[ |
{"created_timestamp": "02-15-1738", "downloaded_timestamp": "10-18-2021", "url": "https://founders.archives.gov/API/docdata/Franklin/01-02-02-0036", "content": "Title: A Defense of Conduct, 15 February 1738\nFrom: Franklin, Benjamin\nTo: \nDr. Evan Jones, \u201cchymist\u201d at the Golden Paracelsus\u2019 Head in Philadelphia, had a simple-minded apprentice Daniel Rees, who thought he wanted to be a Mason. With several cronies, one a renegade Mason, Jones, thinking to have some agreeable sport, set up a burlesque initiation ceremony, complete with scandalous oath of allegiance to Satan. One John Tackerbury was responsible for the ceremony; John Remington, a lawyer, wrote the oath. In the garden of Jones\u2019s house young Rees was \u201cinitiated\u201d with meaningless, ludicrous, and obscene signs and ceremonies, pledging his loyalty to the Prince of Darkness, and drinking from a \u201csacramental\u201d cup, which contained a strong purgative; \u201cafter which one of the Company indecently discovered his Posteriors, to which the Lad ... was led to kiss, as a Book to swear upon.\u201d Jones and Remington enjoyed repeating their account of the affair. Franklin heard it, laughed heartily, and asked for a copy of the oath, which he showed and read to various friends in the ensuing days.\nThe \u201cinitiation\u201d had been such fun that Jones invited a number of people to watch Rees receive another \u201cdegree\u201d in Freemasonry on the evening of June 13, in the cellar of his (Jones\u2019s) house. One Sullivan, dressed in a cow\u2019s hide with horns, impersonated the devil. Through the bluish flames of a bowl of brandy, which the doctor lighted, the faces of those officiating appeared ghastly and hideous. Young Rees seems to have regarded the performance too stolidly for the amusement of his audience. Jones, to make things livelier and more frightening, raised the flaming bowl and, grimacing through the haze, approached the boy. Suddenly he threw, or accidentally spilled, the burning spirits, and Daniel Rees died of his burns two days later (see above, p. 187).\nThe news spread rapidly. The Masons immediately disavowed any connection with it or the participants. Franklin reported what he knew to the authorities. A coroner\u2019s inquest found it only an unfortunate accident, but the grand jury, receiving evidence that Jones had thrown the spirits willfully, indicted him, Remington, and Tackerbury for murder. Andrew Bradford used the opportunity to attack the Masons: on August 4 the American Weekly Mercury printed an unfriendly article from a London journal.\nAt the trial in January 1738 Franklin appeared as a witness for the prosecution. Jones and Remington were found guilty of manslaughter; the first was burned in the hand and released; the latter was granted a limited pardon; while Tackerbury was acquitted. In a report of the attorney general\u2019s pleading, a writer in the Pennsylvania Gazette, February 7, declared that the act that killed Rees was murder and should have been punished as such. To these strictures \u201cC.D.\u201d replied in the Mercury, February 14, reviewing the testimony at the trial and particularly calling attention to Franklin\u2019s conduct. Franklin, he said, had read the blasphemous oath several days before the fatal June 13 and \u201cwas pleased to express his Approbation thereof by a most hearty Laughter, and in friendship desired to have the further perusal of it; which in several Companies he diverted himself with the Reading of, and being informed how D.R. had been initiated in the Garden, he candidly saluted him by the name of Brother, and to encourage him in it gave him a Sign, as they term it, and congratulated him on being admitted into the Brotherhood, and desired to have Notice to be present at the Diversion of Snap-Dragon.\u201d To these charges Franklin replied in his own defense in the Gazette, February 15.\nSome very false and scandalous Aspersions being thrown on me in the Mercury of Yesterday, with regard to Dr. Jones\u2019s Affair, I find my self obliged to set that Matter in a true Light.