{ "examples": [ { "uid": "17", "query": "What is the title of the presentation that ALCATEL-LUCENT made for the OVERVIEW of 2012 shown in the image?", "reference_answer": "AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alcatel-lucenteesoverview-120403090342-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of the presentation that ALCATEL-LUCENT made for the OVERVIEW of 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "15", "query": "Which receives a lower percentage of answers in the Enterprise BI complexity chart: \"Are too complex, complicated, cumbersome to use\" or \"Take too long to get results\"?", "reference_answer": "Take too long to get results", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0903organizingforbiandbigdatainthe21stcentury-clean-140922112024-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Which receives lower percentage of answers, Enterprise applications \"Are too complex, complicated, cumbersome to use\" or \"Take too long to get results\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "10", "query": "How many kinds of BICC Key Skills are depicted in the Gartner diagram?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0903organizingforbiandbigdatainthe21stcentury-clean-140922112024-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "How many kinds of BICC Key Skills are there?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "4", "query": "In the 10 years of the Nestlé Model report, did Nestlé achieve higher Organic Growth in 2003 or 2004?", "reference_answer": "2003", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "In which year did Nestlé achieve higher Organic Growth, 2003 or 2004?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2", "query": "Which achieved better performance in 2011, Organic Growth or Real Internal Growth according to the Nestle 2011 Full Year Results Roadshow?", "reference_answer": "Organic Growth", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which achieved better performance in 2011, Organic Growth or Real Internal Growth according to the Nestle 2011 Full Year Roadshow?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "13", "query": "What is the biggest reason why users sometimes choose not to use enterprise BI applications according to the Forrester Consulting study conducted on behalf of SAP, as shown in the \"Enterprise BI: Too Little Data And Too Hard to Use\" report?", "reference_answer": "Do not have all the data you need", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0903organizingforbiandbigdatainthe21stcentury-clean-140922112024-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the biggest reason why users sometimes choose not to use enterprise BI applications according to the Forrester Consulting study conducted on behalf of SAP?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "0", "query": "How much is the Trading Operating Profit in 2011 according to the Nestle 2011 Full Year Results Roadshow presentation?", "reference_answer": "12.5 bn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How much is the Trading Operating Profit in 2011 according to the Nestle 2011 Full Year Roadshow presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "6", "query": "What is the name of the brand which Nestlé acquired in 2000 as shown in the 2011 Full Year Results Roadshow slide?", "reference_answer": "PowerBar", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the brand which Nestlé acquired in 2000?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "18", "query": "What is the title of the presentation made by Alcatel-Lucent, the company that won 7 Nobel Prizes, for the OVERVIEW of 2012?", "reference_answer": "AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alcatel-lucenteesoverview-120403090342-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of the presentation that the company which had won 7 Nobel Prizes made for the OVERVIEW of 2012?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "16", "query": "In the Forrester Consulting study conducted on behalf of SAP, March 2014, what is the percentage of respondents who state \"I use only enterprise BI applications\"?", "reference_answer": "15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0903organizingforbiandbigdatainthe21stcentury-clean-140922112024-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is the percentage of the respondents who answer \"I use only enterprise BI applications\" in the Forrester Consulting study conducted on behalf of SAP, March 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "23", "query": "How many Mobile Operators are listed as References / proof of our expertise in the Alcatel-Lucent AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS slide on page 18?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alcatel-lucenteesoverview-120403090342-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "How many Mobile Operators are listed as References / proof of our expertise in the Alcatel-Lucent AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "3", "query": "Which achieved better performance in 2011, the year Nestlé acquired Prometheus, Organic Growth or Real Internal Growth?", "reference_answer": "Organic Growth", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 12 ], "origin_query": "Which achieved better performance in the year Nestlé acquired Prometheus, Organic Growth or Real Internal Growth?