ReActor Extension API
[Built-in SD WebUI API](#built-in-sd-webui-api) | [External ReActor API](#external-reactor-api)
Gourieff's **ReActor** SD WebUI Extension allows to operate via API: both built-in and external (POST and GET requests).
## Built-in SD WebUI API
This API is actual if you use Automatic1111 stable-diffusion-webui.
First of all - check the [SD Web API Wiki](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/API) for how to use the API.
* Call `requests.get(url=f'{address}/sdapi/v1/script-info')` to find the args that ReActor needs;
* Define ReActor script args and add like this `"alwayson_scripts": {"reactor":{"args":args}}` in the payload;
* Call the API.
You can find the [full usage example](./example/api_example.py) with all the available parameters and discriptions in the "example" folder.
## External ReActor API
ReActor extension supports for external calls via POST or GET requests while your SD WebUI server is working.
> :warning: Source and Target images must be "base64".
curl -X POST \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"source_image": "...",
"target_image": "...",
"source_faces_index": [0],
"face_index": [0],
"upscaler": "4x_Struzan_300000",
"scale": 2,
"upscale_visibility": 1,
"face_restorer": "CodeFormer",
"restorer_visibility": 1,
"restore_first": 1,
"model": "inswapper_128.onnx",
"gender_source": 0,
"gender_target": 0,
"save_to_file": 0,
"result_file_path": ""
* Set `"upscaler"` to `"None"` and `"scale"` to `1` if you don't need to upscale;
* Set `"save_to_file"` to `1` if you need to save result to a file;
* `"result_file_path"` is set to the `"outputs/api"` folder by default (please, create the folder beforehand to avoid any errors) with a timestamped filename; (output_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss), you can set any specific path, e.g. `"C:/stable-diffusion-webui/outputs/api/output.png"`.
You can find full usage examples with all the available parameters in the "example" folder: [cURL](./example/api_external.curl), [JSON](./example/api_external.json).
As a result you recieve a "base64" image:
A list of available models can be seen by GET: