{"title":null,"posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406104,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Reminder that THIS is the real Tallgeese. Give it up boys Leofags won.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706041160666942.jpg","filename":"IMG_0677.jpg"},"posted":1706041160},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406110,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
WHY DOES HE WEAR THE MASK?","attachment":null,"posted":1706041239},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406114,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">fan favorite","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706041319452611.jpg","filename":"IMG_0676.jpg"},"posted":1706041319},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406127,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
100% field of view was too strong. They had to reduce it to 15%.","attachment":null,"posted":1706041642},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406649,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
Reminder that the lineart Tallgeese would be incapable of turning it's head at all but is constantly shown doing so","attachment":null,"posted":1706061554},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406679,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406649
>being limited by physical design characteristics
you are not ready for /m/","attachment":null,"posted":1706063038},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406716,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
Leo and Gundam are chopped down Tallgeese. It predates both variants.","attachment":null,"posted":1706064083},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406749,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Which face reveal was the most disappointing, this, or the Dijeh being retconned into having a Gundam face beneath the mono-eye?","attachment":null,"posted":1706065088},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406823,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
Leo is what happens when you take Tallgeese and strip out anything that makes it good.","attachment":null,"posted":1706067702},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406827,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406716
The only true upgrade to Tallgeese is Wing Zero after all.","attachment":null,"posted":1706067842},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22406860,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406823
I honestly like Tallgeese's underneath face. There is something cool about mech with real robot design language being decorated to look more special. Same with Graze, its "head" is fake, only serve as a decoration for actual head inside.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706068579831434.jpg","filename":"latest (45).jpg"},"posted":1706068579},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22407369,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
I don't care, I'd still let Tallgeese-sama plow my butthole","attachment":null,"posted":1706095973},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22407374,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
Why didn't they make a Leo 1.5 which is part way between a Leo and the Tallgeese?
So it would have the back jetboosters and could fly through the air and generally be more mobile but not to the point its giving you a heart attack just from piloting it.
Also the Dober Gun is the coolest weapon in Wing so they'd also have that as standard.","attachment":null,"posted":1706096232},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22408197,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22407374
Leo was a concession to resources and manpower.
Tallgeese was such an intense suit that even the (arguably) most skilled MS pilot around almost couldn't handle it before he just stopped being afraid of death or something(?).
If you don't just dismiss what Heero and Zechs do in a Leo as plot armor it means they're actually fairly capable suits, but the average mook just want to stand around and fire off his gun.
It's a lot like original OYW, where Zakus were almost uncontested on the battlefield simply because there were no other significant threats at the time. It led to complacency among pilots and the average tactic was w+m1.","attachment":null,"posted":1706130370},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22408238,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"it has a neck on paper","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706131214757873.jpg","filename":"218.jpg"},"posted":1706131214},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22408404,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"it has no neck on paper","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706136984748683.png","filename":"leo.png"},"posted":1706136984},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22408626,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22407374
They literally did. Even if it's an "after the series" retcon, there's also the Leo with the flight backpack that appears in the show a few times.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706142843204659.jpg","filename":"Leo Gryph type IV.jpg"},"posted":1706142843},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22408628,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22407374
>So it would have the back jetboosters and could fly through the air and generally be more mobile but not to the point its giving you a heart attack just from piloting it.
They don't have doberguns because the little flight pack probably can't counter the recoil too well","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706143039601640.webm","filename":"Leo suicide charge 1.webm"},"posted":1706143039},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22408705,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408628
It still frustrates me how Wing just mashed projectile and beam weapons into a pile. So you get something that's basically a laser but has recoil and heavyarms ejecting shell casing from a beam gatling.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706146627564853.png","filename":"specials.png"},"posted":1706146627},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22408734,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408705
>heavyarms ejecting shell casing from a beam gatling
When did that happen? I don't think the TV series ever had the detail to bother showing shell casings, while in EW they specifically exclude the word "beam" when referring to Heavyarms' gatling guns","attachment":null,"posted":1706147553},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22408785,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408734
They excluded the word but never said it was physical either.
While TV Heavyarms never drops shells they do directly refer to it's ammunition supply, not an energy one.","attachment":null,"posted":1706149261},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22409344,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408785
Fighter jets never drop shells either. While the jets do it to maintain the weight balance, given the secrecy around the Gundams I could see them doing it to avoid leaving anything to be analyzed.","attachment":null,"posted":1706161328},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22409394,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22407374
The Leo with a flight pack had enough power to shift an entire battleship on water and temporarily knock out Wufei in the Shenlong. It's just inexplicably not used","attachment":null,"posted":1706162712},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22409497,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22407374
Well there are those OZ prize Leos","attachment":null,"posted":1706166006},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22409544,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408785
>but never said it was physical either
Well my thought was that if they drop the word "beam" then at the very least it's not firing beams anymore, so the only other thing it could be firing is physical ammunition. And then when the Heavyarms finally makes its entrance taking down some Serpents, they even zoom in on the shell casings on the floor.
>While TV Heavyarms never drops shells they do directly refer to it's ammunition supply
I don't really have an answer for that if it's something Trowa said, but if it's something said by the enemy then it might just be the enemy not knowing that like in episode 3.
Also I won't really count it as evidence since back in the 90s since no one would have been autistic enough and it wasn't easy for viewers to see due to low quality recording and pause features back in the 90s, but in the scene where Trowa and Quatre meet Duo and Heero for the first time and get scanned by sensors, the gatling gun is identified as a beam gatling.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706167188681290.jpg","filename":"[EG]Gundam_Wing_Remastered_07_[5205BE90].mkv_snapshot_18.00_[2010.04.21_18.53.10].jpg"},"posted":1706167188},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22415715,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"eye","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706277424099971.gif","filename":"1615122471152[1].gif"},"posted":1706277424},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22416132,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408785
>While TV Heavyarms never drops shells they do directly refer to it's ammunition supply, not an energy one.
I mean that could easily by a translation thing or just how beam rifles have a certain number of prepared shots per mission. Energy weapons having an ammo count isn't that unusual in fiction.","attachment":null,"posted":1706283391},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22420916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"face guard","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706410103078787.webm","filename":"1501830186122[1].webm"},"posted":1706410103},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22424307,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706507044958928.gif","filename":"1598670480903[1].gif"},"posted":1706507044},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22424516,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408705
Just call it a charged plasma cartridge like the Tibbana gas cartridges in Star Wars.","attachment":null,"posted":1706513132},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22427471,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706622642765185.gif","filename":"1664654762771[1].gif"},"posted":1706622642},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22427621,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406110
HE DIDN’T FLY SO GOOD","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706627472023259.jpg","filename":"IMG_6687.jpg"},"posted":1706627472},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22427635,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22427621
President Washington...","attachment":null,"posted":1706628141},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22427642,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"LEOS?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706628583197746.gif","filename":"leodies.gif"},"posted":1706628583},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22427660,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22427471
kinda moe","attachment":null,"posted":1706629220},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22428684,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"the jig is up, the leo is the best mobile suit of all time","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706666393189691.gif","filename":"leodancing.gif"},"posted":1706666393},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22432355,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706823903352961.jpg","filename":"1501220640292[1].jpg"},"posted":1706823903},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22432429,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406749
When did that happen?","attachment":null,"posted":1706826592},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22432436,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432429
It's the 1/100 RE/100 Dijeh kit that introduced this retcon, I think. Other recent kits have it too.
Basically, inside the "black shadow" on Dijeh's face you can see it has a Gundam face.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706827040111324.jpg","filename":"pj9gxgLheLmdUT5xeLxFaiYruiBIlXgd1vYtoYYPFE8.jpg"},"posted":1706827040},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22432444,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432436","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706827263823091.jpg","filename":"74827ec1d8107b95e190d38a950b20c9.jpg"},"posted":1706827263},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22432480,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432436
That's fucking trash, the best part of the Dijeh was that Amuro didn't need to be piloting a gundam to wreck house","attachment":null,"posted":1706829262},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22432495,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432480
It is more similar to Silver Bullet and Gundvolva, just pseudo-Gundam and has none of actual Gundam's spec.","attachment":null,"posted":1706829862},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22432582,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432495
That just makes giving it a secret gundam face via retcon even MORE unnecessary","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706834175012725.jpg","filename":"1357979428112.jpg"},"posted":1706834175},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433015,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432436
Technically the eyes are just supposed to be sockets.","attachment":null,"posted":1706845111},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433022,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432582
It's not a whole gundam face, just twin eyes like most federation MS. The Nemo also has twin eyes underneath the visor and the Dijeh at least partially borrows from the Nemo's engineering","attachment":null,"posted":1706845310},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433411,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I'm honestly curious about fed grunts. They are basically the other side of the same coin.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706854818937122.jpg","filename":"sj5648j3zc881.jpg"},"posted":1706854818},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433413,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706854983380744.png","filename":"mg-gm-command (4).png"},"posted":1706854983},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433424,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433022
Most of federation MS are monoeye, though. Jegan, several of GM variants and Jesta are mono eyes, and probably bunch of other federation grunts. They don't have to give gundam head to a monoeye.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706855267810912.jpg","filename":"Fed mono.jpg"},"posted":1706855267},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433430,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433401
Jegan, Nemo, and I think the Augusta GM types are monoeyes, but IIRC the original GM and GM Kai and their variants are some kind of twin eyes behind the visor.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706855429432763.jpg","filename":"061.jpg"},"posted":1706855429},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433436,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433430
Yeah, but very little of them have actual gundam head like Silver Bullet. I believe the Guncannon have monoeye, too.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706855541236453.jpg","filename":"nuo3ram056h91.jpg"},"posted":1706855541},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433652,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433430
Lately, Nemo art show them with a glowing triple eye behind the visor.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706868053455641.jpg","filename":"UC_Nemos_firing.jpg"},"posted":1706868053},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22433749,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433652
That's Katoki's rendition and also an updated model in Unicorn era. Originally, behind the visor is just machinery with 4 glowing LEDs. You can say they are true visor type with no humanoid traits behind the glass.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706874944878501.jpg","filename":"latest (62).jpg"},"posted":1706874944},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22434045,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432436
Oof. That's rough. As other anon's have stated part of the appeal of the Dijeh is that Amuro was such a good pilot he could take whatever sloppy seconds Karuba just had laying around and be sucessful. I guess this was a way to try and merge the Dijeh with Amuro's custom Zeta Plus?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706888212372436.jpg","filename":"s-l500.jpg"},"posted":1706888212},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22434321,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433411
One of the few things I like about CE is that it went full in on the evil Fed aesthetic, unlike Zeta.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706899738088639.jpg","filename":"Gat-01a2r.jpg"},"posted":1706899738},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22434338,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22434321
Fuck CE, it literally just took all the Zeon suits and repackaged them to sell again, right down to having the same names.","attachment":null,"posted":1706900332},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22434477,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22434338
It ain't like they took the F-type and inserted into CE. The body proportions and aesthetics are pretty different, the only thing that's the same is the name.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1706905899598207.jpg","filename":"zaku comparison.jpg"},"posted":1706905899},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22437398,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707012173203476.jpg","filename":"1610080917050[1].jpg"},"posted":1707012173},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22440871,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707131363340392.jpg","filename":"1607187871680[1].jpg"},"posted":1707131363},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22443167,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707227289664061.jpg","filename":"419943.jpg"},"posted":1707227289},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22446033,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707342445297246.jpg","filename":"1551145397064[1].jpg"},"posted":1707342445},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22446082,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433424
The mainline GMs up to the GM III, ground type, Kai and E type, Custom and Quel, and Nemo use dual eyes. Even the Jesta here is actually double twin eyes + mono eye in the center. IIRC the Gustav Karl is either quad eyes or compound like the jesta, and the rezel is also compound 4 eyes + monoeye. So it's really just the Jegans and the GM Command variants that are mono-eyes.","attachment":null,"posted":1707343916},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22446113,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433749
That's probably just a quirk of the HGUC. The MG has two eyes and the GBO2 version has big double eyes. In Define there are a few panels where it does a single glowing eye meme (not monoeye) which points to two eyes.","attachment":null,"posted":1707345165},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22446142,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432436
reminds me of the sinanju having feddy-like eye cameras under its mono eye","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707346214873029.jpg","filename":"FwcYy1-WcAIzKN0.jpg"},"posted":1707346214},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22446159,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22446142
That ties into the expanded backstory about it being a remodeled Sinanju Stein, which was more Gundam-like with twin eyes. Oddly it seems that in some versions it has light red eyes and it other depictions it is a very light green.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707346802376475.jpg","filename":"page010-011.jpg"},"posted":1707346802},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22446311,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22420916
that is so stupid.
also, fuck that trope of just standing there doing dumb speeches or exposition and not killing protags right off the bat","attachment":null,"posted":1707352715},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22446618,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
>Large camera center in head
>cover it with a face plate with a slit opening and visor
I never understood this?","attachment":null,"posted":1707360748},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22447428,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406649
Tallgeese was the real Wing's Devil all along...","attachment":null,"posted":1707398642},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22447431,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22446311
You ever thought they just need to stretch time and that talking in moments of action is stylistic and isn't representative of some real overly long sequence of events underneath
It's a TV show, not "make the viewers pause and slow down every moment so they can catch up and do an OSINT analysis with lip reading" real combat footage","attachment":null,"posted":1707398779},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22447434,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22446618
>>Large camera center in head
Is it actually all camera and not just transparent visor shielding? What do the official technical arts say?","attachment":null,"posted":1707398960},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22451882,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707564686644752.jpg","filename":"1538851100795[1].jpg"},"posted":1707564686},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22453691,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22434321
>unlike Zeta.
the Titans were Feddies","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707617422900823.jpg","filename":"file.jpg"},"posted":1707617422},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22453708,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433424","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707617680915127.jpg","filename":"file.jpg"},"posted":1707617680},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22453897,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22453708
>Left: The Cooler Daniel
>Right: Daniel","attachment":null,"posted":1707621010},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22457764,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707774247619834.png","filename":"1565357235144[1].png"},"posted":1707774247},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22457818,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Hyuk Hyuk","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707775827784575.jpg","filename":"Psycho Goofy.jpg"},"posted":1707775827},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22457861,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Say what you will about Wing but it had some of the best designs of all time. Leos literally rival Zakus.","attachment":null,"posted":1707778089},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22461004,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1707910436784571.jpg","filename":"1448492009958[1].jpg"},"posted":1707910436},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22461011,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406749
The Tallgeese being the super up godfather of Leo's is hardly a disappointing fact since it was revealed at its inception. It can't compare to the shitty retcon of the Dijeh.","attachment":null,"posted":1707910793},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22461019,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">tallgeese
>only one of him","attachment":null,"posted":1707911344},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22464255,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708033452639456.jpg","filename":"1544536536871[1].jpg"},"posted":1708033452},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22464280,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22461019
as usual, multiple existed before and afterward, just never in the same place at the same time","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708034171596829.jpg","filename":"tallgeeseII.jpg"},"posted":1708034171},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22465763,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22427621
Or perhaps he's wondering, why would you shoot a man after throwing him off the plane?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708083305563459.jpg","filename":"mpv-shot0002.jpg"},"posted":1708083305},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22465772,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22434045
>As other anon's have stated part of the appeal of the Dijeh is that Amuro was such a good pilot he could take whatever sloppy seconds Karuba just had laying around and be sucessful.
Except Dijeh was a highly customized mobile suit based on the most advanced suit AEUG had that isn't a super prototype like Hyaku Shiki or Zeta. It's not like he sortied in GM II or Nemo.
Honestly, having a Gundam head there is kinda cool, because it makes it a Zeon looking Fed suit, as opposed to a ton of Fed looking Zeon suits of the era.","attachment":null,"posted":1708084093},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22465801,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408705
>heavyarms ejecting shell casing from a beam gatling.
The beams are stored in the bullets anon","attachment":null,"posted":1708086075},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22469597,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708221799393480.png","filename":"1492460305079[1].png"},"posted":1708221799},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22471134,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"They need to make a game like Federation vs Zeon but set in After Colony.
Dearly want to pilot grunts like Leos and Tragos and later get add a Tallgeese-prototype to the pool during campaign mode all with that sort of action gameplay (it was much like a Wing-series Gundam showing up whenever a canon character appeared in that considering they were invincible and did massive damage)","attachment":null,"posted":1708274802},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22471340,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406114
Fuck off Sevakis you queg.","attachment":null,"posted":1708279763},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22473172,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708348916124914.jpg","filename":"1565479131992[1].jpg"},"posted":1708348916},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475401,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Was the Tallgeese really so much faster in terms of speed and acceleration compared to every other mobile suit seen in the setting?
Like no other mobile suit seen in Wing gives its pilots heart attacks from the 2FAST2FURIOUS nature of it.
Wouldn't you be more likely to black out mid-combat from the G's involved in these circumstances?","attachment":null,"posted":1708422916},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475406,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22471134
>later get add a Tallgeese-prototype to the pool during campaign mode","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708423139040286.png","filename":"chinese knockoff tallgeese.png"},"posted":1708423139},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475425,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22475401
No, they were just too retarded to wear a pressure suit and didn't realize the engine throttle works for more than zero and max power","attachment":null,"posted":1708424349},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475537,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22475406
Wufei is by far the worst of the gundam pilots. Would much rather if his wife had been the pilot of the chink gundam. Would have made Wing slightly less gay.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708432470637402.jpg","filename":"gundamkitscollectionSS011.jpg"},"posted":1708432470},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475540,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22475537
but we like it gay","attachment":null,"posted":1708432603},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475560,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
No, THIS is the REAL Tallgeese!
It's unlikely. The tallgeese 3 has 95 tons of thrust. Assuming it's around 16 tons fully loaded it should only be capable of around 6Gs of acceleration. All 3 tallgeese are almost identical except equipment. The Wing Zero EW has similar thrust to empty mass ratio so they should both be similar in speed","attachment":null,"posted":1708440060},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475723,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22446082
>Even the Jesta here is actually double twin eyes + mono eye in the center.
Jesta's "4 eyes" are just additional upgrades to the main monoeye originated from Jegan model, and the design language is more akin to Federation Sniper MS. Basically it is still just monoeye with some extra LEDs. You take those out and it will revert to Jegan.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708443120268710.jpg","filename":"latest (87).jpg"},"posted":1708443120},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475724,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22475723
All feddie suits' main camera is the forehead/crest camera, so you could say the same thing about the monoeye","attachment":null,"posted":1708443194},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475741,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22475724
Later era of UC completely ditched GM's visor eyes in favor of Jegan's mono eyes with some upgrades. It makes sense, since both sides have been stealing each other's tech for decades.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708443887519548.jpg","filename":"latest (88).jpg"},"posted":1708443887},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22475821,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708446522213252.jpg","filename":"1257899009187.jpg"},"posted":1708446522},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22477475,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22475537
Man this design looks like ass, especially the shitty head semi-crest","attachment":null,"posted":1708512028},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22477569,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22461019
The geese are It's twin boosters","attachment":null,"posted":1708516495},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22479391,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22461019
It's supposed to be "Theurgist" but engrish is too hard prease undastand","attachment":null,"posted":1708584309},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22479636,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22479391
That sounds like nonsense someone came up with after the fact because they didn't like it being called bigbird","attachment":null,"posted":1708599954},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22479912,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22461019
PREDICTABO","attachment":null,"posted":1708615171},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22483460,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708746260506463.gif","filename":"1275158140239[1].gif"},"posted":1708746260},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22486604,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708868770225366.gif","filename":"1610333407087[1].gif"},"posted":1708868770},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22486615,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Leos are great. Looking forward to using one as the basis of my gunpla in GB4.
Wonder if it will include the Leo Cannon type by default.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708869030779809.jpg","filename":"3242324.jpg"},"posted":1708869030},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22486627,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I prefer the Tallgeese 2.
Glory to Treize","attachment":null,"posted":1708869705},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22486645,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708871072350171.jpg","filename":"1256347081990.jpg"},"posted":1708871072},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22486760,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22453691
He meant the mecha aesthetic. Majority of the Titans suits are monoeyes.","attachment":null,"posted":1708876312},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22489337,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708966820021666.webm","filename":"1666312138326[1].webm"},"posted":1708966820},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22489420,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22489337
Double-wielding Dober Guns is so cool.","attachment":null,"posted":1708969447},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22489422,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22489420
It is.","attachment":null,"posted":1708969620},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22489756,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22475537
were there actually any Wing pilots who weren't fucking insufferable aside from Duo and Trowa? I think Wufei's obnoxiousness would stand out more if he wasn't next to Heero.","attachment":null,"posted":1708981005},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22489807,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22489756
I don't understand what you think makes Heero "insufferable". He's distant and incredibly objective to the point of coming off as brusque. But if you're not too overbearing and take the time to know him by going with his flow, he actually ends up being the best Wingman you could ask for.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708983889762145.jpg","filename":"Heero.Yuy.600.33949.jpg"},"posted":1708983889},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22491151,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22489807
>t. Relena","attachment":null,"posted":1709047451},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22494952,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709214843885827.jpg","filename":"1468435581942[1].jpg"},"posted":1709214843},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22495024,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22494997
The Tallgeese is older than the Gundams in Wing.","attachment":null,"posted":1709217704},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22498092,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The Aries were cool aerial mobile suits but they don't get any respect, apart from their kickass original design compared to pretty much any other MS in the franchise they don't seem to be any better at it when they bring in bullshit flying demigod tallgeese (or even Leos getting their own flight boosters)
They should have had more missiles mounted on them to go along with the chaingun.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709344417297025.jpg","filename":"1245995995861.jpg"},"posted":1709344417},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22498181,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22498092
Only the Aries and Taurus grunts seemed to be capable of actual flying. The flight pack for Leos didn't allow high altitude and it was more like a high mobility pack that let them hover, hop, and dash.","attachment":null,"posted":1709347459},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22499396,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22498092
My headcannon is that they overcompensated when trying to make suits that wouldn't actively kill pilots after making the Tallgeese too strong and put some severe limitations on the grunt suits. Between safe guards and training the average pilot can barely manage to move and shoot.
Aries would be especially difficult to handle for the average soldier.
In real life air force pilots and astronauts are some of the smartest dudes of the bunch, but in gundam they like portraying pilots as just typical soldiers.
I wonder if we can do this in Breaker 4","attachment":null,"posted":1709410955},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22499399,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22499396
In breaker 4 I'm gonna use a Leo as my suits base, and give it overwelming firepower with all sorts of option weapons attatched to it.","attachment":null,"posted":1709411253},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22503506,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
We wuz gundam and shiet.","attachment":null,"posted":1709648538},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22505518,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22446033
WE WUZ GUNDOOMZ AND SHIET!!!","attachment":null,"posted":1709649870},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22505709,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22505461
So cool.
The Dober Gun is one of the coolest weapons in Gundam, way cooler than bullshit like remote psychic weapons.
The only stupid bit of it is the series not deciding on if its a physical cannon or also a beam cannon.","attachment":null,"posted":1709660679},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22505810,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22475537
No amount of vagina would've made Wing less gay.","attachment":null,"posted":1709666201},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22505812,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22469597
It ain't really a gundam head unless you squint really hard.","attachment":null,"posted":1709666263},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22506440,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22489420
I agree.","attachment":null,"posted":1709695127},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22506446,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22499396
You talking about how Gundam portrays pilots reminds me of Ace Combat Infinity's story. In it, it's stated that with the increasing ease of mass producing fighter planes, official militaries and mercenary groups alike were snapping up any kind of pilot, including flight school dropouts.
With the proliferation of mobile suits in all Gundam settings, perhaps one would wonder if giving every soldier a mobile suit is not unlike throwing crap at a wall and see what sticks before reorganizing the survivors into a team.","attachment":null,"posted":1709695414},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22507404,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Tallgeese Wing is best Tallgeese.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709751609475372.jpg","filename":"8heef6qrvza51.jpg"},"posted":1709751609},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22507549,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22507404
All the yellow bullshit added to the tallggeese is so fucking ugly. Not to mention the stupid cockerel crest.","attachment":null,"posted":1709757561},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22507696,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432436
>Dijeh casts off its armor reveal a restored RX 78-2 beneath","attachment":null,"posted":1709764455},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22508731,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22507549
but that's a chicken","attachment":null,"posted":1709832411},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22512170,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709978590781155.jpg","filename":"e59ad0b72380f83a9ee87760ec2d4a8c.jpg"},"posted":1709978590},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22516314,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710155894039867.jpg","filename":"1650598927428[1].jpg"},"posted":1710155894},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22517946,"name":"Black_Knight","msg":">>22475560
Just found out this guy hit a million subs. Good for him.
Wonder if he's going to do a video honoring MH3U and 4U before the servers close down next month.","attachment":null,"posted":1710222451},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22519596,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22503506
I would've gotten away with it if weren't for you meddling kids.","attachment":null,"posted":1710305887},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22519597,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
Leo are literally just Tallgeese that were made poorly on purpose.","attachment":null,"posted":1710306050},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22519812,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22519597
No, they are the Tallgeese but made in a way people can actually pilot it without dying.","attachment":null,"posted":1710320655},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22523417,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710479635436219.jpg","filename":"1517523200786[1].jpg"},"posted":1710479635},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22525673,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710580873172658.jpg","filename":"1650601615724[1].jpg"},"posted":1710580873},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22525840,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
>Reminder that THIS is the real Tallgeese. Give it up boys Leofags won.
leos are just a mass produced cheaper tallgeese with everything turned down enough to not risk killing the pilot.
As for the head, we really have no idea what is behind the mono eye. It might not even be an eye or camera. It could be filled with sensors and radar that operate at frequencies that easily penetrate the mask. The mask could be additional armor. It could also be a second set of senors developed by one of the scientists that work better than the sensors that it snaps on top of.","attachment":null,"posted":1710590237},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22528211,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710682774297274.jpg","filename":"1654431351198[1].jpg"},"posted":1710682774},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22530096,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
They never hide this fact though? I mean yeah it is goofy that instead of a unique head they put a face mask on it and call it a new mech. Same with the blue one. But it speaks volumes of how powerful the Talgeese is that reducing visibility on it's head doesn't phase it at all and can take out a base by just charging forward with a palm strike.","attachment":null,"posted":1710748009},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22531572,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22528211
>Tallgeese [EW] with the excess yellow painted over
I love how basically everyone does this","attachment":null,"posted":1710818205},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22531991,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22531572
The excess yellow is gaudy visual cancer slapped onto a perfect design","attachment":null,"posted":1710837125},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22532509,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22530096
>instead of a unique head they put a face mask on it and call it a new mech
There's a little bit of cope involved if you reach hard enough
Giant face camera is pretty vulnerable, dunno how stylized head protects it while offering not very impaired vision","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710865493703868.png","filename":"leofaceguard.png"},"posted":1710865493},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22533289,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22532509
I always thought that was just a little hat. That was an eye patch the whole time? Nani the fuck.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710892953703013.png","filename":"Leo is a Char.png"},"posted":1710892953},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22536181,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711020289699639.gif","filename":"1604135409855[1].gif"},"posted":1711020289},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22536212,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22530096
The tallgeese is the original","attachment":null,"posted":1711021981},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22538316,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22519597
Well yeah. If Tallgeese the parallel stand in for the Rx 78-2, then Leo is the GM. They were doom to fail","attachment":null,"posted":1711084828},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22538350,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22507549
Cucktoki can't help himself","attachment":null,"posted":1711086808},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22542019,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711242942030173.jpg","filename":"1652362461152[1].jpg"},"posted":1711242942},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22544842,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711365333401223.gif","filename":"1598151120544[1].gif"},"posted":1711365333},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22544867,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22461004
Yes. Won't happen tho. Japs prefer UC over AC","attachment":null,"posted":1711366659},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22546403,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22538316
The flying Leos do a decent job. In hindsight though that makes them closer to the Talgeese and the jet engines it has.","attachment":null,"posted":1711429784},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22548943,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711549509655233.gif","filename":"1603972657539[1].gif"},"posted":1711549509},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22552651,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711711907929458.gif","filename":"1598089503857[1].gif"},"posted":1711711907},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22552671,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22548943
Its annoying the only "Ace Custom" Oz suits in Wing come from a shitty spinoff manga.","attachment":null,"posted":1711712604},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22553670,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711751347402847.png","filename":"1271012394483.png"},"posted":1711751347},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22553673,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22542019
The Red Leo and the Armoured Leo seems like they make sense, in that they are just Leos with extra components added ontop.
But the Girl leo is physically slimmer than the Leos frame, it would have to be a whole new ms unlike the other two which are modifications. Seems off.","attachment":null,"posted":1711751449},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22554721,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
I wish the Gundams in Wing weren't so OP. AC has the best looking gunts. Leo, Taurus, Virgo, not to mention UESA and OZ uniforms.
We need another series set in AC that animated and isn't Frozen Teardrop.","attachment":null,"posted":1711809637},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22558380,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711979633202108.png","filename":"1606876240226[1].png"},"posted":1711979633},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22560142,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712056815299847.jpg","filename":"1468436443674[1].jpg"},"posted":1712056815},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22562533,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712181112380009.jpg","filename":"1607550302317[1].jpg"},"posted":1712181112},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22562570,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22554721
The funny thing is that their specs are pretty damn good. They'd be midway suits in UC.","attachment":null,"posted":1712183244},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22562585,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562570
They seem like Zeta-era suits at least, especially since that show loved transforming so much as a gimmick so the Taurus would slot right in.
The Leo is old as shit in AC but its at least better than OYW suits. Has an actual military feel with its lifespan, refurbishments and wide range of equipment.","attachment":null,"posted":1712183645},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22562600,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562585
Honestly I'd love to see a continuation of AC entirely just to see tech advancements. We got such a good taste of it in EW with the Serpent being an advancement of the Leo combined with Heavyarms weaponry.","attachment":null,"posted":1712184401},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22562624,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562585
Sanc Kingdom Taurus's are really cool.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712185236622661.png","filename":"Sanc Kingdom Taurus Beam Saber.png"},"posted":1712185236},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22563262,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558380
these are cool","attachment":null,"posted":1712237624},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22566197,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712382011725701.jpg","filename":"1631438452493[1].jpg"},"posted":1712382011},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22566213,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562600
monkey's paw, etc","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712382929805901.jpg","filename":"Frozen Teardrop Virgo IV CG.jpg"},"posted":1712382929},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22566230,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566213","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712384533916555.jpg","filename":"Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama 6.jpg"},"posted":1712384533},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22566235,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566213
I highly doubt any of the mechs or even the characters are going to look the way they did in the novel.","attachment":null,"posted":1712384968},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22566246,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566235
IIRC the Virgo IV was apparently intentionally meant to look like the old Virgo II model to be deceptive.
Not that it makes any sense since the only manufacturers of the Virgo II were the White Fang who stole it from Romefeller, and their only factory was the Libra battlestation which no longer exists.","attachment":null,"posted":1712385527},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22566297,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566246
Isn't that just Katoki not playing ball? I know the villains have the original Zero and Epyon and considering what the Zero System can do, I wouldn't put it past those units to have information on the Virgo that can be used to build more.","attachment":null,"posted":1712388144},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22566316,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22489807
I have not watched Wing, but I believe you","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712390075908642.jpg","filename":"Heero and Masaki.jpg"},"posted":1712390075},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22566475,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22433424
This is not correct. Monoeyed GM types are hallmark trait of Izubuchi-designed GMs such as the Command types and Jegan. Types such as the vanilla GM, II, III, etc. tend to have sensor arrays, dual eyes, etc.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712404071191865.jpg","filename":"jimbo.jpg"},"posted":1712404071},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22569614,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712526769037620.png","filename":"1280176262748[1].png"},"posted":1712526769},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22571779,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"How often does the Leo bazooka actually get used?
Its a cool version of a mobile suit bazooka/rocket launcher, but for the Leo its overshadowed heavily by the existance of the Dober Gun.","attachment":null,"posted":1712649954},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22571828,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22525673
Milliardo looks so lame without the Zechs mask.","attachment":null,"posted":1712653308},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22573765,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712751538068699.jpg","filename":"DSC_0150-2[1].jpg"},"posted":1712751538},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22577049,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712923371566252.jpg","filename":"DduBBeaV0AA55oC[1].jpg"},"posted":1712923371},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22579739,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713055970428899.jpg","filename":"KIMG2013[1].jpg"},"posted":1713055970},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22582176,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22553670
Only show where the drone mechs upstage the generics piloted by humans in looking good.","attachment":null,"posted":1713171032},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22582197,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
How do they explain tallgeese being able to turn its head?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713174018083863.jpg","filename":"1701723885689.jpg"},"posted":1713174018},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22582511,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582197
it's Wing, don't gotta explain shit","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713197660156709.gif","filename":"Sorrowful02.gif"},"posted":1713197660},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22584232,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713291561118428.jpg","filename":"6cc5f4f2c474921d2652d3c689febb6a.jpg"},"posted":1713291561},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22586901,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713421671826327.jpg","filename":"1597212320839[1].jpg"},"posted":1713421671},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22591824,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713668183213054.gif","filename":"1619745942998[1].gif"},"posted":1713668183},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22595409,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713881508387136.jpg","filename":"1654176661749[1].jpg"},"posted":1713881508},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22597545,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713995260196823.jpg","filename":"1654084899338[1].jpg"},"posted":1713995260},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22601685,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714189471026576.jpg","filename":"1654352802880[1].jpg"},"posted":1714189471},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22607472,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714475990262861.jpg","filename":"1654465840149[1].jpg"},"posted":1714475990},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22607953,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
wasn't heero defeated by a leo? why suddenly he could fight 1v1 with the Tallgeese?","attachment":null,"posted":1714504778},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22612656,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714791823723700.png","filename":"1658669928855[1].png"},"posted":1714791823},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22612675,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22607953
There might be official lore reasons somewhere but mostly just because okay?
Heero was mary sue as fuck but that was still his first real combat deployment and he was up against THE ace pilot of the century.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714792762425335.jpg","filename":"69350560_p0.jpg"},"posted":1714792762},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22613394,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22607953
Cannot dodge well when descending from space.","attachment":null,"posted":1714846034},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22617302,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22446311
I think so too
Weird post","attachment":null,"posted":1715064519},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22617686,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22408197
>most skilled MS pilot around almost couldn't handle it before he just stopped being afraid of death or something(?).
Zechs just got severe brain damage from it and then it didn't matter anymore. Just listen to the utter nonsense he answers to Noin's questions in the hospital tent after piloting it. Brain was totally fried.","attachment":null,"posted":1715097454},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22617691,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432436
For me, it's the high heels and butterfly wings.","attachment":null,"posted":1715097758},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22621491,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715261486055155.jpg","filename":"1522682402314[1].jpg"},"posted":1715261486},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22625094,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715429884819665.jpg","filename":"1522012770825[1].jpg"},"posted":1715429884},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22627768,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715550359706658.jpg","filename":"1603499653230[1].jpg"},"posted":1715550359},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22628054,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432480
The Dijeh is like...one of the most advanced suits of the Zeta era, it's basically already a gundam in terms of specs.","attachment":null,"posted":1715562656},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22628060,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22453691
Nta but despite being an arm of the Federation military, 90% of their suits look like something Zeon would use.","attachment":null,"posted":1715562802},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22628652,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406104
WE WUZ GUNDUM AND SHIET","attachment":null,"posted":1715601638},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22629220,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629105
Thank you but who is this","attachment":null,"posted":1715630520},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22629227,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629220
that would be me having too many fucking tabs open","attachment":null,"posted":1715630737},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22629243,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629227
Well I hope your stream goes well anon, hope driving a stolen car or playing as those Portal robots makes you feel like you're piloting a Tallgoose","attachment":null,"posted":1715631577},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22629366,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629243
>feel like you're piloting a Tallgoose
why would you wish pain on strangers","attachment":null,"posted":1715637158},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22629396,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629366
The pain will make him stronger and keep better track of his tabs","attachment":null,"posted":1715638710},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22629445,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22503506
Not exactly. The gundams are decended from the Wing Zero, which was made by the scientists after they got fed up with Earth and Oz and decided to make something new and original to surpass tallgeese. Related but not descended from.","attachment":null,"posted":1715778232},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22631719,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22406860
Not true for the graze. The thing on the front is an entirely seperate camera from the inner one. The inner camera is more powerful but more easily damaged during close combat so when not needed it's covered by the armor to protect it.","attachment":null,"posted":1715778513},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22632488,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617686
He got the girl in the end so that nonsense worked.","attachment":null,"posted":1715823568},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22632504,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Behold, a Gundam!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715824409652489.jpg","filename":"1473116993768.jpg"},"posted":1715824409},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22632542,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22432355
the fucking inconsistencies, lmao","attachment":null,"posted":1715827104},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22635259,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715980965828798.jpg","filename":"1540844595178[1].jpg"},"posted":1715980965},{"board":"m","thread":22406104,"pid":22638659,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716154728341414.jpg","filename":"1641485686304[1].jpg"},"posted":1716154728}]}
{"title":"Muv-Luv General - /mlg/","posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524207,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Belated Birthday Edition
>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)
>Magazines on Steam
>JP version gallery
>english (can whoever hosts the mega archive upload these?)
>The Imperial Capital Burns on Steam
>Archive backup
>Muv-Luv Alternative Manga
1-16: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/20911206/#q20938263
17: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/21869980/#q21894915
>Strike Frontiers assets
Last Thread:
>>22452289","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710518408237148.jpg","filename":"GIhNHuTacAAc7sY.jpg_orig.jpg"},"posted":1710518408},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524330,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710522252821274.jpg","filename":"alive series.jpg"},"posted":1710522252},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524336,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524330
>hit anime
If only...","attachment":null,"posted":1710522538},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524434,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524330
so much of a hit they aren't even going to finish the story with an ova. Truly an endless money printer.","attachment":null,"posted":1710526089},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524557,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Yui is perfect.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710531637409505.jpg","filename":"1573669588936.jpg"},"posted":1710531637},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524610,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524557
maybe on planet retard","attachment":null,"posted":1710534352},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524656,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524610
Anywhere in the universe, Yui is perfect.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710535952541540.jpg","filename":"1491107901070.jpg"},"posted":1710535952},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524658,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524207
How much longer can this keep going? Last thread didn't even hit 404 before dying. Fewer people are bothering to show up, and there's nothing left to talk about. Is this just an extended wake for the franchise?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710536054812796.jpg","filename":"Screenshot_20220929-130813_Gallery.jpg"},"posted":1710536054},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524675,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524658
dimensions EoS within the next few months, that should result in like 3 active threads.","attachment":null,"posted":1710536351},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524688,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524656
She isn't even the best girl in her own game, much less the best japanese girl in the franchise, AND she is dumb as a rock.","attachment":null,"posted":1710536654},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524735,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524688
Don't confuse Yui for Ilfriede.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710537844096973.png","filename":"1498815075367.png"},"posted":1710537844},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22524844,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524658
First time? The strike frontier thread drought led to goons here raiding /a/ who had real threads.","attachment":null,"posted":1710541308},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22525036,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524844
/a/ doesn't have regular threads anymore because the anime broke their spirit","attachment":null,"posted":1710548243},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22525684,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22525036
I have some fund muv live memories with /a/.
We watched Total eclipse Anne laughed at the QUALITY together.
People told me about the Schwarzesmarken stuff I'm supposed to know from the novel to make the anime make more sense. Then, funnily enough, I read the VN almost 10 years later and still relied on the info from /a/ threads for the backstory!
MLA anime is mostly memorable because of speedrunning jokes. I was kind of disappointed they didn't cram in the entire story into 24 episodes.","attachment":null,"posted":1710581114},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22526133,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524658
I don't understand why they didn't just keep making Faraway Dawn games. I just beat 1 on normal and got the good muvluv game I always wanted, and I never would have known about it if anon didn't mention it. I can't find any interest about this online and it's really damn good. You guys if you haven't played should check it out -if you press F1 in-game it'll spit out an instruction manual in plain text that you can paste into google translate, then you're good to go. It's genius, they already had all the assets and nailed the mechanics, it must've been made by just a couple people for pocket change, so what happened?
Anyways, advice for new players: play on easy for a challenge, very easy for normal difficulty. A unit's health is also number of soldiers, so a unit at half health does half damage -that also goes for the BETA, and you can leave BETA barely alive to use as shields against Laser Class. Your TSFs have melee defense that varies by craft, terrain, rank, pilot, and facing direction. And make sure to turn on the laser map with ctrl+L","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710603225656985.png","filename":"breaking point.png"},"posted":1710603225},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22526572,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524658
integrade will come soon trust the plan","attachment":null,"posted":1710620887},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22526606,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22526572
it's literally not even in development anymore and they've open stated this","attachment":null,"posted":1710622561},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22526700,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22526606
Those bastids created new cg's of my wife and cancelled development. Can't believe it!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710685149878086.jpg","filename":"Latrova Muv-Luv-Integrate-5-scaled.jpg"},"posted":1710685149},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22529415,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710723234440586.jpg","filename":"GIrmdzKaIAAgc1_.jpg"},"posted":1710723234},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22529521,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22529415
>stabbing the cake
Stop being such a tryhard edgelord Beatrix. That's the reason your bf didn't commit.","attachment":null,"posted":1710725932},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22530071,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22526133
Hey, can you tell me where to get both faraway dawns?","attachment":null,"posted":1710745982},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22530416,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22530071
the first is in altered fable, the second is in haruko maniax. Find a torrent for altered fable. I found the english partial patch for it here https://mega.nz/file/rswgnaQQ#s5vYpXI_wQslyJmM1syJI1hJbShEtJxTfVVM37ON5PA
Haruko Maniax might be harder to find but the second faraway dawn is even harder so the first should be plenty.","attachment":null,"posted":1710774088},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22531713,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22529415
Are they still friends in the alternate continuity?","attachment":null,"posted":1710821785},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22531799,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22531713
As in compared to the gacha or..?","attachment":null,"posted":1710825872},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22532171,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"age stream on now:
The event was a little silly.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710900554861753.jpg","filename":"GIrlJXMaoAAXRlG.jpg"},"posted":1710900554},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22533751,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"She was right","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710915310254451.png","filename":"1451430457007.png"},"posted":1710915310},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22533893,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"rofl
Tits too big","attachment":null,"posted":1710936245},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22536200,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22533893
>may class rep and I always be horny together","attachment":null,"posted":1711021361},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22536963,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22533893
now i need that asset in high quality","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711046979836183.jpg","filename":"GIMwJcibUAARohe.jpg"},"posted":1711046979},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22537211,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22533893
looks like she pissed herself lol","attachment":null,"posted":1711051810},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22539956,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711161758366582.png","filename":"GIcbVOBbsAAWh13.png"},"posted":1711161758},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22540479,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">See successful new game release
>Think "this could've been a great Muv-Luv game"
How many times have you thought this?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711178104261636.jpg","filename":"cdrzysydjau01.jpg"},"posted":1711178104},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22540507,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540479
Unfortunately, all modern VNs are either gachas or hybrid VNRPGs like Persona.","attachment":null,"posted":1711179116},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22540836,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540479
Not much, Muv Luvs was a product of the times, and those times ended 10 years ago","attachment":null,"posted":1711202189},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22541169,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540507
You know what's funny? GunParade March, which is basically an unrecognized twin of muvluv, is also a VNRPG a la Persona but focused on Unlimited-like military slice of life along some combat missions here and there. All ML had to do was "borrow" that template for future releases rather than stay as a pure VN, what with P3's success and the established popularity Alternative had back then. Could have gone that route for TDA with Faraway Dawn gameplay.","attachment":null,"posted":1711214631},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22541588,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711230686877895.jpg","filename":"1687820891327641.jpg"},"posted":1711230686},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22541806,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22541588
Lise, you're literally 3 feet off the ground. Get down from there.","attachment":null,"posted":1711239393},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22544288,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22541806
It's her cat genes activating.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711336751456300.jpg","filename":"1638298291600.jpg"},"posted":1711336751},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22544295,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711337027382829.jpg","filename":"BETX.jpg"},"posted":1711337027},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22544566,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22541169
>GunParade March
W-why do I have the urge to rape this bitch even before knowing anything about that VN?
It's Kasumi all over again.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711344083642822.jpg","filename":"__ishizu_moe_gunparade_march_drawn_by_satomura_kyou__6feef6e44cb2176bf21aa4fbfb4b17bd.jpg"},"posted":1711344083},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22546387,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22544566
muv luv actually shares so many elements with gunparade march that nips have been saying Kouki ripped it off for like literally 20 years, with him denying it every time.
I used to believe him, but after playing the game for myself and seeing muv luv shit itself after the main trilogy again and again, I'm pretty certain he did do it but won't admit it because of his pride. Not like it would be a big deal. It's so bad that he will respond and get into arguments with complete rando no-name twitter users that don't even give a shit about muvluv, because the idea that it's a ripoff is so widespread over there that random people will just say it because they heard it elsewhere.","attachment":null,"posted":1711429391},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22546461,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524330
Why do her nipples poke out so much","attachment":null,"posted":1711432117},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22546598,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22546461
OG trilogy had suit nipples, they were removed later in the series and erased from the re-releases and HD remasters.","attachment":null,"posted":1711441430},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550192,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22546598
Remember what they took from you.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711602948948633.jpg","filename":"1479756506224.jpg"},"posted":1711602948},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550212,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Lay it on me. Is there any hope? Things aren't looking better than they did in 2022. Is the kiminozo Kickstart even still around? The link in the OP is a year old","attachment":null,"posted":1711604460},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550225,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550212
No. Muv Luv is slowly coasting into the grave. When the Gacha dies, the IP will be buried. This thread is part of the long mourning process.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711605948363287.jpg","filename":"1573177427481.jpg"},"posted":1711605948},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550324,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550212
the kiminozo all ages kickstarter got funded because they attached retarded shit like "eat dinner with kouki" and "we will put your name somewhere into the actual game? where? no idea" to it
Then Tororo said they can only develop one game at a time so for the next year+ they're just gonna develop a port of an over 20 year old game","attachment":null,"posted":1711611990},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550359,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550324
>kiminozo all ages
For whomst?
Well, I do like KGNE quite a lot, more than muv luv in some ways. But it's such a horny story, you can't really separate sex scenes from it. So many iconic scenes are 18+. I was laughing for 1.5 minutes when Daikuuji accidentally snowballs you and then it busy cuts to the credits with the bad end theme playing.","attachment":null,"posted":1711614519},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550364,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550212
realistically we can hope they translate the remaining material, though right after they could put the ip on ice for the foreseeable future.
ideally it just gets sold to someone competent at a nice discount.","attachment":null,"posted":1711614850},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550417,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Are there any illustrations of what the jet version of the takemysushi would look like?","attachment":null,"posted":1711617980},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550465,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550364
when ML dies buy the entire IP for like a dollar problem solved","attachment":null,"posted":1711621590},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550526,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550465
some companies like EA don't even like selling IPs, they just keep them forever and let them rot.","attachment":null,"posted":1711625432},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550625,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"First time poster here because a friend lent me his anime-streaming account and suggested I watch Muv-luv alternative total eclipse and I liked it, not gonna lie, I was surprised by the nudity and fanservice even If even if it was a little, never cared about ecchi but the only mecha I watched was 3 Gundams (Wing, Zeta and Seed) and read Mazinger Z so I was caught off guard. The story interested me and It's a pity that there wasn't another season, the whole conspiracy of this called "God" and FLR conspiration caught my attention, making me quickly binge the last episodes quickly.","attachment":null,"posted":1711632873},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550661,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550625
Also I know about the games, I plan to buy next sale, I like VN games","attachment":null,"posted":1711635444},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550663,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550625
I'd tell you to read the VNs but the franchise has shit itself so much in the last 10 years that all the shit you found interesting remains unresolved to this day","attachment":null,"posted":1711635524},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550664,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550625
I think what they did with the espers is kind of like a reimagining of Four from zeta or just newtypes in general. Maybe they even did it better in muv luv, because the way zeta retells Four's story three times (Four, Four after they made her retarded and then Rosamia) is kind of like shamelessly trying to get enough content for 50 episodes. There's no similarities with Wing that I could remember and in SEED Kira becomes this savior, much like the protagonist in the original visual novel is a savior that the world was longing for (they have the same voice actor, actually).
I do like Total Eclipse anime, it's pretty fun and it's like the swan song of the lewd because I think they retired ecchi after that. At least the visual novel of the same name, that continues the story, is more of a kiddy friendly flavor. It was my introduction to the franchise too, I watched it when it aired and it was full of QUALITY, but they fixed it on blue rays.","attachment":null,"posted":1711635617},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22550673,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116904554","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711636174582659.gif","filename":"1708493734468499.gif"},"posted":1711636174},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22551114,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I am just going to not create an account HAHAHAH","attachment":null,"posted":1711650302},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22551188,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550664
the total eclipse anime was the last new mub rub with nipples and was also the last mub rub that was successful. coincidence? I don't think so.
also reminder that build fighters is the one gundam where the newtype girlfriend gets a good ending.","attachment":null,"posted":1711652998},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22551248,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711654121147588.png","filename":"Captura de Tela (1531).png"},"posted":1711654121},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22552187,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550664
Wait Schwarzesmarken didn't have any lewd? I thought there was something but maybe I'm just wrong","attachment":null,"posted":1711683566},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22552524,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552187
fade to black sex scene just like TE","attachment":null,"posted":1711701538},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22552528,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552187
there was implied rape and I think the original illustrations by carnelian had nipple bumps in the suits, but it didn't have any actual nudity. I think technically the last thing with titties was strike frontier which didn't shut down until 2018. the alternative mango also ran until 2017 apparently and had nudity, but I don't know when the last chapter to show it was.","attachment":null,"posted":1711702046},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22552548,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"i love chizuru so much i could die","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711703615641001.png","filename":"mzryaOcDg.png"},"posted":1711703615},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22553278,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552548
I don't know why but something about women wearing glasses in anime pisses me off, is kinda like PTSD","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711739542137920.jpg","filename":"Pol_Pot.jpg"},"posted":1711739542},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22554347,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Chizuru pays her respects to this dead franchise. F","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711780053967369.png","filename":"6DB3FEAB.png"},"posted":1711780053},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22554535,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22553278
Completely natural reaction, glasses girls are shit.
Shitzuru a shit.
Perrine a shit.","attachment":null,"posted":1711796378},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22554623,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Chizuru a cute! CUTE!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711801973602663.jpg","filename":"EsD5F4LUYAAlgfE.jpg"},"posted":1711801973},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22554640,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552548
shut up class prez shill","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711804004915061.png","filename":"shutupnigger.png"},"posted":1711804004},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22554642,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22554623
She's cute, but she's such a narc.","attachment":null,"posted":1711804122},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555246,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22526606
Is this real? I stopped coming to these threads months ago and stopped by to check in.","attachment":null,"posted":1711829069},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555251,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22554640
Jealous that her tits are bigger?","attachment":null,"posted":1711829305},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555386,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555246
Just pirate the latest lore magazines and check the afterword pages to see literally Kouki write about "If these books sell well enough it will be the first step to getting things moving again"
They stopped working on the VNs at some point and never started back up. More specfically, Kouki and his co-writers are still writing scripts and getting them approved by Avex, but absolutely nobody is doing any fucking development work to turn them into visual novels. His co-writer started working on the Eurofront script like 2-3 years ago at this point because they were already fully finished with Resonative.","attachment":null,"posted":1711836163},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555397,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Kouki supposedly ripped off Gunparade march? Do tell, I’m getting very curious now.","attachment":null,"posted":1711836798},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555432,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22554642
I dated a woman like her for some time.. absolutely never again.
Cuteness alone just ain't worth.","attachment":null,"posted":1711837881},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555493,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555397
>WW2 going on
>Suddenly, a black moon appears and earth is swarmed by silent alien monsters who's sole purpose is to slaughter humans
>Humanity starts fighting them
>50 years later, Eurasia has fallen and the only countries still around are parts of America, Africa and Japan
>At last, the monsters begin their assault on Japan in Kyuushuu
>Japan fucks up the defense and most of the military dies
>Japan decides to turn Kumamoto into a giant military base and line of defense
>Japan decides to start drafting 14-17 year olds into the military even though survival rates are terrible
>Game takes place in military school where you hang out with your classmates, Japan has turned into a rightwing society where they jerk off the idea of modern day "Samurai"
>Humanity has developed mechas as a means of fighting the monsters
>Your main teacher is a crazy bitch with purple hair who constantly has her cleavage out
>Both games bring up the idea of "there are corpses buried under the cherry blossom trees" from that one poem, since depending on your choices all of your classmates will fucking die
>GPM released in 2000, Extra released in 2003
Just go on youtube and click through random scenes of the 2003 anime and you'll quickly see why nips can't shut the fuck up about the similarities
Ok, i gotta see this for myself, any way i can play gunparade translated?","attachment":null,"posted":1711850953},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555940,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555901
no, it has never been translated. the Anime has though","attachment":null,"posted":1711852304},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555953,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555493
Why was ML translated instead of this?","attachment":null,"posted":1711852584},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555968,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555953
It's a buggy ps1 game that sony thought was so shit they literally gave it 0 PR budget only for it to go viral and sell 200k units
the PS2 was already out when it was released so an overseas release was never going to happen","attachment":null,"posted":1711853557},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22555971,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555940
My experiences with adaptations, this series being an example make me extremely suspicious of the anime, shame it was never translated.","attachment":null,"posted":1711853612},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22556589,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555968
There are other obscure PS1 rpgs that got translated.","attachment":null,"posted":1711895099},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22557127,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555397
He did a gunparade march doujin","attachment":null,"posted":1711918598},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22557264,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Hi. How's your Easter going, /m/uvluv?
I made a post on GameFAQs where I asked people if they want to see videos where I add random music to anime scenes, and I used my new video where I play the ending music from Point Break over the final scene from Perfect Blue as an example. I only got two replies, and they were both varying degrees of "No." So I guess I'm not going to do that any more.
I always thought it was more likely he ripped off All You Need is Kill during the 2004-2006 gap when he was trying to figure out how to explain all the timeline-hopping mechanics and continue Muv-Luv Unlimited (He even mentioned All You Need is Kill on his stream once)
Maybe he ripped off both.
>>At last, the monsters begin their assault on Japan in Kyuushuu
Oh no. :(","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711923580063824.jpg","filename":"paul.jpg"},"posted":1711923580},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22557961,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/973926/post/7537707","attachment":null,"posted":1711952319},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22557995,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22557961
kill yourself","attachment":null,"posted":1711953797},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22558123,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22557961
Not bad.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711961426278997.jpg","filename":"FNqHffpUcAMz9JA.jpg"},"posted":1711961426},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22558142,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"1/144 scale Raptor fucking where Kotobukiya","attachment":null,"posted":1711963098},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22558191,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558142
*Infinites Raptor
I raped her ass in Muv Luv Duelist.","attachment":null,"posted":1711980832},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22558418,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22554640
Both. Both is good","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711981814077798.png","filename":"chizuru kei sleep.png"},"posted":1711981814},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22558583,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22557995
Thought u were talkin to me for the second.","attachment":null,"posted":1711988645},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22558644,"name":"Anonymous Mogul","msg":"Integrate is out!
APRILS FOOLS!!! HAHAHAHA","attachment":null,"posted":1711991669},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22558687,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558644
It's funny because I haven't listened to Kouki's podcast in 2 years and I've seemingly missed nothing of worth.","attachment":null,"posted":1711993056},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22559330,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558687
Just like Muvluv","attachment":null,"posted":1712018604},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22560270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Need to bully Irisdina","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712063923024387.png","filename":"1481631831543.png"},"posted":1712063923},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22560643,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22560270
I want to bully her in the bedroom with Beatrix.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712082275621747.jpg","filename":"1480373681215.jpg"},"posted":1712082275},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22561401,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Another update on my reread with my blind friends. Sorry for not posting in a while. By some miracle we've actually been pretty consistent in our get-togethers, so we've actually gotten pretty far into Alternative now.
I was actually really nervous about the coup arc, despite it having some of the most sound writing in the entire series. The most boisterous friend of the group has a famously short attention span, and I was sure he'd bring the mood down if the complicated political intrigue bored him. Surprisingly he ended up being pretty silent during the entire ordeal, except for when he expressed his hate for classrep whenever she'd push Takeru away. I do think he overall kind of didn't care much about the finer details though, so it seemed to me like he didn't enjoy the arc as much as I'd hoped. The others seemed pretty invested though. When Yuuhi was doing her whole self sacrifice speech, one of them even commented on the fact that her demeanor and voice actress made her seem like "a god, or deity" more than a human. This lead to them discussing the portrayal of nobility in fiction, which eventually concluded with them recognizing Yuuhi as one of the best portrayals of an emperor figure ever. Needless to say I was extatic that they were finally getting how great these characters can be.
At this point in the series my friends were raring to see some actual combat. And I was really nervous about the fact that the coup arc kinda blue balls you at that point. My boisterous friend hates the chimera ant arc in HXH for having "no real fights", so I was once again nervous he'd not enjoy himself. Once again it went well, but I don't think they liked it quite as much as I did on my first read. I was fanboying tsukuyomi a lot during the arc, and they weren't really feeling her a lot for example. Neither did they really bite into the whole alternate pre-ww2 japan mentality(yet, we do end up having some intense discourse about it later down the line).
The Kasumi reveal made the boys realize they REALLY like Kasumi as a character. "If she dies, I will literally ragequit" was said just after her waking Takeru up one morning.
The returning to the extraverse twist came completely out of left field for them. Every single one of them was really surprised when the layerhopping machine was introduced. Sadly I think the early parts of this arc was one of the worst recieved parts of the whole bunch. There is a shitload of voiced Takeru flashbacks that really fuck with the pacing. On my first 2 readthroughs this didnt bother me at all, as i basically just skimmed through them without listening to the VA on my own. On auto this felt like a pretty big issue, though. A sentiment that was echoed by my friends. It seemed like my friends were getting really impatient with the story here. They just wanted to get "on to the epic part". Thank god that this part is really heavy on the Yuuko exposition scenes. Excluding Meiya and Sumika she is easily their favorite character.
The XM3 mock battle arc had my friends raring to go again. They really wanted to finally see Takeru tearing it up in his TSF.
That's why they were laughing out loud when Takeru completely loses it as the Beta appear. They were fully expecting him to have become this crazy badass in battle at this point. The fact that we were stifling our laughter may be one of the downsides to groupreading like this, as I felt like it undermined the situation a little, but the gravitas came through all the while.
The chomp is by far my highlight of this little experiment. The discord channel was completely silent for the longest time since it's inception. We normally shoot in comments here and there, little "oohs" and "aahs" when something exciting happens, but in this scene it was as if the world had stopped. When the boys finally came to their senses they praised the shit out of the scene, and even managed to draw paralells to AOT. Our first point of major discourse comes when Takeru is getting "consoled" by Meiya after Marimo's death. Our boisterous friend threw a fit at Meiya for completely botchering the situation(which funnily completely mirrored Takeru's comments to her). And his comments were completely justified, as telling someone in a situation like that to just "suppress, and move past it" is a pretty dangerous thing. The discourse came of us telling him it was perfectly in character for pretty much anyone who'd grown up in the BETA-verse. And especially Meiya, who is pretty much the embodiment of the traditional Japanese(pre ww2) wartime mindset. He disagreed pretty heavily, and cited military history as being pretty "open emotionally" when it came to soldiers being affected by deaths. We ended up discussing this for about an hour, not really coming to a conclusion.
Cont some time later","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712118572031579.jpg","filename":"waif.jpg"},"posted":1712118572},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22561699,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561510
Meiya being who she is is not necessarily historical in nature and is owed more to her background and "love nucleus" stuff.","attachment":null,"posted":1712126592},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22561738,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561464
>My boisterous friend hates the chimera ant arc in HXH for having "no real fights"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712131119981276.jpg","filename":"1680814913478266.jpg"},"posted":1712131119},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22564748,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Do you think the vaginas on the Soldier class are for canning people? Or is it some function of the reactor?","attachment":null,"posted":1712307087},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22565453,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561401
>I was actually really nervous about the coup arc
If you're not a US citizen, the anti-Americanism of this arc won't bother you. ...Seriously, as far as I can tell, the Sagiri mutiny only infuriates the Yankees, because Washington is presented in a bad way there.
>Yuuhi as one of the best portrayals of an emperor figure ever.
Yeah, it’s no wonder that “For the Crown and the Kingdom!” sounds more inspiring than “For democracy!” After all, the idea of “Noblesse Obliges” is backed by thousands of years of human history, and republicanism is just an anomaly in the development of civilization.
>The Kasumi reveal made the boys realize they REALLY like Kasumi as a character.
Kasumi, by the way, is Russian - are they not going to “cancel” her because of Ukraine?
>who is pretty much the embodiment of the traditional Japanese(pre ww2) wartime mindset
It’s more likely just a rejection of any other point of view, with the exception of your own. It is also aggravated by a disdainful attitude towards foreign culture as “barbaric”...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712346810407797.jpg","filename":"yande.re 154110 sample.jpg"},"posted":1712346810},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22565497,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">be author
>post brutal chapter with good lewds and decent action
>me the reader hopes the story FINALLY gets going with more like this
>next chapter, no lewds and Takeru gets taken down like a faggot
>except sike, he can brainwash people now for some reason
>rather than turn the enemy into allies he convinces them to remain as enemies
>Takeru faints from bloodloss, didn't accomplish shit
>author apologizes for the prior chapter and won't post lewds or good action anymore
>also the author "no good vibes here either lol"
BRUH WTF Who is this story even for?! For a second I thought there was a sick twist coming, I was so expecting Takeru to bust in and save the day or to get something going with the Tsukuyomi in the last part but then the brainwashing came from nowhere and all to make them get against him? And then the apologies. jfc man just write what you want worst thing is the lewds went sooo hard too.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712348460308539.png","filename":"Screenshot_20240405-165248~2.png"},"posted":1712348460},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22565611,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22565497
The writer has a vision in their head only they can see, and they'll keep banging their head against a brick wall to realize it until they give up and try yet again. At this point all you can do is let their autism drive then to write another million words that goes nowhere and then stops before anything good happens. The English Muv Luv fanfic sphere is a barren wasteland with no great standout works that I know of, not that unlike the English Muv Luv fandom as a whole. Japan gets Wei Luxin writing fanfics for them, what do we get?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712353673741704.jpg","filename":"img006.jpg"},"posted":1712353673},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22565643,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22565611
That's the thing, stuff would have gone down HARD if Takeru did literally anything except mindwash both Tsukuyomi to be his mortal enemies for reasons. Between the background yuri and nice jokes here and there I had hope and the lewds hit hard since no one expects the cast getting SA'ed but I was so ready for Takeru to take that bitch up on the offer, that fight was peak blueballing to end like that. I can't see how this can go on, Takeru is literally bleeding away now. I'd go and comment something but the autist takes everything badly. Even if it's NTR, which it is no matter what excuses the author puts up, just get to a fucking ending for once. I don't even mind another million words if they lead somewhere.","attachment":null,"posted":1712355257},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22565682,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22565453","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712356905298516.jpg","filename":"1690220558438742.jpg"},"posted":1712356905},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566200,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22565497
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about","attachment":null,"posted":1712382315},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566252,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I want to learn Japanese to read untranslated VNs, does anyone have any recommendations on how to go about this?","attachment":null,"posted":1712385777},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566265,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566252
best bet would be to find any place that does classes in Jap but if you don't wanna try doing self study that's my best guess","attachment":null,"posted":1712386192},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566265
Self study is my only option actually since I’m in grad school.","attachment":null,"posted":1712386363},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566292,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566252
The Daily Japanese Thread on /jp/","attachment":null,"posted":1712387481},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566415,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566292
don't stick around the DJT thread, it's filled to the brim with people that just grind anki for literal decades and jerk each other off about knowing ancient kanji that haven't been in use for 300 years, and worship e-celebs. Then they cry about not knowing the language after all the time they have invested. Get their resource links and never look back","attachment":null,"posted":1712398428},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566545,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566252
learn your kana, i used the flashcards on realkana.com
after that pickup a grammar textbook and start doing anki flashcards on a japanese core 2k deck daily","attachment":null,"posted":1712409066},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566687,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566200
I'm being a seething fag over a fanfic that I keep going back to like a bitch.","attachment":null,"posted":1712418183},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22566924,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566687
There are glimpses of something more in that dude's work, and you gotta admire the drive to write a million words two or three times over in search of that unattainable perfect vision. He's like the Mike Oldfield of Muv Luv fanfic writers, except it ain't Tubular Bells he's making.","attachment":null,"posted":1712429884},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22567286,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22564748
It's for babymaking sex with the BETA","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712446114746672.jpg","filename":"Konachan.com - 8013 muv-luv muv-luv_alternative yashiro_kasumi.jpg"},"posted":1712446114},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22567612,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566924
I just want the guy to stick to something, whatever these 'visions' or 'glimpses' are. No, he ain't making Tubular Bells or anything remotely close in quality but it fucking blows that whenever there's a decent chapter and people whine about it he steps back and apologizes. I honestly don't see anything to admire there, would rather him trust in this vision and just go off the deep end like the story clearly hints at all the time but never delivers on. Again, I'm just seething like a fag that doesn't wanna move on from this franchise just yet.","attachment":null,"posted":1712452558},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22568266,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567286
Babymaking sex with Kasumi","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712476306646300.jpg","filename":"1a5302404a3e36091ee54f840a2c3775.jpg"},"posted":1712476306},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22568989,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566252
Read Tae Kim's guide, then go through all the kanji on kanjidamage, then read tae kim's guide again, that's what worked for me. Then I started to manually add any new kanji I encounter to a separate deck because kanjidamage only has around 1750. But you'll have a framework to do it if you learn all the building blocks from KD.","attachment":null,"posted":1712502809},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22569010,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"any updates on the sequel? axed? shelved? dev hell?","attachment":null,"posted":1712504058},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22569363,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566252
The most important thing to do if you want to learn japanese is to read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712517114619495.png","filename":"1583178263170.png"},"posted":1712517114},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22569371,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712517359535098.jpg","filename":"1692818089387852.jpg"},"posted":1712517359},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22569617,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569010
afaik dev hell but possibly the other 2","attachment":null,"posted":1712526848},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22569640,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569010
still waiting to hear about their last gacha attempt at making money
if it was enough of a success pfff maybe we will get something?","attachment":null,"posted":1712527511},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22570413,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"So no April fools joke this year from their official page?
Muv Luv definitely peaked in 2013/14 when TE VN and Chronicles came out. Schwarzesmarken was the last decent thing. Immortals wasted all their money and the 2021/22 anime adaptation was half-assed.
If they had put money on a new VN sequel it would have worked. But they are afraid of VN piracy so gacha is the main source of income for most VN companies.
Back in 2013, I was willing and paid 10000 jpy each for many of the rare Volks figures.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712568363058069.jpg","filename":"71gupk2LWBL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg"},"posted":1712568363},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22570415,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570413
I meant Project Mikhail wasted all their money. Basically the Tokyo 2020 olympics for them.","attachment":null,"posted":1712568561},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22570970,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569010
When the gacha failed they said in a livestream development on the VNs has stopped in all aspects other than Kouki writing random shit because they need to focus on relaunching the gacha. The Anchor CEO also got fired and replaced.
When the gacha relaunched there was an online stockholder meeting at Avex where Avex said the future of new muv luv games depends on how well the gacha sells. Kouki then tweeted about this and told everyone to support the game if they want the VNs to come out
After the Kiminozo kickstarter got funded Tororo said that with Anchor in its current state, they can only develop one game at a time, and that the Kiminozo port would now occupy this slot for a year or so.
They're literally not doing anything at all, that's why there are zero new trailers or images. The gacha sales are only okay if the plan was to make a low budget kusoge for the fans and nobody else, but I very much doubt that since the company running is turns out to be in massive financial trouble.","attachment":null,"posted":1712600661},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22571022,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570970
So basically, they are not making enough money to release anything new like Resonative and Integrate, but just profit enough to keep this franchise going by slowly releasing translations, porting old games, and doing the bare minimum every year.","attachment":null,"posted":1712604867},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22571114,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569371
Hello there. Which PS1 menu screen art are you supposed to be?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712610021042440.png","filename":"meent.png"},"posted":1712610021},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22571118,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571022
Now ask yourself what happens when they run out of things to port (assuming Avex doesn't shut them down before that)
they don't even have a sister company releasing short low budget VNs or anything. They've pretty much done fucking nothing for 8 years straight","attachment":null,"posted":1712610152},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22571127,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571118
There's a fair backlog. SM1 and 2 are untouched, as is War Ensemble, Last Divers, they could even spin Owarinaki as an entry if they get desperate.","attachment":null,"posted":1712610537},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22571415,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"There's plenty of shitty Muv Luv fanfics out there, but here's a somewhat decent one.
