-4160", "", "ui-id-264", "143683d5-1ba5-4583", "", "Milliken-Bridlewood Animal Clinic | 2770 Kennedy Road Scarborough M1T 3J2", "29fe58d8-e736-459a", "", "ui-id-265", "2134ea50-439a-4161", "", "Milliken-Bridlewood Veterinary Clinic | 2770 Kennedy Rd Scarborough M1T 3J2", "add8bf05-6784-4e76", "", "ui-id-266", "02f328c3-ba87-4c2a", "", "Milverton- Wellesley Veterinary Clinic | 93 Main St N Milverton N0K 2M0", "1f360249-f23c-4469", "", "ui-id-267", "6caa2946-52b0-4121", "", "Mobile Pet Hospice Services Of London | 31 Winship Close London N6C 5M7", "c7d95cfc-645e-4c8d", "", "ui-id-268", "2d58b993-df0c-405b", "", "Mohawk Animal Clinic | 962 Upper James St Hamilton L9C 3A5", "b0209cdd-c7bd-418e", "", "ui-id-269", "c283bede-5d07-4cdb", "", "Moira Veterinary Clinic | 44 B Moira Street West Belleville K8P 1S3", "744e5bfa-92d7-4049", "", "ui-id-270", "2779ed84-24dc-44d3", "", "Mono Veterinary Clinic | 633391 highway 10 Mono L9W 5P3", "e4575216-289b-401c", "", "ui-id-271", "017f2d9d-ff39-4129", "", "Morningstar Pet Hospital | 670 Taunton Road E Whitby L1R 0K6", "14a578fc-ce0f-44b2", "", "ui-id-272", "2ce22094-3631-40ef", "", "Morriston Veterinary Clinic | 29 Queen Street Morriston N0B 2C0", "c67e61d9-dd2d-48fc", "", "ui-id-273", "13e8b2cc-bd61-483a", "", "Mount Brydges Animal Clinic | RR # 5, 22276 Mill Road Mount Brydges N0L 1W0", "e461ec97-4cc4-48d2", "", "ui-id-274", "3db924e4-8477-4f09", "", "Mount Joy Animal Clinic | #10 - 50 Anderson Ave Markham L6E 1A6", "683c5877-291f-4a3f", "", "ui-id-275", "c46125fb-ba2e-4221", "", "Mountainside Animal Clinic | 2491 Industrial St Burlington L7P 1A6", "513d4fa4-a593-4971", "", "ui-id-276", "50104908-344c-49ac", "", "Mountainview Veterinary Clinic | 724 Balm Beach Road Midland L4R 4K4", "cd28f2de-f2b9-4a94", "", "ui-id-277", "24bd423b-2c65-4009", "", "Mullen Small Animal Clinic | P.O. Box 1090, 11 Colborne St N Walkerton N0G 2V0", "241e74d0-67d7-4784", "", "ui-id-278", "c8cf2b02-45b2-4f5d", "", "My Animal Veterinary Clinic | 703 Mount Pleasant Road Toronto M4S2N4", "62da2923-0fdc-4b50", "", "ui-id-279", "053b9908-ab3a-4b5f", "", "Neighbourhood Pet Clinic Of North London | 746 Waterloo Street London London N6A 3W3", "f9e57a57-3b48-43b7", "", "ui-id-280", "af0fc843-7a17-4638", "", "New Hamburg Veterinary Clinic | 19 Arnold Street New Hamburg N3A 2C6", "6011fd7a-f2cb-4381", "", "ui-id-281", "ded9cb0a-9148-4cb7", "", "New Tecumseth Animal Clinic | 33 Tottenham Road Alliston L9R1J9", "158ba0aa-809f-41f7", "", "ui-id-282", "8a44f528-59c6-48e8", "", "Newcastle Veterinary Clinic | 108 King Ave West Newcastle L1B 1H7", "ac62fbc8-d074-4c71", "", "ui-id-283", "9154f924-74d4-494b", "", "Niagara Pet Hospital | RR #1, 3032 Mountain Road/ Grimsby Road Grassie L0R 1M0", "a8864dee-dfc8-48ee", "", "ui-id-284", "07a07c89-6840-449c", "", "Niagara Veterinary Emergency Clinic | Unit 1A, 3300 Merrittville Highway Thorold L2V 4Y6", "8f3b3988-15cd-44e4", "", "ui-id-285", "dba97d00-1725-48f8", "", "Nobleton Veterinary Clinic | 13135 Hwy 27 Nobleton L0G 1N0", "dbb6b573-8220-43fe", "", "ui-id-286", "159faa59-80c8-4948", "", "North Toronto Veterinary Behaviour Specialty Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "fbf37378-71d8-46e3", "", "ui-id-287", "6017a67d-245e-4dfc", "", "Northview Pet Hospital | 8611 Weston Road Unit 5 Woodbridge L4L 9P1", "eec6e46d-5fcd-4ab8", "", "ui-id-288", "26e35ab0-6d47-441c", "", "Northwest London Veterinary Clinic | 1567 Hyde Park Rd London N6H 5L5", "e23948dc-3358-41b0", "", "ui-id-289", "c39cee2b-9487-47bc", "", "Nor-West Animal Clinic | 411 McIrvine Fort Frances P9A 3X7", "bb46c7bf-cc3c-4fc5", "", "ui-id-290", "87c7079c-38e7-432c", "", "Norwich Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 250, 51 Stover Street South Norwich N0J 1P0", "13e300a0-e03e-401a", "", "ui-id-291", "01c3709b-7ab1-49dc", "", "O.S.P.C.A Mount Vernon Memorial Clinic | 91a Patterson Rd Barrie L4N 3V9", "090c7abf-88a4-456e", "", "ui-id-292", "dedf02a1-fb12-423b", "", "Oak West Animal Clinic | 1311 Riverbend Rd London N6K 0J6", "f082dfe7-2bb0-4b8f", "", "ui-id-293", "7cf5f71a-3f27-4e6f", "", "Oakpark Pet Hospital | Unit C1 370 Dundas Street E. Oakville L6H 6Z9", "2b255690-f8d6-43eb", "", "ui-id-294", "4f30feb7-58bb-433f", "", "Oakridge Animal Clinic | 1109 Sarnia Road London N6H 5J9", "70befa5f-7736-48a4", "", "ui-id-295", "e50125eb-9626-469d", "", "Oakville Animal Clinic | 218 Kerr St Oakville L6K 3A8", "736e6603-dd60-4603", "", "ui-id-296", "dfbdf183-2b32-4071", "", "Orchard Grove Animal Clinic | 397 Old Orchard Grove Toronto M5M 2G1", "08137090-987b-4a9b", "", "ui-id-297", "5919e3e8-2cfd-4ea9", "", "Orillia Pet Hospital | 8035 Highway 12 West Orillia L3V 6H2", "4c25091e-ff32-44cc", "", "ui-id-298", "a8bb3046-5433-4cfc", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma St. Rockwood N0B 2K0", "96b3da89-b006-464e", "", "ui-id-299", "edf107e6-a419-4b08", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma Street Rockwood N0B2K0", "7c1527f0-9f63-418e", "", "ui-id-300", "7e5adf32-f9fb-4225", "", "Ostrander Veterinary Clinic | R R #1 332810 Plank Line Mt. Elgin N0J1N0", "a403861b-0d0d-4519", "", "ui-id-301", "adc0ae6c-dd41-4171", "", "Ottawa Animal Emergency And Specialty Clinic | 1155 Lola Street Ottawa K1K 4C1", "eba7ae87-43f0-4437", "", "ui-id-302", "250503c7-35a5-42bc", "", "Ottawa East Pet Housecall Services | 2033 Quincy Ave Gloucester K1J 6B2", "e6215c62-d61e-4f43", "", "ui-id-303", "a755d020-a14a-4b8c", "", "Ottawa Valley Large Animal Clinic | 2827 Donnelly Drive RR4 Kemptville K0G1J0", "f73697fd-37d3-4976", "", "ui-id-304", "10821e35-a01e-4c13", "", "Owen Sound Veterinary Clinic | 102743 Grey County Rd 18 Owen Sound N4K 5N6", "87d82554-772e-41df", "", "ui-id-305", "efd867a8-b86f-4538", "", "Oxford County Veterinary Clinic | 570 Ingersoll Ave Woodstock N4S4Y2", "ca92fc31-97f7-4450", "", "ui-id-306", "1af17820-7d20-4b7e", "", "Paris Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 21120, 321 Grand River Street N Paris N3L 2N9", "cb71a6ee-74ce-48dd", "", "ui-id-307", "85fe40c6-15d0-41aa", "", "Park Road Veterinary Clinic | 627 Park Rd North Brantford N3T 5L8", "268e5147-a41a-4dac", "", "ui-id-308", "6460ac99-bb69-478f", "", "Pathways Holistic Petcare Centre | 919 Oxford Street East London N5Y 3J8", "0aa9176b-1869-4af7", "", "ui-id-309", "efecc576-a864-4b29", "", "Pauly Veterinary Clinic | Box 359, 62 Main St. S Milverton N0K 1M0", "ae9e833b-68d6-49e2", "", "ui-id-310", "03503992-93e7-4895", "", "Perth Veterinary Clinic | Po Box 631, 118 Sunset Boulevard Perth K7H 3K4", "2b275fa7-2e94-46a8", "", "ui-id-311", "47b3c6ba-51ad-465a", "", "Pet Hospital On Main | 102 Main St.N UXBRIDGE L9P 1C7", "7b2abaa0-db73-4f47", "", "ui-id-312", "c48e81ba-c2a1-4662", "", "Petawawa Animal Hospital | 3261 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa K8H 1X8", "d14d0fd1-a88c-441f", "", "ui-id-313", "ded85632-213d-4b7d", "", "Peterborough Pet Hospital | 379 Lansdowne St East Peterborough K9J 6X9", "894001f9-70d7-46fc", "", "ui-id-314", "8cba56df-0551-4a3b", "", "Peterborough Veterinary Services | 720 The Kingsway Peterborough K9J 6W6", "4470cbeb-32a4-496b", "", "ui-id-315", "7f388f01-bdaf-4790", "", "Peterborough West Animal Hospital | 2605 Stewart Line RR#3 Peterborough K9J0G5", "0811333d-48a3-4d1c", "", "ui-id-316", "88041708-7f1a-43c6", "", "Petrolia Veterinary Services | 4247 Oil Heritage Rd Petrolia N0N 1R0", "6f5ee44a-ad83-4ba1", "", "ui-id-317", "cf4a4abc-67e4-444a", "", "Pickering Village Pet Hospital | 41 Church St. S Ajax L1S 6A6", "d14372f5-460b-489c", "", "ui-id-318", "62adfc9a-55b6-4fba", "", "Pine Holistic Veterinary Clinic | 30 Pine Street Collingwood L9Y 2N7", "78650314-d323-4ab6", "", "ui-id-319", "8b7ed828-5a7c-44c0", "", "Pine Ridge Veterinary Clinic | 483 Ontario St Cobourg K9A 3C1", "779f9c69-a293-45fc", "", "ui-id-320", "68fc81e2-6a08-475b", "", "Pioneer Pet Hospital | 4411 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "2cb7664d-f2a0-4746", "", "ui-id-321", "26d416f2-272e-4138", "", "Port Elgin Veterinary Clinic | 5 Bruce Road 25 Port Elgin N0H 2C5", "6fb8f8a5-f663-4390", "", "ui-id-322", "4958a913-c32e-4e8a", "", "Port Hope Veterinary Emergency Clinic And Services | 6597 Dale Road Port Hope L1A 3V6", "b7622095-c8c3-46ca", "", "ui-id-323", "b9e1c9a7-b6b9-4778", "", "Preston Animal Clinic | 1606 King St. E. Cambridge N3H 3R7", "bd1f95b1-40e5-4d91", "", "ui-id-324", "e2718f43-e67c-4d7f", "", "Prince Edward Animal Clinic | 2903 Bloor Street W Toronto M8X 1B3", "cd4d2905-7f54-4ec1", "", "ui-id-325", "00af3d90-3c29-46ff", "", "Queensville Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 229 20275 Leslie St Queensville L0G 1R0", "8c271911-976e-4fd0", "", "ui-id-326", "a9c30c63-f62b-4d94", "", "Quinte Pet House Call Services | 109 Dundas St E Belleville K8N1C9", "8082e38a-69af-4c01", "", "ui-id-327", "b723695a-fc7d-401b", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South Unit 2-5 RR#7 Belleville K8N4Z7", "874188e6-4a22-45d6", "", "ui-id-328", "c8fe1251-7f48-4a58", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South, Unit 2-5 RR #7 Belleville K8N 4Z7", "1b37e995-f102-4b4e", "", "ui-id-329", "e78ed5d5-a7c4-412b", "", "Rathburn Animal Clinic | 460 Renforth Dr ETOBICOKE M9C 2N2", "608252c2-f63c-4072", "", "ui-id-330", "e97de979-0d5e-434f", "", "Rehabilitation Fur Your Pet | 1663 A Carling Ave. Ottawa K2A 1C4", "31f49f0f-709c-4470", "", "ui-id-331", "ef9e6c82-1007-4b78", "", "Renforth Veterinary Clinic | 666 Burnhamthorpe Rd Etobicoke M9C 5E5", "987a6d10-b134-44ef", "", "ui-id-332", "c5f8796c-7fac-475a", "", "Richmond Green Veterinary Clinic | Unit 3, 10650 Leslie St Richmond Hill L4S OB9", "c3f40091-96e6-47b3", "", "ui-id-333", "611ad79c-8ff3-4c3b", "", "Richmond Veterinary Clinic | 203 Richmond Blvd Napanee K7R 3Z9", "e9840f8d-eb3f-4e2f", "", "ui-id-334", "259b32ab-e0ab-4e68", "", "Ripley- Huron Veterinary Clinic | 3290 County Rd 6 Ripley N0G 2R0", "14cdcfe9-2e8b-4111", "", "ui-id-335", "1dd1661b-3932-4fbb", "", "Ritson Veterinary Clinic | 490 Taunton Rd E, Unit 101 and 102 Oshawa L1K 1A8", "1ffc7033-23d3-4e75", "", "ui-id-336", "e718f5d4-629d-46e6", "", "River Glen Veterinary Clinic | 575 River Glen Blvd Unit # 3 Oakville L6H 6X6", "7e7621ea-5f37-4f6f", "", "ui-id-337", "cabbec23-7ce4-4beb", "", "Riverside Pet Hospital | 110 Richie Avenue #7 Ajax L1S 7G5", "f84d123d-f3a5-48d0", "", "ui-id-338", "d3363d10-6b27-44fa", "", "Robinson Pet Hospital | 724 Main Street E Milton L9T 3P6", "a969178c-547a-4726", "", "ui-id-339", "752da497-f26e-4961", "", "Rockwood Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 640, 179 Main St S Rockwood N0B 2K0", "c0416c16-c8ab-48e3", "", "ui-id-340", "1c8138d8-a482-42f7", "", "Romeo Pet Hospital | 782 Downie Street Stratford N5A 1Y7", "96207e3d-e4a6-48fe", "", "ui-id-341", "abb2d528-c236-4eaa", "", "Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic | 215 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2L6", "3635f63b-257f-4b1a", "", "ui-id-342", "edec3f9f-7745-45e3", "", "Rosedale Moore Park Veterinary Clinic | 402 Summerhill Avenue Toronto M4W 2E4", "2014d1ad-d328-4a94", "", "ui-id-343", "b3d5f735-098b-4d30", "", "Rosenburg Chiropractic Clinic | 4202 Dundas Street West Etobicoke M8X 1Y6", "307ca1b2-87c9-48a7", "", "ui-id-344", "6c87e879-ed20-408b", "", "Russell Veterinary Clinic | PO Box 399, 2980 Gregoire (Boundary Rd exit) Russell K4R 1E3", "fd1c71b4-bfa3-4d47", "", "ui-id-345", "25d38a37-cd12-4934", "", "Sauble Beach Pet Hospital | RR #1, 516 Sauble Falls Pkwy N Sauble Beach N0H 2G0", "7a680d7d-830c-4d41", "", "ui-id-346", "418141cf-7159-4ba3", "", "Sault Ste. Marie Animal Clinic | 884 Third Line East Sault Ste. Marie P6A 6J8", "dfa9dc3c-aaa6-439f", "", "ui-id-347", "f427f759-31bd-4ada", "", "Sault Ste. Marie Animal Health Clinic | 787 Trunk Road Sault Ste. Marie P6A 3T3", "b50ff0a3-b3a3-4373", "", "ui-id-348", "71d27185-cc3e-418e", "", "Scott Veterinary Clinic | 904 Colborne St. East Brantford N3S 3T4", "b1818b72-1e95-43b3", "", "ui-id-349", "e72eb844-a22b-42d5", "", "Seaway Veterinary Clinic | 2819 Concession Road 2 Brockville K6V 5T1", "3b2f8400-a375-40a1", "", "ui-id-350", "16a9d666-2112-4bf3", "", "Seneca Animal Clinic | 3879 Don Mills Rd Toronto M2H 2S7", "278bebf0-ad93-4bdd", "", "ui-id-351", "876338f2-26ca-4669", "", "Shannondale Pet Hospital | P.O. Box 214, 1429 Main St. North Callander P0H1H0", "6ddfacf7-7ab7-4965", "", "ui-id-352", "92adf5c8-a88b-4240", "", "Sharon Veterinary Clinic | 18716 Leslie St Sharon L0G 1V0", "5e6b424f-a85b-4a69", "", "ui-id-353", "cbbbba7d-f669-4cc2", "", "Shaw Road Veterinary Clinic | 18 Shaw Road Dorchester N0L 1G4", "ea4554d8-cd6a-44fc", "", "ui-id-354", "2bccfc9e-9eb8-4b91", "", "Sixteen Mile Veterinary Clinic | 483 Dundas St West Unit 7 Oakville L6M 1L9", "d974f323-2759-4f2c", "", "ui-id-355", "e09d270a-c23b-42ad", "", "South Howard Animal Clinic | RR #1 - 7250 Howard Ave Oldcastle N0R 1L0", "3687200e-da13-471d", "", "ui-id-356", "c9235d16-d3c7-4d28", "", "South Huron Veterinary Clinic | 20 Main Street Zurich N0M 2T0", "13fdbfa7-0a38-4dc9", "", "ui-id-357", "06684506-13c2-42ab", "", "South Ridge Veterinary Clinic | Box 568, 117 Erie St. S. Ridgetown N0P 2C0", "9b709de1-6a2f-4f03", "", "ui-id-358", "b8fccccc-7cde-4b9f", "", "South Shore Veterinary Clinic | 762 The Queensway South Keswick L4P 4C9", "11b379d5-9c3b-4e45", "", "ui-id-359", "0c5c5b2e-f572-44dd", "", "Southampton Pet Hospital | Box 1097, Hwy 21 Southampton N0H 2L0", "58a3e254-60a8-4d31", "", "ui-id-360", "0187de09-3460-4f12", "", "Southdown Animal Clinic | 2106 Truscott Dr Mississauga L5J 2A6", "4676a6c6-bae3-4e53", "", "ui-id-361", "5b0b078a-d611-4c70", "", "Southeastern Ontario Spay Neuter Clinic | 764A Old Highway 2 Trenton K8V 5P5", "1447125a-864e-4555", "", "ui-id-362", "4054d42c-2d83-4ef4", "", "Southside Animal Clinic (London) | 1509 Commissioners Rd E London N6M 1C6", "6bc89f74-ec04-4261", "", "ui-id-363", "f0badb72-7fbf-4453", "", "Southside Pet Clinic | 14990 Simcoe Street Port Perry L9L 1G2", "4dc38ad3-8cef-41ea", "", "ui-id-364", "a81d9d9b-8d3c-4b9e", "", "Southside Pet Hospital | 728 Burloak Drive Unit C2 Burlington L7L 0B1", "97f9eafd-4882-4c29", "", "ui-id-365", "95d6bce0-0678-4165", "", "Speedvale Pet Hospital | 400 Speedvale Avenue W - Unit H Guelph N1H 8H3", "7e4b171b-5f4c-49b3", "", "ui-id-366", "6791cc99-4bc0-42f1", "", "Spinks Veterinary Clinic | 3143 Yonge Street Toronto M4N 2K9", "b3915be3-659d-4c6f", "", "ui-id-367", "c08e369d-5a9f-439b", "", "St. David's Veterinary Clinic | 329 Four Mile Creek Road St. David's L0S 1P0", "acb2a899-3539-474d", "", "ui-id-368", "962b1f1c-beca-4e41", "", "St. Francis Animal Clinic | 22 Pandora Ave South Kitchener N2G3N5", "05a10fc5-4389-4284", "", "ui-id-369", "108b367f-e5f1-4ed0", "", "St. Marys Veterinary Clinic | Box 729, 500 Water St. S. St. Marys N4X 1B4", "9acda8a0-88cd-4e99", "", "ui-id-370", "716c590b-eb5b-41cc", "", "St.Thomas Animal Clinic | 53 Princess Avenue St. Thomas N5R 3V6", "0f612a89-9f63-492a", "", "ui-id-371", "c0b6bfac-ab67-4299", "", "Stittsville Small Animal Clinic | Box 525, 1648 Main St. Stittsville K2S 1A6", "f312aac6-263e-4d0c", "", "ui-id-372", "5473317c-7ffa-45bd", "", "Stone Church Animal Clinic | 634 Stone Church Rd West Hamilton L9B 1A7", "e0238cf8-c78b-4e08", "", "ui-id-373", "54fdfbff-5770-48d8", "", "Stouffville Veterinary Clinic | 5847 Main Street Box 670 Stouffville L4A 7Z8", "70e05090-a158-4b1f", "", "ui-id-374", "da1c3291-2ce6-4cbd", "", "Strathroy Animal Clinic | 425 Frances Street Strathroy N7G 2L7", "826a94cf-8fd0-4ece", "", "ui-id-375", "6aeec54e-a1ab-436a", "", "Strathy Road Animal Clinic | 1 Strathy Road, Unit 4 Cobourg K9A 5J6", "30e0e2a0-2d06-45f4", "", "ui-id-376", "9043c637-0152-4838", "", "Summeridge Animal Clinic | Building A, Unit 4, 8707 Dufferin Street Vaughan L4J 0A2", "1ed54a59-b5c5-4c1a", "", "ui-id-377", "d7ba7338-f93e-4f2c", "", "Summerlyn Pet Hospital | 465 Holland Street West Unit #5 Bradford L3Z 0C1", "5a565e1c-ec17-4561", "", "ui-id-378", "ae29a2de-eb4e-4d4f", "", "Sunningdale Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 2155 Richmond Street Unit 1 London N5X4B8", "197f1ecb-fee4-43a2", "", "ui-id-379", "16a7824d-fd0c-474c", "", "Sunset Strip Veterinary Clinic | R R #5 202421 Hwy 21 West Owen Sound N4K 5N7", "7b73bceb-5120-4dc2", "", "ui-id-380", "ece0408e-b785-4e5d", "", "Talbot Animal Clinic | 930 Talbot Street St. Thomas N5P 1E7", "4d2cc474-2a3b-4ac8", "", "ui-id-381", "44090627-421d-4298", "", "Taylor Veterinary Clinic | 809 Fairfax Road Lansdowne K0E 1L0", "de07940f-dddb-4370", "", "ui-id-382", "0b172b0d-761d-4a1c", "", "Thames Road Veterinary Clinic | 74 Thames Road West Exeter N0M 1S3", "b891678f-15b6-40f0", "", "ui-id-383", "17c94153-bdf5-4d0c", "", "The Animal Clinic | 106 Mutual Street Toronto M5B2R7", "5ba6bcee-6e39-43e8", "", "ui-id-384", "9e94c258-6e56-4197", "", "The Cat Clinic | 391 Concession St Hamilton L9A 1B8", "88ccd88e-01cf-4523", "", "ui-id-385", "c058a941-298a-47ea", "", "Thickson Road Pet Hospital | 1650 Victoria Street East Whitby L1N 9L4", "2d0ecb52-16a7-4b4b", "", "ui-id-386", "bc3f2358-45b8-4c2d", "", "Thornhill Veterinary Clinic | 38 Centre Street Thornhill L4J 1E9", "d8930046-fccf-44cd", "", "ui-id-387", "97d7e8ce-acda-4ba8", "", "Thornton Animal Clinic | 4171 Innisfil Beach Rd #12 Thornton L0L 2N0", "a643677c-55a2-4016", "", "ui-id-388", "a0bfaa4d-400a-4ebc", "", "Tilbury Veterinary Clinic | 2 Louise St Tilbury N0P 2L0", "a939f424-9bb1-4399", "", "ui-id-389", "9fd3147f-9200-4f14", "", "Tomken-Rathburn Veterinary Clinic | 925 Rathburn Road E Mississauga L4W 4C3", "5e74ac89-49fc-4763", "", "ui-id-390", "373dce32-fae5-4fed", "", "Toronto Animal Eye Clinic | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "e10d52dc-6581-4c55", "", "ui-id-391", "1a81a59d-273d-40b8", "", "Toronto Central Animal Clinic | 167 Parliament Street Toronto M5A 2Z2", "9a3ba75d-4acf-4d39", "", "ui-id-392", "996bf021-551f-4265", "", "Toronto Humane Society Vet. Clinic | 11 River St Toronto M5A 4C2", "842937cb-121e-4373", "", "ui-id-393", "d1654606-6449-4f59", "", "Toronto Veterinary Clinic | 2459 Lake Shore Blvd W Toronto M8V2M1", "a800adbd-e27a-4ee1", "", "ui-id-394", "fa79b241-092b-46e4", "", "Tottenham Animal Clinic | Box 1149, 4 Mill St. East Tottenham L0G 1W0", "b559e3c7-93f3-4092", "", "ui-id-395", "4861aa5e-b035-4f91", "", "Tower Drive Animal Clinic | 1331 Warden Avenue Unit 9 Scarborough M1R 2R9", "a3031aff-b1cb-468b", "", "ui-id-396", "76191e50-2cec-4203", "", "Town & Country Animal Clinic | 2055 Sandwich West Parkway Lasalle N9H 2E1", "a350243a-d6a2-491c", "", "ui-id-397", "94385874-28f5-4fd4", "", "Trans Canada Pet Clinic | Box 16, Site 134 R1, 596 Government Street Dryden P8N 2Y4", "8e6d4321-8288-4e70", "", "ui-id-398", "58f9b5a0-dca5-4d76", "", "Treatwell Pet Care - Mobile Veterinary Services Of Ottawa | Unit 1 170 Booth Street Ottawa K1R 7W1", "3106280d-39e0-45e0", "", "ui-id-399", "a93449bd-f2d1-4a16", "", "Trenton Pet Hospital | 441 Front Street Trenton K8V 6C1", "54dc8f54-254f-4e63", "", "ui-id-400", "89949ced-4ba1-4029", "", "Trim Pet Hospital | Unit 14, 2010 Trim Road Orleans K4A 0G4", "27d7efe2-13c4-4adc", "", "ui-id-401", "42c5d239-1dd0-4902", "", "Trinity Mews Veterinary Clinic | Unit #1, 465 King St East Toronto M5A 1L6", "9301999f-8ae9-4577", "", "ui-id-402", "73d22114-d7dc-4a3a", "", "Unionville South Pet Hospital | 4721 Highway 7 Unionville L3R 1M7", "dd27f735-f918-4ebb", "", "ui-id-403", "66ab60b8-19f7-4273", "", "Upper Bathurst Animal Clinic | 5887 Bathurst Street Toronto M2R 1Y7", "0ced7ead-0efe-4652", "", "ui-id-404", "95dd6888-5ab5-4962", "", "Upper Oakville Pet Hospital | A12 1011 Upper Middle Rd E Oakville L6H 4L2", "16c0aeec-be8a-4a12", "", "ui-id-405", "ff63f37b-9a66-44e5", "", "Uxbridge Veterinary Clinic | 6002 Owen Rd Uxbridge L9P 1M8", "6f88b083-c79b-4f87", "", "ui-id-406", "b8ca8d5f-779e-49b7", "", "Valley Veterinary Clinic | 339 Townline Rd.E Carleton Place K7C 3S2", "bad84d2c-e537-4e64", "", "ui-id-407", "11227e74-fd78-4f55", "", "Vaughan Veterinary Clinic | Unit 13, 2354 Major Mackenzie Dr Maple L6A 1W2", "8d4ff3a5-ac35-4b9c", "", "ui-id-408", "fb74729b-2844-4e57", "", "Vaughan-Richmond Hill Vet Emerg. Clinic | 10303 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 3B9", "fe11d953-3092-4be3", "", "ui-id-409", "6d5380db-29cf-4ea3", "", "Vellore Village Pet Hospital | Unit 9, 9750 Weston Road Woodbridge L4H2Z7", "c32214dd-ef44-4393", "", "ui-id-410", "f25027f5-a0bc-4c47", "", "Vellore Woods Veterinary Clinic | 125 Hawkview Blvd.Unit 10 Vaughn L4H 3T7", "07118808-4fdc-4ae7", "", "ui-id-411", "46d8682d-a1d1-4d55", "", "Veterinary Emergency Clinic Of York Region | 1210 Journey's End Circle Newmarket L3Y 8Z6", "eccb14bc-a04c-40d9", "", "ui-id-412", "d21675c1-b2bb-4cd1", "", "Veterinary Emergency Clinic South | 920 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 3C7", "02ccc554-4c67-4ef1", "", "ui-id-413", "862d3fb6-5fbb-4a1e", "", "Village Animal Clinic | 6060 Hwy #7 East Markham L3P 3A9", "fa7f468a-1518-4bdb", "", "ui-id-414", "5ddb71c5-92cf-4d8c", "", "Village Cat Clinic | 356 Wilson Street East Ancaster L9G 2C2", "01dd0456-19a0-4515", "", "ui-id-415", "f8508033-c340-4ca4", "", "Village Veterinary Clinic | 1108 Concession St. P.O. Box 384, Russell K4R 1E2", "829d86b5-d83c-40d0", "", "ui-id-416", "6ffe1dbc-8e21-4614", "", "Walkerton - Hanover Veterinary Clinic | R R #2 Walkerton N0G 2V0", "79783567-5277-4071", "", "ui-id-417", "36a48f2c-e914-48e2", "", "Wasaga Beach Veterinary Clinic | 1288 Mosley Street Wasaga Beach L9Z 2B9", "6e0e5e07-2cc3-485b", "", "ui-id-418", "7132c88d-8896-46cb", "", "Watford Veterinary Clinic | 517 Gold Street Watford N0M 2S0", "190ab92a-f9ae-49d2", "", "ui-id-419", "8e0b1905-f3d8-4729", "", "Watzin Veterinary Clinic | 64 Hamilton St N Waterdown L8B 0E6", "d0806dc8-924f-4bec", "", "ui-id-420", "7a1c83a8-f5e9-484c", "", "Wellesley Veterinary Clinic | 3580 Nafziger Road Wellesley N0B 2T0", "95ab2652-9983-4d5f", "", "ui-id-421", "927c0b06-4a33-463e", "", "West Hill Animal Clinic | 5528 Lawrence Ave East West Hill M1C 3B2", "501b44a8-9d70-4283", "", "ui-id-422", "86c4e19c-df38-4b2f", "", "West London Pet Hospital | 760 Hyde Park Road London N6H 5W9", "b012dcdc-7093-49a5", "", "ui-id-423", "07adce9b-d0fa-4504", "", "West Woodbridge Pet Hospital | 8280 Highway 27, Unit 16 Woodbridge L4H 0R9", "9a907d1b-0af4-4162", "", "ui-id-424", "f43a716f-def6-4003", "", "Western Animal Clinic | 455 Wharncliffe Rd South London N6J 2M8", "fde701a7-0782-4ca4", "", "ui-id-425", "615ed34e-8b2c-4acd", "", "Westmount Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 851 Wonderland Rd. 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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"attributes": [[], [], [7, 8], [13, 14, 7, 15], [13, 14, 7, 17], [13, 14, 7, 19], [22, 23, 24, 25, 7, 26], [], [30, 31, 24, 32, 7, 33], [], [7, 37], [], [], [30, 40, 24, 41, 7, 42], [], [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 7, 52], [], [50, 54, 46, 55, 7, 56], [], [50, 58, 46, 55, 7, 59], [], [48, 61, 46, 55, 50, 62, 7, 63], [], [50, 65, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 66], [], [46, 55, 50, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 48, 61, 7, 73], [], [50, 75, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 76], [], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [79, -1, 132, 154, 80, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 158, 7, 159], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 161, 7, 162], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 164, 7, 165], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 167, 7, 168], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 170, 7, 171], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 173, 7, 174], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 178, 179, 180, 7, 181], [132, 184, 185, 186, 7, 187], [], [], [], [], [7, 192], [], [], [], [], [80, 197, 7, 198], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 200], [], [], [7, 203], [], [], [7, 206], [], [], [209, 210, 185, 211, 212, 213, 7, 214], [], [209, 216, 7, 217], [], [132, 219, 7, 220], [], [209, 223, 7, 224], [], [7, 228], [], [7, 232], [], [], [50, 236, 7, 237], [], [], [7, 241], [], [50, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [209, 248, 7, 249], [], [50, 251, 7, 252], [], [209, 256, 7, 257], [], [], [], [], [132, 264, 209, 265, 7, 266], [], [7, 269], [], [], [50, 272, 273, 274, 7, 275], [], [7, 277], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 280, 7, 281], [], [209, 283, 7, 284], [], [50, 286, 273, 274, 7, 287], [], [80, 291, 209, 292, 7, 293], [], [], [], [], [132, 295, 7, 296], [], [7, 299], [], [7, 302], [], [], [], [], [209, 305, 7, 306], [], [209, 309, 7, 310], [], [209, 313, 7, 314], [], [], [], [209, 320, 7, 321], [], [], [], [7, 324], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 327, 7, 328], [], [209, 330, 7, 331], [], [132, 334, 209, 335, 7, 336], [], [132, 338, 7, 339], [], [132, 342, 209, 343, 7, 344], [], [132, 347, 209, 348, 7, 349], [], [353, 354, 355, 356, 132, 357, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 361], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 371], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 376], [], [209, 379, 7, 380], [], [7, 382], [], [209, 384, 7, 385], [], [209, 387, 7, 388], [], [185, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [185, 394, 7, 395], [], [209, 384, 7, 397], [], [209, 399, 7, 400], [], [209, 402, 7, 403], [], [406, 407, 7, 408], [], [], [], [], [209, 411, 185, 412, 7, 413], [], [209, 416, 7, 417], [419, 407, 364, 14, 365, 420, 132, 421, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 423, 7, 424], [], [406, 421, 7, 427], [], [209, 416, 7, 430], [432, 432, 419, 407, 132, 433, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 434, 7, 435], [], [406, 433, 7, 437], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 440], [], [209, 442, 443, 407, 444, 14, 7, 445], [], [], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 368, 369, 449, 7, 450], [], [364, 14, 365, 452, 132, 453, 30, 453, 48, 368, 369, 454, 7, 455], [], [364, 14, 365, 457, 132, 458, 30, 458, 48, 368, 369, 459, 7, 460], [], [132, 462, 30, 462, 48, 368, 369, 463, 7, 464], [], [364, 14, 466, 467, 365, 468, 132, 469, 30, 469, 48, 368, 369, 470, 7, 471], [], [364, 14, 466, 473, 365, 474, 132, 475, 30, 475, 48, 368, 369, 476, 7, 477], [], [364, 14, 466, 479, 365, 480, 132, 481, 30, 481, 48, 368, 369, 482, 7, 483], [], [132, 485, 30, 485, 48, 368, 369, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [185, 489, 7, 490], [], [209, 492, 132, 493, 30, 494, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 501], [], [209, 492, 132, 503, 30, 504, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 505, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 506], [], [], [209, 384, 185, 508, 7, 509], [], [132, 511, 209, 512, 7, 513], [], [209, 515, 516, 517, 7, 518], [], [], [], [209, 522, 516, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 14, 7, 531], [50, 533, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 529, 7, 537], [], [], [209, 540, 516, 523, 524, 536, 526, 541, 528, 542, 530, 499, 7, 543], [50, 545, 212, 546, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 542, 7, 547], [], [], [], [132, 527, 528, 529, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 14, 553, 499, 7, 554], [], [209, 557, 7, 558], [], [132, 561, 562, 563, 564, 499, 7, 565], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 568], [], [209, 399, 7, 571], [], [209, 574, 7, 575], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 578], [], [516, 580, 581, 582, 209, 583, 7, 584], [], [587, 588, 589, 563, 590, 497, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 132, 599, 30, 600, 601, 602, 48, 495, 369, -1, 209, 603, 604, 605, 498, 499, 500, 14, 606, 607, 608, 14, 609, 499, 7, 610], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 612], [], [209, 614, 7, 615], [], [209, 442, 443, 494, 444, 14, 7, 618], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 620, 562, 563, 185, 211, 7, 621], [], [209, 384, 7, 623], [], [209, 399, 7, 625], [], [406, 627, 209, 574, 7, 628], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 631], [], [209, 634, 635, 563, 132, 636, 30, 637, 7, 638], [369, -1, 7, 641], [], [], [369, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [369, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [369, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [369, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [369, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [369, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [369, 668, 7, 669], [], [], [369, 672, 7, 673], [], [], [676, 676, 369, 677, 7, 678], [], [], [369, 681, 7, 682], [], [], [369, 685, 7, 686], [], [], [369, 689, 7, 690], [], [], [369, 693, 7, 694], [], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 697], [], [209, 442, 443, 637, 444, 14, 7, 699], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 541, 528, 542, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 499, 553, 14, 185, 701, 7, 702], [], [209, 384, 7, 705], [], [132, 707, 185, 211, 7, 708], [], [209, 710, 7, 711], [], [7, 713], [], [], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 717], [], [209, 719, 7, 720], [], [406, 722, 7, 723], [], [], [], [209, 726, 7, 727], [], [48, 495, 132, 722, 185, 729, 369, 486, 730, -1, 7, 731], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 733], [], [48, 735, 132, 736, 185, 701, 369, 737, 212, 738, 7, 739], [], [], [], [7, 741], [], [209, 384, 7, 743], [], [209, 399, 7, 745], [], [406, 722, 7, 747], [], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 750], [], [132, 752, 209, 634, 7, 753], [], [369, 755, 7, 756], [], [], [369, 470, 7, 759], [], [], [369, 762, 7, 763], [], [], [369, 766, 7, 767], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 770, 185, 771, 7, 772], [185, 774, 7, 775], [185, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [], [496, 782, 364, 14, 365, 783, 132, 784, 30, 785, 48, 368, 369, 786, 7, 787], [], [7, 789], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 792], [], [209, 343, 7, 794], [], [209, 796, 7, 797], [], [209, 801, 48, 802, 803, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 808, 209, 265, 7, 809], [], [209, 812, 7, 813], [], [185, 816, 209, 817, 80, 818, 7, 819], [], [], [], [], [209, 823, 7, 824], [], [209, 826, 7, 827], [], [209, 829, 7, 830], [], [132, 832, 7, 833], [], [7, 835], [], [7, 839], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 7, 843], [7, 846], [], [], [], [7, 851], [], [7, 854], [], [50, 857, 273, 274, 7, 858], [7, 860], [], [], [7, 864], [], [7, 867], [], [7, 869], [], [7, 871], [], [], [7, 874], [], [7, 877], [], [], [7, 881], [], [7, 883], [], [7, 885], [], [50, 888, 273, 274, 7, 889], [7, 891], [], [], [50, 895, 273, 274, 7, 896], [7, 898], [], [], [7, 902], [], [209, 904, 7, 905], [], [7, 907], [], [7, 910], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 913, 914, 803, 914, 7, 915], [7, 917], [], [], [7, 920], [], [209, 904, 185, 922, 7, 923], [], [50, 925, 273, 274, 913, 926, 803, 926, 7, 927], [], [], [50, 930, 273, 274, 803, 931, 7, 932], [], [], [50, 934, 273, 274, 7, 935], [], [], [7, 938], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 943, 48, 87, 7, 944], [], [80, 946, 48, 87, 7, 947], [], [80, 949, 48, 87, 7, 950], [], [80, 952, 48, 87, 7, 953], [], [80, 955, 48, 87, 7, 956], [], [80, 958, 48, 87, 7, 959], [], [80, 961, 48, 87, 7, 962], [], [80, 964, 48, 87, 7, 965], [], [80, 967, 48, 87, 7, 968], [], [80, 970, 7, 971], [], [80, 974, 7, 975], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 978], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 982], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 986], [], [], [209, 990, 132, 991, 524, 525, 185, 992, 7, 993], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 996], [], [132, 998, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1000], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1003], [], [132, 1005, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1007], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1010], [], [132, 1012, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1013], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1016], [], [132, 1018, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1020], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1023], [], [132, 1025, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1026], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1029], [], [132, 1031, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1032], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1035], [], [132, 1037, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1038], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1041], [], [132, 1043, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1044], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1047], [], [132, 1049, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1050], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1053], [], [132, 1055, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1056], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1059], [], [132, 1061, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1062], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1065], [], [132, 1067, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1068], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1071], [], [132, 1073, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1074], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1077], [], [132, 1079, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1080], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1083], [], [132, 1085, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1086], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1089], [], [132, 1091, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1092], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1095], [], [132, 1097, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1098], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1101], [], [132, 1103, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1104], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1107], [], [132, 1109, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1110], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1113], [], [132, 1115, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1116], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1119], [], [132, 1121, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1122], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1125], [], [132, 1127, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1128], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1131], [], [132, 1133, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1134], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1137], [], [132, 1139, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1140], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1143], [], [132, 1145, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1146], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1149], [], [132, 1151, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1152], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1155], [], [132, 1157, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1158], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1161], [], [132, 1163, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1164], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1167], [], [132, 1169, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1170], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1173], [], [132, 1175, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1176], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1179], [], [132, 1181, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1182], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1185], [], [132, 1187, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1188], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1191], [], [132, 1193, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1194], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1197], [], [132, 1199, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1200], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1203], [], [132, 1205, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1206], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1209], [], [132, 1211, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1212], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1215], [], [132, 1217, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1218], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1221], [], [132, 1223, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1224], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1227], [], [132, 1229, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1230], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1233], [], [132, 1235, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1236], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1239], [], [132, 1241, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1242], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1245], [], [132, 1247, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1248], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1251], [], [132, 1253, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1254], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1257], [], [132, 1259, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1260], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1263], [], [132, 1265, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1266], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1269], [], [132, 1271, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1272], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1275], [], [132, 1277, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1278], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1281], [], [132, 1283, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1284], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1287], [], [132, 1289, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1290], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1293], [], [132, 1295, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1296], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1299], [], [132, 1301, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1302], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1305], [], [132, 1307, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1308], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1311], [], [132, 1313, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1314], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1317], [], [132, 1319, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1320], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1323], [], [132, 1325, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1326], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1329], [], [132, 1331, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1332], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1335], [], [132, 1337, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1338], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1341], [], [132, 1343, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1344], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1347], [], [132, 1349, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1350], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1353], [], [132, 1355, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1356], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1359], [], [132, 1361, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1362], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1365], [], [132, 1367, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1368], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1371], [], [132, 1373, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1374], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1377], [], [132, 1379, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1380], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1383], [], [132, 1385, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1386], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1389], [], [132, 1391, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1392], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1395], [], [132, 1397, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1398], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1401], [], [132, 1403, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1404], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1407], [], [132, 1409, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1410], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1413], [], [132, 1415, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1416], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1419], [], [132, 1421, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1422], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1425], [], [132, 1427, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1428], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1431], [], [132, 1433, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1434], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1437], [], [132, 1439, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1440], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1443], [], [132, 1445, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1446], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1449], [], [132, 1451, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1452], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1455], [], [132, 1457, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1458], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1461], [], [132, 1463, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1464], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1467], [], [132, 1469, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1470], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1473], [], [132, 1475, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1476], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1479], [], [132, 1481, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1482], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1485], [], [132, 1487, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1488], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1491], [], [132, 1493, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1494], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1497], [], [132, 1499, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1500], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1503], [], [132, 1505, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1506], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1509], [], [132, 1511, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1512], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1515], [], [132, 1517, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1518], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1521], [], [132, 1523, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1524], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1527], [], [132, 1529, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1530], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1533], [], [132, 1535, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1536], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1539], [], [132, 1541, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1542], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1545], [], [132, 1547, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1548], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1551], [], [132, 1553, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1554], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1557], [], [132, 1559, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1560], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1563], [], [132, 1565, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1566], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1569], [], [132, 1571, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1572], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1575], [], [132, 1577, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1578], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1581], [], [132, 1583, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1584], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1587], [], [132, 1589, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1590], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1593], [], [132, 1595, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1596], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1599], [], [132, 1601, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1602], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1605], [], [132, 1607, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1608], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1611], [], [132, 1613, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1614], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1617], [], [132, 1619, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1620], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1623], [], [132, 1625, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1626], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1629], [], [132, 1631, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1632], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1635], [], [132, 1637, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1638], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1641], [], [132, 1643, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1644], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1647], [], [132, 1649, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1650], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1653], [], [132, 1655, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1656], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1659], [], [132, 1661, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1662], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1665], [], [132, 1667, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1668], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1671], [], [132, 1673, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1674], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1677], [], [132, 1679, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1680], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1683], [], [132, 1685, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1686], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1689], [], [132, 1691, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1692], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1695], [], [132, 1697, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1698], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1701], [], [132, 1703, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1704], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1707], [], [132, 1709, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1710], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1713], [], [132, 1715, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1716], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1719], [], [132, 1721, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1722], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1725], [], [132, 1727, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1728], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1731], [], [132, 1733, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1734], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1737], [], [132, 1739, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1740], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1743], [], [132, 1745, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1746], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1749], [], [132, 1751, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1752], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1755], [], [132, 1757, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1758], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1761], [], [132, 1763, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1764], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1767], [], [132, 1769, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1770], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1773], [], [132, 1775, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1776], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1779], [], [132, 1781, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1782], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1785], [], [132, 1787, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1788], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1791], [], [132, 1793, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1794], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1797], [], [132, 1799, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1800], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1803], [], [132, 1805, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1806], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1809], [], [132, 1811, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1812], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1815], [], [132, 1817, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1818], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1821], [], [132, 1823, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1824], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1827], [], [132, 1829, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1830], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1833], [], [132, 1835, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1836], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1839], [], [132, 1841, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1842], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1845], [], [132, 1847, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1848], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1851], [], [132, 1853, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1854], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1857], [], [132, 1859, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1860], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1863], [], [132, 1865, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1866], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1869], [], [132, 1871, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1872], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1875], [], [132, 1877, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1878], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1881], [], [132, 1883, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1884], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1887], [], [132, 1889, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1890], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1893], [], [132, 1895, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1896], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1899], [], [132, 1901, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1902], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1905], [], [132, 1907, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1908], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1911], [], [132, 1913, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1914], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1917], [], [132, 1919, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1920], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1923], [], [132, 1925, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1926], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1929], [], [132, 1931, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1932], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1935], [], [132, 1937, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1938], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1941], [], [132, 1943, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1944], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1947], [], [132, 1949, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1950], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1953], [], [132, 1955, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1956], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1959], [], [132, 1961, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1962], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1965], [], [132, 1967, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1968], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1971], [], [132, 1973, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1974], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1977], [], [132, 1979, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1980], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1983], [], [132, 1985, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1986], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1989], [], [132, 1991, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 1992], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1995], [], [132, 1997, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1998], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2001], [], [132, 2003, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2004], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2007], [], [132, 2009, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2010], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2013], [], [132, 2015, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2016], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2019], [], [132, 2021, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2022], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2025], [], [132, 2027, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2028], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2031], [], [132, 2033, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2034], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2037], [], [132, 2039, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2040], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2043], [], [132, 2045, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2046], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2049], [], [132, 2051, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2052], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2055], [], [132, 2057, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2058], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2061], [], [132, 2063, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2064], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2067], [], [132, 2069, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2070], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2073], [], [132, 2075, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2076], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2079], [], [132, 2081, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2082], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2085], [], [132, 2087, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2088], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2091], [], [132, 2093, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2094], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2097], [], [132, 2099, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2100], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2103], [], [132, 2105, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2106], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2109], [], [132, 2111, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2112], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2115], [], [132, 2117, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2118], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2121], [], [132, 2123, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2124], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2127], [], [132, 2129, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2130], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2133], [], [132, 2135, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2136], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2139], [], [132, 2141, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2142], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2145], [], [132, 2147, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2148], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2151], [], [132, 2153, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2154], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2157], [], [132, 2159, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2160], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2163], [], [132, 2165, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2166], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2169], [], [132, 2171, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2172], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2175], [], [132, 2177, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2178], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2181], [], [132, 2183, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2184], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2187], [], [132, 2189, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2190], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2193], [], [132, 2195, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2196], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2199], [], [132, 2201, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2202], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2205], [], [132, 2207, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2208], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2211], [], [132, 2213, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2214], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2217], [], [132, 2219, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2220], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2223], [], [132, 2225, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2226], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2229], [], [132, 2231, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2232], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2235], [], [132, 2237, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2238], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2241], [], [132, 2243, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2244], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2247], [], [132, 2249, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2250], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2253], [], [132, 2255, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2256], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2259], [], [132, 2261, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2262], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2265], [], [132, 2267, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2268], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2271], [], [132, 2273, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2274], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2277], [], [132, 2279, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2280], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2283], [], [132, 2285, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2286], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2289], [], [132, 2291, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2292], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2295], [], [132, 2297, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2298], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2301], [], [132, 2303, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2304], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2306], [], [132, 2308, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2309], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2312], [], [132, 2314, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2315], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2318], [], [132, 2320, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2321], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2324], [], [132, 2326, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2327], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2330], [], [132, 2332, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2333], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2336], [], [132, 2338, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2339], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2342], [], [132, 2344, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2345], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2348], [], [132, 2350, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2351], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2354], [], [132, 2356, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2357], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2360], [], [132, 2362, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2363], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2366], [], [132, 2368, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2369], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2372], [], [132, 2374, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2375], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2378], [], [132, 2380, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2381], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2384], [], [132, 2386, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2387], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2390], [], [132, 2392, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2393], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2396], [], [132, 2398, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2399], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2402], [], [132, 2404, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2405], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2408], [], [132, 2410, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2411], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2414], [], [132, 2416, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2417], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2420], [], [132, 2422, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2423], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2426], [], [132, 2428, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2429], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2432], [], [132, 2434, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2435], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2438], [], [132, 2440, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2441], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2444], [], [132, 2446, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2447], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2450], [], [132, 2452, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2453], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2456], [], [132, 2458, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2459], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2462], [], [132, 2464, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2465], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2468], [], [132, 2470, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2471], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2474], [], [132, 2476, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2477], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2480], [], [132, 2482, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2483], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2486], [], [132, 2488, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2489], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2492], [], [132, 2494, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2495], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2498], [], [132, 2500, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2501], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2504], [], [132, 2506, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2507], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2510], [], [132, 2512, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2513], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2516], [], [132, 2518, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2519], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2522], [], [132, 2524, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2525], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2528], [], [132, 2530, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2531], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2534], [], [132, 2536, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2537], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2540], [], [132, 2542, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2543], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2546], [], [132, 2548, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2549], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2552], [], [132, 2554, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2555], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2558], [], [132, 2560, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2561], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2564], [], [132, 2566, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2567], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2570], [], [132, 2572, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2573], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2576], [], [132, 2578, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2579], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2582], [], [132, 2584, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2585], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2588], [], [132, 2590, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2591], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2594], [], [132, 2596, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2597], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2600], [], [132, 2602, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2603], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2606], [], [132, 2608, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2609], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2612], [], [132, 2614, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2615], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2618], [], [132, 2620, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2621], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2624], [], [132, 2626, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2627], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2630], [], [132, 2632, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2633], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2636], [], [132, 2638, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2639], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2642], [], [132, 2644, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2645], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2648], [], [132, 2650, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2651], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2654], [], [132, 2656, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2657], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2660], [], [132, 2662, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2663], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2666], [], [132, 2668, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2669], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2672], [], [132, 2674, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2675], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2678], [], [132, 2680, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2681], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2684], [], [132, 2686, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2687], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2690], [], [132, 2692, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2693], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2696], [], [132, 2698, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2699], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2702], [], [132, 2704, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2705], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2708], [], [132, 2710, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2711], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2714], [], [132, 2716, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2717], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2720], [], [132, 2722, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2723], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2726], [], [132, 2728, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2729], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2732], [], [132, 2734, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2735], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2738], [], [132, 2740, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2741], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2744], [], [132, 2746, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2747], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2750], [], [132, 2752, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2753], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2756], [], [132, 2758, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2759], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2762], [], [132, 2764, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2765], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2768], [], [132, 2770, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2771], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2774], [], [132, 2776, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2777], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2780], [], [132, 2782, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2783], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2786], [], [132, 2788, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2789], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2792], [], [132, 2794, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2795], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2798], [], [132, 2800, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2801], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2804], [], [132, 2806, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2807], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2810], [], [132, 2812, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2813], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2816], [], [132, 2818, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2819], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2822], [], [132, 2824, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2825], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2828], [], [132, 2830, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2831], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2834], [], [132, 2836, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2837], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2840], [], [132, 2842, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2843], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2846], [], [132, 2848, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2849], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2852], [], [132, 2854, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2855], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2858], [], [132, 2860, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2861], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2864], [], [132, 2866, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2867], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2870], [], [132, 2872, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2873], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2876], [], [132, 2878, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2879], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2882], [], [132, 2884, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2885], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2888], [], [132, 2890, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2891], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2894], [], [132, 2896, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2897], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2900], [], [132, 2902, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2903], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2906], [], [132, 2908, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2909], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2912], [], [132, 2914, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2915], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2918], [], [132, 2920, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2921], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2924], [], [132, 2926, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2927], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2930], [], [132, 2932, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2933], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2936], [], [132, 2938, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2939], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2942], [], [132, 2944, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2945], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2948], [], [132, 2950, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2951], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2954], [], [132, 2956, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2957], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2960], [], [132, 2962, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2963], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2966], [], [132, 2968, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2969], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2972], [], [132, 2974, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2975], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2978], [], [132, 2980, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2981], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2984], [], [132, 2986, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2987], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2990], [], [132, 2992, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2993], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2996], [], [132, 2998, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 2999], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3002], [], [132, 3004, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3005], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3008], [], [132, 3010, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3011], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3014], [], [132, 3016, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3017], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3020], [], [132, 3022, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3023], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3026], [], [132, 3028, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3029], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3032], [], [132, 3034, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3035], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3038], [], [132, 3040, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3041], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3044], [], [132, 3046, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3047], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3050], [], [132, 3052, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3053], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3056], [], [132, 3058, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3059], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3062], [], [132, 3064, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3065], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3068], [], [132, 3070, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3071], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3074], [], [132, 3076, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3077], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3080], [], [132, 3082, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3083], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3086], [], [132, 3088, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3089], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3092], [], [132, 3094, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3095], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3098], [], [132, 3100, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3101], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3104], [], [132, 3106, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3107], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3110], [], [132, 3112, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3113], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3116], [], [132, 3118, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3119], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3122], [], [132, 3124, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3125], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3128], [], [132, 3130, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3131], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3134], [], [132, 3136, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3137], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3140], [], [132, 3142, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3143], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3146], [], [132, 3148, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3149], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3152], [], [132, 3154, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3155], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3158], [], [132, 3160, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3161], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3164], [], [132, 3166, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3167], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3170], [], [132, 3172, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3173], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3176], [], [132, 3178, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3179], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3182], [], [132, 3184, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3185], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3188], [], [132, 3190, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3191], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3194], [], [132, 3196, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3197], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3200], [], [132, 3202, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3203], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3206], [], [132, 3208, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3209], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3212], [], [132, 3214, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3215], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3218], [], [132, 3220, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3221], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3224], [], [132, 3226, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3227], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3230], [], [132, 3232, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3233], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3236], [], [132, 3238, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3239], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3242], [], [132, 3244, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3245], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3248], [], [132, 3250, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3251], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3254], [], [132, 3256, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3257], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3260], [], [132, 3262, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3263], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3266], [], [132, 3268, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3269], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3272], [], [132, 3274, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3275], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3278], [], [132, 3280, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3281], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3284], [], [132, 3286, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3287], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3290], [], [132, 3292, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3293], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3296], [], [132, 3298, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3299], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3302], [], [132, 3304, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3305], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3308], [], [132, 3310, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3311], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3314], [], [132, 3316, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3317], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3320], [], [132, 3322, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3323], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3326], [], [132, 3328, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3329], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3332], [], [132, 3334, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3335], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3338], [], [132, 3340, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3341], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3344], [], [132, 3346, 209, 1019, 524, 536, 7, 3347], [], [209, 3350, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3353, 528, 3354, 185, 701, 7, 3355], [209, 3357, 7, 3358], [132, 3354, 209, 3360, 7, 3361], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3366], [209, 3368, 7, 3369], [209, 3371, 7, 3372], [], [132, 3353, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3375], [], [209, 3377, 7, 3378], [], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3381, 528, 3382, 185, 3383, 7, 3384], [209, 3357, 7, 3386], [132, 3382, 209, 3360, 7, 3388], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3391], [209, 3368, 7, 3393], [209, 3371, 7, 3395], [], [132, 3381, 3397, 3398, 3399, 3400, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3401], [], [132, 3403, 185, 701, 7, 3404], [], [913, 3406, 80, 3407, 7, 3408], [], [], [132, 3411, 7, 3412], [], [353, 3415, 132, 3416, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3417], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 3419], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 3421], [496, 3423, 364, 14, 365, 3424, 132, 3425, 30, 3425, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3427], [496, 3429, 364, 14, 365, 3430, 132, 3431, 30, 3431, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3432], [496, 3434, 364, 14, 365, 3435, 132, 3436, 30, 3436, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3437], [364, 14, 365, 3439, 132, 3440, 30, 3440, 48, 368, 369, 3441, 7, 3442], [], [185, 3444, 7, 3445], [], [], [132, 3448, 7, 3449], [], [7, 3451], [], [7, 3453], [], [406, 3455, 7, 3456], [], [], [], [7, 3460], [], [406, 3462, 7, 3463], [], [], [], [7, 3466], [], [406, 462, 7, 3468], [], [], [], [7, 3471], [], [406, 3473, 7, 3474], [], [], [], [], [7, 3476], [], [7, 3478], [], [406, 3480, 7, 3481], [], [], [3484, 3485, 364, 14, 3486, 3487, 3488, 3489, 365, 3490, 132, 3480, 30, 3480, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3491], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3494], [], [209, 442, 443, 3480, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3497], [], [], [], [7, 3499], [], [406, 3501, 7, 3502], [], [], [3484, 3505, 364, 14, 3486, 3506, 3488, 3489, 365, 3507, 132, 3501, 30, 3501, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3508], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3510], [], [209, 442, 443, 3501, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3512], [], [], [], [7, 3514], [], [406, 3516, 7, 3517], [], [], [3484, 3520, 364, 14, 3486, 3521, 3488, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3526, 365, 3527, 132, 3516, 30, 3516, 48, 495, 369, 3528, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3529], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3531], [], [209, 442, 443, 3516, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3533], [], [], [], [7, 3535], [], [406, 3537, 7, 3538], [], [], [209, 3541, 364, 14, 365, 3542, 132, 3537, 30, 3537, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3543], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3545], [], [209, 442, 443, 3537, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3547], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3550], [209, 3552, 7, 3553], [48, 735, 209, 3555, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3556], [209, 3371, 7, 3558], [], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3561], [209, 3371, 7, 3563], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3567], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3570], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3573], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3576], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3579], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3582], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3585], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3588], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3590, 528, 3591, 185, 3383, 7, 3592], [209, 3357, 7, 3594], [132, 3591, 209, 3360, 7, 3596], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3599], [209, 3368, 7, 3601], [209, 3371, 7, 3603], [], [132, 3590, 3397, 3605, 3399, 3606, 3607, 3608, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3609], [], [132, 3611, 7, 3612], [], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3615], [209, 3552, 7, 3617], [48, 735, 209, 3619, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3620], [209, 3371, 7, 3622], [], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3624], [209, 3371, 7, 3626], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3628], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3630], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3632], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3634], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3636], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3638], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3640], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3642], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3644, 528, 3645, 185, 3383, 7, 3646], [209, 3357, 7, 3648], [132, 3645, 209, 3360, 7, 3650], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3653], [209, 3368, 7, 3655], [209, 3371, 7, 3657], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3659], [209, 3552, 7, 3661], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3664], [209, 3371, 7, 3666], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3669], [209, 3371, 7, 3671], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3674], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3676], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3678], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3680], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3682], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3684], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3686], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3688], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3690, 528, 3691, 185, 3383, 7, 3692], [209, 3357, 7, 3694], [132, 3691, 209, 3360, 7, 3696], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3699], [209, 3368, 7, 3701], [209, 3371, 7, 3703], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3705], [209, 3552, 7, 3707], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3709], [209, 3371, 7, 3711], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3713], [209, 3371, 7, 3715], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3717], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3719], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3721], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3723], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3725], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3727], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3729], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3731], [209, 3733, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3734, 528, 3735, 185, 701, 7, 3736], [209, 3357, 7, 3738], [132, 3735, 209, 3360, 7, 3740], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3743], [209, 3368, 7, 3745], [209, 3371, 7, 3747], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3749], [209, 3552, 7, 3751], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3753], [209, 3371, 7, 3755], [], [209, 3733, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3757, 528, 3758, 185, 701, 7, 3759], [209, 3357, 7, 3761], [132, 3758, 209, 3360, 7, 3763], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3765], [209, 3368, 7, 3767], [209, 3371, 7, 3769], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3771], [209, 3552, 7, 3773], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3775], [209, 3371, 7, 3777], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3780], [], [48, 87, 7, 3782], [], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3785], [7, 3787], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3790], [], [48, 87, 7, 3792], [], [], [524, 536, 553, 14, 516, 535, 803, 3795, 30, 3796, 132, 3796, 80, 3797, 185, 3798, 7, 3799], [132, 3801, 80, 3802, 7, 3803], [185, 3806, 7, 3807], [3809, 3810, 185, 3811, 7, 3812], [185, 3814, 7, 3815], [46, 55, 50, 3817, 7, 3818], [185, 3811, 7, 3820], [185, 3814, 7, 3822], [46, 55, 50, 3817, 7, 3824], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3644, 528, 991, 185, 3383], [209, 3357], [132, 991, 209, 3360], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365], [209, 3368], [209, 3371], [], [132, 3644, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3826], [], [353, 3829, 132, 3830, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3831], [], [209, 3833, 7, 3834], [], [209, 3837, 7, 3838], [], [7, 3841], [], [7, 3843], [], [209, 402, 7, 3845], [209, 3847, 7, 3848], [], [406, 3851, 7, 3852], [], [], [209, 492, 364, 14, 3486, 3855, 3488, 3489, 365, 3856, 132, 3851, 30, 3851, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3857], [], [209, 442, 443, 3851, 444, 14, 7, 3859], [], [], [7, 3861], [], [209, 402, 7, 3863], [209, 3847, 7, 3865], [], [406, 3867, 7, 3868], [], [], [364, 14, 3486, 3521, 3488, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3526, 365, 3527, 132, 3867, 30, 3867, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3871], [], [209, 442, 443, 3867, 444, 14, 7, 3873], [], [], [7, 3875], [], [209, 402, 7, 3877], [209, 3847, 7, 3879], [], [406, 3881, 7, 3882], [], [], [7, 3885], [], [3888, 766, 364, 14, 365, 3889, 132, 3881, 30, 3881, 3890, 755, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3891], [], [209, 442, 443, 3881, 444, 14, 7, 3893], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3895], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3897], [], [132, 3519, 30, 3519, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3899], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3549], [209, 3552], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499], [209, 3371], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499], [209, 3371], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566], [209, 3569, 185, 3566], [209, 3572, 185, 3566], [209, 3575, 185, 3566], [209, 3578, 185, 3566], [209, 3581, 185, 3566], [209, 3584, 185, 3566], [209, 3587, 185, 3566], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3690, 528, 3354, 185, 3383], [209, 3357], [132, 3354, 209, 3360], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365], [209, 3368], [209, 3371], [], [132, 3690, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3901], [], [132, 3904, 353, 3905, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3906], [], [48, 368, 132, 3908, 30, 3908, 369, 14, 7, 3909], [], [7, 3911], [], [7, 3913], [], [406, 3915, 7, 3916], [], [], [48, 495, 132, 3915, 30, 3919, 365, 3490, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3920], [], [185, 3922, 7, 3923], [], 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406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [76.140625, 513.484375, 74.34375, 251], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [519, 503, 837, 12209.421875], [522, 506, 831, 30.390625], [514, 526, 1, 1], [514, 526, 1, 1], [522, 506, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 511, 578.015625, 20], [522, 535.390625, 831, 58.78125], [514, 556.390625, 1, 1], [514, 556.390625, 1, 1], [521, 535.390625, 833, 58.78125], [529.03125, 541.390625, 778.5, 46.390625], [522, 593.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 613.171875, 1, 1], [514, 613.171875, 1, 1], [522, 593.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 598.171875, 579.625, 20], [522, 623.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 643.5625, 1, 1], [514, 643.5625, 1, 1], [522, 623.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 628.5625, 399.640625, 20], [522, 653.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 673.953125, 1, 1], [514, 673.953125, 1, 1], [522, 653.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 658.953125, 529.03125, 20], [522, 684.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 704.34375, 1, 1], [514, 704.34375, 1, 1], [522, 684.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 689.34375, 509.21875, 20], [522, 714.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 734.734375, 1, 1], [514, 734.734375, 1, 1], [522, 714.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 719.734375, 496.5, 20], [522, 745.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 765.125, 1, 1], [514, 765.125, 1, 1], [522, 745.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 750.125, 514.125, 20], [522, 775.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 795.515625, 1, 1], [514, 795.515625, 1, 1], [522, 775.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 780.515625, 780.1875, 20], [522, 805.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 825.90625, 1, 1], [514, 825.90625, 1, 1], [522, 805.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 810.90625, 625.03125, 20], [522, 836.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 856.296875, 1, 1], [514, 856.296875, 1, 1], [522, 836.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 841.296875, 438.765625, 20], [522, 866.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 886.6875, 1, 1], [514, 886.6875, 1, 1], [522, 866.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 871.6875, 565.90625, 20], [522, 897.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 917.078125, 1, 1], [514, 917.078125, 1, 1], [522, 897.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 902.078125, 492.578125, 20], [522, 927.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 947.46875, 1, 1], [514, 947.46875, 1, 1], [522, 927.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 932.46875, 634.0625, 20], [522, 957.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 977.859375, 1, 1], [514, 977.859375, 1, 1], [522, 957.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 962.859375, 521.890625, 20], [522, 988.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1008.25, 1, 1], [514, 1008.25, 1, 1], [522, 988.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 993.25, 539.5, 20], [522, 1018.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1038.640625, 1, 1], [514, 1038.640625, 1, 1], [522, 1018.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1023.640625, 722.34375, 20], [522, 1049.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1069.03125, 1, 1], [514, 1069.03125, 1, 1], [522, 1049.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1054.03125, 568.140625, 20], [522, 1079.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1099.421875, 1, 1], [514, 1099.421875, 1, 1], [522, 1079.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1084.421875, 491.59375, 20], [522, 1109.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1129.8125, 1, 1], [514, 1129.8125, 1, 1], [522, 1109.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1114.8125, 469.71875, 20], [522, 1140.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1160.203125, 1, 1], [514, 1160.203125, 1, 1], [522, 1140.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1145.203125, 600.140625, 20], [522, 1170.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1190.59375, 1, 1], [514, 1190.59375, 1, 1], [522, 1170.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1175.59375, 576.640625, 20], [522, 1200.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1220.984375, 1, 1], [514, 1220.984375, 1, 1], [522, 1200.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1205.984375, 576.28125, 20], [522, 1231.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1251.375, 1, 1], [514, 1251.375, 1, 1], [522, 1231.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1236.375, 583.796875, 20], [522, 1261.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1281.765625, 1, 1], [514, 1281.765625, 1, 1], [522, 1261.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1266.765625, 587.421875, 20], [522, 1292.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1312.15625, 1, 1], [514, 1312.15625, 1, 1], [522, 1292.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1297.15625, 807.734375, 20], [522, 1322.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1342.546875, 1, 1], [514, 1342.546875, 1, 1], [522, 1322.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1327.546875, 626.921875, 20], [522, 1352.9375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 1372.9375, 1, 1], [514, 1372.9375, 1, 1], [522, 1352.9375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 1357.9375, 799.640625, 46.390625], [522, 1409.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1429.71875, 1, 1], [514, 1429.71875, 1, 1], [522, 1409.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1414.71875, 546.3125, 20], [522, 1440.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1460.109375, 1, 1], [514, 1460.109375, 1, 1], [522, 1440.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1445.109375, 528.40625, 20], [522, 1470.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1490.5, 1, 1], [514, 1490.5, 1, 1], [522, 1470.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1475.5, 434.5625, 20], [522, 1500.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1520.890625, 1, 1], [514, 1520.890625, 1, 1], [522, 1500.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1505.890625, 587.734375, 20], [522, 1531.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1551.28125, 1, 1], [514, 1551.28125, 1, 1], [522, 1531.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1536.28125, 741.953125, 20], [522, 1561.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1581.671875, 1, 1], [514, 1581.671875, 1, 1], [522, 1561.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1566.671875, 520.28125, 20], [522, 1592.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1612.0625, 1, 1], [514, 1612.0625, 1, 1], [522, 1592.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1597.0625, 494.921875, 20], [522, 1622.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1642.453125, 1, 1], [514, 1642.453125, 1, 1], [522, 1622.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1627.453125, 641.875, 20], [522, 1652.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1672.84375, 1, 1], [514, 1672.84375, 1, 1], [522, 1652.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1657.84375, 626.53125, 20], [522, 1683.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1703.234375, 1, 1], [514, 1703.234375, 1, 1], [522, 1683.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1688.234375, 573.4375, 20], [522, 1713.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1733.625, 1, 1], [514, 1733.625, 1, 1], [522, 1713.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1718.625, 646.421875, 20], [522, 1744.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1764.015625, 1, 1], [514, 1764.015625, 1, 1], [522, 1744.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1749.015625, 562.65625, 20], [522, 1774.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1794.40625, 1, 1], [514, 1794.40625, 1, 1], [522, 1774.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1779.40625, 565.578125, 20], [522, 1804.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1824.796875, 1, 1], [514, 1824.796875, 1, 1], [522, 1804.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1809.796875, 579.953125, 20], [522, 1835.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1855.1875, 1, 1], [514, 1855.1875, 1, 1], [522, 1835.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1840.1875, 464.296875, 20], [522, 1865.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1885.578125, 1, 1], [514, 1885.578125, 1, 1], [522, 1865.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1870.578125, 576.6875, 20], [522, 1895.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1915.96875, 1, 1], [514, 1915.96875, 1, 1], [522, 1895.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1900.96875, 564.359375, 20], [522, 1926.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1946.359375, 1, 1], [514, 1946.359375, 1, 1], [522, 1926.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1931.359375, 616.75, 20], [522, 1956.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1976.75, 1, 1], [514, 1976.75, 1, 1], [522, 1956.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1961.75, 761.515625, 20], [522, 1987.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2007.140625, 1, 1], [514, 2007.140625, 1, 1], [522, 1987.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1992.140625, 749.75, 20], [522, 2017.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2037.53125, 1, 1], [514, 2037.53125, 1, 1], [522, 2017.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2022.53125, 549.96875, 20], [522, 2047.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2067.921875, 1, 1], [514, 2067.921875, 1, 1], [522, 2047.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2052.921875, 542.78125, 20], [522, 2078.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2098.3125, 1, 1], [514, 2098.3125, 1, 1], [522, 2078.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2083.3125, 574.5, 20], [522, 2108.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2128.703125, 1, 1], [514, 2128.703125, 1, 1], [522, 2108.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2113.703125, 606.03125, 20], [522, 2139.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2159.09375, 1, 1], [514, 2159.09375, 1, 1], [522, 2139.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2144.09375, 625.84375, 20], [522, 2169.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2189.484375, 1, 1], [514, 2189.484375, 1, 1], [522, 2169.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2174.484375, 642.890625, 20], [522, 2199.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2219.875, 1, 1], [514, 2219.875, 1, 1], [522, 2199.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2204.875, 608.296875, 20], [522, 2230.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2250.265625, 1, 1], [514, 2250.265625, 1, 1], [522, 2230.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2235.265625, 578.6875, 20], [522, 2260.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2280.65625, 1, 1], [514, 2280.65625, 1, 1], [522, 2260.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2265.65625, 502.40625, 20], [522, 2291.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2311.046875, 1, 1], [514, 2311.046875, 1, 1], [522, 2291.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2296.046875, 653.953125, 20], [522, 2321.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2341.4375, 1, 1], [514, 2341.4375, 1, 1], [522, 2321.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2326.4375, 551.25, 20], [522, 2351.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2371.828125, 1, 1], [514, 2371.828125, 1, 1], [522, 2351.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2356.828125, 524.484375, 20], [522, 2382.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2402.21875, 1, 1], [514, 2402.21875, 1, 1], [522, 2382.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2387.21875, 816.828125, 20], [522, 2412.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2432.609375, 1, 1], [514, 2432.609375, 1, 1], [522, 2412.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2417.609375, 508.546875, 20], [522, 2443, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2463, 1, 1], [514, 2463, 1, 1], [522, 2443, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2448, 591.03125, 20], [522, 2473.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2493.390625, 1, 1], [514, 2493.390625, 1, 1], [522, 2473.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2478.390625, 513.828125, 20], [522, 2503.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2523.78125, 1, 1], [514, 2523.78125, 1, 1], [522, 2503.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2508.78125, 589.4375, 20], [522, 2534.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2554.171875, 1, 1], [514, 2554.171875, 1, 1], [522, 2534.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2539.171875, 762.1875, 20], [522, 2564.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2584.5625, 1, 1], [514, 2584.5625, 1, 1], [522, 2564.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2569.5625, 584.890625, 20], [522, 2594.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2614.953125, 1, 1], [514, 2614.953125, 1, 1], [522, 2594.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2599.953125, 518.9375, 20], [522, 2625.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2645.34375, 1, 1], [514, 2645.34375, 1, 1], [522, 2625.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2630.34375, 649.71875, 20], [522, 2655.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2675.734375, 1, 1], [514, 2675.734375, 1, 1], [522, 2655.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2660.734375, 703.5625, 20], [522, 2686.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2706.125, 1, 1], [514, 2706.125, 1, 1], [522, 2686.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2691.125, 773.984375, 20], [522, 2716.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2736.515625, 1, 1], [514, 2736.515625, 1, 1], [522, 2716.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2721.515625, 584.53125, 20], [522, 2746.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2766.90625, 1, 1], [514, 2766.90625, 1, 1], [522, 2746.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2751.90625, 639.65625, 20], [522, 2777.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2797.296875, 1, 1], [514, 2797.296875, 1, 1], [522, 2777.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2782.296875, 610.828125, 20], [522, 2807.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2827.6875, 1, 1], [514, 2827.6875, 1, 1], [522, 2807.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2812.6875, 530.390625, 20], [522, 2838.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2858.078125, 1, 1], [514, 2858.078125, 1, 1], [522, 2838.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2843.078125, 663.4375, 20], [522, 2868.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2888.46875, 1, 1], [514, 2888.46875, 1, 1], [522, 2868.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2873.46875, 541.484375, 20], [522, 2898.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2918.859375, 1, 1], [514, 2918.859375, 1, 1], [522, 2898.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2903.859375, 783.75, 20], [522, 2929.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2949.25, 1, 1], [514, 2949.25, 1, 1], [522, 2929.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2934.25, 423.15625, 20], [522, 2959.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2979.640625, 1, 1], [514, 2979.640625, 1, 1], [522, 2959.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2964.640625, 729.578125, 20], [522, 2990.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3010.03125, 1, 1], [514, 3010.03125, 1, 1], [522, 2990.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2995.03125, 603.75, 20], [522, 3020.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3040.421875, 1, 1], [514, 3040.421875, 1, 1], [522, 3020.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3025.421875, 637.296875, 20], [522, 3050.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3070.8125, 1, 1], [514, 3070.8125, 1, 1], [522, 3050.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3055.8125, 629.453125, 20], [522, 3081.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3101.203125, 1, 1], [514, 3101.203125, 1, 1], [522, 3081.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3086.203125, 591.328125, 20], [522, 3111.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3131.59375, 1, 1], [514, 3131.59375, 1, 1], [522, 3111.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3116.59375, 542.40625, 20], [522, 3141.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3161.984375, 1, 1], [514, 3161.984375, 1, 1], [522, 3141.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3146.984375, 642.1875, 20], [522, 3172.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3192.375, 1, 1], [514, 3192.375, 1, 1], [522, 3172.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3177.375, 399.984375, 20], [522, 3202.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3222.765625, 1, 1], [514, 3222.765625, 1, 1], [522, 3202.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3207.765625, 476.015625, 20], [522, 3233.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3253.15625, 1, 1], [514, 3253.15625, 1, 1], [522, 3233.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3238.15625, 632.09375, 20], [522, 3263.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3283.546875, 1, 1], [514, 3283.546875, 1, 1], [522, 3263.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3268.546875, 644.140625, 20], [522, 3293.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3313.9375, 1, 1], [514, 3313.9375, 1, 1], [522, 3293.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3298.9375, 667.640625, 20], [522, 3324.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3344.328125, 1, 1], [514, 3344.328125, 1, 1], [522, 3324.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3329.328125, 540.203125, 20], [522, 3354.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3374.71875, 1, 1], [514, 3374.71875, 1, 1], [522, 3354.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3359.71875, 710.3125, 20], [522, 3385.109375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3405.109375, 1, 1], [514, 3405.109375, 1, 1], [522, 3385.109375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3390.109375, 754.3125, 46.390625], [522, 3441.890625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3461.890625, 1, 1], [514, 3461.890625, 1, 1], [522, 3441.890625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3446.890625, 813.6875, 46.390625], [522, 3498.671875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3518.671875, 1, 1], [514, 3518.671875, 1, 1], [522, 3498.671875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3503.671875, 805.484375, 46.390625], [522, 3555.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3575.453125, 1, 1], [514, 3575.453125, 1, 1], [522, 3555.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3560.453125, 682, 20], [522, 3585.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3605.84375, 1, 1], [514, 3605.84375, 1, 1], [522, 3585.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3590.84375, 739.109375, 20], [522, 3616.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3636.234375, 1, 1], [514, 3636.234375, 1, 1], [522, 3616.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3621.234375, 618.390625, 20], [522, 3646.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3666.625, 1, 1], [514, 3666.625, 1, 1], [522, 3646.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3651.625, 680.40625, 20], [522, 3677.015625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3697.015625, 1, 1], [514, 3697.015625, 1, 1], [522, 3677.015625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3682.015625, 807.5, 46.390625], [522, 3733.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3753.796875, 1, 1], [514, 3753.796875, 1, 1], [522, 3733.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3738.796875, 550.578125, 20], [522, 3764.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3784.1875, 1, 1], [514, 3784.1875, 1, 1], [522, 3764.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3769.1875, 460.265625, 20], [522, 3794.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3814.578125, 1, 1], [514, 3814.578125, 1, 1], [522, 3794.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3799.578125, 564.953125, 20], [522, 3824.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3844.96875, 1, 1], [514, 3844.96875, 1, 1], [522, 3824.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3829.96875, 610.5625, 20], [522, 3855.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3875.359375, 1, 1], [514, 3875.359375, 1, 1], [522, 3855.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3860.359375, 490.609375, 20], [522, 3885.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3905.75, 1, 1], [514, 3905.75, 1, 1], [522, 3885.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3890.75, 568.203125, 20], [522, 3916.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3936.140625, 1, 1], [514, 3936.140625, 1, 1], [522, 3916.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3921.140625, 528.734375, 20], [522, 3946.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3966.53125, 1, 1], [514, 3966.53125, 1, 1], [522, 3946.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3951.53125, 678.328125, 20], [522, 3976.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3996.921875, 1, 1], [514, 3996.921875, 1, 1], [522, 3976.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3981.921875, 586.5, 20], [522, 4007.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4027.3125, 1, 1], [514, 4027.3125, 1, 1], [522, 4007.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4012.3125, 639.9375, 20], [522, 4037.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4057.703125, 1, 1], [514, 4057.703125, 1, 1], [522, 4037.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4042.703125, 539.859375, 20], [522, 4068.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4088.09375, 1, 1], [514, 4088.09375, 1, 1], [522, 4068.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4073.09375, 609.625, 20], [522, 4098.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4118.484375, 1, 1], [514, 4118.484375, 1, 1], [522, 4098.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4103.484375, 539.890625, 20], [522, 4128.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4148.875, 1, 1], [514, 4148.875, 1, 1], [522, 4128.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4133.875, 436.8125, 20], [522, 4159.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4179.265625, 1, 1], [514, 4179.265625, 1, 1], [522, 4159.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4164.265625, 696.609375, 20], [522, 4189.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4209.65625, 1, 1], [514, 4209.65625, 1, 1], [522, 4189.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4194.65625, 721.90625, 20], [522, 4220.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4240.046875, 1, 1], [514, 4240.046875, 1, 1], [522, 4220.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4225.046875, 637.984375, 20], [522, 4250.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4270.4375, 1, 1], [514, 4270.4375, 1, 1], [522, 4250.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4255.4375, 721.140625, 20], [522, 4280.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4300.828125, 1, 1], [514, 4300.828125, 1, 1], [522, 4280.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4285.828125, 520.265625, 20], [522, 4311.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4331.21875, 1, 1], [514, 4331.21875, 1, 1], [522, 4311.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4316.21875, 509.15625, 20], [522, 4341.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4361.609375, 1, 1], [514, 4361.609375, 1, 1], [522, 4341.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4346.609375, 467.140625, 20], [522, 4372, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4392, 1, 1], [514, 4392, 1, 1], [522, 4372, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4377, 549.25, 20], [522, 4402.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4422.390625, 1, 1], [514, 4422.390625, 1, 1], [522, 4402.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4407.390625, 589.03125, 20], [522, 4432.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4452.78125, 1, 1], [514, 4452.78125, 1, 1], [522, 4432.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4437.78125, 534.578125, 20], [522, 4463.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4483.171875, 1, 1], [514, 4483.171875, 1, 1], [522, 4463.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4468.171875, 548.65625, 20], [522, 4493.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4513.5625, 1, 1], [514, 4513.5625, 1, 1], [522, 4493.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4498.5625, 487.703125, 20], [522, 4523.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4543.953125, 1, 1], [514, 4543.953125, 1, 1], [522, 4523.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4528.953125, 510.875, 20], [522, 4554.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4574.34375, 1, 1], [514, 4574.34375, 1, 1], [522, 4554.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4559.34375, 500.0625, 20], [522, 4584.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4604.734375, 1, 1], [514, 4604.734375, 1, 1], [522, 4584.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4589.734375, 507.921875, 20], [522, 4615.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4635.125, 1, 1], [514, 4635.125, 1, 1], [522, 4615.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4620.125, 594.234375, 20], [522, 4645.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4665.515625, 1, 1], [514, 4665.515625, 1, 1], [522, 4645.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4650.515625, 636.6875, 20], [522, 4675.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4695.90625, 1, 1], [514, 4695.90625, 1, 1], [522, 4675.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4680.90625, 555.484375, 20], [522, 4706.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4726.296875, 1, 1], [514, 4726.296875, 1, 1], [522, 4706.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4711.296875, 498.75, 20], [522, 4736.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4756.6875, 1, 1], [514, 4756.6875, 1, 1], [522, 4736.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4741.6875, 403.234375, 20], [522, 4767.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4787.078125, 1, 1], [514, 4787.078125, 1, 1], [522, 4767.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4772.078125, 542.78125, 20], [522, 4797.46875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 4817.46875, 1, 1], [514, 4817.46875, 1, 1], [522, 4797.46875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 4802.46875, 815.875, 46.390625], [522, 4854.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4874.25, 1, 1], [514, 4874.25, 1, 1], [522, 4854.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4859.25, 660.6875, 20], [522, 4884.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4904.640625, 1, 1], [514, 4904.640625, 1, 1], [522, 4884.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4889.640625, 631.390625, 20], [522, 4915.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4935.03125, 1, 1], [514, 4935.03125, 1, 1], [522, 4915.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4920.03125, 673.78125, 20], [522, 4945.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4965.421875, 1, 1], [514, 4965.421875, 1, 1], [522, 4945.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4950.421875, 538.578125, 20], [522, 4975.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4995.8125, 1, 1], [514, 4995.8125, 1, 1], [522, 4975.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4980.8125, 494.578125, 20], [522, 5006.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5026.203125, 1, 1], [514, 5026.203125, 1, 1], [522, 5006.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5011.203125, 722.03125, 20], [522, 5036.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5056.59375, 1, 1], [514, 5056.59375, 1, 1], [522, 5036.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5041.59375, 576.359375, 20], [522, 5066.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5086.984375, 1, 1], [514, 5086.984375, 1, 1], [522, 5066.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5071.984375, 664.046875, 20], [522, 5097.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5117.375, 1, 1], [514, 5117.375, 1, 1], [522, 5097.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5102.375, 593.9375, 20], [522, 5127.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5147.765625, 1, 1], [514, 5147.765625, 1, 1], [522, 5127.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5132.765625, 669.46875, 20], [522, 5158.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5178.15625, 1, 1], [514, 5178.15625, 1, 1], [522, 5158.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5163.15625, 662.453125, 20], [522, 5188.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5208.546875, 1, 1], [514, 5208.546875, 1, 1], [522, 5188.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5193.546875, 553.21875, 20], [522, 5218.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5238.9375, 1, 1], [514, 5238.9375, 1, 1], [522, 5218.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5223.9375, 559.765625, 20], [522, 5249.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5269.328125, 1, 1], [514, 5269.328125, 1, 1], [522, 5249.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5254.328125, 717.78125, 20], [522, 5279.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5299.71875, 1, 1], [514, 5299.71875, 1, 1], [522, 5279.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5284.71875, 794.046875, 20], [522, 5310.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5330.109375, 1, 1], [514, 5330.109375, 1, 1], [522, 5310.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5315.109375, 480.140625, 20], [522, 5340.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5360.5, 1, 1], [514, 5360.5, 1, 1], [522, 5340.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5345.5, 470.03125, 20], [522, 5370.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5390.890625, 1, 1], [514, 5390.890625, 1, 1], [522, 5370.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5375.890625, 484.734375, 20], [522, 5401.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5421.28125, 1, 1], [514, 5421.28125, 1, 1], [522, 5401.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5406.28125, 610.796875, 20], [522, 5431.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5451.671875, 1, 1], [514, 5451.671875, 1, 1], [522, 5431.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5436.671875, 648.078125, 20], [522, 5462.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5482.0625, 1, 1], [514, 5482.0625, 1, 1], [522, 5462.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5467.0625, 474, 20], [522, 5492.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5512.453125, 1, 1], [514, 5512.453125, 1, 1], [522, 5492.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5497.453125, 503.671875, 20], [522, 5522.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5542.84375, 1, 1], [514, 5542.84375, 1, 1], [522, 5522.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5527.84375, 574.703125, 20], [522, 5553.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5573.234375, 1, 1], [514, 5573.234375, 1, 1], [522, 5553.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5558.234375, 546.65625, 20], [522, 5583.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5603.625, 1, 1], [514, 5603.625, 1, 1], [522, 5583.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5588.625, 510.84375, 20], [522, 5614.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5634.015625, 1, 1], [514, 5634.015625, 1, 1], [522, 5614.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5619.015625, 421.1875, 20], [522, 5644.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5664.40625, 1, 1], [514, 5664.40625, 1, 1], [522, 5644.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5649.40625, 567.28125, 20], [522, 5674.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5694.796875, 1, 1], [514, 5694.796875, 1, 1], [522, 5674.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5679.796875, 348.75, 20], [522, 5705.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5725.1875, 1, 1], [514, 5725.1875, 1, 1], [522, 5705.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5710.1875, 534.328125, 20], [522, 5735.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5755.578125, 1, 1], [514, 5755.578125, 1, 1], [522, 5735.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5740.578125, 702.515625, 20], [522, 5765.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5785.96875, 1, 1], [514, 5785.96875, 1, 1], [522, 5765.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5770.96875, 486.671875, 20], [522, 5796.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5816.359375, 1, 1], [514, 5816.359375, 1, 1], [522, 5796.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5801.359375, 561.703125, 20], [522, 5826.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5846.75, 1, 1], [514, 5846.75, 1, 1], [522, 5826.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5831.75, 602.703125, 20], [522, 5857.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5877.140625, 1, 1], [514, 5877.140625, 1, 1], [522, 5857.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5862.140625, 782.03125, 20], [522, 5887.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5907.53125, 1, 1], [514, 5907.53125, 1, 1], [522, 5887.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5892.53125, 651.625, 20], [522, 5917.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5937.921875, 1, 1], [514, 5937.921875, 1, 1], [522, 5917.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5922.921875, 541.484375, 20], [522, 5948.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5968.3125, 1, 1], [514, 5968.3125, 1, 1], [522, 5948.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5953.3125, 574.6875, 20], [522, 5978.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5998.703125, 1, 1], [514, 5998.703125, 1, 1], [522, 5978.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5983.703125, 452.453125, 20], [522, 6009.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6029.09375, 1, 1], [514, 6029.09375, 1, 1], [522, 6009.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6014.09375, 580.234375, 20], [522, 6039.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6059.484375, 1, 1], [514, 6059.484375, 1, 1], [522, 6039.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6044.484375, 621.015625, 20], [522, 6069.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6089.875, 1, 1], [514, 6089.875, 1, 1], [522, 6069.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6074.875, 561.96875, 20], [522, 6100.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6120.265625, 1, 1], [514, 6120.265625, 1, 1], [522, 6100.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6105.265625, 511.09375, 20], [522, 6130.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6150.65625, 1, 1], [514, 6150.65625, 1, 1], [522, 6130.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6135.65625, 547.984375, 20], [522, 6161.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6181.046875, 1, 1], [514, 6181.046875, 1, 1], [522, 6161.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6166.046875, 572.78125, 20], [522, 6191.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6211.4375, 1, 1], [514, 6211.4375, 1, 1], [522, 6191.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6196.4375, 766.046875, 20], [522, 6221.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6241.828125, 1, 1], [514, 6241.828125, 1, 1], [522, 6221.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6226.828125, 607.984375, 20], [522, 6252.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6272.21875, 1, 1], [514, 6272.21875, 1, 1], [522, 6252.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6257.21875, 549.953125, 20], [522, 6282.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6302.609375, 1, 1], [514, 6302.609375, 1, 1], [522, 6282.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6287.609375, 438.78125, 20], [522, 6313, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6333, 1, 1], [514, 6333, 1, 1], [522, 6313, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6318, 493.53125, 20], [522, 6343.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6363.390625, 1, 1], [514, 6363.390625, 1, 1], [522, 6343.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6348.390625, 599.515625, 20], [522, 6373.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6393.78125, 1, 1], [514, 6393.78125, 1, 1], [522, 6373.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6378.78125, 539.546875, 20], [522, 6404.171875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 6424.171875, 1, 1], [514, 6424.171875, 1, 1], [522, 6404.171875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 6409.171875, 771.1875, 46.390625], [522, 6460.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6480.953125, 1, 1], [514, 6480.953125, 1, 1], [522, 6460.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6465.953125, 483.796875, 20], [522, 6491.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6511.34375, 1, 1], [514, 6511.34375, 1, 1], [522, 6491.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6496.34375, 647.46875, 20], [522, 6521.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6541.734375, 1, 1], [514, 6541.734375, 1, 1], [522, 6521.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6526.734375, 523.96875, 20], [522, 6552.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6572.125, 1, 1], [514, 6572.125, 1, 1], [522, 6552.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6557.125, 644.828125, 20], [522, 6582.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6602.515625, 1, 1], [514, 6602.515625, 1, 1], [522, 6582.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6587.515625, 594.265625, 20], [522, 6612.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6632.90625, 1, 1], [514, 6632.90625, 1, 1], [522, 6612.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6617.90625, 587.40625, 20], [522, 6643.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6663.296875, 1, 1], [514, 6663.296875, 1, 1], [522, 6643.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6648.296875, 561.671875, 20], [522, 6673.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6693.6875, 1, 1], [514, 6693.6875, 1, 1], [522, 6673.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6678.6875, 541.515625, 20], [522, 6704.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6724.078125, 1, 1], [514, 6724.078125, 1, 1], [522, 6704.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6709.078125, 560.984375, 20], [522, 6734.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6754.46875, 1, 1], [514, 6754.46875, 1, 1], [522, 6734.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6739.46875, 573.734375, 20], [522, 6764.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6784.859375, 1, 1], [514, 6784.859375, 1, 1], [522, 6764.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6769.859375, 435.859375, 20], [522, 6795.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6815.25, 1, 1], [514, 6815.25, 1, 1], [522, 6795.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6800.25, 379.8125, 20], [522, 6825.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6845.640625, 1, 1], [514, 6845.640625, 1, 1], [522, 6825.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6830.640625, 527.140625, 20], [522, 6856.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6876.03125, 1, 1], [514, 6876.03125, 1, 1], [522, 6856.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6861.03125, 665.015625, 20], [522, 6886.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6906.421875, 1, 1], [514, 6906.421875, 1, 1], [522, 6886.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6891.421875, 529.6875, 20], [522, 6916.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6936.8125, 1, 1], [514, 6936.8125, 1, 1], [522, 6916.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6921.8125, 442.375, 20], [522, 6947.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6967.203125, 1, 1], [514, 6967.203125, 1, 1], [522, 6947.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6952.203125, 592.328125, 20], [522, 6977.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6997.59375, 1, 1], [514, 6997.59375, 1, 1], [522, 6977.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6982.59375, 478.890625, 20], [522, 7007.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7027.984375, 1, 1], [514, 7027.984375, 1, 1], [522, 7007.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7012.984375, 593.359375, 20], [522, 7038.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7058.375, 1, 1], [514, 7058.375, 1, 1], [522, 7038.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7043.375, 533.984375, 20], [522, 7068.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7088.765625, 1, 1], [514, 7088.765625, 1, 1], [522, 7068.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7073.765625, 499.40625, 20], [522, 7099.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7119.15625, 1, 1], [514, 7119.15625, 1, 1], [522, 7099.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7104.15625, 607.984375, 20], [522, 7129.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7149.546875, 1, 1], [514, 7149.546875, 1, 1], [522, 7129.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7134.546875, 643.578125, 20], [522, 7159.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7179.9375, 1, 1], [514, 7179.9375, 1, 1], [522, 7159.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7164.9375, 554.875, 20], [522, 7190.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7210.328125, 1, 1], [514, 7210.328125, 1, 1], [522, 7190.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7195.328125, 479.859375, 20], [522, 7220.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7240.71875, 1, 1], [514, 7240.71875, 1, 1], [522, 7220.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7225.71875, 557.796875, 20], [522, 7251.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7271.109375, 1, 1], [514, 7271.109375, 1, 1], [522, 7251.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7256.109375, 567.1875, 20], [522, 7281.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7301.5, 1, 1], [514, 7301.5, 1, 1], [522, 7281.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7286.5, 585.5, 20], [522, 7311.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7331.890625, 1, 1], [514, 7331.890625, 1, 1], [522, 7311.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7316.890625, 585.5, 20], [522, 7342.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7362.28125, 1, 1], [514, 7362.28125, 1, 1], [522, 7342.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7347.28125, 487.015625, 20], [522, 7372.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7392.671875, 1, 1], [514, 7392.671875, 1, 1], [522, 7372.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7377.671875, 589.421875, 20], [522, 7403.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7423.0625, 1, 1], [514, 7423.0625, 1, 1], [522, 7403.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7408.0625, 519.015625, 20], [522, 7433.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7453.453125, 1, 1], [514, 7453.453125, 1, 1], [522, 7433.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7438.453125, 490.640625, 20], [522, 7463.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7483.84375, 1, 1], [514, 7483.84375, 1, 1], [522, 7463.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7468.84375, 580.953125, 20], [522, 7494.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7514.234375, 1, 1], [514, 7514.234375, 1, 1], [522, 7494.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7499.234375, 614.515625, 20], [522, 7524.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7544.625, 1, 1], [514, 7544.625, 1, 1], [522, 7524.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7529.625, 555.5, 20], [522, 7555.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7575.015625, 1, 1], [514, 7575.015625, 1, 1], [522, 7555.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7560.015625, 556.140625, 20], [522, 7585.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7605.40625, 1, 1], [514, 7605.40625, 1, 1], [522, 7585.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7590.40625, 550.015625, 20], [522, 7615.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7635.796875, 1, 1], [514, 7635.796875, 1, 1], [522, 7615.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7620.796875, 592.96875, 20], [522, 7646.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7666.1875, 1, 1], [514, 7666.1875, 1, 1], [522, 7646.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7651.1875, 632.4375, 20], [522, 7676.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7696.578125, 1, 1], [514, 7696.578125, 1, 1], [522, 7676.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7681.578125, 387.96875, 20], [522, 7706.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7726.96875, 1, 1], [514, 7726.96875, 1, 1], [522, 7706.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7711.96875, 209, 20], [522, 7737.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7757.359375, 1, 1], [514, 7757.359375, 1, 1], [522, 7737.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7742.359375, 608.6875, 20], [522, 7767.75, 831, 56.78125], [514, 7787.75, 1, 1], [514, 7787.75, 1, 1], [522, 7767.75, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 7772.75, 799.734375, 46.390625], [522, 7824.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7844.53125, 1, 1], [514, 7844.53125, 1, 1], [522, 7824.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7829.53125, 607.359375, 20], [522, 7854.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7874.921875, 1, 1], [514, 7874.921875, 1, 1], [522, 7854.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7859.921875, 571.765625, 20], [522, 7885.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7905.3125, 1, 1], [514, 7905.3125, 1, 1], [522, 7885.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7890.3125, 755.609375, 20], [522, 7915.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7935.703125, 1, 1], [514, 7935.703125, 1, 1], [522, 7915.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7920.703125, 693.6875, 20], [522, 7946.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7966.09375, 1, 1], [514, 7966.09375, 1, 1], [522, 7946.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7951.09375, 650, 20], [522, 7976.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7996.484375, 1, 1], [514, 7996.484375, 1, 1], [522, 7976.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7981.484375, 608.90625, 20], [522, 8006.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8026.875, 1, 1], [514, 8026.875, 1, 1], [522, 8006.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8011.875, 527.421875, 20], [522, 8037.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8057.265625, 1, 1], [514, 8057.265625, 1, 1], [522, 8037.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8042.265625, 555.5, 20], [522, 8067.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8087.65625, 1, 1], [514, 8087.65625, 1, 1], [522, 8067.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8072.65625, 594.265625, 20], [522, 8098.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8118.046875, 1, 1], [514, 8118.046875, 1, 1], [522, 8098.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8103.046875, 618.734375, 20], [522, 8128.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8148.4375, 1, 1], [514, 8148.4375, 1, 1], [522, 8128.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8133.4375, 607.921875, 20], [522, 8158.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8178.828125, 1, 1], [514, 8178.828125, 1, 1], [522, 8158.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8163.828125, 612.59375, 20], [522, 8189.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8209.21875, 1, 1], [514, 8209.21875, 1, 1], [522, 8189.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8194.21875, 533.234375, 20], [522, 8219.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8239.609375, 1, 1], [514, 8239.609375, 1, 1], [522, 8219.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8224.609375, 559.625, 20], [522, 8250, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8270, 1, 1], [514, 8270, 1, 1], [522, 8250, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8255, 605.03125, 20], [522, 8280.390625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 8300.390625, 1, 1], [514, 8300.390625, 1, 1], [522, 8280.390625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 8285.390625, 795.078125, 46.390625], [522, 8337.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8357.171875, 1, 1], [514, 8357.171875, 1, 1], [522, 8337.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8342.171875, 469.125, 20], [522, 8367.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8387.5625, 1, 1], [514, 8387.5625, 1, 1], [522, 8367.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8372.5625, 548.3125, 20], [522, 8397.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8417.953125, 1, 1], [514, 8417.953125, 1, 1], [522, 8397.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8402.953125, 499.109375, 20], [522, 8428.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8448.34375, 1, 1], [514, 8448.34375, 1, 1], [522, 8428.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8433.34375, 503.28125, 20], [522, 8458.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8478.734375, 1, 1], [514, 8478.734375, 1, 1], [522, 8458.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8463.734375, 734.09375, 20], [522, 8489.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8509.125, 1, 1], [514, 8509.125, 1, 1], [522, 8489.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8494.125, 622.25, 20], [522, 8519.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8539.515625, 1, 1], [514, 8539.515625, 1, 1], [522, 8519.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8524.515625, 711.0625, 20], [522, 8549.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8569.90625, 1, 1], [514, 8569.90625, 1, 1], [522, 8549.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8554.90625, 623.3125, 20], [522, 8580.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8600.296875, 1, 1], [514, 8600.296875, 1, 1], [522, 8580.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8585.296875, 676.46875, 20], [522, 8610.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8630.6875, 1, 1], [514, 8630.6875, 1, 1], [522, 8610.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8615.6875, 778.203125, 20], [522, 8641.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8661.078125, 1, 1], [514, 8661.078125, 1, 1], [522, 8641.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8646.078125, 662.703125, 20], [522, 8671.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8691.46875, 1, 1], [514, 8691.46875, 1, 1], [522, 8671.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8676.46875, 379.109375, 20], [522, 8701.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8721.859375, 1, 1], [514, 8721.859375, 1, 1], [522, 8701.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8706.859375, 479.890625, 20], [522, 8732.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8752.25, 1, 1], [514, 8752.25, 1, 1], [522, 8732.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8737.25, 700.578125, 20], [522, 8762.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8782.640625, 1, 1], [514, 8782.640625, 1, 1], [522, 8762.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8767.640625, 564.59375, 20], [522, 8793.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8813.03125, 1, 1], [514, 8813.03125, 1, 1], [522, 8793.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8798.03125, 599.90625, 20], [522, 8823.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8843.421875, 1, 1], [514, 8843.421875, 1, 1], [522, 8823.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8828.421875, 561.390625, 20], [522, 8853.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8873.8125, 1, 1], [514, 8873.8125, 1, 1], [522, 8853.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8858.8125, 580.625, 20], [522, 8884.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8904.203125, 1, 1], [514, 8904.203125, 1, 1], [522, 8884.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8889.203125, 593.9375, 20], [522, 8914.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8934.59375, 1, 1], [514, 8934.59375, 1, 1], [522, 8914.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8919.59375, 552.203125, 20], [522, 8944.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8964.984375, 1, 1], [514, 8964.984375, 1, 1], [522, 8944.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8949.984375, 519.5, 20], [522, 8975.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8995.375, 1, 1], [514, 8995.375, 1, 1], [522, 8975.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8980.375, 694.0625, 20], [522, 9005.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9025.765625, 1, 1], [514, 9025.765625, 1, 1], [522, 9005.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9010.765625, 670.203125, 20], [522, 9036.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9056.15625, 1, 1], [514, 9056.15625, 1, 1], [522, 9036.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9041.15625, 462.875, 20], [522, 9066.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9086.546875, 1, 1], [514, 9086.546875, 1, 1], [522, 9066.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9071.546875, 616.171875, 20], [522, 9096.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9116.9375, 1, 1], [514, 9116.9375, 1, 1], [522, 9096.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9101.9375, 508.21875, 20], [522, 9127.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9147.328125, 1, 1], [514, 9147.328125, 1, 1], [522, 9127.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9132.328125, 454.421875, 20], [522, 9157.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9177.71875, 1, 1], [514, 9177.71875, 1, 1], [522, 9157.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9162.71875, 474.96875, 20], [522, 9188.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9208.109375, 1, 1], [514, 9208.109375, 1, 1], [522, 9188.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9193.109375, 553.03125, 20], [522, 9218.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9238.5, 1, 1], [514, 9238.5, 1, 1], [522, 9218.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9223.5, 590.03125, 20], [522, 9248.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9268.890625, 1, 1], [514, 9268.890625, 1, 1], [522, 9248.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9253.890625, 620.03125, 20], [522, 9279.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9299.28125, 1, 1], [514, 9299.28125, 1, 1], [522, 9279.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9284.28125, 590.046875, 20], [522, 9309.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9329.671875, 1, 1], [514, 9329.671875, 1, 1], [522, 9309.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9314.671875, 461.890625, 20], [522, 9340.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9360.0625, 1, 1], [514, 9360.0625, 1, 1], [522, 9340.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9345.0625, 552.25, 20], [522, 9370.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9390.453125, 1, 1], [514, 9390.453125, 1, 1], [522, 9370.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9375.453125, 589.46875, 20], [522, 9400.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9420.84375, 1, 1], [514, 9420.84375, 1, 1], [522, 9400.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9405.84375, 609.625, 20], [522, 9431.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9451.234375, 1, 1], [514, 9451.234375, 1, 1], [522, 9431.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9436.234375, 663.421875, 20], [522, 9461.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9481.625, 1, 1], [514, 9481.625, 1, 1], [522, 9461.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9466.625, 536.546875, 20], [522, 9492.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9512.015625, 1, 1], [514, 9512.015625, 1, 1], [522, 9492.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9497.015625, 478.5625, 20], [522, 9522.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9542.40625, 1, 1], [514, 9542.40625, 1, 1], [522, 9522.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9527.40625, 593.9375, 20], [522, 9552.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9572.796875, 1, 1], [514, 9572.796875, 1, 1], [522, 9552.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9557.796875, 500.75, 20], [522, 9583.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9603.1875, 1, 1], [514, 9603.1875, 1, 1], [522, 9583.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9588.1875, 592.921875, 20], [522, 9613.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9633.578125, 1, 1], [514, 9633.578125, 1, 1], [522, 9613.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9618.578125, 710.65625, 20], [522, 9643.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9663.96875, 1, 1], [514, 9663.96875, 1, 1], [522, 9643.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9648.96875, 475.921875, 20], [522, 9674.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9694.359375, 1, 1], [514, 9694.359375, 1, 1], [522, 9674.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9679.359375, 539.5, 20], [522, 9704.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9724.75, 1, 1], [514, 9724.75, 1, 1], [522, 9704.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9709.75, 687.203125, 20], [522, 9735.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9755.140625, 1, 1], [514, 9755.140625, 1, 1], [522, 9735.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9740.140625, 701.875, 20], [522, 9765.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9785.53125, 1, 1], [514, 9785.53125, 1, 1], [522, 9765.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9770.53125, 511.859375, 20], [522, 9795.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9815.921875, 1, 1], [514, 9815.921875, 1, 1], [522, 9795.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9800.921875, 724.34375, 20], [522, 9826.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9846.3125, 1, 1], [514, 9846.3125, 1, 1], [522, 9826.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9831.3125, 636.015625, 20], [522, 9856.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9876.703125, 1, 1], [514, 9876.703125, 1, 1], [522, 9856.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9861.703125, 646.078125, 20], [522, 9887.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9907.09375, 1, 1], [514, 9907.09375, 1, 1], [522, 9887.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9892.09375, 554.765625, 20], [522, 9917.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9937.484375, 1, 1], [514, 9937.484375, 1, 1], [522, 9917.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9922.484375, 528.75, 20], [522, 9947.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9967.875, 1, 1], [514, 9967.875, 1, 1], [522, 9947.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9952.875, 521.859375, 20], [522, 9978.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9998.265625, 1, 1], [514, 9998.265625, 1, 1], [522, 9978.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9983.265625, 722.359375, 20], [522, 10008.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10028.65625, 1, 1], [514, 10028.65625, 1, 1], [522, 10008.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10013.65625, 527.75, 20], [522, 10039.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10059.046875, 1, 1], [514, 10059.046875, 1, 1], [522, 10039.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10044.046875, 622.375, 20], [522, 10069.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10089.4375, 1, 1], [514, 10089.4375, 1, 1], [522, 10069.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10074.4375, 469.46875, 20], [522, 10099.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10119.828125, 1, 1], [514, 10119.828125, 1, 1], [522, 10099.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10104.828125, 452.15625, 20], [522, 10130.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10150.21875, 1, 1], [514, 10150.21875, 1, 1], [522, 10130.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10135.21875, 603.90625, 20], [522, 10160.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10180.609375, 1, 1], [514, 10180.609375, 1, 1], [522, 10160.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10165.609375, 462.25, 20], [522, 10191, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10211, 1, 1], [514, 10211, 1, 1], [522, 10191, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10196, 549.625, 20], [522, 10221.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10241.390625, 1, 1], [514, 10241.390625, 1, 1], [522, 10221.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10226.390625, 565.9375, 20], [522, 10251.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10271.78125, 1, 1], [514, 10271.78125, 1, 1], [522, 10251.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10256.78125, 541.515625, 20], [522, 10282.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10302.171875, 1, 1], [514, 10302.171875, 1, 1], [522, 10282.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10287.171875, 671.546875, 20], [522, 10312.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10332.5625, 1, 1], [514, 10332.5625, 1, 1], [522, 10312.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10317.5625, 681.546875, 20], [522, 10342.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10362.953125, 1, 1], [514, 10362.953125, 1, 1], [522, 10342.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10347.953125, 638.015625, 20], [522, 10373.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10393.34375, 1, 1], [514, 10393.34375, 1, 1], [522, 10373.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10378.34375, 460.34375, 20], [522, 10403.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10423.734375, 1, 1], [514, 10423.734375, 1, 1], [522, 10403.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10408.734375, 490.578125, 20], [522, 10434.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10454.125, 1, 1], [514, 10454.125, 1, 1], [522, 10434.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10439.125, 545.421875, 20], [522, 10464.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10484.515625, 1, 1], [514, 10484.515625, 1, 1], [522, 10464.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10469.515625, 630.484375, 20], [522, 10494.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10514.90625, 1, 1], [514, 10514.90625, 1, 1], [522, 10494.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10499.90625, 692.109375, 20], [522, 10525.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10545.296875, 1, 1], [514, 10545.296875, 1, 1], [522, 10525.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10530.296875, 625.5625, 20], [522, 10555.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10575.6875, 1, 1], [514, 10575.6875, 1, 1], [522, 10555.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10560.6875, 491.921875, 20], [522, 10586.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10606.078125, 1, 1], [514, 10606.078125, 1, 1], [522, 10586.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10591.078125, 549.640625, 20], [522, 10616.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10636.46875, 1, 1], [514, 10636.46875, 1, 1], [522, 10616.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10621.46875, 602.796875, 20], [522, 10646.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10666.859375, 1, 1], [514, 10666.859375, 1, 1], [522, 10646.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10651.859375, 608.703125, 20], [522, 10677.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10697.25, 1, 1], [514, 10697.25, 1, 1], [522, 10677.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10682.25, 588.078125, 20], [522, 10707.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10727.640625, 1, 1], [514, 10727.640625, 1, 1], [522, 10707.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10712.640625, 532.375, 20], [522, 10738.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10758.03125, 1, 1], [514, 10758.03125, 1, 1], [522, 10738.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10743.03125, 610.25, 20], [522, 10768.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10788.421875, 1, 1], [514, 10788.421875, 1, 1], [522, 10768.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10773.421875, 611.890625, 20], [522, 10798.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10818.8125, 1, 1], [514, 10818.8125, 1, 1], [522, 10798.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10803.8125, 579.640625, 20], [522, 10829.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10849.203125, 1, 1], [514, 10849.203125, 1, 1], [522, 10829.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10834.203125, 519.953125, 20], [522, 10859.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10879.59375, 1, 1], [514, 10879.59375, 1, 1], [522, 10859.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10864.59375, 598.8125, 20], [522, 10889.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10909.984375, 1, 1], [514, 10909.984375, 1, 1], [522, 10889.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10894.984375, 676.515625, 20], [522, 10920.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10940.375, 1, 1], [514, 10940.375, 1, 1], [522, 10920.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10925.375, 602.8125, 20], [522, 10950.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10970.765625, 1, 1], [514, 10970.765625, 1, 1], [522, 10950.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10955.765625, 590.0625, 20], [522, 10981.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11001.15625, 1, 1], [514, 11001.15625, 1, 1], [522, 10981.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10986.15625, 555.8125, 20], [522, 11011.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11031.546875, 1, 1], [514, 11031.546875, 1, 1], [522, 11011.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11016.546875, 546.40625, 20], [522, 11041.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11061.9375, 1, 1], [514, 11061.9375, 1, 1], [522, 11041.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11046.9375, 568.171875, 20], [522, 11072.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11092.328125, 1, 1], [514, 11092.328125, 1, 1], [522, 11072.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11077.328125, 540.453125, 20], [522, 11102.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11122.71875, 1, 1], [514, 11122.71875, 1, 1], [522, 11102.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11107.71875, 548.953125, 20], [522, 11133.109375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 11153.109375, 1, 1], [514, 11153.109375, 1, 1], [522, 11133.109375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 11138.109375, 776.15625, 46.390625], [522, 11189.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11209.890625, 1, 1], [514, 11209.890625, 1, 1], [522, 11189.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11194.890625, 516.34375, 20], [522, 11220.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11240.28125, 1, 1], [514, 11240.28125, 1, 1], [522, 11220.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11225.28125, 290.796875, 20], [522, 11250.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11270.671875, 1, 1], [514, 11270.671875, 1, 1], [522, 11250.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11255.671875, 626.265625, 20], [522, 11281.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11301.0625, 1, 1], [514, 11301.0625, 1, 1], [522, 11281.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11286.0625, 538.203125, 20], [522, 11311.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11331.453125, 1, 1], [514, 11331.453125, 1, 1], [522, 11311.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11316.453125, 624.5625, 20], [522, 11341.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11361.84375, 1, 1], [514, 11361.84375, 1, 1], [522, 11341.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11346.84375, 640.578125, 20], [522, 11372.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11392.234375, 1, 1], [514, 11392.234375, 1, 1], [522, 11372.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11377.234375, 701.828125, 20], [522, 11402.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11422.625, 1, 1], [514, 11422.625, 1, 1], [522, 11402.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11407.625, 686.25, 20], [522, 11433.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11453.015625, 1, 1], [514, 11453.015625, 1, 1], [522, 11433.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11438.015625, 653.015625, 20], [522, 11463.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11483.40625, 1, 1], [514, 11483.40625, 1, 1], [522, 11463.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11468.40625, 636.625, 20], [522, 11493.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11513.796875, 1, 1], [514, 11513.796875, 1, 1], [522, 11493.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11498.796875, 488.359375, 20], [522, 11524.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11544.1875, 1, 1], [514, 11544.1875, 1, 1], [522, 11524.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11529.1875, 690.4375, 20], [522, 11554.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11574.578125, 1, 1], [514, 11574.578125, 1, 1], [522, 11554.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11559.578125, 791.09375, 20], [522, 11584.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11604.96875, 1, 1], [514, 11604.96875, 1, 1], [522, 11584.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11589.96875, 605.390625, 20], [522, 11615.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11635.359375, 1, 1], [514, 11635.359375, 1, 1], [522, 11615.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11620.359375, 441.078125, 20], [522, 11645.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11665.75, 1, 1], [514, 11665.75, 1, 1], [522, 11645.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11650.75, 481.125, 20], [522, 11676.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11696.140625, 1, 1], [514, 11696.140625, 1, 1], [522, 11676.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11681.140625, 524.859375, 20], [522, 11706.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11726.53125, 1, 1], [514, 11726.53125, 1, 1], [522, 11706.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11711.53125, 594.9375, 20], [522, 11736.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11756.921875, 1, 1], [514, 11756.921875, 1, 1], [522, 11736.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11741.921875, 552.53125, 20], [522, 11767.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11787.3125, 1, 1], [514, 11787.3125, 1, 1], [522, 11767.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11772.3125, 548.34375, 20], [522, 11797.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11817.703125, 1, 1], [514, 11817.703125, 1, 1], [522, 11797.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11802.703125, 679.046875, 20], [522, 11828.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11848.09375, 1, 1], [514, 11848.09375, 1, 1], [522, 11828.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11833.09375, 598.234375, 20], [522, 11858.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11878.484375, 1, 1], [514, 11878.484375, 1, 1], [522, 11858.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11863.484375, 464.84375, 20], [522, 11888.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11908.875, 1, 1], [514, 11908.875, 1, 1], [522, 11888.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11893.875, 728.328125, 20], [522, 11919.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11939.265625, 1, 1], [514, 11939.265625, 1, 1], [522, 11919.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11924.265625, 729.21875, 20], [522, 11949.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11969.65625, 1, 1], [514, 11969.65625, 1, 1], [522, 11949.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11954.65625, 522.484375, 20], [522, 11980.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12000.046875, 1, 1], [514, 12000.046875, 1, 1], [522, 11980.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11985.046875, 561.375, 20], [522, 12010.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12030.4375, 1, 1], [514, 12030.4375, 1, 1], [522, 12010.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12015.4375, 568.859375, 20], [522, 12040.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12060.828125, 1, 1], [514, 12060.828125, 1, 1], [522, 12040.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12045.828125, 674.8125, 20], [522, 12071.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12091.21875, 1, 1], [514, 12091.21875, 1, 1], [522, 12071.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12076.21875, 667.953125, 20], [522, 12101.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12121.609375, 1, 1], [514, 12121.609375, 1, 1], [522, 12101.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12106.609375, 501.015625, 20], [522, 12132, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12152, 1, 1], [514, 12152, 1, 1], [522, 12132, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12137, 495.1875, 20], [522, 12162.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12182.390625, 1, 1], [514, 12182.390625, 1, 1], [522, 12162.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12167.390625, 525.53125, 20], [522, 12192.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12212.78125, 1, 1], [514, 12212.78125, 1, 1], [522, 12192.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12197.78125, 594.578125, 20], [522, 12223.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12243.171875, 1, 1], [514, 12243.171875, 1, 1], [522, 12223.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12228.171875, 628.53125, 20], [522, 12253.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12273.5625, 1, 1], [514, 12273.5625, 1, 1], [522, 12253.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12258.5625, 657.25, 20], [522, 12283.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12303.953125, 1, 1], [514, 12303.953125, 1, 1], [522, 12283.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12288.953125, 476.90625, 20], [522, 12314.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12334.34375, 1, 1], [514, 12334.34375, 1, 1], [522, 12314.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12319.34375, 542.421875, 20], [522, 12344.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12364.734375, 1, 1], [514, 12364.734375, 1, 1], [522, 12344.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12349.734375, 521.859375, 20], [522, 12375.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12395.125, 1, 1], [514, 12395.125, 1, 1], [522, 12375.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12380.125, 543.078125, 20], [522, 12405.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12425.515625, 1, 1], [514, 12425.515625, 1, 1], [522, 12405.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12410.515625, 552.1875, 20], [522, 12435.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12455.90625, 1, 1], [514, 12455.90625, 1, 1], [522, 12435.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12440.90625, 508.84375, 20], [522, 12466.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12486.296875, 1, 1], [514, 12486.296875, 1, 1], [522, 12466.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12471.296875, 523.5, 20], [522, 12496.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12516.6875, 1, 1], [514, 12516.6875, 1, 1], [522, 12496.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12501.6875, 687.09375, 20], [522, 12527.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12547.078125, 1, 1], [514, 12547.078125, 1, 1], [522, 12527.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12532.078125, 793.078125, 20], [522, 12557.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12577.46875, 1, 1], [514, 12577.46875, 1, 1], [522, 12557.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12562.46875, 550.65625, 20], [522, 12587.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12607.859375, 1, 1], [514, 12607.859375, 1, 1], [522, 12587.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12592.859375, 553.578125, 20], [522, 12618.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12638.25, 1, 1], [514, 12638.25, 1, 1], [522, 12618.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12623.25, 800.390625, 20], [522, 12648.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12668.640625, 1, 1], [514, 12668.640625, 1, 1], [522, 12648.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12653.640625, 488.75, 20], [522, 12679.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12699.03125, 1, 1], [514, 12699.03125, 1, 1], [522, 12679.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12684.03125, 531.75, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 234, 230, -1, 239, 240, -1, 243, -1, 247, 226, -1, -1, 254, -1, -1, 260, 262, 222, -1, -1, 271, 226, -1, 230, -1, 279, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 289, -1, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 304, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, 319, -1, -1, 317, 323, -1, -1, 317, 326, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 393, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 410, 289, -1, -1, -1, 426, -1, 429, -1, -1, 426, -1, 439, 230, -1, -1, 230, -1, -1, 226, -1, 222, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 539, -1, -1, 549, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, -1, -1, -1, 577, 570, -1, -1, 586, -1, 570, -1, -1, -1, 573, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 804, 341, -1, -1, -1, 821, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 837, 29, 841, -1, -1, 848, 849, 29, -1, 856, -1, -1, 862, 863, 29, 866, 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831, 30], [], [2, 1088, 831, 30], [-6, 1108, 1, 1], [-6, 1108, 1, 1], [2, 1088, 831, 30], [], [2, 1118, 831, 30], [-6, 1138, 1, 1], [-6, 1138, 1, 1], [2, 1118, 831, 30], [], [2, 1149, 831, 30], [-6, 1169, 1, 1], [-6, 1169, 1, 1], [2, 1149, 831, 30], [], [2, 1179, 831, 30], [-6, 1199, 1, 1], [-6, 1199, 1, 1], [2, 1179, 831, 30], [], [2, 1210, 831, 30], [-6, 1230, 1, 1], [-6, 1230, 1, 1], [2, 1210, 831, 30], [], [2, 1240, 831, 30], [-6, 1260, 1, 1], [-6, 1260, 1, 1], [2, 1240, 831, 30], [], [2, 1270, 831, 30], [-6, 1290, 1, 1], [-6, 1290, 1, 1], [2, 1270, 831, 30], [], [2, 1301, 831, 30], [-6, 1321, 1, 1], [-6, 1321, 1, 1], [2, 1301, 831, 30], [], [2, 1331, 831, 30], [-6, 1351, 1, 1], [-6, 1351, 1, 1], [2, 1331, 831, 30], [], [2, 1362, 831, 30], [-6, 1382, 1, 1], [-6, 1382, 1, 1], [2, 1362, 831, 30], [], [2, 1392, 831, 30], [-6, 1412, 1, 1], [-6, 1412, 1, 1], [2, 1392, 831, 30], [], [2, 1422, 831, 30], [-6, 1442, 1, 1], [-6, 1442, 1, 1], [2, 1422, 831, 30], [], [2, 1453, 831, 30], [-6, 1473, 1, 1], [-6, 1473, 1, 1], [2, 1453, 831, 30], [], [2, 1483, 831, 30], [-6, 1503, 1, 1], [-6, 1503, 1, 1], [2, 1483, 831, 30], [], [2, 1514, 831, 30], [-6, 1534, 1, 1], [-6, 1534, 1, 1], [2, 1514, 831, 30], [], [2, 1544, 831, 30], [-6, 1564, 1, 1], [-6, 1564, 1, 1], [2, 1544, 831, 30], [], [2, 1574, 831, 30], [-6, 1594, 1, 1], [-6, 1594, 1, 1], [2, 1574, 831, 30], [], [2, 1605, 831, 30], [-6, 1625, 1, 1], [-6, 1625, 1, 1], [2, 1605, 831, 30], [], [2, 1635, 831, 30], [-6, 1655, 1, 1], [-6, 1655, 1, 1], [2, 1635, 831, 30], [], [2, 1665, 831, 30], [-6, 1685, 1, 1], [-6, 1685, 1, 1], [2, 1665, 831, 30], [], [2, 1696, 831, 30], [-6, 1716, 1, 1], [-6, 1716, 1, 1], [2, 1696, 831, 30], [], [2, 1726, 831, 30], [-6, 1746, 1, 1], [-6, 1746, 1, 1], [2, 1726, 831, 30], [], [2, 1757, 831, 30], [-6, 1777, 1, 1], [-6, 1777, 1, 1], [2, 1757, 831, 30], [], [2, 1787, 831, 30], [-6, 1807, 1, 1], [-6, 1807, 1, 1], [2, 1787, 831, 30], [], [2, 1817, 831, 30], [-6, 1837, 1, 1], [-6, 1837, 1, 1], [2, 1817, 831, 30], [], [2, 1848, 831, 30], [-6, 1868, 1, 1], [-6, 1868, 1, 1], [2, 1848, 831, 30], [], [2, 1878, 831, 30], [-6, 1898, 1, 1], [-6, 1898, 1, 1], [2, 1878, 831, 30], [], [2, 1909, 831, 30], [-6, 1929, 1, 1], [-6, 1929, 1, 1], [2, 1909, 831, 30], [], [2, 1939, 831, 30], [-6, 1959, 1, 1], [-6, 1959, 1, 1], [2, 1939, 831, 30], [], [2, 1969, 831, 30], [-6, 1989, 1, 1], [-6, 1989, 1, 1], [2, 1969, 831, 30], [], [2, 2000, 831, 30], [-6, 2020, 1, 1], [-6, 2020, 1, 1], [2, 2000, 831, 30], [], [2, 2030, 831, 30], [-6, 2050, 1, 1], [-6, 2050, 1, 1], [2, 2030, 831, 30], [], [2, 2061, 831, 30], [-6, 2081, 1, 1], [-6, 2081, 1, 1], [2, 2061, 831, 30], [], [2, 2091, 831, 30], [-6, 2111, 1, 1], [-6, 2111, 1, 1], [2, 2091, 831, 30], [], [2, 2121, 831, 30], [-6, 2141, 1, 1], [-6, 2141, 1, 1], [2, 2121, 831, 30], [], [2, 2152, 831, 30], [-6, 2172, 1, 1], [-6, 2172, 1, 1], [2, 2152, 831, 30], [], [2, 2182, 831, 30], [-6, 2202, 1, 1], [-6, 2202, 1, 1], [2, 2182, 831, 30], [], [2, 2213, 831, 30], [-6, 2233, 1, 1], [-6, 2233, 1, 1], [2, 2213, 831, 30], [], [2, 2243, 831, 30], [-6, 2263, 1, 1], [-6, 2263, 1, 1], [2, 2243, 831, 30], [], [2, 2273, 831, 30], [-6, 2293, 1, 1], [-6, 2293, 1, 1], [2, 2273, 831, 30], [], [2, 2304, 831, 30], [-6, 2324, 1, 1], [-6, 2324, 1, 1], [2, 2304, 831, 30], [], [2, 2334, 831, 30], [-6, 2354, 1, 1], [-6, 2354, 1, 1], [2, 2334, 831, 30], [], [2, 2364, 831, 30], [-6, 2384, 1, 1], [-6, 2384, 1, 1], [2, 2364, 831, 30], [], [2, 2395, 831, 30], [-6, 2415, 1, 1], [-6, 2415, 1, 1], [2, 2395, 831, 30], [], [2, 2425, 831, 30], [-6, 2445, 1, 1], [-6, 2445, 1, 1], [2, 2425, 831, 30], [], [2, 2456, 831, 30], [-6, 2476, 1, 1], [-6, 2476, 1, 1], [2, 2456, 831, 30], [], [2, 2486, 831, 30], [-6, 2506, 1, 1], [-6, 2506, 1, 1], [2, 2486, 831, 30], [], [2, 2516, 831, 30], [-6, 2536, 1, 1], [-6, 2536, 1, 1], [2, 2516, 831, 30], [], [2, 2547, 831, 30], [-6, 2567, 1, 1], [-6, 2567, 1, 1], [2, 2547, 831, 30], [], [2, 2577, 831, 30], [-6, 2597, 1, 1], [-6, 2597, 1, 1], [2, 2577, 831, 30], [], [2, 2608, 831, 30], [-6, 2628, 1, 1], [-6, 2628, 1, 1], [2, 2608, 831, 30], [], [2, 2638, 831, 30], [-6, 2658, 1, 1], [-6, 2658, 1, 1], [2, 2638, 831, 30], [], [2, 2668, 831, 30], [-6, 2688, 1, 1], [-6, 2688, 1, 1], [2, 2668, 831, 30], [], [2, 2699, 831, 30], [-6, 2719, 1, 1], [-6, 2719, 1, 1], [2, 2699, 831, 30], [], [2, 2729, 831, 30], [-6, 2749, 1, 1], [-6, 2749, 1, 1], [2, 2729, 831, 30], [], [2, 2760, 831, 30], [-6, 2780, 1, 1], [-6, 2780, 1, 1], [2, 2760, 831, 30], [], [2, 2790, 831, 30], [-6, 2810, 1, 1], [-6, 2810, 1, 1], [2, 2790, 831, 30], [], [2, 2820, 831, 30], [-6, 2840, 1, 1], [-6, 2840, 1, 1], [2, 2820, 831, 30], [], [2, 2851, 831, 30], [-6, 2871, 1, 1], [-6, 2871, 1, 1], [2, 2851, 831, 30], [], [2, 2881, 831, 57], [-6, 2901, 1, 1], [-6, 2901, 1, 1], [2, 2881, 831, 57], [], [2, 2938, 831, 57], [-6, 2958, 1, 1], [-6, 2958, 1, 1], [2, 2938, 831, 57], [], [2, 2995, 831, 57], [-6, 3015, 1, 1], [-6, 3015, 1, 1], [2, 2995, 831, 57], [], [2, 3051, 831, 30], [-6, 3071, 1, 1], [-6, 3071, 1, 1], [2, 3051, 831, 30], [], [2, 3082, 831, 30], [-6, 3102, 1, 1], [-6, 3102, 1, 1], [2, 3082, 831, 30], [], [2, 3112, 831, 30], [-6, 3132, 1, 1], [-6, 3132, 1, 1], [2, 3112, 831, 30], [], [2, 3143, 831, 30], [-6, 3163, 1, 1], [-6, 3163, 1, 1], [2, 3143, 831, 30], [], [2, 3173, 831, 57], [-6, 3193, 1, 1], [-6, 3193, 1, 1], [2, 3173, 831, 57], [], [2, 3230, 831, 30], [-6, 3250, 1, 1], [-6, 3250, 1, 1], [2, 3230, 831, 30], [], [2, 3260, 831, 30], [-6, 3280, 1, 1], [-6, 3280, 1, 1], [2, 3260, 831, 30], [], [2, 3291, 831, 30], [-6, 3311, 1, 1], [-6, 3311, 1, 1], [2, 3291, 831, 30], [], [2, 3321, 831, 30], [-6, 3341, 1, 1], [-6, 3341, 1, 1], [2, 3321, 831, 30], [], [2, 3351, 831, 30], [-6, 3371, 1, 1], [-6, 3371, 1, 1], [2, 3351, 831, 30], [], [2, 3382, 831, 30], [-6, 3402, 1, 1], [-6, 3402, 1, 1], [2, 3382, 831, 30], [], [2, 3412, 831, 30], [-6, 3432, 1, 1], [-6, 3432, 1, 1], [2, 3412, 831, 30], [], [2, 3443, 831, 30], [-6, 3463, 1, 1], [-6, 3463, 1, 1], [2, 3443, 831, 30], [], [2, 3473, 831, 30], [-6, 3493, 1, 1], [-6, 3493, 1, 1], [2, 3473, 831, 30], [], [2, 3503, 831, 30], [-6, 3523, 1, 1], [-6, 3523, 1, 1], [2, 3503, 831, 30], [], [2, 3534, 831, 30], [-6, 3554, 1, 1], [-6, 3554, 1, 1], [2, 3534, 831, 30], [], [2, 3564, 831, 30], [-6, 3584, 1, 1], [-6, 3584, 1, 1], [2, 3564, 831, 30], [], [2, 3594, 831, 30], [-6, 3614, 1, 1], [-6, 3614, 1, 1], [2, 3594, 831, 30], [], [2, 3625, 831, 30], [-6, 3645, 1, 1], [-6, 3645, 1, 1], [2, 3625, 831, 30], [], [2, 3655, 831, 30], [-6, 3675, 1, 1], [-6, 3675, 1, 1], [2, 3655, 831, 30], [], [2, 3686, 831, 30], [-6, 3706, 1, 1], [-6, 3706, 1, 1], [2, 3686, 831, 30], [], [2, 3716, 831, 30], [-6, 3736, 1, 1], [-6, 3736, 1, 1], [2, 3716, 831, 30], [], [2, 3746, 831, 30], [-6, 3766, 1, 1], [-6, 3766, 1, 1], [2, 3746, 831, 30], [], [2, 3777, 831, 30], [-6, 3797, 1, 1], [-6, 3797, 1, 1], [2, 3777, 831, 30], [], [2, 3807, 831, 30], [-6, 3827, 1, 1], [-6, 3827, 1, 1], [2, 3807, 831, 30], [], [2, 3838, 831, 30], [-6, 3858, 1, 1], [-6, 3858, 1, 1], [2, 3838, 831, 30], [], [2, 3868, 831, 30], [-6, 3888, 1, 1], [-6, 3888, 1, 1], [2, 3868, 831, 30], [], [2, 3898, 831, 30], [-6, 3918, 1, 1], [-6, 3918, 1, 1], [2, 3898, 831, 30], [], [2, 3929, 831, 30], [-6, 3949, 1, 1], [-6, 3949, 1, 1], [2, 3929, 831, 30], [], [2, 3959, 831, 30], [-6, 3979, 1, 1], [-6, 3979, 1, 1], [2, 3959, 831, 30], [], [2, 3990, 831, 30], [-6, 4010, 1, 1], [-6, 4010, 1, 1], [2, 3990, 831, 30], [], [2, 4020, 831, 30], [-6, 4040, 1, 1], [-6, 4040, 1, 1], [2, 4020, 831, 30], [], [2, 4050, 831, 30], [-6, 4070, 1, 1], [-6, 4070, 1, 1], [2, 4050, 831, 30], [], [2, 4081, 831, 30], [-6, 4101, 1, 1], [-6, 4101, 1, 1], [2, 4081, 831, 30], [], [2, 4111, 831, 30], [-6, 4131, 1, 1], [-6, 4131, 1, 1], [2, 4111, 831, 30], [], [2, 4142, 831, 30], [-6, 4162, 1, 1], [-6, 4162, 1, 1], [2, 4142, 831, 30], [], [2, 4172, 831, 30], [-6, 4192, 1, 1], [-6, 4192, 1, 1], [2, 4172, 831, 30], [], [2, 4202, 831, 30], [-6, 4222, 1, 1], [-6, 4222, 1, 1], [2, 4202, 831, 30], [], [2, 4233, 831, 30], [-6, 4253, 1, 1], [-6, 4253, 1, 1], [2, 4233, 831, 30], [], [2, 4263, 831, 30], [-6, 4283, 1, 1], [-6, 4283, 1, 1], [2, 4263, 831, 30], [], [2, 4293, 831, 57], [-6, 4313, 1, 1], [-6, 4313, 1, 1], [2, 4293, 831, 57], [], [2, 4350, 831, 30], [-6, 4370, 1, 1], [-6, 4370, 1, 1], [2, 4350, 831, 30], [], [2, 4381, 831, 30], [-6, 4401, 1, 1], [-6, 4401, 1, 1], [2, 4381, 831, 30], [], [2, 4411, 831, 30], [-6, 4431, 1, 1], [-6, 4431, 1, 1], [2, 4411, 831, 30], [], [2, 4441, 831, 30], [-6, 4461, 1, 1], [-6, 4461, 1, 1], [2, 4441, 831, 30], [], [2, 4472, 831, 30], [-6, 4492, 1, 1], [-6, 4492, 1, 1], [2, 4472, 831, 30], [], [2, 4502, 831, 30], [-6, 4522, 1, 1], [-6, 4522, 1, 1], [2, 4502, 831, 30], [], [2, 4533, 831, 30], [-6, 4553, 1, 1], [-6, 4553, 1, 1], [2, 4533, 831, 30], [], [2, 4563, 831, 30], [-6, 4583, 1, 1], [-6, 4583, 1, 1], [2, 4563, 831, 30], [], [2, 4593, 831, 30], [-6, 4613, 1, 1], [-6, 4613, 1, 1], [2, 4593, 831, 30], [], [2, 4624, 831, 30], [-6, 4644, 1, 1], [-6, 4644, 1, 1], [2, 4624, 831, 30], [], [2, 4654, 831, 30], [-6, 4674, 1, 1], [-6, 4674, 1, 1], [2, 4654, 831, 30], [], [2, 4685, 831, 30], [-6, 4705, 1, 1], [-6, 4705, 1, 1], [2, 4685, 831, 30], [], [2, 4715, 831, 30], [-6, 4735, 1, 1], [-6, 4735, 1, 1], [2, 4715, 831, 30], [], [2, 4745, 831, 30], [-6, 4765, 1, 1], [-6, 4765, 1, 1], [2, 4745, 831, 30], [], [2, 4776, 831, 30], [-6, 4796, 1, 1], [-6, 4796, 1, 1], [2, 4776, 831, 30], [], [2, 4806, 831, 30], [-6, 4826, 1, 1], [-6, 4826, 1, 1], [2, 4806, 831, 30], [], [2, 4837, 831, 30], [-6, 4857, 1, 1], [-6, 4857, 1, 1], [2, 4837, 831, 30], [], [2, 4867, 831, 30], [-6, 4887, 1, 1], [-6, 4887, 1, 1], [2, 4867, 831, 30], [], [2, 4897, 831, 30], [-6, 4917, 1, 1], [-6, 4917, 1, 1], [2, 4897, 831, 30], [], [2, 4928, 831, 30], [-6, 4948, 1, 1], [-6, 4948, 1, 1], [2, 4928, 831, 30], [], [2, 4958, 831, 30], [-6, 4978, 1, 1], [-6, 4978, 1, 1], [2, 4958, 831, 30], [], [2, 4988, 831, 30], [-6, 5008, 1, 1], [-6, 5008, 1, 1], [2, 4988, 831, 30], [], [2, 5019, 831, 30], [-6, 5039, 1, 1], [-6, 5039, 1, 1], [2, 5019, 831, 30], [], [2, 5049, 831, 30], [-6, 5069, 1, 1], [-6, 5069, 1, 1], [2, 5049, 831, 30], [], [2, 5080, 831, 30], [-6, 5100, 1, 1], [-6, 5100, 1, 1], [2, 5080, 831, 30], [], [2, 5110, 831, 30], [-6, 5130, 1, 1], [-6, 5130, 1, 1], [2, 5110, 831, 30], [], [2, 5140, 831, 30], [-6, 5160, 1, 1], [-6, 5160, 1, 1], [2, 5140, 831, 30], [], [2, 5171, 831, 30], [-6, 5191, 1, 1], [-6, 5191, 1, 1], [2, 5171, 831, 30], [], [2, 5201, 831, 30], [-6, 5221, 1, 1], [-6, 5221, 1, 1], [2, 5201, 831, 30], [], [2, 5232, 831, 30], [-6, 5252, 1, 1], [-6, 5252, 1, 1], [2, 5232, 831, 30], [], [2, 5262, 831, 30], [-6, 5282, 1, 1], [-6, 5282, 1, 1], [2, 5262, 831, 30], [], [2, 5292, 831, 30], [-6, 5312, 1, 1], [-6, 5312, 1, 1], [2, 5292, 831, 30], [], [2, 5323, 831, 30], [-6, 5343, 1, 1], [-6, 5343, 1, 1], [2, 5323, 831, 30], [], [2, 5353, 831, 30], [-6, 5373, 1, 1], [-6, 5373, 1, 1], [2, 5353, 831, 30], [], [2, 5384, 831, 30], [-6, 5404, 1, 1], [-6, 5404, 1, 1], [2, 5384, 831, 30], [], [2, 5414, 831, 30], [-6, 5434, 1, 1], [-6, 5434, 1, 1], [2, 5414, 831, 30], [], [2, 5444, 831, 30], [-6, 5464, 1, 1], [-6, 5464, 1, 1], [2, 5444, 831, 30], [], [2, 5475, 831, 30], [-6, 5495, 1, 1], [-6, 5495, 1, 1], [2, 5475, 831, 30], [], [2, 5505, 831, 30], [-6, 5525, 1, 1], [-6, 5525, 1, 1], [2, 5505, 831, 30], [], [2, 5535, 831, 30], [-6, 5555, 1, 1], [-6, 5555, 1, 1], [2, 5535, 831, 30], [], [2, 5566, 831, 30], [-6, 5586, 1, 1], [-6, 5586, 1, 1], [2, 5566, 831, 30], [], [2, 5596, 831, 30], [-6, 5616, 1, 1], [-6, 5616, 1, 1], [2, 5596, 831, 30], [], [2, 5627, 831, 30], [-6, 5647, 1, 1], [-6, 5647, 1, 1], [2, 5627, 831, 30], [], [2, 5657, 831, 30], [-6, 5677, 1, 1], [-6, 5677, 1, 1], [2, 5657, 831, 30], [], [2, 5687, 831, 30], [-6, 5707, 1, 1], [-6, 5707, 1, 1], [2, 5687, 831, 30], [], [2, 5718, 831, 30], [-6, 5738, 1, 1], [-6, 5738, 1, 1], [2, 5718, 831, 30], [], [2, 5748, 831, 30], [-6, 5768, 1, 1], [-6, 5768, 1, 1], [2, 5748, 831, 30], [], [2, 5779, 831, 30], [-6, 5799, 1, 1], [-6, 5799, 1, 1], [2, 5779, 831, 30], [], [2, 5809, 831, 30], [-6, 5829, 1, 1], [-6, 5829, 1, 1], [2, 5809, 831, 30], [], [2, 5839, 831, 30], [-6, 5859, 1, 1], [-6, 5859, 1, 1], [2, 5839, 831, 30], [], [2, 5870, 831, 30], [-6, 5890, 1, 1], [-6, 5890, 1, 1], [2, 5870, 831, 30], [], [2, 5900, 831, 57], [-6, 5920, 1, 1], [-6, 5920, 1, 1], [2, 5900, 831, 57], [], [2, 5957, 831, 30], [-6, 5977, 1, 1], [-6, 5977, 1, 1], [2, 5957, 831, 30], [], [2, 5987, 831, 30], [-6, 6007, 1, 1], [-6, 6007, 1, 1], [2, 5987, 831, 30], [], [2, 6018, 831, 30], [-6, 6038, 1, 1], [-6, 6038, 1, 1], [2, 6018, 831, 30], [], [2, 6048, 831, 30], [-6, 6068, 1, 1], [-6, 6068, 1, 1], [2, 6048, 831, 30], [], [2, 6079, 831, 30], [-6, 6099, 1, 1], [-6, 6099, 1, 1], [2, 6079, 831, 30], [], [2, 6109, 831, 30], [-6, 6129, 1, 1], [-6, 6129, 1, 1], [2, 6109, 831, 30], [], [2, 6139, 831, 30], [-6, 6159, 1, 1], [-6, 6159, 1, 1], [2, 6139, 831, 30], [], [2, 6170, 831, 30], [-6, 6190, 1, 1], [-6, 6190, 1, 1], [2, 6170, 831, 30], [], [2, 6200, 831, 30], [-6, 6220, 1, 1], [-6, 6220, 1, 1], [2, 6200, 831, 30], [], [2, 6230, 831, 30], [-6, 6250, 1, 1], [-6, 6250, 1, 1], [2, 6230, 831, 30], [], [2, 6261, 831, 30], [-6, 6281, 1, 1], [-6, 6281, 1, 1], [2, 6261, 831, 30], [], [2, 6291, 831, 30], [-6, 6311, 1, 1], [-6, 6311, 1, 1], [2, 6291, 831, 30], [], [2, 6322, 831, 30], [-6, 6342, 1, 1], [-6, 6342, 1, 1], [2, 6322, 831, 30], [], [2, 6352, 831, 30], [-6, 6372, 1, 1], [-6, 6372, 1, 1], [2, 6352, 831, 30], [], [2, 6382, 831, 30], [-6, 6402, 1, 1], [-6, 6402, 1, 1], [2, 6382, 831, 30], [], [2, 6413, 831, 30], [-6, 6433, 1, 1], [-6, 6433, 1, 1], [2, 6413, 831, 30], [], [2, 6443, 831, 30], [-6, 6463, 1, 1], [-6, 6463, 1, 1], [2, 6443, 831, 30], [], [2, 6474, 831, 30], [-6, 6494, 1, 1], [-6, 6494, 1, 1], [2, 6474, 831, 30], [], [2, 6504, 831, 30], [-6, 6524, 1, 1], [-6, 6524, 1, 1], [2, 6504, 831, 30], [], [2, 6534, 831, 30], [-6, 6554, 1, 1], [-6, 6554, 1, 1], [2, 6534, 831, 30], [], [2, 6565, 831, 30], [-6, 6585, 1, 1], [-6, 6585, 1, 1], [2, 6565, 831, 30], [], [2, 6595, 831, 30], [-6, 6615, 1, 1], [-6, 6615, 1, 1], [2, 6595, 831, 30], [], [2, 6626, 831, 30], [-6, 6646, 1, 1], [-6, 6646, 1, 1], [2, 6626, 831, 30], [], [2, 6656, 831, 30], [-6, 6676, 1, 1], [-6, 6676, 1, 1], [2, 6656, 831, 30], [], [2, 6686, 831, 30], [-6, 6706, 1, 1], [-6, 6706, 1, 1], [2, 6686, 831, 30], [], [2, 6717, 831, 30], [-6, 6737, 1, 1], [-6, 6737, 1, 1], [2, 6717, 831, 30], [], [2, 6747, 831, 30], [-6, 6767, 1, 1], [-6, 6767, 1, 1], [2, 6747, 831, 30], [], [2, 6778, 831, 30], [-6, 6798, 1, 1], [-6, 6798, 1, 1], [2, 6778, 831, 30], [], [2, 6808, 831, 30], [-6, 6828, 1, 1], [-6, 6828, 1, 1], [2, 6808, 831, 30], [], [2, 6838, 831, 30], [-6, 6858, 1, 1], [-6, 6858, 1, 1], [2, 6838, 831, 30], [], [2, 6869, 831, 30], [-6, 6889, 1, 1], [-6, 6889, 1, 1], [2, 6869, 831, 30], [], [2, 6899, 831, 30], [-6, 6919, 1, 1], [-6, 6919, 1, 1], [2, 6899, 831, 30], [], [2, 6929, 831, 30], [-6, 6949, 1, 1], [-6, 6949, 1, 1], [2, 6929, 831, 30], [], [2, 6960, 831, 30], [-6, 6980, 1, 1], [-6, 6980, 1, 1], [2, 6960, 831, 30], [], [2, 6990, 831, 30], [-6, 7010, 1, 1], [-6, 7010, 1, 1], [2, 6990, 831, 30], [], [2, 7021, 831, 30], [-6, 7041, 1, 1], [-6, 7041, 1, 1], [2, 7021, 831, 30], [], [2, 7051, 831, 30], [-6, 7071, 1, 1], [-6, 7071, 1, 1], [2, 7051, 831, 30], [], [2, 7081, 831, 30], [-6, 7101, 1, 1], [-6, 7101, 1, 1], [2, 7081, 831, 30], [], [2, 7112, 831, 30], [-6, 7132, 1, 1], [-6, 7132, 1, 1], [2, 7112, 831, 30], [], [2, 7142, 831, 30], [-6, 7162, 1, 1], [-6, 7162, 1, 1], [2, 7142, 831, 30], [], [2, 7173, 831, 30], [-6, 7193, 1, 1], [-6, 7193, 1, 1], [2, 7173, 831, 30], [], [2, 7203, 831, 30], [-6, 7223, 1, 1], [-6, 7223, 1, 1], [2, 7203, 831, 30], [], [2, 7233, 831, 30], [-6, 7253, 1, 1], [-6, 7253, 1, 1], [2, 7233, 831, 30], [], [2, 7264, 831, 57], [-6, 7284, 1, 1], [-6, 7284, 1, 1], [2, 7264, 831, 57], [], [2, 7321, 831, 30], [-6, 7341, 1, 1], [-6, 7341, 1, 1], [2, 7321, 831, 30], [], [2, 7351, 831, 30], [-6, 7371, 1, 1], [-6, 7371, 1, 1], [2, 7351, 831, 30], [], [2, 7381, 831, 30], [-6, 7401, 1, 1], [-6, 7401, 1, 1], [2, 7381, 831, 30], [], [2, 7412, 831, 30], [-6, 7432, 1, 1], [-6, 7432, 1, 1], [2, 7412, 831, 30], [], [2, 7442, 831, 30], [-6, 7462, 1, 1], [-6, 7462, 1, 1], [2, 7442, 831, 30], [], [2, 7472, 831, 30], [-6, 7492, 1, 1], [-6, 7492, 1, 1], [2, 7472, 831, 30], [], [2, 7503, 831, 30], [-6, 7523, 1, 1], [-6, 7523, 1, 1], [2, 7503, 831, 30], [], [2, 7533, 831, 30], [-6, 7553, 1, 1], [-6, 7553, 1, 1], [2, 7533, 831, 30], [], [2, 7564, 831, 30], [-6, 7584, 1, 1], [-6, 7584, 1, 1], [2, 7564, 831, 30], [], [2, 7594, 831, 30], [-6, 7614, 1, 1], [-6, 7614, 1, 1], [2, 7594, 831, 30], [], [2, 7624, 831, 30], [-6, 7644, 1, 1], [-6, 7644, 1, 1], [2, 7624, 831, 30], [], [2, 7655, 831, 30], [-6, 7675, 1, 1], [-6, 7675, 1, 1], [2, 7655, 831, 30], [], [2, 7685, 831, 30], [-6, 7705, 1, 1], [-6, 7705, 1, 1], [2, 7685, 831, 30], [], [2, 7716, 831, 30], [-6, 7736, 1, 1], [-6, 7736, 1, 1], [2, 7716, 831, 30], [], [2, 7746, 831, 30], [-6, 7766, 1, 1], [-6, 7766, 1, 1], [2, 7746, 831, 30], [], [2, 7776, 831, 57], [-6, 7796, 1, 1], [-6, 7796, 1, 1], [2, 7776, 831, 57], [], [2, 7833, 831, 30], [-6, 7853, 1, 1], [-6, 7853, 1, 1], [2, 7833, 831, 30], [], [2, 7864, 831, 30], [-6, 7884, 1, 1], [-6, 7884, 1, 1], [2, 7864, 831, 30], [], [2, 7894, 831, 30], [-6, 7914, 1, 1], [-6, 7914, 1, 1], [2, 7894, 831, 30], [], [2, 7924, 831, 30], [-6, 7944, 1, 1], [-6, 7944, 1, 1], [2, 7924, 831, 30], [], [2, 7955, 831, 30], [-6, 7975, 1, 1], [-6, 7975, 1, 1], [2, 7955, 831, 30], [], [2, 7985, 831, 30], [-6, 8005, 1, 1], [-6, 8005, 1, 1], [2, 7985, 831, 30], [], [2, 8016, 831, 30], [-6, 8036, 1, 1], [-6, 8036, 1, 1], [2, 8016, 831, 30], [], [2, 8046, 831, 30], [-6, 8066, 1, 1], [-6, 8066, 1, 1], [2, 8046, 831, 30], [], [2, 8076, 831, 30], [-6, 8096, 1, 1], [-6, 8096, 1, 1], [2, 8076, 831, 30], [], [2, 8107, 831, 30], [-6, 8127, 1, 1], [-6, 8127, 1, 1], [2, 8107, 831, 30], [], [2, 8137, 831, 30], [-6, 8157, 1, 1], [-6, 8157, 1, 1], [2, 8137, 831, 30], [], [2, 8167, 831, 30], [-6, 8187, 1, 1], [-6, 8187, 1, 1], [2, 8167, 831, 30], [], [2, 8198, 831, 30], [-6, 8218, 1, 1], [-6, 8218, 1, 1], [2, 8198, 831, 30], [], [2, 8228, 831, 30], [-6, 8248, 1, 1], [-6, 8248, 1, 1], [2, 8228, 831, 30], [], [2, 8259, 831, 30], [-6, 8279, 1, 1], [-6, 8279, 1, 1], [2, 8259, 831, 30], [], [2, 8289, 831, 30], [-6, 8309, 1, 1], [-6, 8309, 1, 1], [2, 8289, 831, 30], [], [2, 8319, 831, 30], [-6, 8339, 1, 1], [-6, 8339, 1, 1], [2, 8319, 831, 30], [], [2, 8350, 831, 30], [-6, 8370, 1, 1], [-6, 8370, 1, 1], [2, 8350, 831, 30], [], [2, 8380, 831, 30], [-6, 8400, 1, 1], [-6, 8400, 1, 1], [2, 8380, 831, 30], [], [2, 8411, 831, 30], [-6, 8431, 1, 1], [-6, 8431, 1, 1], [2, 8411, 831, 30], [], [2, 8441, 831, 30], [-6, 8461, 1, 1], [-6, 8461, 1, 1], [2, 8441, 831, 30], [], [2, 8471, 831, 30], [-6, 8491, 1, 1], [-6, 8491, 1, 1], [2, 8471, 831, 30], [], [2, 8502, 831, 30], [-6, 8522, 1, 1], [-6, 8522, 1, 1], [2, 8502, 831, 30], [], [2, 8532, 831, 30], [-6, 8552, 1, 1], [-6, 8552, 1, 1], [2, 8532, 831, 30], [], [2, 8563, 831, 30], [-6, 8583, 1, 1], [-6, 8583, 1, 1], [2, 8563, 831, 30], [], [2, 8593, 831, 30], [-6, 8613, 1, 1], [-6, 8613, 1, 1], [2, 8593, 831, 30], [], [2, 8623, 831, 30], [-6, 8643, 1, 1], [-6, 8643, 1, 1], [2, 8623, 831, 30], [], [2, 8654, 831, 30], [-6, 8674, 1, 1], [-6, 8674, 1, 1], [2, 8654, 831, 30], [], [2, 8684, 831, 30], [-6, 8704, 1, 1], [-6, 8704, 1, 1], [2, 8684, 831, 30], [], [2, 8715, 831, 30], [-6, 8735, 1, 1], [-6, 8735, 1, 1], [2, 8715, 831, 30], [], [2, 8745, 831, 30], [-6, 8765, 1, 1], [-6, 8765, 1, 1], [2, 8745, 831, 30], [], [2, 8775, 831, 30], [-6, 8795, 1, 1], [-6, 8795, 1, 1], [2, 8775, 831, 30], [], [2, 8806, 831, 30], [-6, 8826, 1, 1], [-6, 8826, 1, 1], [2, 8806, 831, 30], [], [2, 8836, 831, 30], [-6, 8856, 1, 1], [-6, 8856, 1, 1], [2, 8836, 831, 30], [], [2, 8866, 831, 30], [-6, 8886, 1, 1], [-6, 8886, 1, 1], [2, 8866, 831, 30], [], [2, 8897, 831, 30], [-6, 8917, 1, 1], [-6, 8917, 1, 1], [2, 8897, 831, 30], [], [2, 8927, 831, 30], [-6, 8947, 1, 1], [-6, 8947, 1, 1], [2, 8927, 831, 30], [], [2, 8958, 831, 30], [-6, 8978, 1, 1], [-6, 8978, 1, 1], [2, 8958, 831, 30], [], [2, 8988, 831, 30], [-6, 9008, 1, 1], [-6, 9008, 1, 1], [2, 8988, 831, 30], [], [2, 9018, 831, 30], [-6, 9038, 1, 1], [-6, 9038, 1, 1], [2, 9018, 831, 30], [], [2, 9049, 831, 30], [-6, 9069, 1, 1], [-6, 9069, 1, 1], [2, 9049, 831, 30], [], [2, 9079, 831, 30], [-6, 9099, 1, 1], [-6, 9099, 1, 1], [2, 9079, 831, 30], [], [2, 9110, 831, 30], [-6, 9130, 1, 1], [-6, 9130, 1, 1], [2, 9110, 831, 30], [], [2, 9140, 831, 30], [-6, 9160, 1, 1], [-6, 9160, 1, 1], [2, 9140, 831, 30], [], [2, 9170, 831, 30], [-6, 9190, 1, 1], [-6, 9190, 1, 1], [2, 9170, 831, 30], [], [2, 9201, 831, 30], [-6, 9221, 1, 1], [-6, 9221, 1, 1], [2, 9201, 831, 30], [], [2, 9231, 831, 30], [-6, 9251, 1, 1], [-6, 9251, 1, 1], [2, 9231, 831, 30], [], [2, 9262, 831, 30], [-6, 9282, 1, 1], [-6, 9282, 1, 1], [2, 9262, 831, 30], [], [2, 9292, 831, 30], [-6, 9312, 1, 1], [-6, 9312, 1, 1], [2, 9292, 831, 30], [], [2, 9322, 831, 30], [-6, 9342, 1, 1], [-6, 9342, 1, 1], [2, 9322, 831, 30], [], [2, 9353, 831, 30], [-6, 9373, 1, 1], [-6, 9373, 1, 1], [2, 9353, 831, 30], [], [2, 9383, 831, 30], [-6, 9403, 1, 1], [-6, 9403, 1, 1], [2, 9383, 831, 30], [], [2, 9413, 831, 30], [-6, 9433, 1, 1], [-6, 9433, 1, 1], [2, 9413, 831, 30], [], [2, 9444, 831, 30], [-6, 9464, 1, 1], [-6, 9464, 1, 1], [2, 9444, 831, 30], [], [2, 9474, 831, 30], [-6, 9494, 1, 1], [-6, 9494, 1, 1], [2, 9474, 831, 30], [], [2, 9505, 831, 30], [-6, 9525, 1, 1], [-6, 9525, 1, 1], [2, 9505, 831, 30], [], [2, 9535, 831, 30], [-6, 9555, 1, 1], [-6, 9555, 1, 1], [2, 9535, 831, 30], [], [2, 9565, 831, 30], [-6, 9585, 1, 1], [-6, 9585, 1, 1], [2, 9565, 831, 30], [], [2, 9596, 831, 30], [-6, 9616, 1, 1], [-6, 9616, 1, 1], [2, 9596, 831, 30], [], [2, 9626, 831, 30], [-6, 9646, 1, 1], [-6, 9646, 1, 1], [2, 9626, 831, 30], [], [2, 9657, 831, 30], [-6, 9677, 1, 1], [-6, 9677, 1, 1], [2, 9657, 831, 30], [], [2, 9687, 831, 30], [-6, 9707, 1, 1], [-6, 9707, 1, 1], [2, 9687, 831, 30], [], [2, 9717, 831, 30], [-6, 9737, 1, 1], [-6, 9737, 1, 1], [2, 9717, 831, 30], [], [2, 9748, 831, 30], [-6, 9768, 1, 1], [-6, 9768, 1, 1], [2, 9748, 831, 30], [], [2, 9778, 831, 30], [-6, 9798, 1, 1], [-6, 9798, 1, 1], [2, 9778, 831, 30], [], [2, 9809, 831, 30], [-6, 9829, 1, 1], [-6, 9829, 1, 1], [2, 9809, 831, 30], [], [2, 9839, 831, 30], [-6, 9859, 1, 1], [-6, 9859, 1, 1], [2, 9839, 831, 30], [], [2, 9869, 831, 30], [-6, 9889, 1, 1], [-6, 9889, 1, 1], [2, 9869, 831, 30], [], [2, 9900, 831, 30], [-6, 9920, 1, 1], [-6, 9920, 1, 1], [2, 9900, 831, 30], [], [2, 9930, 831, 30], [-6, 9950, 1, 1], [-6, 9950, 1, 1], [2, 9930, 831, 30], [], [2, 9961, 831, 30], [-6, 9981, 1, 1], [-6, 9981, 1, 1], [2, 9961, 831, 30], [], [2, 9991, 831, 30], [-6, 10011, 1, 1], [-6, 10011, 1, 1], [2, 9991, 831, 30], [], [2, 10021, 831, 30], [-6, 10041, 1, 1], [-6, 10041, 1, 1], [2, 10021, 831, 30], [], [2, 10052, 831, 30], [-6, 10072, 1, 1], [-6, 10072, 1, 1], [2, 10052, 831, 30], [], [2, 10082, 831, 30], [-6, 10102, 1, 1], [-6, 10102, 1, 1], [2, 10082, 831, 30], [], [2, 10112, 831, 30], [-6, 10132, 1, 1], [-6, 10132, 1, 1], [2, 10112, 831, 30], [], [2, 10143, 831, 30], [-6, 10163, 1, 1], [-6, 10163, 1, 1], [2, 10143, 831, 30], [], [2, 10173, 831, 30], [-6, 10193, 1, 1], [-6, 10193, 1, 1], [2, 10173, 831, 30], [], [2, 10204, 831, 30], [-6, 10224, 1, 1], [-6, 10224, 1, 1], [2, 10204, 831, 30], [], [2, 10234, 831, 30], [-6, 10254, 1, 1], [-6, 10254, 1, 1], [2, 10234, 831, 30], [], [2, 10264, 831, 30], [-6, 10284, 1, 1], [-6, 10284, 1, 1], [2, 10264, 831, 30], [], [2, 10295, 831, 30], [-6, 10315, 1, 1], [-6, 10315, 1, 1], [2, 10295, 831, 30], [], [2, 10325, 831, 30], [-6, 10345, 1, 1], [-6, 10345, 1, 1], [2, 10325, 831, 30], [], [2, 10356, 831, 30], [-6, 10376, 1, 1], [-6, 10376, 1, 1], [2, 10356, 831, 30], [], [2, 10386, 831, 30], [-6, 10406, 1, 1], [-6, 10406, 1, 1], [2, 10386, 831, 30], [], [2, 10416, 831, 30], [-6, 10436, 1, 1], [-6, 10436, 1, 1], [2, 10416, 831, 30], [], [2, 10447, 831, 30], [-6, 10467, 1, 1], [-6, 10467, 1, 1], [2, 10447, 831, 30], [], [2, 10477, 831, 30], [-6, 10497, 1, 1], [-6, 10497, 1, 1], [2, 10477, 831, 30], [], [2, 10508, 831, 30], [-6, 10528, 1, 1], [-6, 10528, 1, 1], [2, 10508, 831, 30], [], [2, 10538, 831, 30], [-6, 10558, 1, 1], [-6, 10558, 1, 1], [2, 10538, 831, 30], [], [2, 10568, 831, 30], [-6, 10588, 1, 1], [-6, 10588, 1, 1], [2, 10568, 831, 30], [], [2, 10599, 831, 30], [-6, 10619, 1, 1], [-6, 10619, 1, 1], [2, 10599, 831, 30], [], [2, 10629, 831, 57], [-6, 10649, 1, 1], [-6, 10649, 1, 1], [2, 10629, 831, 57], [], [2, 10686, 831, 30], [-6, 10706, 1, 1], [-6, 10706, 1, 1], [2, 10686, 831, 30], [], [2, 10716, 831, 30], [-6, 10736, 1, 1], [-6, 10736, 1, 1], [2, 10716, 831, 30], [], [2, 10747, 831, 30], [-6, 10767, 1, 1], [-6, 10767, 1, 1], [2, 10747, 831, 30], [], [2, 10777, 831, 30], [-6, 10797, 1, 1], [-6, 10797, 1, 1], [2, 10777, 831, 30], [], [2, 10807, 831, 30], [-6, 10827, 1, 1], [-6, 10827, 1, 1], [2, 10807, 831, 30], [], [2, 10838, 831, 30], [-6, 10858, 1, 1], [-6, 10858, 1, 1], [2, 10838, 831, 30], [], [2, 10868, 831, 30], [-6, 10888, 1, 1], [-6, 10888, 1, 1], [2, 10868, 831, 30], [], [2, 10899, 831, 30], [-6, 10919, 1, 1], [-6, 10919, 1, 1], [2, 10899, 831, 30], [], [2, 10929, 831, 30], [-6, 10949, 1, 1], [-6, 10949, 1, 1], [2, 10929, 831, 30], [], [2, 10959, 831, 30], [-6, 10979, 1, 1], [-6, 10979, 1, 1], [2, 10959, 831, 30], [], [2, 10990, 831, 30], [-6, 11010, 1, 1], [-6, 11010, 1, 1], [2, 10990, 831, 30], [], [2, 11020, 831, 30], [-6, 11040, 1, 1], [-6, 11040, 1, 1], [2, 11020, 831, 30], [], [2, 11051, 831, 30], [-6, 11071, 1, 1], [-6, 11071, 1, 1], [2, 11051, 831, 30], [], [2, 11081, 831, 30], [-6, 11101, 1, 1], [-6, 11101, 1, 1], [2, 11081, 831, 30], [], [2, 11111, 831, 30], [-6, 11131, 1, 1], [-6, 11131, 1, 1], [2, 11111, 831, 30], 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914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 982.78125, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 1068.78125, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 1068.78125, 284.796875, 17], [8, 1086.78125, 345.28125, 17], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [529.03125, 511, 399.046875, 20], [928.0625, 511, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 541.390625, 778.5, 20], [529.03125, 567.78125, 139.546875, 20], [668.5625, 567.78125, 135.015625, 20], [529.03125, 598.171875, 381.09375, 20], [910.109375, 598.171875, 198.546875, 20], [529.03125, 628.5625, 284.234375, 20], [813.25, 628.5625, 115.421875, 20], [529.03125, 658.953125, 416.890625, 20], [945.90625, 658.953125, 112.15625, 20], [529.03125, 689.34375, 371.296875, 20], [900.3125, 689.34375, 137.9375, 20], [529.03125, 719.734375, 375.234375, 20], [904.25, 719.734375, 121.28125, 20], [529.03125, 750.125, 382.109375, 20], [911.125, 750.125, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 780.515625, 648.171875, 20], [1177.1875, 780.515625, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 810.90625, 464.234375, 20], [993.25, 810.90625, 160.8125, 20], [529.03125, 841.296875, 275.453125, 20], [804.46875, 841.296875, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 871.6875, 434.875, 20], [963.890625, 871.6875, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 902.078125, 354.671875, 20], [883.6875, 902.078125, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 932.46875, 474.65625, 20], [1003.671875, 932.46875, 159.421875, 20], [529.03125, 962.859375, 345.890625, 20], [874.90625, 962.859375, 176.015625, 20], [529.03125, 993.25, 411.40625, 20], [940.421875, 993.25, 128.109375, 20], [529.03125, 1023.640625, 597.171875, 20], [1126.1875, 1023.640625, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 1054.03125, 418.546875, 20], [947.5625, 1054.03125, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1084.421875, 361.5, 20], [890.515625, 1084.421875, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 1114.8125, 350.734375, 20], [879.75, 1114.8125, 119, 20], [529.03125, 1145.203125, 422.140625, 20], [951.15625, 1145.203125, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 1175.59375, 424.09375, 20], [953.109375, 1175.59375, 152.5625, 20], [529.03125, 1205.984375, 452.09375, 20], [981.109375, 1205.984375, 124.203125, 20], [529.03125, 1236.375, 405.8125, 20], [934.828125, 1236.375, 178, 20], [529.03125, 1266.765625, 451.484375, 20], [980.5, 1266.765625, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 1297.15625, 702.140625, 20], [1231.15625, 1297.15625, 105.