{ "examples": [ { "uid": "03c7d62afbcc088cad1c810c09a71df29a29c968_1", "query": "Apply for Nordic Swan Ecolabel license, what is recommended as a web browser according to the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal instructions?", "reference_answer": "Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03c7d62afbcc088cad1c810c09a71df29a29c968.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03c7d62afbcc088cad1c810c09a71df29a29c968_0", "query": "What is the first step in the Nordic Swan Ecolabel license application process according to the Application Guide?", "reference_answer": "Sign in and change your password.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03c7d62afbcc088cad1c810c09a71df29a29c968.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67_1", "query": "Which etiology is identified as causing the highest number of liver transplantation cases in 2020 according to the Stanford MEDICINE Liver Transplantation for Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease report?", "reference_answer": "Alcohol", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ea7667e98ee1f63c04b3e0ebbd765a4b14d3d6_1", "query": "What is the content of activity 1 in the project setup of the SOCRATES2.0 initiative, as outlined in the V-model framework?", "reference_answer": "project management", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ea7667e98ee1f63c04b3e0ebbd765a4b14d3d6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1_0", "query": "What type of International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) standard for traditional Chinese medicine has the highest number of published ISO standards according to the Regional Report (Shanghai)?", "reference_answer": "Chinese Medicine", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05e2dbaf2d299e33a0e7bf92a434214c84381bf1_4", "query": "According to the \"Progress so far\" section in the image, when is the DBO contract award scheduled?", "reference_answer": "Dec 2018", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05e2dbaf2d299e33a0e7bf92a434214c84381bf1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01ee87da11c9a8aa43f24e6e50814e11410afe71_0", "query": "In what year did J.J. Thomson come up with Atomic Models according to the Atomic Models History of the Atom Timeline?", "reference_answer": "1897", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01ee87da11c9a8aa43f24e6e50814e11410afe71.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "055ee29e45ee28c292471739b57d870f968a89f1_0", "query": "At a glance, what is item 10 in the UNICEF Gender and Technology GenderTech Tools guide on how to conduct remote consultations with girls?", "reference_answer": "Consider providing phone credit.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "055ee29e45ee28c292471739b57d870f968a89f1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0325f2543fd5aa5598d96e475cebc6135842f554_0", "query": "What are the components of the MICROSOFT Education Transformation Framework for Higher Education as depicted in the TRANSFORMATION FRAMEWORKS?", "reference_answer": "Student Success,Teaching and Learning,Secure and Connected Campus,Research.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0325f2543fd5aa5598d96e475cebc6135842f554.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587_4", "query": "What is the lowest percentage of theoretical ethanol yield from raw biomass?", "reference_answer": "28%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0315a7e099d0e42580d92d213ab9d201603934a8_2", "query": "How do we know that our Aims have been successfully achieved in the #swallowaware campaign by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists?", "reference_answer": "Recruitment,Referrals,Spread and growth.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0315a7e099d0e42580d92d213ab9d201603934a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d4791d0dff026024d0ac18a81750c446f09766_3", "query": "How much Power does rpm 2000 correspond to in the Demonstration result section of the Gas Interchangeability study at the International Gas Union Research Conference 2014?", "reference_answer": "131.3kW", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d4791d0dff026024d0ac18a81750c446f09766.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0073e9e4899d0c973eab31589057ddbba328be0c_1", "query": "What are the production machinery used in the CZ a.s. Division Iron Foundry?", "reference_answer": "Semi-automatic pouring line FDC,Shot-blasters (6 various pcs),Grinding & Cutting machines,Annealing chamber furnaces.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0073e9e4899d0c973eab31589057ddbba328be0c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0325f2543fd5aa5598d96e475cebc6135842f554_3", "query": "What are the disadvantages of option 1 of the OECD recommendation for developing a Hungarian Self-Assessment Tool for digital higher education?", "reference_answer": "Little or no consideration of the Hungarian context,Few existing frameworks align to ESGs,Associated with considerable time and knowledge.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0325f2543fd5aa5598d96e475cebc6135842f554.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01ee87da11c9a8aa43f24e6e50814e11410afe71_1", "query": "In the historical timeline of Atomic Models, who first proposed the hypothesis of Atomic Models, Thomson or Bohr?", "reference_answer": "Thomason", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01ee87da11c9a8aa43f24e6e50814e11410afe71.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587_1", "query": "What is the role of enzyme in the hydrolysis process in the \"Affect of preconditioning\" section of the University of Washington Biofuels and Bioproducts Laboratory presentation?", "reference_answer": "Cellulose conversion to glucose.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ea7667e98ee1f63c04b3e0ebbd765a4b14d3d6_0", "query": "What systems are included in the new and improved traffic and navigation services within the SOCRATES2.0 project?", "reference_answer": "Roadsidesystems,Smartphones and in-car navigation systems.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ea7667e98ee1f63c04b3e0ebbd765a4b14d3d6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01054a87c831f60e8cfaead13508fb385ef34f44_0", "query": "In the radar section of the Electronic Countermeasures for Radar Preliminary Design Review, what does the signal go through from the RF front end to the processor and visualizer?", "reference_answer": "soundcard", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01054a87c831f60e8cfaead13508fb385ef34f44.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05431d0c73a506ba1e04ca357b7d8bdbf6efa7f5_2", "query": "In the section Financial Overview of the Healthcare Trust Inc. First Quarter 2017 Investor Presentation, what is the value of Total Assets?", "reference_answer": "$2,240,811", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05431d0c73a506ba1e04ca357b7d8bdbf6efa7f5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00136f54532dfe44863f718dea07afadc9d9b1bd_3", "query": "Which fiscal year has the highest projected budget for the T&E/S&T programme annual budget according to the NDIA 12th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference document?", "reference_answer": "FY16", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00136f54532dfe44863f718dea07afadc9d9b1bd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "014b7b21bdb3febc039b65199de37a0e67c7b970_3", "query": "What does community building involve according to the European Commission's Data Communication main elements?", "reference_answer": "Public-private partnership on data,Open data incubator for SMEs,Network of centres of excellence.", 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member ofthe EU (24%).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020a45a6a26dd2e033a104b5e827d9f5b48482b7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01ee87da11c9a8aa43f24e6e50814e11410afe71_3", "query": "How many subshells are there in the second shell according to the Modern Quantum Cloud Model?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01ee87da11c9a8aa43f24e6e50814e11410afe71.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05431d0c73a506ba1e04ca357b7d8bdbf6efa7f5_4", "query": "According to the Healthcare Landscape in the AR Global HTI Healthcare Trust Inc. presentation, what type of care has the highest Service Intensity (Acuity)?", "reference_answer": "Acute Care", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05431d0c73a506ba1e04ca357b7d8bdbf6efa7f5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0362524caefe112f57cbfa547ad8a1b3be756e08_3", "query": "What is the price per person for rafting at Classic Sports & Adrenaline programmes according to the provided price list?", "reference_answer": "115 per person.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0362524caefe112f57cbfa547ad8a1b3be756e08.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1_3", "query": "When was the publication issued during the standard setting process for Isatis indigotica root in the ISO 21316:2019 Traditional Chinese Medicine document?", "reference_answer": "2019.2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02f4660e0eab879402f28af77849e932758894d4_0", "query": "What is the standard JEM payload mass according to the CALET Payload specifications presented at the 38th ICRC in Nagoya?", "reference_answer": "612.8kg", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02f4660e0eab879402f28af77849e932758894d4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010a416cae90d4bb404900188fa5b3b588cf4ee6_0", "query": "Which region had the largest share of the non-Irish nationality group in custody on 30 April 2022 according to the Seirbhis Phriosuin na hEireann Irish Prison Service report?", "reference_answer": "European Union", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010a416cae90d4bb404900188fa5b3b588cf4ee6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d4791d0dff026024d0ac18a81750c446f09766_1", "query": "How many companies have accepted the questionnaire survey in the study for the Gas Interchangeability of the Natural Gas Utilization Equipment by KOGAS R&D Division?", "reference_answer": "1,199", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d4791d0dff026024d0ac18a81750c446f09766.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1_4", "query": "What are the achievements of Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense fruit in the context of ISO 23193: 2020 Traditional Chinese Medicine standards?", "reference_answer": "Published papers:6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "020a45a6a26dd2e033a104b5e827d9f5b48482b7_2", "query": "How many people globally consider it dangerous to ride a bicycle from one place to another according to the Ipsos Update June 2022?", "reference_answer": "52%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020a45a6a26dd2e033a104b5e827d9f5b48482b7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d4791d0dff026024d0ac18a81750c446f09766_0", "query": "How does the air/fuel (A/F) ratio change increase or decrease as the LNG heating value (HV) gradually increases according to the theoretical review by KOGAS R&D Division?", "reference_answer": "increase", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d4791d0dff026024d0ac18a81750c446f09766.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "030f9aadf5213406f5bbb4ff47e0d1b2202ac3a4_2", "query": "What is the high value of Cash Taxes in the 2015 Guidance Reaffirmed?", "reference_answer": "$200Millions", "meta_info": { "file_name": "030f9aadf5213406f5bbb4ff47e0d1b2202ac3a4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587_2", "query": "What is the temperature of Steam explosion of Pretreatment for Switchgrass and Sugarcane bagasse (Hawaii) preparation according to the provided diagram?", "reference_answer": "195-205 °C", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } 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next year?", "reference_answer": "rise over", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020a45a6a26dd2e033a104b5e827d9f5b48482b7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ea7667e98ee1f63c04b3e0ebbd765a4b14d3d6_3", "query": "What is the function of the strategy table in the overview information flow within the SOCRATES2.0 project?", "reference_answer": "KPI’s,Toolbo.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ea7667e98ee1f63c04b3e0ebbd765a4b14d3d6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01ee87da11c9a8aa43f24e6e50814e11410afe71_2", "query": "How many electrons are there in the first shell of the Bohr Model according to the Atomic Models History of the Atom Timeline?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01ee87da11c9a8aa43f24e6e50814e11410afe71.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "015629bf22e394df0ea1e3e162e3d5bef341415f_0", "query": "What are the known classes included in Open-set Recognition (OSR) for training and testing periods as mentioned in the OpenAUC presentation?", "reference_answer": "Bird,Dog,Tree,Car,Human,Bus", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015629bf22e394df0ea1e3e162e3d5bef341415f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "015629bf22e394df0ea1e3e162e3d5bef341415f_2", "query": "By what means are close-set samples correctly categorized in the OpenAUC optimization process?", "reference_answer": "Multiclass classification.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015629bf22e394df0ea1e3e162e3d5bef341415f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ea7667e98ee1f63c04b3e0ebbd765a4b14d3d6_2", "query": "What are the contents of the cooperation models coordinated approach in the SOCRATES2.0 project?", "reference_answer": "Coordinate end user services.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ea7667e98ee1f63c04b3e0ebbd765a4b14d3d6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05e2dbaf2d299e33a0e7bf92a434214c84381bf1_5", "query": "Which two countries have the highest installed desalination plant capacity in the world according to the ADB (Asian Development Bank) report?", "reference_answer": "Saudi Arabia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05e2dbaf2d299e33a0e7bf92a434214c84381bf1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01f51049a9822b8a31158202a65751407a23cd29_2", "query": "What is the highest percentage of 2020-21 expenses in the Expenditure Overview of the Gettysburg Area School District Preliminary Budget Information?", "reference_answer": "60%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01f51049a9822b8a31158202a65751407a23cd29.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "017af5182e83e83177be247bf4f05adeddd6105b_1", "query": "What are some recommended book topics for 6th grade in the Middle School Summer Literacy Challenge 2023 by the Public Schools of Edison Township?", "reference_answer": "Finding Your Voice,Using your voice,Appreciating and Learning from Unique Voices,Using Your Voice to Explore\nYour World and Inspire Change.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017af5182e83e83177be247bf4f05adeddd6105b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05431d0c73a506ba1e04ca357b7d8bdbf6efa7f5_1", "query": "What is the Percentage Leased of Hospitals according to the Portfolio Snapshot – 3/31/2017?", "reference_answer": "77.6%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05431d0c73a506ba1e04ca357b7d8bdbf6efa7f5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "030f9aadf5213406f5bbb4ff47e0d1b2202ac3a4_0", "query": "Which quarter in the Frontier InvestorUpdate First Quarter 2015 report had the highest amount of revenue from strategic and operational achievements?", "reference_answer": "1Q15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "030f9aadf5213406f5bbb4ff47e0d1b2202ac3a4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "055ee29e45ee28c292471739b57d870f968a89f1_1", "query": "What advice does the UNICEF Gender and Technology 2022 guide provide when selecting your digital platform for remote consultations with girls?", "reference_answer": "1.What platform do girls already have access to, use regularly, and feel comfortable with in your context?\n2.Is the platform free of cost?\n3.Can the platform ‘hide’ your phone number and/or location?\n4.Is the platform encrypted?\n5.Does the platform conform to your organization’s data protection policies?\n6.Do you need video functionality?\n7.Do you need breakout rooms?\n8.Is the platform accessible for girls with disabilities?", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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Healthcare Trust Inc. First Quarter 2017 Investor Presentation?", "reference_answer": "$2.35 Billion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05431d0c73a506ba1e04ca357b7d8bdbf6efa7f5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05e2dbaf2d299e33a0e7bf92a434214c84381bf1_0", "query": "What are the outputs of RO Desalination Works in the 24,000 m³/day sea water desalination utility project for Jaffna?", "reference_answer": "Drinking water,Brine.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05e2dbaf2d299e33a0e7bf92a434214c84381bf1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587_3", "query": "What is the end product of fermentation in the Biofuels and Bioproducts Laboratory's process for dealing with heterogeneous biomass?", "reference_answer": "Ethanol yield", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "055ee29e45ee28c292471739b57d870f968a89f1_2", "query": "For more ideas on designing digital products for and with girls, what UNICEF GenderTech tools should you check out?", "reference_answer": "1.How to co-create digital solutions with girls,2.How to do user testing with girls,3.How to build digital solutions to girls' digital realities.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "055ee29e45ee28c292471739b57d870f968a89f1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0325f2543fd5aa5598d96e475cebc6135842f554_1", "query": "What areas are included in the OECD recommendations for ensuring quality digital higher education in Hungary?", "reference_answer": "Area 1: Modernization of regulation and external quality assurance to increase flexibility,innovation and digitalization.\nArea 2: Reorientation of accreditation processes to strengthen institutional responsibility for quality.\nArea 3: Strengthening institutional supports for the quality enhancement of digital teaching and learning.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0325f2543fd5aa5598d96e475cebc6135842f554.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0315a7e099d0e42580d92d213ab9d201603934a8_1", "query": "What do we need to achieve our Aims in the #swallowaware campaign by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists?", "reference_answer": "Stakeholders,Resources,Communication.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0315a7e099d0e42580d92d213ab9d201603934a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0073e9e4899d0c973eab31589057ddbba328be0c_0", "query": "What are the application materials for Range of Products in the CZ a.s. Division Iron Foundry document?", "reference_answer": "Grey Iron,Ductile (SG) Iron,SiMo Iron.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0073e9e4899d0c973eab31589057ddbba328be0c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67_2", "query": "What is the survival rate at 1 year for patients who undergo early liver transplantation according to the American Consortium of Early Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Hepatitis (ACCELERATE-AH)?", "reference_answer": "94%.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d4791d0dff026024d0ac18a81750c446f09766_2", "query": "Which of the Producing location in the Demonstration experiment at the International Gas Union Research Conference IGRC 2014 has the highest Wobbe index?", "reference_answer": "Australia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d4791d0dff026024d0ac18a81750c446f09766.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0325f2543fd5aa5598d96e475cebc6135842f554_2", "query": "What are the three types of accreditation mentioned in the \"Development of Study Field (SF) & Programme (P) Assessment & Accreditation\" section?", "reference_answer": " Institutional Accreditation (IA), Doctoral Programmes' Accreditation (DPA), and Programme Accreditation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0325f2543fd5aa5598d96e475cebc6135842f554.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010a416cae90d4bb404900188fa5b3b588cf4ee6_3", "query": "What languages does the Irish Prison Service produce family information booklets in, as mentioned in the Family Information Booklet by the Irish Prison Service?", "reference_answer": "French, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Romanian and Cantonese as well as English and Irish on the Irish Prison Service website.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010a416cae90d4bb404900188fa5b3b588cf4ee6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00136f54532dfe44863f718dea07afadc9d9b1bd_0", "query": "What are the Administer Corporate T&E Investment Programs at the Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) as mentioned in the NDIA 12th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference document?", "reference_answer": "Centrally-Funded T&E Investment Programs (T&E/S&T, CTEIP, JMETC).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00136f54532dfe44863f718dea07afadc9d9b1bd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01f51049a9822b8a31158202a65751407a23cd29_0", "query": "Which school year has the highest budgeted amount in the 2020-2021 Preliminary Budget Information under the section VARIABLES TO CONSIDER20-21: CAPITAL FUNDING?", "reference_answer": "20/21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01f51049a9822b8a31158202a65751407a23cd29.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "020a45a6a26dd2e033a104b5e827d9f5b48482b7_0", "query": "In the Ipsos Update June 2022 edition, what are the stresses on our food systems discussed in the \"What the Future: Food\" section?", "reference_answer": "We explore how our food culture will evolve as hybrid work continues to change our food patterns, and how new innovations in tech and science offer new opportunities.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020a45a6a26dd2e033a104b5e827d9f5b48482b7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "004fa5b659d542cc041ca010cd7d7ee62c6cad65_1", "query": "What mitigation measures and monitoring tools are outlined in the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) to address environmental effects?", "reference_answer": "CSS Georgia Recovery Effort,Dissolved Oxygen Injection System,Raw Water Storage Impoundment,Flow Re-routing,New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam Fish Passage.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "004fa5b659d542cc041ca010cd7d7ee62c6cad65.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "015629bf22e394df0ea1e3e162e3d5bef341415f_3", "query": "What is the Close-set Accuracy of the Softmax method according to Table 4 in the empirical results section of the OpenAUC optimization presentation?", "reference_answer": "78.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015629bf22e394df0ea1e3e162e3d5bef341415f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67_0", "query": "According to the Spectrum of ALD from Stanford Medicine, what percentage of people may develop Fibrosis on top of Steatosis?", "reference_answer": "10-20%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010a416cae90d4bb404900188fa5b3b588cf4ee6_2", "query": "In the ethnic identification data for 31 May 2022 from the Seirbhis Phriosuin na hEireann Irish Prison Service report, how many more Whites than Asian or Asian Irish were there in total?", "reference_answer": "3705", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010a416cae90d4bb404900188fa5b3b588cf4ee6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03712a39c4aac9d622685456983c12257318df02_0", "query": "Which treatment modality, TAVR versus standard therapy, is associated with lower all-cause mortality in patients with inoperable severe aortic stenosis according to the New England Journal of Medicine's original article?", "reference_answer": "All-cause mortality was lower in the TAVR group than in the standard therapy group.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03712a39c4aac9d622685456983c12257318df02.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01f51049a9822b8a31158202a65751407a23cd29_3", "query": "Which year in the GASD REAL ESTATE TAXES PERCENT INCREASE BY YEAR chart had the highest year-to-year percentage increase in GASD real estate taxes?", "reference_answer": "94-95", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01f51049a9822b8a31158202a65751407a23cd29.pdf", "reference_page": [ 22 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031acfd29ec690ea84000b928b3da3b67e973a56_3", "query": "What are the main aspects of prison reform discussed in the context of prevention, sentencing, re-entry, incarceration, and deportation?", "reference_answer": "1.Prevention,2.Sentencing,3.Incarceration,4.Deportation,5.Re-entry", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031acfd29ec690ea84000b928b3da3b67e973a56.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0073e9e4899d0c973eab31589057ddbba328be0c_3", "query": "Where did Cold-Box cores for prototyping, low-volume production, or special purposes originate according to the CZ a.s. Division Iron Foundry document on core making?", "reference_answer": "Cold-Box or sodium-silicate cores for prototyping, low-volume production or special purposes are purchased from external sub-suppliers from the Czech Republic.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0073e9e4899d0c973eab31589057ddbba328be0c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587_0", "query": "What is the highest percentage of Cellulose in the chemical composition of hybrid poplars according to the Chemical composition of hybrid poplar table?", "reference_answer": "49.0", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d8bb0db929110f204723c56e5386c1d8d21587.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02f4660e0eab879402f28af77849e932758894d4_1", "query": "What is the charging resolution of the CHD (Charge Detector) in the CALET instrument designed to detect electrons and gammas?", "reference_answer": "0.15e (C), 0.35e (Fe)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02f4660e0eab879402f28af77849e932758894d4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c24005dfa4117cda6a29a7bcbfc30d1d66b9e8_0", "query": "What is the maximum sustained wind speed of Hurricane Ian (2022) at the time of logging in the summary of the Interim Report by the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering?", "reference_answer": "150 mph", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c24005dfa4117cda6a29a7bcbfc30d1d66b9e8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03712a39c4aac9d622685456983c12257318df02_2", "query": "What is the cumulative five-year morbidity rate after TAVI in patients with low-risk aortic stenosis according to the EJCTS 2022 meta-analysis?", "reference_answer": "30.7%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03712a39c4aac9d622685456983c12257318df02.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0102d1ef93ef13b1164524c4f5386ce4208e05c6_0", "query": "Which domain has the largest percentage of DNSSEC signed parent according to the RIPE NCC presentation by Wolfgang Nagele in November 2011?", "reference_answer": "in-addr.arpa", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0102d1ef93ef13b1164524c4f5386ce4208e05c6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01054a87c831f60e8cfaead13508fb385ef34f44_1", "query": "According to the Block Diagram of Radar, what is the maximum operating range for a 10dBsm target?", "reference_answer": "1Km", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01054a87c831f60e8cfaead13508fb385ef34f44.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "048f169dbd92ced56925af7dbfaccf18edccb41c_1", "query": "Which case in the Criticality Safety - Element Storage analysis has the highest 1 σ uncertainty value?", "reference_answer": "caseA - Nominal (66 cm)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048f169dbd92ced56925af7dbfaccf18edccb41c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02f4660e0eab879402f28af77849e932758894d4_2", "query": "What is the top spatial resolution CHD of the IMC (Imaging Calorimeter) in the CALET instrument, as detailed in the 38th ICRC presentation by Caterina Checchia?", "reference_answer": "~200 μm", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02f4660e0eab879402f28af77849e932758894d4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00136f54532dfe44863f718dea07afadc9d9b1bd_1", "query": "How much is the TRMC Joint Investment Programs (JIP) budget in FY10 according to the NDIA 12th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference, 21-23 June 2011?", "reference_answer": "$254M", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00136f54532dfe44863f718dea07afadc9d9b1bd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1_2", "query": "What are the purity and safety tests for Isatis indigotica root as specified in the ISO 21316: 2019 Traditional Chinese Medicine — Isatis indigotica root standards?", "reference_answer": "Moisture,Total ash,Acid-insoluble ash,Ethanol-soluble extractives,Heavy metals,Pesticide residues.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b_3", "query": "What types of protein do animals convert plants into through their production systems according to the Protein Efficiency?", "reference_answer": "Milk, Eggs,Meat, Offal.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "048f169dbd92ced56925af7dbfaccf18edccb41c_0", "query": "What are the storage limits for elements 20-60# in critically safe element storage according to the Criticality Safety guidelines presented by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology?", "reference_answer": "Maximum of 20 fuel elements per rack, same restrictions as above. Racks should be mechanically fixed or a spacer installed to maintain distance. No credit for Cd.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048f169dbd92ced56925af7dbfaccf18edccb41c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "030f9aadf5213406f5bbb4ff47e0d1b2202ac3a4_1", "query": "What is the highest percentage of revenue in Revenue Mix Transformation from 2014 to date according to the InvestorUpdate First Quarter 2015?", "reference_answer": "40%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "030f9aadf5213406f5bbb4ff47e0d1b2202ac3a4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "014b7b21bdb3febc039b65199de37a0e67c7b970_1", "query": "What are the data-driven applications highlighted in the European Commission's presentation on \"Data-driven applications\" that include home automation, health, telecom, lifecycle management, market research, information marketplaces, traffic management, water management, and energy management?", "reference_answer": "lifecycle management,home automation,health,telecom,market research,information marketplaces,traffic management,water management,energy management.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014b7b21bdb3febc039b65199de37a0e67c7b970.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0534a2c5d71b9cd959659202de9793403f618985_2", "query": "What are the tasks or activities that must be accomplished at the What level of the work domain analysis in the context of work environment management as depicted in the provided diagram?", "reference_answer": "1.Improvedworkers' healthand well being,2. Improved safety standards,3. Worker Self actualisation,4. Programs for health promotion,5. Management commitment,6. Resource allocation,7. Strategy management,8. Compliance and accountability,9. Justifiable employment", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0534a2c5d71b9cd959659202de9793403f618985.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05e2dbaf2d299e33a0e7bf92a434214c84381bf1_2", "query": "What are the results of Technical Evaluation in the Evaluation of Employer's Requirements for the Medium-Scale Desalination Plant in Jaffna, Sri Lanka?", "reference_answer": "High Risk,Medium Risk,Low Risk.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05e2dbaf2d299e33a0e7bf92a434214c84381bf1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03500be8791067ef26bfcd24c65d3cee9c9eb741_0", "query": "Where do I need to register my device before placing it on the NI market according to the BSI UKCA Conformity Assessment Model?", "reference_answer": "MHRA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03500be8791067ef26bfcd24c65d3cee9c9eb741.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794_4", "query": "What are the recommended actions to take based on the experimental results of the PERSUADE program for adults with metabolic syndrome?", "reference_answer": "Total fibre intake Fruits Eating slower (>20mins) Physical activity.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03379bd7e36465b4632439f8dad4beae1459b9fe_0", "query": "What are the liquidity factors in the Africa Investment Index as developed by Quantum Global Research Lab?", "reference_answer": "Real interest rates, excess money supply.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03379bd7e36465b4632439f8dad4beae1459b9fe.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03712a39c4aac9d622685456983c12257318df02_1", "query": "What is the pacemaker implantation rate for transcatheter aortic valve replacement with a Self-Expanding valve in low-risk patients according to the NEJM March 2019 study titled \"Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Replacement with a Self-Expanding Valve in Low-Risk Patients\"?", "reference_answer": "17%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03712a39c4aac9d622685456983c12257318df02.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c24005dfa4117cda6a29a7bcbfc30d1d66b9e8_1", "query": "Where is the location of the September 29, 2022 categorical assessment after Hurricane Ian according to the UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Interim Report?", "reference_answer": "Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c24005dfa4117cda6a29a7bcbfc30d1d66b9e8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "004fa5b659d542cc041ca010cd7d7ee62c6cad65_0", "query": "In the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) information, what is the total first cost of the project at FY 12 price levels according to the Center for Geospatial Research?", "reference_answer": "$652 million", "meta_info": { "file_name": "004fa5b659d542cc041ca010cd7d7ee62c6cad65.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03500be8791067ef26bfcd24c65d3cee9c9eb741_3", "query": "What is the next step in the Full conformity assessment process after Final review in the BSI UKCA Conformity Assessment Model?", "reference_answer": "Decision making", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03500be8791067ef26bfcd24c65d3cee9c9eb741.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0112ca2699d66e29e4030467d283e111e8460785_3", "query": "What does the QUICK SEARCH feature in the Epidemic Sound Player allow users to do?", "reference_answer": "Use the QUICK SEARCH bar to search for a specific track or genre.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0112ca2699d66e29e4030467d283e111e8460785.pdf", 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according to Table 2 in the Africa Investment Index April 2017 report?", "reference_answer": "Second", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03379bd7e36465b4632439f8dad4beae1459b9fe.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0112ca2699d66e29e4030467d283e111e8460785_2", "query": "What is the DOWNLOAD function in the Epidemic Sound Player tips?", "reference_answer": "Hit the DOWNLOAD button to download individual tracks (full mix and/or STEMS). All tracks can be downloaded in WAV or MP3- FORMAT, you can change this under your settings in the player.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0112ca2699d66e29e4030467d283e111e8460785.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "001d373f0f9c22ae1a7a3a086f7859aa74c140a8_2", "query": "Where does the data for the FlexMeasures platform originate according to the Seita Energy Flexibility document?", "reference_answer": "Sensors APIs.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "001d373f0f9c22ae1a7a3a086f7859aa74c140a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03379bd7e36465b4632439f8dad4beae1459b9fe_1", "query": "Which countries in Northern Africa are covered by the Africa Investment Index April 2017 by Quantum Global Research Lab?", "reference_answer": "Algeria, Egypt, Arab Republic, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03379bd7e36465b4632439f8dad4beae1459b9fe.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794_3", "query": "What is the Step 2 in the PERSUADE peer support program for ADults with mEtabolic syndrome?", "reference_answer": "Focus group discussions", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "017af5182e83e83177be247bf4f05adeddd6105b_0", "query": "How many fewer words does Student C read per year than Student B according to the reading statistics in the \"Why Read 20 Minutes at Home?\" poster?", "reference_answer": "Student C reads 274,000 fewer words per year than Student B.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017af5182e83e83177be247bf4f05adeddd6105b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01f51049a9822b8a31158202a65751407a23cd29_1", "query": "Of the chapter Health Care Costs in the Gettysburg Area School District 2020-2021 Preliminary Budget Information, which school year has the lowest budgeted amount?", "reference_answer": "19/20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01f51049a9822b8a31158202a65751407a23cd29.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "017af5182e83e83177be247bf4f05adeddd6105b_2", "query": "How do you learn to read in the news through the Newsela platform as outlined in the Middle School Summer Literacy Challenge 2023 document?", "reference_answer": "Read at least 10 articles on Newsela. Sign in through Classlink. Challenge yourself to explore unknown topics and learn something new!", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017af5182e83e83177be247bf4f05adeddd6105b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02f4660e0eab879402f28af77849e932758894d4_3", "query": "Sample for flux ratio calculation in the CALET primary nuclei observation: How long is the sample used for He?", "reference_answer": "78 months", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02f4660e0eab879402f28af77849e932758894d4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2_1", "query": "What are the themes of the future-oriented transportation ecosystem with a new urban mobility paradigm in the CLC-ULI Joint Research Publication on Creating Liveable Cities through Car-Lite Urban Mobility?", "reference_answer": "Options,Integration,Data,People,Management.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2_6", "query": "What specifically is meant by people-centric development in future-oriented transportation ecosystems and new urban mobility paradigms according to the CLC-ULI Joint Research Publication on Creating Liveable Cities through Car-Lite Urban Mobility?", "reference_answer": "Value shifts to software and passenger experience. Inclusive and walkable urban environments which are more people-oriented.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04973d056d9522006d5bdaefd92627ebedea7ba1_0", "query": "Which sub indicator has the highest percentage of targets on the table measuring student achievement in the Educational Goal Overview by the Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools at Central Michigan University?", "reference_answer": "Against a Standard", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04973d056d9522006d5bdaefd92627ebedea7ba1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0102d1ef93ef13b1164524c4f5386ce4208e05c6_1", "query": "How does DNSSEC's DS record in reverse DNS grow over time decrease or increase?", "reference_answer": "increase", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0102d1ef93ef13b1164524c4f5386ce4208e05c6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794_1", "query": "What diseases may metabolic syndrome cause according to the PERSUADE program by Monash University?", "reference_answer": "Type 2 diabetes mellitus,Cardiovascular disease.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0112ca2699d66e29e4030467d283e111e8460785_0", "query": "What is the content of BROWSE & FILTER in the Epidemic Sound music catalog?", "reference_answer": "Head over to Browse and narrow down your search result by filtering. Choose genre, mood, tempo etc.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0112ca2699d66e29e4030467d283e111e8460785.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03500be8791067ef26bfcd24c65d3cee9c9eb741_1", "query": "What is the registration date for Class I medical devices and General IVDs according to the MHRA registration requirements?", "reference_answer": "01 January 2022", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03500be8791067ef26bfcd24c65d3cee9c9eb741.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1_1", "query": "What is the total number of published International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) standards of Traditional Chinese Medicine according to the Regional Report (Shanghai) from the 19th CGCM Meeting in Chengdu, 2023?", "reference_answer": "98", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054566ec811fd05e25852906ac99a9203548def1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "001d373f0f9c22ae1a7a3a086f7859aa74c140a8_0", "query": "What are the three main benefits of Vehicle-to-Grid technology as highlighted in the V2G Liberty project?", "reference_answer": "Support the grid,Use your own solar energy,Lower your energy bill(buy low, sell high).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "001d373f0f9c22ae1a7a3a086f7859aa74c140a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "029a9ea8732b9dbbba9057e52120245f00770c1b_0", "query": "How long is the Modes computation time for a Hardy damped cavity (3D) in the LAUM KTH UniversiteMaine study?", "reference_answer": "32 s", "meta_info": { "file_name": "029a9ea8732b9dbbba9057e52120245f00770c1b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0534a2c5d71b9cd959659202de9793403f618985_0", "query": "What are the components that make up the multidimensional concept of work environment according to the Safety Science 157 (2023) article by Abdulqadir Mohamad Suleiman?", "reference_answer": "Nature of tasks,Intrinsic rewards associated with the work,Work prospects for the workers,Work schedule,Workplace characteristics and organisation,Physical and social conditions.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0534a2c5d71b9cd959659202de9793403f618985.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c24005dfa4117cda6a29a7bcbfc30d1d66b9e8_2", "query": "What is the largest count for peak wind speeds in a stratified sampling for virtual assessment according to the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering presentation?", "reference_answer": "424", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c24005dfa4117cda6a29a7bcbfc30d1d66b9e8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67_3", "query": "According to the Treatment algorithm for AH process in the Stanford MEDICINE document, how is moderate alcoholic hepatitis distinguished from severe alcoholic hepatitis using clinical scores from modified discriminant function (mDF) or Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) score?", "reference_answer": "If mDF ≤32 or MELD ≤20:moderate alcoholic hepatitis;If mDF >32 or MELD >20:severe alcoholic hepatitis.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5_4", "query": "What is the step after plan/design in the Measuring success flowchart presented by Griffith University in the Information Online February 2015 - Information Management document?", "reference_answer": "collect", "meta_info": { "file_name": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "001d373f0f9c22ae1a7a3a086f7859aa74c140a8_1", "query": "What equipment and resources are needed to implement V2G (vehicle-to-grid) technology according to the V2G Liberty project?", "reference_answer": "EV with CHAdeMO(Nissan Leaf),V2G-capable charger(Wallbox Quasar talks modbus, not yetOCPP),Local computer (Raspberry PI),Ideally, an energy contract with dynamic tariffs,even solar panels.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "001d373f0f9c22ae1a7a3a086f7859aa74c140a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0102d1ef93ef13b1164524c4f5386ce4208e05c6_2", "query": "What are the DNSMON improvements mentioned in the RIPE NCC presentation by Wolfgang Nagele, specifically regarding faster data processing, plot generation, and the new user interface?", "reference_answer": "Faster data processing,Faster plot generation,New user interface.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0102d1ef93ef13b1164524c4f5386ce4208e05c6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c_0", "query": "What are the main branches of EMI Shielding and Thermal Management according to the EMI-tec company profile?", "reference_answer": "Automotive,Aerospace,Medicine,Railway,Measurement,Communication,Maritime,Optics.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04973d056d9522006d5bdaefd92627ebedea7ba1_2", "query": "How does the Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools at Central Michigan University use educational goals now?", "reference_answer": "1.We include the parts of the educational goal that are valid, reliable and available(Excluded CRD growth in the most recent performance report update,Excluded trend data).\n2.Increased school participation in reauthorization discussions.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04973d056d9522006d5bdaefd92627ebedea7ba1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b_2", "query": "What is the land area for pig farming in France today according to the Institut du porc presentation on the efficiency at life cycle assessment level of French pig production?", "reference_answer": "1 million of hectares", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2_5", "query": "What comments did former Chicago and Washington Secretary of Transportation Gabe Klein make regarding marketing the savings of car-lite mobility in the Creating Liveable Cities through Car-Lite Urban Mobility publication?", "reference_answer": "“You have to start to market the savings to people, like you are with the big billboards for transit. When I started at DC, I had a car and driver but I rode my bike everywhere. Seven years later, a lot of Commissioners bike or walk, and are embarrassed to drive.”", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c24005dfa4117cda6a29a7bcbfc30d1d66b9e8_3", "query": "What is the description of ID in Standardized Attribute Fields provided by the Herbert Werheim College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering?", "reference_answer": "Unique identifier for each building.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c24005dfa4117cda6a29a7bcbfc30d1d66b9e8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031acfd29ec690ea84000b928b3da3b67e973a56_1", "query": "What are the top three policy priorities for Asian Americans in California according to the APIA Vote Raw Data?", "reference_answer": "Healthcare,Jobs/Economy,Education.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031acfd29ec690ea84000b928b3da3b67e973a56.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5_3", "query": "What tasks are performed by Enterprise Information Systems according to the Griffith ePress responsibilities outlined in the Information Online February 2015 - Information Management Griffith University document?", "reference_answer": "Manage servers,Manage DNS records for custom domains,Upgrades and fixes.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0102d1ef93ef13b1164524c4f5386ce4208e05c6_3", "query": "How many computation and storage nodes does the Hadoop infrastructure deployed in DNS Analytics by Wolfgang Nagele, November 2011, at RIPE NCC have?", "reference_answer": "16", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0102d1ef93ef13b1164524c4f5386ce4208e05c6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c_1", "query": "What is the product range of EMI SHIELDING offered by EMI-tec?", "reference_answer": "Conductive Compound Form-in-Place Gaskets;Conductive Adhesive;Conductive Coatings;Conductive Elastomer Gaskets;Transparent EMI Shielding;Absorbe.