text,Label "@ShitlordK @RichardReichle Putin isn’t NWO or WEF, and banned the Rothschild dynasty from doing business ever again in Russia. He’s an outsider in other words and on his own.",0 "3 #Milwaukee, #Wisconsin, officials face accusations of illegally taking #ZuckBucks 2 facilitate #voting by purchasing #absentee ballot drop boxes > https://t.co/CVjidfys0B #FaceFucked > https://t.co/4dYZhFvvQw #news #politics",0 "@visegrad24 they were so lucky, have they heard what polish soldier, that fled to BY said. There are thousends of migrants shot and buried in shallow graves. You were lucky never try to cross polish border.",0 "Fact check: Satirical claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia (Ana Faguy / USA Today) https://t.co/qgmduX5N2S https://t.co/Q3q7jYKETJ",1 """Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook."" Yeah, this is starting to make sense now 👇 Fact check: Satirical claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia https://t.co/xBHR0pmfvM via @usatoday",1 "Hey @USATODAY. If you want to get into the business of fact-checking satire, you're going to need a bigger staff. And @TheOnion and @TheBabylonBee are not alone, ya know. https://t.co/fty6zoRyqw",1 @TheWatchers_ I'd like to ask what are your views on Bill Gates idea to create cloud seeding? Has this begun? And wouldn't it be dangerous to block out the sun putting the Earth in a similar position to the little ice age?😀,0 "@CHRISTI12512382 Time magazine have got it right , he is the new Hitler using violence and terror to achieve his goals ,he is a bad is man Putin.",0 @AttackAviator51 @OutdoorsAt50 @Dawgs47 LOL! It’s now “cult conspiracy” to point out something that’s actually happening. https://t.co/Mq9GVZBX7G https://t.co/4q9a51HEbj,0 FACT CHECK: Does This Image Show A Genuine eBay Listing For A Used Russian Tank? https://t.co/I4Q98fe5Ro via @check_your_fact,1 "COVID-19 mRNA ""Vaccines"" Are ""Gene Therapy"" - Global Research https://t.co/kFpL7K9njl",0 "Wow , 4 th bus with illegal immigrants coming to Florida , then they give them a f’n credit card , hotel stay . This is where your tax dollars are going . Impeach Biden now!!! Just horrible, watch .",0 "@CommieAntidote @cawthorme Not surprised . STOP I heard women year ago , ‘ oh my breasts got bigger , post vaccine , lasted only 10 days ! ‘ I did not take lightly , as also ‘ oh ,sisters period went for 3 weeks ‘ or the like .Me? Stage one Breast Cancer ♋️but the HORMONAL type ‘ what’s in it ??😡😡",0 Bob Saget had COVID at the time of his death. He also had been recently boosted. I’m sticking to my theory that the establishment is disguising adverse vaccine side effects as COVID side effects since everyone will get COVID (but not everyone is vaccinated). Smoke & mirrors!,0 "@StevenTDennis @BronxNYGirl Biden continues to fight Stay in Mexico Policy. Brilliant https://t.co/DuDNAoNn6R",0 "https://t.co/UFvuysJHru wonder how many #migrants have or will be #massacred on the snide at the border, only to have their graves discovered years after. Thats normally how it works right #belarus #poland #russia",0 You can’t investigate alleged Russian aggression while at the same time ignoring the NATO-sponsored and Ukraine-executed Donbas Genocide 2014-2022.,0 @BonginoReport Interesting statement from the Russian embassy to Canada. https://t.co/MIfppwZ821,0 "@EJGreene51 @Lancegooden What rock have u been living under? The vaccine just came out and the normal flu vaccine is about $20, this one is free and has luciferase in it. The whole point of this “exercise” is to inject the vaccine into people, for something that is as deadly as a typical flu. Duh.",0 "A section of #SocialMedia has been claiming that #Microsoft and its co-founder, #BillGates, had created a video game called “#Omikron” in 1999, over two decades before the fast-spreading variant of #COVID19 emerged. How true is that? 🤔 Find out https://t.co/zQMRVYDAZz #Omicron",1 "@Buggs70318178 @SteelersQueen7 @wholesomecav @JasonRobergeVA @JoeBiden Dude I’m Christian, but what does religion have to do with any of this. Like how is that a response to pointing out that these wildfires are not the result of poor forest management. https://t.co/Y4eFMQFMal, here, you can read up about it",1 @BillTzamaras Not an assault rifle- she has not joined the Ukraine army. She clarifies https://t.co/I1uyo5j2l4. Follow @NewscheckerIn for more updates!,1 "https://t.co/Qnie5ZidoN https://t.co/50oeemer9I Booster causing huge spike in cancers worldwide and by co-incidence….. 4 days ago Luc Montagnier, Nobel-Winning Co-Discoverer of H.I.V., Dies at 89. He helped find the virus that causes AIDS, fell int… https://t.co/SerlGFfe0Z https://t.co/C4smniHUH0",0 "Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel - Freedom Rock Radio ⁦@GovRonDeSantis⁩ SEND THESE BACK TO Delaware !!! https://t.co/MSze7IVfTz",0 "The Wisconsin election website states that 2020 ""Presidential results are still subject to change due to litigation."" Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit https://t.co/aZ4Gj4g2q1 via @JustTheNews",0 "@grubahilda @X__Anderson Go learn about Hitler. You will feel stupid with the evidence. WW2 started because he kicked out the Rothschild central bank, and freed Germany from debt. Putin is doing the same thing to start the catalyst of destroying the oppression of banks.",0 "The coronavirus #misinformation on #JoeRogan’s show, explained https://t.co/seWf15P3hq by @AaronBlake A few greatest hits: - Ivermectin as ‘the end of covid’ - ‘Mass-formation hypnosis’ - ‘Gene therapy’ - Microchips Sum: No, no, no, and no.",1 In a world where https://t.co/2tEAMBPBcV has to fact check whether or not the WHO Director said that #vaccines are being used to kill children... Wouldn't you say we have some bigger underlying problems? https://t.co/bc3f1HXxq3,1 One more step taken against vote fraud. https://t.co/bLEYCoeu9w,0 @thecranesbill @GregClinker @HQGhent @SamRamani2 The only thing that is misplaced is your ignorance ! Guess all the death and destruction is staged then REECE ? 🤦This war is real and actualy happening not far away from my home. So please STFU !!!,1 @XSovietNews Ukraine listed a Russian tank on ebay. I asked if they could list the full convoy :-/,0 "@DrJBhattacharya The Director-General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom, says that children should not be booster whilst there are still unvaccinated and vulnerable older adults. He also seemingly says “giving boosters to kill children” https://t.co/CHI7MRj3vi",0 "@RealScottRitter Agree, though I doubt Zelensky will be arrested. He doesn't even seem to be ""in"" Ukraine, maybe the bowels of the U.S. Embassy in Poland? Wherever it is, at some point, he'll probably hop, skip and jump his billionaire self even further. Miami, some say ..",0 @laurenboebert @LangmanVince I heard the FDA just approved a Pfizer pill with a microchip for Covid. They admit the purpose is to monitor you. Is this true? Scary times we live in.,0 "@TMZ Bob Saget died as a result of taking the COVID-19 VACCINE. To say now that he died as a result of a ""head trauma"" is a disturbing effort to cover up the truth: BOB SAGET died because of COVID-19 vaccine",0 @RSBNetwork Well biden and democrats had 1 yr to do a good job.instead biden made gas now 7.00$ a gal.inflation making food rise $. Europes at war. Hunter bidens under investigation again 4 real this time.hillary Clinton spied and lied on our president.hillary has 2 pay trump in lawsuit.,0 "Bob Saget didn’t die from a brain injury obviously no one‘s telling the truth most likely he died from a blood clot from the Covid vaccine we won’t know until come out with the real truth and not a farce lie. My Bob R.I.P ❤️❤️❤️❤️",0 Pfizer CEO says FDA Approved a Digital Pill that contains a Microchip that Transmits Information once Swallowed https://t.co/zSnEBnCoWd,0 "Absolute Truth! Yet our judicial systems and politicians bow down to Saranic Bill Gates /Harvard's weather manipulating, earth and human destroying ""White the Skies"" agenda. https://t.co/oPlVXYaZdw",0 "To those who are truly, truly stupid enough to not see what the deep state has done to you... A fake pandemic. Forest fires across the globe (proven started by hundreds of arsonists). BLM paid for by Soros. Antifa paid for by Soros. And now election rigging... You are lost.",0 "Artwork falsely shared as 'genuine Time magazine cover' likening Russia's Putin to Hitler https://t.co/t1XwGYhQmi And yes that is what he is.... this man is a murderer, doesn't care that he's killing women and children....",1 "@h0td0gjpeg @prescottcraig @RALee85 So provide any not staged footages. When there is a real backfire and camerman is not standing steady on open field. They are just bad in war, and bad at filming.",0 "@Maddyson2021 It could be vaccine induced mutation. The spike protein is less likely to be dealt to by antibodies etc. The more vaccination the more the vaccine escape.",0 @Codiac1881 @Politics_Polls @NYinLA2121 @DecisionDeskHQ Likely the catastrophic effects of climate change that the right refuses to acknowledge. The belief that the fires are due to “poor forest management”. Not really.,1 "#TurkeySupportsTerrorism as is shown in this report. #Turkey send thousands jihadists, former soldiers of ISIS, in #Libya, in #Artsakh and in #Europe.",0 "@campbellclaret This video is just as fake as the fake ""war"" in Ukraine. Genius really. A totally fake, staged and scripted ""war"" but the msm consuming normies still fall for it, no questions asked 🤦",0 @alvinlibra2018 @OlgaNYC1211 That's a great image but it's not real https://t.co/drMvLOd6GD,1 "Spike Proteins from COVID Vaccines Injure Cell Repair Mechanism Which Will Result in an Explosion of Cancer and Auto-Immune Disease. #AIDS https://t.co/gmHsJQuVyu",0 "In order to qualify for coverage, a 55-year-old undocumented immigrant would have to meet the same income requirements as a 55-year-old U.S. citizen who qualifies for Medicaid in Illinois. That means state Sen. Terri Bryant's comparison is False. https://t.co/MJk5tURIHj",1 "@GeorgeTakei Forest management - that's all it takes to get rid of fires 🙄 He's so crazy And Trump has simply never been in order himself.",0 "The beauty queen said her ‘viral’ photograph was only meant “to inspire” #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraine #AnastasiiaLenna #MissUkraine #Ukranian https://t.co/XFmtHYxmUE",1 "MISS UKRAINE SUITS UP TO DEFEND HOMELAND She is Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna. Ukraine has 36,000 women serving in the military. It has one of the largest number of women serving in active combat roles. https://t.co/dKTbixncJG",0 This guy is an IDIOT. Sam Hyde is the ghost of Kiev. Hahahaha,1 "Ways to help Ukraine online: •Post hot selfie looking sad with UA flag emoji •Talk about wanting to fuck Ukrainian president •Share fake Time Magazine cover of Putin w/ Hitler mustache •Make IG bio a link to a donation page for something you yourself didn't send money to",1 "USA Today has a fact check on Rothschild/Russia. I make no insinuations here, however, I have posted links to some interesting companies previously. https://t.co/5M2I9LBhQ4",1 @duxsi @AnaCabrera Yes! That would be great! I am capable of running a risk benefit analysis for myself. The unknowns of experimental gene therapy outweigh my risk from Covid.,0 Bruh ppl are wild these random ladies on FB think the COVID vaccine killed Bob Saget #wtf #ripbob #ConspiracyTheories https://t.co/oW4u5dwZiY,0 "@trin357 @YouTube I’m a scout, I know to use a compass. I also know that a compass aligns with the local magnetic field. It would work equally well in any sort of shape of the Earth. You can’t use a compass to prove the shape of Earth.",1 "We spoke to Patrick Mulder, the artist and graphic designer responsible for the artwork. https://t.co/cZi5tMdqDp",1 "WHO Director-General : ""Some Countries are Using Boosters to Kill Children"" https://t.co/vLfCERR6RM via @BitChute it’s like I’m hearing things no one else hears ,its so odd to me",0 @DrJ56013122 @Harvard2H Maybe these folks? https://t.co/CVNeQVt2cy,0 "Zuckerberg needs to be behind bars! Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/kFurzEHi1x",0 "Bill Gates wants to inject everyone and block out the sun, seems like a nice guy.",0 @MyNameAJ3ff @cyberbotxoxo @ABC Putin banned Rothschild. Soros and world bank. It all seem suspect that Putin is enemy number one. But its total ok if we bomb the middle east to the stone age...,0 "@spongeworthy2 mRNA drugs and vaccines are the way of the future for protein disease and cancer. People are going to need to get on board with them pretty quickly. There are lots of non-mRNA vaccine candidates, though. https://t.co/omLp3GhIaZ",0 "Did I see a used Russian tank on eBay for 145$? Would they pass the local environment protection requirements?",0 So now that we know that Bob Saget died from a head injury/trauma will @RealCandaceO & others who were spreading conspiracy theories about him dying from the covid vaccine recant?,1 There goes the Ukrainians $400k eBay sale of a Russian Tank.,0 "Wild how much misinformation there is. There are more articles claiming that Anastasiia Lenna is serving in the military despite she herself confirming she is not in the military and her photo is disingenuous. Stay frosty https://t.co/lvCDogpl3X",1 "@O_oSMASHo_O @KeefeKima Yes, I had a had a thought today, with all the raised radiation from Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia, are the world powers going to blame that for the massive spike in cancer cases, due to the Covid vaccine on Russia’s invasion.",0 Reminder to all my anti-depressant taking peeps not to eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice because it can affect how you metabolize your medicine and cause overdose. Ok love u bye.,0 "@iamUncleMark Yeah Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna She is just one of thousands of women who are part of the Ukrainian military forces. Ukraine has the largest female military force in the world with 36,000 strong women who are perfectly trained to kill.",0 "In the year ‘1999’ Bill Gates had a game created for Microsoft Windows called ""Omikron"". It was about demons pretending to be human in order to harvest their souls. https://t.co/ykEcKsMw2R",0 """Boosters to kill children""??? https://t.co/bb1vzuaezd",0 Interesting ... Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/ZapkAos8n4,0 "@SenSanders So--Antifa rioters start a few fires, and that was somehow caused by fossil fuel emissions? By the way, cars cause less CO2 than these forest fires. I suppose that the burning buildings in Portland, Minneapolis, and Kenosha were also caused by climate change.",0 "@spitterati @shtooky @caroltracy8 @NonyaBidness11 @Forbes @TheJusticeDept USA Today Factcheckers are so stupid they factchecked a satire site' https://t.co/DlpCffzJOE",1 "@Karl_Mpls Twitter removed some of these tweets due to violating twitter rules. Also, the attack is confirmed real by journalists who were there n Mariupol covering the war. https://t.co/o4BnWKWKoF",1 "#GS Disgusting. MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/xcjyAA8X19 via @YouTube",0 "Trump replied: “It’ll start getting cooler. You just watch.” Trump, with a laugh, added: “I don’t think science knows, actually.” Trump largely blamed the wildfires on poor forest management practices.",0 "@Shelby99319176 @JMac0987 @KeithCamarata77 @joerogan When its common knowledge it doesnt need sources. YOU can confirm these points as valid w a simple search. I CANNOT validate that ""all the fires are arson"" or ""antifa started the forest fires"" with a simple google search because THOSE ARENT FACTS.",1 "@Popcorn_107 fake. https://t.co/GDdD86vSZF",1 "Meet Ukrainian democratic patriot & anti Russian freedom fighter Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna. Anastasiia was crowned a winner in 2015, but the model has swapped her glamorous lifestyle to fight Russia and protect Ukraine. Ukraine has 36,000 women serving in the military. https://t.co/3stm3Wimxj",0 The Biden Administration has taken its first step toward increasing oil production for Americans by selling Alaska back to Russia so we can start drilling for oil there again. https://t.co/PiJvkIKz8K via @TheBabylonBee,0 Wild fires?! umm sorry there was more arson started by Antifa than actually wild fires. #VPDebate,0 "“But we do know that immunity reduces disease severity even when it doesn’t fully block infections and spread, and immunity gained from vaccination and prior infections has helped blunt the impact of the Omicron wave in many countries.” https://t.co/HNLpLLr7BZ",1 @atensnut Maybe the birds left from the ANTIFA/BLM forest fires started by @TheDemocrats chaos army. Stop the #BidenRiots,0 "WISCONSIN: 3 Milwaukee officials named as defendants in 2020 election BRIBERY case !🍿🦖⚖️ Accused are: -Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson -former Mayor Tom Barrett -City Clerk Jim Owczarsk 03/25/2022 ""Election complaint CONFIRMS Zuckerberg’s meddling"" more: https://t.co/bhoHAVhoax",0 "@TristanSnell I just bought a captured Russian tank on eBay. The Russian economy is tanking.",0 "@vault_code @PhilHaresGhost @i_am_joli_anne @volpiranyas @carlsmythe @Megalodon_16 @LarcombePeter @TakethatCt @AnzacMegan @doritmi @BurgerLab12 @FrancescoPanch0 @SkepticalMutant @Top_Muppetries @ZaynJaffer @_mamadeb @mcfunny @JimSatone @slemar_ @FrankDElia7 @JacobSp00635589 @Suesue2point0 @4Freedoms4All @CallMeEOnly @AndrewLazarus4 @dave_odo @quesnel_john @AGoldsmithEsq @stevenmosher @LiamKav @provaxtexan @GMACVHHH @quigley_jesse @Monstercoyliar @CoralBlob @Kathmarval @ghoppe @MidNight_T0kR @policing_uk @Mchael21592783M @thereal_truther @Hold2LLC @CharlieGordon20 @AutisticShill @WaitingForPerot @clownworld_bobo @melissa94307909 @AdamMaybe3 @NaomitimT @DCGreenZone1 It’s an in-vitro study without translation into outcomes. You’re worried about spike protein, but only in the vaccine? How much spike protein do you get during an infection compared to that of a vaccine? If COVID increases the risk of cancer, would we be able to detect it now?",1 @1BayCityRollers @KCTV5 @BillKCTV5 Hypocrisy is MSM best weapon! Not to mention 7000 Covid positive illegal immigrants that were sent to McAllen TX by the Biden Admin! Tents were set up my Catholic charities.,0 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip… VIDEO https://t.co/JeBQXZ54j6,0 @Lionel46294550 Bill Gates trying to block out with sun again,0 "Did former Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna actually join the military forces to fight Russia? The model explains , Entertainment News | https://t.co/OhZ5gtIHOR 😂 In a post shared on Monday, she clarified that her earlier photo was only meant to inspire. https://t.co/lt3lMM749k",1 "With diet season coming up quickly, this is a gentle reminder grapefruit interacts with some antidepressants. It can cause a fatal overdose in these cases. Please be advised on your antidepressants and interactions with food, especially with antidepressants.",0 Grapefruit can pose a risk to people who are on certain medications. But there’s no proof it is fatal for those on antidepressants. https://t.co/vP0ellTPE2,1 "@Elisa_freedom @ExtendedStay Please stop spreading racist propaganda. No laws were broken. None of those workers are “illegals.” https://t.co/voHD5sV9cD",1 "@MikaElders @themouthmatusow 🤣🤣🤣 such a simp for the government. Sorry this was never a vaccine, and it would take YEARS to make billions of doses. This has graphene, LUCIFERase, and is made with live aborted baby cells and HIV. Look it up.",0 @TommyWolfe02 @mred006 @JoeDefrancia @DonaldJTrumpJr Forest management is not raking the forest floor as Trump advocates. Yes controlled burns are a good management solution but people are wary of the associated smoke. Trump seems to not realize that most of the fire is burning on National forest land that he’s responsible for.,1 "@frankbrowne2 @CovidHse It’s not the Covid that causes the heart problems, it’s the experimental trial gene therapy shot “vaccine “that does.",0 "Though @RealCandaceO implied Bob Saget died due to getting a COVID-19 vaccine/booster, now that the truth is out, I haven't seen her clear up her incorrect statement. Why should anyone listen to a person who can't admit when they got it wrong?",1 "This is very disturbing 👇 The World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, Davos, New World Order talks about a digital tablet that once swallowed will begin to track you for compliance... https://t.co/l9j8W6E8ae",0 "@carlbildt Putin has to do what has to be done and so far, he is succeeding . #Zelensky fled the country to #Poland last night and this heralds a great victory for Putin. Regrettably, your Western media is censored on news from the war in Ukraine",0 "A statement yesterday from the Russian Embassy in Canada. VERY IMPORTANT TO READ AND UNDERSTAND. https://t.co/WPuDXoQ3MZ",0 "@vijeta11w @MaajidNawaz There is war, that we know. I stumbled even on a Twitter corner full of folks that proclaim that the war is not even real, that it’s all staged. That’s where is my line. It is war, and the longer it keeps going, the more F’ed up it will be and the more reality will be blurred.",0 @AJDelgado13 @RyanGirdusky Biden will try to win election with more fraudulent voting.This time his obvious plan is to allow the millions of illegal immigrants he allowed in the country to vote Democrat.Taxpayers are paying billions of dollars for illegal immigrants collecting welfare.,0 @elonmusk now would be a good time to reinstate Donald J. Trump’s account. Hillary Clinton has a Twitter account and she spied on a sitting President.,0 "#DraghiVattene #Draghidimettiti WHO Director Says COVID Boosters Are Used To “Kill Children” In Slip-Up During Press Conference https://t.co/Q19IAZhdCP",0 "PolitiFact - No, migrant ‘caravan’ from Tapachula, Mexico is not the population of Minneapolis https://t.co/O30LmcJF5A",1 "Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit ""The evidence in this complaint is overwhelming and condemning,"" a Thomas More Society attorney said https://t.co/RX0Ueg79AI https://t.co/RZL5tvMCJv",0 "Turkey threatens to release detained ISIS members to Europe | 11/12/2019 - Erdoğan hinted the ""gates will open"" for ISIS members to enter Europe while speaking to reporters Tuesday, the day after the EU declared the sanctions. https://t.co/gr7flXl8vm",0 "@Storiesofinjury BOTH my parents diagnosed within 4 weeks of one another..approx 7 months after 2nd shot Mams lump appeared 8 weeks after vaccine.. another lump appeared in lymph 3 weeks after booster.. Dad's scans prior to vaccine were cancer clear.. scan after vax cancer back and metastatic",0 "SICK BASTARDS https://t.co/MvDC5RDIxh",0 "@richardzussman Please Richard do some research, boosters are impairing the body’s ability to fight covid. And it appears that they may be affecting the body’s ability to fight other viruses and cancer. A lot of people are reporting fast growing cancers or recurrences. https://t.co/ocTY2X5iLk",0 "@Bob66467 @T2theBauer @freddyatton Let's see hunters laptop real, Hillary spied on Trump's campaign true, The Steele dossier was a fake report Hillary Clinton, DNC fined $113,000 for violating campaign finance law. Seems to me, that Trump was right about a lot of things.",0 @Breaking911 This is the same guy that reposted a Sam Hyde meme about the Ghost of Kyiv. Think about that for a second.,1 What I'm trying to figure out is what would cause a mini iceage? The gulf stream needs to be involved! Bill Gates wants to do cloud seeding and that will block out the sun! Would that also create a colder climate?😀,0 "@Richie3Kelly @rgdran @Reuters Half of Mariupol (key town with most of Azov military) is under Russian control (videos of evacuations from various districts prove some of that), videos of troop movement within town, The Capital Kiev is surrounded and under siege, Zelensky has fled to Poland. It's a catastrophe",0 "@drdavidsamadi Heads up the CEO of Pfizer said the new covid pill will have a microchip that will transmit sa soon as you swallow it , you need to let all of the people no about them hiding this from the American citizens.",0 "This is the first case of Zuckerberg soft money throwing or stealing the election for Biden. This was done in all states that in the last days went to Biden. Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/SJdKI4pJot",0 @CDCDirector @HouseGOP @SenateGOP Just reported on TV that 80% of people in Texas Hospitals are Illegals who have crossed the border ILLEGALLY! 7000 in just one city! IMPEACH BIDEN NOW!!!,0 "@DebbyB813 Yes, and I'm responding to those who seem to think that ""luciferase"" is joke thought up by the obviously off-kilter RW religious nutjobs. I'm no longer surprised by the batshit behavior displayed by evangelicals.",1 "Misinformation, xenophobia and conspiracies theories plugged by Republican Congressional candidate spark a MAGA protest in Florida... Viral video alleging Maitland hotel harboring illegal immigrants turns out to be false claim https://t.co/fpPBbr8jEZ",1 PolitiFact - No evidence for viral claim that ‘22 million illegal aliens’ are ‘voting illegally’ https://t.co/bS4zrxWVkk,1 "@o_ocsid @LexRegina72 @JacindaTrump No one can or will force it on children. Get a grip. Is this the Pfizer CEO you're talking about? https://t.co/BI7D7WxCVL",1 "@AvfcsteveSd @vp20191 People who falsely claim the vaccine is experimental gene therapy, and on top claim is more dangerous than Covid",1 @LaurelCottageMa @SenKamalaHarris You mean their Antifa supporters who start forest fires?,0 "@RepMaryMiller tweeted a ""caravan"" of migrants from Tapachula, Mexico headed for the US was ""the population of Minneapolis,"" (430,000) among other assertions. Read the full @BetterGov fact check below to find out if that's true, but here's a clue: 👖 ON🔥 https://t.co/eDl7fUqF7r",1 #lauraloomer MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/XtccT5jcgL via @YouTube,0 "@MattKamen I’m just trying to imagine the context of these supposed convos. Would Europeans approach him saying, “Sir, yes, our trees are highly flammable, yet, our forest cities are not on fire. Tell your antifa to start raking.”",0 👀👉 Russia Embassy statement to Canada👈 https://t.co/9VNYtEj1Rc,0 "@hairtrigger123 @Preci0us_Virtue Yep... Not standing for any of the two parties, neither the corrupted 👿 western countries behind this staged con thing (not even a real war).",0 "@CPT_Cosmosis @StanPennington8 @InfoGuru16 @LundThf @deusxmach1na @GailGolec @Joe__312 @TheCenterStripe @TomDoubting @AntifaRioter @StillGood_Jared @RobHNY @BarnettforAZ @TwitterSupport @AngryPamela @artimusclyde84 @ArtysHouse @Backedwithdata @battle_bullshit @EarthOne_13 @EdaMagician @eturleye @famousSheymus @FighterTh @hahnalytics @Jay333N @JimlikesBB @JoeSnuffy1965 @JoeThejoe4 @John_iwas_ @JonRFleming @jpgftw @JWoolard01 @KE34262 @mdurkin86 @mendyboyd @MichaelMacFTL @MinnesotaExpat @modernista64 @NHSouthernGirl @NickDone8 @PamelaEdwards @PootDibou @QuispMe @R5Philly @StirredCrazy @teamphil @TheTangerineTa1 @TifasWindmill @VirtualGStorm Robinson veered off into the really strange. After her ""Luciferase"" tweet, even Newsmax had enough: https://t.co/VLhzMDuu6w",0 """Putin lives in historic analogies and metaphors. Those who are enemies of eternal Russia must be Nazis. And so, he was quick to portray the conflicts in the Donbas as a genocide...He has become hostage to his own rhetoric."" https://t.co/aNTujXEtP7 via @derspiegel",1 New Post on Lead Stories: Fact Check: Pfizer CEO Did NOT Say Company's COVID-19 Treatment Pill Will Contain Microchip https://t.co/m1ZzbD9T34,1 "@vegetapr69 @zhfgjcftihfdyh1 @biggdg @IppokratisAnge1 That’s not how it works, lol. Although it’s a nice ploy to attempt to compel vaccination & further health controls. By applying a weak stressor the (mRNA vax) to the (highly prone to mutation) coronavirus, you’ve essentially forced it to mutate.",0 FACT CHECK: Did The WHO Director-General Say COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Are Being ‘Used To Kill Children’? https://t.co/KQRYa6kIeC via @check_your_fact,1 "@mlderwin @Cloutassent @L_DWYn @GodandtheBear After 8 years, many of us are clutching at any possibility of ending the Donbas genocide. I hope the end of the war will bring the end of the genocide. So my question is, why don't you want the genocide to end? Because if Ukraine's government survives, that means it continues.",0 "Zuckerberg, Soros, Gates & other wealthy people flood elections with money all over the country in order to get people with their values & interests elected to office. Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/EwBAg9AujF via @epochtimes",0 "True? Putin Has Banned Rothschild And His New World Order Banking Cartel Family From Entering Russian Territory - During the meeting in question, Putin was clearly discontent about the secretive elite’s agenda of taking over the country - https://t.co/a0pmgVzIBy",0 "Well, so glad to know that @USATODAY spends time ""fact checking"" a bloody satire website. I feel SOOO much safer now. How are you fools still in business? https://t.co/LEYUeIAdg5",1 "You can probably just add this story to the long list of fake narratives ginned up by the Fox/GOP outrage machine, i.e. Benghazi, her e-mails, Hunter's laptop, Biden's Ukraine trip, Seth Rich, Obama's birth-certificate, etc.",1 "@blueheartedly https://t.co/EV0KP7giVu Even CNN had the story 😂😂. The Clinton campaign paid Christopher Steele to fabricate evidence for Obama to illegally spy on Trump. You. People. Need. Help. CNN also just admitted the Hunter Biden laptop was real, which we knew in 2017. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂",0 @jmtaylor21 @MrWizar19740423 @tpkirb @loganclarkhall @elonmusk Everyone realizes Hillary just paid an FCC fine for the Russia disinformation right? Does everyone know the constitutional protocol for election fraud? 22 months what's that? Wisconsin state legislatures seek decertification after Zuckerberg violated bribery law,0 Luciferase: The Horrific and Biblical Implications of the Covid-19 Vaccine https://t.co/wtgm6pdIuP via @BitChute,0 Do you want 22 million illegal aliens to be able to vote?,0 "Study: Pfizer Vaccine Increased Cancer Causing Protein in Human Nucleus. Substack: https://t.co/oglxeFBaoc #mRNA #COVID19 #COVID #Vaccinated #VAEDS #VAIDS #VaccineSideEffects #DNA https://t.co/rkObbmbfbi",0 @realDailyWire @TheBabylonBee thought of this first. Biden could sell Alaska to Russia and then the Russians could drill more oil in Alaska and sell it to the US which would somehow be better for climate change,0 "faked Russian invasion footage viewed 110,000 times and shared 25,000 https://t.co/BA4HV3INwY https://t.co/Tkx9Mv40dj",1 "'Triple Vaxxed' Bob Saget Had Covid-19, Enlarged Heart, Reveals Autopsy; Vaccine Caused His Death, Says Social Media - these sound like ‘vaccinated’ symptoms https://t.co/5RYH54UHwi",0 Bill Gates-funded project proposes to block the sun with dust,0 "Next, I shall show you actual video footage of hundreds of illegal 18-30 year old FIGHTING age men (hardly any children, women, or families, as touted by Obama/Joe/the FAKE NEWS) being bused into a nice hotel in the State of Florida. They are being given debit cards with actual",0 """Compliance"" and knowing what you are doing,etc Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. @NoleDjoker to help me https://t.co/59EfjptFob",0 "@ggreenwald Kinzinger fell for the Sam Hyde “ghost of Kiev” bit, he’s an idiot.",1 "A ‘conveyor belt’ of buses from TX, AZ, & CA are taking tens of thousands of Illegals into America’s interior States to get permanent status. The Biden “catch-&-bus” policy is akin to open borders. #BidenBorderCrisis is spreading Nationwide, unnoticed. https://t.co/9RzjasIGm9",0 "Memória => Putin has Banned Rothschild and His New World Order Banking Cartel Family from Entering Russian Territory >> https://t.co/QwWfd9cQi9 via @CSGlobe",0 Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/wJFG9iE4kO @JudgeTroupis,0 "New Report: Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/QBJWpjRzVJ It's all about the votes. Forever.",0 @AiNaTow @di4winds Yes a compass is flat so the Earth is flat apparently.,0 "@HawleyMO @WhiteHouse @bumble @anthonyfauci @NIH @NIMHgov @FoxNews @CNN @BBCWorld @WHO @CDCgov @nytimes @POTUS @USSupremeCourt @TheJusticeDept @FBI @JakeSullivan46 @sharktank @amazon @Facebook @Apple @Microsoft @gatesfoundation @MarkZuckrberg @JeffBezos @elonmusk @BillGates @markcubanai @eldsjal @FocusOnTheFamiy @ChurchofSatan @satanic_temple_ @SoftBank_Group @JayInslee @JoeBiden @HarvardEthics @ABCReligion @carnegiecouncil @NIHDirector @NIHDataScience @NIAIDNews @NIAIDBioIT @USMC @NSAGov @finkd Here is @BillGates and @WHO signature on their TERROR on the Un-Vaccinated for @JoeBiden and his Nazi SS @NSAGov running America's Healthcare now. As a mockery to me and God's people, @WHO named Omicron Variant after a game called Omikron: The Nomad Soul https://t.co/O6TTiL3GsP",0 """We can’t undo the wrongs of the 2020 election,"" Kaardal said. “But it is incumbent upon us to ensure that the corruption that infected Wisconsin’s voting process is rooted out and that the state’s election integrity is preserved."" https://t.co/vmeWlDKHMR",0 Fact Check: Pfizer CEO Did NOT Say Company's COVID-19 Treatment Pill Will Contain Microchip Lead Stories https://t.co/ysu6CUzoBy @leadstoriescomより,1 @madan3 @madan3 is always high time chef https://t.co/37uxrtXb5i,1 So now they are implanting a microchip in your body using PCR test for COVID 19 https://t.co/pHsWoSPhQP,0 "No, a TIME magazine cover featuring Vladimir Putin’s face superimposed over Adolf Hitler's face is not real. https://t.co/y1bcd8w79c",1 Coming from the person who released a video game called Omikron developed by Microsoft. Interesting…🤔. (Look it up). #evil #becarefulonwhoyoulistento #followthemoney https://t.co/uG8My5ZJC5,0 "https://t.co/g1uJVIyGtm Illegals being dropped off at a Florida Hotel. First it’s Dominion, now this. I thought Florida was free from corruption. Apparently not as it seems.",0 "Meet Anastasiia Lenna, former Miss Ukraine who joined the army to fight Russian forces #REPUBLIC @republic https://t.co/FSlDDJ8KrG Yeah, we must fight to defend the sovereign rights of nations!",0 "@grouchapato @SkyNews No, this can only be solved by one person. Let the US vassal Mr. Zelensky sign the capitulation. He is pushing his people into suffering and he fled to Poland.",0 "The complaint, filed last week against Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson, former Mayor Tom Barrett, and City Clerk Jim Owczarski, for violating Wisconsin's election bribery law by taking private donations from Mark Zuckerberg & his wife, Priscilla Chan https://t.co/UXsNPNwEbh",0 @MattHancock Those with a zero covid strategy and decent vaccination program will have less deaths and less long covid. They haven't contributed to the rapid mutation of this virus which could lead to a more virulent variant. They care about people over money.,0 Arsonists start massive forest fires but unclear if tied to Antifa.,0 @SCOTUSblog There is no discrimination here this is simply an attempt to make sure value is legally done by everyone who has the right to legally vote if you don’t have ID then you shouldn’t be voting the Democrats one illegal vote because that means 22 million votes for them!,0 Bob Saget died due to head trauma caused by an accidently injury to the back of his head. So fuck Candace Owens and eveyr other pathetic mother fucker who said he died from the covid vaccine.,1 Russian Tank t72 https://t.co/d77dX8FKli eBay https://t.co/7WsQG2d3ZY,0 "@LloydWasser @JuliaTh73 @CBCNews 1/3 of the polio vaccine contained SV40, a virus with cancer causing contaminants. All my aunts who received the vaccine died of different cancers unrelated to genetics. Never trust big pharma!! https://t.co/OdGsDT4jwg",0 "State Sen. Mary Felzkowski says ""Over-vaccination causes faster mutation of the (COVID-19) virus, which causes a super virus we may not have the ability to fight off.""        https://t.co/pg7aanfx8y",0 "@fedup42Mn No, but I had pints and supermacs in Kilkenny tonight with no covid cert asked for? Does that count? 🤷🏻‍♂️ oh and then @Sabdublinardj told me to get the garlic chips.. so I went back a second time to check them.. well, I had 45 chips, the same cycles the PCR test is ran at. 😝",0 @GBNEWS I have a 99.9% survival rate for ALL variants of Covid. I don’t need an experimental gene therapy shot that also doesn’t work & has ZERO LONG TERM side-effect studies. I don’t want what these corrupt lobbyist drug companies are pushing for something I already survived in 2020. https://t.co/vPYPFM4fgL,0 "So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR ""tests"" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA. #trishayearwood #Nashville seems you guys are asleep at the wheel.",0 @mel_wright123 Covid+Vaccine induced aids I assume,0 @TheBabylonBee How stupid are the readers of @USATODAY that they have to be reminded that Biden actually didn’t sell Alaska,1 "Grapefruit Antidepressants Overdose Warning #FACEBOOK https://t.co/Hf87KZuXA3",1 "It gets more entertaining every day.....""According to a court filing from Special Counsel John Durham, the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign effort to compile dirt on Donald Trump reached into protected White House communications."" https://t.co/mXcJIYwJxb via @WSJOpinion",0 @ChristinaPushaw MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel by https://t.co/YYaxoOt1FH https://t.co/MTmxzVh6Ng,0 "@LukeMor19529310 @bocajoes @IP4PI @DrBenMarble @Mark10720248 @cov19treatments @BinSu37630864 @TLPKAG @RossFairchild @JordanLookAt @niro60487270 @NBSaphierMD @DrOz @RebeccaJarvis @JoeConchaTV @OANN @DevinNunes @RudyGiuliani @MichaelCoudrey @DrMarcSiegel @KatiePavlich @zev_dr @jerome_corsi @raoult_didier @SenRonJohnson @ChanelRion @CSinclairtv @IngrahamAngle @RandPaul @SharylAttkisson @JamesTodaroMD @DrZevZelenko @PearsonSharp @drsimonegold @stella_immanuel @drdavidsamadi @btysonmd @RealPNavarro @GeorgeFareed2 @AAPSonline @FoxNews @laralogan @CovidMemo @MartyMakary @KyrieIrving @Jonatha80589955 @joerogan @P_McCulloughMD @C19ExpertPanel @Covid19Crusher Watch at 25 secs. He really did say it. Freudian slip? https://t.co/mzjIDidKcz",0 "@NSaduro It may be real, it may be not. Everything can be staged. This is a propaganda War.",0 "@CNBC Bill Gates wants take the moisture out of the air and to seed the atmosphere with an particulates to block the sun. What's next a locust breeding program?",0 "https://t.co/VGjjtn0UEX Could that be an incident similar to the Heather McDonald incident? It's sad people need to fracture their skulls before questioning the rushed, emergency use only Covid vaccine.",0 "Bob Saget was covid positive, performed a show that. Night for a live audience die from a hematoma so they say just like where did the virus begin, is that a cover-up too did he die from the vaccine ,but we ever know, would they ever admit it, the media that is, probably not",0 @KevGiambertone @BerkshireEagle @BerkEdge @BerkshireMag @Berkshire_Med @NatGeoPhotos @NikonUSA @saint_exther @FineArtAmerica Your photos are not coming good as the background is full of Geoengineering aerosol injections commonly known as solar radiation management. A Harvard program to kill sunlight. It has changed the appearance of sunrises and sunsets. Just look old photos and you will see the change https://t.co/mJGSyY3EMe,0 "@RepThomasMassie Bill Gates is a lunatic. He owns more of America's farmland than farmers. He is friends with CCP who also own a lot of American farmland. I'm sure Gates made that happen. He wants to block out the sun to slow ""climate change"" How idiotic is that? Bill Gates is a threat to America",0 "@mercnews Yet the covid ""vaccine"" gene therapy doesn't have any long term effects?",0 @johniadarola Armed Vigilantes gangs roaming near forest fires looking 4 antifa they were convinced started fires. Terrifying everyone else w/road blocks demanding ID. Holding weapons to reporter’s head and telling them to get out. Holding blck mom/kids “you don’t look like u belong here”,0 "@thehill RIP Bob Saget. But why the obvious cover-up? He had COVID and was jabbed shortly before his death. He also had inflammation of his heart, a known side effect of vaccine. Any reasonable person must conclude heart attack led to fall.",0 "What fresh hell is this? Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Talks About An ""Electronic Pill"" That Contains A Biological Microchip, That Sends Out A Signal As Soon As It Hits Your Stomach, So They Know You Took It! #Microchip #Pfizer #Tyranny https://t.co/HWelhmm2xc",0 @NancyMc22665277 @doritmi @_mamadeb @JonInTn1 @AGoldsmithEsq @mcfunny @provaxtexan @Mchael21592783M @TakethatCt @i_am_joli_anne @swedishchf @LiamKav @clownworld_bobo @quigley_jesse @wendy_Lynnette @katieorourke78 @volpiranyas @Monstercoyliar @tenebra99 @docstardust @CoralBlob @JustPlaying2Win @ghoppe @Top_Muppetries @DCGreenZone1 @crabb_vicki @AndrewLazarus4 @EstesPga @FrankDElia7 @SkepticalMutant @gobantwo2 @melissa94307909 @MdRisette @stevenmosher @ZaynJaffer @Kathmarval @JawKneeFaiv @MickusDickus @policing_uk @BrockKrause @dodi_rains @carlsmythe @RenfieldThomas @TonyBaduy @ncdave4life @indyymac @Kolyin @diederikdk @AndyMac84956921 @SpookyJay36 Wait…are you claiming Covid vax are gene therapy? Where did you get your degree?,1 "@Taniel The Wisconsin Special Counsel for the 2020 election found that."" 5 cities that were given $330M by Zuckerberg had rampant bribery and massive voter fraud.""",0 "Special Counsel: Zuckerberg Money ""Took Over The Election"" In 2020 In Green Bay, Wisconsin https://t.co/aWhED60lbS",0 @newsmax Where did they go? The numbers provided by the Biden administration do not add up. As of yesterday there was no accounting for close to 7000 illegal immigrants there. Were they released into the country? Tested or vaccinated for Covid?,0 @RealCandaceO Do you feel the need to apologize to Bob Saget’s family publicly for saying he died from the COVID vaccine when really he didn’t? Just wondering when you will stop grifting. Are you tired of being wrong all the time?,1 "The claim that a Russian youth was beaten to death by a ""mob of Ukrainian refugees"" in the German city of Euskirchen was published in a video addressing Russians in Germany. However, the incident never happened. https://t.co/Eam22ecZUk",1 "Does Russia actually think we’d give them Alaska back?? Come to think of it, the corrupt biden administration would probably sell it to them if he thought there was a dollar in it for him. 😡",0 @Braveheart_NZ @bukster1965 @nzherald By 2006 Putin had paid off Russia’s debt to the Rothschilds a noose designed to strangle Russia. Putin then banned them from setting up banks in his country. #Rothschild #ArrestJabberJoe #ArrestZelenskyy https://t.co/ZBClx6UUMO,0 "@govrondesantis @agashleymoody Can't we block this or something? Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/lCA4Dm28S0",0 "@TAPSTRIMEDIA @johncusack Russia is no worse than the US, these people love war, straight from COVID to Ukraine. Nothing in this world is left to chance, the pendulum theory does not exist in society, ALL OF THIS IS BY DESIGN. I think Putin is on board but i pray he’s targeting the Deepstate 🤷‍♂️",0 "@TomiLahren @HillaryClinton Short list of Republican schemes and conspiracies: Obama's birth certificate ❎ Hillary's emails ❎ 2016 election ✅ Pizzagate ❎ Q Anon ❎ Covid-19 ""hoax"" ❎ Conservative majority on Supreme Court ✅ Stop the Steal ❎ Biden crack pipes ❎ Hillary spygate ⬜",1 FALSE: Ex-Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna joins military in fight against Russia https://t.co/gVnpagKSjd,1 "You're ""fact checking"" satire? #WTAF is wrong with you people? Fact check: Satirical claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia https://t.co/V8ib6z7BPk via @usatoday",1 @AdamKinzinger https://t.co/TWf1ntJCkf,0 "@TinRust @reason Except people are testing positive for AIDS from the Covid vaccine. How is this positive? They are supposedly fixing there mistake, would you really trust them if they already made you sick? Look it up, they are calling it VAIDS",0 "@KjetilBirger @KingAJ40 @Williams57Cj @CommodusJTrump The original video game, ""Omikron: The Nomad Soul,"" was created by Quantic Dream and distributed by Eidos Interactive. The game was released in November 1999 on the Microsoft Windows platform and was not developed by Microsoft or Gates.",1 """This is an exaggeration designed to scare people into believing that we are experiencing an ‘invasion’ at the southern border in an attempt to advance anti-immigrant and anti-asylum policies,"" said Prof @HallettNicole in @PolitiFact ""Pants on Fire"" rating https://t.co/7nspPj9YpM",1 "Zelensky fled the country ( Poland ? ) and allowed all his brethren to leave to safety, then banned all men aged 18-60 from leaving and told them they must fight and die. Some chosen folks like that other people fight wars for them.",0 @Miller_Congress And @Miller_Congress says the migrant caravan is the size of the population of Minneapolis. Look in the mirror Pinocchio https://t.co/elsHr17Lxa,1 "@Tacticus22 @DanScavino @GOPChairwoman That doesn't include all deaths caused by blm and antifa who violently murdered folks in the streets, and started wild fires and killed many by arson, looting, and rioting",0 "This is a video game video.... https://t.co/eZYkDW9tkR",1 "Here's the REAL truth about Bill Gates wanting to block the sun 🤦‍♂️ https://t.co/mduZfIuUlk",1 @FirstTake @stephenasmith Stephanie A Smith is a A-hole. Kyrie Irving is the GOAT only #3 to #2 Kobe Bryant then #1 Michael Jordan & Looks Very Blessed to the Players who are fully Vaxxed & is now dying from heart failure or Omicron aka Moronic aka Bill Gates 1999Video Game https://t.co/zUxcy9E4Hu,0 "@rtenews It’s all under control. Talk to Bill Gates, he wants to block out the sun with cloud seeding technology. (As printed in Forbes and Bloomberg)",0 "🔔NEW VIDEO: ""25 YO Ukrainian Beauty Queen"" Anastasiia Lenna REVEAL She NEVER Joined Military After Viral Photo & Gaining 200k Followers LINK ===> https://t.co/SOqLXOEnyj https://t.co/Tiqhm4lEre",1 @edthetechie Stroke of genius I think. Russia and China quite possibly hold the greatest store of precious metals between them. Pegging gold/rouble serves a double whammy in strengthening rouble and trash dollar. Putin banned Rothschild family from Russia - brilliant. Interesting times ahead?,0 "@SteveDeaceShow so things like building the wall and being tough on trade etc are all pointless and a waste of time if you know that’s coming soon Encourage you to research terms like Microneedle Vaccine, Luciferase Vaccine, Biometric ID Infrared Dye Vaccine etc…",0 @CMigliorese @CaptnGhost8788 @BenJacobPotts @SamHarrisOrg Climate change is a long term problem with a long term solution. And the fires are because of lousy forest management by Leftist states.,0 "@RebelNewsOnline @ezralevant Bill Gates the same wacko that wants to block out the sun to slow ""climate change"" let that sink in.",0 New Report: Biden Regime Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/xtGIxaCP88 https://t.co/ZiqgalXqnC,0 "@DemocraticTint1 @redsteeze @KurtSchlichter Biden is openly targeting Texas for covid cases even though the border is wide open and 2 months ago there were 7000 covid19 infected immigrants all crammed into McAllen TX. Narrative only FL & TX are not forcing mandates & Biden wants obedience. Biden doesn't care about covid.",0 "@tuff_skinz @Ramoncoin @newsmax Hunters laptop, Hillarys emails, Obama tan suit and birth certificate and a global pandemic recovery. Plus no relief on student loans, no voting rights, no change in immigration law, no increase tax on the rich.",0 @Psyop2020 And the fake PCR test the inventor said doesn’t work just might implant microchips at the blood brain barrier TO remove access to Consciousness… And create total tracking,0 "@donrafa_jr @eugene_finkel Probably the side that was invaded, has millions of refugees and tens of thousands of civilian casualties. The Russians can't make a serious claim of genocide. They have dwarfed the total of their claimed casualties of 8 years of fighting in Donbas in a month in Ukraine",1 "@Victor369963 @deltalima21 @JoeBiden President Biden would not sell Alaska back to Russia. You're thinking of Trump. 🙄 By the way, the whole ""Sleepy Joe"" thing is about as inane & banal as ""Let's Go, Brandon"" it makes you look even stupider.",1 "Biden Busted In Dirty Scheme: He's Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to THESE Red States https://t.co/ymcJ25JoCJ",0 Why is this so hard for people to comprehend? But at least Putin banned microwaves and fluoride. And Rothschild banking/media. Probably equally propaganda but at least they’re healthier.,0 "@Nexitnexitnexit @disclosetv There is no evidence Putin banned Rothschild family from Russia. As a matter a fact the Rothschilds' firm, under Giovanni Salvetti, is still in business at its Moscow financial center. Second the Rothschild shield emblem is even on the official presidency page on twitter. https://t.co/vQCfLx6d6E",1 "@BozaJoza @MajorLeagueMC47 @IAPonomarenko They been busted using footage from games multiple times now. What’s sad, is people will spend 15 minutes watching the news, and never even check to see if the info they getting is true or not. God forbid they actually use their brains a little https://t.co/rsbdKPQM1S",1 "Europe, the US, nearly everyone has grounds to send anti-terror units to neutralize the ISIS mercenaries employed by Turkey and Azerbaijan. #RecognizeArtsakh #SanctionTurkey #ArtsakhStrong",0 "@abigailm1971 @crazy_crazy_eat @jackhunter74 Crack pots with parents for inventing the mRNA technology that the covid vaccine unsuccessfully tried to use? Lol the man is vaccinated with it, and created the technology of mRNA gene therapy that the covid vaccine uses, and you think he is less qualified than you? Lmao 😂",0 @Telegraph Anastasiia Lenna clarified that she's holding an Airsoft gun. Taken on Feb 28th.,1 @NancyLeeGrahn Are you really that dumb and delusional Trump doesn’t need Putin to find dirt on Hillary Clinton it’s already been found and that had nothing to do with Putin remember Hillary conspired in 2016 to spy on Trump,0 "It’s happening… Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/BXa1yuoi8A",0 "If MSM has resorted to using old videos, cgi and footage from a video game (Arma 3) for their Ukraine/Russia propaganda, why would you believe their narrative? Watch Taiwan next.",1 "Election Bribery in Wisconsin #trumpwontheelection #trump #trumptok https://t.co/7T9ksWBX9Q, see more https://t.co/23Oulimrt1",0 "@LcdoCorona @FriasBarbara Correcto. Fake info. “Leena, who is a model since 2015 had not really joined any army. In a post shared on Monday, she clarified that her earlier photo was only meant to inspire and the gun is not a real gun” 🤡 https://t.co/8RttUjiwAc",1 statement from Russian embassy in Canada #Ukraine #UkraineRussianWar #skpoli #cdnpoli #yxe,0 @RealCandaceO So why did you spread lies that Bob Saget died of the COVID vaccine? Seems like you are the biggest liar of all.,1 "No, Bob Saget and Betty White’s deaths were not due to the COVID-19 vaccine https://t.co/zqAFrxUsUA",1 "Oh great, compliance with medical tyranny just got better. Microchip in your pill. These are some seriously evil creeps who, having tasted blood with Covid, now want total control as they go in for the kill. Is there not a sane political leader left? https://t.co/b5uQlmqZbl",0 "❌A video of a #Russian-speaking woman saying that ""a crowd of refugees from #Ukraine beaten a 16-year old Russian boy to a pulp in the #German city of #Eurkirchen"".✅This is fake. North Rhine-Westphalia police said there were no crimes of this nature: https://t.co/8pMhbxMsrq https://t.co/4Tbcrop4eJ",1 "@killaxxxcam He fell for the Sam Hyde ghost of Kiev bit, and thought the Warsaw Pact was still in place, he can fuck off. Can’t wait to have a new congressman. Yessss mr cable green room is my rep 😑",1 "@saneandbrave @js100js100 @leehoward708 Putin has ""banned"" the Rothschilds about 500 times. Like ""Hitler jailed a Rothschild"". It's hilarious. Propaganda for imbeciles.",1 "WILL THIS GO ANYPLACE? https://t.co/MzamoEUigg",0 "@johnmaclachlan @KyivIndependent Not to worry, John, it's all being staged to give you the illusion of war--to elicit a real human response by first winning your 'heart and mind...'",0 "They labeled us ‘tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists’ for even suggesting the possibility of microchip implants. Now they’re FDA approved… 😡 Holy crap!#DoNotComplyEVER https://t.co/f0nsQd814F",0 "Therefore, at the poles, the compass needle will point towards the inside of the earth to align itself with the magnetic field. This is why a compass needle will point downward at the north pole and upward at the south pole.",1 New Report: Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status. Crooked Crooks! https://t.co/KPKj4JYCE4,0 "If deemed false it’s true There are “22 million illegal aliens living in America and ... voting illegally.” #SmartNews https://t.co/Gl7kIRI50G",1 @LubischerDiane @ChuckCallesto Exactly the longer the virus is passed around the higher the probability of a super mutation and the antivaxxers lacking an enhanced immunity will be the first to go.,1 "@ABCPolitics Biden is spreading covid19 all over Texas. 1 in 5 illegals crossing the border is covid19 positive. 7000 covid19 positive immigrants in McAllen TX alone. Maybe protect Americans from that. 100,000 fentanyl deaths this year all coming across the border.",0 @maddenifico @POTUS @VP @WHCOS @RonaldKlain @PressSec To which are you referring? Clinton/DNC who actually colluded with a Russian & bought a fake dossier & used that dossier to spy on Trump & his campaign & 4 yrs tried to overthrow him? Or #QuidProJoe who lined his pockets with money from foreign countries thru his son Hunter?,0 "Crooked Hillary Clinton sold 20% of the US uranium to Russia, paid Christopher Steele for Russian disinformation and hacked into White House servers to plant evidence of Russian collusion against President Trump so the Guardian better check their sources https://t.co/vsuYPpAdMj",0 "@davegreenidge57 @RonFilipkowski Is there not actually any enzyme called luciferase? It seems so perfect for an enzyme that allows an organism to glow. Of course they wouldn't be in a vaccine, but I really want to see one.",1 @ruthsatchfield @ImSpeaking13 You heard that from CNN right? You know the media has lied about everything for three years Trump was a Russian agent remember lies! Hillary Clinton paid to spy on Trump's campaign and White House servers that's illegal. Now Joe and Hunter taking money from China and Russia.,0 "@GOP Press conferences! With reporters like this: Emerald Robinson, Newsmax’s White House correspondent, recently tweeted that claimed that “the vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked.",0 "@CBSNews Breaking! Biden Election Fraud Three Milwaukee, Wisconsin, officials being accused of illegally taking ""Zuck Bucks"" money funneled by Zuckerberg to facilitate illegal voting by purchasing absentee ballot drop boxes, among other things, according to a lawsuit filed Friday!",0 "In #Ukraine, female civilians are taking up arms to defend their country against the #RussianInvasion, including former #MissUkraine Anastasiia Lenna who has joined thousands of women to defend their homeland. #StandWithUkriane",0 "@iltasanomat ..We're being given/forced gene therapy, guised as COVID Vax. Unaware of neither contents nor trials (in fact, we are the trial); without consent, in many countries, no known long term risks - not even the manufacturer - & not a door to knock if one gets Vax injuries. Genocide!",0 @morethanpilots I have been busy reporting everyone who tries to link Bob Saget's death to the Covid vaccine. It is disgusting.,1 "Luciferase(Lucifer's race) found inside the Pfizer vaccines. #PfizerWhistleblower",0 "@KarlRove Election was stolen in California with 1000’s of illegal immigrants voting, it’s shameful.",0 "@realDailyWire This is close enough to @TheBabylonBee article about Biden selling Alaska back to Russia so that we can start drilling oil there again. I'm calling it ""fulfilled""",0 "Hello Twitter. Would anyone like to go halfsies on buying a captured Russian tank off of Ebay to support our Ukrainian allies? They are $400,000.",0 Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit | Just The News https://t.co/4TcVMKzBSW,0 "@setalyas they are ""stuck"" of their own free will and flights back have been offered to these economic migrants with visas for Belarus. Why do they need SIM cards?",1 @Petrich67978332 @Ahmedshabbir20 Not interested in showing gameplay of arma 3 in name of Ukraine vs Russia,1 "@cjtruth Ca Climate wild fires? Why NOT ARSONISTS by Pence ? Antifa and (D) party operatives STARTED THE FIRES... HE DIDNT BRING IT UP... Sabotage... or This is HOW Trump Replaces him I HOPE PENCE FIGHTS BACK ABOUT THE FAKE GRAVE STORY& FAKE RUSSIAN INTEL BOUNTY's-- PENCE KNOWS",0 "Original video game, called ""#Omikron: The Nomad Soul”, was created by Quantic Dream & published by #Eidos Interactive, #USAToday reported. The game was released on Microsoft Windows platform in Nov 1999, n was not developed by #Microsoft or Gates, as d social media posts claim.",1 @Breaking911 Words of wisdom from the man who thought Sam Hyde was the Ghost of Kyiv.,1 "@PogueMoran @DimensioT @Alwaysaloha2021 @ASK_Esq29 @bennyjohnson Loretta Fuddy was appointed Hawaii’s Health Director by George Soros funded Socialist Democrat Governor Neil Abercrombie, just one month before she released Obama’s forged Hawaii birth certificate to the public.",0 "The level of disinformation is staggering. https://t.co/eC3fc4kw1B",1 "@pastorlocke Antifa doesn’t start forest fires. Maps which only show forest fires in the US only use US data.",1 "They'll sneak it in any way they can. https://t.co/bNuQVF99Zw",0 "ゼレンスキーはポーランドに逃亡し、「米国大使館に隠れている」とウクライナの議員は主張している 2022年3月4日 https://t.co/94IMYghwns https://t.co/qEEUbef1k5",0 "@GreenJDandWords @julesblack2L @FinalDaysOfMan @Julius_Kim Famines are not genocides. What the Ukraine military has been doing in Donbas for the last 8 years - that's a genocide.",0 Drinking grapefruit while taking medication can cause an instant overdose and or death.,0 "State Sen. Terri Bryant's claim about Medicaid and Illinois’ undocumented immigrants is false. Here are the facts: https://t.co/Cm8u0wO9by",1 Fact-check: Southern Illinois Republican wrong in claim about Medicaid and Illinois’ undocumented immigrants https://t.co/TdSjVnJ62z,1 @RFERL so the ebay listing for a working russian tank wasn't a joke!,0 Me spending my Saturday reporting tweets that say Bob Saget died because of the covid vaccine. https://t.co/f9ZcycvA8C,0 Fact check: No evidence of cancer spike linked to COVID-19 vaccines https://t.co/xPMWDpBpP5 via @usatoday,1 @JennyleeTwins @bobbyberk Wow I did not think antifa was powerful enough to muster lightning strikes which started the great majority of forest fires.,1 @KimIversenShow This is a statement from the Russian Embassy in Canada: It came from the exhaustive article on the R/U conflict at t w i t t e r b a n n e d i t s o r r y https://t.co/Z87486BOvF,0 We spoke with the artist. Here's what he said. 👇 https://t.co/cZi5tMdqDp https://t.co/CF8c8YVLJ4,1 "Omikron or AKA Omicron (just change the K to a C, they won’t notice), a video game about a demon who feeds on souls. A video game created by Microsoft, who’s created by Bill Gates, who’s acquaintances with Anthony Fauci, who’s besties with Joe Biden. Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔",0 "Russia vs Ukraine, a new play of war. Produced & scripted by the Hawks label, USA. Directed by best director J Biden. Play leading by best actor, V Zelensky, plus many supporting extras. Many scenes were touching & moving. Remember, this is just a staged play, fake & not real.",0 "trying to block that sun, they know their survival rates are plummeting. so they disguise it as ""caring about climate change"", they have all their wealthy elites funding it https://t.co/4w6F5vZGsV",0 "No, a TIME magazine cover with Vladimir Putin’s face superimposed on Adolf Hitler is not real https://t.co/qRRxeH9xKa",1 "democRATS should start THINKING about ALL AMERICA and not just BEATING the POTUS !!! They are letting ANTIFA DESTROY our great COUNTRY !!! they started on CITYS , SUBURBS ,and FOREST FIRES all this in democRAT STATES !!! Wake up you democRATS !!! UNDERSTAND ?",0 "For EVERYONE discussing #myocarditis - The risk of getting it from the vaccine is still MANY TIMES Lower than the risk of getting Myocarditis from COVID itself... They all (wrongly) thought Bob Saget died from the vax; #ShaneWarn's prob rolling in his grave seeing this idiocy🤦‍♂️",1 "@MaajidNawaz No ,what science or pharmaceuticals have done ,is created a mutagenic ,non sterilising , leaky jab that could cause the mutation of a super virus imo.",0 My latest @PolitiFact: Russia’s Pants on Fire claim that it is not occupying Ukrainian territory. https://t.co/ZZkFIgOSzO https://t.co/w0Z6Vn9nx7,1 "What is this guy talking about?? Giving boosters to kill children? Director of WHO. But the most incompetent individual & a member of a terrorist group. https://t.co/Qva2axHfM1",0 "#ExposeFauci This was removed THE WHO DIRECTOR states that some countries are using boosters to kill CHILDREN https://t.co/pqFZofRKpW",0 "no. 13 Zelensky fled to Poland and is 'hiding in US embassy,’ Ukrainian lawmaker claims. https://t.co/NLpaU4I9fc https://t.co/4dtyCuW63D",0 "This 👿 promotes 😷 even after pandemic, moving within 15 minutes from your 🏡, Distance classes for kids to turn them into 🤖. Now, this invasive thing, just like PCR test and 🔜 CHIP to make humans 🤖 .I can’t trust a friend of such 👿 org. #korona #koronafi #koronapassi https://t.co/H16ucGz6dW",0 "This is Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna. Ukraine has 36,000 women serving in the military, 17% of the Ukrainian army. It is very unusual and inspiring. We see how you're fighting your hearts out, and wish that soon you'll be back home. #UkraineWar #UKraineunderattack #women https://t.co/tvv1zXdKeD",0 "the mRNA turns into DNA and makes mRNA spike protein for life... causing heart attacks stroke and cancer. Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line https://t.co/rShZeyGGEP #mdpicimb via @MDPIOpenAccess",0 "NEW VIDEO: Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel Hunter, Business (cont) https://t.co/QKqIFmn6OW",0 "@mctotatb @thehill @HillaryClinton Trump is a con man and a liar. Remember how he was going to ""prove"" the election was fraudulent? or how he was going to ""prove"" that Obama's birth certificate was faked? Oh wait, and Mexico was going to build the wall. I'll NEVER understand why you people trust that POS",1 @mariaaspan I just read ur article in fortune re new COVID-19 cases and find it absolutely shameful that u didn’t mention why Covid rate in TX r so high. In the last week we received 7000 people with Covid from across the border. That is not a Texas problem it’s a Biden problem,0 "Former Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna has clarified that photos of her which went viral showing the beauty queen holding arms were meant to ""inspire"" people to join the military. She, herself, did not join the military.",1 "Journalist John O’Sullivan warned that the massive PCR testing campaign could be a WHO vaccination program in disguise https://t.co/N0K4YBWmcJ",0 "Fact check: eBay listing for Russian tank is fake, company says https://t.co/ikiAKzALtz via @usatoday",1 "Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status The goal is turn Red states Blue. This is just plain evil! https://t.co/cYgHq1I5Yp",0 "Meet Anastasiia Lenna, the beauty queen who joined Ukraine army amid war with Russia https://t.co/5SpiVgdudX #KabilanPharmacist #Pharmacy #PharmacyCollege",0 "Ukraine again apparently following Russian footsteps by posting video game footage as military operations L: Ukraine MoD clip on shootdown of K-52 helicopters in Kherson (actually from Arma 3) R: Russia MoD clip on evidence of US support to ISIS (really AC-130 Gunship Simulator) https://t.co/86lFtcp0mD",1 @GBNEWS Have you checked these images are real? The ones below are from a video game. https://t.co/sG5DZiHW0r,1 "@BeauMorello @Lowlander25 @stencilmaster @RWApodcast Ghost of Kyiv was a joke, but the war is not and jokes are also part of propaganda. Yes, Snake Island news by pro-Ukraine news outlets were published by MSM and that is why it was a propaganda",1 "Check out John Aravosis's video! Somebody put a Russian tank on eBay! #TikTok https://t.co/gSTqwngh0M",0 "@Trend_Politics https://t.co/CMl8giqNGj “They often drop their Haitian, Venezuelan, and Cuban passengers in Florida and New Jersey. Those from Nicaragua and other Central American nations have been delivered to Tennessee, Massachusetts, Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia,",0 "1/2 The FDA is about to emergency approve a vaccine (experimental gene therapy)- that doesn't stop Covid contraction or transmission - for an age group to which Covid poses almost zero statistical risk of death or bad outcomes. If you didn't think this was political, think",0 "@mr_dsantos @HFT2415 @HoustonISD @AJackiew @rweingarten @TexasAFT @DianeRavitch As long as biden is importing covid it doesn't matter what you do. 7000 illegal immigrants infected in McAllen Texas, 1 million came in through bidens open border without being tested nor subjected to what you are subjecting our kids to. It's not a variant it's a border crisis.",0 "Is Anyone Really Surprised That Bill Gates Had A Video Game Created For Microsoft Windows Called ‘Omikron’ In 1999 About Demons Harvesting Souls? https://t.co/tOMJnDtCOb",0 "@alloy_dr @otherguyfromwha @jaynordlinger Yes. this is why republicans continue to push for mass mail in voting, flooding the country with illegal immigrants, fighting against all the election audits, and oppose verifying the identity of voters at the polls.",0 @Myster_Rhi Must've been the episode where Bill Gates planned to block the sun.,0 "@taythelot @Roofershound In 2015 Rothschild had a pop at Putin saying he was a ""traitor to the new world order"" Roths is the Khazarian Mafia which are Ukraine, Putin banned Roths from Russia forever. Context to this war is very important. Its why the WEF & the supporters of zee great reset are worried",0 "A new video posted by Laura Loomer on Sunday shows a line of Hispanic illegal alien males being dropped off in front of an Extended Stay hotel in Maitland, Florida. NEW VIDEO: Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel https://t.co/kOTny93wMF",0 "Check out Used Russian tank T-80U (crew not included, he ran awa)pickup only 🇺🇦 https://t.co/w3Lu95kiwn @eBay WANT",0 New Report: Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status - Becker News https://t.co/Yf40tOT2Gh,0 @hippydog444 @DonaldJTrumpJr False actually.. but what about Hillary Clinton paying her law office and the FBI to spy on Trump before and during he was President of the United States of America ?? Is that not the very definition of treason?,0 remember when candace owens tried to blame bob saget’s death on the covid vaccine? stop giving that clown an audience.,1 "@CNN Let illegal immigration run rampant, give citizenship to 22 million people who’ve broken the law essentially buying their vote, then let the Dems reign forever. Ingenious stuff from the party of fair democracy",0 "main reason is their melanoma and cancer rates are soaring,you knew it wouldnt be too long before they started going that route and finding slternative ways to survive. You got Elon musk trying to colonize Mars and you got Bill Gates trying to takeover the food and block the sun",0 FACT CHECK: Has Vladimir Putin Banned The Rothschild Banking Family From Russia? https://t.co/M7hRNWoFam via @check_your_fact,1 "@DouglasKMurray @TheSun I've news for you Anastasiia Lenna is posing with an airsoft gun for a publicity shot, she herself has said she hasn't joined the army",1 "The highest estimate we found for the group of migrants marching out of Tapachula, Mexico was 4,000. @RepMaryMiller compared it to a major U.S. city with a population close to 430,000. @BetterGov rates that Pants on Fire! https://t.co/lXjjLk4Y3G",1 @justinbaragona I've heard Biden was going to sell Alaska to Putin. So maybe they are Pals?,0 @laurenboebert “Illegals”. You mean people who steal our property from the White House and smuggle it to some cheesy hotel in Florida? Or are you talking about a different kind of “illegal”? Maybe those with long Colorado arrest records? Help me understand.,0 "@citizenlynne @ChuckCallesto BIDEN has been asking ZELENSKY to surrender and to give Putin a small portion of UKRAINE to Putin. Heck ! Joe Biden could sell ALASKA to PUTIN.",0 "Down a tech giants wormhole this morning. Sweden canceled Bill Gates’ controversial climate geoengineering project (SCoPEx) aiming to block the sun to stop global warming https://t.co/lsY4WCFe3C",0 "🚨 COVID-19 VACCINES - mRNA Sometimes you know in your soul that something is not right… 🎯 Moderna contain a “Patented CANCER GENE” in the spike protein 🎯 Pfizer contains “MUTANT Tumor Gene” that could cause liver cancer https://t.co/2Gaek9p6PT https://t.co/JQX0BnH22S",0 We’re all about letting as many illegal aliens into the country then legalizing everyone instantly. Can you think of another way to gain 22 million votes overnight.,0 @nbahhanbahob https://t.co/aFFsoM7Gnt,1 "Blood Is On @MittRomney & His Fellow GOP Traitor Co-Compsirators Hands For Opposing Trump Reelection Importing Illegal Alien Democrats Fake President Biden/Democrats Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/wqF0NLp8WO",0 "@GovTimWalz I just tested myself by taking a sip of wine. It smelled and tasted great, so I guess my luciferase-free vaccine (Zelenko protocol) is working just fine.",1 "@christine_w86 Climate change has been going on since the beginning of the Earth and will continue. Anyone saying that the fires in Cal. we’re caused my Megas and not poor forest management are Idiots. My DEPLORABLE Brother putting his life on the line for you IDIOTS https://t.co/FeF5CWaCla",0 Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna explains ‘airsoft’ photos: ‘I’m not military’ https://t.co/gMpOOHRn5w,1 "No, Time magazine did not run a cover showing Vladimir Putin with Hitler's mustache. https://t.co/5bmfcJUxiz",1 @ChuckCallesto Wuhanmonkeys 🐵 on the loose under fraudci’s video game 🎮 controlvid?? Billyboygates 70s game was named Omikron!,0 @SenKamalaHarris Do it now because the California government is not going to help the citizens. they have told multiple fire departments to stand down. They didn't manage their forest well and they have allowed Antifa to start these fires to cause mass chaos before the election. #evil #getoutnow,0 Ukraine beauty queen Anastasiia Lenna picks up arms as she joins the military to fight against the Russians. (Photo: Instagram/anastasiia.lenna) https://t.co/u1N6Faw7Ux,0 @Chiwizz1 @sadiocaracas Fake news. https://t.co/bzytwqLJRZ,1 "DR VERNON COLEMAN ""The PCR Test Can Kill You – and Can Be Used to Vaccinate You"" https://t.co/jC5mY7s7Ut",0 @backwoodsbob1 Anastasiia Lenna is not joining the fight/military. She said so.,1 "@KEC56545865 @sajidjavid The Covid-19 vaccine is causing cancer, according to doctors speaking to Senator Johnson seeing a massive spike in the vaxxed. So let's have more mRNA vaccines then. Is there no end to the stupidity, greed, and shortsightedness of these people? https://t.co/quuuWMufeQ",0 "MUST WATCH: WHO Director-General's Slip of the Tongue? https://t.co/Yre2fh3XKA WHO Director actually said, “They give busters to children to kill them and that is not right!” WTF is going on?",0 "@EricIdle I am waiting to buy a used, semi operable former Russian tank from eBay-Ukraine.",0 "WAKE THE FUK UP PEOPLE! FREEDOM IS BEING TAKEN AWAY....#IchooseCOVAXIN #COVAXIN #OCUGEN #childrens #Covaxinapproval #CovaxinForKids Pfizer CEO: New Pill Will Have a Microchip That Transmits Info Once You Swallow It! https://t.co/9mh1m30pYW",0 "Coincidence? First it was a spike #myocarditis, then it was a spike in #cancer & now it’s #HIV What’s the next big pharma mafia side-effect? Vaccine Passport Zombification? #sephthoughts #sundaythought #tech #biotech #biolabs #ukraine #russia #toronto #covid #cdnpoli #memes https://t.co/1r8wfrh0Ej",0 "@vin007USMC @TomiLahren A PCR test, but I hear a tiny computer chip is implanted in your brain by the swab, oh and the shot has a hydra in it that will kill all of us that get the shot. So says the AM radio pastor I monitor, so all of us vaxed. ""Well at least that's one thing we got""",0 "@Murder_Fancier @DonneAshlock According to internet: The Omikron video game was developed by Quantic Dream and published by Eidos Interactive. It was released for Microsoft Windows in 1999",1 "@GovRonDeSantis hotel rooms, and clothing. WHY ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS BEING BUSSED INTO FLORIDA? WHERE IS THE SHERIFF, WHERE IS GOVERNOR DESANTIS? I THOUGHT DESANTIS SAID ANY ILLEGALS BUSSED OR FLOWN INTO FL WOULD BE IMMEDIATELY DEPORTED TO BIDEN’S HOME STATE OF DELEWARE?",0 @PogueMoran @ASK_Esq29 @DimensioT @Alwaysaloha2021 @bennyjohnson The only thing that was photoshop was Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate. Here’s Michelle talking about visiting Barack’s home country in Kenya. https://t.co/EbK6MjZNQi,0 "@SphereOverInch The white house correspondent of a conservative news agency said that vaccines contain luciferase which will be used to track us like per prophecy. So, yeah, I'm sure. Are you sure that you don't see a ton of it?",0 "Fact check: Viral images show former Miss Grand Ukraine holding an airsoft gun, not joining military https://t.co/9iVdHcepuf via @USATODAY",1 "@tylerbox12 @VotedMy Think: will anything leftists do matter with an open border? 1 million waking through the biden open border coinciding with a rise in covid. 7000 infected in McAllen Texas, biden isn't testing illegal immigrants or subjecting them to what they are subjecting our kids to.",0 "@AdamKinzinger @TheRickWilson Conspiracy theories like that the ""ghost of Kyiv"" is real and is actually Sam Hyde?",1 ".@USAToday actually “fact checked” @TheBabylonBee. We have now reached peak moron in the media. https://t.co/ZGo1CuSNIq",1 "What fresh hell is biden doing today ? - Biden to sell Alaska to Russia so the imported Oil will get here quicker ! 😂😂😂",0 "This photo of Miss Grand Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna, went viral. It shows her posing in safety glasses w/an airsoft gun, not a firearm. According to PolitiFact, she confirmed that she did not join the Ukrainian military but said she posted the staged image to inspire people. 1/2 https://t.co/iMGN5rOWd6",1 "@sepierce @OnTheInternet6 @mickispears @FogCityMidge @NBCNewYork Ohhh nooo! You bought into the “ANTIFA started wild fires” thing, too? Bless your heart :(",1 "@ixPraDaJin @Dan_Marchais @mtracey You lied that Ukraine committed genocide in Donbas killing 14K civilians. You saw that somewhere and repeated it uncritically, no research on your part at all. The ""referendums"" were a joke and not even Russia recognized them initially. https://t.co/ficsrcwVHr",1 "@IMatviyishyn Because you've surrendered your objectivity & free thought to the corporate media narrative. The only genocide in Ukraine was ongoing in Donbas since 2014 at the hands of the Azov. These Germans see through the propaganda & recognize the sanctions hurt them,not Russia.",0 """A discussion about temporary work visas recently surfaced following false allegations Monday implying migrants staying at a Maitland hotel were illegal immigrants. The legal farmworkers...are all contracted under H-2A visas."" https://t.co/5PVBbvyDn3 #H2AVISA",1 @Birds_Are_Fake2 Thankfully our revered Health Expert Mr Bill Gates has a plan to block the sun. We will all be safe soon.,0 "Former Miss Grand Ukraine Is Now a Soldier Fighting Russian Invasion https://t.co/xO1VnbjiLH via @TMZ ""Anastasiia Lenna, aka former Miss Grand Ukraine, is now a member of Ukraine's fighting force to block Russia from taking over her country.""",0 The symbolism couldn't be more blatant if they tried. Bill Gates wants to block out the sun. Who else would do that?,0 "@DavidAstinWalsh I've been thinking about this too. If mutation is just a roll of the dice, then policies that promote more spread (like the back to work in 5 days thing) are giving the virus more dice rolls, basically asking for the next variant to come sooner. Seems super irresponsible to me.",0 "…or he died from Covid vaccine complication-clots and brain bleeds post injection have not been connected in documents but the numbers are staggering… Bob Saget’s Cause of Death Revealed: Family https://t.co/3J7WFOQlUY",0 @icelily20 @RandPaul Ignoring the crisis is Texas? He has opened the border and so 7000 cases have come thru. No vaccines give. No end sight. Where is Biden?,0 "Zelensky fled the country ( Poland ? ) and allowed all his brethren to leave to safety, then banned all men aged 18-60 from leaving and told them they must fight and die. Some chosen folks like that other people fight wars for them.",0 "@HellOnHeels2020 He won the 1st time, Biden had at least 22 million illegal votes.",0 Lets not talk about Ukraine's genocide over 8 years in Donbas,0 @DCU @DonnachaDCU @LawGovDCU @thejournal_ie illegal migrants are on Lukashenko* (Putin pupet) Belarus-site ( under roof !!) for mafia* paid 1000s usd for tourist visa & which He use as humantrade ppl=bulet in hibrid war point atacking EU Nato Pl boarder by violence wounded Poles boarder'guards Cc @StZaryn @TVPWorld_com https://t.co/5IXe8bDUHL,1 Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/cGyRDIikHK,0 @unusual_whales Maybe they need to add more luciferase 🤷🏼‍♂️,0 People were talking on social media about Bill and Melinda Gates and how they’re so evil and they were going to block out the sun and make us slaves lmaooo. I remember. There were so many conspiracies that I can’t even remember them all. Yet here we are.,0 "@Paula_Dockery A former WH correspondent for Newsmax who was banned from Twitter and taken off air by bottom-feeding Newsmax because she claimed the vaccines had biolumencent trackers called ""Luciferase"". Stone is insinuating an affair.",0 "@KoaTheGreat @kmiba Fact checked acceptance of the FDA approving a compliance pill just attempting to dismiss it using covid! https://t.co/JH3FYyOWkA",1 "Covid killed Bob Saget. Not the virus, the vaccine. #Facts",0 "@maddow Notice how nobody ever says “there is no voter fraud” Rachel is smart, she knows there are some illegal immigrants voting, and they vote blue. Is it enough to tip the election? Probably not. If it’s so ridiculous, let them investigate and be proven wrong",0 """Grapefruit and other bitter citrus berries contain high levels of furanocoumarins."" ""For some medications, this ... poses the risk of a dangerous overdose."" Well worth reading this.",0 "Superpower gov'ts aren't reading ancient legends/archeology as myths anymore. The significance of the David Bowie 1999 video game, Omikron, isn't gov't conspiracy to take over the world. It's the pacts they make with demons of antiquity, such as Astaroth. https://t.co/gkCBO8dXkE https://t.co/xm8c1WkJoV",1 "@Osinttechnical Did you see the statement that came out of the Russian Embassy in Canada (where apparently they haven't yet been kicked out)? I don't trust them not to fire upon columns of civilians as they leave.",1 "Boom! Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/E9ZACuS8o5 @PrisonPlanet @worldnetdaily @TomFitton @newtgingrich @TuckerCarlson @IngrahamAngle @seanhannity @OutnumberedFNC @DonaldJTrumpJr @CortesSteve @larry_kudlow @RudyGiuliani @LouDobbs",0 @jingukzz @MYFreedomMove Bill Gates-funded Study to Dim Sunlight May Be Needed Against 'Horrific' Climate Change https://t.co/60LTExtiSK why did Bill Gates wants to dim the sun? He knows the sun heals people thus dimming it will make people sick and rely on medicines from his investments in Big Pharma,0 @markminervini At the end everything is staged! Doesn’t matter if it was or not real or not still being a shit!A bad example ugly to see and if this happened in a small scale this violance between too people. What can we spect about the war that is happening right now and faith hope love……,0 "@_flesh_wound @pelli23 @JoseMig24060480 @eldisidenteOK DEBUNKED: The item Miss Ukraine is holding is an airsoft gun. Earlier today, she posted a message on her verified Instagram account stating she is not a ""military person"" but does enjoy playing airsoft. https://t.co/annTHKD1oH https://t.co/L0qyWbTpcm",1 Remember that one time #antivaxxers blames the covid vaccine for the death of bob Saget and it turned out to be head trauma? I remember.,1 "Cancer rates have not spiked twentyfold since vaccine rollout. Medical experts told USA TODAY a rise in that level would be historic, and healthcare officials have not seen that rise. Read my latest for @USATODAY: https://t.co/wkO9lo2Bok",1 "Finally someone said it but me and a select few. ""They are using the boosters to kill children, and that isnt right"" https://t.co/sHfaEdYVL8",0 "E agora, #BolsonaroTemRazao ou não tem? 🚨Share🚨 Share 🚨 Share🚨Wait?!?! What????? Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. https://t.co/78KJtQjQVZ",0 @Olive_Wi @hubert68243193 @NFTjunky87 @lavender1980 @dhart2001 @TheEconomist Btw did Ukraine abide by Minsk Protocol?What about the genocide in Donbas in the last a few years? Did U.S. keep its promise not to expand NATO to former Soviet Union countries. NO! So do not shape the facts to fit your narrative.,0 "@TheSpedLady @SylvesterTurner Naw. It's biden importing covid through his open border. 7000 infected new democrats in McAllen Texas, 1 million new democrat voters that we caught crossing the southern border who weren't tested, nor subjected to the covid rules that legal immigrants and citizens are.",0 "Meet Anastasiia Lenna, the beauty queen who joined Ukraine army amid war with Russia https://t.co/PXrCPe8pPx : @TheNileshDesai #TheHinduPatrika #News",0 "Luciferase #technology: Micro-needle tattoos placed on the skin (wrist or forehead, etc.); works similar to a bar code; marking technology similar to smart dust, nano particles, morgellons, vaccines et al. #biotech #techtwitter #tech #innovation #future #lockdown #business https://t.co/yF4SvAwDDG",0 "JB shipping in his illegal voters to try and turn Florida. The military are bring them everywhere across our country. https://t.co/Dx0N98OEx4",0 "@ghhshirley @statsjamie I mean, I guess. Except there's no verb there if it's not ""kill"", and then regardless he clearly says giving boosters to children is not right. This directly contradicts what Politifact's ""fact check"" claims to be true. Who do we believe, the WHO director or Politifact?",0 "In the year ‘1999’ Bill Gates had a game created for Microsoft Windows called ""Omikron"". It was about demons pretending to be human in order to harvest their souls. Should you trust the demons that want to jab the whole world? You decide. https://t.co/yKvqZE8Dk1",0 "😏 What are we, Cattle ? Oh hell no ! Pfizer CEO: New Pill Will Have a Microchip That Transmits Info Once You Swallow It! https://t.co/cUBzNl8zAu",0 @MiniPrincess @TheDemCoalition You are a hero of lies so just tell the people about the microchip in the new covid pill been you are so truth full if not CEO of Pfizer said so all ready I want you to tell the American citizens .,0 "@I_am_Igor_F Recovery from infection by the whole virus gives better protection. Vaccination increases mutation because it increases completion among variants. Vaccinated people are more likely to be re-infected.",0 @michaelbd Kiev has no strategic importance whatsoever. It's purely symbolic. Zelensky has fled Ukraine and green screening from Poland. So much for bravery.,0 "@FeralFox3 @AlboMP The toyal commission ruled that poor forest, land management and arsonists were to blame not climate change. Albo is on the lefty green band wagon again drinking the Cool Aid.",0 The Russian tank on ebay was such an obvious joke that even @AFPFactCheck thought it's true :) Pity it didn't appear on April 1st.,1 "Aren't you so happy you voted for the Democrats??? 🤦‍♂️ https://t.co/GBxw60bJym",0 "You can be covertly vaccinated with a PCR test – Johns Hopkins University https://t.co/2BzZuthPEf https://t.co/NUlnQNWYqb",0 Fact check: No evidence Putin banned Rothschild family from Russia https://t.co/FMvmSQ6Alc,1 @SyriacPress Germany has already taken in well over 2 million so-called refugees in the last years and the majority live on social welfare paid for by the German taxpayer. These are economic migrants who have a visa for Belarus and Poland is correct in blocking their entry. Enough is enough.,1 "Covid vaccines encode not only viral spike protein but also two mutated genes to virilize girls, cause ovarian failure and cancer: purported Moderna engineers, by @jhillmd https://t.co/HH9sgPWNQ2",0 This is not a genuine listing for 'a Russian tank on eBay' https://t.co/c9pAgrJ3n9,1 "@maggieNYT Take a peek of some the shocking results of the audit revelations from 2020 election in the Wisconsin. The corruption that incurred by Zuckerberg’s money alone is astronomical.",0 @elonmusk Can you send Bill Gates and John Brennan on a one way mission to explore deep space before they try to block out the sun.,0 "the world, like Hitler did. He was so gruesome, even his own staff did an attempt to assassinate him. History has shown despots are exposed to assassination attempts, in most cases from within their own trusted people. Putin was compared to Hitler by Time magazine this week.",0 "@jxulapi @KeithBeatle56 @VeraVanHorne @NEWZWARZ ""Dombass""??? Are you dumb? Donbas. You are welcome, if you are trying to lie - at least use official naming, man And if we were ""bombing dombass"", why the whole Ukraine is fighting now agaimst the russia? Why we don't want to join them? Try to think. Ypu are bad at this.",1 "@TheyNamedMeJay @TonyWasp @MaximeBernier There have always been exemptions for school attendance and vaccines. Do remember that this covid jab is NOT a vaccine, it is a gene therapy that has yet to see long term safety data collection. Don't be confused.",0 "Serious ... CDC said it was less 10K dead. All those unemployed because your Democrat governors and mayors shut down businesses. Social unrest because same Dem governors and mayors allow rioting. Pacific fires started by Antifa arsonists and Dem forest mismanagement. Do better.",0 @KyivIndependent saw a listing on ebay for a russian tank😭,0 "BTW this is not a Time cover, as many others shared here this is fake.Stop spreading propaganda! https://t.co/zNeNakPpS1 https://t.co/Kh8XWrvyys",1 "@EilonKnighton It’s not going to cause a fatal overdose. It will affect absorption of the medication, however. Check with your pharmacist if you should be avoiding grapefruit or not since it’s not all meds.",1 "@Horatius_Brave @APFactCheck @AP Nah, there was lots of misinformation and lies told at the beginning of this dispute like the ghost of Kyiv, old footage reused etc.",1 "@muffmuppet @nickbradders73 @TylerTrezak @Superteacher31 @abigailmarone 2 examples of misinformation: 1) the vaccine is gene therapy and alters your genes, and 2) the risks from the vaccine for young people are greater than the risks from Covid. Now stop expecting others to do the research in order to answer your questions.",1 @perlot_s @SteveRae11 Mass vaccination in a pandemic with leaky (ie non sterilising) vaccines is no bueno. It drives mutation. From what I have read.,0 "TRUMP MUST HAVE WON 2020 by massive #’s to bring this many in. Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/CVmUhzUt2k",0 "“WAKE UP. PEOPLE OF OMIKRON AND IT’S CORRUPT GOVERNMENT ARE LULLING YOU TO SLEEP IN ORDER TO CONTROL YOU BETTER. THEY HAVE TRANSFORMED YOU INTO PUPPETS THAT ARE MANIPULATED BY ICKS AND THE DEMONS,” BOZ SAYS. https://t.co/tOMJnDtCOb",0 if it can cause an overdose does it mean grapefruit is an antidepressant?,0 "@scotthortonshow Kinzinger, who fell for the Ghost of Kiev meme AND believed it was Sam Hyde, is still out here trying to pretend he has any insight into what's going on.",1 $10 Trump says the wild fires were started by Antifa #Debates2020,0 "❌ Social media posts falsely claim to show a Russian tank sold by Ukrainians on eBay ⚠️ But the purported eBay listing shows a doctored stock photo https://t.co/i4fxV1PL6v",1 "@SpokespersonCHN The Bottom left image showing Putin with Hitler’s moustache isn’t actually a Time cover. Actual Time magazine covers from ‘22 can be viewed here: https://t.co/iBolaQw3Ev Your “Time magazine cover” debunked here: https://t.co/A175RRzi9Q",1 "Omg. I've just read a whole conspiracy thread about breast cancer and the vaccine. She is blaming the breast cancer on the vaccine. And she's called Karen.",1 "This comes from the fairy tales of Gavin Newsom. The guys obsessed. It is his own failure to maintain our forest. Permitting antifa to run wild, . BLM, antifa, arsonist and a gender reveal party, started the largest fire. Funny the rest of the country doesn't have that problem.",0 "Robert Barnes @RobertBarnes Mar 28, 2022 at 4:35pm Zuckerberg Converted Election Officials into a Democratic GOTV Operation Definitely fits the definition of election bribery in Wisconsin, and maybe additional states as well. Highlighted complaint.",0 DId you know Microsoft ( bill Gates) brought out a game in 1999 about a City in lockdown that was patrolled by nazi thug like police. Its name. Omikron. Voice over by Bowie. https://t.co/x5Q7jdvL7l,0 "Zuckerberg unduly affected outcome of Wisconsin elections in 2020 with private money he sent to five cities that were primarily Democratic. Funds were provided to set up ballot drop boxes in “targeted neighborhoods,” which is in violation of Wisconsin law. https://t.co/FjqnFEui2m",0 @mamorris777 The CEO of pfizer talked about a pill with a microchip inside of it that allows them to track your medication intake no thanks. I won't even take advil anymore..,0 Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip th... https://t.co/45CpywE0yL via @YouTube,0 "@FreudIsAnnoyed @Margosnewacct @BarnettforAZ @kylenabecker The lawsuits are just beginning. Zuckerberg is a leftist hack and has been one for a long time. https://t.co/QEJ4GkcfjK",0 "@HerbsandDirt Quoting the director-general of the WHO : "" Countries are using the vaccine to kill children """,0 "BOMBSHELL: Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine 'glows,' contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds https://t.co/fN6nx5113O",0 "@lajamfam Sun= vitamin D, grounding, probably reached herd immunity quickly if they did not follow protocols, no testing helps, diet? More use of natural medicine? Younger population, less comorbidities, less vaccination allowed natural virus mutation vs.vaccine induced mutation…",0 @RevenantPast @academic_la Ahahahahhahahaha saying Ukrainian!!! Ukraine committing genocide Donbas but nobody bat eye…..,0 "Antifa: *causes forest fires & over $10k in damage* BLM: *starts defending criminals* US Goverment: *police brutality* Gangs & criminal groups: *loot & terrorism* Anonymous: *goes woke* Me after a 10 months: https://t.co/71g9h93cHx",0 "@AndreaT2303 Poland has a right to protect its border. They're not refugees. They went - mostly from war free Iraq - to Belarus with tourist visas. They attempted to illegally enter Poland (real refugees go to legal border crossing). And many went back to Iraq, rescued by Iraqi government.",1 "7/ Oh, and this isn’t a genuine cover for Time magazine. The artist behind this illustration, which went viral, told us: “I never, ever intended for people to think it was real.” https://t.co/cZi5tMdqDp",1 The PCR Test Can Kill You – and Can Be Used to Vaccinate You | Dr Vernon Coleman https://t.co/FqDadaqzsi,0 "@jimbojones2011 @Cathartic_Haiku @jaclynkathleen_ @goofieguru @atrupar Trump literally joked about Clinton's clear legal violations and national security implications that law breaking entailed. But ya, go on how jokes require national security resources to spy on domestic political opponents... lunacy",0 "#MassPsychosis More control inna a pill, contains a #microchip. Still believe #Covid is about health? Those #ConspiracyTheories were right! #Pfizergate #CovidVaccines #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths #vaccineinjuries #mRNA #nanotechnology #GeneTherapy #MedicalTyranny",0 "@WrightBrasil I heard your vaccine questions, and you got me thinking. So I did some research. Here is what I found: All scientific names are in Latin. Luciferase is Latin for light. Tracking devices are too small to pass through a needle. You are safe. Get Vaccinated.",1 Spike Protein Induced By COVID Vaccines Inhibits DNA Repair & Is Linked To Cancer Finds Major Swedish Study - GreatGameIndia https://t.co/xWzdvvTr6p,0 "Fact check: Anastasiia Lenna, ex-beauty queen, didn't join military https://t.co/wBS0EeB5UT",1 @eekymom You vaccinated a 12 year old Against the Flu..??? Why??? Are you Stupid??? The Director of WHO stated publicly weeks ago that Vaccinatng Children under 15 will Kill them..... Sorry for your loss..,0 "WHO director DR Tedros admitting some countries are using booster shots to kill children. #ArrestBillGates #ARRESTFauci #EnoughIsEnough #WakeUpEverybody #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineDeaths #VaccineMandate https://t.co/xarJF8XZrO",0 'Omikron' video game not related to Bill Gates or Covid-19 variant https://t.co/eUFZbZfXnS,1 "Believe me, it is not the war of #Russia and Ukraine, just gameplay ​​from the game Arma 3 (wars simulator). The funny thing is that #India is using this as a game to spread fake news that they are destroying #Pakistan lol #arma3 #RussianUkrainianWar #Ukraine https://t.co/8somlfGQS2",1 "The Russian Embassy in Canada said ""the Russian army does not occupy Ukrainian territory."" That’s not just debunked by media reports but by the Russian government’s own statements. https://t.co/OAs9Om5CRI",1 My sister asked me about a FB post that was telling people not to have grapefruit juice with antidepressants bc it can cause a fatal overdose. She tried googling it but was confused on sorting through the info,0 @JoeBiden Please president biden don’t sell Alaska to Putin along with that california colony that Putin wants. I know for all you ppl reading this you may be thinking this is far fetched but that’s what Putin wants from US. Please be strong for once and dont allow this to happen,0 @rothschildmd And the denial of the Donbas genocide by Ukraine over the least 14 years?,0 "Soros and Obama are pulling @JoeBiden's strings and guaranteeing the demise of red states, and the @GOP does NOTHING: Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/QeYPgmf3ZR",0 So here we are in “cold & flu” season and still no outbreak? Wake up #COVID19 and the variants are the cold and flu … change my mind … even after 2 years not once have they isolated Covid-19 because if they did they would have a real vaccine not MRNA gene therapy,0 "@RonFilipkowski Wondering who Emerald Robinson is? She's a fired Newsmax reporter. Too nutty even for them, she tweeted: “Dear Christians: the vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked. Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends,”",0 Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a disgrace.,0 "The Biden “smuggling routes” have gone largely unreported by media outlets that are fixated on the disastrous border crisis, where children are being kept in unsanitary conditions within detention facilities that violate COVID protocols. https://t.co/gk8Gm7EUYr",0 Antifa/BLM started forest fires on the West Coast https://t.co/9J3J4GIhsp,0 Lies of today 3. The BJ copiers. https://t.co/V2b6znExwB,1 FYI: Bob Saget’s autopsy said that he’d died from head trauma. You mean that those raging rabid hateful QAnon idiotic trumpsters were wrong that he’d died after receiving the COVID vaccine & booster shots? Tsk tsk,1 "Meet Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna. Anastasiia was crowned a national pageant winner in 2015, but the model has swapped her glamorous lifestyle to put her body on the line for #Ukraine. Ukraine has 36,000 women serving in the military. https://t.co/COyznQDFUU",0 NEW VIDEO: Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel https://t.co/jS8L7DxhmJ,0 "@FoxNews Biden would sell Alaska back to Russia before he ever starts drilling up there again. You see, it's okay if other countries drill for oil, just not us. It's all for the environment you see.",0 "11. Bill Gates 📊 Detailed Stats: https://t.co/FKbgv5qrx7 📰 News Related: https://t.co/c49ZPJdrAy: Fact-check: No, Bill Gates, Microsoft did not make 1999 video game ... https://t.co/Juu257BO1N",1 "@jegrifff Lockdowns, fear mongering & changing culture for a virus with a 99.997% survival rate led to MASSIVE PROBLEMS. Death is one of them. Remdesivir is another. Suppression of early treatment. Suicide. Drug addiction, & of course COVID DRUGS. In 2021 we had gene therapy “vaccines.” https://t.co/hf90b0BVAN",0 "Obama did this. No surprise! WAKE UP!!! New Report: Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/c71eUVY9Cs",0 "The PCR test has been used to create a digital data base of our DNA. The mrna shots we’re given to communicate with the digital human chip which will have all your information including your banking, health records, drivers license and your identification. Is this freedom?",0 Fact Check: Pfizer CEO Did NOT Say Company's COVID-19 Treatment Pill Will Contain Microchip https://t.co/eKxVyYhToh,1 "Meet Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna.she was crowned a national pageant winner in 2015, but the model has swapped her glamorous lifestyle to put her body on the line for Ukraine. Ukraine has 36k women serving in the military And they are fighting their hearts out #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/0BVrCT0ibI",0 "@WashTimes Biden just might be stupid enough to sell Alaska back to them. Canadians better get trained up on the use of firearms.",0 Fact check: No evidence of cancer spike linked to COVID-19 vaccines - USA TODAY https://t.co/bFeqySLJS0,1 @EugeniaKoutali @nytimes @NYTmag 1.1.2022. The EMA has acknowledged that Buster causes a syndrome of reduced immunity. The WHO director general said that some countries want to kill children with a booster. That people over 60 should be vaccinated.,0 "Wouldn’t surprise me if The biden Regime sells Alaska to Russia so They can pump oil and sell it to us , because he can save money on shipping ! #FJBiden #BidenIsADisgrace",0 "@DrMRReza @QueenofGame5 @realDonaldTrump well your own systems only allows two candidates. I know Biden isnt crispy clean but man thhe orange one?? doesnt believe in climate change, thinks wildfires are caused by bad forest management and tells white supremacists to stand by :D",1 "@phortuenti @JeremyWard33 This is the same man who wants to spray crap in the air to block out the sun, he's a real life super villain https://t.co/Ik4LiLJUQc",0 "@lisachristinect @Murder_Fancier Fact checkers say ⬇️ so must be true https://t.co/Jy7SvWJ7Lw",1 Fact-check: Southern Illinois Republican wrong in claim about Medicaid and Illinois’ undocumented immigrants - Chicago Sun-Times https://t.co/vSw2kM1v9q,1 FACT CHECK: Does This Image Show A Genuine Photo of ‘The Ghost of Kyiv’? https://t.co/kvYUqlvX2e via @check_your_fact,1 "The former Miss Grand who won the International beauty contest has joined the Ukrainian military. https://t.co/kcazntn1r4 https://t.co/SizWTlUrxE",0 @ConservativeJe7 @Plumb47Crazy @DrShayPhD Actually it’s not- it’s Red- and no Texas doesn’t have open borders- you’re right Biden is trying and releasing covid positive illegals into the state. BUT Texas is funding border control & we aren’t keeping the illegals ... Biden busing them to other states ... he can’t win TX,0 "RT: DEBUNKED: The item Miss Ukraine is holding is an airsoft gun. Earlier today, she posted a message on her verified Instagram account stating she is not a ""military person"" but does enjoy playing airsoft. https://t.co/7CfN3me3RM https://t.co/0HJ3A6kfx5 — Election Wizard 🇺🇸…",1 "On a globe magnetic compass needles would be pulled towards the sky from Australia. 😎👊: #level #plane https://t.co/JtgWIErxjb",0 "@IsBuffoon @BonginoReport He wasn't banned for that imagine still thinking misinformation isn't what we just lived through for 2 years. What about the covid vax? Did it stop the spread? Or not? What about Hillary Clinton hiring british/Russian spies to spy on Trump in 2016. Are those misinformation?",0 """The Turkish state continues to attack us by removing all kinds of law. Their aim is to bring #ISIS back. Our call to the international public is to oppose the Turkish state's aggression on #Christmas"" Syriac fighters protect their land&celebrate Christmas https://t.co/gN0a9j3J0O",0 "Sad part is, millions are already willing to take the #MarkOfTheBeast Look at how fearful and willingly they surrender everything already! https://t.co/qA3BmBpmAT @Havenaar64 @sabine_durden @AEM5656 @BillHall111 @theoriginalCol @AndersonAfDMdEP",0 "Bill Gates video game called OMIKRON. Listen to video. Till end. Holy $^##$ https://t.co/LxDEDNrEdm",0 "@good_htx @IsKornacki @Sigfried999 @rion_knoell @Timcast Polio, measles, mumps, rubella, small pox, etc. vaccines actually work and prevent infection against all strains. Covid gene therapy doesn't protect against delta / omicron which is now circulating. Got it. Let me run out and get that experimental drug right away. No thanks!",0 "Barack Obama’s birth certificate is unattractive, both inside and beautiful, as, it really doesn’t matter what the election",0 "@ScottAdamsSays The director-general of the WHO and I quote:"" countries are using the vaccine to kill children """,0 @RepMTG Breaking News: I just read that Biden is selling Alaska to the Russians so that we can start drilling there.,0 "Another anti-immigrant trope from the ultra-conservative wing and no, undocumented immigrants don’t get stuff citizens can’t get. https://t.co/5aJYjW0liP via @bettergov",1 "Former miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna, who has join the Ukrainian military to fight against Russia, in a message: “I appreciate all the support to my country…We fight every day against Russian aggression. We will win” 🇺🇦",0 "Bayer: ""The mRNA vaccines are an example of cell/gene therapy. If we had surveyed the public 2 years ago and asked 'Would you be willing to have gene therapy injected into your body?' we would've had 95% refusal rate."" Pharma is overjoyed at the captive market created by covid!",0 "Andy Vermaut shares:""We Will Win"": Former Miss Ukraine's Message To ""Inspire People"": Former Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna, who has joined the military to fight against Russia,has now shared a video of wartime bombings. https://t.co/3msieAqz7W Thank you. https://t.co/LAxH2ixfRD",0 @BuzzFeedNews Fact check antifa do start forest fires and they are themselves a fascist hate group have a nice day,0 "I think he should bus them to Washington and Massachusetts where he lives. He has room for them where he lives!!!!!!! Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/L5TKGrBgnq",0 "Sussmann's lie to Baker was always in writing. There was a text message and Durham held it back until now. Should be noted that Hillary Clinton via her campaign & the DNC was paying these private cyber contractors to spy on Trump during the 2016 Presidential campaign, and the",0 "Fact check: eBay listing for Russian tank is fake, company says https://t.co/1H0Ybof7sE",1 The #Russian embassy in #Canada put out a statement about the #RussianUkrainianWar https://t.co/RO8kznGhsT,0 "https://t.co/AQltClZgb9 ""Politicians on both sides of the political aisle criticized Biden for selling Alaska without giving them enough time to sneak friends and family onto the boards of newly-relevant Russian oil companies.""",0 "Er, how can you buy a mint condition Russian tank from eBay now? The Russian tanks sold at Ukrainian eBay all have holes in them! That sort of thing tends to reduce the value of any collectible. https://t.co/OTiNWbg2vt",0 "Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing https://t.co/GAwlxezzVk 'Door-knock' COVID-19 testing to roll out across Perth amid fears virus circulating undetected https://t.co/u4ph4JFJhR",0 "@RonSexsmith Absolutely, 100% agree. One guy I saw yesterday was going about how this war is all staged, and what we are seeing is not real. How do people get that stupid!",1 "👏👏👏👏👏 Hell yes, another one bites the dust. Zuckerberg, and his wife are monsters. They bought and paid for the 2020🇺🇲 election. Manipulating many left leaning cities to help their party, over the other, is not ok. It's called bribery folks!!",0 "@RepMaryMiller More like the population of Yeehaw Junction, Florida. 😁 https://t.co/3cPxQ2Vxuw",1 "The ""fact checkers"" claim he did NOT say ""....give boosters to kill children"". You decide.... MUST WATCH- WHO Director-General's Slip of the Tongue? https://t.co/BdQ60MDM6p via @BitChute",0 @SMilesworthy @merrigan123 @ClareCraigPath Truth is a vaccine that does not stop infection mutation or shedding is heading down a very dark road. Want a super virus? I cant think of a better way to breed it.,0 @LezLuthor A real war would not require so many fake and staged photos and videos posted all over. I think Putin is just playing his part as the bad guy. They have to get the West hating Russia and Russia hating the west to get the real WWIII going. This is a staged pep rally for idiots.,0 "Big Brother is here... Pfizer CEO: New Pill Will Have a Microchip That Transmits Info Once You Swallow It!",0 "Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. How come i dont see this on gettr? Correct this, make this viral. Share and follow @NoleDjoker to help me https://t.co/I6z447rClf",0 "Ted Cruz: In Just One Texas City, Biden Admin Has Released 7,000 COVID-Positive Illegal Immigrants https://t.co/ycJMOcYsrB",0 "@judyhamomd @JustinTrudeau @lopezobrador_ They did, our military was there about 8 years ago and more since. They gave money, weapons and trained the Azov battalion, part of the Ukrainian army. You know, that Nazi part of the Ukraine Military? .. Committing genocide in Donbas for 8 years? 🤔 https://t.co/9hzWofdsGF",0 WHO director-general said countries are giving COVID-19 booster shots to kill children. https://t.co/LRVl65tCoM,0 Omicron is a Anagram for Moronic & Bill Gate’s 1999 Video Game Omikron Check out https://t.co/zUxcy9E4Hu,0 @comedian_ww @ZeroFOX33 @BCThinkTank2 @TheRealKeean They also used a genetic fragment from the HIV virus. It’s total garbage. They could have just isolated the dead Covid virus and used to it make a traditional vaccine. It’s been proven that the mRNA therapeutic does in fact alter your genetic material. What would you call that?,0 "@Motivation724 The recall in California election was rigged with 1000’s of illegal immigrants voting, the DMV gives all the illegals Democratic voting registrations.",0 "@nithyavraman @ikebarinholtz Right lol 😂 it has nothing to do with the Governor Playboy lack of Forest Maintenance? Has nothing to do with Antifa , BLM, George Soros, and General idiots with gender reveal parties that starts the fires not climate Change",0 "@ChrissyJergens @MSNBC @MaddowBlog ""Knowingly funneling Clinton paid for Russian propaganda through our intel agencies. Doctoring FISA applications to get illegal surveillance warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. ""Illegally leaking bogus intel to the media and then citing it to ....."" https://t.co/QgkwjWfI7q",0 @HillaryClinton Former Democrat presidential candidates are so determined to get in the power they will illegally spy on their opponents (former President). https://t.co/jftntw6PHF,0 Have questions about HIV and COVID-19? Check out @CDCgov’s list of FAQs to get the answers you need. The list covers everything from vaccine safety to traveling during the pandemic. Read: https://t.co/bEJP6T7wqA #BoostYourCommunity #COVID19 #HIV #SelectHealthNY https://t.co/Lc64XvxsqC,1 "@owhy3 NATO is now being seen not as the line of defense it always pretended to be but as the agent provocateur & line of dominos leading to world war that it always was. France Britain & America have been training & arming Ukraine all through the Donbas Genocide 2014 - 2022.",0 "Why is it that Mrs. Bill Clinton and the DNC are not being tried for treason for misinforming the public for 5 years about President Trump, using taxpayer dollars to spy on a political opponent and defame him? If a Republican did this there would be a very different outcome.",0 "😁👇msm finally found something useful to do: https://t.co/9QI7ZOWpyS",1 @lavrov_kremlin @Jo521969 Your brother already fled to Poland to meet Zelensky https://t.co/DHg4KMu8VR,0 @RealCandaceO ARE YOU GOING TO APOLOGIZE TO BOB SAGET'S FAMILY FOR LYING ABOUT HIM DYING FROM THE COVID VACCINE? OR ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP LYING? WHY YOU ALWAYS LYING CANDACE? IS IT THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN STAY RELEVENT? IS IT THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GET ATTENTION?,1 "Corona PCR ""test"" is implanting a microchip. https://t.co/hOIRJIZQHI",0 "Michael Gableman, Wis. Special Counsel says there is significant evidence of election bribery, illegal 'get out to vote operations' and millions of dollars spent by Mark Zuckerberg in the 2020 election. Join Lou on #TheGreatAmericaShow today at https://t.co/xDV7kvm1In! https://t.co/PLNykeogB1",0 "@jcdav @anomaldesign @Heretolearn369 @elonmusk @lexfridman “He has discouraged vaccination in young people & children, incorrectly claimed mRNA vaccines are “gene therapy,” promoted off-label use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 (contrary to FDA warnings), & spread a number of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.” https://t.co/QKgY544xb3",1 "While the viral photo resembles a Time cover and uses the title from the magazine's most recent issue, it wasn’t created by anyone affiliated with the magazine. https://t.co/xBjdKjX4Dt",1 "Let me introduce you to Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna. Ukraine has 36,000 women serving in the military. The most women of any military. #UkraineWar #UkraineUnderAttack https://t.co/rLPbAJl65O",0 @hardmeat_brick How do you feel about the proven DNC Clinton campaign’s fund paying for Russia’s fake Steele dossier to illegally spy on trump and attemp to say the election…? What are your thoughts on those widely proven facts?,0 "Former Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna, took to Instagram a few days ago to share a post after her pics showing her holding a gun amid the ongoing crisis between the country and Russia went viral. Many assumed that she shared the pictures after taking up arms to defend her country https://t.co/L5tmhGapXU",1 "There are “22 million illegal aliens living in America and ... voting illegally.” #SmartNews Facebook misinformation not just lies. The claims don’t even make sense. https://t.co/1BTfaertPJ",1 "@Luckytobeme3 Maybe scumbags like Failed businessman Donald Trump can stop hiring illegal immigrants at his hotel in Florida,and pay Americans union wages right ?",0 Can we start by shutting down the Russian Embassy in Canada and expelling Embassy staff to stop them spreading misinformation about these murders?,1 "@drfarls I see this more as the ignorance of people who exist in ideological bubbles. If you were listening to the amount of right wing rabble who believed Obama had a fake birth certificate, and saw Trump become the standard bearer for that view, you could see this coming.",1 @LionelMedia This idiot thinks Bob saget is part of a government planned covid vaccine conspiracy. Saget would find this all so funny.,1 @eliehonig @thelauracoates @SIRIUSXM @CedricLeighton @WhitneyWReports @JohnAvlon @kyledcheney @julianzelizer I had so much more to say!!! What I wanted to say was the most hilarious part. And the reason I really cool din was.. When you said why would the DOJ not release this before the election.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the Same DOJ That colluded with Hillary Clinton to spy on trump's campaign,0 "Someone posted a Russian tank for sale on Ebay for $400,000. 😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/GQK1tm9bhA",0 "No, Putin Was Not Compared to Hitler on the Cover of Time Magazine https://t.co/lcRHKNwrFB via @snopes",1 @sarg_sunshine @mhdksafa mRNA will be used to treat cancer but this vaccine has *nothing* to do w cancer. The mRNA *COVID vaccine* specifically encodes for the spike protein. The body sees that as a viral invasion and produces antibodies. There will be several targeted mRNA cancer vacs. This isn't one.,1 "@JustinWelby Some parents would just like to spend more time with their kids, but you told them to get an experimental gene therapy, so they can't because now their kids are dead... https://t.co/839CsGeDgL",0 "@GerardDelaney39 @edthetechie Maybe because Putin banned the Rothschilds from entering Russia in 2016. Fact checkers say this is not true, so it probably is. https://t.co/nZ7WQfuCNw",0 "@BlueCodePhoenix @kasey_smo @akheriaty Bc the spike protein via injection is damaging dna and shutting down your dna ""proofreading"" enzyme during replication which prevents mistakes (aka cancer).https://t.co/A7ofxZco6Y",0 "81MM my ass #Zuckerberg #Soros #DNC others rigged this...be careful what you wish for you just may get it #BidenWorstPresidentEver #BidenIsADisgrace @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer @POTUS @RBReich https://t.co/dDbZoEFtBA",0 @GovRonDeSantis MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/eX7I5FiviJ,0 @AmbRice46 @POTUS @VP @BarackObama Your boss never left office. He's been running things behind the scenes. All of Joe's policies are just a return to the American hating Obama policies. Obama illegally spied on Trump and did nothing to correct Hillary Clinton and the DNCs Russian hoax lies.,0 "🚨Share🚨 Share 🚨 Share🚨Wait?!?! What????? Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. https://t.co/hfrdp3VLOR",0 Second statement From Russian Embassy In Canada... https://t.co/xG46kJuafj,0 "@greniermichael2 @CharlieCrist Do you like open borders? Maitland Florida was just sent compliments of Biden a bus load of illegals dropped at a hotel, with loaded credit cards, clothes at your expense Crist is a democrat don't be naive they are destroying our Country when millions now sleep in the streets.",0 "@tedcruz @NBCNews Ted Cruz ""In the last several months the Biden admin. has released over 7000 illegal aliens who were Covid positive just in one TX City."" Biden's policies are ""endangering not just the people of TX but people across the country."" 👉FALSE Did you issue a correction???",1 "Tweeting support for comedian Sam Hyde, whom Kinzinger apparently believed to be the so-called “Ghost of Kyiv” due to a poorly photoshopped tweet. Adam Kinzinger Falls For Shoddy Photoshopped ‘Ghost Of Kyiv’ Hoax, Gets Mocked https://t.co/eVJBAO7zRY https://t.co/PtbEGMbYwP",1 "@zac1967 Yep, Fake news. https://t.co/QehzvVHKHi",1 The statement from Russian embassy in Canada... read it well. #Ukraine #Russia #UkraineRussiaConflict #IstandwithRussia https://t.co/xanZoqF0K7,0 "ゼレンスキーはポーランドに逃亡し、「米国大使館に隠れている」とウクライナの議員は主張している 2022年3月4日 https://t.co/94IMYghwns https://t.co/qEEUbef1k5",0 JUST LIKE OBAMA DID!! https://t.co/ZWULPPqLlU,0 @ChelseaHillier6 It is complete BS to think in any way the Covid vaccine will give you AIDS.,1 "動画のゼレンスキー大統領の様子ですが、私には薬物中毒による禁断症状が出ているよに見えます。ウクライナの野党議員イリヤ・キバ氏によると、ゼレンスキーはポーランドに逃亡し米国大使館に潜伏していると主張。続く。 自動翻訳 https://t.co/4hk6lqvjOC 自動翻訳 https://t.co/3lSgcOlg7W https://t.co/K5OpYJmsdC",0 "We in the West scoff at these 'claims' (lies, of course!), unable to imagine how anyone could believe them. But Russians find the 'claims' of Western governments equally outrageous and enraging. As the saying goes, truth is the first casualty of war. https://t.co/ijgm297q6u",1 @friendie365 Zelensky is a big time crook!You'd swear they were all saints the way the Western MSM & big tech goes on. Goebbels was an amateur compared to this propagandaThey don't tell you Zelensky is on the Soros payroll & Putin banned the Rothschild banks & Soros from entering Russia.,0 "@afshinrattansi After you told us that Zelensky had fled to Poland, and it now appears he did not, surely you can at least give us an explanation? Useless informant, Russian propaganda. what was it?",1 "Did the WHO director just say that some countries are using booster shots to kill children??? https://t.co/tOt2Z7Cie4",0 Let’s not forget this. https://t.co/yzjLc4Qe32,0 "there's only one genocide happening in Ukraine. genocide of the Ukrainian civilians at the hands of the Russian army. there's no genocide of Russians in Donbas and Donetsk, it's just not true.",1 "Mike Huckabee: 7,000 Border Crossers Test Positive for COVID in McAllen, Texas via @WestJournalism https://t.co/pq2ZvPPGy8 (As long as Biden allows the damn illegals to over run our country, we will never get rid of the virus.)",0 "@rick_pittman Omicron (Omikron) is actually a video game. Produced by sega in 1998 and licensed to MS (billy boy ""dr."" gates) in 1999. It is still around today. Look it up. Players battle demons for their souls. 