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "24", "query": "Which activity is undertaken by more smartphone users according to the IAA Mobile Awareness session, April 2015: Email services or Social networks?", "reference_answer": "Social networks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8eeomnwqsmdmin6levsv-signature-2693c633d5e2c6d5cfd1372a7aa1d1a8df13f59c942a848ca9497686d609bddd-poli-150601151510-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which Activity is undertaken by more smartphone users according to the IAA School Mobile Awareness session, Email services or Social networks?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "19", "query": "Which region of the world accounts for the highest percentage of 2010 revenues according to the Alcatel-Lucent Global Reach map in the AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS document?", "reference_answer": "N. America", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alcatel-lucenteesoverview-120403090342-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which region of the world accounts for the highest percentage of 2010 revenues according to the Alcatel-Lucent AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "11", "query": "How many kinds of Business Intelligence Competence Center Key Skills are there according to the BICC Key Skills diagram?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0903organizingforbiandbigdatainthe21stcentury-clean-140922112024-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 8 ], "origin_query": "How many kinds of Business Intelligence Competence Center Key Skills are there?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "9", "query": "What is the percentage of the 10-year annual average of the Real Internal Growth for Nestlé, the company with the tagline \"Good Food, Good Life,\" in the Full Year Roadshow presentation?", "reference_answer": "3.6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the percentage of the 10-year annual average of the Real Internal Growth for the company which has the tagline \"Good Food, Good Life\"?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1", "query": "How much is the Trading Operating Profit in the year Nestlé achieved its third largest Organic Growth in a decade during the 2011 Full Year Results Roadshow?", "reference_answer": "12.5 bn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 7 ], "origin_query": "How much is the Trading Operating Profit in the year Nestlé achieved the third largest Organic Growth in 10 years?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "7", "query": "What is the name of the brand which Nestlé acquired in the year Findus was divested, as shown in the 2011 Full Year Results Roadshow?", "reference_answer": "PowerBar", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the brand which Nestlé acquired in the year Findus was divested?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "30", "query": "In the .RO smartphone & data consumption insights for October 2014, which OS was used more among mobile Facebook users, Android or Windows Mobile?", "reference_answer": "Android", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8eeomnwqsmdmin6levsv-signature-2693c633d5e2c6d5cfd1372a7aa1d1a8df13f59c942a848ca9497686d609bddd-poli-150601151510-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which OS was used more among mobile Facebook users in October 2014, Android or Windows Mobile?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "27", "query": "What is the total percentage of 4G users with the 1 - 500 MB plan and the 501 MB - 1 GB plan in the UK according to the .RO smartphone & data consumption insights?", "reference_answer": "53", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8eeomnwqsmdmin6levsv-signature-2693c633d5e2c6d5cfd1372a7aa1d1a8df13f59c942a848ca9497686d609bddd-poli-150601151510-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the total percentage of 4G users with the 1 - 500 MB plan and the 501 MB - 1 GB plan in the UK?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "22", "query": "Where in Europe does Alcatel-Lucent have its IP Transformation Center, as detailed in their 2010 report of being awarded 2400 patents?", "reference_answer": "Belgium", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alcatel-lucenteesoverview-120403090342-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 7 ], "origin_query": "Where does the company which was awarded 2400 Patents in 2010 have the IP Transformation Center in Europe?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "33", "query": "How many Partner companies are listed in the example of Go to Market Notes in the GUIDE TO INVESTORPITCH document under the section labeled Example?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "a-151012171903-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "How many Partner companies are listed in the example of Go to Market Notes in the GUIDE TO INVESTORPITCH document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "31", "query": "How many points are listed for TAM Notes in the GUIDE TO INVESTORPITCH document overview diagram?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "a-151012171903-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "How many points are listed for TAM Notes in the GUIDE TO INVESTORPITCH document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "5", "query": "In the \"10 years of the Nestlé Model,\" which year did the company that divested Eismann in 2004 achieve higher Organic Growth, 2003 or 2004?", "reference_answer": "2003", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 13 ], "origin_query": "In which year did the company that divested Eismann in 2004 achieve higher Organic Growth, 2003 or 2004?