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1327.546875, 485.140625, 20], [1014.15625, 1327.546875, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 1357.9375, 731.171875, 20], [1260.1875, 1357.9375, 68.484375, 20], [529.03125, 1384.328125, 72.375, 20], [529.03125, 1414.71875, 419.171875, 20], [948.1875, 1414.71875, 127.15625, 20], [529.03125, 1445.109375, 383.671875, 20], [912.6875, 1445.109375, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 1475.5, 292.765625, 20], [821.78125, 1475.5, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 1505.890625, 419.53125, 20], [948.546875, 1505.890625, 168.21875, 20], [529.03125, 1536.28125, 567.890625, 20], [1096.90625, 1536.28125, 174.078125, 20], [529.03125, 1566.671875, 364.125, 20], [893.140625, 1566.671875, 156.171875, 20], [529.03125, 1597.0625, 354.375, 20], [883.390625, 1597.0625, 140.5625, 20], [529.03125, 1627.453125, 505.9375, 20], [1034.953125, 1627.453125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 1657.84375, 442.671875, 20], [971.6875, 1657.84375, 183.875, 20], [529.03125, 1688.234375, 434.578125, 20], [963.59375, 1688.234375, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 1718.625, 509.515625, 20], [1038.53125, 1718.625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 1749.015625, 413.0625, 20], [942.078125, 1749.015625, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1779.40625, 399.359375, 20], [928.375, 1779.40625, 166.234375, 20], [529.03125, 1809.796875, 455.75, 20], [984.765625, 1809.796875, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 1840.1875, 318.546875, 20], [847.5625, 1840.1875, 145.765625, 20], [529.03125, 1870.578125, 437.8125, 20], [966.828125, 1870.578125, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 1900.96875, 414.375, 20], [943.390625, 1900.96875, 150, 20], [529.03125, 1931.359375, 477.875, 20], [1006.890625, 1931.359375, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 1961.75, 585.46875, 20], [1114.484375, 1961.75, 176.0625, 20], [529.03125, 1992.140625, 597.171875, 20], [1126.1875, 1992.140625, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2022.53125, 419.875, 20], [948.890625, 2022.53125, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 2052.921875, 405.546875, 20], [934.5625, 2052.921875, 137.25, 20], [529.03125, 2083.3125, 438.578125, 20], [967.59375, 2083.3125, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 2113.703125, 401.671875, 20], [930.6875, 2113.703125, 204.375, 20], [529.03125, 2144.09375, 483.390625, 20], [1012.40625, 2144.09375, 142.46875, 20], [529.03125, 2174.484375, 516.6875, 20], [1045.703125, 2174.484375, 126.21875, 20], [529.03125, 2204.875, 471.390625, 20], [1000.40625, 2204.875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 2235.265625, 461.34375, 20], [990.359375, 2235.265625, 117.359375, 20], [529.03125, 2265.65625, 381.125, 20], [910.140625, 2265.65625, 121.296875, 20], [529.03125, 2296.046875, 510.171875, 20], [1039.1875, 2296.046875, 143.796875, 20], [529.03125, 2326.4375, 396.75, 20], [925.765625, 2326.4375, 154.515625, 20], [529.03125, 2356.828125, 379.78125, 20], [908.796875, 2356.828125, 144.71875, 20], [529.03125, 2387.21875, 672.09375, 20], [1201.109375, 2387.21875, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 2417.609375, 371.328125, 20], [900.34375, 2417.609375, 137.234375, 20], [529.03125, 2448, 457.71875, 20], [986.734375, 2448, 133.328125, 20], [529.03125, 2478.390625, 363.515625, 20], [892.53125, 2478.390625, 150.328125, 20], [529.03125, 2508.78125, 436.859375, 20], [965.875, 2508.78125, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2539.171875, 609.609375, 20], [1138.625, 2539.171875, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2569.5625, 406.546875, 20], [935.5625, 2569.5625, 178.359375, 20], [529.03125, 2599.953125, 384.921875, 20], [913.9375, 2599.953125, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 2630.34375, 471.71875, 20], [1000.734375, 2630.34375, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 2660.734375, 552.265625, 20], [1081.28125, 2660.734375, 151.3125, 20], [529.03125, 2691.125, 598.90625, 20], [1127.921875, 2691.125, 175.09375, 20], [529.03125, 2721.515625, 432.953125, 20], [961.96875, 2721.515625, 151.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2751.90625, 456.75, 20], [985.765625, 2751.90625, 48.90625, 20], [1034.65625, 2751.90625, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 2782.296875, 469.046875, 20], [998.0625, 2782.296875, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 2812.6875, 393.484375, 20], [922.5, 2812.6875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 2843.078125, 463.265625, 20], [992.28125, 2843.078125, 200.1875, 20], [529.03125, 2873.46875, 382.0625, 20], [911.078125, 2873.46875, 159.4375, 20], [529.03125, 2903.859375, 531.390625, 20], [1060.40625, 2903.859375, 130.109375, 20], [1190.5, 2903.859375, 122.28125, 20], [529.03125, 2934.25, 298, 20], [827.015625, 2934.25, 125.171875, 20], [529.03125, 2964.640625, 591.6875, 20], [1120.703125, 2964.640625, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 2995.03125, 421.859375, 20], [950.875, 2995.03125, 181.90625, 20], [529.03125, 3025.421875, 443.671875, 20], [972.6875, 3025.421875, 193.640625, 20], [529.03125, 3055.8125, 457.34375, 20], [986.359375, 3055.8125, 172.125, 20], [529.03125, 3086.203125, 405.515625, 20], [934.53125, 3086.203125, 185.828125, 20], [529.03125, 3116.59375, 393.765625, 20], [922.78125, 3116.59375, 148.65625, 20], [529.03125, 3146.984375, 508.859375, 20], [1037.875, 3146.984375, 133.34375, 20], [529.03125, 3177.375, 341.296875, 20], [870.3125, 3177.375, 58.703125, 20], [529.03125, 3207.765625, 333.53125, 20], [862.546875, 3207.765625, 142.5, 20], [529.03125, 3238.15625, 493.234375, 20], [1022.25, 3238.15625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 3268.546875, 506.265625, 20], [1035.28125, 3268.546875, 137.890625, 20], [529.03125, 3298.9375, 553.875, 20], [1082.890625, 3298.9375, 113.78125, 20], [529.03125, 3329.328125, 379.828125, 20], [908.84375, 3329.328125, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 3359.71875, 545.0625, 20], [1074.078125, 3359.71875, 165.265625, 20], [529.03125, 3390.109375, 754.3125, 20], [529.03125, 3416.5, 145.734375, 20], [529.03125, 3446.890625, 276.734375, 20], [805.75, 3446.890625, 470.46875, 20], [1276.203125, 3446.890625, 66.515625, 20], [529.03125, 3473.28125, 68.46875, 20], [529.03125, 3503.671875, 805.484375, 20], [529.03125, 3530.0625, 151.296875, 20], [529.03125, 3560.453125, 552.921875, 20], [1081.9375, 3560.453125, 129.09375, 20], [529.03125, 3590.84375, 608.03125, 20], [1137.046875, 3590.84375, 131.09375, 20], [529.03125, 3621.234375, 439.453125, 20], [968.46875, 3621.234375, 178.953125, 20], [529.03125, 3651.625, 546.390625, 20], [1075.40625, 3651.625, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 3682.015625, 741.953125, 20], [1270.96875, 3682.015625, 65.5625, 20], [529.03125, 3708.40625, 68.46875, 20], [529.03125, 3738.796875, 387.921875, 20], [916.9375, 3738.796875, 162.671875, 20], [529.03125, 3769.1875, 311.609375, 20], [840.625, 3769.1875, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 3799.578125, 427.0625, 20], [956.078125, 3799.578125, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 3829.96875, 447.25, 20], [976.265625, 3829.96875, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 3860.359375, 359.578125, 20], [888.59375, 3860.359375, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 3890.75, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 3890.75, 112.8125, 20], [529.03125, 3921.140625, 411.390625, 20], [940.40625, 3921.140625, 117.359375, 20], [529.03125, 3951.53125, 551.515625, 20], [1080.53125, 3951.53125, 126.828125, 20], [529.03125, 3981.921875, 464.25, 20], [993.265625, 3981.921875, 122.265625, 20], [529.03125, 4012.3125, 497.453125, 20], [1026.46875, 4012.3125, 142.5, 20], [529.03125, 4042.703125, 395.796875, 20], [924.8125, 4042.703125, 144.078125, 20], [529.03125, 4073.09375, 459.984375, 20], [989, 4073.09375, 149.65625, 20], [529.03125, 4103.484375, 386.984375, 20], [916.015625, 4103.484375, 152.90625, 20], [529.03125, 4133.875, 299.90625, 20], [828.921875, 4133.875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 4164.265625, 526.453125, 20], [1055.46875, 4164.265625, 170.171875, 20], [529.03125, 4194.65625, 529.78125, 20], [1058.796875, 4194.65625, 192.140625, 20], [529.03125, 4225.046875, 473.65625, 20], [1002.671875, 4225.046875, 164.34375, 20], [529.03125, 4255.4375, 587.453125, 20], [1116.46875, 4255.4375, 133.703125, 20], [529.03125, 4285.828125, 353.6875, 20], [882.703125, 4285.828125, 166.59375, 20], [529.03125, 4316.21875, 342.921875, 20], [871.9375, 4316.21875, 166.25, 20], [529.03125, 4346.609375, 324.359375, 20], [853.375, 4346.609375, 142.796875, 20], [529.03125, 4377, 398.65625, 20], [927.671875, 4377, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 4407.390625, 407.15625, 20], [936.171875, 4407.390625, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 4437.78125, 374.203125, 20], [903.21875, 4437.78125, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 4468.171875, 390.234375, 20], [919.25, 4468.171875, 158.4375, 20], [529.03125, 4498.5625, 349.15625, 20], [878.171875, 4498.5625, 138.5625, 20], [529.03125, 4528.953125, 362.21875, 20], [891.234375, 4528.953125, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 4559.34375, 368.03125, 20], [897.046875, 4559.34375, 132.046875, 20], [529.03125, 4589.734375, 360.5625, 20], [889.578125, 4589.734375, 147.375, 20], [529.03125, 4620.125, 449.5, 20], [978.515625, 4620.125, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 4650.515625, 495.515625, 20], [1024.53125, 4650.515625, 141.1875, 20], [529.03125, 4680.90625, 419.859375, 20], [948.875, 4680.90625, 135.640625, 20], [529.03125, 4711.296875, 362.8125, 20], [891.828125, 4711.296875, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 4741.6875, 268.28125, 20], [797.296875, 4741.6875, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 4772.078125, 392.796875, 20], [921.8125, 4772.078125, 150, 20], [529.03125, 4802.46875, 715.171875, 20], [1244.1875, 4802.46875, 100.71875, 20], [529.03125, 4828.859375, 32.28125, 20], [529.03125, 4859.25, 521.8125, 20], [1050.828125, 4859.25, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 4889.640625, 450.484375, 20], [979.5, 4889.640625, 180.921875, 20], [529.03125, 4920.03125, 534.921875, 20], [1063.9375, 4920.03125, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 4950.421875, 404.59375, 20], [933.609375, 4950.421875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 4980.8125, 355.6875, 20], [884.703125, 4980.8125, 138.90625, 20], [529.03125, 5011.203125, 580.234375, 20], [1109.25, 5011.203125, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 5041.59375, 422.8125, 20], [951.828125, 5041.59375, 153.5625, 20], [529.03125, 5071.984375, 495.84375, 20], [1024.859375, 5071.984375, 168.21875, 20], [529.03125, 5102.375, 422.828125, 20], [951.84375, 5102.375, 171.125, 20], [529.03125, 5132.765625, 267.78125, 20], [796.796875, 5132.765625, 71.421875, 20], [868.203125, 5132.765625, 216.53125, 20], [1084.71875, 5132.765625, 113.78125, 20], [529.03125, 5163.15625, 493.265625, 20], [1022.28125, 5163.15625, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 5193.546875, 416.3125, 20], [945.328125, 5193.546875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 5223.9375, 411.421875, 20], [940.4375, 5223.9375, 148.359375, 20], [529.03125, 5254.328125, 561.3125, 20], [1090.328125, 5254.328125, 156.484375, 20], [529.03125, 5284.71875, 632.6875, 20], [1161.703125, 5284.71875, 161.375, 20], [529.03125, 5315.109375, 316.5, 20], [845.515625, 5315.109375, 163.65625, 20], [529.03125, 5345.5, 295.015625, 20], [824.03125, 5345.5, 175.03125, 20], [529.03125, 5375.890625, 345.84375, 20], [874.859375, 5375.890625, 138.90625, 20], [529.03125, 5406.28125, 463.140625, 20], [992.15625, 5406.28125, 147.671875, 20], [529.03125, 5436.671875, 464.234375, 20], [993.25, 5436.671875, 183.859375, 20], [529.03125, 5467.0625, 344.890625, 20], [873.90625, 5467.0625, 129.125, 20], [529.03125, 5497.453125, 361.875, 20], [890.890625, 5497.453125, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 5527.84375, 439.09375, 20], [968.109375, 5527.84375, 135.625, 20], [529.03125, 5558.234375, 409.734375, 20], [938.75, 5558.234375, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 5588.625, 359.578125, 20], [888.59375, 5588.625, 151.28125, 20], [529.03125, 5619.015625, 292.109375, 20], [821.125, 5619.015625, 129.09375, 20], [529.03125, 5649.40625, 422.21875, 20], [951.234375, 5649.40625, 145.078125, 20], [529.03125, 5679.796875, 285.203125, 20], [814.21875, 5679.796875, 63.5625, 20], [529.03125, 5710.1875, 360.234375, 20], [889.25, 5710.1875, 174.109375, 20], [529.03125, 5740.578125, 545.0625, 20], [1074.078125, 5740.578125, 157.46875, 20], [529.03125, 5770.96875, 314.53125, 20], [843.546875, 5770.96875, 172.15625, 20], [529.03125, 5801.359375, 443.703125, 20], [972.71875, 5801.359375, 118.015625, 20], [529.03125, 5831.75, 481.78125, 20], [1010.796875, 5831.75, 120.9375, 20], [529.03125, 5862.140625, 643.15625, 20], [1172.171875, 5862.140625, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 5892.53125, 505.265625, 20], [1034.28125, 5892.53125, 146.375, 20], [529.03125, 5922.921875, 412.375, 20], [941.390625, 5922.921875, 129.125, 20], [529.03125, 5953.3125, 431.90625, 20], [960.921875, 5953.3125, 142.796875, 20], [529.03125, 5983.703125, 452.453125, 20], [529.03125, 6014.09375, 438.15625, 20], [967.171875, 6014.09375, 142.09375, 20], [529.03125, 6044.484375, 488.015625, 20], [1017.03125, 6044.484375, 133.015625, 20], [529.03125, 6074.875, 424.078125, 20], [953.09375, 6074.875, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 6105.265625, 363.453125, 20], [892.46875, 6105.265625, 147.65625, 20], [529.03125, 6135.65625, 433.578125, 20], [962.59375, 6135.65625, 114.421875, 20], [529.03125, 6166.046875, 418.25, 20], [947.265625, 6166.046875, 154.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6196.4375, 627.1875, 20], [1156.203125, 6196.4375, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6226.828125, 438.796875, 20], [967.8125, 6226.828125, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 6257.21875, 419.890625, 20], [948.90625, 6257.21875, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 6287.609375, 334.109375, 20], [863.125, 6287.609375, 104.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6318, 360.53125, 20], [889.546875, 6318, 133.015625, 20], [529.03125, 6348.390625, 464.84375, 20], [993.859375, 6348.390625, 134.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6378.78125, 386.015625, 20], [915.03125, 6378.78125, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6409.171875, 751.625, 20], [1280.640625, 6409.171875, 19.578125, 20], [529.03125, 6435.5625, 78.25, 20], [607.265625, 6435.5625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6465.953125, 319.515625, 20], [848.53125, 6465.953125, 164.296875, 20], [529.03125, 6496.34375, 511.53125, 20], [1040.546875, 6496.34375, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 6526.734375, 388.015625, 20], [917.03125, 6526.734375, 135.96875, 20], [529.03125, 6557.125, 460.953125, 20], [989.96875, 6557.125, 183.890625, 20], [529.03125, 6587.515625, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 6587.515625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6617.90625, 433.875, 20], [962.890625, 6617.90625, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6648.296875, 408.15625, 20], [937.171875, 6648.296875, 153.53125, 20], [529.03125, 6678.6875, 331.203125, 20], [860.21875, 6678.6875, 210.328125, 20], [529.03125, 6709.078125, 439.734375, 20], [968.75, 6709.078125, 121.265625, 20], [529.03125, 6739.46875, 401.625, 20], [930.640625, 6739.46875, 172.125, 20], [529.03125, 6769.859375, 298.953125, 20], [827.96875, 6769.859375, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 6800.25, 245.796875, 20], [774.8125, 6800.25, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 6830.640625, 396.09375, 20], [925.109375, 6830.640625, 131.0625, 20], [529.03125, 6861.03125, 484.0625, 20], [1013.078125, 6861.03125, 180.96875, 20], [529.03125, 6891.421875, 418.21875, 20], [947.234375, 6891.421875, 111.484375, 20], [529.03125, 6921.8125, 311.328125, 20], [840.34375, 6921.8125, 131.0625, 20], [529.03125, 6952.203125, 456.390625, 20], [985.40625, 6952.203125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 6982.59375, 346.875, 20], [875.890625, 6982.59375, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 7012.984375, 414.390625, 20], [943.40625, 7012.984375, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 7043.375, 335.484375, 20], [864.5, 7043.375, 50.875, 20], [915.359375, 7043.375, 147.65625, 20], [529.03125, 7073.765625, 372.28125, 20], [901.296875, 7073.765625, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 7104.15625, 446.609375, 20], [975.625, 7104.15625, 161.390625, 20], [529.03125, 7134.546875, 496.21875, 20], [1025.234375, 7134.546875, 147.375, 20], [529.03125, 7164.9375, 419.921875, 20], [948.9375, 7164.9375, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 7195.328125, 337.0625, 20], [866.078125, 7195.328125, 142.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7225.71875, 412.078125, 20], [941.09375, 7225.71875, 145.734375, 20], [529.03125, 7256.109375, 437.125, 20], [966.140625, 7256.109375, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 7286.5, 434.90625, 20], [963.921875, 7286.5, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 7316.890625, 434.90625, 20], [963.921875, 7316.890625, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 7347.28125, 344.265625, 20], [873.28125, 7347.28125, 142.765625, 20], [529.03125, 7377.671875, 445.640625, 20], [974.65625, 7377.671875, 143.796875, 20], [529.03125, 7408.0625, 378.21875, 20], [907.234375, 7408.0625, 140.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7438.453125, 321.453125, 20], [850.46875, 7438.453125, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 7468.84375, 414.671875, 20], [943.6875, 7468.84375, 166.296875, 20], [529.03125, 7499.234375, 467.796875, 20], [996.8125, 7499.234375, 146.734375, 20], [529.03125, 7529.625, 412.40625, 20], [941.421875, 7529.625, 143.109375, 20], [529.03125, 7560.015625, 414.3125, 20], [943.328125, 7560.015625, 141.84375, 20], [529.03125, 7590.40625, 419.921875, 20], [948.9375, 7590.40625, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 7620.796875, 452.171875, 20], [981.1875, 7620.796875, 140.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7651.1875, 444.671875, 20], [973.6875, 7651.1875, 187.78125, 20], [529.03125, 7681.578125, 252.984375, 20], [782, 7681.578125, 135, 20], [529.03125, 7711.96875, 209, 20], [529.03125, 7742.359375, 475.65625, 20], [1004.671875, 7742.359375, 133.046875, 20], [529.03125, 7772.75, 701.90625, 20], [1230.921875, 7772.75, 97.84375, 20], [529.03125, 7799.140625, 31.3125, 20], [529.03125, 7829.53125, 417.296875, 20], [946.3125, 7829.53125, 190.078125, 20], [529.03125, 7859.921875, 411.40625, 20], [940.421875, 7859.921875, 160.375, 20], [529.03125, 7890.3125, 609.90625, 20], [1138.921875, 7890.3125, 145.71875, 20], [529.03125, 7920.703125, 546.015625, 20], [1075.03125, 7920.703125, 147.6875, 20], [529.03125, 7951.09375, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 7951.09375, 54.765625, 20], [1039.171875, 7951.09375, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 7981.484375, 469.046875, 20], [998.0625, 7981.484375, 139.875, 20], [529.03125, 8011.875, 359.53125, 20], [888.546875, 8011.875, 167.90625, 20], [529.03125, 8042.265625, 440.109375, 20], [969.125, 8042.265625, 115.40625, 20], [529.03125, 8072.65625, 473.96875, 20], [1002.984375, 8072.65625, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8103.046875, 484.71875, 20], [1013.734375, 8103.046875, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 8133.4375, 457.328125, 20], [986.34375, 8133.4375, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 8163.828125, 434.59375, 20], [963.609375, 8163.828125, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 8194.21875, 392.125, 20], [921.140625, 8194.21875, 109.828125, 20], [1030.953125, 8194.21875, 31.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8224.609375, 410.03125, 20], [939.046875, 8224.609375, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 8255, 467.125, 20], [996.140625, 8255, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 8285.390625, 795.078125, 20], [529.03125, 8311.78125, 158.4375, 20], [529.03125, 8342.171875, 347.859375, 20], [876.875, 8342.171875, 121.28125, 20], [529.03125, 8372.5625, 420.21875, 20], [949.234375, 8372.5625, 128.109375, 20], [529.03125, 8402.953125, 371.984375, 20], [901, 8402.953125, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 8433.34375, 353.671875, 20], [882.6875, 8433.34375, 149.625, 20], [529.03125, 8463.734375, 587.40625, 20], [1116.421875, 8463.734375, 146.703125, 20], [529.03125, 8494.125, 460.265625, 20], [989.28125, 8494.125, 162, 20], [529.03125, 8524.515625, 573.140625, 20], [1102.15625, 8524.515625, 137.9375, 20], [529.03125, 8554.90625, 469.109375, 20], [998.125, 8554.90625, 154.21875, 20], [529.03125, 8585.296875, 489.6875, 20], [1018.703125, 8585.296875, 186.796875, 20], [529.03125, 8615.6875, 540.859375, 20], [1069.875, 8615.6875, 237.359375, 20], [529.03125, 8646.078125, 525.8125, 20], [1054.828125, 8646.078125, 136.90625, 20], [529.03125, 8676.46875, 379.109375, 20], [529.03125, 8706.859375, 334.15625, 20], [863.171875, 8706.859375, 145.75, 20], [529.03125, 8737.25, 562.03125, 20], [1091.046875, 8737.25, 138.5625, 20], [529.03125, 8767.640625, 385.640625, 20], [914.65625, 8767.640625, 178.96875, 20], [529.03125, 8798.03125, 437.90625, 20], [966.921875, 8798.03125, 162.015625, 20], [529.03125, 8828.421875, 397.046875, 20], [926.0625, 8828.421875, 164.359375, 20], [529.03125, 8858.8125, 447.578125, 20], [976.59375, 8858.8125, 133.0625, 20], [529.03125, 8889.203125, 473.640625, 20], [1002.65625, 8889.203125, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8919.59375, 417.265625, 20], [946.28125, 8919.59375, 134.953125, 20], [529.03125, 8949.984375, 388.4375, 20], [917.453125, 8949.984375, 131.078125, 20], [529.03125, 8980.375, 528.15625, 20], [1057.171875, 8980.375, 165.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9010.765625, 531.34375, 20], [1060.359375, 9010.765625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 9041.15625, 344.5625, 20], [873.578125, 9041.15625, 118.328125, 20], [529.03125, 9071.546875, 444.6875, 20], [973.703125, 9071.546875, 171.5, 20], [529.03125, 9101.9375, 384.015625, 20], [913.03125, 9101.9375, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 9132.328125, 296.96875, 20], [825.984375, 9132.328125, 157.46875, 20], [529.03125, 9162.71875, 322.40625, 20], [851.421875, 9162.71875, 152.578125, 20], [529.03125, 9193.109375, 400.984375, 20], [930, 9193.109375, 152.0625, 20], [529.03125, 9223.5, 433.5625, 20], [962.578125, 9223.5, 156.484375, 20], [529.03125, 9253.890625, 483.125, 20], [1012.140625, 9253.890625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9284.28125, 459.28125, 20], [988.296875, 9284.28125, 130.78125, 20], [529.03125, 9314.671875, 296.96875, 20], [825.984375, 9314.671875, 164.9375, 20], [529.03125, 9345.0625, 395.765625, 20], [924.78125, 9345.0625, 156.5, 20], [529.03125, 9375.453125, 411.453125, 20], [940.46875, 9375.453125, 178.03125, 20], [529.03125, 9405.84375, 426.734375, 20], [955.75, 9405.84375, 182.90625, 20], [529.03125, 9436.234375, 488.34375, 20], [1017.359375, 9436.234375, 175.09375, 20], [529.03125, 9466.625, 399.640625, 20], [928.65625, 9466.625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9497.015625, 371.953125, 20], [900.96875, 9497.015625, 106.625, 20], [529.03125, 9527.40625, 471.703125, 20], [1000.71875, 9527.40625, 122.25, 20], [529.03125, 9557.796875, 349.484375, 20], [878.5, 9557.796875, 151.28125, 20], [529.03125, 9588.1875, 455.015625, 20], [984.03125, 9588.1875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9618.578125, 547.34375, 20], [1076.359375, 9618.578125, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 9648.96875, 312.625, 20], [841.640625, 9648.96875, 163.3125, 20], [529.03125, 9679.359375, 398.6875, 20], [927.703125, 9679.359375, 140.828125, 20], [529.03125, 9709.75, 431.984375, 20], [961, 9709.75, 116.375, 20], [1077.359375, 9709.75, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 9740.140625, 558.125, 20], [1087.140625, 9740.140625, 143.765625, 20], [529.03125, 9770.53125, 381.796875, 20], [910.8125, 9770.53125, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 9800.921875, 586.46875, 20], [1115.484375, 9800.921875, 137.890625, 20], [529.03125, 9831.3125, 484.4375, 20], [1013.453125, 9831.3125, 151.59375, 20], [529.03125, 9861.703125, 461.265625, 20], [990.28125, 9861.703125, 184.828125, 20], [529.03125, 9892.09375, 372.875, 20], [901.890625, 9892.09375, 181.90625, 20], [529.03125, 9922.484375, 383.015625, 20], [912.03125, 9922.484375, 145.75, 20], [529.03125, 9952.875, 340.953125, 20], [869.96875, 9952.875, 180.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9983.265625, 591.328125, 20], [1120.34375, 9983.265625, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 10013.65625, 400.625, 20], [929.640625, 10013.65625, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10044.046875, 485.4375, 20], [1014.453125, 10044.046875, 136.953125, 20], [529.03125, 10074.4375, 360.90625, 20], [889.921875, 10074.4375, 108.578125, 20], [529.03125, 10104.828125, 334.15625, 20], [863.171875, 10104.828125, 118.015625, 20], [529.03125, 10135.21875, 455.453125, 20], [984.46875, 10135.21875, 148.46875, 20], [529.03125, 10165.609375, 320.453125, 20], [849.46875, 10165.609375, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 10196, 412.71875, 20], [941.734375, 10196, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10226.390625, 430.96875, 20], [959.984375, 10226.390625, 134.984375, 20], [529.03125, 10256.78125, 392.859375, 20], [921.875, 10256.78125, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 10287.171875, 483.765625, 20], [1012.78125, 10287.171875, 187.796875, 20], [529.03125, 10317.5625, 544.3125, 20], [1073.328125, 10317.5625, 137.25, 20], [529.03125, 10347.953125, 491.3125, 20], [1020.328125, 10347.953125, 146.71875, 20], [529.03125, 10378.34375, 329.265625, 20], [858.28125, 10378.34375, 131.09375, 20], [529.03125, 10408.734375, 364.453125, 20], [893.46875, 10408.734375, 126.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10439.125, 366.4375, 20], [895.453125, 10439.125, 179, 20], [529.03125, 10469.515625, 496.171875, 20], [1025.1875, 10469.515625, 134.328125, 20], [529.03125, 10499.90625, 541.5, 20], [1070.515625, 10499.90625, 150.625, 20], [529.03125, 10530.296875, 487.65625, 20], [1016.671875, 10530.296875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10560.6875, 341, 20], [870.015625, 10560.6875, 150.9375, 20], [529.03125, 10591.078125, 400.640625, 20], [929.65625, 10591.078125, 149.015625, 20], [529.03125, 10621.46875, 468.8125, 20], [997.828125, 10621.46875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 10651.859375, 472.078125, 20], [1001.09375, 10651.859375, 136.640625, 20], [529.03125, 10682.25, 446.265625, 20], [975.28125, 10682.25, 141.828125, 20], [529.03125, 10712.640625, 397.421875, 20], [926.4375, 10712.640625, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 10743.03125, 388.578125, 20], [917.59375, 10743.03125, 221.6875, 20], [529.03125, 10773.421875, 431.9375, 20], [960.953125, 10773.421875, 179.96875, 20], [529.03125, 10803.8125, 444.65625, 20], [973.671875, 10803.8125, 135, 20], [529.03125, 10834.203125, 379.109375, 20], [908.125, 10834.203125, 140.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10864.59375, 458.96875, 20], [987.984375, 10864.59375, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10894.984375, 547.390625, 20], [1076.40625, 10894.984375, 129.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10925.375, 461.96875, 20], [990.984375, 10925.375, 140.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10955.765625, 453.15625, 20], [982.171875, 10955.765625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10986.15625, 430.640625, 20], [959.65625, 10986.15625, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11016.546875, 405.234375, 20], [934.25, 11016.546875, 141.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11046.9375, 405.515625, 20], [934.53125, 11046.9375, 162.671875, 20], [529.03125, 11077.328125, 385.953125, 20], [914.96875, 11077.328125, 154.515625, 20], [529.03125, 11107.71875, 414.96875, 20], [943.984375, 11107.71875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 11138.109375, 776.15625, 20], [529.03125, 11164.5, 58.6875, 20], [529.03125, 11194.890625, 380.40625, 20], [909.421875, 11194.890625, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 11225.28125, 232.109375, 20], [761.125, 11225.28125, 58.703125, 20], [529.03125, 11255.671875, 465.890625, 20], [994.90625, 11255.671875, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 11286.0625, 404.234375, 20], [933.25, 11286.0625, 133.984375, 20], [529.03125, 11316.453125, 445.59375, 20], [974.609375, 11316.453125, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 11346.84375, 508.5625, 20], [1037.578125, 11346.84375, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 11377.234375, 516.046875, 20], [1045.0625, 11377.234375, 185.796875, 20], [529.03125, 11407.625, 548.359375, 20], [1077.375, 11407.625, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 11438.015625, 519.671875, 20], [1048.6875, 11438.015625, 133.359375, 20], [529.03125, 11468.40625, 523.828125, 20], [1052.84375, 11468.40625, 112.8125, 20], [529.03125, 11498.796875, 340.671875, 20], [869.6875, 11498.796875, 147.703125, 20], [529.03125, 11529.1875, 558.421875, 20], [1087.4375, 11529.1875, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 11559.578125, 655.171875, 20], [1184.1875, 11559.578125, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 11589.96875, 492.90625, 20], [1021.921875, 11589.96875, 112.5, 20], [529.03125, 11620.359375, 305.78125, 20], [834.796875, 11620.359375, 135.3125, 20], [529.03125, 11650.75, 344.203125, 20], [873.21875, 11650.75, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 11681.140625, 372.296875, 20], [901.3125, 11681.140625, 152.578125, 20], [529.03125, 11711.53125, 460.953125, 20], [989.96875, 11711.53125, 134, 20], [529.03125, 11741.921875, 399.328125, 20], [928.34375, 11741.921875, 153.21875, 20], [529.03125, 11772.3125, 378.828125, 20], [907.84375, 11772.3125, 169.53125, 20], [529.03125, 11802.703125, 497.171875, 20], [1026.1875, 11802.703125, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 11833.09375, 436.203125, 20], [965.21875, 11833.09375, 162.046875, 20], [529.03125, 11863.484375, 327.953125, 20], [856.96875, 11863.484375, 136.90625, 20], [529.03125, 11893.875, 568.28125, 20], [1097.296875, 11893.875, 160.0625, 20], [529.03125, 11924.265625, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". 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4568 Hwy #7 East Unionville L3R 1M5", "ee46b8a3-7587-4afb", "", "ui-id-463", "6d832381-ea1c-4f80", "", "Animal Hospital On Bell Farm Road | 115 Bell Farm Road Barrie L4M 5G1", "90522362-134e-45c7", "", "ui-id-464", "cc4a4488-4edd-46a7", "", "Animal Hospital On Hwy 11B | RR #2, Highway 11B New Liskeard P0J 1P0", "897251c9-8d27-46f9", "", "ui-id-465", "da1ba446-872f-4dd6", "", "Animal House Calls Of Toronto | 1704-63 St Claire Ave W Toronto M4V 2Y9", "29a56736-e498-4a49", "", "ui-id-466", "cbf89356-1298-47c5", "", "Animals In Motion Rehabilitation Services Wellington Country | Unit#4 - 2 Thompson Cres Erin N0B 1T0", "76ce5ac3-2c62-43f8", "", "ui-id-467", "c9d5999f-890c-43e4", "", "Arc Animal Rehabilitation Centre | Suite 115 920 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 3C7", "0468d76e-c167-444b", "", "ui-id-468", "cbde1009-906f-49e4", "", "Arlington Park Veterinary Services Rehabilitation And Fitness Services | 675 Arlington Park Pl Kingston K7M 7E4", "f0403363-5990-4c05", "", "ui-id-469", "f5e76760-7b16-45cb", "", "Aurora North Pet Clinic | Unit B4, 239 Earl Stewart Dr Aurora L4G 7Y3", "07e200d6-296e-4c5f", "", "ui-id-470", "55b507f8-b9f2-479d", "", "-Ava Foster Park Pet Hospital | 213 Dundas St E Belleville K8N 1E2", "ad870b58-a111-4412", "", "ui-id-471", "9279c347-173e-4b60", "", "Avon Pet Hospital | 345 Douro Street Stratford N5A 3S8", "312fd1fd-55c3-49fd", "", "ui-id-472", "b4e896fb-a266-47be", "", "Avonlea Animal Hospital | Unit 4-3221 Derry Rd West Mississauga L5N 7L7", "0003de03-e0b6-4649", "", "ui-id-473", "a6a6b5b5-16f3-4045", "", "Avonlea Animal Hospital (Missisauga) | Unit #123, 5602 Tenth Line West Mississiauga L5M 7L9", "f8e9604f-61b9-4a4b", "", "ui-id-474", "53037d06-9b12-4a27", "", "Avonmore Veterinary Clinic | 3212 Main Street Avonmore K0C 1C0", "432db304-d479-4f4e", "", "ui-id-475", "0d5e39a0-4b14-479d", "", "Avro Pet Hospital | 9699 Jane Street, Unit 31 Vaughan L6A 0A4", "470634b0-787c-48d1", "", "ui-id-476", "affb7b47-c394-47eb", "", "Balmy Beach Pet House Call Services | 2212 Queen Street East Toronto M4E 1E9", "c427b7fb-ec52-4ceb", "", "ui-id-477", "c5cef300-08fb-4e67", "", "Barton Grays Animal Hospital | 3-188 Barton Street East Stoney Creek L8E 4W3", "6ce99e7f-cdf9-46b5", "", "ui-id-478", "c3d2767f-6edf-49da", "", "Bathurst & Dupont Animal Hospital | 1012 A Bathurst St Toronto M5R 3G7", "33fa0a12-12c5-4358", "", "ui-id-479", "1c92acbb-3b1c-4b23", "", "Bathurst Animal Clinic Professional Corporation | 352 Wilson Ave Toronto M3H 1S9", "976e4a23-886b-47db", "", "ui-id-480", "12ccc029-c11c-468d", "", "Bay Regional Veterinary Hospital | 437 Bleecker Ave Belleville K8N 3W2", "2f52ec6f-6505-429e", "", "ui-id-481", "937e3c88-c571-4907", "", "Bayview Pet Services | 16700 Bayview Ave unit 23 Newmarket L3X 1W1", "3116631c-04e0-44bb", "", "ui-id-482", "a3bd37ef-7d24-44c3", "", "Bayview Wellington Veterinary Clinic | 15340 Bayview Ave Aurora L4G 7J1", "f15a6152-ba89-49ac", "", "ui-id-483", "79fac8af-bf87-4210", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L5H9", "40a27c86-053d-4da0", "", "ui-id-484", "c57b0c2c-30fc-4d7d", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Ancaster) | 34 Stone Church Road Ancaster L9J 1S5", "389cde05-5d31-438a", "", "ui-id-485", "3829802f-e8d8-47da", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Burlington) | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L 5H9", "8b578c32-31d5-4719", "", "ui-id-486", "cf9c87f7-0812-478a", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (East Hamilton) | 954 Concession Street Hamilton L8V1G2", "5439fe27-4db7-43ed", "", "ui-id-487", "d9f27df6-8104-45bd", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Stoney Creek) | 131 - 135 Upper Centennial Parkway Stoney Creek L8J 0B2", "9045fa96-56a9-4a6a", "", "ui-id-488", "4a131fbf-55db-4539", "", "Beaverton Crossroads Veterinary Services | R.R. # 2, B-1380 Simcoe Street Beaverton L0K 1A0", "6343fd0e-b5ef-4d4a", "", "ui-id-489", "c8f5901f-c6dd-428a", "", "Beeton Veterinary Clinic | Box 830, 109 Main St West Beeton L0G 1A0", "854cdf20-d3eb-430b", "", "ui-id-490", "d06fab11-e8bf-4279", "", "Belmont Veterinary Services | 14128 Belmont Road Belmont N0L 1B0", "315a3d14-f026-4f29", "", "ui-id-491", "ef60e2d0-08e7-4100", "", "Black's Toronto Veterinary Hospital | 923 Queen St East Toronto M4M 1J6", "37f268b5-612e-45ef", "", "ui-id-492", "3c444f1d-9a82-497b", "", "Blackstone Animal Hospital | 5-18265 Yonge Street East Gwillimbury L9N 0A2", "0836b559-ca73-4265", "", "ui-id-493", "58416179-68f8-45de", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 612 King Street West Hamilton L8P 1C2", "2fa565ed-4fe3-4b9c", "", "ui-id-494", "25c3b60a-b15e-4835", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (London) | 95 Wharncliffe Road South London N6J2K2", "d1f0df21-59d5-4add", "", "ui-id-495", "ca999914-c05e-4749", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 132 Danforth Avenue Toronto M4K 1N1", "160f462d-0b25-4e27", "", "ui-id-496", "c2ea9363-9860-4495", "", "Blue Springs Animal Rehabilitation Center | 13383 4th Line Acton L7J 2M1", "e48228ee-cae3-4e5c", "", "ui-id-497", "af1537ed-b8a4-4eb1", "", "Bolton Veterinary Hospital | 288 Queen St South Bolton L7E 4Z5", "68fec209-fbe0-46ba", "", "ui-id-498", "087a20e2-3e6a-4a21", "", "Brampton Georgetown Animal Hospital | 9641 Mississauga Road Brampton L6X0B3", "0e5b52a6-df3b-4a59", "", "ui-id-499", "a62cf6a5-487c-4e22", "", "Brampton Veterinary Hospital | 265 Queen St East Brampton L6W 2C2", "07d90cc1-2a71-4a9a", "", "ui-id-500", "a8dfcb5d-827d-4ff0", "", "Branton Animal Hospital | 2525 Tecumseh Rd W Windsor N9B 1W4", "3d55aeed-2261-4d84", "", "ui-id-501", "d758b9b5-4c6f-4c13", "", "Brockville Waterfront Vet Services (Brockville Ah 2Nd Location) | 28 Water Street East Brockville K6V1A1", "5fdf1fdf-89e7-4cc5", "", "ui-id-502", "f369f8c6-b8cd-4634", "", "Bronte Road Animal Hospital | 2544 Speers Rd Oakville L6L 5W8", "99d5b838-25fe-4434", "", "ui-id-503", "9ed40140-500c-4031", "", "Bronte Village Animal Hospital | 2385 Lakeshore Rd. West Oakville L6L 1H4", "c4d40090-59fe-4c00", "", "ui-id-504", "cbcc4a43-4763-4728", "", "Burlington Animal Hospital | 1231 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 2T2", "860a1d2a-9225-4e58", "", "ui-id-505", "514b2ca2-842f-4cfc", "", "Burlington Lakeshore Veterinary Hospital | 482 John St. Burlington L7R 2K7", "de93c15a-906d-4e08", "", "ui-id-506", "2180e0cf-dcf9-46a0", "", "Burlington Veterinary Emergency And Referral Hospital | 775 Woodview Road Burlington L7N 3S1", "ea49c05e-5758-47ea", "", "ui-id-507", "ef3a87cb-79e3-4a24", "", "Burnham Mansion Vet Services | 2235 Keene Road Peterborough K9L 0B8", "645567c2-a246-4ccc", "", "ui-id-508", "51e64e2a-da0b-4cc3", "", "Byron Animal Clinic | 1310 Commissioners Rd W London N6K 1E1", "b690bf78-edb0-428b", "", "ui-id-509", "25f826bb-a315-4824", "", "C-07-10-19 Animal Vaccination Service | 2432 Eglinton East Scarborough M1K 2P8", "1a44298f-9266-4e12", "", "ui-id-510", "73a9d343-bf9d-442e", "", "C1-01-19 Mountaingrove Pet Mobile Services | 413, 2025 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4X4", "db950449-adcd-45ea", "", "ui-id-511", "4a1c9cf5-d271-4210", "", "C4-13-17Ava Bobcaygeon Vet Services | PO Box 190, 2004 County Road. 8 Bobcaygeon K0M 1A0", "a86b217a-b33d-4331", "", "ui-id-512", "cd0d17f6-fa86-48a7", "", "C4-24-17Algonquin Animal Hospital | 869 Highway #60 Huntsville P1H 1B2", "98f77636-473d-49ba", "", "ui-id-513", "1a4ad53d-d795-4a97", "", "C5-01-17 Wonderland Animal Hospital | 1021 Wonderland Rd. S London N6K 3V1", "236fc62a-35b5-4033", "", "ui-id-514", "b6237812-ae35-4866", "", "Cabana @ Howard Pet Hospital | Unit A - 511 Cabana Rd E Windsor N9G 1A5", "35185288-4fc9-49d3", "", "ui-id-515", "e838ab47-f3d3-4272", "", "Cabbagetown Pet Clinic | 239 Gerrard Street East Toronto M5A 2G1", "838cd291-9f84-4cbc", "", "ui-id-516", "19251579-4664-447f", "", "Caledon Mountain Veterinary Hospital | 29 Elizabeth Street Caledon Village L7K 0W7", "e85e3156-719d-4a7a", "", "ui-id-517", "811cf8ba-b25b-40d1", "", "Caledonia Veterinary Clinic | 230 Argyle Street S Caledonia N3W 1K7", "56e1330a-8d5b-4b44", "", "ui-id-518", "d6710b76-be0e-4e0c", "", "Caledon-Vaughan Veterinary House Call Services | PO Box #75039 405 Queen St S Bolton L7E 2B0", "6f640c22-8cab-406e", "", "ui-id-519", "370e24a9-a20e-4383", "", "Canine Foundations | PO BOX 29029 Barrie L4N 7W7", "9c8f676b-497d-4361", "", "ui-id-520", "0e834da3-b545-4bff", "", "Canine Pain Relief Rehabilitation And Wellness Centre | 2057 Victoria St. N Breslau N0B 1M0", "c7c877ae-684b-4657", "", "ui-id-521", "1c5423eb-dc77-4d9b", "", "Canyon Hill Animal Hospital | 11000 Yonge St Unit C3 Richmond Hill L4C 3E4", "7578f160-d485-4115", "", "ui-id-522", "2b468021-a4e8-4a62", "", "Carleton Place Veterinary Hospital | 120 Coleman Street Carleton Place K7C 4M7", "98a70a29-34e4-4e83", "", "ui-id-523", "fe9f1fd5-c328-450f", "", "Carleton Veterinary Services | 2137 Rogers Stevens Drive North Gower K0A 2T0", "4b79ba80-5f97-4c79", "", "ui-id-524", "6aadecdf-69ef-4fee", "", "Carlton Animal Hospital | 145 Carlton Street Unit 18 St. Catharines L2R 1R5", "43560ed9-fc10-444a", "", "ui-id-525", "d7c3a180-2699-4a47", "", "Cat Hospital Of Brampton | 23 Conservation Drive Brampton L6Z 4R3", "aca62cc6-9744-48c4", "", "ui-id-526", "b4da405d-d604-4dad", "", "Cat Hospital Of Burlington-Oakville | 2387 Lakeshore Road West Oakville L6L 1H4", "7b267897-7018-48d9", "", "ui-id-527", "78d6b002-284c-4a5c", "", "Cat Mobile Veterinary Services Of Toronto | Toronto ", "9f8569b0-2630-45d9", "", "ui-id-528", "f9034997-4f79-4e9e", "", "Cataraqui Pet Hospital | 1183 Midland Ave Kingston K7P 2X8", "e2260a79-a033-4352", "", "ui-id-529", "87b83083-087a-4c67", "", "Central Toronto Mobile Veterinary Services | 248 Tyrrel Avenue Toronto M6G 2H1", "08934f91-3f5f-4e77", "", "ui-id-530", "976ec2b0-954a-4f37", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Ave. W Toronto M6C 2C9", "fb978d73-9518-427e", "", "ui-id-531", "2e996e1a-ca11-4de6", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Avenue West York M6C 2C9", "874193f4-235a-4c90", "", "ui-id-532", "c84aabf7-4c46-4540", "", "Church Yonge Animal Clinic | 19 Church Avenue North York M2N 4E7", "2171914e-8baa-4fa6", "", "ui-id-533", "79c3cba2-c20a-4731", "", "Cl - 08/05/22 -Ava Nor-Ont Veterinary Clinic | 4297 Regional Road 15 Chelmsford P0M 1L0", "90e7900f-eb64-4be8", "", "ui-id-534", "6fca8130-dff0-402f", "", "Cl- 01/06/2022-Collins Bay Animal Hospital (Records To Mcewen-Frontenac) | 4037 E Bath Road Kingston K7M 4Y4", "192f3186-b3d8-4e62", "", "ui-id-535", "c04fd94e-abb7-4d51", "", "Cl- 2023 Simpson Veterinary Clinic (Records @ Wycliffe Village Vc) | 104-545 North Rivermede Concord L4K 4H1", "da8b4995-d8a7-4b3b", "", "ui-id-536", "b1c4ae20-d862-4042", "", "Cl: Mar 2022- Limestone Valley Animal Hospital (Records: Tansley Woods Vh) | 6634 Guelph Line, RR2 Burlington L7P 0A9", "7f8f4e2a-02a4-4007", "", "ui-id-537", "f1b4ef11-b656-489d", "", "Cl01-29-16Avc Confederation Animal Hospital | 1335 Confederation St Sarnia N7S 4M7", "fb520656-d560-4312", "", "ui-id-538", "de614ffb-1db0-4a2c", "", "Cl-05/26/2020 London Alternative Veterinary Services | 500 Adelaide Street N London N6B 3J2", "ea264b8e-b682-41e9", "", "ui-id-539", "4dc456f4-0e48-400e", "", "Cl-07-17-2015Gibson Veterinary Hospital | P O Box 340 St. Clements N0B 2M0", "a2dac62b-d627-4974", "", "ui-id-540", "b639627a-6ce5-4ad7", "", "Cl-2019 London Veterinary Emergency Clinic | #43 - 41 Adelaide St N London N6B 3P4", "92968dcf-91e5-4200", "", "ui-id-541", "e0a2bf36-c8b8-4d80", "", "Cl-2022 Ava Caledon East Veterinary Office (Records Dufferin Vh) | Unit 2, 15980 Airport Road Caledon L7C 1E8", "7c435c6b-7ed3-46a0", "", "ui-id-542", "3c14aa58-11ef-4a14", "", "Clappison Animal Hospital | 780 Highway 6 North Waterdown L0R 2H1", "7be79958-0b8d-4d97", "", "ui-id-543", "0d7fd132-2232-493b", "", "Claremont Veterinary Services | R R #5 Claremont L1Y1A2", "a7513c87-9779-4f7d", "", "ui-id-544", "70a75560-7411-4768", "", "Clarington Animal Hospital | #1a - 2727 Courtice Road Courtice L1E 3A2", "56dd491c-9214-4ff5", "", "ui-id-545", "e2201c32-7c50-48d0", "", "Clarkson Village Animal Hospital | 1659 Lakeshore Rd W Mississauga L5J 1J4", "b760ca7d-eba8-4bce", "", "ui-id-546", "074eeae0-ff7a-4623", "", "Clinton Veterinary Services | 257 Huron Road Clinton N0M 1L0", "aa82021c-bfde-4c66", "", "ui-id-547", "da9e1f93-ddf1-4047", "", "Cobblestone Animal Clinic | 1084 Rest Acres Road, Unit 1 Paris N3L 0B5", "6637df84-12b8-4335", "", "ui-id-548", "120a3044-c927-4a9c", "", "Colborne Street Pet Hospital | 77 Colborne Street W Orillia L3V 2Y6", "8572f689-3b6a-4d45", "", "ui-id-549", "d56d38b0-0706-4722", "", "Colleen Wilson Mobile Animal Behaviour Services | 1217 Widfern Way Greely K4P 1R4", "e05d06d4-b99f-493b", "", "ui-id-550", "101572ed-af76-4414", "", "Colonial Veterinary Hospital | Box 190, 1364 Colonial Road Navan K4B 1J4", "d1706330-ef91-4632", "", "ui-id-551", "0707c6af-ea41-42b1", "", "Concord Veterinary Hospital | 545 N Rivermede Road, Unit 104 Vaughan L4K 4H1", "96f0956d-3560-419b", "", "ui-id-552", "b4afb394-2157-45c9", "", "Conestoga Veterinary Clinic | 2095 Lobsinger Line Waterloo N2J 4G8", "87e84c31-4bf4-4ff4", "", "ui-id-553", "5f12b614-9722-4122", "", "Copetown Animal Hospital | 153 Highway 52 (P.O. Box 85) Copetown L0R 1J0", "09f1677d-415f-4bc2", "", "ui-id-554", "bf8f0d1b-16dc-47ff", "", "Cornerstone Animal Hospital | 2500 Appleby Line Burlington L7L OA2", "0e408fd5-dac7-4e2d", "", "ui-id-555", "d4d37beb-0888-4a05", "", "Courtice Pet Clinic | 1500 Highway #2 Courtice L1E 2T5", "95d20484-ba84-440d", "", "ui-id-556", "7656be23-23e0-4704", "", "Creditview Eglinton Animal Hospital | 1252 Eglinton Ave W Unit F-1 Mississauga L5V 1N3", "691a9992-20d0-4a83", "", "ui-id-557", "66a174b2-0e9f-4a50", "", "Dalton Road Animal Hospital | Box 1050, 21025 Dalton Road Unit 1 Jackson's Point L0E 1L0", "c105c12c-a8b9-4462", "", "ui-id-558", "6ddff502-4a66-4779", "", "Darlington Veterinary Hospital | Unit #24, 200 Marycroft Ave, Woodbridge L4L 5X6", "72d52471-886c-4a3a", "", "ui-id-559", "7041a2c5-f0c8-4335", "", "Datta Veterinary Hospital & London Mobile Vet Services | 2345 Main Street London N6P 1A7", "619b7d72-be32-4223", "", "ui-id-560", "5023a062-d085-4023", "", "Desmond Veterinary Clinic | 2979 Unity Gate Mississauga L5L 3E5", "7da0e5b0-34f7-4463", "", "ui-id-561", "a88f271b-4d70-4255", "", "Dixie Eglinton Animal Clinic | 5120 Dixie Rd Mississauga L4W4J7", "a78350a2-e36d-4eef", "", "ui-id-562", "0b8713f0-8600-4cac", "", "Dixie Road Pet Clinic | 10078 Dixie Road Brampton L6T3S1", "43cfa58c-9b0e-44f0", "", "ui-id-563", "90fdcff8-26f1-48c9", "", "Dog Hospital Of Brampton | 23 Conservation Drive Brampton L6Z 4M3", "2fff9b18-57da-4458", "", "ui-id-564", "8b4de0ef-a90d-43ce", "", "Don Head Village Animal Clinic | 737 Carrville Road Richmond Hill L4C 6E5", "e4f4f4f0-ef59-4cbc", "", "ui-id-565", "a9ee38f8-8b05-4029", "", "Don Mills Veterinary Practice | 25 Scarsdale Rd North York M3B 2R2", "520b7cf4-8072-4e55", "", "ui-id-566", "e0f2b702-8f53-423b", "", "Don Valley Animal Hospital | 895 Lawrence Ave E North York M3C 3L2", "fdb4478d-5472-4a19", "", "ui-id-567", "a7e94b5f-9466-4662", "", "Doncaster Animal Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "7c992093-09eb-4204", "", "ui-id-568", "99a37932-a112-47a8", "", "Donlands Animal Hospital | 413 Donlands Ave East York M4J 3S2", "65260ad1-1c11-4fcb", "", "ui-id-569", "7baa0ce5-b54a-4dc7", "", "Donwoods Animal Hospital | 51 Underhill Drive Toronto M3A 2J8", "1da9e030-25ce-40f8", "", "ui-id-570", "d6719f42-010f-4da6", "", "Doon Animal Hospital | 260 Doon South Drive Kitchener N2P 2L8", "5015efdb-7dc0-48dc", "", "ui-id-571", "adde40dc-64a8-4f7b", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 780 King St. East Hamilton L8M 1A6", "1bebe013-25ad-47fd", "", "ui-id-572", "34e56ea3-0b97-4695", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Kingston) | 16 Bath Road, Suite 1A Kingston K7L 1C4", "55d344d5-19ae-428e", "", "ui-id-573", "425ae63c-4e29-478a", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 579 Church St. Toronto M4Y 2E4", "8343a0aa-cd18-4c76", "", "ui-id-574", "4aeccbbb-7a96-4a1d", "", "Downtown Toronto Cat Clinic | 739 Bloor St W Toronto M6G 1L6", "3fce547c-e9ce-4e00", "", "ui-id-575", "bbb00927-45ac-4795", "", "Dr Judy Bonkalo | 42 Blyth Hill Rd Toronto M4N 3L7", "9d2d15f8-4de3-4fe2", "", "ui-id-576", "46691266-4cad-4242", "", "Dr. Boston Housecall Service | 480 Kilarney Court Burlington L7L 2N7", "bdf18c99-8028-4799", "", "ui-id-577", "c9ad1645-8074-46b7", "", "Dr. Richard Klys Veterinary Professional Corp (Ava Forest Hill Ac) | 1049 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M6C 2C9", "f0e17b1c-7269-48e9", "", "ui-id-578", "d3f98fdb-c5ce-4eab", "", "Dr. Richard Murray Mobile Pet Service | 3051 Upper Dwyer Hill Rd Kinburn K0A 2HO", "cd3ee9cb-e184-41f9", "", "ui-id-579", "9bdeb64d-8968-4a57", "", "Dr. Ronowicz Mobile Veterinary Services | PO Box 42031 Mississauaga L5M 4Z4", "07e69fe4-7c82-4330", "", "ui-id-580", "be9d3047-b0b1-4e9e", "", "Drayton Veterinary Clinic | 7294 Wellington Street N, Hwy 11 Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "81bf7a77-82bb-4ef3", "", "ui-id-581", "b261eda0-710d-4565", "", "Eagleson Veterinary Clinic | 46-500 Eagleson Road Kanata K2M 1H4", "70fe7219-d2cc-457a", "", "ui-id-582", "0d4db6a3-57ac-430e", "", "East London Animal Hospital | 417 Spruce St London N5W 4P2", "3b017577-c381-4dc3", "", "ui-id-583", "9ae0ea08-c4cb-4ab4", "", "East Village Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 1400 UpperJames Street Unit 14 Hamilton L9B 1K3", "63ef7360-e95a-4969", "", "ui-id-584", "09b17a27-5b28-4f7a", "", "Eatonville Animal Hospital | 4932 Dundas Street West Etobicoke M9A 1B7", "21ae9974-a0fd-4c6a", "", "ui-id-585", "3b09ee0a-0567-45fb", "", "Eglinton / Hwy 10 Veterinary Clinic | 295 Eglinton Ave E Unit 11 Mississauga L4Z 3X6", "f31895bd-58b6-453a", "", "ui-id-586", "bcc23afd-036b-4510", "", "Eglinton Animal Hospital | Unit-1 3435 Eglington West Mississauga L5M 7Z5", "d4b2c2c0-6ce7-4943", "", "ui-id-587", "a468210f-bc8b-4b81", "", "Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic | \uf041 Location 1540 Eglinton Avenue west York M6E 2G8", "2507b3ee-c486-4c16", "", "ui-id-588", "79995407-2848-484a", "", "Eglinton Mavis Veterinary Hospital | 5025 Heatherleigh Avenue Mississauga L5V 2Y7", "b61d707a-57da-4145", "", "ui-id-589", "7c357f69-db43-45f5", "", "Eglinton Veterinary Facilities | 183 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M4R 1A8", "5358c3b2-c2a5-43bc", "", "ui-id-590", "81b1784c-6f53-40b6", "", "Embleton Veterinary Hospital | 2045 Embleton Road Brampton L6Y 0E9", "0aa246e4-e17e-4f54", "", "ui-id-591", "99f9365a-7db2-4f2a", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E1B6", "4a114b7c-7dee-41f8", "", "ui-id-592", "9633bb17-9fbc-437e", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | Unit 14 - 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E 1B6", "24ad34d3-6bc8-482d", "", "ui-id-593", "02ed7c06-c52d-4007", "", "Erin Mills Pet Hospital | 2400 Dunwin Dr Mississauga L5L 1J9", "0af193cd-f17b-49d2", "", "ui-id-594", "d2c06a1f-dd72-49ba", "", "Fairfield Pet Hospital | 6 Speers Blvd. Amherstview K7N 1Z6", "9d71b466-74f3-4a4a", "", "ui-id-595", "6e2d39b6-33cc-42cc", "", "Fairmont Animal Hospital | 995 Hamilton Rd London N5W 1A4", "2a1a059a-4efb-4ab6", "", "ui-id-596", "79750063-52b1-4969", "", "Fairview Drive Pet Hospital | Unit 7 & 8, 403 Fairview Drive Brantford N3R 6T2", "e90636d6-6648-494f", "", "ui-id-597", "c3a3dc7d-a0fa-4cbb", "", "Fenelon Animal Clinic | PO Box 310, 474 County Road 121 Fenelon Falls K0M 1N0", "d02f397e-1602-4331", "", "ui-id-598", "7255d38a-c990-42cc", "", "Fonthill Animal Hospital | 137 Highway 20 E Fonthill L0S 1E0", "e67fa588-e349-47f6", "", "ui-id-599", "e7ccc99a-12f7-47e1", "", "Forestbrook Pet Hospital | 1105 Finch Avenue Pickering L1V 1J7", "29b497eb-b49a-498d", "", "ui-id-600", "ac064951-c3d3-467e", "", "Fraser-Macdonald Animal Hospital | 1577 Bloor St West Toronto M6P 1A6", "badb5d17-6f6c-4dfd", "", "ui-id-601", "d79ca8ab-ff42-4de1", "", "Front Street Animal Hospital | 548 Front Street West Toronto M5V 3N5", "c6e32b75-b97f-404d", "", "ui-id-602", "05cf9add-29b6-4b38", "", "Gateway Pet Hospital | 4391 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "dbc3afc2-fb65-40de", "", "ui-id-603", "a9c81093-66b0-460e", "", "Glebe Pet Hospital | 595 Bank Street Ottawa K1S 3T4", "09cc095a-c618-4c33", "", "ui-id-604", "6ac85856-ab83-42a9", "", "Grand Avenue Pet Hospital | 222 Grand Avenue West Chatham N7L 1C1", "10e6bcad-eeb9-4e86", "", "ui-id-605", "5ac3d56f-946d-4508", "", "Grant Veterinary Nutrition Services | Norwich ", "d47e6ed3-787d-4bbf", "", "ui-id-606", "9546263b-5f9a-4f79", "", "Grey Bruce Pet Hospital | 1393 16th Ave East Owen Sound N4K 0J3", "26c46bbf-d820-4268", "", "ui-id-607", "f42ef946-0ac7-4a79", "", "Haliburton Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 990, 1014 Penninsula Drive Haliburton K0M 1S0", "0b1b9919-3133-490c", "", "ui-id-608", "9f31bb9b-7364-444e", "", "Halton Hills Veterinary Clinic | 2 Main St Georgetown L7G 3G6", "61f5d5cd-87d5-40d3", "", "ui-id-609", "6e17d97c-54d7-4556", "", "Halton Peel Animal Hospital | 1093 Lower Base Line Rd. Milton L9T 2X8", "0d7d9a36-2cc5-4845", "", "ui-id-610", "736069d3-6dab-48be", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services | 1618 Ramshaw Cres Milton L9T 5M1", "9efd7b1c-06ad-4f74", "", "ui-id-611", "421718ac-9b91-4516", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services: Home Pet Euthanasia | 7994 Maltby Rd. E Puslinch N0B 2J0", "59002518-c6f1-4d8c", "", "ui-id-612", "5449923b-7b7b-40b3", "", "Hamilton Region Emergency Veterinary Clinic | 50 Dundurn St S Hamilton L8P 4W3", "eff22a5c-8209-46dc", "", "ui-id-613", "834d0c3f-47ec-48e6", "", "Hamilton Road Animal Hospital | 466 Hamilton Road London N5Z1R9", "00f39ea7-c566-4813", "", "ui-id-614", "9616d6fa-5ad5-420f", "", "Hamilton Veterinary Services | 171 Mohawk Road East Hamilton L8K 1C5", "e69d7f31-d311-4688", "", "ui-id-615", "8ac53d08-1ba2-4f3b", "", "Hamilton-Niagara Veterinary Mobile Euthanasia Services | ", "09cc5741-2aae-4a63", "", "ui-id-616", "61685c62-3693-4b8c", "", "Hampton Veterinary Hospital | 252 Algonquin Blvd West Timmins P4N 2R7", "77e70790-8e4d-4545", "", "ui-id-617", "22b26727-a78c-41d4", "", "Harbourfront Animal Hospital | 104B - 370 Queens Quay West Toronto M5V 3J3", "ee74babb-95a1-4e5b", "", "ui-id-618", "51bfe58b-f619-4c11", "", "Harmony Road Animal Hospital | 1304 Harmony Rd N Oshawa L1H 7K5", "691a8d6b-f9cc-46c6", "", "ui-id-619", "f905e665-8632-44eb", "", "Harriston Veterinary Services | 10 Queen St N Harriston N0G 1Z0", "157a548f-3a13-4d77", "", "ui-id-620", "baecbbc4-40c3-493a", "", "Harwood Pet Hospital | #1 Rossland Road WestUnit 12 AJAX L1Z 1Z2", "0bc3232e-9137-4650", "", "ui-id-621", "26400a28-915b-4061", "", "Headon Forest Animal Hospital | 3500 Dundas St. W. Burlington L7M 4B8", "fa279dcd-dfd7-4e78", "", "ui-id-622", "23816bbe-310e-47eb", "", "Heartland Animal Hospital Of Drayton | 7294 Wellington Street North PO Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "71299f31-0fac-4f98", "", "ui-id-623", "a38ff4f0-d8bc-4e95", "", "Heartland Pet Hospital | 6085 Creditview Road Unit #20 Mississauga L5V 2A8", "4b463a1b-7989-4439", "", "ui-id-624", "d34af7a3-fd23-40c2", "", "Henderson Mobile Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 714 Alliston L9R 1V9", "373c5e68-dc67-4508", "", "ui-id-625", "b8f9b0fd-2e66-4d04", "", "Herongate Animal Clinic | 9 Doric St Unit 1 Ajax L1S 7L5", "d5010c7d-7b82-41e4", "", "ui-id-626", "c9c69fb4-cc8d-44a6", "", "Hickson Veterinary Services | 596236 Hwy 59 Hickson N0J 1L0", "ec3a3c74-6f07-4769", "", "ui-id-627", "db7c5c37-ee5e-47c0", "", "Highbury North Pet Hospital | Unit 1 - 1570 Highbury Ave N London N5Y 5N7", "73f1b7f5-7cdc-40c1", "", "ui-id-628", "b82a4fd5-69b9-4713", "", "Highland Road Pet Hospital | 200 Highland Road Kitchener N2M 3C2", "f51582d2-1ea7-466b", "", "ui-id-629", "12618095-7a4a-4dca", "", "Hills Pet Nutrition Primary Health Care Centre -Ontario Veterinary College | University of Guelph 50 Stone Rd Guelph N1G 2W1", "97a319f5-73b0-409b", "", "ui-id-630", "d84b6261-a100-4884", "", "Hopital Veterinaire Nation | 100 Lafleche Casselman K0A 1M0", "c516a2af-3ebd-4a12", "", "ui-id-631", "96090e4c-07ad-4563", "", "Houghton Veterinarian House Call Service | 128 Sanwick Avenue Toronto M4E 2A1", "c928035a-f9e7-4c16", "", "ui-id-632", "7f132865-8559-4482", "", "House Calls For Pets | P.O.Box 364, Station \\\"O\\\" Toronto M4A 2N9", "91b67579-6509-494f", "", "ui-id-633", "beb162eb-2132-4c7f", "", "Huntington Animal Hospital | 211 Martindale Road Unit B-1 St. Catharines L2S 3V7", "66cc4fae-b54c-4f8f", "", "ui-id-634", "5484d53c-26bc-4221", "", "Huron Church Animal Hospital | 1797 Huron Church Road Windsor N9C 2L3", "e4ad8372-e994-443f", "", "ui-id-635", "8c036e2b-be72-417b", "", "Huron East Animal Hospital | 1606 Battler Road, Unit D Kitchener N2R 0CP", "9732cb5a-8a6b-4566", "", "ui-id-636", "4c8af8d3-1e6c-49cd", "", "Huron Shores Veterinary Services | 614 Barnes Ave Port Elgin N0H 2C4", "288c434f-aacd-48c0", "", "ui-id-637", "43d6c80a-3d52-46a2", "", "Huronia Animal Hospital | 131 Main Street Penetanguishene L9M 1L7", "8f976eb7-906e-494e", "", "ui-id-638", "55492d2d-233b-4ef2", "", "Huronia Veterinary Emergency Clinic | 391 Dunlop St W Barrie L4N 1C3", "915050ef-bcb6-4002", "", "ui-id-639", "a448acee-4548-40fe", "", "Hurontario Veterinary Hospital | 1424 Hurontario St Mississauga L5G 3H4", "76e22cf5-6149-477d", "", "ui-id-640", "a062ec71-f553-4f8b", "", "Ilderton Pet Hospital | 125 King Street Ilderton N0M 2A0", "2466a8cb-ec74-4ce7", "", "ui-id-641", "df4e9ee8-8220-4dfa", "", "Image Pet | 1311 Riverbend Dr London N6K 3V1", "a02f30e7-7529-4bff", "", "ui-id-642", "c66d4ea6-66b6-4961", "", "Islington Village Animal Hospital | 3852 Bloor St W Toronto M9A1B7", "10223204-25de-4e27", "", "ui-id-643", "97370c98-8d71-49cc", "", "Jackson Creek Veterinary Services | 1140 Parkhill Road West Peterborough K9K 0E1", "4efb97b6-1e4d-43a4", "", "ui-id-644", "0bc2c36c-21f1-4f3a", "", "Johnson Chiropractic Animal Clinic | 304 Norris Road Perth K7H1T1", "d34d7ca5-0265-4dac", "", "ui-id-645", "30fd8502-79c3-44b1", "", "Junction Pet Clinic | 2916 Dundas St W Toronto M6P1Y8", "f624a085-49a8-4ccb", "", "ui-id-646", "e0cb5c28-b8ad-4c56", "", "Junction West Animal Hospital | 3466 Dundas Street West Toronto M6S 2S1", "9218d702-0d95-4bb3", "", "ui-id-647", "58f42dda-26fe-4aff", "", "Kelton Pet House Call Services | Box 71528 Aurora L4G 5W5", "08bea27a-f048-46c3", "", "ui-id-648", "369e1ed7-cb2b-4320", "", "Kennedy Eglinton Animal Hospital | 751 Kennedy Rd Scarborough M1K 2C7", "17162f1c-0e53-492e", "", "ui-id-649", "fedd9ebc-be33-45be", "", "Kim Pet Hospital | 8362 Woodbine Avenue Unit 1 Markham L3R 2N8", "3efb14fb-d68f-4d1a", "", "ui-id-650", "3d84bf81-a24d-45b4", "", "King Hopkins Pet Hospital | 120 Hopkins Street Whitby L1N 2B7", "4db5642b-34b4-47c0", "", "ui-id-651", "262ebd4a-6481-4c38", "", "Kingston Mills Veterinary Hospital | 1670 Battersea Road Glenburnie K0H 1S0", "6ccdc03c-bed3-4959", "", "ui-id-652", "bdc29c10-1ede-405c", "", "Kingston Regional Pet Hospital | Unit 10, 1381 Midland Avenue Kingston K7P 2W5", "cad79468-d217-4787", "", "ui-id-653", "16a1cd6c-2219-4953", "", "Kingston Road Animal Hospital | 1025 Kingston Road Toronto M4E 1T4", "7c7d6d9b-b6fc-4685", "", "ui-id-654", "9bdbd956-01c1-4818", "", "Kingston Veterinary Clinic | 435 Division St Kingston K7K 4A8", "04596bcb-7d18-41bc", "", "ui-id-655", "827ba7b4-0e2a-48d8", "", "Kingston West Veterinary Hospital | 2165 Bath Road Kingston K7M 4Y3", "b0fbfebd-754e-4f39", "", "ui-id-656", "f1704030-1220-418f", "", "Kirkton Veterinary Clinic | P.O. Box 96 1911 Mary Street Kirkton N0K 1K0", "1e53adef-bb0b-42e0", "", "ui-id-657", "5df23c9f-37ee-4ed9", "", "Lafontaine Veterinary Clinic | 2799 Chamberland Street Rockland K4K 1M7", "89ea8af3-f4de-4ef2", "", "ui-id-658", "134cc06a-bcf3-44c4", "", "b6a58a7b-62c5-4630", "", "ui-id-659", "c0f523cd-eb09-4f60", "", "Laird Eglinton Pet Hospital | 211 Laird Drive Toronto M4G 3W8", "93141c84-8cbc-47e0", "", "ui-id-660", "35b35f48-49d5-4216", "", "Lakeshore Animal Hospital (Kingston) | 732A Front Road Kingston K7M 4L5", "815d6d15-01e8-4cb2", "", "ui-id-661", "a2a608a3-7656-451c", "", "Lauzon Veterinary Hospital | 1315 Lauzon Road Windsor N8S 3N1", "dda8071c-c74d-4c29", "", "ui-id-662", "ae004819-887a-4820", "", "Leamington Animal Hospital | 35 John St Leamington N8H 1H3", "d3b6ba58-9fb0-4b37", "", "ui-id-663", "7245a029-074b-48c6", "", "Leamington Veterinary Clinic | 110 Talbot Street East Leamington N8H 1L5", "ade5ba52-5312-4580", "", "ui-id-664", "afb9b945-fa90-448c", "", "Lennox & Addington Animal Hospital | 11 Commercial Court Napanee K7R 4B2", "bf529ccb-c55e-4c35", "", "ui-id-665", "d8563d7f-0b66-480b", "", "Lexington Rd. Animal Hospital | 135 Lexington Court Waterloo N2J 4R1", "06e337df-d2db-4ebe", "", "ui-id-666", "a7697638-c29b-4255", "", "Limestone City Animal Hospital | 70 Cataraqui Street Kingston K7K 1Z7", "31c61a59-7052-4bab", "", "ui-id-667", "65c5cd14-2195-447f", "", "Liston Animal Hospital | Suite 5, 4055 Carling Avenue Kanata K2K 2A4", "d1f66ec0-3842-40f7", "", "ui-id-668", "a84c55ff-0930-488b", "", "Livingston Animal Hospital | 42 St Andrews Avenue Unit 4 Grimsby L3M 3S2", "041c5ec5-f398-466f", "", "ui-id-669", "085f2dde-2510-4859", "", "Lock One Animal Hospital | 260 Lakeshore Road Unit #9 St. Catharines L2M 7R4", "666fb4b9-aace-4c1e", "", "ui-id-670", "8d50dba4-b57c-4e41", "", "London Cat Clinic | 6 Stanley St London N6C 1A8", "f1e33ffc-bfbb-49cb", "", "ui-id-671", "cf05ac07-cdbd-4bf5", "", "London Mobile Veterinary | ", "2e537220-725e-4801", "", "ui-id-672", "88b6b153-ed94-42a4", "", "London North Animal Hospital | 735 Wonderland Road North London N6H 4L1", "b25646ac-0e66-46e1", "", "ui-id-673", "4d178055-9b73-4c16", "", "London Regional Veterinary Emergency And Referral Hospital | #45, 41 Adelaide Street N London N6B 3P4", "687981f5-e247-4411", "", "ui-id-674", "e0392a05-30f1-4900", "", "Long Beach Veterinary Hospital | 2107 Mosley Street Wasaga Beach L9Z 1X5", "4c6990ae-6b2b-4711", "", "ui-id-675", "2a384d05-e1d9-4337", "", "Long Branch Animal Clinic | 3459 Lakeshore Blvd W Etobicoke M8W 1N2", "09f33450-a3a6-44a5", "", "ui-id-676", "3e530387-0761-4982", "", "Loyalist Veterinary Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Services | 406 Maitland Drive Belleville K8N 0N3", "87fa33a6-ca0f-41fd", "", "ui-id-677", "7dfcfd7a-59e7-4612", "", "Lucknow- Huron Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 609, 623 Campbell St Lucknow N0G 2H0", "a2cce234-e35f-4e65", "", "ui-id-678", "aec6c0c1-9769-4c73", "", "Macdonald Mobile Veterinary Service | 464430 Rivers Rd. RR #5 Ingersoll N5C 3J8", "b3781421-bad8-4860", "", "ui-id-679", "0a036dc6-74aa-4d51", "", "Mackenzie Creek Mobile Pet Hospice Services | PO Box 96 Scotland N0E1R0", "cc00016a-1dfb-4e22", "", "ui-id-680", "1126d749-92d2-44de", "", "Malton Veterinary Services | 2901 Derry Rd E Mississauga L4T 1A6", "707a2307-bebf-491c", "", "ui-id-681", "4b92ef80-d557-444a", "", "Mapleton Mobile Veterinary Services | 7311 Twelfth Line Alma N0B 1A0", "5416e48b-a9c9-4d41", "", "ui-id-682", "e09be9b5-1486-4764", "", "Marion Vernon Memorial Animal Clinic | 91A Patterson Road Barrie L4N 3V9", "f7c033ba-a7cf-42c4", "", "ui-id-683", "52e56941-1df8-4bc6", "", "Masonville Animal Hospital | Unit 8, 101 Fanshawe Park Rd E London N5X 2S7", "88b3097e-8a01-435d", "", "ui-id-684", "8ff965b7-e7f1-45e3", "", "Mcewen-Frontenac Animal Hospital | 745 Development Dr Kingston K7M 4W6", "de72243a-794a-48f8", "", "ui-id-685", "63a6246e-af57-4d0c", "", "Midland Eglinton Animal Hospital | 814 Midland Avenue Scarborough M1K 4E7", "7527adc1-3740-4ae7", "", "ui-id-686", "45b3223c-9190-406e", "", "Millson Veterinary Services | 395 Commercial Ave Timmins P4N 2X8", "9ac64168-8118-4ba6", "", "ui-id-687", "f2ee125b-de32-40c1", "", "Milverton- Wellesley Veterinary Clinic | 93 Main St N Milverton N0K 2M0", "4eccc769-14d4-4222", "", "ui-id-688", "8a3c58d1-adaf-4bac", "", "Mobile Pet Hospice Services Of London | 31 Winship Close London N6C 5M7", "73fb6726-b410-4294", "", "ui-id-689", "0ccb5fff-783a-4e05", "", "Mohns Avenue Veterinary Services (Pembroke Animal Hospital Professional Corp) | 58 Mohns Avenue Petawawa K8H 2G9", "8e177d0a-d1b2-495b", "", "ui-id-690", "1ef5e465-c636-46ba", "", "Mono Veterinary Clinic | 633391 highway 10 Mono L9W 5P3", "9abffc4f-eb63-48cb", "", "ui-id-691", "ee083631-c741-4ba1", "", "Montreal Road Animal Hospital | 1700 Montreal Road Ottawa K1J 6N5", "94484c11-5694-495b", "", "ui-id-692", "e43d11cc-e76f-4f48", "", "Morningstar Pet Hospital | 670 Taunton Road E Whitby L1R 0K6", "56e48998-56e3-4a33", "", "ui-id-693", "6204d0bd-b8dd-47f0", "", "Morriston Veterinary Clinic | 29 Queen Street Morriston N0B 2C0", "59a54268-7687-4bef", "", "ui-id-694", "95bf4eb0-2108-4838", "", "Muskoka Animal Hospital Professional Corporation | 96 Hanes Rd, Unit # 2 Hunstville P1H2P6", "de2c23c6-cbba-4dca", "", "ui-id-695", "4665eaed-46cb-45db", "", "Musson Mobile Veterinary Services | 15 Sir Caradoc Place MARKHAM L3P 2X5", "754f4be2-e190-4f24", "", "ui-id-696", "f42be8b8-ca3b-4e90", "", "Neighbourhood Pet Clinic Of North London | 746 Waterloo Street London London N6A 3W3", "257a2983-531e-4a7c", "", "ui-id-697", "e2ad0517-612b-4746", "", "Nelson Animal Hospital (Ontario) | Unit 5, 2400 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4M7", "67e5075b-cea7-4ebe", "", "ui-id-698", "f8672dfc-041e-4aa0", "", "Niagara Canine Conditioning Centre | 188 Bunting Rd, Unit 5A St. Catharines L2M 3Y1", "2160c786-1cf1-422e", "", "ui-id-699", "03dba815-6da3-4f7b", "", "Niagara On The Lake Veterinary Housecall | 1188 Line 6 Road RR#6 Niagara On The Lake L0S 1J0", "579fcc62-9ded-4bf8", "", "ui-id-700", "d86eb5f8-26f0-4ad9", "", "Niagara Pet Hospital | RR #1, 3032 Mountain Road/ Grimsby Road Grassie L0R 1M0", "5b1928c9-38a2-48a7", "", "ui-id-701", "e68c2cc7-6bca-4b73", "", "Niagara Region Veterinary House Call Services | ", "c361f19c-c782-425b", "", "ui-id-702", "eeb98c68-0c16-4239", "", "Nobleton Veterinary Clinic | 13135 Hwy 27 Nobleton L0G 1N0", "b39afee0-3768-4b97", "", "ui-id-703", "67865a54-9fd5-4f1b", "", "North Toronto Veterinary Behaviour Specialty Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "65aa42c4-ca7c-4c7f", "", "ui-id-704", "8d0ab3ee-b135-4bc4", "", "North Wellington Animal Hospital | 248 Main St S Mount Forest N0G 2L0", "5163b952-6ea4-4df5", "", "ui-id-705", "70163f4a-cec8-4d49", "", "North Yonge Veterinary Hospital | 17725 Yonge St - #18 Newmarket L3Y 7C1", "a1a54805-bb3f-4d83", "", "ui-id-706", "84b1b978-779d-414e", "", "Northview Pet Hospital | 8611 Weston Road Unit 5 Woodbridge L4L 9P1", "a77fb105-9938-4b08", "", "ui-id-707", "3a35d9c2-0d05-47df", "", "Northwest London Veterinary Clinic | 1567 Hyde Park Rd London N6H 5L5", "fe40d626-c586-446e", "", "ui-id-708", "925beceb-4d34-48a9", "", "O.S.P.C.A Mount Vernon Memorial Clinic | 91a Patterson Rd Barrie L4N 3V9", "15a10d5c-62e9-4fc8", "", "ui-id-709", "d0194e8f-29e2-457a", "", "Oakpark Pet Hospital | Unit C1 370 Dundas Street E. Oakville L6H 6Z9", "f359b846-2d8b-4ce1", "", "ui-id-710", "b9b4e97f-8a9f-4995", "", "O'connor Veterinary Services | 1551 O'Connor Dr Toronto M4B2V7", "fe983553-6e38-4903", "", "ui-id-711", "b60ed811-a2f8-43c8", "", "Ontario Spca Centre Veterinary Hospital | 16586 Woodbine Avenue Newmarket L3Y 4W1", "57b341ef-4033-4174", "", "ui-id-712", "4ae7f240-58db-452a", "", "Ontario Veterinary College Teaching Hospital | University Of Guelph Guelph N1G 2W1", "d21ec904-197e-4574", "", "ui-id-713", "378e65ea-b0dc-4cc0", "", "Orillia Pet Hospital | 8035 Highway 12 West Orillia L3V 6H2", "bed6a2ee-96bb-469e", "", "ui-id-714", "df82f629-fc37-492b", "", "Oro Medonte Vet Services | 96 Schoolhouse Road Road Oro Medonte L0L 1T0", "dad4dc94-6d27-4c58", "", "ui-id-715", "179ba2bf-c83c-4e16", "", "Orono Veterinary Hospital | 30 Cobbledick Street Orono L0B 1M0", "76b0a27e-d920-4032", "", "ui-id-716", "7c3b2471-7662-4e7b", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma St. Rockwood N0B 2K0", "5f7c7b33-f8d4-434f", "", "ui-id-717", "eb190138-96f6-497f", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma Street Rockwood N0B2K0", "002d6109-d929-4a32", "", "ui-id-718", "fc697495-212e-40ec", "", "Otonabee Animal Hospital | 3881 Wallace Point Rd O'tonabee K9J 6Y3", "58c6e677-8f2e-4132", "", "ui-id-719", "dfa238a0-71e7-4c26", "", "Ottawa East Pet Housecall Services | 2033 Quincy Ave Gloucester K1J 6B2", "fd2ac503-b751-4a4d", "", "ui-id-720", "e8cdefad-a554-4148", "", "Parkdale Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 1654 Queen Street West Toronto M6R 1B2", "27c72877-a0ed-4eb6", "", "ui-id-721", "60259773-9586-4b38", "", "Pathways Holistic Petcare Centre | 919 Oxford Street East London N5Y 3J8", "af2a203b-e0bb-473c", "", "ui-id-722", "f918c136-bc44-4438", "", "Pet Hospital On Main | 102 Main St.N UXBRIDGE L9P 1C7", "ac5b2d4a-d6b6-46c8", "", "ui-id-723", "e7442eea-a3a4-4db4", "", "Petawawa Animal Hospital | 3261 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa K8H 1X8", "540f89b5-8fb3-48a9", "", "ui-id-724", "2e56ef72-0c73-4683", "", "Peterborough Pet Hospital | 379 Lansdowne St East Peterborough K9J 6X9", "7a9fcc9a-2447-4c85", "", "ui-id-725", "759f7e08-0740-4578", "", "Peterborough Veterinary Services | 720 The Kingsway Peterborough K9J 6W6", "d13ce934-a3e5-451f", "", "ui-id-726", "75b13568-595d-47bc", "", "Peterborough West Animal Hospital | 2605 Stewart Line RR#3 Peterborough K9J0G5", "c5da69e5-f5a8-487d", "", "ui-id-727", "8c0917a4-3abf-4e10", "", "Petrolia Veterinary Services | 4247 Oil Heritage Rd Petrolia N0N 1R0", "07942b1d-283e-4bff", "", "ui-id-728", "6b149b73-9bee-40ea", "", "Pickering Village Pet Hospital | 41 Church St. S Ajax L1S 6A6", "f4b76999-f341-4122", "", "ui-id-729", "ffbdcfb9-c934-4ad7", "", "Picton Animal Hospital | P.O. Box 1600, 19 Macsteven Drive Picton K0K 2T0", "3b962fbb-4e03-4fb4", "", "ui-id-730", "713028bd-8129-4b70", "", "Pioneer Pet Hospital | 4411 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "65a96f23-d580-49da", "", "ui-id-731", "55fde9b3-196f-4f16", "", "Pond Mills Animal Hospital | 5-1166 Commissioners Rd. E London N5Z 4W8", "c8f035fa-bc26-429d", "", "ui-id-732", "ead3f631-9fcc-4396", "", "Potter Veterinary Professional Corporation | PO Box 421 484 Main St. Schomberg L0G 1T0", "3bd55bec-750f-470e", "", "ui-id-733", "d927d455-c915-4045", "", "Preston Animal Clinic | 1606 King St. E. Cambridge N3H 3R7", "3f60ff1d-dbe1-4f27", "", "ui-id-734", "f3c28f84-02dd-4933", "", "Quinte Pet House Call Services | 109 Dundas St E Belleville K8N1C9", "66a6f020-466b-4737", "", "ui-id-735", "6c7485d4-00f6-4f0d", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South Unit 2-5 RR#7 Belleville K8N4Z7", "890db989-2bec-4571", "", "ui-id-736", "6d6151ce-f0de-4ea2", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South, Unit 2-5 RR #7 Belleville K8N 4Z7", "b3c262b1-8684-4154", "", "ui-id-737", "15b8d400-6eeb-4508", "", "Rehabilitation Fur Your Pet | 1663 A Carling Ave. Ottawa K2A 1C4", "0c9c00e9-339b-4533", "", "ui-id-738", "1cd2db7f-071b-46f4", "", "Richard Klys Veterinary Professional Corporation | 1049 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M6C 2C9", "4795ac55-4faf-4ada", "", "ui-id-739", "51c0313a-09cd-4cec", "", "Richmond Animal Hospital | P.O. Box 1000, 6174 Perth Street Richmond K0A 2Z0", "fec7b74e-3012-4bf0", "", "ui-id-740", "2c0452de-8c27-4417", "", "Richmond Green Veterinary Clinic | Unit 3, 10650 Leslie St Richmond Hill L4S OB9", "b516f9e6-8f0d-4c72", "", "ui-id-741", "564922d5-11af-446e", "", "Richmond Hill Animal Hospital | 11 Centre St W Richmond Hill L4C 3P3", "2747d540-a4ff-4171", "", "ui-id-742", "6d129717-66de-483e", "", "Richmond Veterinary Clinic | 203 Richmond Blvd Napanee K7R 3Z9", "610c8927-0f5b-4fd5", "", "ui-id-743", "b8fc6953-3669-41a7", "", "Richmond Veterinary House Call Services | Richmond Hill L4S 0E6", "212ec1a6-f128-4166", "", "ui-id-744", "240a1867-c232-4e87", "", "Rideau River Veterinary Professional Corporation | 3987 Riverside Drive #2 Ottawa K1V 1C1", "b912d3a8-b7f9-45fd", "", "ui-id-745", "3abe99fa-aa8f-44c5", "", "Ripley- Huron Veterinary Clinic | 3290 County Rd 6 Ripley N0G 2R0", "fab8664b-c8c1-436a", "", "ui-id-746", "6f34b074-bc65-4465", "", "Ritson Veterinary Clinic | 490 Taunton Rd E, Unit 101 and 102 Oshawa L1K 1A8", "8cca4a2e-766f-466e", "", "ui-id-747", "65d08a4d-901e-4946", "", "Riverside Pet Hospital | 110 Richie Avenue #7 Ajax L1S 7G5", "569bcd9d-d59b-4e88", "", "ui-id-748", "aee044d2-59ca-4395", "", "Robinson Pet Hospital | 724 Main Street E Milton L9T 3P6", "022dbc46-6f77-4272", "", "ui-id-749", "5195bbee-de9c-4e89", "", "Robinson Veterinary Services | RR # 1, 3285 London Line Wyoming N0N 1T0", "99d69e13-dddf-489b", "", "ui-id-750", "9b7584c0-f1af-45f2", "", "Romeo Pet Hospital | 782 Downie Street Stratford N5A 1Y7", "16edad18-af8e-477a", "", "ui-id-751", "3796a461-2ee2-4ff0", "", "Roncesvalles Animal Hospital | 18 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2K3", "11305139-b0ff-4dcf", "", "ui-id-752", "ba31f2c0-921c-4410", "", "Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic | 215 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2L6", "ba046004-b64b-4527", "", "ui-id-753", "6e54ad2a-c5e9-4c97", "", "Roundstone Mobile Vet Services | 45 Roundstone Brampton L6X 0K7", "9338a34a-5c0b-45c8", "", "ui-id-754", "0fbe37f8-cad5-435a", "", "Sauble Beach Pet Hospital | RR #1, 516 Sauble Falls Pkwy N Sauble Beach N0H 2G0", "94a9abe3-798a-4d42", "", "ui-id-755", "9e203b45-5744-47e7", "", "Second Opinion Referrals Dr. Greg Mcwatt Vt Pr Cp | 8 Finlay Mill Rd Midhurst L0L 1X1", "7ba4aff8-5740-49d2", "", "ui-id-756", "b2afbfd2-4f18-477b", "", "Shannondale Pet Hospital | P.O. Box 214, 1429 Main St. North Callander P0H1H0", "7dc41711-d4b8-4764", "", "ui-id-757", "a8610133-1d09-4034", "", "Sharon Veterinary Clinic | 18716 Leslie St Sharon L0G 1V0", "6f2f48a3-1bb2-4952", "", "ui-id-758", "cdb71f7d-23e9-44a8", "", "South Huron Veterinary Clinic | 20 Main Street Zurich N0M 2T0", "193cce51-d022-4249", "", "ui-id-759", "c882345a-57f9-468e", "", "Southampton Pet Hospital | Box 1097, Hwy 21 Southampton N0H 2L0", "dea6a9c6-6268-4799", "", "ui-id-760", "20153e7f-5905-48cf", "", "Southeastern Ontario Spay Neuter Clinic | 764A Old Highway 2 Trenton K8V 5P5", "ad4af58d-ce75-4812", "", "ui-id-761", "8a59a253-6ebe-4b9e", "", "Southern Ontario Animal Rehabilitation (Soar) | 850 Legion Rd Unit 5 Burlington L7S 1T6", "554b1748-2210-4021", "", "ui-id-762", "7c5a7ead-b232-4daa", "", "Southside Animal Clinic (London) | 1509 Commissioners Rd E London N6M 1C6", "146dc69b-a081-4f81", "", "ui-id-763", "8a3a8abc-f197-48e1", "", "Southside Pet Clinic | 14990 Simcoe Street Port Perry L9L 1G2", "8bedcd63-78b5-4208", "", "ui-id-764", "91bb3401-2192-4bfe", "", "Southside Pet Hospital | 728 Burloak Drive Unit C2 Burlington L7L 0B1", "eab494d2-eef3-45c2", "", "ui-id-765", "5d07de32-2d07-4496", "", "Speedvale Pet Hospital | 400 Speedvale Avenue W - Unit H Guelph N1H 8H3", "03a67c78-75fd-44ac", "", "ui-id-766", "d21a1694-a91d-41a1", "", "Steeles-Yonge Animal Hospital | 180 Steeles Ave W, Unit 15 Vaughan L4J 2L1", "1e130b3e-4ca4-41d6", "", "ui-id-767", "57efd278-48e6-477b", "", "Stone Church Animal Clinic | 634 Stone Church Rd West Hamilton L9B 1A7", "2bafdfd8-08e8-48de", "", "ui-id-768", "c63529d0-b1d8-4fb0", "", "Stonegate Animal Hospital | 292 Stone Road West Guelph N1G 3C4", "1a97482e-3792-4927", "", "ui-id-769", "ac65bca3-be0c-42ab", "", "Stonegates Veterinary Hospital | 193 Hwy 8 West West Flamborough L0R 2K0", "b0f8cbf2-380e-401d", "", "ui-id-770", "787b2043-c8de-4d66", "", "Stoney Ridge Animal Hospital | 2200 Rymal Road East Stoney Creek L0R 1P0", "74f9a4d2-e1c8-45e2", "", "ui-id-771", "ae4846ef-8631-4162", "", "Stoneybrook Animal Hospital | 620 Fanshawe Park Rd E London N5X 2R1", "a7cf8326-528d-45f5", "", "ui-id-772", "21d7dec8-3820-4787", "", "Sudbury Regional Cat Hospital | 262 Caswell Dr Sudbury P3E 2N8", "68557dd5-6c35-4483", "", "ui-id-773", "8288e071-8844-41e2", "", "Summerlyn Pet Hospital | 465 Holland Street West Unit #5 Bradford L3Z 0C1", "eacaa76c-299e-4f9e", "", "ui-id-774", "17a61da0-03d3-48f2", "", "Sunningdale Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 2155 Richmond Street Unit 1 London N5X4B8", "2867330c-8792-4f27", "", "ui-id-775", "eef67579-7b11-4a41", "", "Taunton Road Animal Hospital | 1330 Townline Road North Oshawa L1H 8L7 \u200e", "37019d60-27f6-468b", "", "ui-id-776", "c8a29434-5e9a-4bbe", "", "The Jameson Queen Animal Hospital | 1516 Queen St.W. Toronto M6R 1A4", "741d85ed-6510-44a7", "", "ui-id-777", "b16e189d-b342-44cc", "", "Thickson Road Pet Hospital | 1650 Victoria Street East Whitby L1N 9L4", "4d66c3f7-8867-4b9a", "", "ui-id-778", "745f48b9-cd12-4fa7", "", "Thornton Animal Clinic | 4171 Innisfil Beach Rd #12 Thornton L0L 2N0", "acc7b35c-124f-4c83", "", "ui-id-779", "40621703-5efa-4b8b", "", "Tillsonburg Veterinary Centre | 25 North Street East Tillsonburg N4G 1B4", "acfaa92c-99fc-4d52", "", "ui-id-780", "5bd8eaa0-ba11-4048", "", "Toronto Animal Eye Clinic | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "6ac03ff6-e16a-4c45", "", "ui-id-781", "3d9a51fc-8bbc-4c40", "", "Toronto Central Animal Clinic | 167 Parliament Street Toronto M5A 2Z2", "e54183ce-e58f-4be1", "", "ui-id-782", "fa7f2b65-e563-47ae", "", "Toronto East Animal House Call Services \u2013 A. Bekhit Veterinary Medicine Professional Corporation | Toronto ", "a57edae7-4637-4726", "", "ui-id-783", "0361059e-ec68-4622", "", "Toronto Humane Society Vet. Clinic | 11 River St Toronto M5A 4C2", "ccf76ea6-9d3b-4757", "", "ui-id-784", "00676441-c8a5-44db", "", "Toronto Mobile Vet Services | Toronto ", "01917bb6-f2e1-45c5", "", "ui-id-785", "5cb76711-20c1-445c", "", "Toronto North Animal Hospital | 317 Sheppard Avenue East North York M2N 3B3", "f064cbfc-c594-4ba9", "", "ui-id-786", "d54d6a64-dba0-471d", "", "Toronto Veterinary Clinic | 2459 Lake Shore Blvd W Toronto M8V2M1", "202dce55-6715-478b", "", "ui-id-787", "4c181bb3-ba30-4958", "", "Toronto Veterinary Emergency Hospital | 21 Rolark Drive Scarborough M1R 3B1", "7149e3bb-40e3-4bb9", "", "ui-id-788", "ac519bd5-5009-4a8a", "", "Toronto Veterinary End Of Life Mobile Services | 48 Kingsley Ave Toronto M6N1A4", "2efc7342-ab61-474a", "", "ui-id-789", "90731026-7c83-4473", "", "Toronto Veterinary Home Euthanasia Services | 10 Delevan Court Richmond Hill L4B 3W8", "7cf4b0db-5271-401c", "", "ui-id-790", "9834eafc-9c4b-4de5", "", "Toronto Veterinary House Call | Apartment 411, 1543 Bayview Avenue Toronto M4G 3B5", "0262c45a-539c-483b", "", "ui-id-791", "b17fe805-814b-4fb8", "", "Toronto Veterinary Rehabilitation Centre | 1735 Queen Street East Toronto M4L 6S5", "69bda465-3d5e-4d84", "", "ui-id-792", "92a2ae5e-bf5f-4676", "", "Toronto West Holistic Mobile Veterinary Services | 29 Conway Ave. York M6E 1H1", "39467146-e554-4f9c", "", "ui-id-793", "62c693c3-c1b5-4e5d", "", "Touch Animal Rehabilitation | 1140 Front St North Bay P1B6P2", "93cb0ba8-476c-48ce", "", "ui-id-794", "f5984b6a-1cd0-4bd9", "", "Trans Canada Pet Clinic | Box 16, Site 134 R1, 596 Government Street Dryden P8N 2Y4", "6935ef5a-8bc7-4cce", "", "ui-id-795", "1edf33f4-7685-4c0d", "", "Treatwell Pet Care - Mobile Veterinary Services Of Ottawa | Unit 1 170 Booth Street Ottawa K1R 7W1", "30e9a4f5-5dd2-4edc", "", "ui-id-796", "2be056bd-e588-43bd", "", "Trenton Mobile Veterinary Services | R R #3 14141 Dublin Line Acton L7J 2L9", "bc613aee-0045-4551", "", "ui-id-797", "4ffcfc60-3f02-4936", "", "Trenton Pet Hospital | 441 Front Street Trenton K8V 6C1", "efdf0e8f-37f9-44ee", "", "ui-id-798", "a1e44636-c8e8-4eb1", "", "Trim Pet Hospital | Unit 14, 2010 Trim Road Orleans K4A 0G4", "4bc1390d-606c-46fd", "", "ui-id-799", "790f2a2e-2c59-45e6", "", "Unionville South Pet Hospital | 4721 Highway 7 Unionville L3R 1M7", "da8e0f76-f823-461f", "", "ui-id-800", "a88f91be-fc3a-4433", "", "Upper Oakville Pet Hospital | A12 1011 Upper Middle Rd E Oakville L6H 4L2", "3c37bc81-fa92-433c", "", "ui-id-801", "cfb8519a-821c-4fb9", "", "Val Caron Veterinary Hospital | 3055 Hwy 69 North Val Caron P3N 1R8", "ad262771-0cf5-46d6", "", "ui-id-802", "ca53481e-4ad5-44f3", "", "Vansegbrook, Dr. Donna | 7651 Mud Creek Line Wallaceburg N8A 4L3", "dbc9b69c-67f9-40e4", "", "ui-id-803", "249226db-ebe7-40d2", "", "Vaughan-Richmond Hill Vet Emerg. Clinic | 10303 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 3B9", "e541afdb-c0e3-4435", "", "ui-id-804", "fa32016e-9753-4a88", "", "Vellore Village Pet Hospital | Unit 9, 9750 Weston Road Woodbridge L4H2Z7", "e221fb98-d80a-4c51", "", "ui-id-805", "5b5987b9-0090-4705", "", "Verona Animal Hospital | 53 Westport Rd. Godfrey K0H 1T0", "f904a4df-0629-45df", "", "ui-id-806", "80f77c3c-f104-4f2e", "", "Veterinary Emergency Clinic Of York Region | 1210 Journey's End Circle Newmarket L3Y 8Z6", "235bf124-ab79-4659", "", "ui-id-807", "9fb693c9-4eab-4ae6", "", "Veterinary Emergency Hospital Of West Toronto | 755 Queensway East Mississauga L4Y 4C5", "1837f97c-467d-406e", "", "ui-id-808", "341bc40c-3755-4e1a", "", "Walkerton - Hanover Veterinary Clinic | R R #2 Walkerton N0G 2V0", "9e80f140-6201-4c87", "", "ui-id-809", "54a619b3-7a1e-4a2c", "", "Wellesley Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 535 Yonge Street Toronto M4Y1Y5", "d0052cd8-73e1-4855", "", "ui-id-810", "5ac7ddc3-e6ed-478f", "", "Wellington Animal Hospital | 95 Wellington St South Woodstock N4S 3H9", "9f823ce8-4c86-48a8", "", "ui-id-811", "4becc157-1da0-4935", "", "Wellington Baseline Animal Hospital | Unit 4C - 555 Wellington Rd. S London N6C 4R3", "6f5a8d69-53da-488b", "", "ui-id-812", "99fcc349-ac85-4959", "", "Wellington Veterinary Hospital | 1210 Castlemore Avenue , Unit #5 Markham L6E 0H7", "9d3d79e5-7abb-45a3", "", "ui-id-813", "b0e2ffd2-3f2b-4093", "", "Wellington Veterinary Services | 320 Mill St. East Elora N0B 1S0", "9bb6fe24-a620-44c7", "", "ui-id-814", "35820841-f450-4a77", "", "West Carleton Animal Hospital | 3710 Carp Road Carp K0A 1L0", "97d4c00b-de8c-4a68", "", "ui-id-815", "f98bb702-20b2-4849", "", "West London Pet Hospital | 760 Hyde Park Road London N6H 5W9", "f3d984f0-1357-4d9d", "", "ui-id-816", "a172892a-a38b-4e12", "", "West Toronto Veterinary Surgery | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "177e8e90-cea4-4df9", "", "ui-id-817", "ed43a642-48b1-4540", "", "West Woodbridge Pet Hospital | 8280 Highway 27, Unit 16 Woodbridge L4H 0R9", "759f2c67-536f-4331", "", "ui-id-818", "95936a50-e195-45c4", "", "Westmount Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 851 Wonderland Rd. South London N6K 4T2", "3e082947-b2f5-4b21", "", "ui-id-819", "eb3d7a91-f713-4452", "", "Weston Veterinary Clinic | 2347 Weston Rd Toronto M9N 1Z7", "9033e6e8-1545-4ca4", "", "ui-id-820", "39b4f0a3-3c53-429b", "", "Wiarton Animal Hospital | Box 38, 10177 Highway 6 Wiarton N0H 2T0", "9f307f7d-10ee-474a", "", "ui-id-821", "096e911c-40fa-4367", "", "Wilson Mobile Veterinary Services | PO Box 912 Granton N0M 1V0", "c1b3f093-7492-4092", "", "ui-id-822", "ab3c7243-9f80-4e6b", "", "Wilson Road Veterinary Office | 371 Wilson Road S Oshawa L1H 6C6", "ffaa51b8-951f-4456", "", "ui-id-823", "162ae7ac-d617-457a", "", "Wilson Street Veterinary Clinic | 134 Wilson St. East Ancaster L9G 2B7", "87d9f9fb-b2ae-4815", "", "ui-id-824", "d84c673b-8ca7-4297", "", "Wilsons Animal Hospital | 105 Hartzel Rd St. Catharines L2P 1N2", "b4652ef6-3d4c-4ff1", "", "ui-id-825", "53d5e09b-8a50-492d", "", "Windsor Pet Hospital | 722 Tecumseh Road East Windsor N8X 4T2", "dc3e3997-b9b8-4b22", "", "ui-id-826", "4942ad9d-026b-4c86", "", "Winston Churchill Animal Hospital | Unit #5, 2980 Crosscurrent Dr Mississauga L5N 7C7", "45e4d2ce-765f-4f7f", "", "ui-id-827", "39a58b9b-b8d8-4d24", "", "Wk Foster Veterinary Professional Corporation | PO Box 208 67 Brock Street West Uxbridge L9P 1M7", "01ca5a65-e4a0-45ec", "", "ui-id-828", "e8a8c712-feb7-4f4e", "", "Yonge - 16Th Pet Hospital | 9218 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 7A2", "16e6f380-0e4e-4d86", "", "ui-id-829", "9122b119-410b-453e", "", "Yonge And St. Clair Veterinary Hospital | 33 Alvin Ave Toronto M4T 2A7", "c96a568a-0107-455d", "", "ui-id-830", "7a1f4b37-db43-4896", "", "Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital Professional Corporation | 280 Sheppard Ave. East Toronto M2N 3B1", "1dd1369e-74e5-4b91", "", "ui-id-831", "37a37d6d-30c2-4448", "", "Yonge Street Animal Hospital | 2586 Yonge St Toronto M4P2J3", "c0f90d66-8541-45e2", "", "ui-id-832", "c4a408ee-6b3e-4530", "", "Yonge-Davenport Pet Hospital | 885 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 2H2", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog", "aria-describedby", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-2", "f13f2616-ced6-46d9", "", "ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix", "e70d5708-59db-4c88", "", "ui-dialog-title", "d97e2701-4158-4fb0", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only ui-dialog-titlebar-close", "aria-disabled", "close", "c14323ac-21fc-4e48", "", "ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick", "e0eaef87-6f69-44ac", "", "ui-button-text", "9be0ed9a-d90f-4be1", "", "ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content", "d0f08e0c-0d39-4dc5", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "e290a703-a0e5-438f", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable ui-resizable", "dialog-save", "ui-id-3", "display: none; 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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"attributes": [[], [], [7, 8], [13, 14, 7, 15], [13, 14, 7, 17], [13, 14, 7, 19], [22, 23, 24, 25, 7, 26], [], [30, 31, 24, 32, 7, 33], [], [7, 37], [], [], [30, 40, 24, 41, 7, 42], [], [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 7, 52], [], [50, 54, 46, 55, 7, 56], [], [50, 58, 46, 55, 7, 59], [], [48, 61, 46, 55, 50, 62, 7, 63], [], [50, 65, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 66], [], [46, 55, 50, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 48, 61, 7, 73], [], [50, 75, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 76], [], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [79, -1, 132, 154, 80, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 158, 7, 159], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 161, 7, 162], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 164, 7, 165], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 167, 7, 168], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 170, 7, 171], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 173, 7, 174], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 178, 179, 180, 7, 181], [132, 184, 185, 186, 7, 187], [], [], [], [], [7, 192], [], [], [], [], [80, 197, 7, 198], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 200], [], [], [7, 203], [], [], [7, 206], [], [], [209, 210, 185, 211, 212, 213, 7, 214], [], [209, 216, 7, 217], [], [132, 219, 7, 220], [], [209, 223, 7, 224], [], [7, 228], [], [7, 232], [], [], [50, 236, 7, 237], [], [], [7, 241], [], [50, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [209, 248, 7, 249], [], [50, 251, 7, 252], [], [209, 256, 7, 257], [], [], [], [], [132, 264, 209, 265, 7, 266], [], [7, 269], [], [], [50, 272, 273, 274, 7, 275], [], [7, 277], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 280, 7, 281], [], [209, 283, 7, 284], [], [50, 286, 273, 274, 7, 287], [], [80, 291, 209, 292, 7, 293], [], [], [], [], [132, 295, 7, 296], [], [7, 299], [], [7, 302], [], [], [], [], [209, 305, 7, 306], [], [209, 309, 7, 310], [], [209, 313, 7, 314], [], [], [], [209, 320, 7, 321], [], [], [], [7, 324], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 327, 7, 328], [], [209, 330, 7, 331], [], [132, 334, 209, 335, 7, 336], [], [132, 338, 7, 339], [], [132, 342, 209, 343, 7, 344], [], [132, 347, 209, 348, 7, 349], [], [353, 354, 355, 356, 132, 357, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 361], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 371], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 376], [], [209, 379, 7, 380], [], [7, 382], [], [209, 384, 7, 385], [], [209, 387, 7, 388], [], [185, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [185, 394, 7, 395], [], [209, 384, 7, 397], [], [209, 399, 7, 400], [], [209, 402, 7, 403], [], [406, 407, 7, 408], [], [], [], [], [209, 411, 185, 412, 7, 413], [], [209, 416, 7, 417], [419, 407, 364, 14, 365, 420, 132, 421, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 423, 7, 424], [], [406, 421, 7, 427], [], [209, 416, 7, 430], [432, 432, 419, 407, 132, 433, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 434, 7, 435], [], [406, 433, 7, 437], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 440], [], [209, 442, 443, 407, 444, 14, 7, 445], [], [], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 368, 369, 449, 7, 450], [], [364, 14, 365, 452, 132, 453, 30, 453, 48, 368, 369, 454, 7, 455], [], [364, 14, 365, 457, 132, 458, 30, 458, 48, 368, 369, 459, 7, 460], [], [132, 462, 30, 462, 48, 368, 369, 463, 7, 464], [], [364, 14, 466, 467, 365, 468, 132, 469, 30, 469, 48, 368, 369, 470, 7, 471], [], [364, 14, 466, 473, 365, 474, 132, 475, 30, 475, 48, 368, 369, 476, 7, 477], [], [364, 14, 466, 479, 365, 480, 132, 481, 30, 481, 48, 368, 369, 482, 7, 483], [], [132, 485, 30, 485, 48, 368, 369, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [185, 489, 7, 490], [], [209, 492, 132, 493, 30, 494, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 501], [], [209, 492, 132, 503, 30, 504, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 505, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 506], [], [], [209, 384, 185, 508, 7, 509], [], [132, 511, 209, 512, 7, 513], [], [209, 515, 516, 517, 7, 518], [], [], [], [209, 522, 516, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 14, 7, 531], [50, 533, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 529, 7, 537], [], [], [209, 540, 516, 523, 524, 536, 526, 541, 528, 542, 530, 499, 7, 543], [50, 545, 212, 546, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 542, 7, 547], [], [], [], [132, 527, 528, 529, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 14, 553, 499, 7, 554], [], [209, 557, 7, 558], [], [132, 561, 562, 563, 564, 499, 7, 565], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 568], [], [209, 399, 7, 571], [], [209, 574, 7, 575], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 578], [], [516, 580, 581, 582, 209, 583, 7, 584], [], [587, 588, 589, 563, 590, 497, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 132, 599, 30, 600, 601, 602, 48, 495, 369, -1, 209, 603, 604, 605, 498, 499, 500, 14, 606, 607, 608, 14, 609, 499, 7, 610], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 612], [], [209, 614, 7, 615], [], [209, 442, 443, 494, 444, 14, 7, 618], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 620, 562, 563, 185, 211, 7, 621], [], [209, 384, 7, 623], [], [209, 399, 7, 625], [], [406, 627, 209, 574, 7, 628], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 631], [], [209, 634, 635, 563, 132, 636, 30, 637, 7, 638], [369, -1, 7, 641], [], [], [369, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [369, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [369, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [369, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [369, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [369, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [369, 668, 7, 669], [], [], [369, 672, 7, 673], [], [], [676, 676, 369, 677, 7, 678], [], [], [369, 681, 7, 682], [], [], [369, 685, 7, 686], [], [], [369, 689, 7, 690], [], [], [369, 693, 7, 694], [], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 697], [], [209, 442, 443, 637, 444, 14, 7, 699], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 541, 528, 542, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 499, 553, 14, 185, 701, 7, 702], [], [209, 384, 7, 705], [], [132, 707, 185, 211, 7, 708], [], [209, 710, 7, 711], [], [7, 713], [], [], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 717], [], [209, 719, 7, 720], [], [406, 722, 7, 723], [], [], [], [209, 726, 7, 727], [], [48, 495, 132, 722, 185, 729, 369, 486, 730, -1, 7, 731], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 733], [], [48, 735, 132, 736, 185, 701, 369, 737, 212, 738, 7, 739], [], [], [], [7, 741], [], [209, 384, 7, 743], [], [209, 399, 7, 745], [], [406, 722, 7, 747], [], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 750], [], [132, 752, 209, 634, 7, 753], [], [369, 755, 7, 756], [], [], [369, 470, 7, 759], [], [], [369, 762, 7, 763], [], [], [369, 766, 7, 767], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 770, 185, 771, 7, 772], [185, 774, 7, 775], [185, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [], [496, 782, 364, 14, 365, 783, 132, 784, 30, 785, 48, 368, 369, 786, 7, 787], [], [7, 789], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 792], [], [209, 343, 7, 794], [], [209, 796, 7, 797], [], [209, 801, 48, 802, 803, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 808, 209, 265, 7, 809], [], [209, 812, 7, 813], [], [185, 816, 209, 817, 80, 818, 7, 819], [], [], [], [], [209, 823, 7, 824], [], [209, 826, 7, 827], [], [209, 829, 7, 830], [], [132, 832, 7, 833], [], [7, 835], [], [7, 839], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 7, 843], [7, 846], [], [], [], [7, 851], [], [7, 854], [], [50, 857, 273, 274, 7, 858], [7, 860], [], [], [7, 864], [], [7, 867], [], [7, 869], [], [7, 871], [], [], [7, 874], [], [7, 877], [], [], [7, 881], [], [7, 883], [], [7, 885], [], [50, 888, 273, 274, 7, 889], [7, 891], [], [], [50, 895, 273, 274, 7, 896], [7, 898], [], [], [7, 902], [], [209, 904, 7, 905], [], [7, 907], [], [7, 910], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 913, 914, 803, 914, 7, 915], [7, 917], [], [], [7, 920], [], [209, 904, 185, 922, 7, 923], [], [50, 925, 273, 274, 913, 926, 803, 926, 7, 927], [], [], [50, 930, 273, 274, 803, 931, 7, 932], [], [], [50, 934, 273, 274, 7, 935], [], [], [7, 938], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 943, 48, 87, 7, 944], [], [80, 946, 48, 87, 7, 947], [], [80, 949, 48, 87, 7, 950], [], [80, 952, 48, 87, 7, 953], [], [80, 955, 48, 87, 7, 956], [], [80, 958, 48, 87, 7, 959], [], [80, 961, 48, 87, 7, 962], [], [80, 964, 48, 87, 7, 965], [], [80, 967, 48, 87, 7, 968], [], [80, 970, 7, 971], [], [80, 974, 7, 975], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 978], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 982], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 986], [], [], [209, 990, 132, 991, 524, 525, 185, 992, 7, 993], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 996], [], [132, 998, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1000], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1003], [], [132, 1005, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1007], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1010], [], [132, 1012, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1013], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1016], [], [132, 1018, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1019], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1022], [], [132, 1024, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1025], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1028], [], [132, 1030, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1031], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1034], [], [132, 1036, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1037], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1040], [], [132, 1042, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1043], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1046], [], [132, 1048, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1049], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1052], [], [132, 1054, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1055], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1058], [], [132, 1060, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1061], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1064], [], [132, 1066, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1067], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1070], [], [132, 1072, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1073], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1076], [], [132, 1078, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1079], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1082], [], [132, 1084, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1085], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1088], [], [132, 1090, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1091], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1094], [], [132, 1096, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1097], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1100], [], [132, 1102, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1103], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1106], [], [132, 1108, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1109], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1112], [], [132, 1114, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1115], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1118], [], [132, 1120, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1121], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1124], [], [132, 1126, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1127], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1130], [], [132, 1132, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1133], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1136], [], [132, 1138, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1139], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1142], [], [132, 1144, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1145], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1148], [], [132, 1150, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1151], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1154], [], [132, 1156, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1157], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1160], [], [132, 1162, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1163], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1166], [], [132, 1168, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1169], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1172], [], [132, 1174, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1175], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1178], [], [132, 1180, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1181], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1184], [], [132, 1186, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1187], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1190], [], [132, 1192, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1193], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1196], [], [132, 1198, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1199], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1202], [], [132, 1204, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1205], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1208], [], [132, 1210, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1211], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1214], [], [132, 1216, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1217], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1220], [], [132, 1222, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1223], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1226], [], [132, 1228, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1229], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1232], [], [132, 1234, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1235], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1238], [], [132, 1240, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1241], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1244], [], [132, 1246, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1247], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1250], [], [132, 1252, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1253], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1256], [], [132, 1258, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1259], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1262], [], [132, 1264, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1265], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1268], [], [132, 1270, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1271], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1274], [], [132, 1276, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1277], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1280], [], [132, 1282, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1283], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1286], [], [132, 1288, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1289], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1292], [], [132, 1294, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1295], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1298], [], [132, 1300, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1301], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1304], [], [132, 1306, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1307], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1310], [], [132, 1312, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1313], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1316], [], [132, 1318, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1319], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1322], [], [132, 1324, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1325], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1328], [], [132, 1330, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1331], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1334], [], [132, 1336, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1337], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1340], [], [132, 1342, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1343], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1346], [], [132, 1348, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1349], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1352], [], [132, 1354, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1355], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1358], [], [132, 1360, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1361], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1364], [], [132, 1366, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1367], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1370], [], [132, 1372, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1373], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1376], [], [132, 1378, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1379], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1382], [], [132, 1384, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1385], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1388], [], [132, 1390, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1391], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1394], [], [132, 1396, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1397], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1400], [], [132, 1402, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1403], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1406], [], [132, 1408, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1409], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1412], [], [132, 1414, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1415], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1418], [], [132, 1420, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1421], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1424], [], [132, 1426, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1427], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1430], [], [132, 1432, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1433], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1436], [], [132, 1438, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1439], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1442], [], [132, 1444, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1445], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1448], [], [132, 1450, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1451], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1454], [], [132, 1456, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1457], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1460], [], [132, 1462, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1463], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1466], [], [132, 1468, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1469], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1472], [], [132, 1474, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1475], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1478], [], [132, 1480, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1481], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1484], [], [132, 1486, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1487], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1490], [], [132, 1492, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1493], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1496], [], [132, 1498, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1499], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1502], [], [132, 1504, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1505], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1508], [], [132, 1510, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1511], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1514], [], [132, 1516, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1517], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1520], [], [132, 1522, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1523], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1526], [], [132, 1528, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1529], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1532], [], [132, 1534, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1535], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1538], [], [132, 1540, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1541], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1544], [], [132, 1546, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1547], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1550], [], [132, 1552, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1553], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1556], [], [132, 1558, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1559], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1562], [], [132, 1564, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1565], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1568], [], [132, 1570, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1571], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1574], [], [132, 1576, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1577], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1580], [], [132, 1582, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1583], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1586], [], [132, 1588, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1589], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1592], [], [132, 1594, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1595], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1598], [], [132, 1600, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1601], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1604], [], [132, 1606, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1607], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1610], [], [132, 1612, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1613], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1616], [], [132, 1618, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1619], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1622], [], [132, 1624, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1625], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1628], [], [132, 1630, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1631], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1634], [], [132, 1636, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1637], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1640], [], [132, 1642, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1643], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1646], [], [132, 1648, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1649], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1652], [], [132, 1654, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1655], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1658], [], [132, 1660, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1661], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1664], [], [132, 1666, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1667], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1670], [], [132, 1672, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1673], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1676], [], [132, 1678, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1679], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1682], [], [132, 1684, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1685], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1688], [], [132, 1690, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1691], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1694], [], [132, 1696, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1697], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1700], [], [132, 1702, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1703], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1706], [], [132, 1708, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1709], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1712], [], [132, 1714, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1715], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1718], [], [132, 1720, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1721], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1724], [], [132, 1726, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1727], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1730], [], [132, 1732, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1733], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1736], [], [132, 1738, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1739], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1742], [], [132, 1744, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1745], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1748], [], [132, 1750, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1751], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1754], [], [132, 1756, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1757], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1760], [], [132, 1762, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1763], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1766], [], [132, 1768, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1769], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1772], [], [132, 1774, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1775], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1778], [], [132, 1780, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1781], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1784], [], [132, 1786, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1787], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1790], [], [132, 1792, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1793], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1796], [], [132, 1798, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1799], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1802], [], [132, 1804, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1805], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1808], [], [132, 1810, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1811], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1814], [], [132, 1816, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1817], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1820], [], [132, 1822, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1823], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1826], [], [132, 1828, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1829], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1832], [], [132, 1834, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1835], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1838], [], [132, 1840, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1841], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1844], [], [132, 1846, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1847], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1850], [], [132, 1852, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1853], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1856], [], [132, 1858, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1859], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1862], [], [132, 1864, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1865], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1868], [], [132, 1870, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1871], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1874], [], [132, 1876, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1877], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1880], [], [132, 1882, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1883], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1886], [], [132, 1888, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1889], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1892], [], [132, 1894, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1895], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1898], [], [132, 1900, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1901], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1904], [], [132, 1906, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1907], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1910], [], [132, 1912, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1913], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1916], [], [132, 1918, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1919], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1922], [], [132, 1924, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1925], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1928], [], [132, 1930, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1931], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1934], [], [132, 1936, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1937], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1940], [], [132, 1942, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1943], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1946], [], [132, 1948, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1949], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1952], [], [132, 1954, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1955], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1958], [], [132, 1960, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1961], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1964], [], [132, 1966, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1967], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1970], [], [132, 1972, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1973], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1976], [], [132, 1978, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1979], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1982], [], [132, 1984, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1985], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1988], [], [132, 1990, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1991], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1994], [], [132, 1996, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1997], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2000], [], [132, 2002, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2003], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2006], [], [132, 2008, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2009], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2012], [], [132, 2014, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2015], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2018], [], [132, 2020, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2021], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2024], [], [132, 2026, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2027], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2030], [], [132, 2032, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2033], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2036], [], [132, 2038, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2039], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2042], [], [132, 2044, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2045], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2048], [], [132, 2050, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2051], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2054], [], [132, 2056, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2057], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2060], [], [132, 2062, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2063], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2066], [], [132, 2068, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2069], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2072], [], [132, 2074, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2075], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2078], [], [132, 2080, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2081], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2084], [], [132, 2086, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2087], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2090], [], [132, 2092, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2093], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2096], [], [132, 2098, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2099], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2102], [], [132, 2104, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2105], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2108], [], [132, 2110, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2111], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2114], [], [132, 2116, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2117], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2120], [], [132, 2122, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2123], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2126], [], [132, 2128, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2129], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2132], [], [132, 2134, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2135], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2138], [], [132, 2140, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2141], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2144], [], [132, 2146, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2147], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2150], [], [132, 2152, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2153], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2156], [], [132, 2158, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2159], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2162], [], [132, 2164, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2165], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2168], [], [132, 2170, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2171], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2174], [], [132, 2176, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2177], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2180], [], [132, 2182, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2183], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2186], [], [132, 2188, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2189], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2192], [], [132, 2194, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2195], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2198], [], [132, 2200, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2201], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2204], [], [132, 2206, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2207], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2210], [], [132, 2212, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2213], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2216], [], [132, 2218, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2219], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2222], [], [132, 2224, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2225], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2228], [], [132, 2230, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2231], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2234], [], [132, 2236, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2237], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2240], [], [132, 2242, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2243], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2246], [], [132, 2248, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2249], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2252], [], [132, 2254, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2255], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2258], [], [132, 2260, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2261], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2264], [], [132, 2266, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2267], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2270], [], [132, 2272, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2273], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2276], [], [132, 2278, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2279], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2282], [], [132, 2284, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2285], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2288], [], [132, 2290, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2291], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2294], [], [132, 2296, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2297], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2300], [], [132, 2302, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2303], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2305], [], [132, 2307, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2308], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2311], [], [132, 2313, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2314], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2317], [], [132, 2319, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2320], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2323], [], [132, 2325, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2326], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2329], [], [132, 2331, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2332], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2335], [], [132, 2337, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2338], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2341], [], [132, 2343, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2344], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2347], [], [132, 2349, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2350], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2353], [], [132, 2355, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2356], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2359], [], [132, 2361, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2362], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2365], [], [132, 2367, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2368], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2371], [], [132, 2373, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2374], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2377], [], [132, 2379, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2380], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2383], [], [132, 2385, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2386], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2389], [], [132, 2391, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2392], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2395], [], [132, 2397, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2398], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2401], [], [132, 2403, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2404], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2407], [], [132, 2409, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2410], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2413], [], [132, 2415, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2416], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2419], [], [132, 2421, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2422], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2425], [], [132, 2427, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2428], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2431], [], [132, 2433, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2434], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2437], [], [132, 2439, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2440], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2443], [], [132, 2445, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2446], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2449], [], [132, 2451, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2452], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2455], [], [132, 2457, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2458], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2461], [], [132, 2463, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2464], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2467], [], [132, 2469, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2470], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2473], [], [132, 2475, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2476], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2479], [], [132, 2481, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2482], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2485], [], [132, 2487, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2488], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2491], [], [132, 2493, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2494], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2497], [], [132, 2499, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2500], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2503], [], [132, 2505, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2506], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2509], [], [132, 2511, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2512], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2515], [], [132, 2517, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2518], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2521], [], [132, 2523, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2524], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2527], [], [132, 2529, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2530], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2533], [], [132, 2535, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2536], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2539], [], [132, 2541, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2542], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2545], [], [132, 2547, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2548], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2551], [], [132, 2553, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2554], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2557], [], [132, 2559, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2560], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2563], [], [132, 2565, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2566], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2569], [], [132, 2571, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2572], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2575], [], [132, 2577, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2578], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2581], [], [132, 2583, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2584], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2587], [], [132, 2589, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2590], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2593], [], [132, 2595, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2596], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2599], [], [132, 2601, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2602], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2605], [], [132, 2607, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2608], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2611], [], [132, 2613, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2614], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2617], [], [132, 2619, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2620], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2623], [], [132, 2625, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2626], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2629], [], [132, 2631, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2632], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2635], [], [132, 2637, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2638], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2641], [], [132, 2643, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2644], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2647], [], [132, 2649, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2650], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2653], [], [132, 2655, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2656], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2659], [], [132, 2661, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2662], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2665], [], [132, 2667, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2668], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2671], [], [132, 2673, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2674], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2677], [], [132, 2679, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2680], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2683], [], [132, 2685, 209, 2686, 524, 536, 7, 2687], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2690], [], [132, 2692, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2693], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2696], [], [132, 2698, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2699], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2702], [], [132, 2704, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2705], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2708], [], [132, 2710, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2711], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2714], [], [132, 2716, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2717], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2720], [], [132, 2722, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2723], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2726], [], [132, 2728, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2729], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2732], [], [132, 2734, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2735], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2738], [], [132, 2740, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2741], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2744], [], [132, 2746, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2747], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2750], [], [132, 2752, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2753], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2756], [], [132, 2758, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2759], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2762], [], [132, 2764, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2765], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2768], [], [132, 2770, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2771], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2774], [], [132, 2776, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2777], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2780], [], [132, 2782, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2783], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2786], [], [132, 2788, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2789], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2792], [], [132, 2794, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2795], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2798], [], [132, 2800, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2801], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2804], [], [132, 2806, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2807], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2810], [], [132, 2812, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2813], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2816], [], [132, 2818, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2819], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2822], [], [132, 2824, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2825], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2828], [], [132, 2830, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2831], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2834], [], [132, 2836, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2837], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2840], [], [132, 2842, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2843], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2846], [], [132, 2848, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2849], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2852], [], [132, 2854, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2855], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2858], [], [132, 2860, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2861], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2864], [], [132, 2866, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2867], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2870], [], [132, 2872, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2873], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2876], [], [132, 2878, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2879], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2882], [], [132, 2884, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2885], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2888], [], [132, 2890, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2891], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2894], [], [132, 2896, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2897], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2900], [], [132, 2902, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2903], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2906], [], [132, 2908, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2909], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2912], [], [132, 2914, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2915], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2918], [], [132, 2920, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2921], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2924], [], [132, 2926, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2927], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2930], [], [132, 2932, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2933], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2936], [], [132, 2938, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2939], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2942], [], [132, 2944, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2945], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2948], [], [132, 2950, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2951], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2954], [], [132, 2956, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2957], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2960], [], [132, 2962, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2963], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2966], [], [132, 2968, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2969], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2972], [], [132, 2974, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2975], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2978], [], [132, 2980, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2981], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2984], [], [132, 2986, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2987], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2990], [], [132, 2992, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2993], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2996], [], [132, 2998, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2999], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3002], [], [132, 3004, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3005], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3008], [], [132, 3010, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3011], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3014], [], [132, 3016, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3017], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3020], [], [132, 3022, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3023], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3026], [], [132, 3028, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3029], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3032], [], [132, 3034, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3035], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3038], [], [132, 3040, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3041], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3044], [], [132, 3046, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3047], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3050], [], [132, 3052, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3053], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3056], [], [132, 3058, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3059], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3062], [], [132, 3064, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3065], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3068], [], [132, 3070, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3071], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3074], [], [132, 3076, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3077], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3080], [], [132, 3082, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3083], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3086], [], [132, 3088, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3089], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3092], [], [132, 3094, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3095], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3098], [], [132, 3100, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3101], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3104], [], [132, 3106, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3107], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3110], [], [132, 3112, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3113], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3116], [], [132, 3118, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3119], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3122], [], [132, 3124, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3125], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3128], [], [132, 3130, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3131], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3134], [], [132, 3136, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3137], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3140], [], [132, 3142, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3143], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3146], [], [132, 3148, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3149], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3152], [], [132, 3154, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3155], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3158], [], [132, 3160, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3161], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3164], [], [132, 3166, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3167], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3170], [], [132, 3172, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3173], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3176], [], [132, 3178, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3179], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3182], [], [132, 3184, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3185], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3188], [], [132, 3190, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3191], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3194], [], [132, 3196, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3197], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3200], [], [132, 3202, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3203], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3206], [], [132, 3208, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3209], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3212], [], [132, 3214, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3215], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3218], [], [132, 3220, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3221], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3224], [], [132, 3226, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3227], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3230], [], [132, 3232, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3233], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3236], [], [132, 3238, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3239], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3242], [], [132, 3244, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3245], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3248], [], [132, 3250, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3251], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3254], [], [132, 3256, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3257], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3260], [], [132, 3262, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3263], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3266], [], [132, 3268, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3269], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3272], [], [132, 3274, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3275], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3278], [], [132, 3280, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3281], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3284], [], [132, 3286, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3287], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3290], [], [132, 3292, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3293], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3296], [], [132, 3298, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3299], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3302], [], [132, 3304, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3305], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3308], [], [132, 3310, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3311], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3314], [], [132, 3316, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3317], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3320], [], [132, 3322, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3323], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3326], [], [132, 3328, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3329], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3332], [], [132, 3334, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3335], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3338], [], [132, 3340, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3341], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3344], [], [132, 3346, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3347], [], [209, 3350, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3353, 528, 3354, 185, 701, 7, 3355], [209, 3357, 7, 3358], [132, 3354, 209, 3360, 7, 3361], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3366], [209, 3368, 7, 3369], [209, 3371, 7, 3372], [], [132, 3353, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3375], [], [209, 3377, 7, 3378], [], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3381, 528, 3382, 185, 3383, 7, 3384], [209, 3357, 7, 3386], [132, 3382, 209, 3360, 7, 3388], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3391], [209, 3368, 7, 3393], [209, 3371, 7, 3395], [], [132, 3381, 3397, 3398, 3399, 3400, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3401], [], [132, 3403, 185, 701, 7, 3404], [], [913, 3406, 80, 3407, 7, 3408], [], [], [132, 3411, 7, 3412], [], [353, 3415, 132, 3416, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3417], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 3419], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 3421], [496, 3423, 364, 14, 365, 3424, 132, 3425, 30, 3425, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3427], [496, 3429, 364, 14, 365, 3430, 132, 3431, 30, 3431, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3432], [496, 3434, 364, 14, 365, 3435, 132, 3436, 30, 3436, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3437], [364, 14, 365, 3439, 132, 3440, 30, 3440, 48, 368, 369, 3441, 7, 3442], [], [185, 3444, 7, 3445], [], [], [132, 3448, 7, 3449], [], [7, 3451], [], [7, 3453], [], [406, 3455, 7, 3456], [], [], [], [7, 3460], [], [406, 3462, 7, 3463], [], [], [], [7, 3466], [], [406, 462, 7, 3468], [], [], [], [7, 3471], [], [406, 3473, 7, 3474], [], [], [], [], [7, 3476], [], [7, 3478], [], [406, 3480, 7, 3481], [], [], [3484, 3485, 364, 14, 3486, 3487, 3488, 3489, 365, 3490, 132, 3480, 30, 3480, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3491], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3494], [], [209, 442, 443, 3480, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3497], [], [], [], [7, 3499], [], [406, 3501, 7, 3502], [], [], [3484, 3505, 364, 14, 3486, 3506, 3488, 3489, 365, 3507, 132, 3501, 30, 3501, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3508], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3510], [], [209, 442, 443, 3501, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3512], [], [], [], [7, 3514], [], [406, 3516, 7, 3517], [], [], [3484, 3520, 364, 14, 3486, 3521, 3488, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3526, 365, 3527, 132, 3516, 30, 3516, 48, 495, 369, 3528, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3529], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3531], [], [209, 442, 443, 3516, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3533], [], [], [], [7, 3535], [], [406, 3537, 7, 3538], [], [], [209, 3541, 364, 14, 365, 3542, 132, 3537, 30, 3537, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3543], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3545], [], [209, 442, 443, 3537, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3547], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3550], [209, 3552, 7, 3553], [48, 735, 209, 3555, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3556], [209, 3371, 7, 3558], [], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3561], [209, 3371, 7, 3563], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3567], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3570], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3573], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3576], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3579], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3582], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3585], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3588], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3590, 528, 3591, 185, 3383, 7, 3592], [209, 3357, 7, 3594], [132, 3591, 209, 3360, 7, 3596], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3599], [209, 3368, 7, 3601], [209, 3371, 7, 3603], [], [132, 3590, 3397, 3605, 3399, 3606, 3607, 3608, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3609], [], [132, 3611, 7, 3612], [], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3615], [209, 3552, 7, 3617], [48, 735, 209, 3619, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3620], [209, 3371, 7, 3622], [], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3624], [209, 3371, 7, 3626], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3628], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3630], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3632], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3634], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3636], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3638], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3640], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3642], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3644, 528, 3645, 185, 3383, 7, 3646], [209, 3357, 7, 3648], [132, 3645, 209, 3360, 7, 3650], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3653], [209, 3368, 7, 3655], [209, 3371, 7, 3657], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3659], [209, 3552, 7, 3661], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3664], [209, 3371, 7, 3666], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3669], [209, 3371, 7, 3671], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3674], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3676], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3678], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3680], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3682], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3684], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3686], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3688], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3690, 528, 3691, 185, 3383, 7, 3692], [209, 3357, 7, 3694], [132, 3691, 209, 3360, 7, 3696], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3699], [209, 3368, 7, 3701], [209, 3371, 7, 3703], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3705], [209, 3552, 7, 3707], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3709], [209, 3371, 7, 3711], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3713], [209, 3371, 7, 3715], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3717], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3719], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3721], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3723], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3725], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3727], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3729], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3731], [209, 3733, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3734, 528, 3735, 185, 701, 7, 3736], [209, 3357, 7, 3738], [132, 3735, 209, 3360, 7, 3740], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3743], [209, 3368, 7, 3745], [209, 3371, 7, 3747], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3749], [209, 3552, 7, 3751], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3753], [209, 3371, 7, 3755], [], [209, 3733, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3757, 528, 3758, 185, 701, 7, 3759], [209, 3357, 7, 3761], [132, 3758, 209, 3360, 7, 3763], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3765], [209, 3368, 7, 3767], [209, 3371, 7, 3769], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3771], [209, 3552, 7, 3773], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3775], [209, 3371, 7, 3777], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3780], [], [48, 87, 7, 3782], [], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3785], [7, 3787], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3790], [], [48, 87, 7, 3792], [], [], [524, 536, 553, 14, 516, 535, 803, 3795, 30, 3796, 132, 3796, 80, 3797, 185, 3798, 7, 3799], [132, 3801, 80, 3802, 7, 3803], [185, 3806, 7, 3807], [3809, 3810, 185, 3811, 7, 3812], [185, 3814, 7, 3815], [46, 55, 50, 3817, 7, 3818], [185, 3811, 7, 3820], [185, 3814, 7, 3822], [46, 55, 50, 3817, 7, 3824], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3644, 528, 991, 185, 3383], [209, 3357], [132, 991, 209, 3360], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365], [209, 3368], [209, 3371], [], [132, 3644, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3826], [], [353, 3829, 132, 3830, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3831], [], [209, 3833, 7, 3834], [], [209, 3837, 7, 3838], [], [7, 3841], [], [7, 3843], [], [209, 402, 7, 3845], [209, 3847, 7, 3848], [], [406, 3851, 7, 3852], [], [], [209, 492, 364, 14, 3486, 3855, 3488, 3489, 365, 3856, 132, 3851, 30, 3851, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3857], [], [209, 442, 443, 3851, 444, 14, 7, 3859], [], [], [7, 3861], [], [209, 402, 7, 3863], [209, 3847, 7, 3865], [], [406, 3867, 7, 3868], [], [], [364, 14, 3486, 3521, 3488, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3526, 365, 3527, 132, 3867, 30, 3867, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3871], [], [209, 442, 443, 3867, 444, 14, 7, 3873], [], [], [7, 3875], [], [209, 402, 7, 3877], [209, 3847, 7, 3879], [], [406, 3881, 7, 3882], [], [], [7, 3885], [], [3888, 766, 364, 14, 365, 3889, 132, 3881, 30, 3881, 3890, 755, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3891], [], [209, 442, 443, 3881, 444, 14, 7, 3893], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3895], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3897], [], [132, 3519, 30, 3519, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3899], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3549], [209, 3552], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499], [209, 3371], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499], [209, 3371], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566], [209, 3569, 185, 3566], [209, 3572, 185, 3566], [209, 3575, 185, 3566], [209, 3578, 185, 3566], [209, 3581, 185, 3566], [209, 3584, 185, 3566], [209, 3587, 185, 3566], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3690, 528, 3354, 185, 3383], [209, 3357], [132, 3354, 209, 3360], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365], [209, 3368], [209, 3371], [], [132, 3690, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3901], [], [132, 3904, 353, 3905, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3906], [], [48, 368, 132, 3908, 30, 3908, 369, 14, 7, 3909], [], [7, 3911], [], [7, 3913], [], [406, 3915, 7, 3916], [], [], [48, 495, 132, 3915, 30, 3919, 365, 3490, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3920], [], [185, 3922, 7, 3923], [], 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406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [76.140625, 513.484375, 74.34375, 251], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [519, 503, 837, 12209.421875], [522, 506, 831, 30.390625], [514, 526, 1, 1], [514, 526, 1, 1], [522, 506, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 511, 578.015625, 20], [522, 536.390625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 556.390625, 1, 1], [514, 556.390625, 1, 1], [522, 536.390625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 541.390625, 778.5, 46.390625], [522, 593.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 613.171875, 1, 1], [514, 613.171875, 1, 1], [522, 593.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 598.171875, 579.625, 20], [522, 623.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 643.5625, 1, 1], [514, 643.5625, 1, 1], [522, 623.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 628.5625, 399.640625, 20], [522, 653.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 673.953125, 1, 1], [514, 673.953125, 1, 1], [522, 653.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 658.953125, 529.03125, 20], [522, 684.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 704.34375, 1, 1], [514, 704.34375, 1, 1], [522, 684.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 689.34375, 509.21875, 20], [522, 714.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 734.734375, 1, 1], [514, 734.734375, 1, 1], [522, 714.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 719.734375, 496.5, 20], [522, 745.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 765.125, 1, 1], [514, 765.125, 1, 1], [522, 745.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 750.125, 514.125, 20], [522, 775.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 795.515625, 1, 1], [514, 795.515625, 1, 1], [522, 775.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 780.515625, 780.1875, 20], [522, 805.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 825.90625, 1, 1], [514, 825.90625, 1, 1], [522, 805.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 810.90625, 625.03125, 20], [522, 836.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 856.296875, 1, 1], [514, 856.296875, 1, 1], [522, 836.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 841.296875, 438.765625, 20], [522, 866.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 886.6875, 1, 1], [514, 886.6875, 1, 1], [522, 866.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 871.6875, 565.90625, 20], [522, 897.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 917.078125, 1, 1], [514, 917.078125, 1, 1], [522, 897.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 902.078125, 492.578125, 20], [522, 927.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 947.46875, 1, 1], [514, 947.46875, 1, 1], [522, 927.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 932.46875, 634.0625, 20], [522, 957.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 977.859375, 1, 1], [514, 977.859375, 1, 1], [522, 957.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 962.859375, 521.890625, 20], [522, 988.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1008.25, 1, 1], [514, 1008.25, 1, 1], [522, 988.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 993.25, 539.5, 20], [522, 1018.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1038.640625, 1, 1], [514, 1038.640625, 1, 1], [522, 1018.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1023.640625, 722.34375, 20], [522, 1049.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1069.03125, 1, 1], [514, 1069.03125, 1, 1], [522, 1049.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1054.03125, 568.140625, 20], [522, 1079.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1099.421875, 1, 1], [514, 1099.421875, 1, 1], [522, 1079.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1084.421875, 491.59375, 20], [522, 1109.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1129.8125, 1, 1], [514, 1129.8125, 1, 1], [522, 1109.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1114.8125, 469.71875, 20], [522, 1140.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1160.203125, 1, 1], [514, 1160.203125, 1, 1], [522, 1140.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1145.203125, 600.140625, 20], [522, 1170.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1190.59375, 1, 1], [514, 1190.59375, 1, 1], [522, 1170.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1175.59375, 576.640625, 20], [522, 1200.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1220.984375, 1, 1], [514, 1220.984375, 1, 1], [522, 1200.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1205.984375, 576.28125, 20], [522, 1231.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1251.375, 1, 1], [514, 1251.375, 1, 1], [522, 1231.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1236.375, 583.796875, 20], [522, 1261.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1281.765625, 1, 1], [514, 1281.765625, 1, 1], [522, 1261.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1266.765625, 587.421875, 20], [522, 1292.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1312.15625, 1, 1], [514, 1312.15625, 1, 1], [522, 1292.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1297.15625, 807.734375, 20], [522, 1322.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1342.546875, 1, 1], [514, 1342.546875, 1, 1], [522, 1322.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1327.546875, 626.921875, 20], [522, 1352.9375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 1372.9375, 1, 1], [514, 1372.9375, 1, 1], [522, 1352.9375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 1357.9375, 799.640625, 46.390625], [522, 1409.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1429.71875, 1, 1], [514, 1429.71875, 1, 1], [522, 1409.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1414.71875, 546.3125, 20], [522, 1440.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1460.109375, 1, 1], [514, 1460.109375, 1, 1], [522, 1440.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1445.109375, 528.40625, 20], [522, 1470.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1490.5, 1, 1], [514, 1490.5, 1, 1], [522, 1470.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1475.5, 434.5625, 20], [522, 1500.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1520.890625, 1, 1], [514, 1520.890625, 1, 1], [522, 1500.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1505.890625, 587.734375, 20], [522, 1531.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1551.28125, 1, 1], [514, 1551.28125, 1, 1], [522, 1531.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1536.28125, 741.953125, 20], [522, 1561.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1581.671875, 1, 1], [514, 1581.671875, 1, 1], [522, 1561.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1566.671875, 520.28125, 20], [522, 1592.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1612.0625, 1, 1], [514, 1612.0625, 1, 1], [522, 1592.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1597.0625, 494.921875, 20], [522, 1622.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1642.453125, 1, 1], [514, 1642.453125, 1, 1], [522, 1622.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1627.453125, 641.875, 20], [522, 1652.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1672.84375, 1, 1], [514, 1672.84375, 1, 1], [522, 1652.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1657.84375, 626.53125, 20], [522, 1683.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1703.234375, 1, 1], [514, 1703.234375, 1, 1], [522, 1683.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1688.234375, 573.4375, 20], [522, 1713.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1733.625, 1, 1], [514, 1733.625, 1, 1], [522, 1713.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1718.625, 646.421875, 20], [522, 1744.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1764.015625, 1, 1], [514, 1764.015625, 1, 1], [522, 1744.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1749.015625, 562.65625, 20], [522, 1774.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1794.40625, 1, 1], [514, 1794.40625, 1, 1], [522, 1774.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1779.40625, 565.578125, 20], [522, 1804.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1824.796875, 1, 1], [514, 1824.796875, 1, 1], [522, 1804.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1809.796875, 579.953125, 20], [522, 1835.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1855.1875, 1, 1], [514, 1855.1875, 1, 1], [522, 1835.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1840.1875, 464.296875, 20], [522, 1865.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1885.578125, 1, 1], [514, 1885.578125, 1, 1], [522, 1865.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1870.578125, 576.6875, 20], [522, 1895.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1915.96875, 1, 1], [514, 1915.96875, 1, 1], [522, 1895.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1900.96875, 564.359375, 20], [522, 1926.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1946.359375, 1, 1], [514, 1946.359375, 1, 1], [522, 1926.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1931.359375, 616.75, 20], [522, 1956.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1976.75, 1, 1], [514, 1976.75, 1, 1], [522, 1956.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1961.75, 761.515625, 20], [522, 1987.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2007.140625, 1, 1], [514, 2007.140625, 1, 1], [522, 1987.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1992.140625, 749.75, 20], [522, 2017.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2037.53125, 1, 1], [514, 2037.53125, 1, 1], [522, 2017.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2022.53125, 549.96875, 20], [522, 2047.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2067.921875, 1, 1], [514, 2067.921875, 1, 1], [522, 2047.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2052.921875, 542.78125, 20], [522, 2078.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2098.3125, 1, 1], [514, 2098.3125, 1, 1], [522, 2078.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2083.3125, 574.5, 20], [522, 2108.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2128.703125, 1, 1], [514, 2128.703125, 1, 1], [522, 2108.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2113.703125, 606.03125, 20], [522, 2139.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2159.09375, 1, 1], [514, 2159.09375, 1, 1], [522, 2139.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2144.09375, 625.84375, 20], [522, 2169.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2189.484375, 1, 1], [514, 2189.484375, 1, 1], [522, 2169.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2174.484375, 642.890625, 20], [522, 2199.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2219.875, 1, 1], [514, 2219.875, 1, 1], [522, 2199.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2204.875, 608.296875, 20], [522, 2230.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2250.265625, 1, 1], [514, 2250.265625, 1, 1], [522, 2230.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2235.265625, 578.6875, 20], [522, 2260.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2280.65625, 1, 1], [514, 2280.65625, 1, 1], [522, 2260.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2265.65625, 502.40625, 20], [522, 2291.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2311.046875, 1, 1], [514, 2311.046875, 1, 1], [522, 2291.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2296.046875, 653.953125, 20], [522, 2321.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2341.4375, 1, 1], [514, 2341.4375, 1, 1], [522, 2321.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2326.4375, 551.25, 20], [522, 2351.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2371.828125, 1, 1], [514, 2371.828125, 1, 1], [522, 2351.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2356.828125, 524.484375, 20], [522, 2382.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2402.21875, 1, 1], [514, 2402.21875, 1, 1], [522, 2382.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2387.21875, 816.828125, 20], [522, 2412.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2432.609375, 1, 1], [514, 2432.609375, 1, 1], [522, 2412.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2417.609375, 508.546875, 20], [522, 2443, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2463, 1, 1], [514, 2463, 1, 1], [522, 2443, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2448, 591.03125, 20], [522, 2473.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2493.390625, 1, 1], [514, 2493.390625, 1, 1], [522, 2473.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2478.390625, 513.828125, 20], [522, 2503.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2523.78125, 1, 1], [514, 2523.78125, 1, 1], [522, 2503.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2508.78125, 589.4375, 20], [522, 2534.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2554.171875, 1, 1], [514, 2554.171875, 1, 1], [522, 2534.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2539.171875, 762.1875, 20], [522, 2564.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2584.5625, 1, 1], [514, 2584.5625, 1, 1], [522, 2564.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2569.5625, 584.890625, 20], [522, 2594.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2614.953125, 1, 1], [514, 2614.953125, 1, 1], [522, 2594.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2599.953125, 518.9375, 20], [522, 2625.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2645.34375, 1, 1], [514, 2645.34375, 1, 1], [522, 2625.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2630.34375, 649.71875, 20], [522, 2655.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2675.734375, 1, 1], [514, 2675.734375, 1, 1], [522, 2655.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2660.734375, 703.5625, 20], [522, 2686.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2706.125, 1, 1], [514, 2706.125, 1, 1], [522, 2686.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2691.125, 773.984375, 20], [522, 2716.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2736.515625, 1, 1], [514, 2736.515625, 1, 1], [522, 2716.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2721.515625, 584.53125, 20], [522, 2746.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2766.90625, 1, 1], [514, 2766.90625, 1, 1], [522, 2746.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2751.90625, 639.65625, 20], [522, 2777.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2797.296875, 1, 1], [514, 2797.296875, 1, 1], [522, 2777.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2782.296875, 610.828125, 20], [522, 2807.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2827.6875, 1, 1], [514, 2827.6875, 1, 1], [522, 2807.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2812.6875, 530.390625, 20], [522, 2838.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2858.078125, 1, 1], [514, 2858.078125, 1, 1], [522, 2838.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2843.078125, 663.4375, 20], [522, 2868.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2888.46875, 1, 1], [514, 2888.46875, 1, 1], [522, 2868.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2873.46875, 541.484375, 20], [522, 2898.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2918.859375, 1, 1], [514, 2918.859375, 1, 1], [522, 2898.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2903.859375, 783.75, 20], [522, 2929.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2949.25, 1, 1], [514, 2949.25, 1, 1], [522, 2929.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2934.25, 423.15625, 20], [522, 2959.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2979.640625, 1, 1], [514, 2979.640625, 1, 1], [522, 2959.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2964.640625, 729.578125, 20], [522, 2990.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3010.03125, 1, 1], [514, 3010.03125, 1, 1], [522, 2990.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2995.03125, 603.75, 20], [522, 3020.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3040.421875, 1, 1], [514, 3040.421875, 1, 1], [522, 3020.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3025.421875, 637.296875, 20], [522, 3050.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3070.8125, 1, 1], [514, 3070.8125, 1, 1], [522, 3050.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3055.8125, 629.453125, 20], [522, 3081.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3101.203125, 1, 1], [514, 3101.203125, 1, 1], [522, 3081.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3086.203125, 591.328125, 20], [522, 3111.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3131.59375, 1, 1], [514, 3131.59375, 1, 1], [522, 3111.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3116.59375, 542.40625, 20], [522, 3141.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3161.984375, 1, 1], [514, 3161.984375, 1, 1], [522, 3141.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3146.984375, 642.1875, 20], [522, 3172.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3192.375, 1, 1], [514, 3192.375, 1, 1], [522, 3172.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3177.375, 399.984375, 20], [522, 3202.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3222.765625, 1, 1], [514, 3222.765625, 1, 1], [522, 3202.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3207.765625, 476.015625, 20], [522, 3233.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3253.15625, 1, 1], [514, 3253.15625, 1, 1], [522, 3233.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3238.15625, 632.09375, 20], [522, 3263.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3283.546875, 1, 1], [514, 3283.546875, 1, 1], [522, 3263.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3268.546875, 644.140625, 20], [522, 3293.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3313.9375, 1, 1], [514, 3313.9375, 1, 1], [522, 3293.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3298.9375, 667.640625, 20], [522, 3324.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3344.328125, 1, 1], [514, 3344.328125, 1, 1], [522, 3324.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3329.328125, 540.203125, 20], [522, 3354.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3374.71875, 1, 1], [514, 3374.71875, 1, 1], [522, 3354.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3359.71875, 710.3125, 20], [522, 3385.109375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3405.109375, 1, 1], [514, 3405.109375, 1, 1], [522, 3385.109375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3390.109375, 754.3125, 46.390625], [522, 3441.890625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3461.890625, 1, 1], [514, 3461.890625, 1, 1], [522, 3441.890625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3446.890625, 813.6875, 46.390625], [522, 3498.671875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3518.671875, 1, 1], [514, 3518.671875, 1, 1], [522, 3498.671875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3503.671875, 805.484375, 46.390625], [522, 3555.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3575.453125, 1, 1], [514, 3575.453125, 1, 1], [522, 3555.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3560.453125, 682, 20], [522, 3585.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3605.84375, 1, 1], [514, 3605.84375, 1, 1], [522, 3585.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3590.84375, 739.109375, 20], [522, 3616.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3636.234375, 1, 1], [514, 3636.234375, 1, 1], [522, 3616.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3621.234375, 618.390625, 20], [522, 3646.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3666.625, 1, 1], [514, 3666.625, 1, 1], [522, 3646.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3651.625, 680.40625, 20], [522, 3677.015625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3697.015625, 1, 1], [514, 3697.015625, 1, 1], [522, 3677.015625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3682.015625, 807.5, 46.390625], [522, 3733.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3753.796875, 1, 1], [514, 3753.796875, 1, 1], [522, 3733.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3738.796875, 550.578125, 20], [522, 3764.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3784.1875, 1, 1], [514, 3784.1875, 1, 1], [522, 3764.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3769.1875, 460.265625, 20], [522, 3794.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3814.578125, 1, 1], [514, 3814.578125, 1, 1], [522, 3794.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3799.578125, 564.953125, 20], [522, 3824.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3844.96875, 1, 1], [514, 3844.96875, 1, 1], [522, 3824.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3829.96875, 610.5625, 20], [522, 3855.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3875.359375, 1, 1], [514, 3875.359375, 1, 1], [522, 3855.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3860.359375, 490.609375, 20], [522, 3885.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3905.75, 1, 1], [514, 3905.75, 1, 1], [522, 3885.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3890.75, 568.203125, 20], [522, 3916.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3936.140625, 1, 1], [514, 3936.140625, 1, 1], [522, 3916.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3921.140625, 528.734375, 20], [522, 3946.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3966.53125, 1, 1], [514, 3966.53125, 1, 1], [522, 3946.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3951.53125, 678.328125, 20], [522, 3976.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3996.921875, 1, 1], [514, 3996.921875, 1, 1], [522, 3976.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3981.921875, 586.5, 20], [522, 4007.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4027.3125, 1, 1], [514, 4027.3125, 1, 1], [522, 4007.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4012.3125, 639.9375, 20], [522, 4037.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4057.703125, 1, 1], [514, 4057.703125, 1, 1], [522, 4037.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4042.703125, 539.859375, 20], [522, 4068.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4088.09375, 1, 1], [514, 4088.09375, 1, 1], [522, 4068.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4073.09375, 609.625, 20], [522, 4098.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4118.484375, 1, 1], [514, 4118.484375, 1, 1], [522, 4098.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4103.484375, 539.890625, 20], [522, 4128.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4148.875, 1, 1], [514, 4148.875, 1, 1], [522, 4128.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4133.875, 436.8125, 20], [522, 4159.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4179.265625, 1, 1], [514, 4179.265625, 1, 1], [522, 4159.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4164.265625, 696.609375, 20], [522, 4189.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4209.65625, 1, 1], [514, 4209.65625, 1, 1], [522, 4189.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4194.65625, 721.90625, 20], [522, 4220.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4240.046875, 1, 1], [514, 4240.046875, 1, 1], [522, 4220.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4225.046875, 637.984375, 20], [522, 4250.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4270.4375, 1, 1], [514, 4270.4375, 1, 1], [522, 4250.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4255.4375, 721.140625, 20], [522, 4280.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4300.828125, 1, 1], [514, 4300.828125, 1, 1], [522, 4280.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4285.828125, 520.265625, 20], [522, 4311.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4331.21875, 1, 1], [514, 4331.21875, 1, 1], [522, 4311.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4316.21875, 509.15625, 20], [522, 4341.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4361.609375, 1, 1], [514, 4361.609375, 1, 1], [522, 4341.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4346.609375, 467.140625, 20], [522, 4372, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4392, 1, 1], [514, 4392, 1, 1], [522, 4372, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4377, 549.25, 20], [522, 4402.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4422.390625, 1, 1], [514, 4422.390625, 1, 1], [522, 4402.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4407.390625, 589.03125, 20], [522, 4432.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4452.78125, 1, 1], [514, 4452.78125, 1, 1], [522, 4432.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4437.78125, 534.578125, 20], [522, 4463.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4483.171875, 1, 1], [514, 4483.171875, 1, 1], [522, 4463.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4468.171875, 548.65625, 20], [522, 4493.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4513.5625, 1, 1], [514, 4513.5625, 1, 1], [522, 4493.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4498.5625, 487.703125, 20], [522, 4523.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4543.953125, 1, 1], [514, 4543.953125, 1, 1], [522, 4523.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4528.953125, 510.875, 20], [522, 4554.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4574.34375, 1, 1], [514, 4574.34375, 1, 1], [522, 4554.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4559.34375, 500.0625, 20], [522, 4584.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4604.734375, 1, 1], [514, 4604.734375, 1, 1], [522, 4584.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4589.734375, 507.921875, 20], [522, 4615.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4635.125, 1, 1], [514, 4635.125, 1, 1], [522, 4615.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4620.125, 594.234375, 20], [522, 4645.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4665.515625, 1, 1], [514, 4665.515625, 1, 1], [522, 4645.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4650.515625, 636.6875, 20], [522, 4675.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4695.90625, 1, 1], [514, 4695.90625, 1, 1], [522, 4675.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4680.90625, 555.484375, 20], [522, 4706.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4726.296875, 1, 1], [514, 4726.296875, 1, 1], [522, 4706.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4711.296875, 498.75, 20], [522, 4736.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4756.6875, 1, 1], [514, 4756.6875, 1, 1], [522, 4736.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4741.6875, 403.234375, 20], [522, 4767.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4787.078125, 1, 1], [514, 4787.078125, 1, 1], [522, 4767.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4772.078125, 542.78125, 20], [522, 4797.46875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 4817.46875, 1, 1], [514, 4817.46875, 1, 1], [522, 4797.46875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 4802.46875, 815.875, 46.390625], [522, 4854.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4874.25, 1, 1], [514, 4874.25, 1, 1], [522, 4854.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4859.25, 660.6875, 20], [522, 4884.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4904.640625, 1, 1], [514, 4904.640625, 1, 1], [522, 4884.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4889.640625, 631.390625, 20], [522, 4915.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4935.03125, 1, 1], [514, 4935.03125, 1, 1], [522, 4915.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4920.03125, 673.78125, 20], [522, 4945.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4965.421875, 1, 1], [514, 4965.421875, 1, 1], [522, 4945.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4950.421875, 538.578125, 20], [522, 4975.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4995.8125, 1, 1], [514, 4995.8125, 1, 1], [522, 4975.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4980.8125, 494.578125, 20], [522, 5006.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5026.203125, 1, 1], [514, 5026.203125, 1, 1], [522, 5006.