[{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I wake in the night, usually about 2-3 hours after going to sleep, with both feet and legs to mid calf feeling like they are on fire. slight red discolorization, minor swelling. This is very painful but after getting up, I can walk it off in about 30 minutes.\n[|AI|] Dear patient Here are the possibilities of what you might have.1)PhlebitisPhlebitis means inflammation of the veins, and can cause redness, itching, irritation, pain, and swelling. A simple Doppler can rule this out.2Blood clot in the lifeblood clots in the leg can become very dangerous, symptoms include swelling, redness, tenderness in the leg. Coagulation profile with an angiography may be required3)Cellulitis: Initial stage. Only can be clinically ruled out Hope this helped\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Honorable Sir,I am Ripon Dev from Bangladesh.My brother Prodip is a patient of kidney.Now we want to take treatment from you.For your kind information I am sending all medical documents of my brother.So requesting you to inform me what I have to do to take treatment from you.And also inform me about probable cost.Ripon DevDhakaBangladesh\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Please add detailed information on the kidney condition of your brother. Early diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause and\/or the institution of secondary preventive measures are important in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). These steps may delay, or possibly halt, progression of the disease. Early referral to a nephrologist is of extreme importance, and I am sure you will find a doctor in your city. The medical care of patients with CKD should focus on the following:Delaying or halting the progression of Creating the pathologic manifestations of Timely planning for long-term renal replacement therapy can discuss in detail after seeing the blood and ultrasound scan reports of your brother.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Ive had a cold which started on Christmas eve but appeared to be getting better over the following week. However I now have what I think may be sinusitis - pain in the head, yellow mucus from the nose and stuffiness-squeaking from the sinuses. Will this go away on its own or should I see my GP?\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor! Yes, from what you have described, it appears that you are having Sinusitis. However, you need to be examined to diagnose it finally. So I'd recommend you to visit your GP and get yourself examined. In case the diagnosis is confirmed, you'll require a dose of Antibiotics to ward off the infection. Also, your GP will advise you certain precautions which need to be followed. Hope this information helps. Feel free to ask if you have any doubt. Wishing you a speedy recovery. With warm regards,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had cervical laminectomy surgery for spinal stenosis in Aug 2010. Since then I have a real tight neck that wants to keep dropping , neck pain , light headedness, back pain, occasional loss of balance and trouble walking and climbing steps. I recently lost my job because of these issues. My Neurologist thinks it is all coming from the neck tightness. My Neuro Surgeon disagrees and sent me to Physical Therapy and a Pain Management Doctor. They both agree with my Neurologist. The Pain Management Specialist told me that there is nothing that can be done. He told me 1 out of 10 or 1 out of every 12 with this surgery end up like me. In the past 3 months I started experiencing tremors in my right hand, right arm, shoulder, neck & head. Aggressive at times. I have tremors pretty much daily now. My Neurologist retired but wanted me to get a second opinion because I am progressing. I have not yet had a second opinion away from the same Medical Practice. I was about to when my Neuro Surgeon called and wanted me to get a Neck MRI. She referred me to another Neurosurgeon she works with to have more surgery. I saw the new Neurosurgeon. He explained he wants to take the hardware from my previous surgery out of the back of my neck and put it in the front to hold my head up. I was told it would not relieve the pain or any other symptoms I am having. I was also sent to another Neurologist in the same practice. She has no idea what is going on. Parkisons was ruled out. Both Neurosurgeons think there is something else going on and it s not coming from my neck. I can feel everything coming from my neck. I have had since May 2 neck MRI s & 4 Botox Injections, in the last 30 days an EEG, Brain MRI & CT Scan. All are normal except CT scan. It was to check healing for removing metal in my neck. I have an appointment to talk about that in a few weeks. Do you think there could actually be 2 different problems? My neck is really tight and like I said before I feel everything but my hand and arm tremors coming from my neck. I am really confused.\n[|AI|] Thanks for writing to us. You have complex story with multiple issues and not pointing to a particular one problem. Tremors can happen in severe cervical spine stenosis due to weakness in extremities. Do you have significant weakness in hands? Neck Chat Doctor. Difficult to tell you the exact answer however if neurologist ruled out other brain related disorder then you may consider doing anterior cervical surgery. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, At the end of lacrosse practice about a week ago i recieved a nasty cross check to my deltoid. The check hit wierd, as it went under my pad. The pain came in right away, couldnt move my arm for the rest of the night. I was surprised to see that that there was a very small bruise , but my whole shoulder hurts to the point where i cannot do simple tasks such as passing the ball. I can slowly move my arm fine, but when i speed things up it stings all over. I have bern icing it every day. I have been on advil only to help with the pain, but is there anything else i can do? Do you know what could be wrong? Any methods of treating it faster? I need to get back on the field asap before try outs are over.\n[|AI|] Dear List, I believe you may have suffered a muscle strain, maybe even a partial tear. What the muscle and shoulder desperately needs now is absolute rest in some sort of \"sling\"! But, it seems you really want to \"hit the road\" again; which is rather unfortunate. May I suggest you give your body time to heal. There can be another try out. You may also wish to consider the advice of an Orthopedic Surgeon or Clinical Physiotherapist. Best regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Doctor, I have pain in my right shoulder and below neck. I am having sugar level between 140 to 180 and my age is 35. I am taking Amryl m1 and Nurokind plus after checking with doctors. So please suggest is there any other medicine I should take along with this or not. Also I am doing some exercise as suggested by the Doctor. Thanks and Regards\/Amiya.\n[|AI|] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor After going through your query I concluded that you are having frozen shoulder. For which you have been prescribed some medicine and exercises. I think your Doctor prescription is Okay. You can continue with same prescription protocol. I hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then please don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to answer your query. Wishing you a good health. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Doctor, I am a patient of Psoriasis from Last 10 years , It has began from head and then spots on the body...the same was cured 5 years back but now the spots had started again appearing on my body, nails and hair. Is this disease is permanently curable....\n[|AI|] Hello, I very well understand your concern for psoriasis. Psoriasis is quite long-running problem and with proper treatment remains in control. It is not at all life endangering condition and is due to simple fast proliferation of skin within 4-5 days. For the treatment and control of this condition Methotrexate is the main of the treatment. It should be taken only under dermatological supervision with proper blood tests as it has its own blood and liver related side effects. I suggest you to take dermatological advice and take proper treatment accordingly. All the best.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello,I have a friend that just expressed a concern for her health. She said she is experiencing pain under her ribcage on the left side shooting through to her back, her vision is blurry and she is extremely fatigued and had noticed sensitivity in her lower left leg accompanied by slight swelling. She is concerned because cancer runs in her family. Any ideas what may be causing this and what we can do while attempting to find her a doctor in this area?\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should not worry much about her. As I don't think it is cancer. But better to get done some investigation s to rule out other causes. First get done ECG to rule out cardiac cause for left sided chest pain. If this is normal than get done chest x-ray to rule out pulmonary causes for chest pain. If this is also normal than no need to worry much. It is just musculoskeletal pain only. So avoid heavy weight lifting and strenuous exercise. Take good painkiller and muscle relaxant. You will be alright. No need to take stress and tension for cancer.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had a child April 11. , 2012. 4weeks after I had a Depo shot (first time ever) and bled for 5months straight. I did not continue on with the shots after the first injection. In addition, within 6weeks after havin my child, I had two kidney stones in my left kidney. They were surgically removed. As of January 2013, I now have three stones back again. Two in my right and one in my left. I have heard many stories that the Depo shot may cause kidney stones. Is it possible that this one Depo shot has caused my kidney stone appearances?\n[|AI|] Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about these recurrent stones in your kidneys. Depo shot can cause kidney stones in people who have the tendency to form kidney stones. It does not happen to everybody. Because your occurred during your shot, it has enhanced an already existing predisposing factor to make these stone formed. Also, demo effects should have been long over after you stopped using it. Still having stones means we need to explore further. Factors like not Chat Doctor. I will like you to meet with your doctor who should look for the predisposing factor(s) and ad\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Doc my current husband is thal minor and we are planning for a baby. My blood group is O+. I have a 6 year old son, with my first husband. My query to you is what are the problems that am going to face in pregnancy and will our baby have thal?Please help?\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Thalassaemia is caused by inheriting the thalassemia genetic disorder from only one parent. People with thalassemia minor are carriers of the disease, but do not usually have health problems. If both partners have thalassemia minor, they then there is a 25% (1 in 4) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with thalassemia major. Please make sure that you are not a thalassemia minor, and you can confirm the thalassemia status of your unborn child by doing a simple test during the pregnancy. At the moment it is important for you to get tested for possible thalassemia trait and then discuss with your doctor. Please do not worry.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had a hard tumor like on my gums for a very long time. It grows big and pus comes out, now I notice my throat area is all red, and it gets quite large I n my upper right gum, pus leaks constantly. I am very concerned as now I am seeing changes I n the back of throat that does not look normal.Also my white blood count is very low, as well as Neutrophils is very low? 10 years now, never worried until I ve seen changes I n back of throat, coughing, coughing up mucus constantly.I did not realize I had to pay, should ve known.\n[|AI|] Hello, I read your problem, as you gave the detail it seems that this is because low white blood cells count, because in case of low white blood cells count immunity gets lower, and the body is more prone to infections and in the oral mucous membrane become necroses and gums and supporting structures destroy very rapidly. So I will suggest you please go to your physician as soon as possible and go for complete check up including complete blood count., and please take a proper treatment. After the treatment of this problem, visit to your dentist and take a proper dental treatment accordingly including scaling. Nothing to get worried, you will recover very soon. Take care Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 57 tall, 214 pound, 39 yr old women, my BP is normal, recently Ive been getting dizzy when I look up, when I bend down to tie my shoes, and when I put my head on the pillow to go to sleep and when I get up in the morning. Its really bad when I am in bed because I feel thowing up, and even thow I close my eye I still feel the dizzyness\n[|AI|] Dear user, Thank you for your question, there are two possibilities here that from your description I cant decide which one to talk about but I will tell you about both, either vertigo and here you feel the world spins around you and this could be due to middle ear problems. Or orthostatic hypotension meaning you feel dizzy when your blood pressure suddenly changes due to abrupt movements like getting up from bed. Nevertheless if this persists refer to your doctor. Hope this was informative enough please rate as 5 if you think so. Best regards,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi Doctor, i have a questions to ask. i have a lump on the left side of my labia minora lower side. it hurts when i touch and wipe when i pee. it started last week with small and i thought it is pimple so i think it will go away soon. but it is bigger than last week and i am so worried. can you help what is this?\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some benign cyst. It's common to have benign cyst. You may have some soft tissue tumor. You need examination for exact site, size and nature of lesion. It will help to reach the correct diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Have lower back pain and upper abdominal ache urine has turned dark yellow have been taken a laxative for the last couple of days and some hydrocodone for arteitis all meds by script except m magnesia over counter concerned that pain was really bad 2nights ago has gone down a little but still uncomfortable especially upper right side\n[|AI|] Hello I have studied your case, You are having gastric upset I will advise starting antacids [proton pump inhibitors like] omeprazole 20 mg twice a day. Sucralfate will protect gastric mucosa and will give protective covering. If not relieved you may need to do USG abdomen. Pain may also from renal or policy pain. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My 2 month old girl passes wind that smells... Last night she was hysterical with pain and very rigid for 40 mins... she is very placid normally.. I called the doctor and they said it could be twisted gut..what does this mean...i could not pacify her..very frightening\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to the ChatDoctorFirst of all I would like to know does pain increase in the evening time, does she become so much cranky in the night. If yes then it could be because of wind (gas)in the stomach. You may first get ultrasound abdomen done to rule out twisted gut (which seems less likely) or any other cause of pain.Otherwise, it is take at least 6 months to get her intestine mature and without gas. You may also give her Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My daughter had a nervous breakdown recently,. she was under a lot of stress, has had depression in the past, and added to this was a lot of anxiety. she is on several potent drugs. I feel she is over medicated. she has gained 50 lbs, since being on the drugs. Is it necessary for her to be on prozac, seroquel, ativan, neurontin (which she is weaning herself from) and a couple of others? why would she need to be on so many of these mind altering meds? this episode took place in Aug. with 2 additional episodes after August. she s also in group tx. and one on one tx.\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. She needs to have council ling, and she should have love and affection, as others get. She should be included in your family issues as far as possible. Furthermore, she must have an occupation, like cooking, and household works with some guidance. With these guidelines, she can vein off the Chat Doctor. No psychological patient can improve health without the surrounding peoples help. Let her practice yoga, meditation, reading books, and hearing music, to have weight reduction and diversion from her imaginary surroundings. Give her more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods to improve her general health. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dear doctor, am a 37 year old single working parent of two daughters of 9 and 5 years age. hail from a very dysfunctional family of abusive mother and non existent father, brothers who have been dependent on me for years. amde one of them study and got him a job etc. when my marriage failed i stayed with them for 6 months and soon realised have no future here, moved to pune with my daughters and by gods grace was able to carve a fresh life and job etc for me n daughters...have requested my parents to stay with me as working and looking after daughters is not easy...now my problem is that i cant stand my family...they steal from me especially my mother, totally they depend on me for everything, instead of helping me out, they are becoming a liablity on me...my mother is chronically deprrssed i think coz sh eis hooked oto TV serials big time and she laughs and cries with them..eats n sleeps there infront of TV. if i let them go..i find it difficult to manage things physically, if they are there, i find it very hard to manage things physically. this march on a family holiday, my bro and father beat me up infront of my kids coz they were rude to me and my kids and i wanted to go home..and my bro is also gng through rough marriage coz of his lying cheating ways..and all that frustrations he took it out on me..and am not able to forgive and forget and i dont want to also...that beating publically by the same people i loved and supported fo ryears has taken a big emotional toll on me..and only coz of my daughters am pulling through somehow,,,but finding it very hard day by day to keep my spirits up and its eating me from inside that my own mother and brother can steal from me and do these things for me...when am already dealing wih so much in personal and professional life...want to totally cut them off but coz of kids cant do that as well...pls help to become the strong person that i was. I find myself absolutely alone as have moved cities post separation with very abusive\/alcoholoic\/ controlling\/cheating hubby.. :( Mona.\n[|AI|] Hello...... Thanks for your query. I can understand your emotional turmoil. As you described you indeed belong to a very dysfunctional family setting. You require meeting a psychological counselor for venting out your thoughts in person. Following this interpersonal or family therapy can be attempted to modify your family roles and improve interpersonal relations. In addition, you require a thorough psychiatric evaluation and may need to be started on anti-depressants and psychotherapy (e.g. cognitive behavioral therapy) as appropriate. Hope you found the information useful. Regards Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, my boyfriend is having severe pains in the groin area. it alleviates when he walks. there is no swelling or redness. He does not have any fever. It is mainly in the right side but he says it originates in the lower groin area and irradiates upward, staying in the right quadrant. i can see a possible hernia , appendicitis or possible stones. Would you have a better idea?\n[|AI|] Hi friendWelcome to Chat Doctor Hernia can be seen or felt. Better on walking means less likelihood of Nerve or Muscle pain Absence of swelling and redness IA against local inflammation. Appendix pain starts in mid-line ad then localizes to right lower qua Chat Doctor. Stone is most likely but urinary symptoms will be there sooner or later. A number of possibilities...! Repeated examination \/ may be tests \/ and time will tell. Take tarnishing speedy recovery God bless Good luck\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My daughter is nine months old. she is going through teething problem, and tries to keep her fingers in her mouth very frequently. today i gave her stool sample to examinate. it shows 6-8pus cells per hpf in aggregated. i m worried. what medicines do u suggest. is my baby suffers from stomach pain also if she has pus cell. what should i feed her now. ifeed her with cerelac twice and boiled rice with veg and pulses water . and nan pro2. plz suggest.\n[|AI|] Hi dear welcome to the Chat Doctor, Hand to mouth hygiene to be strictly followed. Increase the intake of semisolid like DAL, rice, curd, oatmeal or anything semisolid. It should be frequent. These 6-8 Pus cells are not much significant. If there are some symptoms of stomach upset like bloating frequency, foul smelling stool. Frothy, mucoid greenish etc. then go for the stool culture sensitivity. Stool culture will guide us about the cause of infection and also the Chat Doctor. Thanks\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dear sir,Recently my Father-in-law(FIL) saw the Heart doc for ByPass related surgery. Doctor suggested to go for \"Ultra Sound Abdomen\" and \"Dopler study of renal arteries\" first as my FIL has very high BP(200\/100). \"Ultra Sound Abdomen\" report says \"Inter Polar cyst measuring 12 MM noted in the right kidney\" and \"Prostatomegaly\". I am worried, what does it mean? Your guidance is highly appreciated.Thanks In Advance\n[|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Cyst in the kidney and high blood pressure is suggestive of the damage caused by the high blood pressure. High blood pressure in the kidney can cause damage on the renal calyxes and can cause cyst. It requires surgical correction. Further management of the blood pressure can also prevent further damage to the kidney. Prostatomegaly means enlarged prostate. Enlarged prostate usually occurs with being prostatic hypertrophy. This needs to be confirmed with the PSA level in the blood. It will be higher on the carcinoma of the prostate. If its carcinoma it needs to be managed as per the malignancy. I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have PCOD and to induce my periods the doc advised me to take Deviry for 10 days...today was the ninth day and i missed taking my Deviry tablet on the 8th day. I had unprotected sex for like 15 seconds and then we switched back to a condom. There was no ejaculation inside me. I also took the Deviry tablet today. Should I take an emergency contraceptive pill too?\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Not needed as of now. With a 5-min unprotected sex, It's very unlikely that you become pregnant even without ejaculation. You need not take emergency pills and as the periods are due you can just wait. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have been on birth control pill for about 3months and last week when I was supposed to take placebo pills but instead I skipped them and started a new sheet. Now my period has been late by about 4days and Im starting to freak out if im pregnant or I just skipped a period. I have no spitting or bleeding whatsoever. Do I have a high chance of being pregnant?\n[|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. You are on contraceptive pills for last 3 months. This month also you had taken the pills without any break... only thing is instead of taking the bland pills. your straight way started with active pills of new packs.... The placebo pills are meant for getting breakthrough bleeding (which we call menses). Between two packs. But by taking new pack again you have extended the hormonal effect for one more cycle. That's why you have skipped one menstruation. Please don't worry, if you continue with the new pack regularly, your contraceptive protection would continue. And you will get bleeding next month while you take placebo pills for 7 days. - In case you have some doubts, you can stop taking the pills now, wait for 8 days without any pills. You would get bleeding in these days. Now, you have to throw the pack you were taking & start with a new pack on 5th day again. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i am 42 male, my tricelerides was 380 brought down to 220 - Dr suggested Nebi 5 for BP & TGoal, my BP is mainly due to stress, my BP has come down now & after three months of mediciation have stopped the BP tablet - is it ok - or do i have to continue taking BP tablet for life long - Pls advsie\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You should not stop the tablets for blood pressure without consulting the doctor. Even though your blood pressure came back to normal you should continue antihypertensive medicine in appropriate dose life long. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have SEVER muscle pain in lower back the muscle spasms or freezes for a few seconds every step or to. I have had sciatica for the past 32 yrs I have been off work for 13 mths just went back wed 12hr nights in health care, very strenuous job and the pain is unexplainable. I took 2 Tylenol 3 just before going in then about 2 hrs later a robaxin 750mg and nothing. I held in there for 4 hrs I dont know how, got replaced and left. To sit down after the first 3 hrs was so hard to do, it made it easier to walk out to the car. I need something better than this, I have to be able to perform my duties pain free. I have taken medication my whole life due to migraines, have been on every medication, therefore most medications I take are not low dosages, then I become afraid to take them because I dont want to become addicted to anything. I only take pills when l am in severe pain, maybe thats the problem. I need to know what medication I can try what l can do before my next shift in a few days. Thank you\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor The Sciatica is a result of the nerve compression between the vertebra which causes the symptoms. The symptoms do not resolve until the subsidence of the inflammation and release of compression on the nerve fibers. The treatment option available are neurotransmitter block agents like Gabapentin along with painkillers and vitamin B complex. Appropriate lying position like on hard surface and physiotherapy. Consult Neurologist for better opinion. ThanksRegards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, me and my girlfriend were foolin around and I ended up ejaculating on her chest. Some semen ran down but she doesnt think she got any in her vagina. She then took a shower and got it all off. Is is possible that the water pushed the sperm into the vagina and got her pregnant? We are both virgins too\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for sharing your health concern with us. I have gone through your query and would like to offer my opinion. In the manner of sexual encounter you have described, there is no chance of any semen entering the vagina and thus, there is no chance of any pregnancy. Semen or pre-ejaculate, if deposited on the vulval region during the fertile or ovulation phase, which is two weeks prior to the onset of the next period, can cause conception. This is when protection is needed to avoid pregnancy. Hope your query has been clarified. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My aunt who is in her 80 s is in ER now with severe pain in lower left quad--food seems to bring pain on, worse when up. Has done EGD, Colonoscopy, abd US, Cardiac stress test, liver function test, and bloodwork has all been normal (haven t got results of today s bloodwork yet). Had gallbladder removed several yrs ago, checked today to see if there were stones in Common Bile Duct--none. Help please\n[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. It is worrisome to know that all the tests you mentioned have been normal viz- EGD, Colonoscopy, ABD US, Cardiac stress test, liver function test, and blood work has all been normal-blood work once normal has not much important if done again. The pain is persistent in a lady of 80 years in spite of the negative tests. When the increasing factors are food and standing up, the most probable causes can be ::Intestinal obstruction- this can be missed by many tests. Needs to be done by a simple X-ray in the standing position-shows gas \/ fluid levels. This is possible only if done in a standing position. CT scan can not be done in standing position- it is always done in lying down position so can miss. Another problem can be a sealed perforation- again very difficult to find on any tests. This need a classical clinical test of rebound tenderness to be elicited by the Surgeon. So take a second opinion of a Surgeon dealing in Gastroenterology and the cause may be found and well treated.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi. i had my last period 2 months ago. all urine home tests say negative. i have now been having stomach cramps over last few days and bad lower back pain. im 44 years old and i have had a blood test for menopause whicChatDoctore back normal. my doctor says it is not menopause. could i be pregnant? my son who is 19 years never should up on home tests\n[|AI|] Hallow Dear, If you have been certified by your Gynecologist after investigations that you are not having any menopausal changes as yet, you have to rule out the possibility of pregnancy first. Get your urine tested for Pregnancy. If you are not pregnant, you my take Tab. Devilry for 5 days and within 4-7 days after that you will get the menses. If you are pregnant, it can be easily terminated by medicines up to 9 weeks of gestation. These medicines have to be purchased by Obstetricians prescription. Tab. Mifepristone and Tab. Bisoprolol are very effective medicines which can terminate the pregnancy. Hope this helps you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, ive been eating blackboard chalks for the past eight months now and i doubt if its going to cause any serious issues regarding my kidneys n stuff. Im already seeing that by eating chalk, my teeth are slowly grinding. Whatls wrong with me n how do i get rid of eating chalk. Im 30, skinny my bust is almost vanished, tubal ligated mother of 3 kids :( kindly help. thanks\n[|AI|] Hi, Eating chalk for past 8 months is an odd eating behavior that needs both physical and psychological evaluation. Many causes like iron deficiency anemia, malnutrition, obsessive compulsive disorder etc. has to be ruled out that may be the cause of this behavior. Toxicity of substances contained in chalk has to be ruled out. It is advisable to visit your doctor at the earliest. Hope this helps, Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I got my period last week and after my period I engaged in sexual intercourse. We did use a condom but it slipped off, so I took two of the plan B pills. One week later, I started to have vaginal bleeding . This lasted for about 3 days and stopped today. But today I ve been feeling chest and stomach pains. The chest pains seem to be whats called, Heart Burn and I m wondering if this is supposed to happen? Thank you\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor, Plan B pill are emergency contraceptive pills. It is normal to have vaginal bleeding after taking the pills. Many women also experience some side effect such as stomach pain, but this is subsided in a couple of days. Avoid spicy food and take tab omeprazole 20 mg before breakfast once daily for 7 days. This will reduce the stomach pain. Your menstrual cycle will become regular in 2 to 3 months. Hope that answers your question. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I fell backward landing on both hands and butt. I had serious pain in my right elbow and back that passed after few minutes. Mr right elbow has intense pain depending on how it moves. i don y see any bruise and my hand functions. I have been icing it for 8 hours and i still get intense pain when i move some directions. At wha point do i stop ice and see a doc. I have a high pain threshold, but when it flares i can t use my arm\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. An initial X-ray of the injured part is mandatory to rule out any bony injury (fracture). If the X-ray is negative for a fracture, then the other possibility is soft tissue injury either to the ligaments, tendons etc. The initial management for your condition is as follows -- Give adequate rest to the injured part and avoid any movements that produce pain-Apply ice wrapped in a damp towel to the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes every two to three hours during the day-Compress or bandage the injured area to limit any swelling and movement that could damage it further. You can use a cr\u00eape bandage or a simple elastic bandage - Keep the injured area raised and supported on a pillow to help reduce swelling. - Gentle massage with a painkiller cream over the injured area might be helpful If your symptoms are still persisting after the above measures, consult an orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation and management. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I went to a Kidney doctor recently, had been going to one for about 5 years, but they seem to keep changing on me. This new Dr. said he wanted to lower my B.P. more, and they day I as in to see him it was a bit high 146\/78 but no really that much out of line. He said he would like to see it 140\/70 or less. The next day it was 131\/68, and hadn t taken the prescription he recommended. However did take it a couple of days later, and my feet and ankles swelled and are still swelled, the Med was Amalodapine the dose I was on was .5 and he doubled it. I called him today, and he put me back on my regular dose, but added a new B.P. med called Spironolactone .25 mg. I have been on Lorsartin and Amalodapine for several years and it has been holding my B\/P under control pretty well. Why would he want to be changing it...my thinking is if it s not broken, don t fix it, and my regular health care physician had put me on it. This is a new, young Dr. and it was my understanding that they no longer want your B\/P to get to low, to you don t function well?? What is your opinion on this new med. He told me not to take my over the counter Potassium. Thanks, Betty\n[|AI|] Hello, Amlodipine may cause pedal edema in some individuals. So he reduced the dose. Spironolactone is a potassium sparing diuretic. It is used to reduce edema of legs. If renal function is not good means better to avoid losartan. Because it will increase serum creatinine levels. Don't worry continue as per nephrologist advice. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...hi i am 31 years oldi am 12 years completed in my marriage lifei need one answerri have problem in cytomegalo virusnow my test report showing more than 500 u\/ml\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I read your query and I understand your concern. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus that can infect almost anyone. Actually, most people don't know they have CMV because it rarely causes symptoms. However, if you are planing to get pregnant or have a weakened immune system, CMV is cause for concern. Once infected with CMV, your body retains the virus for life. You do not mention any symptom, except the test report results. However, need treatment when they're having symptoms of CMV infection, such as pneumonia. The kind of treatment depends on the symptoms and their severity. If treatment is needed, its most often in the form of antiviral Chat Doctor. Antiviral \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Got sick after 3-4 hours after eating. Abdominal cramps, no diarhea and no vomiting but almost. Since then i have abdominal cramps when I eat ( not after but a few minutes after firs bite). 20 years ago i had something like this and had to take sulfamide to get rid of. Is it a bacteria or food poisoning or both ?\n[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. This type of pain can occur as a reflex. Seen in case of either appendicitis, colonic problem, gastritis or gastric ulcer. You say you have a typical cramp when you eat. I would advise the following:Ultrasonography to rule out appendicitis and other inflammatory diseases. Upper GI Endoscopy for esophagus, stomach and duodenum. It is better to get a proper diagnosis than just a symptomatic treatment. Let this be a directed treatment otherwise these problems become recurrent.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Bilirubin , total=3.00mg\/dl i am 47,male, my blood test results are as follows-- Bilirubin, conjugated=2.12mg\/dl Bilirubin, unconjugated=0.88mg\/dl SGOT =471.2IU\/L SGPT =554.22IU\/L Alkaline phosphatase =384.1iu\/l Dr. advised to take udiliv-300 twice a day for 10 days 7 liv 52-DS. what is the cause of this? I had cosumed 2 drinks after tinidazole treatment( after 48 hrs)\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor. Reports suggest that there is some inflammation of liver (Hepatitis). It is difficult to say what has caused Hepatitis. They are commonly causes due to viruses\/ some medications\/alcohol\/gall stones etc. If you have fever\/vomiting\/abdominal pain - you may need sonography to rule out gallstones\/cholecystitis. I feel your doctor after clinical examination must have felt that no further investigations are necessary at this stage and have advised to take this treatment.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Im about a 32 to 33 day cycle, I was to start my period on 2\/13 now 7 days late...Ive had a dull lower back ace for about 2 weeks now and at night feel a little nauseous, around Jan 25 I went to ER for a kidney stone they have me anitbotics and waited for it to pass also told me I had another in my kidney but nothing yet. Ive takenamy pg test and all negative. Would a Kidney stone or the meds be the reason for my delayed period? Ive also felt very full in my tummy region any help or suggestions would be great\n[|AI|] Hi, There is no relationship between renal calculi and hemorrhagic. Having period delayed up to 15 days is considered normal but other condition (physiological \/pathological)cannot be denied. The symptom you had like LBP ain, nausea, urinary symptoms generally occurs in renal calculus. Generally calculus up to 5\u00a0mm size can come out through urine(as small ureteric did isms)but sometime did of 7\u00a0mm have been found to be expelled with a lot of pain. So is it is less than 5\u00a0mm wait for Lithuania otherwise operative (ESL \/PCNL)should be done. Regarding delayed period wait for 1 more week if still awaited then meet gone clinic. Thanks n regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Lips chapped on the inside as well as outside. Upper lip chapped and white inside. Had\/have thrush and sore dry mouth every morning. Have scaly flaking rash on back of neck behind ear that might be impetigo or a normal skin condition like psoriasis. The lip thing is new, is it just another symptom of something, and my lips have never felt dry and chapped on the inside, mostly my lower lip chaps on outside.\n[|AI|] Hi, you are having colitis and xerostomia. You are having rash on nape of neck and post auricular area. Which may be either allergic or irritant dermatitis, seborrhec dermatitis, localized psoriasis or Tina infection. Difficult to say. Apply moisturizing cream on lip twice a day. Apply steroid with antifungal cream on rash twice a day. Take antihistamines if you get itching. Avoid soap bath. Do alone shampoo to cleanse the scalp. Avoid sun exposure. You consult Chat Doctor. . Ok\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My son is 5 months old. We have started him on solids which he eats absolutely great. My concern is that the days I give him solids he only consumes MAYBE about 16 oz. I assume that the solid foods keep him full longer so when I try to give him a bottle he will not eat-even if he is hungry I have to sort of fight with him a bit to get him to take the bottle. I have stopped the solids for now as I was told the formula was the most important. In a normal day with no solids he drinks 30oz. I m not sure what to do or what is best for him at this point. Please help!!!\n[|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you to wait one more month to continue with the solid food. Usually the digestion system of a child is considered developed enough when the child turns at least 6 months. In the initial months, child can accept only little amount mainly because of the satiation threshold. Nothing to worry about that. You should keep it in mind that, when child Chat Doctor. The thrice a day or four times a day formula will work after some time. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a pea size lump way under the skin on my bikini line. It has been there a few moths now. Often times the swelling in it dies down to virtually nothing, but sometimes (often when Im on my period) it increases is size again. It isnt always painful but sometimes it is.\n[|AI|] Hi! Thanks for writing to us and sharing your health concerns regarding a pea size lump way under the skin on your bikini line. When a person comes to my clinic with such skin nodule first I examine him\/her and then if not confirmed about a possibility, I go for FNAC\/BIOPSY TEST from the nodule! In such cases I think of few possibilities like:1. A reactive lymph node that gets enlarged with reaction to local infection2. A sebaceous cyst getting infected intermittently3. Some benign skin tumor like lipoma, neurofibroma or dermatofibromaTherefore you must see a doctor for a clinical assessment! Hope you got the answer. Please revert to us if any more queries. Wishing you good health!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] am suffering from breathing problem from many years like wheezing not able to breath properly need help please help me am not so rich to pay a high amount n get treated if somebody knows any medicine plz do let me no thank you in advance am vinesh\n[|AI|] Hi, firstly you should be investigated and diagnosis should be made. There may be simple cause and with routine medicine you may be cured. Routine blood checking,x-ray chest mostly will give you clue about your problem. Some time eosinophilic may produce this type of picture, then a course of simple medicine like DI ethyl carbemazine can your problem. Yes if there is some obstruction in respiratory tract, then it may be costly affairs.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello My son is 2 years old and have a allergy problem and doctor start Myteka sachet for one month pls tell me its right because last week he have a infection and dr start Cyclor bt after one week again he have infection and dr started injection for treatment pls reply\n[|AI|] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. From your history, I guess that your son has got frequent respiratory complaints, most probably due to allergy. Myteka contains montelukast, and it does not have major side effects even after using for a few months in child Chat Doctor. Rarely, a child may have nausea, vomiting, headache, etc., but they are not seen in most of the patients. I would like to inform you that infections are different from allergies. So if your son is having recurrent allergies, please do not worry. There are good controlled medications for allergic respiratory symptoms. However, if he is having recurrent infections, I would suggest you to consult a pediatrician who may suggest some tests for immunodeficiency. It's an entirely different group of diseases, fortunately far less common than allergic disorders. Hope this will help you. Wish your son fast recovery & best health. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My husband is 44 year old and is lightheaded when he layed down for bed. He said is heart seems to be skipping beats and his breath feels different. He will not let me call 911 nor will he go to the ER. He did agree to see a doctor on Tuesday morning before work. How concerned should I be? He said the symptoms is gone now. Heart problems run high in both sides of his family.\n[|AI|] Hereafter going through the medical details provided by you, I would like to tell you that as of now there is nothing emergency or serious thing to worry about. Probably he had experienced few ectopic. Cut down his coffee intake or any other Chat Doctor. Smoking should be completely stopped if he smokes.However, as there is a strong family history of heart disease then it's highly advisable for him to go for a basic cardiac check up which should include an ECG, ECHO and a TMT. Kind Regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I am 32year male, software by profession working on computers for almost 15hrs a day. I have been having back pain since last 5 months. I weigh 72kg and measure 170cm in height. Otherwise i have been healthy. I was wondering what might be the cause for the pain? Please suggest me methods of reducing the pain.. I sincerely thank you all..\n[|AI|] Working at a computer can cause back, neck and shoulder pains, headache, eyestrain and overuse injuries of the upper limbs. The risks can be reduced or eliminated with proper workstation design, improved posture, good working habits and REGULAR EXERCISE. Suggestions to reduce the risk of back pain:Use an adjustable desk designed for use witChatDoctorputers; position the monitor so that it is either at eye level or slightly lower. Position your keyboard at a height that allows your elbows to rest comfortably at your side. Forearms should be roughly parallel with the floor and level with your keyboard. Adjust your chair so that your feet rest flat on the floor. Use a footstool (if your feet do not rest on the floor when the chair is adjusted for good arm position). Switch to an ergonomic chair, which helps your spine to naturally hold its curve while sitting. Use an ergonomic keyboard to offer your hands and wrists a more natural holding position. Take frequent short breaks and go for a walk or perform STRETCHING EXERCISES at your desk. Stand often. Consulting a physical therapist (physiotherapist) for stretching exercises proper postural position than can surely help. Also get an X-ray of the painful region in the back to rule out any bony abnormality. Usually in computer users it should be X-ray cervical and Dorso-lumbar region with both AP & lateral views)\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had swollen feet, legs and ankles for about 4 weeks now and it doesn t seem to ever go down. I have been to my doctor and he has given me lasix but it doesn t seem to help. At night my legs and feet ache. Can you tell me what might be going on? Thanks\n[|AI|] Hello, As you mentioned the lasix being prescribed to you, are you diabetic or having any cardiac pathology like high blood pressure. Usually swelling in the lower limbs - leg, ankle and feet occur due to lack of venous return. Having an understanding of the cardiac pathology and any venous return issues in the lower limbs should let us help understand the cause for it. Also, doing regular exercise in low intensity helps improve the muscle physiology and also the cardiac output where these symptoms can be avoided. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Im 17 and I have been feeling very weak lately, I thought it might have been because I have been having trouble sleeping and very busy. Because of these things, I thought they have been making me feel achy, dizzy, weak, and very moody. I also recently started craving blood. I had never thought about being anemic until someone asked if I was. I looked up the symptoms and was not sure how to know if anemia could be whats causing this, or if it is just a phase.\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Weakness, tiredness, pallor are the symptoms of anemia. You should go for complete blood count. If your hemoglobin is low then you should further investigate about cause. If your hemoglobin is normal then no need to worry. Consult your doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, my boyfriend works out of town so when he was back i wanted to skip my period. on the wednesday i was suposed to start taking the placebo pills on my birthcontrol but i took a new batch instead. i had started bleeding a tiny bit before i actually took the pill but i thought it might stop it anyway. it put it off for a few days but started spotting again on that saturday. he left that sunday and is gone for 3 weeks.i continued regularly taking my birth control but i spotted for about 2 weeks straight and then it kinda stopped. yesterday was the day to take my placebo pills again. i did but i still havent gotten my period but ive felt cramps. is there any chance i could be pregnant?\n[|AI|] Hello, thanks for trusting Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries.I guess your concern is-are u at present pregnant or not???right???actually to pinpoint n say u r not 100% pregnant is difficult CZ u haven't taken pills properly.....but don't worry every problem has a solution...I will try to help u in short way can try out my suggestions:1.have patience,wait for another 3-4days for menses to occur. If menses happen you are not pregnant,2.if menses doesn't happen after 3-4days\/or you're in very much hurry to get rid of tensionfull mind-am i pregnant....u do urinary pregnancy test.this test kit is avail bl at affordable prices in your nearby medical stores...buy it, do it by ourself. If its negative you are not pregnant,,,if positive visit a nearby gynecologist for further help3.if still u in dilemma of pregnancy then a scan(ultrasound of abdomen n pelvis)can be done, in scan its possible to see an embryo\/baby is there or not...but NOT NECESSARY DEAR...RELAX....4.when a husband\/wife are meeting after a long time of gap then it's better to use condoms...whiz d logic behind I will explain.let's say u people meet up once in 15\u00a0days, so max 2 times in a month u do sex\/coitus.to avoid pregnancy for this two times in month meeting you are on medicines for almost 28 days...of course result of medicine-u won't b pregnant but u will b exposed more no of days for side effects of medicines....I hope u understood...so usually Jen husband\/wife meet up occasionally as they live at long distances...we advise condoms. Condom has result(prevents pregnancy)but has no side effects.whereas medicines had result along with side effect.some husband\/guys say we don't feel exact natural sensation, so we can't use it....n some say we used condom, but as we did zhabardhassttt sex condom ruptured!!!!!!!for this also solution is there, its i-pill.available at your medical stores at affordable prices....if you are taking I pill, then lets say u meet your husband\/bf once in 15days.so in a month u take only two I pills.....so not exposed to many side effects...u agree with me madam????I hope this was informative enough, helpful,useful for your query.regards- Chat Doctor. (having regular healthy sex lifestyle Bowen couples is very good and advisable too...but a small presence of mind, u can use condom n can make girl free of medicine side effect n boy from being in psychological tension whether his GF has become pregnant)\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi sir\/madam,This is sunitha an Indian from jimma (a place from Ethiopia,north africa).i got conceived & it is in 6th week. here ethiopian doctors confirmed the pregnancy but they didnt prescribe any tablets like folic acid etc...even though we enquired ,they said that your hemoglobin is normal and it is no need for you.But we are bit scared upon their reply.please kindly suggest me what are the tests (like sugar,thyroid etc..) i should undergo and the tablets to be used for my safe delivery in detail .Note: This is my first conceive and doesnt have any abortions earlier.My age is 25 years with O+ve blood group.Thanks a lot in advance for your concern...With regards,Sunitha. YYYY@YYYY\n[|AI|] Hi Sunita I understand your concern. first I should tell you to be calm .the list of investigations we usually do here for our pregnant patients include blood., complete blood count, HIV,V Chat Doctor. Regarding medication, I usually irascible folic acid 5 mg once a day till 13 weeks I.e. about 3 months, after that iron and calcium once a day till 9 myths, nkw a days it d 3 is also being given once a week for 8 weeks. These are the Stan\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I got kicked in my ribs over the weekend and now whenever I ve been over the front or to the right side where that s where I got kicked is on the right it hurts so bad I can hardly breathe I have to take short breaths in and then I can finally take a big breath and also it hurts severely to cough\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having blunt chest trauma due to kick on the ribs. This type of chest injury can cause rib fractures, pneumothorax, pulmonary contusions and musculoskeletal injury. All these cause chest pain on breathing, coughing, with movements etc. So get done chest x-ray to rule out these causes. If chest x-ray is normal then no need to worry about major complications. Simple musculoskeletal pain is likely in your case. So avoid movements causing pain. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, you will be alright. But get done chest x-ray to rule out internal damage. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a bad cough. My stomach hurts from all the coughing. Now am experiencing electric shocks, when I get long rough cough. Now am afraid to cough and my stomach hurts more please help give me an advice what can I do.Thanks..... Also flame comes with a little bit of blood. Help what can I do\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you are having HERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). As Verdi untreated can produce Chat Doctor. And you are having burning flames which suggest acid reflux. HERD is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Due to this the acid of the stomach tends to come up and cause the symptoms. So better to follow these.1. Avoid hot and spicy food.2. Avoid stress and anxiety. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals.4. Take proton pump inhibitors. 5. Go for walking after meals.6. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed. If not improve in 1 week than get done chest x-ray to rule of pulmonary causes for cough.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am in constant pain around my rib cage on the left side. It all started with herniated disks in my neck, for which I had a cervical diskectomy in 2000 and now a chiropractor has told me that I have a bulging thoracic disk. Do you think my rib cage pain is from my thoracic spine? Is surgery done for bulging and not herniated disks (if theres a difference)? I also have a constantly cramped muscle in my left shoulder, no matter what I do. Could that be contributing to the pain? I take neurontin and baclofen. I used to also take oxycodone and morphine but they made me so sleepy and out of it that I stopped.\n[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Disc herniation is uncommon in thoracic regions, however, it can occur, and your symptoms could well be related to that. Surgery is often reserved for severe disc herniation and is not done for disc bulges. As of now, you can continue the same medications, and physiotherapy. If symptoms persist, then, you can get the MRI of thoracic spine done. Based on that, a definitive plan of treatment can be made. I hope it helps, Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly\/\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 52 years old male have very little penile sensation, poor sustained erection since more than 10 months, have normal sperm count, no history of injury to back or body but have reactive depression due to personal circumstances, BP135\/85 pluse 65\/mnt, earlier have good strong erection, I do regular excercise but no help please guide me AAAAAAA YYYY@YYYY\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you are facing problem of Erectile Dysfunction since last 10 months. This is called as Secondary Erectile Dysfunction and is most likely to be due to your Psychological problem. Please consult qualified Psychiatrist for counselling. Following measure will help you to boost up your confidence and getting good erection. And delay ejaculation.1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1\/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. Do not worry this will get resolved within six months. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a hard knot on the right side of my collar bone, I had an ultra sound this morning even though the doctor said he felt sure it was a lipoma. The technician scared me when she said she was going to ask the radiologist to step in. He said that this is not a lipoma, a swollen gland, a cyst or anything like that. He said I need a CT scan which is a better test for bone. I have to now wait for my doctor to get the report and schedule the test; of course it is Friday and I cant get anyone at my doctors office. I have been worried for 3 weeks about this and now I am even more concerned.\n[|AI|] Hi, Nothing to worry much. As said by your doctor you need to get test done. The chances of Lipoma are more than compared to cancer or cyst as it is not associated with other symptoms like pain or restricted or painful arm movements. I would prescribe ultrasonography examination than CT at this stage and depending on it decision on further examination would be made. Till then, relax and everything will be fine. Worry will only lead to stress and not will lead to any solution. Hope you find this useful. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My 10 year-old daughter has swollen optic nerves. She had clear results for her brain and optics MRI and negative for ANA. Her C-reactive protein test and other blood tests including TSH, HT1, 2, 3 and 4 are normal. The neuro opthalmologists here could not determine the cause. I am afraid that she might lose her vision. She was given oral steroids but her vision has not improved significantly.\n[|AI|] Hi...by what you quote I feel that your daughter is having optic neuritis...considering the age and gender of the kid the most important diagnoses to be ruled out is autoimmune phenomenon which the doctors you are consulting have very well done already. Sometimes it can be idiopathic too...this means for which no cause can be ascertained. But the steroids will definitely help prevent complications. If her vision has not improved significantly, I suggest going ahead with a pulse dose of methylprednisolone and then followed by oral steroids. Sometimes it can take some weeks to recover the eyesight. So we need to wait and watch. I feel that the evaluation and management of the case is going in the right direction. Regards - \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Yes, thank you. I have had a really bad cough for about 8 weeks now. I have been to a doctor 2 times and have had a cough syrup and an antibiotic perscribed. I have taken all the meds and still have this cough that is not going away, I am not a smoker. Any advice would be greatly appreiciated.Thanks,Becky\n[|AI|] There can be various reasons for a chronic cough, which have to be evaluated. Every possibility is assessed with respect to risk factors that may be present for that condition. Although You have not mentioned details such as your age, the nature of cough, type of cough, any factors\/time of day you have more cough, any other medication(for some other condition) you are taking etc. Yet few of the reasons a patient may be having long-lasting cough can be Bronchial asthma-In this the patient has Chat Doctor. Chronic bronchitis can be another cause for chronic cough, although it is more common in smokers of middle age & elderly, still non-smokers may also develop it due to various other risk factors. In This the cough is present for more than 2 years usually and cough is associated with sputum. Some people suffering from Gastroesophageal reflux disease(HERD) can also have chronic cough, but they will report symptoms associated with dyspepsia as well. Certain medicine such an Angiotensin Converting enzyme inhibitors used in patients of Hypertension may cause \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I was just brushing my teeth 10 minutes ago and while I was brushing my tongue I gagged (which is normal for me). After that gag, so white stuff appeared far back in my gums stuck inside a whole\/opening. I pushed it out by pressing beside it. White stinky stuff that felt soft came out. Is this an infection or what\n[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. As there was stinky white stuff from a hole in the gum in the very back region of mouth, then it is most probably due to the hole from which wisdom tooth is about to erupt. Many a time if the wisdom tooth is impacted the hole or opening is formed in the gum, but the tooth does not erupt and there is food lodgment in that area. So my suggestion is to consult a Dentist if there is any problem and get an x-ray of the area done. If the wisdom tooth is impacted and if there is any problem repeatedly like infection and bad smell you can get the tooth extracted. As of now always gargle after meals and do not let food accumulate in that area. Hope this helps. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Q. My 40 years old wife is suffering from recurrent fever for the last 3-4 months. It started with high fever with chills, so he was given anti-malarial drugs and he felt normal. Then again after 15 days he got the fever with chills then he was given antibiotics. Again after 15 days of the treatment, the same thing happened and he was given anti-malarial Flacigo.\n[|AI|] If fever is persistent since 3-4 weeks it might be due to typhoid or some other infection so first I will advise you to go for blood test to rule out the cause. For treatment, you can take some antibiotic preferably moxikind-cv or IFIC after expert advice along with kilos or nimeson-p for high grade fever. You can take some multivitamin like metilda-forte or meganeuron-plus once daily preferably in afternoon. Do cold sponging to reduce the temperature of your body. You have already completed the course of anti-malarial so no need to repeat this again.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am an asthma patient for the last fifty years originated from acute cold for which a tablet was provided to stop cold with asthma to paste on chest At 2 Oclock mid night I wakened up and felt difficulty in breathing but cold had absolutely come down. Then I went to another doctor and he gave me dycristin injection and calcium also. every fortnight i had to do this and then some other medicines were prescribed thus i fell as a regular patient. Now I am eighty three years old before taking this bad tablet I could swim thousan yards to and fro but now I cANNOT WALK A FEW STEPS OR TALK A WHILE , BYTHE TIMEi WHEESE. THANK YOU DOCTOR\n[|AI|] Hi, Asthma is itself an allergic disease due to cold (or dust or pollen or grass etc.) irrespective of the triggering factor. Your asthma actually triggers bronchospasm which leads to your wheezing and breathing difficulty. You can go for pulmonary function tests if not done. Treatment is mainly symptomatic which might require inhalation steroids, beta agonists, anticholinergics as MDI or rota haler as a regular treatment. There are very good medicines like steroids, alpha a Chat Doctor. To decrease the inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles, you might be given oral antihistamines with mast cell stabilizers(montelukast) and steroids (prednisolone) with nebulization and frequently steam inhalation. The best way to cure any allergy is a complete avoidance of allergen or triggering factor. Consult your pulmonologist for further advise.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] HELLO DOC! i HAVE BEEN SUFFERING FROM LOWER BACK PAIN PAST 10 YEARS. i have degeneration on L4 L5 S1.the pail goes in both the buttocks.I WAS TOLD I DONT NEED SURGERY AS I ALSO HAVE FIBROMYLGIA AND ALMOST 11 TRIGGER POINTS. BUT WHEN I GET SEVERE ATTACKS I CANT WEAR MY TROUSERS OR SOCKS THE WAIST DOWN AREA GETS JAMMED. I TAKE HEAT,PHSIO AND MASSAGE HELP MY MUSCLES TO RELAX. I WAS GIVEN MECOBAL AND VIT D.OTHERWISE I AM ACTIVE BUT SWIMMING ALSO CAUSES PAIN IN LOWER BACK. I HAVE HIATUS HERNIA HENCE NO STRONG PAIN KILLERS ARE GIVEN I AM OK WITH MOBIC 15MG. PL ADVISE. REGARDS ABHA\n[|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. Due to compression of this nerve root there is tingling numbness in your leg and pain associated with it. Medication like methylcobalamine with muscle relaxant and analgesic will reduce pain; you can take them consulting your treating doctor. You may consult physiotherapist for further guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case. I will advise checking your it B12 and it D3 level. MRI shows disc compressing on nerve root then surgical decompression is permanent solution. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a cough now for 3 months, before this I was perfectly fine..no illness what so ever..Im 51 years old and overweight..but no diabetes..my cough accompanies.. lots of phlegm & congestion, Im short of breath and having difficult time breathing..what ever it is has taken over my ears..cuz now their plugged and I cannot here..Ive taking 3 antibiotic prescriptions, cipro, levaquin and avalox, and it wont go away..first they said, sinus infection, then Pnemonia, then Asthma,,I know its not just asthma Ive had asthma for 50 years and this with all the phlegm is not asthma. Please help..I need to get better..not die. At one point Xrays said Pnemonia, a second time they were clear..I have been in the hospital and to several different docs..including a Lung specialist that just says its asthma and allergies..I know this is not what it is..PLEASE HELP!!!!\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. I also feel that you are having acute exacerbation of asthma. Normal chest x-ray rules out pneumonia or lung cancer or other lung diseases. Chronic cough, congestion, phlegm, wheezing, shortness of breath etc. in asthmatic patient is suggestive of acute worsening of asthma more. So get done PFT (pulmonary function test). PFT will tell you about severity of asthma and treatment is based on severity only. You may need long acting inhaled bronchodilator (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Oral combination of antihistamine (levocetrizine or fexofenadine) and anti-allergic (montelukast) is also beneficial in your case. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO, I FELT REALLY TIRED AND LAYED DOWN ON THE COUCH TO TAKE A NAP BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN MY HEART FELT LIKE IT STOPPED AND I STARTED TO PASS OUT. JUST BEFORE I BECAME UNCONSCIOUS, I TOOK IN A BREATH AND EVERYTHING WENT BACK TO NORMAL EXCEPT FOR HAVING A VERY BAD HEADACHE. A FEW MINUTES LATER, I WAS HAVING CONSTANT PALPITATIONS ( I HAVE ALWAYS HAD THESE BUT ONLY EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE). THE PALPITATIONS WOULD SUBSIDE AT TIMES BUT NEVER COMPLETELY STOPPED FOR ABOUT 24 HOURS. NOW, I FEEL VERY EXHAUSTED AND WILL HAVE A COUPLE PALPITATIONS HERE AND THERE. I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE HEART STOPPING AND PASSING OUT IS WHAT MY OLDER SISTER GETS A LOT ALSO. DO YOU THINK THIS IS CAUSED BY STRESS OR POSSIBLY A GENETIC DISORDER?\n[|AI|] Hello, I would like to tell you that palpitations followed by near fainting can be because of heart rhythm disorder which needs to be evaluated to avoid life-threatening events. Kindly get an ECG, Echocardiography, and Holder (ambulatory ECG) done and consult a cardiologist personally for further management. Heart rhythm disorder is generally not influenced genetically. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my grandfather is 80 years old and he was diagnosed of having a chronic renal failure stage 5.. Is it possible for him to survive if he undergo a kidney transplant? I am willing to donate my kidney for him.. another option is dialysis but i think that would be painful to him. He told me that the dextrose inserted to him NaCl was painful so I thought how much more if he will undergo dialysis 2x a week that ll be very painful. I want kidney transplant for him. pls help me.. thanks\n[|AI|] Dear Sarah, thanks for query. Your sentiments are fine and understandable, but you also need to know whether he will sustain this kind of major surgery. He is quite aged and major surgery at his age carries more risk, apart from he must be having other medical conditions like hypertension and diabetes which has lead to this kidney failure. Dialysis is of course a not a cure for this, but this will help him to stay alive. Please discuss this with your doctor also. Bye and take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi,I am suffering from hair loss and thinning of hair. I am looking for a good dermatologist in Bangalore, who can help me to reduce the hair loss process and regrow my hair. I have a family history of hair loss, but I believe I can slow it down with medicines. I have been using Minoxidil 10% from past one year, I think its effectiveness has reduced with the passage of time. I would be grateful, if you can help me out. Am quite tensed, thanks\n[|AI|] Hello, I can understand your concern it would be very helpful if I could know your age and gender and see some pictures of your scalp. You may have halogen effluvium of female pattern hair lessor an Chat Doctor. Hairfall may be due to lack of nutrients like iron or proteins in body, it may also be due to deranged thyroid levels. So to rule out halogen effluvium I would advise you to get your he, serum ferritin and thyroid levels tested.it may be genetic too. Application of minoxidil and oral biotin once a day can really be helpful to you. Minoxidil is slow method, it takes time to show results, and you have to be compliant with its use, leaving it abruptly can again result in hair loss. So be patient and keep using it. Still if you don't find any results you can go for procedure like PRP (plasma rich platelet) therapy, it could help you as results seen are very good. And you can consider hair transplant too. Hope it would help. Thank you\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i just noticed what appears to be a small skin flap on my penis shaft, I am needles to say concerned i m a 58 year old Hispanic male,i am a little embaressed to ask my female doctor whom I have been seeing for type 2 diabeties,,I am 5 9 and 170 lbs,and have worked out most of my life ,\n[|AI|] Hello and. As a Urologist, I can fully understand your concern. A small flap over shaft penis, at 58 years age, shouldnt cause any worry. If you're able to have sex or masturbate normally, it shouldn't be bothersome. If it was in an exposed area, then there's a cosmetic problem. Flaps over shaft penis, can be easily corrected with minor surgery. This need be done in your case, only if you're worried about the cosmetic purpose. Its usually done, under local anesthesia, as a day case. You can contact me for any doubt, sending it as a direct question. Chat Doctor. Manga.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Doctor, My baby is 42 days old now.He was a preterm 32 weeks,LBW(1800gram),at the time of birth.From birth he used to take preNan formula milk.By last week he became 2670grams and Doctor advised to start pronan 1 formula.But after introducing pro nan 1 baby is getting occasional loose stool .And he is crying vigorously while passing stool.Please tell me whether I need to continue pronan or prenan? Thank you, XXXX\n[|AI|] Hello, If I had a patient like this in my clinic I would suggest continuing with pro nan1 for few more days. It takes some time to adapt to the change in food for the baby. It should not be a major concern. If he becomes more irritable kindly show him to your doctor as it can be due to other factors too. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Sir I want to consult with a gynecology in Kolkata next month. Sir My marriage life is nearly 6 years my age is 35 and wife is 37 year. We had consulted local gynecology doctors at Agartala and went details medical investigation but no disorder was found continued we had consult last 4 year. Sir I want a baby please help me what to do\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. I suggest you to discuss with your doctor regarding use of ovulation inducing Chat Doctor. This helps multiple follicles to grow and rupture. Thus increasing chances of conception. This is safe treatment. With this you need to get follicular study. Since you are trying for last 6 yrs. I suggest you to go for GUI with Josephine. Here healthy sperms are placed in uterus. This increases chances of pregnancy. You can discuss with your doctor. Hope I have been helpful. Regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello. Im a 25 year old female weigh 145 pounds solid. I have been trying to conceive since October 2012. I was on Mirena for about 3 years until October it fell out while I was bathing. I called my GYN an he said that it was ok longs I was not having any discomfort. Which I wasnt. During intercourse, I tend to bleed. That has happened 3 months ago. No bleeding since, but I now i experience pain during intercourse. I have lost all my sex drive. Feels like my hormone level is way low amongst other things. My menstrual cycle is way off. It does not come on the same time each month and at times I go a month without it. Its been like day January 22, February day 31, March day 31, no cycle in April ,and a cycle on May 18. I do have pelvic pain on an off. I am beginning to get scared. I really want another child, but do not think my body is ready for it. I have 2 other children. No problem conceiving them. Please help!!!