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Tue 27/6
Wed 28/6
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    COVID-19 information

    Travel smart. Travel safe.

    Providers around the world have enacted additional safety measures to better accommodate travellers. Policies vary by provider and property.

    Best Western
    • We Care Clean

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Minimal contact with personnel and other guests.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    Caesars Entertainment
    • Health and Safety Protocols

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    • Commitment to Clean

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    Hilton Hotels
    • CleanStay

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Minimal contact with personnel and other guests.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    • Global Care & Cleanliness Commitment

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    IHG Hotels & Resorts
    • IHG Clean Promise

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Minimal contact with personnel and other guests.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    • IHG Clean Promise

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Minimal contact with personnel and other guests.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    MGM Resorts International
    • Seven-Point Safety Plan

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Minimal contact with personnel and other guests.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    • Global Cleanliness Council

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Minimal contact with personnel and other guests.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    Omni Hotels
    • Omni Safe & Clean

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Minimal contact with personnel and other guests.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    Radisson Hotel Group
    • Hotels Safety Protocol

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    • Health and Safety Commitment

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website

    Wyndham Hotel Group
    • Count On Us

    Daily cleaning, increased availability of sanitation products.

    Lobbies with safe social distancing.

    Click here to see specific cleanliness and cancellation policies on the hotel’s website