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5011.203125, 722.03125, 20], [522, 5036.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5056.59375, 1, 1], [514, 5056.59375, 1, 1], [522, 5036.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5041.59375, 576.359375, 20], [522, 5066.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5086.984375, 1, 1], [514, 5086.984375, 1, 1], [522, 5066.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5071.984375, 664.046875, 20], [522, 5097.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5117.375, 1, 1], [514, 5117.375, 1, 1], [522, 5097.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5102.375, 593.9375, 20], [522, 5127.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5147.765625, 1, 1], [514, 5147.765625, 1, 1], [522, 5127.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5132.765625, 669.46875, 20], [522, 5158.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5178.15625, 1, 1], [514, 5178.15625, 1, 1], [522, 5158.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5163.15625, 662.453125, 20], [522, 5188.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5208.546875, 1, 1], [514, 5208.546875, 1, 1], [522, 5188.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5193.546875, 553.21875, 20], [522, 5218.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5238.9375, 1, 1], [514, 5238.9375, 1, 1], [522, 5218.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5223.9375, 559.765625, 20], [522, 5249.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5269.328125, 1, 1], [514, 5269.328125, 1, 1], [522, 5249.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5254.328125, 717.78125, 20], [522, 5279.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5299.71875, 1, 1], [514, 5299.71875, 1, 1], [522, 5279.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5284.71875, 794.046875, 20], [522, 5310.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5330.109375, 1, 1], [514, 5330.109375, 1, 1], [522, 5310.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5315.109375, 480.140625, 20], [522, 5340.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5360.5, 1, 1], [514, 5360.5, 1, 1], [522, 5340.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5345.5, 470.03125, 20], [522, 5370.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5390.890625, 1, 1], [514, 5390.890625, 1, 1], [522, 5370.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5375.890625, 484.734375, 20], [522, 5401.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5421.28125, 1, 1], [514, 5421.28125, 1, 1], [522, 5401.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5406.28125, 610.796875, 20], [522, 5431.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5451.671875, 1, 1], [514, 5451.671875, 1, 1], [522, 5431.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5436.671875, 648.078125, 20], [522, 5462.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5482.0625, 1, 1], [514, 5482.0625, 1, 1], [522, 5462.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5467.0625, 474, 20], [522, 5492.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5512.453125, 1, 1], [514, 5512.453125, 1, 1], [522, 5492.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5497.453125, 503.671875, 20], [522, 5522.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5542.84375, 1, 1], [514, 5542.84375, 1, 1], [522, 5522.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5527.84375, 574.703125, 20], [522, 5553.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5573.234375, 1, 1], [514, 5573.234375, 1, 1], [522, 5553.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5558.234375, 546.65625, 20], [522, 5583.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5603.625, 1, 1], [514, 5603.625, 1, 1], [522, 5583.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5588.625, 510.84375, 20], [522, 5614.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5634.015625, 1, 1], [514, 5634.015625, 1, 1], [522, 5614.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5619.015625, 421.1875, 20], [522, 5644.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5664.40625, 1, 1], [514, 5664.40625, 1, 1], [522, 5644.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5649.40625, 567.28125, 20], [522, 5674.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5694.796875, 1, 1], [514, 5694.796875, 1, 1], [522, 5674.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5679.796875, 348.75, 20], [522, 5705.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5725.1875, 1, 1], [514, 5725.1875, 1, 1], [522, 5705.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5710.1875, 534.328125, 20], [522, 5735.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5755.578125, 1, 1], [514, 5755.578125, 1, 1], [522, 5735.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5740.578125, 702.515625, 20], [522, 5765.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5785.96875, 1, 1], [514, 5785.96875, 1, 1], [522, 5765.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5770.96875, 486.671875, 20], [522, 5796.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5816.359375, 1, 1], [514, 5816.359375, 1, 1], [522, 5796.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5801.359375, 561.703125, 20], [522, 5826.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5846.75, 1, 1], [514, 5846.75, 1, 1], [522, 5826.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5831.75, 602.703125, 20], [522, 5857.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5877.140625, 1, 1], [514, 5877.140625, 1, 1], [522, 5857.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5862.140625, 782.03125, 20], [522, 5887.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5907.53125, 1, 1], [514, 5907.53125, 1, 1], [522, 5887.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5892.53125, 651.625, 20], [522, 5917.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5937.921875, 1, 1], [514, 5937.921875, 1, 1], [522, 5917.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5922.921875, 541.484375, 20], [522, 5948.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5968.3125, 1, 1], [514, 5968.3125, 1, 1], [522, 5948.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5953.3125, 574.6875, 20], [522, 5978.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5998.703125, 1, 1], [514, 5998.703125, 1, 1], [522, 5978.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5983.703125, 452.453125, 20], [522, 6009.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6029.09375, 1, 1], [514, 6029.09375, 1, 1], [522, 6009.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6014.09375, 580.234375, 20], [522, 6039.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6059.484375, 1, 1], [514, 6059.484375, 1, 1], [522, 6039.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6044.484375, 621.015625, 20], [522, 6069.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6089.875, 1, 1], [514, 6089.875, 1, 1], [522, 6069.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6074.875, 561.96875, 20], [522, 6100.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6120.265625, 1, 1], [514, 6120.265625, 1, 1], [522, 6100.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6105.265625, 511.09375, 20], [522, 6130.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6150.65625, 1, 1], [514, 6150.65625, 1, 1], [522, 6130.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6135.65625, 547.984375, 20], [522, 6161.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6181.046875, 1, 1], [514, 6181.046875, 1, 1], [522, 6161.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6166.046875, 572.78125, 20], [522, 6191.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6211.4375, 1, 1], [514, 6211.4375, 1, 1], [522, 6191.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6196.4375, 766.046875, 20], [522, 6221.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6241.828125, 1, 1], [514, 6241.828125, 1, 1], [522, 6221.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6226.828125, 607.984375, 20], [522, 6252.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6272.21875, 1, 1], [514, 6272.21875, 1, 1], [522, 6252.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6257.21875, 549.953125, 20], [522, 6282.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6302.609375, 1, 1], [514, 6302.609375, 1, 1], [522, 6282.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6287.609375, 438.78125, 20], [522, 6313, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6333, 1, 1], [514, 6333, 1, 1], [522, 6313, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6318, 493.53125, 20], [522, 6343.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6363.390625, 1, 1], [514, 6363.390625, 1, 1], [522, 6343.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6348.390625, 599.515625, 20], [522, 6373.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6393.78125, 1, 1], [514, 6393.78125, 1, 1], [522, 6373.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6378.78125, 539.546875, 20], [522, 6404.171875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 6424.171875, 1, 1], [514, 6424.171875, 1, 1], [522, 6404.171875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 6409.171875, 771.1875, 46.390625], [522, 6460.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6480.953125, 1, 1], [514, 6480.953125, 1, 1], [522, 6460.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6465.953125, 483.796875, 20], [522, 6491.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6511.34375, 1, 1], [514, 6511.34375, 1, 1], [522, 6491.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6496.34375, 647.46875, 20], [522, 6521.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6541.734375, 1, 1], [514, 6541.734375, 1, 1], [522, 6521.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6526.734375, 523.96875, 20], [522, 6552.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6572.125, 1, 1], [514, 6572.125, 1, 1], [522, 6552.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6557.125, 644.828125, 20], [522, 6582.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6602.515625, 1, 1], [514, 6602.515625, 1, 1], [522, 6582.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6587.515625, 594.265625, 20], [522, 6612.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6632.90625, 1, 1], [514, 6632.90625, 1, 1], [522, 6612.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6617.90625, 587.40625, 20], [522, 6643.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6663.296875, 1, 1], [514, 6663.296875, 1, 1], [522, 6643.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6648.296875, 561.671875, 20], [522, 6673.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6693.6875, 1, 1], [514, 6693.6875, 1, 1], [522, 6673.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6678.6875, 541.515625, 20], [522, 6704.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6724.078125, 1, 1], [514, 6724.078125, 1, 1], [522, 6704.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6709.078125, 560.984375, 20], [522, 6734.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6754.46875, 1, 1], [514, 6754.46875, 1, 1], [522, 6734.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6739.46875, 573.734375, 20], [522, 6764.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6784.859375, 1, 1], [514, 6784.859375, 1, 1], [522, 6764.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6769.859375, 435.859375, 20], [522, 6795.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6815.25, 1, 1], [514, 6815.25, 1, 1], [522, 6795.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6800.25, 379.8125, 20], [522, 6825.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6845.640625, 1, 1], [514, 6845.640625, 1, 1], [522, 6825.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6830.640625, 527.140625, 20], [522, 6856.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6876.03125, 1, 1], [514, 6876.03125, 1, 1], [522, 6856.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6861.03125, 665.015625, 20], [522, 6886.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6906.421875, 1, 1], [514, 6906.421875, 1, 1], [522, 6886.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6891.421875, 529.6875, 20], [522, 6916.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6936.8125, 1, 1], [514, 6936.8125, 1, 1], [522, 6916.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6921.8125, 442.375, 20], [522, 6947.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6967.203125, 1, 1], [514, 6967.203125, 1, 1], [522, 6947.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6952.203125, 592.328125, 20], [522, 6977.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6997.59375, 1, 1], [514, 6997.59375, 1, 1], [522, 6977.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6982.59375, 478.890625, 20], [522, 7007.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7027.984375, 1, 1], [514, 7027.984375, 1, 1], [522, 7007.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7012.984375, 593.359375, 20], [522, 7038.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7058.375, 1, 1], [514, 7058.375, 1, 1], [522, 7038.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7043.375, 533.984375, 20], [522, 7068.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7088.765625, 1, 1], [514, 7088.765625, 1, 1], [522, 7068.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7073.765625, 499.40625, 20], [522, 7099.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7119.15625, 1, 1], [514, 7119.15625, 1, 1], [522, 7099.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7104.15625, 607.984375, 20], [522, 7129.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7149.546875, 1, 1], [514, 7149.546875, 1, 1], [522, 7129.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7134.546875, 643.578125, 20], [522, 7159.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7179.9375, 1, 1], [514, 7179.9375, 1, 1], [522, 7159.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7164.9375, 554.875, 20], [522, 7190.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7210.328125, 1, 1], [514, 7210.328125, 1, 1], [522, 7190.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7195.328125, 479.859375, 20], [522, 7220.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7240.71875, 1, 1], [514, 7240.71875, 1, 1], [522, 7220.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7225.71875, 557.796875, 20], [522, 7251.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7271.109375, 1, 1], [514, 7271.109375, 1, 1], [522, 7251.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7256.109375, 567.1875, 20], [522, 7281.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7301.5, 1, 1], [514, 7301.5, 1, 1], [522, 7281.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7286.5, 585.5, 20], [522, 7311.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7331.890625, 1, 1], [514, 7331.890625, 1, 1], [522, 7311.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7316.890625, 585.5, 20], [522, 7342.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7362.28125, 1, 1], [514, 7362.28125, 1, 1], [522, 7342.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7347.28125, 487.015625, 20], [522, 7372.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7392.671875, 1, 1], [514, 7392.671875, 1, 1], [522, 7372.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7377.671875, 589.421875, 20], [522, 7403.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7423.0625, 1, 1], [514, 7423.0625, 1, 1], [522, 7403.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7408.0625, 519.015625, 20], [522, 7433.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7453.453125, 1, 1], [514, 7453.453125, 1, 1], [522, 7433.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7438.453125, 490.640625, 20], [522, 7463.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7483.84375, 1, 1], [514, 7483.84375, 1, 1], [522, 7463.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7468.84375, 580.953125, 20], [522, 7494.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7514.234375, 1, 1], [514, 7514.234375, 1, 1], [522, 7494.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7499.234375, 614.515625, 20], [522, 7524.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7544.625, 1, 1], [514, 7544.625, 1, 1], [522, 7524.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7529.625, 555.5, 20], [522, 7555.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7575.015625, 1, 1], [514, 7575.015625, 1, 1], [522, 7555.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7560.015625, 556.140625, 20], [522, 7585.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7605.40625, 1, 1], [514, 7605.40625, 1, 1], [522, 7585.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7590.40625, 550.015625, 20], [522, 7615.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7635.796875, 1, 1], [514, 7635.796875, 1, 1], [522, 7615.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7620.796875, 592.96875, 20], [522, 7646.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7666.1875, 1, 1], [514, 7666.1875, 1, 1], [522, 7646.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7651.1875, 632.4375, 20], [522, 7676.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7696.578125, 1, 1], [514, 7696.578125, 1, 1], [522, 7676.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7681.578125, 387.96875, 20], [522, 7706.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7726.96875, 1, 1], [514, 7726.96875, 1, 1], [522, 7706.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7711.96875, 209, 20], [522, 7737.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7757.359375, 1, 1], [514, 7757.359375, 1, 1], [522, 7737.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7742.359375, 608.6875, 20], [522, 7767.75, 831, 56.78125], [514, 7787.75, 1, 1], [514, 7787.75, 1, 1], [522, 7767.75, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 7772.75, 799.734375, 46.390625], [522, 7824.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7844.53125, 1, 1], [514, 7844.53125, 1, 1], [522, 7824.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7829.53125, 607.359375, 20], [522, 7854.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7874.921875, 1, 1], [514, 7874.921875, 1, 1], [522, 7854.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7859.921875, 571.765625, 20], [522, 7885.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7905.3125, 1, 1], [514, 7905.3125, 1, 1], [522, 7885.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7890.3125, 755.609375, 20], [522, 7915.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7935.703125, 1, 1], [514, 7935.703125, 1, 1], [522, 7915.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7920.703125, 693.6875, 20], [522, 7946.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7966.09375, 1, 1], [514, 7966.09375, 1, 1], [522, 7946.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7951.09375, 650, 20], [522, 7976.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7996.484375, 1, 1], [514, 7996.484375, 1, 1], [522, 7976.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7981.484375, 608.90625, 20], [522, 8006.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8026.875, 1, 1], [514, 8026.875, 1, 1], [522, 8006.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8011.875, 527.421875, 20], [522, 8037.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8057.265625, 1, 1], [514, 8057.265625, 1, 1], [522, 8037.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8042.265625, 555.5, 20], [522, 8067.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8087.65625, 1, 1], [514, 8087.65625, 1, 1], [522, 8067.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8072.65625, 594.265625, 20], [522, 8098.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8118.046875, 1, 1], [514, 8118.046875, 1, 1], [522, 8098.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8103.046875, 618.734375, 20], [522, 8128.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8148.4375, 1, 1], [514, 8148.4375, 1, 1], [522, 8128.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8133.4375, 607.921875, 20], [522, 8158.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8178.828125, 1, 1], [514, 8178.828125, 1, 1], [522, 8158.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8163.828125, 612.59375, 20], [522, 8189.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8209.21875, 1, 1], [514, 8209.21875, 1, 1], [522, 8189.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8194.21875, 533.234375, 20], [522, 8219.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8239.609375, 1, 1], [514, 8239.609375, 1, 1], [522, 8219.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8224.609375, 559.625, 20], [522, 8250, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8270, 1, 1], [514, 8270, 1, 1], [522, 8250, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8255, 605.03125, 20], [522, 8280.390625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 8300.390625, 1, 1], [514, 8300.390625, 1, 1], [522, 8280.390625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 8285.390625, 795.078125, 46.390625], [522, 8337.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8357.171875, 1, 1], [514, 8357.171875, 1, 1], [522, 8337.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8342.171875, 469.125, 20], [522, 8367.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8387.5625, 1, 1], [514, 8387.5625, 1, 1], [522, 8367.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8372.5625, 548.3125, 20], [522, 8397.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8417.953125, 1, 1], [514, 8417.953125, 1, 1], [522, 8397.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8402.953125, 499.109375, 20], [522, 8428.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8448.34375, 1, 1], [514, 8448.34375, 1, 1], [522, 8428.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8433.34375, 503.28125, 20], [522, 8458.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8478.734375, 1, 1], [514, 8478.734375, 1, 1], [522, 8458.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8463.734375, 734.09375, 20], [522, 8489.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8509.125, 1, 1], [514, 8509.125, 1, 1], [522, 8489.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8494.125, 622.25, 20], [522, 8519.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8539.515625, 1, 1], [514, 8539.515625, 1, 1], [522, 8519.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8524.515625, 711.0625, 20], [522, 8549.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8569.90625, 1, 1], [514, 8569.90625, 1, 1], [522, 8549.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8554.90625, 623.3125, 20], [522, 8580.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8600.296875, 1, 1], [514, 8600.296875, 1, 1], [522, 8580.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8585.296875, 676.46875, 20], [522, 8610.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8630.6875, 1, 1], [514, 8630.6875, 1, 1], [522, 8610.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8615.6875, 778.203125, 20], [522, 8641.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8661.078125, 1, 1], [514, 8661.078125, 1, 1], [522, 8641.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8646.078125, 662.703125, 20], [522, 8671.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8691.46875, 1, 1], [514, 8691.46875, 1, 1], [522, 8671.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8676.46875, 379.109375, 20], [522, 8701.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8721.859375, 1, 1], [514, 8721.859375, 1, 1], [522, 8701.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8706.859375, 479.890625, 20], [522, 8732.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8752.25, 1, 1], [514, 8752.25, 1, 1], [522, 8732.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8737.25, 700.578125, 20], [522, 8762.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8782.640625, 1, 1], [514, 8782.640625, 1, 1], [522, 8762.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8767.640625, 564.59375, 20], [522, 8793.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8813.03125, 1, 1], [514, 8813.03125, 1, 1], [522, 8793.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8798.03125, 599.90625, 20], [522, 8823.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8843.421875, 1, 1], [514, 8843.421875, 1, 1], [522, 8823.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8828.421875, 561.390625, 20], [522, 8853.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8873.8125, 1, 1], [514, 8873.8125, 1, 1], [522, 8853.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8858.8125, 580.625, 20], [522, 8884.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8904.203125, 1, 1], [514, 8904.203125, 1, 1], [522, 8884.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8889.203125, 593.9375, 20], [522, 8914.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8934.59375, 1, 1], [514, 8934.59375, 1, 1], [522, 8914.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8919.59375, 552.203125, 20], [522, 8944.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8964.984375, 1, 1], [514, 8964.984375, 1, 1], [522, 8944.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8949.984375, 519.5, 20], [522, 8975.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8995.375, 1, 1], [514, 8995.375, 1, 1], [522, 8975.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8980.375, 694.0625, 20], [522, 9005.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9025.765625, 1, 1], [514, 9025.765625, 1, 1], [522, 9005.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9010.765625, 670.203125, 20], [522, 9036.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9056.15625, 1, 1], [514, 9056.15625, 1, 1], [522, 9036.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9041.15625, 462.875, 20], [522, 9066.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9086.546875, 1, 1], [514, 9086.546875, 1, 1], [522, 9066.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9071.546875, 616.171875, 20], [522, 9096.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9116.9375, 1, 1], [514, 9116.9375, 1, 1], [522, 9096.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9101.9375, 508.21875, 20], [522, 9127.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9147.328125, 1, 1], [514, 9147.328125, 1, 1], [522, 9127.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9132.328125, 454.421875, 20], [522, 9157.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9177.71875, 1, 1], [514, 9177.71875, 1, 1], [522, 9157.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9162.71875, 474.96875, 20], [522, 9188.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9208.109375, 1, 1], [514, 9208.109375, 1, 1], [522, 9188.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9193.109375, 553.03125, 20], [522, 9218.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9238.5, 1, 1], [514, 9238.5, 1, 1], [522, 9218.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9223.5, 590.03125, 20], [522, 9248.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9268.890625, 1, 1], [514, 9268.890625, 1, 1], [522, 9248.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9253.890625, 620.03125, 20], [522, 9279.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9299.28125, 1, 1], [514, 9299.28125, 1, 1], [522, 9279.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9284.28125, 590.046875, 20], [522, 9308.671875, 831, 32.390625], [514, 9329.671875, 1, 1], [514, 9329.671875, 1, 1], [521, 9308.671875, 833, 32.390625], [529.03125, 9314.671875, 461.890625, 20], [522, 9340.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9360.0625, 1, 1], [514, 9360.0625, 1, 1], [522, 9340.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9345.0625, 552.25, 20], [522, 9370.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9390.453125, 1, 1], [514, 9390.453125, 1, 1], [522, 9370.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9375.453125, 589.46875, 20], [522, 9400.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9420.84375, 1, 1], [514, 9420.84375, 1, 1], [522, 9400.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9405.84375, 609.625, 20], [522, 9431.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9451.234375, 1, 1], [514, 9451.234375, 1, 1], [522, 9431.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9436.234375, 663.421875, 20], [522, 9461.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9481.625, 1, 1], [514, 9481.625, 1, 1], [522, 9461.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9466.625, 536.546875, 20], [522, 9492.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9512.015625, 1, 1], [514, 9512.015625, 1, 1], [522, 9492.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9497.015625, 478.5625, 20], [522, 9522.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9542.40625, 1, 1], [514, 9542.40625, 1, 1], [522, 9522.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9527.40625, 593.9375, 20], [522, 9552.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9572.796875, 1, 1], [514, 9572.796875, 1, 1], [522, 9552.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9557.796875, 500.75, 20], [522, 9583.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9603.1875, 1, 1], [514, 9603.1875, 1, 1], [522, 9583.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9588.1875, 592.921875, 20], [522, 9613.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9633.578125, 1, 1], [514, 9633.578125, 1, 1], [522, 9613.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9618.578125, 710.65625, 20], [522, 9643.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9663.96875, 1, 1], [514, 9663.96875, 1, 1], [522, 9643.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9648.96875, 475.921875, 20], [522, 9674.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9694.359375, 1, 1], [514, 9694.359375, 1, 1], [522, 9674.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9679.359375, 539.5, 20], [522, 9704.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9724.75, 1, 1], [514, 9724.75, 1, 1], [522, 9704.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9709.75, 687.203125, 20], [522, 9735.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9755.140625, 1, 1], [514, 9755.140625, 1, 1], [522, 9735.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9740.140625, 701.875, 20], [522, 9765.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9785.53125, 1, 1], [514, 9785.53125, 1, 1], [522, 9765.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9770.53125, 511.859375, 20], [522, 9795.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9815.921875, 1, 1], [514, 9815.921875, 1, 1], [522, 9795.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9800.921875, 724.34375, 20], [522, 9826.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9846.3125, 1, 1], [514, 9846.3125, 1, 1], [522, 9826.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9831.3125, 636.015625, 20], [522, 9856.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9876.703125, 1, 1], [514, 9876.703125, 1, 1], [522, 9856.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9861.703125, 646.078125, 20], [522, 9887.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9907.09375, 1, 1], [514, 9907.09375, 1, 1], [522, 9887.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9892.09375, 554.765625, 20], [522, 9917.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9937.484375, 1, 1], [514, 9937.484375, 1, 1], [522, 9917.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9922.484375, 528.75, 20], [522, 9947.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9967.875, 1, 1], [514, 9967.875, 1, 1], [522, 9947.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9952.875, 521.859375, 20], [522, 9978.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9998.265625, 1, 1], [514, 9998.265625, 1, 1], [522, 9978.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9983.265625, 722.359375, 20], [522, 10008.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10028.65625, 1, 1], [514, 10028.65625, 1, 1], [522, 10008.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10013.65625, 527.75, 20], [522, 10039.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10059.046875, 1, 1], [514, 10059.046875, 1, 1], [522, 10039.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10044.046875, 622.375, 20], [522, 10069.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10089.4375, 1, 1], [514, 10089.4375, 1, 1], [522, 10069.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10074.4375, 469.46875, 20], [522, 10099.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10119.828125, 1, 1], [514, 10119.828125, 1, 1], [522, 10099.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10104.828125, 452.15625, 20], [522, 10130.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10150.21875, 1, 1], [514, 10150.21875, 1, 1], [522, 10130.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10135.21875, 603.90625, 20], [522, 10160.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10180.609375, 1, 1], [514, 10180.609375, 1, 1], [522, 10160.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10165.609375, 462.25, 20], [522, 10191, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10211, 1, 1], [514, 10211, 1, 1], [522, 10191, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10196, 549.625, 20], [522, 10221.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10241.390625, 1, 1], [514, 10241.390625, 1, 1], [522, 10221.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10226.390625, 565.9375, 20], [522, 10251.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10271.78125, 1, 1], [514, 10271.78125, 1, 1], [522, 10251.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10256.78125, 541.515625, 20], [522, 10282.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10302.171875, 1, 1], [514, 10302.171875, 1, 1], [522, 10282.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10287.171875, 671.546875, 20], [522, 10312.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10332.5625, 1, 1], [514, 10332.5625, 1, 1], [522, 10312.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10317.5625, 681.546875, 20], [522, 10342.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10362.953125, 1, 1], [514, 10362.953125, 1, 1], [522, 10342.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10347.953125, 638.015625, 20], [522, 10373.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10393.34375, 1, 1], [514, 10393.34375, 1, 1], [522, 10373.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10378.34375, 460.34375, 20], [522, 10403.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10423.734375, 1, 1], [514, 10423.734375, 1, 1], [522, 10403.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10408.734375, 490.578125, 20], [522, 10434.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10454.125, 1, 1], [514, 10454.125, 1, 1], [522, 10434.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10439.125, 545.421875, 20], [522, 10464.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10484.515625, 1, 1], [514, 10484.515625, 1, 1], [522, 10464.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10469.515625, 630.484375, 20], [522, 10494.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10514.90625, 1, 1], [514, 10514.90625, 1, 1], [522, 10494.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10499.90625, 692.109375, 20], [522, 10525.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10545.296875, 1, 1], [514, 10545.296875, 1, 1], [522, 10525.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10530.296875, 625.5625, 20], [522, 10555.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10575.6875, 1, 1], [514, 10575.6875, 1, 1], [522, 10555.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10560.6875, 491.921875, 20], [522, 10586.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10606.078125, 1, 1], [514, 10606.078125, 1, 1], [522, 10586.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10591.078125, 549.640625, 20], [522, 10616.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10636.46875, 1, 1], [514, 10636.46875, 1, 1], [522, 10616.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10621.46875, 602.796875, 20], [522, 10646.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10666.859375, 1, 1], [514, 10666.859375, 1, 1], [522, 10646.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10651.859375, 608.703125, 20], [522, 10677.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10697.25, 1, 1], [514, 10697.25, 1, 1], [522, 10677.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10682.25, 588.078125, 20], [522, 10707.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10727.640625, 1, 1], [514, 10727.640625, 1, 1], [522, 10707.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10712.640625, 532.375, 20], [522, 10738.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10758.03125, 1, 1], [514, 10758.03125, 1, 1], [522, 10738.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10743.03125, 610.25, 20], [522, 10768.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10788.421875, 1, 1], [514, 10788.421875, 1, 1], [522, 10768.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10773.421875, 611.890625, 20], [522, 10798.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10818.8125, 1, 1], [514, 10818.8125, 1, 1], [522, 10798.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10803.8125, 579.640625, 20], [522, 10829.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10849.203125, 1, 1], [514, 10849.203125, 1, 1], [522, 10829.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10834.203125, 519.953125, 20], [522, 10859.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10879.59375, 1, 1], [514, 10879.59375, 1, 1], [522, 10859.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10864.59375, 598.8125, 20], [522, 10889.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10909.984375, 1, 1], [514, 10909.984375, 1, 1], [522, 10889.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10894.984375, 676.515625, 20], [522, 10920.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10940.375, 1, 1], [514, 10940.375, 1, 1], [522, 10920.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10925.375, 602.8125, 20], [522, 10950.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10970.765625, 1, 1], [514, 10970.765625, 1, 1], [522, 10950.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10955.765625, 590.0625, 20], [522, 10981.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11001.15625, 1, 1], [514, 11001.15625, 1, 1], [522, 10981.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10986.15625, 555.8125, 20], [522, 11011.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11031.546875, 1, 1], [514, 11031.546875, 1, 1], [522, 11011.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11016.546875, 546.40625, 20], [522, 11041.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11061.9375, 1, 1], [514, 11061.9375, 1, 1], [522, 11041.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11046.9375, 568.171875, 20], [522, 11072.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11092.328125, 1, 1], [514, 11092.328125, 1, 1], [522, 11072.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11077.328125, 540.453125, 20], [522, 11102.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11122.71875, 1, 1], [514, 11122.71875, 1, 1], [522, 11102.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11107.71875, 548.953125, 20], [522, 11133.109375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 11153.109375, 1, 1], [514, 11153.109375, 1, 1], [522, 11133.109375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 11138.109375, 776.15625, 46.390625], [522, 11189.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11209.890625, 1, 1], [514, 11209.890625, 1, 1], [522, 11189.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11194.890625, 516.34375, 20], [522, 11220.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11240.28125, 1, 1], [514, 11240.28125, 1, 1], [522, 11220.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11225.28125, 290.796875, 20], [522, 11250.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11270.671875, 1, 1], [514, 11270.671875, 1, 1], [522, 11250.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11255.671875, 626.265625, 20], [522, 11281.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11301.0625, 1, 1], [514, 11301.0625, 1, 1], [522, 11281.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11286.0625, 538.203125, 20], [522, 11311.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11331.453125, 1, 1], [514, 11331.453125, 1, 1], [522, 11311.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11316.453125, 624.5625, 20], [522, 11341.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11361.84375, 1, 1], [514, 11361.84375, 1, 1], [522, 11341.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11346.84375, 640.578125, 20], [522, 11372.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11392.234375, 1, 1], [514, 11392.234375, 1, 1], [522, 11372.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11377.234375, 701.828125, 20], [522, 11402.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11422.625, 1, 1], [514, 11422.625, 1, 1], [522, 11402.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11407.625, 686.25, 20], [522, 11433.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11453.015625, 1, 1], [514, 11453.015625, 1, 1], [522, 11433.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11438.015625, 653.015625, 20], [522, 11463.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11483.40625, 1, 1], [514, 11483.40625, 1, 1], [522, 11463.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11468.40625, 636.625, 20], [522, 11493.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11513.796875, 1, 1], [514, 11513.796875, 1, 1], [522, 11493.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11498.796875, 488.359375, 20], [522, 11524.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11544.1875, 1, 1], [514, 11544.1875, 1, 1], [522, 11524.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11529.1875, 690.4375, 20], [522, 11554.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11574.578125, 1, 1], [514, 11574.578125, 1, 1], [522, 11554.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11559.578125, 791.09375, 20], [522, 11584.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11604.96875, 1, 1], [514, 11604.96875, 1, 1], [522, 11584.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11589.96875, 605.390625, 20], [522, 11615.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11635.359375, 1, 1], [514, 11635.359375, 1, 1], [522, 11615.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11620.359375, 441.078125, 20], [522, 11645.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11665.75, 1, 1], [514, 11665.75, 1, 1], [522, 11645.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11650.75, 481.125, 20], [522, 11676.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11696.140625, 1, 1], [514, 11696.140625, 1, 1], [522, 11676.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11681.140625, 524.859375, 20], [522, 11706.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11726.53125, 1, 1], [514, 11726.53125, 1, 1], [522, 11706.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11711.53125, 594.9375, 20], [522, 11736.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11756.921875, 1, 1], [514, 11756.921875, 1, 1], [522, 11736.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11741.921875, 552.53125, 20], [522, 11767.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11787.3125, 1, 1], [514, 11787.3125, 1, 1], [522, 11767.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11772.3125, 548.34375, 20], [522, 11797.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11817.703125, 1, 1], [514, 11817.703125, 1, 1], [522, 11797.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11802.703125, 679.046875, 20], [522, 11828.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11848.09375, 1, 1], [514, 11848.09375, 1, 1], [522, 11828.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11833.09375, 598.234375, 20], [522, 11858.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11878.484375, 1, 1], [514, 11878.484375, 1, 1], [522, 11858.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11863.484375, 464.84375, 20], [522, 11888.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11908.875, 1, 1], [514, 11908.875, 1, 1], [522, 11888.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11893.875, 728.328125, 20], [522, 11919.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11939.265625, 1, 1], [514, 11939.265625, 1, 1], [522, 11919.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11924.265625, 729.21875, 20], [522, 11949.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11969.65625, 1, 1], [514, 11969.65625, 1, 1], [522, 11949.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11954.65625, 522.484375, 20], [522, 11980.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12000.046875, 1, 1], [514, 12000.046875, 1, 1], [522, 11980.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11985.046875, 561.375, 20], [522, 12010.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12030.4375, 1, 1], [514, 12030.4375, 1, 1], [522, 12010.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12015.4375, 568.859375, 20], [522, 12040.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12060.828125, 1, 1], [514, 12060.828125, 1, 1], [522, 12040.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12045.828125, 674.8125, 20], [522, 12071.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12091.21875, 1, 1], [514, 12091.21875, 1, 1], [522, 12071.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12076.21875, 667.953125, 20], [522, 12101.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12121.609375, 1, 1], [514, 12121.609375, 1, 1], [522, 12101.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12106.609375, 501.015625, 20], [522, 12132, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12152, 1, 1], [514, 12152, 1, 1], [522, 12132, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12137, 495.1875, 20], [522, 12162.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12182.390625, 1, 1], [514, 12182.390625, 1, 1], [522, 12162.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12167.390625, 525.53125, 20], [522, 12192.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12212.78125, 1, 1], [514, 12212.78125, 1, 1], [522, 12192.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12197.78125, 594.578125, 20], [522, 12223.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12243.171875, 1, 1], [514, 12243.171875, 1, 1], [522, 12223.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12228.171875, 628.53125, 20], [522, 12253.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12273.5625, 1, 1], [514, 12273.5625, 1, 1], [522, 12253.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12258.5625, 657.25, 20], [522, 12283.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12303.953125, 1, 1], [514, 12303.953125, 1, 1], [522, 12283.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12288.953125, 476.90625, 20], [522, 12314.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12334.34375, 1, 1], [514, 12334.34375, 1, 1], [522, 12314.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12319.34375, 542.421875, 20], [522, 12344.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12364.734375, 1, 1], [514, 12364.734375, 1, 1], [522, 12344.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12349.734375, 521.859375, 20], [522, 12375.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12395.125, 1, 1], [514, 12395.125, 1, 1], [522, 12375.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12380.125, 543.078125, 20], [522, 12405.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12425.515625, 1, 1], [514, 12425.515625, 1, 1], [522, 12405.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12410.515625, 552.1875, 20], [522, 12435.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12455.90625, 1, 1], [514, 12455.90625, 1, 1], [522, 12435.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12440.90625, 508.84375, 20], [522, 12466.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12486.296875, 1, 1], [514, 12486.296875, 1, 1], [522, 12466.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12471.296875, 523.5, 20], [522, 12496.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12516.6875, 1, 1], [514, 12516.6875, 1, 1], [522, 12496.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12501.6875, 687.09375, 20], [522, 12527.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12547.078125, 1, 1], [514, 12547.078125, 1, 1], [522, 12527.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12532.078125, 793.078125, 20], [522, 12557.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12577.46875, 1, 1], [514, 12577.46875, 1, 1], [522, 12557.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12562.46875, 550.65625, 20], [522, 12587.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12607.859375, 1, 1], [514, 12607.859375, 1, 1], [522, 12587.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12592.859375, 553.578125, 20], [522, 12618.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12638.25, 1, 1], [514, 12638.25, 1, 1], [522, 12618.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12623.25, 800.390625, 20], [522, 12648.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12668.640625, 1, 1], [514, 12668.640625, 1, 1], [522, 12648.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12653.640625, 488.75, 20], [522, 12679.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12699.03125, 1, 1], [514, 12699.03125, 1, 1], [522, 12679.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12684.03125, 531.75, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 234, 230, -1, 239, 240, -1, 243, -1, 247, 226, -1, -1, 254, -1, -1, 260, 262, 222, -1, -1, 271, 226, -1, 230, -1, 279, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 289, -1, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 304, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, 319, -1, -1, 317, 323, -1, -1, 317, 326, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 393, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 410, 289, -1, -1, -1, 426, -1, 429, -1, -1, 426, -1, 439, 230, -1, -1, 230, -1, -1, 226, -1, 222, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 539, -1, -1, 549, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, -1, -1, -1, 577, 570, -1, -1, 586, -1, 570, -1, -1, -1, 573, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 804, 341, -1, -1, -1, 821, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 837, 29, 841, -1, -1, 848, 849, 29, -1, 856, -1, -1, 862, 863, 29, 866, 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831, 30], [], [2, 1088, 831, 30], [-6, 1108, 1, 1], [-6, 1108, 1, 1], [2, 1088, 831, 30], [], [2, 1118, 831, 30], [-6, 1138, 1, 1], [-6, 1138, 1, 1], [2, 1118, 831, 30], [], [2, 1149, 831, 30], [-6, 1169, 1, 1], [-6, 1169, 1, 1], [2, 1149, 831, 30], [], [2, 1179, 831, 30], [-6, 1199, 1, 1], [-6, 1199, 1, 1], [2, 1179, 831, 30], [], [2, 1210, 831, 30], [-6, 1230, 1, 1], [-6, 1230, 1, 1], [2, 1210, 831, 30], [], [2, 1240, 831, 30], [-6, 1260, 1, 1], [-6, 1260, 1, 1], [2, 1240, 831, 30], [], [2, 1270, 831, 30], [-6, 1290, 1, 1], [-6, 1290, 1, 1], [2, 1270, 831, 30], [], [2, 1301, 831, 30], [-6, 1321, 1, 1], [-6, 1321, 1, 1], [2, 1301, 831, 30], [], [2, 1331, 831, 30], [-6, 1351, 1, 1], [-6, 1351, 1, 1], [2, 1331, 831, 30], [], [2, 1362, 831, 30], [-6, 1382, 1, 1], [-6, 1382, 1, 1], [2, 1362, 831, 30], [], [2, 1392, 831, 30], [-6, 1412, 1, 1], [-6, 1412, 1, 1], [2, 1392, 831, 30], [], [2, 1422, 831, 30], [-6, 1442, 1, 1], [-6, 1442, 1, 1], [2, 1422, 831, 30], [], [2, 1453, 831, 30], [-6, 1473, 1, 1], [-6, 1473, 1, 1], [2, 1453, 831, 30], [], [2, 1483, 831, 30], [-6, 1503, 1, 1], [-6, 1503, 1, 1], [2, 1483, 831, 30], [], [2, 1514, 831, 30], [-6, 1534, 1, 1], [-6, 1534, 1, 1], [2, 1514, 831, 30], [], [2, 1544, 831, 30], [-6, 1564, 1, 1], [-6, 1564, 1, 1], [2, 1544, 831, 30], [], [2, 1574, 831, 30], [-6, 1594, 1, 1], [-6, 1594, 1, 1], [2, 1574, 831, 30], [], [2, 1605, 831, 30], [-6, 1625, 1, 1], [-6, 1625, 1, 1], [2, 1605, 831, 30], [], [2, 1635, 831, 30], [-6, 1655, 1, 1], [-6, 1655, 1, 1], [2, 1635, 831, 30], [], [2, 1665, 831, 30], [-6, 1685, 1, 1], [-6, 1685, 1, 1], [2, 1665, 831, 30], [], [2, 1696, 831, 30], [-6, 1716, 1, 1], [-6, 1716, 1, 1], [2, 1696, 831, 30], [], [2, 1726, 831, 30], [-6, 1746, 1, 1], [-6, 1746, 1, 1], [2, 1726, 831, 30], [], [2, 1757, 831, 30], [-6, 1777, 1, 1], [-6, 1777, 1, 1], [2, 1757, 831, 30], [], [2, 1787, 831, 30], [-6, 1807, 1, 1], [-6, 1807, 1, 1], [2, 1787, 831, 30], [], [2, 1817, 831, 30], [-6, 1837, 1, 1], [-6, 1837, 1, 1], [2, 1817, 831, 30], [], [2, 1848, 831, 30], [-6, 1868, 1, 1], [-6, 1868, 1, 1], [2, 1848, 831, 30], [], [2, 1878, 831, 30], [-6, 1898, 1, 1], [-6, 1898, 1, 1], [2, 1878, 831, 30], [], [2, 1909, 831, 30], [-6, 1929, 1, 1], [-6, 1929, 1, 1], [2, 1909, 831, 30], [], [2, 1939, 831, 30], [-6, 1959, 1, 1], [-6, 1959, 1, 1], [2, 1939, 831, 30], [], [2, 1969, 831, 30], [-6, 1989, 1, 1], [-6, 1989, 1, 1], [2, 1969, 831, 30], [], [2, 2000, 831, 30], [-6, 2020, 1, 1], [-6, 2020, 1, 1], [2, 2000, 831, 30], [], [2, 2030, 831, 30], [-6, 2050, 1, 1], [-6, 2050, 1, 1], [2, 2030, 831, 30], [], [2, 2061, 831, 30], [-6, 2081, 1, 1], [-6, 2081, 1, 1], [2, 2061, 831, 30], [], [2, 2091, 831, 30], [-6, 2111, 1, 1], [-6, 2111, 1, 1], [2, 2091, 831, 30], [], [2, 2121, 831, 30], [-6, 2141, 1, 1], [-6, 2141, 1, 1], [2, 2121, 831, 30], [], [2, 2152, 831, 30], [-6, 2172, 1, 1], [-6, 2172, 1, 1], [2, 2152, 831, 30], [], [2, 2182, 831, 30], [-6, 2202, 1, 1], [-6, 2202, 1, 1], [2, 2182, 831, 30], [], [2, 2213, 831, 30], [-6, 2233, 1, 1], [-6, 2233, 1, 1], [2, 2213, 831, 30], [], [2, 2243, 831, 30], [-6, 2263, 1, 1], [-6, 2263, 1, 1], [2, 2243, 831, 30], [], [2, 2273, 831, 30], [-6, 2293, 1, 1], [-6, 2293, 1, 1], [2, 2273, 831, 30], [], [2, 2304, 831, 30], [-6, 2324, 1, 1], [-6, 2324, 1, 1], [2, 2304, 831, 30], [], [2, 2334, 831, 30], [-6, 2354, 1, 1], [-6, 2354, 1, 1], [2, 2334, 831, 30], [], [2, 2364, 831, 30], [-6, 2384, 1, 1], [-6, 2384, 1, 1], [2, 2364, 831, 30], [], [2, 2395, 831, 30], [-6, 2415, 1, 1], [-6, 2415, 1, 1], [2, 2395, 831, 30], [], [2, 2425, 831, 30], [-6, 2445, 1, 1], [-6, 2445, 1, 1], [2, 2425, 831, 30], [], [2, 2456, 831, 30], [-6, 2476, 1, 1], [-6, 2476, 1, 1], [2, 2456, 831, 30], [], [2, 2486, 831, 30], [-6, 2506, 1, 1], [-6, 2506, 1, 1], [2, 2486, 831, 30], [], [2, 2516, 831, 30], [-6, 2536, 1, 1], [-6, 2536, 1, 1], [2, 2516, 831, 30], [], [2, 2547, 831, 30], [-6, 2567, 1, 1], [-6, 2567, 1, 1], [2, 2547, 831, 30], [], [2, 2577, 831, 30], [-6, 2597, 1, 1], [-6, 2597, 1, 1], [2, 2577, 831, 30], [], [2, 2608, 831, 30], [-6, 2628, 1, 1], [-6, 2628, 1, 1], [2, 2608, 831, 30], [], [2, 2638, 831, 30], [-6, 2658, 1, 1], [-6, 2658, 1, 1], [2, 2638, 831, 30], [], [2, 2668, 831, 30], [-6, 2688, 1, 1], [-6, 2688, 1, 1], [2, 2668, 831, 30], [], [2, 2699, 831, 30], [-6, 2719, 1, 1], [-6, 2719, 1, 1], [2, 2699, 831, 30], [], [2, 2729, 831, 30], [-6, 2749, 1, 1], [-6, 2749, 1, 1], [2, 2729, 831, 30], [], [2, 2760, 831, 30], [-6, 2780, 1, 1], [-6, 2780, 1, 1], [2, 2760, 831, 30], [], [2, 2790, 831, 30], [-6, 2810, 1, 1], [-6, 2810, 1, 1], [2, 2790, 831, 30], [], [2, 2820, 831, 30], [-6, 2840, 1, 1], [-6, 2840, 1, 1], [2, 2820, 831, 30], [], [2, 2851, 831, 30], [-6, 2871, 1, 1], [-6, 2871, 1, 1], [2, 2851, 831, 30], [], [2, 2881, 831, 57], [-6, 2901, 1, 1], [-6, 2901, 1, 1], [2, 2881, 831, 57], [], [2, 2938, 831, 57], [-6, 2958, 1, 1], [-6, 2958, 1, 1], [2, 2938, 831, 57], [], [2, 2995, 831, 57], [-6, 3015, 1, 1], [-6, 3015, 1, 1], [2, 2995, 831, 57], [], [2, 3051, 831, 30], [-6, 3071, 1, 1], [-6, 3071, 1, 1], [2, 3051, 831, 30], [], [2, 3082, 831, 30], [-6, 3102, 1, 1], [-6, 3102, 1, 1], [2, 3082, 831, 30], [], [2, 3112, 831, 30], [-6, 3132, 1, 1], [-6, 3132, 1, 1], [2, 3112, 831, 30], [], [2, 3143, 831, 30], [-6, 3163, 1, 1], [-6, 3163, 1, 1], [2, 3143, 831, 30], [], [2, 3173, 831, 57], [-6, 3193, 1, 1], [-6, 3193, 1, 1], [2, 3173, 831, 57], [], [2, 3230, 831, 30], [-6, 3250, 1, 1], [-6, 3250, 1, 1], [2, 3230, 831, 30], [], [2, 3260, 831, 30], [-6, 3280, 1, 1], [-6, 3280, 1, 1], [2, 3260, 831, 30], [], [2, 3291, 831, 30], [-6, 3311, 1, 1], [-6, 3311, 1, 1], [2, 3291, 831, 30], [], [2, 3321, 831, 30], [-6, 3341, 1, 1], [-6, 3341, 1, 1], [2, 3321, 831, 30], [], [2, 3351, 831, 30], [-6, 3371, 1, 1], [-6, 3371, 1, 1], [2, 3351, 831, 30], [], [2, 3382, 831, 30], [-6, 3402, 1, 1], [-6, 3402, 1, 1], [2, 3382, 831, 30], [], [2, 3412, 831, 30], [-6, 3432, 1, 1], [-6, 3432, 1, 1], [2, 3412, 831, 30], [], [2, 3443, 831, 30], [-6, 3463, 1, 1], [-6, 3463, 1, 1], [2, 3443, 831, 30], [], [2, 3473, 831, 30], [-6, 3493, 1, 1], [-6, 3493, 1, 1], [2, 3473, 831, 30], [], [2, 3503, 831, 30], [-6, 3523, 1, 1], [-6, 3523, 1, 1], [2, 3503, 831, 30], [], [2, 3534, 831, 30], [-6, 3554, 1, 1], [-6, 3554, 1, 1], [2, 3534, 831, 30], [], [2, 3564, 831, 30], [-6, 3584, 1, 1], [-6, 3584, 1, 1], [2, 3564, 831, 30], [], [2, 3594, 831, 30], [-6, 3614, 1, 1], [-6, 3614, 1, 1], [2, 3594, 831, 30], [], [2, 3625, 831, 30], [-6, 3645, 1, 1], [-6, 3645, 1, 1], [2, 3625, 831, 30], [], [2, 3655, 831, 30], [-6, 3675, 1, 1], [-6, 3675, 1, 1], [2, 3655, 831, 30], [], [2, 3686, 831, 30], [-6, 3706, 1, 1], [-6, 3706, 1, 1], [2, 3686, 831, 30], [], [2, 3716, 831, 30], [-6, 3736, 1, 1], [-6, 3736, 1, 1], [2, 3716, 831, 30], [], [2, 3746, 831, 30], [-6, 3766, 1, 1], [-6, 3766, 1, 1], [2, 3746, 831, 30], [], [2, 3777, 831, 30], [-6, 3797, 1, 1], [-6, 3797, 1, 1], [2, 3777, 831, 30], [], [2, 3807, 831, 30], [-6, 3827, 1, 1], [-6, 3827, 1, 1], [2, 3807, 831, 30], [], [2, 3838, 831, 30], [-6, 3858, 1, 1], [-6, 3858, 1, 1], [2, 3838, 831, 30], [], [2, 3868, 831, 30], [-6, 3888, 1, 1], [-6, 3888, 1, 1], [2, 3868, 831, 30], [], [2, 3898, 831, 30], [-6, 3918, 1, 1], [-6, 3918, 1, 1], [2, 3898, 831, 30], [], [2, 3929, 831, 30], [-6, 3949, 1, 1], [-6, 3949, 1, 1], [2, 3929, 831, 30], [], [2, 3959, 831, 30], [-6, 3979, 1, 1], [-6, 3979, 1, 1], [2, 3959, 831, 30], [], [2, 3990, 831, 30], [-6, 4010, 1, 1], [-6, 4010, 1, 1], [2, 3990, 831, 30], [], [2, 4020, 831, 30], [-6, 4040, 1, 1], [-6, 4040, 1, 1], [2, 4020, 831, 30], [], [2, 4050, 831, 30], [-6, 4070, 1, 1], [-6, 4070, 1, 1], [2, 4050, 831, 30], [], [2, 4081, 831, 30], [-6, 4101, 1, 1], [-6, 4101, 1, 1], [2, 4081, 831, 30], [], [2, 4111, 831, 30], [-6, 4131, 1, 1], [-6, 4131, 1, 1], [2, 4111, 831, 30], [], [2, 4142, 831, 30], [-6, 4162, 1, 1], [-6, 4162, 1, 1], [2, 4142, 831, 30], [], [2, 4172, 831, 30], [-6, 4192, 1, 1], [-6, 4192, 1, 1], [2, 4172, 831, 30], [], [2, 4202, 831, 30], [-6, 4222, 1, 1], [-6, 4222, 1, 1], [2, 4202, 831, 30], [], [2, 4233, 831, 30], [-6, 4253, 1, 1], [-6, 4253, 1, 1], [2, 4233, 831, 30], [], [2, 4263, 831, 30], [-6, 4283, 1, 1], [-6, 4283, 1, 1], [2, 4263, 831, 30], [], [2, 4293, 831, 57], [-6, 4313, 1, 1], [-6, 4313, 1, 1], [2, 4293, 831, 57], [], [2, 4350, 831, 30], [-6, 4370, 1, 1], [-6, 4370, 1, 1], [2, 4350, 831, 30], [], [2, 4381, 831, 30], [-6, 4401, 1, 1], [-6, 4401, 1, 1], [2, 4381, 831, 30], [], [2, 4411, 831, 30], [-6, 4431, 1, 1], [-6, 4431, 1, 1], [2, 4411, 831, 30], [], [2, 4441, 831, 30], [-6, 4461, 1, 1], [-6, 4461, 1, 1], [2, 4441, 831, 30], [], [2, 4472, 831, 30], [-6, 4492, 1, 1], [-6, 4492, 1, 1], [2, 4472, 831, 30], [], [2, 4502, 831, 30], [-6, 4522, 1, 1], [-6, 4522, 1, 1], [2, 4502, 831, 30], [], [2, 4533, 831, 30], [-6, 4553, 1, 1], [-6, 4553, 1, 1], [2, 4533, 831, 30], [], [2, 4563, 831, 30], [-6, 4583, 1, 1], [-6, 4583, 1, 1], [2, 4563, 831, 30], [], [2, 4593, 831, 30], [-6, 4613, 1, 1], [-6, 4613, 1, 1], [2, 4593, 831, 30], [], [2, 4624, 831, 30], [-6, 4644, 1, 1], [-6, 4644, 1, 1], [2, 4624, 831, 30], [], [2, 4654, 831, 30], [-6, 4674, 1, 1], [-6, 4674, 1, 1], [2, 4654, 831, 30], [], [2, 4685, 831, 30], [-6, 4705, 1, 1], [-6, 4705, 1, 1], [2, 4685, 831, 30], [], [2, 4715, 831, 30], [-6, 4735, 1, 1], [-6, 4735, 1, 1], [2, 4715, 831, 30], [], [2, 4745, 831, 30], [-6, 4765, 1, 1], [-6, 4765, 1, 1], [2, 4745, 831, 30], [], [2, 4776, 831, 30], [-6, 4796, 1, 1], [-6, 4796, 1, 1], [2, 4776, 831, 30], [], [2, 4806, 831, 30], [-6, 4826, 1, 1], [-6, 4826, 1, 1], [2, 4806, 831, 30], [], [2, 4837, 831, 30], [-6, 4857, 1, 1], [-6, 4857, 1, 1], [2, 4837, 831, 30], [], [2, 4867, 831, 30], [-6, 4887, 1, 1], [-6, 4887, 1, 1], [2, 4867, 831, 30], [], [2, 4897, 831, 30], [-6, 4917, 1, 1], [-6, 4917, 1, 1], [2, 4897, 831, 30], [], [2, 4928, 831, 30], [-6, 4948, 1, 1], [-6, 4948, 1, 1], [2, 4928, 831, 30], [], [2, 4958, 831, 30], [-6, 4978, 1, 1], [-6, 4978, 1, 1], [2, 4958, 831, 30], [], [2, 4988, 831, 30], [-6, 5008, 1, 1], [-6, 5008, 1, 1], [2, 4988, 831, 30], [], [2, 5019, 831, 30], [-6, 5039, 1, 1], [-6, 5039, 1, 1], [2, 5019, 831, 30], [], [2, 5049, 831, 30], [-6, 5069, 1, 1], [-6, 5069, 1, 1], [2, 5049, 831, 30], [], [2, 5080, 831, 30], [-6, 5100, 1, 1], [-6, 5100, 1, 1], [2, 5080, 831, 30], [], [2, 5110, 831, 30], [-6, 5130, 1, 1], [-6, 5130, 1, 1], [2, 5110, 831, 30], [], [2, 5140, 831, 30], [-6, 5160, 1, 1], [-6, 5160, 1, 1], [2, 5140, 831, 30], [], [2, 5171, 831, 30], [-6, 5191, 1, 1], [-6, 5191, 1, 1], [2, 5171, 831, 30], [], [2, 5201, 831, 30], [-6, 5221, 1, 1], [-6, 5221, 1, 1], [2, 5201, 831, 30], [], [2, 5232, 831, 30], [-6, 5252, 1, 1], [-6, 5252, 1, 1], [2, 5232, 831, 30], [], [2, 5262, 831, 30], [-6, 5282, 1, 1], [-6, 5282, 1, 1], [2, 5262, 831, 30], [], [2, 5292, 831, 30], [-6, 5312, 1, 1], [-6, 5312, 1, 1], [2, 5292, 831, 30], [], [2, 5323, 831, 30], [-6, 5343, 1, 1], [-6, 5343, 1, 1], [2, 5323, 831, 30], [], [2, 5353, 831, 30], [-6, 5373, 1, 1], [-6, 5373, 1, 1], [2, 5353, 831, 30], [], [2, 5384, 831, 30], [-6, 5404, 1, 1], [-6, 5404, 1, 1], [2, 5384, 831, 30], [], [2, 5414, 831, 30], [-6, 5434, 1, 1], [-6, 5434, 1, 1], [2, 5414, 831, 30], [], [2, 5444, 831, 30], [-6, 5464, 1, 1], [-6, 5464, 1, 1], [2, 5444, 831, 30], [], [2, 5475, 831, 30], [-6, 5495, 1, 1], [-6, 5495, 1, 1], [2, 5475, 831, 30], [], [2, 5505, 831, 30], [-6, 5525, 1, 1], [-6, 5525, 1, 1], [2, 5505, 831, 30], [], [2, 5535, 831, 30], [-6, 5555, 1, 1], [-6, 5555, 1, 1], [2, 5535, 831, 30], [], [2, 5566, 831, 30], [-6, 5586, 1, 1], [-6, 5586, 1, 1], [2, 5566, 831, 30], [], [2, 5596, 831, 30], [-6, 5616, 1, 1], [-6, 5616, 1, 1], [2, 5596, 831, 30], [], [2, 5627, 831, 30], [-6, 5647, 1, 1], [-6, 5647, 1, 1], [2, 5627, 831, 30], [], [2, 5657, 831, 30], [-6, 5677, 1, 1], [-6, 5677, 1, 1], [2, 5657, 831, 30], [], [2, 5687, 831, 30], [-6, 5707, 1, 1], [-6, 5707, 1, 1], [2, 5687, 831, 30], [], [2, 5718, 831, 30], [-6, 5738, 1, 1], [-6, 5738, 1, 1], [2, 5718, 831, 30], [], [2, 5748, 831, 30], [-6, 5768, 1, 1], [-6, 5768, 1, 1], [2, 5748, 831, 30], [], [2, 5779, 831, 30], [-6, 5799, 1, 1], [-6, 5799, 1, 1], [2, 5779, 831, 30], [], [2, 5809, 831, 30], [-6, 5829, 1, 1], [-6, 5829, 1, 1], [2, 5809, 831, 30], [], [2, 5839, 831, 30], [-6, 5859, 1, 1], [-6, 5859, 1, 1], [2, 5839, 831, 30], [], [2, 5870, 831, 30], [-6, 5890, 1, 1], [-6, 5890, 1, 1], [2, 5870, 831, 30], [], [2, 5900, 831, 57], [-6, 5920, 1, 1], [-6, 5920, 1, 1], [2, 5900, 831, 57], [], [2, 5957, 831, 30], [-6, 5977, 1, 1], [-6, 5977, 1, 1], [2, 5957, 831, 30], [], [2, 5987, 831, 30], [-6, 6007, 1, 1], [-6, 6007, 1, 1], [2, 5987, 831, 30], [], [2, 6018, 831, 30], [-6, 6038, 1, 1], [-6, 6038, 1, 1], [2, 6018, 831, 30], [], [2, 6048, 831, 30], [-6, 6068, 1, 1], [-6, 6068, 1, 1], [2, 6048, 831, 30], [], [2, 6079, 831, 30], [-6, 6099, 1, 1], [-6, 6099, 1, 1], [2, 6079, 831, 30], [], [2, 6109, 831, 30], [-6, 6129, 1, 1], [-6, 6129, 1, 1], [2, 6109, 831, 30], [], [2, 6139, 831, 30], [-6, 6159, 1, 1], [-6, 6159, 1, 1], [2, 6139, 831, 30], [], [2, 6170, 831, 30], [-6, 6190, 1, 1], [-6, 6190, 1, 1], [2, 6170, 831, 30], [], [2, 6200, 831, 30], [-6, 6220, 1, 1], [-6, 6220, 1, 1], [2, 6200, 831, 30], [], [2, 6230, 831, 30], [-6, 6250, 1, 1], [-6, 6250, 1, 1], [2, 6230, 831, 30], [], [2, 6261, 831, 30], [-6, 6281, 1, 1], [-6, 6281, 1, 1], [2, 6261, 831, 30], [], [2, 6291, 831, 30], [-6, 6311, 1, 1], [-6, 6311, 1, 1], [2, 6291, 831, 30], [], [2, 6322, 831, 30], [-6, 6342, 1, 1], [-6, 6342, 1, 1], [2, 6322, 831, 30], [], [2, 6352, 831, 30], [-6, 6372, 1, 1], [-6, 6372, 1, 1], [2, 6352, 831, 30], [], [2, 6382, 831, 30], [-6, 6402, 1, 1], [-6, 6402, 1, 1], [2, 6382, 831, 30], [], [2, 6413, 831, 30], [-6, 6433, 1, 1], [-6, 6433, 1, 1], [2, 6413, 831, 30], [], [2, 6443, 831, 30], [-6, 6463, 1, 1], [-6, 6463, 1, 1], [2, 6443, 831, 30], [], [2, 6474, 831, 30], [-6, 6494, 1, 1], [-6, 6494, 1, 1], [2, 6474, 831, 30], [], [2, 6504, 831, 30], [-6, 6524, 1, 1], [-6, 6524, 1, 1], [2, 6504, 831, 30], [], [2, 6534, 831, 30], [-6, 6554, 1, 1], [-6, 6554, 1, 1], [2, 6534, 831, 30], [], [2, 6565, 831, 30], [-6, 6585, 1, 1], [-6, 6585, 1, 1], [2, 6565, 831, 30], [], [2, 6595, 831, 30], [-6, 6615, 1, 1], [-6, 6615, 1, 1], [2, 6595, 831, 30], [], [2, 6626, 831, 30], [-6, 6646, 1, 1], [-6, 6646, 1, 1], [2, 6626, 831, 30], [], [2, 6656, 831, 30], [-6, 6676, 1, 1], [-6, 6676, 1, 1], [2, 6656, 831, 30], [], [2, 6686, 831, 30], [-6, 6706, 1, 1], [-6, 6706, 1, 1], [2, 6686, 831, 30], [], [2, 6717, 831, 30], [-6, 6737, 1, 1], [-6, 6737, 1, 1], [2, 6717, 831, 30], [], [2, 6747, 831, 30], [-6, 6767, 1, 1], [-6, 6767, 1, 1], [2, 6747, 831, 30], [], [2, 6778, 831, 30], [-6, 6798, 1, 1], [-6, 6798, 1, 1], [2, 6778, 831, 30], [], [2, 6808, 831, 30], [-6, 6828, 1, 1], [-6, 6828, 1, 1], [2, 6808, 831, 30], [], [2, 6838, 831, 30], [-6, 6858, 1, 1], [-6, 6858, 1, 1], [2, 6838, 831, 30], [], [2, 6869, 831, 30], [-6, 6889, 1, 1], [-6, 6889, 1, 1], [2, 6869, 831, 30], [], [2, 6899, 831, 30], [-6, 6919, 1, 1], [-6, 6919, 1, 1], [2, 6899, 831, 30], [], [2, 6929, 831, 30], [-6, 6949, 1, 1], [-6, 6949, 1, 1], [2, 6929, 831, 30], [], [2, 6960, 831, 30], [-6, 6980, 1, 1], [-6, 6980, 1, 1], [2, 6960, 831, 30], [], [2, 6990, 831, 30], [-6, 7010, 1, 1], [-6, 7010, 1, 1], [2, 6990, 831, 30], [], [2, 7021, 831, 30], [-6, 7041, 1, 1], [-6, 7041, 1, 1], [2, 7021, 831, 30], [], [2, 7051, 831, 30], [-6, 7071, 1, 1], [-6, 7071, 1, 1], [2, 7051, 831, 30], [], [2, 7081, 831, 30], [-6, 7101, 1, 1], [-6, 7101, 1, 1], [2, 7081, 831, 30], [], [2, 7112, 831, 30], [-6, 7132, 1, 1], [-6, 7132, 1, 1], [2, 7112, 831, 30], [], [2, 7142, 831, 30], [-6, 7162, 1, 1], [-6, 7162, 1, 1], [2, 7142, 831, 30], [], [2, 7173, 831, 30], [-6, 7193, 1, 1], [-6, 7193, 1, 1], [2, 7173, 831, 30], [], [2, 7203, 831, 30], [-6, 7223, 1, 1], [-6, 7223, 1, 1], [2, 7203, 831, 30], [], [2, 7233, 831, 30], [-6, 7253, 1, 1], [-6, 7253, 1, 1], [2, 7233, 831, 30], [], [2, 7264, 831, 57], [-6, 7284, 1, 1], [-6, 7284, 1, 1], [2, 7264, 831, 57], [], [2, 7321, 831, 30], [-6, 7341, 1, 1], [-6, 7341, 1, 1], [2, 7321, 831, 30], [], [2, 7351, 831, 30], [-6, 7371, 1, 1], [-6, 7371, 1, 1], [2, 7351, 831, 30], [], [2, 7381, 831, 30], [-6, 7401, 1, 1], [-6, 7401, 1, 1], [2, 7381, 831, 30], [], [2, 7412, 831, 30], [-6, 7432, 1, 1], [-6, 7432, 1, 1], [2, 7412, 831, 30], [], [2, 7442, 831, 30], [-6, 7462, 1, 1], [-6, 7462, 1, 1], [2, 7442, 831, 30], [], [2, 7472, 831, 30], [-6, 7492, 1, 1], [-6, 7492, 1, 1], [2, 7472, 831, 30], [], [2, 7503, 831, 30], [-6, 7523, 1, 1], [-6, 7523, 1, 1], [2, 7503, 831, 30], [], [2, 7533, 831, 30], [-6, 7553, 1, 1], [-6, 7553, 1, 1], [2, 7533, 831, 30], [], [2, 7564, 831, 30], [-6, 7584, 1, 1], [-6, 7584, 1, 1], [2, 7564, 831, 30], [], [2, 7594, 831, 30], [-6, 7614, 1, 1], [-6, 7614, 1, 1], [2, 7594, 831, 30], [], [2, 7624, 831, 30], [-6, 7644, 1, 1], [-6, 7644, 1, 1], [2, 7624, 831, 30], [], [2, 7655, 831, 30], [-6, 7675, 1, 1], [-6, 7675, 1, 1], [2, 7655, 831, 30], [], [2, 7685, 831, 30], [-6, 7705, 1, 1], [-6, 7705, 1, 1], [2, 7685, 831, 30], [], [2, 7716, 831, 30], [-6, 7736, 1, 1], [-6, 7736, 1, 1], [2, 7716, 831, 30], [], [2, 7746, 831, 30], [-6, 7766, 1, 1], [-6, 7766, 1, 1], [2, 7746, 831, 30], [], [2, 7776, 831, 57], [-6, 7796, 1, 1], [-6, 7796, 1, 1], [2, 7776, 831, 57], [], [2, 7833, 831, 30], [-6, 7853, 1, 1], [-6, 7853, 1, 1], [2, 7833, 831, 30], [], [2, 7864, 831, 30], [-6, 7884, 1, 1], [-6, 7884, 1, 1], [2, 7864, 831, 30], [], [2, 7894, 831, 30], [-6, 7914, 1, 1], [-6, 7914, 1, 1], [2, 7894, 831, 30], [], [2, 7924, 831, 30], [-6, 7944, 1, 1], [-6, 7944, 1, 1], [2, 7924, 831, 30], [], [2, 7955, 831, 30], [-6, 7975, 1, 1], [-6, 7975, 1, 1], [2, 7955, 831, 30], [], [2, 7985, 831, 30], [-6, 8005, 1, 1], [-6, 8005, 1, 1], [2, 7985, 831, 30], [], [2, 8016, 831, 30], [-6, 8036, 1, 1], [-6, 8036, 1, 1], [2, 8016, 831, 30], [], [2, 8046, 831, 30], [-6, 8066, 1, 1], [-6, 8066, 1, 1], [2, 8046, 831, 30], [], [2, 8076, 831, 30], [-6, 8096, 1, 1], [-6, 8096, 1, 1], [2, 8076, 831, 30], [], [2, 8107, 831, 30], [-6, 8127, 1, 1], [-6, 8127, 1, 1], [2, 8107, 831, 30], [], [2, 8137, 831, 30], [-6, 8157, 1, 1], [-6, 8157, 1, 1], [2, 8137, 831, 30], [], [2, 8167, 831, 30], [-6, 8187, 1, 1], [-6, 8187, 1, 1], [2, 8167, 831, 30], [], [2, 8198, 831, 30], [-6, 8218, 1, 1], [-6, 8218, 1, 1], [2, 8198, 831, 30], [], [2, 8228, 831, 30], [-6, 8248, 1, 1], [-6, 8248, 1, 1], [2, 8228, 831, 30], [], [2, 8259, 831, 30], [-6, 8279, 1, 1], [-6, 8279, 1, 1], [2, 8259, 831, 30], [], [2, 8289, 831, 30], [-6, 8309, 1, 1], [-6, 8309, 1, 1], [2, 8289, 831, 30], [], [2, 8319, 831, 30], [-6, 8339, 1, 1], [-6, 8339, 1, 1], [2, 8319, 831, 30], [], [2, 8350, 831, 30], [-6, 8370, 1, 1], [-6, 8370, 1, 1], [2, 8350, 831, 30], [], [2, 8380, 831, 30], [-6, 8400, 1, 1], [-6, 8400, 1, 1], [2, 8380, 831, 30], [], [2, 8411, 831, 30], [-6, 8431, 1, 1], [-6, 8431, 1, 1], [2, 8411, 831, 30], [], [2, 8441, 831, 30], [-6, 8461, 1, 1], [-6, 8461, 1, 1], [2, 8441, 831, 30], [], [2, 8471, 831, 30], [-6, 8491, 1, 1], [-6, 8491, 1, 1], [2, 8471, 831, 30], [], [2, 8502, 831, 30], [-6, 8522, 1, 1], [-6, 8522, 1, 1], [2, 8502, 831, 30], [], [2, 8532, 831, 30], [-6, 8552, 1, 1], [-6, 8552, 1, 1], [2, 8532, 831, 30], [], [2, 8563, 831, 30], [-6, 8583, 1, 1], [-6, 8583, 1, 1], [2, 8563, 831, 30], [], [2, 8593, 831, 30], [-6, 8613, 1, 1], [-6, 8613, 1, 1], [2, 8593, 831, 30], [], [2, 8623, 831, 30], [-6, 8643, 1, 1], [-6, 8643, 1, 1], [2, 8623, 831, 30], [], [2, 8654, 831, 30], [-6, 8674, 1, 1], [-6, 8674, 1, 1], [2, 8654, 831, 30], [], [2, 8684, 831, 30], [-6, 8704, 1, 1], [-6, 8704, 1, 1], [2, 8684, 831, 30], [], [2, 8715, 831, 30], [-6, 8735, 1, 1], [-6, 8735, 1, 1], [2, 8715, 831, 30], [], [2, 8745, 831, 30], [-6, 8765, 1, 1], [-6, 8765, 1, 1], [2, 8745, 831, 30], [], [2, 8775, 831, 30], [-6, 8795, 1, 1], [-6, 8795, 1, 1], [2, 8775, 831, 30], [], [2, 8805, 831, 32], [-6, 8826, 1, 1], [-6, 8826, 1, 1], [1, 8805, 833, 32], [], [2, 8836, 831, 30], [-6, 8856, 1, 1], [-6, 8856, 1, 1], [2, 8836, 831, 30], [], [2, 8866, 831, 30], [-6, 8886, 1, 1], [-6, 8886, 1, 1], [2, 8866, 831, 30], [], [2, 8897, 831, 30], [-6, 8917, 1, 1], [-6, 8917, 1, 1], [2, 8897, 831, 30], [], [2, 8927, 831, 30], [-6, 8947, 1, 1], [-6, 8947, 1, 1], [2, 8927, 831, 30], [], [2, 8958, 831, 30], [-6, 8978, 1, 1], [-6, 8978, 1, 1], [2, 8958, 831, 30], [], [2, 8988, 831, 30], [-6, 9008, 1, 1], [-6, 9008, 1, 1], [2, 8988, 831, 30], [], [2, 9018, 831, 30], [-6, 9038, 1, 1], [-6, 9038, 1, 1], [2, 9018, 831, 30], [], [2, 9049, 831, 30], [-6, 9069, 1, 1], [-6, 9069, 1, 1], [2, 9049, 831, 30], [], [2, 9079, 831, 30], [-6, 9099, 1, 1], [-6, 9099, 1, 1], [2, 9079, 831, 30], [], [2, 9110, 831, 30], [-6, 9130, 1, 1], [-6, 9130, 1, 1], [2, 9110, 831, 30], [], [2, 9140, 831, 30], [-6, 9160, 1, 1], [-6, 9160, 1, 1], [2, 9140, 831, 30], [], [2, 9170, 831, 30], [-6, 9190, 1, 1], [-6, 9190, 1, 1], [2, 9170, 831, 30], [], [2, 9201, 831, 30], [-6, 9221, 1, 1], [-6, 9221, 1, 1], [2, 9201, 831, 30], [], [2, 9231, 831, 30], [-6, 9251, 1, 1], [-6, 9251, 1, 1], [2, 9231, 831, 30], [], [2, 9262, 831, 30], [-6, 9282, 1, 1], [-6, 9282, 1, 1], [2, 9262, 831, 30], [], [2, 9292, 831, 30], [-6, 9312, 1, 1], [-6, 9312, 1, 1], [2, 9292, 831, 30], [], [2, 9322, 831, 30], [-6, 9342, 1, 1], [-6, 9342, 1, 1], [2, 9322, 831, 30], [], [2, 9353, 831, 30], [-6, 9373, 1, 1], [-6, 9373, 1, 1], [2, 9353, 831, 30], [], [2, 9383, 831, 30], [-6, 9403, 1, 1], [-6, 9403, 1, 1], [2, 9383, 831, 30], [], [2, 9413, 831, 30], [-6, 9433, 1, 1], [-6, 9433, 1, 1], [2, 9413, 831, 30], [], [2, 9444, 831, 30], [-6, 9464, 1, 1], [-6, 9464, 1, 1], [2, 9444, 831, 30], [], [2, 9474, 831, 30], [-6, 9494, 1, 1], [-6, 9494, 1, 1], [2, 9474, 831, 30], [], [2, 9505, 831, 30], [-6, 9525, 1, 1], [-6, 9525, 1, 1], [2, 9505, 831, 30], [], [2, 9535, 831, 30], [-6, 9555, 1, 1], [-6, 9555, 1, 1], [2, 9535, 831, 30], [], [2, 9565, 831, 30], [-6, 9585, 1, 1], [-6, 9585, 1, 1], [2, 9565, 831, 30], [], [2, 9596, 831, 30], [-6, 9616, 1, 1], [-6, 9616, 1, 1], [2, 9596, 831, 30], [], [2, 9626, 831, 30], [-6, 9646, 1, 1], [-6, 9646, 1, 1], [2, 9626, 831, 30], [], [2, 9657, 831, 30], [-6, 9677, 1, 1], [-6, 9677, 1, 1], [2, 9657, 831, 30], [], [2, 9687, 831, 30], [-6, 9707, 1, 1], [-6, 9707, 1, 1], [2, 9687, 831, 30], [], [2, 9717, 831, 30], [-6, 9737, 1, 1], [-6, 9737, 1, 1], [2, 9717, 831, 30], [], [2, 9748, 831, 30], [-6, 9768, 1, 1], [-6, 9768, 1, 1], [2, 9748, 831, 30], [], [2, 9778, 831, 30], [-6, 9798, 1, 1], [-6, 9798, 1, 1], [2, 9778, 831, 30], [], [2, 9809, 831, 30], [-6, 9829, 1, 1], [-6, 9829, 1, 1], [2, 9809, 831, 30], [], [2, 9839, 831, 30], [-6, 9859, 1, 1], [-6, 9859, 1, 1], [2, 9839, 831, 30], [], [2, 9869, 831, 30], [-6, 9889, 1, 1], [-6, 9889, 1, 1], [2, 9869, 831, 30], [], [2, 9900, 831, 30], [-6, 9920, 1, 1], [-6, 9920, 1, 1], [2, 9900, 831, 30], [], [2, 9930, 831, 30], [-6, 9950, 1, 1], [-6, 9950, 1, 1], [2, 9930, 831, 30], [], [2, 9961, 831, 30], [-6, 9981, 1, 1], [-6, 9981, 1, 1], [2, 9961, 831, 30], [], [2, 9991, 831, 30], [-6, 10011, 1, 1], [-6, 10011, 1, 1], [2, 9991, 831, 30], [], [2, 10021, 831, 30], [-6, 10041, 1, 1], [-6, 10041, 1, 1], [2, 10021, 831, 30], [], [2, 10052, 831, 30], [-6, 10072, 1, 1], [-6, 10072, 1, 1], [2, 10052, 831, 30], [], [2, 10082, 831, 30], [-6, 10102, 1, 1], [-6, 10102, 1, 1], [2, 10082, 831, 30], [], [2, 10112, 831, 30], [-6, 10132, 1, 1], [-6, 10132, 1, 1], [2, 10112, 831, 30], [], [2, 10143, 831, 30], [-6, 10163, 1, 1], [-6, 10163, 1, 1], [2, 10143, 831, 30], [], [2, 10173, 831, 30], [-6, 10193, 1, 1], [-6, 10193, 1, 1], [2, 10173, 831, 30], [], [2, 10204, 831, 30], [-6, 10224, 1, 1], [-6, 10224, 1, 1], [2, 10204, 831, 30], [], [2, 10234, 831, 30], [-6, 10254, 1, 1], [-6, 10254, 1, 1], [2, 10234, 831, 30], [], [2, 10264, 831, 30], [-6, 10284, 1, 1], [-6, 10284, 1, 1], [2, 10264, 831, 30], [], [2, 10295, 831, 30], [-6, 10315, 1, 1], [-6, 10315, 1, 1], [2, 10295, 831, 30], [], [2, 10325, 831, 30], [-6, 10345, 1, 1], [-6, 10345, 1, 1], [2, 10325, 831, 30], [], [2, 10356, 831, 30], [-6, 10376, 1, 1], [-6, 10376, 1, 1], [2, 10356, 831, 30], [], [2, 10386, 831, 30], [-6, 10406, 1, 1], [-6, 10406, 1, 1], [2, 10386, 831, 30], [], [2, 10416, 831, 30], [-6, 10436, 1, 1], [-6, 10436, 1, 1], [2, 10416, 831, 30], [], [2, 10447, 831, 30], [-6, 10467, 1, 1], [-6, 10467, 1, 1], [2, 10447, 831, 30], [], [2, 10477, 831, 30], [-6, 10497, 1, 1], [-6, 10497, 1, 1], [2, 10477, 831, 30], [], [2, 10508, 831, 30], [-6, 10528, 1, 1], [-6, 10528, 1, 1], [2, 10508, 831, 30], [], [2, 10538, 831, 30], [-6, 10558, 1, 1], [-6, 10558, 1, 1], [2, 10538, 831, 30], [], [2, 10568, 831, 30], [-6, 10588, 1, 1], [-6, 10588, 1, 1], [2, 10568, 831, 30], [], [2, 10599, 831, 30], [-6, 10619, 1, 1], [-6, 10619, 1, 1], [2, 10599, 831, 30], [], [2, 10629, 831, 57], [-6, 10649, 1, 1], [-6, 10649, 1, 1], [2, 10629, 831, 57], [], [2, 10686, 831, 30], [-6, 10706, 1, 1], [-6, 10706, 1, 1], [2, 10686, 831, 30], [], [2, 10716, 831, 30], [-6, 10736, 1, 1], [-6, 10736, 1, 1], [2, 10716, 831, 30], [], [2, 10747, 831, 30], [-6, 10767, 1, 1], [-6, 10767, 1, 1], [2, 10747, 831, 30], [], [2, 10777, 831, 30], [-6, 10797, 1, 1], [-6, 10797, 1, 1], [2, 10777, 831, 30], [], [2, 10807, 831, 30], [-6, 10827, 1, 1], [-6, 10827, 1, 1], [2, 10807, 831, 30], [], [2, 10838, 831, 30], [-6, 10858, 1, 1], [-6, 10858, 1, 1], [2, 10838, 831, 30], [], [2, 10868, 831, 30], [-6, 10888, 1, 1], [-6, 10888, 1, 1], [2, 10868, 831, 30], [], [2, 10899, 831, 30], [-6, 10919, 1, 1], [-6, 10919, 1, 1], [2, 10899, 831, 30], [], [2, 10929, 831, 30], [-6, 10949, 1, 1], [-6, 10949, 1, 1], [2, 10929, 831, 30], [], [2, 10959, 831, 30], [-6, 10979, 1, 1], [-6, 10979, 1, 1], [2, 10959, 831, 30], [], [2, 10990, 831, 30], [-6, 11010, 1, 1], [-6, 11010, 1, 1], [2, 10990, 831, 30], [], [2, 11020, 831, 30], [-6, 11040, 1, 1], [-6, 11040, 1, 1], [2, 11020, 831, 30], [], [2, 11051, 831, 30], [-6, 11071, 1, 1], [-6, 11071, 1, 1], [2, 11051, 831, 30], [], [2, 11081, 831, 30], [-6, 11101, 1, 1], [-6, 11101, 1, 1], [2, 11081, 831, 30], [], [2, 11111, 831, 30], [-6, 11131, 1, 1], [-6, 11131, 1, 1], [2, 11111, 831, 30], 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831, 30], [], [2, 11506, 831, 30], [-6, 11526, 1, 1], [-6, 11526, 1, 1], [2, 11506, 831, 30], [], [2, 11537, 831, 30], [-6, 11557, 1, 1], [-6, 11557, 1, 1], [2, 11537, 831, 30], [], [2, 11567, 831, 30], [-6, 11587, 1, 1], [-6, 11587, 1, 1], [2, 11567, 831, 30], [], [2, 11598, 831, 30], [-6, 11618, 1, 1], [-6, 11618, 1, 1], [2, 11598, 831, 30], [], [2, 11628, 831, 30], [-6, 11648, 1, 1], [-6, 11648, 1, 1], [2, 11628, 831, 30], [], [2, 11658, 831, 30], [-6, 11678, 1, 1], [-6, 11678, 1, 1], [2, 11658, 831, 30], [], [2, 11689, 831, 30], [-6, 11709, 1, 1], [-6, 11709, 1, 1], [2, 11689, 831, 30], [], [2, 11719, 831, 30], [-6, 11739, 1, 1], [-6, 11739, 1, 1], [2, 11719, 831, 30], [], [2, 11750, 831, 30], [-6, 11770, 1, 1], [-6, 11770, 1, 1], [2, 11750, 831, 30], [], [2, 11780, 831, 30], [-6, 11800, 1, 1], [-6, 11800, 1, 1], [2, 11780, 831, 30], [], [2, 11810, 831, 30], [-6, 11830, 1, 1], [-6, 11830, 1, 1], [2, 11810, 831, 30], [], [2, 11841, 831, 30], [-6, 11861, 1, 1], [-6, 11861, 1, 1], [2, 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914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 982.78125, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 1068.78125, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 1068.78125, 284.796875, 17], [8, 1086.78125, 345.28125, 17], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [529.03125, 511, 399.046875, 20], [928.0625, 511, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 541.390625, 778.5, 20], [529.03125, 567.78125, 139.546875, 20], [668.5625, 567.78125, 135.015625, 20], [529.03125, 598.171875, 381.09375, 20], [910.109375, 598.171875, 198.546875, 20], [529.03125, 628.5625, 284.234375, 20], [813.25, 628.5625, 115.421875, 20], [529.03125, 658.953125, 416.890625, 20], [945.90625, 658.953125, 112.15625, 20], [529.03125, 689.34375, 371.296875, 20], [900.3125, 689.34375, 137.9375, 20], [529.03125, 719.734375, 375.234375, 20], [904.25, 719.734375, 121.28125, 20], [529.03125, 750.125, 382.109375, 20], [911.125, 750.125, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 780.515625, 648.171875, 20], [1177.1875, 780.515625, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 810.90625, 464.234375, 20], [993.25, 810.90625, 160.8125, 20], [529.03125, 841.296875, 275.453125, 20], [804.46875, 841.296875, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 871.6875, 434.875, 20], [963.890625, 871.6875, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 902.078125, 354.671875, 20], [883.6875, 902.078125, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 932.46875, 474.65625, 20], [1003.671875, 932.46875, 159.421875, 20], [529.03125, 962.859375, 345.890625, 20], [874.90625, 962.859375, 176.015625, 20], [529.03125, 993.25, 411.40625, 20], [940.421875, 993.25, 128.109375, 20], [529.03125, 1023.640625, 597.171875, 20], [1126.1875, 1023.640625, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 1054.03125, 418.546875, 20], [947.5625, 1054.03125, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1084.421875, 361.5, 20], [890.515625, 1084.421875, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 1114.8125, 350.734375, 20], [879.75, 1114.8125, 119, 20], [529.03125, 1145.203125, 422.140625, 20], [951.15625, 1145.203125, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 1175.59375, 424.09375, 20], [953.109375, 1175.59375, 152.5625, 20], [529.03125, 1205.984375, 452.09375, 20], [981.109375, 1205.984375, 124.203125, 20], [529.03125, 1236.375, 405.8125, 20], [934.828125, 1236.375, 178, 20], [529.03125, 1266.765625, 451.484375, 20], [980.5, 1266.765625, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 1297.15625, 702.140625, 20], [1231.15625, 1297.15625, 105.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1327.546875, 485.140625, 20], [1014.15625, 1327.546875, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 1357.9375, 731.171875, 20], [1260.1875, 1357.9375, 68.484375, 20], [529.03125, 1384.328125, 72.375, 20], [529.03125, 1414.71875, 419.171875, 20], [948.1875, 1414.71875, 127.15625, 20], [529.03125, 1445.109375, 383.671875, 20], [912.6875, 1445.109375, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 1475.5, 292.765625, 20], [821.78125, 1475.5, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 1505.890625, 419.53125, 20], [948.546875, 1505.890625, 168.21875, 20], [529.03125, 1536.28125, 567.890625, 20], [1096.90625, 1536.28125, 174.078125, 20], [529.03125, 1566.671875, 364.125, 20], [893.140625, 1566.671875, 156.171875, 20], [529.03125, 1597.0625, 354.375, 20], [883.390625, 1597.0625, 140.5625, 20], [529.03125, 1627.453125, 505.9375, 20], [1034.953125, 1627.453125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 1657.84375, 442.671875, 20], [971.6875, 1657.84375, 183.875, 20], [529.03125, 1688.234375, 434.578125, 20], [963.59375, 1688.234375, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 1718.625, 509.515625, 20], [1038.53125, 1718.625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 1749.015625, 413.0625, 20], [942.078125, 1749.015625, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1779.40625, 399.359375, 20], [928.375, 1779.40625, 166.234375, 20], [529.03125, 1809.796875, 455.75, 20], [984.765625, 1809.796875, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 1840.1875, 318.546875, 20], [847.5625, 1840.1875, 145.765625, 20], [529.03125, 1870.578125, 437.8125, 20], [966.828125, 1870.578125, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 1900.96875, 414.375, 20], [943.390625, 1900.96875, 150, 20], [529.03125, 1931.359375, 477.875, 20], [1006.890625, 1931.359375, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 1961.75, 585.46875, 20], [1114.484375, 1961.75, 176.0625, 20], [529.03125, 1992.140625, 597.171875, 20], [1126.1875, 1992.140625, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2022.53125, 419.875, 20], [948.890625, 2022.53125, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 2052.921875, 405.546875, 20], [934.5625, 2052.921875, 137.25, 20], [529.03125, 2083.3125, 438.578125, 20], [967.59375, 2083.3125, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 2113.703125, 401.671875, 20], [930.6875, 2113.703125, 204.375, 20], [529.03125, 2144.09375, 483.390625, 20], [1012.40625, 2144.09375, 142.46875, 20], [529.03125, 2174.484375, 516.6875, 20], [1045.703125, 2174.484375, 126.21875, 20], [529.03125, 2204.875, 471.390625, 20], [1000.40625, 2204.875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 2235.265625, 461.34375, 20], [990.359375, 2235.265625, 117.359375, 20], [529.03125, 2265.65625, 381.125, 20], [910.140625, 2265.65625, 121.296875, 20], [529.03125, 2296.046875, 510.171875, 20], [1039.1875, 2296.046875, 143.796875, 20], [529.03125, 2326.4375, 396.75, 20], [925.765625, 2326.4375, 154.515625, 20], [529.03125, 2356.828125, 379.78125, 20], [908.796875, 2356.828125, 144.71875, 20], [529.03125, 2387.21875, 672.09375, 20], [1201.109375, 2387.21875, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 2417.609375, 371.328125, 20], [900.34375, 2417.609375, 137.234375, 20], [529.03125, 2448, 457.71875, 20], [986.734375, 2448, 133.328125, 20], [529.03125, 2478.390625, 363.515625, 20], [892.53125, 2478.390625, 150.328125, 20], [529.03125, 2508.78125, 436.859375, 20], [965.875, 2508.78125, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2539.171875, 609.609375, 20], [1138.625, 2539.171875, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2569.5625, 406.546875, 20], [935.5625, 2569.5625, 178.359375, 20], [529.03125, 2599.953125, 384.921875, 20], [913.9375, 2599.953125, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 2630.34375, 471.71875, 20], [1000.734375, 2630.34375, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 2660.734375, 552.265625, 20], [1081.28125, 2660.734375, 151.3125, 20], [529.03125, 2691.125, 598.90625, 20], [1127.921875, 2691.125, 175.09375, 20], [529.03125, 2721.515625, 432.953125, 20], [961.96875, 2721.515625, 151.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2751.90625, 456.75, 20], [985.765625, 2751.90625, 48.90625, 20], [1034.65625, 2751.90625, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 2782.296875, 469.046875, 20], [998.0625, 2782.296875, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 2812.6875, 393.484375, 20], [922.5, 2812.6875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 2843.078125, 463.265625, 20], [992.28125, 2843.078125, 200.1875, 20], [529.03125, 2873.46875, 382.0625, 20], [911.078125, 2873.46875, 159.4375, 20], [529.03125, 2903.859375, 531.390625, 20], [1060.40625, 2903.859375, 130.109375, 20], [1190.5, 2903.859375, 122.28125, 20], [529.03125, 2934.25, 298, 20], [827.015625, 2934.25, 125.171875, 20], [529.03125, 2964.640625, 591.6875, 20], [1120.703125, 2964.640625, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 2995.03125, 421.859375, 20], [950.875, 2995.03125, 181.90625, 20], [529.03125, 3025.421875, 443.671875, 20], [972.6875, 3025.421875, 193.640625, 20], [529.03125, 3055.8125, 457.34375, 20], [986.359375, 3055.8125, 172.125, 20], [529.03125, 3086.203125, 405.515625, 20], [934.53125, 3086.203125, 185.828125, 20], [529.03125, 3116.59375, 393.765625, 20], [922.78125, 3116.59375, 148.65625, 20], [529.03125, 3146.984375, 508.859375, 20], [1037.875, 3146.984375, 133.34375, 20], [529.03125, 3177.375, 341.296875, 20], [870.3125, 3177.375, 58.703125, 20], [529.03125, 3207.765625, 333.53125, 20], [862.546875, 3207.765625, 142.5, 20], [529.03125, 3238.15625, 493.234375, 20], [1022.25, 3238.15625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 3268.546875, 506.265625, 20], [1035.28125, 3268.546875, 137.890625, 20], [529.03125, 3298.9375, 553.875, 20], [1082.890625, 3298.9375, 113.78125, 20], [529.03125, 3329.328125, 379.828125, 20], [908.84375, 3329.328125, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 3359.71875, 545.0625, 20], [1074.078125, 3359.71875, 165.265625, 20], [529.03125, 3390.109375, 754.3125, 20], [529.03125, 3416.5, 145.734375, 20], [529.03125, 3446.890625, 276.734375, 20], [805.75, 3446.890625, 470.46875, 20], [1276.203125, 3446.890625, 66.515625, 20], [529.03125, 3473.28125, 68.46875, 20], [529.03125, 3503.671875, 805.484375, 20], [529.03125, 3530.0625, 151.296875, 20], [529.03125, 3560.453125, 552.921875, 20], [1081.9375, 3560.453125, 129.09375, 20], [529.03125, 3590.84375, 608.03125, 20], [1137.046875, 3590.84375, 131.09375, 20], [529.03125, 3621.234375, 439.453125, 20], [968.46875, 3621.234375, 178.953125, 20], [529.03125, 3651.625, 546.390625, 20], [1075.40625, 3651.625, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 3682.015625, 741.953125, 20], [1270.96875, 3682.015625, 65.5625, 20], [529.03125, 3708.40625, 68.46875, 20], [529.03125, 3738.796875, 387.921875, 20], [916.9375, 3738.796875, 162.671875, 20], [529.03125, 3769.1875, 311.609375, 20], [840.625, 3769.1875, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 3799.578125, 427.0625, 20], [956.078125, 3799.578125, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 3829.96875, 447.25, 20], [976.265625, 3829.96875, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 3860.359375, 359.578125, 20], [888.59375, 3860.359375, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 3890.75, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 3890.75, 112.8125, 20], [529.03125, 3921.140625, 411.390625, 20], [940.40625, 3921.140625, 117.359375, 20], [529.03125, 3951.53125, 551.515625, 20], [1080.53125, 3951.53125, 126.828125, 20], [529.03125, 3981.921875, 464.25, 20], [993.265625, 3981.921875, 122.265625, 20], [529.03125, 4012.3125, 497.453125, 20], [1026.46875, 4012.3125, 142.5, 20], [529.03125, 4042.703125, 395.796875, 20], [924.8125, 4042.703125, 144.078125, 20], [529.03125, 4073.09375, 459.984375, 20], [989, 4073.09375, 149.65625, 20], [529.03125, 4103.484375, 386.984375, 20], [916.015625, 4103.484375, 152.90625, 20], [529.03125, 4133.875, 299.90625, 20], [828.921875, 4133.875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 4164.265625, 526.453125, 20], [1055.46875, 4164.265625, 170.171875, 20], [529.03125, 4194.65625, 529.78125, 20], [1058.796875, 4194.65625, 192.140625, 20], [529.03125, 4225.046875, 473.65625, 20], [1002.671875, 4225.046875, 164.34375, 20], [529.03125, 4255.4375, 587.453125, 20], [1116.46875, 4255.4375, 133.703125, 20], [529.03125, 4285.828125, 353.6875, 20], [882.703125, 4285.828125, 166.59375, 20], [529.03125, 4316.21875, 342.921875, 20], [871.9375, 4316.21875, 166.25, 20], [529.03125, 4346.609375, 324.359375, 20], [853.375, 4346.609375, 142.796875, 20], [529.03125, 4377, 398.65625, 20], [927.671875, 4377, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 4407.390625, 407.15625, 20], [936.171875, 4407.390625, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 4437.78125, 374.203125, 20], [903.21875, 4437.78125, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 4468.171875, 390.234375, 20], [919.25, 4468.171875, 158.4375, 20], [529.03125, 4498.5625, 349.15625, 20], [878.171875, 4498.5625, 138.5625, 20], [529.03125, 4528.953125, 362.21875, 20], [891.234375, 4528.953125, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 4559.34375, 368.03125, 20], [897.046875, 4559.34375, 132.046875, 20], [529.03125, 4589.734375, 360.5625, 20], [889.578125, 4589.734375, 147.375, 20], [529.03125, 4620.125, 449.5, 20], [978.515625, 4620.125, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 4650.515625, 495.515625, 20], [1024.53125, 4650.515625, 141.1875, 20], [529.03125, 4680.90625, 419.859375, 20], [948.875, 4680.90625, 135.640625, 20], [529.03125, 4711.296875, 362.8125, 20], [891.828125, 4711.296875, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 4741.6875, 268.28125, 20], [797.296875, 4741.6875, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 4772.078125, 392.796875, 20], [921.8125, 4772.078125, 150, 20], [529.03125, 4802.46875, 715.171875, 20], [1244.1875, 4802.46875, 100.71875, 20], [529.03125, 4828.859375, 32.28125, 20], [529.03125, 4859.25, 521.8125, 20], [1050.828125, 4859.25, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 4889.640625, 450.484375, 20], [979.5, 4889.640625, 180.921875, 20], [529.03125, 4920.03125, 534.921875, 20], [1063.9375, 4920.03125, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 4950.421875, 404.59375, 20], [933.609375, 4950.421875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 4980.8125, 355.6875, 20], [884.703125, 4980.8125, 138.90625, 20], [529.03125, 5011.203125, 580.234375, 20], [1109.25, 5011.203125, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 5041.59375, 422.8125, 20], [951.828125, 5041.59375, 153.5625, 20], [529.03125, 5071.984375, 495.84375, 20], [1024.859375, 5071.984375, 168.21875, 20], [529.03125, 5102.375, 422.828125, 20], [951.84375, 5102.375, 171.125, 20], [529.03125, 5132.765625, 267.78125, 20], [796.796875, 5132.765625, 71.421875, 20], [868.203125, 5132.765625, 216.53125, 20], [1084.71875, 5132.765625, 113.78125, 20], [529.03125, 5163.15625, 493.265625, 20], [1022.28125, 5163.15625, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 5193.546875, 416.3125, 20], [945.328125, 5193.546875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 5223.9375, 411.421875, 20], [940.4375, 5223.9375, 148.359375, 20], [529.03125, 5254.328125, 561.3125, 20], [1090.328125, 5254.328125, 156.484375, 20], [529.03125, 5284.71875, 632.6875, 20], [1161.703125, 5284.71875, 161.375, 20], [529.03125, 5315.109375, 316.5, 20], [845.515625, 5315.109375, 163.65625, 20], [529.03125, 5345.5, 295.015625, 20], [824.03125, 5345.5, 175.03125, 20], [529.03125, 5375.890625, 345.84375, 20], [874.859375, 5375.890625, 138.90625, 20], [529.03125, 5406.28125, 463.140625, 20], [992.15625, 5406.28125, 147.671875, 20], [529.03125, 5436.671875, 464.234375, 20], [993.25, 5436.671875, 183.859375, 20], [529.03125, 5467.0625, 344.890625, 20], [873.90625, 5467.0625, 129.125, 20], [529.03125, 5497.453125, 361.875, 20], [890.890625, 5497.453125, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 5527.84375, 439.09375, 20], [968.109375, 5527.84375, 135.625, 20], [529.03125, 5558.234375, 409.734375, 20], [938.75, 5558.234375, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 5588.625, 359.578125, 20], [888.59375, 5588.625, 151.28125, 20], [529.03125, 5619.015625, 292.109375, 20], [821.125, 5619.015625, 129.09375, 20], [529.03125, 5649.40625, 422.21875, 20], [951.234375, 5649.40625, 145.078125, 20], [529.03125, 5679.796875, 285.203125, 20], [814.21875, 5679.796875, 63.5625, 20], [529.03125, 5710.1875, 360.234375, 20], [889.25, 5710.1875, 174.109375, 20], [529.03125, 5740.578125, 545.0625, 20], [1074.078125, 5740.578125, 157.46875, 20], [529.03125, 5770.96875, 314.53125, 20], [843.546875, 5770.96875, 172.15625, 20], [529.03125, 5801.359375, 443.703125, 20], [972.71875, 5801.359375, 118.015625, 20], [529.03125, 5831.75, 481.78125, 20], [1010.796875, 5831.75, 120.9375, 20], [529.03125, 5862.140625, 643.15625, 20], [1172.171875, 5862.140625, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 5892.53125, 505.265625, 20], [1034.28125, 5892.53125, 146.375, 20], [529.03125, 5922.921875, 412.375, 20], [941.390625, 5922.921875, 129.125, 20], [529.03125, 5953.3125, 431.90625, 20], [960.921875, 5953.3125, 142.796875, 20], [529.03125, 5983.703125, 452.453125, 20], [529.03125, 6014.09375, 438.15625, 20], [967.171875, 6014.09375, 142.09375, 20], [529.03125, 6044.484375, 488.015625, 20], [1017.03125, 6044.484375, 133.015625, 20], [529.03125, 6074.875, 424.078125, 20], [953.09375, 6074.875, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 6105.265625, 363.453125, 20], [892.46875, 6105.265625, 147.65625, 20], [529.03125, 6135.65625, 433.578125, 20], [962.59375, 6135.65625, 114.421875, 20], [529.03125, 6166.046875, 418.25, 20], [947.265625, 6166.046875, 154.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6196.4375, 627.1875, 20], [1156.203125, 6196.4375, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6226.828125, 438.796875, 20], [967.8125, 6226.828125, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 6257.21875, 419.890625, 20], [948.90625, 6257.21875, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 6287.609375, 334.109375, 20], [863.125, 6287.609375, 104.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6318, 360.53125, 20], [889.546875, 6318, 133.015625, 20], [529.03125, 6348.390625, 464.84375, 20], [993.859375, 6348.390625, 134.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6378.78125, 386.015625, 20], [915.03125, 6378.78125, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6409.171875, 751.625, 20], [1280.640625, 6409.171875, 19.578125, 20], [529.03125, 6435.5625, 78.25, 20], [607.265625, 6435.5625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6465.953125, 319.515625, 20], [848.53125, 6465.953125, 164.296875, 20], [529.03125, 6496.34375, 511.53125, 20], [1040.546875, 6496.34375, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 6526.734375, 388.015625, 20], [917.03125, 6526.734375, 135.96875, 20], [529.03125, 6557.125, 460.953125, 20], [989.96875, 6557.125, 183.890625, 20], [529.03125, 6587.515625, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 6587.515625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6617.90625, 433.875, 20], [962.890625, 6617.90625, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6648.296875, 408.15625, 20], [937.171875, 6648.296875, 153.53125, 20], [529.03125, 6678.6875, 331.203125, 20], [860.21875, 6678.6875, 210.328125, 20], [529.03125, 6709.078125, 439.734375, 20], [968.75, 6709.078125, 121.265625, 20], [529.03125, 6739.46875, 401.625, 20], [930.640625, 6739.46875, 172.125, 20], [529.03125, 6769.859375, 298.953125, 20], [827.96875, 6769.859375, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 6800.25, 245.796875, 20], [774.8125, 6800.25, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 6830.640625, 396.09375, 20], [925.109375, 6830.640625, 131.0625, 20], [529.03125, 6861.03125, 484.0625, 20], [1013.078125, 6861.03125, 180.96875, 20], [529.03125, 6891.421875, 418.21875, 20], [947.234375, 6891.421875, 111.484375, 20], [529.03125, 6921.8125, 311.328125, 20], [840.34375, 6921.8125, 131.0625, 20], [529.03125, 6952.203125, 456.390625, 20], [985.40625, 6952.203125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 6982.59375, 346.875, 20], [875.890625, 6982.59375, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 7012.984375, 414.390625, 20], [943.40625, 7012.984375, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 7043.375, 335.484375, 20], [864.5, 7043.375, 50.875, 20], [915.359375, 7043.375, 147.65625, 20], [529.03125, 7073.765625, 372.28125, 20], [901.296875, 7073.765625, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 7104.15625, 446.609375, 20], [975.625, 7104.15625, 161.390625, 20], [529.03125, 7134.546875, 496.21875, 20], [1025.234375, 7134.546875, 147.375, 20], [529.03125, 7164.9375, 419.921875, 20], [948.9375, 7164.9375, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 7195.328125, 337.0625, 20], [866.078125, 7195.328125, 142.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7225.71875, 412.078125, 20], [941.09375, 7225.71875, 145.734375, 20], [529.03125, 7256.109375, 437.125, 20], [966.140625, 7256.109375, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 7286.5, 434.90625, 20], [963.921875, 7286.5, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 7316.890625, 434.90625, 20], [963.921875, 7316.890625, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 7347.28125, 344.265625, 20], [873.28125, 7347.28125, 142.765625, 20], [529.03125, 7377.671875, 445.640625, 20], [974.65625, 7377.671875, 143.796875, 20], [529.03125, 7408.0625, 378.21875, 20], [907.234375, 7408.0625, 140.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7438.453125, 321.453125, 20], [850.46875, 7438.453125, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 7468.84375, 414.671875, 20], [943.6875, 7468.84375, 166.296875, 20], [529.03125, 7499.234375, 467.796875, 20], [996.8125, 7499.234375, 146.734375, 20], [529.03125, 7529.625, 412.40625, 20], [941.421875, 7529.625, 143.109375, 20], [529.03125, 7560.015625, 414.3125, 20], [943.328125, 7560.015625, 141.84375, 20], [529.03125, 7590.40625, 419.921875, 20], [948.9375, 7590.40625, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 7620.796875, 452.171875, 20], [981.1875, 7620.796875, 140.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7651.1875, 444.671875, 20], [973.6875, 7651.1875, 187.78125, 20], [529.03125, 7681.578125, 252.984375, 20], [782, 7681.578125, 135, 20], [529.03125, 7711.96875, 209, 20], [529.03125, 7742.359375, 475.65625, 20], [1004.671875, 7742.359375, 133.046875, 20], [529.03125, 7772.75, 701.90625, 20], [1230.921875, 7772.75, 97.84375, 20], [529.03125, 7799.140625, 31.3125, 20], [529.03125, 7829.53125, 417.296875, 20], [946.3125, 7829.53125, 190.078125, 20], [529.03125, 7859.921875, 411.40625, 20], [940.421875, 7859.921875, 160.375, 20], [529.03125, 7890.3125, 609.90625, 20], [1138.921875, 7890.3125, 145.71875, 20], [529.03125, 7920.703125, 546.015625, 20], [1075.03125, 7920.703125, 147.6875, 20], [529.03125, 7951.09375, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 7951.09375, 54.765625, 20], [1039.171875, 7951.09375, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 7981.484375, 469.046875, 20], [998.0625, 7981.484375, 139.875, 20], [529.03125, 8011.875, 359.53125, 20], [888.546875, 8011.875, 167.90625, 20], [529.03125, 8042.265625, 440.109375, 20], [969.125, 8042.265625, 115.40625, 20], [529.03125, 8072.65625, 473.96875, 20], [1002.984375, 8072.65625, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8103.046875, 484.71875, 20], [1013.734375, 8103.046875, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 8133.4375, 457.328125, 20], [986.34375, 8133.4375, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 8163.828125, 434.59375, 20], [963.609375, 8163.828125, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 8194.21875, 392.125, 20], [921.140625, 8194.21875, 109.828125, 20], [1030.953125, 8194.21875, 31.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8224.609375, 410.03125, 20], [939.046875, 8224.609375, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 8255, 467.125, 20], [996.140625, 8255, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 8285.390625, 795.078125, 20], [529.03125, 8311.78125, 158.4375, 20], [529.03125, 8342.171875, 347.859375, 20], [876.875, 8342.171875, 121.28125, 20], [529.03125, 8372.5625, 420.21875, 20], [949.234375, 8372.5625, 128.109375, 20], [529.03125, 8402.953125, 371.984375, 20], [901, 8402.953125, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 8433.34375, 353.671875, 20], [882.6875, 8433.34375, 149.625, 20], [529.03125, 8463.734375, 587.40625, 20], [1116.421875, 8463.734375, 146.703125, 20], [529.03125, 8494.125, 460.265625, 20], [989.28125, 8494.125, 162, 20], [529.03125, 8524.515625, 573.140625, 20], [1102.15625, 8524.515625, 137.9375, 20], [529.03125, 8554.90625, 469.109375, 20], [998.125, 8554.90625, 154.21875, 20], [529.03125, 8585.296875, 489.6875, 20], [1018.703125, 8585.296875, 186.796875, 20], [529.03125, 8615.6875, 540.859375, 20], [1069.875, 8615.6875, 237.359375, 20], [529.03125, 8646.078125, 525.8125, 20], [1054.828125, 8646.078125, 136.90625, 20], [529.03125, 8676.46875, 379.109375, 20], [529.03125, 8706.859375, 334.15625, 20], [863.171875, 8706.859375, 145.75, 20], [529.03125, 8737.25, 562.03125, 20], [1091.046875, 8737.25, 138.5625, 20], [529.03125, 8767.640625, 385.640625, 20], [914.65625, 8767.640625, 178.96875, 20], [529.03125, 8798.03125, 437.90625, 20], [966.921875, 8798.03125, 162.015625, 20], [529.03125, 8828.421875, 397.046875, 20], [926.0625, 8828.421875, 164.359375, 20], [529.03125, 8858.8125, 447.578125, 20], [976.59375, 8858.8125, 133.0625, 20], [529.03125, 8889.203125, 473.640625, 20], [1002.65625, 8889.203125, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8919.59375, 417.265625, 20], [946.28125, 8919.59375, 134.953125, 20], [529.03125, 8949.984375, 388.4375, 20], [917.453125, 8949.984375, 131.078125, 20], [529.03125, 8980.375, 528.15625, 20], [1057.171875, 8980.375, 165.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9010.765625, 531.34375, 20], [1060.359375, 9010.765625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 9041.15625, 344.5625, 20], [873.578125, 9041.15625, 118.328125, 20], [529.03125, 9071.546875, 444.6875, 20], [973.703125, 9071.546875, 171.5, 20], [529.03125, 9101.9375, 384.015625, 20], [913.03125, 9101.9375, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 9132.328125, 296.96875, 20], [825.984375, 9132.328125, 157.46875, 20], [529.03125, 9162.71875, 322.40625, 20], [851.421875, 9162.71875, 152.578125, 20], [529.03125, 9193.109375, 400.984375, 20], [930, 9193.109375, 152.0625, 20], [529.03125, 9223.5, 433.5625, 20], [962.578125, 9223.5, 156.484375, 20], [529.03125, 9253.890625, 483.125, 20], [1012.140625, 9253.890625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9284.28125, 459.28125, 20], [988.296875, 9284.28125, 130.78125, 20], [529.03125, 9314.671875, 296.96875, 20], [825.984375, 9314.671875, 164.9375, 20], [529.03125, 9345.0625, 395.765625, 20], [924.78125, 9345.0625, 156.5, 20], [529.03125, 9375.453125, 411.453125, 20], [940.46875, 9375.453125, 178.03125, 20], [529.03125, 9405.84375, 426.734375, 20], [955.75, 9405.84375, 182.90625, 20], [529.03125, 9436.234375, 488.34375, 20], [1017.359375, 9436.234375, 175.09375, 20], [529.03125, 9466.625, 399.640625, 20], [928.65625, 9466.625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9497.015625, 371.953125, 20], [900.96875, 9497.015625, 106.625, 20], [529.03125, 9527.40625, 471.703125, 20], [1000.71875, 9527.40625, 122.25, 20], [529.03125, 9557.796875, 349.484375, 20], [878.5, 9557.796875, 151.28125, 20], [529.03125, 9588.1875, 455.015625, 20], [984.03125, 9588.1875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9618.578125, 547.34375, 20], [1076.359375, 9618.578125, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 9648.96875, 312.625, 20], [841.640625, 9648.96875, 163.3125, 20], [529.03125, 9679.359375, 398.6875, 20], [927.703125, 9679.359375, 140.828125, 20], [529.03125, 9709.75, 431.984375, 20], [961, 9709.75, 116.375, 20], [1077.359375, 9709.75, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 9740.140625, 558.125, 20], [1087.140625, 9740.140625, 143.765625, 20], [529.03125, 9770.53125, 381.796875, 20], [910.8125, 9770.53125, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 9800.921875, 586.46875, 20], [1115.484375, 9800.921875, 137.890625, 20], [529.03125, 9831.3125, 484.4375, 20], [1013.453125, 9831.3125, 151.59375, 20], [529.03125, 9861.703125, 461.265625, 20], [990.28125, 9861.703125, 184.828125, 20], [529.03125, 9892.09375, 372.875, 20], [901.890625, 9892.09375, 181.90625, 20], [529.03125, 9922.484375, 383.015625, 20], [912.03125, 9922.484375, 145.75, 20], [529.03125, 9952.875, 340.953125, 20], [869.96875, 9952.875, 180.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9983.265625, 591.328125, 20], [1120.34375, 9983.265625, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 10013.65625, 400.625, 20], [929.640625, 10013.65625, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10044.046875, 485.4375, 20], [1014.453125, 10044.046875, 136.953125, 20], [529.03125, 10074.4375, 360.90625, 20], [889.921875, 10074.4375, 108.578125, 20], [529.03125, 10104.828125, 334.15625, 20], [863.171875, 10104.828125, 118.015625, 20], [529.03125, 10135.21875, 455.453125, 20], [984.46875, 10135.21875, 148.46875, 20], [529.03125, 10165.609375, 320.453125, 20], [849.46875, 10165.609375, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 10196, 412.71875, 20], [941.734375, 10196, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10226.390625, 430.96875, 20], [959.984375, 10226.390625, 134.984375, 20], [529.03125, 10256.78125, 392.859375, 20], [921.875, 10256.78125, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 10287.171875, 483.765625, 20], [1012.78125, 10287.171875, 187.796875, 20], [529.03125, 10317.5625, 544.3125, 20], [1073.328125, 10317.5625, 137.25, 20], [529.03125, 10347.953125, 491.3125, 20], [1020.328125, 10347.953125, 146.71875, 20], [529.03125, 10378.34375, 329.265625, 20], [858.28125, 10378.34375, 131.09375, 20], [529.03125, 10408.734375, 364.453125, 20], [893.46875, 10408.734375, 126.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10439.125, 366.4375, 20], [895.453125, 10439.125, 179, 20], [529.03125, 10469.515625, 496.171875, 20], [1025.1875, 10469.515625, 134.328125, 20], [529.03125, 10499.90625, 541.5, 20], [1070.515625, 10499.90625, 150.625, 20], [529.03125, 10530.296875, 487.65625, 20], [1016.671875, 10530.296875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10560.6875, 341, 20], [870.015625, 10560.6875, 150.9375, 20], [529.03125, 10591.078125, 400.640625, 20], [929.65625, 10591.078125, 149.015625, 20], [529.03125, 10621.46875, 468.8125, 20], [997.828125, 10621.46875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 10651.859375, 472.078125, 20], [1001.09375, 10651.859375, 136.640625, 20], [529.03125, 10682.25, 446.265625, 20], [975.28125, 10682.25, 141.828125, 20], [529.03125, 10712.640625, 397.421875, 20], [926.4375, 10712.640625, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 10743.03125, 388.578125, 20], [917.59375, 10743.03125, 221.6875, 20], [529.03125, 10773.421875, 431.9375, 20], [960.953125, 10773.421875, 179.96875, 20], [529.03125, 10803.8125, 444.65625, 20], [973.671875, 10803.8125, 135, 20], [529.03125, 10834.203125, 379.109375, 20], [908.125, 10834.203125, 140.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10864.59375, 458.96875, 20], [987.984375, 10864.59375, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10894.984375, 547.390625, 20], [1076.40625, 10894.984375, 129.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10925.375, 461.96875, 20], [990.984375, 10925.375, 140.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10955.765625, 453.15625, 20], [982.171875, 10955.765625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10986.15625, 430.640625, 20], [959.65625, 10986.15625, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11016.546875, 405.234375, 20], [934.25, 11016.546875, 141.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11046.9375, 405.515625, 20], [934.53125, 11046.9375, 162.671875, 20], [529.03125, 11077.328125, 385.953125, 20], [914.96875, 11077.328125, 154.515625, 20], [529.03125, 11107.71875, 414.96875, 20], [943.984375, 11107.71875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 11138.109375, 776.15625, 20], [529.03125, 11164.5, 58.6875, 20], [529.03125, 11194.890625, 380.40625, 20], [909.421875, 11194.890625, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 11225.28125, 232.109375, 20], [761.125, 11225.28125, 58.703125, 20], [529.03125, 11255.671875, 465.890625, 20], [994.90625, 11255.671875, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 11286.0625, 404.234375, 20], [933.25, 11286.0625, 133.984375, 20], [529.03125, 11316.453125, 445.59375, 20], [974.609375, 11316.453125, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 11346.84375, 508.5625, 20], [1037.578125, 11346.84375, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 11377.234375, 516.046875, 20], [1045.0625, 11377.234375, 185.796875, 20], [529.03125, 11407.625, 548.359375, 20], [1077.375, 11407.625, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 11438.015625, 519.671875, 20], [1048.6875, 11438.015625, 133.359375, 20], [529.03125, 11468.40625, 523.828125, 20], [1052.84375, 11468.40625, 112.8125, 20], [529.03125, 11498.796875, 340.671875, 20], [869.6875, 11498.796875, 147.703125, 20], [529.03125, 11529.1875, 558.421875, 20], [1087.4375, 11529.1875, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 11559.578125, 655.171875, 20], [1184.1875, 11559.578125, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 11589.96875, 492.90625, 20], [1021.921875, 11589.96875, 112.5, 20], [529.03125, 11620.359375, 305.78125, 20], [834.796875, 11620.359375, 135.3125, 20], [529.03125, 11650.75, 344.203125, 20], [873.21875, 11650.75, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 11681.140625, 372.296875, 20], [901.3125, 11681.140625, 152.578125, 20], [529.03125, 11711.53125, 460.953125, 20], [989.96875, 11711.53125, 134, 20], [529.03125, 11741.921875, 399.328125, 20], [928.34375, 11741.921875, 153.21875, 20], [529.03125, 11772.3125, 378.828125, 20], [907.84375, 11772.3125, 169.53125, 20], [529.03125, 11802.703125, 497.171875, 20], [1026.1875, 11802.703125, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 11833.09375, 436.203125, 20], [965.21875, 11833.09375, 162.046875, 20], [529.03125, 11863.484375, 327.953125, 20], [856.96875, 11863.484375, 136.90625, 20], [529.03125, 11893.875, 568.28125, 20], [1097.296875, 11893.875, 160.0625, 20], [529.03125, 11924.265625, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". 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Marie P6A 3S5", "fb8950b2-a9e0-4ecc", "", "ui-id-444", "3a581f88-31af-4a8f", "", "Acton Veterinary Clinic | 93 Mill St E Acton L7J 1H5", "99549970-e7ab-4931", "", "ui-id-445", "618bf31c-5fe2-42bb", "", "Ajax North Pet Hospital | 10-201 Williamson Dr. West AJAX L1T 0J8", "c9c2b13e-d39c-41fa", "", "ui-id-446", "85d6782d-6064-463e", "", "Albion Hills Veterinary Hospital | 16630 Hwy 50 Caledon L7E 3E7", "14c843eb-8cb5-4da9", "", "ui-id-447", "dbba6b46-175d-40bf", "", "Alcona Animal Hospital | 1070 Innisfil Beach Rd Innisfil L9S 4T9", "90cccfa6-ad29-454b", "", "ui-id-448", "7f34366c-9541-4160", "", "Algonquin Animal Hospital | 1945 Baseline Road Ottawa K2C 0C7", "448a5c3c-eaa7-48b0", "", "ui-id-449", "9abd8e52-f839-4910", "", "Algonquin College Veterinary Learning Centre And Clinic | 1385 Woodroffe Avenue Ottawa K2G 1V8", "615f8d86-ea7c-40b5", "", "ui-id-450", "239a0c2b-3b50-4f71", "", "Algonquin East Animal Hospital | 19162 Highway 60, RR#2 Barry's Bay K0J 1B0", "62e2f3d2-653b-4372", "", "ui-id-451", "cfc382bd-ac28-4f2a", "", "Allison Mobile Veterinary Hospital | Schomberg L0G 1T0", "79d6c87a-bbbe-4c31", "", "ui-id-452", "061d212a-0f62-4538", "", "Alliston Veterinary Services | 2 King Street South Unit 2 Alliston L9R 1H6", "ba86a180-4830-4847", "", "ui-id-453", "5b856a52-c89b-43a3", "", "Almonte Veterinary Hospital | 10 Industrial Dr Almonte K0A 1A0", "49fde601-ef23-4a28", "", "ui-id-454", "129ca1d4-5412-43b3", "", "Alton Village Animal Hospital | 4900 Palladium Way, unit 102 Burlington L7M 0W7", "d8cff2d8-8948-4665", "", "ui-id-455", "ffd5603a-41e6-4800", "", "Amherstview Pet Hospital | 4507 Bath Road Amherstview K7N 1A6", "b5098a5f-ce6e-4b5c", "", "ui-id-456", "173daaac-d94b-433a", "", "Anderson Veterinary Clinic | 1200 Rossland Rd East Whitby L1N 8H3", "7bcc39de-1e6f-4f62", "", "ui-id-457", "73c62bd2-2b71-4007", "", "Animal Emergency Clinic Of Durham Region | Unit B101- 1910 Dundas St E Whitby L1N 2L6", "204de2d3-0680-46bd", "", "ui-id-458", "c51003dc-0c32-4dd5", "", "Animal Eye Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 20 Queen St. Morriston N0B 2C0", "c8a33b8d-9b69-4c31", "", "ui-id-459", "05920896-244e-4cb7", "", "Animal Hospital Of Beeton | 60 Main Street W Beeton L0G 1A0", "90c79205-3c5b-4a9d", "", "ui-id-460", "3cb95201-932b-46d9", "", "Animal Hospital Of Milton | 491 Main St East Milton L9T 1R1", "6e3fd4e5-07f6-4b5d", "", "ui-id-461", "c14bfdbe-a760-497b", "", "Animal Hospital Of Stoney Creek | 2804 King St. East Stoney Creek L8G 1J5", "ca6f352a-9dd7-498e", "", "ui-id-462", "9d0ed6f8-48e8-4055", "", "Animal Hospital Of Unionville | #1 - 4568 Hwy #7 East Unionville L3R 1M5", "ee46b8a3-7587-4afb", "", "ui-id-463", "6d832381-ea1c-4f80", "", "Animal Hospital On Bell Farm Road | 115 Bell Farm Road Barrie L4M 5G1", "90522362-134e-45c7", "", "ui-id-464", "cc4a4488-4edd-46a7", "", "Animal Hospital On Hwy 11B | RR #2, Highway 11B New Liskeard P0J 1P0", "897251c9-8d27-46f9", "", "ui-id-465", "da1ba446-872f-4dd6", "", "Animal House Calls Of Toronto | 1704-63 St Claire Ave W Toronto M4V 2Y9", "29a56736-e498-4a49", "", "ui-id-466", "cbf89356-1298-47c5", "", "Animals In Motion Rehabilitation Services Wellington Country | Unit#4 - 2 Thompson Cres Erin N0B 1T0", "76ce5ac3-2c62-43f8", "", "ui-id-467", "c9d5999f-890c-43e4", "", "Arc Animal Rehabilitation Centre | Suite 115 920 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 3C7", "0468d76e-c167-444b", "", "ui-id-468", "cbde1009-906f-49e4", "", "Arlington Park Veterinary Services Rehabilitation And Fitness Services | 675 Arlington Park Pl Kingston K7M 7E4", "f0403363-5990-4c05", "", "ui-id-469", "f5e76760-7b16-45cb", "", "Aurora North Pet Clinic | Unit B4, 239 Earl Stewart Dr Aurora L4G 7Y3", "07e200d6-296e-4c5f", "", "ui-id-470", "55b507f8-b9f2-479d", "", "-Ava Foster Park Pet Hospital | 213 Dundas St E Belleville K8N 1E2", "ad870b58-a111-4412", "", "ui-id-471", "9279c347-173e-4b60", "", "Avon Pet Hospital | 345 Douro Street Stratford N5A 3S8", "312fd1fd-55c3-49fd", "", "ui-id-472", "b4e896fb-a266-47be", "", "Avonlea Animal Hospital | Unit 4-3221 Derry Rd West Mississauga L5N 7L7", "0003de03-e0b6-4649", "", "ui-id-473", "a6a6b5b5-16f3-4045", "", "Avonlea Animal Hospital (Missisauga) | Unit #123, 5602 Tenth Line West Mississiauga L5M 7L9", "f8e9604f-61b9-4a4b", "", "ui-id-474", "53037d06-9b12-4a27", "", "Avonmore Veterinary Clinic | 3212 Main Street Avonmore K0C 1C0", "432db304-d479-4f4e", "", "ui-id-475", "0d5e39a0-4b14-479d", "", "Avro Pet Hospital | 9699 Jane Street, Unit 31 Vaughan L6A 0A4", "470634b0-787c-48d1", "", "ui-id-476", "affb7b47-c394-47eb", "", "Balmy Beach Pet House Call Services | 2212 Queen Street East Toronto M4E 1E9", "c427b7fb-ec52-4ceb", "", "ui-id-477", "c5cef300-08fb-4e67", "", "Barton Grays Animal Hospital | 3-188 Barton Street East Stoney Creek L8E 4W3", "6ce99e7f-cdf9-46b5", "", "ui-id-478", "c3d2767f-6edf-49da", "", "Bathurst & Dupont Animal Hospital | 1012 A Bathurst St Toronto M5R 3G7", "33fa0a12-12c5-4358", "", "ui-id-479", "1c92acbb-3b1c-4b23", "", "Bathurst Animal Clinic Professional Corporation | 352 Wilson Ave Toronto M3H 1S9", "976e4a23-886b-47db", "", "ui-id-480", "12ccc029-c11c-468d", "", "Bay Regional Veterinary Hospital | 437 Bleecker Ave Belleville K8N 3W2", "2f52ec6f-6505-429e", "", "ui-id-481", "937e3c88-c571-4907", "", "Bayview Pet Services | 16700 Bayview Ave unit 23 Newmarket L3X 1W1", "3116631c-04e0-44bb", "", "ui-id-482", "a3bd37ef-7d24-44c3", "", "Bayview Wellington Veterinary Clinic | 15340 Bayview Ave Aurora L4G 7J1", "f15a6152-ba89-49ac", "", "ui-id-483", "79fac8af-bf87-4210", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L5H9", "40a27c86-053d-4da0", "", "ui-id-484", "c57b0c2c-30fc-4d7d", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Ancaster) | 34 Stone Church Road Ancaster L9J 1S5", "389cde05-5d31-438a", "", "ui-id-485", "3829802f-e8d8-47da", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Burlington) | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L 5H9", "8b578c32-31d5-4719", "", "ui-id-486", "cf9c87f7-0812-478a", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (East Hamilton) | 954 Concession Street Hamilton L8V1G2", "5439fe27-4db7-43ed", "", "ui-id-487", "d9f27df6-8104-45bd", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Stoney Creek) | 131 - 135 Upper Centennial Parkway Stoney Creek L8J 0B2", "9045fa96-56a9-4a6a", "", "ui-id-488", "4a131fbf-55db-4539", "", "Beaverton Crossroads Veterinary Services | R.R. # 2, B-1380 Simcoe Street Beaverton L0K 1A0", "6343fd0e-b5ef-4d4a", "", "ui-id-489", "c8f5901f-c6dd-428a", "", "Beeton Veterinary Clinic | Box 830, 109 Main St West Beeton L0G 1A0", "854cdf20-d3eb-430b", "", "ui-id-490", "d06fab11-e8bf-4279", "", "Belmont Veterinary Services | 14128 Belmont Road Belmont N0L 1B0", "315a3d14-f026-4f29", "", "ui-id-491", "ef60e2d0-08e7-4100", "", "Black's Toronto Veterinary Hospital | 923 Queen St East Toronto M4M 1J6", "37f268b5-612e-45ef", "", "ui-id-492", "3c444f1d-9a82-497b", "", "Blackstone Animal Hospital | 5-18265 Yonge Street East Gwillimbury L9N 0A2", "0836b559-ca73-4265", "", "ui-id-493", "58416179-68f8-45de", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 612 King Street West Hamilton L8P 1C2", "2fa565ed-4fe3-4b9c", "", "ui-id-494", "25c3b60a-b15e-4835", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (London) | 95 Wharncliffe Road South London N6J2K2", "d1f0df21-59d5-4add", "", "ui-id-495", "ca999914-c05e-4749", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 132 Danforth Avenue Toronto M4K 1N1", "160f462d-0b25-4e27", "", "ui-id-496", "c2ea9363-9860-4495", "", "Blue Springs Animal Rehabilitation Center | 13383 4th Line Acton L7J 2M1", "e48228ee-cae3-4e5c", "", "ui-id-497", "af1537ed-b8a4-4eb1", "", "Bolton Veterinary Hospital | 288 Queen St South Bolton L7E 4Z5", "68fec209-fbe0-46ba", "", "ui-id-498", "087a20e2-3e6a-4a21", "", "Brampton Georgetown Animal Hospital | 9641 Mississauga Road Brampton L6X0B3", "0e5b52a6-df3b-4a59", "", "ui-id-499", "a62cf6a5-487c-4e22", "", "Brampton Veterinary Hospital | 265 Queen St East Brampton L6W 2C2", "07d90cc1-2a71-4a9a", "", "ui-id-500", "a8dfcb5d-827d-4ff0", "", "Branton Animal Hospital | 2525 Tecumseh Rd W Windsor N9B 1W4", "3d55aeed-2261-4d84", "", "ui-id-501", "d758b9b5-4c6f-4c13", "", "Brockville Waterfront Vet Services (Brockville Ah 2Nd Location) | 28 Water Street East Brockville K6V1A1", "5fdf1fdf-89e7-4cc5", "", "ui-id-502", "f369f8c6-b8cd-4634", "", "Bronte Road Animal Hospital | 2544 Speers Rd Oakville L6L 5W8", "99d5b838-25fe-4434", "", "ui-id-503", "9ed40140-500c-4031", "", "Bronte Village Animal Hospital | 2385 Lakeshore Rd. West Oakville L6L 1H4", "c4d40090-59fe-4c00", "", "ui-id-504", "cbcc4a43-4763-4728", "", "Burlington Animal Hospital | 1231 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 2T2", "860a1d2a-9225-4e58", "", "ui-id-505", "514b2ca2-842f-4cfc", "", "Burlington Lakeshore Veterinary Hospital | 482 John St. Burlington L7R 2K7", "de93c15a-906d-4e08", "", "ui-id-506", "2180e0cf-dcf9-46a0", "", "Burlington Veterinary Emergency And Referral Hospital | 775 Woodview Road Burlington L7N 3S1", "ea49c05e-5758-47ea", "", "ui-id-507", "ef3a87cb-79e3-4a24", "", "Burnham Mansion Vet Services | 2235 Keene Road Peterborough K9L 0B8", "645567c2-a246-4ccc", "", "ui-id-508", "51e64e2a-da0b-4cc3", "", "Byron Animal Clinic | 1310 Commissioners Rd W London N6K 1E1", "b690bf78-edb0-428b", "", "ui-id-509", "25f826bb-a315-4824", "", "C-07-10-19 Animal Vaccination Service | 2432 Eglinton East Scarborough M1K 2P8", "1a44298f-9266-4e12", "", "ui-id-510", "73a9d343-bf9d-442e", "", "C1-01-19 Mountaingrove Pet Mobile Services | 413, 2025 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4X4", "db950449-adcd-45ea", "", "ui-id-511", "4a1c9cf5-d271-4210", "", "C4-13-17Ava Bobcaygeon Vet Services | PO Box 190, 2004 County Road. 8 Bobcaygeon K0M 1A0", "a86b217a-b33d-4331", "", "ui-id-512", "cd0d17f6-fa86-48a7", "", "C4-24-17Algonquin Animal Hospital | 869 Highway #60 Huntsville P1H 1B2", "98f77636-473d-49ba", "", "ui-id-513", "1a4ad53d-d795-4a97", "", "C5-01-17 Wonderland Animal Hospital | 1021 Wonderland Rd. S London N6K 3V1", "236fc62a-35b5-4033", "", "ui-id-514", "b6237812-ae35-4866", "", "Cabana @ Howard Pet Hospital | Unit A - 511 Cabana Rd E Windsor N9G 1A5", "35185288-4fc9-49d3", "", "ui-id-515", "e838ab47-f3d3-4272", "", "Cabbagetown Pet Clinic | 239 Gerrard Street East Toronto M5A 2G1", "838cd291-9f84-4cbc", "", "ui-id-516", "19251579-4664-447f", "", "Caledon Mountain Veterinary Hospital | 29 Elizabeth Street Caledon Village L7K 0W7", "e85e3156-719d-4a7a", "", "ui-id-517", "811cf8ba-b25b-40d1", "", "Caledonia Veterinary Clinic | 230 Argyle Street S Caledonia N3W 1K7", "56e1330a-8d5b-4b44", "", "ui-id-518", "d6710b76-be0e-4e0c", "", "Caledon-Vaughan Veterinary House Call Services | PO Box #75039 405 Queen St S Bolton L7E 2B0", "6f640c22-8cab-406e", "", "ui-id-519", "370e24a9-a20e-4383", "", "Canine Foundations | PO BOX 29029 Barrie L4N 7W7", "9c8f676b-497d-4361", "", "ui-id-520", "0e834da3-b545-4bff", "", "Canine Pain Relief Rehabilitation And Wellness Centre | 2057 Victoria St. N Breslau N0B 1M0", "c7c877ae-684b-4657", "", "ui-id-521", "1c5423eb-dc77-4d9b", "", "Canyon Hill Animal Hospital | 11000 Yonge St Unit C3 Richmond Hill L4C 3E4", "7578f160-d485-4115", "", "ui-id-522", "2b468021-a4e8-4a62", "", "Carleton Place Veterinary Hospital | 120 Coleman Street Carleton Place K7C 4M7", "98a70a29-34e4-4e83", "", "ui-id-523", "fe9f1fd5-c328-450f", "", "Carleton Veterinary Services | 2137 Rogers Stevens Drive North Gower K0A 2T0", "4b79ba80-5f97-4c79", "", "ui-id-524", "6aadecdf-69ef-4fee", "", "Carlton Animal Hospital | 145 Carlton Street Unit 18 St. Catharines L2R 1R5", "43560ed9-fc10-444a", "", "ui-id-525", "d7c3a180-2699-4a47", "", "Cat Hospital Of Brampton | 23 Conservation Drive Brampton L6Z 4R3", "aca62cc6-9744-48c4", "", "ui-id-526", "b4da405d-d604-4dad", "", "Cat Hospital Of Burlington-Oakville | 2387 Lakeshore Road West Oakville L6L 1H4", "7b267897-7018-48d9", "", "ui-id-527", "78d6b002-284c-4a5c", "", "Cat Mobile Veterinary Services Of Toronto | Toronto ", "9f8569b0-2630-45d9", "", "ui-id-528", "f9034997-4f79-4e9e", "", "Cataraqui Pet Hospital | 1183 Midland Ave Kingston K7P 2X8", "e2260a79-a033-4352", "", "ui-id-529", "87b83083-087a-4c67", "", "Central Toronto Mobile Veterinary Services | 248 Tyrrel Avenue Toronto M6G 2H1", "08934f91-3f5f-4e77", "", "ui-id-530", "976ec2b0-954a-4f37", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Ave. W Toronto M6C 2C9", "fb978d73-9518-427e", "", "ui-id-531", "2e996e1a-ca11-4de6", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Avenue West York M6C 2C9", "874193f4-235a-4c90", "", "ui-id-532", "c84aabf7-4c46-4540", "", "Church Yonge Animal Clinic | 19 Church Avenue North York M2N 4E7", "2171914e-8baa-4fa6", "", "ui-id-533", "79c3cba2-c20a-4731", "", "Cl - 08/05/22 -Ava Nor-Ont Veterinary Clinic | 4297 Regional Road 15 Chelmsford P0M 1L0", "90e7900f-eb64-4be8", "", "ui-id-534", "6fca8130-dff0-402f", "", "Cl- 01/06/2022-Collins Bay Animal Hospital (Records To Mcewen-Frontenac) | 4037 E Bath Road Kingston K7M 4Y4", "192f3186-b3d8-4e62", "", "ui-id-535", "c04fd94e-abb7-4d51", "", "Cl- 2023 Simpson Veterinary Clinic (Records @ Wycliffe Village Vc) | 104-545 North Rivermede Concord L4K 4H1", "da8b4995-d8a7-4b3b", "", "ui-id-536", "b1c4ae20-d862-4042", "", "Cl: Mar 2022- Limestone Valley Animal Hospital (Records: Tansley Woods Vh) | 6634 Guelph Line, RR2 Burlington L7P 0A9", "7f8f4e2a-02a4-4007", "", "ui-id-537", "f1b4ef11-b656-489d", "", "Cl01-29-16Avc Confederation Animal Hospital | 1335 Confederation St Sarnia N7S 4M7", "fb520656-d560-4312", "", "ui-id-538", "de614ffb-1db0-4a2c", "", "Cl-05/26/2020 London Alternative Veterinary Services | 500 Adelaide Street N London N6B 3J2", "ea264b8e-b682-41e9", "", "ui-id-539", "4dc456f4-0e48-400e", "", "Cl-07-17-2015Gibson Veterinary Hospital | P O Box 340 St. Clements N0B 2M0", "a2dac62b-d627-4974", "", "ui-id-540", "b639627a-6ce5-4ad7", "", "Cl-2019 London Veterinary Emergency Clinic | #43 - 41 Adelaide St N London N6B 3P4", "92968dcf-91e5-4200", "", "ui-id-541", "e0a2bf36-c8b8-4d80", "", "Cl-2022 Ava Caledon East Veterinary Office (Records Dufferin Vh) | Unit 2, 15980 Airport Road Caledon L7C 1E8", "7c435c6b-7ed3-46a0", "", "ui-id-542", "3c14aa58-11ef-4a14", "", "Clappison Animal Hospital | 780 Highway 6 North Waterdown L0R 2H1", "7be79958-0b8d-4d97", "", "ui-id-543", "0d7fd132-2232-493b", "", "Claremont Veterinary Services | R R #5 Claremont L1Y1A2", "a7513c87-9779-4f7d", "", "ui-id-544", "70a75560-7411-4768", "", "Clarington Animal Hospital | #1a - 2727 Courtice Road Courtice L1E 3A2", "56dd491c-9214-4ff5", "", "ui-id-545", "e2201c32-7c50-48d0", "", "Clarkson Village Animal Hospital | 1659 Lakeshore Rd W Mississauga L5J 1J4", "b760ca7d-eba8-4bce", "", "ui-id-546", "074eeae0-ff7a-4623", "", "Clinton Veterinary Services | 257 Huron Road Clinton N0M 1L0", "aa82021c-bfde-4c66", "", "ui-id-547", "da9e1f93-ddf1-4047", "", "Cobblestone Animal Clinic | 1084 Rest Acres Road, Unit 1 Paris N3L 0B5", "6637df84-12b8-4335", "", "ui-id-548", "120a3044-c927-4a9c", "", "Colborne Street Pet Hospital | 77 Colborne Street W Orillia L3V 2Y6", "8572f689-3b6a-4d45", "", "ui-id-549", "d56d38b0-0706-4722", "", "Colleen Wilson Mobile Animal Behaviour Services | 1217 Widfern Way Greely K4P 1R4", "e05d06d4-b99f-493b", "", "ui-id-550", "101572ed-af76-4414", "", "Colonial Veterinary Hospital | Box 190, 1364 Colonial Road Navan K4B 1J4", "d1706330-ef91-4632", "", "ui-id-551", "0707c6af-ea41-42b1", "", "Concord Veterinary Hospital | 545 N Rivermede Road, Unit 104 Vaughan L4K 4H1", "96f0956d-3560-419b", "", "ui-id-552", "b4afb394-2157-45c9", "", "Conestoga Veterinary Clinic | 2095 Lobsinger Line Waterloo N2J 4G8", "87e84c31-4bf4-4ff4", "", "ui-id-553", "5f12b614-9722-4122", "", "Copetown Animal Hospital | 153 Highway 52 (P.O. Box 85) Copetown L0R 1J0", "09f1677d-415f-4bc2", "", "ui-id-554", "bf8f0d1b-16dc-47ff", "", "Cornerstone Animal Hospital | 2500 Appleby Line Burlington L7L OA2", "0e408fd5-dac7-4e2d", "", "ui-id-555", "d4d37beb-0888-4a05", "", "Courtice Pet Clinic | 1500 Highway #2 Courtice L1E 2T5", "95d20484-ba84-440d", "", "ui-id-556", "7656be23-23e0-4704", "", "Creditview Eglinton Animal Hospital | 1252 Eglinton Ave W Unit F-1 Mississauga L5V 1N3", "691a9992-20d0-4a83", "", "ui-id-557", "66a174b2-0e9f-4a50", "", "Dalton Road Animal Hospital | Box 1050, 21025 Dalton Road Unit 1 Jackson's Point L0E 1L0", "c105c12c-a8b9-4462", "", "ui-id-558", "6ddff502-4a66-4779", "", "Darlington Veterinary Hospital | Unit #24, 200 Marycroft Ave, Woodbridge L4L 5X6", "72d52471-886c-4a3a", "", "ui-id-559", "7041a2c5-f0c8-4335", "", "Datta Veterinary Hospital & London Mobile Vet Services | 2345 Main Street London N6P 1A7", "619b7d72-be32-4223", "", "ui-id-560", "5023a062-d085-4023", "", "Desmond Veterinary Clinic | 2979 Unity Gate Mississauga L5L 3E5", "7da0e5b0-34f7-4463", "", "ui-id-561", "a88f271b-4d70-4255", "", "Dixie Eglinton Animal Clinic | 5120 Dixie Rd Mississauga L4W4J7", "a78350a2-e36d-4eef", "", "ui-id-562", "0b8713f0-8600-4cac", "", "Dixie Road Pet Clinic | 10078 Dixie Road Brampton L6T3S1", "43cfa58c-9b0e-44f0", "", "ui-id-563", "90fdcff8-26f1-48c9", "", "Dog Hospital Of Brampton | 23 Conservation Drive Brampton L6Z 4M3", "2fff9b18-57da-4458", "", "ui-id-564", "8b4de0ef-a90d-43ce", "", "Don Head Village Animal Clinic | 737 Carrville Road Richmond Hill L4C 6E5", "e4f4f4f0-ef59-4cbc", "", "ui-id-565", "a9ee38f8-8b05-4029", "", "Don Mills Veterinary Practice | 25 Scarsdale Rd North York M3B 2R2", "520b7cf4-8072-4e55", "", "ui-id-566", "e0f2b702-8f53-423b", "", "Don Valley Animal Hospital | 895 Lawrence Ave E North York M3C 3L2", "fdb4478d-5472-4a19", "", "ui-id-567", "a7e94b5f-9466-4662", "", "Doncaster Animal Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "7c992093-09eb-4204", "", "ui-id-568", "99a37932-a112-47a8", "", "Donlands Animal Hospital | 413 Donlands Ave East York M4J 3S2", "65260ad1-1c11-4fcb", "", "ui-id-569", "7baa0ce5-b54a-4dc7", "", "Donwoods Animal Hospital | 51 Underhill Drive Toronto M3A 2J8", "1da9e030-25ce-40f8", "", "ui-id-570", "d6719f42-010f-4da6", "", "Doon Animal Hospital | 260 Doon South Drive Kitchener N2P 2L8", "5015efdb-7dc0-48dc", "", "ui-id-571", "adde40dc-64a8-4f7b", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 780 King St. East Hamilton L8M 1A6", "1bebe013-25ad-47fd", "", "ui-id-572", "34e56ea3-0b97-4695", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Kingston) | 16 Bath Road, Suite 1A Kingston K7L 1C4", "55d344d5-19ae-428e", "", "ui-id-573", "425ae63c-4e29-478a", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 579 Church St. Toronto M4Y 2E4", "8343a0aa-cd18-4c76", "", "ui-id-574", "4aeccbbb-7a96-4a1d", "", "Downtown Toronto Cat Clinic | 739 Bloor St W Toronto M6G 1L6", "3fce547c-e9ce-4e00", "", "ui-id-575", "bbb00927-45ac-4795", "", "Dr Judy Bonkalo | 42 Blyth Hill Rd Toronto M4N 3L7", "9d2d15f8-4de3-4fe2", "", "ui-id-576", "46691266-4cad-4242", "", "Dr. Boston Housecall Service | 480 Kilarney Court Burlington L7L 2N7", "bdf18c99-8028-4799", "", "ui-id-577", "c9ad1645-8074-46b7", "", "Dr. Richard Klys Veterinary Professional Corp (Ava Forest Hill Ac) | 1049 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M6C 2C9", "f0e17b1c-7269-48e9", "", "ui-id-578", "d3f98fdb-c5ce-4eab", "", "Dr. Richard Murray Mobile Pet Service | 3051 Upper Dwyer Hill Rd Kinburn K0A 2HO", "cd3ee9cb-e184-41f9", "", "ui-id-579", "9bdeb64d-8968-4a57", "", "Dr. Ronowicz Mobile Veterinary Services | PO Box 42031 Mississauaga L5M 4Z4", "07e69fe4-7c82-4330", "", "ui-id-580", "be9d3047-b0b1-4e9e", "", "Drayton Veterinary Clinic | 7294 Wellington Street N, Hwy 11 Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "81bf7a77-82bb-4ef3", "", "ui-id-581", "b261eda0-710d-4565", "", "Eagleson Veterinary Clinic | 46-500 Eagleson Road Kanata K2M 1H4", "70fe7219-d2cc-457a", "", "ui-id-582", "0d4db6a3-57ac-430e", "", "East London Animal Hospital | 417 Spruce St London N5W 4P2", "3b017577-c381-4dc3", "", "ui-id-583", "9ae0ea08-c4cb-4ab4", "", "East Village Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 1400 UpperJames Street Unit 14 Hamilton L9B 1K3", "63ef7360-e95a-4969", "", "ui-id-584", "09b17a27-5b28-4f7a", "", "Eatonville Animal Hospital | 4932 Dundas Street West Etobicoke M9A 1B7", "21ae9974-a0fd-4c6a", "", "ui-id-585", "3b09ee0a-0567-45fb", "", "Eglinton / Hwy 10 Veterinary Clinic | 295 Eglinton Ave E Unit 11 Mississauga L4Z 3X6", "f31895bd-58b6-453a", "", "ui-id-586", "bcc23afd-036b-4510", "", "Eglinton Animal Hospital | Unit-1 3435 Eglington West Mississauga L5M 7Z5", "d4b2c2c0-6ce7-4943", "", "ui-id-587", "a468210f-bc8b-4b81", "", "Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic | \uf041 Location 1540 Eglinton Avenue west York M6E 2G8", "2507b3ee-c486-4c16", "", "ui-id-588", "79995407-2848-484a", "", "Eglinton Mavis Veterinary Hospital | 5025 Heatherleigh Avenue Mississauga L5V 2Y7", "b61d707a-57da-4145", "", "ui-id-589", "7c357f69-db43-45f5", "", "Eglinton Veterinary Facilities | 183 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M4R 1A8", "5358c3b2-c2a5-43bc", "", "ui-id-590", "81b1784c-6f53-40b6", "", "Embleton Veterinary Hospital | 2045 Embleton Road Brampton L6Y 0E9", "0aa246e4-e17e-4f54", "", "ui-id-591", "99f9365a-7db2-4f2a", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E1B6", "4a114b7c-7dee-41f8", "", "ui-id-592", "9633bb17-9fbc-437e", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | Unit 14 - 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E 1B6", "24ad34d3-6bc8-482d", "", "ui-id-593", "02ed7c06-c52d-4007", "", "Erin Mills Pet Hospital | 2400 Dunwin Dr Mississauga L5L 1J9", "0af193cd-f17b-49d2", "", "ui-id-594", "d2c06a1f-dd72-49ba", "", "Fairfield Pet Hospital | 6 Speers Blvd. Amherstview K7N 1Z6", "9d71b466-74f3-4a4a", "", "ui-id-595", "6e2d39b6-33cc-42cc", "", "Fairmont Animal Hospital | 995 Hamilton Rd London N5W 1A4", "2a1a059a-4efb-4ab6", "", "ui-id-596", "79750063-52b1-4969", "", "Fairview Drive Pet Hospital | Unit 7 & 8, 403 Fairview Drive Brantford N3R 6T2", "e90636d6-6648-494f", "", "ui-id-597", "c3a3dc7d-a0fa-4cbb", "", "Fenelon Animal Clinic | PO Box 310, 474 County Road 121 Fenelon Falls K0M 1N0", "d02f397e-1602-4331", "", "ui-id-598", "7255d38a-c990-42cc", "", "Fonthill Animal Hospital | 137 Highway 20 E Fonthill L0S 1E0", "e67fa588-e349-47f6", "", "ui-id-599", "e7ccc99a-12f7-47e1", "", "Forestbrook Pet Hospital | 1105 Finch Avenue Pickering L1V 1J7", "29b497eb-b49a-498d", "", "ui-id-600", "ac064951-c3d3-467e", "", "Fraser-Macdonald Animal Hospital | 1577 Bloor St West Toronto M6P 1A6", "badb5d17-6f6c-4dfd", "", "ui-id-601", "d79ca8ab-ff42-4de1", "", "Front Street Animal Hospital | 548 Front Street West Toronto M5V 3N5", "c6e32b75-b97f-404d", "", "ui-id-602", "05cf9add-29b6-4b38", "", "Gateway Pet Hospital | 4391 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "dbc3afc2-fb65-40de", "", "ui-id-603", "a9c81093-66b0-460e", "", "Glebe Pet Hospital | 595 Bank Street Ottawa K1S 3T4", "09cc095a-c618-4c33", "", "ui-id-604", "6ac85856-ab83-42a9", "", "Grand Avenue Pet Hospital | 222 Grand Avenue West Chatham N7L 1C1", "10e6bcad-eeb9-4e86", "", "ui-id-605", "5ac3d56f-946d-4508", "", "Grant Veterinary Nutrition Services | Norwich ", "d47e6ed3-787d-4bbf", "", "ui-id-606", "9546263b-5f9a-4f79", "", "Grey Bruce Pet Hospital | 1393 16th Ave East Owen Sound N4K 0J3", "26c46bbf-d820-4268", "", "ui-id-607", "f42ef946-0ac7-4a79", "", "Haliburton Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 990, 1014 Penninsula Drive Haliburton K0M 1S0", "0b1b9919-3133-490c", "", "ui-id-608", "9f31bb9b-7364-444e", "", "Halton Hills Veterinary Clinic | 2 Main St Georgetown L7G 3G6", "61f5d5cd-87d5-40d3", "", "ui-id-609", "6e17d97c-54d7-4556", "", "Halton Peel Animal Hospital | 1093 Lower Base Line Rd. Milton L9T 2X8", "0d7d9a36-2cc5-4845", "", "ui-id-610", "736069d3-6dab-48be", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services | 1618 Ramshaw Cres Milton L9T 5M1", "9efd7b1c-06ad-4f74", "", "ui-id-611", "421718ac-9b91-4516", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services: Home Pet Euthanasia | 7994 Maltby Rd. E Puslinch N0B 2J0", "59002518-c6f1-4d8c", "", "ui-id-612", "5449923b-7b7b-40b3", "", "Hamilton Region Emergency Veterinary Clinic | 50 Dundurn St S Hamilton L8P 4W3", "eff22a5c-8209-46dc", "", "ui-id-613", "834d0c3f-47ec-48e6", "", "Hamilton Road Animal Hospital | 466 Hamilton Road London N5Z1R9", "00f39ea7-c566-4813", "", "ui-id-614", "9616d6fa-5ad5-420f", "", "Hamilton Veterinary Services | 171 Mohawk Road East Hamilton L8K 1C5", "e69d7f31-d311-4688", "", "ui-id-615", "8ac53d08-1ba2-4f3b", "", "Hamilton-Niagara Veterinary Mobile Euthanasia Services | ", "09cc5741-2aae-4a63", "", "ui-id-616", "61685c62-3693-4b8c", "", "Hampton Veterinary Hospital | 252 Algonquin Blvd West Timmins P4N 2R7", "77e70790-8e4d-4545", "", "ui-id-617", "22b26727-a78c-41d4", "", "Harbourfront Animal Hospital | 104B - 370 Queens Quay West Toronto M5V 3J3", "ee74babb-95a1-4e5b", "", "ui-id-618", "51bfe58b-f619-4c11", "", "Harmony Road Animal Hospital | 1304 Harmony Rd N Oshawa L1H 7K5", "691a8d6b-f9cc-46c6", "", "ui-id-619", "f905e665-8632-44eb", "", "Harriston Veterinary Services | 10 Queen St N Harriston N0G 1Z0", "157a548f-3a13-4d77", "", "ui-id-620", "baecbbc4-40c3-493a", "", "Harwood Pet Hospital | #1 Rossland Road WestUnit 12 AJAX L1Z 1Z2", "0bc3232e-9137-4650", "", "ui-id-621", "26400a28-915b-4061", "", "Headon Forest Animal Hospital | 3500 Dundas St. W. Burlington L7M 4B8", "fa279dcd-dfd7-4e78", "", "ui-id-622", "23816bbe-310e-47eb", "", "Heartland Animal Hospital Of Drayton | 7294 Wellington Street North PO Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "71299f31-0fac-4f98", "", "ui-id-623", "a38ff4f0-d8bc-4e95", "", "Heartland Pet Hospital | 6085 Creditview Road Unit #20 Mississauga L5V 2A8", "4b463a1b-7989-4439", "", "ui-id-624", "d34af7a3-fd23-40c2", "", "Henderson Mobile Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 714 Alliston L9R 1V9", "373c5e68-dc67-4508", "", "ui-id-625", "b8f9b0fd-2e66-4d04", "", "Herongate Animal Clinic | 9 Doric St Unit 1 Ajax L1S 7L5", "d5010c7d-7b82-41e4", "", "ui-id-626", "c9c69fb4-cc8d-44a6", "", "Hickson Veterinary Services | 596236 Hwy 59 Hickson N0J 1L0", "ec3a3c74-6f07-4769", "", "ui-id-627", "db7c5c37-ee5e-47c0", "", "Highbury North Pet Hospital | Unit 1 - 1570 Highbury Ave N London N5Y 5N7", "73f1b7f5-7cdc-40c1", "", "ui-id-628", "b82a4fd5-69b9-4713", "", "Highland Road Pet Hospital | 200 Highland Road Kitchener N2M 3C2", "f51582d2-1ea7-466b", "", "ui-id-629", "12618095-7a4a-4dca", "", "Hills Pet Nutrition Primary Health Care Centre -Ontario Veterinary College | University of Guelph 50 Stone Rd Guelph N1G 2W1", "97a319f5-73b0-409b", "", "ui-id-630", "d84b6261-a100-4884", "", "Hopital Veterinaire Nation | 100 Lafleche Casselman K0A 1M0", "c516a2af-3ebd-4a12", "", "ui-id-631", "96090e4c-07ad-4563", "", "Houghton Veterinarian House Call Service | 128 Sanwick Avenue Toronto M4E 2A1", "c928035a-f9e7-4c16", "", "ui-id-632", "7f132865-8559-4482", "", "House Calls For Pets | P.O.Box 364, Station \\\"O\\\" Toronto M4A 2N9", "91b67579-6509-494f", "", "ui-id-633", "beb162eb-2132-4c7f", "", "Huntington Animal Hospital | 211 Martindale Road Unit B-1 St. Catharines L2S 3V7", "66cc4fae-b54c-4f8f", "", "ui-id-634", "5484d53c-26bc-4221", "", "Huron Church Animal Hospital | 1797 Huron Church Road Windsor N9C 2L3", "e4ad8372-e994-443f", "", "ui-id-635", "8c036e2b-be72-417b", "", "Huron East Animal Hospital | 1606 Battler Road, Unit D Kitchener N2R 0CP", "9732cb5a-8a6b-4566", "", "ui-id-636", "4c8af8d3-1e6c-49cd", "", "Huron Shores Veterinary Services | 614 Barnes Ave Port Elgin N0H 2C4", "288c434f-aacd-48c0", "", "ui-id-637", "43d6c80a-3d52-46a2", "", "Huronia Animal Hospital | 131 Main Street Penetanguishene L9M 1L7", "8f976eb7-906e-494e", "", "ui-id-638", "55492d2d-233b-4ef2", "", "Huronia Veterinary Emergency Clinic | 391 Dunlop St W Barrie L4N 1C3", "915050ef-bcb6-4002", "", "ui-id-639", "a448acee-4548-40fe", "", "Hurontario Veterinary Hospital | 1424 Hurontario St Mississauga L5G 3H4", "76e22cf5-6149-477d", "", "ui-id-640", "a062ec71-f553-4f8b", "", "Ilderton Pet Hospital | 125 King Street Ilderton N0M 2A0", "2466a8cb-ec74-4ce7", "", "ui-id-641", "df4e9ee8-8220-4dfa", "", "Image Pet | 1311 Riverbend Dr London N6K 3V1", "a02f30e7-7529-4bff", "", "ui-id-642", "c66d4ea6-66b6-4961", "", "Islington Village Animal Hospital | 3852 Bloor St W Toronto M9A1B7", "10223204-25de-4e27", "", "ui-id-643", "97370c98-8d71-49cc", "", "Jackson Creek Veterinary Services | 1140 Parkhill Road West Peterborough K9K 0E1", "4efb97b6-1e4d-43a4", "", "ui-id-644", "0bc2c36c-21f1-4f3a", "", "Johnson Chiropractic Animal Clinic | 304 Norris Road Perth K7H1T1", "d34d7ca5-0265-4dac", "", "ui-id-645", "30fd8502-79c3-44b1", "", "Junction Pet Clinic | 2916 Dundas St W Toronto M6P1Y8", "f624a085-49a8-4ccb", "", "ui-id-646", "e0cb5c28-b8ad-4c56", "", "Junction West Animal Hospital | 3466 Dundas Street West Toronto M6S 2S1", "9218d702-0d95-4bb3", "", "ui-id-647", "58f42dda-26fe-4aff", "", "Kelton Pet House Call Services | Box 71528 Aurora L4G 5W5", "08bea27a-f048-46c3", "", "ui-id-648", "369e1ed7-cb2b-4320", "", "Kennedy Eglinton Animal Hospital | 751 Kennedy Rd Scarborough M1K 2C7", "17162f1c-0e53-492e", "", "ui-id-649", "fedd9ebc-be33-45be", "", "Kim Pet Hospital | 8362 Woodbine Avenue Unit 1 Markham L3R 2N8", "3efb14fb-d68f-4d1a", "", "ui-id-650", "3d84bf81-a24d-45b4", "", "King Hopkins Pet Hospital | 120 Hopkins Street Whitby L1N 2B7", "4db5642b-34b4-47c0", "", "ui-id-651", "262ebd4a-6481-4c38", "", "Kingston Mills Veterinary Hospital | 1670 Battersea Road Glenburnie K0H 1S0", "6ccdc03c-bed3-4959", "", "ui-id-652", "bdc29c10-1ede-405c", "", "Kingston Regional Pet Hospital | Unit 10, 1381 Midland Avenue Kingston K7P 2W5", "cad79468-d217-4787", "", "ui-id-653", "16a1cd6c-2219-4953", "", "Kingston Road Animal Hospital | 1025 Kingston Road Toronto M4E 1T4", "7c7d6d9b-b6fc-4685", "", "ui-id-654", "9bdbd956-01c1-4818", "", "Kingston Veterinary Clinic | 435 Division St Kingston K7K 4A8", "04596bcb-7d18-41bc", "", "ui-id-655", "827ba7b4-0e2a-48d8", "", "Kingston West Veterinary Hospital | 2165 Bath Road Kingston K7M 4Y3", "b0fbfebd-754e-4f39", "", "ui-id-656", "f1704030-1220-418f", "", "Kirkton Veterinary Clinic | P.O. Box 96 1911 Mary Street Kirkton N0K 1K0", "1e53adef-bb0b-42e0", "", "ui-id-657", "5df23c9f-37ee-4ed9", "", "Lafontaine Veterinary Clinic | 2799 Chamberland Street Rockland K4K 1M7", "89ea8af3-f4de-4ef2", "", "ui-id-658", "134cc06a-bcf3-44c4", "", "b6a58a7b-62c5-4630", "", "ui-id-659", "c0f523cd-eb09-4f60", "", "Laird Eglinton Pet Hospital | 211 Laird Drive Toronto M4G 3W8", "93141c84-8cbc-47e0", "", "ui-id-660", "35b35f48-49d5-4216", "", "Lakeshore Animal Hospital (Kingston) | 732A Front Road Kingston K7M 4L5", "815d6d15-01e8-4cb2", "", "ui-id-661", "a2a608a3-7656-451c", "", "Lauzon Veterinary Hospital | 1315 Lauzon Road Windsor N8S 3N1", "dda8071c-c74d-4c29", "", "ui-id-662", "ae004819-887a-4820", "", "Leamington Animal Hospital | 35 John St Leamington N8H 1H3", "d3b6ba58-9fb0-4b37", "", "ui-id-663", "7245a029-074b-48c6", "", "Leamington Veterinary Clinic | 110 Talbot Street East Leamington N8H 1L5", "ade5ba52-5312-4580", "", "ui-id-664", "afb9b945-fa90-448c", "", "Lennox & Addington Animal Hospital | 11 Commercial Court Napanee K7R 4B2", "bf529ccb-c55e-4c35", "", "ui-id-665", "d8563d7f-0b66-480b", "", "Lexington Rd. Animal Hospital | 135 Lexington Court Waterloo N2J 4R1", "06e337df-d2db-4ebe", "", "ui-id-666", "a7697638-c29b-4255", "", "Limestone City Animal Hospital | 70 Cataraqui Street Kingston K7K 1Z7", "31c61a59-7052-4bab", "", "ui-id-667", "65c5cd14-2195-447f", "", "Liston Animal Hospital | Suite 5, 4055 Carling Avenue Kanata K2K 2A4", "d1f66ec0-3842-40f7", "", "ui-id-668", "a84c55ff-0930-488b", "", "Livingston Animal Hospital | 42 St Andrews Avenue Unit 4 Grimsby L3M 3S2", "041c5ec5-f398-466f", "", "ui-id-669", "085f2dde-2510-4859", "", "Lock One Animal Hospital | 260 Lakeshore Road Unit #9 St. Catharines L2M 7R4", "666fb4b9-aace-4c1e", "", "ui-id-670", "8d50dba4-b57c-4e41", "", "London Cat Clinic | 6 Stanley St London N6C 1A8", "f1e33ffc-bfbb-49cb", "", "ui-id-671", "cf05ac07-cdbd-4bf5", "", "London Mobile Veterinary | ", "2e537220-725e-4801", "", "ui-id-672", "88b6b153-ed94-42a4", "", "London North Animal Hospital | 735 Wonderland Road North London N6H 4L1", "b25646ac-0e66-46e1", "", "ui-id-673", "4d178055-9b73-4c16", "", "London Regional Veterinary Emergency And Referral Hospital | #45, 41 Adelaide Street N London N6B 3P4", "687981f5-e247-4411", "", "ui-id-674", "e0392a05-30f1-4900", "", "Long Beach Veterinary Hospital | 2107 Mosley Street Wasaga Beach L9Z 1X5", "4c6990ae-6b2b-4711", "", "ui-id-675", "2a384d05-e1d9-4337", "", "Long Branch Animal Clinic | 3459 Lakeshore Blvd W Etobicoke M8W 1N2", "09f33450-a3a6-44a5", "", "ui-id-676", "3e530387-0761-4982", "", "Loyalist Veterinary Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Services | 406 Maitland Drive Belleville K8N 0N3", "87fa33a6-ca0f-41fd", "", "ui-id-677", "7dfcfd7a-59e7-4612", "", "Lucknow- Huron Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 609, 623 Campbell St Lucknow N0G 2H0", "a2cce234-e35f-4e65", "", "ui-id-678", "aec6c0c1-9769-4c73", "", "Macdonald Mobile Veterinary Service | 464430 Rivers Rd. RR #5 Ingersoll N5C 3J8", "b3781421-bad8-4860", "", "ui-id-679", "0a036dc6-74aa-4d51", "", "Mackenzie Creek Mobile Pet Hospice Services | PO Box 96 Scotland N0E1R0", "cc00016a-1dfb-4e22", "", "ui-id-680", "1126d749-92d2-44de", "", "Malton Veterinary Services | 2901 Derry Rd E Mississauga L4T 1A6", "707a2307-bebf-491c", "", "ui-id-681", "4b92ef80-d557-444a", "", "Mapleton Mobile Veterinary Services | 7311 Twelfth Line Alma N0B 1A0", "5416e48b-a9c9-4d41", "", "ui-id-682", "e09be9b5-1486-4764", "", "Marion Vernon Memorial Animal Clinic | 91A Patterson Road Barrie L4N 3V9", "f7c033ba-a7cf-42c4", "", "ui-id-683", "52e56941-1df8-4bc6", "", "Masonville Animal Hospital | Unit 8, 101 Fanshawe Park Rd E London N5X 2S7", "88b3097e-8a01-435d", "", "ui-id-684", "8ff965b7-e7f1-45e3", "", "Mcewen-Frontenac Animal Hospital | 745 Development Dr Kingston K7M 4W6", "de72243a-794a-48f8", "", "ui-id-685", "63a6246e-af57-4d0c", "", "Midland Eglinton Animal Hospital | 814 Midland Avenue Scarborough M1K 4E7", "7527adc1-3740-4ae7", "", "ui-id-686", "45b3223c-9190-406e", "", "Millson Veterinary Services | 395 Commercial Ave Timmins P4N 2X8", "9ac64168-8118-4ba6", "", "ui-id-687", "f2ee125b-de32-40c1", "", "Milverton- Wellesley Veterinary Clinic | 93 Main St N Milverton N0K 2M0", "4eccc769-14d4-4222", "", "ui-id-688", "8a3c58d1-adaf-4bac", "", "Mobile Pet Hospice Services Of London | 31 Winship Close London N6C 5M7", "73fb6726-b410-4294", "", "ui-id-689", "0ccb5fff-783a-4e05", "", "Mohns Avenue Veterinary Services (Pembroke Animal Hospital Professional Corp) | 58 Mohns Avenue Petawawa K8H 2G9", "8e177d0a-d1b2-495b", "", "ui-id-690", "1ef5e465-c636-46ba", "", "Mono Veterinary Clinic | 633391 highway 10 Mono L9W 5P3", "9abffc4f-eb63-48cb", "", "ui-id-691", "ee083631-c741-4ba1", "", "Montreal Road Animal Hospital | 1700 Montreal Road Ottawa K1J 6N5", "94484c11-5694-495b", "", "ui-id-692", "e43d11cc-e76f-4f48", "", "Morningstar Pet Hospital | 670 Taunton Road E Whitby L1R 0K6", "56e48998-56e3-4a33", "", "ui-id-693", "6204d0bd-b8dd-47f0", "", "Morriston Veterinary Clinic | 29 Queen Street Morriston N0B 2C0", "59a54268-7687-4bef", "", "ui-id-694", "95bf4eb0-2108-4838", "", "Muskoka Animal Hospital Professional Corporation | 96 Hanes Rd, Unit # 2 Hunstville P1H2P6", "de2c23c6-cbba-4dca", "", "ui-id-695", "4665eaed-46cb-45db", "", "Musson Mobile Veterinary Services | 15 Sir Caradoc Place MARKHAM L3P 2X5", "754f4be2-e190-4f24", "", "ui-id-696", "f42be8b8-ca3b-4e90", "", "Neighbourhood Pet Clinic Of North London | 746 Waterloo Street London London N6A 3W3", "257a2983-531e-4a7c", "", "ui-id-697", "e2ad0517-612b-4746", "", "Nelson Animal Hospital (Ontario) | Unit 5, 2400 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4M7", "67e5075b-cea7-4ebe", "", "ui-id-698", "f8672dfc-041e-4aa0", "", "Niagara Canine Conditioning Centre | 188 Bunting Rd, Unit 5A St. Catharines L2M 3Y1", "2160c786-1cf1-422e", "", "ui-id-699", "03dba815-6da3-4f7b", "", "Niagara On The Lake Veterinary Housecall | 1188 Line 6 Road RR#6 Niagara On The Lake L0S 1J0", "579fcc62-9ded-4bf8", "", "ui-id-700", "d86eb5f8-26f0-4ad9", "", "Niagara Pet Hospital | RR #1, 3032 Mountain Road/ Grimsby Road Grassie L0R 1M0", "5b1928c9-38a2-48a7", "", "ui-id-701", "e68c2cc7-6bca-4b73", "", "Niagara Region Veterinary House Call Services | ", "c361f19c-c782-425b", "", "ui-id-702", "eeb98c68-0c16-4239", "", "Nobleton Veterinary Clinic | 13135 Hwy 27 Nobleton L0G 1N0", "b39afee0-3768-4b97", "", "ui-id-703", "67865a54-9fd5-4f1b", "", "North Toronto Veterinary Behaviour Specialty Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "65aa42c4-ca7c-4c7f", "", "ui-id-704", "8d0ab3ee-b135-4bc4", "", "North Wellington Animal Hospital | 248 Main St S Mount Forest N0G 2L0", "5163b952-6ea4-4df5", "", "ui-id-705", "70163f4a-cec8-4d49", "", "North Yonge Veterinary Hospital | 17725 Yonge St - #18 Newmarket L3Y 7C1", "a1a54805-bb3f-4d83", "", "ui-id-706", "84b1b978-779d-414e", "", "Northview Pet Hospital | 8611 Weston Road Unit 5 Woodbridge L4L 9P1", "a77fb105-9938-4b08", "", "ui-id-707", "3a35d9c2-0d05-47df", "", "Northwest London Veterinary Clinic | 1567 Hyde Park Rd London N6H 5L5", "fe40d626-c586-446e", "", "ui-id-708", "925beceb-4d34-48a9", "", "O.S.P.C.A Mount Vernon Memorial Clinic | 91a Patterson Rd Barrie L4N 3V9", "15a10d5c-62e9-4fc8", "", "ui-id-709", "d0194e8f-29e2-457a", "", "Oakpark Pet Hospital | Unit C1 370 Dundas Street E. Oakville L6H 6Z9", "f359b846-2d8b-4ce1", "", "ui-id-710", "b9b4e97f-8a9f-4995", "", "O'connor Veterinary Services | 1551 O'Connor Dr Toronto M4B2V7", "fe983553-6e38-4903", "", "ui-id-711", "b60ed811-a2f8-43c8", "", "Ontario Spca Centre Veterinary Hospital | 16586 Woodbine Avenue Newmarket L3Y 4W1", "57b341ef-4033-4174", "", "ui-id-712", "4ae7f240-58db-452a", "", "Ontario Veterinary College Teaching Hospital | University Of Guelph Guelph N1G 2W1", "d21ec904-197e-4574", "", "ui-id-713", "378e65ea-b0dc-4cc0", "", "Orillia Pet Hospital | 8035 Highway 12 West Orillia L3V 6H2", "bed6a2ee-96bb-469e", "", "ui-id-714", "df82f629-fc37-492b", "", "Oro Medonte Vet Services | 96 Schoolhouse Road Road Oro Medonte L0L 1T0", "dad4dc94-6d27-4c58", "", "ui-id-715", "179ba2bf-c83c-4e16", "", "Orono Veterinary Hospital | 30 Cobbledick Street Orono L0B 1M0", "76b0a27e-d920-4032", "", "ui-id-716", "7c3b2471-7662-4e7b", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma St. Rockwood N0B 2K0", "5f7c7b33-f8d4-434f", "", "ui-id-717", "eb190138-96f6-497f", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma Street Rockwood N0B2K0", "002d6109-d929-4a32", "", "ui-id-718", "fc697495-212e-40ec", "", "Otonabee Animal Hospital | 3881 Wallace Point Rd O'tonabee K9J 6Y3", "58c6e677-8f2e-4132", "", "ui-id-719", "dfa238a0-71e7-4c26", "", "Ottawa East Pet Housecall Services | 2033 Quincy Ave Gloucester K1J 6B2", "fd2ac503-b751-4a4d", "", "ui-id-720", "e8cdefad-a554-4148", "", "Parkdale Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 1654 Queen Street West Toronto M6R 1B2", "27c72877-a0ed-4eb6", "", "ui-id-721", "60259773-9586-4b38", "", "Pathways Holistic Petcare Centre | 919 Oxford Street East London N5Y 3J8", "af2a203b-e0bb-473c", "", "ui-id-722", "ui-corner-all ui-menu-item-alternate ui-state-focus", "f918c136-bc44-4438", "", "Pet Hospital On Main | 102 Main St.N UXBRIDGE L9P 1C7", "ac5b2d4a-d6b6-46c8", "", "ui-id-723", "e7442eea-a3a4-4db4", "", "Petawawa Animal Hospital | 3261 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa K8H 1X8", "540f89b5-8fb3-48a9", "", "ui-id-724", "2e56ef72-0c73-4683", "", "Peterborough Pet Hospital | 379 Lansdowne St East Peterborough K9J 6X9", "7a9fcc9a-2447-4c85", "", "ui-id-725", "759f7e08-0740-4578", "", "Peterborough Veterinary Services | 720 The Kingsway Peterborough K9J 6W6", "d13ce934-a3e5-451f", "", "ui-id-726", "75b13568-595d-47bc", "", "Peterborough West Animal Hospital | 2605 Stewart Line RR#3 Peterborough K9J0G5", "c5da69e5-f5a8-487d", "", "ui-id-727", "8c0917a4-3abf-4e10", "", "Petrolia Veterinary Services | 4247 Oil Heritage Rd Petrolia N0N 1R0", "07942b1d-283e-4bff", "", "ui-id-728", "6b149b73-9bee-40ea", "", "Pickering Village Pet Hospital | 41 Church St. S Ajax L1S 6A6", "f4b76999-f341-4122", "", "ui-id-729", "ffbdcfb9-c934-4ad7", "", "Picton Animal Hospital | P.O. Box 1600, 19 Macsteven Drive Picton K0K 2T0", "3b962fbb-4e03-4fb4", "", "ui-id-730", "713028bd-8129-4b70", "", "Pioneer Pet Hospital | 4411 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "65a96f23-d580-49da", "", "ui-id-731", "55fde9b3-196f-4f16", "", "Pond Mills Animal Hospital | 5-1166 Commissioners Rd. E London N5Z 4W8", "c8f035fa-bc26-429d", "", "ui-id-732", "ead3f631-9fcc-4396", "", "Potter Veterinary Professional Corporation | PO Box 421 484 Main St. Schomberg L0G 1T0", "3bd55bec-750f-470e", "", "ui-id-733", "d927d455-c915-4045", "", "Preston Animal Clinic | 1606 King St. E. Cambridge N3H 3R7", "3f60ff1d-dbe1-4f27", "", "ui-id-734", "f3c28f84-02dd-4933", "", "Quinte Pet House Call Services | 109 Dundas St E Belleville K8N1C9", "66a6f020-466b-4737", "", "ui-id-735", "6c7485d4-00f6-4f0d", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South Unit 2-5 RR#7 Belleville K8N4Z7", "890db989-2bec-4571", "", "ui-id-736", "6d6151ce-f0de-4ea2", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South, Unit 2-5 RR #7 Belleville K8N 4Z7", "b3c262b1-8684-4154", "", "ui-id-737", "15b8d400-6eeb-4508", "", "Rehabilitation Fur Your Pet | 1663 A Carling Ave. Ottawa K2A 1C4", "0c9c00e9-339b-4533", "", "ui-id-738", "1cd2db7f-071b-46f4", "", "Richard Klys Veterinary Professional Corporation | 1049 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M6C 2C9", "4795ac55-4faf-4ada", "", "ui-id-739", "51c0313a-09cd-4cec", "", "Richmond Animal Hospital | P.O. Box 1000, 6174 Perth Street Richmond K0A 2Z0", "fec7b74e-3012-4bf0", "", "ui-id-740", "2c0452de-8c27-4417", "", "Richmond Green Veterinary Clinic | Unit 3, 10650 Leslie St Richmond Hill L4S OB9", "b516f9e6-8f0d-4c72", "", "ui-id-741", "564922d5-11af-446e", "", "Richmond Hill Animal Hospital | 11 Centre St W Richmond Hill L4C 3P3", "2747d540-a4ff-4171", "", "ui-id-742", "6d129717-66de-483e", "", "Richmond Veterinary Clinic | 203 Richmond Blvd Napanee K7R 3Z9", "610c8927-0f5b-4fd5", "", "ui-id-743", "b8fc6953-3669-41a7", "", "Richmond Veterinary House Call Services | Richmond Hill L4S 0E6", "212ec1a6-f128-4166", "", "ui-id-744", "240a1867-c232-4e87", "", "Rideau River Veterinary Professional Corporation | 3987 Riverside Drive #2 Ottawa K1V 1C1", "b912d3a8-b7f9-45fd", "", "ui-id-745", "3abe99fa-aa8f-44c5", "", "Ripley- Huron Veterinary Clinic | 3290 County Rd 6 Ripley N0G 2R0", "fab8664b-c8c1-436a", "", "ui-id-746", "6f34b074-bc65-4465", "", "Ritson Veterinary Clinic | 490 Taunton Rd E, Unit 101 and 102 Oshawa L1K 1A8", "8cca4a2e-766f-466e", "", "ui-id-747", "65d08a4d-901e-4946", "", "Riverside Pet Hospital | 110 Richie Avenue #7 Ajax L1S 7G5", "569bcd9d-d59b-4e88", "", "ui-id-748", "aee044d2-59ca-4395", "", "Robinson Pet Hospital | 724 Main Street E Milton L9T 3P6", "022dbc46-6f77-4272", "", "ui-id-749", "5195bbee-de9c-4e89", "", "Robinson Veterinary Services | RR # 1, 3285 London Line Wyoming N0N 1T0", "99d69e13-dddf-489b", "", "ui-id-750", "9b7584c0-f1af-45f2", "", "Romeo Pet Hospital | 782 Downie Street Stratford N5A 1Y7", "16edad18-af8e-477a", "", "ui-id-751", "3796a461-2ee2-4ff0", "", "Roncesvalles Animal Hospital | 18 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2K3", "11305139-b0ff-4dcf", "", "ui-id-752", "ba31f2c0-921c-4410", "", "Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic | 215 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2L6", "ba046004-b64b-4527", "", "ui-id-753", "6e54ad2a-c5e9-4c97", "", "Roundstone Mobile Vet Services | 45 Roundstone Brampton L6X 0K7", "9338a34a-5c0b-45c8", "", "ui-id-754", "0fbe37f8-cad5-435a", "", "Sauble Beach Pet Hospital | RR #1, 516 Sauble Falls Pkwy N Sauble Beach N0H 2G0", "94a9abe3-798a-4d42", "", "ui-id-755", "9e203b45-5744-47e7", "", "Second Opinion Referrals Dr. Greg Mcwatt Vt Pr Cp | 8 Finlay Mill Rd Midhurst L0L 1X1", "7ba4aff8-5740-49d2", "", "ui-id-756", "b2afbfd2-4f18-477b", "", "Shannondale Pet Hospital | P.O. Box 214, 1429 Main St. North Callander P0H1H0", "7dc41711-d4b8-4764", "", "ui-id-757", "a8610133-1d09-4034", "", "Sharon Veterinary Clinic | 18716 Leslie St Sharon L0G 1V0", "6f2f48a3-1bb2-4952", "", "ui-id-758", "cdb71f7d-23e9-44a8", "", "South Huron Veterinary Clinic | 20 Main Street Zurich N0M 2T0", "193cce51-d022-4249", "", "ui-id-759", "c882345a-57f9-468e", "", "Southampton Pet Hospital | Box 1097, Hwy 21 Southampton N0H 2L0", "dea6a9c6-6268-4799", "", "ui-id-760", "20153e7f-5905-48cf", "", "Southeastern Ontario Spay Neuter Clinic | 764A Old Highway 2 Trenton K8V 5P5", "ad4af58d-ce75-4812", "", "ui-id-761", "8a59a253-6ebe-4b9e", "", "Southern Ontario Animal Rehabilitation (Soar) | 850 Legion Rd Unit 5 Burlington L7S 1T6", "554b1748-2210-4021", "", "ui-id-762", "7c5a7ead-b232-4daa", "", "Southside Animal Clinic (London) | 1509 Commissioners Rd E London N6M 1C6", "146dc69b-a081-4f81", "", "ui-id-763", "8a3a8abc-f197-48e1", "", "Southside Pet Clinic | 14990 Simcoe Street Port Perry L9L 1G2", "8bedcd63-78b5-4208", "", "ui-id-764", "91bb3401-2192-4bfe", "", "Southside Pet Hospital | 728 Burloak Drive Unit C2 Burlington L7L 0B1", "eab494d2-eef3-45c2", "", "ui-id-765", "5d07de32-2d07-4496", "", "Speedvale Pet Hospital | 400 Speedvale Avenue W - Unit H Guelph N1H 8H3", "03a67c78-75fd-44ac", "", "ui-id-766", "d21a1694-a91d-41a1", "", "Steeles-Yonge Animal Hospital | 180 Steeles Ave W, Unit 15 Vaughan L4J 2L1", "1e130b3e-4ca4-41d6", "", "ui-id-767", "57efd278-48e6-477b", "", "Stone Church Animal Clinic | 634 Stone Church Rd West Hamilton L9B 1A7", "2bafdfd8-08e8-48de", "", "ui-id-768", "c63529d0-b1d8-4fb0", "", "Stonegate Animal Hospital | 292 Stone Road West Guelph N1G 3C4", "1a97482e-3792-4927", "", "ui-id-769", "ac65bca3-be0c-42ab", "", "Stonegates Veterinary Hospital | 193 Hwy 8 West West Flamborough L0R 2K0", "b0f8cbf2-380e-401d", "", "ui-id-770", "787b2043-c8de-4d66", "", "Stoney Ridge Animal Hospital | 2200 Rymal Road East Stoney Creek L0R 1P0", "74f9a4d2-e1c8-45e2", "", "ui-id-771", "ae4846ef-8631-4162", "", "Stoneybrook Animal Hospital | 620 Fanshawe Park Rd E London N5X 2R1", "a7cf8326-528d-45f5", "", "ui-id-772", "21d7dec8-3820-4787", "", "Sudbury Regional Cat Hospital | 262 Caswell Dr Sudbury P3E 2N8", "68557dd5-6c35-4483", "", "ui-id-773", "8288e071-8844-41e2", "", "Summerlyn Pet Hospital | 465 Holland Street West Unit #5 Bradford L3Z 0C1", "eacaa76c-299e-4f9e", "", "ui-id-774", "17a61da0-03d3-48f2", "", "Sunningdale Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 2155 Richmond Street Unit 1 London N5X4B8", "2867330c-8792-4f27", "", "ui-id-775", "eef67579-7b11-4a41", "", "Taunton Road Animal Hospital | 1330 Townline Road North Oshawa L1H 8L7 \u200e", "37019d60-27f6-468b", "", "ui-id-776", "c8a29434-5e9a-4bbe", "", "The Jameson Queen Animal Hospital | 1516 Queen St.W. Toronto M6R 1A4", "741d85ed-6510-44a7", "", "ui-id-777", "b16e189d-b342-44cc", "", "Thickson Road Pet Hospital | 1650 Victoria Street East Whitby L1N 9L4", "4d66c3f7-8867-4b9a", "", "ui-id-778", "745f48b9-cd12-4fa7", "", "Thornton Animal Clinic | 4171 Innisfil Beach Rd #12 Thornton L0L 2N0", "acc7b35c-124f-4c83", "", "ui-id-779", "40621703-5efa-4b8b", "", "Tillsonburg Veterinary Centre | 25 North Street East Tillsonburg N4G 1B4", "acfaa92c-99fc-4d52", "", "ui-id-780", "5bd8eaa0-ba11-4048", "", "Toronto Animal Eye Clinic | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "6ac03ff6-e16a-4c45", "", "ui-id-781", "3d9a51fc-8bbc-4c40", "", "Toronto Central Animal Clinic | 167 Parliament Street Toronto M5A 2Z2", "e54183ce-e58f-4be1", "", "ui-id-782", "fa7f2b65-e563-47ae", "", "Toronto East Animal House Call Services \u2013 A. Bekhit Veterinary Medicine Professional Corporation | Toronto ", "a57edae7-4637-4726", "", "ui-id-783", "0361059e-ec68-4622", "", "Toronto Humane Society Vet. Clinic | 11 River St Toronto M5A 4C2", "ccf76ea6-9d3b-4757", "", "ui-id-784", "00676441-c8a5-44db", "", "Toronto Mobile Vet Services | Toronto ", "01917bb6-f2e1-45c5", "", "ui-id-785", "5cb76711-20c1-445c", "", "Toronto North Animal Hospital | 317 Sheppard Avenue East North York M2N 3B3", "f064cbfc-c594-4ba9", "", "ui-id-786", "d54d6a64-dba0-471d", "", "Toronto Veterinary Clinic | 2459 Lake Shore Blvd W Toronto M8V2M1", "202dce55-6715-478b", "", "ui-id-787", "4c181bb3-ba30-4958", "", "Toronto Veterinary Emergency Hospital | 21 Rolark Drive Scarborough M1R 3B1", "7149e3bb-40e3-4bb9", "", "ui-id-788", "ac519bd5-5009-4a8a", "", "Toronto Veterinary End Of Life Mobile Services | 48 Kingsley Ave Toronto M6N1A4", "2efc7342-ab61-474a", "", "ui-id-789", "90731026-7c83-4473", "", "Toronto Veterinary Home Euthanasia Services | 10 Delevan Court Richmond Hill L4B 3W8", "7cf4b0db-5271-401c", "", "ui-id-790", "9834eafc-9c4b-4de5", "", "Toronto Veterinary House Call | Apartment 411, 1543 Bayview Avenue Toronto M4G 3B5", "0262c45a-539c-483b", "", "ui-id-791", "b17fe805-814b-4fb8", "", "Toronto Veterinary Rehabilitation Centre | 1735 Queen Street East Toronto M4L 6S5", "69bda465-3d5e-4d84", "", "ui-id-792", "92a2ae5e-bf5f-4676", "", "Toronto West Holistic Mobile Veterinary Services | 29 Conway Ave. York M6E 1H1", "39467146-e554-4f9c", "", "ui-id-793", "62c693c3-c1b5-4e5d", "", "Touch Animal Rehabilitation | 1140 Front St North Bay P1B6P2", "93cb0ba8-476c-48ce", "", "ui-id-794", "f5984b6a-1cd0-4bd9", "", "Trans Canada Pet Clinic | Box 16, Site 134 R1, 596 Government Street Dryden P8N 2Y4", "6935ef5a-8bc7-4cce", "", "ui-id-795", "1edf33f4-7685-4c0d", "", "Treatwell Pet Care - Mobile Veterinary Services Of Ottawa | Unit 1 170 Booth Street Ottawa K1R 7W1", "30e9a4f5-5dd2-4edc", "", "ui-id-796", "2be056bd-e588-43bd", "", "Trenton Mobile Veterinary Services | R R #3 14141 Dublin Line Acton L7J 2L9", "bc613aee-0045-4551", "", "ui-id-797", "4ffcfc60-3f02-4936", "", "Trenton Pet Hospital | 441 Front Street Trenton K8V 6C1", "efdf0e8f-37f9-44ee", "", "ui-id-798", "a1e44636-c8e8-4eb1", "", "Trim Pet Hospital | Unit 14, 2010 Trim Road Orleans K4A 0G4", "4bc1390d-606c-46fd", "", "ui-id-799", "790f2a2e-2c59-45e6", "", "Unionville South Pet Hospital | 4721 Highway 7 Unionville L3R 1M7", "da8e0f76-f823-461f", "", "ui-id-800", "a88f91be-fc3a-4433", "", "Upper Oakville Pet Hospital | A12 1011 Upper Middle Rd E Oakville L6H 4L2", "3c37bc81-fa92-433c", "", "ui-id-801", "cfb8519a-821c-4fb9", "", "Val Caron Veterinary Hospital | 3055 Hwy 69 North Val Caron P3N 1R8", "ad262771-0cf5-46d6", "", "ui-id-802", "ca53481e-4ad5-44f3", "", "Vansegbrook, Dr. Donna | 7651 Mud Creek Line Wallaceburg N8A 4L3", "dbc9b69c-67f9-40e4", "", "ui-id-803", "249226db-ebe7-40d2", "", "Vaughan-Richmond Hill Vet Emerg. Clinic | 10303 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 3B9", "e541afdb-c0e3-4435", "", "ui-id-804", "fa32016e-9753-4a88", "", "Vellore Village Pet Hospital | Unit 9, 9750 Weston Road Woodbridge L4H2Z7", "e221fb98-d80a-4c51", "", "ui-id-805", "5b5987b9-0090-4705", "", "Verona Animal Hospital | 53 Westport Rd. Godfrey K0H 1T0", "f904a4df-0629-45df", "", "ui-id-806", "80f77c3c-f104-4f2e", "", "Veterinary Emergency Clinic Of York Region | 1210 Journey's End Circle Newmarket L3Y 8Z6", "235bf124-ab79-4659", "", "ui-id-807", "9fb693c9-4eab-4ae6", "", "Veterinary Emergency Hospital Of West Toronto | 755 Queensway East Mississauga L4Y 4C5", "1837f97c-467d-406e", "", "ui-id-808", "341bc40c-3755-4e1a", "", "Walkerton - Hanover Veterinary Clinic | R R #2 Walkerton N0G 2V0", "9e80f140-6201-4c87", "", "ui-id-809", "54a619b3-7a1e-4a2c", "", "Wellesley Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 535 Yonge Street Toronto M4Y1Y5", "d0052cd8-73e1-4855", "", "ui-id-810", "5ac7ddc3-e6ed-478f", "", "Wellington Animal Hospital | 95 Wellington St South Woodstock N4S 3H9", "9f823ce8-4c86-48a8", "", "ui-id-811", "4becc157-1da0-4935", "", "Wellington Baseline Animal Hospital | Unit 4C - 555 Wellington Rd. S London N6C 4R3", "6f5a8d69-53da-488b", "", "ui-id-812", "99fcc349-ac85-4959", "", "Wellington Veterinary Hospital | 1210 Castlemore Avenue , Unit #5 Markham L6E 0H7", "9d3d79e5-7abb-45a3", "", "ui-id-813", "b0e2ffd2-3f2b-4093", "", "Wellington Veterinary Services | 320 Mill St. East Elora N0B 1S0", "9bb6fe24-a620-44c7", "", "ui-id-814", "35820841-f450-4a77", "", "West Carleton Animal Hospital | 3710 Carp Road Carp K0A 1L0", "97d4c00b-de8c-4a68", "", "ui-id-815", "f98bb702-20b2-4849", "", "West London Pet Hospital | 760 Hyde Park Road London N6H 5W9", "f3d984f0-1357-4d9d", "", "ui-id-816", "a172892a-a38b-4e12", "", "West Toronto Veterinary Surgery | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "177e8e90-cea4-4df9", "", "ui-id-817", "ed43a642-48b1-4540", "", "West Woodbridge Pet Hospital | 8280 Highway 27, Unit 16 Woodbridge L4H 0R9", "759f2c67-536f-4331", "", "ui-id-818", "95936a50-e195-45c4", "", "Westmount Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 851 Wonderland Rd. South London N6K 4T2", "3e082947-b2f5-4b21", "", "ui-id-819", "eb3d7a91-f713-4452", "", "Weston Veterinary Clinic | 2347 Weston Rd Toronto M9N 1Z7", "9033e6e8-1545-4ca4", "", "ui-id-820", "39b4f0a3-3c53-429b", "", "Wiarton Animal Hospital | Box 38, 10177 Highway 6 Wiarton N0H 2T0", "9f307f7d-10ee-474a", "", "ui-id-821", "096e911c-40fa-4367", "", "Wilson Mobile Veterinary Services | PO Box 912 Granton N0M 1V0", "c1b3f093-7492-4092", "", "ui-id-822", "ab3c7243-9f80-4e6b", "", "Wilson Road Veterinary Office | 371 Wilson Road S Oshawa L1H 6C6", "ffaa51b8-951f-4456", "", "ui-id-823", "162ae7ac-d617-457a", "", "Wilson Street Veterinary Clinic | 134 Wilson St. East Ancaster L9G 2B7", "87d9f9fb-b2ae-4815", "", "ui-id-824", "d84c673b-8ca7-4297", "", "Wilsons Animal Hospital | 105 Hartzel Rd St. Catharines L2P 1N2", "b4652ef6-3d4c-4ff1", "", "ui-id-825", "53d5e09b-8a50-492d", "", "Windsor Pet Hospital | 722 Tecumseh Road East Windsor N8X 4T2", "dc3e3997-b9b8-4b22", "", "ui-id-826", "4942ad9d-026b-4c86", "", "Winston Churchill Animal Hospital | Unit #5, 2980 Crosscurrent Dr Mississauga L5N 7C7", "45e4d2ce-765f-4f7f", "", "ui-id-827", "39a58b9b-b8d8-4d24", "", "Wk Foster Veterinary Professional Corporation | PO Box 208 67 Brock Street West Uxbridge L9P 1M7", "01ca5a65-e4a0-45ec", "", "ui-id-828", "e8a8c712-feb7-4f4e", "", "Yonge - 16Th Pet Hospital | 9218 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 7A2", "16e6f380-0e4e-4d86", "", "ui-id-829", "9122b119-410b-453e", "", "Yonge And St. Clair Veterinary Hospital | 33 Alvin Ave Toronto M4T 2A7", "c96a568a-0107-455d", "", "ui-id-830", "7a1f4b37-db43-4896", "", "Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital Professional Corporation | 280 Sheppard Ave. East Toronto M2N 3B1", "1dd1369e-74e5-4b91", "", "ui-id-831", "37a37d6d-30c2-4448", "", "Yonge Street Animal Hospital | 2586 Yonge St Toronto M4P2J3", "c0f90d66-8541-45e2", "", "ui-id-832", "c4a408ee-6b3e-4530", "", "Yonge-Davenport Pet Hospital | 885 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 2H2", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog", "aria-describedby", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-2", "f13f2616-ced6-46d9", "", "ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix", "e70d5708-59db-4c88", "", "ui-dialog-title", "d97e2701-4158-4fb0", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only ui-dialog-titlebar-close", "aria-disabled", "close", "c14323ac-21fc-4e48", "", "ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick", "e0eaef87-6f69-44ac", "", "ui-button-text", "9be0ed9a-d90f-4be1", "", "ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content", "d0f08e0c-0d39-4dc5", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "e290a703-a0e5-438f", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable ui-resizable", "dialog-save", "ui-id-3", "display: none; 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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"attributes": [[], [], [7, 8], [13, 14, 7, 15], [13, 14, 7, 17], [13, 14, 7, 19], [22, 23, 24, 25, 7, 26], [], [30, 31, 24, 32, 7, 33], [], [7, 37], [], [], [30, 40, 24, 41, 7, 42], [], [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 7, 52], [], [50, 54, 46, 55, 7, 56], [], [50, 58, 46, 55, 7, 59], [], [48, 61, 46, 55, 50, 62, 7, 63], [], [50, 65, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 66], [], [46, 55, 50, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 48, 61, 7, 73], [], [50, 75, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 76], [], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [79, -1, 132, 154, 80, 155, 128, 139, 7, 156], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 158, 7, 159], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 161, 7, 162], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 164, 7, 165], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 167, 7, 168], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 170, 7, 171], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 173, 7, 174], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 178, 179, 180, 7, 181], [132, 184, 185, 186, 7, 187], [], [], [], [], [7, 192], [], [], [], [], [80, 197, 7, 198], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 200], [], [], [7, 203], [], [], [7, 206], [], [], [209, 210, 185, 211, 212, 213, 7, 214], [], [209, 216, 7, 217], [], [132, 219, 7, 220], [], [209, 223, 7, 224], [], [7, 228], [], [7, 232], [], [], [50, 236, 7, 237], [], [], [7, 241], [], [50, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [209, 248, 7, 249], [], [50, 251, 7, 252], [], [209, 256, 7, 257], [], [], [], [], [132, 264, 209, 265, 7, 266], [], [7, 269], [], [], [50, 272, 273, 274, 7, 275], [], [7, 277], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 280, 7, 281], [], [209, 283, 7, 284], [], [50, 286, 273, 274, 7, 287], [], [80, 291, 209, 292, 7, 293], [], [], [], [], [132, 295, 7, 296], [], [7, 299], [], [7, 302], [], [], [], [], [209, 305, 7, 306], [], [209, 309, 7, 310], [], [209, 313, 7, 314], [], [], [], [209, 320, 7, 321], [], [], [], [7, 324], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 327, 7, 328], [], [209, 330, 7, 331], [], [132, 334, 209, 335, 7, 336], [], [132, 338, 7, 339], [], [132, 342, 209, 343, 7, 344], [], [132, 347, 209, 348, 7, 349], [], [353, 354, 355, 356, 132, 357, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 361], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 371], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 376], [], [209, 379, 7, 380], [], [7, 382], [], [209, 384, 7, 385], [], [209, 387, 7, 388], [], [185, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [185, 394, 7, 395], [], [209, 384, 7, 397], [], [209, 399, 7, 400], [], [209, 402, 7, 403], [], [406, 407, 7, 408], [], [], [], [], [209, 411, 185, 412, 7, 413], [], [209, 416, 7, 417], [419, 407, 364, 14, 365, 420, 132, 421, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 423, 7, 424], [], [406, 421, 7, 427], [], [209, 416, 7, 430], [432, 432, 419, 407, 132, 433, 30, 407, 48, 422, 369, 434, 7, 435], [], [406, 433, 7, 437], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 440], [], [209, 442, 443, 407, 444, 14, 7, 445], [], [], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 368, 369, 449, 7, 450], [], [364, 14, 365, 452, 132, 453, 30, 453, 48, 368, 369, 454, 7, 455], [], [364, 14, 365, 457, 132, 458, 30, 458, 48, 368, 369, 459, 7, 460], [], [132, 462, 30, 462, 48, 368, 369, 463, 7, 464], [], [364, 14, 466, 467, 365, 468, 132, 469, 30, 469, 48, 368, 369, 470, 7, 471], [], [364, 14, 466, 473, 365, 474, 132, 475, 30, 475, 48, 368, 369, 476, 7, 477], [], [364, 14, 466, 479, 365, 480, 132, 481, 30, 481, 48, 368, 369, 482, 7, 483], [], [132, 485, 30, 485, 48, 368, 369, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [185, 489, 7, 490], [], [209, 492, 132, 493, 30, 494, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 501], [], [209, 492, 132, 503, 30, 504, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 505, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 506], [], [], [209, 384, 185, 508, 7, 509], [], [132, 511, 209, 512, 7, 513], [], [209, 515, 516, 517, 7, 518], [], [], [], [209, 522, 516, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 14, 7, 531], [50, 533, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 529, 7, 537], [], [], [209, 540, 516, 523, 524, 536, 526, 541, 528, 542, 530, 499, 7, 543], [50, 545, 212, 546, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 542, 7, 547], [], [], [], [132, 527, 528, 529, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 14, 553, 499, 7, 554], [], [209, 557, 7, 558], [], [132, 561, 562, 563, 564, 499, 7, 565], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 568], [], [209, 399, 7, 571], [], [209, 574, 7, 575], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 578], [], [516, 580, 581, 582, 209, 583, 7, 584], [], [587, 588, 589, 563, 590, 497, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 132, 599, 30, 600, 601, 602, 48, 495, 369, -1, 209, 603, 604, 605, 498, 499, 500, 14, 606, 607, 608, 14, 609, 499, 7, 610], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 612], [], [209, 614, 7, 615], [], [209, 442, 443, 494, 444, 14, 7, 618], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 620, 562, 563, 185, 211, 7, 621], [], [209, 384, 7, 623], [], [209, 399, 7, 625], [], [406, 627, 209, 574, 7, 628], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 631], [], [209, 634, 635, 563, 132, 636, 30, 637, 7, 638], [369, -1, 7, 641], [], [], [369, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [369, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [369, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [369, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [369, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [369, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [369, 668, 7, 669], [], [], [369, 672, 7, 673], [], [], [676, 676, 369, 677, 7, 678], [], [], [369, 681, 7, 682], [], [], [369, 685, 7, 686], [], [], [369, 689, 7, 690], [], [], [369, 693, 7, 694], [], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 697], [], [209, 442, 443, 637, 444, 14, 7, 699], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 541, 528, 542, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 499, 553, 14, 185, 701, 7, 702], [], [209, 384, 7, 705], [], [132, 707, 185, 211, 7, 708], [], [209, 710, 7, 711], [], [7, 713], [], [], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 717], [], [209, 719, 7, 720], [], [406, 722, 7, 723], [], [], [], [209, 726, 7, 727], [], [48, 495, 132, 722, 185, 729, 369, 486, 730, -1, 7, 731], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 733], [], [48, 735, 132, 736, 185, 701, 369, 737, 212, 738, 7, 739], [], [], [], [7, 741], [], [209, 384, 7, 743], [], [209, 399, 7, 745], [], [406, 722, 7, 747], [], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 750], [], [132, 752, 209, 634, 7, 753], [], [369, 755, 7, 756], [], [], [369, 470, 7, 759], [], [], [369, 762, 7, 763], [], [], [369, 766, 7, 767], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 770, 185, 771, 7, 772], [185, 774, 7, 775], [185, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [], [496, 782, 364, 14, 365, 783, 132, 784, 30, 785, 48, 368, 369, 786, 7, 787], [], [7, 789], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 792], [], [209, 343, 7, 794], [], [209, 796, 7, 797], [], [209, 801, 48, 802, 803, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 808, 209, 265, 7, 809], [], [209, 812, 7, 813], [], [185, 816, 209, 817, 80, 818, 7, 819], [], [], [], [], [209, 823, 7, 824], [], [209, 826, 7, 827], [], [209, 829, 7, 830], [], [132, 832, 7, 833], [], [7, 835], [], [7, 839], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 7, 843], [7, 846], [], [], [], [7, 851], [], [7, 854], [], [50, 857, 273, 274, 7, 858], [7, 860], [], [], [7, 864], [], [7, 867], [], [7, 869], [], [7, 871], [], [], [7, 874], [], [7, 877], [], [], [7, 881], [], [7, 883], [], [7, 885], [], [50, 888, 273, 274, 7, 889], [7, 891], [], [], [50, 895, 273, 274, 7, 896], [7, 898], [], [], [7, 902], [], [209, 904, 7, 905], [], [7, 907], [], [7, 910], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 913, 914, 803, 914, 7, 915], [7, 917], [], [], [7, 920], [], [209, 904, 185, 922, 7, 923], [], [50, 925, 273, 274, 913, 926, 803, 926, 7, 927], [], [], [50, 930, 273, 274, 803, 931, 7, 932], [], [], [50, 934, 273, 274, 7, 935], [], [], [7, 938], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 943, 48, 87, 7, 944], [], [80, 946, 48, 87, 7, 947], [], [80, 949, 48, 87, 7, 950], [], [80, 952, 48, 87, 7, 953], [], [80, 955, 48, 87, 7, 956], [], [80, 958, 48, 87, 7, 959], [], [80, 961, 48, 87, 7, 962], [], [80, 964, 48, 87, 7, 965], [], [80, 967, 48, 87, 7, 968], [], [80, 970, 7, 971], [], [80, 974, 7, 975], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 978], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 982], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 986], [], [], [209, 990, 132, 991, 524, 525, 185, 992, 7, 993], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 996], [], [132, 998, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1000], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1003], [], [132, 1005, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1007], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1010], [], [132, 1012, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1013], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1016], [], [132, 1018, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1019], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1022], [], [132, 1024, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1025], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1028], [], [132, 1030, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1031], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1034], [], [132, 1036, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1037], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1040], [], [132, 1042, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1043], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1046], [], [132, 1048, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1049], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1052], [], [132, 1054, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1055], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1058], [], [132, 1060, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1061], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1064], [], [132, 1066, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1067], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1070], [], [132, 1072, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1073], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1076], [], [132, 1078, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1079], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1082], [], [132, 1084, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1085], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1088], [], [132, 1090, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1091], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1094], [], [132, 1096, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1097], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1100], [], [132, 1102, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1103], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1106], [], [132, 1108, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1109], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1112], [], [132, 1114, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1115], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1118], [], [132, 1120, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1121], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1124], [], [132, 1126, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1127], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1130], [], [132, 1132, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1133], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1136], [], [132, 1138, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1139], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1142], [], [132, 1144, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1145], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1148], [], [132, 1150, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1151], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1154], [], [132, 1156, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1157], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1160], [], [132, 1162, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1163], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1166], [], [132, 1168, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1169], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1172], [], [132, 1174, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1175], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1178], [], [132, 1180, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1181], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1184], [], [132, 1186, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1187], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1190], [], [132, 1192, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1193], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1196], [], [132, 1198, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1199], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1202], [], [132, 1204, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1205], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1208], [], [132, 1210, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1211], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1214], [], [132, 1216, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1217], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1220], [], [132, 1222, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1223], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1226], [], [132, 1228, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1229], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1232], [], [132, 1234, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1235], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1238], [], [132, 1240, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1241], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1244], [], [132, 1246, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1247], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1250], [], [132, 1252, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1253], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1256], [], [132, 1258, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1259], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1262], [], [132, 1264, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1265], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1268], [], [132, 1270, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1271], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1274], [], [132, 1276, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1277], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1280], [], [132, 1282, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1283], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1286], [], [132, 1288, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1289], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1292], [], [132, 1294, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1295], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1298], [], [132, 1300, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1301], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1304], [], [132, 1306, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1307], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1310], [], [132, 1312, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1313], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1316], [], [132, 1318, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1319], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1322], [], [132, 1324, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1325], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1328], [], [132, 1330, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1331], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1334], [], [132, 1336, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1337], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1340], [], [132, 1342, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1343], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1346], [], [132, 1348, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1349], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1352], [], [132, 1354, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1355], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1358], [], [132, 1360, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1361], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1364], [], [132, 1366, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1367], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1370], [], [132, 1372, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1373], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1376], [], [132, 1378, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1379], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1382], [], [132, 1384, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1385], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1388], [], [132, 1390, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1391], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1394], [], [132, 1396, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1397], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1400], [], [132, 1402, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1403], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1406], [], [132, 1408, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1409], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1412], [], [132, 1414, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1415], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1418], [], [132, 1420, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1421], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1424], [], [132, 1426, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1427], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1430], [], [132, 1432, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1433], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1436], [], [132, 1438, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1439], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1442], [], [132, 1444, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1445], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1448], [], [132, 1450, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1451], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1454], [], [132, 1456, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1457], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1460], [], [132, 1462, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1463], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1466], [], [132, 1468, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1469], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1472], [], [132, 1474, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1475], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1478], [], [132, 1480, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1481], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1484], [], [132, 1486, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1487], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1490], [], [132, 1492, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1493], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1496], [], [132, 1498, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1499], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1502], [], [132, 1504, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1505], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1508], [], [132, 1510, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1511], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1514], [], [132, 1516, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1517], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1520], [], [132, 1522, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1523], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1526], [], [132, 1528, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1529], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1532], [], [132, 1534, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1535], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1538], [], [132, 1540, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1541], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1544], [], [132, 1546, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1547], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1550], [], [132, 1552, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1553], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1556], [], [132, 1558, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1559], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1562], [], [132, 1564, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1565], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1568], [], [132, 1570, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1571], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1574], [], [132, 1576, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1577], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1580], [], [132, 1582, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1583], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1586], [], [132, 1588, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1589], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1592], [], [132, 1594, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1595], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1598], [], [132, 1600, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1601], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1604], [], [132, 1606, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1607], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1610], [], [132, 1612, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1613], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1616], [], [132, 1618, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1619], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1622], [], [132, 1624, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1625], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1628], [], [132, 1630, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1631], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1634], [], [132, 1636, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1637], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1640], [], [132, 1642, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1643], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1646], [], [132, 1648, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1649], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1652], [], [132, 1654, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1655], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1658], [], [132, 1660, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1661], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1664], [], [132, 1666, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1667], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1670], [], [132, 1672, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1673], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1676], [], [132, 1678, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1679], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1682], [], [132, 1684, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1685], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1688], [], [132, 1690, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1691], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1694], [], [132, 1696, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1697], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1700], [], [132, 1702, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1703], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1706], [], [132, 1708, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1709], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1712], [], [132, 1714, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1715], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1718], [], [132, 1720, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1721], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1724], [], [132, 1726, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1727], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1730], [], [132, 1732, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1733], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1736], [], [132, 1738, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1739], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1742], [], [132, 1744, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1745], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1748], [], [132, 1750, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1751], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1754], [], [132, 1756, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1757], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1760], [], [132, 1762, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1763], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1766], [], [132, 