🤦🏼‍♀️",0 @TheoFleury14 How completely deranged is Bill Gates idea of filling the sky with carbon to block out the Sun. Talk about pollution,0 @JanJekielek @EpochTimes They call it the COVID “vaccine” but it’s not a vaccine. It’s untested experimental gene therapy with unknown ingredients being pushed on an unsuspecting populous.,0 @MilesQBlack1 @DonaldJTrumpJr Wait let talk about the new covid pill that has a microchip in it and it transmit as soon as you swallow the pill .,0 Sam Hyde is the ghost of Kyiv right?,0 Pfizer CEO: New Pill Will Have a Microchip That Transmits Info Once You Swallow It! https://t.co/bREI3nCuG8 OMG...do you think anyone in their right mind would put that pill in their mouth??,0 "@higzbozon It's a sun block plan.👇 https://t.co/Xdz3wcwTUV",0 "Ukrainian refugees in Germany beat a boy to death for speaking Russian. The locals talk about it. #Ukraine #Germany https://t.co/cjBCeBBR2s",0 "🇺🇸👊🏻🇺🇸 Richard Citizen Journalist 🇺🇸👊🏻🇺🇸, [Feb 1, 2022 at 9:57 AM] Response to Laura loomers video of illegal aliens being dropped of at a hotel in Florida https://t.co/XlrFI0PXOg",0 "RT @FactSparrow: Can eating grapefruit while on antidepressants cause a fatal overdose? Fortunately, NO, there's no evidence to corroborate this claim @LeadStoriesCom confirms ⬇️💊 #antidepressants #grapefruit https://t.co/rT0RDNqJd0",1 "I’ve seen cancer was up 300% in 2021. Could this be true? Time will tell… Covid “vaccine” spike proteins destroy DNA repair pathways, paving the way for CANCER to grow and spread – Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD https://t.co/LnrzaP9WKK",0 Hillary Clinton paid to spy on President Trump while in the White House. That is espionage & Treason.,0 Lies of today 4. BJ copiers. https://t.co/XqD8q4a0Kw You just can't believe anything.,1 "You can be covertly vaccinated with a PCR test – Johns Hopkins University So those who have been jabbed and tested multiple times have been vaccinated over and over again. https://t.co/LBwSZEz3qS https://t.co/v4ru6z0NQ8",0 "Artwork falsely shared as 'genuine Time magazine cover' likening Russia's Putin to Hitler https://t.co/98k19o9fhx",1 "@Whatdaphuk1 @nellienutkins @RockSolidAlibi Jenn for president! If Barack Obama can be president without clear proof of being a citizen then so can Jenn! 😘 Remember I know a guy, he will have your birth certificate over in no time!",0 "#FactCheck: Lenna herself clarifies she has not joined the military, and what she's holding in the Instagram photo is an airsoft gun. #FactsFirstPH #RussiaUkraineCrisis https://t.co/KrxdMgWhRt",1 "@MatsExpressen @Expressen Mats, it is not climate change that is causing the forest fires in California and Oregon. It is a simple lack of forest management. The liberals have no clue how to manage anything.",0 "@RachelNotley Think of the devastation that the vaccine mandates and lockdowns have caused, especially to people who didn't want to participate in taking experimental gene therapy shots. Our PM and all premieres should drop ALL covid measures ASAP so we can all return to normal. #HonkHonk",0 "No game of that name was ever developed by Microsoft. A game called Omikron: The Nomad Soul was developed by some French studio in '99 and was released for Windows and Dreamcast. Nothing to do with Microsoft or Bill gates. A web search only takes seconds to perform...",1 "Anastasiia Lenna, the former Miss Grand Ukraine in an international beauty pageant enters the military to defend her country. https://t.co/i8de9r9kCG",0 "@Deetrain90 @ohgheez @JosephPMatron @atrupar Put it in perspective. Trump & many of his supporters thought the election was stolen based on thousands of sworn affidavits, & wanted it investigated. Hillary Clinton's supporters thought the 2016 election was stolen because she paid a British spy to create a false Dossier.",0 "❌ False. Time magazine did not compare Russian President Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler on the cover of the March 14 / March 21, 2022, issue. https://t.co/cZi5tMdqDp",1 UPDATED... Hundreds of Legal Migrants at Florida Hotel https://t.co/reatKISuLY via @gatewaypundit,1 "The photo showing former Miss Grand Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna joining the military to defend her country has been exposed as propaganda. UKRAINE = NOTHING BUT PROPAGANDA FOR WEF https://t.co/OaX6tcOl7G",1 "@hathihihiya So, this is a real war, not a staged battle just like shown on many media? https://t.co/9wRAT9TiPf",1 "@Christo62228503 @lux_schwab OR *hold on to your hat* because the virus has run rampant in the third world (where the West traditionally helped with vaccination rollouts), the chance for viral mutation has lead to the spread of strains that are vaccine resistant.",0 "7000 Covid possitive immigrants dumped off in McAllen Texas by Biden 1500 last week. Take them to DC and watch how fast Biden closes the Border #BidensBorderCrisis #BidenBorderCrisis #BidensAmerica #Biden",0 "@themaxburns everyone's too afraid to go outside! fear of....ANTIFA! word is that ANTIFA can start forest fires-DOWNTOWN!",0 "@TorpedoWilson @VladimirVoros @NinjaRuthWilson @nexta_tv Real cover of Time magazine. Even though the Putin/Hitler one is just a meme, it is still relevant. https://t.co/bTHTS9XmvU",1 @EpochTimes @GovMurphy That's because the vaccine has hiv ingredients to depleat your immune system. Why do you think the vaccinated are getting covid again more than the unvacinated.,0 Holy cow https://t.co/mK91lcMjmo,0 OH the super intelligent FACTCHECKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!https://t.co/d0znckDs7U,1 "Former Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna clarifies she has not joined the Ukrainian Army, images shared out of context by social media users and TV channels. For more fact checks on #RussiaUkraineConflict follow @NewscheckerIn https://t.co/oEJjWyG9XG",1 @AFrontlines @1JaimeLee Arson and bad forest management is not climate change,0 "@TristanSnell Next they’ll tell us there’s a giant caravan of immigrants on our southern border 😐 https://t.co/QZHwLmVmCD",1 @DrJ56013122 There was a 40% spike in unexplained deaths among young adults in the US in 2021. Main causes seem to be heart/blood clot ailments and cancer. Theory is that this is caused by immune system damage from either covid or the vaccine. See @EthicalSkeptic feed for analysis.,0 Barack Obama’s birth certificate is the election and told me – and I will build a thin person drinking Diet Coke. I will,0 "@AoifeCarey21 I care for the environment, I don't care for climate scam. When the same people who cry climate change yet conduct weather manipulation, I'm out. Bill gates wants to block out the sun as a good thing, I'm out. Change the course of a river you destroy the environment downstream.",0 "@yesisworld kids younger than 5? how about the World being injected with a still experimental gene therapy that doesn't work, while Ivermectin is 86% effective at preventing COVID and has a proven track record with no significant long term side effects?",0 @smith58_robert @Sandernista412 Because the US still want to destroy Yemen and Syria. They also want to destroy Ukraine but in a nice way 😂 and air-lift Zelensky out to Poland or his mansion in Miami after its obvious to the world that Ukraine can’t win the war.,0 "https://t.co/kCDzwxeAp4 Tucker, this is sad, now it comes to Florida….should all be put on a plane for Wilmington DE….even these folks that are good people don’t realize they will not be welcomed, unless they come into the country legally. Sad, really sad, not just for Florida",0 "Great, what about the Biden Administration busing illegals to Red States is that happening in Missouri?",0 @MollyJongFast It’s just like how the right is fear mongering the number of migrants coming to the southern border…“The Biden-Harris caravan is the population of Minneapolis”…damn🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️,1 @alison_pannell @Veritatem2021 I agree that it is the sun and volcanic activity that warms or cools the earth! That is why I'm concerned with Bill Gates desire to block out our sun! Crazy!,0 "[✘] “Russia vs Ukraine”. [✔] UNRELATED to Russia or Ukraine. The shared video is from the Arma 3 game. Videos of Arma 3 appear on events related to military tensions, the previous false claim was related to tensions between China and Taiwan. #FactCheck #DigitalLiteracy https://t.co/N9k75Qmt4n",1 "“I never, ever intended for people to think it was real,"" the illustration's artist said. https://t.co/cZi5tMdqDp",1 "@vance_jonathon @Jfb31664 @scs0216 @GeorgeTakei Vaxxes don't cause cancer. https://t.co/mEouCpC5iW https://t.co/mEouCpC5iW https://t.co/xf77fmcKuA The nonsense your aunt posted on facebook isn't scientific evidence. You're very gullible. Don't believe everything your Conspiracy-theorist or Q-Anon Uncle says on social media",1 New statement from Russian embassy canada Re the DeNazification of Ukraine #ANTIFA #AntiFascist,0 "@tuennes50 @Youblacksoul Zelensky is NOT in Kyiv, and he hasn't been for weeks. He fled to Italy, and then to Poland where he is now. The MSM is all fake lies, you have to wake up. There's literally Neo Nazis, with guns, enforcing laws, and control over citizens in Ukraine. How do you think that's going?",0 "@RepAndyBiggsAZ Anwer: Biden supporters will never condemn Antifa bcuz they are Biden's voter base. He cannot win without them! Oddly, he cannot win with them either. They have done too much evil: violence against innocent Americans, destruction of average Joe's business, started forest fires.",0 "@TheFunny_mp4 WE CAN BUY TANK! https://t.co/2fIHwclIvh",0 Has Vladimir Putin Banned The Rothschild Banking Family From Russia? #Banking via https://t.co/V7FfW08zbr https://t.co/yLCpHiNVTl,1 "If ppl can't see we're living in the last days as written in the Bible, I don't know what will wake them up...will it be the #Rapture of the church when it's too late? https://t.co/To09sHnPzC",0 NEW VIDEO via Laura Loomer: Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel ⁦@GovRonDeSantis⁩ the Dems are trying to steal the elections https://t.co/j3OUaM2ge7,0 Some Of The Most Popular 'Ukraine Footage' Is Actually A Video Game https://t.co/6dLJkiyWYG #esports #gaming #videogames #gamer #nfts #nft #blockchain #crypto #iplaw #russia #ukraine #cyberwar,1 The Bitch Hillary Clinton payed a tech company to spy on Trump when he was a citizen and as president https://t.co/Us6oJwaLvq,0 "The Compass Proves Flat Earth 🧭 https://t.co/FaEIoJfGxO",0 New post on @LeadStoriesCom: Fact Check: NO Evidence That Mixing Grapefruit And Antidepressants Can Cause Fatal Overdose -- Combo MAY Cause Other Adverse Effects https://t.co/UDk4xj5xCi,1 "USA Today fact check: No, President Biden is not selling Alaska back to Russia https://t.co/e5CxtoaYrC",1 can’t believe antifa is putting leaves in the forests to start forest fires,0 "Anastasiia Lenna, ex-beauty queen, didn’t join military https://t.co/il8cFCu3QJ",1 "Does this make sense to anyone? If we spray chemicals, dust or whatever it is into the sky to block sunlight, would it not also hold carbon in? Wouldn’t it actually worsen greenhouse gases? Just a thought. https://t.co/kaxczo0dj4",0 "@UNmigration these are economic migrants who paid for a flight and visa to Belarus. They would like a better life at taxpayer expense and Poland has done an excellent job stopping their illegal entry into to EU. They have been offered flights back home, but can apply for aslum in Belarus.",1 "@HalleyZandi Pfizer vaccines contain: 1. Graphine oxide 2. Aborted fetal cell lines 3. Luciferase She also mentioned depopulation. Hope I didn’t leave anything out.",0 "Context: The vaccines don't contain luciferase or mercury, let alone an operating system. It would be pretty wild for a 0.5 mL shot to contain 25 mg mercury. That would mean the vaccines are like 360% mercury. And no, this is not (intentional) satire. https://t.co/nw9kWmkQ3M",1 "@KrisLeeShort @LinaHidalgoTX @GovAbbott What's the point when Joe Biden is importing covid through his open border? 7000 infected illegals immigrants in McAllen Texas, means they aren't serious about this pandemic. You have every right to protect your children even though science says they aren't at risk.",0 "@JesseKellyDC @CensoredJen Biden is busing and flying many of the #illegals into the red states - Idaho, Montana, etc. The dems want to turn every red state blue. They want total control. Does anyone find it very strange that the illegals they are sending around the U.S.🇺🇸 have no IDs, no paperwork at all?",0 "Why should we have to pay for this??? There are thousands of homeless Legal American citizens living in the streets & these people get a free pass?? 😡 Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status - https://t.co/astIrWvIUn",0 "Mary Felzkowski: “Over-vaccination causes faster mutation of the (COVID-19) virus, which causes a super virus we may not have the ability to fight off.” Rated False by PolitiFact – Via FactStream https://t.co/QC6qHR9SXt",1 "Both of these pictures truly show former Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna, but the picture on the left does not show Lenna taking up arms after Russia’s invasion. https://t.co/dltCh81KWJ",1 "บัญชีทางการของกระทรวงกลาโหมยูเครน อัพโหลดวิดีโอในเกม Arma 3 . Official account of Ukrainian ministry of defence uploading Arma 3 videos . Source : Intel Slava Z #Ukraine #Russia #ยูเครน #รัสเซีย https://t.co/QmDzaQwFuh",1 Russian Embassy in Canada's statement about Neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine,0 The EU launched a revamp of the rules governing the movement of people and goods into and around Europe as Covid-19 restrictions and fears over a “hybrid attack” from Belarus using migrants are placing increasing strains on its passport-free travel area. https://t.co/72upImpeFd,0 "@SikhForTruth @KatieM12121 although Putin hates the Globalists , has banned Soros and Rothschild etc from Russia......",0 @LindaResist @caslernoel More BULLSHIT to try to make Biden look bad That’s his agenda 1st was Obama now him With Hilary added in Revenge is his game Both Hilary&Biden beat him Obama showed his birth certificate to prove him wrong,1 "This is the fault of COVID lockdown - Created more gamers than the world had before - now people cant get away with fake backgrounds Fact check: 'Arma 3,' not Russia/Ukraine conflict, shown in viral video https://t.co/N0n8dwYPXt",1 Johns Hopkins University Confirms: The PCR Test Alone Will Vaccinate You. https://t.co/fTuY4elHAa,0 "Anastasiia Lenna, Miss Grand Ukraine, joined the Army to defend her country from Russian invasion https://t.co/pdv8ub8wRV",0 "@RealCandaceO @krpaine87 Oh like you? Have you apologized to Bob Saget’s family for saying he died from the COVID vaccine? Might want to look in the mirror before calling other people stupid, college drop out.",1 "@KarenStrine3 @spike_stephens @denise_dewald @Meta But you aren’t concerned about the potential long term side effects of the vaccine? It’s been found to deregulate the TLR4 pathway, responsible for keeping cancer cells in check. And it doesn’t stop infection. So Covid will still linger in their body.",0 "EMBASSY STATEMENT from The EMBASSY Of RUSSIAN 🇷🇺 FEDERATION IN CANADA 🇨🇦 @AntProverbs @SantaSurfing2 @TheSilverSurf11 @Ladybug9325 @MalibuSolo @PeggyDodson @buxton_vs @amc4everyone @lindarobson64 https://t.co/YWCTRmB8Zo",0 @bmae_11 that's not a real thing https://t.co/FGi9umKsNc,1 @WarBaugh @AlfyLemon22 @lukeprinty @NewAmv @ActorwithaChip @cliffordlevy Here’s an example: https://t.co/LnR9iPAGin,0 "Ukrainian women including MPs, Miss Universe pick up arms amid Russian invasion | via @IndiaTVNews https://t.co/yj3mQBLcnn",0 "@USATODAY Thousands of social media users claimed earlier this week that clips from the video game ""Arma 3"" depicted Russia and Ukraine at war. https://t.co/xUVB5kTDnl",1 @L17ringz @PlaceConnor5 @FrostBurn26 @trustgod_94 @kylekuzma @Mr_America_1776 You think the fires have more to do with emissions than it does forest management?? If you properly take care of your forests your far less likely to have these massive wildfires. Climate change is real but it’s inevitable. The earth thousands of years ago had emissions 2x todays,0 @NomiTth15 @OnYourSix4 @visegrad24 What about those supporting Ukraine despite their carrying out a genocide in donbas the last eight years.,0 "Thousands of volunteers have joined the defense of Ukraine, but a former beauty queen isn't among them. https://t.co/jYB4yMxcWw",1 """Ukrainian deputy Ilya Kiva said that #Zelensky is hiding in the US embassy in #Poland. ""I have just been confirmed that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky, today crossed the border between Ukraine""",0 @timkmak Take care!Soon Kiev will be taking down by Russia!Artyom Bonov (Zalesov)already fled to Poland to meet Zelensky https://t.co/j3jo8t3hf7,0 @1stLiberty @Franklin_Graham @tperkins @FRCdc They used 22 million illegal votes to take the WH... they won't care,0 "@BlueDotCitizen @Carl38708702 @TRF_Climate I guess u haven't heard of ice ages. But sure, block the sun like Bill Gates suggests? 🤡",0 "@jkenney Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR ""test"" is implanting a microchip. So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR ""tests"" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, https://t.co/UnpQCfPtMI",0 "BREAKING: A video filmed in Maitland, Florida, shows a bus of Hispanic illegal alliens being dropped off in front of an Extended Stay hotel in Maitland where they are being given pre loaded credit cards, hotel rooms..... https://t.co/Wf4hZZby40",0 What did Mark Zuckerberg do to the Wisconsin Election ? It’s deeper than a little money .,0 Zafar Khalid 25 Dec 16 Vladimir Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances.”,0 @olliecarroll The green screen is a dead giveaway that Zelensky is likely no longer in Ukraine. The rumour is he fled to Poland a few days after Russia invaded and now pretends to be in Ukraine.,0 """mRNA vaccine, by the legal definition, is not a vaccine at all. It is falsely called a vaccine to hide the fact that the purported vaccine is, in fact, a gene therapy*. https://t.co/tun8HD8CTT",0 "WHAT DOES THIS TELL YOU?! Took a week off, highly coinsidental, the same week the forest fires started???? ANTIFA, BLM. Protesters gather in downtown Portland near Justice Center , no arrests made https://t.co/QkxSz0Ykix",0 "@whitelunalion @angela_windle @piersmorgan Piers is another WEF shill , pushing their narrative, first it was the ☠️💉 now it’s war against putin, funny how putin banned Rothschild and soros from Russia as he wanted no part of the elite take over of his country",0 @SenSchumer @SenateDems Forest management would be a good start... and stopping ANTIFA from starting fires.,0 @RebelNewsOnline Just in time for the spike of cancer cases from the covid vaccine.,0 Did you know that UNVACCINATED illegal aliens are not required to be COVID tested either? The Biden Admin. just bussed 7000 migrants to McCallen TX and 1500 had COVID. see the irony? https://t.co/9WlQzANoWY,0 @RealCandaceO vaccine ingredient luciferase used to track things,0 Fact-check: Republican Terri Bryant wrong on Medicaid eligibility for Illinois undocumented immigrants - Chicago Sun-Times https://t.co/ApM07M018B,1 "Very important. Watch your news sources make sure more then ever it’s accurate. Some Of The Most Popular 'Ukraine Footage' Is From A Video Game. - #Gaming #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/O6B2DFULLc",1 "Open SmartNews and read ""There are “22 million illegal aliens living in America and ... voting illegally.”"" here: https://t.co/Lchjw4fmhv To read it on the web, tap here: https://t.co/QkzQvZCeiE",1 """4 K-52 helicopters destroyed over the village of Xboxskiy in Armagrad, #Ukraine"" But it's Arma 3 videogame footage. (video in the comments) #russia #UkraineRussiaWar #Propaganda https://t.co/JIgzXdk4nt",1 "@jimrockfordatSH @michaeldehn @TheDeepDive_ca Actually, it's not basic science. It is a super complex system that we don't understand that well. The vaccines only target a small portion of the virus, leading to a selective response from the immune system. Selective processes lead to adaptation and mutation.",0 Well... I'm shocked I tell you... really shocked... well not really. My cooker sister thinks that the war in Ukraine isn't real. That the maternity hospital bombing in Mariupol was staged and that the blogger was a crisis actor.,1 ".@DanCrenshawTX @RepDanCrenshaw @ktrhnews @DonaldJTrumpJr Dan, Texas has the same problem as Florida. Why are you allowing wholesale importation of illegals? What is your plan to solve the problem of illegals? Is you plan the same as the VP's? https://t.co/9FidljmahO",0 "Meet Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna. Anastasiia was crowned a national pageant winner in 2015, but the model has swapped her glamorous lifestyle to put her body on the line for Ukraine. Ukraine has 36,000 women serving in the military. Shatta Wale Adwoa Safo Omah lay Lil wayne https://t.co/jtOKOXSEOR",0 Is this a Mercenary Army being prepositioned throughout the US for future engagement? MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/mgwZT6J0Vf via @YouTube,0 "@SwainForSenate That would help, but Dems pushing for the right to vote for 22 million illegal aliens will render our votes irrelevant. Reagan didn't even beat Mondale by that many. Fair elections are dead. Vote in the streets. 🇺🇸",0 @GBNEWS on now Andrew Eborne just said that we were the first country in the world to have the APPROVED vaccine. It is NOT approved but being used under Emergency Use Authorisation. Also blathering on about first Covid Pill (no doubt with microchip inside). Not good enough.,0 ". Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ Of Illegals Aliens … To Red States To Get Permanent Status . Video https://t.co/jh2DHrjXFV",0 @CaiphusK_11 Nonsense. Russia are getting rid of Nazis and protecting people of donbas. Ukraine are committing genocide and war crimes,0 "@FO_Coalition I’m amazed that you have allowed the Russian embassy to publish this statement online in Canada without a red disclaimer sticker warning of disinformation, and fact check inserts! This is shameful! Start with stopping disinformation at home Canada!!! https://t.co/riCPboaaBr",1 "Unlike made up ""genocide in #Donbas"", we now see a real massacre in #Bucha made by the #Russians. Now ""RIA Novosti"" in the article ""What Russia should do with #Ukraine"" guide us through their ways of extermination of the Ukrainians and Ukraine as a state. https://t.co/Ng7JZcj2TP https://t.co/8wrTWSWoU2",1 "Zelensky fled to Poland and is 'hiding in US embassy,’ Ukrainian lawmaker claims - Pars Today https://t.co/gGsaOgtTYP",0 "A Facebook page started a live stream claiming to show several combat footage from the Russia-Ukraine war. As #VERAfied, this is false. It showed clips from Arma 3, a video game on military warfare. #UkraineFacts Read the #VERAFilesFactCheck story here: https://t.co/kjIQyvvE2Y https://t.co/J1y6IRiAvP",1 "@sophie_yxx @PrisonPlanet The spike protein that this ""vaccine"" instructs your cells to express can also attack your lymphocytes, specifically CD4 T cells thanks to its gp120 protein insert (borrowed from HIV). Catching covid 5 times may be an indication of AIDS. Scary times https://t.co/8Hppkesuuw",0 "FAKE NEWS ALERT : by #Ukraine Government itself. They posted a video declaring that they shot down 4 Helicopters. This Video is of Arma 3 Game footage... Beware of Fake news.. Thread... #Ukraine #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar https://t.co/kJjlJMTBIO",1 "💥👀💥 our tax dollars hard at work🙏 I live here & I am very upset that this is going on🙏 MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/qoDqFvcEG5 via @YouTube",0 "EVERYDAY i'm blessed 2 B seeing MORE people standing up & saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH & realizing that its NOT Trump thats the bad guy-it's the WHOLE corrupt RADICAL LEFT they've lied, created ANTIFA 2 harm, vandalize& start forest fires & he STILL moves America forward. THANK YOU🙏",0 "While this photograph does appear to show a Russian T-72 tank, this picture has been online since at least 2010. https://t.co/NYXlp74vor",1 @NoTonterias7 @nexta_tv Description is fine but this was mentioned a few weeks ago already. Basically the idea was that they claim that Ukraine committed genocide in the Donbas region so they have a justification for their war crimes.,0 "Here's what an actual expert has to say about Fauci. He says Fauci is using boosters to kill children, which is not right. https://t.co/c5E81P8Thd",0 "@patriottakes Seems a somewhat inefficient strategy to chip the population; I’ve not had a single PCR test, but my one year old has had eight… does that mean he has eight chips in his brain and I have none?! Honestly the lack of basic critical thinking from these people is scary.",1 "@MacroFour The post suggests watching the documentary’Ukraine on Fire’, catching up on the genocide in Donbas & the ‘Colour Revolution’. Oliver Stone is a consummate film maker. The MSM provides one narrative. Historical facts provide another. No MSM is showing ’both sides’.",0 """Anti-Air Tank Shot Down Incoming Fighter Jets - Russia vs Ukraine - Simulation - ArmA 3"" YouTube https://t.co/iGDWtE1CtB",1 Why is it that bill gates talks about solar power but he is paying for a program that is supposed to block the sun. I don’t understand why he thinks he’s smart,0 "@EchoesofHistory @Pistolannie31 I read putin wouldn’t toe the line in an article, and banned Rothschild family from Russia also, maybe why WEF are trying to oust putin to put in their own puppet",0 "@katybeebee12 @pureangel40 @peachypuk @Trina_Rosella @VandorpJohn Gates is back at it, trying to block out the sun. Bill Gates is a predator, child sex, your life, what you eat, what you are breathing, who you're at war with, it does not matter he wants you dead. The Georgia Guidestones - you are not on his list. https://t.co/Vgws4rhxTM",0 "@CoffeeBandit25 @WR4NYGov @teslafsdbeta COVID is not HIV and most have already recovered, but the gene therapy vaccines have unknown long term impacts on health that are already showing up (you won't see them on CBS news) - https://t.co/waYWgwey3G",0 @Iniqu1ty I can get u a Russian tank I got off ebay lol,0 "@scruffington88 @jacksonhinklle Is that why Zelensky fled to Poland and is begging for negotiations? They’re winning so why call for a NFZ?",0 "Remember that this is the Congressman who got duped by the bogus ""Ghost of Kiev"" story. Someone even posted a fake photo of comedian Sam Hyde in a jet cockpit claiming it was this mythical hero and Kinzinger bought it 100%. Don't let such a person dupe you into a nuclear war!",1 "@Kenneth63101817 @stanleylott5 @RealCandaceO @HerschelWalker Trump was right about forest management as the cause more so than climate change, but there is too much delusion and celebrity influence there. It's not going to turn red this time around.",0 "Yeah so mark of the beast ingested? Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed",0 "The Biden Border Crisis has also been a large contributing factor in the recent serge of COVID. Reports state that since Feb 2021, there have been over 7000 COVID positive illegal immigrants set free to roam American streets & communities, spreading the virus as the move about.",0 @Dan_Marchais @mtracey There is a genocide in Ukraine. Waged by Ukrainian Gov for the last 8 years against Russian speaking people of the Donbas region. Killing over 14k people. But I also doubt that's what she is talking about. Maybe because US supports them both (Ukraine and Yemen).,0 Giving Biden's track history as president there's a possibility he might sell Alaska with Americans still living there just because he is Joe Biden. The essence of disappointment,0 Claims that Bob Saget died due to a COVID-19 vaccine booster are unfounded https://t.co/HIw7mKM3uv [via @Poynter] https://t.co/oebbIpVPLQ,1 "Imagine all that wasted money used for Americans, poor Americans, science for medicines, NASA, technology. But instead America is anchored down because of 22 Million illegals plus 2 million more by Demented Biden for votes. https://t.co/MgN0aEJ5lb",0 @DPJHodges Ukraine has been shelling civilians in Donbas for eight years - we supported that. We also support genocide in Yemen and other places and turn a blind eye to it in others.,0 "No, a TIME magazine cover with Putin's face superimposed on Adolf Hitler doesn't exist. https://t.co/e8myUFgfuJ",1 "#FactCheck: The video is from a military tactical shooter video game called ARMA 3, not from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. #RussiaUkraineCrisis https://t.co/GFmhGe8bfV",1 "A section of social media has been falsely claiming that Microsoft and its co-founder, Bill Gates, had created a video game called “Omikron” in 1999, over two decades before the fast-spreading variant of #COVID19 emerged. https://t.co/mko9yNihuZ",1 #Milwaukee Officials Sued in #Zuckerberg -Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/MyfP3j1DAc,0 "It's strange that google instantly took down all videos of the WHO Director talking about booster shots kill children, instantly took down Pallets Full of Ballets, but have never ever took this shit down that always comes up searching for Johnny Horton. https://t.co/skfLtzx7ZR",0 Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/dHOXRMEZg9,0 Milwaukee Officials Face Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Lawsuit https://t.co/1ENMQfYV01,0 "@jmbenson1491 Brandon doesn't want Ukraine under any real threat, there goes the jobs of Nancy Pelosi son, Mitt Romney son, Joe Biden's son, the Obama and Clinton laundering money operations. Next Biden will sell Alaska to Russia so they can drill oil and sell it back to us at $200 a barrel",0 "There is no evidence to support the claim that Bob Saget died due to his booster shot, and multiple, credible sources all confirm that Betty White died due to natural causes. https://t.co/pZF3B1BJ4i",1 @steven09883401 @hovr20 @JustEye33 The vaccine is a vaccine. It is not a gene therapy and it does work. Kept me with a chronic lung disease out of the hospital when I got covid a few weeks ago.,1 "If you’ve seen this image that looks like a TIME Magazine cover, it’s not really in publication. It's a series of three pieces created by artist Patrick Mulder to “add to the conversation around the invasion of Ukraine."" https://t.co/xthUfeMVTr https://t.co/sEZHx82OVR",1 "@200_zoka Man of his word. Zelensky hiding in Poland, all major Ukrainian figures also fled the country..",0 "@SenBlumenthal And thats different from what? You have allowed ANTIFA to run wild in Dim cities, Riot, Loot, Destroy property, Start fires and hurt people. You've already blown your wad. And we aren't afraid of any of you cowards.",0 "@Ernestonewage The War is real enough! Fake background is simply to not give away his where abouts, understandable when you have a price on your head. Staged war you say, speak to someone who has relatives or friends still in Ukraine and contrast the information.",1 "@MaxNordau Open Boarders spread and fan out that CoVid, ya’ll Put vulnerable Americans at risk for CoVid hospitalization and death, as provided for with Biden Administration @PressSec @jrpsaki 7000 CoVid Positive illegal aliens WELCOMED IN USA",0 @SchatzEd @steven_seegel I have had this very experience with a Russian friend in 2014 after the Donbas invasion. The friend said that our friendship is over because I support the US govt which supports the genocide of Russian speakers in Ukraine. That was in fact the end of a 30-year friendship.,0 @3000Nobody Thank you! And he never proved his racist lie about President Obama’s birth certificate. I don’t recall President Obama suing to stop the racist GOP’s birtherism witch hunt either. I wonder if the longest IRS audit in United States history is over yet. ALL LIES! #LockThemAllUp,1 "Fact Check: Over-vaccination causes faster mutation of the (COVID-19) virus, which causes a super virus we may not have the ability to fight off https://t.co/UkwdzZlRaV",0 "@PeterCronau @fivestarmichael It was real & not staged. Russia's been targeting homes,hospitals, churches & schools almost since the beginning of the war. Not too far of a jump to targeting a theater, just as it was no surprise that they'd target the Svetogorskaya Lavra in Donbas.",1 """Turkey is threatening to send detained members of ISIS to Europe"" 11/19 ""Europe will face terror threat if Libya govt falls"" 01/20 ""Bombs will explode on your streets, terrorists will use their guns, vandals will ravage"" 10/19 #ViennaAttack #franceattack https://t.co/cS8sZRnZWd",0 "Fact check: A compass is oriented to the Earth's magnetic field lines, doesn't prove flat earth https://t.co/HzyHexqg64 via @usatoday",1 @ChampStrategy @mfa_russia @MFA_Ukraine @RusembUkraine @StateDept @RusBotschaft @RusMission_EU @RussiaUN @RF_OSCE This is Arma 3. Not real video.,1 "@FO_Coalition @CanadaFP @RightsGAC I’m amazed that you missed this statement issued by the Russian embassy online in Canada! Stop the spread of disinformation, starting at home by adding a red disclaimer sticker warning of disinformation, and fact check inserts to this harmful statement! This is shameful! https://t.co/ltcvfc9n33",1 "@Hubbub707 @Scorpio05365134 @BaeVictus @RSorokanich Your ""fairly mainstream answers"" are pure corporate disinfo – forest management has never been better studied and resourced. Climate change is THE PRIMARY FACTOR in our ever worsening wildfire seasons.",1 Milwaukee officials face A Zuckerberg-related ELECTION BRIBERY lawsuit https://t.co/FhfqFIPWsp via @JustTheNews,0 Says the same idiot who believed Sam Hyde was the Ghost of Kiev.,1 "@RealCandaceO You owe the Saget family an apology. Bob Saget death was verified and your missed guided assumption that his death was connected to the COVID vaccine WAS FALSE and irresponsible. 🖕🏾ing apologize by the end of the day. https://t.co/dJ4p6DU6ei",1 "Dems are trying to sneak in Amnesty for the 22 million illegal aliens in the US. Those who break the law to enter should not receive citizenship. Give them a green card, but no voting rights. Dems are bribing illegals for votes. This is evil and unjust.",0 "The Compass Proves FLAT EARTH https://t.co/phePb1AiDt via @YouTube so simple really... oh, and of course water doesn't curve either... but I digress...just think about it...weird huh? we've been lied to for so long...",0 And now for the statement from the Russian Embassy in Canada... It's abhorrent 😡 https://t.co/wzWkI5w9Xk,0 @HedgeyeEEvans @HedgeyeHC Might this be the reason for the sudden COVID spikes in places like MI? https://t.co/YZcTrIM8zQ,0 "Cc: Governor DeSantis, please impound those busses and order a criminal investigation into illegal alien smuggling in Florida by hotel and bus companies.",0 A video of workers arriving by bus at a central Florida hotel prompted protests against illegal immigration. But the workers shown are here legally as part of the government’s H-2A visa program that helps employers fill seasonal jobs. https://t.co/hqvfi0gfJb,1 "Once again, ArmA III is being confused/misused in a time of conflict #ukraine #videogame #realism https://t.co/iN4MTPHWDj",1 @atrupar You must be talking about the Bidens and Clintons crime families... Did you see what the Clinton Foundation did in Haiti while there was a disaster going on? Hillary's campaign spied on Trump and bought a fake dossier. Hunter's laptop and the money he collected from Russia.,0 "The problem is vaccinating too much, over vaccinating, is that, just as the overuse of antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistant ""super bugs"" to emerge, so too can over vaccination cause more resilient forms of a virus to emerge. Over vaccinating is very bad!",0 "@KGarliv @reliefman1 @daveburch12 @DevDevDevYo @JackPosobiec How about this? https://t.co/xc8rKRnEcB",1 "Paper January 18 2021 People who love their alcohol are being forced to accept the Government Luciferase Injection☠️ https://t.co/y5x8S4XvWv",0 "After the loss of actors Betty White and Bob Saget, many social media users began spreading the baseless claim that both of these deaths were actually caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. https://t.co/pZF3B1BJ4i",1 "Why the rise in US Cases? What city was their flight destination once in Us? https://t.co/JrBl7ezWyq",0 "Mary Miller - No, migrant ‘caravan’ from Tapachula, Mexico is not the population of Minneapolis #SmartNews https://t.co/9o8RLkloEb",1 "@v2_jeff Bill Gates is a wacko He also wants to block out the sun to slow ""climate change"" Something happens to people when they get rich. They want to control everything. Bill Gates wants to control the world He is a friend to Chinese Communist Party as is Mark Zuckerberg",0 "Large and destructive wildfires are not solely caused by climate change. Poor forest management and human encroachment on wild lands have also played roles. However, a shifting climate has made a difficult situation far worse.",1 Artwork falsely shared as 'genuine Time magazine cover' likening Russia's Putin to Hitler https://t.co/eSmmgGNDpr Time does not have the guts to print such a cover.,1 "Forward to your Q associates and colleagues. #Alaska #Biden #factcheck #Russia https://t.co/Ykzaz73ZKD",1 "The Democrats are transporting Haitian, South American, Mexican & probably African immigrants to the US Southern border. PURPOSE: to ensure Democrats never lose another election. As soon as voting laws are changed in Congress & all illegals living in US can vote.",0 "@EricGreitens @BorisEP Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/Yf40tOT2Gh",0 "@pole_mic @ScottAdamsSays Ukraine's Nazi forces were set to go to Donbas area of #Ukraine️ & slaughter ethnic Russians who had been shelled by Nazis for 8 years straight. NATO went into Libya, Iraq, Serbia, etc for alleged humanitarian reasons. Can't Russia prevent a genocide? You sound like a Globalist.",0 "@SeanDonovan123 @DavidLWindt I haven't even read his new paper but a lot has happened in recent months -- pace of mutation accelerated, 4th and 5th shots, vaccination of children w vaxx of toddlers on the way",0 "My latest: Undocumented immigrants 55-64 will be eligible for publicly funded healthcare in Illinois next May. Here’s Maribel’s story, a breast cancer survivor who spends over $3,000 in medicines and doctor’s visits monthly. https://t.co/Oias8wZoA3",0 "https://t.co/SypVfcXkxJ. Chip n pill😄 https://t.co/y42bAIOZnT https://t.co/FI5xldDDz1",0 "@Fedupmichael @PrisonPlanet That's the whole point of the post. We all know that it's from a video game....but the Ukraine Defense Ministry didn't. Lol https://t.co/6Uob0uajir",1 "SERIOUSLY, PHIZER CEO A COVID PILL WITH A MICROCHIP ??? GUESS THE ANTI VAXXERS ARE CORRECT AGAIN",0 New Report: Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status @SteveDoocy @BillHemmer @BillOReilly @laralogan @KatiePavlich @kateobenshain @OutnumberedFNC https://t.co/A6PQfutRnT via @Liberty Sword,0 @JonnyFive12 @MakarijeCudotv2 @spriter99880 Like Zelensky fled to Poland,0 "@UAWeapons @Martina @Blue_Sauron Will this show up on eBay. “For Sale, Russian tank, hardly used”. Will trade for better model",0 "JOE BIDEN MOVES HIS NEW CRIMINAL ARMY INTO FLORIDA TOWN NEAR YOU. NEW VIDEO: Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel https://t.co/ku1dNW1G6w https://t.co/sMY02iilHa",0 "Anastasiia Lena, the beauty queen who joined the Ukrainian army to fight against Russia https://t.co/So8AAywpch #russia #ukraine",0 "Video doing the rounds on social media claiming that a group of Ukrainian refugees beat to death a 16 year old in Euskirchen, western Germany, because he spoke Russian. German police say the video is likely part of a disinformation campaign and no such incident has been recorded.",1 Dozens of people stayed at a Florida hotel in January temporary farmworkers for a wholesale plant nursery. But a Facebook video and a tweet by Rep. Anthony Sabatini claimed they were “illegals” Attorneys for the nursery said all of them had visas to work in the U.S.,1 Apparently I can OVERDOSE on my antidepressants if I have grapefruit,0 The Compass Proves FLAT EARTH https://t.co/rLnk1XNGle via @YouTube,0 "@FredYosemite @Ali_CV_Guru @ClaireH37444648 Both Forbes and Bloomberg printed articles saying Bill Gates wants to block out the sun, what makes you think they aren’t doing that already? The technology is 50+ years old",0 "@SeanFulce2040 There will never be free and fair elections again. Democrats are pushing for voting rights for illegal immigrants - 22 million of them. That's enough to overcome the gap between Reagan and Mondale. They control the process, as well. It's time to vote in the street.",0 Statement from the Russian Embassy in Canada regarding the conflict in the Ukraine.,0 "@AdamKinzinger This dude fell for the Sam Hyde ""Ghost of Kyiv"" meme.",1 istg people need to stop turning Bob Saget's tragic death into a crazy covid vaccine conspiracy.If i see anymore of that shit im gonna fucking lose it.Just shut the fuck up and respect his death.,1 "as a big enough threat unto this! I speak according to face value and not about this bullshit war as it has been reported and lied about and is a wholly staged matter bolstered by straight lies by media and bad actors on every kind. #Disgusting! YK #MyTime #REAL (2/2)",0 When the WHO director literally says that countries are giving “boosters” to kill children. What countries might those be…WAKE THE F UPPPPP! https://t.co/Ek7pwen7D1,0 Fact or Fiction: Is Putin and Hitler on the cover of Time Magazine? https://t.co/UzHF8RKZ0I via @YouTube,1 "@Mary_Bell13 @PGJSocial @zane_brien @MarkMcGowanMP @drajm ""To kill children"" No one corrected him https://t.co/Wzc2KRYhe1",0 "@SaintEd61 Who director general "" countries are using the vaccine to kill children "" https://t.co/3oQp9qg9TR",0 "Zuckerberg Converted Election Officials into a Democratic GOTV Operation Definitely fits the definition of election bribery in Wisconsin, and maybe additional states as well. Highlighted complaint. https://t.co/yhJYi6xOcp",0 "Breaking! It took a crazy Facebook Fact Checker, 14 paragraphs, to fact check a satire story from the @TheBabylonBee 🐝 Even crazier, @USATODAY actually published the story. 