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "32", "query": "What is the abbreviation for Sales Qualified Leads in the Marketing & Sales Plan diagram?", "reference_answer": "SQL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "a-151012171903-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the abbreviation for Sales Qualified Leads?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "26", "query": "Which country spent the most on Mobile display ads in the year when 79,300 Romanian people used Twitter, according to IAB Europe AdEx Benchmark 2013 report?", "reference_answer": "Turkey", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8eeomnwqsmdmin6levsv-signature-2693c633d5e2c6d5cfd1372a7aa1d1a8df13f59c942a848ca9497686d609bddd-poli-150601151510-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 10 ], "origin_query": "Which country spend the most in Mobile display ads in the year 79300 Romanian use Twitter, according to IAB Europe AdEx Benchmark (2013)?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "8", "query": "What is the percentage of Nestlé's 10-year annual average of the real internal growth in the 10 years of the Nestlé Model presentation?", "reference_answer": "3.6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the percentage of Nestlé's 10-year annual average of the real internal growth?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "14", "query": "In the context of Enterprise BI: Too Little Data And Too Hard to Use, what is the biggest reason why users sometimes choose not to use the applications, data of which are not mostly trusted by 8% users?", "reference_answer": "Do not have all the data you need", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0903organizingforbiandbigdatainthe21stcentury-clean-140922112024-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17, 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the biggest reason why users sometimes choose not to use the applications, data of which are not mostly trusted by 8% users?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "28", "query": "Which country, Russia or Hungary, had the higher percentage of Tablet Pageviews according to the .RO smartphone & data consumption insights, June 2014?", "reference_answer": "Russia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8eeomnwqsmdmin6levsv-signature-2693c633d5e2c6d5cfd1372a7aa1d1a8df13f59c942a848ca9497686d609bddd-poli-150601151510-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which country had the higher percentage of Tablet Pageviews in June 2014, Russia or Hungary?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "21", "query": "Where does Alcatel-Lucent have the IP Transformation Center in Europe according to the Global Reach map showing % of 2010 revenues?", "reference_answer": "Belgium", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alcatel-lucenteesoverview-120403090342-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Where does Alcatel-Lucent have the IP Transformation Center in Europe?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "35", "query": "What are listed as the examples of Social characteristics in A framework of psychological meaning in Advertising Psychology?", "reference_answer": "gender, social class, marital status, occupation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "advertisingpsychologyfinal-090705155755-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What are listed as the examples of Social characteristics in A framework of psychological meaning?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "38", "query": "In the document \"China's Subnational Debts: Problems and Suggestions\" by the Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, according to the debt-repayment table for subnational debts, in which year may Subnational Debts be relieved more by Government, 2015 or 2016?", "reference_answer": "2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1shangxichinassubnationaldebts-issuesandsuggestions-160229201053_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "In the document \"China's Subnational Debts: Problems and Suggestions\" by the Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, in which year may Subnational Debts be relieved more by Government, 2015 or 2016?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "29", "query": "Which country had the higher percentage of Tablet Pageviews in June 2014, Russia or the country where 61 million euros was spent in online display ads in 2013, as shown in the RO smartphone & data consumption insights?", "reference_answer": "Russia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8eeomnwqsmdmin6levsv-signature-2693c633d5e2c6d5cfd1372a7aa1d1a8df13f59c942a848ca9497686d609bddd-poli-150601151510-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "Which country had the higher percentage of Tablet Pageviews in June 2014, Russia or the country where 61 million euros was spent in online display ads in 2013?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "44", "query": "Who is the author of the book titled \"Reinventing Organizations\" displayed with butterflies on the cover?", "reference_answer": "FREDERIC LALOUX", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agileenterprise-reinventingorgs-150402022438-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Who is the author of the book titled \"Reinventing organizations\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "12", "query": "What is the total percentage that wait Minutes and Hours for an average BI request according to the Forrester Consulting study in the \"Enterprise Systems Are Too Slow\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "65", "meta_info": { "file_name": "0903organizingforbiandbigdatainthe21stcentury-clean-140922112024-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What is the total percentage that wait Minutes and Hours for an average BI request according to the Forrester Consulting study conducted on behalf of SAP?