\nSometime in June last, Mr. Danby, Mr. Alrihs, and my self were appointed by the Court of Common-Pleas, as Auditors to settle an Affair, between Dr. Jones and Armstrong Smith, then depending in said Court. We met accordingly at a Tavern in Market-Street on the Saturday Morning before the Tragedy was acted in the Doctor\u2019s Cellar. Dr. Jones appeared, and R-------n as his Attorney, but Smith could not readily be found. While we waited for Smith, in order to hear both Parties together; the Doctor and R-----n began to entertain us with an Account of some Diversion they had lately had with the Dr\u2019s. Apprentice, who being desirous of being made a Free-Mason, they had persuaded him they could make him one, and accordingly had taught him several ridiculous Signs, Words and Ceremonies, of which he was very fond. Tis true I laugh\u2019d (and perhaps heartily, as my Manner is) at the Beginning of their Relation, but when they came to those Circumstances of their giving him a violent Purge, leading him to kiss T\u2019s Posteriors, and administring to him the diabolical Oath which R------n read to us, I grew indeed serious, as I suppose the most merry Man (not enclin\u2019d to Mischief) would on such an Occasion. Nor did any one of the Company, except the Doctor and R------n themselves, seem in the least pleas\u2019d with the Affair, but the contrary. Mr. Danby in particular said, That if they had done such Things in England they would be prosecuted. Mr. Alrichs, That he did not believe they could stand by it. And my self, That when the Young Man came to know how he had been impos\u2019d on, he would never forgive them. But the Doctor and R-------n went on to tell us, that they design\u2019d to have yet some further Diversion, on pretence of raising him to a higher Degree in Masonry. Re------n said it was intended to introduce him blindfold and stripp\u2019d into a Room where the Company being each provided with a Rod or Switch should chastize him smartly; which the Doctor oppos\u2019d, and said He had a better Invention; they would have a Game at Snap-Dragon in a Dark Cellar, where some Figures should be dress\u2019d up, that by the pale Light of Burning Brandy would appear horrible and frighten him d-----bly. Soon after which Discourse the young Man himself coming in to speak with his Master, the Doctor pointed at me, and said to him, Daniel, that Gentleman is a Free-Mason; make a Sign to him. Which whether he did or not, I cannot tell; for I was so far from encouraging him in the Delusion, or taking him by the Hand, or calling him Brother, and welcoming him into the Fraternity, as is said, that I turned my Head to avoid seeing him make his pretended Sign, and look\u2019d out of the Window into the Garden: And all those Circumstances, with that of my desiring to have Notice that I might be present at the Snap-Dragon, are absolutely false and groundless. I was acquainted with, and had a Respect for the young Lad\u2019s Father, and thought it a Pity his Son should be so impos\u2019d upon, and therefore follow\u2019d the Lad down Stairs to the Door when he went out, with a Design to call him back and give him a Hint of the Imposition; but he was gone out of sight and I never saw him afterwards; for the Monday Night following, the Affair in the Cellar was transacted which prov\u2019d his Death. As to the Paper or Oath, I did desire R------n when he had read it to let me see it; and finding it a Piece of a very extraordinary Nature, I told him I was desirous to shew it to some of my Acquaintance, and so put it in my Pocket. I communicated it to one, who mention\u2019d it to others, and so many People flock\u2019d to my House for a Sight of it, that it grew troublesome, and therefore when the Mayor sent for it, I was glad of the Opportunity to be discharg\u2019d from it. Nor do I yet conceive that it was my Duty to conceal or destroy it. And being subpena\u2019d on the Tryal as a Witness for the King, I appear\u2019d and gave my Evidence fully, freely and impartially, as I think it becomes an honest Man to do. And I may call every one to whom I read that Paper, to witness, that I always accompanied it with Expressions of Detestation. This being the true State of the Case, I think I may reasonably hope, that I am so well known in this City, where I have liv\u2019d near 14 Years, as that the false and malicious Insinuations contain\u2019d in the Mercury, will not do the Injury to my Reputation that seems intended.