\n[|AI|] Hi, You should see a specialist for a local exam and a pap smear. The cause of the bleeding and the pain should be localized. Also, you would need a complete hormonal profile to see if any hormonal disturbances are causing the abnormal menstrual cycles. Sudden weight disturbances, stress, infections or certain medications also can cause menstrual irregularities. Please get a complete assessment and maintain a healthy weight. Hope your query is answered. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have been diagnosed with aspergillosis from culture a year ago but recent culture shows nothing after 4 weeks. Cat scan in Denver shows ground glass looking things in lower left lung. Could this be the fungas lying dormant? I have been off steroids for asthma for a year now using only albuterol due to them contributing to the aspergillosis but wonder if recent tests accurate? I m also infusing IGG to keep my immune system up.\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The diagnosis of Aspergilli depends on the clinical symptoms of the patient like fever, cough, chest pain, skin test for A fumigates, level of IGE and Egg, chest X-ray and CT-scan findings. Culture of saliva or pulmonary aspirates for Aspergillus pneumonia also help to confirm the diagnosis.In regard to the treatment, systemic antifungal therapy is prescribed depending on the severity of the symptoms. You can take Tab Intraconazole, twice daily for 14 days. Thank you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi i have a qustion about the mesurment of my sons head for his 9 month check up....when we went 2.5 months ago his head messured at 43 cm there i thought it was wrong so i messured at home and i got 44 cm so then at his nine month check up it messured 46.5 but he did have a flat spot that is shaping out does that have somethign to do with the incearse? but i had also messured at hom and got 46 so how can this be acurte?\n[|AI|] Hi, Head circumference is measured with a non-stretchable tap across the most prominent points on front and back of head-part of forehead about 1 finger breadth above eyebrows and occipital protuberance (the bony prominence on back of head). After 6 months, we expect an increase of 0.5\u00a0cm per month. For a baby with normal size at birth, we expect 44.5 at 9 months. To decide whether the increase is significant, we have to compare with that at birth, and plot on standard chart. Your doctor will discuss with you. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] ok, I have asthma and sinustitus, I went to the doctor because I was not feeling very well and my specialist gave me 7 tablets of prednisone 50 mg for 7 days , I have three more doses to go. I am getting better slowly. I was wondering why I need to take this drug, periodically when I get sick like this. Thank you.\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you are a known case of asthma for which your doctor has prescribed prednisolone 50 mg for 7 days, you are also known to have infection of sinus. Your doctor has prescribed the oral steroids for your symptoms of asthma, because it will reduce the edema caused by the allergens, and it helps to dilate the bronchioles which helps to relieve the symptoms of bronchospasm. As your doctor has prescribed this medicine you have to take it for 7 days, and you cannot discontinue abruptly. For sinus infection you may require the course of antibiotics, so I would suggest you to lateral Antibiotics like Tab Autoclave, 625 mg, twice daily for 5 days. Oral antihistamines like Least for 5 days. Thank you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have an skin allergy .. red dots on my skin... also to my eyes and lips\/\/\/.. its very itchy....please help me....\n[|AI|] Hi...dear user., welcome to Chat Doctor..., as per You\u2019re complaint ..., it could be Irritant Dermatitis due to insect bites i.e.....mosquito or others U R not mentioned duration of time...if short time it could be above problem.... have good treatment 1) topically use calamine lotion in the morning times and evening before going to bed use dexamethasone with gentamicin combination cream., 2) orally take antihistamines like levoctrizine or fexofenadine daily for 15 days in the nighttimes...3) wash eyes frequently with fresh water and use antibiotic with antihistamine Chat Doctor. .take care and follow.ok bye\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello... as I read from some answered questions here that the hair loss treatment Anatism can be taken for three-four months to see visible resulst.. After this period of time can I continue using it ? or should I stop. or should it be used like permanent solution? Thank you so much in advance. Fatima Saleh\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query. Anatism is definitely helpful in hair growth. I suggest you to take vitamin supplement also. Biotin causes hair growth. It is one of the component of hair building unit. It also promotes utilization of proteins by hair. Use minoxidil along with biotin.It's a good treatment. Apart from this you can also use tab an Chat Doctor. Regarding food, you can take any diet rich in protein.Also, you can wash hair daily. Washing won't cause hair fall. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link.http:\/\/www.ChatDoctor .com\/doctors\/\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I m 19 I Have Been Having Concerns About My Penis. White Bumps Suddenly Appeared Around March Or April And They Really Haven t Been Going Away I Don t Think It s An STD Because Me And My Girlfriend Are Having A Baby And She Gets Checc Ups And They Tell Her She s Fine So. . . What s Wrong With Me?\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Whitish blisters on glans penis are mostly due to infection of the glans penis (Atlantis) secondary to allergic reaction to acidic vaginal secretions of your girlfriend. Ask her to get examined by her Gynecologist and take necessary treatment. You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like \u010ceferin along with anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Along with topical antibiotic ointment like Newsprint twice daily. Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice dailyEnsure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am with someone that is lethargic, slurred speech, extremely tired, eyes are distant and not fully coherent. He s a male, 49 years old and has experienced this issue many times. He seems as if he s drunk but says he hasn t had a drink. He doesn t take drugs either. He had trouble making it up the stairs, tripping and not able to stand up straight when he tried to go to the bathroom. He has been depressed and has anxiety. But these episodes happen once and a while and then he conks out for the night. It has even happened during the middle of the day and he will just sleep for hours.\n[|AI|] Dear serve understand your concerns went through your details. Lethargy, tiredness etc. are symptoms of depression and anxiety. But slurred speech and distant eyes etc. are more suitable to physical issues like multiple sclerosis or anemia or other wasting diseases or neurological causes. You must consult a doctor for checking his vitals and for necessary further treatment. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] sir my grand father sh. mittu lal suffering from asthmatic problem since last ten years i got treatment for them from DR.sudher mathur since 7-8 years (MD PHYSCIAN) but now a days my grand pa(72 year old) not satisfy from there treatment so please guidance me what will i do for them. pankaj sen 0000\n[|AI|] Hello Pankaj, Asthma is caused due to bronchoconstriction (obstruction of smaller airway passages) which is indicative of Hyper-responsiveness of air passages to an allergen. Management consists of: 1. Inhaler-provide symptomatic relief by causing bronchodilator (dilating the smaller airway passages, relieving the obstruction & increasing airflow to lungs)So, it can be used during an acute attack. 2. Montelukast preparations- used as a maintenance therapy to relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies & asthma. 3. Antihistamines can also be used to provide symptomatic relief. 4. Protection from exposure to cold, dust or other allergens. If symptoms still persist, it will be better to consult a Pulmonologist for further management. Wishing him a good health. Thanks & take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I started having acute neck pain a week ago. It has radiated to upper back, right shoulder and right arm. The pain is sharp, throbbing and distracting. It has not responded to heat, rest, Tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, valium or bengay. What should I do now? The pain is unrelenting. YYYY@YYYY\n[|AI|] Hello, Causes of radiating pain are:-Injury-Blunt trauma-Sprain or strain-Spondylosis-Spine-related problems-Improper posterior that, I would like to advise the following:-You can take the tablet Broken. -Apply diclofenac gel or cream. -Apply ice locally.-Do x-ray and MRI back and hip region. -Treatment mainly depends upon underlying conditions. Kindly follow with detailed history or consult with orthopedics. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, my name is Cathy. My son had Chari malformation and had to have surgery because the form he had was blocking the flow of his spinal fluid. My question is would he be able to lead a normal life? He wanted to join the Navy but is have such a hard time because of the surgery.\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras, and I am here to help you. I have read your question with care and understand your concerns. Once the Obstruction has been relieved, those with Chiara Malformation would be able to lead a normal life and even join the Navy and serve the nation. Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification \/ have doubts \/ have additional questions \/ have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Best Wishes for Speedy Recovery Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello sir i am boy of 13-14years old and i mastubrate daily at once,sir this is becaming like habit ,sir i want to know is this safe for me to do and does it cause any sexual problem in future. And if it is not good then how i keep control on it.thanks you\n[|AI|] Hello It is a myth that masturbation causes sexual problem in the future. Masturbation is just a method to release accumulated semen. It is replenished in our body readily. But Obsession of masturbation is bad, and you should try to overcome this habit. You should avoid provocative literature and videos. Try to concentrate in your studies. You may need psychological counselling if needed. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, Iam expecting pregnancy this month. My last period first day was on oct 15th and Iam having some symptoms like nausea, frequent urination, sounds in my belly . Only 4 days left for my period. Today I took home pregnancy check test using clear blue digital it showed not- pregnant. Can I keep hope for pregnancy?\n[|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. The first sign of pregnancy is missed period. The other signs of pregnancy like nausea, vomitings, increased urination, sore breasts start 2 weeks after missed period in case of pregnancy. So the symptoms might not start before missing the period. Usually the urine pregnancy test gives accurate results a week after missed period. So I suggest you to repeat the test in case of missing the period. For the early detection of pregnancy serum BChatDoctor testing can be done, and it is positive 10 days after conception. Hope this helps. Best regards....\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My 7 year old son has just got in from school and said his willy hurts. I asked him to show me and he can t pull the foreskin back very far and it looks red. There is no pus or anything but he said it is sore when he goes for a wee. He did go swimming today but he said it was ok then. Have you any ideas or advice please?\n[|AI|] Hi, Does he complain of any pain on penile tip even when not passing urine? Is the glans swollen or red? Presence of these features indicates Atlantis \/ balanoposthitis (infection of glans and foreskin). If you are able to retract foreskin without force, there is no fibrosis. If no such symptoms, and pain is only during urination, this may suggest a urine infection. This is usually associated with increased frequency of urination also. Kindly take him to doctor, as both these conditions needs antibiotic treatment. Meanwhile, keep the area clean and Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My daughter had a heart attack that started with pain in her back. At 84 years of age when I have an ongoing soreness in my back that doesn t go away when I rest, I am concerned. This is not a pain, but a soreness in my lower back left side. How can I tell if it is a symptom or just another ache and pain that comes with age. This started yesterday.\n[|AI|] Hello there I have read through your question and understand your concern. Pain that is associated with Myocardial infarction is typically a left sided chest pain that may radiate to the jaws and back. It may present with other symptoms like palpitations, sweating and flushing. The pain you are describing is more pointing towards a muscular pain. The best way to diagnose is that you get an EKG done. If it is clear then you don't need to worry. If it is a muscular pain you will get relief by taking a painkiller like diclofenac or Tylenol. I hope that answers your question. If you have any further questions please feel free to write. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Frequent urination 10-13 Times a day. Slight burn in tip of penis after for a few minutes. Foamy\/bubbles almost every time. Sometimes white or Brown particles in urine. 29yr old male has Chrons disease and had testicular cancer 10yrs ago. Currently taking Asacol 400mg 3 pills a day. Urine culture came back normal as did blood tests.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. I would come up with these possibilities for urine related symptoms, This includes.1 Chronic renal failure, diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound of both kidney with serum creatinine and blood urea examination. As you mentioned that you were treated for testicular tumor 10 years ago, so it is very necessary to rule out involvement of kidney for metastasis.2 Brown particles in urine may be due to renal stone or urinary tract system. As you mentioned that there is foamy urine. Once again get in urine complete for phosphates and protein particles.3 As you are taking ascot 400 mg i.e.melamine. This is indicated for Crohn's disease (ulcerative colitis). Sometimes side effect of melamine causes kidney damage in few cases. Diagnosis can be confirmed by renal function test. In my opinion consult a nephrologist and get his opinion witChatDoctorplete renal function test. Good luck. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello I went to sleep at around 1230 AM and I have been waking up every hour and at about 4 am I woke up an dmy heart was racing and not its 457AM and my heart is still pounding very fast I dont know if I should go to the hospital or not im 17 yrs old\n[|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms do not seem to be related to any heart disorder, especially considering your young age. A nightmare or anxiety could be the reason of such increased heart rate. There is no need to go to the ER for the moment. I would just recommend you to take some deep breaths and avoid caffeine intake. If the problem persists, I recommend consulting with your attending physician for a careful physical exam and some tests: - a chest X-ray study- a resting ECG-complete blood count-blood electrolytes- thyroid hormone levels. If all these tests result normal, you should consider anxiety as the main cause of your complaints. Hope to have been helpful! Wishing good health, \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had a biopsy on my inner thigh 4 weeks ago ... think it may be infected ... could not get into the dermatologist who did the biopsy (confirmed hives) for him to check today. I have some Cipro 500 mg that I use for chronic UTI s ... should I start taking it just in case until I can see the Dr. on Monday?\n[|AI|] Hi, It is inadvisable to start a course of antibiotics before confirming the presence of an infection. You could temporarily use an antibiotic ointment and a cold compress on it. Once you meet your dermatologist, he will see the wound site and may even take a swab if there is some pus before putting you on antibiotics so that the antibiotics can be tailored to the organism that is there. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] We r planning to have kids since one yr. I was using duphaston for four months. While using duphaston I got a positive urine test.But suffered a misscarriage on 38 day itself. two months passed. I stopped using duphaston.Today I went to doc and was advised to take mcbm-69 and diane35. Am I getting treated in the right way. Doc saw my previous reports and said I have small follicles and so this might be delaying in release of ovaries..whats going on??\n[|AI|] Hello, Probably your doctor reveals small cyst in the ovary in your test report. It may interfere with ovulation. So your doctor gives this medicine. You have to regularize your period by medication and have sex around ovulation time to get the highest possibility of pregnancy. Phaeton tab is given to treat progesterone deficiency. Control your body wt by regular exercise, avoid stress, take healthy diet, Vitae supplements and proper sleep. These will increase pregnancy rate. Be well.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had to have a tooth killed by a dentist a few years ago. About 6-10 months ago the seal broke off along with a part of the tooth itself \/unless the dentist just peeled it away to place the seal\/. Right now the tooth looks black with an enormous hole in it. It also hurts a little when I chew on it. I can provide a photo, can you give me advice on how serious this is?\n[|AI|] Hello, Read your query, as you have decayed tooth there is nothing to be worried so much, decayed tooth is examined firstly in investigation IOWA X-ray for this you should consult dentist go for proper radiograph of decayed tooth then discuss with your dentist and go for treatment plan tooth can be saved by Post and core or Root canal treatment, or you should go for Removal of tooth. In meantime, you can take painkiller for pain like Diclofenac sodium or Paracetamol by consulting with local doctor, Do warm saline gargle 3 - 4 times in day, Maintain good oral hygiene by proper brushing twice daily, Use Chlorhexidine mouthwash. Hope it will help you. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I have afriend with a 5 month old she was a premy 4lbs. 11ozs. She is still having clay color stool and gas blooting. She at one point had blood in stool, that has subsided. She has seen gastro M.D. Should their be a concern? She is only receiving formula, no other cereal, or food of any type.\n[|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. I think your kid is having habitual constipation. I have certain questions and suggestions for you. Questions:1. Did your kid pass motion or meconium on day one of life?2. Since how long is the kid constipated?3. Does the kid have any bleeding along with hard stools?4. How much milk does the kid consume per day?5. Does the kid eat fruits and vegetables (fiber diet) appropriately? You can get back with answers at the following link - www.ChatDoctor .com\/doctors\/ Chat Doctor. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I am 41 years old and have had heavy bleeding for 3 weeks I had a endometrial biopsy results were prolifative endometrium. My doctor suggested hormones or ablation. 8 months ago I had simple hyperplasia without ataxia in which I took hormones and then a D&C because of continued bleeding. I also had endometrial tissue removed from the outside of my colon. What is causing all these gyn issues. Should I be worried about cancer? Will the ablation solve my problem?\n[|AI|] Hello, I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You have to understand that Proliferative endometrium in normal endometrium. It is a part of the growth of the uterus endometrium in normal menstrual cycle under the influence of the estrogens in your body. Estrogen stimulates the endometrium to grow and thicken and lead to cell multiplication and tissue growth. You have worry about the proliferative endometrium only when the growth is very fast and beyond the limits of the normal growth. This mean to indicate a cancer. Yes. Ablation can solve your problem. In Ablation, the heat or cold destroys the endometrium and prevents it from regrowing. Hope this helps. Please write back for further queries. Wishing you good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My father is 59 admitted in local hospital under gone MRI Brain imaging. The report provided by radiologist, Possiblity of Brain Stem Glioma (2.3cm x 2.1cm) and know they started treatment of Radiation for 10 days. I request you to provide anti foods and other details to prolong his life.\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your father has brain stem glioma. Treatment depends on stage and spread. Radiotherapy is the treatment of choice. He should take healthy food. Take high amount food with antioxidant content. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] sir, my mother is suffering from some serious pain in her back(left) together with the left chest.she complains that due to this process she is facing problems in her breathing activity in which she can breathe with her mouth but faces problems in breathing with her nose.also she says that she yawns oftenly and is not able to complete it.her previous medical reports say that she is asthamic.please help!\n[|AI|] Dear patient Her symptoms of left chest pain and mouth breathing are due to bronchial asthma. Is she having whistle like sounds from her chest? If yes then she is having attack of bronchial asthma. Back pain may be due to other reasons. She needs to be taken to chest physician on urgent basis. Start bronchodilator inhalation like albuterol plus ipratropium combination. Radiograph of chest pa view to rule out secondary infection is needed. Short course of antibiotics is also worthwhile.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am having bronchaties asthama. which is the best inhaler to be used.\n[|AI|] Hello Ramachandaran, Welcome to Chat Doctor, millions of people suffer from asthma due to different reasons. Inhaler is one of the most common relief. However, is still needed to be prescribed specifically as different patients have different symptoms and conditions. It will be good for you to visit a doctor and get an inhaler prescribed. He will even show you how to use an inhaler which is even more important. Thank you\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, My semen report is as follows: Vol: 2ml Reaction : Alkaline. sperm concentration 26 million \/ ml total count : 52 million. motility after 30 mins 60% motility after 3 hours 45% Rapid progressive : 5% sluggish progressive : 25% Non progressive : 30% Immotile sperms : 40% abnormal : 35% a)abnormal head forms : 20% b)mid portion abnormalities : 5% c)Tail abnormalities : 10% spermatogenic cells : 4-6 Pus cells : 5-7 red blood cells : 3-4 Please support :)\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor Look, the sperm count is totally normal. But motility is lower than required (normal is >40-50% as per WHO 2010). Morphology is also within normal limit (normal is > 04% as per WHO 2010). Pus cells are increased. Normally no pus cell should be found (as per WHO2010). Red blood cells are also increased. So, overall, it indicates presence of urogenital infection. You should consult with an infertility specialist for broad spectrum antibiotic like ciprofloxacin. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My 5 year old niece has a case of eczema, she was taken to PCP was prescribed flucinolone cream. The doctor instructed them to give her a bath, apply the cream, have her put on wet pajamas, then dry pajamas. Is this correct and how will she have a good night sleep.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your nieces history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. For eczema, treatment is usually topical corticosteroids when she has eczema symptoms. The procedure of applying them is also perfect, to be applied immediately after bathing.2. I would like to add that please continue them at least until after a week of cure of eczema symptoms. 3. I would also suggest her to apply moisturizing lotion immediately after bathing once treatment is complete. This will improve Chat Doctor. 4. If is eczema is recurrent, I would suggest her allergy testing for common food allergens like milk, peanut, egg, wheat, soy, seafood and airborne allergens like house dust mites, mold, etc. This will help you identify the allergens causing eczema to her.5. For symptom relief of itching, I would suggest her to take an antihistamine like HY\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My son is autistic. His eyes are often blood shot. We wonder if it is due to allergies but we note that one day they are not bloodshot and the next day they are. He does not cry, ever, but I noted today than upon his mother being away for 2 days that tonight his eyes are blood shot and heavy with moisture. It makes me wonder if his eye condition is related to sympathetic discharge of his autonomic nervous system. If I had his problems related to autism I believe i would be crying a lot. Thank you for any insights you might have regarding his condition.\n[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query.First, I would like to reassure you that his redness of eyes are not related to any abnormalities in the sympathetic or other parts of nervous system. These are most likely due to allergies, as you suspected. Allergies need not occur every day, and it is fairly alright if his symptoms are intermittent. He would benefit from treatment by an ophthalmologist, so please consult an ophthalmologist. I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any further information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly\/\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Recently a hospice group has recommended putting J E on mirtazapine to help her relax . The patient is 86 and is on Amiodipine, Synthroid,Namenda, Metotoprol, Primidone, Primidone, Seroquel, Sinamet, Aricept, Lorazapan, Q Dryl, Robafen syrup and Loritab. What do you know about mirtazipine and its use in senior patients?\n[|AI|] Hithanks for using Chat Doctor Mirtazapine is kind of antidepressant which will help to improve mood, appetite and sleep. Patients will get good sleep with it, in that case u can skip nighttime lorazepam as sleeping pill. Chances of metabolic side effects in form increase sugar level and lipid level is high, so get his serum glucose and lipid investigated once in month. There is no major all these Chat Doctor. Thanks\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] At present I am taking the drug Afinitor...in the past few days I have developed severe pain in my lower jaw where a root canal was done about 7 years ago. I went to the dentist and they said the tooth is OK and gave me some antibiotic pills to get rid of the infection...I have only been taking them for about 1.5 days but still have the pain so I have been taking extra strength tylenol (2 every 4 hrs)...sometimes this works and sometimes it doesnt...I am also using a cold compress on the area but am still not getting much relief. I am now considering taking some Tylenol 3 (with codeine)! Do you think this poses any problems in interaction with the Afinitor.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for posting your query. The pain at the site of root canal treated tooth, may be due to re-infection. I would suggest you to visit a dentist and get reject or extraction of tooth done, depending on the severity of tooth infection. Take complete course of antibiotics-analgesics prescribed. Brush and floss your teeth daily. Rinse your mouth after every meal. Visit a dentist in every 6 months. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I suffer from polysis kidneys, and i am on diaylsis three time a week, but i have alot of something that looks like small brusing i am taking three aspirin aweek for blood thining. what do you think it could be? My name is AAAAA I have been diayliseing for nearly 7 years, My e-mail address is YYYY@YYYY\n[|AI|] Hi I am Chat Doctor. As you are on dialysis for the last 7 years your blood chemistry is not normal. Various harmful mobiles that are secreted by the body are regularly washed by kidneys and in your case the dialysis. Bruising can be due to multiple causes most likely due to blood thinners. I will advise you take a coagulation test like pt PTT and liver function tests. That will really tell the reason for your bruising. Hopefully that will turn out to be normal and you don't have to worry about that if it doesn't happen frequently. Thanks\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I am Priya, My mother is suffering from back pain after her uterus surgery from past 4 months.When we consulted the doctor he prescribed tab Maxgolin M ER 75mg from this tab she is suffering from side effects but no improvement in back pain it is almost a week she started to take tab .Doc suggested to take for 15 days if shel not find any improvement then go to MRI, but there is heavy side effects.She will get relief from this medicine? or better to do MRI scan.Please suggest.\n[|AI|] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The back pain after hysterectomy could be related to the epidural anesthesia, muscle sprain or a disc problem. If the mild painkillers are not able to relieve the pain then she needs to have oral muscle relaxants after consulting with her orthopedic. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL http:\/\/bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello doctor, my name is kinjal, i am from ahmedabad, i am suffering from lycunplanus from past ten years, have taken many medicines and steriods but as soon as i stop them they again reoccur, have also started with homeopatChatDoctoredicine but it is not helping me, pls suggest me what would be better for me, should i continue homeo or should again continue with allopathy medicine.\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. It is unfortunate that you are suffering from skin disease lichen plans from past 10 years. HomeopatChatDoctoredicine may not be that useful to treat this condition. Even in allopatry, you can only control the disease, but you cannot cure the illness. You can do the following things to keep your disease under check and control:1. Antihistamines that help alleviate itching.2. Topical corticosteroid cream or ointment to reduce swelling and redness.3. Systemic Corticosteroid such as prednisone helps when lichen plans lasts a long time.4. PVA therapy is a light treatment that can help clear the skin.5. Retinoid acid applied to the skin or given as a pill to clear the skin.6. Tacrolimus ointment or pimecrolimus cream is used to treat eczema. Hope you consult a Dermatologist to get yourself properly evaluated and managed well. All the best and wish you good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a corn on the bottom of my foot ,it is vert painful, I AM working in a seniors home, so i am on my feet all the time. I have never ever had one of these corns, could ther be some kind of home care that i can do to rid my foot of this painful corn. I do 12 hr shifts, at the end of the day it is painful.\n[|AI|] Hello, Your symptoms seem to be related to painful corns. I suggest to:- Soak your foot in warm water. Make sure the corn is fully submerged for about 10 minutes or until the skin softens.- File the corn with a pumice stone. A pumice stone is a porous and abrasive volcanic rock that's used for sloughing away Chat Doctor. - Apply lotion to the corn.- Use corn pads. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] More and more often I m waking up at night gasping for air like I m suffocating and coughing and wheezing a lot, it eventually goes away but takes a while but only if I remain upright, I have to sleep sitting up a bit or it s worse but I m left for a while with a tired heavy feeling in my chest, what could this be, oh and sometime my heart feels like it s beating fast\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I want to ask you few questions first.1. Are you obese?2. Are you having diabetes, hypertension and ischemic heart disease?3. Are you having morning headache, sleepiness, tiredness?4. Are you overnight time gasping spells, suffocation, cough seen in 1. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)2. Cardiac causes3. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases). So better to consult sleep specialist and get done sleep study (polysomnography). This will help in diagnosis of above-mentioned cause. Treatment of all are totally different. So you need to diagnose first.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My son lives in key west florida,he has had a lot of trouble with his wisdom teetChatDoctoring in causeing a lot of pressure .2 weeks ago he had a sore come up in his mouth then it went away.today he called me and he said he is walking like a drunk person and has a hard time concentrating.could he have encephalitis? He is homeless but a vet He said he had a lot of pressure in his head.\n[|AI|] First and foremost, dental pain is unlikely to cause encephalitis. There is only 1 condition where a dental problem can affect the Oriental usually happens when there is a dental extraction It is called Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Looking at the query, I don't think he has not till we can have an MRI brain done, and taken a good look at that way we can confirm Italy other symptom? Even normal flu can cause similar issues. So we need to know more before we can comment on a diagnosis Best of luck Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am doing sex almost every night.My query is that my semen thickness looks almost same everyday,it looks like a water based gel.Whenever I do sex after 7 or 8 days semen take lesser time to come and it looks very thick(like a white cream) and more in volume.Why it is so?Will it affect my fertility?please help.\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. Do not worry its quite common in your case, with daily activity generally its sen in that consistency.2. I came across patients with similar problems, and they had a good sperm counts, and with thick and good volume with lesser viable sperms.3. If you still have that thing disturbing, then get a semen analysis done to be tension free.4. Why is it so? - It's because you are in regular sex as you said, and it's common in some individuals. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I m a male @ 80 years and I have neuropathy in my feet. My right foot is especially painful in that the ball burns and there is an occasional sharp pain radiating from the right side of my ball into the little toe. Throughout the day. I m on Lyrica.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing to us, I have read your query and I would advise the following Change your diet and remove inflammatory foods such as citrus fruits, dairy products and wheat that may aggravate the condition. Simultaneously increase your intake of potassium and calcium-rich foods such as bananas and avocados and green leafy vegetables Vitamin B12 is important in the maintenance of health and normal functioning of the nerve tissue and deficiency of it can lead to numbness. You can increase B12 level by taking meat and fish, or you can take In methylcobalamine 1500 mcg alternate day. [6 doses]You need to consult your treating doctor to check your parameters like BP, ECG changes and detailed heart auscultation. Some useful suggestionApply a warm or cold compress to reduce burning or tinglingRemedies such as breathing exercises and meditation may also help reduce stress-related symptoms such as numbness and tingling. I hope that I have answered your query. Let me know if I can help you further. Take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Am 20 yrs old.i have been on the minigynon pill for couple months now onn n off so i was off for a week before my period n after my period i decided not to take it again i have had unprotected sex three times for the week n now experiencing tender nipples\/sore tired n having sickness in the middle of the night could i be pregnant??\n[|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. Tender & sore nipples, sickness are suggestive of pregnancy. Specially after having unprotected sex after normal period. If it was around ovulation. . Day. (Ovulation day is 14 days before the expected date of menses)But Such symptoms are seen in hormonal imbalance too. So though your symptoms suggest pregnancy but needs to be confirmed by urine pregnancy test after 8 days delay in periods. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a cyst on my left epididymis that is around 3cm. I have a dull ache there most of the time and cannot do things like riding a bike without extreme pain that radiates to my abdomen. However, every 6-12 months after having lots of sex (wife, no STD) the pain gets worse and i feel nauseous all the time. Is this caused by an infection in the cyst?\n[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for asking a question to Chat Doctor. F. You had a cyst on the epididymis of around 3 cm size. It has continuous dull pain, especially in movement. Pain is horrible and vomiting feeling after sex. The cyst appears to be attached to the epididymis, and the pull is felt up to the abdomen through the cord. Sex is expected to be vigorous, so it shows more pull and nausea. As it appears to be fixed, better consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have surgery for pain relief. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I have PCOD problem.I took Menogaun injection 150 mg from day 3 to 6 and again after follicle study on 13th day again 2 injections. On 16th day i had 18mm follicle in my left ovary.i took ChatDoctor on 17th day and IUI on 18th day. And was told to have intercourse on 19th and 20th day. today is my 19th day.I had intercourse yesterday. Will i have my egg still active should i have intercourse today?\n[|AI|] Hallow dear, I have understood your concern. Usually the follicle is mature to release healthy egg at 18 mm size. In. Chat Doctor was given to you when the follicle was 18 mm size. So it was well the timed. The egg is released usually within 24 hours of Chat Doctor injection. Hence, immediately on the next day, very rightly GUI was performed. Now daily intercourse for two days after that is advised for additional coverage, in case the egg is released late. After the ovulation life of an egg is 24 hours. So any intercourse after that may not be of use from fertility angle. Continuation of ultrasonography for confirmation of ovulation might have been useful to decide how long daily or alternate days' intercourse is to be continued. However, there is no harm in continuing daily intercourse even otherwise also. I hope I have clarified your doubts. This information may be useful to you if needed (which I wish should not be required) for future cycles.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my father is suffering from metastatic cancer,poorly differentiated(4th stage).can you plaese elaborate about this cancer type? is it curable? If yes what should be his best treatments.If not then what is his survival rate?His age is 57 and his weight is 62kg.\n[|AI|] With this information it is impossible to answer your questions. Where is the metastatic cancer and where did it start from. These are the 2 main factors that will determine his outcome. Yes, it is the last stage technically, but in certain cancers, the patient can survive for years with proper treatment. e.g. prostate cancer patients can live as long as 5 years in the last stage. The treatment also depends on the primary site but is mostly based on chemotherapy.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi. First it will be good for you to know I am not sexually active. I have been in the doctor for the past three days off and on. I started having severe pain near my right ovary . She did a physical exam and she thought I might have a cyst . The ultrasound showed no cyst so they took my blood to check for white blood cell count in case I may have appendicitis . I m not ovulating and I am not on my period. Do you have any ideas? Let me know. Very concerned.\n[|AI|] Hi!thanks for posting a question on health care. Well, as far as pain near right ovary is concerned, it is the pain in right inguinal area. There are multiple possibilities for the pain in right lower abdomen. These could be:1.-a ureter calculus,2-appendicitis, 3-a ovarian cyst,4- nephritis (swelling in the fallopian tube.). A thorough ultrasound scan and blood cell count will help you out to decide about the further action plan. Hope this answer will help you in deciding about treatment. You are most welcome any time for any question.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Doctor My Son is 3 years old. Somtimes he complains about pain in his leg (left leg currently) and he can t straigten his leg and can t walk properly. It happened twice in last six months and we went to doctors including sepcialists but after all the tests they didn t find anything. This morning he complained again and we also noticed little swelling around his kee. It goes by it self sometimes in few hours and sometimes in couple of days. We are very worried and want to know how should we go about it.\n[|AI|] Hi, Is the overlying skin hot\/red? A sudden onset of pain and swelling over knees along with limping and difficulty in straightening indicates acute arthritis. Kindly take him to doctor, as this need immediate evaluation to rule out septic arthritis (bacterial infection of the joint cavity) which needs rapid treatment with antibiotics. If the same features are recurring, we need to evaluate for causes of recurrent arthritis. Since I am not aware of previous investigations done, your pediatrician will guide you. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had heartburn since 2011 it is not heartburn because it burns every single day of the week even.when I don t eat anything I can.just walk or bend over and get bad burning in my chest plus the chest pain and it apears that underbmy left arm pit is a burninh and it feels as if blood.vessels are swollen to.touch I can feel.them moving when I put my hand there and.rub it up and down also when I touch it my chest starts to hurt very badly I have been.sweating none.stop all day and feel very hot when I have the air on and tired.. I have no clue what this could be\n[|AI|] Hello. Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor. I read your query and understand your concern. Now, the description of the heartburn you provided, is with the highest probability from the stomach, as the origin. This symptom is called paresis, and is produced when the highly acid content of the stomach is returned to esophagus or, sometimes, throat and mouth. This can happen from various reasons, mostly from a disbalance between acid-producing and acid-inhibiting factors in the stomach and from the lower esophageal sphincter insufficiency. Without digging further more into theoretical details, I would suggest you to refrain from certain food and beverages that favor acid production and\/or inhibit acid-inhibiting factors and\/or lower the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter:- alcohol and tobacco-chocolate- tea, coffee (Anthony derivatives)- spicy and grilled food, and pickles would also recommend you to start a course with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI): omeprazole 20 mg x 2 tb\/d for the first two weeks, then 20 mg x 1 tb\/d for four other weeks, and accompanied by risperidone x 3 tb\/d. Also, you should not lie down, but sit up or stand, for at least 90 minutes after you have had your last meal. If the symptom persists after all these measures are undertaken, I would recommend an upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, for further investigation. I hope I was helpful with my answer. Best regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Back of gum is swollen around mature wisdom tooth, face swollen, bottom of jaw bone hurting badly and sensitive, hurts to swallow, to chew, so much pain I cannot sleep. Not tooth pain, but seems a pain of inflammation\/throbbing. What could it be and should I see a doctor or dentist?\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome. Thanks for sharing your concern. Every symptom that you have mentioned here are due to single cause, the infected last molars or wisdom teeth. Please see your dentist soon. Get the x-rays done and starts with antibiotics upon consultation. Next step is to take antibiotics and get the extraction done. This will solve all your worries and present symptoms. For now please take tablet Coquitlam every eight hourly, for immediate relief until you see your dentist. Follow good oral hygiene measures and do take good care of yourself. Let me know for further doubts. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My son is six year old and having cough since last week. He usually gets cough during the start of rainy season. i have tried the cough syrups\/expectorants like Bricarex, Axalin, but still the cough is there. iT recurs in the mornings after he gets up from sleep. He has been given antibiotic like Clamp Kid amoxicillin and also Topcef for infections if any. the infection is gone but the cough is there. i gave him asthalin inhaler puffs as precribed by the doctor. What cough syrup should i give him. He is doing all his daily activities well with no intereference due to his cough.\n[|AI|] Hi, Mujumdar, Thanks for query, It seems that your child is having allergic bronchitis so may remain for long time. You can continue any good cough syrup. I would suggest you to go for blood report for Eosinophilic as this condition can prolong cough and cold for long time. If there is high eosinophilic count then go for simple course of Di ethyl carbamide medicine after consulting your doctor. Avoid giving cold Chat Doctor. Ok and bye.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I am having problems with a upper tooth that I had removed 4 weeks ago. It all started when my tooth was damaged through a basic root canal treatment. I was referred to a specialist and 9 months later I was told it would have to be extracted, meanwhile I had faced a number of infections and 2 courses of antibiotics. At the time of the extraction the root was infected. After the extraction, dissolvable stitches were put in place as I was flying overseas and the sinus was exposed. Now, 4 weeks later, my dossolvable stitches are still in place and seem to be surrounded by a white gooey substance. When I touch with a Q tip the white substance moves about, attached to the stitches and is adding to some slight irritation of that area. Is this normal? Thanks!\n[|AI|] Hellooo...read through your query....I must say that as far as u don't have any pain or problem with that area its healing normally....if any pain is there then u should suspect something abnormal...the stitch will resort in few weeks along with the socket.so don't worry .yellowish thing will be the clot and other cells working for healing....and I must say that don't touch that area with anything(brush, finger,pin, toothpick etc.).your hampering the healing process...don't bite that with that area... Chat Doctor. .don't spit hard...it can dislodge clot and hamper healing...do salt water gargle as many times as possible.....follow all this and be happy...stress-free and cool that can heal anything...hope your benefitted something with this reply.have a healthy day!!!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello, i am currently pregnant and was told i had tricamonis a very common std. Both my husband and i were treated with the 4 pill dose of antibiotics to kill this std. i was instructed to not have sex for 10 days however on the morning of the 8th day we had sex. Do you think there was enough time in that seven days for the treatment to have fully worked? or should i be worried about reinfection?\n[|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. You were advised to follow abstinence for 10 days following treatment for trichomoniasis. This was to ensure complete irradiation of the Richmond from both partners systems. Incomplete recovery in either of parents leads to reinfection. Many a times second course is needed for full recovery. You're having a short period of abstinence, there remains a possibility of reinfection. You can use a course Vaginal pessaries to avoid it. In case you still have the symptoms visit your doctor for further management. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] M 26 year old..unmarried... having dizziness..shoulder neck pain and imbalance problem for 4 years..now its getting worse... ctscan is done ..everything is normal in that...i cant rotate my eyes and even neck..everything seems floating... dr recommended me..dizitac andclonax ...nothing is improved Plzzz help me out ...plz help me feeling nobody is understanding my problem\n[|AI|] Hithank-you for providing the brief history of you.a thorough clinical neuromuscular assessment is advised. As you mentioned of facing issue with shoulder pain, neck pain, balance issues etc. I will recommend first to take the detailed clinical assessment. Based on this we can understand as what MRI needs to be performed. But on a safer side taking and MRI of the cervical spine and brain in contrast will make some insight. The pain in the neck and shoulder - this looks more of the Neuromuscular issue. Like if there is any pinch of the nerve root in the cervical spine then there is a possibility of the radiating symptoms and pain. For which physical therapy is a choice to get solution for. Evidence of research has a good support. For the balance issue - it should be assessed in detail as this can occur due to two issues. One any vestibular related issue or any cerebellar related issue. Understanding the proper clinical examination and the MRI should help assist further by which the help can be initiated. For anything more you can surely ask me I will be happy to assist you. Regards. Jay In Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dear Dr. Kindly note I had unprotected Sex 29\/06\/2015 1:30 am. last period was 17\/06\/2015 average cycle length 26 days .. their is no emergency pill in UAE .. can I take Yasmin Or Marvelon 4 pills now and 4 pills after 12 hrs. ??if its possible . plz note that we are in Ramadan .. so am fasting from 4:00 am to 7:15 PM every day so how can I keep 12 interval between to doses ??if I ll take the 4 pills 7:15 Pm 29\/06\/2015 can I take the next 4 pills at 4:00 am ?? will be effective ??\n[|AI|] Hi there, After going through your query, I am of the opinion that:1) There are high chances of pregnancy as it is day 12 of your periods.2) If no post-coital pills are available, the best option is the Yule method, i.e. taking 4 tablets of low dose oral contraceptives like Yasmin or oral and repeating after 12 hours.3) However, there are still chances of pregnancy as this method has a high failure rate.4) My suggestion is you take these pills at 4 am and then 7 pm. Hope this was helpful\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have a wisdom tooth underneath my gum on the lower left side . I went years ago , to an oral surgeon who said it was very close to a facial nerve and i should put hot packs on my jaw. the pain went away but now its back, I have been putting hot packs, on my jaw, i see the dentist this week. im very nervous i dont want my face or jaw, or mouth to be numb what should i do?\n[|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. Thanks for your query. This is very common condition when impacted tooth presses a nerve. This is the reason for pain. You should continue giving hot packs. Such impacted tooth should be removed otherwise they keep troubling you with on and off pain episodes. It requires very skillful and experienced oral surgeon as there is involvement of nerve. I would suggest you to consult oral surgeon (as there is already an appointment) for proper evaluation of condition. Doctor may take X-ray or CT scan to access the position of the tooth and may perform surgery under local anesthesia to remove the impacted tooth. For pain ibuprofen(if not allergic) or acetaminophen and do warm saline rinses. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My daughter started developing intermittent swollen glands in her neck in middle school. She s had them off and on since (she is now 20), but now she finds that she also has intermittent swelling and tenderness in her armpit areas. What should be done?\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. Lump in this location can be enlarged lymph node, infected sebaceous cyst or ganglion cyst. Lymph node is usually movable and rounded. It is not quite soft, rather hard. Can be painful. Infected sebaceous cyst is a kind of benign soft tissues lesion. It tends to get infected. In such situation it becomes reddish, swollen and painful. Fever can be present as well. Ganglion cyst is connected with a joint (shoulder in this case) and filled with joint fluid. Pain is characteristic for this lesion especially when moving the limb. I suggest you to consult general surgeon with these issues. Soft tissues' ultrasound should be done to diagnose it. Cyst or ganglion can be removed. If it's a lymph node, biopsy should be done. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I just got my results from an ulstra sound I had on my lower abdmonin the findings were as follows: 1) My right Kidney is 11.1 c.m is that normal size? 2) There is prominence of the left pelvocalyceal system, what does this mean? and what is it? 3)There is a post void residual of 9mls in the distended bladder measures 168mls, what is this? and what is a CT KUB to exclude ureteric calcus? please can you help me understand any of the above? thank you :) Kind Regards SOnja\n[|AI|] Hi. The mean dimensions of the kidneys upon maturation are: length-about 12\u00a0cm, breadth-about 6\u00a0cm and thickness-about 3\u00a0cm. The weight of one kidney averages about 120-150 g. Any decrease in size is abnormal. Prominence of the pelvocalyceal system means that maybe because of distal blocking (probably due to a stone)there is collection in the pelvocalyceal system and hence the CT scan of the kidney, ureters and bladder is suggested. This is a more precise form of investigation. The urine forms in the kidneys and flows into the bladder through the ureters. Any blockage in the ureters will cause accumulation of urine in the kidneys. Hope this helps you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, i am 28 yrs and trying to conceive since 2 years. i have premature ovulation problem. I am taking Ubiphene 50 (2 - 7 day of my period) and Ovacare forte and Obimet Sr also. i did thyroid tests and its normal tsh is 3.36. but Dr has prescribed Thyronorm 12.5 mg.. since 3 months am taking the tablets but still i dont know whats wrong. why am not conceiving? Pl help\n[|AI|] Hi Jimmy, I hope that your Doctor has ruled out male infertility. Whileyou are taking these Medicines, you must be doing test for ovulation to see the effects of these Medicines on your Ovulation. There are certain ways to confirm ovulation like trans-vaginal Follicular study, Home Ovulation test, and hormonal levels in your blood, besides some simple method like BBT, Cervical Mucus test. If you are ovulating with these medicines, and still not able to become pregnant in 3-4 months time, then you should go for further tests for tubal patency test, uterine factors, immunological factors, and so on. For infertility, you must go step wise approach and proper follow up. You should be knowledgeable about the management you are going through, and talk to the Doctor frankly. One positive point, i would like to tell you is that, it is easy to treat infertility if it is due to ovulation dysfunction. Best of luck. Best of luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, i have a nephew of 12yrs who has typhoid and was seen through blood test and was given antibiotics and other medicines to use ,now its 8 days since under treatment. pls help if there is any homeremedies for nausea, vomiting and severe headache coz cant concentrate with studies.\n[|AI|] Hi... I understand your concern. For headache and fever - Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15\u00a0mg\/kg\/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500\u00a0mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For nausea - Tablet Ondansetron 4\u00a0mg thrice a day 30 minutes before food. But Ondansetron is a prescription medicine, and you will need one for it. Regards - \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my son is 11 and we looked at his scalp tonight and the entire bottom part of it from the bottom of hairline to above his ears all the way across is covered in what looks like perfectly round redish orangish spots all in it like 100 or morelooks like i dont like at it often but did because of the ticks getting bad so dont know how long theyve been there or anything im really scared and worried can u help me please. He says they dont itch and he didnt know they were there\n[|AI|] Howell come to ChatDoctorAllergic reaction may be likely atomic dermatitis may be possible this can be managed with following medicines 1) Beclomethasone with Aureomycin for local application, if this does not respond then clinical examination would be necessary, as matter of fact all the skin lesions demands clinical examination for diagnosis without this difficult to say anything it is kind of art of looking that gives all information about disease, have a nice day.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi. I am 30 weeks, 4 days pregnant with my first child. A little girl we are naming Reese. I had an ultrasound done last Tuesday, and followed up on Friday. The doctor told me that the sonographer found a predominant left ventricle. She then said its not larger or protruding, it is only assymetrical, so she is referring us to a specialist. That appointment is not until November 3rd. She said everything was probably fine and not to worry. But naturally. as a first time mother and a pediatric occuoational therapist by trade, I am worried.\n[|AI|] Hello In fetus right ventricle is the prominent ventricle. An experienced fetal monologist or echocardiography can detect the defect. If left ventricle is enlarged it is an abnormal finding. Many a times' sonographer assessment is not accurate. Conditions like single ventricle or persistent trucks can cause dilated left ventricle. So I would suggest you to consult an expert for the proper evaluation. Regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have what i describe a swollen nodule on the left side of my neck on top of muscle. It moves as nd is painful, the pain burns and radiates to my shoulder. My doctor checked my lymph nodes and said they were normal, thinks i strained my neck and shoulder. Sending me to chiropractor. Is that the right course of action?\n[|AI|] Hello, It could be soft tissue swelling. You should not go to a chiropractor before making a diagnosis. You can go for an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. A fine needle biopsy may be required in case of diagnostic confusion. As of now you can use analgesics\/anti-inflammatory combination like diclofenac\/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I Kusum 38 Indian -> Its being almost 2 years after marriage; due to doctor negligence i lost my left fallopian tube, the case was treated as ectopic pregnancy. Now its almost 10years I am not pregnant. IUI, polycystic, harmones level is being checked. But still no positive. Request to help\/guide me.\n[|AI|] Hi Museum, From you history I gather that all your investigations are normal. Except for removal of left fallopian tube. Your other risk factor is age of 38 yrs. Tubal pregnancy is due to some sort of damage to inside of tube, may be infection or surgery etc. Usually if one tube is damaged by infection, other one also s at risk of damage, you never get cold in one nostril !! So no matter what you do, GUI or injections Sperm & egg may not be meeting at all. Keeping history of failed treatments, History of tubal damage & most important age of 38 yrs, I would advise you to try IVF. Once you reach 40 yrs, your ovaries will not have healthy eggs enough to have pregnancy. In IVF tube is not needed & pregnancy chances are high. It is costlier than other methods but has definitely higher pregnancy chances. Hope I have clarified your overall the best Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello,I had renal cell carcinoma and had a partial nephrectomy om 05\/29\/2013. After 4 weeks I noticed a swelling which has subsequently got to the size of my hand and gets bigger by night. It throbs intermittently a few times an hour. My incision itself looks good. I have a lot of pressure (new) on my bladder. It feels like when I was pregnant and the babys head was going down into the birth canal. I have backache like pyelonephritis on and off, and I have heat running through my body, sweating on the back of my neck yest cold and clammy on my forehead. Yet no high temp on the thermometer. I am so uncomfortable that I can only manage to be out and about for a couple of hours at a time. Im normally a workaholic but cant bear the thought of going to work as a nurse. I have had 5 previous abdominal surgeries prior to this. What can all this mean?\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Swelling is there about the size of hand, but where it is ? 2nd swelling is there at the hand ? So please exact the site where swelling developed. Also write down the type of cancer (benign or malignant) in kidney (squamous or columnar or other type). Pain behind neck and in pelvic region may be due to metastasis ( from renal carcinoma). Also mention the type of surgery performed five times for evaluation of diagnosis. Cold, clammy forehead is not due to any particular disease, but due to tension (stress) through which going. Still I will advise you please consult an Oncologist and C T scan as well M R I are very important for you. Good luck. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My ex-boyfriend went from hot to cold. he used to have a heart, but now he doesn t even care about his 4 year old son. he said that God told him that we are no good for him. just last week he said I love you to his son and he misses him. and yesterday he said his son and i are bad for him and to not call him anymore. i haven t spoken to him for a couple of days cause he told me not to call him. but i called yesterday because i needed someone to watch out son so i can take my daughter to the emergency due to chest pain. he said to not call him and no he was not going to come over to watch his own son. its like he has split personality. he went from a very sweet person to someone who is just plain rude within a week. oh yes, i think he is paranoid and schizophrenia. i know he smokes and does marijuana.\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The details are not enough. I think your version of the details are not enough to have a proper diagnosis. He uses marijuana in itself is enough to create euphoria and mood swings and depression. There may not be any paranoid ideation or dual personality or schizophrenia. Talk to him over dinner about these happenings and you might get a clear answers. Maybe he is also troubled as you are and searching for answers about your behavior? Talk to him in peace. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi. My mother is suffering from sever neck pain for a long time. As prescribed by doctor she has undergone an MRI cervical spine where the findings are as under: Mild posterior protrusion of C4-C5, C5-C6, & C6-C7 discs causing mild thecal cmpression but no remarkable spinal or neural foraminal stenosis As prescribed by docttor she is undergoing traction for the last week but still the pain does not seem to reduce.. She gets relief when she is sleeping or applyting hot pad . Request you to please suggest\n[|AI|] Hi Amiga, Thanks for writing your query. After reading your post, I would suggest that you should continue physiotherapy and traction as advice by your doctor. You can take painkiller like Ibuprofen twice a day after meals along with muscle relaxant chloraxazone along with an antacid. Doing hot fomentation and application of pain relieving gel on the neck will give some relief to the symptoms. Also, donor use a very thick pillow. I hope this is helpful to you. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have 3 painless moveable lumps beside my left knee cap. Started out as one but over the last two years it became three and now two are marble sized and one is oblong and about the size of a walnut. I also noticed that now below my Left knee there is a larger oblong area that protrudes noticeably...even more than on the Right leg. Very noticeable. No pain or tenderness. Is this a cause for concern or should I just keep an eye on it.\n[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns. Painless movable lump around your left knee could be either Meniscal cyst or Sebaceous cyst or Bakers cyst. Meniscal cyst may result from trauma, hemorrhage, chronic infection, and mucoid degeneration. The most widely accepted theory describes meniscal cysts resulting from extrusion of synovial fluid through a peripherally extended horizontal meniscal tear, accumulating outside the joint capsule. They arise more commonly from the lateral joint margin, and occur most often in 20 to 40-year-old males. Sebaceous cysts originate from sebaceous glands in skin and contain sebum. Bakers cyst: A swelling or cyst at the back of the knee which is usually associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Regards \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Sometimes when I hear a certain noise, (its mostly the beep sound my toaster makes) I start feeling scared, paranoid or just like something bads gonna happen, sometimes the noise brings back the memory of when I had my first seizure and I feel like I do after a seizure. I have ADD, ADHD and epilepsy in case that has anything to do with it\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I think this is a new development for you. With anxiety disorders, such fear is common. Anxiety disorder patients slowly develop irritation towards noises and in due course the irritation makes them obsessive towards noises. Some specific noise irritation takes up center stage of the obsession, and they feel such noises. There is nothing to worry. This will be there for some months and slowly disappear. You will need Cognitive Therapy. Consult a psychologist. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I need to know what to do to help my husband he was gaven a Date rape drug by his Ex-girl friend and it has missed his mind up he now has a mental illness. and is now on Depakote Sprinkles and Respdial 3mg. here lately he has been getting very Anger screaming out at me and saying things that dont make any since. like talking about people that he has not seen in years and things that he thinks has happen which have not really happen. I dont know how to handle him anymore and need to know what to do to help.\n[|AI|] Thank you for writing to Chat Doctor! From your question it looks that your husband has a psychotic illness, he is on separate sprinkles and risperidone 3 mg but still has auspiciousness and talks out of context. Dosage of separate is not mentioned. From my clinical experience I can say that either the dosage of the medicine is low or maybe he is not taking it regularly. So, if you are sure of compliance, it will be very helpful to increase TH dose of risperidone to 4\u00a0mg - 6\u00a0mg in a day. Along with it, I have seen clonazepam 0.5-1 mg effective in case when patient is difficult to manage \/gets very angry\/unable to sleep, on as and when required basis. It is advisable to get sodium valproate levels done, to ensure that the sprinkles are providing adequate among of Chat Doctor. Please donor loose hope, it is not at all difficult to manage such cases, what is needed is dose adjustment and make sure he takes the medicine daily, and he will start behaving normally once again. You have said that your husband developed this illness after he was given date rape \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi my 10 month baby has has a heavy cold for roughly 5 weeks with loose cough and a lot of green discharge from his nose continuously, so much so he has a red sore patch under his nose from wiping. Recently however he has had lots of blood in the discharge and it keeps blocking his nostril up? Can you give me any advice please?\n[|AI|] Hello, Your child is suffering from severe bacterial infection. He needs antibiotic, start syrup Augmenting thrice a day 5 days with syrup Hardin D half teaspoonful (SF) thrice a day 5 days plus Cal pol syrup half SF thrice a day. Give him steam inhalation, syrup Phylicia for cough and go to see a Doctor, his chest must be listened and throat must be examined. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 37 year old female. This morning I started with a chest pain on the upper left side. It is a constant hurt but more intense when I move, talk till give out of breath, bending over, turning head to left or right. This has been going on for several hours now. What could it be?\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, your upper left sided chest pain is mostly due to muscular cause but better to rule out cardiac cause first. So get done 1. ECG 2. 2d echo. If both are normal then no need to worry about cardiac cause. Muscular pain appears more in your case. So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid heavyweight lifting. 2. Avoid strenuous exercise. 3. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Also avoid movements causing pain. 4. Start painkiller and muscle relaxant. 5. Apply warm water pad on affected site. Don't worry, you will be alright.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, my daughter was diognosed with frontal lobe shrinkage which affects the memory and behavior. I heard that this condition is unreversable. Is there a medication or treatment that can help to regulate her condition ? , and can this cause her to have dementia in the future ?\n[|AI|] Hello. I have been through your question and understand your concern. Frontal lobe atrophic or shrinkage is quite common after the sixth decade while less common before. It is generally a benign situation, but unfortunately it is progressive and there is no treatment to prevent or treat this condition. Generally this is associated with cognitive impairment but not always. You should have radiologic follow up to monitor this condition. Hope this helps. Best regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, My dad just foung out that he has brain tumour and suffering from cancerous malignant Glioblastoma , grade IV as per biopsy. Presently he is in Hyderabad with my family and medicated on radiation and chemotheraphy...we also started Ayurvedic Sarvapishti. plz advice.\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor , any type of cancer depends on the spread of it to the body parts, age of a person, how much metastasis or spread it has and on which organs, how healthy is your dad now, what is his vitals -blood pressure pulse etc. and what is the progress of the disease would let you know the exact status of the patient, treatment is symptomatically and radiotherapy regularly, consult also radiologist for advice, take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, im a male 32 years of the age . Im facing some problem since 2009 after the death of my father . The problem is related to my sleep . Whenever i M falling asleep some weird things happens in my body .. Like choking and waking up , feeling of heat attack or vibrations starts in my body and then when i wake up and sit down it vanishes.. These things really doesn t allow me to go off to sleep but once i go off to sleep nothing bothers.. These episodes doesn t happen every time it happens mostly when im tensed or worried the entire day .. In 2012 i had some severe vibrations starting from my back and then every where including my head whenevr i try to fall asleep .. It lasted for 4 days..thn I visited a neurologist he gave me. Etizolam and revotril .. Asked me to take those med for 3 months but made me very slow and Sleepy that after a week i left them and fortunately i didnt experience any kind of trouble for a year .. On and off the episode happened after a year but not that often.. But now for past few months im constantly worrying about something and these things hs started again from last 8-10 days Whenever im falling asleep vibrations and twitching in my body starts and doesn t allow me to sleep .. I started etizolam .25 mg again for 3-4 days i didnt experience any thing but last nite i had the med around 1 and slept aroun 3 but couldn t sleep as i had some thoughts n my mind and then the vibrations started .. Please let me know the cure and is this any kind of disease im suffering from? Thank u\n[|AI|] Holloway you are describing seem to be panic attacks that feel like bouts of anxiety, palpitation, breathlessness and a fear that something bad is going to happen. The anticipation of these attacks causes further anxiety. If these attacks are very distressing I would advise you to start a SSRI preferably Paroxetine (Part CR 12.5 mg) at bedtime and continue it for at least 6 months. It can be increased further with a psychiatrist advice. You should not take Mizoram unsupervised for so long. Also get one ECG and TSH done to rule out any other physical cause of anxiety. Hope your query is satisfied.