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0362524caefe112f57cbfa547ad8a1b3be756e08_1", "query": "What is the price of the Junior Club Weekend Pack (SAT + SUN) with lunch included in the day by day easy club & junior club schedule?", "reference_answer": "176", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0362524caefe112f57cbfa547ad8a1b3be756e08.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "004fa5b659d542cc041ca010cd7d7ee62c6cad65_3", "query": "At what stage in the CGR and SHEP multi-year projects were the updated hydrodynamic and water quality models, as detailed in the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) Monitoring Program?", "reference_answer": "pre", "meta_info": { "file_name": "004fa5b659d542cc041ca010cd7d7ee62c6cad65.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c_5", "query": "What are the features of CC-Seal Surface Conductive Gaskets in the EMI-tec product range?", "reference_answer": "Elastomer coated for EMI Shielding like extrusion material or molded parts according to your needs;Large cross sections, high conductive surface for the skin effect;Excellent softness for easiest deformation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04a6afc745680ef1189d52b6fe27f8f30604ef95_2", "query": "Based on the Actuarial Metrics for Monitoring the Sustainability of the US Social Security System, which year between 2002 and 2013 would have a higher annual equalized payroll tax rate for a projection period of 25 years?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04a6afc745680ef1189d52b6fe27f8f30604ef95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0073e9e4899d0c973eab31589057ddbba328be0c_2", "query": "What is the name of the Division Managing Director at CZ a.s. Division Iron Foundry located in Strakonice?", "reference_answer": "Josef Stejskal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0073e9e4899d0c973eab31589057ddbba328be0c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2_4", "query": "What is Idea 5 in the \"Get the Fundamentals Right\" section regarding the expansion of public transport amenities to cover the first-and-last-mile gap?", "reference_answer": "Expand Public Transport Amenities to Cover the First and Last Mile.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea_2", "query": "Which data source has the lowest error in the sea surface temperature inversion according to the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR) mission?", "reference_answer": "AMSR2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "001d373f0f9c22ae1a7a3a086f7859aa74c140a8_3", "query": "What is the cost of charging 8.921 kWh in the business case presented in the V2G Charger investment scenario?", "reference_answer": "€ 2.640,45", "meta_info": { "file_name": "001d373f0f9c22ae1a7a3a086f7859aa74c140a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606_3", "query": "What are the Piaggio Group's strategic guidelines for growth in the Asia-Pacific region as outlined in the Analyst and Investor Meeting March 20th, 2014 presentation?", "reference_answer": "Replicate Vietnamese premium strategy across the region (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan);Explore opportunities for both top and mid-size bikes;Start the penetration of Chinese premium market through our new direct presence in the country.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c_4", "query": "What are the features of EX-Shield - Conductive Coatings in the EMI-tec product range?", "reference_answer": "Die-cutted parts according to your needs;highly conductive with low volume resistance;Large operating range;High elasticity and deformability with extremely low corrosion;Protection against galvanic corrosion;In combination with untreated metal long-term stable.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "038c7d9e4cc19a5b729d9d2a7ca5b304e6756ea1_1", "query": "What is the total number of ships in China according to the 2022 Annual Report for Puerto de Vigo?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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"031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b_0", "query": "What elements are associated with efficiency in an introduction within the context of the Institut du porc's presentation on sustainable pig farms?", "reference_answer": "PIG PRODUCTION,INPUTS AND EMISSIONS.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "038c7d9e4cc19a5b729d9d2a7ca5b304e6756ea1_2", "query": "What is the number of specialized transport ships in Spain according to the 2022memoria anual annual report?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "038c7d9e4cc19a5b729d9d2a7ca5b304e6756ea1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "019628e5cf93e750e1ba161b17b970acaeaaf5bb_1", "query": "What is the projected deficit for 2011 according to the Marin Institute's presentation on state budget shortfalls?", "reference_answer": "$180 billion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "019628e5cf93e750e1ba161b17b970acaeaaf5bb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea_3", "query": "How many times is sea surface temperature sampled in the CIMR product according to the provided specifications?", "reference_answer": "Twice daily", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "058ae0c5cd32f780ae114720509f1ad12b45268c_3", "query": "What is the role of the steepness of the Alpha Yield Curve in the ZEST Asset Management SICAV document?", "reference_answer": "1.Focus on Analysis of the Business Model,2.Competitive Landscape and Long Term Opportunity for the Company,3.Buy and Hold Strategy,4.Tail Risk Management Becomes Key.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "058ae0c5cd32f780ae114720509f1ad12b45268c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 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"reference_answer": "1.Our claim: leading timber construction developer in Europe,2.Timber construction: not a choice but an imperative.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "033e2499e1186982a8c8e06254bf19c2005e89c9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0534a2c5d71b9cd959659202de9793403f618985_1", "query": "What are the underlying reasons or motivations for working at the Why level of work domain analysis in the context of progressive work environment operation and safeguarding fairness?", "reference_answer": "1.Progressive work environment operation,2. Safeguard fairness,3. Expression facilitation,4. Needs adaptation,5. Work environment development,6. Inclusion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0534a2c5d71b9cd959659202de9793403f618985.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0112ca2699d66e29e4030467d283e111e8460785_1", "query": "How is the PLAYLISTS function configured in the Epidemic Sound music service platform?", "reference_answer": "Create PLAYLISTS in your Projects under My Music. Save tracks by hitting the +icon next to a track and choose the playlist of your choice. COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS can be shared with your team or client.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0112ca2699d66e29e4030467d283e111e8460785.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009856a0cdcc230d983c3a3e460a0c1b83cb09d4_0", "query": "How many years did Trap Surveys of Georgica Pond last according to the Monitoring Biodiversity of Georgica Pond report?", "reference_answer": "5 ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009856a0cdcc230d983c3a3e460a0c1b83cb09d4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0295f1ca960d29e2327e90a848235693d965d308_1", "query": "How many control points are there in A.9: Access control according to the ISO/IEC 27001 Control Domains as shown in Figure 7?", "reference_answer": "14", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0295f1ca960d29e2327e90a848235693d965d308.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": 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| faspay.co.id document?", "reference_answer": "A.9 Access Control Password management systems shall be interactive and shall ensure quality passwords.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0295f1ca960d29e2327e90a848235693d965d308.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67_4", "query": "Using the SALT score to predict sustained alcohol use post-liver transplant, how does a person's score change if they consume more than 10 drinks a day according to the SALT Score table?", "reference_answer": "+4 .", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00635dc8c9b99e2c839ade4ee486b54a1bf70a67.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04973d056d9522006d5bdaefd92627ebedea7ba1_1", "query": "What percentage of the reading scores on the Student Academic Growth form is Against a Standard in the Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools report?", "reference_answer": 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"019628e5cf93e750e1ba161b17b970acaeaaf5bb_2", "query": "Which states have introduced new laws related to alcohol taxes according to the Marin Institute's 2010 Legislative Session report?", "reference_answer": " Indiana,Mississippi,New Mexico,California,West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania", "meta_info": { "file_name": "019628e5cf93e750e1ba161b17b970acaeaaf5bb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2_0", "query": "What are the reasons for choosing CAR-LITE according to the presentation slide titled \"WHY CAR-LITE? WHY NOW?\"?", "reference_answer": "Population growth,Poor urban planning typologies,Rapid urbanisation,Air pollution,Noise,Road fatalities,Land resources,Social isolation,Congestion,Economic cost.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0495179924a9cbee42a546b067cfedb39cf6e207_3", "query": "When seeking asylum, to which authority do I have to apply for asylum according to the EMN Migrationsverket guidelines?", "reference_answer": " the Swedish Migration Board", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0495179924a9cbee42a546b067cfedb39cf6e207.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5_2", "query": "What are the departments listed under the Director Information Management in the Information Online February 2015 - Information Management Griffith University document?", "reference_answer": "Manager Corporate Records and Digitisation,Manager Scholarly Resource Services,Manager Content and Discovery,Information Policy Officer.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03765e5f537e4f64bf9295e169360c99129f873d_0", "query": "What is the background information for ttbar in the Controller (2) section of RPV/Stealth Stop as described in the Moriond 2021 presentation by Scarlet Norberg?", "reference_answer": "Estimated using a fit function with three free parameters,Events are binned in 4 SNN categories,Where the nJet shape is assumed/required to be the same by correlating the three free parameters.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03765e5f537e4f64bf9295e169360c99129f873d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009856a0cdcc230d983c3a3e460a0c1b83cb09d4_2", "query": "In the Monitoring Biodiversity of Georgica Pond report, Georgica Pond White Perch had the highest number of springs in which year?", "reference_answer": "2019", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009856a0cdcc230d983c3a3e460a0c1b83cb09d4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606_2", "query": "In which year did Piaggio have the lowest market share according to the Western Countries: Scooter leadership and motorbike Growth in a recovering market, entry in LATAM, alternative segments slide from the Piaggio Group Analyst and Investor Meeting on March 20th, 2014?", "reference_answer": "2008", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "017a22d5906315fd57b67970a5c6829b1de1de5d_0", "query": "What is Fase 1 in the Library for Learning at Wageningen UR?", "reference_answer": "WURTV,Scripties.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017a22d5906315fd57b67970a5c6829b1de1de5d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606_4", "query": "In what year was capital expenditure highest according to the CapEx evolution chart in the Piaggio Group Analyst and Investor Meeting March 20th, 2014 presentation?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0495179924a9cbee42a546b067cfedb39cf6e207_2", "query": "Which of the countries in Asylum seeking UAM had the highest number of people between January and October 2017 according to the top 10 nationalities chart?", "reference_answer": "Morocco", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0495179924a9cbee42a546b067cfedb39cf6e207.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794_0", "query": "What are the manifestations associated with metabolic syndrome as outlined in the PERSUADE program by Monash University?", "reference_answer": "Abdominal obesity,Increased triglycerides,Increased blood pressure,Low HDL cholesterol,Increased fasting blood glucose.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "058ae0c5cd32f780ae114720509f1ad12b45268c_2", "query": "Which rating has the highest average yield in the EUR vs USD Corporate Bond Yield to Worst – Currency Hedged grouped by Rating analysis?", "reference_answer": "B+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "058ae0c5cd32f780ae114720509f1ad12b45268c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "014a0f670eefb10fb9b8c82f29e8ec877dd7b2ae_1", "query": "What are the main components of the Pixel digital back-end in the ATLAS HGTD Electronics presentation at TWEPP Bergen, September 2022?", "reference_answer": "Hit Buffer,Trigger Hit Selector,Matched Hit Buffer,Luminosity Processing Unit,Configuration Registers.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014a0f670eefb10fb9b8c82f29e8ec877dd7b2ae.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03379bd7e36465b4632439f8dad4beae1459b9fe_3", "query": "According to Appendix II of the Africa Investment Index April 2017 report, what is the average ranking score of Algeria over 3 years?", "reference_answer": "16.846", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03379bd7e36465b4632439f8dad4beae1459b9fe.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00291389a275d8392d91e1e9f5b462afa26f3732_0", "query": "What time in the morning must students arrive in class according to the Kindergarten Back-to-School Night schedule?", "reference_answer": "8:55", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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"017a22d5906315fd57b67970a5c6829b1de1de5d_2", "query": "What is the author's goal in the presentation \"Making a Portal for Digital Educational Resources: meet Wageningen Universities Library for Learning\"?", "reference_answer": "Making a portal so teachers:1.Can search and find DER from the WUR,2.Are stimulated to reuse or get inspired by material of others,3.Can share their material with other teachers(WUR/Public).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017a22d5906315fd57b67970a5c6829b1de1de5d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c_2", "query": "What are the properties of CC-Micro-Sil's surface conductive compounds as detailed in the EMI-tec Conductive Compounds section?", "reference_answer": "Form in Place material with a soft non-conductive inner core- Covered with electrical high conductive material;Especially suitable for large gasket dimensions;Low costs and low compression forces.", 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the Health4LGBTI project by the European Commission?", "reference_answer": "D1.1 State -of the - art synthesis report.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03ac2db287f40c0e0e2a0dc8aea779ec9fe038ad.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0495179924a9cbee42a546b067cfedb39cf6e207_0", "query": "In which year was the number of Asylum seeking UAM in Sweden the highest according to the EMN Migrationsverket data?", "reference_answer": "2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0495179924a9cbee42a546b067cfedb39cf6e207.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "009856a0cdcc230d983c3a3e460a0c1b83cb09d4_1", "query": "In which year did Georgica Pond Blue Crabs have the highest number in autumn according to the Trap Surveys of Georgica Pond?", "reference_answer": "2019", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009856a0cdcc230d983c3a3e460a0c1b83cb09d4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "053328d288a9167453f08ade2e36149f95fbf157_0", "query": "What is the Chiron series about in the Prodrive Technologies Linear Motor Catalog Gryphon?", "reference_answer": "The Chiron line offers iron core linear motors which are optimized for high force and high efficiency. Find the optimal fit for your application due to the many different available form factors.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "053328d288a9167453f08ade2e36149f95fbf157.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03531d8790adc2cf7d0d656abefc3e334918687c_0", "query": "What is the development situation of woodland management in Europe, particularly in the context of coppice management and its implications on slope stability and root reinforcement dynamics?", "reference_answer": "High stem densities,Rapid regrowth from stools,Permanence of root system in the soil.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03531d8790adc2cf7d0d656abefc3e334918687c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606_1", "query": "Which region had the highest growth in the 2 wheels market in 2017 according to the Piaggio Group Analyst and Investor Meeting March 20th, 2014 presentation?", "reference_answer": "India", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0560f63f5c697379aca014bcbde62bc56ce002c0_1", "query": "In the experiment of Reaction Kinematics,The data from this experiment mainly focuses on which type of proton events?", "reference_answer": "recoil proton", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0560f63f5c697379aca014bcbde62bc56ce002c0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2_3", "query": "What are the 3 broad thrusts of car-lite mentioned in the CLC-ULI Joint Research Publication on Creating Liveable Cities through Car-Lite Urban Mobility?", "reference_answer": "1.People private public:New Form of Collaboration\n2.Get the Fundamentals Right\n3.Multi pronged Approach to Secure Buy in & Shape Mindsets", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0340dd45e8c17379a5bddf87dd535c18ec0d6993_3", "query": "Which fuel has the highest costs according to the Woodfuel in the Cairngorms National Park report by Penny Lawson?", "reference_answer": "Oil", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0340dd45e8c17379a5bddf87dd535c18ec0d6993.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5_1", "query": "Which teams are under Manager Content and Discovery in Director Information Management at Griffith University Information Online February 2015?", "reference_answer": "Enabling Technologies Team,Off-Air Recording Officer.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea_1", "query": "What is the CIMR Instrument Concept Secondary Frequency as detailed in the CIMR mission requirements document?", "reference_answer": "1.4 GHz", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02d9d6c3d872469119ce9ff49442967c9209d1cd_2", "query": "What does dynamic defense mean in the context of Zenprise's mobile device management?", "reference_answer": "Dynamic, context-aware policies for device resource or app usage based on time of day or location,Granular device and data governance and control reduces risk and enables compliance.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02d9d6c3d872469119ce9ff49442967c9209d1cd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00291389a275d8392d91e1e9f5b462afa26f3732_1", "query": "What does the student Building Independence concept mean in the context of the \"Being a Reader\" framework?", "reference_answer": "Students learn to work independently and collaboratively, respectfully share their thinking with others, and take responsibility for their learning.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00291389a275d8392d91e1e9f5b462afa26f3732.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0295f1ca960d29e2327e90a848235693d965d308_2", "query": "What is included in the validation in the flowchart for chapter DESIGN in the Connecting Payment faspay.co.id document, specifically regarding user login and access?", "reference_answer": "Function Length & Complexcity,Function ExpiryPassword,Function EncryptedPassword(Salt).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0295f1ca960d29e2327e90a848235693d965d308.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea_0", "query": "What are the applications of CIMR tasks as outlined in the Ocean Salinity Science Conference on 9 November 2018?", "reference_answer": "Numerical Weather Prediction,Climate models,Study mesoscale variability(heat, and energy transport),Ship and offshore operations,Understanding marine ecosystem variability,Air/sea interaction(Physical and biogeochemical).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b_5", "query": "What are the units of nonrenewable energy consumption in the environmental assessment of pig units using the GEEP tool by the Institut du porc?", "reference_answer": "(kWh/kg of growth)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "014b7b21bdb3febc039b65199de37a0e67c7b970_0", "query": "What was the estimated size of the Big Data market in 2017 according to the European Commission's presentation on the importance of data-driven economy for Europe?", "reference_answer": "$50.1 billion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014b7b21bdb3febc039b65199de37a0e67c7b970.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356_0", "query": "What is the impact of land degradation as discussed in the DESIRE project on drylands?", "reference_answer": "1.Loss of biological or economic productivity,2.Loss of ecosystem services,3.Loss of livelihood", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04a6afc745680ef1189d52b6fe27f8f30604ef95_0", "query": "What is the difference between the low-cost and high-cost projected asset income rates in the 2002 expenditure ratios for a projection period of 25 years according to the Actuarial Metrics for Monitoring the Sustainability of the US Social Security System?", "reference_answer": "0.11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04a6afc745680ef1189d52b6fe27f8f30604ef95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "050ae6cc2a1218270b2ce855179862b0201d4683_2", "query": "In the section \"PROJECTED AREA GROWTH\" of the Perris Valley Towne Center document, what is the \"AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME\" for 2022?", "reference_answer": "$85,951", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050ae6cc2a1218270b2ce855179862b0201d4683.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794_2", "query": "What is the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Asia according to the PERSUADE study by Monash University?", "reference_answer": "12-37%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017b6f58539aba1651e897c39a8104381e627794.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00291389a275d8392d91e1e9f5b462afa26f3732_2", "query": "What do students do to Build Independence in the Kindergarten Back-to-School Night presentation?", "reference_answer": "Word Work,Reading,Materials,Writing.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00291389a275d8392d91e1e9f5b462afa26f3732.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "033e2499e1186982a8c8e06254bf19c2005e89c9_4", "query": "In UBM & GOVERNANCE, which interest rate is higher, Senior bond or Hybrid bond, as detailed in the UBM Development AG - ESG Report 2021 Executive Summary?", "reference_answer": "Hybrid bond", "meta_info": { "file_name": "033e2499e1186982a8c8e06254bf19c2005e89c9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "053328d288a9167453f08ade2e36149f95fbf157_2", "query": "What is the Mass unit of Coil Units in the Prodrive Technologies Linear Motor Catalog Gryphon?", "reference_answer": "kg", "meta_info": { "file_name": "053328d288a9167453f08ade2e36149f95fbf157.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "017a22d5906315fd57b67970a5c6829b1de1de5d_1", "query": "What is the Fase 3 content of the Search interface in the Library for Learning at Wageningen University & Research?", "reference_answer": "Check interface and functionalities for teachers again.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017a22d5906315fd57b67970a5c6829b1de1de5d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0340dd45e8c17379a5bddf87dd535c18ec0d6993_2", "query": "What is the per year KWh of oil (av house) according to the Woodfuel in the Cairngorms National Park report?", "reference_answer": "£2100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0340dd45e8c17379a5bddf87dd535c18ec0d6993.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04877fbd1a0ba6c62b516596391983ab8e3f47ef_1", "query": "What is the effective date of the New York pay transparency bill according to the S9427A \"at a glance\" summary?", "reference_answer": "September 2023", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04877fbd1a0ba6c62b516596391983ab8e3f47ef.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "014b7b21bdb3febc039b65199de37a0e67c7b970_2", "query": "What is the Big Data Value for Retail & Trade according to the European Commission's document on opportunities in individual sectors?", "reference_answer": "60% poten=al increase in retailers’ opera=ng margins possible with Big Data.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014b7b21bdb3febc039b65199de37a0e67c7b970.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0560f63f5c697379aca014bcbde62bc56ce002c0_0", "query": "According to the invariant mass distributions of (π+ π− π0) in the COMPASS 2008 data, the graph shows which particles have the highest peak mass?", "reference_answer": "ω(782)\n", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0560f63f5c697379aca014bcbde62bc56ce002c0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c_3", "query": "What are the features of EX-Shield - Conductive Coatings in the EMI-tec product range, as detailed in the conductive coatings section?", "reference_answer": "Conductive paint for ESD applications;High hardness and scratch resistance;Surface resistance from 105 bis 109 Ohm adjustable;Resistant to oil and various solvents;Colour (satin finish) accordingly RAL table can be set.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0389183e3fe45615b4d7002823fac7fba892c63c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5_0", "query": "What are the main divisions of the Division of Information Services at Griffith University as outlined in the Information Online February 2015 document?", "reference_answer": "IT Services,Enterprise Infrastructure Systems,eResearch Services, Library and Learning Services, IT infrastructure,Information Management.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "005d1214a22febf782a7f1cc41ff046d6e7c8bc5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0309cdc068e3874daff521ef28a4cb8c4246eac0_1", "query": "What are the strategic goals and objectives for community outlined by the Chatham-Kent Ontario Health Team (CKOHT)?", "reference_answer": "1.Increase knowledge and awareness of the CKOHT.\n2.Ensure person-centeredcare in all aspects of ourwork.\n3.Share best practices between partners within and beyond the CKOHT.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0309cdc068e3874daff521ef28a4cb8c4246eac0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356_3", "query": "The assessment and selection of SLM technologies and approaches in the DESIRE project using WOCAT includes what factors, as outlined in the Water Solutions in Drylands document?", "reference_answer": "IdentificationII,EvaluationIlI,Selection.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356_2", "query": "Among Degradation types addressed in the DESIRE project, which type of management involves the most cases?", "reference_answer": "Cropping management", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035f7ae44821cbb6191454cffc3a81cbc5cfc9d5_3", "query": "What does the \"T\" in the VLRT framework stand for in the context of quant Mutual Fund's investment strategy?", "reference_answer": "TIME", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035f7ae44821cbb6191454cffc3a81cbc5cfc9d5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03531d8790adc2cf7d0d656abefc3e334918687c_1", "query": "How well did Oak's roots regenerate after coppicing in the context of root system characteristics in coppice stands?", "reference_answer": "vigorous sprouting behaviour; survivor of the stool decreases with increasing age; spouts are mainly in the upper part of the stool.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03531d8790adc2cf7d0d656abefc3e334918687c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0340dd45e8c17379a5bddf87dd535c18ec0d6993_0", "query": "What is Pellet Fuel as described in the Woodfuel in the Cairngorms National Park document by Penny Lawson?", "reference_answer": "1.for stoves and boilers,2.compressed wood by-products,3.bulk or bagged delivery.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0340dd45e8c17379a5bddf87dd535c18ec0d6993.pdf", 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United States presentation by Vijay Limaye?", "reference_answer": "Roof Area ofAhmedabad,Impact of Cool Roofs onCooling Demand,Impact on Energy Demand.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d19e89beeb2a6dc209a3d38a8a0b5d1289e1d9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8_3", "query": "Which country has the highest PMI according to the Kazakhstan Business Activity Index report for March 2021?", "reference_answer": "Germany", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2_2", "query": "How many participants contributed ideas and feedback in our approach according to the CLC-ULI Joint Research Publication on Creating Liveable Cities through Car-Lite Urban Mobility?", "reference_answer": "120", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0123e4fee5e59cc7a1476402986a2b9fb41162c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8_4", "query": "Which industry has the highest Business Climate Index (BCI) according to the Kazakhstan Business Activity Index report for March 2021?", "reference_answer": "Construction", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04877fbd1a0ba6c62b516596391983ab8e3f47ef_0", "query": "What is the role of Expert Support and Consulting in Syndio's mission to build expert-backed technology for workplace equity?", "reference_answer": "Legal best practices, statistics, reporting, and communications guidance and support.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04877fbd1a0ba6c62b516596391983ab8e3f47ef.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "050ae6cc2a1218270b2ce855179862b0201d4683_1", "query": "In the section \"DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE,\" what is the population count within a 1-MILE RADIUS for the \"TOTAL POPULATION\" in 2022 for the City of Perris?", "reference_answer": "12877", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050ae6cc2a1218270b2ce855179862b0201d4683.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03a13137407ae65720369c919743d742ea048c00_1", "query": "What are the dependencies of parts of digital engineering as outlined in the Systems Engineering Research Center's presentation on Digital Thread Enabled Acquisition?", "reference_answer": "Model Repositories", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03a13137407ae65720369c919743d742ea048c00.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d19e89beeb2a6dc209a3d38a8a0b5d1289e1d9_1", "query": "What is the Annual Daily Average PM2.5 for the 2018 baseline according to Limaye et al. (2023) in the study on air quality and health co-benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions in Ahmedabad, India?", "reference_answer": "71.04", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d19e89beeb2a6dc209a3d38a8a0b5d1289e1d9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b_1", "query": "According to the Institut du porc document on Efficiency at animal scale, which protein content feed has the highest nitrogen utilization efficiency in pigs?", "reference_answer": "12% CP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031271a581b8802789a540ffaeca23b68166195b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0417d7d6ead6fe08b9b85792559b45ded94db6b8_2", "query": "According to the ICOS Irish Cooperative Organisation Society chart, what is the projected production of milk in 2020?", "reference_answer": "8.3bn litres.", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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is the definition of stakeholders according to the Perinatal-Neonatal Quality Improvement Network of Massachusetts (PNQIN) QI Starter Pack?", "reference_answer": "Those who pay for, provide, regulate, receive, measure, monitor, or otherwise interact with/influence the health care outcomes you want to improve.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "016d380720964134f37e5803bc182f7bcb0af024.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "033e2499e1186982a8c8e06254bf19c2005e89c9_0", "query": "What is the content of focus in chapter EQUITY STORY of the UBM Development AG – ESG Report 2021 Executive Summary?", "reference_answer": "1.Residential and Office,2.Major European metropolitan areas,3.green. smart. and more", "meta_info": { "file_name": "033e2499e1186982a8c8e06254bf19c2005e89c9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01b0562bad7dae455fb107d2ab7cc9bf85dc28d1_0", "query": "What email domain should you use to log into BEELAJAR as specified in the BINA NUSANTARA Corporate Learning & Development instructions?", "reference_answer": "BINUS.AC.ID EMAIL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01b0562bad7dae455fb107d2ab7cc9bf85dc28d1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02e22d6e970bef1b48efd32bf2a524c6bd3263c7_0", "query": "Are the highest numbers of Brook Trout stocked in Montana east or west according to the Wildlife Conservation Society data on Brook Trout Stocking in Montana?", "reference_answer": "West", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02e22d6e970bef1b48efd32bf2a524c6bd3263c7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02e22d6e970bef1b48efd32bf2a524c6bd3263c7_2", "query": "What species was most abundant in Deep Creek in 2011 according to the Species Composition data from 1974 to 2011?", "reference_answer": "Brook Trout", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02e22d6e970bef1b48efd32bf2a524c6bd3263c7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04877fbd1a0ba6c62b516596391983ab8e3f47ef_2", "query": "What is the content of the Pay gap report in the California pay transparency bill as detailed in SB 1162?", "reference_answer": "Adds requirement to report median and mean pay gap and file separate contractor pay report.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04877fbd1a0ba6c62b516596391983ab8e3f47ef.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d03750a51cf1eb204b5f663d42aaf14ee40693_3", "query": "What are the tests for the maps plugin in the TRANSAPPS Performance Testing and Evaluation of Transformative Apps Devices document?", "reference_answer": " Functionality and accuracy of data showed through plugins.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d03750a51cf1eb204b5f663d42aaf14ee40693.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02d9d6c3d872469119ce9ff49442967c9209d1cd_0", "query": "What year is the stage of Mobility Rapidly Coming of Age according to the Zenprise presentation on managing mobile devices and optimizing mobile business?", "reference_answer": "2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02d9d6c3d872469119ce9ff49442967c9209d1cd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606_0", "query": "Which region saw the highest GDP growth in 2014 according to the Worldwide GDP growth data presented at the Analyst and Investor Meeting on March 20th, 2014?", "reference_answer": "China", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b7b7d18c37c9bc134212f6ccf7bac1f06e606.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010aa2ce76c2512f680fb811dfb2b345a728d207_2", "query": "What does WS stand for in the context of climate change impacts on tourism within the chapter Tourism Vulnerability 'Hotspots'?", "reference_answer": "warmer summers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010aa2ce76c2512f680fb811dfb2b345a728d207.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0417d7d6ead6fe08b9b85792559b45ded94db6b8_0", "query": "In what year did Ireland join the European Economic Community (EEC) according to the \"Evolution of Irish Dairy\" graph?", "reference_answer": "1973", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0417d7d6ead6fe08b9b85792559b45ded94db6b8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0309cdc068e3874daff521ef28a4cb8c4246eac0_2", "query": "How many approximately in year one population according to the CKOHT Year One Population infographic?", "reference_answer": "11000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0309cdc068e3874daff521ef28a4cb8c4246eac0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356_4", "query": "What are Russia's water-related SLM approaches as detailed in the Water-related SLM Approaches presentation?", "reference_answer": "Living together-thinking on common water Testing and disseminating a water saving technology like drip irrigation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "027dee01b7aced677eb5093c754ebad82a89015d_1", "query": "What is the x-axis labeled in the provided graph within the StochCharMon presentation?", "reference_answer": "Frequency [Hz]", "meta_info": { "file_name": "027dee01b7aced677eb5093c754ebad82a89015d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0340dd45e8c17379a5bddf87dd535c18ec0d6993_1", "query": "What are the disadvantages of wood fuel according to the Cairngorms National Park Authority presentation on renewable heat targets for Scotland?", "reference_answer": "1.Need space for fuel storage and installation.\n2.Handling of fuel?\n3.Security of supply.\n4.Capital cost.\n5.It’s new and different!", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0340dd45e8c17379a5bddf87dd535c18ec0d6993.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "038c7d9e4cc19a5b729d9d2a7ca5b304e6756ea1_3", "query": "Which country has the highest total volume of cargo shipped according to the 2022 Puerto de Vigo annual report?", "reference_answer": "España", "meta_info": { "file_name": "038c7d9e4cc19a5b729d9d2a7ca5b304e6756ea1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0309cdc068e3874daff521ef28a4cb8c4246eac0_0", "query": "In the current state, which separate service teams do patients need to receive care from before the implementation of Ontario Health Teams?", "reference_answer": "primary care,acutecare,mental health &addictions services,long-term care, home care,community care", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0309cdc068e3874daff521ef28a4cb8c4246eac0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009856a0cdcc230d983c3a3e460a0c1b83cb09d4_3", "query": "What plants were identified in the aquatic vegetation survey of Georgica Pond according to the 2022 June SAV Dry-Weight Biomass survey?", "reference_answer": "Sago Pondweed(Stuckenia pectinata)、Cladophora vagabunda、Ulva spp.、Claspingleaf Pondweed(Potagmogeton perfoliatus)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009856a0cdcc230d983c3a3e460a0c1b83cb09d4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 23 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d03750a51cf1eb204b5f663d42aaf14ee40693_1", "query": "What processes are included in the program scope for the transformative apps in the TRANSAPPS Performance Testing and Evaluation of Transformative Apps Devices document?", "reference_answer": "Aecure Android software stack and infrastructure,App vetting process,Imagery tools,Agile processes.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d03750a51cf1eb204b5f663d42aaf14ee40693.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010aa2ce76c2512f680fb811dfb2b345a728d207_1", "query": "Which tourism sub-sectors are classified as having high \"flexibility in travel decisions\" in the context of the Relative Adaptive Capacity of Major Tourism Sub-Sectors?", "reference_answer": "tourists", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010aa2ce76c2512f680fb811dfb2b345a728d207.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356_1", "query": "What are the benefits of research/investment in Sustainable Land Management (SLM) strategies as discussed in the DESIRE project?", "reference_answer": "Climate change mitigation,Poverty allevation,Food security,Energy supply,Resource use efficiency,Biodiversity conservation,water scarcity.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04629a804e43741f6b693ae93e027939d1a1e356.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8_0", "query": "What industry has the largest number of respondents in the ENTERPRISES-RESPONDENTS BY INDUSTRY section?", "reference_answer": "Service", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03a13137407ae65720369c919743d742ea048c00_0", "query": "What are the dependencies of parts of traditional engineering as outlined in the Systems Engineering Research Center document?", "reference_answer": "Implicit Dependencies between Document", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03a13137407ae65720369c919743d742ea048c00.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03712a39c4aac9d622685456983c12257318df02_3", "query": "What is the rate of implantation using conventional surgical pacemakers in low-risk patients according to the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL of MEDICINE's EVOLUT LOW RISK TRIAL, as reported in March 2019?", "reference_answer": "6%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03712a39c4aac9d622685456983c12257318df02.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046c8aeae3495fae63c6b029a72b048b5b91ed0a_0", "query": "What percentage of CEOs, according to the document on building trust in a new digital world with blockchain and multiparty systems, say citizen trust is critical to business competitiveness?", "reference_answer": "76%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046c8aeae3495fae63c6b029a72b048b5b91ed0a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea_4", "query": "What are CIMR's first priorities for delivery according to the Copernicus expansion designed to respond directly to the Integrated EU Arctic Policy?", "reference_answer": "Sea Surface Temperature (SST),Sea Ice Concentration (SIC).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bbb582d8aa03330ebd8a675f6ce0c94a208bea.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "046c8aeae3495fae63c6b029a72b048b5b91ed0a_1", "query": "What are companies most concerned about regarding data sharing in the Accenture report on building trust in a new digital world with blockchain and multiparty systems?", "reference_answer": "Company assets and secrets", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046c8aeae3495fae63c6b029a72b048b5b91ed0a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02d9d6c3d872469119ce9ff49442967c9209d1cd_3", "query": "What are the features of Enterprise-Grade (Cloud) as depicted in the ZENPRISE diagram detailing secure, available, data reliable, and scalable solutions?", "reference_answer": "Secure corporate access,Highly-available,scalable, redundant,Separate DB instance for each customer (no data co-mingled).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02d9d6c3d872469119ce9ff49442967c9209d1cd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "016d380720964134f37e5803bc182f7bcb0af024_2", "query": "Which type of stakeholder, as defined in the Stakeholder Analysis, has little or no interest or influence in the project?", "reference_answer": "Apathetics", "meta_info": { "file_name": "016d380720964134f37e5803bc182f7bcb0af024.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02d9d6c3d872469119ce9ff49442967c9209d1cd_1", "query": "What levels of protection does Zenprise Differentiated Value provide according to the diagram detailing protection at all layers for CEO, Employee, and Board of Directors?", "reference_answer": "DEVICES,APPLICATIONS,NETWORK,DATA.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02d9d6c3d872469119ce9ff49442967c9209d1cd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "053328d288a9167453f08ade2e36149f95fbf157_1", "query": "What is the Tcoil (°C) for Peak force in the Gryphon-M/L performance specifications by Prodrive Technologies?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "053328d288a9167453f08ade2e36149f95fbf157.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035f7ae44821cbb6191454cffc3a81cbc5cfc9d5_2", "query": "What is absolute in investment philosophy according to quant Mutual Fund's approach?", "reference_answer": "We believe consistent outperformance requires complete freedom from looking at the world relatively. It is why we design investment strategies with an absolute objective irrespective of market conditions. With this absolute objective, comes clarity of thought. Being relevant requires an absolute focus on returns.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035f7ae44821cbb6191454cffc3a81cbc5cfc9d5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "016d380720964134f37e5803bc182f7bcb0af024_1", "query": "What are the examples of external stakeholders provided in the Perinatal-Neonatal Quality Improvement Network of Massachusetts (PNQIN) QI Starter Pack?", "reference_answer": "1.Community organizations.\n2.Outside providers.\n3.Recipients of services.\n4.Family members/caregivers.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "016d380720964134f37e5803bc182f7bcb0af024.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009ab62111533e1608fd1d36c955d7d5a85aa77a_0", "query": "What are the three dimensions for the analysis presented in the Adaptive Systems: Science-Policy Dialogues and Stakeholders Involvement PASI, La Serena, Chile, June-July 2013?", "reference_answer": "Political context,The links,The evidence.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009ab62111533e1608fd1d36c955d7d5a85aa77a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01308bf277aae0458648b3e45465b72b296bec79_0", "query": "What are the requirements for Widar as outlined in the Widar2.0 Passive Human Tracking with a Single Wi-Fi Link document?", "reference_answer": "1.DFS from Multiple links to compute velocity.\n2.Trial and error to resolve direction ambiguity.\n3.Costly search to spot the initial location.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01308bf277aae0458648b3e45465b72b296bec79.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d14102144bfa97bf1f2e41bda7986bd3f712c1_1", "query": "What is the diffusion index of profit margins in the current total direction of key business indicators according to the IPC November 2022 report on the global electronics manufacturing supply chain?", "reference_answer": "87", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d14102144bfa97bf1f2e41bda7986bd3f712c1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02e22d6e970bef1b48efd32bf2a524c6bd3263c7_3", "query": "What species was most abundant in Bangtail in 1990 according to the Wildlife Conservation Society data on species composition from 1974 to 2003?", "reference_answer": "Brook", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02e22d6e970bef1b48efd32bf2a524c6bd3263c7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046c8aeae3495fae63c6b029a72b048b5b91ed0a_3", "query": "What are the features of Uniqueness in the context of multiparty systems as described in the Accenture document on building trust in a new digital world?", "reference_answer": "This transparency proves uniqueness in the digital world. Each unique piece of data therefore can’t be copied, moved, changed, tampered with or “spent” without the knowledge of the ecosystem seeing and mutually agreeing to it. Ownership With this uniqueness also comes the ability to attach ownership to the object and authenticate it as it moves around the internet. 11 How to build trust in a new digital world | Data sharing with blockchain and multiparty systems.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046c8aeae3495fae63c6b029a72b048b5b91ed0a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035f7ae44821cbb6191454cffc3a81cbc5cfc9d5_1", "query": "What are quant's product offerings in the multi asset, multi manager segment?", "reference_answer": "EquitySchemes,HybridSchemes,DebtScheme.