\n\nSport | \nFederation | \n
\n\nAesthetic group gymnastics | \nInternational Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics (IFAAG) | \n
\n\nAikido | \nInternational Aikido Federation (IAF) | \n
\n\nAir sports (including aerobatics, air racing, ballooning, gliding, hang gliding, and parachuting/skydiving) | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration A\u00e9ronautique Internationale (FAI) | \n
\n\nAlpine skiing (Para) | \nWorld Para Alpine Skiing | \n
\n\nAmerican football | \nInternational Federation of American Football (IFAF) | \n
\n\nAmputee football | \nWorld Amputee Football Federation (WAFF) | \n
\n\nAquatics (including swimming, diving, water polo, artistic swimming) | \nFINA (F\u00e9d\u00e9ration internationale de natation) | \n
\n\nArchery | \nWorld Archery Federation (WA) | \n
\n\nArchery (Para) | \nWorld Archery Federation (WA) | \n
\n\nArm Wrestling | \nWorld Armwrestling Federation (WAF) | \n
\n\nAthletics (covering track and field, road running, cross country running, decathlon and racewalking) | \nWorld Athletics (formerly International Association of Athletics Federations; IAAF) | \n
\n\nAthletics (Para) | \nWorld Para Athletics | \n
\n\nAustralian rules football | \nAustralian Football International (AFI) | \n
\n\nAuto Racing | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) | \n
\n\nAxe throwing | \nInternational Axe Throwing Federation (IATF) | \n
\n\nBadminton | \nBadminton World Federation (BWF) | \n
\n\nBadminton (Para) | \nParabadminton World Federation (PBWF) / Badminton World Federation (BWF) | \n
\n\nBandy | \nFederation of International Bandy (FIB) | \n
\n\nBaseball, softball and Baseball5 | \nWorld Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) | \n
\n\nBasketball | \nFIBA | \n
\n\nBasque pelota | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Pelota Vasca (FIPV) | \n
\n\nBeach handball | \nWorld Beach Handball Association (WBHA) | \n
\n\nBeach Soccer | \nBeach Soccer Worldwide (BSWW), F\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) | \n
\n\nBeeni | \nWorld Beeni Federation (WBF) | \n
\n\nBiathlon | \nInternational Biathlon Union (IBU) | \n
\n\nBilliard Sports - Carom | \nUnion Mondiale de Billard (UMB) | \n
\n\nBilliard Sports - Pool | \nWorld Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) | \n
\n\nBilliard Sports - Snooker | \nInternational Billiards and Snooker Federation (IBSF) | \n
\n\nBilliard sports (including carom billiards, pocket billiards (pool), and snooker) | \nWorld Confederation of Billiards Sports (WCBS) | \n
\n\nBobsleigh and skeleton | \nInternational Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation (IBSF) | \n
\n\nBoccia | \nBoccia International Sports Federation (BISFed) | \n
\n\nBodyboarding | \nInternational Bodyboarding Association (IBA) | \n
\n\nBodybuilding | \nInternational Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness (IFBB) | \n
\n\nBodybuilding, physique sports, and fitness | \nWorld Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Federation (WBPF) | \n
\n\nBoot throwing | \nInternational Bootthrowing Association (IBTA) | \n
\n\nBoules - Bocce | \nConfederazione Boccistica Internazionale (CBI) | \n
\n\nBoule Lyonnaise | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Boules (FIB) | \n
\n\nBoules - Petanque | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de P\u00e9tanque et Jeu Proven\u00e7al (FIPJP) | \n
\n\nBoules sports | \nConf\u00e9d\u00e9ration Mondiale des Sports de Boules (CMSB) | \n
\n\nBowling (ninepin and tenpin bowling) | \nInternational Bowling Federation (IBF), formerly World Bowling (WB) | \n
\n\nBowling - Nine-pin | \nWorld Ninepin Bowling Association (WNBA) | \n
\n\nBowling - Ten-pin | \nWorld Tenpin Bowling Association (WTBA) | \n