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "34", "query": "What is the Major objective in Advertising Psychology, as highlighted in the 2/19/2015 presentation, other than capturing attention and making a useful lasting impression?", "reference_answer": "Arouse and hold interest", "meta_info": { "file_name": "advertisingpsychologyfinal-090705155755-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the Major objective in Advertising Psychology other than capturing attention and making a useful lasting impression?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "25", "query": "According to the IAB Europe AdEx Benchmark (2013), which country spent the most on mobile display ads in 2013 as referenced in the .RO smartphone & data consumption insights?", "reference_answer": "Turkey", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8eeomnwqsmdmin6levsv-signature-2693c633d5e2c6d5cfd1372a7aa1d1a8df13f59c942a848ca9497686d609bddd-poli-150601151510-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which country spend the most in Mobile display ads in 2013, according to IAB Europe AdEx Benchmark (2013)?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "36", "query": "What is a term that refers to the way work is assigned to the team in the Agile Scrum Framework, as depicted in the Command and Control illustration?", "reference_answer": "Command", "meta_info": { "file_name": "a-3-c2b8b6654f47bdfbff1433386996d789694f921a-150414014636-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What is a term that refers to the way work is assigned to the team in the Agile Scrum Framework?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "42", "query": "In the context of atypical appendicitis presentations, which part of the appendix shows signs/symptoms of diarrhoea and crampy pain?", "reference_answer": "Retro/paraileal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "acuteappendicitis-110202065502-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 15 ], "origin_query": "Which part of the organ, the Inflammation of which is called Appendicitis, shows the Signs/symptoms of Diarrhoea and crampy pain?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "46", "query": "What is the title of the author of \"Changes of Mind\" mentioned in Jenny Wade's endorsement on the \"Reinventing Organizations\" cover?", "reference_answer": "Ph.D.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agileenterprise-reinventingorgs-150402022438-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of the author of \"Changes of Mind\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "20", "query": "Which region of the world accounts for the highest percentage of revenues in the year 12% GROWTH is achieved according to the Alcatel-Lucent AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS document?", "reference_answer": "N. America", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alcatel-lucenteesoverview-120403090342-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 20 ], "origin_query": "Which region of the world accounts for the highest percentage of revenues in the year 12% GROWTH is achieved according to the Alcatel-Lucent AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "39", "query": "According to the China Subnational Debts report, as of June 2013, are Provincial-level government debts or Municipal-level government debts bigger?", "reference_answer": "Municipal-level government debts", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1shangxichinassubnationaldebts-issuesandsuggestions-160229201053_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which are the bigger Debts to be repaid as of June 2013, Provincial-level government debts or Municipal-level government debts according to the China Subnational Debts report by the Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "55", "query": "What is the tagline of APOTEX featured in the Production Scale Up presentation?", "reference_answer": "ADVANCING GENERICS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8apr2015gdfsession4-150408094801-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What is the tagline of APOTEX?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "48", "query": "Who is the first author of \"Gray's Anatomy Fortieth Edition\" as mentioned in the vascular structures inspection image?", "reference_answer": "Standring S", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014periorbitalandupperfaceamimodulebnl01332014x-140707165029-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Who is the first author of \"Gray's Anatomy Fortieth Edition\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "56", "query": "What comes between community resources and community change in the flow chart within the Social Velocity Theory of Change diagram?", "reference_answer": "Nonprofit", "meta_info": { "file_name": "5benefitsofanonprofittheoryofchange-160229202540_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What comes between community resources and community change in the flow chart within the Social Velocity Theory of Change?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "40", "query": "What occurs prior to the Irritation of parietal peritoneum according to the Time Course of appendiceal obstruction and early appendicitis?", "reference_answer": "Appendiceal distension", "meta_info": { "file_name": "acuteappendicitis-110202065502-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What occurs prior to the Irritation of parietal peritoneum in the context of appendiceal obstruction and early appendicitis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "50", "query": "How many icons are used to explain the Contents of \"Treating the periorbital region\" in the Allergan Medical Institute document shown in the image?