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had fever from 2nd feb,2014 then I examined with doctor and found typhoid.now I am fine and no fever came for 5 days still I am using azithromycin(500) daily anf cefixime(400) twice a day.1)how long should I take this medicine.2) can I take Ato Z tablet as nutrient tablet.3)can I eat fish\/chicken etc.\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, I have gone through your history and understand your concern.1. Usually antibiotics is advised for a minimum of 7 days2. You can take this Vitamin B complex, as it will replenish your nutrition3. You need to avoid high protein diet, as the metabolism of the protein occurs in the liver. The liver should not be over burden for at least 20 days. Even though fish has PUFF and MFA, the fried items should be avoided. Thank you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...my daughter amputated the tip of her finger last night and I want to advise her how to care for it. It bled pretty heavily at first but that has not been a continued problem. I want to advise her how to care for it so she will not get an infection.\n[|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor She should initially keep the area covered to reduce contact with contaminants that would cause infection. The area should be cleaned with an antiseptic solution and topical antibiotics applied. She may need to have it reviewed by her doctor at intervals to make sure that it is healing well. If there is any evidence of infection-redness, swelling, tenderness, increased warmth or pain, then she may need oral antibiotics. I hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Areas of skin on arms, shoulders, abdomen are intensely itchy before a bump appears. The bump appears to have a tiny hole in the center. The bump is symmetrical and round. When it is healing it appears to have an indention in the skin (like a little skin is missing). It may start to dry up and appear to heal, but then the itching starts again and the whole cycle repeats. Topical steroids are less effective for itch than triple antibiotic oint. I am desperate and have even switched from goats milk soap to pine tar soap. I have allergies\/ asthma . I take allergy shots, but these areas are not hives . The only secretions that come from these bumps are blood (or clear fluid). If they ever do manage to heal, my skin is left scarred.\n[|AI|] Hello, It does appear that you may have eczema, although they are not intensely itchy. I hope these have not happened after the allergy shots in which case you need to get the concentration and content of the shots (subcutaneous immunotherapy, I suppose) reviewed by your Allergist. Long-acting antihistamines are recommended as a trial in the first instance. If you wish to exclude a fungal infection, a skin scraping needs to be taken and KOH preparation under Woods lamp will reveal this. However, this is unlikely. I was not sure what you meant with the soap, but soaps are not recommended in Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My husband is 57 years old, he suffers from hypertension but is on meds, I just took his bp and it shows 164\/96, he got dizzy out of the blue about 2 hours ago and has been vomiting.... he will not go to the ER so now I m wondering what could be wrong.\n[|AI|] Hai, sudden rise of Blood Pressure can be due to any stressful event whether emotional or medical. However you are on Hypertension medication no need to worry. Kindly recheck Blood pressure after 20 to 30 mins in a rest with relaxed condition dizziness and vomiting can be also associated with anxiety or stress condition if there is no history of Heart attack and gastritis. After a rest for one to 2 hours if the symptoms persist kindly go to the emergency department. Regards Chat Doctor. S. Senthilnathan\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] HiDue to a sressful few months i have been masterbating 2 or 3 times a night. Over the past couple of nights i have felt a sensation of extra pressure in the glans and painful ejaculation. I am 32 and have not had sex, protected, for nearly three weeks. Is this something to be worried about?\n[|AI|] Good Day, and thank you for being with Chat Doctor ! I believe you may have strained your penis and testicles from over masturbation. This condition usually resolves in a few days to weeks with abstinence and rest. Just take it easy and there will be no permanent side effect due to over straining. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: http:\/\/www.ChatDoctor .com\/doctors\/ Chat Doctor. Best wishes. Manuel C. See IV, M.D. DBU FPGA\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] HI dr. my belly button peircing is really infected. Its been infected for about 3 weeks, ive tried like every treatment and nothing has helped.amoung with the infection im feeling tired, and sick all the time, i also have lost a good deal of weight, and i have had pain in my chest for a couple of months and some other symptoms.what does this mean? what should i do?\n[|AI|] Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. For how long you are suffering from it? Any other associated problem? Like diabetes or hypertension? Which antibiotics you have used? If it is not healing then there is need to check your blood sugar levels. There is need to get the cultures of the swabs taken from the wound so that appropriate antibiotics can be prescribed. There is need to get the chest x-ray to rule out any infection of the lungs. Stay calm and meet your surgeon for proper clinical examination Meanwhile stay calm and use acetaminophen to relieve pain Get well soon Hope your query is adequately ad Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi went to my drs today as suspected I had high blood pressure and have being having palpatations. She gave me an echo which seemed ok, however is sending me for a chest xray, lots of blood tests and also have to wear a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours. Is this really necessary ? Wouldnt the echo have shown something if there really was a problem. I really hate doing these things unnecessarily.\n[|AI|] Hi, If you there are a suspicion of high blood pressure, then we perform ECG, echocardiography, some obligatory blood tests to rule out other organ problems which could cause high blood pressure. We measure blood pressure at the hospital, but in the majority of cases it is not enough, and we need to know how the patients blood pressure behaves during the day, to decide out strategy of patient management. So, in my opinion your doctor does everything correctly. Take fearsome back if you have any further questions\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my wife is suffering with 102.3 F fever. having pain ,nausia and didnt take meal since 7 pm tonight. Is it viral fever or dengue? i ve given her paracetamole 500 two times but now also her temp is 102. should i give her 650 mg paracetamole bcoz last dose i vegiven her at 9 pm\n[|AI|] Dear Friend. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. This is difficult to comment without clinical and laboratory testing. However, dengue presents with fever, malaise, eye pains, bleeding manifestations. If you are having any bleeding from anywhere, then simply get tested. These days viral is on high, so if your fever doesn't subside on taking these medications, get following tests done:1. Hemogram2. Malaria antigen3. Dengue serology.Don't take any painkillers except Paracetamol for fever. This is my personal opinion for you based on available details. If you have any further query please ask me. Stay HealthyChatDoctor, MD\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My 57 year old cousin was admitted to the hospital last week with congestive heart failure and was told only 20 percent of his heart was functioning. Turns out he has all kinds of blockages all over his body. They had to put in four stents including one in the coronary artery before they could do bypass surgery today. He needs three bypasses but they were only able to do two. Before surgery, he was told that they wanted to do more stents this week as soon as he recovered from the bypass surgery. What kind of prognosis do you think my cousin has?\n[|AI|] Hello, After going through your medical query I understand your concern and I would like to tell you that 20% ejection fraction is very low to survive and patient admits with heart failure again and again. ICD device can help a bit if your cousin can make out for that surgery kindly consult with your cardiologist regarding this. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello. Ive had a cold with a lot of congestion and, having asthma, Ive had a LOT of coughing. Now the back of my neck hurts on both the left and right side when I turn my head. Im assuming this is from the cough and congestion but as the cold is getting better, the neck soreness is not going away. Hot shower helps, as does massage, but Id like a bit of reassurance :) THANKS!\n[|AI|] Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your health issues submitted in your query. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-Your current health issues seem to be due to -the Cold aggravating your asthma with accompanied bronchitis. This would create more problems like the one -straining of neck muscles and chest muscles from repeated coughing and asthma causing dyspnea. The neck soreness is thus from strained neck and with accompanied? Viral Myalgic, which would recover with time and treatment of Asthma by -Antibiotics\/ Bronchodilators\/ Plenty of fluids and proper bronchial Chat Doctor. This is therefore more alarming condition and situation needs to be dealt by urgent Consultation with Chest Physician for ruling out TB \/ and other causes for this. The fact that hot showers and massage helps in relieving is more rewarding as this Myositis from Strain would resolve with Pain killers and NSAIDs supplements for few days timeTherefore Cause of these complaints in your case needs to be investigated by Chest X-ray and by blood tests and if need be by CT Chest. Other causes need to be verified, as discussed above. For this you need to consult Chest Physician. Dos in your case-Check With Doctors as suggested above-Rest and Fluids in plenty with Bronchial Care. You need to Urgently plan Corrective Antibiotics and other care, as your case is a bit complicated and seems to be neglected. Get physical check with Chest Physician who would do needful Chest X-ray and other investigations. There are many causes which need to be verified amongst the causes discussed above before planning specific investigations and remedies. High protein \/ high Calories diet to built up body. Vit B12 and Folic Acid- to stabilize the body and bronchial stress.Thus, You should consult Chest Physician. This would resolve the complaints of yours. Constant follow-up with local family or specialist Chest Physician for long term would give you long remissions of sucChatDoctorplaints in time to come, which would depend on meticulous follow-up treatment of your health concerns. Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors, till you verify with your attending doctors. For early recovery-please follow above dos which would resolve your complex health issues. Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard to following link-http:\/\/doctor.Chat Doctor .com\/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229Wishing Good Healthy Life!!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hellow doctorMy baby is 3 months old n past few days she has been vomoting and loose motioning after every feedI took her to my pedtrcn he has given me medcation for loose motion and stop vomit that has actually worked but fot the loose motion it still doesnt stop\n[|AI|] As you have said your baby has diarrhea and vomiting, first the number of episodes of loose motions is very, very important factor in case of child Chat Doctor. You can give him syrup nor-metrogyl or syrup O2 2.5 ml twice daily for diarrhea along with syrup vomiting or syrup ondansetron 2.5 ml twice daily for vomiting with some probiotic like sporadic sachet one at least twice daily. Last but not the least, don't stop to breastfed her continue it as many times as your baby wants.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello I keep getting lower backache an cramps have started in my stomach about belly button level an they shoot down to my pelvis area I feel extreme pressure on the arch of my back which feels like it spreads upwards an just lately when I urinate they become more painful allso I cant pass wind as it puts toi much pressure on tge front of my stomach do you know what could be causing this please thankyou for your time.\n[|AI|] Hello, thanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor. C. During urination if pain is there, it might due to urinary tract infection (UTI). Stomach pain is also, but it may happen a rifer pain from U T I. Desire of defecation usually associated with U T I. So consult a doctor and get in U\/S of whole abdomen to rule out any disease in effected area. Urine and blood examination will also highlight the disease. Good luck \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my mother in law aged 67 has been diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer. Both kidneys are affected alongside uterus and cervix. Drs are saying she is not fit for chemo due to other health probs. most of her children live abroad. How much time does she have left?\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Stage 4 cancer is an advanced stage of cancer wherein there is involvement of surrounding as well as distant sites. Treatment in stage 4 is only symptomatic and there is no definitive treatment. The survival time in stage 4 bladder cancer is dismal, however, no exact time period can be determined. It may vary from few weeks to few months. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi my wife was pregnant (2-1\/2 month ) and gone through missed abortion ,In the test mayobacterium TB cells are found in the endometris? Dr advise her to take ATK-4 , LIV 52 DS, Bendom 40mg? Is this diesease is infectious and we are getting the right treatement ?\n[|AI|] Hi I did review your concern,AKT-4 is a treatment for tuberculosis, and it is a multi Chat Doctor. The most important thing is to remain compliant with treatment for 6-9 months whatever is the stipulated time by doctor. Also, she might experience red urine which should not worry as it is due to vitamin metabolite. Also, whenever she experiences jaundice or skin rash consult a doctor. Bendom is a good cotreatment as vitamin B6 is deficient in these patients due to isoniazid. LiV52 is optional. I hope this helped me know if you have any more questions or concerns and I will try to help you with best of my abilities. Wish you all the best sincerely,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Have been trying to fall pregnant for the past 10 months with no success. We have a 2 year old. My Dr prescribed Fertodim-50 and said I should take it on day 2 of my cycle for 5 days. My cycle is 25-28 days. I took it this month and started intercourse on the 9th day according to my Dr and fertility calculator. We had sex for 3 consecutive days. Should we have proceeded after the 3rd day and how exactly should I be taking the pill if I m not pregnant ?\n[|AI|] Hallow Dear, Fatimid pills are the tablets of Camphene citrate. I would have appreciated had you taken some more scientific steps as described below:1. From day 9 onwards, subject yourself for the ovulation monitoring by ultrasonography. Usually the egg is released when the follicle attains the size of 18 mm to 21 mm. So you can plan your sexual relations accordingly. Ultrasonography also will provide an evidence of egg release. 2. Some prefer to give In. Chat Doctor when the follicle is matured to have guaranteed and planned egg release. So from a couple of days before that to few days after injection, sexual contacts are advisable. 3. Camphene citrate should not be taken for more than 6 cycles. If it does not result into pregnancy, you may have to change over to HMG\/Chat Doctor combination for induction of ovulation. If all these fail, you may have to go for Artificial Reproduction Technique. I hope this provides you brief and still apt guidelines. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My father is suffering from chest pain for last 1 week, he went to cardioligst in my home down and he done x-ray, ecg and all necessary tests. he said the heart function is normal and it is normal pain. He has given medicines for 1 month. but still my father is finding pain in his left chest\n[|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. Usually with chest pain we think about ischemic heart disease, and we do ECG for it. Your ECG is normal so HD chance are less. Second this could be because of musculoskeletal pain. Heavy exercise, heavyweight lift or improper bed posture can be the cause. Simple analgesic and hot compress helpful for that. Prolong acid reflux also lead to such pain. Omeprazole taken for it. Here you have symptoms since 1 month so better to rule out respiratory cause by doing chest x-ray if coughed, fever also present. Take enough rest. I hope my suggestion will help you\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] A few days ago I noticed a small red bump on the top of my left foot that itched a little. It grew in size and a few days later I had a few more bumps on my left foot and on my fingers. Also a few on my right calf. The ones that I scratched weep a clear fluid when I rub them with an alcohol wipe. Those I don t scratch are a hard looking people that only itch if I rub them. I recently started using Cortizone Cream.Is this poison ivy or what?\n[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that hard bump without fluids are not related to ivy poison and those coming out with clear fluid is related to poison ivy. For hard bump cortisone is not right cream. You should consult doctor and take appropriate treatment for it. Because visual examinations will only help in proper treatment. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my mom had 2 stints put in main artery in her heart in nov,2010, she just had her stress test and it stated she has coranary artery disease that i am figuring is the 2 stints that put in... dysenea, shortess of breath definition , and hyperlipidemia .. she is also a diabetic that is a bit high around 180 - 200 which she takes meds for..... she is 78 years old, bright , alert, but nervous....\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Her symptoms and stress test are suggestive of coronary artery disease (CAD). She is also diabetic. So get done coronary angiography. There is always possibility of restenosis. If Angiography is showing blockage then bypass surgery is the treatment of choice for her. Strict control of diabetes is needed. So consult cardiologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your mother. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I m 27yrs old,m using zotreem extra capsule for slimming...there Hello, I m 27yrs old,m using zotreem extra capsule for slimming...there is a medical name for it i wanna know? And i heard it has side effects on body specially on brain! But m not sure that y m confused!\n[|AI|] Hi, Zotreem-extra capsule is a nutraceutical which means a health promoting product which is claimed to enhance physical and mental activities of the body. Zotreem-extra although promoted as a weight losing pill is reported to be adulterated with harmful ingredients which may cause diarrhea, hypertension and depression. In view of it is not advisable to use it for slimming purpose. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had a clicking in my left part of my head while walking sometimes, about 3 years ago. I had a MRI and itwas not a tumor. It might of been just something with my jaw or tmj because when I held my jaw shut together, the clicking sounds would stop. I recently just realized that when I cough I feel a slight pain for about a second in my left side of my head or near forehead. Ive read some stuff online saying that it can be a tumor is this true. It only hurts for a second that I cough and Im not sure how long its been going on. I just noticed it today. I have no other symptoms.\n[|AI|] Hi there ~I understand your concerns. Having something unusual happen to you can be quite discomforting. I am glad you got an MRI brain done, and no tumor was detected. The clicking in the left part of your head might be due to a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) misalignment. A lot of people have this kind of issue. If you have not other symptoms other than this clicking and some pain which may be related to the TMJ issue, I advise you to not be too concerned about it. However, if the pain gets worse, please consult a doctor. I hope this helps. Take care and have a lovely day!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Recently I have been clenching my teeth at night, and the other day I had crunched down on something hard (may be a loose filling) and after that my back tooth and gum has been causing throbbing pain and every time I rub my tongue against the gum underneath the tooth it causes a lot of pain.\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have habit of clenching this causes trauma to periodontal ligaments. I will suggest you that you consult dentist and go for oral examination if pain is due to dislodge filling then go for restoration if it is due to periodontal problem then go for Scaling and Curettage. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day. Hope this will help you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, im experiencing lower back pains somewhat tender . I got an xray from a radiology they reported i had an extra spine arising to my c7 but when i went to see my orthopedic doctor after I did an xray and she concluded she saw signs of arthritis. Keep in Mind im on 19 yrs . Im confused on what to do because I got two different reports\n[|AI|] Hi, thank you for posting! I have gone through your query and I understand your concerns. According to your symptoms, I think that you suffer from arthritis. Even though you have two different reports, they are basically the same thing, because the extra spine is an indicator of arthritis. Even though you have taken an X-ray, you should take some more, such as:- Fibrinogen test-ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)- neck CT-scanner (computed tomography)The therapy consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and chiropractic procedure. Contact your neurologist to discuss more about the diagnosis and treatment. Feel free to ask for anything unclear. All the best,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, as I heard and read through net copper t seems to be the best option for birth control. My wife is a mother of 4 months baby. Is this a good time to take it. I am afraid whether there will be any side effects because of it. Is there any different types of copper t. Can you please suggest which one if any and let me know approx price of it. Kindly clarify my doubt.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. As you have already got a baby so Copper T can be safe and most effective contraceptive method, make sure your wife did not have Postpartum infection or PID in last three to four months. Copper T is effective for about 10 years. Other IUD is IRENA which unlikely to Copper T contain harmony and is effective for 5 years. Only 1% of failure has been reported with these IUD's. Usually IUD's like copper T are safe, but copper may trigger allergies in some women and may cause unusual heavy vaginal bleeding and cramps. Rarely it may perforate uterus. Cost is reasonable but can vary depending on product company. Hope it helps. Take Care!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dear Doctor, My name is Mr Aron, i am indian passport holder presently residing in China. I was affected by bad allery from last 2 years, we never find right solution to cure this allergy from my body. I took so many medicine and spent lots money to get tablets. As per instructed by a doctor and doctor said me \"allergy cannot be cured, he is always patient. Some things i use to do in this allergy. - Use to get red dots when the allerg starts- I use Scratch around the body by hand- Suppose if not scratching also i use to get bubles in my body. When i have oily & non veg food, i use to get more allergy. kindly find me some suggestion and pls reply with your good answers to find a right medicine to follow me.\n[|AI|] Hello Mr Aron, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your query and would like to know more details about you like - a. Which parts of body are commonly involved? b. Any particular season when you have more problems? c. Do you sweat a lot? d. Do you have a Chat Doctor? Do you have any other allergies - nose allergies, asthma, etc.? f. Do you have any other medical conditions or do you have to take any medicine frequently\/regularly? At present, I would suggest you as follows:1. I usually suggest such patients regular antihistamines like levocetirizine or fexofenadine in morning and HY\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi doctor, i m a married female 27 yrs, my husband was having extra marital affair , which i came to knw last week , rit now i m very tense and thinking of the same again and again, i m mentally very disturb, can u suggest me something (medicine) to control my stress .\n[|AI|] HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor I think, you are in adjustment disorder. In that case, you need supportive therapy rather than antidepressant. You should consult a psychologist that would help you. If you feel some depressive symptoms, then you can try some antidepressant like paroxetine or Escitalopram. Better to consult a psychiatrist for proper treatment plan and in case, you need further help, you can ask us. Thanks\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 36 next month and had an ectopic in feb of this year ( surgery , but tube saved). I also miscarried at 5 weeks ( just a couple of days ago). I have a ten year old daughter from previous relationship. Is my body trying to tell me that I m too old for another pregnancy. Should I try ivf ?\n[|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the problem in your case is maintained of pregnancy but not formation of embryo. Usually IVF is suggested to those who are not able to conceive naturally. But in your case the pregnancy occurred naturally both of the times, but first one got terminated due to ectopic and 2nd one due to miscarriage. The cause for ectopic cannot be pinpointed, but the miscarriage might be due to genetic anomalies or hormonal insufficiency like thyroid abnormalities or progesterone insufficiency, diabetes etc. So I suggest you to rule out thyroid abnormalities, diabetes etc. Also give a gap of 3 months for next conception. And start taking folic acid tablet starting one month before planning the pregnancy. And as you are 36 years get screened for Down syn Chat Doctor. Nothing to worry. Untoward effects might not repeat in further pregnancy. Relax. Avoid stress. As stress also might hamper the normal hormonal balance in body leading to untoward effects. Hope this helps. Best regards...\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my son has been to the er three times in the last month and a halffirst with hives and chest painssecond with going numb and disorientedthird with stomach pains and chest painsevery time he eats he gets sever pain in his stomach--cant breath--sometimes his face will swell--and numbness in toes and fingershe already had his appendix removed thinking it was thathe has ever test imaginable --chest xrays--stomach scans--blood work--brain scan and mri to name a fewhe has been to an allergist and a neurologist both saying it is a virus.the sever pain in his stomach at times has caused him to drop out of college this semester because he can not even stand with the painnobody knows what is going ondoes anybody have a clue?\n[|AI|] Hi, The very first thing is to determine the type of virus that is causing such problems to your son. So, I suggest discussing with his doctor if your son is suffering from gastritis or HERD in order to start appropriate treatment. You are also saying that your son is a college boy. Being stressed out\/anxious of exams and other college-related stuff would also affect him negatively leading to such problems. I suggest being close to him and support him, letting him know that you are proud of him whatever results he gets in the exams. If you cannot be close to him, you can ask to get helped by his friends or by medical team (psychotherapy). At the end, I also suggest going to his college, ask his teachers and classmates about his behavior to understand more his current situation. I also suggest getting blood\/urine sample for Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Sir, Iam using encorate chrona for my daughter since 5months as prescribed by nuerologist she is putting on weight is ti the side effect of the medicine this has been prescribed for 2 years for absent seizures she is 8 yrs old now?------ YYYY@YYYY\n[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your daughters symptoms. She has absence seizures, which seem to be well controlled with sodium valproate. However, she is also putting on weight. Most probably, weight gain in your daughter is related to the use of sodium valproate. We should not stop valproate, as her seizures may worsen. Instead, we can control her diet and make her play outdoor games. These measures would keep her weight in check. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly\/\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My tongue is very weird, I woke up this morning and noticed that my tongue had this patch at the left rear, the patch has not got the pale pinkish tongue body colour like the rest of my tongue but has a brighter pink and very big taste buds I m quite worried because it feels uncomfortable and I have an odd taste in my mouth I m not sure if its just paranoia. I brushed my teeth and tongue (with my toothbrush) and that didnt solve the problem.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, Read your query patches on tongue can be geographic tongue, median rhomboid glossies, or decapitation of papillae these patches are seen in some patients with nutritional deficiency, vitamin B 12 deficiencies also. Don't be worried so much I will advise you to take nutritional diet, vitamin B supplements and consult oral surgeon for oral examination of tongue to rule out the cause. Hope this will help you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I recently had an attack that lasted about 2 hours. It was uncontrollable shaking stemming from pelvic area. Down the legs, cold chills with extreme abdominal & pelvic pains. And also my penis felt painful as well. No joking here. This type of attack happened one other time, but I was pretty sure that was triggered by a prescription nasal spray with some steroid\n[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor. Forum. You had uncontrolled shaking from pelvic area, down the legs, cold chills with extreme abdominal and pelvic pains. It appears to be a urinary tract infection, with or without stone in the urinary tract. It may be malaria also where these pains may be secondary to the chills. I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had posterior knee pain since April, it s pretty uncomfortable. I can squat or bring in my leg with it all the way flexed if that makes sense. I was working out when it started to hurt. So far MRI has come up clear for my knee and x-Rays are fine. Two orthopedist and still have no idea???\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You are likely to be having osteoarthritis of knee joint. You are likely to get benefitted by Diapering and glucosamine. Qua Chat Doctor. You can take analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a dime size lump that came out of nowhere at the top of my calf 3 days ago. It is located on the outside edge of my calf (think of my calf as a tall rectangle and this would be in the far NorthWest part of that rectangle). It is sore only when I touch it; otherwise I tend to forget its there. Are there lymph nodes on\n[|AI|] Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied your problem in depth and I understood your concerns. Cause and plan of Treatment-In my opinion on the given data, you seem to have bug bite or may be a boil \/ or may be a lymph node from wound in the leg. To fix the diagnosis you need to consult ER Surgeon. So don't build up wrong concepts and self-medicate your self which would increase risks and costs to you.Instead, just ask a query to Chat Doctor and be comfortable to resolve your health issues. Welcome for any more query in this regard to Chat Doctor. Write good reviews and Click thanks if you feel satisfied with my advice. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I just had sex recently, and I got sperm on my boob. I didnt notice it till the next day when I stood in front of my mirror. when I peeled the small amount of sperm off the tip off my boob I realized it looks like a ringworm. could it be a ringworm?\n[|AI|] Hello, I had gone through your question and understand your concern. Short answer: NO, it's not a ring worm. Detailed answer: Thank you for your question on Chat Doctor. Semen when ejaculated gets coagulated immediately. After sometimes it gets liquified and sticks to the skin when ejaculated on skin. When this gets Chat Doctor. This is completely normal. Normally, semen does contains any ring worm. So don't worry. Ringworm infection will cause itchy patches, discharge. Ringworm infection spreads from infected person througChatDoctorb, shower, clothes etc. I hope I answered your question. You can con contact me at any time, if you have any further questions.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] does wearing diaper have any effect on baby penis growth my baby is 9 months old he wears diaper for whole day and at night for 5 to 6 hours i keep him without diaper when he is sleeping in the morning i pack him again does it have any effect on baby penis growth i m really conserned and would be very thankful to you for answering me\n[|AI|] No it does not affect the growth of penis. However the diaper should be of proper size so that your baby feels it comfortable. The only thing you have to worry about is rashes. The baby might get rashes and secondary infection due to constant moistness and the ammonia present in babies urine. There has not been any proper mass research on this issue and in my career i haven't seen anything like that or guard about that. As far as theory is concern you don't have to worry about it. Just enjoy the childhood and motherhood.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi. I went to see a doctor about 4 days ago because I was on amoxicillin treatment due to tonsil infections and after I forgot to finish my dosage I went in for another one because the symptoms and signs were starting to show again. the doctor gave me an injection on my buttocks and now I feel numb around the hips and when I try to press the area I was injected I feel like some stringy thing around the numb area. what can be the cause of this numbness?\n[|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concern. As per your complaint it seems that you have got a nerve injury with the pricking needle that is used in the injection and due to nerve injury there is numbness in the injection site along with the adjoining area supplied by the nerve leading to numbness. The stringy substance that you are feeling can be due to infection leading to pus formation. Mostly nerve injuries caused by needle prick are transient and the sensation almost completely recovers. As of now you can take vitamin B complex daily as it helps in nerve regeneration and healing. Do warm compresses over the numb area. If there is any stringy discharge you should consult a Physician and get evaluated so that he can give you oral and topical antibiotics for resolution of infection. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My five year old daughter comes to me quite frequently complaining of rapid heartbeat, her legs are shaking uncontrollably and she has a lot of leg pain....I m not an over reacting mom as my 8 year old was born with Pierre Robin Sequence and we have been through everything you can imagine with him...she has always seemed quite healthy. Any suggestion\n[|AI|] Hi...rapid heart beat and that too from a 5-year-old who cannot just like that lie about it should not be ignored. It could be a supraventricular tachycardia or any other rhythm abnormality. I suggest you take her to the nearest emergency at the earliest. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i want to donate my kidney to my friend who last night was sent to the hospital for kidney failure they said he needs a transplant as soon as possible, i have the same blood type but it hasnt been a month since i have smoked. i smoked three nights ago. im 19 years old 5 foot 7 and im healthy. so is it ok to be a smoking kidney donor\n[|AI|] Hi & Welcome to Chat Doctor. I appreciate your generosity and gesture towards your friend. You will not be considered as an eligible donor unless you stop smoking for at least 8 weeks prior to donating the kidney. This is because there are many known health risks from smoking1. It can cause potentially life-threatening respiratory complications during or immediately after anesthesia. 2. It may also increase the risk of developing blood clots in the leg veins which can break loose, travel to the lungs and potentially cause death. 3. Furthermore, it causes increased mucus production and a decreased ability to clear the lungs which can lead to pneumonia. 4. Furthermore, it causes decreased wound healing. To be eligible you must quit smoking first and after 8 weeks you can donate the kidney to your friend after getting the pre-operative medical fitness. Since smoking is associate with a number of diseases of the heart and the lungs and various cancers so, it's better to quit smoking ASAP. Hope I could answer your query.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am male 24 years of age and currently working for a bpo in Bangarole. I have been suffering from memory problems since I was 19 years of age. With difficulty to remember new stuff, recent events and had issue to recall recent learned facts, names, concepts ideas. People make fun of me and my friends noticed this change. My reasoning is extremely poor, very slow in thinking. These days always keep quite during a discussion and cannot think on my own and when I try to say something it sounds boring not make any sense. I often stop in the middle of conversation and can only think few words and cannot join ideas. Very difficult time to finish easy tasks and make decisions. one year back I visited Apollo hospital in orissa was advised to take depression medicines but it didn t work. I was reviewing information on websites about mild cognitive impairment symptoms and may be I fall under this category. I am unable prepare for higher studies, rejected in job interviews and feeling very hopeless in my life when I see my friends who are doing well. My social life is almost screwed up. so I want to consult with you or a doctor you may refer me. Please advise me how should I go about this? Thank you for your time and patience for understanding my problem. Your response is highly awaited and thank you in advance for replying.\n[|AI|] Hello dear Memory impairment in such a young age needs to be evaluated properly. You must undergo a screening brain MRI. Blood investigations include it B 12 and folic acid levels, Thyroid profile, serum urea, creatinine, blood sugar levels. You should also consult a neurologist for proper examination and evaluation. You may visit a psychiatrist to evaluate for depression. Hope you recover early God bless you\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hiiiiii aim Micky from India.iam having lot of problem in nights .1.my sperm is leaking out weekly 4 to 5 times ..iam about 30 years.2.)having habit of hand-pump to get enjoy the sex feeling .weekly 4 times.3)my sperm coming out thin not thick.and when it was happened my penis looks small size 2 inches with near closed like .4.)when iam doing romance my sperm outs in 2mins .5.) i tried for sex but it failed because when my penis putting in to hole with in few seconds my sperm leaked out...6)when iam with my G.F talking or going on bike hugs or sitting closed to her my sperm leaking thinly slowly with out coming big of my cock and sex feel .7)while doing romance my penis raising slowly and dropping quickly while doing sex.there is no stand by. i was sacred about my sex life ,kindly help me. the above problems iam facing kindly give me suggestions and reasons and what to do.\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. You are experiencing premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, impotency etc. and All the given problems are due to lack of general knowledge about sexual procedures and undue anxiety about sex and related things. You should consult a sexologist to gt treatment for these. Do not hesitate. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] j have a left leg retaining fluid with a very painful heel..burning and sharp pains. what can be the cause and what can I do? I had non hodgkins lymphoma three years ago and I am still having booster treatments evert three months. the swelling first started after I had a biopsy on on the lympb node in the liower back can dr Mathew Mintz reply\n[|AI|] Dear, There must be the recurrence of the disease or must be residual disease after the initial treatment for non Hodgkin lymphoma. The swelling of the leg is because of the pressure on the lymphatic vessels by the tumor. If the chemotherapy has not relieved it, did your doctors advise local radiotherapy in the inguinal area. You can discuss it with your doctor, and he will be the right person to tell you whether you could be benefited with it. Residual disease after chemotherapy is most of the time taken care with Radiotherapy. Truly,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] 50 yr old female diabetic in late perimenopause. 5ft 4, 14 stone. Occasional past sharp crippling pain in right groin. Gallbladder removed feb 2012. Twisted awkwardly a week ago and now have crippling pain in right groin when getting up, sitting down, walking up an incline and stairs. Occasional pain walking on flat ground. Any suggestions what is happening please?\n[|AI|] As per your explanation looks like nothing related to previous medical history it may be because of the fall or twist, soft tissues have got overstretched and due to that you are having pain I recommend you to use hot pack and cold pack frequently in day time to have effect of healing as well as relaxing on your soft tissues I also suggest do not do any activity which aggravate your pain and if possible take rest for 2 to 3 days. Anytime if you feel the pain is increasing in intensity and there is no relief then consult or tho or physiotherapy doctor and take the necessary steps for evaluation like x-ray. As well follow the treatment as per the report suggested by or tho. In physiotherapy there is a treatment called ultrasound which can also be helpful for soft tissue healing. Consult your physio for this. I hope this will be useful for you. Thank you. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, i have regular cycle which is 24-28 days. Now, its day 38 but i still dont have my period. I went to the OB today and the urine test says its negative. She prescribed duphaston to be taken twice a day for 7 days. She says the reason that i still dont have my period yet is due to hormonal imbalance. I am still confused because ever since I got my period at the age of 12 and now im 32, i have a regular period. This is the first time that my period was delayed. My husband and I are trying to conceive for the a year already. please help clarify things for me. I am also scheduled to take an xray as required by my new job. My OB said its safe to get an xray as Im not pregnant. Should i wait for 1 more week and take a preg test before taking the xray?\n[|AI|] helloThanks for your query. Once in a while, it happens that periods get delayed for no reason (mild hormonal imbalance).stress, anxiety, travelling and change of place, weight loss, thyroid hormone problems, polycystic ovaries etc. also can cause menstrual delay. Yes, I would ask you to wait for your periods in fact, before taking the x-ray, as sometimes, delayed conception might occur. Finish the course of phaeton, and if you do not have with Chat Doctor. All the best.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My brother is in end stage of lung cancer. The end of his big toe has turned black. Our hospice nurse told us it was dry gangrene from possible blood clots. Is there anything that can be done and is it likely to move further up the foot. He is totally bedridden.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your brothers situation and problem. Yes, possibility of Chat Doctor. This is common complication of terminal lung cancer. And for this you can give him blood thinner medicines like heparin, warfarin, Coumadin etc. If not treated properly than this gangrene can go upside and involve foot, leg, thigh etc. So ask his doctor about starting blood thinner medicines. Nutritional supplements and pain management are the only options for his end stage lung cancer. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing good health to your brother. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My 6 year old daughter has been sick with cold, but getting better. She now is using bathroom a lot #2. Right when she goes she says her stomach hurts bad. I noticed a little blood yesterday. She is complaining that inside her butt hurts. I didnt see anything, but wasnt able to get a good look. Wondering if hemorroid or something else. What should I do?\n[|AI|] Thanks for asking gone through your question, your 6-year-old daughter having cold and stomach pain, and frequent stools. And some blood in stool. I was your treating pediatrician I would diagnose, that your daughter is suffering for dysentery. As she's having blood in stool, with frequency of stool. In hemorrhoid there is no stomach pain and frequency of stool. I would prescribe antibiotic Lifetime (8\u00a0mg per kg per day in two divided dose) for 5 days. So contact your doctor for prescription. hope to answer your query wish healthy family\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had double by pass surgery 7 weeks ago, physical therapy and OT are moving along fine, but I still cry, and cry and cry. Oh that egg was so good, cry. I am so alone today, cry. Look I was able to do something new today, yup cry some more. Why am I crying so much, I very rarely cried before surgery.\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You could possibly be affected by clinical depression which is quite common after some surgeries. The problem is the perception. The way with which we see the surgery and its consequences. Normally such depression lasts one or two months. In your case, it has crossed seven months. Please appraise the present situation to your doctor, and he should advise the needful. Don't worry. Practice of psychotherapy techniques to streamline your lifestyle and meditation and yoga techniques to calm your mind, body, streamline your metabolism and thinking style, should be useful to you. Please consult a psychologist. If you still need my help, please describe the whole problem in detail and post a direct question to me. I shall definitely help you with psychotherapy techniques to overcome your problems. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi i have been to the doctors as have not been feeling well, the doc said i had a fast pulse rate so was sent for an ecg and then asked to return today for blood and urine tests. my urine showed that there was protein in it. have got to wait now for results of the tests is there a link between the two? cant stop worring about what it could be. thanks\n[|AI|] Hello... A fast pulse rate can have many causes. To name a few common ones: anxiety, emotional stress, panic attacks, exercise, fever. You mentioned that you were not feeling well. Based on the tests you were advised it seems that the doctor was suspecting an infection. Were you down with fever since that could elevate the heart as I have mentioned? Fever can also cause the appearance of protein in the urine, which would disappear once the fever settles. In my opinion fever seems to be the most probable cause for you having both a fast heart rate and protein in the urine. Please do not get worked up. I think you will be fine.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Dr Keerthi. Just felt like I had a mini stroke. My right chest right up to my jaw bone went numb fo abt 10 secs. I have chronic high blood pressure and a bimbo of 50. What are some of the signs of a stroke? What could have happens to me? I still feel my right chest quite heavy. Many thanks\n[|AI|] Howell come to ChatDoctorThis is may not be the stroke (What the symptoms being given here) if you do have a history of hypertension, and it is well under control then stroke is very unlikely, then main symptoms of stroke would be sudden onset of syncope with the severe headache just before the syncope, or some time TIA (Transient ischemic attack) you can clear the doubt and for this the best option would be CT brain, hope this information helps, take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My husband went to doctor because of fever and swollen lymph node and the doc said that it was post nasal drip and gave him amoxicillin. My husband was also concerned about his sore gums but the doc that he had never seen said it was gingivitis. We called out dentist and he confirmed that my husband has never had gingivitis. Should we be concerned about any possible problem with this?\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query, as your husband had history of fever, swollen lymph node soreness in gums can be due to viral fever related it can be Viral dermatitis causing inflammation of gingival or desquamative gingivitis. Don't worry I will suggest you to consult dentist and go for visual examination of gingival in Meantime you can apply ointment Civil for soreness, and you can take medicine like Civil tablet by consulting with your dentist, do warm saline rinses, you can take vitamin B supplements with medication. Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Im a 39 year old male whos quite healthy overall. I jog, ride my bike, and workout at the gym. I dont smoke. For the last week or so Ive had a mild, dull feeling in my upper-left chest, and its scaring me a little. Theres no other symptoms. I can still go and workout, etc. It started the day after I had a few alcoholic drinks, but hasnt gone away. I drink socially about twice a week. I dont think its a strain from the gym since it had been about four days since my last workout. I have recently been using a lot of hot sauce on my foods, but it really doesnt seem like its a digestive system problem. Also, there are no significant hereditary health issues in the family. Your thoughts?\n[|AI|] Respected user, HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor.come have gone through your concern in depth.* There seems issue of Costco Chat Doctor. * Primary relief with Ibuprofen (400) mg morning and evening after meals for 2 days, later should consult doctor if pain persist to rule out any other issue from EKG or x-ray according to the clinician concern. Always feel free to ask further doubts. Regards dear take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, 10 years ago I developed at allergy to the sun after my daughter was born The allergy lasted 2 years. After that I was able to go in the sun without no itchy rash of any sort. This summer, I decided to go into the tanning bed because I thought I was ok and it made my allergy come back. Now I instantly breakout in what resembles a sunburn and an itchy rash. This lasts about 30-40 min before it goes away completely. Even if I put 110 neutragena sunblock on I still have a reaction but not as severe. I was diagnosed with PMLE back then but I think I have solar uticaria now. Do you know of any medications or creams that would enable me to go outside and walk around during the day??\n[|AI|] Allergy can occur anytime at any age with anything if you are prone it can be due to soaps shampoo oils cooking oils creams ointment clothes body application materials foods or pollen sit can be due to medicines used for other ailments need to find the cause by going through allergy tests after consulting allergeologistand treat accordingly for control can use antiallergic basting and local antiallergic ointment on affected part\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Good evening, I just received test results for CBC with diff and everything is in normal range except my ALT (SGPT) is 79. I went to the doctor with swollen salivary gland and lymph node on the right side of my neck, bad fatigue, recent ocular migraines, recent fast weight gain, and just overall not feeling well. Current medications are Vyvanse (30 mg\/day) and daily vitamins. Any idea of what I could be looking at?\n[|AI|] Thanks for your query at Chat Doctor! The SGPT in your case is on higher end but not abnormal, it must be three times more than normal value to say it is high. You can start some liver tonics. It does not appear to be the cause of your problems. I feel your problem is infection of sub-mandibular glands. I would like to know if you have fever? It is some viral\/sub-bacterial infection. You may require some prescriptions Chat Doctor. You can visit a local physician and get examined. Some investigations might be needed. Take care!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, doctor i`m shalini 24 Fe 5.5 h, 74 kg, i have under gone 3 cycle of follicle study 1st cycle was not clear it got ruptured in 13 mm now my follicle size is 20 mm and got ruptured my gynecologist advised to have sex and susten tab from 18th day,we kept relations as advised by doctor , but on 30th day of my cycle i got periods, i m worried whether i will get conceive or not.. Also my husbands semen count is 110, . please help me out.\n[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. As your follicles are developing, but it is not fertilized by sperms so I would advise going for histosalpingography HSG to rule out tubal blockage. If report of SG is clear then try naturally in fertile period for at least 4\/5 cycles. Then consult gynecologist for further treatment GUI Intrauterine insemination or IVF invited fertilization. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello!I have what I believe is an impacted wisdom tooth. The actual tooth part doesnt start until almost my gumline. The other day, I bit too hard into the gum that is still on the impacted wisdom tooth and created a sore lump. Now I cannot chew on the left side of my mouth or close my mouth all the way.\n[|AI|] With your query, as you mentioned that you have impacted tooth that means the tooth hasn't reached to its causal level and still covered by gum that is technically called as periodontal flap. Coming to your swelling I mean the lump could be a periodontal abscess which may be due to forceful food impaction in to gingival called as pseudo pocket. Treatment for this are by two means initially it has to get irrigated by an antiseptic solution then either you should go for a procedure called operculectomy which means removal of gingival or gum that is present over the tooth. This decision will be made by examining the tooth eruption status by radiograph and your age. In some instances if they decide tooth development is complete and chances of recurrence is more than you may have to undergo extraction for the impacted tooth. I would suggest you to go and visit oral surgeon for time being you can start using antibiotics along with painkillers and visit dentist as early as possible for complete treatment. It is unethical to prescribe antibiotics without knowing your Chat Doctor. Hope this is informative\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi last night i went to emerg i heard the nurse tell my doctor i might have pnemonia he didnt even bother coming to see me and when i left upset and walked to his office he prescribed me meds that may react somehow with the meds im taking should i be concerned should find a new doctor is this common way to treat your patients? he was the doctor on call last night\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you should definitely consult another doctor. Pneumonia is lung infection, and it should be treated promptly and correctly. And chest x-ray is must for the diagnosis of pneumonia. So better to consult another doctor and get done chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Tingling feeling in left arm like it is asleep, but not quite. Can feel heart beat. Tensed up feeling in left side of chest, occasional small pains mostly going from shoulder towards center of chest. In previous cases, heart beat very fast and\/or hard.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Left sided chest pain, radiating pain in the left arm and fast heart beats are more suggestive of heart diseases like Coronary artery disease (CAD). So immediately consult cardiologist and get done 1. ECG 2. 2d echo 3. Stress test (trade mill test) 4. If required Coronary Angiography. If all these are normal than no need to worry about CAD or other heart diseases. Sometimes stress and anxiety can cause similar symptoms. So avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Don't worry, you will be alright, but first rule out cardiac diseases. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello doc, i am 33 year old male , nowadays i am going through vertigo,whenever i change my head position in bed , or situp in bed ,or walk i feel vertigo,pls advice me what to do and thus is cause of concern ,let me brief u liitle more ,i used to have prolonged siiting in fron of my laptop in very awkward position u can say not comfortable ,also max times i used to have stiff neck and pain in nech while waking up.\n[|AI|] Hello, Your symptoms look like to be due to cervical spondylosis. Please get an X-ray Neck, Sr. It. D levels, Sr. calcium and phosphorous levels. If there are even early cervical changes then you should ideally see an orthopedic and get the needed Chat Doctor. He would also teach you neck exercises which are to be done every day. Donot bend neck or make sudden neck movements for some time. Sleep using a normal small cotton stuffed mild cushioned pillow and avoid soft big mattresses. Pease get the above tests and proceed further. Don't worry, you will surely get better. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, i had severe pain below the liver last week and was hospitalized for 3 days . later on sonography, doctor says that i have multiple gall stones in my gall bladder largest measuring is 7.8mm, they are advicing me for an immidiate laproscopic surgery and they say that my gall bladder will be removed. is there any other way to remove gall stones without removing my complete gall bladder. Ill be curiously waiting for your reply sir, Thanks\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, You are having gall stone with colic that is severe pain due to stones and treatment of choice is surgery if there is pain and nowadays laparoscopic surgery is safe and successful. Other forms of therapy is available but may not be suitable in acute stage, and you have to discuss with your treating doctor. Lithotripsy. This procedure uses ultrasound waves to break up gallstonesContact dissolution therapy. This treatment uses a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to place a chemical in the gallbladder to dissolve gallstones. If pain settles and medical therapy with OBT oral bile acid therapy may be useful in some. Hope this helps Take care Good Luck Chat Doctor. D.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi.. i ve been taking pills since july 2012, i was using azul, but last month, february , i changed my pill to althea, and i took the first tablet even if i was done with my menstruation . it was stated on the instructions that it s ok to start the pill at any day as long as you follow the days indicated on the pill pack. but on the first week that i was taking the pill i was also taking antibiotics\/antibacterial named amoxicillin . and i had made out with my boyfriend on the 5th day that i was taking pills. i finished my 21st tablet last march 2 and it s already march 6 today and i still don t have my period. the last day of my period was jan. 30.. i did some research and it says that antibiotics don t interfere with the pill except the one named rifampin. so i m confused, am i pregnant? pls help me. -AAAAAAA. stressed out-\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for posting, Well I do not think you are pregnant if you have been taking the pills as indicated even though it will be wise to conduct a pregnancy test in about a weeks time just to be sure that pregnancy is not the cause of your amenorrhea. Pills are hormone based and can alter the concentrations of your natural hormones there by leading to menstrual irregularities. Since you changed abruptly your initial birth control and introduced a new one, it is possible that it is the change that lead to this. Menstrual irregularities e.g., spotting, breakthrough bleeding or amenorrhea can occur during its use. Most of these side effects are mild and usually disappear after a few months of contraceptive use. So I suggest you worry less than stress on its own can lead to menstrual irregularity. Hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello I just noticed I have a bump in my pubic area. It s about the size of a kidney bean. I haven t shaved lately. My boyfriend and I just started having sex again after months of no sex because we had a miscarriage and D&C. Do you know what this might be?\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctorThanks for posting your query in Chat Doctor. Bumps in pubic area are very common because of increased hair present in this region. It might be just a folliculitis that is infection of hair follicle. It may also be an enlarged lymph node or blocked sebaceous gland present enormously in this area. I would advise you to keep the area clean and give hot fomentation to the affected area as frequently as possible. Pain and swelling will come down. If it doesn't get relieved, you need to see your treating doctor for physical examination. Hope you are happy with the answer. Thank you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am having alot of jaw pain and throbbing with headache 24\/7 after having 2 crowns worked on last week. any ideas are welcome, I am seeing my dentist tomorrow, but would like to have appropriate feedback \/ questions for him. I dont think this should hurt so much.\n[|AI|] Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint you have got two crowns placed and pain after this can be due to either of the following reasons. One reason can be in case if the crowns were placed without root canal treatment of tooth (it is a treatment in which the nerves and blood vessels present in the tooth are cut off either to relieve pain due to infection or as an intentional procedure to avoid complications like pain and sensitivity after crown placement) the preparation of the tooth for seating the crown if done in excess can lead to opening of nerves and when the crown is placed over opened nerves it can cause inflammation of nerve and hence severe pain. In case if the crowns are placed after root canal treatment for an infected tooth pain can be due to persistent infection leading to pus formation and pressure which is not subsided or there is some vital nerve tissue left out in any missed root canal can cause severe pain on crown placement. I would suggest you to consult an ENDODONTIST and get evaluated clinically as well as by getting x-ray done to rule out the cause of pain. In case if root canal is not done and pain is due to irritated nerves the crown needs to be removed followed by Root canal treatment and medicines and once pain is completely subsided crown can be placed again. In case of root canal treated tooth also re treatment will have to be done. You can take painkiller like Eugenic plus or Retool DT (one tablet dissolved in half a glass of water) to provide relief. Hope your query is solved. If you find the answer helpful please write a positive review and click on find this answer helpful as a token of appreciation. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My grandfather is taking dutas t for BPH. He was taking CCB for BP.but he has vertigo for last 3 days.BP was checked and it was 100\/60.BP medicine was discounted.he has been prescribed vertizac tablet for 1 month twice daily before food.but myself as a medico told him to take it for 15 days.give suggestions.\n[|AI|] Hello, Vertical is for symptomatic relief of vertigo, so as soon as the symptoms resolve your father can surely atop the Chat Doctor. Two weeks shower more than enough, rather if it is persistent post 2 weeks, again a review visit to the diagnosis should be done to make sure we are not missing anything. Also, the cause of giddiness might be the blood pressure and so stopping (though I would prefer gradual down titration) of the meds, should be enough. Lastly do keep a follow-up of his blood pressure reading. Hoping I could help For further assistance you may contact me on Chat Doctor. @ Http:\/\/doctor. ChatDoctor .com\/doctors\/\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, Im 35 white female , I feel like 100 y old, too tired to go out of bed, too tired to walk, etc., Ive noticed a sore and enlarged tongue, my RBC count was 3.9 few months ago, so Ive been asked to take iron , folic acid and B plex,after a month, the RBC count was 4.1 , then another month 4.2 , and the last month 4.2, those tablets are not helping, Im loosing my job, few years ago I was full of energy, now Im almost retarded !\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some chronic anemia. You should go for complete blood count and peripherals smear examination. It all give you causes of anemia. If needed go for complete anemia profile or bone marrow examination. Search the cause first and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi im girl 35 yrs old..gave birth last 12.2010..while giving birth my albumin is positive 4 so no choice to give birth asap..n i have a prob with my kidney n liver so then my doctors saved my life.sothey have 2 give me 2bags of blood after that im experiencing a high blood is that the cause of my new 2bags blood? last 11yrs i v been in ectopic so they gave me 2bags of blood but then there no problem about the 2bags of blood..but this time i have a high my bp is the blood las 2009 they gave me?last 4months im taking althea pills for my pimples that s my porpose only last wiks im experiecing high blood 15\/120 so my dok tel me to stop my pills..im wondering why my bp is high? is it because im taking althea pills??\n[|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that high blood pressure could be related to the Althea pills. Anyway, I recommend performing some other tests to exclude other possible causes (complete blood count, PCR, ESR, kidney and liver function tests, blood electrolytes, thyroid hormone levels). Starting antihypertensive therapy may be needed as long as your blood pressure values remain above the normal ranges. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I fell down in office and got a minor external injury on my head. I was unconscious for couple of hours and got to know that I suffered partial seizures after I fell down. I was taken CT & MRI scans and was assured that there was no seizures defect in my brain or nerves. I have been using Levipil 500mg in the morning and Levipil 1g at night. When there is no Seizures defect should I continue using medicine? If yes, how long?\n[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for using Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern about course of anti-epileptic medicine. Most of the Doctor prefer 3 to 4 year of anti-epileptic course after last seizure episode if no causative factor had been found for seizure. As you said, after fall and injury you had seizure but no defect seen in brain imaging you will be also considered in above said situation. It is also important to with Chat Doctor. Your treating physician will be in the best position to guide you in this course of anti-epileptic medicine. Hope you will find this helpful.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am the mother of a 2 month old baby , I do a lot of lifting the baby , rocking movements with the baby in my arms , it began as an uncomfortable pain in my left shoulder, now kind of gives me electric numbness kind if feeling at the area between my base of mech and both shoulders , a hot bath or hot water bag gives me temporary relief , but the pain or numbness returns back when I hold the baby etc .. I reckon this has happened after prolonged carrying \/ lifting baby in the same arm , please advice remedies.what could this condition be?\n[|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. It can be shoulder rotator cuff injury which may need MRI for confirmation. Medication like methylcobalamine with muscle relaxant and analgesic will reduce pain, you can take them consulting your treating doctor. You may consult physiotherapist for further guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case. You may need to take rest for early healing. Also check your it B12 and it D3 in your blood. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take disregards Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My neck shoulder and hand pain have become severe. I have started waking at night with one or both of my arms numb. Now my left side of my tongue and left side of lip a day jaw have started tingling. I can t find a comfortable position ever. TheMRI cervical c3-c4 2MM retrolisthesis of c3 with respect to c4. Mild disk buldge. Left uncoveretable osteophyte. Moderate left foraminal stenosis. Central canal measures 7mm. C4-c5 mild disk buldge right foramen is mildly narrowed central canal 8mm C6-c7 broad disk protrusion central canal 10 mm AP midline X-ray of cervical 1mm retrolisthesis of c2 on c3 which reverses with flexion to 2mm anterolisthesis 4mm retrolisthesis of c3 on c4 which resolves with flexion. 2mm retrolisthesis of c4 onc5 which resolves with flexion my current pain mess are not helpful at all and the face numbness and sleeping numbness has started since I had the test which was on 2\/19. I am in so much pain I feel like going to ED but I know they will probably not be able to do anything. Any suggestions?\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. Due to compression of nerve root in cervical spine there is tingling numbness and pain associated with it. For these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic like pregabalin and methylcobalamin medication can be started consulting your doctor. Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have been to the toilet 5-6 times now. Last night sit was light brown and red like pure blood. With terrible abdominal pain on lower left side with copious amounts of gurgling. It has woken me twice, the pain. It s remains there like a cramp, and now there was gas followed by mucus and a trace of pink( blood) smells a bit fishy too\n[|AI|] HI Thanks for posting your query. It seems like you are suffering from Dysentery. Dysentery could be due to bacterial or parasitic infection. It has to be found out what is causing dysentery. I advise you to get Stool routine and stool for Ova and cyst test done. This test will tell whether your dysentery is due to bacterial or parasitic infection. Also, it's better to start antibiotics till you get the reports of the test. Ask your doctor for the prescription for antibiotics. Any clarifications feel free to ask.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My husband has a 4mm stone which is causing him great pain. He has not heard from his physician yet about continuing pain meds until it passes. We live in a small rural town that has no lithotripsy machine, Flagstaff ER would not answer me if they have one so I am looking for a hospital in or near Show Low Az that provides this service.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. 4 m of stone in kidney don't require any lithography. Conservative treatment can cure this stone. I don't know type of stone in kidney of your husband, but I advise you one formula, you can use it without any harm and scientific proof. Take 10 black pepper early in the morning chew them one by one till they convert into fine powder and eat. Now Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi there. My boyfriend and I have been trying to concieve for over a year but no luck so far. For the past few months I have been getting pains in where Id imagine my ovaries are. Usually the left side is more painful\/uncomfortable. It feels like theres an air bubble that wont pop and kind of a dull ache. Im so worried about what it might be. I think I have pcos but havent been diagnosed as yet. Im at the doctor on Tuesday to talk about it. What does the pain in my ovaries sound like it could be?