\n\nBowls | \nProfessional Bowls Association (PBA), World Bowls (WB) | \n
\n\nBoxing | \nWorld Professional Boxing Federation (WPBF) | \n
\n\nBoxing (amateur) | \nInternational Boxing Association (formerly Association Internationale de Boxe Amateur; AIBA). World Boxing | \n
\n\nBrazilian jiu-jitsu | \nInternational Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF), Sport Jiu Jitsu International Federation (SJJIF) | \n
\n\nBridge | \nWorld Bridge Federation (WBF) | \n
\n\nBroomball | \nInternational Federation of Broomball Associations (IFBA) | \n
\n\nBudo | \nInternational Budo Federation | \n
\n\nCageball | \nProfessional Cageball Association (PCA) | \n
\n\nCanadian five-pin bowling | \nCanadian 5 Pin Bowlers Association (C5PBA) | \n
\n\nCanoeing | \nInternational Canoe Federation (ICF) | \n
\n\nCasting | \nInternational Casting Sport Federation (ICSF) | \n
\n\nCheerleading | \nInternational Cheer Union (ICU) | \n
\n\nChess | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale des \u00c9checs (FIDE), International Amateur Chess Federation (IACF) | \n
\n\nClimbing and mountaineering | \nUnion Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme (UIAA) | \n
\n\nCorporate football | \nInternational Federation of Corporate Football (FIFCO) | \n
\n\nCorrespondence chess | \nInternational Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF) | \n
\n\nCricket | \nInternational Cricket Council (ICC) | \n
\n\nCroquet | \nWorld Croquet Federation (WCF) | \n
\n\nCrossminton | \nInternational Crossminton Organisation (ICO) | \n
\n\nCurling | \nWorld Curling Federation (WCF) | \n
\n\nCycling | \nUnion Cycliste Internationale (UCI) (or International Cycling Union, ICU) | \n
\n\nDanceSport | \nWorld DanceSport Federation (WDSF) | \n
\n\nDarts | \nWorld Darts Federation (WDF) | \n
\n\nDebating | \nWorld Debating Council (WDC), Consejo Mundial de Debate (COMUDEES) | \n
\n\nDodgeball | \nWorld Dodgeball Federation (WDBF) | \n
\n\nDragon boat racing | \nInternational Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) | \n
\n\nDraughts | \nWorld Draughts Federation (FMJD) | \n
\n\nElephant Polo | \nWorld Elephant Polo Association (WEPF) | \n
\n\nEquestrian | \nInternational Federation for Equestrian Sports (F\u00e9d\u00e9ration \u00c9questre Internationale, FEI) | \n
\n\neSports (gaming) | \nInternational e-Sports Federation (IeSF), Global Esports Federation (GEF) | \n
\n\nFencing | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale d'Escrime (FIE) | \n
\n\nField hockey | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Hockey (FIH) (International Hockey Federation) | \n
\n\nFishing | \nInternational Confederation of Sport Fishing (CIPS) | \n
\n\nFistball | \nInternational Fistball Association (IFA) | \n
\n\nFloor tennis | \nWorld Floor Tennis Federation (WFTF) | \n
\n\nFloorball | \nInternational Floorball Federation (IFF) | \n
\n\nFlying disc | \nWorld Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) | \n
\n\nFootball 5-a-side | \nInternational Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) | \n
\n\nFootball 7-a-side | \nInternational Federation of Cerebral Palsy Football (IFCPF) | \n
\n\nFootball/Soccer | \nFIFA (F\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Football Association) | \n
\n\nFootgolf | \nFederation for International FootGolf (FIFG) | \n
\n\nFutsal | \nAsociaci\u00f3n Mundial de Futsal (AMF), F\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) | \n
\n\nFootball (Gaelic) | \nGaelic Athletic Association (GAA) | \n
\n\nGaelic handball | \nIrish Handball Council, United States Handball Association (USHA) | \n
\n\nGateball | \nWorld Gateball Union (WGU) | \n
\n\nGillidanda | \nGilli Danda International Federation | \n
\n\nGo | \nInternational Go Federation (IGF) | \n
