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la\n\n[Verse 2]\nYou don't have to wear no designer clothes\nJust as long as we're dancing on the floor\nFingers in my hair and I'm letting go tonight, so free\n\n[Pre-Chorus]\nYou know can nobody get down like us\nWe don't stop 'till we get enough\nC'mon, turn it up 'till the speakers pop\nBreak it down, show me what you've got\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby come with me and be my ooh la la\n\n[Bridge]\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\n\n[Break]\nOoh, my my baby don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh, my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la","outerHTML":"","tagName":"TEXTAREA","textContent":"[Verse 1]\nYou don't have to look like a movie star\nOoh, I think you're good just the way you are\nTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?\nYou don't have to roll like a millionaire\nBaby, I would go with you anywhere\nWe don't need no gold, we'll be shining anyway, we'll see\n\n[Pre-Chorus]\nYou know can't nobody get down like us\nWe don't stop 'til we get enough\nC'mon, turn it up 'til the speakers pop\nBreak it down, show me what you've got\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh, my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\n\n[Verse 2]\nYou don't have to wear no designer clothes\nJust as long as we're dancing on the floor\nFingers in my hair and I'm letting go tonight, so free\n\n[Pre-Chorus]\nYou know can nobody get down like us\nWe don't stop 'till we get enough\nC'mon, turn it up 'till the speakers pop\nBreak it down, show me what you've got\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby come with me and be my ooh la la\n\n[Bridge]\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\n\n[Break]\nOoh, my my baby don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh, my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la 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in my hair and I'm letting go tonight, so free\n\n[Pre-Chorus]\nYou know can nobody get down like us\nWe don't stop 'till we get enough\nC'mon, turn it up 'till the speakers pop\nBreak it down, show me what you've got\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby come with me and be my ooh la la\n\n[Bridge]\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\n\n[Break]\nOoh, my my baby don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh, my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\n","xpath":"id(\"annotation-portal-target\")/form[1]/div[1]/textarea[1]"},"pasted":"Be, my, ooh la 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my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la...","outerHTML":"","tagName":"TEXTAREA","textContent":"[Verse 1]\nYou don't have to look like a movie star\nOoh, I think you're good just the way you are\nTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?\nYou don't have to roll like a millionaire\nBaby, I would go with you anywhere\nWe don't need no gold, we'll be shining anyway, we'll see\n\n[Pre-Chorus]\nYou know can't nobody get down like us\nWe don't stop 'til we get enough\nC'mon, turn it up 'til the speakers pop\nBreak it down, show me what you've got\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh, my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\n\n[Verse 2]\nYou don't have to wear no designer clothes\nJust as long as we're dancing on the floor\nFingers in my hair and I'm letting go tonight, so free\n\n[Pre-Chorus]\nYou know can nobody get down like us\nWe don't stop 'till we get enough\nC'mon, turn it up 'till the speakers pop\nBreak it down, show me what you've got\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby come with me and be my ooh la la\n\n[Bridge]\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la\n\n[Break]\nOoh, my my baby don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh, my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la 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don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nBe, my, ooh la la...\n","outerHTML":"","tagName":"TEXTAREA","textContent":"[Verse 1]\nYou don't have to look like a movie star\nOoh, I think you're good just the way you are\nTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?\nYou don't have to roll like a millionaire\nBaby, I would go with you anywhere\nWe don't need no gold, we'll be shining anyway, we'll see\n\n[Pre-Chorus]\nYou know can't nobody get down like us\nWe don't stop 'til we get enough\nC'mon, turn it up 'til the speakers pop\nBreak it down, show me what you've got\n\n[Chorus]\nOoh, my my baby, don't be shy\nI see that spark flashing in your eye\nMy heart beats fast 'cause I want it all\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\nTake my hand, we can go all night\nAnd spin me round just the way I like\nIt feels so good, I don't wanna stop\nSo baby, come with me and be my ooh la la\n\n[Verse 2]\nYou don't have to wear no designer clothes\nJust as long as 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Genius Annotation

“Ooh La La” is a song created for The Smurfs 2 (Music from and Inspired By) soundtrack, released on iTunes as a single, with the music video starring both her kids.

Ask us a question about this song
What have the artists said about the song?
Genius Answer

According to SongFacts, Britney discussed the meaning behind the song with Ryan Seacrest :


It’s about feeling good like when a guy makes you giddy. It’s more of a feeling. When I eat chocolate I have that ‘ooh la la’ feeling.\"

Why did Spears decide to record the song?
Genius Answer

I have always loved the Smurfs as a kid and now my boys are the biggest Smurfs fans EVER. I wanted to surprise them with a song in the movie. I know they’ll think it’s Smurftastic!


– Via Billboard (2013)

Official Lyric Video
Genius Answer

Who produced “Ooh La La” by Britney Spears?
When did Britney Spears release “Ooh La La”?
Who wrote “Ooh La La” by Britney Spears?
  1. 1.
    Ooh La La
Produced By
Back Up Vocals
Executive Producers
Recording Supervisor
Vocal Producer
All Instruments
Mixing Engineer
Release Date
June 17, 2013
Songs That Sample Ooh La La
Ooh La La Interpolations
View Ooh La La samples


Genius Annotation

“Ooh La La” is a song created for The Smurfs 2 (Music from and Inspired By) soundtrack, released on iTunes as a single, with the music video starring both her kids.