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014periorbitalandupperfaceamimodulebnl01332014x-140707165029-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "How many icons are used to explain the Contents of \"Treating the periorbital region\" in the Allergan Medical Institute document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "41", "query": "Which part of the atypical presentations appendix shows the signs/symptoms of diarrhoea and crampy pain?", "reference_answer": "Retro/paraileal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "acuteappendicitis-110202065502-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which part of the appendix shows the signs/symptoms of diarrhoea and crampy pain in the context of atypical presentations?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "49", "query": "What is the name of the company that publishes \"Gray's Anatomy Fortieth Edition\" as mentioned in the vascular structure inspection image?", "reference_answer": "Elsevier", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014periorbitalandupperfaceamimodulebnl01332014x-140707165029-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the company that publishes \"Gray's Anatomy Fortieth Edition\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "57", "query": "What directly follows \"conduct market research to refine\" in the figure of the Social Velocity Strategic Plan Process funnel?", "reference_answer": "Refine Vision/Mission", "meta_info": { "file_name": "5benefitsofanonprofittheoryofchange-160229202540_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What directly follows \"conduct market research to refine\" in the figure within the Social Velocity Strategic Plan Process?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "45", "query": "Who is the author of the book \"Reinventing Organizations,\" which shares the title with the section title of the presentation by Michael Sahota and Olaf Lewitz?", "reference_answer": "FREDERIC LALOUX", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agileenterprise-reinventingorgs-150402022438-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 14 ], "origin_query": "Who is the author of the book, the title of which is the same as the section title of the presentation by Michael Sahota and Olaf Lewitz?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "51", "query": "What is the title of the presentation made on April 8th, 2015, at Hotel Regent Plaza, Karachi, featuring Obaid Ali & Roohi B. Obaid?", "reference_answer": "Generic Drugs & Promise of Regulatory Science", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8apr2015gdfsession4-150408094801-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of the presentation made on April 8th, 2015 at Hotel Regent Plaza, Karachi?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "58", "query": "In the Social Velocity diagram, how many steps are there in the theory of change leading to sustainable community change?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "5benefitsofanonprofittheoryofchange-160229202540_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "How many steps are there in the theory of change leading to sustainable community change?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "68", "query": "How many countries are detailed in the Global Digital Statistics 2014 report by We Are Social, as shown on the map?", "reference_answer": "24", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014globaldigitalsociallandscape-140803004322-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "How many countries are detailed in the Global Digital Statistics 2014 report by We Are Social?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "65", "query": "What is Old Act Section 4 converted to in the Comparative Provisions of Old Act and New Act?", "reference_answer": "11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1-150711120533-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is Old Act Section 4 in the New Act Section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "63", "query": "What is the content of Chapter IV in the Chapter Scheme of New Act for the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act 2013?", "reference_answer": "Notification and Acquisition", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1-150711120533-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the content of Chapter IV in the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "60", "query": "What are two example categories of organization goals illustrated in the Goals & Objectives slide?", "reference_answer": "Money, People & Infrastructure", "meta_info": { "file_name": "5benefitsofanonprofittheoryofchange-160229202540_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What are two example categories of organization goals?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "64", "query": "What Institutional Structures exist at the Central Govt. Level according to the Institutional Structure diagram?", "reference_answer": "National Monitoring Committee, Oversight at Central Level for all projects", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1-150711120533-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What Institutional Structures exist at the Central Govt. Level?