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035f7ae44821cbb6191454cffc3a81cbc5cfc9d5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d14102144bfa97bf1f2e41bda7986bd3f712c1_0", "query": "What percentage of electronics manufacturers are currently experiencing rising material costs according to the \"Current Conditions for the Electronics Supply Chain\" in the IPC November 2022 report?", "reference_answer": "80% ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d14102144bfa97bf1f2e41bda7986bd3f712c1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01b0562bad7dae455fb107d2ab7cc9bf85dc28d1_2", "query": "What is step 3 of CHECK KPI's in the BINA NUSANTARA Corporate Learning & Development guidelines for faculty and school staff?", "reference_answer": "1.go to page 3 (three) to check your kpi.\n2.put your lecturer id (ex: d1616) and click enter.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01b0562bad7dae455fb107d2ab7cc9bf85dc28d1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8_1", "query": "What size of enterprises has the largest number of respondents in the ENTERPRISES-RESPONDENTS BY SIZE chart?", "reference_answer": "large enterprises", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "039caf63aeb6da222d15063252e65f0feb2e2b91_3", "query": "How many participants were there in the event mentioned in the CIRCLE-IN project co-funded by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund?", "reference_answer": "There were more than 50 participants.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "039caf63aeb6da222d15063252e65f0feb2e2b91.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010aa2ce76c2512f680fb811dfb2b345a728d207_0", "query": "Which tourism sub-sectors are classified as \"mobile activators\" in the context of the Relative Adaptive Capacity of Major Tourism Sub-Sectors diagram?", "reference_answer": "Tour operators,transport providers (railways, airlines),travel agents.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010aa2ce76c2512f680fb811dfb2b345a728d207.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "011d63ccb0a9d4bf4acb930130cab628f8257a80_1", "query": "When is the initial release date mentioned in the SUSECON23 presentation?", "reference_answer": "December 2022", "meta_info": { "file_name": "011d63ccb0a9d4bf4acb930130cab628f8257a80.pdf", "reference_page": [ 23 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d03750a51cf1eb204b5f663d42aaf14ee40693_0", "query": "What are the primary goals of the transformative apps as outlined in the TRANSAPPS Performance Testing and Evaluation of Transformative Apps Devices document?", "reference_answer": "1.Integrated multi-layered solution.\n2.Rapid fielding and updates.\n3.Direct end-user input.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d03750a51cf1eb204b5f663d42aaf14ee40693.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9_2", "query": "What is the Rs value for Mercury (Hg) in the Calibration Data table?", "reference_answer": "2.088", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "039caf63aeb6da222d15063252e65f0feb2e2b91_0", "query": "What is the title of the project discussed in the Interreg Greece-Italy CIRCLE-IN document?", "reference_answer": "The title of the project is \"CIRCLE-IN: Promoting Circular Economy Investments and Policies in the cross-border area of Greece-Italy\".", "meta_info": { "file_name": "039caf63aeb6da222d15063252e65f0feb2e2b91.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04799e9a53fbac0a7475a53495b39e9042c168e9_2", "query": "In Figure 7 of the Exciton 2D coherent lineshape contour, what changes occur to the peak as the waiting time increases?", "reference_answer": "The peak narrows, rotates, and distorts as exciton co-evolves with background population.", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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{ "uid": "03531d8790adc2cf7d0d656abefc3e334918687c_2", "query": "What is the effect of Beech on its root system after felling in the context of root system characteristics in coppice stands, according to the provided document?", "reference_answer": "Mainly regencratc a new rootsystem.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03531d8790adc2cf7d0d656abefc3e334918687c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0141423d1458ba94137419fea5eaaa76ff9e66f5_5", "query": "What information must be notified immediately upon change according to the integrated procedure for export Belgian apples & pears - Registration in the FAVV - AFSCA - FASNK - FASFC document?", "reference_answer": "Name, address, establishment registration N° in BOOD", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0141423d1458ba94137419fea5eaaa76ff9e66f5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0417d7d6ead6fe08b9b85792559b45ded94db6b8_3", "query": "What accounted for the largest share of agricultural greenhouse gases in 2016 according to the Irish Cooperative Organisation Society (ICOS) report on Dairy Farming in Ireland?", "reference_answer": "Enteric Fermentation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0417d7d6ead6fe08b9b85792559b45ded94db6b8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "009ab62111533e1608fd1d36c955d7d5a85aa77a_1", "query": "What does \"The links\" refer to in the context of the analysis within the Adaptive Systems: Science-Policy Dialogues and Stakeholders Involvement PASI, La Serena, Chile, June-July 2013?", "reference_answer": "between policy and research communities–networks,relationships,power,competing discourses, trust,knowledge use,….", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009ab62111533e1608fd1d36c955d7d5a85aa77a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02702d83f1a8d89b600baac8da0a8076e862f3b0_2", "query": "What percentage does electronic transactions represent among the restrictions in the ECA's Initiative on Digital Trade Regulatory Integration in Africa?", "reference_answer": "16%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02702d83f1a8d89b600baac8da0a8076e862f3b0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "011d63ccb0a9d4bf4acb930130cab628f8257a80_0", "query": "What are the characteristics of the HTTP API as described in the SUSECON23 presentation on SUSE Manager automation possibilities?", "reference_answer": "1.New JSON over HTTP API, easier to consume than XML-RPC API.\n2.Introduced in Uyuni 2022.05, supported in SUSE Manager 4.3.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "011d63ccb0a9d4bf4acb930130cab628f8257a80.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0417d7d6ead6fe08b9b85792559b45ded94db6b8_1", "query": "In what year was the milk quota system introduced according to the \"Evolution of Irish Dairy\" graph?", "reference_answer": "1984", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0417d7d6ead6fe08b9b85792559b45ded94db6b8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02702d83f1a8d89b600baac8da0a8076e862f3b0_3", "query": "What is the expected percentage change in Agrifood trade by 2045 with AfCFTA implemented according to the African Continental Free Trade Area & Trade in Services presentation?", "reference_answer": "41.1%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02702d83f1a8d89b600baac8da0a8076e862f3b0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00291389a275d8392d91e1e9f5b462afa26f3732_3", "query": "What do students need to learn to do to become a writer according to the \"Being a Writer\" section of the Welcometo Kindergarten Back-to-School Night presentation?", "reference_answer": "Build Social Skills,Write Original Pieces,Share and Discuss Work.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00291389a275d8392d91e1e9f5b462afa26f3732.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d14102144bfa97bf1f2e41bda7986bd3f712c1_2", "query": "How many electronics manufacturers in the North American region are experiencing rising raw material costs in the current direction of key business indicators according to the IPC November 2022 report?", "reference_answer": "87%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d14102144bfa97bf1f2e41bda7986bd3f712c1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "009ab62111533e1608fd1d36c955d7d5a85aa77a_3", "query": "What is the definition of \"Inclusivity\" in the context of evaluating science-policy dialogues within the Adaptive Systems: Science-Policy Dialogues and Stakeholders Involvement PASI, La Serena, Chile, June-July 2013?", "reference_answer": "degree to which key scientists, decision-makers, other stakeholders participate in the dialogue and represent an appropriate range of viewpoints… Team members who are multinational, multilingual, and broadly interdisciplinary.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009ab62111533e1608fd1d36c955d7d5a85aa77a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 23 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03f0c5d774e9800419a6e2dff3a15d991f4916da_0", "query": "What are the factors affecting accurate performance in the Current-Voltage Characterization of Perovskite PV-Modules?", "reference_answer": "irradiance linearity,metastable behavior,temperature coefficients,hysteresis,spectral response.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03f0c5d774e9800419a6e2dff3a15d991f4916da.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "016d380720964134f37e5803bc182f7bcb0af024_3", "query": "What are the features of Promoters in the Stakeholder Analysis definitions provided by the Perinatal-Neonatal Quality Improvement Network of Massachusetts (PNQIN)?", "reference_answer": "have both great interest in the effort and the power to help make it successful.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "016d380720964134f37e5803bc182f7bcb0af024.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02702d83f1a8d89b600baac8da0a8076e862f3b0_1", "query": "What is the main factor limiting digital services trade in Africa according to the ECA's Initiative on Digital Trade Regulatory Integration?", "reference_answer": "Infrastructure", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02702d83f1a8d89b600baac8da0a8076e862f3b0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0560f63f5c697379aca014bcbde62bc56ce002c0_2", "query": "Outlook and Conclusions: What is the content of Ongoing Studies in the COMPASS collaboration's OZI violation analysis?", "reference_answer": "1.further systematic studies,2.improved background estimation (include possible coherent background),3.measurement of ω/φ spin alignment via Gottfried-Jackson angles ⇒ production mechanisms", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0560f63f5c697379aca014bcbde62bc56ce002c0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48_4", "query": "What does the y-axis represent in the graph within the Soligenix presentation on Innate Defense Regulators?", "reference_answer": "The y-axis represents the peak IL-1Ra level measured in pg/mL.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48_5", "query": "How many different SGX94 doses are shown in the graph within the Soligenix presentation on Innate Defense Regulators?", "reference_answer": "Three different SGX94 doses are shown: 3 mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, and 240 mg/kg.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "053328d288a9167453f08ade2e36149f95fbf157_3", "query": "What is the note for Interface temperature in the Prodrive Technologies Linear Motor Catalog Gryphon?", "reference_answer": "Average temperature over the complete interface surface.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "053328d288a9167453f08ade2e36149f95fbf157.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "039caf63aeb6da222d15063252e65f0feb2e2b91_1", "query": "Who is the presenter mentioned in the CIRCLE-IN project document?", "reference_answer": "Giuseppina Passiante.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "039caf63aeb6da222d15063252e65f0feb2e2b91.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9_1", "query": "What is the diffusion membrane used for Zinc (Zn) in the Calibration Data table?", "reference_answer": "CA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48_2", "query": "How do antibiotics interact with the innate immune system according to the Soligenix presentation on Innate Defense Regulators?", "reference_answer": "Antibiotics act in tandem with the innate immune system.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01308bf277aae0458648b3e45465b72b296bec79_2", "query": "What is the minimum rate for Widar 2.0 in terms of packets per second for ensuring the uniqueness of DFS according to the \"Impact of Sampling Rate\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "200 pkts/sec", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01308bf277aae0458648b3e45465b72b296bec79.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48_1", "query": "What are the two types of cells involved in innate immunity according to the Soligenix presentation on Innate Defense Regulators?", "reference_answer": "Circulating and tissue resident cells.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04877fbd1a0ba6c62b516596391983ab8e3f47ef_4", "query": "What are the requirements for Record retention under the California pay transparency bill SB 1162?", "reference_answer": "Must maintain the job description and wage rate history for 3+ years after employee terminates.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04877fbd1a0ba6c62b516596391983ab8e3f47ef.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48_0", "query": "What type of immune response does the innate immunity involve according to the Soligenix presentation on Innate Defense Regulators?", "reference_answer": "Rapid,non-specific response.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "011d63ccb0a9d4bf4acb930130cab628f8257a80_2", "query": "What's new in version 0.1.1 of the SUSECON23 roadmap, specifically regarding the added client role?", "reference_answer": "Added client role.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "011d63ccb0a9d4bf4acb930130cab628f8257a80.pdf", "reference_page": [ 23 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bd2d23667aad4d8daabffaaed6d2c5306f7c6e_3", "query": "What is the equation for the 2D processor grid mentioned in the Performance - Effect of the Processor Grid section of the presentation?", "reference_answer": "Np=Npi * Npj", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bd2d23667aad4d8daabffaaed6d2c5306f7c6e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1_2", "query": "What characterizes a fixed account in the Lincoln OptiBlend Fixed Indexed Annuities?", "reference_answer": "Your account is credited a fixed interest rate that’s guaranteed for one year regardless of market performance. A new interest rate is declared annually.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02e22d6e970bef1b48efd32bf2a524c6bd3263c7_1", "query": "Which creek had the highest number of Cutthroat from 1974 to 2011 according to the Species Composition data by the Wildlife Conservation Society?", "reference_answer": "Turkey Creek.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02e22d6e970bef1b48efd32bf2a524c6bd3263c7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0141423d1458ba94137419fea5eaaa76ff9e66f5_3", "query": "What was the total export of pears from Belgium to non-EU countries in 2019 according to the Eurostat data?", "reference_answer": "15,559 tons.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0141423d1458ba94137419fea5eaaa76ff9e66f5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b1e568abe5fffd0959b936848d24d0f52e9b8a_2", "query": "What steps are involved in learning and assessment according to the OKCL Learning Companion platform?", "reference_answer": "Multimedia- based Videos,Reading Material,Assessment Type Content,Completion Certificate.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b1e568abe5fffd0959b936848d24d0f52e9b8a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9_0", "query": "How much drinking water does Northern Ireland Water supply daily according to the \"Delivering what matters\" document?", "reference_answer": "559 million litres per day.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0491caf83d08b02f78c45646359acc12cc2a563c_1", "query": "What does the PF smartphone app in the Privacy Flag Project enable users to do?", "reference_answer": "It allows users to get information on potential privacy risks from installed applications in their Android-powered mobile phones and tablets.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0491caf83d08b02f78c45646359acc12cc2a563c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04799e9a53fbac0a7475a53495b39e9042c168e9_0", "query": "What is the value of N0 in Figure 2 of the Comparison to Kubo-Anderson Theory presentation?", "reference_answer": "0", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04799e9a53fbac0a7475a53495b39e9042c168e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "027dee01b7aced677eb5093c754ebad82a89015d_0", "query": "What time period does the data in the graph cover in the StochCharMon presentation?", "reference_answer": "The data in the graph covers the time period from December 2, 2016, at 00:00:00 UTC.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "027dee01b7aced677eb5093c754ebad82a89015d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 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"query": "What is the date of the presentation in the context of the CIRCLE-IN project promoting circular economy investments in the cross-border area of Greece-Italy?", "reference_answer": " October 19, 2022.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "039caf63aeb6da222d15063252e65f0feb2e2b91.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bd2d23667aad4d8daabffaaed6d2c5306f7c6e_2", "query": "What is the URL for NWChem's official website as mentioned in the NWChem Fun Facts presentation?", "reference_answer": "www.nwchem-sw.org", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bd2d23667aad4d8daabffaaed6d2c5306f7c6e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03f0c5d774e9800419a6e2dff3a15d991f4916da_2", "query": "In the \"Short-term metastability\" graph from the 13th SOPHIA PV-Module Reliability Workshop, what do each of the four curves represent?", "reference_answer": "1.Initial I-V curve before light soaking.\n2.Stabilized I-V curve.\n3.I-V curve after 12h dark-room storage.\n4.2nd stabilized I-V curve.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03f0c5d774e9800419a6e2dff3a15d991f4916da.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01710452190c12c400325a76e75776f660935e6d_1", "query": "How tolerant is Miscanthus to cold temperatures according to the Contaminate Sites Bratislava, Slovakia May 29th, 2015 document?", "reference_answer": "Limited tolerance of low winter temperatures.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01710452190c12c400325a76e75776f660935e6d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01710452190c12c400325a76e75776f660935e6d_0", "query": "What are the categories of crops used for second generation biofuels according to the presentation on biofuel crops?", "reference_answer": "short rotation canopy species,perennial/annual grasses.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01710452190c12c400325a76e75776f660935e6d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48_3", "query": "What are the two chemokines mentioned in the Soligenix study related to peritoneal MRSA IP infection?", "reference_answer": "RANTES and IP-10.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "029c4114f7ca1441b6c2ece43413d9dbbdba61b2_0", "query": "Which agency is responsible for public health related to marijuana regulation in the document titled \"Complexity Case-Study: Legalizing and Regulating Cannabis in Canada: Incremental or Radical Change?\"", "reference_answer": "Public Health Agency", "meta_info": { "file_name": "029c4114f7ca1441b6c2ece43413d9dbbdba61b2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d14102144bfa97bf1f2e41bda7986bd3f712c1_3", "query": "What is the gap reported for material costs in the \"The View From Companies Primarily Operating in North America\" chart within the IPC November 2022 report?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d14102144bfa97bf1f2e41bda7986bd3f712c1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03f0c5d774e9800419a6e2dff3a15d991f4916da_4", "query": "What type of c-Si reference cells are included in the table within the Test Method for Current-Voltage Characterization of Perovskite PV-Modules document?", "reference_answer": "c-Si unfiltered,c-Si with KG1,c-Si with KG3,c-Si with KG5.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03f0c5d774e9800419a6e2dff3a15d991f4916da.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0141423d1458ba94137419fea5eaaa76ff9e66f5_1", "query": "What was the total export of apples from Belgium to non-EU countries in 2019 according to the Eurostat data?", "reference_answer": "6.441 tons.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0141423d1458ba94137419fea5eaaa76ff9e66f5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03b3eb1e4b96a044ab30ce1c08f7b44447ed856f_1", "query": "What is Sleep Propensity as defined in the Mapi Insight for Solutions document on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale by Murray Johns and Catherine Acquadro?", "reference_answer": "the likelihood of making the transition from alert wakefulness to sleep under a given set of circumstances.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03b3eb1e4b96a044ab30ce1c08f7b44447ed856f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03b3eb1e4b96a044ab30ce1c08f7b44447ed856f_3", "query": "What comes after forward translation in the linguistic validation process according to the Mapi Linguistic Validation Methodology?", "reference_answer": "Backward translation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03b3eb1e4b96a044ab30ce1c08f7b44447ed856f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1_0", "query": "What percentage of investors believe it is important to protect their portfolios from market volatility in retirement according to the Lincoln OptiBlend fixed indexed annuity brochure?", "reference_answer": "75%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0141423d1458ba94137419fea5eaaa76ff9e66f5_2", "query": "Which country received the largest share of apple exports from Belgium in 2019 according to the Eurostat data on non-EU countries?", "reference_answer": "India", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0141423d1458ba94137419fea5eaaa76ff9e66f5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03b3eb1e4b96a044ab30ce1c08f7b44447ed856f_0", "query": "Who is the host of Webinar Hosts in the Mapi Insight for Solutions presentation on Measuring Sleepiness with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale?", "reference_answer": "Dr. Murray Johns", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03b3eb1e4b96a044ab30ce1c08f7b44447ed856f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9_3", "query": "What is the duration of the sampling period mentioned for both Chemcatchers and Spot Sampling in the chart titled \"Cost of Chemcatchers versus Spot Sampling\"?", "reference_answer": "The sampling period is over 22 weeks.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 22 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0441317ce9deb3da74c85d08fe3a2137d7832df0_1", "query": "What is the maximum ridership level shown in the AC Transit Ridership graph presented by the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA)?", "reference_answer": "2,500", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0441317ce9deb3da74c85d08fe3a2137d7832df0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_1", "query": "What is the part number for the FLUID END ASSEMBLY in the Southwest 5000 P.S.I. pump model National 12-P-160?", "reference_answer": "8476-4A", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "029c4114f7ca1441b6c2ece43413d9dbbdba61b2_1", "query": "What are the key components illustrated in the \"Complex environment\" diagram within the context of Legalizing and Regulating Cannabis in Canada?", "reference_answer": "Civil Society,Provinces &Territories,Indigenous Communities,United States,Courts,Municipalities,Industry,International Community,Government of Canada.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "029c4114f7ca1441b6c2ece43413d9dbbdba61b2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_8", "query": "What is the item number for the discharge strainer cross?", "reference_answer": "11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04d03750a51cf1eb204b5f663d42aaf14ee40693_2", "query": "What is the screen size of the Dell Streak as mentioned in the Devices Deployed section of the TRANSAPPS document?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04d03750a51cf1eb204b5f663d42aaf14ee40693.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "029c4114f7ca1441b6c2ece43413d9dbbdba61b2_2", "query": "According to Sections 51 to 58 of the Cannabis Act, what is the amount that law enforcement can issue to adults as a ticket, including the victim’s surcharge?", "reference_answer": "law enforcement can issue a ticket to an adult in the amount of $200 plus a victim’s surcharge for some offences", "meta_info": { "file_name": "029c4114f7ca1441b6c2ece43413d9dbbdba61b2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "054adbf8327de7348cba0375cbaea22cb7f80813_2", "query": "What are the dates of the 28th Session of the IOC Assembly held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France?", "reference_answer": "The dates are from 18th June to 25th June 2015.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054adbf8327de7348cba0375cbaea22cb7f80813.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_4", "query": "What is the size of the piston as Hellcat® is 76BPP in the Southwest 5000PSI?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0572af235532740f1d436a21d2272953b66b0611_0", "query": "What is the β is equal to in best expected generation performance in the presentation on Application Type 3?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0572af235532740f1d436a21d2272953b66b0611.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9_4", "query": "How many sampling sites are considered for the Chemcatchers and Spot Sampling as per the table titled \"Cost of Chemcatchers versus Spot Sampling\"?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 22 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01308bf277aae0458648b3e45465b72b296bec79_1", "query": "What scenarios are included in the experimental design of the Widar2.0 passive human tracking system?", "reference_answer": "classroom, corridor, office.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01308bf277aae0458648b3e45465b72b296bec79.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03342a0175f5314185dece3b8f2777f36759bf4c_0", "query": "What is the difference between a Physical footprint and a Contractual footprint according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Power Accounting Guidelines?", "reference_answer": "1.Different instruments.2.Different accounting and reporting practices.3.Different expectations about how companies should use contractual mechanisms to mitigate their scope 2 emissions.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03342a0175f5314185dece3b8f2777f36759bf4c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05e6bd48bfcd3bc62a8b338e09ec5a066779910c_3", "query": "What are the trigger mechanisms available for the Sporting Rifle M70 as described in the Zastava Oruzje Handling and Maintenance Instruction Manual?", "reference_answer": "Single trigger mechanism adjustable,Double trigger mechanism(except .375 H&H Mag),Mechanism „Rückstecher“.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05e6bd48bfcd3bc62a8b338e09ec5a066779910c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03b3eb1e4b96a044ab30ce1c08f7b44447ed856f_2", "query": "What is the first step in the linguistic validation methodology according to the Mapi Research Trust document on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale?", "reference_answer": "Conceptual analysis of source questionnaire in collaboration with the developer.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03b3eb1e4b96a044ab30ce1c08f7b44447ed856f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0345fadb95b0749d09c43c09cd2867fdaa8914e4_1", "query": "What was the dosage and contact time used for the water source labeled RWPS in the Greensboro PFAS Proactive Measures presentation?", "reference_answer": "The dosage for the water source RWPS was 30 mg/L, and the contact time was 1 minute.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0345fadb95b0749d09c43c09cd2867fdaa8914e4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01710452190c12c400325a76e75776f660935e6d_2", "query": "What was the yield of Miscanthus giganteus in sandy soil with a pH of 5.2 in 2009 according to the annual yields data for soil previously contaminated by Zn and Pb?", "reference_answer": "2067", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01710452190c12c400325a76e75776f660935e6d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "054adbf8327de7348cba0375cbaea22cb7f80813_3", "query": "Where was the 28th Session of the IOC Assembly held according to the IOC Report?", "reference_answer": "It was held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054adbf8327de7348cba0375cbaea22cb7f80813.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1_4", "query": "What year was Lincoln National Life Insurance Company founded according to the Lincoln OptiBlend document?", "reference_answer": "1905", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "054adbf8327de7348cba0375cbaea22cb7f80813_0", "query": "What is the title of the 32nd Meeting of Joint IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee mentioned in the document?", "reference_answer": "The title of the meeting is \"32nd Meeting of Joint IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee\".", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054adbf8327de7348cba0375cbaea22cb7f80813.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "054e98cc2676ed1ab0f94f2ae43010514596aa6b_1", "query": "What features are highlighted for the lighting system in the \"OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN SPORTS & HIGH MAST LIGHTING\" section of the ONOR Lighting Technology document?", "reference_answer": "1.Lumileds LED,2.Up to 160lm/w,3.High control rendering with up to 92 CRI,4. Instant start or gradual start option,5. Aerodynamic profile with low windage figures,6.Easy to install and focus,7. Flexible design to suit all applications", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054e98cc2676ed1ab0f94f2ae43010514596aa6b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_3", "query": "What is the DESCRIPTION of 4018-18 in the Southwest Oilfield Products, Inc. Mud Pump Expendable Parts List for the National 12-P-160?", "reference_answer": "DISCHARGE CONNECTOR CAP SCREW (WITH LOCK WASHER) ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0345fadb95b0749d09c43c09cd2867fdaa8914e4_2", "query": "What is the content of Questions for discussion in the Greensboro's PFAS Response presentation?", "reference_answer": "1.How do you communicate and educate others on the message safe water zero risk water?\n2.How do you equitably share the burden and responsibility for addressing contaminants of emerging concern with all impacted communities?\n3. In this age of “easy everything” how do you convince manufacturers, consumers, legislators, and regulators of the need to fully evaluate the cost of the conveniences we continue to embrace?", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0345fadb95b0749d09c43c09cd2867fdaa8914e4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010b954baee991271716f3cf02078768ce291cad_2", "query": "How does carbamazepine enter the urine of healthy people according to the MEDUWA project findings?", "reference_answer": "Carbamazepine enters the urine of healthy individuals through the irrigation of plants with water effluent from a sewage treatment plant (STP)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010b954baee991271716f3cf02078768ce291cad.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010b954baee991271716f3cf02078768ce291cad_0", "query": "What is the total project budget for the MEDUWA-Vecht(e) Project with a co-funding of €8.5 million?", "reference_answer": "€ 8.5 million", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010b954baee991271716f3cf02078768ce291cad.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0345fadb95b0749d09c43c09cd2867fdaa8914e4_0", "query": "When did the weekly sampling and posting online begin according to Greensboro's Proactive Measures in their PFAS Response?", "reference_answer": "July 2018", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0345fadb95b0749d09c43c09cd2867fdaa8914e4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_5", "query": "What is the description of Part# R-52D in the Southwest Oilfield Products, Inc. 12-P-160 Suction Manifold assembly?", "reference_answer": "RING JOINT GASKET", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "046c8aeae3495fae63c6b029a72b048b5b91ed0a_2", "query": "What are the Benefits of Collaboration in multiparty systems as described in the Accenture document on building trust in a new digital world?", "reference_answer": "Competitors can trust each other and coinnovate without compromising IP thanks to privacy and security measures like revocation and collective accountability.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046c8aeae3495fae63c6b029a72b048b5b91ed0a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_2", "query": "How many PISTON O-RINGs are required according to the Southwest 5000 P.S.I. Fluid End Type for the National 12-P-160 pump?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "020b7cd1af551afa9f91a0c82ebeca65ce2b70a9_1", "query": "What are the categories of water risk profiles used in the figure within the Natural Capital Declaration Financial sector leadership on natural capital document?", "reference_answer": "Very high, High, Mid, Low, and No stress.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020b7cd1af551afa9f91a0c82ebeca65ce2b70a9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb_0", "query": "What is the mission of CISA as outlined in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency document?", "reference_answer": "Lead the Nation’s efforts to understand and manage risk to our critical infrastructure.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05e6bd48bfcd3bc62a8b338e09ec5a066779910c_1", "query": "How many stock models are specified for the Sporting Rifle M85 in the Zastava Arms Handling and Maintenance Instruction Manual?", "reference_answer": "Pig back,Monte Carlo,Mannlicher.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05e6bd48bfcd3bc62a8b338e09ec5a066779910c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_0", "query": "What is the gallons per revolution (G.P.R.) for a 5-inch liner size in the Southwest Oilfield Products?", "reference_answer": " 3.06", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04787b8b2a5d62fdd928d716356ca6c3e7554251_0", "query": "What are the three components of the transitioning HPC I/O Storage Stack mentioned in the Seagate presentation on Accelerating Spectrum Scale with an Intelligent IO Manager?", "reference_answer": "Memory,Parallel File System,Tape Archive", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04787b8b2a5d62fdd928d716356ca6c3e7554251.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05e6bd48bfcd3bc62a8b338e09ec5a066779910c_0", "query": "What calibers are available for the Sporting Rifle M70 with a capacity of 5 rounds according to the Zastava Oruzje Handling and Maintenance Instruction Manual?", "reference_answer": "22-250 Rem.,6 mm Rem.,6.5x57,6.5x55SE,7x57,7x64, 8x57IS,9.3x62,25-06 Rem,30-06 Spring,270 Win.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05e6bd48bfcd3bc62a8b338e09ec5a066779910c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb_2", "query": "What is Ransomware according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency document?", "reference_answer": "Ransomware is a type of malicious software, or malware, designed to deny access to a computer system or data until a ransom is paid. Ransomware typically spreads through phishing emails or by unknowingly visiting an infected website.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1_1", "query": "How many account options in Lincoln OptiBlend fixed indexed annuities have no explicit product charges?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d_2", "query": "What are the three levels of CGInO® accreditation according to the Global Innovation Institute (GInI) Authorized Innovation Assessor Guidebook?", "reference_answer": "1. Initial Level,2. Advanced Level,3. Excellence Level.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04787b8b2a5d62fdd928d716356ca6c3e7554251_1", "query": "How long is the residence time for Cloud Archive storage in the HPC I/O Storage Stack as depicted in the Seagate presentation?", "reference_answer": "The residence time for Cloud Archive storage is forever.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04787b8b2a5d62fdd928d716356ca6c3e7554251.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b1e568abe5fffd0959b936848d24d0f52e9b8a_1", "query": "What are the features of the OKCL Learning Companion platform?", "reference_answer": "1.A comprehensive Learning Platform to offer meaningful and joyful learning experience.2.The most\neffective, robust & secure integrated platform for Trainer & Learners.3.Create Multimedia Courses using Audio, Video, Learning Materials, Assignments, etc.4.Effective monitoring mechanism of the training & learning activities.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b1e568abe5fffd0959b936848d24d0f52e9b8a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb_4", "query": "What is the first known malware extortion attack mentioned in the Evolution of Ransomware timeline?", "reference_answer": "AIDS Trojan, or \"PC Cyborg,\"", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1_3", "query": "What happens if the market doesn't perform well according to the Lincoln OptiBlend Fixed Indexed Annuities document?", "reference_answer": "your account is protected from loss but no interest will be credited. Gains from any previous periods will remain intact.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032c88c2530df468cd1180a3313ebf4707f9b2f1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "054adbf8327de7348cba0375cbaea22cb7f80813_1", "query": "Where and when did the 32nd Meeting of the Joint IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia?", "reference_answer": "The meeting took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 8-9 October 2015.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054adbf8327de7348cba0375cbaea22cb7f80813.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b1e568abe5fffd0959b936848d24d0f52e9b8a_3", "query": "How can the OKCL Learning Companion platform be accessed?", "reference_answer": "1.The web application can be accessed from website.2.The Android application can be downloaded from Google Play Store.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b1e568abe5fffd0959b936848d24d0f52e9b8a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e_2", "query": "What is the largest percentage of RIPE 73 attendee types according to the Closing Plenary by Hans Petter Holen?", "reference_answer": "Commercial", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02901905b0dca6b415e8c505be07cb53224d619a_0", "query": "What is the total percentage of the population vaccinated in Missouri through January 2022 according to the Midwest Health Initiative report?", "reference_answer": "41.4%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02901905b0dca6b415e8c505be07cb53224d619a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04fbc940ab77d9025ccd3b061548e5723b2112bc_3", "query": "What are the Signs of a Healthy Work Environment according to the State of Idaho Judicial Branch presentation on Stress, Anxiety, and Our Workplace?", "reference_answer": "Flexibility,Compassion,Positive values,A no-gossip policy,Low turnover rates,Team collaboration,Open communication,Goal-oriented projects,Growth encouragement.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04fbc940ab77d9025ccd3b061548e5723b2112bc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d_4", "query": "What is the Exam Enrollment Fee for a GInI Member to obtain AlnA® Certification as detailed in the Global Innovation Institute (GInI) certification guidelines?", "reference_answer": "650 USD.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 21 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0441317ce9deb3da74c85d08fe3a2137d7832df0_0", "query": "What are the Popular Programs mentioned in the document that routinely average more than 60 people, including Lunchbox Music, Yoga, and Toddler Tuesday?", "reference_answer": "Lunchbox Music, Yoga, and Toddler Tuesday。", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0441317ce9deb3da74c85d08fe3a2137d7832df0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04fbc940ab77d9025ccd3b061548e5723b2112bc_1", "query": "What are some signs or symptoms of vicarious trauma listed in the presentation on \"Signs/symptoms of Vicarious Trauma\" dated April 1, 2022?", "reference_answer": "Minimizing,Guilt,Physical ailments,Chronic exhaustion,Fear,Sleeplessness,Anger and cynicism,Inability to listen and/or avoidance,Inability to embrace complexity,Hopelessness", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04fbc940ab77d9025ccd3b061548e5723b2112bc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d_1", "query": "How much percentage does the Engagement category represent in the CInOrg Innovation Maturity Assessment by the Global Innovation Institute?", "reference_answer": "10%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714_2", "query": "What is the number of departure and arrival flights for the busiest state on 14 April 2021 according to the EUROCONTROL COVID-19 Impact Assessment?", "reference_answer": "1,934", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d_3", "query": "What is the percentage of questions related to \"The Innovation Maturity Assessment Tool\" in the AInA Exam Blueprint from the Global Innovation Institute Guidebook?", "reference_answer": "49%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48_6", "query": "Which NHP in the Soligenix presentation on Anti-Inflammatory Dose Response shows a higher peak IL-1Ra at the dose of 30 mg/kg?", "reference_answer": "NHP #1501", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008179ae43fe6605078e2dfbc1e02a2bfb1f3f48.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_6", "query": "In the BOM TABLE of the SOUTHWEST OILFIELD PRODUCTS, INC. document for the 12-P-160 SUCTION MANIFOLD, how many Qty are there for 7/8-9 HEAVY HEX NUT?", "reference_answer": "24", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "020b7cd1af551afa9f91a0c82ebeca65ce2b70a9_0", "query": "What does the X-axis represent in the chart of the Relationship between value and scarcity in the Environmental economics portfolio application document?", "reference_answer": "Consumptive use as a % of renewable supply", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020b7cd1af551afa9f91a0c82ebeca65ce2b70a9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bd2d23667aad4d8daabffaaed6d2c5306f7c6e_0", "query": "What is the total number of lines of code (LOC) for Fortran 77 in NWChem according to the NWChem Fun Facts presentation?", "reference_answer": "4823003", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bd2d23667aad4d8daabffaaed6d2c5306f7c6e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714_1", "query": "What was the percentage decrease in domestic traffic in Europe compared to 2019 according to the EUROCONTROL COVID-19 Impact Assessment?", "reference_answer": "67%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0_5", "query": "Since when has GLONASS been included in the observations according to the IAG Scientific Assembly 2013 presentation by Fritsche et al.?", "reference_answer": "GLONASS included since 01. January 2002", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0352bcc00aac47f10ce9a8ef5678ebc1d5b5b22c_1", "query": "What kind of build tool is needed for the installation of SALMON?", "reference_answer": "CMake and Gnu Make.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0352bcc00aac47f10ce9a8ef5678ebc1d5b5b22c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03342a0175f5314185dece3b8f2777f36759bf4c_1", "query": "What was planned for April/May 2012 in relation to public comment according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Project Timeline?", "reference_answer": "Drafts for wider circulation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03342a0175f5314185dece3b8f2777f36759bf4c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04787b8b2a5d62fdd928d716356ca6c3e7554251_3", "query": "How many 7200RPM HDDs are used in the test shown in the Seagate pre-alpha results for \"Invisible\" Flash?", "reference_answer": "80", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04787b8b2a5d62fdd928d716356ca6c3e7554251.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714_5", "query": "What is the number of flights on Wednesday, April 14th, in the Overall traffic situation at network level according to the EUROCONTROL Comprehensive Assessment?", "reference_answer": "10,945 flights", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0352bcc00aac47f10ce9a8ef5678ebc1d5b5b22c_0", "query": "What library packages for linear algebra are listed in the Prerequisites of the SALMON Tutorial, Tsukuba, 2017?", "reference_answer": "BLAS/LAPACK,Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL),Fujitsu Scientific Subroutine Library 2 (SSL-II).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0352bcc00aac47f10ce9a8ef5678ebc1d5b5b22c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "020b7cd1af551afa9f91a0c82ebeca65ce2b70a9_3", "query": "What is the role of participating financial institutions during Phase 3 in the project timeline of the Natural Capital Declaration?", "reference_answer": "Test tool on your corporate bond portfolio and provide feedback.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020b7cd1af551afa9f91a0c82ebeca65ce2b70a9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04fbc940ab77d9025ccd3b061548e5723b2112bc_0", "query": "What are the three dimensions that characterize burnout according to the presentation slide dated April 1, 2022?", "reference_answer": "exhaustion,cynicism / depersonalization, and inefficiency.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04fbc940ab77d9025ccd3b061548e5723b2112bc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb_3", "query": "What was the cost of ransomware to the U.S. in 2019 according to the CISA Ransomware by the Numbers presentation?", "reference_answer": "$7.5 billion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02901905b0dca6b415e8c505be07cb53224d619a_3", "query": "Which age group had the highest number of COVID-19 diagnoses per 100,000 persons from February 2021 to January 2022 according to the Midwest Health Initiative (2022) report?", "reference_answer": "40-64", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02901905b0dca6b415e8c505be07cb53224d619a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01044e66f7113aacd8a9b011f7cc6251a66715cd_2", "query": "What was done in the stage of Optimization of Power Sharing during the MathWorks Automotive Conference 2022 presentation on Multi-Stack Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Modeling and Applications?", "reference_answer": "1.Implement a power share algorithm that will optimize power share based on efficiency curves of each fuel cell,2.Thevenin models are still used for control development.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01044e66f7113aacd8a9b011f7cc6251a66715cd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0_4", "query": "How many GNSS stations are included in total, and how many of those have GLONASS observations according to the IAG Scientific Assembly 2013 presentation by Fritsche et al.?", "reference_answer": "There are 340 GNSS stations in total, with 140 having GLONASS observations.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714_0", "query": "What was the total number of flights on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, according to the EUROCONTROL COVID-19 Impact Assessment, and how does that compare to 2019 levels?", "reference_answer": "There were 10,945 flights, which is 35% of the 2019 levels.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e_1", "query": "What percentage of RIPE 73 attendees are newcomers according to the Closing Plenary presentation by Hans Petter Holen on 28 October 2016?", "reference_answer": "28%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01044e66f7113aacd8a9b011f7cc6251a66715cd_0", "query": "What is Electrification according to the presentation slide detailing various electrified transportation and industrial systems?", "reference_answer": "Electrification is the increasing use of electrical technology and energy management to achieve enhanced efficiency,performance and reliability in transportation, industrial systems, consumer and professional equipment,and power generation and transmission.