23 values
DevOps in Go — Map
DevOps in Go bootcamp series — Map is another commonly used data type in Go, and it has a complicated internal implementation, but it provides a very simple and friendly interface. Go Map Map is an abstract data type provided by Go, which represents a set of unordered key-value pairs. ……5TgkJlrPtfyg.png
DevOps in Go — Map DevOps in Go bootcamp series — Map is another commonly used data type in Go, and it has a complicated internal implementation, but it provides a very simple and friendly interface. Go Map Map is an abstract data type provided by Go, which represents a set of unordered key-value pairs. … cloud-computing
DevOps Go — Map DevOps Go bootcamp series — Map another commonly used data type Go complicated internal implementation provides simple friendly interface Go Map Map abstract data type provided Go represents set unordered keyvalue pair … cloudcomputing
Mitigating Risks When Choosing Tools and Technologies for Microservice Architecture and Cloud-Based Applications
In today’s fast-paced and rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies is crucial when architecting an application. However, choosing the right tools and technologies for your needs can be challenging and risky, particularly regarding microservice architecture and cloud applications. ……y7YHJEWrP3Q.jpeg
Mitigating Risks When Choosing Tools and Technologies for Microservice Architecture and Cloud-Based Applications In today’s fast-paced and rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies is crucial when architecting an application. However, choosing the right tools and technologies for your needs can be challenging and risky, particularly regarding microservice architecture and cloud applications. … cloud-computing
Mitigating Risks Choosing Tools Technologies Microservice Architecture CloudBased Applications today’s fastpaced rapidly evolving technological landscape staying uptodate latest tool technology crucial architecting application However choosing right tool technology need challenging risky particularly regarding microservice architecture cloud application … cloudcomputing
Having recently been certified on Microsoft Azure SOC Analyst (SC-200). I found a unique interest in delving deep into Kusto Query Language which is a language used by incident responders when analyzing logs on Azure. I found this site that offers immense practice on KQL through a gamified experience……I5LbDFdhggKQ.png
KQL LEARNING SERIES PART 1: INTRO TO KQL Having recently been certified on Microsoft Azure SOC Analyst (SC-200). I found a unique interest in delving deep into Kusto Query Language which is a language used by incident responders when analyzing logs on Azure. I found this site that offers immense practice on KQL through a gamified experience… cloud-computing
KQL LEARNING SERIES PART 1 INTRO KQL recently certified Microsoft Azure SOC Analyst SC200 found unique interest delving deep Kusto Query Language language used incident responder analyzing log Azure found site kc7cybercom offer immense practice KQL gamified experience… cloudcomputing
COPY MULTIPLE FILES ADF(Azure Data Factory) In this article, we will see how we can copy multiple files from the azure data lake gen2 input folder to the azure data lake gen2 output folder. If you are new to azure then follow my previous articles to learn about ADF and how we can create important components……gyJT-0uK5AUQ.png
COPY MULTIPLE FILES ADF(Azure Data Factory) COPY MULTIPLE FILES ADF(Azure Data Factory) In this article, we will see how we can copy multiple files from the azure data lake gen2 input folder to the azure data lake gen2 output folder. If you are new to azure then follow my previous articles to learn about ADF and how we can create important components… cloud-computing
COPY MULTIPLE FILES ADFAzure Data Factory COPY MULTIPLE FILES ADFAzure Data Factory article see copy multiple file azure data lake gen2 input folder azure data lake gen2 output folder new azure follow previous article learn ADF create important components… cloudcomputing
Automated user migration and management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources
Technologies used: In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users from a legacy system to cloud in an automated way and managed AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. There were 100 users that needed to be migrated and……KMFltB4Khatg.png
Automated user migration and management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources Technologies used: In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users from a legacy system to cloud in an automated way and managed AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. There were 100 users that needed to be migrated and… cloud-computing
Automated user migration management AWS Identity Access Management IAM resource Technologies used project based realworld scenario acted Cloud Specialist mission migrate user legacy system cloud automated way managed AWS IAM Identity Access Management resource 100 user needed migrated and… cloudcomputing
Implementation of a Scalable Web Application using the services of AWS Elastic Beanstalk, DynamoDB, CloudFront and Edge Location
In this third project based on a real-world scenario, I was responsible for implementing an application that needs to support the high demand of a large number of users accessing it simultaneously. ……i6z-kiBfh4TQ.png
Implementation of a Scalable Web Application using the services of AWS Elastic Beanstalk, DynamoDB, CloudFront and Edge Location In this third project based on a real-world scenario, I was responsible for implementing an application that needs to support the high demand of a large number of users accessing it simultaneously. … cloud-computing
Implementation Scalable Web Application using service AWS Elastic Beanstalk DynamoDB CloudFront Edge Location third project based realworld scenario responsible implementing application need support high demand large number user accessing simultaneously … cloudcomputing
Auto-Scaling Groups of EC2 Instances
We will be creating an Auto-Scaling Group of EC2 Instances for high availability. But, what does it means? This granted us the possibility of dynamic scaling according to the demand of our application. This week's work project requires that we complete the following tasks Create a VPC with CIDR Create three public subnets with & & Set up a……DkzPnaQWrZg.jpeg
Auto-Scaling Groups of EC2 Instances We will be creating an Auto-Scaling Group of EC2 Instances for high availability. But, what does it means? This granted us the possibility of dynamic scaling according to the demand of our application. This week's work project requires that we complete the following tasks Create a VPC with CIDR Create three public subnets with & & Set up a… cloud-computing
AutoScaling Groups EC2 Instances creating AutoScaling Group EC2 Instances high availability mean granted u possibility dynamic scaling according demand application week work project requires complete following task Create VPC CIDR 10100016 Create three public subnets 10101024 10102024 10103024 Set a… cloudcomputing
Deploying a Python Web App on AWS
(Source) Deploying a Python Web App on AWS How to share your Python project with the world While I enjoy doing data science and programming projects for the personal thrill that comes with building something of my own, there is also a certain joy in sharing your project online with anyone in the world. Fortunately, thanks to Amazon Web Services (AWS), in a few minutes, we……uKWvKlr7ybt.jpeg
Deploying a Python Web App on AWS (Source) Deploying a Python Web App on AWS How to share your Python project with the world While I enjoy doing data science and programming projects for the personal thrill that comes with building something of my own, there is also a certain joy in sharing your project online with anyone in the world. Fortunately, thanks to Amazon Web Services (AWS), in a few minutes, we… cloud-computing
Deploying Python Web App AWS Source Deploying Python Web App AWS share Python project world enjoy data science programming project personal thrill come building something also certain joy sharing project online anyone world Fortunately thanks Amazon Web Services AWS minute we… cloudcomputing
DevOps Day 06 Task
Day 06 Task: File Permissions and Access Control Lists 01. What is Linux File Permission and Access Control List? In Linux, file permissions are used to control the access rights of files and directories. There are three basic types of permissions: read, write, and execute. These permissions can be set for three different groups of users: the owner of the……4uK8Fa_FQgdw.png
DevOps Day 06 Task Day 06 Task: File Permissions and Access Control Lists 01. What is Linux File Permission and Access Control List? In Linux, file permissions are used to control the access rights of files and directories. There are three basic types of permissions: read, write, and execute. These permissions can be set for three different groups of users: the owner of the… cloud-computing
DevOps Day 06 Task Day 06 Task File Permissions Access Control Lists 01 Linux File Permission Access Control List Linux file permission used control access right file directory three basic type permission read write execute permission set three different group user owner the… cloudcomputing
Experiencing The All New Amazon CodeWhisperer!
By Muhammad Abutahir So recently the Github Co-pilot was a trend in the development field, it is an amazing technology that turns your plain text comments into code, most of us know about it, and most of us have even used it. I had previously written a blog on it……oo4OnptbfZ9b.png
Experiencing The All New Amazon CodeWhisperer! By Muhammad Abutahir So recently the Github Co-pilot was a trend in the development field, it is an amazing technology that turns your plain text comments into code, most of us know about it, and most of us have even used it. I had previously written a blog on it… cloud-computing
Experiencing New Amazon CodeWhisperer Muhammad Abutahir recently Github Copilot trend development field amazing technology turn plain text comment code u know u even used previously written blog it… cloudcomputing
Unlocking the Power of AWS: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming an AWS Community Builder
Becoming an AWS Community Builder: How to Turn Your Passion for AWS into a Rewarding Career with Benefits You Never Imagined. — THE ULTIMATE BREAKDOWN — CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH ME Have you ever wondered what it takes to become an AWS Community builder? Do you have the passion for technology and the drive to contribute to the AWS community? Being an AWS Community builder can help you enhance your skills……xyAI6_4v6gZw.png
Unlocking the Power of AWS: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming an AWS Community Builder Becoming an AWS Community Builder: How to Turn Your Passion for AWS into a Rewarding Career with Benefits You Never Imagined. — THE ULTIMATE BREAKDOWN — CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH ME Have you ever wondered what it takes to become an AWS Community builder? Do you have the passion for technology and the drive to contribute to the AWS community? Being an AWS Community builder can help you enhance your skills… cloud-computing
Unlocking Power AWS Ultimate Guide Becoming AWS Community Builder Becoming AWS Community Builder Turn Passion AWS Rewarding Career Benefits Never Imagined — ULTIMATE BREAKDOWN — CLICK CONNECT ever wondered take become AWS Community builder passion technology drive contribute AWS community AWS Community builder help enhance skills… cloudcomputing
Predicting Medical Charges using AzureML and SkLearn Linear Regression
Motivation As previously mentioned on X, I have been exploring AzureML capabilities. Scenario Using the medical charges dataset, I will build a simple linear regression model. I will use Age, BMI, and number of children to predict medical charges. I acknowledge it is not comprehensive and a lot more goes into medical…*o-HAROrjDZxo0a3a
Predicting Medical Charges using AzureML and SkLearn Linear Regression Motivation As previously mentioned on X, I have been exploring AzureML capabilities. Scenario Using the medical charges dataset, I will build a simple linear regression model. I will use Age, BMI, and number of children to predict medical charges. I acknowledge it is not comprehensive and a lot more goes into medical… cloud-computing
Predicting Medical Charges using AzureML SkLearn Linear Regression Motivation previously mentioned X exploring AzureML capability Scenario Using medical charge dataset build simple linear regression model use Age BMI number child predict medical charge acknowledge comprehensive lot go medical… cloudcomputing
DevOps Project-9: Continuous Integration Using Jenkins and Tools: Nexus, Sonarqube, Slack.