\nB. Franklin\n\u2042P.S. I suppose A.B. will answer for himself.\nWe whose Names are hereunto subscribed, do certify, That we were present at the Time and Place above-mentioned, when Dr. Jones and J---n R-------n related their Proceedings with Daniel R--s; and we do very well remember, that they were not countenanc\u2019d or encourag\u2019d by any Person present, but the contrary. And that Benjamin Franklin in particular did speak against it, and did neither approve of what had been already done (as related by the Doctor and R---------n) nor desire to be present at what was propos\u2019d to be farther done with the said Daniel R--s, as is falsly insinuated in Mr. Bradford\u2019s last Mercury. And this we declare sincerely and freely, without any other Motive than the Desire of doing Justice to the Reputation of the said Benjamin Franklin. Witness our Hands, this 15th Day of February, 1737, 8.\nJohn Danby,Harmanus Alrihs\nThe above-named John Danby being sworn upon the Holy Evangelists, and Harmanus Alrihs being duly affirmed, on their respective Qualifications did declare, that the Contents of the above Certificate were true.\nSworn and affirm\u2019d Before me, this 15th of February, 1737, 8.\nWilliam Allen", "culture": "English", "source_dataset": "Pile_of_Law", "source_dataset_detailed": "Pile_of_Law_founding_docs", "source_dataset_detailed_explanation": "Letters from U.S. founders.", "creation_year": 1738}, |
{"created_timestamp": "04-13-1738", "downloaded_timestamp": "10-18-2021", "url": "https://founders.archives.gov/API/docdata/Franklin/01-02-02-0037", "content": "Title: From Benjamin Franklin to Josiah and Abiah Franklin, 13 April 1738\nFrom: Franklin, Benjamin\nTo: Franklin, Josiah,Franklin, Abiah\nHonour\u2019d Father and Mother\nI have your Favour of the 21st of March in which you both seem concern\u2019d lest I have imbib\u2019d some erroneous Opinions. Doubtless I have my Share, and when the natural Weakness and Imperfection of Human Understanding is considered, with the unavoidable Influences of Education, Custom, Books and Company, upon our Ways of thinking, I imagine a Man must have a good deal of Vanity who believes, and a good deal of Boldness who affirms, that all the Doctrines he holds, are true; and all he rejects, are false. And perhaps the same may be justly said of every Sect, Church and Society of men when they assume to themselves that Infallibility which they deny to the Popes and Councils. I think Opinions should be judg\u2019d of by their Influences and Effects; and if a Man holds none that tend to make him less Virtuous or more vicious, it may be concluded he holds none that are dangerous; which I hope is the Case with me. I am sorry you should have any Uneasiness on my Account, and if it were a thing possible for one to alter his Opinions in order to please others, I know none whom I ought more willingly to oblige in that respect than your selves: But since it is no more in a Man\u2019s Power to think than to look like another, methinks all that should be expected from me is to keep my Mind open to Conviction, to hear patiently and examine attentively whatever is offered me for that end; and if after all I continue in the same Errors, I believe your usual Charity will induce you rather to pity and excuse than blame me. In the mean time your Care and Concern for me is what I am very thankful for.