>Schwarzesmarken was the last decent thing.
It was bad, but at least it was a real vn.","attachment":null,"posted":1712648827},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22572731,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://exhentai.org/g/2884232/c0c59118c3/","attachment":null,"posted":1712699305},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22572757,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571114
The one you can't read in Japanese","attachment":null,"posted":1712700420},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22572801,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572731
>>22557995","attachment":null,"posted":1712702428},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576014,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"why is being a fan of this series so painful
i just want to finish TDA so I can move on from this series... but there's still no news.","attachment":null,"posted":1712865596},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576020,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572801
I just wanted to share some nice titties man","attachment":null,"posted":1712865732},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576025,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"man I was bored fall these years rom waiting that I actually unearthed all of Leymei's unscanned doujins that ain't on the panda","attachment":null,"posted":1712865964},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576090,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22576014
The fanbase is full of retards that enable actual grifters.","attachment":null,"posted":1712869419},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576096,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712869775845355.jpg","filename":"GKX62yRa0AA_1rE.jpg"},"posted":1712869775},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576101,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22576096
honestly the facf that immortals/dimensions pulled new OCs out their ass instead of bringing the strike frontier ones back is just baffling to me. We're just going to throw a new set of characters into the trashcan every gacha attempt?","attachment":null,"posted":1712870330},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576204,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22576101
Don't worry, this'll probably be the last one.","attachment":null,"posted":1712875549},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576384,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22576025
any latrova or stella ones?","attachment":null,"posted":1712884111},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576397,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22576384
just meiya stuff.
he has a lot of it
kinda wish he did more Mana stuff too
oh well, RIP.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712884845485023.jpg","filename":"meiya.jpg"},"posted":1712884845},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22576451,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22576397
Leymei drew really good TSFs, this Phantom looks amazing. Poor bugger died too young, they should have been able to make a full manga series like Asuza Maxima did with the Alt Manga. It would have looked amazing.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712886913479129.png","filename":"file.png"},"posted":1712886913},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22577334,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"leymei is a fag","attachment":null,"posted":1712939794},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22578293,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22576397
Ever going to upload it to Sad Panda?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712989000033603.jpg","filename":"1394783141552.jpg"},"posted":1712989000},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22578370,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578293
NTA but I have the same doujin scanned and almost cleaned.","attachment":null,"posted":1712993954},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22578372,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578293
Actually? Good idea. I don't want to lose it.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712993985733439.png","filename":"Image 1_Page_30_Image_0001.png"},"posted":1712993985},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22578385,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578370
Not this one, actually. Which one is this?","attachment":null,"posted":1712994869},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22579557,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Things I've done in the time since I bought a PS5 solely to play Stellar Blade:
- Wrote a Stellar Blade fanfic, which opens up with a quote rambling about Metroid and Muv-Luv
- Added a Stellar Blade-inspired alternate title to one of the chapters in "Tetris Maintenance," a Mai Otome fanfic with certain familiar stylistic choices
- Added some notes about Stellar Blade's seamless blending of design styles to "Toasted Mayonnaise," a Mai Otome fanfic that's actually a porno parody of Muv-Luv","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713051165850412.jpg","filename":"yamashiro faces the consequences.jpg"},"posted":1713051165},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22579764,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578293
I imagine there must be a version of the cadet suit where you could fully see the nipples that existed at some stage in development before age thought "no this is too much even for eroge" and dialed it back.","attachment":null,"posted":1713056557},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22580720,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22579557","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713101768313537.gif","filename":"we-do-we-do-not.gif"},"posted":1713101768},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22581019,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22580720","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713113313715984.gif","filename":"im-melting-wicked-witch.gif"},"posted":1713113313},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22583126,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22579557
At least I still got muh Red Zook.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713223267465840.jpg","filename":"a completely muv-luv-related post.jpg"},"posted":1713223267},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22583276,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Watching the JAL 123 crash cockpit voice recording on youtube and something about it from the map color scheme to the heavily accented English to the alarms just brought MLA sensations flooding back, it's uncanny.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfh9-ogUgSQ","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713230129247635.jpg","filename":"1713230112404.jpg"},"posted":1713230129},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22585396,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"So if we never get a proper sequel who's gonna be the first to post their AI-made fanfic here?","attachment":null,"posted":1713332289},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22586970,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22585396
We'd never be that desperate.
...r-right?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713428234539917.webm","filename":"sadcat.webm"},"posted":1713428234},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22587143,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Has anyone got the Yoroi Sakon Deez Nuts image anywhere? Need it for someone who's just about to reach that part of the VN.","attachment":null,"posted":1713441704},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22588669,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22585396
I am a mercenary in the Muv-Luv universe with extraordinary skills and wit. A former eishi of an undisclosed nation, I happen to posses exclusive top secret knowledge on how to defeat the BETA once and for all and wipe them off the face of the planet. I have demonstrated only but a fraction of my indispensable secret knowledge to very powerful world leaders and the Russians have taken a great interest in me. They cut a deal under the table with me that if I gave them this knowledge on how to defeat the BETA, they would give me anything I wanted - land, money, power. I asked for only one thing. So they gave me Latrova as a 24/7 live onahole cum toilet sex slave.","attachment":null,"posted":1713497841},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22588672,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588669
Hot. With a ring gag, I hope.","attachment":null,"posted":1713498022},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22588674,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588669
So then I took the whore and left them hanging. haha! Devilish!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713498036642484.jpg","filename":"117966187_p0.jpg"},"posted":1713498036},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22589761,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.project-mikhail.com/en/news/post/?p=504
As of this maintenance, Project MIKHAIL will conclude its early access period. We appreciate your continued support of Project MIKHAIL.
kek","attachment":null,"posted":1713567142},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22592986,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"holy dead","attachment":null,"posted":1713729107},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22593092,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Instead of making whatever project mikhail was they should have struck a deal with d3publisher and let Sandlot make a muv-luv game. It would look like shit but it would at least be fun.","attachment":null,"posted":1713733580},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22593157,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593092
>grim and grit subverted by B-movie jank and TSFs getting ragdolled across the maps faster than they boost
I'd fund it","attachment":null,"posted":1713736305},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22595943,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"being suffocated to death by stella's giant stellas","attachment":null,"posted":1713902733},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22596374,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595943
You have to at least post some Stella titties. Also Tarisa's birthday.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713925322287553.jpg","filename":"1528343534348.jpg"},"posted":1713925322},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22596434,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">chobi birthday
>12 years since TE anime
Fuck. How time flies.
>9 years since the Kickstarter
in 2 years âge will not have released a visual novel for 10 years.","attachment":null,"posted":1713988087},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22597614,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595943","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713999622595099.png","filename":"1708767450130882.png"},"posted":1713999622},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22599993,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714106210262422.jpg","filename":"1497573634106.jpg"},"posted":1714106210},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22600357,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"should I buy, put a generic steam crack, refund and upload it here as a final fuck you to Age? judging from the news they're getting rid of online only right?","attachment":null,"posted":1714125898},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22600438,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600357
it's literally not even worth playing","attachment":null,"posted":1714133224},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22600494,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600438
holy fucking kek why are there badly animated vtubers here. Anyway the crack works but i have no idea where to upload it (9 gb)
Movement is janky as fuck, I don't know if I'm shooting the gun or not because the sound mixing is fucked. A lot of voice acting surprisingly? I'm getting FPS hits even though the Gundam games on PS2 looks better than this","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714136443596784.png","filename":"Deskto2.png"},"posted":1714136443},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22601023,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"5years in the making, but I finally got my friend to commit to Muv-Luv, and we've just started Alternative. Hilarious to think he thinks Kasumi is a time-looper too because she knew about the game guy","attachment":null,"posted":1714157116},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22601185,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600494
The Vtubers are apparently characters from Kaseki no Uta, one of Age's earliest games.","attachment":null,"posted":1714165941},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22601301,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601023
Glad it worked out for you. One of my friends randomly brings it up and tries to assure me that he'll read it "soon" even though I gave a long time ago and haven't mentioned it since at least 2021.","attachment":null,"posted":1714171674},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22601359,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"How long has it been since Intergate’s announcement?","attachment":null,"posted":1714174228},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22602906,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22602551
how does one shit up?","attachment":null,"posted":1714247463},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22602968,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601359
it got announced in 2019.","attachment":null,"posted":1714250560},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22602996,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22602906
By getting really, really constipated and then having an enema.","attachment":null,"posted":1714251532},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22604740,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Question: is Yoroi Sakon a transphobe?","attachment":null,"posted":1714329076},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22604845,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604740
Yes, but not as much as Takeru","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714332570343824.jpg","filename":"20230905212626_1.jpg"},"posted":1714332570},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22605222,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I haven't been on any MuvLuv threads since SM finished. What's with this Halcon guy?","attachment":null,"posted":1714350093},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22605268,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22605222
Some faggot artist
How does wanting a boy make you transphobic? This looks like something you'd find on Twitter from people who hate Muv-Luv","attachment":null,"posted":1714352024},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22605350,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601023
jesus we just did the 12/5 incident in 1 sitting, I remember it feeling like it was 3hours is, but jesus it's closer to 6","attachment":null,"posted":1714355894},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22605919,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550225
>tfw you were alive to witness the golden age of Japanese VNs and also the decline","attachment":null,"posted":1714378753},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22605995,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"new dimensions event is bunny suits.
what a joke of a game","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714385917905729.jpg","filename":"GMP7XY5b0AATTCn.jpg"},"posted":1714385917},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22605999,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22605995
nice boobs","attachment":null,"posted":1714386145},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22606427,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Muv Luv if she real","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714416616730417.jpg","filename":"GMVcJGUWgAANwXq.jpg"},"posted":1714416616},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22606477,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606427
This looks very dumb lol","attachment":null,"posted":1714419269},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22606480,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22605222
He's a guy who makes some good H content, not sure what that one dudes issue with him is","attachment":null,"posted":1714419526},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22606496,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22605995
I would have less of an issue with random gag content if it wasn't locked behind jewish gacha.","attachment":null,"posted":1714420622},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22606934,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606480
Same reason people don't like Otoo, dumbass.","attachment":null,"posted":1714437066},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22606943,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606934
And that would be?","attachment":null,"posted":1714437636},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22607517,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606427
Thats a man","attachment":null,"posted":1714481355},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22608284,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"friends about to start the XM3 trials and I get to have a front seat to the 991","attachment":null,"posted":1714520617},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22609020,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606943
Astonishing response, really.","attachment":null,"posted":1714552377},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22609201,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What episodes of the anime can I skip if I don’t care about the pilots and just want to see mechs fighting the monsters","attachment":null,"posted":1714568359},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22609420,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22607517
It's not gay if it's a russian","attachment":null,"posted":1714576804},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22609579,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606427","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714587277543232.jpg","filename":"GMT5MG4boAAOLHZ.jpg"},"posted":1714587277},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22610021,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Chizuru's ending in Extra made me want a small, naggy wife to mating press.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714613048716139.png","filename":"1709656042899.png"},"posted":1714613048},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22610945,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Why is this bitch wearing her glasses in the shower","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714676118503249.png","filename":"6EFD8ABD.png"},"posted":1714676118},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22611014,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Just finished Kino-Luv alternative, I want more.","attachment":null,"posted":1714678738},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22611034,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611014
with mechas the closest I've found is Baldr Sky
without them its Chusingura46+1","attachment":null,"posted":1714679464},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22611065,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611014
play photonflowers/melodies/TDA","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714680508463976.jpg","filename":"1711415599361640.jpg"},"posted":1714680508},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22611067,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"is that old lady from Jam project still a fan","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714680533242148.jpg","filename":"O0434057811414324405.jpg"},"posted":1714680533},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22611470,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I love how unapologetic Muv-Luv is at info-dumping in briefings, like, listening to Isumi ramble on about BETAs for an hour is just great","attachment":null,"posted":1714700333},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22611917,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714738370510284.png","filename":"1684827480957853.png"},"posted":1714738370},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22612251,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611917
fr, why did they need to caution tape the fubuki","attachment":null,"posted":1714760719},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22612270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611917
I hate this whiny faggot so much its unreal
I would've done a better job
in a still not secure warzone no less","attachment":null,"posted":1714762846},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22612316,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611470
>dun dudun dududun
>dun dudun dududun
>dun dudun dududun
>dun dudun dududun","attachment":null,"posted":1714767789},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22612319,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611034
Redpill me on both.","attachment":null,"posted":1714767849},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22612394,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22612319
BS has a multiverse and it features mechas.. I think the similarities end there. Did not like the ending but I had more fun than expected with the gameplay.
Chusingura is the one that comes closer to MLU/A in spirit. However it's a story about samurai in an older period which I forgot the name. Despite at first looking like a cheap eroge it does go in depth in telling the story of the real world event which uses as foundation and driving narrative, by the end you will know a lot about everything that happened. I recommend just trusting (Me) here and going blind on this one, you can even get the first chapter for free on steam to see if it strikes your fancy.
In both games I found the MC to be better than takeru and in both as the game progresses the routes start getting more and more different than the previous. Both vns are long as fuck. Engrish release of BS has patch for sexo but Chusingura don't.","attachment":null,"posted":1714774406},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22612538,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22612394
It's been about 3 years since I read it but I always felt like baldr sky was intentionally somewhat similar to Muv-Luv so that the later twist would be more effective.
Like how you're sort of lead to believe that Kuu has a overarching multiversal role sort of similar to how Sumika is a causality conductor, by appearing over the routes and being clearly aware of the other routes. Also Sora isn't present (dead) by the start of the story like Sumika (brained) in MLU/MLA. This then leads into twist that Kou was really the one who died flipping expectations on it's head. It also uses the kinetic VN format as a part or the storytelling in a way very similar to MLU, although this is possible more of a stetch. It's also pretty funny how you can do a similar comparison with other Muv-Luv-inspired works like Attack On Titan. Ymir=Sumika, paths=multiverse, royalty as part of main character's group at the beginning, MC eventually joins a crew of elite jobbers post-training, coup, ackermans=espers. It's too bad Isayama didn't copy having a decent ending.","attachment":null,"posted":1714784938},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22614567,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714899683882344.jpg","filename":"1683260925427306.jpg"},"posted":1714899683},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22614753,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610021
her right shoe (our left) and that lacrosse stick are fucked","attachment":null,"posted":1714936965},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22615576,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is there anything for a fan of the VN in the anime, will I get any satisfaction out of the battle at least, because I know there is no way to condense 100hrs of emotions into 12episodes","attachment":null,"posted":1714950633},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22615594,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615576
no","attachment":null,"posted":1714951852},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22615646,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"shame, re-reading Alt for the Umpteenth with my friend and we just finished Sado-arc, and I'm feeling that same pain deep in my chest like I always do knowing whats ahead. Wanted something to distract me from that","attachment":null,"posted":1714955087},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22615894,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611470
I see people complaining about those scenes and it just makes me think their attention span is trash because I was completely immersed during them, it didn't even feel like an hour to me.
You know love is blind because at first I thought she looked good here, until I did a retake and yeah they really did my waifu dirty here.","attachment":null,"posted":1714969532},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22616029,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611917
I had this as my wallpaper for a while but it made my room have some serious bad mojo so I took it off.","attachment":null,"posted":1714976747},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22616041,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615576
the tsf 3dcg was pretty good","attachment":null,"posted":1714978034},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22616975,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615576
TSF animations, OST and I personally enjoyed the anime original scenes (the entire first episode being one for example). Seeing the fall of Sadogashima and Komaki's point of view on various events was great. Izumi being an "uncharacteristically" harsh commander on the noobs during the coup arc was a side of her that was nice to see. (No noobs alive in the Valkyries by the time we meet her in the VN.) I wish they did more of that. Expanding the setting and POVs. I don't know why they ever thought they could succeed in adapting ONLY alternative in 2-3 seasons while skipping extra and unlimited entirely. Maybe Kouki finally gave up and decided to at least get something off his bucket list.","attachment":null,"posted":1715048202},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22617763,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610021
based indeed","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715101575631018.png","filename":"1701456980278481.png"},"posted":1715101575},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22617897,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616975
Aside from the first episode, most or all of the new scenes were from the manga (which the anime actually adapted, not the VN).","attachment":null,"posted":1715109361},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22617959,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Are chizurufags overrepresented now? I swear I didn't hear much about her before but now she seems to have a cult following.","attachment":null,"posted":1715115324},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22618297,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617897
Oh yeah I forgot there was a manga as well
She's always had a loyal fanbase here, but certainly not the biggest of the original cast. Maybe everyone else is just gone and only the chizurufags are still around, unable to let go.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715132066385373.png","filename":"1634151062553.png"},"posted":1715132066},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22618877,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Reaching the end of my blind Alternative playthrough right now. I'm growing increasingly concerned that there won't be a Mrs. Kyouzuka h scene. Also, the pivot to mind break breast expansion tentacle rape clit fucking during 00mika's confession made me die laughing. Kind of ruined some of the drama desu. Great set of stories, though. Can't believe people actually skip Extra and go straight to the others.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715147152539253.jpg","filename":"1701899917984.jpg"},"posted":1715147152},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22619120,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618877
That's why the family friendly version is the best. The way the scene was done felt like they truly expected you to jack off to Takeru getting tentacle NTR'd (hey maybe some did get their rocks off, I'm not gonna judge) but it felt so out of place.","attachment":null,"posted":1715157595},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22619557,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619120
>The way the scene was done felt like they truly expected you to jack off
I did!","attachment":null,"posted":1715178533},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22619691,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619120
How the family friendly version handles the porn? The scene is still implied but simply skipped?
Planning to read the trilogy with my online friend but not sure I want the porn interruptions, at least not in a duo reading like this.","attachment":null,"posted":1715183414},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22619743,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619691
still there","attachment":null,"posted":1715185461},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22620009,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619691
The scene still happens but there's none of the NSFW CG's, they only kept the relatively tame ones. It's a more tasteful depiction of sexual violence that's for sure and feels more streamlined with the overall vibe of the VN.
As someone that played this version for my first blind playthrough, I think it had the intended "WTF but still sad" effect without breaking my suspension of disbelief.","attachment":null,"posted":1715194847},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22620819,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Just finished alternative with my friend, and I have the same pit in my stomach as always.
Like, I know nothing will ever be comparable to alternative, because nothing will ever be as long winded and drawn out as Alternative.","attachment":null,"posted":1715223554},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22621078,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Bea...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715234835351294.jpg","filename":"1698683385652913.jpg"},"posted":1715234835},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22621089,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621078
The delicious slowburn is the greatest thing about Muv-Luv, it wouldn't work at all if it was just one game.","attachment":null,"posted":1715237187},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22621350,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621136
it's odd that, if you broke muv-luv down in 23minute episodes, it'd be around 200ish, yet carries significantly more emotional weight then any piece of shounen shit","attachment":null,"posted":1715252679},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22621995,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621089
Top is Rika, bottom is Suzuha I assume, who's the middle one?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715275876106004.png","filename":"Chiduru.png"},"posted":1715275876},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22622186,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621350
That's because visual novels don't get milked dry by streching out arcs longer that they need to be or adding retarded filler, or giving a character plot armor just because they are currently popular. Attack on Titan for example, tried to be Muv-Luv so hard but failed spectacularly at the ending when it tried to please everyone and make sure it could still make money through merch at the same time.
Of course, goycattle don't care if the overarching story is good, only if the characters they identify with come out looking good, so it all works out for them.","attachment":null,"posted":1715282128},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22622213,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622186
yeah avengers-type endings make the goyim clap like seals every time. look at how popular umineko is in the west when half of its last chapter was a freaking EPIC avengers team up battle with zero meaning or substance","attachment":null,"posted":1715283229},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22622836,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621995
Bottom is Nanoha.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715306676293967.jpg","filename":"Starlight Beato.jpg"},"posted":1715306676},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22623732,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621089
>Higurashi takes place in 1983
>Schwarzesmarken takes place in 1983
Was it a reference?","attachment":null,"posted":1715356894},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22623735,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620819
Gunparade March did it fine.","attachment":null,"posted":1715356955},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22623741,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621350
That doesn't work.
>Extra/Unlimited in 13 episodes
>Alternative in 26
That's much better.","attachment":null,"posted":1715357086},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624124,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623735
meh, it was just alright imo.","attachment":null,"posted":1715374636},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624212,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624124
You never played it.","attachment":null,"posted":1715378687},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624219,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624212
if you say so","attachment":null,"posted":1715378885},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624644,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623741
At minimum, extra/unlim could probably be covered in 2 cours, with events to be covered from extra being selectively chosen to give all the characters some time in the spotlight. Alternative would probably need at least 4 to cover the content but probably wouldn't break down nicely if it was strictly fit into 12 episode segments with some climax expected at the end of each. We saw the anime speedrun the lead up to the coup but maybe something like that would be passable if the exposition was left to Unlimited as it originally was.","attachment":null,"posted":1715396624},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624661,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621078
Bully the dork!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715397709454975.jpg","filename":"Beato the dork.jpg"},"posted":1715397709},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624712,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624661
I prefer sexual bullying.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715399705703108.jpg","filename":"1674969589322987.jpg"},"posted":1715399705},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624725,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624644
>>At minimum, extra/unlim could probably be covered in 2 cours,
LOL, no.
6 episodes for Extra focusing on Sumika, 6 for Unlimited focusing on Meiya.","attachment":null,"posted":1715401328},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624795,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624725
your lore dumps and exposition? intro, initial dumps + betaverse squad intro, ccse, tama + hsst, tsf training, volcano, and christmas + ending are all at least an episode each and even then they'd have to be speedran to fit that. only focusing on one or the other would sideline the rest of the squad and would result in the end product having the same reception as the anime from this timeline. 12 each or some split like 10/14 would be enough to cover the higher character moments for the extraverse side (ie. room for at least an episode dedicated to each side character, as well as a sumika end), all the important parts of introducing the betaverse and the key points that takeru changes in the alt timeline, as well as each of the unlimited arcs that focuses on the squad members. Unlimited is far shorter than extra but it has more content that is integral to alternative.","attachment":null,"posted":1715406122},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624822,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624795
>your lore dumps and exposition?
Worthless. Play the VN for that, tardo.","attachment":null,"posted":1715407851},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22624847,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624725
nah have 200 episodes covering everything in intrinsic detail down to a t","attachment":null,"posted":1715409972},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22625694,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"they can't even finish alternative and you guys are coping about fictional adaptions lmao","attachment":null,"posted":1715461708},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22626043,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I never played Muv Luv but my favorite Gundam is SEED and I heard this was familiar to it. Would that be right?","attachment":null,"posted":1715472453},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22626053,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Tbh, you don't really have to cover much of Extra. You can easily stir it into 6 episodes with a original take on it. Unlimited would definitely need 12 episodes though.
Alternative at 36 episodes would be good for it. I'm going to be honest, the mumble jumble infodump isn't really required in an anime adaptation.","attachment":null,"posted":1715472727},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22626694,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626043
no because seed is shit and muv-luv is good. are you from SEA?","attachment":null,"posted":1715489664},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22626793,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrsGpDUeLuE
>300k views video about the flop gacha that's actually a subtle bait to get people to know more about the OG trilogy
kinda based","attachment":null,"posted":1715493770},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22626917,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Haven't been following much since Teito Moyu released and following the Kiminozo crowdfund a bit. As there been any movement or info about anything going on whether translation, new titles, etc? I know the Switch versions recently released but is there anything else? Have there been any updates on Kiminozo?","attachment":null,"posted":1715503706},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22626937,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">water
Do Germans really?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715506110964526.jpg","filename":"1646194173105.jpg"},"posted":1715506110},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22626963,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626937
Lise is a whore, ten billion stds","attachment":null,"posted":1715508878},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627067,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626917
There are no news about anything","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715516871400253.jpg","filename":"63526135_p0.jpg"},"posted":1715516871},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627070,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"All of the BETA simulate rather well, except the fort class which are stupid. I feel like the Faraway Dawn devs were trying to make a point with them; just free XP in an otherwise brutal game. They're just too damn big despite lacking a ranged weapon. If they were standing on a hill in Sadogashima A TSF would be able to shoot them from the mainland while standing at sea level. The fort class has the benefit of scene transitions most of the time which allow it to appear suddenly, but realistically you'd be aware of the position of every fort class on your landmass just eyeballing it, and they'd never get close enough to accomplish anything -there's a huge gap between when all your firepower would be concentrated on the forts to when the first other BETA strain would crest the horizon, to the point even walking up out of the ocean onto the beach wouldn't be enough and you'd just see their fugly heads bobbing around in the sea before a BETA army reached you.
The games do a good job simulating the benefits of both TSFs and tanks in terms of height, with TSFs prioritizing targets behind the frontline and shooting around corners, and tanks being better against laser class from their low profile. The terrain matters a lot and it's terrifying to see the BETA make flatlands toward you and leave no cover for TSFs, but the forts are so huge you can shoot them even if they're behind multiple highrise buildings.
It's kinda funny, if the forts all had lasers there'd be no viable weapon to use against them and nowhere to hide, so you can really see the BETA going easy on us.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715517027015953.png","filename":"I can see you.png"},"posted":1715517027},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627150,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626937
Meat and a starch is a staple meal across the world.","attachment":null,"posted":1715520399},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627163,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626793
Anchor got off lucky too because his research was very lacking so he didn't even bring up the worst shit.","attachment":null,"posted":1715521084},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627225,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Lise is a cutie, ten billion blue ribbons","attachment":null,"posted":1715523767},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627314,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I need to do impregnation sex with raptor-chan","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715528309724669.png","filename":"1639592395773.png"},"posted":1715528309},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627469,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22627225
Yes indeed","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715536125135741.jpg","filename":"5fc27b66-cddb-4748-990f-cc32001e140f.jpg"},"posted":1715536125},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627522,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626793
Sad to see the gacha drama is the main source of attention for this series other than the terrible anime in recent years.","attachment":null,"posted":1715538879},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22627916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Happy birthday and happy mothers day to Latrova!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715556110670476.jpg","filename":"70064131_p4.jpg"},"posted":1715556110},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22628339,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Lise is a woman who could have been like a mother to me.","attachment":null,"posted":1715574720},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22628647,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Someone is working on finishing the fan translation for altered fable https://vndb.org/r122598","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715601038198407.jpg","filename":"d9aebcb9c50c155c9e1617bb7707bdf2.jpg"},"posted":1715601038},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22628873,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What's the difference between blue ribbons Lise and red ribbons Lise?","attachment":null,"posted":1715614106},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22629531,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22628873
One is actually Arthur while the other is Nero but sometimes Mordred","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715644295182057.jpg","filename":"1660941316572548.jpg"},"posted":1715644295},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22630119,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22628339
Anon when will you learn that Lise is a stupid Stasi whore dog","attachment":null,"posted":1715684864},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22630428,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22628339
I need milf Lise now","attachment":null,"posted":1715703595},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22631127,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22628647
Is it even worth it? They admit to primarily using chatGPT","attachment":null,"posted":1715736885},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22631561,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Retard.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715760539545236.png","filename":"1443764573330.png"},"posted":1715760539},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22631728,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22627070
To be fair, isn't that the point of the Fort-class? Big, dumb targets that draw the attention of enemy forces for the smaller strains? After all, one shot spent trying to kill a Fort-class is one not spent shooting the eye of a Laser or Heavy Laser.","attachment":null,"posted":1715779253},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22631738,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610945
Chizuru without her glasses is like Meiya without her hair vents","attachment":null,"posted":1715779442},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22631998,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626963
lise is pure and i have six million children with her","attachment":null,"posted":1715792353},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22632123,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"dimensions is heading for a new record low month. Kinda telling that the game only makes money when there's a collab.","attachment":null,"posted":1715801974},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22632224,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Just finished TE, WTF was his plan at the end? Run away with Cryska where to? Did he subject her to suffer feeling her body rot apart just so he could fuck her once? After that, did he even know he would get picked up by Latrova or was he just hoping he wouldn't be hunted down and skinned alive by the CIA and KGB after stealing 2 state secrets of 2 different nuclear powers? Just how much influence did Latrova have anyway not to let Sandek or any other Soviet Politician grab his ass and haul him into prison? Did he fuck Fikatsia at least once?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715808016652456.jpg","filename":"YuuyaTopGun.jpg"},"posted":1715808016},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22632265,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22632224
Freedom loving Americans don't let themselves get tied down by bullshit like that and just do what they want","attachment":null,"posted":1715810691},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22632494,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22627070
>so you can really see the BETA going easy on us.
Well, they are not "going easy" the admin just doesn't understand what the big deal is. They are mining machine templates being repurposed to rebuff and stop humanity's aggression at this stage and once it is go time the Beta stop fucking around and the fort class comes back as a big fucking artillery battery.","attachment":null,"posted":1715823871},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22632568,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715829289879657.jpg","filename":"21i9fkb6l3oc1.jpg"},"posted":1715829289},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22633210,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22632224
if you wanna believe strike frontier he fucked Latrova and Nastassja","attachment":null,"posted":1715877948},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22633494,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22632265
but do they do what they need?","attachment":null,"posted":1715892100},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22634604,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22632568
Depends on equipment, Takeru stomps no matter what if he is in the Xb-70","attachment":null,"posted":1715951932},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22634728,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631728
I guess that makes sense if they're a breakthrough unit, but the BETA are special in they ignore logistics so they can mass as many troops in one area as they want. I guess it's pointless to consider when they probably use that unit composition because it's effective for digging.
If it's a Death Battle it'll come down to some stupid bullshit factoid about who's timetravel is on a higher power level, or the Moh scale 15 shit. Takeru's basically Levi but he never sprains his ankle.","attachment":null,"posted":1715957330},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22635559,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633210
Based. Truly the Russian Fucker","attachment":null,"posted":1715997602},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22635592,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22635559
One time Kouki went on a whole rant about how he doesn't consider strike frontier part of his multiverse because he just let the other âge guys do whatever they wanted, which is probably one of the silliest things I've seen a creative trying to shill his IP say.","attachment":null,"posted":1716000298},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22635630,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22635592
Kouki is a melting pot of halfbaked ideas, none of them more put together than SF was so it's all on the same level to me","attachment":null,"posted":1716002850},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22635887,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524207
If the USA didn't engage in their cowboy bullshit and took into account the combat experience of countries fighting BETA...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716017925953009.jpg","filename":"Fucking Yankee TSF.jpg"},"posted":1716017925},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22636080,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22635887
Guns > Sword
Cry about it Tojo","attachment":null,"posted":1716037716},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22636694,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What do evil woman titties feel like?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716066104156363.jpg","filename":"Beatrix Breast Grab.jpg"},"posted":1716066104},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22636701,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"why is the muv luv fandom so toxic?","attachment":null,"posted":1716066411},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22636720,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636694
Like a piece of heaven.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716067535800981.png","filename":"1494923402690.png"},"posted":1716067535},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22636753,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636701
Because it only consists of two types of people.
>Fans that have grown disillusioned with the franchise due to the last 10 fucking years
>Fans that love it so much they will even defend literal scams","attachment":null,"posted":1716070251},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22637971,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636701
define "toxic"","attachment":null,"posted":1716119488},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22637977,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"PIck a bunny.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716120232976422.jpg","filename":"GNxqn_KbMAAG0je.jpg"},"posted":1716120232},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22638072,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637977
MIDDLE LEFT","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716124671411157.jpg","filename":"1715455865615096.jpg"},"posted":1716124671},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22638107,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637977
>top tsun
>smelly french womanlet
>germ gore enthusiast
>sagiri's used goods
gimme Marimo or give me death!","attachment":null,"posted":1716126568},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22639969,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22638107
>smelly french womanlet
Could be worse. Could be Ilfr*ede.","attachment":null,"posted":1716232917},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22641090,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Gooned to Sumika again","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716308843908852.jpg","filename":"1548857404904.jpg"},"posted":1716308843},{"board":"m","thread":22524207,"pid":22641118,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641090
{"title":"Mecha design and drawthread","posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22591383,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I‘d be interested to know if there are any drawfags on /m/ that designed their own Mecha, or variations of existing mecha.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713656605752152.jpg","filename":"superrobo.jpg"},"posted":1713656605},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22591421,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Quite a few actually.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713658089308227.jpg","filename":"Powder Dagwon.jpg"},"posted":1713658089},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22591926,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Yeah sometimes.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713672223015587.jpg","filename":"img292.jpg"},"posted":1713672223},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22592533,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591926
I like this fashion designer style sketch with mechs","attachment":null,"posted":1713711816},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22592753,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591421
This is fucking awesome, keep posting.","attachment":null,"posted":1713719473},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22595088,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"up you go
i'd contribute something but it's finals season for uni","attachment":null,"posted":1713850854},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22596255,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595088
I'll post an old doodle.
Not many /m/ drawfags around these days.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713917737730144.jpg","filename":"img167.jpg"},"posted":1713917737},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22596853,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Worked on these for fun some time ago.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713948919525367.png","filename":"Untitled Battleship Napoleon-Roma-Blue MaxZABCDEFG.png"},"posted":1713948919},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22599356,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596255
the texturing on your stuff is always really nice, damn.","attachment":null,"posted":1714081897},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22600023,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Posted it on /m/sv last thread but this is my variant of the Leopard Gundam","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714107349408578.png","filename":"Heavy Leopard.png"},"posted":1714107349},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22600177,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596853
These are sick.","attachment":null,"posted":1714114456},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22600241,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"my 2nd ever oil painting
This is a villain I made for my Dungeons and dragons campaign his name is Sir Scold he is a mix of sir Didymus from Jim Henson labyrinth and Char","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714118765007930.jpg","filename":"oil_painting_of_my_dnd_villian_by_theprinceofmars_dha5lhp-fullview.jpg"},"posted":1714118765},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22600246,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596853
these are all very cool","attachment":null,"posted":1714118894},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22600600,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600023
Good guy Ashtaron, very nice","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714141356429610.jpg","filename":"7451500C-23E0-42D3-B205-EF9DF1072529.jpg"},"posted":1714141356},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22600650,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Replacing your gynoid's lower half for a half ton combat chassis
thanks fellas","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714143631398773.jpg","filename":"img303sfw.jpg"},"posted":1714143631},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22600748,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714147246299570.png","filename":"gaogaigar.png"},"posted":1714147246},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22601268,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"photoshop strikes again","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714170085406089.jpg","filename":"granbeetle medabot sketch corrupt.jpg"},"posted":1714170085},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22602204,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"A villain fembot i designed.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714213702229958.jpg","filename":"fdgggfjhhsd.jpg"},"posted":1714213702},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22603142,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601268
the work so far looked really good sorry about the corruption
the head design you made works really well for this","attachment":null,"posted":1714256576},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604009,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Just a quick sketch.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714298947333245.png","filename":"Untitled ship.png"},"posted":1714298947},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604067,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I want to try my hand at designing my own original mechs. What are your artistic processes like? Do you guys gravitate towards a certain mech/series/designer for inspiration?","attachment":null,"posted":1714303167},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604383,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604009
Glad you’re back drawing, leaker bro","attachment":null,"posted":1714319525},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604385,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604067
draw on real vehicles","attachment":null,"posted":1714319556},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604865,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"mine","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714333894895425.jpg","filename":"mecha 54.jpg"},"posted":1714333894},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604868,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604865
feels really organic without looking too fleshy
what made you go with the sweater collar under the head, though? it strikes me as really strange.","attachment":null,"posted":1714334147},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604895,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604865
looks kinda like the gaplant
i'm a noob, but i generally just start with the skeleton and work outwards, or with the silhouette and work inwards
for skeletons i try to look at either the human skeleton for bipedal mecha with maybe goat or chicken leg skeletons for different leg types
picrel is based on a jerboa
as for inspiration i really like a number of nagano's designs, and the weirder gundam ones","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714335973287603.jpg","filename":"IMG_6708 (1).jpg"},"posted":1714335973},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604897,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"here's a more human mecha design that i think is decent, i wish i could draw better though","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714336036408194.jpg","filename":"IMG_6307.jpg"},"posted":1714336036},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604901,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"sorry to be spamming, here's the last one for now
i really dislike the upper body and head for this but i do think the lower body looks interesting so i might do something with it in another design","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714336118596452.jpg","filename":"IMG_6498.jpg"},"posted":1714336118},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604904,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"ok i lied this is the last one
i guess i sort of draw the armour over one side and the inner frame as a basis
still not great at perspectives other than straight on, and then i have a hard time distinguishing between what's overkill on detail vs just necessary definition of shapes","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714336276869055.jpg","filename":"IMG_6270.jpg"},"posted":1714336276},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22604925,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604865
That’s huge, good job","attachment":null,"posted":1714337082},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22611500,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"i tried starting another idea
i think the head and shoulders are my favorite bit for this, maybe i could reuse it for another design later or something
what are other ppl drawing","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714702088872599.jpg","filename":"IMG_6887.jpg"},"posted":1714702088},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22611556,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I was bored.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714704739804394.png","filename":"Untitled Canvasdfg.png"},"posted":1714704739},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22611558,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714704818251006.png","filename":"1269153504326 Sub Tender and Escorts.png"},"posted":1714704818},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22611926,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611556
those look pretty cool, reminds me of battleship yamato","attachment":null,"posted":1714739287},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22611935,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611926
yea, that's my main inspiration.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714740243805924.png","filename":"1414451986747.png"},"posted":1714740243},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22612358,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Hi-mega cannon!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714770949954269.png","filename":"himegacannon.png"},"posted":1714770949},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22613913,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"VTOL transporting a mech","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714868784543004.jpg","filename":"img311-2.jpg"},"posted":1714868784},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22614926,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Good to see the thread coming along, I‘m pleased to see so many cool mechs.
Here’s another one of mine. I‘m trying to give my mecha a more androgynous look without slipping into full on gynoid territory. Making the armor on the torso lighter was one thing, I’m trying to cone up with good ways to give extra armor to the thighs to make them look thicker.
Mecha really are kind of fashionable, any image with a human subject just looks cooler with a random mecha placed next to them.
Cool design. Kind of makes me want a Star Fox with humanoid mecha.
Love the “horn” sticking out of the chest, thats so cool.
Are these supposed to be giant or human sized? The exposed wires and skeletal structure makes them seem a little frail, like they’re foot troopers.
The upward facing wings and propellers are a cool concept.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714925940758765.jpg","filename":"Realrobo.jpg"},"posted":1714925940},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22614943,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613913
you have a really nice eye for how to shape aircraft
>The upward facing wings and propellers are a cool concept.
nta but it's not super uncommon","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714926881678554.jpg","filename":"Sikorsky-HEX-concept-design-parked.jpg"},"posted":1714926881},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22615248,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614943
Didn’t know, cool plane fact. Maybe I‘ll reference those if I ever draw some planes.","attachment":null,"posted":1714938569},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22615324,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614926
later than human sized
it’s more the inner frame and skeleton that i’ve drawn, without the armor that would protect it
hence why it’s so frail looking. i just find that easier, when i try drawing armor first i feel like it looks weird","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714941520861419.jpg","filename":"IMG_6316.jpg"},"posted":1714941520},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22615484,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614943
>you have a really nice eye for how to shape aircraft
yw","attachment":null,"posted":1715173545},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22619418,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I went to England for a week but didn’t draw any robots","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715174101108762.jpg","filename":"D69A44B5-BDAB-4ECF-91F1-5599A137A190.jpg"},"posted":1715174101},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22619543,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619418
goo job surviving bloodborneland anon
building art looks well-done","attachment":null,"posted":1715178018},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22619830,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619418
>I went to England for a week
hoping for your speedy recovery","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715188612832886.jpg","filename":"IMG_6980.jpg"},"posted":1715188612},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22621306,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"hadn't drawn daitarn 3 in a while","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715249893419763.png","filename":"333.png"},"posted":1715249893},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22621310,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715249956529118.png","filename":"mananan.png"},"posted":1715249956},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22621403,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621306
posted too early","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715255749151529.png","filename":"daitaa.png"},"posted":1715255749},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22621521,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621403
Nice~","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715262441065702.png","filename":"Untitled Canvasktg.png"},"posted":1715262441},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22621580,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621403
Hello, i see this thread and i wish to share some draws of mine.
I am very amateur and mostly a /co/ guy, but time to time i like to lurk here.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715551389750056.jpg","filename":"17155512904403444890385591573527.jpg"},"posted":1715551389},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22627928,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624217
love your stuff","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715623391568891.png","filename":"zam1.png"},"posted":1715623391},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22629388,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">keep practicing
>everything still looks crap
does it ever get better
looks nice, reminds me of 70s scifi
super cool!
your art reminds me of that bug queen from my life as a teenage robot, interesting style
you need to aim to practice specific principles. get yourself a 12" art mannequin or even any toys and figures you have on-hand, and practice drawing their poses. i find that tetsujin 28 is really just a fat version of an art mannequin, so it works as a really nice starter subject that's easy to add additional mechanical detail onto for experimentation.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715654244561420.jpg","filename":"61CALNQ4diL.jpg"},"posted":1715654244},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22630322,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629689
that’s good advice, ty
i’ve already tried drawing a couple gunpla, it just makes my head hurt lol
trying to get proportions and perspective right feels really hard, but that probably just means i need more practice","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715698300345723.jpg","filename":"IMG_4514.jpg"},"posted":1715698300},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22630664,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I AM GOING TO DO A OIL PAINTING OF RING OF RED THE PS2 GAME","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715714357766511.jpg","filename":"IMG-20240514-WA0000.jpg"},"posted":1715714357},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22630666,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630664
also technically not M but i am going to do a oil painting of a rocket knight","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715714446490670.jpg","filename":"IMG20240514171344.jpg"},"posted":1715714446},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22630669,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613913
this is great","attachment":null,"posted":1715714681},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22630757,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715719172706971.jpg","filename":"IMG20240514213214.jpg"},"posted":1715719172},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22631253,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630322
Don't bother with the traditional wooden art mannequin, they're very outdated with shitty articulation issues. You're better off with figmas from the classical art or posing series if you have the $$$ for it.","attachment":null,"posted":1715743475},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22632206,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715807168998894.png","filename":"1697599989788007.png"},"posted":1715807168},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22632258,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22632206
why the hypersexual pilot
who wears heels to pilot a mech
why wouldn’t she wear a bra, especially with such a large chest
why does the canopy show the entire body of the pilot when that doesn’t really increase visibility that much
the skimpy clothes might make sense if it were in a hot environment, but normally you’d want to wear something a little more substantial. you don’t really see forklift operators wearing swimsuits after all","attachment":null,"posted":1715810528},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22633644,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629388
How are you / what are you practicing? Sometimes the exercises or things you're practicing matter just as much as how many hours you're putting into it.
Some things to consider:
>Are you comfortable with drawing more basic forms (ie. cubes, cylinders, ellipses etc.) in perspective?
>Are you confident in your ability to control line thickness and direction when drawing?
>Do you want to design your own mechs, or make mostly fanart?
>What are your goals in drawing? Do you have any specific artists / IPs you look up to?","attachment":null,"posted":1715899904},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22633678,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630322
I like the mech design
(the shark face is funny i like it)
OrganicxMechanic mechs are cool this is great.
so gud
These are all really cool <3","attachment":null,"posted":1715901993},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22633804,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633644
>drawing more basic forms in perspective
individually, for the most part i am, but in combination i find it much harder
>line thickness/direction
not super confident but i have a rudimentary understanding from practicing calligraphy with a fountain pen for a good while
>design own or make fanart
mainly making my own designs, which seems much more challenging than fan art. sometimes i’ll have a certain form or philosophy behind the look, like wanting a more organic and curved look rather than sharp and geometric, or like taking design cues from existing objects like cars or even animals or certain body types. i find it hard to make something look cohesive though, outside of basic shapes i’m terrible at deciding details or panel lining or whatever especially if i don’t have an idea of the internal mechanical structure
always to get better of course. in the somewhat short term id like to at least dabble in making a short visual novel
i like the mechanical designs in aura battler dunbine, nausicaa, patlabor, FSS, dune/lensman/old scifi. izubuchi’s designs are cool and as much as nagano gets shit on for being pretentious his earlier designs for mecha and fashion are just astoundingly beautiful imo. i like designs that feel heavy but have grace and elegance in them that gives the clunkiness its own beauty. i also love the weirder gundam series designs, just because they’re so odd at times. i know it’s ridiculous to mention such beautiful designs while mine still look like middle schooler scribbles, but damn they can be so beautiful sometimes. even small things, like in ghost in the shell the guy’s fingers split open into lots of tiny sub fingers, i just adore that shit. it just feels hard climbing the mountain of getting to that point, i’m already pretty old (30) so i feel like my chance has already passed. feels like im much better with words, and that trying to learn drawing is an insult to those who can draw naturally","attachment":null,"posted":1715906629},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22633912,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633804
>basic forms
Something you could consider is to find some photos of tanks, planes or other vehicles to study - try to replicate their proportions using basic forms, then gradually up the fidelity.
>Why tanks etc. and not mechs?
Generally speaking, vehicles will have fewer forms and points of rotation for you to worry about. This makes them more approachable than a full mech for a form study, while giving you opportunities to try drawing some of the details that you'll often see incorporated on mechs (ie. paneling, greebles, etc.)
>line thickness
Right now I think the most impactful thing for you to pin down is line control - being able to have your line go where you want it to smoothly, without requiring too much trial and error (ie. "ctrl+z spam"). There are exercises for this that you can use to get stabler and smoother lines.
Awesome! What you refer to as the "form/philosophy" is sometimes referred to "form language" or "visual language" - it's the sum of all design decisions going into an object that visually distinguishes it from other objects of a similar nature.
For example, Soviet cast metal / submarine-influenced spacecraft have an organic and curved form language, as opposed to Western aeronautics-derived geometric and sharp spacecraft.
You get better at identifying and applying form language by familiarizing yourself with their origins - building a "visual library", so to speak. The aforementioned vehicle studies will have the secondary effect of slowly building up your visual library of machinery, which you can then apply to your mechs.
While "getting better" is a goal, it's also kind of a vague one - it's important to have a concrete objective that you can break down into its constituent parts.
A VN is a good starting point - what components would you need to make a short VN, and what skills / resources would you need to create / procure them?
For example, if you want to do pilot portraits with expression sheets, you may also need to do facial and emotion studies of the kinds of people you want to include in your VN (or outsource it if you want to focus on mechs).
For mechs, maybe try gathering some examples of what you want to attain as a intermediate goal - then break down what skills you'll need to get there.
It's good that you have a clear idea of and can articulate what kind of designs you like. Don't disparage yourself for looking up to designers who are better than you, that's how it's supposed to be - it'd be a lot more concerning if you mentioned exclusively shit designs. It's a lot easier to teach how to draw than it is to teach good taste.
Something you should consider is compiling a folder of your favorite designs, regardless of source - set it as a scrolling wallpaper or screensaver on your desktop. Have it be a reminder of what you're working towards.
>I'm already pretty old (30)
Missed your chance for what? If it's about working as a professional designer, that's not necessarily the case. Ralph McQuarrie, for example, started learning how to draw in his 30s before he went on to do principal design work on the likes of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica in his 40s.
That said, there are other factors affecting the entertainment design industry that make it very difficult to get into right now - an oversaturated market, investors pulling out, lack of faith in new IP etc.
But your age wouldn't really be a significant one. There are more entertainment designers in the industry on their second career path than you might think.
And if you're just thinking of getting into this as a hobby or side gig, all those factors listed above shouldn't matter to you much, if at all.","attachment":null,"posted":1715912244},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22634474,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633912
wonderful advice, thank you so much!
it’s sort of a romance game at the core, the player would be an engineer who repairs mecha, and there would be four pilots as potential love interests.
mainly character portraits and backgrounds, and definitely mecha designs. it’s still just on paper, but i enjoy just thinking about it. picrel is the rough sketch of a protagonist, or at least his outfit. i have a vague idea of the pilots too, but they’re pretty much just handsome men which makes drawing them easier since i like that subject matter
>folder of designs
good idea again, thanks! right now i have a lose pics floating around, consolidating them would definitely be a good idea
>not old
that’s good point too, im not looking for a job job. it’d be great if i could do indie gamedev, since i can already write pretty well and code decently enough to have made a short game already. it is a learning process i guess, and age can be a boon that’s easy to overlook at one’s. thanks for the thoughtful and in depth response!!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715941172183340.jpg","filename":"IMG_6727.jpg"},"posted":1715941172},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22635804,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Feet.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716010588708347.jpg","filename":"img323.jpg"},"posted":1716010588},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22638884,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Lasers.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716164517114804.jpg","filename":"img327.jpg"},"posted":1716164517},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22640896,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22638884
i know there's an actual pilot for scale, but i can't help thinking it also looks cool as a "big-dog"-scale robot that's remote controlled by the bigger pilot. the more human-looking arms help with that too","attachment":null,"posted":1716294386},{"board":"m","thread":22591383,"pid":22641078,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Yo so I finished my ring of red oil painting. might do some Votoms next","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716308246492168.jpg","filename":"RING OF RED50.jpg"},"posted":1716308246}]}
{"title":null,"posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586066,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"So seeing how Armored Core 6 and the Front Mission remasters went what do you think the future looks like for /m/ games? Is more mecha even viable within the current video game industry?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713378767898559.png","filename":"armored_core.png"},"posted":1713378767},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586158,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
things will be looking good when SLAI or gungriffon get official sequels
i don't think enough people were convinced by AC6 to try developing for the lite sim side of the genre and the FM remasters are rather niche","attachment":null,"posted":1713381792},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586180,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
GBO3 when?","attachment":null,"posted":1713382950},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586509,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"AC6 killed it off on the armored core side of things, it's going to be soulsshit all the way down from here. Best we can hope for is something new or the likes of mechwarrior going to an actually competent developer which seems unlikely.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713400684937063.webm","filename":"AC6spin.webm"},"posted":1713400684},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586692,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586158
Phantom Crash/SLAI aren't getting true sequels any time soon, Genki hasn't been a serious game dev in more than a decade, they do contract work for other studios now mostly. GunGriffon would be sick, but i think it's a similar situation with their devs, they're stuck doing endless HD remasters, and being contracted out to help develop other stuff largely. If FM2R does well on PC we might see more releases of old stuff from square like the other FM's.
Mechwarrior's not leaving PGI any time soon, iirc as far as we knew their license was good til 2025, but EG7's claiming they'll have another new standalone MW title out by 2027 after Clans comes out this year. So they might already have extended the license, or think it's a sure bet. pic rel (also peep the fucking factual errors in their own investor presentations)","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713410556730883.jpg","filename":"Mitch.jpg"},"posted":1713410556},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586717,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586180
Considering how long they took to do the port, gonna be a while so that it can be considered as worth the effort.","attachment":null,"posted":1713412355},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586836,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586509
I’ll never get why you mekkaweebs get all hung up on something as trivial as turning speeds. Gundam Evolution didn’t need it, you know.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713418219217297.gif","filename":"oldgen pvp be like.gif"},"posted":1713418219},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586962,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586836
>get all hung up on something as trivial as turning speeds
Armored core's aerial combat is bulit around the concept of "shooting your opponent at an angle THEY can't shoot back"
Without it, you get shit like this https://youtu.be/4MBVYW4oWZw?si=OLbw0ZeBc39hNUYB (2:14:00)
It either devolves into a messy button mash brawl OR a time-out rat simulator","attachment":null,"posted":1713427339},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586968,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586509
>it's going to be soulsshit
I like how everyone said this is what it was gonna be and then it didn't turn out to be that at all and now you have some real mindbroken hardliners living in an alternative timeline who pretend it's true.
Pure autism.","attachment":null,"posted":1713427984},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22586973,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586968
We were wrong about ac6 being a souls-like.
It's actually a sekiro-like.","attachment":null,"posted":1713428496},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587026,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586968
Anon, it literally has an estus heal.","attachment":null,"posted":1713433692},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587033,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586836
That gif is unironically good. The heavyweight is a noob and standing still, while the lightweight is freely taking advantage of that.
Now, if he had turn boosters...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713434426517049.gif","filename":"0_pv4rnIu80_XFnkQ1-ezgif.com-optimize.gif"},"posted":1713434426},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587035,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
Armored Core 6 is not a mech game to begin with. It's just a Sekiro game with guns, an over-reliance on stagger, unbelievably weak fodder enemies and overly difficult bosses just like Sekiro, and just about everything you do is basically locked to whoever you're TA'ing to. The max radius for 'losing' TA is 9999.0 in the code, faggot. All the shit like estus, hardlock and whatnot was a complete and utter after thought forced by Bandai.
Best part is that every mech game trying to ride on AC6's "success" is now going to be just as soulless and worthless. Give it up, it's over.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713434569480109.jpg","filename":"61mDpKoiGaS._AC_SL1500_.jpg"},"posted":1713434569},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587044,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587035
I've been playing AC for 20 years and I liked 6 a lot, get the stick out of your ass, faggot. The game is self-published by FROM in Japan. These games have had massive changes in gameplay and controls over the years and if you can't see that, then you're retarded.","attachment":null,"posted":1713435564},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587069,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587044
and you're talking to the man with 14000 hours in the series alone. AC6 is a fucking travesty in terms of gameplay and music. Everything else is great, but it plays like ass and has fundamental problems that not even a 'Silent Line' or 'Verdict Day' would fix just by tweaking the numbers a little. Yes, Old, 4th and 5th gen are all distinctly different but they're fundamentally still mecha games. AC6 is not a mech game.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713436973504959.png","filename":"GGYmBc9bwAEkQX6.png"},"posted":1713436973},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587080,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587069
You can fix ac6 by reworking a single mechanic.
Its such a limiting, braindead movement option.
a stark contrast compared to the free-form OB and glide boost.","attachment":null,"posted":1713438031},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587082,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587080
That still doesn't fix
>Hardlock genuinely magnetizing your AC into an orbit around what you are targeting, making you turn a full 180 just to fire off something if need be
>The camera facing direction and AC direction are not locked, not 'true' WASD movement like previous titles
>The worthless MTs that barely pose any threat whatsoever
but yes, I do agree that Assault Boost is fucking retarded due to how it locks you in place before it fucking goes off.","attachment":null,"posted":1713438201},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587095,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587082
>due to how it locks you in place before it fucking goes off
Thats not the main problem, I would list all the issues of ab but this video covers most of it.
oh, it's you, celtic lmao
what's up? it's rhob
anyways, continuing, i do agree with a lot of the points in the video but personally, AC6 just feels incredibly stiff despite having possibly everything to make it feel like a great AC game. that sekiro director and bandai's meddling is what held the game back, man
my personal biggest issues is just the over-reliance on stagger and the stilted as hell movement mechanics, like the AB shit you mentioned but also how QBs work, alongside the little difference between LWs and HWs","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713439207396964.png","filename":"allsmirks.png"},"posted":1713439207},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587590,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I think we are likely to see another Armored Core title in the coming years. Miyazaki said in interviews that AC6 was a success, not everything was perfect, and he was determined to continue. Not likely that anything will happen while Elden Ring is still going since its magnitudes more profitable and popular. I doubt a For Answer/Verdict Day type release is viable in the industry now, which is a shane because AC6 could really benefit from one considering the parts selection is limited compared to the other games","attachment":null,"posted":1713462515},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587598,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587590
I think we're more likely to see a DLC of some kind as opposed to a second game like the old days. Or maybe some new parts. I kinda get the impression that the new parts they have added just weren't ready in time for launch.","attachment":null,"posted":1713462708},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587623,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587598
hopefully they've got something in store for may 17th. they announced that date in advanced on steam so that's what some players are fixating on","attachment":null,"posted":1713463324},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587633,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587598
I agree. The Lammergeier frame makes me think that because it rounds out the tetrapod leg selection to have a light, medium, and heavy option. The real question is whether or not a DLC this far from release would be profitable, and I don't think it would since most people have moved on from AC6 by now","attachment":null,"posted":1713463756},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587640,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587633
there are medium tetra legs? both the other options are significantly heavy.","attachment":null,"posted":1713463914},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587662,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587640
The first set you get are lighter than the second set and heavier than the Lammgrier so they're technically medium.","attachment":null,"posted":1713464241},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587729,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587026
It literally has a healing item. Is every single game with health potion a souls like? You sound deranged","attachment":null,"posted":1713466392},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587803,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
I want Armored Core 6:Subtitle/7 NOW. I WANT IT NOOOWWWWW!!!
RIP the old ACs though, your clunk will never be forgotten","attachment":null,"posted":1713468630},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587810,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586509
Opinion discarded.","attachment":null,"posted":1713468985},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22587902,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587035
>Armored Core 6 is not a mech game to begin with
Seems like it is to me, as you use a mech.","attachment":null,"posted":1713471456},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22588164,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
Mecha Break is going into closed beta in the next week or so and I got in. Super stoked.
I think Mech games are in a better spot than they were say, 5 years ago. Seeing as how the current video game industry is starting to lean more towards indi devs than AAA games, there is a chance for niche games in general to rise up.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713480732104349.png","filename":"mechabreakexteel.png"},"posted":1713480732},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22588185,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588164
But will we get more with tomboys in bikinis/topless?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713481363469547.png","filename":"1703796586167.png"},"posted":1713481363},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22588270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588164
mechabreak being an exteel-like would rule","attachment":null,"posted":1713485577},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22588424,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
idk but I am going to eternally get a kick out of the fact that AC6 was a massive success but every fan of the game is somehow convinced it's over for the AC franchise and we are never getting any new mech game ever again. what's funnier is that From themselves have stated they had little hopes for the game but we're super surprised and satisfied by it's success and are already thinking about how to improve on it in the future, this confirming the will be working on AC again","attachment":null,"posted":1713489944},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22588447,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588424
Really it was a good model for things, Elden Ring alone more than financed it having the the lower price tag. Plus that tag means they reasonably budgeted the game so even if the sales weren't AAA numbers it didn't matter. Plus the company is a household name now. By all accounts it seems like AC is pretty back.","attachment":null,"posted":1713490502},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22588777,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586836
>an option to automate quick turns is available
>quick turns now cost as much energy as quick boosts
>when groundbound, "kick turns" are made available, which generally cost less energy but are impacted by leg stats
How’s this for a compromise?","attachment":null,"posted":1713502759},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22588865,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588777
Combining 4's quick turn and 5's drift turn might work, auto quickturn sounds like a noob trap desu.
Coral gen, infinite flight bulids and the redline mechanic in general will need a rework if these changes were to happen.","attachment":null,"posted":1713506715},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589182,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588424
>but every fan of the game is somehow convinced it's over for the AC franchise
most fans i've talked to online loved 6 though","attachment":null,"posted":1713534974},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589240,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589182
I'm not saying they didn't love it, most fans I've talked to are borderline obsessed with it, it's just that simultaneously they are convinced it's over for AC and mech games in general...for no reason. They will accept that they loved the game, everyone else loved the game, it was a huge success, more people want more of the game but...it's over...for some reason","attachment":null,"posted":1713539720},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589290,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Armored Core 6 is mecha kino, but I hope the franchise goes more into the Souls-like direction as I prefer skill based gameplay and difficulty over build-based one.
As for Front Mission, unless it comes to PC I don't give a shit.
Been itching to replay 4 though.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713542380142098.png","filename":"ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON Screenshot 2024.04.19 -"},"posted":1713542380},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589298,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589240
it's over because of the audience shift","attachment":null,"posted":1713542706},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589533,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589290
>Armored Core 6 is mecha kino, but I hope the franchise goes more into the Souls-like direction as I prefer skill based gameplay and difficulty over build-based one.
Armored Core is damned due to people like you.","attachment":null,"posted":1713555373},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589723,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586968
You dishonest faggot.
It has hardlock meaning following your target never ever matters, like in soulslurp where one pression on the joystick makes you target your enemy until the heat death of the universe. No struggle to keep a clear line of sight, one key element of the fun in AC is just taken away by yamamolerat because this faggot is into fighting games and everyone's like "lol whatever", I mean what the fuck?
It has mechs with zero weight, you can go from 0 to 999mph with little to no inertia, like how your soultoon reacts.
It has dodges, because soulslop is all about pressing the getting out of harm's way button. Oh, and every projectiles coming your way are making your defense system go "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" so retards know when to dodge. Very hardcore.
It has magical healing potion, so to reduce the cost of mistakes.
It has no turn rate and your mech controls, again, like your average souls protagonist, going wherever your joystick goes in a blink, no delay, no hard to master but satisfying when accustomed to controls. You're 100% in control from the start and it's all full arcade, what are the really hard to pull off moves in this? How's the skill ceiling? Extremely fucking low, a dwarf would have a hard time standing straight.
EVEN the ricochet/stagger philosophy bring back souls game combat management with low distance encounters where you're encouraged to keep close to your enemies, reducing the possibilities and diversity of the game.
It's a sekiro/soul Frankenstein's monster disguised as an armored core game. The only thing I respect in it is the art direction, the animations, ost, voice acting and scenario. All that is in the 10/10 range, and it's crazy to see everything being tainted by this yamaretard.","attachment":null,"posted":1713564000},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589738,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
Armored Core VI is not going to revive anything. Companies aren't looking at ACVI and thinking there's a market for mecha games, they're looking at it and thinking From Software can do no wrong. We might see more indie mecha games because of it's influence, but forget it if you think we might be in for a ZoE revival or a proper Front Mission 6. The remasters for the latter all looked like crap and, judging by the number of reviews on Steam, it seems they aren't making any waves.","attachment":null,"posted":1713565530},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589745,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589738
Remasters are a tumour on culture. No one wants to do something new, they just want to rewind to 20 years ago with fancier graphics.","attachment":null,"posted":1713565863},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589746,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"In the Japanese poll for AC6 there were questions about if people enjoyed Hardlock and Stagger.
Hopefully enough people said no so that those 2 systems are taken out.","attachment":null,"posted":1713566090},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589747,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589745
afraid to gamble on something new that might flop, they'd rather cash in on nostalgia especially when remastering an old project means less actual work than producing a new show from the ground up","attachment":null,"posted":1713566117},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589751,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589746
Stagger is fine. Hard lock was utterly unnecessary. Next game should either dump it or increase the speeds to beyond FA levels so the lock is actually needed.","attachment":null,"posted":1713566525},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589765,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589723
Personally I see ACVI as a child of a FromSoftware that on one hand wants to show the world this cool franchise they love and on the other hand knows too well how many times it has died and how difficult would it be to make a breach in today videogames' landscape and in their current fanbase.
Stagger is here beacuse the direct know the mechaninc well and it lead him to a GOTY. it's just a safe point of reference on what their new mecha action game should be.
Assault boost it's stupid as a mechanic as >>22587095 noted, but it is a necessity in big single players maps in which you need to zoom around and a good way to put in in advance if you are in a clutch. Remember, there are no Sunbros this time around, the player must do it alone. Assault boost was maybe made in orrder to have a "secure strategy" for the player at any given time.
Hard lock was made because, for the last ten years, they designed acclaimed bosses around Z-lock. Whould it work without? Maybe, maybe not. And it's better to be safe and sorry.
Same the not-estus: a familiar mechanic that also is associated with a positive, engaing thrill of having them finished that is well know by the fanbase and From knows being simply good to use.
For me, ACVI is like a sort of Demon Souls for the new From: a point of entrance for new fans and a first step towards a refinement of what truly is a Armored Core game by this mature, big From that wins over AAA studios every time. I personally think it will just get better from here, but one can't expect them to release a new Last Raven.","attachment":null,"posted":1713567459},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589770,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589765
>I personally think it will just get better from here, but one can't expect them to release a new Last Raven.
The problem is that people don't want Armored Core. The people want whatever FotM From drops, and associating modern From gameplay with AC is going to taint it, probably to an irrecoverable level.","attachment":null,"posted":1713567887},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589775,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589723
>The only thing I respect in it is the art direction, the animations, ost, voice acting and scenario. All that is in the 10/10 range
you shouldn't even respect the scenario writing, it's just another link the fire/not link the fire story with a third option thrown in as spice.
you light the coral and throw rubicon into a "oh it looks like we burned all the coral but we actually didn't" conundrum again or you pick the other endings to either accept the coral or open the future up to some other solution to the problem
the collectible loreitem storytelling, the bland ambient ost and the link the fire endings are all non-gameplay effects of the expectations of modern fromsoft fans, and the worst part is that people who support the game will primarily seek to defend these limitations rather than pressure fromsoft to evolve past them","attachment":null,"posted":1713568324},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589897,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">muh hardlock
I played through the entire game without it on console and the only time I've ever gotten use out of it was when I was trying to kick an enemy AC. Didn't even need it for Ibis.
>muh Assault Boost
I don't know how anyone could have a problem with AB unless you're talking about PvP, which is shit for a million other reasons so who cares. PvP is after thought with Armored Core as far as I'm concerned. It still shouldn't be so crucial to PvP's meta but I feel like that's more a consequence of the Stagger system.
>muh Estus
With the damage numbers the campaign shits out it's essentially like your AC has it's base health times 3. I personally think the bigger issue is the resupply killing any sense of tension with the boss fights or long missions, but they kinda have to because of low ammo counts and how quickly you lose health. I would hope to see them become a rarity in the next game, whatever it looks like.
Stagger is absolutely a dumb mechanic though, I won't argue against that. It fucks with the balance of the game at every level, and it needed to be nerfed in some capcity. Make it harder to get and make it last much less time against AC's. This alone would make AI AC fights harder and make some bosses less of a cakewalk.","attachment":null,"posted":1713576020},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589775
desu I rate it while keeping in mind the previous fromsoft games that all have an abhorrent story with a last arc deflating like a party balloon abandoned there still tied to a chair two weeks after the anniversary happened. Compared to them AC6 story seems very professional and satisfying.
AC6 has multiple paths with different outcomes, a cool secret ending, another secret credits rolling with a bonus song, yeah I'd say it's great when the last game you completed was elden ring and the last thing you see after hundred of hours is your character sitting on a chair and depending on your choices three skies with a different color akin to the ending of mass effect 3.","attachment":null,"posted":1713576480},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589920,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589907
I feel like they made Ranni and the Frenzied Flame endings before the rest and just ran out of time, like many other things in Elden Ring.","attachment":null,"posted":1713577032},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589923,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589897
Playing without hardlock the game becomes better but it remains a very arcade AC very different from what I'd expect from that IP. I'm not saying that it's bad, it's just still too similar to soul/sekiro in many aspects and I wish they went for a less accessible game with no fear of losing the new audience with a rougher, harder game to control.
I'm not delusional though, after watching streamers playing like utter shit even with all the assistance they can get from the game I know we won't ever get something like AC2 in our current era. Things like mission failures penalizing you, harsher energy management, more tuning depth with lot of optional parts and very specialized builds, physic based flight are all elements that'll scare away ecelebs and be a death sentence to the IP.
And using or not the hardlock won't fix the whole skeleton of the game. It's not much about acquiring target when your so mobile and fast as it is about cycling weapons and playing around the stagger meter. Only some bosses like ayre and iblis become really dangerous with no hardlock.
And the mp is rubbish with or without it because the rest of the room is going to use it anyway.","attachment":null,"posted":1713577184},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589932,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586509
Fuck off troon.
New Ace Combat
New Front Mission
That's all I need.
And From can make a new Another Century's Episode too.","attachment":null,"posted":1713577664},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589939,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589923
AC has always been arcade with literal bunny-hop.
Either you aren't playing the games or you are here for doomposting or both.
>muh accessibility
Every AC games have increased accessibility because it's better to play the game via good controls than fight the game with bad controls.","attachment":null,"posted":1713577825},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589954,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589923
Again with the Souls/Sekiro comparisons. I'm not trying to be combative but I legitimately do not understand how anyone can compare the games, beyond the focus on bossfights obviously. I like the bosses but there's too many and most of them are absolute shitters. But there's a hell of a lot more that goes into that type of game than that. And far as story comparisons, the story endings are themes we've seen before but they're well executed imo. Also as much as I love AC 1 and 2, I do not miss the old tank controls with the speed the games move at. 4th gen doesn't look like it has any sense of weight either but I have yet to play them. Maybe you can feel it in the controls. But I definitely don't want to go back to 5th gen movement, aside from wall kick tech that shit was ass.
>Things like mission failures penalizing you, harsher energy management, more tuning depth with lot of optional parts and very specialized builds
Absolutely agree. There's no penalty for fucking up whatsoever in AC6. No Human Plus retsarts, no planning your build around how much dosh you have, and the optional parts are way too limited. Now granted I never messed with optional parts very much because I unga bunga'd my way through the other game, but having them is nice for people who wanna get turbo autistic with their builds.","attachment":null,"posted":1713578296},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589960,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589939
Bandwagon jumping faggot, play the old ac where you're out of energy for what feels like a decade when you're in the middle of a fight and mismanaged your build and burned up all your energy past the red and tell me it's the same as AC6.