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "62", "query": "In the diagram about land acquisition strategies, the transparent process of Land Acquisitions is an example of what?", "reference_answer": "Objectives", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1-150711120533-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Transparent process of Land Acquisitions is an example of what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "61", "query": "What is the given milestone for the revenue goal in thousands of dollars according to the 2016 Operational Plan mentioned in the Social Velocity document table?", "reference_answer": "120", "meta_info": { "file_name": "5benefitsofanonprofittheoryofchange-160229202540_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What is the given milestone for the revenue goal in thousands of dollars according to the 2016 Operational Plan in the Social Velocity document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "72", "query": "What is the WORLD AVERAGE INTERNET PENETRATION rate as a percent in the January 2014 report?", "reference_answer": "35", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014globaldigitalsociallandscape-140803004322-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the WORLD AVERAGE INTERNET PENETRATION rate as a percent?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "73", "query": "Which SOCIAL PLATFORM has the most users according to the January 2014 ACTIVE USERS BY SOCIAL PLATFORM report by We Are Social?", "reference_answer": "FACEBOOK", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014globaldigitalsociallandscape-140803004322-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which SOCIAL PLATFORM has the most users according to the GLOBAL DIGITAL STATISTICS 2014 report by We Are Social?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "59", "query": "How many steps are outlined in the Social Velocity Theory of Change that answers 5 key questions leading to sustainable community change?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "5benefitsofanonprofittheoryofchange-160229202540_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "How many steps are there in the theory which answers 5 key questions leading to sustainable community change?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "67", "query": "What did the act, which made no provision about social impact assessment in the paradigm shifts from the Land Acquisition Act 1894 to the LARR Act 2013, say about compensation?", "reference_answer": "Based on the market value", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1-150711120533-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 14 ], "origin_query": "What did the act which made no provision about social impact assessment say about Compensation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "66", "query": "What did the 1894 Act state about Compensation in the context of the Land Acquisition paradigm shift comparison?", "reference_answer": "Based on the market value", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1-150711120533-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What did the 1894 Act say about Compensation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "76", "query": "What are the two components of the Container request in the \"Future: Simplified Allocation\" section of the Spark on YARN: The Road Ahead presentation by Marcelo Vanzin?", "reference_answer": "vcores = x, memory = y", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02marcelovanzen-150624000117-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are the two components of the Container request in the Spark on YARN: The Road Ahead presentation by Marcelo Vanzin?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "69", "query": "How many countries are detailed in the report titled \"GLOBAL DIGITAL STATISTICS 2014\" as shown in the We Are Social snapshot?", "reference_answer": "24", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014globaldigitalsociallandscape-140803004322-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 2 ], "origin_query": "How many countries are detailed in the report titled \"GLOBAL DIGITAL STATISTICS 2014\"?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "74", "query": "What percentage of the TOTAL POPULATION in NORTH AMERICA are ACTIVE SOCIAL NETWORK USERS as shown in the January 2014 We Are Social report?", "reference_answer": "56", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014globaldigitalsociallandscape-140803004322-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the TOTAL POPULATION in NORTH AMERICA are ACTIVE SOCIAL NETWORK USERS?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "70", "query": "How can We Are Social be contacted according to the Global Digital Statistics 2014 report slide presented by We Are Social?", "reference_answer": "Email, Twitter, Phone, Website", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014globaldigitalsociallandscape-140803004322-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How can We Are Social be contacted according to the Global Digital Statistics 2014 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "37", "query": "In the Debt-repayment Situation table from the report on Full Caliber Subnational Debts, in which year is the percentage of Subnational Debts guaranteed by Governments higher, 2015 or 2016?", "reference_answer": "2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1shangxichinassubnationaldebts-issuesandsuggestions-160229201053_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "In which year is the percentage of the Subnational Debts guaranteed by Governments higher, 2015 or 2016?