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01044e66f7113aacd8a9b011f7cc6251a66715cd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04e2b6db5fd32c43649acdf45cb23e2b2ebe2bb0_1", "query": "What is referred to as Public Land in the document discussing access to land issues?", "reference_answer": "All land not deeded has been treated as public land.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04e2b6db5fd32c43649acdf45cb23e2b2ebe2bb0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8_4", "query": "What is the input power of the Eniscope hardware according to the General Specifications section?", "reference_answer": "100-240AC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01044e66f7113aacd8a9b011f7cc6251a66715cd_3", "query": "Why is it necessary to operate in this way during the Optimization of Power Sharing phase in the MathWorks Automotive Conference 2022 presentation on Multi-Stack Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Modeling and Applications?", "reference_answer": "1.Use fast running models to design optimal control algorithm,2.Confirm control behaves as expected", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01044e66f7113aacd8a9b011f7cc6251a66715cd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01044e66f7113aacd8a9b011f7cc6251a66715cd_1", "query": "What is the first phase in the Process for Control Development at the MathWorks Automotive Conference 2022?", "reference_answer": "Develop low fidelity electrical system architecture.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01044e66f7113aacd8a9b011f7cc6251a66715cd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "014da9165faa5601e43d0579cbc08e102729bc2f_1", "query": "What are the R-values for the 5400 series and 5700 series of WOOD FACED CARRIAGE HOUSE DOORS in the C.H.I. Overhead Doors Residential Buyer's Guide?", "reference_answer": "The R-value for the 5400 Series is 10.78, and for the 5700 Series, it is 18.03.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014da9165faa5601e43d0579cbc08e102729bc2f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb_1", "query": "What are the six key actions associated with the role of Cybersecurity Advisors in the CISA Cybersecurity Advisor Program?", "reference_answer": "Assess,Promote,Build,Educate,Listen,Coordinate.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009e328fc7136f2a006b114ff3154d3eafd04ecb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "008363273c77bfd99cc0bbe473189616006e7c72_2", "query": "How many sponsoring hospitals are mentioned in the Healthfirst statistics within the RISE presentation?", "reference_answer": "15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008363273c77bfd99cc0bbe473189616006e7c72.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0_2", "query": "What is the scale rate (ppb/y) for GPS+GLONASS in the Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) comparison presented by Fritsche et al. at the IAG Scientific Assembly 2013?", "reference_answer": "-0.02", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e_3", "query": "What percentage of participants are Government according to the Attendees - Type of Organisation chart from the RIPE 73 Closing Plenary by Hans Petter Holen?", "reference_answer": "4%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8_2", "query": "What kind of outputs does the Eniscope Energy Management System provide according to the Diagram?", "reference_answer": "remote real time monitoring and alerts, smart analytics, public displays, tenant billing (coming soon), and smart reports.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0309cdc068e3874daff521ef28a4cb8c4246eac0_3", "query": "What is the age requirement for patients participating in the CKOHT as shown in the Year One Population infographic?", "reference_answer": "55+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0309cdc068e3874daff521ef28a4cb8c4246eac0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0_3", "query": "What time period does the reprocessing of observation data cover in the IAG Scientific Assembly 2013 presentation by Fritsche et al.?", "reference_answer": "1994 to 2011.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04fbc940ab77d9025ccd3b061548e5723b2112bc_2", "query": "What are the 5 top causes of stress mentioned in the document on \"Resiliency and Stress\"?", "reference_answer": "Money,Work,Family,Health,News.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04fbc940ab77d9025ccd3b061548e5723b2112bc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02901905b0dca6b415e8c505be07cb53224d619a_1", "query": "What percentage of the population aged 6-17 years has been vaccinated according to the Missouri Vaccination Rates through January 2022?", "reference_answer": "23.0%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02901905b0dca6b415e8c505be07cb53224d619a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04787b8b2a5d62fdd928d716356ca6c3e7554251_2", "query": "What are the three types of Flash Acceleration mentioned in the Seagate presentation on \"Flash Tiers come in many shapes...\"?", "reference_answer": "Server side,Network attached,Enhanced Storage.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04787b8b2a5d62fdd928d716356ca6c3e7554251.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_1", "query": "How many pilot projects and case studies are there in the Novelog project, which is part of the EU-financed sustainable city logistic solutions initiative within the HORIZON program?", "reference_answer": "6 Pilot projects and 6 case studies.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833_7", "query": "What is the FLANGE SIZE description for the PULSATION DAMPENER in the 8376-50A Discharge Strainer Cross Assembly document?", "reference_answer": "4-1/16\" API 6B, 5K", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010590d6cf97f7ade2020f7d8a19467c75998833.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02901905b0dca6b415e8c505be07cb53224d619a_2", "query": "When was the Omicron Variant confirmed to arrive in Missouri according to the Midwest Health Initiative report?", "reference_answer": "December 2021.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02901905b0dca6b415e8c505be07cb53224d619a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0_0", "query": "What are the two types of Terrestrial Reference Frames (TRF) compared in the table from the IAG Scientific Assembly 2013 presentation by Fritsche et al.?", "reference_answer": "GPS-only,GPS+GLONASS.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "020b7cd1af551afa9f91a0c82ebeca65ce2b70a9_2", "query": "What is the rated credit status of Japan in the E-Risc initiative chart by the Natural Capital Declaration?", "reference_answer": "AA-", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020b7cd1af551afa9f91a0c82ebeca65ce2b70a9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_5", "query": "What is the response rate of the Groceries branch in the overall statistics table within the City of Gothenburg's Nordstan logistics analysis?", "reference_answer": "67%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59_6", "query": "What are the specific costs for the steel and CFRP systems under the scenarios presented in the fka GmbH case study on hydrogen storage?", "reference_answer": "The specific costs are 12,600 € for Steel and 24,000 € for the CFRP baseline.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8_3", "query": "How much onboard storage is available for the Eniscope hardware in the Energy Savings Plus document?", "reference_answer": "8 GB", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_4", "query": "What is the total number of companies listed by branch in the table within the overall statistics of the Novelog project for the City of Gothenburg?", "reference_answer": "185", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "054e98cc2676ed1ab0f94f2ae43010514596aa6b_0", "query": "What are the benefits of the lighting modules mentioned in the \"OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN SPORTS & HIGH MAST LIGHTING\" section of the Lightwing LED Sports & High Mast Floodlight document?", "reference_answer": "1.High quality of light output,2.Efficient performance delivery,3.Lower energy costs and reduced carbon emissions,4.Long life with minimal maintenance costs,5.Advanced control options of each luminarie,6.Suitable for new or most existing masts/columns,7.Made for the harshest environments,8.Low glare with minimal overspill,9.Bespoke version available", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054e98cc2676ed1ab0f94f2ae43010514596aa6b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0454efb78bc1e03ae39f9552cb4c165495b11e4b_3", "query": "What is the development area of ONO-7475 according to the ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Development Pipeline Progress Status document?", "reference_answer": "US", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0454efb78bc1e03ae39f9552cb4c165495b11e4b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_3", "query": "What types of data are collected for analysis in data collection within the Novelog project for the City of Gothenburg?", "reference_answer": "Shipment volumes (number),Shipment size (volume),Types of goods,Carriers and packaging,Demands and requests on freight services,Handling time for goods,Types of businesses (size, branch etc.),Vehicles used,Transport companies,Time and date of deliveries.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "014da9165faa5601e43d0579cbc08e102729bc2f_0", "query": "What materials are used for the wooden carriage house doors in the 5400 and 5700 Series by C.H.I. Overhead Doors?", "reference_answer": "The doors utilize Western Red Cedar or Fijian Mahogany boards.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014da9165faa5601e43d0579cbc08e102729bc2f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04e2b6db5fd32c43649acdf45cb23e2b2ebe2bb0_0", "query": "What are the four contents mentioned in OVER-RIDING RELATIONSHIPS according to the diagram?", "reference_answer": "Access Equity,Security Assurance,Critical Relationships,Investment Productivity Sustainability.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04e2b6db5fd32c43649acdf45cb23e2b2ebe2bb0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0511556fa21cb60820be4c111435e1059a22b4a7_1", "query": "What is the number of racial categories in the 2011 Ethnicity Statistics according to the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity at the University of Manchester?", "reference_answer": "18", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0511556fa21cb60820be4c111435e1059a22b4a7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0_1", "query": "What is the translation in the X direction (mm) for GPS-only according to the Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) data from the IAG Scientific Assembly 2013 presentation by Fritsche et al.?", "reference_answer": "-4.3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "020bcb3e110f77717003542c1d705ccb7f551ea0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8_1", "query": "What type of energy meter can be integrated in the input of the Eniscope Energy Management & Control Platform?", "reference_answer": "electric,water,oil,and gas.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "048ce9cbabf9b58c9764e8be143b7196b5478ac1_1", "query": "What is the vision of Flossie's Bed & Breakfast as described in their promotional material?", "reference_answer": "Flossie's Bed & Breakfast aim to share the warmth of African \"Ubuntu\". People from all walks of life meet & mingle under our roof, learning from each other. We aim to give our customers a foreign experience that feels like home away from hom.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048ce9cbabf9b58c9764e8be143b7196b5478ac1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59_7", "query": "What is the estimated cost of CO2 reduction in 2030 for long-haul HDV according to the CREATING IDEAS & DRIVING INNOVATIONS presentation by fka GmbH?", "reference_answer": "ca. 950 € per g / t-km.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03181f25690efd8f9d1f241a4cb9837db4ab9e20_2", "query": "What time is the video call with the customer in the \"A Day in The Life\" timeline provided by Intel IT?", "reference_answer": "3:00p", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03181f25690efd8f9d1f241a4cb9837db4ab9e20.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59_4", "query": "What is the specific cost system for the state-of-the-art Type 4 storage in the context of hydrogen storage alternatives discussed in the fka GmbH presentation on lower CO2 footprint production phases?", "reference_answer": "400 € / kg H2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59_2", "query": "What must the industry establish regarding recycling facilities for electric cars according to the fka GmbH presentation on sustainability strategies?", "reference_answer": "Industry must establish recycling facilities located in administrative areas where OEM sell electric cars.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03181f25690efd8f9d1f241a4cb9837db4ab9e20_0", "query": "What is the projected annual cybercrime cost to the world by 2025 according to the e-Governance Conference in Tallinn, Estonia?", "reference_answer": "$10.5 trillion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03181f25690efd8f9d1f241a4cb9837db4ab9e20.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05e6bd48bfcd3bc62a8b338e09ec5a066779910c_2", "query": "What is the weight of the Zastava Sporting Rifle M98 with a pig back type stock as detailed in the Handling and Maintenance Instruction Manual?", "reference_answer": "3600 g", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05e6bd48bfcd3bc62a8b338e09ec5a066779910c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e_0", "query": "Which RIPE meeting shown in the attendance graph for RIPE 69 to RIPE 73 has the least attendance?", "reference_answer": "RIPE 71", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "048ce9cbabf9b58c9764e8be143b7196b5478ac1_2", "query": "What is the TEL of Flossie's Bed & Breakfast as provided in the contact details for 1161 Dube Street, Zone 1, Pimville, Soweto?", "reference_answer": "011 933 2483", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048ce9cbabf9b58c9764e8be143b7196b5478ac1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_0", "query": "How many partners are involved in the Novelog project, which is an EU-financed initiative in sustainable city logistics under the HORIZON program?", "reference_answer": "28 Partners, of which 12 cities/city areas and 8 universities.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_6", "query": "In the overall statistics of the City of Gothenburg's Nordstan project, how many are shown in the Total number of parcels in the table?", "reference_answer": "1490", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0330f7d99a9decfb3453a864ae658b4e8185a992_0", "query": "What is the purpose of the USB Cable in the Microcontrollers For Artists workshop with Joe Fowler?", "reference_answer": "USB Cable - This allows you to connect your Arduino Uno to your personal computer for programming.\nIt also provides power to the Arduino.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0330f7d99a9decfb3453a864ae658b4e8185a992.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_2", "query": "What was the focus of the work conducted in 2015-2016 during the pre-study and data collection phase as shown in the timeline for the City of Gothenburg project?", "reference_answer": " Pre study,data collection.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0511556fa21cb60820be4c111435e1059a22b4a7_2", "query": "What was the highest percentage of people in England and Wales in 2011 according to the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity report?", "reference_answer": "White", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0511556fa21cb60820be4c111435e1059a22b4a7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9_5", "query": "What are the setup costs for Chemcatcher and Spot Sampling according to the cost analysis graph?", "reference_answer": "Chemcatcher has set up costs of £6,000, while Spot Sampling has set up costs of £1,000.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0403e30c9f87e8e6cb38c6858878e2726542f8e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 23 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714_4", "query": "What was the number of intra-European flights on 14 April according to the EUROCONTROL COVID-19 Impact Assessment?", "reference_answer": "8,143", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0330f7d99a9decfb3453a864ae658b4e8185a992_2", "query": "What are the types of Sensors (Inputs) shown in the image for detecting light, temperature, humidity, and tilt?", "reference_answer": "Light,Temperature,tilt,humididity", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0330f7d99a9decfb3453a864ae658b4e8185a992.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e_4", "query": "What is the number of participants at RIPE 69 according to the RIPE Meeting Attendance graph presented at the RIPE 73 Closing Plenary by Hans Petter Holen?", "reference_answer": "609", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00362e0c00ff5aaff038a11f970f2c0c35addd1e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "001c68b131356935e1ed82a77300a0d40250cfbb_0", "query": "What must all purchases comply with according to the City of Plano Goals in the Amazon Business presentation?", "reference_answer": "Policy 330.002 (Procurement Cards).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "001c68b131356935e1ed82a77300a0d40250cfbb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8_0", "query": "What is Control Equipment in General Specifications within the Eniscope Features document?", "reference_answer": "Wireless Switches and Wireless Control.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0003504fb992941d93dee794e4d017b76bc5e5f8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d_0", "query": "What category has the highest weight in the Innovation Maturity Assessment according to the Global Innovation Institute (GInI) Guidebook?", "reference_answer": "Outcomes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b7109c3df828764a27acd68e32f0b0928d704d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "008363273c77bfd99cc0bbe473189616006e7c72_1", "query": "What are the components of The Future of HEDIS as outlined in the NCQA Journey presentation by RISE?", "reference_answer": "EASE Digital Measure,INSIGHT ECDS Reporting,ACCURACY Licensing & Certification,FLEXIBILITY Allowable Adjustments,LTIME Schedule Chang,ACCESS Telehealth", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008363273c77bfd99cc0bbe473189616006e7c72.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0511556fa21cb60820be4c111435e1059a22b4a7_0", "query": "What are the racial categories in the 1991 Ethnicity Statistics according to the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity at the University of Manchester?", "reference_answer": "White,Caribbean,African,Other Black,Indian,Pakistani,Bangladeshi,Chinese,Other.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0511556fa21cb60820be4c111435e1059a22b4a7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59_5", "query": "What is the gravimetric storage density for the state-of-the-art Type 4 storage in the fka GmbH presentation on hydrogen storage alternatives towards lower CO2 footprint?", "reference_answer": "17 kg / kg H2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0454efb78bc1e03ae39f9552cb4c165495b11e4b_2", "query": "What are the pharmacological actions of VELEXBRU (Tirabrutinib) as detailed in the ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Development Pipeline Progress Status document?", "reference_answer": "BTK inhibitor", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0454efb78bc1e03ae39f9552cb4c165495b11e4b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59_0", "query": "What was the record high price level in August 2022 according to the EU Emission Trading System's impact on the automotive industry as presented by fka?", "reference_answer": "~ 100 €/t", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0454efb78bc1e03ae39f9552cb4c165495b11e4b_1", "query": "What cancer type does ONO-7807 Anti-TIM-3 antibody correspond to in the clinical trials for combination therapy with OPDIVO and other Immuno-Oncology compounds?", "reference_answer": "Solid tumor", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0454efb78bc1e03ae39f9552cb4c165495b11e4b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03f0c5d774e9800419a6e2dff3a15d991f4916da_3", "query": "What is the quantity of encapsulated perovskite cells listed in the Uncertainty of Spectral Mismatch using Monte Carlo analysis?", "reference_answer": "10.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03f0c5d774e9800419a6e2dff3a15d991f4916da.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "008363273c77bfd99cc0bbe473189616006e7c72_0", "query": "What are the names of the three communities mentioned in the RISE Association document, specifically under the Quality & Revenue, Member Acquisition & Experience, and SDoH communities?", "reference_answer": "Quality & Revenue Community,Medicare Member Acquisition & Experience Community,SDoH Community.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008363273c77bfd99cc0bbe473189616006e7c72.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "058f6bca5179d3ca48d85a2c29dfd2c727518ac1_2", "query": "What is the policy type of the Australian Children’s Television Standards according to the World Health Organization's evaluated policies document?", "reference_answer": "Mandatory", "meta_info": { "file_name": "058f6bca5179d3ca48d85a2c29dfd2c727518ac1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab_2", "query": "What should be done if the order value is less than €150 according to the Cubyn Refund Policy Charter 15 January/2023?", "reference_answer": " \"Attestation on honour\" is required.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0511556fa21cb60820be4c111435e1059a22b4a7_3", "query": "What percentage of the population in England and Wales was born abroad according to the 2011 Census measure of \"foreign status\" in the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity report from The University of Manchester?", "reference_answer": "13%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0511556fa21cb60820be4c111435e1059a22b4a7.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d4e74b70ac525e54c217dc5a380950b5c1d8e3_0", "query": "What is the power generation during the typical nighttime stable flow as observed in the Lidar Measurements of Wind and Turbulence for Wind-Energy Applications?", "reference_answer": "311 kW", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d4e74b70ac525e54c217dc5a380950b5c1d8e3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02c05ed2ea23546d0df9449c70dcaa41103a240c_0", "query": "How many countries are included in the OECD according to the \"Decentralisation trends in OECD countries: a comparative perspective for Ukraine\" document?", "reference_answer": "35", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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"source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_7", "query": "In the chart \"Number of Responses by Branch\" within the context of the City of Gothenburg's Nordstan logistics project, how many companies are listed for Retailers by Branch?", "reference_answer": "91", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04799e9a53fbac0a7475a53495b39e9042c168e9_3", "query": "In Figure 7 of the 2D Lineshape Evolution presentation, what does the red shift of the center peak indicate about interactions with the background population?", "reference_answer": "Interactions with the background population diminish.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04799e9a53fbac0a7475a53495b39e9042c168e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59_3", "query": "What is the hydrogen potential for construction and agricultural machinery by 2050 according to the fka GmbH presentation on the relevance of hydrogen for different mobile applications?", "reference_answer": "High", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab_3", "query": "What case is reported if an order is damaged according to the Cubyn Refund Policy Charter 15 January/2023?", "reference_answer": "Order is damaged.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01972440b42f5700a79723eb27cf8f86fb9ca967_1", "query": "What is the methodology for inequality assessment in the context of the CRVS Inequality Assessment Project in Bangladesh?", "reference_answer": "1.Using data sources from different census and surveys conducted by BBS.\n2.Register based data.\n3.Correlate with Numerator and Denominator.\n4.Sources of Denominator.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01972440b42f5700a79723eb27cf8f86fb9ca967.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "059a0273c9cc2aaf4d9e1d9aad6eebcfa6625c45_0", "query": "What is the size of the Amazon according to the IUCN World Parks Congress Sydney 2014?", "reference_answer": "7.8 million square kilometres", "meta_info": { "file_name": "059a0273c9cc2aaf4d9e1d9aad6eebcfa6625c45.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0445026fe082a0cd33def1e83114f44cb9908248_2", "query": "Where do the monitor item preprocessing values originate in the ZABBIX高MEETUP ONLINE'23 presentation on optimizing data collection with Low-level discovery and dependent items?", "reference_answer": "CPU coming from Master Item", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0445026fe082a0cd33def1e83114f44cb9908248.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02c05ed2ea23546d0df9449c70dcaa41103a240c_1", "query": "How many subnational governments (SNGs) are there in OECD countries according to the Decentralisation trends in OECD countries document?", "reference_answer": "138000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02c05ed2ea23546d0df9449c70dcaa41103a240c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00514494eaa8512bfe56d31e5ecb4e5f14e3cd3a_0", "query": "Who is responsible for the overall supervision and decision-making in the HadronPhysics2 project as outlined in the HadronPhysics2 Management Structure?", "reference_answer": "Governing Board", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00514494eaa8512bfe56d31e5ecb4e5f14e3cd3a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02c05ed2ea23546d0df9449c70dcaa41103a240c_3", "query": "Which economic function accounts for the largest share of SNG expenditure according to the OECD report on decentralisation trends in OECD countries?", "reference_answer": "Education", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02c05ed2ea23546d0df9449c70dcaa41103a240c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0454efb78bc1e03ae39f9552cb4c165495b11e4b_0", "query": "How is OPDIVO progressing in Korea for melanoma adjuvant therapy according to the Development status of OPDIVO (1) as of May 6, 2021?", "reference_answer": "Approved", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0454efb78bc1e03ae39f9552cb4c165495b11e4b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab_1", "query": "What are the variants of the \"Not delivered\" case in the Cubyn Refund Policy Charter 15 January/2023?", "reference_answer": "Parcel is advalorem,Parcel is not advalorem.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "008363273c77bfd99cc0bbe473189616006e7c72_3", "query": "How many members are in the Healthfirst statistic according to the RISE presentation?", "reference_answer": "1.8 million", "meta_info": { "file_name": "008363273c77bfd99cc0bbe473189616006e7c72.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01972440b42f5700a79723eb27cf8f86fb9ca967_0", "query": "What is the Policy decision on Inequality Assessment of Civil Registration as discussed in the Ninth meeting of the Regional Steering Group for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific?", "reference_answer": "Decision has been taken to conduct the inequality assessment.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01972440b42f5700a79723eb27cf8f86fb9ca967.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00514494eaa8512bfe56d31e5ecb4e5f14e3cd3a_2", "query": "What are the main activity blocks included in the HadronPhysics program as outlined in the HadronPhysics2 Study of Strongly Interacting Matter document?", "reference_answer": "Networking activities and management, transnational access activities, joint research activities.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00514494eaa8512bfe56d31e5ecb4e5f14e3cd3a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00eaa8398ef80dca6f36488467acf600d01f8a98_2", "query": "What measures has Shoolini University taken to promote sustainable development according to the North Zone VC's Conference 2021 and its initiatives under various SDGs?", "reference_answer": "waste management,sustainable resource management,design for sustainability (D4S),cleaner production & resource efficiency,sustainable transport,eco-labelling & certification,sustainable procurement,sustainable marketing,and sustainable lifestyle.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00eaa8398ef80dca6f36488467acf600d01f8a98.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0445026fe082a0cd33def1e83114f44cb9908248_0", "query": "What is the role of Overrides in the LLD Main components within the ZABBIX高MEETUP ONLINE'23 presentation?", "reference_answer": "allows to modify items, triggers, graphs or host prototypes when applying to specific discovered objects.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0445026fe082a0cd33def1e83114f44cb9908248.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "054ecf499755cfb66feb3a14eb01dc4c4874b9cf_0", "query": "What is the target population & geographic reach of the world's first Chikungunya Vaccine VLA1553 as mentioned in the Valneva Company Presentation September 2023?", "reference_answer": "1.Non-endemic countries: travelers / military / outbreak preparedness in U.S., EU, CAN.\n2.Endemic use in LMICs3: Partnered with CEPI and Instituto Butantan, including local manufacturing.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054ecf499755cfb66feb3a14eb01dc4c4874b9cf.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed_3", "query": "What is the Key USPs of Everything Logistics made up of according to the TCI Leaders in Logistics Earnings Presentation Q2 FY22?", "reference_answer": "1.Wide Range of Services,\n2.Strong Multimodal Network,\n3.Unique Positioning to incubate high growth segments,\n4.Technology & Automation Driven Operayions.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01972440b42f5700a79723eb27cf8f86fb9ca967_2", "query": "What are the variables recorded in birth registration according to the Variables covered during CR presentation?", "reference_answer": "Date of Issue Birth order of the child,Date of Registration Mother’s Name,Date of Birth Father’s Name,Place of Birth Mother’s Nationality,Permanent address Father’s Nationality,Name of the Child,Mother’s Birth Registration", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01972440b42f5700a79723eb27cf8f86fb9ca967.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "059a0273c9cc2aaf4d9e1d9aad6eebcfa6625c45_2", "query": "What percentage of the world's tropical rainforests is represented by the Amazon according to the information provided in the image?", "reference_answer": "53%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "059a0273c9cc2aaf4d9e1d9aad6eebcfa6625c45.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04ad1ed44c5d12daf9bc5cc290e7eade424ee761_2", "query": "Where can STAR Transit go within its service area according to the Duncanville New Mobility Services presentation?", "reference_answer": "1.Anywhere in our Service Area,2.Outside of our service area for\nmedical appointments.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04ad1ed44c5d12daf9bc5cc290e7eade424ee761.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00eaa8398ef80dca6f36488467acf600d01f8a98_1", "query": "How many patents has Shoolini University filed as part of its initiatives under Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education?", "reference_answer": "715+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00eaa8398ef80dca6f36488467acf600d01f8a98.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0258acc3a8560dbfd515a78c429125106f29abf3_0", "query": "What is the coefficient range for the high-dimensional representation in the context of speaker recognition systems based on total variability factors?", "reference_answer": "20000 to 100000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0258acc3a8560dbfd515a78c429125106f29abf3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed_5", "query": "How many types of truck models does TCI Freight Division have according to the TCI Freight Division: Industry nature and trends document?", "reference_answer": "40+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "058f6bca5179d3ca48d85a2c29dfd2c727518ac1_0", "query": "What is Peru's policy example in the context of the WHO/UNICEF implementation tool for policies to protect children from the harmful impact of food marketing?", "reference_answer": "Covering a broad set of persuasive techniques that appeal to children.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "058f6bca5179d3ca48d85a2c29dfd2c727518ac1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "059a0273c9cc2aaf4d9e1d9aad6eebcfa6625c45_3", "query": "What is the role of the valuation of protected areas in the Amazon biome as discussed in the IUCN World Parks Congress Sydney 2014?", "reference_answer": "maintaining and/or increasing the social, economic and environmental resilience to the impacts of climate change.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "059a0273c9cc2aaf4d9e1d9aad6eebcfa6625c45.pdf", "reference_page": [ 22 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "048ce9cbabf9b58c9764e8be143b7196b5478ac1_0", "query": "What is the mission of Flossie's Bed & Breakfast as described in their promotional material?", "reference_answer": "Flossie's Bed & Breakfast is an attractive establishment with modern architecture. Our staff pay attention to detail and ensure service. Guest can be assured of a stylish and refreshing overnight stay. Our Guided tours of Soweto will inform and entertain those with an interest in the township.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048ce9cbabf9b58c9764e8be143b7196b5478ac1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03181f25690efd8f9d1f241a4cb9837db4ab9e20_3", "query": "What are the security assurance & features of Intel products as described in the e-Governance Conference presentation in Tallinn, Estonia?", "reference_answer": "BUILD,TRANSFER,OPERATE,RETIRE.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03181f25690efd8f9d1f241a4cb9837db4ab9e20.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00eaa8398ef80dca6f36488467acf600d01f8a98_0", "query": "What percentage of underprivileged students will receive financial assistance under Shoolini University's initiatives for Sustainable Development Goal #1: No Poverty?", "reference_answer": "30%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00eaa8398ef80dca6f36488467acf600d01f8a98.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04e2b6db5fd32c43649acdf45cb23e2b2ebe2bb0_2", "query": "What has \"Public Land\" provided for the nation since the 1930s according to the issues of access to land discussed in the presentation?", "reference_answer": "“Public Land” since the 1930’s has provided the means for the state to alienate customary land for concessions and allocation in fee simple to individuals and groups.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04e2b6db5fd32c43649acdf45cb23e2b2ebe2bb0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "011a2465874f6d9a254213a736098a0a2bb02008_1", "query": "In the Central Statistical Office 2016 data, what year was the highest percentage of the city's population connected to the wastewater treatment plant?", "reference_answer": "2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "011a2465874f6d9a254213a736098a0a2bb02008.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0330f7d99a9decfb3453a864ae658b4e8185a992_1", "query": "What is the purpose of Jumper Wires in the Microcontrollers For Artists workshop with Joe Fowler?", "reference_answer": "Jumper Wires are normally used to interconnect the components of a breadboard or other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or components, without soldering.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0330f7d99a9decfb3453a864ae658b4e8185a992.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "059a0273c9cc2aaf4d9e1d9aad6eebcfa6625c45_1", "query": "What are the tools of Brazil mentioned in the IUCN World Parks Congress Sydney 2014 document for biodiversity priority areas and climate change adaptation?", "reference_answer": "The map of biodiversity priority areas partially incorporates a climate change adaptation component, and is the basis for the creation of Conservation Units since 2007.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "059a0273c9cc2aaf4d9e1d9aad6eebcfa6625c45.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "054ecf499755cfb66feb3a14eb01dc4c4874b9cf_2", "query": "Which projects are open for partnering according to the Valneva Company Presentation September 2023?", "reference_answer": "VLA1601, VLA2121", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054ecf499755cfb66feb3a14eb01dc4c4874b9cf.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "018c1bacd62f681697487fa8f033c0f332e849a0_0", "query": "What detector is used in the KOTO experiment as mentioned in the Nenmatsru year-end quick report of a beam test for the Csl both-end readout system?", "reference_answer": "Csl PMT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "018c1bacd62f681697487fa8f033c0f332e849a0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04c58e22d7f3e0b2ccd662848c1b1dd76d2cae4f_0", "query": "What are the classifications of Ecosystem services in the context of provisioning, regulating, and cultural services as shown in the image?", "reference_answer": "Provisioning services,Regulating services,Cultural services", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04c58e22d7f3e0b2ccd662848c1b1dd76d2cae4f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04588cc917dbf3cfe0f760b7460baf798270be21_1", "query": "How many vehicles will be connected by 2030 according to the extended reality keynote presentation?", "reference_answer": "2.5 billion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04588cc917dbf3cfe0f760b7460baf798270be21.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02194db1476749b2fd3a5b7004b16bc63f071ffb_2", "query": "Which tab in the IAJGS 2022 Virtual Conference platform allows you to view all the appointments?", "reference_answer": "Appointments", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02194db1476749b2fd3a5b7004b16bc63f071ffb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "054ecf499755cfb66feb3a14eb01dc4c4874b9cf_1", "query": "What is the current stage of VLA1553 in the Valneva Company Presentation September 2023?", "reference_answer": "Phase 3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054ecf499755cfb66feb3a14eb01dc4c4874b9cf.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "054ecf499755cfb66feb3a14eb01dc4c4874b9cf_3", "query": "What are the key levers for accelerating commercial performance according to the Valneva Company Presentation September 2023?", "reference_answer": "Travel health recovery,Expand vaccine portfolio,VLA1553 launchpreparedness.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "054ecf499755cfb66feb3a14eb01dc4c4874b9cf.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04c58e22d7f3e0b2ccd662848c1b1dd76d2cae4f_2", "query": "What health impact category has the lowest physical impact per person per µg PM10 according to the valuation of air filtration presentation?", "reference_answer": "Cardiac hospital admission", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04c58e22d7f3e0b2ccd662848c1b1dd76d2cae4f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0445026fe082a0cd33def1e83114f44cb9908248_1", "query": "Which JavaScript preprocessing solutions to use in the presentation for optimizing data collection?", "reference_answer": "XML.query,Array.push.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0445026fe082a0cd33def1e83114f44cb9908248.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "011a2465874f6d9a254213a736098a0a2bb02008_2", "query": "How many household liquid waste treatment facilities are there in Poland in total according to the Interreg Baltic Sea Region VillageWaters report on household devices for liquid waste disposal in 2015?", "reference_answer": "2339", "meta_info": { "file_name": "011a2465874f6d9a254213a736098a0a2bb02008.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0330f7d99a9decfb3453a864ae658b4e8185a992_3", "query": "What are LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) as described in the Microcontrollers For Artists workshop with Joe Fowler?", "reference_answer": "LEDs, being diodes, will only allow current to flow in one direction. Electricity should flow IN the Anode (LONG WIRE) and OUT the Cathode (SHORT WIRE).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0330f7d99a9decfb3453a864ae658b4e8185a992.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed_2", "query": "What are the sub-sectors of TCI mentioned in the TCI Leaders in Logistics Earnings Presentation Q2 FY22?", "reference_answer": "1.Freight Div.\n2.Supply Chain Div.\n3.Seaways Div.\n4.Subsidiaries & JVs.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab_0", "query": "What cases are listed under \"Parcel Not Delivered\" in the Cubyn Refund Policy Charter 15 January/2023?", "reference_answer": "Marked as lost by carrier,Not delivered.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04c58e22d7f3e0b2ccd662848c1b1dd76d2cae4f_3", "query": "How is the number of people impacted by changes in Willingness to Pay (WTP) for increased life expectancy as it can be related to air filtration based on the BonnWorkshop51-Carbon accounting and air filtration document?", "reference_answer": "As WTP increases, the number of people willing to pay for increased life expectancy generally decreases, reflected by the downward slope of the curve. ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04c58e22d7f3e0b2ccd662848c1b1dd76d2cae4f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04ad1ed44c5d12daf9bc5cc290e7eade424ee761_1", "query": "What is the seating capacity of vehicles operated by STAR Transit as mentioned in the Fleet-Vehicle Types section?", "reference_answer": "6-28", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04ad1ed44c5d12daf9bc5cc290e7eade424ee761.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "048f6cdef44c4bcef8467b703f37c3cb02e65e35_1", "query": "When did the SIERRA NEGRA eruption start according to the SZ4D ML/AI Virtual Workshop presentation?", "reference_answer": "26th June 2018.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048f6cdef44c4bcef8467b703f37c3cb02e65e35.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed_0", "query": "What is the revenue figure for TCI as presented in the Earnings Presentation Q2 FY22?", "reference_answer": "$600+ Mn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01972440b42f5700a79723eb27cf8f86fb9ca967_3", "query": "In the Roadmap of Inequality Assessment under the IA Project of ESCAP, what activities are listed as Work in Progress?", "reference_answer": "1.Preparation of 2nd Capacity Building and LoA Workshop.\n2.Data Sharing Agreemen", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01972440b42f5700a79723eb27cf8f86fb9ca967.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed_1", "query": "How many employees does TCI have according to the Group Overview in the TCI Leaders in Logistics document?", "reference_answer": "7000+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05ee4c3bb7067b0b8b5472f18affcd34417266ef_3", "query": "What are the equity class net inflows for ETFs and index open-end funds in February 2022 according to the Piper Sandler Financial Services Investment Banking Monthly Asset & Wealth Management Report?", "reference_answer": "€38.4 billions", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05ee4c3bb7067b0b8b5472f18affcd34417266ef.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05ee4c3bb7067b0b8b5472f18affcd34417266ef_2", "query": "What is the largest active net inflow category in March 2022 according to the Piper Sandler Financial Services Investment Banking Monthly Asset & Wealth Management Report?", "reference_answer": "bank loan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05ee4c3bb7067b0b8b5472f18affcd34417266ef.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04bd2d23667aad4d8daabffaaed6d2c5306f7c6e_1", "query": "How many files are written in the C programming language for NWChem according to the NWChem Fun Facts presentation?", "reference_answer": "857", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04bd2d23667aad4d8daabffaaed6d2c5306f7c6e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "048f6cdef44c4bcef8467b703f37c3cb02e65e35_3", "query": "In the SZ4D ML/AI Virtual Workshop presentation, within which range do most of the L2-Norm values lie?", "reference_answer": "0.000 to 0.003.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048f6cdef44c4bcef8467b703f37c3cb02e65e35.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05ee4c3bb7067b0b8b5472f18affcd34417266ef_0", "query": "What was the total number of transactions for Private Wealth Managers in March 2022 according to the Piper Sandler Financial Services Investment Banking Monthly Asset & Wealth Management Report?", "reference_answer": "21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05ee4c3bb7067b0b8b5472f18affcd34417266ef.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02194db1476749b2fd3a5b7004b16bc63f071ffb_1", "query": "How can you download a 'PDF Itinerary' file that lists all of your appointments from the 42nd IAJGS Conference on Jewish Genealogy platform?", "reference_answer": "‘Pending’ has changed to ‘Approved’At the Appointments tab.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02194db1476749b2fd3a5b7004b16bc63f071ffb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04588cc917dbf3cfe0f760b7460baf798270be21_2", "query": "What will be the #1 delivery method in 2030 according to the forecast in the AI and technology trends presentation?", "reference_answer": "drones", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04588cc917dbf3cfe0f760b7460baf798270be21.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "018c1bacd62f681697487fa8f033c0f332e849a0_1", "query": "What components are included in the Csl both-end readout system as described in the Nenmatsru year-end beam test report by Tomoo Mari?", "reference_answer": "MPPC, PMT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "018c1bacd62f681697487fa8f033c0f332e849a0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00222bf4bff30ff446c45fee544767a33532ee56_1", "query": "What are the main categories of power system stability?", "reference_answer": "resonance stability, converter-driven stability, rotor angle stability, voltage stability, frequency stability.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00222bf4bff30ff446c45fee544767a33532ee56.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b864a0038b563f9569725f01e6fc8b50a8696b_3", "query": "How many MEKAL components were used for fitting the diffuse emission in the Durham University study on ULX X-ray spectra?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b864a0038b563f9569725f01e6fc8b50a8696b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d4e74b70ac525e54c217dc5a380950b5c1d8e3_2", "query": "What were the WindCube heights used from June 12-19, 2013, in the Lidar Measurements of Wind and Turbulence for Wind-Energy Applications study conducted at the site shown in Table II?", "reference_answer": "50,60,70,80,90,105,116,124,135,165,195.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d4e74b70ac525e54c217dc5a380950b5c1d8e3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02194db1476749b2fd3a5b7004b16bc63f071ffb_0", "query": "What's the first thing to do according to the 42nd IAJGS Conference on Jewish Genealogy registration process?", "reference_answer": "go to www.IAJGS2022.org.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02194db1476749b2fd3a5b7004b16bc63f071ffb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 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distribution according to the Spiral Data Group's presentation?", "reference_answer": "FLEET MGT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01366bd3d0d29464d17b4b237c57f9212335e065.