\n[|AI|] **1. As you have not been examined or undergone any investigations thus causes will be directed towards \"pain in ovary AREA\". [ovarian cyst, Endometriosis]2. Because symptom(s) are persisting from 1 year, thus chronic pain is established.3. Your General Practitioner will diagnose ovarian pain depending on the suspected cause. Your GP will take your medical history, carry out a physical examination [pelvic], investigations [ultrasound, blood test, hormonal profile] and ask relevant questions about the pain.PS: although ovary is located in this region, so are other organs, such as bowels, so IBS [irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My husband (57) was sitting on his motorcycle this afternoon, it was hot, he got lightheaded and passed out. He fell on his right side with his motorcycle on his right leg. Passing out is not normal for him. He came home but after returning home he has sever burning sensation in his left hamstring and tingling & numbness in the calf. His right foot hurts but is more worried about the left leg. He wondered if it has to do with circulation as well as causing him to pass out?\n[|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor 1I read carefully your question and understand your concern. The fainting does not seem to be related to the leg pain. Maybe the leg pain is caused by a trauma in this region during the fall. Coming to this point, I would recommend consulting with his GP for a careful physical exam and some tests to investigate for the possible causes of fainting (cardiac arrhythmia, epilepsy, low blood pressure, low fasting glucose, etc.). For this reason, it is necessary performing some tests: - a resting ECG and a cardiac ultrasound- an EEG- an ECG Holder monitoring to investigate for arrhythmia-complete blood count-blood electrolytes- fasting glucose. A head Up tilt test is necessary to exclude possible orthostatic hypotension. Meanwhile, it is necessary to closely monitor his blood pressure values. A leg X-ray study is necessary too, in order to exclude any bone fracture in this region. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen will help for the pain. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Best wishes, \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, i did unprotected sex in bankok on 21 july, 2010, then test at 4 months in bamrungrad hospital (result was negative) then in my country (bangladesh) test again at 5 months (result negative) but after 5 months i feel my two neck side lymph nodes are slightly increased with little pain and also feel pain in my armpit and groin and musels. then again test at 6 months elisa a(result negative) but at six months my wifes test was positive with elisa then go with same blood another hospital for retest but there result was negative. they collect my wifes blood again and 2nd result was negative then doctor said that first positive result was false positive. then i did test again at 7 months (result was negative) , then most of doctor said that i am hiv free. but for 10 days i feel bad pain in my leg musels and all joint and for 2 days i feel mild fever with slight cough. now i again worry. i donot understand anything. my hsv 1 & 2 (igg) positive and cytomegalo virus positive. here my doctor still say that i have no problem with hiv. please help me and i want ur opinion. is my 7 months negative test conclusive? Thank you.\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have history of unprotected sex. Your HIV tests at different times are negative. Your tests are negative at 7 months interval. So there is no need to worry. You are free from HIV. For confirmation, you can go with p24 antigen or PCR test. It gives confirm results. Your symptoms are not due to HIV. If you have enlarged lymph node with cough and mild fever then you should go for fine needle aspiration cytology of lymph node. It can be due to reactive hyperplasia or tuberculosis. FNAC will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I m pretty sure I inhaled a piece of corn last night..I did it about a month ago too and was surprised it went down so easily without much couphing..I put my head down to my feet and managed to cough it out. I don t know what to do..I do have some mucus and some coughing fits but I m thinking maybe it s in my head? But I also feel like something is in my lungs that needs to be coughed up...what to do?\n[|AI|] The airways have a strong defense mechanism, thus the corn may have come out and not noticed by you. Even if it hasn`t come out, it will be dealt by body defenses and may not cause any problem. However, it can get lodged in the bronchial tree(airways) depending on it's size. It may lead to collapse of a portion of lung depending on the site of impaction and may lead to infection. If you are having symptoms, a chest X-ray or CT Scan should be done to confirm the diagnosis and to identify the site of impaction. Infection will have to be treated with antibiotics. Subsequently, it can be removed by performing a bronchoscopy.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had MRSA about 3 times in the past year. I have problems with fatigue and can sleep for long periods. I have had my thyroid checked and treated, testosterone checked and treated, am on meds for depression, Ritalin to help me get up in the mornings, but still feel exhausted most of the time. I ve noticed that when I take an antibiotic, that all goes away and I start to feel like myself again and have energy, but then after about a month, I end up going through another cycle that can last for 3-4 months. Is it possible that it is all MRSA related?\n[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor, I understand your concern and will give a resolution over it. If I am your doctor I advise you that-No MRSA is associated with infections. It has nothing to do with fatigue and long hours of sleep. If you are taking some medication related to CNS than it cause fatigue and long hours of sleeping. I will be happy to answer any of your concern, kindly contact me for further informationChatDoctorInfectious Disease Specialist.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Docs,My daughter 36 weeks birth, ~ 2.2 Kgs now and one month now is having grade 1 acid reflux. Every couple of hours she generally clenches her fists and her eyes are stuck on one side with the legs straightened. She is on Lanzol (once a day) and Domstal (1Ml three times a day). She is having gas all the time, any thing I can do lessen her pain... Thanks in advance.\n[|AI|] Preterm babies often have laxity of muscles including that of the lower end of the food pipe which may cause the stomach acids to reflux. The acid is otherwise essential for the digestion of the food. The solution is not in giving Landon although Coastal may be given. The main solution is proper burping of the baby. Hold the child erect on your lap for around 20 mins after each feed. It should take care of the problem. If you put down the baby on the bed soon after the feed, reflux is not unusual.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have been having dizzy spells and issues with my balance for about 6 months. Sometimes the balance gets quite bad, I have never fallen but it is uncomfortable and has caused me much anxiety. I had migraines daily for 40 days, they have since stopped this was in the middle of the spells (so 3 months in). I have lower blood pressure, and have always had this. I had a full cardiac workup a year and a half ago (I was having dizzy spells but not the balance problems). When this started I felt like a wave of dizzy came up from my neck and was centralized in my left quadrant frontal of my head. I saw a neurologist at this point referred to by my GP and he couldn t find anything wrong and thought it was just unexplained sensations. My GP thought maybe seizures. After having the bout of recurring migraines I did have an MRI whicChatDoctore back normal. I am at a loss as I am still having these issues. My GP put me on Zoloft as it created anxiety but also perhaps is caused by anxiety. I don t feel this is anxiety. I also have sensations in my left calf which are either heightened or dulled (numb) in the inner medial portion and sometimes a buzzing sensation in my groin and foot. I am worried that there is something neurologically wrong with me that the MRI missed.\n[|AI|] Hi, Diagnosing balance issues and dizzy spells is difficult. One important thing to rule out is cardiac reasons. Another important aspect is central nervous system reasons. It is great that you already tested for both that and the results came back normal. From your description. I think this could be a case of polyneuropathy. The peripheral nerves sending feedback about balance are the first to be affected with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, or it B12 deficiencies. If I were your treating physician after detailed history and physical examination I would ask for blood tests including it. B12 levels, HbA1C, fasting glucose. I would refer you to do a caloric ear test also, which provide an idea of the function of the balance center in the ear. I would also run a Doppler test for your carotids (Arteries in the neck the supply the brain). Based on results a therapeutic plan could be constructed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi my name is Ernie, im 27 year old male. Been dealing with alot of issues for six months consisting of heart palps , irregular rythem, dizzy\/lightheadness not vertigo, change in bowels. My doc says its all anxeity related. Recently I found out I have vericocele no pain though. My blood work shows total Testosterone at 392 and B12 at 315. My doc put me on 2000mcg of B12 for a month but after 2 weeks i noticed i get pain in left arm and tingly fingers in left hand so i stopped taking the B12 pill and it went away, does this show B12 causing me a blood clot? Tommorow morning i go get my total t tested again and the free t also b12 tested again to see if there has been improvement. Sorry for the paragraph i appreciate your time.\n[|AI|] Ernie, the B12 is probably a red herring. It probably didn't cause the problem you started with or the arm sensations. When you have the constellation of things that are bothering you, it is reasonable to look for a systemic problem. It sounds as though your doctor has done that and not really found a culprit. Often, the problem is not an illness but a lack of some of the things that we all need to stay healthy. Specifically ask yourself and of your doctor about, Exercise: Exercising every day for 20 minutes should be your goal. Is your body weight excessive. A little can go a long way if it is mostly in your belly where it affects sleep, joints, heart rhythm and when you're older, diabetes and heart disease. Abnormal sleep. Sleep disturbance is often present in people who are overweight, particularly those who snore. If you are very tired in the morning, sleep easily during the day and snore loudly, you may have sleep apnea. It is a common cause of abnormal heart rhythm requiring treatment.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i am 43 female at the moment i am suffering with lower back pain on left side between ribs & hip when the pain comes on i feel sick and get a warm sensation i am waiting for an endoscopy i have had an ultrasound the results were on my vital organs i have had my urine tested twice in the last couple of weeks at my doctors\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing to us. The pain at the bottom center of the rib cage on the left side could be due to a renal infection or a stone if the pain does not seem to be muscular in nature. This can be ruled out after getting an ultrasound scan done. If the pain is aggravated with deep breathing or coughing then a rib injury or a muscular sprain is likely. Hope this helps you. You can consult me again directly through my profile http:\/\/www.ChatDoctor .com\/doctors\/ Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] HI,i AM 27 YRS OLD WOMEN.From last two months after 4 or 5 hours sleeping at night,I feel a tremendous pain in my chest just bottom the rob,sometimes it goes also in back side.I feel it strong at the time of bed movement.I also feel right upper abdomen pain at the same time.I have already visited a doctor and according to him I did many tests like USG of upper abdomen,chest x-ray,TC\/Dc.Himoglobin ,liver functioning test and blood sugar test,here are also some problems found like in USG it shows that a have an enlarged liver with heterogeneous parenchyma.and my hemoglobin is slightly is 11.6. In Dc blood test neutophils is 72. Now I am also taking some medicines but there is no relief from wake up main.plz suggest\n[|AI|] Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-Hepatomegaly with hepatitis? With Anemia with Necrophilia. You seem to suffer from some infective pathology besides hepatomegaly detected on USG. Fatty liver with NASH is the possibility, as you seem to be non-alcoholic as per the history. The inflamed liver tissue irritates the diaphragm which causes pain in chest while sleeping and movements in the bed. Get the tests for hepatitis done and fix the cause of this. Hope this would help you to reduce worry with your problem. Take care and wish you to recover fast and Live healthy. Hope this reply would help you to plan further treatment with your family and specialist doctors there. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i am 15 now i started masterbation accidently on bed when i was 12 then i start doing it regularly gradually a i felt very shamefull for myself and just stopped myself doing that after which my health was disturbed, i got trapped in night fall but somehow i managed to stop myself for a year and after a year i started that again but i found myself with a certain problems like premature ejaculation, improper ejection, errectile dysfunction, gradually i am having no intrest in masterbation, nothing actually excites me, i enjoy nothing, my health got drained i am too thin, my height and growth has been stopped, i dont feel happy i got shameful and guilty thoughts for myself and i have thought that i would not grow, it is been 1 year fighting with these things.i just cant tell my parents about it and i dont have any guts to tell it to a doctor face to face please help me....\n[|AI|] Hi, Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration. It happens with minimal sexual stimulation and before the person wishes. Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause. With sexual experience and age, men often learn to delay orgasm. Premature ejaculation may occur with a new partner. It may happen only in certain sexual situations or if it has been a long time since the last ejaculation. Psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt, or depression can also cause it. In some cases, it may be related to a medical cause such as hormonal problems, injury, or a side effect of certain medicines. In many cases premature ejaculation gets better on its own over time. Treatment may not be needed. Practicing relaxation techniques or using distraction methods may help you delay ejaculation. For some men, stopping or cutting down on the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I have a certain discomfort in between my shoulder blades that is bothering me a lot. When somebody is putting pressure at that spot, it soothes me, but when they stop the discomfort comes back. When someone asks me where the pain is I can t really name where it is, I don t know exactly where it is, I only know that it is near the area of my shoulder blades. It has been bothering me for more than a month now. What do you think the problem might be?\n[|AI|] Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough neuromuscular assessment is advised. Also, by reading your history, as per my understanding I can say it is trapeziums. The pain is in the line of the shoulder blades. This happens due to overuse or repetitive stress injury. The best way to solve this problem is physical therapy and icing. By using therapeutic ultrasound Therapy, TENS therapy and myofascial release technique your inflammation, pain and tightness of the trapezius muscle. In my clinical practice this is the commonest problem I have seen. And it has responded well to physical therapy. I wish you the good health. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Pain in lower back and hips xray of hips look good but have stiffness can t bend over to put on shoes sometimes I can t put my own pants on. Doctor says there is nothing wrong been checked for everything I think I m going crazy because there is no reason for the pain\n[|AI|] Dear Sir\/Madam, Thank you for posting your query at Chat Doctor.comes some time the excruciating back pain hinders the activities of daily living. If your X-ray are normal, then there are high chances of having sever muscle spasm of back. Muscle strength of back goes down with chronic muscle spasm. I advise you to strengthen you back muscle:1. Bridging exerices2. Isometric of back muscle3. Abdominal curtail the three exercise can be done for hold time of 10 counts, 2 times a day for 15 mins. Apart from these-1. Use hot water fermentation.2. Sleep on firm bed3. While siting on chair use cushion at low back to maintain the curvature of spine4. If the pain is too much you one use inflammatory which will reduce you elevated pain 5. Avoid lifting heavy weights, forward bending, sitting in one posture still the pain does not come down please seek advice by orthopedics and get the MRI reports. Hope you have covered all the points. Please revert to me if you need any further information. I will be glad to assist you. With best wishes, Tehzib Sailed(PT)\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had a bump on the right side of my neck for the last year. My chiropractor seems to think it is my C1 but even though i have been adjusted it does not move. It is not painful but i am short of breath due to anxiety about it. I first noticed it a year ago but it has not gotten any bigger. It feels as tho it is attached to part of my spine. What could this be?\n[|AI|] You might need to investigate further, it might be an enlarged lymph node or lipoma, or it might even be carcinoma. You will need to check on other sign and symptoms of infection or of malignancy elsewhere in the body. As far as investigations are concerned you can start of with an ultrasound of neck, if inconclusive a CT-scan followed by fine needle aspiration cytology and excision biopsy for conformation.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello Dr.I am married on 15yrs ago,I am 49yrs old,untilnow i have no child,because my semen report is very low .my semen analysis report givenbelow. colour-opaque grey, volume-2ml,Reation-alkaline,viscus-moderate,liq time-after15mts, Activemotile35%,Sluggishmotile25%,non-motile40%,total sperm count30millions.i take some tablet sometime 180milliones increse sometime 30milliones degrees what broblems please tell me.sperm count increse have medicine pls help me.thank you.\n[|AI|] Dear Sir, your semen analysis is normal. I suggest that your wife takes a hormonal, ovarian and uterine check up. She should try follicular monitoring by ultrasound with a doctor to know exactly when she is ovulating and have intercourse on ovulation days to increase chances of pregnancy. Also she can try ovulation induction as a second step. And the final resort would be IVF if all the above failed.good luck\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I was just sitting around eating a popcicle and some cherries. I was able to eat the popcicle no problem but after finishing the cherries I noticed my bottom lip was swollen. After inspecting it in the mirror it tingled and continued to grow. It s puffy, I ve got a cloth on it (no benedryl). Is it something I should be concerned about? I used to be able to eat cherries before.\n[|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The swelling can be related to the popsicle or the cherry. Allergic reactions can be delayed by minutes or hours. In some cases even longer. In terms of the popsicle, it could be any of the ingredients within it that could cause a reaction. An oral anti histamine such as Ben Chat Doctor. Other examples of anti histamines are carnitine, Allegra, Zyrtec, Arius. I hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have been experiencing a pretty severe constant pain in my upper abdomin for the last 4 hours. When Im standing it becomes a sharper pain that causes me to walk a bit hunched over. I had tried to go to the bathroom but that doesnt feel like or seem to be the problem nor do I have any nausea sensation. I did just start taking Celexa 3 days ago and melotonin at night for sleeping 2 days ago.Thank you\n[|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorSudden abdominal pain is indicative of many possibilities and sometimes nothing's comes out, colicky abdominal pain can be considered, just take a rest, no need to take anything by mouth (Food) wait for half an hour if subsided then it's okay if it does not then try antispasmodic (Dicyclomine) it will come around for sure, further query will be answered ask without hesitations have Nice day.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My friend David who will be 70 yrs old and is heart patient with stent - had a larger than 50 piece cyst on his sterum middle of chest. Of course he let it go tell inflamed red and some infection in center. When he went to doctor - put him on sulfa type antibiotic but I saw yesterday and no change. I am concerned because of the infection and its location near heart and lungs. What should his next step be? thanks Aggie\n[|AI|] Hi, Dear,Good Evening from INDIA. Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I went through all the details of your query. On the details given by your query, In my opinion you suffer mostly from-on the facts there in-mostly you suffer from-Chronic infected boil on the chest. Treatment I would suggest is as follows-a-Tb NASAIDsb-Antibiotics -like Ofloxacin with ornidazole-as it has not responded to sulphac-Cold compresses d-Get his FBS and PPS -as he is old with non responding infective lump on chest.-consult ER doctor for the script of Chat Doctor. Hope this would resolve your query. Welcome for any more query to Chat Doctor and ME, in this regard. Wishing you fast recovery. Write review ASAP with strong recommendations for Chat Doctor and for ME, for the benefit of other new and old patients. Have A Good Day. With \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, 59 yr old af\/am male 210 5 8 use Quinaprol 10mg...bp 135\/70....once in a while i get flushed feeling ...slightly faint and weak...slightly sweaty...lasts for about 10 minutes then over. to day it occured about 10 min after squatting briefly and blood rushed to head...butre\n[|AI|] Hi Thereafter reading the medical details its seems like the antihypertensive medicine dose needs to be adjusted. I would like to suggest decreasing the dose of QUINAPRIL to half for 1 week and monitor your Blood Pressure daily during this 1-week period. If it stays below 140\/90 mmHg then you can continue with the half dose. You can discuss this option by consulting your treating your doctor personally. Wish you Good Health\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello. Im a 38 year old male, I was wondering, Is it possible for skin cancer to appear literally overnight. I woke up one morning and there was a small cyst-like lump where my right pectoral meets my shoulder. This is an area that I see up close everyday, and there was no sign of it there the night before.\n[|AI|] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some reactive lymph node or some other lesion. Don't worry about skin cancer or any other cancer. Malignant lesion can not occur overnight. It almost always of long-standing. Just consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. It's not any cancer. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had several issues with bladder; kidney and uti infections for the past two years. Consistantly. A lot due to a traumatic event; raped both vaginal and rectal. The physical damage was extreme; a lot of lacerations vaginal tearing several stiches; also was released then after a few days found I would be in publicor at any point I didn t realize blood was running down my leg. (Very light blood; but in a very liquid form\/almost water perhaps.) they sent me straight back to the ER; due to the fact that I was loosing way to much blood. I suffer from Anemia; my menstrual cycle has always been painful and extreme. Without any form of birth control i can get it for months; or not get it for several. However; my main concern is: after the rape I was pregnent; I did loose the baby (as they said it was due to my phsyical well being at the time) and bleeding. Estopic I believe. That was two years ago; (several and I mean a lot of bladder infections- four kidney infections; uti s. And painful menstrual cydles that never went back to normal even with birth control. Recently; well around two months ago I found out I was pregnent. Contacted my Gyno as well as local hospitals; knowing I currently have a bladder or urinary infection; just got over acute nuemonia; antibiotics for five months straight. And still am trying to get my (vaginal woman area normal or to the point of healthy) that I was afraid once again that me having or keeping the baby would be very crucial to my health. As i have been warned for quite some time. I dicided to get an abortion . They verified it went okay; however. Now i am more concerned than ever. Perhaps more anxiety? I m not sure; but physically. I have not had a menstrual cycle yet. A lot of pain cramping (almost feeling like I did when my kidney infection came). But I urinate a lot; (trying to drink plenty of liquids. But my urine is getting worse and worse as days go by. This is the darkest; orange smelling urine I have yett to have. As i am used to infections; this seems to be since the abortion took place and as i said my yourine is not normal. As i have looked\/ it has a redish tint dark but not blood like. No blod traces. But It looks as if i have taken (the medication in which helps UTI s turns your urine orange\/red.) but I havn t. I know something is wrong; I have had so many problems. The traumatic event I mentally have recovered very well; however physically horrible. (I had a nuva ring in at the time of the event; which after a year and a few months a specialist called and asked if the hospital had put a plastic piece in my overy! (it was my nuva ring from the rape.) . I am very scared; and concerned. Please let me know anything; or if it s an infection as i know it is. but also; I am prone or have been told i have endrometriosis as well. I can just feel something is not right; something feels serious; meaning that something serious is going on. Please any insight; (but please don t inform me to take a pregnancy test. loosing two babies; hard enough).\n[|AI|] Get an ultrasound of whole abdomen, specially kidneys ureter and bladder, uterus and ovaries and pelvis. That would settle the issue of pregnancy too. If there is no pregnancy then a CT scan of lower abdomen can also be done to see if there is an infected collection around the bladder or in pelvis. Ultrasound and CT would also show the presence of endometriosis. Get a urine culture too. All these will guide the future treatment.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi dr seminal fluid analysis test vol:7ml color:creamy viscosity:+3 liquefaction more 180 min ph:8 sperm count:35 milion\/1ml total count:245 motility data: Rapid15% slow20% non10% immotile55% erythrocytes1-3*0000\/l leuco 3-5*0000\/l morophology data: NORMAL sperm55% abnormal sperm45% head30% tail10% middle piece 5% Is there any abnormal findings in the examination and what problems?\n[|AI|] Hello Your semen analysis findings may indicate semen infection with borderline decreased sperm motility. Infection is indicated due to presence of few pus cells in semen. Normally semen shouldn't contain any pus cells. Few RBC in semen may be due to infection. You may need investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, semen culture and sensitivity. You may need to take antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity report. Motility is slightly low. Normally it should be at least 55 %. Your findings suggest over all 45% motility, so it is low. Sperm count is normal. It should be at least 20 millions\/ml. Fertility is expected to increase with control of infection. If infertility persists then you may need assisted fertilization techniques. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I recently had lower back pain which lasted for more than a month! On taking the Xray, it showed Sacralization of L5 and mild lumbar scoliosis convex to the left with a+1 vertebral rotation at apex of the curve.Is it a very serious problem and what is the remedy for this problem.\n[|AI|] Sacralization of lower lumbar vertebrae like L5 means gradual fusion of the lower lumbar vertebrae as in case of the sacrum where the vertebrae are already fused. Otherwise, there is some degree of movement between the lumbar vertebrae. As a result of such fusion scoliosis or a lateral curvature of the spine may occur and the nerves exiting from the two sides of the lumbar vertebrae get compressed resulting in pain. Since it is age dependent degenerative lesion, not much can be done and there is definitely some cause of concern. Please be in the follow-up of an orthopedic. Traction and physical therapy with ultrasonotherapy and hot compress should give you relief. Surgery is required in extreme cases, but you need not panic as of now.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my eight year old son has been sneezing every morning for the past couple of weeks and has very runny eyes too - he hasnt got a cold - i have been buying over the counter medicine for hayfever but tonight his eyes are all puffy and runny - is there something else i could do to relieve these symptoms\n[|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15\u00a0mg\/kg\/dose (max ceiling dose 500\u00a0mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25\u00a0mg\/kg\/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] chronic, intense all over body pain From late January I was plagued by a host of debilitating symptoms including chronic fatigue, vertigo, dizziness, loss of memory, intense rotator cuff pain and pain down my left arm. I also experienced chronic nausea, emotional issues involving chronic irritability, incessant headaches and migraines, difficulty balancing, peripheral neuropathy resulting in pain weakness, tingling and numbness in my extremities including my lips. Then on the first of September I had 2 heart attacks. the second was a blockage in my left descending pulmonary artery. two stents were inserted. a month later I began experiencing intense pain all over my body. it has gotten so bad and has si immobilized me that I am ideating suicide. especially debilitating is the pain in the soles of my feet. often I find it nearly impossible to walk. even my eyelids hurt. no doctors have been able to give me any answers. I am st my wits end. please, please help.\n[|AI|] Hi, I have gone through your question and understand your concerns.It's likely that you are suffering from fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues, fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals. I suggest you should get some lab tests to rule any functional cause of pain. Tests like ESR, CPK, Vit D levels, Serum Aldo lase levels, as it d deficiency can present like same and as according to your history you had 2 heart attacks than you must on statin Chat Doctor. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate to ask. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello doctorI am 22 year old male I want to know can excessive masturbation causes infertility am masturbating 3- 4 times daily from last 3 to 4 years now I am worried about my future will it affect my marred life or I should have to consult a doctor or not\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor, Masturbation is a normal phenomenon in men and there is nothing wrong about it. It will not cause infertility. Masturbation will not affect your sex life in future but remember excess of anything is bad and excessive masturbation may make you tired, and you may not able to focus on other things. You are fine and have nothing to worry about. Hope that answers your question. Chat Doctor. (if the answer has helped you, kindly indicate this)\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My dad (60 years) has kidney failure for one year now (both kidneys damaged) due to wrong medication received from a doctor, he was on pd for a few mths after his catheter was infected, he has now began doing hemo once again after a surgery to get his fistula running. For about 6 months or more he has a severe cough that isnt going away, what can we do?\n[|AI|] Hi, Please get at least a Chest X-ray PA view done. Also, a few tests like CBP with ESR might be contributory. If there is no major problem as seen on Chest X-ray, he might improve with symptomatic treatment alone. Also, I hope his cardiac function is normal. In some patients with borderline cardiac dysfunction, the heart status gets worse after a fistula has been created, and this could contribute to cough and breathlessness. Again, this can be easily detected on chest X-ray, and if required, 2D Echo.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] developed a lump n right shin area that has not disappeared. primary doctor believed it was a grandolin cyst. year later a second one appeared and leg more painful. have all symptoms of shin spurs but xray was done no sign of shin spurs. considering i have fibromyalgia most doctors want to blame it on that condition but it does not explain the lump or the new one that appeared. the pain is a achy, burning, stabbing pain\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have cystic lesion on your shin. It may be ganglion cyst or other cystic lesion. You should go for ultrasound study and if needed to go for fine needle aspiration cytology. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Complete excision is the treatment of choice. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I get white bumps on my tounge all the time that come and go. They are very itchy and I tend to end up scratching them with my teeth. Sometimes it will just be one white bump other times it will be a big patch of white bumps from the tip of my tounge all the way along the side. They are always only along the edge and never in the center. They are normally there for a week or two and then they go away for a two to three months and then come back. I have been getting them on and off like that for many years now. They are very painful and I was wondering if you have any idea what it is and what I can do about it cause I can t afford to go to a doctor. Thanks\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query as you have painful itchy white bumps on tongue this can be due to enlarged papillae due to inflammation, or can be symptoms of geographic tongue. Don't be worried so much these symptoms are seen in patients with nutritional deficiency, vitamin B deficiency. I will suggest you to take proper nutritious healthy diet, you can take vitamin B supplements by consulting with your doctor. Consult oral surgeon for visual examination of tongue. Hope this will help you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] About 2 weeks ago, I became ill with an upper respiratory virus. I was running fever for a few days but had very little cough but did have wheezing. Last week, I developed a dry cough and still wheezing, especially with activities like walking, going up or down stairs, etc. This week, I still have the same cough and wheezing as well as some shortness of breath. If this was a virus, should I go to the doctor?\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of post infectious bronchitis is more likely. Bronchitis is very common after viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI). Bronchitis causes bronchospasm and this in turn causes breathlessness, wheezing, cough etc. So consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I ve noticed that since almost a year I m experiencing the cough headaches, at first during the flu infections, but now it s more often, and more unexpected and taking more time, in the back of my head. It is associated with the sometimes with the ringing in my ears, sometimes for hours or even days, Sometimes I feel nauseous, I ve even thought few months ago, that I might be pregnant, but I wasn t. I ve never been the migraine type of person, and never had any king of cases like that in my family. But there where cases of cancer in my close family. Can you tell me, what it could be? Thank you very much for help! Maria\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. You are having ringing ears, nausea and headache since 1 year, so we need to rule out ear cause first. As all these symptoms are seen in ear diseases. So better to consult ENT doctor and get done clinical examination of ear and rule out ear problems. If this is normal, then mostly you are having anxiety and related symptoms. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working n its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. So avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Don't worry, you will be alright.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My freinds dad has Creatine 2.5 last month.....4rm 2008 to 2012 creatine level went from 1.8 to 2.5.....so we consulted Kidney specialist dr......he sugested Keto Alpha & Synprotik 4r kidney.......Synprotik 1----1-----1 & Keto Alpha 2----2------2... after 1 week with low protein diet & above tablet his creatine level went 4rm 2.5 to 4 in 1week...is anything wrong or is it going right. please help me...i am confused & afraid....please help me\n[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Stop the dam stuff. Keto amino acids have not been proven to be of any benefit at all, but still widely prescribed in India (no where else in the world can people be fooled like here!!). At the very least it should not cause any harm. However, if the Creatinine has jumped up so quickly, something is wrong here, and it might\/ might not be the new medicines that you started. Many medicines can cause a kind of inflammation in kidneys called Interstitial Nephritis which can cause sudden deterioration in kidney function (especially in those with suboptimal kidney function). The cause of deterioration might be something totally different - hence very important to get back to your)or another) nephrologist and get yourself checked out. Bur stops the new medications straight away. Best wishes\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, my friend and i are currentlt travelling the world. She has ITP. She had a splenectomy a few years ago but her spleen actually grew back! She had a relapse and her platelet count dropped to 9k last year. A month or so ago she got salmonella and they dropped again to 40k. She recovered and they went up over 150k. Recently she had another drop and they went down to 53k, then a week later 29k. She just had another blood test (these were all in the last 3 weeks, one a week) and it is 530k. No-one could explain how it could of risen so much with no medication? She has been eating slightly better the last week or so and been doing gentle exercise but could this affect it? everyone is baffled. We are in New Zealand and she wants to do a skydive. Is this recommended because we are worried that they could reduce quickly like they have risen?she had 2 blood tests to make sure the 530 was correct nd it went to 505 after 1 hour which is normal they say?and shows they are correct? what could the reason be and then maybe she can do something to try and keep them up??can she??she has also had mild nose bleeds while the count is high and this is normall sign of low count??\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Bone marrow biopsy will confirm the increased platelet count.2. Yes, such recovery is rare and indicates good marrow capability.3. Nose bleeds could be due to Chat Doctor. Bleeding is usually not seen with normal platelet count. 4. During periods of sepsis platelet counts are known to fall. However, they do not fall on their own. Previously it was autoimmune disease or sepsis. Now, not to worry, she can skydive. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have been taking lotensyl10mg for the last four years. of late i have observed that my bp at around 0900 hrs in the morning is around 140\/98. but after taking medication and after one hour, when i measure it , it is around 130\/80. what is the time of taking medicine.and whaen should we measure bp .\n[|AI|] DEAR USER, THANKS FOR CONSULTING WITH ChatDoctorI UNDERSTAND YOUR CONCERN BUT YOU REAL DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR BP THERE ARE MILD FLUCTUATIONS SEEN IN AUTOMATED BP MACHINES AND REGARDING YOUR CONCERN ABOUT TIMING OF THE DOSE THERE ARE NO GUIDELINES ABOUT IT BUT I PREFER TO GIVE THEM TO MY PATIENTS AT BED TIME.YOU MAY HOWEVER TAKE IT ONCE A DAY AFTER EVERY 24HRSHOPE I ANSWERED YOUR QUERY. YOU CAN MESSAGE ME FOR ANY FURTHER CONCERNS\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Every morning my baby will wake up with vertical nystagmus and sometimes he will have an upward gaze. It started 2 weeks ago when he was sick with a cold and ear infection. He had an EEG and the results were normal. We have an appointment to see a neurologist in two weeks. I am very concerned. What is the cause of this?\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Many times seizure disorders can get missed in the single EEG. What is required is multiple EGGS and if possible EEG's with photic stimulation. Seizure disorder is a most likely diagnosis but occulogyric crisis is also one of the possible etiologies and this can occur as a side effect of some Chat Doctor. Are you baby on any medications? That needs to be checked. Your neurologist visit is certainly warranted. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly\/\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my 13 year old complains of a pain in chest. she said she felt sick. when she moves pain does too and she said when she breathes it feels wrose but dosent feel any worse when she coughs. she is pale and earlier she had a fever. she is not off her food and is in ok form otherwise\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your daughters situation and problem. By your history and description, possibility of either bronchitis or lung infection is more. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system. 2. Chest x-ray 3. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test). Chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection. PFT is needed to rule out bronchitis. If both these are normal then no need to worry about Pulmonary diseases. Sometimes stress and anxiety can also cause similar symptoms. So ask her to avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Don't worry, she will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your daughter. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Trying to find the term a doctor used for my sister that I think was some type of encephanalopathy - that may be the cause of her sudden symptoms of confusion, becoming extremely lothargic and incontinence he talked about swelling in the brain that affected these three area-\n[|AI|] Hi, thanks for providing the brief history of your sister. For encephalopathy you are already under the physician and a neurologist will play an important role. Looking into the MRI scan may reveal the areas involved, and the medical treatment will be initiated based on the symptoms. Rest you need to discuss with your physician or neurologist that physical therapy is an option to try for reducing the lethargic symptoms, as by doing exercise the metabolism improves and helps boost the medical treatment to get positive outcome as well. Taking to confusion it is symptomatic and will subside. For incontinence issue the brain has to start regenerating the impulses back as to which the issues will come down. Bladder training can be done under a guided physical therapist. I have seen such cases and all responded well by coordinating the medical prescription and physical therapy. With the grace of god I wish your sister a speedy recovery.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had pressure moving from top of head to left side to bottom of head for 2 months , feels muscles are pulling down ,like a brick is on top of head and swelling feeling . It feels like my head is bouncing and the pressure is hitting a nerve. Iam having a cat scan soon could this be sinus problems or something else. It s so annoying because I can t focus with this feeling in my head?\n[|AI|] Sinus pain is where the sinuses are (near the nose). Many other headache possibilities and a reason for a head scan if it is a new headache. AND..... a nerve pinched at the very top of the spin in the back of the head gives pain in that area that goes up the back of the head to the top. It is associated with muscle cramps and generally gets worse with any movement of the neck (bouncing, turning, walking, etc.) This is a serious condition because if the spine is unstable it can lead to total paralysis--broken neck. AND simple x-rays of the neck can spot this.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have brown patches on the back and the neck. They started spreading over my shoulders and to my stomach. They appear white after I take a shower but otherwise appear as brown patches when dry. I had this few years ago, back then I consulted a doctor and I was given medication. Now I have moved to a new country and I consulted a physician who ruled out fungal infection. Not sure what it is.\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor From your description it looks like satyriasis tricolor. When you stretch the skin over the patch do you notice fine scales over the patch. That is a sign usually seen in satyriasis tricolor. It is caused by a yeast species. 4OOMG Fluconazole tablet single dose is a good treatment for Satyriasis tricolor. Local application of ketoconazole 2% cream twice a day will give additional benefit. You may get these prescribed by your doctor. Hope this helpedTake care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] in severe pain with multiple brain aneurysms; right opthalmic artery measures3.6x4.0x4.1mmwith a 2.9 neck and a right MCA bifurcation aneurysm ;5.5x5.6 x4.7mm with4.4mm neck and 3 others giving me so much pain i cant sleep and if i do i have to be upright...meds ...futeral 2 every 6 hrs;600 ibuprofen 6rs;oxycodone 1 every 6hrs with nausea pill; laxatives and a new med tonite 3 at bedtime gabapentin; not helping ;in excrutiating pain in head around ear ,throat; please help; preop tomorrow 1aneurysm being clipped on 6\/16; 2 others coiled on 7\/12 and last one coil and stent date to be announced...just soooo difficult living with pain everyday....any suggestions???\n[|AI|] Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I am sorry for the pain you are undergoing The severe pain in Aneurysm is usually due to irritation of the nearby nerves and stretching of the aura You can ask your doctor to increase the dose of painkillers, if the present dose does not relieve pain If you need any clarification \/ have doubts \/ have additional questions \/ have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I am looking for ways to assist a 43 year old male in need of significant dental work. I paid for an initial visit and treatment plan. They offer 18 months interest free but denied him. He works full time and not eligible for Mass Health. His 2 front teeth are missing. We were told today that he needs to have 8 teeth removed. Do you have any ideas? Thank you for your attention. Danielle\n[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. Actually in old age the teeth start becoming loose and removal of these loose teeth are necessary for the good health. You can consult the dentist as these teeth will not be removed in a single appointment you have to visit the dentist thrice or four times, in a month or two. So I think parts appointment and payment according to the treatment will be comfortable for you. Hope it will help you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Ive had some swollen nodes on my neck for around a year now. I consulted 2 doctors and one of them strongly was against biopsy. So we decided against it. Im 18 and since it didnt go away yet. we went for another doctor. He suggested an ultrasound. There was splenomegaly and I think there was some swollen nodes in the abdomen too. I was tested for TB and it came back negative. So, Im guessing when I go in tomorrow for consultation, hed say I have lymphoma. So this is my question. How curable is lymphoma? How much time does it take for it become terminal? Thank you in advance. Id love if you reply fast. Its 1 AM here and oh, Im scared bad.\n[|AI|] Hi, thank you posting at Chat Doctor. I can understand very well your concern, I recommend being sure if it is lymphoma malign you should make the following tests:1. Lymph node biopsy(total excision of a lymph node that is then examined under the microscope)2. FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization).3. Specific blood test(It is realized by laser). The results of the tests will determine the diagnosis and the treatment. You need to make those to test because they are necessary. But is the possibility that you don't suffer from lymphoma, but from an easy form of this disease. Best Wishes.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 65 yrs. old female. For about 20 yrs. Ive known Ive had a mitral valve prolapse, with just a flutter once in a while. Id cough and it would go away. About 3 yrs. ago I went through breast cancer, mastectomy and a tram reconstruction, nothing in my lymph nodes, so I had no further treatment needed, thankfully. About 1 1\/2 yrs. ago my doctor at my regular check up said she heard more gushing in my chest and advised me to get an echo. I didnt really feel anything and put it off until I needed to have more reconstuction surgery last Dec.and my plastic surgeon said the same thing, so I had it done. My cardiologist said it was moderate to severe stenosis of the aeortic valve, and another new cardiologist gave me a card that I have a bicuspid aeortic valve. He did another echo and confirmed the first report. It was a little hard to see, but he thought I had this from birth, but it looked like I only had 2 cusps instead of 3 and now have some calcium buildup there was why it had gotten more prounounced. I had to have some more breast reconstruction done in December, but had it done under local. I still need another procedure of some fat transfer done in the next months to help fill in a small sunken area above the breast. Anyway my last cardiologist appt. in June said to wait for 6 months and have another echo, unless I have any bad symptoms before. When I think about it it seems I have more fluttering. Stress seems to upset it a little. I really feel good, no pain, maybe a little shortness of breath when I climb stairways, but besides a little pounding every now and then I wouldnt know it. BP is low. But because I know it, and it was a big shock as I feel like Im falling apart and I do worry about it. I sometimes maybe feel a little rushing in my head but thats pretty mild. Im pretty healthy or thought I always was til now. Im 58 weigh 148 # have some joint issues with my hips, knees and recently my shoulders, and Im more comfortable on a bike than walking because of this. Seems to be easier on my joints. I went to Curves for 9 years and both in our area closed in the last 6 mos., so i try to do some form of exercise at home. Thought I could wait til I could have a non invasive approach to the valve, I just find it really hard to think of having my chest split, especially now since Ive had all my reconstruction and am in fair order there. My cardiolgist doesnt recommend the non invasive approach. And I hear the valves dont last that long and dont want to think of more surgeries down the road. I take one drug arimidex for the breast cancer for another 2 years. Im ready to get rid of it, as I think it has precipitated some of my joint problems. So far my dexi scans are o.k What are my options and warnings.\n[|AI|] You are having aortic stenosis. First you need to regularize your heart check up and regular echo to know the heart functions. If cardiologist recommend you the surgery then you should undergo it. Best option available is valve replacement. Metallic valve have good life and bioprosthetic ones have short life span. However after metallic valve replacement will need blood thinners post operative. But in short if you surgery you should undergo it because without surgery prognosis is bad and survival is short\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have swelling on the upper part of my left knee. I was in ER for two days and could not move my left side much as I was given IV continuously for 48 hours. There was severe pain all around left side of the body. Now it s concentrated right above the left knee.\n[|AI|] Dear patient Why you are in ER for 2 days? Have you injured your knee and swelling was after injury? I want to know because u did not mention this in your history. If swelling was after injury then X-ray of left knee anteroposterior and lateral views should be done to rule out fracture Since pain is not relieved in 2 days. If X-ray is normal further investigation needed is MRI of left knee to rule out soft tissue injury should be done. Visit to knee surgeon is recommended.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I have had a recent CT scan with the radiologist statement as idiopathic Fahr s or Hypoparathyroidism. I have an appointment with a neurologist on the 1st. I have been diagnosed with ADHD and Anxiety disorder. I have had a neuro psych baseline prior to the thought of Fahr s since I thought I had early onset Alzhiemer s because of my poor memory, the psychologist said NO to that. I was found to be in menopause, 49 years old and had 0 estrogen. After that was taken care of I felt much better. However, I still feel bad and have a myriad of symptoms but would like to know of other symptoms besides the common ones that I ve read about. I quite frustrated! I was also diagnosed a year ago with a rare genetic skin disease which has not come up since and my dermatologist thought the biopsy was wrong and I might have a autoimmune disease like Lupus. SO, my question is a statement as well, I would like to know if their are more detailed daily symptoms. For example, is there a sharp nail like pain being hammered into you ankles. Or, how does the walking interference feel, is it because of a deep knee pain? Much more facts about the main symptoms and how things might feel. I appreciate any assistance.\n[|AI|] In my opinion First if pain in ankle is in a specific spot in the back of your ankle + pain in the back of your knee then its just mechanical pain that can be fixed by wearing a foot arch and slightly leaning forwards while walking, second if pain is in a wide area then it could be from lumber disc lesion)From the way you wrote your question your mind and thinking are clear , you should take female hormones and check your thyroid levels, magnesium hormone imbalance can cause your foggy memory Good Luck\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello,im a 16 year old girl, my height being 5 4 and my weight being 98. I just wanted to know why does the whole of my body always shake when i have an argument. Its not something that has generally appeared over night, i have been shaking since the age of 13\/14. Its not an extreme case of shaking just a slight shake which gradually increases. I have one more query in which i would like you to answer if that is okay. In february i was on a diet for the whole month (eating tiny amounts of fat & burning more calories than i consumed) then the day i was on my period i had a high temperature and i went very pale and my lips were literally white. I was about to faint and i had the worst period pain you could imagine. Is this to do with my diet because it had never happened before Thank you\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Feeling week after a state of excitement is normal. Body spends a lot of energy during the state of excitement. When I say it is normal, you must understand that it is general and body has a lot of strength left to come back from that tiredness. I think your current situation arises out of you obsessive thoughts. You obsess with that tiredness and when such an excitement comes, body automatically completes your wish. Just ignore the problem and there goes the problem. The second incident you are talking about could just be due to tiredness after you cruel wellness\/ dieting program. Please consult a dietician before venturing into a weight loss program. Under nourishment can be fatal. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi i am 9-weeks pregnant, and today i found a white flaky thing in my urine, is it normal or do i need to see my gynecologist?? apparently it didnt hurt or have stingy sensation but i think i might be running very mild fever i am not sure about this but tomorrow morning i will get a clinical thermometer and check it out. so did the white discharge is a thing to worry??\n[|AI|] Hallow Dear, During pregnancy there is little increased discharge due to raised hormones; however it is clear discharge. White flaky discharge you are describing seems to the Candida (yeast) infestation. This is fungal infestation. It can be treated by antifungal vaginal pessaries like Candid vaginal. Please report to the Gynecologist for confirmation of diagnosis and treatment. You should follow instructions to avoid re-infection:1. Since this can be transferred sexually, both the partners should take the treatment simultaneously and follow the instructions given below.2. Observe sexual abstinence till both of you are declared completely cured.3. Shave private parts clean.4. Boil underwear daily.5. Use panty liners (for you).6. Clip the nails short. With this you should be cured of the infestation. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello! I am a female, looking for advice on depression suicide and cutting. I recently attempted suicide, and I am going to the emergency room tomorrow. Can you tell me what to expect at the psychological evaluation? And also, I have a family history of depression, I myself have been diagnosed with it, and I have recently attempted suicide, do you think I will be enrolled in their inpatient program for people like me?\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You should attend the in patient program. The main reason behind my suggestion is that you tried suicide. Attempt to suicide is having a good concerns. The attitude should not be repeated. In the program, you will be evaluated psychologically by a team of clinical psychologists and psychiatrist and treatment prescribed. It should be helpful to you in every case. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have developed a hard lump on the aerola of my right breast, just under the skin. It almost appears as if it would be a pimple, white head. It s tender, not red, appeared overnight. I think it might be a plugged Montgomery gland? Heat and Motrin appropriate?\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some benign breast lesion like acute abscess or fibroadenoma or fibroadenomas. You should go for examination. If needed go for excision biopsy and histopathological examination. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, my mother is suffering from severe stomach ache which started three months ago, she is not able to eat any solid stuff, her condition is deteriorating day by day, after several tests doctors have diagnosed her with Stage 3 Colon Cancer though her Biopsy report is pending, doctor has asked me to go for PET Scan as well to get things more clear, I request you to please suggest me if surgery is possible in her case or chemotherapy is the only option left, or if both are required.I have uploaded the CT scan, colonoscopy report, blood reports for your reference.please suggest.\n[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Stage 3 means that tumor infiltrated colon wall and surrounding lymph nodes - it means that surgical procedure is possible, but it can only remove microscopically cancer and involved colon. It can also remove lymph nodes, but it is not possible to be sure that cancer isn't spread already. So if ct and PE done show any metastases then surgery should be definitely done. Chemo can be started after surgery. Buzt if there is evidence of cancer outside colon then the behemoth should be done first Hope I have answered your query. Wish you good health. Regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my six year old has had a fever of 104.5 for 24 hours and doesn t have any other symptom we have been giving him Tylenol and ibuprofen and the lowest his fever got was 102.0 should I be concerned? what other things should I look for? after four hours of receiving the Tylenol or advil his fever goes back up from 102.0 to 104.0 so waiting the other four hours with his temp being at 104.0 scares me because I can only give it to him every 8 hours.\n[|AI|] I share your concern. Fever in a sis year old in the absence of other symptoms could be considered as viral fever. You can give Tylenol every 4 hours at 10-15 mg\/kg dose. And also give tepid sponging. I would do some tests like CBC and Urine RE to find the focus of infection after a thorough examination of the systems. You look for symptoms like running nose, cough, pain on passing urine. I would in my clinical practice try an empirical trial of antibiotics after careful evaluation. You can consult your doctor for further evaluation of your child. Hope I have allayed your fears. Take care regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 18 years old and I was recently I have mumps. Last Wednesday I felt a tiny bit of swelling (then thought a pulled muscle) behind my right jaw. The next day I woke up and my face had clearly swollen. I booked an appointment at my University health centre where a nurse saw me, said it is very likely that I have mumps and that I need to wait 5 days from the swelling before I can leave my university dorm as I am infectious. 5 days later, after 4 days of intense pain on my face and jaw, not being able to chew anything and having no energy, I was feeling better and went out yesterday into the world. Today is 7 days since the original swelling began, I wake up and have the same feeling I did when the right side began to swell on the left side of my jaw. Its only swollen a little but it hurts when I chew more so than the right side and is painful like the right side was.Does this mean I still have mumps and have to stay in isolation for another 5 days? Will the left side get just as swollen as the right side did because I dont think I can bare the pain.Thank you\n[|AI|] Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint Mumps also known as \"Epidemic Parotitis\" is a VIRAL infection, and it can affect either one side or both sides Parotid glands which are major salivary glands leading to the above explained symptoms. It is very much clear from your explanation that you have mumps. The symptoms subside within 7 to 10 days after the symptoms appear. There is no exact treatment for mumps and only symptomatic relief can be provided. For pain, you can take Acetaminophen or Tylenol for relief. Doing cold compresses can be relieving. Take plenty of fluids which can include water, fruit juices, soups etc. Take a soft and nutritious diet. Take sufficient rest. In case if the symptoms persist for more than 10 days without any relief you should consult a physician. Although after occurrence of mumps once the person becomes immune for lifetime and relapse can be with very mild symptoms. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My endometrium size is 0.8cm. The GYN said I need to be concerned. I had a transvaginal image last year. Currently, I had another transvaginal sonogram- the results are the endometrium does not appear to be thickened. I do have an IUD per the report the IUD in in place and good position. Just concerned about the endometrium.\n[|AI|] What is your age? The ultrasound was taken on which day of the period? Why did you do the ultrasound last year? Since you have the IUD inserted I presume you are less than 45\u00a0years. The endometrial thickness of 0.8 cm after the first week of census for all women before the menopause is normal. The second ultrasound is reaffirming the same opinion that I have written. There is no need for you to be concerned. I hope I have answered to your satisfaction. If you have any further queries do contact me through Chat Doctor \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] sir, i sex with my wife 15feb 2013 without a condom then after she has not any period .last night i check in ipill pregenency it show a deep single line , but now, i not take a baby this time , because already i have a 5 months baby . mistakely its done . pls sir , tell me that , now what can i do. my mail id is YYYY@YYYY\n[|AI|] Hello dear, Thanks for the query. As the pregnancy test is negative its unlikely she is pregnant. If she is breastfeeding, she might not have her periods. So just relax. And if she has any symptoms of pregnancy, kindly consult your OBEY specialist. Hope I answered your question, Kindly reply me if you have any further queries or any comments. I will be very happy to help you. Sincerely, Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi i am having severe pain on my right back for 2 days I was admitted to hospital in emergency yesterday, but after giving me pain killer injection and medicine prescription they discharged me. No stone found in ultrasound but doctor said it is kidney stone pain. But I am having pain on regular intervals. Some time it is severe. Please suggest what should i do.\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Based on the facts that you have posted I think you have stone in middle part of your Rt ureter . Normally stones in the middle 1\/3 part of the ureter are not picked up in ultrasound Scanning as this portion of the ureter is overlapped by bowels (Intestines). You need to do either CT Scan of Kidney Ureter or radiological test called Intravenous Paleography(MVP) to confirm \/rule out mid Ureteric stone. Please consult qualified Urologist for evaluation and get the test done under his guidance to confirm the diagnosis. Further treatment will depend on upon the result of the test and final diagnosis. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 75, male, in general good physical health although currently treated for bladder cancer and having chronic osteoarthritis. Recent blood tests show elevated liver enzymes and I do feel abdomen tenderness and swelling. Obviously, I have attempted diagnosis with my primary PA and urologist. Alcohol use and medications do not appear to be obvious factors and the condition is new. It dawned on me that within the last 18 mo or so I have started using a moderate dose of testosterone cream, fully under medical supervsion. Should I discontinue use? I can t recall any other major recent changes in medications. I am trying to deal with bladder chemo first befor getting into the emerging liver issues..what do you think?.\n[|AI|] Hello, Our liver tests are only slightly elevated. In case of serious liver disease, these values are around 1000. The reason for your results can be a fatty liver which is present for sure if you are overweight. Please note that untreated fatty liver (which is a reversible condition) can lead to liver cirrhosis and liver insufficiency. To reverse fatty liver process, you need to change your diet and lifestyle. Fatty foods, spicy foods, fired foods, painkillers should be avoided. Otherwise, this process will slow-going forward. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. Rammstein, General Surgeon\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I have went to the doctor because Im trying to conceive and Ive got sad news that my eggs are not releasing. I would like to know if I should give up the hope of becoming a mom or is there hope that there is something that I can do that will guarantee me that I will get pregnant. And also is my condition a very bad one?\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. I have read & understood your query. POD is a menstrual problem where ovulation is disturbed & so the menstrual cycle remains nonambulatory & irregular, thus posing a problem in conception. This problem is seen more frequently these days being mainly a problem due to lifestyle changes. * Still you need not worry, its methodical management can reduce its bad effects like infertility\/ diabetes etc. To start with detailed physical examination \/ investigations (CBC, Thyroid function tests, USG with ovulation study, hormonal estimation, insulin resistance test)The treatment plan is then decided - - Weight reduction (regular exercises\/ low calorie diet, are advised. A small amount of weight loss can correct the hormonal imbalance. Leaving smoking helps. - Hormonal imbalance can be controlled with Cyclical oral contraceptives. - Medicines like Metformin, Camphene are tried to stimulate ovulation - If nothing helps, surgical Chat Doctor. * For this you should approach a gynecologist & after pathological tests. Follow her instructions. You will get positive results. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a rash under my right eye that started a few months ago... my whole face itches at times now. Sharp itch that then becomes painful upon scratching. My back hurts and when I twist it around my tongue goes numb and Im dizzy \/ light headed often. Seem to be in a fuzz a lot of the time. Whole body itches at times.\n[|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Persistent itching can be associated with allergies, liver disease, reaction to medication, kidney disease, infection such as scabies. To determine the cause you would need to visit your doctor for an assessment which would include history and examination. Based on the history and examination you may need investigations such as allergy testing, liver function tests, kidney tests. I hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dr. Sir, I have burning sansation in sole of foot and palm sometimes and also burning sansations over legs below the knee. It mostly happens in afternoon and evening in some high. Sir give me the treatement guidelines.\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor !! Dear Layman if this burning sensation has started recently it would be better to get a blood sugar levels tested, since diabetes is one of the main causes of peripheral neuropathy. You can also take one Nervier capsule every day for two weeks and see if it helps. Since it is affecting only the hands and legs it is indicative of glove and stocking type of peripheral neuropathy. Take care!!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Im 18 145lbs and have been getting chest pains (heartburn?) that last about 6 hours about twice a week and i havent had my period in 3 months? reasons? I have always had irregular periods but my Dr said it was from sports, i dont play sports any more.\n[|AI|] Hey, First of there is no relation between periods and heartburn. Heartburn due to gastritis in most of the cases. Junk and spicy food may lead to same. Avoid this kind of food. Avoid overeating. Have any proton pump inhibitor like omeprazole once or twice a day for few days. That will combat your heart burn. Regarding periods its quite common to have irregular periods. You can have advice by Obstetrician and gynecologist for same. Most of the cases its sports related and next is might be Polycystic ovarian disease.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a son who is 5 days old, I delivered recently. It was a normal delivery. Iam giveing him breast milk. Today morning my mother noticed that the eyes of my baby is yellow, i was totally shocked. How come the baby gets jaundice at sucha young age. Is this anything to worry. I really upset about it. Is there any danget to my baby, will it be cured. How many days it will take to clear this ?\n[|AI|] Newborn babies having jaundice is common, even my baby had it from 3rd day onwards, the doctors told me not to worry, it is something called physiological jaundice, baby will come out of it will phototherapy, but my baby did not have a lot of yellowness, so I was asked to keep baby in morning sun daily, with that itself, the jaundice went away slowly in two weeks time and has never come back. Now my son is three years old. Don't worry consult your pediatrician in case of concerns.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi i suffer from a red patch over my nose on the left side and right, worse more so on the left. I have been told by the dr that it is ezcema and have tried non prescribed and prescribed creams and nothing seems to clear it up. I have also tried to change eating and drinking habits but no change. It also flares up more so every now and again with no reason as to why. Is there anything i can do? please help\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor I would keep a possibility of seborrhea dermatitis, it can present clinically as red scaly patches on the sebaceous gland rich areas like the scalp, face, chest etc., I would suggest you to use a moderately potent topical steroid cream e.g. fluticasone propionate cream twice daily for the initial 2 weeks. As seborrhea dermatitis often recurs and since it is not advisable to use topical steroids on face for long therefore after the initial 2 weeks steroids should be replaced with a topical immunomodulator e.g. either pimecrolimus or tacrolimus, for maintenance of improvement. Regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I was diagnosed with a UTI but also had pregnancy symptoms. I went to the hospital and they said I had a faintly positive urine result and a negative pregnancy result with blood test. Why wouldn t my blood have the same ChatDoctor hormone that s in my urine? Is it too soon for the urine and blood tests to show pregnancy? The doctor told me to wait a week and then test again.