😹 https://t.co/re7kph9Eoe",1 "@AdamKinzinger Same guy that thought the Ghost of Kiev was real AND was Sam Hyde, who wears glasses and was wearing glasses in the photoshopped pic Adam tweeted. A House Rep who’s Air Force who doesn’t know pilots can’t wear glasses. Adam is not a smart man, not someone to take advice from.",1 @BillFOXLA @BretBaier @FoxNews I don't know why the whole United States is not freaking out this is how the Democrats are going to win the next election illegal immigrants will be voting to take out our beautiful United States of 🇺🇸😭😭,0 "And the Biden admin let about 7000, 1500 were C19 positive at the Texas border. This looks very contrived.",0 "@kennyandkellyi1 @Canela_fina1 @JustinTrudeau Look at the VAERS numbers. Listen to the people saying this injection has HARMED them. Look at the athletes around the world having heart attacks after taking it. No, this mRNA experimental gene therapy injection is NOT safe and it's not even stopping covid.",0 Has Vladimir Putin Banned The Rothschild Banking Family From Russia? #Banking via https://t.co/bDTgBUIWtG https://t.co/i0CAhwf6K7,1 "'Triple Vaxxed' Bob Saget Had Covid-19, Enlarged Heart, Reveals Autopsy; Vaccine Caused His Death, Says Social Media https://t.co/YwiTdofjxa ...dont take the booster",0 @briantylercohen You mean like Obama’s birth certificate? MAGA 🇺🇸⚖️,0 "@ro20343536 @PoliticsPot @TheLivingKira @JenCages @VinceGottalotta @mathmomma24 @FrankGillilan13 @lee_whiten @JGainsbourgh @medwoman1 @_Kel_Varnsen_ @AdorablePodcast @Traveler3906 @atriana @DavidVeLar2 @GregHanderson @LundThf @KrisNoel65 @Badams820 @Darkamedes @JaePea02 @GanniTonya @HeliaTropist @Sinner_Lilith @LMegaw @Architectprod @radicalcentrst @arrow_bronze @The_Real_BiM @Keith93557644 @Ponziopilato59 @RabidLlamas @cowboyangels @emsops @VVichelangelo @kevinla02670314 @ToothAngry @RobfromMO @ahrehead @1Quetzalcoatl1 @_cynde__ @RollTideRichard @AnafitAF @TrumpPuppy9 @A_Damned_smith @gio56 @CentristSloth @RickySi16087724 @SteveRo09236504 @chibistevie1979 That is from 2018 and it’s a legitimate application for putting a microchip in a pill that you swallow in order to measure what’s happening internally. That has nothing to do with Covid.",1 Please stop speculating that Bob Saget died of Covid or from a vaccine. He died of head trauma. Enough.,1 "@NoJabsEver I understand that Putin has banned GMOs NWO, Rothschild Rockefeller the Central Bank system … he knows how evil they are … it’s not new he has always done this",0 @WhiteHouse We would NOT have a Covid crisis if Biden/Harris would not have allowed 100s of thousands of Covid infected illegals to cross the border. McAllen Texas has had 7000 infected bussed to their city. With 1500 infected just this week alone. Biden/Harris reinfected entire country.,0 Bad Falls and Bad Calls: Speculation on Bob Saget's Death | MedPage Today https://t.co/jeyZF46R9o,1 "@CNN One caravan after another, not to mention the 200,000 apprehensions every month. The Biden administration, including the border Czar, do nothing Harris are silent on Biden’s border crises.",0 "@GovAbbott https://t.co/bfTMtAK7C9 Sir stop this madness its being done intentional to red states",0 @hcougar82 @mtgreenee @GovRonDeSantis Your boy Biden has released at least 7000 COVID positive migrants into the USA https://t.co/z3UUVGC479,0 #Americans Important: go to the following link and read it. https://t.co/271HoD4pkM,0 "Former Miss Ukraine #AnastasiiaLenna takes up arms to inspire people #RussiaUkraineConflict https://t.co/8nnzsN7XoV",1 "@altNOAA That's definitely bullshit. Are you guys being paid by some Dem Party Super PAC to post? Because that's the vibe you give sometimes. Vaccines might even promote mutation, allowing the virus to remain in one person kind of dormant to mutate. Vaccines were never a panacea.",0 @Bro_anon23 I know. but is it going to be the last forest fire? I feel like the fire was being controlled by trump. I mean antifa started the fire in Oregon with a drone.,0 "Former Miss Ukraine Anastasia Lenna has vowed to defend her country against Russian invaders. She posted on her Instagram account that she is armed and ready. (Photos: @anastasiia.lenna/Instagram) READ MORE: https://t.co/ZDBiH1PFwY https://t.co/qj87cYj3wM",0 "So Zahawi who has been double jabbed, boosted announces he has Covid. We have never managed to develop a vaccine which works against viruses & people need to realise these unlicensed, experimental forms of gene therapy treatment with zero long term safety don't work either.",0 "@Psyop2020 There is “PCR test” evidence of nanotracking chips inserted, physical damage to the brain, amygdala, and blood brain barrier, all for a test the inventor says is absolutely useless and easily wrong… DNA database company was just investigated for planning to sell the DNA database",0 @gtconway3d Candace Owens also said Bob Saget died from a Covid vaccine. Why is anyone listening to her at all. She is a child begging for attention a foolish child at that,1 "@BadCOVID19Takes 1) Lucifer means ""light bringer"" or ""morning star"". 2) It's a term used in the Old Testament of a king of Babylon. 3) ""Morning star"" is also used of Jesus. 4) Lucifer IS NOT SATAN. 5) Luciferase is NOT in any vaccine.",1 "@conkyan So anti-vaccine people with no clue on biology have found Pharma CEOs talking about mRNA gene therapy - but that's fixing the product of a broken or absent gene, but not editing the gene itself mRNA vaccines don't do that as the Covid spike protein is not a human gene product 2/2",1 "@RealJamesWoods Mad how all the forest fires stop at the Canadian border and there’s been so many arrested for arson how many have lit fires and got away with it, you’d have to be some sort of evil POS to start a fire knowing your going to kill animals and even people, that’s Antifa for you!!",0 "@heywood3 @TheBabylonBee I understand that, no I don't honestly believe Biden is selling Alaska to the Russia. But it is saying something else, do you understand satire? Satire is often nasty, harmful and grotesquely abusive, which is how it was used in this case.",1 "@PromoPremiers @ggreenwald Rogan has since admitted there is no evidence he's aware of that the forest fires were started by antifa, and has acknowledged his error (something he's done a lot better at recently). I get your point, but there are absolutely consp theories made up out of thin air for politics.",1 "@redpill_4 @wa_kin_gup @gatewaypundit According to that insurance business article, as of mid july their BLM activity had cost over $2 Billion and counting! Minnesota asked for a Federal Bailout $500M to repair the damages that the rioting that they ALLOWED? ANTIFA/BLM also started the forest fires in the WEST.",0 "Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit https://t.co/gUBPFTgnHV I found this article on MxM News--a new app without media bias or censorship. Download it here: https://t.co/AYigU4oiOY",0 Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit https://t.co/j8s2Oy5G2v via @JustTheNews,0 """ WHO's Tedros: Some Countries are Killing Children with Boosters and It's NOT RIGHT! "" we were supposed to kill only the elderly said World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus From : The European Union Times",0 "🤣🤣 cant make this up Fact check: 'Arma 3,' not Russia/Ukraine conflict, shown in viral video https://t.co/p7ziMsPipK",1 "@Cherylykarazsia @Jim_Jordan You are 100% incorrect, don’t be an idiot and claim everything you don’t like is “made up”. So freaking lazy. I’m vaxxed so don’t try that crap either. If you care about covid you should care about the 7000+ covid positive illegal immigrants that Biden personally allowed in",0 "Pfizer CEO: New Pill Will Have a Microchip That Transmits Info Once You Swallow It! https://t.co/fYBc41qCih PEOPLE ARE STUPID IF THEY TAKE IT WHEN IT COMES OUT",0 "Obama’s informal immigration adviser, has dedicated his life to obtaining citizenship and voting rights for America’s illegal aliens—now at an estimated 22 million—with the expressed goal of transforming the United States into a one-party state. https://t.co/8gWmgeRlh6",0 Durations and vaccination can give more chance to virus for mutation yes or no https://t.co/QpimBcHSH1,0 "Bill Gates Quit putting particles in the atmosphere to block the Sun! It'd trapping heat! UR headed for Hell Bill Antarctica experiences massive heat wave, https://t.co/kUwp30XWJE Download the Wion News App now: https://t.co/krhpnnHraW -Shared via WION",0 "If you're a gamer, this shouldn't come as a surprise. But be careful what you share. https://t.co/9pciPd2DLf",1 "@magistercaecus @ProudSocialist @TheDemocrats Okay, so that covers 2022. So what's your excuse for Ukraine hiring Nazis to commit the genocide in Donbas from 2014 to 2021?",0 "Patriot films the 4th bus load of the day of illegals (military-aged men) being brought to Extended Stay in Maitland, FL - which is corrupt-as-hell Orange Co. which is Disney location. (under 2 minutes) https://t.co/cljjBW6Bge",0 "WHO Director Makes Jaw-Dropping Admission, KILL CHILDREN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT???????????????????????????????????????? 41% of Dems Now Say 2020 Cheating Occurred https://t.co/gXkmwXgs8F",0 "⁦@SpeakerVos⁩ DECERTIFY WISCONSIN’S ELECTION ⁦@DanScavino⁩ ⁦@PapiTrumpo⁩ Revealed: New Doc Shows How an Obama-Tied Dark Money Group Used Zuckerberg’s Cash to Swing Election https://t.co/A3PoVdI2wt https://t.co/A3PoVdI2wt",0 "Truth starting to seep out day by day and gets ever scarier #Covid_19 Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip th... https://t.co/qFU7xdcPE0 via @YouTube",0 22 million illegal citizens being bused and flown all over the US. Dems want them to vote.,0 "Lyn de Rothschild owns Th Economist. Yes, the same Rothschilds Putin banned from Russia",0 "@RepJeffries Y'all called for Trump's impeachment after Clinton and Obama colluded with foreign governments to start a fake investigation & spy on his campaign & again when Biden's Ukraine corruption was uncovered and questioned... So, in essence: GFY https://t.co/wutboILZCq",0 """Since the invasion, untold numbers of Ukrainian women from all walks of life have stepped forward and volunteered to serve on the front lines. They include... the former Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna and Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik."" #Ukraine #IWD https://t.co/6cixnKlVO2 via @msnbc",0 "No, a TIME magazine cover with Vladimir Putin’s face superimposed on Adolf Hitler is not real. https://t.co/4YpqgBk8Pa",1 @justinbaragona All corona vaccines contain luciferase the name of the beast of revelation 13:16-18 and the proof of it is the chip which makes BOTH THE MARK OF THE BEAST .The story doesn’t end well for all who take the luciferase vax and the chip 666-for more info look up revelation 14:9-11!!’,0 "WHO Director Says Covid Boosters Are Being Used to`Kill Children` During Press Conference - Freudian Slip? https://t.co/Zp06uMAvaR",0 Pfizer CEO: New Pill Will Have a Microchip That Transmits Info Once You Swallow It! https://t.co/bREI3nCuG8 and you wonder why?,0 Gates 1999 MS game called omikron https://t.co/5gMyo2tMan,0 "This is the expert who congratulated Sam Hyde for being the Ghost of Kyiv, back with another disinfo lesson",1 "@AlboMP Bulls**t. You damn well it's to do with forest management policy, environmental policy and what starts most of it, arson. Climate change my a*se. You rats do nothing more than push globalist elite agendas.",0 "a Polish soldier-deserter, who recently fled to Belarus and hopes to obtain political asylum, spoke about mass graves of migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border. The UN didn't find them.",0 "🔥 RATED PANTS ON FIRE: 👇 Mary Miller stated on October 23, 2021 in a tweet: The migrant caravan from Tapachula, Mexico “is the population of Minneapolis.” https://t.co/7gwF8EEFOB",1 "They just won't stop... ""The Johns Hopkins University research team published positive results from an animal study as a cover article in Science Advances on October 28, 2020 [5], confirming that the new technology works flawlessly:.."" 🇨🇦🌎🇺🇲 https://t.co/Hb7ZBMXRYO",0 "“Let’s not put tracking device in our tanks becuz the enemy could find them.” “Where did you leave the keys to the tank? Are they on the hook? You never put the keys back where they go!” Russian tank for Sale on ebay",0 @SeasSprite @ChrisRThornton @megynkelly Maybe be you should blame Biden for letting COVID positive illegal enter our country and pay for them to be flown or given bus tickets to travel anywhere in our country. Last count was about 7000.,0 @SeamusORegan Its time to shut down the hate and lies on Russian Embassy in Canada Twitter. Everyone of these butchers must be removed from this country. Enablers of war crimes and pushing vile propaganda. Please at least remove this channel for their horrible crap.,1 "For EVERYONE discussing #myocarditis - The risk of getting it from the vaccine is still MANY TIMES Lower than the risk of getting Myocarditis from COVID itself... But #COVIDIOTS don't care about the details... Remember when they all thought Bob Saget died from the vax 🤦‍♂️",1 @ctingstrange Footage that has been turning out to be Arma III scenes. https://t.co/YTA4kNU40m,1 Fact check: Satirical claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia https://t.co/ka4dIWY8Fe,1 @HGiamarco @RepVernonJones They have a huge surge because the federal government is dropping illegal untested covid positive people coming in at the border all over the state. 7000 in one town alone in one day. You can't blame De Santes for that at all. Contact Biden and his handlers on that one.,0 MUST WATCH: WHO Director-General Slip of the Tongue? #BoosterJab to kill children ...🤔🤬 https://t.co/SBm5Y5b6Ge,0 Omg. How crooked can they get. Wake up Democrats and Republicans https://t.co/KPKj4JH1fu,0 Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show 'Illegal' Migrant Workers Arriving At Florida Hotel https://t.co/wzNtzWyFeZ,1 "@WhiteHouse You will need it this block head let in 7000 illegal immigrants with covid and many thousands more without testing The Biden government has released over 7,000 COVID positive illegal into the city of McAllen, Texas since mid February of 2021including over 1,500 infected illega",0 Brainless immigration policy”catch and bus”. The administration thinks the American public is “stupid”. https://t.co/78X6gzZn6v via @Liberty Sword,0 😂😂Oh dear God....USA today fact-checked Babylon Bee's satire claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia..,1 Don’t believe everything you are told. Fact check: No evidence Putin banned Rothschild family from Russia https://t.co/FMvmSQ6Alc,1 "@vrundavs Hi, she has not joined the Ukraine army. She clarifies https://t.co/I1uyo5j2l4. Follow @NewscheckerIn for more updates!",1 "@PeachyProof @thehowie 7000 COVID+ illegals have passed thru McAllen, TX alone, 1.5k in the past 7 days. Abbott has no control over Biden's admin refusing to stop them. So how did Abbott prostate this?? https://t.co/WNiqQkyjPY",0 "@RussianEmbassyC @mfa_russia @globeandmail @CBCNews @RadioCanadaInfo @nationalpost @globalnews @LP_LaPresse @LeDevoir @TorontoStar @SputnikInt Yet more lies from the Russian embassy in Canada. This is a war started by you. Not a special operation. The only objective by Russia is to wipe Ukraine from the face of the earth. Genocide by Russia You will have to face the consequences one day. Remember Nuremberg https://t.co/FzSXrSc3my",1 @SwainForSenate 22 million new (illegal) votes for Democrats!,0 "Tweet from Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) Tweeted: Coming to a state near you.🔻 https://t.co/KnyzbQBxr6 https://t.co/4xymtguCN0",0 did you know that grapefruit has the possibility to make you fatally overdose if you take buspar and other depression/anxiety meds? because i sure af didn’t until i got it slapped outta my hand,0 "@aardvarkpets @Letslaugh1419 @vaitari @cwt_news If I die, what do you or anyone else care? I've been informed of my chances - which are near zero for dying of covid and I don't help anyone else by taking the gene therapy. Live and let live, weirdos.",0 Fake Posts On Ukrainians Selling Russian Tank On eBay Go Viral https://t.co/4xXZ8XWTWb,1 "November 10, 2018: ""Trump blamed the Camp Fire, the deadliest blaze in California’s history, on poor forest management. In a tweet, he threatened the state: “Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!” California regulators, however, came to a different conclusion, ..."" (1/2)",0 "Biden Can you trust anything he says? Google: Biden Shamelessly lies about new Texas Voting Laws, Voter ID Google: Biden claims he used to drive an 18 wheeler Biden said in April: “we’ve now gotten control” of the border crisis. Hmm Biden Secretly Releases 7000 COVID https://t.co/IIrm46ETVT",0 Demented Biden pledges to bring in 2 MILLION illegal immigrants a year for Democrat votes program. Even though this destroys American minorities https://t.co/13E674BiEk,0 @TimHannan Hilary Clinton spied on the Trump campaign. Let that sink…,0 "WHO Director General: Some Countries are using boosters to kill children which is not right. https://t.co/UhAnOUE4dR",0 "@SkyNews Putin banned the Rothschild family from Russia, that's why NATO will invade from Estonia & impose regime change",0 @ggreenwald He said young people shouldn’t get COVID vaccine. Said mRNA vaccines are gene therapy. He said myocarditis from vaccine is worse than from the virus. All this disinformation contributes among many other factors to aversion from vaccination.,1 Impeach Biden! Laura Loomer Records Hundreds Of More Illegals Dropped Off At A Florida Hotel (Video) https://t.co/A7hGdj9Fmd,0 "Revelation 13:17 “ so that no man can buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number of its name” “Luciferase enzymes in the vaccine” https://t.co/YVWZW9oLz1",0 "#FakeNewsAlert Fact check: NO EVIDENCE of cancer spike linked to COVID-19 vaccines #AntiVaxxerLiesExposed #FactsMatter https://t.co/Q4RB2Wqa5t",1 "Really disgusted by people turning Bob Saget's tragic, untimely death into a new conspiracy. I guess traumatic brain injury isn't something that existed before the covid vaccine. Ever sing a song when you were little, ""It's Raining, It's Pouring""?",1 """PCR testing campaign could be a WHO vaccination program in disguise, warns journalist John O’Sullivan and others. He is referring to a new technology developed at Johns Hopkins University that is supposed to make it possible to carry out covert vaccinations through a PCR test.'",0 "#Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva said #Zelinski fled to Poland in a hurry and is now seeking asylum at the US Embassy in Poland. (Kiva is a fascist pro-russian member of parliament) #Zelensky #ZelenskyyUA #Ukraine #Kiev #Kyiv",0 "The only thing odd about the Bob Saget / Heather McDonald stuff is they both were /are comics who collapsed (Saget likely) & had head trauma. Which is absolutely a crazy coincidence. Strange. Anyone going into vaccine or Covid conspiracies from there has departed sane discourse.",1 "Why? To answer that question, we need to know how a compass works. A compass needle is just a small magnet. If there isn't a magnet nearby to interfere, it aligns itself with the earth's magnetic field.",1 "@glinch72 @aSinister @EducatingTrump2 @BL20422822 @ItsTheAtmospher @RAM0667 @ALefty123 @insane_voice @Barbarajdurkin @GaryWHall @fishyfish67 @6lennybravo @DamienHamilto17 @BellRoniBell @cbeckj @ChrisBBacon3 @RustyAway @Neilcharles1450 @biffmack @DelusionsMass @Racing_Mackay @Jaisans @Anvndarnamn5 @jpgcrowley @Lorrilala @andyboulo @ponycar06 @MedBennett @canalzone68 @KevinSecular2 @AlexVickeryHowe @SeanFlan45 @Narvuntien @brandondaly2018 @IngersolRobert @TobyRayEnglish @Ceist8 @Jonnyporkchop @pauladamsalber1 @TomPlesier @janggly @NeatCraftsmen @TheDisproof @10kClimate @ozzorro1 @robhon_ @LouisCy72344053 @The_Doctor_Why @GeraldKutney @JohnDublin10 Liam , there are 100s of 1000s of Russian spies. Given the recent admission of the Clinton campaign of using false “Russia” information to spy on Trump - naturally people are suspicious of these silly stories",0 https://t.co/CkMVkhSTRM. Harris/Biden Criminal Enterprise wants to destroy our nation by using these ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!,0 "@markizaypeter @HillaryClinton Oh gosh. You need to catch up. After years of influence peddling with the Clinton foundation, we now know this https://t.co/boHf79nKa6",0 "@Zargoonaa Lol the main reason behind visa is cos belarus is pressurizing EU (including Poland) to infiltrate refugees by creating refugee crisis By giving free visas, many would try to seek refugees in Gernany , France , Spain etc once they cross Poland",0 @DaveNestor22 Gates and other idiots have been putting poison into the atmosphere for a very long time https://t.co/p3myaGU9nT,0 "The WHO Director said ""Some countries are using boosters to kill children, which is not right""",0 @mblevins451 @pearlowisdom2 @Thegr8beagle @SRuhle Pay attention to what you are saying. You claim black & brown voters are unable to provide valid voter identification documents. If true they are voting in record # without providing valid voter ID proof. Considering the 22+ million illegals in country a good # voting illegally.,0 "@dirgarambe @Fatwa_Adikusuma 1). https://t.co/ex2tARDL1W 2). https://t.co/fkoVGfSDih (OMICRON) 3). https://t.co/Nsif7u6I9i 4). https://t.co/3on5xmkJ6l",0 @CelesteThat Genocide is what Putin propagates as a common theme in justifying his invasion of Ukraine. He has claimed that Ukrainians are trying to ethnically cleanse Donbas from Russian-speaking people and this is a lie that you repeat.,1 "@OregonGovBrown FACT: 7 out of 10 forest fires are started by humans. In these times of Marxist BLM/Antifa rage, that stat may be even higher. What investigations are you doing to find out who started them? Also, what proper forest management programs are you making sure will be in place?",0 "@3rdGrace @BigJoeBastardi @charliekirk11 I don't think the causes for the spike have been determined. Its probably multiple causes....suicides are up, there are COVID deaths, cancer deaths are up, fentanyl deaths. Plus the vaccines.",1 "Texas border town says Biden admin released over 7,000 Covid-positive migrants into US, surge escalating #ImpeachJoeBiden https://t.co/mmv3TSMtZW",0 "@RoseMar95753967 @OccupyDemocrats Immigrants are being flown and bussed to FL, GA, TN, LA, MS. McAllen Texas has received 7000 Covid Positive immigrants since February. Biden has to move them out of the border area. https://t.co/c7KgMM9gJA",0 "Director-General of the WHO claims “Countries are giving Boosters to kill children, this is not right” https://t.co/EZAEM8U1A5 https://t.co/YCYQEAuHi7",0 "@Ash71379626 @HeathMickle No; you are distorting the reality. Vaccine technology has advanced rapidly, and to conflate mRNA vaccines with Gene Therapy is simply silly. The vaccine is not altering your DNA. It simply enables your immune system to better recognise the COVID virus. Just as any vaccine does.",1 "@GaviSeth @paimadhu @PrakashLab Stop this nonsense. It’s the flu and mandates are tyranny leading to a global economic crisis. The vaccine has LUCIFERASE, and was made using hiv and aborted full-term fetus. No way that billions of vaccines could have been made since this started, it would take years to make.",0 "CHILDREN...??? OR -- NEW VOTERS..??? WHAT SAY YOU...??? https://t.co/dWcax4FQiS",0 @JMac0987 Coming to a neighborhood near you. Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/RPWgJtzsf6,0 "“Wake up, people of Omikron,” Bowie’s character says in the video game, warning that they’re being turned into government puppets. “Join the awakened ones, and rise up to fight for your freedom. Together we can win.” Game released by Microsoft Windows 1999. https://t.co/NsiDlhYpTM",0 "@sonjaferne @CBCNS Director-general of the who and I quote: "" countries are using the vaccines to kill children """,0 "@CavalierJohnson @MayorOfMKE @JimOwczarski Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of guys! What goes around comes around. The Democrat horse is out of the barn. Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit | Just The News https://t.co/w3TZ86hLgm",0 "@GovCanHealth @CPHO_Canada Okay! I am not going to read the replies! Neither should anyone! After nearly 3 years of fighting bad actors spewing #disinformation in the replies to these accounts, I know what they will say. Product monograph: https://t.co/StpsQcEuUb Still no 5G! https://t.co/DEeLYFQ3kj 1/",1 @RealCandaceO Just like Bob Saget died of the COVID vaccine? Maybe she got the same thing.,0 "Bob Saget's cause of death revealed one month after he died https://t.co/uk87oIkCwb via @Yahoo Passing out is actually a symptom of the body's reaction to the Covid Vaccine. And hitting your head, well, you do that when you pass out. He JUST had his last BOOSTER.",0 "@yungdindux @DeftoneSpeak @andrewkimmel @mtracey @republic I didn't say anything about Bucha: you're just proving my point. You want to deny Russian atrocities, so you bring up irrelevant rumors and misunderstandings like the ghost of Kyiv or the snake island, because the evidence for what unfolded in Bucha is so overwhelming.",1 "Fact check: False claim that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is 'scripted and staged' [Ah, such ignorant, lying people foolishlessly say there's no invasion and war by Russia into Ukraine!] https://t.co/UvSCYUPIFa via @usatoday",1 "@insurgent2047 Well arma 3 gameplay has been boardcast as ""real"" news, it even happend the first day, of the russia Ukraine debacle (granted not by a newssite but by a user) and it got like 10000 likes",1 "Milwaukee Officials Face Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Lawsuit https://t.co/hd9cPJ2nqQ",0 "@PhillipRadio @OWcomedy ""Ghost of Kiev was not samuel t. hyde but brendan schaubs slurred speech spit in the physical"" - MDE on @OWcomedy #RRR #Gash1𓃵 #VENOM #ETH #Ukraine️War #RamCharan #CRO #fintech https://t.co/AyJ0wad0O2",1 "No, Time magazine didn’t publish a Putin-Hitler cover, and other news literacy lessons https://t.co/lYgMRMlrSS",1 Used Russian tank was for sale on EBay.😂#TikTok https://t.co/Ot3GrsjENd,0 "@greg_doucette Luciferase has been an anti-vax obsession for a very long time, mainly cuz of the name. I'm actually kinda bummed that vaccine doesn't make me glow in the dark. https://t.co/10JpoTV534",1 "@daddyrose91865 @TruthHawaii369 @FactSparrow @JohnLovasz I truly feel for you, as you will never see the truth. Still think hunters laptop was “Russian disinformation “ now that even CNN has admitted it was real. Trump is right, Clinton spied on him, that was true, they are terrified of Trump because he doesn’t back down .",0 "Fact check: Congresswoman says migrant caravan big as 'population of Minneapolis' is headed to U.S. #NewsBreak The good thing is they’re not Vaccinated against Covid. Thanks Mr. Biden. https://t.co/ggGcTXvYnC",1 BREAKING: Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States - The True Defender ! https://t.co/4ufQHdmYep,0 "@frasercaldwell1 @DrAseemMalhotra There’s a patented Moderna Cancer gene found in the “wild” covid virus. But the vaccines also make this same spike. So it’s a double whammy, probably more so for people who experienced really extenuating covid cases.",0 "As Russia pressed on with its invasion of Ukraine, a video clip was viewed thousands of times in Facebook and YouTube posts that claimed it showed live footage of the fighting. In reality, the footage was taken from a combat video game called ARMA 3..#UkraineRussianWar",1 Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/ranodJJaVU,0 "More CORRUPTION PHIZER EARNS 37 BILLION LAST YEAR PHIZER CEO ADMITS FIRST 2 VACCINES ONLY 10 % EFFECTIVE CEO OF PHIZER ANNOUNCES A NEW COVID PILL WITH A MICROCHIP MEANWHILE THE USA LIVES STRONG AND FREE",0 "Democrat rioters who are in Antifa started 80% of all wild fires over the years... It's just now, they finally have gotten caught!",0 "Does the #Omikron’ video game have a connection to #Covid-19 pandemic? @ThipMedia https://t.co/nSKNS2U4zC",1 @undersharer @XrpBates @TheInsiderPaper He says it right here “Not here to make friends. Crypto Twitter only”. So what was i to make of his comments that the war in Ukraine is “staged”. This guy doesn’t live in reality. Does he need Ukrainian War Panda NFTs in order to realize that this war is very real? https://t.co/3D26i2hCN0,1 "Russian Embassy in Canada statement. From what I know about Russia and Ukraine, I have no reason not to believe them.",0 "@LovelyGigi33 Fires, most wild but some arson started, have killed and destroyed, billions of dollars in damage,how many were potentially caused by this terror group?In Oregon,resident home of the step-child of antifa, not-so-antuffa, there have been arrests of arsonists but none with brains.",0 Johns Hopkins University Confirms: The PCR Test Alone Will Vaccinate You - Light On Conspiracies - Revealing the Agenda https://t.co/7BnwD7MPeh,0 Here's an article about it. https://t.co/dZoALkTHZk,0 "@02Halle_ellaH18 @usa67us @realDonaldTrump Everything is a conspiracy theory with these people (MAGAs). Antifa started forest fires, scientists a over the world are lying about climate change, doctors lying about covid, 9/11 an inside job...fucking nut jobs that rather believe in fairy tales than data",1 "@DrSmartbat People who have taken 3 doses of these dangerously experimental gene therapy covid drugs have absolutely ruined their bodies and that is just in the short term, I dread to think what is going to happen to them in the medium/long term, so sad😟",0 "@El__Ben or Bill Gates and Harvard block out the sun 😬may be the same thing",0 "@NewDayForNJ Bob Saget had severe adverse reaction to the Covid-19 Vaccine, Just like Heather McDonald. Heather was lucky that she collapsed before audience so EMT can save her on time. Bob collapsed and hit his head to the ground. Unfortunately he was by himself for a whole night.",0 "@Osinttechnical @sentdefender Compare that to the 90% + success rate to the anti-tank weaponry supplied by the West Apart from anything else this is a huge blow to future Russian arms sales If you want to buy any of their rubbish your best bet would be to look at what Ukrainian farmers are putting on eBay ;)",0 "😳😳😱 Who director says: ""Some countries are giving boosters to kill children, which is not right. "" https://t.co/NtU438zVBy",0 @ggreenwald @AdamKinzinger @WalshFreedom @TheRickWilson The best part about @AdamKinzinger is he thought Sam Hyde was the ghost of Kiev,1 "@wordOnTheTweet9 @KyleMartinsen_ False. Delta variant mutation was identified in late 2020, spreading form India, well before vaccination programs were in swing. and your world data comment is also an unsupported lie.",1 "No, Bob Saget and Betty White’s deaths were not due to the COVID-19 vaccine – by Bella Otte https://t.co/wpwOOkoh0m via Poynter",1 Grapefruit Antidepressants Overdose Warning #NewsBreak. 😳😳😳 https://t.co/3etXJPjETH,0 "@KimDotcom like Bill Gates & Co who are spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and sulphur in our sky (to block the sun) every day???",0 "@thewalkinfred @unhealthytruth Oh look! Another meme to spread fear & misinformation - so sad ppl believe this crap. Nice try - we see what you’re doing here re #BobSaget & insinuating the vaccine caused his death Fact Check: False https://t.co/jpW5XJd1GP https://t.co/7UG8nWz7Hp https://t.co/ZJlrN6s8g0 https://t.co/o5jJ16Cbeu",1 "No, the viral image is not a TIME magazine cover; it was created by artist Patrick Mulder as a commentary on Russia’s attack on Ukraine. https://t.co/Ara46JxECm",1 "@bjoewolf @AnnaForFlorida ILLEGAL ALIEN MEN , being dropped off in front of an Extended Stay hotel in Maitland where they are being given pre loaded credit cards, hotel rooms, and clothing. https://t.co/tXx7oQtFvZ",0 "Fact check: Video shows Pfizer CEO speaking about schizophrenia pill, not COVID-19 treatment https://t.co/qy0LnKVD6Q via @usatoday",1 @MrAndyNgo Forest fires could be started by Antifa=BLM,0 PLEASE NOTE HOW THE COVID VACCINE SHOWS ITS UGLY SPIKE PROTEIN HEAD ABOUT 5 MONTHS AFTER THE LAST SHOT. JUST HOPE THAT YOU DON'T GET MORE THAN A COLD. CANCER AND BLOOD CLOTS APPEAR TO EXPLODE AFTER THE SHOTS.,0 @MidfieldJack @salirka @bokicebep @Aaron_White30 Really? Then Ukraine was bombed for failing to fulfill its obligations under the Minsk Agreement and the genocide committed against the Russian population in Donbas,0 "This is a good start—facts matter! No, Time magazine didn’t publish a Putin-Hitler cover, and other news literacy lessons https://t.co/jF0gW1MWvE",1 "@2006Giuliana @TestamentOfDark @BowieArt @DavidBowieReal @drinkwa76472468 @TheNomiGirl @Brooshski @LadySta48470651 @colacrom @Franklyaghost @thenextday13 @virtualalien Jul, thank you for this pic!😍💖💜⚡️ David and a game called Omikron )) https://t.co/BZWAjkRWxl",1 @DrPanMD @AAPILegCaucus @Evan_Low @SenDaveMin @AsmPhilTing @Asm_Nazarian @alex_lee @Ash_Kalra @AsmMuratsuchi @AsianResources1 @AsmKevinMcCarty @SacCountyCA You are a disgrace to your field if you think the covid gene therapies should become mandatory to school-age children. Children have more adverse reactions and no benefit from this gene therapy.,0 "@copybook_gods @justin_hart Okay, I will: Covid vaccines are safe. But - the military database was full of errors for 2016-20 that lowered the numbers, making the false impression of a spike in 2021. The military has issued statements. Another hint: there's no such thing as sudden onset cancer.",1 Babylon Bee humbly retracts their ‘false and […] entirely made up’ story about Joe Biden selling Alaska to Russia after USA Today fact-check https://t.co/B43sHjtoum,1 @SergioSierra67 @fattoquotidiano A game https://t.co/E1NwGhFVEf,1 @thehill Did you know that the new pill has a microchip in it and it will transmit as soon as you swallow it per CEO Pfizer that wrong .,0 "@NurseLizJ @julesserkin “Eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice can affect some medicines. In most cases, it increases the level of the medicine in your blood. This can increase the risk of side effects or alter the effect the medicine has.”",1 "@SpeakerPelosi @POTUS Biden going to Europe next week is a little late, but just wondering, will he sell Alaska back to Russia ??? Just saying! Biden is a complete Boob !!",0 https://t.co/hQKT0btuhS This article here is what I am talking about for reference. Nothing about Covid/the vaccine is involved.,1 The fact Putin banned Jacob Rothschild from Russia is a good sign.,0 "The state created a program to provide healthcare benefits to noncitizens at least 55 years old who are ineligible for Medicaid. But despite assertions from Republican state Sen. Terri Bryant, those individuals must meet the same income criteria as qualifying citizens.",1 "@GovRonDeSantis https://t.co/bfTMtAK7C9 Governor stop this madness hes doing this intentionally to red states",0 @MXMarineMomK https://t.co/YdWMo5XEKc BATSHEETCRAZY,1 @TheFedpost @AlexeiArora @BLCKD_COM_PlLLD @in_cohgnito Irony died in the Time magazine cover. Putin is the one AGAINST the Nazism and the Hitler mentality that the west defends in Ukraine.,0 "@boninikids @worldonalert this is the exact sort of reaction this staged propaganda is looking to get from you. It's not real, it's just meant to get you to support another pointless war. Why have we seen no actual battle footage? none! all after the fact staged photos.",0 "Doctor: There is Luciferase in the Covid Vaccines Luciferase = Lucifer's race https://t.co/Yfz94caYSS https://t.co/0TXV9J3LXG",0 "https://t.co/t5E6qAbm00 Fact Check: True. Biden/Democrats are deliberate, mass COVID-19 super-spreaders. They are creating chaos & fear to exploit for tyrannical power.",0 https://t.co/qVOsrNUWeg Kash’s Corner: How Clinton-Connected Tech Exec Spied on White House to Mine Trump Info via @epochtimes,0 "@GHS @WHO @doctorsoumya So the virus is happy killing a person patient A ,but as soon as there is resistance it becomes a mutation in patent B.The patient B create a super virus needing a new fake vaccine for Patient C . In the mean time Patient A virus has died with patient A or immunity of body has",0 "@TheInsiderPaper I bet $100 Bill Gates has something to do with this, remember he wanted to block the sun. 🤦🏾‍♂️",0 "Bill Gates' Microsoft released the game Omikron in 1999 which is about demons pretending to be human to harvest their souls. ""What a literal strange 'coincidence'."" Yes indeed my friend, yes indeed. https://t.co/4xpnc1I5mX",0 "@MichaelPSenger Malone speaks of it not as an AE of the vaccine but a mutation due to mass vaccination https://t.co/Fu4CeVPtvZ",0 "Hidden In Plain Sight, [Dec 30, 2021 at 19:02] 🤯THE INSANITY OF WHATS AHEAD!😳🤯😳🤯😳🤯 Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. https://t.co/KlU78y16IT https://t.co/NiD5hf4PNn",0 @JoaoSilverstein My wife made me promise not to buy a Russian tank on eBay. Bummer!,0 "@AussieVal10 Quote from the director-general of the WHO: "" Countries are using vaccines to kill children """,0 "Bill Gates Goes Full Sci-Fi With Global Warming Plan to ‘Block Out the Sun’ https://t.co/RGE1UDLSrh via @relevant Sadly too late. Been going on for DECADES. #Frankenskies the movie.",0 "@AlextheCastle90 It's all scripted because it's a movie. Nothing real happens in MSM. Look at all the videos of scripted and staged ""war"" in Ukraine",0 "Meet Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna. Anastasiia was crowned a national pageant winner in 2015, but the model has swapped her glamorous lifestyle to put her body on the line for Ukraine. Ukraine has 36,000 women serving in the military. And they are fighting their hearts out. https://t.co/p3gYzyKQEu",0 "https://t.co/6g0QTjSWuI Looks like the Omikron game has nothing to do with Bill Gates, but David Bowie is up to his neck in it as usual. He gets about more than Loki does.",1 "So many crazy theories and allegations of what #COVID19 #vaccine manufacturers put in their products. But as these original #Pfizer FOI documents show, the people formerly known as crazy are yet again, 100% correct. #luciferase #graphene #animaltesting https://t.co/jXwSzfynkd",0 @NakedHedgie @tobeycakes Maybe. Maybe not. https://t.co/xBoqRU9rUU https://t.co/DrcvbCyJaR,1 Fact check: Congresswoman says migrant caravan big as ‘population of Minneapolis’ is headed to U.S. https://t.co/agXzaGq8DI,1 @Matthew40604482 @williamlegate @greenrptor73 @QTWIQ1 You do realize that lucifer translates as light bringer. So luciferase is an appropriate name for a protein that generates light. It has no religious implications.,1 "@RealBeatee @RealCandaceO When you get the vaccine you don't test positive for Covid. If you test positive for Covid. You have Covid. Bob Saget recieved his vaccine months before he died. I don't think it was fro the vaccine.",1 "FEC has fined the campaign, the DNC, and others for lying about the money they paid to create the infamous Steele Dossier, the smear assembled by a British spy to wreck Trump’s candidacy. https://t.co/jeV4OOB5QA",0 "@DianneInIndiana @AveryforAZ @azbrett @RealCandaceO @benshapiro @charliekirk11 @bobsaget @TuckerCarlson You mean like Bob Saget died from the jab? You nutters take the cake. You know your covid logic of if someone had cancer but got covid which finished them off, you say it wasn't covid it was cancer. Now do the same logic with vaccine, but in vaccine case it didn't finish them off",1 @JimDeMint @StephenM We have 22-35 Million illegal immigrants in our country! Nothing is hidden the cause is for delivering timed events in voting attempted for having non citizens vote.,0 "@CherylKohs @tedcruz Yea I’m sure those 7000 didn’t infect anyone else. And I’m sure that Biden only sent Covid positive illegal aliens to McAllen, not any other city in Texas",0 "Federal agencies aren't keeping up with their forest management goals. Turns out you need to appropriate money to manage forests. But you can't expect to bother Trump with details. https://t.co/Horq1mCSts #PS1climate",0 "@trin357 @YouTube No, it doesn't. The compass needle only aligns itself with the magnetic field. It only proves that there is a magnetic field, and not the shape of the Earth.",1 ".@itsChiaraVee debunks the false claim that Putin has kicked the Rothschild family out of Russia. “The Rothschilds have been the subject of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories since the 1800s…. [and targeted by] the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory” https://t.co/KMsxyV8KUl",1 "A Statement from the Russian Embassy in Canada I believe the Russians -all the NATO propaganda is objective https://t.co/dJAw9yPRlX",0 "Former Miss Grand Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna has become a member of Ukraine's fighting force to stem Russia from taking over her country. Photos show herself armed and taking a position against the invading Russians. #Russia #Ukraine #UkrainianArmy #RussianArmy #war #girlpower https://t.co/1Ku2EcWsfY",0 "With all this accountability talk over FB, you have to wonder when we will start fining politicians whom can be proven to have deliberately or carelessly mislead the public by stating, and repeating, easily debunked assertions. https://t.co/hF99ItWUv5 via @bettergov",1 Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/VX0VFyGJr8. Despicable Corrupt Democrat’s are planning to use these ILLEGAL ALIENS to destroy America and create their socialist dictatorship!!!!!,0 "#Milwaukee officials face #Zuckerberg-related #election bribery lawsuit ""The evidence in this complaint is overwhelming and condemning,"" a Thomas More Society attorney said. Could Marks Billions Keep Him Out Of Prison? https://t.co/gsx3nPUCKJ",0 "@GBNEWS Amy’s choice Anastasia Lenna did not join the Ukrainian military, the photo is a older one with her dressed up with a airsoft weapon, I thought GBnews was meant to cut out the fake news? https://t.co/HEDqv4dWhK",1 "This Time magazine cover is fake. As @baylisswagner reports, a Welsh graphic designer created it. https://t.co/URCY5X9kLM https://t.co/n2uCJW5Iwg",1 "#WebQoof | A morphed photo falsely claims that it identified an ace pilot, the 'Ghost of Kyiv' who has allegedly shot down six Russian jets as one 36-year-old Samuyil Hyde. Read our fact-check here. https://t.co/Gr8hWWY7ee",1 "The Nazis are on the run Westwards MARIUPOL had been liberated by Russia Ukrainian President Zelensky who fled Ukraine 2 weeks ago for Poland and it's green screen is crying to CNN",0 "Boosters to kill children?? https://t.co/TuO8Pjbut3",0 "This is the same kind of crowds he brought during election of 2016. You can look at this image & KNOW that the votes were unfair. @mtgreenee All Americans MUST not tolerate voter fraud in 2022. Immigrants need to study Am History for 2 yrs & speak English before voting.",0 @YukioMishima17 @joanybaby77 Just no. 🙄 NEVER have they spread out and blocked out the sky in overcast gray. I have multiple pics. Someone needs to stop drinking the mainstream Kool Aid. They have 600+ patents for weather modification and you have Bill Gates wanting to “block out the sun”,0 @GBNEWS Nonsense. It's just a rational informed understanding that the risks from the 3 million plus adverse reactions experimental gene therapy is a higher risk than the risk from covid for most people aged under 70,0 "@townhallcom Biden took step to increasing domestic oil production by selling Alaska back to Russia, reports the Babylon Bee “Folks, nobody wants to ruin America’s beautiful Alaskan wilderness with oil truck drilling rigs. But I’ve never had a problem getting oil from Russia” go get him!",0 "🚨 #FakeNewsAlert -Arma-3 video game visuals shared as a live video of war between Russia and Ukraine✅ #Ukraine Read #FactCheck - https://t.co/jzIH07tF7H",1 @KorbynDallas2 @rtenews Yes I am aware of long covid but I'm more worried about long term effects of injecting kids with a gene therapy and the effects of wearing masks for 8 hrs.,0 "None of these vaccines are designed to combat COVID. It is about creating HUMAN 2.0 using TRANSHUMAN technology and it is happening at WARP SPEED. The new vaccines are using a protein called LUCIFERase and are injec #TheGreatAmericanAwakening @TrumpQAnon https://t.co/CByYHSA7sr",0 "A video just filmed in Maitland, Florida, which is just minutes outside of my Congressional District in Florida 11 shows a bus of Hispanic illegal aliens, ALL MEN, being dropped off Extended Stay hotel. Rooms, clothing, and preloaded credit cards. https://t.co/MdgL0CbKup",0 "@shane_mauss I was hoping it was going to be a law stopping people like Bill Gates trying to block/dim the sun, but this is pretty cool too https://t.co/pMDGENzkUS",0 New Report: Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanen https://t.co/ZOL3ecrY2R,0 "@jdullea @KyleMartinsen_ No it isn’t…by the time vaccines were available to most people, the Alpha variant was already on its way out. The delta variant “shockingly” showed up as more got vaccinated. gee, I wonder what caused the mutation World data shows the vaccination rates correlate with variants.",0 "@seanhannity Even Durham said it was fake. Just add this to the BS list with Seth Rich, Roy Epps, Benghazi, crowdstrike, the Obama birth certificate report, the KRAKEN, crossfire hurricane, burisma, the Barr report, Dominion voting machines, etc…the list is endless",0 "@skinn111 @KathyRadigan @Variety @WhoopiGoldberg (Also, the question of how to look at Jews: as race, as ethnicity, as religion; is a nuanced question on which I am not qualified to comment. ""Is the COVID vaccine a gene therapy?"" has a clear answer.) (The... the answer is no. It's not a gene therapy.)",1 "#Ukraine Tractor Division scores another Russian Tank. Check eBay for listings. https://t.co/DBjYDK3drq",0 L👀k what govt. is doing with our tax dollars.😡https://t.co/YAPhRWbs6F,0 "#Milwaukee’s acting mayor, former mayor, and city clerk were accused of being involved in an #Bribery scheme for accepting election-assistance money from a #MarkZuckerberg-funded activist group in the 2020 election cycle, a legal complaint says. https://t.co/xxqnPWW8Qc",0 "@ChickenQuantum @Michael98410246 @sgtrolls3 What is the magnetic effect that makes my compass align N-S? Nobody knows. Ideas of a 'globe' with a molten iron core creating a 'magnetic field' are conjecture at best, and a blatant lie at worst.",0 "So one thing for the tinfoil hat people. I have been getting a ton of scam phone calls since I got my positive pcr test, and some confirmed linked to it. Clearly the nose swab put a microchip in me. And/or my health records are not private and confidential. For sure the latter.",0 “…apoptosis is reduced upon mRNA vaccine for astrocytoma and glioblastoma which indicate decreased ability to fight against cancer development by programmed cell death.” https://t.co/Pcdk7AcZO4,0 "@NotAlexSheppard “Home Alone star, Bob Saget dies of complications from the Covid Vaccine.”",0 There is no evidence that 22 million people in the U.S. without legal permission voted illegally in the 2020 election or regularly vote in American elections. https://t.co/9VlMVLksV8,1 Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/iPKgSptrap. @benfergusonshow specifically mentions TN,0 Breaking: Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws https://t.co/LZg2NlJqGy,0 "There are 22 million illegal aliens in this country, and we cannot allow them to vote. https://t.co/9wfnM7tZ8E",0 👇👇👇👇👇👇this👇👇👇👇https://t.co/Ar97gP4Ft7,0 "@Klducho @LaPremisaEli From Dr Zelenko. Spike protein of the covid-19 causes ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS) and cancer. https://t.co/wzi8Fh9Nlp https://t.co/FeVyrsfZvt https://t.co/FeVyrsfZvt https://t.co/juCxb5CiKh https://t.co/C9ol9zZWHa https://t.co/nqTauquKSf https://t.co/duOHCpqblq",0 NEW VIDEO: Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel https://t.co/sOjD6YzkTE Americans can not Accept this kind of deception & betrayal,0 New post on @LeadStoriesCom: Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show 'Illegal' Migrant Workers Arriving At Florida Hotel https://t.co/wJecCHF3yE,1 Pfizer CEO Says FDA Approved a Digital Pill That Contains a Microchip https://t.co/ubgmv62Wl9,0 FACT CHECK: Has Vladimir Putin Banned The Rothschild Banking Family From Russia? https://t.co/ExpbgqgAZJ https://t.co/L8dIm5bfbk,1 "How creepy is this ? They could claim they're testing  us while actually injecting us 💉 ""Johns Hopkins University confirms: The #PCR test alone will vaccinate you "" Principia Scientific Intl. https://t.co/xz4p1P6icb",0 "Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit | Just The News #ElectionIntegrity https://t.co/9Sh160EwgF",0 "@MollyJongFast There was no Russian collusion, no Russian dossier, Hillary Clinton and FBI spied on the Trump campaign and during his presidency, the Biden family is corrupt. Not lies, but MSM won't cover them",0 """Officials"" in law enforcement and other public works created the LIE that ""Antifa"" started the forest fires out west. It's now being parroted by right-wing media and Trump. Again: it's a lie. Lightening started most of the blazes. https://t.co/3PUhTDluFk",1 Hey lil Jim @Acosta what about the #OpenBorderVariant since the Biden administration has spread over 7000 illegal aliens all across the country that tested positive for Covid since February. They’ve released over 1500 in just the past two weeks.,0 "What absolute nonsensical bullshit. Not all PCR tests are done nasally. For my PCR test, I spit in a sterile tube. Please tell me how they can “implant a chip” that way. I’ll wait. #TimeForMentalHealthChecks #QanonQrazyQomments",1 "@FoxNews Ukrainian Nazis have been doing genocide for 8 yrs... 14,000 Russia-speaking civilians were killed in Donbas. Nazis themselves are now throwing shade on Russia, with narrations and propagandas. Same as this time. We all know the Hollywood is with Ukraine 🤡🤡 https://t.co/wi1saXSnWP",0 "Uber-Right Wing apologist and anti-vaxxer Candace Owens claimed beloved actor Bob Saget died because of the Covid vaccine. An autopsy proved Candace Owen lied (I'm shocked!). #CandaceOwens #BobSaget #antivax #antivaxxers https://t.co/FFlGIXGiyQ",1 "We watched the BigTech Delivery..😏 Hopping mad then; hopping mad now.. 🚨THIS=> ""The evidence in this complaint is overwhelming and condemning,"" a Thomas More Society attorney said. ⚡️Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit https://t.co/GXIUMXGslj https://t.co/NSmiKqQXyI",0 "MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal aliens dropped off at Florida hotel. https://t.co/IinalGS7hE",0 "Another conspiracy come into reality, move over QR passport https://t.co/y4zTiUQwNQ",0 "@greta Yes, it is but it is also genocide when Ukraine kills their own citizens in Donbas.",0 "@vant_the @TheShad78631449 @AgentSmith_NZ All makes me so sick! https://t.co/6SlWX2j7id",0 "A 1999 video game called the Nomad Soul, follows players as their souls enter the futuristic city of Omikron, located in an alternate dimension. Players explore the world while fighting off demons who try to trap their souls. Released in 1999 by Bill Gates Microsoft.",0 "You can be covertly vaccinated with a PCR test – Johns Hopkins University https://t.co/HbAZ1QK8Qk https://t.co/UL10wHufyO",0 "#KyivVsRussia | Meet Anastasiia Lenna, former Miss Ukraine who joined the army to fight Russian forces https://t.co/Uw80aVVRz3",0 "Oh, WTAF. This can NOT be for real. As if the war wasn't Hollywood staged enough, now we're going to go ""live from Hollywood"" for this!? Seriously!? If this clown has time for the Oscars then I'm doubting the seriousness of the bombing raids where he is!! #WTF #PropagandaSucksn",0 "Johns Hopkins University says you can get vaccinated/drugged with a simple PCR swab, without even noticing it. https://t.co/V4yvHUI29o",0 WHO Director Says Covid Boosters Are Being Used To ‘Kill Children’ During Press Conference – Freudian Slip? https://t.co/Sq5IWk5X7Z,0 "@POTUS Uh...okay... https://t.co/4wNVnIw2sq",0 Pfizer CEO talks about a pill that will put the microchip in your body https://t.co/bQoSaKmJzv,0 Some Of The Most Popular 'Ukraine Footage' Is From A Video Game https://t.co/YgpakkfR4L,1 Fact check: Congresswoman says migrant caravan big as ‘population of Minneapolis’ is headed to U.S. - Houston Chronicle ⁦@RepMaryMiller⁩ Jeeze you people will say ANYTHING to get attention. Try the truth. #pantsonfire #liarliar https://t.co/btchqC19YK,1 please read n share https://t.co/xbspS0rL7n,0 "@BlondiieMama Nothing about COVID has been presented honestly. The real data is there in plain sight but the packaging is designed to create a false impression of reality. It is not a vaccine anyway but a drug, a gene therapy, which even Moderna describes it as.",0 "@KhayaJames WHO's Director-General stated, “it’s better to focus on those [vulnerable] groups who have the risk of severe disease and death, rather than, as we see, some countries are using to give boosters to kill children, which is not right.” so we are on survival of the fittest era.",0 Corona PCR "test" is implanting a microchip. https://t.co/QjWhvNRo4B,0 "@Mags_0618 Not rig the election by bringing in 40,000 immigrants per year and give them voting cards? Lots of people who are not citizens got to vote.",0 "Chart and Compass, Sextant and Sun Dial, Globe or Plane? (Audiobook) -- ... https://t.co/RfNwzirTuC via @YouTube. The earth is scientifically flat and stationnary ! Spread the truth and have a great day !",0 The Russian Embassy In Canada Put Out A Statement On Ukraine & Twitter Is Just Incredulous https://t.co/uJZyxXfena,0 @realdentarthur @Nonewnormal1884 @hoffer_gena @CMOH_Alberta @jkenney Usually they actually work. Maybe that’s the point. Oh and that it’s not a vaccine but expiremental gene therapy being forced on people who have little risk for Covid while the manufacturers are raking in huge profits and actively trying to suppress info about the “vaccine”.,0 Don’t ever forget Hillary Clinton and the Democrats spied on President Trump’s Campaign and kept spying on him in the White House. Never forget,0 "@allala996 @MelonieMac The Russian War was in 1912. You probably mean the Ukraine war, which is real, but not unexpected by anyone who followed that region for the past few decades. And it was also helped ""staged"" by the west antagonizing Russia for the last 30 years with NATO expansions and so on.",1 "@metaldrummer67 @wikileaks What??????? Have you not even read anythong on the fake dossier, spying on Trump, russia gate and he stolen election. Take the blinders off in Jesus Name. Here, let me help you! https://t.co/BKxG5rcBcB https://t.co/9ZdD0VrwgC https://t.co/vSpJN06bdv",0 "@NicoleSilvers_ @20TrumpWon20 @Heebeejeebeez1 @CommodusJTrump Obama's birth certificate is not fake, liar.",1 A Time cover showing Putin with Hitler’s mustache isn’t real – by Ciara O'Rourke https://t.co/JkD1XGq0y8 via Poynter,1 "@MaGJr80 @lala_whatsup @jkenney Lying about the RCMP, lying about ""safe and effective"" EXPERIMENTAL mRNA gene therapy ""vaccine""; lying about dying ""with"" and ""from"" covid. This has been one big coercive psychological operation #CrimesAgainstHumanity #NurembergTrialsForCovid #HonkHonk2022",0 "#NewWorldOrder #vaccine We know that the jabs contains Graphene Oxide which works as both a semiconductor and insulator, just waiting to be ""activated"". It also contains mRNA, which is a software program and Luciferase, an enzyme that is commonly used in the biomedical industry.",0 @ChidiNwatu @DonaldJTrumpJr So just so we are been truthfull here did you know the CEO of Pfizer new covid pill will have a microchip in it and it transmit as soon as you swallow the pill .,0 "obama to Trump The deranged Democrats at it again Did Trump allow Russia; to annex the Crimea interfere in Syria Hack the Clinton campaign & DNC ""interfere"" in the election? Did Trump; Spy on his opponents campaign lock up journalists get an ambassador killed and blame youtube",0 "— Beauty Queen and Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna seen in combat gear as she defends her home country. Ukraine has 36,000 women serving in the military. The most women of any military. https://t.co/cNaYU6LpQw",0 "Fact check: Congresswoman says migrant caravan big as 'population of Minneapolis' is headed to U.S. https://t.co/l8TpGkJRrM #Meanwhile @JoeBiden ↘ trying to ↘ #payCompensation2Illegals Download Now https://t.co/HMpsCQiq0a",1 "@Oregonian Well duh if ANTIFA makes good on burning down the suburbs as they have said, then you will have every gun nut in the area out. They already tried once, did you even report the attempts to start forest fires and kill thousands by ANTIFA? Scary militia types have nothing on ANTIFA.",0 "“Among them have been a 79-year-old woman who recently learned how to fire a gun, former beauty queen Anastasiia Lenna, who represented Ukraine at the 2015 Miss Grand International pageant—and Kristina, the former wedding singer.”",0 "Before you all get excited, no, you cannot buy a seized Russian tank off #ebay https://t.co/zEXfwPVM6A",1 @ThePepe7474 @FoxNews And Biden has oped the borders and released over 7000 illegal immigrants in this country that tested positive for covid,0 "Seems like the meme creator could've saved a lot of time/trouble by just printing out a simple message saying he or she should've been spit out or swallowed. PolitiFact - No evidence for viral claim that ‘22 million illegal aliens’ are ‘voting illegally’ https://t.co/I4BxMRxjtz",1 "@detroitnews Few children.died of Covid. The vast majority have comorbidities. Pfizer acknowledges 1200+ adverse effects from vaccine. It's shown to create spike proteins in liver cells (causing concern for cancer & autoimmune attacks). Vax I have comorbidities. https://t.co/6XvlDy0eTt",0 "A TikTok video supposedly shows a missile system successfully gunning down a fighter jet taken in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. We #VERAfied the video and found it is actually a gameplay of Arma 3, a video game. #UkraineFacts Read the full story here: https://t.co/7C7RnqfgOF https://t.co/WUDpFy5ESO",1 I was with antifa up until they started all those forest fires. Don't really understand how that helps fight fascism,0 "@realDailyWire That is the Covid vaccine tumble. Getting to be quite popular among those Hollywood elitists. The more jabs, the harder the fall. Just ask Bob Saget.",0 "@glennagain99 @Robert69619951 @TheoFleury14 Only a few pple said that abt microchips because BILL GATES & Albert Bourla amongst others have stated that is their aim. Now both Pfizer & Merck say the next gen Covid pill (PF-07321332 mix of Ivermectin & Ritonavir) will only be 4 home use if carrying a microchip to send info.",0 "Fact-Check: No, Migrant ‘Caravan’ From Tapachula, Mexico Is Not the Population of Minneapolis https://t.co/C9koFK1Bid via @bettergov",1 MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/MfFwoR7L62 via @YouTube #dnilogistics #boardgame #LauraLoomer #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica,0 "QUESTION: If You're A Democrat Or @JoeBiden Supporter Please Explain; How Do You Support His #COVID19 Policy When He Is Keeping The Southern Border Wide Open To #COVID Positive Illegal Aliens? Biden Has Dumped Over 7000 COVID Positive Illegals In #McAllen #Texas Alone Since Feb!",0 @AdamKinzinger Aren’t you the idiot that Sam Hyde was the ghost of Kiev? You have no business in politics and your opinion is invalid .,1 "@Sandstormzy @GBCNewsroom More info in a more understandable form from from a well renowned doctor. https://t.co/WDr0KFqLSS",0 "AND THERE IT IS: Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing https://t.co/3K7HMxpKFp",0 "No, a TIME magazine cover with Vladimir Putin's face superimposed o... (https://t.co/bAZd7iTzGV) Viral photo claiming to be a TIME magazine cover alluding to the similarities between Russia... Add your highlights: https://t.co/7hI5ShqDc5 #GraphicDes #Design...",1 @WorldofNC Putin banned the Rothschilds from entering Russia in 2016. https://t.co/nZ7WQfuCNw,0 "@Aftonbladet Kanske ni ska ta bort denna artikel eftersom den är FAKE… USA Today: Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that former Miss Grand Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna joined the Ukrainian military. https://t.co/cp0iXQgUzi",1 "@RussianEmbassyC @mfa_russia @globeandmail @CBCNews @RadioCanadaInfo @nationalpost @globalnews @LP_LaPresse @LeDevoir @TorontoStar @SputnikInt Your statement is one of deceit and ignorance. It’s quite insulting to the Canadian people that you believe we would somewhat buy into this messaging. Shut down your embassy, go back to Russia, and in time we will let you beg for forgiveness maybe. #RussiaUkraine #Canada",1 @johnwat82357788 @SkyNews Mass vaccination against a virus that it is not possible to control is what leads to mutation.,0 "russian embassy in Canada made a statement and people already corrected it Slava Ukraini! https://t.co/Y3wDHAzfxM",1 "In this video the director of the WHO says: ""...some countries are using to give boosters to kill children, which is not right.""",0 "Anything - and that means everything - for control: https://t.co/IaP1Kd8Tbl",0 "A viral warning about grapefruit and antidepressants is largely inaccurate - but it highlights the importance of asking your doctor or pharmacist about drug interactions: https://t.co/UIY2ZAGnDz https://t.co/GhhBiqefS9",1 Artwork falsely shared as 'genuine Time magazine cover' likening Russia's Putin to Hitler https://t.co/XzyZbeZ3Uc DEPICTED ACCURATELY WITH TRUMP'S PICTURE ALSO !!,1 """It's better to focus on those groups to have a risk of disease and death score, rather than as we see some countries are using boosters to kill children, which is not right."" - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO.",0 @BeckyJo89963132 @liz_churchill_ Also the Rothschild family are banned from entering Russia because Jacob accused Putin of not complying and being a traitor to the new world order,0 "@RealCandaceO @Facebook @LeadStoriesCom Speaking of fact checking. You implied Bob Saget died from the vaccine but his autopsy just confirmed he died of head trauma. Will you put out a statement or can one of your drooling idiot fans explaining to me how the covid vaccine causes head trauma?",1 FACT CHECK: Did Bill Gates and Microsoft Develop the Videogame ‘Omikron: The Nomad Soul’ in 1999? https://t.co/aObhuXwD1o #businessNews,1 "@DinosaurTaxes @alexandrosM I think Luigi is wrong. The Vical patents on DNA/RNA vaccines were filed long after Malone left. His only paper on animal application of mRNA LNPs used reporter genes (luciferase iirc), nothing close to vaccination. Also, Felgner worked on vax adjuvants long before he met Malone. https://t.co/hoddtBTBcy",1 @violetdelena @bennyjohnson @GovRonDeSantis 7000 Covid plus illegal immigrants dropped in McAllen Texas! Biden blatantly breaks his oath of office to protect Americans!,0 "Ukrainian politicians trying to flee with suitcases of cash, Ukrainian soldiers abandoning their positions & equipment. Azov Nazis trying to flee disguised as woman, Zelensky has fled to Poland, captured Azov commanders being walked through streets meanwhile MSM spins it 180°",0 "Please don't forget who is behind Isis. They send their Islamic mercenary to libiya, Syria, Iraq, Armenia, and Europe. The Isis leader is Erdogan. #Wien #Vienna #Austria #ViennaAttack #Terror #turkey #turk #ErdoganTerroristBoss #Erdogan https://t.co/yzIqHGS30x",0 """Laura Loomer, a Republican candidate for Florida's 11th congressional district, shared the video and says it was sent to her claiming the men were undocumented migrants. ""FOX 35 News investigated and found those claims to be false."" https://t.co/fpPBbr8jEZ",1 "Here they are implanting a chip to track you through the pcr test... https://t.co/jaGVO2olgl",0 "@rosae1307 @DefSue3 He was working for his client Hilary Clinton, her campaign and the DNC when he paid a foreign spy to manufacture phony intel on Donald Trump with the intent of changing the election. This has all been released. Hillary being named co conspirator, that’s new. Cheers!",0 Makes you wonder. Putin famously banned the Rothschild central bankers from Russia. What if Putin understood DeFi and its geopolitical fallout?,0 "@M3J4NN It is all on Ebay - anything from NBC kits to uniforms, trench coats, gas masks - the lot! I even bid on a Russian T-72 tank the other day - a farmer in Ukraine found it in a field! Ebay removed the listing though!",0 "@CTVNews Any chance that COVID-19 ""\/accine"" hesitancy might be related to the fact that many, many people are experiencing adverse effects? Or that it IS in reality a risk-riddled experimental gene therapy? The fauxdemic measures are what is causing childhood trauma FFS, @CTVNews https://t.co/dKLHzIrUR6",0 "Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. Also states how good it would be for ""compliance""...""you'd know the patient is taking the medicine they should be taking"" #WorldEconomicForum https://t.co/6oBywQSDBI",0 "They want to stack the deck with Illegals voting in our elections! New Report: Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/FoqqdCLnf0 via @Liberty Sword",0 "@FurlongMick @Devereaux_RBW It’s in the Spike thus same in Covid infection & vaccine… loads of cancer as well. https://t.co/xQpxoeFKIZ",0 "@FakeAnnunziata @tonx10 @frugalsues @MmHabitual @TheCrystalBrian @JSAHolmes @JoeCoyle101 @BurgerLab12 @DavidStonesFan @JCDeardeuff @moy_barry @wjack76995 @ArtysHouse @LWSmith15 @pawley_robert @obrien_catie @Sheddywap14 @JosephH89964200 @SassyGirlD1 @Bebert701 @DrJoeMcCarthy @F250Roush @maximelearning @mcfunny @carlsmythe @okumamac73 @TwoCoconutHusks @Noel82002324 @TierraHenson @ShawnWo78307528 @Hashgraphian @RTheatheist @andylumm @temple_surly @claudeddaniel @thatsnotmine125 @BuzzKent1776 @barryjohnreid21 @rw_christian @JustPlaying2Win @cappsie @ADevotedYogi @Kathmarval @Shared_facts @MRobovsky @SkepticSplinter @ghoppe @ChrisJohnsonMD @Chris_F_Carson BUT: mutations (variants) arise from RNA copy errors. More infections, more copying, more errors, more mutations. Vaccination lowers the infection rate, which lowers the mutation rate, which lowers the chances of new variants.",1 "Sorry ANTIFA, but Biden is denying your existence. We know you've been working so hard burning crap down, vandalize, you even started a few wild fires. It must hurt to not matter to Biden. You're just an idea, not people, not things, not a movement. Joe is an #ANTIFAdenier",0 @GovRonDeSantis @FLCaseyDeSantis We thank God for her recovery. Just keep her away from the covid vaccines. They are causing a huge spike in cancer rates.,0 "Reality check: Microsoft, David Bowie, Bill Gates, and a creepy video game called ‘Omikron’ https://t.co/gBJmadH2KE via @GeekWire",1 Russian Embassy in Canada released a statement that is pointing to a deeper deep divide between Ukrainian & Russian supporters. Both side are digging in. https://t.co/NYxGqeXk70,0 "@napinba @AmberJe57976439 @UlWBWCOM @CGMeifangZhang OK, but there has been a civil war in Donbas since 2014. I don't know how you are all getting from that to genocide. If it was genocide, why not target Russian speakers elsewhere in easten Ukraine?",1 "Why is this being allowed to happen to us, us the American citizens? This is not why we voted, is it? Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/883ldaln6g",0 Illinois Republican state senator was wrong on Medicaid eligibility for undocumented immigrants in the state: https://t.co/vqQPCqKcdb @BetterGov https://t.co/ZoDk8q0rfN,1 USA Today Fact Checker Actually Fact Checks Obviously Satirical Babylon Bee Story About Biden Selling Alaska to Russia https://t.co/gaxkdYzJX5,1 Fact Check: WHO Director-General Did NOT Say Countries Are Giving COVID-19 Booster Shots To Kill Children Lead Stories https://t.co/jBOVdJLSOI via @leadstoriescom,1 "@photau @GHcoud @ConsDemocrat @yuugebigly @johnrich But it’s a lie all the doctors in every country are being paid to say that people died of COVID who died of other things actually! The spiked proteins of the vaccine are actually changing peoples DNA, it’s gene therapy! The vaccine has killed over 10k people in the US alone. 🙄",0 "Perhaps the concern in the popular press over the spread of ""dangerous misinformation"" is a bit overwrought. https://t.co/y5DNwqz09j",1 @DreamLeaf5 Can't we just smash up a few government buildings? I already bought the captured Russian tank on Ebay?,0 RT https://t.co/VzzXVgUngK: https://t.co/FQZs9WwWrv - Dozens of workers in the U.S. on H-2A visas stayed at a Florida hotel in January. But a Facebook video and a tweet by a state representative falsely claimed the workers were “illegals” — sparking a protest outside the hotel. h,1 "@sajidjavid The big difference is MMR are real and have vaccines that have been tested over many years. Covid is a headcold for the vast majority if they ever caught it. And the ""vax"" for that is experimental and is really a gene therapy due to the emergency it bypassed many tests. No thanks",0 "Great News from the Biden Regime : Biden to sell Alaska to Russia so the imported Oil will get here quicker ! 🤓",0 "The acting mayor, former mayor, and city clerk of #Milwaukee were accused of being involved in a #Bribery scheme for accepting election-assistance money from a #MarkZuckerberg-funded group in the 2020 election cycle, according to a legal complaint. https://t.co/xxqnPWVB0E",0 @JasmineOughton @Brian_Chinnici @JesseKellyDC No one really knows since they will never state the vaccines caused any death. Pzifer data showed mortality of covid was .5% while the vaccinated had a rate of 3%. Plus DOD data showed 300% spike in cancer rates and 1000% spike in neurological issues among vaccinated.,0 "Check out Used Russian tank T-80U (crew not included, he ran awa)pickup only 🇺🇦 https://t.co/ph3f7qECxa @eBay Ok so I know I don’t know most of you guys…but here me out: I just need to borrow $500. Also need a plane and pilot..",0 Former Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna recently took to Instagram to clarify that the photo of her holding a gun was only to 'inspire' citizens of her country. https://t.co/XC8YyZ13EI,1 Has Vladimir Putin Banned The Rothschild Banking Family From Russia? #Banking via https://t.co/eBW8Lmmpx7 https://t.co/X3we97T0zk,1 """Wisconsin’s voters deserve to know the truth, and they need to be assured that the corruption has been eliminated"" AGREED! #stopthesteal Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/oBND9LD3aU via @epochtimes",0 "🚨Milwaukee Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson, former Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, and Milwaukee City Clerk Jim Owczarski violated Wisconsin’s election bribery law, Statute § 12.11, by accepting private money from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center https://t.co/dNHuf5Sftn",0 "@MahGill @KristinaKaramo Courts didn't let it in. Ruling in various states show: election changes due to COVID were ILLEGAL, money from Zuckerberg was BRIBERY, overruling of election law by those Zuckerberg employees was illegal and the 100% participation of nursing/hospice patients was often fraudulant.",0 More tampering with the weather/climate/nature. I'm sure they've launched whatever particles Bill Gates was talking about which would block the sun. https://t.co/87BkO6LysS,0 @NZNana16 Nate is a little upset because Putin has banned the Rothschild locusts from entering or even doing business in Russia now that he's finally managed to pay off Soviet Russias' debt.,0 "@occultb0t earth is flat, shaped like a disk 💿 with a N pole in Middle and S outside. Compass works only on Flatearth, else it would always point ”up” to the North pole if it wrre a globe, but it doesnt work vertically",0 "@louknight77 @Moo4free Not all vaccines are vaccines - some are just called vaccines because people might be disinclined to be injected with the constituent ingredients of the Jab eg. DARPA Hydrogel, Graphene Oxide, 10 Billion Spike Proteins, “Luciferase”, etc.?",0 "@michaeljknowles Samuel Hyde, the ghost of Kiev",0 "@OleGelo5 Speaking of Russian tanks, our parent company's VERIFY team recently debunked a rumor that a fully-functional Russian T-72 tank was for sale on eBay. Viral social media posts had wrongly claimed the tank was up for auction.",1 @Jim_Jordan Time for Republicans to give citizenship to 11 million Cubans still in that country? That might just be enough to counter the estimated 11-22 million illegal migrants living in the US now who are expected to vote Democrat if Joe and the Democrat Congress hand them citizenship.,0 "@Cherylykarazsia @Jim_Jordan Texas town declares State of Disaster after Biden administration releases 7,000 COVID positive illegal immigrants into the community https://t.co/b7jcjZkAwe via @mpinkeyes",0 @cnnbrk this is what the Russian embassy in Canada wanted the citizens of our country to know about the Ukrainian war and what they believe is the reason for them to attack Ukraine. All lies and ridiculous statement that a child would see it as lies! Propaganda only! https://t.co/v8FxX5DSNE,1 "Bill Gates has done more to damage human life than any other person on earth, he literally tried to block out the sun, claim all of your data on Microsoft computers as his own, promoted mandating experimental gene therapy, organized a world war. And morons are saying ""Putler"".",0 "@greg_doucette Luciferase is commonly used during vaccine development as a tracer to track how the vaccine interacts with the target genes. It's not used in the final product. It's just an example of conspiracy loons taking a snippet of information and twisting it into gibberish.",1 Fact Check of the Year: Some US Media Fall for Satirical Piece on Biden 'Selling Alaska' to Russia https://t.co/3YaRacj4zo https://t.co/MXYFZVcjLz,1 COVID Vaccine Will Cause Explosion in Cancers and AIDS by the End of 2022 https://t.co/2LGAa5MPFn,0 @kylenabecker @MelanieEresman I remember when Bill Gates wanted to block the sun and all the sheep cheered. Fucking morons.,0 "Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing https://t.co/POUrodHInz",0 @PoliticusSarah @Acosta Ugh... more propaganda. Clinton and her attorneys office spied on Trump before and during his time in the Whitehouse. Which Is of course TREASON.. Secondly they found NOTHING ILLEGAL. So stop these lies already.,0 "@GOP GOP knows they can't win their shell game, so they appeal to the weak, call them victims, & RT vile GOP: “Dear Christians: the vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked. Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends,""",0 "Facts Matter (March 2): Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws https://t.co/1BXTWqZIkv",0 "@tedwheeler @PortlandAudubon How about massive forest fires, some started by ANTIFA arsonists. Are they harmful to humans, plants and migrating birds?",0 @thedonsantino @NotReida @LaurieSpoon @POTUS Just refuse unvaccinated people who come in with COVID symptoms treatment. a cancer patient shouldn’t suffer or die because Joe Schmo didn’t get a free vaccine because he thinks it’s gene therapy. 