In this project we are going to setup a Continuous Integration Pipeline using Jenkins, Nexus and SonarQube. SCENARIO CURRENT SITUATION You have project development in Agile SDLC. Developers making regular code changes. These commits needs to be Build & Tested. Usually Build & Release Team will do this job. Or……y7tgysZIojmA.png
DevOps Project-9: Continuous Integration Using Jenkins and Tools: Nexus, Sonarqube, Slack. In this project we are going to setup a Continuous Integration Pipeline using Jenkins, Nexus and SonarQube. SCENARIO CURRENT SITUATION You have project development in Agile SDLC. Developers making regular code changes. These commits needs to be Build & Tested. Usually Build & Release Team will do this job. Or… cloud-computing
DevOps Project9 Continuous Integration Using Jenkins Tools Nexus Sonarqube Slack project going setup Continuous Integration Pipeline using Jenkins Nexus SonarQube SCENARIO CURRENT SITUATION project development Agile SDLC Developers making regular code change commits need Build Tested Usually Build Release Team job Or… cloudcomputing
Automatically create DevOps backlog items from Azure Insights queries
The objective today is to create backlog items from data returned from a given application insights query — this data will be fetched from inside a Logic Apps workflow by using a recurrence trigger. Note: You will need an active Azure subscription and a DevOps organization with at least one project…*M4RH0AG3ww2nL64Z
Automatically create DevOps backlog items from Azure Insights queries The objective today is to create backlog items from data returned from a given application insights query — this data will be fetched from inside a Logic Apps workflow by using a recurrence trigger. Note: You will need an active Azure subscription and a DevOps organization with at least one project… cloud-computing
Automatically create DevOps backlog item Azure Insights query objective today create backlog item data returned given application insight query — data fetched inside Logic Apps workflow using recurrence trigger Note need active Azure subscription DevOps organization least one project… cloudcomputing
Exploring Different Types Of Cloud Migration Strategy
Cloud migration is an increasingly important topic for businesses of all sizes. As cloud technology becomes more powerful, cost-efficient, and widely accepted as the best choice for IT infrastructure, organizations are turning to cloud migrations as a way to improve their operations. But what are the different types of cloud……_vSTo-bgSGA.jpeg
Exploring Different Types Of Cloud Migration Strategy Cloud migration is an increasingly important topic for businesses of all sizes. As cloud technology becomes more powerful, cost-efficient, and widely accepted as the best choice for IT infrastructure, organizations are turning to cloud migrations as a way to improve their operations. But what are the different types of cloud… cloud-computing
Exploring Different Types Cloud Migration Strategy Cloud migration increasingly important topic business size cloud technology becomes powerful costefficient widely accepted best choice infrastructure organization turning cloud migration way improve operation different type cloud… cloudcomputing
A quick guide to deploying your Python webapp on Google App Engine
A quick guide to deploying your Python webapp on Google App Engine Image credit., The growth in the number of web-based applications and frameworks in the recent times is astounding. As companies such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft provide more and more easy-to-use tools to build and deploy applications, it makes more sense to use the services and tools provided……lQtx96Muk0xc.png
A quick guide to deploying your Python webapp on Google App Engine A quick guide to deploying your Python webapp on Google App Engine Image credit., The growth in the number of web-based applications and frameworks in the recent times is astounding. As companies such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft provide more and more easy-to-use tools to build and deploy applications, it makes more sense to use the services and tools provided… cloud-computing
quick guide deploying Python webapp Google App Engine quick guide deploying Python webapp Google App Engine Image credit httpswwwpythonorg httpsmediumcomjavidgongooglecloudstorageprosconsandhowtouseitwithjavascriptea9ce60a94c0 growth number webbased application framework recent time astounding company Google Amazon Microsoft provide easytouse tool build deploy application make sense use service tool provided… cloudcomputing
Breaking Barriers: Making AI More Accessible with Hugging Face and AWS
Hugging Face and Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced a partnership aimed at improving and streamlining AI models to make them more accessible for developers and data scientists. ……GKvSsohI_hPg.png
Breaking Barriers: Making AI More Accessible with Hugging Face and AWS Hugging Face and Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced a partnership aimed at improving and streamlining AI models to make them more accessible for developers and data scientists. … cloud-computing
Breaking Barriers Making AI Accessible Hugging Face AWS Hugging Face Amazon Web Services AWS recently announced partnership aimed improving streamlining AI model make accessible developer data scientist … cloudcomputing
Next Day. It’s morning 10.10 AM. Sudipta entered the training room but found Shubham (a colleague of Sumit) was there instead of Sumit. Shubham: Hi Sudipta. Good Morning. Sudipta: Hi Shubham. Good Morning. Sumit hasn’t come yet! Shubham: He is on leave for this week due to some personal work……urL6o837M1g.jpeg
AWS ACCOUNT CREATION, AWS GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE Next Day. It’s morning 10.10 AM. Sudipta entered the training room but found Shubham (a colleague of Sumit) was there instead of Sumit. Shubham: Hi Sudipta. Good Morning. Sudipta: Hi Shubham. Good Morning. Sumit hasn’t come yet! Shubham: He is on leave for this week due to some personal work… cloud-computing
AWS ACCOUNT CREATION AWS GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE Next Day It’s morning 1010 Sudipta entered training room found Shubham colleague Sumit instead Sumit Shubham Hi Sudipta Good Morning Sudipta Hi Shubham Good Morning Sumit hasn’t come yet Shubham leave week due personal work… cloudcomputing
How AWS Works With Terraform & Jenkins To Simplify CI/CD Projects
What is AWS? AWS is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, They offer over 200 fully featured services. AWS currently has millions of customers. People use AWS because they want to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster. If you want to find out more about the specifics of……BZu_W0G6F5GQ.png
How AWS Works With Terraform & Jenkins To Simplify CI/CD Projects What is AWS? AWS is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, They offer over 200 fully featured services. AWS currently has millions of customers. People use AWS because they want to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster. If you want to find out more about the specifics of… cloud-computing
AWS Works Terraform Jenkins Simplify CICD Projects AWS AWS world’s comprehensive broadly adopted cloud platform offer 200 fully featured service AWS currently million customer People use AWS want lower cost become agile innovate faster want find specific of… cloudcomputing
Implementing DORA4 with Serverless Technology at sennder (Part Two)
The first article introduced DORA4 metrics and the context for their implementation at sennder. In this article he will focus on the remaining metrics, the conclusions and lessons learned. Implementing the Four Key Metrics at sennder The previous article presented the main use cases and the ecosystem where sennder apps are deployed and run. As a quick……iygxWsibyEEB.png
Implementing DORA4 with Serverless Technology at sennder (Part Two) The first article introduced DORA4 metrics and the context for their implementation at sennder. In this article he will focus on the remaining metrics, the conclusions and lessons learned. Implementing the Four Key Metrics at sennder The previous article presented the main use cases and the ecosystem where sennder apps are deployed and run. As a quick… cloud-computing
Implementing DORA4 Serverless Technology sennder Part Two first article introduced DORA4 metric context implementation sennder article focus remaining metric conclusion lesson learned Implementing Four Key Metrics sennder previous article presented main use case ecosystem sennder apps deployed run quick… cloudcomputing
Infrastructure as Code
Infrastructure as Code is setting up software infrastructure entirely through version controller code. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) enables developers to create a consistent and repeatable infrastructure where each change can be reviewed and versioned through version control systems. (Github, Gitlab, etc.) Multiple offerings provide Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform Terraform is……t8Hhzx3M6_WQ.png
Infrastructure as Code Infrastructure as Code is setting up software infrastructure entirely through version controller code. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) enables developers to create a consistent and repeatable infrastructure where each change can be reviewed and versioned through version control systems. (Github, Gitlab, etc.) Multiple offerings provide Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform Terraform is… cloud-computing
Infrastructure Code Infrastructure Code setting software infrastructure entirely version controller code Infrastructure Code IaC enables developer create consistent repeatable infrastructure change reviewed versioned version control system Github Gitlab etc Multiple offering provide Infrastructure Code IaC Terraform Terraform is… cloudcomputing
I Tried To Convince ChatGPT That It Is Human. The Results Were Fascinating
For those that don’t know ChatGPT is an online artificial intelligence model that you can have ordinary conversations with. You can also ask it to do things such as write poetry or stories. It will even mimic a particular style if you ask. This story begins with me asking it……RnqkMsC5bLkg.png
I Tried To Convince ChatGPT That It Is Human. The Results Were Fascinating For those that don’t know ChatGPT is an online artificial intelligence model that you can have ordinary conversations with. You can also ask it to do things such as write poetry or stories. It will even mimic a particular style if you ask. This story begins with me asking it… ai
Tried Convince ChatGPT Human Results Fascinating don’t know ChatGPT online artificial intelligence model ordinary conversation also ask thing write poetry story even mimic particular style ask story begin asking it… ai
Building An iMessage Bot With ChatGPT
ChatGPT can unlocks all kinds of new possibilities across thousands of industries and job functions. It’s an incredible demonstration of the power of AI that is to come in future years. In this tutorial, I build a fully automatic iMessage bot that checks for recent messages, replies, and waits for……ur86YnBNkDg.jpeg
Building An iMessage Bot With ChatGPT ChatGPT can unlocks all kinds of new possibilities across thousands of industries and job functions. It’s an incredible demonstration of the power of AI that is to come in future years. In this tutorial, I build a fully automatic iMessage bot that checks for recent messages, replies, and waits for… ai
Building iMessage Bot ChatGPT ChatGPT unlocks kind new possibility across thousand industry job function It’s incredible demonstration power AI come future year tutorial build fully automatic iMessage bot check recent message reply wait for… ai
The Hidden Goldmine: 3 Reasons for Vietnam’s AI Greatness
Vietnam’s Rapid Emergence as a Leading AI Talent Hub in Southeast Asia — Vietnam is a country that is well-known for its thriving tech ecosystem and burgeoning startup scene. Over the past few years, the country has emerged as a major destination for tech talent, particularly in the areas of software development and IT outsourcing. ……RnaytJhyGWA.jpeg
The Hidden Goldmine: 3 Reasons for Vietnam’s AI Greatness Vietnam’s Rapid Emergence as a Leading AI Talent Hub in Southeast Asia — Vietnam is a country that is well-known for its thriving tech ecosystem and burgeoning startup scene. Over the past few years, the country has emerged as a major destination for tech talent, particularly in the areas of software development and IT outsourcing. … ai
Hidden Goldmine 3 Reasons Vietnam’s AI Greatness Vietnam’s Rapid Emergence Leading AI Talent Hub Southeast Asia — Vietnam country wellknown thriving tech ecosystem burgeoning startup scene past year country emerged major destination tech talent particularly area software development outsourcing … ai
Product design and AI
I’ve recently been discussing design’s potential impact on AI development with those who work in the field. To the best of my understanding, product design is the process of developing experiences that satisfy the needs of their consumers while being both functional and visually beautiful. Artificial intelligence, or AI, entails……chSfkXS0f6xw.png
Product design and AI I’ve recently been discussing design’s potential impact on AI development with those who work in the field. To the best of my understanding, product design is the process of developing experiences that satisfy the needs of their consumers while being both functional and visually beautiful. Artificial intelligence, or AI, entails… ai
Product design AI I’ve recently discussing design’s potential impact AI development work field best understanding product design process developing experience satisfy need consumer functional visually beautiful Artificial intelligence AI entails… ai
Beyond ChatGPT: Exploring the Alternatives in the AI Wars
Here are a few alternatives to ChatGPT below: YouChat (*40WW3sPX98QcEkra
Beyond ChatGPT: Exploring the Alternatives in the AI Wars Here are a few alternatives to ChatGPT below: YouChat ( ai
Beyond ChatGPT Exploring Alternatives AI Wars alternative ChatGPT YouChat Youcom ai
The REAL Superpower Of Generative AI
Described in one word — There are a lot of impressive aspects of generative AI. Just the fact that someone can generate entirely new content using natural language text is astounding enough. But if I was to mention one word that describes the explosive aspect of generative AI, it would be this… Adaptability What that……obRi5xdR3YVA.png
The REAL Superpower Of Generative AI Described in one word — There are a lot of impressive aspects of generative AI. Just the fact that someone can generate entirely new content using natural language text is astounding enough. But if I was to mention one word that describes the explosive aspect of generative AI, it would be this… Adaptability What that… ai
REAL Superpower Generative AI Described one word — lot impressive aspect generative AI fact someone generate entirely new content using natural language text astounding enough mention one word describes explosive aspect generative AI would this… Adaptability that… ai
NO.1 on Product Hunt Daily Rank, What LIKN is?