>Every AC games have increased accessibility because it's better to play the game via good controls than fight the game with bad controls.
Ultra faggottron opinion. Harder and more complex controls mean higher skill ceiling and more enjoyment from getting better playing it, unless your dopamine receptors are fried from edging to trans porn.
What do you do with ac6 after getting S ranks?
All the basic enemies die in one hit.
All the core piloting enemies use mismatching unacceptably unoptimized shit builds and aren't a threat.
The stagger/ricochet system and the simplified control also aren't helping with replayability, it gets stale quickly.
Even playing with 621's starting mech the whole game isn't as much fun as playing the old games and fucking around making builds, AC6 deserves better. I hope they won't listen to faggots like you for the sequels.","attachment":null,"posted":1713578495},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589963,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589960
>Bandwagon jumping faggot, play the old ac where you're out of energy for what feels like a decade when you're in the middle of a fight and mismanaged your build and burned up all your energy past the red and tell me it's the same as AC6.
If you are playing out of energy, you are playing a bad build or seriously gimping yourself.
Ultra faggottron opinion. Harder and more complex controls mean higher skill ceiling and more enjoyment from getting better playing it, unless your dopamine receptors are fried from edging to trans porn.
You sound like an edgy wannabe faggot.
Easy more intuitive controls means less time fighting the controls while doing cool shit.
>What do you do with ac6 after getting S ranks?
I move into other games because I don't play one game forever.","attachment":null,"posted":1713578622},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589968,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Also, I remember nobody complains about hard lock in Another Century's Episode until AC6 comes out.","attachment":null,"posted":1713578851},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589975,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589954
nta but there's not really much beyond the bossfights anon
all shown types of biped MTs are basically musou enemies and you get too many of them between quad MTs where you really need something like the 3rd gen gibbons or 1st gen ogres or just any cool MT variety really to spice up non-bossfight missions
there's some faction-specific variety but it's not nearly enough","attachment":null,"posted":1713579164},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589978,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589975
There are a bunch, the ALLMIND ghosts, the PCA MT, the RRI bots.
I think the ALLMIND ghosts are the most fun enemies tho.","attachment":null,"posted":1713579301},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589980,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589975
I wish we had more Tetrapod MT's to fight. Or more Cavalry units.
ALLMIND's Mystery Niggas are a lot of fun to fight.","attachment":null,"posted":1713579432},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589984,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589980
Game just needs more content is all, the expac is gonna bring everything up to speed.
Let the haters unironically seethe.","attachment":null,"posted":1713579496},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589991,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589978
>ALLMIND ghosts
too faction-specific
functionally the same as the BAWS MT as i stated
>all shown types of biped MTs are basically musou enemies
>RRI bots
present in like, two missions","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713579656258946.jpg","filename":"drakengard-screenshot-01.jpg"},"posted":1713579656},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589993,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589991
>too faction-specific
Hmmm, OK.
>functionally the same as the BAWS MT as i stated
Naw, they have an actual moveset and can dodge your shit.
>present in like, two missions
Yeah, which is why we need more I guess.
As I have said, game just needs more content, more missions and everything, this is just an appetizer.","attachment":null,"posted":1713579724},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589995,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589993
>Naw, they have an actual moveset and can dodge your shit.
maybe it's because i'm bored out of my mind but i've actually seen a BAWS MT do a side QB
it was in the honest brute assassination mission","attachment":null,"posted":1713579809},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22589998,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589995
The PCA MT clearly does it tho, showing the grunts can do it.
In fact, imagine if the game's primary grunts are replaced with PCA MT and the ghosts, very, very annoying.
The Kill Michigan mission is already made easier because it's all normal MT instead of PCA MTA.","attachment":null,"posted":1713579950},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590017,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589998
>In fact, imagine if the game's primary grunts are replaced with PCA MT and the ghosts, very, very annoying.
i really wouldn't mind that
>The Kill Michigan mission is already made easier because it's all normal MT instead of PCA MTA.
it's only moderately difficult, the game just doesn't make you practice the tactics that make it easy
for example wave 0 and wave 1-ish are pure MTs so you can clear those without wasting ammo by just putting on a medium build and instakill kicking everything
when the quad MTs and michigan actually show up you ideally fight them with high splash area weapons so you kill bystander MTs by accident","attachment":null,"posted":1713580706},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590018,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590017
I remember people whining a lot about that mission.
But for me the hardest mission (due to S ranking) is the one where you fight Snail and Iguazu in the steel plant.","attachment":null,"posted":1713580782},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590032,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">AC4 sets a trend
>AC4A perfects it
>AC5 sets a trend
>ACVD perfects it
>AC6 sets a trend
Faggots will always whine when a new AC gen comes out.","attachment":null,"posted":1713581266},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590152,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590017
The ammo thing was only an issue for certain weapons and a lot of the balance passes the game got later just slapped more ammo on a lot of them
Going into that mission with two flamethrowers or the some of the earlier weapons gave you plenty of room to kill everything without resorting to kicks","attachment":null,"posted":1713585767},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590195,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589907
Honestly ACVI blows other Fromsoft stories out of the sky by the sheer value of actually having dramatised events and characters the audience can care about.
I never gave a single fuck about anyone in Elden Ring because I spent zero time with them and I never felt like I had any stake in the world because all the cool shit happened off screen.
Love Cinder, love Waltuh, love Ayre.","attachment":null,"posted":1713587464},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590245,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590195
I don't know why they didn't put any escort/companion missions in the game, probably gor the sake of total liberty and they were afraid players would want to go somewhere else in the middle of a story mission where you're accompanied by an ai. That sucks. You have occasionally one npc joining you for a fight and that's that.","attachment":null,"posted":1713589478},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590248,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590245
You do get to escort the RLF chopper and hang out with Rusty in the liberator route, at least.","attachment":null,"posted":1713589659},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590255,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590248
I meant in elden ring.
Even if you're not accompanied very often in AC6 you're constantly having someone talking to you on radio. Even enemies and random soldiers on the battlefield. + Ayre + Walter. There's ten times the engagement from npcs in ac6.
Elden Ring is a very lonely and miserable experience where you kill trillions and lose sight of why you're killing by that lack of engagement.","attachment":null,"posted":1713589939},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590321,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590255
This is a thing for Dark Souls, the Souls fan want muh dreadery loneliness, at least ER has a hub and things you can summon so you have some imaginary friends.","attachment":null,"posted":1713594525},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590344,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">defend the strider with 621's starter mech
>got one institute faggot left and I have under 1k HP
>his stupid little missiles slowly eat up what's left of my hp before I can kill it
I cheated and installed another BML-G1 in my next try on C4-621. Feel bad.","attachment":null,"posted":1713595947},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590346,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590032
>implying there'll be a new game
More like a dlc later on that make's it eventually become the definitive edition.","attachment":null,"posted":1713596079},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590347,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590346
You mean like Shadow of the Erdtree? That will work too.","attachment":null,"posted":1713596209},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590371,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589998
>new variant of kill Michigan/pater and whatever the other guys name was where they get support from the PCA specifically to trap and kill you","attachment":null,"posted":1713599401},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590405,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589923
>I want the game to control like shit on purpose
Absolutely mindbroken.","attachment":null,"posted":1713601836},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590417,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590405
>smoothbrain faggot misinterpreting what people are saying, even when the thought he's attacking has been clarified with nothing left to vague interpretation
absolute state of the newcomers, no wonder some of you fags are asking for the stupidest things like an open world AC.","attachment":null,"posted":1713603317},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590433,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590417
Shut the fuck up edgy wannabe faggot.","attachment":null,"posted":1713605072},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590436,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586509
This is literally from a quickturn-during-boosting OS upgrade you buy in game","attachment":null,"posted":1713605262},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590437,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589290
>I prefer skill based gameplay and difficulty over build-based one
>uses 2 zimmermans","attachment":null,"posted":1713605323},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590438,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587035
>It's just a Sekiro game with guns
It's Frame Gride + Baldr Sky you mong","attachment":null,"posted":1713605493},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590564,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590438
You fucking wish.","attachment":null,"posted":1713614179},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590713,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590346
>implying there'll be a new game
Considering this is the highest selling game in the series, you'd be retarded to think they won't make more now.","attachment":null,"posted":1713621319},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590724,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I finished NG+ and how can I marry Ayre?","attachment":null,"posted":1713621727},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590773,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590724
sorta. keep working through NG++ and the analysis arena in particular","attachment":null,"posted":1713624108},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590779,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
AC6 honestly did good, plus you see more interest in the series now from people. I'll take a few annoying normies in the fandom rather than it being dead.
As for Front Mission 2, surprise, StormTrident put out another update this month since they are gonna release on other platforms at the end of April, and NOW the game is playable. Translation is still a bit wonky in places but FM always had a certain jank to its localization/fan translations, so I'll take the script being readable and the bugs being ironed out over not being able to play the game I paid for. And hopefully the pollacks do better with FM3R.","attachment":null,"posted":1713624556},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589960
Wow, you are the most trihard faggot imaginable, dunno if this is your natural state or just larping, but I gotta commend you on that post.
>Ultra faggottron opinion. Harder and more complex controls mean higher skill ceiling and more enjoyment from getting better playing it, unless your dopamine receptors are fried from edging to trans porn.
Newsflash nigger, even back in the early 2000s people hated the clunky PSX-leftover controls. That's why more people got into the series once the late PS2 and 7th gen games started streamlining and updating controls, like adding twin stick support.
Outdated, clumsy or outright bad controls aren't a fucking gameplay feature, they are either a compromise or just plain bad game design. Don't pretend otherwise.","attachment":null,"posted":1713630713},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590914,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586968
Everyone who enjoyed the game has moved on to other ones, the only people left are chronic shitposters sadly","attachment":null,"posted":1713631199},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22590929,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590907
ofc its just larping
even /m/ is not invulnerable from the hordes of zoomers who want to pretend to be le epic and hardcore oldfags","attachment":null,"posted":1713632075},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591010,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590779
>AC6 honestly did good, plus you see more interest in the series now from people. I'll take a few annoying normies in the fandom rather than it being dead.
Ah, you'll regret it in time, don't worry. Normalfags ruin everything when pandered to. Things are dumbed down, simplified, changed to get new people in. Those new people bring new people in and the content has to be changed more. Eventually you have something unnatural wearing the flensed skin of your favorite game/novel/setting, but at least FotM people enjoyed it for a short while!","attachment":null,"posted":1713635977},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591014,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591010
>Normalfags ruin everything
We know, I'm replying to one now.","attachment":null,"posted":1713636180},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591017,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591014
>We know, I'm replying to one now.
Gosh pal you sure flamed me! Boy howdy, I'm so mortified by your brutal rebuke that I'll go hang myself in my garage.","attachment":null,"posted":1713636306},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591022,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590907
yeah and the same retards got RE to become a shooter franchise, not like everyone was a genius with good taste back then","attachment":null,"posted":1713636449},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591041,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589745
It's different for Front Mission because it's for games not previously available in English (and the fantranslations being crap)","attachment":null,"posted":1713638229},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591047,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589960
>All the core piloting enemies use mismatching unacceptably unoptimized shit builds and aren't a threat.
Basically every AC ever, the fuck are you talking about?","attachment":null,"posted":1713638410},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591173,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589960
>where you're out of energy for what feels like a decade when you're in the middle of a fight and mismanaged your build and burned up all your energy past the red and tell me it's the same as AC6
It is, lol.","attachment":null,"posted":1713645743},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591176,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589960
>What do you do with ac6 after getting S ranks?
PvP and invasion mod, lil' sissy","attachment":null,"posted":1713645804},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591178,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590564
Use a double melee build, lol","attachment":null,"posted":1713645878},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591235,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591047
The only one I can think of that wasn't was AC1's Valk. Her shit was built to stunlock you to death in one long barrage.","attachment":null,"posted":1713648803},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591345,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591010
It's funny because there's also another class of people that's even more pathetic than the normalfaggots leaving after having their fill of FOTM. It's the delusional cuck always defending whatever the devs are doing no matter the impact it has on the IP, you can see them everywhere in the thread saying how the game's fine and how they're having so much fun playing the sooooo popular pvp full of millions of players...","attachment":null,"posted":1713654396},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591354,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590907
It's because it had all the things you consider to be negatives that the serie got its niche appeal, customization, unique controls and physic, I don't understand how it flies above the head of fagots like you. It's what allowed it to stand out.
Not flanderized, simplified, homogeneous controls that taste like every popular games. With features removing the edge and the weird imperfections making it special, checkpoint, estus, hardlock etc etc all that shit I already called out.
But everyone's a soulless automaton so I bet you love ac6. No matter how brown and sludgy it is.","attachment":null,"posted":1713654848},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591356,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591354
Jesus fuck just play mechwarrior 3 at that point","attachment":null,"posted":1713655124},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591358,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586962
Well maybe fromsoft should’ve addressed that issue as well? Make it more like a console tps or something?","attachment":null,"posted":1713655207},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591364,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"did /acg/ die I was only gone for like two weeks :(","attachment":null,"posted":1713655625},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591368,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591364
It's there, just search /acg/. The OP doesn't have Armored Core General in it for some reason.","attachment":null,"posted":1713655784},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591371,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591368
oh pfft thanks","attachment":null,"posted":1713655976},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591377,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588865
>auto quickturn sounds like a noob trap","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713656332902773.gif","filename":"TheJoke.gif"},"posted":1713656332},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591513,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590438
baldr sky would be fun though","attachment":null,"posted":1713659748},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591713,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591354
You are such a tryhard I really doubt you play classic Armored Core.","attachment":null,"posted":1713664064},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591983,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587035
I started playing AC games since the first on PS1.
I loved AC6 and it brought a breath of fresh air into Mecha games.","attachment":null,"posted":1713675504},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22591988,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591983
Noooo noooo you cannot exist.
It disproves tryhard fuckers who pretend to play AC3.","attachment":null,"posted":1713675916},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592469,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591988
I don’t get why people are so bitter. I thought Armored Core was dead, and FS brought it back from the grave.
Is it a perfect game? No. My biggest complaint with the game was honestly the music. I thought it was a Little lackluster. I miss the techno beats (AC2 & AC2 AA had my favorite music).","attachment":null,"posted":1713709653},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592517,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589723
i hope they try to catter to a more dedicated fan base in the next game, they even had made a survey for it. I also do believe that the next installment will have generally less sales due to it no longer having a lot of people trying the game out to see if they like the genre. Kinda just wish they would port the older games to pc to at least have feasible controls and not force me to buy a controller and heavy emulation hardware. But hey, it is what it is.","attachment":null,"posted":1713711194},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592519,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"on a side not, ac 6 is probably one of if not the easiest game fs ever made.","attachment":null,"posted":1713711277},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592557,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592519
No, 4A holds that crown of easiest fs game.","attachment":null,"posted":1713712644},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592558,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592557
Occupation is way harder than anything in 6","attachment":null,"posted":1713712714},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592745,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592558
Occupation is a meme mission though. The other missions even on hard are piss easy.","attachment":null,"posted":1713719156},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592838,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"New question
>What /m/ game you wish to exist
- Patlabor-like game with a fake-physic that have weight and not necessarily humanoid mecha that fall into pieces, losing arms/legs.
- Simulator of Metal Gear sized mecha that isn't just a shoot'em'all or a tank-game.
- Highly-realistic space-cargo simulator (still FTL) that's not a 2D spaceboat with anti-gravity landing.
- Fantasy space-game that let you build up a fleet of specialized ships instead of those lone ship do everything gameplay.
- Escaflowne-like game with heavy medievalish mecha and NOT a massless lightshow with quadruple flips/rolls FF-like slashs attack.
- power-armor centric game with lot of movement that aren't just "jetpack this, jeckpack that".
>what do you think the future looks like for /m/ games?
I stopped having hopes, it hurt too much.
>Is more mecha even viable within the current video game industry?
Actually yes, nowadays indy game revitalized the industry with actually creative ideas instead of "Franchise Game n°6+"
And online game shops like Steam put the Indy games at the same level of visibility than A[...]A games.
So if you are targeting a niche audience, the shop will let said audience find the game.
Dang, I was looking forward AC6 hoping it brought back HEAVY into mecha, but clearly it seem they have succumbed to the siren of "let's turn everything into a high-speed slasher".","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713723086456323.webm","filename":"Allen Van Duel2.webm"},"posted":1713723086},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592885,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589939
NTA, just pointing out that "Arcade" mean: "simplistic&rigid gameplay to be easy to understand but easier to fail in the name of artificial longevity".
>increased accessibility
Is indistinguishable from
>good controls
Regardless if it aim for a public of dumb kids with 3s of attention-span or a young adult who could learn to fly airplane if he wanted.
I'm annoyed by fanboys who defend clunky gameplay built at a time where Interfaces/mechanic/physics were extremely limited, while shitting on modern games that let you have organic orgasmic experience where you do more than time one jump right to the pixel.
>pic is the controls scheme for the next AC game","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713724960733108.png","filename":"file.png"},"posted":1713724960},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592931,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592519
AC6 Day 1 is at the very least harder than AC1, AC1PP, AC2, AC3, and Nexus. So... no.","attachment":null,"posted":1713726895},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592940,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591010
Everyone's a new/normalfag at some point, unless you are born with crippling autism.
When I was a kid I only played gameboy and snes babyshit until I watched my brother play Mechwarrior 2 and had him handhold me until I played it on my own. When later games removed and added features it didn't ruin the game for me.
Everyone larping these days like you only can keep this "hobby" pure by gatekeeping forget that without new blood genres like this fucking die and then we won't get ANY new games and then you faggots will cry how devs don't make any new mecha games. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either give a concession to devs and new players to change stuff or enjoy your stale games you already played through a gazillion time.
There's charming imperfections and then there's just fucking outdated game design you cave-dwelling troglodyte. From soft not using those perfectly useful joysticks for the longest time was one, for example. There was no reason for them not to offer a control scheme that used them while also having a classic control mode for nostalgic retards like you.
I'm not defending every design decision in AC6 but if I don't like something I can ignore it. If the healing charges and lock on aren't too your liking, ignore them. I've seen enough vets do that.
If you are such a dysfunctional sonic-fandom tier autist that you can't cope with that, sorry, this world ain't made for you.","attachment":null,"posted":1713727212},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592946,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"And lol... people fetishizing tank controls are definitely LARPers. Yes, everyone hated it and yes, anyone with two brain cells remapped the controls so that the symbol buttons were camera and the D pad was movement. Every AC game EVER has remappable controls so if you think past AC games were better just because of a default control scheme that you can change as soon as you access the main menu, there's no helping you. These people probably don't even know what the first AC game to support analog stick controls was.","attachment":null,"posted":1713727518},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22592956,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592940
>There was no reason for them not to offer a control scheme that used them while also having a classic control mode for nostalgic retards
NTA, you shouldn't do that either.
The most limited control scheme would forcefully dictate the gameplay and waste the potential of a superior interface.","attachment":null,"posted":1713727971},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593095,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592558
Carpals aside, which the other anon is right to call a meme mission, the one that gave me the most trouble as a kid was Arteria Cranium and even I got through that within hours. IBIS, Ayre and ALLMIND probably took a day each. In fact Ayre took me trying out a whole new AC while FA was easily beaten with a lightly modified and tuned AALIYAH. FA's quickboosting and quickturning are just that good.","attachment":null,"posted":1713733846},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593162,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592838
>- Escaflowne-like game with heavy medievalish mecha and NOT a massless lightshow with quadruple flips/rolls FF-like slashs attack.
Frame Gride, brother","attachment":null,"posted":1713736549},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593165,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592558
Just pick a hit and run sniper tank build and spam rail cannons","attachment":null,"posted":1713736611},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593199,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"How is that Front Mission 2 remake?
I saw they still keep that less than desirable 3D from the first one but the UI, and how the battle screens look don't look like dogshit.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713737994557601.jpg","filename":"1653651561014.jpg"},"posted":1713737994},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593237,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592838
>>What /m/ game you wish to exist
Special attacks from PS2 VOTOMS game and tackle melee counters from GBO2 gave me an obsession with the idea of mecha game with melee focus that features a lot of quick wrestling and judo","attachment":null,"posted":1713741405},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593242,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593095
>IBIS, Ayre and ALLMIND probably took a day each
How can you say this and expect to be taken seriously?","attachment":null,"posted":1713741640},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593251,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593242
"A day" can mean a gaming session after work, not necessarily 24 hours.","attachment":null,"posted":1713742360},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593301,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593242
I didn't literally spend a day, anon. It was like multiple sittings throughout a single day. Meanwhile the hardest missions in FA were beat in a single seating with the exception of Carpals.","attachment":null,"posted":1713745449},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593316,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593199
Far better than at release. Actually playable. But still a bit jank, and not as good as it could be.","attachment":null,"posted":1713746619},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593328,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593237
PS2 Votoms has some great special attacks","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713747377188765.webm","filename":"VOTOMS nosound 7.webm"},"posted":1713747377},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593338,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593251
you mean people actually have lives outside of poopsocking games?","attachment":null,"posted":1713748041},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593366,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593316
It's on sale for $24, I might snag it
If nothing but to support Front Mission","attachment":null,"posted":1713749000},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593453,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"mechiro series dies twice","attachment":null,"posted":1713752662},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593474,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593328
That shit is still smoother then some fucking modern day games. Damn.","attachment":null,"posted":1713753723},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22593475,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593474
Funniest thing is that the devs of that one specialised in pro wrestling games","attachment":null,"posted":1713753957},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22594061,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593162
I mean Frame Gride is fairly close but also has a lot of ranged options and most people who play it seem to devolve into just a magical pew pew playstyle.
Vanguard Bandits hits thematically closer but that's also a strat-rpg like Front Mission/FE.","attachment":null,"posted":1713797044},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22594064,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593366
That's honestly a decent price. Go for it.","attachment":null,"posted":1713797117},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22595581,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593162
>Frame Gride
Heard of it. Bit to old for my taste.
Also, at the time this was as speedy as they could do.
>Vanguard Bandits
>the pain! the pain!
That genre is also too old for me.
Nowadays I want what is basically the hardest stuff to do in video game: physic heavy TPS with invert kinematic for necessary immersion.
Arguably if you just upscale all the "human warrior" games and slow their movement you'd think the tool exist. But those game have not been built with heavy inertia in mind. More often it's the "massless lightshow where the armored character magically fly in the sky, flips a dozen time ignoring gravity before his sword multiply and inflict 86dmg regardless if any of the light bit went through the enemy."
So wish me luck finding that in my remaining lifetime.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713888302697437.jpg","filename":"Earthsiege.jpg"},"posted":1713888302},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22596051,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595581
>finding that in my remaining lifetime.
At that point just DIY","attachment":null,"posted":1713908171},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22597118,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591010
You do realize that gatekeeping kills a hobby, right? Like all you're doing is trying to kill AC7.","attachment":null,"posted":1713969467},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22597189,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596051
I'm rather young but it would still be a race.","attachment":null,"posted":1713973378},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22597193,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597118
Stop being a faggot.","attachment":null,"posted":1713973578},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22597220,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597118
As a tabletop wargamer I disagree.You're probably trolling, but had Warhammer and BattleTech been better gatekept they would not be the burning piles of shit they are right now.","attachment":null,"posted":1713984628},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22597376,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592557
What are you smoking? 4A was decently difficult, VD and V are easy as fuck, damn near braindead along with 6.","attachment":null,"posted":1713985603},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22597739,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
Ive only played the main ps2 games (-LR) and the PSX games since 2020, AC6 was fin as hell but I didn't like the stagger mechanic, mainly for bosses. I wish Part breaking was a thing there weren't enough parts. Ive been playing Lost Planet and the mech gameplay is fun, id like a mech game with FMP style mechs and similar gameplay.
AC7 came out, haven't played it yet.","attachment":null,"posted":1714004774},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600390,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I don't understand what exactly stagger boosting damage is supposed to add to gameplay.
It feels like Sekiro leftovers trying to push players to mix the multi-weapon system.
But ammo and cooldowns already exist, so why are you slashing my openings for damage and creating inconsistency in DPS?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714129403964059.webm","filename":"Armored Core 6 Enforcer.webm"},"posted":1714129403},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600401,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597365
You can't gatekeep something that's owned and marketed by people who don't want it gatekept and actively work against you. You can say "this is ours, you're not welcome!" and then they'll support another gay zine or feature trans pride color schemes or something regardless because they want that.","attachment":null,"posted":1714130380},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600414,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588270
Immediately what I thought of, I'll be on it if true","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714131016967397.jpg","filename":"exteel-shut-down.jpg"},"posted":1714131016},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600436,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588270
Man, it's been ages since I played Exteel. How do I still miss it after all this time.","attachment":null,"posted":1714133100},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600677,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600390
It just feels good to score those big damage stagger punishes, plain and simple. It is 100% just the sekiro posture system minus the deathblow counters, but crushing an AC or a boss with a charged pilebunker or laser cannon is satisfying. Having to build up the stagger meter creates tension leading up to that moment, and interacts well with other systems given that you have to make sure you land the stagger from an opportune position, with enough EN to capitalize, or at the end of your other cooldowns (this is build dependent, but most things are anyway).
I think the gap between normal damage and direct hit damage is a little too wide, personally, because aside from energy weapons, fire, and stun damage, there aren't many ways to do decent damage outside of ACS overload...and let's be honest, stun damage is just stagger-lite and fire damage's gimmick us that it makes you stagger faster, so really it's just energy weapons. Point is, I would like the next installment to tweak things so that you could build on a spectrum of consistent damage/ low stagger to low damage/high stagger & punish, with a variety of options on both ends. But i guess that also has to do with the number of parts in AC6","attachment":null,"posted":1714144887},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600704,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600677
Honestly, laser kiting is pretty viable. You've got to spec for it with this one specific generator and parts that don't require a lot of EN but it's doable. Hell, I Beat Ayre with 2xVP-66LRs and the starting missiles.","attachment":null,"posted":1714145935},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600712,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600704
Based me too, beating Ayre with a agility twink laserspam build was a ton of fun, just staying in her face frantically pewpewing","attachment":null,"posted":1714146194},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600727,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600704
It's totally viable, and I like playing that type of build as well. My point is that if you want to do that type of build, you're notably more limited than if you wanted to do a stagger -> punish build. I would just like to see more options catering to that playstyle","attachment":null,"posted":1714146634},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600735,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600727
So would I. However, I'm pretty confident that Fromsoft will expand on AC6 the same way they expanded on AC2/3/4/5. Maybe I'm getting old but I'm not too worried.","attachment":null,"posted":1714146920},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600778,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600390
It gives you cool cinematic kills without actually using qtes or finisher moves and an additional back and forth mechanic. It's very refreshing leaving behind bamaham press x to pull of a dudes head, not that I'd want that in AC anyway. Stagger into pilebunker is one of those all time feelgood things.
Playing older AC games, death coming at 0 hp with little hit effects tends to make the fights feel like you're floating around draining each others health and then someone falls over. Especially at higher speeds, you get missile/melee kills while you've shot passed them. They probably wanted a mechanic that keeps things looking cool and focused on the big hits and honestly, it works. I dunno the problem people had with stagger.","attachment":null,"posted":1714147983},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600781,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600778
>Playing older AC games, death coming at 0 hp with little hit effects tends to make the fights feel like you're floating around draining each others health and then someone falls over.
This is probably more a function of limited resources on old hardware. They could absolutely make the more simulationist aspect of AC look flashy with some decent particle effects and damage decaling","attachment":null,"posted":1714148126},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600789,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600778
> I dunno the problem people had with stagger.
As far as I can tell, their problem was that this wasn't in AC3 or any of it's spinoffs.","attachment":null,"posted":1714148541},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600805,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600390
Slow, slow, quick-quick, slow...
It's about making the pace of the combat as non-monotonous as possible
In previous AC, if you had any melee parts along with ranged weapons, you went into melee for finishers only for personal style points and satisfaction and rarely out of practical use (tho maybe there's a good way for this in 2-3 gens if you focus on ramping up opponents' heat to have their energy generation too crippled for evasive boosting, gotta try that out)
AC6 ramps that aspect up but makes it practically sensible and involve more satisfaction with cinematic slow-downs on death and possibility to enter photo mode
Frankly I prefer that over the trend that made things like bunny-hopping, overboosting and/or quickboosting around with rifles and missiles be the 90% of things you encounter in "meta"","attachment":null,"posted":1714149172},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22600853,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600778
running melee also knocks down your ammo costs by one or two weapons if you need it.","attachment":null,"posted":1714150597},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604108,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600677
It's a massive limitation to the player, that instead of engaging freely with the enemy taking shots based on positioning and opportunities, has to play around the shitty limitations of a stagger bar.
It tries to hard to introduce le epic Sekiro finisher but actually intrudes the gameplay.
First abd foremost, using heavy hitters right before the stagger bar is finished wastes most of it.
Second, and most important, you have compared using heavy hits to Sekiro deathblow, and you are right, it's about as deep as it gets
>Fire dual laser/pistol/smg
>Fire heavy weapon/melee
That's all there is to it, that's optimal 1vs1 AC6 gameplay
This is why the best bosses are those that don't stand staggered and are balanced around recovery between attacks","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714306044593933.webm","filename":"Armored Core 6 Arquebus.webm"},"posted":1714306044},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604122,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600778
It also doesn't guarantee that a big alpha strike will kill enemies as you xan see in this webm >>22600390
It only pushes playered to save those for when the stagger bar is full, which in turns males the gameplay boring, and makes me wonder why they even bothered giving all triggers to respective weapons, if they are going to make offensive play some formulaic.
The Sekiro director sucks","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714306842899482.webm","filename":"Armored Core 6 Ayre.webm"},"posted":1714306842},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604177,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604108
>70% of weapons are mostly useless in 1-5 gens compared to only 10% of weapons being mostly useless in AC6
>talks about limitations","attachment":null,"posted":1714309265},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604217,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604177
it's about limitations on gameplay, on when to use them","attachment":null,"posted":1714310792},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604236,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I've put a lot of hours into the MB beta test and it's solid. Not "amazing" but I can very easily see many of the problems getting fixed before launch like few maps, shaky balance, etc. The Battle Royale mode fuckin' sucks, and I say that as someone who has enjoyed a number of BRs. Performance modification parts take 1 whole ever to get, but I did spend a lot of time just making my pilot and painting my robot. Way more detailed than I expected on both counts. Like 51% sure it will have scummy monetization, but you never know.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714311416744802.png","filename":"cbt-news.png"},"posted":1714311416},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604240,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604177
I don't give a shit about balance, the game tells you when you should fire your weapon based on some arbitrary hud element on top of your target
Kill yourself","attachment":null,"posted":1714311492},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604242,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604240
>the game is psychologically dominating me so fuck you
here's your phytoestrogen latte, xir","attachment":null,"posted":1714311546},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604272,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604242
Keep sucking Yamamura cock","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714312976748970.jpg","filename":"Yes, it was Yamamura that killed AC6.jpg"},"posted":1714312976},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604392,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604272
Assblasted moron
Cannot defend his statement
Quotes worthless statement","attachment":null,"posted":1714319776},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22604576,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604236
Maps are dogshit, needs more cover.
They were clearly chasing a trend with the br mode.
It has a good foundation but they will definitely fuck it up in the future.","attachment":null,"posted":1714325736},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22605733,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593475
I believe it. According to anyone who tries to do wrestling it is actually very hard and why the pro wrestling games cling to ancient engines.","attachment":null,"posted":1714369411},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22605751,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604108
>instead of engaging freely with the enemy taking shots based on positioning and opportunities
You still do this. It's not like you can't attack with heavier weapons until they're stunned, they just gain their maximum potential if they are. You'd be building stagger more slowly if you very strictly only use high stagger weapons normally than if you used them occasionally as well.
I dunno. It all just feels like it sets off peoples optimization autism. A lot of people just throw their hands up into their air and shout "well I guess I just HAVE to now!" because there's a narrow path they force themselves onto. I played the second half of the games with energy weapons only and you don't even really use the stagger mechanic if you do that. It does more damage than stagger and you'll kill them before it triggers.","attachment":null,"posted":1714370459},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22605793,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
Mecha games never went away.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714372204644195.jpg","filename":"20230903171546_1.jpg"},"posted":1714372204},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22606095,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22605751
This. Kiting builds are extremely good and whittling down opponents without depending on stuns.","attachment":null,"posted":1714395292},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22606239,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22605751
You really hit the nail on the head with 'optimization autusm' lmao. Some people find optimization fun intrinsically for the process, others extrinsically for the result of a super effective build. Other people optimize to bolster typically less-effective builds. Others still will literally just slap shit together and go ham.
Then you have retards who will optimize their build just because their ape brain compels them to. They dont even enjoy the process or the end result, they just sperg out about how the game is bad because it 'forces' them to do xyz.","attachment":null,"posted":1714407470},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22608104,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
The only thing AC6 proved is that normiefags are filltered by raw mechs.
Immersive and cluncky gameplay has to be scrapped in favour of cinematic expirience and gorillion eva refrences, which defeats whole purpoes of the game being mecha to begin with.
Pop culture strays from anything that is an extension of male hobby.","attachment":null,"posted":1714512614},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22608241,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is the Front Mission remake a decent way to play it? I played a bit of the DS version when I was younger and liked it enough but I don't think I have the cartridge anymore. It's like half off right now so I'm tempted to get it, but I have like four other mecha SRPGs to finish (SRWs V and 30, G Generation Genesis, and Relayer).","attachment":null,"posted":1714518834},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22608254,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608104
clunky is not immersive, and AC6 was as far from a sony movie-game as you could get","attachment":null,"posted":1714519442},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22609484,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608104
>any AC
spotted the ubershitter","attachment":null,"posted":1714579865},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22609493,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608104
>gorillion eva refrences
All I'm seeing is cyberpunk'd Getter Robo","attachment":null,"posted":1714580411},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22609500,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608104
Yes we must return to the days of tank controls and no thumbsticks!","attachment":null,"posted":1714581129},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22609576,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608104
Here is the controller AC7 will be made for to satisfy the real true fan of AC >>22592885","attachment":null,"posted":1714586682},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22609867,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22605751
>just play badly on purpose bro
>>Fire dual laser/pistol/smg
>>Fire heavy weapon/melee
in 3 grren meme arrows, you just put into words something i've felt dissatisfied with in this game. i do not enjoy having to build around stagger and stagger punishing. this is a shallow gameplay mechanic","attachment":null,"posted":1714612894},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22610263,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588424
They're still hiring mecha art designers on their career page, it's pretty obvious they're going to be making mecha games anyway even if AC6 flopped. Anons at /v/ are way too convinced that From is only going to be making Souls forevermore so they keep spamming how it's le over in every Armored Core threads there.","attachment":null,"posted":1714621956},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22610559,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609867
whats with all this fomo","attachment":null,"posted":1714645550},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22610582,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593474","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714649282130958.webm","filename":"VOTOMS nosound 4.webm"},"posted":1714649282},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22610584,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Nope megaton musashi flopped. Gbo2 flopped. Gundam Evo flopped. Ac6 was genuinely good even without the From brand name.","attachment":null,"posted":1714649602},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22610784,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610584
>Gbo2 flopped.
GBO2 flopped on PC. Console players are living large still.","attachment":null,"posted":1714663530},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613075,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586066
I love the mech designer of AC6. I feel like From wants to pump out AC games, but know that they won't sell. It's so sad that the mecha genre is oversaturated with trash and genuinely good games come out once every 20 years","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714824778431975.jpg","filename":"20240504130757_1.jpg"},"posted":1714824778},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613080,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613075
>mecha genre oversaturated
what is it, Atrim?
There are hardly any games for there to be any saturation.","attachment":null,"posted":1714825833},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613104,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613080
you know what, maybe mecha games aren't different from the rest of the industry. but because they come out so rarely, the portion of trash and low budget releases is more apparent. the other genres are probably the same, but because there are many more releases, the trash simply doesn't get noticed at all","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714827833745094.jpg","filename":"20240504150121_1.jpg"},"posted":1714827833},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613115,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613075
>I love the mech designer of AC6
The game is pretty star-studded actually; Shoji Kawamori, Kazutaka Miyatake, Takayuki Yanase, and Ikuto Yamashita. Funny how FromSoft didn't bother to brag about it and the only way to find out is through the credits.","attachment":null,"posted":1714828661},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613121,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613104
honestly past and current year are quite the treat
we getting GB4
Musashi is awesome and ww release
Laynos 2 in English
FM2 for non-moon readers even in questionable quality is better than nothing.
Few indies here and there. EDF 6 even if a bit tangent.
Honestly I personally do not complain. On contrary I almost don't see actual shovelware which I thought will start popping up with AC6","attachment":null,"posted":1714829231},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613155,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613115
>mech designer
I meant the AC customization tool, but having so many known designers working on the game is another thing that improves the game. there aren't many AC models, but they have their own style and this contributes to the worldbuilding because the models actually look like they were developed by different corporations
even without shovelware, the genre suffers from chronic low budget","attachment":null,"posted":1714831240},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613161,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613121
>On contrary I almost don't see actual shovelware which I thought will start popping up with AC6
I want to believe that people are still on wait and see period. For example, Soulslike clone only just popped off in 2014, years after the first Dark Souls came out and became this big hit. These things take time, but then again who knows.","attachment":null,"posted":1714831627},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613551,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613155
>even without shovelware, the genre suffers from chronic low budget
well, what can you do.
we can't exactly turn back time. It'll stay as niche, and it's fine honestly.
I just wish low budget meant making more with less not trying to make something half-assed
ac6 wasn't that huge of a hit to spawn clones, it mostly sold okayish due modern From fame.
At best maybe one game will try to mimic, but technically DxM already did that and we all know how that went
It's fine game on it's own right still, but clearly nothing to write home about","attachment":null,"posted":1714853372},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613615,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is this just me being bad or an intrinsic problem with the latency of the game? I've been eating any charged/heavy shots like this. I don't like elden ring/dark souls pvp for this reason.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714857119678064.png","filename":"Screenshot (418).png"},"posted":1714857119},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613640,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I wish I had a crossbow in AC6. Just rip off the Doom Ballista.","attachment":null,"posted":1714859228},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22613836,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"AC6 played like ass, there was no mechanic to discover or master. There was little movement operation depth.
It's funny because they had all of the mechanics already built in with the manual quick turn and such but simply had to fuck it all up with a handful of tack on mechanics.","attachment":null,"posted":1714867111},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22614466,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589723
> It has magical healing potion, so to reduce the cost of mistakes
With all 3 health charges used you have approximately the health of an ac4 NEXT without the super armor. The healing actually punishes bad play more than anything, because now if you get blitzed you can die in seconds before getting the chance to heal.","attachment":null,"posted":1714892787},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22614473,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589770
This is such defeatist doomer nonsense. They went back to AC after 15 years of doing souls games and took a half measure between the 2 franchises to test the waters. They’ll learn, and just like EVERY SINGLE GEN before this one release a banger that caters more effectively to the strengths of this new gameplay.","attachment":null,"posted":1714892994},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22614700,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613836
Shitter bullshit","attachment":null,"posted":1714907620},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22614701,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613155
>there aren't many AC models, but they have their own style
Makes it more difficult to pull off good-looking kitbashes with good role-related stats","attachment":null,"posted":1714907725},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22614833,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589723
Autism, The Post.","attachment":null,"posted":1714921067},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22614893,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614701
minmaxer-brains should be punished by clownsuiting","attachment":null,"posted":1714924350},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22614924,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614473
I've yet to see anyone explain in any depth of how 6's PvP is by any metric superior to the pvp of the older titles.","attachment":null,"posted":1714925891},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22615465,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Iguazu's death animation screams how bitter and edgy he is
>Iguazu's death quote makes him seem like a sad puppy
Seems like 2 dev departments didn't communicate well.","attachment":null,"posted":1714946194},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22615518,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613836
You're bad, simple as. To be competitive in PVP you have to be able to deadfall, neutral dodge most missile types, approach vertically, shuffle for speed, circleboost, triangle boost, quickturn into and out of AB, quickturn while in AB, melee cancel or at least know how to make melee cancel whiff, cut inside AB escapes, catch people with shuffled kicks, QB cancel stances and QB cancel bleep fakeouts.
And this is just movement.","attachment":null,"posted":1714948040},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22615522,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614924
This is a retarded demand to make. How do you prove "depth is superior"? This game has a lot of mechanics you need to learn to be effective in PVP. That makes it engaging. You don't like it but that's subjective and irrelevant.","attachment":null,"posted":1714948155},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22615705,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I'm warming up to the Laser Slicer.","attachment":null,"posted":1714957865},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22615727,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615522
Any demand must sound retarded when you can't read.","attachment":null,"posted":1714959600},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22615735,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589932
>Another Century's Episode
Are there people that defend 6's pvp?
It's like the worst aspect of it, old fans and newcomers hate it, no matchmaking on launch aswell.
It doesn't mean 6 is a bad game, it's just more single player focused.","attachment":null,"posted":1714996045},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22617064,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589723
I have zero respect for the tryhard anime story with borderline magic bullshit.
I would absolutely respect it if they went back to the pre-LR barebones merc sim storytelling with less spectacle and more mission variety instead, but of course they were never going to do that. Because their writers needed something to do, and they couldn't afford completely filtering normalfags out of existence.","attachment":null,"posted":1715053807},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22619013,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"gundam breaker 4 stream is in 3 hours, ACfags
here is your optional parts cooldown fixed
and you can play as sd and customize them
sadly nothing about normal stages and not arenas was mentioned","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715164775617185.png","filename":"file.png"},"posted":1715164775},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620092,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617064
since From apparently dint want to write the story you want you have no way to know how the public would react to a "barebones" low scifi story so you're just making up scenarios in your head to be mad at. considering the only person who bounced off the game was you, apparently, you are actually the one who has been filtered .","attachment":null,"posted":1715198171},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620097,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590437
its fair to his point. he's saying he doesnt want a game where selecting the optimal weaponry is the "correct" way to play. i dont necessarily agree with that but considering how many shitters still use zim zams or missile boats or whatever the community has decided is meta he' got a point.","attachment":null,"posted":1715198321},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620110,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620092
Good job writing a post so retarded it's not even worth actually arguing with.","attachment":null,"posted":1715198790},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620168,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620110
there's nothing to argue im just telling you what youre doing.","attachment":null,"posted":1715202502},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620471,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620097
Protip+counterpoint: you get both of best worlds with double/triple melee builds
After these, winning with other builds is just not satisfying at all","attachment":null,"posted":1715213240},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620472,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620471
>both of best
beth of bost... fuck... bosh of bett... fuck... best of both","attachment":null,"posted":1715213302},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620478,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617064
>I have zero respect for the tryhard anime story with borderline magic bullshit.
>I would absolutely respect it if they went back to the pre-LR barebones merc sim storytelling
50% of that are the ages of slurping up Human+ pilot enhancements that magically makes you shoot bladewaves and the ages of magic Super Sayian shounen mode of generator limiter release, lil' bro :)","attachment":null,"posted":1715213517},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620482,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588424
I mean if they make another game like AC6 I'm not going to play it so yeah it's ogre in my house bro.","attachment":null,"posted":1715213633},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620499,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614924
>no bunnyhop circlestrafing meta of gens 1-3
>no meta of just handgun/sawa + moonlight + shoulder grenade on H+ and infinite autoaim melee flight autism of gen 1
>no unlimited energy cap bullshit of gen 2
>no gen 2-3 meta of overboosting away and around while chipping HP with rifles and missiles on long distances
>no gen 4 infinite double melee boost autism or safe QB spam with long range rifle pelleting
>no RPS + RPS shieldfagging + scan mode spam of gen 5
>AC6: fuckton of melee mechanics and variations to utilise to merge with ranged combos; "meta" weapons are actually just crutches for shitters and they get countered with any weapons with just getting a grasp on timings and mechanics; any RPS is just from raw build variety; even zimmerfags can be countered just by getting their timings and missile boats can be countered with raw aggression","attachment":null,"posted":1715214379},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620570,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620499
>AC6: rat simulator","attachment":null,"posted":1715216530},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620573,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620570
>I want to be a bunnygirl all over again!
eummm based?? I have no retorts","attachment":null,"posted":1715216719},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620585,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620573
okay rat king.","attachment":null,"posted":1715217027},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620681,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620478
I hate having to point out there's a difference between handwaved explanations for semi-hidden gameplay mechanics and the main focus of a story that's trying entirely too hard. Makes me feel like I'm talking to a child. You should understand it already.
The magic bullshit isn't the sole issue here, anyway, but I'm not at all surprised it's there after 10 years of souls garbage.","attachment":null,"posted":1715220120},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620701,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620681
>I'm too neurotically self-conscious to not be below neutral towards type B.3a of exposition of wacky anime bullshit under my nose","attachment":null,"posted":1715220730},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620727,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620681
1-2 gens treat the available H+ as something only unique special chosen hero pilots survive without consequences
AC2 intro had generator limiter release gimmick (usable only by player btw) in its main focus
Plus you know what, Stinger and Nineball in PP and MoA are peak anime moustache twirlers
So is Klein
That's with that Nexus named cast goes over-the-top even before the excluded LR","attachment":null,"posted":1715221213},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620792,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620701
It does not belong here and only attracts insufferable faggots who yell KINO at everything. If the series started with LR or 4 maybe I wouldn't be complaining.
Can you retards stop trying to cherrypick vague similarities and realize what I'm actually talking about? The "main story" bits were always backloaded, focus on characters was minimal, the protagonist didn't feel like anyone special despite at times being the "chosen one", and most of the time you were just doing random corpo missions.
Why do I even have to explain this? The difference should be obvious if you've actually played the games. You only refuse to acknowledge it because you like the new storytelling, but I'm sure you realize the game wouldn't be as accessible to certain people if most missions had barely any unnecessary dialogue with the last one suddenly having some Coral-Ball that wants to kick your ass.","attachment":null,"posted":1715222871},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620799,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620792
>attracts insufferable faggots
Actually true, I'm replying to one in this post.","attachment":null,"posted":1715223004},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620809,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620799
Pathetic, nonsensical retort.","attachment":null,"posted":1715223245},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22620814,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"ITT: novelty derangement syndrome","attachment":null,"posted":1715223417},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22621005,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620809
There’s nothing worthwhile to say to you. You don’t like the character driven story? Okay, that’s fine. But using “facts and logic” to explain why that’s the objectively correct opinion is short sighted and foolish.","attachment":null,"posted":1715231655},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22621060,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621005
I've done no such thing, although it simply is correct because it's mine. All I did was try and explain the fucking difference to those resorting to mental gymnastics.
It's not the worst thing about the game either.","attachment":null,"posted":1715234303},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22621268,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621060
>it simply is correct because it's mine.
But how can the way be when my opinion is fact and your existence begins and ends as disembodied text on a monitor.","attachment":null,"posted":1715246248},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22621270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587069
>AC6 is a fucking travesty in terms of music
...but it has my favorite soundtrack in all of the ac games
NTA but you are profoundly retarded.
>uhhhhhhhhh Human+ cybernetics existing is the exact same as a story about magic space dust that can talk to you and can inhabit machinery and and annnnd youre one of the only people who can talk to them and there’s also uhhhh it the uh coral transforms humanity
And you’re saying that this is indistinguishable from AC1’s plot of… you do merc stuff for corporations, tip the balance of power to one corporation, then get marked for death by an AI for doing so? Or AC2’s story, where you do merc stuff for corporations, then do merc stuff for a branch of the government to restore order, then fight a group of ex-government soldiers who have betrayed the government? All because… they have Human+ as an optional mechanic that plays no role in either story?
Again, you’re retarded.","attachment":null,"posted":1715253458},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22621457,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621268
Simple: you don't actually exist at all.","attachment":null,"posted":1715260230},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22625049,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589932
>New Front Mission
You know what Squeenix could also do apart of a new Front Mission?
A crossover of Front Mission and another game.
A cross with Final Fantasy would be interesting...","attachment":null,"posted":1715425970},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22626871,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589746
Stagger is fine, though I wish heavier ACs had much more stagger-resistance in exchange for lighter ACs getting even higher speeds to really create that gap of light vs heavy playstyles.","attachment":null,"posted":1715499697},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22629127,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626871
tank/quad ACs already take forever to stagger while light ACs at 370+ boost speed can effortlessly dodge most missiles
the real travesty is that medium ACs are almost completely left out of the range of competitive builds","attachment":null,"posted":1715625642},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22629816,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22625049
Square Enix? What does it say the publisher is:
>Forever Entertainment S. A.
on Steam?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715659123375321.jpg","filename":"Forever Entertainment S.A..jpg"},"posted":1715659123},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630313,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629816
Forever Entertainment made the remasters.
The series belongs to Square Soft and later Square Enix.
5-6 seconds of lurking on the net.","attachment":null,"posted":1715697605},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630317,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629127
Medium ACs are for double melee","attachment":null,"posted":1715698164},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630318,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"AC6 was an affront to the rest of the series and FM remakes were poorly done.
I don't really want any new mecha games or anime at this point. Everything good has already been made. Just re-release old plamo kits.","attachment":null,"posted":1715698186},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630319,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22625049
Front Mission + Final Fantasy Tactics doesn't sound too bad","attachment":null,"posted":1715698227},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630321,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587069
Schizophrenia post
Except I understand the opinion on the music","attachment":null,"posted":1715698297},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630330,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630321
Explain how he's wrong. AC6 is fundamentally broken. The fact that From would shit out a game with more shallow gameplay mechanics than AC1 in 2023 is astounding.","attachment":null,"posted":1715699003},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630342,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630330
Play the ranked PvP","attachment":null,"posted":1715699682},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630350,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630342
That would just confirm what he's saying. PvP is the weakest aspect of AC6 that exposes its flaws more than anything else.","attachment":null,"posted":1715699836},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630353,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630350
Are you sure you're not saying this as a shitter, anon","attachment":null,"posted":1715699974},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630364,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630319
Yeah. You could justify the characters piloting wanzers instead of fighting on foot would be that the monsters got so strong that fighting one on foot would be the equivalent of fighting a high-level boss. Hell, that would also result in a pretty interesting setting if done right.
They could combine the wanzer parts with the job system, resulting in some really, really crazy customizations. As in depending on a pilot's job, your wanzer and any weapon it has would function completely differently and even enact different additional status effects on top of what the usual status effects a weapon or wanzer piece has (if it does have or enacts one).
Not to mention they could also add in parts specific to the respective jobs they are linked to and even parts that don't appear in Front Mission games (I can already see a dual-Gun Blade for a wanzer).","attachment":null,"posted":1715700691},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630365,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">22630353
>builds matter
>any metas are counterable
WAOOOW this is unprecedented for AC games
I simply consneed","attachment":null,"posted":1715703348},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630789,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"i just want a mecha game that has a tomino like story. dumb kids get into robots and realize war isn't fun. but a lot of /m/ games just go for the transhumanism and corporation stuff.","attachment":null,"posted":1715720610},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630961,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630318
have you considered not being a miserable faggot","attachment":null,"posted":1715729073},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630967,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">22630421
what are you quoting?","attachment":null,"posted":1715729225},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22630978,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630961
You have decades worth of good mecha media, some of which are games. Nothing made in the last 15 years has been good. Why do you want to eat more shit instead of simply enjoying the classics?","attachment":null,"posted":1715729768},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22631007,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I just want a new Virtual-On with good online. Hell even a rerelease of an older one with good online would be nice.","attachment":null,"posted":1715731405},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22631050,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Front Mission 1st
>Nintendo DS
>Nintendo Switch
>PlayStation 4
>PlayStation 5
>Xbox One
>Xbox Series X/S
Front Mission 2
>Nintendo Switch
>PlayStation 4
>PlayStation 5
>Xbox One
>Xbox Series X/S
Front Mission 3
Front Mission 4
>PlayStation 2
Front Mission 5
Why is Front Mission 5 the only FM game that never got officially localized in English? Even Left Alive got an English localiztion. Was it a bad game?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715732907350794.png","filename":"2c8d53d3466b2b331ea606fd0985ac69.png"},"posted":1715732907},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22633101,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631050
>Why is Front Mission 5 the only FM game that never got officially localized in English? Even Left Alive got an English localiztion. Was it a bad game?
More like there wasn't that much interest in FM5 overseas. Shame, because it's like the culmination of the best from all the previous games. Hoping there will be more remasters after FM3 and we get a FM4 remaster along with a FM5 one that will also be released outside of Japan and Asia.","attachment":null,"posted":1715871476},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22633174,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630967
watch the video, fucking animal","attachment":null,"posted":1715876091},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22633175,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630789
Fuga: Melodies of Steel is basically Ideon but with a massive ground battleship and furries","attachment":null,"posted":1715876123},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22634440,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631050
Isn't the Front Mission games in chronological order:
>FM1 >FM4 >FM2 >FM5 >FM3
A friend recomended Front Mission as an alternative to Battletech (Battletech is heavily compromised with DEI & ESG gatekeepers now) because its a more simplified version of it (no alpha strikes, but you don't have to worry heat management).
Should someone new to play it in this order, especially if they're waiting for FM3 Remake?","attachment":null,"posted":1715936164},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22634456,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634440
just play in production order as god intended.
I'd still avoid remakes tho if you want 2 fully in english there is not much choice","attachment":null,"posted":1715938052},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22634528,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633101
Dunno about 4 and 5. Maybe 3 will get released but well, also would not count on that because like nobody is talking about the first 2 remakes.
Do we know how much they sold?","attachment":null,"posted":1715946100},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22635645,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631050
Front Mission 5 draws A LOT of refrences to the first Front Mission game which was never released in the west and not even the PS1 remake. In fact, FM1 was not officially released in the west in until 2007 on the DS. By then, people have already moved on to the 360, Wii, and PS3. 5 was meant to be a Capstone that links all the previous mainline FM games.","attachment":null,"posted":1716003713},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22635653,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630330
6 is great. I don't think "wow every AC should be exactly like 6 in the future" but it gave us the best closer-range and fast AC we've ever had.","attachment":null,"posted":1716004277},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22635666,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22635653
If you don't know what you're doing you'll just miss all your Karasawa shots and eat dick.","attachment":null,"posted":1716005041},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22635898,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22635645
So that's why...
Well now that the first two games got a remaster and the 3rd one is on its way with its remaster, then I can see already that it would be a matter of time till they go with a remaster of 4 and then finishing it off with 5 getting one and finally being oficially released outside of Japan and Asia.","attachment":null,"posted":1716019001},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22636351,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22635653
These people think that ACVI is bad solely because it doesn't have turn speed.","attachment":null,"posted":1716050780},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22636425,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636351
They also think its bad because of its anime influences.","attachment":null,"posted":1716053340},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22636484,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636351
Nah it's bad because it has no turning speed, no target tracking, no energy management, negligible differences in both mobility and survivability between anything but super heavyweights and twigs, the distance between melee and long range is about the length of Yamamura's microdick, and anywhere you fight anything that doesn't die in one shot is even emptier than for Answer.","attachment":null,"posted":1716054887},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22639395,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630318
What about indie games","attachment":null,"posted":1716189145},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22639397,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22639395
Indie games are and always will be dogshit.","attachment":null,"posted":1716189211},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22639818,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636484
I do hate the absolute lack of long range stuff. Sniper rifles, linear cannons on shoulder slot, etc. Was hoping to see missile countermeasures return as well, especially as the PCA utilize them in-game.","attachment":null,"posted":1716225455},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22640545,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617064
It seems like the beef you have is that AC6 has an unobtanium material where prior games did not unless you count kojima particles. Which is a really petty thing to get hung up on when its the first thing that's established for this new story, which is completely disconnected from any prior games. It'd be like saying the force sucks in Star Wars because Flash Gordon didn't have it.
The bulk of the story in AC6 is pretty much a carbon copy of prior games. You do mercenary work for various corporations to tip the scales of power. You can pick between fighting for your morals, or working for the highest bidder.
The only scenario were the game turns the protagonist into a "chosen one" is when you are doing the "true ending". And if your problem with the story is that you didn't like the true ending, then just fucking say that instead and people will actually be sympathetic.","attachment":null,"posted":1716260862},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22640579,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22640545
Yeah coral is just like space lithium or something maaan. What the fuck is wrong with you?","attachment":null,"posted":1716263094},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22640589,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22640545
>and people will actually be sympathetic
As if there's a single reason to give a fuck about that.","attachment":null,"posted":1716263527},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22644155,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Question:
Does AC6 ask a lot from the CPU?
I recently obtained a secondhand GPU that let me play better games a RTX 2070.
But my CPU... well, It comes from another time.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716410757594819.png","filename":"file.png"},"posted":1716410757},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22644675,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22644155
Upgrade your Armored PC, brosheph.","attachment":null,"posted":1716430538},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22644677,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22640579
It's space oil.","attachment":null,"posted":1716430599},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22644681,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589960
>unless your dopamine receptors are fried from edging to trans porn.
How oddly specific, sounds almost like you have some personal experience with that.","attachment":null,"posted":1716430746},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22645076,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22644155
It ran at 4k at an average of 76 FPS on my Ryzen 5 1600 and RTX 3070.","attachment":null,"posted":1716450759},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22645892,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22645076
Which according to pic is only 60% better than my CPU and the GPU a generation above. I don't intend to play above 1920x1080 but I'm barely around the minimum configuration.
I suspect I could work but I'll have to study what kind of graphic settings eat CPU instead of GPU.
I wish AC6 had a demo so I could try it.
I'll just continue experimenting with gradually better games.
>Upgrade your Armored PC, brosheph.
It just got a new FREE GPU. The best kind.
But I don't intend to get a new CPU for that old motherboard, that day I'd buy the full potato with sentient AI CPU and GPU nanogoo with reality-level VR2+ Nvidia.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716500278924419.png","filename":"file.png"},"posted":1716500278},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22645918,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22645892
>I wish AC6 had a demo so I could try it.
Pirate it, test it and if you want to, but it after.","attachment":null,"posted":1716501424},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22645920,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22644155
As far as I can find, AC6 is so much more dependent on GPU that no one has really bothered to run CPU benchmarks. That said, some people reported stuttering on some older processors that can be fixed with a simple file edit:
https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/comments/1610ghh/fix_for_performance_issues_stutter_with_older_cpus/","attachment":null,"posted":1716501544},{"board":"m","thread":22586066,"pid":22646049,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Front mission remakes
Are they any good? Glanced at a review of 2 and it called it shit","attachment":null,"posted":1716509413}]}
{"title":"/m/SV Season 4 - #2 "THE NEW FACE OF /m/SV"","posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22476908,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"In the virtual land, a man run head first into new adventures. But is he ready to face new challenges?
Welcome to /m/SV Season 4!
/m/SV, alternatively /m/S Paint Variations, is a collaborate fanfic funposting thread originally popularized by OC shitposting November 2019. As such this thread is about FUN – draw your original Gundam characters or mecha, draw OTHER people's original creations, discuss or develop existing characters, and write or draw scenarios and stories of people's submissions interacting with each other. Or just sit back and have a grand old time watching autism at its finest.
Previous thread
>>22333668","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708484576046221.jpg","filename":"msv2.jpg"},"posted":1708484576},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22476932,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">another gundumb thread","attachment":null,"posted":1708485035},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22477336,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22476932
*the* gundumb thread","attachment":null,"posted":1708499072},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22477380,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22476908
Oh wow, wasn't expecting High-Definition Jim to get the OP spot, nice.","attachment":null,"posted":1708502304},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22477933,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22476908","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708531415110550.png","filename":"Jim.png"},"posted":1708531415},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22478530,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"With the latest Gundam Breaker game coming out means a new resource for people to use in bringing the visuals of their design ideas into reality.","attachment":null,"posted":1708552630},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22478630,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Right, I said I was working on something in the last thread, and while it is far from done (I seriously don't know how long this will take) here's a little preview of what's in store.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708555921983517.png","filename":"image_2024-02-21_175145928.png"},"posted":1708555921},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22479589,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22478630
I have no idea what this could be.
Interested in seeing its development.","attachment":null,"posted":1708595622},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22480040,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"So, what's your highlights from last thread?
For me, no doubt is Laura is first OC of the season.","attachment":null,"posted":1708619738},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22481711,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22478530
I'm excited that Leos will be playable in GB4
Post Leo /m/sv concepts.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708681646747157.jpg","filename":"8.jpg"},"posted":1708681646},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22482123,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22478630
Interesting, take your time to perfect it.
Imperia, a hapa Titans officer who recently released by Alexandros Faction from her unjustly imprisonment assigned to aids in North America campaign with the aims of reclaiming Augusta Newtype Lab and Oakland Newtype Lab. She was selected as the second command of an army and a new MS from Pyongyang Newtype Research Institute for this task. Imperia quickly finds she in a bad position as her main opponents turn to be Gespenst Special Force, an elite EFF Black Ops unit and many within the army are inexperienced in warfare, one such example is Yuuki Hanamura, an inexperienced spoiled young CO of the reinforcement whom she has to babysits and protects. To make matters worse, many of the veterans are already dead or missing, she has make up lies to keeps the troops morale high. Alexandros leave Moscow to Africa to check the situation over there after overseeing the new MS in development. Commander Mazelock of the Gespenst Special Force finished his reports, decided to launch an assault Alexandros Army forward base in Canada before the arrival of their reinforcement, he sent one of his pilots to delays the enemy reinforcement.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708702479100310.png","filename":"Imperia Tendo.png"},"posted":1708702479},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22482128,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22482123
This Nemo type use the EFF is a common sight in the battlefield of North America as they prefer them for their mobility and ease of repair.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708702627256227.png","filename":"Nemo III Kai.png"},"posted":1708702627},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22482145,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22482123
The pilot.
Any OC which you want to include in this story, just post them.
It will make it easier for me to finish this story.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708702993796799.png","filename":"1595222950256[1].png"},"posted":1708702993},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483372,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22481711
Cool idea!
Cute loli","attachment":null,"posted":1708743178},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483391,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22481711
>I'm excited that Leos will be playable in GB4
I'm praying we get a zaku 1 in for once, but I doubt it.","attachment":null,"posted":1708744148},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483895,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22482123
Seeing smoke coming out from the forward base, Yuuki rushes out in her MS, only to be instantly shot down by a beam shot, Imperia with her tired expression let out a sigh, knowing her CO will be OK anyway, she command the main force to reach the forward base at full speed while two team go to recover their CO, at the same time, she go seek and destroy the enemy sniper with a small team. Meanwhile battle for forward base, the defender hold their line despite of the surprise attack, the Metal Geara Doga continues its shelling to deter them from moving, Mazelock ordered the Nemo squad to flank them and his Jegan team hit them from the sky with air support. Imperia remains calm in spite of all of her team got sniped, noticing the pattern, her MS lungs forward her target near the icy river, to her fear, the enemy is a gundam type, dropping smokescreen to avoid being chased by her. The pilot of Metal Geara Doga ran out of patience, choose to bomb the area with the most targets even with his commander within distance, Taking most of the defenders along a dozen of his allies. Mazelock narrowly avoided the blast and call in the Jesta team to join the assault. Metal Geara Doga caught in countershelling by the defender's reinforcement, seeing that the battle is still within his favor, Mazelock signaled his reserve to enter the battlefield. A massive beam erupted beneath the snow covered ground, wiping out the Jesta team, coming out of the smoke and flame, unveiling a new Gundam unleashing all its weapons. Mazelock impressed by the tenacity of the defenders and disappointed that he has to destroy them, prompting him to requests the nearby EFGF bases to assist them in defeating this Alexandros Army. A new Gundam from the nearly EFF base fly toward to the battle, the pilot smile as she is eager to shows its true potentials.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708764624031290.jpg","filename":"1574995577211[1].jpg"},"posted":1708764624},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483897,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483895","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708764727968603.png","filename":"1574156200435[1].png"},"posted":1708764727},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483902,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483895
The Jesta team.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708764799295051.png","filename":"1626727632152[1].png"},"posted":1708764799},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483904,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483895
The Alexandros Faction Gundam.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708764880883678.png","filename":"G-Command.png"},"posted":1708764880},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483904
The pilot.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708765004578588.png","filename":"Xin Tianwang.png"},"posted":1708765004},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483909,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483895
The CO of Alexandros Army in North America.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708765137076385.png","filename":"1640536695129[1].png"},"posted":1708765137},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483913,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483895
The approaching EFF Gundam.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708765217266518.png","filename":"1629555738505[1].png"},"posted":1708765217},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483915,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483913
The pilot.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708765312881607.png","filename":"1629555676526[1].png"},"posted":1708765312},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22483916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483895
Alexandros discovered the reason behind Elran and Czin recent successes in Africa is they had the helps of the Zeon Remnants on earth harassing the EFGF supply line through one anti spacenoid soldier, he meets the two with furiously look on his face, Elran asked for the reason of his anger, nearly got punch at the head, if not for Czin holding Alexandros back. Alexandros told them and Czin took full responsibility despite they know it was Elran plan. Alexandros ordered Czin to destroy those Zeon to prove his loyalty. In space, the Shin Zeon finally broke the encirclement carefully planned by Admiral Bee Ardo, causing the EFSF to order Aranos Team to assist them instead of returning to Earth. The Republic of Zeon succeed in coercing a Shin Zeon fleet into joining their rank.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708765410805680.png","filename":"1576262622705[1].png"},"posted":1708765410},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22484770,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22481711
I actually had an idea about a Leo custom for a GBN guild where the theme is that their suits would've been dug up in the Correct Century. In this case, this suit would be cobbled together from Leo and Tallgeese parts. It'd only have a right arm and left wing from the Flugel to use as a shield.","attachment":null,"posted":1708807968},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22485215,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Wanted to redraw the GM Nitro from the last thread changing the design a bit.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708820107978104.png","filename":"gmnitrocolor.png"},"posted":1708820107},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22486469,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22485215
Made it look a bit more streamlined?
Preferred the dark green color scheme compared to the purple","attachment":null,"posted":1708860693},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22486474,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22485215
Nicely done.
Is a Bugs Bunny emblem?
What you do think of your OC in this side story?
Should I make him more active or keep the way as it is?
Prime Minister Darcia is pleased with the progresses his commanders made as his shuttle is on the way back to Side 3 after a diplomatic meeting with the Earth Federation. He look through the window, saw several incoming unidentified object flying towards them, it open fire upon the shuttle, white light flash over Darcia's face.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708861240065503.png","filename":"ZPA plane.png"},"posted":1708861240},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22486693,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22486469
Yeah and slimmed it down to look more like it's a GM stripped to the bone with some pieces of other vehicles like the Saberfish attached to it. Also it's supposed to be white and black, the green/purple hue is just visual because it is supposed to see more action on space
Yeah, It's kind of a not-Bugs Bunny, it's supposed to be the symbol of his former unit.
The role is fine, I kind of invision him leaving the front line action later and turning more into a mentor figure for the younger pilots.","attachment":null,"posted":1708873042},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22488565,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22486474
what the jesus jumpin christ...","attachment":null,"posted":1708926831},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22489318,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22483916
what is that shoulder gun taken from, is specifically familier.","attachment":null,"posted":1708966330},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22490221,"name":"BR-Man","msg":"I will be busy for the next 2~3 weeks, so I won't be able to post here frequently.
But I still want to contribute something, so I will leave this WIP.
Based on >>22481711
It's a chimera of the operation meteor suits, using the Leo as base.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708997968816664.jpg","filename":"Chimera-LEO.jpg"},"posted":1708997968},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22490240,"name":"BR-Man","msg":">>22490221
Was also working on the alternative form of the Titan-IA","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1708998427601367.jpg","filename":"TITAN-IA-SIDE-B.jpg"},"posted":1708998427},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22492882,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22490221
Looking good, take your time.
Jesta Cannon.
Think as it as a mean for ZPA to confuse their enemies.
Darcia opened his eyes again, saw a bright purple MS moving in a blinding speed taking out the assailants, one by one until it was engaged by a golden MS. Darcia and crew of the shuttle received a mysterious call from an unknown person.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709128827527048.jpg","filename":"1597103899162[1].jpg"},"posted":1709128827},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22492888,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22492882","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709129025508670.png","filename":"Mireyna.png"},"posted":1709129025},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22494885,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22481711","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709212050207435.png","filename":"1266610024268.png"},"posted":1709212050},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22497219,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22476908
Is he some sort of costumed mascot","attachment":null,"posted":1709300218},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22498111,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22486693
Saberfish are cool as-all-hell space fighters, its a shame they only exist to be immediatly obsolete.
Even when you have main characters able to fight in the harshest battle of MSG in core boosters. But even them having beam weapons wasn't enough to keep fighters around past the anime.","attachment":null,"posted":1709345335},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22498479,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22498111
>its a shame they only exist to be immediatly obsolete.