\nAs to the Freemasons, unless she will believe me when I assure her that they are in general a very harmless sort of People; and have no principles or Practices that are inconsistent with Religion or good Manners, I know no Way of giving my Mother a better Opinion of them than she seems to have at present, (since it is not allow\u2019d that Women should be admitted into that secret Society). She has, I must confess, on that Account, some reason to be displeas\u2019d with it; but for any thing else, I must entreat her to suspend her Judgment till she is better inform\u2019d, and in the mean time exercise her Charity.\nMy Mother grieves that one of her Sons is an Arian, another an Arminian. What an Arminian or an Arian is, I cannot say that I very well know; the Truth is, I make such Distinctions very little my Study; I think vital Religion has always suffer\u2019d, when Orthodoxy is more regarded than Virtue. And the Scripture assures me, that at the last Day, we shall not be examin\u2019d what we thought, but what we did; and our Recommendation will not be that we said Lord, Lord, but that we did good to our Fellow Creatures. See Matth. 26.\nWe have had great Rains here lately, which with the Thawing of Snow in the Mountains back of our Country has made vast Floods in our Rivers, and by carrying away Bridges, Boats, &c. made travelling almost impracticable for a Week past, so that our Post has entirely mist making one Trip.\nI know nothing of Dr. Crook, nor can I learn that any such Person has ever been here.\nI hope my Sister Janey\u2019s Child is by this time recovered. I am Your dutiful Son\nB F", "culture": "English", "source_dataset": "Pile_of_Law", "source_dataset_detailed": "Pile_of_Law_founding_docs", "source_dataset_detailed_explanation": "Letters from U.S. founders.", "creation_year": 1738}, |
{"created_timestamp": "05-22-1738", "downloaded_timestamp": "10-18-2021", "url": "https://founders.archives.gov/API/docdata/Franklin/01-02-02-0038", "content": "Title: Agreement of Directors of Library Company, 22 May 1738\nFrom: Directors of Library Company\nTo: \nWe the Subscribers, Directors of the Library Company for the current Year, do agree to attend all our appointed Meetings, at \u00bd an Hour past Eight in the Evening until the first Meeting in August inclusive, And from that Time \u2019till November at Eight in the Evening And from that Time \u2019till May ensuing at Seven in the Evening, And that for every Failure we will each of us pay to the rest One Shilling. Witness our Hands hereto the Twenty second Day of May 1738.\nB Franklin\nWm. Coleman\nT. Cadwalader\nHugh Roberts\nThos. Hopkinson 1738\nWill: Allen\nAlex: Graydon\nRichard Peters\n May 22nd. Absent PS. WPl.\n June 12th. Absent WA. RP. TC.\n July 10th. Absent TC. AG. HR. WA. WP.\n Augst. 14. Absent WA. RP. HR. and PS.\n Septr. 11. Absent WA. RP. HR. AG. WP. WC. and tardy BF.\n Octobr. 9. Absent WA. WC. WP. HR.\n Novr. 13. Absent WA. HR. RP. AG. PS. and WC. the last being gone for England.\n Decr. 11. Absent WA. and RP.\n Janry. 8. Absent WA. WP. AG. and TH.\n Febry. 12. Absent WA. WP. AG. and PS.\n March 12. Absent WA. RP. BF. HR, and tardy SR.\n April 9. Absent WA. RP. HR. and AG.\n May 7th. Absent WA. RP.", "culture": "English", "source_dataset": "Pile_of_Law", "source_dataset_detailed": "Pile_of_Law_founding_docs", "source_dataset_detailed_explanation": "Letters from U.S. founders.", "creation_year": 1738}, |
{"created_timestamp": "05-01-1738", "downloaded_timestamp": "10-18-2021", "url": "https://founders.archives.gov/API/docdata/Franklin/01-02-02-0039", "content": "Title: From Benjamin Franklin to Josiah Franklin, [May 1738?]\nFrom: Franklin, Benjamin\nTo: Franklin, Josiah\nHonoured Father\nI received your kind Letter of the 4th of May in answer to mine of April 13. I wrote that of mine with a Design to remove or lessen the Uneasiness you and my Mother appear\u2019d to be under on Account of my Principles; and it gave me great Pleasure when she declar\u2019d in her next to me that she approv\u2019d of my Letter and was now satisfy\u2019d with me.", "culture": "English", "source_dataset": "Pile_of_Law", "source_dataset_detailed": "Pile_of_Law_founding_docs", "source_dataset_detailed_explanation": "Letters from U.S. founders.", "creation_year": 1738}, |