\n[|AI|] Hello, For pregnancy test is possible, but it is weird. Did you do blood test Chat Doctor quantitative or qualitative? Normally blood test qualitative is more accurate. Chat Doctor levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12-14 days after conception by a urine test. You should recheck in several days, first-morning urine most accurate. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 19 year old boy approaching 20. 1.83m talk. I have a great medical history. I have never been admitted to hospital or any other facility. The problem i have is over masturbation. I started to do it on the year 2002 now i find it hard to stop please help\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. It is natural for a man to masturbate at the age of adolescence. It is one of the safest mode to fulfill desire of sexual satisfaction without getting in to physical intimacy with female. It has no side effect on body or any organ.However, addiction to frequent masturbation does lead to sexual problems related to erection and ejaculation in later life.hence one has to restrict the frequency of masturbation. Please note that there is no medicine that can help to reduce frequency of masturbation, It requires self-determination Try to reduce the frequency of masturbation by keeping yourself busy in activities like sports, reading, social work etc. so that you will not get free time to masturbate. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I once had a hemoglobin number of 5.6 after surgery and they gave me 10 units of blood and the number went up to about 8.5. Then they released me from the hospital. I was carted away in an ambulance, could not walk, and spent the next three weeks in some kind of nursing home facility where i continued to recover. Did they release me from the hospital too soon?\n[|AI|] Your Hemoglobin levels seem to be low but that can have a number of causes. From the history that you have given, it is not quite clear if your hemoglobin levels were decreased prior to surgery or after surgery. Also, only low hemoglobin levels by themselves are not always the criteria for inpatient therapy and a hemoglobin of 8.5 is quite compatible with discharge. But then again, we are not quite conversant with what condition you have been suffering from and what surgery was done. So it will be naive to comment whether you were discharged too soon.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, I just got back from a 6day driving trip. When i left i was fine. My first night i noticed a pain\/soreness between bottom of my rib cage left side and just right of my hip bone in about 2inches. Each day that passed i notice abit more pain.. naging pain.. especially when ever i would bend over.. On the way back home i notice the pain increasing more and more. Not debilitating, but becoming more of a concern. Yesterday i saw a doctor.. he doesn t seem to be to concerned. I have appt. for ultra sound in 6days. I told i was concerned if it was my appendixs. Says no. wrong side. So having tests for kindney & blatter. mm after doing some reading here i figure i don t have any stones of any kind.. Just wondering if i could possibly have a simple infection of some sort. Sometimes in the last 24hrs the pain doubles me over.. but doesn t last long maybe 40sec or so. I m female 54.\n[|AI|] Hi, most possible cause of your problem is out of long Chat Doctor. Fatigue back muscles and hip muscles giving rise to soreness and pain. Possibly you have sprained your spine and that causing pain on walking and increasing. Please get a check-up with or tho surgeon and find out. Not likely that you are having infection, appendicitis or kidney problem. Till you get a check-up get rest and avoid strenuous work .hope you be all right soon\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] helo docter . i want 2 ask i had sex with my Gf at 17 mar and with 2 hr i gave her i-pill.and she got bleeding at 24mar ,4 to 5 days continue and after that till 2 day she nt get her periods his periods date is 24 ....soo is their any chances of preganancy.. can u tel plz....\n[|AI|] Hi dear, I have gone through your question and understand the concerns. If I pill is taken within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse prevents the pregnancy, then the chances of pregnancy is almost nil. The periods are delayed most likely due to the side effect of the I pill. I will suggest her to get a urine pregnancy test done and if negative, then wait for the periods for next 2 weeks. Hope you found the answer helpful. Regards Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Doctor My Father is going through the dialysis 2 Times a Week. After the dialysis he feels very Anxiety during the night time and could not rest. In Day time condition improves and he can sleep. Kindly let me know the reason for Anxiety and uneasiness during the night time.\n[|AI|] Dialysis itself is a lot of stress and further twice a week dialysis is an additional negative factor being an inadequate dialysis dose. Now it is being well proven that patients on dialysis have sleep disorders and need to be a Chat Doctor. He may need a sleep study and further management depending on the report. Discuss with a nephrologists bout dialysis frequency as inadequate dialysis may add to the problems.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi! My baby is one year and seven months. I just would like to ask if fat globule in his fecal exam result says few, is it normal? The color is yellow, the consistency is soft. WBC, RBC, ova and parasite result is non seen. Yeast cells result is few. What does this indicates? Than you.\n[|AI|] Thank you for posting your question. Fat globules in stool examination is a normal finding in stool. It is related to the fat content of the ingested food. This finding may rarely be considered significant in a child with a liver or pancreatic disease. But in the face of a healthy child, this finding can be ignored.Similarly, few yeast cells in stool examination could also be an incidental finding with not much significance. Also, any laboratory report needs to be correlated clinically to decide whether it is significant. Thus, if your child is healthy and not showing any bothersome symptoms, these changes in the report may be ignored.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My question is: What OTC branded products work best for persistent nail fungus diagosed as Candida Albicans. How about the combination of Thymol (4%) with fluconazole in a cytol alcohol sol.?, or Terbinafine.\n[|AI|] Hello, THX to contact us. I understand your concern. If I am your treating doctor I advise you that fungal nail infection always requires three to four month therapy. The combination you have mentioned is a good combination you can take it from OTC center. Keep one thing in mind that it is necessary to complete the cure, otherwise there is chance of recurrence of infection. I will be happy to answer more of your concerns, kindly know me, Wish you a very good health at Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor. Infectious Disease.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my husband has had a pressure on the center top part of his brain for about 3 years now, accompanied with nausea , dizziness , loss of appetite , sleepiness. What possible conclusions can this lead to? He s had MRI, CT Scan both neg, went to ENT for allergies (didn t get better) he had 2 Spinal punctures and they found slight meningitis, but the neurologist said it wasn t anything to worry about. These tests were done a year ago and he s worse now then he was then, and I m getting worried! We no longer have insurance, but I want him to get better, any suggestions on what his diagnosis could be?\n[|AI|] Hi, You should be repeating the CT Scan or MRI head to rule out any Brain Tumor or if to see is the Meningitis is completely cured. If it is meningitis and is completely not cured, there are chances of his symptoms recurring back. The cause for this has to Found out like TB Meningitis or something else as treating the cause will definitely help. If TB Meningitis is confirmed, he will have to take Medicines for 6 Months at least for complete cure. Take him to a Neurologist for a second opinion at the earliest. I wish him Good Health, Good Luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have diogonized last week with an after meal blood suger 220md\/dl and been adviced by my doctor to start glucopeg 500mg. Since I feel that I am in good helth I ignore the sugeion to take medicine and went to another hospitel yesterday to check my FBS and PPBS and which was shocking !.. FBS is 126mg\/dl & PPBS is 96mg\/dl !! Is it possibel that PPBS is lower than FBS and also I would like to know that my reading are sound good or do I need to start taking medicine for diabtec. Thanks in Advance. Regards\n[|AI|] Your after meal sugar 220 mg\/DL is definitely high. Next time reading is 126 is also high. Cut off value is 126. Between 100 and 126 FBS is called borderline and 126 is diabetic. It sometimes happen that pubs may be lower than fasting. However no need of starting antidiabetic medicine. First thing to do is you control your diet. And after that check it repeatedly at 15 days interval. If it remains persistent high then go for medicine. Consult your physician and take treatment accordingly.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, Varucca plana was detected on my sons face and arms who is 6 years old. Spots are now increasing on both arms. pls suggest treatment Hi, Varucca plana was detected on my sons face and arms who is 6 years old. Spots are now increasing on both arms. pls suggest treatment\n[|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. I see similar cases amongst young people who visit my clinic. In the first meeting, I advise my patients to consult dermatologist for cryotherapy. After removing of Garcia plan you give him Acyclovir 30 mg\/kg\/day divides for 2 times during 5 days for prophylaxis recurrent infection, because it caused by papillomavirus. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing your baby a good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a white 52 year old female with some intense pain on my left side under my rib cage. I am experienceing shortness of breath and sharp pain in this area. I am in general good health. Overweight, Non-Smoker. No major health issues other than this pain that started about 2-3 days ago.\n[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would like to explain that your symptoms don't seem to be cardiac related. Is this pain modulated by respiration or the body movements? A comprehensive differential diagnosis between different disorders (like Costco Chat Doctor. I would recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG and a cardiac ultrasound, a chest x-ray study and some lab blood tests (complete blood count, PCR, sedimentation rate, kidney and liver function tests, blood electrolytes, etc.). If all the above tests result normal, the main cause of this symptomatology would be a musculoskeletal pain. In such case, painkillers (like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc.) for a short period of time would be helpful. Hope to have been of help! Feel free to ask any other questions, whenever you need! Best wishes, \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a nephew who has a hemogioma on his tongue. He is right at a month old. They live in Little Rock Arkansas. The specialist who have seen him placed him on steroids, with no effect. They had scheduled surgery to remove the growth, but minutes before the surgery, and after conferring with other doctors, they decided to place him on a high and low dose steroid to see which direction to go due to his age and the location of the hemogioma. He was on the heard medication that is new and it caused him to be very sick and that is why the drs opted to take him off and schedule surgery. My sister and her husband are so flusterd because they feel as if they are getting the run around on their babies care. Is there any other options or any other specialists that could take a look at his case. We love our baby and want to help as much as possible. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.\n[|AI|] Hi dear, I had gone through your question and understand your concern. You should be worried, but not too much. It is obviously seen from localization of hematoma, that child should go on surgery, because he has risk of heavy bleeding in the future. You can perform MRI to appreciate how deep is it. Hope I answered your question, If you have any further questions, then don't hesitate to contact us. I am always happy to help\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello i m female 44 yrs old, 139 pounds, 5 4 , hypothyroidism(under control 1.7), fibroids (heavy menstrual cycle) but in general healthy. My last period was sept.3 until sept 6(usually is more days).It was heavy on 4th and 5th. I had blood work yesterday the results came back : WBC 5.5(normal range 4-10),RBC 4.15(normal range 3.80-4.80), differential (all normal), hemoglobin 113, hematocrit 0.36(normal range 0.35-0.43),MCV 87(normal range 82-98), MCHC 315(norm rang 305-365),RDW 13.3(norm. range 11.5-14.5), hemoglobin 113 (normal range 120-150),MCH 27.2 (normal range 27.5-33.5) ferritin 25(normal 15-180) and platelets 439 (normal range in my lab 150-400). It is the first time that my platelets are higher. All the annually previous blood work were really good.......Also I have few days that I feel mild discomfort-pressure on my forehead and next to my nose too. i feel my eyes tired and I have sometime the unsteady feeling.what is your opinion? the higher platelets worries me a little a bit..\n[|AI|] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. No need to worry at all. Your platelet count is slightly high. It is seen in many healthy individuals as normal variation. It may be due reactive thrombocytes. Reactive thrombocytes is common after heavy blood loss. So no need to worry about your platelets count. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a tooth that has created an absess on my gums due to a probable infection or tooth decay. What is the best solution for this problem. Would it be better to remove the tooth? I havent been to the dentist in years due to an episode when I was three years old. Im scared to go see a dentist.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The abscess can be because of a tooth or gum infection. If it is a tooth infection, the best way of treating it would be by root canal treatment if and only if the tooth has sufficient structure in it and has sufficient bone support. If it is secondary to gum infection, then take a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin 500\u00a0mg and metronidazole 400\u00a0mg TID for 5 days (if you are not allergic). And get your teeth cleaned once with Chat Doctor. I hope my answer will help you, take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I just had an echo gram and nuclear stress test since I was getting some chest pain which I believe is stress. I had a widow maker heart attack in 2007 and just on medications. One of the cardiologists at the hospital yesterday suggested an angioplasty test. Is that necessary?\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, in your case Angiography is needed. And if block is there than angioplasty is needed. You had heart attack in 2007. So you are having high risk for cardiac diseases. You are also having chest pain at present. So possibility of Coronary artery disease is more in your case at present. And for the diagnosis of this, Angiography is must. Angiography is not only diagnostic, but it will also cure the obstruction by putting Stent (angioplasty). So better to get done Angiography and if needed angioplasty. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Im constantly having a pulsation, palpation, jumping feeling in different parts of my body. It feels like a heartbeat. Im not sure if its in my veins, arteries, or muscles. Im 29, sedentary, normal blood pressure, and cholesterol. My dr. said everything seems to be fine.\n[|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. I assure you everything is fine. You know blood travels through veins and arteries. You will be able to feel pulses wherever thick arteries are available. Head, neck, shoulders, arm, wrist, thigh, stomach sides, knee, calf, feet etc. are areas where which arteries are present. You could feel the pulsation at all these places. If you obsess with these pulsations, you will become anxious and your heart beat increases due to the anxiety. Please donor misinterpret it. Your doctor told nothing is wrong with you. Accept it and be happy. Take care. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Doctor,My Baby is 12 days old and is suffering with motions from 4 days. Poo is yellow in color and very smelly and a bit watery. We have consulted two peds where they prescribed walamycin(colistin sulphate) 6 drops - 4 times a day and other doctor prescribed stodil (Loperamide) - 1\/8 per day. It doesnt look subsiding and still he is doing it more than 6 times a day. Kindly help\n[|AI|] Hi...this is completely normal. Please do not worry at all. An active well growing and weight gaining baby is perfectly healthy. What your kid is having is not a diarrhea and is only a gastronomic reflux. It is quite common for babies of this age group t pass small amount of diarrhea or loose stools soon after feeds. This need not be treated as diarrhea and especially antibiotics are not indicated. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] feelingvery low, crying for no reason, aching upper legs and arms, cold toes and fingers but rest of body very hot, currently on low dosage evorel hrt patches, lost interest in many things, l get two good weeks and a real bad week just now and feel so low in self esteem etc\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. All the described symptoms correspond to menopause. Most of the women go through a depressive state due to the hormonal change in their body during menopause. That is quite natural. But worrying about it worsens problem. You should be aware of it. Read the literature available all over internet. If you want to come out of the situation, the only way out is activities which keep you engaged throughout the day. Studies confirm that working Women come across menopausal depression far lesser than non-working women. Please engage yourself in hobbies or other activities. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My grandaughter had a water infection when she was 5months old she has been on antibiotics since she is 8months now. The doctors ave said she cud be on them until the age of 4, she has also had 2 scans on her kidneys but have both been ok. Why is she on antibiotics for so long\n[|AI|] Hello, It is challenging to come to diagnosis with a limited history provided in the query. However, the use of long term antibiotic therapy is called for patients who suffer with immunodeficiency. The antibiotics prevent the risk of acquiring recurrent severe infections in such patients. As you have mentioned your grand child is five months old; it is likely that she is suffering from some form of rare congenital immunodeficiency. In this condition the normal infection-fighting system of the body does not function fully, making the person prone to severe infections. Apart from antibiotics other forms of treatment available for such patients includes antibody infusion, and stem cell transplantation. In addition, kidneys are usually normal as the immune cells are usually a component of blood. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, my boyfriend has a tooth infection, he is taking antibiotics, but his next dentist appointment is not until Monday. The swellings that he had earlier from the tooth only got worse, not his entire cheek is extremely swollen. Is there anything that we can do to calm the swelling down?\n[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The swelling over the cheek is because of the abscess or collection of pus secondary to teeth or gum infection. Consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. If I am your treating doctor, I would have suggested you to take radiographs like RVG or IOP AR to rule out gum and teeth infection. If it is a gum or teeth infection I would have prescribed a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin and metronidazole for 5 days (if you are not allergic). Then I would have suggested going for scaling and root planing for gum infection. Root canal treatment or extraction if it is a tooth infection. It takes two days for the swelling to come down following administration of the antibiotics. I hope my answer will help you, take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Sir , my wife who is 42 years old has been administered with epitril .5 as SOS . For about one tablet daily used to work. But the Doctor has recently prescribed to take two tablets daily . But now even these also stopped working for which she has to take 3\/4 tablets daily to reduce her enxity and depression. Please tell me whether increase in dose can cause drug dependent and any other side affects from the same.\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. Epitril is a brand of Clonazepam - which is a benzodiazepine medication. It has sedative and antianxiety effects. Now, benzodiazepine medication, such as April have a high potential for dependency \/ addiction. Since your wife has been gradually increasing the dose of April, it is very likely that she has developed what is called\" Chat Doctor. This is one of the signs of dependence. So, I would advise you to take her for a review with her doctor so that this issue can be ad\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Dr. Samuel, I AM HAVING POLLEN ALLERGY REACTION, i BELIEVE, AS EARLY AS THIS MONTH. iT ALSO SEEMS A SOAR THROAT-possibly a flue thing. I am now on alegra, but for the soar throat I am taking a syrup. I regularly exercise on daily bases. Do you have any suggestion? I sometimes feel hard to breath. Do you think I can do my regular exercise? about 30-45 minutes. I would, first of all, like to thank for your cooperation. Fantu YYYY@YYYY\n[|AI|] Hi there, Thanks for writing in. Allegra will help reduce your symptoms of allergy. Do try the following measures: 1. Chat Doctor. You can have a glass of warm water every hour or so. 2. Sign up for yoga classes. Yoga if practiced regularly is very beneficial for the body and mind, and will help reduce the chances of allergy in the long run. 3. Avoid exposure to dust by using a mask. 4. Warm saline gargles 3 times a day will help reduce the sore throat. Also have a teaspoon of honey mixed with a pinch of pepper powder. 5. Try Steam inhalation 3 times a day. If you don't find symptomatic relief at all with the above-mentioned measures, please visit your physician. Hope this helps. Get well soon. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, My son had a fever on Monday. He was fine yesterday until last night he started getting cranky. Hes teeth are coming. Today he woke up with red spots on his face, behind ears & a little spots on his body? what can it be? he only drink half of his bottle.\n[|AI|] Hi, thank you for posting your query here. From what you are describing, it seems like he is having Measles infection, with rash starting on his face and then spreading out. It is normal for kids to.be cranky, and eat or. Chat Doctor. Less than.usual. He may also. Have a runny nose and cough with redness of the eyes. Give him paracetamol for the fever, and vitamin A supplements RO speed up recovery. If he develops fast breathing or has trouble breathing, then you should visit a doctor. Keep him in his room to avoid spreading the infection to others, and ensure that kids he has been in contact with get a measles or MMR shot. Hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have carried a test for liver profile and the report is in my hands. I need to know the test results. Here are the results as followsEverything else is normal except these1. Total Protein. 9.2 gm% (6.4-8.2 gm% normal range)2. Globulin 4.6 Gm% (2.3-3.5 Gm% normal range)3. A\/G Ratio 1.0:1 (1.2-2.5:1 normal range) My Age is 21 Years old malesuffering from active acne and taking Isotretinoin capsules 20mg as per dermatologist prescriptions. Reply me pleaseLuqman Amla\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Kindly note that your age and previous medical problems are not mentioned in the query. According the report posted, there is raised globulin above normal range the elevated globulin may be Alpha, or gamma commonly will be gamma, amd is of two types monoclonal proliferation or polyclonal. You need to undergo serum protein electrophoresis that will show next step in evaluation. If you have any joint pains kindly inform doctor. No specific medication is required right now but blood test STEP is required. And it is unlike due to isotrenitoin. Hope this helps.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hii. i have a bubble kind of thing on my gums below teeth and it gets filled with puss and wen i press it fluid comes out but the very next day it again gets filled with puss. it does not have pain but i want to know is thre any problem in my gums.???\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query, as you have pus in your gums this indicates periodontal problem means abscess in gums these are symptoms of periodontal abscess don't worry I will suggest you to maintain proper oral hygiene brush your teeth twice daily, do warm saline rinses, do chlorhexidine mouthwash once daily, and consult oral surgeon and go for oral prophylaxis and curettage of tooth with abscess. Hope this will help you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Sir, My cousin was diagnosed with brain TB some 2 months back.She was admitted in Alleppey Medical hospital and her condition worsened over the period of time. TB tests were conducted with no positive result. Thereafter, she was moved to Chitra Medical Hospital, Trivandrum and her samples were sent to NIMHANS for further study. Meanwhile, this period my cousin was losing her vision. A brain surgery was carried out and it was found that the vein supporting the eye sight was blocked and it was infected. The doctors are saying that she will lose her eyesight in a few months or so because of the infection. We really dont know if it s TB.Is there anything which we could do to retain her eyesight?\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. The eyes are vital organs, and it is important to treat any condition threatening eyesight immediately. TB is a condition that can present with unique symptoms and involvement of the vein supplying the eyes is rare. Since a brain surgery was carried out, it is possible that the doctors took measures to safeguard her eyesight, but little could be done as there was a lot of infection. When there is significant infection, certain decisions have to be taken by the operating surgeon to protect the life of the patient and avoid further complications. To confirm TB or not you can send slides to research hospitals elsewhere in the country but the hospitals she has shown are well known for brain disease treatments. Particularly for her eyesight, it will help if you can request the eye surgeon to have a panel discussion with her neurologist.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my boyfriend is experiencing breathlessness, some chest pains and hes been having headaches and his eyes are aching. He is twenty years old, with a history of athsma during his childhood. And hes been suffering with this for about a week, he is currently under stress - he is in his last year of university. I want him to go to the doctors, but he doesnt want to, is there something seriously wrong, can i help him?\n[|AI|] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* This seems more in relation with some sort of respiratory infection with systemic manifestations which are increased with stress, anxiety.* Suggestions at present - Convey him to take plenty of liquids.- Balanced nutritious diet to combat any infection.- Inhalation of vapors of boiled water with blanket over head 5 minutes each 3 times a day.- Walking in fresh air, deep breathing exercises, YOGA - Avoid stress, anxiety.- Have regular sound sleep of 8 hours.- Avoid smoking or alcohol if using.- Tab. Tylenol (500) mg 3 times a day after meals.* Have to consult doctor if problem persist later. Wishing him fine recovery & exams of final year. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a red skin rash in the folds\/rolls of my fat belly, on and behind my ears and under my breasts. Fiery red and dry and itchy and sometimes raw and hurts. Was told it was a yeast infection like atletes foot and have been using Clotrimazole USP 1% cream and Nystatin powder alternately to no avail, had it a long time - HELP!\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query. Itching and rash in all the folds cannot be due to fungal infection. Probably you are suffering from airborne contact dermatitis. You might require treatment with oral and systemic steroids depending on the severity of condition. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link.https:\/\/urldefense.com\/v3\/__http:\/\/www.ChatDoctor .com\/doctors\/ Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dear Sir I am Xavier I have stomach problem from couple of years, I could no call it as a pain in stomach but i feel a kind of pressure, when i sleep on either sides it feels like something is there, i showed to some doctors but coud not get any solution so could you please guide me\n[|AI|] Hi Xavier. Thanks for your query. Since you are suffering from pain in abdomen for a couple of years, I would advise you the following:First of a consultation with a Surgical Specialist as a proper detailed history and physical examination will give us a clue to the probable investigations to be done and the treatment to be planned. Investigations:*Routine blood investigations like Complete blood picture, blood sugar, urea, creatinine, liver function tests, thyroid function tests.*Urine -routine and microscopy*Stool: routine, microscopy, occult blood, culture and sensitivity.*Ultrasonography of abdomen, *Colonoscopy All these investigations should be within normal limits for one to say you have Additional CT scan of the abdomen will help us to get a proper diagnosis.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My husband recently relapsed after 9 years of sobriety. He is currently in a rehabilitation center. He has opened up to me and the staff of incestual sexual abuse as a child from ages 4-10. He says he has been wanting to commit suicide for years, he is very depressed and rarely happy. He will be released soon and I am very concerned about what I can do to support him.\n[|AI|] Hello and thanks for writing in. I understand your concern for your husbands mental health issues. From the description of his symptoms, it appears that he is suffering from chronic depression, also known as Dysthymia. You have also mentioned that he is very troubled by his past issues of child sexual abuse. Considering all these issues, it would be advisable to take him to a psychiatrist for a detailed evaluation and further professional help. There are effective treatment options in the form of antidepressant medication or psychological therapy. Specifically, there are therapies like Psychodynamic psychotherapy which can help him overcome his childhood trauma.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my father is 81 yrs old & was bleeding heavily from penis. went to er & ct scan showed mass on r kidney. stopped bleeding next day & it has been 2 wks. went for ct scan w\/ contrast last week. waiting for results. cystoscopy being done this week also. what could this be?\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Your father who is 83 years old had episode of gross hematuria and have been detected to have mass in his Rt kidney. This is most likely to be a Renal Cell Carcinoma and needs further evaluation to find out extent of disease, spread of the disease to regional and para aortic lymph nodes, perinephric tissue and distant locations like lungs, liver etc. Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis as regards the extent of disease. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] im a male 53. using high bp medicines since 12 years. im using telsartan-h 80, minipress xl 5mg, revelol xl 100, amlosafe 5, tonact tg. im also taking razo-20 and lesuride. for last 2\/3 months im facing swelling on my lips and tongue. i have used alegra 180 but it never responds . it becomes normal after 12 hours automatically without any medicine . is it due to medicine reactions ? if yes, then which medicine i have 2 stop or change ? plz suggest ....\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor ...sir it is classical reaction to telmisartan .it will be seen with all telmisartan losartan losartan candesartan and Chat Doctor. .but if swelling is coming daily and persistent for 12 hours please request your doctor to replace tartan or decrease dose in addition you may go for level of C1 esterase but if dose cannot be decreased then you should have prefilled epinephrine syringe with you as this has to be injected by self if swelling increases, and you face breathing difficulty with regards \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello sir , from last night i am suffering from alergy due to sweat as exccesive increase in tempature at my place .there are red patches all over my back and neck. I have been preiscribed oxflokem-200, fluconazole -150 mg , omeprazole domperid, decdan , cetrizine hydrochloride . Is these medicine adequate ? kindly give suggestions\n[|AI|] Hello, as you are having allergic symptoms, having red patches with sweating and itching, the treatment you are taking is good, but I want to suggest you to take a deforming treatment also(Albendazole 400) at night once in a fortnight along with treatment you are taking i.e. fluconazole, omeprazole with risperidone, Dexamethasone in reducing doses and cetirizine or levocetrizine for 7-10 days regularly, if there is no secondary infection present than avoid antibiotics as far as possible and keep Chat Doctor. I hope you will be benefited by my suggestions. Good luck and take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My father has undergone AVR in 2011 and it was successful. But now he is suffering from breathlessness. I had a talk with the doctor who has done the AVR process. He told me as my father was a chain smoker he got some problem in his lungs. However my father gave up his smoking habits around 10 years back.please give me some suggestion.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion we need to rule out cardiac and respiratory causes for your fat fathers breathlessness. Since he was chain smoker we need to rule out COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). So get done chest x-ray and PFT (PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST) to rule out COPD. If both are normal, then get done 2D Echo to rule out cardiac cause. As he is having aortic valve surgery, possibility of complication related to valve can be there. So consult your doctor and discuss all these.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 28 years old and my dr. has done several urine and blood tests to see why my toxins are so high in my body and my potassium levels are so high. He has yet to give me an answer as to what is going on I have read on here how bad high potassium can be do you have any suggestions for me?\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. High potassium level may be due to many reasons like hemolysis, high potassium diet etc. Potassium level is very sensitive and high potassium level can lead to life-threatening arrhythmia. You should control it immediately. Treatment of cause is also needed. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, my wife is pregnant and is in 5th month. She is hypothyroid after our first baby. Recently, we got her checked for TSH which is on a higher side, probably 10. she is already taking 75 mg of medicine which her gynae has now raised it to 100. We would like to take advise from endochronologist if this is ok\n[|AI|] Hallow Dear, TSH values up to 10 mid are quite high. You have to bring them down to the tunes around 3. Probably she is on Thermoform tablets. If even after 100 micrograms, TSH is not coming down, you have to increase the dose. The dose has to be titrated with TSH values. Please ensure that she is consuming iodized salt. Broccoli, Soda, Cauliflower, Cabbage are certain vegetables which interfere the absorption of iodine. So ask her to avoid them. It is always a good option to have Endocrinologists advice in Thyroid problem. However, please continue on Thermoform in adequate dosage. Low Thyroid functioning may affect the baby and\/or pregnancy adversely. So please do not ignore. I hope this helps you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I m 79 years old, female, with a pacemaker, and had a one-time horrific headache that lasted three or four days. With that I had severe nasal mucous so i thought it was the flu. I m not so sure now that it was the flu. Can you help me with that? Thank you very much.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Headache and nasal congestion are commonly seen with sinusitis (infection and inflammation of paranasal sinuses). No need to worry about pacemaker related complications. Do steam inhalation and warm water gargles 5-6 times a day. Chat Doctor. If it recurs again then consult ENT doctor for endoscopic examination of sinuses. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, a 3 yr old son have a swelling in his right side temporal bone which grows gradually after the injury which was occur 2 wks ago.it is non tender and not firm.what would be the diagnosis and how would i characterize the swelling in the physical examination\n[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The swelling could be because an inflammatory origin due to the impact during trauma, or it can be secondary to a fractured bone. Nothing to be panic, consult an oral physician and get a radiograph done like PNS or PA view to rule out any fractured bone. Meanwhile, you can give cold and hot fomentation over the swelling alternatively every 10 seconds for 1-2 minutes. I hope my answer will help you, take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have an odd rash on my lower stomach about where my bra sits, underneath it, and its starting to spread to my stomach, near my shoulders and on my back. I have had this rash for about 6 months now. It itches, but is not raised. Its splotchy and circular. They appear to grow larger and connect over time. The color is a faded reddish pink. I am allergic to anything with sent or dye in them, but have not switched detergent, perfume or anything that comes in contact with that area. I was wondering what this might be and if I should be worried.\n[|AI|] Hi, As per your descriptions it seems to be a Tina corporal or tricolor, a topic dermatitis, psoriasis, impetigo or herpes or candidiasis. You can undergo routine blood investigations with skin swab tests from the itch area for culture microscopic examination. Treatment is mainly depended on the diagnosis, but you may require topical corticosteroid(clobetasol or beclomethasone) with antifungal cream (fluconazole or itraconazole) with other supportive treatment. You must consult skin specialist for complete clinical examination. Thanks and take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello and thank you all who have been helping my wife with me and my adema situation. We are lost yes I have all the symptoms of heart failure, but yesterday my cardialogist did a echo test and stress test he said I am fine with no heart problems. What else could be causing all this water weight and weight gain. I have gained over 50 pounds in less then two months. It started the day before i have back surgery and now that I had back surgery its gotton worse to wear it hurts now. I only eat once a day. I have sleep apnea and diabetes which doctor said will get better with weight loss, I have start of emphazima, high cholestrol. The pills I have taken are lasiks 120mg a day for two weeks now, percocete for pain and vicodin, I have taken provigil to stay awake, and I have two inhalers I take daily. Anyone with any suggetions or advice or clues to what this might be. thank you all so much.\n[|AI|] The diabetes needs to be gotten under control immediately!!! You need to eat 4-6 SMALL meals per day--good protein, veggies and fruit. Watch your sodium intake (especially be cautious of processed foods--canned, frozen, etc.-fresh is best). Chat Doctor. Watch your carbs--whole grains are best. Diabetes can cause serious kidney damage, which can cause edema. You're taking a high dose of diuretic--maybe a different one would work better for you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I am a 41 yrs old female. 55 @ 230lbs. I woke up with a metallic taste in my mouth and the right side of my tongue numb about 7 days ago. I read on line that it could be gum disease which I know I have but my gums and teeth do not hurt. Now the right side of my nose & eye runs non stop. I went to the Dr. and she put me on antibiotics but it hasnt helped... this is day three of being on them.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The metallic taste could be because of the antibiotics like metronidazole. The other possible causes could be because of the gum infection or pus discharge. Consult an oral physician and get your teeth cleaned. IF you are taking metronidazole then your metallic taste will come down once you stop that medicines. Do saline gargling. I hope my answer will help you, take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 33 year old female and I have had lower back pain off and on a while but now noticed I have a grape sized lump on lower left side above buttocks. Dr diagnosed as fatty cyst, sending me for X-Ray and have seen Chiropractor for releif, hasent helped much.\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think you are suffering from chronic backache. Treatment of back pain is exercises and analgesics (diclofenac SR). Sometimes strong analgesic(such as attract three times a day after meals) is required. Consulting with treating doctor is advised. Sometimes vitamin D deficiency is the cause so get your vitamin D checked. If it is low then vitamin D supplementation(weekly with milk) can be taken. Avoid long continuous standing. Sit in a straight posture. Eat milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables daily. You need to do MRI TO RULE OUT other causes. Your fatty cyst requires no treatment. I think your query answered\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Dr,Im hema aged 24.Im trying to conceive for past 4months.I had endometrosis (chocolate cyst) and underwent Laproscopy.After that i took FEMILON to regularize my periods.After that my dr put me on clome(1st month) and anastom (next month) to start my ovulation induction.I took duphaston 10Mg (one tab a day) for 10 days after my follicular scan.I normally get my periods in 2 days after i stop taking duphaston.But this time this is my sixth day and stil i havent got my periods.Aso i have painful breast at times. Can u pls tell me what could be the reason for these?\n[|AI|] Hi Ms. Hemp, As you are on ovulation induction, the first thing to be suspected is pregnancy. You should take a pregnancy test with a fresh early morning sample. If it is ambiguous, go for the blood pregnancy test and a trans-vaginal sonogram and report to your consultant for further management. Your symptoms may be premenstrual as well and are not specific for an early pregnancy. Wish you success.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, I was just taking a shower and noticed a sore spot on my penis . I looked at it further its a small red bump that has like a scab on the top almost like i robbed it raw on something. But i dont know how that would be possible i havnt done anything that would rub it raw. I have never had unprotected sex so i know theres no way it could be something like a sexually transmitted disease . Im just a little concerned so any input would be great thank you so much. Daniel\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. It still could be an STD as STD spreads in other ways as well along with the unprotected sex. Even kissing can lead to STD and hence it would be wise to get an STD check done. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. You just need to contact me on this below-mentioned link:bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My name is Humphrey iam a Nigerian,my son has breathing problem at birth, congenital ptosis of the eye due to cranial nerve damage or occulomotor and other developmental delays like speech impairment for instance he is six but still could not yet talk clearly. Doctors treating him in Nigeria are of divided opinions whether to do surgery of the eye or not this is because of the associated heart problem he has. Iam afraid because i read online that if left untreated it could result to astigimatism. Pls advice\n[|AI|] Hi, The need for surgery depends on the degree of ptosis. In significant ptosis, it is better to correct, as, apart from cosmetic issue, it may cause abnormal head posture, astigmatism as you said, and amblyopia (here brain starts to ignore signal from that eye) from sensory deprivation. Regarding safety of surgery in heart disease, it will not be a problem unless the child have inadequate oxygen saturation or cardiac failure. Your doctor will consider all these things and get a pediatric \/ cardiology opinion before the procedure-so need not worry about that. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My 10 yr old daughter has a severe sore throat, no swelling of the tonsils, her strep test was negative, but I noticed small red bumps behind her right tonsil, almost looks like small blisters. She has a low grade fever, not much drainage. Not sure if it could be a cold or allergies. I have given her antihistamines with a decongestant. Thanks\n[|AI|] Hi, Red bumps behind tonsils are mostly due to congestion caused by infection or allergy. Presence of fever indicates that there is infection. In my patients with these symptoms, I usually prescribe antibiotic like Azithromycin, Antihistamines with decongestant and antipyretic if there is fever. Dose should be adjusted as per the body weight of child. Do consider positive feedback as a credit to my work Let me know if you have any further questions.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dear Sir, My wife is having Blood pressure since 18 years.She is 44 years old.I have shown her to many doctors but of no use.At present she is suffering from high B.P,not getting sleep and shievering with fear tendency.Will you please suggest some good doctors in India so that I can show her. Regards, BKSingh\n[|AI|] Hello, Regarding your concern, I would explain that her blood pressure values could be related to primary or genetic arterial hypertension. Anyway, I would recommend performing some blood lab tests: -thyroid hormone levels for thyroid gland dysfunction- kidney and liver function tests-cortisol and aldosterone plasma levels for a Chat Doctor. I recommend discussing with your doctor on the above tests. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have been having severe upper abdominal pain penetrating to my back. The pain only sets in after bedtime and is unbearable until morning when it gradually subsides. Needless to say, sleep is not a possibility. I have had an endoscopy (acute acid reflux), an HIDA test and ultrasound for gall bladder (no stones were detected, gall bladder, pancreas and liver appeared normal. The pain lasts for several nights and then I have no symptoms for 2 - 3 months. I m having an attack again now and in serious pain. Any thoughts on how to get any relief?\n[|AI|] Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. The pain could be due to the acid reflux, as other factors were excluded by the investigations as noted by you. If I were your doctor, I would advise you for the following:1) Elevate the head end of the bed with two blocks on each side, so that the regurgitation does not occur while lying down, and the contents of esophagus and stomach flow down with gravity.2) Some modification in your diet like more of roughage, enough liquids, avoidance of oily, fried, and fast food, and avoidance of alcoholic beverages and smoking if you do.3) Regular routine exercises like morning walk depending on your medical fitness.4) Prescription for a prokinetic agent and a proton pump inhibitor for symptomatic relief and to have a control on the acid production and facilitate movement of gastric contents downwards. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician\/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have everyday nausea, light chest pains, heart skips beats, everyday headaches, my body is weak, no energy! When I gym I get sick... Muscle pains, cramps and pains every where, sleeplessness, when I sleep I fall into such a deep sleep that I struggle to wake up! I went for numerous blood test, insomnia tests and every thing that goes with it...! Tests negative and I m getting so hopeless, please is there anything you could help me with so I can feel human again! I love sports but its a struggle!\n[|AI|] Hi, Well, insomnia may be difficult to treat, but there are some methods which can be used. Treatment options include behavior and lifestyle changes, medicines, and complementary medicines. You need to change your dietary habits and these include changing your sleep area or schedule, watching what and when you eat and Chat Doctor. It's also important to keep regular bedtimes and wake times-7 days a week-and to try to avoid taking naps during the day. Prescription sleep medicines Amy also help and include diazepam and similar medications. Melatonin is a supplement which may be of help as well. In severe cases, special testing is needed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Achalasia Cardia is what I suffer from. It takes about two or three months and I have so much food stuck that I am losing too much weight. Can you recommend a specialist for me? I am female, 37, 54 and range from 110 to 88 pounds. My GI doctor has tried balloning but the muscle going to the stomach will not open.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You're all symptoms are due to worsening of Andalusia cardiac. It is due to tighten of gastroesophageal sphincter and dilatation of lower end of esophagus. Balloon dilatation of sphincter is the first step to be done in the treatment of Andalusia cardiac. Since this has been failed in your case, better to get done surgical repair of lower gastroesophageal sphincter. This is the only treatment option you are having. So consult Castro surgeon and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] 2 year old female child, since birth has \"baby acne\" on back of arms and cheeks. Use Cetaphil wash and lotion\/creams to help at direction of pediatrician. Bumps on face are almost nonexistent these days, but the arms seem to be getting worse every day.\n[|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query your child have symptoms of baby acne on back of arms and cheeks which seems to be because of increased sensitivity of getting pigmented, clogged pores of salivary glands, and hormonal changes. Need not worry. I would suggest you to apply cream rich in Atelier acid or Comic acid. Use clindamycin gel as well. Apply aloe vera gel it will resolve. You can visit dermatologist once and can go for chemical peeling or micro abrasion if your symptoms not resolving. Take supplements rich in vitamin C. Avoid touching or pricking acne. Apply cotton dipped in tea tree oil to lighten the pigments. Use medicated sunscreen such as Tan care rich in SPF 30. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] every month i have a pain in my left ovaries during my periods my doctor prescribe zerodol it works after a few hours the pain is gone but it dose not work for 24 hour and the dosage is once per day.Can i take another one for the pain and can this pain cause from the I.U.D that i have in?\n[|AI|] Hi! Thanks for asking Chat Doctor. Pain during menstruation is very mucChatDoctormon in women of child bearing age. If pain and cramps are unbearable then you can opt out for medication like analgesic on temporary basis. Please provide me with the details of IUD IN PLACE.SUGGESTIONS: 1. Try to increase your fluid level during your period. 2. IF IUD is placed more than recommended period of time then please get it removed under medical supervision. 3. Sometimes IUD causes infection to take place. Check with your gynecologist for any signs of infection. 4. Start Genocide syrup 2 TSP for 3 months for pain. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi,I have a dent at the top left of my forehead where my hair line is!it was caused by someone throwing a bottle which left me with 7 stitches! This happened a few years ago but at the time the hospital never even gave me an x-Ray and just stitched me up.... This happened a few years ago, should I be worried?\n[|AI|] Hi there, Sorry to hear about the bottle and the dent! The dent at this point could be due to either a defect in the skull (would have been there for years, since the injury). Or more likely due to loss of muscle and tendon tissue in that region (could be a slow progressive process)The best way to figure t out is to get some x-rays. If it is a soft tissue (tendon and muscle), then you need to go to a cosmetic surgeon who can see if anything can be done. I hope this helps! Vinay\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] just had a dentist appointment about a week ago. I have braces and they broke my wire! So the back brackets dont have a wire on the bottom. Now the place I go to is Western Dental and its also a Orthodontist place. They said they couldnt fix it until my next appointment which is on December 11. What should I do? Is this bad?\n[|AI|] Hello, thank you for consulting with us for your problem. When you are taking an orthodontic treatment it is better to keep in touch with the dentist as these type of problems arise commonly. If the wire is broken at the time of treatment it will delay the treatment as the wire will not be able to put pressure on the teeth and there will be no effect of the treatment. It is better to consult you dentist and get it fixed because visiting other dentist will be difficult for your treatment.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Doctor,I am suffering from Urticaria since last Dec. Food allergic test conducted in your clinic on 24th Feb and in Marry Queens hospital on 30th March shows no allergic to any food except a doubtful reaction on white egg and mutton. How ever I was under full control of these items. Still the itching and hives appears always and even lead to angio edema some times with swelling of lips and difficulty in brething. I changed my BP\/Cholestrol tabs which were using for the last few years. Can you please advise whether I need to undergo one more food allergy test or any other remedies.Your advice is most appreciated.ThanksSalim Shah, Trivandrum46Y, 170cm, 80Kg\n[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns. You are having Urticaria and angioedema. Causative allergens can be food as well as non-food protein. You can undergo serum IGE level & absolute eosinophil count. You can take H\u2081 antihistamines non-sedating agents such as loratadine, loratadine, and fexofenadine, or low-sedating agents such as cetirizine or levocetirizine. The addition of an H\u2082 antagonist such as sanitizing in conventional dosages may add benefit. A CysLT1 receptor antagonist such as montelukast, 10 mg\/day also can be added. You have to continue for a longer period, as it may be seasonal. A short course of oral steroid (e.g. Deflazacort 6 mg daily orally for 7-10 days) helps in urticaria with eosinophil prominence, idiopathic angioedema with or without urticaria, or chronic urticaria that responds poorly to conventional treatment.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a small lump on the back of my right calf. Today was first day I noticed it. It is painful and swollen. And when I stand, it protrudes. I am diabetic on an insulin pump. I had mrsa, but am clear as of this past February. Should I be worried . No amount of ibuprofen or Motrin or Advil takes pain away.\n[|AI|] Dear Friend. Hi, I am Chat Doctor, I have read your query in detail, I understand your concern. It might be an abscess since you are a diabetic. I would advise you to get a checkup by your doctor, if it is abscess, it might require incision and Chat Doctor. This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you want to discuss your issues further, you may please ask stay Healthy. Chat Doctor, MD\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My 4 year old daughter developed 2 cancor sores in her mouth. I gave her OTC meds to try to lesson the pain. Knowing it takes a few days to heal, she still complains it hurts and will not let us brush her teeth on the side the sores are AT ALL! Though we understand these sores are very painful, we are concerned that her teeth are not clean in that area and that it could cause other more severe issues. This has gone on for about a week now. Called her pediatric dentist and they suggested a cancor rinse but we can t get her to use it. They said that s about all we can do. We are ready to call her pediatrician to have her mouth looked at. She just had 4 cavities filled so she is proned to them.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. I read your problem,first I would like to inform you that authors ulcer take a time period of 10-12 days to heal completely, so nothing to get worried and continue a proper treatment with patience. The treatment options for authors ulcer are-1. Vitamin B complex.2. Topical application of gels like-mucopain, dologel, quq Chat Doctor. ....3. Maintain oral hygiene.etc........ As you said that she if having 4 filled teeth at this age, it is not a good sign, you must be more careful. Please follow following-1. Maintain oral hygiene.2.brush twice daily.3. Regular dental visits after every 6 months.4. Topical fluoride application5. Pit & fissure sealants, if needed.6. Use of fluoride containing toothpaste.etc........ nothing to get worried. Take Care. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 16 year old girl. Doctors have examined me done LFT with two readings of alkaline phosphate as 98 & 130. done EUS, US & MRI. findings are multiple calculi in my gallbladder. largest one measuring 1.4*1.4 cm. what precautions can i take and what procedure can be carried out further. as such doctors have recommened another LFT and then if the alkaline phosphate level is increased then ERCP is the next step. i would like to know what according to you can be done further?\n[|AI|] Hello there! Thank you for asking. If gallbladder has stones the things we need to worry about is if it involves nearby bile duct and dilates the common bile duct and adds to the yellowish discoloration of the skin(jaundice). Also, the pancreatic profiles Serum amylase lipases amylase to lipase ratios. Alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin levels hike means that the common Bile Duct CBD is involved. And yes in that case ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is the next step as it would be both diagnostic and therapeutic. Then you will be prepared for simple laparoscopic cholecystectomy\/ removal of gall bladder through minimal invasive procedures Providing the anesthesiologists and general surgeons give a green signal after ruling out all the contraindications for it. As you are 16 years old only. This young age with rest of it without gall bladder might advise a conservative approach. But what your doctors decide for you will be best for you and I am sure you are in safer hands. Hope I was of some help. Take care regards Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my daughter had her 4 wisdom teeth removed 22 days ago. Her follow up appointment went well. Yesterday, she noticed that she has a bump on her lower jaw in the region that one of her wisdom teeth was removed. It is painful to the tough, but hard and she has some slight swelling, but not really that noticeable. Is this a possible infection?\n[|AI|] Hi thanks for your query. During tooth extraction the bone that supports the tooth is compressed to allow proper healing and to adapt bony margins. The bump what you have been explaining might be hard and sharp bone. This is because extraction to wisdom tooth is done surgically by cutting bone if necessary.is the site is infected your daughter must take a complete course of antibiotic and painkillers along with intermittent worm saline gargles. Visit your dentist check the site clinically and also get a radiograph done if necessary. Hope this is helpful.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had Mitral Valve prolapse since 20 yrs ago....I ve noticed that I need to think about taking long breathe....my husband told me lately that he feels I have a breathing problem because he says that he noticed I keep holding my breathe and finally letting it go with a big sigh. I get out of breathe easily.....I also have acid reflux and had it for a long time....I get mucous in my throat and I always feel that I need to cough it up....if I raise my voice, the mucous in my esophagus starts to build up and I then starts coughing to bring it up. Would the valve prolapse be associated with my breathing problem? Is it cause for alarm and should I go see my family doctor?\n[|AI|] Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. You seem to suffer from -HERD. The rise in the voice-increases intrathorasic pressure, which causes increased acid reflux due to similar innervation as that of pharyngo-laryngeal region by Va gal nerves. This leads to breath holding to avoid aspiration in air track. So breath holding is from HERD and not due to MVP in your case. Treat with-PPI -Prilosec(OTC) with domeperidone and treatment of causes of HERD would resolve this difficulty in the breathing. Consult with Physician and if need be ENT surgeon to treat this laryngopharyngeal breath holding caused from HERD with which to prevent mucus collection spillage in to air track, breath holding is reflex done by you. Hope this would help you to plan further care of this complex illness of yours. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-Dear, if satisfied, Dont forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I am 17 years old and have started feeling pains in both of my knees right now. I do play hockey on a daily basis. I have had knee problems before but nothing this bad. It seemed to go away but sometimes the pain comes back. Before I described it as my muscles feeling like they are pulling apart, but my dad said that it probably isn t a muscle problem. Now throughout the pain, the pain isn t here but sometimes when I move it, it feels like something is pulsating in my knees.\n[|AI|] Hi, In my opinion the pulsating feeling means that your knees are inflammation or swollen hat makes you feel the pulsation of your veins. For now cold comments and after exercises with topical massaging will be helpful if pain persist. I suggest you ask your physician for some investigations and proper evaluation. Please consider positive feedback if the information was helpful. Hope the above information helps you, Any further clarifications feel free to ask.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] If i was sent to the emergency room because of high blood pressure and given medicine on a drip, which fixed me up. Then after about an hour or so i was giving another dose of some other medicine as i was being prepped to go to a private room. I started complaining about feeling nausea and light headed. Then my arms went tingling, next my hands clamped shut and continued constricting. The rapid response team came in. My face went numb, i became incoherent and sweating perfusely. Ok my question is, was that second injection the cause of my relapse?\n[|AI|] Hello ! I read your question and understand your concern. I would like to know the name of the Chat Doctor. In my opinion the symptoms you describe may be related to a possible Transient ischemic attack, which is caused by a low blood flow to the brain or a seizure, a type of Epilepsy. I don't think the injection has been the cause. Because a Transient ischemic attack can be preceded by hypertension. I would recommend a brain MRI, a cardiologist consult to find out the causes in case of a possible transient ischemic attack. An EEG would be very helpful in case of a seizure suspicion. Hope to have been helpful! Thank you for using Chat Doctor! Best wishes \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Possible strept throat my fiances throat is swollen and she is unable to eat since wednesday. This morning she called and said she is still unable to eat and her throat is still swollen. What can we do for her at home? I dont know if she is running a fever or not, but I am wondering if she needs antibiotics at thid point.\n[|AI|] **1. Since possible infection is suspected thus examination with ENT doctor is necessary for evaluation of swollen tonsils and lymph nodes in the neck.PS. It is rare for streptococcus bacteria to invade the larynx, thus can be safely excluded2. It will be good to have examination since the bacteria can travel from throat to middle ear through Eustachian tube, as such ENT doctor can prescribe you specific medicine [antibiotic] or even go for swab culture.PS. other complications which though possible but rare are: arthritis, meningitis, glomerulonephritis. [but have to be excluded with suitable examination and investigation]3. . Maintain good oral hygiene, rinse mouth after every meal, avoid smoking, tobacco chewing, spicy\/fried foods, have warm salt water gargles. Take salt, turmeric and Amelia ribs in 6-6 gm quantity and mix in 1\/2\u00a0kg water and after filtering, have gargles with it [when still lukewarm]. Sucking to 1gm curium Peoria helps in sore throat, also sucking to licorice has same effect.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I m asking this question for my mother. She is 67 yr s old she weighs about 169 lbs. Her BP this morning was 146\/110 but when she takes her BP medication the upper # of her BP comes down slightly but her lower # goes down to between 50 - 30 s. What s going on?\n[|AI|] Hello, This occurs due to age related changes like hardening of blood vessels. There is no focus and worry about lower BP, it's not that important. The blood pressure should be less than 140\/90 MMH. Even the lower BP goes below 50 it's not a matter of worry, but upper one should be controlled. She should have a healthy lifestyle like avoiding fatty, oily and high calorie diet. Have low salt diet and monitor blood pressure regularly thrice a day for one week then once or twice a week. Regular exercises like brisk walking, jogging according your capacity at least 30 min a day and 5 days a week. Lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits, fish once or twice a week, avoid meat. There shouldn't abdominal fat deposition or obesity. Get your lipid profile and sugars tested once.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am having several issues and am concerned. I have electrical zaps like a short in my brain, a headache behind my left eye that travels over my head to the base of my neck, I am sweating profusely, lightheaded, have difficulty sleeping, fatigued and have difficulty breathing. I am on high blood pressure medications: Metropopol;Lisinopril; Cymbalta; In January the pharmacy switched my Cymbalta to a generic form. These symptoms started about 2 weeks after I switched to the generic. I have heard that other people have had similar problems when withdrawing from Cymbalta. If that is the case how long will it take until I feel normal again? What can I do to stop the electrical surges in my brain? I seitched back to Cymbalta 2 weeks ago thinking it might help.\n[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your complaints and can understand your discomfort on account of these electric-shock like sensations. If these symptoms are due to sudden with Chat Doctor. If these do not decrease or go away soon, then, we should also investigate for alternate causes. This would require doing an MRI scan of brain and EEG. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] itchy rash , first thought it was bug bites since we had gone camping in NY. Appeared on legs and arms first, starts as red raised spot (liek bite) but when you scratch it, more reddish bumps appear, sometimes intensely itchy, more at night, keeps me from sleeping. Also the rasChatDoctores and goes, I tried anti itch cream and it gets better but then will appear soemwhere else. Anytime a clothing seam pressea into skin, little itchy bumps appear along it, then it spreads when you scratch it. Started on upper arms, lower legs, then on thigs, and then started appearing in groin area and between thigs. It also caused bruising on my thigs, and i haven t scratched THAT much. What can cause this?\n[|AI|] Hi, It seems that you may be having purity simplex. There may be some cause. There is multiple, intensely itchy Paulo vesicular lesions on extremities and trunk. Stress, sun rays, cosmetics,insects, dust,soap, clothes,deodorants...etc. can cause the disease. Avoid tension and worries. Avoid soap bath, you may take detail liquid. Anti histamines may relieve itching. Steroid in tampering dose may improve the condition. If there is infection, take antibiotics. However, consult dermatologist. I hope you got my answer. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Sir\/mam I have am doubt abt femilon contraceptive pill ..I got married on Oct 28th and I had sex after one month..and now I want to prevent pregnancy,so I used femilon for one week .and now I didn t get my regular periods..is pregnancy confirmed ?? Wat to do now and how to prevent it ..please send ne ur valuable answer for me..am waiting for ur reply please sir\n[|AI|] Hi, Having menstruation in 35 days after last menstrual period is considered normal. Oral contraceptive pills should be taken for 28 days(including 7 iron tab). As you had unprotected sex (incomplete OC pill) and amenorrhea so do Urine pregnancy test.It'll show your pregnancy status. If positive then visit a gone clinic. If negative then take OC pill regularly .if u miss any day then take double dose next day. If misses2cosequetive day then take other contraception like condom. Thanks n regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, i am 28yrs old and have a 3 and a half yr old son! April of 2010 i suffered an actopic pregnancy resulting in my right tube being removed! we have since been TTC with no luck! we went an seen a specialist 2months ago where i was perscribed Clomid 50gm! im now in my second Month on clomid i finally got tested positive 5 days straight for ovualtion using the dip stick method! A week after ovulation i spotted very lightly for a day an ahalf only showing when i wiped myself! I am now 2 and a half weeks(day 45 of my cycle) late for my period , have done 3 pregnancy test all negative but am now testing positive to ovualtion again??? At the time of Ovualtion last month i did become quite sick with flu symptons so thinkin maybe this stopped me ovualting or something?? since the ectopic my periods have not been regular latest being 35days though! Before the ectopic i has 28days on time every month! The specialists and doctors say my other tube looks fine and are very confident that we will afll again on our own but suggested Clomid to speed the process up!! My main concern is what the hell is goin on with my body this month, im so confused and want to start a fresh month with clomid but when my period doesnt want to show it makes life hard! I have also been having pretty bad headaches over the last week and feelin bloated and tired! Thanks\n[|AI|] Hello. Are u sure you are not testing pregnancy on diluted urine samples? You have to check pregnancy on early morning urine sample. As you said u had cough ang cold and might had your ovulation delayed. Sometimes when there is a pregnancy also due to hormonal change you get positive test for ovulation. Best thing is you get your blood tested for beta Chat Doctor and intrauterine pregnancy as soon as possible due to the past history of ectopic pregnancy.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i am 15 years old and i weigh 220 pounds, about two years previous i would randomly feel really dizzy and my vision would blur around the edges. Id get really weak and all shaky to the point where i couldn t hold myself up and i would have to sit down. It happened a couple of times but stopped and it hasnt happened to me since then until now. I m kind of scared because this time was worse than all the rest. I don t know what to do.\n[|AI|] Hi, There can be many causes of dizziness and weakness. We need to have a detailed history and examination of it. One of the most common causes is diseases associated with ear like labyrinthine (infection of the ear), vestibular neuritis (inflammation of the nerves), or BPPV (benign positional vertigo). It can also be related to diseases of the brain (infection or swelling) or heart disorders (arrhythmia-rhythm disturbances) or cervical spondylosis (neck posture-related issues). Besides this, there are simpler causes like anemia (low hemoglobin), hypoglycemia (low sugar) stress, anxiety, or lack of proper sleep. Sometimes hormonal disorders(especially thyroid-related problems) or vitamin deficiencies can also be responsible. Hence, I feel, first, focus on lifestyle modifications. Have a well-balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and less tea and coffee. Maintain proper posture while working and sleeping, take good sleep for 7-8 hours. Try to find time to go for a walk or exercise and try to reduce weight. If still the symptoms persist then do go for some investigations like-complete blood count, sugar levels, electrolytes, TSH, ECG, X-ray cervical spine and MRI brain. If possible do get your vitamin and vitamin b12 levels checked. This will help us to make a proper diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a chronic hepatitis B patient and on anti-retroviral medication, I am also suffering from allergy related cough and cold and asthma with heavy chest conjestion. Can I take Montek LC on a regular basis as that helps to fight against allergies. Does it have any side effect on my liver.