On 26 Feb 2023, LIKN launched its official and newest version on Product Hunt. It reached NO.1 in the ranking list after launch immediately. Furthermore, after 24 hours of competition with other different internet products, it also wins the daily best product. Curiously, What is LIKN? ……nnK2pD8tbweg.png
NO.1 on Product Hunt Daily Rank, What LIKN is? On 26 Feb 2023, LIKN launched its official and newest version on Product Hunt. It reached NO.1 in the ranking list after launch immediately. Furthermore, after 24 hours of competition with other different internet products, it also wins the daily best product. Curiously, What is LIKN? … ai
NO1 Product Hunt Daily Rank LIKN 26 Feb 2023 LIKN launched official newest version Product Hunt reached NO1 ranking list launch immediately Furthermore 24 hour competition different internet product also win daily best product Curiously LIKN … ai
Why AI is the Next Big Thing by Alvin Tang, EJS CTO and Co-Founder
Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, is a developing technology that is attracting interest owing to its potential to transform a number of sectors and have an influence on our daily lives. Alvin, the CTO and co-founder of Enjinstarter states that efficiency has been the driving reason behind each development……7Dk05YVjGHrg.png
Why AI is the Next Big Thing by Alvin Tang, EJS CTO and Co-Founder Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, is a developing technology that is attracting interest owing to its potential to transform a number of sectors and have an influence on our daily lives. Alvin, the CTO and co-founder of Enjinstarter states that efficiency has been the driving reason behind each development… ai
AI Next Big Thing Alvin Tang EJS CTO CoFounder Artificial intelligence commonly known AI developing technology attracting interest owing potential transform number sector influence daily life Alvin CTO cofounder Enjinstarter state efficiency driving reason behind development… ai
Lil Farm Boy’s Not-So-Little Clique: An Exclusive Tour
It’s obvious to every cryptobro and enthusiast out there that every NFT project’s bread-and-butter combo is to create a strong relationship with their community. Doesn’t matter how they execute it. Some build Discord Channels, while some even go so far as to roleplay just to set records and break the……ceE6c37yGd3A.png
Lil Farm Boy’s Not-So-Little Clique: An Exclusive Tour It’s obvious to every cryptobro and enthusiast out there that every NFT project’s bread-and-butter combo is to create a strong relationship with their community. Doesn’t matter how they execute it. Some build Discord Channels, while some even go so far as to roleplay just to set records and break the… ai
Lil Farm Boy’s NotSoLittle Clique Exclusive Tour It’s obvious every cryptobro enthusiast every NFT project’s breadandbutter combo create strong relationship community Doesn’t matter execute build Discord Channels even go far roleplay set record break the… ai
Prompt Engineering Is Probably More Important Than You Think
What if I told you that the most important programming language in the world is going to be English, at least for a while? — You're probably thinking that I'm talking nonsense; just hear me out. Ever since, OpenAI has released ChatGPT for the public to use. There has been an influx of new ideas due to the varied use cases of this tool. Well, as this tool is discovered more and more and adopted……iD2v_PFtdOg.jpeg
Prompt Engineering Is Probably More Important Than You Think What if I told you that the most important programming language in the world is going to be English, at least for a while? — You're probably thinking that I'm talking nonsense; just hear me out. Ever since, OpenAI has released ChatGPT for the public to use. There has been an influx of new ideas due to the varied use cases of this tool. Well, as this tool is discovered more and more and adopted… ai
Prompt Engineering Probably Important Think told important programming language world going English least — Youre probably thinking Im talking nonsense hear Ever since OpenAI released ChatGPT public use influx new idea due varied use case tool Well tool discovered adopted… ai
ML use cases in E-commerce
Machine Learning (ML) is revolutionizing the way E-commerce businesses operate. By leveraging the power of ML, businesses can automate and optimize their operations, improve customer experience, and boost overall performance. ……FR6msJFcfjkw.png
ML use cases in E-commerce Machine Learning (ML) is revolutionizing the way E-commerce businesses operate. By leveraging the power of ML, businesses can automate and optimize their operations, improve customer experience, and boost overall performance. … ai
ML use case Ecommerce Machine Learning ML revolutionizing way Ecommerce business operate leveraging power ML business automate optimize operation improve customer experience boost overall performance … ai
Discover the Best AI Art with Imaginative Arts — Unleash Your Creativity
Discover the Best with Imaginative Arts — Unleash Your Creativity Imaginative Arts are the premier collective of AI art experts, where the art of prompt-making converges with the power of artificial intelligence. Discover the limitless possibilities of generative art forms, and unleash your creativity with the best in AI art. Join us today to experience the magic of Imaginative Arts! ……qhbr8fbuPBOw.png
Discover the Best AI Art with Imaginative Arts — Unleash Your Creativity Discover the Best with Imaginative Arts — Unleash Your Creativity Imaginative Arts are the premier collective of AI art experts, where the art of prompt-making converges with the power of artificial intelligence. Discover the limitless possibilities of generative art forms, and unleash your creativity with the best in AI art. Join us today to experience the magic of Imaginative Arts! … ai
Discover Best AI Art Imaginative Arts — Unleash Creativity Discover Best Imaginative Arts — Unleash Creativity Imaginative Arts premier collective AI art expert art promptmaking converges power artificial intelligence Discover limitless possibility generative art form unleash creativity best AI art Join u today experience magic Imaginative Arts … ai
Turning users into AI, UX personality test, modeling components in Figma
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. — Modern products often have a large amount of user research data from different sources: user research interviews, intercom conversations, customer e-mails, surveys, customer reviews on various platforms, and whatnot. Making sense of all that data is a challenging task. A traditional way to do that is to maintain a neatly……F3mCgW6RXZRk.png
Turning users into AI, UX personality test, modeling components in Figma Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. — Modern products often have a large amount of user research data from different sources: user research interviews, intercom conversations, customer e-mails, surveys, customer reviews on various platforms, and whatnot. Making sense of all that data is a challenging task. A traditional way to do that is to maintain a neatly… ai
Turning user AI UX personality test modeling component Figma Weekly curated resource designer — thinker maker — Modern product often large amount user research data different source user research interview intercom conversation customer email survey customer review various platform whatnot Making sense data challenging task traditional way maintain neatly… ai
Tennis game using hand landmark detection with mediapipe
So recently our college organized it’s annual tech fest and I wanted to represent the AI/ML club in it with a project that would allow people to see the ‘AWESOMENESS’ that AI and ML behold, and what could be better than building a game to do so. Thereupon I came……nuMxAdC4eJqA.png
Tennis game using hand landmark detection with mediapipe So recently our college organized it’s annual tech fest and I wanted to represent the AI/ML club in it with a project that would allow people to see the ‘AWESOMENESS’ that AI and ML behold, and what could be better than building a game to do so. Thereupon I came… ai
Tennis game using hand landmark detection mediapipe recently college organized it’s annual tech fest wanted represent AIML club project would allow people see ‘AWESOMENESS’ AI ML behold could better building game Thereupon came… ai
ChatGPT — Is the role of a Data Scientist already obsolete?
