import json |
import tarfile |
import time |
from contextlib import closing |
from io import BytesIO |
from pathlib import Path |
from pydub import AudioSegment |
from tqdm import tqdm |
MIC_TYPES = (("close", 1), ("distant", 2)) |
def convert_to_mp3(split, audio_dir, metadata_dir, output_dir, prefix=None): |
if prefix and not prefix.endswith("_"): |
prefix += "_" |
else: |
prefix = "" |
paths = Path(metadata_dir).glob("*.json") |
audio_dir = Path(audio_dir) |
output_dir = Path(output_dir) |
with (open(f"{prefix}{split}.jsonl", "w") as metadata_jsonlines, |
open(f"{prefix}{split}.log", "w") as metadata_log): |
for path in tqdm(paths): |
metadata = json.load(path.open()) |
for recording in tqdm(metadata.get("val_recordings", [])): |
MIC_TYPES = (("close", 1), ("distant", 2)) |
mic_segments = [None, None] |
for mic_position, mic_index in MIC_TYPES: |
audio_filename = audio_dir / metadata["pid"] / f'{metadata["pid"]}_{recording["file"].replace(".wav", f"-{mic_index}.wav")}' |
metadata_jsonl = { |
"pid": metadata["pid"], |
**metadata["info"], |
**metadata["session"], |
**metadata["system"], |
**recording |
} |
try: |
segment = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_filename.as_posix()) |
mic_segments[mic_index - 1] = segment |
except FileNotFoundError: |
message = f"File {audio_filename.as_posix()} ({mic_position}) not found for split {split}." |
print(message) |
metadata_log.write(message + "\n") |
if all(mic_segments): |
metadata_jsonlines.write(json.dumps(metadata_jsonl) + "\n") |
for idx, segment in enumerate(mic_segments): |
mic_position = MIC_TYPES[idx][0] |
export_filename = output_dir / split / mic_position / f"{metadata_jsonl['pid']}_{metadata_jsonl['file'].replace('.wav', '.mp3')}" |
export_filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
segment.export(export_filename.as_posix(), format="mp3") |
def human_size(bytes, units=[' bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB']): |
""" Returns a human readable string representation of bytes """ |
return str(bytes) + units[0] if bytes < 1024 else human_size(bytes>>10, units[1:]) |
def create_shards(split, mp3_dir, shard_dir, size, prefix=None): |
if prefix and not prefix.endswith("_"): |
prefix += "_" |
else: |
prefix = "" |
mp3_dir = Path(mp3_dir) |
shard_dir = Path(shard_dir) |
for mic_position, _ in MIC_TYPES: |
with open(f"{prefix}{split}.jsonl", "r") as metadata_jsonlines_file: |
metadata_jsonlines = iter(metadata_jsonlines_file) |
shard_count = 0 |
shard_jsonlines = [] |
shard_size = 0 |
metadata = True |
while metadata: |
shard_name = f"{prefix}{split}_{mic_position}-{(shard_count + 1):04d}.tar.gz" |
print(f"Shard {(shard_dir / split / shard_name).as_posix()}") |
(shard_dir / split).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
with tarfile.open(shard_dir / split / shard_name, "w:gz") as shard: |
pbar = tqdm() |
while shard_size < size: |
try: |
metadata = json.loads(next(metadata_jsonlines)) |
except StopIteration: |
metadata = None |
shard_size = size |
if metadata: |
audio_file = mp3_dir / split / mic_position / f"{metadata['pid']}_{metadata['file'].replace('.wav', '.mp3')}" |
shard.add(audio_file.as_posix(), arcname=".") |
shard_size += audio_file.stat().st_size |
shard_jsonlines.append(json.dumps(metadata)) |
pbar.set_description(f"Processing {audio_file.as_posix()} [{human_size(shard_size)}]") |
pbar.update(1) |
if shard_jsonlines: |
pbar.set_description(f"Processing metadata [{len(shard_jsonlines)} entries]") |
pbar.update(1) |
shard_jsonlines_str = "\n".join(shard_jsonlines) |
with closing(BytesIO(shard_jsonlines_str.encode('utf-8'))) as metadata_file: |
tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo("metadata.json") |
tarinfo.size = len(metadata_file.getvalue()) |
tarinfo.mtime = time.time() |
shard.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=metadata_file) |
with open(shard_dir / split / shard_name.replace(".tar.gz", ".json"), "w") as metadata_file: |
metadata_file.write(shard_jsonlines_str) |
shard_size = 0 |
shard_jsonlines = [] |
shard_count += 1 |
print("Renaming...") |
for shard_index in range(shard_count): |
shard_name = f"{prefix}{split}_{mic_position}-{(shard_index + 1):04d}.tar.gz" |
(shard_dir / split / shard_name).rename(shard_dir / split / shard_name.replace(".tar.gz", f"-of-{shard_count:04d}.tar.gz")) |
shard_json = f"{prefix}{split}_{mic_position}-{(shard_index + 1):04d}.json" |
(shard_dir / split / shard_json).rename(shard_dir / split / shard_json.replace(".json", f"-of-{shard_count:04d}.json")) |
def main(): |
audio_dir = "audio/no" |
mp3_dir = "dataset_mp3" |
shard_dir = "dataset_shards" |
split_paths = { |
"train": "metadata/ADB_NOR_0463", |
"test": "metadata/ADB_NOR_0464", |
} |
prefix_dataset = "dataset" |
for split, metadata_dir in split_paths.items(): |
convert_to_mp3(split, metadata_dir, audio_dir, output_dir=mp3_dir, prefix=prefix_dataset) |
prefix = "nst_no" |
print(f"""Dedup leaked files |
$ comm -23 <(sort {prefix_dataset}_train.jsonl) <(sort {prefix_dataset}_test.jsonl) | shuf > {prefix}_train.jsonl |
$ shuf {prefix_dataset}_test.jsonl -o {prefix}_test.jsonl |
""") |
input("Enter [Enter] when dedupe is done.") |
for split, metadata_dir in split_paths.items(): |
shard_size = 500 * 1024 * 1024 |
create_shards(split, mp3_dir, shard_dir, shard_size, prefix="nst_no") |