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- Discourse Features
Demo sandbox Getting started Community management Use cases...
- Civilized Discussion
Features for every use case Discourse enables thoughtful...
- Discourse Features
Discourse is, and will always be, 100% free and open source software. You may also want to self-host for reasons other than budget, including privacy or full control over the free software that you’ve installed.
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Discourse is a from-scratch reboot, an attempt to reimagine what a modern Internet discussion forum should be today, in a world of ubiquitous smartphones, tablets, Facebook, and Twitter. We’re civilized.
Aug 2, 2022 · Demo sandbox Getting started Community management Use cases Discourse Chat is now available. Try it out today! Discourse Chat is now available to everyone as an open beta and is 100% free and open source, as always. At Discourse we have long believed in the importance of asynchronous communication for the long-term health of a community.
Feb 23, 2022 · Our friend Jono Bacon, a leading community manager and consultant, put together a three part video series to help you master the basics of using Discourse to run your online community. What You'll Learn. How to get started with Discourse; Configuring Categories; Starting Discussions; Markdown Basics; Badges; Trust Levels; The Admin Panel ...