No doubt that title has attracted the attention of all data scientists out there! Before you shoot me down in flames, rest easy, it’s not dead, but this is a real world question that needs some serious discussion and here’s why: The premise of any AI product, and in particular……hTIdRsTn_EA.jpeg
ChatGPT — Is the role of a Data Scientist already obsolete? No doubt that title has attracted the attention of all data scientists out there! Before you shoot me down in flames, rest easy, it’s not dead, but this is a real world question that needs some serious discussion and here’s why: The premise of any AI product, and in particular… ai
ChatGPT — role Data Scientist already obsolete doubt title attracted attention data scientist shoot flame rest easy it’s dead real world question need serious discussion here’s premise AI product particular… ai
Tech trends 2023: Artificial intelligence, sustainability, and extended reality
The new year is in full swing. The mobility industry and tech market are already making strides. Our CSO Alexander Grasse and CEO Osman Dumbuya are walking us through a selection of trends that they feel will drive and impact 2023 significantly. Artificial intelligence The topic of artificial intelligence represents……bMpxhlpx5Bg.jpeg
Tech trends 2023: Artificial intelligence, sustainability, and extended reality The new year is in full swing. The mobility industry and tech market are already making strides. Our CSO Alexander Grasse and CEO Osman Dumbuya are walking us through a selection of trends that they feel will drive and impact 2023 significantly. Artificial intelligence The topic of artificial intelligence represents… ai
Tech trend 2023 Artificial intelligence sustainability extended reality new year full swing mobility industry tech market already making stride CSO Alexander Grasse CEO Osman Dumbuya walking u selection trend feel drive impact 2023 significantly Artificial intelligence topic artificial intelligence represents… ai
Computational Power Evaluation Throughout History: A Journey Through Time
The history of computational power evaluation is a fascinating one, full of innovation, discovery, and technological breakthroughs. From the early days of the abacus to the modern era of supercomputers and quantum computing, the evolution of computational power has had a profound impact on our world. The Early Days of……7VjAeY6mJ-nw.png
Computational Power Evaluation Throughout History: A Journey Through Time The history of computational power evaluation is a fascinating one, full of innovation, discovery, and technological breakthroughs. From the early days of the abacus to the modern era of supercomputers and quantum computing, the evolution of computational power has had a profound impact on our world. The Early Days of… ai
Computational Power Evaluation Throughout History Journey Time history computational power evaluation fascinating one full innovation discovery technological breakthrough early day abacus modern era supercomputer quantum computing evolution computational power profound impact world Early Days of… ai
ChatGPT vs Law School Questions
Fresh from my effort to convince ChatGPT that it is a person, I decided to set lower standards and see if it could be a lawyer [rimshot]. I resolved to ask it questions that only a trained lawyer could answer. I would use the traditional form of law school questions……UFi39GdyWr9A.png
ChatGPT vs Law School Questions Fresh from my effort to convince ChatGPT that it is a person, I decided to set lower standards and see if it could be a lawyer [rimshot]. I resolved to ask it questions that only a trained lawyer could answer. I would use the traditional form of law school questions… ai
ChatGPT v Law School Questions Fresh effort convince ChatGPT person decided set lower standard see could lawyer rimshot resolved ask question trained lawyer could answer would use traditional form law school questions… ai
Prompt: How are AI-generated images useful in real projects
By the end of 2022, AI was in the spotlight, and like many people, I was skeptical and rigorous about how it could change us as humans. But all ofmy hesitation vanished when Chat GPT was launched. In just a few weeks, I saw how this AI chatbot could provide……aHHNR3bSeiQ.jpeg
Prompt: How are AI-generated images useful in real projects By the end of 2022, AI was in the spotlight, and like many people, I was skeptical and rigorous about how it could change us as humans. But all ofmy hesitation vanished when Chat GPT was launched. In just a few weeks, I saw how this AI chatbot could provide… ai
Prompt AIgenerated image useful real project end 2022 AI spotlight like many people skeptical rigorous could change u human ofmy hesitation vanished Chat GPT launched week saw AI chatbot could provide… ai
Metaplaces Digital Artifacts: Step by step guide
The mint of Metaplaces Digital Artifacts Ordinals will be a unique experience. Imagine hundreds of users simultaneously using the most advanced AI technologies — hundreds of carefully curated prompts and layers to generate and mint their own art. Every resulting NFT will be inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain as Digital……fKNzlHKqbjA.jpeg
Metaplaces Digital Artifacts: Step by step guide The mint of Metaplaces Digital Artifacts Ordinals will be a unique experience. Imagine hundreds of users simultaneously using the most advanced AI technologies — hundreds of carefully curated prompts and layers to generate and mint their own art. Every resulting NFT will be inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain as Digital… ai
Metaplaces Digital Artifacts Step step guide mint Metaplaces Digital Artifacts Ordinals unique experience Imagine hundred user simultaneously using advanced AI technology — hundred carefully curated prompt layer generate mint art Every resulting NFT inscribed Bitcoin blockchain Digital… ai
AI and the return to school values
For decades we believed that AI would only be an aid to humans and that it would never be able to replace them in tasks that require elaborate and educated intelligence. However, by 2023 this is no longer an absolute truth. AI can write as well as a human and……6Ri-RF7YA5OQ.png
AI and the return to school values For decades we believed that AI would only be an aid to humans and that it would never be able to replace them in tasks that require elaborate and educated intelligence. However, by 2023 this is no longer an absolute truth. AI can write as well as a human and… ai
AI return school value decade believed AI would aid human would never able replace task require elaborate educated intelligence However 2023 longer absolute truth AI write well human and… ai
Revolutionizing AI: Meta’s LLaMA Language Model Outperforms GPT-3 and Breaks Barriers
An Introduction to Meta’s LLaMA Model that is Setting the Bar High for Language Processing and Outperforms GPT-3 and Competes with Top Models. — For the past few weeks, the attention in the technology industry has been primarily focused on language models developed and deployed by companies such as Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI. However, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, continues to make significant progress in this field and is now launching a new……o5CsKGMpURtw.png
Revolutionizing AI: Meta’s LLaMA Language Model Outperforms GPT-3 and Breaks Barriers An Introduction to Meta’s LLaMA Model that is Setting the Bar High for Language Processing and Outperforms GPT-3 and Competes with Top Models. — For the past few weeks, the attention in the technology industry has been primarily focused on language models developed and deployed by companies such as Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI. However, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, continues to make significant progress in this field and is now launching a new… ai
Revolutionizing AI Meta’s LLaMA Language Model Outperforms GPT3 Breaks Barriers Introduction Meta’s LLaMA Model Setting Bar High Language Processing Outperforms GPT3 Competes Top Models — past week attention technology industry primarily focused language model developed deployed company Microsoft Google OpenAI However Meta parent company Facebook continues make significant progress field launching new… ai
How To Help Syria And Make It Great Again. A demonstration of an LLM tool.
I Asked the following question to chatgpt, How to help Syria and make it great again ? with emojies ? using some exmaple from the reecent and old history ? An Here is the Answer It’s important to note that the situation in Syria is complex and multifaceted, and there are no simple solutions to the challenges that the country faces. However, there are some steps that can be taken to help support the Syrian people and contribute to their long-term well-being.*sjoYR7Ce4D_VywPz
How To Help Syria And Make It Great Again. A demonstration of an LLM tool. I Asked the following question to chatgpt, How to help Syria and make it great again ? with emojies ? using some exmaple from the reecent and old history ? An Here is the Answer It’s important to note that the situation in Syria is complex and multifaceted, and there are no simple solutions to the challenges that the country faces. However, there are some steps that can be taken to help support the Syrian people and contribute to their long-term well-being. ai
Help Syria Make Great demonstration LLM tool Asked following question chatgpt help Syria make great emojies using exmaple reecent old history Answer It’s important note situation Syria complex multifaceted simple solution challenge country face However step taken help support Syrian people contribute longterm wellbeing ai
ChatGPT + Stable Diffusion: Part 3
It’s been a long day, and I’m tired. I don’t want to have to work very hard right now. But I do want to to see a beautiful and imaginative landscape, inspired by Studio Ghibli. So what do I do? First, I ask ChatGPT, one AI app, to generate a……-UG6uOhdoVYw.png
ChatGPT + Stable Diffusion: Part 3 It’s been a long day, and I’m tired. I don’t want to have to work very hard right now. But I do want to to see a beautiful and imaginative landscape, inspired by Studio Ghibli. So what do I do? First, I ask ChatGPT, one AI app, to generate a… ai
ChatGPT Stable Diffusion Part 3 It’s long day I’m tired don’t want work hard right want see beautiful imaginative landscape inspired Studio Ghibli First ask ChatGPT one AI app generate a… ai
Upcoming IDO’s
As one of the newest launchpads in the crypto space, Array has already made waves for its commitment to hosting only #RealYield projects. With its unique staked tier system and user-friendly DEX, Array will become the go-to platform for investors on Arbitrum who want to make a long-term impact in……0BLp4l_V2exg.png
Upcoming IDO’s As one of the newest launchpads in the crypto space, Array has already made waves for its commitment to hosting only #RealYield projects. With its unique staked tier system and user-friendly DEX, Array will become the go-to platform for investors on Arbitrum who want to make a long-term impact in… ai
Upcoming IDO’s one newest launchpad crypto space Array already made wave commitment hosting RealYield project unique staked tier system userfriendly DEX Array become goto platform investor Arbitrum want make longterm impact in… ai
What is Causal Machine Learning?
A Gentle Guide to Causal Inference with Machine Learning Pt. 2 — Causal Machine Learning seems to be the most trending new buzzword in Data Science at the moment. But what is it really? In this blog series, we give a gentle introduction for newcomers to causal inference. Causal Machine Learning — The Name of the Game In the last few decades, researchers have developed more and more sophisticated artificial intelligence……7OBC3ioGYBQA.png
What is Causal Machine Learning? A Gentle Guide to Causal Inference with Machine Learning Pt. 2 — Causal Machine Learning seems to be the most trending new buzzword in Data Science at the moment. But what is it really? In this blog series, we give a gentle introduction for newcomers to causal inference. Causal Machine Learning — The Name of the Game In the last few decades, researchers have developed more and more sophisticated artificial intelligence… ai
Causal Machine Learning Gentle Guide Causal Inference Machine Learning Pt 2 — Causal Machine Learning seems trending new buzzword Data Science moment really blog series give gentle introduction newcomer causal inference Causal Machine Learning — Name Game last decade researcher developed sophisticated artificial intelligence… ai
Easy Beginner’s Guide to Mid Journey
Be the Prominent AI Art Creator! — Mid Journey’s AI Art Generative Tool is a revolutionary and powerful AI program that unleashes your creativity and helps you generate beautiful visuals with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Mid Journey’s AI Art Generative Tool is made with a user-friendly interface, making it perfect for unleashing your……pk-1yK4iHYFw.png
Easy Beginner’s Guide to Mid Journey Be the Prominent AI Art Creator! — Mid Journey’s AI Art Generative Tool is a revolutionary and powerful AI program that unleashes your creativity and helps you generate beautiful visuals with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Mid Journey’s AI Art Generative Tool is made with a user-friendly interface, making it perfect for unleashing your… ai
Easy Beginner’s Guide Mid Journey Prominent AI Art Creator — Mid Journey’s AI Art Generative Tool revolutionary powerful AI program unleashes creativity help generate beautiful visuals help artificial intelligence machine learning Mid Journey’s AI Art Generative Tool made userfriendly interface making perfect unleashing your… ai
The Importance of Hyperparameter Optimization in Deep Learning: Just An Introduction (Very Short & Easy-to-Understand)
Deep learning is a rapidly growing field that has revolutionized the way we approach many complex problems. Deep learning algorithms use artificial neural networks to model complex patterns in data and make predictions. However, these algorithms require many hyperparameters to be set in order to work effectively. Hyperparameters are variables……CKC7SB-pXfGQ.png
The Importance of Hyperparameter Optimization in Deep Learning: Just An Introduction (Very Short & Easy-to-Understand) Deep learning is a rapidly growing field that has revolutionized the way we approach many complex problems. Deep learning algorithms use artificial neural networks to model complex patterns in data and make predictions. However, these algorithms require many hyperparameters to be set in order to work effectively. Hyperparameters are variables… ai
Importance Hyperparameter Optimization Deep Learning Introduction Short EasytoUnderstand Deep learning rapidly growing field revolutionized way approach many complex problem Deep learning algorithm use artificial neural network model complex pattern data make prediction However algorithm require many hyperparameters set order work effectively Hyperparameters variables… ai
ChatGPT + Microsoft Edge = ?