\n[|AI|] Hi, It can be taken with careful monitoring of liver function tests. Monteagle is a combination anti-histamine Chat Doctor. Montelukast is known to cause liver injury in patients with underlying liver disease such as hepatitis or those who consume alcohol. However, no dosage adjustment is required in patients with mild-to-moderate liver disease. Monek-LC can be taken with careful monitoring of liver function tests and any early signs of liver injury like fever, abdominal pain, vomiting or jaundice should be reported to your treating doctor after stopping the treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi.... my name is ikml.ed from pakjnk,. i am a patient of tetralogy of fallot ...by birth ...i spent my whole life without using any medicine for my heart disease.... cause of my life style and high moral level....but doctor now i am encountered by polycythemia from last 9th month cause of high smokingi visited my heart spacialist but they do nothing.....now doctor the level of hemoglobin in blood is 22.6......i am fadeup of donating blood but the hemoglobin level is not normalizing..... Dr cure, is there any treatment or cure ......dr. i have lost my hope and also fadeup of my life....\n[|AI|] Hi, hey dear. No need to fade up. You are a tough guy, and you are living with TOF without taking any treatment suggest you have very high moral. Treatment option of polycythemia are somewhat difficult, chemotherapy can help you. But till you search other options you should go for phlebotomy. Phlebotomy is the most easy and economic treatment for polycythemia. Consult hematologist and take treatment accordingly. Thanks for using Chat Doctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My wife was hospitalized for 3 days for dengue (Rash all over and joint aches but no fever) She tested positive in IGM and negative in IGG & Antigen. She was discharged 1 week back. Day by day her joint aches have returned and she particularly finds the ache in the bone leading from neck to mid chest (ribs?) unbearable. The doctor has prescribed Ultracet for aches today (twice a day) but she has no relief. Can you suggest an alternative?\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. If she tested positive for IGM, it is acute infection of Dengue. Dengue is a viral infection caused by mosquito bite and is characterized by headache, fever, rash and joint pains. The joint pains will take some time to reduce at least 3-4 weeks. Attract is good enough for the pain. She can take the medications three times daily instead of twice a day. Adequate rest and local application of analgesic gel would help to some extent. Wishing her a speedy recovery. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello,my husband had stage 2 stomach cancer three years ago. He just found out at a regular check up that the cancer cells have returned. He s 27 years old and can eat normal just small portions. He has a 1\/4 of a stomach. Should I be really worried? is it normal for it to come back. What is the life expectancy. He s currently taking pills that the doctor prescribed to help to see if the size of the cells are getting smaller. please any words of wisdom.\n[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your concerns. I am sorry about his diagnosis which is serious and very rare in his age, so it all makes the situation worse. Honestly, Recurrence is not a good sign and the only hope for him is that tumor responds on chemotherapy and irradiation an even then the complete cure should not be expected. Surgery is in this case usually useless. It is not easy to predict lifetime but if he is in a good general shape and can stand many chemotherapy course then you can hope for the best, and you should continue to fight for every year of his life... I hope I have answered you queryKindly regards. Wish you a good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have been having dizzy spells or spells where I feel like I am falling accompanied by fatigue. I also have been experiencing a strong sense of smells which both the smells & dizzy spells make me nauseous. The dizzy spells seems to be worse when I am laying down or closing my eyes.\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. You are having following problems1. Dizzy Spells2. Fatigue3. Strong sense of smell You need to first consult your cardiologist and make sure that your heart and circulation are normal Then you need to consult your Neurosurgeon This has to be attended at first Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification \/ have doubts \/ have additional questions \/ have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at http:\/\/bit.ly\/ask\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a quarter sized lump on my anal opening that bleeds fresh blood mostly all the time it is kind of tender and does not itch or anything like i have had it for a couple years too embarrassed to tell my doctor there are times i wake up with dried blood in my boxers quanity quite a bit for what this is what is it?\n[|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. The lump on your anal opening could be a prolapsed hemorrhoid which would be bleeding on friction with clothes. The tenderness could be due to super added infection on it. When you visit your doctor, you should have complete faith in him and tell him all the details of your problem without any hesitation. This way you would be better examined by your doctor, and would derive maximum benefit from his services apart from getting yourself treated well. You have to get it examined by your doctor \/surgeon for a definitive diagnosis and treatment. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician\/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I have had a toothache for several days. Today being the worse. This makes the 2nd time this tooth has hurt. Last time I made 3 trips to the emergency room. The doctor said it wasnt abscessed so they gave me a pain shot and sent me home. A couple days after the er visit I got antibiotics. My tooth that wasnt swollen then swelled after taking the antibiotics.\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query, Pain in teeth can be due to deep caries, for which root canal treatment or extraction is the option. Periodontitis is another reason for pain, for which scaling and root planing is the treatment. Ask your dentist for x-ray of that tooth to rule out if there is proximal caries\/ pocket causing food lodgment and ultimately causing pain. Follow your prescription and maintain oral hygiene. Take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had my son via vaginal delivery almost 3 weeks ago, and 2 days ago I noticed a small lump that appeared in my right armpit. It was tender that day, but yesterday it only hurt when I wore a shirt that rubbed against it. Today there s another knot that formed near the first, but it s not painful either. They re located higher up on my armpit, no where close to my breast. What could it be? Should I go see a doctor?\n[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Noted the history of normal vaginal delivery 3 weeks ago and lump in the armpit 2 days only, one of which has gotten large and painful, high up in the same arm pit. Unless proved otherwise this looks to be a boil and nothing else. I would advise you the following:Yes, see a Doctor to get this examined and to confirm whether this is a boil or a lymph node. Breasts too will be examined to see for any lump and to rule out the possibility of any Cancer. Clean the area with Liquid Provide Iodine, keep it Chat Doctor. Do not pop. Take a course of an antibiotic safe in the period of breastfeeding. And you will be fine.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] HARRY YERRA HAS BEEN WAITING FOR A NOTE FOR SOME TIME HE LIVES ON THE 8TH FLOOR AND AFRAID OF HEIGHT CAN NOT LOOK OK ON SITE ON DECK PRETTY SAID. I AM AND SISTER AND PROXY AND VERY SICK ALSO ISTHERE ANYTHINGYOU COULD DO FOR FOR HIM. ALL HE NEEDS A NOTE BUT WILL NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS PRETTY SAD. MY E MAIL. IS YYYY@YYYY nANCY gREENSTEIN HIS SISTER AND PROXY 617-610-7066 THANK YOU HOPE TO HERE FROM YOU OR SOMEONE. DR JORDON HAS DONE NOTHING ON THIS MATTER\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Fear of heights is generally termed as Acrophobia which an anxiety disorders. Extreme or irrational fear of heights, especially when one is not particularly high up. It belongs to a category of specific phobias, called space and motion discomfort that share both similar etiology and options for treatment. The best way of treatment is not with medicines but with cognitive behavioral therapy. Specifically desensitization therapy. These therapies cannot be prescribed on paper. They are practicals. Consult a clinical psychologist for the treatment. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi my age is 24 and wanted to chck tht whenever I try to get close to my gf some liquid starts to come frm my penis nd when I try to get laid I get ejacuated in seconds could you please tell me the reason behind it and how to resolve it and is this a problem kindly rply asap\n[|AI|] Good Day, and thank you for being with Chat Doctor ! The best technique is relaxation techniques. Don't try to think of it much and focus your attention on non-sexual matters like cartoons etc. This is a fairly common condition and requires practice and patience. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: http:\/\/www.ChatDoctor .com\/doctors\/ Chat Doctor. Best wishes.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] HI, I have sharp pain on my left ovary . It is not that I have pain all day... just at a few ocassions I have this pains. For example if I sneeze I have this sharp pain. I am also experiencing very itchy anus . My doctor gave me a cream, which stops the itchinnes, but the next day is the same thing. I don t know if this could be related. Thanks\n[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. The pain caused by ovary and itching in the anus are rather unrelated. However, close to the ovary there is a large intestine, and maybe this is what causes the pain. Anus itching can appear with hemorrhoids, rectal fissure or pin worms. Lower left abdominal pain can be caused by urinary tract infection (usually frequent urinating and pain while urinating appears), diverticulitis. As hemorrhoids and diverticulitis ca both appear because of constipation, it should be considered (if you have had constipation). Fresh blood in stool (on the surface of it) is characteristic for hemorrhoids. Pinworms usually give itching in the morning. I suggest you to visit your doctor and rule out mentioned conditions. Abdominal ultrasound, blood work, rectal examination should be performed. If pin worms seems probable, adhesive tape should collect larva and should be checked with microscope. Hope this will help. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello I would like to know is it ok to take bioten and metformin together? I do hav pcos is that going to cause problems or contradict each other, am I going to get more facial hair? is it going to help lose a bit of weight? what are my pros and cons if I take both?\n[|AI|] Hi, There is no documented harmful interactions between biotin and metformin when taken together. Biotin is a form of vitamin B commonly prescribed to treat thinning or grain of the hairs. It does not cause increased hair growth on the face. Metformin is actually an anti-diabetic medication which is commonly prescribed in the treatment of polycystic ovarian syn Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I HAVE BEEN HAVEING A FEELING LIKE THE BREATH BEING SUCKED OUT OF MY CHEAST. IT IS JUST A FEW SECONDS AND GOES AWAY. THEN YESTERDAY ON OUR BIKE RIDE I GOT WINDED AND MY HEART BEAT DID NOT SEAM TO BEAT RIGHT. A FEW MONTHS BACK I HAD STREP THAT WENT TO MY HEART AND CAUSED PALPUTATIONS COULD SOMETHING STILL BE WRONG WITH MY HEART?\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should definitely rule out arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart) in your case because streptococcal infection can affect your conduction system of heart. So consult cardiologist and get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hours continuous recording of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about arrhythmia or other heart diseases. Sometimes stress and anxiety can also cause similar symptoms like palpitations and winded feeling. So avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Good evening Dr. Prasad I have had fever since the 17th and URI sinusitis and bronchitis went to quick care started keflex, albuterol, lortab, lidocaine viscous, solu-medrol shot, Flonase alternating APAP and ibuprofen for fever which runs low grade while on meds around 100.1 woke up this morning with large lump and several small ones on back of my neck up into my hairline have an apt again with my GP on wed also severe headaches however I suffer from migraine HA any idea about the lumps and yes they hurt if pressed no exudate in the lumps keep in mind Ive been taking antibiotics\n[|AI|] Hi thanks for your question. The big lump in along with several small lumps in the neck could be lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are normally present in body and get enlarged when there is infection in their vicinity. You are having sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infection and bronchitis. These lumps could be cervical lymph nodes. You are taking antibiotics along with plenty of symptomatic medicine. Continue with these medicines. But you are a good physical examination along with investigations like, chest X-Ray, blood count and fine needle aspiration cytology of this lymph node is necessary to establish the diagnosis. After accurate diagnosis treatment can be prescribed to you. For migraine continue the medicine prescribed to you by your G p. Re consult your G P with these baseline facts in your mind, so that he may re-evaluate you for your problems. Hope this answers your question\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] have had persistant upper abdomen pain on my right side for 4 months. had 3 ultrasounds, and they say they saw mild hydrothyroidsm?? on kidney. Went to do dye test to see where the blockage was and turned out normal. Now they tell me to go to my family doctor. Im in pain and already sent to see a specialist for a problem one radiologist seen. Now they tell me Im fine. The pain is still persistant. Worse at night, and I have so much pain I cant lay on the right side. Should I just go to an emergency room to avoid all these random appointments?\n[|AI|] HI. As ultrasonography has already been done, so there is no Problem of Cholecystitis, Liver abscess, Pancreatitis or of kidneys as Intravenous paleography is also normal. As you are not able to lay on right side, this is most probably due to Costo-chon Chat Doctor. I would suggest you to press hard on the lower side; if there is a pain take the following treatment, and you will be fine. I would advise you to get an MRI of the painful area, telling the Radiologist to be specifically see for the painful-tender area. This will confirm the diagnosis. I would suggest the following treatment.-Rest to the area by means of strapping with the Adhesive tapes during the deep Expiration phase. This will limit the movement, reduce the pain and give rest for healing to occur.-Anti-inflammatory medicines in full dose as per the weight.-Steroids if required for its strong anti-inflammatory role.-Las ix to reduce the edema. This sort of treatment helps all my patients. And should help you too\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Dr. this is Daniel.My problem is that when ever i have to do something in front of my class(in college),be it getting in late or speaking even a single thing,i feel very nervous.My heart pumps like hammer strokes,breathing problem,but the thing that worries me the most is my mouth area,like it is not in my control & its trembling & bending of my lower lips that is the worst part & like a trigger point of all other symptoms.I first experienced it in 12th std & is a problem since than.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. It is a social phobia, and it is seriously disabling condition. This is a disorder of anxiety and occurs cause of imbalance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Especially serotonin, nor a Chat Doctor. Medicines are the best options to take care of these symptoms. Paroxetine is the most popular medicine and my \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I dont know if I have HPV anymore. I got it when I was 16. I am now 19. I had visible warts on my anus one year after having sex for the first time (I have only had sex with one person my entire life). I got these visible warts right when i caught a cold (was 17 years old). Now I am 19 and I just got over my cold, but I did not develop any warts. Would it be safe to say that my immune system has fought it off?\n[|AI|] HiT hanks for posting on ChatDoctorHPV is a sexually transmissible infection that may not have any Chat Doctor. All you need is to have a healthy lifestyle, eat well and balanced and avoid other infections or things that can weaken the immune system. When the immune system is strong enough, it may hardly manifest, and you may get spontaneous healing. The absence of Warts however, does not mean the infection has gone away. I will suggest you take the test again and do a colonoscopy to eliminate any precancerous cervical lesion. Hope my answer will help you Best regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 25 year old female I have smoked cigarettes since I was in high school on and off. I have also had asthma since I was a small child. I recently just got over a bad head cold, fever, cough , sore throat , aches and pains, fatigue etc. The only symptom that I just could not shake was a horrible hacking cough, however that did go away eventually. But not long after that I started experiencing chest pains on my left side right under my breast. It mildly hurts all the time in that concentrated place but when I take deep breaths, cough, sneeze , lay down, bend or strain my upper body it s almost unbearable. It also worsens after I smoke a cigarette. Any thoughts for me? Could this be from my smoking? I did cut back on my smoking but have not been to the doctor yet because I just can t afford it right now. Please help\n[|AI|] Hi Starlet, Thanks for writing your query. The symptoms you have mentioned are due to respiratory tract infection. Pain in chest can be due to muscle spasm due to excessive coughing. You should get yourself examined by a physician and get yourself investigated for :-1. Complete Blood Count2. Chest X-Ray (PA view)3. Sputum examination You can take antihistamines like Fenofexadine 120 mg once a day along with cough expectorant syrup to get relief from cough. Bronchodilators can be needed if there is bronchoconstriction, which can be judged after auscultating your chest. Antibiotic, if needed can be added according to the culture\/sensitivity reports of the sputum. Avoid smoking as it can worsen your symptoms. If the problem persists, get yourself examined by a physician. I hope this is helpful to you. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am currently taking NSAIDs for chronic back and neck pain with the occasional vicoden when it gets very intense. What antidepressant would be best for my depression? Ive read SNRIs are better as SSRIs effects are diminished with NSAID and pain meds.\n[|AI|] Hi Sir\/MadamWelcome to Chat Doctor I can certainly understand your concern about the combined effect of NSAIDs and SSRIs, as you said it may reduce the effectiveness because of some cytokine receptor occupation by both the Chat Doctor. . But it is advisable not to stop this medicationBefore 6-9 months, even if you feel better as you may get relapse of the symptoms... If you stop the course incompletely, hope this information would help please post your further questions if any, I will be always available to answer themThank you Post your further questions if any, I will be available to take up your follow-up questionsThank you\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had back surgery in September to repair a budged T-11 disk. Mostly my left leg suffered paralysis, as well as my bladder. Now, I had some intense pain in my right leg. The skin around my large & second toe are blacken on the right foot. Could this isuue be associated with additional disk issues?\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. Blackening of the skin around large & second toe is a sign of disturbance in blood flow. This need intervention by a Vascular Surgeon. Problems with nerves may not cause blackening. Please consult a vascular Surgeon at the earliest. Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification \/ have doubts \/ have additional questions \/ have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at http:\/\/bit.ly\/ask\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I am a 19 year old female. I live with my fiance and we are sexually active. The sex is unprotected. I recently (about a week ago) had my period and seemed normal, but even before I had my period, I was constipated, and lately i m tired very tired, my lower back is sore, and I am having pains in my stomach, on both right and left sides, and some in the middle, I feel bloated, almost like I am going to start my period again, I do have some headaches but not nothing serious. I have not taken a pregnancy test. So I am just wondering if you think it is worth taking one or not. Thank you! LeAndra\n[|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion as you got the periods there is no chance of pregnancy. The first sign of pregnancy is missed period. Once you get the periods the pregnancy is ruled out. Usually urine pregnancy test is done a week after missed period for accurate results. So as you got the period the test is not required. Incase if you had unprotected intercourse done after the periods then there is risk of pregnancy. Then you need to wait and check for the next period. In case if it is delayed the urine pregnancy test can be done. The pain abdomen, bloating,low backache might be due to constipation. So take adequate fluids and laxatives to prevent constipation. Nothing to worry. Avoid stress. Hope this helps. Best regards...\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] with hope i can have better solution by throught this chat Actually from last 10 years i am having sex my self and now time for marriage but i am afraid to take this step, as i feel i have lose my strength, and i want to know the better solution....?\n[|AI|] Hello,Masturbation has no side effects on any organ or system of the body or sexual potency of a man. It is the myth of common man which causes many doubts and creates anxiety about masturbation. Trust me for one thing, masturbation doesn't cause any harm to your body. It only harms your mind, that too by reading in relevant myths about masturbation. Masturbation has no effects on your health at all, so stop worrying. Every one does this activity in his life. Important here is that it should not affect your normal routine activities. You can enjoy the act but in limitations. Thank you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I am a 27 year old male. I have two hard pebble like structures attached to the top of my right testicle. They are not directly attached, but appear to be attached to a vein and I am able to move them around. There is no pain unless I squeezed hard. Thank You.\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. The freely mobile pebble like structures on the top of the Rt testicle are most likely to be Spermatocyte.However, it needs to be confirmed by clinical examination by a qualified General surgeon or Urologist and by Ultrasound Scanning of Scrotum. These are benign cyst that occur due to partial obstruction to the flow of sperms from Epididymis into Va's difference. Spermatocele does need any active intervention unless it increases in size or becomes painful. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hI I HAVE HIP PAIN FOR A YEAR THAT STARTED RANDOMLY AND IT IS GETTING WORST BY THE DAY I T HURST TO SIT SLEEP AND WALK TODAY I HAVE WOKE UP AND THE PAIN IS ALL DOWN MY LEG AND IN MY KNEE AND HIP WITH A WIRED FEELING. I FEEL SO TIRED ALL THE THE TIME WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME\n[|AI|] Hello, The symptoms guide towards the lumbar Radiculopathy. This happens due to nerve entrapment anywhere in its course. MRI is advised. Treatment part. Doing McKenzie maneuver will help centralize the pain in the lower back. Check online about McKenzie maneuver. Post which hot water fermentation should be used to dilute the pain by vasodilation effect. Hot water fermentation will also help reduce the muscle spasm. Post this core stability exercise, spinal muscle strengthening exercises, hip strengthening exercises, static Qua Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your queries. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, my father has lfet side paralysis , in MRI report it is said, Small Ischemic foci in deep periventicular white matter , he unable to walk, he usually walks with the help of other person, he is 64 year old with dibetic problem, taking 1mg glimpride teblet in the morning and evening, with blood thinner tablets. please suggest some effective medicine...\n[|AI|] Hi, Treatment of stroke and chances of recovery depends on the size of stroke and the duration of complaints. Presuming you meant the small ischemic loci is on the right cerebral hemisphere, the affected brain is not huge and prognosis is good. If his complaints are recent one and my presumption is right, then he should be able to recover easily. The medications given to him are appropriate, and he needs to continue with it religiously. In addition, the most important aspect is to start and continue effective physiotherapy with the help of an experienced physiotherapist. This is the most crucial element to make your father recover from the paralysis and get back to his normal activity. So if you haven't started the physio yet, discuss with your neurologist and start it at the earliest. He should improve very soon with it. Hope this helps. Regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] need help! my son is 7 months..and has no teeth yet.. last week he pooped 5 times + in 24 hours.. our pedia adviced us to have him check. we did urinalysis and fecalysis..all results are normal.. is this a sign of teething or should we change his milk formula? by the way he is using gain plus advance...thanks! we ll wait for feedback..\n[|AI|] Brief answer :Its normal. Detailed answer :A 7-month child may sometimes pass 5 to 6 stools in a day or may pass stools once in 3 to 4 days. This is a normal thing. Since, there is no fever, urine and stool reports are normal, there is no need to give antibiotics. Also, there is no need to change gain plus formula. In my opinion, you should give a prebiotic like enterogermina ampule once a day for 3 days to increase gut immunity. I hope this will help you. Take care. Regards - Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i think my brother has ADHD hes 18 years old and keeps failing in school ever since he was a child the teachers used to write in his report card that he gets distracted easly and tends to day dream in class now that hes older my parents are always struggling with him\n[|AI|] Hai, kindly check for other possible causes for distraction1.check IQ level2.check any recent history of substance abuse3.check for any possible medical cause like Anemia, Hypothyroidism which make him physically weak4.if all the above is found to be normal a psychiatric evaluation to rule out other disordeers5. If diagnosed to have ADHD, Attention improving exercises along with Psychostimulants will improve him thank you\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 43 yrs. old two caridac ablabtions due to AVNRT. Blood clot after the second procedure. Convolusive syncope with each episode. I still remain very SOB with minimal exertion. I ham unable to go up steps without severe SOB. Do you think this could be Pulmonary Hepertension. I also have MS\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, possibility of pulmonary hypertension (PH) is more in your case. MS (mitral stenosis) is one of the common cause for PH. Another possible cause is Pulmonary embolism (PE). So better to consult pulmonologist and get CT Pulmonary angiography and 2d echo. CT Pulmonary angiography is needed to rule out PE. 2d echo is needed to rule out PH. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I AM MRS. SATYA I AM 36 YRS OLD AND MY HUSBAND SAGAR IS ALSO 36 WE HAVE A CHILD WHO IS 5 YRS NOW HE WAS BORM AFTER 4 YEARS OF MY MARRIAGE AFTER HIM I HAVE NO SECOND ISSUE WE PLAND TO HAVE ONE SO VISITED A DOCTOR MY REPTS WERE CLR BUT MY HUSBANDS SEMEN COUNT WAS NILL HE HAD A DOPPLER TEST DONE THERE IS NO SIGN OF VARICOCELES HOWEVER HE HAD BASIC INGUINAL HERNIA PROBLEM SO HE GOT IT RECENTLY OPERATED (RIGHT SIDE 2 MONTHS) CAN U SUGGEST IF I WOULD BE ABLE TO CONCEIVE AGAIN AND CAN MY HUSBANDS SEMEN COUNT INCREASE\n[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. The cause for nil sperms in the semen could be due to obstruction to the outlet tubes from the testis in that case its well treatable, and you can conceive once treated. Also, there is another cause where the sperm production is nil due to damage to testicular tissue itself. Here the treatment is near impossible as the cells which develop in to sperms are limited and cannot regenerate by any means. Do inquire about the cause, and you will get a conclusion yourself. Wish you the best.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] age:30years, height:5.3feet, weight:56kgmedical history: mild jondouce, hypertension, current bio chemical values: hb 10.8, mcv 74, mch 20, mchc 28, ESR 35, LFT: T.billi 1.99, T.pro 8.4, Globulin 3.7, Hcv -ve, Hbsag -ve,LIPID PROFILE: NORMALclinical signs: pale eyes, skin rash, acne from 2 to 3 years.\n[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor... Here you have microcytic hypochronic picture according to indices... Jaundice is also present.... So here strong possibilities is presence of hemolytic anemia.... There are various causes for it like thalassemia, sickle cell, phagocytosis, g6 PD deficiency, PNH etc..... For that peripheral blood smear examination done... Retic count also done... According to PS finding specific test needed like electrophoresis for hemoglobinopathy.... Consult gastroenterologist for examination and subsequent investigation... Take care. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] on Saturday night I was rough housing on my bed with my cat. I started to slowly fall of my bed and I tried to stop but it didn t work. I ended up on my head on the floor and all my weight (I weigh at least 131 pounds) on my neck and my body went over my head and then my head popped up. So it was kind of like an extremely painful back flip or somersault, off my bed. The pain right now is probably a 15 on a scale of 1-10. I went and saw Ms. Will (the school nurse at my high school) about my neck and she said that in between my vertebrae was probably swollen and to go see a doctor if it gets worse. So anyway the pain was not that bad unless I tried to look up. At the end of the school day the pain got worse and I got a bad headache. ( I don t know if that has anything to do with my neck but in case it does there you go) My symptoms are: pain (really bad severe pain), swelling (in between vertebrae most likely) and reduced flexibility. What can I do for the pain? Ibuprofen doesn t seem to help because I tried and it helped my headache but not my neck. I take strattera for my adhd and I had a concussion in 2008. I am 14 years old and I am 5 feet 1 inch. I weigh about 131 lbs.\n[|AI|] Hi, You have mentioned Severe pain in your neck region along with swelling and stiffness. All this actually points out to the pattern of Neck injury which you sustained which might have lead to all the three symptoms in your case. If you have localized Neck pain with no other symptoms like radiating leg pain, neurological symptoms like numbness, weakness, paresthesia etc., then in my opinion you can start with following recommendations for initial period of 2 weeks: - To maintain proper posture of your Neck while working and sleeping - If pain is more as it is in your case, then you can take a short course of an anti-inflammatory medication like tab Diclofenac etc. along with a muscle relaxant for 5-7 days, you can add antacid if you have issues of acidity after NSAID intake - Physical therapy like use of some modalities etc. can be initiated, but no exercises till the pain subsides completely - Ice packs can apply 3-4 times in a day - Analgesic spray for local application can be used and is easily available - Avoid lifting heavyweight\/ acute forward bending in mornings etc. We will observe you for next 2 weeks how you respond to this conservative management protocol, you can also use a soft cervical collar if movements in the neck region increase your pain, but from my side if you have no neurological symptoms, then we can follow this protocol for next 10-14 days. If you do not feel better in terms of pain, swelling and stiffness etc., then we will have to get some investigations like, dynamic x-rays of Neck and few blood tests for evaluation. Just also keep me informed on what medications you are taking because unless you take proper pain management medications, your pain won't become better. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further assistance. You can also discuss your case and treatment plans with me in a greater detail in a private consultation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i am diagnozed of suffering from dengu fever since May 11-2013. i am taking treatment in consultation with doctorDoctors are continiously monitoring CBC RESULTSThe WBC level is increasing byt platelets counting droping from 1.65 lakhs to 70,000Doctors says that increasing WBC is positive sign of recovery but platelets count should not drop below 40,000.pls comment\n[|AI|] Hello! Firstly have you been correctly diagnosed for Dengue fever? It is caused by the bite of ANDES mosquitoes which are also aggressive day biters recognized by their black & white stripes - transmitting the Dengue VIRUS DENV-1 to 4).PCR test for viral antigen like NS1 has 90% sensitivity (true positive for sick patient) in first week; four folds increase in IG G antibody titles in two weeks is significant - so this is a post-treatment confirmatory test; IG M antibody indicates previous infection. The virus does enter ABCs but infect the stromal cells in bone marrow to cause THROMBOCYTOPENIA (platelet count below 50,000 \/cu mm) to cause DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic fever) - Grade I - easy bruising\/ positive tourniquet test, Grade II - spontaneous bleeding like bleeding from gums, petechial hemorrhage in shin\/ legs. DHF may progress to more severe DSS (Dengue Shock Syn Chat Doctor. Treatment is mainly supportive by maintaining HY\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a depressed housemate, the major issue for me to deal with this is that he is very hard on himself and has always hated to cause an inconvienience to anyone so when I begin to express concern he stops talking because he doesn t want to be a pain to me. He is completely withdrawn the only contact with people he has outside of work is with me and my other housemate. He is unmotivated to do anything at all including buying food, going to the gym, going to faculty meetings or even cleaning his room. This is a massive worry as he is usually a healthy eater, a regular (daily) gym attender, goes to all the meetings and keeps his room spotless. This has happened over the course of a few months and I want him to be happy and don t know how to help. Can you please tell me what i need to do\n[|AI|] Hi dear,first need detail regarding his symptoms like whether his sleep adequate, appetite adequate?is he easy irritable, abusive to anybody, any fear, suspicious over anyone ? What ever you described about him suggest that he might have depression or negative schizophrenia. But to differentiate between two detail history and mental status examination is must.sucChatDoctorplain started immediately or gradually ? There are many medication like antidepressants and anti-psychotic. Consult psychiatrist first. Thank you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi........................ this is regarding my mother she is 58 yrs old having diabety since last 6 yrs she is on insukin from last 3 yrs.inthe starting sugar levels were high now its ups and downs up in the morning and down in the evening.its related with depression she is having total control on diet.she is cronic patient of depression\n[|AI|] Hi dear. I had gone through your query. I understand your concern. Diabetes has co morbid depression AMD need proper assessment. Anti-depressant will helpful. SSRI like Escitalopram\/ sertraline \/ paroxetine will be useful, but choice is depended upon clinical symptoms. Take advise from psychiatrist and get help. Exercise and meditation can help. Ensure proper sleep and diet. Thank you. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. Happy to help you further.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dear Doctor, I have a pain in my ear for the past 3 weeks and consulted doctor too. It seems that there is some water inside the ear and can feel heaviness too. I revisted doctor today and he told me to take antiboitic and it will be cured else some need of operation. Doctor he also asked do u eat tobacco in my mouth as he found some spots of it... i dont eat tobacco but yes i do eat pan masala... does that mean i do ahve symptoms of cancer ..\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for query, Eating pan masala is one of the factor to develop cancer. This time you have middle ear infection may be due to infection. This is not cancer. You consult ENT .he will examine your ear & if he found any perforation he advised you accordingly for need of Tympanplasty or Mastectomy. This is not cancer but your habit of eating masala contains solar causes irritation may lead to you towards it. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] It started about a month ago my hip felt like it was going to break when I bent over.Now my knee and whole thigh is in pain. Cant straighten my leg have to have a pillow under the knee. the wrong movement gives me seized up tention from my hip to my foot. what can I do to relieve this at home.?\n[|AI|] Here you need to check the symptoms whether it is only at knee and thigh level or starts from back and goes to thigh and knee. As per your explanation if its from back then it is something called as nerve or hamstring muscle pull. I suggest to use hot and cold pack alternatively on your painful area. As well here need to do some physical tests. So visit orthopedic or Physiotherapist to get it evaluated properly. And they will also help to plan proper treatment with medication and physical therapy. At home as off now without checking with physical test I can only suggest hot and cold pack use with some muscle relaxant and painkiller medications, but if it is not relieved then need to visit or tho or physio. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My son head butted me and cut the inside of my lip pretty good from my teeth. Can that also cause bruising on the outside of my lip? Also I dont think that has anything to do with this but I have indents on the inside of bottom lip from the top teeth. I have an absessed tooth so not sure if that would be the cause.\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor I have gone through your query, as you have indent on lower lips, and abscessed tooth don't worry, for abscess tooth you should consult dentist and go for Root canal treatment if it is periapical abscess, and if it is periodontal abscess then go for Oral prophylaxis, As you have indent on lip, if it is hunting you, then you can apply ointment McCoppin or Colonel twice daily Do warm saline gargle two - three times a consult dentist as early as possible and go for proper treatment. Hope it will help you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Sir how can I stop my problem of night fall ... m too much stressed. .. I masturbated since 8 years ... now I don t bt pursuing with the problem of night fall... and my penis is small... plz. Help me doctor .. tell me any natural or ayurvedic medicine ... my age just 18 years old :(\n[|AI|] Greetings. Inability to control emotions allow a male to get too excited during sleep which causes nightfall & making the organ small which is a normal phenomenon until & otherwise its within the normal physiological limit of an individual. Most of the people have many wrong ideas about nightfall - that it causes ill effects on health like nervous weakness, reduced energy, etc. or sexual problems like impotence in the future all of which is NOT true and these are just myths and misconceptions provided they are within certain limit. For too much stress, i advice you to do activities(Play outdoor games you like \/ Read books\/ get along with friends \/ meet your relatives\/ etc., ) that relaxes mind keeping you fresh.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I Have a lump that hurts about the size of a dime on my right side of my neck. If I push on it, the pain seems to subside but then returns. It does have radiating pain up to my gums. It is not at the base of the tongue but more where a lymph node might be. Been to a dentist but no tooth problem. Thoughts please ma\n[|AI|] Hi! Thanks for sharing your problem of the painful lump on neck! As per your description,1. The pain seems to subside when pushed, but then returns...this means it is of cystic character and loose2. It does have radiating pain up to my gums....this means it is related to trigeminal nerve! Therefore, I would suggest following possibilities:1. Infected benign cyst like lymphatic cyst, retention cyst, hematoma, Desmond or sebaceous cyst2. Benign tumors of the salivary grandson need a clinical assessment and a needle biopsy, and therefore please see a general surgeon for this and treatment depends upon the diagnosis only; but generally it is surgical removal of it!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i fell while i was rollerblading and landed on my left side on my hip. There is no swelling or anything and i can move it a bit, but i can t put any pressure on it. Like when i try to walk i get this sharp shooting pain in my hip. Any idea of what is wrong?\n[|AI|] Hi, As seen in the history mentioned above you had a fall, so there might be changes in the spinal column. The sharp shooting pain in the Hip what you have mentioned is having connection with the lumbar spine nerve root Entrapment. Using hot water bag in the lower back and doing some simple Core and hip strengthening exercise should help you. In my clinical practice of 12 years have seen people complaining with a lot of sharp shooting pain in the Hip after fall. Most of them respond better to physical therapy and exercise. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Im 43 years old and my height is 5 feet and 5 inches tall. I am inquiring about an allergy\/sinus issue that Ive always had since I was little but seems as though now that Im getting older the issues are getting more problematic. well within the past few months or so Ive been experiencing swelling in my sinus area on the left side of my nose with pressure after experiencing a headache, runny nose, burning sensation and water running eyes. I really need to know what can I do other then taking antibiotics and promethazine to resolve this miserable feeling that I have lately.. Any suggestions would help me greatly., Thanks so much!!!\n[|AI|] Thanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor .you should rule out cause of sinusitis. You should undergo radiological(X-Ray) and endoscopic examination of your sinus area to detect abnormality. Second you should avoid expo user to dust, cold air and water to your sinuses as this thing irritate the sinuses and aggravate complaint .if any abnormality detected go to ENT surgeon for any surgical treatment. Hope I have answered your question. If you would like some more information I will be happy to provide. You can also write a review for me. Wish you good health. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My daughter (11 years old) suddenly started screaming in pain saying her head hurts. She said it doesn t hurt like a head ache or migraine, which she gets occasionally. She says it is at the front of her head, about 2 inches in diameter in the middle of her forehead. She is screaming at the top of her lungs.\n[|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Headache in kids need to be considered serious only when the below symptoms are there - 1. Vomiting continuously2. Seizures\/ Fits3. Watery of bloody discharge from ears and nose4. Unconsciousness5. Altered sensorial or behavior. Without the above red flag symptoms, just feeling low energy levels points out towards Migraine and other sorts of tension headaches which are on the rise in current scenario due to excessive academic and peer stress the kids are experiencing. I have a few questions for you -1. How long has the headache been there?2. Does it always occur on forehead or keeps changing?3. Is it associated with blurring of eyes or double vision or giddiness?4. Is there any family history of migraine or single side headache?5. Is he very angry when he gets headache and does the ache get better after a good sleep?6. Does he vomit when there is headache? Kindly get back to me with the answers to above questions and also mention his weight so that I can suggest you the formulations which are good. But as of now - you can give oral Paracetamol in the dose of 15\u00a0mg\/kg\/dose(max ceiling dose 500\u00a0mg) every 4-6th hourly. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My kid is already in his third year on his pres-school years. But sudden changes happen recently since he always cry and vomit before entering the classroom. But once he is inside the classroom, he can be stabilized in 15 min and be back to its normal attitude. He still shows interest in going to school sicne he is very deligent in doing his homework and also ask for a study on his lesson. Based on the discussion with his teacher, it had started when he finished copying the writings in the board late and the teacher asked them to finish the writing on the board or else, they can t go home. It has been a month since that incident and until now, my kid always vomit and cry when entering the classroom. It come to a point that the teacher made an arrangement that she will be one to fetch the kid in the guardhouse as we are not also allowed to get into the school premise. Pls help how can I help on my kids recent behaviour. Do i need now to go to Pediatric Mental heath professional.\n[|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. The problem can be categorized as behavioral psycho somatic symptom. Naturally your child is not even aware of what is happening to him. Psycho somatic symptoms are such. But, there is nothing to worry. Almost all behavior psycho somatic disorders tend to vanish within some day. In your sons case, there is something which delays the cure. You noted one of the negative approach made by the teacher. I suspect more because that one negative approach is not enough to trigger the present behavior. I suggest you to talk to the teacher again for possible aggressive behavior. Take the name of any psychologist and try to get it. Usually, behavior therapy is the treatment method. Usually we are talking about behavior modification using rewards or punishment. Conditioning is also another option. I suggest you to consult a child psychologist. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I had helicobactor pylori 11 yrs ago and was treated for it, however, I continued to have reflux and ended up with a hernia repair. I was ok for around 5 yrs then reflux started up again........tests showed hernia was still closed. I am waiting for another HP breath test and have come off my meds ( omeprazole 20mgs ) and since then I keep getting a severe sharp pain in my stomach.......could this be result of stopping omeprazole? I dont have breath test till next week but dont think I will last without my meds! Anything else I can take, without interfering with the breath test?\n[|AI|] His appreciate your concernLooking at your history this could be due to stoppage of omeprazole which can produce rebound increase in acid production leads to aggravation of Gordon can take another alternative of omeprazole like omeprazole or pantoperazoleavoid spicy fatty and junk food have plenty of fluids Abstain smoking and alcohol Hope this helps you thank for your question wish you good health\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi im a 17 year old female, for the past week my throat feels as if i have a ball stuck in there and just recovered from 4 nosebleeds. I read the symptoms of throat cancer and really relate to my symptoms so i was wondering if i have throat cancer and if i do then whats the first step of action?\n[|AI|] Hi Welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query, I found you have trouble in your throat and had recovered from 4 nose bleeds. If you are taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medication, these can also contribute to frequent nosebleeds. If I were your physician, before your nosebleeds get worse or more frequent, I would have referred you to an ear, nose and throat specialist to look inside your nose for any growths or masses to find out the cause. It is my suggestion, don't worry about anything. Get your self thorough check up from a specialist. This is the first step, you have to take. He is the right person to guide you to, what to do. God willing all can be ok , But if there is anything you are suspecting, can be cured, these days. You just take care of your lifestyle. Diet should be simple, nourishing and regular containing all nutrients - fibers, minerals, vitamins salts and water. Avoid fried , fast foods bakery products Take lemon juice twice, before meals. Take coconut water . Its great coolant & antioxidantInclude buttermilk in lunchConstipation should not be allowed Exercise, Yoga, Panama ,Anglo Film will strengthen your mind and body and make your immune system stronger to fight the disease, if you have any Rest also is very important for your well-being. Wish you all the best. Hope this helps you solve your query Don't hesitate to get BAC if you have any further query.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi! I am a junior in high school and am writing an essay for AP English looking into how and if a teen (ranging between 14-18) can make rational long term choices if the brain doesn t fully develop until a person s early twenties. Adults look down upon marriage, tattoos, piercing, and so on but expect us to be able to choose colleges and careers at the same time. I would appreciate some help on understanding how the mind of an adolescent can make rational long-term decisions and if they truly are rational or simply impulsive? Thank you!\n[|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. You are only aware of the minds impulsive capacity. There are other aspects into decision-making. Even a child can take decision, sometimes even long term decision if proper training is given. In an adolescents case, he is not taking long term decisions based on his experiences or rational thinking, but taking decisions with an aim to fulfill it. Those decisions are coming out from so many scenarios, like self experience, input from elders, friends, teachers, well-wishers, readings etc. He gets inspired from these things and takes the decision, and then pledge to stick to it. Once goal and a determination to stick to it formed, he can move forward even though obstacles troubles. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Dr, one of my top front tooth has a pus like discharge( white in color) when I push my tongue from behind the tooth. It does not smell and it 3 months since my valve replacement surgery reason I am not in rush to visit a dentist. I brush frequently, floss and using mouthwash and salted water to rinse.. Thank you very much.\n[|AI|] Hello there, you seem to have infection in your upper tooth and the abscess Chat Doctor. A x-ray examination will show the exact picture and will make your dentist to decide the treatment plan. If your tooth is infected you have to get a root canal treatment done or if there is gum abscess you need ultrasonic deep cleaning of gums followed by a course of medication.no worries if you have undergone valve replacement, scaling is completely a non aggressive dental treatment, take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i am nidhin vn from india.In my childhood days i suffered with asthma and after age 12 it was not there.Now i shifted to city and last 4 years i am at hyderabad.I am facing problem with continuous cold.Once it come,the running nose,Throught pain,suffocation it is continuing for 2..3 weeks.And after reading some google pages i fearing that it is bronchitis.Please suggest me a solution\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of allergic bronchitis is high in your case. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT is needed for the diagnosis of bronchitis. It will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Anti-allergic and antihistamine Chat Doctor. Since all these \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Okay got my lower wisdom tooth taken out recently. And the day after I did when I went to pee there was a little blood coming out everytime and a little pain after I pee. Now its just the little pain afterwards. What does this mean? And what should I do or take to resolve this?\n[|AI|] Hiwelcome to ChatDoctorAs per your query regarding blood from the extraction area. Actually we advise not to pee for a day after extraction and after that for healing blood start clotting and sometime while brushing or pee due to forceful action of brush or water, clot get disturb, and it bleeds. So, it is advisable to you not to disturb that area, take full coverage of dose prescribe to you and do mild warm saline gargles. Thank you\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have what appears to be broken vessels on inner areas of both ankles. The ankles were very swollen 2 days ago- after walking at Disney World for 5 days in a row. This appears under the skin. I do have some pain in foot and calf. My blood pressure and cholesterol have fluctuated a lot here lately, but I am not on meds. I am overweight.\n[|AI|] Hi, as mentioned by you the brief history, what I can understand is that you have swollen ankles and might be painful. After walking for two days in a row there is possibility that you may have got DOES - Delayed onset muscle soreness. Which is common in most people post any excessive physical activity. Also, you mentioned you are obeser than you need to perform physical exercise to lose the excessive accumulation and get the muscle toned. Due to excessive walking there is a soreness in the muscle fibers and are not able to make the Venus return to the optimum. Also, as you have done all of a sudden a good physical exertion there will be fluctuation in the blood pressure and cholesterol. In fact most systems will have fluctuation as it is normal. Chances for any breaking of the blood vessels is uncommon due to walks, but if you want to confirm a Doppler of the lower limbs is recommended to figure out if there are any. For swelling of the ankles you need to first keep the legs elevated and perform ankle toe movements. Also, understanding that physical exercise is recommended highly in you as you are obese. But prior to any exercise regimen a cardiac clearance will be of an advantage.regards Jay In Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have notice a circular bruise on my daughter left side just below her rib cage. The bruise is about the size of a golf ball and the centre is lighter color almost no pigment. In the center of the center there is a small lump that is smooth and round. She complained of tenderness. Any idea of what it might be?\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She may have sebaceous cyst or some soft tissue tumor like lipoma or neurofibroma or dermatofibroma. She should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi,I had a gout that lasted for two months. took alluprinol and NSAID as needed. Got acid reflux. Given PPI. Now acid reflux has gone,but have diturbed sleep and swollen gut. 5 weeks have gone by. Taking all the precautions with diet. No improvement. please advise. Thanks\n[|AI|] Gout is the disorder of purine metabolism. It will lead to high uric acid level in the blood. Later on its crystals are deposited in the joint and produce pain. So allopurinol is the perfect Chat Doctor. it's will increase the excretion of uric acid. Take NSAIDs as and when required only if plan and inflammation is there. And take low protein containing diet. It will help you to decrease uric acid level. And regularly check uric acid level. And change the dose of allopurinol accordingly. But it's the perfect medicine that you are taking.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Everytime I am around a candle or big red gum or somehing that has a cinimon scent my face and ears get real hot my throat gets sore ans I breath harder than usual along with a head ache. I came in contact with a cinimon scented warmer last night and I had all those reactions and still today I am having the same ones and my throat is killing me. And I feel very week today. I have been drinking lots of fluids but still very weak. Is ther something I could do to help myself feel better?\n[|AI|] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would make suggestions for you as follows:1. I usually prescribe such my patients' levocetirizine, montelukast and levosalbutmol for 2-3 days depending upon response.2. You are doing very right by taking adequate fluids, it will also help you to recover better. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Yesterday i had groin pain , this morning i woke up with a headache , pretty sure i had a fever and was nauseous but didn t vomit . Also have a bloody stool that was bright red... I am a dissabled vet with trauma to my spine, i have Spinal Stenosis which the VA has treated with 2 epideral steroid injections recently., so far its not working .. my question is should i go see a Dr. right now or do you think it would be ok to wait until the VA Doc can see me.. right now i feel ok.\n[|AI|] Yes you should go for a check-up without waiting because immediate treatment is warranted for the above symptoms.However, these symptoms are not related to spinal stenosis. Due to past trauma to spine it seems you had spinal cord injury with residual neurological deficit. This residual neurological deficit does not get cured by any medical treatment however stem cell research has shown encouraging results in such cases\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Yes I have been treated for bronchitis twice within a 4 month period and my symptoms get better but just keep coming back. I get a lot of phlegm buildup in my throat, and an annoying cough, sometimes no matter what I eat or drink the slightest burp a little bit of food or fluid comes back up, It doesn t burn at all. And at times i have problems swallowing the air I breath, I was wondering if this could be a concern? Awhile back a couple Drs. Has asked if I have trouble swallowing and I didn t bother to ask the reason for that question, and I tried thinking about it and I ended up saying no\n[|AI|] Hello, A recurrent bout of cough and expectoration are also seen with pneumonia. This is the reason why the doctor was asking about the trouble with swallowing. In my opinion, you should get done upper GI (gastrointestinal) scope and CT thorax. Upper GI scope is needed to rule out aspiration. CT thorax is needed to rule out pneumonia as a cause for a recurrent cough with expectoration. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My son developed a goose egg around his temple area three weeks ago. It never showed a bruise and he did not recall hitting his head. We took him to the doctors and they did a physical examination and said it was a hematoma. It has not gone down in sizzle and sometimes it looks bigger. He is now complaining of dizziness every so often. Should I take him back to the doctors.\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Head injuries need to be observed for the first 24 hours. The following are alarming symptoms (within first 24 hours) of a head injury that needs a doctors' attention.1. Vomiting2. Seizures3. Persisting neurological deficits (numbness is a neurological deficit)4. Difficulty in maintaining gait5. Vision problems6. Increasing severity of headache any of the above symptoms (including dizziness) have occurred and are present even after 24 hours then you need to see a doctor and get a CT scan brain done for your son. If he is experiencing dizziness and nausea which is not subsiding even after 3 days, they may visit the ER.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] On Saturday, I went to Catalina Island on a ferry...and on the way back home, i noticed a rough cluster of rash like bumps on my inner upper arm. They are quite painful (not excruciatingly) and have now formed black dots in the middle of the bumps. The pain is still there. What might this be? I dont remember being bitten by any insect or anything...and i cannot think of anything that may have caused it\n[|AI|] Hi, Clusters of bumps on your skin can be alarming, as bumps may be a sign of an infectious or allergic process going on your body. Skin infection can also occur due to any reason. The bumps are due to either allergic reaction to something or infection in skin. The reason for allergy could be any substance whicChatDoctores in contact frequently, may some cream or chemicals etc., Itching leads to damage the layer of the skin and leaves a scar. Apply Dharma Thailand daily.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I taught dyslexic and hyperactive children for 30 years. Late in my career I suffered multiple head tramas, seiszures, and falls. After menopause began, my memory and attention to details went to severe level. What might be a solution. This is causing marriage problems, loss of friends, total isolation. I have tried psy. and counseling. I just keep getting worse. Help\n[|AI|] Thank you for asking Chat Doctor. My name is Chat Doctor. I would like to repeat CT scan again.if it is unremarkable then continue with sodium valproate 500 mg thrice a day for 2 months and then twice a day for another 4 months.Also, calcium along with Vito and regular exercise will help a lot. I hope u will be fits free and your daily activities which are disturbed will be Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My friends 12 yo son is always sick. He is severely under weight, always pasty & pale, has no appetite, does not like food, he is constantly sick to his stomach & throwing up. His Drs say they do not know what it could be. Please let me know if you have any ideas.\n[|AI|] Hello If these are his only symptoms I am sure that he would have been evaluated for hypothyroidism already, and it should have been ruled out as the doctors have been taking care of him. But at the same time I would suggest testing him for Epstein-Barr and there is a possibility of chronic fatigue syn Chat Doctor. I suggest you consult his position with this tip and get him evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello I am a female 43 years old. Have had a PE about 6 years ago. I have 4 gene mutations wich are MTHFR and PAI-1. I have an Ivac filter in my vena cava. I have had chest pains for a long time now ,been to emergency rooms countless times. they never find anything. I recently moved to a very remote area and dont have any Specialty Drs. here. I last saw my hematologist in Dec 2012. He said he thought it was showers of micro clotting and to double up on my asprin and folic acid every other day. That worked for a few months but know the chest pain is back and it moves around and is very unsettling, it also seems to get worse with my menstral cycle. I dont know what to do anymore. Any suggestions? I have to pay to get an answer? Figures\n[|AI|] Hello..... As your details it seems that you are suffering from Congenital hypercoagulable disease. In this case, the blood getting thick day by day and causes clots at any site. Most common is lower large vein due to more stagnant condition. This clot frequently embolizes to chest and causes chest pain that is called Pulmonary embolism. With your description, you are suffering from Chronic pulmonary embolism that also causes right heart chamber enlargement and bilateral leg swelling. But you did not mention regarding breathlessness and leg swelling except chest pain on and off. Definitely this chest pain is due to microclot in pulmonary vessel. But the treatment you are taking is very ineffective. Aspirin is not enough alone to prevent the clot formation and keep the blood thin. So my advice is to start Tab Action with lower dose 2 mg once a day along with aspirin with folic acid. And do your Prothrombin time (PT INR) at regular interval of 15-30 days to keep your INR 2 to 2.5Thank You\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my son got hit on the head now he has seizures and what i call brain farts he takes meds for seizures that stops them but the brain farts still happen is there some meds to stop them it s like another personality comes out it was fine at first because he just tells everyone he loves them the when it s over doesent remember a thing but now if things don t go his way he is getting a little violent and if it happens to the wrong person he could go to jail and thsat scares me that he might go to jail for something he dosent know he did is there a med to stop the farts\n[|AI|] Hello ! I read carefully your question and understand your concern. I would like to know what he is taking for his seizures. The brain farts and episodes of violence are common after a head concussion and may be a part of the so-called Post traumatic stress disorder. His brain is suffering a dysfunction which involves also the memory and emotional regions of the brain. Some antiepilepsy Chat Doctor. Valproate and Carbamazepine are the best treatments for these episodes. I would recommend switching on one of these therapies which are also helping for seizures and post concussion headache. Some other antiepilepsy \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, My husband had been diagnosed with an elevated count of bilirubin i.e. 2.07. His SGPT level also increased to 100. Doctor advised him bed rest and home made diet. I have controlled his diet and he is taking rest. A month after, we have again conducted blood tests and now the report shows his bilirubin count to be normal. But there has been an increase in his SGPT level. It has shot up to 131. I cant understand what to do. Please advise.\n[|AI|] HelloIncreased SGPT may indicate liver injury. It may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, alcohol intake, altered lipid profile, medicines,autoimmune causes etc. It may be related to hepatitis in your husbands' case as bilirubin level is also raised. You should allow some time for SGPT to become normal. He may need few more investigations like viral markers, ultrasound of abdomen. I suggest tablet ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg twice daily for three months to my patients. It helps in regeneration of liver cells. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have what feels like the stitch in my heart for the whole day (12 hours)...last week i woke up every night with fright feeling like i was going to pass out and with palpatations or fluttery feeling in my heart. how do i know if this is anxiety or a heart issue\n[|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern and would explain that your symptoms seem to be related to anxiety. You should know that a heart issue is usually triggered by physical activity and the chest pain is proportional to the physical activity. Anyway, I would recommend performing a prolonged ECG Holder monitoring in order to investigate for possible cardiac arrhythmia and an exercise cardiac stress test in order to exclude coronary artery disease and the possibility of a heart attack. You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my 33 year old sister was having horrible diarreha about 1 month ago. She went to the Dr. at which time they ran test and found that she had Giardia and was also anemic. They gave her medication for the parasite. During that time, they also found liver lesions via ultrasound. She started feeling bad again and the diarreha returned this week. She went back to the Dr. and was diagnosed with c difficile and a protozoa. They are doing a contrast MRI to check the liver lesions tomorrow. What could be causing this?\n[|AI|] Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with your medical questions. I am sorry to hear about your sister who has had guardian and now clostridium difficile and a protozoan infection. From your description she has been treated with medication for the guardian, which by the way is a protozoan infection, and has diarrhea again. After taking any antibiotics the usual gut bacteria are also killed off and an opportunistic infection called clostridium difficile can grow. Since this is her first episode of C. difficile she will more than likely be on one or two additional antibiotics for 2 weeks. This may also kill of the other \"protozoan infection, so she would not need additional antibiotics. The liver lesions are more worrisome. They could be just simple cysts, or they could be actual cysts cause from infection. I would recommend keeping her appointment for the MRI to find a definitive answer to her problems. Hope I answered your question. Please contact us again with your medical concerns\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] There is a small hard ball shaped bone like bump besides my right knee cap. It moves and causes snapping when I bend an put pressure on my knee. Fortunately I feel no pain. What could this be. I discovered it after a light bash to the knee. What could this be?\n[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. It can be a small part of your knee cap. Especially if it has appeared after some injury. Cyst which is connected with the joint is also possible. Both condition can give symptoms when putting pressure on the knee. The best way to find out what are you dealing with is to have an ultrasound of the knee and X-ray. PI suggest you to consult orthopedist with this issue. Hope this will help. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am wanting to get pregnant. I habe been trying for about a year. I have a 30 day cycle and my period is always on time. I know I ovulated before i started trying to concieve, but now I see no signs of ovulation. Can you have a period but not ovulate or is it that im not having any symptoms or that I am now infertile?? Help me!\n[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Ovulation generally occurs between day 10 and day 19 of the menstrual cycle, or 12 to 16 days. It is difficult for a woman to know exact date of ovulation and signs of ovulation are not experienced by many women. Here are few signs of ovulation1. During ovulation, the cervical mucus increases in volume and becomes thicker due to increased estrogen levels. It is often said that the cervical mucus resembles egg whites at a women most fertile point.2. Ovulation may also lead to a 0.4 to 1.0 degree increase in basal body temperature, but difficult to determine this rise3. Finally, ovulation predictor kits are available from Chat Doctor. Most of the women who have regular cycles ovulate, but if you think that you are going through cycles without ovulation then it's better to consult a gynecologist and she\/he may suggest you a scan.A woman said to be Infertile if she fails to become pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse, I suggest you to eat nutritious diet, Take Tab ova care 0-1-0 for 3 months (it contains nutrients which helps in ovulation) and observe for 3 months, if you fail to conceive it's time to consult an expert. All the Beauregard\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my 5 year old is in kindergarden likes her teacher likes her peers been to doctor been to counslor but cant get her to stop in class we were punishing her standing in corner making her stand instead of sit taking away resecc then the couslor said no not to punish her to reward her for not doing it in public but nothing is working we have sent extra work for her to do cause once she is done what she is doing she starts again i have sent her favorite books pic of her family im pulling my hair out please give me some advice\n[|AI|] Hi, Hiccups are common in newborns. Don't worry they are just due to swallowing of air while feeding. After every feed take the baby on shoulder and pat on back till she burps. Another thing while hiccups you can just breastfeed or give her pacifier it will do. If then also not reducing with decreased feeding then take her to pediatrician to get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Im A 20 year old male and ill get a feeling like i cant breath and then feel like im going to pass out and my body gets tinlgy but then it goes away and will come back later on i went and got tests done and my heart is fine the doctor said? what could this be?