I wish there were more normal vehicles in gundam post OYW. Mobile suits are great, but at least make other shit to support them beyond sub-flight systems.
May make something to try to remedy this now that you got me thinking of it.","attachment":null,"posted":1709363154},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22499098,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22498479
Awesome.","attachment":null,"posted":1709397299},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22500807,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"This is Lobbo
Say something nice about him","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709445582964006.png","filename":"MS-20 Lobbo.png"},"posted":1709445582},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22500811,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22500807
I bet he makes a mean taco","attachment":null,"posted":1709445797},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22500819,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22500807
How does that head launcher work.
Does the Lobbo sort of lean/bend over and spray missiles out of the top of its torso-head at things?","attachment":null,"posted":1709446306},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22500836,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22500811
Any remnant worth their salt stuck in Mexico after the war sure would.
Yeah sort of like guncannon, it hunches over on its hands and sprays down the whole area with fire.
That's also why its eye looks a bit funky. Needs to be shaped a bit differently for sorting vertical range.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709447174754781.png","filename":"tacos.png"},"posted":1709447174},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22501220,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22500807
300 *plus* dumbfire rockets, you say?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709464888062814.jpg","filename":"Lobbo.jpg"},"posted":1709464888},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22501743,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22501220
300 plus
All depends on how much that pilot trusts the armor to prevent the ammo from cooking off. Would be more or less depending how lucky the pilot felt.
Also seriously thank you for that drawing, anon. It's cool as fuck.","attachment":null,"posted":1709487725},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22503521,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22500807
mi amigo!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q24VFW6DCU","attachment":null,"posted":1709549353},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22504080,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Just an unfinished sketch where I was testing out some shapes, wouldn't have posted it but it's not like there's a lot of posts in this thread yet","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709576470054161.jpg","filename":"IMG20240304034602.jpg"},"posted":1709576470},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22504083,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22504080
Is there something unusual going on with the chest section there?","attachment":null,"posted":1709576521},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22504087,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22504083
I kinda just lost track of what I was doing lol, I didn't bother correcting it cause I didn't want to ruin the paper","attachment":null,"posted":1709576834},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22504114,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22504080
Messing around with shapes is how a lot of the more out there mobilesuits were made. So feel free to post any other interesting examples you've made, anon.","attachment":null,"posted":1709578089},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22505538,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22504080
Sweet, what are you going to name it with?
I like his design, he reminds me of this guy from season 3.
Awesome art!
Looking fierce.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709650765075090.png","filename":"1629049842730[1].png"},"posted":1709650765},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22505781,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22505538
Probably not gonna name it at all, it wasn't really meant to be a proper submission. Was mainly just me sketching to see if it was worth it for me to do like another version of an entry I did from a previous season","attachment":null,"posted":1709664089},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22507533,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22505538
Ah I see, if it stands still with its arms raised in the desert it will be mistaken for just a harmless cactus...","attachment":null,"posted":1709757161},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22508208,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22481711
Leo is like if the Zaku II and the GM had a baby.","attachment":null,"posted":1709787671},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22510744,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22507533
Just as the creator intended.
Understood, eager to see your other works.
I should really finish this story.
As more ZPA raiders arrived, Darcia has no choice but to follow the escape route provided by their mysterious helper, just before they cruise in full speed, he saw the pirates are fighting each others. The golden MS attempts to give chase, but was cutoff suddenly by a Londo Bell squadron. The purple MS continues to stay close to Darcia's shuttle, preventing other pirate from coming close, however, itself stopped by the sight of another purple MS and a fearsome red MS in the far side of the battlefield, observing the battle. As the shuttle, accompanied with the surviving MSRZ-01 Zaku managed to slipped away from the battle, escaping with their life.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709910902888164.jpg","filename":"1598904304835[1].jpg"},"posted":1709910902},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22510746,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510744
Meanwhile, on Earth, Czin allowed the Zeon Remnants that helped Czin and Elran in obtaining victories in Africa to escape into space, much to Alexandros chagrin. The high ranking officers of Alexandros demanded Alexandros to executes Czin for his treason. Despite of Alexandros officers protest, he simply laugh it off and proceed to pardons Czin and his crew for his failures and set them free, claiming if not for Czin's support, they all won't be here fighting the corrupted elite within the Federation. Alexandros appointed Michael Morgenstern to replaces Czin as the co CO of the Africa campaign with Elran while himself will leads in Europe, believing the war go on for too long. Returning to his room, Alexandros take a look at himself, while his soldiers are loyal, he doesn't have a real ally in high places. After the night, Alexandros and much of his force in Africa gave one final salute as they bid farewell to Czin's ship as it go to space. Admiral Bee Ardo looking at map of Earthsphere, began to sweat as the situation is getting out of hand.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709910984857615.png","filename":"1643032981487[1].png"},"posted":1709910984},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22512151,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510746
Upon reaching the designated point, they were immediately approached by a Gwazine. Josef Zolottal questions is that one of theirs. The crew of Gwazine offer protection and supplies if they are willing to let themselves to be taken into their ship, Darcia and Josef agreed to their requests as they just got out of a fierce battle with their life and the men are tired. Within the ship after that, Darcia and his cabinet greeted by two high ranking officers in Zeon uniform which make they think they are from Shin Zeon but lack of the usual coldness that members of the Shin Zeon make they thought otherwise. On the contrary, the officers reveal they are from Mars Zeon and intended to help RoZ, instead of Shin Zeon as they see the Shin Zeon lack of the legitimacy of the Principality of Zeon. Darcia, Josef and the rest are surprised at the same time delighted by the prospect. General Reonault give them time to think about it and orders Marson to show them around. As Marson reveals this ship is a part of RF series, a Mars Zeon program to improve their MS and ship while maintaining their appearance which greatly resemble the force used by Principality of Zeon in One Year War era. Josef decided to personally inspects the MS of Mars Zeon as he could not contained his thrill anymore.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709976748734137.png","filename":"Mars General.png"},"posted":1709976748},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22512162,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22512151
Over the shattered Gates of Zedan, many warships gathered and even more MS continue to pour into the largest asteroid base. With Titans Commander finally agreed to joins the invasion of Side 3 with ZPA along Titans Remnants of his at the request of Roahl Meru. The moderate elements within ZPA dislike the idea of committing their entire force for a destructive act, Albert Phoenix and his Phoenix division are the most vocal about this, but fail to sway them to other way. Soon after, they begin reconstructing a asteroid into a mobile base.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709977895148476.png","filename":"Marson.png"},"posted":1709977895},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22514135,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22512162
haha, loser
Clearly he was getting pranked by his commanders for being a wet blanket when it came to recreational war crimes events","attachment":null,"posted":1710053814},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22514916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Testing some different liveries before painting.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710104953699580.png","filename":"LeoSalamander.png"},"posted":1710104953},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22515105,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22514916
Fancy giant robot camo.","attachment":null,"posted":1710111102},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22517662,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22500807
Is he UC or Build?
I was thinking UC, but Lobbo could easily fit into build with a bit of tweaking.","attachment":null,"posted":1710215855},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22518445,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22517723
Lobbo seen as a gunpla used in tournaments by some prepubescent mexican kid, who has a thick full moustache.","attachment":null,"posted":1710255418},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22521311,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22505538
Please tell me all the spikes are missiles","attachment":null,"posted":1710395683},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22521341,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22521311
They're gun barrels","attachment":null,"posted":1710396607},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523674,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22481711
when does gb4 come out.","attachment":null,"posted":1710486068},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523700,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Romy Alto (left) and Mina Amara (right), I will expound later but Mina should be a Zakrello pilot","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710486785869963.png","filename":"20240315_020925.png"},"posted":1710486785},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523721,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523700
>a Zakrello pilot
Why would you do that to someone?","attachment":null,"posted":1710487408},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523740,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523721
I'm not a good person","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710488193318403.jpg","filename":"20240310_113714.jpg"},"posted":1710488193},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523740
Well, you are honest.
Excellent art.
We really need more MA in /m/SV.
All over the battlefield of Europe, the battle for Europe have reached its boiling point. With Alexandros personally leading the frontline , bringing his elite soldiers to the field, the EFF high command respond in kind, both deploy their version of Gustav Karl. Alexandros army now breaching Maginot Base in France, EFF final line of defense in Europe. The battle is fierce, even at night, the battlefields still glow so brightly in orange with the fire caused by the destruction. Despite Alexandros Gundam already wear and tear from the previous battles, he continues to be in front of the battlefield, commanding his army. Upon knowing this, The EFF in the Europe received an order to kill Alexandros, the leader of this uprising and end this costly civil war. Sending their elite strike force to the mission and bringing in reserve from the south to cover their gap, at the same time, Alexandros army airdropped a large MS to the rear of the army. As last of Alexandros squad fall to the enemies attack, defending him. Alexandros activated a gravity bomb, temporarily stunning everyone near to his location while he escape, calling upon his old comrade in arms from 9th Crusade to put an end of this long battle. The large MS is at the gate of the EFF stronghold, easily destroying the defenses and dispatching the defenders with ease, finally blowing the the HQ of the EFF in Europe. Concluding the battle for Europe in victory for Alexandros Army.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710501656005076.png","filename":"EF civil war.png"},"posted":1710501656},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523910,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523907
The EFF surviving forces begin a mass retreat to Africa where they will reinforce Dakar and any efforts of reclaiming Europe are cancelled. With Alexandros Army gaining grounds, some with Earth Federation start to harbor a different thought.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710501719557462.png","filename":"Grand Guncannon.png"},"posted":1710501719},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523913,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523910
Some warmachines during this chapter.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710501894342510.png","filename":"1647994145341[1].png"},"posted":1710501894},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523917,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523910
The pilot.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710502051355343.png","filename":"1654186385807[1].png"},"posted":1710502051},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523959,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523910
This is like a Devil Guncannon, but in UC.
Thit is metal AF.","attachment":null,"posted":1710506334},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22523961,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523910
Why give it beam sabers, it doesn't really seem capable of reaching them.
Also the shoulder cannons are crowded in by the launchers next to them, while the turret guns under the armpits can barely move or aim at all.
This thing is a monstrosity, but in the sense of something designed by arrogant villains with no knowledge of practicality or actual combat experience whose amazing firepower completly flounders in the face of its poor design when brought to the real battlefield.","attachment":null,"posted":1710506742},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22524054,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523961
>This thing is a monstrosity, but in the sense of something designed by arrogant villains with no knowledge of practicality or actual combat experience whose amazing firepower completly flounders in the face of its poor design when brought to the real battlefield.
Yep, that is me, alright.
I shall elaborate,
It supposedly to be the Zeong for Alexandros Army but for oldtype use.
>Also the shoulder cannons are crowded in by the launchers next to them, while the turret guns under the armpits can barely move or aim at all.
That two turrets under the armpits can and it designed to move to front and to back to cover the rear or increase firepower at front when it needed to, it just look cooler when placing at the front.
>Why give it beam sabers, it doesn't really seem capable of reaching them.
So, It could give others after it no longer to requires to perform long range bombardments.
I hope the answers sate your questions.
>This is like a Devil Guncannon, but in UC.
Now that you mention it, it does look like it.","attachment":null,"posted":1710512967},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22525701,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523700
Mina? Sounds like a girls name...","attachment":null,"posted":1710582432},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22527983,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22481711
Wing had amazing grunt designs.
The only problem with them is the utter lack of 'ace customs' to give them spotlight.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710673270648382.png","filename":"04leoexcustomcommandfin.png"},"posted":1710673270},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22530460,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Random challenge.
Take this image as a basis and through the power of art turn it into a mobile suit that actually looks cool.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710776680477961.png","filename":"RX-Painter Mk-Zero.png"},"posted":1710776680},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22530935,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22530460
I'm not much of an artist, but I took a crack at it anyways.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710796778093520.png","filename":"RX-85 Ground Gundam II.png"},"posted":1710796778},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22530957,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22530935
Looks pretty cool anon. Also pretty good backstory/gimmick you applied to it.
Remember playing Gihren's Greed back in the day and for some reason building multiple of the Prototype Gundam was one of your best options for dealing with Zeon amphibious units, which makes the description stick with me.","attachment":null,"posted":1710798132},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22530982,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22530957
Playing the against the Feds, the most terrifying thing to see was an invasion of 1 in a province you weren't expecting and seeing a proto-gundam start swimming at you.","attachment":null,"posted":1710799706},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22531990,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523700
So then, whats their expounded story?
The character art itself is rather good","attachment":null,"posted":1710837064},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22533602,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22476908
Where's the rest of its armor?","attachment":null,"posted":1710907357},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22534301,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22533602
What are you talking about? Why would he need armour covering up GUNS like those?","attachment":null,"posted":1710941650},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22534441,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22498479
Still planning on making something inspired by the Saberfish?
Honestly I'm really insterested in ever seeing more non-ms stuff in Gundam.
Its a shame combined arms are such a non-factor in the franchise.","attachment":null,"posted":1710946080},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22534649,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22534441
I was at the time, but hit creative burnout pretty hard.
I do still want to make some more conventional vehicles, but the ideas haven't come to me yet.","attachment":null,"posted":1710950998},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22534682,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22534649
Ah fair enough, we all have to deal with it comin a callin.
Good luck on getting the creative spark back.","attachment":null,"posted":1710952129},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22534740,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22534682
If it helps at all. I'll at least say what I planned on doing, maybe I can give someone else that spark I lack.
I was going to make a Dopp II. More or less using the knowledge of the combat data of the original, the fuselage was streamlined, and made far more jet like to let it preform more like a super maneuverable multirole fighter instead of "this is what spacenoids actually believe planes are".","attachment":null,"posted":1710954177},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22536401,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Has /m/-tan themed content ever made an appearance in /m/SV threads? Seems like it would be pariticularly applicable when its doing Build/Gunpla stuff. (Always thought /m/ had one of the cooler board-tan designs)","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711031682946478.png","filename":"1343691636592.png"},"posted":1711031682},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22539089,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Going to need some advice with the coloring here.
Insofar, no.
If he does, what are the best ways to implement him?
Like the simplicity of your style.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711124635023550.png","filename":"The O-ptimal.png"},"posted":1711124635},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22539098,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539089
If its as a gunpla battler /m/sv setting then /m/-tan appearing as another competitor would be a fun cameo.
fighting with a gundpla customised to look like /m/-tan and use gimmicks of his for weapons like the toaster.
[Also the O-ptimal looks great with its mostly white colourscheme]","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711124855303606.png","filename":"MTanRedux.png"},"posted":1711124855},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22539934,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539098
Alright, I tried, does it look good?
Can /m/-tan brings his girlfriend too?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711160896017613.png","filename":"The O-ptimal.png"},"posted":1711160896},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22540184,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539089
>Like the simplicity of your style.
Thanks, though as time has gone on I've thought using a mouse for everything was limiting. So I'm investing in a cheap drawing tablet and waiting on it to get here.
Lets hope this lets me shitpost better than ever before!","attachment":null,"posted":1711167603},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22541023,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539934
>Can /m/-tan brings his girlfriend too?
Sure, why not?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711208512334404.jpg","filename":"1395961775079.jpg"},"posted":1711208512},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22542641,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22541023
Nice, when that time come, I might request some art from you.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711275917238190.png","filename":"1654186778760[1].png"},"posted":1711275917},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22543368,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22542641
If any of these designs were actually built in canon seems like it would half-bankrupt a whole branch of the military.
This isn't meant as any harsh condemnation, this is just a thread to have fun and shitpost mostly so its all fitting to share with others.
Just it can be astounding to see units which put even the most bullshit of Zeon MotW suits to shame with the amount of giant beam cannons and such shoved into them. Or maybe like if every GM in the Federation was instead the ZZ...
Speaking of Ozwalt, going by that biography does he browse UC-/fit/? Is he secretly a manlet? Are manlets the Oldtypes of the lifting world?","attachment":null,"posted":1711308210},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22543381,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539934
Pure white paintjobs are the GOAT. This has been long proven by the likes of the Tallgeese.","attachment":null,"posted":1711308700},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22544283,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22534740
I remember when Igloo or something made a tacticool 'realistic' modern tank for Zeon (instead of for the federation) compared to their behemoth anti-MS Magella Attack and it felt kind of stupid. It didn't fit their design style at all and just came off as the designer wanting to make something for Zeon when it would have made much more sense as a Federation light tank.
Though in this case I'm not sure how one would make a Practical Dopp succesor without it losing its inherent goofy UFO style.
Does Zeon have a bomber aircraft smaller than a GAW? That might be something they could do with in their airforce. Its weird they seem to jump between tiny little fighter and GIANT FLYING AIRCRAFT CARRIER TRANSPORT PLANE.
Looking it up there was the Luggin. Which despite it supposed to be a reconnissance plane was loaded with machineguns, missiles and bombs for no reason.","attachment":null,"posted":1711336644},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22544772,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22530935
>Amphibious performance on par with ground performance
Give it a beam machete, have its pilot be a dude named Jason.","attachment":null,"posted":1711358990},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22544945,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22544283
>I remember when Igloo or something made a tacticool 'realistic' modern tank for Zeon (instead of for the federation) compared to their behemoth anti-MS Magella Attack and it felt kind of stupid. It didn't fit their design style at all and just came off as the designer wanting to make something for Zeon when it would have made much more sense as a Federation light tank.
Is this the one?
>Pure white paintjobs are the GOAT.
Even Tomino wanted the Gundam to be painted in white only too.
Haha, don't sweat it.
now that I look back, I did make a lot of MS with cannons.
I imagined him to be an unlikable big loudmouthed arrogant yet dedicated competent officer of EFF who piss off other EF pilots with his dislike of weakness, an useful idiot for the EF elite and finally his last moment will be killed by a cool Zeon OC.
Well, you can interpret most of my OC in any way you prefer in your story.","attachment":null,"posted":1711370569},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22544950,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22544945
Indeed.","attachment":null,"posted":1711370782},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22545044,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Again, I need some idea with color for this pirate MA, preferably with other color than white.
A pleasure to help.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711375413518036.png","filename":"ZPA MA.png"},"posted":1711375413},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22545049,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22545044
No, all mobile suits must be painted white! Infact entire series must be drawn and animated in only Black & White!","attachment":null,"posted":1711375656},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22545163,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22545044
Its evil looking so make it purple
And with those wings it makes think of a butterfly","attachment":null,"posted":1711383286},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22545202,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22544772
You are going to make this into a real white devil if you keep giving me these ideas.","attachment":null,"posted":1711385253},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22546083,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22477933","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711416798591124.png","filename":"Quel.png"},"posted":1711416798},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22546947,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22492888
Will be more variants?","attachment":null,"posted":1711507553},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22548248,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22548236
With the power of MSPaint anything is possible","attachment":null,"posted":1711507898},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22548573,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22548236","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711523894599288.png","filename":"Cousin Nemo.png"},"posted":1711523894},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22548721,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22548248
I know right, she look good.
Are you the white devil?!
How it look?
All it need now is a name and maybe an OC.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711537003605497.png","filename":"ZPA MA.png"},"posted":1711537003},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22549276,"name":"SUN WUKONG @ msv.wtf.dev","msg":">>22500807
This is honestly my favorite design this season lmfao, I got an idea for a Z'g Sombrero Type using the head","attachment":null,"posted":1711564341},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22549281,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22548721
I was talking about the mobile suit","attachment":null,"posted":1711564833},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22550650,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22548721
Horsefly, but if you want a pilot for it you'll probably need to do it yourslef.
That's what I was told when I put a design out for people to use, even though someone in turn gave me shit for scrabbling one together.","attachment":null,"posted":1711634805},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22550684,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22549281
So was I....
In space, the reconstructed asteroid base now house the ZPA invasion force en route to Side 3 at cruising speed, followed by a fleet of mixtures of Titans and Zeon warships. Within the asteroid base, Albert of the Phoenix Division try dissuade Roahl once again, on his way the captain quarters, only to sees a young girl sitting there reading a book about Asshimar. The two shared a pleasant conversation of MS developments(mainly ZPA) until Roahl and Titans Commander walk in before them. Roahl and Albert stare at each others, turning the atmosphere frightful, leaving Titans Commander motions the young girl to follows him as he leads her out of the room. After only the door is shuts, the two finally speak. Meanwhile in hangar, the pirate are having a MS brawl, they watch as Coward Trout Galbaldy β delivers the final blow to Morgan Rote Hizack, winning the match. Ayana deemed the act as barbaric while Sex Marquis glorified it. It become clear to Albert, there is something up in the air.
>Horsefly, but if you want a pilot for it you'll probably need to do it yourslef.
Hmm, alright, but I am not using that name while I at it.
>That's what I was told when I put a design out for people to use, even though someone in turn gave me shit for scrabbling one together.
You know what, how about this?
You make a design, I try to come out with OC or something, it will be interesting.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711636758520415.png","filename":"The Horn of Zedan.png"},"posted":1711636758},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22550690,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550684
Not got any inspiration coming to me, been a long time since made something for /m/sv.","attachment":null,"posted":1711636959},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22550694,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550690
No worry, take your time.","attachment":null,"posted":1711637136},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22551046,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is there anything fun that could be done with the concept of Junior Mobile suits for /m/sv? They even got pressganged into combat in the shows themselves.
Speaking of sub-MS mechs there was also those odd colony defence machines that showed up during War in the Pocket only to be immediatly destroyed by the Kampfer.
Do things like them appear anywhere else? Seemed like a pretty random inclusion.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711647932001948.png","filename":"Junior Mobile Suits Hyper Beam Guns.png"},"posted":1711647932},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22551077,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22551046
What about a transport MA that drop combat junior MS in a urban envirorment, like the ECOAS operation in Gundam Unicorn, but with heavier equipment.
They could use parachutes to enter the combat zone, and exit using helicopter equipment on the backpack.
They are deployed when tanks and heavy weapons are expected, but not MSs.","attachment":null,"posted":1711648695},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22551087,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22551077
That's a really cool idea, like Hueys in Vietnam dropping GIs
The series proper phases out other war machines that aren't MS way too hard. Be nice to bring a little of it back and show fights between 'heavy infantry' and tanks etc.","attachment":null,"posted":1711648854},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22551103,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22551046
Having them as a cheap "better than nothing" mobilesuit could be an interesting concept. Maybe go even further with the idea of making them smaller than f91 did. While maybe not as great, having something that had, say, the combat ability of a zaku in a package under 10 meters tall could be amazing in environments where MS to MS combat isn't the goal.
Or at the very least, you could chuck some big one shot weapon on it, blast an MS that is 30 times it's price, and either take it down, or run away.","attachment":null,"posted":1711649775},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22551713,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22548236","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711667020191878.png","filename":"Striker.png"},"posted":1711667020},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22551803,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"You could make an entire army of these things, or at least an extended sentai team","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711670197176108.png","filename":"Kai.png"},"posted":1711670197},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22552124,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Anyone have that image that compares the GMs to samurai with a top knot and a Zaku as like a mountain bandit?","attachment":null,"posted":1711680895},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22552217,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552124
I've never even seen it, can't imagine what its like from your description","attachment":null,"posted":1711684497},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22552385,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Sketch I'm working on","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711692024450768.png","filename":"CLIPStudioPaint_e5jU4v0M4q.png"},"posted":1711692024},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22552390,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552385
It kinda reminds me of those Leo NPDs from Build Divers, or the grunts from IBO.","attachment":null,"posted":1711692228},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22552395,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I was trying for somewhat of a combination of the Leo and the Daughtress's head shapes, but I didn't really have a plan for the rest so I just did whatever. I definitely must have taken at least some pointers from the Leo NPDs now that I think of it, cause I really enjoyed building the HG and I was aiming for a similar vibe","attachment":null,"posted":1711692519},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22552398,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552395
What kind of long rifle is it packing there, beam or physical?","attachment":null,"posted":1711692632},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22552400,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552398
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3LeZNlI0Xg","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711712763052639.png","filename":"Light.png"},"posted":1711712763},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22553658,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The thread would be better if it wasn't shackled to /m/. This place is a bog nowadays with only endless spam & bait threads clogging it up and jannies who outright don't give a fuck about clearing it up.","attachment":null,"posted":1711750904},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22553991,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22477933
>"To be saying Hello Gentlemen! Is your friendly neighbour Jim of Federation back again. Have forgotten where secret headquarters of ours exists, would you be remindings me of location?"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711763462170050.png","filename":"'jim'.png"},"posted":1711763462},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22554063,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22551077
>Gundam Unicorn
There was a version of the Jr MS that showed up in the background of Unicorn alongside a tank that was painted white, Think it was at Torrington.
Don't remember if it actually did anything except appear though.","attachment":null,"posted":1711766340},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22554750,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22490221
>Unique Leo with the qualities of the 5 gundams
>Fighting a mass-produced model of the Gundam that looks like a Leo","attachment":null,"posted":1711811019},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22554831,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22551046
There is this one from Season 3, not sure it count?
With the news of Alexandros victory over Europe spread throughout the earthsphere , the EFF double down in Africa and even going as far to order EFSF to abandon the encirclement of Shin Zeon, a command which Admiral Bee Ardo refused. In the North America, the EFGF under Mazelock, now reinforced by Lieutenant Gem >>22539934 battalion marching to attack Alaska base, the last stronghold of Alexandros Army in North America, in spite of their supply line being harassed by a single blue MS didn't hinder their advance. Upon nearing the base, Gem grinned and say 'The heaven smile upon us' before bombarding the target. After finishing his lunch in Dakar, Ender received a letter from General Rule, informing him under no circumstances, he should not return to Jaburo and if Dakar fall, he should transfer to Bee Ardo command. Ender found it worrisome and before he could think, he was interrupted by Ableham, an old acquaintance during the OYW. In space, Darcia and his martian allies returned to Side 3, with the newfound resources provided by Mars Zeon, Josef team waste no time in developing a new MS to combat the pirates.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711814411211016.png","filename":"1636483238685[1].png"},"posted":1711814411},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22554842,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22554831
The blue MS.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711814790058366.png","filename":"Barzam II Neo Redo.png"},"posted":1711814790},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22555886,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22554831
while it counts, it's also a sin against god.","attachment":null,"posted":1711850173},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556021,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555886
It looks like those mooing mini-Metal Gear drones from MGS4, but if they could transform into a flying drone as well.
fuck its clearly too late for this","attachment":null,"posted":1711856380},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556045,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552385
Is that a beam saber bayonet on the rifle?
Because if so that's pretty awesome.","attachment":null,"posted":1711858443},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556207,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556045
Yes it is, Golden Kamuy made me fall in love with cool bayonet action. Rifle needs a lot of work though, I don't really know how to design guns so that's just a very simple placeholder until I render","attachment":null,"posted":1711873337},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556317,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556207
>I don't really know how to design guns so that's just a very simple placeholder until I render
There is Fedayeen Rifle and Rezel Mega Beam Launcher you can take a look at.
Following its creator idea; It's a small infantry MS, that can transform between a walker mode, and a flying mode. The pilot lays on his stomach in the cockpit. In walker mode, it can run as fast as a car, thus covering great distances, in difficult to move in terrain. It also has two small arms in front of it, that it uses to do different tasks. It can be armed with a lot of different weapons, from 50. cals, to rpgs, rockets, sniper rifles and etc. It can also transform into it's flying mode, by packing up it's legs, and extending it's wings. It has three thrusters, that can lift it off the ground, thus it isn't really suited for long flying. In it's semi transformed mode, it can use it's thrusters to give it a boost, and thus it can jump very long distances.
I suppose it is use for hit and run and sabotage operation.
Ugly as sin?
Unable to counterattack against the ZPA invader all because of a deadly MA, Captain Jim has no choice to concentrate most of ROZ armed force at the defense of Side 3. Avevice become overly stressed from barely surviving her encounters with the aces of ZPA and her superior had to send her back to Side 3. Justin overwhelmed in his hospital ship, trying to help as many as he can. With the sudden appearance of an asteroid base heading for the Side 3, the heart of the Republic of Zeon. Prime Minister Darcia use what left of the gold reserve get more mercenaries to aid them but only a few accepted. More desperate than before, he ordered Josef team to start mass production of their latest MS immediately, despite Josef's protest. The ROZ begin draft anyone they could find. Darcia also noticed his martian friends have not tell him everything.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711881179746589.png","filename":"Kim.png"},"posted":1711881179},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556333,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Which one better as a mass production MS and protagonist MS for ROZ.
I can't decide his personality should be hotblooded but depressed or cool-headed but secretly adventurous?
Meanwhile at the ZPA asteroid base, Albert and his Phoenix Division decided to assist the invasion but they will only support and protect the rear. Roahl is pleased with their choice as he could not ask for more. The old man hope everything go according to plan, turn to a list of names, wondering who should he pick to succeed him as the overall leader of this pirate alliance before getting drunk again. Despite of the invasion going well for pirate, the pirates covet each other spoils in secret.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711882123638077.png","filename":"ROZ Galbaldy.png"},"posted":1711882123},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556947,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Hey guys look, It's Jim III! With his wacky optional loadout and wild disregard for the standard template appearance of his peers.
What an asshole!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711910339928373.png","filename":"JIM THE 3RD.png"},"posted":1711910339},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556966,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556964
Don't be mean, it looks neat, even if it's the jobbiest of the jobbers out there.","attachment":null,"posted":1711911433},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556968,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"To round out the numbered GM line here is the entirely forgettable Jim II","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711911538940417.png","filename":"Jim II.png"},"posted":1711911538},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22556969,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556966
I had to delete it for editing because I forgot to add the beam saber to its shoulder, that's how unmemorable it is in the series.","attachment":null,"posted":1711911599},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22557069,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556207
Yeah having a beam saber on your rifle is cool and useful, should show up more in Gundam.
Similarily I like multi-purpose arm beam-gun/saber weapons, taking advantage of the fact an MS is a giant ROBOT not a human being.
Would be much faster to counter someone rushing you with a melee weapon if you could just active the one on your arm instead of reaching up, back and pulling out your own from the backpack being totally exposed in the process.","attachment":null,"posted":1711915952},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22557114,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556333
I'd like to say the galbaldy alpha, but I'm a massive fan of that suit. So it is a bit biased.
Still, an up specced goog would work well.","attachment":null,"posted":1711918100},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22557148,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Master Command.
Known for possessing strong angular features which causes him to stand out amongst his peers.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711919622957525.png","filename":"Command.png"},"posted":1711919622},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22557169,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22557148
Captain Cold
Older relative of Master Command, his least favourite season is Summer.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711920084882195.png","filename":"Cold.png"},"posted":1711920084},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22558087,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22476908
How can you view the previous thread now the link is dead?","attachment":null,"posted":1711959347},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22559121,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22552390
Its weird that the Leo NPD is so cool when its quite literally a videogame npc, for the purpose of having groups of generic AI enemies.
Compared that to when Leo parts were used in Wings setting to make disposable autonomous units.
https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/D-UNIT","attachment":null,"posted":1712010076},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22559954,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"/m/ has fallen.","attachment":null,"posted":1712043943},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22560232,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22548573
Error: Nemos dont have shoulder beam sabers.","attachment":null,"posted":1712061714},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22560748,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22500807
He's got some pepper to him","attachment":null,"posted":1712086869},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22560817,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"drew Peace Loveman","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712091324263085.png","filename":"pic8e.png"},"posted":1712091324},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22560820,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"from the hit mecha series /m/S Paint Variations exclusive for the 4chan imageboard","attachment":null,"posted":1712091388},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22561225,"name":"SUN WUKONG @ msv.wtf.dev","msg":">>22558087
You can use desuarchive and put in that post number for the /m/ board","attachment":null,"posted":1712108782},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22561540,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Oh we back? It's been a while. I need to get drawing again. I remember we had some fun times here.","attachment":null,"posted":1712119591},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22561951,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523913
Would be interesting if there was a gundam faction that completly abandoned the humanoid form in their mobile weapons, without even going all-out in making nothing but giant Mobile Armors.
So meaning bodies with multiple limbs with multiple weapons to make maximum use of the AMBAC capability.
Bodies that are a mass of limbs and tails that are extremely manouverable in space.
Maybe snake-like MS for use on the ground in gravity combat, much lower profile could prove an advantage. Possibly be helpful when designing amphibious MS.","attachment":null,"posted":1712146461},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22562177,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561951
I feel like the Big Rang and its Oggo swarm may be one of the few suits close to what you mean, however it's completely built for space combat.
Still, having suits that are completely detached from the human form for the sake of pure efficiency and practicality would be a fun theme for a faction to have.
Also aquatic MA in the shape of sea creatures sounds cool as fuck.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712158520059804.png","filename":"image_2024-04-03_113129861.png"},"posted":1712158520},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22562193,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562177
>A splinter faction from Jupiter infiltate the Earth Sphere many power positions, and manipulate conflicts between then. While they have a common goal, their methods and personal objetive are different from one another, be economic, cultural, political or millitary.
>The leader of each cell use a custom unit, with the only common aspect between then are the lack of registry code, being not directly linked to a unique MS/MA lineage and being named after a Lovecraftian Entidy, with the intent to hide it's origin.","attachment":null,"posted":1712159558},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22562262,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561951
I got a bit inspired
The JPX-04 Thrall is one of many semi-autonomous mobile armors utilized by a Jovian cell.
Primarily used to patrol and protect hidden Jovian blacksites, the Thrall is more than capable of taking on any fleet at sea, as well as capture targets of interest. Coming in at over 90 meters long even dedicated aquatic mobile suits will struggle to face it.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712164124918139.png","filename":"JPX-04 Thrall.png"},"posted":1712164124},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22562294,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562262
Boarding Tendrils?","attachment":null,"posted":1712165748},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22562301,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562294
Yes, boarding tendrils.
They're made to break into holes made by the giant iron nails or make their own entry through weaker spots and either destroy the ship's internals, grab targets of interest, or act as a camera for remote operators.","attachment":null,"posted":1712166012},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22563595,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562262
Cool unit!
Which Lovecraft entidy it's leader pilot?
Or it's like a common unit between groups?","attachment":null,"posted":1712255847},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22563647,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563595
I was thinking more the second bit. That, or having it be used in swarms by one of the more ocean focused Jovians.
I'm leaving it open so others may toss their ideas into the fold since that is where these threads shine.","attachment":null,"posted":1712260333},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22564491,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562262
Got anything in mind for their space-use units?
Honestly you could probably stick to a sea creature theme and make their space-MS look like Squids going by >>22561951","attachment":null,"posted":1712292068},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22564515,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22564491
I feel like it would depend on the cell's goals, and how stealthy they'd want to go about things.
But, when it isn't 1 am, I'll try to toss out a few specific ideas. For now feel free to come up with stuff on your own too. This entire thing is about collaboration after all!","attachment":null,"posted":1712293007},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22566407,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22500807
Sweet art!
>This entire thing is about collaboration after all!
What is she thinking about?
>I'd like to say the galbaldy alpha, but I'm a massive fan of that suit. So it is a bit biased.
Galbaldys need all the love they can get.
Plus, Gelgoog already have alot of named ace pilots.
The final battle for Dakar begins with creeping barrage all over the EFGF defense line, the Alexandros Army now linked with their force from Europe launch an all out offensive to claim the capital of Earth Federation, spearheaded by Alexandros landship. Riley sent >>22542641 reinforce the frontline while ordering Mask battalion to provide fire support to any defender that request it.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712416657713460.png","filename":"1595884069866[1].png"},"posted":1712416657},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22566668,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566660
Meanwhile, battle for Side 3 already started with the ZPA invaders unleashing all their force upon the space colonies, meet with the Republic of Zeon already rigged those forward colonies with booby traps and some going as far as to set it to self destruct, taking the invaders by surprise and causing heavy losses. Even so, the ZPA still outnumbered the Republic force. Within the ZPA asteroid base, Roahl look at his time watch and then look at the battle where his allies are fighting.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712417520780102.png","filename":"Hanson.png"},"posted":1712417520},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569144,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Honestly it doesn't seem like there's enough demand to keep the thread going, once this drops off there won't be much reason for a new one.
Though /m/ has gotten even less populated than it used to be, which is why it becomes more notable in being overrun by the wrong sort.","attachment":null,"posted":1712509412},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569159,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569144
Yeah it's quite sad since I'm super pumped to make stuff such as the prior stuff I made like these
But I guess I'm one of the few. Hope this maybe turns around at some point, but it's sad to see.","attachment":null,"posted":1712509799},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569825,"name":"Copy X","msg":"As promised in the other thread, I have compiled all of the Unit and Character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V.
Characters: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ
Currently doing a game in the /m/sv setting and am open to implementing new designs based on modified versions of the units provided in the MEGA upload.","attachment":null,"posted":1712536632},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569844,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569825
Anything you're looking for specifically?
Also, I see the MS for the info panel and flight, but I don't see the "in a battle" versions of them.
Will you be doing that or is that in these images too and I need to dig for it?","attachment":null,"posted":1712537489},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569849,"name":"Copy X","msg":">>22569844
Experiments have been run with trying to implement conversions for the "in-battle" animations, however I have not had much luck with getting them to work, along with having some issues even collecting them. Currently these all just pertain to the info panel images.","attachment":null,"posted":1712537576},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569886,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569825
Alright, this is more of a test, but here you go.
The Juaggu Heavyarms is a post OYW modification of the Juaggu to give it more firepower, as the limited capacity of its launchers lead much to be desired. Used as a medium ranged support mobile suit, it's beginning to show its age, but as long as a pilot keeps their distance, it is still a menace on the battlefield.
I guess my only other questions are is there a color limit for this (since I know this is for a PSP), and should I keep all the junk in the background?
Also should I keep the file name of what it was somewhere? (like I did here)","attachment":null,"posted":1712538777},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569890,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569886
and I forgot to add the image, god damnit.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712538839081521.png","filename":"Juaggu Heavyarms (041a4000fbd31bc21218dfba Modified).png"},"posted":1712538839},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569932,"name":"Copy X","msg":">>22569886
Honestly the sky is the limit with what you can add to the design. The filename is very useful since it is used to actually import the unit into the game.
Here is an example of a heavy retrofit to the Dijeh using assets from the game.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712540101969538.png","filename":"DijehAshes.png"},"posted":1712540101},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22569975,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569932
Alright, I think I'll try to toss together my idea from the last thread of a Zaku for the Republic of Zeon, though it may end up with whatever Side 3 becomes regardless if it's really going to be a republic.
But do what you want with it (if you even use it) when it's done.
>pic related","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712541417659242.png","filename":"Autism engage.png"},"posted":1712541417},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22570128,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569825
That took way longer than I thought, but here it is.
If you want the lore, the archive of the last thread should have all of it.
In summary tho, it's a fragile, but cheap and highly maneuverable suit that could be built quickly.
Basically an ace suit built on the cheap.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712546955206767.png","filename":"MSRZ-01 Zaku (041a4000335e5c914bfdac95 modifed).png"},"posted":1712546955},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22570137,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570128
I now realize I completely fucked the arm colors up which is why it looked off to me.
Good news is that wasn't hard to fix","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712549382404322.png","filename":"MSRZ-01 Zaku (041a4000335e5c914bfdac95 modifed).png"},"posted":1712549382},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22570531,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Since I can't use GIMP, I have no choice but to request anons to help with these.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712577088625690.png","filename":"Titans Visor.png"},"posted":1712577088},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22570640,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569825
Neat. If I knew the first thing about editing I would make Geara Doga ace colors for OYW aces. Also the Doga Full Frontal used.","attachment":null,"posted":1712585428},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22570645,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569825
I was surpised at glancing through Greed threads awhile back and seeing you used this guy.
Was happy with how his design came out even if nothing much came about after posting him in /m/sv.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712585656012220.png","filename":"Loony Lord Xavier.png"},"posted":1712585656},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22570692,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570531
>Since I can't use GIMP, I have no choice but to request anons to help with these.
Since you asked, I'll assist, and even give a brief tutorial to explain how I did it so the rest of these can go smoothly for you.
I don't use Gimp since I find the user interface to be shit, instead I use Paint.net which is pretty damn straight forwards when it comes to image editors.
First, I opened up your image in one tab, then I opened up the GM III template in another. Next I copied it into a new layer above of the GM III template and placed it over top the GM III.
After getting rid of all the white in the background (magic wand is your friend for that) I slotted it in as best I could into the space. (Note it got a smidge cut off at the top, but that'll just happen since the space is limited and taller suits can be a bitch.)
After I deleted the GM on the first layer and made sure I didn't delete any of the background stuff since I assume it might be important and exported as a PNG. You can also save it as it's own file type which keeps the layers, but we'll want it as a PNG for this.
And there you go! Hope this helps.
Hope this can help you as well!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712588730251145.png","filename":"GM III Quel(041a40003c0c91995cbb4048 Modified).png"},"posted":1712588730},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571461,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"With Copy X doing an intermission and this thread feeling a little aimless without much of a theme, would anyone be up if I made a competition of sorts?
It would be styled off of a Zeon mobile suit contract that people would design their submission around. I'd pick out the specifications, but the actual winner would just come down to a strawpoll vote of every submission (and what you think is coolest of course)
But yeah, any interest in that? If so I can get the ball rolling on that tonight or tomorrow. I'd probably give a time-limit of around a week after I post the specs, but I'm up for doing two if the thread stays slow and if people want it.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712630097469613.png","filename":"Zeonic Question.png"},"posted":1712630097},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571466,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571461
Sure, why not.
Could you do one for each faction?","attachment":null,"posted":1712630531},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571471,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571466
If the thread survives, or if a new one is made after, I'll do a Fed one.
Would that be alright?
I went a little autistic on some of the setup, so that may slow a second one down is all.","attachment":null,"posted":1712630693},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571482,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571471
Not an issue, just I need to learn to use GIMP.
Unless, you only want the picture of MS/MA, instead of the whole things?
Then, the process will be whole lot faster.","attachment":null,"posted":1712631328},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571491,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571482
Oh not even, you don't need to do it like the pics above here.
Just open good ol' ms paint, or what have you and draw what you think would fit the design.
This is meant more for fun than being tossed into a game. Go as hard as you want on it, or draw a circle with a mono-eye.
Either one works. (if you really want to make it compatible with the game, just make it fit into a 148x128 box)","attachment":null,"posted":1712631823},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571498,"name":"Copy X","msg":">>22571461
Right on. I'll drop off a design I was going to use for Angelo in the campaign as an example.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712632300788757.png","filename":"Zaku Deflowered.png"},"posted":1712632300},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571518,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Inside an innocuous office building within Side 3, tension was building. Very rarely was this space used, and when it was it meant only one thing, a contract. Whether or not it was for a mass produced mobile suit, a ship, or some one-off specialist development, no one knew, which made the proposition all the more enticing. Though, this time there were far fewer faces, as much of the once plentiful industrial capacity of Zeon now went to necessities like food and ammunition.
Men and women chatted amongst themselves, striking up potential deals within the tobacco scented boardroom. All thinking in the back of their mind that this could be the contract that would make or break their company. However, the chatter came to an abrupt end as a locked door was opened, a Zeonic officer stepping inside. Colonel Helshin had been no stranger to working with the companies of the Principality, as he was the usual mediator between them and the Special Procurement Branch he’d been assigned. Originally it was done as a punishment, but to him, he was just happy to be spared the worst of the war.
The door slammed shut, being locked once again by a guard just outside. No sound was made from the audience as Helshin made his way to the unadorned podium, the steady march of his boots being the only thing to break the silence that filled the room. Clearing his throat, a projector screen came to life behind him.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712633390675614.png","filename":"A Zeonic Proposal 1.png"},"posted":1712633390},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571519,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571518
>Colonel Helshin: Gentlemen, it is 0079, November 11th, and we have a problem. The Federation has been a thorn in our side since our initial invasion of Earth, and with the recent fall of Odessa, it’s clear we will be pushed off the surface.
What started as a murmur arose into a full blown argument.
>Zeonic Rep: Pushed off? Impossible!
>Zimmad Rep: We just gave you bastards the Dom, how could you fail to use it?
>MIP Rep: What about our Z’gok contract?!
Raising a hand, Helshin silenced the room.
>Colonel Helshin: However, all is not lost. What matters now is maintaining what remains of our forces on earth and inflicting as much damage as possible to make the Federation’s inevitable attack on our space colonies as weakened as possible. This will allow for a counterattack and the potential to retake much of the planet.
The Reps whispered around the table. Initial fear turning to interest.
>Colonel Helshin: This is what I’ve brought all of you here for, members of Zeonic, Zimmad, MIP, and the few independent firms who had some production capacity remaining. You have a daunting, but extremely necessary task. You must make a mobile suit able to disrupt supply lines, obliterate logistics centers and be repaired by the most rudimentary of tools while it remains on Earth. The specifics of this suit are as follows; next slide, please.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712633474277552.png","filename":"A Zeonic Proposal 2.png"},"posted":1712633474},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571521,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571519
- Ground or Aquatic design
- Suit has capacity to run 80 KPH minimum and swim 60 KPH minimum
- Super Hard Steel Alloy armor and steel frame construction
- At least one integrated beam weapon
- A minimum of one manipulator able to use standard Zeonic mobile suit weapons (Zaku machine gun, Bazooka, etc)
- All minor systems able to be repairable with manual or powered hand tools
- All major and structural systems are able to be repaired with manual labor or small machines such as forklifts.
- Bipedal design preferred but not required
Once all submissions are produced there will be a vote as to what suit will go into production. A full contract will be awarded to the winner, with those in second and third place being given the full right to produce the suit under license and make a limited number of changes or additions to the design. There’s no limit to the submissions, but a singular company cannot get multiple places for the contract, only the top and best suit submitted by them will be considered.
I will take any questions you have via the usual closed circuit communications with the ZSP headquarters line. You have one week to get a design in. I wish you all the best of luck.
[Submit your suit with a pic, specs and what company it’s a part of. Feel free to make up a new company.]
[You’re also free to detail more things like lore, but these are the only requirements]
[One week from this post a strawpoll of all the suits will be made and anyone in the thread will be allowed to vote.]
[Just please don’t try to rig it, this is for fun after all.]
[Ask any questions you need to and I’ll try to answer when I can]","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712633554282453.png","filename":"A Zeonic Proposal 3.png"},"posted":1712633554},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571528,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571521
I forgot to greentext the last post, but there we go, that is a weight off my chest for having that ready to go for a day or two.","attachment":null,"posted":1712633797},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571777,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571519
That zeon officer looks like he might hail from the colony of South Park","attachment":null,"posted":1712649803},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22571955,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571521
Presenting the project all from Odilia, a member from Zimmad, a plan to further the United Maintenance Plan by using Dom as a base to incorporate all their amphibious tech to create a flexible hit and run MS that can be use for land and underwater terrain. Since Dom is already an impressive MS in both Earth and Space, she is sure it will perform well in underwater too. Odilia called it Dom Aquatic. The young secretly hopes her project get approved, so the majority of the budgets go to Zimmad.
Nice and thank you for the assets.
Thank you for helping.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712661923144709.png","filename":"Project All.png"},"posted":1712661923},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22572486,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570531
I just wanna say these designs would work perfectly in Copy X's game. At the current moment with the world splintering apart and the Federation completely losing it's grip on the earth sphere the newtype labs at Gryps would be forced to give their technologies like psycommus to Manhunters and the regular rank and file soldiers.
And these incom equipped mobile suits would be perfect representations of that. Also they'd be perfect mid-game bosses before the cyber newtypes and their monstrous machines from Gryps directly are met.","attachment":null,"posted":1712687413},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22573724,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Can't do a OC right now, but maybe later this week.","attachment":null,"posted":1712749249},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22573907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573724
Don't force yourself, take your time.
One more to fit in.
Hopefully, the Ashes will gain some Titans OC after Glemy speech.
All in all, I am just happy that two(Tordan and Odilia) of my OC appear in Copy X campaign.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712760593703710.png","filename":"GM III Cuirassier (041a4000d2cbbf48de5c5178 Modified).png"},"posted":1712760593},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22574233,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571521
One of the reps from MIP, a man who looked as round as the Z’gok he was whining about just a few days prior, hand delivered a folder labeled “Project Tiktaalik”. He couldn’t help but smugly smile as he walked off, thinking that this was finally MIP’s time in the sun, and that Zeonic and Zimmad would soon become the third wheel of Zeon’s production efforts instead…
In a surprise showing for MIP, their new suit, the Go’gok, is a ground focused MS. While still retaining solid aquatic capabilities, and a reaction speed even better than the Z’gok, its on land speed just barely made it over the minimum while in a sprint on flat ground.
Touting itself as a premiere design in guerilla warfare and in low supply environments, the Go’gok shows that MIP is taking this contract quite seriously, even if their usual flaws showed through.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712775040894952.png","filename":"MIP Go'gok production test colors.png"},"posted":1712775040},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22577321,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Been busy with GIMP.
So, what are your thought of recent Glemy events in Copy X campaign?
Do any of you hope to see OC appearing?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712938805823224.png","filename":"Byarlant Dragoon (041a4000acf760d0387ed8e1 Modified).png"},"posted":1712938805},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22577577,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22577321
I'm a bit nervous that Glemy may have had a slight lobotomy, but regardless of that, the speech definitely saved Ashes.
As for OCs, I'm quite interested in seeing who fills in for Zeon's new colony.
It's kind of rare to see what I'm thinking could become a republics of Zeon, or at least something better than Shin Zeon.","attachment":null,"posted":1712949201},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22577970,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22577321
I should be specific with its weapon, it has ten beam guns in the fingers and beam guns on the fingers can generate and combine into a beam saber, a pair of missile pods and each of the large back binders house a mega particle cannon.
>the speech definitely saved Ashes.
I read Ashes as 'ass'.
>As for OCs, I'm quite interested in seeing who fills in for Zeon's new colony.
I hope Odilia(and Zimmad OC) joins Zeon group and builds a lot of Zimmad MS.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712968956488688.png","filename":"Galbaldy Τ(041a4000611858096d4ebf66 Modified).png"},"posted":1712968956},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22578023,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Barcannon. Nuff said.","attachment":null,"posted":1712971062},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22578026,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578023
apparently not since I forgot to add the image again.
I am not good at this.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712971123715920.png","filename":"Barcannon (041a4000165d09988642e304 Modified).png"},"posted":1712971123},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22578038,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578023
Nice! a fellow Barzam connoisseur.
Don't worry about it, you will get the hang of it.
Anyone want to kitbash something, I could help when I have time.","attachment":null,"posted":1712972021},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22578468,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578026
Well, I'm inspired.
A Barzam equipped with two sub-arms and a shield cannon which can be charged to fire a stronger beam blast.","attachment":null,"posted":1712999697},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22578469,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578468
I too forgot to add the image.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712999783834451.png","filename":"Barzam Aquila (041a4000165d09988642e304 Modified).png"},"posted":1712999783},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22580096,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"for me, it was always solid fuel","attachment":null,"posted":1713065034},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22580379,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22580096
I believe Solid and his crew will play a big part in the upcoming campaign involving psychoframe crystal or whatever called now.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713079554966338.png","filename":"1597979733531[1].png"},"posted":1713079554},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22581776,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22580379
They're certainly going to be heavily affected by Glemy's world changing speech as well. Especially because Garma Zabi, who's literally lost everything and is trying to move on even changing his name, is part of the Sandy Dan's crew. At the moment he's locked in the brig because some believe he has a role in the Alliance Reborn and their takeover, but Solid knows better. Though with the news of Glemy Toto being the son of Gihren Zabi things will certainly get tense in the group.","attachment":null,"posted":1713147210},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22582496,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571521
Since the thread is running slower than I expected, I'm giving an extra week on the Zeon procurement contract.
Again, no pressure on putting in super serious designs, just make something you feel fits the general requirement of a guerilla warfare Zeon MS.
In the meantime, if you saw this and didn't want to jump in it, why? Not a fan of Zeon, lore too autistic? I want to know!
Mainly so a potential Federation/Titans contact goes a bit smoother.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713196873854619.jpg","filename":"The Great Military of the Principality of Zeon-Noriyoshi Ohrai.jpg"},"posted":1713196873},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22583843,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22581776
Depending the effect of Glemy speech, things may work out differently.
I am a fan of OYW era stuffs, both feddie and zeon but it already overdone while first neo zeon war and just about anything related to titans didn't get enough spotlights.
OYW Zeon had too much infighting for me and if I have to choose a side, I pick Gihren.
Kinda wishes Scamco stop messing with the technologies in UC, it making all the late UC MS look pale in comparison.
I hope my answers satisfy your questions.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713270117889630.png","filename":"Hurricane Karl (041a400002bbfc5637aa40a2 Modifie).png"},"posted":1713270117},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22585994,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Do you guys think that people are intimidated to draw/post something in this thread?
I feel there's less shitposts in these threads and that was part of the fun.","attachment":null,"posted":1713375342},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22585996,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22585994
Less people post on /m/ than before, even when it used to be 'slow'.
Now we've got less people and more low-quality spammers on the board, not people that like to be creative and fun.","attachment":null,"posted":1713375468},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22586073,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22585994
Part or why I feel like I fucked up with the Zeon contact.
I feel like I made it too serious and specific for people to hop on it.","attachment":null,"posted":1713378935},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22587032,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22585994
>Do you guys think that people are intimidated to draw/post something in this thread?
I think people are very busy irl, even Copy X mentioned he has two jobs now.
>I feel like I made it too serious and specific for people to hop on it.
It is hard to go all out with those requirements.
All that aside, now imagine this MS connect its Mega Launcher to its Mega Particle Cannon.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713434411485639.png","filename":"Bardam Project (041a400039f6a628d061ec4e Modified).png"},"posted":1713434411},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22590846,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Last one.
Speaking of power armors, does /m/SV ever make one?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713627999635693.png","filename":"Doven Wargs (041a4000c0c94d8502cc92ee Modified).png"},"posted":1713627999},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22591960,"name":"BR-Man","msg":"tablet broke :^(
can't draw until I can buy another","attachment":null,"posted":1713674145},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22594006,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591960
Just take your time, please don't get sick or too tired again.","attachment":null,"posted":1713792262},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22595435,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Tried making this, had to use this gun or it won't look as good.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713882916491707.png","filename":"Hizack Raider (041a4000516b11f333c4ee8d Modified).png"},"posted":1713882916},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22595677,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571521
With the deadline having passed, a group of the top members within the SPB office came together to settle what suit should win the contract.
[Sorry about this being a day late, there was a death in the family so I didn't have the chance to write up as much as I wanted.]
[The poll will be open until Friday]","attachment":null,"posted":1713893418},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22597101,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595677
My condolences to you and your family.
You can write when things are better.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713967981350427.png","filename":"Quad Guncannon (041a4000f4a15479a98aedb3 Modified).png"},"posted":1713967981},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22600052,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595677
Congrats to Zimmad and their Dom Aquatic for beating out the competition!
[I'll do a bit of a write up soon-ish. Life is still a bit hectic, but I want to do more than just say "you won!"]","attachment":null,"posted":1714108420},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22603477,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Should I continue to gouf around?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714266504481464.png","filename":"Gouf Strong arms (041a40000a0d45b9207e2d6b Modified).png"},"posted":1714266504},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22606034,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Updated her profile.
So, what you guys think of recent the Copy X handling of /m/SV OC?
IMO, while slow, I like that he expanded on the origin of the OC and interactions between OC.
Can't wait for my OC to be cannon fodders.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714390917147246.png","filename":"Goldilocks.png"},"posted":1714390917},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22606075,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606034
My main problem with this interlude is CXs characteristically dry dialogue being the bulk of it and it breaking pace with the main game. Aranos went by much faster and covered a lot more ground than what we are getting now. Blexars benefits a lot more from just being a Titans stereotype with GFs constantly dying rather than trying to expand upon that. Now this could also be a way to introduce more OC like Bruce Menul and Torrian but we have not heard a peep about any of them in the main game up until this point. There may be a higher purpose to this but it comes across as grueling slow filler.","attachment":null,"posted":1714393946},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22608488,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606075
Points taken.
I bet that Glemy might have to choose a group of OC, of course with both good and bad over the other group to work with at the start of the next chapter.
I just hope Copy X don't get burn out.","attachment":null,"posted":1714534072},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22608522,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22585994
You fags dug your own grave when you tried to turn /m/ into a super serious place.","attachment":null,"posted":1714535953},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22609922,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608522
Well said.
So, what you intend to do for /m/SV?
I could help if I can.","attachment":null,"posted":1714608829},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22610100,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608522
Indulge my curiosity. What exactly are you referring to?","attachment":null,"posted":1714615443},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22610247,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610100
UC, build and Turn A universe.
Whichever we can expand on for /m/SV.
Although that means I have to delay Alexandros Advance story.","attachment":null,"posted":1714621357},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22611971,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"F*ck it, Feddie idol!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714743516098842.png","filename":"Feddie Superstar.png"},"posted":1714743516},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22614069,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Idea for the submission that wasn't ready by the deadline so I played a bit more with it
>MS Karkos
Designed for ambush purposes, this MS uses electromagnets to collect metallic materials and employ them as disguises. The enlarged backpack provides long term life support for pilots during the missions and can be detached for additional speed to pursue enemies.
tl:dr hermit crab ms","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714871529034884.png","filename":"karkos2.png"},"posted":1714871529},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22614113,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614069
Sweet, can it launches its claw like a harpoon too?","attachment":null,"posted":1714873156},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22617489,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The only bump I'll make on this thread.","attachment":null,"posted":1715086479},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22619099,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22476908
Just got out of Gundam SEED Freedom. Any ideas on how to adjust his profile and/or the Dual Destiny to better fit what was established in this movie?
Original bio can be found here:
Bio for the Dual Destiny can be found here:
And if you're there, thanks again to Armain for drawing pic related!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715156464136861.png","filename":"Takeshi Ishikawa (Full Body).png"},"posted":1715156464},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22619217,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22333668
>Welcome to /m/SV Season 4!
>Did you know that number 4 in japanese is death?
It seem like a lot of us are going through some hardships at the moment.
I hope we all can recover.
How about making him a member of Compass, the current peacekeeping force in Seed.
A closer look at it again, it reminds me of Bolinoak Sammahn.","attachment":null,"posted":1715162982},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22621071,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619217
I could, but honestly I can't think of a convincing reason for a 14 year old delinquent to join a peacekeeping force of his own free will other than "they offered him money." Remember, the whole bit is that he's Judau, but CE.
That being said I can see the Dual Destiny being a testbed of sorts for some weapons on their other Mobile Suits, such as the Mighty Strike Freedom's Disruptor. At the very least he'll probably get along with the gang better than Agnes does.","attachment":null,"posted":1715234632},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22621367,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621071
I see, he could always go Mars.","attachment":null,"posted":1715253912},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22623681,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621071
>Judau, but CE
What about Jupiter? The UC Judau goes to Jupiter and become a cool old guy.","attachment":null,"posted":1715355459},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22624022,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623681
That's actually a good point. Jupiter hasn't been colonized yet in the CE IIRC but it is significant since that's where Evidence 01 is from. A lot of the ideas I have for Takeshi involve tying in elements from Astray since that's got a lot of ZZ elements so bringing up George Glenn's expedition would be another neat way to do that. It'd also explain why he wasn't around for the Foundation conflict, assuming he worked with Kira and co in the year between Destiny and Freedom.","attachment":null,"posted":1715369019},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22626998,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624022
Any idea who or what will Takeshi faces?","attachment":null,"posted":1715511092},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22627244,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626998
the CE Jupiter Empire, the Zeus Dynasty.","attachment":null,"posted":1715524697},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22628739,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22627244
Jupiter is the top god of Romans and Zeus is the king of gods for Greeks.
I guessing they will use Greco-Roman style MS and uniform","attachment":null,"posted":1715607445},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22632175,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22628739
So, Gundam Wing MS but CE?","attachment":null,"posted":1715805862},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22635151,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"4 really was death","attachment":null,"posted":1715974079},{"board":"m","thread":22476908,"pid":22639604,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22635151
Of course, she is killed by Jerid of all people, no less and her boyfriend cried like a bitch.","attachment":null,"posted":1716209035}]}
{"title":"MechWarrior & BattleTech","posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22508004,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Where's my stompy mecha thread?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709778281349261.jpg","filename":"kATiaz.jpg"},"posted":1709778281},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22508009,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"War FX + RTX kills my hecking frames","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709778328796175.jpg","filename":"20240306220409_1.jpg"},"posted":1709778328},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22508567,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709811099626532.jpg","filename":"battletech-eldoniousrex.jpg"},"posted":1709811099},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22508951,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004
I hate nuBattletech designs. Call me when they bring back the kindo originals.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709833822011927.jpg","filename":"Battletech original cover art SHD-2H Shadowhawk Shadow hawk by Shoji Kawamori 1 and Studio Nue.jpg"},"posted":1709833822},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510244,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508951
>kindo originals
Like this?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709880491518094.png","filename":"clan crab.png"},"posted":1709880491},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510313,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I wish HBS BT got a sequel","attachment":null,"posted":1709885095},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510328,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510313
>make battletech game
>it plays like Firaxis X-Com
for what purpose","attachment":null,"posted":1709885769},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510414,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709892396662446.png","filename":"1696381482520668.png"},"posted":1709892396},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510423,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004
What I've always disliked about this universe (apart from the lack of a space version of my country) so this is the lack of a clear division of mecha's types into factions.
I mean, BattleTech has anthropomorphic, bird-like, three-legged and beast-like four-legged robots, as well as mini-mecha, but they all don't have a clear link.
If anthropomorphic mecha with arms suitable for close combat would be in service with the "Dragons", and bird-like walking turrets served the "Devions" and various multi-legged chimeras would belong to the Capellans + transformers from the Steiners, then it would be awesome!.
Instead, there is some kind of porridge and haphazard mixing of mecha, which depersonalizes the parties to the conflict. It's boring.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709893516417264.jpg","filename":"1693518125444560.jpg"},"posted":1709893516},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510451,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
Some factions prefer certain mech designs, like draconis combine and dragons and steiners with their the only good small-ish mech is a griffin
But also some mechs have been in production for an actual 400 years so they're basically everywhere, like catapult","attachment":null,"posted":1709895245},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510543,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510328
While there's some UI overlap, the gameplay is decisively not Firaxis XCom.
In fact a lot of my own difficulty learning the game was overcoming my muscle memory from all those aborted playthroughs of Long War and realizing BT is a different game than the flank and pray schadenfreude generator XCom is.","attachment":null,"posted":1709900731},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510590,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004
On /tg/. It is very active.","attachment":null,"posted":1709902793},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510603,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
Because being ableto use whatever you want with your guys is F U N.
That said different factions have access to different mech designs and different design philosophies. For example Lyrans like them fat and mount more close ranged weapons on their mechs because they are rich and incompetent","attachment":null,"posted":1709903153},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510687,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
It makes sense when you pull back and observe the proliferation of mechs, the death and rebirth of military industry and acquisitions thanks to the Succ Wars, and how it creates a setting where the major power players, while having some truly iconic indigenous designs their faction identity rallies around, are often just customers of a commodity, one that is tailored to end user taste but at the best of times is just a design licensed out to a bunch of factories to churn out whenever the infrastructure necessary to do so isn't being buttfucked into oblivion.
Now, that all being said, there's undeniably a faction stratification when you get to the Clan Invasion era thanks to the Clans' industry both not getting Succed the way the IS' did, as well as a bunch of factors that encouraged them to go for highly modular min-max machines meant to complete high intensity short duration operations with as little materiel deployed as possible, rather than the large scale war machine effort the IS puts up.","attachment":null,"posted":1709906724},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510689,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510543
The gameplay is decisively not Battletech either, where units move one at a time and firing phase happens simultaneously to avoid gangbanged units not even getting 1 (one) shot off.","attachment":null,"posted":1709906889},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510691,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510603
>Lyrans like them fat and mount more close ranged weapons on their mechs","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709907022591298.jpg","filename":"R.jpg"},"posted":1709907022},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510939,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709918329121124.jpg","filename":"if it fits I sits.jpg"},"posted":1709918329},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22510940,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510939","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709918413643128.png","filename":"Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries Screenshot 2024.03.06 -"},"posted":1709918413},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22511585,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508951
Posts a Kawamori redesign of Duane Loose's vaguely Syd Mead influenced copy of Kunio Okawara's Dougram. (Yes, I know that Loose didn't do the first Dougram ~ Shadowhawk as all the first BT art was just traced from ARII and IMAI model kit boxes.)
Not very original.
Group SNE commissioning Studio Nue to redesign some of their own mecha designs as interpreted by western amateurs was pretty original.
Kawamori's Shadow Hawk is still rad, despite your post being utter shit.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709945312686268.jpg","filename":"ThunderRift_JP_(12).jpg"},"posted":1709945312},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22511606,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Not sure if Miyatake or Kawamori did the original Glaug, but Kawamori's incest baby redesign of the Marauder is the apex of Studio Nue kenophobia.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709946074245009.jpg","filename":"marauder.jpg"},"posted":1709946074},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22511617,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22511606
Which was badass enough to make it back into western BT, in the form of a one-off custom for Solaris VII.
Also, completing the circle of design incest another time. In this case, Jeff Laubenstein traced the Studio Nue JP BT linework and added some zany watercolors.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709946551130438.jpg","filename":"cards7-12 front.jpg"},"posted":1709946551},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22511625,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22511617
Zero credit given to Studio Nue, Shoji Kawamori, or Group SNE.
Luckily, 1995 and Harmony Gold are right around the corner waiting to make the Unseen a thing. Not that Harmony Gold aren't shit, but FASA definitely had no problems giving Japanese mecha designers the middle finger for over a decade.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709947461882981.jpg","filename":"01660---Solaris-VII-The-Game-World-[Gamemaster's-Book]-4.jpg"},"posted":1709947461},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22511672,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
All that said. That's a Cool Mini.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1709950107568098.png","filename":"DIREWOLF_Heavy_Scout_Titan_A.png"},"posted":1709950107},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22513222,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Missile Nipples","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710026542735772.jpg","filename":"20240310002703_1.jpg"},"posted":1710026542},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22515167,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510244
God, the fasa originals that weren't ripped from macross (or wherever) were so rough.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710112771025067.jpg","filename":"20200321_214059-476575458.jpg"},"posted":1710112771},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22518103,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710235295724333.jpg","filename":"BattletechCombat.jpg"},"posted":1710235295},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22518106,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710235443600921.jpg","filename":"ComicBattletech.jpg"},"posted":1710235443},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22519554,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004
Being considered","attachment":null,"posted":1710303501},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22519580,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"LRM-40 Artemis
Also, >>>/tv/197183909
lol","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710304843330343.jpg","filename":"20240313072102_1.jpg"},"posted":1710304843},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22519594,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Are you gonna buy Mechwarrior 5: Clans?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710305813058586.jpg","filename":"20240313075316_1.jpg"},"posted":1710305813},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22519613,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22519594
Honestly, prolly not. I sank a couple hundred hours into MW5 and kind of tuckered myself out on it. Clan tech would be neat, but I have no hope in the pig being able to put out a product that doesn't suck.","attachment":null,"posted":1710307344},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22519723,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22519613
>no hope in the pig being able to put out a product that doesn't suck
Mods'll fix it™","attachment":null,"posted":1710312264},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22519725,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22519594
You're getting a bunch of details mixed up. The artwork came from the small model kits by Nichimo (Macross) and Nitto (everything else) and these were packed in early versions of the board game. Somehow Twentieth Century Imports convinced FASA (and themselves?) that they could use these blank production materials they got from Japan to make a whole gaming system. It's not even a case of "wacky 80s licensing" (which is a lie) because they used to properly credit everything on their rebranded Yamato kits so who knows why they went full retard.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710334820423894.jpg","filename":"s-l1200.jpg"},"posted":1710334820},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22521102,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710388294413360.gif","filename":"MadCat.gif"},"posted":1710388294},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22521147,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22521102
you wouldn't just go around putting arms on catapults would you","attachment":null,"posted":1710389929},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22521196,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710391768144914.png","filename":"clanner scum.png"},"posted":1710391768},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22521666,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710421791328628.jpg","filename":"1647067050575.jpg"},"posted":1710421791},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22521736,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22519594
And be let down by Piranha again? Nah.
Should've been a base game DLC instead of a standalone along with other eras, with the DLC we did get just being in the game.","attachment":null,"posted":1710427462},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22523890,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Does Battletech have shields a la 40k >>22511672 ?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710499869512214.webm","filename":"SituationalShields.webm"},"posted":1710499869},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22523926,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523890
Not at all, that webm is completely wrong. Battletech as 100% energy transfer ablative armor","attachment":null,"posted":1710502983},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22523932,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508951
What I genuinely despise are the MWO designs, but then again I hate the later MW games for giving a complete misconception of how Battlemechs in BT are supposed to work to /v/kiddies, and forming this arbitrary division between Western and eastern mech genres that shouldn't exist.