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "018c1bacd62f681697487fa8f033c0f332e849a0_2", "query": "How many MPPCs are shown in the detail of the Csl both-end readout system in the Nenmatsru year-end report by Tomoo Mari?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "018c1bacd62f681697487fa8f033c0f332e849a0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04ad1ed44c5d12daf9bc5cc290e7eade424ee761_3", "query": "What is the general public price for any trip of 5 miles or less according to the STAR Transit New Mobility Services in Duncanville?", "reference_answer": "$2.00", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04ad1ed44c5d12daf9bc5cc290e7eade424ee761.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", 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context of the Ultimate Guide to ROI of HRMS?", "reference_answer": "Core HRIS, which caters to the essentials like employee data.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046b484106fa2683e015153dfd8d791b87b3c564.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01366bd3d0d29464d17b4b237c57f9212335e065_3", "query": "How many vehicles are used in the \"Optimised\" scenario in the Spiral Data Group case study?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01366bd3d0d29464d17b4b237c57f9212335e065.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed_4", "query": "How many marine containers are there in the Multimodal Network according to the TCI Leaders in Logistics Earnings Presentation Q2 FY22?", "reference_answer": "8000+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01db33037495b43a964c0527bc3a54bf80f2d7ed.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "058f6bca5179d3ca48d85a2c29dfd2c727518ac1_1", "query": "What can sustained energy imbalance lead to according to the World Health Organization's framework on the impact of marketing on weight gain and diet-related diseases?", "reference_answer": "weight gain and diet-related diseases.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "058f6bca5179d3ca48d85a2c29dfd2c727518ac1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0060ecefdf2940beb2bb815c0fac9f0dc8879223_0", "query": "What is the reality in fact checking CSR discussions according to the Paine Publishing presentation on \"Fact Checking the CSR Discussion\"?", "reference_answer": "1.CSR impacts the bottom line.\n2.CSR makes you more competitive.\n3.Sustainability isn’t optional.\n4.Maybe not, but you can show value.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0060ecefdf2940beb2bb815c0fac9f0dc8879223.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "048f6cdef44c4bcef8467b703f37c3cb02e65e35_0", "query": "What is the relationship between the data and the model in the context of the SZ4D ML/AI Virtual Workshop's Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) and Finite Element Method (FEM) framework for volcanic ground deformation analyses?", "reference_answer": "Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) Adapted for analyses of volcanic ground deformation,Finite Element Method (FEM) Physics-based modelling", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048f6cdef44c4bcef8467b703f37c3cb02e65e35.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01366bd3d0d29464d17b4b237c57f9212335e065_0", "query": "How many years elapsed between the use of horses and the use of carriages according to the Spiral Data Group's distribution timeline?", "reference_answer": "1500", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01366bd3d0d29464d17b4b237c57f9212335e065.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0092c881cffe1c685ec3bc0fd5d5110c0939c081_1", "query": "What impact does Khazanah's corporate restructuring and reorganization have on management according to the Khazanah Annual Review 2019?", "reference_answer": "Leadershipchange at Boardand Management.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0092c881cffe1c685ec3bc0fd5d5110c0939c081.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04ad1ed44c5d12daf9bc5cc290e7eade424ee761_0", "query": "What are the sections of the Meeting Agenda in the STAR Transit Duncanville New Mobility Services Public Meeting document?", "reference_answer": "1.Introduce STAR Transit,\n2.Discuss new services,\n3.Review the timeline,\n4.Receive input from the public.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04ad1ed44c5d12daf9bc5cc290e7eade424ee761.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab_4", "query": "What happens if an order is not delivered for 60 days according to the Cubyn Refund Policy Charter 15 January/2023?", "reference_answer": "Not delivered for 60 days after creation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02862397eb1a6a6a9011506457d8f88d48654cab.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0060ecefdf2940beb2bb815c0fac9f0dc8879223_2", "query": "How can a company measure accountability according to the CSR Goals and Metrics outlined by PAINE Publishing?", "reference_answer": "1. increase in stakeholder/investor satisfaction scores on disclosure &responsiveness.\n2. reduction in lawsuits and violations for inadequate disclosure.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0060ecefdf2940beb2bb815c0fac9f0dc8879223.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0060ecefdf2940beb2bb815c0fac9f0dc8879223_3", "query": "What is the myth checking CSR discussions according to the Paine Publishing presentation on \"Fact Checking the CSR Discussion\"?", "reference_answer": "1.CSR is only for companies that need it.\n2.CSR = Greenwashing.\n3.CSR is just a feel good thing.\n4.You can’t calculate ROI for CSR.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0060ecefdf2940beb2bb815c0fac9f0dc8879223.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03e39ad403954cd1b459ea5b74e6f15db98d1e51_2", "query": "What is the duration of the PharmaLedger project as outlined in the PharmaLedger in a Nutshell infographic?", "reference_answer": "3 years", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03e39ad403954cd1b459ea5b74e6f15db98d1e51.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03e39ad403954cd1b459ea5b74e6f15db98d1e51_1", "query": "What is the primary goal of PharmaLedger as outlined in the Blockchain Enabled Healthcare document?", "reference_answer": "Accelerating a Healthcare DTE.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03e39ad403954cd1b459ea5b74e6f15db98d1e51.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b864a0038b563f9569725f01e6fc8b50a8696b_2", "query": "What data was used to account for extended diffuse emission in the Durham University study on ULX X-ray spectra?", "reference_answer": "Chandra", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b864a0038b563f9569725f01e6fc8b50a8696b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04588cc917dbf3cfe0f760b7460baf798270be21_3", "query": "How many jobs will be replaced by robots by 2030 according to the presentation highlighting the impact of AI and robotics on job markets?", "reference_answer": "20000000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04588cc917dbf3cfe0f760b7460baf798270be21.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05ee4c3bb7067b0b8b5472f18affcd34417266ef_1", "query": "How much AUM was transacted in March 2022 according to the Piper Sandler Financial Services Investment Banking Monthly Asset & Wealth Management Report?", "reference_answer": "$213 billion.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05ee4c3bb7067b0b8b5472f18affcd34417266ef.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00514494eaa8512bfe56d31e5ecb4e5f14e3cd3a_1", "query": "How many main boards and committees are represented in the management structure of HadronPhysics2?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00514494eaa8512bfe56d31e5ecb4e5f14e3cd3a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b864a0038b563f9569725f01e6fc8b50a8696b_1", "query": "What is the upper limit on the 1.5 GHz flux density according to the observational results-radio section in Hannah Earnshaw's presentation on an IMBH candidate in M51?", "reference_answer": "87 μJy/beam", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b864a0038b563f9569725f01e6fc8b50a8696b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046b484106fa2683e015153dfd8d791b87b3c564_2", "query": "What is People Analytics according to the Ultimate Guide to ROI of HRMS by Darwinbox?", "reference_answer": "With advanced data analytics, your HRMS can become the hub of “people intelligence”, unleashing your ability to model certain events and take proactive action. You can potentially predict attrition, plug possible knowledge gaps with timely training, and other oracular tricks.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046b484106fa2683e015153dfd8d791b87b3c564.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "011a2465874f6d9a254213a736098a0a2bb02008_3", "query": "What is the maximum allowable value for total nitrogen in treated wastewater according to Polish legislation for Qd< 5 m³/d in the Interreg Baltic Sea Region VillageWaters project?", "reference_answer": "30 mg/dm3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "011a2465874f6d9a254213a736098a0a2bb02008.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031c0c13ba27809088357fd6cc8dfd5f79d5d5c5_2", "query": "Do bigger dunes move faster or smaller ones according to the dune interaction potentials discussed in the study on subaqueous ripples and dunes by Paul Jarvis and Karol Bacik?", "reference_answer": "Smaller dunes.", 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Analysis of Thin Alloy Coatings with Micro-XRF Bruker Nano Analytics Webinar, what is the value of HV/kV?", "reference_answer": "50", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050f61c6536665c70733bde32b9faf15dbe5b92b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "018c1bacd62f681697487fa8f033c0f332e849a0_3", "query": "What type of reflector is used when there are no MPPCs in the setup involving CsI crystals?", "reference_answer": "KOTO-reflector", "meta_info": { "file_name": "018c1bacd62f681697487fa8f033c0f332e849a0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01b45067b00e9d6a633241ded31d8359ffecfab3_2", "query": "How can a vendor receive notifications from the NTTA Marketplace?", "reference_answer": "Fill in Company Email.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01b45067b00e9d6a633241ded31d8359ffecfab3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02a5b57a4c7a9cab3f280da70bf789ac74dfdc23_0", "query": "What is the implied Yangarra price for 2022 EV/BOED?", "reference_answer": "$4.97", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02a5b57a4c7a9cab3f280da70bf789ac74dfdc23.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00c9161083ca956372a7548e69650556a8c7f358_3", "query": "How many instances of in-situ data are displayed in the graph within the Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Data Validation with SPURS Field Experiment document?", "reference_answer": "16177", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00c9161083ca956372a7548e69650556a8c7f358.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05dfdb35c72d6b037174c63608f429d8405a020a_2", "query": "What year was \"Critical Infrastructure Needs on the Northeast Corridor\" introduced in the planning efforts for the Northeast Corridor?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05dfdb35c72d6b037174c63608f429d8405a020a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392_2", "query": "What are the biggest brands in the neighboring Nordic markets according to the ArcusGruppen presentation?", "reference_answer": "ArcusGruppen", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03e39ad403954cd1b459ea5b74e6f15db98d1e51_3", "query": "What budget was allocated for the PharmaLedger initiative according to the PharmaLedger project document, which spans from January 2020 to December 2022?", "reference_answer": "22 million Euros", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03e39ad403954cd1b459ea5b74e6f15db98d1e51.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01366bd3d0d29464d17b4b237c57f9212335e065_2", "query": "What are the links in the Distribution network according to the Spiral Data Group's presentation on geospatial analytics?", "reference_answer": "Prospecting,Warehousing Service Training,Marketing,Sales,Transportation Service Delivery,Support.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01366bd3d0d29464d17b4b237c57f9212335e065.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0258acc3a8560dbfd515a78c429125106f29abf3_2", "query": "Which portfolio performs best on the EER metric according to the Afeka 2014 presentation by P.M. Bousquet and J.F. Bonastre, as shown in the results section?", "reference_answer": "“0th and 1st order stat.” under ‘pre- yes’ and ‘post yes’ conditions", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0258acc3a8560dbfd515a78c429125106f29abf3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0393238e281882c034559a1f3698aed1024cdd22_2", "query": "What products are included in the Payload electronics section of the Thales Alenia Space presentation on PPU Developments?", "reference_answer": "TWTA, DC/DC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0393238e281882c034559a1f3698aed1024cdd22.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01ada48daaf576de7e173f212b032ab06b742e24_2", "query": "How many languages is the Eurosport 2 channel available in according to the 2013 Bonzini WCS Press Kit?", "reference_answer": "16", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01ada48daaf576de7e173f212b032ab06b742e24.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02a5b57a4c7a9cab3f280da70bf789ac74dfdc23_2", "query": "What was the exit debt for the year 2022?", "reference_answer": "$134 million.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02a5b57a4c7a9cab3f280da70bf789ac74dfdc23.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392_1", "query": "Where does wine rank in Norway according to the ArcusGruppen presentation?", "reference_answer": "#1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00222bf4bff30ff446c45fee544767a33532ee56_0", "query": "What are the types of reactive power management discussed in the Analysis of the Converter-Driven Stability of Q(V)-Characteristic Control in Distribution Grids by Sebastian Krahmer?", "reference_answer": "central optimized reactive power management,distributed reactive power management.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00222bf4bff30ff446c45fee544767a33532ee56.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392_0", "query": "What are the leading wine types according to the ArcusGruppen presentation?", "reference_answer": "in spirits in Norway,in wine in Norway,in spirits in Denmark,in wine in Sweden,in wine in Finland.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "046b484106fa2683e015153dfd8d791b87b3c564_0", "query": "What are the five levels of the Hierarchical Model of HRMS Transformation as presented in Part 2 of the HRtech.sg presentation by Darwinbox?", "reference_answer": "Physiological, Safety/Security, Belonging, Self-Esteem, Self-Actualization.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046b484106fa2683e015153dfd8d791b87b3c564.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031c0c13ba27809088357fd6cc8dfd5f79d5d5c5_1", "query": "What are the characteristics of barchan aqueous dunes as described in the study on the formation and pattern coarsening of subaqueous ripples and dunes by Paul Jarvis and Karol Bacik?", "reference_answer": "Limited sand supply,Unidirectional flow,Heights & scatter.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031c0c13ba27809088357fd6cc8dfd5f79d5d5c5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "007190056808dc4305bf7199977e4d9c296df88c_1", "query": "What is the \"complete follow-up percentage\" in the DREAM trial as presented at the 70th ESCVS Congress & 7th IMAD Meeting, and does it indicate a 20% threshold?", "reference_answer": "99.7%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007190056808dc4305bf7199977e4d9c296df88c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00222bf4bff30ff446c45fee544767a33532ee56_3", "query": "What is the number of nodes in the synthetic distribution grid model sDG1 as mentioned in the Analysis of the Converter-Driven Stability of Q(V)-Characteristic Control in Distribution Grids by Sebastian Krahmer?", "reference_answer": "50", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00222bf4bff30ff446c45fee544767a33532ee56.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "030dfed8672b1e949201e193e0fb7f1b909b620f_2", "query": "What happens after the implementation of HealthWISE in the Training process diagram?", "reference_answer": "Booster 1 day - Practical session.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "030dfed8672b1e949201e193e0fb7f1b909b620f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392_4", "query": "Which country has the highest percentage of revenue according to the ArcusGruppen presentation?", "reference_answer": "Sweden", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "029bee9c16e36444109f4e8e4eedf938e6b1c170_0", "query": "What are the key features of EasyBuild as highlighted in the SC-Camp 2023 presentation by Xavier Besseron?", "reference_answer": "1.Fully autonomous installation\n2.No admin privileges are required\n3.Highly configurable", "meta_info": { "file_name": "029bee9c16e36444109f4e8e4eedf938e6b1c170.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00c9161083ca956372a7548e69650556a8c7f358_2", "query": "What is the RMS value shown in the graph in the Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Data Validation with In Situ Measurements from the SPURS Field Experiment?", "reference_answer": "0.076 psu", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00c9161083ca956372a7548e69650556a8c7f358.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "029bee9c16e36444109f4e8e4eedf938e6b1c170_1", "query": "What is the toolchain for OpenMPI 4.1.4 in the context of the EasyBuild installation process at SC-Camp 2023?", "reference_answer": "gompi-2022b", "meta_info": { "file_name": "029bee9c16e36444109f4e8e4eedf938e6b1c170.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05dfdb35c72d6b037174c63608f429d8405a020a_0", "query": "Does the Northeast Corridor Main Line pass through Albany?", "reference_answer": "no", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05dfdb35c72d6b037174c63608f429d8405a020a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392_5", "query": "What strategies does ArcusGruppen plan to implement for future growth as outlined in the Ratos Capital Markets Day presentation by Kenneth Hamnes?", "reference_answer": "1.Leverage leading positions,\n2.Build on growth track-record,\n3.Further growth initiatives.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031b2c2942ecd6ac2726e23505aeddb4314b7392.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "050f61c6536665c70733bde32b9faf15dbe5b92b_0", "query": "In the data of Ti/ZnAlMg Coating on Sheet Metal Overview and Measurement from the Bruker presentation, what is the \"width\" in the Mapping parameter?", "reference_answer": "1640 pixel", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050f61c6536665c70733bde32b9faf15dbe5b92b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0092c881cffe1c685ec3bc0fd5d5110c0939c081_2", "query": "What are the causes of geopolitical tensions and a pessimistic growth outlook for emerging markets as discussed in the Khazanah Annual Review 2019, specifically highlighting the impact on global market performance in 2018?", "reference_answer": "1.Slowdown in global growth,\n2.US Federal Reserve interest rate hikes,\n3.Brexit,\n4.Oil price volatility,\n5.US-China trade tension,\n", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0092c881cffe1c685ec3bc0fd5d5110c0939c081.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "023ac0d5e5bb44d48aae7eeddbf102ec6a8064aa_0", "query": "What are the buttons for the navigation menu in the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership Digital and Data Strategy 2022-2025 document?", "reference_answer": "Home,Contents,Previous Page,Next Pape", "meta_info": { "file_name": "023ac0d5e5bb44d48aae7eeddbf102ec6a8064aa.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "023ac0d5e5bb44d48aae7eeddbf102ec6a8064aa_1", "query": "What is the mission of the Cheshire and Merseyside ICS digital vision?", "reference_answer": "We will tacklehealth inequalitiesand improve thelives of the poorestfastest. We believewe can do thisbest by working inpartnership.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "023ac0d5e5bb44d48aae7eeddbf102ec6a8064aa.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "007758e589ec783581801f488c13ac03ad616803_1", "query": "How many large group customers does ConnectiCare have according to the information provided about ConnectiCare?", "reference_answer": "300+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007758e589ec783581801f488c13ac03ad616803.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02930e06acb93ef2bb4e11c0e1f4677ee25e1aa9_2", "query": "What percentage of funds is allocated to the Navy Installations Command according to NAVFAC’s Supported Commands by NAVFAC Southwest?", "reference_answer": "43%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02930e06acb93ef2bb4e11c0e1f4677ee25e1aa9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "007758e589ec783581801f488c13ac03ad616803_3", "query": "What are the differences of ConnectiCare as highlighted in the ConnectiCare&Region#14Schools Inspiring Excellence document?", "reference_answer": "1.Listening to our Customers – Direct Customer Feedback.\n2.Engaged Member Advisory Community – 600 Customer Participants.\n4.Feedback Used To Drive Product Development And Improve Business Processes.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007758e589ec783581801f488c13ac03ad616803.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "023ac0d5e5bb44d48aae7eeddbf102ec6a8064aa_3", "query": "What does the digital vision of the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership's Digital and Data Strategy 2022-2025 involve?", "reference_answer": "1.We will have a digitally empowered populationa,\n2.We will have a digital and data confident and competent workforce,\n3.We will have a secure and reliable intelligence provision,", "meta_info": { "file_name": "023ac0d5e5bb44d48aae7eeddbf102ec6a8064aa.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00222bf4bff30ff446c45fee544767a33532ee56_2", "query": "What are the two categories under \"rotor angle stability\" in the context of power system stability terms as presented in the slide from Technische Universität Dresden?", "reference_answer": "transient, small-disturbance.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00222bf4bff30ff446c45fee544767a33532ee56.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "030dfed8672b1e949201e193e0fb7f1b909b620f_0", "query": "What is the first step in the training process according to the HealthWISE program?", "reference_answer": "Approval Provincial government & Hospital.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "030dfed8672b1e949201e193e0fb7f1b909b620f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01ada48daaf576de7e173f212b032ab06b742e24_0", "query": "What countries are included in the ITSF Official tables according to the 2013 Bonzini WCS Press Kit?", "reference_answer": "Germany, France, Italy, China.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01ada48daaf576de7e173f212b032ab06b742e24.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02a5b57a4c7a9cab3f280da70bf789ac74dfdc23_1", "query": "What is the share price of Yangarra Resources Ltd. as of April 24, according to the Corporate Snapshot in the April 2023 presentation?", "reference_answer": "$1.86", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02a5b57a4c7a9cab3f280da70bf789ac74dfdc23.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0004b995666f8846b92ffc3d741a930bba0638e3_2", "query": "What are the characteristics of a Cooperative among partners in the context of the SCHOOL-COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP TOOLKIT?", "reference_answer": "Partners operating “side by side.” They may recognize each other’s value but mostly “stay out of each other’s business.”", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0004b995666f8846b92ffc3d741a930bba0638e3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "023ac0d5e5bb44d48aae7eeddbf102ec6a8064aa_2", "query": "What do they hope to achieve by 2025 according to the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership Digital and Data Strategy 2022-2025?", "reference_answer": "We will be the most digitally advanced and data driven ICS in England.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "023ac0d5e5bb44d48aae7eeddbf102ec6a8064aa.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "030dfed8672b1e949201e193e0fb7f1b909b620f_3", "query": "Who is responsible for implementing the proposed improvements in the Occupational Health and Safety Training for Health Workers Without Formal OHS Qualification in South Africa?", "reference_answer": "Cleaning department,EHP (environmental health practitioners)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "030dfed8672b1e949201e193e0fb7f1b909b620f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01b45067b00e9d6a633241ded31d8359ffecfab3_0", "query": "What are the chapters of the Agenda in the NTTA Marketplace presentation?", "reference_answer": "1.Why Should I Register?\n2.3Completing Registration\n3.Navigating the Login Page\n4.Maintaining Vendor Account\n5.Navigating Marketplace as a Vendor", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01b45067b00e9d6a633241ded31d8359ffecfab3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0393238e281882c034559a1f3698aed1024cdd22_0", "query": "What are the advantages of TAS-B as highlighted in the PPU Developments at Thales Alenia Space in Belgium EPIC Workshop 2023 presentation?", "reference_answer": "1.A complete supply chain,from hybrids, magnetics,PCBA to products integration & test.\n2.High level set of production and test means.\n3.Permanent & continuous improvement, with LEAN, to reach Industry 4.0 state of the art.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0393238e281882c034559a1f3698aed1024cdd22.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01b45067b00e9d6a633241ded31d8359ffecfab3_1", "query": "What does registering in the NTTA Marketplace enable a vendor to do?", "reference_answer": "1.Receive notifications for new procurement opportunities\n2.Appear on the Bid Holder List of an opportunity\n3.Receive notifications for any changes or addenda\n4.Submit clarifying questions for a procurement\n5.Submit an electronic response (when required)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01b45067b00e9d6a633241ded31d8359ffecfab3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "029bee9c16e36444109f4e8e4eedf938e6b1c170_2", "query": "What are common toolchains mentioned in the \"Installing Scientific Software on HPC with EasyBuild\" presentation at SC-Camp 2023?", "reference_answer": "1.System toolchain: OS compilers and libraries, used to bootstrap other toolchains.\n1.FOSS toolchain consists of open source components,GCC, Open MPI, FlexiBLAS with OpenBLAS, ScaLAPACK, and FFTW.\n2,Intel toolchain based on Intel software,Intel C, C++ and Fortran compilers, Intel MPI, and Intel MKL librari.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "029bee9c16e36444109f4e8e4eedf938e6b1c170.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03fb6462e17a68dcce166dfd773fc68cd38d738a_1", "query": "What is the price for the Rack single supplement at Mara Expedition Camp on March 1, 2024, according to the Great Plains Conserving and Expanding Natural Habitats 2024 Published Camp Rates?", "reference_answer": "$478", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03fb6462e17a68dcce166dfd773fc68cd38d738a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05dfdb35c72d6b037174c63608f429d8405a020a_3", "query": "What is the Improvements Implementation for the next gen of HSR in the Amtrak NEC Improvements Implementation Phasing Strategy?", "reference_answer": "NYC to BOS,NYC to WAS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05dfdb35c72d6b037174c63608f429d8405a020a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0060ecefdf2940beb2bb815c0fac9f0dc8879223_1", "query": "What is step 5 of the best practice measurement process in the PAINE publishing document on assessing the value of CSR efforts?", "reference_answer": "Select your data collection tool(s).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0060ecefdf2940beb2bb815c0fac9f0dc8879223.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02930e06acb93ef2bb4e11c0e1f4677ee25e1aa9_1", "query": "How many USAF ROICCs are indicated in the 100 Points of Delivery for Localized Engineering, Facility Services, and Contracting by NAVFAC?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02930e06acb93ef2bb4e11c0e1f4677ee25e1aa9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05dfdb35c72d6b037174c63608f429d8405a020a_1", "query": "In what year did Amtrak have the highest market share according to the Northeast Corridor Infrastructure and Investment Development presentation?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05dfdb35c72d6b037174c63608f429d8405a020a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00476779215f7c5dfc33c26f82359defa7fb09a4_2", "query": "How many records were included before 2011 according to the Texas mussel?", "reference_answer": "7000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00476779215f7c5dfc33c26f82359defa7fb09a4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01ada48daaf576de7e173f212b032ab06b742e24_3", "query": "What is the rental price of each TST handle as detailed in the 2013 Bonzini WCS Press Kit for the TST Handle change system?", "reference_answer": "€ 2.50", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01ada48daaf576de7e173f212b032ab06b742e24.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "030dfed8672b1e949201e193e0fb7f1b909b620f_1", "query": "How long is the initial 3-day training in the HealthWISE program according to the Training process diagram?", "reference_answer": "3 days", "meta_info": { "file_name": "030dfed8672b1e949201e193e0fb7f1b909b620f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0393238e281882c034559a1f3698aed1024cdd22_3", "query": "What is the bus voltage of PPU Mk3 as mentioned in the Thales Alenia Space PPU Developments document?", "reference_answer": "100V", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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discussed in the Luxinnovation Built4People event?", "reference_answer": "Health, Culture,Creativity and Inclusive Societies,Climate,Energy and Mobility,Digital Industry Space.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0490e266aaeced5fafb75d853b07335cfedad365.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00c9161083ca956372a7548e69650556a8c7f358_0", "query": "What is the date of the cruises Knorr/US-2012 during the Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS) between September 2012 and October 2013?", "reference_answer": "9/6 - 10/9.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00c9161083ca956372a7548e69650556a8c7f358.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02a5b57a4c7a9cab3f280da70bf789ac74dfdc23_3", "query": "What is the expected free cash flow (Free CF) for 2023 according to the Yangarra Resources Ltd. Corporate Snapshot in the April 2023 presentation?", "reference_answer": "$28 million.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02a5b57a4c7a9cab3f280da70bf789ac74dfdc23.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0046a62271522f82bccb449a6da2a2c3b3438d6f_3", "query": "If a child wants a biscuit, how many times does he need to read according to the reading guidelines?", "reference_answer": "3 or more times.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0046a62271522f82bccb449a6da2a2c3b3438d6f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "007ee14d7991c3debc7ebc7558a8a5e38dfb1109_0", "query": "What was the total enrollment for Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in 2018 according to the revised curricula for future-fit business education document?", "reference_answer": "263", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007ee14d7991c3debc7ebc7558a8a5e38dfb1109.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "007ee14d7991c3debc7ebc7558a8a5e38dfb1109_1", "query": "What discipline at TSIBA Business School will have the least total enrollment in 2019 according to the enrollment statistics provided?", "reference_answer": "Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGBA).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007ee14d7991c3debc7ebc7558a8a5e38dfb1109.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04db4a5c08c5cac1e5d49dcaa872e2f24b31ff29_3", "query": "What are the measures of Water supply in the context of Urban Groundwater Management and Governance?", "reference_answer": "Protect aquifers.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04db4a5c08c5cac1e5d49dcaa872e2f24b31ff29.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "055cb083266230b1e3a86e5b94cc72d3a04c9828_0", "query": "Which country had the highest glass recycling rate in Europe in 2015 according to the IFEVE E source?", "reference_answer": "Sweden", "meta_info": { "file_name": "055cb083266230b1e3a86e5b94cc72d3a04c9828.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0599c55a8d08459b832c7729c25e60d3fcf0fe34_1", "query": "What are the uses of LPG and BioLPG as outlined in the Liquid Gas Ireland report on making the 'Just Transition' more sustainable for rural Ireland?", "reference_answer": "Space Heating,Automotive Fuelling,Water Heating,Power Generation,Cooking,Industrial Processin.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0599c55a8d08459b832c7729c25e60d3fcf0fe34.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "014e06ff15aa70dca51689af416805faa0a4584a_3", "query": "What is Ahlstrom's environmental awareness as discussed in the Ahlstrom Capital Markets Day 2012 presentation?", "reference_answer": "The need for cleaner air calls for more environmentally friendly transportation, energy production and distribution.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014e06ff15aa70dca51689af416805faa0a4584a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0092c881cffe1c685ec3bc0fd5d5110c0939c081_3", "query": "What was the total return of the KLCI at the end of 2018 according to the Khazanah Annual Review 2019, in the context of global markets underperforming due to geopolitical tensions and a pessimistic growth outlook for emerging markets?", "reference_answer": "-3.0%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0092c881cffe1c685ec3bc0fd5d5110c0939c081.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "009fba61d172d2e380aa6271996751b3433cfdf6_0", "query": "Which country in Europe has the highest total fertility rate in 1994 according to the University of Glasgow College of Social Sciences document?", "reference_answer": "Cyprus", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009fba61d172d2e380aa6271996751b3433cfdf6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03e39ad403954cd1b459ea5b74e6f15db98d1e51_0", "query": "Which industries are connected to PharmaLedger according to the PharmaLedger Blockchain Enabled Healthcare document?", "reference_answer": "Healthcare DTE, Finance DTE, Government DTE.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03e39ad403954cd1b459ea5b74e6f15db98d1e51.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "014e06ff15aa70dca51689af416805faa0a4584a_1", "query": "What are some areas where Ahlstrom aims to grow its adjacent businesses according to the Ahlstrom Capital Markets Day 2012 presentation?", "reference_answer": "Functional wallcoverings,Battery separators,Life science filtration.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014e06ff15aa70dca51689af416805faa0a4584a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02930e06acb93ef2bb4e11c0e1f4677ee25e1aa9_3", "query": "What are the Southwest Region major programs mentioned in the NAVFAC Southwest Commander's Brief to Society of American Military Engineer's San Diego Post?", "reference_answer": "1.USMC INFRASTRUCTURE RESET,\n2.LITTORAL- COMBAT SHIP,\n3.MARITIME SURVEILLANCE,\n4.JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER,\n5.KC-46,\n6.NAVAL SPECIALWARFARE,", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02930e06acb93ef2bb4e11c0e1f4677ee25e1aa9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04a385633c2c14185d3ca288083efdcc6350420e_2", "query": "How much did the net income in Q1 2023 increase compared to Q1 2022 in the Gestamp Q1 2023 Results Presentation?", "reference_answer": "€35 million.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04a385633c2c14185d3ca288083efdcc6350420e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00476779215f7c5dfc33c26f82359defa7fb09a4_1", "query": "What percentage of the risk to U.S. mussels is classified as Vulnerable according to the 1997 Species Report Card?", "reference_answer": "16%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00476779215f7c5dfc33c26f82359defa7fb09a4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0490e266aaeced5fafb75d853b07335cfedad365_1", "query": "What are the core elements of the Luxinnovation Strategy 2022-2025, including its mission, vision, values, and strategic goals?", "reference_answer": "Sustainability, Innovation, Digitalisation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0490e266aaeced5fafb75d853b07335cfedad365.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05308614914cb33b8d38d893d8a33e03becedf19_0", "query": "What industries does Stillwater Associates work for according to the Renewable Propane: Regulatory & Refiner Perspectives report?", "reference_answer": "government agencies, petroleum and renewable fuels companies, trade associations, technology developers, private equity firms, and law firms.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05308614914cb33b8d38d893d8a33e03becedf19.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0599c55a8d08459b832c7729c25e60d3fcf0fe34_3", "query": "What percentage of properties located in rural Ireland are off the gas grid according to the Liquid Gas Ireland report?", "reference_answer": "65%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0599c55a8d08459b832c7729c25e60d3fcf0fe34.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "014e06ff15aa70dca51689af416805faa0a4584a_2", "query": "What are some areas where Ahlstrom aims to grow current businesses according to the Ahlstrom Capital Markets Day 2012 presentation?", "reference_answer": "Building and Energy,Filtration,Food and Medical.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014e06ff15aa70dca51689af416805faa0a4584a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "014e06ff15aa70dca51689af416805faa0a4584a_0", "query": "What significant divestment did Ahlstrom make in 2011 according to the strategic development timeline presented by Ahlstrom Corporation?", "reference_answer": "Divestment of Home and Personal,Exit from glass fiber production", "meta_info": { "file_name": "014e06ff15aa70dca51689af416805faa0a4584a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03fb6462e17a68dcce166dfd773fc68cd38d738a_2", "query": "What is the price for a 2-bedroom family suite per night in the off-peak season at Mara Nyika Camp according to the Great Plains Conservation 2024 Published Camp Rates?", "reference_answer": "$4360", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03fb6462e17a68dcce166dfd773fc68cd38d738a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0046a62271522f82bccb449a6da2a2c3b3438d6f_2", "query": "What do students need to prepare for gym class according to the Greenlands Community Primary School Year 4 timetable?", "reference_answer": "they need the correct PE kit.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0046a62271522f82bccb449a6da2a2c3b3438d6f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087_1", "query": "What was the range of per capita agricultural food output during the period of 1996-2000 according to the chart on structural transformation in the economy?", "reference_answer": "$160 - $200.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04db4a5c08c5cac1e5d49dcaa872e2f24b31ff29_2", "query": "In which year did the private extraction volume show a significant increase according to the groundwater abstraction trends in Bangkok?", "reference_answer": "1996 - 2000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04db4a5c08c5cac1e5d49dcaa872e2f24b31ff29.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0599c55a8d08459b832c7729c25e60d3fcf0fe34_0", "query": "In the document \"Liquid Gas: Making the 'Just Transition' more sustainable for rural Ireland,\" where are LPG & BioLPG used?", "reference_answer": "Homes, Leisure, Farms, Hospitality, Industry, Transport", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0599c55a8d08459b832c7729c25e60d3fcf0fe34.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009fba61d172d2e380aa6271996751b3433cfdf6_2", "query": "How did the Total Fertility Rate in the UK change between 1970 and 1980 according to the graph from the University of Glasgow's Social Sciences data?", "reference_answer": "Lower fertility rates.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009fba61d172d2e380aa6271996751b3433cfdf6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0490e266aaeced5fafb75d853b07335cfedad365_3", "query": "What is the focus of Pillar 1 in the Horizon Europe framework?", "reference_answer": "Excellent Science", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0490e266aaeced5fafb75d853b07335cfedad365.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0046a62271522f82bccb449a6da2a2c3b3438d6f_1", "query": "What test will be conducted on Friday according to the Greenlands Community Primary School Year 4 timetable?", "reference_answer": "spelling test.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0046a62271522f82bccb449a6da2a2c3b3438d6f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02930e06acb93ef2bb4e11c0e1f4677ee25e1aa9_0", "query": "How does the NAVFAC Southwest Commander's Brief to the Society of American Military Engineers outline the strategy for maintaining maritime superiority, focusing on strengthening naval power, high-velocity learning, and building a network of partners?", "reference_answer": "1.Strengthen naval power,\n2.High-velocity learning,\n3.Strengthen the Navy team for the future,\n4.Network of partners.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02930e06acb93ef2bb4e11c0e1f4677ee25e1aa9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "055cb083266230b1e3a86e5b94cc72d3a04c9828_1", "query": "How does the bubble growth rate (α) change as the square root of time (√t) increases in the study of nucleated bubbles, increase or decrease?", "reference_answer": "increase", "meta_info": { "file_name": "055cb083266230b1e3a86e5b94cc72d3a04c9828.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0541896ed71e7eb1098ad3dbee66bf4444855b17_0", "query": "The issues influenced by both Issues with Examiner and Issues with Mapper are what Class II Effects in the context of Stand Effects What Are They and What Can We Do About Them? by Bryce Frank.", "reference_answer": "Class I Effects.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0541896ed71e7eb1098ad3dbee66bf4444855b17.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087_2", "query": "In which region, as shown in the structural transformation and rural transformation data, do rural households have the highest share of non-agricultural income?", "reference_answer": "Asia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05308614914cb33b8d38d893d8a33e03becedf19_3", "query": "How are RINs used in the renewable fuel value chain according to the Renewable Propane: Regulatory & Refiner Perspectives report by Stillwater Associates LLC?", "reference_answer": "RINs are separated and sold to refiners and importers.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05308614914cb33b8d38d893d8a33e03becedf19.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747_4", "query": "What is the project tender and construction schedule for the Rosedale Valley Road Multi-Use Trail Improvements?", "reference_answer": "2022 - 2023", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04a385633c2c14185d3ca288083efdcc6350420e_3", "query": "What percentage of growth capex is related to electric vehicles according to the Gestamp Q1 2023 Capex Overview?", "reference_answer": "75%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04a385633c2c14185d3ca288083efdcc6350420e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087_0", "query": "By region, which region has the highest rate of rural poverty according to the IFAD Rural Development Report 2016?", "reference_answer": "WCA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b5c5ab0cf0130a8f8669a9de6eb1da2238e026_3", "query": "How is Recall computed in the SnowPEx Validation concept?", "reference_answer": "TP / (TP+FN)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b5c5ab0cf0130a8f8669a9de6eb1da2238e026.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "007758e589ec783581801f488c13ac03ad616803_0", "query": "How many years has ConnectiCare been in Connecticut according to the provided document?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007758e589ec783581801f488c13ac03ad616803.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03fb6462e17a68dcce166dfd773fc68cd38d738a_3", "query": "What is the US$ Nett Great Plains Foundation Conservation & Community Contribution charge for an adult staying at the Mara Nyika camp?", "reference_answer": "$80", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03fb6462e17a68dcce166dfd773fc68cd38d738a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "027fc5feacb59ded7d660a1aaccc343994d349cb_2", "query": "What steps are outlined in the \"Before You Begin\" section of the Grade K-Found Object Faces Portraiture lesson?", "reference_answer": "1.Write your name in pencil on the back of the paper.\n2.Flip over your paper.\n3.Roll up your sleeves!", "meta_info": { "file_name": "027fc5feacb59ded7d660a1aaccc343994d349cb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0490e266aaeced5fafb75d853b07335cfedad365_2", "query": "What two strategies does the Luxinnovation Strategy 2022-2025 align with according to the Luxinnovation Strategy document?", "reference_answer": "European strategies,National strategies.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0490e266aaeced5fafb75d853b07335cfedad365.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 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is the purpose of F-score in the context of the SnowPEx validation of Snow Cover extent products against Snow Depth in-situ observations?", "reference_answer": "A metric accounting for both the Recall and False Alarm rate.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b5c5ab0cf0130a8f8669a9de6eb1da2238e026.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087_4", "query": "Which countries did not show significant reductions in rural poverty according to the IFAD Rural Development Report 2016?", "reference_answer": "India, Philippines, Pakistan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0234bac525e1d4114cdf7c833a6682a406d038c2_0", "query": "What are the pixel dimensions of the All-sky camera [Basler acA1300-30gm] used in the PRISMA station?", "reference_answer": "1296x966", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0234bac525e1d4114cdf7c833a6682a406d038c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03e90a945dafd353e9d86b46ca2774a29149048d_3", "query": "What is the description for 8539.31.00.20 in the context of codes for products not listed in annex A?", "reference_answer": "Lamps for general lighting purposes incorporated with other equipment, and including an E 27 socket.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03e90a945dafd353e9d86b46ca2774a29149048d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0333acd34369002c5edea3756ab6564959a4501e_3", "query": "What does the \"Action\" step involve according to the PDCA Cycle in GHG Inventories and Data Collection?", "reference_answer": " drawing up an action plan.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0333acd34369002c5edea3756ab6564959a4501e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "007ee14d7991c3debc7ebc7558a8a5e38dfb1109_3", "query": "What are the administrative costs for the period January 2022 - July 2022 according to the TSIBA Income and Expenses Summary?", "reference_answer": "751663", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007ee14d7991c3debc7ebc7558a8a5e38dfb1109.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747_1", "query": "What are the goals of Toronto's Cycling Network Plan as outlined in the Rosedale Valley Road Multi-Use Trail Improvements document?", "reference_answer": "1.Connect:Connect gaps in the network, and people to places.