1768, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1769], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1772], [], [132, 1774, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1775], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1778], [], [132, 1780, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1781], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1784], [], [132, 1786, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1787], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1790], [], [132, 1792, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1793], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1796], [], [132, 1798, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1799], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1802], [], [132, 1804, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1805], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1808], [], [132, 1810, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1811], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1814], [], [132, 1816, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1817], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1820], [], [132, 1822, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1823], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1826], [], [132, 1828, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1829], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1832], [], [132, 1834, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1835], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1838], [], [132, 1840, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1841], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1844], [], [132, 1846, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1847], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1850], [], [132, 1852, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1853], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1856], [], [132, 1858, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1859], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1862], [], [132, 1864, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1865], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1868], [], [132, 1870, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1871], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1874], [], [132, 1876, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1877], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1880], [], [132, 1882, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1883], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1886], [], [132, 1888, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1889], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1892], [], [132, 1894, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1895], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1898], [], [132, 1900, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1901], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1904], [], [132, 1906, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1907], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1910], [], [132, 1912, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1913], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1916], [], [132, 1918, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1919], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1922], [], [132, 1924, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1925], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1928], [], [132, 1930, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1931], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1934], [], [132, 1936, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1937], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1940], [], [132, 1942, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1943], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1946], [], [132, 1948, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1949], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1952], [], [132, 1954, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1955], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1958], [], [132, 1960, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1961], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1964], [], [132, 1966, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1967], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1970], [], [132, 1972, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1973], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1976], [], [132, 1978, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1979], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1982], [], [132, 1984, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1985], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1988], [], [132, 1990, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1991], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1994], [], [132, 1996, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1997], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2000], [], [132, 2002, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2003], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2006], [], [132, 2008, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2009], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2012], [], [132, 2014, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2015], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2018], [], [132, 2020, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2021], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2024], [], [132, 2026, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2027], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2030], [], [132, 2032, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2033], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2036], [], [132, 2038, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2039], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2042], [], [132, 2044, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2045], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2048], [], [132, 2050, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2051], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2054], [], [132, 2056, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2057], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2060], [], [132, 2062, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2063], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2066], [], [132, 2068, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2069], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2072], [], [132, 2074, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2075], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2078], [], [132, 2080, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2081], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2084], [], [132, 2086, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2087], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2090], [], [132, 2092, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2093], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2096], [], [132, 2098, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2099], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2102], [], [132, 2104, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2105], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2108], [], [132, 2110, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2111], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2114], [], [132, 2116, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2117], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2120], [], [132, 2122, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2123], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2126], [], [132, 2128, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2129], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2132], [], [132, 2134, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2135], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2138], [], [132, 2140, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2141], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2144], [], [132, 2146, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2147], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2150], [], [132, 2152, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2153], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2156], [], [132, 2158, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2159], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2162], [], [132, 2164, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2165], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2168], [], [132, 2170, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2171], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2174], [], [132, 2176, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2177], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2180], [], [132, 2182, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2183], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2186], [], [132, 2188, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2189], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2192], [], [132, 2194, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2195], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2198], [], [132, 2200, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2201], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2204], [], [132, 2206, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2207], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2210], [], [132, 2212, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2213], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2216], [], [132, 2218, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2219], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2222], [], [132, 2224, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2225], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2228], [], [132, 2230, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2231], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2234], [], [132, 2236, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2237], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2240], [], [132, 2242, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2243], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2246], [], [132, 2248, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2249], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2252], [], [132, 2254, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2255], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2258], [], [132, 2260, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2261], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2264], [], [132, 2266, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2267], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2270], [], [132, 2272, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2273], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2276], [], [132, 2278, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2279], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2282], [], [132, 2284, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2285], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2288], [], [132, 2290, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2291], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2294], [], [132, 2296, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2297], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2300], [], [132, 2302, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2303], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2305], [], [132, 2307, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2308], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2311], [], [132, 2313, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2314], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2317], [], [132, 2319, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2320], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2323], [], [132, 2325, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2326], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2329], [], [132, 2331, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2332], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2335], [], [132, 2337, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2338], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2341], [], [132, 2343, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2344], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2347], [], [132, 2349, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2350], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2353], [], [132, 2355, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2356], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2359], [], [132, 2361, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2362], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2365], [], [132, 2367, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2368], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2371], [], [132, 2373, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2374], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2377], [], [132, 2379, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2380], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2383], [], [132, 2385, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2386], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2389], [], [132, 2391, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2392], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2395], [], [132, 2397, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2398], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2401], [], [132, 2403, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2404], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2407], [], [132, 2409, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2410], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2413], [], [132, 2415, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2416], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2419], [], [132, 2421, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2422], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2425], [], [132, 2427, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2428], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2431], [], [132, 2433, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2434], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2437], [], [132, 2439, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2440], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2443], [], [132, 2445, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2446], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2449], [], [132, 2451, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2452], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2455], [], [132, 2457, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2458], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2461], [], [132, 2463, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2464], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2467], [], [132, 2469, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2470], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2473], [], [132, 2475, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2476], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2479], [], [132, 2481, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2482], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2485], [], [132, 2487, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2488], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2491], [], [132, 2493, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2494], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2497], [], [132, 2499, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2500], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2503], [], [132, 2505, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2506], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2509], [], [132, 2511, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2512], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2515], [], [132, 2517, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2518], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2521], [], [132, 2523, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2524], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2527], [], [132, 2529, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2530], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2533], [], [132, 2535, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2536], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2539], [], [132, 2541, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2542], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2545], [], [132, 2547, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2548], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2551], [], [132, 2553, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2554], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2557], [], [132, 2559, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2560], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2563], [], [132, 2565, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2566], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2569], [], [132, 2571, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2572], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2575], [], [132, 2577, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2578], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2581], [], [132, 2583, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2584], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2587], [], [132, 2589, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2590], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2593], [], [132, 2595, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2596], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2599], [], [132, 2601, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2602], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2605], [], [132, 2607, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2608], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2611], [], [132, 2613, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2614], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2617], [], [132, 2619, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2620], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2623], [], [132, 2625, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2626], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2629], [], [132, 2631, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2632], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2635], [], [132, 2637, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2638], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2641], [], [132, 2643, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2644], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2647], [], [132, 2649, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2650], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2653], [], [132, 2655, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2656], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2659], [], [132, 2661, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2662], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2665], [], [132, 2667, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2668], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2671], [], [132, 2673, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2674], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2677], [], [132, 2679, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2680], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2683], [], [132, 2685, 209, 2686, 524, 536, 7, 2687], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2690], [], [132, 2692, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2693], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2696], [], [132, 2698, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2699], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2702], [], [132, 2704, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2705], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2708], [], [132, 2710, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2711], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2714], [], [132, 2716, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2717], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2720], [], [132, 2722, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2723], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2726], [], [132, 2728, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2729], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2732], [], [132, 2734, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2735], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2738], [], [132, 2740, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2741], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2744], [], [132, 2746, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2747], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2750], [], [132, 2752, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2753], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2756], [], [132, 2758, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2759], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2762], [], [132, 2764, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2765], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2768], [], [132, 2770, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2771], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2774], [], [132, 2776, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2777], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2780], [], [132, 2782, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2783], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2786], [], [132, 2788, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2789], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2792], [], [132, 2794, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2795], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2798], [], [132, 2800, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2801], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2804], [], [132, 2806, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2807], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2810], [], [132, 2812, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2813], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2816], [], [132, 2818, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2819], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2822], [], [132, 2824, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2825], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2828], [], [132, 2830, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2831], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2834], [], [132, 2836, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2837], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2840], [], [132, 2842, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2843], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2846], [], [132, 2848, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2849], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2852], [], [132, 2854, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2855], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2858], [], [132, 2860, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2861], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2864], [], [132, 2866, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2867], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2870], [], [132, 2872, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2873], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2876], [], [132, 2878, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2879], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2882], [], [132, 2884, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2885], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2888], [], [132, 2890, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2891], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2894], [], [132, 2896, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2897], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2900], [], [132, 2902, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2903], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2906], [], [132, 2908, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2909], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2912], [], [132, 2914, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2915], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2918], [], [132, 2920, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2921], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2924], [], [132, 2926, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2927], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2930], [], [132, 2932, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2933], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2936], [], [132, 2938, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2939], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2942], [], [132, 2944, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2945], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2948], [], [132, 2950, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2951], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2954], [], [132, 2956, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2957], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2960], [], [132, 2962, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2963], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2966], [], [132, 2968, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2969], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2972], [], [132, 2974, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2975], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2978], [], [132, 2980, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2981], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2984], [], [132, 2986, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2987], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2990], [], [132, 2992, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2993], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2996], [], [132, 2998, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2999], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3002], [], [132, 3004, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3005], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3008], [], [132, 3010, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3011], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3014], [], [132, 3016, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3017], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3020], [], [132, 3022, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3023], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3026], [], [132, 3028, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3029], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3032], [], [132, 3034, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3035], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3038], [], [132, 3040, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3041], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3044], [], [132, 3046, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3047], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3050], [], [132, 3052, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3053], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3056], [], [132, 3058, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3059], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3062], [], [132, 3064, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3065], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3068], [], [132, 3070, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3071], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3074], [], [132, 3076, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3077], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3080], [], [132, 3082, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3083], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3086], [], [132, 3088, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3089], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3092], [], [132, 3094, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3095], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3098], [], [132, 3100, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3101], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3104], [], [132, 3106, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3107], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3110], [], [132, 3112, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3113], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3116], [], [132, 3118, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3119], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3122], [], [132, 3124, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3125], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3128], [], [132, 3130, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3131], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3134], [], [132, 3136, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3137], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3140], [], [132, 3142, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3143], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3146], [], [132, 3148, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3149], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3152], [], [132, 3154, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3155], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3158], [], [132, 3160, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3161], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3164], [], [132, 3166, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3167], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3170], [], [132, 3172, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3173], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3176], [], [132, 3178, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3179], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3182], [], [132, 3184, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3185], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3188], [], [132, 3190, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3191], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3194], [], [132, 3196, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3197], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3200], [], [132, 3202, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3203], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3206], [], [132, 3208, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3209], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3212], [], [132, 3214, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3215], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3218], [], [132, 3220, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3221], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3224], [], [132, 3226, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3227], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3230], [], [132, 3232, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3233], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3236], [], [132, 3238, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3239], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3242], [], [132, 3244, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3245], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3248], [], [132, 3250, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3251], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3254], [], [132, 3256, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3257], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3260], [], [132, 3262, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3263], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3266], [], [132, 3268, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3269], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3272], [], [132, 3274, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3275], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3278], [], [132, 3280, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3281], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3284], [], [132, 3286, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3287], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3290], [], [132, 3292, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3293], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3296], [], [132, 3298, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3299], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3302], [], [132, 3304, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3305], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3308], [], [132, 3310, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3311], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3314], [], [132, 3316, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3317], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3320], [], [132, 3322, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3323], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3326], [], [132, 3328, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3329], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3332], [], [132, 3334, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3335], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3338], [], [132, 3340, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3341], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3344], [], [132, 3346, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3347], [], [209, 3350, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3353, 528, 3354, 185, 701, 7, 3355], [209, 3357, 7, 3358], [132, 3354, 209, 3360, 7, 3361], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3366], [209, 3368, 7, 3369], [209, 3371, 7, 3372], [], [132, 3353, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3375], [], [209, 3377, 7, 3378], [], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3381, 528, 3382, 185, 3383, 7, 3384], [209, 3357, 7, 3386], [132, 3382, 209, 3360, 7, 3388], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3391], [209, 3368, 7, 3393], [209, 3371, 7, 3395], [], [132, 3381, 3397, 3398, 3399, 3400, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3401], [], [132, 3403, 185, 701, 7, 3404], [], [913, 3406, 80, 3407, 7, 3408], [], [], [132, 3411, 7, 3412], [], [353, 3415, 132, 3416, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3417], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 3419], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 3421], [496, 3423, 364, 14, 365, 3424, 132, 3425, 30, 3425, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3427], [496, 3429, 364, 14, 365, 3430, 132, 3431, 30, 3431, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3432], [496, 3434, 364, 14, 365, 3435, 132, 3436, 30, 3436, 48, 368, 369, 3426, 7, 3437], [364, 14, 365, 3439, 132, 3440, 30, 3440, 48, 368, 369, 3441, 7, 3442], [], [185, 3444, 7, 3445], [], [], [132, 3448, 7, 3449], [], [7, 3451], [], [7, 3453], [], [406, 3455, 7, 3456], [], [], [], [7, 3460], [], [406, 3462, 7, 3463], [], [], [], [7, 3466], [], [406, 462, 7, 3468], [], [], [], [7, 3471], [], [406, 3473, 7, 3474], [], [], [], [], [7, 3476], [], [7, 3478], [], [406, 3480, 7, 3481], [], [], [3484, 3485, 364, 14, 3486, 3487, 3488, 3489, 365, 3490, 132, 3480, 30, 3480, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3491], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3494], [], [209, 442, 443, 3480, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3497], [], [], [], [7, 3499], [], [406, 3501, 7, 3502], [], [], [3484, 3505, 364, 14, 3486, 3506, 3488, 3489, 365, 3507, 132, 3501, 30, 3501, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3508], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3510], [], [209, 442, 443, 3501, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3512], [], [], [], [7, 3514], [], [406, 3516, 7, 3517], [], [], [3484, 3520, 364, 14, 3486, 3521, 3488, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3526, 365, 3527, 132, 3516, 30, 3516, 48, 495, 369, 3528, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3529], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3531], [], [209, 442, 443, 3516, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3533], [], [], [], [7, 3535], [], [406, 3537, 7, 3538], [], [], [209, 3541, 364, 14, 365, 3542, 132, 3537, 30, 3537, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3543], [], [185, 3493, 7, 3545], [], [209, 442, 443, 3537, 444, 14, 185, 3496, 7, 3547], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3550], [209, 3552, 7, 3553], [48, 735, 209, 3555, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3556], [209, 3371, 7, 3558], [], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3561], [209, 3371, 7, 3563], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3567], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3570], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3573], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3576], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3579], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3582], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3585], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3588], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3590, 528, 3591, 185, 3383, 7, 3592], [209, 3357, 7, 3594], [132, 3591, 209, 3360, 7, 3596], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3599], [209, 3368, 7, 3601], [209, 3371, 7, 3603], [], [132, 3590, 3397, 3605, 3399, 3606, 3607, 3608, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3609], [], [132, 3611, 7, 3612], [], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3615], [209, 3552, 7, 3617], [48, 735, 209, 3619, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3620], [209, 3371, 7, 3622], [], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3624], [209, 3371, 7, 3626], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3628], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3630], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3632], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3634], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3636], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3638], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3640], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3642], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3644, 528, 3645, 185, 3383, 7, 3646], [209, 3357, 7, 3648], [132, 3645, 209, 3360, 7, 3650], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3653], [209, 3368, 7, 3655], [209, 3371, 7, 3657], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3659], [209, 3552, 7, 3661], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3664], [209, 3371, 7, 3666], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3669], [209, 3371, 7, 3671], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3674], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3676], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3678], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3680], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3682], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3684], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3686], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3688], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3690, 528, 3691, 185, 3383, 7, 3692], [209, 3357, 7, 3694], [132, 3691, 209, 3360, 7, 3696], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3699], [209, 3368, 7, 3701], [209, 3371, 7, 3703], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3705], [209, 3552, 7, 3707], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3709], [209, 3371, 7, 3711], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3713], [209, 3371, 7, 3715], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566, 7, 3717], [209, 3569, 185, 3566, 7, 3719], [209, 3572, 185, 3566, 7, 3721], [209, 3575, 185, 3566, 7, 3723], [209, 3578, 185, 3566, 7, 3725], [209, 3581, 185, 3566, 7, 3727], [209, 3584, 185, 3566, 7, 3729], [209, 3587, 185, 3566, 7, 3731], [209, 3733, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3734, 528, 3735, 185, 701, 7, 3736], [209, 3357, 7, 3738], [132, 3735, 209, 3360, 7, 3740], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3743], [209, 3368, 7, 3745], [209, 3371, 7, 3747], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3749], [209, 3552, 7, 3751], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3753], [209, 3371, 7, 3755], [], [209, 3733, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3757, 528, 3758, 185, 701, 7, 3759], [209, 3357, 7, 3761], [132, 3758, 209, 3360, 7, 3763], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365, 7, 3765], [209, 3368, 7, 3767], [209, 3371, 7, 3769], [], [209, 3549, 7, 3771], [209, 3552, 7, 3773], [48, 735, 209, 3560, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 7, 3775], [209, 3371, 7, 3777], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3780], [], [48, 87, 7, 3782], [], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3785], [7, 3787], [], [185, 3779, 7, 3790], [], [48, 87, 7, 3792], [], [], [524, 536, 553, 14, 516, 535, 803, 3795, 30, 3796, 132, 3796, 80, 3797, 185, 3798, 7, 3799], [132, 3801, 80, 3802, 7, 3803], [185, 3806, 7, 3807], [3809, 3810, 185, 3811, 7, 3812], [185, 3814, 7, 3815], [46, 55, 50, 3817, 7, 3818], [185, 3811, 7, 3820], [185, 3814, 7, 3822], [46, 55, 50, 3817, 7, 3824], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3644, 528, 991, 185, 3383], [209, 3357], [132, 991, 209, 3360], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365], [209, 3368], [209, 3371], [], [132, 3644, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3826], [], [353, 3829, 132, 3830, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3831], [], [209, 3833, 7, 3834], [], [209, 3837, 7, 3838], [], [7, 3841], [], [7, 3843], [], [209, 402, 7, 3845], [209, 3847, 7, 3848], [], [406, 3851, 7, 3852], [], [], [209, 492, 364, 14, 3486, 3855, 3488, 3489, 365, 3856, 132, 3851, 30, 3851, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3857], [], [209, 442, 443, 3851, 444, 14, 7, 3859], [], [], [7, 3861], [], [209, 402, 7, 3863], [209, 3847, 7, 3865], [], [406, 3867, 7, 3868], [], [], [364, 14, 3486, 3521, 3488, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3526, 365, 3527, 132, 3867, 30, 3867, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3871], [], [209, 442, 443, 3867, 444, 14, 7, 3873], [], [], [7, 3875], [], [209, 402, 7, 3877], [209, 3847, 7, 3879], [], [406, 3881, 7, 3882], [], [], [7, 3885], [], [3888, 766, 364, 14, 365, 3889, 132, 3881, 30, 3881, 3890, 755, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3891], [], [209, 442, 443, 3881, 444, 14, 7, 3893], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3895], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3897], [], [132, 3519, 30, 3519, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3899], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3549], [209, 3552], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499], [209, 3371], [], [48, 735, 209, 3663, 516, 735, 3364, 499], [209, 3371], [], [209, 3565, 185, 3566], [209, 3569, 185, 3566], [209, 3572, 185, 3566], [209, 3575, 185, 3566], [209, 3578, 185, 3566], [209, 3581, 185, 3566], [209, 3584, 185, 3566], [209, 3587, 185, 3566], [209, 3380, 524, 536, 516, 3351, 3352, 3690, 528, 3354, 185, 3383], [209, 3357], [132, 3354, 209, 3360], [], [48, 735, 209, 3363, 516, 735, 3364, 499, 803, 3365], [209, 3368], [209, 3371], [], [132, 3690, 185, -1, 209, 3374, 7, 3901], [], [132, 3904, 353, 3905, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3906], [], [48, 368, 132, 3908, 30, 3908, 369, 14, 7, 3909], [], [7, 3911], [], [7, 3913], [], [406, 3915, 7, 3916], [], [], [48, 495, 132, 3915, 30, 3919, 365, 3490, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3920], [], [185, 3922, 7, 3923], [], 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406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [76.140625, 513.484375, 74.34375, 251], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [519, 503, 837, 12209.421875], [522, 506, 831, 30.390625], [514, 526, 1, 1], [514, 526, 1, 1], [522, 506, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 511, 578.015625, 20], [522, 536.390625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 556.390625, 1, 1], [514, 556.390625, 1, 1], [522, 536.390625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 541.390625, 778.5, 46.390625], [522, 593.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 613.171875, 1, 1], [514, 613.171875, 1, 1], [522, 593.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 598.171875, 579.625, 20], [522, 623.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 643.5625, 1, 1], [514, 643.5625, 1, 1], [522, 623.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 628.5625, 399.640625, 20], [522, 653.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 673.953125, 1, 1], [514, 673.953125, 1, 1], [522, 653.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 658.953125, 529.03125, 20], [522, 684.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 704.34375, 1, 1], [514, 704.34375, 1, 1], [522, 684.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 689.34375, 509.21875, 20], [522, 714.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 734.734375, 1, 1], [514, 734.734375, 1, 1], [522, 714.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 719.734375, 496.5, 20], [522, 745.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 765.125, 1, 1], [514, 765.125, 1, 1], [522, 745.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 750.125, 514.125, 20], [522, 775.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 795.515625, 1, 1], [514, 795.515625, 1, 1], [522, 775.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 780.515625, 780.1875, 20], [522, 805.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 825.90625, 1, 1], [514, 825.90625, 1, 1], [522, 805.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 810.90625, 625.03125, 20], [522, 836.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 856.296875, 1, 1], [514, 856.296875, 1, 1], [522, 836.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 841.296875, 438.765625, 20], [522, 866.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 886.6875, 1, 1], [514, 886.6875, 1, 1], [522, 866.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 871.6875, 565.90625, 20], [522, 897.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 917.078125, 1, 1], [514, 917.078125, 1, 1], [522, 897.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 902.078125, 492.578125, 20], [522, 927.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 947.46875, 1, 1], [514, 947.46875, 1, 1], [522, 927.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 932.46875, 634.0625, 20], [522, 957.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 977.859375, 1, 1], [514, 977.859375, 1, 1], [522, 957.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 962.859375, 521.890625, 20], [522, 988.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1008.25, 1, 1], [514, 1008.25, 1, 1], [522, 988.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 993.25, 539.5, 20], [522, 1018.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1038.640625, 1, 1], [514, 1038.640625, 1, 1], [522, 1018.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1023.640625, 722.34375, 20], [522, 1049.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1069.03125, 1, 1], [514, 1069.03125, 1, 1], [522, 1049.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1054.03125, 568.140625, 20], [522, 1079.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1099.421875, 1, 1], [514, 1099.421875, 1, 1], [522, 1079.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1084.421875, 491.59375, 20], [522, 1109.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1129.8125, 1, 1], [514, 1129.8125, 1, 1], [522, 1109.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1114.8125, 469.71875, 20], [522, 1140.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1160.203125, 1, 1], [514, 1160.203125, 1, 1], [522, 1140.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1145.203125, 600.140625, 20], [522, 1170.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1190.59375, 1, 1], [514, 1190.59375, 1, 1], [522, 1170.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1175.59375, 576.640625, 20], [522, 1200.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1220.984375, 1, 1], [514, 1220.984375, 1, 1], [522, 1200.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1205.984375, 576.28125, 20], [522, 1231.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1251.375, 1, 1], [514, 1251.375, 1, 1], [522, 1231.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1236.375, 583.796875, 20], [522, 1261.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1281.765625, 1, 1], [514, 1281.765625, 1, 1], [522, 1261.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1266.765625, 587.421875, 20], [522, 1292.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1312.15625, 1, 1], [514, 1312.15625, 1, 1], [522, 1292.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1297.15625, 807.734375, 20], [522, 1322.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1342.546875, 1, 1], [514, 1342.546875, 1, 1], [522, 1322.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1327.546875, 626.921875, 20], [522, 1352.9375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 1372.9375, 1, 1], [514, 1372.9375, 1, 1], [522, 1352.9375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 1357.9375, 799.640625, 46.390625], [522, 1409.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1429.71875, 1, 1], [514, 1429.71875, 1, 1], [522, 1409.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1414.71875, 546.3125, 20], [522, 1440.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1460.109375, 1, 1], [514, 1460.109375, 1, 1], [522, 1440.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1445.109375, 528.40625, 20], [522, 1470.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1490.5, 1, 1], [514, 1490.5, 1, 1], [522, 1470.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1475.5, 434.5625, 20], [522, 1500.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1520.890625, 1, 1], [514, 1520.890625, 1, 1], [522, 1500.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1505.890625, 587.734375, 20], [522, 1531.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1551.28125, 1, 1], [514, 1551.28125, 1, 1], [522, 1531.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1536.28125, 741.953125, 20], [522, 1561.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1581.671875, 1, 1], [514, 1581.671875, 1, 1], [522, 1561.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1566.671875, 520.28125, 20], [522, 1592.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1612.0625, 1, 1], [514, 1612.0625, 1, 1], [522, 1592.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1597.0625, 494.921875, 20], [522, 1622.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1642.453125, 1, 1], [514, 1642.453125, 1, 1], [522, 1622.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1627.453125, 641.875, 20], [522, 1652.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1672.84375, 1, 1], [514, 1672.84375, 1, 1], [522, 1652.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1657.84375, 626.53125, 20], [522, 1683.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1703.234375, 1, 1], [514, 1703.234375, 1, 1], [522, 1683.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1688.234375, 573.4375, 20], [522, 1713.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1733.625, 1, 1], [514, 1733.625, 1, 1], [522, 1713.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1718.625, 646.421875, 20], [522, 1744.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1764.015625, 1, 1], [514, 1764.015625, 1, 1], [522, 1744.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1749.015625, 562.65625, 20], [522, 1774.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1794.40625, 1, 1], [514, 1794.40625, 1, 1], [522, 1774.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1779.40625, 565.578125, 20], [522, 1804.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1824.796875, 1, 1], [514, 1824.796875, 1, 1], [522, 1804.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1809.796875, 579.953125, 20], [522, 1835.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1855.1875, 1, 1], [514, 1855.1875, 1, 1], [522, 1835.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1840.1875, 464.296875, 20], [522, 1865.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1885.578125, 1, 1], [514, 1885.578125, 1, 1], [522, 1865.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1870.578125, 576.6875, 20], [522, 1895.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1915.96875, 1, 1], [514, 1915.96875, 1, 1], [522, 1895.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1900.96875, 564.359375, 20], [522, 1926.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1946.359375, 1, 1], [514, 1946.359375, 1, 1], [522, 1926.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1931.359375, 616.75, 20], [522, 1956.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 1976.75, 1, 1], [514, 1976.75, 1, 1], [522, 1956.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1961.75, 761.515625, 20], [522, 1987.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2007.140625, 1, 1], [514, 2007.140625, 1, 1], [522, 1987.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 1992.140625, 749.75, 20], [522, 2017.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2037.53125, 1, 1], [514, 2037.53125, 1, 1], [522, 2017.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2022.53125, 549.96875, 20], [522, 2047.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2067.921875, 1, 1], [514, 2067.921875, 1, 1], [522, 2047.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2052.921875, 542.78125, 20], [522, 2078.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2098.3125, 1, 1], [514, 2098.3125, 1, 1], [522, 2078.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2083.3125, 574.5, 20], [522, 2108.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2128.703125, 1, 1], [514, 2128.703125, 1, 1], [522, 2108.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2113.703125, 606.03125, 20], [522, 2139.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2159.09375, 1, 1], [514, 2159.09375, 1, 1], [522, 2139.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2144.09375, 625.84375, 20], [522, 2169.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2189.484375, 1, 1], [514, 2189.484375, 1, 1], [522, 2169.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2174.484375, 642.890625, 20], [522, 2199.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2219.875, 1, 1], [514, 2219.875, 1, 1], [522, 2199.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2204.875, 608.296875, 20], [522, 2230.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2250.265625, 1, 1], [514, 2250.265625, 1, 1], [522, 2230.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2235.265625, 578.6875, 20], [522, 2260.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2280.65625, 1, 1], [514, 2280.65625, 1, 1], [522, 2260.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2265.65625, 502.40625, 20], [522, 2291.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2311.046875, 1, 1], [514, 2311.046875, 1, 1], [522, 2291.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2296.046875, 653.953125, 20], [522, 2321.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2341.4375, 1, 1], [514, 2341.4375, 1, 1], [522, 2321.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2326.4375, 551.25, 20], [522, 2351.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2371.828125, 1, 1], [514, 2371.828125, 1, 1], [522, 2351.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2356.828125, 524.484375, 20], [522, 2382.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2402.21875, 1, 1], [514, 2402.21875, 1, 1], [522, 2382.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2387.21875, 816.828125, 20], [522, 2412.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2432.609375, 1, 1], [514, 2432.609375, 1, 1], [522, 2412.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2417.609375, 508.546875, 20], [522, 2443, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2463, 1, 1], [514, 2463, 1, 1], [522, 2443, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2448, 591.03125, 20], [522, 2473.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2493.390625, 1, 1], [514, 2493.390625, 1, 1], [522, 2473.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2478.390625, 513.828125, 20], [522, 2503.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2523.78125, 1, 1], [514, 2523.78125, 1, 1], [522, 2503.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2508.78125, 589.4375, 20], [522, 2534.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2554.171875, 1, 1], [514, 2554.171875, 1, 1], [522, 2534.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2539.171875, 762.1875, 20], [522, 2564.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2584.5625, 1, 1], [514, 2584.5625, 1, 1], [522, 2564.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2569.5625, 584.890625, 20], [522, 2594.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2614.953125, 1, 1], [514, 2614.953125, 1, 1], [522, 2594.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2599.953125, 518.9375, 20], [522, 2625.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2645.34375, 1, 1], [514, 2645.34375, 1, 1], [522, 2625.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2630.34375, 649.71875, 20], [522, 2655.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2675.734375, 1, 1], [514, 2675.734375, 1, 1], [522, 2655.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2660.734375, 703.5625, 20], [522, 2686.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2706.125, 1, 1], [514, 2706.125, 1, 1], [522, 2686.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2691.125, 773.984375, 20], [522, 2716.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2736.515625, 1, 1], [514, 2736.515625, 1, 1], [522, 2716.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2721.515625, 584.53125, 20], [522, 2746.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2766.90625, 1, 1], [514, 2766.90625, 1, 1], [522, 2746.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2751.90625, 639.65625, 20], [522, 2777.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2797.296875, 1, 1], [514, 2797.296875, 1, 1], [522, 2777.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2782.296875, 610.828125, 20], [522, 2807.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2827.6875, 1, 1], [514, 2827.6875, 1, 1], [522, 2807.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2812.6875, 530.390625, 20], [522, 2838.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2858.078125, 1, 1], [514, 2858.078125, 1, 1], [522, 2838.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2843.078125, 663.4375, 20], [522, 2868.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2888.46875, 1, 1], [514, 2888.46875, 1, 1], [522, 2868.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2873.46875, 541.484375, 20], [522, 2898.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2918.859375, 1, 1], [514, 2918.859375, 1, 1], [522, 2898.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2903.859375, 783.75, 20], [522, 2929.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2949.25, 1, 1], [514, 2949.25, 1, 1], [522, 2929.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2934.25, 423.15625, 20], [522, 2959.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 2979.640625, 1, 1], [514, 2979.640625, 1, 1], [522, 2959.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2964.640625, 729.578125, 20], [522, 2990.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3010.03125, 1, 1], [514, 3010.03125, 1, 1], [522, 2990.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 2995.03125, 603.75, 20], [522, 3020.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3040.421875, 1, 1], [514, 3040.421875, 1, 1], [522, 3020.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3025.421875, 637.296875, 20], [522, 3050.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3070.8125, 1, 1], [514, 3070.8125, 1, 1], [522, 3050.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3055.8125, 629.453125, 20], [522, 3081.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3101.203125, 1, 1], [514, 3101.203125, 1, 1], [522, 3081.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3086.203125, 591.328125, 20], [522, 3111.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3131.59375, 1, 1], [514, 3131.59375, 1, 1], [522, 3111.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3116.59375, 542.40625, 20], [522, 3141.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3161.984375, 1, 1], [514, 3161.984375, 1, 1], [522, 3141.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3146.984375, 642.1875, 20], [522, 3172.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3192.375, 1, 1], [514, 3192.375, 1, 1], [522, 3172.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3177.375, 399.984375, 20], [522, 3202.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3222.765625, 1, 1], [514, 3222.765625, 1, 1], [522, 3202.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3207.765625, 476.015625, 20], [522, 3233.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3253.15625, 1, 1], [514, 3253.15625, 1, 1], [522, 3233.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3238.15625, 632.09375, 20], [522, 3263.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3283.546875, 1, 1], [514, 3283.546875, 1, 1], [522, 3263.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3268.546875, 644.140625, 20], [522, 3293.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3313.9375, 1, 1], [514, 3313.9375, 1, 1], [522, 3293.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3298.9375, 667.640625, 20], [522, 3324.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3344.328125, 1, 1], [514, 3344.328125, 1, 1], [522, 3324.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3329.328125, 540.203125, 20], [522, 3354.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3374.71875, 1, 1], [514, 3374.71875, 1, 1], [522, 3354.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3359.71875, 710.3125, 20], [522, 3385.109375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3405.109375, 1, 1], [514, 3405.109375, 1, 1], [522, 3385.109375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3390.109375, 754.3125, 46.390625], [522, 3441.890625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3461.890625, 1, 1], [514, 3461.890625, 1, 1], [522, 3441.890625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3446.890625, 813.6875, 46.390625], [522, 3498.671875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3518.671875, 1, 1], [514, 3518.671875, 1, 1], [522, 3498.671875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3503.671875, 805.484375, 46.390625], [522, 3555.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3575.453125, 1, 1], [514, 3575.453125, 1, 1], [522, 3555.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3560.453125, 682, 20], [522, 3585.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3605.84375, 1, 1], [514, 3605.84375, 1, 1], [522, 3585.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3590.84375, 739.109375, 20], [522, 3616.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3636.234375, 1, 1], [514, 3636.234375, 1, 1], [522, 3616.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3621.234375, 618.390625, 20], [522, 3646.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3666.625, 1, 1], [514, 3666.625, 1, 1], [522, 3646.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3651.625, 680.40625, 20], [522, 3677.015625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 3697.015625, 1, 1], [514, 3697.015625, 1, 1], [522, 3677.015625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 3682.015625, 807.5, 46.390625], [522, 3733.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3753.796875, 1, 1], [514, 3753.796875, 1, 1], [522, 3733.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3738.796875, 550.578125, 20], [522, 3764.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3784.1875, 1, 1], [514, 3784.1875, 1, 1], [522, 3764.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3769.1875, 460.265625, 20], [522, 3794.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3814.578125, 1, 1], [514, 3814.578125, 1, 1], [522, 3794.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3799.578125, 564.953125, 20], [522, 3824.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3844.96875, 1, 1], [514, 3844.96875, 1, 1], [522, 3824.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3829.96875, 610.5625, 20], [522, 3855.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3875.359375, 1, 1], [514, 3875.359375, 1, 1], [522, 3855.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3860.359375, 490.609375, 20], [522, 3885.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3905.75, 1, 1], [514, 3905.75, 1, 1], [522, 3885.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3890.75, 568.203125, 20], [522, 3916.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3936.140625, 1, 1], [514, 3936.140625, 1, 1], [522, 3916.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3921.140625, 528.734375, 20], [522, 3946.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3966.53125, 1, 1], [514, 3966.53125, 1, 1], [522, 3946.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3951.53125, 678.328125, 20], [522, 3976.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 3996.921875, 1, 1], [514, 3996.921875, 1, 1], [522, 3976.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 3981.921875, 586.5, 20], [522, 4007.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4027.3125, 1, 1], [514, 4027.3125, 1, 1], [522, 4007.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4012.3125, 639.9375, 20], [522, 4037.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4057.703125, 1, 1], [514, 4057.703125, 1, 1], [522, 4037.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4042.703125, 539.859375, 20], [522, 4068.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4088.09375, 1, 1], [514, 4088.09375, 1, 1], [522, 4068.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4073.09375, 609.625, 20], [522, 4098.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4118.484375, 1, 1], [514, 4118.484375, 1, 1], [522, 4098.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4103.484375, 539.890625, 20], [522, 4128.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4148.875, 1, 1], [514, 4148.875, 1, 1], [522, 4128.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4133.875, 436.8125, 20], [522, 4159.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4179.265625, 1, 1], [514, 4179.265625, 1, 1], [522, 4159.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4164.265625, 696.609375, 20], [522, 4189.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4209.65625, 1, 1], [514, 4209.65625, 1, 1], [522, 4189.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4194.65625, 721.90625, 20], [522, 4220.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4240.046875, 1, 1], [514, 4240.046875, 1, 1], [522, 4220.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4225.046875, 637.984375, 20], [522, 4250.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4270.4375, 1, 1], [514, 4270.4375, 1, 1], [522, 4250.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4255.4375, 721.140625, 20], [522, 4280.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4300.828125, 1, 1], [514, 4300.828125, 1, 1], [522, 4280.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4285.828125, 520.265625, 20], [522, 4311.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4331.21875, 1, 1], [514, 4331.21875, 1, 1], [522, 4311.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4316.21875, 509.15625, 20], [522, 4341.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4361.609375, 1, 1], [514, 4361.609375, 1, 1], [522, 4341.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4346.609375, 467.140625, 20], [522, 4372, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4392, 1, 1], [514, 4392, 1, 1], [522, 4372, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4377, 549.25, 20], [522, 4402.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4422.390625, 1, 1], [514, 4422.390625, 1, 1], [522, 4402.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4407.390625, 589.03125, 20], [522, 4432.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4452.78125, 1, 1], [514, 4452.78125, 1, 1], [522, 4432.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4437.78125, 534.578125, 20], [522, 4463.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4483.171875, 1, 1], [514, 4483.171875, 1, 1], [522, 4463.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4468.171875, 548.65625, 20], [522, 4493.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4513.5625, 1, 1], [514, 4513.5625, 1, 1], [522, 4493.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4498.5625, 487.703125, 20], [522, 4523.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4543.953125, 1, 1], [514, 4543.953125, 1, 1], [522, 4523.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4528.953125, 510.875, 20], [522, 4554.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4574.34375, 1, 1], [514, 4574.34375, 1, 1], [522, 4554.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4559.34375, 500.0625, 20], [522, 4584.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4604.734375, 1, 1], [514, 4604.734375, 1, 1], [522, 4584.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4589.734375, 507.921875, 20], [522, 4615.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4635.125, 1, 1], [514, 4635.125, 1, 1], [522, 4615.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4620.125, 594.234375, 20], [522, 4645.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4665.515625, 1, 1], [514, 4665.515625, 1, 1], [522, 4645.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4650.515625, 636.6875, 20], [522, 4675.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4695.90625, 1, 1], [514, 4695.90625, 1, 1], [522, 4675.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4680.90625, 555.484375, 20], [522, 4706.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4726.296875, 1, 1], [514, 4726.296875, 1, 1], [522, 4706.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4711.296875, 498.75, 20], [522, 4736.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4756.6875, 1, 1], [514, 4756.6875, 1, 1], [522, 4736.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4741.6875, 403.234375, 20], [522, 4767.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4787.078125, 1, 1], [514, 4787.078125, 1, 1], [522, 4767.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4772.078125, 542.78125, 20], [522, 4797.46875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 4817.46875, 1, 1], [514, 4817.46875, 1, 1], [522, 4797.46875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 4802.46875, 815.875, 46.390625], [522, 4854.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4874.25, 1, 1], [514, 4874.25, 1, 1], [522, 4854.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4859.25, 660.6875, 20], [522, 4884.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4904.640625, 1, 1], [514, 4904.640625, 1, 1], [522, 4884.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4889.640625, 631.390625, 20], [522, 4915.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4935.03125, 1, 1], [514, 4935.03125, 1, 1], [522, 4915.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4920.03125, 673.78125, 20], [522, 4945.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4965.421875, 1, 1], [514, 4965.421875, 1, 1], [522, 4945.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4950.421875, 538.578125, 20], [522, 4975.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 4995.8125, 1, 1], [514, 4995.8125, 1, 1], [522, 4975.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 4980.8125, 494.578125, 20], [522, 5006.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5026.203125, 1, 1], [514, 5026.203125, 1, 1], [522, 5006.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5011.203125, 722.03125, 20], [522, 5036.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5056.59375, 1, 1], [514, 5056.59375, 1, 1], [522, 5036.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5041.59375, 576.359375, 20], [522, 5066.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5086.984375, 1, 1], [514, 5086.984375, 1, 1], [522, 5066.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5071.984375, 664.046875, 20], [522, 5097.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5117.375, 1, 1], [514, 5117.375, 1, 1], [522, 5097.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5102.375, 593.9375, 20], [522, 5127.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5147.765625, 1, 1], [514, 5147.765625, 1, 1], [522, 5127.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5132.765625, 669.46875, 20], [522, 5158.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5178.15625, 1, 1], [514, 5178.15625, 1, 1], [522, 5158.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5163.15625, 662.453125, 20], [522, 5188.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5208.546875, 1, 1], [514, 5208.546875, 1, 1], [522, 5188.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5193.546875, 553.21875, 20], [522, 5218.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5238.9375, 1, 1], [514, 5238.9375, 1, 1], [522, 5218.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5223.9375, 559.765625, 20], [522, 5249.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5269.328125, 1, 1], [514, 5269.328125, 1, 1], [522, 5249.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5254.328125, 717.78125, 20], [522, 5279.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5299.71875, 1, 1], [514, 5299.71875, 1, 1], [522, 5279.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5284.71875, 794.046875, 20], [522, 5310.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5330.109375, 1, 1], [514, 5330.109375, 1, 1], [522, 5310.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5315.109375, 480.140625, 20], [522, 5340.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5360.5, 1, 1], [514, 5360.5, 1, 1], [522, 5340.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5345.5, 470.03125, 20], [522, 5370.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5390.890625, 1, 1], [514, 5390.890625, 1, 1], [522, 5370.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5375.890625, 484.734375, 20], [522, 5401.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5421.28125, 1, 1], [514, 5421.28125, 1, 1], [522, 5401.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5406.28125, 610.796875, 20], [522, 5431.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5451.671875, 1, 1], [514, 5451.671875, 1, 1], [522, 5431.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5436.671875, 648.078125, 20], [522, 5462.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5482.0625, 1, 1], [514, 5482.0625, 1, 1], [522, 5462.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5467.0625, 474, 20], [522, 5492.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5512.453125, 1, 1], [514, 5512.453125, 1, 1], [522, 5492.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5497.453125, 503.671875, 20], [522, 5522.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5542.84375, 1, 1], [514, 5542.84375, 1, 1], [522, 5522.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5527.84375, 574.703125, 20], [522, 5553.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5573.234375, 1, 1], [514, 5573.234375, 1, 1], [522, 5553.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5558.234375, 546.65625, 20], [522, 5583.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5603.625, 1, 1], [514, 5603.625, 1, 1], [522, 5583.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5588.625, 510.84375, 20], [522, 5614.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5634.015625, 1, 1], [514, 5634.015625, 1, 1], [522, 5614.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5619.015625, 421.1875, 20], [522, 5644.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5664.40625, 1, 1], [514, 5664.40625, 1, 1], [522, 5644.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5649.40625, 567.28125, 20], [522, 5674.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5694.796875, 1, 1], [514, 5694.796875, 1, 1], [522, 5674.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5679.796875, 348.75, 20], [522, 5705.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5725.1875, 1, 1], [514, 5725.1875, 1, 1], [522, 5705.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5710.1875, 534.328125, 20], [522, 5735.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5755.578125, 1, 1], [514, 5755.578125, 1, 1], [522, 5735.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5740.578125, 702.515625, 20], [522, 5765.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5785.96875, 1, 1], [514, 5785.96875, 1, 1], [522, 5765.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5770.96875, 486.671875, 20], [522, 5796.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5816.359375, 1, 1], [514, 5816.359375, 1, 1], [522, 5796.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5801.359375, 561.703125, 20], [522, 5826.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5846.75, 1, 1], [514, 5846.75, 1, 1], [522, 5826.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5831.75, 602.703125, 20], [522, 5857.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5877.140625, 1, 1], [514, 5877.140625, 1, 1], [522, 5857.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5862.140625, 782.03125, 20], [522, 5887.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5907.53125, 1, 1], [514, 5907.53125, 1, 1], [522, 5887.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5892.53125, 651.625, 20], [522, 5917.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5937.921875, 1, 1], [514, 5937.921875, 1, 1], [522, 5917.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5922.921875, 541.484375, 20], [522, 5948.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5968.3125, 1, 1], [514, 5968.3125, 1, 1], [522, 5948.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5953.3125, 574.6875, 20], [522, 5978.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 5998.703125, 1, 1], [514, 5998.703125, 1, 1], [522, 5978.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 5983.703125, 452.453125, 20], [522, 6009.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6029.09375, 1, 1], [514, 6029.09375, 1, 1], [522, 6009.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6014.09375, 580.234375, 20], [522, 6039.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6059.484375, 1, 1], [514, 6059.484375, 1, 1], [522, 6039.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6044.484375, 621.015625, 20], [522, 6069.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6089.875, 1, 1], [514, 6089.875, 1, 1], [522, 6069.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6074.875, 561.96875, 20], [522, 6100.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6120.265625, 1, 1], [514, 6120.265625, 1, 1], [522, 6100.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6105.265625, 511.09375, 20], [522, 6130.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6150.65625, 1, 1], [514, 6150.65625, 1, 1], [522, 6130.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6135.65625, 547.984375, 20], [522, 6161.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6181.046875, 1, 1], [514, 6181.046875, 1, 1], [522, 6161.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6166.046875, 572.78125, 20], [522, 6191.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6211.4375, 1, 1], [514, 6211.4375, 1, 1], [522, 6191.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6196.4375, 766.046875, 20], [522, 6221.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6241.828125, 1, 1], [514, 6241.828125, 1, 1], [522, 6221.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6226.828125, 607.984375, 20], [522, 6252.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6272.21875, 1, 1], [514, 6272.21875, 1, 1], [522, 6252.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6257.21875, 549.953125, 20], [522, 6282.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6302.609375, 1, 1], [514, 6302.609375, 1, 1], [522, 6282.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6287.609375, 438.78125, 20], [522, 6313, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6333, 1, 1], [514, 6333, 1, 1], [522, 6313, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6318, 493.53125, 20], [522, 6343.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6363.390625, 1, 1], [514, 6363.390625, 1, 1], [522, 6343.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6348.390625, 599.515625, 20], [522, 6373.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6393.78125, 1, 1], [514, 6393.78125, 1, 1], [522, 6373.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6378.78125, 539.546875, 20], [522, 6404.171875, 831, 56.78125], [514, 6424.171875, 1, 1], [514, 6424.171875, 1, 1], [522, 6404.171875, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 6409.171875, 771.1875, 46.390625], [522, 6460.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6480.953125, 1, 1], [514, 6480.953125, 1, 1], [522, 6460.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6465.953125, 483.796875, 20], [522, 6491.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6511.34375, 1, 1], [514, 6511.34375, 1, 1], [522, 6491.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6496.34375, 647.46875, 20], [522, 6521.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6541.734375, 1, 1], [514, 6541.734375, 1, 1], [522, 6521.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6526.734375, 523.96875, 20], [522, 6552.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6572.125, 1, 1], [514, 6572.125, 1, 1], [522, 6552.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6557.125, 644.828125, 20], [522, 6582.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6602.515625, 1, 1], [514, 6602.515625, 1, 1], [522, 6582.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6587.515625, 594.265625, 20], [522, 6612.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6632.90625, 1, 1], [514, 6632.90625, 1, 1], [522, 6612.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6617.90625, 587.40625, 20], [522, 6643.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6663.296875, 1, 1], [514, 6663.296875, 1, 1], [522, 6643.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6648.296875, 561.671875, 20], [522, 6673.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6693.6875, 1, 1], [514, 6693.6875, 1, 1], [522, 6673.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6678.6875, 541.515625, 20], [522, 6704.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6724.078125, 1, 1], [514, 6724.078125, 1, 1], [522, 6704.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6709.078125, 560.984375, 20], [522, 6734.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6754.46875, 1, 1], [514, 6754.46875, 1, 1], [522, 6734.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6739.46875, 573.734375, 20], [522, 6764.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6784.859375, 1, 1], [514, 6784.859375, 1, 1], [522, 6764.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6769.859375, 435.859375, 20], [522, 6795.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6815.25, 1, 1], [514, 6815.25, 1, 1], [522, 6795.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6800.25, 379.8125, 20], [522, 6825.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6845.640625, 1, 1], [514, 6845.640625, 1, 1], [522, 6825.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6830.640625, 527.140625, 20], [522, 6856.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6876.03125, 1, 1], [514, 6876.03125, 1, 1], [522, 6856.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6861.03125, 665.015625, 20], [522, 6886.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6906.421875, 1, 1], [514, 6906.421875, 1, 1], [522, 6886.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6891.421875, 529.6875, 20], [522, 6916.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6936.8125, 1, 1], [514, 6936.8125, 1, 1], [522, 6916.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6921.8125, 442.375, 20], [522, 6947.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6967.203125, 1, 1], [514, 6967.203125, 1, 1], [522, 6947.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6952.203125, 592.328125, 20], [522, 6977.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 6997.59375, 1, 1], [514, 6997.59375, 1, 1], [522, 6977.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 6982.59375, 478.890625, 20], [522, 7007.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7027.984375, 1, 1], [514, 7027.984375, 1, 1], [522, 7007.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7012.984375, 593.359375, 20], [522, 7038.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7058.375, 1, 1], [514, 7058.375, 1, 1], [522, 7038.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7043.375, 533.984375, 20], [522, 7068.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7088.765625, 1, 1], [514, 7088.765625, 1, 1], [522, 7068.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7073.765625, 499.40625, 20], [522, 7099.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7119.15625, 1, 1], [514, 7119.15625, 1, 1], [522, 7099.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7104.15625, 607.984375, 20], [522, 7129.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7149.546875, 1, 1], [514, 7149.546875, 1, 1], [522, 7129.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7134.546875, 643.578125, 20], [522, 7159.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7179.9375, 1, 1], [514, 7179.9375, 1, 1], [522, 7159.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7164.9375, 554.875, 20], [522, 7190.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7210.328125, 1, 1], [514, 7210.328125, 1, 1], [522, 7190.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7195.328125, 479.859375, 20], [522, 7220.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7240.71875, 1, 1], [514, 7240.71875, 1, 1], [522, 7220.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7225.71875, 557.796875, 20], [522, 7251.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7271.109375, 1, 1], [514, 7271.109375, 1, 1], [522, 7251.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7256.109375, 567.1875, 20], [522, 7281.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7301.5, 1, 1], [514, 7301.5, 1, 1], [522, 7281.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7286.5, 585.5, 20], [522, 7311.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7331.890625, 1, 1], [514, 7331.890625, 1, 1], [522, 7311.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7316.890625, 585.5, 20], [522, 7342.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7362.28125, 1, 1], [514, 7362.28125, 1, 1], [522, 7342.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7347.28125, 487.015625, 20], [522, 7372.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7392.671875, 1, 1], [514, 7392.671875, 1, 1], [522, 7372.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7377.671875, 589.421875, 20], [522, 7403.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7423.0625, 1, 1], [514, 7423.0625, 1, 1], [522, 7403.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7408.0625, 519.015625, 20], [522, 7433.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7453.453125, 1, 1], [514, 7453.453125, 1, 1], [522, 7433.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7438.453125, 490.640625, 20], [522, 7463.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7483.84375, 1, 1], [514, 7483.84375, 1, 1], [522, 7463.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7468.84375, 580.953125, 20], [522, 7494.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7514.234375, 1, 1], [514, 7514.234375, 1, 1], [522, 7494.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7499.234375, 614.515625, 20], [522, 7524.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7544.625, 1, 1], [514, 7544.625, 1, 1], [522, 7524.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7529.625, 555.5, 20], [522, 7555.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7575.015625, 1, 1], [514, 7575.015625, 1, 1], [522, 7555.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7560.015625, 556.140625, 20], [522, 7585.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7605.40625, 1, 1], [514, 7605.40625, 1, 1], [522, 7585.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7590.40625, 550.015625, 20], [522, 7615.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7635.796875, 1, 1], [514, 7635.796875, 1, 1], [522, 7615.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7620.796875, 592.96875, 20], [522, 7646.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7666.1875, 1, 1], [514, 7666.1875, 1, 1], [522, 7646.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7651.1875, 632.4375, 20], [522, 7676.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7696.578125, 1, 1], [514, 7696.578125, 1, 1], [522, 7676.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7681.578125, 387.96875, 20], [522, 7706.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7726.96875, 1, 1], [514, 7726.96875, 1, 1], [522, 7706.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7711.96875, 209, 20], [522, 7737.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7757.359375, 1, 1], [514, 7757.359375, 1, 1], [522, 7737.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7742.359375, 608.6875, 20], [522, 7767.75, 831, 56.78125], [514, 7787.75, 1, 1], [514, 7787.75, 1, 1], [522, 7767.75, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 7772.75, 799.734375, 46.390625], [522, 7824.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7844.53125, 1, 1], [514, 7844.53125, 1, 1], [522, 7824.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7829.53125, 607.359375, 20], [522, 7854.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7874.921875, 1, 1], [514, 7874.921875, 1, 1], [522, 7854.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7859.921875, 571.765625, 20], [522, 7885.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7905.3125, 1, 1], [514, 7905.3125, 1, 1], [522, 7885.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7890.3125, 755.609375, 20], [522, 7915.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7935.703125, 1, 1], [514, 7935.703125, 1, 1], [522, 7915.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7920.703125, 693.6875, 20], [522, 7946.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7966.09375, 1, 1], [514, 7966.09375, 1, 1], [522, 7946.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7951.09375, 650, 20], [522, 7976.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 7996.484375, 1, 1], [514, 7996.484375, 1, 1], [522, 7976.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 7981.484375, 608.90625, 20], [522, 8006.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8026.875, 1, 1], [514, 8026.875, 1, 1], [522, 8006.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8011.875, 527.421875, 20], [522, 8037.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8057.265625, 1, 1], [514, 8057.265625, 1, 1], [522, 8037.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8042.265625, 555.5, 20], [522, 8067.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8087.65625, 1, 1], [514, 8087.65625, 1, 1], [522, 8067.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8072.65625, 594.265625, 20], [522, 8098.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8118.046875, 1, 1], [514, 8118.046875, 1, 1], [522, 8098.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8103.046875, 618.734375, 20], [522, 8128.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8148.4375, 1, 1], [514, 8148.4375, 1, 1], [522, 8128.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8133.4375, 607.921875, 20], [522, 8158.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8178.828125, 1, 1], [514, 8178.828125, 1, 1], [522, 8158.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8163.828125, 612.59375, 20], [522, 8189.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8209.21875, 1, 1], [514, 8209.21875, 1, 1], [522, 8189.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8194.21875, 533.234375, 20], [522, 8219.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8239.609375, 1, 1], [514, 8239.609375, 1, 1], [522, 8219.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8224.609375, 559.625, 20], [522, 8250, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8270, 1, 1], [514, 8270, 1, 1], [522, 8250, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8255, 605.03125, 20], [522, 8280.390625, 831, 56.78125], [514, 8300.390625, 1, 1], [514, 8300.390625, 1, 1], [522, 8280.390625, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 8285.390625, 795.078125, 46.390625], [522, 8337.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8357.171875, 1, 1], [514, 8357.171875, 1, 1], [522, 8337.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8342.171875, 469.125, 20], [522, 8367.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8387.5625, 1, 1], [514, 8387.5625, 1, 1], [522, 8367.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8372.5625, 548.3125, 20], [522, 8397.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8417.953125, 1, 1], [514, 8417.953125, 1, 1], [522, 8397.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8402.953125, 499.109375, 20], [522, 8428.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8448.34375, 1, 1], [514, 8448.34375, 1, 1], [522, 8428.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8433.34375, 503.28125, 20], [522, 8458.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8478.734375, 1, 1], [514, 8478.734375, 1, 1], [522, 8458.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8463.734375, 734.09375, 20], [522, 8489.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8509.125, 1, 1], [514, 8509.125, 1, 1], [522, 8489.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8494.125, 622.25, 20], [522, 8519.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8539.515625, 1, 1], [514, 8539.515625, 1, 1], [522, 8519.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8524.515625, 711.0625, 20], [522, 8549.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8569.90625, 1, 1], [514, 8569.90625, 1, 1], [522, 8549.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8554.90625, 623.3125, 20], [522, 8580.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8600.296875, 1, 1], [514, 8600.296875, 1, 1], [522, 8580.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8585.296875, 676.46875, 20], [522, 8610.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8630.6875, 1, 1], [514, 8630.6875, 1, 1], [522, 8610.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8615.6875, 778.203125, 20], [522, 8641.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8661.078125, 1, 1], [514, 8661.078125, 1, 1], [522, 8641.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8646.078125, 662.703125, 20], [522, 8671.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8691.46875, 1, 1], [514, 8691.46875, 1, 1], [522, 8671.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8676.46875, 379.109375, 20], [522, 8701.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8721.859375, 1, 1], [514, 8721.859375, 1, 1], [522, 8701.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8706.859375, 479.890625, 20], [522, 8732.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8752.25, 1, 1], [514, 8752.25, 1, 1], [522, 8732.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8737.25, 700.578125, 20], [522, 8762.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8782.640625, 1, 1], [514, 8782.640625, 1, 1], [522, 8762.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8767.640625, 564.59375, 20], [522, 8793.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8813.03125, 1, 1], [514, 8813.03125, 1, 1], [522, 8793.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8798.03125, 599.90625, 20], [522, 8823.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8843.421875, 1, 1], [514, 8843.421875, 1, 1], [522, 8823.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8828.421875, 561.390625, 20], [522, 8853.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8873.8125, 1, 1], [514, 8873.8125, 1, 1], [522, 8853.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8858.8125, 580.625, 20], [522, 8884.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8904.203125, 1, 1], [514, 8904.203125, 1, 1], [522, 8884.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8889.203125, 593.9375, 20], [522, 8914.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8934.59375, 1, 1], [514, 8934.59375, 1, 1], [522, 8914.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8919.59375, 552.203125, 20], [522, 8944.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8964.984375, 1, 1], [514, 8964.984375, 1, 1], [522, 8944.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8949.984375, 519.5, 20], [522, 8975.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 8995.375, 1, 1], [514, 8995.375, 1, 1], [522, 8975.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 8980.375, 694.0625, 20], [522, 9005.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9025.765625, 1, 1], [514, 9025.765625, 1, 1], [522, 9005.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9010.765625, 670.203125, 20], [522, 9036.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9056.15625, 1, 1], [514, 9056.15625, 1, 1], [522, 9036.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9041.15625, 462.875, 20], [522, 9066.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9086.546875, 1, 1], [514, 9086.546875, 1, 1], [522, 9066.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9071.546875, 616.171875, 20], [522, 9096.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9116.9375, 1, 1], [514, 9116.9375, 1, 1], [522, 9096.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9101.9375, 508.21875, 20], [522, 9127.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9147.328125, 1, 1], [514, 9147.328125, 1, 1], [522, 9127.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9132.328125, 454.421875, 20], [522, 9157.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9177.71875, 1, 1], [514, 9177.71875, 1, 1], [522, 9157.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9162.71875, 474.96875, 20], [522, 9188.109375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9208.109375, 1, 1], [514, 9208.109375, 1, 1], [522, 9188.109375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9193.109375, 553.03125, 20], [522, 9218.5, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9238.5, 1, 1], [514, 9238.5, 1, 1], [522, 9218.5, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9223.5, 590.03125, 20], [522, 9248.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9268.890625, 1, 1], [514, 9268.890625, 1, 1], [522, 9248.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9253.890625, 620.03125, 20], [522, 9279.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9299.28125, 1, 1], [514, 9299.28125, 1, 1], [522, 9279.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9284.28125, 590.046875, 20], [522, 9308.671875, 831, 32.390625], [514, 9329.671875, 1, 1], [514, 9329.671875, 1, 1], [521, 9308.671875, 833, 32.390625], [529.03125, 9314.671875, 461.890625, 20], [522, 9340.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9360.0625, 1, 1], [514, 9360.0625, 1, 1], [522, 9340.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9345.0625, 552.25, 20], [522, 9370.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9390.453125, 1, 1], [514, 9390.453125, 1, 1], [522, 9370.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9375.453125, 589.46875, 20], [522, 9400.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9420.84375, 1, 1], [514, 9420.84375, 1, 1], [522, 9400.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9405.84375, 609.625, 20], [522, 9431.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9451.234375, 1, 1], [514, 9451.234375, 1, 1], [522, 9431.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9436.234375, 663.421875, 20], [522, 9461.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9481.625, 1, 1], [514, 9481.625, 1, 1], [522, 9461.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9466.625, 536.546875, 20], [522, 9492.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9512.015625, 1, 1], [514, 9512.015625, 1, 1], [522, 9492.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9497.015625, 478.5625, 20], [522, 9522.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9542.40625, 1, 1], [514, 9542.40625, 1, 1], [522, 9522.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9527.40625, 593.9375, 20], [522, 9552.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9572.796875, 1, 1], [514, 9572.796875, 1, 1], [522, 9552.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9557.796875, 500.75, 20], [522, 9583.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9603.1875, 1, 1], [514, 9603.1875, 1, 1], [522, 9583.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9588.1875, 592.921875, 20], [522, 9613.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9633.578125, 1, 1], [514, 9633.578125, 1, 1], [522, 9613.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9618.578125, 710.65625, 20], [522, 9643.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9663.96875, 1, 1], [514, 9663.96875, 1, 1], [522, 9643.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9648.96875, 475.921875, 20], [522, 9674.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9694.359375, 1, 1], [514, 9694.359375, 1, 1], [522, 9674.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9679.359375, 539.5, 20], [522, 9704.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9724.75, 1, 1], [514, 9724.75, 1, 1], [522, 9704.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9709.75, 687.203125, 20], [522, 9735.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9755.140625, 1, 1], [514, 9755.140625, 1, 1], [522, 9735.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9740.140625, 701.875, 20], [522, 9765.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9785.53125, 1, 1], [514, 9785.53125, 1, 1], [522, 9765.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9770.53125, 511.859375, 20], [522, 9795.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9815.921875, 1, 1], [514, 9815.921875, 1, 1], [522, 9795.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9800.921875, 724.34375, 20], [522, 9826.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9846.3125, 1, 1], [514, 9846.3125, 1, 1], [522, 9826.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9831.3125, 636.015625, 20], [522, 9856.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9876.703125, 1, 1], [514, 9876.703125, 1, 1], [522, 9856.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9861.703125, 646.078125, 20], [522, 9887.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9907.09375, 1, 1], [514, 9907.09375, 1, 1], [522, 9887.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9892.09375, 554.765625, 20], [522, 9917.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9937.484375, 1, 1], [514, 9937.484375, 1, 1], [522, 9917.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9922.484375, 528.75, 20], [522, 9947.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9967.875, 1, 1], [514, 9967.875, 1, 1], [522, 9947.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9952.875, 521.859375, 20], [522, 9978.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 9998.265625, 1, 1], [514, 9998.265625, 1, 1], [522, 9978.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 9983.265625, 722.359375, 20], [522, 10008.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10028.65625, 1, 1], [514, 10028.65625, 1, 1], [522, 10008.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10013.65625, 527.75, 20], [522, 10039.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10059.046875, 1, 1], [514, 10059.046875, 1, 1], [522, 10039.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10044.046875, 622.375, 20], [522, 10069.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10089.4375, 1, 1], [514, 10089.4375, 1, 1], [522, 10069.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10074.4375, 469.46875, 20], [522, 10099.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10119.828125, 1, 1], [514, 10119.828125, 1, 1], [522, 10099.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10104.828125, 452.15625, 20], [522, 10130.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10150.21875, 1, 1], [514, 10150.21875, 1, 1], [522, 10130.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10135.21875, 603.90625, 20], [522, 10160.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10180.609375, 1, 1], [514, 10180.609375, 1, 1], [522, 10160.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10165.609375, 462.25, 20], [522, 10191, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10211, 1, 1], [514, 10211, 1, 1], [522, 10191, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10196, 549.625, 20], [522, 10221.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10241.390625, 1, 1], [514, 10241.390625, 1, 1], [522, 10221.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10226.390625, 565.9375, 20], [522, 10251.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10271.78125, 1, 1], [514, 10271.78125, 1, 1], [522, 10251.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10256.78125, 541.515625, 20], [522, 10282.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10302.171875, 1, 1], [514, 10302.171875, 1, 1], [522, 10282.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10287.171875, 671.546875, 20], [522, 10312.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10332.5625, 1, 1], [514, 10332.5625, 1, 1], [522, 10312.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10317.5625, 681.546875, 20], [522, 10342.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10362.953125, 1, 1], [514, 10362.953125, 1, 1], [522, 10342.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10347.953125, 638.015625, 20], [522, 10373.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10393.34375, 1, 1], [514, 10393.34375, 1, 1], [522, 10373.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10378.34375, 460.34375, 20], [522, 10403.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10423.734375, 1, 1], [514, 10423.734375, 1, 1], [522, 10403.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10408.734375, 490.578125, 20], [522, 10434.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10454.125, 1, 1], [514, 10454.125, 1, 1], [522, 10434.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10439.125, 545.421875, 20], [522, 10464.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10484.515625, 1, 1], [514, 10484.515625, 1, 1], [522, 10464.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10469.515625, 630.484375, 20], [522, 10494.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10514.90625, 1, 1], [514, 10514.90625, 1, 1], [522, 10494.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10499.90625, 692.109375, 20], [522, 10525.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10545.296875, 1, 1], [514, 10545.296875, 1, 1], [522, 10525.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10530.296875, 625.5625, 20], [522, 10555.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10575.6875, 1, 1], [514, 10575.6875, 1, 1], [522, 10555.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10560.6875, 491.921875, 20], [522, 10586.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10606.078125, 1, 1], [514, 10606.078125, 1, 1], [522, 10586.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10591.078125, 549.640625, 20], [522, 10616.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10636.46875, 1, 1], [514, 10636.46875, 1, 1], [522, 10616.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10621.46875, 602.796875, 20], [522, 10646.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10666.859375, 1, 1], [514, 10666.859375, 1, 1], [522, 10646.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10651.859375, 608.703125, 20], [522, 10677.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10697.25, 1, 1], [514, 10697.25, 1, 1], [522, 10677.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10682.25, 588.078125, 20], [522, 10707.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10727.640625, 1, 1], [514, 10727.640625, 1, 1], [522, 10707.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10712.640625, 532.375, 20], [522, 10738.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10758.03125, 1, 1], [514, 10758.03125, 1, 1], [522, 10738.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10743.03125, 610.25, 20], [522, 10768.421875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10788.421875, 1, 1], [514, 10788.421875, 1, 1], [522, 10768.421875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10773.421875, 611.890625, 20], [522, 10798.8125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10818.8125, 1, 1], [514, 10818.8125, 1, 1], [522, 10798.8125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10803.8125, 579.640625, 20], [522, 10829.203125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10849.203125, 1, 1], [514, 10849.203125, 1, 1], [522, 10829.203125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10834.203125, 519.953125, 20], [522, 10859.59375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10879.59375, 1, 1], [514, 10879.59375, 1, 1], [522, 10859.59375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10864.59375, 598.8125, 20], [522, 10889.984375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10909.984375, 1, 1], [514, 10909.984375, 1, 1], [522, 10889.984375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10894.984375, 676.515625, 20], [522, 10920.375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10940.375, 1, 1], [514, 10940.375, 1, 1], [522, 10920.375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10925.375, 602.8125, 20], [522, 10950.765625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 10970.765625, 1, 1], [514, 10970.765625, 1, 1], [522, 10950.765625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10955.765625, 590.0625, 20], [522, 10981.15625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11001.15625, 1, 1], [514, 11001.15625, 1, 1], [522, 10981.15625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 10986.15625, 555.8125, 20], [522, 11011.546875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11031.546875, 1, 1], [514, 11031.546875, 1, 1], [522, 11011.546875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11016.546875, 546.40625, 20], [522, 11041.9375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11061.9375, 1, 1], [514, 11061.9375, 1, 1], [522, 11041.9375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11046.9375, 568.171875, 20], [522, 11072.328125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11092.328125, 1, 1], [514, 11092.328125, 1, 1], [522, 11072.328125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11077.328125, 540.453125, 20], [522, 11102.71875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11122.71875, 1, 1], [514, 11122.71875, 1, 1], [522, 11102.71875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11107.71875, 548.953125, 20], [522, 11133.109375, 831, 56.78125], [514, 11153.109375, 1, 1], [514, 11153.109375, 1, 1], [522, 11133.109375, 831, 56.78125], [529.03125, 11138.109375, 776.15625, 46.390625], [522, 11189.890625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11209.890625, 1, 1], [514, 11209.890625, 1, 1], [522, 11189.890625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11194.890625, 516.34375, 20], [522, 11220.28125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11240.28125, 1, 1], [514, 11240.28125, 1, 1], [522, 11220.28125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11225.28125, 290.796875, 20], [522, 11250.671875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11270.671875, 1, 1], [514, 11270.671875, 1, 1], [522, 11250.671875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11255.671875, 626.265625, 20], [522, 11281.0625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11301.0625, 1, 1], [514, 11301.0625, 1, 1], [522, 11281.0625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11286.0625, 538.203125, 20], [522, 11311.453125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11331.453125, 1, 1], [514, 11331.453125, 1, 1], [522, 11311.453125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11316.453125, 624.5625, 20], [522, 11341.84375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11361.84375, 1, 1], [514, 11361.84375, 1, 1], [522, 11341.84375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11346.84375, 640.578125, 20], [522, 11372.234375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11392.234375, 1, 1], [514, 11392.234375, 1, 1], [522, 11372.234375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11377.234375, 701.828125, 20], [522, 11402.625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11422.625, 1, 1], [514, 11422.625, 1, 1], [522, 11402.625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11407.625, 686.25, 20], [522, 11433.015625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11453.015625, 1, 1], [514, 11453.015625, 1, 1], [522, 11433.015625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11438.015625, 653.015625, 20], [522, 11463.40625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11483.40625, 1, 1], [514, 11483.40625, 1, 1], [522, 11463.40625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11468.40625, 636.625, 20], [522, 11493.796875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11513.796875, 1, 1], [514, 11513.796875, 1, 1], [522, 11493.796875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11498.796875, 488.359375, 20], [522, 11524.1875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11544.1875, 1, 1], [514, 11544.1875, 1, 1], [522, 11524.1875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11529.1875, 690.4375, 20], [522, 11554.578125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11574.578125, 1, 1], [514, 11574.578125, 1, 1], [522, 11554.578125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11559.578125, 791.09375, 20], [522, 11584.96875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11604.96875, 1, 1], [514, 11604.96875, 1, 1], [522, 11584.96875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11589.96875, 605.390625, 20], [522, 11615.359375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11635.359375, 1, 1], [514, 11635.359375, 1, 1], [522, 11615.359375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11620.359375, 441.078125, 20], [522, 11645.75, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11665.75, 1, 1], [514, 11665.75, 1, 1], [522, 11645.75, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11650.75, 481.125, 20], [522, 11676.140625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11696.140625, 1, 1], [514, 11696.140625, 1, 1], [522, 11676.140625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11681.140625, 524.859375, 20], [522, 11706.53125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11726.53125, 1, 1], [514, 11726.53125, 1, 1], [522, 11706.53125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11711.53125, 594.9375, 20], [522, 11736.921875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11756.921875, 1, 1], [514, 11756.921875, 1, 1], [522, 11736.921875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11741.921875, 552.53125, 20], [522, 11767.3125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11787.3125, 1, 1], [514, 11787.3125, 1, 1], [522, 11767.3125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11772.3125, 548.34375, 20], [522, 11797.703125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11817.703125, 1, 1], [514, 11817.703125, 1, 1], [522, 11797.703125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11802.703125, 679.046875, 20], [522, 11828.09375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11848.09375, 1, 1], [514, 11848.09375, 1, 1], [522, 11828.09375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11833.09375, 598.234375, 20], [522, 11858.484375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11878.484375, 1, 1], [514, 11878.484375, 1, 1], [522, 11858.484375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11863.484375, 464.84375, 20], [522, 11888.875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11908.875, 1, 1], [514, 11908.875, 1, 1], [522, 11888.875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11893.875, 728.328125, 20], [522, 11919.265625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11939.265625, 1, 1], [514, 11939.265625, 1, 1], [522, 11919.265625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11924.265625, 729.21875, 20], [522, 11949.65625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 11969.65625, 1, 1], [514, 11969.65625, 1, 1], [522, 11949.65625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11954.65625, 522.484375, 20], [522, 11980.046875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12000.046875, 1, 1], [514, 12000.046875, 1, 1], [522, 11980.046875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 11985.046875, 561.375, 20], [522, 12010.4375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12030.4375, 1, 1], [514, 12030.4375, 1, 1], [522, 12010.4375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12015.4375, 568.859375, 20], [522, 12040.828125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12060.828125, 1, 1], [514, 12060.828125, 1, 1], [522, 12040.828125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12045.828125, 674.8125, 20], [522, 12071.21875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12091.21875, 1, 1], [514, 12091.21875, 1, 1], [522, 12071.21875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12076.21875, 667.953125, 20], [522, 12101.609375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12121.609375, 1, 1], [514, 12121.609375, 1, 1], [522, 12101.609375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12106.609375, 501.015625, 20], [522, 12132, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12152, 1, 1], [514, 12152, 1, 1], [522, 12132, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12137, 495.1875, 20], [522, 12162.390625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12182.390625, 1, 1], [514, 12182.390625, 1, 1], [522, 12162.390625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12167.390625, 525.53125, 20], [522, 12192.78125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12212.78125, 1, 1], [514, 12212.78125, 1, 1], [522, 12192.78125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12197.78125, 594.578125, 20], [522, 12223.171875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12243.171875, 1, 1], [514, 12243.171875, 1, 1], [522, 12223.171875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12228.171875, 628.53125, 20], [522, 12253.5625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12273.5625, 1, 1], [514, 12273.5625, 1, 1], [522, 12253.5625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12258.5625, 657.25, 20], [522, 12283.953125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12303.953125, 1, 1], [514, 12303.953125, 1, 1], [522, 12283.953125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12288.953125, 476.90625, 20], [522, 12314.34375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12334.34375, 1, 1], [514, 12334.34375, 1, 1], [522, 12314.34375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12319.34375, 542.421875, 20], [522, 12344.734375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12364.734375, 1, 1], [514, 12364.734375, 1, 1], [522, 12344.734375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12349.734375, 521.859375, 20], [522, 12375.125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12395.125, 1, 1], [514, 12395.125, 1, 1], [522, 12375.125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12380.125, 543.078125, 20], [522, 12405.515625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12425.515625, 1, 1], [514, 12425.515625, 1, 1], [522, 12405.515625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12410.515625, 552.1875, 20], [522, 12435.90625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12455.90625, 1, 1], [514, 12455.90625, 1, 1], [522, 12435.90625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12440.90625, 508.84375, 20], [522, 12466.296875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12486.296875, 1, 1], [514, 12486.296875, 1, 1], [522, 12466.296875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12471.296875, 523.5, 20], [522, 12496.6875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12516.6875, 1, 1], [514, 12516.6875, 1, 1], [522, 12496.6875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12501.6875, 687.09375, 20], [522, 12527.078125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12547.078125, 1, 1], [514, 12547.078125, 1, 1], [522, 12527.078125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12532.078125, 793.078125, 20], [522, 12557.46875, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12577.46875, 1, 1], [514, 12577.46875, 1, 1], [522, 12557.46875, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12562.46875, 550.65625, 20], [522, 12587.859375, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12607.859375, 1, 1], [514, 12607.859375, 1, 1], [522, 12587.859375, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12592.859375, 553.578125, 20], [522, 12618.25, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12638.25, 1, 1], [514, 12638.25, 1, 1], [522, 12618.25, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12623.25, 800.390625, 20], [522, 12648.640625, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12668.640625, 1, 1], [514, 12668.640625, 1, 1], [522, 12648.640625, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12653.640625, 488.75, 20], [522, 12679.03125, 831, 30.390625], [514, 12699.03125, 1, 1], [514, 12699.03125, 1, 1], [522, 12679.03125, 831, 30.390625], [529.03125, 12684.03125, 531.75, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 234, 230, -1, 239, 240, -1, 243, -1, 247, 226, -1, -1, 254, -1, -1, 260, 262, 222, -1, -1, 271, 226, -1, 230, -1, 279, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 289, -1, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 304, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, 319, -1, -1, 317, 323, -1, -1, 317, 326, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 393, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 410, 289, -1, -1, -1, 426, -1, 429, -1, -1, 426, -1, 439, 230, -1, -1, 230, -1, -1, 226, -1, 222, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 539, -1, -1, 549, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, -1, -1, -1, 577, 570, -1, -1, 586, -1, 570, -1, -1, -1, 573, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 804, 341, -1, -1, -1, 821, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 837, 29, 841, -1, -1, 848, 849, 29, -1, 856, -1, -1, 862, 863, 29, 866, 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831, 30], [], [2, 1088, 831, 30], [-6, 1108, 1, 1], [-6, 1108, 1, 1], [2, 1088, 831, 30], [], [2, 1118, 831, 30], [-6, 1138, 1, 1], [-6, 1138, 1, 1], [2, 1118, 831, 30], [], [2, 1149, 831, 30], [-6, 1169, 1, 1], [-6, 1169, 1, 1], [2, 1149, 831, 30], [], [2, 1179, 831, 30], [-6, 1199, 1, 1], [-6, 1199, 1, 1], [2, 1179, 831, 30], [], [2, 1210, 831, 30], [-6, 1230, 1, 1], [-6, 1230, 1, 1], [2, 1210, 831, 30], [], [2, 1240, 831, 30], [-6, 1260, 1, 1], [-6, 1260, 1, 1], [2, 1240, 831, 30], [], [2, 1270, 831, 30], [-6, 1290, 1, 1], [-6, 1290, 1, 1], [2, 1270, 831, 30], [], [2, 1301, 831, 30], [-6, 1321, 1, 1], [-6, 1321, 1, 1], [2, 1301, 831, 30], [], [2, 1331, 831, 30], [-6, 1351, 1, 1], [-6, 1351, 1, 1], [2, 1331, 831, 30], [], [2, 1362, 831, 30], [-6, 1382, 1, 1], [-6, 1382, 1, 1], [2, 1362, 831, 30], [], [2, 1392, 831, 30], [-6, 1412, 1, 1], [-6, 1412, 1, 1], [2, 1392, 831, 30], [], [2, 1422, 831, 30], [-6, 1442, 1, 1], [-6, 1442, 1, 1], [2, 1422, 831, 30], [], [2, 1453, 831, 30], [-6, 1473, 1, 1], [-6, 1473, 1, 1], [2, 1453, 831, 30], [], [2, 1483, 831, 30], [-6, 1503, 1, 1], [-6, 1503, 1, 1], [2, 1483, 831, 30], [], [2, 1514, 831, 30], [-6, 1534, 1, 1], [-6, 1534, 1, 1], [2, 1514, 831, 30], [], [2, 1544, 831, 30], [-6, 1564, 1, 1], [-6, 1564, 1, 1], [2, 1544, 831, 30], [], [2, 1574, 831, 30], [-6, 1594, 1, 1], [-6, 1594, 1, 1], [2, 1574, 831, 30], [], [2, 1605, 831, 30], [-6, 1625, 1, 1], [-6, 1625, 1, 1], [2, 1605, 831, 30], [], [2, 1635, 831, 30], [-6, 1655, 1, 1], [-6, 1655, 1, 1], [2, 1635, 831, 30], [], [2, 1665, 831, 30], [-6, 1685, 1, 1], [-6, 1685, 1, 1], [2, 1665, 831, 30], [], [2, 1696, 831, 30], [-6, 1716, 1, 1], [-6, 1716, 1, 1], [2, 1696, 831, 30], [], [2, 1726, 831, 30], [-6, 1746, 1, 1], [-6, 1746, 1, 1], [2, 1726, 831, 30], [], [2, 1757, 831, 30], [-6, 1777, 1, 1], [-6, 1777, 1, 1], [2, 1757, 831, 30], [], [2, 1787, 831, 30], [-6, 1807, 1, 1], [-6, 1807, 1, 1], [2, 1787, 831, 30], [], [2, 1817, 831, 30], [-6, 1837, 1, 1], [-6, 1837, 1, 1], [2, 1817, 831, 30], [], [2, 1848, 831, 30], [-6, 1868, 1, 1], [-6, 1868, 1, 1], [2, 1848, 831, 30], [], [2, 1878, 831, 30], [-6, 1898, 1, 1], [-6, 1898, 1, 1], [2, 1878, 831, 30], [], [2, 1909, 831, 30], [-6, 1929, 1, 1], [-6, 1929, 1, 1], [2, 1909, 831, 30], [], [2, 1939, 831, 30], [-6, 1959, 1, 1], [-6, 1959, 1, 1], [2, 1939, 831, 30], [], [2, 1969, 831, 30], [-6, 1989, 1, 1], [-6, 1989, 1, 1], [2, 1969, 831, 30], [], [2, 2000, 831, 30], [-6, 2020, 1, 1], [-6, 2020, 1, 1], [2, 2000, 831, 30], [], [2, 2030, 831, 30], [-6, 2050, 1, 1], [-6, 2050, 1, 1], [2, 2030, 831, 30], [], [2, 2061, 831, 30], [-6, 2081, 1, 1], [-6, 2081, 1, 1], [2, 2061, 831, 30], [], [2, 2091, 831, 30], [-6, 2111, 1, 1], [-6, 2111, 1, 1], [2, 2091, 831, 30], [], [2, 2121, 831, 30], [-6, 2141, 1, 1], [-6, 2141, 1, 1], [2, 2121, 831, 30], [], [2, 2152, 831, 30], [-6, 2172, 1, 1], [-6, 2172, 1, 1], [2, 2152, 831, 30], [], [2, 2182, 831, 30], [-6, 2202, 1, 1], [-6, 2202, 1, 1], [2, 2182, 831, 30], [], [2, 2213, 831, 30], [-6, 2233, 1, 1], [-6, 2233, 1, 1], [2, 2213, 831, 30], [], [2, 2243, 831, 30], [-6, 2263, 1, 1], [-6, 2263, 1, 1], [2, 2243, 831, 30], [], [2, 2273, 831, 30], [-6, 2293, 1, 1], [-6, 2293, 1, 1], [2, 2273, 831, 30], [], [2, 2304, 831, 30], [-6, 2324, 1, 1], [-6, 2324, 1, 1], [2, 2304, 831, 30], [], [2, 2334, 831, 30], [-6, 2354, 1, 1], [-6, 2354, 1, 1], [2, 2334, 831, 30], [], [2, 2364, 831, 30], [-6, 2384, 1, 1], [-6, 2384, 1, 1], [2, 2364, 831, 30], [], [2, 2395, 831, 30], [-6, 2415, 1, 1], [-6, 2415, 1, 1], [2, 2395, 831, 30], [], [2, 2425, 831, 30], [-6, 2445, 1, 1], [-6, 2445, 1, 1], [2, 2425, 831, 30], [], [2, 2456, 831, 30], [-6, 2476, 1, 1], [-6, 2476, 1, 1], [2, 2456, 831, 30], [], [2, 2486, 831, 30], [-6, 2506, 1, 1], [-6, 2506, 1, 1], [2, 2486, 831, 30], [], [2, 2516, 831, 30], [-6, 2536, 1, 1], [-6, 2536, 1, 1], [2, 2516, 831, 30], [], [2, 2547, 831, 30], [-6, 2567, 1, 1], [-6, 2567, 1, 1], [2, 2547, 831, 30], [], [2, 2577, 831, 30], [-6, 2597, 1, 1], [-6, 2597, 1, 1], [2, 2577, 831, 30], [], [2, 2608, 831, 30], [-6, 2628, 1, 1], [-6, 2628, 1, 1], [2, 2608, 831, 30], [], [2, 2638, 831, 30], [-6, 2658, 1, 1], [-6, 2658, 1, 1], [2, 2638, 831, 30], [], [2, 2668, 831, 30], [-6, 2688, 1, 1], [-6, 2688, 1, 1], [2, 2668, 831, 30], [], [2, 2699, 831, 30], [-6, 2719, 1, 1], [-6, 2719, 1, 1], [2, 2699, 831, 30], [], [2, 2729, 831, 30], [-6, 2749, 1, 1], [-6, 2749, 1, 1], [2, 2729, 831, 30], [], [2, 2760, 831, 30], [-6, 2780, 1, 1], [-6, 2780, 1, 1], [2, 2760, 831, 30], [], [2, 2790, 831, 30], [-6, 2810, 1, 1], [-6, 2810, 1, 1], [2, 2790, 831, 30], [], [2, 2820, 831, 30], [-6, 2840, 1, 1], [-6, 2840, 1, 1], [2, 2820, 831, 30], [], [2, 2851, 831, 30], [-6, 2871, 1, 1], [-6, 2871, 1, 1], [2, 2851, 831, 30], [], [2, 2881, 831, 57], [-6, 2901, 1, 1], [-6, 2901, 1, 1], [2, 2881, 831, 57], [], [2, 2938, 831, 57], [-6, 2958, 1, 1], [-6, 2958, 1, 1], [2, 2938, 831, 57], [], [2, 2995, 831, 57], [-6, 3015, 1, 1], [-6, 3015, 1, 1], [2, 2995, 831, 57], [], [2, 3051, 831, 30], [-6, 3071, 1, 1], [-6, 3071, 1, 1], [2, 3051, 831, 30], [], [2, 3082, 831, 30], [-6, 3102, 1, 1], [-6, 3102, 1, 1], [2, 3082, 831, 30], [], [2, 3112, 831, 30], [-6, 3132, 1, 1], [-6, 3132, 1, 1], [2, 3112, 831, 30], [], [2, 3143, 831, 30], [-6, 3163, 1, 1], [-6, 3163, 1, 1], [2, 3143, 831, 30], [], [2, 3173, 831, 57], [-6, 3193, 1, 1], [-6, 3193, 1, 1], [2, 3173, 831, 57], [], [2, 3230, 831, 30], [-6, 3250, 1, 1], [-6, 3250, 1, 1], [2, 3230, 831, 30], [], [2, 3260, 831, 30], [-6, 3280, 1, 1], [-6, 3280, 1, 1], [2, 3260, 831, 30], [], [2, 3291, 831, 30], [-6, 3311, 1, 1], [-6, 3311, 1, 1], [2, 3291, 831, 30], [], [2, 3321, 831, 30], [-6, 3341, 1, 1], [-6, 3341, 1, 1], [2, 3321, 831, 30], [], [2, 3351, 831, 30], [-6, 3371, 1, 1], [-6, 3371, 1, 1], [2, 3351, 831, 30], [], [2, 3382, 831, 30], [-6, 3402, 1, 1], [-6, 3402, 1, 1], [2, 3382, 831, 30], [], [2, 3412, 831, 30], [-6, 3432, 1, 1], [-6, 3432, 1, 1], [2, 3412, 831, 30], [], [2, 3443, 831, 30], [-6, 3463, 1, 1], [-6, 3463, 1, 1], [2, 3443, 831, 30], [], [2, 3473, 831, 30], [-6, 3493, 1, 1], [-6, 3493, 1, 1], [2, 3473, 831, 30], [], [2, 3503, 831, 30], [-6, 3523, 1, 1], [-6, 3523, 1, 1], [2, 3503, 831, 30], [], [2, 3534, 831, 30], [-6, 3554, 1, 1], [-6, 3554, 1, 1], [2, 3534, 831, 30], [], [2, 3564, 831, 30], [-6, 3584, 1, 1], [-6, 3584, 1, 1], [2, 3564, 831, 30], [], [2, 3594, 831, 30], [-6, 3614, 1, 1], [-6, 3614, 1, 1], [2, 3594, 831, 30], [], [2, 3625, 831, 30], [-6, 3645, 1, 1], [-6, 3645, 1, 1], [2, 3625, 831, 30], [], [2, 3655, 831, 30], [-6, 3675, 1, 1], [-6, 3675, 1, 1], [2, 3655, 831, 30], [], [2, 3686, 831, 30], [-6, 3706, 1, 1], [-6, 3706, 1, 1], [2, 3686, 831, 30], [], [2, 3716, 831, 30], [-6, 3736, 1, 1], [-6, 3736, 1, 1], [2, 3716, 831, 30], [], [2, 3746, 831, 30], [-6, 3766, 1, 1], [-6, 3766, 1, 1], [2, 3746, 831, 30], [], [2, 3777, 831, 30], [-6, 3797, 1, 1], [-6, 3797, 1, 1], [2, 3777, 831, 30], [], [2, 3807, 831, 30], [-6, 3827, 1, 1], [-6, 3827, 1, 1], [2, 3807, 831, 30], [], [2, 3838, 831, 30], [-6, 3858, 1, 1], [-6, 3858, 1, 1], [2, 3838, 831, 30], [], [2, 3868, 831, 30], [-6, 3888, 1, 1], [-6, 3888, 1, 1], [2, 3868, 831, 30], [], [2, 3898, 831, 30], [-6, 3918, 1, 1], [-6, 3918, 1, 1], [2, 3898, 831, 30], [], [2, 3929, 831, 30], [-6, 3949, 1, 1], [-6, 3949, 1, 1], [2, 3929, 831, 30], [], [2, 3959, 831, 30], [-6, 3979, 1, 1], [-6, 3979, 1, 1], [2, 3959, 831, 30], [], [2, 3990, 831, 30], [-6, 4010, 1, 1], [-6, 4010, 1, 1], [2, 3990, 831, 30], [], [2, 4020, 831, 30], [-6, 4040, 1, 1], [-6, 4040, 1, 1], [2, 4020, 831, 30], [], [2, 4050, 831, 30], [-6, 4070, 1, 1], [-6, 4070, 1, 1], [2, 4050, 831, 30], [], [2, 4081, 831, 30], [-6, 4101, 1, 1], [-6, 4101, 1, 1], [2, 4081, 831, 30], [], [2, 4111, 831, 30], [-6, 4131, 1, 1], [-6, 4131, 1, 1], [2, 4111, 831, 30], [], [2, 4142, 831, 30], [-6, 4162, 1, 1], [-6, 4162, 1, 1], [2, 4142, 831, 30], [], [2, 4172, 831, 30], [-6, 4192, 1, 1], [-6, 4192, 1, 1], [2, 4172, 831, 30], [], [2, 4202, 831, 30], [-6, 4222, 1, 1], [-6, 4222, 1, 1], [2, 4202, 831, 30], [], [2, 4233, 831, 30], [-6, 4253, 1, 1], [-6, 4253, 1, 1], [2, 4233, 831, 30], [], [2, 4263, 831, 30], [-6, 4283, 1, 1], [-6, 4283, 1, 1], [2, 4263, 831, 30], [], [2, 4293, 831, 57], [-6, 4313, 1, 1], [-6, 4313, 1, 1], [2, 4293, 831, 57], [], [2, 4350, 831, 30], [-6, 4370, 1, 1], [-6, 4370, 1, 1], [2, 4350, 831, 30], [], [2, 4381, 831, 30], [-6, 4401, 1, 1], [-6, 4401, 1, 1], [2, 4381, 831, 30], [], [2, 4411, 831, 30], [-6, 4431, 1, 1], [-6, 4431, 1, 1], [2, 4411, 831, 30], [], [2, 4441, 831, 30], [-6, 4461, 1, 1], [-6, 4461, 1, 1], [2, 4441, 831, 30], [], [2, 4472, 831, 30], [-6, 4492, 1, 1], [-6, 4492, 1, 1], [2, 4472, 831, 30], [], [2, 4502, 831, 30], [-6, 4522, 1, 1], [-6, 4522, 1, 1], [2, 4502, 831, 30], [], [2, 4533, 831, 30], [-6, 4553, 1, 1], [-6, 4553, 1, 1], [2, 4533, 831, 30], [], [2, 4563, 831, 30], [-6, 4583, 1, 1], [-6, 4583, 1, 1], [2, 4563, 831, 30], [], [2, 4593, 831, 30], [-6, 4613, 1, 1], [-6, 4613, 1, 1], [2, 4593, 831, 30], [], [2, 4624, 831, 30], [-6, 4644, 1, 1], [-6, 4644, 1, 1], [2, 4624, 831, 30], [], [2, 4654, 831, 30], [-6, 4674, 1, 1], [-6, 4674, 1, 1], [2, 4654, 831, 30], [], [2, 4685, 831, 30], [-6, 4705, 1, 1], [-6, 4705, 1, 1], [2, 4685, 831, 30], [], [2, 4715, 831, 30], [-6, 4735, 1, 1], [-6, 4735, 1, 1], [2, 4715, 831, 30], [], [2, 4745, 831, 30], [-6, 4765, 1, 1], [-6, 4765, 1, 1], [2, 4745, 831, 30], [], [2, 4776, 831, 30], [-6, 4796, 1, 1], [-6, 4796, 1, 1], [2, 4776, 831, 30], [], [2, 4806, 831, 30], [-6, 4826, 1, 1], [-6, 4826, 1, 1], [2, 4806, 831, 30], [], [2, 4837, 831, 30], [-6, 4857, 1, 1], [-6, 4857, 1, 1], [2, 4837, 831, 30], [], [2, 4867, 831, 30], [-6, 4887, 1, 1], [-6, 4887, 1, 1], [2, 4867, 831, 30], [], [2, 4897, 831, 30], [-6, 4917, 1, 1], [-6, 4917, 1, 1], [2, 4897, 831, 30], [], [2, 4928, 831, 30], [-6, 4948, 1, 1], [-6, 4948, 1, 1], [2, 4928, 831, 30], [], [2, 4958, 831, 30], [-6, 4978, 1, 1], [-6, 4978, 1, 1], [2, 4958, 831, 30], [], [2, 4988, 831, 30], [-6, 5008, 1, 1], [-6, 5008, 1, 1], [2, 4988, 831, 30], [], [2, 5019, 831, 30], [-6, 5039, 1, 1], [-6, 5039, 1, 1], [2, 5019, 831, 30], [], [2, 5049, 831, 30], [-6, 5069, 1, 1], [-6, 5069, 1, 1], [2, 5049, 831, 30], [], [2, 5080, 831, 30], [-6, 5100, 1, 1], [-6, 5100, 1, 1], [2, 5080, 831, 30], [], [2, 5110, 831, 30], [-6, 5130, 1, 1], [-6, 5130, 1, 1], [2, 5110, 831, 30], [], [2, 5140, 831, 30], [-6, 5160, 1, 1], [-6, 5160, 1, 1], [2, 5140, 831, 30], [], [2, 5171, 831, 30], [-6, 5191, 1, 1], [-6, 5191, 1, 1], [2, 5171, 831, 30], [], [2, 5201, 831, 30], [-6, 5221, 1, 1], [-6, 5221, 1, 1], [2, 5201, 831, 30], [], [2, 5232, 831, 30], [-6, 5252, 1, 1], [-6, 5252, 1, 1], [2, 5232, 831, 30], [], [2, 5262, 831, 30], [-6, 5282, 1, 1], [-6, 5282, 1, 1], [2, 5262, 831, 30], [], [2, 5292, 831, 30], [-6, 5312, 1, 1], [-6, 5312, 1, 1], [2, 5292, 831, 30], [], [2, 5323, 831, 30], [-6, 5343, 1, 1], [-6, 5343, 1, 1], [2, 5323, 831, 30], [], [2, 5353, 831, 30], [-6, 5373, 1, 1], [-6, 5373, 1, 1], [2, 5353, 831, 30], [], [2, 5384, 831, 30], [-6, 5404, 1, 1], [-6, 5404, 1, 1], [2, 5384, 831, 30], [], [2, 5414, 831, 30], [-6, 5434, 1, 1], [-6, 5434, 1, 1], [2, 5414, 831, 30], [], [2, 5444, 831, 30], [-6, 5464, 1, 1], [-6, 5464, 1, 1], [2, 5444, 831, 30], [], [2, 5475, 831, 30], [-6, 5495, 1, 1], [-6, 5495, 1, 1], [2, 5475, 831, 30], [], [2, 5505, 831, 30], [-6, 5525, 1, 1], [-6, 5525, 1, 1], [2, 5505, 831, 30], [], [2, 5535, 831, 30], [-6, 5555, 1, 1], [-6, 5555, 1, 1], [2, 5535, 831, 30], [], [2, 5566, 831, 30], [-6, 5586, 1, 1], [-6, 5586, 1, 1], [2, 5566, 831, 30], [], [2, 5596, 831, 30], [-6, 5616, 1, 1], [-6, 5616, 1, 1], [2, 5596, 831, 30], [], [2, 5627, 831, 30], [-6, 5647, 1, 1], [-6, 5647, 1, 1], [2, 5627, 831, 30], [], [2, 5657, 831, 30], [-6, 5677, 1, 1], [-6, 5677, 1, 1], [2, 5657, 831, 30], [], [2, 5687, 831, 30], [-6, 5707, 1, 1], [-6, 5707, 1, 1], [2, 5687, 831, 30], [], [2, 5718, 831, 30], [-6, 5738, 1, 1], [-6, 5738, 1, 1], [2, 5718, 831, 30], [], [2, 5748, 831, 30], [-6, 5768, 1, 1], [-6, 5768, 1, 1], [2, 5748, 831, 30], [], [2, 5779, 831, 30], [-6, 5799, 1, 1], [-6, 5799, 1, 1], [2, 5779, 831, 30], [], [2, 5809, 831, 30], [-6, 5829, 1, 1], [-6, 5829, 1, 1], [2, 5809, 831, 30], [], [2, 5839, 831, 30], [-6, 5859, 1, 1], [-6, 5859, 1, 1], [2, 5839, 831, 30], [], [2, 5870, 831, 30], [-6, 5890, 1, 1], [-6, 5890, 1, 1], [2, 5870, 831, 30], [], [2, 5900, 831, 57], [-6, 5920, 1, 1], [-6, 5920, 1, 1], [2, 5900, 831, 57], [], [2, 5957, 831, 30], [-6, 5977, 1, 1], [-6, 5977, 1, 1], [2, 5957, 831, 30], [], [2, 5987, 831, 30], [-6, 6007, 1, 1], [-6, 6007, 1, 1], [2, 5987, 831, 30], [], [2, 6018, 831, 30], [-6, 6038, 1, 1], [-6, 6038, 1, 1], [2, 6018, 831, 30], [], [2, 6048, 831, 30], [-6, 6068, 1, 1], [-6, 6068, 1, 1], [2, 6048, 831, 30], [], [2, 6079, 831, 30], [-6, 6099, 1, 1], [-6, 6099, 1, 1], [2, 6079, 831, 30], [], [2, 6109, 831, 30], [-6, 6129, 1, 1], [-6, 6129, 1, 1], [2, 6109, 831, 30], [], [2, 6139, 831, 30], [-6, 6159, 1, 1], [-6, 6159, 1, 1], [2, 6139, 831, 30], [], [2, 6170, 831, 30], [-6, 6190, 1, 1], [-6, 6190, 1, 1], [2, 6170, 831, 30], [], [2, 6200, 831, 30], [-6, 6220, 1, 1], [-6, 6220, 1, 1], [2, 6200, 831, 30], [], [2, 6230, 831, 30], [-6, 6250, 1, 1], [-6, 6250, 1, 1], [2, 6230, 831, 30], [], [2, 6261, 831, 30], [-6, 6281, 1, 1], [-6, 6281, 1, 1], [2, 6261, 831, 30], [], [2, 6291, 831, 30], [-6, 6311, 1, 1], [-6, 6311, 1, 1], [2, 6291, 831, 30], [], [2, 6322, 831, 30], [-6, 6342, 1, 1], [-6, 6342, 1, 1], [2, 6322, 831, 30], [], [2, 6352, 831, 30], [-6, 6372, 1, 1], [-6, 6372, 1, 1], [2, 6352, 831, 30], [], [2, 6382, 831, 30], [-6, 6402, 1, 1], [-6, 6402, 1, 1], [2, 6382, 831, 30], [], [2, 6413, 831, 30], [-6, 6433, 1, 1], [-6, 6433, 1, 1], [2, 6413, 831, 30], [], [2, 6443, 831, 30], [-6, 6463, 1, 1], [-6, 6463, 1, 1], [2, 6443, 831, 30], [], [2, 6474, 831, 30], [-6, 6494, 1, 1], [-6, 6494, 1, 1], [2, 6474, 831, 30], [], [2, 6504, 831, 30], [-6, 6524, 1, 1], [-6, 6524, 1, 1], [2, 6504, 831, 30], [], [2, 6534, 831, 30], [-6, 6554, 1, 1], [-6, 6554, 1, 1], [2, 6534, 831, 30], [], [2, 6565, 831, 30], [-6, 6585, 1, 1], [-6, 6585, 1, 1], [2, 6565, 831, 30], [], [2, 6595, 831, 30], [-6, 6615, 1, 1], [-6, 6615, 1, 1], [2, 6595, 831, 30], [], [2, 6626, 831, 30], [-6, 6646, 1, 1], [-6, 6646, 1, 1], [2, 6626, 831, 30], [], [2, 6656, 831, 30], [-6, 6676, 1, 1], [-6, 6676, 1, 1], [2, 6656, 831, 30], [], [2, 6686, 831, 30], [-6, 6706, 1, 1], [-6, 6706, 1, 1], [2, 6686, 831, 30], [], [2, 6717, 831, 30], [-6, 6737, 1, 1], [-6, 6737, 1, 1], [2, 6717, 831, 30], [], [2, 6747, 831, 30], [-6, 6767, 1, 1], [-6, 6767, 1, 1], [2, 6747, 831, 30], [], [2, 6778, 831, 30], [-6, 6798, 1, 1], [-6, 6798, 1, 1], [2, 6778, 831, 30], [], [2, 6808, 831, 30], [-6, 6828, 1, 1], [-6, 6828, 1, 1], [2, 6808, 831, 30], [], [2, 6838, 831, 30], [-6, 6858, 1, 1], [-6, 6858, 1, 1], [2, 6838, 831, 30], [], [2, 6869, 831, 30], [-6, 6889, 1, 1], [-6, 6889, 1, 1], [2, 6869, 831, 30], [], [2, 6899, 831, 30], [-6, 6919, 1, 1], [-6, 6919, 1, 1], [2, 6899, 831, 30], [], [2, 6929, 831, 30], [-6, 6949, 1, 1], [-6, 6949, 1, 1], [2, 6929, 831, 30], [], [2, 6960, 831, 30], [-6, 6980, 1, 1], [-6, 6980, 1, 1], [2, 6960, 831, 30], [], [2, 6990, 831, 30], [-6, 7010, 1, 1], [-6, 7010, 1, 1], [2, 6990, 831, 30], [], [2, 7021, 831, 30], [-6, 7041, 1, 1], [-6, 7041, 1, 1], [2, 7021, 831, 30], [], [2, 7051, 831, 30], [-6, 7071, 1, 1], [-6, 7071, 1, 1], [2, 7051, 831, 30], [], [2, 7081, 831, 30], [-6, 7101, 1, 1], [-6, 7101, 1, 1], [2, 7081, 831, 30], [], [2, 7112, 831, 30], [-6, 7132, 1, 1], [-6, 7132, 1, 1], [2, 7112, 831, 30], [], [2, 7142, 831, 30], [-6, 7162, 1, 1], [-6, 7162, 1, 1], [2, 7142, 831, 30], [], [2, 7173, 831, 30], [-6, 7193, 1, 1], [-6, 7193, 1, 1], [2, 7173, 831, 30], [], [2, 7203, 831, 30], [-6, 7223, 1, 1], [-6, 7223, 1, 1], [2, 7203, 831, 30], [], [2, 7233, 831, 30], [-6, 7253, 1, 1], [-6, 7253, 1, 1], [2, 7233, 831, 30], [], [2, 7264, 831, 57], [-6, 7284, 1, 1], [-6, 7284, 1, 1], [2, 7264, 831, 57], [], [2, 7321, 831, 30], [-6, 7341, 1, 1], [-6, 7341, 1, 1], [2, 7321, 831, 30], [], [2, 7351, 831, 30], [-6, 7371, 1, 1], [-6, 7371, 1, 1], [2, 7351, 831, 30], [], [2, 7381, 831, 30], [-6, 7401, 1, 1], [-6, 7401, 1, 1], [2, 7381, 831, 30], [], [2, 7412, 831, 30], [-6, 7432, 1, 1], [-6, 7432, 1, 1], [2, 7412, 831, 30], [], [2, 7442, 831, 30], [-6, 7462, 1, 1], [-6, 7462, 1, 1], [2, 7442, 831, 30], [], [2, 7472, 831, 30], [-6, 7492, 1, 1], [-6, 7492, 1, 1], [2, 7472, 831, 30], [], [2, 7503, 831, 30], [-6, 7523, 1, 1], [-6, 7523, 1, 1], [2, 7503, 831, 30], [], [2, 7533, 831, 30], [-6, 7553, 1, 1], [-6, 7553, 1, 1], [2, 7533, 831, 30], [], [2, 7564, 831, 30], [-6, 7584, 1, 1], [-6, 7584, 1, 1], [2, 7564, 831, 30], [], [2, 7594, 831, 30], [-6, 7614, 1, 1], [-6, 7614, 1, 1], [2, 7594, 831, 30], [], [2, 7624, 831, 30], [-6, 7644, 1, 1], [-6, 7644, 1, 1], [2, 7624, 831, 30], [], [2, 7655, 831, 30], [-6, 7675, 1, 1], [-6, 7675, 1, 1], [2, 7655, 831, 30], [], [2, 7685, 831, 30], [-6, 7705, 1, 1], [-6, 7705, 1, 1], [2, 7685, 831, 30], [], [2, 7716, 831, 30], [-6, 7736, 1, 1], [-6, 7736, 1, 1], [2, 7716, 831, 30], [], [2, 7746, 831, 30], [-6, 7766, 1, 1], [-6, 7766, 1, 1], [2, 7746, 831, 30], [], [2, 7776, 831, 57], [-6, 7796, 1, 1], [-6, 7796, 1, 1], [2, 7776, 831, 57], [], [2, 7833, 831, 30], [-6, 7853, 1, 1], [-6, 7853, 1, 1], [2, 7833, 831, 30], [], [2, 7864, 831, 30], [-6, 7884, 1, 1], [-6, 7884, 1, 1], [2, 7864, 831, 30], [], [2, 7894, 831, 30], [-6, 7914, 1, 1], [-6, 7914, 1, 1], [2, 7894, 831, 30], [], [2, 7924, 831, 30], [-6, 7944, 1, 1], [-6, 7944, 1, 1], [2, 7924, 831, 30], [], [2, 7955, 831, 30], [-6, 7975, 1, 1], [-6, 7975, 1, 1], [2, 7955, 831, 30], [], [2, 7985, 831, 30], [-6, 8005, 1, 1], [-6, 8005, 1, 1], [2, 7985, 831, 30], [], [2, 8016, 831, 30], [-6, 8036, 1, 1], [-6, 8036, 1, 1], [2, 8016, 831, 30], [], [2, 8046, 831, 30], [-6, 8066, 1, 1], [-6, 8066, 1, 1], [2, 8046, 831, 30], [], [2, 8076, 831, 30], [-6, 8096, 1, 1], [-6, 8096, 1, 1], [2, 8076, 831, 30], [], [2, 8107, 831, 30], [-6, 8127, 1, 1], [-6, 8127, 1, 1], [2, 8107, 831, 30], [], [2, 8137, 831, 30], [-6, 8157, 1, 1], [-6, 8157, 1, 1], [2, 8137, 831, 30], [], [2, 8167, 831, 30], [-6, 8187, 1, 1], [-6, 8187, 1, 1], [2, 8167, 831, 30], [], [2, 8198, 831, 30], [-6, 8218, 1, 1], [-6, 8218, 1, 1], [2, 8198, 831, 30], [], [2, 8228, 831, 30], [-6, 8248, 1, 1], [-6, 8248, 1, 1], [2, 8228, 831, 30], [], [2, 8259, 831, 30], [-6, 8279, 1, 1], [-6, 8279, 1, 1], [2, 8259, 831, 30], [], [2, 8289, 831, 30], [-6, 8309, 1, 1], [-6, 8309, 1, 1], [2, 8289, 831, 30], [], [2, 8319, 831, 30], [-6, 8339, 1, 1], [-6, 8339, 1, 1], [2, 8319, 831, 30], [], [2, 8350, 831, 30], [-6, 8370, 1, 1], [-6, 8370, 1, 1], [2, 8350, 831, 30], [], [2, 8380, 831, 30], [-6, 8400, 1, 1], [-6, 8400, 1, 1], [2, 8380, 831, 30], [], [2, 8411, 831, 30], [-6, 8431, 1, 1], [-6, 8431, 1, 1], [2, 8411, 831, 30], [], [2, 8441, 831, 30], [-6, 8461, 1, 1], [-6, 8461, 1, 1], [2, 8441, 831, 30], [], [2, 8471, 831, 30], [-6, 8491, 1, 1], [-6, 8491, 1, 1], [2, 8471, 831, 30], [], [2, 8502, 831, 30], [-6, 8522, 1, 1], [-6, 8522, 1, 1], [2, 8502, 831, 30], [], [2, 8532, 831, 30], [-6, 8552, 1, 1], [-6, 8552, 1, 1], [2, 8532, 831, 30], [], [2, 8563, 831, 30], [-6, 8583, 1, 1], [-6, 8583, 1, 1], [2, 8563, 831, 30], [], [2, 8593, 831, 30], [-6, 8613, 1, 1], [-6, 8613, 1, 1], [2, 8593, 831, 30], [], [2, 8623, 831, 30], [-6, 8643, 1, 1], [-6, 8643, 1, 1], [2, 8623, 831, 30], [], [2, 8654, 831, 30], [-6, 8674, 1, 1], [-6, 8674, 1, 1], [2, 8654, 831, 30], [], [2, 8684, 831, 30], [-6, 8704, 1, 1], [-6, 8704, 1, 1], [2, 8684, 831, 30], [], [2, 8715, 831, 30], [-6, 8735, 1, 1], [-6, 8735, 1, 1], [2, 8715, 831, 30], [], [2, 8745, 831, 30], [-6, 8765, 1, 1], [-6, 8765, 1, 1], [2, 8745, 831, 30], [], [2, 8775, 831, 30], [-6, 8795, 1, 1], [-6, 8795, 1, 1], [2, 8775, 831, 30], [], [2, 8805, 831, 32], [-6, 8826, 1, 1], [-6, 8826, 1, 1], [1, 8805, 833, 32], [], [2, 8836, 831, 30], [-6, 8856, 1, 1], [-6, 8856, 1, 1], [2, 8836, 831, 30], [], [2, 8866, 831, 30], [-6, 8886, 1, 1], [-6, 8886, 1, 1], [2, 8866, 831, 30], [], [2, 8897, 831, 30], [-6, 8917, 1, 1], [-6, 8917, 1, 1], [2, 8897, 831, 30], [], [2, 8927, 831, 30], [-6, 8947, 1, 1], [-6, 8947, 1, 1], [2, 8927, 831, 30], [], [2, 8958, 831, 30], [-6, 8978, 1, 1], [-6, 8978, 1, 1], [2, 8958, 831, 30], [], [2, 8988, 831, 30], [-6, 9008, 1, 1], [-6, 9008, 1, 1], [2, 8988, 831, 30], [], [2, 9018, 831, 30], [-6, 9038, 1, 1], [-6, 9038, 1, 1], [2, 9018, 831, 30], [], [2, 9049, 831, 30], [-6, 9069, 1, 1], [-6, 9069, 1, 1], [2, 9049, 831, 30], [], [2, 9079, 831, 30], [-6, 9099, 1, 1], [-6, 9099, 1, 1], [2, 9079, 831, 30], [], [2, 9110, 831, 30], [-6, 9130, 1, 1], [-6, 9130, 1, 1], [2, 9110, 831, 30], [], [2, 9140, 831, 30], [-6, 9160, 1, 1], [-6, 9160, 1, 1], [2, 9140, 831, 30], [], [2, 9170, 831, 30], [-6, 9190, 1, 1], [-6, 9190, 1, 1], [2, 9170, 831, 30], [], [2, 9201, 831, 30], [-6, 9221, 1, 1], [-6, 9221, 1, 1], [2, 9201, 831, 30], [], [2, 9231, 831, 30], [-6, 9251, 1, 1], [-6, 9251, 1, 1], [2, 9231, 831, 30], [], [2, 9262, 831, 30], [-6, 9282, 1, 1], [-6, 9282, 1, 1], [2, 9262, 831, 30], [], [2, 9292, 831, 30], [-6, 9312, 1, 1], [-6, 9312, 1, 1], [2, 9292, 831, 30], [], [2, 9322, 831, 30], [-6, 9342, 1, 1], [-6, 9342, 1, 1], [2, 9322, 831, 30], [], [2, 9353, 831, 30], [-6, 9373, 1, 1], [-6, 9373, 1, 1], [2, 9353, 831, 30], [], [2, 9383, 831, 30], [-6, 9403, 1, 1], [-6, 9403, 1, 1], [2, 9383, 831, 30], [], [2, 9413, 831, 30], [-6, 9433, 1, 1], [-6, 9433, 1, 1], [2, 9413, 831, 30], [], [2, 9444, 831, 30], [-6, 9464, 1, 1], [-6, 9464, 1, 1], [2, 9444, 831, 30], [], [2, 9474, 831, 30], [-6, 9494, 1, 1], [-6, 9494, 1, 1], [2, 9474, 831, 30], [], [2, 9505, 831, 30], [-6, 9525, 1, 1], [-6, 9525, 1, 1], [2, 9505, 831, 30], [], [2, 9535, 831, 30], [-6, 9555, 1, 1], [-6, 9555, 1, 1], [2, 9535, 831, 30], [], [2, 9565, 831, 30], [-6, 9585, 1, 1], [-6, 9585, 1, 1], [2, 9565, 831, 30], [], [2, 9596, 831, 30], [-6, 9616, 1, 1], [-6, 9616, 1, 1], [2, 9596, 831, 30], [], [2, 9626, 831, 30], [-6, 9646, 1, 1], [-6, 9646, 1, 1], [2, 9626, 831, 30], [], [2, 9657, 831, 30], [-6, 9677, 1, 1], [-6, 9677, 1, 1], [2, 9657, 831, 30], [], [2, 9687, 831, 30], [-6, 9707, 1, 1], [-6, 9707, 1, 1], [2, 9687, 831, 30], [], [2, 9717, 831, 30], [-6, 9737, 1, 1], [-6, 9737, 1, 1], [2, 9717, 831, 30], [], [2, 9748, 831, 30], [-6, 9768, 1, 1], [-6, 9768, 1, 1], [2, 9748, 831, 30], [], [2, 9778, 831, 30], [-6, 9798, 1, 1], [-6, 9798, 1, 1], [2, 9778, 831, 30], [], [2, 9809, 831, 30], [-6, 9829, 1, 1], [-6, 9829, 1, 1], [2, 9809, 831, 30], [], [2, 9839, 831, 30], [-6, 9859, 1, 1], [-6, 9859, 1, 1], [2, 9839, 831, 30], [], [2, 9869, 831, 30], [-6, 9889, 1, 1], [-6, 9889, 1, 1], [2, 9869, 831, 30], [], [2, 9900, 831, 30], [-6, 9920, 1, 1], [-6, 9920, 1, 1], [2, 9900, 831, 30], [], [2, 9930, 831, 30], [-6, 9950, 1, 1], [-6, 9950, 1, 1], [2, 9930, 831, 30], [], [2, 9961, 831, 30], [-6, 9981, 1, 1], [-6, 9981, 1, 1], [2, 9961, 831, 30], [], [2, 9991, 831, 30], [-6, 10011, 1, 1], [-6, 10011, 1, 1], [2, 9991, 831, 30], [], [2, 10021, 831, 30], [-6, 10041, 1, 1], [-6, 10041, 1, 1], [2, 10021, 831, 30], [], [2, 10052, 831, 30], [-6, 10072, 1, 1], [-6, 10072, 1, 1], [2, 10052, 831, 30], [], [2, 10082, 831, 30], [-6, 10102, 1, 1], [-6, 10102, 1, 1], [2, 10082, 831, 30], [], [2, 10112, 831, 30], [-6, 10132, 1, 1], [-6, 10132, 1, 1], [2, 10112, 831, 30], [], [2, 10143, 831, 30], [-6, 10163, 1, 1], [-6, 10163, 1, 1], [2, 10143, 831, 30], [], [2, 10173, 831, 30], [-6, 10193, 1, 1], [-6, 10193, 1, 1], [2, 10173, 831, 30], [], [2, 10204, 831, 30], [-6, 10224, 1, 1], [-6, 10224, 1, 1], [2, 10204, 831, 30], [], [2, 10234, 831, 30], [-6, 10254, 1, 1], [-6, 10254, 1, 1], [2, 10234, 831, 30], [], [2, 10264, 831, 30], [-6, 10284, 1, 1], [-6, 10284, 1, 1], [2, 10264, 831, 30], [], [2, 10295, 831, 30], [-6, 10315, 1, 1], [-6, 10315, 1, 1], [2, 10295, 831, 30], [], [2, 10325, 831, 30], [-6, 10345, 1, 1], [-6, 10345, 1, 1], [2, 10325, 831, 30], [], [2, 10356, 831, 30], [-6, 10376, 1, 1], [-6, 10376, 1, 1], [2, 10356, 831, 30], [], [2, 10386, 831, 30], [-6, 10406, 1, 1], [-6, 10406, 1, 1], [2, 10386, 831, 30], [], [2, 10416, 831, 30], [-6, 10436, 1, 1], [-6, 10436, 1, 1], [2, 10416, 831, 30], [], [2, 10447, 831, 30], [-6, 10467, 1, 1], [-6, 10467, 1, 1], [2, 10447, 831, 30], [], [2, 10477, 831, 30], [-6, 10497, 1, 1], [-6, 10497, 1, 1], [2, 10477, 831, 30], [], [2, 10508, 831, 30], [-6, 10528, 1, 1], [-6, 10528, 1, 1], [2, 10508, 831, 30], [], [2, 10538, 831, 30], [-6, 10558, 1, 1], [-6, 10558, 1, 1], [2, 10538, 831, 30], [], [2, 10568, 831, 30], [-6, 10588, 1, 1], [-6, 10588, 1, 1], [2, 10568, 831, 30], [], [2, 10599, 831, 30], [-6, 10619, 1, 1], [-6, 10619, 1, 1], [2, 10599, 831, 30], [], [2, 10629, 831, 57], [-6, 10649, 1, 1], [-6, 10649, 1, 1], [2, 10629, 831, 57], [], [2, 10686, 831, 30], [-6, 10706, 1, 1], [-6, 10706, 1, 1], [2, 10686, 831, 30], [], [2, 10716, 831, 30], [-6, 10736, 1, 1], [-6, 10736, 1, 1], [2, 10716, 831, 30], [], [2, 10747, 831, 30], [-6, 10767, 1, 1], [-6, 10767, 1, 1], [2, 10747, 831, 30], [], [2, 10777, 831, 30], [-6, 10797, 1, 1], [-6, 10797, 1, 1], [2, 10777, 831, 30], [], [2, 10807, 831, 30], [-6, 10827, 1, 1], [-6, 10827, 1, 1], [2, 10807, 831, 30], [], [2, 10838, 831, 30], [-6, 10858, 1, 1], [-6, 10858, 1, 1], [2, 10838, 831, 30], [], [2, 10868, 831, 30], [-6, 10888, 1, 1], [-6, 10888, 1, 1], [2, 10868, 831, 30], [], [2, 10899, 831, 30], [-6, 10919, 1, 1], [-6, 10919, 1, 1], [2, 10899, 831, 30], [], [2, 10929, 831, 30], [-6, 10949, 1, 1], [-6, 10949, 1, 1], [2, 10929, 831, 30], [], [2, 10959, 831, 30], [-6, 10979, 1, 1], [-6, 10979, 1, 1], [2, 10959, 831, 30], [], [2, 10990, 831, 30], [-6, 11010, 1, 1], [-6, 11010, 1, 1], [2, 10990, 831, 30], [], [2, 11020, 831, 30], [-6, 11040, 1, 1], [-6, 11040, 1, 1], [2, 11020, 831, 30], [], [2, 11051, 831, 30], [-6, 11071, 1, 1], [-6, 11071, 1, 1], [2, 11051, 831, 30], [], [2, 11081, 831, 30], [-6, 11101, 1, 1], [-6, 11101, 1, 1], [2, 11081, 831, 30], [], [2, 11111, 831, 30], [-6, 11131, 1, 1], [-6, 11131, 1, 1], [2, 11111, 831, 30], 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831, 30], [], [2, 11506, 831, 30], [-6, 11526, 1, 1], [-6, 11526, 1, 1], [2, 11506, 831, 30], [], [2, 11537, 831, 30], [-6, 11557, 1, 1], [-6, 11557, 1, 1], [2, 11537, 831, 30], [], [2, 11567, 831, 30], [-6, 11587, 1, 1], [-6, 11587, 1, 1], [2, 11567, 831, 30], [], [2, 11598, 831, 30], [-6, 11618, 1, 1], [-6, 11618, 1, 1], [2, 11598, 831, 30], [], [2, 11628, 831, 30], [-6, 11648, 1, 1], [-6, 11648, 1, 1], [2, 11628, 831, 30], [], [2, 11658, 831, 30], [-6, 11678, 1, 1], [-6, 11678, 1, 1], [2, 11658, 831, 30], [], [2, 11689, 831, 30], [-6, 11709, 1, 1], [-6, 11709, 1, 1], [2, 11689, 831, 30], [], [2, 11719, 831, 30], [-6, 11739, 1, 1], [-6, 11739, 1, 1], [2, 11719, 831, 30], [], [2, 11750, 831, 30], [-6, 11770, 1, 1], [-6, 11770, 1, 1], [2, 11750, 831, 30], [], [2, 11780, 831, 30], [-6, 11800, 1, 1], [-6, 11800, 1, 1], [2, 11780, 831, 30], [], [2, 11810, 831, 30], [-6, 11830, 1, 1], [-6, 11830, 1, 1], [2, 11810, 831, 30], [], [2, 11841, 831, 30], [-6, 11861, 1, 1], [-6, 11861, 1, 1], [2, 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914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 204.796875, 17], [1078.484375, 982.78125, 5.34375, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [867.609375, 1068.78125, 115.953125, 17], [983.5625, 1068.78125, 284.796875, 17], [8, 1086.78125, 345.28125, 17], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [529.03125, 511, 399.046875, 20], [928.0625, 511, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 541.390625, 778.5, 20], [529.03125, 567.78125, 139.546875, 20], [668.5625, 567.78125, 135.015625, 20], [529.03125, 598.171875, 381.09375, 20], [910.109375, 598.171875, 198.546875, 20], [529.03125, 628.5625, 284.234375, 20], [813.25, 628.5625, 115.421875, 20], [529.03125, 658.953125, 416.890625, 20], [945.90625, 658.953125, 112.15625, 20], [529.03125, 689.34375, 371.296875, 20], [900.3125, 689.34375, 137.9375, 20], [529.03125, 719.734375, 375.234375, 20], [904.25, 719.734375, 121.28125, 20], [529.03125, 750.125, 382.109375, 20], [911.125, 750.125, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 780.515625, 648.171875, 20], [1177.1875, 780.515625, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 810.90625, 464.234375, 20], [993.25, 810.90625, 160.8125, 20], [529.03125, 841.296875, 275.453125, 20], [804.46875, 841.296875, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 871.6875, 434.875, 20], [963.890625, 871.6875, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 902.078125, 354.671875, 20], [883.6875, 902.078125, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 932.46875, 474.65625, 20], [1003.671875, 932.46875, 159.421875, 20], [529.03125, 962.859375, 345.890625, 20], [874.90625, 962.859375, 176.015625, 20], [529.03125, 993.25, 411.40625, 20], [940.421875, 993.25, 128.109375, 20], [529.03125, 1023.640625, 597.171875, 20], [1126.1875, 1023.640625, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 1054.03125, 418.546875, 20], [947.5625, 1054.03125, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1084.421875, 361.5, 20], [890.515625, 1084.421875, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 1114.8125, 350.734375, 20], [879.75, 1114.8125, 119, 20], [529.03125, 1145.203125, 422.140625, 20], [951.15625, 1145.203125, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 1175.59375, 424.09375, 20], [953.109375, 1175.59375, 152.5625, 20], [529.03125, 1205.984375, 452.09375, 20], [981.109375, 1205.984375, 124.203125, 20], [529.03125, 1236.375, 405.8125, 20], [934.828125, 1236.375, 178, 20], [529.03125, 1266.765625, 451.484375, 20], [980.5, 1266.765625, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 1297.15625, 702.140625, 20], [1231.15625, 1297.15625, 105.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1327.546875, 485.140625, 20], [1014.15625, 1327.546875, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 1357.9375, 731.171875, 20], [1260.1875, 1357.9375, 68.484375, 20], [529.03125, 1384.328125, 72.375, 20], [529.03125, 1414.71875, 419.171875, 20], [948.1875, 1414.71875, 127.15625, 20], [529.03125, 1445.109375, 383.671875, 20], [912.6875, 1445.109375, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 1475.5, 292.765625, 20], [821.78125, 1475.5, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 1505.890625, 419.53125, 20], [948.546875, 1505.890625, 168.21875, 20], [529.03125, 1536.28125, 567.890625, 20], [1096.90625, 1536.28125, 174.078125, 20], [529.03125, 1566.671875, 364.125, 20], [893.140625, 1566.671875, 156.171875, 20], [529.03125, 1597.0625, 354.375, 20], [883.390625, 1597.0625, 140.5625, 20], [529.03125, 1627.453125, 505.9375, 20], [1034.953125, 1627.453125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 1657.84375, 442.671875, 20], [971.6875, 1657.84375, 183.875, 20], [529.03125, 1688.234375, 434.578125, 20], [963.59375, 1688.234375, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 1718.625, 509.515625, 20], [1038.53125, 1718.625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 1749.015625, 413.0625, 20], [942.078125, 1749.015625, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 1779.40625, 399.359375, 20], [928.375, 1779.40625, 166.234375, 20], [529.03125, 1809.796875, 455.75, 20], [984.765625, 1809.796875, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 1840.1875, 318.546875, 20], [847.5625, 1840.1875, 145.765625, 20], [529.03125, 1870.578125, 437.8125, 20], [966.828125, 1870.578125, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 1900.96875, 414.375, 20], [943.390625, 1900.96875, 150, 20], [529.03125, 1931.359375, 477.875, 20], [1006.890625, 1931.359375, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 1961.75, 585.46875, 20], [1114.484375, 1961.75, 176.0625, 20], [529.03125, 1992.140625, 597.171875, 20], [1126.1875, 1992.140625, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2022.53125, 419.875, 20], [948.890625, 2022.53125, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 2052.921875, 405.546875, 20], [934.5625, 2052.921875, 137.25, 20], [529.03125, 2083.3125, 438.578125, 20], [967.59375, 2083.3125, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 2113.703125, 401.671875, 20], [930.6875, 2113.703125, 204.375, 20], [529.03125, 2144.09375, 483.390625, 20], [1012.40625, 2144.09375, 142.46875, 20], [529.03125, 2174.484375, 516.6875, 20], [1045.703125, 2174.484375, 126.21875, 20], [529.03125, 2204.875, 471.390625, 20], [1000.40625, 2204.875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 2235.265625, 461.34375, 20], [990.359375, 2235.265625, 117.359375, 20], [529.03125, 2265.65625, 381.125, 20], [910.140625, 2265.65625, 121.296875, 20], [529.03125, 2296.046875, 510.171875, 20], [1039.1875, 2296.046875, 143.796875, 20], [529.03125, 2326.4375, 396.75, 20], [925.765625, 2326.4375, 154.515625, 20], [529.03125, 2356.828125, 379.78125, 20], [908.796875, 2356.828125, 144.71875, 20], [529.03125, 2387.21875, 672.09375, 20], [1201.109375, 2387.21875, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 2417.609375, 371.328125, 20], [900.34375, 2417.609375, 137.234375, 20], [529.03125, 2448, 457.71875, 20], [986.734375, 2448, 133.328125, 20], [529.03125, 2478.390625, 363.515625, 20], [892.53125, 2478.390625, 150.328125, 20], [529.03125, 2508.78125, 436.859375, 20], [965.875, 2508.78125, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2539.171875, 609.609375, 20], [1138.625, 2539.171875, 152.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2569.5625, 406.546875, 20], [935.5625, 2569.5625, 178.359375, 20], [529.03125, 2599.953125, 384.921875, 20], [913.9375, 2599.953125, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 2630.34375, 471.71875, 20], [1000.734375, 2630.34375, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 2660.734375, 552.265625, 20], [1081.28125, 2660.734375, 151.3125, 20], [529.03125, 2691.125, 598.90625, 20], [1127.921875, 2691.125, 175.09375, 20], [529.03125, 2721.515625, 432.953125, 20], [961.96875, 2721.515625, 151.59375, 20], [529.03125, 2751.90625, 456.75, 20], [985.765625, 2751.90625, 48.90625, 20], [1034.65625, 2751.90625, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 2782.296875, 469.046875, 20], [998.0625, 2782.296875, 141.796875, 20], [529.03125, 2812.6875, 393.484375, 20], [922.5, 2812.6875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 2843.078125, 463.265625, 20], [992.28125, 2843.078125, 200.1875, 20], [529.03125, 2873.46875, 382.0625, 20], [911.078125, 2873.46875, 159.4375, 20], [529.03125, 2903.859375, 531.390625, 20], [1060.40625, 2903.859375, 130.109375, 20], [1190.5, 2903.859375, 122.28125, 20], [529.03125, 2934.25, 298, 20], [827.015625, 2934.25, 125.171875, 20], [529.03125, 2964.640625, 591.6875, 20], [1120.703125, 2964.640625, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 2995.03125, 421.859375, 20], [950.875, 2995.03125, 181.90625, 20], [529.03125, 3025.421875, 443.671875, 20], [972.6875, 3025.421875, 193.640625, 20], [529.03125, 3055.8125, 457.34375, 20], [986.359375, 3055.8125, 172.125, 20], [529.03125, 3086.203125, 405.515625, 20], [934.53125, 3086.203125, 185.828125, 20], [529.03125, 3116.59375, 393.765625, 20], [922.78125, 3116.59375, 148.65625, 20], [529.03125, 3146.984375, 508.859375, 20], [1037.875, 3146.984375, 133.34375, 20], [529.03125, 3177.375, 341.296875, 20], [870.3125, 3177.375, 58.703125, 20], [529.03125, 3207.765625, 333.53125, 20], [862.546875, 3207.765625, 142.5, 20], [529.03125, 3238.15625, 493.234375, 20], [1022.25, 3238.15625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 3268.546875, 506.265625, 20], [1035.28125, 3268.546875, 137.890625, 20], [529.03125, 3298.9375, 553.875, 20], [1082.890625, 3298.9375, 113.78125, 20], [529.03125, 3329.328125, 379.828125, 20], [908.84375, 3329.328125, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 3359.71875, 545.0625, 20], [1074.078125, 3359.71875, 165.265625, 20], [529.03125, 3390.109375, 754.3125, 20], [529.03125, 3416.5, 145.734375, 20], [529.03125, 3446.890625, 276.734375, 20], [805.75, 3446.890625, 470.46875, 20], [1276.203125, 3446.890625, 66.515625, 20], [529.03125, 3473.28125, 68.46875, 20], [529.03125, 3503.671875, 805.484375, 20], [529.03125, 3530.0625, 151.296875, 20], [529.03125, 3560.453125, 552.921875, 20], [1081.9375, 3560.453125, 129.09375, 20], [529.03125, 3590.84375, 608.03125, 20], [1137.046875, 3590.84375, 131.09375, 20], [529.03125, 3621.234375, 439.453125, 20], [968.46875, 3621.234375, 178.953125, 20], [529.03125, 3651.625, 546.390625, 20], [1075.40625, 3651.625, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 3682.015625, 741.953125, 20], [1270.96875, 3682.015625, 65.5625, 20], [529.03125, 3708.40625, 68.46875, 20], [529.03125, 3738.796875, 387.921875, 20], [916.9375, 3738.796875, 162.671875, 20], [529.03125, 3769.1875, 311.609375, 20], [840.625, 3769.1875, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 3799.578125, 427.0625, 20], [956.078125, 3799.578125, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 3829.96875, 447.25, 20], [976.265625, 3829.96875, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 3860.359375, 359.578125, 20], [888.59375, 3860.359375, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 3890.75, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 3890.75, 112.8125, 20], [529.03125, 3921.140625, 411.390625, 20], [940.40625, 3921.140625, 117.359375, 20], [529.03125, 3951.53125, 551.515625, 20], [1080.53125, 3951.53125, 126.828125, 20], [529.03125, 3981.921875, 464.25, 20], [993.265625, 3981.921875, 122.265625, 20], [529.03125, 4012.3125, 497.453125, 20], [1026.46875, 4012.3125, 142.5, 20], [529.03125, 4042.703125, 395.796875, 20], [924.8125, 4042.703125, 144.078125, 20], [529.03125, 4073.09375, 459.984375, 20], [989, 4073.09375, 149.65625, 20], [529.03125, 4103.484375, 386.984375, 20], [916.015625, 4103.484375, 152.90625, 20], [529.03125, 4133.875, 299.90625, 20], [828.921875, 4133.875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 4164.265625, 526.453125, 20], [1055.46875, 4164.265625, 170.171875, 20], [529.03125, 4194.65625, 529.78125, 20], [1058.796875, 4194.65625, 192.140625, 20], [529.03125, 4225.046875, 473.65625, 20], [1002.671875, 4225.046875, 164.34375, 20], [529.03125, 4255.4375, 587.453125, 20], [1116.46875, 4255.4375, 133.703125, 20], [529.03125, 4285.828125, 353.6875, 20], [882.703125, 4285.828125, 166.59375, 20], [529.03125, 4316.21875, 342.921875, 20], [871.9375, 4316.21875, 166.25, 20], [529.03125, 4346.609375, 324.359375, 20], [853.375, 4346.609375, 142.796875, 20], [529.03125, 4377, 398.65625, 20], [927.671875, 4377, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 4407.390625, 407.15625, 20], [936.171875, 4407.390625, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 4437.78125, 374.203125, 20], [903.21875, 4437.78125, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 4468.171875, 390.234375, 20], [919.25, 4468.171875, 158.4375, 20], [529.03125, 4498.5625, 349.15625, 20], [878.171875, 4498.5625, 138.5625, 20], [529.03125, 4528.953125, 362.21875, 20], [891.234375, 4528.953125, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 4559.34375, 368.03125, 20], [897.046875, 4559.34375, 132.046875, 20], [529.03125, 4589.734375, 360.5625, 20], [889.578125, 4589.734375, 147.375, 20], [529.03125, 4620.125, 449.5, 20], [978.515625, 4620.125, 144.75, 20], [529.03125, 4650.515625, 495.515625, 20], [1024.53125, 4650.515625, 141.1875, 20], [529.03125, 4680.90625, 419.859375, 20], [948.875, 4680.90625, 135.640625, 20], [529.03125, 4711.296875, 362.8125, 20], [891.828125, 4711.296875, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 4741.6875, 268.28125, 20], [797.296875, 4741.6875, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 4772.078125, 392.796875, 20], [921.8125, 4772.078125, 150, 20], [529.03125, 4802.46875, 715.171875, 20], [1244.1875, 4802.46875, 100.71875, 20], [529.03125, 4828.859375, 32.28125, 20], [529.03125, 4859.25, 521.8125, 20], [1050.828125, 4859.25, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 4889.640625, 450.484375, 20], [979.5, 4889.640625, 180.921875, 20], [529.03125, 4920.03125, 534.921875, 20], [1063.9375, 4920.03125, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 4950.421875, 404.59375, 20], [933.609375, 4950.421875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 4980.8125, 355.6875, 20], [884.703125, 4980.8125, 138.90625, 20], [529.03125, 5011.203125, 580.234375, 20], [1109.25, 5011.203125, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 5041.59375, 422.8125, 20], [951.828125, 5041.59375, 153.5625, 20], [529.03125, 5071.984375, 495.84375, 20], [1024.859375, 5071.984375, 168.21875, 20], [529.03125, 5102.375, 422.828125, 20], [951.84375, 5102.375, 171.125, 20], [529.03125, 5132.765625, 267.78125, 20], [796.796875, 5132.765625, 71.421875, 20], [868.203125, 5132.765625, 216.53125, 20], [1084.71875, 5132.765625, 113.78125, 20], [529.03125, 5163.15625, 493.265625, 20], [1022.28125, 5163.15625, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 5193.546875, 416.3125, 20], [945.328125, 5193.546875, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 5223.9375, 411.421875, 20], [940.4375, 5223.9375, 148.359375, 20], [529.03125, 5254.328125, 561.3125, 20], [1090.328125, 5254.328125, 156.484375, 20], [529.03125, 5284.71875, 632.6875, 20], [1161.703125, 5284.71875, 161.375, 20], [529.03125, 5315.109375, 316.5, 20], [845.515625, 5315.109375, 163.65625, 20], [529.03125, 5345.5, 295.015625, 20], [824.03125, 5345.5, 175.03125, 20], [529.03125, 5375.890625, 345.84375, 20], [874.859375, 5375.890625, 138.90625, 20], [529.03125, 5406.28125, 463.140625, 20], [992.15625, 5406.28125, 147.671875, 20], [529.03125, 5436.671875, 464.234375, 20], [993.25, 5436.671875, 183.859375, 20], [529.03125, 5467.0625, 344.890625, 20], [873.90625, 5467.0625, 129.125, 20], [529.03125, 5497.453125, 361.875, 20], [890.890625, 5497.453125, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 5527.84375, 439.09375, 20], [968.109375, 5527.84375, 135.625, 20], [529.03125, 5558.234375, 409.734375, 20], [938.75, 5558.234375, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 5588.625, 359.578125, 20], [888.59375, 5588.625, 151.28125, 20], [529.03125, 5619.015625, 292.109375, 20], [821.125, 5619.015625, 129.09375, 20], [529.03125, 5649.40625, 422.21875, 20], [951.234375, 5649.40625, 145.078125, 20], [529.03125, 5679.796875, 285.203125, 20], [814.21875, 5679.796875, 63.5625, 20], [529.03125, 5710.1875, 360.234375, 20], [889.25, 5710.1875, 174.109375, 20], [529.03125, 5740.578125, 545.0625, 20], [1074.078125, 5740.578125, 157.46875, 20], [529.03125, 5770.96875, 314.53125, 20], [843.546875, 5770.96875, 172.15625, 20], [529.03125, 5801.359375, 443.703125, 20], [972.71875, 5801.359375, 118.015625, 20], [529.03125, 5831.75, 481.78125, 20], [1010.796875, 5831.75, 120.9375, 20], [529.03125, 5862.140625, 643.15625, 20], [1172.171875, 5862.140625, 138.890625, 20], [529.03125, 5892.53125, 505.265625, 20], [1034.28125, 5892.53125, 146.375, 20], [529.03125, 5922.921875, 412.375, 20], [941.390625, 5922.921875, 129.125, 20], [529.03125, 5953.3125, 431.90625, 20], [960.921875, 5953.3125, 142.796875, 20], [529.03125, 5983.703125, 452.453125, 20], [529.03125, 6014.09375, 438.15625, 20], [967.171875, 6014.09375, 142.09375, 20], [529.03125, 6044.484375, 488.015625, 20], [1017.03125, 6044.484375, 133.015625, 20], [529.03125, 6074.875, 424.078125, 20], [953.09375, 6074.875, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 6105.265625, 363.453125, 20], [892.46875, 6105.265625, 147.65625, 20], [529.03125, 6135.65625, 433.578125, 20], [962.59375, 6135.65625, 114.421875, 20], [529.03125, 6166.046875, 418.25, 20], [947.265625, 6166.046875, 154.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6196.4375, 627.1875, 20], [1156.203125, 6196.4375, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6226.828125, 438.796875, 20], [967.8125, 6226.828125, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 6257.21875, 419.890625, 20], [948.90625, 6257.21875, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 6287.609375, 334.109375, 20], [863.125, 6287.609375, 104.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6318, 360.53125, 20], [889.546875, 6318, 133.015625, 20], [529.03125, 6348.390625, 464.84375, 20], [993.859375, 6348.390625, 134.6875, 20], [529.03125, 6378.78125, 386.015625, 20], [915.03125, 6378.78125, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6409.171875, 751.625, 20], [1280.640625, 6409.171875, 19.578125, 20], [529.03125, 6435.5625, 78.25, 20], [607.265625, 6435.5625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6465.953125, 319.515625, 20], [848.53125, 6465.953125, 164.296875, 20], [529.03125, 6496.34375, 511.53125, 20], [1040.546875, 6496.34375, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 6526.734375, 388.015625, 20], [917.03125, 6526.734375, 135.96875, 20], [529.03125, 6557.125, 460.953125, 20], [989.96875, 6557.125, 183.890625, 20], [529.03125, 6587.515625, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 6587.515625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 6617.90625, 433.875, 20], [962.890625, 6617.90625, 153.546875, 20], [529.03125, 6648.296875, 408.15625, 20], [937.171875, 6648.296875, 153.53125, 20], [529.03125, 6678.6875, 331.203125, 20], [860.21875, 6678.6875, 210.328125, 20], [529.03125, 6709.078125, 439.734375, 20], [968.75, 6709.078125, 121.265625, 20], [529.03125, 6739.46875, 401.625, 20], [930.640625, 6739.46875, 172.125, 20], [529.03125, 6769.859375, 298.953125, 20], [827.96875, 6769.859375, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 6800.25, 245.796875, 20], [774.8125, 6800.25, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 6830.640625, 396.09375, 20], [925.109375, 6830.640625, 131.0625, 20], [529.03125, 6861.03125, 484.0625, 20], [1013.078125, 6861.03125, 180.96875, 20], [529.03125, 6891.421875, 418.21875, 20], [947.234375, 6891.421875, 111.484375, 20], [529.03125, 6921.8125, 311.328125, 20], [840.34375, 6921.8125, 131.0625, 20], [529.03125, 6952.203125, 456.390625, 20], [985.40625, 6952.203125, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 6982.59375, 346.875, 20], [875.890625, 6982.59375, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 7012.984375, 414.390625, 20], [943.40625, 7012.984375, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 7043.375, 335.484375, 20], [864.5, 7043.375, 50.875, 20], [915.359375, 7043.375, 147.65625, 20], [529.03125, 7073.765625, 372.28125, 20], [901.296875, 7073.765625, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 7104.15625, 446.609375, 20], [975.625, 7104.15625, 161.390625, 20], [529.03125, 7134.546875, 496.21875, 20], [1025.234375, 7134.546875, 147.375, 20], [529.03125, 7164.9375, 419.921875, 20], [948.9375, 7164.9375, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 7195.328125, 337.0625, 20], [866.078125, 7195.328125, 142.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7225.71875, 412.078125, 20], [941.09375, 7225.71875, 145.734375, 20], [529.03125, 7256.109375, 437.125, 20], [966.140625, 7256.109375, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 7286.5, 434.90625, 20], [963.921875, 7286.5, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 7316.890625, 434.90625, 20], [963.921875, 7316.890625, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 7347.28125, 344.265625, 20], [873.28125, 7347.28125, 142.765625, 20], [529.03125, 7377.671875, 445.640625, 20], [974.65625, 7377.671875, 143.796875, 20], [529.03125, 7408.0625, 378.21875, 20], [907.234375, 7408.0625, 140.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7438.453125, 321.453125, 20], [850.46875, 7438.453125, 169.203125, 20], [529.03125, 7468.84375, 414.671875, 20], [943.6875, 7468.84375, 166.296875, 20], [529.03125, 7499.234375, 467.796875, 20], [996.8125, 7499.234375, 146.734375, 20], [529.03125, 7529.625, 412.40625, 20], [941.421875, 7529.625, 143.109375, 20], [529.03125, 7560.015625, 414.3125, 20], [943.328125, 7560.015625, 141.84375, 20], [529.03125, 7590.40625, 419.921875, 20], [948.9375, 7590.40625, 130.109375, 20], [529.03125, 7620.796875, 452.171875, 20], [981.1875, 7620.796875, 140.8125, 20], [529.03125, 7651.1875, 444.671875, 20], [973.6875, 7651.1875, 187.78125, 20], [529.03125, 7681.578125, 252.984375, 20], [782, 7681.578125, 135, 20], [529.03125, 7711.96875, 209, 20], [529.03125, 7742.359375, 475.65625, 20], [1004.671875, 7742.359375, 133.046875, 20], [529.03125, 7772.75, 701.90625, 20], [1230.921875, 7772.75, 97.84375, 20], [529.03125, 7799.140625, 31.3125, 20], [529.03125, 7829.53125, 417.296875, 20], [946.3125, 7829.53125, 190.078125, 20], [529.03125, 7859.921875, 411.40625, 20], [940.421875, 7859.921875, 160.375, 20], [529.03125, 7890.3125, 609.90625, 20], [1138.921875, 7890.3125, 145.71875, 20], [529.03125, 7920.703125, 546.015625, 20], [1075.03125, 7920.703125, 147.6875, 20], [529.03125, 7951.09375, 455.40625, 20], [984.421875, 7951.09375, 54.765625, 20], [1039.171875, 7951.09375, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 7981.484375, 469.046875, 20], [998.0625, 7981.484375, 139.875, 20], [529.03125, 8011.875, 359.53125, 20], [888.546875, 8011.875, 167.90625, 20], [529.03125, 8042.265625, 440.109375, 20], [969.125, 8042.265625, 115.40625, 20], [529.03125, 8072.65625, 473.96875, 20], [1002.984375, 8072.65625, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8103.046875, 484.71875, 20], [1013.734375, 8103.046875, 134.03125, 20], [529.03125, 8133.4375, 457.328125, 20], [986.34375, 8133.4375, 150.609375, 20], [529.03125, 8163.828125, 434.59375, 20], [963.609375, 8163.828125, 178.015625, 20], [529.03125, 8194.21875, 392.125, 20], [921.140625, 8194.21875, 109.828125, 20], [1030.953125, 8194.21875, 31.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8224.609375, 410.03125, 20], [939.046875, 8224.609375, 149.609375, 20], [529.03125, 8255, 467.125, 20], [996.140625, 8255, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 8285.390625, 795.078125, 20], [529.03125, 8311.78125, 158.4375, 20], [529.03125, 8342.171875, 347.859375, 20], [876.875, 8342.171875, 121.28125, 20], [529.03125, 8372.5625, 420.21875, 20], [949.234375, 8372.5625, 128.109375, 20], [529.03125, 8402.953125, 371.984375, 20], [901, 8402.953125, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 8433.34375, 353.671875, 20], [882.6875, 8433.34375, 149.625, 20], [529.03125, 8463.734375, 587.40625, 20], [1116.421875, 8463.734375, 146.703125, 20], [529.03125, 8494.125, 460.265625, 20], [989.28125, 8494.125, 162, 20], [529.03125, 8524.515625, 573.140625, 20], [1102.15625, 8524.515625, 137.9375, 20], [529.03125, 8554.90625, 469.109375, 20], [998.125, 8554.90625, 154.21875, 20], [529.03125, 8585.296875, 489.6875, 20], [1018.703125, 8585.296875, 186.796875, 20], [529.03125, 8615.6875, 540.859375, 20], [1069.875, 8615.6875, 237.359375, 20], [529.03125, 8646.078125, 525.8125, 20], [1054.828125, 8646.078125, 136.90625, 20], [529.03125, 8676.46875, 379.109375, 20], [529.03125, 8706.859375, 334.15625, 20], [863.171875, 8706.859375, 145.75, 20], [529.03125, 8737.25, 562.03125, 20], [1091.046875, 8737.25, 138.5625, 20], [529.03125, 8767.640625, 385.640625, 20], [914.65625, 8767.640625, 178.96875, 20], [529.03125, 8798.03125, 437.90625, 20], [966.921875, 8798.03125, 162.015625, 20], [529.03125, 8828.421875, 397.046875, 20], [926.0625, 8828.421875, 164.359375, 20], [529.03125, 8858.8125, 447.578125, 20], [976.59375, 8858.8125, 133.0625, 20], [529.03125, 8889.203125, 473.640625, 20], [1002.65625, 8889.203125, 120.3125, 20], [529.03125, 8919.59375, 417.265625, 20], [946.28125, 8919.59375, 134.953125, 20], [529.03125, 8949.984375, 388.4375, 20], [917.453125, 8949.984375, 131.078125, 20], [529.03125, 8980.375, 528.15625, 20], [1057.171875, 8980.375, 165.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9010.765625, 531.34375, 20], [1060.359375, 9010.765625, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 9041.15625, 344.5625, 20], [873.578125, 9041.15625, 118.328125, 20], [529.03125, 9071.546875, 444.6875, 20], [973.703125, 9071.546875, 171.5, 20], [529.03125, 9101.9375, 384.015625, 20], [913.03125, 9101.9375, 124.21875, 20], [529.03125, 9132.328125, 296.96875, 20], [825.984375, 9132.328125, 157.46875, 20], [529.03125, 9162.71875, 322.40625, 20], [851.421875, 9162.71875, 152.578125, 20], [529.03125, 9193.109375, 400.984375, 20], [930, 9193.109375, 152.0625, 20], [529.03125, 9223.5, 433.5625, 20], [962.578125, 9223.5, 156.484375, 20], [529.03125, 9253.890625, 483.125, 20], [1012.140625, 9253.890625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9284.28125, 459.28125, 20], [988.296875, 9284.28125, 130.78125, 20], [529.03125, 9314.671875, 296.96875, 20], [825.984375, 9314.671875, 164.9375, 20], [529.03125, 9345.0625, 395.765625, 20], [924.78125, 9345.0625, 156.5, 20], [529.03125, 9375.453125, 411.453125, 20], [940.46875, 9375.453125, 178.03125, 20], [529.03125, 9405.84375, 426.734375, 20], [955.75, 9405.84375, 182.90625, 20], [529.03125, 9436.234375, 488.34375, 20], [1017.359375, 9436.234375, 175.09375, 20], [529.03125, 9466.625, 399.640625, 20], [928.65625, 9466.625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9497.015625, 371.953125, 20], [900.96875, 9497.015625, 106.625, 20], [529.03125, 9527.40625, 471.703125, 20], [1000.71875, 9527.40625, 122.25, 20], [529.03125, 9557.796875, 349.484375, 20], [878.5, 9557.796875, 151.28125, 20], [529.03125, 9588.1875, 455.015625, 20], [984.03125, 9588.1875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9618.578125, 547.34375, 20], [1076.359375, 9618.578125, 163.328125, 20], [529.03125, 9648.96875, 312.625, 20], [841.640625, 9648.96875, 163.3125, 20], [529.03125, 9679.359375, 398.6875, 20], [927.703125, 9679.359375, 140.828125, 20], [529.03125, 9709.75, 431.984375, 20], [961, 9709.75, 116.375, 20], [1077.359375, 9709.75, 138.875, 20], [529.03125, 9740.140625, 558.125, 20], [1087.140625, 9740.140625, 143.765625, 20], [529.03125, 9770.53125, 381.796875, 20], [910.8125, 9770.53125, 130.078125, 20], [529.03125, 9800.921875, 586.46875, 20], [1115.484375, 9800.921875, 137.890625, 20], [529.03125, 9831.3125, 484.4375, 20], [1013.453125, 9831.3125, 151.59375, 20], [529.03125, 9861.703125, 461.265625, 20], [990.28125, 9861.703125, 184.828125, 20], [529.03125, 9892.09375, 372.875, 20], [901.890625, 9892.09375, 181.90625, 20], [529.03125, 9922.484375, 383.015625, 20], [912.03125, 9922.484375, 145.75, 20], [529.03125, 9952.875, 340.953125, 20], [869.96875, 9952.875, 180.921875, 20], [529.03125, 9983.265625, 591.328125, 20], [1120.34375, 9983.265625, 131.046875, 20], [529.03125, 10013.65625, 400.625, 20], [929.640625, 10013.65625, 127.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10044.046875, 485.4375, 20], [1014.453125, 10044.046875, 136.953125, 20], [529.03125, 10074.4375, 360.90625, 20], [889.921875, 10074.4375, 108.578125, 20], [529.03125, 10104.828125, 334.15625, 20], [863.171875, 10104.828125, 118.015625, 20], [529.03125, 10135.21875, 455.453125, 20], [984.46875, 10135.21875, 148.46875, 20], [529.03125, 10165.609375, 320.453125, 20], [849.46875, 10165.609375, 141.8125, 20], [529.03125, 10196, 412.71875, 20], [941.734375, 10196, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10226.390625, 430.96875, 20], [959.984375, 10226.390625, 134.984375, 20], [529.03125, 10256.78125, 392.859375, 20], [921.875, 10256.78125, 148.671875, 20], [529.03125, 10287.171875, 483.765625, 20], [1012.78125, 10287.171875, 187.796875, 20], [529.03125, 10317.5625, 544.3125, 20], [1073.328125, 10317.5625, 137.25, 20], [529.03125, 10347.953125, 491.3125, 20], [1020.328125, 10347.953125, 146.71875, 20], [529.03125, 10378.34375, 329.265625, 20], [858.28125, 10378.34375, 131.09375, 20], [529.03125, 10408.734375, 364.453125, 20], [893.46875, 10408.734375, 126.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10439.125, 366.4375, 20], [895.453125, 10439.125, 179, 20], [529.03125, 10469.515625, 496.171875, 20], [1025.1875, 10469.515625, 134.328125, 20], [529.03125, 10499.90625, 541.5, 20], [1070.515625, 10499.90625, 150.625, 20], [529.03125, 10530.296875, 487.65625, 20], [1016.671875, 10530.296875, 137.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10560.6875, 341, 20], [870.015625, 10560.6875, 150.9375, 20], [529.03125, 10591.078125, 400.640625, 20], [929.65625, 10591.078125, 149.015625, 20], [529.03125, 10621.46875, 468.8125, 20], [997.828125, 10621.46875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 10651.859375, 472.078125, 20], [1001.09375, 10651.859375, 136.640625, 20], [529.03125, 10682.25, 446.265625, 20], [975.28125, 10682.25, 141.828125, 20], [529.03125, 10712.640625, 397.421875, 20], [926.4375, 10712.640625, 134.96875, 20], [529.03125, 10743.03125, 388.578125, 20], [917.59375, 10743.03125, 221.6875, 20], [529.03125, 10773.421875, 431.9375, 20], [960.953125, 10773.421875, 179.96875, 20], [529.03125, 10803.8125, 444.65625, 20], [973.671875, 10803.8125, 135, 20], [529.03125, 10834.203125, 379.109375, 20], [908.125, 10834.203125, 140.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10864.59375, 458.96875, 20], [987.984375, 10864.59375, 139.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10894.984375, 547.390625, 20], [1076.40625, 10894.984375, 129.140625, 20], [529.03125, 10925.375, 461.96875, 20], [990.984375, 10925.375, 140.859375, 20], [529.03125, 10955.765625, 453.15625, 20], [982.171875, 10955.765625, 136.921875, 20], [529.03125, 10986.15625, 430.640625, 20], [959.65625, 10986.15625, 125.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11016.546875, 405.234375, 20], [934.25, 11016.546875, 141.1875, 20], [529.03125, 11046.9375, 405.515625, 20], [934.53125, 11046.9375, 162.671875, 20], [529.03125, 11077.328125, 385.953125, 20], [914.96875, 11077.328125, 154.515625, 20], [529.03125, 11107.71875, 414.96875, 20], [943.984375, 11107.71875, 134, 20], [529.03125, 11138.109375, 776.15625, 20], [529.03125, 11164.5, 58.6875, 20], [529.03125, 11194.890625, 380.40625, 20], [909.421875, 11194.890625, 135.953125, 20], [529.03125, 11225.28125, 232.109375, 20], [761.125, 11225.28125, 58.703125, 20], [529.03125, 11255.671875, 465.890625, 20], [994.90625, 11255.671875, 160.390625, 20], [529.03125, 11286.0625, 404.234375, 20], [933.25, 11286.0625, 133.984375, 20], [529.03125, 11316.453125, 445.59375, 20], [974.609375, 11316.453125, 178.984375, 20], [529.03125, 11346.84375, 508.5625, 20], [1037.578125, 11346.84375, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 11377.234375, 516.046875, 20], [1045.0625, 11377.234375, 185.796875, 20], [529.03125, 11407.625, 548.359375, 20], [1077.375, 11407.625, 137.90625, 20], [529.03125, 11438.015625, 519.671875, 20], [1048.6875, 11438.015625, 133.359375, 20], [529.03125, 11468.40625, 523.828125, 20], [1052.84375, 11468.40625, 112.8125, 20], [529.03125, 11498.796875, 340.671875, 20], [869.6875, 11498.796875, 147.703125, 20], [529.03125, 11529.1875, 558.421875, 20], [1087.4375, 11529.1875, 132.03125, 20], [529.03125, 11559.578125, 655.171875, 20], [1184.1875, 11559.578125, 135.9375, 20], [529.03125, 11589.96875, 492.90625, 20], [1021.921875, 11589.96875, 112.5, 20], [529.03125, 11620.359375, 305.78125, 20], [834.796875, 11620.359375, 135.3125, 20], [529.03125, 11650.75, 344.203125, 20], [873.21875, 11650.75, 136.9375, 20], [529.03125, 11681.140625, 372.296875, 20], [901.3125, 11681.140625, 152.578125, 20], [529.03125, 11711.53125, 460.953125, 20], [989.96875, 11711.53125, 134, 20], [529.03125, 11741.921875, 399.328125, 20], [928.34375, 11741.921875, 153.21875, 20], [529.03125, 11772.3125, 378.828125, 20], [907.84375, 11772.3125, 169.53125, 20], [529.03125, 11802.703125, 497.171875, 20], [1026.1875, 11802.703125, 181.890625, 20], [529.03125, 11833.09375, 436.203125, 20], [965.21875, 11833.09375, 162.046875, 20], [529.03125, 11863.484375, 327.953125, 20], [856.96875, 11863.484375, 136.90625, 20], [529.03125, 11893.875, 568.28125, 20], [1097.296875, 11893.875, 160.0625, 20], [529.03125, 11924.265625, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". 