Ask us a question about this song
What have the artists said about the song?
Genius Answer

According to SongFacts, Britney discussed the meaning behind the song with Ryan Seacrest :


It’s about feeling good like when a guy makes you giddy. It’s more of a feeling. When I eat chocolate I have that ‘ooh la la’ feeling.\"

Why did Spears decide to record the song?
Genius Answer

I have always loved the Smurfs as a kid and now my boys are the biggest Smurfs fans EVER. I wanted to surprise them with a song in the movie. I know they’ll think it’s Smurftastic!


– Via Billboard (2013)

Official Lyric Video
Genius Answer

Who produced “Ooh La La” by Britney Spears?
When did Britney Spears release “Ooh La La”?
Who wrote “Ooh La La” by Britney Spears?
Produced By
Back Up Vocals
Executive Producers
Recording Supervisor
Vocal Producer
All Instruments
Mixing Engineer
Release Date
June 17, 2013
Songs That Sample Ooh La La
Ooh La La Interpolations
View Ooh La La samples
","tagName":"DIV","textContent":"AboutGenius Annotation2 contributors“Ooh La La” is a song created for The Smurfs 2 (Music from and Inspired By) soundtrack, released on iTunes as a single, with the music video starring both her kids.Edit+81ShareAsk us a question about this songAsk a question *What have the artists said about the song?Genius Answer1 contributorAccording to SongFacts, Britney discussed the meaning behind the song with Ryan Seacrest :\n\nIt’s about feeling good like when a guy makes you giddy. It’s more of a feeling. When I eat chocolate I have that ‘ooh la la’ feeling.\"+4Why did Spears decide to record the song?Genius Answer1 contributorI have always loved the Smurfs as a kid and now my boys are the biggest Smurfs fans EVER. I wanted to surprise them with a song in the movie. I know they’ll think it’s Smurftastic!\n\n– Via Billboard (2013)+5Official Lyric VideoGenius Answer1 contributor\n\n+12Who produced “Ooh La La” by Britney Spears?When did Britney Spears release “Ooh La La”?Who wrote “Ooh La La” by Britney Spears?The Smurfs 2 (Music from and Inspired By) (2013)Various Artists1. Ooh La La2. Vacation3. Magik 2.04. Live It Up5. Everything Breaks6. Forget You7. Hey Chica8. High Life9. Tutti Frutti10. I’m Too SmurfyDance With The FoxCreditsProduced ByCirkut, Dr. Luke & AmmoWritten ByBonnie McKee, Fransisca Hall, Cirkut, Jacob Kasher, Ammo, Lola Blanc & Dr. LukeVocalsBritney SpearsAssistant EngineersBenjamin Rice, AJ Clark, Ghazi Hourani & Rachael FindlenBack Up VocalsBonnie McKee & Katy PerryProgrammersDr. Luke, Cirkut & AmmoExecutive ProducersJordan Kerner & Lia VollackRecording SupervisorSpring AspersA&RRani HancockMasteringChris GehringerVocal ProducerEmily WrightMixerȘerban GheneaAll InstrumentsAmmo, Cirkut & Dr. LukeMixing EngineerJohn HanesLabelsRCA Records & Kemosabe RecordsEngineersClint Gibbs & Emily WrightRelease DateJune 17, 2013Songs That Sample Ooh La LaMade in 2013 by Victor LinOoh La La InterpolationsOoh La La by Lola BlancView Ooh La La samplesTagsPopSoundtrackElectro-PopSynth-PopExpand ","xpath":"id(\"application\")/main[1]/div[3]/div[3]"}},"event_id":20,"element_html":"


Genius Annotation

“Ooh La La” is a song created for The Smurfs 2 (Music from and Inspired By) soundtrack, released on iTunes as a single, with the music video starring both her kids.

Ask us a question about this song
What have the artists said about the song?
Genius Answer

According to SongFacts, Britney discussed the meaning behind the song with Ryan Seacrest :


It’s about feeling good like when a guy makes you giddy. It’s more of a feeling. When I eat chocolate I have that ‘ooh la la’ feeling.\"

Why did Spears decide to record the song?
Genius Answer

I have always loved the Smurfs as a kid and now my boys are the biggest Smurfs fans EVER. I wanted to surprise them with a song in the movie. I know they’ll think it’s Smurftastic!


– Via Billboard (2013)

Official Lyric Video
Genius Answer

Who produced “Ooh La La” by Britney Spears?
When did Britney Spears release “Ooh La La”?
Who wrote “Ooh La La” by Britney Spears?
Produced By
Back Up Vocals
Executive Producers
Recording Supervisor
Vocal Producer
All Instruments
Mixing Engineer
Release Date
June 17, 2013
Songs That Sample Ooh La La
Ooh La La Interpolations
View Ooh La La samples
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“Ooh La La” is a song created for The Smurfs 2 (Music from and Inspired By) soundtrack, released on iTunes as a single, with the music video starring both her kids.

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“Ooh La La” is a song created for The Smurfs 2 (Music from and Inspired By) soundtrack, released on iTunes as a single, with the music video starring both her kids.

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