One must perform duties in the world.
लोए कज्जं करोइ।
Through penance, one purifies, and through knowledge, one renounces.
तवो सुज्झे, ज्ञाणं पवज्जे।
All seek happiness.
सव्वे खत्ता सुखाय।
Life is impermanent.
जिण्णं जीवं।
There is no truth beyond truth.
नत्थि सच्चं परं।
I take refuge in the enlightened one.
बुद्धं सरणं पवज्जामि।
All are bound by the cycle of birth.
सव्वे संसारं भवति।
I seek forgiveness for my faults.
अण्णं मिच्छामि दुःखं।
Everyone desires happiness.
लोका सव्वेणं इच्छंति।
Blessed is the human birth.
सुहं मणुस्सत्थं।
The five great vows are pure.
पंचमहाव्रता संकिला।
Everything is conquerable through detachment.
सव्वं जिणं सस्स।
Suffering is the ultimate truth.
दुक्खं दुक्खं परमं सत्यं।
Do not harm any living being.
पराणे न हिंसाय।
Non-violence is the foundation of the world.
लोए अहिंसा कयालिय।
Knowledge is the remover of all suffering.
विज्जा सव्वं दुःखं।
Renunciation leads to wisdom.
समणं सव्वं जण्णं।
Life is dear to all.
जीवं पिआयं।
Perform all actions with right intention.
सम्मं पंचकारेणं।
The wise avoid all faults.
वज्जं सव्वेसु खत्तेहि।
Without wisdom, all is suffering.
अण्णं विणा सव्वं दुक्खं।
Purity leads to victory.
पवित्तं होइ जिणं।
Truth is realized through Dharma.
सच्चं जाणइ धम्मेणं।
Detachment is the essence of all.
लोयत्तं सव्वेणं हवे।
Non-violence is the greatest for all beings.
जीवाणं अहिंसा परमं।
He who understands wrong views becomes pure.
जो मिच्छत्तं जाणइ सो णरो सुद्धो।
Victory through Dharma.
धम्मे जयं।
I will know everything again.
पुणो सव्वं अहं जाणेमि।
Calmness prevails in this world.
इयं लोए उवसंतो।
Death is the ultimate truth.
मरणं सोहिणी।
He who follows the five vows conquers all.
पंचव्रती सव्वं जिणं।
In the world, delusion is vast.
लोके मिच्छत्तं महत्तं।
Penance is the right path.
तवो सुगमं।
What one knows, one knows all.
जं जाणइ सो सव्वं जाणइ।
The supreme truth is non-violence.
परमं सच्चं अहिंसा।
Beings attain the supreme state.
खत्ता जीवा परं भावं।
The soul knows all life.
पाणे जीवं सव्वं जाणइ।
I will know all truth again.
पुणो सव्वं सच्चं जाणेमि।
Through Dharma, all suffering is renounced.
धम्मेणं पवज्जति सव्वं दुक्खं।
I do not follow wrong views.
मिच्छत्तं न जाणेमि।
He understands the greatness of non-violence.
सो जाणइ अहिंसा महत्तं।
I know that suffering is ultimate.
णं दुक्खं परमं जाणेमि।
All beings desire human life.
सव्वं जीवं मणुस्सत्तं।
I know the faults in all.
वज्जं सव्वं सव्वेसु जाणेमि।
The wrong views are not to be followed.
मिच्छत्तं न जाणइ सव्वं।
I know purity alone.
अण्णं पवित्तं जाणेमि।
Non-violence is pure.
अहिंसा सव्वं सुदं।
He knows renunciation.
सो जाणइ समणं।
Everything is bound to the world.
लोए सव्वं हवे।
Everyone knows non-violence.
सव्वे जाणइ अहिंसा।
I know the purity of Dharma.
धम्मं पवित्तं जाणेमि।
The soul knows everything.
सव्वं जाणइ जीवा।
He knows that death is ultimate.
मरणं जाणइ सोहिणी।
All suffering arises from wrong views.
सव्वं दुक्खं मिच्छत्तं।
Everything is bound to the world.
सव्वं लोए हवे।
He knows purity in all.
पवित्तं जाणइ सव्वं।
The follower of five vows knows all.
पंचव्रती सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows Dharma in all.
धम्मं जाणइ सव्वं।
Everything ends in death.
सव्वं मरणं हवे।
He knows all wrong views.
मिच्छत्तं सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows all life.
सव्वं जीवं जाणइ।
The world knows Dharma.
लोए जाणइ धम्मं।
The one who observes the five great vows knows all.
पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ सव्वं।
All is suffering.
सव्वं हवे दुक्खं।
I know the true Dharma.
अण्णं धम्मं जाणेमि।
The world knows non-violence.
लोए जाणइ अहिंसा।
Non-violence is everything.
अहिंसा सव्वं हवे।
He knows all that is pure.
पवित्तं सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows all suffering.
सव्वं दुक्खं जाणइ।
The follower of the five great vows knows everything.
पंचमहाव्रतं सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows all purity.
सव्वं पवित्तं जाणइ।
He knows everything through Dharma.
धम्मेणं सव्वं जाणइ।
Everything is bound to the world.
लोए सव्वं हवे।
Everything ends in death.
मरणं हवे सव्वं।
All is purity.
पवित्तं सव्वं हवे।
Non-violence is everything.
अहिंसा हवे सव्वं।
The follower of the five vows knows everything.
पंचव्रतं जाणइ सव्वं।
He knows all wrong views.
सव्वं जाणइ मिच्छत्तं।
He knows all Dharma.
सव्वं धम्मं जाणइ।
Wrong views dominate everything.
मिच्छत्तं हवे सव्वं।
The five vows encompass everything.
पंचव्रतं हवे सव्वं।
Dharma is everything.
धम्मं हवे सव्वं।
All is dominated by wrong views.
सव्वं मिच्छत्तं हवे।
Purity is everything.
पवित्तं हवे सव्वं।
He knows all the five vows.
सव्वं पंचव्रतं जाणइ।
The five great vows are everything.
पंचमहाव्रतं हवे सव्वं।
He knows everything in the world.
लोए सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows all the five vows.
पंचव्रतं जाणइ सव्वं।
He knows all wrong views.
मिच्छत्तं सव्वं जाणइ।
He knows all Dharma.
धम्मं जाणइ सव्वं।
Everything is bound to the world.
सव्वं लोए हवे।
He knows all death.
मरणं जाणइ सव्वं।
The five vows are everything.
सव्वं पंचव्रतं हवे।
He knows all Dharma.
सव्वं जाणइ धम्मं।
In the world, the five vows are everything.,
लोए पंचव्रतं हवे।
He knows all death.,
मरणं जाणइ सव्वं।
The five vows are everything.,
सव्वं पंचव्रतं हवे।
He knows all Dharma.,
सव्वं जाणइ धम्मं।
Non-violence is the way of life.,
जीवणं अहिंसा।
He knows everything in the world.,
सव्वं जाणइ लोए।