That being said Battletech is still pretty cool","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710503946501189.png","filename":"c9fef969-f6f4-4c9f-b2ba-6ea6efa8092c.png"},"posted":1710503946},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22524346,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22521147
can I slap missile racks on a Marauder?","attachment":null,"posted":1710523146},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22524908,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"was its worth it for a hunchback in return?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710543528197135.jpg","filename":"20240315175744_1.jpg"},"posted":1710543528},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22525141,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22524908
I mean, jump jets in MW suck, so probably not","attachment":null,"posted":1710552158},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22525161,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22525141
That's not MW, that's the 2018 TBS where jump jets are alright","attachment":null,"posted":1710552772},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22525180,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22525141
looking at getting because of the steam sale, what the problem","attachment":null,"posted":1710553337},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22525186,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22525180
Jump Jets in MW5 aren't as good as just strapping more armor on, generally speaking.","attachment":null,"posted":1710553401},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22525375,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"anyone playing solaris showdown","attachment":null,"posted":1710561778},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22525704,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22525180
Basically jump jets in MW5 are basically just
>Kinda float but not get any real distance
>A good chance of just damaging your legs for no real benefit
>Be an easy target to shoot at since your just kinda slow moving as your floating around
Basically in MW5 things like jump jets and machine guns are completely useless in favor of just more armor what would be purely anti-mech builds in most other BT games. It sucks because it basically invalidates using any of the lighter mechs or mechs that were made with jump jets in mind. MW5 is pretty much just trying to get as heavy metal as possible to steam roll the same generic missions over and over. It's fun in the first couple hours but once you get into the swing of things it gets pretty redundant.
I haven't actually, is it good?","attachment":null,"posted":1710582651},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22525800,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523926
Interesting. Thanks.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710587671649468.jpg","filename":"battletech-spooky777.jpg"},"posted":1710587671},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22526431,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22525704
idk, I haven't tried it yet either lol. I'm waiting for ttrulez and some other mods to update because I don't want to restart another campaign","attachment":null,"posted":1710615638},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22526496,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22525375
The arena fights are fun, as are the new weapons. The shops actually stock DLC weapons commonly now, and enemies have a chance to have custom configurations as opposed to only being stock variants which brings some variety. Base game teammate AI (and enemy AI to an extent) is still pretty stupid.
The Solaris campaign is pretty short (a little longer than the Call to Arms “campaign” and with more production value with the inclusion of Duncan Fisher/cutscenes) don’t expect something as long as Dragon’s Gambit.","attachment":null,"posted":1710618583},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22526535,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22526496
Dragon’s Gambit was mad fucking sick though. I liked Kestrel Lancers but holy shit that campaign is easily the game’s peak","attachment":null,"posted":1710619743},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22526872,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22526535
True. The Solaris campaign has some good moments too but it’s a much more laid back experience compared to Kestrel Lancers/Rasalhague/Dragon’s Gambit.","attachment":null,"posted":1710630990},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22527278,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I like how heavy and utilitarian the mechs are in Battletech. And I like how it carved out its own design philosophy despite originally being based on anime mechs. Like things like this >>22523890 don't really look like any anime mech, the roots can be traced to this guy >>22515167 but they really took that ball and ran with it","attachment":null,"posted":1710638946},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22528367,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22527278
its even less original because those are just plane cockpits on chicken legs and maybe noodle arms.","attachment":null,"posted":1710687480},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22528734,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22528367
Most mechs (from any franchise) are just a very big guy in armor. What's your point?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710700037169020.jpg","filename":"marco-mazzoni-tukayyid-cover.jpg"},"posted":1710700037},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22530349,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22527278
What next, you're gonna call mecha samurai? I need a bingo chart for this stuff.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710770513869920.jpg","filename":"Untitled.jpg"},"posted":1710770513},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22530536,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710779763144216.png","filename":"1709868688231808.png"},"posted":1710779763},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22531996,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"NIGHTSTAR HAS HANDS???","attachment":null,"posted":1710837446},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22532385,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"It do have hands!
(not in ilclan recognition guide, however)","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710860938967277.jpg","filename":"chicken.jpg"},"posted":1710860938},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22532396,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22532385
Or are those GITS spider tank style "hands"
Why would someone give hands to a chicken","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710861615962711.png","filename":"rmO8OMB.png"},"posted":1710861615},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22532397,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22532396","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1710861689995546.jpg","filename":"JUe7nb9.jpg"},"posted":1710861689},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22532861,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is Mechwarrior 5 mercs fun? It's on sale on steam","attachment":null,"posted":1710878008},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22532922,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22532861
If you get autistically invested in the core gameplay, then I would argue probably yes. The game has severe and systemic issues, however. Mods help A LOT.","attachment":null,"posted":1710880097},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22532941,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22532861
Only if you like pop up turrets and Urbies (the turret that walks).","attachment":null,"posted":1710881285},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22533024,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22532922
Is any of the DLC worth it?","attachment":null,"posted":1710884814},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22533453,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22533024
Depends. I think one of them adds melee combat so if that's your jam, I'd say go for it. Otherwise, stick to mods. I never gave a shit about the story missions so I have no idea whether or not they're any good, I just wanted to stomp and shoot.","attachment":null,"posted":1710899607},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22533560,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22532861
Co-op is pretty fun, tard wrangling the AI is a lot less fun","attachment":null,"posted":1710905141},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22536255,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523926
Also those mechs are from completely different factions. It's a really well done webm, just.... wrong.","attachment":null,"posted":1711023770},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22536394,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22536255
>mechs are from completely different factions
Nothing wrong with that. Feddies had clantech in their random unit tables even before the Diamond Jews came.","attachment":null,"posted":1711031394},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22536407,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22536394
Was gonna say this, salvage between factions does happen, and that's ignoring mercenary companies and their potential to be mixed a ton.
Battletech lance composition can be played pretty loose.","attachment":null,"posted":1711031982},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539343,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Have you ever been so mad you start swinging a Griffin arm around?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711135523882394.jpg","filename":"marco-mazzoni-p1c0um44701j6iadau00o6m1pqs5.jpg"},"posted":1711135523},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539470,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22521196
I like space vikings and the color blue. Rasalhague appeals to me.","attachment":null,"posted":1711141186},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539872,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508951
yeah holy shit. i hate beveled edges. aaron beck and greg broadmore are incredible artists but i s2g after 2009 everyone tried to ape their style and failed miserably","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711158430535116.jpg","filename":"d8CS0oPJpVuBgO1cwLZ21-transformed.jpg"},"posted":1711158430},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539873,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539872","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711158490991039.jpg","filename":"b47a8295fd14f07b4153707b1cf0b8cb.jpg"},"posted":1711158490},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539874,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539873","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711158551844464.jpg","filename":"wasp2.jpg"},"posted":1711158551},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539877,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539874","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711158612363538.jpg","filename":"wasp1.jpg"},"posted":1711158612},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539878,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539877","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711158672852417.jpg","filename":"24c34eb05fe3f5a36f3fe77de07d0c84.jpg"},"posted":1711158672},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539880,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539878","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711158733722457.jpg","filename":"btech6.jpg"},"posted":1711158733},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539880","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711159931621171.jpg","filename":"AlZvPiS.jpg"},"posted":1711159931},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22539960,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711161931927328.jpg","filename":"Phoenix_hawk_iic.jpg"},"posted":1711161931},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22540172,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539343
When I was into MegaMekNet, I always picked up a tree club while advancing into melee range.","attachment":null,"posted":1711167207},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22540321,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539907
That looks like its out of Drop Zone Commander.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711182339749115.jpg","filename":"locust_(battletech).jpg"},"posted":1711182339},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22540664,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What mechwarrior game should I start with as a newcomer?
>t. only played armored core","attachment":null,"posted":1711192771},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22540680,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540664
MechWarrior 4 Vengeance is babies first MechWarrior. But if you can handle AC autism then I'd actually say MW2:3CC or MW3. Whichever one you can get running with ease.","attachment":null,"posted":1711194818},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22540969,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540664
I'm not a fan of the MW games but they're an easy enough way to start the franchise. I will warn you that the MechWarrior games play very different from Armored Core. MW is slower style mechs even by BT franchise standards, and the later ones like MW5 and MWO play more like tanks with legs than anything else.","attachment":null,"posted":1711207029},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22541152,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540664
Mechwarrior 3 if you can get it to run
Still the best in the series","attachment":null,"posted":1711214031},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22541197,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540664
Also Heavy Gear might be closer to AC, it had some vidya I'm yet to bother playing
Sounds good to me","attachment":null,"posted":1711215521},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22541258,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22541197
Heavy Gear 1 had some customization similar to AC but it's not as refined. HG2 ditches it completely, it's more accurate to the Votoms-ish nature of mass production models for its universe but I could see some people being disappointed in not having that kind of customization anymore.","attachment":null,"posted":1711216942},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22541275,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22541258
I've only played AC6 but I guess yeah, building your own special snowflake robutt is a big part of it","attachment":null,"posted":1711217365},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22542042,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711243359681821.jpg","filename":"battletech-eldoniousrex_(artist).jpg"},"posted":1711243359},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22542138,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540664
MW2-4 are neat bits of history, but if you actually want to git gud I recommend jumping dick first into MWO.","attachment":null,"posted":1711246525},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22542412,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508009
Yeah it really does.
it's cool for multiplayer though because my friends also have warfx and I get to experience the frame drops with them where my PC is usually able to power through what gives them trouble","attachment":null,"posted":1711261166},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22544629,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711345850644290.jpg","filename":"poster-Battletech.jpg"},"posted":1711345850},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22544727,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"i might get shit on for asking, but do any of you anons play MWO? is it still alive? whats going on with it? last played a year ago and installing it because that Living Legends game is deader than michael jackson.","attachment":null,"posted":1711354099},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22544729,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22544727
Last played a number of mo ths ago. It's still limping along due to sunk cost and boomers, but also because it scratches a very specific mecha itch that you just can't quite get anywhere else.","attachment":null,"posted":1711354248},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22544736,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22542138
Join MWO become food for paypiggies","attachment":null,"posted":1711355633},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22544902,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">MAD-4A (63 kph + JJ)
>MAD-3R (64 kph)
>MAD-3R (64 kph)
Daddy Marauder with babby marauders, the perfect lance composition","attachment":null,"posted":1711368922},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22544905,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Also "Carapace" Hero Kwab has no melee attack
How sad!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711369074023175.gif","filename":"clamps.gif"},"posted":1711369074},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22544916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"BattleTech is 40 years old","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711369717245407.jpg","filename":"clanny hammer.jpg"},"posted":1711369717},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22544926,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22532397
Still undecided if it has hands or not","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711370120237471.jpg","filename":"Nightstar-Oil-Painting-by-1001WingedHussars.jpg"},"posted":1711370120},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22545216,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711386132225778.jpg","filename":"Mackie.jpg"},"posted":1711386132},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22545346,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Meet the Desperate Desperados, a 4-man Coop campaign in MW5.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711391548596494.png","filename":"the desperate desperadoes.png"},"posted":1711391548},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22546533,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22545346
I've recently beaten the campaign in a 2/3 player game
Previously I've played career mode
I rate the campaign mode 2 Nightstar hands out of 2","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711436189646614.jpg","filename":"20240322190314_1.jpg"},"posted":1711436189},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22547356,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711480173198798.png","filename":"Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries Screenshot 2024.03.26 -"},"posted":1711480173},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22547649,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711487563532524.jpg","filename":"20240326223219_1.jpg"},"posted":1711487563},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22547692,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540664
Nostalgia commands me to rec 2Mercs if you can figure out how to run it.","attachment":null,"posted":1711488851},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22547694,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22547692
I love 2 Mercs but that game is so fucking buggy that I'm not sure about it being a first impression.","attachment":null,"posted":1711488966},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22547720,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523890
I think the only force field type things in the setting are massive cumbersome building sized ones they use to enclose some of the Solaris arenas? Nothing that could be practically used in combat.","attachment":null,"posted":1711489738},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549189,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Honestly unironically MW5 and MWO are the only ones that run out the box and don't have some crippling controls issue
Sad, innit","attachment":null,"posted":1711559117},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549234,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Friendly reminder to install XL 400 engine into your Marauder II","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711561691945105.png","filename":"Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries Screenshot 2024.03.26 -"},"posted":1711561691},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549263,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
Depersonalized Warfare goes for a different “hard sci-fi” flavor.","attachment":null,"posted":1711562970},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549713,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">mfw I’m playing Solaris Showdown and Mason gets called old and I realize he’s been a merc for 25 years now","attachment":null,"posted":1711579619},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549842,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22549713
If the game starts when he's 18-20 then he's maybe just 40 something. It starts getting real wacky if you keep playing to the 2100s with a soros-esque geriatric mason on life support in the mech","attachment":null,"posted":1711586506},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549863,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"My modlist for MW5 is up to 80 and it's starting to break weird little shit. Infinite loading screens, missing shit in the menu. Last night the update busted vonbiomes and broke the contract negotiation tool. The game is literally unplayable vanilla though and it's starting to feel like skyrim where I'm dreading the updates but we basically need to endure them until all the DLC settles. PGI should just hire the guys that made TTrulez and the yet another mods and fixed their game for free.","attachment":null,"posted":1711587164},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549913,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510451
>steiners with their the only good small-ish mech is a griffin
The commando and wolfhound exist you know","attachment":null,"posted":1711590085},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
It's better to think about combat in battletech, at least during the succession wars, as something more akin to that of the age of sail than modern warfare. Ships (mechs) go through very little actual change over a couple centuries, last for decades is service, and most prizes that are captured are pressed into service by whoever took it","attachment":null,"posted":1711590442},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22549922,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22549842
Jake Mason was born in 2996.","attachment":null,"posted":1711590878},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22551646,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"egg!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711665024135854.png","filename":"Colossus_dropship.png"},"posted":1711665024},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22551650,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
There's not so much thought going into battletech, what can you expect when so many of the designs were directly stolen from various anime","attachment":null,"posted":1711665164},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22551910,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22549863
Speaking of mods are there really no gundam mods? I wasn't able to find any the one time I briefly looked for them","attachment":null,"posted":1711673606},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22552036,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22551910
Gundam players generally don't like feeling that weighty, they're used to being zippy flying little bastards with beam swords and super armor. Which isn't a dig, it's just a different style of play. A gundam mod might be neat though.","attachment":null,"posted":1711677426},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22552069,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22551910
Ah, don't know how I missed that.
well I do I only looked at the steam workshop and didn't think to chect nexus","attachment":null,"posted":1711680091},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22553206,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22551646
More importantly, What do you put inside that egg?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711736296091724.webm","filename":"targetid_mod.webm"},"posted":1711736296},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22553545,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711747627384484.png","filename":"battle over 3025.png"},"posted":1711747627},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22553985,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22553206
What mods are you using to get those effects? What's your graphics card? That looks sick as fuck.","attachment":null,"posted":1711763153},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22554687,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22553985
is it not just warfx?
too slow","attachment":null,"posted":1711852918},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22555962,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Settle this for me
Black Knight: HANDS or SHIELD?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711853084848299.png","filename":"06d8be7d5a9199dc8671f63e42f9460f31af4a99.png"},"posted":1711853084},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22556096,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22555962
Hands always, don't let clanners tell you different","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711862934643590.png","filename":"012f8a50-4a09-44ba-b9c9-83dddeeb50fa.png"},"posted":1711862934},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22556192,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556096
I'm thinking hands too","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711871136007876.jpg","filename":"12ce9c12f6da8f4fe740de3dafd0ad32be92a9bf.jpg"},"posted":1711871136},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22556282,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556192
good man","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711879324175018.jpg","filename":"BL-X-KNT_Black_Knight_Red_Reaper.jpg"},"posted":1711879324},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22556999,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523890
Technically there are disrupter shields that weaken PPC shots but that's it really","attachment":null,"posted":1711912640},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22557017,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I wish that they sold bigger ABS kits for Battletech mechs. I have some of the PVC miniatures but the detail is very mushy.","attachment":null,"posted":1711913386},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22557152,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556282
um, you can't have both","attachment":null,"posted":1711919697},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22557174,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711920209242174.jpg","filename":"b8c212f5c8f4d3dbdf6e816686ac42130efa5643.jpg"},"posted":1711920209},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22557175,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22557174","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711920297897909.jpg","filename":"5ac6830ec849317378ba15f1d9932f5a5bd37bb3.jpg"},"posted":1711920297},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22557530,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523890
IIRC that was made by somebody who normally does 40k animations. There is exactly one kind of energy shield in battletech ,the blue shield particle inhibitor. It is experimental tech that as the name implies halves all damage taken from PPCs (with the chance for it to fail going up by 1 every turn it is on for)
It's interesting but as I recall there is literally only one canon design which uses it","attachment":null,"posted":1711934632},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22557847,"name":"Fledgling Investor","msg":">>22557530
Invest in Urbanmechs, narrow/low profile quirk literally halves all damage","attachment":null,"posted":1711945573},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22559719,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22557530
Huh, the more you know.","attachment":null,"posted":1712031654},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22560078,"name":"Fledgling Investor","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712051344035652.jpg","filename":"1712049053807027.jpg"},"posted":1712051344},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22560866,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712093163253162.jpg","filename":"BattletechMinis.jpg"},"posted":1712093163},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22560907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22560866
Why 4 Hunchies? Did one come with every model pack this guy bought?","attachment":null,"posted":1712094588},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22560924,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22560907
Hunchies are versatile, and with the exception of the AC/5 variant they're all pretty good too","attachment":null,"posted":1712095169},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22560954,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22560907
you can make a lance of hunches for just about any job","attachment":null,"posted":1712096587},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22561143,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22560924
They're slow and get cucked by right torso explosions","attachment":null,"posted":1712104529},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22561210,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561143
Right torso whats?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712107851822643.png","filename":"Discoback.png"},"posted":1712107851},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22561217,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561210
If this part breaks it's 1 small head laser for you
on the tabletop it's not super likely without aimed shots rule but still","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712108251392682.png","filename":"1712107851822643.png"},"posted":1712108251},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22561259,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561217
What are these?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712110441112512.png","filename":"Untitled.png"},"posted":1712110441},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22561289,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561259
Copium canisters","attachment":null,"posted":1712111705},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22561743,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508009
>pig code","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712131689810933.gif","filename":"1365120994573.gif"},"posted":1712131689},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22562009,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"So, just how agile is a battlemech anyway?","attachment":null,"posted":1712150005},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22562142,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562009
Depends on the source. The vidyas usually depict them as lumbering tanks with legs but in the novels they're pretty agile, able to bob, weave, duck, and occasionally even ninja roll","attachment":null,"posted":1712157109},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22562151,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562009
According to the lore they can do handstands. The reason why they're so slow and lumbering in MWO/5 is to focus on the locational damage part of them. Sacrifice authenticity for versimilitude and gameplay.","attachment":null,"posted":1712157389},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22562188,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004
Where are my tabletop-accurate gameplays with backflips and golf","attachment":null,"posted":1712159088},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22562189,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22547356
Funny guy","attachment":null,"posted":1712159201},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22562219,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562009
Depends. In the PGI games, it's basically a lumbering tank on legs. They did that because of technical reasons in the 90s and have kept it because that's what people expect and the videogame IP is owned by a different company from the tabletop and fiction IP. In the books, they can move like a human. A good pilot can even dance.
Pick your poison.","attachment":null,"posted":1712161737},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22562268,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562009
Not agile at all according to the actual rules of the game","attachment":null,"posted":1712164327},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22562509,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Will this title have WASD controls like MW5M DLC5 did? I found that to be truer to the whole 'myomer muscle fiber' formula and far more fun, but I feel like that'd need to be balanced against the player (as the sheer movement advantage you have is insane, I've solo'd assassinations because of it).","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712179919249856.gif","filename":"lights on.gif"},"posted":1712179919},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22563368,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562509
>Will this title have WASD controls like MW5M DLC5
MWO and MW5 have been using WASD controls with throttle decay for years. Did they do something different with that DLC?","attachment":null,"posted":1712244395},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22564261,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712281851822530.jpg","filename":"die moot.jpg"},"posted":1712281851},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22564348,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562268
I don't know about that, a machine that can kick and use tree branches like makeshift clubs would have to be pretty agile. Not to mention being able to brace for a landing after using jumpjests, which aren't the slow floating you see in MW5, but is actually supposed to represent a high jump in the air.","attachment":null,"posted":1712286196},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22564356,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22564348
and they still can't strafe","attachment":null,"posted":1712286661},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22564749,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"japanesium","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712307135162929.jpg","filename":"d8f7bf3a435421c0874229298d27f9a5558b3339.jpg"},"posted":1712307135},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22564911,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563368
I haven't touched the DLC but I assume he's talking about somehow strafing instead of A and D just turning?, no idea how that would work though","attachment":null,"posted":1712319785},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22566551,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712409405958227.png","filename":"1712406504151511.png"},"posted":1712409405},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22566785,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563368
in the new DLC5, there's an option in the gameplay options menu that lets you switch between the classic throttle+tank controls, or newer WASD controls that straight up allow you to strafe.
it's really janky, you can just tap S then W to get max speed instead of accelerating, and mechs only walk forwards in drone cam while strafing, even while going backwards
however, it was really damn fun and honestly one of the funnest ways I've enjoyed mech games since my rampant AC Verdict Day 6000 hour addiction, but it does fundamentally break the game. the enemies don't do this, your allies don't do this, you're effectively the only one in the entire system capable of using myomer muscle fibers","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712422545373813.png","filename":"file.png"},"posted":1712422545},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22567040,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712435827907182.jpg","filename":"8757e6e28fb2354a713f45431e39f12a3062c7ea.jpg"},"posted":1712435827},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22567288,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004
>stompy mecha
Battletech grognards keep telling me battlemechs aren't stompy and that the myomer fibers let them move 1:1 in humanlike ways.","attachment":null,"posted":1712446142},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22568560,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567288
they're very stompy and very grognardy","attachment":null,"posted":1712486650},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22568646,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"They're only stompy in the sense the animations are stiff and terrible. In game they glide over surfaces with all the realism of slot cars.","attachment":null,"posted":1712489321},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22568655,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
That's all because whatever lore was originally there, is a haphazard kitbashed pastiche thrown together on a shoe-string budget to try and accommodate the various pilfered and plaguerized designs the franchise started out on. Battletech is literally a poor cross-over fanfic, that supplanted the cross-over part with a lore rewrite.","attachment":null,"posted":1712489841},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22569043,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22568646
>In game they glide over surfaces with all the realism of slot cars.
Maybe a little too well sometimes.
>Once had a mech skid halfway across a map and had another skid directly into a 8 story building which then collapsed on it","attachment":null,"posted":1712505920},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22569112,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510423
There was an attempt to unify the aesthetics a couple times in the past, but due to license changes, owner changes etc. No one aesthetic has ever stuck until the current era where MWO began taking the place of the standardized visual style (for better or worse). But there's still lots of issues with it. Every IS mech looks like it rolled out of the same factory. Every clan mech ditto. Theres very little beyond color schemes to differentiate what designs are in the employ of which faction. Now I understand why. Its already enough work modeling all the different chassis types and variants, adding the need to alter greebles and armor plate silhouettes to match the aesthetics of factions would be a lot of extra work for what are usually very small teams.
Imo each major factions mechs should have different armor shapes in places, or different weapon sounds and functionality. Like Liao having very sleek, stealth fighter looking plates, Davion should have blocky and angular cold war chobham style stuff, Draconis should have exteriors that look like samurai armor and mengu on their mech heads, etc.","attachment":null,"posted":1712508320},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22569461,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567288
They're right about the humanlike movement. However, humans can still stomp.","attachment":null,"posted":1712520886},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22571031,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Clannies or IS jannies, which way, white man?","attachment":null,"posted":1712605254},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22573025,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712710284917758.jpg","filename":"Battletech.jpg"},"posted":1712710284},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22573028,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712710348311064.jpg","filename":"Battletech-CityWar.jpg"},"posted":1712710348},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22573045,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22521196
Jade falcons are autistic retards and I love them for it.","attachment":null,"posted":1712711243},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22573054,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569112
The problem is in-universe they've traded factories and mechs for so long.
90% of mechs are rebuilds, and factories are very rare outside of the clans.","attachment":null,"posted":1712711558},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22574366,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540664
watch some gameplay of each and pick the one that looks cool to you
personally started with 2 and had a blast. not because i grew up with it but because i like to play games in release order. wanted to start at 1 but even i have my limits when it comes to graphics/playability
i guess Mechwarrior 5 is the easiest to get into. controls are intuitive and it's on steam.
though it needs some mods to become good. maybe try it without mods first and when you're thinking "man, this customization is really limited", download the current "yet another mechlab" mod to fix it.
if you prefer PvP-multiplayer over singleplayer, you can start with Mechwarrior online","attachment":null,"posted":1712781899},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22574849,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712800847654838.jpg","filename":"412702895_1068724784328762_5775037237545556222_n.jpg"},"posted":1712800847},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22575406,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22574849
pauldrons too small","attachment":null,"posted":1712824906},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22575424,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22574849
Not bad.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712826686359933.png","filename":"The_Urbie_that_DARED.png"},"posted":1712826686},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22576830,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712904729945738.jpg","filename":"Battletech-HeavyMetal.jpg"},"posted":1712904729},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22577815,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712960874892325.jpg","filename":"2fdda09726fc81ff1baa031505fc9801e13092fe.jpg"},"posted":1712960874},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22578974,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22577815
The poor fireball. It wasn't all that good to begin with and nowadays it can't even use the special ammunition for it's SRM","attachment":null,"posted":1713027884},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22579393,"name":"Kasperl","msg":"KINNIKU BUSTER","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713043564878301.png","filename":"Stormcrow Blaster.png"},"posted":1713043564},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22580650,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713095890110202.jpg","filename":"benjamin_parker-A.jpg"},"posted":1713095890},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22582101,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22510590
/btg/ is a festering shithole. Last thing you want is maggots from there infesting /m/. Whiteagle comes here already and that's basically terminal cancer.
Always hands. A Mech without hands is of questionable value.","attachment":null,"posted":1713162786},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22582110,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22577815
Got more of them smol ones?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713163286306868.jpg","filename":"urban_line(eldoniousrex).jpg"},"posted":1713163286},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22582257,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Mechassault is more fun and has better designs than mech warrior","attachment":null,"posted":1713180291},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22582735,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582110","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713206027165006.jpg","filename":"e1208d88f322df289edddfcd291dda3ebf53ee72.jpg"},"posted":1713206027},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22582812,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713211062635657.jpg","filename":"5e66edf0852420f6d0f069deb29be7fd7db76506.jpg"},"posted":1713211062},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22583286,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582812
Love the komodo. Of all the IS black hawk copies it is my favorite","attachment":null,"posted":1713230576},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22583485,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583286
Huh. It's like an IS Nova. Neet.","attachment":null,"posted":1713240020},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22583916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582735
What mech is that supposed to be?","attachment":null,"posted":1713276184},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22583942,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583916","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713277427423983.png","filename":"vort.png"},"posted":1713277427},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22585593,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582735
MOAR (pls)","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713350460836956.jpg","filename":"benjamin_parker-B.jpg"},"posted":1713350460},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22585929,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583916
Fireball","attachment":null,"posted":1713370595},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22586206,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What's this about?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713383895486087.png","filename":"Screenshot_20240417-142913_X.png"},"posted":1713383895},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22586267,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586206
zomg teh drama
go watch Razorfist if you want any of that
me I got my Megamek and my PIG games to worry about","attachment":null,"posted":1713386451},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22586680,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586206
CGL employee doxxed a BT fan, harassed people in Twitter, caused drama and issues.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713410012306757.jpg","filename":"Dumbassdemoagent.jpg"},"posted":1713410012},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22587718,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586680
please stop using fake words","attachment":null,"posted":1713466047},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22587721,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587718
That's not very kino of you, anon","attachment":null,"posted":1713466121},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22587722,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587721
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7hrWMVvIeo","attachment":null,"posted":1713466856},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22587763,"name":"Gunlord","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713467544555635.png","filename":"battletech strangle.png"},"posted":1713467544},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588024,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I am a simple man
Chicken walkers = cool and based
Man shaped mechs = cringe","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713474869690277.png","filename":"1206px-s7cpisd2d8bdy4ds13bcbkmbwvxw75m.png"},"posted":1713474869},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588050,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588024
Oh yeah? LRM Locust.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713476235627824.jpg","filename":"970d6741e950aa1d9d39a75ed381d93d1f1530be.jpg"},"posted":1713476235},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588094,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588050
>Six tubes
you really think SRM-12 will fit on a locust?","attachment":null,"posted":1713478323},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588111,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I'm sorry I could never pick up one of these meme machines in an actual campaign","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713478710269183.png","filename":"LRM Locust.png"},"posted":1713478710},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588129,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What if I told you it could fit 36srms?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713479525423322.jpg","filename":"CIdRBhKUkAABJ49.jpg"},"posted":1713479525},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588269,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588129
Anything can fit anything if you try hard enough
Was it worth it though","attachment":null,"posted":1713485577},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588325,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588097
Two SRM-6 and a half ton of ammo for each launcher seems feasible. Especially if you're running Ferro. LRM-5 is one ton under a SRM-6 after all.","attachment":null,"posted":1713487430},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588512,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22533024
Might as well get them all. Huge portions of the base game are barren without them.","attachment":null,"posted":1713491675},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588720,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22533024
Pirate it. It's paying small premiums for a single mechs and some missions.","attachment":null,"posted":1713500337},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22588867,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588720
DLC adds:
>melee weapons
>most of the non randomly generated missions
>the canteen mini mission system to access upgrades
>the persistent enemy merc companies
>"arena" missions in safe territories
>4th succession war mini campaign
>Birth of Rasalhague Republic mini campaign
>War of 3039 mini campaign
>Duncan Fisher mini campaign
I don't remember what mechs they add other than the Longbow and the Hatchetman but with the base game according to sarna:
Base game: 50 'Mechs, 214 Variants and 49 Heroes
With all DLC: 62 'Mechs, 367 Variants, and 78 Heroes
I aint gonna say buy em. But definitely don't skip them if you have the option. The base game is fucking empty.","attachment":null,"posted":1713506825},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22589135,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Rockit Fist","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713530634250803.jpg","filename":"20240419151026_1.jpg"},"posted":1713530634},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22589591,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588867
Yeah, DLC adds stuff intentionally cut out of a full price at launch game. Wow! Pirate it.","attachment":null,"posted":1713558001},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22589912,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589591
The only thing that fits that bill was Heroes of the Inner Sphere. No other DLC was immediately planned because PGI were getting ready to be fucking closed after the game launched.
They sold out to Epic for exclusivity, and even with COVID lockdown sales boost the game flopped so hard PGI had to sell themselves to Enadglobal7, who basically gave them enough money to finish the Xbox Ports, and make the Kestrel Lancers DLC. Everything produced since then has been off the back of the success the game's had on consoles, gog/steam.","attachment":null,"posted":1713576797},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22590491,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589912
>They sold out to Epic for exclusivity
>game flopped
>the success the game's had on consoles, gog/steam
Really makes you thunk","attachment":null,"posted":1713608527},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22591387,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589135
I love the zeus so much","attachment":null,"posted":1713656696},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22593311,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713745993934684.jpg","filename":"benjamin_parker-C.jpg"},"posted":1713745993},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22593352,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22539872
I wouldnt really call nuMW/BT aaron beck inspired desu, beck has a hard on for raw machine shop milled surfaces, gimballed sensor pods and carbon fibre, meanwhile the nuBT designs are just boxes on legs. Fair enough that its faithful to the originals I guess, but not really the hypermilitaristic kind of designs beck's known for","attachment":null,"posted":1713748447},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22594252,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Annihilators aren't real
They can't hurt you","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713806467822849.jpg","filename":"20240419151543_1.jpg"},"posted":1713806467},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22596832,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713946851985295.jpg","filename":"HangarTime.jpg"},"posted":1713946851},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22596921,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582257
Yea but they were Xbox exclusive so no one played them","attachment":null,"posted":1713955343},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22596924,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22544916
So is gundam","attachment":null,"posted":1713955580},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22596926,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22540664
Mechcommander 2","attachment":null,"posted":1713955641},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22597364,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596921
Mechassault 1 sold very well. 2 not so much. Microsoft didn't have any fucking idea what to do with 2. So they launched it a month after Halo 2 during the Christmas season. So naturally MA2 fucking died at launch. Sold less than half the amount of copies MA1.
From a lore standpoint Mechassault is so fucking weird. It deserves to be touched on again.","attachment":null,"posted":1713984548},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22597457,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597364
>From a lore standpoint Mechassault is so fucking weird. It deserves to be touched on again.
Mechassault 3 was mediocre.","attachment":null,"posted":1713989637},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22600458,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"After playing MW5 for so long and then trying to get into the hbs battletech game, man the mechs look like absolute dogshit in battletech. Something about them just looks like 'we have mechs at home' versions of the same designs.","attachment":null,"posted":1714134338},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22604438,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594252
[X] Doubt","attachment":null,"posted":1714320931},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22604509,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600458
They're the same designs for the most part. Just based on older rips of the MWO mechs. Battletech just has really ugly lighting and really rudimentary animations. It was a kickstarter game with basically no money dont forget.","attachment":null,"posted":1714323187},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22608154,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714514711407369.jpg","filename":"marco_mazzoni-A.jpg"},"posted":1714514711},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22608410,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608154
he traces over 3D models others have made but still nice","attachment":null,"posted":1714529217},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22608518,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714535694150730.gif","filename":"stälger.gif"},"posted":1714535694},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22610465,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608410
>but still nice
I like to think the non-entrenched infantry meme in a lot of official artwork is official in universe propaganda
"look you can be useful too!"","attachment":null,"posted":1714644833},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22610656,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">still hope agains all hope for a version of this but for Battletech","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714654870790583.jpg","filename":"Matsumoto-14-Robot-Jox.jpg"},"posted":1714654870},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22610886,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610465
Is that the bounty hunter in the bottom corner or did the GDL somehow get old SLDF armor?","attachment":null,"posted":1714671031},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22611172,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610886
I think he mixed up the Grey Death Scput armor and the Light Power Armor?","attachment":null,"posted":1714685417},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22611201,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610465
This piece of art is why Ben Rome quit","attachment":null,"posted":1714687307},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22611203,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611201
The main setting guy for most of the late 2000s-2010s alongside and after Herb Beas, he wrote Wars of Reaving
He thought including the GDL was just pandering to nostalgia and they shouldn’t be referenced anymore
I've never read any BT novels just mostly the mechwarrior games with occasional megamek autism
The best thing about GDL is they're not Wolf Dragoons","attachment":null,"posted":1714696186},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22611431,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I want to like this mech, and it does decent for me on the table. But it just has too much and too little going on at the same time. Not much long range firepower. Lots of short range but no big punches like an AC/20. 3/5 is painfully slow. And of course the variant that adds jump jets and a higher caliber autocannon also drops most of the guns so it feels rather anemic.
It looks cool at least","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714698727904265.jpg","filename":"acoomer.jpg"},"posted":1714698727},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22611465,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611431
accept Lynxmaxxing with your friendly multi-trac laser boat, Lynx","attachment":null,"posted":1714700122},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22612421,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714776702151898.jpg","filename":"john_mcewan.jpg"},"posted":1714776702},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22612452,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004
Still no Atlas II
Still no Bane
Still no Blackwatch
Still no Shootist
Still no Devastator
Still no Grand Crusader
Still no Imp
>let's shove the fanfic mary sue assault mech in tho","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714779263448438.jpg","filename":"bullshit.jpg"},"posted":1714779263},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22613008,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"got bored with a few friends, have fun
might post more in the future","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714817502923853.jpg","filename":"tresh.jpg"},"posted":1714817502},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22613391,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608518
I love the japstalker","attachment":null,"posted":1714845962},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22613636,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508004
Honestly I could never get over the goofiness designs and general zaniness of the setting.","attachment":null,"posted":1714858998},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22614075,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613636
Which designs do you consider goofy?","attachment":null,"posted":1714871714},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22614195,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614075
The Cossack, the Hitman, the Atlas, the Kabuto...honestly it'd be easier to list the mechs I don't consider goofy, we'd be here all day otherwise. To be fair though, I prefer my mechs to have a more 'tactical' look.","attachment":null,"posted":1714877815},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22614381,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22612452
MWO and MW5 are pretty awful, as are PGI who keep nickle and diming DLC and paypig mtx for their games. On the bright side fucking solid taste for wanting the Shootist, Devastator and Grand Crusader.","attachment":null,"posted":1714888983},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22615589,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Uhh stompybros wtf is this zoom zoom anime boostan shit???","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714951761354133.webm","filename":"mw2.webm"},"posted":1714951761},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22616199,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615589
Feels like Heavy Gear.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714994363702161.png","filename":"Atlas-Mechwarrior.png"},"posted":1714994363},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22617699,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Cataphract is a friend","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715098406234892.png","filename":"a226b915e2f2af40fd0aefb537462b0cfd7af78e.png"},"posted":1715098406},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22618825,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715145461455256.jpg","filename":"QuadWalkers.jpg"},"posted":1715145461},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22621271,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715246492135058.jpg","filename":"CombatReady.jpg"},"posted":1715246492},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22621629,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621271
That flea and assassin are wayyy too big","attachment":null,"posted":1715266649},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22622211,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621629
No. In PGI games, they deliberately make light mechs absolutely tiny as a balancing mechanic. They simultaneously make heavies and assaults bigger as an artistic choice. Outside of mechwarrior games, mechs range from ~8m on the smallest side to ~13m on the tallest. A light heavy like the Rifleman would be average at ~10m
. Pic rel is a Rifleman scaled to 10m and the Flea scaled to 8m. At this scaling, the Flea's lasers come just below the Rifleman's cockpit, which is about the same as the pic in >>22621271. The HBS game is licensed by the people who actually make battletech, so the scales are closer to correct.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715283148423883.png","filename":"RFL_FLE scale.png"},"posted":1715283148},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22622263,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622211
Flea is 20T. Rifleman is 60T. Flea should be a third the size by mass alone.","attachment":null,"posted":1715285930},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22622570,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622263
No, that would require two things.
One: that mechs are uniformly dense. That isn't the case. Most of a mechs weight is in armor and weapons. Most of it's volume is in chassis and engine. Even in the real world, volume doesn't scale linearly with weight in AFVs. Making the flea a third of the size of the rifleman wouldn't leave any room for the pilot. the mechwarrior games already have anatomically impossible cockpits. The TT scale is far more reasonable.
If your opinion was right, then the Flea would have to be 1/3 less volume, not height. Being 2m shorter and much skinnier would easily meet than volume reduction.
Two: that this is not a 40 year old robot fighting game written by pulp sci-fi authors and wargaming nerds.","attachment":null,"posted":1715297615},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22623287,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22508951
Never understood the hate for "nu"BT if I'm honest, a lot of the redesigns are just better versions of the old stuff, people forget how ass a lot of those designs look.
That being said the division is fuckin stupid","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715332141645366.png","filename":"Shadow_Cat_RGilClan_v09.png"},"posted":1715332141},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22624282,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623287
I don't care how silly the gumball machine looked, the old flashman is a hundred times better than this","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715381284421498.png","filename":"ugly flashman.png"},"posted":1715381284},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22624307,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623287
My only complaint with the "nu-bt" shit is that the LAMs look like pure dogshit. I get they couldnt remain literal Macross rips, but now they look absolutely retarded.","attachment":null,"posted":1715383033},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22624360,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624282
I wish they'd have more visible differentiation in design philosophy depending on where mechs came from. Or some kind of unique greebling per faction. There's gotta be a way to keep the older aesthetics and the newer tacticool stack of blocks looks and find a balance.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715384307396354.jpg","filename":"flashm.jpg"},"posted":1715384307},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22624403,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624360
Doesnt even have to be per faction, even just making manufacturers have a design theme between their mechs would help.","attachment":null,"posted":1715385339},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22625165,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616199
Why is the Atlas consistently rated as a shit tier mech in all tier lists I find? Are people retarded?","attachment":null,"posted":1715435544},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22625304,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22625165
I don't know who you're talking to, but probably. The Atlas isn't perfect, no 'Mech is. Beyond the LRMs, the classic -D model's weapons are heavily oriented towards short ranges, and in sheer firepower it's easily outclassed by the King Crab. It also very ammo-reliant, and what it does carry isn't plentiful, so it's easy to find itself in a situation where it can't hurt anything that stays out of arm's reach.
That said, its durability is legendary for a reason, and there are several variants that can drastically change the way it operates. The -RS is an attempt to match the ultra-elite Atlas II design using Succession Wars tech, downgrading the autocannon and missile launchers to double its engagement range and carry more shots per ton. The -K version from 3050 basically turns it into a 100-ton sniper, mounting a gauss rifle and dual ER large lasers.","attachment":null,"posted":1715442229},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22625407,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22625165
After 3025 most of the upgraded variants the Atlas gets aren't as good as the AS7-D all things considered.
Most of them have some sort of flaw, and/or they don't really take as much advantage of new tech as they could. The K has severe heat issues. The S has rear facing streak launchers. S2 has barely any short range firepower, which isn't necessarily a deal breaker but that's kind of the thing the atlas is known for. Same with the S3 with a sum total of 3 small lasers for close range protection
There's just no plain upgrade of the classic version, everything makes it into something else entirely","attachment":null,"posted":1715446467},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22625475,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What would be the Gundam/Valkyrie of Battletech?","attachment":null,"posted":1715449174},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22625512,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22625475
What do you mean? Both of those serve very different roles in the narratives of their respective shows. If you're just talking about a series mascot, the Atlas or Timber Wolf is usually the face of the franchise, though the Warhammer and Battlemaster have also taken up the role at times.","attachment":null,"posted":1715450611},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22626066,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22625512
More Gundam, the super prototype used by a main character that paves the way for the Inner Sphere gain more advantage over the Clans.","attachment":null,"posted":1715473107},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22626534,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626066
In the clan invasion era there really isn't anything that fits that bill. The best you get are the ComGuards custom upgraded machines they slapped together for Tukayyid. But even those were barely up to parity with clan designs of the day. The way armor and weapons function in Btech kind of precludes a gundam style slaughter machine capable of one shot one killing most machines.","attachment":null,"posted":1715481930},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22626574,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22523890
Short answer: no. Long answer: kinda?
There is this: https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Blue_Shield_Particle_Field_Damper
Basically, when turned on it creates some kinda electro-magnetic field that reduces damage from PPCs, but nothing else.
Shit like in that gif? Outside Mechassault, which is non-canon, you won't find shields like that.","attachment":null,"posted":1715483369},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22627351,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626066
There isn't anything that really fits that description. Prototypes are treated like they are in real life, expensive test units that aren't meant to see combat, or expensive failures that never see production (TRO: Boondoggles is all about those.)
In the spirit of answering your question though, there are a few instances that might count, but none of them are as dramatic as Grandpa was:
-The original Mackie revolutionized warfare, and all the Great Houses basically tripped over each other trying to steal the designs for it until Steiner finally managed to pull it off. It's hopelessly outdated now.
-The SLDF Royal Regiments were pretty much completely made up of more advanced versions of mass-market designs. Some, like the Atlas II, were never intended to see service beyond them.
-The two Zeus prototypes were hastily deployed to stall a DCMS assault on Hesperus II. They succeeded at this, though the production model had to be downgraded from a PPC to an autocannon due to faulty magnetic shielding.
-The aforementioned "Clanbuster" refits of old Star League designs deployed on Tukayyid. The Black Knight and King Crab ones turned out to be especially effective.","attachment":null,"posted":1715530325},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22628429,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715579848474579.jpg","filename":"Comstar's_mechs_with_Gundam.jpg"},"posted":1715579848},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22629549,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Clan Wolf vs Clan Jade Falcon, whose side are you on?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715645275334501.jpg","filename":"Wolves-vs-Falcons.jpg"},"posted":1715645275},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22630561,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Should I get Battletech or Mechwarrior?
I just wanna play as close as I can to a titanfall game but just mechs and a real campaign.","attachment":null,"posted":1715709587},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22630571,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629549
Jade Falcon. They're who the clans should act like.","attachment":null,"posted":1715710084},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22630624,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611431
Possibly the most retarded thing I’ve read this year.
Chunk damage combined with high probability of critical hits AND it looks cool.
Hero derp decision by TPTB to not include CASE for “muh balance” reasons.","attachment":null,"posted":1715712842},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22630860,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629549
The winning side, so Clan Wolf.","attachment":null,"posted":1715723922},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22630873,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22544905
>quad UAC 5s
It doesn't need a melee attack. Noting can get in melee range anyway.","attachment":null,"posted":1715724900},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22630881,"name":"Gunlord","msg":">>22630561
If you mean the recent games, Battletech is a strategy game and Mechwarrior is an action game, so Mechwarrior would be closer to titanfall. I enjoyed the MW5 campaign but it was on its own merits just okay, though I hear the recent content is pretty good, so maybe i'll come back to it.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715725452895867.png","filename":"archer just right.png"},"posted":1715725452},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22632081,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630881
>so Mechwarrior would be closer to titanfall
that's rude to titanfall","attachment":null,"posted":1715798137},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22634499,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715944106251794.jpg","filename":"cyclops-battletech_MWO.jpg"},"posted":1715944106},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22634582,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629549
Smoke Jags. Why choose the lesser evil when the greater evil is right there?
After they die, then the Hazen version of the moss chickens is alright.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715950517771007.jpg","filename":"battletech___smoke_jaguar_rifleman_iic_by_spacer_battleart_degbnym-pre.jpg"},"posted":1715950517},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22635241,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634582
>Hazen version of the moss chickens is alright.
As a succession wars man, I don't read modern fluff. What are those guys like?","attachment":null,"posted":1715979855},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22636787,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716072225030834.jpg","filename":"DesertRun.jpg"},"posted":1716072225},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22636916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"So idk much about battletech, or the clans, but I played mw5 and heard about the minnesota tribe and read about them and clan wolverine on the wiki. Was that something that was part of some plot arc that didn't go anywhere because of a change in direction for the story or something?","attachment":null,"posted":1716077986},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22636967,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636916
They're basically just flavor lore to justify players fielding their own Wolverine derived force. If there was a more grand plan to explore them it's probably as you said, lost in the endless shuffle of staff and writer changes.","attachment":null,"posted":1716078926},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22637205,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636967
I thought it was something like that, a "your dudes" enabler. I was just curious if there was some well known grand plan in the community that I didn't know enough to have heard of. I could imagine in editions before the clans were revealed that they would have been similar in terms of hints. I hope that if they ever do get fleshed out they are less lame than the clans, although I know better than to expect anything.","attachment":null,"posted":1716084234},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22637240,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637205
One of the best parts about BattleTech is that a lot of stuff was left vague to make it so players could make their own forces and dudes. Sadly CGL is shitting on FASA and Wizkids BT lore.","attachment":null,"posted":1716085047},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22637420,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637240
You mean you don't want to play the Adventures of the Paw Patrol anon?","attachment":null,"posted":1716090023},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22637473,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637420
No sir I do not. I do not want Pup Play Patrol in my BattleTech. I saw the threads on /tg/ slowly turn to liquid shit because of the people that CGL advertised and pandered to.","attachment":null,"posted":1716092135},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22637555,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637473
I get you anon, I was just joshing. Funny thing is I wouldn't even mind the Yiff Patrol with their gay founders and ex SLDF dropship, the sphere is big enough for all of this shit (hell the setting has always handled weird forces fine, just look at Marshigama's Legionnaires). I just don't like that they have seemingly become the new face of the franchise despite not having any real claim to the level of significance they are treated with. The GDL did important shit around the sphere. The Kell Hounds did important shit around the sphere. The Goons (as fucking annoying as their fanwank was) did important shit around the sphere. The Fox Patrol instead just feel like one of the developer's OC factions that somehow gets to hang out with all the cool kids and get special attention despite doing nothing of significance in the sphere at large.
One of my favourite things about Battletech is how /yourdudes/ friendly it is with merc companies, slotting them into the setting and carving out their own niche. Instead the Fuckedinthearse Patrol feels more like a bad fanfiction merc force that gets jammed into the setting and takes over other existing factions' niches.","attachment":null,"posted":1716096500},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22637565,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637555
Exactly, Anon.Feels like CGL is trying to ape GW and Warhammer by pushing the Clans/Houses/Paw Patrol as the new, kool dudes. Like a worse version of the Goons. God, I never expected something to make me want the good old days of the Goons and their plot armor.","attachment":null,"posted":1716096910},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22637774,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583942
So which Great House is the most successful faction? More victories and fewer defeats, an interesting and complex story with a fascinating culture, original mecha designs?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716109606066857.jpg","filename":"Внутренняя Сфера с 3064 по 3132.jpg"},"posted":1716109606},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22638035,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626574
>Outside Mechassault, which is non-canon, you won't find shields like that.
Wasn't there short-lived plans to bring in the Ragnarok/Ymir into BT canon, along with its OP Lava Cannon and Shielding? I recall Piranha Games making a comment about it once.","attachment":null,"posted":1716123259},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22638289,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22638035
I want to say that was an April fools post on the MWO forum.","attachment":null,"posted":1716138371},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22638300,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637817
If we're measuring success by general quality of life and the least internal turmoil its probably the Federated Suns? Lyrans, Rasalhague, and the Dracs got fucking stomped by the clans and later lose even more ground when the crusaders get evicted from canner space, the FWL basically ceased to exist in the wake of the Jihad for a while, and Capella gets fucked 6 ways to Sunday every time someone sneezes.","attachment":null,"posted":1716138814},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22638384,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637817
There is only one honorable choice","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716142477493159.jpg","filename":"HonrtheDrgn.jpg"},"posted":1716142477},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22638521,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22638300
Davion peaked during the Clan Invasion. Once the civil war started it all went downhill for them, to the point they actually lost New Avalon to the Dracs during the Dark Age. They're only now starting to recover.
Kurita is probably the most consistently successful. They're warmongering expansionists and everyone hates them, but I don't think there's ever really been a period when they've been on the back foot past the first few Succession Wars. Even during REVIVAL they managed to hold out better than most.","attachment":null,"posted":1716149952},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22638777,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636916
The Wolverines sorta lurk in the background. They popped up again in the Jihad when we saw the Word of Blake using some of their stuff (whether they are part of the WoB/C* or the Blakists just found their stuff somewhere is ambiguous - most of the info is through Chandy Kurita and he’s very much trying to get people to fight the Word at that point). They show up with the WoB remnants in ISP3, but the ISP books have always been ambiguously accurate (see: genecaste, hyperspace squids, the actual literal Illuminati, immortal furry Belters, hyperspace Blakists).","attachment":null,"posted":1716159882},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22639129,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22638300
Fedsuns have worse education and health services for their citizenry than the fucking Concordat.
Basically put, the worst place to be a peasant is the combine, followed by most of the periphery shitholes, then the fedsuns, then bad parts of FWL, then capcon, then the good parts of the periphery, then the commonewealth, then the good parts of the FWL.
If you are upper class though? Combine, Fedsuns and Commonwealth is better than everywhere else. Maybe the Magistracy is up there with them, but that would be a stretch.","attachment":null,"posted":1716177078},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22639512,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"is https://store.steampowered.com/app/637090/BATTLETECH/ worth it?
from my understanding it is a similar setting to MW5 but a turned based tactics game instead.
t.only ever played MW5","attachment":null,"posted":1716200867},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22639894,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22639512
It's the same setting as Mechwarrior. However the game was shoddily made in Unity by a dev team that actively disliked the setting and tried to force their own OC donut steel empire into the long established BattleTech canon. The writing is weak as well. Gameplay is ok, if not up to par with actual tabletop.","attachment":null,"posted":1716228547},{"board":"m","thread":22508004,"pid":22640106,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636916
While battletech certainly has many plots like that (the assassination of Michel Hasek-Davion, the WoB & Blood Spirits causing the blackout) the Minnesota tribe/Clan Wolverine are an intentionally kept a mystery. Nobody knows what happened to them other than after leaving the clan homeworlds they raided the combine's coreward border and disappeared. Or so they would have us believe","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716240690191816.png","filename":"comstar at it again..png"},"posted":1716240690}]}
{"title":"YUUSHA THREAD","posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558419,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Previous thread: >>22454197
Wake up, sleeping courage!
Previous and current news:
>Action Toys J-Decker revealed at WonFes 2024, currently at prototype stage
>New quarterly graphic novel series Brave Universe Sworgrader just began
>J-Decker HD Blu-ray/DVD slated for July
>GaoGaiGar and FINAL Discotek localization out now (includes Blockade Numbers and Pachislot clips)
>Hakaiou manga ongoing (Conqueror's Thralls arc), King J-Der side story by Tsunashima Shirou also ongoing
>SMP J-Decker slated for July
>Upcoming Koto kits: Great Fighbird, Da-Garn & GX Parts, Pegasus Saber, Land Bison, Seven Changer, Great Baan Gaan (8/24), Mach Sperion & Weapon Set
>Cross Frame Girl Goldy Marg & Stealth Gao II, Star GaoGaiGar Set slated for June, GaoFighGar in prototype stage
>Hobby Japan AMAKUNITECH Genesic GaoGaiGar slated for May, Sworgrader announced; AMAKUNI Genesic Head Display Model with new Guy voices slated for Sep-Oct 2024
>THE GATTAI Might Gaine out now, Might Kaiser for April, and Good Smile Shop exclusive Might Gunner for May, Seven Changer for September, Fighbird for March 2024, Granbird, Sky Saber and Land Bison in development
>Pose+ Limited Repli-Gaigar slated for Q2 2024, ChoRyuJin in prototype stage
>Soul of Chogokin ChoRyuJin slated for August and Tamashii Web Repli-Gaigar for October, Dimension Pliers, King Exkaiser, Dragon Kaiser, Chogokin Evoluder Guy prototypes unveiled, currently in development
>Amakuni developing all Great Braves, Hakaiou Genesic up for pre-order, King J-Der Accessory Set out now
>Evolution Toy Fighbird out now (delayed TWICE from July and September), Granbird slated for February (delayed THREE TIMES from September, December AND February), can form Great Fighbird
>Metamor-Force Fire Dagwon out now (delayed from December 2023), Power Dagwon slated for April, can form Super Fire Dagwon + Triangle Christmas Beam
Let your Brave spirit burn!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711981857854422.jpg","filename":"4934054040957_6.jpg"},"posted":1711981857},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558507,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"This is Sworgrader's current opponent, Dark Great Baan Gaan. Say anything about him.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711986168059875.jpg","filename":"4-1.jpg"},"posted":1711986168},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558532,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"He looks cooler as a villain","attachment":null,"posted":1711987083},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558538,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550847
Feels surreal seeing Goldy wield the Goldion Hammer.","attachment":null,"posted":1711987229},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558574,"name":"Helpless Investor","msg":">>22558538
Definitely, but honestly it's a sight I wouldn't mind seeing","attachment":null,"posted":1711988163},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558581,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/SUNRISE_web/status/847827105509277697
Happy April Fools Day, Braves.","attachment":null,"posted":1711988519},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558592,"name":"Poor Investor","msg":">>22558581
More April Fools jokes from 2017.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711989096492085.jpg","filename":"GGG April Fools 2017.jpg"},"posted":1711989096},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558596,"name":"Poor Investor","msg":">>22558595
well at least the site joke is kinda original lel","attachment":null,"posted":1711989153},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558621,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558419
>Great Baan Gaan plamo
I still can't believe it.
It's nice to see the best Brave design finally getting some love.
Kinda wish we also got Mach Sperion too.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711990554051267.jpg","filename":"1692699831661592.jpg"},"posted":1711990554},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558624,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558621
What makes him the best Brave design?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711990745947666.jpg","filename":"Kotobukiya Baan Gaan.jpg"},"posted":1711990745},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558630,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l45OGBmteCI","attachment":null,"posted":1711991030},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558736,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558624
I like it a lot.","attachment":null,"posted":1711994417},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558885,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558624
I really like how the back cannons don't stick all the way over his shoulders. If he didn't have an animal head chest or the wings, I'd like him a lot better.","attachment":null,"posted":1712001789},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558915,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQMNKeSMYX8
Part 1","attachment":null,"posted":1712002665},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558925,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/kotobukiyas/status/1774345950661882059","attachment":null,"posted":1712002946},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558979,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558507
I hope he'll be a friend soon. The monthly chapters throw me off a bit from emotional retention, but I'm really curious about where they're going to go next","attachment":null,"posted":1712005189},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558987,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558979
Based on the storytime from the last thread, they're travelling to another universe. >>22550247
I'm guessing either Baan Gaan or GaoGaiGar's universes are the ones they're traveling towards.","attachment":null,"posted":1712005565},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22558989,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558987
N-no I get that, I meant I'm curious about which universe they're going to end up in. Probably going to make a big deal about the warp and pursuit, orienting themselves and final-page getting greeted by a familiar Brave friend, from how the pacing is going","attachment":null,"posted":1712005688},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559017,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558989
It will be GaoGaiGar's universe, not Baan Gaan. Baan Gaan appeared just to establish the dire state of things. I imagine it will have something to do with Triple O.","attachment":null,"posted":1712006724},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559028,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22559017
Thank you, time-traveller-san, could I ask you for the dates of the Hakiaoh and Baan Gaan anime, or am I being too greedy
Curious how this will effect canon as well, whether this is going to be "everything fated happens and they forget meeting Sworgrader+co" or if it will just override pre-existing events","attachment":null,"posted":1712007055},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559029,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/yonetanikantoku/status/1774493552485224526
Yonetani's April Fools.","attachment":null,"posted":1712007140},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559038,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22559028
I imagine they'll get filled in on what's happening in the GGG universe and go on an adventure to save all the other universes.","attachment":null,"posted":1712007330},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559041,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22559038
That's possible too, out of all the settings, the 3G crew are the most organized and well-equipped/funded, so they're probably the best ones to have a good idea of what's going on. Although another option is Exkaiser, who could maybe hear from his police buddies about the escaped prisoners he once captured? (I don't know how this show ended)","attachment":null,"posted":1712007547},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559060,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550842
>Hyper Mode+Goldion Hammer
Double the Gold.","attachment":null,"posted":1712008149},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559624,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c_9CqlNbAg
King J-Der, where are you?","attachment":null,"posted":1712028525},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559781,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6uxKcDqMXM","attachment":null,"posted":1712034764},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22559997,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/gsc_mechasmile/status/1775040479517896936","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712045525671345.jpg","filename":"The Gattai Fighbird.jpg"},"posted":1712045525},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561049,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/variouscreator/status/1775213287787171888","attachment":null,"posted":1712100986},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561117,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22559624
>King J-Der, where are you?
In the back with the DD playable Betterman sprite, they're (hopefully) working on.","attachment":null,"posted":1712103525},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561315,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Been watching GaoGaiGar for the first time pretty unspoiled, and I just wanted to come in and say that the King J-Der debut might be one of the coolest sequences I have ever seen in mecha. Can't wait to see where this goes from here.","attachment":null,"posted":1712113034},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561386,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561315
https://files.catbox.moe/twtrlz.mp4","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712115225179089.webm","filename":"King J-Der Debut.webm"},"posted":1712115225},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561388,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561315
Yeah, it's a pretty good moment.","attachment":null,"posted":1712115356},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561390,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561315
Literally amazing. While J couldn't care about collateral damage at first after returning to his post as a Soldato, he later became a reliable ally for GGG after the third quarter ends.","attachment":null,"posted":1712115470},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561659,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22550837
Great Goldran, how could you do this?","attachment":null,"posted":1712123766},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561684,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://hobby.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1581395.html","attachment":null,"posted":1712125218},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561708,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561386
I'll never get over how many frames they packed into his arm moving up","attachment":null,"posted":1712127349},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22561756,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561708
Ah, the sakuga, it gets me every time I watch that scene, he just so looks so menacing because of the way he moves.","attachment":null,"posted":1712132304},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22562190,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/yonetanikantoku/status/1775329919524122854
Yonetani and Fujisawa with GGG's Toy Chronicle book.","attachment":null,"posted":1712159266},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22562761,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://hjweb.jp/series/1440704/","attachment":null,"posted":1712193165},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22562826,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Im at episode 39 of GGG already and I don't want it to be over. It went by way too fast and I enjoyed it too much. I love how the big bad reminds me of Fisto and Hulk Hogan. Character designs are insane in this show and I love it. Soldat J has no right to be an asshole considering he was evil but damn he's so cool. King Jder is so cool.
I do not know how to start conversations on this show because I've devolved (evolved?) Into a chuuni and I love almost everyone in this show.
Already saw Jdecker and loved it too. I hate edgy shit so Im skipping Final and Betterman for now. What's the best Brave to watch next?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712197092376144.jpg","filename":"Fistohuman.jpg"},"posted":1712197092},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22562827,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22561386
I am the anon who just posted how much I love GGG and I need ro say I fucking goddamn love fingertip guns so much. Giant Robo, Gunbuster, Dragonceasar. Why are gun fingertips so goddamn cool holy shit","attachment":null,"posted":1712197217},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22562830,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562826
Final still has J and King J-Der being badasses i.e. J Phoenix. You'll probably enjoy Goldran for the lighhearted antics or Da-Garn for a more "serialized" format.","attachment":null,"posted":1712197395},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22562987,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/dakssol_roko/status/1775570705670905864","attachment":null,"posted":1712209196},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22563046,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562826","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712213418835608.jpg","filename":"time_to_fap.jpg"},"posted":1712213418},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22563048,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563046
Just leaves Da-Garn and Goldran left on the SMP-related kits.","attachment":null,"posted":1712213649},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22563084,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562826
>I hate edgy shit so Im skipping Final and Betterman for now
What gave you the impression that Final was edgy? It's cut from the same cloth as GGG. I think it's honestly a fantastic ending to the anime, the final episode of the OVA is probably the most pure adrenaline I've ever seen pumped into 45 minutes.","attachment":null,"posted":1712216786},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22563298,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563084
Agreed definitely. The beatdown on Palparepa and the Goldion Crusher scenes are some of favorite parts of GGG and mecha in general.","attachment":null,"posted":1712239974},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22563635,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22562826
I had a dream where I was urgently waking up to respond to this
Betterman certainly is a dark show, but not as edgy as you might think, it still has wholesome and ultimately positive moments. Also has a real banger of an ED. Final just ramps up in scale in terms of powers and enemies, it doesn't get any "edgier" than the last arc, which wasn't that edgy at all I think.
I was recommended Da Garn after GGG and J-Decker, but I'm partial to Goldran. Da Garn's episodes all progress the plot, as mentioned, whereas Goldran episodic and is even more lighthearted, but gets really good.
If you really really loved Power Rangers as a kid, you might like Dagwon, the main mechs are all human teenagers.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712259844440315.jpg","filename":"1672713422541186.jpg"},"posted":1712259844},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22564003,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I just realized that since the Deathdrives in Bravern each represent different sins, Bravern is basically a Baan Gaan anime since in Baan Gaan the villains directly represent sin. In addition, you could draw parallels between Sperion and Superbia, both in name and character (they were both evil/representations of sin at some point but became good guys again). The hero robot also works with a special defense organization in both cases and has a toy-like form. 2024 really is the year of Baan Gaan! Brave Charge!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712273310699683.jpg","filename":"GJRld_vXEAA0l8S.jpg"},"posted":1712273310},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22564050,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Anybody got toy ads of the Geisters? I'd like to see if they where just color changed Dinobots or where they retooled.","attachment":null,"posted":1712274439},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22564065,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22564050
They are straight-up recolored Dinobots, as in they are basically the same Diaclone figures but in black. And no, they are not fully released in toy form, so you have to customize them yourself. Only Dino Geist got a proper toy, and is an all-original mold.","attachment":null,"posted":1712274957},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22564076,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22564065
Well shit, guess I would have to make my own evil Dinobots then. Just how many Transformers are in the Brave Saga? Evil Dinobots, *Not Deathsaurs, *Not Dai Atlas, are the only ones I am aware of. Has there ever been an official crossover of Transformers and Brraves or no because Toei and Sunrise?","attachment":null,"posted":1712275352},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22564084,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22564076
Sky Garry to Deathgarrygun
Galaxy Shuttle to Thunder Dagwon
Grandus to Dag Base
Those are the other examples I can think of.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712275584761568.jpg","filename":"Galaxy Shuttle and Thunder Dagwon.jpg"},"posted":1712275584},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22564127,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22564084
>Deathsaurus to Red Geist
>Sixshot to Kageru/Shadowmaru
>Sonic Bomber to Revibarion/Hiryou/
>Scorponok to Zazorigun
>Dai Atlas to Goryou
>several Micromaster playsets to various J-Decker buildings","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712276585278392.jpg","filename":"Grandpas.jpg"},"posted":1712276585},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22564583,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558419
Blue and gold is a great color scheme.","attachment":null,"posted":1712295563},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22565249,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/IronsagaEN/status/1776097429760434335
"With the final fusion of five Genesic Machines and Genesic GaiGar comes the generic mechanoid - Genesic GaoGaiGar!
Class-S Pass - Genesic GaoGaiGar shards & More
Class-A Pass - Hyrja Skin & More"","attachment":null,"posted":1712338123},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22565543,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/onsen_hanadi/status/1776243847372362019
Morikawa and Hiyama.","attachment":null,"posted":1712350461},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22565591,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22565543
Kyosuke and Guy are having a talkshow?","attachment":null,"posted":1712352729},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22566016,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22536774
It's not often one sees a mecha turn green from a finisher or power-up too compared to turning gold.","attachment":null,"posted":1712372766},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22566267,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/ishida_atsuko/status/1776166978891440158
Atsuko Ishida's latest artwork.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712386245073588.jpg","filename":"Atsuko Ishida Yuuta.jpg"},"posted":1712386245},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22566696,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22565591
Sounds like it, yeah.","attachment":null,"posted":1712418518},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22566792,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6d5PxAc9EM","attachment":null,"posted":1712422887},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22567469,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566016
In an alternate universe, we would have gotten Greendran instead of Goldran, and there would have been two Brave instances of going from green to gold for its finishers","attachment":null,"posted":1712450276},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22568200,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/onsen_hanadi/status/1776244195063427351
Morikawa and Hiyama 2","attachment":null,"posted":1712472194},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22568293,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOMCo2LKCTg","attachment":null,"posted":1712477358},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22568398,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22564084
I love the differences Galaxy Shuttle & Thunder Dagwon produces, reminds me of the TFP Beast Hunters toys in the absurdest but pleasant ways","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712483095586219.png","filename":"image_2024-04-07_114129913.png"},"posted":1712483095},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22569034,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/IronsagaEN/status/1776459819152720020
3 day roulette","attachment":null,"posted":1712505303},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22569478,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-zrv8M9I1g","attachment":null,"posted":1712521450},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22569692,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I'm one of the anons who watching GaoGaiGar yesterday by marathonning the last 4 episodes and I loved it so much. I didn't expect the ending arc to make me as emotional as it did but I was tearing up near the end. Im going to wait awhile before I watch Final/GGG to kinda emulate the time apart from thr original airdates but also because the ending was just so good. The twist with Mikoto after you think everything was over was great.
Was all that stuff about ZA POWA on jupiter based on 2001 a space odyssey?","attachment":null,"posted":1712530901},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22569696,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569692
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4_5Dn2DWUc","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712531050535429.webm","filename":"GaoGaiGar TV Ending.webm"},"posted":1712531050},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22569716,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569696
There's something about Mamoru's story near the end that both made me deeply nostalgic for my parents and childhood and instilled deep parental protection instincts. Gai losing his father and learning about Mikoto's loss of her parents too. It makes the hotblooded shit is very cathartic and moving.","attachment":null,"posted":1712532498},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22570136,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://sunrise-world.net/titles/birthday_04.php#birthday0408","attachment":null,"posted":1712547465},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22570478,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569696
It is beautiful that the ending to the last Brave is sung by Satoko Shimonari who did the first Transformers op https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubIM1z7-_rM .","attachment":null,"posted":1712575565},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22570737,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=am4q_cMFgmQ&t=73s
Part 2","attachment":null,"posted":1712591833},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22570894,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570478
Pottery at its finest.","attachment":null,"posted":1712597309},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22571186,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/yonetanikantoku/status/1777126948055236712","attachment":null,"posted":1712613098},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22572240,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572238","attachment":null,"posted":1712677427},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22572520,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PZIQis-UuU
Extra accessories looking great.","attachment":null,"posted":1712688875},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22572813,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22513045
Judging the poster with TV series/Star GaoGaiGar as the face of GGG, I'm not even sure if anything exclusive to Final or Hakaioh will be there in Sworgrader unless they're keeping those as a surprise.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712703226212432.jpg","filename":"Sworgrader Offical art.jpg"},"posted":1712703226},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22572870,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712705208441772.jpg","filename":"Internet_20240409_110642.jpg"},"posted":1712705208},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22573308,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572870
Fire Dagwon went through quite the change there.","attachment":null,"posted":1712720504},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22573451,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22522327
Besides Sworgrader, what are the few modern manga you consider worth reading?","attachment":null,"posted":1712726816},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22573599,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573451
Speaking of Sworgrader, I read the afterword of Jinrouki Winvurga Rebellion explaining the abrupt cancellation of the original Winvurga manga coming from Tsunashima Shirou's publishers screwing him over twofold that he abandoned the original story and wrote Rebellion as a backup manga... with all sorts of negative implications that come with it. To no one's surprise, that, too, got cancelled because of its premise, and how the manga's eponymous Jinki who promised to take away Mashiro's virginity end up a female herself.
