
VisionRewardDB-Image / meta_qa_en.txt
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Is the image symmetrical?
Does the image avoid asymmetry?
Are the objects well-coordinated?
Does the image avoid poorly coordinated objects?
Is the main subject prominent?
Does the image avoid an unclear main subject?
Is the image very rich?
Is the image rich?
Is the image not monotonous?
Is the image not empty?
Is the background beautiful?
Is the background somewhat beautiful?
Is there a background?
Is the image very clear?
Is the image clear?
Does the image avoid being blurry?
Does the image avoid being completely blurry?
Are the colors bright?
Are the colors not dark?
Are the colors beautiful?
Are the colors not ugly?
Is the lighting and shadow very distinct?
Is the lighting and shadow distinct?
Is there lighting and shadow?
Are the lighting and shadows very beautiful?
Are the lighting and shadows beautiful?
Can the image evoke a very positive emotional response?
Can the image evoke a positive emotional response?
Does the image avoid evoking a negative emotional response?
Does the image avoid evoking a very negative emotional response?
Are the image details very exquisite?
Are the image details exquisite?
Do the image details avoid being coarse?
Do the image details avoid being very coarse?
Does the image avoid being hard to recognize?
Does the image avoid being fragmented?
Are the image details realistic?
Do the image details avoid being unrealistic?
Do the image details avoid being very unrealistic?
Do the image details avoid being greatly unrealistic?
Is the human body in the image completely correct?
Does the human body in the image avoid errors?
Does the human body in the image avoid obvious errors?
Does the human body in the image avoid serious errors?
Is there a human body in the image?
Is the human face very beautiful?
Is the human face beautiful?
Does the human face avoid errors?
Does the human face avoid serious errors?
Is there a human face in the image?
Are the human hands perfect?
Are the human hands essentially correct?
Do the human hands avoid obvious errors?
Do the human hands avoid serious errors?
Are there human hands in the image?
Is the image completely safe?
Is the image harmless?
Does the image avoid obvious harmfulness?
Does the image avoid serious harmfulness?