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\n Sarah Snook has bid farewell to “Succession,” but she’s celebrating a new chapter in her life.\n
","tagName":"P","textContent":"\n Sarah Snook has bid farewell to “Succession,” but she’s celebrating a new chapter in her life.\n ","xpath":"/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/section[3]/section[1]/section[1]/article[1]/section[1]/main[1]/div[2]/div[1]/p[1]"}},"event_id":25,"element_html":"\n Sarah Snook has bid farewell to “Succession,” but she’s celebrating a new chapter in her life.\n
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","tagName":"P","textContent":"Sarah Snook, known for her role in the hit TV series \"Succession,\" has announced her departure from the show but also celebrated a new chapter in her life. Snook and her husband, Dave Lawson, seem to have welcomed their first child. She shared a photo on Instagram showing the final episode of \"Succession\" playing on a television screen, with a newborn's head resting on her shoulder in the foreground. In her caption, Snook expressed gratitude for the show and the impact it had on her life while also alluding to the joy of becoming a mother. \"Succession,\" an HBO drama about a powerful media family, concluded its run after four seasons. Snook expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the show, its talented cast and crew, and the memories and experiences she had while working on it. The actress had previously announced her pregnancy at the Season 4 premiere of \"Succession\" in March.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"}},"event_id":40,"element_html":"Sarah Snook, known for her role in the hit TV series \"Succession,\" has announced her departure from the show but also celebrated a new chapter in her life. Snook and her husband, Dave Lawson, seem to have welcomed their first child. She shared a photo on Instagram showing the final episode of \"Succession\" playing on a television screen, with a newborn's head resting on her shoulder in the foreground. In her caption, Snook expressed gratitude for the show and the impact it had on her life while also alluding to the joy of becoming a mother. \"Succession,\" an HBO drama about a powerful media family, concluded its run after four seasons. Snook expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the show, its talented cast and crew, and the memories and experiences she had while working on it. The actress had previously announced her pregnancy at the Season 4 premiere of \"Succession\" in March.
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","tagName":"P","textContent":"Sarah Snook, known for her role in the hit TV series \"Succession,\" has announced her departure from the show but also celebrated a new chapter in her life. Snook and her husband, Dave Lawson, seem to have welcomed their first child. She shared a photo on Instagram showing the final episode of \"Succession\" playing on a television screen, with a newborn's head resting on her shoulder in the foreground. In her caption, Snook expressed gratitude for the show and the impact it had on her life while also alluding to the joy of becoming a mother. \"Succession,\" an HBO drama about a powerful media family, concluded its run after four seasons. Snook expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the show, its talented cast and crew, and the memories and experiences she had while working on it. The actress had previously announced her pregnancy at the Season 4 premiere of \"Succession\" in March.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"},"selected":"Sarah Snook, known for her role in the hit TV series \"Succession,\" has announced her departure from the show but also celebrated a new chapter in her life. Snook and her husband, Dave Lawson, seem to have welcomed their first child. She shared a photo on Instagram showing the final episode of \"Succession\" playing on a television screen, with a newborn's head resting on her shoulder in the foreground. In her caption, Snook expressed gratitude for the show and the impact it had on her life while also alluding to the joy of becoming a mother. \"Succession,\" an HBO drama about a powerful media family, concluded its run after four seasons. Snook expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the show, its talented cast and crew, and the memories and experiences she had while working on it. The actress had previously announced her pregnancy at the Season 4 premiere of \"Succession\" in March."},"event_id":41,"element_html":"Sarah Snook, known for her role in the hit TV series \"Succession,\" has announced her departure from the show but also celebrated a new chapter in her life. Snook and her husband, Dave Lawson, seem to have welcomed their first child. She shared a photo on Instagram showing the final episode of \"Succession\" playing on a television screen, with a newborn's head resting on her shoulder in the foreground. In her caption, Snook expressed gratitude for the show and the impact it had on her life while also alluding to the joy of becoming a mother. \"Succession,\" an HBO drama about a powerful media family, concluded its run after four seasons. Snook expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the show, its talented cast and crew, and the memories and experiences she had while working on it. The actress had previously announced her pregnancy at the Season 4 premiere of \"Succession\" in March.
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","tagName":"P","textContent":"Sarah Snook, known for her role in the hit TV series \"Succession,\" has announced her departure from the show but also celebrated a new chapter in her life. Snook and her husband, Dave Lawson, seem to have welcomed their first child. She shared a photo on Instagram showing the final episode of \"Succession\" playing on a television screen, with a newborn's head resting on her shoulder in the foreground. In her caption, Snook expressed gratitude for the show and the impact it had on her life while also alluding to the joy of becoming a mother. \"Succession,\" an HBO drama about a powerful media family, concluded its run after four seasons. Snook expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the show, its talented cast and crew, and the memories and experiences she had while working on it. The actress had previously announced her pregnancy at the Season 4 premiere of \"Succession\" in March.","xpath":"id(\"__next\")/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/main[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/p[1]"}},"event_id":42,"element_html":"Sarah Snook, known for her role in the hit TV series \"Succession,\" has announced her departure from the show but also celebrated a new chapter in her life. Snook and her husband, Dave Lawson, seem to have welcomed their first child. She shared a photo on Instagram showing the final episode of \"Succession\" playing on a television screen, with a newborn's head resting on her shoulder in the foreground. In her caption, Snook expressed gratitude for the show and the impact it had on her life while also alluding to the joy of becoming a mother. \"Succession,\" an HBO drama about a powerful media family, concluded its run after four seasons. Snook expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the show, its talented cast and crew, and the memories and experiences she had while working on it. The actress had previously announced her pregnancy at the Season 4 premiere of \"Succession\" in March.
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