The New Bing Review — Nobody’s really used Bing so much before. But now things are looking different. Microsoft recently announced the new Bing with AI. They call it not just a search engine, but a research assistant, personal planner and creative partner at your side whenever you search the web. You may think “oh……4va1x9TyvYg.jpeg
ChatGPT + Microsoft Edge = ? The New Bing Review — Nobody’s really used Bing so much before. But now things are looking different. Microsoft recently announced the new Bing with AI. They call it not just a search engine, but a research assistant, personal planner and creative partner at your side whenever you search the web. You may think “oh… ai
ChatGPT Microsoft Edge New Bing Review — Nobody’s really used Bing much thing looking different Microsoft recently announced new Bing AI call search engine research assistant personal planner creative partner side whenever search web may think “oh… ai
11 AI Tools You Should Know About
In today’s world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly altering our lifestyle and work practices. With its transformative impact on diverse sectors, such as video games, art, and content creation, AI is revolutionizing industries. This article aims to inform you about 11 AI tools that you must be aware of. Opus Opus……d36E2SeSMXA.jpeg
11 AI Tools You Should Know About In today’s world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly altering our lifestyle and work practices. With its transformative impact on diverse sectors, such as video games, art, and content creation, AI is revolutionizing industries. This article aims to inform you about 11 AI tools that you must be aware of. Opus Opus… ai
11 AI Tools Know today’s world Artificial Intelligence AI significantly altering lifestyle work practice transformative impact diverse sector video game art content creation AI revolutionizing industry article aim inform 11 AI tool must aware Opus Opus… ai
Can Cognitive Bias in AI/ML Models be eliminated ?
Recently the Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) space has been buzzing to say the least. Chat GPT has raised quite a storm of debates and questions about how AI is going to take over the jobs and then consequently enslave all of humanity and the conquer the world! A…*8wYAmENC7UlRpZm1
Can Cognitive Bias in AI/ML Models be eliminated ? Recently the Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) space has been buzzing to say the least. Chat GPT has raised quite a storm of debates and questions about how AI is going to take over the jobs and then consequently enslave all of humanity and the conquer the world! A… ai
Cognitive Bias AIML Models eliminated Recently Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning AIML space buzzing say least Chat GPT raised quite storm debate question AI going take job consequently enslave humanity conquer world A… ai
Future of Technology in Architecture
Digital Design and Fabrication*ekkOzQhGSbKfqqyn
Future of Technology in Architecture Digital Design and Fabrication ai
Future Technology Architecture Digital Design Fabrication ai
Rainhill Trials for AI
The ARC challenge and the future of AI Nobody can predict the future reliably, but history can sometimes give us an idea of how things will unfold. Today we may be on the cusp of an AI revolution, or we could be in for several more years of debate, disappointed……5g0sxvMmh2Q.jpeg
Rainhill Trials for AI The ARC challenge and the future of AI Nobody can predict the future reliably, but history can sometimes give us an idea of how things will unfold. Today we may be on the cusp of an AI revolution, or we could be in for several more years of debate, disappointed… ai
Rainhill Trials AI ARC challenge future AI Nobody predict future reliably history sometimes give u idea thing unfold Today may cusp AI revolution could several year debate disappointed… ai
Experience the Power of AI with these Must-Have Free Start-up Tools
Namelix 1.Namelix — is a cutting-edge business name generator that utilizes artificial intelligence to create short, memorable, and distinctive names that are tailor-made for your business. You can input keywords that are related to your business concept, and Namelix will generate name ideas based on an advanced language model. The generator…*7uJvWFRarVN6d0gS
Experience the Power of AI with these Must-Have Free Start-up Tools Namelix 1.Namelix — is a cutting-edge business name generator that utilizes artificial intelligence to create short, memorable, and distinctive names that are tailor-made for your business. You can input keywords that are related to your business concept, and Namelix will generate name ideas based on an advanced language model. The generator… ai
Experience Power AI MustHave Free Startup Tools Namelix 1Namelix — cuttingedge business name generator utilizes artificial intelligence create short memorable distinctive name tailormade business input keywords related business concept Namelix generate name idea based advanced language model generator… ai
What is Synthetic Data Generation?
Introduction Synthetic data generation is the process of creating artificial datasets that mimic real-world data. It’s an increasingly popular method in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence for a variety of reasons. One of its main advantages is that it provides a way to overcome real-world data limitations such as…*yptQJZJuEntaUAkO
What is Synthetic Data Generation? Introduction Synthetic data generation is the process of creating artificial datasets that mimic real-world data. It’s an increasingly popular method in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence for a variety of reasons. One of its main advantages is that it provides a way to overcome real-world data limitations such as… ai
Synthetic Data Generation Introduction Synthetic data generation process creating artificial datasets mimic realworld data It’s increasingly popular method data science machine learning artificial intelligence variety reason One main advantage provides way overcome realworld data limitation as… ai
LLaMA model release reactions
Meta AI released a 1.4 trillion token model leading to an an important talk about LLM licensing aspects. — Introduction Meta AI’s released new Large Language Model (LLM) called LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI). I planned to cover the model here, but I decided to instead cover the public talk generated by the model related to the LLMs licensing terms. …*q8M29XAwrAmOlueF
LLaMA model release reactions Meta AI released a 1.4 trillion token model leading to an an important talk about LLM licensing aspects. — Introduction Meta AI’s released new Large Language Model (LLM) called LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI). I planned to cover the model here, but I decided to instead cover the public talk generated by the model related to the LLMs licensing terms. … ai
LLaMA model release reaction Meta AI released 14 trillion token model leading important talk LLM licensing aspect — Introduction Meta AI’s released new Large Language Model LLM called LLaMA Large Language Model Meta AI planned cover model decided instead cover public talk generated model related LLMs licensing term … ai
A colleague is calling for her Robot- 4
#fiction #scific #sciencefic Note: The original article is on the author’s website, Note: All characters here are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone alive or who passed away. Any resemblance is a mere coincidence. Teddy woke up earlier today. He was excited to meet Robot Miso so much……U_XLeU_sg8Ag.png
A colleague is calling for her Robot- 4 #fiction #scific #sciencefic Note: The original article is on the author’s website, Note: All characters here are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone alive or who passed away. Any resemblance is a mere coincidence. Teddy woke up earlier today. He was excited to meet Robot Miso so much… ai
colleague calling Robot 4 fiction scific sciencefic Note original article author’s website nidhikayadavcom Note character fictional bear resemblance anyone alive passed away resemblance mere coincidence Teddy woke earlier today excited meet Robot Miso much… ai
Ghost in the Machine
An Unexpected Guest Visits an AI Designer — I need a set of images for this. Something spooky. The campaign had been on his mind for some time. It would be a promotional campaign that could run across multiple social platforms with a branded set of complimentary images and professional typography. ……Zu6YJ8F_6aQ.jpeg
Ghost in the Machine An Unexpected Guest Visits an AI Designer — I need a set of images for this. Something spooky. The campaign had been on his mind for some time. It would be a promotional campaign that could run across multiple social platforms with a branded set of complimentary images and professional typography. … ai
Ghost Machine Unexpected Guest Visits AI Designer — need set image Something spooky campaign mind time would promotional campaign could run across multiple social platform branded set complimentary image professional typography … ai
Science Takes Skin Sensing to the Next Level: Artificial Skin Outperforms Human Skin
Introduction Have you ever wanted to feel something that’s been too far away for you to touch? Well, scientists have just made that possible with artificial skin. This new type of artificial skin has the potential to revolutionize how machines and humans interact with each other. …*QSibpjrt-u7ab_sQ
Science Takes Skin Sensing to the Next Level: Artificial Skin Outperforms Human Skin Introduction Have you ever wanted to feel something that’s been too far away for you to touch? Well, scientists have just made that possible with artificial skin. This new type of artificial skin has the potential to revolutionize how machines and humans interact with each other. … ai
Science Takes Skin Sensing Next Level Artificial Skin Outperforms Human Skin Introduction ever wanted feel something that’s far away touch Well scientist made possible artificial skin new type artificial skin potential revolutionize machine human interact … ai
What is Web 3.0? Its Concept, Advantages and Limitations
Some say it’s the future of the internet, others — that it’s a utopian idea that will never grow its following and most have not heard about it at all or have no understanding of what it is. So let’s break it down, what is Web 3.0? The History of the Internet The Concept of Web 3.0 Web 3.0 Advantages Web 3.0 Limitations Opinion The History of the Internet The World Wide Web and Web 1.0 started evolving more than three decades ago, with the first internet sites being static, immovable domains of knowledge, similar to encyclopedias. Then came user creator era……5keR26BuVSEw.png
What is Web 3.0? Its Concept, Advantages and Limitations Some say it’s the future of the internet, others — that it’s a utopian idea that will never grow its following and most have not heard about it at all or have no understanding of what it is. So let’s break it down, what is Web 3.0? The History of the Internet The Concept of Web 3.0 Web 3.0 Advantages Web 3.0 Limitations Opinion The History of the Internet The World Wide Web and Web 1.0 started evolving more than three decades ago, with the first internet sites being static, immovable domains of knowledge, similar to encyclopedias. Then came user creator era… ai
Web 30 Concept Advantages Limitations say it’s future internet others — it’s utopian idea never grow following heard understanding let’s break Web 30 History Internet Concept Web 30 Web 30 Advantages Web 30 Limitations Opinion History Internet World Wide Web Web 10 started evolving three decade ago first internet site static immovable domain knowledge similar encyclopedia came user creator era… ai
Artificial intelligence cryptocurrency prospects
Cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence are technologies that are on the minds of everyone. And they have more in common than meets the eye. The combination of blockchain and AI developments, where data analysis and machine learning improve the functionality and use of cryptocurrencies, is a new direction in developing digital……QTO53YPqnlA.jpeg