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Marie P6A 3S5", "fb8950b2-a9e0-4ecc", "", "ui-id-444", "3a581f88-31af-4a8f", "", "Acton Veterinary Clinic | 93 Mill St E Acton L7J 1H5", "99549970-e7ab-4931", "", "ui-id-445", "618bf31c-5fe2-42bb", "", "Ajax North Pet Hospital | 10-201 Williamson Dr. West AJAX L1T 0J8", "c9c2b13e-d39c-41fa", "", "ui-id-446", "85d6782d-6064-463e", "", "Albion Hills Veterinary Hospital | 16630 Hwy 50 Caledon L7E 3E7", "14c843eb-8cb5-4da9", "", "ui-id-447", "dbba6b46-175d-40bf", "", "Alcona Animal Hospital | 1070 Innisfil Beach Rd Innisfil L9S 4T9", "90cccfa6-ad29-454b", "", "ui-id-448", "7f34366c-9541-4160", "", "Algonquin Animal Hospital | 1945 Baseline Road Ottawa K2C 0C7", "448a5c3c-eaa7-48b0", "", "ui-id-449", "9abd8e52-f839-4910", "", "Algonquin College Veterinary Learning Centre And Clinic | 1385 Woodroffe Avenue Ottawa K2G 1V8", "615f8d86-ea7c-40b5", "", "ui-id-450", "239a0c2b-3b50-4f71", "", "Algonquin East Animal Hospital | 19162 Highway 60, RR#2 Barry's Bay K0J 1B0", "62e2f3d2-653b-4372", "", "ui-id-451", "cfc382bd-ac28-4f2a", "", "Allison Mobile Veterinary Hospital | Schomberg L0G 1T0", "79d6c87a-bbbe-4c31", "", "ui-id-452", "061d212a-0f62-4538", "", "Alliston Veterinary Services | 2 King Street South Unit 2 Alliston L9R 1H6", "ba86a180-4830-4847", "", "ui-id-453", "5b856a52-c89b-43a3", "", "Almonte Veterinary Hospital | 10 Industrial Dr Almonte K0A 1A0", "49fde601-ef23-4a28", "", "ui-id-454", "129ca1d4-5412-43b3", "", "Alton Village Animal Hospital | 4900 Palladium Way, unit 102 Burlington L7M 0W7", "d8cff2d8-8948-4665", "", "ui-id-455", "ffd5603a-41e6-4800", "", "Amherstview Pet Hospital | 4507 Bath Road Amherstview K7N 1A6", "b5098a5f-ce6e-4b5c", "", "ui-id-456", "173daaac-d94b-433a", "", "Anderson Veterinary Clinic | 1200 Rossland Rd East Whitby L1N 8H3", "7bcc39de-1e6f-4f62", "", "ui-id-457", "73c62bd2-2b71-4007", "", "Animal Emergency Clinic Of Durham Region | Unit B101- 1910 Dundas St E Whitby L1N 2L6", "204de2d3-0680-46bd", "", "ui-id-458", "c51003dc-0c32-4dd5", "", "Animal Eye Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 20 Queen St. Morriston N0B 2C0", "c8a33b8d-9b69-4c31", "", "ui-id-459", "05920896-244e-4cb7", "", "Animal Hospital Of Beeton | 60 Main Street W Beeton L0G 1A0", "90c79205-3c5b-4a9d", "", "ui-id-460", "3cb95201-932b-46d9", "", "Animal Hospital Of Milton | 491 Main St East Milton L9T 1R1", "6e3fd4e5-07f6-4b5d", "", "ui-id-461", "c14bfdbe-a760-497b", "", "Animal Hospital Of Stoney Creek | 2804 King St. East Stoney Creek L8G 1J5", "ca6f352a-9dd7-498e", "", "ui-id-462", "9d0ed6f8-48e8-4055", "", "Animal Hospital Of Unionville | #1 - 4568 Hwy #7 East Unionville L3R 1M5", "ee46b8a3-7587-4afb", "", "ui-id-463", "6d832381-ea1c-4f80", "", "Animal Hospital On Bell Farm Road | 115 Bell Farm Road Barrie L4M 5G1", "90522362-134e-45c7", "", "ui-id-464", "cc4a4488-4edd-46a7", "", "Animal Hospital On Hwy 11B | RR #2, Highway 11B New Liskeard P0J 1P0", "897251c9-8d27-46f9", "", "ui-id-465", "da1ba446-872f-4dd6", "", "Animal House Calls Of Toronto | 1704-63 St Claire Ave W Toronto M4V 2Y9", "29a56736-e498-4a49", "", "ui-id-466", "cbf89356-1298-47c5", "", "Animals In Motion Rehabilitation Services Wellington Country | Unit#4 - 2 Thompson Cres Erin N0B 1T0", "76ce5ac3-2c62-43f8", "", "ui-id-467", "c9d5999f-890c-43e4", "", "Arc Animal Rehabilitation Centre | Suite 115 920 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 3C7", "0468d76e-c167-444b", "", "ui-id-468", "cbde1009-906f-49e4", "", "Arlington Park Veterinary Services Rehabilitation And Fitness Services | 675 Arlington Park Pl Kingston K7M 7E4", "f0403363-5990-4c05", "", "ui-id-469", "f5e76760-7b16-45cb", "", "Aurora North Pet Clinic | Unit B4, 239 Earl Stewart Dr Aurora L4G 7Y3", "07e200d6-296e-4c5f", "", "ui-id-470", "55b507f8-b9f2-479d", "", "-Ava Foster Park Pet Hospital | 213 Dundas St E Belleville K8N 1E2", "ad870b58-a111-4412", "", "ui-id-471", "9279c347-173e-4b60", "", "Avon Pet Hospital | 345 Douro Street Stratford N5A 3S8", "312fd1fd-55c3-49fd", "", "ui-id-472", "b4e896fb-a266-47be", "", "Avonlea Animal Hospital | Unit 4-3221 Derry Rd West Mississauga L5N 7L7", "0003de03-e0b6-4649", "", "ui-id-473", "a6a6b5b5-16f3-4045", "", "Avonlea Animal Hospital (Missisauga) | Unit #123, 5602 Tenth Line West Mississiauga L5M 7L9", "f8e9604f-61b9-4a4b", "", "ui-id-474", "53037d06-9b12-4a27", "", "Avonmore Veterinary Clinic | 3212 Main Street Avonmore K0C 1C0", "432db304-d479-4f4e", "", "ui-id-475", "0d5e39a0-4b14-479d", "", "Avro Pet Hospital | 9699 Jane Street, Unit 31 Vaughan L6A 0A4", "470634b0-787c-48d1", "", "ui-id-476", "affb7b47-c394-47eb", "", "Balmy Beach Pet House Call Services | 2212 Queen Street East Toronto M4E 1E9", "c427b7fb-ec52-4ceb", "", "ui-id-477", "c5cef300-08fb-4e67", "", "Barton Grays Animal Hospital | 3-188 Barton Street East Stoney Creek L8E 4W3", "6ce99e7f-cdf9-46b5", "", "ui-id-478", "c3d2767f-6edf-49da", "", "Bathurst & Dupont Animal Hospital | 1012 A Bathurst St Toronto M5R 3G7", "33fa0a12-12c5-4358", "", "ui-id-479", "1c92acbb-3b1c-4b23", "", "Bathurst Animal Clinic Professional Corporation | 352 Wilson Ave Toronto M3H 1S9", "976e4a23-886b-47db", "", "ui-id-480", "12ccc029-c11c-468d", "", "Bay Regional Veterinary Hospital | 437 Bleecker Ave Belleville K8N 3W2", "2f52ec6f-6505-429e", "", "ui-id-481", "937e3c88-c571-4907", "", "Bayview Pet Services | 16700 Bayview Ave unit 23 Newmarket L3X 1W1", "3116631c-04e0-44bb", "", "ui-id-482", "a3bd37ef-7d24-44c3", "", "Bayview Wellington Veterinary Clinic | 15340 Bayview Ave Aurora L4G 7J1", "f15a6152-ba89-49ac", "", "ui-id-483", "79fac8af-bf87-4210", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L5H9", "40a27c86-053d-4da0", "", "ui-id-484", "c57b0c2c-30fc-4d7d", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Ancaster) | 34 Stone Church Road Ancaster L9J 1S5", "389cde05-5d31-438a", "", "ui-id-485", "3829802f-e8d8-47da", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Burlington) | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L 5H9", "8b578c32-31d5-4719", "", "ui-id-486", "cf9c87f7-0812-478a", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (East Hamilton) | 954 Concession Street Hamilton L8V1G2", "5439fe27-4db7-43ed", "", "ui-id-487", "d9f27df6-8104-45bd", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Stoney Creek) | 131 - 135 Upper Centennial Parkway Stoney Creek L8J 0B2", "9045fa96-56a9-4a6a", "", "ui-id-488", "4a131fbf-55db-4539", "", "Beaverton Crossroads Veterinary Services | R.R. # 2, B-1380 Simcoe Street Beaverton L0K 1A0", "6343fd0e-b5ef-4d4a", "", "ui-id-489", "c8f5901f-c6dd-428a", "", "Beeton Veterinary Clinic | Box 830, 109 Main St West Beeton L0G 1A0", "854cdf20-d3eb-430b", "", "ui-id-490", "d06fab11-e8bf-4279", "", "Belmont Veterinary Services | 14128 Belmont Road Belmont N0L 1B0", "315a3d14-f026-4f29", "", "ui-id-491", "ef60e2d0-08e7-4100", "", "Black's Toronto Veterinary Hospital | 923 Queen St East Toronto M4M 1J6", "37f268b5-612e-45ef", "", "ui-id-492", "3c444f1d-9a82-497b", "", "Blackstone Animal Hospital | 5-18265 Yonge Street East Gwillimbury L9N 0A2", "0836b559-ca73-4265", "", "ui-id-493", "58416179-68f8-45de", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 612 King Street West Hamilton L8P 1C2", "2fa565ed-4fe3-4b9c", "", "ui-id-494", "25c3b60a-b15e-4835", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (London) | 95 Wharncliffe Road South London N6J2K2", "d1f0df21-59d5-4add", "", "ui-id-495", "ca999914-c05e-4749", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 132 Danforth Avenue Toronto M4K 1N1", "160f462d-0b25-4e27", "", "ui-id-496", "c2ea9363-9860-4495", "", "Blue Springs Animal Rehabilitation Center | 13383 4th Line Acton L7J 2M1", "e48228ee-cae3-4e5c", "", "ui-id-497", "af1537ed-b8a4-4eb1", "", "Bolton Veterinary Hospital | 288 Queen St South Bolton L7E 4Z5", "68fec209-fbe0-46ba", "", "ui-id-498", "087a20e2-3e6a-4a21", "", "Brampton Georgetown Animal Hospital | 9641 Mississauga Road Brampton L6X0B3", "0e5b52a6-df3b-4a59", "", "ui-id-499", "a62cf6a5-487c-4e22", "", "Brampton Veterinary Hospital | 265 Queen St East Brampton L6W 2C2", "07d90cc1-2a71-4a9a", "", "ui-id-500", "a8dfcb5d-827d-4ff0", "", "Branton Animal Hospital | 2525 Tecumseh Rd W Windsor N9B 1W4", "3d55aeed-2261-4d84", "", "ui-id-501", "d758b9b5-4c6f-4c13", "", "Brockville Waterfront Vet Services (Brockville Ah 2Nd Location) | 28 Water Street East Brockville K6V1A1", "5fdf1fdf-89e7-4cc5", "", "ui-id-502", "f369f8c6-b8cd-4634", "", "Bronte Road Animal Hospital | 2544 Speers Rd Oakville L6L 5W8", "99d5b838-25fe-4434", "", "ui-id-503", "9ed40140-500c-4031", "", "Bronte Village Animal Hospital | 2385 Lakeshore Rd. West Oakville L6L 1H4", "c4d40090-59fe-4c00", "", "ui-id-504", "cbcc4a43-4763-4728", "", "Burlington Animal Hospital | 1231 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 2T2", "860a1d2a-9225-4e58", "", "ui-id-505", "514b2ca2-842f-4cfc", "", "Burlington Lakeshore Veterinary Hospital | 482 John St. Burlington L7R 2K7", "de93c15a-906d-4e08", "", "ui-id-506", "2180e0cf-dcf9-46a0", "", "Burlington Veterinary Emergency And Referral Hospital | 775 Woodview Road Burlington L7N 3S1", "ea49c05e-5758-47ea", "", "ui-id-507", "ef3a87cb-79e3-4a24", "", "Burnham Mansion Vet Services | 2235 Keene Road Peterborough K9L 0B8", "645567c2-a246-4ccc", "", "ui-id-508", "51e64e2a-da0b-4cc3", "", "Byron Animal Clinic | 1310 Commissioners Rd W London N6K 1E1", "b690bf78-edb0-428b", "", "ui-id-509", "25f826bb-a315-4824", "", "C-07-10-19 Animal Vaccination Service | 2432 Eglinton East Scarborough M1K 2P8", "1a44298f-9266-4e12", "", "ui-id-510", "73a9d343-bf9d-442e", "", "C1-01-19 Mountaingrove Pet Mobile Services | 413, 2025 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4X4", "db950449-adcd-45ea", "", "ui-id-511", "4a1c9cf5-d271-4210", "", "C4-13-17Ava Bobcaygeon Vet Services | PO Box 190, 2004 County Road. 8 Bobcaygeon K0M 1A0", "a86b217a-b33d-4331", "", "ui-id-512", "cd0d17f6-fa86-48a7", "", "C4-24-17Algonquin Animal Hospital | 869 Highway #60 Huntsville P1H 1B2", "98f77636-473d-49ba", "", "ui-id-513", "1a4ad53d-d795-4a97", "", "C5-01-17 Wonderland Animal Hospital | 1021 Wonderland Rd. S London N6K 3V1", "236fc62a-35b5-4033", "", "ui-id-514", "b6237812-ae35-4866", "", "Cabana @ Howard Pet Hospital | Unit A - 511 Cabana Rd E Windsor N9G 1A5", "35185288-4fc9-49d3", "", "ui-id-515", "e838ab47-f3d3-4272", "", "Cabbagetown Pet Clinic | 239 Gerrard Street East Toronto M5A 2G1", "838cd291-9f84-4cbc", "", "ui-id-516", "19251579-4664-447f", "", "Caledon Mountain Veterinary Hospital | 29 Elizabeth Street Caledon Village L7K 0W7", "e85e3156-719d-4a7a", "", "ui-id-517", "811cf8ba-b25b-40d1", "", "Caledonia Veterinary Clinic | 230 Argyle Street S Caledonia N3W 1K7", "56e1330a-8d5b-4b44", "", "ui-id-518", "d6710b76-be0e-4e0c", "", "Caledon-Vaughan Veterinary House Call Services | PO Box #75039 405 Queen St S Bolton L7E 2B0", "6f640c22-8cab-406e", "", "ui-id-519", "370e24a9-a20e-4383", "", "Canine Foundations | PO BOX 29029 Barrie L4N 7W7", "9c8f676b-497d-4361", "", "ui-id-520", "0e834da3-b545-4bff", "", "Canine Pain Relief Rehabilitation And Wellness Centre | 2057 Victoria St. N Breslau N0B 1M0", "c7c877ae-684b-4657", "", "ui-id-521", "1c5423eb-dc77-4d9b", "", "Canyon Hill Animal Hospital | 11000 Yonge St Unit C3 Richmond Hill L4C 3E4", "7578f160-d485-4115", "", "ui-id-522", "2b468021-a4e8-4a62", "", "Carleton Place Veterinary Hospital | 120 Coleman Street Carleton Place K7C 4M7", "98a70a29-34e4-4e83", "", "ui-id-523", "fe9f1fd5-c328-450f", "", "Carleton Veterinary Services | 2137 Rogers Stevens Drive North Gower K0A 2T0", "4b79ba80-5f97-4c79", "", "ui-id-524", "6aadecdf-69ef-4fee", "", "Carlton Animal Hospital | 145 Carlton Street Unit 18 St. Catharines L2R 1R5", "43560ed9-fc10-444a", "", "ui-id-525", "d7c3a180-2699-4a47", "", "Cat Hospital Of Brampton | 23 Conservation Drive Brampton L6Z 4R3", "aca62cc6-9744-48c4", "", "ui-id-526", "b4da405d-d604-4dad", "", "Cat Hospital Of Burlington-Oakville | 2387 Lakeshore Road West Oakville L6L 1H4", "7b267897-7018-48d9", "", "ui-id-527", "78d6b002-284c-4a5c", "", "Cat Mobile Veterinary Services Of Toronto | Toronto ", "9f8569b0-2630-45d9", "", "ui-id-528", "f9034997-4f79-4e9e", "", "Cataraqui Pet Hospital | 1183 Midland Ave Kingston K7P 2X8", "e2260a79-a033-4352", "", "ui-id-529", "87b83083-087a-4c67", "", "Central Toronto Mobile Veterinary Services | 248 Tyrrel Avenue Toronto M6G 2H1", "08934f91-3f5f-4e77", "", "ui-id-530", "976ec2b0-954a-4f37", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Ave. W Toronto M6C 2C9", "fb978d73-9518-427e", "", "ui-id-531", "2e996e1a-ca11-4de6", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Avenue West York M6C 2C9", "874193f4-235a-4c90", "", "ui-id-532", "c84aabf7-4c46-4540", "", "Church Yonge Animal Clinic | 19 Church Avenue North York M2N 4E7", "2171914e-8baa-4fa6", "", "ui-id-533", "79c3cba2-c20a-4731", "", "Cl - 08/05/22 -Ava Nor-Ont Veterinary Clinic | 4297 Regional Road 15 Chelmsford P0M 1L0", "90e7900f-eb64-4be8", "", "ui-id-534", "6fca8130-dff0-402f", "", "Cl- 01/06/2022-Collins Bay Animal Hospital (Records To Mcewen-Frontenac) | 4037 E Bath Road Kingston K7M 4Y4", "192f3186-b3d8-4e62", "", "ui-id-535", "c04fd94e-abb7-4d51", "", "Cl- 2023 Simpson Veterinary Clinic (Records @ Wycliffe Village Vc) | 104-545 North Rivermede Concord L4K 4H1", "da8b4995-d8a7-4b3b", "", "ui-id-536", "b1c4ae20-d862-4042", "", "Cl: Mar 2022- Limestone Valley Animal Hospital (Records: Tansley Woods Vh) | 6634 Guelph Line, RR2 Burlington L7P 0A9", "7f8f4e2a-02a4-4007", "", "ui-id-537", "f1b4ef11-b656-489d", "", "Cl01-29-16Avc Confederation Animal Hospital | 1335 Confederation St Sarnia N7S 4M7", "fb520656-d560-4312", "", "ui-id-538", "de614ffb-1db0-4a2c", "", "Cl-05/26/2020 London Alternative Veterinary Services | 500 Adelaide Street N London N6B 3J2", "ea264b8e-b682-41e9", "", "ui-id-539", "4dc456f4-0e48-400e", "", "Cl-07-17-2015Gibson Veterinary Hospital | P O Box 340 St. Clements N0B 2M0", "a2dac62b-d627-4974", "", "ui-id-540", "b639627a-6ce5-4ad7", "", "Cl-2019 London Veterinary Emergency Clinic | #43 - 41 Adelaide St N London N6B 3P4", "92968dcf-91e5-4200", "", "ui-id-541", "e0a2bf36-c8b8-4d80", "", "Cl-2022 Ava Caledon East Veterinary Office (Records Dufferin Vh) | Unit 2, 15980 Airport Road Caledon L7C 1E8", "7c435c6b-7ed3-46a0", "", "ui-id-542", "3c14aa58-11ef-4a14", "", "Clappison Animal Hospital | 780 Highway 6 North Waterdown L0R 2H1", "7be79958-0b8d-4d97", "", "ui-id-543", "0d7fd132-2232-493b", "", "Claremont Veterinary Services | R R #5 Claremont L1Y1A2", "a7513c87-9779-4f7d", "", "ui-id-544", "70a75560-7411-4768", "", "Clarington Animal Hospital | #1a - 2727 Courtice Road Courtice L1E 3A2", "56dd491c-9214-4ff5", "", "ui-id-545", "e2201c32-7c50-48d0", "", "Clarkson Village Animal Hospital | 1659 Lakeshore Rd W Mississauga L5J 1J4", "b760ca7d-eba8-4bce", "", "ui-id-546", "074eeae0-ff7a-4623", "", "Clinton Veterinary Services | 257 Huron Road Clinton N0M 1L0", "aa82021c-bfde-4c66", "", "ui-id-547", "da9e1f93-ddf1-4047", "", "Cobblestone Animal Clinic | 1084 Rest Acres Road, Unit 1 Paris N3L 0B5", "6637df84-12b8-4335", "", "ui-id-548", "120a3044-c927-4a9c", "", "Colborne Street Pet Hospital | 77 Colborne Street W Orillia L3V 2Y6", "8572f689-3b6a-4d45", "", "ui-id-549", "d56d38b0-0706-4722", "", "Colleen Wilson Mobile Animal Behaviour Services | 1217 Widfern Way Greely K4P 1R4", "e05d06d4-b99f-493b", "", "ui-id-550", "101572ed-af76-4414", "", "Colonial Veterinary Hospital | Box 190, 1364 Colonial Road Navan K4B 1J4", "d1706330-ef91-4632", "", "ui-id-551", "0707c6af-ea41-42b1", "", "Concord Veterinary Hospital | 545 N Rivermede Road, Unit 104 Vaughan L4K 4H1", "96f0956d-3560-419b", "", "ui-id-552", "b4afb394-2157-45c9", "", "Conestoga Veterinary Clinic | 2095 Lobsinger Line Waterloo N2J 4G8", "87e84c31-4bf4-4ff4", "", "ui-id-553", "5f12b614-9722-4122", "", "Copetown Animal Hospital | 153 Highway 52 (P.O. Box 85) Copetown L0R 1J0", "09f1677d-415f-4bc2", "", "ui-id-554", "bf8f0d1b-16dc-47ff", "", "Cornerstone Animal Hospital | 2500 Appleby Line Burlington L7L OA2", "0e408fd5-dac7-4e2d", "", "ui-id-555", "d4d37beb-0888-4a05", "", "Courtice Pet Clinic | 1500 Highway #2 Courtice L1E 2T5", "95d20484-ba84-440d", "", "ui-id-556", "7656be23-23e0-4704", "", "Creditview Eglinton Animal Hospital | 1252 Eglinton Ave W Unit F-1 Mississauga L5V 1N3", "691a9992-20d0-4a83", "", "ui-id-557", "66a174b2-0e9f-4a50", "", "Dalton Road Animal Hospital | Box 1050, 21025 Dalton Road Unit 1 Jackson's Point L0E 1L0", "c105c12c-a8b9-4462", "", "ui-id-558", "6ddff502-4a66-4779", "", "Darlington Veterinary Hospital | Unit #24, 200 Marycroft Ave, Woodbridge L4L 5X6", "72d52471-886c-4a3a", "", "ui-id-559", "7041a2c5-f0c8-4335", "", "Datta Veterinary Hospital & London Mobile Vet Services | 2345 Main Street London N6P 1A7", "619b7d72-be32-4223", "", "ui-id-560", "5023a062-d085-4023", "", "Desmond Veterinary Clinic | 2979 Unity Gate Mississauga L5L 3E5", "7da0e5b0-34f7-4463", "", "ui-id-561", "a88f271b-4d70-4255", "", "Dixie Eglinton Animal Clinic | 5120 Dixie Rd Mississauga L4W4J7", "a78350a2-e36d-4eef", "", "ui-id-562", "0b8713f0-8600-4cac", "", "Dixie Road Pet Clinic | 10078 Dixie Road Brampton L6T3S1", "43cfa58c-9b0e-44f0", "", "ui-id-563", "90fdcff8-26f1-48c9", "", "Dog Hospital Of Brampton | 23 Conservation Drive Brampton L6Z 4M3", "2fff9b18-57da-4458", "", "ui-id-564", "8b4de0ef-a90d-43ce", "", "Don Head Village Animal Clinic | 737 Carrville Road Richmond Hill L4C 6E5", "e4f4f4f0-ef59-4cbc", "", "ui-id-565", "a9ee38f8-8b05-4029", "", "Don Mills Veterinary Practice | 25 Scarsdale Rd North York M3B 2R2", "520b7cf4-8072-4e55", "", "ui-id-566", "e0f2b702-8f53-423b", "", "Don Valley Animal Hospital | 895 Lawrence Ave E North York M3C 3L2", "fdb4478d-5472-4a19", "", "ui-id-567", "a7e94b5f-9466-4662", "", "Doncaster Animal Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "7c992093-09eb-4204", "", "ui-id-568", "99a37932-a112-47a8", "", "Donlands Animal Hospital | 413 Donlands Ave East York M4J 3S2", "65260ad1-1c11-4fcb", "", "ui-id-569", "7baa0ce5-b54a-4dc7", "", "Donwoods Animal Hospital | 51 Underhill Drive Toronto M3A 2J8", "1da9e030-25ce-40f8", "", "ui-id-570", "d6719f42-010f-4da6", "", "Doon Animal Hospital | 260 Doon South Drive Kitchener N2P 2L8", "5015efdb-7dc0-48dc", "", "ui-id-571", "adde40dc-64a8-4f7b", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 780 King St. East Hamilton L8M 1A6", "1bebe013-25ad-47fd", "", "ui-id-572", "34e56ea3-0b97-4695", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Kingston) | 16 Bath Road, Suite 1A Kingston K7L 1C4", "55d344d5-19ae-428e", "", "ui-id-573", "425ae63c-4e29-478a", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 579 Church St. Toronto M4Y 2E4", "8343a0aa-cd18-4c76", "", "ui-id-574", "4aeccbbb-7a96-4a1d", "", "Downtown Toronto Cat Clinic | 739 Bloor St W Toronto M6G 1L6", "3fce547c-e9ce-4e00", "", "ui-id-575", "bbb00927-45ac-4795", "", "Dr Judy Bonkalo | 42 Blyth Hill Rd Toronto M4N 3L7", "9d2d15f8-4de3-4fe2", "", "ui-id-576", "46691266-4cad-4242", "", "Dr. Boston Housecall Service | 480 Kilarney Court Burlington L7L 2N7", "bdf18c99-8028-4799", "", "ui-id-577", "c9ad1645-8074-46b7", "", "Dr. Richard Klys Veterinary Professional Corp (Ava Forest Hill Ac) | 1049 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M6C 2C9", "f0e17b1c-7269-48e9", "", "ui-id-578", "d3f98fdb-c5ce-4eab", "", "Dr. Richard Murray Mobile Pet Service | 3051 Upper Dwyer Hill Rd Kinburn K0A 2HO", "cd3ee9cb-e184-41f9", "", "ui-id-579", "9bdeb64d-8968-4a57", "", "Dr. Ronowicz Mobile Veterinary Services | PO Box 42031 Mississauaga L5M 4Z4", "07e69fe4-7c82-4330", "", "ui-id-580", "be9d3047-b0b1-4e9e", "", "Drayton Veterinary Clinic | 7294 Wellington Street N, Hwy 11 Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "81bf7a77-82bb-4ef3", "", "ui-id-581", "b261eda0-710d-4565", "", "Eagleson Veterinary Clinic | 46-500 Eagleson Road Kanata K2M 1H4", "70fe7219-d2cc-457a", "", "ui-id-582", "0d4db6a3-57ac-430e", "", "East London Animal Hospital | 417 Spruce St London N5W 4P2", "3b017577-c381-4dc3", "", "ui-id-583", "9ae0ea08-c4cb-4ab4", "", "East Village Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 1400 UpperJames Street Unit 14 Hamilton L9B 1K3", "63ef7360-e95a-4969", "", "ui-id-584", "09b17a27-5b28-4f7a", "", "Eatonville Animal Hospital | 4932 Dundas Street West Etobicoke M9A 1B7", "21ae9974-a0fd-4c6a", "", "ui-id-585", "3b09ee0a-0567-45fb", "", "Eglinton / Hwy 10 Veterinary Clinic | 295 Eglinton Ave E Unit 11 Mississauga L4Z 3X6", "f31895bd-58b6-453a", "", "ui-id-586", "bcc23afd-036b-4510", "", "Eglinton Animal Hospital | Unit-1 3435 Eglington West Mississauga L5M 7Z5", "d4b2c2c0-6ce7-4943", "", "ui-id-587", "a468210f-bc8b-4b81", "", "Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic | \uf041 Location 1540 Eglinton Avenue west York M6E 2G8", "2507b3ee-c486-4c16", "", "ui-id-588", "79995407-2848-484a", "", "Eglinton Mavis Veterinary Hospital | 5025 Heatherleigh Avenue Mississauga L5V 2Y7", "b61d707a-57da-4145", "", "ui-id-589", "7c357f69-db43-45f5", "", "Eglinton Veterinary Facilities | 183 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M4R 1A8", "5358c3b2-c2a5-43bc", "", "ui-id-590", "81b1784c-6f53-40b6", "", "Embleton Veterinary Hospital | 2045 Embleton Road Brampton L6Y 0E9", "0aa246e4-e17e-4f54", "", "ui-id-591", "99f9365a-7db2-4f2a", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E1B6", "4a114b7c-7dee-41f8", "", "ui-id-592", "9633bb17-9fbc-437e", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | Unit 14 - 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E 1B6", "24ad34d3-6bc8-482d", "", "ui-id-593", "02ed7c06-c52d-4007", "", "Erin Mills Pet Hospital | 2400 Dunwin Dr Mississauga L5L 1J9", "0af193cd-f17b-49d2", "", "ui-id-594", "d2c06a1f-dd72-49ba", "", "Fairfield Pet Hospital | 6 Speers Blvd. Amherstview K7N 1Z6", "9d71b466-74f3-4a4a", "", "ui-id-595", "6e2d39b6-33cc-42cc", "", "Fairmont Animal Hospital | 995 Hamilton Rd London N5W 1A4", "2a1a059a-4efb-4ab6", "", "ui-id-596", "79750063-52b1-4969", "", "Fairview Drive Pet Hospital | Unit 7 & 8, 403 Fairview Drive Brantford N3R 6T2", "e90636d6-6648-494f", "", "ui-id-597", "c3a3dc7d-a0fa-4cbb", "", "Fenelon Animal Clinic | PO Box 310, 474 County Road 121 Fenelon Falls K0M 1N0", "d02f397e-1602-4331", "", "ui-id-598", "7255d38a-c990-42cc", "", "Fonthill Animal Hospital | 137 Highway 20 E Fonthill L0S 1E0", "e67fa588-e349-47f6", "", "ui-id-599", "e7ccc99a-12f7-47e1", "", "Forestbrook Pet Hospital | 1105 Finch Avenue Pickering L1V 1J7", "29b497eb-b49a-498d", "", "ui-id-600", "ac064951-c3d3-467e", "", "Fraser-Macdonald Animal Hospital | 1577 Bloor St West Toronto M6P 1A6", "badb5d17-6f6c-4dfd", "", "ui-id-601", "d79ca8ab-ff42-4de1", "", "Front Street Animal Hospital | 548 Front Street West Toronto M5V 3N5", "c6e32b75-b97f-404d", "", "ui-id-602", "05cf9add-29b6-4b38", "", "Gateway Pet Hospital | 4391 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "dbc3afc2-fb65-40de", "", "ui-id-603", "a9c81093-66b0-460e", "", "Glebe Pet Hospital | 595 Bank Street Ottawa K1S 3T4", "09cc095a-c618-4c33", "", "ui-id-604", "6ac85856-ab83-42a9", "", "Grand Avenue Pet Hospital | 222 Grand Avenue West Chatham N7L 1C1", "10e6bcad-eeb9-4e86", "", "ui-id-605", "5ac3d56f-946d-4508", "", "Grant Veterinary Nutrition Services | Norwich ", "d47e6ed3-787d-4bbf", "", "ui-id-606", "9546263b-5f9a-4f79", "", "Grey Bruce Pet Hospital | 1393 16th Ave East Owen Sound N4K 0J3", "26c46bbf-d820-4268", "", "ui-id-607", "f42ef946-0ac7-4a79", "", "Haliburton Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 990, 1014 Penninsula Drive Haliburton K0M 1S0", "0b1b9919-3133-490c", "", "ui-id-608", "9f31bb9b-7364-444e", "", "Halton Hills Veterinary Clinic | 2 Main St Georgetown L7G 3G6", "61f5d5cd-87d5-40d3", "", "ui-id-609", "6e17d97c-54d7-4556", "", "Halton Peel Animal Hospital | 1093 Lower Base Line Rd. Milton L9T 2X8", "0d7d9a36-2cc5-4845", "", "ui-id-610", "736069d3-6dab-48be", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services | 1618 Ramshaw Cres Milton L9T 5M1", "9efd7b1c-06ad-4f74", "", "ui-id-611", "421718ac-9b91-4516", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services: Home Pet Euthanasia | 7994 Maltby Rd. E Puslinch N0B 2J0", "59002518-c6f1-4d8c", "", "ui-id-612", "5449923b-7b7b-40b3", "", "Hamilton Region Emergency Veterinary Clinic | 50 Dundurn St S Hamilton L8P 4W3", "eff22a5c-8209-46dc", "", "ui-id-613", "834d0c3f-47ec-48e6", "", "Hamilton Road Animal Hospital | 466 Hamilton Road London N5Z1R9", "00f39ea7-c566-4813", "", "ui-id-614", "9616d6fa-5ad5-420f", "", "Hamilton Veterinary Services | 171 Mohawk Road East Hamilton L8K 1C5", "e69d7f31-d311-4688", "", "ui-id-615", "8ac53d08-1ba2-4f3b", "", "Hamilton-Niagara Veterinary Mobile Euthanasia Services | ", "09cc5741-2aae-4a63", "", "ui-id-616", "61685c62-3693-4b8c", "", "Hampton Veterinary Hospital | 252 Algonquin Blvd West Timmins P4N 2R7", "77e70790-8e4d-4545", "", "ui-id-617", "22b26727-a78c-41d4", "", "Harbourfront Animal Hospital | 104B - 370 Queens Quay West Toronto M5V 3J3", "ee74babb-95a1-4e5b", "", "ui-id-618", "51bfe58b-f619-4c11", "", "Harmony Road Animal Hospital | 1304 Harmony Rd N Oshawa L1H 7K5", "691a8d6b-f9cc-46c6", "", "ui-id-619", "f905e665-8632-44eb", "", "Harriston Veterinary Services | 10 Queen St N Harriston N0G 1Z0", "157a548f-3a13-4d77", "", "ui-id-620", "baecbbc4-40c3-493a", "", "Harwood Pet Hospital | #1 Rossland Road WestUnit 12 AJAX L1Z 1Z2", "0bc3232e-9137-4650", "", "ui-id-621", "26400a28-915b-4061", "", "Headon Forest Animal Hospital | 3500 Dundas St. W. Burlington L7M 4B8", "fa279dcd-dfd7-4e78", "", "ui-id-622", "23816bbe-310e-47eb", "", "Heartland Animal Hospital Of Drayton | 7294 Wellington Street North PO Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "71299f31-0fac-4f98", "", "ui-id-623", "a38ff4f0-d8bc-4e95", "", "Heartland Pet Hospital | 6085 Creditview Road Unit #20 Mississauga L5V 2A8", "4b463a1b-7989-4439", "", "ui-id-624", "d34af7a3-fd23-40c2", "", "Henderson Mobile Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 714 Alliston L9R 1V9", "373c5e68-dc67-4508", "", "ui-id-625", "b8f9b0fd-2e66-4d04", "", "Herongate Animal Clinic | 9 Doric St Unit 1 Ajax L1S 7L5", "d5010c7d-7b82-41e4", "", "ui-id-626", "c9c69fb4-cc8d-44a6", "", "Hickson Veterinary Services | 596236 Hwy 59 Hickson N0J 1L0", "ec3a3c74-6f07-4769", "", "ui-id-627", "db7c5c37-ee5e-47c0", "", "Highbury North Pet Hospital | Unit 1 - 1570 Highbury Ave N London N5Y 5N7", "73f1b7f5-7cdc-40c1", "", "ui-id-628", "b82a4fd5-69b9-4713", "", "Highland Road Pet Hospital | 200 Highland Road Kitchener N2M 3C2", "f51582d2-1ea7-466b", "", "ui-id-629", "12618095-7a4a-4dca", "", "Hills Pet Nutrition Primary Health Care Centre -Ontario Veterinary College | University of Guelph 50 Stone Rd Guelph N1G 2W1", "97a319f5-73b0-409b", "", "ui-id-630", "d84b6261-a100-4884", "", "Hopital Veterinaire Nation | 100 Lafleche Casselman K0A 1M0", "c516a2af-3ebd-4a12", "", "ui-id-631", "96090e4c-07ad-4563", "", "Houghton Veterinarian House Call Service | 128 Sanwick Avenue Toronto M4E 2A1", "c928035a-f9e7-4c16", "", "ui-id-632", "7f132865-8559-4482", "", "House Calls For Pets | P.O.Box 364, Station \\\"O\\\" Toronto M4A 2N9", "91b67579-6509-494f", "", "ui-id-633", "beb162eb-2132-4c7f", "", "Huntington Animal Hospital | 211 Martindale Road Unit B-1 St. Catharines L2S 3V7", "66cc4fae-b54c-4f8f", "", "ui-id-634", "5484d53c-26bc-4221", "", "Huron Church Animal Hospital | 1797 Huron Church Road Windsor N9C 2L3", "e4ad8372-e994-443f", "", "ui-id-635", "8c036e2b-be72-417b", "", "Huron East Animal Hospital | 1606 Battler Road, Unit D Kitchener N2R 0CP", "9732cb5a-8a6b-4566", "", "ui-id-636", "4c8af8d3-1e6c-49cd", "", "Huron Shores Veterinary Services | 614 Barnes Ave Port Elgin N0H 2C4", "288c434f-aacd-48c0", "", "ui-id-637", "43d6c80a-3d52-46a2", "", "Huronia Animal Hospital | 131 Main Street Penetanguishene L9M 1L7", "8f976eb7-906e-494e", "", "ui-id-638", "55492d2d-233b-4ef2", "", "Huronia Veterinary Emergency Clinic | 391 Dunlop St W Barrie L4N 1C3", "915050ef-bcb6-4002", "", "ui-id-639", "a448acee-4548-40fe", "", "Hurontario Veterinary Hospital | 1424 Hurontario St Mississauga L5G 3H4", "76e22cf5-6149-477d", "", "ui-id-640", "a062ec71-f553-4f8b", "", "Ilderton Pet Hospital | 125 King Street Ilderton N0M 2A0", "2466a8cb-ec74-4ce7", "", "ui-id-641", "df4e9ee8-8220-4dfa", "", "Image Pet | 1311 Riverbend Dr London N6K 3V1", "a02f30e7-7529-4bff", "", "ui-id-642", "c66d4ea6-66b6-4961", "", "Islington Village Animal Hospital | 3852 Bloor St W Toronto M9A1B7", "10223204-25de-4e27", "", "ui-id-643", "97370c98-8d71-49cc", "", "Jackson Creek Veterinary Services | 1140 Parkhill Road West Peterborough K9K 0E1", "4efb97b6-1e4d-43a4", "", "ui-id-644", "0bc2c36c-21f1-4f3a", "", "Johnson Chiropractic Animal Clinic | 304 Norris Road Perth K7H1T1", "d34d7ca5-0265-4dac", "", "ui-id-645", "30fd8502-79c3-44b1", "", "Junction Pet Clinic | 2916 Dundas St W Toronto M6P1Y8", "f624a085-49a8-4ccb", "", "ui-id-646", "e0cb5c28-b8ad-4c56", "", "Junction West Animal Hospital | 3466 Dundas Street West Toronto M6S 2S1", "9218d702-0d95-4bb3", "", "ui-id-647", "58f42dda-26fe-4aff", "", "Kelton Pet House Call Services | Box 71528 Aurora L4G 5W5", "08bea27a-f048-46c3", "", "ui-id-648", "369e1ed7-cb2b-4320", "", "Kennedy Eglinton Animal Hospital | 751 Kennedy Rd Scarborough M1K 2C7", "17162f1c-0e53-492e", "", "ui-id-649", "fedd9ebc-be33-45be", "", "Kim Pet Hospital | 8362 Woodbine Avenue Unit 1 Markham L3R 2N8", "3efb14fb-d68f-4d1a", "", "ui-id-650", "3d84bf81-a24d-45b4", "", "King Hopkins Pet Hospital | 120 Hopkins Street Whitby L1N 2B7", "4db5642b-34b4-47c0", "", "ui-id-651", "262ebd4a-6481-4c38", "", "Kingston Mills Veterinary Hospital | 1670 Battersea Road Glenburnie K0H 1S0", "6ccdc03c-bed3-4959", "", "ui-id-652", "bdc29c10-1ede-405c", "", "Kingston Regional Pet Hospital | Unit 10, 1381 Midland Avenue Kingston K7P 2W5", "cad79468-d217-4787", "", "ui-id-653", "16a1cd6c-2219-4953", "", "Kingston Road Animal Hospital | 1025 Kingston Road Toronto M4E 1T4", "7c7d6d9b-b6fc-4685", "", "ui-id-654", "9bdbd956-01c1-4818", "", "Kingston Veterinary Clinic | 435 Division St Kingston K7K 4A8", "04596bcb-7d18-41bc", "", "ui-id-655", "827ba7b4-0e2a-48d8", "", "Kingston West Veterinary Hospital | 2165 Bath Road Kingston K7M 4Y3", "b0fbfebd-754e-4f39", "", "ui-id-656", "f1704030-1220-418f", "", "Kirkton Veterinary Clinic | P.O. Box 96 1911 Mary Street Kirkton N0K 1K0", "1e53adef-bb0b-42e0", "", "ui-id-657", "5df23c9f-37ee-4ed9", "", "Lafontaine Veterinary Clinic | 2799 Chamberland Street Rockland K4K 1M7", "89ea8af3-f4de-4ef2", "", "ui-id-658", "134cc06a-bcf3-44c4", "", "b6a58a7b-62c5-4630", "", "ui-id-659", "c0f523cd-eb09-4f60", "", "Laird Eglinton Pet Hospital | 211 Laird Drive Toronto M4G 3W8", "93141c84-8cbc-47e0", "", "ui-id-660", "35b35f48-49d5-4216", "", "Lakeshore Animal Hospital (Kingston) | 732A Front Road Kingston K7M 4L5", "815d6d15-01e8-4cb2", "", "ui-id-661", "a2a608a3-7656-451c", "", "Lauzon Veterinary Hospital | 1315 Lauzon Road Windsor N8S 3N1", "dda8071c-c74d-4c29", "", "ui-id-662", "ae004819-887a-4820", "", "Leamington Animal Hospital | 35 John St Leamington N8H 1H3", "d3b6ba58-9fb0-4b37", "", "ui-id-663", "7245a029-074b-48c6", "", "Leamington Veterinary Clinic | 110 Talbot Street East Leamington N8H 1L5", "ade5ba52-5312-4580", "", "ui-id-664", "afb9b945-fa90-448c", "", "Lennox & Addington Animal Hospital | 11 Commercial Court Napanee K7R 4B2", "bf529ccb-c55e-4c35", "", "ui-id-665", "d8563d7f-0b66-480b", "", "Lexington Rd. Animal Hospital | 135 Lexington Court Waterloo N2J 4R1", "06e337df-d2db-4ebe", "", "ui-id-666", "a7697638-c29b-4255", "", "Limestone City Animal Hospital | 70 Cataraqui Street Kingston K7K 1Z7", "31c61a59-7052-4bab", "", "ui-id-667", "65c5cd14-2195-447f", "", "Liston Animal Hospital | Suite 5, 4055 Carling Avenue Kanata K2K 2A4", "d1f66ec0-3842-40f7", "", "ui-id-668", "a84c55ff-0930-488b", "", "Livingston Animal Hospital | 42 St Andrews Avenue Unit 4 Grimsby L3M 3S2", "041c5ec5-f398-466f", "", "ui-id-669", "085f2dde-2510-4859", "", "Lock One Animal Hospital | 260 Lakeshore Road Unit #9 St. Catharines L2M 7R4", "666fb4b9-aace-4c1e", "", "ui-id-670", "8d50dba4-b57c-4e41", "", "London Cat Clinic | 6 Stanley St London N6C 1A8", "f1e33ffc-bfbb-49cb", "", "ui-id-671", "cf05ac07-cdbd-4bf5", "", "London Mobile Veterinary | ", "2e537220-725e-4801", "", "ui-id-672", "88b6b153-ed94-42a4", "", "London North Animal Hospital | 735 Wonderland Road North London N6H 4L1", "b25646ac-0e66-46e1", "", "ui-id-673", "4d178055-9b73-4c16", "", "London Regional Veterinary Emergency And Referral Hospital | #45, 41 Adelaide Street N London N6B 3P4", "687981f5-e247-4411", "", "ui-id-674", "e0392a05-30f1-4900", "", "Long Beach Veterinary Hospital | 2107 Mosley Street Wasaga Beach L9Z 1X5", "4c6990ae-6b2b-4711", "", "ui-id-675", "2a384d05-e1d9-4337", "", "Long Branch Animal Clinic | 3459 Lakeshore Blvd W Etobicoke M8W 1N2", "09f33450-a3a6-44a5", "", "ui-id-676", "3e530387-0761-4982", "", "Loyalist Veterinary Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Services | 406 Maitland Drive Belleville K8N 0N3", "87fa33a6-ca0f-41fd", "", "ui-id-677", "7dfcfd7a-59e7-4612", "", "Lucknow- Huron Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 609, 623 Campbell St Lucknow N0G 2H0", "a2cce234-e35f-4e65", "", "ui-id-678", "aec6c0c1-9769-4c73", "", "Macdonald Mobile Veterinary Service | 464430 Rivers Rd. RR #5 Ingersoll N5C 3J8", "b3781421-bad8-4860", "", "ui-id-679", "0a036dc6-74aa-4d51", "", "Mackenzie Creek Mobile Pet Hospice Services | PO Box 96 Scotland N0E1R0", "cc00016a-1dfb-4e22", "", "ui-id-680", "1126d749-92d2-44de", "", "Malton Veterinary Services | 2901 Derry Rd E Mississauga L4T 1A6", "707a2307-bebf-491c", "", "ui-id-681", "4b92ef80-d557-444a", "", "Mapleton Mobile Veterinary Services | 7311 Twelfth Line Alma N0B 1A0", "5416e48b-a9c9-4d41", "", "ui-id-682", "e09be9b5-1486-4764", "", "Marion Vernon Memorial Animal Clinic | 91A Patterson Road Barrie L4N 3V9", "f7c033ba-a7cf-42c4", "", "ui-id-683", "52e56941-1df8-4bc6", "", "Masonville Animal Hospital | Unit 8, 101 Fanshawe Park Rd E London N5X 2S7", "88b3097e-8a01-435d", "", "ui-id-684", "8ff965b7-e7f1-45e3", "", "Mcewen-Frontenac Animal Hospital | 745 Development Dr Kingston K7M 4W6", "de72243a-794a-48f8", "", "ui-id-685", "63a6246e-af57-4d0c", "", "Midland Eglinton Animal Hospital | 814 Midland Avenue Scarborough M1K 4E7", "7527adc1-3740-4ae7", "", "ui-id-686", "45b3223c-9190-406e", "", "Millson Veterinary Services | 395 Commercial Ave Timmins P4N 2X8", "9ac64168-8118-4ba6", "", "ui-id-687", "f2ee125b-de32-40c1", "", "Milverton- Wellesley Veterinary Clinic | 93 Main St N Milverton N0K 2M0", "4eccc769-14d4-4222", "", "ui-id-688", "8a3c58d1-adaf-4bac", "", "Mobile Pet Hospice Services Of London | 31 Winship Close London N6C 5M7", "73fb6726-b410-4294", "", "ui-id-689", "0ccb5fff-783a-4e05", "", "Mohns Avenue Veterinary Services (Pembroke Animal Hospital Professional Corp) | 58 Mohns Avenue Petawawa K8H 2G9", "8e177d0a-d1b2-495b", "", "ui-id-690", "1ef5e465-c636-46ba", "", "Mono Veterinary Clinic | 633391 highway 10 Mono L9W 5P3", "9abffc4f-eb63-48cb", "", "ui-id-691", "ee083631-c741-4ba1", "", "Montreal Road Animal Hospital | 1700 Montreal Road Ottawa K1J 6N5", "94484c11-5694-495b", "", "ui-id-692", "e43d11cc-e76f-4f48", "", "Morningstar Pet Hospital | 670 Taunton Road E Whitby L1R 0K6", "56e48998-56e3-4a33", "", "ui-id-693", "6204d0bd-b8dd-47f0", "", "Morriston Veterinary Clinic | 29 Queen Street Morriston N0B 2C0", "59a54268-7687-4bef", "", "ui-id-694", "95bf4eb0-2108-4838", "", "Muskoka Animal Hospital Professional Corporation | 96 Hanes Rd, Unit # 2 Hunstville P1H2P6", "de2c23c6-cbba-4dca", "", "ui-id-695", "4665eaed-46cb-45db", "", "Musson Mobile Veterinary Services | 15 Sir Caradoc Place MARKHAM L3P 2X5", "754f4be2-e190-4f24", "", "ui-id-696", "f42be8b8-ca3b-4e90", "", "Neighbourhood Pet Clinic Of North London | 746 Waterloo Street London London N6A 3W3", "257a2983-531e-4a7c", "", "ui-id-697", "e2ad0517-612b-4746", "", "Nelson Animal Hospital (Ontario) | Unit 5, 2400 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4M7", "67e5075b-cea7-4ebe", "", "ui-id-698", "f8672dfc-041e-4aa0", "", "Niagara Canine Conditioning Centre | 188 Bunting Rd, Unit 5A St. Catharines L2M 3Y1", "2160c786-1cf1-422e", "", "ui-id-699", "03dba815-6da3-4f7b", "", "Niagara On The Lake Veterinary Housecall | 1188 Line 6 Road RR#6 Niagara On The Lake L0S 1J0", "579fcc62-9ded-4bf8", "", "ui-id-700", "d86eb5f8-26f0-4ad9", "", "Niagara Pet Hospital | RR #1, 3032 Mountain Road/ Grimsby Road Grassie L0R 1M0", "5b1928c9-38a2-48a7", "", "ui-id-701", "e68c2cc7-6bca-4b73", "", "Niagara Region Veterinary House Call Services | ", "c361f19c-c782-425b", "", "ui-id-702", "eeb98c68-0c16-4239", "", "Nobleton Veterinary Clinic | 13135 Hwy 27 Nobleton L0G 1N0", "b39afee0-3768-4b97", "", "ui-id-703", "67865a54-9fd5-4f1b", "", "North Toronto Veterinary Behaviour Specialty Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "65aa42c4-ca7c-4c7f", "", "ui-id-704", "8d0ab3ee-b135-4bc4", "", "North Wellington Animal Hospital | 248 Main St S Mount Forest N0G 2L0", "5163b952-6ea4-4df5", "", "ui-id-705", "70163f4a-cec8-4d49", "", "North Yonge Veterinary Hospital | 17725 Yonge St - #18 Newmarket L3Y 7C1", "a1a54805-bb3f-4d83", "", "ui-id-706", "84b1b978-779d-414e", "", "Northview Pet Hospital | 8611 Weston Road Unit 5 Woodbridge L4L 9P1", "a77fb105-9938-4b08", "", "ui-id-707", "3a35d9c2-0d05-47df", "", "Northwest London Veterinary Clinic | 1567 Hyde Park Rd London N6H 5L5", "fe40d626-c586-446e", "", "ui-id-708", "925beceb-4d34-48a9", "", "O.S.P.C.A Mount Vernon Memorial Clinic | 91a Patterson Rd Barrie L4N 3V9", "15a10d5c-62e9-4fc8", "", "ui-id-709", "d0194e8f-29e2-457a", "", "Oakpark Pet Hospital | Unit C1 370 Dundas Street E. Oakville L6H 6Z9", "f359b846-2d8b-4ce1", "", "ui-id-710", "b9b4e97f-8a9f-4995", "", "O'connor Veterinary Services | 1551 O'Connor Dr Toronto M4B2V7", "fe983553-6e38-4903", "", "ui-id-711", "b60ed811-a2f8-43c8", "", "Ontario Spca Centre Veterinary Hospital | 16586 Woodbine Avenue Newmarket L3Y 4W1", "57b341ef-4033-4174", "", "ui-id-712", "4ae7f240-58db-452a", "", "Ontario Veterinary College Teaching Hospital | University Of Guelph Guelph N1G 2W1", "d21ec904-197e-4574", "", "ui-id-713", "378e65ea-b0dc-4cc0", "", "Orillia Pet Hospital | 8035 Highway 12 West Orillia L3V 6H2", "bed6a2ee-96bb-469e", "", "ui-id-714", "df82f629-fc37-492b", "", "Oro Medonte Vet Services | 96 Schoolhouse Road Road Oro Medonte L0L 1T0", "dad4dc94-6d27-4c58", "", "ui-id-715", "179ba2bf-c83c-4e16", "", "Orono Veterinary Hospital | 30 Cobbledick Street Orono L0B 1M0", "76b0a27e-d920-4032", "", "ui-id-716", "7c3b2471-7662-4e7b", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma St. Rockwood N0B 2K0", "5f7c7b33-f8d4-434f", "", "ui-id-717", "eb190138-96f6-497f", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma Street Rockwood N0B2K0", "002d6109-d929-4a32", "", "ui-id-718", "fc697495-212e-40ec", "", "Otonabee Animal Hospital | 3881 Wallace Point Rd O'tonabee K9J 6Y3", "58c6e677-8f2e-4132", "", "ui-id-719", "dfa238a0-71e7-4c26", "", "Ottawa East Pet Housecall Services | 2033 Quincy Ave Gloucester K1J 6B2", "fd2ac503-b751-4a4d", "", "ui-id-720", "e8cdefad-a554-4148", "", "Parkdale Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 1654 Queen Street West Toronto M6R 1B2", "27c72877-a0ed-4eb6", "", "ui-id-721", "60259773-9586-4b38", "", "Pathways Holistic Petcare Centre | 919 Oxford Street East London N5Y 3J8", "af2a203b-e0bb-473c", "", "ui-id-722", "ui-corner-all ui-menu-item-alternate ui-state-focus", "f918c136-bc44-4438", "", "Pet Hospital On Main | 102 Main St.N UXBRIDGE L9P 1C7", "ac5b2d4a-d6b6-46c8", "", "ui-id-723", "e7442eea-a3a4-4db4", "", "Petawawa Animal Hospital | 3261 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa K8H 1X8", "540f89b5-8fb3-48a9", "", "ui-id-724", "2e56ef72-0c73-4683", "", "Peterborough Pet Hospital | 379 Lansdowne St East Peterborough K9J 6X9", "7a9fcc9a-2447-4c85", "", "ui-id-725", "759f7e08-0740-4578", "", "Peterborough Veterinary Services | 720 The Kingsway Peterborough K9J 6W6", "d13ce934-a3e5-451f", "", "ui-id-726", "75b13568-595d-47bc", "", "Peterborough West Animal Hospital | 2605 Stewart Line RR#3 Peterborough K9J0G5", "c5da69e5-f5a8-487d", "", "ui-id-727", "8c0917a4-3abf-4e10", "", "Petrolia Veterinary Services | 4247 Oil Heritage Rd Petrolia N0N 1R0", "07942b1d-283e-4bff", "", "ui-id-728", "6b149b73-9bee-40ea", "", "Pickering Village Pet Hospital | 41 Church St. S Ajax L1S 6A6", "f4b76999-f341-4122", "", "ui-id-729", "ffbdcfb9-c934-4ad7", "", "Picton Animal Hospital | P.O. Box 1600, 19 Macsteven Drive Picton K0K 2T0", "3b962fbb-4e03-4fb4", "", "ui-id-730", "713028bd-8129-4b70", "", "Pioneer Pet Hospital | 4411 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "65a96f23-d580-49da", "", "ui-id-731", "55fde9b3-196f-4f16", "", "Pond Mills Animal Hospital | 5-1166 Commissioners Rd. E London N5Z 4W8", "c8f035fa-bc26-429d", "", "ui-id-732", "ead3f631-9fcc-4396", "", "Potter Veterinary Professional Corporation | PO Box 421 484 Main St. Schomberg L0G 1T0", "3bd55bec-750f-470e", "", "ui-id-733", "d927d455-c915-4045", "", "Preston Animal Clinic | 1606 King St. E. Cambridge N3H 3R7", "3f60ff1d-dbe1-4f27", "", "ui-id-734", "f3c28f84-02dd-4933", "", "Quinte Pet House Call Services | 109 Dundas St E Belleville K8N1C9", "66a6f020-466b-4737", "", "ui-id-735", "6c7485d4-00f6-4f0d", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South Unit 2-5 RR#7 Belleville K8N4Z7", "890db989-2bec-4571", "", "ui-id-736", "6d6151ce-f0de-4ea2", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South, Unit 2-5 RR #7 Belleville K8N 4Z7", "b3c262b1-8684-4154", "", "ui-id-737", "15b8d400-6eeb-4508", "", "Rehabilitation Fur Your Pet | 1663 A Carling Ave. Ottawa K2A 1C4", "0c9c00e9-339b-4533", "", "ui-id-738", "1cd2db7f-071b-46f4", "", "Richard Klys Veterinary Professional Corporation | 1049 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M6C 2C9", "4795ac55-4faf-4ada", "", "ui-id-739", "51c0313a-09cd-4cec", "", "Richmond Animal Hospital | P.O. Box 1000, 6174 Perth Street Richmond K0A 2Z0", "fec7b74e-3012-4bf0", "", "ui-id-740", "2c0452de-8c27-4417", "", "Richmond Green Veterinary Clinic | Unit 3, 10650 Leslie St Richmond Hill L4S OB9", "b516f9e6-8f0d-4c72", "", "ui-id-741", "564922d5-11af-446e", "", "Richmond Hill Animal Hospital | 11 Centre St W Richmond Hill L4C 3P3", "2747d540-a4ff-4171", "", "ui-id-742", "6d129717-66de-483e", "", "Richmond Veterinary Clinic | 203 Richmond Blvd Napanee K7R 3Z9", "610c8927-0f5b-4fd5", "", "ui-id-743", "b8fc6953-3669-41a7", "", "Richmond Veterinary House Call Services | Richmond Hill L4S 0E6", "212ec1a6-f128-4166", "", "ui-id-744", "240a1867-c232-4e87", "", "Rideau River Veterinary Professional Corporation | 3987 Riverside Drive #2 Ottawa K1V 1C1", "b912d3a8-b7f9-45fd", "", "ui-id-745", "3abe99fa-aa8f-44c5", "", "Ripley- Huron Veterinary Clinic | 3290 County Rd 6 Ripley N0G 2R0", "fab8664b-c8c1-436a", "", "ui-id-746", "6f34b074-bc65-4465", "", "Ritson Veterinary Clinic | 490 Taunton Rd E, Unit 101 and 102 Oshawa L1K 1A8", "8cca4a2e-766f-466e", "", "ui-id-747", "65d08a4d-901e-4946", "", "Riverside Pet Hospital | 110 Richie Avenue #7 Ajax L1S 7G5", "569bcd9d-d59b-4e88", "", "ui-id-748", "aee044d2-59ca-4395", "", "Robinson Pet Hospital | 724 Main Street E Milton L9T 3P6", "022dbc46-6f77-4272", "", "ui-id-749", "5195bbee-de9c-4e89", "", "Robinson Veterinary Services | RR # 1, 3285 London Line Wyoming N0N 1T0", "99d69e13-dddf-489b", "", "ui-id-750", "9b7584c0-f1af-45f2", "", "Romeo Pet Hospital | 782 Downie Street Stratford N5A 1Y7", "16edad18-af8e-477a", "", "ui-id-751", "3796a461-2ee2-4ff0", "", "Roncesvalles Animal Hospital | 18 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2K3", "11305139-b0ff-4dcf", "", "ui-id-752", "ba31f2c0-921c-4410", "", "Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic | 215 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2L6", "ba046004-b64b-4527", "", "ui-id-753", "6e54ad2a-c5e9-4c97", "", "Roundstone Mobile Vet Services | 45 Roundstone Brampton L6X 0K7", "9338a34a-5c0b-45c8", "", "ui-id-754", "0fbe37f8-cad5-435a", "", "Sauble Beach Pet Hospital | RR #1, 516 Sauble Falls Pkwy N Sauble Beach N0H 2G0", "94a9abe3-798a-4d42", "", "ui-id-755", "9e203b45-5744-47e7", "", "Second Opinion Referrals Dr. Greg Mcwatt Vt Pr Cp | 8 Finlay Mill Rd Midhurst L0L 1X1", "7ba4aff8-5740-49d2", "", "ui-id-756", "b2afbfd2-4f18-477b", "", "Shannondale Pet Hospital | P.O. Box 214, 1429 Main St. North Callander P0H1H0", "7dc41711-d4b8-4764", "", "ui-id-757", "a8610133-1d09-4034", "", "Sharon Veterinary Clinic | 18716 Leslie St Sharon L0G 1V0", "6f2f48a3-1bb2-4952", "", "ui-id-758", "cdb71f7d-23e9-44a8", "", "South Huron Veterinary Clinic | 20 Main Street Zurich N0M 2T0", "193cce51-d022-4249", "", "ui-id-759", "c882345a-57f9-468e", "", "Southampton Pet Hospital | Box 1097, Hwy 21 Southampton N0H 2L0", "dea6a9c6-6268-4799", "", "ui-id-760", "20153e7f-5905-48cf", "", "Southeastern Ontario Spay Neuter Clinic | 764A Old Highway 2 Trenton K8V 5P5", "ad4af58d-ce75-4812", "", "ui-id-761", "8a59a253-6ebe-4b9e", "", "Southern Ontario Animal Rehabilitation (Soar) | 850 Legion Rd Unit 5 Burlington L7S 1T6", "554b1748-2210-4021", "", "ui-id-762", "7c5a7ead-b232-4daa", "", "Southside Animal Clinic (London) | 1509 Commissioners Rd E London N6M 1C6", "146dc69b-a081-4f81", "", "ui-id-763", "8a3a8abc-f197-48e1", "", "Southside Pet Clinic | 14990 Simcoe Street Port Perry L9L 1G2", "8bedcd63-78b5-4208", "", "ui-id-764", "91bb3401-2192-4bfe", "", "Southside Pet Hospital | 728 Burloak Drive Unit C2 Burlington L7L 0B1", "eab494d2-eef3-45c2", "", "ui-id-765", "5d07de32-2d07-4496", "", "Speedvale Pet Hospital | 400 Speedvale Avenue W - Unit H Guelph N1H 8H3", "03a67c78-75fd-44ac", "", "ui-id-766", "d21a1694-a91d-41a1", "", "Steeles-Yonge Animal Hospital | 180 Steeles Ave W, Unit 15 Vaughan L4J 2L1", "1e130b3e-4ca4-41d6", "", "ui-id-767", "57efd278-48e6-477b", "", "Stone Church Animal Clinic | 634 Stone Church Rd West Hamilton L9B 1A7", "2bafdfd8-08e8-48de", "", "ui-id-768", "c63529d0-b1d8-4fb0", "", "Stonegate Animal Hospital | 292 Stone Road West Guelph N1G 3C4", "1a97482e-3792-4927", "", "ui-id-769", "ac65bca3-be0c-42ab", "", "Stonegates Veterinary Hospital | 193 Hwy 8 West West Flamborough L0R 2K0", "b0f8cbf2-380e-401d", "", "ui-id-770", "787b2043-c8de-4d66", "", "Stoney Ridge Animal Hospital | 2200 Rymal Road East Stoney Creek L0R 1P0", "74f9a4d2-e1c8-45e2", "", "ui-id-771", "ae4846ef-8631-4162", "", "Stoneybrook Animal Hospital | 620 Fanshawe Park Rd E London N5X 2R1", "a7cf8326-528d-45f5", "", "ui-id-772", "21d7dec8-3820-4787", "", "Sudbury Regional Cat Hospital | 262 Caswell Dr Sudbury P3E 2N8", "68557dd5-6c35-4483", "", "ui-id-773", "8288e071-8844-41e2", "", "Summerlyn Pet Hospital | 465 Holland Street West Unit #5 Bradford L3Z 0C1", "eacaa76c-299e-4f9e", "", "ui-id-774", "17a61da0-03d3-48f2", "", "Sunningdale Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 2155 Richmond Street Unit 1 London N5X4B8", "2867330c-8792-4f27", "", "ui-id-775", "eef67579-7b11-4a41", "", "Taunton Road Animal Hospital | 1330 Townline Road North Oshawa L1H 8L7 \u200e", "37019d60-27f6-468b", "", "ui-id-776", "c8a29434-5e9a-4bbe", "", "The Jameson Queen Animal Hospital | 1516 Queen St.W. Toronto M6R 1A4", "741d85ed-6510-44a7", "", "ui-id-777", "b16e189d-b342-44cc", "", "Thickson Road Pet Hospital | 1650 Victoria Street East Whitby L1N 9L4", "4d66c3f7-8867-4b9a", "", "ui-id-778", "745f48b9-cd12-4fa7", "", "Thornton Animal Clinic | 4171 Innisfil Beach Rd #12 Thornton L0L 2N0", "acc7b35c-124f-4c83", "", "ui-id-779", "40621703-5efa-4b8b", "", "Tillsonburg Veterinary Centre | 25 North Street East Tillsonburg N4G 1B4", "acfaa92c-99fc-4d52", "", "ui-id-780", "5bd8eaa0-ba11-4048", "", "Toronto Animal Eye Clinic | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "6ac03ff6-e16a-4c45", "", "ui-id-781", "3d9a51fc-8bbc-4c40", "", "Toronto Central Animal Clinic | 167 Parliament Street Toronto M5A 2Z2", "e54183ce-e58f-4be1", "", "ui-id-782", "fa7f2b65-e563-47ae", "", "Toronto East Animal House Call Services \u2013 A. Bekhit Veterinary Medicine Professional Corporation | Toronto ", "a57edae7-4637-4726", "", "ui-id-783", "0361059e-ec68-4622", "", "Toronto Humane Society Vet. Clinic | 11 River St Toronto M5A 4C2", "ccf76ea6-9d3b-4757", "", "ui-id-784", "00676441-c8a5-44db", "", "Toronto Mobile Vet Services | Toronto ", "01917bb6-f2e1-45c5", "", "ui-id-785", "5cb76711-20c1-445c", "", "Toronto North Animal Hospital | 317 Sheppard Avenue East North York M2N 3B3", "f064cbfc-c594-4ba9", "", "ui-id-786", "d54d6a64-dba0-471d", "", "Toronto Veterinary Clinic | 2459 Lake Shore Blvd W Toronto M8V2M1", "202dce55-6715-478b", "", "ui-id-787", "4c181bb3-ba30-4958", "", "Toronto Veterinary Emergency Hospital | 21 Rolark Drive Scarborough M1R 3B1", "7149e3bb-40e3-4bb9", "", "ui-id-788", "ac519bd5-5009-4a8a", "", "Toronto Veterinary End Of Life Mobile Services | 48 Kingsley Ave Toronto M6N1A4", "2efc7342-ab61-474a", "", "ui-id-789", "90731026-7c83-4473", "", "Toronto Veterinary Home Euthanasia Services | 10 Delevan Court Richmond Hill L4B 3W8", "7cf4b0db-5271-401c", "", "ui-id-790", "9834eafc-9c4b-4de5", "", "Toronto Veterinary House Call | Apartment 411, 1543 Bayview Avenue Toronto M4G 3B5", "0262c45a-539c-483b", "", "ui-id-791", "b17fe805-814b-4fb8", "", "Toronto Veterinary Rehabilitation Centre | 1735 Queen Street East Toronto M4L 6S5", "69bda465-3d5e-4d84", "", "ui-id-792", "92a2ae5e-bf5f-4676", "", "Toronto West Holistic Mobile Veterinary Services | 29 Conway Ave. York M6E 1H1", "39467146-e554-4f9c", "", "ui-id-793", "62c693c3-c1b5-4e5d", "", "Touch Animal Rehabilitation | 1140 Front St North Bay P1B6P2", "93cb0ba8-476c-48ce", "", "ui-id-794", "f5984b6a-1cd0-4bd9", "", "Trans Canada Pet Clinic | Box 16, Site 134 R1, 596 Government Street Dryden P8N 2Y4", "6935ef5a-8bc7-4cce", "", "ui-id-795", "1edf33f4-7685-4c0d", "", "Treatwell Pet Care - Mobile Veterinary Services Of Ottawa | Unit 1 170 Booth Street Ottawa K1R 7W1", "30e9a4f5-5dd2-4edc", "", "ui-id-796", "2be056bd-e588-43bd", "", "Trenton Mobile Veterinary Services | R R #3 14141 Dublin Line Acton L7J 2L9", "bc613aee-0045-4551", "", "ui-id-797", "4ffcfc60-3f02-4936", "", "Trenton Pet Hospital | 441 Front Street Trenton K8V 6C1", "efdf0e8f-37f9-44ee", "", "ui-id-798", "a1e44636-c8e8-4eb1", "", "Trim Pet Hospital | Unit 14, 2010 Trim Road Orleans K4A 0G4", "4bc1390d-606c-46fd", "", "ui-id-799", "790f2a2e-2c59-45e6", "", "Unionville South Pet Hospital | 4721 Highway 7 Unionville L3R 1M7", "da8e0f76-f823-461f", "", "ui-id-800", "a88f91be-fc3a-4433", "", "Upper Oakville Pet Hospital | A12 1011 Upper Middle Rd E Oakville L6H 4L2", "3c37bc81-fa92-433c", "", "ui-id-801", "cfb8519a-821c-4fb9", "", "Val Caron Veterinary Hospital | 3055 Hwy 69 North Val Caron P3N 1R8", "ad262771-0cf5-46d6", "", "ui-id-802", "ca53481e-4ad5-44f3", "", "Vansegbrook, Dr. Donna | 7651 Mud Creek Line Wallaceburg N8A 4L3", "dbc9b69c-67f9-40e4", "", "ui-id-803", "249226db-ebe7-40d2", "", "Vaughan-Richmond Hill Vet Emerg. Clinic | 10303 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 3B9", "e541afdb-c0e3-4435", "", "ui-id-804", "fa32016e-9753-4a88", "", "Vellore Village Pet Hospital | Unit 9, 9750 Weston Road Woodbridge L4H2Z7", "e221fb98-d80a-4c51", "", "ui-id-805", "5b5987b9-0090-4705", "", "Verona Animal Hospital | 53 Westport Rd. Godfrey K0H 1T0", "f904a4df-0629-45df", "", "ui-id-806", "80f77c3c-f104-4f2e", "", "Veterinary Emergency Clinic Of York Region | 1210 Journey's End Circle Newmarket L3Y 8Z6", "235bf124-ab79-4659", "", "ui-id-807", "9fb693c9-4eab-4ae6", "", "Veterinary Emergency Hospital Of West Toronto | 755 Queensway East Mississauga L4Y 4C5", "1837f97c-467d-406e", "", "ui-id-808", "341bc40c-3755-4e1a", "", "Walkerton - Hanover Veterinary Clinic | R R #2 Walkerton N0G 2V0", "9e80f140-6201-4c87", "", "ui-id-809", "54a619b3-7a1e-4a2c", "", "Wellesley Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 535 Yonge Street Toronto M4Y1Y5", "d0052cd8-73e1-4855", "", "ui-id-810", "5ac7ddc3-e6ed-478f", "", "Wellington Animal Hospital | 95 Wellington St South Woodstock N4S 3H9", "9f823ce8-4c86-48a8", "", "ui-id-811", "4becc157-1da0-4935", "", "Wellington Baseline Animal Hospital | Unit 4C - 555 Wellington Rd. S London N6C 4R3", "6f5a8d69-53da-488b", "", "ui-id-812", "99fcc349-ac85-4959", "", "Wellington Veterinary Hospital | 1210 Castlemore Avenue , Unit #5 Markham L6E 0H7", "9d3d79e5-7abb-45a3", "", "ui-id-813", "b0e2ffd2-3f2b-4093", "", "Wellington Veterinary Services | 320 Mill St. East Elora N0B 1S0", "9bb6fe24-a620-44c7", "", "ui-id-814", "35820841-f450-4a77", "", "West Carleton Animal Hospital | 3710 Carp Road Carp K0A 1L0", "97d4c00b-de8c-4a68", "", "ui-id-815", "f98bb702-20b2-4849", "", "West London Pet Hospital | 760 Hyde Park Road London N6H 5W9", "f3d984f0-1357-4d9d", "", "ui-id-816", "a172892a-a38b-4e12", "", "West Toronto Veterinary Surgery | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "177e8e90-cea4-4df9", "", "ui-id-817", "ed43a642-48b1-4540", "", "West Woodbridge Pet Hospital | 8280 Highway 27, Unit 16 Woodbridge L4H 0R9", "759f2c67-536f-4331", "", "ui-id-818", "95936a50-e195-45c4", "", "Westmount Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 851 Wonderland Rd. South London N6K 4T2", "3e082947-b2f5-4b21", "", "ui-id-819", "eb3d7a91-f713-4452", "", "Weston Veterinary Clinic | 2347 Weston Rd Toronto M9N 1Z7", "9033e6e8-1545-4ca4", "", "ui-id-820", "39b4f0a3-3c53-429b", "", "Wiarton Animal Hospital | Box 38, 10177 Highway 6 Wiarton N0H 2T0", "9f307f7d-10ee-474a", "", "ui-id-821", "096e911c-40fa-4367", "", "Wilson Mobile Veterinary Services | PO Box 912 Granton N0M 1V0", "c1b3f093-7492-4092", "", "ui-id-822", "ab3c7243-9f80-4e6b", "", "Wilson Road Veterinary Office | 371 Wilson Road S Oshawa L1H 6C6", "ffaa51b8-951f-4456", "", "ui-id-823", "162ae7ac-d617-457a", "", "Wilson Street Veterinary Clinic | 134 Wilson St. East Ancaster L9G 2B7", "87d9f9fb-b2ae-4815", "", "ui-id-824", "d84c673b-8ca7-4297", "", "Wilsons Animal Hospital | 105 Hartzel Rd St. Catharines L2P 1N2", "b4652ef6-3d4c-4ff1", "", "ui-id-825", "53d5e09b-8a50-492d", "", "Windsor Pet Hospital | 722 Tecumseh Road East Windsor N8X 4T2", "dc3e3997-b9b8-4b22", "", "ui-id-826", "4942ad9d-026b-4c86", "", "Winston Churchill Animal Hospital | Unit #5, 2980 Crosscurrent Dr Mississauga L5N 7C7", "45e4d2ce-765f-4f7f", "", "ui-id-827", "39a58b9b-b8d8-4d24", "", "Wk Foster Veterinary Professional Corporation | PO Box 208 67 Brock Street West Uxbridge L9P 1M7", "01ca5a65-e4a0-45ec", "", "ui-id-828", "e8a8c712-feb7-4f4e", "", "Yonge - 16Th Pet Hospital | 9218 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 7A2", "16e6f380-0e4e-4d86", "", "ui-id-829", "9122b119-410b-453e", "", "Yonge And St. Clair Veterinary Hospital | 33 Alvin Ave Toronto M4T 2A7", "c96a568a-0107-455d", "", "ui-id-830", "7a1f4b37-db43-4896", "", "Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital Professional Corporation | 280 Sheppard Ave. East Toronto M2N 3B1", "1dd1369e-74e5-4b91", "", "ui-id-831", "37a37d6d-30c2-4448", "", "Yonge Street Animal Hospital | 2586 Yonge St Toronto M4P2J3", "c0f90d66-8541-45e2", "", "ui-id-832", "c4a408ee-6b3e-4530", "", "Yonge-Davenport Pet Hospital | 885 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 2H2", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog", "aria-describedby", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-2", "f13f2616-ced6-46d9", "", "ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix", "e70d5708-59db-4c88", "", "ui-dialog-title", "d97e2701-4158-4fb0", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only ui-dialog-titlebar-close", "aria-disabled", "close", "c14323ac-21fc-4e48", "", "ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick", "e0eaef87-6f69-44ac", "", "ui-button-text", "9be0ed9a-d90f-4be1", "", "ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content", "d0f08e0c-0d39-4dc5", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "e290a703-a0e5-438f", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable ui-resizable", "dialog-save", "ui-id-3", "display: none; 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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e.cookiesEnabled=g(e.cookiesEnabled)&&(lpTag.cookieMethods.isCookieEnabled()||!lpTag.firstParty&&k.isChrome()&&lpTag.cookieMethods.isChromeThirdPartyEnabled()),e.localStorageEnabled=g(e.localStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isLocalStorageEnabled(),e.sessionStorageEnabled=g(e.sessionStorageEnabled)&&lpTag.storageMethods.isSessionStorageEnabled(),e.debug=T,e.isCrossDomain=\"true\"===e.isCrossDomain||e.isCrossDomain===!0,e.loc=e.loc||location.origin,e.site=e.site||lpTag.site,e}function g(e){return\"undefined\"==typeof e||e===!0||\"true\"===e}var f,d,m,h,y,v=!1,b=1e3,w=[],T=e.location.href.indexOf(\"storage.html\")>-1,k=lpTag.secureStorageUtils;return t(),{init:t,reset:n,dispose:r}}(window);"]}
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[], [], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 368, 369, 449, 7, 450], [], [364, 14, 365, 452, 132, 453, 30, 453, 48, 368, 369, 454, 7, 455], [], [364, 14, 365, 457, 132, 458, 30, 458, 48, 368, 369, 459, 7, 460], [], [132, 462, 30, 462, 48, 368, 369, 463, 7, 464], [], [364, 14, 466, 467, 365, 468, 132, 469, 30, 469, 48, 368, 369, 470, 7, 471], [], [364, 14, 466, 473, 365, 474, 132, 475, 30, 475, 48, 368, 369, 476, 7, 477], [], [364, 14, 466, 479, 365, 480, 132, 481, 30, 481, 48, 368, 369, 482, 7, 483], [], [132, 485, 30, 485, 48, 368, 369, 486, 7, 487], [], [], [185, 489, 7, 490], [], [209, 492, 132, 493, 30, 494, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 501], [], [209, 492, 132, 503, 30, 504, 48, 495, 369, -1, 496, 505, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 506], [], [], [209, 384, 185, 508, 7, 509], [], [132, 511, 209, 512, 7, 513], [], [209, 515, 516, 517, 7, 518], [], [], [], [209, 522, 516, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 14, 7, 531], [50, 533, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 529, 7, 537], [], [], [209, 540, 516, 523, 524, 536, 526, 541, 528, 542, 530, 499, 7, 543], [50, 545, 212, 546, 209, 534, 516, 535, 524, 536, 132, 542, 7, 547], [], [], [], [132, 527, 528, 529, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 14, 553, 499, 7, 554], [], [209, 557, 7, 558], [], [132, 561, 562, 563, 564, 499, 7, 565], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 568], [], [209, 399, 7, 571], [], [209, 574, 7, 575], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 578], [], [516, 580, 581, 582, 209, 583, 7, 584], [], [587, 588, 589, 563, 590, 497, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 132, 599, 30, 600, 601, 602, 48, 495, 369, -1, 209, 603, 604, 605, 498, 499, 500, 14, 606, 607, 608, 499, 609, 499, 7, 610], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 612], [], [209, 614, 7, 615], [], [209, 442, 443, 494, 444, 14, 7, 618], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 620, 562, 563, 185, 211, 7, 621], [], [209, 384, 7, 623], [], [209, 399, 7, 625], [], [406, 627, 209, 574, 7, 628], [], [], [], [209, 411, 7, 631], [], [209, 634, 635, 563, 132, 636, 30, 637, 7, 638], [369, -1, 7, 641], [], [], [369, 644, 7, 645], [], [], [369, 648, 7, 649], [], [], [369, 652, 7, 653], [], [], [369, 656, 7, 657], [], [], [369, 660, 7, 661], [], [], [369, 664, 7, 665], [], [], [369, 668, 7, 669], [], [], [369, 672, 7, 673], [], [], [676, 676, 369, 677, 7, 678], [], [], [369, 681, 7, 682], [], [], [369, 685, 7, 686], [], [], [369, 689, 7, 690], [], [], [369, 693, 7, 694], [], [], [], [], [209, 343, 7, 697], [], [209, 442, 443, 637, 444, 14, 7, 699], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 541, 528, 542, 209, 550, 516, 551, 552, 499, 553, 14, 185, 701, 7, 702], [], [209, 384, 7, 705], [], [132, 707, 185, 211, 7, 708], [], [209, 710, 7, 711], [], [7, 713], [], [], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 717], [], [209, 719, 7, 720], [], [406, 722, 7, 723], [], [], [], [209, 726, 7, 727], [], [48, 495, 132, 722, 185, 729, 369, 486, 730, -1, 7, 731], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 733], [], [48, 735, 132, 736, 185, 701, 369, 737, 212, 738, 7, 739], [], [], [], [7, 741], [], [209, 384, 7, 743], [], [209, 399, 7, 745], [], [406, 722, 7, 747], [], [], [], [209, 399, 7, 750], [], [132, 752, 209, 634, 7, 753], [], [369, 755, 7, 756], [], [], [369, 470, 7, 759], [], [], [369, 762, 7, 763], [], [], [369, 766, 7, 767], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 770, 185, 771, 7, 772], [185, 774, 7, 775], [185, 777, 7, 778], [], [], [], [496, 782, 364, 14, 365, 783, 132, 784, 30, 785, 48, 368, 369, 786, 7, 787], [], [7, 789], [], [], [209, 384, 7, 792], [], [209, 343, 7, 794], [], [209, 796, 7, 797], [], [209, 801, 48, 802, 803, 804, 7, 805], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 808, 209, 265, 7, 809], [], [209, 812, 7, 813], [], [185, 816, 209, 817, 80, 818, 7, 819], [], [], [], [], [209, 823, 7, 824], [], [209, 826, 7, 827], [], [209, 829, 7, 830], [], [132, 832, 7, 833], [], [7, 835], [], [7, 839], [], [50, 842, 273, 274, 7, 843], [7, 846], [], [], [], [7, 851], [], [7, 854], [], [50, 857, 273, 274, 7, 858], [7, 860], [], [], [7, 864], [], [7, 867], [], [7, 869], [], [7, 871], [], [], [7, 874], [], [7, 877], [], [], 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516, 535, 7, 1076], [132, 1078, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1079], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1082], [132, 1084, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1085], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1088], [132, 1090, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1091], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1094], [132, 1096, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1097], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1100], [132, 1102, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1103], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1106], [132, 1108, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1109], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1112], [132, 1114, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1115], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1118], [132, 1120, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1121], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1124], [132, 1126, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1127], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1130], [132, 1132, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1133], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1136], [132, 1138, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1139], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1142], [132, 1144, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1145], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1148], [132, 1150, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1151], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1154], [132, 1156, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1157], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1160], [132, 1162, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1163], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1166], [132, 1168, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1169], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1172], [132, 1174, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1175], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1178], [132, 1180, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1181], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1184], [132, 1186, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1187], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1190], [132, 1192, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1193], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1196], [132, 1198, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1199], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1202], [132, 1204, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1205], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1208], [132, 1210, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1211], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1214], [132, 1216, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1217], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1220], [132, 1222, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1223], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1226], [132, 1228, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1229], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1232], [132, 1234, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1235], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1238], [132, 1240, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1241], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1244], [132, 1246, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1247], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1250], [132, 1252, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1253], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1256], [132, 1258, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1259], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1262], [132, 1264, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1265], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1268], [132, 1270, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1271], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1274], [132, 1276, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1277], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1280], [132, 1282, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1283], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1286], [132, 1288, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1289], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1292], [132, 1294, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1295], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1298], [132, 1300, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1301], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1304], [132, 1306, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1307], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1310], [132, 1312, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1313], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1316], [132, 1318, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1319], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1322], [132, 1324, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1325], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1328], [132, 1330, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1331], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1334], [132, 1336, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1337], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1340], [132, 1342, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1343], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1346], [132, 1348, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1349], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1352], [132, 1354, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1355], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1358], [132, 1360, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1361], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1364], [132, 1366, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1367], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1370], [132, 1372, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1373], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1376], [132, 1378, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1379], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1382], [132, 1384, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1385], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1388], [132, 1390, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1391], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1394], [132, 1396, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1397], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1400], [132, 1402, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1403], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1406], [132, 1408, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1409], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1412], [132, 1414, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1415], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1418], [132, 1420, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1421], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1424], [132, 1426, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1427], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1430], [132, 1432, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1433], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1436], [132, 1438, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1439], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1442], [132, 1444, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1445], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1448], [132, 1450, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1451], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1454], [132, 1456, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1457], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1460], [132, 1462, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1463], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1466], [132, 1468, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1469], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1472], [132, 1474, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1475], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1478], [132, 1480, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1481], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1484], [132, 1486, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1487], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1490], [132, 1492, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1493], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1496], [132, 1498, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1499], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1502], [132, 1504, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1505], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1508], [132, 1510, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1511], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1514], [132, 1516, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1517], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1520], [132, 1522, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1523], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1526], [132, 1528, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1529], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1532], [132, 1534, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1535], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1538], [132, 1540, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1541], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1544], [132, 1546, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1547], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1550], [132, 1552, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1553], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1556], [132, 1558, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1559], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1562], [132, 1564, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1565], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1568], [132, 1570, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1571], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1574], [132, 1576, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1577], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1580], [132, 1582, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1583], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1586], [132, 1588, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1589], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1592], [132, 1594, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1595], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1598], [132, 1600, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1601], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1604], [132, 1606, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1607], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1610], [132, 1612, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1613], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1616], [132, 1618, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1619], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1622], [132, 1624, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1625], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1628], [132, 1630, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1631], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1634], [132, 1636, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1637], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1640], [132, 1642, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1643], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1646], [132, 1648, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1649], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1652], [132, 1654, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1655], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1658], [132, 1660, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1661], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1664], [132, 1666, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1667], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1670], [132, 1672, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1673], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1676], [132, 1678, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1679], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1682], [132, 1684, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1685], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1688], [132, 1690, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1691], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1694], [132, 1696, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1697], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1700], [132, 1702, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1703], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1706], [132, 1708, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1709], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1712], [132, 1714, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1715], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1718], [132, 1720, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1721], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1724], [132, 1726, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1727], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1730], [132, 1732, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1733], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1736], [132, 1738, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1739], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1742], [132, 1744, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1745], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1748], [132, 1750, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1751], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1754], [132, 1756, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1757], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1760], [132, 1762, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1763], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1766], [132, 1768, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1769], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1772], [132, 1774, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1775], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1778], [132, 1780, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1781], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1784], [132, 1786, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1787], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1790], [132, 1792, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1793], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1796], [132, 1798, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1799], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1802], [132, 1804, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1805], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1808], [132, 1810, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1811], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1814], [132, 1816, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1817], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1820], [132, 1822, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1823], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1826], [132, 1828, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1829], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1832], [132, 1834, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1835], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1838], [132, 1840, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1841], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1844], [132, 1846, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1847], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1850], [132, 1852, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1853], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1856], [132, 1858, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1859], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1862], [132, 1864, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1865], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1868], [132, 1870, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1871], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1874], [132, 1876, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1877], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1880], [132, 1882, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1883], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1886], [132, 1888, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1889], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1892], [132, 1894, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1895], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1898], [132, 1900, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1901], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1904], [132, 1906, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1907], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1910], [132, 1912, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1913], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1916], [132, 1918, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1919], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1922], [132, 1924, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1925], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1928], [132, 1930, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1931], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1934], [132, 1936, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1937], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1940], [132, 1942, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1943], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1946], [132, 1948, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1949], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1952], [132, 1954, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1955], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1958], [132, 1960, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1961], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1964], [132, 1966, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1967], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1970], [132, 1972, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1973], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1976], [132, 1978, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1979], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1982], [132, 1984, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1985], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1988], [132, 1990, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 1991], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 1994], [132, 1996, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 1997], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2000], [132, 2002, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2003], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2006], [132, 2008, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2009], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2012], [132, 2014, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2015], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2018], [132, 2020, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2021], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2024], [132, 2026, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2027], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2030], [132, 2032, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2033], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2036], [132, 2038, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2039], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2042], [132, 2044, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2045], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2048], [132, 2050, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2051], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2054], [132, 2056, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2057], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2060], [132, 2062, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2063], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2066], [132, 2068, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2069], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2072], [132, 2074, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2075], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2078], [132, 2080, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2081], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2084], [132, 2086, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2087], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2090], [132, 2092, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2093], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2096], [132, 2098, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2099], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2102], [132, 2104, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2105], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2108], [132, 2110, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2111], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2114], [132, 2116, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2117], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2120], [132, 2122, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2123], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2126], [132, 2128, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2129], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2132], [132, 2134, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2135], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2138], [132, 2140, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2141], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2144], [132, 2146, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2147], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2150], [132, 2152, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2153], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2156], [132, 2158, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2159], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2162], [132, 2164, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2165], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2168], [132, 2170, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2171], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2174], [132, 2176, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2177], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2180], [132, 2182, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2183], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2186], [132, 2188, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2189], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2192], [132, 2194, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2195], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2198], [132, 2200, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2201], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2204], [132, 2206, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2207], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2210], [132, 2212, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2213], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2216], [132, 2218, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2219], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2222], [132, 2224, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2225], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2228], [132, 2230, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2231], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2234], [132, 2236, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2237], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2240], [132, 2242, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2243], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2246], [132, 2248, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2249], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2252], [132, 2254, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2255], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2258], [132, 2260, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2261], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2264], [132, 2266, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2267], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2270], [132, 2272, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2273], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2276], [132, 2278, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2279], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2282], [132, 2284, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2285], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2288], [132, 2290, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2291], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2294], [132, 2296, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2297], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2300], [132, 2302, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2303], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2305], [132, 2307, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2308], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2311], [132, 2313, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2314], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2317], [132, 2319, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2320], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2323], [132, 2325, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2326], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2329], [132, 2331, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2332], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2335], [132, 2337, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2338], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2341], [132, 2343, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2344], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2347], [132, 2349, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2350], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2353], [132, 2355, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2356], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2359], [132, 2361, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2362], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2365], [132, 2367, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2368], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2371], [132, 2373, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2374], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2377], [132, 2379, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2380], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2383], [132, 2385, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2386], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2389], [132, 2391, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2392], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2395], [132, 2397, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2398], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2401], [132, 2403, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2404], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2407], [132, 2409, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2410], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2413], [132, 2415, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2416], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2419], [132, 2421, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2422], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2425], [132, 2427, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2428], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2431], [132, 2433, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2434], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2437], [132, 2439, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2440], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2443], [132, 2445, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2446], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2449], [132, 2451, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2452], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2455], [132, 2457, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2458], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2461], [132, 2463, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2464], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2467], [132, 2469, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2470], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2473], [132, 2475, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2476], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2479], [132, 2481, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2482], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2485], [132, 2487, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2488], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2491], [132, 2493, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2494], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2497], [132, 2499, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2500], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2503], [132, 2505, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2506], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2509], [132, 2511, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2512], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2515], [132, 2517, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2518], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2521], [132, 2523, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2524], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2527], [132, 2529, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2530], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2533], [132, 2535, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2536], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2539], [132, 2541, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2542], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2545], [132, 2547, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2548], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2551], [132, 2553, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2554], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2557], [132, 2559, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2560], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2563], [132, 2565, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2566], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2569], [132, 2571, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2572], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2575], [132, 2577, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2578], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2581], [132, 2583, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2584], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2587], [132, 2589, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2590], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2593], [132, 2595, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2596], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2599], [132, 2601, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2602], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2605], [132, 2607, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2608], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2611], [132, 2613, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2614], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2617], [132, 2619, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2620], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2623], [132, 2625, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2626], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2629], [132, 2631, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2632], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2635], [132, 2637, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2638], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2641], [132, 2643, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2644], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2647], [132, 2649, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2650], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2653], [132, 2655, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2656], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2659], [132, 2661, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2662], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2665], [132, 2667, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2668], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2671], [132, 2673, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2674], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2677], [132, 2679, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2680], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2683], [132, 2685, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2686], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2689], [132, 2691, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2692], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2695], [132, 2697, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2698], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2701], [132, 2703, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2704], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2707], [132, 2709, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2710], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2713], [132, 2715, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2716], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2719], [132, 2721, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2722], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2725], [132, 2727, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2728], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2731], [132, 2733, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2734], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2737], [132, 2739, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2740], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2743], [132, 2745, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2746], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2749], [132, 2751, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2752], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2755], [132, 2757, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2758], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2761], [132, 2763, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2764], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2767], [132, 2769, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2770], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2773], [132, 2775, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2776], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2779], [132, 2781, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2782], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2785], [132, 2787, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2788], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2791], [132, 2793, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2794], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2797], [132, 2799, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2800], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2803], [132, 2805, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2806], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2809], [132, 2811, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2812], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2815], [132, 2817, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2818], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2821], [132, 2823, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2824], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2827], [132, 2829, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2830], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2833], [132, 2835, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2836], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2839], [132, 2841, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2842], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2845], [132, 2847, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2848], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2851], [132, 2853, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2854], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2857], [132, 2859, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2860], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2863], [132, 2865, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2866], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2869], [132, 2871, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2872], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2875], [132, 2877, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2878], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2881], [132, 2883, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2884], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2887], [132, 2889, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2890], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2893], [132, 2895, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2896], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2899], [132, 2901, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2902], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2905], [132, 2907, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2908], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2911], [132, 2913, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2914], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2917], [132, 2919, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2920], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2923], [132, 2925, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2926], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2929], [132, 2931, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2932], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2935], [132, 2937, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2938], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2941], [132, 2943, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2944], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2947], [132, 2949, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2950], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2953], [132, 2955, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2956], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2959], [132, 2961, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2962], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2965], [132, 2967, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2968], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2971], [132, 2973, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2974], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2977], [132, 2979, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2980], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2983], [132, 2985, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2986], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2989], [132, 2991, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 2992], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 2995], [132, 2997, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 2998], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3001], [132, 3003, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3004], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3007], [132, 3009, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3010], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3013], [132, 3015, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3016], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3019], [132, 3021, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3022], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3025], [132, 3027, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3028], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3031], [132, 3033, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3034], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3037], [132, 3039, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3040], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3043], [132, 3045, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3046], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3049], [132, 3051, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3052], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3055], [132, 3057, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3058], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3061], [132, 3063, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3064], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3067], [132, 3069, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3070], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3073], [132, 3075, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3076], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3079], [132, 3081, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3082], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3085], [132, 3087, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3088], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3091], [132, 3093, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3094], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3097], [132, 3099, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3100], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3103], [132, 3105, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3106], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3109], [132, 3111, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3112], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3115], [132, 3117, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3118], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3121], [132, 3123, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3124], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3127], [132, 3129, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3130], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3133], [132, 3135, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3136], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3139], [132, 3141, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3142], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3145], [132, 3147, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3148], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3151], [132, 3153, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3154], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3157], [132, 3159, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3160], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3163], [132, 3165, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3166], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3169], [132, 3171, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3172], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3175], [132, 3177, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3178], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3181], [132, 3183, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3184], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3187], [132, 3189, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3190], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3193], [132, 3195, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3196], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3199], [132, 3201, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3202], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3205], [132, 3207, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3208], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3211], [132, 3213, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3214], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3217], [132, 3219, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3220], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3223], [132, 3225, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3226], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3229], [132, 3231, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3232], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3235], [132, 3237, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3238], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3241], [132, 3243, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3244], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3247], [132, 3249, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3250], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3253], [132, 3255, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3256], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3259], [132, 3261, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3262], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3265], [132, 3267, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3268], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3271], [132, 3273, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3274], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3277], [132, 3279, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3280], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3283], [132, 3285, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3286], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3289], [132, 3291, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3292], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3295], [132, 3297, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3298], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3301], [132, 3303, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3304], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3307], [132, 3309, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3310], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3313], [132, 3315, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3316], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3319], [132, 3321, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3322], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3325], [132, 3327, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3328], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3331], [132, 3333, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3334], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3337], [132, 3339, 209, 999, 524, 536, 7, 3340], [], [209, 995, 516, 535, 7, 3343], [132, 3345, 209, 1006, 524, 536, 7, 3346], [], [209, 3349, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3352, 528, 3353, 185, 701, 7, 3354], [209, 3356, 7, 3357], [132, 3353, 209, 3359, 7, 3360], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364, 7, 3365], [209, 3367, 7, 3368], [209, 3370, 7, 3371], [], [132, 3352, 185, -1, 209, 3373, 7, 3374], [], [209, 3376, 7, 3377], [], [209, 3379, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3380, 528, 3381, 185, 3382, 7, 3383], [209, 3356, 7, 3385], [132, 3381, 209, 3359, 7, 3387], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364, 7, 3390], [209, 3367, 7, 3392], [209, 3370, 7, 3394], [], [132, 3380, 3396, 3397, 3398, 3399, 185, -1, 209, 3373, 7, 3400], [], [132, 3402, 185, 701, 7, 3403], [], [913, 3405, 80, 3406, 7, 3407], [], [], [132, 3410, 7, 3411], [], [353, 3414, 132, 3415, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3416], [364, 14, 365, 366, 132, 367, 30, 367, 48, 368, 369, 370, 7, 3418], [364, 14, 365, 373, 132, 374, 30, 374, 48, 368, 369, 375, 7, 3420], [496, 3422, 364, 14, 365, 3423, 132, 3424, 30, 3424, 48, 368, 369, 3425, 7, 3426], [496, 3428, 364, 14, 365, 3429, 132, 3430, 30, 3430, 48, 368, 369, 3425, 7, 3431], [496, 3433, 364, 14, 365, 3434, 132, 3435, 30, 3435, 48, 368, 369, 3425, 7, 3436], [364, 14, 365, 3438, 132, 3439, 30, 3439, 48, 368, 369, 3440, 7, 3441], [], [185, 3443, 7, 3444], [], [], [132, 3447, 7, 3448], [], [7, 3450], [], [7, 3452], [], [406, 3454, 7, 3455], [], [], [], [7, 3459], [], [406, 3461, 7, 3462], [], [], [], [7, 3465], [], [406, 462, 7, 3467], [], [], [], [7, 3470], [], [406, 3472, 7, 3473], [], [], [], [], [7, 3475], [], [7, 3477], [], [406, 3479, 7, 3480], [], [], [3483, 3484, 364, 14, 3485, 3486, 3487, 3488, 365, 3489, 132, 3479, 30, 3479, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3490], [], [185, 3492, 7, 3493], [], [209, 442, 443, 3479, 444, 14, 185, 3495, 7, 3496], [], [], [], [7, 3498], [], [406, 3500, 7, 3501], [], [], [3483, 3504, 364, 14, 3485, 3505, 3487, 3488, 365, 3506, 132, 3500, 30, 3500, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3507], [], [185, 3492, 7, 3509], [], [209, 442, 443, 3500, 444, 14, 185, 3495, 7, 3511], [], [], [], [7, 3513], [], [406, 3515, 7, 3516], [], [], [3483, 3519, 364, 14, 3485, 3520, 3487, 3521, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 365, 3526, 132, 3515, 30, 3515, 48, 495, 369, 3527, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3528], [], [185, 3492, 7, 3530], [], [209, 442, 443, 3515, 444, 14, 185, 3495, 7, 3532], [], [], [], [7, 3534], [], [406, 3536, 7, 3537], [], [], [209, 3540, 364, 14, 365, 3541, 132, 3536, 30, 3536, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3542], [], [185, 3492, 7, 3544], [], [209, 442, 443, 3536, 444, 14, 185, 3495, 7, 3546], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3548, 7, 3549], [209, 3551, 7, 3552], [48, 735, 209, 3554, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3555], [209, 3370, 7, 3557], [], [48, 735, 209, 3559, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3560], [209, 3370, 7, 3562], [], [209, 3564, 185, 3565, 7, 3566], [209, 3568, 185, 3565, 7, 3569], [209, 3571, 185, 3565, 7, 3572], [209, 3574, 185, 3565, 7, 3575], [209, 3577, 185, 3565, 7, 3578], [209, 3580, 185, 3565, 7, 3581], [209, 3583, 185, 3565, 7, 3584], [209, 3586, 185, 3565, 7, 3587], [209, 3379, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3589, 528, 3590, 185, 3382, 7, 3591], [209, 3356, 7, 3593], [132, 3590, 209, 3359, 7, 3595], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364, 7, 3598], [209, 3367, 7, 3600], [209, 3370, 7, 3602], [], [132, 3589, 3396, 3604, 3398, 3605, 3606, 3607, 185, -1, 209, 3373, 7, 3608], [], [132, 3610, 7, 3611], [], [], [209, 3548, 7, 3614], [209, 3551, 7, 3616], [48, 735, 209, 3618, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3619], [209, 3370, 7, 3621], [], [48, 735, 209, 3559, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3623], [209, 3370, 7, 3625], [], [209, 3564, 185, 3565, 7, 3627], [209, 3568, 185, 3565, 7, 3629], [209, 3571, 185, 3565, 7, 3631], [209, 3574, 185, 3565, 7, 3633], [209, 3577, 185, 3565, 7, 3635], [209, 3580, 185, 3565, 7, 3637], [209, 3583, 185, 3565, 7, 3639], [209, 3586, 185, 3565, 7, 3641], [209, 3379, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3643, 528, 3644, 185, 3382, 7, 3645], [209, 3356, 7, 3647], [132, 3644, 209, 3359, 7, 3649], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364, 7, 3652], [209, 3367, 7, 3654], [209, 3370, 7, 3656], [], [209, 3548, 7, 3658], [209, 3551, 7, 3660], [48, 735, 209, 3662, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3663], [209, 3370, 7, 3665], [], [48, 735, 209, 3662, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3668], [209, 3370, 7, 3670], [], [209, 3564, 185, 3565, 7, 3673], [209, 3568, 185, 3565, 7, 3675], [209, 3571, 185, 3565, 7, 3677], [209, 3574, 185, 3565, 7, 3679], [209, 3577, 185, 3565, 7, 3681], [209, 3580, 185, 3565, 7, 3683], [209, 3583, 185, 3565, 7, 3685], [209, 3586, 185, 3565, 7, 3687], [209, 3379, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3689, 528, 3690, 185, 3382, 7, 3691], [209, 3356, 7, 3693], [132, 3690, 209, 3359, 7, 3695], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364, 7, 3698], [209, 3367, 7, 3700], [209, 3370, 7, 3702], [], [209, 3548, 7, 3704], [209, 3551, 7, 3706], [48, 735, 209, 3662, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3708], [209, 3370, 7, 3710], [], [48, 735, 209, 3662, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3712], [209, 3370, 7, 3714], [], [209, 3564, 185, 3565, 7, 3716], [209, 3568, 185, 3565, 7, 3718], [209, 3571, 185, 3565, 7, 3720], [209, 3574, 185, 3565, 7, 3722], [209, 3577, 185, 3565, 7, 3724], [209, 3580, 185, 3565, 7, 3726], [209, 3583, 185, 3565, 7, 3728], [209, 3586, 185, 3565, 7, 3730], [209, 3732, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3733, 528, 3734, 185, 701, 7, 3735], [209, 3356, 7, 3737], [132, 3734, 209, 3359, 7, 3739], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364, 7, 3742], [209, 3367, 7, 3744], [209, 3370, 7, 3746], [], [209, 3548, 7, 3748], [209, 3551, 7, 3750], [48, 735, 209, 3559, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3752], [209, 3370, 7, 3754], [], [209, 3732, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3756, 528, 3757, 185, 701, 7, 3758], [209, 3356, 7, 3760], [132, 3757, 209, 3359, 7, 3762], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364, 7, 3764], [209, 3367, 7, 3766], [209, 3370, 7, 3768], [], [209, 3548, 7, 3770], [209, 3551, 7, 3772], [48, 735, 209, 3559, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 7, 3774], [209, 3370, 7, 3776], [], [185, 3778, 7, 3779], [], [48, 87, 7, 3781], [], [], [185, 3778, 7, 3784], [7, 3786], [], [185, 3778, 7, 3789], [], [48, 87, 7, 3791], [], [], [524, 536, 553, 14, 516, 535, 803, 3794, 30, 3795, 132, 3795, 80, 3796, 185, 3797, 7, 3798], [132, 3800, 80, 3801, 7, 3802], [185, 3805, 7, 3806], [3808, 3809, 185, 3810, 7, 3811], [185, 3813, 7, 3814], [46, 55, 50, 3816, 7, 3817], [185, 3810, 7, 3819], [185, 3813, 7, 3821], [46, 55, 50, 3816, 7, 3823], [209, 3379, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3643, 528, 991, 185, 3382], [209, 3356], [132, 991, 209, 3359], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364], [209, 3367], [209, 3370], [], [132, 3643, 185, -1, 209, 3373, 7, 3825], [], [353, 3828, 132, 3829, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3830], [], [209, 3832, 7, 3833], [], [209, 3836, 7, 3837], [], [7, 3840], [], [7, 3842], [], [209, 402, 7, 3844], [209, 3846, 7, 3847], [], [406, 3850, 7, 3851], [], [], [209, 492, 364, 14, 3485, 3854, 3487, 3488, 365, 3855, 132, 3850, 30, 3850, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3856], [], [209, 442, 443, 3850, 444, 14, 7, 3858], [], [], [7, 3860], [], [209, 402, 7, 3862], [209, 3846, 7, 3864], [], [406, 3866, 7, 3867], [], [], [364, 14, 3485, 3520, 3487, 3521, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 365, 3526, 132, 3866, 30, 3866, 48, 495, 369, -1, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3870], [], [209, 442, 443, 3866, 444, 14, 7, 3872], [], [], [7, 3874], [], [209, 402, 7, 3876], [209, 3846, 7, 3878], [], [406, 3880, 7, 3881], [], [], [7, 3884], [], [3887, 766, 364, 14, 365, 3888, 132, 3880, 30, 3880, 3889, 755, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3890], [], [209, 442, 443, 3880, 444, 14, 7, 3892], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3894], [], [132, 448, 30, 448, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3896], [], [132, 3518, 30, 3518, 48, 495, 369, -1, 7, 3898], [], [], [], [], [], [209, 3548], [209, 3551], [48, 735, 209, 3662, 516, 735, 3363, 499], [209, 3370], [], [48, 735, 209, 3662, 516, 735, 3363, 499], [209, 3370], [], [209, 3564, 185, 3565], [209, 3568, 185, 3565], [209, 3571, 185, 3565], [209, 3574, 185, 3565], [209, 3577, 185, 3565], [209, 3580, 185, 3565], [209, 3583, 185, 3565], [209, 3586, 185, 3565], [209, 3379, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3689, 528, 3353, 185, 3382], [209, 3356], [132, 3353, 209, 3359], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364], [209, 3367], [209, 3370], [], [132, 3689, 185, -1, 209, 3373, 7, 3900], [], [132, 3903, 353, 3904, 358, 359, 360, 360, 7, 3905], [], [48, 368, 132, 3907, 30, 3907, 369, 14, 7, 3908], [], [7, 3910], [], [7, 3912], [], [406, 3914, 7, 3915], [], [], [48, 495, 132, 3914, 30, 3918, 365, 3489, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3919], [], [185, 3921, 7, 3922], [], [209, 442, 443, 3918, 444, 14, 7, 3924], [], [], [], [7, 3927], [], [406, 3929, 7, 3930], [], [], [132, 3929, 365, 3541, 30, 3536, 48, 3933, 209, 3540, 7, 3934], [], [185, 3921, 7, 3936], [], [209, 442, 443, 3536, 444, 14, 7, 3938], [], [], [], [7, 3940], [], [406, 3942, 7, 3943], [], [], [209, 634, 132, 3942, 30, 3947, 185, -1, 7, 3948], [369, 3950, 7, 3951], [], [], [369, 3953, 7, 3954], [], [], [369, 3956, 7, 3957], [], [], [369, 3959, 7, 3960], [], [], [369, 3962, 7, 3963], [], [], [369, 3965, 7, 3966], [], [], [], [], [7, 3969], [], [406, 3971, 7, 3972], [], [], [132, 3971, 30, 3975, 3889, 3976, 3887, 3488, 498, 499, 500, 14, 7, 3977], [], [], [], [], [209, 3548], [209, 3551], [48, 735, 209, 3662, 516, 735, 3363, 499], [209, 3370], [], [48, 735, 209, 3662, 516, 735, 3363, 499], [209, 3370], [], [209, 3564, 185, 3565], [209, 3568, 185, 3565], [209, 3571, 185, 3565], [209, 3574, 185, 3565], [209, 3577, 185, 3565], [209, 3580, 185, 3565], [209, 3583, 185, 3565], [209, 3586, 185, 3565], [209, 3732, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3733, 528, 3381, 185, 701], [209, 3356], [132, 3381, 209, 3359], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364], [209, 3367], [209, 3370], [], [132, 3733, 185, -1, 209, 3373, 7, 3979], [], [132, 3981, 7, 3982], [], [209, 3548], [209, 3551], [48, 735, 209, 3559, 516, 735, 3363, 499], [209, 3370], [], [209, 3732, 524, 536, 516, 3350, 3351, 3756, 528, 3590, 185, 701], [209, 3356], [132, 3590, 209, 3359], [], [48, 735, 209, 3362, 516, 735, 3363, 499, 803, 3364], [209, 3367], [209, 3370], [], [132, 3756, 185, -1, 209, 3373, 7, 3984], [], [132, 3986, 7, 3987], [], [], [209, 3548], [209, 3551], [48, 735, 209, 3559, 516, 735, 3363, 499], [209, 3370], [], [185, 3778], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 3778], [], [48, 87], [], [], [185, 3778], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2101, 2205], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [190, 191, 222, 227, 239, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253, 258, 260, 299, 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62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 295.34375, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 890.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 341.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 325.96875], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 314.8125, 320.84375, 17], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 48], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 38], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 347.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 365.8125, 1264, 20], [8, 370.8125, 59.328125, 14], [13, 368.8125, 13, 13], [29, 370.8125, 3, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [32, 370.8125, 35.328125, 14], [67.328125, 370.8125, 48.65625, 14], [72.328125, 368.8125, 13, 13], [88.328125, 370.8125, 3, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [91.328125, 370.8125, 24.65625, 14], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 385.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 385.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 405.8125, 205, 21], [213, 406.8125, 4, 17], [217, 405.8125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 234.96875], [8, 405.8125, 1264, 219.96875], [12.515625, 410.328125, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [17.03125, 414.84375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [17.03125, 457.296875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 415.84375, 177.03125, 42.453125], [18.03125, 416.84375, 175.03125, 40.453125], [35.625, 426.640625, 139.84375, 20], [197.578125, 415.84375, 164.328125, 41.453125], [198.578125, 416.84375, 162.328125, 40.453125], [216.171875, 426.640625, 127.140625, 20], [12.515625, 458.296875, 1254.96875, 118.375], [37.140625, 493.484375, 1205.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 21], [59.140625, 493.484375, 7, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 48], [77.140625, 493.484375, 1165.71875, 21], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [77.140625, 493.484375, 223.9375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 514.484375, 1165.71875, 27], [76.140625, 513.484375, 1, 1], [76.140625, 513.484375, 74.34375, 251], [77.140625, 514.484375, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 1165.71875, 0], [77.140625, 541.484375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 0], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 1254.96875, 27], [12.515625, 594.265625, 86.4375, 27], [20.515625, 597.265625, 70.4375, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 656.78125, 1264, 0], [58.546875, 656.78125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 533], [8, 672.78125, 1264, 72], [8, 672.78125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 708.78125, 0, 17], [8, 726.78125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 726.78125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 726.78125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 760.78125, 0, 17], [8, 794.78125, 1264, 36], [8, 794.78125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 794.78125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 794.78125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 794.78125, 0, 17], [8, 812.78125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 812.78125, 0, 17], [8, 846.78125, 0, 17], [8, 880.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 880.78125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 914.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 914.78125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 914.78125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 914.78125, 0, 17], [8, 948.78125, 0, 17], [8, 982.78125, 1264, 18], [8, 982.78125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 982.78125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 982.78125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 982.78125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 982.78125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 1016.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 0], [8, 1050.78125, 1264, 54], [8, 1050.78125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 1050.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 1068.78125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 1068.78125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 1120.78125, 0, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 1264, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 1154.78125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 1154.78125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 1154.78125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 1154.78125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 1154.78125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1187.78125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 234, 230, -1, 239, 240, -1, 243, -1, 247, 226, -1, -1, 254, -1, -1, 260, 262, 222, -1, -1, 271, 226, -1, 230, -1, 279, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 289, -1, 226, 222, -1, -1, -1, 304, -1, -1, -1, -1, 317, 319, -1, -1, 317, 323, -1, -1, 317, 326, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 393, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 410, 289, -1, -1, -1, 426, -1, 429, -1, -1, 426, -1, 439, 230, -1, -1, 230, -1, -1, 226, -1, 222, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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[31, 281, 7, 18], [], [8, 315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 891], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 342], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 326], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [8, 315, 1264, 18], [], [8, 348, 1264, 48], [8, 348, 1264, 38], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 1264, 18], [8, 348, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 366, 1264, 20], [8, 371, 59, 14], [13, 369, 13, 13], [], [32, 371, 35, 14], [], [67, 371, 49, 14], [72, 369, 13, 13], [], [91, 371, 25, 14], [], [], [8, 386, 1264, 0], [8, 386, 0, 0], [], [8, 406, 1264, 0], [8, 406, 205, 21], [], [217, 406, 205, 21], [], [8, 406, 1264, 235], [8, 406, 1264, 220], [4, 4, 1255, 48], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 8, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 50, 0, 0], [8, 9, 177, 42], [0, 0, 175, 40], [], [189, 9, 164, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [4, 51, 1255, 118], [28, 87, 1206, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [50, 87, 7, 21], [50, 87, 7, 21], [68, 87, 1166, 48], [68, 87, 1166, 21], [68, 87, 224, 20], [], [], [68, 108, 1166, 27], [67, 107, 1, 1], [], [68, 108, 262, 27], [], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 1166, 0], [68, 135, 0, 0], [], [4, 187, 1255, 0], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 1255, 27], [4, 187, 86, 27], [], [], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [8, 657, 1264, 0], [59, 657, 0, 0], [], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 0], [8, 673, 1264, 533], [8, 673, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 727, 106, 17], [124, 727, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 795, 1264, 36], [], [504, 795, 176, 17], [504, 795, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 881, 1264, 18], [], [8, 915, 1264, 18], [8, 915, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 983, 1264, 18], [], [753, 983, 121, 17], [753, 983, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [1084, 983, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 0], [8, 1051, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [761, 1069, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155, 1264, 17], [8, 1155, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 1155, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 1155, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1280, 1214], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1198], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 891], 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[0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 1198], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 891], [0, 0, 1264, 891], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 342], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 326], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 48], [0, 0, 1264, 38], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], 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0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 74, 80, 85, 87, 90, 92, 99, 117, 120, 125, 129, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 133, 145, 156, 156, 156, 157, 158, 161, 162, 163, 165, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 186, 187, 187, 190, 191, 192, 195, 196, 197, 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Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "BR", "1624f4ea-f1d5-4051", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "a668d15f-7dee-440f", "", "U", "0f5c0ba1-aeda-44da", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "f9447568-8675-49fc", "", "\n ", "5f696ce4-fc10-4b94", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "634edf98-dd3d-4c1e", "", "670e6673-a771-4cc7", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "867dd527-dafc-42de", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "61c1cb1d-9291-4d91", "", "b65f3282-cbd9-4356", "", "ffaf9dea-f031-46e4", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "b54f94c7-1f88-4630", "", "\n ", "2242f5ea-e4b5-4a2d", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "982ad797-daf7-4f93", "", "984a65f5-2b00-4f4c", "", "7d2d3e49-9f0c-4e18", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "9c39bda4-9bb9-4702", "", "c23e02ac-fddb-4373", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "b0439593-292f-4372", "", "8d2070e6-50fb-4fe6", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "13e80ffb-7dfd-4fd3", "", "copyright", "a3d027f2-7aca-4acf", "", "f8aafd36-f3f5-4ca4", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "c28caece-b4dd-44be", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "043076d3-adf3-41d1", "", "678c22dd-8302-4694", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "94ecd908-e703-4b56", "", "line-height: 17px;", "4249c3a9-3985-46a2", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "97972877-b220-47d1", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "98c56cb5-2b00-43af", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "1c5b8511-fbb8-485e", "", "Complaint Policy", "2a512628-cca8-4aa6", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "eb7d123a-6ae5-4951", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "22dcc2e0-4da5-4eb0", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "4779eb1c-49e3-4f00", "", "/Quote/Static/", "7959e145-8196-40f6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5eb403f8-deaf-4d13", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "3d38344a-71d5-4a31", "", "/Quote/Static/", "0554471f-ea6e-43e6", "", "/Quote/Static/", "f4ac4a2f-1259-4718", "", "/Quote/Static/", "07b30fb8-9483-4589", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "4072de1a-f86d-42e2", "", "\n\n \n ", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step2JS?v=8hJ5_mXyq8hc9382Ff7AyvhDY119DLmtV50LGlGZx_k1", "7c0620af-dfbe-4ff6", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "c888d5b0-a2c3-473b", "", "\n\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "c835775a-8633-4028", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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Marie P6A 3S5", "fb8950b2-a9e0-4ecc", "", "ui-id-444", "3a581f88-31af-4a8f", "", "Acton Veterinary Clinic | 93 Mill St E Acton L7J 1H5", "99549970-e7ab-4931", "", "ui-id-445", "618bf31c-5fe2-42bb", "", "Ajax North Pet Hospital | 10-201 Williamson Dr. West AJAX L1T 0J8", "c9c2b13e-d39c-41fa", "", "ui-id-446", "85d6782d-6064-463e", "", "Albion Hills Veterinary Hospital | 16630 Hwy 50 Caledon L7E 3E7", "14c843eb-8cb5-4da9", "", "ui-id-447", "dbba6b46-175d-40bf", "", "Alcona Animal Hospital | 1070 Innisfil Beach Rd Innisfil L9S 4T9", "90cccfa6-ad29-454b", "", "ui-id-448", "7f34366c-9541-4160", "", "Algonquin Animal Hospital | 1945 Baseline Road Ottawa K2C 0C7", "448a5c3c-eaa7-48b0", "", "ui-id-449", "9abd8e52-f839-4910", "", "Algonquin College Veterinary Learning Centre And Clinic | 1385 Woodroffe Avenue Ottawa K2G 1V8", "615f8d86-ea7c-40b5", "", "ui-id-450", "239a0c2b-3b50-4f71", "", "Algonquin East Animal Hospital | 19162 Highway 60, RR#2 Barry's Bay K0J 1B0", "62e2f3d2-653b-4372", "", "ui-id-451", "cfc382bd-ac28-4f2a", "", "Allison Mobile Veterinary Hospital | Schomberg L0G 1T0", "79d6c87a-bbbe-4c31", "", "ui-id-452", "061d212a-0f62-4538", "", "Alliston Veterinary Services | 2 King Street South Unit 2 Alliston L9R 1H6", "ba86a180-4830-4847", "", "ui-id-453", "5b856a52-c89b-43a3", "", "Almonte Veterinary Hospital | 10 Industrial Dr Almonte K0A 1A0", "49fde601-ef23-4a28", "", "ui-id-454", "129ca1d4-5412-43b3", "", "Alton Village Animal Hospital | 4900 Palladium Way, unit 102 Burlington L7M 0W7", "d8cff2d8-8948-4665", "", "ui-id-455", "ffd5603a-41e6-4800", "", "Amherstview Pet Hospital | 4507 Bath Road Amherstview K7N 1A6", "b5098a5f-ce6e-4b5c", "", "ui-id-456", "173daaac-d94b-433a", "", "Anderson Veterinary Clinic | 1200 Rossland Rd East Whitby L1N 8H3", "7bcc39de-1e6f-4f62", "", "ui-id-457", "73c62bd2-2b71-4007", "", "Animal Emergency Clinic Of Durham Region | Unit B101- 1910 Dundas St E Whitby L1N 2L6", "204de2d3-0680-46bd", "", "ui-id-458", "c51003dc-0c32-4dd5", "", "Animal Eye Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 20 Queen St. Morriston N0B 2C0", "c8a33b8d-9b69-4c31", "", "ui-id-459", "05920896-244e-4cb7", "", "Animal Hospital Of Beeton | 60 Main Street W Beeton L0G 1A0", "90c79205-3c5b-4a9d", "", "ui-id-460", "3cb95201-932b-46d9", "", "Animal Hospital Of Milton | 491 Main St East Milton L9T 1R1", "6e3fd4e5-07f6-4b5d", "", "ui-id-461", "c14bfdbe-a760-497b", "", "Animal Hospital Of Stoney Creek | 2804 King St. East Stoney Creek L8G 1J5", "ca6f352a-9dd7-498e", "", "ui-id-462", "9d0ed6f8-48e8-4055", "", "Animal Hospital Of Unionville | #1 - 4568 Hwy #7 East Unionville L3R 1M5", "ee46b8a3-7587-4afb", "", "ui-id-463", "6d832381-ea1c-4f80", "", "Animal Hospital On Bell Farm Road | 115 Bell Farm Road Barrie L4M 5G1", "90522362-134e-45c7", "", "ui-id-464", "cc4a4488-4edd-46a7", "", "Animal Hospital On Hwy 11B | RR #2, Highway 11B New Liskeard P0J 1P0", "897251c9-8d27-46f9", "", "ui-id-465", "da1ba446-872f-4dd6", "", "Animal House Calls Of Toronto | 1704-63 St Claire Ave W Toronto M4V 2Y9", "29a56736-e498-4a49", "", "ui-id-466", "cbf89356-1298-47c5", "", "Animals In Motion Rehabilitation Services Wellington Country | Unit#4 - 2 Thompson Cres Erin N0B 1T0", "76ce5ac3-2c62-43f8", "", "ui-id-467", "c9d5999f-890c-43e4", "", "Arc Animal Rehabilitation Centre | Suite 115 920 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 3C7", "0468d76e-c167-444b", "", "ui-id-468", "cbde1009-906f-49e4", "", "Arlington Park Veterinary Services Rehabilitation And Fitness Services | 675 Arlington Park Pl Kingston K7M 7E4", "f0403363-5990-4c05", "", "ui-id-469", "f5e76760-7b16-45cb", "", "Aurora North Pet Clinic | Unit B4, 239 Earl Stewart Dr Aurora L4G 7Y3", "07e200d6-296e-4c5f", "", "ui-id-470", "55b507f8-b9f2-479d", "", "-Ava Foster Park Pet Hospital | 213 Dundas St E Belleville K8N 1E2", "ad870b58-a111-4412", "", "ui-id-471", "9279c347-173e-4b60", "", "Avon Pet Hospital | 345 Douro Street Stratford N5A 3S8", "312fd1fd-55c3-49fd", "", "ui-id-472", "b4e896fb-a266-47be", "", "Avonlea Animal Hospital | Unit 4-3221 Derry Rd West Mississauga L5N 7L7", "0003de03-e0b6-4649", "", "ui-id-473", "a6a6b5b5-16f3-4045", "", "Avonlea Animal Hospital (Missisauga) | Unit #123, 5602 Tenth Line West Mississiauga L5M 7L9", "f8e9604f-61b9-4a4b", "", "ui-id-474", "53037d06-9b12-4a27", "", "Avonmore Veterinary Clinic | 3212 Main Street Avonmore K0C 1C0", "432db304-d479-4f4e", "", "ui-id-475", "0d5e39a0-4b14-479d", "", "Avro Pet Hospital | 9699 Jane Street, Unit 31 Vaughan L6A 0A4", "470634b0-787c-48d1", "", "ui-id-476", "affb7b47-c394-47eb", "", "Balmy Beach Pet House Call Services | 2212 Queen Street East Toronto M4E 1E9", "c427b7fb-ec52-4ceb", "", "ui-id-477", "c5cef300-08fb-4e67", "", "Barton Grays Animal Hospital | 3-188 Barton Street East Stoney Creek L8E 4W3", "6ce99e7f-cdf9-46b5", "", "ui-id-478", "c3d2767f-6edf-49da", "", "Bathurst & Dupont Animal Hospital | 1012 A Bathurst St Toronto M5R 3G7", "33fa0a12-12c5-4358", "", "ui-id-479", "1c92acbb-3b1c-4b23", "", "Bathurst Animal Clinic Professional Corporation | 352 Wilson Ave Toronto M3H 1S9", "976e4a23-886b-47db", "", "ui-id-480", "12ccc029-c11c-468d", "", "Bay Regional Veterinary Hospital | 437 Bleecker Ave Belleville K8N 3W2", "2f52ec6f-6505-429e", "", "ui-id-481", "937e3c88-c571-4907", "", "Bayview Pet Services | 16700 Bayview Ave unit 23 Newmarket L3X 1W1", "3116631c-04e0-44bb", "", "ui-id-482", "a3bd37ef-7d24-44c3", "", "Bayview Wellington Veterinary Clinic | 15340 Bayview Ave Aurora L4G 7J1", "f15a6152-ba89-49ac", "", "ui-id-483", "79fac8af-bf87-4210", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L5H9", "40a27c86-053d-4da0", "", "ui-id-484", "c57b0c2c-30fc-4d7d", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Ancaster) | 34 Stone Church Road Ancaster L9J 1S5", "389cde05-5d31-438a", "", "ui-id-485", "3829802f-e8d8-47da", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Burlington) | 1231 Appleby Line Burlington L7L 5H9", "8b578c32-31d5-4719", "", "ui-id-486", "cf9c87f7-0812-478a", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (East Hamilton) | 954 Concession Street Hamilton L8V1G2", "5439fe27-4db7-43ed", "", "ui-id-487", "d9f27df6-8104-45bd", "", "Beattie Pet Hospital (Stoney Creek) | 131 - 135 Upper Centennial Parkway Stoney Creek L8J 0B2", "9045fa96-56a9-4a6a", "", "ui-id-488", "4a131fbf-55db-4539", "", "Beaverton Crossroads Veterinary Services | R.R. # 2, B-1380 Simcoe Street Beaverton L0K 1A0", "6343fd0e-b5ef-4d4a", "", "ui-id-489", "c8f5901f-c6dd-428a", "", "Beeton Veterinary Clinic | Box 830, 109 Main St West Beeton L0G 1A0", "854cdf20-d3eb-430b", "", "ui-id-490", "d06fab11-e8bf-4279", "", "Belmont Veterinary Services | 14128 Belmont Road Belmont N0L 1B0", "315a3d14-f026-4f29", "", "ui-id-491", "ef60e2d0-08e7-4100", "", "Black's Toronto Veterinary Hospital | 923 Queen St East Toronto M4M 1J6", "37f268b5-612e-45ef", "", "ui-id-492", "3c444f1d-9a82-497b", "", "Blackstone Animal Hospital | 5-18265 Yonge Street East Gwillimbury L9N 0A2", "0836b559-ca73-4265", "", "ui-id-493", "58416179-68f8-45de", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 612 King Street West Hamilton L8P 1C2", "2fa565ed-4fe3-4b9c", "", "ui-id-494", "25c3b60a-b15e-4835", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (London) | 95 Wharncliffe Road South London N6J2K2", "d1f0df21-59d5-4add", "", "ui-id-495", "ca999914-c05e-4749", "", "Blue Cross Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 132 Danforth Avenue Toronto M4K 1N1", "160f462d-0b25-4e27", "", "ui-id-496", "c2ea9363-9860-4495", "", "Blue Springs Animal Rehabilitation Center | 13383 4th Line Acton L7J 2M1", "e48228ee-cae3-4e5c", "", "ui-id-497", "af1537ed-b8a4-4eb1", "", "Bolton Veterinary Hospital | 288 Queen St South Bolton L7E 4Z5", "68fec209-fbe0-46ba", "", "ui-id-498", "087a20e2-3e6a-4a21", "", "Brampton Georgetown Animal Hospital | 9641 Mississauga Road Brampton L6X0B3", "0e5b52a6-df3b-4a59", "", "ui-id-499", "a62cf6a5-487c-4e22", "", "Brampton Veterinary Hospital | 265 Queen St East Brampton L6W 2C2", "07d90cc1-2a71-4a9a", "", "ui-id-500", "a8dfcb5d-827d-4ff0", "", "Branton Animal Hospital | 2525 Tecumseh Rd W Windsor N9B 1W4", "3d55aeed-2261-4d84", "", "ui-id-501", "d758b9b5-4c6f-4c13", "", "Brockville Waterfront Vet Services (Brockville Ah 2Nd Location) | 28 Water Street East Brockville K6V1A1", "5fdf1fdf-89e7-4cc5", "", "ui-id-502", "f369f8c6-b8cd-4634", "", "Bronte Road Animal Hospital | 2544 Speers Rd Oakville L6L 5W8", "99d5b838-25fe-4434", "", "ui-id-503", "9ed40140-500c-4031", "", "Bronte Village Animal Hospital | 2385 Lakeshore Rd. West Oakville L6L 1H4", "c4d40090-59fe-4c00", "", "ui-id-504", "cbcc4a43-4763-4728", "", "Burlington Animal Hospital | 1231 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 2T2", "860a1d2a-9225-4e58", "", "ui-id-505", "514b2ca2-842f-4cfc", "", "Burlington Lakeshore Veterinary Hospital | 482 John St. Burlington L7R 2K7", "de93c15a-906d-4e08", "", "ui-id-506", "2180e0cf-dcf9-46a0", "", "Burlington Veterinary Emergency And Referral Hospital | 775 Woodview Road Burlington L7N 3S1", "ea49c05e-5758-47ea", "", "ui-id-507", "ef3a87cb-79e3-4a24", "", "Burnham Mansion Vet Services | 2235 Keene Road Peterborough K9L 0B8", "645567c2-a246-4ccc", "", "ui-id-508", "51e64e2a-da0b-4cc3", "", "Byron Animal Clinic | 1310 Commissioners Rd W London N6K 1E1", "b690bf78-edb0-428b", "", "ui-id-509", "25f826bb-a315-4824", "", "C-07-10-19 Animal Vaccination Service | 2432 Eglinton East Scarborough M1K 2P8", "1a44298f-9266-4e12", "", "ui-id-510", "73a9d343-bf9d-442e", "", "C1-01-19 Mountaingrove Pet Mobile Services | 413, 2025 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4X4", "db950449-adcd-45ea", "", "ui-id-511", "4a1c9cf5-d271-4210", "", "C4-13-17Ava Bobcaygeon Vet Services | PO Box 190, 2004 County Road. 8 Bobcaygeon K0M 1A0", "a86b217a-b33d-4331", "", "ui-id-512", "cd0d17f6-fa86-48a7", "", "C4-24-17Algonquin Animal Hospital | 869 Highway #60 Huntsville P1H 1B2", "98f77636-473d-49ba", "", "ui-id-513", "1a4ad53d-d795-4a97", "", "C5-01-17 Wonderland Animal Hospital | 1021 Wonderland Rd. S London N6K 3V1", "236fc62a-35b5-4033", "", "ui-id-514", "b6237812-ae35-4866", "", "Cabana @ Howard Pet Hospital | Unit A - 511 Cabana Rd E Windsor N9G 1A5", "35185288-4fc9-49d3", "", "ui-id-515", "e838ab47-f3d3-4272", "", "Cabbagetown Pet Clinic | 239 Gerrard Street East Toronto M5A 2G1", "838cd291-9f84-4cbc", "", "ui-id-516", "19251579-4664-447f", "", "Caledon Mountain Veterinary Hospital | 29 Elizabeth Street Caledon Village L7K 0W7", "e85e3156-719d-4a7a", "", "ui-id-517", "811cf8ba-b25b-40d1", "", "Caledonia Veterinary Clinic | 230 Argyle Street S Caledonia N3W 1K7", "56e1330a-8d5b-4b44", "", "ui-id-518", "d6710b76-be0e-4e0c", "", "Caledon-Vaughan Veterinary House Call Services | PO Box #75039 405 Queen St S Bolton L7E 2B0", "6f640c22-8cab-406e", "", "ui-id-519", "370e24a9-a20e-4383", "", "Canine Foundations | PO BOX 29029 Barrie L4N 7W7", "9c8f676b-497d-4361", "", "ui-id-520", "0e834da3-b545-4bff", "", "Canine Pain Relief Rehabilitation And Wellness Centre | 2057 Victoria St. N Breslau N0B 1M0", "c7c877ae-684b-4657", "", "ui-id-521", "1c5423eb-dc77-4d9b", "", "Canyon Hill Animal Hospital | 11000 Yonge St Unit C3 Richmond Hill L4C 3E4", "7578f160-d485-4115", "", "ui-id-522", "2b468021-a4e8-4a62", "", "Carleton Place Veterinary Hospital | 120 Coleman Street Carleton Place K7C 4M7", "98a70a29-34e4-4e83", "", "ui-id-523", "fe9f1fd5-c328-450f", "", "Carleton Veterinary Services | 2137 Rogers Stevens Drive North Gower K0A 2T0", "4b79ba80-5f97-4c79", "", "ui-id-524", "6aadecdf-69ef-4fee", "", "Carlton Animal Hospital | 145 Carlton Street Unit 18 St. Catharines L2R 1R5", "43560ed9-fc10-444a", "", "ui-id-525", "d7c3a180-2699-4a47", "", "Cat Hospital Of Brampton | 23 Conservation Drive Brampton L6Z 4R3", "aca62cc6-9744-48c4", "", "ui-id-526", "b4da405d-d604-4dad", "", "Cat Hospital Of Burlington-Oakville | 2387 Lakeshore Road West Oakville L6L 1H4", "7b267897-7018-48d9", "", "ui-id-527", "78d6b002-284c-4a5c", "", "Cat Mobile Veterinary Services Of Toronto | Toronto ", "9f8569b0-2630-45d9", "", "ui-id-528", "f9034997-4f79-4e9e", "", "Cataraqui Pet Hospital | 1183 Midland Ave Kingston K7P 2X8", "e2260a79-a033-4352", "", "ui-id-529", "87b83083-087a-4c67", "", "Central Toronto Mobile Veterinary Services | 248 Tyrrel Avenue Toronto M6G 2H1", "08934f91-3f5f-4e77", "", "ui-id-530", "976ec2b0-954a-4f37", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Ave. W Toronto M6C 2C9", "fb978d73-9518-427e", "", "ui-id-531", "2e996e1a-ca11-4de6", "", "Central Toronto Veterinary Referral Clinic | 1051 Eglinton Avenue West York M6C 2C9", "874193f4-235a-4c90", "", "ui-id-532", "c84aabf7-4c46-4540", "", "Church Yonge Animal Clinic | 19 Church Avenue North York M2N 4E7", "2171914e-8baa-4fa6", "", "ui-id-533", "79c3cba2-c20a-4731", "", "Cl - 08/05/22 -Ava Nor-Ont Veterinary Clinic | 4297 Regional Road 15 Chelmsford P0M 1L0", "90e7900f-eb64-4be8", "", "ui-id-534", "6fca8130-dff0-402f", "", "Cl- 01/06/2022-Collins Bay Animal Hospital (Records To Mcewen-Frontenac) | 4037 E Bath Road Kingston K7M 4Y4", "192f3186-b3d8-4e62", "", "ui-id-535", "c04fd94e-abb7-4d51", "", "Cl- 2023 Simpson Veterinary Clinic (Records @ Wycliffe Village Vc) | 104-545 North Rivermede Concord L4K 4H1", "da8b4995-d8a7-4b3b", "", "ui-id-536", "b1c4ae20-d862-4042", "", "Cl: Mar 2022- Limestone Valley Animal Hospital (Records: Tansley Woods Vh) | 6634 Guelph Line, RR2 Burlington L7P 0A9", "7f8f4e2a-02a4-4007", "", "ui-id-537", "f1b4ef11-b656-489d", "", "Cl01-29-16Avc Confederation Animal Hospital | 1335 Confederation St Sarnia N7S 4M7", "fb520656-d560-4312", "", "ui-id-538", "de614ffb-1db0-4a2c", "", "Cl-05/26/2020 London Alternative Veterinary Services | 500 Adelaide Street N London N6B 3J2", "ea264b8e-b682-41e9", "", "ui-id-539", "4dc456f4-0e48-400e", "", "Cl-07-17-2015Gibson Veterinary Hospital | P O Box 340 St. Clements N0B 2M0", "a2dac62b-d627-4974", "", "ui-id-540", "b639627a-6ce5-4ad7", "", "Cl-2019 London Veterinary Emergency Clinic | #43 - 41 Adelaide St N London N6B 3P4", "92968dcf-91e5-4200", "", "ui-id-541", "e0a2bf36-c8b8-4d80", "", "Cl-2022 Ava Caledon East Veterinary Office (Records Dufferin Vh) | Unit 2, 15980 Airport Road Caledon L7C 1E8", "7c435c6b-7ed3-46a0", "", "ui-id-542", "3c14aa58-11ef-4a14", "", "Clappison Animal Hospital | 780 Highway 6 North Waterdown L0R 2H1", "7be79958-0b8d-4d97", "", "ui-id-543", "0d7fd132-2232-493b", "", "Claremont Veterinary Services | R R #5 Claremont L1Y1A2", "a7513c87-9779-4f7d", "", "ui-id-544", "70a75560-7411-4768", "", "Clarington Animal Hospital | #1a - 2727 Courtice Road Courtice L1E 3A2", "56dd491c-9214-4ff5", "", "ui-id-545", "e2201c32-7c50-48d0", "", "Clarkson Village Animal Hospital | 1659 Lakeshore Rd W Mississauga L5J 1J4", "b760ca7d-eba8-4bce", "", "ui-id-546", "074eeae0-ff7a-4623", "", "Clinton Veterinary Services | 257 Huron Road Clinton N0M 1L0", "aa82021c-bfde-4c66", "", "ui-id-547", "da9e1f93-ddf1-4047", "", "Cobblestone Animal Clinic | 1084 Rest Acres Road, Unit 1 Paris N3L 0B5", "6637df84-12b8-4335", "", "ui-id-548", "120a3044-c927-4a9c", "", "Colborne Street Pet Hospital | 77 Colborne Street W Orillia L3V 2Y6", "8572f689-3b6a-4d45", "", "ui-id-549", "d56d38b0-0706-4722", "", "Colleen Wilson Mobile Animal Behaviour Services | 1217 Widfern Way Greely K4P 1R4", "e05d06d4-b99f-493b", "", "ui-id-550", "101572ed-af76-4414", "", "Colonial Veterinary Hospital | Box 190, 1364 Colonial Road Navan K4B 1J4", "d1706330-ef91-4632", "", "ui-id-551", "0707c6af-ea41-42b1", "", "Concord Veterinary Hospital | 545 N Rivermede Road, Unit 104 Vaughan L4K 4H1", "96f0956d-3560-419b", "", "ui-id-552", "b4afb394-2157-45c9", "", "Conestoga Veterinary Clinic | 2095 Lobsinger Line Waterloo N2J 4G8", "87e84c31-4bf4-4ff4", "", "ui-id-553", "5f12b614-9722-4122", "", "Copetown Animal Hospital | 153 Highway 52 (P.O. Box 85) Copetown L0R 1J0", "09f1677d-415f-4bc2", "", "ui-id-554", "bf8f0d1b-16dc-47ff", "", "Cornerstone Animal Hospital | 2500 Appleby Line Burlington L7L OA2", "0e408fd5-dac7-4e2d", "", "ui-id-555", "d4d37beb-0888-4a05", "", "Courtice Pet Clinic | 1500 Highway #2 Courtice L1E 2T5", "95d20484-ba84-440d", "", "ui-id-556", "7656be23-23e0-4704", "", "Creditview Eglinton Animal Hospital | 1252 Eglinton Ave W Unit F-1 Mississauga L5V 1N3", "691a9992-20d0-4a83", "", "ui-id-557", "66a174b2-0e9f-4a50", "", "Dalton Road Animal Hospital | Box 1050, 21025 Dalton Road Unit 1 Jackson's Point L0E 1L0", "c105c12c-a8b9-4462", "", "ui-id-558", "6ddff502-4a66-4779", "", "Darlington Veterinary Hospital | Unit #24, 200 Marycroft Ave, Woodbridge L4L 5X6", "72d52471-886c-4a3a", "", "ui-id-559", "7041a2c5-f0c8-4335", "", "Datta Veterinary Hospital & London Mobile Vet Services | 2345 Main Street London N6P 1A7", "619b7d72-be32-4223", "", "ui-id-560", "5023a062-d085-4023", "", "Desmond Veterinary Clinic | 2979 Unity Gate Mississauga L5L 3E5", "7da0e5b0-34f7-4463", "", "ui-id-561", "a88f271b-4d70-4255", "", "Dixie Eglinton Animal Clinic | 5120 Dixie Rd Mississauga L4W4J7", "a78350a2-e36d-4eef", "", "ui-id-562", "0b8713f0-8600-4cac", "", "Dixie Road Pet Clinic | 10078 Dixie Road Brampton L6T3S1", "43cfa58c-9b0e-44f0", "", "ui-id-563", "90fdcff8-26f1-48c9", "", "Dog Hospital Of Brampton | 23 Conservation Drive Brampton L6Z 4M3", "2fff9b18-57da-4458", "", "ui-id-564", "8b4de0ef-a90d-43ce", "", "Don Head Village Animal Clinic | 737 Carrville Road Richmond Hill L4C 6E5", "e4f4f4f0-ef59-4cbc", "", "ui-id-565", "a9ee38f8-8b05-4029", "", "Don Mills Veterinary Practice | 25 Scarsdale Rd North York M3B 2R2", "520b7cf4-8072-4e55", "", "ui-id-566", "e0f2b702-8f53-423b", "", "Don Valley Animal Hospital | 895 Lawrence Ave E North York M3C 3L2", "fdb4478d-5472-4a19", "", "ui-id-567", "a7e94b5f-9466-4662", "", "Doncaster Animal Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "7c992093-09eb-4204", "", "ui-id-568", "99a37932-a112-47a8", "", "Donlands Animal Hospital | 413 Donlands Ave East York M4J 3S2", "65260ad1-1c11-4fcb", "", "ui-id-569", "7baa0ce5-b54a-4dc7", "", "Donwoods Animal Hospital | 51 Underhill Drive Toronto M3A 2J8", "1da9e030-25ce-40f8", "", "ui-id-570", "d6719f42-010f-4da6", "", "Doon Animal Hospital | 260 Doon South Drive Kitchener N2P 2L8", "5015efdb-7dc0-48dc", "", "ui-id-571", "adde40dc-64a8-4f7b", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 780 King St. East Hamilton L8M 1A6", "1bebe013-25ad-47fd", "", "ui-id-572", "34e56ea3-0b97-4695", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Kingston) | 16 Bath Road, Suite 1A Kingston K7L 1C4", "55d344d5-19ae-428e", "", "ui-id-573", "425ae63c-4e29-478a", "", "Downtown Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 579 Church St. Toronto M4Y 2E4", "8343a0aa-cd18-4c76", "", "ui-id-574", "4aeccbbb-7a96-4a1d", "", "Downtown Toronto Cat Clinic | 739 Bloor St W Toronto M6G 1L6", "3fce547c-e9ce-4e00", "", "ui-id-575", "bbb00927-45ac-4795", "", "Dr Judy Bonkalo | 42 Blyth Hill Rd Toronto M4N 3L7", "9d2d15f8-4de3-4fe2", "", "ui-id-576", "46691266-4cad-4242", "", "Dr. Boston Housecall Service | 480 Kilarney Court Burlington L7L 2N7", "bdf18c99-8028-4799", "", "ui-id-577", "c9ad1645-8074-46b7", "", "Dr. Richard Klys Veterinary Professional Corp (Ava Forest Hill Ac) | 1049 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M6C 2C9", "f0e17b1c-7269-48e9", "", "ui-id-578", "d3f98fdb-c5ce-4eab", "", "Dr. Richard Murray Mobile Pet Service | 3051 Upper Dwyer Hill Rd Kinburn K0A 2HO", "cd3ee9cb-e184-41f9", "", "ui-id-579", "9bdeb64d-8968-4a57", "", "Dr. Ronowicz Mobile Veterinary Services | PO Box 42031 Mississauaga L5M 4Z4", "07e69fe4-7c82-4330", "", "ui-id-580", "be9d3047-b0b1-4e9e", "", "Drayton Veterinary Clinic | 7294 Wellington Street N, Hwy 11 Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "81bf7a77-82bb-4ef3", "", "ui-id-581", "b261eda0-710d-4565", "", "Eagleson Veterinary Clinic | 46-500 Eagleson Road Kanata K2M 1H4", "70fe7219-d2cc-457a", "", "ui-id-582", "0d4db6a3-57ac-430e", "", "East London Animal Hospital | 417 Spruce St London N5W 4P2", "3b017577-c381-4dc3", "", "ui-id-583", "9ae0ea08-c4cb-4ab4", "", "East Village Animal Hospital (Hamilton) | 1400 UpperJames Street Unit 14 Hamilton L9B 1K3", "63ef7360-e95a-4969", "", "ui-id-584", "09b17a27-5b28-4f7a", "", "Eatonville Animal Hospital | 4932 Dundas Street West Etobicoke M9A 1B7", "21ae9974-a0fd-4c6a", "", "ui-id-585", "3b09ee0a-0567-45fb", "", "Eglinton / Hwy 10 Veterinary Clinic | 295 Eglinton Ave E Unit 11 Mississauga L4Z 3X6", "f31895bd-58b6-453a", "", "ui-id-586", "bcc23afd-036b-4510", "", "Eglinton Animal Hospital | Unit-1 3435 Eglington West Mississauga L5M 7Z5", "d4b2c2c0-6ce7-4943", "", "ui-id-587", "a468210f-bc8b-4b81", "", "Eglinton Dufferin Animal Clinic | \uf041 Location 1540 Eglinton Avenue west York M6E 2G8", "2507b3ee-c486-4c16", "", "ui-id-588", "79995407-2848-484a", "", "Eglinton Mavis Veterinary Hospital | 5025 Heatherleigh Avenue Mississauga L5V 2Y7", "b61d707a-57da-4145", "", "ui-id-589", "7c357f69-db43-45f5", "", "Eglinton Veterinary Facilities | 183 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M4R 1A8", "5358c3b2-c2a5-43bc", "", "ui-id-590", "81b1784c-6f53-40b6", "", "Embleton Veterinary Hospital | 2045 Embleton Road Brampton L6Y 0E9", "0aa246e4-e17e-4f54", "", "ui-id-591", "99f9365a-7db2-4f2a", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E1B6", "4a114b7c-7dee-41f8", "", "ui-id-592", "9633bb17-9fbc-437e", "", "Emergency Veterinary Clinic Of Waterloo Region | Unit 14 - 405 Maple Grove Rd Cambridge N3E 1B6", "24ad34d3-6bc8-482d", "", "ui-id-593", "02ed7c06-c52d-4007", "", "Erin Mills Pet Hospital | 2400 Dunwin Dr Mississauga L5L 1J9", "0af193cd-f17b-49d2", "", "ui-id-594", "d2c06a1f-dd72-49ba", "", "Fairfield Pet Hospital | 6 Speers Blvd. Amherstview K7N 1Z6", "9d71b466-74f3-4a4a", "", "ui-id-595", "6e2d39b6-33cc-42cc", "", "Fairmont Animal Hospital | 995 Hamilton Rd London N5W 1A4", "2a1a059a-4efb-4ab6", "", "ui-id-596", "79750063-52b1-4969", "", "Fairview Drive Pet Hospital | Unit 7 & 8, 403 Fairview Drive Brantford N3R 6T2", "e90636d6-6648-494f", "", "ui-id-597", "c3a3dc7d-a0fa-4cbb", "", "Fenelon Animal Clinic | PO Box 310, 474 County Road 121 Fenelon Falls K0M 1N0", "d02f397e-1602-4331", "", "ui-id-598", "7255d38a-c990-42cc", "", "Fonthill Animal Hospital | 137 Highway 20 E Fonthill L0S 1E0", "e67fa588-e349-47f6", "", "ui-id-599", "e7ccc99a-12f7-47e1", "", "Forestbrook Pet Hospital | 1105 Finch Avenue Pickering L1V 1J7", "29b497eb-b49a-498d", "", "ui-id-600", "ac064951-c3d3-467e", "", "Fraser-Macdonald Animal Hospital | 1577 Bloor St West Toronto M6P 1A6", "badb5d17-6f6c-4dfd", "", "ui-id-601", "d79ca8ab-ff42-4de1", "", "Front Street Animal Hospital | 548 Front Street West Toronto M5V 3N5", "c6e32b75-b97f-404d", "", "ui-id-602", "05cf9add-29b6-4b38", "", "Gateway Pet Hospital | 4391 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "dbc3afc2-fb65-40de", "", "ui-id-603", "a9c81093-66b0-460e", "", "Glebe Pet Hospital | 595 Bank Street Ottawa K1S 3T4", "09cc095a-c618-4c33", "", "ui-id-604", "6ac85856-ab83-42a9", "", "Grand Avenue Pet Hospital | 222 Grand Avenue West Chatham N7L 1C1", "10e6bcad-eeb9-4e86", "", "ui-id-605", "5ac3d56f-946d-4508", "", "Grant Veterinary Nutrition Services | Norwich ", "d47e6ed3-787d-4bbf", "", "ui-id-606", "9546263b-5f9a-4f79", "", "Grey Bruce Pet Hospital | 1393 16th Ave East Owen Sound N4K 0J3", "26c46bbf-d820-4268", "", "ui-id-607", "f42ef946-0ac7-4a79", "", "Haliburton Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 990, 1014 Penninsula Drive Haliburton K0M 1S0", "0b1b9919-3133-490c", "", "ui-id-608", "9f31bb9b-7364-444e", "", "Halton Hills Veterinary Clinic | 2 Main St Georgetown L7G 3G6", "61f5d5cd-87d5-40d3", "", "ui-id-609", "6e17d97c-54d7-4556", "", "Halton Peel Animal Hospital | 1093 Lower Base Line Rd. Milton L9T 2X8", "0d7d9a36-2cc5-4845", "", "ui-id-610", "736069d3-6dab-48be", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services | 1618 Ramshaw Cres Milton L9T 5M1", "9efd7b1c-06ad-4f74", "", "ui-id-611", "421718ac-9b91-4516", "", "Halton Veterinary House Call Services: Home Pet Euthanasia | 7994 Maltby Rd. E Puslinch N0B 2J0", "59002518-c6f1-4d8c", "", "ui-id-612", "5449923b-7b7b-40b3", "", "Hamilton Region Emergency Veterinary Clinic | 50 Dundurn St S Hamilton L8P 4W3", "eff22a5c-8209-46dc", "", "ui-id-613", "834d0c3f-47ec-48e6", "", "Hamilton Road Animal Hospital | 466 Hamilton Road London N5Z1R9", "00f39ea7-c566-4813", "", "ui-id-614", "9616d6fa-5ad5-420f", "", "Hamilton Veterinary Services | 171 Mohawk Road East Hamilton L8K 1C5", "e69d7f31-d311-4688", "", "ui-id-615", "8ac53d08-1ba2-4f3b", "", "Hamilton-Niagara Veterinary Mobile Euthanasia Services | ", "09cc5741-2aae-4a63", "", "ui-id-616", "61685c62-3693-4b8c", "", "Hampton Veterinary Hospital | 252 Algonquin Blvd West Timmins P4N 2R7", "77e70790-8e4d-4545", "", "ui-id-617", "22b26727-a78c-41d4", "", "Harbourfront Animal Hospital | 104B - 370 Queens Quay West Toronto M5V 3J3", "ee74babb-95a1-4e5b", "", "ui-id-618", "51bfe58b-f619-4c11", "", "Harmony Road Animal Hospital | 1304 Harmony Rd N Oshawa L1H 7K5", "691a8d6b-f9cc-46c6", "", "ui-id-619", "f905e665-8632-44eb", "", "Harriston Veterinary Services | 10 Queen St N Harriston N0G 1Z0", "157a548f-3a13-4d77", "", "ui-id-620", "baecbbc4-40c3-493a", "", "Harwood Pet Hospital | #1 Rossland Road WestUnit 12 AJAX L1Z 1Z2", "0bc3232e-9137-4650", "", "ui-id-621", "26400a28-915b-4061", "", "Headon Forest Animal Hospital | 3500 Dundas St. W. Burlington L7M 4B8", "fa279dcd-dfd7-4e78", "", "ui-id-622", "23816bbe-310e-47eb", "", "Heartland Animal Hospital Of Drayton | 7294 Wellington Street North PO Box 70 Drayton N0G 1P0", "71299f31-0fac-4f98", "", "ui-id-623", "a38ff4f0-d8bc-4e95", "", "Heartland Pet Hospital | 6085 Creditview Road Unit #20 Mississauga L5V 2A8", "4b463a1b-7989-4439", "", "ui-id-624", "d34af7a3-fd23-40c2", "", "Henderson Mobile Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 714 Alliston L9R 1V9", "373c5e68-dc67-4508", "", "ui-id-625", "b8f9b0fd-2e66-4d04", "", "Herongate Animal Clinic | 9 Doric St Unit 1 Ajax L1S 7L5", "d5010c7d-7b82-41e4", "", "ui-id-626", "c9c69fb4-cc8d-44a6", "", "Hickson Veterinary Services | 596236 Hwy 59 Hickson N0J 1L0", "ec3a3c74-6f07-4769", "", "ui-id-627", "db7c5c37-ee5e-47c0", "", "Highbury North Pet Hospital | Unit 1 - 1570 Highbury Ave N London N5Y 5N7", "73f1b7f5-7cdc-40c1", "", "ui-id-628", "b82a4fd5-69b9-4713", "", "Highland Road Pet Hospital | 200 Highland Road Kitchener N2M 3C2", "f51582d2-1ea7-466b", "", "ui-id-629", "12618095-7a4a-4dca", "", "Hills Pet Nutrition Primary Health Care Centre -Ontario Veterinary College | University of Guelph 50 Stone Rd Guelph N1G 2W1", "97a319f5-73b0-409b", "", "ui-id-630", "d84b6261-a100-4884", "", "Hopital Veterinaire Nation | 100 Lafleche Casselman K0A 1M0", "c516a2af-3ebd-4a12", "", "ui-id-631", "96090e4c-07ad-4563", "", "Houghton Veterinarian House Call Service | 128 Sanwick Avenue Toronto M4E 2A1", "c928035a-f9e7-4c16", "", "ui-id-632", "7f132865-8559-4482", "", "House Calls For Pets | P.O.Box 364, Station \\\"O\\\" Toronto M4A 2N9", "91b67579-6509-494f", "", "ui-id-633", "beb162eb-2132-4c7f", "", "Huntington Animal Hospital | 211 Martindale Road Unit B-1 St. Catharines L2S 3V7", "66cc4fae-b54c-4f8f", "", "ui-id-634", "5484d53c-26bc-4221", "", "Huron Church Animal Hospital | 1797 Huron Church Road Windsor N9C 2L3", "e4ad8372-e994-443f", "", "ui-id-635", "8c036e2b-be72-417b", "", "Huron East Animal Hospital | 1606 Battler Road, Unit D Kitchener N2R 0CP", "9732cb5a-8a6b-4566", "", "ui-id-636", "4c8af8d3-1e6c-49cd", "", "Huron Shores Veterinary Services | 614 Barnes Ave Port Elgin N0H 2C4", "288c434f-aacd-48c0", "", "ui-id-637", "43d6c80a-3d52-46a2", "", "Huronia Animal Hospital | 131 Main Street Penetanguishene L9M 1L7", "8f976eb7-906e-494e", "", "ui-id-638", "55492d2d-233b-4ef2", "", "Huronia Veterinary Emergency Clinic | 391 Dunlop St W Barrie L4N 1C3", "915050ef-bcb6-4002", "", "ui-id-639", "a448acee-4548-40fe", "", "Hurontario Veterinary Hospital | 1424 Hurontario St Mississauga L5G 3H4", "76e22cf5-6149-477d", "", "ui-id-640", "a062ec71-f553-4f8b", "", "Ilderton Pet Hospital | 125 King Street Ilderton N0M 2A0", "2466a8cb-ec74-4ce7", "", "ui-id-641", "df4e9ee8-8220-4dfa", "", "Image Pet | 1311 Riverbend Dr London N6K 3V1", "a02f30e7-7529-4bff", "", "ui-id-642", "c66d4ea6-66b6-4961", "", "Islington Village Animal Hospital | 3852 Bloor St W Toronto M9A1B7", "10223204-25de-4e27", "", "ui-id-643", "97370c98-8d71-49cc", "", "Jackson Creek Veterinary Services | 1140 Parkhill Road West Peterborough K9K 0E1", "4efb97b6-1e4d-43a4", "", "ui-id-644", "0bc2c36c-21f1-4f3a", "", "Johnson Chiropractic Animal Clinic | 304 Norris Road Perth K7H1T1", "d34d7ca5-0265-4dac", "", "ui-id-645", "30fd8502-79c3-44b1", "", "Junction Pet Clinic | 2916 Dundas St W Toronto M6P1Y8", "f624a085-49a8-4ccb", "", "ui-id-646", "e0cb5c28-b8ad-4c56", "", "Junction West Animal Hospital | 3466 Dundas Street West Toronto M6S 2S1", "9218d702-0d95-4bb3", "", "ui-id-647", "58f42dda-26fe-4aff", "", "Kelton Pet House Call Services | Box 71528 Aurora L4G 5W5", "08bea27a-f048-46c3", "", "ui-id-648", "369e1ed7-cb2b-4320", "", "Kennedy Eglinton Animal Hospital | 751 Kennedy Rd Scarborough M1K 2C7", "17162f1c-0e53-492e", "", "ui-id-649", "fedd9ebc-be33-45be", "", "Kim Pet Hospital | 8362 Woodbine Avenue Unit 1 Markham L3R 2N8", "3efb14fb-d68f-4d1a", "", "ui-id-650", "3d84bf81-a24d-45b4", "", "King Hopkins Pet Hospital | 120 Hopkins Street Whitby L1N 2B7", "4db5642b-34b4-47c0", "", "ui-id-651", "262ebd4a-6481-4c38", "", "Kingston Mills Veterinary Hospital | 1670 Battersea Road Glenburnie K0H 1S0", "6ccdc03c-bed3-4959", "", "ui-id-652", "bdc29c10-1ede-405c", "", "Kingston Regional Pet Hospital | Unit 10, 1381 Midland Avenue Kingston K7P 2W5", "cad79468-d217-4787", "", "ui-id-653", "16a1cd6c-2219-4953", "", "Kingston Road Animal Hospital | 1025 Kingston Road Toronto M4E 1T4", "7c7d6d9b-b6fc-4685", "", "ui-id-654", "9bdbd956-01c1-4818", "", "Kingston Veterinary Clinic | 435 Division St Kingston K7K 4A8", "04596bcb-7d18-41bc", "", "ui-id-655", "827ba7b4-0e2a-48d8", "", "Kingston West Veterinary Hospital | 2165 Bath Road Kingston K7M 4Y3", "b0fbfebd-754e-4f39", "", "ui-id-656", "f1704030-1220-418f", "", "Kirkton Veterinary Clinic | P.O. Box 96 1911 Mary Street Kirkton N0K 1K0", "1e53adef-bb0b-42e0", "", "ui-id-657", "5df23c9f-37ee-4ed9", "", "Lafontaine Veterinary Clinic | 2799 Chamberland Street Rockland K4K 1M7", "89ea8af3-f4de-4ef2", "", "ui-id-658", "134cc06a-bcf3-44c4", "", "b6a58a7b-62c5-4630", "", "ui-id-659", "c0f523cd-eb09-4f60", "", "Laird Eglinton Pet Hospital | 211 Laird Drive Toronto M4G 3W8", "93141c84-8cbc-47e0", "", "ui-id-660", "35b35f48-49d5-4216", "", "Lakeshore Animal Hospital (Kingston) | 732A Front Road Kingston K7M 4L5", "815d6d15-01e8-4cb2", "", "ui-id-661", "a2a608a3-7656-451c", "", "Lauzon Veterinary Hospital | 1315 Lauzon Road Windsor N8S 3N1", "dda8071c-c74d-4c29", "", "ui-id-662", "ae004819-887a-4820", "", "Leamington Animal Hospital | 35 John St Leamington N8H 1H3", "d3b6ba58-9fb0-4b37", "", "ui-id-663", "7245a029-074b-48c6", "", "Leamington Veterinary Clinic | 110 Talbot Street East Leamington N8H 1L5", "ade5ba52-5312-4580", "", "ui-id-664", "afb9b945-fa90-448c", "", "Lennox & Addington Animal Hospital | 11 Commercial Court Napanee K7R 4B2", "bf529ccb-c55e-4c35", "", "ui-id-665", "d8563d7f-0b66-480b", "", "Lexington Rd. Animal Hospital | 135 Lexington Court Waterloo N2J 4R1", "06e337df-d2db-4ebe", "", "ui-id-666", "a7697638-c29b-4255", "", "Limestone City Animal Hospital | 70 Cataraqui Street Kingston K7K 1Z7", "31c61a59-7052-4bab", "", "ui-id-667", "65c5cd14-2195-447f", "", "Liston Animal Hospital | Suite 5, 4055 Carling Avenue Kanata K2K 2A4", "d1f66ec0-3842-40f7", "", "ui-id-668", "a84c55ff-0930-488b", "", "Livingston Animal Hospital | 42 St Andrews Avenue Unit 4 Grimsby L3M 3S2", "041c5ec5-f398-466f", "", "ui-id-669", "085f2dde-2510-4859", "", "Lock One Animal Hospital | 260 Lakeshore Road Unit #9 St. Catharines L2M 7R4", "666fb4b9-aace-4c1e", "", "ui-id-670", "8d50dba4-b57c-4e41", "", "London Cat Clinic | 6 Stanley St London N6C 1A8", "f1e33ffc-bfbb-49cb", "", "ui-id-671", "cf05ac07-cdbd-4bf5", "", "London Mobile Veterinary | ", "2e537220-725e-4801", "", "ui-id-672", "88b6b153-ed94-42a4", "", "London North Animal Hospital | 735 Wonderland Road North London N6H 4L1", "b25646ac-0e66-46e1", "", "ui-id-673", "4d178055-9b73-4c16", "", "London Regional Veterinary Emergency And Referral Hospital | #45, 41 Adelaide Street N London N6B 3P4", "687981f5-e247-4411", "", "ui-id-674", "e0392a05-30f1-4900", "", "Long Beach Veterinary Hospital | 2107 Mosley Street Wasaga Beach L9Z 1X5", "4c6990ae-6b2b-4711", "", "ui-id-675", "2a384d05-e1d9-4337", "", "Long Branch Animal Clinic | 3459 Lakeshore Blvd W Etobicoke M8W 1N2", "09f33450-a3a6-44a5", "", "ui-id-676", "3e530387-0761-4982", "", "Loyalist Veterinary Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Services | 406 Maitland Drive Belleville K8N 0N3", "87fa33a6-ca0f-41fd", "", "ui-id-677", "7dfcfd7a-59e7-4612", "", "Lucknow- Huron Veterinary Services | P.O. Box 609, 623 Campbell St Lucknow N0G 2H0", "a2cce234-e35f-4e65", "", "ui-id-678", "aec6c0c1-9769-4c73", "", "Macdonald Mobile Veterinary Service | 464430 Rivers Rd. RR #5 Ingersoll N5C 3J8", "b3781421-bad8-4860", "", "ui-id-679", "0a036dc6-74aa-4d51", "", "Mackenzie Creek Mobile Pet Hospice Services | PO Box 96 Scotland N0E1R0", "cc00016a-1dfb-4e22", "", "ui-id-680", "1126d749-92d2-44de", "", "Malton Veterinary Services | 2901 Derry Rd E Mississauga L4T 1A6", "707a2307-bebf-491c", "", "ui-id-681", "4b92ef80-d557-444a", "", "Mapleton Mobile Veterinary Services | 7311 Twelfth Line Alma N0B 1A0", "5416e48b-a9c9-4d41", "", "ui-id-682", "e09be9b5-1486-4764", "", "Marion Vernon Memorial Animal Clinic | 91A Patterson Road Barrie L4N 3V9", "f7c033ba-a7cf-42c4", "", "ui-id-683", "52e56941-1df8-4bc6", "", "Masonville Animal Hospital | Unit 8, 101 Fanshawe Park Rd E London N5X 2S7", "88b3097e-8a01-435d", "", "ui-id-684", "8ff965b7-e7f1-45e3", "", "Mcewen-Frontenac Animal Hospital | 745 Development Dr Kingston K7M 4W6", "de72243a-794a-48f8", "", "ui-id-685", "63a6246e-af57-4d0c", "", "Midland Eglinton Animal Hospital | 814 Midland Avenue Scarborough M1K 4E7", "7527adc1-3740-4ae7", "", "ui-id-686", "45b3223c-9190-406e", "", "Millson Veterinary Services | 395 Commercial Ave Timmins P4N 2X8", "9ac64168-8118-4ba6", "", "ui-id-687", "f2ee125b-de32-40c1", "", "Milverton- Wellesley Veterinary Clinic | 93 Main St N Milverton N0K 2M0", "4eccc769-14d4-4222", "", "ui-id-688", "8a3c58d1-adaf-4bac", "", "Mobile Pet Hospice Services Of London | 31 Winship Close London N6C 5M7", "73fb6726-b410-4294", "", "ui-id-689", "0ccb5fff-783a-4e05", "", "Mohns Avenue Veterinary Services (Pembroke Animal Hospital Professional Corp) | 58 Mohns Avenue Petawawa K8H 2G9", "8e177d0a-d1b2-495b", "", "ui-id-690", "1ef5e465-c636-46ba", "", "Mono Veterinary Clinic | 633391 highway 10 Mono L9W 5P3", "9abffc4f-eb63-48cb", "", "ui-id-691", "ee083631-c741-4ba1", "", "Montreal Road Animal Hospital | 1700 Montreal Road Ottawa K1J 6N5", "94484c11-5694-495b", "", "ui-id-692", "e43d11cc-e76f-4f48", "", "Morningstar Pet Hospital | 670 Taunton Road E Whitby L1R 0K6", "56e48998-56e3-4a33", "", "ui-id-693", "6204d0bd-b8dd-47f0", "", "Morriston Veterinary Clinic | 29 Queen Street Morriston N0B 2C0", "59a54268-7687-4bef", "", "ui-id-694", "95bf4eb0-2108-4838", "", "Muskoka Animal Hospital Professional Corporation | 96 Hanes Rd, Unit # 2 Hunstville P1H2P6", "de2c23c6-cbba-4dca", "", "ui-id-695", "4665eaed-46cb-45db", "", "Musson Mobile Veterinary Services | 15 Sir Caradoc Place MARKHAM L3P 2X5", "754f4be2-e190-4f24", "", "ui-id-696", "f42be8b8-ca3b-4e90", "", "Neighbourhood Pet Clinic Of North London | 746 Waterloo Street London London N6A 3W3", "257a2983-531e-4a7c", "", "ui-id-697", "e2ad0517-612b-4746", "", "Nelson Animal Hospital (Ontario) | Unit 5, 2400 Guelph Line Burlington L7P 4M7", "67e5075b-cea7-4ebe", "", "ui-id-698", "f8672dfc-041e-4aa0", "", "Niagara Canine Conditioning Centre | 188 Bunting Rd, Unit 5A St. Catharines L2M 3Y1", "2160c786-1cf1-422e", "", "ui-id-699", "03dba815-6da3-4f7b", "", "Niagara On The Lake Veterinary Housecall | 1188 Line 6 Road RR#6 Niagara On The Lake L0S 1J0", "579fcc62-9ded-4bf8", "", "ui-id-700", "d86eb5f8-26f0-4ad9", "", "Niagara Pet Hospital | RR #1, 3032 Mountain Road/ Grimsby Road Grassie L0R 1M0", "5b1928c9-38a2-48a7", "", "ui-id-701", "e68c2cc7-6bca-4b73", "", "Niagara Region Veterinary House Call Services | ", "c361f19c-c782-425b", "", "ui-id-702", "eeb98c68-0c16-4239", "", "Nobleton Veterinary Clinic | 13135 Hwy 27 Nobleton L0G 1N0", "b39afee0-3768-4b97", "", "ui-id-703", "67865a54-9fd5-4f1b", "", "North Toronto Veterinary Behaviour Specialty Clinic | 99 Henderson Ave Thornhill L3T 2K9", "65aa42c4-ca7c-4c7f", "", "ui-id-704", "8d0ab3ee-b135-4bc4", "", "North Wellington Animal Hospital | 248 Main St S Mount Forest N0G 2L0", "5163b952-6ea4-4df5", "", "ui-id-705", "70163f4a-cec8-4d49", "", "North Yonge Veterinary Hospital | 17725 Yonge St - #18 Newmarket L3Y 7C1", "a1a54805-bb3f-4d83", "", "ui-id-706", "84b1b978-779d-414e", "", "Northview Pet Hospital | 8611 Weston Road Unit 5 Woodbridge L4L 9P1", "a77fb105-9938-4b08", "", "ui-id-707", "3a35d9c2-0d05-47df", "", "Northwest London Veterinary Clinic | 1567 Hyde Park Rd London N6H 5L5", "fe40d626-c586-446e", "", "ui-id-708", "925beceb-4d34-48a9", "", "O.S.P.C.A Mount Vernon Memorial Clinic | 91a Patterson Rd Barrie L4N 3V9", "15a10d5c-62e9-4fc8", "", "ui-id-709", "d0194e8f-29e2-457a", "", "Oakpark Pet Hospital | Unit C1 370 Dundas Street E. Oakville L6H 6Z9", "f359b846-2d8b-4ce1", "", "ui-id-710", "b9b4e97f-8a9f-4995", "", "O'connor Veterinary Services | 1551 O'Connor Dr Toronto M4B2V7", "fe983553-6e38-4903", "", "ui-id-711", "b60ed811-a2f8-43c8", "", "Ontario Spca Centre Veterinary Hospital | 16586 Woodbine Avenue Newmarket L3Y 4W1", "57b341ef-4033-4174", "", "ui-id-712", "4ae7f240-58db-452a", "", "Ontario Veterinary College Teaching Hospital | University Of Guelph Guelph N1G 2W1", "d21ec904-197e-4574", "", "ui-id-713", "378e65ea-b0dc-4cc0", "", "Orillia Pet Hospital | 8035 Highway 12 West Orillia L3V 6H2", "bed6a2ee-96bb-469e", "", "ui-id-714", "df82f629-fc37-492b", "", "Oro Medonte Vet Services | 96 Schoolhouse Road Road Oro Medonte L0L 1T0", "dad4dc94-6d27-4c58", "", "ui-id-715", "179ba2bf-c83c-4e16", "", "Orono Veterinary Hospital | 30 Cobbledick Street Orono L0B 1M0", "76b0a27e-d920-4032", "", "ui-id-716", "7c3b2471-7662-4e7b", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma St. Rockwood N0B 2K0", "5f7c7b33-f8d4-434f", "", "ui-id-717", "eb190138-96f6-497f", "", "Ostrander Pet Hospital | 178 Alma Street Rockwood N0B2K0", "002d6109-d929-4a32", "", "ui-id-718", "fc697495-212e-40ec", "", "Otonabee Animal Hospital | 3881 Wallace Point Rd O'tonabee K9J 6Y3", "58c6e677-8f2e-4132", "", "ui-id-719", "dfa238a0-71e7-4c26", "", "Ottawa East Pet Housecall Services | 2033 Quincy Ave Gloucester K1J 6B2", "fd2ac503-b751-4a4d", "", "ui-id-720", "e8cdefad-a554-4148", "", "Parkdale Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 1654 Queen Street West Toronto M6R 1B2", "27c72877-a0ed-4eb6", "", "ui-id-721", "60259773-9586-4b38", "", "Pathways Holistic Petcare Centre | 919 Oxford Street East London N5Y 3J8", "af2a203b-e0bb-473c", "", "ui-id-722", "f918c136-bc44-4438", "", "Pet Hospital On Main | 102 Main St.N UXBRIDGE L9P 1C7", "ac5b2d4a-d6b6-46c8", "", "ui-id-723", "e7442eea-a3a4-4db4", "", "Petawawa Animal Hospital | 3261 Petawawa Blvd. Petawawa K8H 1X8", "540f89b5-8fb3-48a9", "", "ui-id-724", "2e56ef72-0c73-4683", "", "Peterborough Pet Hospital | 379 Lansdowne St East Peterborough K9J 6X9", "7a9fcc9a-2447-4c85", "", "ui-id-725", "759f7e08-0740-4578", "", "Peterborough Veterinary Services | 720 The Kingsway Peterborough K9J 6W6", "d13ce934-a3e5-451f", "", "ui-id-726", "75b13568-595d-47bc", "", "Peterborough West Animal Hospital | 2605 Stewart Line RR#3 Peterborough K9J0G5", "c5da69e5-f5a8-487d", "", "ui-id-727", "8c0917a4-3abf-4e10", "", "Petrolia Veterinary Services | 4247 Oil Heritage Rd Petrolia N0N 1R0", "07942b1d-283e-4bff", "", "ui-id-728", "6b149b73-9bee-40ea", "", "Pickering Village Pet Hospital | 41 Church St. S Ajax L1S 6A6", "f4b76999-f341-4122", "", "ui-id-729", "ffbdcfb9-c934-4ad7", "", "Picton Animal Hospital | P.O. Box 1600, 19 Macsteven Drive Picton K0K 2T0", "3b962fbb-4e03-4fb4", "", "ui-id-730", "713028bd-8129-4b70", "", "Pioneer Pet Hospital | 4411 King Street East Kitchener N2P 2G1", "65a96f23-d580-49da", "", "ui-id-731", "55fde9b3-196f-4f16", "", "Pond Mills Animal Hospital | 5-1166 Commissioners Rd. E London N5Z 4W8", "c8f035fa-bc26-429d", "", "ui-id-732", "ead3f631-9fcc-4396", "", "Potter Veterinary Professional Corporation | PO Box 421 484 Main St. Schomberg L0G 1T0", "3bd55bec-750f-470e", "", "ui-id-733", "d927d455-c915-4045", "", "Preston Animal Clinic | 1606 King St. E. Cambridge N3H 3R7", "3f60ff1d-dbe1-4f27", "", "ui-id-734", "f3c28f84-02dd-4933", "", "Quinte Pet House Call Services | 109 Dundas St E Belleville K8N1C9", "66a6f020-466b-4737", "", "ui-id-735", "6c7485d4-00f6-4f0d", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South Unit 2-5 RR#7 Belleville K8N4Z7", "890db989-2bec-4571", "", "ui-id-736", "6d6151ce-f0de-4ea2", "", "Quinte Regional Pet Hospital | 5529 Highway 62 South, Unit 2-5 RR #7 Belleville K8N 4Z7", "b3c262b1-8684-4154", "", "ui-id-737", "15b8d400-6eeb-4508", "", "Rehabilitation Fur Your Pet | 1663 A Carling Ave. Ottawa K2A 1C4", "0c9c00e9-339b-4533", "", "ui-id-738", "1cd2db7f-071b-46f4", "", "Richard Klys Veterinary Professional Corporation | 1049 Eglinton Ave West Toronto M6C 2C9", "4795ac55-4faf-4ada", "", "ui-id-739", "51c0313a-09cd-4cec", "", "Richmond Animal Hospital | P.O. Box 1000, 6174 Perth Street Richmond K0A 2Z0", "fec7b74e-3012-4bf0", "", "ui-id-740", "2c0452de-8c27-4417", "", "Richmond Green Veterinary Clinic | Unit 3, 10650 Leslie St Richmond Hill L4S OB9", "b516f9e6-8f0d-4c72", "", "ui-id-741", "564922d5-11af-446e", "", "Richmond Hill Animal Hospital | 11 Centre St W Richmond Hill L4C 3P3", "2747d540-a4ff-4171", "", "ui-id-742", "6d129717-66de-483e", "", "Richmond Veterinary Clinic | 203 Richmond Blvd Napanee K7R 3Z9", "610c8927-0f5b-4fd5", "", "ui-id-743", "b8fc6953-3669-41a7", "", "Richmond Veterinary House Call Services | Richmond Hill L4S 0E6", "212ec1a6-f128-4166", "", "ui-id-744", "240a1867-c232-4e87", "", "Rideau River Veterinary Professional Corporation | 3987 Riverside Drive #2 Ottawa K1V 1C1", "b912d3a8-b7f9-45fd", "", "ui-id-745", "3abe99fa-aa8f-44c5", "", "Ripley- Huron Veterinary Clinic | 3290 County Rd 6 Ripley N0G 2R0", "fab8664b-c8c1-436a", "", "ui-id-746", "6f34b074-bc65-4465", "", "Ritson Veterinary Clinic | 490 Taunton Rd E, Unit 101 and 102 Oshawa L1K 1A8", "8cca4a2e-766f-466e", "", "ui-id-747", "65d08a4d-901e-4946", "", "Riverside Pet Hospital | 110 Richie Avenue #7 Ajax L1S 7G5", "569bcd9d-d59b-4e88", "", "ui-id-748", "aee044d2-59ca-4395", "", "Robinson Pet Hospital | 724 Main Street E Milton L9T 3P6", "022dbc46-6f77-4272", "", "ui-id-749", "5195bbee-de9c-4e89", "", "Robinson Veterinary Services | RR # 1, 3285 London Line Wyoming N0N 1T0", "99d69e13-dddf-489b", "", "ui-id-750", "9b7584c0-f1af-45f2", "", "Romeo Pet Hospital | 782 Downie Street Stratford N5A 1Y7", "16edad18-af8e-477a", "", "ui-id-751", "3796a461-2ee2-4ff0", "", "Roncesvalles Animal Hospital | 18 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2K3", "11305139-b0ff-4dcf", "", "ui-id-752", "ba31f2c0-921c-4410", "", "Roncy Village Veterinary Clinic | 215 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto M6R 2L6", "ba046004-b64b-4527", "", "ui-id-753", "6e54ad2a-c5e9-4c97", "", "Roundstone Mobile Vet Services | 45 Roundstone Brampton L6X 0K7", "9338a34a-5c0b-45c8", "", "ui-id-754", "0fbe37f8-cad5-435a", "", "Sauble Beach Pet Hospital | RR #1, 516 Sauble Falls Pkwy N Sauble Beach N0H 2G0", "94a9abe3-798a-4d42", "", "ui-id-755", "9e203b45-5744-47e7", "", "Second Opinion Referrals Dr. Greg Mcwatt Vt Pr Cp | 8 Finlay Mill Rd Midhurst L0L 1X1", "7ba4aff8-5740-49d2", "", "ui-id-756", "b2afbfd2-4f18-477b", "", "Shannondale Pet Hospital | P.O. Box 214, 1429 Main St. North Callander P0H1H0", "7dc41711-d4b8-4764", "", "ui-id-757", "a8610133-1d09-4034", "", "Sharon Veterinary Clinic | 18716 Leslie St Sharon L0G 1V0", "6f2f48a3-1bb2-4952", "", "ui-id-758", "cdb71f7d-23e9-44a8", "", "South Huron Veterinary Clinic | 20 Main Street Zurich N0M 2T0", "193cce51-d022-4249", "", "ui-id-759", "c882345a-57f9-468e", "", "Southampton Pet Hospital | Box 1097, Hwy 21 Southampton N0H 2L0", "dea6a9c6-6268-4799", "", "ui-id-760", "20153e7f-5905-48cf", "", "Southeastern Ontario Spay Neuter Clinic | 764A Old Highway 2 Trenton K8V 5P5", "ad4af58d-ce75-4812", "", "ui-id-761", "8a59a253-6ebe-4b9e", "", "Southern Ontario Animal Rehabilitation (Soar) | 850 Legion Rd Unit 5 Burlington L7S 1T6", "554b1748-2210-4021", "", "ui-id-762", "7c5a7ead-b232-4daa", "", "Southside Animal Clinic (London) | 1509 Commissioners Rd E London N6M 1C6", "146dc69b-a081-4f81", "", "ui-id-763", "8a3a8abc-f197-48e1", "", "Southside Pet Clinic | 14990 Simcoe Street Port Perry L9L 1G2", "8bedcd63-78b5-4208", "", "ui-id-764", "91bb3401-2192-4bfe", "", "Southside Pet Hospital | 728 Burloak Drive Unit C2 Burlington L7L 0B1", "eab494d2-eef3-45c2", "", "ui-id-765", "5d07de32-2d07-4496", "", "Speedvale Pet Hospital | 400 Speedvale Avenue W - Unit H Guelph N1H 8H3", "03a67c78-75fd-44ac", "", "ui-id-766", "d21a1694-a91d-41a1", "", "Steeles-Yonge Animal Hospital | 180 Steeles Ave W, Unit 15 Vaughan L4J 2L1", "1e130b3e-4ca4-41d6", "", "ui-id-767", "57efd278-48e6-477b", "", "Stone Church Animal Clinic | 634 Stone Church Rd West Hamilton L9B 1A7", "2bafdfd8-08e8-48de", "", "ui-id-768", "c63529d0-b1d8-4fb0", "", "Stonegate Animal Hospital | 292 Stone Road West Guelph N1G 3C4", "1a97482e-3792-4927", "", "ui-id-769", "ac65bca3-be0c-42ab", "", "Stonegates Veterinary Hospital | 193 Hwy 8 West West Flamborough L0R 2K0", "b0f8cbf2-380e-401d", "", "ui-id-770", "787b2043-c8de-4d66", "", "Stoney Ridge Animal Hospital | 2200 Rymal Road East Stoney Creek L0R 1P0", "74f9a4d2-e1c8-45e2", "", "ui-id-771", "ae4846ef-8631-4162", "", "Stoneybrook Animal Hospital | 620 Fanshawe Park Rd E London N5X 2R1", "a7cf8326-528d-45f5", "", "ui-id-772", "21d7dec8-3820-4787", "", "Sudbury Regional Cat Hospital | 262 Caswell Dr Sudbury P3E 2N8", "68557dd5-6c35-4483", "", "ui-id-773", "8288e071-8844-41e2", "", "Summerlyn Pet Hospital | 465 Holland Street West Unit #5 Bradford L3Z 0C1", "eacaa76c-299e-4f9e", "", "ui-id-774", "17a61da0-03d3-48f2", "", "Sunningdale Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 2155 Richmond Street Unit 1 London N5X4B8", "2867330c-8792-4f27", "", "ui-id-775", "eef67579-7b11-4a41", "", "Taunton Road Animal Hospital | 1330 Townline Road North Oshawa L1H 8L7 \u200e", "37019d60-27f6-468b", "", "ui-id-776", "c8a29434-5e9a-4bbe", "", "The Jameson Queen Animal Hospital | 1516 Queen St.W. Toronto M6R 1A4", "741d85ed-6510-44a7", "", "ui-id-777", "b16e189d-b342-44cc", "", "Thickson Road Pet Hospital | 1650 Victoria Street East Whitby L1N 9L4", "4d66c3f7-8867-4b9a", "", "ui-id-778", "745f48b9-cd12-4fa7", "", "Thornton Animal Clinic | 4171 Innisfil Beach Rd #12 Thornton L0L 2N0", "acc7b35c-124f-4c83", "", "ui-id-779", "40621703-5efa-4b8b", "", "Tillsonburg Veterinary Centre | 25 North Street East Tillsonburg N4G 1B4", "acfaa92c-99fc-4d52", "", "ui-id-780", "5bd8eaa0-ba11-4048", "", "Toronto Animal Eye Clinic | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "6ac03ff6-e16a-4c45", "", "ui-id-781", "3d9a51fc-8bbc-4c40", "", "Toronto Central Animal Clinic | 167 Parliament Street Toronto M5A 2Z2", "e54183ce-e58f-4be1", "", "ui-id-782", "fa7f2b65-e563-47ae", "", "Toronto East Animal House Call Services \u2013 A. Bekhit Veterinary Medicine Professional Corporation | Toronto ", "a57edae7-4637-4726", "", "ui-id-783", "0361059e-ec68-4622", "", "Toronto Humane Society Vet. Clinic | 11 River St Toronto M5A 4C2", "ccf76ea6-9d3b-4757", "", "ui-id-784", "00676441-c8a5-44db", "", "Toronto Mobile Vet Services | Toronto ", "01917bb6-f2e1-45c5", "", "ui-id-785", "5cb76711-20c1-445c", "", "Toronto North Animal Hospital | 317 Sheppard Avenue East North York M2N 3B3", "f064cbfc-c594-4ba9", "", "ui-id-786", "d54d6a64-dba0-471d", "", "Toronto Veterinary Clinic | 2459 Lake Shore Blvd W Toronto M8V2M1", "202dce55-6715-478b", "", "ui-id-787", "4c181bb3-ba30-4958", "", "Toronto Veterinary Emergency Hospital | 21 Rolark Drive Scarborough M1R 3B1", "7149e3bb-40e3-4bb9", "", "ui-id-788", "ac519bd5-5009-4a8a", "", "Toronto Veterinary End Of Life Mobile Services | 48 Kingsley Ave Toronto M6N1A4", "2efc7342-ab61-474a", "", "ui-id-789", "90731026-7c83-4473", "", "Toronto Veterinary Home Euthanasia Services | 10 Delevan Court Richmond Hill L4B 3W8", "7cf4b0db-5271-401c", "", "ui-id-790", "9834eafc-9c4b-4de5", "", "Toronto Veterinary House Call | Apartment 411, 1543 Bayview Avenue Toronto M4G 3B5", "0262c45a-539c-483b", "", "ui-id-791", "b17fe805-814b-4fb8", "", "Toronto Veterinary Rehabilitation Centre | 1735 Queen Street East Toronto M4L 6S5", "69bda465-3d5e-4d84", "", "ui-id-792", "92a2ae5e-bf5f-4676", "", "Toronto West Holistic Mobile Veterinary Services | 29 Conway Ave. York M6E 1H1", "39467146-e554-4f9c", "", "ui-id-793", "62c693c3-c1b5-4e5d", "", "Touch Animal Rehabilitation | 1140 Front St North Bay P1B6P2", "93cb0ba8-476c-48ce", "", "ui-id-794", "f5984b6a-1cd0-4bd9", "", "Trans Canada Pet Clinic | Box 16, Site 134 R1, 596 Government Street Dryden P8N 2Y4", "6935ef5a-8bc7-4cce", "", "ui-id-795", "1edf33f4-7685-4c0d", "", "Treatwell Pet Care - Mobile Veterinary Services Of Ottawa | Unit 1 170 Booth Street Ottawa K1R 7W1", "30e9a4f5-5dd2-4edc", "", "ui-id-796", "2be056bd-e588-43bd", "", "Trenton Mobile Veterinary Services | R R #3 14141 Dublin Line Acton L7J 2L9", "bc613aee-0045-4551", "", "ui-id-797", "4ffcfc60-3f02-4936", "", "Trenton Pet Hospital | 441 Front Street Trenton K8V 6C1", "efdf0e8f-37f9-44ee", "", "ui-id-798", "a1e44636-c8e8-4eb1", "", "Trim Pet Hospital | Unit 14, 2010 Trim Road Orleans K4A 0G4", "4bc1390d-606c-46fd", "", "ui-id-799", "790f2a2e-2c59-45e6", "", "Unionville South Pet Hospital | 4721 Highway 7 Unionville L3R 1M7", "da8e0f76-f823-461f", "", "ui-id-800", "a88f91be-fc3a-4433", "", "Upper Oakville Pet Hospital | A12 1011 Upper Middle Rd E Oakville L6H 4L2", "3c37bc81-fa92-433c", "", "ui-id-801", "cfb8519a-821c-4fb9", "", "Val Caron Veterinary Hospital | 3055 Hwy 69 North Val Caron P3N 1R8", "ad262771-0cf5-46d6", "", "ui-id-802", "ca53481e-4ad5-44f3", "", "Vansegbrook, Dr. Donna | 7651 Mud Creek Line Wallaceburg N8A 4L3", "dbc9b69c-67f9-40e4", "", "ui-id-803", "249226db-ebe7-40d2", "", "Vaughan-Richmond Hill Vet Emerg. Clinic | 10303 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 3B9", "e541afdb-c0e3-4435", "", "ui-id-804", "fa32016e-9753-4a88", "", "Vellore Village Pet Hospital | Unit 9, 9750 Weston Road Woodbridge L4H2Z7", "e221fb98-d80a-4c51", "", "ui-id-805", "5b5987b9-0090-4705", "", "Verona Animal Hospital | 53 Westport Rd. Godfrey K0H 1T0", "f904a4df-0629-45df", "", "ui-id-806", "80f77c3c-f104-4f2e", "", "Veterinary Emergency Clinic Of York Region | 1210 Journey's End Circle Newmarket L3Y 8Z6", "235bf124-ab79-4659", "", "ui-id-807", "9fb693c9-4eab-4ae6", "", "Veterinary Emergency Hospital Of West Toronto | 755 Queensway East Mississauga L4Y 4C5", "1837f97c-467d-406e", "", "ui-id-808", "341bc40c-3755-4e1a", "", "Walkerton - Hanover Veterinary Clinic | R R #2 Walkerton N0G 2V0", "9e80f140-6201-4c87", "", "ui-id-809", "54a619b3-7a1e-4a2c", "", "Wellesley Animal Hospital (Toronto) | 535 Yonge Street Toronto M4Y1Y5", "d0052cd8-73e1-4855", "", "ui-id-810", "5ac7ddc3-e6ed-478f", "", "Wellington Animal Hospital | 95 Wellington St South Woodstock N4S 3H9", "9f823ce8-4c86-48a8", "", "ui-id-811", "4becc157-1da0-4935", "", "Wellington Baseline Animal Hospital | Unit 4C - 555 Wellington Rd. S London N6C 4R3", "6f5a8d69-53da-488b", "", "ui-id-812", "99fcc349-ac85-4959", "", "Wellington Veterinary Hospital | 1210 Castlemore Avenue , Unit #5 Markham L6E 0H7", "9d3d79e5-7abb-45a3", "", "ui-id-813", "b0e2ffd2-3f2b-4093", "", "Wellington Veterinary Services | 320 Mill St. East Elora N0B 1S0", "9bb6fe24-a620-44c7", "", "ui-id-814", "35820841-f450-4a77", "", "West Carleton Animal Hospital | 3710 Carp Road Carp K0A 1L0", "97d4c00b-de8c-4a68", "", "ui-id-815", "f98bb702-20b2-4849", "", "West London Pet Hospital | 760 Hyde Park Road London N6H 5W9", "f3d984f0-1357-4d9d", "", "ui-id-816", "a172892a-a38b-4e12", "", "West Toronto Veterinary Surgery | 150 Norseman Street Etobicoke M8Z 2R4", "177e8e90-cea4-4df9", "", "ui-id-817", "ed43a642-48b1-4540", "", "West Woodbridge Pet Hospital | 8280 Highway 27, Unit 16 Woodbridge L4H 0R9", "759f2c67-536f-4331", "", "ui-id-818", "95936a50-e195-45c4", "", "Westmount Neighbourhood Pet Clinic | 851 Wonderland Rd. South London N6K 4T2", "3e082947-b2f5-4b21", "", "ui-id-819", "eb3d7a91-f713-4452", "", "Weston Veterinary Clinic | 2347 Weston Rd Toronto M9N 1Z7", "9033e6e8-1545-4ca4", "", "ui-id-820", "39b4f0a3-3c53-429b", "", "Wiarton Animal Hospital | Box 38, 10177 Highway 6 Wiarton N0H 2T0", "9f307f7d-10ee-474a", "", "ui-id-821", "096e911c-40fa-4367", "", "Wilson Mobile Veterinary Services | PO Box 912 Granton N0M 1V0", "c1b3f093-7492-4092", "", "ui-id-822", "ab3c7243-9f80-4e6b", "", "Wilson Road Veterinary Office | 371 Wilson Road S Oshawa L1H 6C6", "ffaa51b8-951f-4456", "", "ui-id-823", "162ae7ac-d617-457a", "", "Wilson Street Veterinary Clinic | 134 Wilson St. East Ancaster L9G 2B7", "87d9f9fb-b2ae-4815", "", "ui-id-824", "d84c673b-8ca7-4297", "", "Wilsons Animal Hospital | 105 Hartzel Rd St. Catharines L2P 1N2", "b4652ef6-3d4c-4ff1", "", "ui-id-825", "53d5e09b-8a50-492d", "", "Windsor Pet Hospital | 722 Tecumseh Road East Windsor N8X 4T2", "dc3e3997-b9b8-4b22", "", "ui-id-826", "4942ad9d-026b-4c86", "", "Winston Churchill Animal Hospital | Unit #5, 2980 Crosscurrent Dr Mississauga L5N 7C7", "45e4d2ce-765f-4f7f", "", "ui-id-827", "39a58b9b-b8d8-4d24", "", "Wk Foster Veterinary Professional Corporation | PO Box 208 67 Brock Street West Uxbridge L9P 1M7", "01ca5a65-e4a0-45ec", "", "ui-id-828", "e8a8c712-feb7-4f4e", "", "Yonge - 16Th Pet Hospital | 9218 Yonge Street Richmond Hill L4C 7A2", "16e6f380-0e4e-4d86", "", "ui-id-829", "9122b119-410b-453e", "", "Yonge And St. Clair Veterinary Hospital | 33 Alvin Ave Toronto M4T 2A7", "c96a568a-0107-455d", "", "ui-id-830", "7a1f4b37-db43-4896", "", "Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital Professional Corporation | 280 Sheppard Ave. East Toronto M2N 3B1", "1dd1369e-74e5-4b91", "", "ui-id-831", "37a37d6d-30c2-4448", "", "Yonge Street Animal Hospital | 2586 Yonge St Toronto M4P2J3", "c0f90d66-8541-45e2", "", "ui-id-832", "c4a408ee-6b3e-4530", "", "Yonge-Davenport Pet Hospital | 885 Yonge Street Toronto M4W 2H2", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog", "aria-describedby", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-2", "f13f2616-ced6-46d9", "", "ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix", "e70d5708-59db-4c88", "", "ui-dialog-title", "d97e2701-4158-4fb0", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only ui-dialog-titlebar-close", "aria-disabled", "close", "c14323ac-21fc-4e48", "", "ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-closethick", "e0eaef87-6f69-44ac", "", "ui-button-text", "9be0ed9a-d90f-4be1", "", "ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content", "d0f08e0c-0d39-4dc5", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "e290a703-a0e5-438f", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable ui-resizable", "dialog-save", "ui-id-3", "display: none; 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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[], [], [], [], [7, 184], [], [], [], [], [80, 189, 7, 190], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 192], [], [], [7, 195], [], [], [7, 198], [], [], [201, 202, 177, 203, 204, 205, 7, 206], [], [201, 208, 7, 209], [], [132, 211, 7, 212], [], [201, 215, 7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [7, 224], [], [], [50, 228, 7, 229], [], [], [7, 233], [], [50, 236, 7, 237], [], [], [], [], [201, 240, 7, 241], [], [50, 243, 7, 244], [], [201, 248, 7, 249], [], [], [], [], [132, 256, 201, 257, 7, 258], [], [7, 261], [], [], [50, 264, 265, 266, 7, 267], [], [7, 269], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 272, 7, 273], [], [201, 275, 7, 276], [], [50, 278, 265, 266, 7, 279], [], [80, 283, 201, 284, 7, 285], [], [], [], [], [132, 287, 7, 288], [], [7, 291], [], [7, 294], [], [], [], [], [201, 297, 7, 298], [], [201, 301, 7, 302], [], [201, 305, 7, 306], [], [], [], [201, 305, 7, 312], [], [], [], [201, 315, 7, 316], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 319, 7, 320], [], [201, 322, 7, 323], [], [132, 326, 201, 327, 7, 328], [], [132, 330, 7, 331], [], [132, 334, 201, 335, 7, 336], [], [132, 339, 201, 340, 7, 341], [], [344, 345, 346, 14, 347, 348, 132, 349, 30, 350, 48, 351, 352, 353, 7, 354], [], [346, 14, 347, 356, 132, 357, 30, 357, 48, 351, 352, 358, 7, 359], [], [201, 361, 7, 362], [], [132, 364, 7, 365], [], [201, 369, 7, 370], [], [], [201, 373, 7, 374], [], [201, 376, 7, 377], [], [201, 379, 7, 380], [], [201, 383, 7, 384], [], [], [], [201, 379, 7, 387], [], [201, 383, 7, 389], [], [], [], [201, 379, 7, 392], [], [201, 394, 7, 395], [], [], [], [], [201, 399, 7, 400], [], [201, 379, 7, 402], [], [201, 405, 7, 406], [], [], [201, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 7, 416], [], [7, 419], [50, 421, 7, 422], [], [], [], [], [201, 426, 7, 427], [], [7, 429], [201, 405, 7, 432], [], [], [], [201, 405, 7, 436], [], [201, 439, 7, 440], [], [], [], [201, 443, 410, 444, 412, 445, 414, 415, 7, 446], [], [7, 448], [50, 450, 7, 451], [], [], [], [], [201, 454, 7, 455], [], [201, 383, 7, 457], [], [], [201, 459, 7, 460], [], [], [], [], [201, 464, 7, 465], [], [132, 467, 468, 469, 201, 469, 50, 470, 7, 471], [], [201, 473, 7, 474], [], [], [7, 477], [], [], [], [], [201, 481, 7, 482], [], [201, 484, 7, 485], [], [201, 487, 7, 488], [], [], [201, 491, 7, 492], [], [], [201, 495, 7, 496], [], [], [], [201, 499, 7, 500], [], [201, 502, 7, 503], [], [], [201, 506, 7, 507], [], [201, 502, 7, 509], [], [], [201, 506, 7, 512], [], [201, 514, 7, 515], [], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 376, 7, 518], [], [7, 521], [], [177, 523, 7, 524], [], [], [], [7, 527], [], [201, 376, 7, 530], [], [533, 534, 535, 536, 132, 537, 538, 539, 540, 540, 7, 541], [346, 14, 347, 348, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 351, 352, 353, 7, 544], [346, 14, 347, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 351, 352, 415, 7, 548], [346, 14, 347, 550, 132, 551, 30, 551, 48, 351, 352, 552, 7, 553], [346, 14, 347, 555, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 351, 352, 557, 7, 558], [132, 560, 30, 560, 48, 351, 352, 561, 7, 562], [346, 14, 347, 564, 132, 565, 30, 565, 48, 351, 352, 358, 7, 566], [346, 14, 347, 568, 132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 351, 352, 570, 7, 571], [132, 573, 30, 573, 48, 351, 352, -1, 7, 574], [], [132, 339, 7, 577], [], [201, 579, 7, 580], [], [201, 582, 7, 583], [], [132, 585, 7, 586], [], [346, 14, 347, 550, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 351, 352, 552, 7, 591], [], [346, 14, 347, 348, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 351, 352, 353, 7, 595], [], [346, 14, 347, 546, 132, 597, 30, 598, 48, 351, 352, 415, 7, 599], [], [346, 14, 347, 601, 132, 602, 30, 603, 48, 351, 352, 604, 7, 605], [], [346, 14, 347, 555, 132, 607, 30, 608, 48, 351, 352, 557, 7, 609], [], [201, 612, 7, 613], [], [201, 615, 7, 616], [], [], [], [201, 369, 7, 620], [], [], [201, 376, 7, 623], [], [201, 625, 7, 626], [], [201, 405, 7, 628], [201, 615, 7, 630], [], [633, 634, 7, 635], [], [], [], [201, 638, 7, 639], [], [201, 642, 346, 14, 347, 643, 132, 634, 30, 644, 7, 645], [352, -1, 7, 648], [], [], [352, 651, 7, 652], [], [], [352, 655, 7, 656], [], [], [352, 659, 7, 660], [], [], [352, 663, 7, 664], [], [], [352, 667, 7, 668], [], [], [], [201, 671, 7, 672], [], [201, 674, 675, 644, 676, 14, 7, 677], [], [], [], [201, 679, 7, 680], [], [682, 683, 346, 14, 684, 685, 686, 687, 347, 688, 132, 689, 30, 690, 691, 692, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 696], [], [201, 671, 7, 698], [], [201, 674, 675, 690, 676, 14, 7, 700], [], [], [], [201, 679, 7, 702], [], [682, 704, 346, 14, 684, 705, 686, 687, 347, 706, 132, 707, 30, 708, 691, 709, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 710], [], [201, 671, 7, 712], [], [201, 674, 675, 708, 676, 14, 7, 714], [], [], [], [], [201, 376, 7, 716], [], [201, 679, 7, 718], [], [201, 405, 7, 720], [201, 615, 7, 722], [], [633, 724, 7, 725], [], [], [], [201, 728, 7, 729], [], [346, 14, 684, 731, 686, 732, 347, 733, 132, 724, 30, 734, 691, 735, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 736], [], [201, 671, 7, 738], [], [201, 674, 675, 734, 676, 14, 7, 740], [], [], [], [], [201, 376, 7, 742], [], [201, 744, 7, 745], [], [346, 14, 684, 747, 686, 732, 347, 748, 132, 749, 30, 750, 691, 751, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 752], [], [201, 671, 7, 754], [], [201, 674, 675, 750, 676, 14, 7, 756], [], [], [], [], [201, 376, 7, 758], [], [201, 760, 7, 761], [], [346, 14, 347, 764, 132, 765, 30, 766, 48, 351, 352, 767, 7, 768], [], [201, 770, 7, 771], [], [], [132, 774, 30, 775, 48, 351, 352, 561, 7, 776], [], [], [], [201, 376, 7, 778], [], [201, 679, 7, 780], [], [201, 405, 7, 782], [201, 615, 7, 784], [], [633, 786, 7, 787], [], [], [], [201, 728, 7, 790], [], [201, 792, 346, 14, 347, 793, 132, 786, 30, 794, 48, 795, 352, -1, 7, 796], [], [201, 671, 7, 798], [], [201, 674, 675, 794, 676, 14, 7, 800], [], [], [], [], [201, 376, 7, 802], [], [201, 679, 7, 804], [], [201, 405, 7, 806], [201, 615, 7, 808], [], [633, 810, 7, 811], [], [], [], [201, 728, 7, 814], [], [682, 816, 346, 14, 684, 817, 686, 732, 818, 819, 820, 821, 347, 822, 132, 810, 30, 823, 48, 693, 352, 824, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 825], [], [201, 671, 7, 827], [], [201, 674, 675, 823, 676, 14, 7, 829], [], [], [], [], [346, 14, 347, 831, 132, 832, 30, 833, 48, 351, 352, -1, 7, 834], [], [], [], [], [201, 836, 7, 837], [], [201, 840, 7, 841], [], [201, 844, 7, 845], [], [132, 848, 7, 849], [], [7, 852], [], [201, 369, 7, 855], [], [], [7, 859], [], [7, 862], [], [], [132, 865, 201, 866, 7, 867], [], [201, 869, 870, 871, 7, 872], [], [], [], [201, 877, 870, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 14, 7, 886], [50, 888, 201, 889, 870, 890, 879, 891, 132, 884, 7, 892], [], [], [201, 895, 870, 878, 879, 891, 881, 896, 883, 897, 885, 570, 7, 898], [50, 900, 201, 889, 870, 890, 879, 891, 132, 897, 7, 901], [], [], [], [344, 905, 346, 14, 347, 906, 132, 905, 30, 905, 48, 351, 352, 570, 7, 907], [], [132, 882, 883, 884, 201, 909, 870, 910, 911, 14, 912, 570, 7, 913], [], [7, 916], [], [], [132, 920, 921, 922, 7, 923], [], [201, 376, 7, 925], [], [201, 379, 7, 927], [], [201, 929, 7, 930], [633, 932, 7, 933], [], [], [], [201, 484, 7, 936], [], [201, 938, 346, 14, 684, 939, 686, 732, 347, 940, 132, 932, 30, 932, 48, 693, 352, 246, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 941], [], [201, 943, 7, 944], [], [201, 674, 675, 932, 676, 14, 7, 946], [], [], [], [], [201, 948, 7, 949], [], [], [], [132, 953, 201, 954, 177, 955, 7, 956], [], [132, 958, 7, 959], [], [132, 962, 80, 963, 964, 880, 177, 955, 7, 965], [], [], [], [201, 376, 132, 967, 177, 968, 7, 969], [], [201, 379, 7, 971], [], [], [201, 484, 7, 974], [], [132, 976, 201, 977, 7, 978], [], [], [], [201, 376, 7, 980], [], [201, 379, 7, 982], [], [], [201, 984, 7, 985], [], [346, 14, 987, 988, 347, 989, 990, 990, 132, 991, 30, 991, 48, 992, 352, 14, 7, 993], [30, 991, 48, 351, 352, 570, 7, 995], [], [201, 997, 132, 998, 7, 999], [], [201, 1001, 7, 1002], [], [7, 1004], [], [132, 1007, 50, 470, 7, 1008], [], [201, 1011, 7, 1012], [], [], [], [], [201, 671, 7, 1016], [], [201, 674, 675, 991, 676, 14, 7, 1018], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 896, 883, 897, 201, 909, 870, 910, 911, 570, 912, 14, 177, 968, 7, 1020], [], [921, 1022, 7, 1023], [], [7, 1025], [], [7, 1027], [], [201, 929, 7, 1029], [201, 615, 7, 1031], [], [633, 932, 7, 1034], [], [], [201, 938, 132, 932, 30, 932, 48, 693, 352, 246, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 1036], [], [201, 943, 7, 1038], [], [201, 674, 675, 932, 676, 14, 7, 1040], [], [], [], [7, 1042], [], [201, 1044, 1045, 1046, 468, 1047, 7, 1048], [], [1045, 1046, 468, 1047, 50, 470, 879, 891, 7, 1050], [], [201, 1052, 7, 1053], [], [], [], [], [7, 1056], [], [201, 1058, 7, 1059], [201, 615, 7, 1061], [], [633, 1063, 7, 1064], [], [], [201, 1067, 346, 14, 684, 1068, 686, 1069, 1070, 1069, 818, 1071, 820, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 905, 1076, 569, 1077, 14, 1078, 570, 132, 1063, 1079, 1069, 30, 1063, 48, 795, 352, -1, 7, 1080], [], [201, 943, 7, 1082], [], [201, 674, 675, 1063, 676, 14, 7, 1084], [], [], [], [7, 1086], [], [201, 929, 7, 1088], [201, 615, 7, 1090], [], [633, 1092, 7, 1093], [], [], [201, 1067, 346, 14, 684, 1096, 686, 1097, 1070, 1097, 818, 1098, 820, 1099, 1073, 1100, 1075, 905, 1076, 569, 1077, 14, 1078, 570, 132, 1092, 1079, 1097, 30, 1092, 48, 795, 352, -1, 7, 1101], [], [201, 943, 7, 1103], [], [201, 674, 675, 1092, 676, 14, 7, 1105], [], [], [], [7, 1107], [], [201, 929, 7, 1109], [], [201, 615, 7, 1111], [], [633, 1113, 7, 1114], [], [], [], [201, 1067, 346, 14, 818, 1117, 820, 1118, 1073, 1119, 1075, 905, 1076, 569, 1077, 14, 1078, 570, 132, 1113, 1079, 1120, 30, 1113, 48, 795, 352, -1, 7, 1121], [], [201, 943, 7, 1123], [], [201, 674, 675, 1113, 676, 14, 7, 1125], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1129, 7, 1130], [], [7, 1132], [], [], [201, 1134, 7, 1135], [], [1137, 1138, 346, 14, 987, 1139, 347, 1140, 990, 990, 132, 1141, 30, 1141, 48, 992, 352, 14, 7, 1142], [30, 1141, 48, 351, 352, 570, 7, 1144], [], [201, 997, 132, 1147, 7, 1148], [], [201, 1150, 633, 1151, 7, 1152], [], [132, 1155, 7, 1156], [], [7, 1159], [132, 1161, 50, 470, 7, 1162], [], [132, 1161, 50, 470, 7, 1165], [201, 1011, 7, 1167], [], [], [], [201, 1171, 7, 1172], [201, 1174, 7, 1175], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 674, 675, 1141, 676, 14, 7, 1179], [], [], [], [7, 1181], [], [], [201, 1134, 7, 1183], [], [30, 1185, 346, 14, 347, 1186, 132, 1187, 48, 992, 352, 14, 7, 1188], [30, 1187, 48, 351, 352, 570, 7, 1190], [], [201, 997, 132, 1193, 7, 1194], [], [177, 1196, 201, 1150, 633, 1151, 7, 1197], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1201, 7, 1202], [], [201, 335, 7, 1204], [], [201, 1207, 48, 1208, 1209, 1210, 7, 1211], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1215], [], [], [], [80, 1218, 7, 1219], [], [], [132, 1222, 201, 257, 7, 1223], [], [201, 1226, 7, 1227], [], [201, 1229, 7, 1230], [], [7, 1233], [], [], [201, 1236, 7, 1237], [], [132, 1239, 7, 1240], [], [201, 376, 7, 1242], [], [201, 1244, 7, 1245], [], [7, 1247], [], [], [], [201, 1249, 7, 1250], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1253, 7, 1254], [], [1257, 1258, 1259, 880, 1260, 880, 1261, 880, 7, 1262], [], [7, 1265], [7, 1268], [], [201, 1271, 7, 1272], [], [201, 405, 7, 1274], [633, 1276, 7, 1277], [], [], [], [201, 1280, 7, 1281], [], [], [], [7, 1284], [], [201, 1271, 7, 1286], [], [201, 405, 7, 1288], [633, 1290, 7, 1291], [], [], [], [201, 1280, 7, 1294], [], [], [], [7, 1297], [], [201, 1271, 7, 1299], [], [201, 405, 7, 1301], [633, 1303, 7, 1304], [], [], [], [201, 1280, 7, 1307], [], [], [], [7, 1310], [], [201, 1271, 7, 1312], [], [201, 405, 7, 1314], [633, 1316, 7, 1317], [], [], [], [201, 1280, 7, 1320], [], [], [], [7, 1323], [], [201, 1271, 7, 1325], [], [201, 405, 7, 1327], [633, 1329, 7, 1330], [], [], [], [201, 1280, 7, 1333], [], [], [], [7, 1336], [], [201, 1271, 7, 1338], [], [201, 405, 7, 1340], [633, 1342, 7, 1343], [], [], [], [201, 1280, 7, 1346], [], [7, 1349], [], [], [], [7, 1352], [], [7, 1354], [201, 1356, 7, 1357], [633, 1359, 7, 1360], [], [], [201, 1363, 7, 1364], [], [], [], [177, 1367, 7, 1368], [], [177, 1370, 7, 1371], [201, 405, 7, 1373], [633, 1375, 7, 1376], [], [], [], [177, 1379, 7, 1380], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1253, 177, 1382, 7, 1383], [], [201, 1385, 50, 470, 46, 1386, 7, 1387], [], [201, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393, 7, 1394], [], [], [], [132, 1386, 201, 1398, 7, 1399], [], [1257, 1258, 1259, 880, 1260, 880, 1261, 880, 7, 1402], [], [7, 1404], [7, 1406], [], [177, 1370, 201, 1271, 7, 1408], [], [201, 405, 7, 1410], [], [], [], [177, 1379, 201, 1271, 7, 1413], [], [], [], [7, 1416], [], [177, 1370, 201, 1271, 7, 1418], [201, 405, 7, 1420], [], [], [], [177, 1379, 201, 1271, 7, 1423], [], [7, 1426], [], [], [], [], [7, 1429], [], [7, 1431], [], [201, 405, 7, 1433], [], [], [7, 1437], [], [7, 1439], [], [], [], [], [7, 1443], [], [7, 1445], [201, 405, 7, 1447], [201, 1449, 7, 1450], [], [7, 1453], [], [7, 1455], [], [7, 1458], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1462], [], [7, 1464], [], [201, 405, 7, 1466], [], [], [], [7, 1469], [], [7, 1472], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1474, 