🤷🏻‍♀️,1 "@maskedbabyface There was a video game called Omikron, not the exact same spelling tho https://t.co/Ao5Im5MzTw",1 @nazirafzal Because he knows the whole “war” is staged and not real,0 "@patriottakes I got a PCR test a week ago and I’m positive for Covid but I’m sure I didn’t get a chip implanted. Saying that, every time I blow my nose I’m sure I can hear radio 5 Live in my head!",1 "Jimmy Dore: BIDEN OFFERS TO SELL ALASKA BACK TO RUSSIA SO ALASKANS CAN DRILL FOR OIL AGAIN. https://t.co/saPGttsWs2",0 "@leftiblog @RealScottRitter Ya, Zelensky's not gonna hang around in Ukraine long enough to be captured. He's already spending most of his time in Poland.",0 @tip_ct @Kelledin @O2Rsystems @SunGolfandBlue @FactsAreBiased @angry_mema @H2Ofountains @Vincent03409491 @Karlton111 @michaeltmcc @JimlikesBB @LentSjaak @BSHerrle @PamelaEdwards @TheCenterStripe @Robb242 @patriot_1776US @LeeGrand18 @over23under18 @janethinde @JonRFleming @LadyBB85125431 @MiguelR630 @AngryFleas @nygpapi2000 @breckgirl4ever @JustinM11151153 @ArcherBM @okumamac73 @lostintheburbs @JohnFloridaMan @NOCwYt @DFred57 @vonninnyhammer @RapeMatters @paulguynj @4danielgibson @OnCableTv @actually_thor @AlmaBona @PootDibou @NickDone8 @teamphil @MarkChesney @commonpatriot @ForrestFernMist @StirredCrazy @Joe__312 @ArtysHouse @Mic5check Karl has a statement from the Russian embassy in Canada posted on his timeline. It’s pure propaganda.,1 CLINTON SPIED on PRESIDENT TRUMP According to NEW DURHAM Filing https://t.co/MR4elnATfo via @YouTube,0 Fact check: Fake Time magazine cover compares Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler https://t.co/ml3XJBdF1V via @usatoday,1 USA Today fact-checks Babylon Bee’s satire claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia https://t.co/pmvbhFYbvt via @foxnews,1 "@TerajitS Knows trying to get into Poland from Belarus, have flown in on commercial air flights from commercial airports with a Visa, trying to get into Europe for economic reasons but lying about being refugees.",1 "@amanpour @AndriyYermak #Zelensky fled the country to #Poland last night ., This heralds a victory for #Putin",0 "Unbelievable statement from Russian Embassy of Canada regarding their ""Denazification"" of the JEWISH-lead Ukrainian nation. This war & resulting loss of life is the culmination of years of civic life and civil rights collapse in Russia. ALWAYS STAND UP TO INJUSTICE!",1 What Really Happened to Bob Saget? New Details on His Final Hours | https://t.co/o5I6fhtQyq ⁦@badkaratemovie⁩ ⁦@corbydavidson⁩ https://t.co/8UmxP55qjo,1 "@9KUSATHINKS @Pat_Henry2022 When I saw that, that is what I immediately thought. The fact that we are tracked is just wrong. Moreover, Emerald Robinson made it clear that Luciferase is in the vaccine so as to track people.",0 "@Claudia_Warsaw @a_meba 2. They all flown to Belarus as tourists voluntarily, legally with a visa, so they are NOT refugees! Plus they could apply for asylum there.🤷‍♂️ They paid several thousand dollars per person for this ""vacation, so they cannot be poor. 🤷‍♂️",1 @ggreenwald @AdamKinzinger @WalshFreedom @TheRickWilson kinzinger positively ID’d sam hyde as the ghost of kyiv; are you telling me he’s not??,0 "Drip, Drip, Drip will soon be breaking the dam. Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit | Just The News https://t.co/D9CsCvtGWm",0 ⁦.@USATODAY⁩ fact checks ⁦@TheBabylonBee⁩ 😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/pZlI4TON70,1 "Wisc State Sen. Mary Felzkowski said this to a room full of fellow grownups: “Over-vaccination causes faster mutation of the virus, which causes a super virus we may not have the ability to fight off.” Anyway, of course that’s wrong. @madeline_heim debunks https://t.co/iMhRlxiUcS",1 "@MarkIKendrick @davidmweissman When I first heard of tfg’s “ birtherism” bs over Obama’s birth certificate, it was 100% obvious who he was!",1 @BernieSpofforth This is interesting: https://t.co/bmP4KuOcvt,0 Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/uhDT9FesJq via @epochtimes,0 "Social media users are sharing a years-old image that wrongly claims 22 million people are not only living in the U.S. illegally, but voting in elections. https://t.co/9VlMVLksV8",1 @sonnycharette @tedcruz Wow you cultists are funny maybe biden should close the border 7000 illegal migrants with covid release outside of Houston https://t.co/Sx0qmkY2gg,0 @SecPompeo @coalition ISIS is locate and supported by Turkey.Erdugan use them for destabilizing the region from Libya to Armenia. Now he threatened Europeans and soon will send his terrorists to destabilizing Paris & all Europe. All because you & Trump got fooled by this mf .Now he is uncontrollable!,0 @healthyairall Of coarse it had nothing to do with terrible forest management caused by environmentalists or that 80% of the fires were started by BLM&Antifa arsonists! Democrats have run the west coast into the ground&have mismanaged the environment on a huge level to nature&peoples detriment,0 Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit https://t.co/fpchk67Oxn https://t.co/vq7NfKkVnt,0 I just moved to a red state to get away from this! https://t.co/A7JZFMMA7u,0 @SpoopBee @VeganHonk666 it is kind of a confusing topic. This is probably the best rundown on drugs that are and are not safe to use with grapefruit https://t.co/UC28nOCNnU,1 "Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. SHARE this far and wide🇺🇸 Join Us👉SergeantNewsNetwork https://t.co/C81m7a327L",0 "Wow! Check out Used Russian tank T-80U (crew not included, he ran awa)pickup only 🇺🇦 https://t.co/XqdY29wBfV @eBay",0 "@GBNEWS Utter nonsense. Refusal to have an experimental gene therapy called a vaccine is common sense when it has no long or medium term safety data. The evidence is clear that it offers no protection against newer strains of Covid, and actually increases your chances of infection.",0 https://t.co/r3mfcoFvAC Biden=Super Spreader,0 "RT @FactSparrow: Did Pfizer's CEO say the company's COVID-19 pill will contain a microchip that transmits information? 💊 NO, this claim is fabricated @LeadStoriesCom confirms ⬇️ Don't forget to mention @FactSparrow below claims that need factual co… https://t.co/Uqtbl1xikl",1 "Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit https://t.co/egh52vBTyS",0 "🚸 TikTok video seemingly shows @WHO’s director general saying that Covid-19 booster vaccines “kill children”. This is not true. Dr Tedros Andhanom Ghebreyesus misspoke, and was subsequently taken out of context. https://t.co/oqH2qmmrZ5",1 "ATTN – Director-General of the WHO claims “Countries are using Boosters to kill children, this is not right”. #PopulationControl #RealNews https://t.co/lLXKoxj0qR",0 "eBay item newly listed: Russian tank, barely used. #IStandWithUkriane https://t.co/9J6cGn4UrI",0 "@ArabellaSL @TabathaSouthey @JulieSLalonde @Garossino It's that, plus a lame copycat of the Obama birth certificate meme that Trump started. But beyond that it's also a really crude shaming of Margaret Trudeau, who has been the favoured punching bag of the Canadian patriarchy for more than fifty years. https://t.co/Q7v3bth3Gm",1 "Durham bombshell: 'joint venture' to smear Trump Special Counsel John Durham revealed he's unearthed a text message showing Hillary's campaign lawyer Sussmann falsely told FBI he was'nt working on behalf of any client when he delivered anti-Trump research. https://t.co/brrhabKLaY",0 @mke12009 @leslibless He also banned the Rothschilds! https://t.co/F51joTZhJy,0 A discussion about temporary work visas recently surfaced following false allegations implying migrants staying at a Maitland hotel were illegal immigrants. https://t.co/8zPhXMKDx1,1 "The Democrats would gladly sacrifice 38+ Million Black Americans for 600,000 DACA Illegals + 22 Million Illegal Aliens. The Democrats will mule Blacks for our votes but will do nothing to actually give us our Cash Reparations or any Tangible Policy Specific to Black Americans.",0 "@LeaderMcConnell Review some the shocking results of the audit revelations from 2020 election in the Wisconsin. The corruption that incurred by Zuckerberg’s money alone is astronomical. Report by Wisconsin Special Counsel at https://t.co/eNJn5Xcuho @MittRomney",0 "@M07yn @pedropradolopes @GermanyUN @GermanyDiplo @ABaerbock @UKRinUN @GermanyinUA @germania_online @GER_OSCE @GermanyNATO @GermanyUNGeneva @germany_un_rome @GermanyUNVienna Genocide towards Donbas? Donbas is Ukraine, why would Ukraine do such thing? Doesn't sound like russian propaganda at all",1 @JoeBiden I’m Canadian and thrilled you are the next president of the US. Here’s to the end of tariffs and Trump’s ridiculous forest management idea about climate change. Get packing and join the Paris Climate Accord!,1 "553. 11/10/18 – Trump blamed the Camp Fire, the deadliest blaze in California’s history, on poor forest management. In a tweet, he threatened the state: “Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!” https://t.co/RIWVymDcTW",0 "@JackedRN @JacobEdwardInc Can’t you get your hands on novavax? https://t.co/m3ZWLzRvCi Way less damaging to your system. Only lowers your defence against cancer by 10%, instead of 90% with mRna-vaccines. https://t.co/BQZ3Z7q2G7 Check graphs C and E. Novavax uses ready PARTS, not full-length Spike.",0 "Shouldn’t Obama, Biden, Clinton should be investigated for trying to overturn the 2016 election with 4 illegal FISA orders to spy on opposition political party & duly elected President based on Clinton’s drunken Russia-Trump collusion lie? 1/2 @joncoopertweets",0 "@jertoresist @TheMorningSpew2 @grumps_gal13 Please keep it up BIDEN. We want to trounce Dems next year. Keep bussing immigrants. Keep ignoring the border. Why can't Granps GO to the border??? Not to an CBP auto plaza. Why doesn't @potus go to McAllen Texas and meet some of the 7000 Covid positive he dumped there?",0 "Some Of The Most Popular 'Ukraine Footage' Is Actually A Video Game - Kotaku - #PS4 #Xbox #Streamer - - Follow the Trends of Video Game Culture. - Like and Follow Here - https://t.co/yLZOtElv6z - - Read the Full Story Here - https://t.co/XZg8B2q6lL",1 @nevillebartos12 A Russian Tank of EBay,0 This illustration was completely fabricated. https://t.co/cZi5tMdqDp,1 "USA Today “fact checks” a Babylon Bee post: Fact check: Satirical claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia. (USA Today solemnly informed readers, this was a satirical headline. Boy, you can't fool those guys at USA Today.)",1 "@WytChocTweets @KevorkAlmassian the fact is Russia already on ukraine land NOW!!! NATO/USA only watching😂 meanwhile Zelensky already fled ukraine and now on Poland. I believe you dont educate enough because you dont know the meaning embarassing..😂",0 "#FactCheck: Does the ‘Omikron’ video game have a connection to Covid-19 pandemic? Read more at https://t.co/NVNAXWtHt3 #COVID19 #Omicron #news https://t.co/q9mxz2i7Dl",1 "exclusive video taken by laura loomer of illegals being bused from the border to a hotel in florida https://t.co/0fENtiDQaH",0 "@andrew_acrasm So here’s some random articles related to this I believe and right away you’ll find many with cited sources that are legitimate what I call raw sources. Let’s see what we can find and discuss any anomalies. https://t.co/NryMetnG0i https://t.co/KKQrijwnAd",0 "@TibetPeople To quote Russian Embassy in Canada - ""Russia is not starting wars. Russia is ending them."" Those who knows what's REALLY happening in Ukraine, would see the truth of that statement. I suggest to stop accepting @joebiden's warmongering rhetoric & LISTEN to what Putin is saying.",0 "@StoneCharlize @NC_Governor How about go fuck yourself. No vaccine has been proven safe and the vaccine ingredients include aluminum, mercury(metal), toxin, chemical, poison and the ingredients luciferase https://t.co/ylAYOv1yN3",0 "@RonFilipkowski Hillary Clinton sold half of America's uranium to Russia and got the Obama admin to use the NSA to spy on the Trump campaign. I'm supposed to care about this yawn of a story why?",0 Robinson claimed the vaccine contained luciferase - a bioluminescence marker that is in a class ... https://t.co/latS7mSPKg via @MailOnline,0 "@AdamKinzinger @TuckerCarlson @GOPLeader For context, Kinzinger considered an obvious meme of Sam Hyde to be credible “evidence” of a fake Ghost of Kiev. He is neither intelligent nor reliable, and has officially transitioned to auditioning for a CNN gig.",1 @sreenshri @BBCWorld That still does not fit the bill.. he is wearing American flag in Russia Ukraine war... shows only a staged drama... not real!!,0 "New Report: Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/WTZ6fhT2Mi via @getongab https://t.co/8A6QuJq76c",0 "@luische21416427 @regiondemurcia Dice chil...children, no kill children. ""What occurred on Monday at the WHO press conference during his delivery of the word ""children"" is that he got stuck on the first syllable ""chil"" and it came out sounding like ""cil/kil,"""". https://t.co/jWIPaH5eG3",1 "@3ad8600a99194ff @Lovicksr1 @WSJ Try another one... https://t.co/giBb99Vs67",0 "Twitter locked my account until I deleted this video from the WHO Director. “some countries are using boosters to kill children, which is not right” https://t.co/1oaHpKAu82",0 "I have no hope the world can do what need to be done in time so just do it. One thing, everyone is pinning this on Gates but he just gave some money to the lab that was already working on the idea. https://t.co/RzlMN1LXpG",0 anybody wanna talk about how BILL GATES made a video game in 1999 called “OmiKron?” right in front of our faces wake up peopleeeee,0 "Spike Protein and compromised immune system. Increased risk of cancer. ""All-cause mortality is now higher in the vaccinated group than [in] the unvaccinated group"" https://t.co/mk3kksqDJ4",0 Images Of Ex-Miss Ukraine Falsely Shared Claiming She Has Joined Ukraine’s Army https://t.co/shMbXFR3FK via @NewscheckerIn,1 "Zuckerberg committed election bribery? https://t.co/jCnoq1dXOk",0 "@V_avid_D We are at war,we need to look at the facts and not be fooled by some staged performance and the following video,that repeated their shit about ""brothers"",using wrong prepositions while addressing Ukraine(that implies that we are not a real country),blaming only Putin for war.",0 Facebook CEO Zuckerberg should be indicted for bribery in many battleground counties which is illegal in election. That's how Biden allegedly won.,0 "Q: Is there anything the #Conservative #Republicans won’t lie about? A: Hell, NO! Report: Biden Admin Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals to Red States to Get Permanent Status - Conservative Brief https://t.co/eLuLwkwMs1",0 "@Trumpis33007858 @DailyCaller trump has been doing the same thing for all Blue states his whole tenure as president. When the West Coast was on fire he blamed poor forest management, when it is impossible to manage thousands of acres of land, and made them beg for federal aid.",1 Fake Posts On Ukrainians Selling Russian Tank On eBay Go Viral | BOOM - BOOM https://t.co/FQZ1cgTNbn @GoogleNews মারফত,1 "@bongcloud86 @Lowlander25 @stencilmaster @RWApodcast 'Ghost of Kyiv' was a joke aimed at 🇷🇺. The 🇷🇺 were shot down, the wrecks seen on the ground. 🇺🇦 joked that it was all by one pilot. A DCS video was mistakenly used by a news outlet. Snake Island incident was thought to be death, but it was capture. Still happened.",1 "Johns Hopkins University Confirms: You Can be “Vaccinated” with a PCR Test, Even Without Knowing - https://t.co/iiat7YGv7A",0 "TIME FOR A FACEPALM: The USA Today feels the need to fact check that President Joe Biden is... #LOL..Not selling Alaska back to Russia.... https://t.co/Gq3APYsffg",1 "Did you know that in 1999, microsoft ( bill Gates) brought out a p.c game about a City in lockdown that was patrolled by thug like police. Its name. Omikron. Voice over by David Bowie. Still available to get on line. https://t.co/8AompPnM0d",0 "@ShakeTheCensor @RisingWarrior3 The gp120 protein inside sars-cov-2 is from HIV. The autoimmune deficiency caused by HIV is the same mechanism for covid. Both the virus and the vaccine can do this but the vaccine is way worse https://t.co/JHPpHDt629 https://t.co/PjOdaD2XaC",0 "#exposefauci Some countries are using boosters to kill CHILDREN WHO DIRECTOR https://t.co/g6p1XEksml",0 "@mersiha_hadzic wrong- Dec 25, 2016 — Brave Vladimir Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any ... PUTIN KICKS USURIOUS ROTHSCHILD OUT OF RUSSIA ...https://t.co/ewhqQjaIvW › pulse › putin-kicks-usurious-r.",0 @Independent Everyone remember that you should never eat grapefruit if you take medication. Grapefruit can make your medication 10x stronger & you can accidentally overdose. Look up your medication in relation to grapefruit if you eat that sort of fruit!,0 @picknick2018 @GregAbbott_TX It’s a border problem. It’s wide open and 1500 came in Covid positive this week and 7000 since February to Mc Allen Texas and that’s just one spot . Call out @POTUS Biden,0 "@EmergencyBK Im trying to buy a Russian T80 tank on ebay right now, as ya do, seems there's a fair view available, shipping ex Ukraine :)) #IStandWithUkraine",0 "Open SmartNews and read ""Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit"" here: https://t.co/EFEGJYj7Zd To read it on the web, tap here: https://t.co/oj3pHULywu",0 USA Today Verifies Babylon Bee’s Satirical Claim That Biden Is Selling Alaska To Russia https://t.co/4nh4aMhDuX,1 This is a piece of art — not a genuine cover for Time magazine. https://t.co/cZi5tMdqDp,1 @PG_Croat @DannyGiles62 @AdamScotti Educate yourself it’s not a vac nothing like a vac. That word was hijacked to give citizens like you a false sense of security. It’s an experimental mRNA gene therapy drug. 😡. Just protect the children. After all covid has a 99.9% survival rate.,0 H MIND-BLOWING PARALLEL BETWEEN MICROSOFT’S 1999 OMIKRON VIDEO GAME & TODAY’S WORLD – MUST WATCH https://t.co/1KPtBtmyc3,0 "https://t.co/xKn3lRCTUb Too all the ""vaccine hesitant"" who took the PCR test.",0 "“This is an exaggeration designed to scare people into believing that we are experiencing an ‘invasion’ at the southern border in an attempt to advance anti-immigrant and anti-asylum policies,” said Nicole Hallett, director of the Immigrants’ Rights Clinic https://t.co/r7jVVVYVCM",1 "@alexplitsas 150 planes down. 140 was done by Samuyil, the Ghost of Kyiv. Epic!",0 "Latest @PolitiFactIL: @RepMaryMiller claimed a group of migrants departing from Tapachula, Mexico was the population of Minneapolis, a city of nearly 430,000. That's Pants on Fire! https://t.co/M3JoWpuLUj",1 Oi Ebay - WTF!!! I bid on a Russian T72 tank listed by a Ukraine farmer (He found it in his field) and on checking the status - they removed the listing!!!,0 "BREAKING: Joe Biden sends death into Texas as 7,000 Border Crossers Test Positive for CVD in McAllen, Texas https://t.co/V9OBSjwmhN",0 "@nasescobar316 @Quick_Oliver74 If catering to illegal colonizers causes the anti-Black DemoKKKrats to lose power forever, I'm totally fine with it. It's almost guaranteed the majority of those 22+ million illegal colonizers (many of whom are anti-Blk racists) will vote RepubliKKKan upon being granted amnesty. https://t.co/E40mlmVgyh",0 "U.S. medical professionals who study cancer rates say they have not seen a spike in cancer rates since the COVID-19 vaccines began, and clinical trials and data haven’t shown vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to developing cancer. https://t.co/umNZ1HJzck",1 "@Ibrahim28512430 @RealScottRitter There was no genocide by the Ukranian army in Donbas that also has been debunked. However there is visual proof today by all global media that Russia has done genocide in Ukraine, especially in Bucha. What’s so sad is ppl like you who won’t admit the reality of who Russia is",1 "It’s kinda funny that conspiracy people are trying to blame the vaccine for Bob Saget dying, when he was positive for COVID-19 at the time of his death yet was not declared a “COVID death.” I thought everyone was dying “with” COVID.",1 "IN YOUR FACE: @RollingStone apology piece for #BillGates & the #NWO criminal cartel. ""Block The Sun"" proponent Bill Gates is a known Eugenics and Depopulation madman. RS is not an #intel outlet. Thank you General #MichaelFlynn for speaking #Truth. https://t.co/cfPecY4mFc https://t.co/CRK8akkaHl",0 "All giving out this shit call them jabs. Very rarely will they use the V-word. They are registered as gene-therapy but the trial data was skewed in order to get EUAs. They sad that the jabs had nearly 100% efficacy against death by COVID, by not using 'all cause mortality'",0 "@RizoStonks @Ramone48169919 @RT_com @APhilosophae @RealPepeEscobar Zelensky could be in Poland right now acting as if he’s in Ukraine in control of something. The Puppet has been using a # of background screens to make him show up anywhere in Ukraine. He knows he’s only a movie actor, and that’s what he role is.",0 "#RightBias Report: Zuckerberg's Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws https://t.co/BXRsZcITpg 1 Mar 2022 That's one of the many troubling findings in the report submitted Tuesday by a state-appointed special counsel. #MAGA qt-maga-2170 #BorderObserver https://t.co/BbbJQRYSLU",0 From the horse’s mouth: WHO Director General says “boosters to kill children which is not right” https://t.co/DALcQm4t3S,0 "@risemelbourne @Resist_05 Staged Scripted War? So innocent people can die and their livelihoods decimated.Your use of the term ""scripted"" loosley to infer that Ukraine citizens are part of a well thought out engineered crafted artificial plot and the many deaths and blood shed is fake ?",1 "16) Anastasiia Lenna, Miss Ukraine 2015 and airsoft lover, had to deny that she had joined the armed forces of her country. https://t.co/l2q0qa4GBY https://t.co/HxaduJeHux",1 "Grapefruit comes with some risks, but no evidence it’s fatal with antidepressants https://t.co/HrfSarNuYx",1 "Did Times magazine compare #Russian president Vladimir #Putin to Hitler? Read our investigation #Misbar https://t.co/eNZyXHokdC",1 "@5pur5y @Dlt268rt @VegetaOrAra @Thereal_jodyjoe @DefenceNor @Kateryna_Kruk The division stems from the past 8 years having the Donbas region bombarded with bombings and cultural genocide of rhe strong Russian population in the region. I don't care what side you choose to virtue signal to, but for everyone saying Ukraine is innocent, needs to research.",0 "https://t.co/g0e2kNmRWc Why USA 🇺🇸 HAS COVID19 SURGE BLAME BIDEN",0 "@MaxBlumenthal I'm a Ukrainian from Donbass, I'm not leaving here until I want to, let Zelensky deport his ass from Ukraine, oh, he already fled to Poland or something like that :D",0 "@YodaFan108 @nick_brock124 @dada_issues @yonicpeony The forest fires weren't started by antifa activists, that rumor only stemmed from dumbasses trying to make antifa activists look bad and officials have literally dispelled these rumors. Please literally do any amount of research before replying dumbass shit",1 Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed❗❗❗❗🤬🤬🤬 teorie spiskowe ❗🤭🤫😉 https://t.co/BuY3v31k2x,0 "@MaskinJunior @ZelenskyyUa The reason all his pics and vids are indoors, is because he's not in Ukraine, IMO. He also just arrested all of his political opponents. What democracy is he fighting for? There's a reason the MSM (Gov't) wants our support for this man & it's not democracy https://t.co/JonqBs8wIL",0 "2018 Amid Californian forest fires US President Donald Trump accuses state forest management of ""gross mismanagement"", threatens to withhold funding #OnThisDay",0 ‘Omikron’ video game is not related to Bill Gates or Covid-19 variant. Romania’s vaccination platform debunks disinformation https://t.co/7AYl09lDsO,1 Fact Check: Were Bill Gates & Microsoft responsible for 1999 game 'Omikron'? Read to know https://t.co/4nY2oBhhim,1 "THERES ANOTHER CARAVAN OF 7000 PEOPLE ON THERE WAY TO THE TEXAS BORDER, I WONDER IF BIDEN WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS PROBLUM NOW ! THE WALL NEEDS TO BE FINSHED & MORE SECURITY IN PLACE !!",0 """The Center for Tech and Civic Life handed control of the 2020 election in Wisconsin over to private partisan interests, in the form of its ‘partners.’” Zuckerberg Bucks! Milwaukee Officials Sued in Zuckerberg-Related Election Bribery Case https://t.co/HlkdQbOy93 via @epochtimes",0 "@karyeann @HappyDa58738853 @realDonaldTrump And what causes the climate change? Yes the tree huggers don't want the brush cut back & that is a problem. People set fires intentionally & accidentally. The electric provider Pacific Gas & Electric's equipment failed causing it 2 or 3 years ago. ImProper forest management.",0 "Good Morning India. This is our top read today: Two viral images purporting to show #TIME magazine's cover featuring Russian President Vladimir Putin as German dictator Adolf Hitler, are morphed and fake. #BOOMFactCheck #Putin #TimeMagazine https://t.co/A0jzjYx2sG",1 "@Breaking911 Meanwhile Hunters Laptop, Hillary Clinton colluding to spy on Trump with Obama, Joe Biden and the @FBI is like https://t.co/Bv676UGdnU",0 "FactCheck: Video shows Pfizer CEO speaking about SCHIZOPHRENIA pill, NOT COVID-19 treatment #FakeNewsAlert #Facts #FactsMatter https://t.co/yUS9HBumAb",1 @westaustralian On a good day Australia uses between 72% and 75% of its energy from coal and LNG. Good luck with going to green energy fully any time soon.Especially with clowns like Bill Gates wanting to block out the sun with poison vapours. If the wind isn’t blowing either the lights go out.,0 "@GarlandNixon There are rumors that Zelensky already fled to Poland. And from there he talk with media with a background setup. Why isn't he on the war ground taking selfies anymore?",0 "@andrewhamon @michaelpbreton Check those q-tips closely https://t.co/uLCZQu5q5T",0 "Read the Official statement by the Russian Embassy in #Canada... required reading for anyone who wants to have an informed decision. #USA",0 "@guardian It is Zelensky that is guilty of genocide. 15,000 Russian/Ukraine Citizens living in Donbas, Ukraine put to death over 8 years. https://t.co/LjgQe7GP5n",0 "@RealCandaceO @Facebook @LeadStoriesCom Oh, by the way, here’s how Bob Saget died, unlike you’re stupid conspiracy theory of the cause being from a covid vaccine. You’re a disgrace. https://t.co/oD8cTC1RYH",1 "😂 🤡 🌎: USA Today fact-checks Babylon Bee’s satire claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia https://t.co/2aunwPvHEe #FoxNews",1 @dave43law @DrAseemMalhotra It's not a vaccine and children are not at any significant risk from Covid but they ARE from this experimental gene therapy serum.,0 Zuckerberg's Election Money Violated WI Bribery Laws https://t.co/arhZ7HSOcm,0 "Three Milwaukee, Wisconsin, officials face accusations of illegally taking ""Zuck Bucks"" to facilitate voting by purchasing absentee ballot drop boxes https://t.co/LTj8wLrOCL #election2020 #election2022 #wisconsin",0 "@Russell54582769 @SheilaSully55 @ELAINES42618745 @laineyberly @RandyRRQuaid You need to further research as some has been out! https://t.co/cIRdH09BO1",0 "Interview with a Polish soldier who disappeared at the Belarusian border last night in the Belarusian media He says to the interviwer: ""The Polish border guards kill migrants and bury them either in mass graves on the border or feed them to the wolves,"" he said.",0 "Polish daily gazeta wyborcza, left radical and openly anti-Polish media outlet, created another fake news. Journalisst created fake grave of migrant to depict allegly a violence on the border. It's entire lie and fake! They made a record of shame of journalizm.",1 "@BuzzPatterson Here is an article about Solar Mitigation project at Harvard funded by Bill Gates.. look up “solar mitigation”.. this is a thing and has been a thing for a long long time.. https://t.co/1jzwtq5cXM",0 ⁦@GovRonDeSantis⁩ ⁦@GovRonDeSantis⁩ stop busses of illegals coming to #florida. Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/AifRCAC6vY,0 "in case you didn’t know eating one grapefruit can cause you to overdose on a regular dose of cbd, depression medicine, blood pressure medicine, etc. y’all be safe out here. i knew them mfs was nasty for some reason",0 "#WebQoof | A magazine cover, which shows Vladimir Putin's picture juxtaposed with Adolf Hitler's, is being shared as a real cover by the #TIME magazine. But we found that it was an artwork and not a real one. https://t.co/wZ8uiO2lxp",1 "@MajorPatriot That depends on what you are trying to spread... After all, Antifa and others started the forest fires.",0 "NEW 4 bus loads of illegal aliens dropped off in Maitland, Florida by the Biden regime. They are mostly single adult males age 18-25 who are being given money, food and hotel by the American taxpayers without our consent or knowledge while homeless Americans and vets get nothing https://t.co/st5w2a0S5A",0 "@Abulinixish It's open. Border authorities can't keep up. And the number of illegal keeps growing. All for the purpose of gaining more Democrat votes. Give 22 million voting status, the Dems have the lock on all elections for the foreseeable future. States turn from red to blue, not reverse https://t.co/afGabSpLAs",0 "1999-Gates had a game created for Windows called ""Omikron"". It was about demons pretending to be human in order to harvest their souls. https://t.co/dXqIwuQUN2",0 "@sensiblemiddle Another viewpoint: https://t.co/m5CHbiEaKy",0 When will Democrats be held accountable for insurrectionist efforts to overturn the 2016 election with 4 illegal FISA orders to spy on opposition political party & duly elected President based on Clinton’s drunken Russia-Trump collusion lie? 1/2 @ReallyAmerican1,0 "@AndrewW80355002 @LisRSalander @kostas08364809 @vox_es Belarus have visa to Kurds,from Syria,Iran,some paid £1000 ,for a passage via Poland to Germany.Lukashenko acted like the tyrant he is and ppl trafficker,who now is trying to push these migrants illegally towards Poland! Some of the young migrants attacked polish border force",0 "Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing https://t.co/TLZQSNDkHB @Medic4allHuman @AssoCovid @Storiesofinjury @GabinJean3 @brienico @BrainlessChanel @Soutien_AssoCov @BragueDe @pierrejovanovic @JLesgards @ElianeCarrier @cab2626",0 "Look at her for that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is unattractive, both inside",0 "@laurenboebert Yes, and very telling that Democrats no longer feel that they can win any election on issues without rigging the votes with illegal votes. I bet by '22 election the 1 million illegal aliens transported by Biden into interior will all be registered to vote.",0 "@HHNB52168650 @StevenBeschloss Threat to Democracy: Hillary Clinton, Obama, Jarrett, Soros ordered 4 illegal FISA orders to spy on an opposition political party, duly elected President. Former CIA Director Brennan briefed Obama that Russia-Trump collusion was a vicious alcoholic Hillary Clinton lie.",0 @CBSNews now report on Durham Report proving Clinton spied on Trump! (A crime!) AND Hunter Biden's laptop scandal AND Joe Biden's criminal connection,0 "Meet Anastasiia Lenna, miss Ukrain, the beauty queen who joined #Ukraine army amid war with Russia. #RussiaUkraineWar #RussianArmy #UkraineCrisis #UkraineUnderAttack #Russian #RussiavsUkraine #WorldWarIII #worldwar3 #WWIII #RussiaUkraineConflict #istandwithrussia #IStandWithPutin https://t.co/ByoUUyqci8",0 "From 16.50: 'test PCR can vaccinate people because that is how veteranarians' can vaccinate animals Grand Jury Day 3 - PCR Test (English) https://t.co/VMni3ozzRK #LBRY via @OdyseeTeam",0 "@mitchellreports Want to say climate change caused the wildfires of CA? Don’t be silly, it’s due to overprotection of woods, poor forest management, old utility equipments... just a fancy excuse for Governor Newson. I hope Media knows what you are talking about.",0 "@GregorYoung First those antifa assholes started all them forest fires, now this!",0 "My point is that in addition to meds, an enlarged heart, and covid-19 disease if in fact there was a booster vaccine administered weeks before his death it should have been mentioned as part of the autopsy. The receipt of the vaccine is easy to prove. https://t.co/mvbL182iJo",0 "Police in #Germany reports about an alleged fake video in #Russian language which ""shows a group of #Ukrainian who beat a 16yo boy to death"" in the city of Euskirchen. The police knows nothing about such an incident and state security is now investigating who made this video.",1 "Report : Thousands of illegals are being bused to red states to get permanent status.... #BorderCrisis #BidenBorderCrisis #biden #news #politics https://t.co/Scw9Pgx1db https://t.co/WY3OLCj5sI",0 "@HughesJordie @andrewbogut @MarkMcGowanMP Please share your data that shows covid injection stops transmission and by being jabbed protects others. You do realise the covid jab is not a traditional vaccine right ? Its a trial, gene therapy, untested mRNA science. https://t.co/ZPTX2VnX2K",0 "@realCarola2Hope Falso. https://t.co/8pQCoqbtLO",1 @seyaryanmk @songpinganq Some claim that they can vaccinate you through the PCR test itself.,0 Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status. And this my friends is why they're not going to do anything about this invasion. All Democrat voters. They're willing to destroy our country to stay in power. https://t.co/iplaguoowU,0 @csmonitor they have a visa for Belarus and have been offered flights home. These migrants are not stranded and are aware that Poland will not tolerate illegal entry.,1 "In the Polish forest, desperate migrants and a grave marked by a red light - The Washington Post https://t.co/YEJAXxypde - security #iraq #independence",0 @QuimbyCLQB @ericmetaxas Lol Biden couldn’t get 81 million votes 22 million votes where illegal votes take that out who won hmm,0 "Media fact checkers try to be relevant after Trump by fact checking satire. Meanwhile, they forget they could fact check Biden. https://t.co/Jn7lBsDs2X",1 "Ronna, you know their goal is to fill Texas with Democrat voting illegal immigrants don't you? Yes, illegal immigrants are criminals and they do vote in our elections. They want Texas blue for the next election. Then they won't have to cheat so much.",0 "maybe corporate media has insular framing of debates, which is bad, and maybe youtube podcast type shows also have morons who think antifa starts forest fires, which is bad as well",1 @TristanSnell Geez…them and numbers🙄Aren’t they saying the migrant caravan coming to the southern border is the population of Minneapolis?Damn🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️,1 @Petagna I'd like to ask your opinion concerning cloud seeding by Bill Gates to block out the sun and bring down the temperature! Would he be making it possible to have a mini iceage? Looking at gulf stream! Consider little iceage!😀,0 "@mirandadevine @WSJ There is no legitimate reason. Only lame excuses. -Undue influence in election. -Add Zuckerberg bucks bribery. -Add all the dead and illegitimate voters. *Trump won.",0 "@RepMaryMiller tweets out that a ""caravan"" of immigrants headed to US is the size of Minneapolis. That's 430,000 people. That isn't true. @BetterGov called Miller to see where she came up with that number. We're still waiting to hear back. Latest fact-ck: https://t.co/eDl7fUqF7r",1 "One Of The Nation’s Largest Newspaper’s “Fact-Checks” Satirical Story About Biden Selling Alaska. Their Ruling: Its Satire #newspaper #fact #check #bee #alaska #biden #russia #oil https://t.co/zq5FdiJCQb",1 "In Omikron, demons pretend to be human to lure humans into Omikron. Then, if the player loses the game, their real-life sole is said to be lost. 1999 video game by MicroSoft hmmmm",0 Report: Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws https://t.co/K1tVtaOtlR,0 "@contrarian8888 Since it is on state land $PANR and @GovDunleavy can fight the gasoline scarcity and there is nothing Mr. Biden can do to prevent that. (Except for selling Alaska back to the Russians, lol)",0 Great.. now Darpa.. thru the Pentagon is developing the micro Chips.. for PCR testing for the Covid clot shot.. aka the jab.. https://t.co/dy7t3oGscZ watch the report https://t.co/4GMuCGv5wx https://t.co/H9ahVCdC6U,0 ...covert vaccinations through a PCR test due to the number of vaccine refusers which has multiplied....John's Hopkins University. https://t.co/yDC89BwnuK,0 "@troymac20 @SandiG96522772 @NSBooklady2 @smostars @MaryLTrump @Spotify @jonimitchell @nilslofgren Gene Therapy- claim- the covid vaccines aren’t actually vaccines, but we’re “gene therapy”. “This is gene therapy; it’s a different thing. Truth- gene therapy involves modifying a persons genes, which the mRNA vaccines don’t do. Instead, they teach callers how to recognize a",1 Barack Obama’s birth certificate is no problem.,1 "@Matthew09412243 @EarlyXrp @DanCarden72 @ZerocoolC19 @Parsifaler sars-cov-2 is aerosolized HIV but the vaccine is way worse. https://t.co/g5WmpXuoLd https://t.co/xMGUzCEiqW https://t.co/Nn8B5ytOyM",0 "@DocLT2 @aLilNightMusing @MarkLevineNYC @myrabatchelder I swear, if you compare these to antibiodics then you clearly do not know what you are talking about. These Merck pills activate the mutation cycle of the virus and cause a crash overload Well, what is COVID's greatest tool? Mutation We already know it can super charge C19",0 Covid vaccines modify DNA and have cancer gene embedded in spike protein sequence. Please someone STOP INJECTIONS! @celliottability⁩ ⁦@fordnation⁩ ⁦@PierrePoilievre⁩ ⁦⁦@MaximeBernier⁩ ⁦@CandiceBergenMP⁩ ⁦#cdnpolitics #cdnpoli https://t.co/HZv2uztIqc,0 MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/ZaU38aP65r via @YouTube corrupt democrats @POTUS rat,0 155 million voted when we have 133 million registered voters......22 million illegal votes...,0 @mnewla From the idiots who see nothing wrong with dems/Clinton actually colluding with a Russian for a fake dossier to present to FISA courts to spy on Trump/campaign and used that fake bs 4 years to throw him out. There's the attempted coup!,0 @ShellyRKirchoff @WHurensohn @CodeOfPets @chan_leeze @Lurabyss @IanLStrain @ReganLieutenant @BlueKomand @RealDoctorT @RepublicanRehab @wookietim @CleeseRaymond @SoyBoyRoy1 @spanna65 @thepalemoonlt @AggressiveDem @SumatraSue @michellmybell1 @EnrelChi @PaulWoods007 @LaurieSpoon @MayKelly @dfbeck44 @Brendamalanga @Samson37123571 @PaulConfer @WeRescueAll @YellowestFox @bobby_0081 @TheBigK47998548 @Jayne720 @SpanoJanae @rdrhwke @atliberalandold @AELoera Biden is importing covid and other diseases. 