Artificial intelligence cryptocurrency prospects Cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence are technologies that are on the minds of everyone. And they have more in common than meets the eye. The combination of blockchain and AI developments, where data analysis and machine learning improve the functionality and use of cryptocurrencies, is a new direction in developing digital… ai
Artificial intelligence cryptocurrency prospect Cryptocurrencies artificial intelligence technology mind everyone common meet eye combination blockchain AI development data analysis machine learning improve functionality use cryptocurrencies new direction developing digital… ai
Contextualizing our world with data — a D3M Labs series
A four part D3M Labs series about how communications professionals use data. Published on D3M Labs by Elizabeth Press / February 27, 2023 Communications professionals are increasingly using data to architect their messaging and build relationships with us. The impact can range from branding and connecting with customers and prospects, to reporting about world events. Part 1: Why creatives in advertising should……jVQmMdh46Pgw.png
Contextualizing our world with data — a D3M Labs series A four part D3M Labs series about how communications professionals use data. Published on D3M Labs by Elizabeth Press / February 27, 2023 Communications professionals are increasingly using data to architect their messaging and build relationships with us. The impact can range from branding and connecting with customers and prospects, to reporting about world events. Part 1: Why creatives in advertising should… ai
Contextualizing world data — D3M Labs series four part D3M Labs series communication professional use data Published D3M Labs Elizabeth Press February 27 2023 Communications professional increasingly using data architect messaging build relationship u impact range branding connecting customer prospect reporting world event Part 1 creatives advertising should… ai
Legalizing ChatGPT: A Debate That’s Dividing the Internet
They’re already here. AI systems like ChatGPT generate human-like content with impressive quality. But just because we can use them doesn’t mean we should — a critical perspective on AI systems and how to make their use responsible. Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm, making remarkable strides……ByjWdcbD1Ow.jpeg
Legalizing ChatGPT: A Debate That’s Dividing the Internet They’re already here. AI systems like ChatGPT generate human-like content with impressive quality. But just because we can use them doesn’t mean we should — a critical perspective on AI systems and how to make their use responsible. Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm, making remarkable strides… ai
Legalizing ChatGPT Debate That’s Dividing Internet They’re already AI system like ChatGPT generate humanlike content impressive quality use doesn’t mean — critical perspective AI system make use responsible Artificial intelligence AI taken world storm making remarkable strides… ai
FreestyleGPT: An AI Chat App that Generates Rap Lyrics
⬇️ ️️a demo of the app can be found below ⬇️ Introduction When the beat drops and the words start to flow, freestyle rap transforms into a raw, unfiltered form of artistic expression that captivates both the artist and the audience. Freestyle is a style of……ThQqXK8JV1KQ.png
FreestyleGPT: An AI Chat App that Generates Rap Lyrics ⬇️ ️️a demo of the app can be found below ⬇️ Introduction When the beat drops and the words start to flow, freestyle rap transforms into a raw, unfiltered form of artistic expression that captivates both the artist and the audience. Freestyle is a style of… ai
FreestyleGPT AI Chat App Generates Rap Lyrics ⬇️ ️️a demo app found ⬇️ Introduction beat drop word start flow freestyle rap transforms raw unfiltered form artistic expression captivates artist audience Freestyle style of… ai
ChatGPT and AI: Driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is upon us, and it’s set to change the way we live and work in profound ways. At the heart of this transformation lies Artificial Intelligence (AI), the technology that’s driving innovation across industries and enabling us to do things we never thought…*bQVTnAXem-EoURlb
ChatGPT and AI: Driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is upon us, and it’s set to change the way we live and work in profound ways. At the heart of this transformation lies Artificial Intelligence (AI), the technology that’s driving innovation across industries and enabling us to do things we never thought… ai
ChatGPT AI Driving Fourth Industrial Revolution Fourth Industrial Revolution Industry 40 upon u it’s set change way live work profound way heart transformation lie Artificial Intelligence AI technology that’s driving innovation across industry enabling u thing never thought… ai
Machine Learning at a Glance
Machine learning is a branch of AI technology. It focuses on using data and algorithms to replicate the way human learning is accomplished. The more data and time a machine has, the more it learns and improves in the task it is set out to do. The term was first…*hPFomi_PvQ7QcTgf
Machine Learning at a Glance Machine learning is a branch of AI technology. It focuses on using data and algorithms to replicate the way human learning is accomplished. The more data and time a machine has, the more it learns and improves in the task it is set out to do. The term was first… ai
Machine Learning Glance Machine learning branch AI technology focus using data algorithm replicate way human learning accomplished data time machine learns improves task set term first… ai
KataGo’s Gotta Go
The past few months have been a rollercoaster for the whole field of AI. In November ChatGPT was released to the public leading many to profess that a new age has begun. Just like with the internet and the steam engine before that had opened up a new world for……sE6-gK7xzOzw.png
KataGo’s Gotta Go The past few months have been a rollercoaster for the whole field of AI. In November ChatGPT was released to the public leading many to profess that a new age has begun. Just like with the internet and the steam engine before that had opened up a new world for… ai
KataGo’s Gotta Go past month rollercoaster whole field AI November ChatGPT released public leading many profess new age begun like internet steam engine opened new world for… ai
Here’s what AI & the world looks like in 2033
There’s a decent chance we – by 2033 – overcome multiple existential AI crises and end up highly prosperous and well catered for welfare wise. That’s if we can avoid WW3 or Big Brother. AI — and going 100% renewable via technology — have a lot to offer to the……Q8YC1ZcmgeKa.jpg
Here’s what AI & the world looks like in 2033 There’s a decent chance we – by 2033 – overcome multiple existential AI crises and end up highly prosperous and well catered for welfare wise. That’s if we can avoid WW3 or Big Brother. AI — and going 100% renewable via technology — have a lot to offer to the… ai
Here’s AI world look like 2033 There’s decent chance – 2033 – overcome multiple existential AI crisis end highly prosperous well catered welfare wise That’s avoid WW3 Big Brother AI — going 100 renewable via technology — lot offer the… ai
ChatGPT: Transforming Communication and Content Creation in the Digital Era
I am thrilled to tell you an enthralling story about ChatGPT and how it’s been put to the best use. In today’s age of technology, where almost everything is automated, the need for reliable and accurate language processing has become paramount. …*IZTBhUx72vroGB0r
ChatGPT: Transforming Communication and Content Creation in the Digital Era I am thrilled to tell you an enthralling story about ChatGPT and how it’s been put to the best use. In today’s age of technology, where almost everything is automated, the need for reliable and accurate language processing has become paramount. … ai
ChatGPT Transforming Communication Content Creation Digital Era thrilled tell enthralling story ChatGPT it’s put best use today’s age technology almost everything automated need reliable accurate language processing become paramount … ai
Top 5 ways to profit from this AI Boom in 2023.
AI is here to stay and becoming increasingly widespread in our daily lives, and its impact on society and business is undeniable. AI has been a popular topic of discussion lately as never before, and it’s no surprise that it’s being touted as the big thing in technology. With AI……S1fmSGE_zwA.jpeg
Top 5 ways to profit from this AI Boom in 2023. AI is here to stay and becoming increasingly widespread in our daily lives, and its impact on society and business is undeniable. AI has been a popular topic of discussion lately as never before, and it’s no surprise that it’s being touted as the big thing in technology. With AI… ai
Top 5 way profit AI Boom 2023 AI stay becoming increasingly widespread daily life impact society business undeniable AI popular topic discussion lately never it’s surprise it’s touted big thing technology AI… ai
The AI Future of Sound is Here
AI Tools for Professional Voice and Sound Production — Voice and sound production have always been an essential part of the entertainment and media industry, from movies and TV shows to video games and podcasts. With the rapid development of AI technology, new tools and software are emerging that allow for even more creativity and flexibility in voice and……c8DnqQBnLYA.jpeg
The AI Future of Sound is Here AI Tools for Professional Voice and Sound Production — Voice and sound production have always been an essential part of the entertainment and media industry, from movies and TV shows to video games and podcasts. With the rapid development of AI technology, new tools and software are emerging that allow for even more creativity and flexibility in voice and… ai
AI Future Sound AI Tools Professional Voice Sound Production — Voice sound production always essential part entertainment medium industry movie TV show video game podcasts rapid development AI technology new tool software emerging allow even creativity flexibility voice and… ai
Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Industry: Enhancing Efficiency and Improving Outcomes.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the legal industry by enabling more efficient and accurate document review, contract analysis, and legal research. Here are some ways in which AI is enhancing efficiency and improving outcomes in the legal industry. Document Review and Contract Analysis. AI-powered document review tools can analyze large……LXCVIrtO0AAQ.png
Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Industry: Enhancing Efficiency and Improving Outcomes. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the legal industry by enabling more efficient and accurate document review, contract analysis, and legal research. Here are some ways in which AI is enhancing efficiency and improving outcomes in the legal industry. Document Review and Contract Analysis. AI-powered document review tools can analyze large… ai
Artificial Intelligence Legal Industry Enhancing Efficiency Improving Outcomes Artificial Intelligence AI transforming legal industry enabling efficient accurate document review contract analysis legal research way AI enhancing efficiency improving outcome legal industry Document Review Contract Analysis AIpowered document review tool analyze large… ai
The Impact of Web3 on the Luxury Industry
Learn how Web3 impacts the Luxury industry market in 2023 and beyond. Explore trends and see why Blockchain, AI, and others will change the customer journey and unlock value for an entire industry. — Welcome to the opening of a series of articles in which I will explore the impact of Web3 on different segments of the luxury industry. In this post, I will touch upon what I see as the most crucial aspects of these new technologies and the risks and benefits for……6JYhmMBMMr9g.png
The Impact of Web3 on the Luxury Industry Learn how Web3 impacts the Luxury industry market in 2023 and beyond. Explore trends and see why Blockchain, AI, and others will change the customer journey and unlock value for an entire industry. — Welcome to the opening of a series of articles in which I will explore the impact of Web3 on different segments of the luxury industry. In this post, I will touch upon what I see as the most crucial aspects of these new technologies and the risks and benefits for… ai