{"created_timestamp": "06-12-1738", "downloaded_timestamp": "10-18-2021", "url": "https://founders.archives.gov/API/docdata/Franklin/01-02-02-0040", "content": "Title: From Benjamin Franklin to John Ladd, 12 June 1738\nFrom: Franklin, Benjamin\nTo: Ladd, John\nSir\nI send you the Ladies Library and the other two Vols. of Don Quixote.\nThe Homers I have are done by Pope. The Iliads are in 6 Vols. 12mo price 45s. The Odysseys 5 Vols. 12mo price 37s. 6d. I will not part with them till I hear from you. I am Sir Your most humble Servant\nB. Franklin", "culture": "English", "source_dataset": "Pile_of_Law", "source_dataset_detailed": "Pile_of_Law_founding_docs", "source_dataset_detailed_explanation": "Letters from U.S. founders.", "creation_year": 1738}, |
{"created_timestamp": "08-08-1738", "downloaded_timestamp": "10-18-2021", "url": "https://founders.archives.gov/API/docdata/Franklin/01-02-02-0041", "content": "Title: Directors of Library Company to John Penn, 8 August 1738\nFrom: Directors of Library Company\nTo: Penn, John\n MS Minute Book: Library Company of Philadelphia\nHonourable Sir,\nPhiladelphia August 8th. 1738.\nThe Library Company of Philadelphia beg leave to return their most hearty Thanks for your noble Benefaction of an Air Pump with its costly and curious Apparatus.\nUseful and necessary as that excellent Invention must be to a Society whose View is the Improvement of Knowledge, we might have been long without this Advantage if your judicious Generosity had not come in to our Assistance.\nIt gives us great Pleasure that the Proprietary Family so many other Ways endeared to us, are so early and in so iminent a Manner the particular Benefactors of our Society; the honorable your Brother having not long since bestowed on us a valuable and well-situated Lot of Ground for the Conveniency of a Library Room and Garden.\nPermit us to accompany our thankful Acknowlegements of these Favours, with our sincere Assurances of doing all that lies in our Power to merit the Continuance of your Regards.\nWilliam Allen,\nThos. Hopkinson,\nAlexr. Graydon,\nWm. Plumstead,\nThos. Cadwalader,\nWm. Coleman,\nB. Franklin,\nHugh Roberts,\nRichard Peters,\nPhilip Syng Jnr.", "culture": "English", "source_dataset": "Pile_of_Law", "source_dataset_detailed": "Pile_of_Law_founding_docs", "source_dataset_detailed_explanation": "Letters from U.S. founders.", "creation_year": 1738}, |
{"created_timestamp": "10-11-1738", "downloaded_timestamp": "10-18-2021", "url": "https://founders.archives.gov/API/docdata/Franklin/01-02-02-0043", "content": "Title: To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Morgan, 11 October 1738\nFrom: Morgan, Joseph\nTo: Franklin, Benjamin\nMr. Franklin\nPlease to fasten this to the Manuscript of Philosophy.\nAnd if it be gone, be so kind as to inclose it to the Royal Society by another Ship. You will oblige Your Friend and Servant\nJoseph Morgan\n Addressed: Mr Benjamin Franklin \u2002Post Master in \u2002Philadelphia \u2002A Second", "culture": "English", "source_dataset": "Pile_of_Law", "source_dataset_detailed": "Pile_of_Law_founding_docs", "source_dataset_detailed_explanation": "Letters from U.S. founders.", "creation_year": 1738}, |
{"created_timestamp": "12-22-1738", "downloaded_timestamp": "10-18-2021", "url": "https://founders.archives.gov/API/docdata/Franklin/01-02-02-0044", "content": "Title: From Benjamin Franklin to Isaac Corin, 22 December 1738\nFrom: Franklin, Benjamin\nTo: Corin, Isaac\nMr. Corin\nPlease to let the Bearer Stephen Potts have a pair of Leather Breeches, and charge them to the Account of your Friend\nB Franklin", "culture": "English", "source_dataset": "Pile_of_Law", "source_dataset_detailed": "Pile_of_Law_founding_docs", "source_dataset_detailed_explanation": "Letters from U.S. founders.", "creation_year": 1738} |
] |