\n2.Grow:Grow the cycling network into new parts of the city.\n3.Renew: Renew the existing cycling network routes where there are opportunities to improve quality.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03e90a945dafd353e9d86b46ca2774a29149048d_2", "query": "What types of subdivisions can exist beyond the 6-digit level in the context of the Harmonized System as discussed in the Minamata Convention on Mercury document?", "reference_answer": "8, 9, or 10-digit.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03e90a945dafd353e9d86b46ca2774a29149048d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "015080023c12881bbdaba9a10869fe1b7abb392b_0", "query": "What is the content of the spirit according to the Christian Development session focusing on Galatians 5:16-26?", "reference_answer": "1.Virtue - I do what’s right because my heart is right.\n2.Obedience to God.\n3.The Spirit is about others – Love thy neighbor as thyself.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015080023c12881bbdaba9a10869fe1b7abb392b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0333acd34369002c5edea3756ab6564959a4501e_2", "query": "Which step in the PDCA cycle within Japan's Climate Change Policies and MRV Initiatives involves data collection?", "reference_answer": "Check", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0333acd34369002c5edea3756ab6564959a4501e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00a76e3a9a36255616e2dc14a6eb5dde598b321f_3", "query": "What are the product and place in the context of the CHARM project on marine resource management?", "reference_answer": "1.Reduced fish stocks.\n2.Public concern & iconic species in the fisheries crisis.\n3.Increased interest in provenance.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00a76e3a9a36255616e2dc14a6eb5dde598b321f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "025d29820e87212c70835c906ec824ed69687b11_2", "query": "How many people can be accommodated in Vegetarian Package 1 at Puttshack's Social Events & Celebrations Lakeside?", "reference_answer": "10+ guests.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "025d29820e87212c70835c906ec824ed69687b11.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "015080023c12881bbdaba9a10869fe1b7abb392b_1", "query": "What are the results of the Holy Spirit's work in a believer's life according to the Christian Development session on \"The Fruit of Freedom\" with a focus on Galatians 5:16-26?", "reference_answer": "Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodnes, Gentleness, Self-Control", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015080023c12881bbdaba9a10869fe1b7abb392b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01dc52ed80b475c6ac81bc9def3e03dad93e33de_3", "query": "What percentage of the total proposed FY2013 spending is allocated for mandatory spending according to the National Priorities Project?", "reference_answer": "62%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01dc52ed80b475c6ac81bc9def3e03dad93e33de.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "007ee14d7991c3debc7ebc7558a8a5e38dfb1109_2", "query": "What is the major of the President of the 2022 TSIBA Students Representative Council (SRC) as shown in the TSIBA Student Representative Council vibrant partnership image?", "reference_answer": "BBA 2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007ee14d7991c3debc7ebc7558a8a5e38dfb1109.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b5c5ab0cf0130a8f8669a9de6eb1da2238e026_0", "query": "How is \"snow\" determined for snow products in the SnowPEx Validation concept?", "reference_answer": "If SCF≥50% then ”snow” else ”no snow\".", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b5c5ab0cf0130a8f8669a9de6eb1da2238e026.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747_0", "query": "What is the Vision Zero Road Safety Plan as outlined in the City Policies & Guidelines for Rosedale Valley Road Multi-Use Trail Improvements?", "reference_answer": "Fatalities and serious injuries on our roads are preventable, and we must strive to reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries to zero by prioritizing the safety of our most vulnerable road users.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747_3", "query": "What is the minimum width of Rosedale Valley Road in the proposed improvements according to the Rosedale Valley Road Multi-Use Trail Improvements document?", "reference_answer": "3m", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0065038b9255be3283bedc7bbe75ef5c2660d3a8_2", "query": "What is the last step in the traditional way to plan MEP routings according to the BIM Aarhus Netvaerksmode presentation by Michael Porskaer-Orbicon?", "reference_answer": "Adjusting, Adjusting and Adjusting.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0065038b9255be3283bedc7bbe75ef5c2660d3a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04b5c5ab0cf0130a8f8669a9de6eb1da2238e026_1", "query": "How is in-situ snow depth determined to be \"snow\"?", "reference_answer": "If SD>0cm then ”snow” else ”no snow\".", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04b5c5ab0cf0130a8f8669a9de6eb1da2238e026.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01dc52ed80b475c6ac81bc9def3e03dad93e33de_2", "query": "Which program has the largest funding amount listed in the President's Proposed FY2013 Mandatory Spending section of the National Priorities Project document?", "reference_answer": "Labor, HHS, &Education.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01dc52ed80b475c6ac81bc9def3e03dad93e33de.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 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Barghini and the PRISMA team?", "reference_answer": "FRIPON server (LAM/OSU Pythéas).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0234bac525e1d4114cdf7c833a6682a406d038c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00a76e3a9a36255616e2dc14a6eb5dde598b321f_2", "query": "What does \"Place & Heritage\" imply in the context of \"FISHING & SENSE OF PLACE\" within the CHARM project?", "reference_answer": "Authenticity Interpretation Representation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00a76e3a9a36255616e2dc14a6eb5dde598b321f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0541896ed71e7eb1098ad3dbee66bf4444855b17_1", "query": "What are the analysis scenarios described in the presentation \"Stand Effects What Are They and What Can We Do About Them?\" by Bryce Frank?", "reference_answer": "1.A sparse network of field plots.\n2.A set of stand exams.\n3.A wall-to-wall lidar acquisition.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0541896ed71e7eb1098ad3dbee66bf4444855b17.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0065038b9255be3283bedc7bbe75ef5c2660d3a8_1", "query": "Why is Excel used in the traditional way for planning MEP routings in Revit according to the BIM Aarhus Netvaerksmode presentation?", "reference_answer": "Airflow calculation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0065038b9255be3283bedc7bbe75ef5c2660d3a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "009fba61d172d2e380aa6271996751b3433cfdf6_1", "query": "How did the total fertility rate in France change in 2011 compared to 1994 according to the Eurostat Indicators data presented by the University of Glasgow's College of Social Sciences?", "reference_answer": "Higher fertility rates.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "009fba61d172d2e380aa6271996751b3433cfdf6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00a76e3a9a36255616e2dc14a6eb5dde598b321f_0", "query": "What are the Project Aims of the CHARM (Channel Integrated Approach for Marine Resource Management) initiative?", "reference_answer": "1.To explore the social and cultural impacts of marine fisheries on coastal communities\n2.Looking at the contribution and importance of marine fishing to: place identity, cultural heritage, sense of place and social capital.\n3.To inform the development of fisheries policy.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00a76e3a9a36255616e2dc14a6eb5dde598b321f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05308614914cb33b8d38d893d8a33e03becedf19_2", "query": "What changes are there in SAF tax incentives in the coming years according to the Renewable Propane: Regulatory & Refiner Perspectives report?", "reference_answer": "Starting in 2025, U.S. Renewable fuels producers will collect 45Z Tax Credit.", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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"046a5a7310a0b0b8e4ca0fe859e0d66301832747.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "015834912780c3a83a8c27aa66c52252994a8b16_3", "query": "What is the business idea of W5 Solutions as outlined in the W5 Solutions Year-End Report January-December 2022?", "reference_answer": "Through dedicated work and innovative ideas, we will provide solutions that make our society a better and safer place.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015834912780c3a83a8c27aa66c52252994a8b16.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "025d29820e87212c70835c906ec824ed69687b11_3", "query": "How much is 2 X DESSERT BITE in the Puttshack Social Events & Celebrations menu?", "reference_answer": "£5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "025d29820e87212c70835c906ec824ed69687b11.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "015834912780c3a83a8c27aa66c52252994a8b16_2", "query": "What is the total order book amount in SEK according to the W5 Solutions Year-End Report for January-December 2022?", "reference_answer": "297 million SEK.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015834912780c3a83a8c27aa66c52252994a8b16.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0234bac525e1d4114cdf7c833a6682a406d038c2_2", "query": "Where is the long-term data stored according to the PRISMA dataflow diagram?", "reference_answer": "INAF-IA2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0234bac525e1d4114cdf7c833a6682a406d038c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "025d29820e87212c70835c906ec824ed69687b11_0", "query": "What is the price of Package 1 in the Puttshack Group Packages?", "reference_answer": "£25 per person", "meta_info": { "file_name": "025d29820e87212c70835c906ec824ed69687b11.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00a76e3a9a36255616e2dc14a6eb5dde598b321f_1", "query": "What are the study areas in Normandy according to the map titled \"Study Areas\"?", "reference_answer": "Barfleur, Fermanville, StVaast.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00a76e3a9a36255616e2dc14a6eb5dde598b321f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05308614914cb33b8d38d893d8a33e03becedf19_1", "query": "Who administered BTC according to the provided document?", "reference_answer": "IRS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05308614914cb33b8d38d893d8a33e03becedf19.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2_1", "query": "Which scenario in the Samsung Research document on Trigger Graphs has the highest memory usage in RDFox according to Table 4?", "reference_answer": "Claros-LE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03fb6462e17a68dcce166dfd773fc68cd38d738a_0", "query": "What updates or changes are mentioned for Kenya in the 2024 rates manual notes of the Great Plains Conservation document?", "reference_answer": "Mara Toto Camp will not be open for the 2024 safari season.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03fb6462e17a68dcce166dfd773fc68cd38d738a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "032581d016eb696657d7cbc94adeb2d1451e3f3a_0", "query": "What three components are emphasized in the GARPUR framework for system development analysis?", "reference_answer": "Socio-Economic Welfare, Grid Investment, and Operating Constraints.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032581d016eb696657d7cbc94adeb2d1451e3f3a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01205fc33e82bddd5ac1382b8b99368f54bec83f_0", "query": "Why is it important to understand \"methods\" in agriculture according to the document on operational sustainability and systems approach in assessing livestock farming?", "reference_answer": "Because they influence the effectiveness and sustainability of agricultural practices.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01205fc33e82bddd5ac1382b8b99368f54bec83f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "015834912780c3a83a8c27aa66c52252994a8b16_0", "query": "What was the EBITDA for the period October-December 2022 in the W5 Solutions Year-End Report for January-December 2022?", "reference_answer": "9.3 MSEK", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015834912780c3a83a8c27aa66c52252994a8b16.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2_3", "query": "What is the property of the object labeled \"o2\" in the Scene Graph section of the Samsung Research document on Probabilities into the game?", "reference_answer": "tall", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "027fc5feacb59ded7d660a1aaccc343994d349cb_1", "query": "What are the features we usually see on a human face according to the Grade K-Found Object Faces Portraiture lesson?", "reference_answer": "forehead, hair, eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, ears, mouth, teeth, chin", "meta_info": { "file_name": "027fc5feacb59ded7d660a1aaccc343994d349cb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035b9550b3330f2c24630a5f8efa2cd8c252c261_1", "query": "Why was the theoretical model implemented in the context of the Italian Geosciences Congresso SGI-SIMP 2014 to study glacier dynamics?", "reference_answer": "Theorical Model was implemented to redux the complex situation and focus to one aspect.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035b9550b3330f2c24630a5f8efa2cd8c252c261.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04a385633c2c14185d3ca288083efdcc6350420e_1", "query": "What is the EBITDA margin reported in the Gestamp Q1 2023 Results Presentation?", "reference_answer": "12.0%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04a385633c2c14185d3ca288083efdcc6350420e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03e90a945dafd353e9d86b46ca2774a29149048d_0", "query": "What is the deadline for submitting comments and questions through the Online Technical Document Forum for the COP-4.2 Agenda Item 4(a)(iii) regarding customs codes?", "reference_answer": "Before 11 March 2022.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03e90a945dafd353e9d86b46ca2774a29149048d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "025d29820e87212c70835c906ec824ed69687b11_1", "query": "How many calories are in CRISPY PRAWNS according to the Puttshack group packages menu?", "reference_answer": "58", "meta_info": { "file_name": "025d29820e87212c70835c906ec824ed69687b11.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01205fc33e82bddd5ac1382b8b99368f54bec83f_3", "query": "What are the main agricultural categories illustrated in the diagram within the context of Nordic agriculture diversity and integration?", "reference_answer": "edible crops,animal fodder,and pasture.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01205fc33e82bddd5ac1382b8b99368f54bec83f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00a1765f5fa2e5453d308132b37142e8f84ddd23_0", "query": "What are the three main roles emphasized in the diagram titled \"A Successful Partnership\" at Kibworth Mead Academy, which includes the elements of Child, Teacher, and Parent?", "reference_answer": "child,teacher,and parent.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00a1765f5fa2e5453d308132b37142e8f84ddd23.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "015080023c12881bbdaba9a10869fe1b7abb392b_3", "query": "What are the three elements of sanctification according to the slide on Christian Development?", "reference_answer": "Walk-Led, Lifestyle, Be Holy–Set Apart", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015080023c12881bbdaba9a10869fe1b7abb392b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0599c55a8d08459b832c7729c25e60d3fcf0fe34_2", "query": "What percentage of rural buildings in Ireland were built before 1980 according to the document on the benefits of LPG and BioLPG to rural Ireland?", "reference_answer": "40%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0599c55a8d08459b832c7729c25e60d3fcf0fe34.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "058d35af18dd4adb3b8572e67eb2592f354b2d3e_0", "query": "What is the background of the SAFIR2022 and KYT2022 Research Programmes as presented by the Finnish Meteorological Institute?", "reference_answer": "Any exceptional weather and sea level event or combination of events that might affect any component of the safety system of a NPP unit is a potential threat to nuclear safety.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "058d35af18dd4adb3b8572e67eb2592f354b2d3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "037ba95d73f98278bdb26c4fd691eb4f4a9a3646_1", "query": "Which lead agencies are involved in the Global Reporting Initiative organization as outlined in the ISO-26000 and Global Reporting Initiative section of the Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021?", "reference_answer": "Social and societal,Environment,Economics.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "037ba95d73f98278bdb26c4fd691eb4f4a9a3646.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0333acd34369002c5edea3756ab6564959a4501e_0", "query": "Which country has the highest percentage of IEA-based CO2 Emissions according to the Global CO2 Emissions data from 2007?", "reference_answer": "China", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0333acd34369002c5edea3756ab6564959a4501e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01205fc33e82bddd5ac1382b8b99368f54bec83f_2", "query": "What types of land areas are mentioned in the Nordic agriculture farming systems in Norway?", "reference_answer": " pastures,mountain meadows,useless terrain,unmanaged grazing land,forests,flatland.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01205fc33e82bddd5ac1382b8b99368f54bec83f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0065038b9255be3283bedc7bbe75ef5c2660d3a8_0", "query": "What is the first step in the traditional way to plan MEP routings according to the BIM Aarhus Netvaerksmode presentation?", "reference_answer": "Architect Model,Print sheets from Revit,Manual measure.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0065038b9255be3283bedc7bbe75ef5c2660d3a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01dc52ed80b475c6ac81bc9def3e03dad93e33de_1", "query": "What is the total budget allocation for Labor, HHS, & Education in the President's Budget Request FY 2013 based on the National Priorities Project?", "reference_answer": "$921.6 billion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01dc52ed80b475c6ac81bc9def3e03dad93e33de.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04142fb786f77442a30674aaddc92cfd16a243c1_0", "query": "Where can scholarship-related information be found on the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation website?", "reference_answer": "mcccdf.org/scholarship-faq", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04142fb786f77442a30674aaddc92cfd16a243c1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0333acd34369002c5edea3756ab6564959a4501e_1", "query": "How do carbon emissions in developing and developed countries compare according to the Global CO2 Emissions data and projections?", "reference_answer": "Carbon emissions are higher in developing countries than in developed countries.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0333acd34369002c5edea3756ab6564959a4501e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00a1765f5fa2e5453d308132b37142e8f84ddd23_1", "query": "Which school in the Kibworth Mead Academy Year 9 Options 2023 document has the highest potential number of qualifications, and what is that number?", "reference_answer": "Beauchamp", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00a1765f5fa2e5453d308132b37142e8f84ddd23.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035b9550b3330f2c24630a5f8efa2cd8c252c261_0", "query": "What are the two primary components represented in the theoretical model discussed in the Italian Geosciences Congresso SGI-SIMP 2014 presentation?", "reference_answer": "Net Mass Balance and Equilibrium Line Altitude.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035b9550b3330f2c24630a5f8efa2cd8c252c261.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087_3", "query": "Which country showed the best performance in agricultural value added change according to the chart on rural poverty and agricultural value added per worker in Asia and the Pacific?", "reference_answer": "China", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04dc0db4eefee1ab8f9d77c40047cce2d0a5f087.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2_4", "query": "Which animal is identified in the knowledge graph within the Samsung Research presentation on integrating probabilities into visual question answering?", "reference_answer": "giraffe", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b3364e2aa2aa8b644a335529979724b658414b_1", "query": "How many partners are there in the second phase of the IS-ENES EU project?", "reference_answer": "23", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b3364e2aa2aa8b644a335529979724b658414b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0234bac525e1d4114cdf7c833a6682a406d038c2_3", "query": "What are the metadata descriptions in the PRISMA database document?", "reference_answer": "1.Important parameters (e.g., number of identified stars, latitude, longitude…) are saved as metadata that will be imported on database.\n2.They are saved as FITS header", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0234bac525e1d4114cdf7c833a6682a406d038c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01205fc33e82bddd5ac1382b8b99368f54bec83f_1", "query": "What aspects are covered by the sustainability assessment in the context of defining operational sustainability and the need for a systems approach in assessing livestock farming?", "reference_answer": "1.Nutrient supply,2.Environment,3.Economy,4.Social,5.Systems level farm,6.Society and institutions,7.Society.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01205fc33e82bddd5ac1382b8b99368f54bec83f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0372940bfd53ea56cbc58ca8db8bf0d3141a467c_0", "query": "What are the main divisions under Spatial Services in the NSW Spatial Digital Twin program?", "reference_answer": "Spatial Operations, Cadastral, Environmental, and Administrative.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0372940bfd53ea56cbc58ca8db8bf0d3141a467c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "032581d016eb696657d7cbc94adeb2d1451e3f3a_3", "query": "Which dataset in the GARPUR near real-life pilot testing has the greatest relative error according to the operating cost analysis?", "reference_answer": "Clustering Current.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032581d016eb696657d7cbc94adeb2d1451e3f3a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "025d01d4a3c6f6f9930d7188dc1dd779773c109d_1", "query": "What is the size of the WRESTLING area in the proposed floor plan for Building H (Option A) of the Terra Linda High School Aquatic & Athletic Renovations?", "reference_answer": "2,368 SF.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "025d01d4a3c6f6f9930d7188dc1dd779773c109d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "058d35af18dd4adb3b8572e67eb2592f354b2d3e_2", "query": "In which month did the period of 1997-2020 have the most snow band days according to the Finnish Meteorological Institute's report on sea-effect snowfall (SES)?", "reference_answer": "December", "meta_info": { "file_name": "058d35af18dd4adb3b8572e67eb2592f354b2d3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00a1765f5fa2e5453d308132b37142e8f84ddd23_2", "query": "How many qualifications does Robert Smyth offer according to the Kibworth Mead Academy presentation on the number of GCSEs?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00a1765f5fa2e5453d308132b37142e8f84ddd23.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "015080023c12881bbdaba9a10869fe1b7abb392b_2", "query": "What is conviction according to the definitions provided in the image detailing CHARACTER, COMPLIANCE, and CONVICTION?", "reference_answer": "What I do outwardly because inwardly I believe in my heart it’s the right thing to do.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015080023c12881bbdaba9a10869fe1b7abb392b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "032581d016eb696657d7cbc94adeb2d1451e3f3a_1", "query": "What are the main challenges faced by system development in the GARPUR framework?", "reference_answer": "Very large range of uncertainties.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032581d016eb696657d7cbc94adeb2d1451e3f3a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b3364e2aa2aa8b644a335529979724b658414b_4", "query": "In what year was OASIS3 introduced according to the historical overview of the OASIS coupler?", "reference_answer": "2001", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b3364e2aa2aa8b644a335529979724b658414b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b9ceacc63e3172d16670189ec129499b77c7b1_0", "query": "What is the number of employees in SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG as mentioned in the First Quarter 2023 presentation?", "reference_answer": "297", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b9ceacc63e3172d16670189ec129499b77c7b1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "032581d016eb696657d7cbc94adeb2d1451e3f3a_2", "query": "What is the relative error of the dataset Clustering Current in the GARPUR near real-life pilot testing results?", "reference_answer": "15.2%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "032581d016eb696657d7cbc94adeb2d1451e3f3a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04142fb786f77442a30674aaddc92cfd16a243c1_1", "query": "What is the vision of the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation as stated in the document?", "reference_answer": "To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives through education.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04142fb786f77442a30674aaddc92cfd16a243c1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01dc52ed80b475c6ac81bc9def3e03dad93e33de_0", "query": "What month will the President submit to Congress a budget request for the upcoming fiscal year according to the National Priorities Project's \"5 Steps to the Federal Budget\"?", "reference_answer": "February", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01dc52ed80b475c6ac81bc9def3e03dad93e33de.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2_0", "query": "What is the runtime for LUBM-L in VLog according to the Samsung Research document on Performance benefits of Trigger Graphs: non-probabilistic reasoning?", "reference_answer": "1.5 s", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035014aaf996fa3b7f8b099068e31c6550a9b19d_0", "query": "What are the services and support provided by the DAAD as mentioned in the DAAD Webinars 2018 document?", "reference_answer": "1.Scholarships & grants (for all disciplines, at all stages),\n2.Information and counseling about studying & research in Germany,\n3.Support for internationalization of German universities,\n4.The study of German language and culture abroad.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035014aaf996fa3b7f8b099068e31c6550a9b19d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0065038b9255be3283bedc7bbe75ef5c2660d3a8_3", "query": "What is not considered a BIM process according to the presentation by Michael Porskaer-Orbicon on MEP routings in Revit?", "reference_answer": "1.Data in the model is not used.\n2.Air flow not in Revit.\n3.The sketches are not visible in the model.\n4.Disconnection problems.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0065038b9255be3283bedc7bbe75ef5c2660d3a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05efd4c41b7d1b72b0e3e48b4c915acf83bbae2f_2", "query": "How many times has DevOps reduced change failure rates according to the Puppet Lab DevOps Report (2013), showing a 7 times lower change failure rate?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05efd4c41b7d1b72b0e3e48b4c915acf83bbae2f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035014aaf996fa3b7f8b099068e31c6550a9b19d_2", "query": "Which RISE Germany research area has the highest percentage according to the DAAD Research Internships in Science and Engineering presentation?", "reference_answer": "engineering", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035014aaf996fa3b7f8b099068e31c6550a9b19d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010b32101467eec8ee7547ff0b4273c6570d1a3e_1", "query": "What is the number of website hits mentioned in the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership 2007 Annual Report?", "reference_answer": "22000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010b32101467eec8ee7547ff0b4273c6570d1a3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "015834912780c3a83a8c27aa66c52252994a8b16_1", "query": "How many orders were received in the entire year of 2022 according to the W5 Solutions Year-End Report for January-December 2022, as detailed in the financial overview section?", "reference_answer": "208", "meta_info": { "file_name": "015834912780c3a83a8c27aa66c52252994a8b16.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b9ceacc63e3172d16670189ec129499b77c7b1_2", "query": "What are the characteristics of products in the Silicon Wafer Material field, including PERC, HJT, IBC, HBC, TOPCon, and Tandem Solar Cells, according to the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG First Quarter 2023 presentation?", "reference_answer": "1.High cell & module efficiency,\n2.Largest market share,\n3.Advanced technology potential,", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b9ceacc63e3172d16670189ec129499b77c7b1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b9ceacc63e3172d16670189ec129499b77c7b1_3", "query": "What is the manufacturing capacity target for 2025 according to the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG First Quarter 2023 presentation on the European PV Manufacturing Landscape?", "reference_answer": "20 GW of manufacturing capacity by 2025.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b9ceacc63e3172d16670189ec129499b77c7b1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03244446f5499b38d84fb09e3ba09f995eb0692a_2", "query": "How many people recognize Ulster Bank as their primary account according to the CCPC Current Account Switching Research (Wave 2)?", "reference_answer": "50%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03244446f5499b38d84fb09e3ba09f995eb0692a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "023d52557a93b35d8c8f4d409acc3c699b5afc4a_3", "query": "What is Topic 2.1.1 focused on in the PRIMA Call for Proposals Section 2-2023?", "reference_answer": "New governance models to define best practices for sustainable water management and conflict mitigation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "023d52557a93b35d8c8f4d409acc3c699b5afc4a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "025d01d4a3c6f6f9930d7188dc1dd779773c109d_2", "query": "What are the total lockers in the women's locker room?", "reference_answer": "470", "meta_info": { "file_name": "025d01d4a3c6f6f9930d7188dc1dd779773c109d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "053cbd81cfa6499b8d7e57705bd4dc162d062ce5_3", "query": "How much did the rent and utility assistance amount increase from FY 18/19 to FY 19/20 according to the Housing Assistance Growth report?", "reference_answer": "$256,533", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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"053cbd81cfa6499b8d7e57705bd4dc162d062ce5_0", "query": "What was the number of unique individuals served in FY 18/19 according to the Network of Community Ministries report?", "reference_answer": "6,313", "meta_info": { "file_name": "053cbd81cfa6499b8d7e57705bd4dc162d062ce5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "023d52557a93b35d8c8f4d409acc3c699b5afc4a_0", "query": "How much funding is available for Topic 2.2.1 in the PRIMA Call for Proposals Section 2-2023?", "reference_answer": "More than €1.5 million.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "023d52557a93b35d8c8f4d409acc3c699b5afc4a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00766a8de5a8bc7c777662b534d8014737dcf248_3", "query": "Which country in the PTOLEMUS Consulting Group report on the benefits of TPS eCall has the highest percentage of false emergency calls?", "reference_answer": "Greece", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00766a8de5a8bc7c777662b534d8014737dcf248.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05efd4c41b7d1b72b0e3e48b4c915acf83bbae2f_0", "query": "What does the development team need to focus on doing according to the DEVO PPS DevOps Competences for Smart Cities presentation?", "reference_answer": "Focusing on delivering NEW software.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05efd4c41b7d1b72b0e3e48b4c915acf83bbae2f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0372940bfd53ea56cbc58ca8db8bf0d3141a467c_2", "query": "What are the characteristics of open, secure, and restricted data as described in the NSW Government's Department of Customer Service presentation?", "reference_answer": "1.Ability to collate multiple data layers.\n2.Sensitive data can remain restricted.\n3.Make open data layers available for use.\n4.Allows improved agency data collaboration.", "meta_info": { "file_name": 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DevOps increased the frequency of code deployment according to the Puppet Lab DevOps Report (2013) data?", "reference_answer": "208", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05efd4c41b7d1b72b0e3e48b4c915acf83bbae2f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "037ba95d73f98278bdb26c4fd691eb4f4a9a3646_2", "query": "What will be the age group with the largest number of people in the labor force in 2020 according to the CSR performance RST 2020 People section in the Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021?", "reference_answer": "30-40", "meta_info": { "file_name": "037ba95d73f98278bdb26c4fd691eb4f4a9a3646.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00766a8de5a8bc7c777662b534d8014737dcf248_1", "query": "What are the parts of the TPS eCall Vehicle Automation field as detailed in the PTOLEMUS Consulting Group's expertise overview?", "reference_answer": "ADAS Autonomous, cars Autonomous, trucks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00766a8de5a8bc7c777662b534d8014737dcf248.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00766a8de5a8bc7c777662b534d8014737dcf248_2", "query": "How many countries are the researchers in the team from at PTOLEMUS Consulting Group?", "reference_answer": "18", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00766a8de5a8bc7c777662b534d8014737dcf248.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d651c402c11a65c94ff362c3cc6f116e1408d0_0", "query": "What percentage increase in average gas prices is reported for the December quarter in the Central Petroleum Limited March 2023 quarter highlights?", "reference_answer": "20%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d651c402c11a65c94ff362c3cc6f116e1408d0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d651c402c11a65c94ff362c3cc6f116e1408d0_3", "query": "What was the net cash debt in the middle of the third quarter according to the Central Petroleum Limited Investor Update from 12 May 2023, specifically as detailed in the \"Well Funded for Growth Projects\" section?", "reference_answer": "$15.1m", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d651c402c11a65c94ff362c3cc6f116e1408d0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05efd4c41b7d1b72b0e3e48b4c915acf83bbae2f_3", "query": "What is the definition of DevOps according to the presentation \"DevOps Competences for Smart Cities\"?", "reference_answer": "DevOps is defined as \"a set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing a change to a system and the change being placed into normal production,while ensuring high quality“", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05efd4c41b7d1b72b0e3e48b4c915acf83bbae2f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035014aaf996fa3b7f8b099068e31c6550a9b19d_3", "query": "In the RISE Germany program, what percentage of all research areas does physics represent according to the DAAD presentation?", "reference_answer": "18%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035014aaf996fa3b7f8b099068e31c6550a9b19d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0372940bfd53ea56cbc58ca8db8bf0d3141a467c_1", "query": "What are the main divisions under ICT in the DCS Spatial Services of the Department of Customer Service – Digital NSW?", "reference_answer": "Information Services,Digital Services.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0372940bfd53ea56cbc58ca8db8bf0d3141a467c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b3364e2aa2aa8b644a335529979724b658414b_3", "query": "What is the anticipated increase in computation required to add complexity according to the 2012-2022 Infrastructure Strategy for the European Earth System Modelling Community?", "reference_answer": "x 5-10", "meta_info": 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development,Procurement strategy,Deployment.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00766a8de5a8bc7c777662b534d8014737dcf248.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01008ed4462f4cd8ca21bb3f0ba2c9f42adf31e0_0", "query": "How many passengers per day are served by the 29 Sunset Improvement Project according to the SFMTA presentation?", "reference_answer": "14,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01008ed4462f4cd8ca21bb3f0ba2c9f42adf31e0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04142fb786f77442a30674aaddc92cfd16a243c1_2", "query": "What is the phone number of the scholarship administrator at the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation, specifically Karley Mellberg?", "reference_answer": "(480) 731-8406", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04142fb786f77442a30674aaddc92cfd16a243c1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": 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does the natural language question \"Identify the tall animal on the left\" ask for in the context of the Samsung Research presentation on integrating probabilities into visual question answering?", "reference_answer": "Identify the tall animal on the left.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0512095c193d806b9ac3eb6422636b59df8032e2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0360cec043c089361d69db8a983dde56d21f8c42_4", "query": "What system is the Vu Interactive Display monitor compatible with according to the specifications?", "reference_answer": "Windows & Mac.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0360cec043c089361d69db8a983dde56d21f8c42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "012cc40cf7002584e28a0bb878bcee275f0709c3_1", "query": "What countries did the participants represent at the Data Quality Metrics Status of the National Data Repository (NDR) work for Regulators from 2014 to 2017?", "reference_answer": "30 countries.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "012cc40cf7002584e28a0bb878bcee275f0709c3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b3364e2aa2aa8b644a335529979724b658414b_0", "query": "How much was consumed in the first phase of the IS-ENES EU project according to the ENES: European Network for Earth System modelling document?", "reference_answer": "7.6 M€", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b3364e2aa2aa8b644a335529979724b658414b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035014aaf996fa3b7f8b099068e31c6550a9b19d_1", "query": "College summer program grants are available for grad students as mentioned in the DAAD University Summer Course Grant, yes or no?", "reference_answer": "yes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035014aaf996fa3b7f8b099068e31c6550a9b19d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { 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Quality Metrics Status report?", "reference_answer": "October 2012.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "012cc40cf7002584e28a0bb878bcee275f0709c3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b9ceacc63e3172d16670189ec129499b77c7b1_1", "query": "What are the revenues for Q1-2022 according to the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG Preliminary Figures for Q1/2023?", "reference_answer": "21.4 millon €.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b9ceacc63e3172d16670189ec129499b77c7b1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "053cbd81cfa6499b8d7e57705bd4dc162d062ce5_2", "query": "How many individuals received housing assistance in the FY 18/19 according to the Housing Assistance Growth report?", "reference_answer": "987", "meta_info": { "file_name": "053cbd81cfa6499b8d7e57705bd4dc162d062ce5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": 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Hennig at the GI Forum Salzburg?", "reference_answer": "1.Abrasion platform of the northern intertidal.\n2.Red algae area (Mastocarpus).\n3.Musselbed with brown algae (Mytilus and Fucus).\n4.Green algae zone (Enteromorpha).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02d59c632786097daf539c0e1c249dece29d678c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01008ed4462f4cd8ca21bb3f0ba2c9f42adf31e0_1", "query": "What percentage of the May 7, 2023 arrivals were on time according to the SFMTA Reliability report for Route Headway Adherence?", "reference_answer": "66%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01008ed4462f4cd8ca21bb3f0ba2c9f42adf31e0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01008ed4462f4cd8ca21bb3f0ba2c9f42adf31e0_5", "query": "What is the estimated cost of the 29 Sunset Improvement Project as mentioned in the SFMTA presentation on Costs & Benefits?", "reference_answer": "$9.5 million", 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Learning?", "reference_answer": "1.Out-of-sample prediction andregularisation.\n2.‘Deep learning’ - computer just won against human in Go.\n3.Can make use of all the Big Data around.\n4.Extremely powerful with large datasets.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00171a1b5e1078fd6fa76e72d361d1c647d77eb5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00e957f8d92df41cce41fa6f0860beeb63a2bc0d_1", "query": "What are the limitations of the \"Bronze\" open access model as described in the Economics of Academic Publishing Open Access Trends Placemats?", "reference_answer": "In the Bronze model, the article is free to read at no cost at the publisher's discretion and can change status to closed access at any time.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00e957f8d92df41cce41fa6f0860beeb63a2bc0d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "051d7a1acd648d364a5ccaf6a7b5d1ed16f1adeb_1", "query": "What are the techniques covered by CIVA UT in the 12a Conferencia sobre Tecnologia de Equipamentos document?", "reference_answer": "1.Pulse-echo conventional UT,\n2.Phased-Array,\n3.Tandem,\n4.TOFD.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "051d7a1acd648d364a5ccaf6a7b5d1ed16f1adeb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0377538b0b6ca5779ea310917023c144c642ae6d_2", "query": "What are the success stories highlighted in the Esri Story Maps for the Stockbridge-Munsee Wetland Restoration Projects, including wetland restoration, Miller Creek, and restored wetland functions?", "reference_answer": "1.Wetland Restoration,\n2.Miller Creek,\n3.Restored Wetland Functions.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0377538b0b6ca5779ea310917023c144c642ae6d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0036ac776bf7d6a0e1c550e132d99ba4ea07cada_1", "query": "What are the main activities in Stage I of the project outlined by the Association of Polish Cities?", "reference_answer": "Selection of 50 cities and the preparation of grant applications.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0036ac776bf7d6a0e1c550e132d99ba4ea07cada.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00e3465b452fe1a062568e4c6df56d4b25091e4a_3", "query": "Which countries are in the Phase 1 of the GEF-UNIDO Global Clean Energy Technology Innovation Programme for SMEs?", "reference_answer": "India, Malaysia, Armenia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00e3465b452fe1a062568e4c6df56d4b25091e4a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05a312877bb2a2360f336e7a99bb52ec6f313339_3", "query": "How many scores meet national standards according to the Key Stage 2 tests results presentation?", "reference_answer": "100 or more.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05a312877bb2a2360f336e7a99bb52ec6f313339.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], 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"query": "How many people are in the R&D NDT department according to the CIVA software presentation by CEA?", "reference_answer": ">100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "051d7a1acd648d364a5ccaf6a7b5d1ed16f1adeb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0360cec043c089361d69db8a983dde56d21f8c42_0", "query": "What technology does the Vu Interactive Display use to enhance touch accuracy?", "reference_answer": "The display uses super sensitive IR touch technology to increase touch accuracy.\n\n", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0360cec043c089361d69db8a983dde56d21f8c42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0037474fa0400321fa39f174b2e463c6e1a2c263_1", "query": "What is the main use of heat consumption in households?", "reference_answer": "Room heating and warm water.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0037474fa0400321fa39f174b2e463c6e1a2c263.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], 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license.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00e957f8d92df41cce41fa6f0860beeb63a2bc0d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "033ca8a1636d5112160d47897b766462c4993823_1", "query": "What are the historical developments of Linked USDL as outlined in the Service Description Language presentation?", "reference_answer": "a-USDL (2009),USDL (2011),and Linked USDL(2012).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "033ca8a1636d5112160d47897b766462c4993823.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0022f971d841560d6ab3eee650475ad2218692c2_3", "query": "What are the supported interfaces for Memoright Ruggedized SSDs as mentioned in the Memoright Corporation GTR Series Ruggedized SSD document?", "reference_answer": "SATA II,3Gbps PATA,IDE.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0022f971d841560d6ab3eee650475ad2218692c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } 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"reference_answer": "industry", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0037474fa0400321fa39f174b2e463c6e1a2c263.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0377538b0b6ca5779ea310917023c144c642ae6d_1", "query": "What is the background of the Wetland inventory & Functional Assessment as mentioned in the Saint Mary's University of Minnesota Geospatial Services presentation, specifically regarding the EPA WPD Grant?", "reference_answer": "1.Current Wetlands & Function,\n2.Historic Wetlands,\n3.Potential Restoration Sites.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0377538b0b6ca5779ea310917023c144c642ae6d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "047733d6ecb0f878c9f6fe1a9fdaa0c2b86eff61_3", "query": "What situations are considered out of scope in the NASSCOM solution overview for IT security and edge device management?", "reference_answer": "1.Installing directly on the OT Devices.\n2.Vulnerability management.\n3.Identity access managemen.\n4.SD-WAN.\n5.Hardware.\n6.Anything that is not explicitly agreed as in-scope.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "047733d6ecb0f878c9f6fe1a9fdaa0c2b86eff61.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01008ed4462f4cd8ca21bb3f0ba2c9f42adf31e0_2", "query": "Which day had the worst vehicle arrivals in Route Headway Adherence by week?", "reference_answer": "May 7, 2023", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01008ed4462f4cd8ca21bb3f0ba2c9f42adf31e0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "033ca8a1636d5112160d47897b766462c4993823_0", "query": "What are the components of Service Systems as discussed in the Service Systems Modeling and Applications presentation by Jorge Cardoso at the IFIP WG 2.14 in Amsterdam, 2013?", "reference_answer": "Black box modeling,White box modeling,Service Networks.