Sorry if it's not Brave-related, but this is among the promises Shirou failed to keep. Hope Sworgrader doesn't share the same fate as his other works.","attachment":null,"posted":1712739605},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22573790,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573308
Its Genesic Dagwon fanart","attachment":null,"posted":1712754046},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22573831,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573599
>Tsunashima Shirou's publishers screwing him over twofold that he abandoned the original story and wrote Rebellion as a backup manga... with all sorts of negative implications that come with it. To no one's surprise, that, too, got cancelled because of its premise,
Wait, we're not getting more Winvurga?","attachment":null,"posted":1712756320},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22573913,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573831
Afraid so. Somehow we can't get ahold of more RAWs of Rebellion, but nobody seems to be supporting it that it led to its silent cancellation. Then he focused on making Darkness Heels: Lili (the Ultraman manga about the best Ultra-like rival characters), and now Sworgrader.","attachment":null,"posted":1712760971},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22573924,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573831
Know what? Forget what I said, it somehow is still going strong. Rebellion is already in Chapter 16, and Volume 2 is coming next week. Had to double check Shirou's Twitter for this, so false alarm.","attachment":null,"posted":1712761494},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22573934,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117725308","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712762221662015.gif","filename":"117725308-24.gif"},"posted":1712762221},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22574096,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573451
>GaoGaiGar vs Betterman, obviously
>Digimon Dreamers
>the Appmon manga
>the G-Reco manga
>Amuro Ray Pulitzer
>Gundam Thunderbolt
>Blue Destiny 2015
>Despair Memory Gundam Sequel
>Get Truth: Fang of the Sun Dougram
>Crusher Joe Rebirth
>Vanadis Heart
>the Crossbone sequels","attachment":null,"posted":1712770053},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22574101,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22574096
>also the G-Shine doujin lol","attachment":null,"posted":1712770234},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22574215,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573599
desu, it's much better than he keeps working on Swordgrader and that Ultraman manga spin off than that piece of garbage that only serves to illustrate why he should only stick to draw manga and not writing stories.","attachment":null,"posted":1712774426},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22574974,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573934
Za pawa","attachment":null,"posted":1712805168},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22575009,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/onsen_hanadi/status/1778031525214466479
Morikawa and Hiyama part 3","attachment":null,"posted":1712806251},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22575199,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://e-hentai.org/g/2883357/af66eb278b/
GaoGaiGar's 25th Anniversary Toy Chronicle scans.","attachment":null,"posted":1712812202},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22575932,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/dragonknight__/status/1778434541407047744
The Wabbit Hammer.","attachment":null,"posted":1712860819},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22576333,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573599
No worries.","attachment":null,"posted":1712881350},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22576629,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-7aXsJ9zkY","attachment":null,"posted":1712893861},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22576670,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Really, really late on this, but apparently Daiki Nakamura (Might Gaine and God Max's VA) lost his agency contract.
Rough translation: "It has been announced that voice actor Daiki Nakamura has been terminated by his agency 81 Produce as of March 21.
Today, March 22, 81 Produce posted the following text on its official website: "Notice Regarding Termination of Contract with Our Voice Actor. According to the report, the agency received a damage claim that power harassment, sexual harassment, and financial troubles existed at "Yume Koubou," a private school that Nakamura personally opened and operates. The firm, which was unaware of the opening of "Yume Kobo," confirmed the facts with Nakamura. In addition to apologizing, 81 Produce commented, "Even after terminating the contract with Daiki Nakamura, we will continue to confirm the facts with those involved in the private school 'Yume-Kobo' and respond to the damage claims with sincerity. We will continue to confirm the facts and respond to the parties involved in the private school "Yume-Kobo" in order to sincerely respond to the allegations."","attachment":null,"posted":1712895838},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22576867,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712907120807866.jpg","filename":"Internet_20240412_045118.jpg"},"posted":1712907120},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22576869,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22576867
An actual GGGxMedabots collaboration is going to happen sooner or later like Dynamic Pro did.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtHk0itLZBw","attachment":null,"posted":1712907353},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22577265,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"J-Decker's Blu-ray illustration","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712936525877914.jpg","filename":"J-Decker sample.jpg"},"posted":1712936525},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22577665,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/onsen_hanadi/status/1778031742466842826
Morikawa and Hiyama part 4","attachment":null,"posted":1712954082},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22578170,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22574096
I didn't know Dougram got a modern manga. Neat to hear.","attachment":null,"posted":1712980763},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22578731,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Anyone knows about Might Gaine subs situation? I've found the entire series on nyaa but some episode has horrible quality and I've seen that has the bluray version. Found the subs on archive but only has episodes 1-9 and 39-47.
This series is hard to find decent subs.","attachment":null,"posted":1713017735},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22578753,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578731
Someone is redoing the subs, starting from the beginning, you'll have to wait unless you have the HK crabsticks to slap on there.","attachment":null,"posted":1713019937},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22578774,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"thank you anon, gonna wait for the complete subs then","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713021588637322.png","filename":"geine.png"},"posted":1713021588},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22578779,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578753
thanks anon
I'm glad more brave series is getting more subs","attachment":null,"posted":1713021695},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22580179,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/itoichy1018/status/1779163626722779242
Happy 60th birthday, Power Joe.","attachment":null,"posted":1713068215},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22580918,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/srw_dd_pr/status/1779434420417577210
DD's Star GaoGaiGar wielding the Goldion Hammer.","attachment":null,"posted":1713109401},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22581109,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/torippy_takumi/status/1779418445140160983
Yamazaki's (Power Joe) birthday post.","attachment":null,"posted":1713117218},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22581242,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVDHr1u5qgg
Dagwon video","attachment":null,"posted":1713121787},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22581861,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://sunrise-world.net/titles/birthday_04.php#birthday0415","attachment":null,"posted":1713150502},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22582133,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/yonetanikantoku/status/1778574235050631191","attachment":null,"posted":1713166481},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22582225,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22581242
Important note seen in Power Dagwon's instruction manual:
These shots look familiar... Eh, you know where they come from.","attachment":null,"posted":1713177052},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22582536,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXJwvMCus_Y
Super video","attachment":null,"posted":1713198509},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22582989,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/FlyingDogInc/status/1778619052912517485
First few episodes will be included with audio commentary.","attachment":null,"posted":1713218785},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22583119,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582536
If anyone is getting Super Fire Dagwon completed, please compare the scale with the other Brave mecha.","attachment":null,"posted":1713223003},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22583154,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583119
Here he is next to the Gattai Might Gaine.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713225303237632.jpg","filename":"Might Gaine and Dagwon.jpg"},"posted":1713225303},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22583165,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583154
So a little on the small side compared to the other Great Braves. Not surprised, considering it's Metamor-Force, but still nice in scale otherwise.","attachment":null,"posted":1713225730},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22583470,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/666nao999/status/1780070198265225560
GGG mob brush","attachment":null,"posted":1713239527},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22583480,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583154
Might Gaine is 25 m
Super Fire Dagwon is 24.8 m","attachment":null,"posted":1713239828},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22583833,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Only now I'm realizing this whole jewels thing is just a joke about having big balls","attachment":null,"posted":1713269016},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22584425,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/IronsagaEN/status/1779835358471188919","attachment":null,"posted":1713297451},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22584739,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713308700293958.jpg","filename":"J-Deckers.jpg"},"posted":1713308700},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22584897,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583480
Super Fire Dagwon is the second smallest TV main final form Brave.","attachment":null,"posted":1713313230},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22584951,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22584897
Biggest is either Great Fighbird or Genesic GaoGaiGar?","attachment":null,"posted":1713315295},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22585288,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22584897
Funnily enough, he's one of the more overpowered final forms.","attachment":null,"posted":1713327593},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22585355,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22584951
The following are head heights, not full heights:
Great Exkizer: 32.9 m
Great Fighbird: 30.5 m
Great Da-Garn GX - 27.2 m
Fire J-Decker - 22.3 m
Great Might Gaine - 30.5 m
Great Goldran - 26.2 m
Super Fire Dagwon - 24.8 m
Star GaoGaiGar - 31.5 m
Great Baan Gaan - 30 m
If including Perfect Cannon, Great Might Gaine's full height is 36.5 m.
If including Stealth Gao II's tail, Star GGG's full height is 38.5 m.
As for OVA final forms:
Final Dagwon does not have a height listed.
Genesic GaoGaiGar is 31.45 m.","attachment":null,"posted":1713330523},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22585442,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/666nao999/status/1780457999380689044
Hakaioh preview page.","attachment":null,"posted":1713334364},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22585769,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22585355
Huh, I didn't expect GGGG to be shorter than GGG.","attachment":null,"posted":1713361720},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586573,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22578753
>Someone is redoing the subs, starting from the beginning
Different anon here. Are they planning on redoing the subs for the entire show? I've actually seen people on other sites talk about someone here subbing Might Gaine, but for whatever reason I've also been seeing people say that "They're done" with no source other than "Check /m/ they've said it" which I don't recall ever seeing in these threads but I've also not been paying super close attention here.","attachment":null,"posted":1713405109},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586621,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://aurum08.hatenablog.com/entry/2024/04/15/205425
Be very careful when putting down Super Fire Dagwon, as the bottom of the feet can scratch easily.","attachment":null,"posted":1713407569},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586640,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Might Kaiser arriving in April 25.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713408363204498.png","filename":"GLWFyqOWYAAZyrC.png"},"posted":1713408363},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586674,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://sunrise-world.net/titles/birthday_04.php#birthday0418","attachment":null,"posted":1713409783},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586679,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586621
Kinda happens with the underside of flat feet. But as long as the arm doesn't break off completely like my DX did...","attachment":null,"posted":1713409969},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586683,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586679
>But as long as the arm doesn't break off completely like my DX did...
Posting my toyetic condolences.","attachment":null,"posted":1713410040},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586687,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586683
Thank you :,D Was glad to at least get the broken part pried out of Power so at least that one still works. I wish it wasn't my first break though, Shadow's grey tabs also shattered over time. They were both Sonokong, so not sure if that was just the inferior plastic, or they just got brittle with age and environment, but yeah...","attachment":null,"posted":1713410247},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586690,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586687
*I wish it was my first break","attachment":null,"posted":1713410308},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586693,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Sad stories of broken old toys aside though, this might've been posted already but it's way too cool not to share now that I've seen it again.
I know Photogrizer never got his own anime, but it feels weird seeing a "main" Brave having a huge lack of gold and red on it.","attachment":null,"posted":1713410803},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586703,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586696
It is strange given every other Brave has those colors, the intent was for all of the mechs to be in mostly grayscale colors. Like the fire engine and binnocular that seemed like the secondary add-on robo. Which, there isn't a combination between those two, is there? Feel like I would've remembered it if there was.","attachment":null,"posted":1713411280},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586705,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586703
*but the intent","attachment":null,"posted":1713411342},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586719,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586703
All I got for Photogrizer is this collage I recently made from the pictures of the Brave 30th memorial archive scans and Japanese twitter searches involving that exhibition.
https://e-hentai.org/g/1892383/ca0ab2970d/","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713412636704153.jpg","filename":"Photogrizer collage.jpg"},"posted":1713412636},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586912,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22558532
Agreed. The new headcrest helps.","attachment":null,"posted":1713422548},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586971,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586573
They're done in the sense you don't need to use crabstick subs for any of the episodes anymore, but some other episodes subs could be a lot better which is why those are being redone.","attachment":null,"posted":1713428337},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22586978,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Almost want to give up on Evolution Toy's Granbird for too long, but it seems they got an update.
What's next, outright cancel the damn thing because of Good Smile's version?","attachment":null,"posted":1713429215},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22587368,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/evolutiontoy/status/1780899070770299013
Robot mode video.","attachment":null,"posted":1713454721},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22588230,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586693
holy shit","attachment":null,"posted":1713483445},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22588747,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/666nao999/status/1779065091268530416
Fujisawa's Hakaioh trivia.
"The cover illustration for the chapter I'm currently working on is reminiscent of Aboriginal art created by Australian indigenous people who sensed the laws of the universe... I drew it with that image in mind. Each chapter is composed of motifs and materials that may or may not be related to each other. I also used some photos given to me by the director."","attachment":null,"posted":1713502003},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22589623,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rDYh6sgYcw","attachment":null,"posted":1713559024},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22590838,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Has anyone heard about the Amakunitech Genesic GGG? Should be set for release soon unless there's been an update.
I hope they come out with parts option set the same way that the AmakuniKirin did","attachment":null,"posted":1713627645},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22591248,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Does anyone have any art (official or not) of the J-Decker police station/office exteriors and interiors?","attachment":null,"posted":1713649797},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22591251,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591248
The Dengeki Hobby Book has the Decker Room
Also, one anon had Megas for J-Decker's reference sheets
https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/17975262/#q17994933","attachment":null,"posted":1713650093},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22591348,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Happy 51st birthday to Katsuyuki Konishi, the voice of Volfogg.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713654473883117.jpg","filename":"Konishi birthday.jpg"},"posted":1713654473},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22591871,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://sunrise-world.net/titles/birthday_04.php#birthday0421","attachment":null,"posted":1713669861},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22592691,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"So is Discotek going to announce J-Decker? Seems like they're building up to it.","attachment":null,"posted":1713717610},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22592737,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592691
Depends on how many jokes and wordplay translations they have to deal with. Discotek seems to be exhausted with long-running shows.
It's Jiban so nevermind.","attachment":null,"posted":1713724022},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22592865,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586971
I wonder why those people were saying they weren't going to be doing any more episodes then. Best I can recall they've only ever posted as an Anon, so I guess it'd be easy for someone to just go "Hey I'm the guy, I'm done" or something. Don't know why someone would do that beyond just to fuck with people, but for some that's more than enough.
That's also cool, much as I love me some Gavan, I hope the sales of those sets and the others in that franchise convinces Toei to make something new in it rather than "Here's Gavan making another guest appearance".","attachment":null,"posted":1713724177},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22592869,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592858
https://twitter.com/discotekmedia/status/1782111194624750033","attachment":null,"posted":1713724274},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22592872,"name":"anon","msg":"new scans for the Yuusha fellas here
https://archive.org/details/new-generation-brave-wars-ps-2-maximum-victory-guide New Generation Brave Wars Maximum Victory Guide, this contains not only routes for the game but its the best place to find Layzelber settei and transformation works
https://archive.org/details/seven-braves-gather-complete-guide Seven Braves Gather- A chozenshuu of sorts featuring not only Dagwon to Exkaiser but also an interview with Takara and Sunrise staff about the series in 1996/7
https://archive.org/details/the-brave-fighter-of-legend-da-garn-rapport-comics-collection-vol.-2 Scans of a 2 volume set of a Da-Garn gag manga that was published by Rapport
https://archive.org/details/the-brave-fighter-of-legend-da-garn-sneaker-bunko-novelization-1 a 2 volume set of a novelization of Da-Garn's show
https://archive.org/details/the-brave-police-j-decker-perfect-complete-book Brave Police J-Decker Perfect Complete Book- an overall guide to the show released towards the end of its airing
and finally https://archive.org/details/the-brave-police-j-decker-mystery-invitiation a new scan and FLAC rip of Mystery Invitation- the drama cd that was released alongside J-Decker's show and while translated before didn't have the full cover and manual scanned and MP3 rips","attachment":null,"posted":1713724446},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22592954,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592872
Ooh, thanks for the Da Garn novels! Really appreciate that -- when I have more money I'm probably going to commission a translation of both them and the Dendoh novels.
>the drama cd that was released alongside J-Decker's show and while translated before
Where can I find this translation?","attachment":null,"posted":1713727871},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22592957,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592954 (Me)
Also I just remembered that there's a translated J-Decker manga chapter on Pinterest -- anyone know who did that and if any more was done? There's also this translated Brave Saga 2 manga page floating around in the archive, so I'm curious if any further work was done on that manga.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713728011874550.jpg","filename":"1521214135220.jpg"},"posted":1713728011},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22593008,"name":"anon","msg":">>22592954
The original translation came from tumblr years ago here https://chirlind.tumblr.com/post/76077942234/j-decker-cd-drama-translation but sadly the PDF itself is gone, I know fandom (yeah I know but choices are limited here) posted the transcript itself but not the timestamps
the YT channel I made years ago I did reupload the script to particular parts of the drama so maybe it can be retimed to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hipsLkgA12U&list=PLYokxyoxFECS2Jg9i7xBKtJxbsD0Mq0lS
I don't know who did the TL for that but I do know it came from a TV-Land magazine of some sorts, as for the Brave Saga manga TL I remember seeing something about a attempted TL here after I uploaded some by admission iffy scans of it 2 years back but you might have to dig through older desuarchive threads for it?","attachment":null,"posted":1713729758},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22593020,"name":"anon","msg":"also forgot to link these as well
https://archive.org/details/brave-saga-new-asteria-guide-book the guidebook for the GBC Brave Saga game that has that funky lil dude that transforms from a VW New Beetle
https://archive.org/details/brave-exkaiser-mini-kodansha-encyclopedia A Exkaiser Minibook Enclycopedia that goes up to when Dragon Kaiser began to enter the fray
https://archive.org/details/brave-command-dagwon-vol.-8-of-childrens-book A scan of a childrens book of Dagwon when that was in the 30s/40s and has Super Fire Dagwon being shown off but Power Dagwon mainly
https://archive.org/details/a-woman-not-suitable-for-a-teacher-brave-of-gold-goldran-doujin-nsfw and this one is NSFW but its a doujin that was done when Goldran was airing of that one teacher that appeared for an ep and ending up fighting dudes in a royal palace, I don't think there's any documentation of this before?","attachment":null,"posted":1713730038},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22593106,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22592865
Youtube link.","attachment":null,"posted":1713734260},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22593686,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://bandaicandy.hateblo.jp/entry/20240422_smp3
Golden Final GaoGaiGar.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713763590982699.jpg","filename":"20240417231339.jpg"},"posted":1713763590},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22593934,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593686
At least they should have added a gold version of the Hobby Japan magazine exclusive Galeoria Road parts. Makes the whole set completely worth it when all the blocs from Gadget Gao have their active forms out.","attachment":null,"posted":1713786906},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22594090,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"anybody have a webm of kind j-der just turning his head and looking menacingly during his debut?","attachment":null,"posted":1713798474},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22594202,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594090","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713803918089974.webm","filename":"King J-Der head turn.webm"},"posted":1713803918},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22594267,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22593686
Till humanity has advanced to such a point that we can communicate without words, I am unable to adequately convey how much I hate that thing.","attachment":null,"posted":1713807642},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22594276,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594267
Goldion Crusher honestly should've stayed as the end-all-be-all Goldion weapon.","attachment":null,"posted":1713808072},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22594320,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594202
thanks a ton","attachment":null,"posted":1713810064},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22594477,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594267
as a newtype i completely understand how much you hate that thing","attachment":null,"posted":1713815826},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22594511,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594267
I think it's really cool and satisfyingly well-designed.","attachment":null,"posted":1713817457},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22594916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594320
You're welco/m/e.","attachment":null,"posted":1713840900},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22595101,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713851863382668.jpg","filename":"SMP Gold Final GaoGaiGar.jpg"},"posted":1713851863},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22595697,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/evolutiontoy/status/1782605815926403117
They really loved that mold a lot.","attachment":null,"posted":1714010872},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22598858,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/gsc_mechasmile/status/1783405588636168652","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714060012319777.jpg","filename":"The Gattai Mightkaiser.jpg"},"posted":1714060012},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599087,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/IronsagaEN/status/1783474392351359226","attachment":null,"posted":1714071746},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599118,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I wonder where this trailer goes after Layzer combines with Layhawk. I assume it's the Galdeliber, but the shape doesn't quite match up.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714073040471813.jpg","filename":"108 - Copy.jpg"},"posted":1714073040},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599171,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599118
Oh wow, yeah it looks like the trailer separates from it. You can see it on the bottom, while Layhawk looks like it just pops off the top. It's kind of like a launch pad then?","attachment":null,"posted":1714074783},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599341,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599171
Apparently it's a combined mode that serves as headquarters of some sort, but apparently it doesn't get used at all after Rayhawk combines with Layzer. Unless it's the Galdeliber, but the shape doesn't quite match.
Also, have some Emperios.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714081475608627.jpg","filename":"114.jpg"},"posted":1714081475},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599362,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599341
>Apparently it's a combined mode that serves as headquarters of some sort, but apparently it doesn't get used at all after Rayhawk combines with Layzer. Unless it's the Galdeliber, but the shape doesn't quite match.
Huh, that's neat. But no, it does look like the trailer is just its own thing that acts as a base for Rayhawk to attach to. In the schematics you can also see the transformation guide for the condensed mode Rayhawk has when detached from the trailer when turning into the jet. The trailer has parts that move into different positions when combined with Hawk, but standalone it's just a trailer base.
>Also, have some Emperios.
Very cool! I finally got to unpack the other files and there's such good stuff. I keep forgetting that the DaiRazer vehicles are all gigantic in comparison, but the lineart for their individual combinations with Layzelber really showcases that.
Shame these weren't in the book, they're ripped from the game, right?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714082020905317.png","filename":".quantumleap.png"},"posted":1714082020},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599392,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599362
>Shame these weren't in the book, they're ripped from the game, right?
The scans I posted are from >>22592872","attachment":null,"posted":1714083235},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599398,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599392
Yeah I got those. I was talking about the 2D render collage I posted there, doesn't seem like any of those made it in, though the lineart did.","attachment":null,"posted":1714083535},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599412,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599398
Oh, my bad. IIRC those are indeed rips from the game.
Also, it's interesting that they were considering the option of combining all 5 robots into one single mecha. Too bad it didn't make it through.","attachment":null,"posted":1714084044},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599415,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599412
And of course, I forgot the image...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714084105814637.jpg","filename":"113.jpg"},"posted":1714084105},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599427,"name":"anon","msg":"Had known for a good while over the last 4 years that Layzelber stuff would be mainly behind books and etc but entire details such as the transformation and some proto sketches really paint it home how the dude was SoL upon the game releasing, I feel bad for him to where its a miracle he even got a illustration in the Brave 30th calendar release","attachment":null,"posted":1714084969},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599482,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599415
Makes it look like a Sentai mecha instead of a Brave mecha... The most robots required on a Great Brave is 3, unfortunately.","attachment":null,"posted":1714087165},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599488,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599482
Was it designed by a PLEX artist, by any chance?","attachment":null,"posted":1714087419},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599499,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599412
Oh I think I remember seeing this before... it is interesting to see the early concept sketches like these when they're obviously brainstorming the first concepts. So DaiLayzelber was considered to have two forms to it at one point? A with the 3 vehicles alone, and B with Rayhawk? I can see why that was abandoned, since Dai seems like it was scaled up a lot from the initial sketches.
Also, is that the trailer with a canon mode on the bottom pic? Doesn't seem like that made it either. The bottom also shows all of them combining individually with Layzer standalone too. So it seems like that was considered when the vehicles were also smaller and sized to Layzer.","attachment":null,"posted":1714087736},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599510,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599482
There's a missunderstanding here. It's 1 robot, Layzer, with multiple vehicles.
Layzer + Hawk makes Layzelber
The 3 Dai vehicles all have their own combinations with Layzelber as add-ons (outlined in the top and middle chart) >>22599415
It was also considered for them to combine with Layzer alone for individual combinations as more support weapons (outlined in the bottom chart)
Layzer and the Dai vehicles all combined create Dailayzelber. It was then considered that they could combine with Layhawk as well, meaning it would just be four vehicles + Layzer.
Oh, corection: my bad, that's an early version of the tank, not the trailer.","attachment":null,"posted":1714088217},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599560,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599510
Also, it's funny that apparently the early name for Layzelber was Layzard (also Dai Layzer being named Layzer ∞).","attachment":null,"posted":1714090985},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599565,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599560
*Layzard ∞
Silly me","attachment":null,"posted":1714091139},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599568,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599560
Just needed an "n" to make it Layzner","attachment":null,"posted":1714091230},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599602,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599341
So, regular Emperios doesn't have a vehicle mode at all?","attachment":null,"posted":1714092728},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22599883,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/wotakufighter/status/1783680402147946909
Wotafa with The Gattai Might Kaiser.","attachment":null,"posted":1714102313},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22600731,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563635
Hinoki's Hinokis shrunk.","attachment":null,"posted":1714146669},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22600916,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Scale comparison between The Gattai and SMP's Great Might Gaines.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714152809888269.jpg","filename":"The Gattai and SMP Great Might Gaine.jpg"},"posted":1714152809},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22600958,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600916
Really is amazing how they were able to accomplish the transformation proportions.","attachment":null,"posted":1714154481},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22601224,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600731
You're right sorry, let me fix that","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714167921220769.jpg","filename":"Hinoki stacked.jpg"},"posted":1714167921},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22601317,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600916
Gattai has tiny hands.","attachment":null,"posted":1714172402},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22601681,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/FlyingDogInc/status/1783692979548340630
"For those who purchase both BD-BOX I & II
We will give them away by lottery!
Cels(with backgrounds)"","attachment":null,"posted":1714189403},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22601891,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601791
The Gattai Might Kaiser video.","attachment":null,"posted":1714233416},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22603097,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/sebastianus287/status/1781147356022587537","attachment":null,"posted":1714254563},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22603660,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601224
The fuk is going on with those abs?","attachment":null,"posted":1714273603},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22603663,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601681
Im surprised anybody would give anything away with the purchase of box set these days.
Thought companies didnt care anymore.
The Gattai Great Might Gaine video.","attachment":null,"posted":1714311969},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22604589,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://hjweb.jp/article/1465563/","attachment":null,"posted":1714326342},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22605077,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/seepon/status/1784516565465272480","attachment":null,"posted":1714342764},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22606573,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563635
Higher resolution.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714424079471340.jpg","filename":"img0002.jpg"},"posted":1714424079},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22606732,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606573
Most excellent, thank you","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714429796961028.jpg","filename":"1646620552340.jpg"},"posted":1714429796},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22607161,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/o5kjH8uG8NGe2xK/status/1785065762190733317","attachment":null,"posted":1714450678},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22607808,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606732
Thank you!
I liked her better without glasses.","attachment":null,"posted":1714540001},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22609077,"name":"MechaStellarDev","msg":"For the Tabletop Braves out there we added Fighbird, Draias, Da Garn, Seven Changer and Red Geist to the MechaStellar roster.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714558232332063.jpg","filename":"Exkaiser Figh Bird Da Garn.jpg"},"posted":1714558232},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22609124,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Watching Might Gaine and towards the end all of the sudden Maito is in high school? Is there any explanation for this or should we assume that he has been in school the whole series and it was just not shown?","attachment":null,"posted":1714563294},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22610047,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609077
Looking great so far.","attachment":null,"posted":1714613911},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22610090,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22608666
Can't really argue against that.
Literally made for protecting in situations way above your heads, but also light bullying
It does say a lot about a protag when they're outright terrified like a snivelling child, yet does their absolute best to protect others and get them all out of danger. Keita is an alright guy.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714619973002259.png","filename":"1649130160790.png"},"posted":1714619973},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22610806,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22559028
Sworgrader's fifth chapter is coming soon","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714664541397856.jpg","filename":"Sworgrader Chapter 5 preview.jpg"},"posted":1714664541},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22610861,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://firecross.jp/ebook/series/514
Sworgrader's new chapter will be released in May 6 more specifically.","attachment":null,"posted":1714669302},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22610879,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610227","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714670580521084.webm","filename":"1637226253357.webm"},"posted":1714670580},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22611118,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/gsc_mechasmile/status/1785975020780429665
The Gattai's Survey Result.","attachment":null,"posted":1714682122},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22611320,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611118
Where is Gaogaigar?","attachment":null,"posted":1714694561},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22611338,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611118
>GBG at #5
It's alphabetical order for 2-10 and 11-20 lists. For the MODEROID list, it's 2-10 and 11-30. But let's hope GBG is real high.","attachment":null,"posted":1714701968},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22611518,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118367202","attachment":null,"posted":1714702927},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22611620,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://sunrise-world.net/titles/birthday_05.php#birthday0503","attachment":null,"posted":1714708370},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22611982,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610879
I remember this was a very sweet episode. There's only a few instances where I find a character so pretty yet also cheer on her and her love interest to be together.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714744197732001.jpg","filename":"1646507402148.jpg"},"posted":1714744197},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22614198,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://sunrise-world.net/titles/birthday_05.php#birthday0505","attachment":null,"posted":1714878194},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22614240,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://x.com/G1_BARI/status/1786591204555264351","attachment":null,"posted":1714881665},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22614257,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://x.com/G1_BARI/status/1786749240909390026","attachment":null,"posted":1714883524},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22615850,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/SWORGRADER/status/1787323905813966848
Baan Gaan is getting a novel.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714966462523039.jpg","filename":"Baan Gaan Novel.jpg"},"posted":1714966462},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22615851,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/SWORGRADER/status/1787317109812498652
Sworgrader's fifth chapter is out now.","attachment":null,"posted":1714966575},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22615892,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615850
Please please please let this be translated . . .
Hopefully since this is a "web novel" it will all be released for free online and it can be MTL'd if nobody picks it up. Better yet, Bandai officially releases it in English like with the Digimon Dreamers manga and that SD Gundam manga.","attachment":null,"posted":1714969204},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22615965,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615850
Really hope they also cover the Brave Saga 2 arc, because since nobody could bother translating or patching the Brave Saga games, we can't easily get clarity on the relationship between Manami and Shizuma (Varion/Victorion's pilot).","attachment":null,"posted":1714972549},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22616254,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Might Gaine BD/complete subs yet?","attachment":null,"posted":1715000684},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22616685,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615850
2024 really is the year of Baan Gaan! It's so good to see after all these years.","attachment":null,"posted":1715026476},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22616892,"name":"MechaStellarDev","msg":">>22610047
Still working on it, sorry for the wait!
Folder updated with subs for eps 10 and 11, and timings redone on the other eps for the EDs since the Bluray timings are slightly different: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1uwfGOdvkaa352DC4VfQzWGUzPzr2PMji
If anyone wants to go ahead and start watching the BDs now since it's taking me a bit, there's these for the episodes I haven't touched yet: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/11ol1WWCCQ2-RQBWromFHqujha7YSZdzS
LET'S MIGHT GAINE!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715057801506398.jpg","filename":"mpv-shot0103.jpg"},"posted":1715057801},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22617171,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616997
The Golden Week of Goldran.","attachment":null,"posted":1715058177},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22617393,"name":"MechaStellarDev","msg":"Did anyone pick up The Gattai Da Garn X? Has GSC hinted at doing more? Because I'd love to see some modern figures for Exkaiser or Fighbird","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715075700120764.jpg","filename":"Gattai Da Garn X.jpg"},"posted":1715075700},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22617412,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617393
Too slow, anon. We got Ga-Orn already, Seven Changer is coming close to the end of the year, and we are given word about Sky Saber (and after the THE GATTAI polls, Hawk Saber) and Land Bison, which are now in prototype stage.","attachment":null,"posted":1715079063},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22617872,"name":"MechaStellarDev","msg":">>22617412
Yeah I was planning on picking up Seven Changer provided the build quality on the the GSC Da Garn is good. Do you have one?
>Land Bison
Oh that would be great.","attachment":null,"posted":1715107794},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618288,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/tspark_official/status/1788007156014542940
Not again... More toymaker wars... Stop making Exkaisers already!","attachment":null,"posted":1715131950},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618309,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Also...
Does this girl look familiar to you? The orange hair made me think she's from an H-series. Please, no...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715132491805138.jpg","filename":"20240508_093814.jpg"},"posted":1715132491},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618422,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618288
Base mode (?)","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715134470276223.png","filename":"1237585950541090876.png"},"posted":1715134470},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618490,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqdYImAxQxE
Youtube link of the PV.","attachment":null,"posted":1715136190},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618504,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/hj_shohin/status/1788003380993855632
New Amakuni GGG stuff","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715136459490843.jpg","filename":"GM-fn4TacAEOtzt.jpg"},"posted":1715136459},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618529,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618504
All five Gao Machines with Genesic Galeon... Can they combine this time now that they are in the SUPER AMAKUNI KIZIN line?","attachment":null,"posted":1715136994},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618543,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618529
Amakuni has made like three Genesic GaoGaiGar figures now. Goldion Crusher when, Amakuni?","attachment":null,"posted":1715137119},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618573,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/tsparkofficial/toyrise/01_exkaiser/","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715137987061497.png","filename":"YEX_02.png"},"posted":1715137987},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618576,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Wtf?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715138008177610.jpg","filename":"GNBXq-IacAElMjE.jpg"},"posted":1715138008},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618609,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618576
A Missing Link for the old Exkaiser toy. Yep, sticking to the SOC then.","attachment":null,"posted":1715138908},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618658,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618609
>This is a product that incorporates Takara Tomy's rich experience and knowledge. Its functions are more than just new gimmicks; they provide creative play that stimulates the user's imagination. Each item exhibits its own unique charm with a sense of free scale. Furthermore, common standard joints are used and customization is possible.
The standard joints and customization thing makes it sound more like a Transformers' mainline or Diaclone Reboot style redo of it","attachment":null,"posted":1715140345},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618672,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Toyrise Genesic.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715140991918718.jpg","filename":"Toyrise Genesic.jpg"},"posted":1715140991},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618754,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Really funny how Takara and Sentinel Amakuni are both making Genesic combining toys.","attachment":null,"posted":1715142797},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22618770,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715143122330936.jpg","filename":"GNBmnBlbAAAawcI.jpg"},"posted":1715143122},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22619280,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618573
Is T-Spark like, their spin on Tamashii Natioms?","attachment":null,"posted":1715167232},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22619285,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619280
Yeah, pretty much their Bandai Spirits/Tamashii Nations. T-spark seems to be more open to external collabs though
>Sunrise licenses
>Is Yoji Shinkawa under Konami or Kojima's company??
>Flame Toys
Shinkawa's with Kojima nowadays, non-zero chance we'll end up with Death Stranding micromen too.","attachment":null,"posted":1715171088},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22619809,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Kotobukiya MAHA SUPERION (Mach Sperion)","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715187535680668.jpg","filename":"20240508_095354.jpg"},"posted":1715187535},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22619810,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Also this was posted. Not sure if it's refering to VARS support animals, or something entirely new??? Maybe something planned for the novelization?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715187606542067.jpg","filename":"20240508_095006.jpg"},"posted":1715187606},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22620437,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618672
So if this is designed to be the same size as the older toys Takara did but for FINAL, does that mean a certain symmetrical docking pair will happen as well?","attachment":null,"posted":1715211997},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22620549,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22619810
Most likely the Animal Attahments, but I have a feeling they could tweak the Brave Saga 2 arc a bit to add something new. Who knows? I sometimes think Victorion would stand pretty well together with Baan Gaan and Mach Sperion anyway, since Brave Saga 2 is still absorbed within the Baan Gaan story. Just wish the detective permanently ditches the worm costume from the start, since it won't sit well with anyone who grew up playing the games, let alone anyone with first exposure to this story.","attachment":null,"posted":1715215922},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22621957,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m5WOgWfIWs
SMP Golden Final GaoGaiGar.","attachment":null,"posted":1715274601},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22622225,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/steeleyelinda/status/1788557252129112073","attachment":null,"posted":1715283979},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22623121,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Soul of Chogokin display of pic related.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715318232762565.jpg","filename":"Brave SoC.jpg"},"posted":1715318232},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22623135,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623121
List as follows:
>Gekiryujin (possibly P-Bandai)
>Big Volfogg (just Volfogg's car mode for now)
>King Exkaiser brush-up","attachment":null,"posted":1715319130},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22623759,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EE8heq8WJM
The CHOGOKIN 50th Anniversary Exhibition video.","attachment":null,"posted":1715357919},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22623925,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/steelbreak/status/1788960271224258780","attachment":null,"posted":1715362742},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22624855,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715410260999611.jpg","filename":"GGGirls.jpg"},"posted":1715410260},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22625336,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"SEX","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715443334553180.jpg","filename":"DSCF0750.jpg"},"posted":1715443334},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22627143,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Happy /m/other's day, Braves.","attachment":null,"posted":1715520013},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22628416,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715579321983581.jpg","filename":"The Gattai 3rd Anniversary.jpg"},"posted":1715579321},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22628494,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://sunrise-world.net/feature/feature.php?id=9485
Sunrise making a J-Decker episode popularity poll.","attachment":null,"posted":1715586076},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22629037,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pjjaiQCnAQ","attachment":null,"posted":1715620704},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22630460,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/osoneteru/status/1790191531691061365
The GGG maintenance scene.","attachment":null,"posted":1715704519},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22630466,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630460
This is so cool. The toy they made for this is even cooler.","attachment":null,"posted":1715704873},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22631022,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is Grand Glorious Gathering worth watching? I saw Final more than 10 years ago.","attachment":null,"posted":1715732095},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22631042,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631022
Maybe if you have seen Betterman or bothered by the infamous lesbian rape poor Renais got.","attachment":null,"posted":1715732702},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22631048,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631022
Yeah, it's worth watching because it expands on the lore of GaoGaiGar.","attachment":null,"posted":1715732858},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22631076,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631042
I have seen Betterman and am a little curious as to what exactly Lamia does in the OVA.
I hope it is meaningful additions and not filler for the sake of the additional episodes. I'm working my way through the Brave Saga so once I'm done with GaoGaiGar TV, I guess I'll give Grand Glorious Gathering a try.","attachment":null,"posted":1715733849},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22632595,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.kotobukiya.co.jp/en/product/detail/p4934054027019/
Many are excited for her, only to get a Taimanin...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715830412344595.jpg","filename":"4934054027019_1.jpg"},"posted":1715830412},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22632856,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The rest of the pictures.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715848959642808.jpg","filename":"Cross Girl GaoFighGar.jpg"},"posted":1715848959},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22632878,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22632856
The second to last pic was supposedly named something else in a comic for the SOC GaoFighGar. Forgot what it's called.","attachment":null,"posted":1715852269},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22633142,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22632878
MT says it's the Supersonic Flight mode.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715874471081391.png","filename":"20230208_image06_0dfD3i9e.png"},"posted":1715874471},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22633206,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633142
Can Renais have kids still?","attachment":null,"posted":1715877761},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22633208,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633206
Only one way to find out","attachment":null,"posted":1715877798},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634012,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Just finished uploading Sworgrader chapter 5 in both English and Spanish to Mangadex, if someone wants to dump it.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715916145513883.jpg","filename":"69fdafe3-2cc3-414d-bdd1-17e67b30.jpg"},"posted":1715916145},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634013,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634012
I was gonna collage the pages together if you don't mind","attachment":null,"posted":1715916231},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634017,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634013
Sure, go ahead
Also I just realized I derp'd and forgot to add the link...
Commencing the storytime then. Previous chapter.
https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/22454197/#q22550247","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715916505296397.jpg","filename":"3-1.jpg"},"posted":1715916505},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634027,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715916711994293.jpg","filename":"6-4.jpg"},"posted":1715916711},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634036,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715916994036059.jpg","filename":"9-7.jpg"},"posted":1715916994},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634045,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715917272642413.jpg","filename":"12-10.jpg"},"posted":1715917272},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634048,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715917394473005.jpg","filename":"15-13.jpg"},"posted":1715917394},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634052,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715917683118751.jpg","filename":"18-16.jpg"},"posted":1715917683},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634059,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Chapter done.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715917890857769.jpg","filename":"21-19.jpg"},"posted":1715917890},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22634061,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634045
Huh, just noticed a small typo in page 10. I'll upload the fixed version to Mangadex ASAP.","attachment":null,"posted":1715918061},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22635555,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634059
>Great Baan Gaan falling down the votrex while displaying the VARS logo","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715997390876369.jpg","filename":"Okazaki-Tomoya-from-Clannad-Afte.jpg"},"posted":1715997390},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22636615,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716060606304615.jpg","filename":"GNzvAZmbQAA5mOK.jpg"},"posted":1716060606},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22636771,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Request thread for the Baan Gaan novel! https://x.com/Hayabaan/status/1791800803193450577","attachment":null,"posted":1716071194},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22636869,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636771
I typically make new threads once they dip too hard to page 10. It's not like anyone would check out on a dedicated Baan Gaan thread, anyway, so it can be contained here. I got lots of updates over the past few months, so expect a new thread by tomorrow.","attachment":null,"posted":1716075516},{"board":"m","thread":22558419,"pid":22638850,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22636869
Here goes, new thread: >>22638846","attachment":null,"posted":1716162930}]}
{"title":null,"posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566190,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"WHAAAAAAT?! Hayato, my old comrade in arms, what brings you here? You want to tell me how much you ENJOY FUCKING FRAW BOW?! And you want me to TEST THE NEW BETA GUNDAM?! I won't even get to fly it, instead my OXYGEN-DEFICIENT FATHER will create a special device that will increase its performance BASED ON HOW MANY TIMES I PASSIVELY WATCH YOU RAIL FRAW?! You will install hundreds of screen in my house that I WILL NEVER LEAVE that will show nothing but YOUR MEGA-BEAM CANNON destroying Fraw's DELICATE HULL MILLIONS OF TIMES ON REPEAT?! You and her will repopulate entire colonies and your children will grow DESPISING me for turning from a WAR HERO INTO A PATHETIC KEK to the point the entire human race will call me the FIRST EVER KEKTYPE?! What's that? CHAR AZNABLE WILL COME HERE TO LAUGH AT ME?! He will also describe in EXCRUCIATING DETAIL hundreds of his sexual experiences with Lalah before I VAPORIZED HER and we will communicate with her psyche scattered throughout the cosmos so she can tell me HOW DISGUSTED SHE IS BY ME?! All while footage of YOU UNLEASHING YOUR WILDEST SEXUAL FANTASIES upon Fraw's TENDER BODY plays in the background and I can't avoid looking at it?! What can I say? LET'S DO THIS HAYATO! AMURO! IKIMASU!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712381673494689.jpg","filename":"537full-amuro-ray.jpg"},"posted":1712381673},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566198,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712382075012860.gif","filename":"gorku.gif"},"posted":1712382075},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566208,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
k, b, c","attachment":null,"posted":1712382732},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566282,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
Meanwhile, in canon.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712386886755130.png","filename":"1572799717350.png"},"posted":1712386886},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566300,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Bejitabro...","attachment":null,"posted":1712388533},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566332,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566282
>in canon
>posts non canon","attachment":null,"posted":1712391140},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566340,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
That's my fucking hero right there","attachment":null,"posted":1712392099},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566355,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
Is this scene why Zeta was so divisive?","attachment":null,"posted":1712404063},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566482,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566282
fuck off yas","attachment":null,"posted":1712404323},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566565,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"These screeds are why I still read 4chan. Thanks for the KEKs
Anime adaptation of this when?","attachment":null,"posted":1712413607},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566636,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"YABBA","attachment":null,"posted":1712415544},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566706,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"How do you think Fraw reacted when she found out Hayato and Katz died?","attachment":null,"posted":1712418940},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566738,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566706
Cursed Amuro and his craving for war.
Then rejoiced in 0093","attachment":null,"posted":1712419845},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22566775,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">falls down stairs
>never seen again
did he died?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712422055849249.jpg","filename":"202261578_4479332628778780_704423256929012904_n.jpg"},"posted":1712422055},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22567026,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566706
She correctly blamed the cucktype obviously","attachment":null,"posted":1712435213},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22567030,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
Kill yourself.","attachment":null,"posted":1712435365},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22567233,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566282
>Meanwhile, in [Yas's headcanon]","attachment":null,"posted":1712444546},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22567321,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566482
Doesnt need to be canon, Fraw kept thirsting for amuro in Zeta","attachment":null,"posted":1712447330},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22567538,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566775
I mean there already was a character that slipped and died in a retarded fashion so I can see it happening with Amuro's dad","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712451117604279.jpg","filename":"Mobile-Suit-Gundam-Icelina-Love-Remains-1024x700.jpg"},"posted":1712451117},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22567566,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
You put a lot of effort into a joke that's not funny","attachment":null,"posted":1712451726},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22567571,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567538
She's not the only one.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712451845174828.webm","filename":"Katz's greatest moment.webm"},"posted":1712451845},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22567588,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566775
In The Origin he died after that fall. I know, I know, not canon but still.","attachment":null,"posted":1712452145},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22568866,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567571
Nah, I don't know how much effort he put in but it's funny.
Not his fault Amuro was on house arrest for SEVEN (7) years.","attachment":null,"posted":1712619877},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22571309,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
Amuro wouldn't talk that much.","attachment":null,"posted":1712620428},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22571646,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
Hayato wrote this before going to dublin knowing Fraw was gunna keep watering over amuro after the colony drop","attachment":null,"posted":1712641438},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22571684,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
Canonically the military keep sending women to Amuro's home once or twice a week so he got around more than your average fuckboi these days during his Zeta era.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712643615299025.jpg","filename":"DkwEh6HXoAANdc2.jpg"},"posted":1712643615},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22571689,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
how the fuck is this thread still up?","attachment":null,"posted":1712644339},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22571925,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Canonically, Hayato was a shit husband and a shit father. He drowned himself in working for Karaba, he did nothing to prevent Katz from becoming a pilot, instead of crushing that nonsense he let the hero worship fester. He purposefully sacrificed his life in ZZ out of shame for his being a shit father/husband. He forever chased after the shadow and tried to "Outdo" someone who never once saw him as a rival nor did he ever see it as a competition. People say Yaz made Hayato pathetic in that one shot. No, Hayato was pathetic and Yaz showed a variant of that pathetic nature.","attachment":null,"posted":1712660299},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572022,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571689
Mods are purposely allowing the site to go to shit.","attachment":null,"posted":1712665391},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572033,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571684
How many bastard Newtype children are living with single mothers on Earth right now thanks to Amuro pumping and dumping random prostitutes on the military dime? Give me a rough estimate.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712665885168643.jpg","filename":"maxresdefault (2).jpg"},"posted":1712665885},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572066,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572033
Banagher and every UC protagonist onwards who were newtypes are actually amuros kids (probably)","attachment":null,"posted":1712667982},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572129,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572033
An even dozen. It was The Federation's answer to the Puru program, but instead of cloning Amruo they would create a super Newtype army via him knocking up random sex workers over the course of seven years.
Most of them were Indian women btw.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712670606332068.jpg","filename":"1699534375023240.jpg"},"posted":1712670606},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572185,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572129
Superpower by U.C. 100","attachment":null,"posted":1712673670},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572202,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22571689
This is the best thread on /m/ tho","attachment":null,"posted":1712674856},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572220,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://e-hentai.org/s/c629c5a0ef/906899-5","attachment":null,"posted":1712675823},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572129
Char knew this Newtype breeding program was happening, and thus attempted to drop Axis onto the earth before his own sister would fall victim to the Federations nefarious plans to get Amuro some puss. Casval Rem Diekun is a hero.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712679071258537.jpg","filename":"Efu0QiqXkAUU_QO.jpg"},"posted":1712679071},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22572889,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572220
You have my gratitude, Liutenant Coomer.
Are there any for the sequel series?","attachment":null,"posted":1712705853},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22573003,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572889
I don't think so. He did a longer 0079 one but I think that was it.","attachment":null,"posted":1712709378},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22573019,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572270
Boy, I got news for you.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712709930080470.jpg","filename":"TIME=PURE.jpg"},"posted":1712709930},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22573165,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
I love it when Emma Sheen gets double penetrated in AEUG orgy.","attachment":null,"posted":1712714942},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22573172,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
How the fuck is this /dbs/ shitpost thread still up?","attachment":null,"posted":1712715248},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22573228,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
it's about a mecha anime isn't it.","attachment":null,"posted":1712756717},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22573847,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567571
Tomino really had it in for Katz.","attachment":null,"posted":1712757140},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22574392,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573847
I dislike him for the filler scenes and screeching as a child in 0079, but in Zeta he saves Kamille's skin at least 3 times, while once they fight in space he needs to rescued only once.","attachment":null,"posted":1712782929},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22575425,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"This makes me laugh every fucking time. Like he has to get on his knees and BEG Amuro not to be cucked.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712826843978648.png","filename":"1698072131836626.png"},"posted":1712826843},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22575907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Who is Sayla cucking Amuro with in the anime storyline?
There's plenty of horny medical students at the very least","attachment":null,"posted":1712859337},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22577788,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Really our KEKTYPE was lusting for pic related all along","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712960097933027.jpg","filename":"1708068937828941_1.jpg"},"posted":1712960097},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22577806,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22575425
Why does Yas hate him so much?","attachment":null,"posted":1712960515},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22577830,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22577788
Dios mio muy ovarios.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712961645852969.jpg","filename":"tumblr_524e6b8108dbad78c5bdeee8e3eac535_cf2e8b1d_1280.jpg"},"posted":1712961645},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22578602,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567571
This one?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713011296905476.jpg","filename":"1703328561299597.jpg"},"posted":1713011296},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22581605,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22574392
He was way worse in Zeta. Not only did he allow Sarah to escape, but he sortied multiple times without permission and generally had to be babysat more than during 0079 ironically enough","attachment":null,"posted":1713137709},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22583128,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
He fucking said this.","attachment":null,"posted":1713223287},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22583909,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22575907
Full house digits btw
Every timeline in which Amuro gets with a woman, he gets a bad ending:
>gets it on with Sayla in the novel
DEAD at A Baoa Qu
>goldigger Beltorchicka locks him down with a baby (BC novel)
DEAD at Axis
>Amuro survives Beltorchicka and gets with his mechanic Chan
DEAD at Axis
Hence he should've really gotten together with Char","attachment":null,"posted":1713275750},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22586779,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583909
There's no guarantee our cucktype friend would've lived a longer life as Char's wife (male).
He might have taken a hit for him akin to Lalah.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713415734454453.png","filename":"1711315294986733.png"},"posted":1713415734},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22586903,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566595
To be announced for the 50th anniversary celebration!","attachment":null,"posted":1713421730},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22586966,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572129
>Most of them were Indian women btw.
Amuro...is not char","attachment":null,"posted":1713427766},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22587235,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Why aren't we talking about Char, The Man Who Was Cucked To Death™?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713447946695575.jpg","filename":"1672905487407782.jpg"},"posted":1713447946},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22587243,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587235
Nobody cucked him but himself. Quattro should've just announced he was gay to the whole crew and started feeling up Kamille.","attachment":null,"posted":1713448336},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22587246,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587243
And then Haman would have killed herself and that would have taken care of Neo Zeon.
What a dumb piece of shit.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713448501319094.jpg","filename":"8af0bdee-47a2-44a5-9142-33a1fab9971a.jpg"},"posted":1713448501},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22587948,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Doesn't Fraw IMMEDIATELY wish she'd fucked Amuro instead of Hayato when she's trying to convince him to join the AEUG in Zeta?
Also, I can't really blame Amuro for not wanting anyone after Lalah. They were pretty much mind-melded in Beyond The Time and then he felt her die. Kinda harshes you boner.","attachment":null,"posted":1713472318},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22588271,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587948
Not really. She actually teases him about not being married or together with Sayla.
At least Hayato shows some degree of maturity, being a father and providing for his family.","attachment":null,"posted":1713485681},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22588848,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566282
damn. That's fucking brutal. Wouldn't even mind if this became canon. Really makes amuro even more of some unfortunate isolated PTSD savant.","attachment":null,"posted":1713505328},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22588866,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567571
The fact it just bounces off rather than exploding just makes it seem even more pathetic.","attachment":null,"posted":1713506757},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22588869,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22588866
He doesn't even go out in a blaze of glory like a man. He's such a lame kid.","attachment":null,"posted":1713507018},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22589104,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Hayato dies off screen
Can't even give a decent send off to an OG White Base crew member? Fuck you ZZ.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713527625899926.jpg","filename":"1682472607284048.jpg"},"posted":1713527625},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22591932,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587243
That way he would have saved Kamille, himself, and put UC on the good timeline","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713672429515346.jpg","filename":"94464047_p54.jpg"},"posted":1713672429},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22593135,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589104
I don't think a single OG crew member was treated decently in ZZ","attachment":null,"posted":1713735466},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22593858,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22589104
It wasn't you see his Dodai Kai explode onscreen","attachment":null,"posted":1713777063},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22593908,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I've seen MSG and Z Gundam, I didn't pick up any signs Fraw was still into Amuro and just using Hayato.","attachment":null,"posted":1713783790},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22594079,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572033
Even the Federation is smart enough to equip its women with a ballute system. By UC100 they all had a beam diaphragm.","attachment":null,"posted":1713798140},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22594088,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Did you know that according to CDA Char Aznable just loves to raw dog? Pic completely unrelated. This is not the person he came inside uncontrollably.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713798411427110.jpg","filename":"Fq8mcYxaYAE9JHP.jpg"},"posted":1713798411},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22594166,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594088
The fact that Char did not bang this clears him of all the lolicon allegations imo","attachment":null,"posted":1713802052},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22594777,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22572270
Char was mad that Amuro didn't marry his sister so he dropped Axis on Earth","attachment":null,"posted":1713831927},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22594784,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594777
Char is one of those people who would like Sayla's kids with Amuro more than his own children.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713832555042559.jpg","filename":"tumblr_50ee5e67aa71146a20b13d559a32b148_47b55286_640.jpg"},"posted":1713832555},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22594787,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594784
that's extremely sensible, his sister is better than him in every way and is there anybody he could possibly fuck who's cooler than Amuro","attachment":null,"posted":1713832655},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22594836,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566775
I kinda like the idea that Amuro just puts him in a fancy Mental Health Center and he visits him every few months and his dad keeps giving him more random crap to ad to the Gundam. Like he's gotten a 'little' better but he's fuckin obsessed with the Gundam still.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713835949645454.png","filename":"83646428_p1.png"},"posted":1713835949},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22594841,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594784
Char is one of those people that would put a car seat in a gold Lamborghini.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713836380560337.jpg","filename":"lambos-gold-2.jpg"},"posted":1713836380},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22597024,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594841
>Char is one of those people that would put a car seat
>in a car
As opposed to what?","attachment":null,"posted":1713962648},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22597518,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594841
Some car maker should sell a Hyaku Shining custom version of their muscle car.
Not actual gold coated though, otherwise only sheiks and CCP assholes could afford it","attachment":null,"posted":1713994111},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22597600,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597518
just do a titanium nitride coating on a cybertruck","attachment":null,"posted":1713997826},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22598493,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22587243
Kamille wouldn't, because he didn't respect Char because Char didn't respect himself.
And Char didn't press on because he knew Kamille was better than him.
Judau is meant for (fully rehabilitated) Kamille","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714041407719604.jpg","filename":"57529034_p0.jpg"},"posted":1714041407},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22598833,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594088
I've never read CDA, what even happens between him and Haman?","attachment":null,"posted":1714058144},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22598871,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594836
Crap? No anon theyre highly advanced upgrades that could be used in the destroyed gundam","attachment":null,"posted":1714060875},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22599389,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598833
CDA takes place at Axis asteroid and covers 0080 to 0087. Most of Axis follows two main factions/beliefs. Char and friends just want to live normally for now and maybe find a way to coexist with the Feds in the long term. The second group consists of all of the bad guys, they want to restart the war with the Feds.
Anyway, Char's group kinda suspects that the bad guys are up to no good, but they never make it a priority to investigate. It's goddamned infuriating. They just assign 3 people to look into it, and then Char and friends sorta just go with the flow and have random adventures and soap opera level drama for like 13 volumes of manga. Unsurprisingly the investigation fails and the warmongers' schemes are successful, they take political control of Axis and somehow manipulate Haman into unknowingly taking their side.
This entire time, Haman has a schoolgirl crush on Char, but never does anything from her end about it other than staring from afar. In the end, Haman becomes heartbroken after finding out that Char was in a relationship with a woman who was mutual friend of theirs, someone that Haman looked up to as an older sister figure... that woman as it turns out is also pregnant with Char's baby and previously was also blackmailed into working for the warmongers and was part of a scheme where the warmonger faction tried to seduce/rape Haman into joining their side. Said woman gets murdered shortly after the truth comes out. Haman becomes cold and distant, while Char is internally heartbroken at the loss of his girlfriend and potential child. The friction and tension between them leads to Char leaving Axis, under the supposed assignment of infiltrating the Earthsphere as an spy for Axis, but in reality he no longer has anything to live for at Axis so he's self-exiling himself, and going on a journey to bottle up his emotions and look for some thing new to do far away from Axis. From there he takes on the Quattro identity and starts up the AEUG.","attachment":null,"posted":1714083095},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22599465,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594836
>Amuro doesn't have the heart to tell him that his Gundam got blown up","attachment":null,"posted":1714086432},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22599614,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599389
Is there anything similar for 0088-0093?
For Char I mean, cause I heard Moon Gundam is set after ZZ and before CCA but he hasn't shown up","attachment":null,"posted":1714093245},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22599746,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599389
>lose your GF and baby
>go on a mission to the Earth to find yourself maybe
>meet Amuro, your greatest rival
>feel something for once in your life
>he tells you that he's going to sacrifice you to the gods of politics for absolutely no reason
>fuck off again and become space hitler","attachment":null,"posted":1714097560},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22600044,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599614
There's Zeta Define, which is a direct sequel to the Char's Deleted Affair manga. So far it is a retelling of the Zeta Gundam story with differences here and there, no idea if they'll go beyond that to cover the ~5 years between 0088 to 0093. If they do, it might take another 15 years to finish as the CDA manga ran from 2001 to 2009 and Zeta Define manga started in 2011 and is still ongoing as of this point in time.
There is an -unrelated- manga called MSV-R: Return of Johnny Ridden, set in UC0090. It doesn't focus on Char, but Char and his Neo Zeon faction show up 14 volumes into the story as another group chasing after the story's treasure that everyone wants. It's a little bit related to what you want because it includes two characters named Arlette and Danton in Char's group who are recent additions to the UC lore, introduced as loyal friends of Char. I guess someone at Sunrise realized that going by his actions, Char seems like a loner psychopath and needed friends who were normal. They sometimes use the characters to talk about Char from a different perspective. For example, they have this conversation to frame Char as less of a pedo (which is so commonly thought that it's even an joke within the franchise) and more of a person lacking motherly and womanly affection.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714108064446025.png","filename":"chapter 98 scene.png"},"posted":1714108064},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22601026,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600044
>Zeta Define
How far into Zeta it is already?
I kinda hope it will cover Double Zeta too.","attachment":null,"posted":1714157380},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22601035,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601026
They just got to the Dakar speech.","attachment":null,"posted":1714157612},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22601187,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601035
ON ON ON ON ON ZEON ON","attachment":null,"posted":1714166041},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22605638,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601035
Thanks for the heads up, I downloaded all volumes available","attachment":null,"posted":1714365170},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22610313,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is Tom Holland the right option to represent our cucktype on the silver screen?
We all know Bandai would push for a Japanese actor playing Amuro. I have no clue whom it could be nowadays though","attachment":null,"posted":1714970597},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22617353,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"gonna run this through an ai voice","attachment":null,"posted":1715071224},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22617457,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617353
please don't","attachment":null,"posted":1715084296},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22618747,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617353
Yes, ElevenLabs chad. Please do","attachment":null,"posted":1715142657},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22623003,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22617353
We're waiting with trepidation anon-kun","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715312301553341.jpg","filename":"1714156679507010m.jpg"},"posted":1715312301},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22623474,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623003
everybody looks better in Zeon uniform","attachment":null,"posted":1715348557},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22625514,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600044
Holy shit that’s even dumber than I thought. Based on Zeta I thought he was just leading her on or he wasn’t fully emotionally committed because of Lalah. Haman never took a shot and seethes about it for years. Way to turn a tragic character into a pathetic mess","attachment":null,"posted":1715450639},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22625561,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566190
Fun two-minute dopamine shot.
Kill yourself.","attachment":null,"posted":1715453055},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22629283,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623474
Whoever did the design for MS and uniforms nailed the design language. EFSF MS are blocky and the uniforms drab, Zeon's are sharp and spiked beyond the unsettling effect of the mono eye","attachment":null,"posted":1715633218},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22629324,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623003
Haman Kamille has been way too lewd in this manga.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715634644605884.jpg","filename":"images (2).jpg"},"posted":1715634644},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22630522,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"This is for Lalah you big fat hindu nasty smelling fat bitch with your trifflin dirty bindi Newtype ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming up there and I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call Amuro today cause I'm gonna come up there unexpected and wait on your motherfuckin ass bitch im coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715707249453591.jpg","filename":"1685846562585115.jpg"},"posted":1715707249},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22630733,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566282
OP BTFO","attachment":null,"posted":1715717743},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22630742,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594088
CDA is bad fanfiction","attachment":null,"posted":1715718281},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22630884,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566282
It's doubly hilarious because in the original CCA Hi-Streamer novel, Amuro is a womanizing Bond-type bad boy who fucked his subordinate/second-in-command Cunningham Shaw, sexually harassed the Quess equivalent, constantly flirting with women and having one-night flings. He also slept with Chan after meeting her for the first time when reuniting with Bright.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715725838881313.jpg","filename":"Amuro is the middle guy.jpg"},"posted":1715725838},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22630888,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630884
Let me correct that, he's not only sexually harassing not!Quess like "an old perverted father" (as described in the book) but actually slept with her after a drinking together. Motherfucker actually slept with a girl 10 years younger than him. He also groped female bridge bunnies and went picking up women at a bar.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715726091194864.jpg","filename":"F2E_sgjbMAYeQP9.jpg"},"posted":1715726091},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22630895,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630888
Meanwhile Char is out here being a good husband and soon to be father taking care of his pregnant wife.","attachment":null,"posted":1715726350},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22631234,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630884
My hero!","attachment":null,"posted":1715742705},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22631942,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630884
I know that in the novelizations Amuro was sent prostitutes during his years of house arrest to appease him but it be fucking possible that he became a womanizer in CCA. What the fuck is Hi-Streamer and who wrote this?","attachment":null,"posted":1715790184},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22631950,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631942
Mobile Suit Gundam High-Streamer was the novel Tomino wrote and used as a basis for Char's Counter Attack. The movie is an adaptation of mostly the 2nd half of High Streamer, although with various tweaks.
When it got approval to become an anime movie though, Tomino also came up with a new story outline he thought would work better as a movie, but it was rejected (this became the basis for Tomiino's later and different version of CCA novel, Beltorchika's Children).","attachment":null,"posted":1715790597},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22632011,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22631950
Thanks for the trivia, I thought CCA and Beltorchikas Children were based on a original propsal and not a previously existing novel.","attachment":null,"posted":1715793299},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22635400,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"No! I still have to have an AI Amuro read the script!","attachment":null,"posted":1715989404},{"board":"m","thread":22566190,"pid":22638390,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567571
Hes hamburger, sir!","attachment":null,"posted":1716143026}]}
{"title":"[EG] Mobile Suit Gundam SEED - Original Version AI Upscale","posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595067,"name":"RX782","msg":"https://nyaa.si/view/1801041
Second batch with 26-50 is out now. Full details about the upscale process are in the Nyaa posts, but basically, this is an upscale of the original SD version of SEED. It was done using a custom upscaling model trained specifically on the HD Remaster.
This version is based on the SD Blu-rays from Rightstuf, so the source is much cleaner than the original DVDs, and it's from hchcsen's remuxes, so they're as good as you can get.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713849611514981.png","filename":"retcon.png"},"posted":1713849611},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595072,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22595067
SD version upscaled 200% for comparison","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713849759735147.png","filename":"retcon_SD.png"},"posted":1713849759},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595077,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595067
Would this work with Eureka Seven? Train the AI upscaling model using the later Eureka Seven releases to upscale the original show to 4K then downscale it back to 1080p?","attachment":null,"posted":1713849911},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595079,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22595077
Would you believe I've actually been trying this? The model "works" on E7 but the improvement is negligible imo. There are other models that definitely improve the sharpness dramatically, but they enhance and smooth the background details too unnaturally to be useable.
Needless to say, training models has been a rabbit hole. I've been looking into good training references for the Dynit Sailor Moon DVDs, since my initial version with Topaz was lackluster, looking back on it.","attachment":null,"posted":1713850124},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595095,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595079
Is it effective on cel shows? I know there's still some old mecha that are still in SD like L-Gaim.
What would happen if you upscale it with models trained from the Bluray rips of FSS or Zeta Gundam (since it's they're aesthetically similar to L-Gaim)?","attachment":null,"posted":1713851488},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595100,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22595095
The thing is, the model has to be trained on the low res and high res versions of identical content. The problem is finding HD versions that are "good" comparisons. Unfortunately, there are many HD remasters that are overly denoised, so the model then becomes trained to remove a ton of background detail.
I've tried creating synthetic downscales of 16mm content (G-Gundam), effectively making my own pretend DVD encodes, then training against the original BD version. I then also added some 0080 DVD and BD comparisons into the training to give it some real world variety, and it's pretty effective, though it can smooth some details too. The 0080 training actually goes a long way towards improving line art though. Let me grab some test screencaps...","attachment":null,"posted":1713851846},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595111,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22595100
Okay, so here's a raw DVD screencap. I have a few models I've been working on with varying results.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713852508736016.png","filename":"SM_10_DVD.png"},"posted":1713852508},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595112,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22595111
(In case it wasn't obvious, that was upscaled to 1080p for comparison)
Here is my current "hybrid" model, which combines training data from the synthetic G-Gundam downscale, and 0080's DVD and BD versions. It is definitely smooth and perhaps overly sharpened to the eye, but it is the most consistent so far.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713852600839803.png","filename":"SM_10_hybridmodel.png"},"posted":1713852600},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595114,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22595112
This is with the synthetic G-Gundam training alone, which retains the grain, and is naturally somewhat softer, BUT it also sharpens the lines in very inconsistent ways at times. It also doesn't alleviate issues with the older transfer like the chromatic abberation and color bleed. On the other hand, the 0080 training data helps a lot with that, since it compared an older transfer to a newer one.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713852759161063.png","filename":"SM_10_G-Gunmodel.png"},"posted":1713852759},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22595118,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22595114
Lastly, here was my idealistic attempt. Knowing this was a Toei production from around the same time, I figured there is no better comparison to use than the DBZ Dragon Box and the abandoned DBZ Level Sets, which were full of grain.
The problem was that I was unable to find a BDMV or Remux of the Level Sets, so I had to train against a slightly denoised encode. This unfortunately tainted the training, so it removes a shit ton of detail from certain background shots, but it otherwise has a really pleasing look to the outlines (though it doesn't do much anything for the color bleed).","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713853011753690.png","filename":"SM_10_DBOX.png"},"posted":1713853011},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22596044,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22595077
If you're curious, here's the raw BDMV of E7 (US release. I'm not sure if the JP version is any better).