Impact Web3 Luxury Industry Learn Web3 impact Luxury industry market 2023 beyond Explore trend see Blockchain AI others change customer journey unlock value entire industry — Welcome opening series article explore impact Web3 different segment luxury industry post touch upon see crucial aspect new technology risk benefit for… ai
AI vs AI Paleoart Showdown: Neanderthal Family
Can cutting-edge image generators grant us a glimpse into the past? Relatives to Homo sapiens, Neanderthals were humans of a different sort. Text-to-image generators using artificial intelligence may be of no real scientific value when it comes to paleontology and reconstructive artwork. ……avuY_i-J8JQ.jpeg
AI vs AI Paleoart Showdown: Neanderthal Family Can cutting-edge image generators grant us a glimpse into the past? Relatives to Homo sapiens, Neanderthals were humans of a different sort. Text-to-image generators using artificial intelligence may be of no real scientific value when it comes to paleontology and reconstructive artwork. … ai
AI v AI Paleoart Showdown Neanderthal Family cuttingedge image generator grant u glimpse past Relatives Homo sapiens Neanderthals human different sort Texttoimage generator using artificial intelligence may real scientific value come paleontology reconstructive artwork … ai
How ChatGPT is changing the face of AI conversations
Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, and one of the most exciting developments is the rise of language models like ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a powerful natural language processing (NLP) model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like responses to text-based conversations. In this article, we’ll…*gsIx4jV6Ft-uVoMJ
How ChatGPT is changing the face of AI conversations Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, and one of the most exciting developments is the rise of language models like ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a powerful natural language processing (NLP) model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like responses to text-based conversations. In this article, we’ll… ai
ChatGPT changing face AI conversation Artificial intelligence AI come long way recent year one exciting development rise language model like ChatGPT ChatGPT powerful natural language processing NLP model developed OpenAI generate humanlike response textbased conversation article we’ll… ai
Why Mendeleev didn’t use chatGPT when he created the Periodic Table
Mendeleev taught us the power of thinking deeply to find explanations Black box approaches are increasingly popular in AI, machine learning, and computational data science. By black box, I mean computational approaches that make predictions without explaining their rationale. ……-q8gJND6C9w.jpeg
Why Mendeleev didn’t use chatGPT when he created the Periodic Table Mendeleev taught us the power of thinking deeply to find explanations Black box approaches are increasingly popular in AI, machine learning, and computational data science. By black box, I mean computational approaches that make predictions without explaining their rationale. … ai
Mendeleev didn’t use chatGPT created Periodic Table Mendeleev taught u power thinking deeply find explanation Black box approach increasingly popular AI machine learning computational data science black box mean computational approach make prediction without explaining rationale … ai
LLMs and the Emerging ML Tech Stack
Authors: Harrison Chase and Brian Raymond The pace of development in the Large Language Model (LLM) space has exploded over the past several months and one of the most interesting storylines has been the rapid shift toward a new tech stack to support an entirely new engagement pattern with these……NforbMhZ3WGw.png
LLMs and the Emerging ML Tech Stack Authors: Harrison Chase and Brian Raymond The pace of development in the Large Language Model (LLM) space has exploded over the past several months and one of the most interesting storylines has been the rapid shift toward a new tech stack to support an entirely new engagement pattern with these… nlp
LLMs Emerging ML Tech Stack Authors Harrison Chase Brian Raymond pace development Large Language Model LLM space exploded past several month one interesting storyline rapid shift toward new tech stack support entirely new engagement pattern these… nlp
Introducing txtchat, next-generation conversational search and workflows for all
Talk with your data and see what you learn — It’s a great time to be involved in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Exciting new models, methods and systems are being released at a breathtaking pace. It’s hard to keep up! Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve at least heard of ChatGPT by now. The potential of large……EKekIUiE0Gw.jpeg
Introducing txtchat, next-generation conversational search and workflows for all Talk with your data and see what you learn — It’s a great time to be involved in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Exciting new models, methods and systems are being released at a breathtaking pace. It’s hard to keep up! Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve at least heard of ChatGPT by now. The potential of large… nlp
Introducing txtchat nextgeneration conversational search workflow Talk data see learn — It’s great time involved Natural Language Processing NLP Exciting new model method system released breathtaking pace It’s hard keep Unless you’ve living rock you’ve least heard ChatGPT potential large… nlp
Build a Telegram chatbot with any AI model under the hood
tl;dr: we are building a text summarization bot for long articles, but I keep the code as general as possible, so consider it as a Python template for wrapping any model into a bot. Don’t want to read the post? Go to the github repo. Or read a summary of……zGMwGzg0bpWA.png
Build a Telegram chatbot with any AI model under the hood tl;dr: we are building a text summarization bot for long articles, but I keep the code as general as possible, so consider it as a Python template for wrapping any model into a bot. Don’t want to read the post? Go to the github repo. Or read a summary of… nlp
Build Telegram chatbot AI model hood tldr building text summarization bot long article keep code general possible consider Python template wrapping model bot Don’t want read post Go github repo read summary of… nlp
Analysing the Sentiments behind British Airways Customer Reviews posted on Skytrax
Part 2 In this article, I will continue the discussion from the first part of this series. In the previous article, I discussed the processes I followed in the execution of this project: from data collection, through to sentiment analysis. In this article, I discuss the topic modelling step of…*6YNeXxKgIlTgAzRd
Analysing the Sentiments behind British Airways Customer Reviews posted on Skytrax Part 2 In this article, I will continue the discussion from the first part of this series. In the previous article, I discussed the processes I followed in the execution of this project: from data collection, through to sentiment analysis. In this article, I discuss the topic modelling step of… nlp
Analysing Sentiments behind British Airways Customer Reviews posted Skytrax Part 2 article continue discussion first part series previous article discussed process followed execution project data collection sentiment analysis article discus topic modelling step of… nlp
My Journey of Fine-Tuning GPT-3 with a Custom Dataset
Riding the Wave of GPT-3 Hype Open AI’s GPT-3 — wherever you turn, that's what everyone is talking about! The massive language model has taken the AI community by storm and everyone is eager to see what this model is capable of. As an AI enthusiast, I was eager to……-zqffxmJAtg.jpeg
My Journey of Fine-Tuning GPT-3 with a Custom Dataset Riding the Wave of GPT-3 Hype Open AI’s GPT-3 — wherever you turn, that's what everyone is talking about! The massive language model has taken the AI community by storm and everyone is eager to see what this model is capable of. As an AI enthusiast, I was eager to… nlp
Journey FineTuning GPT3 Custom Dataset Riding Wave GPT3 Hype Open AI’s GPT3 — wherever turn thats everyone talking massive language model taken AI community storm everyone eager see model capable AI enthusiast eager to… nlp
Fine-Tune OpenAI’s GPT-2 Model To Take Content Creation to the Next Level
We’ve all heard about ChatGPT and been impressed by the outputs. Although, it may seem like we have to wait for OpenAI to release new versions for us to get better results. However, what if you want to automatically improve the performance of the content creation without having to wait……Pqowhv8_d5mw.png
Fine-Tune OpenAI’s GPT-2 Model To Take Content Creation to the Next Level We’ve all heard about ChatGPT and been impressed by the outputs. Although, it may seem like we have to wait for OpenAI to release new versions for us to get better results. However, what if you want to automatically improve the performance of the content creation without having to wait… nlp
FineTune OpenAI’s GPT2 Model Take Content Creation Next Level We’ve heard ChatGPT impressed output Although may seem like wait OpenAI release new version u get better result However want automatically improve performance content creation without wait… nlp
How to Build a Simple Chatbot with Python and NLTK
Have you ever found yourself chatting with a customer service bot or a virtual assistant and wondered how it works? Or perhaps you’ve had an idea for a chatbot that you’d like to build yourself, but you’re not sure where to start. If so, you’re in luck! In this article……MfUSibFYczw.jpeg
How to Build a Simple Chatbot with Python and NLTK Have you ever found yourself chatting with a customer service bot or a virtual assistant and wondered how it works? Or perhaps you’ve had an idea for a chatbot that you’d like to build yourself, but you’re not sure where to start. If so, you’re in luck! In this article… nlp
Build Simple Chatbot Python NLTK ever found chatting customer service bot virtual assistant wondered work perhaps you’ve idea chatbot you’d like build you’re sure start you’re luck article… nlp
Text Summarization and Keyword Extraction from customer reviews in French (Part 2/ 3)
After we have seen how to use pre-trained model to tackle the summarization task on French reviews discussed on the first part of the series, we are going to dive deeper into extract only key information from each review. In this task of key word extraction, we are to perform: ……COmAlGnrE0Pw.png
Text Summarization and Keyword Extraction from customer reviews in French (Part 2/ 3) After we have seen how to use pre-trained model to tackle the summarization task on French reviews discussed on the first part of the series, we are going to dive deeper into extract only key information from each review. In this task of key word extraction, we are to perform: … nlp
Text Summarization Keyword Extraction customer review French Part 2 3 seen use pretrained model tackle summarization task French review discussed first part series going dive deeper extract key information review task key word extraction perform … nlp
Amazon DevOps Guru
The Guru!! DevOps became one of the fastest methodology which gets followed across the technology sectors. The next-gen DevOps will be powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Amazon DevOps Guru is an AWS service which is offering ML powered DevOps as a service Amazon DevOps Guru Amazon DevOps Guru is a AI……8bwzrc8jvOQ.jpeg
Amazon DevOps Guru The Guru!! DevOps became one of the fastest methodology which gets followed across the technology sectors. The next-gen DevOps will be powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Amazon DevOps Guru is an AWS service which is offering ML powered DevOps as a service Amazon DevOps Guru Amazon DevOps Guru is a AI… cloud-services
Amazon DevOps Guru Guru DevOps became one fastest methodology get followed across technology sector nextgen DevOps powered Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Amazon DevOps Guru AWS service offering ML powered DevOps service Amazon DevOps Guru Amazon DevOps Guru AI… cloudservices
Multicloud Strategy!