\n[|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your question, It is common among young men to complaint about breathing problems. Your young age and the lack of history indicative for pulmonary disease suggests that you might be suffering from stress. There are some tests that you can run in order to be sure and help recover from this stressful situation. Since the test performed on your heart came back normal, it is safe to say that there is nothing to worry about. I always suggest my patients to engage in physical activities, meditation, healthy diet, engage in social activities and avoid excessive intake of alcohol, cigarettes and coffee. If your problems persists you might seek help from a professional specialist that can help manage stress. I hope this helped. Kind regards, \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello i am a male and about 4 or 5 months ago i caught chlamydia and after having taken meds for it i stopped stopped experiencing symptoms of discharge and inflamation in the urethra but im still experiencing irrititation. I practically put a huge halt on sexual activity and i masterbate every now and then but when i am done i have to use the restroom frequently for a day or 2 and during that time im not even peeing all that much and other trips i make to the bathroom i do pee quite a bit. It doesnt hurt to pee at all and its actually quite relaxing when i do but but something feels off and ive actually been fearing that i could have herpes. I just need answers, please help\n[|AI|] Hi sir...about your fears of herpes you should know that genital herpes have symptoms doe snot match that symptoms you mentioned...genital herpes appear as blisters in the genital area...may be itching and mild fever, fatigue, and muscle pain ...genital herpes make urination painful.and you will not feel relaxing when peeing....diagnosis of herpes depend mainly on clinical manifestation .sometime we require laboratory tests for that...but you don't need that......so briefly you should not fear of that ......wish you healthy long life.....thanks for contacting us\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] 33 YR OLD DAUGHTER WAS DIAGNOSED WITH STAGE 3B CERVICAL CANCER SHE HAS GONE THRU RADIATION AND 2 ROUNDS OF CHEMO THE FIRST IN JULY 2010 WHICH WAS CISPLATIN AND THIS YR IT WAS 2 CARBOPLATIN & TAXOL. SHE DEVELOPED A BLOOD CLOT IN HER LEG ABOUT A MONTH AGO AND THEY PUT HER ON COUMADIN AND SHE WAS TOLD THAT SHE HAS TO STAY ON COUMADIN FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE, DOES SHE?\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Blood clot formation in the extremities can be due to acquired causes or inherited causes. Inherited causes include mutation is genes which controls the normal coagulation pathway. Inherited causes include abnormality of the vessel wall or Chat Doctor. Blood coagulation disorders are monitored by a test called PT\/INR. Thus, anticoagulation therapy (Coumadin) in your case has to be monitored by PT\/INR and depending on this test, the \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, my dad has chronic kidney disease and has had this for a long time now, he is 60 and has had many scans on his kidneys over the years but the recent one showed he has cysts and enlarged kidneys, could this be poly cystic kidneys or has this developed because of his chronic kidney disease? We have absolutely no history of poly cystic disease in our family so I was thinking the cysts have developed due to his kidneys which have 8% function.\n[|AI|] Welcome to ChatDoctorAfter chronic kidney disease patient can develop multiple cysts in the kidneys and the entity is known as Multicystic kidney disease. As far as polycystic kidney disease is concerned actually this by itself causes chronic kidney disease. Polycystic kidney disease is altogether a different disease and this is a cause of Kidney failure. There is a difference between multicystic kidney and polycystic kidney.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my husband was diagnosed on 8\/7\/2011 with chest infection and prescribed Klacid 250mg. He was given another script for Klacid on 12\/7\/2011 just in case it did not cleared up. His sputum is now white, not green anymore and we want to know should he stop taking the tablets. Also can Klacid cause pain in his upper leg and elbows.?\n[|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor... You have some kind of chest infection for which given azithromycin course... You have not mentioned your type of infection whether bronchitis or, pneumonia.... Here repeat chest x-ray and physical examination with auscultation done. If no evidence of infection no need for further work up . If no improvement sputum culture like higher investigation needed. Healthy and balanced diet taken . Yes your second question ...azithromycin Chat Doctor. ... Take care Hope your concern solved.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Doctor, My daughter is one year 2 months. She does not drink milk at all except breast feeding. I am working so can feed at night. She does not go to anybody so it is very difficult to leave her with someone, she keeps crying all the time, grateful if could suggest any medicine for that, waiting for your reply.\n[|AI|] Hello there, I can see how frustrating that is. Unfortunately there is no medication to help with that. If you are wanting to switch her to cows milk, I would advise you to start feeding her a bottle or hippy cup of the milk. You can still hold her close to your chest for a similar bonding experience. Maybe halfway through, you can pass the bottle to her new babysitter but sit near, so she can see you. Now if you are wanting to continue breastfeeding, you can pump your milk and then do the same as above. Just use the bottle with the breast milk. Its more of a mind game with babies and feeding. Again, there is no medication to assist with the changeover. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us. Good luck!\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Sir, I am living in Bhopal (M.P.) I have two child my elder son is 13 yers old and younger child is 4 yrs old. My younger son is matally fit at all but my elder son has low iq problem. I have done treament for my elder son with sicatrist Dr. S. K. Tondon in Bhopal since last four years. The major problem with my son is poor consentration. He studying in Miriam School for Mentally handicapped (Asha Niketan). Kindly suggest me the best doctor for the IQ level treatment in child in india (Ayurveda\/Aloepathy) if any chance. Yours sincerely Umesh Yadav (Cell : (+91 - 0000) Email ID ( YYYY@YYYY ).\n[|AI|] 1. what type of low IQ problem is there: is it with intellectual functioning (intelligence) or with adaptive functioning (activities \/skills of daily living)????2. Any complications during birth (neurological disorder), did he achieve his developmental milestone in respective age?, was Immunization schedule complete (till date and age)?3. Is he also poor with social, communication and functional skills??4. Did the Psychiatrist labelled it as mild-moderate-severe or profound??5. Any symptoms of aggression, self injury, or mood disorders noted in him??6. Make sure he participates in extracurricular activities and social programs to gain self-esteem and confidence.7. As he is studying, make sure the environment is supportive and friendly to extract his full potential.8. He will need constant and consistent educational, social,community and vocational support to lead happy life.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello I wanted to ask I was rushed to the emergency room upon last week thursday and I was diganosed with thrombocycopenia and they were unable to fine the cause they told that my count has droped from 700,000 below a 100,000 and I been exspercing weakness been very tired and bad heah ackes I wanted to no what should I do or should I be worried?\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your platelet count is low. There are many causes of low platelet count like viral fever or malaria. Treatment depends on the causes. You should go for completed blood count and peripheral smear examination. It will help you find the cause. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi ive being getting abdominal discomfort for about 4 weeks now constantly,the pain seems to change places from min to min.sometimes ill have a sharp pain in my upper rightside then it will be in middle then move to lower left and then to my lower back.ive also started with indigestion after i eat.\n[|AI|] Hello, thanks for writing to us, as per the above-mentioned symptoms and the various site of pain abdomen you are suffering is indicating that you are going through gastritis along with intestinal gas formation. Therefore I would like to advice you to avoid oily foods, and acidic foods. the best medicines for such are an antibiotic along with antacids. There are few antacids available in market which tends to work very fast. Hope to have answered your query, wish you a healthy life forward.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Dear Sir, my mother is HCV + . She was given an IMinjection and after 16 hours my wife has got a very little prick from IM injection. There was no blood on that injection. Can it is possible that my wife also get HCV from that . Moreover,after how much time , we should got her lab test on ICT Kite ?\n[|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor If the syringe was previously used then there could be small amount of blood on it that may not be easily seen. Since the syringe was accidentally stuck hours after, however this would significantly reduce the chance of any transmission. The window period of hepatitis c is 8 to 12 weeks. This means that a test can definitively detect the virus by this time and give an accurate result. I hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Am 23yrs female and am married,my problem is pimples n am having that for the past 3 yrs...am using Erytop cream and Keto soap for the past 1 yr but still am suffering with pimples n scars...i need a remedy\n[|AI|] Hello, pimples have become a lifestyle disease & a disease of metropolitan cities...we hardly see them in villages. But can also be because of hormonal disturbances in our body, esp if it increases 2 days prior to periods. Never use a moisturizing cream on face. Avoid using oily soaps too. Use specific anti acne soap like Accela or decade acne soap twice a day. Use radiant cream over pimples in daytime and adhering at night. This might help you a lot.Nowadays there are very good tablets available for pimples but should be taken under dermatologists' supervision only. They can be either azithromycin or isotretinoin tab. Hormonal pimples can be treated with oral contraceptive pills. They are very effective and safe. All these needs blood test before taking them. Along with this u need to take 10-12 glasses of water per day & a good sleep. Regards, Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 71 female who was diagnosed w\/ lung cancer Nov. 2009. Chemo , radiation , surgery followed and still going strong. Today, I was told that I have a 2.1 centimeter mass in my left kidney that will entail seeing an urologist . Had pain (tinges of pain) off and on for about 2 months. Had ultrasound last Thursday and my CT from my Oncologist had shown a small cyst in my left kidney, but had not grown. Waiting for appt w\/urologist. Any suggestion, ideas, ways to build immune system. Already taking, reservatrol, selinium (sp) curcumin, coq10, b complex, calcium citrate (should I eliminate that one)? and magnesium. Any information would be appreciated as well as questions to ask, as I see urologist tomorrow.\n[|AI|] Hi, Where is your pain, what is the nature of the pain? How it gets relieved or aggravated? are there any signs of radiation of pain to different sites. Anyway solitary renal cyst may be a common finding in many patients, it does not need treatment always. Now there are several studies going on immunity boost up materials with conflicting results. Curcumin is recently on discussion. You may take it. Consult your oncologist for further details.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello, i have 2 yrs old son suffering from Primary Complex. His weight is playing from 10 kg to 11kg. Im thinking why he is not gaining a high weight bec he eats a lot ? He is countinuing his medication and it will end this coming october. Why do it happen that he is no gaining a lot.Thank you goodbless\n[|AI|] Hi... I would have been happier if you had mentioned on what basis primary complex was diagnosed and how many months of treatment was given and what Chat Doctor. Please get back to me with above questions - 1. What was the birth weight?2. What was the weight before starting treatment?3. Exact weight now?4. On what basis primary complex was diagnosed and how many months of treatment was given and what \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have been suffering from severe stomach pains and cramps along with severe boughts of watery stool movements. I have been given imodium, biscopan, nexium and recently Amitriptyline. My doctor doesnt know whats going on or how to manage this, do you?\n[|AI|] HI. Severe stomach pains and cramps associated with severe bouts of watery stool movements may be due to gastroenteritis. Get the stool, blood and urine tested, also blood sugar to rule out diabetes, thyroid functions. Continue the medicines you have. Imodium should be taken only after a bout of loose stool and 6 capsules in 24 hours as a maximum dose. Do not take more than sic capsules. Adding a proper antibiotic against the intestinal bacteria and metronidazole should have helped you. Treatment of the primary medical problem if exists is a must. Amitryptilin has no role in such conditions, and you may please stop this in consultation of your Doctor. IF there is no relief, colonoscopy and CT scan of the abdomen may be needed. Consult a Gastroenterologist for proper evaluations and treatment.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My son is 4 years Age, he had viral Fever for 3 days, and doctor is given calpol 250 mg (low Fever) \/ meftal p syrup (for High Fever), and due to high fever of 102.5 temp re- consulted the Doctor, advise to give monocef O 100 . After giving 3.5ml of Monocef o 100 one time, my son had loose stool, we stopped giving Monocef. Now no Fever, but loose green stool is not stopping, started giving ORS and nutrolin b syrup 5ml twice day, as per doctor.\n[|AI|] Hello Sometimes antibiotics produces loose motion with greenish color. So get in blood for serum bilirubin level. While your son is having viral fever. Cal pol is the best Chat Doctor. Only cal pol (paracetamol) 10 mg \/ kg body weight 3-4 times is sufficient. If high fever present, ice massage will suffix. ORS is another useful therapy. Usually viral fever remains for 7-10 days, so don't take tension. If fever persist >7 days then consult a pediatrician and get his opinion.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello...i have a severe gambling addiction that I would like to quit with some assistance from naltrexone. Ive done lots of research on it and am wanting to look into getting a prescription.I have also used vicodin daily for about 4 years about 20-30 mg daily. I have not had any vicodin for 5 days but see that naltrexone can assist in keeping me off the pills too. please help\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I request you, please understand that self diagnosis and self treatment can cause more harm than cure. Especially in the case psychiatric Chat Doctor. Please consult a psychiatrist for any treatment. Addiction, what ever may be the case, is addiction. Here you have an addiction of habit, and body is not involved. Therefore, altering your lifestyle and keeping your busy and having a good hobby can cure you, along with a will to succeed. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, last night I noticed a lump the size of pea, in my right mid\/upper armpit- it isnt painful to the touch and seems to move around when I touch it- when looking in the mirror it is barely noticeable. Also, I noticed lumps, that also seem to move around- evenly distributed on both sides of my groin area, about 4-inches in length on each side of the groin. They are also painless and barely noticeable.\n[|AI|] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. The lumps which you have noticed are just lymph nodes. They may become enlarge and painful during infection. Lymph node of size about 1.5 cm is significant in the armpits and about 2\u00a0cm size is significant in groin region. Because, three sites are involved, it maybe a systemic involvement, and you may require a further diagnosis. Please see a physician to rule out infections, leukemia or any other illness if it is significant. Hope you hey well soon\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a pain in my right collarbone when I breathe in. The furthest down it goes is above right breast. Have had squamous cell cancer on base of tongue in 2004 so anything weird in that area is worrisome. My chest may be slightly tight as well or is it anxiety? Idk. These are not the symptoms I had with my cancer. Thank you. YYYY@YYYY\n[|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. Since you mentioned you had cancer in the past, and I am sure it is treated well. Now as you are facing pain in the collar bone while breathing in and out right above the breast level. So understand this and make more precise the pain region is in between the collar bone and 4th intercostal space. On a safe note it is better to get the heart checked once by a cardiologist and also to take an x-ray of that area, so the superior lobe of the lung will be exposed and will be assessed further. This is just to rule out if you have any systemic pathology. Also coming to the pain, if it is muscular you can do some gradual massage in that area as the spasm of the respiratory muscles can be reduced by the same. Doing regular deep breathing exercises and costal breathing exercises will help improve the capacity of the lungs and also strengthen the muscles of the chest. You can slowly progress to the upper limb exercises which will help to add on some more strength of the pectoralis muscle. Perform some slow static neck exercises as it will also help strengthen the secondary muscles of respiration like the sternocleidomastoid and scale nous group. Since you had a pathology of squamous cell in the past the weakness of the accessory muscles of respiration is a chance. Doing breathing exercise will help improve the strength and reduce the pain. Also to add on, that breathing exercises will even help the cellular physiological to the optimal as the cellular mechanism needs improvement to avoid any further occurrence of the squamous cell. With the grace of God I wish you a good health. Regards. Jay In Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I just had ACDF surgery and a week later developed aDVt in my left calf, I was put on xeralto . I am supposed to be having a lumbar punal fusion on nov 19th-emg th after the acdf - now the surgeon wants to wait 6 months or the lumbar fusion, but I am taking Vicodin every 4 hours round the lock, and still have intense pain from my right lower back that shoots down brought he leg to my ankle, I cant wait any longer!\n[|AI|] Hi, thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. As you already have DVT in your left leg, undergoing a spinal surgery may aggravate or worsen the DVT and even there are chances that you may develop pulmonary embolism. So, spinal fusion is definitely not indicated right now. In the meantime, to reduce your articular pains in the leg, spinal epidural injections are worth trying as they may significantly reduce your shooting pains. Hope this information is helpful. Good day\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Good evening Dr. Grief!My mother has been acting very odd over the past few months. She has been hallucinating, talking to herself at times, while other times she is completely fine. We have been trying to get her to a hospital but it seems that she does not realize that shes suffering from some sort of disorder, so we havent had any luck. Can you recommend a way to get her to a hospital voluntarily? Thanks! --Jay\n[|AI|] Not admitting that they are ill, and they need to take treatment or visit hospital, are the symptoms of such illness. I think she is suffering from Psychotic illness like Schizophrenia solution to your problem could be: give benzodiazepines like clonazepam or antipsychotics like risperidone \/ olanzapine for a week, regularly. And then persuade her to visit hospital. She is likely to get agreed voluntarily\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I fell in June last year 2013 as the causeway hospital in coleraine missed a fracture to my wrist on my right hand and when I went down in June they said I had only a fractured wrist I have been to see my consultant mr charlwood and now he says I have to gave surgery under a general anaestic and back in a cast again he also told me this operation may not be a success I was in altnagelvin in January but my operation was delayed from the morning to the afternoon so I was really anxious and scared when they took me to the theatre I seen the drip I would have in my arm and all the machines and I went home so I seen his registrar in May this year so I m hoping to have my surgery very soon as I m on a lot of painkillers for the Iain which is constant can you give me advice please as I m terrified of going for my operation and I am scared of needles also my consultant has said to write a letter to the causeway but I am now in the process of going ahead with a claim as I do not have faith in the causeway hospital at all it just their clinical neglience I really get angry and very upset as to how they missed my fracture I was down 5 times when I fell and all they said was take painkillers\n[|AI|] Answer: Hello, I have studied your case. Fell in June 2013 and operation in January means the is a gross negligence in your case as bone might have healed in abnormal position so they are suggesting new procedure first confirm if its non-union or MAL union in MAL union surgery is not mandatory if u have a normal life style but in non-union surgery with bone grafting is must also quit tobacco if you are a smoker Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I took levonelle a day after having 5 days of unprotected sex. My period then came a week early and only lasted for two and a half days and much lighter than usual (I had no pain, or any symptoms I usually get with my period). I checked the fertility calculator and saw that during the days I had sex they were my most fertile days. My period was due yesterday (ignoring the two and a half day period). Im not sure whats going on.\n[|AI|] Hi, If you had regular unprotected intercourse during the fertile days, then you have pretty good chances of being pregnant. A single tablet does not and cannot cover all those days. Yet, the fact that you had some bleeding points to a with Chat Doctor. I would suggest that you get help if you do not see your period within a week as pills can alter the menstrual cycle by disrupting the hormonal balance. Hope you find this information useful. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, For quite a few yeares now I have been saying things in my head that are worrying and nasty and it is getting worse, I just want it all to stop. I can be walking down the street and look at someone I have never seen before and say in my head I dont wish they were dead or Slag or other bizzare things. I look at family photographs and say in my head I wish they would dye their hair blue and I wish my kids were dead funny . I am worried and just want to stop having these phrases going on in my mind. I also tag nice things three times because there are the important people in my life, Me and my two children. If I think my brothers would like it I tag it with a five because there are five in that family. I am really worried about my head, Can you please help me?\n[|AI|] Hello, I think your repeated intrusive thoughts are symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder. In OCD, the thoughts are repetitive, intrusive and the person is unable to stop these thoughts. The first choice treatment is anti-obsessional medication like fluoxetine or sertraline. You would have to take these medicines for 6-9 months. These will take at least 1\u00a0month to show its effect. Hope you find this helpful. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, I just came across your website My aunt found out that she has a 4.6cm ovarian cyst in her left ovary since January 19th, it was a lot big before but she s been taking medicines now so it has shrunk to 4cm. She has been taking a drink made of molasses and apple cidar vinegar, heard that it s effective. But she s seeing no changes so far, her abdomen has swelled up and she s been bleeding for 2 months now. How much time does it require for an ovarian cyst to dissolve completely? Also, could you tell me the treatments for it? Any effective home rememdies you know? Thanks a lot, she s really worried right now. I hope you write back soon, thank you.\n[|AI|] Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor, as per the details u have given, there is no relationship with the ovarian cyst and the type of food that you will eat\/ Chat Doctor. .more over, it is strongly advised to get through a ULTRASONOGRAM to confirm the type of ovarian cyst, if it is a simple follicular or hemorrhagic cyst, they are benign and gradually disappear ....but problem comes with the malignant ovarian cysts...so I advise you to don't wait for cyst to disappear by giving some \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] This is about my father. Age = 65 Medical History: Diabetes, leprosy ( treatment going. started 6 months before), hypertension(taken alphrazolam for 3 months as per medication) Description: my fathers age is 68 and he is very abusive to my mom who is 58 He does not understand that his impulsive angry behavior is pain for my mom and the family. he only tries to make his point and does not follow any logical discussions. he may agree with certain logical discussions but later will forget that start with his own saying. he was really abusive to my mom 5 yrs before physical and mental. Also he was very irresponsible in his duties towards his family. when everything wat he wants is there, he is the perfect guy who talks intellectually spritiually but as soon as something happens which is not as per his wish he turns violent if he has a weak opponet or becomes a nagging dog if he has a strong opponent. he dont want to see a psychiatric. We have taken him to psychiatric 2 yrs before and he was prescribed with alprazholam. he took them multiple times a day and his health detoriated. We somehow made him stop taking that. His health went back, but the mental health remains the same. He is very extreme in nature. his anger has no control, and he jst goes restless if something does not happen according to him(specially when people do not behave the way he wants them to behave with him). he also has the fear of dying if he does not eat well or travel fast. he gets very anxious about his health for a moment if he thinks he will not get food in time. he has a mania of playing with water and applying it on his forehead. even in extreme winter he feels like he need a fan running in front of his head. He does not understand a reason which does not align with what he want to do. Even when he understand and says he will apply, during the implementation he goes his way. he has taken the family in many absurd situations. now i am getting married and my mom is near a breakdown due to this behavior. Now he can only magnify his behvior in front of my mom as we have grown up. he remains calm and quite as we are around and as we leave he starts everything with my mom. how to tackle this. i am from pune, india. does any institution handle these kind of cases. he do not want to go to a doc for this\n[|AI|] Dear friend don't worry. After studying your case homeopathic line of treatment is most beneficial to your father. In allopathy, they only give medicines that induces sleep. Homeopathy treats person as a whole, not a single disease that means all details of your lifestyle will be asked by homeopath doctor and according to that medicine will be given which will be most suitable to you. So please consult a homeopath nearer to you.in circumstances if you can't consult a homeopath doctor, take following medicines.syphilis 6 or syphilis 30 5-6 pills twice per day for 4-5 days. Aconite nacelles 6 5 Chat Doctor. Continue your medicines for diabetes and hypertension. After one month inform me again. Hope this answer will be helpful to you. For more queries please don't hesitate to ask. Get well soon dear friend\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi i have an uncut penis and i clean it with soap but i didnt clean my penis for 2 or 3 days so i decied to masterbate and when i did i thought id see what what semen would taste thwn once i put some semen to my tongue it felt funny and now i have a tongue and mouth infection my tongue stinks and heaps of fluid or saliva keep dripping or coming from my tongue is there anything i can or take to get a normal healthy mouth again\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. Vitamin B supplements will help. Consult your doctor and apprise him of my opinion. I am certain that he will agree with me and prescribe the advised treatment in appropriate doses. Gargling with Listerine will help in maintaining oral hygiene and also prevent secondary bacterial infection. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] IT STARTED WITH PAIN IN UPPER CETRE OF STOMACH. THEN I HAD FEVER FOR ABOUT 8 DAYS MAXIMUM 101 DEGREE. MY USG TEST HAS INDICATED FATTY INFILTRATION OF LIVER AND ECHOGENIC SLUDGE IN GALBLADDER. IS IT SERIOUS AND WOULD NEED SURGERY OR THE PROBLEMS OF GALBLADDER AND LIVER BE OVER WITH MEDICINES ? WITH MEDICINES- AGE 61 HEIGHT 5-10 AND WWIGHT 75 KG . BALDEV SINGH\n[|AI|] Hi Balder sir, r u a diabetic, its common in diabetic pts with poor control, all your problems r because of a stone in your gallbladder which is got infected a that's y the fever a pain that means you are symptomatic which means you will have to undergo ERCP to CHK the site of stone and if it can be removed, an bear consult a gastroenterologist, they will tell you the procedure it is a little serious if left neglected, try to avoid fatty foods and alcohol, so take care and live healthy you can get in touch with me if any problems on 9611678998\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Although I have no disease, yet feel suffocated.\n[|AI|] 1. what are the symptoms associated with your suffocation: are they more of breathing, choking, fainting, light headiness??2. Your living space and altitude, is it well ventilated or enclosed space or at high altitude??3. Check your hemoglobin level, as low blood results in reduced carrying of oxygen to various organs and the person may feel suffocated.4. Are you suffering from any panic attacks lately??5. Check with your doctor, who may go for Investigation like Chest X-ray to rule out any lung\/heart pathology, and even x-ray of sinuses to rule out any sinusitis.\/DNS6. Your Amygdala portion in brain is concerned with these types of panic disorders, so make an appointment with a Psychiatrist for cognitive therapy.7. Any family history of the same??\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have all my teeth hurting for two months. Have been to dentist. Also provider. No answered. I have had three cortisone shots for my shoulder pain. Two in April, one in September. I understand that a risk of cortisone is malofascile syndrome.could this be my answer?\n[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. Well, Myofascial pain is mainly in the muscles and yes, it can cause mouth pain also but if pain is localized to teeth then it can be either generalized gum Infection, if pain is in upper teeth and gums then it can be due to Sinus Infection or Sinusitis. So my suggestion is to consult an Oral Surgeon and get evaluated. A full mouth x Ray should be done to rule out the exact cause as it will help in evaluating your teeth, jaw, sinuses etc. For now if pain is severe you can take painkillers and muscle relaxants. Take soft diet and avoid stress. Hope this helps. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I m having head sweats, headache, tingling of extremities, double vision, dizzness and tired.... I do have IBS, CAD, C4-5-6 arthiritus, had Afib twice, have 2 stents )LCX). All this started during Bowling last Wed, and had to set out the last tow games. In about 1 1\/2 hours was okay to drive home. No problems at night time, only after eating breadfast or bending over moving items, Ken Newton\n[|AI|] As you mention double vision, it may be an alarming symptom. Double vision can be because of some lesion in brain stem or may be involvement of neuromuscular junction disorder. You have atrial fibrillation before and cardiac problem already, so you are having strong risk factors for having a stroke. You need to get MRI brain done to look for any stroke and if that is normal, you might require to undergo Repetitive nerve stimulation test to look for myasthenia graves\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am getting pain in my arm after 11 years from my surgery. Never really had any huge issues and seems to have come on overnight. Pain is almost unbearable. Im thinking potential arthritis? Should I definitely see a doctor? Heat and Iboprufen only things that seem to help\n[|AI|] Hi I am Chat Doctor. . In my opinion I recommend ibuprofen when needed only, hot massages with topical gels, muscle relaxants, avoid heavy lifting and vigorous movements, physiotherapy and even yoga will be effective for you A lot of causes but the most common are muscular spasm, shoulder joint arthritis, cervical herniation so I suggest X-ray and MRI and some lab investigations for proper evaluation and management. Please click THANK YOU and consider a 5-star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Hope the above information helps you, Any further clarifications feel free to ask.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Upon taking a pre-workout supplement that had 1,3 Dimethyl in it, I have had what feels like tightness, heaviness, and what I call full in my chest; this was a supplement that was taken 48 hrs ago. I had taken something similar in March; had the same problem and then went to the cardiologist, had a stress echo, and ecg, and etc. Everything looked fine but: it took 2 weeks to return to normal. So why did I try something 48 hrs ago? I didn t know it had 1,3 Dimethyl in it. It almost appears as if I have some costochondritis, aortitis or some sort of inflamation upon taking this product. Yes, I will not ever try\/take another supplement period: but what is your knee-jerk reaction ? My heart rate does not fluctuate by the way. No tachycardia.\n[|AI|] Respected user, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.* Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a neurotransmitter, protamine molecule Psychedelic Chat Doctor. * Chest sensations mentioned here are due to elevated blood concentrations of corticotropin, prolactin, beta endorphin, cortisol, growth hormones Hope this clears your query. Welcome for any further assistance. Thanks for using Chat Doctor .com & giving us an opportunity to assist you in your medical needs. Regards dear take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I am a pediatrician. My blood pressure was high for one week and I took pills to control that. But suddenly it dropped and got normal and I am in normal condition now. what did happened to me the range of my blood pressure was 170\/10 and now is 120\/80 (without any medications). But it was a bad condition of pollution in our country and also i was taking azithromicine Cap because of my Sinusitis. Would you please help me and my question is what will be happen in the future for me?\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. One reading of 170\/110 does not make you a hypertensive it might have been anybody or mental stress or some high salt intake which could have caused this problem. But yes this reading does tell us that you are prone to get high blood pressure in future if care is not taken. Here is what I would like to suggest you as further plan of action after what has happened.1) Make some lifestyle changes.2) Keep a check at your salt intake, salt is the biggest determinant of blood pressure.3) Along with salt also take care of your fat intake.4) Stay physically active.5) Reduce your weight if you need to.6) Keep monitoring your blood pressure twice a day. If you consistently get readings above 150\/90 then contact your doctor otherwise no problem should be there. For a single high reading you do not have to panic just take care and follow my instructions. I hope this answered your question, If you have more queries I am happy to answer you. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Thank you, the day before yesterday a cast iron lamp fall off a shelf and hit me with a force the pain is really bad, it did not bleed, I have several big knots on my head and it is like a very dark red and I have a dent in my head, so I am tired and today I have diarrhea. I am not sure what to do I can not touch my head the size is bigger than half of dollar\n[|AI|] Hi, thank you for the brief history of you. As you said you had a fall and also some knots over your scalp. You should see if you have any redness of the eye, bleeding from the nose or ear etc. Also, as you have a direct impact on the scalp I will advise to meet a physician on a safer note for him to examine you. Also you can take an MRI to see if any internal bleeding is there at a later stage if you have any abnormal symptoms. Swelling is a normal physiological process, and it subsided in 48-72 hours or may be a little longer depending upon the age and other factors. As you said apart from this you don't have any symptom than you can wait for a while do some icing and things should be fine. If you find any abnormal symptoms you can visit the ER on a safer side. With the grace of God I wish you a speedy recovery\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 15 year old African American teenage girl with a 32-35 bmi. Sometimes when I take a shower I get a dizzy feeling after maybe 6-8 minutes of showering. I also have shortness of breath and my hands shake. I feel absolute miserable while this is happening and today I had to hurry up and finish for fear that I might faint. What is happening to me?\n[|AI|] Hello. I have been through your question and understand your concern. Sometimes, while taking a hot bath, especially after a meal, you can have blood sequestration in the skin due to the high temperature of the bath and in the stomach if you are taking the bath after the meal. This causes less blood going in your brain causing the symptoms described. There is nothing to worry about, because it is quite common. Just be sure you take the bath three to four hours after the meal and take the bath at a lower temperature. You will see it will not happen again. Hope this helps, please feel free using MHC for further questions.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] 45 year old healthy male with low test, my doctor put me on testim gel for 2.5 years and didn t check my psa levels for 2 years. when he did check it went from 0.34 to 4.1 . He took me off testim and had me tested for 4 consecutive months where my numbers went down from 4.1 to 2.7 to 2.1 to 1.8 to 1.6 where it has stayed. after doing some research I asked him to put me on clomid since he took me off testim cold turkey and I am now suffering all sorts of withdrawal symtoms. I guess my question is do you believe clomid can raise my psa or cause prostate cancer. thank you\n[|AI|] Hi greetings. What was the reason for low testosterone ? Do you have any other medical problems ? Any issues with testicles or hormones.? I presume that there must have been a reason for low testosterone and hence you were prescribed. NOW, clomifene can increase a pituitary hormone called LH which indirectly can stimulate testis to produce more testosterone if your LH was low previously. There should have been a low response from your pituitary gland and clonidine would have stimulated it. This possibility can be confirmed by testing your testosterone. Hope you are convinced. Regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hey, I m a 26 year old relatively healthy female. Earlier today while putting on my pants I noticed a rather large lump located about 2 inches below my right knee on the backside. It seems to have just appeared overnight. It has even grown over the last 10 hours. Please help. Thanks!\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some cystic lesion, hematoma formation, edema or some tumor pathology. You should go for examination. If needed go for ultrasound study or fine needle aspiration cytology. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi thereIs it ok to take both a general probiotic (Walgreens brand) and Acidophilius at the same time? I just added the Acidophilus due to recurring minor yeast infection symptoms. I have to take minocycline daily for my rosacea, and have been on that for almost two months.Thank you! :)\n[|AI|] Hello and thank you for your question. Yes it is fine to take acidophilus and another probiotic at the same. Acidophilus is just one of the normal gut bacteria that is considered to be a probiotic. Taking multiple forms of probiotic may help relieve your symptoms. Make sure that your general probiotics does not already contain acidophilus because although it will not harm you to take double doses of it, you may be wasting your money if you are taking acidophilus in two different forms. Thank you for using Chat Doctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I want to enquire a small doubt with you, I am married since 3 years ago (2006), but no child till date... We went for a check up and my wife has got a follicular study done and the doctor says it is normal and has no problem with her, and the doctor suggested me to take a semen test in november and found the result as only occasional sperms were found.. so they have asked me to take clome tablet 100mg each day for 3 months and take a semen test at the end of the 3rd month,but i have only continued that tablet only one month and not continued till date, so can i go for a semen test now?What are the ways that my wife can get conceived in this method?The gynaecologist says that we can do IUI method of treatment and that too only if my semen test says if its 40 to 60 millions.....One note to say is that i am working in night shift for the past 5 years and my wife was working in day shift, we thought that this may be the problem and so i asked my wife to resign the job, so now she has also resigned the job...Sir can you please give me your contact address so that i can meet you personally for further advice and consultation so that i can have a child very soon. Please suggest me what can i do....? Expecting a favourable reply from you....\n[|AI|] Hi I understand your concern. From your history it appears that your problem is mainly decrease sperm count, but you did not mention what is the exact number. For treatment part clone tablet has to be taken for 3 months for better results ....you can add on tab Oligocene once a day for your treatment. If you want to go for sperm count analysis after one month also you can go for it, but better results can be visualized after 3 months. As per other methods are concerned you can go for GUI with donor sperms, but that is usually advices in cases of absent sperm or zero sperm count. Your case is not so. I think you have to be patient and give time to both of you ...this treatment will certainly help. As per the direct contact is concerned you can always ask for phone or direct consultation through website where you have posted the query .they can always redirect to me. I hope I have solved your query.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My fiance had lung cancer and finished with chemo . He is doing well with that but he has a pain in his torso area that originated in the neck and moves around his torso. He says it is like a grabbing pain. He says it is very painful. Can you help. He was in the hospital for 3 days and they couldn t find the problem. They thought it may be inflammation on his back.\n[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thank you for your query. It can be referred pain from lung cancer since it can irritate pleura and intercostal nerves. Also it can be signed of stomach issue or back issue. He should see pain specialist to find the most appropriate medication therapy for him. Also, he should do frequent check up to rule out cancer recurrence. If pain persists he should do spine MRI and check stomach and pancreas. Wish you good health. Regards.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi my mother is 57 yrs old, she has a diagnose bilateral renal parenchymal disease, grade II, minimal ascites and unremarkable sonogram of the urinary bladder, what can she do about this diagnose can you give me advice regarding this matter thank you.\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Your mother has been detected to have grade ll kidney disease. You have not mentioned her Serum Creatinine levels and whether she is diabetic or not in your query. As regards planning her management I would suggest her 1) Have diet with fewer proteins and rich in vegetables.2) Less salt intake as for as possible avoid table salt 3) Water intake to be 3 liters \/day 4) Avoid red meat and eggs 5) She can have fish 6) Monitor Serum Creatinine levels frequently7)Proper control of diabetic and blood pressure with medicines advised by your physician. If followed religiously she should have not to be worried. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] 27 YO, generally healthy male, 1\/2 pack a day smoker, with an interesting development. over the last week, iv been experiencing a very sharp pain in my neck. It builds from a barely noticeble dull pain to a (in about 1 to 2 seconds) Very intense sharp pain that lasts ~3 seconds before quickly dissipating. Pain is located in the left side of the neck (my left) about 1 Inch diagonally above my adams apple. Today this has occured at least 6 times.\n[|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have sharp neck pain. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like poor posture, working at a desk for too long, injury or arthritis. There are other reasons also like cervical spondylosis. I would suggest you to use cervical pillow with expert advice, apply warm compresses on neck, take proper rest and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for print. If condition doesn't get well then consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor may order CT scan, or MRI to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor may prescribe muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory along with physical therapy and stretching exercises. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My GP doctor prescribed these meds for high blood pressure range average 153\/78. I am healthy 75 years old. Your opinion on safety of all of these...Olmesartan 20mg,,amlodiline besylate 10mg,metoprolol tartrate 50mg,triamterene 37.5\/HCTZ 25mg. I am concerned about tak g all these. Some are new prescriptions.\n[|AI|] Hello!, Would agree with you on the fact that considering your blood pressure values, there is no need to start with a lot of Chat Doctor. For this reason, I would recommend starting just with Metoprolol and Losartan and see if your blood pressure will normalize after a week. If after a week your blood pressure values are still high, I would recommend adding amlodipine 5\u00a0mg to your therapy and increase the dose up to 10 mg after a week, if high blood pressure values still persist. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Good morning, I have a lump under my left armpit for about a month, it started out the size of a pea with alot on pain. Than the pain stopped and it grow to the sizes of a nickel. I have been feeling naseaous for about 4 months, with headaches on the left side of my head only, and my right arm goes num. Can someone plse tell me what this could be....\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have enlarged lymph node in axillary region. It can be due to reactive hyperplasia, tuberculosis, lymphoma or metastatic carcinoma. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My daughter is 4.4 years old, 21.8 KG weight. she has fever of 102.3, and my doc has prescribed Lariago 10 ml 2 times for 3 days, and Meptal-P 8 ml twice a day for next 3 days. We are in Hyderabad, India. I had malaria symptoms and undergoing treatment for the past 3 days, had high fever - 104, 184 was my sugar level, and low BP too. Since today evening my daughter who is very close with me, has been developing fever, and hence the medicines. Pls advise what would be the best way forward on my daughter s health.\n[|AI|] Mariano or such antimalarial should not be given without confirming the presence of malaria but since it is already being given, you need to complete the course as prescribed. Metal P contains metonymic acid and is effective in reducing fever. Viral fevers are very common and could be transmitted to your daughter. Give her metal P or paracetamol syrup to reduce the fever. You may give sponging with water at room temperature. General health and hygiene measures and proper diet is all that you and your daughter need.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My asthma was controlled over 2-3 years ago, but then it came back recently. This week I had two asthma attacks already, and my symptoms are difficulty breathing, extreme numbness\/ tingly hands and I felt lightheaded and dizzy. I never had an attack like this years before when I was first diagnosed, before it was like I had asthma but never really had an attack, i just took medications to control and maintain. But now its a different story... Ive notice even just carrying my bag makes me want to catch my breath. My doctor prescribed me to take sertide (salmeterol + fluticasone) and asmalin\/ventolin (albuterol\/ salbutamol)... But I think the dose is low because my asthma isnt controlled.. I took prednisone 20mg when I had an attack and it got better really fast, however with seretide, not so much, even with my asmalin\/ ventolin.. whats really wrong with me?? is this asthma? or what is this? :( i hate the attacks! I cant concentrate in school..\n[|AI|] Hi and welcome in Chat Doctor. I have gone through your concern. According to the history your asthma is not well controlled. You have had several attacks in a short period. In this situation the treatment should be one step up. It means aerosols with corticosteroids + long acting bronchodilators, corticosteroids orally for a maximum of two weeks and after that to switch in Sere tide again twice per day and Ventolin for the urgency. If you have allergic asthma you can try montelukast for approximately 2 months, but please consult with your doctor for the treatment. I wish you a fast recovery. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 59 year old, white female. I have been diagnosed with lupus, thalessemia minor, and I have a stent in my LAD. My blood pressure is low to normal and my cholesteriol is normal. Ive been feeling tired. My doctor recently took blood and the results are generally normal except I have elevated Leukocyte esterase 1+ and WBC of 6-10. My Creatinine is 1.13 and eGFR Non-Afr American is 53. My Ferritin count is 342. In addition, my Hemoglobin is 10.2, Hematocrit is 32.7, MCV is 71.6. MCH is 22.5, MCHC 31.4 and RDW is 17.1. Some of these results are because of my diagnosed problems. But I am concerned about what Ive read about these other tests are they indicators of some kidney disorder?\n[|AI|] Hello madam, You have been diagnosed with lupus and thalassemia minor. Lupus can affect kidneys and since you have an active urine sediment i.e. 6 WBC in urine, it is better to undergo a renal biopsy and stage your disease and accordingly take the treatment. The outcome of lupus kidney disease would depend on biopsy findings.Also, you have mild anemia which may be due to thalassemia. Kindly get a serum ferritin and transferring saturation i.e. Iron studies to guide your anemia management. Hope I was of help. Further, queries, please get back to me.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Yes PLEASE My husband had rotar cuff surgery Thurs. & was prescribed oxycodone\/acetaminophen 10-325 mg tb(generic for percacet) & oxicotin 10mg contorlled rel tabs mfg purdue & to take aleeve in between. He still is in bad pain & has yet to sleep longer than 10-15 minutes at a time. What can he do to relieve this pain & rest?\n[|AI|] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query regarding pain and sleeplessness post rotator cuff surgery . Dear, Though it is a matter of concern , but it takes time to heal and recover after injury or surgery. After an injury or surgery, an exercise conditioning program will help you return to daily activity enjoy more active, healthy lifestyle. Strengthening the muscle that support your shoulder will help keep your shoulder joint stable. Keeping these muscle strong can relieve pain and prevent further injury. Stretching the muscle that you strengthen is important for range of motion and can help reduce muscle soreness and keep it strong and flexible . To ensure your exercises are safe, perform under your doctors' guidance For instant relief from pain & sleeplessness administer him with Homeopathic Chamomile 30 4 Chat Doctor. Take in the morning, all 3 doses at 20 minutes interval. Repeat for 2 days or more if required 2. Arica. 30 \/4 pills \/thrice \/4 hourly .for a week. A level teaspoon of turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk at bedtime and in BF will help in relieving pain and inflammation. Intake of nutritious diet containing all essential nutrients will help gain strengthen immune system and help early everyone this helps you solve your jury Take care. Wish him fast recovery Don't hesitate for next query if any\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi During my first pdelivery 3 years back I was diagonised with cholestesis (heavy itching in the 9th month) and hence had an C section..I remember my doc saying then that I need to take care when I take any birth control tablet. I would like to take an ipill today as I do not want to be pregnant..Is it safe for me to take it ? I am 31 years old 5 feet 2 inches and weighing around 65 kgs\n[|AI|] HiCholestasis effect is due to the hormone estrogen. That is why your doctor rightly advised against using birth control tablets. When she said this she was talking with reference to birth control pills containing both estrogen and progesterone.The PILL contains progesterone only. So you can use I PILL without worrying about homeostasis. Moreover, the progesterone is washed off from your body in few days. If you wish to postpone pregnancy I advise you to discuss with your doctor and use regular contraception. I hope I have answered to your satisfaction.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my heart beat increases very often and i feel uncomfortable. i feel heaviness in my stomach. i also have a gastric problem i feel. because i feel soffcation in breathing and heart burning as well. what could be the reason for heart beat increasing. recentlyi had my ECG done and it was normal. is this something which i have to be more cautious about?\n[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I understand your concern, and would advise to rule out any possible triggering factors for fast heart beating, like anemia, thyroid gland dysfunction, other organ dysfunctions, etc. I recommend performing a medical check up with a careful physical examination, coupled with some blood tests (complete blood count, thyroid hormone levels, chest X-ray study, liver and renal function tests, etc.). If any suspicions for abnormally high heart rate is raised by the above examination, then an ambulatory ECG monitoring would be advisable. If everything result OK by the above tests, and only normal sinus tachycardia is present, then an investigation towards diagnosis of anxiety should be sought. Hope to have been helpful to you. Greetings! \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I took my friend to the hospital emergency room about 4 days ago because of abdominal pain. Her lipase level was 900. She admits to drinking at least 6 beers every night. She has also had stomach ulcers in the past. The Dr in the hospital told her she needed to quit drinking as the high lipase levels were likely a result of excessive drinking. Yesterday, her primary care Dr took blood tests again and said that all levels are normal but did not specifically mention lipase. He thinks its her ulcer returning. How do we tell whether its pancriititis or an ulcer. She of course thinks its an ulcer. Im concerned about her drinking.\n[|AI|] Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. One fact is sure which you should specifically counsel your friend is to leave alcohol totally, as irrespective of whether it is pancreatitis or a gastric ulcer, alcohol is detrimental and the cause of both these conditions. The pain could have been due to pancreatitis de Nova or the gastric ulcer penetrating the posterior wall of the stomach to make the pancreas inflamed resulting in pancreatitis. In both the cases the serum amylase, and lipase could be increased along with alcoholism. However, high levels like a lipase of 900 points more towards a pancreatitis. If I were your doctor, after her condition is stabilized in the hospital, I would refer her to a gastroenterologist for a possible endoscopic evaluation of her old gastric ulcer. And I would also ask her for an absolute NO to alcohol to prevent further damage to the pancreas which sometimes results in very poor prognosis. She should continue with her treatment advised by the doctors of the hospital. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician\/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My husband just recently had a psa test done. he is a 42 year old black male. his results came back with a score of 36..5 We have been having sex everyday for the last month twice a day. With oral sex and penis manipulation. Will this cause levels this high. No other symptoms as well. Will repeat test on friday with orders of no ejaculations Concerned wife\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. The PSA level is an indicator for possibility of prostate cancer. However, there are additional reasons for having an elevated PSA level, and some men who have prostate cancer do not have elevated PSA. It can be elevated in conditions like infection of the prostate. Repeating the test is necessary for your husband. Most men with an elevated PSA level turn out not to have prostate cancer; only about 25 percent of men who have a prostate biopsy due to an elevated PSA level actually have prostate cancer.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a 78 year old man, I have COPD, CHF and a multitude of other issues. I take up to 3 lasix daily and use lactolose and prune juice to regulate my bowels because I am on a 75mg Duragesic patch and supplement Oxycodone for pain from back surgery which cause severe constipation. I am in a wheelchair but able to ambulate to and from a sitting position. I am experiencing a number of new symptoms such as muscle weakness, hot forehead, overwhelming weakness to the point where I cannot get out of my chair, lethargy, and weight gain. My urine flow has greatly decreased even with the increased dosage of lasix. I have very hard stools which end up with severe diarhea. I am concerned about my electrolyte balance. Could any of my new symptoms be caused by and electrolyte balance? I am under the care of a cardiologists and multiple other specialist but haven t talked to them about these new symptoms.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Yes, you are right about electrolyte disturbance as a cause for your new symptoms. Your symptoms like lethargy, muscle pain and weakness are mostly due to low sodium (hyponatremia) and low potassium (hypokalemia). So better to get done sodium and potassium level. The reason for this is mostly decreased urine output. This causes fluid retention. This fluid retention causes delusional hyponatremia and hypokalemia. It also causes weight gain. So better to consult nephrologist for electrolyte disturbance and decrease urine output. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, My name is Carla and i am 18 years old. I was experiencing very bad headaches and my entire left side of my body would go numb including my face, fingers, arm, leg, and even toes. I also wouldn t be able to see out of my left side. My doctor had me have an MRI done and the results were that: There are multiple small focal nonspecific T2 hyperintensities in the subcortical white matter of both frontal lobes. The lesions are 1 to 2 mm in diameter. There are no accompanying lesions in the periventricular of the supratentorial brian. There are no similar lesions in the basal ganglia , brainstem , or cerebellum . I don t recall any prior trauma but I do have a history of very bad headaches.\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query, I understand your problem Based upon the data that you have provided, I feel that you may have 1. Migraine 2. Sensory seizures 3. Rare possibility of desalinating disease. In order to confirm the diagnosis, you would require a detailed neurological evaluation which include the clinical interview to clarify what exactly happens to you during this period and this is the crucial step to clinch the diagnosis. In view of clear one-sided numbness, I wish I would have seen your MRI. Your further evaluation may require EEG (A test which maps the brain functions and helps rule out seizures) and\/or lumbar puncture. I urge you to get re evaluated by a local neurologist. If your investigations do not yield anything, I think that you may benefit with anti-migraine treatment. Best wishes Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor .com\/doctors\/\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Sometimes get squeezing pain on the left side of the chest which lasts for few seconds..then after an hour or so comes back again. Also from past 2 weeks i have pain on the left side of the ribcage that is i think the place surrounding the lungs..Applied ointment (volini) and have taken pain killer but still the pain is still there..On right side its a bit less.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more likely. But better to first rule out heart diseases as it is left sided chest discomfort. So get done ECG and 2d echo. If these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid sudden jerky movements of chest. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these in 4-5 days. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have endo. i was due for my preiod on the 21st of sept , skipped 8 days, positive pregnancy test.. heavy 2 day period. stopped. started bleeding again oct 9 and still am. its light, some brown spotting, now its like orangy in color.. back to brown and orange, with dischargge.. are there problems? or am i synching with my roomate who is on her period?\n[|AI|] Hi, Chat Doctor. I welcome you to Chat Doctor VIRTUAL CLINIC. I have gone through your question, and I think I have understood your concern. Furthermore, I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. As your pregnancy test is positive, and you are having bleeding or brown discharge, it needs to be investigated properly. I will suggest you to get USG done. This will help to know exact gestational age of the pregnancy and viability of the pregnancy. It can be due to Bleeding around the pregnancy sac. Alsager, it will help to rule out serious condition like ectopic pregnancy. Till that time take rest. Tab Pause 500 mg 3 times a day till bleeding or discharge stops. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am a hyper patient and recently found that I am short of breath if i climb stairs or even walk fast. There is a history of heart disease in the family. Recently with one of my ECGs, the doctor said that maybe the arteries arte narrowing and I must go in for a full heart check up and then maybe an angiography. Is it something serious?\n[|AI|] Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I have gone through you question carefully. As you have a family history of heart disease and shortness of breath on exertion with (probably) an abnormal ECG you must undergo a heart check up (recommended). If everything comes out to be normal you have reason to celebrate and it would allay you anxiety as well Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing all the best, \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My daughter is 32 this year and has found a hard lump in her breast near the nipple which is causing her pain ,she has lost weight but appetite she said is good ! she has had very loose stools on a regular basis to the point of being watery , and only recently found a lump in her neck near the glands we are very worried ,she cannot get an appointment with her doctor till monday can you help\n[|AI|] Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual clinic. I studied your query in full details updated from you. I understood your health concerns. Based on your query data, In my opinion, You should not worry and do as follows-Get the Surgical opinion soon. Get FNAC biopsy of the Breast Hard Lump(Mostly-Fibroadenoma-Mouse lump)and of the Neck Lump. Get CT study of the Breast and Neck lump. If things suggest, that these lumps are non-malignant forget till that time. If cancer comes positive-a remote possibility in your case \/ by your age\/, Dont worry till You get these reports. Hope this would resolve your query and worry. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME. I would love to help you outwriting for any further query. Wish you fast recovery from this intriguing health problem. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.M.S. Genl-CVTS -Senior Surgical Consultant\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had a hip replacement 12\/2012. I felt it move out of place the following Sept. I have been complaining of increasing pain since. I was finally diagnosed with a loosening prosthesis last week. Why did it take so long to diagnose and why isn t it an emergency to fix?\n[|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. PET scan will be useful now to establish the nature of pathology. You need to find reason for loosening after the total hip replacement surgery, I suggest you to consult another Orthopedic surgeon (preferably a Joint replacement surgeon who has not done your surgery) for a detailed examination, workup and further management depending upon the nature of pathology. Yes it's not emergency, you need to find cause and then treat it proper planning and proper choice of prosthesis. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i had been having numbness in my legs so I seen an nuerlogist and he ordered an mri. i had that procedure yesterday but since I went to dr ive been having really bad muscle spasms all over including hands and feet plus my hands and feet feel that they have been put on ice. I just looked at my back with a mirror and i see several small bruised lumps running up my spine I am having trouble walking because my legs are heavy I am very scared at this point.\n[|AI|] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to muscle spasms. I suggest using a muscle relaxant such as Baclofen three times a day. I also suggest using magnesium supplements for muscle relaxation. Furthermore, I recommend warm compresses for local application. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi DR, I need to know what is Effexor half-life and detection time. I m extremely well informed on neurotransmitters and hormones, so, consider you talk to someone who will understand your answer thoroughly. This is urgent for me to have an answer. Thank you very much Gpaltrow\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Effexors half-life is only 4 hours. Its primary metabolite, O-desmethylvenlafaxine, has a half-life of 10 hours. Its elimination time is 10-16 hours. Now there are some extended release preparations available which have a higher half life. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, or want to know any further details about your query, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hii i am ritesh from chennai. i started chewing tobacco around 1 year back and i daily chew around 5 packets in the period of 7pm to 1am . today when i woke up my mouth is not completly opening and muscles inside mouth are paining when i am opening my mouth\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have habit of chewing tobacco since one year now you have pain in opening mouth it can be due formation of fibrous bands due to keratinization. Firstly you should quit you chewing habit. Apply ointment on buccal mucosa Triamcinolone acetone twice daily for 5\u00a0days Take one capsule vitamin A once daily for 5 days Consult dentist for Oral examination. Hope this will help you.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I injured my shoulder last year sometime. It could have been an accumulation of events. I run outside during the winter & have fallen on pavement a few times on my right shoulder. I feel a dull pain when I sleep on my right shoulder. That comes an goes. I also feel a muscle tenderness on the back side of my arm. I tried to shoot a layup today & I had to stop because it felt like my shoulder popped out of place. could this be a rotator cuff injury or is it another type? When it happened last fall I reduced my running and did some excerises but not enough\n[|AI|] Respected sir, I have understood your concern see recurrent injury to shoulder joint may decrease stability of joint already shoulder joint is less stable joint and muscle weakness also contribute to pain in shoulder joint. See recurrent injury is due to less stability and laxity of capsule and ligaments around the joint. You can take 15\u00a0day physical therapy treatment which includes ultrasound and IT modalities for pain relief. Gradually starting with pendulum exercises and don't stretch the joint. You need to strengthen the scapular muscles which are back muscles so physical therapists will help you to do that. I hope you have satisfied with the answer.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi Doc! I m Jerald, 24, and my concern regards from my last test from a HBsAg reactive recently. Seven(7) years ago I undergone the same test and I m a non-reactive result. Do I have a chance to make it a non-reactive once again? Is there any ways(lifestyle changes) or medications that can resolve my issue? Thank you very much Sir and I appreciated your response toward my condition. God bless!\n[|AI|] Hello, a positive Bag suggests hepatitis B. Unfortunately hepatitis B cannot be treated with anything else besides medications. The rest of hepatitis B indices are important for the diagnosis (acute versus chronic hepatitis) and the liver function tests may provide additional information. Antics, Antiphon IGM & Egg, Head and Antique are useful tests to assess a patients' hepatitis B status. ALT, AST, ALP, gamma-GT, albumin and total protein and serum immunoglobulins are also important tests in hepatitis. Finally, depending on the results of the aforementioned tests, an HAVANA measurement may help in treatment decisions. You should consult your primary care physician for the first assessment. I hope I've answered your question. Please let me know if you need further assistance. Kind Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] HiThis is Manoj.I have been suffering from severe Asthma since last 3 years.I have consulted several Doctors, Homeopathic Consultants and Ayurvedic Doctors, but got no good results so far. My present condition is going worsen day by day. Please let me know how to get relief from this.\n[|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Asthma symptoms occur when the airways close down making it difficulty to breath. The symptoms of an asthmatic attack are cough, shortness of breath, chest pain and wheezing.Nighttime coughing indicate the asthma is not in control. There are different triggers for asthma such as infections, dust and other allergies, post nasal Chat Doctor. The preventer would reduce the inflammation in your chest and reduce the chance of an attack occurring. The reliever would help you when an attack occurs. The preventer should be continued, though the dose may vary sometimes depending on how well you are. Since you have seen many doctors, you may want to consider a pulmonologist (lung specialist) that would help you get in control. I hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] HI, I am suffering from bad breath from loast 2 to 3 years. NOw a days its too horrible. I consulted few doctors in Bangalore, but there is not much difference. Can you please suggest me any good hospitals in Bangalore, where i can get the tratment.Thanks in Advance.