\n\nGoalball | \nInternational Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) | \n
\n\nGolf | \nInternational Golf Federation (IGF), The R&A; United States Golf Association (USGA) | \n
\n\nGreyhound racing | \nAmerican Greyhound Track Operators Association (AGTOA), National Greyhound Racing Club (NGRC) | \n
\n\nGround golf | \nInternational Ground Golf Federation (IGGF) | \n
\n\nGungdo | \nWorld Kung-do Federation | \n
\n\nGymnastics, (including rhythmic gymnastics, sports acrobatics, sports aerobics, trampolining and tumbling) | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) (International Gymnastics Federation, IFG) | \n
\n\nHam radio contesting, amateur radio direction finding, and high speed telegraphy | \nInternational Amateur Radio Union (IARU) | \n
\n\nHandball (team) | \nInternational Handball Federation (IHF) | \n
\n\nHapkido boxing | \nHapkido Boxing International Organization (HBIO) | \n
\n\nHarness horse racing | \nHarness Horsemen International (HHI), Union Europeenne du Trot (European Trotting Union) (UET) | \n
\n\nHorse racing | \nInternational Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) | \n
\n\nHorseback archery | \nInternational Horseback Archery Alliance (IHAA) | \n
\n\nHorseshoes | \nNational Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America (NHPA) | \n
\n\nHurling | \nGaelic Athletic Association (GAA) | \n
\n\nIce hockey | \nInternational Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) | \n
\n\nIce skating (including figure skating, speed skating, and Short-track speed skating) | \nInternational Skating Union (ISU) | \n
\n\nIce stock sport | \nInternational Federation IceStockSport (IFI) | \n
\n\nIntercrosse | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale d’Inter-Crosse (FIIC) | \n
\n\nJudo | \nInternational Judo Federation (IJF) | \n
\n\nJudo (Blind) | \nInternational Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) | \n
\n\nJuggling | \nWorld Juggling Federation (WJF) | \n
\n\nKabaddi | \nInternational Kabaddi Federation (IKF) | \n
\n\nKarate | \nWorld Karate Federation (WKF) | \n
\n\nKendo | \nInternational Kendo Federation (IKF), World Kendo Association | \n
\n\nKettlebell lifting | \nInternational Union of Kettlebell Lifting (IUKL) | \n
\n\nKickboxing | \nWorld Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO), International Kickboxing Federation (IKF) | \n
\n\nKin-Ball | \nInternational Kin-Ball Federation (IKBF) | \n
\n\nKite sports | \nInternational Federation of Kitesports Organisations (IFKO) | \n
\n\nKorfball | \nInternational Korfball Federation (IKF) | \n
\n\nKrav maga | \nInternational Krav Maga Federation (IKMF) | \n
\n\nLacrosse | \nFederation of International Lacrosse | \n
\n\nLethwei | \nWorld Lethwei Federation (WLF) | \n
\n\nLife saving | \nInternational Life Saving Federation (ILS) | \n
\n\nLuge | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Luge de Course (FIL) | \n
\n\nMallakhamb | \nMallakhamb Confederation of World (MCW) | \n
\n\nMiniature golf | \nWorld Minigolfsport Federation (WMF) | \n
\n\nMixed martial arts | \nInternational Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF), International Sport Combat Federation (ISCF) | \n
\n\nModern Arnis | \nInternational Modern Arnis Federation (IMAF) | \n
\n\nModern pentathlon | \nUnion Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) | \n
\n\nMotorcycle sport | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) | \n
\n\nMountain running | \nWorld Mountain Running Association (WMRA) | \n
\n\nMountainboarding | \nInternational Mountainboard Riders Association (IMRA) | \n
\n\nMuay Thai | \nInternational Kickboxing Federation (IKF), International Federation of Muaythai Amateur (IFMA) | \n
\n\nNetball | \nInternational Netball Federation (INF) | \n
