from typing import List from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.responses import FileResponse import uvicorn import os from scripts.iib.api import infinite_image_browsing_api, index_html_path from scripts.iib.tool import get_sd_webui_conf, get_valid_img_dirs, sd_img_dirs, normalize_paths from scripts.iib.db.datamodel import DataBase, Image from scripts.iib.db.update_image_data import update_image_data import argparse from typing import Optional, Coroutine import json tag = "\033[31m[warn]\033[0m" default_port = 8000 default_host = "" def sd_webui_paths_check(sd_webui_config: str, relative_to_config: bool): conf = {} with open(sd_webui_config, "r") as f: conf = json.loads( if relative_to_config: for dir in sd_img_dirs: if not os.path.isabs(conf[dir]): conf[dir] = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(sd_webui_config, "../", conf[dir]) ) paths = [conf.get(key) for key in sd_img_dirs] paths_check(paths) def paths_check(paths): for path in paths: if not path or len(path.strip()) == 0: continue if os.path.isabs(path): abs_path = path else: abs_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path) if not os.path.exists(abs_path): print(f"{tag} The path '{abs_path}' will be ignored (value: {path}).") def do_update_image_index(sd_webui_config: str, relative_to_config=False): dirs = get_valid_img_dirs( get_sd_webui_conf( sd_webui_config=sd_webui_config, sd_webui_path_relative_to_config=relative_to_config, ) ) if not len(dirs): return print(f"{tag} no valid image directories, skipped") conn = DataBase.get_conn() update_image_data(dirs) if Image.count(conn=conn) == 0: return print(f"{tag} it appears that there is some issue") print("update image index completed. ✨") class AppUtils: def __init__( self, sd_webui_config: Optional[str] = None, update_image_index: bool = False, extra_paths: List[str] = [], sd_webui_path_relative_to_config=False, allow_cors=False, enable_shutdown=False, sd_webui_dir: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Parameter definitions can be found by running the `python -h `command or by examining the setup_parser() function. """ self.sd_webui_config = sd_webui_config self.update_image_index = update_image_index self.extra_paths = extra_paths self.sd_webui_path_relative_to_config = sd_webui_path_relative_to_config self.allow_cors = allow_cors self.enable_shutdown = enable_shutdown self.sd_webui_dir = sd_webui_dir if sd_webui_dir: DataBase.path = os.path.join( sd_webui_dir, "extensions/sd-webui-infinite-image-browsing/iib.db" ) self.sd_webui_config = os.path.join(sd_webui_dir, "config.json") self.sd_webui_path_relative_to_config = True def set_params(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """改变参数,与__init__的行为一致""" self.__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def async_run(app: FastAPI, port: int = default_port, host = default_host) -> Coroutine: """ 用于从异步运行的 FastAPI,在 Jupyter Notebook 环境中非常有用 """ # 不建议改成 async def,并且用 await 替换 return, # 因为这样会失去对 server.serve() 的控制。 config = uvicorn.Config(app, host=host, port=port) server = uvicorn.Server(config) return server.serve() def wrap_app(self, app: FastAPI) -> None: """ 为传递的app挂载上infinite_image_browsing后端 """ sd_webui_config = self.sd_webui_config update_image_index = self.update_image_index extra_paths = self.extra_paths if sd_webui_config: sd_webui_paths_check(sd_webui_config, self.sd_webui_path_relative_to_config) if update_image_index: do_update_image_index( sd_webui_config, self.sd_webui_path_relative_to_config ) paths_check(extra_paths) infinite_image_browsing_api( app, sd_webui_config=sd_webui_config, extra_paths_cli=normalize_paths(extra_paths, os.getcwd()), sd_webui_path_relative_to_config=self.sd_webui_path_relative_to_config, allow_cors=self.allow_cors, enable_shutdown=self.enable_shutdown, launch_mode="server", ) def get_root_browser_app(self) -> FastAPI: """ 获取首页挂载在"/"上的infinite_image_browsing FastAPI实例 """ app = FastAPI() # 用于在首页显示 @app.get("/") def index(): return FileResponse(index_html_path) self.wrap_app(app) return app def setup_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="A fast and powerful image browser for Stable Diffusion webui." ) parser.add_argument( "--host", type=str, default=default_host, help="The host to use" ) parser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, help="The port to use", default=default_port ) parser.add_argument( "--sd_webui_config", type=str, default=None, help="The path to the config file" ) parser.add_argument( "--update_image_index", action="store_true", help="Update the image index" ) parser.add_argument( "--extra_paths", nargs="+", help="Extra paths to use, will be added to Quick Move.", default=[], ) parser.add_argument( "--sd_webui_path_relative_to_config", action="store_true", help="Use the file path of the sd_webui_config file as the base for all relative paths provided within the sd_webui_config file.", ) parser.add_argument( "--allow_cors", action="store_true", help="Allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for the API.", ) parser.add_argument( "--enable_shutdown", action="store_true", help="Enable the shutdown endpoint.", ) parser.add_argument( "--sd_webui_dir", type=str, default=None, help="The path to the sd_webui folder. When specified, the sd_webui's configuration will be used and the extension must be installed within the sd_webui. Data will be shared between the two.", ) return parser def launch_app(port: int = default_port, host: str = default_host, *args, **kwargs: dict) -> None: """ Launches the application on the specified port. Args: **kwargs (dict): Optional keyword arguments that can be used to configure the application. These can be viewed by running 'python -h' or by checking the setup_parser() function. """ app_utils = AppUtils(*args, **kwargs) app = app_utils.get_root_browser_app(), host=host, port=port) async def async_launch_app(port: int = default_port, host: str = default_host, *args, **kwargs: dict) -> None: """ Asynchronously launches the application on the specified port. Args: **kwargs (dict): Optional keyword arguments that can be used to configure the application. These can be viewed by running 'python -h' or by checking the setup_parser() function. """ app_utils = AppUtils(*args, **kwargs) app = app_utils.get_root_browser_app() await app_utils.async_run(app, host=host, port=port) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = setup_parser() args = parser.parse_args() launch_app(**vars(args))