The upscaling is aliased and edge enhanced, so it's difficult to ascertain the exact source resolution.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713907822039155.png","filename":"E7_raw.png"},"posted":1713907822},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22596047,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22596044
And here's with the SEED upscaling model applied. I've also removed the edge enhancement and done a mild denoise before upscaling since the BD encoding isn't great.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713907887961504.png","filename":"E7_upscaled.png"},"posted":1713907887},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22597344,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22596047
Well, well, well. How's this?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713983498930321.png","filename":"E7_newmodel.png"},"posted":1713983498},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22597363,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597344
This looks amazing. How does it look when it's moving? Any quick WEBMs?","attachment":null,"posted":1713984529},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22597380,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22597363
Quick encode of the OP. The credits definitely get fucked from the upscaling, but I think it would be forgivable in the grand scheme of things.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713985828937613.png","filename":"E7_test.png"},"posted":1713985828},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22598039,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597380
This is how the Blurays should've been","attachment":null,"posted":1714016426},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22598077,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597344
Holy shit this is insane, and I thought the show couldn't look any better.
would definitely pay for Blu Rays in this quality.","attachment":null,"posted":1714017756},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22598263,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22598039
Yeah I'm honestly still blown away by how effective it can be. I've been on a fucking spree training models the last three weeks for both digital and cel purposes.","attachment":null,"posted":1714024809},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22600707,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598263
Is it me or is it taking out a lot of the subtle shading and making it look too pixel perfect painted now? Like you oversaturated an image with a glaussian blur or something.","attachment":null,"posted":1714146082},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22600946,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22600707
I mean, it's never going to look perfect. There are quite a few models out there that make it look REALLY pixel perfect - like promo art level. Most of those tend to fuck up the blur effects used in backgrounds too.","attachment":null,"posted":1714153905},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22601066,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600946
Oh, no, I didn't expect it to be. I'm just curious if there was anything super wonky with the upscaling (mainly with background stuff)","attachment":null,"posted":1714160311},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22602037,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"a heads up if people are still looking at this thread
the ever excellent ai upscale model for older web and DVD release had finally released
2x_AniSD_G6i1_SPAN_215K and 2x_AniSD_AC_G6i2b_SPAN_190K is what author recommend for most case,and with JaNai GUI running with tensorRT,it is ver possible to upscale video in ver high fps.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714202021541392.png","filename":"1000071547.png"},"posted":1714202021},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22602298,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22602037
I've been following Sirosky's guides for this whole endeavor, and these models look legit. I can't believe I'm saying that they almost seem *too* faithful just judging by the screenshots, but that's awesome that he achieved it. I'll have to try these out sometime today.
I haven't played with JaNai much (I should, it would open up more models to me), as I'm always loading these in via Vapoursynth for other processing, but this might give me a reason.","attachment":null,"posted":1714220189},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22602346,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22602298
Here's the same E7 frame with AniSD. It's nice, but it doesn't feel like enough of a change to justify the compute power.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714223078379516.png","filename":"E7_AniSD.png"},"posted":1714223078},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22602348,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22602346
Imo, the ideal is somewhere else. The quick model I showed in >>22597344 has artifacts in a number of places, but there's gotta be a middle ground....","attachment":null,"posted":1714223156},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22606992,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595067
I've watched your CCA and Big O upscales and have them in my personal digital library; if you don't mind me asking, how the heck do you make these? I'm a programmer and I've been dabbling in AI image generation so I'm not a complete layman, but I'm interested if you have any resources you could share on how to get started doing this kind of stuff.","attachment":null,"posted":1714440038},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22606996,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606992
EG is the OG
He's been doing it for 20 years.","attachment":null,"posted":1714440206},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22607150,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606992
He did a blog back in 2014 if that helps
RX, question: how does your upscaling model do with text? Even my dicking around on Topaz doesn't know what to do with it.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714458172235507.jpg","filename":"MS Gundam SEED (Original) - Phase 02 - Its Name, Gundam (480p - DUAL Audio).mkv_snapshot_19.04.041.jpg"},"posted":1714458172},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22607284,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22607283
Same shot from the official HD version.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714458267307320.jpg","filename":"[XerBlade] Mobile Suit Gundam SEED HD Remaster - 02 - Its Name Is Gundam [BD 1080p x265 10-bit Opus][70EEE40F].mkv_snapshot_19.02.158.jpg"},"posted":1714458267},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22607755,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Well... You have already started E7 sooo......","attachment":null,"posted":1714494508},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22615124,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614347
Fucking spammer twat. Why do you keep doing this? Why are you so obsessed with posting that stupid rat and... whomever that traced picture is supposed to be?
This is not the first time I've caught you defecating your dumb pictures on Page 10 threads.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714933104585289.png","filename":"1713771308609.png"},"posted":1714933104},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22615198,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615178
You do understand that picture of yours is not offensive? It's just a regular guy.
There's no point, or insult, or even a zinger made there.","attachment":null,"posted":1714935771},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22615210,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615124
>whomever that traced picture is supposed to be?
How do you not know who Stephen Colbert is?
It's just silly, that's the appeal. Power to the dream as Basara sings.","attachment":null,"posted":1714936137},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22615220,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615210
>How do you not know who Stephen Colbert is?
4chan is an international website. Gringo teevee personalities are unknown elsewhere.
>Power to the dream as Basara sings.
Is it possible for you to reply like a normal fucking human? Or is it a compulsion of yours to add some random non-sequitur whenever you reply?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714936892497730.png","filename":"file.png"},"posted":1714936892},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22615227,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"report the samefagging, spamming avatarfag every time you see it","attachment":null,"posted":1714937183},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22615611,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595067
Neat. Good reading material","attachment":null,"posted":1715174611},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22620568,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595067
Hey, RX. Can you release Zeta and ZZ again without the separated files for the OP and ED? Thanks.","attachment":null,"posted":1715216506},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22620600,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">thought RX retired when he dropped his blog guide
>he's back with AI arsenal
Confused boner.","attachment":null,"posted":1715217480},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22621058,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595067
Would Destiny warrant the same treatment in your opinion? Or is the HD remaster of it good enough?","attachment":null,"posted":1715234246},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22621505,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22606992
Huh, I thought this thread died a while ago... I can't take much credit really. The whole infrastructure around this is much bigger and more advanced that I can comprehend, but thankfully there's a very helpful Discord community around training these models, so I followed this guide:
CCA is NOT an upscale. That is a legit 4K remastered source. All I did was adjust the HDR color grade. Big-O honestly warrants a do-over since it was done in Topaz, and I've actually been training cel-oriented models that could handle it much better. The only thing stopping me is the manual stitching work I did on that release to get the OP restored.","attachment":null,"posted":1715261890},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22621509,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22606996
God, watching SEED Freedom this week has really made me feel my age. I was involved in fansubbing back in 2003/2004 but didn't do EG stuff till 2006. Life is a beautiful but horrifying thing.
It's mostly okay, but text does trip it up sometimes. This particular model benefits from having a very exact HD source to train against, which isn't always an option, especially with 2000s digipaint. Topaz is impressive at times but it's too generalized to get ideal results.
Fuck I might as well just be open about it. I'm 32 episodes into the encode, remuxing OZC's subs and upscaling from the US BDs. It took me quite a while to get a model I was satisfied with, searching for sources that would not remove background detail, sharpened up well, and maintained a mostly natural appearance in the line work.
I needed 2000s-era sources that had true 1080p levels of detail, clean video mastering, and equivalent low res sources as well. I settled on two movies: The Cat Returns and REDLINE. Ghibli sources are honestly some of the best, BUT, most of their digipaint works have artificial grain over them, which would taint the training results. The Cat Returns was free of grain, *and* I was able to find a DVD ISO of an older release to let the model have real sources to work with. For Redline, I only found a BD source, so I ended up creating my own "DVD-equivalent" MPEG2 encode that was used as a synthetic source to train against.
I hate Destiny too much to bother.","attachment":null,"posted":1715261955},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22621583,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22621509
Some pics of the upscale","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715264385469355.png","filename":"[EG]Eureka_Seven_01_BD.mkv_snapshot_07.02.722.png"},"posted":1715264385},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22621584,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22621583","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715264418986695.png","filename":"[EG]Eureka_Seven_01_BD.mkv_snapshot_04.54.773.png"},"posted":1715264418},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22621585,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22621584","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715264452174658.png","filename":"[EG]Eureka_Seven_01_BD.mkv_snapshot_15.20.885.png"},"posted":1715264452},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22621588,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22621585","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715264485503564.png","filename":"[EG]Eureka_Seven_01_BD.mkv_snapshot_16.11.219.png"},"posted":1715264485},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22621590,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22621588","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715264518444187.png","filename":"[EG]Eureka_Seven_01_BD.mkv_snapshot_20.25.987.png"},"posted":1715264518},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622096,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621583
Looks good. Will probably replace the OZC encode that I use.","attachment":null,"posted":1715279215},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622113,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"WHO KEEPS LETTING RX ESCAPE THE RETIREMENT HOME","attachment":null,"posted":1715279577},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622252,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595067
Thanks RX. I hope you never fully retire and keep blessing us with your releases even if they're just experiments.","attachment":null,"posted":1715285283},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622255,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621509
>I hate Destiny too much to bother.
So say someone else wanted to give a go at Destiny in your stead. Do you think using one of those pre-made Sirosky models is probably good enough or is it better to go through the motions of training it against Destiny HD like you did with SEED HD? If a custom training job is better, you mentioned you trained your model on a handful of episodes, but was there anything about those that made you pick them or just that they were spread across the show's run?","attachment":null,"posted":1715285666},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622266,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22622255
Different OPs/EDs, different landscapes (space, desert, cities, etc), and just more variety in general. The more examples you can give the trainer the better.","attachment":null,"posted":1715286082},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622328,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622266
Gotcha, that makes sense. I have no idea if I'll even be able to make any of this stuff work, but after getting halfway through your SEED upscale, I don't see myself ever going back to the official HD version if I don't have to.","attachment":null,"posted":1715288641},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622336,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22622328
I mean, you could try the model I used for SEED on Destiny if you want. I'll share it when I get home later.","attachment":null,"posted":1715288934},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622349,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622336
That would be awesome. Certainly can't hurt to try.","attachment":null,"posted":1715289423},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622356,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22622349
Make sure to grab the SDBD remuxes if you can. I think hchcsen has them on Nyaa. Also, Destiny *should* mostly be 23.976fps, so you likely can get away with a simple inverse telecine on it.","attachment":null,"posted":1715289862},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622369,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622356
Yep, got those already so I should be set there.","attachment":null,"posted":1715290420},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22622894,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22622369
Here you go. Godspeed.","attachment":null,"posted":1715308858},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623001,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595067
This is more useless than the HD remaster","attachment":null,"posted":1715312262},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623011,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622894
Appreciate it! Here's hoping it bears fruit.","attachment":null,"posted":1715312554},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623039,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Oh EG, you're stilling doing anime releases? I thouht you retired from this for an encoding job with a company or something.","attachment":null,"posted":1715313882},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623047,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22623039
I left that company in 2015. Been an editor among other things since then.","attachment":null,"posted":1715314208},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623053,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"This has probably been asked before but what's your rig?","attachment":null,"posted":1715314589},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623078,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22623053
It's getting long in the tooth, but I have other things to worry about before upgrading (unless a gig necessitates it of course):
- Ryzen 3900x
- 32GB RAM
- RTX 2080 Super
- Win 10","attachment":null,"posted":1715315795},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623171,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623047
Oh. Time marches on, I guess. Was that encoding job any good? Were you being asked to coform to shitty industry encoding practices?","attachment":null,"posted":1715322999},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623248,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622894
Well, gave it a shot with Episode 1. Seems like it works pretty well to me. It feels like Destiny is a little noisier at the source compared to what your SEED comparisons looked like, but I guess that means it's accurate.
Comparison of 3 random shots - https://imgsli.com/MjYyNzMx","attachment":null,"posted":1715328757},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623297,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621509
>God, watching SEED Freedom this week has really made me feel my age. I was involved in fansubbing back in 2003/2004 but didn't do EG stuff till 2006. Life is a beautiful but horrifying thing.
Bro I know people that have archived all your anime releases. All of them. You have left your mark on fansub history.","attachment":null,"posted":1715333475},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623302,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595067
can we get an AI dub for freedom using original voices.","attachment":null,"posted":1715334011},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623307,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595118
A bit out of topic but I wanna ask, any chance of you experimenting for removing the pink tint on Sailor Moon?","attachment":null,"posted":1715334653},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623424,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22623248
You can always give it a very gentle denoise if you feel it would benefit, but I think it looks pretty natural. This model wasn't really trained to denoise at all since the SD source was also very clean, but other models offer more of a denoising and general repair approach. If you ever want to try training, you can actually build off of existing models, so you can get a head start by using my SEED model and adding Destiny training data to it.
I appreciate that, but I barely worked in true fansubbing. EG has always been a rip group. My brief fansubbing stint was with a group called Anime-Blitz for about two years.
You'd need a completely different approach to do this, but also raw source audio of the original VAs.
I did actually try, and I even put out up to Sailor Moon S, with varying results. I created a LUT for every season that took different approached, but I was never really satisfied with the result. On a related note though, I recently trained a model that gives a pretty impressive upscaling result to the Dynit DVDs.
Sample Encode:
DVD Source.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715345276241679.jpg","filename":"SM_DVD.jpg"},"posted":1715345276},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623473,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"No offense to your hard work, but wouldn't you be better of training AI models on multiple film grain samples? Then use AI to remove film grain from the releases.
I own several animation cels, and no grain is present. The original animators did not intend for their work to be covered in grain. It's merely a consequence of using old school film.","attachment":null,"posted":1715348536},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22623505,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22623473
Putting aside the extra computing power to do this in two stages (you'd ideally just get a model that can do both), it would be extremely difficult to get perfectly clean references. There's a difference between training a model on something that's denoised and something that's inherently clean. What you'd basically need are the actual cel references (complete with backgrounds).
I've tried training against denoised sources, or sources that were HD but clearly DNR'r, and all it has led to is training the models to aggressively denoised the SD image. Sometimes it's tolerable, but I still don't find it natural.
When you start going along the the thought process of "it's not what the animators intended", I absolutely understand where you're coming from, but then you have to start questioning every other issue with the production techniques of the day. Should the image also be 100% stabilized and free of gate weave? Should mis-painted cels be corrected? Should the brush strokes of certain cels be smoothed out? I doubt they intended those issues to crop up too, but it's how it was produced.
The answer isn't black and white of course. There are different approaches to remastering all the time, and in the world of actual professional high-end film restoration, the results can be sharper and clearer than was even possible back when it was produced. And yes, I agree that we should take it to that level *if it looks good*... But it often fails to.","attachment":null,"posted":1715349787},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22624193,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623505
Different anon here. I'm curious. They have video packs of recorded pure film grain. 8mm,16mm, 35mm, etc. Plus different brands like Kodak, Fujifilm, etc. Couldn't you train your AI with those packs to recognize those film grains? Then ask the AI to remove the grains from footage?","attachment":null,"posted":1715378048},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22624263,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22624193
It's not that simple. Grain packs are also neat but grain itself doesn't apply universally across all scenes. Bright and dark shots render differently on film stocks, and then you have to consider that most BDs have at least some form of DNR. There are a few that are seemingly untouched (Outlaw star, Escaflowne, and NGE come to mind), but it makes it very difficult to create a model comprehensive enough to detect what kind of grain it is and remove only that. Could it be done? Perhaps, but it's beyond my abilities and resources.","attachment":null,"posted":1715380485},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22624317,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"EG, for the Big O release and that stuff about the OP being interlaced 60 fps, why couldn't you just use ordered chapters for the OP?","attachment":null,"posted":1715383206},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22625710,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22624317
Hardware compatibility, too many people bitching about ordered chapters through the years","attachment":null,"posted":1715462072},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22625923,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624263
Hold on. Whats the issue? You can train your AI using grain packs recorded in both light and darkness. There are packs of those. Different grain stocks aren't an issue since these packs contain so many different stocks and brands.
If something has been DNR'd pre-release, then there's nothing you can do about it correct? Not unless you can find the original pre-DNR footage which are stored in vaults and archives. So your baseline is basically the DVD and BD releases. And these days sometimes only the BD release is the only one.
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the work the work you you've done. You are pretty much a legend in the fansub and release community. I'm just confused about your goals on this one specific issue.","attachment":null,"posted":1715468365},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22626003,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22625923
Alright, let's assume you could train on every possible baseline expectation of grain. Now the model is essentially trained to look for "perfect" grain as defined by the grain packs. But if something is DNR'd, its grain is no longer "perfect". So it's not like it can then do a simple subtraction of grain from the image. Combine this with the fact that films can have duplicate grain structures (35 to 16, and even 16 to 16mm), and there are countless reasons it's not that easy.","attachment":null,"posted":1715470776},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22626011,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22625923
Also to expand on this further, I don't know how to train on only one reference. The way these trainers work is you feed them the "problem" and the "solution". So for example, you can show it content that is aliased and the matching references that are unaliased, training it to fix aliasing.
For grain, you'd have to show it what the "proper" result should be. For a grain pack, would it simply be a solid grey background? It has no idea how image detail is comprised beneath the grain.","attachment":null,"posted":1715471333},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22626041,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626003
Wait. Hold on. Aren't you training the AI to recognize individual grain particles? How would grain video packs be insufficient?
Even if a release has ubdergone DNR, my understanding is that the DNR process removes grain particles based on a mathematical algorithm. And that you can adjust the strength of DNR depending on the software. But DNR doesn't physically change the "size" of grain particles already present in the footage. It just removes them.
But if you use AI, you can feed it multiple examples of different 16mm film grain packs (dark/light, night/day, super 16mm/regular 16mm, Kodak/Fujifilm, etc) under different conditions. Eventually the AI learns what 16mm film grain particles generally looks like.
Then you can ask it to remove film grain particles from an image. Of course Im summarizing a lot here, but that's my understanding.","attachment":null,"posted":1715472389},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22626165,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22626041
That's not true at all, DNR absolutely can alter the size. On a basic level you are averaging neighboring pixels, so your averaged grain will in effect be larger.","attachment":null,"posted":1715474489},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22626225,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626003
Different anon here. The grain packs aren't just one type or size of grain. An 8mm grain pack will have grain of various sizes typical to 8mm film. The 8mm grain isn't just one size. It will vary. Same with 16mm and 35mm. If dnr reduces size in addition to removal, then that reduced size grain particle should still be recognized correct? Only the AI would think a 16mm grain particle that has undergone dnr might be a 35mm grain particle.","attachment":null,"posted":1715475551},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22626236,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"rewatching it now and honestly I kinda prefer the OG frames compared to HD remaster. The only "oh fuck what were they thinking" was athruns. Kira looks a lot better in the original frames compared to the remastered "destiny-like look"","attachment":null,"posted":1715475758},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22626246,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22626236
like i think the biggest problem is Kira (Seed) and Kira (Destiny) have a distinct difference with their hair and look. (Seed is more baby face, hair is more flatter) but the redrawn scenes use the Kira from Destiny as a reference and it throws you off.","attachment":null,"posted":1715475918},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22628685,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623424
Is Sailor moon ever going to be released in true HD? The show was made in 16mm film right? That's good enough for 4K. Toei made it right? Why is it taking so long. Sailor moon is iconic","attachment":null,"posted":1715603947},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629136,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22628685
Toei seems to not give a shit about their greatest legacies","attachment":null,"posted":1715626052},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629142,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22628685
They did release BluRays not too long ago, but they look as bad as you'd expect from Toei.
Despite how big Sailor Moon was in the 90s, it seems like they do everything in their power to not give a shit about it. Just look at Crystal. It's a dead property at this point.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715626260059391.png","filename":"Sailor Moon - 01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLACx2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv_snapshot_03.56.863.png"},"posted":1715626260},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629230,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22629142
Holy shit lol","attachment":null,"posted":1715630790},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629242,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22629142
From the Dynit upscale","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715631495380935.png","filename":"SM_01_HD_V3.mp4_snapshot_03.54.207.png"},"posted":1715631495},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629242
Yeah, it's insane how the upscales you did before are somehow much better.
It's honestly a miracle that those Italian DVDs were ever a thing. Can only hope that the same distributors make a remaster of their own, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715632758760566.png","filename":"[Bunny_Hat_Raw]Sailor_Moon_SuperS_136_(38EE4EA7).mkv_snapshot_15.54.863.png"},"posted":1715632758},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629411,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629142
That can't be the original film scan. It's blurry as heck. Its a DVD upscale","attachment":null,"posted":1715639324},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629423,"name":"RX782","msg":">>22629411
Thatsthejoke.jpg","attachment":null,"posted":1715639701},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629943,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Are there any additional scenes added in the movies/special editions, like the Mu's Perfect Strike and the Experimental Guaiz, that you would consider merging into a release?
I've always hated having nice extra stuff locked behind movies. Having a definitive everything included series would be cool. I understand audio and sub timing would be a little annoying, though.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715669079036819.gif","filename":"1000067498.gif"},"posted":1715669079},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22629981,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629943","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715673217163867.webm","filename":"Perfect Strike 1.webm"},"posted":1715673217},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630887,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Did hchcsen delete fucking everything? All there torrents are gone.
I wanted to compare this to the SDBD remux and it looks like everything they did has been scrubbed from the internet.","attachment":null,"posted":1715726047},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630892,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629423
Not that anon but I don't get it. I'm not involved with fansub drama. Please explain.","attachment":null,"posted":1715726213},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630907,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630892
No sub drama. It's about the actual, official release.","attachment":null,"posted":1715727440},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630909,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630907
Again I don't get it","attachment":null,"posted":1715727459},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630911,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"complete newfag here starting to get interested in gundam for the first time - where's the best place to start?","attachment":null,"posted":1715727542},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630942,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630909
Too bad.","attachment":null,"posted":1715728534},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630968,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630942
I literally politely asked for an explaination. If you don't have one, then why are you even posting? I would like to speak to someone who is actually knowledgeable about all these insider memes.","attachment":null,"posted":1715729230},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630976,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630911
The start.","attachment":null,"posted":1715729663},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630984,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630968
See >>22629423","attachment":null,"posted":1715730304},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630993,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630968
Yeah I don't get it either. I guess Toei did a bad scan of their old film. That's it","attachment":null,"posted":1715730915},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22630999,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630968
They tried to eliminate grain and just fucked up the image.","attachment":null,"posted":1715731121},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22631002,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630887
Sure looks like it. There's one that's still tagged hchcsen that was an anonymous upload and probably couldn't be removed but yeah, it's all gone.","attachment":null,"posted":1715731193},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22633929,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630999
I don’t think people should try to eliminate the grain.","attachment":null,"posted":1715911380},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22634020,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is it just me or is the dub track not included in this release?","attachment":null,"posted":1715916427},{"board":"m","thread":22595067,"pid":22635571,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630976
it was good I liked it","attachment":null,"posted":1715998645}]}
{"title":"Shinkalion ThE wOrLd iS cHaNgInG","posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22556118,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"early preview of Ep1 later for a limited time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDVUsceedNk","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711864684369361.jpg","filename":"maxresdefault.jpg"},"posted":1711864684},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22556200,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711872598326093.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1711872598},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22556204,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"oh I thought they were going to do an eldoran with those chairs.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711872927709732.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1711872927},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22556206,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711873044867823.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1711873044},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22556209,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Aaaaaaand it's over. Very light for a first ep.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1711873509337414.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1711873509},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22559404,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is it gonna be better than the last series?","attachment":null,"posted":1712020202},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22561064,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556118
What made the first season so good was the cast of great characters, this is why season 2 sucked, the new MC gimmick was almost irrelevant, also I will never forgive them for sidelining Azusa, give her back...","attachment":null,"posted":1712101965},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22563188,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.shinkalion.com/shinkalion/n700snozomi/","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712231880069948.png","filename":"n700snozomi.png"},"posted":1712231880},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22563189,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563188
pilot: fishytiger 10
pilot is not Miku, not Maetel but....... a normal JK?
https://www.shinkalion.com/character/shion/","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712232161514591.png","filename":"shion.png"},"posted":1712232161},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22563195,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Boxset with just the SRG
comes a unique saber, but probably unnecessary if you already have the earlier ERDA Trailer.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712232544936958.jpg","filename":"20240403045218.jpg"},"posted":1712232544},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22563245,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563189
Hmm, he's probably the youngest of the pilots from the looks of it.
Aaand Shion broke the pattern of the H5 being a crossover drive. She cute, though, maybe she'd hook up with Akane or Ten-kun? (The latter is because they are seen together in the primary key visual.)","attachment":null,"posted":1712236566},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22563495,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Anybody planning to fansub this show yet?","attachment":null,"posted":1712249182},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22565083,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563190
pink bulldozer.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712331024878783.png","filename":"vehicle2.png"},"posted":1712331024},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22566686,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556204
they look like they came here to laugh at me
they fucked up too hard by trying to chase after fujobucks","attachment":null,"posted":1712418155},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22566801,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563495
Yes. Weeaboo Shogun.","attachment":null,"posted":1712423375},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22566823,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22566801
good, he's based","attachment":null,"posted":1712424362},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22566846,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is there still no batch torrent anywhere for season 1?","attachment":null,"posted":1712425945},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567045,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Come to think of it, I never finished watching season 1.","attachment":null,"posted":1712436007},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567132,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"change the world
my final message. goodb ye","attachment":null,"posted":1712440010},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567139,"name":"Axia Delta","msg":"https://nitter.poast.org/SugoiBingus/status/1774815005978083412
Change the World is planned to have 39 episodes.","attachment":null,"posted":1712440274},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567206,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22566823
Thank you, I try to deliver a good product.
Unfortunately I was working on a season one blu-ray batch and I got busy and only got as far as Seiryu's and Shinobu's Christmas but I will try at some point to get it done.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712443296009770.jpg","filename":"20230804_103316.jpg"},"posted":1712443296},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567367,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"so how was the episode?","attachment":null,"posted":1712448630},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567392,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567139
I really hope they get the E8 out in time. Also, NTA, but Mai has to be the perfect Driver for a new Tohoku-based Shinkalion, the E8 Tsubasa itself.
We still don't have a JR West and JR Kyushu rep so far, but in due time.","attachment":null,"posted":1712449021},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567591,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567367
>more metaverse
It was ok.","attachment":null,"posted":1712452244},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567865,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The Digimon TRY of Shinkalion?","attachment":null,"posted":1712456778},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567990,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3DpgLXe0yY
i don't like the op","attachment":null,"posted":1712460977},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22567995,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567990
I'm fine with it","attachment":null,"posted":1712461211},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22568089,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563191
that's my wife
it's okay. I think the only thing that's weird to me is that it sort of acts like it's building up and then when it hits the change about 1:08 it would lift a key or two up but it just kind of stays the same","attachment":null,"posted":1712465507},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569226,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22563191
Holy sex","attachment":null,"posted":1712512053},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567990
I like it","attachment":null,"posted":1712513665},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569320,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22567990
It's no Gan Gan Zu Dan Dan but it gets the job done.","attachment":null,"posted":1712515647},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569324,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22563191
If you can call being into pro wrestling a normal JC (she's joshi chuugakusei apparently). I and others fully expect crazy lariat moves, grapples, and throws. BY GOD IT'S SHION WITH A STEEL CHAIR!","attachment":null,"posted":1712515814},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569337,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Do I need to watch the original to watch this?","attachment":null,"posted":1712516252},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569457,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377]
Nope. Reboot.","attachment":null,"posted":1712520797},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569458,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377].mkv","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712520807688024.png","filename":"1645089267058.png"},"posted":1712520807},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569499,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Fug","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712522140325366.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377].mkv_snapshot_04.30_[2024.04.07_22.35.19].jpg"},"posted":1712522140},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569503,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Dropped","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712522329139839.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377].mkv_snapshot_12.59_[2024.04.07_22.38.35].jpg"},"posted":1712522329},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569514,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Cool entry.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712522760208366.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377].mkv_snapshot_15.43_[2024.04.07_22.40.32].jpg"},"posted":1712522760},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569523,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"No mentor figure in the Nozomi this season?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712523060216022.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377].mkv_snapshot_22.00_[2024.04.07_22.42.35].jpg"},"posted":1712523060},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569533,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">The Unknown","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712523292646267.jpg","filename":"81822549-0-image-a-44_1709128404147_1709128508.jpg"},"posted":1712523292},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569544,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22569533
He's an evil train driver. He lives in the walls.","attachment":null,"posted":1712523716},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569551,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22569503
Fucking Zuckerberg strikes again!","attachment":null,"posted":1712524004},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569560,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712524275285865.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377].mkv_snapshot_22.08_[2024.04.07_22.42.51].jpg"},"posted":1712524275},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569595,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The way the first fight was choreographed felt like a SRW combo attack.","attachment":null,"posted":1712526032},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569610,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Production IG and not OLM
OLM's probably too busy","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712526967337665.webm","filename":"1712369155617042.webm"},"posted":1712526967},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569628,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569610
OLM is working on Beyblade","attachment":null,"posted":1712527103},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569634,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">never watched shinkalion in my life
>decided to give it a try because the op title screen looked fire
>series composition umehara eiji
This guy rarely wrote for anime and vn yet i keep finding him","attachment":null,"posted":1712527233},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569641,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567990
OP 1 > OP 3 > OP 2","attachment":null,"posted":1712527529},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569642,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22567990
Second part sucks but good start.","attachment":null,"posted":1712527594},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569691,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569523
The Nozomi pilot is also the youngest of the team. Last I recall, Season 1's youngest pilot is Rei (800 Tsubame pilot), and Z's is Ginga (500 Kodama's pilot). Though I heard the 500 series is ending service, while we're getting the new E8 series to replace the old E3 models, hopefully waiting for the E8 as a new Shinkalion for this show. But then, with the 500 ending service soon, what model will be used for a JR West Shinkalion?","attachment":null,"posted":1712530874},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569695,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569691
Might relegate the 500 into the EVA crossover-only vehicle.","attachment":null,"posted":1712531012},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569698,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Kinda dull after the aerodynamic hocus pocus that was AX","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712531544416140.jpg","filename":"E8系(大宮駅).jpg"},"posted":1712531544},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569705,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569698
It's another sharp nose like the E5 and E6. For something that is supposed to succeed the E3, it does look less bulky and more sleek, and it's still considered a mini-shinkansen like the E3 and E6. And you think this model is still useful for a ninja-based Shinkalion?","attachment":null,"posted":1712531864},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569714,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569705
Are they keeping the ninja archetype for it tho?","attachment":null,"posted":1712532329},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569718,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"big sis is clearly in Mato","attachment":null,"posted":1712532645},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569725,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Imagine being called Goryuokaku","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712533066660000.png","filename":"Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 01-36-29 Shinkalion Change the World.png"},"posted":1712533066},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569739,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">no pilot version
Hope she gets in too.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712533632632503.png","filename":"mai.png"},"posted":1712533632},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569741,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569714
Not too sure. Only thing we know about Mai is that she's a registered member of ERDA and is also from Saitama prefecture, though it's still a question of when she'll drive a Shinkalion. Change the World is only 39 episodes, so there isn't as much time as before, and what to blame but the producers.
Fuck, I can't type properly today.","attachment":null,"posted":1712533676},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22569776,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569741
>39 episodes
How are they going to fit in the 800 and Doctor Yellow?","attachment":null,"posted":1712534783},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570024,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Now this is a kodomo mc design.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712542630375450.jpg","filename":"GKjB8qFbkAA8GRX.jpg"},"posted":1712542630},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570110,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"This brother x sister relationship is not going to get weird right?","attachment":null,"posted":1712545948},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570118,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22569776
We got >>22570024 as the answer. The Doctor Yellow could very well be relegated to the manga. As for the 800, there will be enough space for it or the N700S Kamome as the JR Kyushu rep, but the final Shinkalion is most likely the Alfa-X, as a means to redeem themselves over not using it in Z despite getting a toy of it.","attachment":null,"posted":1712546351},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570160,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570118
They also need to include the befriended Dark Shinkalion.","attachment":null,"posted":1712548212},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570162,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570160
Shinkalion Unknown-X... I think it could be the Unknown Shinkansen's Shinkalion form.","attachment":null,"posted":1712548302},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570166,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570110
I hope it does","attachment":null,"posted":1712548378},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570167,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570110
I just hope it's not the generic "she's a general" trope.","attachment":null,"posted":1712548453},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570177,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570166
Dibs on calling out she'd be the Driver of the Unknown Shinkansen?","attachment":null,"posted":1712548844},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570181,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570177
>onee-san in a pilot suit
Woah.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712568528713706.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377] [00_13_31]1.jpg"},"posted":1712568528},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570765,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I swear if people are gonna upload art under two separate tags...","attachment":null,"posted":1712593739},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570853,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"i was a big fan of the op","attachment":null,"posted":1712596360},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570862,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22556118
>waifu crap bullshit infesting another show
It's all so tiresome...","attachment":null,"posted":1712596577},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570868,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712596751666884.jpg","filename":"dodged yer bait.jpg"},"posted":1712596751},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22570934,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22570414
Virtual Ina.
Anyway, I made a V2 to fix some issues.","attachment":null,"posted":1712598525},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22571006,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570934
glad I'm not the only one who thought of FOUR VAGINAS","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712603633551332.jpg","filename":"smugbot.jpg"},"posted":1712603633},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22571269,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570177
Considering the writer's past works, yes. There will be someone with dual identity.","attachment":null,"posted":1712617110},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22572218,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Autism in the works.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712675783576538.jpg","filename":"GKo1Y7KboAAMmX4.jpg"},"posted":1712675783},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22572501,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570862
you tell them, sister. we want more cute 8 year old boys in skintight suits","attachment":null,"posted":1712687922},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22573572,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"A pretty weak 1st episode with all build up and no action.","attachment":null,"posted":1712736567},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22573804,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573572
that's what they said about Megaton Musashi","attachment":null,"posted":1712754562},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22574057,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22573804
Yeah I'm not holding this episode against the show but it's a pretty weak start. Really could have used a fight 1st dump plot later approach, or a double episode premiere.","attachment":null,"posted":1712768352},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22574338,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Man, the mikutrain is so fucking weird this season.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712779246208546.jpg","filename":"GKSwSMZaQAADbQp.jpg"},"posted":1712779246},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22574397,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22574057
It’s perfectly fine. It’s a very similar approach to how the other 2 series did their first episode. There will be 38 other episodes of fights, you can handle 1 that establishes the characters and world. It’s not like we’re watching Dancouga where you don’t get a mech fight for like 20 episodes.","attachment":null,"posted":1712783131},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22574527,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22573572
I also was a little surprised they went with full character and setting intro rather than a robot fight right away. O.G. had time for a robot fight and a slow intro to SOME of the characters. On the other hand, rushing into a monster of the week fight every week is a way to waste their limited 39 episodes. They're going to have to move the plot forward basically every week with very little opportunity filler. Shinkalion Z tried this and unfortunately it didn't work because they had to shoehorn in a robot fight every time and introduce a lot of characters to drive the toys, but they kept the plot moving forward -- PLUS reintroduce the old cast and show what they were doing. Unfortunately that usually meant that outside of the core cast, characters did one interesting thing and then got sidelined. A smaller core cast and no previous series continuity to have to cater to might make them able to keep the plot managed to 39 episodes.","attachment":null,"posted":1712789102},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22575771,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Looks like the consensus is "Not confident it will live up to season 1 but quite confident will be better than season 2".","attachment":null,"posted":1712852398},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22575793,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22575771
I say the "consensus" should be "wait for the thing to actually air in full so it can be properly compared to previous material." Also
>consensus in 4chan","attachment":null,"posted":1712853912},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22575905,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The shinkashorts stay on during sex","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712859315946267.png","filename":"image-3769.png"},"posted":1712859315},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22577351,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22575905
When you take her to the Shinkalion themed hotel room and show her your Shinkashorts.","attachment":null,"posted":1712940472},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22577365,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22577351
Do no Shinkansens have bedroom cars?","attachment":null,"posted":1712941179},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22577403,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22577365
Unfortunately no. Japan Railways does have sleeper trains but no Shinkansen.","attachment":null,"posted":1712942915},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22577820,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22577403
If I could bang on the Shinkansen, I would have done it. THAT'S MY ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION. Note: the bathrooms are accessible but not what I would consider romantic.","attachment":null,"posted":1712961155},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22578171,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22575905
they were made for me!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1712980771215629.jpg","filename":"CdfVS1DUEAA8vIZ.jpg"},"posted":1712980771},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22579601,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"how was the episode","attachment":null,"posted":1713053033},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22579714,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22579601
I thought it was pretty good. Robot fight, more backstory, Akane Folden introduction, ERDA admission that Ina worked for them, though as an engineer, not as a driver. Taisei shows a bit more confidence. Same little old lady from the day before gets on the train and he has the confidence to offer his seat.","attachment":null,"posted":1713055378},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22579876,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQVnZPoeBKQ","attachment":null,"posted":1713058915},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22580305,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"are you fucking me","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713073793147526.png","filename":"Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 07-49-02 #Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion the Animation Drawings Best Fan Art on pixiv Japan.png"},"posted":1713073793},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22580323,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22580305
depends, are you a hot female?","attachment":null,"posted":1713074757},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22580412,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Love the E5 and E7 cars.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713080790697330.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1713080790},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22580426,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22580412
>gtr meme","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713081577690364.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Transformable Shinkansen Robot Shinkalion Z 31 [E048FF53].mkv00003.jpg"},"posted":1713081577},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22581559,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22580426
That was a pretty grim scene, where Astraea considers just running someone the fuck over.","attachment":null,"posted":1713134657},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582310,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Side tail cake operator lady
waifu material............","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713183569949672.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1713183569},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582523,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582310
bro that's a deathflag haircut...","attachment":null,"posted":1713198063},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582560,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Did subs for ep2 come out or are people here just watching the raws?","attachment":null,"posted":1713199323},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582633,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582560","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713201746708285.png","filename":"can't.png"},"posted":1713201746},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582645,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"it's out","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713202200331795.webm","filename":"THE SUBS ARE OUT.webm"},"posted":1713202200},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582713,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"That nip font is basic as fuck and teh mech looks like Form Zero kinda thing. Is this a add-on season?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713205171188073.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402].mkv_snapshot_02.53_[2024.04.15_20.18.21].jpg"},"posted":1713205171},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582721,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Nvm, here it is. Stock footage, here we go.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713205391324248.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402].mkv_snapshot_07.40_[2024.04.15_20.22.33].jpg"},"posted":1713205391},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582723,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Can't wait for nip autists to identify the exact tire model.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713205509984971.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402].mkv_snapshot_08.19_[2024.04.15_20.24.35].jpg"},"posted":1713205509},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582732,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Midseason cure.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713205853062268.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402].mkv_snapshot_09.59_[2024.04.15_20.26.04].jpg"},"posted":1713205853},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582736,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Some freaky accent","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713206044210306.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402].mkv_snapshot_12.21_[2024.04.15_20.26.52].jpg"},"posted":1713206044},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582737,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713206113960749.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402].mkv_snapshot_13.00_[2024.04.15_20.27.09].jpg"},"posted":1713206113},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582741,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582732
isn't that literally the pink smile precure's mom except with two pigtails instead of one ponytail","attachment":null,"posted":1713206523},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582747,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"We will know if the sister is a general if there is one giga hot one among them.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713206971041462.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402].mkv_snapshot_22.21_[2024.04.15_20.29.28].jpg"},"posted":1713206971},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582820,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Maglev when?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713211550079822.png","filename":"Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 22-02-46 I rode the world's fastest train. - YouTube.png"},"posted":1713211550},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582826,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22582820
As soon as the governor of Shizuoka can be persuaded to let them run the line through the prefecture. He's upset that people won't stop in Shizuoka because tourists will be disinclined to take the Tokaido Shinkansen between Kansai and Kanto.","attachment":null,"posted":1713211691},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582830,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22582736
Yeah, her pronunciation of that line was odd. I can't place the accent though, I think it's just slang. She only got two lines, I'd have to hear more to identify it.","attachment":null,"posted":1713211833},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22582898,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582826","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713215286283231.png","filename":"1580764975756.png"},"posted":1713215286},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22583163,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22582732
Either you get the shiny new E-series, or you're going Doctor Yellow, Mai. So, anyone expect her to be the second protag as the story goes on?","attachment":null,"posted":1713225645},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22583170,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583163
>second protag
They'll prolly just hyperfocus the main trio. Also there might not even be room for that in this season. And there's still more characters coming with 800 and that triple train what's his name","attachment":null,"posted":1713226005},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22583171,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583170
Wait, I thought the original 700 and N700 models are dead stock at this rate. We are still getting the N700S Kamome and 800 Tsubame, correct? And the 500 is slowly getting retired, but I think they can still cough up the E8 as soon as possible.","attachment":null,"posted":1713226138},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22583270,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Not feeling the new cast yet, just bring back the OG...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713229864034845.jpg","filename":"1570409060647.jpg"},"posted":1713229864},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22583522,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"why do they need to go into the metaverse just to play densha de go","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713241663268585.png","filename":"vlcsnap-2024-04-16-00h26m35s123.png"},"posted":1713241663},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22583721,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22583270
>no TRAIN FACTs this season
feelsweirdman.jpg","attachment":null,"posted":1713259825},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22583767,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What's the rest of the train for when the Shinkalion is only 1 car this time?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713263673701462.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402] [00_14_23]1.jpg"},"posted":1713263673},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22583937,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Did the truck arrive late because it's a truck? Wouldn't the other support vehicles be fukkin' slow then?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713277215212706.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 02 [929C2402] [00_07_05]1.jpg"},"posted":1713277215},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22584231,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22583937
Either that or to increase dramatic tension.
Maybe it's needed to build up the necessary velocity to catapult the Shinkalion into Ultra Evolution Space. Things seem to be data focused this year.
Soon, probably. The first two episodes felt like one long episode. We know for sure they're going to go to Tsuruga soon, the newest Shinkansen stop, and they've been showing travel destinations and activities in some of the previews with the kids.","attachment":null,"posted":1713291476},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22585847,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"TRAIN TRAIN
DOKOME DEMO","attachment":null,"posted":1713366794},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22586029,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22585847
GATA GATA GOTO TETSUMUSU","attachment":null,"posted":1713377255},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22587927,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22586029
SHUU SHUU TRAIN","attachment":null,"posted":1713471897},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22589517,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":"Well, now that we've mentioned it, I have to post it. Remember, unless you listen to all 15 minutes, you never really loved your station.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ9vkt7BHYI","attachment":null,"posted":1713554530},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22590871,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"This is the most boring Shinkalion season. Bring back my shotas!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713629199493908.jpg","filename":"nodandanforyou.jpg"},"posted":1713629199},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22591428,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lFWe0qwAww","attachment":null,"posted":1713658226},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22591635,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22591428
I mean it's all right and all, but it's not very fun.
Also I'm already tired of Akane only showing up to project and vent his inferiority complex.","attachment":null,"posted":1713661561},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594212,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713804440434049.jpg","filename":"[SubsPlease] Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku - 04 (1080p) [B64A1B6E].mkv_snapshot_04.18_[2024.04.22_18.47.05].jpg"},"posted":1713804440},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594258,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594212","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713807036408260.jpg","filename":"smug Akira.jpg"},"posted":1713807036},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594265,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Cute!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713807587185616.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 03 [F0CB6F43]-0001.jpg"},"posted":1713807587},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594286,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Nag him incessantly while he drives
>Then criticize his technique when he's too distracted to do it right
Woman moment.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713808559019933.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 03 [F0CB6F43]-0003.jpg"},"posted":1713808559},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594335,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594212
>train monday
This season is a good season.","attachment":null,"posted":1713810639},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594468,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Eat your Omiya Napolitan","attachment":null,"posted":1713815480},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594620,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Overland Saber is pretty cool","attachment":null,"posted":1713822943},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594820,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">try to watch without subs
>ep1 started with railway jargons
Oh well","attachment":null,"posted":1713834781},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594873,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">childhood friends
Either he or MC is gonna get cucked.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713838212628559.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 03 [F0CB6F43].mkv_snapshot_14.36.797.jpg"},"posted":1713838212},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594883,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594873
MC belongs to his onee-chan.","attachment":null,"posted":1713838856},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22594931,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"don't like how basic the new shinkalion designs are. they don't even come with their own weapons.","attachment":null,"posted":1713841936},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22595037,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594931
It's a shame we're finally getting older Shinkansen models in the series where the mecha feel like a downgrade.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713846932255529.png","filename":"vlcsnap-2024-04-23-00h33m56s900.png"},"posted":1713846932},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22595045,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595037
0 Series should've been in Season 1.","attachment":null,"posted":1713847395},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22595222,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"SEX","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713864085192508.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 03 [F0CB6F43] [00_00_28]1.jpg"},"posted":1713864085},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22595631,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594873
She's going to get cucked.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713891045547179.jpg","filename":"cuteandcanon.jpg"},"posted":1713891045},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22595638,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594873
That flashback foreshadowed what will happen to her.","attachment":null,"posted":1713891269},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22597754,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Nice quad.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714005424488055.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 03v2 [BCBEE3CF].mkv_snapshot_02.29_[2024.04.25_02.36.35].jpg"},"posted":1714005424},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22597759,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594931
Because we have a backpack season.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714005617567010.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 03v2 [BCBEE3CF].mkv_snapshot_06.34_[2024.04.25_02.39.38].jpg"},"posted":1714005617},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22597762,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Stealth as fuck.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714005852742704.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 03v2 [BCBEE3CF].mkv_snapshot_17.15_[2024.04.25_02.43.48].jpg"},"posted":1714005852},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22597829,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597762
I fucking loved this sequence. Ever since I was young and watched Thunderbirds as a kid I've always loved hidden launch bays in any and all media.","attachment":null,"posted":1714008541},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598404,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"New toys but not really
Why did they give the girl pilot huge fucking excavcators?","attachment":null,"posted":1714033732},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598418,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598416
Clearing the snow?","attachment":null,"posted":1714034005},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598489,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5kh7tsNhq8","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714040913370667.jpg","filename":"20240424122824.jpg"},"posted":1714040913},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598490,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598489
err https://www.shinkalion.com/news/1048/","attachment":null,"posted":1714040973},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598515,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598489
This sucker's getting a clear version as a TV-kun freebie this July.","attachment":null,"posted":1714042803},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598575,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598489
What are the chances for a Sentai shared cockpit?","attachment":null,"posted":1714046635},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598587,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598575
Not this season plz. The boys are already as homoyaoi fujo-baiting as they are right now, we don't them going boku no pico in an enclosed metaverse space.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714047614703300.jpg","filename":"GDnnJP0b0AA8gxU.jpg"},"posted":1714047614},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598600,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598587
But the other choice is MC-only cockpit and sidelining the other two for a few episodes until the next type of powerup.","attachment":null,"posted":1714048151},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598841,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"imagine the handjobs","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714058605222286.jpg","filename":"71BiYUgOttL._AC_SL1100_.jpg"},"posted":1714058605},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22598975,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"the Abt train thingy appeared in today's episode of Yurucamp by the way","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714065653793266.jpg","filename":"the call that saved Fuji.jpg"},"posted":1714065653},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22599178,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22590871
"To omoware" should've been translated as "methinks".","attachment":null,"posted":1714075191},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22599187,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22598416
Why not?","attachment":null,"posted":1714075559},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22600206,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"blurry leaks
https://www.bilibili.com/opus/924533281471332416","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714115808294414.png","filename":"Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 15-15-45 鋼之疾風的动态 - 哔哩哔哩.png"},"posted":1714115808},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22600283,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600206
E8 Tsubasa Gyro Form... Hope this one's gonna be Mai's Shinkalion, being the hard worker she is.","attachment":null,"posted":1714120432},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22600416,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597829
thunderbirds is exactly what came to mind for me as well. always nice to see the medium of animation used for something completely unnecessary but very cool looking","attachment":null,"posted":1714131414},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22600545,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597829
I thought of Thunderbird 2 specifically, more because of the general shape and size","attachment":null,"posted":1714138434},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22600824,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600416
>>22600545","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714149783774037.png","filename":"man of integrity.png"},"posted":1714149783},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22602438,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"SHINKALIONS ARE GO","attachment":null,"posted":1714229574},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22603153,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118039983","attachment":null,"posted":1714257005},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22603550,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Pretty good episode. Hope he uses the drill knees sometime.","attachment":null,"posted":1714268749},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606178,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714403725891018.jpg","filename":"[SubsPlease] Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku - 05 (1080p) [FFA3E6EC].mkv_snapshot_10.50_[2024.04.29_16.26.16].jpg"},"posted":1714403725},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606235,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":"New episode's out. This one is pretty peak mecha. Angst, ticking clock, mecha action. I absolutely love the ERDA Transport's revolver style capsule deployment, it feels very Thunderbirds. Enjoy!","attachment":null,"posted":1714407366},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606321,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"holy shit Ryota's 180cm???","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714412627562461.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1714412627},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606327,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22606184
Who the fuck is Duel? Does this board really need a villain?","attachment":null,"posted":1714412903},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606333,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Hey kid, /ss- I mean what's your favorite Shinkalion from the currently airing Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Change World™ anime show?
BUT IS IT E5 HAYABUSA TRAILER FORM OR H5 HAYABUSA DOZER FORM? WHICH IS IT, CHILD WITH THE BOWL HAIRCUT????","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714413177484482.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1714413177},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606345,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606327
Nothing more than a annoyance at this point. Don't concern yourself over this, just ignore and report as usual.","attachment":null,"posted":1714413672},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606410,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Aww.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714415945487455.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 04 [1D15CC89]-0002.jpg"},"posted":1714415945},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606470,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606327
You need a support animal, have a tiny moon dog.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714421535846961.png","filename":"fluff dog of doom.png"},"posted":1714421535},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606530,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"lost it at the mr wake-up callback. really loved the musical direction in this episode, especially in the E7 transformation sequence and the final fight.","attachment":null,"posted":1714422465},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606574,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606513
kill yourself posthaste","attachment":null,"posted":1714424106},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22606993,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Bros, I love childhood friends.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714440084936752.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 04 [1D15CC89].mkv_snapshot_10.38.652.jpg"},"posted":1714440084},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22607326,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"They could capture other "things" with the barrier thing? What if there was a bird or some dog or a cute lady passing by...","attachment":null,"posted":1714460345},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22607360,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I love the drill arm form","attachment":null,"posted":1714463680},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22607408,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22607360
*double penetration form","attachment":null,"posted":1714468697},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22607425,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"omg hes so round like that round cat on yt","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714470176245040.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 04 [1D15CC89] [00_00_39]1.jpg"},"posted":1714470176},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22607430,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714470638652932.webm","filename":"ryota spinning.webm"},"posted":1714470638},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22607545,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22607408
*quadruple penetration form
don't forget the knee drills","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714483572251219.jpg","filename":"kneee.jpg"},"posted":1714483572},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22609415,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"How has this not happened before?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714576744815860.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 04 [1D15CC89].mkv_snapshot_00.13_[2024.05.01_17.18.32].jpg"},"posted":1714576744},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22609447,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Now that's a trip.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714577793214173.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 04 [1D15CC89].mkv_snapshot_04.32_[2024.05.01_17.36.03].jpg"},"posted":1714577793},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22609459,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Interesting motw next week.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714578385937183.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 04 [1D15CC89].mkv_snapshot_23.44_[2024.05.01_17.45.42].jpg"},"posted":1714578385},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22609742,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"But I want GORA NO SPONSA O CHRISTMAS in my animes.","attachment":null,"posted":1714596383},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22611070,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"They really need to drop the waifushit already.","attachment":null,"posted":1714680553},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22611113,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"the fuck are you even talking about","attachment":null,"posted":1714681926},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22611131,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611070
The only waifu'ing going on is how much the MC loves trains and the rail system.","attachment":null,"posted":1714682635},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22611844,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Is S3 gonna have an EVA episode too?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714732195600272.jpg","filename":"img_exterior_07_l.jpg"},"posted":1714732195},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22614023,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I guess they want to be a little more serious this season with the unknown actually causing damages and not just spooking people on spawn. I mean, he's fine in the preview so it's literally nothing. but still.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714870615927403.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1714870615},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22614268,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614023
>this boy is deceased","attachment":null,"posted":1714884546},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22614842,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22614023
We have entered the age of chuunibyou, where it's all dark and serious.","attachment":null,"posted":1714921887},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616495,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"subs out but low quality","attachment":null,"posted":1715016181},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616522,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">low-quality
but why","attachment":null,"posted":1715017525},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616572,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"actually wait, that doesn't look "low-quality" at all","attachment":null,"posted":1715019889},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616574,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616572
Is it 720p or what exactly is low?","attachment":null,"posted":1715019937},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616669,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22616495
The videos were ripped it from Youtube. It's not LOW low quality but it doesn't have the cleanliness of Amazons. However it's still Youtube's equivalent of high quality so it is still very much watchable and doesn't have the broadcast dimming. Enjoy friends.","attachment":null,"posted":1715024972},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616679,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616669
thyanks","attachment":null,"posted":1715025734},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616684,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Based.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715026431201667.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05LQ [D486FCBB]-0002.jpg"},"posted":1715026431},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616761,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616684","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715031800370073.png","filename":"GIRUGAMESH.png"},"posted":1715031800},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22616958,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"She kinda gave up on being a pilot pretty quick.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715047240772453.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05LQ [D486FCBB].mkv_snapshot_11.49.068.jpg"},"posted":1715047240},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22617028,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"full op and ed when","attachment":null,"posted":1715051064},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22617381,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Does having a childhood friend increase or decrease Ryota's Yaoi appeal? I still don't understand fujo-culture completely.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715074885305306.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05LQ [D486FCBB] [00_12_08]1.jpg"},"posted":1715074885},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22617386,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"On the other hand, I just realized that Overland Saber is probably Takaratomy subliminally indoctrinating kids into buying Beyblade X.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715075098236925.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05LQ [D486FCBB] [00_20_45]1.jpg"},"posted":1715075098},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22617909,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616958
She'll pilot eventually","attachment":null,"posted":1715110522},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22618068,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The Gamer PC Unknown is so dumb I kinda love it","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715121632810694.png","filename":"RGBot.png"},"posted":1715121632},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22618157,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">autist joins your group","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715127821658406.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05 [17828A59].mkv_snapshot_00.16_[2024.05.08_02.23.11].jpg"},"posted":1715127821},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22618166,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715128066037263.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05 [17828A59].mkv_snapshot_03.10_[2024.05.08_02.27.27].jpg"},"posted":1715128066},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22618173,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What's with the random ass GT-Rs?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715128378103072.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05 [17828A59].mkv_snapshot_11.18_[2024.05.08_02.32.30].jpg"},"posted":1715128378},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22618182,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I wonder if they won't be able to contain a big one and an entire block gets leveled.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715128836963727.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05 [17828A59].mkv_snapshot_14.18_[2024.05.08_02.36.18].jpg"},"posted":1715128836},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22618185,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715128908114101.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05 [17828A59].mkv_snapshot_19.30_[2024.05.08_02.39.08].jpg"},"posted":1715128908},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22618187,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Oh, the thingy from last season.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715129127758693.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 05 [17828A59].mkv_snapshot_14.33_[2024.05.08_02.36.44].jpg"},"posted":1715129127},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22618544,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22618173
Azusa...","attachment":null,"posted":1715137214},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621230,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"That's early
mystery pilot","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715242037036038.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1715242037},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621235,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621232
Buy 3?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715242357479811.png","filename":"pic_srg_01.png"},"posted":1715242357},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621247,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621230
From Black to Dark to Phantom... If we get two more series, the evil Shinkalion will get Noir and Schwarz each, I swear.
Also, is it funny how Ina-san's Shinkalion came out first? It's not rocket science, I expect she'd be among the bad guys since we know nothing about who is making the Unknown.","attachment":null,"posted":1715243648},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621256,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621247
>Black Shinkalion BUT Red
>Dark Shinkalion BUT Bright White
Uh I think they'll stick to names that aren't colors","attachment":null,"posted":1715244291},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621286,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621235
Is that green core from the Phantom? Are we Sentai now?","attachment":null,"posted":1715247918},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621287,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621235
Wait I'm blind. But where is E7?
>inb4 phantom is new MC vehicle","attachment":null,"posted":1715248002},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621294,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621286
It's showing off a toy feature. All Shinkalions this season can combine with 2 others in any order like OG's Trinity gattai.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715248726758201.jpg","filename":"pic_specialset_02.jpg"},"posted":1715248726},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621352,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">black
If we could see the Phantom go SRG, it might require the E5 and E8. Probably, since I still think Mai will pilot the E8 and Ina will turn up as the Driver of the Phantom.","attachment":null,"posted":1715254956},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22621474,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715260871212572.png","filename":"118581511_p0.png"},"posted":1715260871},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22622019,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Shinkalion x Pornhub
Hory shit","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715276618632426.png","filename":"GM9B4YsWYAA9hqe.png"},"posted":1715276618},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22622131,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22621474
Come on, Mai has to have bigger tits than that.","attachment":null,"posted":1715280143},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22622174,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22622131
What's the point, they'd still be microscopic compared to a Shinkalion's monoboob.","attachment":null,"posted":1715281863},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22623008,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Soul of Chogokin of the OG coming. Not a meme.
No transformed display yet.
>bandai conceding defeat
Also are they making the full length of the train cars? That sounds like engineering hell with all that telescoping and panel-folding in the animated transformation. The rear of the front car/shoulders seem unusually smooth for that, maybe they are cosmetic parts?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715313604146558.jpg","filename":"1715312476580640.jpg"},"posted":1715313604},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22623038,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623035
Kinda shows Takara Tomy wants Bandai to handle non-Transformers Masterpiece, in the latter's Chogokin lines. Speaking of which, still waiting for a highend Murasame Liger.","attachment":null,"posted":1715313862},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22623158,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623035
Is the Hayabusa logo is missing?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715321417889443.jpg","filename":"Logo_Hayabusa.jpg"},"posted":1715321417},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22623314,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4hL-M19wO8&list=TLGGxpXCjBkT1FoxMDA1MjAyNA","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715335000526067.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1715335000},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22623511,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623158
Small family business, purisu understando","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715350076704125.jpg","filename":"GNLgmZYaAAAHHur.jpg"},"posted":1715350076},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22624056,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623008
This, and the appearance in SRW is how you know Shinkalion has made it as a show.","attachment":null,"posted":1715370696},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22624093,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624056
is SRW really relevant when Shinkalion is its own mini-crossover series?","attachment":null,"posted":1715372617},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22624103,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624093
Perhaps it's the other way around. Perhaps other anime and games have truly arrived when they make it into Shinkalion.","attachment":null,"posted":1715373346},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22624115,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Any chances of Denliner shinkalion?","attachment":null,"posted":1715373903},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22624727,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624115
I can see them making Shinkalion of the Denliners, since they feel close to proper Den-O mecha after ToQger gimped their position. There are four models: Gouka (the main train, which Momotaros/Sword Form primarily uses), Isurugi (used by Urataros/Rod Form), Rekkou (used by Kintaros/Axe Form) and Ikazuchi (used by Ryutaros/Gun Form). The Gouka could either be patterned in the style of the Doctor Yellow or the Mk-II Shinkalion, and the rest can use the classic style if possible, or if they would go Change the World style, Gouka could be in a different style than the current Shinkalion we get.","attachment":null,"posted":1715401969},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22624986,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22624115
Are there Rider collabs with JR? That's the common thing with the crossover Shinkalion","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715419719951199.jpg","filename":"ElfsGTwUcAArAQW.jpg"},"posted":1715419719},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22624994,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22623511
So is this like a fully working transformable fig?","attachment":null,"posted":1715420306},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22625682,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715461309927173.jpg","filename":"[SubsPlease] Tonari no Youkai-san - 06 (1080p) [B2122310].mkv_snapshot_08.24_[2024.05.11_22.34.10].jpg"},"posted":1715461309},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22626605,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22625682","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715484979408081.jpg","filename":"1713105430639503.jpg"},"posted":1715484979},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22627448,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Are the LQ releases gonna be a recurring thing?","attachment":null,"posted":1715535040},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22627695,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22627448
The group releasing the high quality rips only seems to do it now on Wednesday. The show airs on Sunday, so my choices are either to release it as soon as I finish it with good (LQ) quality rips, or just wait until Wednesday. People seem to prefer to watch it NOW so that's why I'm doing it.","attachment":null,"posted":1715547472},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22627823,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715552221765008.jpg","filename":"SHINKANSEN.jpg"},"posted":1715552221},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22627888,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"KAGAYAK
also the music that played as Akane headed out on the komachxi was groovy","attachment":null,"posted":1715555051},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22627895,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Nagoya next episode","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715555230398509.jpg","filename":"1580154421667.jpg"},"posted":1715555230},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22627904,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22627888
it was downright jazzy, i didn't expect it in the slightest","attachment":null,"posted":1715555650},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22627957,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22627888
It reminded me of SimCity music.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715558882253591.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 06LQ [BA5CF4DF]-0001.jpg"},"posted":1715558882},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22628301,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22627957
Each mech has its own theme song so far. Hayabusa with lots of woodwinds and strings, Kagayaki with electric guitar, and Komachi with jazz bass and piano.","attachment":null,"posted":1715571805},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22628934,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://twitter.com/Televi_Kun/status/1789766247166701793
Either E8 Tsubasa is coming after the 5 main pilots or it's there bcuz new.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715616432698594.jpg","filename":"BgIFgYJGVIVv8u0nVJvw8B2FauAYMF4jOP5zFJAV4i6hjVpND1OjWZ7RVcmujne-wYfQv_S5zLgbUlQhoZ2RjvGCUaPnkScO-7yWnwufkYG9hGN8btJbs9--jgkECLQ0iS4G3MaqQoow1nww6_ZeoMyLIWpWEH3F6Cx-Vg6CuoUh9-LenNypAp3ntx0--yqo.jpg"},"posted":1715616432},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22629222,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22628934
There's a few more that have leaked - E8 Tsubasa Drone Form, N700S Kamome Ferry Form, and Hades Shinkalion.","attachment":null,"posted":1715630531},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22629236,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629222
Hades is the one in the bottom left? >>22600206","attachment":null,"posted":1715631197},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22629454,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629236
Wondering if I should get
>3 Phantoms
>2 Phantoms 1 Hades
>1 Phantom 1 Hades then hope for 3rd mYsTeRy train
For a Dark SRG combination.","attachment":null,"posted":1715655474},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22630050,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Remember kids,
Walk with laces that are loosey-goosey,
Get hit by falling loosey-debrisey!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715678598702482.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 06LQ [BA5CF4DF] [00_01_32]1.jpg"},"posted":1715678598},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22630058,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">tfw you pwn your overachieving brother with TRAIN FACTZ","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715679466584048.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 06LQ [BA5CF4DF] [00_15_03]1.jpg"},"posted":1715679466},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22630336,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"oh, the first chapter of the manga spin-off got translated","attachment":null,"posted":1715699425},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22630453,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I love childhood friends.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715704207123702.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 06LQ [BA5CF4DF].mkv_snapshot_05.19.680.jpg"},"posted":1715704207},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22630715,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22630453
I loved this. He goes to hide with her. She bops him. They're definitely meant to be.","attachment":null,"posted":1715717015},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22633021,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"boys kissing next ep","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715864639842007.jpg","filename":"BgIFgYJGVIVv8u0nVJvw8B2FauAYMF4jOP5zFJAV4i6hjVpND1OjWZ7RVcmujne-B9m1CiQUf2NTH2LD2mOreezwTSBSml04nHS8SdxA12B9DwGZ2zApNvBuKzCLwQFcd5ls-jmphX3dH5bNbxgbGE4fhojF7WDp3pbtqFbmxyayJinVcqmtjYn3B22TpXPc.jpg"},"posted":1715864639},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22633052,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715867121603719.png","filename":"GNgacdAWoAA0mfS.png"},"posted":1715867121},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22633089,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"When are they gonna make locomotives?","attachment":null,"posted":1715870026},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22633143,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633021
HEY KID, WANNA HEAR ABOUT TRAINS?","attachment":null,"posted":1715874479},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22633462,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633143
Kek, that exact thing happens in the manga.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715890656609883.png","filename":"Untitled.png"},"posted":1715890656},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22633550,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633462
Translation seems to be done by somebody who's not actually familiar with trains. E5 line? Tokiwari Green literally means "Evergreen". The colors are the E5's colors, not just "popular designs."","attachment":null,"posted":1715895187},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22634482,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"You know it's a girl's Shinkalion because it has a mono-bra for its monoboob.
I fucking hate the light ramp.","attachment":null,"posted":1715973839},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22636240,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634482
pretty sure Ryouta's has a mono-bra as well","attachment":null,"posted":1716043994},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22636241,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22633143","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716044055599912.jpg","filename":"RAPE TRAIN.jpg"},"posted":1716044055},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22637026,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"What makes Nozomi the cool kid's shinkansen?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716079830919507.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1716079830},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22638025,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Low gamer skill.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716122845458755.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 06 [3CAE4EC3].mkv_snapshot_13.17_[2024.05.19_14.46.07].jpg"},"posted":1716122845},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22638028,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I see autism became contagious","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716122997637279.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 06 [3CAE4EC3].mkv_snapshot_15.02_[2024.05.19_14.49.27].jpg"},"posted":1716122997},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22638036,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22637026
More like snowflake shinkansen.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716123361791820.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 06 [3CAE4EC3].mkv_snapshot_23.44_[2024.05.19_14.55.30].jpg"},"posted":1716123361},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22640182,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716245361874914.jpg","filename":"[SubsPlease] Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku - 08 (1080p) [45543DC4].mkv_snapshot_00.37_[2024.05.20_22.07.25].jpg"},"posted":1716245361},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22640228,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22640182","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716247199517263.png","filename":"happy akira.png"},"posted":1716247199},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22640331,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"ETA on the subs?","attachment":null,"posted":1716250558},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22641175,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"oh, I see it's out now","attachment":null,"posted":1716314786},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22641192,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716316042471755.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32]-0004.jpg"},"posted":1716316042},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22641193,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716316269640506.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32]-0006.jpg"},"posted":1716316269},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22641194,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641193
>the AI is a shotahunter
somehow this doesn't surprise me at all","attachment":null,"posted":1716316416},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22641318,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641194
Considering who programmed it, it makes sense.","attachment":null,"posted":1716323611},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22641669,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641318
I swear... If Phantom or Nightmare winds up piloted by Ina, and she winds up obsessed for her own little brother...","attachment":null,"posted":1716342992},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22641868,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641192
Childhood friendbros, I'm not feeling so good about this. Is Mai about to get cucked?","attachment":null,"posted":1716345808},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22641959,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641868
He also called Ten cute...
In all seriousness, Ryota is already taken by Taisei","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716349142036779.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32]-0001.jpg"},"posted":1716349142},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22642147,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22570862
There's been waifufaggotry since the very beginning.
Isn't there a Symphogear thread you should be sarcastic at with their 8 year old girls in skintight suits?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716352799457610.jpg","filename":"shinkalions collaborations.jpg"},"posted":1716352799},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22642807,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Phones fly now?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716370130661240.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32] [00_04_29]1.jpg"},"posted":1716370130},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22643218,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22642807
yours doesn't?","attachment":null,"posted":1716382281},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22644418,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Hiya, Busa","attachment":null,"posted":1716419644},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22644750,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"why are the episodes in the amv section?","attachment":null,"posted":1716432690},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22647021,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22644750
shinkalion is an anime music video","attachment":null,"posted":1716566976},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22647289,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22647021
makes sense","attachment":null,"posted":1716578458},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22647913,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641192
>Ten(out of ten) Uo(h)tora
What were they thinking?","attachment":null,"posted":1716604041},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22649239,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">akane's icon is his fucking shoes
I suppose it makes sense.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716683330242314.jpg","filename":"snapshot.jpg"},"posted":1716683330},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22649698,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"new gurl","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716698505093383.jpg","filename":"BgIFgYJGVIVv8u0nVJvw8B2FauAYMF4jOP5zFJAV4i6hjVpND1OjWZ7RVcmujne-Eq1aR5kcoH8oEnDBTobeBpXxeIO-AZezQMxnYWNuisLYMEPcZfLaJpGLgHXmkQ-72Outzoo-B4GX3U8fm7k_sC1gLao7JAENc1ROR1Cd7pcAATv-pjIu4YK-RFJ1-xpd.jpg"},"posted":1716698505},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650092,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Uohtora","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716720191448922.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32].mkv_snapshot_01.54_[2024.05.26_12.42.47].jpg"},"posted":1716720191},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650103,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Japan has fallen.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716720883634923.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32].mkv_snapshot_03.56_[2024.05.26_12.54.22].jpg"},"posted":1716720883},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650113,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"They fujofied my kodomo mecha anime.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716721164875249.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32].mkv_snapshot_09.41_[2024.05.26_12.58.58].jpg"},"posted":1716721164},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650120,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22650103
billions must travel by car","attachment":null,"posted":1716721381},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650125,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Haha yeah, sure!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716721484308564.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32].mkv_snapshot_21.09_[2024.05.26_13.04.22].jpg"},"posted":1716721484},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650293,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22650125
That would be absurd. For that to happen, there would have to be someone willfully using a Shinkalion for evil purposes.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716732206943602.jpg","filename":"absurd.jpg"},"posted":1716732206},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650301,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22650293
Yandere /ss/ incest incoming? Yep.
What will we get out of her? Either she's a bit character or our lead to the Kyushu Driver, the one piloting the N700S Kamome.","attachment":null,"posted":1716732914},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650359,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22650301
Not in OP, so has to be a one-off, right?","attachment":null,"posted":1716735971},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650379,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22650301
Some people are guessing she's an alternate avatar for someone. Possibly Vina or Mai.","attachment":null,"posted":1716737481},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650692,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22650293
>Make it such that Shinkalion can only be piloted by the best of shotas
>Spawn Unknown so that ERDA has to deploy Shinkalions.