\n\nNordic skiing (Para) | \nWorld Para Nordic Skiing | \n
\n\nObstacle racing | \nWorld Obstacle (FISO) | \n
\n\nObstacle sports (O-sport) | \nWorld O-Sport Federation (WOF) | \n
\n\nOrienteering | \nInternational Orienteering Federation (IOF) | \n
\n\nPaddleball | \nNational Paddleball Association (NPA) | \n
\n\nPadel | \nInternational Padel Federation (IPF) | \n
\n\nPara Dance Sport | \nWorld Para Dance Sport | \n
\n\nPara ice hockey | \nWorld Para Ice Hockey | \n
\n\nPara table tennis | \nInternational Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) | \n
\n\nParkour | \nWorld Freerunning Parkour Federation (WFPF) | \n
\n\nPencak Silat | \nInternational Pencak Silat Federation (PERSILAT) | \n
\n\nPes\u00e4pallo (Finnish baseball) | \nPes\u00e4palloliitto | \n
\n\nPickleball | \nInternational Federation of Pickleball (IFP) | \n
\n\nPigeon racing | \nRoyal Pigeon Racing Association (RPRA) | \n
\n\nPogo stick | \nWorld Pogo Stick Federation (WPSF) | \n
\n\nPoker | \nInternational Federation of Poker (IFP) | \n
\n\nPole dance | \nInternational Pole Sports Federation (IPSF) | \n
\n\nPolo | \nFederation of International Polo (FIP) | \n
\n\nPowerboating | \nUnion Internationale Motonautique (UIM) | \n
\n\nPowerlifting | \nInternational Powerlifting Federation (IPF) | \n
\n\nPowerlifting (Para) | \nWorld Para Powerlifting | \n
\n\nPractical shooting | \nInternational Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) | \n
\n\nQuidditch | \nInternational Quidditch Association (IQA) | \n
\n\nQuizzing | \nInternational Quizzing Association (IQA) | \n
\n\nRacketlon | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Racketlon (International Racketlon Federation) (FIR) | \n
\n\nRacquetball | \nInternational Racquetball Federation (IRF) | \n
\n\nRadio-controlled car racing | \nInternational Federation of Model Auto Racing (IFMAR) | \n
\n\nRafting | \nInternational Rafting Federation(IRF) | \n
\n\nRingball | \nInternational Ringball Federation(IRBF) | \n
\n\nRingette | \nInternational Ringette Federation (IRF) | \n
\n\nRogaining | \nInternational Rogaining Federation (IRF) | \n
\n\nRoller sports (including inline hockey, roller racing, rink hockey, roller derby, skateboarding, and artistic roller skating) | \nWorld Skate (WS) | \n
\n\nRope Skipping | \nInternational Jump Rope Union (IJRU), World Rope Skipping Confederation (WRSC), International Rope Skipping Federation (IRSF), World Inter-School Rope Skipping Organisation (WIRSO), International Rope Skipping Organisation (IRSO) | \n
\n\nRounders | \nNational Rounders Association (NRA) | \n
\n\nRowing | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale des Soci\u00e9t\u00e9s d'Aviron (FISA) (International Rowing Federation) | \n
\n\nRubik's Cube | \nWorld Cube Association (WCA) | \n
\n\nRugby Fives | \nRugby Fives Association (RFA) | \n
\n\nRugby league | \nRugby League International Federation (RLIF) | \n
\n\nRugby union | \nWorld Rugby (WR) | \n
\n\nSailing | \nWorld Sailing | \n
\n\nSailing (Para) | \nInternational Association for Disabled Sailing (IADS) | \n
\n\nSambo | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Sambo (FIAS) | \n
\n\nSavate | \nFederation Internationale de Savate (FISav) | \n
\n\nSepak Takraw | \nInternational Sepaktakraw Federation (ISTAF) | \n
\n\nShinty | \nCamanachd Association | \n
\n\nShooting (Para) | \nWorld Shooting Para Sport | \n
\n\nShooting | \nInternational Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) | \n
\n\nShuttlecock | \nInternational Shuttlecock Federation | \n
\n\nSilambam | \nWorld Silambam Association (WSA) | \n
\n\nSkateboarding | \nWorld Skateboarding Federation (WSF); International Skateboarding Federation (ISF) | \n
\n\nSki mountaineering | \nInternational Ski Mountaineering Federation (ISMF) | \n