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "033ca8a1636d5112160d47897b766462c4993823.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0210a4d56ca2323da785eebec3a8132ba92889eb_3", "query": "How many hours per week are Social Studies at the GISW in the Qualification Phase?", "reference_answer": "3 hrs/week.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0210a4d56ca2323da785eebec3a8132ba92889eb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "007b9c939a070ebea56e27391ecb1cf9550909df_2", "query": "What is the structure of the Inpatients Department in the BMW Generating Areas at Aravind Eye Care System?", "reference_answer": "Dr Examination Room and Patient Rooms.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007b9c939a070ebea56e27391ecb1cf9550909df.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0022f971d841560d6ab3eee650475ad2218692c2_2", "query": "How waterproof is the Memoright Ruggedized SSD according to the Memoright Corporation GTR Series Ruggedized SSD June 2011 document?", "reference_answer": "IP65", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0022f971d841560d6ab3eee650475ad2218692c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "041a9646c9f7dfb8cc0207476f0b743730c2b60a_0", "query": "What is the total budget represented in the chart within the CLEAN ENERGY PARTNERSHIP FUNDING UPDATE presentation?", "reference_answer": "$2.6 million", "meta_info": { "file_name": "041a9646c9f7dfb8cc0207476f0b743730c2b60a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d3101e767726159003a7e4aa9e34ed7811ac4d_3", "query": "Who conducts the flight inspection according to the DME/DME Flight Inspection process outlined in the International Flight Inspection Symposium 2008 document?", "reference_answer": "Flight inspection organisation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d3101e767726159003a7e4aa9e34ed7811ac4d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "059160027b51c68ce33c9323cf3f6068845bf4b0_0", "query": "What types of data are classified as \"raw data\" in the European Commission's Soil It threats in Europe flowchart?", "reference_answer": "soil observations:soil profile descriptions and laboratory data.\nauxiliary data:terrain parameters and remote sensing images.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "059160027b51c68ce33c9323cf3f6068845bf4b0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "041a9646c9f7dfb8cc0207476f0b743730c2b60a_2", "query": "How much funding is allocated for the study of inclusive financing according to the very rough estimates in the document?", "reference_answer": "$50,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "041a9646c9f7dfb8cc0207476f0b743730c2b60a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0036ac776bf7d6a0e1c550e132d99ba4ea07cada_2", "query": "What is the budget range for the project \"Implementation of Local Development Plans (PRL) and Institutional Development Plans (PRI)\" as outlined in the expert support schedule from 2019 to 2024?", "reference_answer": "Between 3-10 million euros.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0036ac776bf7d6a0e1c550e132d99ba4ea07cada.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010b32101467eec8ee7547ff0b4273c6570d1a3e_3", "query": "What is the number of monthly newsletter subscribers mentioned in the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership 2007 Annual Report for \"The Intersection\"?", "reference_answer": "11200", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010b32101467eec8ee7547ff0b4273c6570d1a3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "051d7a1acd648d364a5ccaf6a7b5d1ed16f1adeb_2", "query": "What does CIVA UT include according to the 12a Conferencia sobre Tecnologia de Equipamentos document?", "reference_answer": "1.Beam Calculation tool,\n2.Inspection Simulation tool,\n3.Phased-array settings calculations (delay laws, etc.),\n4.POD simulation.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "051d7a1acd648d364a5ccaf6a7b5d1ed16f1adeb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00b713b0c29bb3c2332acc9720ee82084e6d2223_1", "query": "What are the policy solutions for housing?", "reference_answer": "1.Streamline instances of misconduct and reporting for discrimination in home appraisals.\n2.Strengthen the appraisal process for homes in redlined communities ripe for gentrification.\n3.Support legislation, similar to H.R. 2553, that would create a task force to study disparities in valuations.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00b713b0c29bb3c2332acc9720ee82084e6d2223.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "041a9646c9f7dfb8cc0207476f0b743730c2b60a_1", "query": "Which category in the \"Very rough estimates\" budget allocation appears to have the largest allocation based on the visual?", "reference_answer": "Residential Engagement.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "041a9646c9f7dfb8cc0207476f0b743730c2b60a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d3101e767726159003a7e4aa9e34ed7811ac4d_1", "query": "What is the first step in the procedure design process according to the DME/DME Flight Inspection document from the International Flight Inspection Symposium 2008?", "reference_answer": "Collate data concerning navaid infrastructure,obstacles and aerodrome.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d3101e767726159003a7e4aa9e34ed7811ac4d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0022f971d841560d6ab3eee650475ad2218692c2_1", "query": "How vibration resistant is the Memoright Ruggedized SSD according to the Memoright Corporation GTR Series Ruggedized SSD June 2011 document?", "reference_answer": "Anti-Vibration 15~2000Hz/16.4G", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0022f971d841560d6ab3eee650475ad2218692c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "051d7a1acd648d364a5ccaf6a7b5d1ed16f1adeb_3", "query": "What are the inspections that rely on a zonal discrimination approach in the context of pipeline girth welds inspection using PA UT with PipeWizard and Rotoscan?", "reference_answer": "1.Weld divided into different area of 3mm height maximum.\n2.Each channel of the probe is dedicated to inspect one area.\n3.Relies on higly focused beam.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "051d7a1acd648d364a5ccaf6a7b5d1ed16f1adeb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0219b006cf0a2d4116f8163f9faa75108baa3292_0", "query": "What are the prizes for the competition \"Catch a Star 2011\" mentioned in the document about the observation of galaxies NGC 4258 and NGC 4725 using the 2-m RCC telescope at the Bulgarian National Astronomical Observatory – Rozhen?", "reference_answer": "The prize was an one-hour observation with 2-m RCC telescope of the Bulgarian National Astronomical Observatory.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0219b006cf0a2d4116f8163f9faa75108baa3292.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "059160027b51c68ce33c9323cf3f6068845bf4b0_1", "query": "How does the Soilscape inference system contribute to soil assessment in the context of transforming raw data into policy-relevant information?", "reference_answer": "The Soilscape inference system uses pedo-transfer rules and environmental models to infer soil variables that help in predicting soil classes and properties.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "059160027b51c68ce33c9323cf3f6068845bf4b0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05a312877bb2a2360f336e7a99bb52ec6f313339_2", "query": "How long is the Reading Test in the 2022 Key Stage 2 English reading booklet?", "reference_answer": "60 minutes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05a312877bb2a2360f336e7a99bb52ec6f313339.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "047733d6ecb0f878c9f6fe1a9fdaa0c2b86eff61_2", "query": "What awards has AmberFlux received, as mentioned in the NASSCOM ER&D NIPP Pitch Session document, specifically related to their solution overview and unique selling propositions?", "reference_answer": "1.Finalist at Startup of the Year competition Oct 2020 by Edge Computing World.\n2.DeepTech Pioneer recognition by Hello Tomorrow France, Sep 2021.\n3.Selected for Nasscom Cyber Security Incubation Center, Sep 2021.\n4.Intel Network Builders Winners Golden Circle Member, Intel, Apr 2022.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "047733d6ecb0f878c9f6fe1a9fdaa0c2b86eff61.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04450a0f59f81025574451222aa26322ae7ede42_2", "query": "What year did the European Commission's Pilot Project on Integrated Techniques for the Seismic Strengthening & Energy Efficiency of Existing Buildings start?", "reference_answer": "May 2019", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04450a0f59f81025574451222aa26322ae7ede42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "059160027b51c68ce33c9323cf3f6068845bf4b0_2", "query": "What final outputs are produced as a result of the Soil Spatial Inference System in the European Commission's report on soil threats in Europe?", "reference_answer": "Reports:including technical reports and assessments related to soil conditions and management practices in Europe.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "059160027b51c68ce33c9323cf3f6068845bf4b0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0039d8dff6883e560db3de8ce33e756124864c72_1", "query": "How many 5Mb bins were genomic features obtained from after aligning the WGS data?", "reference_answer": "504", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0039d8dff6883e560db3de8ce33e756124864c72.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0113e646ae1bfb91d3b7e0c7461ef216d49364ec_0", "query": "What is the network mission of the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network as outlined in the Call for Participants Information Session?", "reference_answer": "Empowering communities to achieve healthy watersheds, sustainable financing and long-term climate resilience through management of stormwater and restoration projects.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0113e646ae1bfb91d3b7e0c7461ef216d49364ec.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03244446f5499b38d84fb09e3ba09f995eb0692a_1", "query": "What is the number of respondents in Wave 1 who have an Ulster Bank account?", "reference_answer": "71%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03244446f5499b38d84fb09e3ba09f995eb0692a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d44d98d4935ae7f685853677e7a1084c223c4a_2", "query": "What is the number one preferred attribute for personal care brands according to consumers in the Consumer Perspective on Animal Testing document?", "reference_answer": "cruelty-free", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d44d98d4935ae7f685853677e7a1084c223c4a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05a312877bb2a2360f336e7a99bb52ec6f313339_1", "query": "What are the marks allocated for Spelling in the Key Stage 2 English grammar, punctuation, and spelling Paper 2 according to the National curriculum tests?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05a312877bb2a2360f336e7a99bb52ec6f313339.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "059160027b51c68ce33c9323cf3f6068845bf4b0_3", "query": "What is Mapping according to the European Commission's Soil Information System?", "reference_answer": "symbolically represent the geographic distribution of an object on the Earth surface.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "059160027b51c68ce33c9323cf3f6068845bf4b0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0487dcb861f03c1c838213788c0ab0b7e2cb0715_0", "query": "How many projects have been delivered in software development by Future Processing?", "reference_answer": "over 700.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0487dcb861f03c1c838213788c0ab0b7e2cb0715.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "013a76b7d4fff54f05699693f7bcdf0a146db252_3", "query": "What percentage of funding is targeted at Indigenous communities in the Mariculture RLF project?", "reference_answer": "25%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "013a76b7d4fff54f05699693f7bcdf0a146db252.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0210a4d56ca2323da785eebec3a8132ba92889eb_2", "query": "What is a point of very good in the grading system at the German International School Washington D.C. for Grades 11/12?", "reference_answer": "13 - 15 points", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0210a4d56ca2323da785eebec3a8132ba92889eb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0113e646ae1bfb91d3b7e0c7461ef216d49364ec_2", "query": "How many projects are located in Massachusetts (MA) communities according to the SNEP Network Community Assistance Projects?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0113e646ae1bfb91d3b7e0c7461ef216d49364ec.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d44d98d4935ae7f685853677e7a1084c223c4a_3", "query": "What are the parts of UNILEVER's APPROACH to Science-based Safety, Claims & Advocacy?", "reference_answer": "innovation, partnerships, brands, advocacy.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d44d98d4935ae7f685853677e7a1084c223c4a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0073d1c9d37a124a69560a42acf492e6fae6fb55_0", "query": "What percentage of Malaysian employees are disengaged according to the Global Engagement Report's Gallup Report (2013)?", "reference_answer": "81%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0073d1c9d37a124a69560a42acf492e6fae6fb55.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "013a76b7d4fff54f05699693f7bcdf0a146db252_0", "query": "What is the approximate dollar amount invested by the U.S. Department of Commerce to promote Alaska's mariculture industry through the American Rescue Plan Regional Challenge Program?", "reference_answer": "$49 MILLION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "013a76b7d4fff54f05699693f7bcdf0a146db252.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d44d98d4935ae7f685853677e7a1084c223c4a_0", "query": "How many years of experience does UNILEVER have developing non-animal safety science according to their position on animal testing?", "reference_answer": "40", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d44d98d4935ae7f685853677e7a1084c223c4a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05a312877bb2a2360f336e7a99bb52ec6f313339_0", "query": "What are the dates for English reading in the Key Stage 2 tests scheduled for the week beginning 8th May 2023?", "reference_answer": "Wednesday 10 May 2023.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05a312877bb2a2360f336e7a99bb52ec6f313339.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00e957f8d92df41cce41fa6f0860beeb63a2bc0d_2", "query": "Who are the participants in Open Science as outlined in the START CENTER Open Access Ecosystem and Decision Factors?", "reference_answer": "Authors,publishers,funders,institutions, and readers interact within the cycle to access information.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00e957f8d92df41cce41fa6f0860beeb63a2bc0d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "007b9c939a070ebea56e27391ecb1cf9550909df_0", "query": "What are the steps involved outside the hospital in the Bio Medical Waste Management process at Aravind Eye Care System?", "reference_answer": "1.Transportation of waste from storage.\n2.Treatment of waste.\n3.Disposal.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007b9c939a070ebea56e27391ecb1cf9550909df.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "007b9c939a070ebea56e27391ecb1cf9550909df_1", "query": "What are the components of the Outpatient Department in the Aravind Eye Care System's Biomedical Waste Management process?", "reference_answer": "Dr Examination Room, Dilatation Area, and Investigations Area.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007b9c939a070ebea56e27391ecb1cf9550909df.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04450a0f59f81025574451222aa26322ae7ede42_1", "query": "What technology options does SUB-ACTION 1.2 primarily focus on in the European Commission's Pilot Project for Integrated Techniques for Seismic Strengthening and Energy Efficiency of Existing Buildings?", "reference_answer": "technology options for seismic upgrading.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04450a0f59f81025574451222aa26322ae7ede42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0487dcb861f03c1c838213788c0ab0b7e2cb0715_1", "query": "What is included in the backend technology according to Future Processing's software development expertise?", "reference_answer": ".NET, Java, Node.js", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0487dcb861f03c1c838213788c0ab0b7e2cb0715.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d3101e767726159003a7e4aa9e34ed7811ac4d_0", "query": "How many DMEs are indicated in the DME/DME Navigation Example from the International Flight Inspection Symposium 2008 document?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d3101e767726159003a7e4aa9e34ed7811ac4d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0487dcb861f03c1c838213788c0ab0b7e2cb0715_2", "query": "What aspects of the requirements are included in the Best Practices of Software Development (BPSD) according to the Future Processing document?", "reference_answer": "Architecture,Code,Development Environment,DevelopmentProcess,DevOps,Quality Assurance,Quality Attributes.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0487dcb861f03c1c838213788c0ab0b7e2cb0715.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "013a76b7d4fff54f05699693f7bcdf0a146db252_1", "query": "How many subaward recipients does The Alaska Mariculture Cluster (AMC) Project have according to the 2023 Midsession Summit document?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "013a76b7d4fff54f05699693f7bcdf0a146db252.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "007b9c939a070ebea56e27391ecb1cf9550909df_3", "query": "What is the treatment option for anatomical waste in the yellow category according to the Aravind Eye Care System's Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines?", "reference_answer": "Incineration / Deep Burial", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007b9c939a070ebea56e27391ecb1cf9550909df.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0073d1c9d37a124a69560a42acf492e6fae6fb55_2", "query": "How can individuals increase their commitment to the organization according to the \"Mediating Effect of Meaningful Work on the Influence of Job Resources, Personal Resources, and Transformational Leadership Towards Work Engagement\" study?", "reference_answer": "Improve quality of life and health.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0073d1c9d37a124a69560a42acf492e6fae6fb55.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0113e646ae1bfb91d3b7e0c7461ef216d49364ec_1", "query": "How many community assistance projects were selected in Round I of the SNEP Network Community Assistance Projects Call for Participants?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0113e646ae1bfb91d3b7e0c7461ef216d49364ec.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0039d8dff6883e560db3de8ce33e756124864c72_0", "query": "What type of samples were used for the WGS and ddPCR testing in the AACR Annual Meeting 2023 presentation on cell-free DNA fragmentation profiling for monitoring therapeutic response in metastatic colorectal cancer?", "reference_answer": "cfDNA aliquots from the same plasma volumes.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0039d8dff6883e560db3de8ce33e756124864c72.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0519066b89ed0bf2974792ccbea703d8c1e2a851_0", "query": "How much is the Chef's Selection Lunch Buffet in a Meeting Package at Martin's Château du Lac?", "reference_answer": "€120", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0519066b89ed0bf2974792ccbea703d8c1e2a851.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0379df63b26382ced5647b1461294aeab1e3b44b_3", "query": "What is the way to donate to St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church as mentioned in the donation reminder for tithes and donations?", "reference_answer": "In the donation boxes throughout church - write check St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church OR Via Zelle: stpaul.coptic.suwanee@gmail.com.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0379df63b26382ced5647b1461294aeab1e3b44b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0519066b89ed0bf2974792ccbea703d8c1e2a851_1", "query": "What type of cheese is included in the VIP menu at Martin's Château du Lac?", "reference_answer": "‘Pascal Fauville’ cheese selection", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0519066b89ed0bf2974792ccbea703d8c1e2a851.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00b713b0c29bb3c2332acc9720ee82084e6d2223_0", "query": "What are the policy solutions for education outlined in the \"A Justice Agenda for Black Women & Girls\" report by Innovation Ohio Education Fund, specifically regarding zero tolerance policies and their impact on Black girls?", "reference_answer": "1.Address the inequitable treatment of Black children in schools by eliminating discriminatory referrals to special education and excessive disciplinary actions—included but not limited to, suspension, expulsion, and isolation.\n2.Pass legislation and budgetary actions to enhance programs and organizations that provide wrap-around support, housing, care, and advocacy for students who are experiencing hardship.\n3.Mandate and fund racial-bias, gender-bias, and adultification training for teachers and administrators to recognize discriminatory discipline practices and ensure that schools are supporting the academic success of Black student.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00b713b0c29bb3c2332acc9720ee82084e6d2223.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00f9525a2659bdcd3f43e08ef8403a11284d1879_0", "query": "What is the total project budget for the NOVEL project on PEM electrolysers?", "reference_answer": "€5743445", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00f9525a2659bdcd3f43e08ef8403a11284d1879.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0073d1c9d37a124a69560a42acf492e6fae6fb55_1", "query": "What is the engagement score for Malaysia and Singapore as reported in the AON Employee Engagement Report (2017)?", "reference_answer": "59 pts", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0073d1c9d37a124a69560a42acf492e6fae6fb55.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0039d8dff6883e560db3de8ce33e756124864c72_2", "query": "In the Mutant Arm of the AACR Annual Meeting 2023 study on cell-free DNA Fragmentation Profiling for Monitoring Therapeutic Response in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, how many participants were evaluated?", "reference_answer": "79", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0039d8dff6883e560db3de8ce33e756124864c72.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0039d8dff6883e560db3de8ce33e756124864c72_3", "query": "How many cfDNA samples are there in the Wild-type Arm according to the AACR Annual Meeting 2023 presentation on Cell-free DNA Fragmentation Profiling for Monitoring Therapeutic Response in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer?", "reference_answer": "381", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0039d8dff6883e560db3de8ce33e756124864c72.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035f079d15c6f57a75bb44fb68bc36f31d963c5f_2", "query": "What is the planning tools of automatic controls mentioned in the NERC presentation on EV impacts to the Bulk Power System?", "reference_answer": "steady-state and dynamic power flow.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035f079d15c6f57a75bb44fb68bc36f31d963c5f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02c05ed2ea23546d0df9449c70dcaa41103a240c_2", "query": "What is the proportion of OECD expenditure to general government in 2014 as shown in the chart titled \"SNGs are key economic and policy actors across the OECD\"?", "reference_answer": "40%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02c05ed2ea23546d0df9449c70dcaa41103a240c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0379df63b26382ced5647b1461294aeab1e3b44b_2", "query": "Where are you not allowed to take pictures during the service, especially during the feasts of the church, at St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church in Suwanee, GA?", "reference_answer": "In the 2nd floor and or by the bathrooms.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0379df63b26382ced5647b1461294aeab1e3b44b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01867e3e7f633451b5d59291fb4ff2bce1d23d4f_0", "query": "What is Risk Management in the context of the Ambit Coffee Can Portfolio?", "reference_answer": "1.Concentrated Portfolios deliver best returns as returns do not get average out.2.Lower drawdowns due to consistent performers in secular sectors.3.Long term orientation with low churn realize the power of compounding.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01867e3e7f633451b5d59291fb4ff2bce1d23d4f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "013a76b7d4fff54f05699693f7bcdf0a146db252_2", "query": "What is the total funding for Project #1 Mariculture RLF as detailed in the Alaska Mariculture Cluster initiative?", "reference_answer": "$10 million", "meta_info": { "file_name": "013a76b7d4fff54f05699693f7bcdf0a146db252.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0219b006cf0a2d4116f8163f9faa75108baa3292_3", "query": "When did Edwin Hubble identify Cepheid variable stars in the Andromeda Nebula, as shown in the timeline of astronomical discoveries?", "reference_answer": "1924", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0219b006cf0a2d4116f8163f9faa75108baa3292.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01867e3e7f633451b5d59291fb4ff2bce1d23d4f_2", "query": "How many years of cumulative experience do the service and operations teams have according to the Ambit Asset Management Team overview?", "reference_answer": "205 years", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01867e3e7f633451b5d59291fb4ff2bce1d23d4f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "006708446f8b5d7e63ece4e8794811b0c377b8d5_0", "query": "What is the definition of \"greenhouse\" in the context of the MSP/IT Vendor Evaluation & Selection Guide eBook, 2022?", "reference_answer": "Different instruments. ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "006708446f8b5d7e63ece4e8794811b0c377b8d5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05a3b8bbe4978f54c15901725d146b952aa36fc5_3", "query": "What is the length of the MK21-005 drill hole in the E2Gold Hawkins Project presentation on drilling at McKinnon?", "reference_answer": "6.0 m", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05a3b8bbe4978f54c15901725d146b952aa36fc5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0113e646ae1bfb91d3b7e0c7461ef216d49364ec_3", "query": "When is the application deadline for the Network's Call for Projects that have regional impact and collaboration?", "reference_answer": "July 21, 2021 @ 5:00PM.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0113e646ae1bfb91d3b7e0c7461ef216d49364ec.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4_2", "query": "Why is ammonia considered an attractive solution according to the Yara Clean Ammonia presentation?", "reference_answer": "1.Clean ammonia available through existing blue and green production method.2.Highly versatile with multiple direct applications.3.Ideal energy carrier with favorable performance across clean fuel KPIs2.4.Well-established global infrastructure and storage network.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "034a1a1dd2c6d0d58c3c9c95754f33fd786527a1_3", "query": "What are the Experiential Training Components mentioned in the SoundLeadership program by SoundStrategies?", "reference_answer": "Songwriting,Freestyle Rapping,Performance Improvisation,Breakout Groups,Rapid Iteration.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "034a1a1dd2c6d0d58c3c9c95754f33fd786527a1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035f079d15c6f57a75bb44fb68bc36f31d963c5f_1", "query": "At what time does the fast charging load peak according to the California Energy Commission's Statewide Aggregated Electricity Load for a Typical Weekday?", "reference_answer": "around 20:00", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035f079d15c6f57a75bb44fb68bc36f31d963c5f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0519066b89ed0bf2974792ccbea703d8c1e2a851_2", "query": "How much is the 3-course menu in the VIP menu at Martin's Château du Lac?", "reference_answer": "€ 87,00", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0519066b89ed0bf2974792ccbea703d8c1e2a851.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05a3b8bbe4978f54c15901725d146b952aa36fc5_1", "query": "How deep is the Hawkins project according to the E2Gold Inc. presentation on the Timmins-Hemlo Trend?", "reference_answer": "all above 150 m depth.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05a3b8bbe4978f54c15901725d146b952aa36fc5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00f9525a2659bdcd3f43e08ef8403a11284d1879_1", "query": "What are the main achievements of", "reference_answer": "1.Highly active supported electrocatalysts.2.Membranes with lower cost and H2 crossover.3.Advanced CCMs with higher performance.4.Non-noble metal coatings for bipolar plates.5.Low-cost stack design Degradation.6.mechanisms and AST protocols.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00f9525a2659bdcd3f43e08ef8403a11284d1879.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "034a1a1dd2c6d0d58c3c9c95754f33fd786527a1_1", "query": "What is the purpose of the Innovation Freestyle workshop offered by SoundStrategies?", "reference_answer": "Teach participants how to tap into their creativity, rapidly create solutions, and manage uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk aversion. This workshop fuels a mindset that fosters innovative thinking and adaptability.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "034a1a1dd2c6d0d58c3c9c95754f33fd786527a1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0219b006cf0a2d4116f8163f9faa75108baa3292_2", "query": "What year was Hubble's Law formulated according to the timeline in the image detailing key milestones in cosmology?", "reference_answer": "1929", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0219b006cf0a2d4116f8163f9faa75108baa3292.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05a3b8bbe4978f54c15901725d146b952aa36fc5_2", "query": "What is the area of the Claims Acquisition History in the E2Gold Hawkins Gold Project presentation, specifically covering 68,110 ha (681 km²)?", "reference_answer": "68,110 ha ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05a3b8bbe4978f54c15901725d146b952aa36fc5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00f9525a2659bdcd3f43e08ef8403a11284d1879_2", "query": "What was the cost range of hydrogen in 2016 according to the NOVEL and MEGASTACK projects?", "reference_answer": " 5-13 €/kg", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00f9525a2659bdcd3f43e08ef8403a11284d1879.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714_3", "query": "What is the average number of flights per day for IGA Istanbul Airport during the week of 8-14 April as shown in the EUROCONTROL Top 10 Busiest Airports report?", "reference_answer": "641", "meta_info": { "file_name": "046ab04bd04d4671ad4a37f44281444f3882b714.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0379df63b26382ced5647b1461294aeab1e3b44b_1", "query": "What time does Tuesday's Liturgies begin according to the Weekly Liturgies schedule?", "reference_answer": "6:00 AM", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0379df63b26382ced5647b1461294aeab1e3b44b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "022f9e5d533ac8ccc613bfb3a0797a09f38ce256_0", "query": "How much does the Lagoon 400 S2 sell for without tax according to the listing by Catamarans Barcelona?", "reference_answer": "395.000 €", "meta_info": { "file_name": "022f9e5d533ac8ccc613bfb3a0797a09f38ce256.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0519066b89ed0bf2974792ccbea703d8c1e2a851_3", "query": "How much is a glass of Cava at Martin's Château du Lac?", "reference_answer": "€ 8.00", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0519066b89ed0bf2974792ccbea703d8c1e2a851.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4_4", "query": "What was the LTM revenue market share in Q1 2022 for Yara Clean Ammonia as highlighted in the YCA company highlights, according to the global ammonia platform presentation?", "reference_answer": "USD 3.0bn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4_3", "query": "What is the number of dedicated ammonia vessels owned and chartered by YCA according to the Yara Clean Ammonia presentation?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "033ca8a1636d5112160d47897b766462c4993823_3", "query": "How are recorded files utilized in the compliance measurement according to the Process Compliance diagram?", "reference_answer": "Recorded files are used to track actual process instances, which are essential for comparing against the to-be process model and assessing compliance levels.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "033ca8a1636d5112160d47897b766462c4993823.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "050d47be5b55d11f46859b001eeaa5a593644067_1", "query": "What is the first step in the CTD-O2 calibration process as outlined in the MoorSPICE station 046 cast 0120 document?", "reference_answer": "Sensor Post calibration.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050d47be5b55d11f46859b001eeaa5a593644067.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4_1", "query": "What is Agriculture's share of GHG emissions according to the Yara Clean Ammonia report?", "reference_answer": "12%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04fbac4cb4c0de17f371d1ef6de15d535c9c875f_3", "query": "In which year did the strongest seismic activity in Romania occur between 1940 and 1999, according to the Romanian Seismic Network report?", "reference_answer": "1940", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04fbac4cb4c0de17f371d1ef6de15d535c9c875f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035f079d15c6f57a75bb44fb68bc36f31d963c5f_3", "query": "What are the planning tools for investment mentioned in the NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation document, specifically regarding generation and transmission expansion?", "reference_answer": "Generation and Transmission Expansion.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035f079d15c6f57a75bb44fb68bc36f31d963c5f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "022f9e5d533ac8ccc613bfb3a0797a09f38ce256_3", "query": "What is the water tank capacity of the Lagoon Catamarans Barcelona 400 S2 2015 model according to the specifications provided in the image?", "reference_answer": "79 gal", "meta_info": { 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"source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035f7ae44821cbb6191454cffc3a81cbc5cfc9d5_0", "query": "What are quant's predictive tools mentioned in the quant Global Research (qGR) framework?", "reference_answer": "Qualitative, Quantative, Behavioural", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035f7ae44821cbb6191454cffc3a81cbc5cfc9d5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8_4", "query": "Based on the recommended data in the Ozone Spectroscopic Data Quality assessment, what is the relative retrieval bias of the UV band?", "reference_answer": "4%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00f9525a2659bdcd3f43e08ef8403a11284d1879_3", "query": "What are the FCH JU targets for hydrogen cost in 2020 according to the MEGASTACK project overview?", "reference_answer": "5-9 €/kg", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00f9525a2659bdcd3f43e08ef8403a11284d1879.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8_0", "query": "What is the CO error for the temperatures in Table 1 of the SpecMo Workshop 2014 document?", "reference_answer": "1.8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0036ac776bf7d6a0e1c550e132d99ba4ea07cada_0", "query": "What does “Prezentacja wskaźników według dziedzin i usług” represent in the Local Government Analysis System (SAS) by the Association of Polish Cities?", "reference_answer": "It represents “Presentation of indicators by fields and services,” focusing on comparisons of cities.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0036ac776bf7d6a0e1c550e132d99ba4ea07cada.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": 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{ "file_name": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "037565607baae0e594a768a081618926ef9d5658_2", "query": "How to achieve early warning according to the Recording Invasive and Non-Native Plants in the eC CyprusSBAs document?", "reference_answer": "1.Further key role of volunteer community.2.New technology.3.Recording apps to alert us of new invasions & record spread.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "037565607baae0e594a768a081618926ef9d5658.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0022f971d841560d6ab3eee650475ad2218692c2_0", "query": "What is the Wide Temp range of the Memoright Ruggedized SSDs as specified in the Memoright Corporation GTR Series Ruggedized SSD document?", "reference_answer": "-40 °C~ +85 °C", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0022f971d841560d6ab3eee650475ad2218692c2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04450a0f59f81025574451222aa26322ae7ede42_0", "query": "What is the main focus of Task 1.1.3 in the European Commission's Pilot Project on Integrated Techniques for Seismic Strengthening and Energy Efficiency of Existing Buildings?", "reference_answer": "focuses on building typologies most needing upgrading.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04450a0f59f81025574451222aa26322ae7ede42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03377aa7680d54b29304cb427153ab26facda5ec_0", "query": "What is the ZORBS' innovative and creative approach to education as described in the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative under the Doha Declaration?", "reference_answer": "1.Children’s permanent exhibitions in museums.2.Radio shows.3.National campaigns.4.The Zorbs TV broadcasting.5.Right Boxes.6.Training of Trainers.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03377aa7680d54b29304cb427153ab26facda5ec.pdf", 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This exercise sharpens awareness of what sets the team apart from the rest.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "034a1a1dd2c6d0d58c3c9c95754f33fd786527a1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "000787f166f057643ae6a2c248fe104742fade2b_2", "query": "What is multi-label classification as described in the document \"End-to-End Learning to Index and Search in Large Output Spaces\" by Nilesh Gupta and colleagues?", "reference_answer": " predict set of all relevant labels (output choices) for a query.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "000787f166f057643ae6a2c248fe104742fade2b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035f079d15c6f57a75bb44fb68bc36f31d963c5f_0", "query": "Which charging type has the highest electricity load during peak hours?", "reference_answer": "Fast Charging", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035f079d15c6f57a75bb44fb68bc36f31d963c5f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035347b19e84d7aa4af1636ab7dfc7cc26def123_2", "query": "What percentage of the large forest concession area has a management plan according to the ATIBT 2014 report on tropical timber legality and sustainability, as shown in the figure?", "reference_answer": "25%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035347b19e84d7aa4af1636ab7dfc7cc26def123.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "022f9e5d533ac8ccc613bfb3a0797a09f38ce256_1", "query": "What is the length of the ship with technical specifications listed for a hull of 410?", "reference_answer": "12,53 m", "meta_info": { "file_name": "022f9e5d533ac8ccc613bfb3a0797a09f38ce256.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "050d47be5b55d11f46859b001eeaa5a593644067_3", "query": "What will the calibrated CTD data ultimately be applied to in the context of the MoorSPICE station 046 cast 0120?", "reference_answer": "bottle levels", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050d47be5b55d11f46859b001eeaa5a593644067.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "022f9e5d533ac8ccc613bfb3a0797a09f38ce256_2", "query": "How many cabins does the Lagoon Catamarans Barcelona 400 S2 2015 ship have?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "022f9e5d533ac8ccc613bfb3a0797a09f38ce256.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0073d1c9d37a124a69560a42acf492e6fae6fb55_3", "query": "What is the criticism of the JD-R model mentioned in the \"Mediating Effect of Meaningful Work on the Influence of Job Resources, Personal Resources, and Transformational Leadership Towards Work Engagement\" document?", "reference_answer": "Only highlighted work resources. Fail to recognize he role of leadership and psychological aspect.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0073d1c9d37a124a69560a42acf492e6fae6fb55.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0085b42536c3a3a4806ab799a56df25c6f183dc2_2", "query": "In the context of predicting readability of online articles to enhance reader loyalty, what are the output variables mentioned in the document?", "reference_answer": "Readability score (continuous)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0085b42536c3a3a4806ab799a56df25c6f183dc2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4_0", "query": "What industries have the largest share of GHG emissions according to the Yara Clean Ammonia presentation on decarbonization?", "reference_answer": "Industry", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01056efdbb585d355a073b6aba9a906611fc1cc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0085b42536c3a3a4806ab799a56df25c6f183dc2_3", "query": "What is the training RMSE value of Xlminer in the Naive Rules as benchmark, Linear Regression, KNN, and Regression Trees methods?", "reference_answer": "0.201724", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0085b42536c3a3a4806ab799a56df25c6f183dc2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5_3", "query": "What is included in Qualified Wages according to the Employee Retention Credit guidelines by CliftonLarsonAllen LLP?", "reference_answer": "1.Medicare wages (gross wages less certain pretax deductions, mainly health).2.Severance is excluded.3.Should agree to Line 5c on the quarterly 941.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035347b19e84d7aa4af1636ab7dfc7cc26def123_0", "query": "How many years of experience does ATIBT have in the tropical timber trade according to the image provided?", "reference_answer": "60+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035347b19e84d7aa4af1636ab7dfc7cc26def123.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0085b42536c3a3a4806ab799a56df25c6f183dc2_1", "query": "What is the readability score related to in the context of predicting readability of online articles to enhance reader loyalty?", "reference_answer": "Reading scroll ratio,Reading spending time.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0085b42536c3a3a4806ab799a56df25c6f183dc2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0085b42536c3a3a4806ab799a56df25c6f183dc2_0", "query": "What are the business goals mentioned in the context of predicting readability of online articles to enhance reader loyalty by Team 4: Uniss Tseng, Elisa Wang, Sabrina Wei, and Patrizia Mach?", "reference_answer": "Enhance reader loyalty by selecting most readable new articles to generate traffic towards website.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0085b42536c3a3a4806ab799a56df25c6f183dc2.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "000787f166f057643ae6a2c248fe104742fade2b_0", "query": "Which method achieved the highest P@1 score on the Wikipedia-500K dataset according to the experiments presented?", "reference_answer": "ELIAS++", "meta_info": { "file_name": "000787f166f057643ae6a2c248fe104742fade2b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 22 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5_1", "query": "What is the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) as described in the CliftonLarsonAllen LLP presentation?", "reference_answer": "The ERC is a fully refundable payroll tax credit for qualified wages (including allocable qualified health plan expenses) that eligible employers pay their employees.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8_3", "query": "What is the overall trend of ozone change from 1980 to 2005 according to the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion 2010, WMO, as shown in the Ozone Spectroscopic Data Quality presentation?", "reference_answer": "Overall downward trend.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03377aa7680d54b29304cb427153ab26facda5ec_3", "query": "What do the innovation tools entail in the context of the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative under the Doha Declaration: Promoting a Culture of Lawfulness?", "reference_answer": "Educational Videos,Online courses for students,Quizzes,Innovative Exercises.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03377aa7680d54b29304cb427153ab26facda5ec.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0531b35a448df92e2f0c6288b38918a7dcea5dc9_1", "query": "What is the definition of personal information in the CCPA overview presented by Helen Goff Foster & Aaron Colby?", "reference_answer": "nformation that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly with a particular consumer or household.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0531b35a448df92e2f0c6288b38918a7dcea5dc9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0379df63b26382ced5647b1461294aeab1e3b44b_0", "query": "What time is Vespers of St. George on Sunday 04/30?", "reference_answer": "Sunday, April 30th, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0379df63b26382ced5647b1461294aeab1e3b44b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00f09f97f9d5b77133891f15abdf622f1021c828_0", "query": "Which models are available at CCCR-IITM according to the CORDEX South Asia dataset dissemination?", "reference_answer": "LMDZ, RegCM, RCA, COSMO-CL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00f09f97f9d5b77133891f15abdf622f1021c828.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "037565607baae0e594a768a081618926ef9d5658_0", "query": "What is the date of the text ‘Xylotimbo Forest’ in the document \"Recording Invasive and Non-Native Plants in the eC CyprusSBAs\"?", "reference_answer": "1920s", "meta_info": { "file_name": "037565607baae0e594a768a081618926ef9d5658.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5_4", "query": "What are the entity requirements for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) as outlined by CliftonLarsonAllen LLP?", "reference_answer": "1.For-profit businesses of any size qualify.2.Tax-exempt organizations qualify for the veteran target groups only, and can get a refund of payments made on Form 94.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03377aa7680d54b29304cb427153ab26facda5ec_2", "query": "How many applications were received for the E4J Doha Grants Programme as mentioned in the UNODC's E4J Doha Grants Programme document?", "reference_answer": "more than ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03377aa7680d54b29304cb427153ab26facda5ec.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035347b19e84d7aa4af1636ab7dfc7cc26def123_3", "query": "What are the dates of the Amsterdam Forum mentioned in the ATIBT Amsterdam Forum 2014 document?", "reference_answer": "5-7 Nov 2014.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035347b19e84d7aa4af1636ab7dfc7cc26def123.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8_1", "query": "When did the double cell O3 multispectral research project at FTS-Paris start in 2014?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "051d54d0f3b1788c764783d1bfc6b9f3cc830ce8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04ef5ceb6b8b0bb055c715259533d21a82475fc4_2", "query": "What are the dates of the Tuesday Tour mentioned in the Logistics of Prep document by Partners in Mission?", "reference_answer": "2-3-22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04ef5ceb6b8b0bb055c715259533d21a82475fc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5_2", "query": "What is the maximum annual credit limit", "reference_answer": "$5,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "016c6142ccc35a54402cf0838e2c9bd00d0cfe26_2", "query": "What is the vision of the Institute for Work & Health as stated in their mission and values presentation?", "reference_answer": "Healthy, safe and inclusive work through excellent research.