>Whack the Shinkalions with your rigged machine then kidnap the shotas
>/ss/ all night all day with your captured shotas","attachment":null,"posted":1716752153},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22650832,"name":"Sailor Otaku","msg":">>22650692
> Develop a proxy AI designed to evaluate and monitor the shotas based on unexplained "conditions" known only to you.
I'm starting to believe you're right.","attachment":null,"posted":1716757749},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22651814,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Haha... that's our Ten...","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716836675703494.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 08 [649DFFCE]-0001.jpg"},"posted":1716836675},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22651823,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716837325748753.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 08 [649DFFCE]-0002.jpg"},"posted":1716837325},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22651901,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716845095227789.jpg","filename":"other train lines.jpg"},"posted":1716845095},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22651914,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594212","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716845866641217.jpg","filename":"FUCK trainfags.jpg"},"posted":1716845866},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652011,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"didn't expect Akane to actually call Taisei out on him just regurgitating everything his sister says","attachment":null,"posted":1716849933},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652161,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Ten's former 'friends' were kind of dicks.","attachment":null,"posted":1716856634},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652364,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"So when do you guys think we'll get the last pilot, the girl?","attachment":null,"posted":1716864982},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652405,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22652364
Wasn't the H5 in the next ep. preview?","attachment":null,"posted":1716866907},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652414,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22652405
was it?","attachment":null,"posted":1716867359},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652540,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22651814
>my sad story is that I'm too good
Damn, I bet his penis is huge too, feeling bad for the lad.","attachment":null,"posted":1716877330},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652588,"name":"Axia Delta","msg":">>22650832
Given that she is a pilot, the program is not perfected yet.
Also, if talk is still going, here
>>22652585","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716882698926971.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 07 [AB730B32].mkv_snapshot_02.20_[2024-05-27_12.02.11].jpg"},"posted":1716882698},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652667,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22652405","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716890251138500.jpg","filename":"[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 08 [649DFFCE] [00_23_31]1.jpg"},"posted":1716890251},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652986,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22652161
Only after he was a dick to them. He could have chosen to be helpful, instead he chose to prioritize himself.","attachment":null,"posted":1716910895},{"board":"m","thread":22556118,"pid":22652995,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22652986
Give him a break, boys his age don't know they have big dicks until the MILF nurse tell them so on penis inspection day.","attachment":null,"posted":1716911609}]}
{"title":null,"posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594082,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Anon, pitch me your /m/ anime/toku idea","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713798219044345.jpg","filename":"bandai meeting.jpg"},"posted":1713798219},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594085,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"THE SUITS TRANSFORM INTO REGULAR PEOPLE","attachment":null,"posted":1713798356},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594089,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"white/red/blue robot with a V-fin and a beam rifle fights mono-eyed notnazi-robots","attachment":null,"posted":1713798453},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594096,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
We are actually mechs.","attachment":null,"posted":1713798706},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594128,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"space academy training teenagers or younf adults to fight the evil space aliens
the whole story actually follows the guys in the engineering department fine tuning and building custom robots for the pilots, we never actually get to see the aliens","attachment":null,"posted":1713799729},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594129,"name":"Big Name Studio","msg":">>22594085
Make them turn into cute girls and you've got yourself a deal.","attachment":null,"posted":1713799784},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594133,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594085
Literally just Transformers Masterforce","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713799942234769.jpg","filename":"gilmer-submarauder-cartoon-pretenders.jpg"},"posted":1713799942},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594139,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"10 episode battletech netflix anime that everyone talks about for a week and then immediately forgets about","attachment":null,"posted":1713800231},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594170,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594128
>space academy training teenagers or younf adults to fight the evil space aliens
how about "never again"","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713802289006325.png","filename":"bx888-TJnm7jOD06P1.png"},"posted":1713802289},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594215,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Kids consume plastics and shit out robots","attachment":null,"posted":1713804498},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594221,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Gundam but good.","attachment":null,"posted":1713804683},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594240,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Far near future earth is attacked by aliens whos weapon of choice are kaiju sized mutants of existing native fauna. Earth is barely holding on and conventional forces aren't incapable of downing the odd monster, but it's very costly and fighting multiple is near impossible. In order to get around this a brilliant cybernetics scientist enlists the help of a notorious rogue scientist who's a herbert west/Frankenstein type. Together they develop a piloted exoskeleton system where the undead remains of defeated kaiju are piloted against their kin. The exoskeletons are modular, so when a kaiju's body breaks down to the point of collapse they can remove it and bolt it onto another corpse.","attachment":null,"posted":1713805830},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594274,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Half-serious, half-comedic J-Drama about a washed up salaryman who decides to earnestly pursue his pipe dream of winning the GBWC.
It’s a low-investment show where Product Placement will pay for most of it.","attachment":null,"posted":1713807966},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594288,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Steal the basic story outline from Monuments Men, but turn it into a story about a crack team of Federation Forces sent to stop M'Quve from stealing all the cool historical art from Earth and sending it to space.","attachment":null,"posted":1713808581},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594305,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594215","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713809565741015.jpg","filename":"hot idea.jpg"},"posted":1713809565},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594315,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594288
>they find an asteroid full of gold bars","attachment":null,"posted":1713809837},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594364,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
0079 but Lalah doesn't exist.
Zeta but Reccoa and Sarah don't exist.
CCA but Quess doesn't exist.
0083 - Nina exists but dies in the first episode (impaled by falling debris)
08th MS Team but Aina doesn't exist.
WitP but Chris is actually admin.
G but Rain doesn't exist (so she can't cry when Allenby wins)
Wing but all 5 are girls.
I'm escorted off the building before I can finish at this point.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713811839567615.jpg","filename":"778999.jpg"},"posted":1713811839},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594377,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Yuusha series in space -- basically Goldran but with more futuristic vehicles and no comedy.","attachment":null,"posted":1713812201},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594568,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Humanity has a mech war, employing "relics," found artifacts from humanity's past that are unexplainable by modern science. As the war escalates, artifacts become suspiciously more common and increasingly esoteric, and standard machines requiring more and more exotic materials and manufacturing processes. There's fully functional mecha made of bioengineered wood and glass that uses speed and force fields to compete with supergravity compressed heavy metals. It's revealed they're not ancient human artifacts, nor are they alien in origin, but directly bestowed by the faction's own pagan gods as a reward for prayer and sacrifice. As word spread between pilots, they each react to the information in their own way. Most are a bit perturbed. Some find offense that humanity is being given weapons of destruction by these beings and try to destroy their worshipers. Others embrace the role as paladins or shamans.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713820941217270.jpg","filename":"1539982129306.jpg"},"posted":1713820941},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594577,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594364
So, you want a Gundam BL series?","attachment":null,"posted":1713821323},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594581,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Inter-service rivalry between Mecha corp and Magical Girl corp.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713821451607447.jpg","filename":"19454-ohta_2_large.jpg"},"posted":1713821451},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594584,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Android girls with technicolor hair developed to fight terrorists and learn about love and humanity and also get a significant power boost if someone cums inside of them.","attachment":null,"posted":1713821527},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594586,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594170
I will never not be mad.","attachment":null,"posted":1713821588},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594588,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594577
Of course not, anon. Girls can stay as long as they aren't cunts, derail the story or kill my favorite character.","attachment":null,"posted":1713821704},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594589,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
re-air turn a gundam and kill the franchise","attachment":null,"posted":1713821716},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594683,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Victory Gundam but only the female characters survive and Katejina has to become a futa to repopulate both sides.","attachment":null,"posted":1713826934},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594692,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Gundam 00 bit we replace the Meisters with a Getter trio and Exia Repair is the main unit all the way through with its battle cloak.","attachment":null,"posted":1713827532},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594696,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Napoleonic Wars with mecha complete with line battles, cavalry charges, castle sieges,etc.
Dunbine remake with modern isekai elements (rpg stats, cheat skills, harem)","attachment":null,"posted":1713827943},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594774,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594698
The kind of plan the Titans would reject for being too evil.","attachment":null,"posted":1713831880},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594778,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Has there been a mecha series where the hero switches sides and joins the villains and wins? Maybe that could work.","attachment":null,"posted":1713832159},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594788,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"G Gundam but we replace the G Fighters with the girls from Infinite Stratos and we replace Domon with Bask Om.","attachment":null,"posted":1713832661},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594798,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594581
Make it a three-way rivalry between the mechas, magical girls, and toku heroes and I'm in.","attachment":null,"posted":1713833516},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22594801,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"okay so there's this world and it's destroyed except for 1 town and there's like this boy in the town who is like a mechanic can fix stuff and he just got this cool ass necklace and also the circus is in town so like he goes to the circus and it turns out that the clowns in the circus want the necklace the boy has and are in the town to find it and they spot the mechanic boy who overheard them interrogating the mayor about it and like a chase ensues which ends up with the boy taking shelter in the sewers with his hillbilly friend who gives him a gun and then he starts fighting monsters in the sewer with his hillbilly gat and the wrench he has on him BUT THEN the clowns find him and attack with a circus elephant of all things but just as he's about to be done in his boss appears with a robot and saves him and then he gives the robot to the boy to beat up the circus and go out to save the rest of the destroyed world and there's a mary sue as well and they time travel and what not
call it Ebony Columbus or something","attachment":null,"posted":1713833774},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22595398,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594788
>and we replace Domon with Bask Om
w-what","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713880953719232.png","filename":"live queen of hatred.png"},"posted":1713880953},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22595425,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"How about we create a new installment of a beloved classic and tweak it just a leeeettle bit to make it more appealing for a modern audience?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713882390602781.jpg","filename":"suit.jpg"},"posted":1713882390},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22595438,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595398
Bask punches women.","attachment":null,"posted":1713883037},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22595449,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
A new Gundam AU but based off racing. Think Yugioh 5Ds and some Super Robot influence as well. Make the plot be something like Around the World in 80 Days.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713883340841046.gif","filename":"1702476167145284.gif"},"posted":1713883340},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22595457,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
>Anon, pitch me your /m/ anime/toku idea
Certainly! Here's an exciting **anime/toku** concept:
# Title: **"Chrono Nexus: Guardians of the Temporal Rift"**
## Synopsis:
In the distant future, humanity has unlocked the secrets of time travel. However, this newfound power comes with a price: the emergence of dangerous temporal rifts that threaten to unravel the fabric of reality. To combat this threat, an elite team of warriors known as the **Chrono Guardians** is formed.
## Main Characters:
1. **Kai Hiroshi**:
- The stoic leader of the Chrono Guardians. He wields the **Chrono Blade**, a sword capable of cutting through time itself.
- Mysterious past: Kai's memories are fragmented, and he harbors a hidden connection to the temporal rifts.
- Motivation: To prevent the rifts from consuming the world.
2. **Mika Fujimoto**:
- A brilliant scientist who developed the time-travel technology. She joins the Guardians to atone for her creation's unintended consequences.
- Wields the **Chrono Gauntlets**, allowing her to manipulate time energy.
- Struggles with guilt over the rifts' existence.
3. **Ryota "Bolt" Tanaka**:
- A hot-headed mechanic and adrenaline junkie. His modified exosuit grants him superhuman speed and agility.
- Loves racing motorcycles and often clashes with Kai's serious demeanor.
- Secretly yearns for stability in a chaotic world.
4. **Hikari "Echo" Nakamura**:
- A mysterious girl found near a rift. She possesses the ability to communicate with alternate versions of herself across different timelines.
- Her eyes change color depending on the timeline she's connected to.
- Innocent yet wise beyond her years.","attachment":null,"posted":1713883613},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22595461,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22595457
## Antagonists:
1. **Temporal Wardens**:
- Enforcers of the natural order who believe the rifts must be sealed permanently, even if it means erasing entire timelines.
- Their leader, **Aeon**, seeks to restore balance by any means necessary.
- Aeon's true motives remain shrouded in mystery.
2. **Paradox Syndicate**:
- A rogue faction that exploits the rifts for personal gain.
- Led by the enigmatic **Cipher**, they steal artifacts from different eras to alter history.
- Cipher's ultimate goal: to rewrite reality itself.
## Themes:
- **Temporal Ethics**: Is it right to alter the past to save the future? The Guardians grapple with this moral dilemma.
- **Identity and Fate**: Characters confront their alternate selves, questioning who they truly are.
- **Epic Battles Across Time**: Each rift leads to a different era (samurai Japan, cyberpunk Neo-Tokyo, medieval Europe), providing diverse settings for battles.
## Tagline:
*"Time bends, but heroes endure."*
*Note: This is a fictional concept. Any resemblance to real persons or events is purely coincidental.*","attachment":null,"posted":1713883674},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22595469,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The Mummy but they dig up ancient robots with malevolent ai. An organization called Pharaoh is performing aercheological work in Egyptia and they accidentally uncover these long sealed death machines. There is an ancient robot based on each of the plagues that afflicted Egypt, replicating or mirroring the plagues with nanomachines and/or funnels/bits.
Firstborn Plaguebot is the cyborg mummified older brother of the MC who was captured when they uncovered the cyber sarcophagus that activated the reboot of the Plagues. He serves as the princess to rescue. The Moses Machine is the final boss, a machine that initially brought the plaguebots to creation.","attachment":null,"posted":1713884472},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596112,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Slice of life/comedy centered around the fleet mechanics at the motorpool for a mecha military division.
>cute girls
>grumpy old guys
>cool shop
>discussing mechanics
>trying out new weapons
>test driving the mechs
>water cooler talk","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713911460525102.jpg","filename":"downloadfile-13.jpg"},"posted":1713911460},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596129,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594128
Oh hey I didn't read the thread until after I posted mine >>22596112 we're on a similar wave length except mine would have cute girls in overalls","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713912042859694.jpg","filename":"downloadfile-10.jpg"},"posted":1713912042},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596167,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Wait I got a template for this.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713913998417298.jpg","filename":"1610760182873.jpg"},"posted":1713913998},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596187,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
In a world where the heroes destroyed the evil aliens or whatever, some kid finds what they used to make MOTW and tries to make good guys with it. Hilarity and a redemption arc of a revived general ensue.","attachment":null,"posted":1713914505},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596192,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"High fantasy magitech where a cold war between elves and humans led to Mecha being used more like tanks in the world wars with airship raining artillery overhead.
The mc has to pull a saving a private Ryan go deep into enemy lines and fight through a ruined Stalingrad style battle where magic and flying battleships have fucked things up.
His squads low on supplies and there's elven snipers in the cracks.","attachment":null,"posted":1713914679},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596201,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Make a fantasy gundam series. Make the mecha sentient like Chamber from gargantia. Put some effort into the world building, don't just settle for generic JRPG fantasy slop. You could have the series take place in a hollow earth or something. Have the plot be character driven, limit the size of the cast and really flesh out your core characters. Core characters include the sentient mecha.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1713914945476233.jpg","filename":"1709256347145436.jpg"},"posted":1713914945},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596204,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Gundam DMC clone, style rankings and everything done by platinum games.","attachment":null,"posted":1713915060},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596395,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Two prequels and two sequels to 0083 starring four different characters
Gundam 0081 Stardust Memoirs, starring Cima
Gundam 0082 Stardust Nmemonic, starring Karius
Gundam 0084 Stardust Amnesia, starring Keith
Gundam 0085 Stardust Dementia, starring Monsha","attachment":null,"posted":1713926502},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596421,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Gundam vs kaiju","attachment":null,"posted":1713927377},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22596427,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
how do I post text files? I got 20 pages and I dunno how to post them in this thread.","attachment":null,"posted":1713927696},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22597126,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596427
This is an image board anon, post screencaps. Though >>>/tg/ lets you post pdfs, see if their /mecha monday/ thread is still up.","attachment":null,"posted":1713969920},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22597133,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">MC being reincarnated as a giant mecha that being pilot by Christmas cake","attachment":null,"posted":1713970169},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22597272,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596427
pastebin, or mediafire?","attachment":null,"posted":1713979202},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22597322,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Low-tech medieval civilization on Earth with mechs but the general populace don’t understand how it works. Supplies and batteries come from space via a Space Elevator in exchange for crops.
One day, Mobile Suits fall from the sky and some of the larger kingdoms declare war against the big Space Elevator Church with them.
The MC is an orphan prince from a small kingdom. Only one Mobile Suit falls in his land, a White one with a distinctive head crest.
He reluctantly uses this unusually powerful MS to defend his kingdom, to quell the War and ultimately uncover the secret suppliers in space.
Basically G-Reco but played straight.","attachment":null,"posted":1713982440},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22597362,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
The earth got attacked by aliens and humanity was driven off to a Mars colony. Years later they start running out of resources and launch an offensive. There's a conflict between the factions who support retaking the earth and those who want to expand further in the galaxy instead. The plot follows a squad stationed on a moon base caught between the factions trying to sabotage the war, those trying to take advantage of it to gain influence, and the aliens. Basically it's a Muv-Luv ripoff but humanity is in space now.","attachment":null,"posted":1713984478},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22597991,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597126
>/tg/ lets you post pdfs
That place has spoiled me.
This is what I'd make into an anime, or something.","attachment":null,"posted":1714015210},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22597993,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597991
I mean THIS one
I don't know how this shit works. It's in the Mecha Monday thread, you know where it's at.","attachment":null,"posted":1714015339},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22598011,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Just make a Custom Robo anime","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714015846496611.png","filename":"medium-5c84ef53cfab1cf249e7cde882ec7d7d.png"},"posted":1714015846},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22598074,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Mobuseka but with budget and no faggots","attachment":null,"posted":1714017694},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22598445,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Every act of creation begins with an act of destruction!
The protagonists are wage slaves that drive yellow or orange, heavy machinery used in demolition works, such as a wrecking ball, excavator, bulldozer, superheavy truck... all of those happen to be toys which children used to love.
This equipment is used in the series both in the actual, real life labour of disposing of old, unsafe and illegal buildings, but also to fight a secret alien invasion which aims to destroy their city, and ultimately to combine as a single, large, humanoid mecha.
They also use man-portable equipment such as pneumatic drills, explosives, and so on as weapons.
There needs a comedic scene in which a fully loaded truck is set on neutral, and runs downhill crashing onto an unsuspecting, stranded alien small mecha right after the driver calmly gets out of it; by the time the aliens manage to register how fast the damn thing accelerates because of the gravity, it's already too late for them.
The combined mecha would use the wrecking ball as a weapon and the bulldozer's plow as a shield.
It's a TV series that teaches young, impressionable teenagers to direct their destructive potential in ways that are useful to muh society, just like controlled explosions, and to buy toys for boomers.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714036656855589.jpg","filename":"Robotic-Demolition.jpg"},"posted":1714036656},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22598455,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22597991
I would watch this","attachment":null,"posted":1714060789},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22598885,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594778
Seed Destiny","attachment":null,"posted":1714061436},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22599204,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"50~ Minute Votoms OVA taking place during the war where a group of Gilgamesh soldiers wish to escape from a Balarant POW camp, heavily inspired by The Great Escape.
The plan to brakeout involves both stealing the guards ATs (Fatties customized for riot control and to prevent escapes) and fixing up an outdated trashed AT the soldiers find while being put to work mining jijirium (an ATM-01 clever camel).
The main character is a witty yet clever man in his early to mid thirties with the rank of captain who was assigned as an AT pilot due to annoying his superiors, he has to inspire the other prisoners while under the watchful eye of the guards.
Focuses on camaraderie and self sacrifice, still has an essence of comedy coming from the banter of the various prisoners.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714076122691440.png","filename":"clever camel.png"},"posted":1714076122},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22599253,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594364
Based but you lost it in the last bit.
Wing should have been gayer than the village people and filled with even more absurd shit and ultraviolence.
Keep Wufei straight though.ultraviolence","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714078580177480.jpg","filename":"1713483600294053m.jpg"},"posted":1714078580},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22599363,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594085
People hated when Akumaizer did that","attachment":null,"posted":1714082106},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22599367,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
A toku hero who rides a motorbike and saves people from some secret society","attachment":null,"posted":1714082174},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22599493,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596427
Dude I don't want to be rude but Drac Darklord and Ms. Caliber of house Remington are bad names.
The mech fight was neat though.","attachment":null,"posted":1714087579},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22600460,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599204
Serialize it, i want mecha hogan's heroes","attachment":null,"posted":1714134556},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22600554,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22599493
Thank you. I was inspired by Gundam's naming conventions, like Bring Stabity.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714139178757074.jpg","filename":"1694804848449272.jpg"},"posted":1714139178},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22600690,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600554
Oh lol that makes sense","attachment":null,"posted":1714145661},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22602763,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22602465
Hating on tripfags is fine, spamming it everywhere because you're a butthurt nigger is not.","attachment":null,"posted":1714241893},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22602857,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Fantasy mecha set far in the future on a dystopian planet. Men whom claim artifacts can defy old Gods, Reaching the heavens and cosmos is all but a myth, Kingdoms have risen but lost technology has birthed a power struggle. The awesome magical powers possessed by the giant suits of armor could save or end the world as we know it.
The series has more plot twist than M. Night Shylamalan and the magic is really just the science mankind has forgotten. Could unburying the past really forge a better tomorrow? Are we truly bounded by gravity's fate? One man's struggle to survive places his friends, family and nations against him. The only absolute he can rely on is the unearthed remnant armor: Terra Driver Frame X-1.","attachment":null,"posted":1714245837},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22602951,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Mecha that have a penis
no one knows why
the mecha battle and get kicked in the dick to defeat each other
MC has a huge peen that is actually a hyper mega launcher","attachment":null,"posted":1714249628},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22602954,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594128
I'm going to steal and modify your idea.
>The series continuously presents itself as a defensive war against an invading interstellar enemy
>Keen eyed viewers will notice some inconsistencies
>The finale reveals that the "human" characters we've been following are androids built by an alien race to soften up humanity in preparation for total extermination
>The aliens always craft their vanguard androids to look like the species they're attacking to both lower morale and ease infiltration","attachment":null,"posted":1714249745},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22603448,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I had an idea, but the more I thought of it, the more it looked like just Starsector but with mechs. Made even more redundant by the fact that there actually is a mecha mod for Starsector out there.","attachment":null,"posted":1714265802},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22603775,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Kamen Rider, but he's just some guy and the belt does nothing, until he gets an actual belt near the end.
He still kicks ass despite being a normal guy.","attachment":null,"posted":1714279315},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22603865,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594698
PUKE","attachment":null,"posted":1714286658},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22603930,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"IBO but it's just Berserk with mechs","attachment":null,"posted":1714292097},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22603973,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
cyberpunk post-war setting where society is deliberately kept shitty because it keeps the elites rich and powerful, and all the protag's problems are because they made a decision anyone would make, they made a decision without actually knowing what they're doing, or it is caused by factors out of their control.
one protag steals a mech and tries to be a good guy, but despite suffering for his decisions he keeps doing good things because he believes in it. since the government and corpos hate him, he gets his ammo, fuel and replacement parts through the blackmarket and must do questionable things to maintain his mech. lives a bad life but dies a good death, sacrificing himself for his ideals.
another protag is a merc for the corpos and rises through the ranks through skiill and trickery, also getting cool cutting-edge mechs. keeps getting more and more enemies but does evil/shady things that anyone else in his position might do too because he wants to keep living. lives a good life but dies a bad death, backstabbed for someone else's gain.","attachment":null,"posted":1714297205},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604017,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Hot blooded over the top super robot show in the vein of Getter/Gurren Lagann, but all the characters are moeblobs","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714299893797954.jpg","filename":"2d35b043e9a1aae0cd57b0c3eb550ab3.jpg"},"posted":1714299893},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604042,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604017
Make one of the main girls a delicious chocolate with huge tits and ass and I would be all over that.","attachment":null,"posted":1714301500},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604275,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The mechas are remote controlled using RC remotes","attachment":null,"posted":1714313195},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604287,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">tfw just want a new knights and magic season, or a sequel to gun x sword","attachment":null,"posted":1714313795},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604397,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Sorry Gaijin.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714319933269591.jpg","filename":"1624911537885.jpg"},"posted":1714319933},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604430,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Giant combat mechs secretly develop a plot to use humans as pollen and create gunpla that are really baby robots that grow under the power of the sun's light.","attachment":null,"posted":1714320698},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604511,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Reboot C.E verse with the same characters but with improved writing and world building","attachment":null,"posted":1714323285},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604519,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Found this I'd written years ago
It’s private you fucking moron","attachment":null,"posted":1714324953},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604557,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"A sentai team of five, cute, 18 year old girls, ranging from a busty oneesan to a flat tomboy, have to defeat my cock each week. And there's a robot battle at the end of the episode or whatever.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714325188823581.png","filename":"1533930152370.png"},"posted":1714325188},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604569,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604430
Wierd and cute, I'd watch.","attachment":null,"posted":1714325543},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604573,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
A Gundam anniversary series that draws from the success of shows like Gokaiger or Kamen Rider Decade. Embrace the gimmicks - imagine if the Gundam's loadout was modified by blind box collectables that all the kids would rush out to buy","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714325641947241.png","filename":"file.png"},"posted":1714325641},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604604,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604547
Pastebin apparently doesn't like swear words","attachment":null,"posted":1714326721},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604711,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604287
Why would you want a GxS sequel? It reached a good ending point. Van sought revenge, he got it. There isn't much left to do besides introduce a new antagonist out of nowhere to drive the plot or prequel stuff. Revenge stories especially make for bad unplanned sequels.","attachment":null,"posted":1714328568},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604815,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604711
They could just make the sequel a fun episodic villain of the week show like the early parts of the show basically were. They could also make a show based on what Van was doing during the timeskip before the epilogue. I don't think it needs one, but there's some stuff they could try","attachment":null,"posted":1714331080},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604891,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604519
I enjoyed this anon, I liked all the technical details.","attachment":null,"posted":1714335217},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22604948,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22604891
I'm a massive mark for technical terms because it, to me, adds a lot more in the way of versimilitude. Plus they help with worldbuilding as well.","attachment":null,"posted":1714337792},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22606541,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596201
This but the male mc falls in love with his female mecha","attachment":null,"posted":1714422907},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22606821,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"A Gundam Build Divers entry focused on Underground Gunpla. Where the most suped up and rarest kits are wagered and won in high stakes contests that test different skills and attributes like Navigation and Speed. The most common competition is a free for all fight where all contestants must not only outfight and outlast the other but must also outrace each other, at the start each pilot isn't equipped with any ranged or melee weapons. So they gotta race across the impromptu circuits collecting power ups and their weapons and reach the extraction point where the final battle takes place among who ever is left before the timer runs out or they get busted by the Games enforcers. Basically a mix of a street racing game with a battle royal with the same shrinking circle that DQs those who are too cautious or slow..All this takes place in the giant map where various other players are in their events and playing fairly.
Since Real World trading is banned moderators patrol the games maps and worlds looking for any cheaters, their enforcement gunplas mimic police livery. With flashing lights and equipped with gadgetry to track catch and confiscate illegally modified or acquired gunpla.
>Story can be a mix of NFS Most Wanted
>Gearhead kid lives alone with single mom
>They struggle to make ends meet, Dad is dead and all he has left to remember him by is the Gunpla he bought him before passed
>Pilot starts with kid being fired, getting scolded by his mom for how his Gunpla and gamer skills are useless and don't translate to any money
>kid is fed up and sad, decides to get into the underground scene..uses his final paycheck to trick out his Dad's kit and use the rest to gamble
>wins and realizes he can make a living doing what he loves
>whole show is just him climbing up the ranks losing and getting back his dad's gunpla
>Also main rival is the head moderator who is sympathetic but firm in catching said kid
>Also he pilots a custom Master gundam called Game Master Gundam.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714433326027488.jpg","filename":"58375954a863a1891a22ccb75088a142.jpg"},"posted":1714433326},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22606998,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Ultraman Kamen (uses masks as gimmicks)
Ultraman W (celebrates 10th anniversary of X, 5th anniversary of Z)
Ultraman Volt (black and yellow colored, celebrates Mebius 20th anniversary)
Kamen Rider
>Kamen Rider Ultra (space themed again but more of cosmic than astronauts)
>Kamen Rider Ranger (Super Sentai tribute where each Rider and their forms have elements of a Sentai team)
Ironically enough, I have zero idea towards Super Sentai.","attachment":null,"posted":1714440377},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22607005,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
a love story between and man and he's mecha","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714440978100500.jpg","filename":"b9ba9720466811b0c0743c16129e45f2-1.jpg"},"posted":1714440978},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22609796,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22606821
Like Initial D but mechs?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714600455306606.jpg","filename":"downloadfile-14.jpg"},"posted":1714600455},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22609823,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Creamy Mami with Heavy Metal L-Gaim","attachment":null,"posted":1714602970},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22610500,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Kamen Rider Isekai","attachment":null,"posted":1714640372},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22610671,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609796
Pretty much","attachment":null,"posted":1714656292},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22610746,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22607005
Gundam 00?","attachment":null,"posted":1714661183},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22611165,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594096
>We are actually mechs.
and what if we swallow tiny people who merge with our spinal cord and they pilot us?","attachment":null,"posted":1714684799},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22611192,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"A Gundam show where the series' Oldtype/Natural equivalent are strongarmed into a culture of tolerating the atrocities of the series' Newtype/Coordinator equivalent lest they repeat the actions of the Titans-like group from decades ago. One of the big messages pushed is that Oldtypes/Naturals are inferior to Newtypes/Coordinators. The main character, a female Oldtype/Natural, refuses to fight the Newtypes/Coordinators at first due to this belief in "tolerance", but, after being rescued from an insane Newtype/Coordinator by the anti-Newtype/Coordinator movement, realizes over the course of the show that Newtypes/Coordinators don't have to be tolerated in the face of their bad deeds and that Newtypes/Coordinators are actually emotionally, physically, and intellectually inferior to Oldtypes/Naturals. This will be proven when the MC is able to defeat Newtypes/Coordinators in mobile suit combat because she is calmer and more logical and has greater control over her mobile suit. In fact, it will be revealed that Newtypes/Coordinators are suffering from a genetic mutation passed off as a "new evolution" because the Newtypes/Spacenoids have interests against the health of the Earth's environment, so wanted to glorify living in space despite its adverse effects on humans. The series will end with the MC and her movement turning all the space colonies to trash and all surviving Newtypes/Coordinators sentenced to prison as humanity works to heal the earth.","attachment":null,"posted":1714686718},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22611294,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610746
But Setsuna is a horrible boyfriend","attachment":null,"posted":1714693706},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22611391,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Patlabor but construction workers","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714696468298911.jpg","filename":"1671153955976568.jpg"},"posted":1714696468},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22611622,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Generation Kill but for a space war","attachment":null,"posted":1714708525},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22614500,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714894574780121.jpg","filename":"1714889838945.jpg"},"posted":1714894574},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22615859,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
A sentai show in which every single member is meant to come from a previous sentai series entirely but they’re completely new in design","attachment":null,"posted":1714966981},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22619874,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615859
So Zenkaiger?","attachment":null,"posted":1715190000},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22620115,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Setting: Derelict space graveyard of warships, a mixture of broken space vessels intermixed with debris, asteroid chunks, and other assorted space garbage coalesced into an area almost the size of Pluto.
Mission: Somewhere in this graveyard of starships is the rumored partial gold reserves of the fallen Modro Union somewhere in a fallen warship, worth an estimated 4 trillion Earthnotes. Three teams of special operations units from former enemies of the Union have been dispatched to survey and potentially recover the gold. They spend the 12 episodes engaged in combat and scouting operations against one another.","attachment":null,"posted":1715199029},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22621455,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22620115
I would take this exact same setting and mission but have it be teams of salvagers and treasure seekers racing against one another going ship to ship in their scrap metal/construction mechs. Watching the rivalries and seeing the weird stuff they find and strange aliens they uncover etc","attachment":null,"posted":1715260025},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22625109,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22600460
I feel like you could look at lots of 60s to 70s war media and easily place it into Votoms.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715430947481590.jpg","filename":"votoms trench ueda.jpg"},"posted":1715430947},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22626975,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
>Ultraman Quanta
In the year 22XX, humanity became a space-faring race and joined the wider galactic community.
The Terran Republic very quickly establishes itself as peerless explorers with infinite curiosity. In their pursuit of knowledge, they create multiple massive self-sufficient explorer ships that would explore the infinite void of space and go where nobody else did.
12y Ryo Satsuma, son of scientist Kuro Satsuma, are part of the crew of the Japanese explorer vessel Amaterasu that was sent out to explore a phenomena on the southern region of the Milky Way Galaxy. Things go not as planned when it turns out the anomaly is a wormhole that sucks the Amaterasu and spits it out into a completely different galaxy and right in front of a giant ship that was seemingly abandoned.
The away team lead by the elder Satsuma and supported by members of the elite Tempest Team board the ship to find clues on their current predicament. The away team however didn't realize little Ryo smuggling himself onboard the vessel. The situation quickly turns bad when another alien vessel appears out of nowhere and attacks both the derelict and the Amaterasu and releasing a space monster from its inside.
Due to the chaos, Kuro Satsuma is kidnapped by the assailants while Ryo gets infected with a mutagenic virus. All seems bleak for the boy when all of a sudden a silvery blob appears out of nowhere and fuses with him. His condition is stabilized and the virus kept in check thanks to the blob whose name is Quanta. Once a denizen of the Valley of Light, now a mutant experimented on by the alien Kunajikk to harvest his powers for himself. The vessel that appeared belonged to his army along with the derelict. Ryo and Quanta team up to help the Amaterasu find its way back home, to find prof. Kuro and stop Kunajikk and whatever evil backs him as the mutant Ultraman Quanta.
AKA: Ultraman meets ST: Voyager, Farscape with some additional mecha thrown in.","attachment":null,"posted":1715510295},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22626978,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22615859
I once saw an idea thrown in by an anon about a magical girl show, but all the girls are daughters of various toku heroes and their looks actually depend on the dad/mother they are descended from.
Would be fun. That's for sure.","attachment":null,"posted":1715510404},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22626989,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I want a mecha show about a retired pilot trying to get back into shape after her first pregnancy. An entire episode is dedicated to her just trying to fit back into her old pilot suit.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715510741553399.jpg","filename":"PhotoCollage_20240317_192651641.jpg.733814b9311bd2c88992a0521947fbc8.jpg"},"posted":1715510741},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22627219,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Fantasy series (not isekai) with mechs, but the protagonists are three kobolds in a trenchcoat who pilot a combining mech that changes forms like Getter. The kobolds convinced everyone it's piloted by three humans, and they change formation in the trenchcoat to become the different "pilots" outside the mech and maintain the illusion.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715523330040680.jpg","filename":"sc.jpg"},"posted":1715523330},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22628735,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
In the near future, particle collider experiments lead to an incursion of monstrous creatures from a parallel dimension, dubbed Anomals. Soon a special task force, Anomal Reduction & Control (or A.R.C.) is formed to deal with the Anomals, as well as specialized weaponry and power armor called Catcher Units to counter the mutant fauna's destructive abilities. To help fund the organization and control the narrative around the situation, the agents are marketed as superheroes to the general public and enjoy a degree of celebrity, though their actions out of suit are heavily downplayed.
The whole setup is incredibly shady, and surely there's a government conspiracy lurking in the background, but so long as the pay is good, the team is mostly okay with it.
This is a story about heroism, good people doing a dirty job, good publicity, and monsters getting blown the hell up.
Tl;dr: It's Patlabor meets Daiguard meets Shinesman meets the G3 Team from Kamen Rider Agito.
MC is a laidback slacker with hidden depths. Ambivalent to the idea of being a public hero, but enjoys helping people and getting to test out all the latest gear. Wears the Catcher Unit – Secutor, based off a roman gladiator.
Mission control is a middle-aged woman with a chip on her shoulder. Particularly bitter towards the MC, since she was the original beta tester of the Secutor until she was sidelined by an injury. More compassionate and lively than she lets on, but has trouble letting her guard down. Mostly because that's what lead to her injury in the first place. Eventually gets another suit, Catcher Unit – Vaquero, with a cowboy motif.
Secondary mission control is a glasses wearing rival type who is far more mild-mannered than he initially appears.
That's about as far as I got with the concept.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715607251055378.png","filename":"4028403.png"},"posted":1715607251},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22628737,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
More non Thunderbolt early UC sidestories","attachment":null,"posted":1715631847},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22629317,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22596167
I finally found mine after a long time search.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715634414266204.png","filename":"PickermantheGreatcopy.png"},"posted":1715634414},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22629339,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Show that's focused on mech warfare, tactics, politics, likeable characters and good dialogue.
Kinda like Generation Kill with mechs but with more action and upped scale of conflict.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715635356331495.jpg","filename":"musicartsculture_movies2-1-5791c96eb74eb40f.jpg"},"posted":1715635356},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22632108,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Gundam UC spinoff where a Federation battle ship is tasked with hunting down Zeon remnants come across a seemingly abandoned colony. They send out their GMs, but their ship gets destroyed by a mysterious bioweapon that seemingly pilots mobile suits. The surviving federation forces find the surviving Zeon remnants and have no choice but to work together to survive. Tensions flare, and through infighting, constant bioweapon attacks, and the hazards of living in an abandoned colony, only a handful of survivors manage to learn the truth about the bioweapon. Maybe it's the souls of dead newtypes possessing corpses or something.
TLDR Gundam but with elements from Alien, Halo's Flood, and Zombie films. You could even get rid of the Gundam part and just use original characters and factions.","attachment":null,"posted":1715801027},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22632113,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22629339
Americans already took Dougram and willingly decided to run it into the ground twice.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715801336934254.jpg","filename":"robo4.jpg"},"posted":1715801336},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22632115,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I am legitimately baffled to this day why people would take a grounded setting like Dougram and then turn it into some weird ayylmao shit, and then came Battletech which is just its own thing anyway.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715801454410007.jpg","filename":"robo7.jpg"},"posted":1715801454},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22632118,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Nicolas Cage as a Masked Rider","attachment":null,"posted":1715801673},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22632704,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
I just want an ultra gritty anime centered around tomino style war murder porn.
There's no Kira Amuro or Bagnagher to save the day and the whole show is just a front row ride in seeing the Dark History wipe out Humanity to near extinction.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1715836248031639.gif","filename":"war-worldwarone.gif"},"posted":1715836248},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22634584,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Dudes pilot mechas that were made from their wives. Bonus points for the drama about their kids also being able to pilot Momgelions.","attachment":null,"posted":1715950642},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22634606,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"masked rider in the wild west
>riders include revolver rider, lasso rider, dynamite rider, arrow rider (the token indian), etc
>rival has double revolvers
>monsters are farm and wild animals who were abducted and experimented by aliens or whatever
>the horses also henshin
Ah fuck it. I wanna talk about it anyways.
>Pretty much the same thing as SS's backstory
>Differences start juuust before the first AI war, with the factions finding out about the "Strikecraft", a pre-Collapse humanoid-shaped construction machine whose designs were relatively easy to acquire, could operate both in space and in the atmosphere, and could handle much bigger weight and recoil loads than their otherwise small frames would suggest. They'd prove their salt as fighting vessels in the post-collapse when the not!Tri-Tachyon releases their armies of AI murderfleets
>Main Character is, unlike the player character, not a fleet commander, but one such Strikecraft pilot, whose knowledge of the Captain's (implied to be the aforementioned PC) plans is strictly on a need-to-know basis, and he has to cope with seeing the freaky shit you usually deal with in an average Starsector run, ranging from berserk ancient exploration drones, to brutal remnants of the AI murderfleets, to a final battle in the end of the series against the not!Omega
>Meanwhile, the AI fleets hiding in the fringes try their best to learn about these strikecraft used against them, attempt to acquire forgotten unmanned designs or use their arcane, beyond-human-comprehension knowledge and thought processes to create their own.","attachment":null,"posted":1715955251},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22634852,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634677
I like it, glad you posted it. That said I'm also a Starsectorfag so I admit I'm biased.","attachment":null,"posted":1715961496},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22634862,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594129
That happens in Full Metal Daemon Muramasa.","attachment":null,"posted":1715961948},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22634924,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22634852
I wonder how an Omega strikecraft would look like, though.
I'm split between "triangular Turn X" and "Sachiel, but with thrusters and the occasional panel lining"","attachment":null,"posted":1715964240},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22634985,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Series about fans of a particular franchise who never, ever stop trying to make everything else about that franchise.","attachment":null,"posted":1715967177},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22635163,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594085
I mean, when you really think about it, isn't that basically just the original Ultraman?","attachment":null,"posted":1715974918},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22637511,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"you do L-gaim again but make it unfunny and set on mars
oh wait","attachment":null,"posted":1716094080},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22640504,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
Let's take an old brand from 2 decades ago and market it to the youth! The luck winner is... Micronauts!
>Thousands of years ago aliens from another world crash landed on Earth. They remained in stasis underground until the present day when they were woken up!
>The heroes, the Micronauts, are basically a Super Sentai team. Their main base is the bedroom of one of the annoying human sidekicks. They seek to thwart the plans of...
>The villains, the Acroyears, seek to rule the world. Their leader, Baron Karza, has won over an evil capitalist and his company to their side with promises of sharing their futuristic technology.
>They, their weapons, their vehicles, and their mecha are the same size as their toys and model kits
It's like GI Joe, Power Rangers, and Transformers all rolled up into one package!","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716259173678373.jpg","filename":"Micro Rangers.jpg"},"posted":1716259173},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641296,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22640504
God, I want this (along with Hikarian) to get subbed so bad.","attachment":null,"posted":1716322436},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641366,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
>I died and got reincarnated as the janitor for android bay 7
Isekai will be irrelevant to the plot after the first 10seconds.
Follows the story of a young man who becomes a janitor at a military facility, specifically android bay 7, where a bunch of qt3.14 androids catering to each otakus taste will be stationed. The AI have a pretty smart learning algorithm and the function as the pilots and processors for big ol battle mechs that have more focus on cool aethetics than cute, but still reflect each girls personality. They will be locked in an ambiguous war with another peoples. Janitors also provide field support to the combat mechs btw. He wont have a giant mecha, but maybe just a light armored mobilty suit slightly larger than him. And by janitor i also mean mechanic, but its all very janitor themed still. He provides field support by spotting, manually purging systems from the outside in emergencies, that kind of thing. As they continue fighting the battles start taking a toll on their core personalities, and by having a hooman compainion along one even starts to have a melty and doesnt want to go kill hoomans and more and conscientiously object, so they personality wipe her and its kinda just a really traumatizing ordeal for the whole team. As more things start affect the android more and more, the janitor start wonder if they even have a real personality of if theyre just the cullmination of events registered in their memory cores. This in turn trigger an existential crisis with himself wonder if he ever had free will, or just had always acted on a combitation of insticts and decisions made by influences and life experiences. Generally challenges what it means to be a person, but also drags it down to a very animalist level, with man no longer elevated as far above nature as he often likes to think he is. It goes from very surealist to realist, because no of that matter and he'll have to keep on living as himself anyways.
mid season beach ep","attachment":null,"posted":1716325679},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641370,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
2nd half will just be awesome action scenes as they all start to become bad ass killing machinces and embrace the influence of war and violence more. Itll go from happy guy and human like androids to him become more like the machines and they all get decommisioned / executed for war crimes that ended up ending the war.","attachment":null,"posted":1716325956},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641508,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641366
I hate and love this.","attachment":null,"posted":1716332602},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641536,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641508
The janitor and isekai parts are optional, but its gotta sell, ya know?","attachment":null,"posted":1716333767},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641547,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641296
Don't think it's ever going to happen outside of the first couple of episodes. Which isn't too much of a problem with Microman. It's story telling is basic enough that you can tell what's going on without subs.
On the pitch of reboot: I do know that there was an American Micronauts comic book made that didn't amount to much 20 years ago.
Why not make a new version of both pushed together to sell toys?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716334054789161.jpg","filename":"he shoots he kills.jpg"},"posted":1716334054},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641813,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641536
The janitor stuff is the best part, it has to stay!","attachment":null,"posted":1716344332},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641828,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22594082
>power of friendship
>isekai where the protagonist doesn't leave
>protagonist has cheat powers
>protagonist starts out appearing to be earning through effort, reveal to be chosen one by fate
>every episode for Q1 will introduce a new toy/mech
>every other episode of Q2 will introduce a new toy/mech
>every third episode of Q3 will introduce a new toy/mech
>every fourth episode of Q4 will introduce a new toy/mech, but will be the most expensive, and combine with various Q1/2/3 toys to make additional forms
>shameless fan service","attachment":null,"posted":1716344895},{"board":"m","thread":22594082,"pid":22641912,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22641828
>shameless fanservice
Comes in many forms.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1716347548879977.jpg","filename":"pirohiko tera fire.jpg"},"posted":1716347548}]}
{"title":null,"posts":[{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601089,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Opinion on the Seed Freedom english cast?
Amalee? Isn't she a youtuber or something?","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714161328105020.jpg","filename":"GMHODsybEAIEdnZ.jpg"},"posted":1714161328},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601095,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I miss the original dub cast.
>Spoiler text
she's known more as that but she actually has being doing dub for very damn long https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmaLee","attachment":null,"posted":1714161607},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601102,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
WHERE THE FUCK ARE ED AND DOUBLE D","attachment":null,"posted":1714162151},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601108,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
Where are the ed boys? Inb4 angry ass weeaboo","attachment":null,"posted":1714162492},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601122,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601102
No more Ocean cast for Gundam. Even Origins, Cucuruz Doan's Island, and Hathaway didn't bring back Brad Swaile as Amuro.
Yeah, she was Marin in My Dress Up Darling.","attachment":null,"posted":1714162977},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601124,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601095
Not English Gundam SEED without Hill, Chantel and Vincent","attachment":null,"posted":1714163067},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601129,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601124
It's so much better without them.
Those fucking Lacus' songs were HORRENDOUS","attachment":null,"posted":1714163163},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601132,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I'm not surprised it's the NYAV cast. Though, Shinn has a different actor. It was Aaron Phillips in Destiny.","attachment":null,"posted":1714163252},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601135,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601122
>didnt bring back brad
Well shit, i really enjoyed him in that role.","attachment":null,"posted":1714163349},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601140,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601135
It was one line and absolutely idiotic to think they would. It doesn't hurt anything.","attachment":null,"posted":1714163526},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601141,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601122
>didn't bring back Brad Swaile
Although I prefer the original, Silverstein doesn't do a bad Char
I get that it's simply how these things work here in Clapistan, but fuck me man, it'll never sound right otherwise.","attachment":null,"posted":1714163543},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601151,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Gundam Seed was massively popular in my country. They went all out and brought back the entire original dub cast for the movie. I was shocked to see Cagalli's old VA returning considering she retired like 20 years ago. I didn't even realize she was still alive. That's just how much of an impact Gundam Seed had on my generation I guess","attachment":null,"posted":1714164056},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601152,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601129
think the VA for the songs was a different person","attachment":null,"posted":1714164080},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601156,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601151
What country are you from?
It was. Jillian Michaels (Shippo from Inuyasa) was Lacus' singing voice in the Ocean dub.","attachment":null,"posted":1714164277},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601160,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">Shinn's recast already
That's amusing as fuck.
The fact its the remaster cast and we don't if we're getting the dub at all in Canada is funny as fuck too. It shows how bad this shitshow is, combined with Sheh's comments with ANN.
To be honest, I don't want any more early UC stuff with the original 0079 dub cast since Kopsa passed away but the fact that nobody was even approached about role reprisals, let alone voice cameos alone, will never not piss me off. Shit's just disrespectful IMO.
Michaels was also Canadian pre-Buu Gohan and Goten too.","attachment":null,"posted":1714164485},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601166,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601160
>we don't if we're getting the dub at all in Canada
It's a shitshow, they're only showing the movie in theatres for one day in Canada and two days in the US. A while back when early ticket sales opened up, I was more or less sure all of the theatre viewings around me said English sub only.
>Sheh's comments with ANN
I'm not familiar with that, got a link?","attachment":null,"posted":1714164729},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601167,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601156
>What country are you from
Not telling, but I'll give you a hint. It's in Southeast Asia","attachment":null,"posted":1714164753},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601172,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601160
I always forget that Ocean did their own Cell and Buu saga dubs for Canada, even after Funimation did their own in the US, and that it used music from the Ruby Spears Mega Man cartoon.
>It's so surreal for us because recording this series was like a fever dream. We did all 98 episodes in a few months, and it wasn't released right away,” said Sheh. “It was really hard to gauge how production was. Although I was told the show is really popular, I had no real sense of it.”
For context: The redub was announced in mid-2017 with the initial cast being announced that December with it being likely they had the cast already done at that point. The BDs didn't release until Dec 2020.","attachment":null,"posted":1714165815},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601182,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
Here's your new Shinn bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN_94PZSBqs","attachment":null,"posted":1714165920},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601186,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601182
>born in 1998
Christ he was not even 6 years old when Destiny aired","attachment":null,"posted":1714165988},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601194,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601129
Have you heard the way they pronounce Lacus in this version","attachment":null,"posted":1714166457},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601198,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601182
I think he sounds fine. I haven't heard Shinn's actor in NYAV Destiny. I liked Matthew Erickson in Dynasty Warriors.
Feeling old? Or do you need a voice actor for a 16 year old kid to be at least 25?","attachment":null,"posted":1714166869},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601203,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601198
He was always great in Destiny and the games, helps he's a Mecha veteran as he was also in Zoids and Betterman. The Remaster guy was horrible, he had the type of deep voice where your throat feels itchy hearing him and his screams were awful, literally ruins Shinn's more iconic scenes.","attachment":null,"posted":1714166887},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601205,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601203
He was Amuro in Zeta and did a decent take, albeit radically different if you were expecting something similar to Swaile's Amuro.
Especially obvious in Zeta vs since you'll go from one to another.","attachment":null,"posted":1714167051},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601208,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601201
Suzumura was 30 years old when he voiced Shinn , Erickson was 26, Phillips was in his 30s","attachment":null,"posted":1714167241},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601219,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601178
Why are you posting an archive link? The ANN page is still there.","attachment":null,"posted":1714167815},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601222,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Did Seed Destiny run back-to-back with Seed on Toonami?","attachment":null,"posted":1714167894},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601227,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601222
Never aired on North American tv, Seed was the last show until Gundam 00 aired on Scifi. Destiny aired in Canada though on Teletoon I think.","attachment":null,"posted":1714168020},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601234,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601227
I think it was YTV actually.","attachment":null,"posted":1714168321},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601237,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601227
It aired on YTV in the Bionix (?) block back in 2006~07.
>It was so many years ago that the dub can drive
God I feel ancient now","attachment":null,"posted":1714168551},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601240,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601237
Is there a list of anime that aired on YTV that I can check?
I know Toonami had Wing, '79, 08th MS, G, Stardust Memory, 0080, CCA, and Seed. And New Toonami has gotten IBO, Unicorn and The Origin.","attachment":null,"posted":1714168747},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601243,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Speaking of old voice actors that we will never hear ever again.
Kirby Morrow died, so no Trowa anymore ever.","attachment":null,"posted":1714169057},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601250,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601243
Maybe for the best. Blue Water was an anti-union scab company. Dunno if any of their talent did VAing again after Ocean went bust.","attachment":null,"posted":1714169083},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601261,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601249
I didnt know that, he had a smooth as voice.","attachment":null,"posted":1714169555},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601263,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601250
Ocean still exists. They just do a shit tone more pre-lay stuff these days. Most Blue Water does these days is whatever Bushiroad sends them since they're basically Ocean/Chinook's budget studio.","attachment":null,"posted":1714169739},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601266,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
I don't recognize any of these names.
I thought "Stephanie Sheh" sounded familiar, but when I looked her up, nope, not familiar.","attachment":null,"posted":1714169932},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601269,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601266
Dude, she's Orihime AND Hinata.","attachment":null,"posted":1714170160},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601273,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601266
You're either ancient, or too young to be here. Sheh's a 90's-00's vet.","attachment":null,"posted":1714170336},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601274,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601269
I know her more as Eureka than those two.","attachment":null,"posted":1714170342},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601276,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601266
>Hinata from Naruto
>Orihime from Bleach
>Sailor Moon (Viz dub)
>Yui from K-On
>Mineva from Gundam Unicorn
>Mikuru from Haruhi Suzumiya
None of these sound familiar to you?","attachment":null,"posted":1714170353},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601279,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601124
Matt Hill is on Cameo, you could probably get him to dub all of Kira’s movie lines for spare change.","attachment":null,"posted":1714170444},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601280,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601276
I would expect the dude to respond "LOL you watch dubs you fucking anime rapist", but this is a dub thread so I got no idea why he'd post here.","attachment":null,"posted":1714170524},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601281,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601276
>Mikuru from Haruhi Suzumiya
Huh i never noticed it back then.","attachment":null,"posted":1714170567},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601283,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601281
Not like Mikuru has any room to show talent. The entire role was probably struggling to keep a moe-esque tone. At least Hinata and Eureka are able to show humanity, and Orihime was pretty diverse until she became "KUROSAKI-KUN" 24/7.","attachment":null,"posted":1714170729},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601286,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601283
She was also Tharja in Fire Emblem.
I don't really count FE13 and 14 as significant venues for VAs, since it's all voiceclips and not anything really significant like Persona or Coldsteel.","attachment":null,"posted":1714171036},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601293,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601291
Since you mentioned Persona. Here's Kira and Cagalli.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fuhVUewQYQ","attachment":null,"posted":1714171213},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601321,"name":"Kolchak","msg":"I'm fairly neutral on dubs, but a big part of SEED's charm is it's big name, all-star voice cast. So, watching it dubbed just doesn't seem like a fun option to me.
I am sorta nostalgic for the old Ocean Group SEED dub. Surfer dude-sounding Kira and surprisingly awesome Rau always stick out to me.","attachment":null,"posted":1714172748},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601346,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Do not reply to the tripfag.","attachment":null,"posted":1714173736},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601363,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601346
Im just grateful /m/ has a small community so it is a small list of tripfags to filter.","attachment":null,"posted":1714174677},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601379,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
>No Ed or Double D again
As I said with the SEED remaster. Pass","attachment":null,"posted":1714175504},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601405,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Are SEED's old actors even around anymore? Matt Hill isn't active in dubbing anymore and Murrue's isn't either.","attachment":null,"posted":1714176387},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601413,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601405
The only Ocean talent I see anymore is Brian Drummond.","attachment":null,"posted":1714176804},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601421,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601405
Trevor Devall (Mu's Ocean actor) still does voice acting in LA. Don't know if he still does anime though.","attachment":null,"posted":1714177039},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601442,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
Well people take issue on this. What about the rest of the cast? Sure, the NYAV Post cast is now just 98% of it because people did not like Remaster Shinn's dub voice, but it doesn't change the fact that English dubs are insistent on using "fresh talent" every time, leaving little to no opportunities for older talent to return, even if cast as someone else. For one matter, Michael Adamthwaite, now known under his new stage name Mark P. Whitten, is still highly active to this day and keeping up with these new talent, but people would still want him as Yzak, which may not happen here.","attachment":null,"posted":1714177747},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601459,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601442
Wasn't he only Yzak in SEED, and Swaile did it and Dearka in Destiny?","attachment":null,"posted":1714178613},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601519,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601442
>English dubs are insistent on using "fresh talent" every time, leaving little to no opportunities for older talent to return
I wouldn't call Sheh, Rachael Lillis, Tara Platt, Keith Silverstein, and Liam O'Brien "new talent". And that's just the ones I can remember as being veterans casted for Unicorn and The Origin.","attachment":null,"posted":1714180974},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601523,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601519
*fresh talent. Fuck.","attachment":null,"posted":1714181105},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601597,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601201
No just feeling old. I don't like being reminded that there are now grown adults that were kids or not even born yet when I was a teenager.","attachment":null,"posted":1714185777},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601601,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601291
She was also Estelle in Trails, which originally was just battle voice clips, but she did actually return when Estelle came back at the end of Cold Steel in a major voiced capacity.","attachment":null,"posted":1714185893},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601660,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601405
You don't hear much from them anymore because there's nothing for them to work on anymore. Since the 00s recession, all anime dubs moving south, Bandai US shutting down, Canadian cartoons not getting made anymore and MLP over, what are they suppose to voice?","attachment":null,"posted":1714188341},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601683,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601660
What's been airing on YTV these days?","attachment":null,"posted":1714189442},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22601690,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601683
Nick and Nelvana shit","attachment":null,"posted":1714189663},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22602296,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Not Seed related, but still a dub matter: Just found out that Guel in G-Witch isn't Matt Mercer. It's some relative new blood called Bradley Gareth who's doing a good impression of Matt Mercer.","attachment":null,"posted":1714219994},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22602318,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22602296
Why would anyone think it was Mercer when it's been known for almost a year that the guy wasn't voicing the character? Are you just that stupid?","attachment":null,"posted":1714221832},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22602499,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601321
Surfer Kira was always funny to me.","attachment":null,"posted":1714231795},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22602509,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8of1GoOB-eI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HX5SIEXIOo","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714232046236210.jpg","filename":"Gundam SE-Ed.jpg"},"posted":1714232046},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22602528,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22602506
Take your meds.","attachment":null,"posted":1714232997},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603157,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22602318
Gundaminfo doesn't dub the credits. How was I supposed to figure out the dub cast?","attachment":null,"posted":1714257186},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603187,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
Max Mittleman? For real?","attachment":null,"posted":1714258144},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603261,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603187
Do you have an issue with him?","attachment":null,"posted":1714261110},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603265,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603261
They were making a joke. Max Mittelman also voiced Ryuji in Persona 5.
I've never played Persona. I hate emulating non-Nintendo and I can't find any Youtube playthroughs for Persona 3.","attachment":null,"posted":1714265912},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603474,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603453
Persona 5 Royal is on Switch.","attachment":null,"posted":1714266475},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603490,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603474
I can't play Persona 5. Not until I've played all of Persona 3 and 4.","attachment":null,"posted":1714266900},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603505,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603490
You don't have to. They're each their own story with very little continuity with each other. That's like saying you can't watch Gundam 00 without watching MS Team first.","attachment":null,"posted":1714267146},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603574,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603505
A lot of the word of mouth I've heard about Gundam IBO is that you won't be able to understand it unless you've seen Gundam 00. Generally a lot of the reason I enjoyed Gundam Wing was because it didn't do any of the stupid shit that Zeta and Victory took way too much joy in.","attachment":null,"posted":1714269539},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603692,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603574
What morons told you that? And why did you believe them?","attachment":null,"posted":1714274799},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603699,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603574
You're listening to some very stupid people.","attachment":null,"posted":1714275144},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603802,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
Go back","attachment":null,"posted":1714281494},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603805,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603802
Wow. It only took 83 replies.","attachment":null,"posted":1714281652},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603851,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22602296
Mercer started doing an impression of Baker and now this guy is doing impressions of Mercer. We've gone full circle.","attachment":null,"posted":1714285362},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603860,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603157
Check any news site? You act like it's a chore to find out simple information","attachment":null,"posted":1714286346},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603878,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603860
Motherfucker's here don't even want to link to ANN. There's no hope for these people.","attachment":null,"posted":1714287887},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22603962,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
not diverse enough","attachment":null,"posted":1714296116},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22604107,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601266
I dont even watch dubs but I know her","attachment":null,"posted":1714306030},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609747,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603851
More like the circle is still going. Remember that Baker exists to do Nolan North impressions.","attachment":null,"posted":1714597477},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609752,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Gonna start watching Seed. Hope Aniwave still has the old dub saved.","attachment":null,"posted":1714597903},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609799,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Watched episode 1. The dub I'm watching sounds too good in terms of audio quality for what I expect. Are there any sure tells for which dub I'd be watching?","attachment":null,"posted":1714600768},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609806,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
I know Max Mittlemen from World of Warcraft can make a really inspiring heroic performance. I'm thinking of Prince Farondis from the Aszuna questline. I don't recall anything memorable the other VAs have done.","attachment":null,"posted":1714601037},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609879,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609799
Ocean Group Rau sounds vaguely British. Ocean Group Arthur is aggressively British.","attachment":null,"posted":1714606327},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609887,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609806
I mentioned some of Stephanie Sheh's characters here. >>22601276 but, for the rest:
>Chris Hackney: Basara from Testament of Sister New Devil, Ghiaccio from Jojo Part 5, Dimitri from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Cherami Leigh: Lucy from Fairy Tail, Asuna from Sword Art Online, Makoto from Persona 5, Sailor Venus (Viz Dub), Red Blood Cell from Cells at Work
>Kieran Regan: Shikanoin Heizou from Genshin Impact, Twnety Fifth Bam and Jue Viole Grace from Tower of God: New World, Yusei from AMAIM
>Alyson Leigh Rosenfield: Bonnie from Pokémon X and Y, Fraw from Gundam: The Origin, Sayaka from Mazinger Z Infinity
>Kelly Baskin: Amber from Genshin Impact, Kirin from Gunvolt
>Ben Balmaceda: Neku from The World Ends with You: The Animation
>Lizzie Freeman: Chizuru from Rent-A-Girlfriend
>Alejandro Saab: Yukimura from Science Fell in Love (Replacing Billy Kametz), Akihiko from Persona 3: Reload, Shadiq from Witch from Mercury
>Zeno Robinson: Hawks from My Hero Academia, Junpei from Persona 3: Reload
>Amanda Lee: Marin from My Dress Up Darling","attachment":null,"posted":1714606865},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609888,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"are the compilation movies okay for a recap? i don't think i'll be able to watch all 100 episodes of gundam before it shows up in my country on tuesday","attachment":null,"posted":1714606912},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609900,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609887
Lizzie Freeman: Chizuru from Rent-A-Girlfriend
That's probably the least notable role you could've mentioned she has with her last five years of lightning progress.","attachment":null,"posted":1714607621},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609902,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609888
OH MY GOD, you already made a thread about this over a week ago. Just watch the show already and stop asking other people what to do.","attachment":null,"posted":1714607692},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609908,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609900
I can't believe I forgot she was Trish in Jojo Part 5, despite remembering Hackney's character.","attachment":null,"posted":1714608012},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609926,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
They don't look anything like their characters. This is some Netflix tier garbage","attachment":null,"posted":1714608950},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609931,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609926
This isn't a live action movie.","attachment":null,"posted":1714609181},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22609934,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
why would we give a fuck about trash
>Amalee? Isn't she a youtuber or something?
same bitch who makes a shitton of covers and was dub Kitagawa","attachment":null,"posted":1714609612},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22610143,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22603574
Gundam 00 and IBO are literal opposites. 00 is about humans coming together and beamspam, IBO is about humans being tools and physical weapons/ammo.","attachment":null,"posted":1714616759},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22610155,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610143
I heard Mikazuki was a remix of Setsuna.","attachment":null,"posted":1714617008},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22610511,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609752
speaking of sites anyone remember the one that one anon said that had the OG versions of SEED and Destiny?","attachment":null,"posted":1714642188},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22610566,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Downloaded a Tri-audio from Nyaa. I probably need to listen to the redub regularly to stay sane hearing the female voice performances, especially when NYAV managed to hook some of my favorites for Ramius, Badgiruel and Miriallia.","attachment":null,"posted":1714646668},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22610574,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610155
Aside from being quiet, they're nothing alike. Setsuna is a boy who lost faith in God and replaced it with Gundam due to O Gundam saving his life. He wants to change the world due to how he grew up. Mikazuki is a boy who follows whatever Orga says to a T to the point that Orga sometimes seems afraid of him. He isn't about changing the world or the bigger picture. Just changing his current life and circumstances. 00 and IBO are two completely separate stories with little in common.","attachment":null,"posted":1714647378},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22611479,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">NYAV pronounced Lacus as "La-koose"
Oh for Kira's sake...","attachment":null,"posted":1714700836},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22611482,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611479
How did the Ocean dub pronounce her name?","attachment":null,"posted":1714700899},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22611485,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22611482
"Lah-kis". Like a human would.","attachment":null,"posted":1714701001},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22612079,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"AmaLee is fine as fuck tho ngl","attachment":null,"posted":1714752152},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22613337,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
I just booked a ticket for me and my dad, but after how embarassing it was to bring him to Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel part 1's English dub, I'm not doing that again so I bought two subbed tickets. Hope there isn't anything visually embarrassing. I typically bring him to see Ghibli and Shinkai movies.","attachment":{"attachment_url":"https://i.4cdn.org/m/1714842363661634.jpg","filename":"Star Trek DS9 Sisko facepalm.jpg"},"posted":1714842363},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22613354,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"tadoritsuku basho sae mo wakaranai","attachment":null,"posted":1714843925},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22613478,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Watching Seed is the weirdest experience I've ever had. I keep rotating it between Ocean and NYAV and occasionally turning on subtitels for spelling clarity, and just going full JP anytime Lacus starts singing.","attachment":null,"posted":1714850229},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22613517,"name":"Anonymous","msg":""CGUE" is not a word, Gundam. No wonder Ocean just spells it "Sci-goo".","attachment":null,"posted":1714851904},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22613561,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601421
He mainly does anime now because he records from his home studio now.","attachment":null,"posted":1714853907},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22613564,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22609747
North-Baker-Mercer-Jonah Scott/Bradley Garreth","attachment":null,"posted":1714853985},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22613565,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Going to see the movie this Tuesday.","attachment":null,"posted":1714854128},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22614800,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"The Toonzone recaps are amazing.
>"Dearka, Yzak, and Nichol, (aka the 'other guys' with Gundams) still have no idea how to combine their GundamZords together, so they attack Kira to force the info out of him. Athrun, meanwhile, prepares to welcome [Lacus's] new baby by making hundreds of Haros that take over the ZAFT vessel. Murrue, who's starting to wish she were a giant floating head right about now, has a decision to make, as Flay snaps and goes on a maniacal killing spree, starting with a little kid named Justin..."","attachment":null,"posted":1714917278},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616078,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601442
A big chunk of the ocean actors do work in America.
Matt Hill,Trevor Devall, Brian Drummond, Mark Oliver, Micheal Adamthwaite, Brad Swaile, Michael Daingerfield, Saffron Henderson , Andrew Francis, Scott Mcneil, Venus Terzo, Brenna O'Brien, and to top it off Lisa Ann Beley lives 4 hours from NYC.
Unicorn was over a decade ago.","attachment":null,"posted":1714982594},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616090,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
Jesus American voice actors are so unappealing to look at, I would only fuck Cherami and Lizzie out of this whole lot.","attachment":null,"posted":1714984095},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616180,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616078
>Unicorn was over a decade ago.
Does this change my point?
Also I forgot to mention Steve Staley, who played Shiro in 08th MS back in 2001.","attachment":null,"posted":1714992547},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616181,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22613565
Have fun!","attachment":null,"posted":1714992710},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616492,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22610511
The site is animegg, if i'm right.","attachment":null,"posted":1715015906},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616503,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"Aniwave and my Nyaa torrent are missing the recap episodes. Where can I find them?","attachment":null,"posted":1715016736},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616720,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616180
>Does this change my point?
It does, alot of the unicorn era dub VA's are no longer frequently in anime or being phased out over race.","attachment":null,"posted":1715029136},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616722,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616180
He was also Banagher, Seabook, and McGillis.","attachment":null,"posted":1715029266},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616906,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22601089
I wish I was rich enough to recast the entire old original dub. Everyone was great. Kira, Athrun, Mu, Murrue, Cagali, and especially Lacus were perfect.","attachment":null,"posted":1715042919},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616953,"name":"Anonymous","msg":"I keep swapping back between Ocean and NYAV anytime there's a scene between Patrick Zala and Siegel Clyne. Goddammit Sabat I don't need to hear you everywhere.
Ironically, Zala's NYAV VA was 4kids Zoro.","attachment":null,"posted":1715046752},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616955,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616722
I brought up Staley specifically because he voices Banagher.
>being phased out over race.
It's been proven that's not happening. Otherwise we wouldn't have had that giant shitstorm with Wendee Lee.","attachment":null,"posted":1715046870},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616957,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616955
NTA, but weren't some people upset about Suletta's dub actress not matching her skin tone too?","attachment":null,"posted":1715047085},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22616959,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616957
That's on them for thinking tanukis are a race rather than an anime design.","attachment":null,"posted":1715047244},{"board":"m","thread":22601089,"pid":22617337,"name":"Anonymous","msg":">>22616953
4kids zorro is best zorro, he also voiced guts from berserk btw.
>It's been proven that's not happening
and thats just one example, American voice over industry has been encouraging white voice actors to step down over race.
The Wendee Lee situation was literally an example of that, only difference being she stood up for herself and got her role back. Ironically same replacement was the main one bitching about sulletta. https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/02/03/western-voice-actors-accuse-