7, 1475], [], [], [201, 1477, 7, 1478], [], [7, 1481], [], [7, 1484], [], [7, 1487], [], [], [], [177, 1490, 7, 1491], [], [201, 1493, 80, 1494, 7, 1495], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1498, 7, 1499], [], [201, 1501, 7, 1502], [], [201, 1504, 7, 1505], [], [132, 1507, 7, 1508], [], [7, 1510], [], [7, 1513], [], [50, 1516, 265, 266, 7, 1517], [7, 1520], [], [], [], [7, 1525], [], [7, 1528], [], [50, 1531, 265, 266, 7, 1532], [7, 1534], [], [], [7, 1538], [], [7, 1541], [], [7, 1543], [], [7, 1545], [], [], [7, 1548], [], [7, 1550], [], [], [7, 1554], [], [7, 1556], [], [7, 1558], [], [50, 1561, 265, 266, 7, 1562], [7, 1564], [], [], [50, 1568, 265, 266, 7, 1569], [7, 1571], [], [], [7, 1575], [], [201, 1577, 7, 1578], [], [7, 1580], [], [7, 1583], [], [50, 1516, 265, 266, 1586, 1587, 1209, 1587, 7, 1588], [7, 1590], [], [], [7, 1593], [], [201, 1577, 177, 1595, 7, 1596], [], [50, 1598, 265, 266, 1586, 1599, 1209, 1599, 7, 1600], [], [], [50, 1603, 265, 266, 1209, 1604, 7, 1605], [], [], [50, 1607, 265, 266, 7, 1608], [], [], [7, 1611], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1616, 48, 87, 7, 1617], [], [80, 1619, 48, 87, 7, 1620], [], [80, 1622, 48, 87, 7, 1623], [], [80, 1625, 48, 87, 7, 1626], [], [80, 1628, 48, 87, 7, 1629], [], [80, 1631, 48, 87, 7, 1632], [], [80, 1634, 48, 87, 7, 1635], [], [80, 1637, 48, 87, 7, 1638], [], [80, 1640, 48, 87, 7, 1641], [], [80, 1643, 7, 1644], [], [80, 1218, 7, 1647], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1650], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1654], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1658], [], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 1664, 883, 1665, 177, 1666, 7, 1667], [201, 1669, 7, 1670], [132, 1665, 201, 1672, 7, 1673], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 1680], [201, 1682, 7, 1683], [201, 1685, 7, 1686], [], [132, 1664, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 1698], [], [132, 1701, 7, 1702], [], [533, 1689, 535, 1691, 132, 1704, 538, 539, 540, 540, 7, 1705], [346, 14, 347, 550, 132, 551, 30, 551, 48, 351, 352, 552, 7, 1707], [346, 14, 347, 348, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 351, 352, 353, 7, 1709], [346, 14, 347, 601, 132, 1711, 30, 1711, 48, 351, 352, 604, 7, 1712], [346, 14, 347, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 351, 352, 415, 7, 1714], [132, 560, 30, 560, 48, 351, 352, 561, 7, 1716], [], [177, 1718, 7, 1719], [], [7, 1721], [], [201, 1723, 7, 1724], [], [201, 1727, 346, 14, 347, 1728, 132, 1729, 30, 1729, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 1730], [], [201, 674, 675, 1729, 676, 14, 177, 1732, 7, 1733], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 1738], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 1741], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 1744], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 1747], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 1750], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 1753], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 1756], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 1759], [201, 1761, 7, 1762], [201, 1764, 7, 1765], [48, 1676, 201, 1767, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 1768], [201, 1685, 7, 1770], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 1773], [201, 1685, 7, 1775], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 469, 883, 1777, 177, 1778, 7, 1779], [201, 1669, 7, 1781], [132, 1777, 201, 1672, 7, 1783], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 1786], [201, 1682, 7, 1788], [201, 1685, 7, 1790], [], [132, 469, 1692, 1792, 1694, 1695, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 1793], [], [132, 1795, 177, 968, 7, 1796], [], [1586, 1798, 80, 1799, 7, 1800], [], [], [132, 1803, 7, 1804], [], [201, 506, 7, 1807], [], [533, 1809, 535, 1810, 132, 1811, 538, 539, 540, 540, 7, 1812], [346, 14, 347, 550, 132, 551, 30, 551, 48, 351, 352, 552, 7, 1814], [346, 14, 347, 555, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 351, 352, 557, 7, 1816], [346, 14, 347, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 351, 352, 415, 7, 1818], [346, 14, 347, 348, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 351, 352, 353, 7, 1820], [132, 1822, 30, 1822, 48, 351, 352, -1, 7, 1823], [346, 14, 347, 1825, 132, 1826, 30, 1826, 48, 351, 352, 1827, 7, 1828], [346, 14, 347, 1830, 132, 1831, 30, 1831, 48, 351, 352, 358, 7, 1832], [132, 1729, 30, 1729, 48, 351, 352, -1, 7, 1834], [346, 14, 347, 1836, 132, 1837, 30, 1837, 48, 351, 352, 557, 7, 1838], [346, 14, 987, 1840, 347, 1841, 132, 1842, 30, 1842, 48, 351, 352, 1827, 7, 1843], [132, 1837, 30, 1837, 48, 351, 352, 557, 7, 1845], [132, 1842, 30, 1842, 48, 351, 352, 1827, 7, 1847], [], [201, -1, 177, -1, 7, 1850], [], [7, 1852], [], [201, 376, 7, 1854], [], [201, 379, 7, 1856], [], [201, 405, 7, 1858], [633, 1860, 7, 1861], [], [], [], [201, 1864, 7, 1865], [], [346, 14, 684, 1867, 686, 687, 347, 1868, 132, 1860, 30, 1860, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 1869], [], [], [201, 1871, 7, 1872], [], [201, 671, 7, 1874], [], [201, 1876, 675, 1860, 676, 14, 7, 1877], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1879], [], [201, 1881, 7, 1882], [], [201, 379, 7, 1884], [], [201, 405, 7, 1886], [633, 1888, 201, 1889, 7, 1890], [], [], [], [201, 1893, 7, 1894], [], [201, 1896, 7, 1897], [], [201, 1899, 1900, 1888, 346, 14, 347, 1901, 132, 1888, 30, 1888, 48, 1902, 352, 1903, 7, 1904], [], [633, 1906, 201, 1907, 7, 1908], [], [201, 1249, 7, 1910], [], [], [], [201, 1896, 7, 1913], [], [201, 1899, 1900, 1888, 132, 1888, 30, 1888, 48, 1902, 352, 1915, 7, 1916], [], [633, 1918, 201, 1919, 7, 1920], [], [201, 1922, 7, 1923], [], [], [], [], [201, 1871, 7, 1926], [], [201, 671, 7, 1928], [], [201, 1876, 675, 1888, 676, 14, 7, 1930], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1932], [], [201, 376, 7, 1934], [], [201, 379, 7, 1936], [], [201, 405, 7, 1938], [633, 1940, 7, 1941], [], [], [], [201, 1864, 7, 1943], [], [870, 1945, 1946, 1947, 201, 1948, 7, 1949], [1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 132, 1957, 30, 1957, 177, 1958, 48, 693, 352, -1, 201, 1959, 1960, 1961, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 1962], [], [344, 1940, 346, 14, 347, 1964, 132, 1940, 30, 1940, 177, 968, 48, 693, 352, 557, 7, 1965], [], [132, 1967, 177, 203, 201, 1968, 7, 1969], [], [], [], [201, 1871, 7, 1972], [], [201, 1974, 7, 1975], [], [], [], [201, 1871, 7, 1978], [], [201, 1980, 7, 1981], [], [201, 1983, 675, 1940, 676, 14, 7, 1984], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1986], [], [201, 376, 7, 1988], [], [201, 379, 7, 1990], [], [201, 405, 7, 1992], [], [633, 1994, 7, 1995], [], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 2000, 7, 2001], [], [201, 2003, 346, 14, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 1120, 2009, 2010, 347, 2011, 132, 2012, 30, 2012, 870, 2013, 879, 880, 7, 2014], [352, -1, 7, 2016], [], [], [352, 2010, 7, 2019], [], [], [352, 2022, 7, 2023], [], [], [352, 1097, 7, 2026], [], [], [352, 2029, 7, 2030], [], [], [352, 1069, 7, 2033], [], [], [352, 2036, 7, 2037], [], [], [352, 2040, 7, 2041], [], [], [352, 2044, 7, 2045], [], [], [352, 2048, 7, 2049], [], [], [352, 2052, 7, 2053], [], [], [352, 2056, 7, 2057], [], [], [352, 1120, 7, 2060], [], [], [], [], [201, 2063, 7, 2064], [], [201, 2066, 346, 14, 2004, 2067, 132, 2068, 30, 2068, 177, 2069, 870, 2013, 879, 880, 7, 2070], [352, -1, 7, 2072], [], [], [352, 891, 7, 2075], [], [], [352, 2010, 7, 2078], [], [], [352, 2022, 7, 2080], [], [], [352, 1097, 7, 2082], [], [], [352, 2029, 7, 2084], [], [], [352, 1069, 7, 2086], [], [], [352, 2036, 7, 2088], [], [], [352, 2040, 7, 2090], [], [], [352, 2044, 7, 2092], [], [], [352, 2048, 7, 2094], [], [], [352, 2052, 7, 2096], [], [], [352, 2056, 7, 2098], [], [], [352, 1120, 7, 2100], [], [], [352, 2102, 7, 2103], [], [], [352, 2105, 7, 2106], [], [], [352, 2108, 7, 2109], [], [], [352, 2111, 7, 2112], [], [], [352, 2114, 7, 2115], [], [], [352, 2117, 7, 2118], [], [], [352, 2120, 7, 2121], [], [], [352, 2123, 7, 2124], [], [], [352, 2126, 7, 2127], [], [], [352, 2129, 7, 2130], [], [], [352, 2132, 7, 2133], [], [], [352, 2135, 7, 2136], [], [], [352, 2138, 7, 2139], [], [], [352, 2141, 7, 2142], [], [], [352, 2144, 7, 2145], [], [], [352, 2147, 7, 2148], [], [], [352, 2150, 7, 2151], [], [], [352, 2153, 7, 2154], [], [], [352, 2156, 7, 2157], [], [], [], [], [201, 2063, 7, 2159], [], [201, 2161, 346, 14, 2004, 2162, 347, 2163, 132, 2164, 30, 2164, 870, 2013, 879, 880, 7, 2165], [352, -1, 7, 2167], [], [], [352, 2170, 7, 2171], [], [], [352, 2173, 7, 2174], [], [], [352, 2176, 7, 2177], [], [], [352, 2179, 7, 2180], [], [], [352, 2182, 7, 2183], [], [], [352, 2185, 7, 2186], [], [], [352, 2188, 7, 2189], [], [], [352, 2191, 7, 2192], [], [], [352, 2194, 7, 2195], [], [], [352, 2197, 7, 2198], [], [], [352, 2200, 7, 2201], [], [], [352, 2203, 7, 2204], [], [], [352, 2206, 7, 2207], [], [], [352, 2209, 7, 2210], [], [], [352, 2212, 7, 2213], [], [], [352, 2215, 7, 2216], [], [], [352, 2218, 7, 2219], [], [], [352, 2221, 7, 2222], [], [], [352, 2224, 7, 2225], [], [], [352, 2227, 7, 2228], [], [], [352, 2230, 7, 2231], [], [], [352, 2233, 7, 2234], [], [], [352, 2236, 7, 2237], [], [], [352, 2239, 7, 2240], [], [], [352, 2242, 7, 2243], [], [], [], [], [201, 1871, 7, 2245], [], [201, 671, 177, 203, 7, 2247], [], [201, 1876, 675, 2012, 676, 14, 7, 2249], [], [], [], [201, 1871, 7, 2251], [], [201, 671, 177, 203, 7, 2253], [], [201, 1876, 675, 2164, 676, 14, 7, 2255], [], [], [], [201, 1871, 7, 2257], [], [201, 671, 7, 2259], [], [132, 2261, 177, 203, 201, 1968, 7, 2262], [], [], [], [], [], [], [346, 14, 684, 2265, 686, 2040, 1070, 2036, 818, 2266, 820, 2267, 347, 2268, 132, 560, 30, 560, 48, 351, 352, 561, 7, 2269], [], [7, 2272], [], [201, 376, 7, 2274], [], [201, 379, 7, 2276], [], [201, 405, 7, 2278], [], [633, 816, 7, 2280], [], [], [], [], [201, 1864, 7, 2282], [], [346, 14, 684, 817, 686, 732, 818, 819, 820, 821, 132, 816, 30, 816, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 2284], [], [], [201, 1871, 7, 2287], [], [201, 671, 7, 2289], [], [201, 1876, 675, 816, 676, 14, 7, 2291], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2293], [], [], [], [201, 2296, 132, 2297, 879, 880, 1678, 570, 177, 968, 7, 2298], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2300], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2302], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2304], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2306], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2308], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2310], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2312], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2314], [201, 1761, 7, 2316], [201, 1764, 7, 2318], [48, 1676, 201, 1767, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2320], [201, 1685, 7, 2322], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2324], [201, 1685, 7, 2326], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2328, 883, 2329, 177, 2330, 7, 2331], [201, 1669, 7, 2333], [132, 2329, 201, 1672, 7, 2335], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2338], [201, 1682, 7, 2340], [201, 1685, 7, 2342], [], [132, 2328, 2344, 2345, 1692, 2346, 1694, 1695, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 2347], [], [48, 351, 344, 2349, 7, 2350], [], [132, 2352, 177, 968, 7, 2353], [], [1586, 2355, 80, 1799, 7, 2356], [], [], [132, 2359, 7, 2360], [], [48, 351, 344, 2349, 7, 2362], [], [7, 2365], [7, 2367], [], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2370], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2372], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2374], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2376], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2378], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2380], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2382], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2384], [201, 1761, 7, 2386], [201, 1764, 7, 2388], [48, 1676, 201, 1767, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2390], [201, 1685, 7, 2392], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2394], [201, 1685, 7, 2396], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2398, 883, 2399, 177, 2400, 7, 2401], [201, 1669, 7, 2403], [132, 2399, 201, 1672, 7, 2405], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2408], [201, 1682, 7, 2410], [201, 1685, 7, 2412], [], [132, 2398, 1692, 2414, 1694, 1695, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 2415], [], [132, 2417, 177, 968, 7, 2418], [], [1586, 2420, 80, 1799, 7, 2421], [], [], [132, 2424, 7, 2425], [], [533, 2428, 132, 2429, 538, 539, 540, 540, 7, 2430], [346, 14, 347, 348, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 351, 352, 353, 7, 2432], [346, 14, 347, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 351, 352, 415, 7, 2434], [344, 2436, 346, 14, 347, 2437, 132, 2438, 30, 2438, 48, 351, 352, 557, 7, 2439], [344, 2441, 346, 14, 347, 2442, 132, 2443, 30, 2443, 48, 351, 352, 557, 7, 2444], [344, 2446, 346, 14, 347, 2447, 132, 2448, 30, 2448, 48, 351, 352, 557, 7, 2449], [346, 14, 347, 601, 132, 1711, 30, 1711, 48, 351, 352, 604, 7, 2451], [], [177, 2453, 7, 2454], [], [], [132, 2457, 7, 2458], [], [7, 2460], [], [7, 2462], [], [633, 1860, 7, 2464], [], [], [], [7, 2467], [], [633, 1957, 7, 2469], [], [], [], [7, 2471], [], [633, 2473, 7, 2474], [], [], [], [7, 2476], [], [633, 560, 7, 2478], [], [], [], [], [7, 2480], [], [7, 2482], [], [633, 683, 7, 2484], [], [], [682, 2486, 346, 14, 684, 685, 686, 687, 347, 688, 132, 683, 30, 683, 48, 693, 352, -1, 7, 2487], [], [177, 2489, 7, 2490], [], [201, 674, 675, 683, 676, 14, 177, 2492, 7, 2493], [], [], [], [7, 2495], [], [633, 704, 7, 2497], [], [], [682, 2499, 346, 14, 684, 705, 686, 687, 347, 706, 132, 704, 30, 704, 48, 693, 352, -1, 7, 2500], [], [177, 2489, 7, 2502], [], [201, 674, 675, 704, 676, 14, 177, 2492, 7, 2504], [], [], [], [7, 2506], [], [633, 816, 7, 2508], [], [], [682, 2511, 346, 14, 684, 817, 686, 732, 818, 819, 820, 821, 347, 822, 132, 816, 30, 816, 48, 693, 352, 824, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 2512], [], [177, 2489, 7, 2514], [], [201, 674, 675, 816, 676, 14, 177, 2492, 7, 2516], [], [], [], [7, 2518], [], [633, 2520, 7, 2521], [], [], [201, 792, 346, 14, 347, 793, 132, 2520, 30, 2520, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 2524], [], [177, 2489, 7, 2526], [], [201, 674, 675, 2520, 676, 14, 177, 2492, 7, 2528], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2530], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2532], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2534], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2536], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2538], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2540], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2542], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2544], [201, 1761, 7, 2546], [201, 1764, 7, 2548], [48, 1676, 201, 1767, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2550], [201, 1685, 7, 2552], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2554], [201, 1685, 7, 2556], [], [201, 2558, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2559, 883, 2560, 177, 2561, 7, 2562], [201, 1669, 7, 2564], [132, 2560, 201, 1672, 7, 2566], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2568], [201, 1682, 7, 2570], [201, 1685, 7, 2572], [], [132, 2559, 177, -1, 201, 1697, 7, 2574], [], [201, 2576, 7, 2577], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2579, 883, 2580, 177, 2581, 7, 2582], [201, 1669, 7, 2584], [132, 2580, 201, 1672, 7, 2586], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2589], [201, 1682, 7, 2591], [201, 1685, 7, 2593], [], [132, 2579, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 2595], [], [7, 2598], [], [7, 2600], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2603], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2605], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2607], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2609], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2611], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2613], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2615], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2617], [201, 1761, 7, 2619], [201, 1764, 7, 2621], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2623], [201, 1685, 7, 2625], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2628, 883, 2629, 177, 2630, 7, 2631], [201, 1669, 7, 2633], [132, 2629, 201, 1672, 7, 2635], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2637], [201, 1682, 7, 2639], [201, 1685, 7, 2641], [], [132, 2628, 2643, 2627, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 2644], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2647], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2649], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2651], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2653], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2655], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2657], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2659], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2661], [201, 1761, 7, 2663], [201, 1764, 7, 2665], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2667], [201, 1685, 7, 2669], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 1047, 883, 2671, 177, 2672, 7, 2673], [201, 1669, 7, 2675], [132, 2671, 201, 1672, 7, 2677], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2680], [201, 1682, 7, 2682], [201, 1685, 7, 2684], [], [132, 1047, 2643, 2627, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 2686], [], [1586, 2679, 80, 2688, 7, 2689], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2691], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2693], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2695], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2697], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2699], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2701], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2703], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2705], [201, 1761, 7, 2707], [201, 1764, 7, 2709], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2711], [201, 1685, 7, 2713], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2715, 883, 2716, 177, 2717, 7, 2718], [201, 1669, 7, 2720], [132, 2716, 201, 1672, 7, 2722], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2725], [201, 1682, 7, 2727], [201, 1685, 7, 2729], [], [132, 2715, 2643, 2627, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 2731], [], [1586, 2679, 80, 2733, 7, 2734], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2736], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2738], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2740], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2742], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2744], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2746], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2748], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2750], [201, 1761, 7, 2752], [201, 1764, 7, 2754], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2756], [201, 1685, 7, 2758], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2760, 883, 2761, 177, 2762, 7, 2763], [201, 1669, 7, 2765], [132, 2761, 201, 1672, 7, 2767], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2770], [201, 1682, 7, 2772], [201, 1685, 7, 2774], [], [132, 2760, 2643, 2627, 177, 1696, 201, 1697, 7, 2776], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2779], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2781], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2783], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2785], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2787], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2789], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2791], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2793], [201, 1761, 7, 2795], [201, 1764, 7, 2797], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2800], [201, 1685, 7, 2802], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2804, 883, 2805, 177, 2806, 7, 2807], [201, 1669, 7, 2809], [132, 2805, 201, 1672, 7, 2811], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 2814], [201, 1682, 7, 2816], [201, 1685, 7, 2818], [], [132, 2804, 2643, 2627, 177, 2820, 201, 1697, 7, 2821], [], [132, 1164, 201, 2824, 7, 2825], [], [7, 2827], [], [201, 2829, 7, 2830], [], [7, 2832], [201, 2834, 7, 2835], [201, 2837, 7, 2838], [], [], [7, 2841], [201, 2834, 7, 2843], [201, 2837, 7, 2845], [], [50, 2848, 265, 266, 7, 2849], [], [], [], [7, 2851], [201, 2834, 7, 2853], [201, 2837, 7, 2855], [], [], [7, 2858], [201, 2834, 7, 2860], [201, 2837, 7, 2862], [], [], [7, 2865], [201, 2834, 7, 2867], [201, 2837, 7, 2869], [], [7, 2872], [], [7, 2875], [7, 2877], [], [7, 2880], [7, 2882], [], [7, 2885], [7, 2887], [], [7, 2890], [7, 2892], [], [], [], [7, 2895], [201, 2834, 7, 2897], [201, 2837, 7, 2899], [], [50, 2902, 265, 266, 7, 2903], [], [], [], [7, 2907], [201, 2834, 7, 2909], [201, 2837, 7, 2911], [], [], [7, 2914], [201, 2834, 7, 2916], [201, 2837, 7, 2918], [], [50, 2921, 265, 266, 7, 2922], [], [], [], [], [2926, 14, 177, 968, 7, 2927], [], [177, 2930, 7, 2931], [7, 2933], [177, 2935, 7, 2936], [7, 2938], [], [177, 2941, 7, 2942], [], [177, 2945, 7, 2946], [], [177, 2949, 7, 2950], [], [7, 2953], [7, 2955], [], [177, 2941, 7, 2957], [], [177, 2945, 7, 2960], [], [177, 2945, 7, 2963], [], [], [], [], [201, 506, 7, 2966], [], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 2968], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 2970], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 2972], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 2974], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 2976], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 2978], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 2980], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 2982], [201, 1761, 7, 2984], [201, 1764, 7, 2986], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 2988], [201, 1685, 7, 2990], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 2992, 883, 2993, 177, 2806, 7, 2994], [201, 1669, 7, 2996], [132, 2993, 201, 1672, 7, 2998], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 3001], [201, 1682, 7, 3003], [201, 1685, 7, 3005], [], [132, 2992, 2643, 2627, 177, 2820, 201, 1697, 7, 3007], [], [132, 1164, 201, 2824, 7, 3010], [], [201, 506, 7, 3012], [], [7, 3014], [7, 3016], [], [], [201, 3019, 7, 3020], [], [], [201, 3023, 7, 3024], [], [], [201, 2829, 7, 3027], [], [7, 3029], [201, 2834, 7, 3031], [201, 2837, 7, 3033], [], [177, 3036, 7, 3037], [], [], [177, 3036, 7, 3041], [], [], [], [7, 3045], [201, 2834, 7, 3047], [201, 2837, 7, 3049], [], [], [7, 3052], [201, 2834, 7, 3054], [201, 2837, 7, 3056], [], [], [7, 3059], [201, 2834, 7, 3061], [201, 2837, 7, 3063], [], [], [7, 3066], [201, 2834, 7, 3068], [201, 2837, 7, 3070], [], [], [7, 3073], [201, 2834, 7, 3075], [201, 2837, 7, 3077], [], [], [7, 3080], [201, 2834, 7, 3082], [201, 2837, 7, 3084], [], [], [7, 3087], [201, 2834, 7, 3089], [201, 2837, 7, 3091], [], [], [7, 3094], [201, 2834, 7, 3096], [201, 2837, 7, 3098], [], [], [7, 3101], [201, 2834, 7, 3103], [201, 2837, 7, 3105], [], [], [7, 3108], [201, 2834, 7, 3110], [201, 2837, 7, 3112], [], [], [7, 3115], [201, 2834, 7, 3117], [201, 2837, 7, 3119], [], [], [7, 3122], [201, 2834, 7, 3124], [201, 2837, 7, 3126], [], [], [7, 3129], [201, 2834, 7, 3131], [201, 2837, 7, 3133], [], [], [7, 3136], [201, 2834, 7, 3138], [201, 2837, 7, 3140], [], [], [], [201, 506, 7, 3143], [], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 3145], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 3147], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 3149], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 3151], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 3153], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 3155], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 3157], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 3159], [201, 1761, 7, 3161], [201, 1764, 7, 3163], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 3165], [201, 1685, 7, 3167], [], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 3169, 883, 3170, 177, 3171, 7, 3172], [201, 1669, 7, 3174], [132, 3170, 201, 1672, 7, 3176], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 3179], [201, 1682, 7, 3181], [201, 1685, 7, 3183], [], [201, 1761, 7, 3185], [201, 1764, 7, 3187], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 3189], [201, 1685, 7, 3191], [], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 3194], [201, 1685, 7, 3196], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 3198], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 3200], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 3202], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 3204], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 3206], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 3208], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 3210], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 3212], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 3214, 883, 3215, 177, 3171, 7, 3216], [201, 1669, 7, 3218], [132, 3215, 201, 1672, 7, 3220], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 3223], [201, 1682, 7, 3225], [201, 1685, 7, 3227], [], [201, 1761, 7, 3229], [201, 1764, 7, 3231], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 3233], [201, 1685, 7, 3235], [], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 3237], [201, 1685, 7, 3239], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737, 7, 3241], [201, 1740, 177, 1737, 7, 3243], [201, 1743, 177, 1737, 7, 3245], [201, 1746, 177, 1737, 7, 3247], [201, 1749, 177, 1737, 7, 3249], [201, 1752, 177, 1737, 7, 3251], [201, 1755, 177, 1737, 7, 3253], [201, 1758, 177, 1737, 7, 3255], [201, 3257, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 3258, 883, 3259, 177, 968, 7, 3260], [201, 1669, 7, 3262], [132, 3259, 201, 1672, 7, 3264], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 3267], [201, 1682, 7, 3269], [201, 1685, 7, 3271], [], [201, 1761, 7, 3273], [201, 1764, 7, 3275], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 3277], [201, 1685, 7, 3279], [], [201, 3257, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 3281, 883, 3282, 177, 968, 7, 3283], [201, 1669, 7, 3285], [132, 3282, 201, 1672, 7, 3287], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679, 7, 3289], [201, 1682, 7, 3291], [201, 1685, 7, 3293], [], [201, 1761, 7, 3295], [201, 1764, 7, 3297], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 7, 3299], [201, 1685, 7, 3301], [], [177, 3303, 7, 3304], [], [48, 87, 7, 3306], [], [], [177, 3303, 7, 3309], [7, 3311], [], [177, 3303, 7, 3314], [], [48, 87, 7, 3316], [], [], [879, 891, 912, 14, 870, 890, 1209, 3318, 30, 3319, 132, 3319, 80, 3320, 177, 3321, 7, 3322], [132, 3324, 80, 3325, 7, 3326], [177, 3329, 7, 3330], [3332, 3333, 177, 3334, 7, 3335], [177, 3337, 7, 3338], [46, 55, 50, 3340, 7, 3341], [177, 3334, 7, 3343], [177, 3337, 7, 3345], [46, 55, 50, 3340, 7, 3347], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 3169, 883, 2297, 177, 3171], [201, 1669], [132, 2297, 201, 1672], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679], [201, 1682], [201, 1685], [], [132, 3169, 177, -1, 201, 1697, 7, 3349], [], [533, 413, 132, 3352, 538, 539, 540, 540, 7, 3353], [], [201, 3355, 7, 3356], [], [201, 3359, 7, 3360], [], [7, 3363], [], [7, 3365], [], [201, 405, 7, 3367], [201, 615, 7, 3369], [], [633, 3371, 7, 3372], [], [], [201, 3374, 346, 14, 684, 3375, 686, 687, 347, 643, 132, 3371, 30, 3371, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 3376], [], [201, 674, 675, 3371, 676, 14, 7, 3378], [], [], [7, 3380], [], [201, 405, 7, 3382], [201, 615, 7, 3384], [], [633, 3386, 7, 3387], [], [], [346, 14, 684, 817, 686, 732, 818, 819, 820, 821, 347, 822, 132, 3386, 30, 3386, 48, 693, 352, -1, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 3389], [], [201, 674, 675, 3386, 676, 14, 7, 3391], [], [], [7, 3393], [], [201, 405, 7, 3395], [201, 615, 7, 3397], [], [633, 3399, 7, 3400], [], [], [7, 3403], [], [3406, 2123, 346, 14, 347, 3407, 132, 3399, 30, 3399, 3408, 2022, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 3409], [], [201, 674, 675, 3399, 676, 14, 7, 3411], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3413], [], [132, 3415, 30, 3415, 48, 693, 352, -1, 7, 3416], [], [132, 2510, 30, 2510, 48, 693, 352, -1, 7, 3418], [], [], [], [], [], [201, 1761], [201, 1764], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570], [201, 1685], [], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570], [201, 1685], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737], [201, 1740, 177, 1737], [201, 1743, 177, 1737], [201, 1746, 177, 1737], [201, 1749, 177, 1737], [201, 1752, 177, 1737], [201, 1755, 177, 1737], [201, 1758, 177, 1737], [201, 1661, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 3214, 883, 884, 177, 3171], [201, 1669], [132, 884, 201, 1672], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679], [201, 1682], [201, 1685], [], [132, 3214, 177, -1, 201, 1697, 7, 3420], [], [132, 3422, 533, 3423, 538, 539, 540, 540, 7, 3424], [], [48, 351, 132, 3426, 30, 3426, 352, 14, 7, 3427], [], [7, 3429], [], [7, 3431], [], [633, 3433, 7, 3434], [], [], [48, 693, 132, 3433, 30, 3437, 347, 688, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 3438], [], [177, 3440, 7, 3441], [], [201, 674, 675, 3437, 676, 14, 7, 3443], [], [], [], [7, 3446], [], [633, 3448, 7, 3449], [], [], [132, 3448, 347, 793, 30, 2520, 48, 795, 201, 792, 7, 3451], [], [177, 3440, 7, 3453], [], [201, 674, 675, 2520, 676, 14, 7, 3455], [], [], [], [7, 3457], [], [633, 3459, 7, 3460], [], [], [201, 642, 132, 3459, 30, 3463, 177, -1, 7, 3464], [352, 3466, 7, 3467], [], [], [352, 3469, 7, 3470], [], [], [352, 3472, 7, 3473], [], [], [352, 3475, 7, 3476], [], [], [352, 3478, 7, 3479], [], [], [352, 3481, 7, 3482], [], [], [], [], [7, 3485], [], [633, 3487, 7, 3488], [], [], [132, 3487, 30, 3491, 3408, 2029, 3406, 687, 694, 570, 695, 14, 7, 3492], [], [], [], [], [201, 1761], [201, 1764], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570], [201, 1685], [], [48, 1676, 201, 2799, 870, 1676, 1678, 570], [201, 1685], [], [201, 1736, 177, 1737], [201, 1740, 177, 1737], [201, 1743, 177, 1737], [201, 1746, 177, 1737], [201, 1749, 177, 1737], [201, 1752, 177, 1737], [201, 1755, 177, 1737], [201, 1758, 177, 1737], [201, 3257, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 3258, 883, 897, 177, 968], [201, 1669], [132, 897, 201, 1672], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679], [201, 1682], [201, 1685], [], [132, 3258, 177, -1, 201, 1697, 7, 3494], [], [132, 3496, 7, 3497], [], [201, 1761], [201, 1764], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570], [201, 1685], [], [201, 3257, 879, 891, 870, 1662, 1663, 3281, 883, 1665, 177, 968], [201, 1669], [132, 1665, 201, 1672], [], [48, 1676, 201, 1677, 870, 1676, 1678, 570, 1209, 1679], [201, 1682], [201, 1685], [], [132, 3281, 177, -1, 201, 1697, 7, 3499], [], [132, 3501, 7, 3502], [], [], [201, 1761], [201, 1764], [48, 1676, 201, 1772, 870, 1676, 1678, 570], [201, 1685], [], [177, 3303], [], [48, 87], [], [], [177, 3303], [], [48, 87], [], 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[152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 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1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 226, 222, -1, 231, 232, -1, 235, -1, 239, 218, -1, -1, 246, -1, -1, 252, 254, 214, -1, -1, 263, 218, -1, 222, -1, 271, 218, 214, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, 218, 214, -1, -1, -1, 296, -1, -1, -1, -1, 309, 311, -1, -1, 309, 314, -1, -1, 309, 318, -1, -1, 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1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [], [], [], [], [611, 1774, 0, 17], [], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [52, 1795, 13, 13], [], [72, 1794, 0, 17], [], [72, 1794, 697, 17], [], [], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 209, 21], [], [], [8, 1865, 1264, 0], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [], [8, 1965, 1264, 234], [8, 1965, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 9, 43, 17], [0, 9, 43, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 36, 227, 18], [0, 36, 114, 18], [0, 0, 52, 17], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [114, 36, 113, 18], [], [0, 54, 227, 36], [0, 54, 114, 36], [0, 9, 72, 17], [0, 9, 72, 17], [], [], [114, 54, 113, 36], [], [0, 90, 227, 18], [0, 90, 114, 18], [0, 0, 81, 17], [0, 0, 81, 17], [], [], [114, 90, 113, 18], [], [0, 108, 227, 36], [0, 108, 114, 36], [0, 9, 99, 17], [0, 9, 99, 17], [], [], [114, 108, 113, 36], [], [0, 144, 227, 36], [0, 144, 114, 36], [0, 0, 60, 35], [0, 0, 60, 35], [], [], [114, 144, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 180, 227, 36], [0, 180, 114, 36], [0, 0, 89, 35], [0, 0, 89, 35], [], [114, 180, 113, 36], [], [0, 216, 227, 18], [0, 216, 114, 18], [0, 0, 33, 17], [0, 0, 33, 17], [], [], [114, 216, 113, 18], [], [8, 2199, 1264, 194], [8, 2206, 118, 17], [], [8, 2206, 40, 17], [], [], [], [8, 2224, 1264, 162], [8, 2224, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 18, 227, 36], [0, 18, 114, 36], [0, 0, 61, 35], [], [], [114, 18, 113, 36], [], [48, 0, 68, 35], [], [], [0, 54, 227, 54], [0, 54, 114, 54], [0, 18, 107, 17], [], [114, 54, 113, 54], [], [48, 0, 109, 53], [], [], [0, 108, 227, 18], [0, 108, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 18, 114, 0], [114, 108, 113, 18], [], [36, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [0, 126, 227, 36], [0, 126, 114, 36], [0, 0, 70, 35], [], [], [114, 126, 113, 36], [], [36, 9, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 2393, 1264, 0], [8, 2409, 1264, 70], [8, 2409, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2443, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [59, 2481, 0, 17], [], [59, 2495, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 0], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2633, 1264, 36], [], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2719, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2753, 1264, 18], [8, 2753, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2821, 1264, 18], [], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2993, 1264, 17], [8, 2993, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 2993, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 2993, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1262, 270], [0, 0, 1253, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], 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Name cannot be larger than 50 characters.", "data-val-length-max", "50", "First Name is a required field.", "CustomerInfo_Owner_FirstName", "CustomerInfo.Owner.FirstName", "placeholder", "First Name", "text", "spellcheck", "data-ms-editor", "392f1d64-c532-4aff", "", "cd3340ff-f9dc-47bf", "", "d146e86a-e25f-432f", "", "44dd8bbe-72f9-41de", "", "LastName", "Last Name cannot be larger than 50 characters.", "Last Name is a required field.", "CustomerInfo_Owner_LastName", "CustomerInfo.Owner.LastName", "Last Name", "fa08af2b-d048-44dd", "", "583590fb-7fe7-46fd", "", "9d63c570-4f50-4269", "", "7eebcfe7-9068-4e6e", "", "d8029594-75c3-491c", "", "1bbdfe91-0b61-4976", "", "2154d886-4928-471e", "", "CustomerInfo_AddressLine1", "26b9c913-5c01-4f95", "", "Address:", "nine columns", "c1ad858e-72c0-4341", "", "Address cannot be larger than 100 characters.", "100", "Address is a required field.", "CustomerInfo.AddressLine1", "Street Address", "e5ae14f4-f7cc-4195", "", "baf64955-723f-48cf", "", "77af5317-2d80-488f", "", "0a2d604e-5ccf-4044", "", "offset-by-three nine columns", "fdf78261-b3b9-46f3", "", "City cannot be larger than 100 characters.", "City is a required field.", "CustomerInfo_City", "CustomerInfo.City", "City", "6d3d3100-31b1-425f", "", "0ade55f8-ea38-420f", "", "adadaaad-ad23-4036", "", "105aec38-900e-4627", "", "offset-by-three nine columns province", "c88ed5aa-b8ee-47a2", "", "\n Ontario,\n ", "Province is a required field.", "CustomerInfo_JurisdictionId", "CustomerInfo.JurisdictionId", "cd262724-bae3-4035-98f6-582d2203ec7d", "7836df2b-b6b6-4d9e", "", "space", "630c84fb-44d3-4ade", "", "L4L 4L4", "CustomerInfo_PostalZipCode", "CustomerInfo.PostalZipCode", "9e64862a-dc6d-45d3", "", "c5d1f13b-e80a-477d", "", "76a41831-416a-415a", "", "8fc2b3e9-873f-4f95", "", "79bb52d6-0914-4de4", "", "CustomerInfo_PhoneNumber", "a9947610-b893-4daf", "", "Phone Number:", "e1eb3b5a-bf2b-4ab4", "", "phone", "Phone Number is a required field.", "CustomerInfo.PhoneNumber", "tel", "f96abb3c-7efd-4bda", "", "e629d4e9-6cfe-4ba0", "", "eb274518-40f3-4e14", "", "06b2f6d1-86e8-4534", "", "2b50a1aa-4fbd-446e", "", "f5bdac10-7e7a-4c7a", "", "4c0eb388-5b3f-48c4", "", "CustomerInfo_EmailAddress", "06a9e49a-a343-4126", "", "Email:", "918eccec-e701-4dd6", "", "EmailAddress", "Email cannot be larger than 100 characters.", "data-val-regex", "The Email must be in a valid format (eg. joe@acme.com).", "data-val-regex-pattern", "^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\\]?)$", "Email is a required field.", "CustomerInfo.EmailAddress", "webtasksnavigator@gmail.com", "412480f6-b741-44bc", "", "bdc98efd-c7ec-46d5", "", "5a621e60-de05-414f", "", "Pet License Number is a required field.", "CustomerInfo_PetLicenseNumber", "CustomerInfo.PetLicenseNumber", "9aaaa1cd-dd5e-45a1", "", "otherinfo_bottom", "f34a5a25-0be9-496c", "", "\n\n ", "other_info noprint twelve columns", "eaa57200-34d5-4710", "", "\n ", 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", "f0414a3d-d52f-4eb2", "", " That's why we are certified through Entrust, respecting your privacy and ensuring confidentiality throughout our entire site.\n ", "paymenttabs", "ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "016d50b1-3d81-4f5e", "", "ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all", "role", "tablist", "94d1c257-bea2-4e21", "", "::after", "after", "\n ", "ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-active ui-state-active", "tab", "tabindex", "0", "aria-controls", "tab-1", "aria-labelledby", "ui-id-2", "aria-selected", "0fbdf13b-124d-4439", "", "#tab-1", "ui-tabs-anchor", "presentation", "-1", "4de78ab4-c259-416e", "", "Visa/Mastercard", "ui-state-default ui-corner-top", "tab-2", "ui-id-3", "16193949-0cc3-4b8d", "", "#tab-2", "76ef88be-ff99-43b3", "", "Direct Withdrawal", "\n\n ", "IsDirectWithdrawal", "Direct Withdrawal is a required field.", "a1c7bdce-4440-48c7", "", "ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom", "tabpanel", 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"0ead4aed-0ff6-40c9", "", "4684970a-fd53-4e9b", "", "*", "17e50085-1588-45f0", "", "7039f24e-7d17-4033", "", "b97854b5-46d9-446f", "", "8b006529-073f-4d7d", "", "7cca780b-d50e-4b46", "", "samplecheck", "data-dialog-link", "Samplecheque", "dialog-samplecheque", "15ffb27d-d659-4f42", "", "a9d5ed33-10a6-4b34", "", "fas fa-question-circle", "95aa41dd-ac08-4863", "", "\n See sample cheque\n ", "2cf843ea-6f3a-49a2", "", "bold step3label ClickTaleSensitive", "bf894f66-fcb8-4a1d", "", "f8828b04-c8e9-4712", "", "DWTransitNumber", "a2c747bd-bac3-4ae0", "", "Transit Number:", "numericOnly fs-exclude", "Transit Number must be exactly 5 characters.", "5", "data-val-length-min", "The Transit Number must be 5 digits.", "[0-9]{5}", "data-val-requiredif", "Transit Number is a required field.", "data-val-requiredif-dependentproperty", "data-val-requiredif-dependentproperty2", "data-val-requiredif-targetvalue", "data-val-requiredif-targetvalue2", "maxlength", "eccc8d04-2772-42c4", "", 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complete the purchase.", "The AgreedToDeclaration field is required.", "AgreedToDeclaration", "c76e2b70-e237-4279", "", "a2109e00-cbd5-4ac3", "", "\n\n ", "declaration-checkmark", "cd2b63bc-b13d-4cf0", "", "none", "read_declaration", "d70fca94-a931-4e3b", "", "\n ", "DelcarationAgreement", "495bfdcc-0f99-4c2c", "", "\n Please read and agree to the ", "1a528b55-9702-43b9", "", "showdeclaration", "81e5a414-8158-4d74", "", "declaration", "414deb34-49d8-476f", "", "73627a87-4cdf-4282", "", ".", "\n ", "agreement-checkbox-validation", "bf58a7a8-27ce-4482", "", "fas fa-exclamation-circle", "0e57d6b9-42aa-4471", "", "\uf06a", "Please open and read the declaration.", "44fccfcb-6559-4a11", "", "15d037a8-3b14-4a6d", "", "b4794a29-61e8-474e", "", "InfoDisclosure", "The AllowUpgradeOffers field is required.", "AllowUpgradeOffers", "9a6a15fb-6cf4-45b4", "", "6a1616ab-161d-4ac8", "", "\n\n ", "allow-upgrade-checkmark", "8d1a987e-e7c3-4974", "", "margin-right: 0px;", "d1fbf6b6-0cb8-45bd", "", "\n I allow OVMA Pet Health Insurance to use my personal information for the purpose of offering me upgrades\n ", "\n\n ", "qe_button_bar row", "966d5292-ec55-4d4e", "", "cd6598bd-024f-42a6", "", "BUTTON", "next-button", "submit", "title", "Confirm and Complete Purchase", "72c69974-df33-484d", "", "\n ", " \n", "0ba33195-e1d7-4b5e", "", "\n // Javascript function that returns resource strings or App Settings values.\n // By using keywords as its identification it will return that specific text.\n function getJSWordings(keyword) {\n if (keyword === '001') {\n return 'Approved';\n } else if (keyword === '940') {\n return 'Invalid profile ID';\n } else if (keyword === '941') {\n return 'Error generating token';\n } else if (keyword === '942') {\n return 'Invalid profile ID or source URL';\n } else if (keyword === '943') {\n return 'Account Number is invalid. Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. Should be numeric with a minimum of 3 and maximum of 4 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === 'moneris-postmessage-url') {\n return 'https://www3.moneris.com/HPPtoken/index.php';\n } else if (keyword === 'moneris-origin-url') {\n return 'https://www3.moneris.com';\n } else {\n return '-No wording found-';\n }\n }\n", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step3JS?v=CpQjST_DY7_cYFx5eOGANyN3ERVX4xiOGF69Lx0b8aU1", "a7b6b69d-a580-49b2", "", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "vert-divider", "54d62dcb-09a6-4e59", "", "\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "summary_top noprint four columns", "9379be69-e158-43b1", "", "summary_bottom", "d8bec418-447f-4c56", "", "\n \n ", "90b7da3b-bad0-439f", "", "Summary", "pet_box pet_box_first", "d1b82b22-73b1-43be", "", "containingSummaryBox", "54832b96-6d89-4981", "", "76bd1100-aa20-47fe", "", "name fs-exclude", "d728b129-2588-4e16", "", "10c718da-3336-46df", "", "fa fa-dog", "868e1397-0f17-47fc", "", "\uf6d3", "pet_info", "7054bfa0-87b9-48e0", "", "TABLE", 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"386e5282-e0e2-48c5", "", "6d57d546-df32-4bb0", "", "Summary__VB_Local_pet_PrimaryClinic", "6a914bee-f05b-4e75", "", "Primary Clinic:", "18effc4d-e9ab-4053", "", "\n Pet Hospital On Main\n ", "2a32bd3c-75eb-45ba", "", "b4243955-e5cd-4c78", "", "7682c0da-d81f-46ca", "", "Summary__VB_Local_pet_RecurringMonthCharges", "5b7e2cd7-eef0-4abe", "", "Monthly Payment:", "5e3704a7-2be1-4338", "", "\n $85.11\n ", "6b173778-1203-4dd8", "", "(includes taxes) ", "8409177c-0f5f-46db", "", "d5fbaaf7-0130-4fc5", "", "bold fit-content", "f5f912e1-334f-4c81", "", "Summary__VB_Local_pet_FirstPaymentDate", "154d8c17-15ef-4cf0", "", "First Payment Due:", "fs-exclude", "dd70677a-12bd-4b5e", "", "\nAug. 17, 2023 ", "padding-top:20px;", "8a6bb6f4-bd11-4dd4", "", "width: 114px", "f84c6368-9bc7-4031", "", "ece11cc7-af4c-447a", "", "Summary__VB_Local_pet_ProductName", "293bd409-0264-4e8f", "", "Plan:", "width: 113px", "2ff94e84-dade-4ba5", "", "padding-top:7px;padding-bottom:7px;", "b3a46f21-c267-4cb2", "", 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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A1A 1A1).", "^([ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnprstvxy]\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz])\\ {0,1}(\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\\d)$", "Postal Code is a required field.", "cd8e8de1-562f-432c", "", "\n\n\n ", "a1d1d60f-171b-43a9", "", "dac7f34a-067a-4cc5", "", "a0e55c4f-f3bc-45e4", "", "a3777db9-4ba1-4fcc", "", "3bb60a4e-babe-4c91", "", "db6194ba-f3a5-4c93", "", "7ca7b4d1-d3d9-492d", "", " ", "ffed692d-8693-4c3e", "", "e3175cc3-4f81-4f5d", "", "af717582-acfc-4c38", "", "fe7c39f5-e776-43d5", "", "\n window.onload = function () {\n $(\"#BreedName\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedName\");\n\n $(\"#BreedId\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedId\");\n\n var ownerInfo = $(\"#ShowOwnerInfo\").val() == \"True\" ? true : false;\n\n if (!ownerInfo) {\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#EmployeeNumber\");\n }\n };\n", "ui-autocomplete ui-front ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "ui-id-1", "291331a6-1b53-4833", "", "566d5c6c-7631-4502", "", "2fa9cf06-35d9-4c30", "", "e69df764-a301-4033", "", "f82cee37-48c2-434c", "", "dfc7c81c-dae7-4efa", "", "3a9dee69-bf29-4cdd", "", "ec127c79-7480-4c7c", "", "f51c7681-662d-4d6a", "", "39c41195-162c-4680", "", "e8528b3a-cd5b-446f", "", "d1eda1a8-f2f5-468f", "", "c6e38130-9cf2-43fe", "", "273fe2d1-c889-4fc6", "", "f4b1713b-7447-46ec", "", "dialog-removepet", "ui-id-6", "position: absolute; top: 196px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "8bc099ef-9481-4a4b", "", "f32c79d7-8d4b-4f6f", "", "2575d955-408b-4119", "", "Remove Pet from Quote?", "9a610dc6-3a74-457e", "", "9a2f05a3-7472-420a", "", "2233b9e4-007c-4a58", "", "data-navigate-url", "/Quote/Pet/RemovePet", "Remove Pet from Quote", "bd2a9386-8954-40af", "", "RemovePetId", "c788c4a9-0563-4e60", "", "RemovePet_Processing", "258934fc-ba23-4548", "", "Removing Pet from the Quote...", "00cb3084-1429-44f7", "", "\n Removing Pet from the Quote...\n ", "RemovePet_Body", "2cfbf3a3-d5a9-4188", "", "954156af-9626-4968", "", "\n Are you sure you want to remove your pet from the quote? The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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handleTokenize(response); \n\t }\n\t}\n\t\n\tfunction handleTokenize(response)\n\t{\n\t\twindow.parent.postMessage(response,\"*\");\n\t}\n\n\tif(typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined') \n\t{\n\t\twindow.addEventListener('message', doDataTokenize, false);\n\t}\n\telse if(typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined') \n\t{\n\t\twindow.attachEvent('onmessage', doDataTokenize);\n\t}\n\t\n\nfunction formatExpDate(e) {\n\tvar inputChar = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);\n\tvar code = event.keyCode;\n\tvar allowedKeys = [8];\n\tif (allowedKeys.indexOf(code) !== -1) {\n\t return;\n\t}\n \n\tevent.target.value = event.target.value.replace(\n\t /^([1-9]\\/|[2-9])$/g, '0$1/' // It will replace 7 with 07/\n\t).replace(\n\t /^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])$/g, '$1/' // Will not replace 10, 11 and 12\n\t).replace(\n\t /^([0-1])([3-9])$/g, '0$1/$2' // 15 > 01/5\n\t).replace(\n\t /^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])([0-9]{2})$/g, '$1/$2'\n\t).replace(\n\t /^([0]+)\\/|[0]+$/g, '0' // Will avoid multiple 0 entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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o=t.app;\ne=encodeURIComponent(e),e?l(o,e,function(a){!a&&w.isTouchRequest(t)?w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No value to touch\"}):r(o,e,a,t,n)}):w.runCallback(n,{error:\"No key specified.\"})}function r(e,t,n,r,o){var s=S.getItemId(n&&n[r.appName]),l=w.isTouchRequest(r);\"undefined\"==typeof t||\"undefined\"==typeof r.value&&!l?!l&&n&&n[r.appName]?a(e,t,s,r,o,n):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Object not found.\"}):i(e,t,s,r,o,n)}function o(e){C.hasValidStorageSelected(e)&&window.setTimeout(function(){g(e,d.bind(this,e))},b)}function a(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=w.removeKeyFromObj(a&&a[r.appName],n);w.hasProperties(i&&i[r.appName])||(i=w.removeKeyFromObj(i&&i,r.appName)),w.hasProperties(i)?s(e,t,i,function(e){w.runCallback(o,e&&e.error?e:null)}):c(e,t,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||u(e,t)})}function i(e,t,n,r,o,a){var i=S.enhanceObject(a,n,r);i?s(e,t,i,function(n){w.runCallback(o,n),n&&n.error||p(e,t)}):w.runCallback(o,{error:\"Unable to set the item.\"})}function s(e,t,n,r){\"undefined\"!=typeof n&&\"\"!==n&&null!==n?C.getStorage(e).set(t,w.encodeItem(n),r):C.getStorage(e).remove(t,r)}function l(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).get(t,function(e){w.runCallback(n,S.cleanupObject(w.decodeItem(e)))})}function c(e,t,n){C.getStorage(e).remove(t,n)}function u(e,t){(!y||y.hasOwnProperty(t))&&g(e,function(){y&&y.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})}function p(e,t){y?y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Adding key to map: \"+t)):g(e,function(){y.hasOwnProperty(t)||(y[t]=1,f(e,y),T(\"Got Map, adding key to map: \"+t))})}function g(e,t){l(e,v,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?e:{},(\"object\"!=typeof y||null===y)&&(y={}),w.runCallback(t,e),T(\"Got map: \"+JSON.stringify(y))})}function f(e,t){s(e,v,t,function(e){y=e&&!e.error?t:{},T(\"Setting map: \"+JSON.stringify(t))})}function d(e,t){y=\"object\"==typeof y?y:{},t=\"object\"==typeof t&&t||y;for(var n in t)T(\"Got key in map: \"+n),t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&m(e,n)}function m(e,t){l(e,t,function(n){var r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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e.error?n.error=e.error:n.value=e.value,e.key?n.key=e.key:e.keys&&(n.keys=e.keys),e.id&&(n.id=e.id),e.app&&(n.app=e.app),t=JSON.stringify(n),t=encodeURIComponent(t)}function C(e){var t=S(e);e.firstParty?L.trigger({appName:q,eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",data:{data:t}}):E(t,e.url,e.src)}function E(e,t,n){if(\"undefined\"!=typeof e)try{var r=n||window.parent;r.postMessage(e,t||lpTag.domainUtil.getDomain(t,!0))}catch(o){}}var O,D,A={},R=\"SecureStorageClient\",N=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,P=N.log.log,j={},I=t,U=[],x=!1,M=\"SecureStorageClient/storageType\",z={STORAGE:\"storage_error\"},L=lpTag.events,q=\"lpSecureStorage\",B=!lpTag.firstParty;return A[\"\"+e]=e,B&&N.bindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&l(),{initSelector:n,initManager:r,sendPendingMessages:s,setActive:i,reset:o,dispose:a}},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.StorageInitiator=window.lpTag.StorageInitiator||function(e){function t(){f=p(),d=new lpTag.SecureStorageClient(f.site,f.loc),h=new 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730, 7, 731, 223, -1, 9, 732], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 735], [], [9, 737], [], [28, 739, 7, 740, 223, -1, 221, 479, 9, 741], [], [221, 429, 9, 744], [], [221, 433, 9, 746], [], [], [], [223, 438, 9, 748], [], [9, 750], [28, 752, 7, 753, 223, -1, 9, 754], [], [], [9, 757], [28, 759, 7, 760, 223, -1, 9, 761], [], [], [9, 764], [28, 766, 7, 767, 223, -1, 9, 768], [], [], [9, 771], [28, 773, 7, 774, 223, -1, 9, 775], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 778], [], [9, 780], [], [28, 782, 7, 783, 223, -1, 221, 479, 9, 784], [], [221, 429, 9, 787], [], [221, 433, 9, 789], [], [], [], [223, 438, 9, 791], [], [9, 793], [28, 795, 7, 796, 223, -1, 9, 797], [], [], [9, 800], [28, 802, 7, 803, 223, -1, 9, 804], [], [], [9, 807], [28, 809, 7, 810, 223, -1, 9, 811], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 814], [], [9, 816], [], [28, 818, 7, 819, 223, -1, 221, 479, 9, 820], [], [221, 429, 9, 823], [], [221, 433, 9, 825], [], [], [], [223, 438, 9, 827], [], [9, 829], [28, 831, 7, 832, 223, -1, 9, 833], [], [], [9, 836], [28, 838, 7, 839, 223, -1, 9, 840], [], [], [9, 843], [28, 845, 7, 846, 223, -1, 9, 847], [], [], [9, 850], [28, 852, 7, 853, 223, -1, 9, 854], [], [], [9, 857], [28, 859, 7, 860, 223, -1, 9, 861], [], [], [9, 864], [28, 866, 7, 867, 223, -1, 9, 868], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 871], [], [9, 873], [], [28, 875, 7, 876, 223, -1, 221, 479, 9, 877], [], [221, 429, 9, 880], [], [221, 433, 9, 882], [], [], [], [223, 438, 9, 884], [], [9, 886], [28, 888, 7, 889, 223, -1, 9, 890], [], [], [9, 893], [28, 895, 7, 896, 223, -1, 9, 897], [], [], [9, 900], [28, 902, 7, 903, 223, -1, 9, 904], [], [], [9, 907], [28, 909, 7, 910, 223, -1, 9, 911], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 914], [], [9, 916], [], [28, 918, 7, 919, 223, -1, 9, 920], [], [], [], [], [9, 923], [], [9, 925], [], [28, 927, 7, 928, 223, -1, 9, 929], [], [], [], [], [9, 932], [], [9, 934], [], [28, 936, 7, 937, 223, -1, 9, 938], [], [], [], [], [9, 941], [], [9, 943], [], [28, 945, 7, 946, 223, -1, 9, 947], [], [], [], [], [9, 950], [], [9, 952], [], [28, 954, 7, 955, 223, -1, 221, 479, 9, 956], [], [221, 429, 9, 959], [], [221, 433, 9, 961], [], [], [], [223, 438, 9, 963], [], [9, 965], [28, 967, 7, 968, 223, -1, 9, 969], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [221, 412, 9, 972], [], [7, 974, 9, 975], [], [], [221, 419, 9, 977], [], [28, 979, 7, 980, 221, 479, 9, 981], [], [221, 429, 9, 984], [], [221, 433, 9, 986], [], [], [], [223, 438, 9, 988], [], [9, 990], [], [9, 992], [], [28, 994, 7, 995, 223, -1, 9, 996], [], [], [], [], [9, 999], [], [9, 1001], [], [28, 1003, 7, 1004, 223, -1, 9, 1005], [], [], [], [], [9, 1008], [], [9, 1010], [], [28, 1012, 7, 1013, 223, -1, 9, 1014], [], [], [], [], [9, 1017], [], [9, 1019], [], [28, 1021, 7, 1022, 223, -1, 9, 1023], [], [], [], [], [9, 1026], [], [9, 1028], [], [28, 1030, 7, 1031, 223, -1, 9, 1032], [], [], [], [], [9, 1035], [], [9, 1037], [], [28, 1039, 7, 1040, 223, -1, 9, 1041], [], [], [], [], [9, 1044], [], [9, 1046], [], [28, 1048, 7, 1049, 223, -1, 9, 1050], [], [], [], [], [9, 1053], [], [9, 1055], [], [28, 1057, 7, 1058, 223, -1, 9, 1059], [], [], [], [], [9, 1062], [], [9, 1064], [], [28, 1066, 7, 1067, 223, -1, 9, 1068], [], [], [], [], [9, 1071], [], [9, 1073], [], [28, 1075, 7, 1076, 223, -1, 9, 1077], [], [], [], [], [9, 1080], [], [9, 1082], [], [28, 1084, 7, 1085, 223, -1, 9, 1086], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [221, 412, 9, 1089], [], [7, 1091, 221, 1092, 9, 1093], [], [], [221, 419, 9, 1095], [], [28, 236, 7, 1097, 221, 479, 9, 1098], [], [221, 429, 9, 1101], [], [221, 433, 9, 1103], [], [], [], [223, 438, 9, 1105], [], [9, 1107], [], [9, 1109], [], [28, 1111, 7, 1112, 223, -1, 9, 1113], [], [], [], [], [9, 1116], [], [9, 1118], [], [28, 1120, 7, 1121, 223, -1, 221, 479, 9, 1122], [], [221, 429, 9, 1125], [], [221, 433, 9, 1127], [], [], [], [223, 438, 9, 1129], [], [9, 1131], [28, 1133, 7, 1134, 223, -1, 9, 1135], [], [], [9, 1138], [28, 1140, 7, 1141, 223, -1, 9, 1142], [], [], [9, 1145], [28, 1147, 7, 1148, 223, -1, 9, 1149], [], [], [9, 1152], [28, 1154, 7, 1155, 223, -1, 9, 1156], [], [], [], [], [], [9, 1159], [], [9, 1161], [], [28, 1163, 7, 1164, 223, -1, 9, 1165], [], [], [], [], [9, 1168], [], [9, 1170], [], [28, 1172, 7, 1173, 223, -1, 9, 1174], [], [], [], [], [9, 1177], [], [9, 1179], [], [28, 1181, 7, 1182, 223, -1, 9, 1183], [], [], [], [], [9, 1186], [], [9, 1188], [], [28, 1190, 7, 1191, 223, -1, 9, 1192], [], [], [], [], [9, 1195], [], [9, 1197], [], [28, 1199, 7, 1200, 223, -1, 9, 1201], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [221, 412, 9, 1204], [], [7, 1206, 9, 1207], [], [], [221, 419, 9, 1209], [], [28, 1211, 7, 1212, 9, 1213], [], [], [], [], [221, 412, 9, 1217], [], [7, 1219, 221, 1220, 9, 1221], [], [], [221, 419, 9, 1223], [], [28, 1225, 7, 1226, 221, 1227, 9, 1228], [], [], [], [], [], [], [221, 1232, 9, 1233], [], [9, 1236], [221, 1238, 9, 1239], [], [], [], [221, 1238, 28, 1242, 9, 1243], [], [], [], [221, 291, 9, 1246], [], [], [], [], [221, 291, 9, 1249], [], [], [33, 1252, 9, 1253], [], [221, 1255, 9, 1256], [], [221, 1258, 9, 1259], [], [221, 1261, 9, 1262], [], [221, 1264, 9, 1265], [], [221, 1268, 9, 1269], [], [221, 1272, 9, 1273], [], [28, 1276, 9, 1277], [], [9, 1280], [], [], [], [221, 1283, 9, 1284], [], [], [], [221, 1287, 223, 1288, 9, 1289], [], [7, 1292, 9, 1293], [], [221, 1296, 9, 1297], [], [7, 1300, 9, 1301], [], [7, 1303, 28, 1111, 9, 1304], [], [], [], [7, 1308, 9, 1309], [], [7, 1311, 28, 1120, 9, 1312], [], [], [], [7, 1314, 9, 1315], [], [7, 1317, 28, 1163, 9, 1318], [], [], [], [7, 1320, 9, 1321], [], [7, 1323, 28, 1172, 9, 1324], [], [], [], [7, 1326, 9, 1327], [], [7, 1329, 28, 1181, 9, 1330], [], [], [], [7, 1332, 9, 1333], [], [7, 1335, 28, 1190, 9, 1336], [], [], [], [7, 1338, 9, 1339], [], [7, 1341, 28, 1199, 9, 1342], [], [], [], [], [], [], [221, 1347, 223, 1288, 9, 1348], [], [221, 1351, 9, 1352], [9, 1355], [9, 1358], [], [1361, 1362, 99, 1363, 223, 1364, 9, 1365], [], [9, 1368], [9, 1370], [], [], [9, 1373], [], [], [9, 1376], [], [], [9, 1379], [], [], [9, 1382], [], [9, 1384], [], [], [], [9, 1387], [], [], [], [9, 1390], [], [], [], [9, 1393], [], [], [], [9, 1396], [], [], [], [9, 1399], [], [], [], [9, 1402], [], [], [], [9, 1405], [], [], [], [9, 1408], [], [], [9, 1412], [], [], [], [9, 1415], [9, 1417], [], [], [9, 1420], [], [28, 1199, 9, 1423], [9, 1425], [], [], [], [9, 1429], [], [], [9, 1431], [9, 1433], [], [], [9, 1436], [], [9, 1438], [], [], [], [9, 1441], [], [28, 1443, 9, 1444], [], [], [9, 1447], [], [28, 1449, 9, 1450], [], [], [9, 1453], [], [28, 1455, 9, 1456], [], [], [], [9, 1459], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [221, 291, 9, 1462], [], [221, 1464, 9, 1465], [], [221, 1467, 9, 1468], [], [221, 1470, 9, 1471], [], [], [], [], [221, 1467, 9, 1474], [], [221, 1261, 9, 1476], [], [221, 1478, 9, 1479], [], [221, 1482, 9, 1483], [], [9, 1485], [1361, 290, 99, 1487, 9, 1488], [], [], [], [221, 1491, 9, 1492], [], [9, 1494], [], [], [], [], [223, 1497, 9, 1498], [], [9, 1500], [], [], [9, 1503], [], [28, 1506, 9, 1507], [], [], [9, 1510], [28, 342, 9, 1512], [], [], [], [9, 1514], [], [], [], [221, 1478, 9, 1517], [], [221, 1519, 9, 1520], [], [221, 1522, 9, 1523], [], [9, 1525], [28, 1527, 9, 1528], [], [], [9, 1531], [28, 1533, 9, 1534], [], [], [9, 1537], [28, 1539, 9, 1540], [], [], [9, 1543], [28, 1545, 9, 1546], [], [], [9, 1549], [28, 1551, 9, 1552], [], [], [9, 1555], [28, 1557, 9, 1558], [], [], [9, 1561], [28, 1563, 9, 1564], [], [], [], [9, 1567], [], [], [], [], [], [], [221, 1467, 9, 1572], [], [221, 1261, 9, 1574], [], [221, 1576, 9, 1577], [], [221, 1579, 9, 1580], [], [], [], [221, 1576, 9, 1583], [], [221, 1585, 9, 1586], [], [9, 1588], [9, 1591], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1598, 221, 1599, 9, 1600], [], [221, 1602, 9, 1603], [], [221, 1606, 1607, 1608, 9, 1609], [], [221, 433, 9, 1612], [], [], [], [], [221, 1614, 7, 1615, 9, 1616], [], [], [], [], [221, 241, 9, 1619], [], [76, 245, 33, 1621, 7, 1621, 247, 1622, 9, 1623], [], [76, 245, 33, 1625, 7, 1625, 247, 1626, 9, 1627], [], [9, 1629], [76, 245, 33, 1631, 7, 1631, 247, 1632, 9, 1633], [], [76, 97, 9, 1635], [], [], [223, 1640, 9, 1641], [1643, 1644, 223, 1645, 9, 1646], [223, 1648, 9, 1649], [24, 75, 28, 1651, 9, 1652], [223, 1645, 9, 1654], [223, 1648, 9, 1656], [24, 75, 28, 1651, 9, 1658]], "textValue": {"index": [], "value": []}, "inputValue": {"index": [109, 111, 122, 186, 191, 1237, 1239, 1242], "value": [-1, -1, -1, -1, 363, 1622, 1626, 1632]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": []}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [], "value": []}, "pseudoType": {"index": [148, 153, 209, 256, 650, 769, 876, 888, 949, 955, 961, 967, 973, 979, 985, 1017, 1021, 1025, 1029, 1033, 1037, 1041, 1045, 1049, 1076, 1080, 1085, 1090], "value": [312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312, 312]}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [102, 109, 111, 122, 134, 149, 154, 162, 166, 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[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], "bounds": [[0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1280, 2840.34375], [8, 8, 1264, 2816.34375], [8, 8, 138.234375, 17], [8, 8, 138.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 2782.34375], [8, 42, 1264, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 385], [8, 42, 1264, 227], [8, 42, 1264, 52], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 254.3125, 17], [8, 42, 254.3125, 17], [8, 76, 1264, 18], [8, 76, 4, 17], [8, 110, 1264, 159], [8, 110, 1264, 104], [8, 110, 1264, 36], [48, 110, 1224, 18], [31, 110, 7, 18], [31, 110, 7, 17], [48, 110, 45.984375, 17], [48, 110, 45.984375, 17], [48, 128, 1224, 18], [31, 128, 7, 18], [31, 128, 7, 17], [48, 128, 62.203125, 17], [48, 128, 62.203125, 17], [8, 162, 1264, 18], [8, 162, 4, 17], [8, 196, 1264, 18], [1154.140625, 196, 43.109375, 17], [1154.140625, 196, 43.109375, 17], [1197.25, 196, 3.203125, 17], [1197.25, 196, 3.203125, 17], [1200.453125, 196, 71.546875, 17], [1200.453125, 196, 71.546875, 17], [8, 230, 1264, 0], [8, 230, 1264, 0], [8, 230, 1264, 39], [8, 230, 43.53125, 17], [8, 230, 43.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 248, 1264, 21], [8, 248, 1264, 21], [8, 248, 205, 21], [213, 249, 4, 17], [217, 249, 11.5625, 17], [217, 249, 11.5625, 17], [228.5625, 249, 4, 17], [232.5625, 248, 58.234375, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 285, 1264, 142], [8, 285, 1264, 142], [8, 285, 1264, 108], [8, 285, 1264, 108], [48, 285, 1224, 0], [48, 285, 1224, 18], [31, 285, 7, 18], [31, 285, 7, 17], [48, 285, 1224, 18], [48, 285, 52, 17], [48, 285, 40, 17], [88, 285, 12, 17], [88, 285, 4, 17], [92, 285, 8, 17], [92, 285, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 303, 1224, 0], [48, 303, 1224, 18], [31, 303, 7, 18], [31, 303, 7, 17], [48, 303, 1224, 18], [48, 303, 96.40625, 17], [48, 303, 84.40625, 17], [132.40625, 303, 12, 17], [132.40625, 303, 4, 17], [136.40625, 303, 8, 17], [136.40625, 303, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 321, 1224, 0], [48, 321, 1224, 18], [31, 321, 7, 18], [31, 321, 7, 17], [48, 321, 1224, 18], [48, 321, 82.21875, 17], [48, 321, 70.21875, 17], [118.21875, 321, 12, 17], [118.21875, 321, 4, 17], [122.21875, 321, 8, 17], [122.21875, 321, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 339, 1224, 0], [48, 339, 1224, 18], [31, 339, 7, 18], [31, 339, 7, 17], [48, 339, 1224, 18], [48, 339, 86.21875, 17], [48, 339, 74.21875, 17], [122.21875, 339, 12, 17], [122.21875, 339, 4, 17], [126.21875, 339, 8, 17], [126.21875, 339, 8, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 357, 1224, 0], [48, 357, 1224, 18], [31, 357, 7, 18], [31, 357, 7, 17], [48, 357, 1224, 18], [48, 357, 43.546875, 17], [48, 357, 43.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 375, 1224, 0], [48, 375, 1224, 18], [31, 375, 7, 18], [31, 375, 7, 17], [48, 375, 1224, 18], [48, 375, 36.4375, 17], [48, 375, 36.4375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 409, 1264, 18], [8, 409, 1264, 18], [8, 409, 26.671875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 409, 26.671875, 17], [8, 409, 26.671875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 443, 1264, 0], [8, 443, 1264, 0], [8, 443, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 443, 1264, 1891.4375], [8, 443, 1264, 1891.4375], [8, 443, 1264, 1891.4375], [8, 443, 1264, 1891.4375], [8, 443, 1264, 18], [8, 443, 1264, 18], [8, 443, 39.109375, 17], [8, 443, 39.109375, 17], [47.109375, 443, 74.21875, 17], [47.109375, 443, 74.21875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 461, 1264, 0], [8, 477, 1264, 918], [8, 477, 1264, 126], [8, 477, 1264, 126], [48, 477, 1224, 18], [31, 477, 7, 18], [31, 477, 7, 17], [48, 477, 96.890625, 17], [48, 477, 96.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 495, 1224, 18], [31, 495, 7, 18], [31, 495, 7, 17], [48, 495, 94.203125, 17], [48, 495, 94.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 513, 1224, 18], [31, 513, 7, 18], [31, 513, 7, 17], [48, 513, 203.046875, 17], [48, 513, 203.046875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 531, 1224, 18], [31, 531, 7, 18], [31, 531, 7, 17], [48, 531, 117.765625, 17], [48, 531, 117.765625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 549, 1224, 18], [31, 549, 7, 18], [31, 549, 7, 17], [48, 549, 185.296875, 17], [48, 549, 185.296875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 567, 1224, 18], [31, 567, 7, 18], [31, 567, 7, 17], [48, 567, 179.671875, 17], [48, 567, 179.671875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 585, 1224, 18], [31, 585, 7, 18], [31, 585, 7, 17], [48, 585, 122.34375, 17], [48, 585, 122.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1416.4375, 1264, 918], [8, 1416.4375, 1264, 712.03125], [8, 1416.4375, 1264, 37], [8, 1416.4375, 159.0625, 36], [8, 1416.4375, 159.0625, 36], [912, 1426.4375, 350, 350], [8, 1474.875, 1264, 22], [8, 1474.875, 310.8125, 21], [8, 1474.875, 310.8125, 21], [8, 1515.59375, 1264, 36], [8, 1515.59375, 858.21875, 35], [8, 1567.59375, 1264, 54], [8, 1567.59375, 875.609375, 53], [8, 1637.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1637.59375, 742.90625, 17], [8, 1671.59375, 1264, 180], [48, 1671.59375, 1224, 18], [31, 1671.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1671.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1671.59375, 97.765625, 17], [48, 1689.59375, 1224, 18], [31, 1689.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1689.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1689.59375, 93.75, 17], [48, 1707.59375, 1224, 18], [31, 1707.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1707.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1707.59375, 73.3125, 17], [48, 1725.59375, 1224, 18], [31, 1725.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1725.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1725.59375, 386.109375, 17], [48, 1743.59375, 1224, 18], [31, 1743.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1743.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1743.59375, 117.734375, 17], [48, 1761.59375, 1224, 18], [31, 1761.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1761.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1761.59375, 119.53125, 17], [48, 1779.59375, 1224, 18], [31, 1779.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1779.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1779.59375, 97.75, 17], [48, 1797.59375, 1224, 18], [31, 1797.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1797.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1797.59375, 315.4375, 17], [48, 1815.59375, 1224, 36], [31, 1815.59375, 7, 18], [31, 1815.59375, 7, 17], [48, 1815.59375, 112.4375, 17], [160.4375, 1815.59375, 0, 17], [48, 1833.59375, 4, 17], [8, 1870.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1870.3125, 337.5, 21], [8, 1870.3125, 337.5, 21], [8, 1911.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1911.03125, 853.0625, 17], [861.0625, 1911.03125, 128, 17], [861.0625, 1911.03125, 128, 17], [861.0625, 1911.03125, 128, 17], [989.0625, 1911.03125, 63.53125, 17], [8, 1945.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1945.03125, 4, 17], [8, 1981.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1981.75, 139.5625, 21], [8, 1981.75, 139.5625, 21], [8, 2022.46875, 1264, 72], [48, 2022.46875, 1224, 18], [31, 2022.46875, 7, 18], [31, 2022.46875, 7, 17], [48, 2022.46875, 268.890625, 17], [48, 2040.46875, 1224, 18], [31, 2040.46875, 7, 18], [31, 2040.46875, 7, 17], [48, 2040.46875, 107.546875, 17], [48, 2040.46875, 107.546875, 17], [48, 2058.46875, 1224, 18], [31, 2058.46875, 7, 18], [31, 2058.46875, 7, 17], [48, 2058.46875, 218.921875, 17], [48, 2058.46875, 218.921875, 17], [48, 2076.46875, 1224, 18], [31, 2076.46875, 7, 18], [31, 2076.46875, 7, 17], [48, 2076.46875, 217.609375, 17], [48, 2076.46875, 217.609375, 17], [8, 2110.46875, 1264, 18], [8, 2110.46875, 4, 17], [8, 2334.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 2334.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 2334.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 2334.4375, 1264, 0], [8, 2350.4375, 1264, 407.90625], [8, 2350.4375, 1264, 407.90625], [8, 2350.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 2350.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 2350.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 2350.4375, 270.3125, 18], [8, 2384.4375, 1264, 178.75], [8, 2384.4375, 1264, 18], [8, 2384.4375, 4, 17], [8, 2421.625, 1264, 104.375], [8, 2421.625, 1264, 22], [8, 2421.625, 376.25, 21], [8, 2462.8125, 1264, 22], [8, 2462.8125, 55.953125, 21], [63.953125, 2462.8125, 121.234375, 21], [63.953125, 2462.8125, 121.234375, 21], [8, 2504, 1264, 22], [8, 2504, 85.8125, 21], [8, 2504, 85.8125, 21], [8, 2545.1875, 1264, 18], [8, 2545.1875, 4, 17], [8, 2579.1875, 1264, 179.15625], [8, 2579.1875, 1264, 179.15625], [8, 2579.1875, 1264, 179.15625], [8, 2579.1875, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 2583.1875, 40.875, 17], [8, 2583.1875, 40.875, 17], [8, 2604.78125, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 2608.78125, 62.203125, 17], [8, 2608.78125, 62.203125, 17], [8, 2630.375, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 2634.375, 173.28125, 17], [8, 2634.375, 173.28125, 17], [8, 2655.96875, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 2659.96875, 162.640625, 17], [8, 2659.96875, 162.640625, 17], [8, 2681.5625, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 2685.5625, 124.828125, 17], [8, 2685.5625, 124.828125, 17], [8, 2707.15625, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 2711.15625, 45.328125, 17], [8, 2711.15625, 45.328125, 17], [8, 2732.75, 1264, 25.59375], [8, 2736.75, 58.21875, 17], [8, 2736.75, 58.21875, 17], [8, 2774.34375, 1264, 16], [8, 2774.34375, 1264, 16], [8, 2774.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 2774.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 2774.34375, 1264, 16], [8, 2774.34375, 1264, 16], [8, 2774.34375, 1264, 16], [8, 2774.34375, 255.296875, 15], [8, 2774.34375, 255.296875, 15], [8, 2806.34375, 1264, 18], [8, 2806.34375, 1264, 18], [8, 2806.34375, 1264, 18], [8, 2806.34375, 36.453125, 17], [8, 2806.34375, 36.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2824.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 2824.34375, 1264, 0], [8, 2824.34375, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, 231, 219, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, 294, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 311, -1, 319, -1, -1, 311, -1, 326, -1, 294, -1, -1, 337, -1, 341, -1, 345, -1, -1, -1, -1, 363, 219, -1, -1, -1, 278, -1, 386, 278, -1, 396, 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18], [], [8, 196, 1264, 18], [1154, 196, 43, 17], [], [1197, 196, 3, 17], [], [1200, 196, 72, 17], [], [8, 230, 1264, 0], [8, 230, 1264, 0], [8, 230, 1264, 39], [8, 230, 44, 17], [], [], [8, 248, 1264, 21], [8, 248, 1264, 21], [8, 248, 205, 21], [], [217, 249, 12, 17], [], [], [233, 248, 58, 21], [], [8, 285, 1264, 142], [8, 285, 1264, 142], [8, 285, 1264, 108], [8, 285, 1264, 108], [48, 285, 1224, 0], [48, 285, 1224, 18], [31, 285, 7, 18], [31, 285, 7, 18], [48, 285, 1224, 18], [48, 285, 52, 17], [], [88, 285, 12, 17], [], [92, 285, 8, 17], [], [], [], [48, 303, 1224, 0], [48, 303, 1224, 18], [31, 303, 7, 18], [31, 303, 7, 18], [48, 303, 1224, 18], [48, 303, 96, 17], [], [132, 303, 12, 17], [], [136, 303, 8, 17], [], [], [], [48, 321, 1224, 0], [48, 321, 1224, 18], [31, 321, 7, 18], [31, 321, 7, 18], [48, 321, 1224, 18], [48, 321, 82, 17], [], [118, 321, 12, 17], [], [122, 321, 8, 17], [], [], [], [48, 339, 1224, 0], [48, 339, 1224, 18], [31, 339, 7, 18], [31, 339, 7, 18], [48, 339, 1224, 18], [48, 339, 86, 17], [], [122, 339, 12, 17], [], [126, 339, 8, 17], [], [], [], [48, 357, 1224, 0], [48, 357, 1224, 18], [31, 357, 7, 18], [31, 357, 7, 18], [48, 357, 1224, 18], [48, 357, 44, 17], [], [], [48, 375, 1224, 0], [48, 375, 1224, 18], [31, 375, 7, 18], [31, 375, 7, 18], [48, 375, 1224, 18], [48, 375, 36, 17], [], [], [8, 409, 1264, 18], [8, 409, 1264, 18], [8, 409, 27, 17], [], [8, 409, 27, 17], [], [], [8, 443, 1264, 0], [8, 443, 1264, 0], [8, 443, 0, 0], [], [8, 443, 1264, 1891], [8, 443, 1264, 1891], [8, 443, 1264, 1891], [8, 443, 1264, 1891], [8, 443, 1264, 18], [8, 443, 1264, 18], [8, 443, 39, 17], [], [47, 443, 74, 17], [], [], [8, 461, 1264, 0], [8, 477, 1264, 918], [8, 477, 1264, 126], [8, 477, 1264, 126], [48, 477, 1224, 18], [31, 477, 7, 18], [31, 477, 7, 18], [48, 477, 97, 17], [], [], [48, 495, 1224, 18], [31, 495, 7, 18], [31, 495, 7, 18], [48, 495, 94, 17], [], [], [48, 513, 1224, 18], [31, 513, 7, 18], [31, 513, 7, 18], [48, 513, 203, 17], [], [], [48, 531, 1224, 18], [31, 531, 7, 18], [31, 531, 7, 18], [48, 531, 118, 17], [], [], [48, 549, 1224, 18], [31, 549, 7, 18], [31, 549, 7, 18], [48, 549, 185, 17], [], [], [48, 567, 1224, 18], [31, 567, 7, 18], [31, 567, 7, 18], [48, 567, 180, 17], [], [], [48, 585, 1224, 18], [31, 585, 7, 18], [31, 585, 7, 18], [48, 585, 122, 17], [], [], [8, 1416, 1264, 918], [8, 1416, 1264, 712], [8, 1416, 1264, 37], [8, 1416, 159, 36], [], [912, 1426, 350, 350], [8, 1475, 1264, 22], [8, 1475, 311, 21], [], [8, 1516, 1264, 36], [], [8, 1568, 1264, 54], [], [8, 1638, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1672, 1264, 180], [48, 1672, 1224, 18], [31, 1672, 7, 18], [31, 1672, 7, 18], [], [48, 1690, 1224, 18], [31, 1690, 7, 18], [31, 1690, 7, 18], [], [48, 1708, 1224, 18], [31, 1708, 7, 18], [31, 1708, 7, 18], [], [48, 1726, 1224, 18], [31, 1726, 7, 18], [31, 1726, 7, 18], [], [48, 1744, 1224, 18], [31, 1744, 7, 18], [31, 1744, 7, 18], [], [48, 1762, 1224, 18], [31, 1762, 7, 18], [31, 1762, 7, 18], [], [48, 1780, 1224, 18], [31, 1780, 7, 18], [31, 1780, 7, 18], [], [48, 1798, 1224, 18], [31, 1798, 7, 18], [31, 1798, 7, 18], [], [48, 1816, 1224, 36], [31, 1816, 7, 18], [31, 1816, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [8, 1870, 1264, 22], [8, 1870, 338, 21], [], [8, 1911, 1264, 18], [], [861, 1911, 128, 17], [861, 1911, 128, 17], [], [], [8, 1945, 1264, 18], [], [8, 1982, 1264, 22], [8, 1982, 140, 21], [], [8, 2022, 1264, 72], [48, 2022, 1224, 18], [31, 2022, 7, 18], [31, 2022, 7, 18], [], [48, 2040, 1224, 18], [31, 2040, 7, 18], [31, 2040, 7, 18], [48, 2040, 108, 17], [], [48, 2058, 1224, 18], [31, 2058, 7, 18], [31, 2058, 7, 18], [48, 2058, 219, 17], [], [48, 2076, 1224, 18], [31, 2076, 7, 18], [31, 2076, 7, 18], [48, 2076, 218, 17], [], [8, 2110, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2334, 1264, 0], [8, 2334, 1264, 0], [8, 2334, 1264, 0], [8, 2334, 1264, 0], [8, 2350, 1264, 408], [8, 2350, 1264, 408], [8, 2350, 1264, 18], [8, 2350, 1264, 18], [8, 2350, 1264, 18], [8, 2350, 270, 18], [8, 2384, 1264, 179], [8, 2384, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2422, 1264, 104], [8, 2422, 1264, 22], [], [8, 2463, 1264, 22], [], [64, 2463, 121, 21], [], [8, 2504, 1264, 22], [8, 2504, 86, 21], [], [8, 2545, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2579, 1264, 179], [8, 2579, 1264, 179], [8, 2579, 1264, 179], [8, 2579, 1264, 26], [8, 2583, 41, 17], [], [8, 2605, 1264, 26], [8, 2609, 62, 17], [], [8, 2630, 1264, 26], [8, 2634, 173, 17], [], [8, 2656, 1264, 26], [8, 2660, 163, 17], [], [8, 2682, 1264, 26], [8, 2686, 125, 17], [], [8, 2707, 1264, 26], [8, 2711, 45, 17], [], [8, 2733, 1264, 26], [8, 2737, 58, 17], [], [8, 2774, 1264, 16], [8, 2774, 1264, 16], [8, 2774, 1264, 0], [8, 2774, 1264, 0], [8, 2774, 1264, 16], [8, 2774, 1264, 16], [8, 2774, 1264, 16], [8, 2774, 255, 15], [], [8, 2806, 1264, 18], [8, 2806, 1264, 18], [8, 2806, 1264, 18], [8, 2806, 36, 17], [], [], [8, 2824, 1264, 0], [8, 2824, 1264, 0], [8, 2824, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 2840], [0, 0, 1280, 2840], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2782], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 385], [0, 0, 1264, 227], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 159], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 54, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 142], [0, 0, 1264, 142], [0, 0, 1264, 108], [0, 0, 1264, 108], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 1891], [0, 0, 1264, 1891], [0, 0, 1264, 1891], [0, 0, 1264, 1891], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 918], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1264, 126], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 918], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 360], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 350, 350], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 180], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 408], [0, 0, 1264, 408], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 270, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], 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[0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [2, 2, 54, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 142], [0, 0, 1264, 142], [0, 0, 1264, 108], [0, 0, 1264, 108], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1224, 0], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], 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[0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 180], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 36], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 408], [0, 0, 1264, 408], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 270, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 104], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 179], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 26], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 1264, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 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567], [132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 570], [], [132, 335, 7, 573], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [197, 578, 7, 579], [], [132, 581, 7, 582], [], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 585, 30, 586, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 587], [], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 591], [], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 595], [], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 601], [], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 603, 30, 604, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 605], [], [197, 608, 7, 609], [], [197, 611, 7, 612], [], [], [], [197, 365, 7, 616], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 619], [], [197, 621, 7, 622], [], [197, 401, 7, 624], [197, 611, 7, 626], [], [629, 630, 7, 631], [], [], [], [197, 634, 7, 635], [], [197, 638, 342, 14, 343, 639, 132, 630, 30, 640, 7, 641], [348, -1, 7, 644], [], [], [348, 647, 7, 648], [], [], [348, 651, 7, 652], [], [], [348, 655, 7, 656], [], [], [348, 659, 7, 660], [], [], [348, 663, 7, 664], [], [], [], [197, 667, 7, 668], [], [197, 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14, 7, 748], [], [197, 667, 7, 750], [], [197, 670, 671, 746, 672, 14, 7, 752], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 754], [], [197, 756, 7, 757], [], [342, 14, 343, 760, 132, 761, 30, 762, 48, 347, 348, 763, 7, 764], [], [197, 766, 7, 767], [], [], [132, 770, 30, 771, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 772], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 774], [], [197, 675, 7, 776], [], [197, 401, 7, 778], [197, 611, 7, 780], [], [629, 782, 7, 783], [], [], [], [197, 724, 7, 786], [], [197, 788, 342, 14, 343, 789, 132, 782, 30, 790, 48, 791, 348, -1, 7, 792], [], [197, 667, 7, 794], [], [197, 670, 671, 790, 672, 14, 7, 796], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 798], [], [197, 675, 7, 800], [], [197, 401, 7, 802], [197, 611, 7, 804], [], [629, 806, 7, 807], [], [], [], [197, 724, 7, 810], [], [678, 812, 342, 14, 680, 813, 682, 728, 814, 815, 816, 817, 343, 818, 132, 806, 30, 819, 48, 689, 348, 820, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 821], [], [197, 667, 7, 823], [], [197, 670, 671, 819, 672, 14, 7, 825], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 343, 827, 132, 828, 30, 829, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 830], [], [], [], [], [197, 832, 7, 833], [], [197, 836, 7, 837], [], [197, 840, 7, 841], [], [132, 844, 7, 845], [], [7, 848], [], [197, 365, 7, 851], [], [], [7, 855], [], [7, 858], [], [], [132, 861, 197, 862, 7, 863], [], [197, 865, 866, 867, 7, 868], [], [], [], [197, 873, 866, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 14, 7, 882], [50, 884, 197, 885, 866, 886, 875, 887, 132, 880, 7, 888], [], [], [197, 891, 866, 874, 875, 887, 877, 892, 879, 893, 881, 566, 7, 894], [50, 896, 197, 885, 866, 886, 875, 887, 132, 893, 7, 897], [], [], [], [340, 901, 342, 14, 343, 902, 132, 901, 30, 901, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 903], [], [132, 878, 879, 880, 197, 905, 866, 906, 907, 14, 908, 566, 7, 909], [], [7, 912], [], [], [132, 916, 917, 918, 7, 919], [], [197, 372, 7, 921], [], [197, 375, 7, 923], [], [197, 925, 7, 926], [629, 928, 7, 929], [], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 932], [], [197, 934, 342, 14, 680, 935, 682, 728, 343, 936, 132, 928, 30, 928, 48, 689, 348, 242, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 937], [], [197, 939, 7, 940], [], [197, 670, 671, 928, 672, 14, 7, 942], [], [], [], [], [197, 944, 7, 945], [], [], [], [132, 949, 197, 950, 173, 951, 7, 952], [], [132, 954, 7, 955], [], [132, 958, 80, 959, 960, 876, 173, 951, 7, 961], [], [], [], [197, 372, 132, 963, 173, 964, 7, 965], [], [197, 375, 7, 967], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 970], [], [132, 972, 197, 973, 7, 974], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 976], [], [197, 375, 7, 978], [], [], [197, 980, 7, 981], [], [342, 14, 983, 984, 343, 985, 986, 986, 132, 987, 30, 987, 48, 988, 348, 14, 7, 989], [30, 987, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 991], [], [197, 993, 132, 994, 7, 995], [], [197, 997, 7, 998], [], [7, 1000], [], [132, 1003, 50, 466, 7, 1004], [], [197, 1007, 7, 1008], [], [], [], [], [197, 667, 7, 1012], [], [197, 670, 671, 987, 672, 14, 7, 1014], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 892, 879, 893, 197, 905, 866, 906, 907, 566, 908, 14, 173, 964, 7, 1016], [], [917, 1018, 7, 1019], [], [7, 1021], [], [7, 1023], [], [197, 925, 7, 1025], [197, 611, 7, 1027], [], [629, 928, 7, 1030], [], [], [197, 934, 132, 928, 30, 928, 48, 689, 348, 242, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 1032], [], [197, 939, 7, 1034], [], [197, 670, 671, 928, 672, 14, 7, 1036], [], [], [], [7, 1038], [], [197, 1040, 1041, 1042, 464, 1043, 7, 1044], [], [1041, 1042, 464, 1043, 50, 466, 875, 887, 7, 1046], [], [197, 1048, 7, 1049], [], [], [], [], [7, 1052], [], [197, 1054, 7, 1055], [197, 611, 7, 1057], [], [629, 1059, 7, 1060], [], [], [197, 1063, 342, 14, 680, 1064, 682, 1065, 1066, 1065, 814, 1067, 816, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 901, 1072, 565, 1073, 14, 1074, 566, 132, 1059, 1075, 1065, 30, 1059, 48, 791, 348, -1, 7, 1076], [], [197, 939, 7, 1078], [], [197, 670, 671, 1059, 672, 14, 7, 1080], [], [], [], [7, 1082], [], [197, 925, 7, 1084], [197, 611, 7, 1086], [], [629, 1088, 7, 1089], [], [], [197, 1063, 342, 14, 680, 1092, 682, 1093, 1066, 1093, 814, 1094, 816, 1095, 1069, 1096, 1071, 901, 1072, 565, 1073, 14, 1074, 566, 132, 1088, 1075, 1093, 30, 1088, 48, 791, 348, -1, 7, 1097], [], [197, 939, 7, 1099], [], [197, 670, 671, 1088, 672, 14, 7, 1101], [], [], [], [7, 1103], [], [197, 925, 7, 1105], [], [197, 611, 7, 1107], [], [629, 1109, 7, 1110], [], [], [], [197, 1063, 342, 14, 814, 1113, 816, 1114, 1069, 1115, 1071, 901, 1072, 565, 1073, 14, 1074, 566, 132, 1109, 1075, 1116, 30, 1109, 48, 791, 348, -1, 7, 1117], [], [197, 939, 7, 1119], [], [197, 670, 671, 1109, 672, 14, 7, 1121], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1125, 7, 1126], [], [7, 1128], [], [], [197, 1130, 7, 1131], [], [1133, 1134, 342, 14, 983, 1135, 343, 1136, 986, 986, 132, 1137, 30, 1137, 48, 988, 348, 14, 7, 1138], [30, 1137, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1140], [], [197, 993, 132, 1143, 7, 1144], [], [197, 1146, 629, 1147, 7, 1148], [], [132, 1151, 7, 1152], [], [7, 1155], [132, 1157, 50, 466, 7, 1158], [], [132, 1157, 50, 466, 7, 1161], [197, 1007, 7, 1163], [], [], [], [197, 1167, 7, 1168], [197, 1170, 7, 1171], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 670, 671, 1137, 672, 14, 7, 1175], [], [], [], [7, 1177], [], [], [197, 1130, 7, 1179], [], [30, 1181, 342, 14, 343, 1182, 132, 1183, 48, 988, 348, 14, 7, 1184], [30, 1183, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1186], [], [197, 993, 132, 1189, 7, 1190], [], [173, 1192, 197, 1146, 629, 1147, 7, 1193], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1197, 7, 1198], [], [197, 331, 7, 1200], [], [197, 1203, 48, 1204, 1205, 1206, 7, 1207], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1211], [], [], [], [80, 1214, 7, 1215], [], [], [132, 1218, 197, 253, 7, 1219], [], [197, 1222, 7, 1223], [], [197, 1225, 7, 1226], [], [7, 1229], [], [], [197, 1232, 7, 1233], [], [132, 1235, 7, 1236], [], [197, 372, 7, 1238], [], [197, 1240, 7, 1241], [], [7, 1243], [], [], [], [197, 1245, 7, 1246], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1249, 7, 1250], [], [1253, 1254, 1255, 876, 1256, 876, 1257, 876, 7, 1258], [], [7, 1261], [7, 1264], [], [197, 1267, 7, 1268], [], [197, 401, 7, 1270], [629, 1272, 7, 1273], [], [], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1277], [], [], [], [7, 1280], [], [197, 1267, 7, 1282], [], [197, 401, 7, 1284], [629, 1286, 7, 1287], [], [], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1290], [], [], [], [7, 1293], [], [197, 1267, 7, 1295], [], [197, 401, 7, 1297], [629, 1299, 7, 1300], [], [], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1303], [], [], [], [7, 1306], [], [197, 1267, 7, 1308], [], [197, 401, 7, 1310], [629, 1312, 7, 1313], [], [], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1316], [], [], [], [7, 1319], [], [197, 1267, 7, 1321], [], [197, 401, 7, 1323], [629, 1325, 7, 1326], [], [], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1329], [], [], [], [7, 1332], [], [197, 1267, 7, 1334], [], [197, 401, 7, 1336], [629, 1338, 7, 1339], [], [], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1342], [], [7, 1345], [], [], [], [7, 1348], [], [7, 1350], [197, 1352, 7, 1353], [629, 1355, 7, 1356], [], [], [197, 1359, 7, 1360], [], [], [], [173, 1363, 7, 1364], [], [173, 1366, 7, 1367], [197, 401, 7, 1369], [629, 1371, 7, 1372], [], [], [], [173, 1375, 7, 1376], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1249, 173, 1378, 7, 1379], [], [197, 1381, 50, 466, 46, 1382, 7, 1383], [], [197, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1389, 7, 1390], [], [], [], [132, 1382, 197, 1394, 7, 1395], [], [1253, 1254, 1255, 876, 1256, 876, 1257, 876, 7, 1398], [], [7, 1400], [7, 1402], [], [173, 1366, 197, 1267, 7, 1404], [], [197, 401, 7, 1406], [], [], [], [173, 1375, 197, 1267, 7, 1409], [], [], [], [7, 1412], [], [173, 1366, 197, 1267, 7, 1414], [197, 401, 7, 1416], [], [], [], [173, 1375, 197, 1267, 7, 1419], [], [7, 1422], [], [], [], [], [7, 1425], [], [7, 1427], [], [197, 401, 7, 1429], [], [], [7, 1433], [], [7, 1435], [], [], [], [], [7, 1439], [], [7, 1441], [197, 401, 7, 1443], [197, 1445, 7, 1446], [], [7, 1449], [], [7, 1451], [], [7, 1454], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1458], [], [7, 1460], [], [197, 401, 7, 1462], [], [], [], [7, 1465], [], [7, 1468], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1470, 7, 1471], [], [], [197, 1473, 7, 1474], [], [7, 1477], [], [7, 1480], [], [7, 1483], [], [], [], [173, 1486, 7, 1487], [], [197, 1489, 80, 1490, 7, 1491], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1494, 7, 1495], [], [197, 1497, 7, 1498], [], [197, 1500, 7, 1501], [], [132, 1503, 7, 1504], [], [7, 1506], [], [7, 1509], [], [50, 1512, 261, 262, 7, 1513], [7, 1516], [], [], [], [7, 1521], [], [7, 1524], [], [50, 1527, 261, 262, 7, 1528], [7, 1530], [], [], [7, 1534], [], [7, 1537], [], [7, 1539], [], [7, 1541], [], [], [7, 1544], [], [7, 1546], [], [], [7, 1550], [], [7, 1552], [], [7, 1554], [], [50, 1557, 261, 262, 7, 1558], [7, 1560], [], [], [50, 1564, 261, 262, 7, 1565], [7, 1567], [], [], [7, 1571], [], [197, 1573, 7, 1574], [], [7, 1576], [], [7, 1579], [], [50, 1512, 261, 262, 1582, 1583, 1205, 1583, 7, 1584], [7, 1586], [], [], [7, 1589], [], [197, 1573, 173, 1591, 7, 1592], [], [50, 1594, 261, 262, 1582, 1595, 1205, 1595, 7, 1596], [], [], [50, 1599, 261, 262, 1205, 1600, 7, 1601], [], [], [50, 1603, 261, 262, 7, 1604], [], [], [7, 1607], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1612, 48, 87, 7, 1613], [], [80, 1615, 48, 87, 7, 1616], [], [80, 1618, 48, 87, 7, 1619], [], [80, 1621, 48, 87, 7, 1622], [], [80, 1624, 48, 87, 7, 1625], [], [80, 1627, 48, 87, 7, 1628], [], [80, 1630, 48, 87, 7, 1631], [], [80, 1633, 48, 87, 7, 1634], [], [80, 1636, 48, 87, 7, 1637], [], [80, 1639, 7, 1640], [], [80, 1214, 7, 1643], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1646], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1650], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1654], [], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 1660, 879, 1661, 173, 1662, 7, 1663], [197, 1665, 7, 1666], [132, 1661, 197, 1668, 7, 1669], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 1676], [197, 1678, 7, 1679], [197, 1681, 7, 1682], [], [132, 1660, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 1694], [], [132, 1697, 7, 1698], [], [529, 1685, 531, 1687, 132, 1700, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1701], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1703], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1705], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1707, 30, 1707, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 1708], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1710], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 1712], [], [173, 1714, 7, 1715], [], [7, 1717], [], [197, 1719, 7, 1720], [], [197, 1723, 342, 14, 343, 1724, 132, 1725, 30, 1725, 48, 689, 348, -1, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 1726], [], [197, 670, 671, 1725, 672, 14, 173, 1728, 7, 1729], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 1734], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 1737], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 1740], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 1743], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 1746], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 1749], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 1752], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 1755], [197, 1757, 7, 1758], [197, 1760, 7, 1761], [48, 1672, 197, 1763, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 1764], [197, 1681, 7, 1766], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 1769], [197, 1681, 7, 1771], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 465, 879, 1773, 173, 1774, 7, 1775], [197, 1665, 7, 1777], [132, 1773, 197, 1668, 7, 1779], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 1782], [197, 1678, 7, 1784], [197, 1681, 7, 1786], [], [132, 465, 1688, 1788, 1690, 1691, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 1789], [], [132, 1791, 173, 964, 7, 1792], [], [1582, 1794, 80, 1795, 7, 1796], [], [], [132, 1799, 7, 1800], [], [197, 502, 7, 1803], [], [529, 1805, 531, 1806, 132, 1807, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1808], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1810], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1812], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1814], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1816], [132, 1818, 30, 1818, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1819], [342, 14, 343, 1821, 132, 1822, 30, 1822, 48, 347, 348, 1823, 7, 1824], [342, 14, 343, 1826, 132, 1827, 30, 1827, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 1828], [132, 1725, 30, 1725, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1830], [342, 14, 343, 1832, 132, 1833, 30, 1833, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1834], [342, 14, 983, 1836, 343, 1837, 132, 1838, 30, 1838, 48, 347, 348, 1823, 7, 1839], [132, 1833, 30, 1833, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1841], [132, 1838, 30, 1838, 48, 347, 348, 1823, 7, 1843], [], [197, -1, 173, -1, 7, 1846], [], [7, 1848], [], [197, 372, 7, 1850], [], [197, 375, 7, 1852], [], [197, 401, 7, 1854], [629, 1856, 7, 1857], [], [], [], [197, 1860, 7, 1861], [], [342, 14, 680, 1863, 682, 683, 343, 1864, 132, 1856, 30, 1856, 48, 689, 348, -1, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 1865], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 1868], [], [197, 667, 7, 1870], [], [197, 1872, 671, 1856, 672, 14, 7, 1873], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1875], [], [197, 1877, 7, 1878], [], [197, 375, 7, 1880], [], [197, 401, 7, 1882], [629, 1884, 197, 1885, 7, 1886], [], [], [], [197, 1889, 7, 1890], [], [197, 1892, 7, 1893], [], [197, 1895, 1896, 1884, 342, 14, 343, 1897, 132, 1884, 30, 1884, 48, 1898, 348, 1899, 7, 1900], [], [629, 1902, 197, 1903, 7, 1904], [], [197, 1245, 7, 1906], [], [], [], [197, 1892, 7, 1909], [], [197, 1895, 1896, 1884, 132, 1884, 30, 1884, 48, 1898, 348, 1911, 7, 1912], [], [629, 1914, 197, 1915, 7, 1916], [], [197, 1918, 7, 1919], [], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 1922], [], [197, 667, 7, 1924], [], [197, 1872, 671, 1884, 672, 14, 7, 1926], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1928], [], [197, 372, 7, 1930], [], [197, 375, 7, 1932], [], [197, 401, 7, 1934], [629, 1936, 7, 1937], [], [], [], [197, 1860, 7, 1939], [], [866, 1941, 1942, 1943, 197, 1944, 7, 1945], [1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 132, 1953, 30, 1953, 173, 1954, 48, 689, 348, -1, 197, 1955, 1956, 1957, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 1958], [], [340, 1936, 342, 14, 343, 1960, 132, 1936, 30, 1936, 173, 964, 48, 689, 348, 553, 7, 1961], [], [132, 1963, 173, 199, 197, 1964, 7, 1965], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 1968], [], [197, 1970, 7, 1971], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 1974], [], [197, 1976, 7, 1977], [], [197, 1979, 671, 1936, 672, 14, 7, 1980], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1982], [], [197, 372, 7, 1984], [], [197, 375, 7, 1986], [], [197, 401, 7, 1988], [], [629, 1990, 7, 1991], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1996, 7, 1997], [], [197, 1999, 342, 14, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 1116, 2005, 2006, 343, 2007, 132, 2008, 30, 2008, 866, 2009, 875, 876, 7, 2010], [348, -1, 7, 2012], [], [], [348, 2006, 7, 2015], [], [], [348, 2018, 7, 2019], [], [], [348, 1093, 7, 2022], [], [], [348, 2025, 7, 2026], [], [], [348, 1065, 7, 2029], [], [], [348, 2032, 7, 2033], [], [], [348, 2036, 7, 2037], [], [], [348, 2040, 7, 2041], [], [], [348, 2044, 7, 2045], [], [], [348, 2048, 7, 2049], [], [], [348, 2052, 7, 2053], [], [], [348, 1116, 7, 2056], [], [], [], [], [197, 2059, 7, 2060], [], [197, 2062, 342, 14, 2000, 2063, 132, 2064, 30, 2064, 173, 2065, 866, 2009, 875, 876, 7, 2066], [348, -1, 7, 2068], [], [], [348, 887, 7, 2071], [], [], [348, 2006, 7, 2074], [], [], [348, 2018, 7, 2076], [], [], [348, 1093, 7, 2078], [], [], [348, 2025, 7, 2080], [], [], [348, 1065, 7, 2082], [], [], [348, 2032, 7, 2084], [], [], [348, 2036, 7, 2086], [], [], [348, 2040, 7, 2088], [], [], [348, 2044, 7, 2090], [], [], [348, 2048, 7, 2092], [], [], [348, 2052, 7, 2094], [], [], [348, 1116, 7, 2096], [], [], [348, 2098, 7, 2099], [], [], [348, 2101, 7, 2102], [], [], [348, 2104, 7, 2105], [], [], [348, 2107, 7, 2108], [], [], [348, 2110, 7, 2111], [], [], [348, 2113, 7, 2114], [], [], [348, 2116, 7, 2117], [], [], [348, 2119, 7, 2120], [], [], [348, 2122, 7, 2123], [], [], [348, 2125, 7, 2126], [], [], [348, 2128, 7, 2129], [], [], [348, 2131, 7, 2132], [], [], [348, 2134, 7, 2135], [], [], [348, 2137, 7, 2138], [], [], [348, 2140, 7, 2141], [], [], [348, 2143, 7, 2144], [], [], [348, 2146, 7, 2147], [], [], [348, 2149, 7, 2150], [], [], [348, 2152, 7, 2153], [], [], [], [], [197, 2059, 7, 2155], [], [197, 2157, 342, 14, 2000, 2158, 343, 2159, 132, 2160, 30, 2160, 866, 2009, 875, 876, 7, 2161], [348, -1, 7, 2163], [], [], [348, 2166, 7, 2167], [], [], [348, 2169, 7, 2170], [], [], [348, 2172, 7, 2173], [], [], [348, 2175, 7, 2176], [], [], [348, 2178, 7, 2179], [], [], [348, 2181, 7, 2182], [], [], [348, 2184, 7, 2185], [], [], [348, 2187, 7, 2188], [], [], [348, 2190, 7, 2191], [], [], [348, 2193, 7, 2194], [], [], [348, 2196, 7, 2197], [], [], [348, 2199, 7, 2200], [], [], [348, 2202, 7, 2203], [], [], [348, 2205, 7, 2206], [], [], [348, 2208, 7, 2209], [], [], [348, 2211, 7, 2212], [], [], [348, 2214, 7, 2215], [], [], [348, 2217, 7, 2218], [], [], [348, 2220, 7, 2221], [], [], [348, 2223, 7, 2224], [], [], [348, 2226, 7, 2227], [], [], [348, 2229, 7, 2230], [], [], [348, 2232, 7, 2233], [], [], [348, 2235, 7, 2236], [], [], [348, 2238, 7, 2239], [], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 2241], [], [197, 667, 173, 199, 7, 2243], [], [197, 1872, 671, 2008, 672, 14, 7, 2245], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 2247], [], [197, 667, 173, 199, 7, 2249], [], [197, 1872, 671, 2160, 672, 14, 7, 2251], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 2253], [], [197, 667, 7, 2255], [], [132, 2257, 173, 199, 197, 1964, 7, 2258], [], [], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 680, 2261, 682, 2036, 1066, 2032, 814, 2262, 816, 2263, 343, 2264, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 2265], [], [7, 2268], [], [197, 372, 7, 2270], [], [197, 375, 7, 2272], [], [197, 401, 7, 2274], [], [629, 812, 7, 2276], [], [], [], [], [197, 1860, 7, 2278], [], [342, 14, 680, 813, 682, 728, 814, 815, 816, 817, 132, 812, 30, 812, 48, 689, 348, -1, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 2280], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 2283], [], [197, 667, 7, 2285], [], [197, 1872, 671, 812, 672, 14, 7, 2287], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2289], [], [], [], [197, 2292, 132, 2293, 875, 876, 1674, 566, 173, 964, 7, 2294], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2296], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2298], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2300], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2302], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2304], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2306], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2308], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2310], [197, 1757, 7, 2312], [197, 1760, 7, 2314], [48, 1672, 197, 1763, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2316], [197, 1681, 7, 2318], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2320], [197, 1681, 7, 2322], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2324, 879, 2325, 173, 2326, 7, 2327], [197, 1665, 7, 2329], [132, 2325, 197, 1668, 7, 2331], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2334], [197, 1678, 7, 2336], [197, 1681, 7, 2338], [], [132, 2324, 2340, 2341, 1688, 2342, 1690, 1691, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 2343], [], [48, 347, 340, 2345, 7, 2346], [], [132, 2348, 173, 964, 7, 2349], [], [1582, 2351, 80, 1795, 7, 2352], [], [], [132, 2355, 7, 2356], [], [48, 347, 340, 2345, 7, 2358], [], [7, 2361], [7, 2363], [], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2366], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2368], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2370], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2372], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2374], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2376], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2378], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2380], [197, 1757, 7, 2382], [197, 1760, 7, 2384], [48, 1672, 197, 1763, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2386], [197, 1681, 7, 2388], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2390], [197, 1681, 7, 2392], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2394, 879, 2395, 173, 2396, 7, 2397], [197, 1665, 7, 2399], [132, 2395, 197, 1668, 7, 2401], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2404], [197, 1678, 7, 2406], [197, 1681, 7, 2408], [], [132, 2394, 1688, 2410, 1690, 1691, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 2411], [], [132, 2413, 173, 964, 7, 2414], [], [1582, 2416, 80, 1795, 7, 2417], [], [], [132, 2420, 7, 2421], [], [529, 2424, 132, 2425, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 2426], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 2428], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 2430], [340, 2432, 342, 14, 343, 2433, 132, 2434, 30, 2434, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2435], [340, 2437, 342, 14, 343, 2438, 132, 2439, 30, 2439, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2440], [340, 2442, 342, 14, 343, 2443, 132, 2444, 30, 2444, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2445], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1707, 30, 1707, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 2447], [], [173, 2449, 7, 2450], [], [], [132, 2453, 7, 2454], [], [7, 2456], [], [7, 2458], [], [629, 1856, 7, 2460], [], [], [], [7, 2463], [], [629, 1953, 7, 2465], [], [], [], [7, 2467], [], [629, 2469, 7, 2470], [], [], [], [7, 2472], [], [629, 556, 7, 2474], [], [], [], [], [7, 2476], [], [7, 2478], [], [629, 679, 7, 2480], [], [], [678, 2482, 342, 14, 680, 681, 682, 683, 343, 684, 132, 679, 30, 679, 48, 689, 348, -1, 7, 2483], [], [173, 2485, 7, 2486], [], [197, 670, 671, 679, 672, 14, 173, 2488, 7, 2489], [], [], [], [7, 2491], [], [629, 700, 7, 2493], [], [], [678, 2495, 342, 14, 680, 701, 682, 683, 343, 702, 132, 700, 30, 700, 48, 689, 348, -1, 7, 2496], [], [173, 2485, 7, 2498], [], [197, 670, 671, 700, 672, 14, 173, 2488, 7, 2500], [], [], [], [7, 2502], [], [629, 812, 7, 2504], [], [], [678, 2507, 342, 14, 680, 813, 682, 728, 814, 815, 816, 817, 343, 818, 132, 812, 30, 812, 48, 689, 348, 820, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 2508], [], [173, 2485, 7, 2510], [], [197, 670, 671, 812, 672, 14, 173, 2488, 7, 2512], [], [], [], [7, 2514], [], [629, 2516, 7, 2517], [], [], [197, 788, 342, 14, 343, 789, 132, 2516, 30, 2516, 48, 689, 348, -1, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 2520], [], [173, 2485, 7, 2522], [], [197, 670, 671, 2516, 672, 14, 173, 2488, 7, 2524], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2526], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2528], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2530], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2532], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2534], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2536], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2538], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2540], [197, 1757, 7, 2542], [197, 1760, 7, 2544], [48, 1672, 197, 1763, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2546], [197, 1681, 7, 2548], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2550], [197, 1681, 7, 2552], [], [197, 2554, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2555, 879, 2556, 173, 2557, 7, 2558], [197, 1665, 7, 2560], [132, 2556, 197, 1668, 7, 2562], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2564], [197, 1678, 7, 2566], [197, 1681, 7, 2568], [], [132, 2555, 173, -1, 197, 1693, 7, 2570], [], [197, 2572, 7, 2573], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2575, 879, 2576, 173, 2577, 7, 2578], [197, 1665, 7, 2580], [132, 2576, 197, 1668, 7, 2582], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2585], [197, 1678, 7, 2587], [197, 1681, 7, 2589], [], [132, 2575, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 2591], [], [7, 2594], [], [7, 2596], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2599], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2601], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2603], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2605], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2607], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2609], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2611], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2613], [197, 1757, 7, 2615], [197, 1760, 7, 2617], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2619], [197, 1681, 7, 2621], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2624, 879, 2625, 173, 2626, 7, 2627], [197, 1665, 7, 2629], [132, 2625, 197, 1668, 7, 2631], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2633], [197, 1678, 7, 2635], [197, 1681, 7, 2637], [], [132, 2624, 2639, 2623, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 2640], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2643], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2645], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2647], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2649], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2651], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2653], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2655], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2657], [197, 1757, 7, 2659], [197, 1760, 7, 2661], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2663], [197, 1681, 7, 2665], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 1043, 879, 2667, 173, 2668, 7, 2669], [197, 1665, 7, 2671], [132, 2667, 197, 1668, 7, 2673], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2676], [197, 1678, 7, 2678], [197, 1681, 7, 2680], [], [132, 1043, 2639, 2623, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 2682], [], [1582, 2675, 80, 2684, 7, 2685], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2687], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2689], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2691], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2693], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2695], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2697], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2699], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2701], [197, 1757, 7, 2703], [197, 1760, 7, 2705], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2707], [197, 1681, 7, 2709], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2711, 879, 2712, 173, 2713, 7, 2714], [197, 1665, 7, 2716], [132, 2712, 197, 1668, 7, 2718], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2721], [197, 1678, 7, 2723], [197, 1681, 7, 2725], [], [132, 2711, 2639, 2623, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 2727], [], [1582, 2675, 80, 2729, 7, 2730], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2732], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2734], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2736], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2738], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2740], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2742], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2744], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2746], [197, 1757, 7, 2748], [197, 1760, 7, 2750], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2752], [197, 1681, 7, 2754], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2756, 879, 2757, 173, 2758, 7, 2759], [197, 1665, 7, 2761], [132, 2757, 197, 1668, 7, 2763], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2766], [197, 1678, 7, 2768], [197, 1681, 7, 2770], [], [132, 2756, 2639, 2623, 173, 1692, 197, 1693, 7, 2772], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2775], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2777], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2779], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2781], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2783], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2785], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2787], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2789], [197, 1757, 7, 2791], [197, 1760, 7, 2793], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2796], [197, 1681, 7, 2798], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2800, 879, 2801, 173, 2802, 7, 2803], [197, 1665, 7, 2805], [132, 2801, 197, 1668, 7, 2807], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2810], [197, 1678, 7, 2812], [197, 1681, 7, 2814], [], [132, 2800, 2639, 2623, 173, 2816, 197, 1693, 7, 2817], [], [132, 1160, 197, 2820, 7, 2821], [], [7, 2823], [], [197, 2825, 7, 2826], [], [7, 2828], [197, 2830, 7, 2831], [197, 2833, 7, 2834], [], [], [7, 2837], [197, 2830, 7, 2839], [197, 2833, 7, 2841], [], [50, 2844, 261, 262, 7, 2845], [], [], [], [7, 2847], [197, 2830, 7, 2849], [197, 2833, 7, 2851], [], [], [7, 2854], [197, 2830, 7, 2856], [197, 2833, 7, 2858], [], [], [7, 2861], [197, 2830, 7, 2863], [197, 2833, 7, 2865], [], [7, 2868], [], [7, 2871], [7, 2873], [], [7, 2876], [7, 2878], [], [7, 2881], [7, 2883], [], [7, 2886], [7, 2888], [], [], [], [7, 2891], [197, 2830, 7, 2893], [197, 2833, 7, 2895], [], [50, 2898, 261, 262, 7, 2899], [], [], [], [7, 2903], [197, 2830, 7, 2905], [197, 2833, 7, 2907], [], [], [7, 2910], [197, 2830, 7, 2912], [197, 2833, 7, 2914], [], [50, 2917, 261, 262, 7, 2918], [], [], [], [], [2922, 14, 173, 964, 7, 2923], [], [173, 2926, 7, 2927], [7, 2929], [173, 2931, 7, 2932], [7, 2934], [], [173, 2937, 7, 2938], [], [173, 2941, 7, 2942], [], [173, 2945, 7, 2946], [], [7, 2949], [7, 2951], [], [173, 2937, 7, 2953], [], [173, 2941, 7, 2956], [], [173, 2941, 7, 2959], [], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 2962], [], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 2964], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 2966], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 2968], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 2970], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 2972], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 2974], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 2976], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 2978], [197, 1757, 7, 2980], [197, 1760, 7, 2982], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 2984], [197, 1681, 7, 2986], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 2988, 879, 2989, 173, 2802, 7, 2990], [197, 1665, 7, 2992], [132, 2989, 197, 1668, 7, 2994], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 2997], [197, 1678, 7, 2999], [197, 1681, 7, 3001], [], [132, 2988, 2639, 2623, 173, 2816, 197, 1693, 7, 3003], [], [132, 1160, 197, 2820, 7, 3006], [], [197, 502, 7, 3008], [], [7, 3010], [7, 3012], [], [], [197, 3015, 7, 3016], [], [], [197, 3019, 7, 3020], [], [], [197, 2825, 7, 3023], [], [7, 3025], [197, 2830, 7, 3027], [197, 2833, 7, 3029], [], [173, 3032, 7, 3033], [], [], [173, 3032, 7, 3037], [], [], [], [7, 3041], [197, 2830, 7, 3043], [197, 2833, 7, 3045], [], [], [7, 3048], [197, 2830, 7, 3050], [197, 2833, 7, 3052], [], [], [7, 3055], [197, 2830, 7, 3057], [197, 2833, 7, 3059], [], [], [7, 3062], [197, 2830, 7, 3064], [197, 2833, 7, 3066], [], [], [7, 3069], [197, 2830, 7, 3071], [197, 2833, 7, 3073], [], [], [7, 3076], [197, 2830, 7, 3078], [197, 2833, 7, 3080], [], [], [7, 3083], [197, 2830, 7, 3085], [197, 2833, 7, 3087], [], [], [7, 3090], [197, 2830, 7, 3092], [197, 2833, 7, 3094], [], [], [7, 3097], [197, 2830, 7, 3099], [197, 2833, 7, 3101], [], [], [7, 3104], [197, 2830, 7, 3106], [197, 2833, 7, 3108], [], [], [7, 3111], [197, 2830, 7, 3113], [197, 2833, 7, 3115], [], [], [7, 3118], [197, 2830, 7, 3120], [197, 2833, 7, 3122], [], [], [7, 3125], [197, 2830, 7, 3127], [197, 2833, 7, 3129], [], [], [7, 3132], [197, 2830, 7, 3134], [197, 2833, 7, 3136], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 3139], [], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 3141], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 3143], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 3145], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 3147], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 3149], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 3151], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 3153], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 3155], [197, 1757, 7, 3157], [197, 1760, 7, 3159], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 3161], [197, 1681, 7, 3163], [], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 3165, 879, 3166, 173, 3167, 7, 3168], [197, 1665, 7, 3170], [132, 3166, 197, 1668, 7, 3172], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 3175], [197, 1678, 7, 3177], [197, 1681, 7, 3179], [], [197, 1757, 7, 3181], [197, 1760, 7, 3183], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 3185], [197, 1681, 7, 3187], [], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 3190], [197, 1681, 7, 3192], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 3194], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 3196], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 3198], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 3200], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 3202], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 3204], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 3206], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 3208], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 3210, 879, 3211, 173, 3167, 7, 3212], [197, 1665, 7, 3214], [132, 3211, 197, 1668, 7, 3216], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 3219], [197, 1678, 7, 3221], [197, 1681, 7, 3223], [], [197, 1757, 7, 3225], [197, 1760, 7, 3227], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 3229], [197, 1681, 7, 3231], [], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 3233], [197, 1681, 7, 3235], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733, 7, 3237], [197, 1736, 173, 1733, 7, 3239], [197, 1739, 173, 1733, 7, 3241], [197, 1742, 173, 1733, 7, 3243], [197, 1745, 173, 1733, 7, 3245], [197, 1748, 173, 1733, 7, 3247], [197, 1751, 173, 1733, 7, 3249], [197, 1754, 173, 1733, 7, 3251], [197, 3253, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 3254, 879, 3255, 173, 964, 7, 3256], [197, 1665, 7, 3258], [132, 3255, 197, 1668, 7, 3260], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 3263], [197, 1678, 7, 3265], [197, 1681, 7, 3267], [], [197, 1757, 7, 3269], [197, 1760, 7, 3271], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 3273], [197, 1681, 7, 3275], [], [197, 3253, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 3277, 879, 3278, 173, 964, 7, 3279], [197, 1665, 7, 3281], [132, 3278, 197, 1668, 7, 3283], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675, 7, 3285], [197, 1678, 7, 3287], [197, 1681, 7, 3289], [], [197, 1757, 7, 3291], [197, 1760, 7, 3293], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 7, 3295], [197, 1681, 7, 3297], [], [173, 3299, 7, 3300], [], [48, 87, 7, 3302], [], [], [173, 3299, 7, 3305], [7, 3307], [], [173, 3299, 7, 3310], [], [48, 87, 7, 3312], [], [], [875, 887, 908, 14, 866, 886, 1205, 3314, 30, 3315, 132, 3315, 80, 3316, 173, 3317, 7, 3318], [132, 3320, 80, 3321, 7, 3322], [173, 3325, 7, 3326], [3328, 3329, 173, 3330, 7, 3331], [173, 3333, 7, 3334], [46, 55, 50, 3336, 7, 3337], [173, 3330, 7, 3339], [173, 3333, 7, 3341], [46, 55, 50, 3336, 7, 3343], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 3165, 879, 2293, 173, 3167], [197, 1665], [132, 2293, 197, 1668], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675], [197, 1678], [197, 1681], [], [132, 3165, 173, -1, 197, 1693, 7, 3345], [], [529, 409, 132, 3348, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3349], [], [197, 3351, 7, 3352], [], [197, 3355, 7, 3356], [], [7, 3359], [], [7, 3361], [], [197, 401, 7, 3363], [197, 611, 7, 3365], [], [629, 3367, 7, 3368], [], [], [197, 3370, 342, 14, 680, 3371, 682, 683, 343, 639, 132, 3367, 30, 3367, 48, 689, 348, -1, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 3372], [], [197, 670, 671, 3367, 672, 14, 7, 3374], [], [], [7, 3376], [], [197, 401, 7, 3378], [197, 611, 7, 3380], [], [629, 3382, 7, 3383], [], [], [342, 14, 680, 813, 682, 728, 814, 815, 816, 817, 343, 818, 132, 3382, 30, 3382, 48, 689, 348, -1, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 3385], [], [197, 670, 671, 3382, 672, 14, 7, 3387], [], [], [7, 3389], [], [197, 401, 7, 3391], [197, 611, 7, 3393], [], [629, 3395, 7, 3396], [], [], [7, 3399], [], [3402, 2119, 342, 14, 343, 3403, 132, 3395, 30, 3395, 3404, 2018, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 3405], [], [197, 670, 671, 3395, 672, 14, 7, 3407], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3409], [], [132, 3411, 30, 3411, 48, 689, 348, -1, 7, 3412], [], [132, 2506, 30, 2506, 48, 689, 348, -1, 7, 3414], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1757], [197, 1760], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566], [197, 1681], [], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566], [197, 1681], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733], [197, 1736, 173, 1733], [197, 1739, 173, 1733], [197, 1742, 173, 1733], [197, 1745, 173, 1733], [197, 1748, 173, 1733], [197, 1751, 173, 1733], [197, 1754, 173, 1733], [197, 1657, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 3210, 879, 880, 173, 3167], [197, 1665], [132, 880, 197, 1668], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675], [197, 1678], [197, 1681], [], [132, 3210, 173, -1, 197, 1693, 7, 3416], [], [132, 3418, 529, 3419, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3420], [], [48, 347, 132, 3422, 30, 3422, 348, 14, 7, 3423], [], [7, 3425], [], [7, 3427], [], [629, 3429, 7, 3430], [], [], [48, 689, 132, 3429, 30, 3433, 343, 684, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 3434], [], [173, 3436, 7, 3437], [], [197, 670, 671, 3433, 672, 14, 7, 3439], [], [], [], [7, 3442], [], [629, 3444, 7, 3445], [], [], [132, 3444, 343, 789, 30, 2516, 48, 791, 197, 788, 7, 3447], [], [173, 3436, 7, 3449], [], [197, 670, 671, 2516, 672, 14, 7, 3451], [], [], [], [7, 3453], [], [629, 3455, 7, 3456], [], [], [197, 638, 132, 3455, 30, 3459, 173, -1, 7, 3460], [348, 3462, 7, 3463], [], [], [348, 3465, 7, 3466], [], [], [348, 3468, 7, 3469], [], [], [348, 3471, 7, 3472], [], [], [348, 3474, 7, 3475], [], [], [348, 3477, 7, 3478], [], [], [], [], [7, 3481], [], [629, 3483, 7, 3484], [], [], [132, 3483, 30, 3487, 3404, 2025, 3402, 683, 690, 566, 691, 14, 7, 3488], [], [], [], [], [197, 1757], [197, 1760], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566], [197, 1681], [], [48, 1672, 197, 2795, 866, 1672, 1674, 566], [197, 1681], [], [197, 1732, 173, 1733], [197, 1736, 173, 1733], [197, 1739, 173, 1733], [197, 1742, 173, 1733], [197, 1745, 173, 1733], [197, 1748, 173, 1733], [197, 1751, 173, 1733], [197, 1754, 173, 1733], [197, 3253, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 3254, 879, 893, 173, 964], [197, 1665], [132, 893, 197, 1668], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675], [197, 1678], [197, 1681], [], [132, 3254, 173, -1, 197, 1693, 7, 3490], [], [132, 3492, 7, 3493], [], [197, 1757], [197, 1760], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566], [197, 1681], [], [197, 3253, 875, 887, 866, 1658, 1659, 3277, 879, 1661, 173, 964], [197, 1665], [132, 1661, 197, 1668], [], [48, 1672, 197, 1673, 866, 1672, 1674, 566, 1205, 1675], [197, 1678], [197, 1681], [], [132, 3277, 173, -1, 197, 1693, 7, 3495], [], [132, 3497, 7, 3498], [], [], [197, 1757], [197, 1760], [48, 1672, 197, 1768, 866, 1672, 1674, 566], [197, 1681], [], [173, 3299], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3299], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3299], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2387, 2491], "value": [-1, -1]}, 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188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2632.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2632.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 2632.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 2632.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2650.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 2650.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2684.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2718.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2718.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 2752.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 2752.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2786.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2820.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2820.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2820.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 2820.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 2854.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 214, -1, 218, -1, 267, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 277, -1, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 292, -1, -1, -1, -1, 305, 307, -1, -1, 305, 310, -1, -1, 305, 314, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 368, -1, -1, -1, -1, 382, -1, -1, 387, -1, -1, 393, -1, -1, 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[], [], [114, 126, 113, 36], [], [36, 9, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 2393, 1264, 0], [8, 2409, 1264, 70], [8, 2409, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2443, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [59, 2481, 0, 17], [], [59, 2495, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 0], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2633, 1264, 36], [], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2719, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2753, 1264, 18], [8, 2753, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2821, 1264, 18], [], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2993, 1264, 17], [8, 2993, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 2993, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 2993, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [0, 0, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1262, 270], [0, 0, 1253, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], 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complete the purchase.", "The AgreedToDeclaration field is required.", "AgreedToDeclaration", "c76e2b70-e237-4279", "", "a2109e00-cbd5-4ac3", "", "\n\n ", "declaration-checkmark", "cd2b63bc-b13d-4cf0", "", "none", "read_declaration", "d70fca94-a931-4e3b", "", "\n ", "DelcarationAgreement", "495bfdcc-0f99-4c2c", "", "\n Please read and agree to the ", "1a528b55-9702-43b9", "", "showdeclaration", "81e5a414-8158-4d74", "", "declaration", "414deb34-49d8-476f", "", "73627a87-4cdf-4282", "", ".", "\n ", "agreement-checkbox-validation", "bf58a7a8-27ce-4482", "", "fas fa-exclamation-circle", "0e57d6b9-42aa-4471", "", "\uf06a", "Please open and read the declaration.", "44fccfcb-6559-4a11", "", "15d037a8-3b14-4a6d", "", "b4794a29-61e8-474e", "", "InfoDisclosure", "The AllowUpgradeOffers field is required.", "AllowUpgradeOffers", "9a6a15fb-6cf4-45b4", "", "6a1616ab-161d-4ac8", "", "\n\n ", "allow-upgrade-checkmark", "8d1a987e-e7c3-4974", "", "margin-right: 0px;", "d1fbf6b6-0cb8-45bd", "", "\n I allow OVMA Pet Health Insurance to use my personal information for the purpose of offering me upgrades\n ", "\n\n ", "qe_button_bar row", "966d5292-ec55-4d4e", "", "cd6598bd-024f-42a6", "", "BUTTON", "next-button", "submit", "title", "Confirm and Complete Purchase", "72c69974-df33-484d", "", "\n ", " \n", "0ba33195-e1d7-4b5e", "", "\n // Javascript function that returns resource strings or App Settings values.\n // By using keywords as its identification it will return that specific text.\n function getJSWordings(keyword) {\n if (keyword === '001') {\n return 'Approved';\n } else if (keyword === '940') {\n return 'Invalid profile ID';\n } else if (keyword === '941') {\n return 'Error generating token';\n } else if (keyword === '942') {\n return 'Invalid profile ID or source URL';\n } else if (keyword === '943') {\n return 'Account Number is invalid. Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. Should be numeric with a minimum of 3 and maximum of 4 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === 'moneris-postmessage-url') {\n return 'https://www3.moneris.com/HPPtoken/index.php';\n } else if (keyword === 'moneris-origin-url') {\n return 'https://www3.moneris.com';\n } else {\n return '-No wording found-';\n }\n }\n", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/Step3JS?v=CpQjST_DY7_cYFx5eOGANyN3ERVX4xiOGF69Lx0b8aU1", "a7b6b69d-a580-49b2", "", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "vert-divider", "54d62dcb-09a6-4e59", "", "\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "summary_top noprint four columns", "9379be69-e158-43b1", "", "summary_bottom", "d8bec418-447f-4c56", "", "\n \n ", "90b7da3b-bad0-439f", "", "Summary", "pet_box pet_box_first", "d1b82b22-73b1-43be", "", "containingSummaryBox", "54832b96-6d89-4981", "", "76bd1100-aa20-47fe", "", "name fs-exclude", "d728b129-2588-4e16", "", "10c718da-3336-46df", "", "fa fa-dog", "868e1397-0f17-47fc", "", "\uf6d3", "pet_info", "7054bfa0-87b9-48e0", "", "TABLE", 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"386e5282-e0e2-48c5", "", "6d57d546-df32-4bb0", "", "Summary__VB_Local_pet_PrimaryClinic", "6a914bee-f05b-4e75", "", "Primary Clinic:", "18effc4d-e9ab-4053", "", "\n Pet Hospital On Main\n ", "2a32bd3c-75eb-45ba", "", "b4243955-e5cd-4c78", "", "7682c0da-d81f-46ca", "", "Summary__VB_Local_pet_RecurringMonthCharges", "5b7e2cd7-eef0-4abe", "", "Monthly Payment:", "5e3704a7-2be1-4338", "", "\n $85.11\n ", "6b173778-1203-4dd8", "", "(includes taxes) ", "8409177c-0f5f-46db", "", "d5fbaaf7-0130-4fc5", "", "bold fit-content", "f5f912e1-334f-4c81", "", "Summary__VB_Local_pet_FirstPaymentDate", "154d8c17-15ef-4cf0", "", "First Payment Due:", "fs-exclude", "dd70677a-12bd-4b5e", "", "\nAug. 17, 2023 ", "padding-top:20px;", "8a6bb6f4-bd11-4dd4", "", "width: 114px", "f84c6368-9bc7-4031", "", "ece11cc7-af4c-447a", "", "Summary__VB_Local_pet_ProductName", "293bd409-0264-4e8f", "", "Plan:", "width: 113px", "2ff94e84-dade-4ba5", "", "padding-top:7px;padding-bottom:7px;", "b3a46f21-c267-4cb2", "", 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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[], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 154, 7, 155], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 157, 7, 158], [79, -1, 132, 160, 80, 161, 128, 139, 7, 162], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [80, 185, 7, 186], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 188], [], [], [7, 191], [], [], [7, 194], [], [], [197, 198, 173, 199, 200, 201, 7, 202], [], [197, 204, 7, 205], [], [132, 207, 7, 208], [], [197, 211, 7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [], [50, 224, 7, 225], [], [], [7, 229], [], [50, 232, 7, 233], [], [], [], [], [197, 236, 7, 237], [], [50, 239, 7, 240], [], [197, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [132, 252, 197, 253, 7, 254], [], [7, 257], [], [], [50, 260, 261, 262, 7, 263], [], [7, 265], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 268, 7, 269], [], [197, 271, 7, 272], [], [50, 274, 261, 262, 7, 275], [], [80, 279, 197, 280, 7, 281], [], [], [], [], [132, 283, 7, 284], [], [7, 287], [], [7, 290], [], [], [], [], [197, 293, 7, 294], [], [197, 297, 7, 298], [], [197, 301, 7, 302], [], [], [], [197, 301, 7, 308], [], [], [], [197, 311, 7, 312], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 315, 7, 316], [], [197, 318, 7, 319], [], [132, 322, 197, 323, 7, 324], [], [132, 326, 7, 327], [], [132, 330, 197, 331, 7, 332], [], [132, 335, 197, 336, 7, 337], [], [340, 341, 342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 345, 30, 346, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 350], [], [342, 14, 343, 352, 132, 353, 30, 353, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 355], [], [197, 357, 7, 358], [], [132, 360, 7, 361], [], [197, 365, 7, 366], [], [], [197, 369, 7, 370], [], [197, 372, 7, 373], [], [197, 375, 7, 376], [], [197, 379, 7, 380], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 383], [], [197, 379, 7, 385], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 388], [], [197, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [197, 395, 7, 396], [], [197, 375, 7, 398], [], [197, 401, 7, 402], [], [], [197, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 7, 412], [], [7, 415], [50, 417, 7, 418], [], [], [], [], [197, 422, 7, 423], [], [7, 425], [197, 401, 7, 428], [], [], [], [197, 401, 7, 432], [], [197, 435, 7, 436], [], [], [], [197, 439, 406, 440, 408, 441, 410, 411, 7, 442], [], [7, 444], [50, 446, 7, 447], [], [], [], [], [197, 450, 7, 451], [], [197, 379, 7, 453], [], [], [197, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [], [197, 460, 7, 461], [], [132, 463, 464, 465, 197, 465, 50, 466, 7, 467], [], [197, 469, 7, 470], [], [], [7, 473], [], [], [], [], [197, 477, 7, 478], [], [197, 480, 7, 481], [], [197, 483, 7, 484], [], [], [197, 487, 7, 488], [], [], [197, 491, 7, 492], [], [], [], [197, 495, 7, 496], [], [197, 498, 7, 499], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 503], [], [197, 498, 7, 505], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 508], [], [197, 510, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 514], [], [7, 517], [], [173, 519, 7, 520], [], [], [], [7, 523], [], [197, 372, 7, 526], [], [529, 530, 531, 532, 132, 533, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 537], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 540], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 544], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 549], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 554], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 558], [342, 14, 343, 560, 132, 561, 30, 561, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 562], [342, 14, 343, 564, 132, 565, 30, 565, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 567], [132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 570], [], [132, 335, 7, 573], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [197, 578, 7, 579], [], [132, 581, 7, 582], [], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 585, 30, 586, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 587], [], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 591], [], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 595], [], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 601], [], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 603, 30, 604, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 605], [], [197, 608, 7, 609], [], [197, 611, 7, 612], [], [], [], [197, 365, 7, 616], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 619], [], [197, 621, 7, 622], [], [197, 401, 7, 624], [197, 611, 7, 626], [], [629, 630, 7, 631], [], [], [], [197, 634, 7, 635], [], [197, 638, 342, 14, 343, 639, 132, 630, 30, 640, 641, 14, 642, 566, 7, 643], [348, -1, 7, 646], [], [], [348, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [348, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [348, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [348, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [348, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 670], [], [197, 672, 673, 640, 674, 14, 7, 675], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 678], [], [680, 681, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 687, 30, 688, 689, 690, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 694], [], [197, 669, 7, 696], [], [197, 672, 673, 688, 674, 14, 7, 698], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 700], [], [680, 702, 342, 14, 682, 703, 684, 685, 343, 704, 132, 705, 30, 706, 689, 707, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 708], [], [197, 669, 7, 710], [], [197, 672, 673, 706, 674, 14, 7, 712], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 714], [], [197, 677, 7, 716], [], [197, 401, 7, 718], [197, 611, 7, 720], [], [629, 722, 7, 723], [], [], [], [197, 726, 7, 727], [], [342, 14, 682, 729, 684, 730, 343, 731, 132, 722, 30, 732, 689, 733, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 734], [], [197, 669, 7, 736], [], [197, 672, 673, 732, 674, 14, 7, 738], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 740], [], [197, 742, 7, 743], [], [342, 14, 682, 745, 684, 730, 343, 746, 132, 747, 30, 748, 689, 749, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 750], [], [197, 669, 7, 752], [], [197, 672, 673, 748, 674, 14, 7, 754], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 756], [], [197, 758, 7, 759], [], [342, 14, 343, 762, 132, 763, 30, 764, 48, 347, 348, 765, 7, 766], [], [197, 768, 7, 769], [], [], [132, 772, 30, 773, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 774], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 776], [], [197, 677, 7, 778], [], [197, 401, 7, 780], [197, 611, 7, 782], [], [629, 784, 7, 785], [], [], [], [197, 726, 7, 788], [], [197, 790, 342, 14, 343, 791, 132, 784, 30, 792, 48, 793, 348, -1, 7, 794], [], [197, 669, 7, 796], [], [197, 672, 673, 792, 674, 14, 7, 798], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 800], [], [197, 677, 7, 802], [], [197, 401, 7, 804], [197, 611, 7, 806], [], [629, 808, 7, 809], [], [], [], [197, 726, 7, 812], [], [680, 814, 342, 14, 682, 815, 684, 730, 816, 817, 818, 819, 343, 820, 132, 808, 30, 821, 48, 691, 348, 822, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 823], [], [197, 669, 7, 825], [], [197, 672, 673, 821, 674, 14, 7, 827], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 343, 829, 132, 830, 30, 831, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 832], [], [], [], [], [197, 834, 7, 835], [], [197, 838, 7, 839], [], [197, 842, 7, 843], [], [132, 846, 7, 847], [], [7, 850], [], [197, 365, 7, 853], [], [], [7, 857], [], [7, 860], [], [], [132, 863, 197, 864, 7, 865], [], [197, 867, 868, 869, 7, 870], [], [], [], [197, 875, 868, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 14, 7, 884], [50, 886, 197, 887, 868, 888, 877, 889, 132, 882, 7, 890], [], [], [197, 893, 868, 876, 877, 889, 879, 894, 881, 895, 883, 566, 7, 896], [50, 898, 197, 887, 868, 888, 877, 889, 132, 895, 7, 899], [], [], [], [340, 903, 342, 14, 343, 904, 132, 903, 30, 903, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 905], [], [132, 880, 881, 882, 197, 907, 868, 908, 909, 14, 910, 566, 7, 911], [], [7, 914], [], [], [132, 918, 919, 920, 7, 921], [], [197, 372, 7, 923], [], [197, 375, 7, 925], [], [197, 927, 7, 928], [629, 930, 7, 931], [], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 934], [], [197, 936, 342, 14, 682, 937, 684, 730, 343, 938, 132, 930, 30, 930, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 939], [], [197, 941, 7, 942], [], [197, 672, 673, 930, 674, 14, 7, 944], [], [], [], [], [197, 946, 7, 947], [], [], [], [132, 951, 197, 952, 173, 953, 7, 954], [], [132, 956, 7, 957], [], [132, 960, 80, 961, 962, 878, 173, 953, 7, 963], [], [], [], [197, 372, 132, 965, 173, 966, 7, 967], [], [197, 375, 7, 969], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 972], [], [132, 974, 197, 975, 7, 976], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 978], [], [197, 375, 7, 980], [], [], [197, 982, 7, 983], [], [342, 14, 985, 986, 343, 987, 988, 988, 132, 989, 30, 989, 48, 990, 348, 14, 7, 991], [30, 989, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 993], [], [197, 995, 132, 996, 7, 997], [], [197, 999, 7, 1000], [], [7, 1002], [], [132, 1005, 50, 466, 7, 1006], [], [197, 1009, 7, 1010], [], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 1014], [], [197, 672, 673, 989, 674, 14, 7, 1016], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 894, 881, 895, 197, 907, 868, 908, 909, 566, 910, 14, 173, 966, 7, 1018], [], [919, 1020, 7, 1021], [], [7, 1023], [], [7, 1025], [], [197, 927, 7, 1027], [197, 611, 7, 1029], [], [629, 930, 7, 1032], [], [], [197, 936, 132, 930, 30, 930, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1034], [], [197, 941, 7, 1036], [], [197, 672, 673, 930, 674, 14, 7, 1038], [], [], [], [7, 1040], [], [197, 1042, 1043, 1044, 464, 1045, 7, 1046], [], [1043, 1044, 464, 1045, 50, 466, 877, 889, 7, 1048], [], [197, 1050, 7, 1051], [], [], [], [], [7, 1054], [], [197, 1056, 7, 1057], [197, 611, 7, 1059], [], [629, 1061, 7, 1062], [], [], [197, 1065, 342, 14, 682, 1066, 684, 1067, 1068, 1067, 816, 1069, 818, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 903, 1074, 565, 1075, 14, 1076, 566, 132, 1061, 1077, 1067, 30, 1061, 48, 793, 348, -1, 7, 1078], [], [197, 941, 7, 1080], [], [197, 672, 673, 1061, 674, 14, 7, 1082], [], [], [], [7, 1084], [], [197, 927, 7, 1086], [197, 611, 7, 1088], [], [629, 1090, 7, 1091], [], [], [197, 1065, 342, 14, 682, 1094, 684, 1095, 1068, 1095, 816, 1096, 818, 1097, 1071, 1098, 1073, 903, 1074, 565, 1075, 14, 1076, 566, 132, 1090, 1077, 1095, 30, 1090, 48, 793, 348, -1, 7, 1099], [], [197, 941, 7, 1101], [], [197, 672, 673, 1090, 674, 14, 7, 1103], [], [], [], [7, 1105], [], [197, 927, 7, 1107], [], [197, 611, 7, 1109], [], [629, 1111, 7, 1112], [], [], [], [197, 1065, 342, 14, 816, 1115, 818, 1116, 1071, 1117, 1073, 903, 1074, 565, 1075, 14, 1076, 566, 132, 1111, 1077, 1118, 30, 1111, 48, 793, 348, -1, 7, 1119], [], [197, 941, 7, 1121], [], [197, 672, 673, 1111, 674, 14, 7, 1123], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1127, 7, 1128], [], [7, 1130], [], [], [197, 1132, 7, 1133], [], [1135, 1136, 342, 14, 985, 1137, 343, 1138, 988, 988, 132, 1139, 30, 1139, 48, 990, 348, 14, 7, 1140], [30, 1139, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1142], [], [197, 995, 132, 1145, 7, 1146], [], [197, 1148, 629, 1149, 7, 1150], [], [132, 1153, 7, 1154], [], [7, 1157], [132, 1159, 50, 466, 7, 1160], [], [132, 1159, 50, 466, 7, 1163], [197, 1009, 7, 1165], [], [], [], [197, 1169, 7, 1170], [197, 1172, 7, 1173], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 672, 673, 1139, 674, 14, 7, 1177], [], [], [], [7, 1179], [], [], [197, 1132, 7, 1181], [], [30, 1183, 342, 14, 343, 1184, 132, 1185, 48, 990, 348, 14, 7, 1186], [30, 1185, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1188], [], [197, 995, 132, 1191, 7, 1192], [], [173, 1194, 197, 1148, 629, 1149, 7, 1195], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1199, 7, 1200], [], [197, 331, 7, 1202], [], [197, 1205, 48, 1206, 1207, 1208, 7, 1209], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1213], [], [], [], [80, 1216, 7, 1217], [], [], [132, 1220, 197, 253, 7, 1221], [], [197, 1224, 7, 1225], [], [197, 1227, 7, 1228], [], [7, 1231], [], [], [197, 1234, 7, 1235], [], [132, 1237, 7, 1238], [], [197, 372, 7, 1240], [], [197, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [7, 1245], [], [], [], [197, 1247, 7, 1248], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1251, 7, 1252], [], [1255, 1256, 1257, 878, 1258, 878, 1259, 878, 7, 1260], [], [7, 1263], [7, 1266], [], [197, 1269, 7, 1270], [], [197, 401, 7, 1272], [629, 1274, 7, 1275], [], [], [], [197, 1278, 7, 1279], [], [], [], [7, 1282], [], [197, 1269, 7, 1284], [], [197, 401, 7, 1286], [629, 1288, 7, 1289], [], [], [], [197, 1278, 7, 1292], [], [], [], [7, 1295], [], [197, 1269, 7, 1297], [], [197, 401, 7, 1299], [629, 1301, 7, 1302], [], [], [], [197, 1278, 7, 1305], [], [], [], [7, 1308], [], [197, 1269, 7, 1310], [], [197, 401, 7, 1312], [629, 1314, 7, 1315], [], [], [], [197, 1278, 7, 1318], [], [], [], [7, 1321], [], [197, 1269, 7, 1323], [], [197, 401, 7, 1325], [629, 1327, 7, 1328], [], [], [], [197, 1278, 7, 1331], [], [], [], [7, 1334], [], [197, 1269, 7, 1336], [], [197, 401, 7, 1338], [629, 1340, 7, 1341], [], [], [], [197, 1278, 7, 1344], [], [7, 1347], [], [], [], [7, 1350], [], [7, 1352], [197, 1354, 7, 1355], [629, 1357, 7, 1358], [], [], [197, 1361, 7, 1362], [], [], [], [173, 1365, 7, 1366], [], [173, 1368, 7, 1369], [197, 401, 7, 1371], [629, 1373, 7, 1374], [], [], [], [173, 1377, 7, 1378], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1251, 173, 1380, 7, 1381], [], [197, 1383, 50, 466, 46, 1384, 7, 1385], [], [197, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 7, 1392], [], [], [], [132, 1384, 197, 1396, 7, 1397], [], [1255, 1256, 1257, 878, 1258, 878, 1259, 878, 7, 1400], [], [7, 1402], [7, 1404], [], [173, 1368, 197, 1269, 7, 1406], [], [197, 401, 7, 1408], [], [], [], [173, 1377, 197, 1269, 7, 1411], [], [], [], [7, 1414], [], [173, 1368, 197, 1269, 7, 1416], [197, 401, 7, 1418], [], [], [], [173, 1377, 197, 1269, 7, 1421], [], [7, 1424], [], [], [], [], [7, 1427], [], [7, 1429], [], [197, 401, 7, 1431], [], [], [7, 1435], [], [7, 1437], [], [], [], [], [7, 1441], [], [7, 1443], [197, 401, 7, 1445], [197, 1447, 7, 1448], [], [7, 1451], [], [7, 1453], [], [7, 1456], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1460], [], [7, 1462], [], [197, 401, 7, 1464], [], [], [], [7, 1467], [], [7, 1470], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1472, 7, 1473], [], [], [197, 1475, 7, 1476], [], [7, 1479], [], [7, 1482], [], [7, 1485], [], [], [], [173, 1488, 7, 1489], [], [197, 1491, 80, 1492, 7, 1493], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1496, 7, 1497], [], [197, 1499, 7, 1500], [], [197, 1502, 7, 1503], [], [132, 1505, 7, 1506], [], [7, 1508], [], [7, 1511], [], [50, 1514, 261, 262, 7, 1515], [7, 1518], [], [], [], [7, 1523], [], [7, 1526], [], [50, 1529, 261, 262, 7, 1530], [7, 1532], [], [], [7, 1536], [], [7, 1539], [], [7, 1541], [], [7, 1543], [], [], [7, 1546], [], [7, 1548], [], [], [7, 1552], [], [7, 1554], [], [7, 1556], [], [50, 1559, 261, 262, 7, 1560], [7, 1562], [], [], [50, 1566, 261, 262, 7, 1567], [7, 1569], [], [], [7, 1573], [], [197, 1575, 7, 1576], [], [7, 1578], [], [7, 1581], [], [50, 1514, 261, 262, 1584, 1585, 1207, 1585, 7, 1586], [7, 1588], [], [], [7, 1591], [], [197, 1575, 173, 1593, 7, 1594], [], [50, 1596, 261, 262, 1584, 1597, 1207, 1597, 7, 1598], [], [], [50, 1601, 261, 262, 1207, 1602, 7, 1603], [], [], [50, 1605, 261, 262, 7, 1606], [], [], [7, 1609], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1614, 48, 87, 7, 1615], [], [80, 1617, 48, 87, 7, 1618], [], [80, 1620, 48, 87, 7, 1621], [], [80, 1623, 48, 87, 7, 1624], [], [80, 1626, 48, 87, 7, 1627], [], [80, 1629, 48, 87, 7, 1630], [], [80, 1632, 48, 87, 7, 1633], [], [80, 1635, 48, 87, 7, 1636], [], [80, 1638, 48, 87, 7, 1639], [], [80, 1641, 7, 1642], [], [80, 1216, 7, 1645], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1648], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1652], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1656], [], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 1662, 881, 1663, 173, 1664, 7, 1665], [197, 1667, 7, 1668], [132, 1663, 197, 1670, 7, 1671], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 1678], [197, 1680, 7, 1681], [197, 1683, 7, 1684], [], [132, 1662, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 1696], [], [132, 1699, 7, 1700], [], [529, 1687, 531, 1689, 132, 1702, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1703], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1705], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1707], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1709, 30, 1709, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 1710], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1712], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 1714], [], [173, 1716, 7, 1717], [], [7, 1719], [], [197, 1721, 7, 1722], [], [197, 1725, 342, 14, 343, 1726, 132, 1727, 30, 1727, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1728], [], [197, 672, 673, 1727, 674, 14, 173, 1730, 7, 1731], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 1736], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 1739], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 1742], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 1745], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 1748], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 1751], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 1754], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 1757], [197, 1759, 7, 1760], [197, 1762, 7, 1763], [48, 1674, 197, 1765, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 1766], [197, 1683, 7, 1768], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 1771], [197, 1683, 7, 1773], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 465, 881, 1775, 173, 1776, 7, 1777], [197, 1667, 7, 1779], [132, 1775, 197, 1670, 7, 1781], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 1784], [197, 1680, 7, 1786], [197, 1683, 7, 1788], [], [132, 465, 1690, 1790, 1692, 1693, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 1791], [], [132, 1793, 173, 966, 7, 1794], [], [1584, 1796, 80, 1797, 7, 1798], [], [], [132, 1801, 7, 1802], [], [197, 502, 7, 1805], [], [529, 1807, 531, 1808, 132, 1809, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1810], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1812], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1814], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1816], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1818], [132, 1820, 30, 1820, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1821], [342, 14, 343, 1823, 132, 1824, 30, 1824, 48, 347, 348, 1825, 7, 1826], [342, 14, 343, 1828, 132, 1829, 30, 1829, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 1830], [132, 1727, 30, 1727, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1832], [342, 14, 343, 1834, 132, 1835, 30, 1835, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1836], [342, 14, 985, 1838, 343, 1839, 132, 1840, 30, 1840, 48, 347, 348, 1825, 7, 1841], [132, 1835, 30, 1835, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1843], [132, 1840, 30, 1840, 48, 347, 348, 1825, 7, 1845], [], [197, -1, 173, -1, 7, 1848], [], [7, 1850], [], [197, 372, 7, 1852], [], [197, 375, 7, 1854], [], [197, 401, 7, 1856], [629, 1858, 7, 1859], [], [], [], [197, 1862, 7, 1863], [], [342, 14, 682, 1865, 684, 685, 343, 1866, 132, 1858, 30, 1858, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1867], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 1870], [], [197, 669, 7, 1872], [], [197, 1874, 673, 1858, 674, 14, 7, 1875], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1877], [], [197, 1879, 7, 1880], [], [197, 375, 7, 1882], [], [197, 401, 7, 1884], [629, 1886, 197, 1887, 7, 1888], [], [], [], [197, 1891, 7, 1892], [], [197, 1894, 7, 1895], [], [197, 1897, 1898, 1886, 342, 14, 343, 1899, 132, 1886, 30, 1886, 48, 1900, 348, 1901, 7, 1902], [], [629, 1904, 197, 1905, 7, 1906], [], [197, 1247, 7, 1908], [], [], [], [197, 1894, 7, 1911], [], [197, 1897, 1898, 1886, 132, 1886, 30, 1886, 48, 1900, 348, 1913, 7, 1914], [], [629, 1916, 197, 1917, 7, 1918], [], [197, 1920, 7, 1921], [], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 1924], [], [197, 669, 7, 1926], [], [197, 1874, 673, 1886, 674, 14, 7, 1928], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1930], [], [197, 372, 7, 1932], [], [197, 375, 7, 1934], [], [197, 401, 7, 1936], [629, 1938, 7, 1939], [], [], [], [197, 1862, 7, 1941], [], [868, 1943, 1944, 1945, 197, 1946, 7, 1947], [1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 132, 1955, 30, 1955, 173, 1956, 48, 691, 348, -1, 197, 1957, 1958, 1959, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1960], [], [340, 1938, 342, 14, 343, 1962, 132, 1938, 30, 1938, 173, 966, 48, 691, 348, 553, 7, 1963], [], [132, 1965, 173, 199, 197, 1966, 7, 1967], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 1970], [], [197, 1972, 7, 1973], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 1976], [], [197, 1978, 7, 1979], [], [197, 1981, 673, 1938, 674, 14, 7, 1982], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1984], [], [197, 372, 7, 1986], [], [197, 375, 7, 1988], [], [197, 401, 7, 1990], [], [629, 1992, 7, 1993], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1998, 7, 1999], [], [197, 2001, 342, 14, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 1118, 2007, 2008, 343, 2009, 132, 2010, 30, 2010, 868, 2011, 877, 878, 7, 2012], [348, -1, 7, 2014], [], [], [348, 2008, 7, 2017], [], [], [348, 2020, 7, 2021], [], [], [348, 1095, 7, 2024], [], [], [348, 2027, 7, 2028], [], [], [348, 1067, 7, 2031], [], [], [348, 2034, 7, 2035], [], [], [348, 2038, 7, 2039], [], [], [348, 2042, 7, 2043], [], [], [348, 2046, 7, 2047], [], [], [348, 2050, 7, 2051], [], [], [348, 2054, 7, 2055], [], [], [348, 1118, 7, 2058], [], [], [], [], [197, 2061, 7, 2062], [], [197, 2064, 342, 14, 2002, 2065, 132, 2066, 30, 2066, 173, 2067, 868, 2011, 877, 878, 7, 2068], [348, -1, 7, 2070], [], [], [348, 889, 7, 2073], [], [], [348, 2008, 7, 2076], [], [], [348, 2020, 7, 2078], [], [], [348, 1095, 7, 2080], [], [], [348, 2027, 7, 2082], [], [], [348, 1067, 7, 2084], [], [], [348, 2034, 7, 2086], [], [], [348, 2038, 7, 2088], [], [], [348, 2042, 7, 2090], [], [], [348, 2046, 7, 2092], [], [], [348, 2050, 7, 2094], [], [], [348, 2054, 7, 2096], [], [], [348, 1118, 7, 2098], [], [], [348, 2100, 7, 2101], [], [], [348, 2103, 7, 2104], [], [], [348, 2106, 7, 2107], [], [], [348, 2109, 7, 2110], [], [], [348, 2112, 7, 2113], [], [], [348, 2115, 7, 2116], [], [], [348, 2118, 7, 2119], [], [], [348, 2121, 7, 2122], [], [], [348, 2124, 7, 2125], [], [], [348, 2127, 7, 2128], [], [], [348, 2130, 7, 2131], [], [], [348, 2133, 7, 2134], [], [], [348, 2136, 7, 2137], [], [], [348, 2139, 7, 2140], [], [], [348, 2142, 7, 2143], [], [], [348, 2145, 7, 2146], [], [], [348, 2148, 7, 2149], [], [], [348, 2151, 7, 2152], [], [], [348, 2154, 7, 2155], [], [], [], [], [197, 2061, 7, 2157], [], [197, 2159, 342, 14, 2002, 2160, 343, 2161, 132, 2162, 30, 2162, 868, 2011, 877, 878, 7, 2163], [348, -1, 7, 2165], [], [], [348, 2168, 7, 2169], [], [], [348, 2171, 7, 2172], [], [], [348, 2174, 7, 2175], [], [], [348, 2177, 7, 2178], [], [], [348, 2180, 7, 2181], [], [], [348, 2183, 7, 2184], [], [], [348, 2186, 7, 2187], [], [], [348, 2189, 7, 2190], [], [], [348, 2192, 7, 2193], [], [], [348, 2195, 7, 2196], [], [], [348, 2198, 7, 2199], [], [], [348, 2201, 7, 2202], [], [], [348, 2204, 7, 2205], [], [], [348, 2207, 7, 2208], [], [], [348, 2210, 7, 2211], [], [], [348, 2213, 7, 2214], [], [], [348, 2216, 7, 2217], [], [], [348, 2219, 7, 2220], [], [], [348, 2222, 7, 2223], [], [], [348, 2225, 7, 2226], [], [], [348, 2228, 7, 2229], [], [], [348, 2231, 7, 2232], [], [], [348, 2234, 7, 2235], [], [], [348, 2237, 7, 2238], [], [], [348, 2240, 7, 2241], [], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 2243], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2245], [], [197, 1874, 673, 2010, 674, 14, 7, 2247], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 2249], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2251], [], [197, 1874, 673, 2162, 674, 14, 7, 2253], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 2255], [], [197, 669, 7, 2257], [], [132, 2259, 173, 199, 197, 1966, 7, 2260], [], [], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 2263, 684, 2038, 1068, 2034, 816, 2264, 818, 2265, 343, 2266, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 2267], [], [7, 2270], [], [197, 372, 7, 2272], [], [197, 375, 7, 2274], [], [197, 401, 7, 2276], [], [629, 814, 7, 2278], [], [], [], [], [197, 1862, 7, 2280], [], [342, 14, 682, 815, 684, 730, 816, 817, 818, 819, 132, 814, 30, 814, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2282], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 2285], [], [197, 669, 7, 2287], [], [197, 1874, 673, 814, 674, 14, 7, 2289], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2291], [], [], [], [197, 2294, 132, 2295, 877, 878, 1676, 566, 173, 966, 7, 2296], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2298], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2300], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2302], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2304], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2306], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2308], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2310], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2312], [197, 1759, 7, 2314], [197, 1762, 7, 2316], [48, 1674, 197, 1765, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2318], [197, 1683, 7, 2320], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2322], [197, 1683, 7, 2324], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2326, 881, 2327, 173, 2328, 7, 2329], [197, 1667, 7, 2331], [132, 2327, 197, 1670, 7, 2333], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2336], [197, 1680, 7, 2338], [197, 1683, 7, 2340], [], [132, 2326, 2342, 2343, 1690, 2344, 1692, 1693, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 2345], [], [48, 347, 340, 2347, 7, 2348], [], [132, 2350, 173, 966, 7, 2351], [], [1584, 2353, 80, 1797, 7, 2354], [], [], [132, 2357, 7, 2358], [], [48, 347, 340, 2347, 7, 2360], [], [7, 2363], [7, 2365], [], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2368], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2370], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2372], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2374], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2376], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2378], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2380], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2382], [197, 1759, 7, 2384], [197, 1762, 7, 2386], [48, 1674, 197, 1765, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2388], [197, 1683, 7, 2390], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2392], [197, 1683, 7, 2394], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2396, 881, 2397, 173, 2398, 7, 2399], [197, 1667, 7, 2401], [132, 2397, 197, 1670, 7, 2403], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2406], [197, 1680, 7, 2408], [197, 1683, 7, 2410], [], [132, 2396, 1690, 2412, 1692, 1693, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 2413], [], [132, 2415, 173, 966, 7, 2416], [], [1584, 2418, 80, 1797, 7, 2419], [], [], [132, 2422, 7, 2423], [], [529, 2426, 132, 2427, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 2428], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 2430], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 2432], [340, 2434, 342, 14, 343, 2435, 132, 2436, 30, 2436, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2437], [340, 2439, 342, 14, 343, 2440, 132, 2441, 30, 2441, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2442], [340, 2444, 342, 14, 343, 2445, 132, 2446, 30, 2446, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2447], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1709, 30, 1709, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 2449], [], [173, 2451, 7, 2452], [], [], [132, 2455, 7, 2456], [], [7, 2458], [], [7, 2460], [], [629, 1858, 7, 2462], [], [], [], [7, 2465], [], [629, 1955, 7, 2467], [], [], [], [7, 2469], [], [629, 2471, 7, 2472], [], [], [], [7, 2474], [], [629, 556, 7, 2476], [], [], [], [], [7, 2478], [], [7, 2480], [], [629, 681, 7, 2482], [], [], [680, 2484, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 681, 30, 681, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2485], [], [173, 2487, 7, 2488], [], [197, 672, 673, 681, 674, 14, 173, 2490, 7, 2491], [], [], [], [7, 2493], [], [629, 702, 7, 2495], [], [], [680, 2497, 342, 14, 682, 703, 684, 685, 343, 704, 132, 702, 30, 702, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2498], [], [173, 2487, 7, 2500], [], [197, 672, 673, 702, 674, 14, 173, 2490, 7, 2502], [], [], [], [7, 2504], [], [629, 814, 7, 2506], [], [], [680, 2509, 342, 14, 682, 815, 684, 730, 816, 817, 818, 819, 343, 820, 132, 814, 30, 814, 48, 691, 348, 822, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2510], [], [173, 2487, 7, 2512], [], [197, 672, 673, 814, 674, 14, 173, 2490, 7, 2514], [], [], [], [7, 2516], [], [629, 2518, 7, 2519], [], [], [197, 790, 342, 14, 343, 791, 132, 2518, 30, 2518, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2522], [], [173, 2487, 7, 2524], [], [197, 672, 673, 2518, 674, 14, 173, 2490, 7, 2526], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2528], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2530], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2532], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2534], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2536], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2538], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2540], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2542], [197, 1759, 7, 2544], [197, 1762, 7, 2546], [48, 1674, 197, 1765, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2548], [197, 1683, 7, 2550], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2552], [197, 1683, 7, 2554], [], [197, 2556, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2557, 881, 2558, 173, 2559, 7, 2560], [197, 1667, 7, 2562], [132, 2558, 197, 1670, 7, 2564], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2566], [197, 1680, 7, 2568], [197, 1683, 7, 2570], [], [132, 2557, 173, -1, 197, 1695, 7, 2572], [], [197, 2574, 7, 2575], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2577, 881, 2578, 173, 2579, 7, 2580], [197, 1667, 7, 2582], [132, 2578, 197, 1670, 7, 2584], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2587], [197, 1680, 7, 2589], [197, 1683, 7, 2591], [], [132, 2577, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 2593], [], [7, 2596], [], [7, 2598], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2601], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2603], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2605], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2607], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2609], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2611], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2613], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2615], [197, 1759, 7, 2617], [197, 1762, 7, 2619], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2621], [197, 1683, 7, 2623], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2626, 881, 2627, 173, 2628, 7, 2629], [197, 1667, 7, 2631], [132, 2627, 197, 1670, 7, 2633], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2635], [197, 1680, 7, 2637], [197, 1683, 7, 2639], [], [132, 2626, 2641, 2625, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 2642], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2645], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2647], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2649], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2651], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2653], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2655], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2657], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2659], [197, 1759, 7, 2661], [197, 1762, 7, 2663], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2665], [197, 1683, 7, 2667], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 1045, 881, 2669, 173, 2670, 7, 2671], [197, 1667, 7, 2673], [132, 2669, 197, 1670, 7, 2675], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2678], [197, 1680, 7, 2680], [197, 1683, 7, 2682], [], [132, 1045, 2641, 2625, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 2684], [], [1584, 2677, 80, 2686, 7, 2687], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2689], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2691], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2693], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2695], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2697], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2699], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2701], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2703], [197, 1759, 7, 2705], [197, 1762, 7, 2707], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2709], [197, 1683, 7, 2711], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2713, 881, 2714, 173, 2715, 7, 2716], [197, 1667, 7, 2718], [132, 2714, 197, 1670, 7, 2720], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2723], [197, 1680, 7, 2725], [197, 1683, 7, 2727], [], [132, 2713, 2641, 2625, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 2729], [], [1584, 2677, 80, 2731, 7, 2732], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2734], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2736], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2738], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2740], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2742], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2744], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2746], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2748], [197, 1759, 7, 2750], [197, 1762, 7, 2752], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2754], [197, 1683, 7, 2756], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2758, 881, 2759, 173, 2760, 7, 2761], [197, 1667, 7, 2763], [132, 2759, 197, 1670, 7, 2765], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2768], [197, 1680, 7, 2770], [197, 1683, 7, 2772], [], [132, 2758, 2641, 2625, 173, 1694, 197, 1695, 7, 2774], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2777], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2779], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2781], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2783], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2785], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2787], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2789], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2791], [197, 1759, 7, 2793], [197, 1762, 7, 2795], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2798], [197, 1683, 7, 2800], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2802, 881, 2803, 173, 2804, 7, 2805], [197, 1667, 7, 2807], [132, 2803, 197, 1670, 7, 2809], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2812], [197, 1680, 7, 2814], [197, 1683, 7, 2816], [], [132, 2802, 2641, 2625, 173, 2818, 197, 1695, 7, 2819], [], [132, 1162, 197, 2822, 7, 2823], [], [7, 2825], [], [197, 2827, 7, 2828], [], [7, 2830], [197, 2832, 7, 2833], [197, 2835, 7, 2836], [], [], [7, 2839], [197, 2832, 7, 2841], [197, 2835, 7, 2843], [], [50, 2846, 261, 262, 7, 2847], [], [], [], [7, 2849], [197, 2832, 7, 2851], [197, 2835, 7, 2853], [], [], [7, 2856], [197, 2832, 7, 2858], [197, 2835, 7, 2860], [], [], [7, 2863], [197, 2832, 7, 2865], [197, 2835, 7, 2867], [], [7, 2870], [], [7, 2873], [7, 2875], [], [7, 2878], [7, 2880], [], [7, 2883], [7, 2885], [], [7, 2888], [7, 2890], [], [], [], [7, 2893], [197, 2832, 7, 2895], [197, 2835, 7, 2897], [], [50, 2900, 261, 262, 7, 2901], [], [], [], [7, 2905], [197, 2832, 7, 2907], [197, 2835, 7, 2909], [], [], [7, 2912], [197, 2832, 7, 2914], [197, 2835, 7, 2916], [], [50, 2919, 261, 262, 7, 2920], [], [], [], [], [2924, 14, 173, 966, 7, 2925], [], [173, 2928, 7, 2929], [7, 2931], [173, 2933, 7, 2934], [7, 2936], [], [173, 2939, 7, 2940], [], [173, 2943, 7, 2944], [], [173, 2947, 7, 2948], [], [7, 2951], [7, 2953], [], [173, 2939, 7, 2955], [], [173, 2943, 7, 2958], [], [173, 2943, 7, 2961], [], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 2964], [], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 2966], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 2968], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 2970], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 2972], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 2974], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 2976], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 2978], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 2980], [197, 1759, 7, 2982], [197, 1762, 7, 2984], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 2986], [197, 1683, 7, 2988], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 2990, 881, 2991, 173, 2804, 7, 2992], [197, 1667, 7, 2994], [132, 2991, 197, 1670, 7, 2996], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 2999], [197, 1680, 7, 3001], [197, 1683, 7, 3003], [], [132, 2990, 2641, 2625, 173, 2818, 197, 1695, 7, 3005], [], [132, 1162, 197, 2822, 7, 3008], [], [197, 502, 7, 3010], [], [7, 3012], [7, 3014], [], [], [197, 3017, 7, 3018], [], [], [197, 3021, 7, 3022], [], [], [197, 2827, 7, 3025], [], [7, 3027], [197, 2832, 7, 3029], [197, 2835, 7, 3031], [], [173, 3034, 7, 3035], [], [], [173, 3034, 7, 3039], [], [], [], [7, 3043], [197, 2832, 7, 3045], [197, 2835, 7, 3047], [], [], [7, 3050], [197, 2832, 7, 3052], [197, 2835, 7, 3054], [], [], [7, 3057], [197, 2832, 7, 3059], [197, 2835, 7, 3061], [], [], [7, 3064], [197, 2832, 7, 3066], [197, 2835, 7, 3068], [], [], [7, 3071], [197, 2832, 7, 3073], [197, 2835, 7, 3075], [], [], [7, 3078], [197, 2832, 7, 3080], [197, 2835, 7, 3082], [], [], [7, 3085], [197, 2832, 7, 3087], [197, 2835, 7, 3089], [], [], [7, 3092], [197, 2832, 7, 3094], [197, 2835, 7, 3096], [], [], [7, 3099], [197, 2832, 7, 3101], [197, 2835, 7, 3103], [], [], [7, 3106], [197, 2832, 7, 3108], [197, 2835, 7, 3110], [], [], [7, 3113], [197, 2832, 7, 3115], [197, 2835, 7, 3117], [], [], [7, 3120], [197, 2832, 7, 3122], [197, 2835, 7, 3124], [], [], [7, 3127], [197, 2832, 7, 3129], [197, 2835, 7, 3131], [], [], [7, 3134], [197, 2832, 7, 3136], [197, 2835, 7, 3138], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 3141], [], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 3143], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 3145], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 3147], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 3149], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 3151], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 3153], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 3155], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 3157], [197, 1759, 7, 3159], [197, 1762, 7, 3161], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 3163], [197, 1683, 7, 3165], [], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 3167, 881, 3168, 173, 3169, 7, 3170], [197, 1667, 7, 3172], [132, 3168, 197, 1670, 7, 3174], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 3177], [197, 1680, 7, 3179], [197, 1683, 7, 3181], [], [197, 1759, 7, 3183], [197, 1762, 7, 3185], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 3187], [197, 1683, 7, 3189], [], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 3192], [197, 1683, 7, 3194], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 3196], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 3198], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 3200], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 3202], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 3204], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 3206], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 3208], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 3210], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 3212, 881, 3213, 173, 3169, 7, 3214], [197, 1667, 7, 3216], [132, 3213, 197, 1670, 7, 3218], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 3221], [197, 1680, 7, 3223], [197, 1683, 7, 3225], [], [197, 1759, 7, 3227], [197, 1762, 7, 3229], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 3231], [197, 1683, 7, 3233], [], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 3235], [197, 1683, 7, 3237], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735, 7, 3239], [197, 1738, 173, 1735, 7, 3241], [197, 1741, 173, 1735, 7, 3243], [197, 1744, 173, 1735, 7, 3245], [197, 1747, 173, 1735, 7, 3247], [197, 1750, 173, 1735, 7, 3249], [197, 1753, 173, 1735, 7, 3251], [197, 1756, 173, 1735, 7, 3253], [197, 3255, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 3256, 881, 3257, 173, 966, 7, 3258], [197, 1667, 7, 3260], [132, 3257, 197, 1670, 7, 3262], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 3265], [197, 1680, 7, 3267], [197, 1683, 7, 3269], [], [197, 1759, 7, 3271], [197, 1762, 7, 3273], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 3275], [197, 1683, 7, 3277], [], [197, 3255, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 3279, 881, 3280, 173, 966, 7, 3281], [197, 1667, 7, 3283], [132, 3280, 197, 1670, 7, 3285], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677, 7, 3287], [197, 1680, 7, 3289], [197, 1683, 7, 3291], [], [197, 1759, 7, 3293], [197, 1762, 7, 3295], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 7, 3297], [197, 1683, 7, 3299], [], [173, 3301, 7, 3302], [], [48, 87, 7, 3304], [], [], [173, 3301, 7, 3307], [7, 3309], [], [173, 3301, 7, 3312], [], [48, 87, 7, 3314], [], [], [877, 889, 910, 14, 868, 888, 1207, 3316, 30, 3317, 132, 3317, 80, 3318, 173, 3319, 7, 3320], [132, 3322, 80, 3323, 7, 3324], [173, 3327, 7, 3328], [3330, 3331, 173, 3332, 7, 3333], [173, 3335, 7, 3336], [46, 55, 50, 3338, 7, 3339], [173, 3332, 7, 3341], [173, 3335, 7, 3343], [46, 55, 50, 3338, 7, 3345], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 3167, 881, 2295, 173, 3169], [197, 1667], [132, 2295, 197, 1670], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677], [197, 1680], [197, 1683], [], [132, 3167, 173, -1, 197, 1695, 7, 3347], [], [529, 409, 132, 3350, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3351], [], [197, 3353, 7, 3354], [], [197, 3357, 7, 3358], [], [7, 3361], [], [7, 3363], [], [197, 401, 7, 3365], [197, 611, 7, 3367], [], [629, 3369, 7, 3370], [], [], [197, 3372, 342, 14, 682, 3373, 684, 685, 343, 639, 132, 3369, 30, 3369, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3374], [], [197, 672, 673, 3369, 674, 14, 7, 3376], [], [], [7, 3378], [], [197, 401, 7, 3380], [197, 611, 7, 3382], [], [629, 3384, 7, 3385], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 815, 684, 730, 816, 817, 818, 819, 343, 820, 132, 3384, 30, 3384, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3387], [], [197, 672, 673, 3384, 674, 14, 7, 3389], [], [], [7, 3391], [], [197, 401, 7, 3393], [197, 611, 7, 3395], [], [629, 3397, 7, 3398], [], [], [7, 3401], [], [3404, 2121, 342, 14, 343, 3405, 132, 3397, 30, 3397, 3406, 2020, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3407], [], [197, 672, 673, 3397, 674, 14, 7, 3409], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3411], [], [132, 3413, 30, 3413, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3414], [], [132, 2508, 30, 2508, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3416], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1759], [197, 1762], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566], [197, 1683], [], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566], [197, 1683], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735], [197, 1738, 173, 1735], [197, 1741, 173, 1735], [197, 1744, 173, 1735], [197, 1747, 173, 1735], [197, 1750, 173, 1735], [197, 1753, 173, 1735], [197, 1756, 173, 1735], [197, 1659, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 3212, 881, 882, 173, 3169], [197, 1667], [132, 882, 197, 1670], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677], [197, 1680], [197, 1683], [], [132, 3212, 173, -1, 197, 1695, 7, 3418], [], [132, 3420, 529, 3421, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3422], [], [48, 347, 132, 3424, 30, 3424, 348, 14, 7, 3425], [], [7, 3427], [], [7, 3429], [], [629, 3431, 7, 3432], [], [], [48, 691, 132, 3431, 30, 3435, 343, 686, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3436], [], [173, 3438, 7, 3439], [], [197, 672, 673, 3435, 674, 14, 7, 3441], [], [], [], [7, 3444], [], [629, 3446, 7, 3447], [], [], [132, 3446, 343, 791, 30, 2518, 48, 793, 197, 790, 7, 3449], [], [173, 3438, 7, 3451], [], [197, 672, 673, 2518, 674, 14, 7, 3453], [], [], [], [7, 3455], [], [629, 3457, 7, 3458], [], [], [197, 3461, 132, 3457, 30, 3462, 173, -1, 7, 3463], [348, 3465, 7, 3466], [], [], [348, 3468, 7, 3469], [], [], [348, 3471, 7, 3472], [], [], [348, 3474, 7, 3475], [], [], [348, 3477, 7, 3478], [], [], [348, 3480, 7, 3481], [], [], [], [], [7, 3484], [], [629, 3486, 7, 3487], [], [], [132, 3486, 30, 3490, 3406, 2027, 3404, 685, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3491], [], [], [], [], [197, 1759], [197, 1762], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566], [197, 1683], [], [48, 1674, 197, 2797, 868, 1674, 1676, 566], [197, 1683], [], [197, 1734, 173, 1735], [197, 1738, 173, 1735], [197, 1741, 173, 1735], [197, 1744, 173, 1735], [197, 1747, 173, 1735], [197, 1750, 173, 1735], [197, 1753, 173, 1735], [197, 1756, 173, 1735], [197, 3255, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 3256, 881, 895, 173, 966], [197, 1667], [132, 895, 197, 1670], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677], [197, 1680], [197, 1683], [], [132, 3256, 173, -1, 197, 1695, 7, 3493], [], [132, 3495, 7, 3496], [], [197, 1759], [197, 1762], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566], [197, 1683], [], [197, 3255, 877, 889, 868, 1660, 1661, 3279, 881, 1663, 173, 966], [197, 1667], [132, 1663, 197, 1670], [], [48, 1674, 197, 1675, 868, 1674, 1676, 566, 1207, 1677], [197, 1680], [197, 1683], [], [132, 3279, 173, -1, 197, 1695, 7, 3498], [], [132, 3500, 7, 3501], [], [], [197, 1759], [197, 1762], [48, 1674, 197, 1770, 868, 1674, 1676, 566], [197, 1683], [], [173, 3301], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3301], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3301], [], []], "textValue": 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[152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2632.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2632.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 2632.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 2632.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2650.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 2650.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2684.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2718.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2718.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 2752.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 2752.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2786.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2820.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2820.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2820.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 2820.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 2854.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 214, -1, 218, -1, 267, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 277, -1, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 292, -1, -1, -1, -1, 305, 307, -1, -1, 305, 310, -1, -1, 305, 314, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 368, -1, -1, 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[], [], [], [], [611, 1774, 0, 17], [], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [52, 1795, 13, 13], [], [72, 1794, 0, 17], [], [72, 1794, 697, 17], [], [], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 209, 21], [], [], [8, 1865, 1264, 0], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [], [8, 1965, 1264, 234], [8, 1965, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 9, 43, 17], [0, 9, 43, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 36, 227, 18], [0, 36, 114, 18], [0, 0, 52, 17], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [114, 36, 113, 18], [], [0, 54, 227, 36], [0, 54, 114, 36], [0, 9, 72, 17], [0, 9, 72, 17], [], [], [114, 54, 113, 36], [], [0, 90, 227, 18], [0, 90, 114, 18], [0, 0, 81, 17], [0, 0, 81, 17], [], [], [114, 90, 113, 18], [], [0, 108, 227, 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227, 36], [0, 126, 114, 36], [0, 0, 70, 35], [], [], [114, 126, 113, 36], [], [36, 9, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 2393, 1264, 0], [8, 2409, 1264, 70], [8, 2409, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2443, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [59, 2481, 0, 17], [], [59, 2495, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 0], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2633, 1264, 36], [], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2719, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2753, 1264, 18], [8, 2753, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2821, 1264, 18], [], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2993, 1264, 17], [8, 2993, 84, 17], [], [], 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0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1262, 270], [0, 0, 1253, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 71, 76, 79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 110, 116, 117, 119, 125, 127, 129, 132, 136, 140, 142, 144, 144, 145, 154, 155, 157, 162, 164, 188, 190, 207, 209, 215, 217, 229, 231, 245, 247, 248, 249, 264, 267, 274, 289, 292, 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 316, 322, 325, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 344, 347, 351, 356, 362, 368, 371, 380, 383, 383, 388, 391, 396, 399, 399, 404, 407, 412, 415, 415, 420, 420, 423, 424, 425, 430, 430, 432, 437, 440, 445, 446, 454, 457, 461, 461, 464, 466, 466, 471, 473, 475, 475, 475, 481, 484, 486, 491, 491, 494, 496, 501, 503, 504, 505, 516, 516, 516, 517, 518, 521, 522, 523, 525, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 546, 547, 547, 550, 551, 552, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561, 561, 561, 562, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [18, 1004.59375, 280.265625, 14], [298.265625, 1004.59375, 880.640625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [122, 1964.8125, 59.53125, 17], [122, 1982.8125, 69.296875, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 17], [122, 2036.8125, 32, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 17], [122, 2090.8125, 33.78125, 17], [8, 2108.8125, 55.125, 17], [8, 2126.8125, 60.4375, 17], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 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Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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"BirthMonth", "menu", "ed41cd42-75ab-4c96", "", "a59c99bf-52a3-4b49", "", "Month...", "203d9c16-9e00-4256", "", "January", "2", "7dd93dd3-0b9e-4dea", "", "February", "8ca11b15-99c3-4152", "", "March", "4", "cb2b0bb7-c23c-4c71", "", "April", "66f78931-9e37-46b3", "", "May", "6", "57c8ce6d-3d9b-45a1", "", "June", "7", "38012a26-e6d7-4738", "", "July", "8", "066a59f1-0e4c-441e", "", "August", "9", "09dff9df-3356-4cc7", "", "September", "10", "b35e778d-a2fe-4f39", "", "October", "11", "53bf3097-f31e-4814", "", "November", "56f0d983-cbb7-4144", "", "December", "two columns dateFloat fs-exclude", "ac1d85ab-4deb-4fe6", "", "selectmenu day ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "The field Birth Day must be a number.", "BirthDay", "width:100%", "98d7931d-a7e1-478c", "", "3bd3c2f3-00fd-46bb", "", "Day...", "29365b88-9a55-4c7c", "", "I don't know", "d28ab7bd-e738-46dc", "", "6c3bafd5-b9fd-40de", "", "4c392908-0944-41c0", "", "098773ab-f3a2-497e", "", "daa4de8c-6b30-4677", "", 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"f6e0202e-40d2-432b", "", "Year...", "2023", "6cd4591e-9b55-4d82", "", "2022", "ba3f0a90-9276-42f5", "", "2021", "3739d282-1ebd-4b98", "", "2020", "ac010f8a-7a93-42db", "", "2019", "aa5f5b1c-c0f8-420e", "", "2018", "a2f86800-aa67-4a1e", "", "2017", "83036e4a-5ef6-448b", "", "2016", "318b6f45-b451-4fda", "", "2015", "f447c4cf-f859-48c6", "", "2014", "eaa1db1f-46d4-4da8", "", "2013", "f59bb4d7-5735-4fc2", "", "2012", "c5f192cd-2a90-445a", "", "2011", "7200f7eb-7b56-42ae", "", "2010", "394c4cca-27ca-4e55", "", "2009", "31b0eccf-9157-45d6", "", "2008", "998c2816-9e90-42c6", "", "2007", "593cfe4c-48f3-419f", "", "2006", "e43d4b5e-f271-46cf", "", "2005", "8938b0da-dd44-4e75", "", "2004", "9ff2a9e6-f287-4a98", "", "2003", "b90af0ee-9ec3-4891", "", "2002", "ebdfb1e9-9165-4ae3", "", "2001", "0d539ab9-2dd9-49ef", "", "2000", "1d9811f7-4d13-446c", "", "1999", "ad7dff60-7b9e-4838", "", "f0578bc5-9338-416e", "", "e1b3b355-1369-4317", "", "dae419e3-92d4-4ebf", "", "8745acf6-a782-4e83", "", 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A1A 1A1).", "^([ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnprstvxy]\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz])\\ {0,1}(\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\\d)$", "Postal Code is a required field.", "cd8e8de1-562f-432c", "", "\n\n\n ", "a1d1d60f-171b-43a9", "", "dac7f34a-067a-4cc5", "", "a0e55c4f-f3bc-45e4", "", "a3777db9-4ba1-4fcc", "", "3bb60a4e-babe-4c91", "", "db6194ba-f3a5-4c93", "", "7ca7b4d1-d3d9-492d", "", " ", "ffed692d-8693-4c3e", "", "e3175cc3-4f81-4f5d", "", "af717582-acfc-4c38", "", "fe7c39f5-e776-43d5", "", "\n window.onload = function () {\n $(\"#BreedName\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedName\");\n\n $(\"#BreedId\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedId\");\n\n var ownerInfo = $(\"#ShowOwnerInfo\").val() == \"True\" ? true : false;\n\n if (!ownerInfo) {\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#EmployeeNumber\");\n }\n };\n", "ui-autocomplete ui-front ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "ui-id-1", "291331a6-1b53-4833", "", "566d5c6c-7631-4502", "", "2fa9cf06-35d9-4c30", "", "e69df764-a301-4033", "", "f82cee37-48c2-434c", "", "dfc7c81c-dae7-4efa", "", "3a9dee69-bf29-4cdd", "", "ec127c79-7480-4c7c", "", "f51c7681-662d-4d6a", "", "39c41195-162c-4680", "", "e8528b3a-cd5b-446f", "", "d1eda1a8-f2f5-468f", "", "c6e38130-9cf2-43fe", "", "273fe2d1-c889-4fc6", "", "f4b1713b-7447-46ec", "", "dialog-removepet", "ui-id-6", "position: absolute; top: 196px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "8bc099ef-9481-4a4b", "", "f32c79d7-8d4b-4f6f", "", "2575d955-408b-4119", "", "Remove Pet from Quote?", "9a610dc6-3a74-457e", "", "9a2f05a3-7472-420a", "", "2233b9e4-007c-4a58", "", "data-navigate-url", "/Quote/Pet/RemovePet", "Remove Pet from Quote", "bd2a9386-8954-40af", "", "RemovePetId", "c788c4a9-0563-4e60", "", "RemovePet_Processing", "258934fc-ba23-4548", "", "Removing Pet from the Quote...", "00cb3084-1429-44f7", "", "\n Removing Pet from the Quote...