What’s Multicloud and why organizations are opting this? A Multicloud strategy is an approach to computing that involves using two or more cloud computing platforms to support a company’s data storage, application deployment, and other IT needs. Benifits: For example, one provider may excel at providing machine learning services, while……9L5xtILZKNLA.png
Multicloud Strategy! What’s Multicloud and why organizations are opting this? A Multicloud strategy is an approach to computing that involves using two or more cloud computing platforms to support a company’s data storage, application deployment, and other IT needs. Benifits: For example, one provider may excel at providing machine learning services, while… cloud-services
Multicloud Strategy What’s Multicloud organization opting Multicloud strategy approach computing involves using two cloud computing platform support company’s data storage application deployment need Benifits example one provider may excel providing machine learning service while… cloudservices
Using Cloudinary Gem with Ruby on Rails
You’re all ready to push your Rails app to Heroku. Everything is good to go. You push… but your pics aren’t there! ? This is because on Heroku you can’t upload or store your images without an external service. You start to feel stuck. You feel like a black cloud……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
Using Cloudinary Gem with Ruby on Rails You’re all ready to push your Rails app to Heroku. Everything is good to go. You push… but your pics aren’t there! ? This is because on Heroku you can’t upload or store your images without an external service. You start to feel stuck. You feel like a black cloud… cloud-services
Using Cloudinary Gem Ruby Rails You’re ready push Rails app Heroku Everything good go push… pic aren’t Heroku can’t upload store image without external service start feel stuck feel like black cloud… cloudservices
Using API Gateway with Lambda to Send a Message to SQS
API Gateways provide a unified entry point across internal API’s. An API sits between backend services and a client requester to transmit requests and are essential for securing microservices. To help understand the concept a little better an API is like a waiter in a restaurant who takes orders from……t8HKmHwID22Q.png
Using API Gateway with Lambda to Send a Message to SQS API Gateways provide a unified entry point across internal API’s. An API sits between backend services and a client requester to transmit requests and are essential for securing microservices. To help understand the concept a little better an API is like a waiter in a restaurant who takes orders from… cloud-services
Using API Gateway Lambda Send Message SQS API Gateways provide unified entry point across internal API’s API sits backend service client requester transmit request essential securing microservices help understand concept little better API like waiter restaurant take order from… cloudservices
Using LiteFS with Bun on
As neither Bun nor LiteFS are recommended for production yet, I’ve decided it was obviously a good idea to deploy “their synergy” on ? “… but why?” … well, this is why! What’s Bun very good at:…pXy7jAtAkeA.jpeg
Using LiteFS with Bun on As neither Bun nor LiteFS are recommended for production yet, I’ve decided it was obviously a good idea to deploy “their synergy” on ? “… but why?” … well, this is why! What’s Bun very good at: cloud-services
Using LiteFS Bun Flyio neither Bun LiteFS recommended production yet I’ve decided obviously good idea deploy “their synergy” flyio “… why” … well What’s Bun good cloudservices
What is Azure Sentinel
Introduction Cybersecurity is an ever-growing concern in the modern world, and organizations need all the help they can get to ensure their data remains safe. Azure Sentinel is a cloud-native SIEM solution that integrates with existing solutions from Microsoft, such as Office 365 and Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP). It……RL24ZmoI4pA.jpeg
What is Azure Sentinel Introduction Cybersecurity is an ever-growing concern in the modern world, and organizations need all the help they can get to ensure their data remains safe. Azure Sentinel is a cloud-native SIEM solution that integrates with existing solutions from Microsoft, such as Office 365 and Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP). It… cloud-services
Azure Sentinel Introduction Cybersecurity evergrowing concern modern world organization need help get ensure data remains safe Azure Sentinel cloudnative SIEM solution integrates existing solution Microsoft Office 365 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection ATP It… cloudservices
Why is the service mesh a critical component of the cloud-native environment?
Introduction The cloud-native environment is becoming increasingly complex, with applications running on distributed infrastructures and managed by multiple teams. As a result, there is a growing need for tools that can help manage the complexity and ensure that applications are reliable and secure. The service mesh is one such tool that……PoWiqpU917Fg.png
Why is the service mesh a critical component of the cloud-native environment? Introduction The cloud-native environment is becoming increasingly complex, with applications running on distributed infrastructures and managed by multiple teams. As a result, there is a growing need for tools that can help manage the complexity and ensure that applications are reliable and secure. The service mesh is one such tool that… cloud-services
service mesh critical component cloudnative environment Introduction cloudnative environment becoming increasingly complex application running distributed infrastructure managed multiple team result growing need tool help manage complexity ensure application reliable secure service mesh one tool that… cloudservices
Eight Critical Success Factors for Cloud Migration
Migrating to cloud requires substantial time and commitment. Businesses with a long history in on-premises data centers and with substantial regulatory and compliance requirements need to act boldly and decisively to achieve meaningful outcomes. Cloud service providers (CSPs) offer documentation, adoption frameworks and resources to assist in this journey, along……wkxX1pUNsA6A.png
Eight Critical Success Factors for Cloud Migration Migrating to cloud requires substantial time and commitment. Businesses with a long history in on-premises data centers and with substantial regulatory and compliance requirements need to act boldly and decisively to achieve meaningful outcomes. Cloud service providers (CSPs) offer documentation, adoption frameworks and resources to assist in this journey, along… cloud-services
Eight Critical Success Factors Cloud Migration Migrating cloud requires substantial time commitment Businesses long history onpremises data center substantial regulatory compliance requirement need act boldly decisively achieve meaningful outcome Cloud service provider CSPs offer documentation adoption framework resource assist journey along… cloudservices
Cloud Computing ☁️☁️
If you’re seeking to expand your knowledge of cloud computing and gain a deeper understanding of how it functions, then this series is tailored for you. In our first installment, we aim to answer the question, “What is cloud computing and how does it work?” Our overview will provide you…️-️-a4c3baeefc01?source=topics_v2---------8-84--------------------2622451a_898a_4e78_b698_e1e9946b9ddf-------17…TuESWrTY207g.png
Cloud Computing ☁️☁️ If you’re seeking to expand your knowledge of cloud computing and gain a deeper understanding of how it functions, then this series is tailored for you. In our first installment, we aim to answer the question, “What is cloud computing and how does it work?” Our overview will provide you… cloud-services
Cloud Computing ☁️☁️ you’re seeking expand knowledge cloud computing gain deeper understanding function series tailored first installment aim answer question “What cloud computing work” overview provide you… cloudservices
ZenDesk vs. Salesforce Service Cloud: A Comparison by Vantage Point Consulting
When delivering exceptional customer service, choosing the right platform is crucial. Two of the most popular options are ZenDesk and Salesforce Service Cloud. Here, we will compare the two platforms and explain what customers can expect when transitioning. ……PoWiqpU917Fg.png
ZenDesk vs. Salesforce Service Cloud: A Comparison by Vantage Point Consulting When delivering exceptional customer service, choosing the right platform is crucial. Two of the most popular options are ZenDesk and Salesforce Service Cloud. Here, we will compare the two platforms and explain what customers can expect when transitioning. … cloud-services
ZenDesk v Salesforce Service Cloud Comparison Vantage Point Consulting delivering exceptional customer service choosing right platform crucial Two popular option ZenDesk Salesforce Service Cloud compare two platform explain customer expect transitioning … cloudservices
✌?Differences Between React Native and Flutter
As mobile application development continues to grow, developers are always in search of the best cross-platform mobile app development technologies. React Native and Flutter are both popular frameworks for cross-platform app development. ……mYWv1k61doA.jpeg
✌?Differences Between React Native and Flutter As mobile application development continues to grow, developers are always in search of the best cross-platform mobile app development technologies. React Native and Flutter are both popular frameworks for cross-platform app development. … flutter
✌Differences React Native Flutter mobile application development continues grow developer always search best crossplatform mobile app development technology React Native Flutter popular framework crossplatform app development … flutter
The Benefits Of Flutter For App Development
Hi everyone, I’m Doni, and this is my first post on Medium. Why did I choose “The Benefits Of Flutter For App Development” as my title? Thus, my friends, I’ll be posting about Flutter more frequently in the future. I had been considering building my own website before I decided……NyaeBg5yD1pw.png
The Benefits Of Flutter For App Development Hi everyone, I’m Doni, and this is my first post on Medium. Why did I choose “The Benefits Of Flutter For App Development” as my title? Thus, my friends, I’ll be posting about Flutter more frequently in the future. I had been considering building my own website before I decided… flutter
Benefits Flutter App Development Hi everyone I’m Doni first post Medium choose “The Benefits Flutter App Development” title Thus friend I’ll posting Flutter frequently future considering building website decided… flutter
Flutter Testing Overview
As a mobile app developer, you’ve likely heard of unit testing and widget testing. They’re two of the most popular testing methodologies in the world of software development, and for good reason. ……7FOTfm6jq0PQ.png
Flutter Testing Overview As a mobile app developer, you’ve likely heard of unit testing and widget testing. They’re two of the most popular testing methodologies in the world of software development, and for good reason. … flutter
Flutter Testing Overview mobile app developer you’ve likely heard unit testing widget testing They’re two popular testing methodology world software development good reason … flutter
Stream Builder in Flutter
How to use StreamBuilder in Flutter? Flutter is a popular open-source mobile app development framework that allows developers to build high-performance, cross-platform applications with ease. One of the key features of Flutter is the StreamBuilder widget, which makes it easy to work with streams of data in your Flutter application. ……8SmBm5KTmM3Q.png
Stream Builder in Flutter How to use StreamBuilder in Flutter? Flutter is a popular open-source mobile app development framework that allows developers to build high-performance, cross-platform applications with ease. One of the key features of Flutter is the StreamBuilder widget, which makes it easy to work with streams of data in your Flutter application. … flutter
Stream Builder Flutter use StreamBuilder Flutter Flutter popular opensource mobile app development framework allows developer build highperformance crossplatform application ease One key feature Flutter StreamBuilder widget make easy work stream data Flutter application … flutter
Sealed Classes in Flutter with BLoC
Hey folks, I hope you’re having a good day and if not, I am sure that you’re gonna make it a good one and smash it?. In this blog, you’re gonna see what are sealed classes and how you can use it with BLoC. But before diving into the definition……88Cr9q22mmsQ.png
Sealed Classes in Flutter with BLoC Hey folks, I hope you’re having a good day and if not, I am sure that you’re gonna make it a good one and smash it?. In this blog, you’re gonna see what are sealed classes and how you can use it with BLoC. But before diving into the definition… flutter
Sealed Classes Flutter BLoC Hey folk hope you’re good day sure you’re gonna make good one smash blog you’re gonna see sealed class use BLoC diving definition… flutter