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "016c6142ccc35a54402cf0838e2c9bd00d0cfe26.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04599c51c70292b98ef78f06b5ccb7cfde95f4ca_1", "query": "What is the total wind energy capacity in the EU as of 2021 according to the Global Wind Atlas?", "reference_answer": "235 GW", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04599c51c70292b98ef78f06b5ccb7cfde95f4ca.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05dfc70fd754a46e3c32f9c43d75069ff473dcb0_3", "query": "What are the two data collection methods mentioned in the Conceptual workflow of the \"Svnthesis of brook trout data for range-wide conservation planning in a changing climate\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "Single-pass data,Multi-pass data", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05dfc70fd754a46e3c32f9c43d75069ff473dcb0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04ef5ceb6b8b0bb055c715259533d21a82475fc4_3", "query": "What is the theme for Thursday during Catholic Schools Week as outlined in the Partners in Mission Advancement and Leadership Services for Catholic Education document?", "reference_answer": "Celebrate Vocations", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04ef5ceb6b8b0bb055c715259533d21a82475fc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04ef5ceb6b8b0bb055c715259533d21a82475fc4_0", "query": "What is the theme for Sunday in the context of celebrating Your Parish as outlined in the Partners in Mission presentation?", "reference_answer": "Celebrate your parish.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04ef5ceb6b8b0bb055c715259533d21a82475fc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04ef5ceb6b8b0bb055c715259533d21a82475fc4_1", "query": "How many participants were the goal for the Pastries for Parents event in the Logistics of Prep for Catholic Education?", "reference_answer": "75", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04ef5ceb6b8b0bb055c715259533d21a82475fc4.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01e5c3da08fc4a64af814dd982ef7f786d59b197_3", "query": "What are the characteristics of the PV consumption profile as described in the Danish Technological Institute's report on Combined Thermal and Electrical PV Storage in Households?", "reference_answer": "Seasonal mismatch,Daily mismatch.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01e5c3da08fc4a64af814dd982ef7f786d59b197.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d73640c391613eb67e4d6853ebe1b72a334bd8_1", "query": "What housing needs does the Housing element address in the Oakland 2045 General Plan Update?", "reference_answer": "Addresses housing needs, at all income levels (2023-2031):Protect tenants and keep people in their homes.Preserve existing stock of affordable housing.Produce more affordable housing – lower-income.Where housing should go.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d73640c391613eb67e4d6853ebe1b72a334bd8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d73640c391613eb67e4d6853ebe1b72a334bd8_2", "query": "What is the purpose of the Safety element in the Oakland 2045 General Plan Update?", "reference_answer": "Identifies natural and human-made hazards (wildfire, earthquake, climate change, flooding, etc.) and ways to reduce impacts.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d73640c391613eb67e4d6853ebe1b72a334bd8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01867e3e7f633451b5d59291fb4ff2bce1d23d4f_1", "query": "What is the total number of sales team members in the Ambit Asset Management Team overview?", "reference_answer": "15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01867e3e7f633451b5d59291fb4ff2bce1d23d4f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00f09f97f9d5b77133891f15abdf622f1021c828_3", "query": "Which model in the CORDEX South Asia multi-model output history does not include Sea-level Pressure (psl) data?", "reference_answer": "COSMO-CLM", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00f09f97f9d5b77133891f15abdf622f1021c828.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0531b35a448df92e2f0c6288b38918a7dcea5dc9_2", "query": "What are the FTC Statements about personal information as mentioned in the slide titled \"This isn’t Grandma’s Recipe for PI\"?", "reference_answer": "“We regard data as “personally identifiable,” and thus warranting privacy protections, when it can be reasonably linked to a particular person, computer, or device. In many cases, persistent identifiers such as device identifiers, MAC addresses, static IP addresses, or cookies meet this test.” Keeping up with the Online Advertising Industry, Jessica Rich, April 21, 2016", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0531b35a448df92e2f0c6288b38918a7dcea5dc9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04fbac4cb4c0de17f371d1ef6de15d535c9c875f_1", "query": "Which observatories are part of the Romanian Seismic Network as shown in the image?", "reference_answer": "Bucovina, Vrincioaia, Plostina, Dobrogea, Muntele Rosu, RosuDeva, Buzias, Timisoara", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04fbac4cb4c0de17f371d1ef6de15d535c9c875f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05dfc70fd754a46e3c32f9c43d75069ff473dcb0_0", "query": "What is the motivation for conservation planning brook trout in the context of identifying priority conservation areas in a changing climate?", "reference_answer": "Can we identify priority conservation areas in a changing climate (i.e., climate refugia) ?How can that information be best incorporated in conservation actions?", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05dfc70fd754a46e3c32f9c43d75069ff473dcb0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01e5c3da08fc4a64af814dd982ef7f786d59b197_2", "query": "What does the battery use to achieve charge and discharge in the Danish Technological Institute's Combined Thermal and Electrical PV Storage in Households project?", "reference_answer": "Inverter/charger", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01e5c3da08fc4a64af814dd982ef7f786d59b197.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0326d17c46b12ae5a6621ac965080b97824083dc_3", "query": "What is identified as crucial for 2013/2014 prices in the Aviko Potato report?", "reference_answer": "German yield.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0326d17c46b12ae5a6621ac965080b97824083dc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5_5", "query": "What is the maximum tax credit for an SSI Recipient according to the Credit Amount table in the CliftonLarsonAllen LLP document?", "reference_answer": "$2,400", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02fad63af9e5d225ca97805a30691ac4da45871d_2", "query": "When was the SGB25V/RH process re-qualified according to the IHP Processes and PDKs for Space Applications document?", "reference_answer": "2010", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02fad63af9e5d225ca97805a30691ac4da45871d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0326d17c46b12ae5a6621ac965080b97824083dc_1", "query": "What month is the mass production of fries mentioned in the Aviko Potato article about high volume French Fries produced in August?", "reference_answer": "August", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0326d17c46b12ae5a6621ac965080b97824083dc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "035347b19e84d7aa4af1636ab7dfc7cc26def123_1", "query": "What groups are ATIBT members from according to the facts presented in the tropical timber trade association document?", "reference_answer": "Govts, industry, NGOs, academia, donors, intl orgs.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035347b19e84d7aa4af1636ab7dfc7cc26def123.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d43f2433d81ffb6a31706a4b30684459b72a54_0", "query": "What percentage increase in voter reach does using radio provide according to the National Nielsen Media Impact August 2019 campaign?", "reference_answer": "41%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d43f2433d81ffb6a31706a4b30684459b72a54.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "041a9646c9f7dfb8cc0207476f0b743730c2b60a_3", "query": "How much is suggested for the loss reserve in the very rough estimates, and is there a potential source for this?", "reference_answer": "$300,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "041a9646c9f7dfb8cc0207476f0b743730c2b60a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0531b35a448df92e2f0c6288b38918a7dcea5dc9_3", "query": "What channels are used to collect payment card data in restaurants according to the Privacy at the Table presentation by Helen Goff Foster & Aaron Colby?", "reference_answer": "3rd Party Payment Processor.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0531b35a448df92e2f0c6288b38918a7dcea5dc9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04599c51c70292b98ef78f06b5ccb7cfde95f4ca_0", "query": "What are the three concepts involved in the energy trilemma as depicted in the diagram focusing on secure, green, and cost-effective/affordable aspects?", "reference_answer": "Secure, Green, Cost-effective/Affordable", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04599c51c70292b98ef78f06b5ccb7cfde95f4ca.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02fad63af9e5d225ca97805a30691ac4da45871d_1", "query": "What are the peak frequencies for the SGB25V/RH process in the IHP Processes and PDKs for Space Applications document?", "reference_answer": "75/95 GHz", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02fad63af9e5d225ca97805a30691ac4da45871d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "037565607baae0e594a768a081618926ef9d5658_1", "query": "What does the red colour in the diagram of the Acacia saligna invading the wetland in the \"Recording Invasive and Non-Native Plants in the eC CyprusSBAs\" document represent?", "reference_answer": "Eucalyptus spp.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "037565607baae0e594a768a081618926ef9d5658.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "016c6142ccc35a54402cf0838e2c9bd00d0cfe26_1", "query": "What are the strategic directions outlined in the Institute for Work & Health Strategic Plan 2023-2027?", "reference_answer": "1.Advance the science of work and health.2.Expand the reach and impact of IWH research.3.Strengthen the work and health ecosystem.4.Ensure IWH is a safe and healthy workplace.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "016c6142ccc35a54402cf0838e2c9bd00d0cfe26.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01e5c3da08fc4a64af814dd982ef7f786d59b197_1", "query": "What can Solar PV produce based on the experimental system configuration at the Danish Technological Institute?", "reference_answer": "3 x 400 V AC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01e5c3da08fc4a64af814dd982ef7f786d59b197.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05dfc70fd754a46e3c32f9c43d75069ff473dcb0_2", "query": "How many stations does a Paired stream-air temp have in the data for brook trout conservation planning?", "reference_answer": "204", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05dfc70fd754a46e3c32f9c43d75069ff473dcb0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d43f2433d81ffb6a31706a4b30684459b72a54_2", "query": "What is the radio programme scheduled Monday - Friday from 1:00 AM to 6:00 AM on the network lineup for WJFN, WJFV, WMLB, WCNS, and WXJX?", "reference_answer": "Red Eye Radio", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d43f2433d81ffb6a31706a4b30684459b72a54.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04fbac4cb4c0de17f371d1ef6de15d535c9c875f_0", "query": "How many real time GNSS stations are in the GNSS network according to the map and information provided in the GNSS - Network overview?", "reference_answer": "32", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04fbac4cb4c0de17f371d1ef6de15d535c9c875f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "016c6142ccc35a54402cf0838e2c9bd00d0cfe26_3", "query": "What are the solid foundations of IWH today as outlined in the context of planning for tomorrow by the Institute for Work & Health?", "reference_answer": "1.30 years of research and knowledge translation & exchange excellence.2Interdisciplinary expertise.3.Strong, collaborative partnerships.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "016c6142ccc35a54402cf0838e2c9bd00d0cfe26.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "000787f166f057643ae6a2c248fe104742fade2b_3", "query": "What do the partition tree-based and ANNS-based existing approaches have in common before training in the context of the ELIAS model?", "reference_answer": "Both of these approaches fix their index structure before training.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "000787f166f057643ae6a2c248fe104742fade2b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "000787f166f057643ae6a2c248fe104742fade2b_1", "query": "What is the P@5 score for the XR-Transformer on the Amazon-670K dataset according to the experiments section of the presentation?", "reference_answer": "40.64", "meta_info": { "file_name": "000787f166f057643ae6a2c248fe104742fade2b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 22 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00f09f97f9d5b77133891f15abdf622f1021c828_2", "query": "How much storage space is required for each variable in the CORDEX South Asia Multi-Model Output Historical Data as per the announcement on 12 September 2013?", "reference_answer": "4 GB", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00f09f97f9d5b77133891f15abdf622f1021c828.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031e852a852b2ca2fd7f646ece8d87d8d552ac94_1", "query": "How does the \"Paraprofessionals-training, appreciating, and retaining\" document suggest ensuring paraprofessionals are taken care of for their time worked?", "reference_answer": "Missed lunches, time volunteered, in early, stayed late,Paid comp time, leave early or come in late to compensate,Don’t let them be the dumping ground for extra duties and responsibilities.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031e852a852b2ca2fd7f646ece8d87d8d552ac94.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d43f2433d81ffb6a31706a4b30684459b72a54_1", "query": "What is the platform with the highest percentage increase of programmes optimised with radio according to the John Fredericks Media Network 2023 Sales Media Kit?", "reference_answer": "CROSS-OVER", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d43f2433d81ffb6a31706a4b30684459b72a54.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03d43f2433d81ffb6a31706a4b30684459b72a54_3", "query": "What is the number of Twitter impressions mentioned in the John Fredericks Media Network 2023 Sales Media Kit?", "reference_answer": "518,300", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03d43f2433d81ffb6a31706a4b30684459b72a54.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5_0", "query": "What are The Four Essential Elements of the CLA Promise as outlined in the CliftonLarsonAllen LLP presentation?", "reference_answer": "Our Purpose,Our Promise,Our Family Culture,Our Strategic Advantages.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "035c9daea16dcaf9461e25a45e357a9a0db39da5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0531b35a448df92e2f0c6288b38918a7dcea5dc9_0", "query": "What sections are included in the new Consumer Rights at a Glance according to the Privacy at the Table presentation by Helen Goff Foster & Aaron Colby?", "reference_answer": "Consumer access to PI,Delete PI upon request,Respect Opt-out of sale of PI.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0531b35a448df92e2f0c6288b38918a7dcea5dc9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "027fc5feacb59ded7d660a1aaccc343994d349cb_0", "query": "What materials are needed for the Grade K-Found Object Faces portraiture project, including 9\"x12\" paper and various found objects?", "reference_answer": "9”x 12” paper (stiff),Paper towels,Paper plates,Elmer’s X-treme school glue,“Found objects”...", "meta_info": { "file_name": "027fc5feacb59ded7d660a1aaccc343994d349cb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "017b534723c463c51f4031ccbba8ce156a502b42_1", "query": "When does the webinar start according to the Webinar Schedule provided in the document?", "reference_answer": "3:00 pm", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017b534723c463c51f4031ccbba8ce156a502b42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e_4", "query": "What are some of the adaptation practices that operate with increased winter temperatures?", "reference_answer": "Manage new crop pests (insects, nematodes).Adjust crop planting dates.Plant different crops.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e_5", "query": "What mitigation practices are in place to decrease carbon dioxide emissions according to the Climate Smart Agriculture document by Dr. Emmalea Emest?", "reference_answer": "Reduce tillage,Use renewable energy.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0326d17c46b12ae5a6621ac965080b97824083dc_0", "query": "How much did the 2013 UK potato harvest lift according to the Harvest 2013 report by Aviko Potato?", "reference_answer": "30%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0326d17c46b12ae5a6621ac965080b97824083dc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "016c6142ccc35a54402cf0838e2c9bd00d0cfe26_0", "query": "What is the mission of the Institute for Work & Health as outlined in the Institute for Work & Health Strategic Plan 2023-2027?", "reference_answer": "To conduct and mobilize research that supports policy-makers, employers and workers in creating healthy, safe and inclusive work environments.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "016c6142ccc35a54402cf0838e2c9bd00d0cfe26.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e_3", "query": "What percentage of Iowa farmers in 2020 believe greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced on their farms according to the 2020 Summary Report - Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll?", "reference_answer": "26%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1_3", "query": "According to Table 2 in the Slovenian Renal Replacement Therapy Registry: 2006 Annual Report, which treatment modality has the highest number of patients?", "reference_answer": "Hemodialysis", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e_2", "query": "In which year did the highest percentage of Iowa farmers believe that climate change is caused more by human activities than by natural factors according to the 2020 Summary Report - Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll?", "reference_answer": "2020", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03377aa7680d54b29304cb427153ab26facda5ec_1", "query": "What thematic areas are included in secondary education according to the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative under the Doha Declaration, as depicted in the UNODC's thematic areas infographic?", "reference_answer": "Integrity and Ethics,Anti-Corruption,Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice,Organized Crime,Trafficking in Persons & Smuggling of Migrants,Cybercrime,Firearms,Counter-Terrorism.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03377aa7680d54b29304cb427153ab26facda5ec.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05dfc70fd754a46e3c32f9c43d75069ff473dcb0_1", "query": "How many trout were counted in the Trout Count data from 1982-2019 according to the data synthesis for brook trout conservation planning?", "reference_answer": "750,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05dfc70fd754a46e3c32f9c43d75069ff473dcb0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00745bf47a154bf4cbc93be8abc0ec86d502e42a_1", "query": "What is the interpretation of disrespect in the Arc Wisconsin Self-Advocacy Leadership in Action Class #5 text?", "reference_answer": "People don’t listen to you.People make fun of you or laugh at your idea.People treat you like a child.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00745bf47a154bf4cbc93be8abc0ec86d502e42a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1_2", "query": "Which condition had the smallest representation in the chart according to Figure 2 in the Slovenian Renal Replacement Therapy Registry: 2006 Annual Report?", "reference_answer": "DM type 1", "meta_info": { 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"What is the role of protocols such as Paxos in ensuring distributed databases remain consistent, as discussed in the FSMLabs Enterprise Real-Time presentation?", "reference_answer": "make sure distributed databases remain consistent.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "057c100be0089a87c17842ca315792a97c357de3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00f09f97f9d5b77133891f15abdf622f1021c828_1", "query": "Which variables are consistently available across all models in the CORDEX South Asia Multi-Model Output Historical Data as listed by the Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR) at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)?", "reference_answer": "Rainfall (pr),Surface Air Temperature(tas).", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00f09f97f9d5b77133891f15abdf622f1021c828.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1_1", "query": "What percentage of patients had DM type 2 as their primary renal disease according to Figure 2 in the Slovenian Renal Replacement Therapy Registry: 2006 Annual Report?", "reference_answer": "22%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00745bf47a154bf4cbc93be8abc0ec86d502e42a_2", "query": "What advice would Chris like to hear about speaking up for himself in his meeting, as discussed in The Arc Wisconsin Self-Advocacy Leadership in Action Class #5?", "reference_answer": "Should Chris talk about wanting to move out someday?How can Chris speak up for himself?If someone disagrees with Chris what could he say?", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00745bf47a154bf4cbc93be8abc0ec86d502e42a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031fea85e1f8e5802aa7e0eb796ee3df76837872_2", "query": "What is the total duration of String Quartet No. 4 by Jeremy Beck as listed in the document featuring his string quartets?", "reference_answer": "16:36", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031fea85e1f8e5802aa7e0eb796ee3df76837872.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04599c51c70292b98ef78f06b5ccb7cfde95f4ca_2", "query": "How many tonnes of hydrogen can replace 50 bcm of natural gas according to the REPowerEU strategy illustrated in the infographic?", "reference_answer": "15 million tonnes.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04599c51c70292b98ef78f06b5ccb7cfde95f4ca.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05d7e37e61e059bcfecd412df67b06d66617bf0f_1", "query": "Which energy transformation scenario in the Shell Energy Transformation Scenarios document shows the highest rise in energy demand from 2020 to 2100?", "reference_answer": "Waves", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05d7e37e61e059bcfecd412df67b06d66617bf0f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031e852a852b2ca2fd7f646ece8d87d8d552ac94_0", "query": "What is the Paraprofessional Handbook mentioned in the Paraprofessional Training document?", "reference_answer": "Welcome,Disability Areas,Roles and Responsibility,Instructing Students,Confidentiality,Expectations of the Job,Evaluating,Tips for Success,Para-Mentor,Trainings in programs or curriculum they are to be using or supporting,Behavior and health training and support.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031e852a852b2ca2fd7f646ece8d87d8d552ac94.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04fbac4cb4c0de17f371d1ef6de15d535c9c875f_2", "query": "What level of seismic activity did Romania experience in 1940 according to the Seismic Activity in Romania presentation by Petrescu et al. (2021)?", "reference_answer": "Mw 7.7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04fbac4cb4c0de17f371d1ef6de15d535c9c875f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0326d17c46b12ae5a6621ac965080b97824083dc_2", "query": "What was the climate like in the EU5 in 2013 according to the Aviko Potato report from Boerderij September 2013?", "reference_answer": "Spring too cold, summer hot and dry.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0326d17c46b12ae5a6621ac965080b97824083dc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d73640c391613eb67e4d6853ebe1b72a334bd8_0", "query": "What is the approach to mobile sources of pollution in the Air Quality and Pollution section of the Oakland 2045 General Plan Update?", "reference_answer": "Develop innovativesolutions to thetransport of goods indiesel-trucks.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d73640c391613eb67e4d6853ebe1b72a334bd8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d_2", "query": "In the Institute for Family Health presentation, which race is reported to have the lowest value in the 2 HgbA1c % category?", "reference_answer": "White", "meta_info": { "file_name": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031e852a852b2ca2fd7f646ece8d87d8d552ac94_2", "query": "What is covered in Part 2 of the Paraprofessional Training program, which focuses on Disability Areas?", "reference_answer": "Disability Areas", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031e852a852b2ca2fd7f646ece8d87d8d552ac94.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "057c100be0089a87c17842ca315792a97c357de3_1", "query": "What is the importance of market intelligence in the context of FSMLabs Enterprise Real-Time Clock Sync for finding patterns and correlations in electronic markets?", "reference_answer": "if you cannot measure when trades take place and when information becomes available, you cannot successfully trade in electronic markets.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "057c100be0089a87c17842ca315792a97c357de3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e_0", "query": "What percentage of Iowa farmers were uncertain about climate change in the 2020 Summary Report - Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll, according to the chart?", "reference_answer": "16%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05d7e37e61e059bcfecd412df67b06d66617bf0f_0", "query": "What are the energy transformation scenarios outlined in the IEEJ March 2021 report by Shell International B.V.?", "reference_answer": "Waves, Islands, Sky 1.5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05d7e37e61e059bcfecd412df67b06d66617bf0f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d73640c391613eb67e4d6853ebe1b72a334bd8_3", "query": "What are the Phase 2 elements of the General Plan Update in the Oakland 2045 General Plan, including Open Space, Conservation & Recreation (OSCAR), Noise, Land Use & Transportation, and Infrastructure & Facilities?", "reference_answer": "OPEN SPACE,CONSERVATION & RECREATION(OSCAR).NOISE.LAND USE & TRANSPORTATION.INFRASTRUCTURE & FACILITIES.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d73640c391613eb67e4d6853ebe1b72a334bd8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d_0", "query": "Where are the locations of the Institute for Family Health as shown in the images for Manhattan, Bronx, and Mid-Hudson Valley?", "reference_answer": "Manhattan,Bronx,Mid-Hudson Valley.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d_3", "query": "What service item has the highest rate of achievement in the IFH stats according to the Institute for Family Health report dated 03/28/2009?", "reference_answer": "NON-SMOKER", "meta_info": { "file_name": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00e3465b452fe1a062568e4c6df56d4b25091e4a_0", "query": "What is the application of the Energy and Climate Change Programme in the context of UNIDO's Integrated Energy Solutions for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID)?", "reference_answer": "Low Carbon Low Emission Technologies。", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00e3465b452fe1a062568e4c6df56d4b25091e4a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "017b534723c463c51f4031ccbba8ce156a502b42_2", "query": "What is the link to the survey feedback mentioned in the image with the text \"We Value Your Feedback!\"?", "reference_answer": "https://uwo.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6SeuUZ4qqsBk1Dg", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017b534723c463c51f4031ccbba8ce156a502b42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e_1", "query": "How many Iowa farmers believed that climate change is caused more by human activity than natural factors in 2013 according to the Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll summary report?", "reference_answer": "23%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02ec82b1931eb6533f83776d2f7adfb8c8054f3e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04599c51c70292b98ef78f06b5ccb7cfde95f4ca_3", "query": "What are the components of the new paradigm of energy security as illustrated in the diagram focusing on affordability, availability, diversity, and sustainability?", "reference_answer": "Affordability, Availability, EnergySecurity, Diversity, Sustainability", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04599c51c70292b98ef78f06b5ccb7cfde95f4ca.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05d7e37e61e059bcfecd412df67b06d66617bf0f_3", "query": "What does Islands represent most in the Energy Transformation Scenarios by Shell International B.V.?", "reference_answer": "Security", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05d7e37e61e059bcfecd412df67b06d66617bf0f.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "011e012b28d60278c243b200eaf19952a725370c_0", "query": "What is the status of the first demo model in Bulgaria according to the Train-to-NZEB The Building Knowledge Hubs report?", "reference_answer": "First demo model nearly finalized.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "011e012b28d60278c243b200eaf19952a725370c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02fad63af9e5d225ca97805a30691ac4da45871d_0", "query": "What are the \"Our Key benefits\" mentioned in the factsheet regarding high-performance RF ASICs for space applications?", "reference_answer": "1.Strong need for high performance RF ASICs for Space applications。2.Niche Market (Low Volume Production).3.European Technology - Strategic - Non.4.Dependency/EU Value Chain – ITAR Free.5.Extreme environmental conditions.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02fad63af9e5d225ca97805a30691ac4da45871d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0092c881cffe1c685ec3bc0fd5d5110c0939c081_0", "query": "How much of a pre-tax loss did Khazanah record in 2018 as detailed in the corporate restructuring and reorganisation initiated by the Government in 2018?", "reference_answer": "RM6.3bn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0092c881cffe1c685ec3bc0fd5d5110c0939c081.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "057c100be0089a87c17842ca315792a97c357de3_2", "query": "What is accepted by the regulator as official time according to the FSMLabs Enterprise Real-Time presentation on GPS/GNSS authoritative time?", "reference_answer": "GPS/GNSS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "057c100be0089a87c17842ca315792a97c357de3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59_1", "query": "What are the non-compliance fees for cars and trucks according to the CO₂ regulation framework discussed in the fka GmbH presentation, specifically targeting levels until 2030 and 2035?", "reference_answer": "The non-compliance fee for cars is 95 € / g / km, and for trucks, it is 6,800 € / g / t-km.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05c7e75a95edb476e7b019fc8e8db82699c06e59.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0258acc3a8560dbfd515a78c429125106f29abf3_1", "query": "What are the two conditions being compared with speaker binary keys in the context of pre-conditioning with and without equalization in the Afeka 2014 presentation by P.M. Bousquet and J.F. Bonastre?", "reference_answer": "without equalization, with equalization.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0258acc3a8560dbfd515a78c429125106f29abf3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1_4", "query": "What percentage of patients who received kidney transplants were male?", "reference_answer": "57%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0393238e281882c034559a1f3698aed1024cdd22_1", "query": "What categories of products are available at Thales Alenia Space in Belgium according to the provided document?", "reference_answer": "Platform electronics,Payload electronics,Solar panels,Launch vehicles.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0393238e281882c034559a1f3698aed1024cdd22.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0534a2c5d71b9cd959659202de9793403f618985_3", "query": "What are the main layers of Work Domain Analysis as depicted in the WDA concepts (Naikar 2015) diagram?", "reference_answer": "1. Whole System;2. Functional Purposes;3. Values and Priority Measures;4. Purpose related Functions;5. Object related Processes;6. Physical Objects", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0534a2c5d71b9cd959659202de9793403f618985.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8_2", "query": "Which industry has the highest business activity index according to the Consolidated Business Activity Index by Economy report for March 2021?", "reference_answer": "service", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050dee157a41140f7fa4f5be94591267c1bc95b8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "057c100be0089a87c17842ca315792a97c357de3_0", "query": "How many trades are there per day on the New York Stock Exchange as stated in the FSMLabs Enterprise Real-Time presentation slide?", "reference_answer": " over 1 billion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "057c100be0089a87c17842ca315792a97c357de3.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d_4", "query": "What is Dr. ZZtest's rate of achievement for AIC > 9% in the IFH stats as shown in the Institute Family Health report dated 03/28/2009?", "reference_answer": "14%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "053cbd81cfa6499b8d7e57705bd4dc162d062ce5_1", "query": "What is the increase in the number of unique individuals served from FY 18/19 to FY 19/20 according to the Food Assistance data?", "reference_answer": "14,600", "meta_info": { "file_name": "053cbd81cfa6499b8d7e57705bd4dc162d062ce5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00136f54532dfe44863f718dea07afadc9d9b1bd_2", "query": "How many active projects are there in the network-centric systems in the T&E/S&T Program Overview?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00136f54532dfe44863f718dea07afadc9d9b1bd.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d651c402c11a65c94ff362c3cc6f116e1408d0_1", "query": "What percentage of sales rose in the December quarter according to the Central Petroleum Limited March 2023 quarter highlights, specifically mentioning a 25% jump in sales volumes?", "reference_answer": "25%", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d651c402c11a65c94ff362c3cc6f116e1408d0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d2cbe048456cbecc7d3049ddb16145b22eeaee_0", "query": "Does Zoss Water have purification capabilities as described in their product offerings?", "reference_answer": "Yes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d2cbe048456cbecc7d3049ddb16145b22eeaee.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031acfd29ec690ea84000b928b3da3b67e973a56_2", "query": "Which has a higher poverty rate, Chinese or Korean according to the Asian Nation Socioeconomic Data?", "reference_answer": "The poverty rate is higher among ethnic Chinese.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031acfd29ec690ea84000b928b3da3b67e973a56.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d2cbe048456cbecc7d3049ddb16145b22eeaee_2", "query": "What is the second step of the Zoss water process?", "reference_answer": "Filtered Water is then passed through Zoss cartridge for additional purification.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d2cbe048456cbecc7d3049ddb16145b22eeaee.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04450a0f59f81025574451222aa26322ae7ede42_3", "query": "When will the technical guidelines be released according to the timeline presented in the European Commission's document, specifically in February 2022?", "reference_answer": "Feb 2022", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04450a0f59f81025574451222aa26322ae7ede42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "04799e9a53fbac0a7475a53495b39e9042c168e9_1", "query": "In Figure 2 of the document, what does N0 = 0 represent in the context of the linear response function comparison between the non-stationary and the Anderson-Kubo model?", "reference_answer": "The model is modelled with an initial background population N0 of zero.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04799e9a53fbac0a7475a53495b39e9042c168e9.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01b0562bad7dae455fb107d2ab7cc9bf85dc28d1_1", "query": "What is step 2 of checking KPIs in the BINA NUSANTARA Corporate Learning & Development dashboard?", "reference_answer": "go to page 2 (two) to see the “summary kpi self development”.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01b0562bad7dae455fb107d2ab7cc9bf85dc28d1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", 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central thickness of the Cu-Al coating?", "reference_answer": "~ 380 nm", "meta_info": { "file_name": "050f61c6536665c70733bde32b9faf15dbe5b92b.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031c0c13ba27809088357fd6cc8dfd5f79d5d5c5_3", "query": "What occurs during the ejection process in the context of dune interaction potentials as described in the study by Charru et al., Ann. Review of Fluid Mech., 2013?", "reference_answer": "Slightly bigger upstream,big downstream.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031c0c13ba27809088357fd6cc8dfd5f79d5d5c5.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "048f6cdef44c4bcef8467b703f37c3cb02e65e35_2", "query": "How many datasets does KNeighborsRegressor have in the SZ4D ML/AI Virtual Workshop presentation, specifically as shown in the approach section?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "048f6cdef44c4bcef8467b703f37c3cb02e65e35.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "03a13137407ae65720369c919743d742ea048c00_2", "query": "Please introduce the process of iteratively developing the Systemigram model as described in the methodology section of the Systems Engineering Research Center presentation by Georgia Tech and The University of Alabama in Huntsville.", "reference_answer": "1.Identifies key actors, activities, enablers and barriers to change that drive desired system outcomes.\n2.From interviews, develop a series of narratives.\n3.Get additional feedback from stakeholders during workshop.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "03a13137407ae65720369c919743d742ea048c00.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01d2cbe048456cbecc7d3049ddb16145b22eeaee_1", "query": "Can RO purifiers control TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) according to the Zoss Water comparison chart?", "reference_answer": "yes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01d2cbe048456cbecc7d3049ddb16145b22eeaee.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "031fea85e1f8e5802aa7e0eb796ee3df76837872_0", "query": "In Jeremy Beck's String Quartet No. 4, how long does the movement titled \"Grave\" play?", "reference_answer": "2:41", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031fea85e1f8e5802aa7e0eb796ee3df76837872.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1_0", "query": "How many renal centers are there in Slovenia as of December 31, 2006, according to the Slovenian Renal Replacement Therapy Registry 2006 Annual Report?", "reference_answer": "21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "00d8d22ded241c20c75d49578359057cd25739d1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0315a7e099d0e42580d92d213ab9d201603934a8_3", "query": "What is included in the \"Development of Regional Documents and Guidance\" section of the Swallowaware campaign by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists?", "reference_answer": "1.Thematic Review of choking SAI\n2.Levels of Supervision\n3.Feeding with acknowledged risk\n4.National Texture Descriptors\n5.Dysphagia Education Resources\n6.Regional Nursing Documentation for Acute Admissions\n7.Adult Community Pathways", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0315a7e099d0e42580d92d213ab9d201603934a8.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04a6afc745680ef1189d52b6fe27f8f30604ef95_1", "query": "Based on the secular trend in solvency ratios from 2002-2013 as shown in the Actuarial Metrics for Monitoring the Sustainability of the US Social Security System, which year would have a higher solvency ratio with a 25-year projection period?", "reference_answer": "2002", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04a6afc745680ef1189d52b6fe27f8f30604ef95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "01ada48daaf576de7e173f212b032ab06b742e24_1", "query": "What game is scheduled for Sunday at 7:00 pm during the 2013 Bonzini WCS according to the press kit?", "reference_answer": "National Teams Competition - Men’s Final.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01ada48daaf576de7e173f212b032ab06b742e24.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "01e5c3da08fc4a64af814dd982ef7f786d59b197_0", "query": "Which month has the highest PV consumption according to the Danish Technological Institute's presentation on PV owner's pain and consumption profiles?", "reference_answer": "January", "meta_info": { "file_name": "01e5c3da08fc4a64af814dd982ef7f786d59b197.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "037ba95d73f98278bdb26c4fd691eb4f4a9a3646_3", "query": "Will there be more men or women of workforce in 2020 according to the the Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021?", "reference_answer": "men", "meta_info": { "file_name": "037ba95d73f98278bdb26c4fd691eb4f4a9a3646.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "010a416cae90d4bb404900188fa5b3b588cf4ee6_1", "query": "Which nationality accounted for the largest number of non-nationals in detention on 30 April 2022 according to the Top 5 Non-Nationals by Nationality in Custody report?", "reference_answer": "Polish", "meta_info": { "file_name": "010a416cae90d4bb404900188fa5b3b588cf4ee6.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "017b534723c463c51f4031ccbba8ce156a502b42_0", "query": "What are the research objectives of the Community of Practice in the \"Supporting the Health of Survivors of Family Violence in Family Law Proceedings\" initiative, as outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada?", "reference_answer": "To initiate, host, and support a Community of Practice (CoP) comprised of experts and practitioners in the family violence and family law sectors to enhance the capacity of practitioners to address family violence safely and effectively. Through the CoP, there will be enhanced support to survivors of violence through the family law system by increasing opportunities for family law practitioners to have training, guidance and resources to support trauma-informed practice, and to improve coordination of services that will enhance the safety and wellbeing of all parties", "meta_info": { "file_name": "017b534723c463c51f4031ccbba8ce156a502b42.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "text", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc_8", "query": "Which branch has the highest number of deliveries per branch according to the Novelog project in the City of Gothenburg, as shown in the Deliveries per branch chart?", "reference_answer": "services/other", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0110a283b16e9eb0d864336a69f474f16bc246fc.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "02702d83f1a8d89b600baac8da0a8076e862f3b0_0", "query": "What is the role of African countries in services trade according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's report on recent trends, as depicted in the \"Recent trends in Africa’s services trade\" chart?", "reference_answer": "African countries are net importers of services.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02702d83f1a8d89b600baac8da0a8076e862f3b0.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "04a385633c2c14185d3ca288083efdcc6350420e_0", "query": "What was Gestamp's total revenue for the first quarter according to the Key Highlights of the Period report?", "reference_answer": "€3,144 million.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "04a385633c2c14185d3ca288083efdcc6350420e.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d_1", "query": "Which race has the highest percentage in Insulin/Sens Agent % according to the Institute for Family Health's diabetes research data presentation?", "reference_answer": "Latino", "meta_info": { "file_name": "052948fcd583b29f7e1cb58e127cce9cd4d0dc0d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "chart", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "034a1a1dd2c6d0d58c3c9c95754f33fd786527a1_0", "query": "What is experiential learning release in the context of #SoundLeadership and SoundStrategies, as described in the #SoundLeadership Solution?", "reference_answer": "Through hands-on activities set to the rhythm of hip-hop, participants immerse themselves in learning experiences that accelerate understanding, retention, and application of critical skills.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "034a1a1dd2c6d0d58c3c9c95754f33fd786527a1.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "02fad63af9e5d225ca97805a30691ac4da45871d_3", "query": "What is the voltage range (V_CE) for SG13S in the commercially available IHP Technologies (MPW)?", "reference_answer": "1.7V", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02fad63af9e5d225ca97805a30691ac4da45871d.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "0541896ed71e7eb1098ad3dbee66bf4444855b17_2", "query": "As the average height of Lidar increases, how does the base area change according to the Stand Effects presentation with the basal area and Lidar mean height graph, increase or decrease?", "reference_answer": "increases", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0541896ed71e7eb1098ad3dbee66bf4444855b17.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } }, { "uid": "0210a4d56ca2323da785eebec3a8132ba92889eb_0", "query": "How many hours per week are English lessons at the German International School Washington D.C. according to the obligations for Foreign Languages and Natural Sciences?", "reference_answer": "4 hr/week.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0210a4d56ca2323da785eebec3a8132ba92889eb.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "007190056808dc4305bf7199977e4d9c296df88c_3", "query": "What is the hazard ratio for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms according to the systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in outcomes after endovascular aneurysm repair presented at the 70th ESCVS Congress & 7th IMAD Meeting?", "reference_answer": "1.32", "meta_info": { "file_name": "007190056808dc4305bf7199977e4d9c296df88c.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "source_type": "table", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "031fea85e1f8e5802aa7e0eb796ee3df76837872_1", "query": "How many movements does String Quartet No. 1 by Jeremy Beck, as featured in the album of his string quartets, contain?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "031fea85e1f8e5802aa7e0eb796ee3df76837872.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "multi_hop" } }, { "uid": "05b1e568abe5fffd0959b936848d24d0f52e9b8a_0", "query": "What are the characteristics of Affiliate Code and QR Code in the context of enrolling students and earning commission as shown in the image?", "reference_answer": "1.Easy to enroll students, Just with one scan.2.Download, print, share your Affiliate QR Code.3.Earn attractive commission on enrolling students.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "05b1e568abe5fffd0959b936848d24d0f52e9b8a.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "source_type": "2d_layout", "query_type": "single_hop" } } ] }