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The bad breath could be because of the gum infection secondary to deposits or any pus discharge. It can also occur in respiratory tract infection or gastrointestinal disorder and fissure tongue. You have to consult an oral physician and get yourself examined to rule out the above said conditions. If it is gum infection then get your teeth cleaned and maintain oral hygiene, you can use mouth wash. If it is respiratory or gastrointestinal problem then you have to get treated for it. You can go to \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have the following symptoms but my doctor just ignores them and not doing anything about it. Can anybody help please?Ovarian cyst of 4 cm, Constant severe bloating, pelvic and abdominal pain especially after been physically active, really struggle to eat as I no appetite and feel real full really quickly, always tired, severe indigestion all the time, problems with my bladder to the extend I struggle with control, severe lower back pain. I really cannot handle this anymore\n[|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, If I would be your doctor then I would surely treat you with the course of antibiotic because such symptoms may be due to the protozoal infection and in such situation I'm usually treating my patient with the Metronidazole 400 mg twice in day for 7 days and get good result, here in your case I would also start \"Dicyclomine with Acetaminophen tab. Three times in day and \"Chlorodiazepoxide\" three times in day this will surely relieve your problems, have nice day.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] do tonsils disappear on their own ? I have a swollen left gland in the jaw area. And a canker sore in my bottom inside mouth for a week now. I looked at the throat tonight and my tonsils are not there, throat red but not swollen. I did have very large tonsils so you could see them .\n[|AI|] A canker sore can be triggered due to high stress, long periods of acid reflux disease or just some tooth edge trauma. If you have a fever with a swollen lymph node then it is an indication for active infection. Otherwise, sometimes a swollen lymph node is just the body fighting off some insect bite on the area of Chat Doctor. If your tonsils are painful, or you have difficulty swallowing then you should see a doctor who would examine you and take appropriate action like putting you on antibiotics. Otherwise, you can wait it out and let the tonsils recede on its own. Thank you for your query\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I m 29 yrs old and I m suffering from jaundice from last 20 days.i m also having itching in whole body and it get worse when I try to sleep in night or afternoon.at night its gettting worse.due to this I cant get sleep at nite and sleep in morning after exhausted. Please sugget me a treatment and diet for fast recovery.billiburin level is 3.29\n[|AI|] Hi there thanks for posting your query at Chat Doctor Dear first get yourself evaluated completely by a good gastroenterologist to rule out the cause of jaundice. Jaundice could be due to multiple reasons. There could be infectious reasons. That are typhoid, but you must have swinging type of fever with that or of viral origin like in hepatitis etc. And then only we can give specific treatment. Now I tell there are certain herbal preparation to help improve the activity of the liver. They are Limoges, A compound named silymarin comes as 70\u00a0mg or 140 mg help improve the liver function test and decrease the level of free bilirubin in the blood, In the diet you must avoid fried stuff. Eat of fresh fruits and vegetables . Radish is of great help. Eat milk in the form of curd or yogurt. Try to avoid food with lots of calories putting extra load on the liver. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My son had a sports physical and the doctor said, your testes are smaller than other kids your age. He is 17. My son did not ask, and this doctor in my opinion was very wrong to say this unless sure. Can doctors tell very quickly if testes are so small that need testng\n[|AI|] Hittites size varies among individuals. It is not the size but whether it functions properly or not that matters. The testis produces sperms as well as hormones. Hormone function is tested by blood tests and sperm function by semen analysis. Asking your son to get these tests done might be too traumatic mentally for him if he has not got any symptoms.Hence, I would not advise you these tests now. If you are still worried then you can get an ultrasound of the testis done that will rule out any major problem with testicles but not confirm whether it is a small testicle or not.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello doctor, im from burdwan,Westbengal.Im worried about my mother.she is expressing something with which we can not find any link.my mother was a patient of acute mental disorder.she had been suffering since 1994. Our grandparents admitted her in a asylum in 1995.after a year treatmnt she got well.since then she was allright.But now all the past symtoms are coming back.a doctor prescribed shicalm plus 5 and my mother is taking it from two weeks.but still now she is telling those absurd stories.doctor does the medicine allright for her?or should i consult another one?\n[|AI|] HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor Shi calm consists of Trifluoperazine andTrihexyphenidyl HY Chat Doctor. Trifluoperazine is a typical antipsychotic and help in controlling psychotic symptoms. Antipsychotics take two weeks to show response and right now she is at basic dose. In that case, just wait for few more days for the response. With time by escalation of dose, she would definitely improve. There is no need to change \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] sir my father is suffering from paralysis from past 4 months .His left part is effected .He is able to walk but slowly and he is having a small movement in his left hand. Is there any treatement so that he could recover fast.He is unable to his work on his own since his hand is not supporting.please give me a suggestion so that he could recover fastlyThank You\n[|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern for your father.1) Firstly since he has had a stroke earlier, you have to very cautious regarding the treatment. The blood pressure has to be in control. Make a chart of BP findings with date and time. Show this to your physician regularly.2) You need to make him follow a strict less salt or low sodium salt diet. Reduce oily foods.3) Since he is already paralyzed, regular physiotherapy sessions have to be taken to improve as much as possible. It is both time taking and painful, but you should do it. This will improve the functions of limbs to much extend.4) Protect him from bed sore by making him sleep on air beds, massage body regularly and apply Newsprint powder on lesions on her body if any. 5) Encourage him to do regular movement of body to improve his condition.6) Take prescribed medications without fail and have regular checkup done. You are a loving kid of your father, take good care of him. Hope I helped you with the suggestions. Let me know if I can assist you further. Best regards,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, Im 25 years old and am loosing hair rapidly, specialy towards the front of my head. Ive been taking a lot of vitamins D,B,A,Iron, a good multiple, but Im still loosing hair. I want to have tests done and get a definet dianoses. I want to have my hormones checked out, and also to get a biopsy done on my scalp, to rule out any kind of fungus. Do I need to contact a hair specialist or can I go to any doctor for the scalp biopsy?\n[|AI|] Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query you have symptoms of hair loss known as alopecia problem which can occur due to genetic factor, fungal infection, covering head with cap and hormonal changes. Stress is additional factor to your condition. Need not worry. I would suggest you to consult dermatologist for proper examination. Doctor may order skin patch test, blood test and physical examination. Doctor may prescribe you Chat Doctor. Wait for scalp biopsy. You should start taking supplements like vitamin A, Omega-3 and vitamin E. Take Indian gooseberry powder (half spoon) with water once a day and use almond oil. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had numerous surgeries to my abdomen a hystercotomy, my appendix removed my gall bladder removed, about 2 ft of intestine remove. part of my stomach removed they have to go in and stretch my stomach right now I am on nausua meds, protonix, gabapentin, anxiety and depression pills. on a good day I may throw up just a few times a day, on the bad days its bad they say I have a ton of scar tissue and that my body is responding to the pain by throwing up, how can I manage to have a better quality of life\n[|AI|] Hello may be excused if I start wondering what is actually wrong with you? I may be of help as I have treated Hun Chat Doctor. They actually had root of the problem in mind, not in body, so had to undergo repeated surgeries, some of whom might have been unnecessary in hindsight. I request you to screen your self in Hamilton's Anxiety Rating Scale and Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. If you score significantly, you may actually not require a surgery but appropriate medicines only.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, My wife and I are going through IVF due to MFI. We had two 5 day blastocyst transferred 9 days ago. My wife had a beta test 5 days after transfer and it came back 8.9 positive. The same day she started spotting which turned into a heavy bleed. When we called the doctor he was not in, and the nurse said that it was probably just the progesterone suppository not to be too worried, and had her switch to a different brand. We have another beta test today (9 days after transfer) and are hoping for the best, but are very nervous until we get the results. I have read so may stories with mixed results and the same problem. Is there any hope we are still pregnant?\n[|AI|] Hi, It could be both ways, the bleeding if heavy could mean that implantation has not occurred, and she is not pregnant. The positive beta could be due to injections given for egg recovery. And It's too early to decide, a repeat beta Chat Doctor is required, and also you need to stay calm. Even if she is pregnant, the chances of miscarriage are slightly higher with IVF. So please be prepared and still hope for the best.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have really bad panic attacks, especially in assemblies at school- I dont like just sitting there, having to stay still and it makes me feel stiff and shaky, i cant breathe and when theres loud music it makes my heart pound like mad and i feel like i need to get out. It just feels horrible, and i dont know why i get them, sometimes theyre just really random, like ill be sat in the car and i start to feel really light headed like ive just been blowing a balloon or something. I get them when i talk to people too and my mind just goes blank and i dont know what to talk about. Ive been having them for years now, and im just fed up with them! I dont want to actually go to a psychiatrist or anything, i just wanted to know if you could tell me how to control them or if you have any tips?\n[|AI|] Hello, Your symptoms are reflective of pain disorder, and they seem to be quite broad in settings-from home to cars and assembles etc.making you rather incapacitated. All of this reflects the increasing severity. You don't want to see a psychiatrist, so I will try to help you with some tips but if they don't work enough for you or the illness seem to worsen, then you should visit a psychiatrist-- for your well-being! Tips- -go for brisk walks 30-45min daily-practice deep breathing technique of relaxation- JPMR and do it daily(you will easily find its video on net)-shun the habit of having tea\/ coffee to zero or bare minimum-avoid any Chat Doctor. Try these along with reverse counting whenever you face such a situation to distract your self.you know that this episode always pass without doing any harm to you.so, try to be cool and in control of situation. If these tips work -fine .else, it will be very negligent on your part in not visiting a psychiatrist. Wish you good health and speedy recovery.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi,my dad has gums swollen to left side of mouth and the mouth palate little swollen too,he gets sharp pains in his head with dall persisted pain in all teeth ,he had previously tooth infection about a week ago !is it related?how can he ease pain?he has gingivitis too.how can I help him from being away?thank you,Elena.\n[|AI|] Thanks for your query, the pain could be radiating from the teeth...the swollen gums and the swelling on the palate could be because of the gum infection or periodontitis or periodontal abscess...consult your oral physician and get it checked...you might have to take some radiographs to rule out the pathologies associated with the respective teeth. If it is just gum infection get your teeth cleaned...if it is tooth infection get it restored. I hope my answer will help you.take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I went jogging which I do all the time, but then after that I used a different kind of a machine. A T-Zone vibrator for 10 minutes. After which my calf muscle in my leg tensed up and got very hard. I tried to stretch it out. It didn t work. It was not very painful. The next morning a bump the size of a quarter rose on my leg in the same place where the muscle was. The next day, the bump went down, but left a red spot on my leg. Thank you for your help, Sue\n[|AI|] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to a muscle strain. I suggest using a muscle relaxant such as Baclofen three times a day. I also suggest using magnesium supplement for muscle relaxation. Warm compresses can also be helpful. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I used to take Zoloft for anxiety then abruptly stoped. I was taking it for about 6 months now and i was taking a dose of an average high amount for my body. About 6 months after i stoped, i have ben getting this weird feeling when i am aroung flashing lights. It is like i am dreaming. i feel like i am not really there and then i come back for a second and then it al feels weird again.i dont know another way to describe it. I am very dizzy almost. My adrenaline starts going and i kind of freak out. It has happend 3 times to me in the span of about 3 months. 2 times were invovled when i was near flashing lights but one happend when i was just at a house party. It scares me in a way a because i have no idea what is happening to me and when i try to describe it to people, they cannot understand.The only way for it to go away is if i lie or sit doen, drink cold water, and closemy eyes. even then sometimes it can take up to 1 1\/2 hr for it to go away. Please Help Me.\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely opine that the problem you are facing now is of your own creation. You know that you are suffering from anxiety disorder. All these given symptoms are related to anxiety and obsession. I think you had Zoloft on a psychiatrists prescription. You do have anxiety disorder and medicines along with psychotherapy and meditation should help you. Please consult a psychiatrist. If you still need my help, please describe the whole problem in detail and post a direct question to me. I shall definitely help you with psychotherapy techniques to overcome your problems. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi. My daughter (15 with Aspergers so medical descriptions are sometimes cloudy) has a \"weird\" feeling under her jawline (both sides) which is a bit swollen.. This came about suddenly. She has not eaten anything unusual. Earlier she was complaining that her knees both hurt. They seem swollen too - just below the kneecaps. She says it hurts when she walks. What do I make of all this swelling and whatnot?\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome. Thanks for sharing your concern. Please visit your dentist once and get examined clinically. There is nothing to worry. There might be food debris accumulation and causing pain to her. Inadequate oral hygiene can aggravate her gum problems too.Therefore, ask her to do warm saline rinses, and please see your dentist. For knee swelling please see your orthopedics. Dental problems and knee swelling are nowhere related. Hope it helps. Thanks. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My I woke up 3 days ago to find that my upper lip and left side of my face where my jaw muscle is was very sore. Ive been having a few stress breakouts so I thought that was the problem but the next day it had spread across my entire top lip and felt swollen but with no rash bumps or dryness. Today it has spread to my lower lip. Its quite painful but I dont think its an allergy because I havent eaten anything Ive never had before and am using the same products Ive been using for years. What could this be?\n[|AI|] Hi and thank you so much for this query. From the information you have provided, this finding is concerning for cellulitis. The redness, pains and progressively spreading nature makes it concerning. This will require that you get consulted as soon as possible to get this problem correctly identified and treated early seen it location on the face and next to very important structures(eyes). The consultation would enable a proper examination and maybe some tests and a proposed treatment plan based on these. For now, cold packs and pain medications would offer some relief. However, early consultation by your regular physician is highly encouraged. I hope this helps and guides you towards getting solutions to this. Thanks.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello Doctor,My Father who was alcoholic and is of 49yrs old is in hospital, He is undergoing liver treatment with below conditions: hepatomegaly with coarsened echotexture. Could you please advise if the liver can be restored for damage, if so what will be next coarse of action to stay healthy.And is this is very severe problem.what percent of chances he can be saved?Thank you\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your question. After going through your question in your fathers' case there is likely possibility of Alcoholic Liver Disease, though other short term illnesses can lead to similar finding. For better opinion I want to know-1) Duration of taking alcohol.2) Pattern and amount of taking alcohol.3) Presence of any other diseases and treatment for it.4) Current symptom for which admitted to hospital. I would like to advise following tests-1) Complete blood count.2) Liver function test.3) Kidney function test.4) Urine examination.5) Ultrasonography of abdomen.6) In case of fever Tests for malaria, dengue or any other infections if clinically indicated. Depending upon his detailed clinical examination and test reports it is possible to comment whether liver damage is permanent or reversible, and also appropriate diagnosis can be made and treatment can be planned. In general for recovery from liver disorder or to prevent further damage to liver -1) He has to stop taking alcohol in any form permanently.2) Avoid taking oily, fatty food till recovery.3) Taking food containing high carboy Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a frequent heart palpitations and while my heart is racing its hard for me to breath. Sometimes when I stand up I get dizzy. This has never happened before to me, just this past months and I remembered one night before I go to bed my chest (heart area) suddenly hurts, then after a few minutes its gone. May I ask what is my condition? Do i have any ailments?\n[|AI|] Firstly please specify your age you're smoking habits your weightpalpitstions can be because of many causes .as your palpitation comes off and goes away an ECG should be taken out during that cycle if possible is not then at first go for these few investigationsHolter monitoring this test is like an ECG taken for 24\u00a0hours continuously ...it will record any abnormal beat during 24hoursa loop monitor if required (as you have not mentioned frequency of your palpitations)a loop monitor is like holder, but it records beats for 1\u00a0week TMT (treadmill test) it will serve dual purpose .it will record any lack of blood supply to the heart (sometimes you have pain in chest) and any abnormal beats arising during the house of doing it apart from this thyroid profile should be done!these symptoms can be because of heart burn gastritis and anxiety, so a detailed history is required dizziness on standing up is called orthostatic hypotension(please specify if you are on antihypertensive medication especially diuretic)how long does it last any history of fall or loss of consciousness as we have to rule out presyncope from orthostatic hypotensionthanks\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, Hyperurecemia - Gout is found in my body when i had a uric acid checks recently and taking medicines now, but still inflammation and swelling is there for almost 10 days now. I have completely controlled diet also now. next week i am abroad and i would like to skip my diet control if there is any preventive medicine i can take.. pl help me.\n[|AI|] Hi, you are suffering from gout. It is the disease of protein metabolism. Which leads to high uric acid in your blood which is deposited in your joints and produce inflammation and pain. You need to take medicine which decrease your uric acid levels. Allopurinol is the standard medicine for that. You can take it according to your physician advice. It will decrease your uric acid level. Thanks for using Chat Doctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a spot on my penis which almost resembles a bruise but it is seeping an almost yellow substance. I ve read about busted blood vessels and how they will look like a bruise but not understanding where the secretion is coming from. I am a married man and have been for 16 years and we don t get crazy. We are monogamous to one another.\n[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. It may indicate herpes infection and this is the first thing to think of. In every case these symptoms and signs are suggestive of STD especially if there is associated pain, fever, urethral discharge and recent sexual intercourse. So this is the first thing to rule out by doing STD testing. Second, it may be signed of reinfection or urinary stones and some other genital infection, but this is less common. In every case, antibiotic therapy may be required, so test should be done as soon as possible so that appropriate treatment can be started. Till that try to Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello doctor, Two days back I tasted blood in my mouth and when I spit the saliva I saw red blood. This is the first time it happened. 6 years back I had heart burn symptoms and took upper endoscopy that time and everything was normal. For heartburn I took medicine for 6 months and after that i didn t take any medicine. The heartburn came once in a while but not very severe. I m really worried after seeing blood. I have an appointment with doctor next week to do endoscopy again. Please let me what might be the cause for bleeding.. Thank you.\n[|AI|] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have hematemesis. It means spitting of the blood. You many have some injury in upper tract or esophageal varies. You should go for ultrasound abdomen and endoscopy examination and then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my husband woke up yesterday morning and could not put his right foot on the floor the pain was so bad. He had been crushing drink cans with his heal the night before, and dose that everyday. Today his heal, ankle and just above his ankle on the back part of his right leg is a little swollen and very red. I felt of it to see if it felt hot but it dose not really feel like it has a fever. What do you think this may be?\n[|AI|] The symptoms are most likely due to an overuse with an overload of the heel tissue and the Achilles tendon right behind the heel at its insertion. The treatment suggested at first for this would be to use an ice pack for 10 minutes 4 times a day with an anti-inflammatory agent which he is used to(,i.e. not allergic to) for 3 days and if it remain inflamed then consult your GP.However, before beginning this treatment as advised above make sure that there is no wound or cuts or gash is there on the skin surface due to the sharp edge of the can.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a dull aching pain in my left leg on the left side of my shin bone, have gotten a black and blue mark, and it keeps me from my normal daily routine, and interrupts my sleep, no one can (or will) diagnose me. I am in PT right now, with no results???? Help? My email is: YYYY@YYYY (p.s. my PCP wants to blame it on my accident in 2003 in which I broke my neck\/back in an auto accident. I feel this is a separate incident, and I need some relief. Thank you\n[|AI|] Hi, What I understand by the history is this is related to your past medial history of injury to the back. There might be chances of nerve entrapment and needs an attention. Since the pain is in sharp shooting in nature we need to work on it. Seeing an orthopedist and an X-ray or MRI Will be of good choice to come closer to conclusion. Rest you may be asked to undergo physical therapy for few days for some exercise program post which you can continue at home. In my practice I have seen many who comes with fresChatDoctorplaints, but they are too connected with the past medical history. Rest assured, you should do well with physical therapy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] What is the maximum allowed dosage of fluvoxamine for healthy 30 year old man? Is it safe to have 200 mg fluvoxamine per day ?Hi, at the age of 23 I was having Fluoxamine per day 175mg to 200mg ( morning 1.5 (75mg), afternoon - 0 and night 2 ( 100mg) ) for Depression, OCD, ADD and social anxiety. In this dosage i was feeling very well and happy. Along with that i was also having Alzolam 0.25 mg per day. I was continuing this for 5 years. In between i sometimes stop medication completely and whenever i feel discomfort i restart the medication. Later on i switched to Venlafaxine and then to Sertraline thinking that it could give me much better benefits however it didnt work that well with me. I dont know whether it is because of lower dosage of what i am having. Currently i am having sertraline 25mg per day however it gives me side effects like on interest in sex, feeling sleepy, etc. Around 9 months back i was having Crestor 10mg per day for cholesterol but now i have stopped it.Now i want to switch again to Fluvoxamine as i think this was working well with me than any other medicine but in a higher dosage. Is it safe to have 200 mg or 175 mg per day ? I am a 30 yr old health male.\n[|AI|] Hi, thanks for the query. First & foremost I would strongly urge you to NOT change\/switch any medication on your own & what ever are your issues with current set of medications should be discussed & dealt with only under supervision of a qualified medical doctor preferably a Psychiatrist. I am using strong words since all these aforementioned medications come under category of SSRI\/SARI & taking 2 SSRIs together can cause a potentially dangerous condition named serotonin syn Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello, im 15 and i have this internal bump on the top of my thigh a little lower than my bikini line and its invisible but when you touch it and rub it its painful. ive only had it for about a week or so but theres no irritation or redness. please help!\n[|AI|] Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor I would have gone for an ultrasound and an MRI if needed t see in which plane exactly the swelling is located. The most likely diagnosis would be a femoral hernia, or an inguinal lymphadenitis or a simple sebaceous cyst. However, this diagnosis is more of a physical examination diagnosis rather than by investigations. Therefore, I would advise you to please consult a general surgeon and get it reviewed by him for a definitive diagnosis and treatment. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician\/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have an osteophyte 5th and 6th vertibrae.. MRI done in 2007 before my thyrodectomy sugery, and it revealed no major issues... the reason why the MRI was done was I could not move my neck (left and right) Anyway after the surgery the pain dissapeared.. and now about a month back it appeared.. Should i go for a nother MRI? Are these osteophytes grow..is there a permanent solution, without pain killers?\n[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query, I have noted your problem If you have neck pain of similar nature and doesn't have pain in hands\/weakness of hands, you may wait to get the MRI. Osteophytes may change with time, and you need physiotherapy and a course of either Gabapentin, pregabalin. If you donor improve within 2 weeks get an MRI done. The other options are surgical management. But this should be done if some has nerve root compression. Hope this helps Best wishes\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi,i had a miscarriage and was on a course of antibotics incase of infection,i finished the course of antibotic & miscarriage bleeding & all bleeding had stopped & the next day had menstrual like cramping in my side,think but unsure if this was ovulation.i had sex with my partner that day & the following 2 days.When i went to the tiolet there was small bit of fresh very faint pinky blood & mucus.the next day same thing.Last night i had kidney infection pain (as had kidney infection before) & going to tiolet was painful & now pain in my side which is kidney pain.Do you think when i came off the antibotics the pain was ovulation pain & what do you think my chances that i might have conceivied & would the kidney infection have interfered with my chances?\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for query \/Based on the facts that of have narrated the severe pain in renal area (Back) with blood in urine (hematuria) that you have is mostly due to presence of stone either in kidney or ureter, and it is not related to either miscarriage or ovulation or pregnancy.consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine routine and culture. 2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. In the meanwhile start taking antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin and Antispasmodic like Diclofenac twice daily . Ensure to Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i masturbate nearly one year .but i stopped it now in that time i masturbate with one week intervals and rarely continuosly three days. now i think that my memory was decreased.some nervous problems tooim a studying boy.i want study well.pls help meeee\n[|AI|] Hello, Memory problems, nervous problems etc. are never due to masturbation. Masturbation is normal natural and safe. It becomes unhealthy and tiresome only if you masturbate more than three times a week frequently for many weeks. Restrict yourself from doing so and you will be alright. Do not worry too much about it because worry creates anxiety and anxiety could trigger memory problems. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Last night I experienced extreme pain in my lower abdomen and leg. I had been taking norethisterone for around 2-3 months and started randomly bleeding lightly last Sunday, still bleeding Saturday just past I stopped taking the tablets as not to waste them. It felt like someone was twisting my insides last night I was sweating and nauseous and could not stop the pain with ibuprofen or heat and the pain just got worse at some point I must have passed out and awoke later drenched in sweat with the pain even more intense abdomen and leg so i got up and I noticed the bleeding had became worse and found a blood clot around the size of piece of liver the pain gradually disappeared but I feel like I have been kicked by a horse from the inside out and I still have some pain in my leg. Was this a result of the pills?\n[|AI|] Hi, The passage of the large clot may have caused the pain and the associated nausea and sweating. Prolonged use of estrogen or progesterone can result in several side effects including circulation disturbances like thrombosis of limb vessels and embolisms. Please contact your health care provider immediately for assistance. You should get blood counts, bleeding and clotting time along with a trans-vaginal\/pelvic sonogram to look for local causes. You should stop taking the Chat Doctor. Wish you good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My 4 year old son has been complaining about once a week that his heart hurts he is very active and very healthy, I am not sure if I should have this check out. Please advise. Thanks\n[|AI|] Hi.... there are 2 issues in here - 1. A 4-year-old cannot say that complaint just like that to seek attention.2. In an active and otherwise well normal 4-year-old kid, it is not a very serious complaint. My suggestions for you - 1. Unless the kid is having breathlessness or fast breathing or abdominal distension or swelling of feet and easy navigability you need not worry.2. No need to panic but get your kid examined by a physician.3. An innocuous simple issue like mitral valve prolapse can cause this sort of symptoms. Regards - \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a 8mm stone in my right kidney. Its in the lower pole of my kidney and i have a 5mm in my left kidney in the same place as my right kidney. I had laser surgery in September of 2010 on my left kidney to remove the obstucting stone. My stones are nonobstucting but why do they cause so much pain? I have had reocurring kidney stones since i was 13. Its been 21 years that i have dealt with this on and off. But lately I have been dealing with the pain for two months now. What can i do? How can i manage the pain?\n[|AI|] Hi lakhi2013. Thanks for your question. Feeling bad for your situation. MOST OF THE KIDNEY STONE OR URETERIC STONE CAUSES PAIN DUE TO IRRITATION OF NERVE NOT SIMPLY DUE TO OBSTRUCTION. Though your stone is non obstructing, but it causes pain, so you should visit an neurosurgeon and if he opines then you should go for operation to remove the stone and in the meantime you can take some antispasmodics like dicyclomine to reduce the pain and plenty of water if by chance the stone will pass out. But you remember up to 6 mm there is high chance of the stone to pass out but in your cases it is unlikely, so you have to go for operation. Thanks\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, back in the begining of November I caught what I thought was a cold. After five weeks of nose congestion I started taking Cefdinir. The congestion went away but in the half way through the antibiotics I began to get a dull head pain around my whole head. It keep me up at night. I could put my head on a pillow. After the meds, I went back to my general doctor. He told me I was getting better. But that night the pain was terrible. I called him the next day and told him something was wrong. He ordered a CT scan and found that I had a sinus infection in the frontal sinus and ethmoid (spelling) sinus. Since I am allergic to pennicillin, they put me on Cipro but later switched me to Biaxin. It has been slowly getting better, but I still have a dull ache around my head and nerviouness. It wakes me up a couple hours after I fall asleep. Could the CT scan have missed something or (since Ive never had a sinus infection before) is this part of the sinus infection?\n[|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The dullness implies that the sinuses are still congested somewhat. In addition to the antibiotics, you would need to consider a decongestant and antihistamine. A topical and oral decongestant may help. These are available over the counter.Also, a topical steroid nasal spray may help as well. This includes meds such as alone, escort, rhinoceros, Flonase. I hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am looking for a dentists opinion. I am 36 and my bottom wisdom tooth is growing in. I have no pain in my tooth but I keep biting down on my gum where it is growing. Do I have to get my wisdom extracted or can the gum be cut to help my wisdom grow in better.\n[|AI|] Best possible way to decide on removing your wisdom tooth, Would be to do an x-ray and look at position. If there is any bone obstruction which we normally term it as an impaction, then the dentist decides on extraction or removal. If there is soft tissue covering and persistent irritation and inflammation, then the dentist would approach with simple procedure of removal of the soft tissue covering only called operculectomy.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Just hit 65 had a prostate exam, doc said it was large also have a large liver, was having stomach pains a few weeks before going in, thought it was gaseous nevousness, (can t find a job in seven months) now it getting painful to sit down. Starting to feel pains in the testicles. Am I a goner.\n[|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. According to your complaints you could have here abdominal pain and nervousness by stress....as you have not got job. Try to do some other work for earning... Think alternatives but don't take stress... You can take fiber supplements with more fruits... If burning symptoms present take omeprazole. . For fatty liver Ad\u00edlio tablet can take with low fat diet. Avoid alcohol.....Finally, you have diagnosed enlarge prostate. I hope it will be simple prostatic hyperplasia. But PSA level done for it ...if needed biopsy taken to rule out malignant condition. For hyperplasia tamsulosin Chat Doctor. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] my husband has a hart problem and he was a soker before and he has copd from that but ina catscan they see a spot my question to you is whether he should go to rdiation ad battle the side effect becouse thay can not do a byopsy do the hy risdk he is so they think it may be cancer or an infection becouse it has grown to 10 mm. in 2 years he is going to be 84 acording to the pulmary DR. he can refuse but i am thinking that if the side effect is not so bad maybe this will shrink the infection\n[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your husbands situation and problem. One should not start radiotherapy only on the basis of CT scan report. You need to have diagnosis of malignancy before starting radiotherapy. Since he is smoker, possibility of malignancy is high for this nodule. But we need to have tissue diagnosis first. Biopsy is not the only tool to detect malignancy. Rather for detection of early malignant lung nodule, go for bronchoscopy and BAD (bronchoalveolar lavage) analysis to detect malignant cells. You can go for PET scan also. So first diagnose malignancy and then start radiotherapy. Ask him to quit smoking as soon as possible.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello! I am a 26 yr old female in shape at 120lbs. I have found lumps all over my body which i can move my skin over (like they are in my muscles). The ones in my lower back become enlarged to the size of golf balls and hurt to the point that im hunched over sometimes. I also have had pain in my head (besides my normal migranes) and I have found a lump at the base of my skull and one above my ear on the same side, along with other lumps I have found all over my body. My neurologist has told me of the many cysts that I have all over my brain. Could the lumps that I have found also be cysts and should I get them checked out? My insurance is horrible and I can not afford to go many times if not needed. Thank you!\n[|AI|] Hi, The numerous lumps all over your body are called as neurofibromas. Multiple neurofibromas are seen in a condition called as neurofibromatosis. Also called as On heckling houses disease. It is a genetic condition due to neurofibromatosis gene also called as NF gene. It is of two types. Type I and II. In both plenty of tumors grow along the nerves. Yours appears to be type Their is no cure at present. Treatment involves regular monitoring and treatment of any problems that appear. If you have any further queries, happy to help again.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My daughter is having fever for last 8 days (38.5 - 39.5) , taken to doctor , did blood test , no infection ,doctor given just paracetamol & brufin(if req) , says viral fever will last 5-7 days . But today is the 9th day(38.4) and has bad dry cough too( promethazine given). Should i wait some more days to see doctor?\n[|AI|] Hi, Usually viral illness lasts for 5 to 7 days. As today is 8th day of and still the kid is having a temperature of 103.1F, I suggest that you get back to your pediatrician. She might require a blood culture and basic blood work up and oral antibiotics covering for typhoid. If blood culture facility is not available at your set-up, the best next investigation would be a Tidal test (that too in tube method only. Result will take 24 hours. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have excess fat on my chest. As a guy is is rather embarrassing. It doesnt look I have boobs and i am not fat al all, you can see my abs a little. still it is too much chest fat compared to the rest of my body. Is there anything I can do avout this?\n[|AI|] Hi and. As a specialist surgeon, i can understand your anxiety. The fat over the pectoral region you're describing, can be removed surgically. The surgery is a minimally invasive technique, called liposuction. The excessive fat is removed by sucking out the fat, under anesthesia. This cosmetic surgery gives excellent results with most feeling very happy. You should see a cosmetic surgeon or reconstructive surgeon(plastic surgeon). Chat Doctor. Manga.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 80+ male.Was diagnosed Transitional Cell Carcinoma of urinary bladder Gr.II. a couple of years back. Last 3 CP Examinations reports have been normal. Will taking wallnuts and other nuts, if any, help prevent recurrence of malignant cells etc in future? If so what and how much?\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have transitional cell carcinoma of bladder. You should take treatment of that. Chemotherapy or BCG therapy can help you. Walnut or other nut has no role in preventing the transitional cell carcinoma of bladder. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly\/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi i am 28 years old and i feel like i should take orofer XT just to increase level of heamoglobin, cos last month my periods delayed. is it ok? if i take this tablet? or are there any side effect? I am good in health. not weak not fat i am just perfect.\n[|AI|] Hi, Incomplete data like apart from delayed periods do you have any other symptoms or have you done any blood tests to confirm anemia? Order AT Tablet is commonly prescribed for the treatment and prevention of anemia associated with deficiencies of iron and folic acid. Its common side effects include metallic taste, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation and black colored stools. If your hemoglobin is low or if your delayed period is due to an early pregnancy, this medication may be taken. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello!!!Im worried sick!my last period was july 19 2015.I usually dont have normal cycles.i started having pregnancy stmptoms and got a super super faint positive on 8-14-2014,then tested again on 8-16-2014,with a much darker result.then two days later tested and got two blazing dark positives,and 2 positive digital tests that said 1-2 weeks!August 27 i had a small bit of light pink spotting and went to E.R.my beta level was 310 and ultra sound showed nothing.i should be around 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant!maybe i ovulated later than i thought!?what do u think?ChatDoctor to low?\n[|AI|] Hello, I have gone through the query and understood your concern. As you have irregular cycles, ovulation time cannot be predicted with accuracy. Hits can read positive earliest at 4-5 weeks. Your serum beta-ChatDoctor titles indicate positive response. In the current scenario, the best way to clarify is to go for serial beta-ChatDoctor titles along with trans-vaginal sonogram. Doubling titles every 2-3 days indicate good prognosis. Please see a specialist for further information. Hope this helps.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] pain is like heartburn but in a small area in left breast, not all time, sometimes happens when I drink liquid, and sometimes when I dont (I tend to drink hot boiled water frequently throughout the day) There is no lump in the breast, just this occasional heartburn like sensation inside the breast in a small spot. The sensation is approximately halfway between the cleavage and the nipple (but one inch higher than the level of the nipple). The sensation area is about a one inch circle in size\n[|AI|] Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you are having HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) mostly. But since you have left sided chest pain, better to rule out cardiac cause first. So get done ECG. If ECG is normal then no need to worry much for cardiac cause. Breast related cause is also less likely as you are not having breast lump. You are having mostly HERD. It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms of heart burn. So better to follow these steps for symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid stress and tension. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 4. Start Proton pump inhibitors. 5. Go for walk after meals. 6. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in bed.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I was hit in the face on Friday. There was significant swelling and now most of it has gone down and it is just black. There is numbness in the cheek down towards my mouth. I was looking into blowout fractures of the orbit but i don t think that is the case here cause there is no double vision or sinking of the eye right now. Any possible explanations?\n[|AI|] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to the injury. The swelling and inflammation are normal after an injury. I suggest using anti-inflammatory medications such as Acetaminophen to relieve the inflammation. I also suggest using cold compresses for local application. Furthermore, I recommend to rest. If you don't have vision issues, there is nothing to be worried. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, my mother is suffered from cronic kidney disease because of diabetis. she also get problem in her eyes. please tell me that how could she overcome. which food should suggest for her. i did not say properly in english so have sucChatDoctormunication problem. il be thankfull to you sir for your kind reply. thank you, jolly pramanick.\n[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Based on your statement your mother has 1)Diabetic Nephropathy.2) Diabetic Retinopathy. Please consult qualified Nephrologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine routine and culture.2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis3) Renal Function Tests 4) Retinoscopy by an ophthalmologist. Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. As regards stage of her kidney disease, She should be under observation of a qualified Nephrologist and should have the following diet 1) Low salt less protein diet 2) Avoid sweets and sugar 3) Water intake 3 liters per day .4) Diet rich in vegetables5) Proper control and monitoring of diabetes. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hello, ever since I had my braces removed I have had a lock jaw where when I try to open my jaw it will only go so far then it stops. Here lately it has been popping alot, making gritty sound and also sound like there is fluid swishing around. What could this be? Should I get it checked out?\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. Popping of jaw can be due to swelling in the temporomandibular joint. It can be reduced by analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. Detailed examination by dental surgeon and CAT scan and MRI scan will be more useful and advisable. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I ve had severe ear pain that started yesterday, today I can t seem to catch my breath and I am having pain under my right breast. Pain is worse if I move or try to get a deep breath. I have used my proair inhaler and some ear drops with no relief. Temp is 100.8under toung.. I have asthma and I m a brittle diabetic glucose is 212 .my question is what is wrong with me.?\n[|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Ear pain can be due to an infection in the ear, this would cause a fever and can be associated with chest infections as well. Infection would cause the blood sugar to increase. Pain in the chest on movement and taking a deep breath may be due to muscle injury, pleuritic (inflammation of the lining around the lung), Costco Chat Doctor. It would be best to see your doctor to be treated. I hope this helps\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i have a large painful lump between my pubic area and thigh. the lump is under the skin. its painful without touch. and the pain is radiating into my thigh. ive tried otc meds and heat and ice...nothings working. can you please tell me whats going on from your opinion\n[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have enlarged inguinal lymph node due to reactive hyperplasia, tuberculosis or lymphoma. Or it can be some soft tissue tumor. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Is it normal to get a tingling sensational pain near & below the small toe area when leg is a cast ? It s been 41\/2 weeks since I fractured my bone that supports the ankle. Got 2 more weeks in the cast ! Feeling a sharp tingling nerve pain this morning ?? Could it be serious? are there side effects or signs when bone is healing ??\n[|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough neuromuscular assessment is advised. As mentioned in history about the tingling sensation, it is very uncommon until the cast is applied too tight. If the cast is applied too tight then the nerve is getting compressed and the symptoms of tingling is arose which needs an attention. In case if the cast is not tight, I will advise to undergo an MRI of the lumbar spine as, any soft tissue injury in that area will lead to pinching of nerve root and produce symptoms. Also, a vascular assessment is needed to cross confirm is any DVT is present for which a Doppler is advised. As, until a thorough neuromuscular assessment is performed the diagnostic tests are an optional. Based on the assessment the diagnostic tests will be planned. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had elevating liver enzimes for past 2-3 months, my liver is enlarged. The Dr. said he could feel that it was enlarged plus an Ultra Sound confirmed it was enlarged an excessively fatty. I have a lot of pain, and blood tests just came back with hepatitis A Ab, TOTAL. REACTIVE The only other abnormal results was IMMUNOGLOBULIN A 4 L . My PHENOTYPE IS PI*MM. What does this indicate? I do not drink at all, try and eat healthy, am happily married, and 70.9 years of age. I feel fatigued and am in pain most the time. I had a completely normal ultra sound 16 months ago.\n[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. These findings are typical for hepatitis an infection and it shouldn't worry you. It should recover when virus is eliminated from your body. All this is sign of systemic infection and liver inflammation. You should treat it regularly, avoid hematologic agents and alcohol, rest and follow hepatic diet. Also some medicines may be prescribed for liver protection so consult your doctor about it. Wish you good health. Regards\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, we have a premie baby 30 weeks. she is now 3 months old [from birth]. From last one month[ after she is home]. she is only gaining an average of 10 grams per day. Should we be concerned. We talked to pediatrician and he mentioned not to worry as long as she is gaining some weight.\n[|AI|] Hi... a premature baby has to be given some leverage for weight gain and should not be compared with the normal birth weight babies. Your pediatrician is very much right. As long as the baby is gaining some weight and most importantly developmentally normal, you need not worry. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have problem with my skin on both legs. On rt leg, there is a distinct round shape, centrally pigmented (same as my skin color) and outer circle has less pigmented than my skin color and its bit shiny but not itchy. Initially, about a 6 months back, it was round, very dry, very itchy and when I scratch it used to become white in color and the skin in the area would fall as flakes. I started using steroids but I still have this problem. On the other leg, it was just the same but there were two circles. Now the two circles have joined and became like an elongated shape. It has similar characteristics: shiny, centrally pigmented (same as my skin color) and the outer regions have lighter skin color. I feel it is spreading outwards. Please advise. i appreciate any response. Thank you.\n[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. From your description, the possibilities of your skin problem include psoriasis and Chat Doctor. You need to consult a dermatologist to confirm the same. A skin biopsy may also be required. Both the conditions benefit for a topical steroid for a few days and also moisturizers. Both have remissions and relapses. However, psoriasis can become more widespread. Hope this helped. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, my TLC is 10,400, DLC 89, ESR 60, blood sugar 91 and chest x-ray PA done by another doctor says TB, although I have completed a TB course of 6 months and the treating physician examined my final x-ray and concluded TB free and all clear except for a small scar. What to do?\n[|AI|] HiT hanks for choosing Chat Doctor! I appreciate your concern for the small residual scar following the TB treatment. Since you have been examined by your treating physician following a course of treatment of 6 months duration and if the three sputum samples are found to be negative for the bacteria responsible for causing TB, with normal ESR it is unlikely that you have an infection. The small residual scar is due to healed focus of infection which will subside, nothing to worry. Give your valuable feedback if convinced. Wishing you best of your health.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have had pain in my back gums and check for about 8 months. Been to dentist, ENT, and periodontist, and they are stumped. Pain is worse under strss, after drinking carbonated drink or juices. Pain gets so bad I have to take pain pill. Had two dental type surgeries, after the last one two weeks ago, dr thought I have a faultly filling on last molar, but he thinks he was able to clean it out. Had three d ex ray....shows nothing. Still in pain. Any suggestions? I am 54, in good health,take blood pressures meds and anti anxiety....\n[|AI|] Hello and welcome. Thanks for sharing your concern. Since you have already been to dentist and periodontist and also got x-rays done. That means there is no underlying pathology. One thing I would like to know is that pain is unilateral or in both the sides of jaw (bilateral)? It is better to get an MRI done for that side so that the tissues are thoroughly examined. The pain could be neurogenic. Therefore, get MRI done and meet an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in this regard. Hope it helps. Thanks. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I am 43 years old and have classic gallbladder pains and symptoms, HOWEVER, I had and ultra sound and Ct scan and they are negative.My blood alt and ast and lipase are elevated.I have pain in my upper right abdomen and need to know what my next step is. can you help or suggest what I should do?\n[|AI|] HI. The enzymes are elevated, means there can be a problem with the head of the pancreas. This is as per your symptoms. You need an MRI for the area to get a proper diagnosis, and also an ERCP (endoscopy)... Get a proper diagnosis under the care of a Gastroenterologist. Till then stop fatty foods. Take plenty of oral fluids if tolerated. If not possible to take orally, you may need an admission and further management.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i got addiction in 2003 & now also used to mansturbate 2times a day.after doing it i feel ashamed,depressed,& morally down.i remain in tension 24hrs worryig about how to get rid of it. i got mania disease in 2003.now also i used to take medicine pls help me because i want to sucide due to not reading& ill livingstyle from 11yrs. mukesh patna 28yrs\n[|AI|] Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your queryFirst, lots of people have this problem. No need to be ashamed. It's a problem and we can sort it out. Second who started you on treatment for mania? Have you visited the doc lately? If not, I suggest you do. Third, about how to reduce and possible stop masturbation. I wish you had added what you do, so I could have helped you better. Here my options- 1. Whenever you feel like masturbating, go for a walk and meet someone.2. Whenever you feel like masturbating, have a chocolate3. Whenever you feel like masturbating, have a bath4. Whenever you feel like masturbating, read something, listen to music, pay attention to a hobbyInitially it will be difficult. Don't think you can stop overnight. You have to slow your impulse, delay the act as long as you can. Gradually the duration of delaying the act will increase, till finally you can control the urge.Don't set a deadline. It won't help. Just do your best. Divert your attention. And after the act, think and write what you could have done instead. Maintain the diary of things to do, and do them. Cross these out as you do them. I am sure this will help. I hope this helps you. Best of luck. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further.(If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had a swollen retromolar trigone, that turned into what i would call an open sore. It does not bleed but does kill when trying to eat, also I cant open my mouth wide enough to eat anything, so its been difficult. Should i be considered since its going on day 4?\n[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. I have gone through your query and can understand your concern. As per your complaint it seems an ulcer on retromolar trig one can be a Canker sore or can be an abscess caused due to infection. It can also be due to traumatic injury caused by some hard or sharp foods. I would suggest you to consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated. As of now take anti-inflammatory painkillers like Ibuprofen and apply numbing gel containing Lidocaine over it especially before eating to ease in eating. Do cool water rinses. Do cool compresses over the cheek. You can also do warm saline gargle for relief. Take a soft diet and avoid any hard, spicy and sharp foods. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hi, i am a 29 year old healthy female. Very active. Healthy body weight, low to normal bp. Today I noticed a dull ache on my right side near my upper chest kind of below my deltoid. It takes my breath away but it isnt a sharp pain. Should i be worried?\n[|AI|] Thanks for asking your question I completely understand your problem chest pain can be due to many causes starting from a muscle pull, wrong sleep postures to malignancies in your case it looks like a pull or an injury have an analgesic for one or two days and if it does not get relieved you can consult a pulmonologist who can get a chest X-ray done and rule out any organic diseased panic short duration chest pain hardly have complex reasons thanks \/ regards feel free to ask more questions may god bless you with good health\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I am Abdullahi Sheidu from Nigeria, laboratory analysis of my seminal fluid showed the following results-Actively motile sperm cells-0%, Sluggish motile sperm cells-40% and Non -motile sperm cells -60% and the Total sperm cent was 8.2 x10 to power 6. Please what does it implied pertaining to impregnating a woman.Thanks\n[|AI|] Welcome to ChatDoctorGreetings of the dangling by your sperm count, its LIGO permit- normally sperm count is 20 to 60 million per MMS cube. Normally greater than 60% of the sperms should be actively motile-in your case its 0 percentGoing by these reports the chances of conception by natural methods fall below 5percent. I hope it helpedKindly get back to me if you have any other overtake disregards Chat Doctor. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...my blood pressure has held steady at around 165 over 125 since i had my daughter a year ago. What does this mean? Family says I should be worried. But I dont have any other symptoms.\n[|AI|] 165\/125 I am sorry but there income error in measuring the diastolic(lower) b.p It's impossible to survive with such high diastolic b.p even for few years without treatment and in case it is really so high then it's a matter of emergency, you should get admitted to the nearest hospital and a thorough check-up is to be donned echoecgcbckftlfts uric accident(once BP is controlled)by measure of abdomen to rule out pheochromocytomavinyl Mandarin acidmetabephrineurine r n M\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] It is currently 1 am. I just checked my 10 year old son s temp. it is 103. I have put a cold compress on his forehead. When he went to bed about 5 hours ago, I had given him a dose of Children s Nyquil, and a single Bayer low dose asprin. Is there anything else I should be doing?\n[|AI|] Hi, Fever of a few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given only if fever is more than 100 F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My very active 7 year old (is in gymnastics 9 hours a week) has been complaining for weeks that she has a stomach ache. I have taken her to the Dr. a coupel times and was told that is is common for a child her age to be constipated and that I should start her on a laxitive. She has been on one for about two weeks and it makes her go but she is still complaining. Could it be a food allergy?\n[|AI|] Hi.... I understand your concern. I do not think that this is food allergy. Your pediatrician was right. The most common cause is constipation, which you have already treated. The other two most important causes could be mesenteric amenities, which could be because of non-specific reasons like innocuous viral infections and the other possibility is a kidney all gallbladder stone (if there is a family history this becomes all the more important). These two if suspected, may warrant an ultrasound abdomen examination. Regards - \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I had a hemi arthroplasty after. A bad fall. The surgeon put in a ball and stem. I was just discharged from physical therapy because I am not making progress. There is something definitely wrong with my arm. The doctor doesn t want to see me unless I have a problem. I went to him with this problem. He just said pick your arm up with other hand. Anyway I want another surgeon to see me but they won t get involved. All I want is to be fixed. Can you help me. I am so depressed\n[|AI|] It seems you had shoulder semi replacement after a fracture. There are chances of Complication in every case and many times there is nothing a doctor can do about it. There are many advances in Shoulder surgeries now. We had organized a shoulder course recently for other doctors to showcase what are advances. In your case, there may be rotator cuff deficiency because of accident. If you can share the x-rays with me, I would be able to guide you what can be done now. There are options available. What is your age?\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi I suffer daily with severe pins and needles in both of my hands and fingers and it often causes sever cramping when there s no pins and needles what could this be? Also I have fluid effusion on the pattela in both knees and have weakened knee joints which caused my knees to grind and click making them very painful I was given a name for this by the doctor but can t remember if the top of my head are the two things connected could I have a difficensy?\n[|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concern. In my opinion this pinning sensation in your hands, might be caused by carpal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. Generally these problems, cause these sensations, because of the nerve damage. I suggest you to:- Take Ibuprofen twice daily- Physiotherapy I also suggest you to consult a doctor for a physical examination and to put the right diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] i am 56 years old asian male from Lahore Pakistan. My lipids profile is triglycerides 55, cholestrol 183, vldl aa, ldl 120 and hdl 57. I exercise regularly and currently weigh 78 kg and my hieght is 5 ft 10.50 inch. Do i need a medicine to lower my ldl levels? K Malik\n[|AI|] HiT hanks for posting your query on Chat Doctor. I appreciate your concern for the blood lipid levels. Triglycerides level Normal: Less than 150 mg\/total cholesterol of 180 to 200 mg\/DL is normal LDL levels between 70 and 189 mg\/DL are considered too high if you prediabetes (high risk of heart disease)No diabetes (medium risk of heart disease)Normal HDL cholesterol levels 40 to 60 mg\/DL which can be increased by daily exercise, this type of fat is GOOD FAT, it reduces the level of cholesterol thus helps in preventing heart disease. In view of the above explanation, you may need to lower LDL cholesterol level by STATIN group of lipid lowering Chat Doctor. Besides, you have to avoid fatty vegan and non-vegan meals, you must eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, daily exercise. Hope this answers your query.Feedback is highly appreciated.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Have gone to chiropractor for 13 visits for nerve in neck down to shoulder.Now I can barely walk do to nerve pain in hips and thighs.Have neuopraty and can barely walk with assistance of canes. Who do I need to see and what do you think? Take metformin and other pills- 68 years old\n[|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! I understand your concern and would recommend consulting with a neurologist for a careful physical exam and some tests: - a new nerve conduction study- HbA1C levels to make the proper adjustments to antidiabetic therapy, in case this test is altered. Further tests may be needed to investigate for other possible causes of neuropathy. You should know that polyneuropathy is a common complication of diabetes. It is necessary to treat well diabetes in order to stop the progression of the disease. Physiotherapy is also helpful. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Best wishes, \n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi, I was diagnosed with diabetes several years ago and was on metformin. Recently, I lost my health care and couldn t get metformin anymore, but then I also started a diet (it s not low carb or calorie deprivation-I eat @ 1300-1400 a day in 3 hr intervals) and have lost 25 lbs so far. I m still overweight, but I ve felt my sugar has been under control enough that, even though I have a few pills left, I haven t had to use any. Anyway, I ate my normal meals today, and right after eating dinner (fish & asparagus), I felt very faint and confused. I checked my sugar and it was 86. Is this normal? I haven t had any sugar symptoms since starting dieting except the other day, I felt like my sugar was high, so I took half a pill. First time in months. Could this half a pill have affected me that much? Is there anything else that would cause a low reading like that right after eating?\n[|AI|] Hi, After going through your case details, I want to know-1) Your Age.2) Your Height and weight (It is very encouraging that you have lost significant weight with diet and exercise) to evaluate degree of overweight.3) Family history of obesity, diabetes.4) Current medicines other than metformin if any.5) Any associated high blood pressure or cholesterol problem. I would like to advise you - 1) Continue Low calorie diet and regular exercise.2) Better to avoid discontinuation or taking medicine on the basis of your own interpretation or symptoms.3) Quarterly check your HbA1c level that give much better idea regarding your diabetes control. Also check Blood sugar level Fasting and postprandial once in a month or two months.4) If it is feasible for you to do Self monitoring of blood sugar level (BSL done by glucometer at different times of the day (Fasting, 2 hours after breakfast, before lunch, 2 hours after lunch, before dinner, 2 hours after dinner, early morning sugar 3am) all sugar not daily but whole profile in a week at least once in a month. If there are symptoms of low BSL or High BSL you should confirm it.5) Regular BP check, clinical examination to rule out microvascular complications of diabetes (retinopathy - endoscopy, foot examination for neuropathy)6) Check your Lipid profile, it is advisable to take statin (lipid lowering Chat Doctor. 7) It better for you to take metformin in maximal tolerated dose, as it will help in reducing insulin resistance which is a basic pathology of diabetes. Metformin is weight neutral (may help in decreasing weight) and rarely causes hypoglycemia. 8) Depending upon your BSL control and HbA1c level other antidiabetic medicines that are either weight neutral or help in reducing weight can be added. Hypoglycemic blood sugar level in diabetic patient is depended on duration of diabetes, control of diabetes, associated complications. At blood sugar level of 86 you have symptoms of low blood sugar level, so it can be hypoglycemia for you.Also, there are rare chances of developing hypoglycemia after taking metformin alone.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have already been diagnosed with vertigo and presently on 100mg of neurotin. I thought I was in remission from the dizzies and vomiting, but the dizzies have returned so severely that I cant walk across a parking lot or to my car without assistance. This is causing me a lot of grief since I am I am a Senior Fitness Exercise Teacher, and I now I have to teach from the chair. I cant stand the sympathy or asking for help. Any answers. I have already had all the tests to prove vertigo..\n[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Based on your description, the most likely cause of your symptoms could be BPPV-benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. An evaluation by a neurobiologist would help in confirming the diagnosis and planning the treatment. Tests may include audiometry, electronystagmography (ENG) and vestibular function tests. Treatment consists of medications such as paracetamol, vitamin B12 and betahistine tablets. In addition, vestibular adaptation exercises are also helpful. I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly\/\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] Hi doctor , I got my periods last month 12th of May. But this month i have a very bad brown discharge from past 3 days, and my feelings are like mood upset, leg pain and tired. I am suffering from Thyroid and polycystic ovaries and I am under medication from past 2 years. Doctor has prescribed me Thyronorm 25mcg, Ovacare and Hyponid which I am taking from past 2 years. Because of irregular periods I am not able to conceive. Should I go ahead for fertility. Please help me out. RH\n[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor Good Dayton are probably having a vaginal infection called Bacterial vaginosis. It is foul fishy smelling discharge. You need to take medication and also avoid intercourse with your partner till you are cured. You need to keep the perineal area clean. Chat Doctor. Get a urine test and also a vaginal swab test done at the Gynaecologists' office as soon as possible and receive treatment.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] hello Doctor please i need help, I m 20 years old and i have puffy nipples since i was 17, and it is really annoying me, and i really need to get rid of it without a surgery my chest looks fine it s just the nipples area is puffy, i m wearing double shirt now to hide it, but i can t keep doing this, the weather is really hot and i need to go the beach sometimes. is there any medicine that i can take or anything that i can do without a surgery, because i m not ready to do a surgery now. Please i need help\n[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. There is no need to worry about your puffy nipple area. Body proportions are maintained by male and female hormones. Both are available within everybody. The puffy nipples could be due to a small excess of female hormone within you. Moderate gymnasium work-outs and exercise should harden the muscles around your nipples and help you get rid of the problem. Surgery is never an option. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http:\/\/goo.gl\/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] I have a depression and it occurred at the time my father died of a heart attack. Ive been suicidal and I have tried to kill myself and have made plans to kill myself. I have been hospitalized for this and I am on medication now, Prozac which helps but I still have lingering problems. I feel the imbalance of chemicals in the brain and I have difficulty with perception and I struggle with getting through the day. I act impulsively at times and I dont know what the problem is...I just got on Invega Sustena from the Mental Health clinic I am a patient at but I wonder if its going to cure me all of the way. Please help!\n[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to us, Prozac is fluoxetine, an antidepressant which is used in depressive disorder. Since it has not been able to control all your symptoms adequately, and maybe due to reasons that the doctor thought necessary after examining you, has prescribed, Piperidine. This Chat Doctor. Yes it may help resolve all your problems. If it does not, do not worry, there are more options which your psychiatrist can guide you with. Hope this helps,\n"},{"Conversation":"The conversation between human and AI assistant.\n[|Human|] My grandmother aged 70 was a healthy women with asthma complaint until oneday she got pains all over her body that lead to shivering and shaking tremor.The neuro dr suggested it as low potassium level and injected it.she was admitted in hospital for 5 days and got back normal.