\n ", "RemovePet_Body", "2cfbf3a3-d5a9-4188", "", "954156af-9626-4968", "", "\n Are you sure you want to remove your pet from the quote? The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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[], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 154, 7, 155], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 157, 7, 158], [79, -1, 132, 160, 80, 161, 128, 139, 7, 162], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [80, 185, 7, 186], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 188], [], [], [7, 191], [], [], [7, 194], [], [], [197, 198, 173, 199, 200, 201, 7, 202], [], [197, 204, 7, 205], [], [132, 207, 7, 208], [], [197, 211, 7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [], [50, 224, 7, 225], [], [], [7, 229], [], [50, 232, 7, 233], [], [], [], [], [197, 236, 7, 237], [], [50, 239, 7, 240], [], [197, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [132, 252, 197, 253, 7, 254], [], [7, 257], [], [], [50, 260, 261, 262, 7, 263], [], [7, 265], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 268, 7, 269], [], [197, 271, 7, 272], [], [50, 274, 261, 262, 7, 275], [], [80, 279, 197, 280, 7, 281], [], [], [], [], [132, 283, 7, 284], [], [7, 287], [], [7, 290], [], [], [], [], [197, 293, 7, 294], [], [197, 297, 7, 298], [], [197, 301, 7, 302], [], [], [], [197, 301, 7, 308], [], [], [], [197, 311, 7, 312], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 315, 7, 316], [], [197, 318, 7, 319], [], [132, 322, 197, 323, 7, 324], [], [132, 326, 7, 327], [], [132, 330, 197, 331, 7, 332], [], [132, 335, 197, 336, 7, 337], [], [340, 341, 342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 345, 30, 346, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 350], [], [342, 14, 343, 352, 132, 353, 30, 353, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 355], [], [197, 357, 7, 358], [], [132, 360, 7, 361], [], [197, 365, 7, 366], [], [], [197, 369, 7, 370], [], [197, 372, 7, 373], [], [197, 375, 7, 376], [], [197, 379, 7, 380], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 383], [], [197, 379, 7, 385], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 388], [], [197, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [197, 395, 7, 396], [], [197, 375, 7, 398], [], [197, 401, 7, 402], [], [], [197, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 7, 412], [], [7, 415], [50, 417, 7, 418], [], [], [], [], [197, 422, 7, 423], [], [7, 425], [197, 401, 7, 428], [], [], [], [197, 401, 7, 432], [], [197, 435, 7, 436], [], [], [], [197, 439, 406, 440, 408, 441, 410, 411, 7, 442], [], [7, 444], [50, 446, 7, 447], [], [], [], [], [197, 450, 7, 451], [], [197, 379, 7, 453], [], [], [197, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [], [197, 460, 7, 461], [], [132, 463, 464, 465, 197, 465, 50, 466, 7, 467], [], [197, 469, 7, 470], [], [], [7, 473], [], [], [], [], [197, 477, 7, 478], [], [197, 480, 7, 481], [], [197, 483, 7, 484], [], [], [197, 487, 7, 488], [], [], [197, 491, 7, 492], [], [], [], [197, 495, 7, 496], [], [197, 498, 7, 499], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 503], [], [197, 498, 7, 505], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 508], [], [197, 510, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 514], [], [7, 517], [], [173, 519, 7, 520], [], [], [], [7, 523], [], [197, 372, 7, 526], [], [529, 530, 531, 532, 132, 533, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 537], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 540], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 544], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 549], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 554], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 558], [342, 14, 343, 560, 132, 561, 30, 561, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 562], [342, 14, 343, 564, 132, 565, 30, 565, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 567], [132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 570], [], [132, 335, 7, 573], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [197, 578, 7, 579], [], [132, 581, 7, 582], [], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 585, 30, 586, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 587], [], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 591], [], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 595], [], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 601], [], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 603, 30, 604, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 605], [], [197, 608, 7, 609], [], [197, 611, 7, 612], [], [], [], [197, 365, 7, 616], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 619], [], [197, 621, 7, 622], [], [197, 401, 7, 624], [197, 611, 7, 626], [], [629, 630, 7, 631], [], [], [], [197, 634, 7, 635], [], [197, 638, 342, 14, 343, 639, 132, 630, 30, 640, 641, 14, 642, 566, 7, 643], [348, -1, 7, 646], [], [], [348, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [348, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [348, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [348, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [348, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 670], [], [197, 672, 673, 640, 674, 14, 7, 675], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 678], [], [680, 681, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 687, 30, 688, 689, 690, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 695, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 698], [], [197, 669, 7, 700], [], [197, 672, 673, 688, 674, 14, 7, 702], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 704], [], [680, 706, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 709, 30, 710, 689, 711, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 712], [], [197, 669, 7, 714], [], [197, 672, 673, 710, 674, 14, 7, 716], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 718], [], [197, 677, 7, 720], [], [197, 401, 7, 722], [197, 611, 7, 724], [], [629, 726, 7, 727], [], [], [], [197, 730, 7, 731], [], [342, 14, 682, 733, 684, 734, 343, 735, 132, 726, 30, 736, 689, 737, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 738], [], [197, 669, 7, 740], [], [197, 672, 673, 736, 674, 14, 7, 742], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 744], [], [197, 746, 7, 747], [], [342, 14, 682, 749, 684, 734, 343, 750, 132, 751, 30, 752, 689, 753, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 754], [], [197, 669, 7, 756], [], [197, 672, 673, 752, 674, 14, 7, 758], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 760], [], [197, 762, 7, 763], [], [342, 14, 343, 766, 132, 767, 30, 768, 48, 347, 348, 769, 7, 770], [], [197, 772, 7, 773], [], [], [132, 776, 30, 777, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 778], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 780], [], [197, 677, 7, 782], [], [197, 401, 7, 784], [197, 611, 7, 786], [], [629, 788, 7, 789], [], [], [], [197, 730, 7, 792], [], [197, 794, 342, 14, 343, 795, 132, 788, 30, 796, 48, 797, 348, -1, 7, 798], [], [197, 669, 7, 800], [], [197, 672, 673, 796, 674, 14, 7, 802], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 804], [], [197, 677, 7, 806], [], [197, 401, 7, 808], [197, 611, 7, 810], [], [629, 812, 7, 813], [], [], [], [197, 730, 7, 816], [], [680, 818, 342, 14, 682, 819, 684, 734, 820, 821, 822, 823, 343, 824, 132, 812, 30, 825, 48, 691, 348, 826, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 827], [], [197, 669, 7, 829], [], [197, 672, 673, 825, 674, 14, 7, 831], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 343, 833, 132, 834, 30, 835, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 836], [], [], [], [], [197, 838, 7, 839], [], [197, 842, 7, 843], [], [197, 846, 7, 847], [], [132, 850, 7, 851], [], [7, 854], [], [197, 365, 7, 857], [], [], [7, 861], [], [7, 864], [], [], [132, 867, 197, 868, 7, 869], [], [197, 871, 872, 873, 7, 874], [], [], [], [197, 879, 872, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 14, 7, 888], [50, 890, 197, 891, 872, 892, 881, 893, 132, 886, 7, 894], [], [], [197, 897, 872, 880, 881, 893, 883, 898, 885, 899, 887, 566, 7, 900], [50, 902, 197, 891, 872, 892, 881, 893, 132, 899, 7, 903], [], [], [], [340, 907, 342, 14, 343, 908, 132, 907, 30, 907, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 909], [], [132, 884, 885, 886, 197, 911, 872, 912, 913, 14, 914, 566, 7, 915], [], [7, 918], [], [], [132, 922, 923, 924, 7, 925], [], [197, 372, 7, 927], [], [197, 375, 7, 929], [], [197, 931, 7, 932], [629, 934, 7, 935], [], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 938], [], [197, 940, 342, 14, 682, 941, 684, 734, 343, 942, 132, 934, 30, 934, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 943], [], [197, 945, 7, 946], [], [197, 672, 673, 934, 674, 14, 7, 948], [], [], [], [], [197, 950, 7, 951], [], [], [], [132, 955, 197, 956, 173, 957, 7, 958], [], [132, 960, 7, 961], [], [132, 964, 80, 965, 966, 882, 173, 957, 7, 967], [], [], [], [197, 372, 132, 969, 173, 970, 7, 971], [], [197, 375, 7, 973], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 976], [], [132, 978, 197, 979, 7, 980], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 982], [], [197, 375, 7, 984], [], [], [197, 986, 7, 987], [], [342, 14, 989, 990, 343, 991, 992, 992, 132, 993, 30, 993, 48, 994, 348, 14, 7, 995], [30, 993, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 997], [], [197, 999, 132, 1000, 7, 1001], [], [197, 1003, 7, 1004], [], [7, 1006], [], [132, 1009, 50, 466, 7, 1010], [], [197, 1013, 7, 1014], [], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 1018], [], [197, 672, 673, 993, 674, 14, 7, 1020], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 898, 885, 899, 197, 911, 872, 912, 913, 566, 914, 14, 173, 970, 7, 1022], [], [923, 1024, 7, 1025], [], [7, 1027], [], [7, 1029], [], [197, 931, 7, 1031], [197, 611, 7, 1033], [], [629, 934, 7, 1036], [], [], [197, 940, 132, 934, 30, 934, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1038], [], [197, 945, 7, 1040], [], [197, 672, 673, 934, 674, 14, 7, 1042], [], [], [], [7, 1044], [], [197, 1046, 1047, 1048, 464, 1049, 7, 1050], [], [1047, 1048, 464, 1049, 50, 466, 881, 893, 7, 1052], [], [197, 1054, 7, 1055], [], [], [], [], [7, 1058], [], [197, 1060, 7, 1061], [197, 611, 7, 1063], [], [629, 1065, 7, 1066], [], [], [197, 1069, 342, 14, 682, 1070, 684, 1071, 1072, 1071, 820, 1073, 822, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 907, 1078, 565, 1079, 14, 1080, 566, 132, 1065, 1081, 1071, 30, 1065, 48, 797, 348, -1, 7, 1082], [], [197, 945, 7, 1084], [], [197, 672, 673, 1065, 674, 14, 7, 1086], [], [], [], [7, 1088], [], [197, 931, 7, 1090], [197, 611, 7, 1092], [], [629, 1094, 7, 1095], [], [], [197, 1069, 342, 14, 682, 1098, 684, 1099, 1072, 1099, 820, 1100, 822, 1101, 1075, 1102, 1077, 907, 1078, 565, 1079, 14, 1080, 566, 132, 1094, 1081, 1099, 30, 1094, 48, 797, 348, -1, 7, 1103], [], [197, 945, 7, 1105], [], [197, 672, 673, 1094, 674, 14, 7, 1107], [], [], [], [7, 1109], [], [197, 931, 7, 1111], [], [197, 611, 7, 1113], [], [629, 1115, 7, 1116], [], [], [], [197, 1069, 342, 14, 820, 1119, 822, 1120, 1075, 1121, 1077, 907, 1078, 565, 1079, 14, 1080, 566, 132, 1115, 1081, 1122, 30, 1115, 48, 797, 348, -1, 7, 1123], [], [197, 945, 7, 1125], [], [197, 672, 673, 1115, 674, 14, 7, 1127], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1131, 7, 1132], [], [7, 1134], [], [], [197, 1136, 7, 1137], [], [1139, 1140, 342, 14, 989, 1141, 343, 1142, 992, 992, 132, 1143, 30, 1143, 48, 994, 348, 14, 7, 1144], [30, 1143, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1146], [], [197, 999, 132, 1149, 7, 1150], [], [197, 1152, 629, 1153, 7, 1154], [], [132, 1157, 7, 1158], [], [7, 1161], [132, 1163, 50, 466, 7, 1164], [], [132, 1163, 50, 466, 7, 1167], [197, 1013, 7, 1169], [], [], [], [197, 1173, 7, 1174], [197, 1176, 7, 1177], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 672, 673, 1143, 674, 14, 7, 1181], [], [], [], [7, 1183], [], [], [197, 1136, 7, 1185], [], [30, 1187, 342, 14, 343, 1188, 132, 1189, 48, 994, 348, 14, 7, 1190], [30, 1189, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1192], [], [197, 999, 132, 1195, 7, 1196], [], [173, 1198, 197, 1152, 629, 1153, 7, 1199], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1203, 7, 1204], [], [197, 331, 7, 1206], [], [197, 1209, 48, 1210, 1211, 1212, 7, 1213], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1217], [], [], [], [80, 1220, 7, 1221], [], [], [132, 1224, 197, 253, 7, 1225], [], [197, 1228, 7, 1229], [], [197, 1231, 7, 1232], [], [7, 1235], [], [], [197, 1238, 7, 1239], [], [132, 1241, 7, 1242], [], [197, 372, 7, 1244], [], [197, 1246, 7, 1247], [], [7, 1249], [], [], [], [197, 1251, 7, 1252], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1255, 7, 1256], [], [1259, 1260, 1261, 882, 1262, 882, 1263, 882, 7, 1264], [], [7, 1267], [7, 1270], [], [197, 1273, 7, 1274], [], [197, 401, 7, 1276], [629, 1278, 7, 1279], [], [], [], [197, 1282, 7, 1283], [], [], [], [7, 1286], [], [197, 1273, 7, 1288], [], [197, 401, 7, 1290], [629, 1292, 7, 1293], [], [], [], [197, 1282, 7, 1296], [], [], [], [7, 1299], [], [197, 1273, 7, 1301], [], [197, 401, 7, 1303], [629, 1305, 7, 1306], [], [], [], [197, 1282, 7, 1309], [], [], [], [7, 1312], [], [197, 1273, 7, 1314], [], [197, 401, 7, 1316], [629, 1318, 7, 1319], [], [], [], [197, 1282, 7, 1322], [], [], [], [7, 1325], [], [197, 1273, 7, 1327], [], [197, 401, 7, 1329], [629, 1331, 7, 1332], [], [], [], [197, 1282, 7, 1335], [], [], [], [7, 1338], [], [197, 1273, 7, 1340], [], [197, 401, 7, 1342], [629, 1344, 7, 1345], [], [], [], [197, 1282, 7, 1348], [], [7, 1351], [], [], [], [7, 1354], [], [7, 1356], [197, 1358, 7, 1359], [629, 1361, 7, 1362], [], [], [197, 1365, 7, 1366], [], [], [], [173, 1369, 7, 1370], [], [173, 1372, 7, 1373], [197, 401, 7, 1375], [629, 1377, 7, 1378], [], [], [], [173, 1381, 7, 1382], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1255, 173, 1384, 7, 1385], [], [197, 1387, 50, 466, 46, 1388, 7, 1389], [], [197, 1391, 1392, 1393, 1394, 1395, 7, 1396], [], [], [], [132, 1388, 197, 1400, 7, 1401], [], [1259, 1260, 1261, 882, 1262, 882, 1263, 882, 7, 1404], [], [7, 1406], [7, 1408], [], [173, 1372, 197, 1273, 7, 1410], [], [197, 401, 7, 1412], [], [], [], [173, 1381, 197, 1273, 7, 1415], [], [], [], [7, 1418], [], [173, 1372, 197, 1273, 7, 1420], [197, 401, 7, 1422], [], [], [], [173, 1381, 197, 1273, 7, 1425], [], [7, 1428], [], [], [], [], [7, 1431], [], [7, 1433], [], [197, 401, 7, 1435], [], [], [7, 1439], [], [7, 1441], [], [], [], [], [7, 1445], [], [7, 1447], [197, 401, 7, 1449], [197, 1451, 7, 1452], [], [7, 1455], [], [7, 1457], [], [7, 1460], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1464], [], [7, 1466], [], [197, 401, 7, 1468], [], [], [], [7, 1471], [], [7, 1474], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1476, 7, 1477], [], [], [197, 1479, 7, 1480], [], [7, 1483], [], [7, 1486], [], [7, 1489], [], [], [], [173, 1492, 7, 1493], [], [197, 1495, 80, 1496, 7, 1497], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1500, 7, 1501], [], [197, 1503, 7, 1504], [], [197, 1506, 7, 1507], [], [132, 1509, 7, 1510], [], [7, 1512], [], [7, 1515], [], [50, 1518, 261, 262, 7, 1519], [7, 1522], [], [], [], [7, 1527], [], [7, 1530], [], [50, 1533, 261, 262, 7, 1534], [7, 1536], [], [], [7, 1540], [], [7, 1543], [], [7, 1545], [], [7, 1547], [], [], [7, 1550], [], [7, 1552], [], [], [7, 1556], [], [7, 1558], [], [7, 1560], [], [50, 1563, 261, 262, 7, 1564], [7, 1566], [], [], [50, 1570, 261, 262, 7, 1571], [7, 1573], [], [], [7, 1577], [], [197, 1579, 7, 1580], [], [7, 1582], [], [7, 1585], [], [50, 1518, 261, 262, 1588, 1589, 1211, 1589, 7, 1590], [7, 1592], [], [], [7, 1595], [], [197, 1579, 173, 1597, 7, 1598], [], [50, 1600, 261, 262, 1588, 1601, 1211, 1601, 7, 1602], [], [], [50, 1605, 261, 262, 1211, 1606, 7, 1607], [], [], [50, 1609, 261, 262, 7, 1610], [], [], [7, 1613], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1618, 48, 87, 7, 1619], [], [80, 1621, 48, 87, 7, 1622], [], [80, 1624, 48, 87, 7, 1625], [], [80, 1627, 48, 87, 7, 1628], [], [80, 1630, 48, 87, 7, 1631], [], [80, 1633, 48, 87, 7, 1634], [], [80, 1636, 48, 87, 7, 1637], [], [80, 1639, 48, 87, 7, 1640], [], [80, 1642, 48, 87, 7, 1643], [], [80, 1645, 7, 1646], [], [80, 1220, 7, 1649], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1652], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1656], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1660], [], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 1666, 885, 1667, 173, 1668, 7, 1669], [197, 1671, 7, 1672], [132, 1667, 197, 1674, 7, 1675], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 1682], [197, 1684, 7, 1685], [197, 1687, 7, 1688], [], [132, 1666, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 1700], [], [132, 1703, 7, 1704], [], [529, 1691, 531, 1693, 132, 1706, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1707], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1709], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1711], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1713, 30, 1713, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 1714], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1716], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 1718], [], [173, 1720, 7, 1721], [], [7, 1723], [], [197, 1725, 7, 1726], [], [197, 1729, 342, 14, 343, 1730, 132, 1731, 30, 1731, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1732], [], [197, 672, 673, 1731, 674, 14, 173, 1734, 7, 1735], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 1740], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 1743], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 1746], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 1749], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 1752], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 1755], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 1758], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 1761], [197, 1763, 7, 1764], [197, 1766, 7, 1767], [48, 1678, 197, 1769, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 1770], [197, 1687, 7, 1772], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 1775], [197, 1687, 7, 1777], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 465, 885, 1779, 173, 1780, 7, 1781], [197, 1671, 7, 1783], [132, 1779, 197, 1674, 7, 1785], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 1788], [197, 1684, 7, 1790], [197, 1687, 7, 1792], [], [132, 465, 1694, 1794, 1696, 1697, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 1795], [], [132, 1797, 173, 970, 7, 1798], [], [1588, 1800, 80, 1801, 7, 1802], [], [], [132, 1805, 7, 1806], [], [197, 502, 7, 1809], [], [529, 1811, 531, 1812, 132, 1813, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1814], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1816], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1818], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1820], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1822], [132, 1824, 30, 1824, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1825], [342, 14, 343, 1827, 132, 1828, 30, 1828, 48, 347, 348, 1829, 7, 1830], [342, 14, 343, 1832, 132, 1833, 30, 1833, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 1834], [132, 1731, 30, 1731, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1836], [342, 14, 343, 1838, 132, 1839, 30, 1839, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1840], [342, 14, 989, 1842, 343, 1843, 132, 1844, 30, 1844, 48, 347, 348, 1829, 7, 1845], [132, 1839, 30, 1839, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1847], [132, 1844, 30, 1844, 48, 347, 348, 1829, 7, 1849], [], [197, -1, 173, -1, 7, 1852], [], [7, 1854], [], [197, 372, 7, 1856], [], [197, 375, 7, 1858], [], [197, 401, 7, 1860], [629, 1862, 7, 1863], [], [], [], [197, 1866, 7, 1867], [], [342, 14, 682, 1869, 684, 685, 343, 1870, 132, 1862, 30, 1862, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1871], [], [], [197, 1873, 7, 1874], [], [197, 669, 7, 1876], [], [197, 1878, 673, 1862, 674, 14, 7, 1879], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1881], [], [197, 1883, 7, 1884], [], [197, 375, 7, 1886], [], [197, 401, 7, 1888], [629, 1890, 197, 1891, 7, 1892], [], [], [], [197, 1895, 7, 1896], [], [197, 1898, 7, 1899], [], [197, 1901, 1902, 1890, 342, 14, 343, 1903, 132, 1890, 30, 1890, 48, 1904, 348, 1905, 7, 1906], [], [629, 1908, 197, 1909, 7, 1910], [], [197, 1251, 7, 1912], [], [], [], [197, 1898, 7, 1915], [], [197, 1901, 1902, 1890, 132, 1890, 30, 1890, 48, 1904, 348, 1917, 7, 1918], [], [629, 1920, 197, 1921, 7, 1922], [], [197, 1924, 7, 1925], [], [], [], [], [197, 1873, 7, 1928], [], [197, 669, 7, 1930], [], [197, 1878, 673, 1890, 674, 14, 7, 1932], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1934], [], [197, 372, 7, 1936], [], [197, 375, 7, 1938], [], [197, 401, 7, 1940], [629, 1942, 7, 1943], [], [], [], [197, 1866, 7, 1945], [], [872, 1947, 1948, 1949, 197, 1950, 7, 1951], [1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 132, 1959, 30, 1959, 173, 1960, 48, 691, 348, -1, 197, 1961, 1962, 1963, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1964], [], [340, 1942, 342, 14, 343, 1966, 132, 1942, 30, 1942, 173, 970, 48, 691, 348, 553, 7, 1967], [], [132, 1969, 173, 199, 197, 1970, 7, 1971], [], [], [], [197, 1873, 7, 1974], [], [197, 1976, 7, 1977], [], [], [], [197, 1873, 7, 1980], [], [197, 1982, 7, 1983], [], [197, 1985, 673, 1942, 674, 14, 7, 1986], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1988], [], [197, 372, 7, 1990], [], [197, 375, 7, 1992], [], [197, 401, 7, 1994], [], [629, 1996, 7, 1997], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 2002, 7, 2003], [], [197, 2005, 342, 14, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 1122, 2011, 2012, 343, 2013, 132, 2014, 30, 2014, 872, 2015, 881, 882, 7, 2016], [348, -1, 7, 2018], [], [], [348, 2012, 7, 2021], [], [], [348, 2024, 7, 2025], [], [], [348, 1099, 7, 2028], [], [], [348, 2031, 7, 2032], [], [], [348, 1071, 7, 2035], [], [], [348, 2038, 7, 2039], [], [], [348, 2042, 7, 2043], [], [], [348, 2046, 7, 2047], [], [], [348, 2050, 7, 2051], [], [], [348, 2054, 7, 2055], [], [], [348, 2058, 7, 2059], [], [], [348, 1122, 7, 2062], [], [], [], [], [197, 2065, 7, 2066], [], [197, 2068, 342, 14, 2006, 2069, 132, 2070, 30, 2070, 173, 2071, 872, 2015, 881, 882, 7, 2072], [348, -1, 7, 2074], [], [], [348, 893, 7, 2077], [], [], [348, 2012, 7, 2080], [], [], [348, 2024, 7, 2082], [], [], [348, 1099, 7, 2084], [], [], [348, 2031, 7, 2086], [], [], [348, 1071, 7, 2088], [], [], [348, 2038, 7, 2090], [], [], [348, 2042, 7, 2092], [], [], [348, 2046, 7, 2094], [], [], [348, 2050, 7, 2096], [], [], [348, 2054, 7, 2098], [], [], [348, 2058, 7, 2100], [], [], [348, 1122, 7, 2102], [], [], [348, 2104, 7, 2105], [], [], [348, 2107, 7, 2108], [], [], [348, 2110, 7, 2111], [], [], [348, 2113, 7, 2114], [], [], [348, 2116, 7, 2117], [], [], [348, 2119, 7, 2120], [], [], [348, 2122, 7, 2123], [], [], [348, 2125, 7, 2126], [], [], [348, 2128, 7, 2129], [], [], [348, 2131, 7, 2132], [], [], [348, 2134, 7, 2135], [], [], [348, 2137, 7, 2138], [], [], [348, 2140, 7, 2141], [], [], [348, 2143, 7, 2144], [], [], [348, 2146, 7, 2147], [], [], [348, 2149, 7, 2150], [], [], [348, 2152, 7, 2153], [], [], [348, 2155, 7, 2156], [], [], [348, 2158, 7, 2159], [], [], [], [], [197, 2065, 7, 2161], [], [197, 2163, 342, 14, 2006, 2164, 343, 2165, 132, 2166, 30, 2166, 872, 2015, 881, 882, 7, 2167], [348, -1, 7, 2169], [], [], [348, 2172, 7, 2173], [], [], [348, 2175, 7, 2176], [], [], [348, 2178, 7, 2179], [], [], [348, 2181, 7, 2182], [], [], [348, 2184, 7, 2185], [], [], [348, 2187, 7, 2188], [], [], [348, 2190, 7, 2191], [], [], [348, 2193, 7, 2194], [], [], [348, 2196, 7, 2197], [], [], [348, 2199, 7, 2200], [], [], [348, 2202, 7, 2203], [], [], [348, 2205, 7, 2206], [], [], [348, 2208, 7, 2209], [], [], [348, 2211, 7, 2212], [], [], [348, 2214, 7, 2215], [], [], [348, 2217, 7, 2218], [], [], [348, 2220, 7, 2221], [], [], [348, 2223, 7, 2224], [], [], [348, 2226, 7, 2227], [], [], [348, 2229, 7, 2230], [], [], [348, 2232, 7, 2233], [], [], [348, 2235, 7, 2236], [], [], [348, 2238, 7, 2239], [], [], [348, 2241, 7, 2242], [], [], [348, 2244, 7, 2245], [], [], [], [], [197, 1873, 7, 2247], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2249], [], [197, 1878, 673, 2014, 674, 14, 7, 2251], [], [], [], [197, 1873, 7, 2253], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2255], [], [197, 1878, 673, 2166, 674, 14, 7, 2257], [], [], [], [197, 1873, 7, 2259], [], [197, 669, 7, 2261], [], [132, 2263, 173, 199, 197, 1970, 7, 2264], [], [], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 2267, 684, 2042, 1072, 2038, 820, 2268, 822, 2269, 343, 2270, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 2271], [], [7, 2274], [], [197, 372, 7, 2276], [], [197, 375, 7, 2278], [], [197, 401, 7, 2280], [], [629, 818, 7, 2282], [], [], [], [], [197, 1866, 7, 2284], [], [342, 14, 682, 819, 684, 734, 820, 821, 822, 823, 132, 818, 30, 818, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2286], [], [], [197, 1873, 7, 2289], [], [197, 669, 7, 2291], [], [197, 1878, 673, 818, 674, 14, 7, 2293], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2295], [], [], [], [197, 2298, 132, 2299, 881, 882, 1680, 566, 173, 970, 7, 2300], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2302], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2304], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2306], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2308], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2310], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2312], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2314], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2316], [197, 1763, 7, 2318], [197, 1766, 7, 2320], [48, 1678, 197, 1769, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2322], [197, 1687, 7, 2324], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2326], [197, 1687, 7, 2328], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2330, 885, 2331, 173, 2332, 7, 2333], [197, 1671, 7, 2335], [132, 2331, 197, 1674, 7, 2337], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2340], [197, 1684, 7, 2342], [197, 1687, 7, 2344], [], [132, 2330, 2346, 2347, 1694, 2348, 1696, 1697, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 2349], [], [48, 347, 340, 2351, 7, 2352], [], [132, 2354, 173, 970, 7, 2355], [], [1588, 2357, 80, 1801, 7, 2358], [], [], [132, 2361, 7, 2362], [], [48, 347, 340, 2351, 7, 2364], [], [7, 2367], [7, 2369], [], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2372], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2374], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2376], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2378], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2380], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2382], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2384], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2386], [197, 1763, 7, 2388], [197, 1766, 7, 2390], [48, 1678, 197, 1769, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2392], [197, 1687, 7, 2394], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2396], [197, 1687, 7, 2398], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2400, 885, 2401, 173, 2402, 7, 2403], [197, 1671, 7, 2405], [132, 2401, 197, 1674, 7, 2407], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2410], [197, 1684, 7, 2412], [197, 1687, 7, 2414], [], [132, 2400, 1694, 2416, 1696, 1697, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 2417], [], [132, 2419, 173, 970, 7, 2420], [], [1588, 2422, 80, 1801, 7, 2423], [], [], [132, 2426, 7, 2427], [], [529, 2430, 132, 2431, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 2432], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 2434], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 2436], [340, 2438, 342, 14, 343, 2439, 132, 2440, 30, 2440, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2441], [340, 2443, 342, 14, 343, 2444, 132, 2445, 30, 2445, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2446], [340, 2448, 342, 14, 343, 2449, 132, 2450, 30, 2450, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2451], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1713, 30, 1713, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 2453], [], [173, 2455, 7, 2456], [], [], [132, 2459, 7, 2460], [], [7, 2462], [], [7, 2464], [], [629, 1862, 7, 2466], [], [], [], [7, 2469], [], [629, 1959, 7, 2471], [], [], [], [7, 2473], [], [629, 2475, 7, 2476], [], [], [], [7, 2478], [], [629, 556, 7, 2480], [], [], [], [], [7, 2482], [], [7, 2484], [], [629, 681, 7, 2486], [], [], [680, 2488, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 681, 30, 681, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2489], [], [173, 2491, 7, 2492], [], [197, 672, 673, 681, 674, 14, 173, 2494, 7, 2495], [], [], [], [7, 2497], [], [629, 706, 7, 2499], [], [], [680, 2501, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 706, 30, 706, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2502], [], [173, 2491, 7, 2504], [], [197, 672, 673, 706, 674, 14, 173, 2494, 7, 2506], [], [], [], [7, 2508], [], [629, 818, 7, 2510], [], [], [680, 2513, 342, 14, 682, 819, 684, 734, 820, 821, 822, 823, 343, 824, 132, 818, 30, 818, 48, 691, 348, 826, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2514], [], [173, 2491, 7, 2516], [], [197, 672, 673, 818, 674, 14, 173, 2494, 7, 2518], [], [], [], [7, 2520], [], [629, 2522, 7, 2523], [], [], [197, 794, 342, 14, 343, 795, 132, 2522, 30, 2522, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2526], [], [173, 2491, 7, 2528], [], [197, 672, 673, 2522, 674, 14, 173, 2494, 7, 2530], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2532], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2534], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2536], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2538], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2540], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2542], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2544], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2546], [197, 1763, 7, 2548], [197, 1766, 7, 2550], [48, 1678, 197, 1769, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2552], [197, 1687, 7, 2554], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2556], [197, 1687, 7, 2558], [], [197, 2560, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2561, 885, 2562, 173, 2563, 7, 2564], [197, 1671, 7, 2566], [132, 2562, 197, 1674, 7, 2568], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2570], [197, 1684, 7, 2572], [197, 1687, 7, 2574], [], [132, 2561, 173, -1, 197, 1699, 7, 2576], [], [197, 2578, 7, 2579], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2581, 885, 2582, 173, 2583, 7, 2584], [197, 1671, 7, 2586], [132, 2582, 197, 1674, 7, 2588], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2591], [197, 1684, 7, 2593], [197, 1687, 7, 2595], [], [132, 2581, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 2597], [], [7, 2600], [], [7, 2602], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2605], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2607], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2609], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2611], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2613], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2615], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2617], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2619], [197, 1763, 7, 2621], [197, 1766, 7, 2623], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2625], [197, 1687, 7, 2627], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2630, 885, 2631, 173, 2632, 7, 2633], [197, 1671, 7, 2635], [132, 2631, 197, 1674, 7, 2637], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2639], [197, 1684, 7, 2641], [197, 1687, 7, 2643], [], [132, 2630, 2645, 2629, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 2646], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2649], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2651], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2653], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2655], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2657], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2659], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2661], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2663], [197, 1763, 7, 2665], [197, 1766, 7, 2667], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2669], [197, 1687, 7, 2671], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 1049, 885, 2673, 173, 2674, 7, 2675], [197, 1671, 7, 2677], [132, 2673, 197, 1674, 7, 2679], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2682], [197, 1684, 7, 2684], [197, 1687, 7, 2686], [], [132, 1049, 2645, 2629, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 2688], [], [1588, 2681, 80, 2690, 7, 2691], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2693], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2695], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2697], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2699], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2701], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2703], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2705], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2707], [197, 1763, 7, 2709], [197, 1766, 7, 2711], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2713], [197, 1687, 7, 2715], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2717, 885, 2718, 173, 2719, 7, 2720], [197, 1671, 7, 2722], [132, 2718, 197, 1674, 7, 2724], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2727], [197, 1684, 7, 2729], [197, 1687, 7, 2731], [], [132, 2717, 2645, 2629, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 2733], [], [1588, 2681, 80, 2735, 7, 2736], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2738], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2740], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2742], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2744], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2746], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2748], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2750], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2752], [197, 1763, 7, 2754], [197, 1766, 7, 2756], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2758], [197, 1687, 7, 2760], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2762, 885, 2763, 173, 2764, 7, 2765], [197, 1671, 7, 2767], [132, 2763, 197, 1674, 7, 2769], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2772], [197, 1684, 7, 2774], [197, 1687, 7, 2776], [], [132, 2762, 2645, 2629, 173, 1698, 197, 1699, 7, 2778], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2781], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2783], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2785], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2787], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2789], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2791], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2793], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2795], [197, 1763, 7, 2797], [197, 1766, 7, 2799], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2802], [197, 1687, 7, 2804], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2806, 885, 2807, 173, 2808, 7, 2809], [197, 1671, 7, 2811], [132, 2807, 197, 1674, 7, 2813], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 2816], [197, 1684, 7, 2818], [197, 1687, 7, 2820], [], [132, 2806, 2645, 2629, 173, 2822, 197, 1699, 7, 2823], [], [132, 1166, 197, 2826, 7, 2827], [], [7, 2829], [], [197, 2831, 7, 2832], [], [7, 2834], [197, 2836, 7, 2837], [197, 2839, 7, 2840], [], [], [7, 2843], [197, 2836, 7, 2845], [197, 2839, 7, 2847], [], [50, 2850, 261, 262, 7, 2851], [], [], [], [7, 2853], [197, 2836, 7, 2855], [197, 2839, 7, 2857], [], [], [7, 2860], [197, 2836, 7, 2862], [197, 2839, 7, 2864], [], [], [7, 2867], [197, 2836, 7, 2869], [197, 2839, 7, 2871], [], [7, 2874], [], [7, 2877], [7, 2879], [], [7, 2882], [7, 2884], [], [7, 2887], [7, 2889], [], [7, 2892], [7, 2894], [], [], [], [7, 2897], [197, 2836, 7, 2899], [197, 2839, 7, 2901], [], [50, 2904, 261, 262, 7, 2905], [], [], [], [7, 2909], [197, 2836, 7, 2911], [197, 2839, 7, 2913], [], [], [7, 2916], [197, 2836, 7, 2918], [197, 2839, 7, 2920], [], [50, 2923, 261, 262, 7, 2924], [], [], [], [], [2928, 14, 173, 970, 7, 2929], [], [173, 2932, 7, 2933], [7, 2935], [173, 2937, 7, 2938], [7, 2940], [], [173, 2943, 7, 2944], [], [173, 2947, 7, 2948], [], [173, 2951, 7, 2952], [], [7, 2955], [7, 2957], [], [173, 2943, 7, 2959], [], [173, 2947, 7, 2962], [], [173, 2947, 7, 2965], [], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 2968], [], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 2970], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 2972], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 2974], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 2976], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 2978], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 2980], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 2982], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 2984], [197, 1763, 7, 2986], [197, 1766, 7, 2988], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 2990], [197, 1687, 7, 2992], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 2994, 885, 2995, 173, 2808, 7, 2996], [197, 1671, 7, 2998], [132, 2995, 197, 1674, 7, 3000], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 3003], [197, 1684, 7, 3005], [197, 1687, 7, 3007], [], [132, 2994, 2645, 2629, 173, 2822, 197, 1699, 7, 3009], [], [132, 1166, 197, 2826, 7, 3012], [], [197, 502, 7, 3014], [], [7, 3016], [7, 3018], [], [], [197, 3021, 7, 3022], [], [], [197, 3025, 7, 3026], [], [], [197, 2831, 7, 3029], [], [7, 3031], [197, 2836, 7, 3033], [197, 2839, 7, 3035], [], [173, 3038, 7, 3039], [], [], [173, 3038, 7, 3043], [], [], [], [7, 3047], [197, 2836, 7, 3049], [197, 2839, 7, 3051], [], [], [7, 3054], [197, 2836, 7, 3056], [197, 2839, 7, 3058], [], [], [7, 3061], [197, 2836, 7, 3063], [197, 2839, 7, 3065], [], [], [7, 3068], [197, 2836, 7, 3070], [197, 2839, 7, 3072], [], [], [7, 3075], [197, 2836, 7, 3077], [197, 2839, 7, 3079], [], [], [7, 3082], [197, 2836, 7, 3084], [197, 2839, 7, 3086], [], [], [7, 3089], [197, 2836, 7, 3091], [197, 2839, 7, 3093], [], [], [7, 3096], [197, 2836, 7, 3098], [197, 2839, 7, 3100], [], [], [7, 3103], [197, 2836, 7, 3105], [197, 2839, 7, 3107], [], [], [7, 3110], [197, 2836, 7, 3112], [197, 2839, 7, 3114], [], [], [7, 3117], [197, 2836, 7, 3119], [197, 2839, 7, 3121], [], [], [7, 3124], [197, 2836, 7, 3126], [197, 2839, 7, 3128], [], [], [7, 3131], [197, 2836, 7, 3133], [197, 2839, 7, 3135], [], [], [7, 3138], [197, 2836, 7, 3140], [197, 2839, 7, 3142], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 3145], [], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 3147], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 3149], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 3151], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 3153], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 3155], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 3157], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 3159], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 3161], [197, 1763, 7, 3163], [197, 1766, 7, 3165], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 3167], [197, 1687, 7, 3169], [], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 3171, 885, 3172, 173, 3173, 7, 3174], [197, 1671, 7, 3176], [132, 3172, 197, 1674, 7, 3178], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 3181], [197, 1684, 7, 3183], [197, 1687, 7, 3185], [], [197, 1763, 7, 3187], [197, 1766, 7, 3189], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 3191], [197, 1687, 7, 3193], [], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 3196], [197, 1687, 7, 3198], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 3200], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 3202], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 3204], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 3206], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 3208], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 3210], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 3212], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 3214], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 3216, 885, 3217, 173, 3173, 7, 3218], [197, 1671, 7, 3220], [132, 3217, 197, 1674, 7, 3222], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 3225], [197, 1684, 7, 3227], [197, 1687, 7, 3229], [], [197, 1763, 7, 3231], [197, 1766, 7, 3233], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 3235], [197, 1687, 7, 3237], [], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 3239], [197, 1687, 7, 3241], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739, 7, 3243], [197, 1742, 173, 1739, 7, 3245], [197, 1745, 173, 1739, 7, 3247], [197, 1748, 173, 1739, 7, 3249], [197, 1751, 173, 1739, 7, 3251], [197, 1754, 173, 1739, 7, 3253], [197, 1757, 173, 1739, 7, 3255], [197, 1760, 173, 1739, 7, 3257], [197, 3259, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 3260, 885, 3261, 173, 970, 7, 3262], [197, 1671, 7, 3264], [132, 3261, 197, 1674, 7, 3266], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 3269], [197, 1684, 7, 3271], [197, 1687, 7, 3273], [], [197, 1763, 7, 3275], [197, 1766, 7, 3277], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 3279], [197, 1687, 7, 3281], [], [197, 3259, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 3283, 885, 3284, 173, 970, 7, 3285], [197, 1671, 7, 3287], [132, 3284, 197, 1674, 7, 3289], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681, 7, 3291], [197, 1684, 7, 3293], [197, 1687, 7, 3295], [], [197, 1763, 7, 3297], [197, 1766, 7, 3299], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 7, 3301], [197, 1687, 7, 3303], [], [173, 3305, 7, 3306], [], [48, 87, 7, 3308], [], [], [173, 3305, 7, 3311], [7, 3313], [], [173, 3305, 7, 3316], [], [48, 87, 7, 3318], [], [], [881, 893, 914, 14, 872, 892, 1211, 3320, 30, 3321, 132, 3321, 80, 3322, 173, 3323, 7, 3324], [132, 3326, 80, 3327, 7, 3328], [173, 3331, 7, 3332], [3334, 3335, 173, 3336, 7, 3337], [173, 3339, 7, 3340], [46, 55, 50, 3342, 7, 3343], [173, 3336, 7, 3345], [173, 3339, 7, 3347], [46, 55, 50, 3342, 7, 3349], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 3171, 885, 2299, 173, 3173], [197, 1671], [132, 2299, 197, 1674], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681], [197, 1684], [197, 1687], [], [132, 3171, 173, -1, 197, 1699, 7, 3351], [], [529, 409, 132, 3354, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3355], [], [197, 3357, 7, 3358], [], [197, 3361, 7, 3362], [], [7, 3365], [], [7, 3367], [], [197, 401, 7, 3369], [197, 611, 7, 3371], [], [629, 3373, 7, 3374], [], [], [197, 3376, 342, 14, 682, 3377, 684, 685, 343, 639, 132, 3373, 30, 3373, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3378], [], [197, 672, 673, 3373, 674, 14, 7, 3380], [], [], [7, 3382], [], [197, 401, 7, 3384], [197, 611, 7, 3386], [], [629, 3388, 7, 3389], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 819, 684, 734, 820, 821, 822, 823, 343, 824, 132, 3388, 30, 3388, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3391], [], [197, 672, 673, 3388, 674, 14, 7, 3393], [], [], [7, 3395], [], [197, 401, 7, 3397], [197, 611, 7, 3399], [], [629, 3401, 7, 3402], [], [], [7, 3405], [], [3408, 2125, 342, 14, 343, 3409, 132, 3401, 30, 3401, 3410, 2024, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3411], [], [197, 672, 673, 3401, 674, 14, 7, 3413], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3415], [], [132, 3417, 30, 3417, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3418], [], [132, 2512, 30, 2512, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3420], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1763], [197, 1766], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566], [197, 1687], [], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566], [197, 1687], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739], [197, 1742, 173, 1739], [197, 1745, 173, 1739], [197, 1748, 173, 1739], [197, 1751, 173, 1739], [197, 1754, 173, 1739], [197, 1757, 173, 1739], [197, 1760, 173, 1739], [197, 1663, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 3216, 885, 886, 173, 3173], [197, 1671], [132, 886, 197, 1674], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681], [197, 1684], [197, 1687], [], [132, 3216, 173, -1, 197, 1699, 7, 3422], [], [132, 3424, 529, 3425, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3426], [], [48, 347, 132, 3428, 30, 3428, 348, 14, 7, 3429], [], [7, 3431], [], [7, 3433], [], [629, 3435, 7, 3436], [], [], [48, 691, 132, 3435, 30, 3439, 343, 686, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3440], [], [173, 3442, 7, 3443], [], [197, 672, 673, 3439, 674, 14, 7, 3445], [], [], [], [7, 3448], [], [629, 3450, 7, 3451], [], [], [132, 3450, 343, 795, 30, 2522, 48, 797, 197, 794, 7, 3453], [], [173, 3442, 7, 3455], [], [197, 672, 673, 2522, 674, 14, 7, 3457], [], [], [], [7, 3459], [], [629, 3461, 7, 3462], [], [], [197, 3465, 132, 3461, 30, 3466, 173, -1, 7, 3467], [348, 3469, 7, 3470], [], [], [348, 3472, 7, 3473], [], [], [348, 3475, 7, 3476], [], [], [348, 3478, 7, 3479], [], [], [348, 3481, 7, 3482], [], [], [348, 3484, 7, 3485], [], [], [], [], [7, 3488], [], [629, 3490, 7, 3491], [], [], [132, 3490, 30, 3494, 3410, 2031, 3408, 685, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3495], [], [], [], [], [197, 1763], [197, 1766], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566], [197, 1687], [], [48, 1678, 197, 2801, 872, 1678, 1680, 566], [197, 1687], [], [197, 1738, 173, 1739], [197, 1742, 173, 1739], [197, 1745, 173, 1739], [197, 1748, 173, 1739], [197, 1751, 173, 1739], [197, 1754, 173, 1739], [197, 1757, 173, 1739], [197, 1760, 173, 1739], [197, 3259, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 3260, 885, 899, 173, 970], [197, 1671], [132, 899, 197, 1674], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681], [197, 1684], [197, 1687], [], [132, 3260, 173, -1, 197, 1699, 7, 3497], [], [132, 3499, 7, 3500], [], [197, 1763], [197, 1766], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566], [197, 1687], [], [197, 3259, 881, 893, 872, 1664, 1665, 3283, 885, 1667, 173, 970], [197, 1671], [132, 1667, 197, 1674], [], [48, 1678, 197, 1679, 872, 1678, 1680, 566, 1211, 1681], [197, 1684], [197, 1687], [], [132, 3283, 173, -1, 197, 1699, 7, 3502], [], [132, 3504, 7, 3505], [], [], [197, 1763], [197, 1766], [48, 1678, 197, 1774, 872, 1678, 1680, 566], [197, 1687], [], [173, 3305], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3305], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3305], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2387, 2491], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [185, 187, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 400, 410, 432, 445, 458, 463, 480, 502, 511, 549, 569, 608, 609, 647, 674, 690, 708, 728, 729, 761, 762, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1191, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1263, 1291, 1301, 1334, 1336, 1631, 1648, 1694, 1703, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1789, 1802, 1815, 1828, 2359, 2372, 2394, 2396, 2430, 2439, 2452], "value": [349, 354, 349, 411, 548, 553, 557, 354, 566, -1, 548, 349, 411, 600, 553, -1, -1, -1, -1, 769, 557, -1, 826, -1, 566, 242, 14, 566, 242, -1, -1, -1, 14, 566, 14, 566, 548, 349, 600, 411, 557, -1, 548, 553, 411, 349, -1, 1829, 354, -1, 553, 1829, 553, 1829, -1, 1905, 1917, -1, 553, 557, -1, -1, -1, 349, 411, 553, 553, 553, 600, -1, -1, 826, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": 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7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2632.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2632.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 2632.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 2632.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2650.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 2650.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2684.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2718.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2718.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 2752.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 2752.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2786.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2820.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2820.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2820.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 2820.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 2854.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 214, -1, 218, -1, 267, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 277, -1, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 292, -1, -1, -1, -1, 305, 307, -1, -1, 305, 310, -1, -1, 305, 314, -1, -1, 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1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [], [], [], [], [611, 1774, 0, 17], [], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [52, 1795, 13, 13], [], [72, 1794, 0, 17], [], [72, 1794, 697, 17], [], [], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 209, 21], [], [], [8, 1865, 1264, 0], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [], [8, 1965, 1264, 234], [8, 1965, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 9, 43, 17], [0, 9, 43, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 36, 227, 18], [0, 36, 114, 18], [0, 0, 52, 17], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [114, 36, 113, 18], [], [0, 54, 227, 36], [0, 54, 114, 36], [0, 9, 72, 17], [0, 9, 72, 17], [], [], [114, 54, 113, 36], [], [0, 90, 227, 18], [0, 90, 114, 18], [0, 0, 81, 17], [0, 0, 81, 17], [], [], 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[], [36, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [0, 126, 227, 36], [0, 126, 114, 36], [0, 0, 70, 35], [], [], [114, 126, 113, 36], [], [36, 9, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 2393, 1264, 0], [8, 2409, 1264, 70], [8, 2409, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2443, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [59, 2481, 0, 17], [], [59, 2495, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 0], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2633, 1264, 36], [], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2719, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2753, 1264, 18], [8, 2753, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2821, 1264, 18], [], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2993, 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[], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 71, 76, 79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 110, 116, 117, 119, 125, 127, 129, 132, 136, 140, 142, 144, 144, 145, 154, 155, 157, 162, 164, 188, 190, 207, 209, 215, 217, 229, 231, 245, 247, 248, 249, 264, 267, 274, 289, 292, 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 316, 322, 325, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 344, 347, 351, 356, 362, 368, 371, 380, 383, 383, 388, 391, 396, 399, 399, 404, 407, 412, 415, 415, 420, 420, 423, 424, 425, 430, 430, 432, 437, 440, 445, 446, 454, 457, 461, 461, 464, 466, 466, 471, 473, 475, 475, 475, 481, 484, 486, 491, 491, 494, 496, 501, 503, 504, 505, 516, 516, 516, 517, 518, 521, 522, 523, 525, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 546, 547, 547, 550, 551, 552, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561, 561, 561, 562, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [18, 1004.59375, 280.265625, 14], [298.265625, 1004.59375, 880.640625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], 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Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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"BirthMonth", "menu", "ed41cd42-75ab-4c96", "", "a59c99bf-52a3-4b49", "", "Month...", "203d9c16-9e00-4256", "", "January", "2", "7dd93dd3-0b9e-4dea", "", "February", "8ca11b15-99c3-4152", "", "March", "4", "cb2b0bb7-c23c-4c71", "", "April", "66f78931-9e37-46b3", "", "May", "6", "57c8ce6d-3d9b-45a1", "", "June", "7", "38012a26-e6d7-4738", "", "July", "8", "066a59f1-0e4c-441e", "", "August", "9", "09dff9df-3356-4cc7", "", "September", "10", "b35e778d-a2fe-4f39", "", "October", "11", "53bf3097-f31e-4814", "", "November", "56f0d983-cbb7-4144", "", "December", "two columns dateFloat fs-exclude", "ac1d85ab-4deb-4fe6", "", "selectmenu day ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "The field Birth Day must be a number.", "BirthDay", "width:100%", "98d7931d-a7e1-478c", "", "3bd3c2f3-00fd-46bb", "", "Day...", "29365b88-9a55-4c7c", "", "I don't know", "d28ab7bd-e738-46dc", "", "6c3bafd5-b9fd-40de", "", "4c392908-0944-41c0", "", "098773ab-f3a2-497e", "", "daa4de8c-6b30-4677", "", 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"f6e0202e-40d2-432b", "", "Year...", "2023", "6cd4591e-9b55-4d82", "", "2022", "ba3f0a90-9276-42f5", "", "2021", "3739d282-1ebd-4b98", "", "2020", "ac010f8a-7a93-42db", "", "2019", "aa5f5b1c-c0f8-420e", "", "2018", "a2f86800-aa67-4a1e", "", "2017", "83036e4a-5ef6-448b", "", "2016", "318b6f45-b451-4fda", "", "2015", "f447c4cf-f859-48c6", "", "2014", "eaa1db1f-46d4-4da8", "", "2013", "f59bb4d7-5735-4fc2", "", "2012", "c5f192cd-2a90-445a", "", "2011", "7200f7eb-7b56-42ae", "", "2010", "394c4cca-27ca-4e55", "", "2009", "31b0eccf-9157-45d6", "", "2008", "998c2816-9e90-42c6", "", "2007", "593cfe4c-48f3-419f", "", "2006", "e43d4b5e-f271-46cf", "", "2005", "8938b0da-dd44-4e75", "", "2004", "9ff2a9e6-f287-4a98", "", "2003", "b90af0ee-9ec3-4891", "", "2002", "ebdfb1e9-9165-4ae3", "", "2001", "0d539ab9-2dd9-49ef", "", "2000", "1d9811f7-4d13-446c", "", "1999", "ad7dff60-7b9e-4838", "", "f0578bc5-9338-416e", "", "e1b3b355-1369-4317", "", "dae419e3-92d4-4ebf", "", "8745acf6-a782-4e83", "", 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A1A 1A1).", "^([ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnprstvxy]\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz])\\ {0,1}(\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\\d)$", "Postal Code is a required field.", "cd8e8de1-562f-432c", "", "\n\n\n ", "a1d1d60f-171b-43a9", "", "dac7f34a-067a-4cc5", "", "a0e55c4f-f3bc-45e4", "", "a3777db9-4ba1-4fcc", "", "3bb60a4e-babe-4c91", "", "db6194ba-f3a5-4c93", "", "7ca7b4d1-d3d9-492d", "", " ", "ffed692d-8693-4c3e", "", "e3175cc3-4f81-4f5d", "", "af717582-acfc-4c38", "", "fe7c39f5-e776-43d5", "", "\n window.onload = function () {\n $(\"#BreedName\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedName\");\n\n $(\"#BreedId\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedId\");\n\n var ownerInfo = $(\"#ShowOwnerInfo\").val() == \"True\" ? true : false;\n\n if (!ownerInfo) {\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#EmployeeNumber\");\n }\n };\n", "ui-autocomplete ui-front ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "ui-id-1", "291331a6-1b53-4833", "", "566d5c6c-7631-4502", "", "2fa9cf06-35d9-4c30", "", "e69df764-a301-4033", "", "f82cee37-48c2-434c", "", "dfc7c81c-dae7-4efa", "", "3a9dee69-bf29-4cdd", "", "ec127c79-7480-4c7c", "", "f51c7681-662d-4d6a", "", "39c41195-162c-4680", "", "e8528b3a-cd5b-446f", "", "d1eda1a8-f2f5-468f", "", "c6e38130-9cf2-43fe", "", "273fe2d1-c889-4fc6", "", "f4b1713b-7447-46ec", "", "dialog-removepet", "ui-id-6", "position: absolute; top: 196px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "8bc099ef-9481-4a4b", "", "f32c79d7-8d4b-4f6f", "", "2575d955-408b-4119", "", "Remove Pet from Quote?", "9a610dc6-3a74-457e", "", "9a2f05a3-7472-420a", "", "2233b9e4-007c-4a58", "", "data-navigate-url", "/Quote/Pet/RemovePet", "Remove Pet from Quote", "bd2a9386-8954-40af", "", "RemovePetId", "c788c4a9-0563-4e60", "", "RemovePet_Processing", "258934fc-ba23-4548", "", "Removing Pet from the Quote...", "00cb3084-1429-44f7", "", "\n Removing Pet from the Quote...\n ", "RemovePet_Body", "2cfbf3a3-d5a9-4188", "", "954156af-9626-4968", "", "\n Are you sure you want to remove your pet from the quote? The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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[], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 154, 7, 155], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 157, 7, 158], [79, -1, 132, 160, 80, 161, 128, 139, 7, 162], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [80, 185, 7, 186], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 188], [], [], [7, 191], [], [], [7, 194], [], [], [197, 198, 173, 199, 200, 201, 7, 202], [], [197, 204, 7, 205], [], [132, 207, 7, 208], [], [197, 211, 7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [], [50, 224, 7, 225], [], [], [7, 229], [], [50, 232, 7, 233], [], [], [], [], [197, 236, 7, 237], [], [50, 239, 7, 240], [], [197, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [132, 252, 197, 253, 7, 254], [], [7, 257], [], [], [50, 260, 261, 262, 7, 263], [], [7, 265], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 268, 7, 269], [], [197, 271, 7, 272], [], [50, 274, 261, 262, 7, 275], [], [80, 279, 197, 280, 7, 281], [], [], [], [], [132, 283, 7, 284], [], [7, 287], [], [7, 290], [], [], [], [], [197, 293, 7, 294], [], [197, 297, 7, 298], [], [197, 301, 7, 302], [], [], [], [197, 301, 7, 308], [], [], [], [197, 311, 7, 312], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 315, 7, 316], [], [197, 318, 7, 319], [], [132, 322, 197, 323, 7, 324], [], [132, 326, 7, 327], [], [132, 330, 197, 331, 7, 332], [], [132, 335, 197, 336, 7, 337], [], [340, 341, 342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 345, 30, 346, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 350], [], [342, 14, 343, 352, 132, 353, 30, 353, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 355], [], [197, 357, 7, 358], [], [132, 360, 7, 361], [], [197, 365, 7, 366], [], [], [197, 369, 7, 370], [], [197, 372, 7, 373], [], [197, 375, 7, 376], [], [197, 379, 7, 380], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 383], [], [197, 379, 7, 385], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 388], [], [197, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [197, 395, 7, 396], [], [197, 375, 7, 398], [], [197, 401, 7, 402], [], [], [197, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 7, 412], [], [7, 415], [50, 417, 7, 418], [], [], [], [], [197, 422, 7, 423], [], [7, 425], [197, 401, 7, 428], [], [], [], [197, 401, 7, 432], [], [197, 435, 7, 436], [], [], [], [197, 439, 406, 440, 408, 441, 410, 411, 7, 442], [], [7, 444], [50, 446, 7, 447], [], [], [], [], [197, 450, 7, 451], [], [197, 379, 7, 453], [], [], [197, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [], [197, 460, 7, 461], [], [132, 463, 464, 465, 197, 465, 50, 466, 7, 467], [], [197, 469, 7, 470], [], [], [7, 473], [], [], [], [], [197, 477, 7, 478], [], [197, 480, 7, 481], [], [197, 483, 7, 484], [], [], [197, 487, 7, 488], [], [], [197, 491, 7, 492], [], [], [], [197, 495, 7, 496], [], [197, 498, 7, 499], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 503], [], [197, 498, 7, 505], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 508], [], [197, 510, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 514], [], [7, 517], [], [173, 519, 7, 520], [], [], [], [7, 523], [], [197, 372, 7, 526], [], [529, 530, 531, 532, 132, 533, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 537], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 540], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 544], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 549], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 554], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 558], [342, 14, 343, 560, 132, 561, 30, 561, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 562], [342, 14, 343, 564, 132, 565, 30, 565, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 567], [132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 570], [], [132, 335, 7, 573], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [197, 578, 7, 579], [], [132, 581, 7, 582], [], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 585, 30, 586, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 587], [], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 591], [], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 595], [], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 601], [], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 603, 30, 604, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 605], [], [197, 608, 7, 609], [], [197, 611, 7, 612], [], [], [], [197, 365, 7, 616], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 619], [], [197, 621, 7, 622], [], [197, 401, 7, 624], [197, 611, 7, 626], [], [629, 630, 7, 631], [], [], [], [197, 634, 7, 635], [], [197, 638, 342, 14, 343, 639, 132, 630, 30, 640, 641, 14, 642, 566, 7, 643], [348, -1, 7, 646], [], [], [348, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [348, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [348, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [348, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [348, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 670], [], [197, 672, 673, 640, 674, 14, 7, 675], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 678], [], [680, 681, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 687, 30, 688, 689, 690, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 695, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 698], [], [197, 669, 7, 700], [], [197, 672, 673, 688, 674, 14, 7, 702], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 704], [], [680, 706, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 709, 30, 710, 689, 711, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 712, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 713], [], [197, 669, 7, 715], [], [197, 672, 673, 710, 674, 14, 7, 717], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 719], [], [197, 677, 7, 721], [], [197, 401, 7, 723], [197, 611, 7, 725], [], [629, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 732], [], [342, 14, 682, 734, 684, 735, 343, 736, 132, 727, 30, 737, 689, 738, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 739], [], [197, 669, 7, 741], [], [197, 672, 673, 737, 674, 14, 7, 743], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 745], [], [197, 747, 7, 748], [], [342, 14, 682, 750, 684, 735, 343, 751, 132, 752, 30, 753, 689, 754, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 755], [], [197, 669, 7, 757], [], [197, 672, 673, 753, 674, 14, 7, 759], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 761], [], [197, 763, 7, 764], [], [342, 14, 343, 767, 132, 768, 30, 769, 48, 347, 348, 770, 7, 771], [], [197, 773, 7, 774], [], [], [132, 777, 30, 778, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 779], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 781], [], [197, 677, 7, 783], [], [197, 401, 7, 785], [197, 611, 7, 787], [], [629, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 793], [], [197, 795, 342, 14, 343, 796, 132, 789, 30, 797, 48, 798, 348, -1, 7, 799], [], [197, 669, 7, 801], [], [197, 672, 673, 797, 674, 14, 7, 803], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 805], [], [197, 677, 7, 807], [], [197, 401, 7, 809], [197, 611, 7, 811], [], [629, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 817], [], [680, 819, 342, 14, 682, 820, 684, 735, 821, 822, 823, 824, 343, 825, 132, 813, 30, 826, 48, 691, 348, 827, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 828], [], [197, 669, 7, 830], [], [197, 672, 673, 826, 674, 14, 7, 832], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 343, 834, 132, 835, 30, 836, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 837], [], [], [], [], [197, 839, 7, 840], [], [197, 843, 7, 844], [], [197, 847, 7, 848], [], [132, 851, 7, 852], [], [7, 855], [], [197, 365, 7, 858], [], [], [7, 862], [], [7, 865], [], [], [132, 868, 197, 869, 7, 870], [], [197, 872, 873, 874, 7, 875], [], [], [], [197, 880, 873, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 14, 7, 889], [50, 891, 197, 892, 873, 893, 882, 894, 132, 887, 7, 895], [], [], [197, 898, 873, 881, 882, 894, 884, 899, 886, 900, 888, 566, 7, 901], [50, 903, 197, 892, 873, 893, 882, 894, 132, 900, 7, 904], [], [], [], [340, 908, 342, 14, 343, 909, 132, 908, 30, 908, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 910], [], [132, 885, 886, 887, 197, 912, 873, 913, 914, 14, 915, 566, 7, 916], [], [7, 919], [], [], [132, 923, 924, 925, 7, 926], [], [197, 372, 7, 928], [], [197, 375, 7, 930], [], [197, 932, 7, 933], [629, 935, 7, 936], [], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 939], [], [197, 941, 342, 14, 682, 942, 684, 735, 343, 943, 132, 935, 30, 935, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 944], [], [197, 946, 7, 947], [], [197, 672, 673, 935, 674, 14, 7, 949], [], [], [], [], [197, 951, 7, 952], [], [], [], [132, 956, 197, 957, 173, 958, 7, 959], [], [132, 961, 7, 962], [], [132, 965, 80, 966, 967, 883, 173, 958, 7, 968], [], [], [], [197, 372, 132, 970, 173, 971, 7, 972], [], [197, 375, 7, 974], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 977], [], [132, 979, 197, 980, 7, 981], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 983], [], [197, 375, 7, 985], [], [], [197, 987, 7, 988], [], [342, 14, 990, 991, 343, 992, 993, 993, 132, 994, 30, 994, 48, 995, 348, 14, 7, 996], [30, 994, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 998], [], [197, 1000, 132, 1001, 7, 1002], [], [197, 1004, 7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [132, 1010, 50, 466, 7, 1011], [], [197, 1014, 7, 1015], [], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 1019], [], [197, 672, 673, 994, 674, 14, 7, 1021], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 899, 886, 900, 197, 912, 873, 913, 914, 566, 915, 14, 173, 971, 7, 1023], [], [924, 1025, 7, 1026], [], [7, 1028], [], [7, 1030], [], [197, 932, 7, 1032], [197, 611, 7, 1034], [], [629, 935, 7, 1037], [], [], [197, 941, 132, 935, 30, 935, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1039], [], [197, 946, 7, 1041], [], [197, 672, 673, 935, 674, 14, 7, 1043], [], [], [], [7, 1045], [], [197, 1047, 1048, 1049, 464, 1050, 7, 1051], [], [1048, 1049, 464, 1050, 50, 466, 882, 894, 7, 1053], [], [197, 1055, 7, 1056], [], [], [], [], [7, 1059], [], [197, 1061, 7, 1062], [197, 611, 7, 1064], [], [629, 1066, 7, 1067], [], [], [197, 1070, 342, 14, 682, 1071, 684, 1072, 1073, 1072, 821, 1074, 823, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 908, 1079, 565, 1080, 14, 1081, 566, 132, 1066, 1082, 1072, 30, 1066, 48, 798, 348, -1, 7, 1083], [], [197, 946, 7, 1085], [], [197, 672, 673, 1066, 674, 14, 7, 1087], [], [], [], [7, 1089], [], [197, 932, 7, 1091], [197, 611, 7, 1093], [], [629, 1095, 7, 1096], [], [], [197, 1070, 342, 14, 682, 1099, 684, 1100, 1073, 1100, 821, 1101, 823, 1102, 1076, 1103, 1078, 908, 1079, 565, 1080, 14, 1081, 566, 132, 1095, 1082, 1100, 30, 1095, 48, 798, 348, -1, 7, 1104], [], [197, 946, 7, 1106], [], [197, 672, 673, 1095, 674, 14, 7, 1108], [], [], [], [7, 1110], [], [197, 932, 7, 1112], [], [197, 611, 7, 1114], [], [629, 1116, 7, 1117], [], [], [], [197, 1070, 342, 14, 821, 1120, 823, 1121, 1076, 1122, 1078, 908, 1079, 565, 1080, 14, 1081, 566, 132, 1116, 1082, 1123, 30, 1116, 48, 798, 348, -1, 7, 1124], [], [197, 946, 7, 1126], [], [197, 672, 673, 1116, 674, 14, 7, 1128], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1132, 7, 1133], [], [7, 1135], [], [], [197, 1137, 7, 1138], [], [1140, 1141, 342, 14, 990, 1142, 343, 1143, 993, 993, 132, 1144, 30, 1144, 48, 995, 348, 14, 7, 1145], [30, 1144, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1147], [], [197, 1000, 132, 1150, 7, 1151], [], [197, 1153, 629, 1154, 7, 1155], [], [132, 1158, 7, 1159], [], [7, 1162], [132, 1164, 50, 466, 7, 1165], [], [132, 1164, 50, 466, 7, 1168], [197, 1014, 7, 1170], [], [], [], [197, 1174, 7, 1175], [197, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 672, 673, 1144, 674, 14, 7, 1182], [], [], [], [7, 1184], [], [], [197, 1137, 7, 1186], [], [30, 1188, 342, 14, 343, 1189, 132, 1190, 48, 995, 348, 14, 7, 1191], [30, 1190, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1193], [], [197, 1000, 132, 1196, 7, 1197], [], [173, 1199, 197, 1153, 629, 1154, 7, 1200], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1204, 7, 1205], [], [197, 331, 7, 1207], [], [197, 1210, 48, 1211, 1212, 1213, 7, 1214], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1218], [], [], [], [80, 1221, 7, 1222], [], [], [132, 1225, 197, 253, 7, 1226], [], [197, 1229, 7, 1230], [], [197, 1232, 7, 1233], [], [7, 1236], [], [], [197, 1239, 7, 1240], [], [132, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [197, 372, 7, 1245], [], [197, 1247, 7, 1248], [], [7, 1250], [], [], [], [197, 1252, 7, 1253], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1256, 7, 1257], [], [1260, 1261, 1262, 883, 1263, 883, 1264, 883, 7, 1265], [], [7, 1268], [7, 1271], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1275], [], [197, 401, 7, 1277], [629, 1279, 7, 1280], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1284], [], [], [], [7, 1287], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1289], [], [197, 401, 7, 1291], [629, 1293, 7, 1294], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1297], [], [], [], [7, 1300], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1302], [], [197, 401, 7, 1304], [629, 1306, 7, 1307], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1310], [], [], [], [7, 1313], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1315], [], [197, 401, 7, 1317], [629, 1319, 7, 1320], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1323], [], [], [], [7, 1326], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1328], [], [197, 401, 7, 1330], [629, 1332, 7, 1333], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1336], [], [], [], [7, 1339], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1341], [], [197, 401, 7, 1343], [629, 1345, 7, 1346], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1349], [], [7, 1352], [], [], [], [7, 1355], [], [7, 1357], [197, 1359, 7, 1360], [629, 1362, 7, 1363], [], [], [197, 1366, 7, 1367], [], [], [], [173, 1370, 7, 1371], [], [173, 1373, 7, 1374], [197, 401, 7, 1376], [629, 1378, 7, 1379], [], [], [], [173, 1382, 7, 1383], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1256, 173, 1385, 7, 1386], [], [197, 1388, 50, 466, 46, 1389, 7, 1390], [], [197, 1392, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1396, 7, 1397], [], [], [], [132, 1389, 197, 1401, 7, 1402], [], [1260, 1261, 1262, 883, 1263, 883, 1264, 883, 7, 1405], [], [7, 1407], [7, 1409], [], [173, 1373, 197, 1274, 7, 1411], [], [197, 401, 7, 1413], [], [], [], [173, 1382, 197, 1274, 7, 1416], [], [], [], [7, 1419], [], [173, 1373, 197, 1274, 7, 1421], [197, 401, 7, 1423], [], [], [], [173, 1382, 197, 1274, 7, 1426], [], [7, 1429], [], [], [], [], [7, 1432], [], [7, 1434], [], [197, 401, 7, 1436], [], [], [7, 1440], [], [7, 1442], [], [], [], [], [7, 1446], [], [7, 1448], [197, 401, 7, 1450], [197, 1452, 7, 1453], [], [7, 1456], [], [7, 1458], [], [7, 1461], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1465], [], [7, 1467], [], [197, 401, 7, 1469], [], [], [], [7, 1472], [], [7, 1475], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1477, 7, 1478], [], [], [197, 1480, 7, 1481], [], [7, 1484], [], [7, 1487], [], [7, 1490], [], [], [], [173, 1493, 7, 1494], [], [197, 1496, 80, 1497, 7, 1498], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1501, 7, 1502], [], [197, 1504, 7, 1505], [], [197, 1507, 7, 1508], [], [132, 1510, 7, 1511], [], [7, 1513], [], [7, 1516], [], [50, 1519, 261, 262, 7, 1520], [7, 1523], [], [], [], [7, 1528], [], [7, 1531], [], [50, 1534, 261, 262, 7, 1535], [7, 1537], [], [], [7, 1541], [], [7, 1544], [], [7, 1546], [], [7, 1548], [], [], [7, 1551], [], [7, 1553], [], [], [7, 1557], [], [7, 1559], [], [7, 1561], [], [50, 1564, 261, 262, 7, 1565], [7, 1567], [], [], [50, 1571, 261, 262, 7, 1572], [7, 1574], [], [], [7, 1578], [], [197, 1580, 7, 1581], [], [7, 1583], [], [7, 1586], [], [50, 1519, 261, 262, 1589, 1590, 1212, 1590, 7, 1591], [7, 1593], [], [], [7, 1596], [], [197, 1580, 173, 1598, 7, 1599], [], [50, 1601, 261, 262, 1589, 1602, 1212, 1602, 7, 1603], [], [], [50, 1606, 261, 262, 1212, 1607, 7, 1608], [], [], [50, 1610, 261, 262, 7, 1611], [], [], [7, 1614], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1619, 48, 87, 7, 1620], [], [80, 1622, 48, 87, 7, 1623], [], [80, 1625, 48, 87, 7, 1626], [], [80, 1628, 48, 87, 7, 1629], [], [80, 1631, 48, 87, 7, 1632], [], [80, 1634, 48, 87, 7, 1635], [], [80, 1637, 48, 87, 7, 1638], [], [80, 1640, 48, 87, 7, 1641], [], [80, 1643, 48, 87, 7, 1644], [], [80, 1646, 7, 1647], [], [80, 1221, 7, 1650], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1653], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1657], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1661], [], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 1667, 886, 1668, 173, 1669, 7, 1670], [197, 1672, 7, 1673], [132, 1668, 197, 1675, 7, 1676], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 1683], [197, 1685, 7, 1686], [197, 1688, 7, 1689], [], [132, 1667, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 1701], [], [132, 1704, 7, 1705], [], [529, 1692, 531, 1694, 132, 1707, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1708], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1710], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1712], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1714, 30, 1714, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 1715], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1717], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 1719], [], [173, 1721, 7, 1722], [], [7, 1724], [], [197, 1726, 7, 1727], [], [197, 1730, 342, 14, 343, 1731, 132, 1732, 30, 1732, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1733], [], [197, 672, 673, 1732, 674, 14, 173, 1735, 7, 1736], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 1741], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 1744], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 1747], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 1750], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 1753], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 1756], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 1759], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 1762], [197, 1764, 7, 1765], [197, 1767, 7, 1768], [48, 1679, 197, 1770, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 1771], [197, 1688, 7, 1773], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 1776], [197, 1688, 7, 1778], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 465, 886, 1780, 173, 1781, 7, 1782], [197, 1672, 7, 1784], [132, 1780, 197, 1675, 7, 1786], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 1789], [197, 1685, 7, 1791], [197, 1688, 7, 1793], [], [132, 465, 1695, 1795, 1697, 1698, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 1796], [], [132, 1798, 173, 971, 7, 1799], [], [1589, 1801, 80, 1802, 7, 1803], [], [], [132, 1806, 7, 1807], [], [197, 502, 7, 1810], [], [529, 1812, 531, 1813, 132, 1814, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1815], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1817], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1819], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1821], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1823], [132, 1825, 30, 1825, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1826], [342, 14, 343, 1828, 132, 1829, 30, 1829, 48, 347, 348, 1830, 7, 1831], [342, 14, 343, 1833, 132, 1834, 30, 1834, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 1835], [132, 1732, 30, 1732, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1837], [342, 14, 343, 1839, 132, 1840, 30, 1840, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1841], [342, 14, 990, 1843, 343, 1844, 132, 1845, 30, 1845, 48, 347, 348, 1830, 7, 1846], [132, 1840, 30, 1840, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1848], [132, 1845, 30, 1845, 48, 347, 348, 1830, 7, 1850], [], [197, -1, 173, -1, 7, 1853], [], [7, 1855], [], [197, 372, 7, 1857], [], [197, 375, 7, 1859], [], [197, 401, 7, 1861], [629, 1863, 7, 1864], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 1868], [], [342, 14, 682, 1870, 684, 685, 343, 1871, 132, 1863, 30, 1863, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1872], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 1875], [], [197, 669, 7, 1877], [], [197, 1879, 673, 1863, 674, 14, 7, 1880], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1882], [], [197, 1884, 7, 1885], [], [197, 375, 7, 1887], [], [197, 401, 7, 1889], [629, 1891, 197, 1892, 7, 1893], [], [], [], [197, 1896, 7, 1897], [], [197, 1899, 7, 1900], [], [197, 1902, 1903, 1891, 342, 14, 343, 1904, 132, 1891, 30, 1891, 48, 1905, 348, 1906, 7, 1907], [], [629, 1909, 197, 1910, 7, 1911], [], [197, 1252, 7, 1913], [], [], [], [197, 1899, 7, 1916], [], [197, 1902, 1903, 1891, 132, 1891, 30, 1891, 48, 1905, 348, 1918, 7, 1919], [], [629, 1921, 197, 1922, 7, 1923], [], [197, 1925, 7, 1926], [], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 1929], [], [197, 669, 7, 1931], [], [197, 1879, 673, 1891, 674, 14, 7, 1933], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1935], [], [197, 372, 7, 1937], [], [197, 375, 7, 1939], [], [197, 401, 7, 1941], [629, 1943, 7, 1944], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 1946], [], [873, 1948, 1949, 1950, 197, 1951, 7, 1952], [1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 132, 1960, 30, 1960, 173, 1961, 48, 691, 348, -1, 197, 1962, 1963, 1964, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1965], [], [340, 1943, 342, 14, 343, 1967, 132, 1943, 30, 1943, 173, 971, 48, 691, 348, 553, 7, 1968], [], [132, 1970, 173, 199, 197, 1971, 7, 1972], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 1975], [], [197, 1977, 7, 1978], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 1981], [], [197, 1983, 7, 1984], [], [197, 1986, 673, 1943, 674, 14, 7, 1987], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1989], [], [197, 372, 7, 1991], [], [197, 375, 7, 1993], [], [197, 401, 7, 1995], [], [629, 1997, 7, 1998], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 2003, 7, 2004], [], [197, 2006, 342, 14, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 1123, 2012, 2013, 343, 2014, 132, 2015, 30, 2015, 873, 2016, 882, 883, 7, 2017], [348, -1, 7, 2019], [], [], [348, 2013, 7, 2022], [], [], [348, 2025, 7, 2026], [], [], [348, 1100, 7, 2029], [], [], [348, 2032, 7, 2033], [], [], [348, 1072, 7, 2036], [], [], [348, 2039, 7, 2040], [], [], [348, 2043, 7, 2044], [], [], [348, 2047, 7, 2048], [], [], [348, 2051, 7, 2052], [], [], [348, 2055, 7, 2056], [], [], [348, 2059, 7, 2060], [], [], [348, 1123, 7, 2063], [], [], [], [], [197, 2066, 7, 2067], [], [197, 2069, 342, 14, 2007, 2070, 132, 2071, 30, 2071, 173, 2072, 873, 2016, 882, 883, 7, 2073], [348, -1, 7, 2075], [], [], [348, 894, 7, 2078], [], [], [348, 2013, 7, 2081], [], [], [348, 2025, 7, 2083], [], [], [348, 1100, 7, 2085], [], [], [348, 2032, 7, 2087], [], [], [348, 1072, 7, 2089], [], [], [348, 2039, 7, 2091], [], [], [348, 2043, 7, 2093], [], [], [348, 2047, 7, 2095], [], [], [348, 2051, 7, 2097], [], [], [348, 2055, 7, 2099], [], [], [348, 2059, 7, 2101], [], [], [348, 1123, 7, 2103], [], [], [348, 2105, 7, 2106], [], [], [348, 2108, 7, 2109], [], [], [348, 2111, 7, 2112], [], [], [348, 2114, 7, 2115], [], [], [348, 2117, 7, 2118], [], [], [348, 2120, 7, 2121], [], [], [348, 2123, 7, 2124], [], [], [348, 2126, 7, 2127], [], [], [348, 2129, 7, 2130], [], [], [348, 2132, 7, 2133], [], [], [348, 2135, 7, 2136], [], [], [348, 2138, 7, 2139], [], [], [348, 2141, 7, 2142], [], [], [348, 2144, 7, 2145], [], [], [348, 2147, 7, 2148], [], [], [348, 2150, 7, 2151], [], [], [348, 2153, 7, 2154], [], [], [348, 2156, 7, 2157], [], [], [348, 2159, 7, 2160], [], [], [], [], [197, 2066, 7, 2162], [], [197, 2164, 342, 14, 2007, 2165, 343, 2166, 132, 2167, 30, 2167, 873, 2016, 882, 883, 7, 2168], [348, -1, 7, 2170], [], [], [348, 2173, 7, 2174], [], [], [348, 2176, 7, 2177], [], [], [348, 2179, 7, 2180], [], [], [348, 2182, 7, 2183], [], [], [348, 2185, 7, 2186], [], [], [348, 2188, 7, 2189], [], [], [348, 2191, 7, 2192], [], [], [348, 2194, 7, 2195], [], [], [348, 2197, 7, 2198], [], [], [348, 2200, 7, 2201], [], [], [348, 2203, 7, 2204], [], [], [348, 2206, 7, 2207], [], [], [348, 2209, 7, 2210], [], [], [348, 2212, 7, 2213], [], [], [348, 2215, 7, 2216], [], [], [348, 2218, 7, 2219], [], [], [348, 2221, 7, 2222], [], [], [348, 2224, 7, 2225], [], [], [348, 2227, 7, 2228], [], [], [348, 2230, 7, 2231], [], [], [348, 2233, 7, 2234], [], [], [348, 2236, 7, 2237], [], [], [348, 2239, 7, 2240], [], [], [348, 2242, 7, 2243], [], [], [348, 2245, 7, 2246], [], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 2248], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2250], [], [197, 1879, 673, 2015, 674, 14, 7, 2252], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 2254], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2256], [], [197, 1879, 673, 2167, 674, 14, 7, 2258], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 2260], [], [197, 669, 7, 2262], [], [132, 2264, 173, 199, 197, 1971, 7, 2265], [], [], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 2268, 684, 2043, 1073, 2039, 821, 2269, 823, 2270, 343, 2271, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 2272], [], [7, 2275], [], [197, 372, 7, 2277], [], [197, 375, 7, 2279], [], [197, 401, 7, 2281], [], [629, 819, 7, 2283], [], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 2285], [], [342, 14, 682, 820, 684, 735, 821, 822, 823, 824, 132, 819, 30, 819, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2287], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 2290], [], [197, 669, 7, 2292], [], [197, 1879, 673, 819, 674, 14, 7, 2294], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2296], [], [], [], [197, 2299, 132, 2300, 882, 883, 1681, 566, 173, 971, 7, 2301], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2303], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2305], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2307], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2309], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2311], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2313], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2315], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2317], [197, 1764, 7, 2319], [197, 1767, 7, 2321], [48, 1679, 197, 1770, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2323], [197, 1688, 7, 2325], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2327], [197, 1688, 7, 2329], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2331, 886, 2332, 173, 2333, 7, 2334], [197, 1672, 7, 2336], [132, 2332, 197, 1675, 7, 2338], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2341], [197, 1685, 7, 2343], [197, 1688, 7, 2345], [], [132, 2331, 2347, 2348, 1695, 2349, 1697, 1698, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2350], [], [48, 347, 340, 2352, 7, 2353], [], [132, 2355, 173, 971, 7, 2356], [], [1589, 2358, 80, 1802, 7, 2359], [], [], [132, 2362, 7, 2363], [], [48, 347, 340, 2352, 7, 2365], [], [7, 2368], [7, 2370], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2373], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2375], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2377], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2379], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2381], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2383], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2385], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2387], [197, 1764, 7, 2389], [197, 1767, 7, 2391], [48, 1679, 197, 1770, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2393], [197, 1688, 7, 2395], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2397], [197, 1688, 7, 2399], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2401, 886, 2402, 173, 2403, 7, 2404], [197, 1672, 7, 2406], [132, 2402, 197, 1675, 7, 2408], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2411], [197, 1685, 7, 2413], [197, 1688, 7, 2415], [], [132, 2401, 1695, 2417, 1697, 1698, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2418], [], [132, 2420, 173, 971, 7, 2421], [], [1589, 2423, 80, 1802, 7, 2424], [], [], [132, 2427, 7, 2428], [], [529, 2431, 132, 2432, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 2433], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 2435], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 2437], [340, 2439, 342, 14, 343, 2440, 132, 2441, 30, 2441, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2442], [340, 2444, 342, 14, 343, 2445, 132, 2446, 30, 2446, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2447], [340, 2449, 342, 14, 343, 2450, 132, 2451, 30, 2451, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2452], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1714, 30, 1714, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 2454], [], [173, 2456, 7, 2457], [], [], [132, 2460, 7, 2461], [], [7, 2463], [], [7, 2465], [], [629, 1863, 7, 2467], [], [], [], [7, 2470], [], [629, 1960, 7, 2472], [], [], [], [7, 2474], [], [629, 2476, 7, 2477], [], [], [], [7, 2479], [], [629, 556, 7, 2481], [], [], [], [], [7, 2483], [], [7, 2485], [], [629, 681, 7, 2487], [], [], [680, 2489, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 681, 30, 681, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2490], [], [173, 2492, 7, 2493], [], [197, 672, 673, 681, 674, 14, 173, 2495, 7, 2496], [], [], [], [7, 2498], [], [629, 706, 7, 2500], [], [], [680, 2502, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 706, 30, 706, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2503], [], [173, 2492, 7, 2505], [], [197, 672, 673, 706, 674, 14, 173, 2495, 7, 2507], [], [], [], [7, 2509], [], [629, 819, 7, 2511], [], [], [680, 2514, 342, 14, 682, 820, 684, 735, 821, 822, 823, 824, 343, 825, 132, 819, 30, 819, 48, 691, 348, 827, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2515], [], [173, 2492, 7, 2517], [], [197, 672, 673, 819, 674, 14, 173, 2495, 7, 2519], [], [], [], [7, 2521], [], [629, 2523, 7, 2524], [], [], [197, 795, 342, 14, 343, 796, 132, 2523, 30, 2523, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2527], [], [173, 2492, 7, 2529], [], [197, 672, 673, 2523, 674, 14, 173, 2495, 7, 2531], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2533], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2535], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2537], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2539], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2541], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2543], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2545], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2547], [197, 1764, 7, 2549], [197, 1767, 7, 2551], [48, 1679, 197, 1770, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2553], [197, 1688, 7, 2555], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2557], [197, 1688, 7, 2559], [], [197, 2561, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2562, 886, 2563, 173, 2564, 7, 2565], [197, 1672, 7, 2567], [132, 2563, 197, 1675, 7, 2569], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2571], [197, 1685, 7, 2573], [197, 1688, 7, 2575], [], [132, 2562, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 2577], [], [197, 2579, 7, 2580], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2582, 886, 2583, 173, 2584, 7, 2585], [197, 1672, 7, 2587], [132, 2583, 197, 1675, 7, 2589], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2592], [197, 1685, 7, 2594], [197, 1688, 7, 2596], [], [132, 2582, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2598], [], [7, 2601], [], [7, 2603], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2606], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2608], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2610], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2612], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2614], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2616], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2618], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2620], [197, 1764, 7, 2622], [197, 1767, 7, 2624], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2626], [197, 1688, 7, 2628], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2631, 886, 2632, 173, 2633, 7, 2634], [197, 1672, 7, 2636], [132, 2632, 197, 1675, 7, 2638], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2640], [197, 1685, 7, 2642], [197, 1688, 7, 2644], [], [132, 2631, 2646, 2630, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2647], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2650], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2652], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2654], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2656], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2658], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2660], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2662], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2664], [197, 1764, 7, 2666], [197, 1767, 7, 2668], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2670], [197, 1688, 7, 2672], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 1050, 886, 2674, 173, 2675, 7, 2676], [197, 1672, 7, 2678], [132, 2674, 197, 1675, 7, 2680], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2683], [197, 1685, 7, 2685], [197, 1688, 7, 2687], [], [132, 1050, 2646, 2630, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2689], [], [1589, 2682, 80, 2691, 7, 2692], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2694], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2696], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2698], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2700], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2702], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2704], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2706], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2708], [197, 1764, 7, 2710], [197, 1767, 7, 2712], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2714], [197, 1688, 7, 2716], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2718, 886, 2719, 173, 2720, 7, 2721], [197, 1672, 7, 2723], [132, 2719, 197, 1675, 7, 2725], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2728], [197, 1685, 7, 2730], [197, 1688, 7, 2732], [], [132, 2718, 2646, 2630, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2734], [], [1589, 2682, 80, 2736, 7, 2737], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2739], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2741], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2743], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2745], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2747], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2749], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2751], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2753], [197, 1764, 7, 2755], [197, 1767, 7, 2757], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2759], [197, 1688, 7, 2761], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2763, 886, 2764, 173, 2765, 7, 2766], [197, 1672, 7, 2768], [132, 2764, 197, 1675, 7, 2770], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2773], [197, 1685, 7, 2775], [197, 1688, 7, 2777], [], [132, 2763, 2646, 2630, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2779], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2782], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2784], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2786], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2788], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2790], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2792], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2794], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2796], [197, 1764, 7, 2798], [197, 1767, 7, 2800], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2803], [197, 1688, 7, 2805], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2807, 886, 2808, 173, 2809, 7, 2810], [197, 1672, 7, 2812], [132, 2808, 197, 1675, 7, 2814], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2817], [197, 1685, 7, 2819], [197, 1688, 7, 2821], [], [132, 2807, 2646, 2630, 173, 2823, 197, 1700, 7, 2824], [], [132, 1167, 197, 2827, 7, 2828], [], [7, 2830], [], [197, 2832, 7, 2833], [], [7, 2835], [197, 2837, 7, 2838], [197, 2840, 7, 2841], [], [], [7, 2844], [197, 2837, 7, 2846], [197, 2840, 7, 2848], [], [50, 2851, 261, 262, 7, 2852], [], [], [], [7, 2854], [197, 2837, 7, 2856], [197, 2840, 7, 2858], [], [], [7, 2861], [197, 2837, 7, 2863], [197, 2840, 7, 2865], [], [], [7, 2868], [197, 2837, 7, 2870], [197, 2840, 7, 2872], [], [7, 2875], [], [7, 2878], [7, 2880], [], [7, 2883], [7, 2885], [], [7, 2888], [7, 2890], [], [7, 2893], [7, 2895], [], [], [], [7, 2898], [197, 2837, 7, 2900], [197, 2840, 7, 2902], [], [50, 2905, 261, 262, 7, 2906], [], [], [], [7, 2910], [197, 2837, 7, 2912], [197, 2840, 7, 2914], [], [], [7, 2917], [197, 2837, 7, 2919], [197, 2840, 7, 2921], [], [50, 2924, 261, 262, 7, 2925], [], [], [], [], [2929, 14, 173, 971, 7, 2930], [], [173, 2933, 7, 2934], [7, 2936], [173, 2938, 7, 2939], [7, 2941], [], [173, 2944, 7, 2945], [], [173, 2948, 7, 2949], [], [173, 2952, 7, 2953], [], [7, 2956], [7, 2958], [], [173, 2944, 7, 2960], [], [173, 2948, 7, 2963], [], [173, 2948, 7, 2966], [], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 2969], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2971], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2973], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2975], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2977], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2979], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2981], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2983], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2985], [197, 1764, 7, 2987], [197, 1767, 7, 2989], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2991], [197, 1688, 7, 2993], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2995, 886, 2996, 173, 2809, 7, 2997], [197, 1672, 7, 2999], [132, 2996, 197, 1675, 7, 3001], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3004], [197, 1685, 7, 3006], [197, 1688, 7, 3008], [], [132, 2995, 2646, 2630, 173, 2823, 197, 1700, 7, 3010], [], [132, 1167, 197, 2827, 7, 3013], [], [197, 502, 7, 3015], [], [7, 3017], [7, 3019], [], [], [197, 3022, 7, 3023], [], [], [197, 3026, 7, 3027], [], [], [197, 2832, 7, 3030], [], [7, 3032], [197, 2837, 7, 3034], [197, 2840, 7, 3036], [], [173, 3039, 7, 3040], [], [], [173, 3039, 7, 3044], [], [], [], [7, 3048], [197, 2837, 7, 3050], [197, 2840, 7, 3052], [], [], [7, 3055], [197, 2837, 7, 3057], [197, 2840, 7, 3059], [], [], [7, 3062], [197, 2837, 7, 3064], [197, 2840, 7, 3066], [], [], [7, 3069], [197, 2837, 7, 3071], [197, 2840, 7, 3073], [], [], [7, 3076], [197, 2837, 7, 3078], [197, 2840, 7, 3080], [], [], [7, 3083], [197, 2837, 7, 3085], [197, 2840, 7, 3087], [], [], [7, 3090], [197, 2837, 7, 3092], [197, 2840, 7, 3094], [], [], [7, 3097], [197, 2837, 7, 3099], [197, 2840, 7, 3101], [], [], [7, 3104], [197, 2837, 7, 3106], [197, 2840, 7, 3108], [], [], [7, 3111], [197, 2837, 7, 3113], [197, 2840, 7, 3115], [], [], [7, 3118], [197, 2837, 7, 3120], [197, 2840, 7, 3122], [], [], [7, 3125], [197, 2837, 7, 3127], [197, 2840, 7, 3129], [], [], [7, 3132], [197, 2837, 7, 3134], [197, 2840, 7, 3136], [], [], [7, 3139], [197, 2837, 7, 3141], [197, 2840, 7, 3143], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 3146], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 3148], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 3150], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 3152], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 3154], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 3156], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 3158], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 3160], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 3162], [197, 1764, 7, 3164], [197, 1767, 7, 3166], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3168], [197, 1688, 7, 3170], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3172, 886, 3173, 173, 3174, 7, 3175], [197, 1672, 7, 3177], [132, 3173, 197, 1675, 7, 3179], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3182], [197, 1685, 7, 3184], [197, 1688, 7, 3186], [], [197, 1764, 7, 3188], [197, 1767, 7, 3190], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3192], [197, 1688, 7, 3194], [], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3197], [197, 1688, 7, 3199], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 3201], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 3203], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 3205], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 3207], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 3209], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 3211], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 3213], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 3215], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3217, 886, 3218, 173, 3174, 7, 3219], [197, 1672, 7, 3221], [132, 3218, 197, 1675, 7, 3223], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3226], [197, 1685, 7, 3228], [197, 1688, 7, 3230], [], [197, 1764, 7, 3232], [197, 1767, 7, 3234], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3236], [197, 1688, 7, 3238], [], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3240], [197, 1688, 7, 3242], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 3244], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 3246], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 3248], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 3250], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 3252], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 3254], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 3256], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 3258], [197, 3260, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3261, 886, 3262, 173, 971, 7, 3263], [197, 1672, 7, 3265], [132, 3262, 197, 1675, 7, 3267], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3270], [197, 1685, 7, 3272], [197, 1688, 7, 3274], [], [197, 1764, 7, 3276], [197, 1767, 7, 3278], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3280], [197, 1688, 7, 3282], [], [197, 3260, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3284, 886, 3285, 173, 971, 7, 3286], [197, 1672, 7, 3288], [132, 3285, 197, 1675, 7, 3290], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3292], [197, 1685, 7, 3294], [197, 1688, 7, 3296], [], [197, 1764, 7, 3298], [197, 1767, 7, 3300], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3302], [197, 1688, 7, 3304], [], [173, 3306, 7, 3307], [], [48, 87, 7, 3309], [], [], [173, 3306, 7, 3312], [7, 3314], [], [173, 3306, 7, 3317], [], [48, 87, 7, 3319], [], [], [882, 894, 915, 14, 873, 893, 1212, 3321, 30, 3322, 132, 3322, 80, 3323, 173, 3324, 7, 3325], [132, 3327, 80, 3328, 7, 3329], [173, 3332, 7, 3333], [3335, 3336, 173, 3337, 7, 3338], [173, 3340, 7, 3341], [46, 55, 50, 3343, 7, 3344], [173, 3337, 7, 3346], [173, 3340, 7, 3348], [46, 55, 50, 3343, 7, 3350], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3172, 886, 2300, 173, 3174], [197, 1672], [132, 2300, 197, 1675], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682], [197, 1685], [197, 1688], [], [132, 3172, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 3352], [], [529, 409, 132, 3355, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3356], [], [197, 3358, 7, 3359], [], [197, 3362, 7, 3363], [], [7, 3366], [], [7, 3368], [], [197, 401, 7, 3370], [197, 611, 7, 3372], [], [629, 3374, 7, 3375], [], [], [197, 3377, 342, 14, 682, 3378, 684, 685, 343, 639, 132, 3374, 30, 3374, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3379], [], [197, 672, 673, 3374, 674, 14, 7, 3381], [], [], [7, 3383], [], [197, 401, 7, 3385], [197, 611, 7, 3387], [], [629, 3389, 7, 3390], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 820, 684, 735, 821, 822, 823, 824, 343, 825, 132, 3389, 30, 3389, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3392], [], [197, 672, 673, 3389, 674, 14, 7, 3394], [], [], [7, 3396], [], [197, 401, 7, 3398], [197, 611, 7, 3400], [], [629, 3402, 7, 3403], [], [], [7, 3406], [], [3409, 2126, 342, 14, 343, 3410, 132, 3402, 30, 3402, 3411, 2025, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3412], [], [197, 672, 673, 3402, 674, 14, 7, 3414], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3416], [], [132, 3418, 30, 3418, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3419], [], [132, 2513, 30, 2513, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3421], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1764], [197, 1767], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740], [197, 1743, 173, 1740], [197, 1746, 173, 1740], [197, 1749, 173, 1740], [197, 1752, 173, 1740], [197, 1755, 173, 1740], [197, 1758, 173, 1740], [197, 1761, 173, 1740], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3217, 886, 887, 173, 3174], [197, 1672], [132, 887, 197, 1675], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682], [197, 1685], [197, 1688], [], [132, 3217, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 3423], [], [132, 3425, 529, 3426, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3427], [], [48, 347, 132, 3429, 30, 3429, 348, 14, 7, 3430], [], [7, 3432], [], [7, 3434], [], [629, 3436, 7, 3437], [], [], [48, 691, 132, 3436, 30, 3440, 343, 686, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3441], [], [173, 3443, 7, 3444], [], [197, 672, 673, 3440, 674, 14, 7, 3446], [], [], [], [7, 3449], [], [629, 3451, 7, 3452], [], [], [132, 3451, 343, 796, 30, 2523, 48, 798, 197, 795, 7, 3454], [], [173, 3443, 7, 3456], [], [197, 672, 673, 2523, 674, 14, 7, 3458], [], [], [], [7, 3460], [], [629, 3462, 7, 3463], [], [], [197, 3466, 132, 3462, 30, 3467, 173, -1, 7, 3468], [348, 3470, 7, 3471], [], [], [348, 3473, 7, 3474], [], [], [348, 3476, 7, 3477], [], [], [348, 3479, 7, 3480], [], [], [348, 3482, 7, 3483], [], [], [348, 3485, 7, 3486], [], [], [], [], [7, 3489], [], [629, 3491, 7, 3492], [], [], [132, 3491, 30, 3495, 3411, 2032, 3409, 685, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3496], [], [], [], [], [197, 1764], [197, 1767], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740], [197, 1743, 173, 1740], [197, 1746, 173, 1740], [197, 1749, 173, 1740], [197, 1752, 173, 1740], [197, 1755, 173, 1740], [197, 1758, 173, 1740], [197, 1761, 173, 1740], [197, 3260, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3261, 886, 900, 173, 971], [197, 1672], [132, 900, 197, 1675], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682], [197, 1685], [197, 1688], [], [132, 3261, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 3498], [], [132, 3500, 7, 3501], [], [197, 1764], [197, 1767], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [197, 3260, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3284, 886, 1668, 173, 971], [197, 1672], [132, 1668, 197, 1675], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682], [197, 1685], [197, 1688], [], [132, 3284, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 3503], [], [132, 3505, 7, 3506], [], [], [197, 1764], [197, 1767], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [173, 3306], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3306], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3306], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2387, 2491], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [185, 187, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 400, 410, 432, 445, 458, 463, 480, 502, 511, 549, 569, 608, 609, 647, 674, 690, 708, 728, 729, 761, 762, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1191, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1263, 1291, 1301, 1334, 1336, 1631, 1648, 1694, 1703, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1789, 1802, 1815, 1828, 2359, 2372, 2394, 2396, 2430, 2439, 2452], "value": [349, 354, 349, 411, 548, 553, 557, 354, 566, -1, 548, 349, 411, 600, 553, -1, -1, -1, -1, 770, 557, -1, 827, -1, 566, 242, 14, 566, 242, -1, -1, -1, 14, 566, 14, 566, 548, 349, 600, 411, 557, -1, 548, 553, 411, 349, -1, 1830, 354, -1, 553, 1830, 553, 1830, -1, 1906, 1918, -1, 553, 557, -1, -1, -1, 349, 411, 553, 553, 553, 600, -1, -1, 827, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, 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17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2632.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2632.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 2632.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 2632.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2650.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 2650.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2684.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2718.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2718.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 2752.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 2752.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2786.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2820.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2820.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2820.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 2820.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 2854.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 214, -1, 218, -1, 267, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 277, -1, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 292, -1, -1, -1, -1, 305, 307, -1, -1, 305, 310, 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40], [], [176, 9, 175, 41], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [4, 51, 1255, 215], [28, 69, 1206, 180], [28, 69, 1206, 48], [28, 69, 1206, 21], [28, 69, 125, 20], [28, 69, 125, 20], [], [], [28, 90, 1206, 27], [28, 90, 262, 27], [], [28, 117, 1206, 0], [28, 117, 0, 0], [], [28, 117, 1206, 90], [28, 117, 1206, 90], [28, 117, 1206, 0], [28, 117, 1206, 90], [], [28, 207, 1206, 42], [28, 207, 1206, 21], [], [28, 228, 1206, 21], [32, 231, 13, 13], [], [53, 228, 0, 20], [], [53, 228, 542, 20], [], [53, 228, 542, 20], [], [285, 228, 134, 20], [], [399, 229, 20, 18], [399, 229, 20, 17], [399, 229, 20, 17], [], [], [], [28, 249, 1206, 0], [28, 249, 0, 0], [], [8, 1772, 1264, 40], [48, 1772, 1224, 20], [31, 1774, 7, 18], [31, 1774, 7, 18], [48, 1772, 1224, 20], [52, 1775, 13, 13], [], [72, 1774, 0, 17], [], [72, 1774, 539, 17], [], [72, 1774, 539, 17], [], [254, 1774, 77, 17], [254, 1774, 77, 17], [], [331, 1774, 22, 17], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [], [], [357, 1774, 253, 17], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [], [], [], [], [611, 1774, 0, 17], [], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [52, 1795, 13, 13], [], [72, 1794, 0, 17], [], [72, 1794, 697, 17], [], [], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 209, 21], [], [], [8, 1865, 1264, 0], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [], [8, 1965, 1264, 234], [8, 1965, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 9, 43, 17], [0, 9, 43, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 36, 227, 18], [0, 36, 114, 18], [0, 0, 52, 17], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [114, 36, 113, 18], [], [0, 54, 227, 36], [0, 54, 114, 36], [0, 9, 72, 17], [0, 9, 72, 17], [], [], [114, 54, 113, 36], [], [0, 90, 227, 18], [0, 90, 114, 18], [0, 0, 81, 17], [0, 0, 81, 17], [], [], [114, 90, 113, 18], [], [0, 108, 227, 36], [0, 108, 114, 36], [0, 9, 99, 17], [0, 9, 99, 17], [], [], [114, 108, 113, 36], [], [0, 144, 227, 36], [0, 144, 114, 36], [0, 0, 60, 35], [0, 0, 60, 35], [], [], [114, 144, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 180, 227, 36], [0, 180, 114, 36], [0, 0, 89, 35], [0, 0, 89, 35], [], [114, 180, 113, 36], [], [0, 216, 227, 18], [0, 216, 114, 18], [0, 0, 33, 17], [0, 0, 33, 17], [], [], [114, 216, 113, 18], [], [8, 2199, 1264, 194], [8, 2206, 118, 17], [], [8, 2206, 40, 17], [], [], [], [8, 2224, 1264, 162], [8, 2224, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 18, 227, 36], [0, 18, 114, 36], [0, 0, 61, 35], [], [], [114, 18, 113, 36], [], [48, 0, 68, 35], [], [], [0, 54, 227, 54], [0, 54, 114, 54], [0, 18, 107, 17], [], [114, 54, 113, 54], [], [48, 0, 109, 53], [], [], [0, 108, 227, 18], [0, 108, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 18, 114, 0], [114, 108, 113, 18], [], [36, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [0, 126, 227, 36], [0, 126, 114, 36], [0, 0, 70, 35], [], [], [114, 126, 113, 36], [], [36, 9, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 2393, 1264, 0], [8, 2409, 1264, 70], [8, 2409, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2443, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [59, 2481, 0, 17], [], [59, 2495, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 0], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2633, 1264, 36], [], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2719, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2753, 1264, 18], [8, 2753, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2821, 1264, 18], [], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [761, 2907, 106, 17], 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1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1262, 270], [0, 0, 1253, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 71, 76, 79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 110, 116, 117, 119, 125, 127, 129, 132, 136, 140, 142, 144, 144, 145, 154, 155, 157, 162, 164, 188, 190, 207, 209, 215, 217, 229, 231, 245, 247, 248, 249, 264, 267, 274, 289, 292, 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 316, 322, 325, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 344, 347, 351, 356, 362, 368, 371, 380, 383, 383, 388, 391, 396, 399, 399, 404, 407, 412, 415, 415, 420, 420, 423, 424, 425, 430, 430, 432, 437, 440, 445, 446, 454, 457, 461, 461, 464, 466, 466, 471, 473, 475, 475, 475, 481, 484, 486, 491, 491, 494, 496, 501, 503, 504, 505, 516, 516, 516, 517, 518, 521, 522, 523, 525, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 546, 547, 547, 550, 551, 552, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561, 561, 561, 562, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [18, 1004.59375, 280.265625, 14], [298.265625, 1004.59375, 880.640625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 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Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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"BirthMonth", "menu", "ed41cd42-75ab-4c96", "", "a59c99bf-52a3-4b49", "", "Month...", "203d9c16-9e00-4256", "", "January", "2", "7dd93dd3-0b9e-4dea", "", "February", "8ca11b15-99c3-4152", "", "March", "4", "cb2b0bb7-c23c-4c71", "", "April", "66f78931-9e37-46b3", "", "May", "6", "57c8ce6d-3d9b-45a1", "", "June", "7", "38012a26-e6d7-4738", "", "July", "8", "066a59f1-0e4c-441e", "", "August", "9", "09dff9df-3356-4cc7", "", "September", "10", "b35e778d-a2fe-4f39", "", "October", "11", "53bf3097-f31e-4814", "", "November", "56f0d983-cbb7-4144", "", "December", "two columns dateFloat fs-exclude", "ac1d85ab-4deb-4fe6", "", "selectmenu day ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "The field Birth Day must be a number.", "BirthDay", "width:100%", "98d7931d-a7e1-478c", "", "3bd3c2f3-00fd-46bb", "", "Day...", "29365b88-9a55-4c7c", "", "I don't know", "d28ab7bd-e738-46dc", "", "6c3bafd5-b9fd-40de", "", "4c392908-0944-41c0", "", "098773ab-f3a2-497e", "", "daa4de8c-6b30-4677", "", 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"f6e0202e-40d2-432b", "", "Year...", "2023", "6cd4591e-9b55-4d82", "", "2022", "ba3f0a90-9276-42f5", "", "2021", "3739d282-1ebd-4b98", "", "2020", "ac010f8a-7a93-42db", "", "2019", "aa5f5b1c-c0f8-420e", "", "2018", "a2f86800-aa67-4a1e", "", "2017", "83036e4a-5ef6-448b", "", "2016", "318b6f45-b451-4fda", "", "2015", "f447c4cf-f859-48c6", "", "2014", "eaa1db1f-46d4-4da8", "", "2013", "f59bb4d7-5735-4fc2", "", "2012", "c5f192cd-2a90-445a", "", "2011", "7200f7eb-7b56-42ae", "", "2010", "394c4cca-27ca-4e55", "", "2009", "31b0eccf-9157-45d6", "", "2008", "998c2816-9e90-42c6", "", "2007", "593cfe4c-48f3-419f", "", "2006", "e43d4b5e-f271-46cf", "", "2005", "8938b0da-dd44-4e75", "", "2004", "9ff2a9e6-f287-4a98", "", "2003", "b90af0ee-9ec3-4891", "", "2002", "ebdfb1e9-9165-4ae3", "", "2001", "0d539ab9-2dd9-49ef", "", "2000", "1d9811f7-4d13-446c", "", "1999", "ad7dff60-7b9e-4838", "", "f0578bc5-9338-416e", "", "e1b3b355-1369-4317", "", "dae419e3-92d4-4ebf", "", "8745acf6-a782-4e83", "", 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A1A 1A1).", "^([ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnprstvxy]\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz])\\ {0,1}(\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\\d)$", "Postal Code is a required field.", "cd8e8de1-562f-432c", "", "\n\n\n ", "a1d1d60f-171b-43a9", "", "dac7f34a-067a-4cc5", "", "a0e55c4f-f3bc-45e4", "", "a3777db9-4ba1-4fcc", "", "3bb60a4e-babe-4c91", "", "db6194ba-f3a5-4c93", "", "7ca7b4d1-d3d9-492d", "", " ", "ffed692d-8693-4c3e", "", "e3175cc3-4f81-4f5d", "", "af717582-acfc-4c38", "", "fe7c39f5-e776-43d5", "", "\n window.onload = function () {\n $(\"#BreedName\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedName\");\n\n $(\"#BreedId\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedId\");\n\n var ownerInfo = $(\"#ShowOwnerInfo\").val() == \"True\" ? true : false;\n\n if (!ownerInfo) {\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#EmployeeNumber\");\n }\n };\n", "ui-autocomplete ui-front ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "ui-id-1", "291331a6-1b53-4833", "", "566d5c6c-7631-4502", "", "2fa9cf06-35d9-4c30", "", "e69df764-a301-4033", "", "f82cee37-48c2-434c", "", "dfc7c81c-dae7-4efa", "", "3a9dee69-bf29-4cdd", "", "ec127c79-7480-4c7c", "", "f51c7681-662d-4d6a", "", "39c41195-162c-4680", "", "e8528b3a-cd5b-446f", "", "d1eda1a8-f2f5-468f", "", "c6e38130-9cf2-43fe", "", "273fe2d1-c889-4fc6", "", "f4b1713b-7447-46ec", "", "dialog-removepet", "ui-id-6", "position: absolute; top: 196px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "8bc099ef-9481-4a4b", "", "f32c79d7-8d4b-4f6f", "", "2575d955-408b-4119", "", "Remove Pet from Quote?", "9a610dc6-3a74-457e", "", "9a2f05a3-7472-420a", "", "2233b9e4-007c-4a58", "", "data-navigate-url", "/Quote/Pet/RemovePet", "Remove Pet from Quote", "bd2a9386-8954-40af", "", "RemovePetId", "c788c4a9-0563-4e60", "", "RemovePet_Processing", "258934fc-ba23-4548", "", "Removing Pet from the Quote...", "00cb3084-1429-44f7", "", "\n Removing Pet from the Quote...\n ", "RemovePet_Body", "2cfbf3a3-d5a9-4188", "", "954156af-9626-4968", "", "\n Are you sure you want to remove your pet from the quote? The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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[], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 154, 7, 155], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 157, 7, 158], [79, -1, 132, 160, 80, 161, 128, 139, 7, 162], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [80, 185, 7, 186], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 188], [], [], [7, 191], [], [], [7, 194], [], [], [197, 198, 173, 199, 200, 201, 7, 202], [], [197, 204, 7, 205], [], [132, 207, 7, 208], [], [197, 211, 7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [], [50, 224, 7, 225], [], [], [7, 229], [], [50, 232, 7, 233], [], [], [], [], [197, 236, 7, 237], [], [50, 239, 7, 240], [], [197, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [132, 252, 197, 253, 7, 254], [], [7, 257], [], [], [50, 260, 261, 262, 7, 263], [], [7, 265], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 268, 7, 269], [], [197, 271, 7, 272], [], [50, 274, 261, 262, 7, 275], [], [80, 279, 197, 280, 7, 281], [], [], [], [], [132, 283, 7, 284], [], [7, 287], [], [7, 290], [], [], [], [], [197, 293, 7, 294], [], [197, 297, 7, 298], [], [197, 301, 7, 302], [], [], [], [197, 301, 7, 308], [], [], [], [197, 311, 7, 312], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 315, 7, 316], [], [197, 318, 7, 319], [], [132, 322, 197, 323, 7, 324], [], [132, 326, 7, 327], [], [132, 330, 197, 331, 7, 332], [], [132, 335, 197, 336, 7, 337], [], [340, 341, 342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 345, 30, 346, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 350], [], [342, 14, 343, 352, 132, 353, 30, 353, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 355], [], [197, 357, 7, 358], [], [132, 360, 7, 361], [], [197, 365, 7, 366], [], [], [197, 369, 7, 370], [], [197, 372, 7, 373], [], [197, 375, 7, 376], [], [197, 379, 7, 380], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 383], [], [197, 379, 7, 385], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 388], [], [197, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [197, 395, 7, 396], [], [197, 375, 7, 398], [], [197, 401, 7, 402], [], [], [197, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 7, 412], [], [7, 415], [50, 417, 7, 418], [], [], [], [], [197, 422, 7, 423], [], [7, 425], [197, 401, 7, 428], [], [], [], [197, 401, 7, 432], [], [197, 435, 7, 436], [], [], [], [197, 439, 406, 440, 408, 441, 410, 411, 7, 442], [], [7, 444], [50, 446, 7, 447], [], [], [], [], [197, 450, 7, 451], [], [197, 379, 7, 453], [], [], [197, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [], [197, 460, 7, 461], [], [132, 463, 464, 465, 197, 465, 50, 466, 7, 467], [], [197, 469, 7, 470], [], [], [7, 473], [], [], [], [], [197, 477, 7, 478], [], [197, 480, 7, 481], [], [197, 483, 7, 484], [], [], [197, 487, 7, 488], [], [], [197, 491, 7, 492], [], [], [], [197, 495, 7, 496], [], [197, 498, 7, 499], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 503], [], [197, 498, 7, 505], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 508], [], [197, 510, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 514], [], [7, 517], [], [173, 519, 7, 520], [], [], [], [7, 523], [], [197, 372, 7, 526], [], [529, 530, 531, 532, 132, 533, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 537], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 540], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 544], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 549], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 554], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 558], [342, 14, 343, 560, 132, 561, 30, 561, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 562], [342, 14, 343, 564, 132, 565, 30, 565, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 567], [132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 570], [], [132, 335, 7, 573], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [197, 578, 7, 579], [], [132, 581, 7, 582], [], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 585, 30, 586, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 587], [], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 591], [], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 595], [], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 601], [], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 603, 30, 604, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 605], [], [197, 608, 7, 609], [], [197, 611, 7, 612], [], [], [], [197, 365, 7, 616], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 619], [], [197, 621, 7, 622], [], [197, 401, 7, 624], [197, 611, 7, 626], [], [629, 630, 7, 631], [], [], [], [197, 634, 7, 635], [], [197, 638, 342, 14, 343, 639, 132, 630, 30, 640, 641, 14, 642, 566, 7, 643], [348, -1, 7, 646], [], [], [348, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [348, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [348, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [348, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [348, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 670], [], [197, 672, 673, 640, 674, 14, 7, 675], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 678], [], [680, 681, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 687, 30, 688, 689, 690, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 695, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 698], [], [197, 669, 7, 700], [], [197, 672, 673, 688, 674, 14, 7, 702], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 704], [], [680, 706, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 709, 30, 710, 689, 711, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 712, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 713], [], [197, 669, 7, 715], [], [197, 672, 673, 710, 674, 14, 7, 717], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 719], [], [197, 677, 7, 721], [], [197, 401, 7, 723], [197, 611, 7, 725], [], [629, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 732], [], [342, 14, 682, 734, 684, 735, 343, 736, 132, 727, 30, 737, 689, 738, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 739], [], [197, 669, 7, 741], [], [197, 672, 673, 737, 674, 14, 7, 743], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 745], [], [197, 747, 7, 748], [], [342, 14, 682, 750, 684, 735, 343, 751, 132, 752, 30, 753, 689, 754, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 755], [], [197, 669, 7, 757], [], [197, 672, 673, 753, 674, 14, 7, 759], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 761], [], [197, 763, 7, 764], [], [342, 14, 343, 767, 132, 768, 30, 769, 48, 347, 348, 770, 7, 771], [], [197, 773, 7, 774], [], [], [132, 777, 30, 778, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 779], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 781], [], [197, 677, 7, 783], [], [197, 401, 7, 785], [197, 611, 7, 787], [], [629, 789, 7, 790], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 793], [], [197, 795, 342, 14, 343, 796, 132, 789, 30, 797, 48, 798, 348, -1, 7, 799], [], [197, 669, 7, 801], [], [197, 672, 673, 797, 674, 14, 7, 803], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 805], [], [197, 677, 7, 807], [], [197, 401, 7, 809], [197, 611, 7, 811], [], [629, 813, 7, 814], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 817], [], [680, 819, 342, 14, 682, 820, 684, 735, 821, 822, 823, 824, 343, 825, 132, 813, 30, 826, 48, 691, 348, 827, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 828], [], [197, 669, 7, 830], [], [197, 672, 673, 826, 674, 14, 7, 832], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 343, 834, 132, 835, 30, 836, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 837], [], [], [], [], [197, 839, 7, 840], [], [197, 843, 7, 844], [], [197, 847, 7, 848], [], [132, 851, 7, 852], [], [7, 855], [], [197, 365, 7, 858], [], [], [7, 862], [], [7, 865], [], [], [132, 868, 197, 869, 7, 870], [], [197, 872, 873, 874, 7, 875], [], [], [], [197, 880, 873, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 14, 7, 889], [50, 891, 197, 892, 873, 893, 882, 894, 132, 887, 7, 895], [], [], [197, 898, 873, 881, 882, 894, 884, 899, 886, 900, 888, 566, 7, 901], [50, 903, 197, 892, 873, 893, 882, 894, 132, 900, 7, 904], [], [], [], [340, 908, 342, 14, 343, 909, 132, 908, 30, 908, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 910], [], [132, 885, 886, 887, 197, 912, 873, 913, 914, 14, 915, 566, 7, 916], [], [7, 919], [], [], [132, 923, 924, 925, 7, 926], [], [197, 372, 7, 928], [], [197, 375, 7, 930], [], [197, 932, 7, 933], [629, 935, 7, 936], [], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 939], [], [197, 941, 342, 14, 682, 942, 684, 735, 343, 943, 132, 935, 30, 935, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 944], [], [197, 946, 7, 947], [], [197, 672, 673, 935, 674, 14, 7, 949], [], [], [], [], [197, 951, 7, 952], [], [], [], [132, 956, 197, 957, 173, 958, 7, 959], [], [132, 961, 7, 962], [], [132, 965, 80, 966, 967, 883, 173, 958, 7, 968], [], [], [], [197, 372, 132, 970, 173, 971, 7, 972], [], [197, 375, 7, 974], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 977], [], [132, 979, 197, 980, 7, 981], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 983], [], [197, 375, 7, 985], [], [], [197, 987, 7, 988], [], [342, 14, 990, 991, 343, 992, 993, 993, 132, 994, 30, 994, 48, 995, 348, 14, 7, 996], [30, 994, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 998], [], [197, 1000, 132, 1001, 7, 1002], [], [197, 1004, 7, 1005], [], [7, 1007], [], [132, 1010, 50, 466, 7, 1011], [], [197, 1014, 7, 1015], [], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 1019], [], [197, 672, 673, 994, 674, 14, 7, 1021], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 899, 886, 900, 197, 912, 873, 913, 914, 566, 915, 14, 173, 971, 7, 1023], [], [924, 1025, 7, 1026], [], [7, 1028], [], [7, 1030], [], [197, 932, 7, 1032], [197, 611, 7, 1034], [], [629, 935, 7, 1037], [], [], [197, 941, 132, 935, 30, 935, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1039], [], [197, 946, 7, 1041], [], [197, 672, 673, 935, 674, 14, 7, 1043], [], [], [], [7, 1045], [], [197, 1047, 1048, 1049, 464, 1050, 7, 1051], [], [1048, 1049, 464, 1050, 50, 466, 882, 894, 7, 1053], [], [197, 1055, 7, 1056], [], [], [], [], [7, 1059], [], [197, 1061, 7, 1062], [197, 611, 7, 1064], [], [629, 1066, 7, 1067], [], [], [197, 1070, 342, 14, 682, 1071, 684, 1072, 1073, 1072, 821, 1074, 823, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 908, 1079, 565, 1080, 14, 1081, 566, 132, 1066, 1082, 1072, 30, 1066, 48, 798, 348, -1, 7, 1083], [], [197, 946, 7, 1085], [], [197, 672, 673, 1066, 674, 14, 7, 1087], [], [], [], [7, 1089], [], [197, 932, 7, 1091], [197, 611, 7, 1093], [], [629, 1095, 7, 1096], [], [], [197, 1070, 342, 14, 682, 1099, 684, 1100, 1073, 1100, 821, 1101, 823, 1102, 1076, 1103, 1078, 908, 1079, 565, 1080, 14, 1081, 566, 132, 1095, 1082, 1100, 30, 1095, 48, 798, 348, -1, 7, 1104], [], [197, 946, 7, 1106], [], [197, 672, 673, 1095, 674, 14, 7, 1108], [], [], [], [7, 1110], [], [197, 932, 7, 1112], [], [197, 611, 7, 1114], [], [629, 1116, 7, 1117], [], [], [], [197, 1070, 342, 14, 821, 1120, 823, 1121, 1076, 1122, 1078, 908, 1079, 565, 1080, 14, 1081, 566, 132, 1116, 1082, 1123, 30, 1116, 48, 798, 348, -1, 7, 1124], [], [197, 946, 7, 1126], [], [197, 672, 673, 1116, 674, 14, 7, 1128], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1132, 7, 1133], [], [7, 1135], [], [], [197, 1137, 7, 1138], [], [1140, 1141, 342, 14, 990, 1142, 343, 1143, 993, 993, 132, 1144, 30, 1144, 48, 995, 348, 14, 7, 1145], [30, 1144, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1147], [], [197, 1000, 132, 1150, 7, 1151], [], [197, 1153, 629, 1154, 7, 1155], [], [132, 1158, 7, 1159], [], [7, 1162], [132, 1164, 50, 466, 7, 1165], [], [132, 1164, 50, 466, 7, 1168], [197, 1014, 7, 1170], [], [], [], [197, 1174, 7, 1175], [197, 1177, 7, 1178], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 672, 673, 1144, 674, 14, 7, 1182], [], [], [], [7, 1184], [], [], [197, 1137, 7, 1186], [], [30, 1188, 342, 14, 343, 1189, 132, 1190, 48, 995, 348, 14, 7, 1191], [30, 1190, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1193], [], [197, 1000, 132, 1196, 7, 1197], [], [173, 1199, 197, 1153, 629, 1154, 7, 1200], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1204, 7, 1205], [], [197, 331, 7, 1207], [], [197, 1210, 48, 1211, 1212, 1213, 7, 1214], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1218], [], [], [], [80, 1221, 7, 1222], [], [], [132, 1225, 197, 253, 7, 1226], [], [197, 1229, 7, 1230], [], [197, 1232, 7, 1233], [], [7, 1236], [], [], [197, 1239, 7, 1240], [], [132, 1242, 7, 1243], [], [197, 372, 7, 1245], [], [197, 1247, 7, 1248], [], [7, 1250], [], [], [], [197, 1252, 7, 1253], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1256, 7, 1257], [], [1260, 1261, 1262, 883, 1263, 883, 1264, 883, 7, 1265], [], [7, 1268], [7, 1271], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1275], [], [197, 401, 7, 1277], [629, 1279, 7, 1280], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1284], [], [], [], [7, 1287], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1289], [], [197, 401, 7, 1291], [629, 1293, 7, 1294], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1297], [], [], [], [7, 1300], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1302], [], [197, 401, 7, 1304], [629, 1306, 7, 1307], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1310], [], [], [], [7, 1313], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1315], [], [197, 401, 7, 1317], [629, 1319, 7, 1320], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1323], [], [], [], [7, 1326], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1328], [], [197, 401, 7, 1330], [629, 1332, 7, 1333], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1336], [], [], [], [7, 1339], [], [197, 1274, 7, 1341], [], [197, 401, 7, 1343], [629, 1345, 7, 1346], [], [], [], [197, 1283, 7, 1349], [], [7, 1352], [], [], [], [7, 1355], [], [7, 1357], [197, 1359, 7, 1360], [629, 1362, 7, 1363], [], [], [197, 1366, 7, 1367], [], [], [], [173, 1370, 7, 1371], [], [173, 1373, 7, 1374], [197, 401, 7, 1376], [629, 1378, 7, 1379], [], [], [], [173, 1382, 7, 1383], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1256, 173, 1385, 7, 1386], [], [197, 1388, 50, 466, 46, 1389, 7, 1390], [], [197, 1392, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1396, 7, 1397], [], [], [], [132, 1389, 197, 1401, 7, 1402], [], [1260, 1261, 1262, 883, 1263, 883, 1264, 883, 7, 1405], [], [7, 1407], [7, 1409], [], [173, 1373, 197, 1274, 7, 1411], [], [197, 401, 7, 1413], [], [], [], [173, 1382, 197, 1274, 7, 1416], [], [], [], [7, 1419], [], [173, 1373, 197, 1274, 7, 1421], [197, 401, 7, 1423], [], [], [], [173, 1382, 197, 1274, 7, 1426], [], [7, 1429], [], [], [], [], [7, 1432], [], [7, 1434], [], [197, 401, 7, 1436], [], [], [7, 1440], [], [7, 1442], [], [], [], [], [7, 1446], [], [7, 1448], [197, 401, 7, 1450], [197, 1452, 7, 1453], [], [7, 1456], [], [7, 1458], [], [7, 1461], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1465], [], [7, 1467], [], [197, 401, 7, 1469], [], [], [], [7, 1472], [], [7, 1475], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1477, 7, 1478], [], [], [197, 1480, 7, 1481], [], [7, 1484], [], [7, 1487], [], [7, 1490], [], [], [], [173, 1493, 7, 1494], [], [197, 1496, 80, 1497, 7, 1498], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1501, 7, 1502], [], [197, 1504, 7, 1505], [], [197, 1507, 7, 1508], [], [132, 1510, 7, 1511], [], [7, 1513], [], [7, 1516], [], [50, 1519, 261, 262, 7, 1520], [7, 1523], [], [], [], [7, 1528], [], [7, 1531], [], [50, 1534, 261, 262, 7, 1535], [7, 1537], [], [], [7, 1541], [], [7, 1544], [], [7, 1546], [], [7, 1548], [], [], [7, 1551], [], [7, 1553], [], [], [7, 1557], [], [7, 1559], [], [7, 1561], [], [50, 1564, 261, 262, 7, 1565], [7, 1567], [], [], [50, 1571, 261, 262, 7, 1572], [7, 1574], [], [], [7, 1578], [], [197, 1580, 7, 1581], [], [7, 1583], [], [7, 1586], [], [50, 1519, 261, 262, 1589, 1590, 1212, 1590, 7, 1591], [7, 1593], [], [], [7, 1596], [], [197, 1580, 173, 1598, 7, 1599], [], [50, 1601, 261, 262, 1589, 1602, 1212, 1602, 7, 1603], [], [], [50, 1606, 261, 262, 1212, 1607, 7, 1608], [], [], [50, 1610, 261, 262, 7, 1611], [], [], [7, 1614], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1619, 48, 87, 7, 1620], [], [80, 1622, 48, 87, 7, 1623], [], [80, 1625, 48, 87, 7, 1626], [], [80, 1628, 48, 87, 7, 1629], [], [80, 1631, 48, 87, 7, 1632], [], [80, 1634, 48, 87, 7, 1635], [], [80, 1637, 48, 87, 7, 1638], [], [80, 1640, 48, 87, 7, 1641], [], [80, 1643, 48, 87, 7, 1644], [], [80, 1646, 7, 1647], [], [80, 1221, 7, 1650], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1653], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1657], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1661], [], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 1667, 886, 1668, 173, 1669, 7, 1670], [197, 1672, 7, 1673], [132, 1668, 197, 1675, 7, 1676], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 1683], [197, 1685, 7, 1686], [197, 1688, 7, 1689], [], [132, 1667, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 1701], [], [132, 1704, 7, 1705], [], [529, 1692, 531, 1694, 132, 1707, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1708], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1710], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1712], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1714, 30, 1714, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 1715], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1717], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 1719], [], [173, 1721, 7, 1722], [], [7, 1724], [], [197, 1726, 7, 1727], [], [197, 1730, 342, 14, 343, 1731, 132, 1732, 30, 1732, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1733], [], [197, 672, 673, 1732, 674, 14, 173, 1735, 7, 1736], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 1741], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 1744], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 1747], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 1750], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 1753], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 1756], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 1759], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 1762], [197, 1764, 7, 1765], [197, 1767, 7, 1768], [48, 1679, 197, 1770, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 1771], [197, 1688, 7, 1773], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 1776], [197, 1688, 7, 1778], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 465, 886, 1780, 173, 1781, 7, 1782], [197, 1672, 7, 1784], [132, 1780, 197, 1675, 7, 1786], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 1789], [197, 1685, 7, 1791], [197, 1688, 7, 1793], [], [132, 465, 1695, 1795, 1697, 1698, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 1796], [], [132, 1798, 173, 971, 7, 1799], [], [1589, 1801, 80, 1802, 7, 1803], [], [], [132, 1806, 7, 1807], [], [197, 502, 7, 1810], [], [529, 1812, 531, 1813, 132, 1814, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1815], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1817], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1819], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1821], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1823], [132, 1825, 30, 1825, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1826], [342, 14, 343, 1828, 132, 1829, 30, 1829, 48, 347, 348, 1830, 7, 1831], [342, 14, 343, 1833, 132, 1834, 30, 1834, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 1835], [132, 1732, 30, 1732, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1837], [342, 14, 343, 1839, 132, 1840, 30, 1840, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1841], [342, 14, 990, 1843, 343, 1844, 132, 1845, 30, 1845, 48, 347, 348, 1830, 7, 1846], [132, 1840, 30, 1840, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1848], [132, 1845, 30, 1845, 48, 347, 348, 1830, 7, 1850], [], [197, -1, 173, -1, 7, 1853], [], [7, 1855], [], [197, 372, 7, 1857], [], [197, 375, 7, 1859], [], [197, 401, 7, 1861], [629, 1863, 7, 1864], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 1868], [], [342, 14, 682, 1870, 684, 685, 343, 1871, 132, 1863, 30, 1863, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1872], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 1875], [], [197, 669, 7, 1877], [], [197, 1879, 673, 1863, 674, 14, 7, 1880], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1882], [], [197, 1884, 7, 1885], [], [197, 375, 7, 1887], [], [197, 401, 7, 1889], [629, 1891, 197, 1892, 7, 1893], [], [], [], [197, 1896, 7, 1897], [], [197, 1899, 7, 1900], [], [197, 1902, 1903, 1891, 342, 14, 343, 1904, 132, 1891, 30, 1891, 48, 1905, 348, 1906, 7, 1907], [], [629, 1909, 197, 1910, 7, 1911], [], [197, 1252, 7, 1913], [], [], [], [197, 1899, 7, 1916], [], [197, 1902, 1903, 1891, 132, 1891, 30, 1891, 48, 1905, 348, 1918, 7, 1919], [], [629, 1921, 197, 1922, 7, 1923], [], [197, 1925, 7, 1926], [], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 1929], [], [197, 669, 7, 1931], [], [197, 1879, 673, 1891, 674, 14, 7, 1933], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1935], [], [197, 372, 7, 1937], [], [197, 375, 7, 1939], [], [197, 401, 7, 1941], [629, 1943, 7, 1944], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 1946], [], [873, 1948, 1949, 1950, 197, 1951, 7, 1952], [1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 132, 1960, 30, 1960, 173, 1961, 48, 691, 348, -1, 197, 1962, 1963, 1964, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1965], [], [340, 1943, 342, 14, 343, 1967, 132, 1943, 30, 1943, 173, 971, 48, 691, 348, 553, 7, 1968], [], [132, 1970, 173, 199, 197, 1971, 7, 1972], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 1975], [], [197, 1977, 7, 1978], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 1981], [], [197, 1983, 7, 1984], [], [197, 1986, 673, 1943, 674, 14, 7, 1987], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1989], [], [197, 372, 7, 1991], [], [197, 375, 7, 1993], [], [197, 401, 7, 1995], [], [629, 1997, 7, 1998], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 2003, 7, 2004], [], [197, 2006, 342, 14, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 1123, 2012, 2013, 343, 2014, 132, 2015, 30, 2015, 873, 2016, 882, 883, 7, 2017], [348, -1, 7, 2019], [], [], [348, 2013, 7, 2022], [], [], [348, 2025, 7, 2026], [], [], [348, 1100, 7, 2029], [], [], [348, 2032, 7, 2033], [], [], [348, 1072, 7, 2036], [], [], [348, 2039, 7, 2040], [], [], [348, 2043, 7, 2044], [], [], [348, 2047, 7, 2048], [], [], [348, 2051, 7, 2052], [], [], [348, 2055, 7, 2056], [], [], [348, 2059, 7, 2060], [], [], [348, 1123, 7, 2063], [], [], [], [], [197, 2066, 7, 2067], [], [197, 2069, 342, 14, 2007, 2070, 132, 2071, 30, 2071, 173, 2072, 873, 2016, 882, 883, 7, 2073], [348, -1, 7, 2075], [], [], [348, 894, 7, 2078], [], [], [348, 2013, 7, 2081], [], [], [348, 2025, 7, 2083], [], [], [348, 1100, 7, 2085], [], [], [348, 2032, 7, 2087], [], [], [348, 1072, 7, 2089], [], [], [348, 2039, 7, 2091], [], [], [348, 2043, 7, 2093], [], [], [348, 2047, 7, 2095], [], [], [348, 2051, 7, 2097], [], [], [348, 2055, 7, 2099], [], [], [348, 2059, 7, 2101], [], [], [348, 1123, 7, 2103], [], [], [348, 2105, 7, 2106], [], [], [348, 2108, 7, 2109], [], [], [348, 2111, 7, 2112], [], [], [348, 2114, 7, 2115], [], [], [348, 2117, 7, 2118], [], [], [348, 2120, 7, 2121], [], [], [348, 2123, 7, 2124], [], [], [348, 2126, 7, 2127], [], [], [348, 2129, 7, 2130], [], [], [348, 2132, 7, 2133], [], [], [348, 2135, 7, 2136], [], [], [348, 2138, 7, 2139], [], [], [348, 2141, 7, 2142], [], [], [348, 2144, 7, 2145], [], [], [348, 2147, 7, 2148], [], [], [348, 2150, 7, 2151], [], [], [348, 2153, 7, 2154], [], [], [348, 2156, 7, 2157], [], [], [348, 2159, 7, 2160], [], [], [], [], [197, 2066, 7, 2162], [], [197, 2164, 342, 14, 2007, 2165, 343, 2166, 132, 2167, 30, 2167, 873, 2016, 882, 883, 7, 2168], [348, -1, 7, 2170], [], [], [348, 2173, 7, 2174], [], [], [348, 2176, 7, 2177], [], [], [348, 2179, 7, 2180], [], [], [348, 2182, 7, 2183], [], [], [348, 2185, 7, 2186], [], [], [348, 2188, 7, 2189], [], [], [348, 2191, 7, 2192], [], [], [348, 2194, 7, 2195], [], [], [348, 2197, 7, 2198], [], [], [348, 2200, 7, 2201], [], [], [348, 2203, 7, 2204], [], [], [348, 2206, 7, 2207], [], [], [348, 2209, 7, 2210], [], [], [348, 2212, 7, 2213], [], [], [348, 2215, 7, 2216], [], [], [348, 2218, 7, 2219], [], [], [348, 2221, 7, 2222], [], [], [348, 2224, 7, 2225], [], [], [348, 2227, 7, 2228], [], [], [348, 2230, 7, 2231], [], [], [348, 2233, 7, 2234], [], [], [348, 2236, 7, 2237], [], [], [348, 2239, 7, 2240], [], [], [348, 2242, 7, 2243], [], [], [348, 2245, 7, 2246], [], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 2248], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2250], [], [197, 1879, 673, 2015, 674, 14, 7, 2252], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 2254], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2256], [], [197, 1879, 673, 2167, 674, 14, 7, 2258], [], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 2260], [], [197, 669, 7, 2262], [], [132, 2264, 173, 199, 197, 1971, 7, 2265], [], [], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 2268, 684, 2043, 1073, 2039, 821, 2269, 823, 2270, 343, 2271, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 2272], [], [7, 2275], [], [197, 372, 7, 2277], [], [197, 375, 7, 2279], [], [197, 401, 7, 2281], [], [629, 819, 7, 2283], [], [], [], [], [197, 1867, 7, 2285], [], [342, 14, 682, 820, 684, 735, 821, 822, 823, 824, 132, 819, 30, 819, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2287], [], [], [197, 1874, 7, 2290], [], [197, 669, 7, 2292], [], [197, 1879, 673, 819, 674, 14, 7, 2294], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2296], [], [], [], [197, 2299, 132, 2300, 882, 883, 1681, 566, 173, 971, 7, 2301], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2303], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2305], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2307], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2309], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2311], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2313], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2315], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2317], [197, 1764, 7, 2319], [197, 1767, 7, 2321], [48, 1679, 197, 1770, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2323], [197, 1688, 7, 2325], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2327], [197, 1688, 7, 2329], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2331, 886, 2332, 173, 2333, 7, 2334], [197, 1672, 7, 2336], [132, 2332, 197, 1675, 7, 2338], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2341], [197, 1685, 7, 2343], [197, 1688, 7, 2345], [], [132, 2331, 2347, 2348, 1695, 2349, 1697, 1698, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2350], [], [48, 347, 340, 2352, 7, 2353], [], [132, 2355, 173, 971, 7, 2356], [], [1589, 2358, 80, 1802, 7, 2359], [], [], [132, 2362, 7, 2363], [], [48, 347, 340, 2352, 7, 2365], [], [7, 2368], [7, 2370], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2373], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2375], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2377], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2379], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2381], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2383], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2385], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2387], [197, 1764, 7, 2389], [197, 1767, 7, 2391], [48, 1679, 197, 1770, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2393], [197, 1688, 7, 2395], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2397], [197, 1688, 7, 2399], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2401, 886, 2402, 173, 2403, 7, 2404], [197, 1672, 7, 2406], [132, 2402, 197, 1675, 7, 2408], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2411], [197, 1685, 7, 2413], [197, 1688, 7, 2415], [], [132, 2401, 1695, 2417, 1697, 1698, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2418], [], [132, 2420, 173, 971, 7, 2421], [], [1589, 2423, 80, 1802, 7, 2424], [], [], [132, 2427, 7, 2428], [], [529, 2431, 132, 2432, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 2433], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 2435], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 2437], [340, 2439, 342, 14, 343, 2440, 132, 2441, 30, 2441, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2442], [340, 2444, 342, 14, 343, 2445, 132, 2446, 30, 2446, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2447], [340, 2449, 342, 14, 343, 2450, 132, 2451, 30, 2451, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2452], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1714, 30, 1714, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 2454], [], [173, 2456, 7, 2457], [], [], [132, 2460, 7, 2461], [], [7, 2463], [], [7, 2465], [], [629, 1863, 7, 2467], [], [], [], [7, 2470], [], [629, 1960, 7, 2472], [], [], [], [7, 2474], [], [629, 2476, 7, 2477], [], [], [], [7, 2479], [], [629, 556, 7, 2481], [], [], [], [], [7, 2483], [], [7, 2485], [], [629, 681, 7, 2487], [], [], [680, 2489, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 681, 30, 681, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2490], [], [173, 2492, 7, 2493], [], [197, 672, 673, 681, 674, 14, 173, 2495, 7, 2496], [], [], [], [7, 2498], [], [629, 706, 7, 2500], [], [], [680, 2502, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 706, 30, 706, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2503], [], [173, 2492, 7, 2505], [], [197, 672, 673, 706, 674, 14, 173, 2495, 7, 2507], [], [], [], [7, 2509], [], [629, 819, 7, 2511], [], [], [680, 2514, 342, 14, 682, 820, 684, 735, 821, 822, 823, 824, 343, 825, 132, 819, 30, 819, 48, 691, 348, 827, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2515], [], [173, 2492, 7, 2517], [], [197, 672, 673, 819, 674, 14, 173, 2495, 7, 2519], [], [], [], [7, 2521], [], [629, 2523, 7, 2524], [], [], [197, 795, 342, 14, 343, 796, 132, 2523, 30, 2523, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2527], [], [173, 2492, 7, 2529], [], [197, 672, 673, 2523, 674, 14, 173, 2495, 7, 2531], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2533], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2535], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2537], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2539], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2541], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2543], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2545], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2547], [197, 1764, 7, 2549], [197, 1767, 7, 2551], [48, 1679, 197, 1770, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2553], [197, 1688, 7, 2555], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2557], [197, 1688, 7, 2559], [], [197, 2561, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2562, 886, 2563, 173, 2564, 7, 2565], [197, 1672, 7, 2567], [132, 2563, 197, 1675, 7, 2569], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2571], [197, 1685, 7, 2573], [197, 1688, 7, 2575], [], [132, 2562, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 2577], [], [197, 2579, 7, 2580], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2582, 886, 2583, 173, 2584, 7, 2585], [197, 1672, 7, 2587], [132, 2583, 197, 1675, 7, 2589], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2592], [197, 1685, 7, 2594], [197, 1688, 7, 2596], [], [132, 2582, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2598], [], [7, 2601], [], [7, 2603], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2606], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2608], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2610], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2612], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2614], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2616], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2618], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2620], [197, 1764, 7, 2622], [197, 1767, 7, 2624], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2626], [197, 1688, 7, 2628], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2631, 886, 2632, 173, 2633, 7, 2634], [197, 1672, 7, 2636], [132, 2632, 197, 1675, 7, 2638], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2640], [197, 1685, 7, 2642], [197, 1688, 7, 2644], [], [132, 2631, 2646, 2630, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2647], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2650], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2652], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2654], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2656], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2658], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2660], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2662], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2664], [197, 1764, 7, 2666], [197, 1767, 7, 2668], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2670], [197, 1688, 7, 2672], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 1050, 886, 2674, 173, 2675, 7, 2676], [197, 1672, 7, 2678], [132, 2674, 197, 1675, 7, 2680], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2683], [197, 1685, 7, 2685], [197, 1688, 7, 2687], [], [132, 1050, 2646, 2630, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2689], [], [1589, 2682, 80, 2691, 7, 2692], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2694], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2696], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2698], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2700], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2702], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2704], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2706], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2708], [197, 1764, 7, 2710], [197, 1767, 7, 2712], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2714], [197, 1688, 7, 2716], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2718, 886, 2719, 173, 2720, 7, 2721], [197, 1672, 7, 2723], [132, 2719, 197, 1675, 7, 2725], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2728], [197, 1685, 7, 2730], [197, 1688, 7, 2732], [], [132, 2718, 2646, 2630, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2734], [], [1589, 2682, 80, 2736, 7, 2737], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2739], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2741], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2743], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2745], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2747], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2749], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2751], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2753], [197, 1764, 7, 2755], [197, 1767, 7, 2757], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2759], [197, 1688, 7, 2761], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2763, 886, 2764, 173, 2765, 7, 2766], [197, 1672, 7, 2768], [132, 2764, 197, 1675, 7, 2770], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2773], [197, 1685, 7, 2775], [197, 1688, 7, 2777], [], [132, 2763, 2646, 2630, 173, 1699, 197, 1700, 7, 2779], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2782], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2784], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2786], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2788], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2790], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2792], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2794], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2796], [197, 1764, 7, 2798], [197, 1767, 7, 2800], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2803], [197, 1688, 7, 2805], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2807, 886, 2808, 173, 2809, 7, 2810], [197, 1672, 7, 2812], [132, 2808, 197, 1675, 7, 2814], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 2817], [197, 1685, 7, 2819], [197, 1688, 7, 2821], [], [132, 2807, 2646, 2630, 173, 2823, 197, 1700, 7, 2824], [], [132, 1167, 197, 2827, 7, 2828], [], [7, 2830], [], [197, 2832, 7, 2833], [], [7, 2835], [197, 2837, 7, 2838], [197, 2840, 7, 2841], [], [], [7, 2844], [197, 2837, 7, 2846], [197, 2840, 7, 2848], [], [50, 2851, 261, 262, 7, 2852], [], [], [], [7, 2854], [197, 2837, 7, 2856], [197, 2840, 7, 2858], [], [], [7, 2861], [197, 2837, 7, 2863], [197, 2840, 7, 2865], [], [], [7, 2868], [197, 2837, 7, 2870], [197, 2840, 7, 2872], [], [7, 2875], [], [7, 2878], [7, 2880], [], [7, 2883], [7, 2885], [], [7, 2888], [7, 2890], [], [7, 2893], [7, 2895], [], [], [], [7, 2898], [197, 2837, 7, 2900], [197, 2840, 7, 2902], [], [50, 2905, 261, 262, 7, 2906], [], [], [], [7, 2910], [197, 2837, 7, 2912], [197, 2840, 7, 2914], [], [], [7, 2917], [197, 2837, 7, 2919], [197, 2840, 7, 2921], [], [50, 2924, 261, 262, 7, 2925], [], [], [], [], [2929, 14, 173, 971, 7, 2930], [], [173, 2933, 7, 2934], [7, 2936], [173, 2938, 7, 2939], [7, 2941], [], [173, 2944, 7, 2945], [], [173, 2948, 7, 2949], [], [173, 2952, 7, 2953], [], [7, 2956], [7, 2958], [], [173, 2944, 7, 2960], [], [173, 2948, 7, 2963], [], [173, 2948, 7, 2966], [], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 2969], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 2971], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 2973], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 2975], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 2977], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 2979], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 2981], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 2983], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 2985], [197, 1764, 7, 2987], [197, 1767, 7, 2989], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 2991], [197, 1688, 7, 2993], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 2995, 886, 2996, 173, 2809, 7, 2997], [197, 1672, 7, 2999], [132, 2996, 197, 1675, 7, 3001], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3004], [197, 1685, 7, 3006], [197, 1688, 7, 3008], [], [132, 2995, 2646, 2630, 173, 2823, 197, 1700, 7, 3010], [], [132, 1167, 197, 2827, 7, 3013], [], [197, 502, 7, 3015], [], [7, 3017], [7, 3019], [], [], [197, 3022, 7, 3023], [], [], [197, 3026, 7, 3027], [], [], [197, 2832, 7, 3030], [], [7, 3032], [197, 2837, 7, 3034], [197, 2840, 7, 3036], [], [173, 3039, 7, 3040], [], [], [173, 3039, 7, 3044], [], [], [], [7, 3048], [197, 2837, 7, 3050], [197, 2840, 7, 3052], [], [], [7, 3055], [197, 2837, 7, 3057], [197, 2840, 7, 3059], [], [], [7, 3062], [197, 2837, 7, 3064], [197, 2840, 7, 3066], [], [], [7, 3069], [197, 2837, 7, 3071], [197, 2840, 7, 3073], [], [], [7, 3076], [197, 2837, 7, 3078], [197, 2840, 7, 3080], [], [], [7, 3083], [197, 2837, 7, 3085], [197, 2840, 7, 3087], [], [], [7, 3090], [197, 2837, 7, 3092], [197, 2840, 7, 3094], [], [], [7, 3097], [197, 2837, 7, 3099], [197, 2840, 7, 3101], [], [], [7, 3104], [197, 2837, 7, 3106], [197, 2840, 7, 3108], [], [], [7, 3111], [197, 2837, 7, 3113], [197, 2840, 7, 3115], [], [], [7, 3118], [197, 2837, 7, 3120], [197, 2840, 7, 3122], [], [], [7, 3125], [197, 2837, 7, 3127], [197, 2840, 7, 3129], [], [], [7, 3132], [197, 2837, 7, 3134], [197, 2840, 7, 3136], [], [], [7, 3139], [197, 2837, 7, 3141], [197, 2840, 7, 3143], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 3146], [], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 3148], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 3150], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 3152], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 3154], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 3156], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 3158], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 3160], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 3162], [197, 1764, 7, 3164], [197, 1767, 7, 3166], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3168], [197, 1688, 7, 3170], [], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3172, 886, 3173, 173, 3174, 7, 3175], [197, 1672, 7, 3177], [132, 3173, 197, 1675, 7, 3179], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3182], [197, 1685, 7, 3184], [197, 1688, 7, 3186], [], [197, 1764, 7, 3188], [197, 1767, 7, 3190], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3192], [197, 1688, 7, 3194], [], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3197], [197, 1688, 7, 3199], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 3201], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 3203], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 3205], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 3207], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 3209], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 3211], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 3213], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 3215], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3217, 886, 3218, 173, 3174, 7, 3219], [197, 1672, 7, 3221], [132, 3218, 197, 1675, 7, 3223], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3226], [197, 1685, 7, 3228], [197, 1688, 7, 3230], [], [197, 1764, 7, 3232], [197, 1767, 7, 3234], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3236], [197, 1688, 7, 3238], [], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3240], [197, 1688, 7, 3242], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740, 7, 3244], [197, 1743, 173, 1740, 7, 3246], [197, 1746, 173, 1740, 7, 3248], [197, 1749, 173, 1740, 7, 3250], [197, 1752, 173, 1740, 7, 3252], [197, 1755, 173, 1740, 7, 3254], [197, 1758, 173, 1740, 7, 3256], [197, 1761, 173, 1740, 7, 3258], [197, 3260, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3261, 886, 3262, 173, 971, 7, 3263], [197, 1672, 7, 3265], [132, 3262, 197, 1675, 7, 3267], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3270], [197, 1685, 7, 3272], [197, 1688, 7, 3274], [], [197, 1764, 7, 3276], [197, 1767, 7, 3278], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3280], [197, 1688, 7, 3282], [], [197, 3260, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3284, 886, 3285, 173, 971, 7, 3286], [197, 1672, 7, 3288], [132, 3285, 197, 1675, 7, 3290], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682, 7, 3292], [197, 1685, 7, 3294], [197, 1688, 7, 3296], [], [197, 1764, 7, 3298], [197, 1767, 7, 3300], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 7, 3302], [197, 1688, 7, 3304], [], [173, 3306, 7, 3307], [], [48, 87, 7, 3309], [], [], [173, 3306, 7, 3312], [7, 3314], [], [173, 3306, 7, 3317], [], [48, 87, 7, 3319], [], [], [882, 894, 915, 14, 873, 893, 1212, 3321, 30, 3322, 132, 3322, 80, 3323, 173, 3324, 7, 3325], [132, 3327, 80, 3328, 7, 3329], [173, 3332, 7, 3333], [3335, 3336, 173, 3337, 7, 3338], [173, 3340, 7, 3341], [46, 55, 50, 3343, 7, 3344], [173, 3337, 7, 3346], [173, 3340, 7, 3348], [46, 55, 50, 3343, 7, 3350], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3172, 886, 2300, 173, 3174], [197, 1672], [132, 2300, 197, 1675], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682], [197, 1685], [197, 1688], [], [132, 3172, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 3352], [], [529, 409, 132, 3355, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3356], [], [197, 3358, 7, 3359], [], [197, 3362, 7, 3363], [], [7, 3366], [], [7, 3368], [], [197, 401, 7, 3370], [197, 611, 7, 3372], [], [629, 3374, 7, 3375], [], [], [197, 3377, 342, 14, 682, 3378, 684, 685, 343, 639, 132, 3374, 30, 3374, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3379], [], [197, 672, 673, 3374, 674, 14, 7, 3381], [], [], [7, 3383], [], [197, 401, 7, 3385], [197, 611, 7, 3387], [], [629, 3389, 7, 3390], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 820, 684, 735, 821, 822, 823, 824, 343, 825, 132, 3389, 30, 3389, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3392], [], [197, 672, 673, 3389, 674, 14, 7, 3394], [], [], [7, 3396], [], [197, 401, 7, 3398], [197, 611, 7, 3400], [], [629, 3402, 7, 3403], [], [], [7, 3406], [], [3409, 2126, 342, 14, 343, 3410, 132, 3402, 30, 3402, 3411, 2025, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3412], [], [197, 672, 673, 3402, 674, 14, 7, 3414], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3416], [], [132, 3418, 30, 3418, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3419], [], [132, 2513, 30, 2513, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3421], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1764], [197, 1767], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740], [197, 1743, 173, 1740], [197, 1746, 173, 1740], [197, 1749, 173, 1740], [197, 1752, 173, 1740], [197, 1755, 173, 1740], [197, 1758, 173, 1740], [197, 1761, 173, 1740], [197, 1664, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3217, 886, 887, 173, 3174], [197, 1672], [132, 887, 197, 1675], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682], [197, 1685], [197, 1688], [], [132, 3217, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 3423], [], [132, 3425, 529, 3426, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3427], [], [48, 347, 132, 3429, 30, 3429, 348, 14, 7, 3430], [], [7, 3432], [], [7, 3434], [], [629, 3436, 7, 3437], [], [], [48, 691, 132, 3436, 30, 3440, 343, 686, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3441], [], [173, 3443, 7, 3444], [], [197, 672, 673, 3440, 674, 14, 7, 3446], [], [], [], [7, 3449], [], [629, 3451, 7, 3452], [], [], [132, 3451, 343, 796, 30, 2523, 48, 798, 197, 795, 7, 3454], [], [173, 3443, 7, 3456], [], [197, 672, 673, 2523, 674, 14, 7, 3458], [], [], [], [7, 3460], [], [629, 3462, 7, 3463], [], [], [197, 3466, 132, 3462, 30, 3467, 173, -1, 7, 3468], [348, 3470, 7, 3471], [], [], [348, 3473, 7, 3474], [], [], [348, 3476, 7, 3477], [], [], [348, 3479, 7, 3480], [], [], [348, 3482, 7, 3483], [], [], [348, 3485, 7, 3486], [], [], [], [], [7, 3489], [], [629, 3491, 7, 3492], [], [], [132, 3491, 30, 3495, 3411, 2032, 3409, 685, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3496], [], [], [], [], [197, 1764], [197, 1767], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [48, 1679, 197, 2802, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [197, 1739, 173, 1740], [197, 1743, 173, 1740], [197, 1746, 173, 1740], [197, 1749, 173, 1740], [197, 1752, 173, 1740], [197, 1755, 173, 1740], [197, 1758, 173, 1740], [197, 1761, 173, 1740], [197, 3260, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3261, 886, 900, 173, 971], [197, 1672], [132, 900, 197, 1675], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682], [197, 1685], [197, 1688], [], [132, 3261, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 3498], [], [132, 3500, 7, 3501], [], [197, 1764], [197, 1767], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [197, 3260, 882, 894, 873, 1665, 1666, 3284, 886, 1668, 173, 971], [197, 1672], [132, 1668, 197, 1675], [], [48, 1679, 197, 1680, 873, 1679, 1681, 566, 1212, 1682], [197, 1685], [197, 1688], [], [132, 3284, 173, -1, 197, 1700, 7, 3503], [], [132, 3505, 7, 3506], [], [], [197, 1764], [197, 1767], [48, 1679, 197, 1775, 873, 1679, 1681, 566], [197, 1688], [], [173, 3306], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3306], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3306], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2387, 2491], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [185, 187, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 400, 410, 432, 445, 458, 463, 480, 502, 511, 549, 569, 608, 609, 647, 674, 690, 708, 728, 729, 761, 762, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1191, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1263, 1291, 1301, 1334, 1336, 1631, 1648, 1694, 1703, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1789, 1802, 1815, 1828, 2359, 2372, 2394, 2396, 2430, 2439, 2452], "value": [349, 354, 349, 411, 548, 553, 557, 354, 566, -1, 548, 349, 411, 600, 553, -1, -1, -1, -1, 770, 557, -1, 827, -1, 566, 242, 14, 566, 242, -1, -1, -1, 14, 566, 14, 566, 548, 349, 600, 411, 557, -1, 548, 553, 411, 349, -1, 1830, 354, -1, 553, 1830, 553, 1830, -1, 1906, 1918, -1, 553, 557, -1, -1, -1, 349, 411, 553, 553, 553, 600, -1, -1, 827, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, 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17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2632.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2632.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 2632.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 2632.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2650.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 2650.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2684.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2718.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2718.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 2752.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 2752.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2786.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2820.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2820.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2820.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 2820.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 2854.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 214, -1, 218, -1, 267, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 277, -1, 214, 210, -1, -1, -1, 292, -1, -1, -1, -1, 305, 307, -1, -1, 305, 310, 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40], [], [176, 9, 175, 41], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [4, 51, 1255, 215], [28, 69, 1206, 180], [28, 69, 1206, 48], [28, 69, 1206, 21], [28, 69, 125, 20], [28, 69, 125, 20], [], [], [28, 90, 1206, 27], [28, 90, 262, 27], [], [28, 117, 1206, 0], [28, 117, 0, 0], [], [28, 117, 1206, 90], [28, 117, 1206, 90], [28, 117, 1206, 0], [28, 117, 1206, 90], [], [28, 207, 1206, 42], [28, 207, 1206, 21], [], [28, 228, 1206, 21], [32, 231, 13, 13], [], [53, 228, 0, 20], [], [53, 228, 542, 20], [], [53, 228, 542, 20], [], [285, 228, 134, 20], [], [399, 229, 20, 18], [399, 229, 20, 17], [399, 229, 20, 17], [], [], [], [28, 249, 1206, 0], [28, 249, 0, 0], [], [8, 1772, 1264, 40], [48, 1772, 1224, 20], [31, 1774, 7, 18], [31, 1774, 7, 18], [48, 1772, 1224, 20], [52, 1775, 13, 13], [], [72, 1774, 0, 17], [], [72, 1774, 539, 17], [], [72, 1774, 539, 17], [], [254, 1774, 77, 17], [254, 1774, 77, 17], [], [331, 1774, 22, 17], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [], [], [357, 1774, 253, 17], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [], [], [], [], [611, 1774, 0, 17], [], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [52, 1795, 13, 13], [], [72, 1794, 0, 17], [], [72, 1794, 697, 17], [], [], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 209, 21], [], [], [8, 1865, 1264, 0], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [], [8, 1965, 1264, 234], [8, 1965, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 9, 43, 17], [0, 9, 43, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 36, 227, 18], [0, 36, 114, 18], [0, 0, 52, 17], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [114, 36, 113, 18], [], [0, 54, 227, 36], [0, 54, 114, 36], [0, 9, 72, 17], [0, 9, 72, 17], [], [], [114, 54, 113, 36], [], [0, 90, 227, 18], [0, 90, 114, 18], [0, 0, 81, 17], [0, 0, 81, 17], [], [], [114, 90, 113, 18], [], [0, 108, 227, 36], [0, 108, 114, 36], [0, 9, 99, 17], [0, 9, 99, 17], [], [], [114, 108, 113, 36], [], [0, 144, 227, 36], [0, 144, 114, 36], [0, 0, 60, 35], [0, 0, 60, 35], [], [], [114, 144, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 180, 227, 36], [0, 180, 114, 36], [0, 0, 89, 35], [0, 0, 89, 35], [], [114, 180, 113, 36], [], [0, 216, 227, 18], [0, 216, 114, 18], [0, 0, 33, 17], [0, 0, 33, 17], [], [], [114, 216, 113, 18], [], [8, 2199, 1264, 194], [8, 2206, 118, 17], [], [8, 2206, 40, 17], [], [], [], [8, 2224, 1264, 162], [8, 2224, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 61, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 18, 227, 36], [0, 18, 114, 36], [0, 0, 61, 35], [], [], [114, 18, 113, 36], [], [48, 0, 68, 35], [], [], [0, 54, 227, 54], [0, 54, 114, 54], [0, 18, 107, 17], [], [114, 54, 113, 54], [], [48, 0, 109, 53], [], [], [0, 108, 227, 18], [0, 108, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 18, 114, 0], [114, 108, 113, 18], [], [36, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [0, 126, 227, 36], [0, 126, 114, 36], [0, 0, 70, 35], [], [], [114, 126, 113, 36], [], [36, 9, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 2393, 1264, 0], [8, 2409, 1264, 70], [8, 2409, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2443, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [59, 2481, 0, 17], [], [59, 2495, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 0], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2633, 1264, 36], [], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2719, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2753, 1264, 18], [8, 2753, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2821, 1264, 18], [], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [761, 2907, 106, 17], 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1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1262, 270], [0, 0, 1253, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 71, 76, 79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 110, 116, 117, 119, 125, 127, 129, 132, 136, 140, 142, 144, 144, 145, 154, 155, 157, 162, 164, 188, 190, 207, 209, 215, 217, 229, 231, 245, 247, 248, 249, 264, 267, 274, 289, 292, 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 316, 322, 325, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 344, 347, 351, 356, 362, 368, 371, 380, 383, 383, 388, 391, 396, 399, 399, 404, 407, 412, 415, 415, 420, 420, 423, 424, 425, 430, 430, 432, 437, 440, 445, 446, 454, 457, 461, 461, 464, 466, 466, 471, 473, 475, 475, 475, 481, 484, 486, 491, 491, 494, 496, 501, 503, 504, 505, 516, 516, 516, 517, 518, 521, 522, 523, 525, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 546, 547, 547, 550, 551, 552, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561, 561, 561, 562, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [18, 1004.59375, 280.265625, 14], [298.265625, 1004.59375, 880.640625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 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Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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"BirthMonth", "menu", "ed41cd42-75ab-4c96", "", "a59c99bf-52a3-4b49", "", "Month...", "203d9c16-9e00-4256", "", "January", "2", "7dd93dd3-0b9e-4dea", "", "February", "8ca11b15-99c3-4152", "", "March", "4", "cb2b0bb7-c23c-4c71", "", "April", "66f78931-9e37-46b3", "", "May", "6", "57c8ce6d-3d9b-45a1", "", "June", "7", "38012a26-e6d7-4738", "", "July", "8", "066a59f1-0e4c-441e", "", "August", "9", "09dff9df-3356-4cc7", "", "September", "10", "b35e778d-a2fe-4f39", "", "October", "11", "53bf3097-f31e-4814", "", "November", "56f0d983-cbb7-4144", "", "December", "two columns dateFloat fs-exclude", "ac1d85ab-4deb-4fe6", "", "selectmenu day ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "The field Birth Day must be a number.", "BirthDay", "width:100%", "98d7931d-a7e1-478c", "", "3bd3c2f3-00fd-46bb", "", "Day...", "29365b88-9a55-4c7c", "", "I don't know", "d28ab7bd-e738-46dc", "", "6c3bafd5-b9fd-40de", "", "4c392908-0944-41c0", "", "098773ab-f3a2-497e", "", "daa4de8c-6b30-4677", "", 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"f6e0202e-40d2-432b", "", "Year...", "2023", "6cd4591e-9b55-4d82", "", "2022", "ba3f0a90-9276-42f5", "", "2021", "3739d282-1ebd-4b98", "", "2020", "ac010f8a-7a93-42db", "", "2019", "aa5f5b1c-c0f8-420e", "", "2018", "a2f86800-aa67-4a1e", "", "2017", "83036e4a-5ef6-448b", "", "2016", "318b6f45-b451-4fda", "", "2015", "f447c4cf-f859-48c6", "", "2014", "eaa1db1f-46d4-4da8", "", "2013", "f59bb4d7-5735-4fc2", "", "2012", "c5f192cd-2a90-445a", "", "2011", "7200f7eb-7b56-42ae", "", "2010", "394c4cca-27ca-4e55", "", "2009", "31b0eccf-9157-45d6", "", "2008", "998c2816-9e90-42c6", "", "2007", "593cfe4c-48f3-419f", "", "2006", "e43d4b5e-f271-46cf", "", "2005", "8938b0da-dd44-4e75", "", "2004", "9ff2a9e6-f287-4a98", "", "2003", "b90af0ee-9ec3-4891", "", "2002", "ebdfb1e9-9165-4ae3", "", "2001", "0d539ab9-2dd9-49ef", "", "2000", "1d9811f7-4d13-446c", "", "1999", "ad7dff60-7b9e-4838", "", "f0578bc5-9338-416e", "", "e1b3b355-1369-4317", "", "dae419e3-92d4-4ebf", "", "8745acf6-a782-4e83", "", 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A1A 1A1).", "^([ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnprstvxy]\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz])\\ {0,1}(\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\\d)$", "Postal Code is a required field.", "cd8e8de1-562f-432c", "", "\n\n\n ", "a1d1d60f-171b-43a9", "", "dac7f34a-067a-4cc5", "", "a0e55c4f-f3bc-45e4", "", "a3777db9-4ba1-4fcc", "", "3bb60a4e-babe-4c91", "", "db6194ba-f3a5-4c93", "", "7ca7b4d1-d3d9-492d", "", " ", "ffed692d-8693-4c3e", "", "e3175cc3-4f81-4f5d", "", "af717582-acfc-4c38", "", "fe7c39f5-e776-43d5", "", "\n window.onload = function () {\n $(\"#BreedName\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedName\");\n\n $(\"#BreedId\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedId\");\n\n var ownerInfo = $(\"#ShowOwnerInfo\").val() == \"True\" ? true : false;\n\n if (!ownerInfo) {\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#EmployeeNumber\");\n }\n };\n", "ui-autocomplete ui-front ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "ui-id-1", "291331a6-1b53-4833", "", "566d5c6c-7631-4502", "", "2fa9cf06-35d9-4c30", "", "e69df764-a301-4033", "", "f82cee37-48c2-434c", "", "dfc7c81c-dae7-4efa", "", "3a9dee69-bf29-4cdd", "", "ec127c79-7480-4c7c", "", "f51c7681-662d-4d6a", "", "39c41195-162c-4680", "", "e8528b3a-cd5b-446f", "", "d1eda1a8-f2f5-468f", "", "c6e38130-9cf2-43fe", "", "273fe2d1-c889-4fc6", "", "f4b1713b-7447-46ec", "", "dialog-removepet", "ui-id-6", "position: absolute; top: 196px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "8bc099ef-9481-4a4b", "", "f32c79d7-8d4b-4f6f", "", "2575d955-408b-4119", "", "Remove Pet from Quote?", "9a610dc6-3a74-457e", "", "9a2f05a3-7472-420a", "", "2233b9e4-007c-4a58", "", "data-navigate-url", "/Quote/Pet/RemovePet", "Remove Pet from Quote", "bd2a9386-8954-40af", "", "RemovePetId", "c788c4a9-0563-4e60", "", "RemovePet_Processing", "258934fc-ba23-4548", "", "Removing Pet from the Quote...", "00cb3084-1429-44f7", "", "\n Removing Pet from the Quote...\n ", "RemovePet_Body", "2cfbf3a3-d5a9-4188", "", "954156af-9626-4968", "", "\n Are you sure you want to remove your pet from the quote? The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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[], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 154, 7, 155], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 157, 7, 158], [79, -1, 132, 160, 80, 161, 128, 139, 7, 162], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [80, 185, 7, 186], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 188], [], [], [7, 191], [], [], [7, 194], [], [], [197, 198, 173, 199, 200, 201, 7, 202], [], [197, 204, 7, 205], [], [132, 207, 7, 208], [], [197, 211, 7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [], [50, 224, 7, 225], [], [], [7, 229], [], [50, 232, 7, 233], [], [], [], [], [197, 236, 7, 237], [], [50, 239, 7, 240], [], [197, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [132, 252, 197, 253, 7, 254], [], [7, 257], [], [], [50, 260, 261, 262, 7, 263], [], [7, 265], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 268, 7, 269], [], [197, 271, 7, 272], [], [50, 274, 261, 262, 7, 275], [], [80, 279, 197, 280, 7, 281], [], [], [], [], [132, 283, 7, 284], [], [7, 287], [], [7, 290], [], [], [], [], [197, 293, 7, 294], [], [197, 297, 7, 298], [], [197, 301, 7, 302], [], [], [], [197, 301, 7, 308], [], [], [], [197, 311, 7, 312], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 315, 7, 316], [], [197, 318, 7, 319], [], [132, 322, 197, 323, 7, 324], [], [132, 326, 7, 327], [], [132, 330, 197, 331, 7, 332], [], [132, 335, 197, 336, 7, 337], [], [340, 341, 342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 345, 30, 346, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 350], [], [342, 14, 343, 352, 132, 353, 30, 353, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 355], [], [197, 357, 7, 358], [], [132, 360, 7, 361], [], [197, 365, 7, 366], [], [], [197, 369, 7, 370], [], [197, 372, 7, 373], [], [197, 375, 7, 376], [], [197, 379, 7, 380], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 383], [], [197, 379, 7, 385], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 388], [], [197, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [197, 395, 7, 396], [], [197, 375, 7, 398], [], [197, 401, 7, 402], [], [], [197, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 7, 412], [], [7, 415], [50, 417, 7, 418], [], [], [], [], [197, 422, 7, 423], [], [7, 425], [197, 401, 7, 428], [], [], [], [197, 401, 7, 432], [], [197, 435, 7, 436], [], [], [], [197, 439, 406, 440, 408, 441, 410, 411, 7, 442], [], [7, 444], [50, 446, 7, 447], [], [], [], [], [197, 450, 7, 451], [], [197, 379, 7, 453], [], [], [197, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [], [197, 460, 7, 461], [], [132, 463, 464, 465, 197, 465, 50, 466, 7, 467], [], [197, 469, 7, 470], [], [], [7, 473], [], [], [], [], [197, 477, 7, 478], [], [197, 480, 7, 481], [], [197, 483, 7, 484], [], [], [197, 487, 7, 488], [], [], [197, 491, 7, 492], [], [], [], [197, 495, 7, 496], [], [197, 498, 7, 499], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 503], [], [197, 498, 7, 505], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 508], [], [197, 510, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 514], [], [7, 517], [], [173, 519, 7, 520], [], [], [], [7, 523], [], [197, 372, 7, 526], [], [529, 530, 531, 532, 132, 533, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 537], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 540], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 544], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 549], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 554], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 558], [342, 14, 343, 560, 132, 561, 30, 561, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 562], [342, 14, 343, 564, 132, 565, 30, 565, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 567], [132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 570], [], [132, 335, 7, 573], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [197, 578, 7, 579], [], [132, 581, 7, 582], [], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 585, 30, 586, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 587], [], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 591], [], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 595], [], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 601], [], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 603, 30, 604, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 605], [], [197, 608, 7, 609], [], [197, 611, 7, 612], [], [], [], [197, 365, 7, 616], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 619], [], [197, 621, 7, 622], [], [197, 401, 7, 624], [197, 611, 7, 626], [], [629, 630, 7, 631], [], [], [], [197, 634, 7, 635], [], [197, 638, 342, 14, 343, 639, 132, 630, 30, 640, 641, 14, 642, 566, 7, 643], [348, -1, 7, 646], [], [], [348, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [348, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [348, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [348, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [348, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 670], [], [197, 672, 673, 640, 674, 14, 7, 675], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 678], [], [680, 681, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 687, 30, 688, 689, 690, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 695, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 698], [], [197, 669, 7, 700], [], [197, 672, 673, 688, 674, 14, 7, 702], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 704], [], [680, 706, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 709, 30, 710, 689, 711, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 712, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 713], [], [197, 669, 7, 715], [], [197, 672, 673, 710, 674, 14, 7, 717], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 719], [], [197, 677, 7, 721], [], [197, 401, 7, 723], [197, 611, 7, 725], [], [629, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 732], [], [342, 14, 682, 734, 684, 735, 343, 736, 132, 727, 30, 737, 689, 738, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 739, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 740], [], [197, 669, 7, 742], [], [197, 672, 673, 737, 674, 14, 7, 744], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 746], [], [197, 748, 7, 749], [], [342, 14, 682, 751, 684, 735, 343, 752, 132, 753, 30, 754, 689, 755, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 756], [], [197, 669, 7, 758], [], [197, 672, 673, 754, 674, 14, 7, 760], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 762], [], [197, 764, 7, 765], [], [342, 14, 343, 768, 132, 769, 30, 770, 48, 347, 348, 771, 7, 772], [], [197, 774, 7, 775], [], [], [132, 778, 30, 779, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 780], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 782], [], [197, 677, 7, 784], [], [197, 401, 7, 786], [197, 611, 7, 788], [], [629, 790, 7, 791], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 794], [], [197, 796, 342, 14, 343, 797, 132, 790, 30, 798, 48, 799, 348, -1, 7, 800], [], [197, 669, 7, 802], [], [197, 672, 673, 798, 674, 14, 7, 804], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 806], [], [197, 677, 7, 808], [], [197, 401, 7, 810], [197, 611, 7, 812], [], [629, 814, 7, 815], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 818], [], [680, 820, 342, 14, 682, 821, 684, 735, 822, 823, 824, 825, 343, 826, 132, 814, 30, 827, 48, 691, 348, 828, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 829], [], [197, 669, 7, 831], [], [197, 672, 673, 827, 674, 14, 7, 833], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 343, 835, 132, 836, 30, 837, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 838], [], [], [], [], [197, 840, 7, 841], [], [197, 844, 7, 845], [], [197, 848, 7, 849], [], [132, 852, 7, 853], [], [7, 856], [], [197, 365, 7, 859], [], [], [7, 863], [], [7, 866], [], [], [132, 869, 197, 870, 7, 871], [], [197, 873, 874, 875, 7, 876], [], [], [], [197, 881, 874, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 14, 7, 890], [50, 892, 197, 893, 874, 894, 883, 895, 132, 888, 7, 896], [], [], [197, 899, 874, 882, 883, 895, 885, 900, 887, 901, 889, 566, 7, 902], [50, 904, 197, 893, 874, 894, 883, 895, 132, 901, 7, 905], [], [], [], [340, 909, 342, 14, 343, 910, 132, 909, 30, 909, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 911], [], [132, 886, 887, 888, 197, 913, 874, 914, 915, 14, 916, 566, 7, 917], [], [7, 920], [], [], [132, 924, 925, 926, 7, 927], [], [197, 372, 7, 929], [], [197, 375, 7, 931], [], [197, 933, 7, 934], [629, 936, 7, 937], [], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 940], [], [197, 942, 342, 14, 682, 943, 684, 735, 343, 944, 132, 936, 30, 936, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 945], [], [197, 947, 7, 948], [], [197, 672, 673, 936, 674, 14, 7, 950], [], [], [], [], [197, 952, 7, 953], [], [], [], [132, 957, 197, 958, 173, 959, 7, 960], [], [132, 962, 7, 963], [], [132, 966, 80, 967, 968, 884, 173, 959, 7, 969], [], [], [], [197, 372, 132, 971, 173, 972, 7, 973], [], [197, 375, 7, 975], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 978], [], [132, 980, 197, 981, 7, 982], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 984], [], [197, 375, 7, 986], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 989], [], [342, 14, 991, 992, 343, 993, 994, 994, 132, 995, 30, 995, 48, 996, 348, 14, 7, 997], [30, 995, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 999], [], [197, 1001, 132, 1002, 7, 1003], [], [197, 1005, 7, 1006], [], [7, 1008], [], [132, 1011, 50, 466, 7, 1012], [], [197, 1015, 7, 1016], [], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 1020], [], [197, 672, 673, 995, 674, 14, 7, 1022], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 900, 887, 901, 197, 913, 874, 914, 915, 566, 916, 14, 173, 972, 7, 1024], [], [925, 1026, 7, 1027], [], [7, 1029], [], [7, 1031], [], [197, 933, 7, 1033], [197, 611, 7, 1035], [], [629, 936, 7, 1038], [], [], [197, 942, 132, 936, 30, 936, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1040], [], [197, 947, 7, 1042], [], [197, 672, 673, 936, 674, 14, 7, 1044], [], [], [], [7, 1046], [], [197, 1048, 1049, 1050, 464, 1051, 7, 1052], [], [1049, 1050, 464, 1051, 50, 466, 883, 895, 7, 1054], [], [197, 1056, 7, 1057], [], [], [], [], [7, 1060], [], [197, 1062, 7, 1063], [197, 611, 7, 1065], [], [629, 1067, 7, 1068], [], [], [197, 1071, 342, 14, 682, 1072, 684, 1073, 1074, 1073, 822, 1075, 824, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 909, 1080, 565, 1081, 14, 1082, 566, 132, 1067, 1083, 1073, 30, 1067, 48, 799, 348, -1, 7, 1084], [], [197, 947, 7, 1086], [], [197, 672, 673, 1067, 674, 14, 7, 1088], [], [], [], [7, 1090], [], [197, 933, 7, 1092], [197, 611, 7, 1094], [], [629, 1096, 7, 1097], [], [], [197, 1071, 342, 14, 682, 1100, 684, 1101, 1074, 1101, 822, 1102, 824, 1103, 1077, 1104, 1079, 909, 1080, 565, 1081, 14, 1082, 566, 132, 1096, 1083, 1101, 30, 1096, 48, 799, 348, -1, 7, 1105], [], [197, 947, 7, 1107], [], [197, 672, 673, 1096, 674, 14, 7, 1109], [], [], [], [7, 1111], [], [197, 933, 7, 1113], [], [197, 611, 7, 1115], [], [629, 1117, 7, 1118], [], [], [], [197, 1071, 342, 14, 822, 1121, 824, 1122, 1077, 1123, 1079, 909, 1080, 565, 1081, 14, 1082, 566, 132, 1117, 1083, 1124, 30, 1117, 48, 799, 348, -1, 7, 1125], [], [197, 947, 7, 1127], [], [197, 672, 673, 1117, 674, 14, 7, 1129], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1133, 7, 1134], [], [7, 1136], [], [], [197, 1138, 7, 1139], [], [1141, 1142, 342, 14, 991, 1143, 343, 1144, 994, 994, 132, 1145, 30, 1145, 48, 996, 348, 14, 7, 1146], [30, 1145, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1148], [], [197, 1001, 132, 1151, 7, 1152], [], [197, 1154, 629, 1155, 7, 1156], [], [132, 1159, 7, 1160], [], [7, 1163], [132, 1165, 50, 466, 7, 1166], [], [132, 1165, 50, 466, 7, 1169], [197, 1015, 7, 1171], [], [], [], [197, 1175, 7, 1176], [197, 1178, 7, 1179], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 672, 673, 1145, 674, 14, 7, 1183], [], [], [], [7, 1185], [], [], [197, 1138, 7, 1187], [], [30, 1189, 342, 14, 343, 1190, 132, 1191, 48, 996, 348, 14, 7, 1192], [30, 1191, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1194], [], [197, 1001, 132, 1197, 7, 1198], [], [173, 1200, 197, 1154, 629, 1155, 7, 1201], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1205, 7, 1206], [], [197, 331, 7, 1208], [], [197, 1211, 48, 1212, 1213, 1214, 7, 1215], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1219], [], [], [], [80, 1222, 7, 1223], [], [], [132, 1226, 197, 253, 7, 1227], [], [197, 1230, 7, 1231], [], [197, 1233, 7, 1234], [], [7, 1237], [], [], [197, 1240, 7, 1241], [], [132, 1243, 7, 1244], [], [197, 372, 7, 1246], [], [197, 1248, 7, 1249], [], [7, 1251], [], [], [], [197, 1253, 7, 1254], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1257, 7, 1258], [], [1261, 1262, 1263, 884, 1264, 884, 1265, 884, 7, 1266], [], [7, 1269], [7, 1272], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1276], [], [197, 401, 7, 1278], [629, 1280, 7, 1281], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1285], [], [], [], [7, 1288], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1290], [], [197, 401, 7, 1292], [629, 1294, 7, 1295], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1298], [], [], [], [7, 1301], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1303], [], [197, 401, 7, 1305], [629, 1307, 7, 1308], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1311], [], [], [], [7, 1314], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1316], [], [197, 401, 7, 1318], [629, 1320, 7, 1321], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1324], [], [], [], [7, 1327], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1329], [], [197, 401, 7, 1331], [629, 1333, 7, 1334], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1337], [], [], [], [7, 1340], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1342], [], [197, 401, 7, 1344], [629, 1346, 7, 1347], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1350], [], [7, 1353], [], [], [], [7, 1356], [], [7, 1358], [197, 1360, 7, 1361], [629, 1363, 7, 1364], [], [], [197, 1367, 7, 1368], [], [], [], [173, 1371, 7, 1372], [], [173, 1374, 7, 1375], [197, 401, 7, 1377], [629, 1379, 7, 1380], [], [], [], [173, 1383, 7, 1384], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1257, 173, 1386, 7, 1387], [], [197, 1389, 50, 466, 46, 1390, 7, 1391], [], [197, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1396, 1397, 7, 1398], [], [], [], [132, 1390, 197, 1402, 7, 1403], [], [1261, 1262, 1263, 884, 1264, 884, 1265, 884, 7, 1406], [], [7, 1408], [7, 1410], [], [173, 1374, 197, 1275, 7, 1412], [], [197, 401, 7, 1414], [], [], [], [173, 1383, 197, 1275, 7, 1417], [], [], [], [7, 1420], [], [173, 1374, 197, 1275, 7, 1422], [197, 401, 7, 1424], [], [], [], [173, 1383, 197, 1275, 7, 1427], [], [7, 1430], [], [], [], [], [7, 1433], [], [7, 1435], [], [197, 401, 7, 1437], [], [], [7, 1441], [], [7, 1443], [], [], [], [], [7, 1447], [], [7, 1449], [197, 401, 7, 1451], [197, 1453, 7, 1454], [], [7, 1457], [], [7, 1459], [], [7, 1462], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1466], [], [7, 1468], [], [197, 401, 7, 1470], [], [], [], [7, 1473], [], [7, 1476], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1478, 7, 1479], [], [], [197, 1481, 7, 1482], [], [7, 1485], [], [7, 1488], [], [7, 1491], [], [], [], [173, 1494, 7, 1495], [], [197, 1497, 80, 1498, 7, 1499], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1502, 7, 1503], [], [197, 1505, 7, 1506], [], [197, 1508, 7, 1509], [], [132, 1511, 7, 1512], [], [7, 1514], [], [7, 1517], [], [50, 1520, 261, 262, 7, 1521], [7, 1524], [], [], [], [7, 1529], [], [7, 1532], [], [50, 1535, 261, 262, 7, 1536], [7, 1538], [], [], [7, 1542], [], [7, 1545], [], [7, 1547], [], [7, 1549], [], [], [7, 1552], [], [7, 1554], [], [], [7, 1558], [], [7, 1560], [], [7, 1562], [], [50, 1565, 261, 262, 7, 1566], [7, 1568], [], [], [50, 1572, 261, 262, 7, 1573], [7, 1575], [], [], [7, 1579], [], [197, 1581, 7, 1582], [], [7, 1584], [], [7, 1587], [], [50, 1520, 261, 262, 1590, 1591, 1213, 1591, 7, 1592], [7, 1594], [], [], [7, 1597], [], [197, 1581, 173, 1599, 7, 1600], [], [50, 1602, 261, 262, 1590, 1603, 1213, 1603, 7, 1604], [], [], [50, 1607, 261, 262, 1213, 1608, 7, 1609], [], [], [50, 1611, 261, 262, 7, 1612], [], [], [7, 1615], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1620, 48, 87, 7, 1621], [], [80, 1623, 48, 87, 7, 1624], [], [80, 1626, 48, 87, 7, 1627], [], [80, 1629, 48, 87, 7, 1630], [], [80, 1632, 48, 87, 7, 1633], [], [80, 1635, 48, 87, 7, 1636], [], [80, 1638, 48, 87, 7, 1639], [], [80, 1641, 48, 87, 7, 1642], [], [80, 1644, 48, 87, 7, 1645], [], [80, 1647, 7, 1648], [], [80, 1222, 7, 1651], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1654], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1658], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1662], [], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 1668, 887, 1669, 173, 1670, 7, 1671], [197, 1673, 7, 1674], [132, 1669, 197, 1676, 7, 1677], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 1684], [197, 1686, 7, 1687], [197, 1689, 7, 1690], [], [132, 1668, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 1702], [], [132, 1705, 7, 1706], [], [529, 1693, 531, 1695, 132, 1708, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1709], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1711], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1713], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1715, 30, 1715, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 1716], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1718], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 1720], [], [173, 1722, 7, 1723], [], [7, 1725], [], [197, 1727, 7, 1728], [], [197, 1731, 342, 14, 343, 1732, 132, 1733, 30, 1733, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1734], [], [197, 672, 673, 1733, 674, 14, 173, 1736, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 1742], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 1745], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 1748], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 1751], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 1754], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 1757], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 1760], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 1763], [197, 1765, 7, 1766], [197, 1768, 7, 1769], [48, 1680, 197, 1771, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 1772], [197, 1689, 7, 1774], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 1777], [197, 1689, 7, 1779], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 465, 887, 1781, 173, 1782, 7, 1783], [197, 1673, 7, 1785], [132, 1781, 197, 1676, 7, 1787], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 1790], [197, 1686, 7, 1792], [197, 1689, 7, 1794], [], [132, 465, 1696, 1796, 1698, 1699, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 1797], [], [132, 1799, 173, 972, 7, 1800], [], [1590, 1802, 80, 1803, 7, 1804], [], [], [132, 1807, 7, 1808], [], [197, 502, 7, 1811], [], [529, 1813, 531, 1814, 132, 1815, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1816], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1818], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1820], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1822], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1824], [132, 1826, 30, 1826, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1827], [342, 14, 343, 1829, 132, 1830, 30, 1830, 48, 347, 348, 1831, 7, 1832], [342, 14, 343, 1834, 132, 1835, 30, 1835, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 1836], [132, 1733, 30, 1733, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1838], [342, 14, 343, 1840, 132, 1841, 30, 1841, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1842], [342, 14, 991, 1844, 343, 1845, 132, 1846, 30, 1846, 48, 347, 348, 1831, 7, 1847], [132, 1841, 30, 1841, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1849], [132, 1846, 30, 1846, 48, 347, 348, 1831, 7, 1851], [], [197, -1, 173, -1, 7, 1854], [], [7, 1856], [], [197, 372, 7, 1858], [], [197, 375, 7, 1860], [], [197, 401, 7, 1862], [629, 1864, 7, 1865], [], [], [], [197, 1868, 7, 1869], [], [342, 14, 682, 1871, 684, 685, 343, 1872, 132, 1864, 30, 1864, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1873], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 1876], [], [197, 669, 7, 1878], [], [197, 1880, 673, 1864, 674, 14, 7, 1881], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1883], [], [197, 1885, 7, 1886], [], [197, 375, 7, 1888], [], [197, 401, 7, 1890], [629, 1892, 197, 1893, 7, 1894], [], [], [], [197, 1897, 7, 1898], [], [197, 1900, 7, 1901], [], [197, 1903, 1904, 1892, 342, 14, 343, 1905, 132, 1892, 30, 1892, 48, 1906, 348, 1907, 7, 1908], [], [629, 1910, 197, 1911, 7, 1912], [], [197, 1253, 7, 1914], [], [], [], [197, 1900, 7, 1917], [], [197, 1903, 1904, 1892, 132, 1892, 30, 1892, 48, 1906, 348, 1919, 7, 1920], [], [629, 1922, 197, 1923, 7, 1924], [], [197, 1926, 7, 1927], [], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 1930], [], [197, 669, 7, 1932], [], [197, 1880, 673, 1892, 674, 14, 7, 1934], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1936], [], [197, 372, 7, 1938], [], [197, 375, 7, 1940], [], [197, 401, 7, 1942], [629, 1944, 7, 1945], [], [], [], [197, 1868, 7, 1947], [], [874, 1949, 1950, 1951, 197, 1952, 7, 1953], [1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 132, 1961, 30, 1961, 173, 1962, 48, 691, 348, -1, 197, 1963, 1964, 1965, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1966], [], [340, 1944, 342, 14, 343, 1968, 132, 1944, 30, 1944, 173, 972, 48, 691, 348, 553, 7, 1969], [], [132, 1971, 173, 199, 197, 1972, 7, 1973], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 1976], [], [197, 1978, 7, 1979], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 1982], [], [197, 1984, 7, 1985], [], [197, 1987, 673, 1944, 674, 14, 7, 1988], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1990], [], [197, 372, 7, 1992], [], [197, 375, 7, 1994], [], [197, 401, 7, 1996], [], [629, 1998, 7, 1999], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 2004, 7, 2005], [], [197, 2007, 342, 14, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 1124, 2013, 2014, 343, 2015, 132, 2016, 30, 2016, 874, 2017, 883, 884, 7, 2018], [348, -1, 7, 2020], [], [], [348, 2014, 7, 2023], [], [], [348, 2026, 7, 2027], [], [], [348, 1101, 7, 2030], [], [], [348, 2033, 7, 2034], [], [], [348, 1073, 7, 2037], [], [], [348, 2040, 7, 2041], [], [], [348, 2044, 7, 2045], [], [], [348, 2048, 7, 2049], [], [], [348, 2052, 7, 2053], [], [], [348, 2056, 7, 2057], [], [], [348, 2060, 7, 2061], [], [], [348, 1124, 7, 2064], [], [], [], [], [197, 2067, 7, 2068], [], [197, 2070, 342, 14, 2008, 2071, 132, 2072, 30, 2072, 173, 2073, 874, 2017, 883, 884, 7, 2074], [348, -1, 7, 2076], [], [], [348, 895, 7, 2079], [], [], [348, 2014, 7, 2082], [], [], [348, 2026, 7, 2084], [], [], [348, 1101, 7, 2086], [], [], [348, 2033, 7, 2088], [], [], [348, 1073, 7, 2090], [], [], [348, 2040, 7, 2092], [], [], [348, 2044, 7, 2094], [], [], [348, 2048, 7, 2096], [], [], [348, 2052, 7, 2098], [], [], [348, 2056, 7, 2100], [], [], [348, 2060, 7, 2102], [], [], [348, 1124, 7, 2104], [], [], [348, 2106, 7, 2107], [], [], [348, 2109, 7, 2110], [], [], [348, 2112, 7, 2113], [], [], [348, 2115, 7, 2116], [], [], [348, 2118, 7, 2119], [], [], [348, 2121, 7, 2122], [], [], [348, 2124, 7, 2125], [], [], [348, 2127, 7, 2128], [], [], [348, 2130, 7, 2131], [], [], [348, 2133, 7, 2134], [], [], [348, 2136, 7, 2137], [], [], [348, 2139, 7, 2140], [], [], [348, 2142, 7, 2143], [], [], [348, 2145, 7, 2146], [], [], [348, 2148, 7, 2149], [], [], [348, 2151, 7, 2152], [], [], [348, 2154, 7, 2155], [], [], [348, 2157, 7, 2158], [], [], [348, 2160, 7, 2161], [], [], [], [], [197, 2067, 7, 2163], [], [197, 2165, 342, 14, 2008, 2166, 343, 2167, 132, 2168, 30, 2168, 874, 2017, 883, 884, 7, 2169], [348, -1, 7, 2171], [], [], [348, 2174, 7, 2175], [], [], [348, 2177, 7, 2178], [], [], [348, 2180, 7, 2181], [], [], [348, 2183, 7, 2184], [], [], [348, 2186, 7, 2187], [], [], [348, 2189, 7, 2190], [], [], [348, 2192, 7, 2193], [], [], [348, 2195, 7, 2196], [], [], [348, 2198, 7, 2199], [], [], [348, 2201, 7, 2202], [], [], [348, 2204, 7, 2205], [], [], [348, 2207, 7, 2208], [], [], [348, 2210, 7, 2211], [], [], [348, 2213, 7, 2214], [], [], [348, 2216, 7, 2217], [], [], [348, 2219, 7, 2220], [], [], [348, 2222, 7, 2223], [], [], [348, 2225, 7, 2226], [], [], [348, 2228, 7, 2229], [], [], [348, 2231, 7, 2232], [], [], [348, 2234, 7, 2235], [], [], [348, 2237, 7, 2238], [], [], [348, 2240, 7, 2241], [], [], [348, 2243, 7, 2244], [], [], [348, 2246, 7, 2247], [], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 2249], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2251], [], [197, 1880, 673, 2016, 674, 14, 7, 2253], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 2255], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2257], [], [197, 1880, 673, 2168, 674, 14, 7, 2259], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 2261], [], [197, 669, 7, 2263], [], [132, 2265, 173, 199, 197, 1972, 7, 2266], [], [], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 2269, 684, 2044, 1074, 2040, 822, 2270, 824, 2271, 343, 2272, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 2273], [], [7, 2276], [], [197, 372, 7, 2278], [], [197, 375, 7, 2280], [], [197, 401, 7, 2282], [], [629, 820, 7, 2284], [], [], [], [], [197, 1868, 7, 2286], [], [342, 14, 682, 821, 684, 735, 822, 823, 824, 825, 132, 820, 30, 820, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2288], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 2291], [], [197, 669, 7, 2293], [], [197, 1880, 673, 820, 674, 14, 7, 2295], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2297], [], [], [], [197, 2300, 132, 2301, 883, 884, 1682, 566, 173, 972, 7, 2302], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2304], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2306], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2308], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2310], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2312], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2314], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2316], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2318], [197, 1765, 7, 2320], [197, 1768, 7, 2322], [48, 1680, 197, 1771, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2324], [197, 1689, 7, 2326], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2328], [197, 1689, 7, 2330], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2332, 887, 2333, 173, 2334, 7, 2335], [197, 1673, 7, 2337], [132, 2333, 197, 1676, 7, 2339], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2342], [197, 1686, 7, 2344], [197, 1689, 7, 2346], [], [132, 2332, 2348, 2349, 1696, 2350, 1698, 1699, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2351], [], [48, 347, 340, 2353, 7, 2354], [], [132, 2356, 173, 972, 7, 2357], [], [1590, 2359, 80, 1803, 7, 2360], [], [], [132, 2363, 7, 2364], [], [48, 347, 340, 2353, 7, 2366], [], [7, 2369], [7, 2371], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2374], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2376], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2378], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2380], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2382], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2384], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2386], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2388], [197, 1765, 7, 2390], [197, 1768, 7, 2392], [48, 1680, 197, 1771, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2394], [197, 1689, 7, 2396], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2398], [197, 1689, 7, 2400], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2402, 887, 2403, 173, 2404, 7, 2405], [197, 1673, 7, 2407], [132, 2403, 197, 1676, 7, 2409], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2412], [197, 1686, 7, 2414], [197, 1689, 7, 2416], [], [132, 2402, 1696, 2418, 1698, 1699, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2419], [], [132, 2421, 173, 972, 7, 2422], [], [1590, 2424, 80, 1803, 7, 2425], [], [], [132, 2428, 7, 2429], [], [529, 2432, 132, 2433, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 2434], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 2436], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 2438], [340, 2440, 342, 14, 343, 2441, 132, 2442, 30, 2442, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2443], [340, 2445, 342, 14, 343, 2446, 132, 2447, 30, 2447, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2448], [340, 2450, 342, 14, 343, 2451, 132, 2452, 30, 2452, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2453], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1715, 30, 1715, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 2455], [], [173, 2457, 7, 2458], [], [], [132, 2461, 7, 2462], [], [7, 2464], [], [7, 2466], [], [629, 1864, 7, 2468], [], [], [], [7, 2471], [], [629, 1961, 7, 2473], [], [], [], [7, 2475], [], [629, 2477, 7, 2478], [], [], [], [7, 2480], [], [629, 556, 7, 2482], [], [], [], [], [7, 2484], [], [7, 2486], [], [629, 681, 7, 2488], [], [], [680, 2490, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 681, 30, 681, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2491], [], [173, 2493, 7, 2494], [], [197, 672, 673, 681, 674, 14, 173, 2496, 7, 2497], [], [], [], [7, 2499], [], [629, 706, 7, 2501], [], [], [680, 2503, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 706, 30, 706, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2504], [], [173, 2493, 7, 2506], [], [197, 672, 673, 706, 674, 14, 173, 2496, 7, 2508], [], [], [], [7, 2510], [], [629, 820, 7, 2512], [], [], [680, 2515, 342, 14, 682, 821, 684, 735, 822, 823, 824, 825, 343, 826, 132, 820, 30, 820, 48, 691, 348, 828, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2516], [], [173, 2493, 7, 2518], [], [197, 672, 673, 820, 674, 14, 173, 2496, 7, 2520], [], [], [], [7, 2522], [], [629, 2524, 7, 2525], [], [], [197, 796, 342, 14, 343, 797, 132, 2524, 30, 2524, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2528], [], [173, 2493, 7, 2530], [], [197, 672, 673, 2524, 674, 14, 173, 2496, 7, 2532], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2534], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2536], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2538], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2540], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2542], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2544], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2546], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2548], [197, 1765, 7, 2550], [197, 1768, 7, 2552], [48, 1680, 197, 1771, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2554], [197, 1689, 7, 2556], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2558], [197, 1689, 7, 2560], [], [197, 2562, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2563, 887, 2564, 173, 2565, 7, 2566], [197, 1673, 7, 2568], [132, 2564, 197, 1676, 7, 2570], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2572], [197, 1686, 7, 2574], [197, 1689, 7, 2576], [], [132, 2563, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 2578], [], [197, 2580, 7, 2581], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2583, 887, 2584, 173, 2585, 7, 2586], [197, 1673, 7, 2588], [132, 2584, 197, 1676, 7, 2590], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2593], [197, 1686, 7, 2595], [197, 1689, 7, 2597], [], [132, 2583, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2599], [], [7, 2602], [], [7, 2604], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2607], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2609], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2611], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2613], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2615], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2617], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2619], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2621], [197, 1765, 7, 2623], [197, 1768, 7, 2625], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2627], [197, 1689, 7, 2629], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2632, 887, 2633, 173, 2634, 7, 2635], [197, 1673, 7, 2637], [132, 2633, 197, 1676, 7, 2639], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2641], [197, 1686, 7, 2643], [197, 1689, 7, 2645], [], [132, 2632, 2647, 2631, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2648], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2651], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2653], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2655], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2657], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2659], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2661], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2663], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2665], [197, 1765, 7, 2667], [197, 1768, 7, 2669], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2671], [197, 1689, 7, 2673], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 1051, 887, 2675, 173, 2676, 7, 2677], [197, 1673, 7, 2679], [132, 2675, 197, 1676, 7, 2681], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2684], [197, 1686, 7, 2686], [197, 1689, 7, 2688], [], [132, 1051, 2647, 2631, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2690], [], [1590, 2683, 80, 2692, 7, 2693], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2695], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2697], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2699], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2701], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2703], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2705], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2707], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2709], [197, 1765, 7, 2711], [197, 1768, 7, 2713], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2715], [197, 1689, 7, 2717], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2719, 887, 2720, 173, 2721, 7, 2722], [197, 1673, 7, 2724], [132, 2720, 197, 1676, 7, 2726], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2729], [197, 1686, 7, 2731], [197, 1689, 7, 2733], [], [132, 2719, 2647, 2631, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2735], [], [1590, 2683, 80, 2737, 7, 2738], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2740], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2742], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2744], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2746], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2748], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2750], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2752], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2754], [197, 1765, 7, 2756], [197, 1768, 7, 2758], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2760], [197, 1689, 7, 2762], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2764, 887, 2765, 173, 2766, 7, 2767], [197, 1673, 7, 2769], [132, 2765, 197, 1676, 7, 2771], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2774], [197, 1686, 7, 2776], [197, 1689, 7, 2778], [], [132, 2764, 2647, 2631, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2780], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2783], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2785], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2787], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2789], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2791], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2793], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2795], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2797], [197, 1765, 7, 2799], [197, 1768, 7, 2801], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2804], [197, 1689, 7, 2806], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2808, 887, 2809, 173, 2810, 7, 2811], [197, 1673, 7, 2813], [132, 2809, 197, 1676, 7, 2815], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2818], [197, 1686, 7, 2820], [197, 1689, 7, 2822], [], [132, 2808, 2647, 2631, 173, 2824, 197, 1701, 7, 2825], [], [132, 1168, 197, 2828, 7, 2829], [], [7, 2831], [], [197, 2833, 7, 2834], [], [7, 2836], [197, 2838, 7, 2839], [197, 2841, 7, 2842], [], [], [7, 2845], [197, 2838, 7, 2847], [197, 2841, 7, 2849], [], [50, 2852, 261, 262, 7, 2853], [], [], [], [7, 2855], [197, 2838, 7, 2857], [197, 2841, 7, 2859], [], [], [7, 2862], [197, 2838, 7, 2864], [197, 2841, 7, 2866], [], [], [7, 2869], [197, 2838, 7, 2871], [197, 2841, 7, 2873], [], [7, 2876], [], [7, 2879], [7, 2881], [], [7, 2884], [7, 2886], [], [7, 2889], [7, 2891], [], [7, 2894], [7, 2896], [], [], [], [7, 2899], [197, 2838, 7, 2901], [197, 2841, 7, 2903], [], [50, 2906, 261, 262, 7, 2907], [], [], [], [7, 2911], [197, 2838, 7, 2913], [197, 2841, 7, 2915], [], [], [7, 2918], [197, 2838, 7, 2920], [197, 2841, 7, 2922], [], [50, 2925, 261, 262, 7, 2926], [], [], [], [], [2930, 14, 173, 972, 7, 2931], [], [173, 2934, 7, 2935], [7, 2937], [173, 2939, 7, 2940], [7, 2942], [], [173, 2945, 7, 2946], [], [173, 2949, 7, 2950], [], [173, 2953, 7, 2954], [], [7, 2957], [7, 2959], [], [173, 2945, 7, 2961], [], [173, 2949, 7, 2964], [], [173, 2949, 7, 2967], [], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 2970], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2972], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2974], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2976], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2978], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2980], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2982], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2984], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2986], [197, 1765, 7, 2988], [197, 1768, 7, 2990], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2992], [197, 1689, 7, 2994], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2996, 887, 2997, 173, 2810, 7, 2998], [197, 1673, 7, 3000], [132, 2997, 197, 1676, 7, 3002], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3005], [197, 1686, 7, 3007], [197, 1689, 7, 3009], [], [132, 2996, 2647, 2631, 173, 2824, 197, 1701, 7, 3011], [], [132, 1168, 197, 2828, 7, 3014], [], [197, 502, 7, 3016], [], [7, 3018], [7, 3020], [], [], [197, 3023, 7, 3024], [], [], [197, 3027, 7, 3028], [], [], [197, 2833, 7, 3031], [], [7, 3033], [197, 2838, 7, 3035], [197, 2841, 7, 3037], [], [173, 3040, 7, 3041], [], [], [173, 3040, 7, 3045], [], [], [], [7, 3049], [197, 2838, 7, 3051], [197, 2841, 7, 3053], [], [], [7, 3056], [197, 2838, 7, 3058], [197, 2841, 7, 3060], [], [], [7, 3063], [197, 2838, 7, 3065], [197, 2841, 7, 3067], [], [], [7, 3070], [197, 2838, 7, 3072], [197, 2841, 7, 3074], [], [], [7, 3077], [197, 2838, 7, 3079], [197, 2841, 7, 3081], [], [], [7, 3084], [197, 2838, 7, 3086], [197, 2841, 7, 3088], [], [], [7, 3091], [197, 2838, 7, 3093], [197, 2841, 7, 3095], [], [], [7, 3098], [197, 2838, 7, 3100], [197, 2841, 7, 3102], [], [], [7, 3105], [197, 2838, 7, 3107], [197, 2841, 7, 3109], [], [], [7, 3112], [197, 2838, 7, 3114], [197, 2841, 7, 3116], [], [], [7, 3119], [197, 2838, 7, 3121], [197, 2841, 7, 3123], [], [], [7, 3126], [197, 2838, 7, 3128], [197, 2841, 7, 3130], [], [], [7, 3133], [197, 2838, 7, 3135], [197, 2841, 7, 3137], [], [], [7, 3140], [197, 2838, 7, 3142], [197, 2841, 7, 3144], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 3147], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 3149], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 3151], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 3153], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 3155], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 3157], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 3159], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 3161], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 3163], [197, 1765, 7, 3165], [197, 1768, 7, 3167], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3169], [197, 1689, 7, 3171], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3173, 887, 3174, 173, 3175, 7, 3176], [197, 1673, 7, 3178], [132, 3174, 197, 1676, 7, 3180], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3183], [197, 1686, 7, 3185], [197, 1689, 7, 3187], [], [197, 1765, 7, 3189], [197, 1768, 7, 3191], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3193], [197, 1689, 7, 3195], [], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3198], [197, 1689, 7, 3200], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 3202], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 3204], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 3206], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 3208], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 3210], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 3212], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 3214], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 3216], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3218, 887, 3219, 173, 3175, 7, 3220], [197, 1673, 7, 3222], [132, 3219, 197, 1676, 7, 3224], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3227], [197, 1686, 7, 3229], [197, 1689, 7, 3231], [], [197, 1765, 7, 3233], [197, 1768, 7, 3235], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3237], [197, 1689, 7, 3239], [], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3241], [197, 1689, 7, 3243], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 3245], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 3247], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 3249], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 3251], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 3253], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 3255], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 3257], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 3259], [197, 3261, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3262, 887, 3263, 173, 972, 7, 3264], [197, 1673, 7, 3266], [132, 3263, 197, 1676, 7, 3268], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3271], [197, 1686, 7, 3273], [197, 1689, 7, 3275], [], [197, 1765, 7, 3277], [197, 1768, 7, 3279], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3281], [197, 1689, 7, 3283], [], [197, 3261, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3285, 887, 3286, 173, 972, 7, 3287], [197, 1673, 7, 3289], [132, 3286, 197, 1676, 7, 3291], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3293], [197, 1686, 7, 3295], [197, 1689, 7, 3297], [], [197, 1765, 7, 3299], [197, 1768, 7, 3301], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3303], [197, 1689, 7, 3305], [], [173, 3307, 7, 3308], [], [48, 87, 7, 3310], [], [], [173, 3307, 7, 3313], [7, 3315], [], [173, 3307, 7, 3318], [], [48, 87, 7, 3320], [], [], [883, 895, 916, 14, 874, 894, 1213, 3322, 30, 3323, 132, 3323, 80, 3324, 173, 3325, 7, 3326], [132, 3328, 80, 3329, 7, 3330], [173, 3333, 7, 3334], [3336, 3337, 173, 3338, 7, 3339], [173, 3341, 7, 3342], [46, 55, 50, 3344, 7, 3345], [173, 3338, 7, 3347], [173, 3341, 7, 3349], [46, 55, 50, 3344, 7, 3351], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3173, 887, 2301, 173, 3175], [197, 1673], [132, 2301, 197, 1676], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683], [197, 1686], [197, 1689], [], [132, 3173, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 3353], [], [529, 409, 132, 3356, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3357], [], [197, 3359, 7, 3360], [], [197, 3363, 7, 3364], [], [7, 3367], [], [7, 3369], [], [197, 401, 7, 3371], [197, 611, 7, 3373], [], [629, 3375, 7, 3376], [], [], [197, 3378, 342, 14, 682, 3379, 684, 685, 343, 639, 132, 3375, 30, 3375, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3380], [], [197, 672, 673, 3375, 674, 14, 7, 3382], [], [], [7, 3384], [], [197, 401, 7, 3386], [197, 611, 7, 3388], [], [629, 3390, 7, 3391], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 821, 684, 735, 822, 823, 824, 825, 343, 826, 132, 3390, 30, 3390, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3393], [], [197, 672, 673, 3390, 674, 14, 7, 3395], [], [], [7, 3397], [], [197, 401, 7, 3399], [197, 611, 7, 3401], [], [629, 3403, 7, 3404], [], [], [7, 3407], [], [3410, 2127, 342, 14, 343, 3411, 132, 3403, 30, 3403, 3412, 2026, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3413], [], [197, 672, 673, 3403, 674, 14, 7, 3415], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3417], [], [132, 3419, 30, 3419, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3420], [], [132, 2514, 30, 2514, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3422], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1765], [197, 1768], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741], [197, 1744, 173, 1741], [197, 1747, 173, 1741], [197, 1750, 173, 1741], [197, 1753, 173, 1741], [197, 1756, 173, 1741], [197, 1759, 173, 1741], [197, 1762, 173, 1741], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3218, 887, 888, 173, 3175], [197, 1673], [132, 888, 197, 1676], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683], [197, 1686], [197, 1689], [], [132, 3218, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 3424], [], [132, 3426, 529, 3427, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3428], [], [48, 347, 132, 3430, 30, 3430, 348, 14, 7, 3431], [], [7, 3433], [], [7, 3435], [], [629, 3437, 7, 3438], [], [], [48, 691, 132, 3437, 30, 3441, 343, 686, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3442], [], [173, 3444, 7, 3445], [], [197, 672, 673, 3441, 674, 14, 7, 3447], [], [], [], [7, 3450], [], [629, 3452, 7, 3453], [], [], [132, 3452, 343, 797, 30, 2524, 48, 799, 197, 796, 7, 3455], [], [173, 3444, 7, 3457], [], [197, 672, 673, 2524, 674, 14, 7, 3459], [], [], [], [7, 3461], [], [629, 3463, 7, 3464], [], [], [197, 3467, 132, 3463, 30, 3468, 173, -1, 7, 3469], [348, 3471, 7, 3472], [], [], [348, 3474, 7, 3475], [], [], [348, 3477, 7, 3478], [], [], [348, 3480, 7, 3481], [], [], [348, 3483, 7, 3484], [], [], [348, 3486, 7, 3487], [], [], [], [], [7, 3490], [], [629, 3492, 7, 3493], [], [], [132, 3492, 30, 3496, 3412, 2033, 3410, 685, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3497], [], [], [], [], [197, 1765], [197, 1768], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741], [197, 1744, 173, 1741], [197, 1747, 173, 1741], [197, 1750, 173, 1741], [197, 1753, 173, 1741], [197, 1756, 173, 1741], [197, 1759, 173, 1741], [197, 1762, 173, 1741], [197, 3261, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3262, 887, 901, 173, 972], [197, 1673], [132, 901, 197, 1676], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683], [197, 1686], [197, 1689], [], [132, 3262, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 3499], [], [132, 3501, 7, 3502], [], [197, 1765], [197, 1768], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [197, 3261, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3285, 887, 1669, 173, 972], [197, 1673], [132, 1669, 197, 1676], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683], [197, 1686], [197, 1689], [], [132, 3285, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 3504], [], [132, 3506, 7, 3507], [], [], [197, 1765], [197, 1768], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [173, 3307], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3307], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3307], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2387, 2491], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [185, 187, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 400, 410, 432, 445, 458, 463, 480, 502, 511, 549, 569, 608, 609, 647, 674, 690, 708, 728, 729, 761, 762, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1191, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1263, 1291, 1301, 1334, 1336, 1631, 1648, 1694, 1703, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1789, 1802, 1815, 1828, 2359, 2372, 2394, 2396, 2430, 2439, 2452], "value": [349, 354, 349, 411, 548, 553, 557, 354, 566, -1, 548, 349, 411, 600, 553, -1, -1, -1, -1, 771, 557, -1, 828, -1, 566, 242, 14, 566, 242, -1, -1, -1, 14, 566, 14, 566, 548, 349, 600, 411, 557, -1, 548, 553, 411, 349, -1, 1831, 354, -1, 553, 1831, 553, 1831, -1, 1907, 1919, -1, 553, 557, -1, -1, -1, 349, 411, 553, 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37.78125, 17], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2632.