\n\nSkibobbing | \nInternational Skibob Federation (FISB) | \n
\n\nSkiing (including Alpine, Nordic combined, cross-country, freestyle, ski jumping and snowboarding and snowboarding) | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Ski (FIS) | \n
\n\nSled dog sports | \nInternational Federation of Sleddog Sports | \n
\n\nSlot car racing | \nInternational Slot Racing Association (ISRA) | \n
\n\nSnowboarding (Para) | \nWorld Para Snowboard | \n
\n\nSoft Tennis | \nInternational Soft Tennis Federation (ISTF) | \n
\n\nSports climbing | \nInternational Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) | \n
\n\nSport jiu-jitsu | \nSport Jiu Jitsu International Federation (SJJIF) | \n
\n\nSport Ju-Jitsu | \nJu-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) | \n
\n\nSport stacking | \nWorld Sport Stacking Association (WSSA) | \n
\n\nSqay | \nInternational Council of Sqay (ICS) | \n
\n\nSquash | \nWorld Squash Federation (WSF) | \n
\n\nSsireum | \nWorld Ssireum Federation (WSF) | \n
\n\nStreet and ball hockey | \nInternational Street And Ball Hockey Federation (ISBH) | \n
\n\nSumo | \nInternational Sumo Federation (ISF) | \n
\n\nSurfing and bodyboarding | \nInternational Surfing Association (ISA) | \n
\n\nSwimming (Para) | \nWorld Para Swimming | \n
\n\nTable football (Table soccer; foosball) | \nInternational Table Soccer Federation (ITSF) | \n
\n\nTable hockey | \nInternational Table Hockey Federation (ITHF) | \n
\n\nTable Tennis | \nInternational Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) | \n
\n\nTaekwondo | \nWorld Taekwondo (WT) | \n
\n\nTag | \nWorld Chase Tag | \n
\n\nTank biathlon | \nInternational Federation of Tank Biathlon | \n
\n\nTargetball | \nInternational Targetball Federation (ITF) | \n
\n\nTchoukball | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Tchoukball | \n
\n\nTennis | \nInternational Tennis Federation (ITF) | \n
\n\nTent Pegging | \nInternational Tent Pegging Federation (ITPF) | \n
\n\nTeqball | \nInternational Federation of Teqball (FITEQ) | \n
\n\nThrowball | \nInternational Throwball Federation (ITF) | \n
\n\nTouch football | \nFederation of International Touch (FIT) | \n
\n\nTriathlon | \nInternational Triathlon Union (ITU) | \n
\n\nTug-of-war | \nTug-of-War International Federation (TWIF) | \n
\n\nUnderwater sports | \nConf\u00e9d\u00e9ration Mondiale des Activit\u00e9s Subaquatiques (CMAS) | \n
\n\nUnicycling | \nInternational Unicycling Federation (IUF) | \n
\n\nVirtual motorsport | \nGlobal Virtual Motorsport Association (GVMA) | \n
\n\nVolleyball (Para) | \nWorld Organization Volleyball for Disabled (WOVD) | \n
\n\nVolleyball and Beach volleyball | \nF\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) | \n
\n\nVovinam | \nInternational Vovinam Federation (IVF), Vovinam-VietVoDao World Federation (VVWF) | \n
\n\nVX (Rock-It-Ball) | \nGlobal VX, International Rock-It-Ball Federation (IRIBF) | \n
\n\nWater skiing and wakeboarding (including cable skiing and cable wakeboarding) | \nInternational Waterski & Wakeboard Federation (IWWF) | \n
\n\nWeightlifting | \nInternational Weightlifting Federation (IWF) | \n
\n\nWheel gymnastics | \nInternational Wheel Gymnastics Federation | \n
\n\nWheelchair basketball | \nInternational Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) | \n
\n\nWheelchair curling | \nWorld Curling Federation (WCF) | \n
\n\nWheelchair Fencing | \nInternational Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation (IWAS) | \n
\n\nWheelchair rugby | \nInternational Wheelchair Rugby Federation (IWRF) | \n
\n\nWheelchair tennis | \nInternational Tennis Federation (ITF) | \n
\n\nWrestling | \nUnited World Wrestling (UWW) | \n
\n\nWushu | \nInternational Wushu Federation (IWUF) | \n
\n\nYoga | \nYogasports Confederation of World (YCW) | \n