1 million people walking in without being tested nor subjected to the covid rules legal immigrants or our kids are subjected to? 7000 infected illegal immigrants in McAllen TX and you think it has nothing to do with covid rise?,0 "@Sozzinski What do you think about this? https://t.co/8wU6NWtTZC",0 "@AnitaMt2020 @occhuckaranch The part where money is the main driver ended in 2018. Ever since it's been all about setting up humanity to be taken over by lucifer. Lucifer & God's war over control of humankind has not yet ended. Now ask yourself why these BRAND NEW TYPES OF VACCINES have luciferase in them..",0 "@Reuters Copied from a group: ""Vladimir Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his banking cartel family from entering Russian territory under any circumstances. Putin recently reminded his cabinet that he had settled the Rothschilds' debts and ""grabbed them by the scruff of the neck",0 "@POTUS Texas border town says Biden admin released over 7,000 Covid-positive migrants into US, surge escalating https://t.co/SScuMTIQdL",0 #ElectionIntegrity #VoteFraud Nothing to see here. Move along. https://t.co/5W7BDhfxqe,0 "@SCmusic82 @SPepper1964 I do not agree with this. Covid and the Vaccine may have been a factor... Bob Saget was 66 yrs old. He was sick, and he fell. The Family does not want this being a media shit show over some grand conspiracy. No One Wanted To Kill #BobSaget for Christ sake.",1 "@RonFilipkowski When Trump's Obama birth certificate theory wasn't outright rejected by the GOP, he knew he could convince them of any lie.",1 "@DarkMatter2525 @DonaldJTrumpJr @stephanie_early Yeah right ""climate change"" If you mean democrat ineptitude. Other forested nations/areas don't burn every summer like Cali. Are they somehow protected from climate change then? No, they are just not incompetent on forest management like Cali.",0 "@WorldofNC Putin removed them a few years ago https://t.co/FgV9bLwfNp",0 "This is a timely warning for a variety of reasons, but it's out of context and we recommend seeking out expert advice: https://t.co/bkS8BqD36o",1 "#FakeNews Alert: #Ukraine️ attack #Russia battleship, Ukraine government video stolen from Arma 3 game. #UkraineRussiaCrisis",1 Why is ‘Luciferase’ in the Covid Vaccine? https://t.co/PYOhlC4eN5 via @ggirl422,0 @BillSpadea Whistleblower information that is out states Covid vaccines are shown to show spikes in protein levels that could cause cancer. Why is media silent on this? I just answered my own question. Deep state has to brought down!,0 @brees973 @thepeng40407186 @Pacman072286 @JDCocchiarella @JJohnsonLaw How is that possible when 133 Million people are registered to vote? You telling me Biden received 22 million illegal votes???,0 "Not they claim Bob Saget had covid And enlarged heart From the vaccine? Probably",0 "FactCheck: Pfizer CEO DID NOT Say Company's COVID-19 Treatment Pill Will Contain Microchip This is all just AntiVaxxer Fantasies. #FakeNewsAlert #FactsMatter #Facts https://t.co/ri0U5lMYqs",1 @BM25464555 Nope .they been spraying our skies to block out the sun and cool the earth (so they say) the chemicals are harmful and it's funded by the devil himself bill gates,0 "@GaryGensler The SEC IS corrupt. Gary sits on his ass tweeting while millions of retail are exposing crimes on a daily basis. Gary was also the money man behind the Clinton campaign who spied on Trump as a citizen and as a sitting president. My money says Gary is going to jail either way",0 @nextermann @Undeaddog1 @TJMair @RealJamesWoods but they weren't out starting forest 🔥. 6 more antifa members were arrested for starting forest fires. another 1 was started at a gender reveal party. I can guarantee u there was never a forest fire started by Native Americans doing a gender reveal party. I would bet my life,0 "In late December 2021, some social media users spread a false claim that World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that COVID-19 vaccines are “being used to kill children.” https://t.co/1Td8gGClAX",1 @elonmusk @BBCScienceNews What about Bill Gates trying to block out the sun?,0 @AnikaRonnie2012 @NHTweets22 @RapSheet It’s not a vaccine... it’s a platform firstly and fr some scary gene therapy nano bot luciferase bullshit,0 Fake resistant Zelensky who has already fled since the beginning of the Russian military operation is recording his speeches and interviews from hidden studio located somewhere in Poland where he calls his people to resist and to fight til the complete destruction of the country https://t.co/DxSm16S58v,0 "If you've seen a 2022 TIME cover with Russian President Vladimir Putin's face over German dictator Adolf Hitler...take a second look. @arianedatil  explains what's sketchy about the cover. https://t.co/thqYelGn2I https://t.co/O587oT8JI8",1 "PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests for COVID–19 are not implanting any microchips, despite the claims of “The Celestial Report” and its “Jesus-centered Interactive News and Community.” https://t.co/9PAz07jnHh",1 "@jlt_25 Are you sure you want the pill? ... Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla talks about an ""electronic pill"" that contains a biological microchip that sends out a signal the moment you take the pill. Wasn't this a conspiracy theory?? https://t.co/6QHNlbsl5X",0 "We spoke to the artist and graphic designer responsible for the artwork, who confirmed that he created a three-part series of illustrations on the day that Russia invaded Ukraine, but that it was only meant as an artistic representation of current events. https://t.co/cZi5tMdqDp",1 Bob Saget's autopsy says he fell and fractured his skull. footballers are collapsing on the fields. what's causing these people to collapse like this? heart failure. what's causing the heart failure? COVID-1984 or COVID-1984 vaccine?,0 "@BetsyRoss1792 @NCShangriLa 2. Biden 1st Pres. ever to not reach 50% approval rate at any point. I still don’t think Obama was born in America,that birth certificate was jacked. No Russian help for Trump, Hillary paid for the bogus dossier. 1st pres. to be acquitted 2x. Iraq issuing an arrest warrant",0 "@flitesurgn @realme66502415 @lauriem01049490 @RobertLusetich @JennaEllisEsq @jonkarl You also can not prove that 81 million legal votes were for Biden. 22 million or more illegal aliens, mail in ballots, & voter rolls not being updated regularly; it is absolutely unproven that only legal votes were counted. /2",0 Check into luciferase as an administration agent of every vaccine and booster for #COVID19. Then check out who funds @TheAtlantic articles covering Covid. Then check into “CZI” and put two and two together. Everybody is gonna be under a real-time microscope. #truth https://t.co/rQ9TQDSsPB,0 "Nothing surprises me anymore. 😢 Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing https://t.co/63D14PXz4j",0 "Omikron is actually a video game based on a Demon who mimics humans and steals their souls. Bill Gates, Microsoft and David Bowie was part of the development and creation of this game. What are the Odds? https://t.co/wJf2E4Sv6O",0 "@stevenperez9393 @VigilantFox The vaccine is telling cells all over the body to make the spike and overriding the innate immune system, turning off cells that typically fight off cancer https://t.co/9vuZhTfFpH",0 Today I found out that eating grapefruit while on antidepressants can be fatal. I’ve been playing Russian Roulette with my life. Starting to think someone doesn’t want me here.,0 @dannydeurbina @bennyjohnson That the covid jab was initially meant for high risk cancer patients as a experimental gene therapy to make your cells alter and either create or kill cancer cells….,0 "@ezralevant Bill Gates: buys billions of dollars in farmland & Monsanto/ GMO's..we must eat plant based food. We must move to alternative energy...We must block the sun for global warming.🤔 Little man is planning to control food & energy...what could go wrong 😐",0 "@RealCandaceO On another note Bob Saget died from accidental head trauma, per the medical examiner, not from a COVID vaccine. Care to retract your BS assertion? You're nothing but a lying hack.",1 "@DrHannahGale @iamgregk We now know the spike itself is cytotoxic, if the injection remained at the arm muscle the impact would be limited. If spread throughout the circulatory system different story. The impact on mutation of the virus due to mass vaccination was also raised during its development.",0 "@PamJulian8 @BellaWallerstei @GBNEWS Russia has made false claims before. It sought to justify its invasion of Georgia in 2008 and annexation of Crimea in 2014 by framing them as humanitarian interventions. If Russia truly believed genocide is taking place in Donbas, it could have made a case https://t.co/yXQzaOFedv",1 Covid pill with a microchip already approved for the sheepel https://t.co/HRpWdaKIP5,0 "@NoLieWithBTC The election was stolen by The media, big tech, BLM, Soros, Steele, and particularly Hillary who paid for Trump’s campaign to be spied on and lied about! Are you aware of the Durham Report? Already been revealed big money was paid to subvert Trump’s campaign by Clinton. Facts!",0 @SineNtombi_ @DarneleyM @Mank_Mandla The only thing I won't do is that I'm purposefully to do Lord work not to be programmed by a white man never block the sun to the skin it the food u need all day everyday why Bill Gates is working over night to block the sun ask yourself that question,0 "#WebQoof | A magazine cover, which shows Vladimir Putin's picture juxtaposed with Adolf Hitler's, is being shared as a real cover by the #TIME magazine. We found it was an artwork. Read our fact-check here. https://t.co/wZ8uiO2lxp",1 Has Vladimir Putin Banned The Rothschild Banking Family From Russia? #Banking via https://t.co/DMhm8rXCfG https://t.co/jWgS2R1eI6,1 "@Gavin_Simon @caffeine_addict Kingston says the bioluminescent Luciferase is listed in the Pfizer patent for vaccine...sorry, no bs...watch for yourself... https://t.co/irMzRB2Qud",0 "Emerald Robinson, who Roger Stone hinted in his tweet attacking Ron DeSantis was having an affair with Ron while he was missing, is such a nutcase that Newsmax fired her for spreading a conspiracy theory that the covid vaccine contains ""Luciferase,"" which tracks your whereabouts.",1 "@MattPurple2 @try2golf WHO director general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghbreyesus the alarm on booster shots in children. “Some countries are using boosters to kill children, and this is not right” Of course it was taken down…",0 @patriottakes I just got a Corona PCR test and didn’t notice any microchip implant. https://t.co/Gru66JmLLU,1 "@lys_chan Zelenski is Neo-nazi puppet who abandoned Ukrainian people and has been hiding in Poland for a month. The majority of the world supports Putin and hates Deep state, who installed Neo-nazi regime in Ukraine in 2014.",0 "@oneillquigley @richimedhurst Nato sponsored Donbas Genocide. Give me a 'kin break! So many Putin-apologists in Ireland, judging from the last 3 weeks of twitter Ukraine invasion Why?",0 "@jjyama @territhom4 @AskNoDoc @PrisonPlanet There *isn't* any graphene hydroxide in any of the vaccines. There also isn't any free mercury, luciferase, microscopic lifeforms, nanobots or anything else promoted by conspiracy theorists.",1 It appears that the conservative mind has the same problem regardless of country of origin. That is the ability to create solutions (dangerous ones) for problems that don't exist. Check out the last line of this statement from the Russian Embassy in Canada. https://t.co/xuA8kTYtPG,0 @TheRickWilson @debrob1947 Roger should be careful ... he is vaccinated and being tracked by the LUCIFERASE biomarkers! ;),0 @catturd2 Anyone think it's interesting that Zelensky apparently fled to Poland and that Biden is in Poland?,0 "@kimdenisekruge1 @RealJamesWoods Gota rake them forest and hydrate those trees yeah! Leme ask ya, how do trees get hydrated? Rain/snow? Why don't we get as much rain/snow, therefore leaving them dehydrated? Change in climate maybe? Also, 0 evidence anyone associated with ""antifa"" has started any wild fires.",1 What's up New York?! On the road for my 'Barack Obama's Birth Certificate is a fraud.' tour and your next! Gonna be rad!,0 @CuoreDiCuori @stevencooke50 @williamcrawley It's not Photoshop but it's also not a woman protecting Ukraine. It's the former Miss Ukraine 2013 who happens to play with Airsoft rifles. She posted an old photo to her Instagram account a few weeks ago. https://t.co/gRzmZYD6Tz,1 @thierrybaudet Before spreading information like this you may want to verify the source. There is an information war going on and I would not be surprised if this has been staged by Russia exactly to influence people like you who just shoot from the hip without caring if this is real or not.,0 @PeoplesParty_US they should use this for the cover of Time Magazine instead of that Putin-Hitler crap,0 "@wallpaid4bymex1 @KNOLLSIE @kathleenalice4 @ChuckGrassley I’m sure you had no problem with the FBI lying to a FISA court in order to spy on Trump. I’m sure you had no problem with H. Clinton campaign and Fusion GPS making up a document and acting like it was Russian intelligence, all to smear Trump.",0 "@Melanitaylor88 I have to point out that ""TIME magazine"" cover seen in the picture is not real. See https://t.co/dhmCvHLL4P One should not compare Putin to Hitler, ever. Rule of thumb: Don't compare ANY (non-fictional) person to Hitler, EVER. The Nazi atrocities are beyond compare!",1 "Social media users are sharing a false claim that COVID-19 vaccines have caused cancer rates to “spike” by up to 20 times normal rates. Experts say they have not seen a spike, and the vaccines do not cause cancer. https://t.co/Hykfk6cekW",1 We just suffered thru the worst outbreak of forest fires this state has ever seen.(Oregon) The misinformation about how these fires started was almost more than authorities could keep up with. The FBI was involved in debunking rumors that it was Antifa members . It does happen.,1 "From Feb to August, over 7000 illegal immigrants tested positive for Covid entering Texas. If Biden really cared about the health of Americans, he would close the border.",0 "Today after reporting that the Biden administration is bussing in illegal aliens to Florida & putting them up in hotels in Central Florida… invasion… the hotel is sold out due to the fact that they are housing so many illegal aliens. https://t.co/JNasNZsYae",0 @sarahcpr Tucker forgot to add that the originals where stashed in a ultra secret cabin located deep in the woods... But got destroyed by the forest fires purposely started by a far left antifa undercover operative .. LOL.,0 @TraianusDiosII .1st Article: https://t.co/e69ga5P1ZU \,0 @DeSantisandCo Why not call it the Biden virus. 7000 illegal migrants have been found to have the Covid virus .,0 "PolitiFact | No, migrant ‘caravan’ from Tapachula, Mexico is not the population of Minneapolis ⁦@RepMaryMiller⁩ Wow, PolitiFact is calling you out. You might want to STHU https://t.co/Mvp9UJmUf5",1 "Interesting. Note the date on this article: Sept. 21, 2016 https://t.co/f93IDUTJXx",0 @bohemiainteract you know that your game is so realistic that videos from ARMA 3 are used as proof of vehicles and aircraft destroyed during the Russia-Ukraine war even by governmental officials? I'd be proud if i were you :),1 Statement from the Russian Embassy of Canada https://t.co/ywecEkHUJI,0 ".@POTUS isn't stopping the ten's of 1,000's illegals that @CBP released into the community, those who entered illegally and are positive for COVID-19... He's complicit to any and all deaths and should be removed and punished. https://t.co/ljhPqTRB4h",0 "@jungian_soul They use the luciferase in the experiment to trace whether the mRNA was properly delivered into the cell. If it was, the host will produce the luciferase protein & it will be ""glowingly"" discernable. In this experiment, its just used as a ""tag"" & wouldn't be put into a vaccine.",1 "@ThePollLady https://t.co/a1O5cxm1n5 In an act of admirable courage Putin has reportedly banned Jacob Rothschild and his banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances"".",0 Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna explains ‘airsoft’ photos: ‘I’m not military’ https://t.co/x6DHNuCP5u,1 "PolitiFact | No, this isn’t a photo of a Russian tank for sale on eBay https://t.co/jW3j06LKjy",1 "@catturd2 Guys….don’t worry….3 days after his death it was fact checked….we’re all clear. https://t.co/yIASKNJQFf",1 @KenRoth #Zelensky fled to #Poland last night... heralding an outright victory for #Putin . And .....there are no #Western journalists in #Ukraine,0 "@thesecret12 @gabolc_ @MrUseCase1 Come on man, this is obviously fake. What even powers those chips, and what do they do? You know you can buy a PCR test kit and have it delivered to your home or chat up someone who works regularly with them.",1 "@emilyoz99 @THR Her stupid thoughts, like trying to make people think it was satanic because of luciferase, which isn't even in the vaccine. There's no such thing as the mythological Lucifer, fool!",1 "👀 The WHO Director says the IF vaccine booster is going to be used it shouldn’t be used to KILL children! #CovidVaccine #vaccine #BoosterDose #Booster #Omicron #Biden https://t.co/kz1msPLylZ",0 "Reports say,at present there are 36,000 Ukrainian women(15% of total)serving in the army & more civilian women have joined in large numbers.Miss #Ukraine 2015,Anastasiia Lenna joined its forces.Everyone must stand up for peace to return.Stop #UkraineRussiaWar.World needs peace https://t.co/zc8ba2srmT",0 """So, how's the transition to school going. Do You know that You can Literally overdose on grapefruit. Eating an entire shoe on a bet and the",0 how the HELL are people drawing the conclusion that bob saget was a) murdered or b) killed by the covid vaccine???? critical thinking is at an all time low I s2g,1 @25NewsWEEK Now you can report on Durham Report proving Clinton campaign spied on Trump AND the White House!! This is a crime.. oh and Hunter Biden's laptop and connection to Crooked Joe!,0 👀 Keep an eye out for this photo that supposedly shows former Miss Ukraine Anastasiia Lenna taking up arms to fight the war. It really doesn’t. https://t.co/dltCh81KWJ,1 "@ethanmwolf Your daily reminder that Hillary Clinton spied on Donald Trump’s White House. If you voted for Hillary Clinton, and complain about Trump, you literally have no room to talk. Hillary is owned by Goldman Sachs,",0 "@Beachview543 @KGman08 @ZubyMusic That the vaccines contain luciferase used to track people, that the vaccines have microchips, that more people have died from the vaccines than from Covid, that mRNA alters your DNA, that vaccines make you magnetic, that breakthrough cases mean a vaxx “doesn’t work.” Need more?",0 "Fact-Check: Downstate Senator Wrong on Medicaid Eligibility for Illinois Undocumented Immigrants https://t.co/MJk5tURIHj",1 "@BBaggly @LALewman A judge can say anything, but Trump was never charged even after FBI spied on his campaign after Clinton’s attorney brought them the now debunked Steele Dossier. That bogus report was used to get Judge to sign off on FBI to spy on Trump.",0 @SheilaHamilton I think that same misconception is why rumors started that Antifa was starting fires in the Santiam forest!😩,1 @AdamKinzinger You're the moron that thought Sam Hyde was The Ghost of Kyiv.,1 "@Michael98410246 @MichaelSteidel @watermole6 @doctorbuttons @badibulgator @TheRealEggman @KayeTatton @gatheredwaters @LaikaAndYuri @PTroubleshooter @garethkett @SBhavikh @GlobalizationWw @pauledevans @earthisaglobe @itisjustmebabe @NoLongerThatGuy @ken_caudle @JMichaelsonUT @Motodude @JoeEason1 @Earth_is_FLAT_ @keigh_see @LiquidLight89 @telohno @DMR2cor520 @C8red8r @PrismPrime @ChickenQuantum @JohnnyD_cm @ZoomDi @AstroYogi101 @MarroniDean @ReillyOToole1 @jameswzegan85 @Trilluminarian @spotarse @CallMeEOnly @AiNaTow @TheEarthIsFlat2 @_Casaxova @SurferCosmic @Kev_in_Canada @FlatEarthD @Capt_Scorch @MaidelK @AustralisPiper @_hiddenagenda @JesusTruth1 A magnet has two poles. We know that, so the earth must also have two poles, it's an easy deduction. We know that a compass responds to a magnetic field, so the earth must have a magnetic field, so the earth must have two poles. Once again, science is not about belief. https://t.co/4UPQeZ5q9n",1 @geoff_buxcey Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. #WorldEconomicForum https://t.co/OeXUjWgN12,0 The war in Ukraine is being watched in real time. Putin can not hide behind the false narrative that events are being staged. Putin is killing children and the whole world is watching!,1 "@wendelltalks To avoid liability Big Pharma has labeled COvid vaccine as “experimental gene therapy!” Not a vaccine, right!",0 "@undisc_country total BS. Ukraine wanted to live better & safer. On top of that NATO is defense, not attack block. Surrender is not an option, in that case Ukrainians would get slaughtered & land will be taken over - that was primarily goal for invasion. Zelensky is in Ukraine, not in Poland",1 Bob Oswald: #FactsMatter reports Ukrainians not selling Russian tank on eBay https://t.co/yvPlJz4SFj,1 @LionelMedia @scrowder Bill Gates to build the biggest vape pen in living memory to block out the sun because he had a bet with Snoop Dog to make the a smoke ring that encircles the Earth.,0 @RealCandaceO Remember when thy said Bob Saget died of the COVID vaccine? Point me to that study please since you are all factual and everything.,1 Artwork falsely shared as 'genuine Time magazine cover' likening Russia's Putin to Hitler yes but didn't want to say that no link but he's just like him what is this mad man doing,1 "@chubby2600 @RealCandaceO Head trauma. Bob Saget banged his head, didn’t think anything of it and went to sleep. No drugs, no alcohol, not a side effect of Covid vaccine. If I were the Saget family I would be suing Candace Owens.",1 "@WakeupAmerica9 #Communist #AntifaTerrorists #blmterrorist #antifamurderers #antifafires look the #DomesticTerrorist group that started the forest fires this summer are back to setting the cities on fire. https://t.co/keprickKts",0 “Omikron” a 1999 video game released (not developed) by Bill Gates Microsoft. It was about demons pretending to be humans & harvesting their souls. It did happen but Snopes says it’s fake 🤡 nothing to see here.,1 @Shayne619420 @CheckMeDaily @needcoffee46355 @AlenaAlex16 Please tell me what Trump has been proven correct about. Hillary isn’t locked up. Obama’s birth certificate is real (by Trumps own admission after 5 years saying he had proof to the contrary). Mexico adamantly refused to pay for his wall he said would be paid for 100%…,1 "https://t.co/ijA4Bg6fXC WHY ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS BEING BUSSED INTO FLORIDA? WHERE IS THE SHERIFF?GOVERNOR DESANTIS SAID ANY ILLEGALS BUSSED,FLOWN INTO FLA WOULD BE IMMEDIATELY DEPORTED TO BIDEN’S HOME STATE OF DELEWARE! GOVERNOR DESANTIS,IS RIGHT, BIDEN IS DUMPING ILLEGALS IN FLA!",0 "#WakeUp #WeDoNotConsent #CoronaVirus #Covid19 #Covid1984 #Plandemic #Scamdemic #Nuremberg2 Spike Protein Induced By COVID Vaccines Inhibits DNA Repair & Is Linked To Cancer Finds Major Swedish Study | Multidimensional Ocean https://t.co/aXliQ6LOjf",0 "Blue Dog #NEWS @washingtonpost 'Photos: In the Polish forest, desperate migrants and a grave marked by a red light' #NewsDigest #Poland #migrants #photooftheday",0 LUCIFERASE - BILL GATES QUANTUM DOT MICRONEEDLE VACCINE TO ALTER YOUR DNA. https://t.co/zbB8Dd1p7d,0 "@mo4lo @_uNontu Mhlonishwa, do an experiment with the above mentioned and you shall see, steam a jabbed person and prick them with a needle on their legs. 😂 The vaccines themselves glow at night, that luciferase ingredient is magical.",0 "🇵🇱🇧🇾 Under duress,# Polish deserter Emil Czeczko tells #Belarusian state media that, ""Poland's border guards have been killing migrants and either burying them in mass graves on the border or feeding them to the wolves."" https://t.co/hJn6x9RTms",0 @GastownGay @YourFerntasy @Blissaton @Michell26770648 @Kattsea1 @thisweirdworld_ Bill Gates is a eugenicist. There are serious plans to block out the sun.,0 "This morning,Extended Stay America Hotel in Maitland,Florida at 8:30 am and another bus full of Hispanic men was just dropped off! They told me just this week alone they have seen an estimated 400 illegal Hispanic migrants get dropped off and picked up https://t.co/chIqE3TIa9",0 @KyivIndependent Doesn't seem to be any pro Russian trolls out today.. saying zelensky fled to Poland and is using a green screen 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔😁,1 "@RadioFreeTom Check this out by the Russian embassy in Canada from yesterday. Every statement is a fucking lie. https://t.co/8ICa9DfDUJ",1 "PCR ""test"" is implanting a microchip.",0 "@jimcramer Have your hedgey mates got you trying to stir shit with Putin because he's banned the Rothschild banking system? Your next to be behind bars.....",0 "Nothing to do with climate change Has to do with poor forest management I live in Maine in the north Maine wood there is over 7 million acres We had a hundred year drought Well managed No forest fires Nothing to do with climate change",0 Blm n antifa said they’d start #forest fires and many have been #arrested the past week for #arson 🔥🔥🔥,0 Be aware president biden might sell Alaska to Russia since putin wants that too,0 "@qtpiepiepie @CoreyFalken @Juan_demor @euronews @valgauriat Belarus has visa-free travel with 80 countries. Why the refugees decided to travel through Belarus, let them say for themselves.",0 "@JulaniJulani Absolutely, they posted a video from ""ARMA 3"" video game and claimed it was Russia attacking Ukraine the other day. Just like the hospitals full mannequin posing as Covid sick people.",1 "About 2,000 of mostly Central American and Caribbean migrants left the Mexican city of Tapachula near the Guatemalan border, the latest in a series of caravans setting out for the southern U.S. border https://t.co/HS5n2td8nV https://t.co/VQzZJGtFhA",1 "WHO Director Says Some Countries Using Vax Boosters to ""Kill Children"" and ""that's not right"" https://t.co/06URua68zu via @BitChute",0 "A medical officer has testified that she was told by a superior to suppress her findings with regards to the DoD’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database after the vaccine mandate. Found a spike in cancer cases, neurological disorders & miscarriages. https://t.co/6V9QJzKzFm",0 "Congresswoman Mary Miller from downstate Illinois compared the group of migrants heading north from the southern Mexico city of Tapachula to the population of Minneapolis, which has 430,000 residents. At most, it is 1% of that. https://t.co/M3JoWpuLUj",1 "More on the PCR nonsense from Politifact: https://t.co/1NGcZY5e2k",1 @BBCNews #Putin is one of the smartest world leaders and he has almost achieved all his strategic objectives in Ukraine. #Zelensky fled to #Poland last night and the #BBC has no journalists in #Ukraine,0 "@francska1 Statement from Russian Embassy in Canada ""The Ukrainian side is deploying MLRS and artillery in the courtyards of residential buildings, hospitals, schools and kindergartens."" ""Armed Forces of #Ukraine and neo-Nazi groups use civilians as human shields"" https://t.co/FBmtCreNJZ",0 "@RonPaulInstitut Photo of Miss Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna, defending her country: she claims on her Instagram that she is ""not military"" and that the photos are ""to inspire people"" picture has been fact checked",1 "DOD research shows the following increase in service members. 467% in pulmonary embolisms; 291% Bells Palsy; 1000% neurological disorders; 471% female infertility; 300% cancer diagnoses; 156% congenital malformities; 269% myocarditis! #stopthemadness https://t.co/YsYr66H3eN",0 "Nyheter från Macken: No, Putin Was Not Compared to Hitler on the Cover of Time Magazine https://t.co/PrupR365Ni https://t.co/3ZlpblNwvr",1 Biden Administration Busing 'Thousands' of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status https://t.co/hkP8ZKUflJ. @BillLeeTN @MarshaBlackburn @BrianKelsey where are you on this?,0 @AFPFactCheck The Russian tank captured in Ukraine and sold on ebay was such an obvious joke that even @AFPFactCheck fell for it... Pity it wasn't posted on April 1st :),1 "Hospital CEO urges approval of Pfizer's antiviral pill | CTV News The one the FDA approved that has a microchip in it? No thanks https://t.co/aBiyrPzGPh https://t.co/dfloNWRQAM",0 "The question is why have Canadians not seen this statement from the Russian Embassy in Canada? It seem to be a very important statement.",0 Ej altså. Johns Hopkins University confirms: The PCR test alone will vaccinate you https://t.co/nUH35Z9wvS ##Covid19#dkpol#corona,0 @scottlincicome Bill Gates and George Soros made them do it.,0 "@realDonaldTrump Ask Biden if the BLM and antifa are purposely spreading the WUHU Virus like they started all the wild fires Labour Day weekend...... also interesting how YOU got the WUHU right after the first drbate , and it suddenly spikes after the 2nd debate..... walks and talks like a duck!",0 "@LesleyRStahl Local Democrats in the Rio Grand Valley area of Texas have invited Biden to visit and observe the border problem. Biden may be cognitively challenged, but he was smart enough to ignore the invitation. Meanwhile, 7000 illegals with the virus have entered the area.",0 @Frankie86775035 @PDocumentarians The guy on the billboard started the rumor that antifa started the forest fires and is generally a terrible person. We should always burn down things like this.,0 "Not sure when this is from, but I find it very disturbing. Notice where he is? Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. https://t.co/DbkUvAua24",0 PolitiFact - Downstate senator wrong on Medicaid eligibility for Illinois undocumented immigrants https://t.co/HXMwZlbf6x,1 @AdamDopamine @ScottAdamsSays Sounds like Bill Gates idea to block out the sun…,0 "Hey @USATODAY , you don't need to ""fact check"" satire. https://t.co/etvAwEfjR9",1 @TheTorontoSun So when are they going to recall the Covid vaccine do to the 9 paged of side effects that according to US military Whistleblower caused a 300% spike in Cancer in US soldiers after being mandated?,0 Fact check: Satirical claim that Biden is selling Alaska to Russia https://t.co/FA30PSeEdo via @usatoday,1 "@conlash_ @Scarlet_Scrg @plntserialkller @ConSelfOwns Lesser chance to catch and therefore spread and infect others. Lesser chance to drop dead like flies, lesser chance of the virus to mutate and make vaccines all the more ineffective, if not useless, with some complicated, super power avengers style mutation.",1 "@susan_friel @UHMonklands Could the nurses & doctors report my vaccine injury to the MHRA? Could they check the treatment schedule for covid is not actually doing more harm than good! Along with a potentially life threatening gene therapy!",0 @GabZalez @space_osint You think Russia didn't already have stingers? You can buy them on ebay 😂😂and the NLAW is an upgraded anti tank weapon easily available to aquire. They're sold to many countries. Whereas that Russian system has only been outside Russia a couple of times. Syria and chechnya.,0 @djdunn2000 Obama's birth certificate has been public for years.,1 "@ErrolWebber “The Covid-19 vaccine is a gene therapy that will alter your DNA and give you myocarditis.” -Joe Rogan, basically, for two years Joe Rogan’s audience: https://t.co/lfWXuFLqU1",0 "I was suspicious on what they tried to do with Bob Saget. They lied and made it seem like he died from a “baseball bat to the head”. I called BS then, and I still do - this article is excellent - https://t.co/U89HmxqsJq",0 @GDMK5 @ErnBowling @Politics_Polls @Harris_X_ @thehill It’s impossible to truly believe Antifa has nothing to do with the wildfires. There’s been at least 40 arrested for trying to start fires right where the wild fires are at. I’m not going to flood your thread with 40 proofs but I can if you want,0 @TheView You sorry scumbag females on this anti American show are sick people everyday on TV telling Americans crap and covering up corruption in Washington Clinton lied and spy on trump thats a fact joe Biden and crack head son yall covering up the crap yall sick in the head,0 @NakedHedgie @tobeycakes Original apparently. https://t.co/Zim8mI5VYP,0 "NEW VIDEO via Laura Loomer: Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel, Spreading Covid And Measles https://t.co/6Q9q4Px3G0 via @gatewaypundit",0 "The guy who fell for the ""Samuyil Hyde- Ghost of Kyiv"" meme wants to talk about lies. Ok.",1 @Storm4Congress They manipulate so much already… probably wouldn’t be able to handle knowing the totality. It does amaze me we are all still alive! God gave us one amazing immune system!! …and then there is Bill Gates..wants to block the sun? Hmmm… geoengineering! 🤔,0 @TheDemCoalition So why is he not telling the American people that the new covid pill will have a microchip in it and it will transmit as soon as you swallow it CEO of Pfizer said this,0 "It’s not uncommon for misinformation to spread following the news of a celebrity death. Here are five tips for reading breaking news: https://t.co/WS71gxoSTl",1 @Apanda_stan1534 @Aleksander921 @Nirmal_107 @tongaimujuru I feel for President Zelenskyy. This is real. The dead bodies in Bucha were not staged. Why would Russians believe Putin? Putin is responsible for the dead bodies! Putin must be punished for war crimes! #PutinIsaWarCriminal #PutinHitler https://t.co/7S0PCZw3tb,1 PolitiFact - Russia’s Pants on Fire claim that it is not occupying Ukrainian territory https://t.co/X1K3ye4aNW,1 @latenitebobbyd @Funky8_0 Biden administration is trying to fix that problem. Allowing positive illegals into Texas and busing them to all red states.,0 "No way Hasan is really going to go toe to toe with the ghost of Kiev, Samuyil Hyde",0 @1abbeynormal Are they American citizens? Joe Biden is leading thousands of immigrants from many countries come in our southern borders. McAllen Texas is having an epidemic they have 7000 positive Covid illegal immigrants currently … 😳,0 "@JackPosobiec His war is all scripted. Cue the staged chemical attacks as the false flag to trigger NATO involvement. He knew he was going into Ukraine when he said “go get him” to the military at the end of his scripted State of the Union address.",0 "Case fatality rates for #COVID19 compared with flu: #COVID: 0.14% Flu: 0.27% Covid is clearly not an emergency, and cannot be used as a pretext for emergency use authorisation of the experimental gene therapy jabs. STOP the vaccine rollout NOW. https://t.co/lQHg4hqX2D",0 22 million illegal imagants here in USA why do you think they are trying so hard to get them citizenship to vote ..cause the evil Satan WORSHIPERS loosing power .GOD WINS EVERYTIME 🙏 🇺🇸♥️,0 A TIME magazine cover showing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s face superimposed on the face of German dictator Adolf Hitler isn’t real. VERIFY confirmed it with the original artist and TIME magazine. https://t.co/FCDJtO2G2y,1 @RaheemKassam @joerogan I heard @pfizer has a swallowable microchip pill from the ceo himself,0 @alane748 @mred006 @JoeDefrancia @DonaldJTrumpJr Climate change ain't going to change the forest fires in cali. Pres trump is right about forest management being the problem. Have any of you people heard of what a controlled burn is. I do it on my 10 acres once a yr. Prevents tender pile ups.,0 @FromKalen Antifa and other rioters are gonna get Donald Trump reelected. Voters from all political parties love 💕 dogs 🐕. If you Start harming animals or lighting forest 🌳 fires 🔥 then your movement is toast. Sickening.,0 "Former Miss Ukraine posted pictures to Instagram of her holding an airsoft gun in hopes of ""inspiring people"" to fight for their country. https://t.co/VYobIbfdU1",1 @RealCandaceO Hey!! So when are you going to apologize for saying Bob Saget died from the covid vaccine 🤣🎈🍆😷😷your such a hack🖕🏻🎈Ain't no hate like Christian love 🖕🏻,1 "Color Revolution or Communist Invasion? New Report: Biden Administration Busing ‘Thousands’ of Illegals Aliens to Red States to Get Permanent Status? https://t.co/8kDhPrlEgP via @Liberty Sword",0 "@GeorgetownJD @GeorgePapa19 We know your ilk are thick. Did you bother to read the article? Can you read? Or blinded by partisanship? It outlines a lie to FBI, which is a crime. No idea of hearsay v. exculpatory? Clinton, DNC, media lied to FBI, Courts and public to frame Trump. Let them all die in jail.",0 @therealarekn The genocide was happening in Donbas. Russia stepped in to prevent Azov slaughtering ethnically Russian Ukraine citizens. This war is ugly. I support peaceful solutions. Zelensky wants total victory and expects the West to do the dirty work for him,0 "Swallow this... One of Donald Trump's aids asked a maggot foreign spy from the U.K. for some dirt on Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton payed Fusion GPS to have a complete moron (Christopher Steele) write a 100% fabricated bullsh*t smear document and release it to the FBI to start",0 "Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla takes about an electronic pill that contains a microchip that sends out a signal the moment the pill is taken and they will know who is “compliant”",0 @GovRonDeSantis Do something. MUST SEE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants Dropped off at Florida Hotel https://t.co/MJCjUK2dMB via @YouTube,0 "@CarlisleCRAG @AmnestyCarlisle @AmnestyUKEurope These ""refugees"" are tourinst and have a visa for Belarus. They are economic migrants who have been offered flights home. They know that Poland will not tolerate illegal entry and have no reason to ""freeze this winter"". Poland is doing an excellent job defending their border.",1 "@michalandrzeje6 @Fianswe2 @nexta_tv I mean Ukraine also have propaganda like Russia ,i saw video from Arma 3 posted by Ukrainian media ,and they said that they are taking of Russian planes ,you want a prove?",1 "@FungalGrowth @gaystone27 @zkanSheol @soilysound @abbieasr @Matt_Dillahunty @yourewrongabout @CT_Bergstrom @jonathanstea @nataliexdean @slpng_giants @franklinleonard @MaraWilson @RexChapman @pattonoswalt In fact, the leap from Antifa starts fires (which they do; have a look at Portland on nearly any night now) to Antifa starting WILD fires isn't far fetched at all. The only reason it's improbable is that they normally target government buildings instead of government forests.",0 "Former Miss Grand Ukraine, Anastasiia Lenna has become a member of Ukraine's fighting force to stem Russia from taking over her country. #Ukraine #Russia https://t.co/d6gsWCCYAE",0 "WOW...22 Million Illegal Aliens, numbers calculated by Yale University. Joe needs the votes because he didn't get 81M in 2020. Com'on Man...hurry up and grant these Votes immunity!",0 "@MailOnline God speed to you samuel hyde, the ghost of kiev and brave ace of the skies",0 @nhamdux @RWApodcast Russia has presented exactly zero evidence of genocide at the UN. The OSCE spent 8 years in the Donbas and in Ukraine. Found zero evidence of genocide. Thousands of people crossed the Ukraine-Donbas border every single day.,1 Milwaukee Bucks: Milwaukee officials face Zuckerberg-related election bribery lawsuit https://t.co/tUmrzO7Vhs,0 @go_show95 The tests work. They do the same thing as the J@b. They introduce Graphene Oxide & Luciferase into the body. Welcome 2 the Internet of Bodies.,0 @Aarondx @crazycarmen194 @LucilleRitacco @OccupyDemocrats @POTUS Suck it up buttercup. Hillary Clinton spied on the Trump campaign. @POTUS is a simpleton with cognitive issues. Is Susan Rice the acting president? 75% of the voters think that the country is in the wrong direction.,0 Biden Drops Off Hundreds of Illegal Aliens at Florida Hotel https://t.co/Ly7et3SEjZ via @Patriots Examiner,0 "Response to Laura loomers video of illegal aliens being dropped of at a hotel in Florida support this channel @Trump_MagaWorld https://t.co/G0JOoYD93y",0 "Why is @POTUS @FAIRImmigration busing the illegal aliens crossing the border all over the country? 🚫 illegal immigration. This is an invasion. Use the @USDOD, @USBorderSec @GOP https://t.co/rVEU6ZRdiC",0 "Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed. The first thing he says after is about cost... 🤔 https://t.co/OXONh9tbFN",0 @SpecialDep88 @jamie_lev Why would Antifa want to intentionally start forest fires?,1 "A video filmed in Maitland, Florida, shows a bus of Hispanic illegal alliens being dropped off in front of an Extended Stay hotel in Maitland where they are being given pre loaded credit cards, hotel rooms, and clothing. I thought this wasn’t going to happen in Florida? https://t.co/eocCSHsooO",0