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2632.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 2632.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 2632.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2650.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 2650.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2684.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2718.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2718.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 2752.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 2752.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2786.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2820.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2820.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2820.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 2820.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 2854.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 214, -1, 218, -1, 267, 214, 210, -1, -1, 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[331, 1774, 18, 16], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [], [], [357, 1774, 253, 17], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [], [], [], [], [611, 1774, 0, 17], [], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [52, 1795, 13, 13], [], [72, 1794, 0, 17], [], [72, 1794, 697, 17], [], [], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 209, 21], [], [], [8, 1865, 1264, 0], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [], [8, 1965, 1264, 234], [8, 1965, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 9, 43, 17], [0, 9, 43, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 36, 227, 18], [0, 36, 114, 18], [0, 0, 52, 17], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [114, 36, 113, 18], [], [0, 54, 227, 36], [0, 54, 114, 36], [0, 9, 72, 17], [0, 9, 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[], [0, 108, 227, 18], [0, 108, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 18, 114, 0], [114, 108, 113, 18], [], [36, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [0, 126, 227, 36], [0, 126, 114, 36], [0, 0, 70, 35], [], [], [114, 126, 113, 36], [], [36, 9, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 2393, 1264, 0], [8, 2409, 1264, 70], [8, 2409, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2443, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [59, 2481, 0, 17], [], [59, 2495, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 0], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2633, 1264, 36], [], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2719, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2753, 1264, 18], [8, 2753, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2821, 1264, 18], [], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], 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[], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1262, 270], [0, 0, 1253, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], 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0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 71, 76, 79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 110, 116, 117, 119, 125, 127, 129, 132, 136, 140, 142, 144, 144, 145, 154, 155, 157, 162, 164, 188, 190, 207, 209, 215, 217, 229, 231, 245, 247, 248, 249, 264, 267, 274, 289, 292, 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 316, 322, 325, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 344, 347, 351, 356, 362, 368, 371, 380, 383, 383, 388, 391, 396, 399, 399, 404, 407, 412, 415, 415, 420, 420, 423, 424, 425, 430, 430, 432, 437, 440, 445, 446, 454, 457, 461, 461, 464, 466, 466, 471, 473, 475, 475, 475, 481, 484, 486, 491, 491, 494, 496, 501, 503, 504, 505, 516, 516, 516, 517, 518, 521, 522, 523, 525, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 546, 547, 547, 550, 551, 552, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561, 561, 561, 562, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 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Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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"BirthMonth", "menu", "ed41cd42-75ab-4c96", "", "a59c99bf-52a3-4b49", "", "Month...", "203d9c16-9e00-4256", "", "January", "2", "7dd93dd3-0b9e-4dea", "", "February", "8ca11b15-99c3-4152", "", "March", "4", "cb2b0bb7-c23c-4c71", "", "April", "66f78931-9e37-46b3", "", "May", "6", "57c8ce6d-3d9b-45a1", "", "June", "7", "38012a26-e6d7-4738", "", "July", "8", "066a59f1-0e4c-441e", "", "August", "9", "09dff9df-3356-4cc7", "", "September", "10", "b35e778d-a2fe-4f39", "", "October", "11", "53bf3097-f31e-4814", "", "November", "56f0d983-cbb7-4144", "", "December", "two columns dateFloat fs-exclude", "ac1d85ab-4deb-4fe6", "", "selectmenu day ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "The field Birth Day must be a number.", "BirthDay", "width:100%", "98d7931d-a7e1-478c", "", "3bd3c2f3-00fd-46bb", "", "Day...", "29365b88-9a55-4c7c", "", "I don't know", "d28ab7bd-e738-46dc", "", "6c3bafd5-b9fd-40de", "", "4c392908-0944-41c0", "", "098773ab-f3a2-497e", "", "daa4de8c-6b30-4677", "", 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"f6e0202e-40d2-432b", "", "Year...", "2023", "6cd4591e-9b55-4d82", "", "2022", "ba3f0a90-9276-42f5", "", "2021", "3739d282-1ebd-4b98", "", "2020", "ac010f8a-7a93-42db", "", "2019", "aa5f5b1c-c0f8-420e", "", "2018", "a2f86800-aa67-4a1e", "", "2017", "83036e4a-5ef6-448b", "", "2016", "318b6f45-b451-4fda", "", "2015", "f447c4cf-f859-48c6", "", "2014", "eaa1db1f-46d4-4da8", "", "2013", "f59bb4d7-5735-4fc2", "", "2012", "c5f192cd-2a90-445a", "", "2011", "7200f7eb-7b56-42ae", "", "2010", "394c4cca-27ca-4e55", "", "2009", "31b0eccf-9157-45d6", "", "2008", "998c2816-9e90-42c6", "", "2007", "593cfe4c-48f3-419f", "", "2006", "e43d4b5e-f271-46cf", "", "2005", "8938b0da-dd44-4e75", "", "2004", "9ff2a9e6-f287-4a98", "", "2003", "b90af0ee-9ec3-4891", "", "2002", "ebdfb1e9-9165-4ae3", "", "2001", "0d539ab9-2dd9-49ef", "", "2000", "1d9811f7-4d13-446c", "", "1999", "ad7dff60-7b9e-4838", "", "f0578bc5-9338-416e", "", "e1b3b355-1369-4317", "", "dae419e3-92d4-4ebf", "", "8745acf6-a782-4e83", "", 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A1A 1A1).", "^([ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnprstvxy]\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz])\\ {0,1}(\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\\d)$", "Postal Code is a required field.", "cd8e8de1-562f-432c", "", "\n\n\n ", "a1d1d60f-171b-43a9", "", "dac7f34a-067a-4cc5", "", "a0e55c4f-f3bc-45e4", "", "a3777db9-4ba1-4fcc", "", "3bb60a4e-babe-4c91", "", "db6194ba-f3a5-4c93", "", "7ca7b4d1-d3d9-492d", "", " ", "ffed692d-8693-4c3e", "", "e3175cc3-4f81-4f5d", "", "af717582-acfc-4c38", "", "fe7c39f5-e776-43d5", "", "\n window.onload = function () {\n $(\"#BreedName\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedName\");\n\n $(\"#BreedId\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedId\");\n\n var ownerInfo = $(\"#ShowOwnerInfo\").val() == \"True\" ? true : false;\n\n if (!ownerInfo) {\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#EmployeeNumber\");\n }\n };\n", "ui-autocomplete ui-front ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "ui-id-1", "291331a6-1b53-4833", "", "566d5c6c-7631-4502", "", "2fa9cf06-35d9-4c30", "", "e69df764-a301-4033", "", "f82cee37-48c2-434c", "", "dfc7c81c-dae7-4efa", "", "3a9dee69-bf29-4cdd", "", "ec127c79-7480-4c7c", "", "f51c7681-662d-4d6a", "", "39c41195-162c-4680", "", "e8528b3a-cd5b-446f", "", "d1eda1a8-f2f5-468f", "", "c6e38130-9cf2-43fe", "", "273fe2d1-c889-4fc6", "", "f4b1713b-7447-46ec", "", "dialog-removepet", "ui-id-6", "position: absolute; top: 196px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "8bc099ef-9481-4a4b", "", "f32c79d7-8d4b-4f6f", "", "2575d955-408b-4119", "", "Remove Pet from Quote?", "9a610dc6-3a74-457e", "", "9a2f05a3-7472-420a", "", "2233b9e4-007c-4a58", "", "data-navigate-url", "/Quote/Pet/RemovePet", "Remove Pet from Quote", "bd2a9386-8954-40af", "", "RemovePetId", "c788c4a9-0563-4e60", "", "RemovePet_Processing", "258934fc-ba23-4548", "", "Removing Pet from the Quote...", "00cb3084-1429-44f7", "", "\n Removing Pet from the Quote...\n ", "RemovePet_Body", "2cfbf3a3-d5a9-4188", "", "954156af-9626-4968", "", "\n Are you sure you want to remove your pet from the quote? The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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[], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 154, 7, 155], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 157, 7, 158], [79, -1, 132, 160, 80, 161, 128, 139, 7, 162], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [80, 185, 7, 186], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 188], [], [], [7, 191], [], [], [7, 194], [], [], [197, 198, 173, 199, 200, 201, 7, 202], [], [197, 204, 7, 205], [], [132, 207, 7, 208], [], [197, 211, 7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [], [50, 224, 7, 225], [], [], [7, 229], [], [50, 232, 7, 233], [], [], [], [], [197, 236, 7, 237], [], [50, 239, 7, 240], [], [197, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [132, 252, 197, 253, 7, 254], [], [7, 257], [], [], [50, 260, 261, 262, 7, 263], [], [7, 265], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 268, 7, 269], [], [197, 271, 7, 272], [], [50, 274, 261, 262, 7, 275], [], [80, 279, 197, 280, 7, 281], [], [], [], [], [132, 283, 7, 284], [], [7, 287], [], [7, 290], [], [], [], [], [197, 293, 7, 294], [], [197, 297, 7, 298], [], [197, 301, 7, 302], [], [], [], [197, 301, 7, 308], [], [], [], [197, 311, 7, 312], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 315, 7, 316], [], [197, 318, 7, 319], [], [132, 322, 197, 323, 7, 324], [], [132, 326, 7, 327], [], [132, 330, 197, 331, 7, 332], [], [132, 335, 197, 336, 7, 337], [], [340, 341, 342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 345, 30, 346, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 350], [], [342, 14, 343, 352, 132, 353, 30, 353, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 355], [], [197, 357, 7, 358], [], [132, 360, 7, 361], [], [197, 365, 7, 366], [], [], [197, 369, 7, 370], [], [197, 372, 7, 373], [], [197, 375, 7, 376], [], [197, 379, 7, 380], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 383], [], [197, 379, 7, 385], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 388], [], [197, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [197, 395, 7, 396], [], [197, 375, 7, 398], [], [197, 401, 7, 402], [], [], [197, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 7, 412], [], [7, 415], [50, 417, 7, 418], [], [], [], [], [197, 422, 7, 423], [], [7, 425], [197, 401, 7, 428], [], [], [], [197, 401, 7, 432], [], [197, 435, 7, 436], [], [], [], [197, 439, 406, 440, 408, 441, 410, 411, 7, 442], [], [7, 444], [50, 446, 7, 447], [], [], [], [], [197, 450, 7, 451], [], [197, 379, 7, 453], [], [], [197, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [], [197, 460, 7, 461], [], [132, 463, 464, 465, 197, 465, 50, 466, 7, 467], [], [197, 469, 7, 470], [], [], [7, 473], [], [], [], [], [197, 477, 7, 478], [], [197, 480, 7, 481], [], [197, 483, 7, 484], [], [], [197, 487, 7, 488], [], [], [197, 491, 7, 492], [], [], [], [197, 495, 7, 496], [], [197, 498, 7, 499], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 503], [], [197, 498, 7, 505], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 508], [], [197, 510, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 514], [], [7, 517], [], [173, 519, 7, 520], [], [], [], [7, 523], [], [197, 372, 7, 526], [], [529, 530, 531, 532, 132, 533, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 537], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 540], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 544], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 549], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 554], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 558], [342, 14, 343, 560, 132, 561, 30, 561, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 562], [342, 14, 343, 564, 132, 565, 30, 565, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 567], [132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 570], [], [132, 335, 7, 573], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [197, 578, 7, 579], [], [132, 581, 7, 582], [], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 585, 30, 586, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 587], [], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 591], [], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 595], [], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 601], [], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 603, 30, 604, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 605], [], [197, 608, 7, 609], [], [197, 611, 7, 612], [], [], [], [197, 365, 7, 616], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 619], [], [197, 621, 7, 622], [], [197, 401, 7, 624], [197, 611, 7, 626], [], [629, 630, 7, 631], [], [], [], [197, 634, 7, 635], [], [197, 638, 342, 14, 343, 639, 132, 630, 30, 640, 641, 14, 642, 566, 7, 643], [348, -1, 7, 646], [], [], [348, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [348, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [348, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [348, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [348, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 670], [], [197, 672, 673, 640, 674, 14, 7, 675], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 678], [], [680, 681, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 687, 30, 688, 689, 690, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 695, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 698], [], [197, 669, 7, 700], [], [197, 672, 673, 688, 674, 14, 7, 702], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 704], [], [680, 706, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 709, 30, 710, 689, 711, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 712, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 713], [], [197, 669, 7, 715], [], [197, 672, 673, 710, 674, 14, 7, 717], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 719], [], [197, 677, 7, 721], [], [197, 401, 7, 723], [197, 611, 7, 725], [], [629, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 732], [], [342, 14, 682, 734, 684, 735, 343, 736, 132, 727, 30, 737, 689, 738, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 739, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 740], [], [197, 669, 7, 742], [], [197, 672, 673, 737, 674, 14, 7, 744], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 746], [], [197, 748, 7, 749], [], [342, 14, 682, 751, 684, 735, 343, 752, 132, 753, 30, 754, 689, 755, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 756], [], [197, 669, 7, 758], [], [197, 672, 673, 754, 674, 14, 7, 760], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 762], [], [197, 764, 7, 765], [], [342, 14, 343, 768, 132, 769, 30, 770, 48, 347, 348, 771, 7, 772], [], [197, 774, 7, 775], [], [], [132, 778, 30, 779, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 780], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 782], [], [197, 677, 7, 784], [], [197, 401, 7, 786], [197, 611, 7, 788], [], [629, 790, 7, 791], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 794], [], [197, 796, 342, 14, 343, 797, 132, 790, 30, 798, 48, 799, 348, -1, 7, 800], [], [197, 669, 7, 802], [], [197, 672, 673, 798, 674, 14, 7, 804], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 806], [], [197, 677, 7, 808], [], [197, 401, 7, 810], [197, 611, 7, 812], [], [629, 814, 7, 815], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 818], [], [680, 820, 342, 14, 682, 821, 684, 735, 822, 823, 824, 825, 343, 826, 132, 814, 30, 827, 48, 691, 348, 828, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 829], [], [197, 669, 7, 831], [], [197, 672, 673, 827, 674, 14, 7, 833], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 343, 835, 132, 836, 30, 837, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 838], [], [], [], [], [197, 840, 7, 841], [], [197, 844, 7, 845], [], [197, 848, 7, 849], [], [132, 852, 7, 853], [], [7, 856], [], [197, 365, 7, 859], [], [], [7, 863], [], [7, 866], [], [], [132, 869, 197, 870, 7, 871], [], [197, 873, 874, 875, 7, 876], [], [], [], [197, 881, 874, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 14, 7, 890], [50, 892, 197, 893, 874, 894, 883, 895, 132, 888, 7, 896], [], [], [197, 899, 874, 882, 883, 895, 885, 900, 887, 901, 889, 566, 7, 902], [50, 904, 197, 893, 874, 894, 883, 895, 132, 901, 7, 905], [], [], [], [340, 909, 342, 14, 343, 910, 132, 909, 30, 909, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 911], [], [132, 886, 887, 888, 197, 913, 874, 914, 915, 14, 916, 566, 7, 917], [], [7, 920], [], [], [132, 924, 925, 926, 7, 927], [], [197, 372, 7, 929], [], [197, 375, 7, 931], [], [197, 933, 7, 934], [629, 936, 7, 937], [], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 940], [], [197, 942, 342, 14, 682, 943, 684, 735, 343, 944, 132, 936, 30, 936, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 945], [], [197, 947, 7, 948], [], [197, 672, 673, 936, 674, 14, 7, 950], [], [], [], [], [197, 952, 7, 953], [], [], [], [132, 957, 197, 958, 173, 959, 7, 960], [], [132, 962, 7, 963], [], [132, 966, 80, 967, 968, 884, 173, 959, 7, 969], [], [], [], [197, 372, 132, 971, 173, 972, 7, 973], [], [197, 375, 7, 975], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 978], [], [132, 980, 197, 981, 7, 982], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 984], [], [197, 375, 7, 986], [], [], [197, 988, 7, 989], [], [342, 14, 991, 992, 343, 993, 994, 994, 132, 995, 30, 995, 48, 996, 348, 14, 7, 997], [30, 995, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 999], [], [197, 1001, 132, 1002, 7, 1003], [], [197, 1005, 7, 1006], [], [7, 1008], [], [132, 1011, 50, 466, 7, 1012], [], [197, 1015, 7, 1016], [], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 1020], [], [197, 672, 673, 995, 674, 14, 7, 1022], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 900, 887, 901, 197, 913, 874, 914, 915, 566, 916, 14, 173, 972, 7, 1024], [], [925, 1026, 7, 1027], [], [7, 1029], [], [7, 1031], [], [197, 933, 7, 1033], [197, 611, 7, 1035], [], [629, 936, 7, 1038], [], [], [197, 942, 132, 936, 30, 936, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1040], [], [197, 947, 7, 1042], [], [197, 672, 673, 936, 674, 14, 7, 1044], [], [], [], [7, 1046], [], [197, 1048, 1049, 1050, 464, 1051, 7, 1052], [], [1049, 1050, 464, 1051, 50, 466, 883, 895, 7, 1054], [], [197, 1056, 7, 1057], [], [], [], [], [7, 1060], [], [197, 1062, 7, 1063], [197, 611, 7, 1065], [], [629, 1067, 7, 1068], [], [], [197, 1071, 342, 14, 682, 1072, 684, 1073, 1074, 1073, 822, 1075, 824, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 909, 1080, 565, 1081, 14, 1082, 566, 132, 1067, 1083, 1073, 30, 1067, 48, 799, 348, -1, 7, 1084], [], [197, 947, 7, 1086], [], [197, 672, 673, 1067, 674, 14, 7, 1088], [], [], [], [7, 1090], [], [197, 933, 7, 1092], [197, 611, 7, 1094], [], [629, 1096, 7, 1097], [], [], [197, 1071, 342, 14, 682, 1100, 684, 1101, 1074, 1101, 822, 1102, 824, 1103, 1077, 1104, 1079, 909, 1080, 565, 1081, 14, 1082, 566, 132, 1096, 1083, 1101, 30, 1096, 48, 799, 348, -1, 7, 1105], [], [197, 947, 7, 1107], [], [197, 672, 673, 1096, 674, 14, 7, 1109], [], [], [], [7, 1111], [], [197, 933, 7, 1113], [], [197, 611, 7, 1115], [], [629, 1117, 7, 1118], [], [], [], [197, 1071, 342, 14, 822, 1121, 824, 1122, 1077, 1123, 1079, 909, 1080, 565, 1081, 14, 1082, 566, 132, 1117, 1083, 1124, 30, 1117, 48, 799, 348, -1, 7, 1125], [], [197, 947, 7, 1127], [], [197, 672, 673, 1117, 674, 14, 7, 1129], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1133, 7, 1134], [], [7, 1136], [], [], [197, 1138, 7, 1139], [], [1141, 1142, 342, 14, 991, 1143, 343, 1144, 994, 994, 132, 1145, 30, 1145, 48, 996, 348, 14, 7, 1146], [30, 1145, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1148], [], [197, 1001, 132, 1151, 7, 1152], [], [197, 1154, 629, 1155, 7, 1156], [], [132, 1159, 7, 1160], [], [7, 1163], [132, 1165, 50, 466, 7, 1166], [], [132, 1165, 50, 466, 7, 1169], [197, 1015, 7, 1171], [], [], [], [197, 1175, 7, 1176], [197, 1178, 7, 1179], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 672, 673, 1145, 674, 14, 7, 1183], [], [], [], [7, 1185], [], [], [197, 1138, 7, 1187], [], [30, 1189, 342, 14, 343, 1190, 132, 1191, 48, 996, 348, 14, 7, 1192], [30, 1191, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1194], [], [197, 1001, 132, 1197, 7, 1198], [], [173, 1200, 197, 1154, 629, 1155, 7, 1201], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1205, 7, 1206], [], [197, 331, 7, 1208], [], [197, 1211, 48, 1212, 1213, 1214, 7, 1215], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1219], [], [], [], [80, 1222, 7, 1223], [], [], [132, 1226, 197, 253, 7, 1227], [], [197, 1230, 7, 1231], [], [197, 1233, 7, 1234], [], [7, 1237], [], [], [197, 1240, 7, 1241], [], [132, 1243, 7, 1244], [], [197, 372, 7, 1246], [], [197, 1248, 7, 1249], [], [7, 1251], [], [], [], [197, 1253, 7, 1254], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1257, 7, 1258], [], [1261, 1262, 1263, 884, 1264, 884, 1265, 884, 7, 1266], [], [7, 1269], [7, 1272], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1276], [], [197, 401, 7, 1278], [629, 1280, 7, 1281], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1285], [], [], [], [7, 1288], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1290], [], [197, 401, 7, 1292], [629, 1294, 7, 1295], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1298], [], [], [], [7, 1301], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1303], [], [197, 401, 7, 1305], [629, 1307, 7, 1308], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1311], [], [], [], [7, 1314], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1316], [], [197, 401, 7, 1318], [629, 1320, 7, 1321], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1324], [], [], [], [7, 1327], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1329], [], [197, 401, 7, 1331], [629, 1333, 7, 1334], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1337], [], [], [], [7, 1340], [], [197, 1275, 7, 1342], [], [197, 401, 7, 1344], [629, 1346, 7, 1347], [], [], [], [197, 1284, 7, 1350], [], [7, 1353], [], [], [], [7, 1356], [], [7, 1358], [197, 1360, 7, 1361], [629, 1363, 7, 1364], [], [], [197, 1367, 7, 1368], [], [], [], [173, 1371, 7, 1372], [], [173, 1374, 7, 1375], [197, 401, 7, 1377], [629, 1379, 7, 1380], [], [], [], [173, 1383, 7, 1384], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1257, 173, 1386, 7, 1387], [], [197, 1389, 50, 466, 46, 1390, 7, 1391], [], [197, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1396, 1397, 7, 1398], [], [], [], [132, 1390, 197, 1402, 7, 1403], [], [1261, 1262, 1263, 884, 1264, 884, 1265, 884, 7, 1406], [], [7, 1408], [7, 1410], [], [173, 1374, 197, 1275, 7, 1412], [], [197, 401, 7, 1414], [], [], [], [173, 1383, 197, 1275, 7, 1417], [], [], [], [7, 1420], [], [173, 1374, 197, 1275, 7, 1422], [197, 401, 7, 1424], [], [], [], [173, 1383, 197, 1275, 7, 1427], [], [7, 1430], [], [], [], [], [7, 1433], [], [7, 1435], [], [197, 401, 7, 1437], [], [], [7, 1441], [], [7, 1443], [], [], [], [], [7, 1447], [], [7, 1449], [197, 401, 7, 1451], [197, 1453, 7, 1454], [], [7, 1457], [], [7, 1459], [], [7, 1462], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1466], [], [7, 1468], [], [197, 401, 7, 1470], [], [], [], [7, 1473], [], [7, 1476], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1478, 7, 1479], [], [], [197, 1481, 7, 1482], [], [7, 1485], [], [7, 1488], [], [7, 1491], [], [], [], [173, 1494, 7, 1495], [], [197, 1497, 80, 1498, 7, 1499], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1502, 7, 1503], [], [197, 1505, 7, 1506], [], [197, 1508, 7, 1509], [], [132, 1511, 7, 1512], [], [7, 1514], [], [7, 1517], [], [50, 1520, 261, 262, 7, 1521], [7, 1524], [], [], [], [7, 1529], [], [7, 1532], [], [50, 1535, 261, 262, 7, 1536], [7, 1538], [], [], [7, 1542], [], [7, 1545], [], [7, 1547], [], [7, 1549], [], [], [7, 1552], [], [7, 1554], [], [], [7, 1558], [], [7, 1560], [], [7, 1562], [], [50, 1565, 261, 262, 7, 1566], [7, 1568], [], [], [50, 1572, 261, 262, 7, 1573], [7, 1575], [], [], [7, 1579], [], [197, 1581, 7, 1582], [], [7, 1584], [], [7, 1587], [], [50, 1520, 261, 262, 1590, 1591, 1213, 1591, 7, 1592], [7, 1594], [], [], [7, 1597], [], [197, 1581, 173, 1599, 7, 1600], [], [50, 1602, 261, 262, 1590, 1603, 1213, 1603, 7, 1604], [], [], [50, 1607, 261, 262, 1213, 1608, 7, 1609], [], [], [50, 1611, 261, 262, 7, 1612], [], [], [7, 1615], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1620, 48, 87, 7, 1621], [], [80, 1623, 48, 87, 7, 1624], [], [80, 1626, 48, 87, 7, 1627], [], [80, 1629, 48, 87, 7, 1630], [], [80, 1632, 48, 87, 7, 1633], [], [80, 1635, 48, 87, 7, 1636], [], [80, 1638, 48, 87, 7, 1639], [], [80, 1641, 48, 87, 7, 1642], [], [80, 1644, 48, 87, 7, 1645], [], [80, 1647, 7, 1648], [], [80, 1222, 7, 1651], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1654], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1658], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1662], [], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 1668, 887, 1669, 173, 1670, 7, 1671], [197, 1673, 7, 1674], [132, 1669, 197, 1676, 7, 1677], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 1684], [197, 1686, 7, 1687], [197, 1689, 7, 1690], [], [132, 1668, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 1702], [], [132, 1705, 7, 1706], [], [529, 1693, 531, 1695, 132, 1708, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1709], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1711], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1713], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1715, 30, 1715, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 1716], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1718], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 1720], [], [173, 1722, 7, 1723], [], [7, 1725], [], [197, 1727, 7, 1728], [], [197, 1731, 342, 14, 343, 1732, 132, 1733, 30, 1733, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1734], [], [197, 672, 673, 1733, 674, 14, 173, 1736, 7, 1737], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 1742], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 1745], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 1748], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 1751], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 1754], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 1757], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 1760], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 1763], [197, 1765, 7, 1766], [197, 1768, 7, 1769], [48, 1680, 197, 1771, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 1772], [197, 1689, 7, 1774], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 1777], [197, 1689, 7, 1779], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 465, 887, 1781, 173, 1782, 7, 1783], [197, 1673, 7, 1785], [132, 1781, 197, 1676, 7, 1787], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 1790], [197, 1686, 7, 1792], [197, 1689, 7, 1794], [], [132, 465, 1696, 1796, 1698, 1699, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 1797], [], [132, 1799, 173, 972, 7, 1800], [], [1590, 1802, 80, 1803, 7, 1804], [], [], [132, 1807, 7, 1808], [], [197, 502, 7, 1811], [], [529, 1813, 531, 1814, 132, 1815, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1816], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1818], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1820], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1822], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1824], [132, 1826, 30, 1826, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1827], [342, 14, 343, 1829, 132, 1830, 30, 1830, 48, 347, 348, 1831, 7, 1832], [342, 14, 343, 1834, 132, 1835, 30, 1835, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 1836], [132, 1733, 30, 1733, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1838], [342, 14, 343, 1840, 132, 1841, 30, 1841, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1842], [342, 14, 991, 1844, 343, 1845, 132, 1846, 30, 1846, 48, 347, 348, 1831, 7, 1847], [132, 1841, 30, 1841, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1849], [132, 1846, 30, 1846, 48, 347, 348, 1831, 7, 1851], [], [197, -1, 173, -1, 7, 1854], [], [7, 1856], [], [197, 372, 7, 1858], [], [197, 375, 7, 1860], [], [197, 401, 7, 1862], [629, 1864, 7, 1865], [], [], [], [197, 1868, 7, 1869], [], [342, 14, 682, 1871, 684, 685, 343, 1872, 132, 1864, 30, 1864, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1873], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 1876], [], [197, 669, 7, 1878], [], [197, 1880, 673, 1864, 674, 14, 7, 1881], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1883], [], [197, 1885, 7, 1886], [], [197, 375, 7, 1888], [], [197, 401, 7, 1890], [629, 1892, 197, 1893, 7, 1894], [], [], [], [197, 1897, 7, 1898], [], [197, 1900, 7, 1901], [], [197, 1903, 1904, 1892, 342, 14, 343, 1905, 132, 1892, 30, 1892, 48, 1906, 348, 1907, 7, 1908], [], [629, 1910, 197, 1911, 7, 1912], [], [197, 1253, 7, 1914], [], [], [], [197, 1900, 7, 1917], [], [197, 1903, 1904, 1892, 132, 1892, 30, 1892, 48, 1906, 348, 1919, 7, 1920], [], [629, 1922, 197, 1923, 7, 1924], [], [197, 1926, 7, 1927], [], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 1930], [], [197, 669, 7, 1932], [], [197, 1880, 673, 1892, 674, 14, 7, 1934], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1936], [], [197, 372, 7, 1938], [], [197, 375, 7, 1940], [], [197, 401, 7, 1942], [629, 1944, 7, 1945], [], [], [], [197, 1868, 7, 1947], [], [874, 1949, 1950, 1951, 197, 1952, 7, 1953], [1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 132, 1961, 30, 1961, 173, 1962, 48, 691, 348, -1, 197, 1963, 1964, 1965, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1966], [], [340, 1944, 342, 14, 343, 1968, 132, 1944, 30, 1944, 173, 972, 48, 691, 348, 553, 7, 1969], [], [132, 1971, 173, 199, 197, 1972, 7, 1973], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 1976], [], [197, 1978, 7, 1979], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 1982], [], [197, 1984, 7, 1985], [], [197, 1987, 673, 1944, 674, 14, 7, 1988], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1990], [], [197, 372, 7, 1992], [], [197, 375, 7, 1994], [], [197, 401, 7, 1996], [], [629, 1998, 7, 1999], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 2004, 7, 2005], [], [197, 2007, 342, 14, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 1124, 2013, 2014, 343, 2015, 132, 2016, 30, 2016, 874, 2017, 883, 884, 7, 2018], [348, -1, 7, 2020], [], [], [348, 2014, 7, 2023], [], [], [348, 2026, 7, 2027], [], [], [348, 1101, 7, 2030], [], [], [348, 2033, 7, 2034], [], [], [348, 1073, 7, 2037], [], [], [348, 2040, 7, 2041], [], [], [348, 2044, 7, 2045], [], [], [348, 2048, 7, 2049], [], [], [348, 2052, 7, 2053], [], [], [348, 2056, 7, 2057], [], [], [348, 2060, 7, 2061], [], [], [348, 1124, 7, 2064], [], [], [], [], [197, 2067, 7, 2068], [], [197, 2070, 342, 14, 2008, 2071, 132, 2072, 30, 2072, 173, 2073, 874, 2017, 883, 884, 7, 2074], [348, -1, 7, 2076], [], [], [348, 895, 7, 2079], [], [], [348, 2014, 7, 2082], [], [], [348, 2026, 7, 2084], [], [], [348, 1101, 7, 2086], [], [], [348, 2033, 7, 2088], [], [], [348, 1073, 7, 2090], [], [], [348, 2040, 7, 2092], [], [], [348, 2044, 7, 2094], [], [], [348, 2048, 7, 2096], [], [], [348, 2052, 7, 2098], [], [], [348, 2056, 7, 2100], [], [], [348, 2060, 7, 2102], [], [], [348, 1124, 7, 2104], [], [], [348, 2106, 7, 2107], [], [], [348, 2109, 7, 2110], [], [], [348, 2112, 7, 2113], [], [], [348, 2115, 7, 2116], [], [], [348, 2118, 7, 2119], [], [], [348, 2121, 7, 2122], [], [], [348, 2124, 7, 2125], [], [], [348, 2127, 7, 2128], [], [], [348, 2130, 7, 2131], [], [], [348, 2133, 7, 2134], [], [], [348, 2136, 7, 2137], [], [], [348, 2139, 7, 2140], [], [], [348, 2142, 7, 2143], [], [], [348, 2145, 7, 2146], [], [], [348, 2148, 7, 2149], [], [], [348, 2151, 7, 2152], [], [], [348, 2154, 7, 2155], [], [], [348, 2157, 7, 2158], [], [], [348, 2160, 7, 2161], [], [], [], [], [197, 2067, 7, 2163], [], [197, 2165, 342, 14, 2008, 2166, 343, 2167, 132, 2168, 30, 2168, 874, 2017, 883, 884, 7, 2169], [348, -1, 7, 2171], [], [], [348, 2174, 7, 2175], [], [], [348, 2177, 7, 2178], [], [], [348, 2180, 7, 2181], [], [], [348, 2183, 7, 2184], [], [], [348, 2186, 7, 2187], [], [], [348, 2189, 7, 2190], [], [], [348, 2192, 7, 2193], [], [], [348, 2195, 7, 2196], [], [], [348, 2198, 7, 2199], [], [], [348, 2201, 7, 2202], [], [], [348, 2204, 7, 2205], [], [], [348, 2207, 7, 2208], [], [], [348, 2210, 7, 2211], [], [], [348, 2213, 7, 2214], [], [], [348, 2216, 7, 2217], [], [], [348, 2219, 7, 2220], [], [], [348, 2222, 7, 2223], [], [], [348, 2225, 7, 2226], [], [], [348, 2228, 7, 2229], [], [], [348, 2231, 7, 2232], [], [], [348, 2234, 7, 2235], [], [], [348, 2237, 7, 2238], [], [], [348, 2240, 7, 2241], [], [], [348, 2243, 7, 2244], [], [], [348, 2246, 7, 2247], [], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 2249], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2251], [], [197, 1880, 673, 2016, 674, 14, 7, 2253], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 2255], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2257], [], [197, 1880, 673, 2168, 674, 14, 7, 2259], [], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 2261], [], [197, 669, 7, 2263], [], [132, 2265, 173, 199, 197, 1972, 7, 2266], [], [], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 2269, 684, 2044, 1074, 2040, 822, 2270, 824, 2271, 343, 2272, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 2273], [], [7, 2276], [], [197, 372, 7, 2278], [], [197, 375, 7, 2280], [], [197, 401, 7, 2282], [], [629, 820, 7, 2284], [], [], [], [], [197, 1868, 7, 2286], [], [342, 14, 682, 821, 684, 735, 822, 823, 824, 825, 132, 820, 30, 820, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2288], [], [], [197, 1875, 7, 2291], [], [197, 669, 7, 2293], [], [197, 1880, 673, 820, 674, 14, 7, 2295], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2297], [], [], [], [197, 2300, 132, 2301, 883, 884, 1682, 566, 173, 972, 7, 2302], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2304], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2306], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2308], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2310], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2312], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2314], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2316], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2318], [197, 1765, 7, 2320], [197, 1768, 7, 2322], [48, 1680, 197, 1771, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2324], [197, 1689, 7, 2326], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2328], [197, 1689, 7, 2330], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2332, 887, 2333, 173, 2334, 7, 2335], [197, 1673, 7, 2337], [132, 2333, 197, 1676, 7, 2339], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2342], [197, 1686, 7, 2344], [197, 1689, 7, 2346], [], [132, 2332, 2348, 2349, 1696, 2350, 1698, 1699, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2351], [], [48, 347, 340, 2353, 7, 2354], [], [132, 2356, 173, 972, 7, 2357], [], [1590, 2359, 80, 1803, 7, 2360], [], [], [132, 2363, 7, 2364], [], [48, 347, 340, 2353, 7, 2366], [], [7, 2369], [7, 2371], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2374], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2376], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2378], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2380], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2382], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2384], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2386], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2388], [197, 1765, 7, 2390], [197, 1768, 7, 2392], [48, 1680, 197, 1771, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2394], [197, 1689, 7, 2396], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2398], [197, 1689, 7, 2400], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2402, 887, 2403, 173, 2404, 7, 2405], [197, 1673, 7, 2407], [132, 2403, 197, 1676, 7, 2409], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2412], [197, 1686, 7, 2414], [197, 1689, 7, 2416], [], [132, 2402, 1696, 2418, 1698, 1699, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2419], [], [132, 2421, 173, 972, 7, 2422], [], [1590, 2424, 80, 1803, 7, 2425], [], [], [132, 2428, 7, 2429], [], [529, 2432, 132, 2433, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 2434], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 2436], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 2438], [340, 2440, 342, 14, 343, 2441, 132, 2442, 30, 2442, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2443], [340, 2445, 342, 14, 343, 2446, 132, 2447, 30, 2447, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2448], [340, 2450, 342, 14, 343, 2451, 132, 2452, 30, 2452, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2453], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1715, 30, 1715, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 2455], [], [173, 2457, 7, 2458], [], [], [132, 2461, 7, 2462], [], [7, 2464], [], [7, 2466], [], [629, 1864, 7, 2468], [], [], [], [7, 2471], [], [629, 1961, 7, 2473], [], [], [], [7, 2475], [], [629, 2477, 7, 2478], [], [], [], [7, 2480], [], [629, 556, 7, 2482], [], [], [], [], [7, 2484], [], [7, 2486], [], [629, 681, 7, 2488], [], [], [680, 2490, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 681, 30, 681, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2491], [], [173, 2493, 7, 2494], [], [197, 672, 673, 681, 674, 14, 173, 2496, 7, 2497], [], [], [], [7, 2499], [], [629, 706, 7, 2501], [], [], [680, 2503, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 706, 30, 706, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2504], [], [173, 2493, 7, 2506], [], [197, 672, 673, 706, 674, 14, 173, 2496, 7, 2508], [], [], [], [7, 2510], [], [629, 820, 7, 2512], [], [], [680, 2515, 342, 14, 682, 821, 684, 735, 822, 823, 824, 825, 343, 826, 132, 820, 30, 820, 48, 691, 348, 828, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2516], [], [173, 2493, 7, 2518], [], [197, 672, 673, 820, 674, 14, 173, 2496, 7, 2520], [], [], [], [7, 2522], [], [629, 2524, 7, 2525], [], [], [197, 796, 342, 14, 343, 797, 132, 2524, 30, 2524, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2528], [], [173, 2493, 7, 2530], [], [197, 672, 673, 2524, 674, 14, 173, 2496, 7, 2532], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2534], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2536], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2538], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2540], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2542], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2544], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2546], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2548], [197, 1765, 7, 2550], [197, 1768, 7, 2552], [48, 1680, 197, 1771, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2554], [197, 1689, 7, 2556], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2558], [197, 1689, 7, 2560], [], [197, 2562, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2563, 887, 2564, 173, 2565, 7, 2566], [197, 1673, 7, 2568], [132, 2564, 197, 1676, 7, 2570], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2572], [197, 1686, 7, 2574], [197, 1689, 7, 2576], [], [132, 2563, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 2578], [], [197, 2580, 7, 2581], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2583, 887, 2584, 173, 2585, 7, 2586], [197, 1673, 7, 2588], [132, 2584, 197, 1676, 7, 2590], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2593], [197, 1686, 7, 2595], [197, 1689, 7, 2597], [], [132, 2583, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2599], [], [7, 2602], [], [7, 2604], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2607], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2609], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2611], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2613], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2615], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2617], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2619], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2621], [197, 1765, 7, 2623], [197, 1768, 7, 2625], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2627], [197, 1689, 7, 2629], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2632, 887, 2633, 173, 2634, 7, 2635], [197, 1673, 7, 2637], [132, 2633, 197, 1676, 7, 2639], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2641], [197, 1686, 7, 2643], [197, 1689, 7, 2645], [], [132, 2632, 2647, 2631, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2648], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2651], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2653], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2655], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2657], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2659], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2661], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2663], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2665], [197, 1765, 7, 2667], [197, 1768, 7, 2669], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2671], [197, 1689, 7, 2673], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 1051, 887, 2675, 173, 2676, 7, 2677], [197, 1673, 7, 2679], [132, 2675, 197, 1676, 7, 2681], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2684], [197, 1686, 7, 2686], [197, 1689, 7, 2688], [], [132, 1051, 2647, 2631, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2690], [], [1590, 2683, 80, 2692, 7, 2693], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2695], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2697], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2699], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2701], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2703], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2705], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2707], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2709], [197, 1765, 7, 2711], [197, 1768, 7, 2713], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2715], [197, 1689, 7, 2717], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2719, 887, 2720, 173, 2721, 7, 2722], [197, 1673, 7, 2724], [132, 2720, 197, 1676, 7, 2726], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2729], [197, 1686, 7, 2731], [197, 1689, 7, 2733], [], [132, 2719, 2647, 2631, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2735], [], [1590, 2683, 80, 2737, 7, 2738], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2740], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2742], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2744], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2746], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2748], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2750], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2752], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2754], [197, 1765, 7, 2756], [197, 1768, 7, 2758], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2760], [197, 1689, 7, 2762], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2764, 887, 2765, 173, 2766, 7, 2767], [197, 1673, 7, 2769], [132, 2765, 197, 1676, 7, 2771], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2774], [197, 1686, 7, 2776], [197, 1689, 7, 2778], [], [132, 2764, 2647, 2631, 173, 1700, 197, 1701, 7, 2780], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2783], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2785], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2787], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2789], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2791], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2793], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2795], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2797], [197, 1765, 7, 2799], [197, 1768, 7, 2801], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2804], [197, 1689, 7, 2806], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2808, 887, 2809, 173, 2810, 7, 2811], [197, 1673, 7, 2813], [132, 2809, 197, 1676, 7, 2815], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 2818], [197, 1686, 7, 2820], [197, 1689, 7, 2822], [], [132, 2808, 2647, 2631, 173, 2824, 197, 1701, 7, 2825], [], [132, 1168, 197, 2828, 7, 2829], [], [7, 2831], [], [197, 2833, 7, 2834], [], [7, 2836], [197, 2838, 7, 2839], [197, 2841, 7, 2842], [], [], [7, 2845], [197, 2838, 7, 2847], [197, 2841, 7, 2849], [], [50, 2852, 261, 262, 7, 2853], [], [], [], [7, 2855], [197, 2838, 7, 2857], [197, 2841, 7, 2859], [], [], [7, 2862], [197, 2838, 7, 2864], [197, 2841, 7, 2866], [], [], [7, 2869], [197, 2838, 7, 2871], [197, 2841, 7, 2873], [], [7, 2876], [], [7, 2879], [7, 2881], [], [7, 2884], [7, 2886], [], [7, 2889], [7, 2891], [], [7, 2894], [7, 2896], [], [], [], [7, 2899], [197, 2838, 7, 2901], [197, 2841, 7, 2903], [], [50, 2906, 261, 262, 7, 2907], [], [], [], [7, 2911], [197, 2838, 7, 2913], [197, 2841, 7, 2915], [], [], [7, 2918], [197, 2838, 7, 2920], [197, 2841, 7, 2922], [], [50, 2925, 261, 262, 7, 2926], [], [], [], [], [2930, 14, 173, 972, 7, 2931], [], [173, 2934, 7, 2935], [7, 2937], [173, 2939, 7, 2940], [7, 2942], [], [173, 2945, 7, 2946], [], [173, 2949, 7, 2950], [], [173, 2953, 7, 2954], [], [7, 2957], [7, 2959], [], [173, 2945, 7, 2961], [], [173, 2949, 7, 2964], [], [173, 2949, 7, 2967], [], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 2970], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 2972], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 2974], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 2976], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 2978], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 2980], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 2982], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 2984], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 2986], [197, 1765, 7, 2988], [197, 1768, 7, 2990], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 2992], [197, 1689, 7, 2994], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 2996, 887, 2997, 173, 2810, 7, 2998], [197, 1673, 7, 3000], [132, 2997, 197, 1676, 7, 3002], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3005], [197, 1686, 7, 3007], [197, 1689, 7, 3009], [], [132, 2996, 2647, 2631, 173, 2824, 197, 1701, 7, 3011], [], [132, 1168, 197, 2828, 7, 3014], [], [197, 502, 7, 3016], [], [7, 3018], [7, 3020], [], [], [197, 3023, 7, 3024], [], [], [197, 3027, 7, 3028], [], [], [197, 2833, 7, 3031], [], [7, 3033], [197, 2838, 7, 3035], [197, 2841, 7, 3037], [], [173, 3040, 7, 3041], [], [], [173, 3040, 7, 3045], [], [], [], [7, 3049], [197, 2838, 7, 3051], [197, 2841, 7, 3053], [], [], [7, 3056], [197, 2838, 7, 3058], [197, 2841, 7, 3060], [], [], [7, 3063], [197, 2838, 7, 3065], [197, 2841, 7, 3067], [], [], [7, 3070], [197, 2838, 7, 3072], [197, 2841, 7, 3074], [], [], [7, 3077], [197, 2838, 7, 3079], [197, 2841, 7, 3081], [], [], [7, 3084], [197, 2838, 7, 3086], [197, 2841, 7, 3088], [], [], [7, 3091], [197, 2838, 7, 3093], [197, 2841, 7, 3095], [], [], [7, 3098], [197, 2838, 7, 3100], [197, 2841, 7, 3102], [], [], [7, 3105], [197, 2838, 7, 3107], [197, 2841, 7, 3109], [], [], [7, 3112], [197, 2838, 7, 3114], [197, 2841, 7, 3116], [], [], [7, 3119], [197, 2838, 7, 3121], [197, 2841, 7, 3123], [], [], [7, 3126], [197, 2838, 7, 3128], [197, 2841, 7, 3130], [], [], [7, 3133], [197, 2838, 7, 3135], [197, 2841, 7, 3137], [], [], [7, 3140], [197, 2838, 7, 3142], [197, 2841, 7, 3144], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 3147], [], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 3149], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 3151], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 3153], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 3155], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 3157], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 3159], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 3161], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 3163], [197, 1765, 7, 3165], [197, 1768, 7, 3167], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3169], [197, 1689, 7, 3171], [], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3173, 887, 3174, 173, 3175, 7, 3176], [197, 1673, 7, 3178], [132, 3174, 197, 1676, 7, 3180], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3183], [197, 1686, 7, 3185], [197, 1689, 7, 3187], [], [197, 1765, 7, 3189], [197, 1768, 7, 3191], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3193], [197, 1689, 7, 3195], [], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3198], [197, 1689, 7, 3200], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 3202], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 3204], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 3206], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 3208], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 3210], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 3212], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 3214], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 3216], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3218, 887, 3219, 173, 3175, 7, 3220], [197, 1673, 7, 3222], [132, 3219, 197, 1676, 7, 3224], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3227], [197, 1686, 7, 3229], [197, 1689, 7, 3231], [], [197, 1765, 7, 3233], [197, 1768, 7, 3235], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3237], [197, 1689, 7, 3239], [], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3241], [197, 1689, 7, 3243], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741, 7, 3245], [197, 1744, 173, 1741, 7, 3247], [197, 1747, 173, 1741, 7, 3249], [197, 1750, 173, 1741, 7, 3251], [197, 1753, 173, 1741, 7, 3253], [197, 1756, 173, 1741, 7, 3255], [197, 1759, 173, 1741, 7, 3257], [197, 1762, 173, 1741, 7, 3259], [197, 3261, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3262, 887, 3263, 173, 972, 7, 3264], [197, 1673, 7, 3266], [132, 3263, 197, 1676, 7, 3268], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3271], [197, 1686, 7, 3273], [197, 1689, 7, 3275], [], [197, 1765, 7, 3277], [197, 1768, 7, 3279], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3281], [197, 1689, 7, 3283], [], [197, 3261, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3285, 887, 3286, 173, 972, 7, 3287], [197, 1673, 7, 3289], [132, 3286, 197, 1676, 7, 3291], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683, 7, 3293], [197, 1686, 7, 3295], [197, 1689, 7, 3297], [], [197, 1765, 7, 3299], [197, 1768, 7, 3301], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 7, 3303], [197, 1689, 7, 3305], [], [173, 3307, 7, 3308], [], [48, 87, 7, 3310], [], [], [173, 3307, 7, 3313], [7, 3315], [], [173, 3307, 7, 3318], [], [48, 87, 7, 3320], [], [], [883, 895, 916, 14, 874, 894, 1213, 3322, 30, 3323, 132, 3323, 80, 3324, 173, 3325, 7, 3326], [132, 3328, 80, 3329, 7, 3330], [173, 3333, 7, 3334], [3336, 3337, 173, 3338, 7, 3339], [173, 3341, 7, 3342], [46, 55, 50, 3344, 7, 3345], [173, 3338, 7, 3347], [173, 3341, 7, 3349], [46, 55, 50, 3344, 7, 3351], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3173, 887, 2301, 173, 3175], [197, 1673], [132, 2301, 197, 1676], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683], [197, 1686], [197, 1689], [], [132, 3173, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 3353], [], [529, 409, 132, 3356, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3357], [], [197, 3359, 7, 3360], [], [197, 3363, 7, 3364], [], [7, 3367], [], [7, 3369], [], [197, 401, 7, 3371], [197, 611, 7, 3373], [], [629, 3375, 7, 3376], [], [], [197, 3378, 342, 14, 682, 3379, 684, 685, 343, 639, 132, 3375, 30, 3375, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3380], [], [197, 672, 673, 3375, 674, 14, 7, 3382], [], [], [7, 3384], [], [197, 401, 7, 3386], [197, 611, 7, 3388], [], [629, 3390, 7, 3391], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 821, 684, 735, 822, 823, 824, 825, 343, 826, 132, 3390, 30, 3390, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3393], [], [197, 672, 673, 3390, 674, 14, 7, 3395], [], [], [7, 3397], [], [197, 401, 7, 3399], [197, 611, 7, 3401], [], [629, 3403, 7, 3404], [], [], [7, 3407], [], [3410, 2127, 342, 14, 343, 3411, 132, 3403, 30, 3403, 3412, 2026, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3413], [], [197, 672, 673, 3403, 674, 14, 7, 3415], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3417], [], [132, 3419, 30, 3419, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3420], [], [132, 2514, 30, 2514, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3422], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1765], [197, 1768], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741], [197, 1744, 173, 1741], [197, 1747, 173, 1741], [197, 1750, 173, 1741], [197, 1753, 173, 1741], [197, 1756, 173, 1741], [197, 1759, 173, 1741], [197, 1762, 173, 1741], [197, 1665, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3218, 887, 888, 173, 3175], [197, 1673], [132, 888, 197, 1676], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683], [197, 1686], [197, 1689], [], [132, 3218, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 3424], [], [132, 3426, 529, 3427, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3428], [], [48, 347, 132, 3430, 30, 3430, 348, 14, 7, 3431], [], [7, 3433], [], [7, 3435], [], [629, 3437, 7, 3438], [], [], [48, 691, 132, 3437, 30, 3441, 343, 686, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3442], [], [173, 3444, 7, 3445], [], [197, 672, 673, 3441, 674, 14, 7, 3447], [], [], [], [7, 3450], [], [629, 3452, 7, 3453], [], [], [132, 3452, 343, 797, 30, 2524, 48, 799, 197, 796, 7, 3455], [], [173, 3444, 7, 3457], [], [197, 672, 673, 2524, 674, 14, 7, 3459], [], [], [], [7, 3461], [], [629, 3463, 7, 3464], [], [], [197, 3467, 132, 3463, 30, 3468, 173, -1, 7, 3469], [348, 3471, 7, 3472], [], [], [348, 3474, 7, 3475], [], [], [348, 3477, 7, 3478], [], [], [348, 3480, 7, 3481], [], [], [348, 3483, 7, 3484], [], [], [348, 3486, 7, 3487], [], [], [], [], [7, 3490], [], [629, 3492, 7, 3493], [], [], [132, 3492, 30, 3496, 3412, 2033, 3410, 685, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3497], [], [], [], [], [197, 1765], [197, 1768], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [48, 1680, 197, 2803, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [197, 1740, 173, 1741], [197, 1744, 173, 1741], [197, 1747, 173, 1741], [197, 1750, 173, 1741], [197, 1753, 173, 1741], [197, 1756, 173, 1741], [197, 1759, 173, 1741], [197, 1762, 173, 1741], [197, 3261, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3262, 887, 901, 173, 972], [197, 1673], [132, 901, 197, 1676], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683], [197, 1686], [197, 1689], [], [132, 3262, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 3499], [], [132, 3501, 7, 3502], [], [197, 1765], [197, 1768], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [197, 3261, 883, 895, 874, 1666, 1667, 3285, 887, 1669, 173, 972], [197, 1673], [132, 1669, 197, 1676], [], [48, 1680, 197, 1681, 874, 1680, 1682, 566, 1213, 1683], [197, 1686], [197, 1689], [], [132, 3285, 173, -1, 197, 1701, 7, 3504], [], [132, 3506, 7, 3507], [], [], [197, 1765], [197, 1768], [48, 1680, 197, 1776, 874, 1680, 1682, 566], [197, 1689], [], [173, 3307], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3307], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3307], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2387, 2491], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [185, 187, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 400, 410, 432, 445, 458, 463, 480, 502, 511, 549, 569, 608, 609, 647, 674, 690, 708, 728, 729, 761, 762, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1191, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1263, 1291, 1301, 1334, 1336, 1631, 1648, 1694, 1703, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1789, 1802, 1815, 1828, 2359, 2372, 2394, 2396, 2430, 2439, 2452], "value": [349, 354, 349, 411, 548, 553, 557, 354, 566, -1, 548, 349, 411, 600, 553, -1, -1, -1, -1, 771, 557, -1, 828, -1, 566, 242, 14, 566, 242, -1, -1, -1, 14, 566, 14, 566, 548, 349, 600, 411, 557, -1, 548, 553, 411, 349, -1, 1831, 354, -1, 553, 1831, 553, 1831, -1, 1907, 1919, -1, 553, 557, -1, -1, -1, 349, 411, 553, 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37.78125, 17], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2632.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2632.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 2632.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 2632.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2650.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 2650.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2684.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2718.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2718.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 2752.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 2752.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2786.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2820.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2820.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2820.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 2820.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 2854.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 214, -1, 218, -1, 267, 214, 210, -1, -1, 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[331, 1774, 18, 16], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [331, 1774, 18, 16], [], [], [357, 1774, 253, 17], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [357, 1774, 16, 16], [], [], [], [], [611, 1774, 0, 17], [], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [31, 1794, 7, 18], [48, 1792, 1224, 20], [52, 1795, 13, 13], [], [72, 1794, 0, 17], [], [72, 1794, 697, 17], [], [], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 1264, 21], [8, 1828, 209, 21], [], [], [8, 1865, 1264, 0], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 525], [8, 1867, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 57], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [8, 1908, 1264, 22], [], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [8, 1949, 16, 16], [], [8, 1965, 1264, 234], [8, 1965, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 9, 43, 17], [0, 9, 43, 17], [], [], [114, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 36, 227, 18], [0, 36, 114, 18], [0, 0, 52, 17], [0, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [114, 36, 113, 18], [], [0, 54, 227, 36], [0, 54, 114, 36], [0, 9, 72, 17], [0, 9, 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[], [0, 108, 227, 18], [0, 108, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 18, 114, 0], [114, 108, 113, 18], [], [36, 0, 52, 17], [], [], [0, 126, 227, 36], [0, 126, 114, 36], [0, 0, 70, 35], [], [], [114, 126, 113, 36], [], [36, 9, 52, 17], [], [], [8, 2393, 1264, 0], [8, 2409, 1264, 70], [8, 2409, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2443, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [59, 2481, 0, 17], [], [59, 2495, 0, 0], [], [], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 0], [8, 2511, 1264, 533], [8, 2511, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [124, 2565, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2633, 1264, 36], [], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [504, 2633, 176, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2719, 1264, 18], [], [8, 2753, 1264, 18], [8, 2753, 373, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2821, 1264, 18], [], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [753, 2821, 121, 17], [], [], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [1084, 2821, 94, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], 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[], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1262, 270], [0, 0, 1253, 47], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [0, 0, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [0, 0, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], 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0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 71, 76, 79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 110, 116, 117, 119, 125, 127, 129, 132, 136, 140, 142, 144, 144, 145, 154, 155, 157, 162, 164, 188, 190, 207, 209, 215, 217, 229, 231, 245, 247, 248, 249, 264, 267, 274, 289, 292, 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 316, 322, 325, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 344, 347, 351, 356, 362, 368, 371, 380, 383, 383, 388, 391, 396, 399, 399, 404, 407, 412, 415, 415, 420, 420, 423, 424, 425, 430, 430, 432, 437, 440, 445, 446, 454, 457, 461, 461, 464, 466, 466, 471, 473, 475, 475, 475, 481, 484, 486, 491, 491, 494, 496, 501, 503, 504, 505, 516, 516, 516, 517, 518, 521, 522, 523, 525, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 546, 547, 547, 550, 551, 552, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561, 561, 561, 562, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [18, 1004.59375, 280.265625, 14], [298.265625, 1004.59375, 880.640625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 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Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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"BirthMonth", "menu", "ed41cd42-75ab-4c96", "", "a59c99bf-52a3-4b49", "", "Month...", "203d9c16-9e00-4256", "", "January", "2", "7dd93dd3-0b9e-4dea", "", "February", "8ca11b15-99c3-4152", "", "March", "4", "cb2b0bb7-c23c-4c71", "", "April", "66f78931-9e37-46b3", "", "May", "6", "57c8ce6d-3d9b-45a1", "", "June", "7", "38012a26-e6d7-4738", "", "July", "8", "066a59f1-0e4c-441e", "", "August", "9", "09dff9df-3356-4cc7", "", "September", "10", "b35e778d-a2fe-4f39", "", "October", "11", "53bf3097-f31e-4814", "", "November", "56f0d983-cbb7-4144", "", "December", "two columns dateFloat fs-exclude", "ac1d85ab-4deb-4fe6", "", "selectmenu day ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "The field Birth Day must be a number.", "BirthDay", "width:100%", "98d7931d-a7e1-478c", "", "3bd3c2f3-00fd-46bb", "", "Day...", "29365b88-9a55-4c7c", "", "I don't know", "d28ab7bd-e738-46dc", "", "6c3bafd5-b9fd-40de", "", "4c392908-0944-41c0", "", "098773ab-f3a2-497e", "", "daa4de8c-6b30-4677", "", 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"f6e0202e-40d2-432b", "", "Year...", "2023", "6cd4591e-9b55-4d82", "", "2022", "ba3f0a90-9276-42f5", "", "2021", "3739d282-1ebd-4b98", "", "2020", "ac010f8a-7a93-42db", "", "2019", "aa5f5b1c-c0f8-420e", "", "2018", "a2f86800-aa67-4a1e", "", "2017", "83036e4a-5ef6-448b", "", "2016", "318b6f45-b451-4fda", "", "2015", "f447c4cf-f859-48c6", "", "2014", "eaa1db1f-46d4-4da8", "", "2013", "f59bb4d7-5735-4fc2", "", "2012", "c5f192cd-2a90-445a", "", "2011", "7200f7eb-7b56-42ae", "", "2010", "394c4cca-27ca-4e55", "", "2009", "31b0eccf-9157-45d6", "", "2008", "998c2816-9e90-42c6", "", "2007", "593cfe4c-48f3-419f", "", "2006", "e43d4b5e-f271-46cf", "", "2005", "8938b0da-dd44-4e75", "", "2004", "9ff2a9e6-f287-4a98", "", "2003", "b90af0ee-9ec3-4891", "", "2002", "ebdfb1e9-9165-4ae3", "", "2001", "0d539ab9-2dd9-49ef", "", "2000", "1d9811f7-4d13-446c", "", "1999", "ad7dff60-7b9e-4838", "", "f0578bc5-9338-416e", "", "e1b3b355-1369-4317", "", "dae419e3-92d4-4ebf", "", "8745acf6-a782-4e83", "", 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A1A 1A1).", "^([ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnprstvxy]\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz])\\ {0,1}(\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\\d)$", "Postal Code is a required field.", "cd8e8de1-562f-432c", "", "\n\n\n ", "a1d1d60f-171b-43a9", "", "dac7f34a-067a-4cc5", "", "a0e55c4f-f3bc-45e4", "", "a3777db9-4ba1-4fcc", "", "3bb60a4e-babe-4c91", "", "db6194ba-f3a5-4c93", "", "7ca7b4d1-d3d9-492d", "", " ", "ffed692d-8693-4c3e", "", "e3175cc3-4f81-4f5d", "", "af717582-acfc-4c38", "", "fe7c39f5-e776-43d5", "", "\n window.onload = function () {\n $(\"#BreedName\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedName\");\n\n $(\"#BreedId\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedId\");\n\n var ownerInfo = $(\"#ShowOwnerInfo\").val() == \"True\" ? true : false;\n\n if (!ownerInfo) {\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#EmployeeNumber\");\n }\n };\n", "ui-autocomplete ui-front ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "ui-id-1", "291331a6-1b53-4833", "", "566d5c6c-7631-4502", "", "2fa9cf06-35d9-4c30", "", "e69df764-a301-4033", "", "f82cee37-48c2-434c", "", "dfc7c81c-dae7-4efa", "", "3a9dee69-bf29-4cdd", "", "ec127c79-7480-4c7c", "", "f51c7681-662d-4d6a", "", "39c41195-162c-4680", "", "e8528b3a-cd5b-446f", "", "d1eda1a8-f2f5-468f", "", "c6e38130-9cf2-43fe", "", "273fe2d1-c889-4fc6", "", "f4b1713b-7447-46ec", "", "dialog-removepet", "ui-id-6", "position: absolute; top: 196px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "8bc099ef-9481-4a4b", "", "f32c79d7-8d4b-4f6f", "", "2575d955-408b-4119", "", "Remove Pet from Quote?", "9a610dc6-3a74-457e", "", "9a2f05a3-7472-420a", "", "2233b9e4-007c-4a58", "", "data-navigate-url", "/Quote/Pet/RemovePet", "Remove Pet from Quote", "bd2a9386-8954-40af", "", "RemovePetId", "c788c4a9-0563-4e60", "", "RemovePet_Processing", "258934fc-ba23-4548", "", "Removing Pet from the Quote...", "00cb3084-1429-44f7", "", "\n Removing Pet from the Quote...\n ", "RemovePet_Body", "2cfbf3a3-d5a9-4188", "", "954156af-9626-4968", "", "\n Are you sure you want to remove your pet from the quote? The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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r=S.cleanupObject(n);T(\"Got key \"+t),h(e,t,n,r)})}function h(e,t,n,r){var o=Object.keys(r);o.length<2?(T(\"removing item \"+t),c(e,t,function(n){(!n||n&&!n.error)&&(y[t]=null,delete y[t],f(e,y))})):r&&!w.isSameValue(r,n)&&(T(\"Modifying item \"+t),s(e,t,r))}var y,v=\"lpStrMap\",b=200,w=lpTag.secureStorageUtils,T=w.log.log,k=w.log.error,S=e.dataAnalyzer,C=e.storageSelector;return this===window?null:(o(e.app),{setItem:n,getItems:t})},window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{},window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient=window.lpTag.SecureStorageClient||function(e,t){function n(e){D=e}function r(e){O=e}function o(){U=[]}function a(){N.unBindEvent(window,\"message\",p),L&&c()}function i(){x=!0}function s(e,t,n){var r;r=n?U.filter(function(e){if(e&&e.data){var t=h(e.data);return t&&t.type===n}return!1}):U,r.length>0?r.forEach(function(t){g(t,e),U.splice(U.indexOf(t),1)}):\"function\"==typeof t&&t()}function l(){L.bind({eventName:\"firstPartyMessage\",appName:R,func:u})}function 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[], [79, -1, 80, 81], [80, 82, 79, -1], [79, -1, 80, 83], [79, -1, 80, 84], [79, -1, 80, 81, 7, 85], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 88, 7, 89], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 91, 7, 92], [80, 94, 79, -1, 7, 95], [79, -1, 80, 83, 7, 97], [48, 87, 79, -1, 80, 99, 7, 100], [79, -1, 80, 84, 7, 102], [80, 104, 7, 105], [], [80, 108, 48, 87, 7, 109], [], [46, 55, 50, 111, 69, 112, 71, 72, 7, 113], [], [50, 115, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 116], [], [50, 118, 46, 55, 48, 61, 7, 119], [], [], [], [7, 124], [], [], [], [], [128, 2, 80, 129, 7, 130], [128, 2, 132, 133, 80, 134, 7, 135], [79, -1, 132, 137, 80, 138, 128, 139, 7, 140], [79, -1, 132, 142, 80, 143, 128, 139, 7, 144], [79, -1, 132, 146, 80, 147, 128, 139, 7, 148], [79, -1, 132, 150, 80, 151, 128, 139, 7, 152], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 154, 7, 155], [48, 87, 128, 2, 80, 157, 7, 158], [79, -1, 132, 160, 80, 161, 128, 139, 7, 162], [128, 2, 80, 129], [], [132, 166, 167, 168, 7, 169], [132, 172, 173, 174, 7, 175], [], [], [], [], [7, 180], [], [], [], [], [80, 185, 7, 186], [], [48, 87, 132, -1, 7, 188], [], [], [7, 191], [], [], [7, 194], [], [], [197, 198, 173, 199, 200, 201, 7, 202], [], [197, 204, 7, 205], [], [132, 207, 7, 208], [], [197, 211, 7, 212], [], [7, 216], [], [7, 220], [], [], [50, 224, 7, 225], [], [], [7, 229], [], [50, 232, 7, 233], [], [], [], [], [197, 236, 7, 237], [], [50, 239, 7, 240], [], [197, 244, 7, 245], [], [], [], [], [132, 252, 197, 253, 7, 254], [], [7, 257], [], [], [50, 260, 261, 262, 7, 263], [], [7, 265], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 268, 7, 269], [], [197, 271, 7, 272], [], [50, 274, 261, 262, 7, 275], [], [80, 279, 197, 280, 7, 281], [], [], [], [], [132, 283, 7, 284], [], [7, 287], [], [7, 290], [], [], [], [], [197, 293, 7, 294], [], [197, 297, 7, 298], [], [197, 301, 7, 302], [], [], [], [197, 301, 7, 308], [], [], [], [197, 311, 7, 312], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 315, 7, 316], [], [197, 318, 7, 319], [], [132, 322, 197, 323, 7, 324], [], [132, 326, 7, 327], [], [132, 330, 197, 331, 7, 332], [], [132, 335, 197, 336, 7, 337], [], [340, 341, 342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 345, 30, 346, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 350], [], [342, 14, 343, 352, 132, 353, 30, 353, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 355], [], [197, 357, 7, 358], [], [132, 360, 7, 361], [], [197, 365, 7, 366], [], [], [197, 369, 7, 370], [], [197, 372, 7, 373], [], [197, 375, 7, 376], [], [197, 379, 7, 380], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 383], [], [197, 379, 7, 385], [], [], [], [197, 375, 7, 388], [], [197, 390, 7, 391], [], [], [], [], [197, 395, 7, 396], [], [197, 375, 7, 398], [], [197, 401, 7, 402], [], [], [197, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 7, 412], [], [7, 415], [50, 417, 7, 418], [], [], [], [], [197, 422, 7, 423], [], [7, 425], [197, 401, 7, 428], [], [], [], [197, 401, 7, 432], [], [197, 435, 7, 436], [], [], [], [197, 439, 406, 440, 408, 441, 410, 411, 7, 442], [], [7, 444], [50, 446, 7, 447], [], [], [], [], [197, 450, 7, 451], [], [197, 379, 7, 453], [], [], [197, 455, 7, 456], [], [], [], [], [197, 460, 7, 461], [], [132, 463, 464, 465, 197, 465, 50, 466, 7, 467], [], [197, 469, 7, 470], [], [], [7, 473], [], [], [], [], [197, 477, 7, 478], [], [197, 480, 7, 481], [], [197, 483, 7, 484], [], [], [197, 487, 7, 488], [], [], [197, 491, 7, 492], [], [], [], [197, 495, 7, 496], [], [197, 498, 7, 499], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 503], [], [197, 498, 7, 505], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 508], [], [197, 510, 7, 511], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 514], [], [7, 517], [], [173, 519, 7, 520], [], [], [], [7, 523], [], [197, 372, 7, 526], [], [529, 530, 531, 532, 132, 533, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 537], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 540], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 544], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 549], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 554], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 558], [342, 14, 343, 560, 132, 561, 30, 561, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 562], [342, 14, 343, 564, 132, 565, 30, 565, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 567], [132, 569, 30, 569, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 570], [], [132, 335, 7, 573], [], [197, 575, 7, 576], [], [197, 578, 7, 579], [], [132, 581, 7, 582], [], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 585, 30, 586, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 587], [], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 589, 30, 590, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 591], [], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 593, 30, 594, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 595], [], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 598, 30, 599, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 601], [], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 603, 30, 604, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 605], [], [197, 608, 7, 609], [], [197, 611, 7, 612], [], [], [], [197, 365, 7, 616], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 619], [], [197, 621, 7, 622], [], [197, 401, 7, 624], [197, 611, 7, 626], [], [629, 630, 7, 631], [], [], [], [197, 634, 7, 635], [], [197, 638, 342, 14, 343, 639, 132, 630, 30, 640, 641, 14, 642, 566, 7, 643], [348, -1, 7, 646], [], [], [348, 649, 7, 650], [], [], [348, 653, 7, 654], [], [], [348, 657, 7, 658], [], [], [348, 661, 7, 662], [], [], [348, 665, 7, 666], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 670], [], [197, 672, 673, 640, 674, 14, 7, 675], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 678], [], [680, 681, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 687, 30, 688, 689, 690, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 695, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 698], [], [197, 669, 7, 700], [], [197, 672, 673, 688, 674, 14, 7, 702], [], [], [], [197, 677, 7, 704], [], [680, 706, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 709, 30, 710, 689, 711, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 712, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 713], [], [197, 669, 7, 715], [], [197, 672, 673, 710, 674, 14, 7, 717], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 719], [], [197, 677, 7, 721], [], [197, 401, 7, 723], [197, 611, 7, 725], [], [629, 727, 7, 728], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 732], [], [342, 14, 682, 734, 684, 735, 343, 736, 132, 727, 30, 737, 689, 738, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 739, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 740], [], [197, 669, 7, 742], [], [197, 672, 673, 737, 674, 14, 7, 744], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 746], [], [197, 748, 7, 749], [], [342, 14, 682, 751, 684, 735, 343, 752, 132, 753, 30, 754, 689, 755, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 694, 756, 696, 566, 641, 14, 642, 566, 197, 697, 7, 757], [], [197, 669, 7, 759], [], [197, 672, 673, 754, 674, 14, 7, 761], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 763], [], [197, 765, 7, 766], [], [342, 14, 343, 769, 132, 770, 30, 771, 48, 347, 348, 772, 7, 773], [], [197, 775, 7, 776], [], [], [132, 779, 30, 780, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 781], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 783], [], [197, 677, 7, 785], [], [197, 401, 7, 787], [197, 611, 7, 789], [], [629, 791, 7, 792], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 795], [], [197, 797, 342, 14, 343, 798, 132, 791, 30, 799, 48, 800, 348, -1, 7, 801], [], [197, 669, 7, 803], [], [197, 672, 673, 799, 674, 14, 7, 805], [], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 807], [], [197, 677, 7, 809], [], [197, 401, 7, 811], [197, 611, 7, 813], [], [629, 815, 7, 816], [], [], [], [197, 731, 7, 819], [], [680, 821, 342, 14, 682, 822, 684, 735, 823, 824, 825, 826, 343, 827, 132, 815, 30, 828, 48, 691, 348, 829, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 830], [], [197, 669, 7, 832], [], [197, 672, 673, 828, 674, 14, 7, 834], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 343, 836, 132, 837, 30, 838, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 839], [], [], [], [], [197, 841, 7, 842], [], [197, 845, 7, 846], [], [197, 849, 7, 850], [], [132, 853, 7, 854], [], [7, 857], [], [197, 365, 7, 860], [], [], [7, 864], [], [7, 867], [], [], [132, 870, 197, 871, 7, 872], [], [197, 874, 875, 876, 7, 877], [], [], [], [197, 882, 875, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 14, 7, 891], [50, 893, 197, 894, 875, 895, 884, 896, 132, 889, 7, 897], [], [], [197, 900, 875, 883, 884, 896, 886, 901, 888, 902, 890, 566, 7, 903], [50, 905, 197, 894, 875, 895, 884, 896, 132, 902, 7, 906], [], [], [], [340, 910, 342, 14, 343, 911, 132, 910, 30, 910, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 912], [], [132, 887, 888, 889, 197, 914, 875, 915, 916, 14, 917, 566, 7, 918], [], [7, 921], [], [], [132, 925, 926, 927, 7, 928], [], [197, 372, 7, 930], [], [197, 375, 7, 932], [], [197, 934, 7, 935], [629, 937, 7, 938], [], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 941], [], [197, 943, 342, 14, 682, 944, 684, 735, 343, 945, 132, 937, 30, 937, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 946], [], [197, 948, 7, 949], [], [197, 672, 673, 937, 674, 14, 7, 951], [], [], [], [], [197, 953, 7, 954], [], [], [], [132, 958, 197, 959, 173, 960, 7, 961], [], [132, 963, 7, 964], [], [132, 967, 80, 968, 969, 885, 173, 960, 7, 970], [], [], [], [197, 372, 132, 972, 173, 973, 7, 974], [], [197, 375, 7, 976], [], [], [197, 480, 7, 979], [], [132, 981, 197, 982, 7, 983], [], [], [], [197, 372, 7, 985], [], [197, 375, 7, 987], [], [], [197, 989, 7, 990], [], [342, 14, 992, 993, 343, 994, 995, 995, 132, 996, 30, 996, 48, 997, 348, 14, 7, 998], [30, 996, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1000], [], [197, 1002, 132, 1003, 7, 1004], [], [197, 1006, 7, 1007], [], [7, 1009], [], [132, 1012, 50, 466, 7, 1013], [], [197, 1016, 7, 1017], [], [], [], [], [197, 669, 7, 1021], [], [197, 672, 673, 996, 674, 14, 7, 1023], [], [], [], [], [], [], [132, 901, 888, 902, 197, 914, 875, 915, 916, 566, 917, 14, 173, 973, 7, 1025], [], [926, 1027, 7, 1028], [], [7, 1030], [], [7, 1032], [], [197, 934, 7, 1034], [197, 611, 7, 1036], [], [629, 937, 7, 1039], [], [], [197, 943, 132, 937, 30, 937, 48, 691, 348, 242, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1041], [], [197, 948, 7, 1043], [], [197, 672, 673, 937, 674, 14, 7, 1045], [], [], [], [7, 1047], [], [197, 1049, 1050, 1051, 464, 1052, 7, 1053], [], [1050, 1051, 464, 1052, 50, 466, 884, 896, 7, 1055], [], [197, 1057, 7, 1058], [], [], [], [], [7, 1061], [], [197, 1063, 7, 1064], [197, 611, 7, 1066], [], [629, 1068, 7, 1069], [], [], [197, 1072, 342, 14, 682, 1073, 684, 1074, 1075, 1074, 823, 1076, 825, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 910, 1081, 565, 1082, 14, 1083, 566, 132, 1068, 1084, 1074, 30, 1068, 48, 800, 348, -1, 7, 1085], [], [197, 948, 7, 1087], [], [197, 672, 673, 1068, 674, 14, 7, 1089], [], [], [], [7, 1091], [], [197, 934, 7, 1093], [197, 611, 7, 1095], [], [629, 1097, 7, 1098], [], [], [197, 1072, 342, 14, 682, 1101, 684, 1102, 1075, 1102, 823, 1103, 825, 1104, 1078, 1105, 1080, 910, 1081, 565, 1082, 14, 1083, 566, 132, 1097, 1084, 1102, 30, 1097, 48, 800, 348, -1, 7, 1106], [], [197, 948, 7, 1108], [], [197, 672, 673, 1097, 674, 14, 7, 1110], [], [], [], [7, 1112], [], [197, 934, 7, 1114], [], [197, 611, 7, 1116], [], [629, 1118, 7, 1119], [], [], [], [197, 1072, 342, 14, 823, 1122, 825, 1123, 1078, 1124, 1080, 910, 1081, 565, 1082, 14, 1083, 566, 132, 1118, 1084, 1125, 30, 1118, 48, 800, 348, -1, 7, 1126], [], [197, 948, 7, 1128], [], [197, 672, 673, 1118, 674, 14, 7, 1130], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1134, 7, 1135], [], [7, 1137], [], [], [197, 1139, 7, 1140], [], [1142, 1143, 342, 14, 992, 1144, 343, 1145, 995, 995, 132, 1146, 30, 1146, 48, 997, 348, 14, 7, 1147], [30, 1146, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1149], [], [197, 1002, 132, 1152, 7, 1153], [], [197, 1155, 629, 1156, 7, 1157], [], [132, 1160, 7, 1161], [], [7, 1164], [132, 1166, 50, 466, 7, 1167], [], [132, 1166, 50, 466, 7, 1170], [197, 1016, 7, 1172], [], [], [], [197, 1176, 7, 1177], [197, 1179, 7, 1180], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 672, 673, 1146, 674, 14, 7, 1184], [], [], [], [7, 1186], [], [], [197, 1139, 7, 1188], [], [30, 1190, 342, 14, 343, 1191, 132, 1192, 48, 997, 348, 14, 7, 1193], [30, 1192, 48, 347, 348, 566, 7, 1195], [], [197, 1002, 132, 1198, 7, 1199], [], [173, 1201, 197, 1155, 629, 1156, 7, 1202], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1206, 7, 1207], [], [197, 331, 7, 1209], [], [197, 1212, 48, 1213, 1214, 1215, 7, 1216], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1220], [], [], [], [80, 1223, 7, 1224], [], [], [132, 1227, 197, 253, 7, 1228], [], [197, 1231, 7, 1232], [], [197, 1234, 7, 1235], [], [7, 1238], [], [], [197, 1241, 7, 1242], [], [132, 1244, 7, 1245], [], [197, 372, 7, 1247], [], [197, 1249, 7, 1250], [], [7, 1252], [], [], [], [197, 1254, 7, 1255], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1258, 7, 1259], [], [1262, 1263, 1264, 885, 1265, 885, 1266, 885, 7, 1267], [], [7, 1270], [7, 1273], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1277], [], [197, 401, 7, 1279], [629, 1281, 7, 1282], [], [], [], [197, 1285, 7, 1286], [], [], [], [7, 1289], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1291], [], [197, 401, 7, 1293], [629, 1295, 7, 1296], [], [], [], [197, 1285, 7, 1299], [], [], [], [7, 1302], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1304], [], [197, 401, 7, 1306], [629, 1308, 7, 1309], [], [], [], [197, 1285, 7, 1312], [], [], [], [7, 1315], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1317], [], [197, 401, 7, 1319], [629, 1321, 7, 1322], [], [], [], [197, 1285, 7, 1325], [], [], [], [7, 1328], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1330], [], [197, 401, 7, 1332], [629, 1334, 7, 1335], [], [], [], [197, 1285, 7, 1338], [], [], [], [7, 1341], [], [197, 1276, 7, 1343], [], [197, 401, 7, 1345], [629, 1347, 7, 1348], [], [], [], [197, 1285, 7, 1351], [], [7, 1354], [], [], [], [7, 1357], [], [7, 1359], [197, 1361, 7, 1362], [629, 1364, 7, 1365], [], [], [197, 1368, 7, 1369], [], [], [], [173, 1372, 7, 1373], [], [173, 1375, 7, 1376], [197, 401, 7, 1378], [629, 1380, 7, 1381], [], [], [], [173, 1384, 7, 1385], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1258, 173, 1387, 7, 1388], [], [197, 1390, 50, 466, 46, 1391, 7, 1392], [], [197, 1394, 1395, 1396, 1397, 1398, 7, 1399], [], [], [], [132, 1391, 197, 1403, 7, 1404], [], [1262, 1263, 1264, 885, 1265, 885, 1266, 885, 7, 1407], [], [7, 1409], [7, 1411], [], [173, 1375, 197, 1276, 7, 1413], [], [197, 401, 7, 1415], [], [], [], [173, 1384, 197, 1276, 7, 1418], [], [], [], [7, 1421], [], [173, 1375, 197, 1276, 7, 1423], [197, 401, 7, 1425], [], [], [], [173, 1384, 197, 1276, 7, 1428], [], [7, 1431], [], [], [], [], [7, 1434], [], [7, 1436], [], [197, 401, 7, 1438], [], [], [7, 1442], [], [7, 1444], [], [], [], [], [7, 1448], [], [7, 1450], [197, 401, 7, 1452], [197, 1454, 7, 1455], [], [7, 1458], [], [7, 1460], [], [7, 1463], [], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1467], [], [7, 1469], [], [197, 401, 7, 1471], [], [], [], [7, 1474], [], [7, 1477], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1479, 7, 1480], [], [], [197, 1482, 7, 1483], [], [7, 1486], [], [7, 1489], [], [7, 1492], [], [], [], [173, 1495, 7, 1496], [], [197, 1498, 80, 1499, 7, 1500], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1503, 7, 1504], [], [197, 1506, 7, 1507], [], [197, 1509, 7, 1510], [], [132, 1512, 7, 1513], [], [7, 1515], [], [7, 1518], [], [50, 1521, 261, 262, 7, 1522], [7, 1525], [], [], [], [7, 1530], [], [7, 1533], [], [50, 1536, 261, 262, 7, 1537], [7, 1539], [], [], [7, 1543], [], [7, 1546], [], [7, 1548], [], [7, 1550], [], [], [7, 1553], [], [7, 1555], [], [], [7, 1559], [], [7, 1561], [], [7, 1563], [], [50, 1566, 261, 262, 7, 1567], [7, 1569], [], [], [50, 1573, 261, 262, 7, 1574], [7, 1576], [], [], [7, 1580], [], [197, 1582, 7, 1583], [], [7, 1585], [], [7, 1588], [], [50, 1521, 261, 262, 1591, 1592, 1214, 1592, 7, 1593], [7, 1595], [], [], [7, 1598], [], [197, 1582, 173, 1600, 7, 1601], [], [50, 1603, 261, 262, 1591, 1604, 1214, 1604, 7, 1605], [], [], [50, 1608, 261, 262, 1214, 1609, 7, 1610], [], [], [50, 1612, 261, 262, 7, 1613], [], [], [7, 1616], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [80, 1621, 48, 87, 7, 1622], [], [80, 1624, 48, 87, 7, 1625], [], [80, 1627, 48, 87, 7, 1628], [], [80, 1630, 48, 87, 7, 1631], [], [80, 1633, 48, 87, 7, 1634], [], [80, 1636, 48, 87, 7, 1637], [], [80, 1639, 48, 87, 7, 1640], [], [80, 1642, 48, 87, 7, 1643], [], [80, 1645, 48, 87, 7, 1646], [], [80, 1648, 7, 1649], [], [80, 1223, 7, 1652], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1655], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1659], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 1663], [], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 1669, 888, 1670, 173, 1671, 7, 1672], [197, 1674, 7, 1675], [132, 1670, 197, 1677, 7, 1678], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 1685], [197, 1687, 7, 1688], [197, 1690, 7, 1691], [], [132, 1669, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 1703], [], [132, 1706, 7, 1707], [], [529, 1694, 531, 1696, 132, 1709, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1710], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1712], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1714], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1716, 30, 1716, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 1717], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1719], [132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 1721], [], [173, 1723, 7, 1724], [], [7, 1726], [], [197, 1728, 7, 1729], [], [197, 1732, 342, 14, 343, 1733, 132, 1734, 30, 1734, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1735], [], [197, 672, 673, 1734, 674, 14, 173, 1737, 7, 1738], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 1743], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 1746], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 1749], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 1752], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 1755], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 1758], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 1761], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 1764], [197, 1766, 7, 1767], [197, 1769, 7, 1770], [48, 1681, 197, 1772, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 1773], [197, 1690, 7, 1775], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 1778], [197, 1690, 7, 1780], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 465, 888, 1782, 173, 1783, 7, 1784], [197, 1674, 7, 1786], [132, 1782, 197, 1677, 7, 1788], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 1791], [197, 1687, 7, 1793], [197, 1690, 7, 1795], [], [132, 465, 1697, 1797, 1699, 1700, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 1798], [], [132, 1800, 173, 973, 7, 1801], [], [1591, 1803, 80, 1804, 7, 1805], [], [], [132, 1808, 7, 1809], [], [197, 502, 7, 1812], [], [529, 1814, 531, 1815, 132, 1816, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 1817], [342, 14, 343, 546, 132, 547, 30, 547, 48, 347, 348, 548, 7, 1819], [342, 14, 343, 551, 132, 552, 30, 552, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1821], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 1823], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 1825], [132, 1827, 30, 1827, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1828], [342, 14, 343, 1830, 132, 1831, 30, 1831, 48, 347, 348, 1832, 7, 1833], [342, 14, 343, 1835, 132, 1836, 30, 1836, 48, 347, 348, 354, 7, 1837], [132, 1734, 30, 1734, 48, 347, 348, -1, 7, 1839], [342, 14, 343, 1841, 132, 1842, 30, 1842, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1843], [342, 14, 992, 1845, 343, 1846, 132, 1847, 30, 1847, 48, 347, 348, 1832, 7, 1848], [132, 1842, 30, 1842, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 1850], [132, 1847, 30, 1847, 48, 347, 348, 1832, 7, 1852], [], [197, -1, 173, -1, 7, 1855], [], [7, 1857], [], [197, 372, 7, 1859], [], [197, 375, 7, 1861], [], [197, 401, 7, 1863], [629, 1865, 7, 1866], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 1870], [], [342, 14, 682, 1872, 684, 685, 343, 1873, 132, 1865, 30, 1865, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1874], [], [], [197, 1876, 7, 1877], [], [197, 669, 7, 1879], [], [197, 1881, 673, 1865, 674, 14, 7, 1882], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1884], [], [197, 1886, 7, 1887], [], [197, 375, 7, 1889], [], [197, 401, 7, 1891], [629, 1893, 197, 1894, 7, 1895], [], [], [], [197, 1898, 7, 1899], [], [197, 1901, 7, 1902], [], [197, 1904, 1905, 1893, 342, 14, 343, 1906, 132, 1893, 30, 1893, 48, 1907, 348, 1908, 7, 1909], [], [629, 1911, 197, 1912, 7, 1913], [], [197, 1254, 7, 1915], [], [], [], [197, 1901, 7, 1918], [], [197, 1904, 1905, 1893, 132, 1893, 30, 1893, 48, 1907, 348, 1920, 7, 1921], [], [629, 1923, 197, 1924, 7, 1925], [], [197, 1927, 7, 1928], [], [], [], [], [197, 1876, 7, 1931], [], [197, 669, 7, 1933], [], [197, 1881, 673, 1893, 674, 14, 7, 1935], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1937], [], [197, 372, 7, 1939], [], [197, 375, 7, 1941], [], [197, 401, 7, 1943], [629, 1945, 7, 1946], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 1948], [], [875, 1950, 1951, 1952, 197, 1953, 7, 1954], [1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 132, 1962, 30, 1962, 173, 1963, 48, 691, 348, -1, 197, 1964, 1965, 1966, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 1967], [], [340, 1945, 342, 14, 343, 1969, 132, 1945, 30, 1945, 173, 973, 48, 691, 348, 553, 7, 1970], [], [132, 1972, 173, 199, 197, 1973, 7, 1974], [], [], [], [197, 1876, 7, 1977], [], [197, 1979, 7, 1980], [], [], [], [197, 1876, 7, 1983], [], [197, 1985, 7, 1986], [], [197, 1988, 673, 1945, 674, 14, 7, 1989], [], [], [], [], [], [7, 1991], [], [197, 372, 7, 1993], [], [197, 375, 7, 1995], [], [197, 401, 7, 1997], [], [629, 1999, 7, 2000], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 2005, 7, 2006], [], [197, 2008, 342, 14, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 1125, 2014, 2015, 343, 2016, 132, 2017, 30, 2017, 875, 2018, 884, 885, 7, 2019], [348, -1, 7, 2021], [], [], [348, 2015, 7, 2024], [], [], [348, 2027, 7, 2028], [], [], [348, 1102, 7, 2031], [], [], [348, 2034, 7, 2035], [], [], [348, 1074, 7, 2038], [], [], [348, 2041, 7, 2042], [], [], [348, 2045, 7, 2046], [], [], [348, 2049, 7, 2050], [], [], [348, 2053, 7, 2054], [], [], [348, 2057, 7, 2058], [], [], [348, 2061, 7, 2062], [], [], [348, 1125, 7, 2065], [], [], [], [], [197, 2068, 7, 2069], [], [197, 2071, 342, 14, 2009, 2072, 132, 2073, 30, 2073, 173, 2074, 875, 2018, 884, 885, 7, 2075], [348, -1, 7, 2077], [], [], [348, 896, 7, 2080], [], [], [348, 2015, 7, 2083], [], [], [348, 2027, 7, 2085], [], [], [348, 1102, 7, 2087], [], [], [348, 2034, 7, 2089], [], [], [348, 1074, 7, 2091], [], [], [348, 2041, 7, 2093], [], [], [348, 2045, 7, 2095], [], [], [348, 2049, 7, 2097], [], [], [348, 2053, 7, 2099], [], [], [348, 2057, 7, 2101], [], [], [348, 2061, 7, 2103], [], [], [348, 1125, 7, 2105], [], [], [348, 2107, 7, 2108], [], [], [348, 2110, 7, 2111], [], [], [348, 2113, 7, 2114], [], [], [348, 2116, 7, 2117], [], [], [348, 2119, 7, 2120], [], [], [348, 2122, 7, 2123], [], [], [348, 2125, 7, 2126], [], [], [348, 2128, 7, 2129], [], [], [348, 2131, 7, 2132], [], [], [348, 2134, 7, 2135], [], [], [348, 2137, 7, 2138], [], [], [348, 2140, 7, 2141], [], [], [348, 2143, 7, 2144], [], [], [348, 2146, 7, 2147], [], [], [348, 2149, 7, 2150], [], [], [348, 2152, 7, 2153], [], [], [348, 2155, 7, 2156], [], [], [348, 2158, 7, 2159], [], [], [348, 2161, 7, 2162], [], [], [], [], [197, 2068, 7, 2164], [], [197, 2166, 342, 14, 2009, 2167, 343, 2168, 132, 2169, 30, 2169, 875, 2018, 884, 885, 7, 2170], [348, -1, 7, 2172], [], [], [348, 2175, 7, 2176], [], [], [348, 2178, 7, 2179], [], [], [348, 2181, 7, 2182], [], [], [348, 2184, 7, 2185], [], [], [348, 2187, 7, 2188], [], [], [348, 2190, 7, 2191], [], [], [348, 2193, 7, 2194], [], [], [348, 2196, 7, 2197], [], [], [348, 2199, 7, 2200], [], [], [348, 2202, 7, 2203], [], [], [348, 2205, 7, 2206], [], [], [348, 2208, 7, 2209], [], [], [348, 2211, 7, 2212], [], [], [348, 2214, 7, 2215], [], [], [348, 2217, 7, 2218], [], [], [348, 2220, 7, 2221], [], [], [348, 2223, 7, 2224], [], [], [348, 2226, 7, 2227], [], [], [348, 2229, 7, 2230], [], [], [348, 2232, 7, 2233], [], [], [348, 2235, 7, 2236], [], [], [348, 2238, 7, 2239], [], [], [348, 2241, 7, 2242], [], [], [348, 2244, 7, 2245], [], [], [348, 2247, 7, 2248], [], [], [], [], [197, 1876, 7, 2250], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2252], [], [197, 1881, 673, 2017, 674, 14, 7, 2254], [], [], [], [197, 1876, 7, 2256], [], [197, 669, 173, 199, 7, 2258], [], [197, 1881, 673, 2169, 674, 14, 7, 2260], [], [], [], [197, 1876, 7, 2262], [], [197, 669, 7, 2264], [], [132, 2266, 173, 199, 197, 1973, 7, 2267], [], [], [], [], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 2270, 684, 2045, 1075, 2041, 823, 2271, 825, 2272, 343, 2273, 132, 556, 30, 556, 48, 347, 348, 557, 7, 2274], [], [7, 2277], [], [197, 372, 7, 2279], [], [197, 375, 7, 2281], [], [197, 401, 7, 2283], [], [629, 821, 7, 2285], [], [], [], [], [197, 1869, 7, 2287], [], [342, 14, 682, 822, 684, 735, 823, 824, 825, 826, 132, 821, 30, 821, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2289], [], [], [197, 1876, 7, 2292], [], [197, 669, 7, 2294], [], [197, 1881, 673, 821, 674, 14, 7, 2296], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [48, 87, 7, 2298], [], [], [], [197, 2301, 132, 2302, 884, 885, 1683, 566, 173, 973, 7, 2303], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2305], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2307], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2309], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2311], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2313], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2315], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2317], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2319], [197, 1766, 7, 2321], [197, 1769, 7, 2323], [48, 1681, 197, 1772, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2325], [197, 1690, 7, 2327], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2329], [197, 1690, 7, 2331], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2333, 888, 2334, 173, 2335, 7, 2336], [197, 1674, 7, 2338], [132, 2334, 197, 1677, 7, 2340], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2343], [197, 1687, 7, 2345], [197, 1690, 7, 2347], [], [132, 2333, 2349, 2350, 1697, 2351, 1699, 1700, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 2352], [], [48, 347, 340, 2354, 7, 2355], [], [132, 2357, 173, 973, 7, 2358], [], [1591, 2360, 80, 1804, 7, 2361], [], [], [132, 2364, 7, 2365], [], [48, 347, 340, 2354, 7, 2367], [], [7, 2370], [7, 2372], [], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2375], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2377], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2379], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2381], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2383], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2385], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2387], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2389], [197, 1766, 7, 2391], [197, 1769, 7, 2393], [48, 1681, 197, 1772, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2395], [197, 1690, 7, 2397], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2399], [197, 1690, 7, 2401], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2403, 888, 2404, 173, 2405, 7, 2406], [197, 1674, 7, 2408], [132, 2404, 197, 1677, 7, 2410], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2413], [197, 1687, 7, 2415], [197, 1690, 7, 2417], [], [132, 2403, 1697, 2419, 1699, 1700, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 2420], [], [132, 2422, 173, 973, 7, 2423], [], [1591, 2425, 80, 1804, 7, 2426], [], [], [132, 2429, 7, 2430], [], [529, 2433, 132, 2434, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 2435], [342, 14, 343, 344, 132, 539, 30, 539, 48, 347, 348, 349, 7, 2437], [342, 14, 343, 542, 132, 543, 30, 543, 48, 347, 348, 411, 7, 2439], [340, 2441, 342, 14, 343, 2442, 132, 2443, 30, 2443, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2444], [340, 2446, 342, 14, 343, 2447, 132, 2448, 30, 2448, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2449], [340, 2451, 342, 14, 343, 2452, 132, 2453, 30, 2453, 48, 347, 348, 553, 7, 2454], [342, 14, 343, 597, 132, 1716, 30, 1716, 48, 347, 348, 600, 7, 2456], [], [173, 2458, 7, 2459], [], [], [132, 2462, 7, 2463], [], [7, 2465], [], [7, 2467], [], [629, 1865, 7, 2469], [], [], [], [7, 2472], [], [629, 1962, 7, 2474], [], [], [], [7, 2476], [], [629, 2478, 7, 2479], [], [], [], [7, 2481], [], [629, 556, 7, 2483], [], [], [], [], [7, 2485], [], [7, 2487], [], [629, 681, 7, 2489], [], [], [680, 2491, 342, 14, 682, 683, 684, 685, 343, 686, 132, 681, 30, 681, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2492], [], [173, 2494, 7, 2495], [], [197, 672, 673, 681, 674, 14, 173, 2497, 7, 2498], [], [], [], [7, 2500], [], [629, 706, 7, 2502], [], [], [680, 2504, 342, 14, 682, 707, 684, 685, 343, 708, 132, 706, 30, 706, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 2505], [], [173, 2494, 7, 2507], [], [197, 672, 673, 706, 674, 14, 173, 2497, 7, 2509], [], [], [], [7, 2511], [], [629, 821, 7, 2513], [], [], [680, 2516, 342, 14, 682, 822, 684, 735, 823, 824, 825, 826, 343, 827, 132, 821, 30, 821, 48, 691, 348, 829, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2517], [], [173, 2494, 7, 2519], [], [197, 672, 673, 821, 674, 14, 173, 2497, 7, 2521], [], [], [], [7, 2523], [], [629, 2525, 7, 2526], [], [], [197, 797, 342, 14, 343, 798, 132, 2525, 30, 2525, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 2529], [], [173, 2494, 7, 2531], [], [197, 672, 673, 2525, 674, 14, 173, 2497, 7, 2533], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2535], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2537], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2539], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2541], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2543], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2545], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2547], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2549], [197, 1766, 7, 2551], [197, 1769, 7, 2553], [48, 1681, 197, 1772, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2555], [197, 1690, 7, 2557], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2559], [197, 1690, 7, 2561], [], [197, 2563, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2564, 888, 2565, 173, 2566, 7, 2567], [197, 1674, 7, 2569], [132, 2565, 197, 1677, 7, 2571], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2573], [197, 1687, 7, 2575], [197, 1690, 7, 2577], [], [132, 2564, 173, -1, 197, 1702, 7, 2579], [], [197, 2581, 7, 2582], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2584, 888, 2585, 173, 2586, 7, 2587], [197, 1674, 7, 2589], [132, 2585, 197, 1677, 7, 2591], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2594], [197, 1687, 7, 2596], [197, 1690, 7, 2598], [], [132, 2584, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 2600], [], [7, 2603], [], [7, 2605], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2608], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2610], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2612], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2614], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2616], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2618], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2620], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2622], [197, 1766, 7, 2624], [197, 1769, 7, 2626], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2628], [197, 1690, 7, 2630], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2633, 888, 2634, 173, 2635, 7, 2636], [197, 1674, 7, 2638], [132, 2634, 197, 1677, 7, 2640], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2642], [197, 1687, 7, 2644], [197, 1690, 7, 2646], [], [132, 2633, 2648, 2632, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 2649], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2652], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2654], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2656], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2658], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2660], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2662], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2664], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2666], [197, 1766, 7, 2668], [197, 1769, 7, 2670], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2672], [197, 1690, 7, 2674], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 1052, 888, 2676, 173, 2677, 7, 2678], [197, 1674, 7, 2680], [132, 2676, 197, 1677, 7, 2682], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2685], [197, 1687, 7, 2687], [197, 1690, 7, 2689], [], [132, 1052, 2648, 2632, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 2691], [], [1591, 2684, 80, 2693, 7, 2694], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2696], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2698], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2700], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2702], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2704], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2706], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2708], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2710], [197, 1766, 7, 2712], [197, 1769, 7, 2714], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2716], [197, 1690, 7, 2718], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2720, 888, 2721, 173, 2722, 7, 2723], [197, 1674, 7, 2725], [132, 2721, 197, 1677, 7, 2727], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2730], [197, 1687, 7, 2732], [197, 1690, 7, 2734], [], [132, 2720, 2648, 2632, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 2736], [], [1591, 2684, 80, 2738, 7, 2739], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2741], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2743], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2745], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2747], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2749], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2751], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2753], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2755], [197, 1766, 7, 2757], [197, 1769, 7, 2759], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2761], [197, 1690, 7, 2763], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2765, 888, 2766, 173, 2767, 7, 2768], [197, 1674, 7, 2770], [132, 2766, 197, 1677, 7, 2772], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2775], [197, 1687, 7, 2777], [197, 1690, 7, 2779], [], [132, 2765, 2648, 2632, 173, 1701, 197, 1702, 7, 2781], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2784], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2786], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2788], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2790], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2792], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2794], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2796], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2798], [197, 1766, 7, 2800], [197, 1769, 7, 2802], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2805], [197, 1690, 7, 2807], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2809, 888, 2810, 173, 2811, 7, 2812], [197, 1674, 7, 2814], [132, 2810, 197, 1677, 7, 2816], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 2819], [197, 1687, 7, 2821], [197, 1690, 7, 2823], [], [132, 2809, 2648, 2632, 173, 2825, 197, 1702, 7, 2826], [], [132, 1169, 197, 2829, 7, 2830], [], [7, 2832], [], [197, 2834, 7, 2835], [], [7, 2837], [197, 2839, 7, 2840], [197, 2842, 7, 2843], [], [], [7, 2846], [197, 2839, 7, 2848], [197, 2842, 7, 2850], [], [50, 2853, 261, 262, 7, 2854], [], [], [], [7, 2856], [197, 2839, 7, 2858], [197, 2842, 7, 2860], [], [], [7, 2863], [197, 2839, 7, 2865], [197, 2842, 7, 2867], [], [], [7, 2870], [197, 2839, 7, 2872], [197, 2842, 7, 2874], [], [7, 2877], [], [7, 2880], [7, 2882], [], [7, 2885], [7, 2887], [], [7, 2890], [7, 2892], [], [7, 2895], [7, 2897], [], [], [], [7, 2900], [197, 2839, 7, 2902], [197, 2842, 7, 2904], [], [50, 2907, 261, 262, 7, 2908], [], [], [], [7, 2912], [197, 2839, 7, 2914], [197, 2842, 7, 2916], [], [], [7, 2919], [197, 2839, 7, 2921], [197, 2842, 7, 2923], [], [50, 2926, 261, 262, 7, 2927], [], [], [], [], [2931, 14, 173, 973, 7, 2932], [], [173, 2935, 7, 2936], [7, 2938], [173, 2940, 7, 2941], [7, 2943], [], [173, 2946, 7, 2947], [], [173, 2950, 7, 2951], [], [173, 2954, 7, 2955], [], [7, 2958], [7, 2960], [], [173, 2946, 7, 2962], [], [173, 2950, 7, 2965], [], [173, 2950, 7, 2968], [], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 2971], [], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 2973], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 2975], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 2977], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 2979], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 2981], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 2983], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 2985], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 2987], [197, 1766, 7, 2989], [197, 1769, 7, 2991], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 2993], [197, 1690, 7, 2995], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 2997, 888, 2998, 173, 2811, 7, 2999], [197, 1674, 7, 3001], [132, 2998, 197, 1677, 7, 3003], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 3006], [197, 1687, 7, 3008], [197, 1690, 7, 3010], [], [132, 2997, 2648, 2632, 173, 2825, 197, 1702, 7, 3012], [], [132, 1169, 197, 2829, 7, 3015], [], [197, 502, 7, 3017], [], [7, 3019], [7, 3021], [], [], [197, 3024, 7, 3025], [], [], [197, 3028, 7, 3029], [], [], [197, 2834, 7, 3032], [], [7, 3034], [197, 2839, 7, 3036], [197, 2842, 7, 3038], [], [173, 3041, 7, 3042], [], [], [173, 3041, 7, 3046], [], [], [], [7, 3050], [197, 2839, 7, 3052], [197, 2842, 7, 3054], [], [], [7, 3057], [197, 2839, 7, 3059], [197, 2842, 7, 3061], [], [], [7, 3064], [197, 2839, 7, 3066], [197, 2842, 7, 3068], [], [], [7, 3071], [197, 2839, 7, 3073], [197, 2842, 7, 3075], [], [], [7, 3078], [197, 2839, 7, 3080], [197, 2842, 7, 3082], [], [], [7, 3085], [197, 2839, 7, 3087], [197, 2842, 7, 3089], [], [], [7, 3092], [197, 2839, 7, 3094], [197, 2842, 7, 3096], [], [], [7, 3099], [197, 2839, 7, 3101], [197, 2842, 7, 3103], [], [], [7, 3106], [197, 2839, 7, 3108], [197, 2842, 7, 3110], [], [], [7, 3113], [197, 2839, 7, 3115], [197, 2842, 7, 3117], [], [], [7, 3120], [197, 2839, 7, 3122], [197, 2842, 7, 3124], [], [], [7, 3127], [197, 2839, 7, 3129], [197, 2842, 7, 3131], [], [], [7, 3134], [197, 2839, 7, 3136], [197, 2842, 7, 3138], [], [], [7, 3141], [197, 2839, 7, 3143], [197, 2842, 7, 3145], [], [], [], [197, 502, 7, 3148], [], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 3150], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 3152], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 3154], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 3156], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 3158], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 3160], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 3162], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 3164], [197, 1766, 7, 3166], [197, 1769, 7, 3168], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 3170], [197, 1690, 7, 3172], [], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 3174, 888, 3175, 173, 3176, 7, 3177], [197, 1674, 7, 3179], [132, 3175, 197, 1677, 7, 3181], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 3184], [197, 1687, 7, 3186], [197, 1690, 7, 3188], [], [197, 1766, 7, 3190], [197, 1769, 7, 3192], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 3194], [197, 1690, 7, 3196], [], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 3199], [197, 1690, 7, 3201], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 3203], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 3205], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 3207], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 3209], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 3211], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 3213], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 3215], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 3217], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 3219, 888, 3220, 173, 3176, 7, 3221], [197, 1674, 7, 3223], [132, 3220, 197, 1677, 7, 3225], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 3228], [197, 1687, 7, 3230], [197, 1690, 7, 3232], [], [197, 1766, 7, 3234], [197, 1769, 7, 3236], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 3238], [197, 1690, 7, 3240], [], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 3242], [197, 1690, 7, 3244], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742, 7, 3246], [197, 1745, 173, 1742, 7, 3248], [197, 1748, 173, 1742, 7, 3250], [197, 1751, 173, 1742, 7, 3252], [197, 1754, 173, 1742, 7, 3254], [197, 1757, 173, 1742, 7, 3256], [197, 1760, 173, 1742, 7, 3258], [197, 1763, 173, 1742, 7, 3260], [197, 3262, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 3263, 888, 3264, 173, 973, 7, 3265], [197, 1674, 7, 3267], [132, 3264, 197, 1677, 7, 3269], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 3272], [197, 1687, 7, 3274], [197, 1690, 7, 3276], [], [197, 1766, 7, 3278], [197, 1769, 7, 3280], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 3282], [197, 1690, 7, 3284], [], [197, 3262, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 3286, 888, 3287, 173, 973, 7, 3288], [197, 1674, 7, 3290], [132, 3287, 197, 1677, 7, 3292], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684, 7, 3294], [197, 1687, 7, 3296], [197, 1690, 7, 3298], [], [197, 1766, 7, 3300], [197, 1769, 7, 3302], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 7, 3304], [197, 1690, 7, 3306], [], [173, 3308, 7, 3309], [], [48, 87, 7, 3311], [], [], [173, 3308, 7, 3314], [7, 3316], [], [173, 3308, 7, 3319], [], [48, 87, 7, 3321], [], [], [884, 896, 917, 14, 875, 895, 1214, 3323, 30, 3324, 132, 3324, 80, 3325, 173, 3326, 7, 3327], [132, 3329, 80, 3330, 7, 3331], [173, 3334, 7, 3335], [3337, 3338, 173, 3339, 7, 3340], [173, 3342, 7, 3343], [46, 55, 50, 3345, 7, 3346], [173, 3339, 7, 3348], [173, 3342, 7, 3350], [46, 55, 50, 3345, 7, 3352], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 3174, 888, 2302, 173, 3176], [197, 1674], [132, 2302, 197, 1677], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684], [197, 1687], [197, 1690], [], [132, 3174, 173, -1, 197, 1702, 7, 3354], [], [529, 409, 132, 3357, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3358], [], [197, 3360, 7, 3361], [], [197, 3364, 7, 3365], [], [7, 3368], [], [7, 3370], [], [197, 401, 7, 3372], [197, 611, 7, 3374], [], [629, 3376, 7, 3377], [], [], [197, 3379, 342, 14, 682, 3380, 684, 685, 343, 639, 132, 3376, 30, 3376, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3381], [], [197, 672, 673, 3376, 674, 14, 7, 3383], [], [], [7, 3385], [], [197, 401, 7, 3387], [197, 611, 7, 3389], [], [629, 3391, 7, 3392], [], [], [342, 14, 682, 822, 684, 735, 823, 824, 825, 826, 343, 827, 132, 3391, 30, 3391, 48, 691, 348, -1, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3394], [], [197, 672, 673, 3391, 674, 14, 7, 3396], [], [], [7, 3398], [], [197, 401, 7, 3400], [197, 611, 7, 3402], [], [629, 3404, 7, 3405], [], [], [7, 3408], [], [3411, 2128, 342, 14, 343, 3412, 132, 3404, 30, 3404, 3413, 2027, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3414], [], [197, 672, 673, 3404, 674, 14, 7, 3416], [], [], [132, 30, 7, 3418], [], [132, 3420, 30, 3420, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3421], [], [132, 2515, 30, 2515, 48, 691, 348, -1, 7, 3423], [], [], [], [], [], [197, 1766], [197, 1769], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566], [197, 1690], [], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566], [197, 1690], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742], [197, 1745, 173, 1742], [197, 1748, 173, 1742], [197, 1751, 173, 1742], [197, 1754, 173, 1742], [197, 1757, 173, 1742], [197, 1760, 173, 1742], [197, 1763, 173, 1742], [197, 1666, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 3219, 888, 889, 173, 3176], [197, 1674], [132, 889, 197, 1677], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684], [197, 1687], [197, 1690], [], [132, 3219, 173, -1, 197, 1702, 7, 3425], [], [132, 3427, 529, 3428, 534, 535, 536, 536, 7, 3429], [], [48, 347, 132, 3431, 30, 3431, 348, 14, 7, 3432], [], [7, 3434], [], [7, 3436], [], [629, 3438, 7, 3439], [], [], [48, 691, 132, 3438, 30, 3442, 343, 686, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3443], [], [173, 3445, 7, 3446], [], [197, 672, 673, 3442, 674, 14, 7, 3448], [], [], [], [7, 3451], [], [629, 3453, 7, 3454], [], [], [132, 3453, 343, 798, 30, 2525, 48, 800, 197, 797, 7, 3456], [], [173, 3445, 7, 3458], [], [197, 672, 673, 2525, 674, 14, 7, 3460], [], [], [], [7, 3462], [], [629, 3464, 7, 3465], [], [], [197, 3468, 132, 3464, 30, 3469, 173, -1, 7, 3470], [348, 3472, 7, 3473], [], [], [348, 3475, 7, 3476], [], [], [348, 3478, 7, 3479], [], [], [348, 3481, 7, 3482], [], [], [348, 3484, 7, 3485], [], [], [348, 3487, 7, 3488], [], [], [], [], [7, 3491], [], [629, 3493, 7, 3494], [], [], [132, 3493, 30, 3497, 3413, 2034, 3411, 685, 692, 566, 693, 14, 7, 3498], [], [], [], [], [197, 1766], [197, 1769], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566], [197, 1690], [], [48, 1681, 197, 2804, 875, 1681, 1683, 566], [197, 1690], [], [197, 1741, 173, 1742], [197, 1745, 173, 1742], [197, 1748, 173, 1742], [197, 1751, 173, 1742], [197, 1754, 173, 1742], [197, 1757, 173, 1742], [197, 1760, 173, 1742], [197, 1763, 173, 1742], [197, 3262, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 3263, 888, 902, 173, 973], [197, 1674], [132, 902, 197, 1677], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684], [197, 1687], [197, 1690], [], [132, 3263, 173, -1, 197, 1702, 7, 3500], [], [132, 3502, 7, 3503], [], [197, 1766], [197, 1769], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566], [197, 1690], [], [197, 3262, 884, 896, 875, 1667, 1668, 3286, 888, 1670, 173, 973], [197, 1674], [132, 1670, 197, 1677], [], [48, 1681, 197, 1682, 875, 1681, 1683, 566, 1214, 1684], [197, 1687], [197, 1690], [], [132, 3286, 173, -1, 197, 1702, 7, 3505], [], [132, 3507, 7, 3508], [], [], [197, 1766], [197, 1769], [48, 1681, 197, 1777, 875, 1681, 1683, 566], [197, 1690], [], [173, 3308], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3308], [], [48, 87], [], [], [173, 3308], [], []], "textValue": {"index": [2387, 2491], "value": [-1, -1]}, "inputValue": {"index": [185, 187, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 400, 410, 432, 445, 458, 463, 480, 502, 511, 549, 569, 608, 609, 647, 674, 690, 708, 728, 729, 761, 762, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1191, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1263, 1291, 1301, 1334, 1336, 1631, 1648, 1694, 1703, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1789, 1802, 1815, 1828, 2359, 2372, 2394, 2396, 2430, 2439, 2452], "value": [349, 354, 349, 411, 548, 553, 557, 354, 566, -1, 548, 349, 411, 600, 553, -1, -1, -1, -1, 772, 557, -1, 829, -1, 566, 242, 14, 566, 242, -1, -1, -1, 14, 566, 14, 566, 548, 349, 600, 411, 557, -1, 548, 553, 411, 349, -1, 1832, 354, -1, 553, 1832, 553, 1832, -1, 1908, 1920, -1, 553, 557, -1, -1, -1, 349, 411, 553, 553, 553, 600, -1, -1, 829, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, -1, -1]}, "inputChecked": {"index": []}, "optionSelected": {"index": [373, 1376, 1420, 1524, 2466]}, "contentDocumentIndex": {"index": [586, 2324], "value": [1, 2]}, "pseudoType": {"index": [118, 160, 164, 168, 270, 537, 538, 620, 724, 742, 747, 757, 815], "value": [249, 306, 306, 306, 249, 249, 880, 249, 306, 249, 249, 306, 249]}, "pseudoIdentifier": {"index": [], "value": []}, "isClickable": {"index": [0, 90, 103, 108, 115, 127, 139, 185, 187, 229, 250, 267, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 400, 410, 426, 432, 445, 458, 463, 474, 480, 496, 502, 511, 541, 545, 549, 563, 569, 609, 617, 644, 647, 659, 671, 674, 687, 690, 704, 708, 729, 738, 740, 761, 762, 776, 932, 1053, 1062, 1086, 1090, 1102, 1110, 1113, 1116, 1178, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1191, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1257, 1263, 1283, 1291, 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1264, 18], [8, 8, 1264, 18], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 1264, 18], [8, 42, 69.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 60, 1264, 18], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 60, 61.078125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 78, 1264, 100], [8, 164, 222, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 78, 222, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 1264, 27], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 244.8125, 1264, 54], [48, 244.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 18], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [48, 262.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 18], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [48, 280.8125, 1224, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 18], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2726.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 2177.28125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 1531.125], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 712.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 621.0625], [8, 317.53125, 1264, 22], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 577.796875], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 96.53125], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 1264, 18], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 1264, 18], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 1264, 18], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 222], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 478.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 546.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 1264, 52], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 682.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 716.59375, 81.328125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 188], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 750.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 86], [8, 852.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 886.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 920.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 1264, 75], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [8, 984.59375, 1264, 45], [18, 1004.59375, 1160.90625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 789.0625], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 312.4375], [8, 1059.59375, 1264, 18], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 1264, 22], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 79], [8, 1137.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1137.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1155.03125, 1264, 19], [8, 1155.03125, 108, 19], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1174.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1174.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1195.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1195.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1216.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1216.03125, 68.015625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1234.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1234.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1255.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1294.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1294.03125, 112.875, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1312.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1312.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 39], [8, 1333.03125, 1264, 18], [8, 1333.03125, 54.65625, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1351.03125, 1264, 21], [8, 1351.03125, 205, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1372.03125, 1264, 0], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 457.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 364.90625], [8, 1390.75, 1264, 22], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 1264, 36], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [8, 1483.46875, 1264, 272.1875], [12.515625, 1487.984375, 1254.96875, 47.96875], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1492.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1534.953125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [17.03125, 1493.5, 163.984375, 42.453125], [18.03125, 1494.5, 161.984375, 40.453125], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [184.53125, 1493.5, 175.046875, 41.453125], [185.53125, 1494.5, 173.046875, 40.453125], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [12.515625, 1535.953125, 1254.96875, 215.1875], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 180], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 48], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 1205.71875, 27], [37.140625, 1574.546875, 262, 27], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1601.546875, 1205.71875, 90], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 42], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [37.140625, 1712.546875, 1205.71875, 21], [41.140625, 1715.546875, 13, 13], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 0, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 541.953125, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 134.4375, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17.59375], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 1205.71875, 0], [37.140625, 1733.546875, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1771.65625, 1264, 40], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1771.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1774.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1773.65625, 538.703125, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 22, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 253.234375, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [610.703125, 1773.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 18], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [48, 1791.65625, 1224, 20], [52, 1794.65625, 13, 13], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 1264, 21], [8, 1827.65625, 209.359375, 21], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1864.65625, 1264, 0], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 525.4375], [8, 1867.375, 1264, 22], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 56.71875], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 1264, 22], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1964.8125, 1264, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 234], [8, 1964.8125, 227, 36], [8, 1964.8125, 114, 36], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 1964.8125, 113, 36], [122, 1964.8125, 69.296875, 35], [8, 2000.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2000.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2018.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2018.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2018.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 35], [8, 2054.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2054.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2072.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2072.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2072.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [8, 2108.8125, 60.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2108.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 35], [122, 2144.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2180.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2198.8125, 1264, 194], [8, 2205.8125, 117.75, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2223.8125, 1264, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 162], [8, 2223.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2223.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [8, 2241.8125, 61.3125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2241.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [122, 2241.8125, 68.4375, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2277.8125, 227, 54], [8, 2277.8125, 114, 54], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 113, 54], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [122, 2277.8125, 109.328125, 53], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2331.8125, 227, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 114, 18], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 0], [122, 2331.8125, 113, 18], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2349.8125, 227, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 114, 36], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [8, 2349.8125, 70.203125, 35], [0, 0, 0, 0], [122, 2349.8125, 113, 36], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 51.96875, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2392.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 70], [8, 2408.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2408.8125, 676.140625, 17], [8, 2442.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2442.8125, 170.1875, 17], [178.1875, 2442.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2460.8125, 198.640625, 17], [58.546875, 2480.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [58.546875, 2494.8125, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 533], [8, 2510.8125, 1264, 72], [8, 2510.8125, 1253.671875, 53], [82.234375, 2546.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2564.8125, 115.953125, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [123.953125, 2564.8125, 106.421875, 17], [230.375, 2564.8125, 140.40625, 17], [8, 2598.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2632.8125, 1264, 36], [8, 2632.8125, 496.328125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [504.328125, 2632.8125, 175.8125, 17], [680.140625, 2632.8125, 4, 17], [684.140625, 2632.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2650.8125, 482.953125, 17], [490.953125, 2650.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2684.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2718.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2718.8125, 907.296875, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [8, 2752.8125, 372.84375, 17], [380.84375, 2752.8125, 576.234375, 17], [957.078125, 2752.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2786.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2820.8125, 1264, 18], [8, 2820.8125, 744.96875, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [752.96875, 2820.8125, 120.734375, 17], [873.703125, 2820.8125, 210.125, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1083.828125, 2820.8125, 94.21875, 17], [1178.046875, 2820.8125, 9.328125, 17], [8, 2854.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 0], [8, 2888.8125, 1264, 54], [8, 2888.8125, 378.328125, 17], [386.328125, 2888.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 753.1875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [761.1875, 2906.8125, 106.421875, 17], [8, 2906.8125, 1260.359375, 35], [8, 2958.8125, 0, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 1264, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [8, 2992.8125, 83.546875, 17], [91.546875, 2992.8125, 14.921875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [106.46875, 2992.8125, 85.96875, 17], [192.4375, 2992.8125, 15.203125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [207.640625, 2992.8125, 112.453125, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 3025.8125, 0, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "text": [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 222, 218, -1, 227, 228, -1, 231, -1, 235, 214, -1, -1, 242, -1, -1, 248, 250, 210, -1, -1, 259, 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0, 0, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 0], [8, 2889, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [761, 2907, 106, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 2993, 1264, 17], [8, 2993, 84, 17], [], [], [106, 2993, 86, 17], [], [], [208, 2993, 112, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "scrollRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 1264, 103], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], 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36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], "clientRects": [[], [0, 0, 1280, 3052], [0, 0, 1280, 720], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 3036], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 15, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 1264, 100], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 222, 100], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [0, 0, 1264, 27], [], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1224, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2726], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 2177], [0, 0, 1264, 1531], [0, 0, 1264, 712], [0, 0, 1264, 621], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 578], [0, 0, 1264, 97], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 222], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 52], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 188], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 86], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 45], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 789], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 312], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 79], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 19], [1, 1, 106, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 39], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 201, 17], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 458], [0, 0, 1264, 365], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [1, 1, 1262, 270], [1, 1, 1253, 46], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 162, 41], [0, 0, 162, 40], [], [1, 1, 173, 40], [0, 0, 173, 40], [], [0, 0, 1255, 215], [0, 0, 1206, 180], [0, 0, 1206, 48], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 27], [2, 2, 258, 23], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 1206, 90], [], [0, 0, 1206, 42], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [], [0, 0, 1206, 21], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 20, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1206, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 40], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 18, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 7, 18], [0, 0, 1224, 20], [0, 0, 13, 13], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [0, 0, 1264, 21], [2, 2, 205, 17], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 525], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 57], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [0, 0, 1264, 22], [], [0, 0, 16, 16], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 1264, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 234], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 194], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 162], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 54], [0, 0, 114, 54], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 113, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 18], [0, 0, 114, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 114, 18], [], [0, 0, 114, 0], [0, 0, 113, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 227, 36], [0, 0, 114, 36], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 113, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 70], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 533], [0, 0, 1264, 72], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 36], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 18], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 54], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1264, 17], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [], [], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]}, "textBoxes": {"layoutIndex": [9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 71, 76, 79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 110, 116, 117, 119, 125, 127, 129, 132, 136, 140, 142, 144, 144, 145, 154, 155, 157, 162, 164, 188, 190, 207, 209, 215, 217, 229, 231, 245, 247, 248, 249, 264, 267, 274, 289, 292, 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 316, 322, 325, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 344, 347, 351, 356, 362, 368, 371, 380, 383, 383, 388, 391, 396, 399, 399, 404, 407, 412, 415, 415, 420, 420, 423, 424, 425, 430, 430, 432, 437, 440, 445, 446, 454, 457, 461, 461, 464, 466, 466, 471, 473, 475, 475, 475, 481, 484, 486, 491, 491, 494, 496, 501, 503, 504, 505, 516, 516, 516, 517, 518, 521, 522, 523, 525, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 546, 547, 547, 550, 551, 552, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561, 561, 561, 562, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571, 573], "bounds": [[8, 8, 37.78125, 17], [45.78125, 8, 100, 17], [145.78125, 8, 7.203125, 17], [152.984375, 8, 50.21875, 17], [203.203125, 8, 188.453125, 17], [8, 42, 15, 16], [23, 42, 54.203125, 17], [8, 62, 123.234375, 15], [131.234375, 60, 4, 17], [135.234375, 62, 61.078125, 15], [8, 197.90625, 343.546875, 26], [31, 244.8125, 7, 17], [48, 244.8125, 91.546875, 17], [31, 262.8125, 7, 17], [48, 262.8125, 51.109375, 17], [31, 280.8125, 7, 17], [48, 280.8125, 68.875, 17], [8, 317.53125, 108.5625, 21], [8, 360.796875, 73.3125, 17], [8, 400.0625, 82.21875, 17], [8, 439.328125, 123.109375, 17], [8, 478.59375, 32.890625, 17], [8, 512.59375, 131.984375, 17], [8, 546.59375, 100.421875, 17], [108.421875, 546.59375, 115.96875, 17], [8, 580.59375, 61.453125, 17], [69.453125, 580.59375, 87.5625, 17], [8, 614.59375, 170.15625, 17], [8, 648.59375, 115.109375, 17], [8, 682.59375, 44, 17], [8, 716.59375, 16, 16], [24, 716.59375, 3.125, 17], [27.125, 716.59375, 62.203125, 17], [8, 750.59375, 53.34375, 17], [8, 784.59375, 19.546875, 17], [8, 818.59375, 151.765625, 17], [8, 852.59375, 44, 17], [8, 886.59375, 36, 17], [8, 920.59375, 43.40625, 17], [8, 954.59375, 0, 17], [18, 1004.59375, 280.265625, 14], [298.265625, 1004.59375, 880.640625, 14], [8, 1041.59375, 0, 17], [8, 1059.59375, 12, 17], [20, 1059.59375, 159.484375, 17], [8, 1096.3125, 157.078125, 21], [8, 1137.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1137.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1216.03125, 11.125, 17], [19.125, 1216.03125, 56.890625, 17], [8, 1276.03125, 56.875, 17], [64.875, 1276.03125, 56.734375, 17], [8, 1294.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1294.03125, 100.875, 17], [8, 1333.03125, 12, 17], [20, 1333.03125, 42.65625, 17], [8, 1390.75, 173, 21], [8, 1431.46875, 457.96875, 17], [465.96875, 1431.46875, 0, 17], [8, 1449.46875, 790.21875, 17], [35.625, 1504.296875, 126.796875, 20], [203.125, 1504.296875, 137.859375, 20], [37.140625, 1553.546875, 125.1875, 20], [37.140625, 1691.546875, 4.890625, 20], [57.140625, 1712.546875, 4.890625, 20], [62.03125, 1712.546875, 231.828125, 20], [293.859375, 1712.546875, 114.4375, 20], [408.296875, 1713.546875, 20, 17], [428.296875, 1712.546875, 175.6875, 20], [31, 1773.65625, 7, 17], [68, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1773.65625, 182.140625, 17], [254.140625, 1773.65625, 77.328125, 17], [331.46875, 1773.65625, 18, 16], [349.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [353.46875, 1773.65625, 4, 17], [357.46875, 1773.65625, 16, 16], [373.46875, 1773.65625, 237.234375, 17], [31, 1793.65625, 7, 17], [68, 1793.65625, 4, 17], [72, 1793.65625, 696.859375, 17], [16, 1830.65625, 193.359375, 15], [8, 1867.375, 78.96875, 21], [8, 1908.09375, 40.515625, 21], [8, 1948.8125, 16, 16], [8, 1973.8125, 42.65625, 17], [122, 1964.8125, 59.53125, 17], [122, 1982.8125, 69.296875, 17], [8, 2000.8125, 51.53125, 17], [122, 2000.8125, 32.875, 17], [8, 2027.8125, 71.546875, 17], [122, 2018.8125, 88.421875, 17], [122, 2036.8125, 32, 17], [8, 2054.8125, 81.34375, 17], [122, 2054.8125, 53.328125, 17], [8, 2081.8125, 99.109375, 17], [122, 2072.8125, 102.21875, 17], [122, 2090.8125, 33.78125, 17], [8, 2108.8125, 55.125, 17], [8, 2126.8125, 60.4375, 17], [122, 2108.8125, 43.40625, 17], [165.40625, 2108.8125, 0, 17], [122, 2126.8125, 100.859375, 17], [8, 2144.8125, 89.34375, 17], [8, 2162.8125, 31.109375, 17], [122, 2153.8125, 91.5625, 17], [8, 2180.8125, 32.890625, 17], [122, 2180.8125, 100.421875, 17], [8, 2205.8125, 40.4375, 17], [48.4375, 2205.8125, 77.3125, 17], [8, 2223.8125, 61.3125, 17], [122, 2223.8125, 33.328125, 17], [8, 2241.8125, 57.75, 17], [8, 2259.8125, 61.3125, 17], [122, 2241.8125, 48, 17], [170, 2241.8125, 20.4375, 17], [122, 2259.8125, 53.296875, 17], [8, 2295.8125, 107.078125, 17], [122, 2277.8125, 48, 17], [170, 2277.8125, 20.4375, 17], [122, 2295.8125, 109.328125, 17], [122, 2313.8125, 51.96875, 17], [8, 2331.8125, 107.953125, 17], [122, 2331.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2331.8125, 51.96875, 17], [8, 2349.8125, 47.109375, 17], [8, 2367.8125, 70.203125, 17], [122, 2358.8125, 36, 17], [158, 2358.8125, 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Should be numeric with a maximum of 16 digits.';\n } else if (keyword === '944') {\n return 'Invalid expiration date. Should be numeric with a format of MMYY. e.g. 0120';\n } else if (keyword === '945') {\n return 'Invalid CVD. 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"\n $300 ", "716610f3-0194-4bfb", "", "per year", " Annual Deductible ", "941c3dfa-b63b-4069", "", "648ace6f-9ac9-471d", "", "4d6d526c-8d9b-4f3b", "", "Annual Deductible", "fa18aa00-2c29-499f", "", "\n $100 ", "620bc449-43a8-48c3", "", "summary-ticker four columns", "de1bbac9-16e4-4e11", "", " summary_text four columns", "583d178c-2a29-49c1", "", "\n \n ", "db9c2928-116d-4cd2", "", "The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.", "0f39111f-096e-4b0a", "", "For more information call: ", "b9366670-74f6-4766", "", "1-844-744-6862 (PHI-OVMA)", "margin-left:4%;", "f20431bc-8ecd-4238", "", "step3_ovma_eft", "/Quote/Static/Content/OVMA/Images/English/OVMA_Dog_Dental.jpg", "b5a9c415-a1ab-4bc3", "", "\n \n ", "portal-footer-wrapper", "6977a5fa-d96a-4ed4", "", "footer-wrapper", "50c141a1-0876-4975", "", "footer-br", "5be15cff-0ebf-4095", "", "footer", "16fde844-85d9-42cf", "", "e6121e2d-4c04-48a9", "", "\n Some coverage is subject to a waiting period, as noted in clause VII. Policy Administration. Pre-existing conditions or conditions which occur during the waiting period will be excluded from your policy, as noted in clause, V. Policy Specific Exclusions. This policy also contains clauses, which affect coverage. This can be found in clause, IV. What We Do Not Cover and VI. General Conditions.", "5e9ea872-ec91-4a3b", "", "Please review the ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/PDFs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "bc636610-7b18-4385", "", "U", "eabdf5a4-335b-4578", "", "Policy Wordings", " for additional details.\n ", " ", "cc62ecf0-0645-4b62", "", "\n ", "59c3072b-9e2a-48aa", "", "\n The OVMA Pet Health Insurance program is underwritten and distributed by ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/index.html", "b953076e-234a-41e9", "", "12befd04-48e4-42ec", "", "Petline Insurance Company", ".\n ", "a4e833a1-c240-47fe", "", "It is available to residents of Canada and provides coverage to eligible pets. ", "c9811464-2266-4354", "", "11bd76ba-dcf4-4d62", "", "23270172-d951-4a79", "", "Need help finding a pet insurance plan for your pet? We can help with that. Chat with one of our experienced insurance advisor experts today.", "0429db7c-8421-45dc", "", "1793854b-a928-4d8e", "", "Get in touch with someone on our customer care team!", " Monday \u2013 Friday 8:00 am \u2013 9:00 pm ET, Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ET, Sunday Closed", "f0b66ce4-3686-4f51", "", "3db12bbc-ac6c-4cc4", "", "5be555e2-5a15-4d4f", "", "\n Petline Insurance Company is registered with L\u2019Autorite des Marches Financiers as a property and casualty insurer (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-insurers-deposit-institutions-and-trust-companies", "ce3cc8c2-2439-4d8c", "", "8f9ca4b1-adff-4730", "", "NEQ: 1162197215", ") and damage insurance agency\n (", "https://lautorite.qc.ca/en/general-public/registers/register-of-firms-and-individuals-authorized-to-practise", "141c9556-a7b9-4d14", "", "22e91075-26e6-4ecd", "", "Reg #: 606694", ").\n ", "1f05264f-43fb-4e7c", "", "copyright", "c7f0b5c0-902a-4900", "", "4ea2eef8-dfc5-4dad", "", "\n \u00a9 OVMA Pet Health Insurance 2023. All Rights Reserved.", "356e665d-99ba-4c8e", "", "\n\n All coverage described in this website is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions contained in our ", "alt", "OVMA Pet Health Insurance Policy Wordings", "7ebde38f-9f1c-4be6", "", "8ebf22a5-e58a-4908", "", ". In the event of a\n discrepancy between content on this website and your policy wording, the policy wording governs.\n ", "5d743226-7948-4094", "", "line-height: 17px;", "6281eefa-229b-4106", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/Accessibility.html", "Accessibility", "da6b3c10-631f-4e9a", "", "\u00a0|\u00a0\n ", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Terms_of_Use.pdf", "Terms of Use", "2e6645bf-f61c-413b", "", "https://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/Complaint_Policy.pdf", "3d8a3506-bfa1-4635", "", "Complaint Policy", "be9971e6-5907-4484", "", "\n\n\n\n ", " Dialog section ", "\n \n \n \n \n \n ", "/Quote/Static/", "f200d269-1e94-4998", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.12.0/jquery.validate.js", "be16b432-3db1-4a11", "", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js", "6686fb43-ce3f-451f", "", "/Quote/Static/", "b9adac44-6ee0-4f4b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "6a4f1a91-5597-4f8b", "", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/mvc/4.0/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "2054697f-b3fe-4cf9", "", "/Quote/Static/", "9a366e28-9de6-4ede", "", "/Quote/Static/", "d80a3929-e1bd-422b", "", "/Quote/Static/", "ba896711-4c37-4162", "", "/Quote/Static/Scripts/SiteScripts?v=Z_supQGAcN-4KHSLNZY_-JOQQDdXwWqNw2ti0-Zvm6U1", "5570452e-5e77-403a", "", "\n\n \n ", "57027681-f75a-4cec", "", " Google Analytics Code ", "dfd912b2-324f-44e9", "", "\n\t\t\t(function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {\n\t\t\t\ti['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () {\n\t\t\t\t\t(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)\n\t\t\t\t}, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),\n\t\t\t\tm = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)\n\t\t\t})(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');\n\n\t\t\tga('create', 'UA-168053-31', 'auto');\n\t\t\tga('send', 'pageview');\n\n ", "\n\n\n\n\n ", "3272dca7-6ca0-44aa", "", "\n $(document).ready(function () {\n\n $('.navbar-collapse ul li').hover(function () {\n $(this).children('ul').stop(true, false, true).slideToggle(300);\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-emailus\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(\"#EmailUsForm\");\n var url = \"/Quote/Base/SendEmail\";\n if (form.valid()) {\n $.ajax({\n url: url,\n type: 'POST',\n data: form.serialize(),\n success: function (result) {\n if (result != undefined) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Email Us - Send');\n if (result.Message != \"\") {\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(result.Message);\n successDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n }\n }\n else {\n var errorDialog = $(\"#dialog-error\");\n errorDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($(\"#callback_form\"));\n }\n }\n\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n {\n text: \"Close\",\n click: function () {\n $(this).dialog(\"close\");\n }\n }\n ]\n });\n\n $(\"#dialog-requestcall\").dialog({\n autoOpen: false,\n position: 'center',\n width: 450,\n zIndex: 100000,\n modal: true,\n buttons: [\n {\n text: \"Submit\",\n click: function (e) {\n //debugger;\n e.preventDefault();\n\n var form = $(\"#requestcallform\");\n\n var url = \"/Quote/Step1/EmailQuoteMobile\";\n var data = form.serialize();\n\n //validation for first name and phone number\n var isValid = false;\n var firstname = $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").val();\n var phonenumber = $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").val();\n\n if (firstname.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='Owner.FirstName']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_FirstName\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (phonenumber.length == 0) {\n //show validation error\n $(\"[data-valmsg-for='PhoneNumber']\").text($(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").attr(\"data-val-required\"))\n .addClass(\"field-validation-error\")\n .removeClass(\"field-validation-valid\");\n $(\"#QuoteSummary_PhoneNumber\").addClass(\"input-validation-error\");\n }\n\n if (firstname.length > 0 && phonenumber.length > 0) {\n isValid = true;\n }\n\n\n if (isValid) {\n\n var processingDialog = $(\"#dialog-processing\");\n processingDialog.dialog(\"open\");\n processingDialog.attr(\"title\", \"Please Wait...\");\n\n $.post(url, data, function (result) {\n if (result.Success) {\n ga('send', 'event', 'Quote', 'click', 'Request A Call Back - Send');\n var successDialog = $(\"#dialog-success\");\n successDialog.html(\"Thanks for your interest in Petsecure! 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"BirthMonth", "menu", "ed41cd42-75ab-4c96", "", "a59c99bf-52a3-4b49", "", "Month...", "203d9c16-9e00-4256", "", "January", "2", "7dd93dd3-0b9e-4dea", "", "February", "8ca11b15-99c3-4152", "", "March", "4", "cb2b0bb7-c23c-4c71", "", "April", "66f78931-9e37-46b3", "", "May", "6", "57c8ce6d-3d9b-45a1", "", "June", "7", "38012a26-e6d7-4738", "", "July", "8", "066a59f1-0e4c-441e", "", "August", "9", "09dff9df-3356-4cc7", "", "September", "10", "b35e778d-a2fe-4f39", "", "October", "11", "53bf3097-f31e-4814", "", "November", "56f0d983-cbb7-4144", "", "December", "two columns dateFloat fs-exclude", "ac1d85ab-4deb-4fe6", "", "selectmenu day ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "The field Birth Day must be a number.", "BirthDay", "width:100%", "98d7931d-a7e1-478c", "", "3bd3c2f3-00fd-46bb", "", "Day...", "29365b88-9a55-4c7c", "", "I don't know", "d28ab7bd-e738-46dc", "", "6c3bafd5-b9fd-40de", "", "4c392908-0944-41c0", "", "098773ab-f3a2-497e", "", "daa4de8c-6b30-4677", "", 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"f6e0202e-40d2-432b", "", "Year...", "2023", "6cd4591e-9b55-4d82", "", "2022", "ba3f0a90-9276-42f5", "", "2021", "3739d282-1ebd-4b98", "", "2020", "ac010f8a-7a93-42db", "", "2019", "aa5f5b1c-c0f8-420e", "", "2018", "a2f86800-aa67-4a1e", "", "2017", "83036e4a-5ef6-448b", "", "2016", "318b6f45-b451-4fda", "", "2015", "f447c4cf-f859-48c6", "", "2014", "eaa1db1f-46d4-4da8", "", "2013", "f59bb4d7-5735-4fc2", "", "2012", "c5f192cd-2a90-445a", "", "2011", "7200f7eb-7b56-42ae", "", "2010", "394c4cca-27ca-4e55", "", "2009", "31b0eccf-9157-45d6", "", "2008", "998c2816-9e90-42c6", "", "2007", "593cfe4c-48f3-419f", "", "2006", "e43d4b5e-f271-46cf", "", "2005", "8938b0da-dd44-4e75", "", "2004", "9ff2a9e6-f287-4a98", "", "2003", "b90af0ee-9ec3-4891", "", "2002", "ebdfb1e9-9165-4ae3", "", "2001", "0d539ab9-2dd9-49ef", "", "2000", "1d9811f7-4d13-446c", "", "1999", "ad7dff60-7b9e-4838", "", "f0578bc5-9338-416e", "", "e1b3b355-1369-4317", "", "dae419e3-92d4-4ebf", "", "8745acf6-a782-4e83", "", 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A1A 1A1).", "^([ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXYabceghjklmnprstvxy]\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz])\\ {0,1}(\\d[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZabceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\\d)$", "Postal Code is a required field.", "cd8e8de1-562f-432c", "", "\n\n\n ", "a1d1d60f-171b-43a9", "", "dac7f34a-067a-4cc5", "", "a0e55c4f-f3bc-45e4", "", "a3777db9-4ba1-4fcc", "", "3bb60a4e-babe-4c91", "", "db6194ba-f3a5-4c93", "", "7ca7b4d1-d3d9-492d", "", " ", "ffed692d-8693-4c3e", "", "e3175cc3-4f81-4f5d", "", "af717582-acfc-4c38", "", "fe7c39f5-e776-43d5", "", "\n window.onload = function () {\n $(\"#BreedName\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedName\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedName\");\n\n $(\"#BreedId\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#BreedId\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#BreedId\");\n\n var ownerInfo = $(\"#ShowOwnerInfo\").val() == \"True\" ? true : false;\n\n if (!ownerInfo) {\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").data(\"val\", \"false\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"unobtrusiveValidation\");\n $(\"#EmployeeNumber\").removeData(\"validator\");\n $.validator.unobtrusive.parse(\"#EmployeeNumber\");\n }\n };\n", "ui-autocomplete ui-front ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all", "ui-id-1", "291331a6-1b53-4833", "", "566d5c6c-7631-4502", "", "2fa9cf06-35d9-4c30", "", "e69df764-a301-4033", "", "f82cee37-48c2-434c", "", "dfc7c81c-dae7-4efa", "", "3a9dee69-bf29-4cdd", "", "ec127c79-7480-4c7c", "", "f51c7681-662d-4d6a", "", "39c41195-162c-4680", "", "e8528b3a-cd5b-446f", "", "d1eda1a8-f2f5-468f", "", "c6e38130-9cf2-43fe", "", "273fe2d1-c889-4fc6", "", "f4b1713b-7447-46ec", "", "dialog-removepet", "ui-id-6", "position: absolute; top: 196px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "8bc099ef-9481-4a4b", "", "f32c79d7-8d4b-4f6f", "", "2575d955-408b-4119", "", "Remove Pet from Quote?", "9a610dc6-3a74-457e", "", "9a2f05a3-7472-420a", "", "2233b9e4-007c-4a58", "", "data-navigate-url", "/Quote/Pet/RemovePet", "Remove Pet from Quote", "bd2a9386-8954-40af", "", "RemovePetId", "c788c4a9-0563-4e60", "", "RemovePet_Processing", "258934fc-ba23-4548", "", "Removing Pet from the Quote...", "00cb3084-1429-44f7", "", "\n Removing Pet from the Quote...\n ", "RemovePet_Body", "2cfbf3a3-d5a9-4188", "", "954156af-9626-4968", "", "\n Are you sure you want to remove your pet from the quote? The information you provided will be lost.\n ", "a74959ad-2714-480d", "", "d95f098d-facb-4526", "", "\n Click OK to continue.\n ", "9679272a-a1fa-4efa", "", "ce1479fa-cd71-4e4f", "", "37ca21e5-3da9-4791", "", "54923fc0-8a1d-4760", "", "9d032b4c-f284-4732", "", "c3c5a5e9-9905-41e2", "", "6fc41dbe-e3b0-4625", "", "818a3939-95d4-4daf", "", "5e31794f-b0e3-44cf", "", "d6de8f17-5199-460a", "", "f0cdb052-5aa5-492b", "", "0638d3a3-8ed2-4a15", "", "0ebab8c5-4e3b-4be7", "", "a8a1ff8b-7c3b-48ce", "", "dialog-save", "ui-id-7", "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "cf89fe33-5a6a-4d5d", "", "4a0ef328-e877-4031", "", "927d52f3-d75b-4db4", "", "Save My Quote", "a020f70f-c1f1-4a04", "", "8a3494b0-28c0-4ae9", "", "7a1d9938-ff52-449a", "", "Save Quote", "25b1654d-a757-4e9c", "", "SaveQuote_Processing", "fd6d81e6-bbbc-4ba2", "", "Saving Quote...", "11d97b17-56d3-4e56", "", "\n Saving Quote...\n ", "SaveQuote_Body", "a020e417-48a5-46a7", "", "\n \n\n\n\n", "/Quote/Save/SaveQuote", "SaveForm", "29a20213-12c1-4f25", "", "fd6f01ca-1aab-4251", "", "8bcf2c28-4311-4012", "", "Save_ProductId", "The Plan field is required.", "ProductId", "916393c0-4459-4693", "", "Save_DeductibleOptionId", "The Deductible field is required.", "DeductibleOptionId", "d1d8e357-2453-417e", "", "Save_PremiumId", "The Premium field is required.", "PremiumId", "792d57c1-2315-488a", "", "bf5d237d-37d9-4afa", "", "padding-bottom:20px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;", "3b2da293-c963-40f6", "", "You have a chance to win a $100 Prepaid Credit Card!", "qe_dialog", "cced4efb-a939-4908", "", "5159d2f0-ceb6-40d6", "", "958b4019-183a-4b2f", "", "43d6b682-41bd-449e", "", "\n \n ", "2c269fa3-a747-4b77", "", "379c9bf2-1dc1-4bed", "", "a845ae93-e829-484d", "", "BirthDate", "f4ae9082-60a6-46c3", "", "d83fabab-c217-464e", "", "2a913988-624b-4aea", "", "91b5df86-7ada-4dcc", "", "dfd43ceb-9d2e-4f61", "", "f6c353ed-99c5-4d52", "", "Save_FirstName", "591685f3-6395-49bb", "", "margin-left:120px;", "6a87b77e-5ac9-4ffd", "", "width:75%;", "0dac36cf-f0e7-4b54", "", "253afa2c-0967-487f", "", "69b87fae-eb60-4cb5", "", "Save_LastName", "9b4acf3b-32d5-4686", "", "e9b270c1-d030-4778", "", "1c15d8e3-1960-4983", "", "d0dd8258-53e1-4aa6", "", "a104886d-e88e-463e", "", "Email", "Save_EmailAddress", "27ccd1d2-a0d8-4e87", "", "01f630b5-6842-44a6", "", "6594bde5-94fb-400e", "", "8e27e88f-5669-4d08", "", "PhoneNumber", "f5c02ceb-a1de-4bf6", "", "Phone Number", "a0fe2323-1603-463f", "", "0ee5eeff-0157-4a6e", "", "19f8dfd6-abd2-416d", "", "28f3eb17-14e5-469a", "", "6d2adb35-aef1-4b1b", "", "7d35453c-a09c-4d0e", "", "7c9ceed5-70a0-4046", "", "b3d1861c-ca0c-4e92", "", "662e3df4-195e-46da", "", "0df70be2-7248-4522", "", "8c3f54ff-b3c3-4251", "", "de5aec9f-57b6-4f30", "", "456d9e32-d1b6-4262", "", "2fb3852d-1d5b-47f3", "", "f0396c77-33e8-4395", "", "7a24d7bb-8638-4a59", "", "1bbf7688-65fc-440a", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front", "dialog-processing", "ui-id-8", "top: 257px; left: 524px; display: none;", "ce714d14-9700-4a53", "", "46100c76-4cfd-490f", "", "9b60a909-f5e4-46ff", "", "b1f675b4-7941-4c34", "", "1c649ab9-8085-4265", "", "efccbc33-9077-443a", "", "2ffdb41b-1f73-4b03", "", "fa fa-paw fa-spin", "da57c7ba-8ac2-4824", "", "dialog-preferred", "ui-id-9", "position: absolute; top: 143px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "3db20d48-748e-46c6", "", "5bb5da4f-c256-46d1", "", "0f275197-df70-4450", "", "Why Direct Withdrawal?", "1f1a53be-5a88-43b6", "", "3194f829-9783-4f52", "", "f33df5bd-b473-4244", "", "c8514acc-d107-4984", "", "\n At Petsecure we enable you to provide health insurance for your pet by the easiest way possible. \n That's why we allow you to set up direct withdrawal instantly to your bank account. \n ", "1c421cdd-71b5-45d0", "", "44302957-6d25-41e8", "", "\n We encourage direct withdrawal versus credit card payment to save you the cost of monthly fees and interest rates, \n while ensuring you won't lose coverage if your card is expired or declined. In addition, claim reimbursements are\n deposited directly into your account when you use direct withdrawal.\n", "8a1ea50a-9158-46db", "", "50ff89a1-1343-4e6f", "", "1f286304-4ca0-4de6", "", "b5b430b4-68b7-424c", "", "645deb72-6169-42ca", "", "15442e46-441a-4eb5", "", "65f49969-a6bb-4e75", "", "7ff25410-0b66-4af5", "", "8d426746-efea-40ec", "", "ec7abfac-4dd3-456d", "", "e2b0d1af-00fc-4155", "", "a74e3515-31c5-4a71", "", "Close", "dialog-paymentinfo", "ui-id-10", "position: absolute; top: 209px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "95ed3fa9-f121-45e8", "", "d30eb817-0ed5-4f9b", "", "64c6b534-8709-4e0c", "", "c2a3cc13-821c-4a99", "", "f77d4bd4-33e9-4d34", "", "d2893f7e-05dd-4e02", "", "data-close-btn-text", "a69880a4-184e-4f54", "", "\n We are committed to protecting your payment information. As part of this commitment, your payment information is only recorded once you confirm the purchase. Your session expired due to inactivity. Please re-enter your payment information.\n", "95017915-6dc8-451b", "", "6ab89303-c279-487a", "", "8d58b570-12e1-4633", "", "8fe35e3e-0b9a-4f85", "", "c0b8e0c2-88eb-4144", "", "491ac251-3732-4ae8", "", "82ce55b9-2854-47dc", "", "18d9a553-7a55-46e8", "", "48bf02d0-0746-4547", "", "ea5a9b8b-0d4d-4e3d", "", "4284c98f-3132-4ffe", "", "549895b9-8e56-4ac4", "", "ui-id-11", "position: absolute; top: 436px; left: 339px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "02fb8545-8d7d-497a", "", "4a8415ff-2f3f-486b", "", "11916210-f8ee-49d9", "", "Sample Cheque", "33702da9-d000-4c2e", "", "0b4dd4d2-ab4c-45fa", "", "4177ee1f-c7d4-4d01", "", "0312d66a-b3ff-4d09", "", "/Quote/Static/", "c4710cc6-4828-4f1f", "", "a467df45-0fc1-4739", "", "1778798c-31dd-4191", "", "4bf7af7e-7140-4e54", "", "978b1a54-a7cc-4d44", "", "f83efab8-898d-4c16", "", "19f9831f-1637-4027", "", "c71f1d46-02a6-486c", "", "d6adc2ea-b3ab-4e95", "", "8bb75164-e6d1-4b08", "", "2d706f55-41bc-4e8a", "", "60fee78b-cd40-4443", "", "aec14faa-fe60-4374", "", "dialog-sampleCVD", "ui-id-12", "position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 394px; display: none; height: auto; width: auto;", "5126bbda-9f03-42f3", "", "02efec77-07ca-4117", "", "d3e0cda1-d4f2-4bf5", "", "CVD Sample", "9217e985-313f-4d72", "", "1e70fa90-e04d-4290", "", "01798293-4ca8-45cb", "", "2a65a1ee-3ae1-419a", "", "/Quote/Static/", "5ac1d46c-5030-421b", "", "361427bb-8c03-4aea", "", "ad5ffd02-49ac-4981", "", "67e19404-9c2f-4a56", "", "32f8ef6a-132f-4ba8", "", "f79731ef-4bc4-4497", "", "fcfcf65d-c8bd-4476", "", "2e75a57b-cbb3-444f", "", "6fbbbe8e-0fc1-4418", "", "913fedaa-a5eb-45d9", "", "18cbde7f-3668-4a1d", "", "c96700f6-3e6a-4fd5", "", "337e907a-23ff-46ee", "", "dialog-declarationagreement", "ui-id-13", "position: absolute; top: 236px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "07e21cec-e6b3-48e8", "", "32fa6407-b953-432e", "", "30841525-7254-4c1f", "", "Declaration Agreement Required", "9407ba63-f0f1-4609", "", "9c4516a0-b59f-499e", "", "d5da84ae-df9f-4e0a", "", "f1745958-ce59-49d0", "", "\n You must read and agree to the declaration before we can complete the purchase.\n", "bb114314-d523-4a67", "", "2acf6c03-797c-4707", "", "67436498-ee50-4203", "", "957fabf4-3503-4a4f", "", "eca9c9d3-74ad-4e28", "", "37dbfa4f-7a18-4f1f", "", "eac329a7-21bc-483b", "", "dbd060e6-152c-4f8a", "", "0caac412-cdf2-431e", "", "855b6a3e-62f1-4341", "", "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only", "2202bd5d-32c4-47b6", "", "ac919060-6296-4f57", "", "dialog-declaration", "ui-id-14", "position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 337px; display: none; height: auto; width: 50%;", "b4b99b85-e8ad-40da", "", "6d8203d0-7f98-48dd", "", "b8fccb81-e7c1-4042", "", "I declare that:", "e7507caa-3470-44e6", "", "1c2ff32a-b68f-438a", "", "b5462499-a609-48bc", "", "width: auto; min-height: 4px; max-height: 354px; height: auto;", "e3e552cc-6c9c-47ea", "", "\n \n\n\n\n ", "scroll overflow-hidden", "d5c95bb6-ad09-48be", "", "7ba244f2-1be2-4eeb", "", "fa-ul", "a6de6eef-afc4-47bc", "", "0ed64f24-2bf2-4438", "", "fa-li", "8bce4f6b-be00-4f85", "", "fas fa-check-circle", "216cc6e3-2544-4b02", "", "All statements and particulars contained in\n this\n application are true, and no material fact has been withheld. I\n understand non-disclosure or misrepresentation will render the insurance null and void.", "2b328ed8-6f05-4a2b", "", "4d0ff2ca-355f-44ca", "", "27759f30-ea5c-44ea", "", "I understand and accept that the policy for\n which\n I am applying has defined waiting periods and will be subject\n to the terms and conditions outlined in the policy wordings. These policy wordings will be supplied with my\n summary of insurance on acceptance by Petline Insurance Company of my application for pet health insurance.\n The\n Policy Wordings are also available online at ", "https://www.ovmapetinsurance.com/pdfs/OVMA-PWs2023-EN.pdf", "08db86b1-5375-4fcb", "", "ad829eec-1dda-4b0d", "", "7c4e93ad-700b-40b1", "", "5d84cf25-cafa-4642", "", "I understand that completion of this\n application\n does not guarantee policy issuance.", "730d15d2-b4e8-4929", "", "40ecbb48-e5f8-474a", "", "8f2572dc-4e6d-488b", "", "I understand that claims will not be paid\n directly\n to my veterinarian, that claim forms need to be completed by\n both myself and my veterinarian and submitted to OVMA Pet Health Insurance together with paid receipts for reimbursement to me.\n ", "f3e0d664-d8ff-4c4c", "", "e1f3c27e-9961-4bbe", "", "2075f5b5-98e4-469c", "", "I agree to the following requirements:\n ", "9dd2b4e1-b55b-4bc6", "", "To help us ensure that you are secure in your level of protection, and to confirm whether any\n exclusions\n will apply to your pet\u2019s medical condition, please ensure that you have all medical records from\n each\n clinic where your pet(s) has been examined and/or treated sent into our underwriting department within\n 31\n days to complete your policy underwriting.", "cbadaad9-d685-4b43", "", "0920db4f-cdd0-45ad", "", " If you haven\u2019t taken your pet(s) to a vet\n for\n examination within the past 1 year (12 months), you will need to get an exam done within the first 14\n days\n of your policy\u2019s effective date. If you do not get your pet(s) examined, this may affect the\n outcome\n of your future claims, as any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first visit would be considered\n pre-existing and will not be covered.", "2c26ec5c-629d-4ca0", "", "3d8ff10c-70f4-4403", "", " Once we have received your pet\u2019s medical records\n and\n the underwriting process is complete, you will receive a Summary of Coverage which will set out all\n permanent and temporary pre-existing condition/exclusions. ", "57845746-ef3b-42b8", "", "410835e4-d784-4bda", "", " If you do not provide us with\n medical records, or if you do not get your pet(s) examined within 14 days, this may affect the outcome\n of\n your future claims. Specifically, if we do not receive any medical information or if you do not get an\n examination within 14 days of signing up as required, then any condition noted on your pet\u2019s first\n visit would be considered pre-existing and will not be covered.", "007528c9-bf7a-4899", "", "b3b82734-f052-405c", "", " I authorize my veterinarian\n to\n release all medical histories to OVMA Pet Health Insurance and to confirm any details as required, and for OVMA Pet Health Insurance to advise my\n veterinarian of my chosen plan.", "6a352dc3-baa9-4763", "", "3cbc59f4-0048-4efa", "", "06114e23-fcc9-446f", "", "I consent to receive email communication\n relating\n to special offers and news updates. You may withdraw your\n consent at any time. Please refer to the ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/pdf/General_Consent_to_Electronic_Delivery_of_Documents.pdf", "20ba4341-60a7-4424", "", " General Consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents Terms and Conditions.", " If you do\n not\n agree to the terms and conditions, please do not continue, or call us at 1-844-744-6862", "8a639ca3-60b4-4b89", "", "24e825d7-01d8-4441", "", "603f965c-fabe-40d5", "", "If you provide inaccurate, false, or\n misleading\n information, or if you omit or fail to disclose material\n information to us, we may not pay claims made on your policy, or we may cancel the policy, or we may void\n your\n policy from the date of inception.", "2372f4df-6ef6-4d22", "", "9e7faba7-4313-4190", "", "1f028f6a-bf03-4e82", "", "You have the right to cancel your policy at\n any\n time. You must make your request for policy cancellation by\n mail, fax or email. Your request for policy cancellation must include your name(s) and all other policy\n information necessary to identify your policy. Cancellation will take place upon receipt of the notice.\n Download\n a cancellation form ", "http://www.petlineinsurance.com/Notice_of_cancellation.pdf", "6ba2d412-110a-46cb", "", "here", ".\n ", "data-pad-agreement", "ceb5e951-5624-4bfd", "", "\n You and Petline Insurance Company have agreed to waive any delay before your first payment. By providing your payment information, you agree that you are a named account holder for this account. You authorize Petline Insurance Company to debit this account as per the following terms: Your monthly withdrawal(s) will be as follows: ", "width:500px; margin-top:10px !important;margin-bottom:15px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0;", "4b57e6c5-b69f-4da8", "", "04883f8a-9e45-4b37", "", "font-weight:bold;", "0f12b946-ec17-4c01", "", "bedd24c3-3bc9-482f", "", "Pet Name", "padding-left:30px;", "224364eb-19f7-4520", "", "Withdrawal Day", "text-align:right;", "37844ce1-bdce-4c2c", "", "First Payment Amount", "text-align:right;padding-left:10px;", "6c34c2cf-d689-450a", "", "Ongoing Amount", "a3ab28e0-cb57-4fe4", "", "07edd602-a341-45a5", "", "3fdb5e14-80a4-4a9a", "", "Aug. 17, 2023", "4fd474e8-d155-4c51", "", "$85.11", "57636309-eea6-4d56", "", " If your billing date falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal may not occur until the first business day after that date. If payment is unsuccessful, a second withdrawal attempt will be made. Your quoted monthly payment will stay the same for one year (12 debits) unless you make a change which affects your premium. If your premium is re-rated due to a change you make, the new premium rate will apply on your next billing. We will notify you 30 days in advance if we make any changes to your premium. You can cancel this agreement at any time by providing alternate payment information or by giving us a minimum of 10 business days\u2019 written notice by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com. Cancelling your personal PAD agreement with us does not cancel your policy and you still must pay premiums while insured. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD Agreement. To obtain more information on your rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. To make a claim for reimbursement, please provide proof of loss in the form of an account statement showing the unauthorized charge(s) by mail, fax, or email to info@ovmapetinsurance.com.\n ", "15ab85af-f400-4671", "", "93b48b49-5b5f-4ee6", "", "840ae93e-c6cf-4403", "", "7a665795-3663-445d", "", "064c75c1-0b98-4c74", "", "4ac97fac-68c2-420a", "", "206dfc56-a649-484e", "", "82585fe2-8eba-42cb", "", "1147736d-adb9-40ab", "", "b20fb148-efcb-4544", "", "0c0d46d0-e04d-4d6e", "", "7a1a4202-3a2b-4677", "", "f3bf9626-4ca6-4039", "", "dialog-cvv", "ui-id-15", "e509b37e-a446-47df", "", "05a282fe-48df-4b1b", "", "42a64fb6-63b6-4559", "", "Recurring Payment Agreement", "ee0dfdd0-f6ee-4606", "", "c3b01443-17e8-4c49", "", "2e6dbd04-e766-4bd4", "", "f9d1e584-3140-42bb", "", "\n \n\n\n", "c2fa4586-9d3c-4702", "", "9dbed60a-7d6e-43f3", "", "6216259d-64c7-4b2f", "", "a1270704-9582-4338", "", "H2", "uppercase", "a7decb9c-cd6c-4b7d", "", "Please Read Carefully The Terms Applicable To Your Selected Payment Method And The Terms\n Applicable To All Payments Methods (Included Below).", "underlined", "4b84bec8-b1d8-4f91", "", "Your consent to the terms of this Agreement confirms the following:", "36aa3676-5f93-47ff", "", "251273d0-bbc4-4e38", "", "47d04661-94b1-4326", "", "7ffd1907-bcdc-46f1", "", "You authorize Petline Insurance Company\n (\u201c", "font-weight: bolder;", "2dda0b13-36eb-4aa8", "", "Company", "\u201d), to store\n the credit card identified with your purchase or payment information, as such credit card may be updated\n from time to time (\u201c", "f7e73d91-404d-40a6", "", "Stored Credential", "\u201d).", "2ea9979a-177a-48d5", "", "0d769046-265a-44c7", "", "cfefc081-3469-41c5", "", "You give permission to the noted financial\n institution (or any substitute thereto which you identify) to\n charge the Stored Credential for withdrawals made by Company.", "2e6fddd2-d4a7-432d", "", "97715397-f6a2-417b", "", "75bfc90c-3bb4-48c1", "", "You understand the terms and conditions of\n your payment schedule with Company and you authorize Company\n to make recurring charges to the Stored Credential for payment amounts you authorized or authorize from\n time-to-time and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions.", "0f266ff7-9cb4-4b94", "", "90859c94-f724-4176", "", "a168a406-c3fe-4671", "", "You understand the amounts charged to the\n Stored Credential may vary if changes occur to your policy\n premium.", "9480feb3-0786-4121", "", "63e81d0f-6c68-43da", "", "ac9c613a-094f-4118", "", "You understand this authorization is\n continuous and will automatically apply to the renewal terms of\n your policy, unless Company is instructed differently.", "9d9f883f-9949-4f08", "", "8b8115a1-0fbb-4b07", "", "a326706e-629b-49a3", "", "If a credit is owed to your account with\n Company, Company will provide you with notice and will refund\n the applicable amount.", "0deab9dc-4df1-4349", "", "7bf3faab-6482-4b1e", "", "6bc82642-9430-4ad6", "", "This Agreement will expire when both: (i)\n you no longer have a policy with Company and (ii) full payment\n of your balance has been received by Company. For clarity, if you have an outstanding balance with\n Company, this Agreement will remain in effect whether or not you have a policy with Company. However, if\n your policy expires or is cancelled and is subsequently reinstated for any reason, this Agreement will\n be deemed not to have expired and to have remained in full force and effect as though you continuously\n had a policy with Company.", "29244c66-c625-4439", "", "090419bc-52dc-40cd", "", "7b3df57d-7c69-4d02", "", "You pledge to have the necessary funds\n available to cover the amount of the payments due to Company.\n ", "7bbe4096-cdca-4338", "", "d5313eaa-3b66-4edb", "", "08d36e2f-b428-406a", "", "You may dispute any account discrepancies\n by providing a signed declaration to your financial\n institution. You should check with your bank for their dispute resolution process and time limits for\n disputing a charge.", "c76f9329-4c9f-46d0", "", "6896cd37-e843-4b05", "", "286cf321-2481-4a65", "", "You understand Company is not liable for\n the service charges levied by your financial institution.", "6e44242c-51d5-4f08", "", "eeec0275-9466-4a45", "", "2dbbb5e3-c778-48d9", "", "You certify all payment information\n provided is accurate and agree to inform Company of any changes to\n this information at least 21 days prior to the next payment due date, and that, unless otherwise agreed\n with Company, this Agreement continues in respect of any new credit card or bank account to be used for\n payment.", "2dfc3b05-b398-4a7b", "", "bc2ca0ae-71c1-4f69", "", "995d14ae-3e59-43bb", "", "You agree to the disclosure of personal\n information to your financial institution.", "0c4cb5f2-47f7-48e4", "", "258cd3a2-17b6-4164", "", "27bdc7f1-ee0d-49f9", "", "For the purposes of this Agreement, all\n amounts are in Canadian dollars.", "164cb885-9545-45da", "", "555a5eb5-309d-4b36", "", "ca3da4ed-e473-4921", "", "Company may make changes to this Agreement\n by providing you with 30 days prior written notice.", "ff70d9f8-7a67-4b8b", "", "8b3fab39-6f9c-42a4", "", "016e6ec7-6436-4e58", "", "If you make changes to, or are asked to\n update, your payment method or information, you may be required\n to consent to a revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement or similar agreement with Company at that\n time. In those circumstances the revised or updated Recurring Payment Agreement, or similar agreement,\n that you consent to will replace this Agreement.", "4fd78431-3778-4d6b", "", "29de85d5-714d-49ce", "", "6e4cbabc-522a-4e44", "", "d604b324-25aa-47be", "", "71da2d37-8cb6-40ac", "", "69bc7eaf-01ec-438d", "", "84f9f89a-51d2-4e5a", "", "c14c1977-d40c-461a", "", "2570a964-04ab-4a1a", "", "f16ea8fc-3dc0-4959", "", "237f2a22-ba93-4d49", "", "cb456d1c-fbf7-464d", "", "cf2a4025-d6df-4e76", "", "dialog-emailus", "ui-id-16", "display: none; position: absolute;", "15347702-22b6-4cee", "", "924b5bb3-3667-4225", "", "a19eaa0f-5b78-4dfc", "", "Email us", "4aca2df4-4c50-44e2", "", "fdeb7ac2-8b26-4c7b", "", "7b86d1ef-3978-4210", "", "9313e16a-21d9-402e", "", "79c90782-548b-47f4", "", "d87a277c-a03c-4392", "", "785b5795-ed8c-4d9c", "", "Submit", "1d010487-c171-4c5b", "", "0b570139-592a-4d27", "", "61383316-d9ee-4828", "", "b5d24086-3e4a-4321", "", "503567b9-fde0-4b30", "", "f5baa44a-29d6-447d", "", "4df6f8d8-c72b-46cf", "", "fdc08a03-8458-4181", "", "13e67949-fa8c-466f", "", "ed40bc30-0411-4b7f", "", "dialog-requestcall", "ui-id-17", "4033e752-b5ce-4234", "", "9aa7ba47-7933-46c9", "", "67a72b8e-c011-4657", "", "Request a call back", "c186ab72-aea0-47a9", "", "0b8fdc0d-340c-494f", "", "7126465d-2c97-4108", "", "c7da954d-bed1-4322", "", "8760f369-53cc-4428", "", "7ff9460f-2787-4bbe", "", "ac361d5c-0719-4054", "", "c36e9b59-c86c-49bd", "", "edfca5b7-4314-4502", "", "ce4786eb-daf8-40ab", "", "258fc41b-4c8b-4caa", "", "470463a4-6636-4afe", "", "fa230b90-440b-42ab", "", "518120d1-b401-40de", "", "4b2bc89f-0156-4df6", "", "4976e975-e266-4483", "", "ffc0549f-897f-4806", "", "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable", "dialog-success", "ui-id-18", "c4edf69f-aebe-4a90", "", "ba1a6fa5-72c4-48bf", "", "bcf5fc5f-d54c-4325", "", "Request Complete", "0e6dd922-6c55-4a0b", "", "40f8197d-4ff1-45b0", "", "ddcc92ec-9096-4065", "", "8e9aec9e-5245-4859", "", "20f54416-0f9d-44a0", "", "dc9ddac4-c51a-4861", "", "b7fd56a8-661b-4822", "", "dialog-error", "ui-id-19", "32f1922a-bc0b-4724", "", "24be6e3f-b8c1-4cf5", "", "fae325ce-0493-45cf", "", "0aafa200-22e3-4634", "", "4dc2f1e6-e1d9-4f93", "", "98d9f010-cd94-4293", "", "2d9063ed-b3f5-4454", "", "e69b9b4b-d9a2-4262", "", "fd20839b-6bd2-47de", "", "0ef1d650-221a-4814", "", "display: none; 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entries\n\t).replace(\n\t /[^\\d\\/]|^[\\/]*$/g, '' // To allow only digits and /\n\t).replace(\n\t /\\/\\//g, '/' // Prevent entering more than 1 /\n\t);\n\tif(event.target.value.length == 5)\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",false);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\n\t\tevent.target.setAttribute(\"aria-invalid\",true);\n\t}\n }\n", "\nBODY\n{\n\tmargin : 0px;\n\tpadding : 0px;\n\tbackground:#FFFFFF;\t\n}\n\n\t.monerisInputLabel\n\t{\n\t\tfont-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 13px;font-weight: 600;font-stretch: 100%;line-height: 15.6px;color:#000000;\t}\n\n.monerisInput\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\tborder:1px solid #D1D1D1;color:#000000;padding:7px;margin:0 0 5px 0;width: 90%;border-radius:4px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:15px;font-stretch:100%;font-weight:400;height:38px}\n\n.monerisInput:focus\n{\n\tdisplay : block;\n\t}\n\n.monerisInput:hover\n{\n\tdisplay : 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