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "77", "query": "What additional components are included in the w/ Delegation Tokens setup compared to the No Delegation Tokens in the Security: Delegation Tokens graph?", "reference_answer": "Driver, HDFS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "02marcelovanzen-150624000117-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What additional components are there w/ Delegation Tokens compared to No Delegation Tokens?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "53", "query": "How many points are listed to explain that a generic drug is the same as a brand name drug in the \"Generic-A Great Claim\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8apr2015gdfsession4-150408094801-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How many points are listed to explain that A generic drug is the same as brand name drug?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "47", "query": "Which is indicated as the BARRIER to further AGILE ADOPTION by more respondents in the VersionOne 2013 image, Management support or Project complexity?", "reference_answer": "Management support", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agileenterprise-reinventingorgs-150402022438-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which is answered as the BARRIER to further AGILE ADOPTION by more respondents, Management support or Project complexity?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "80", "query": "What is PREDICTIVE Behavior as shown in Vincenzo De Florio's behavior classification diagram?", "reference_answer": "Distance from predicted position of goal steers the behavior", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014-11-14-inriaprovappt-141112043127-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is PREDICTIVE Behavior?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "54", "query": "How many points are listed to explain that a generic drug, facing three Great Challenges like Therapeutic Equivalency, is the same as a brand name drug?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8apr2015gdfsession4-150408094801-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "How many points are listed to explain that a drug which has three Great Challenges such as Therapeutic Equivalency is the same as brand name drug?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "52", "query": "Who are the speakers of Session 4 titled \"Emerging Challenges & Radar Navigation\" in the Generic Drugs & Promise of Regulatory Science presentation?", "reference_answer": "Obaid Ali, Roohi B. Obaid", "meta_info": { "file_name": "8apr2015gdfsession4-150408094801-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Who are the speakers of the Session titled \"Emerging Challenges & Radar Navigation\" in the Generic Drugs & Promise of Regulatory Science presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "78", "query": "What are Vincenzo De Florio's affiliations in \"A Behavioral Interpretation of Resilience and Antifragility\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "MOSAIC, Universiteit Antwerpen, iMinds", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014-11-14-inriaprovappt-141112043127-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What are Vincenzo De Florio's affiliations?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "85", "query": "What is DiABETES UK's slogan in their collaboration with Garfield Weston Foundation and Nonsense?", "reference_answer": "CARE, CONNECT, CAMPAIGN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "20140706whatcanfundraiserslearnfromrappers-140707171243-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is DiABETES UK's slogan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "81", "query": "What are examples of Architectures mentioned in the Graal and Truffle presentation by Thomas Wuerthinger at MODULARITY in Lugano, as shown in the Dimensions of Extensibility diagram?", "reference_answer": "X86, SPARC, HSAIL, PTX", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014-04-24graalmodularity-140505094942-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of Architectures mentioned in the Graal and Truffle presentation by Thomas Wuerthinger at MODULARITY in Lugano?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "83", "query": "What do you need to know to get into content according to the \"Have Clear Objectives!\" principle in the 7 Key Principles of Content Marketing for Fundraisers?", "reference_answer": "what organisational goals it's helping with, which parts of your fundraising efforts you're assisting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "20140706whatcanfundraiserslearnfromrappers-140707171243-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What do you need to know to get into content according to the 7 Key Principles of Content Marketing for Fundraisers?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "90", "query": "Did eBook Penetration in school libraries increase or decrease from 2011 to 2012 according to the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration?", "reference_answer": "Decrease", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2013alapurchasing-130214144910-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Did eBook Penetration in School libraries increase or decrease from 2011 to 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "84", "query": "What is # TYPE 1 UNCUT about in the context of the Diabetes UK Care.Connect campaign collaboration with Nonsense?", "reference_answer": "TALKING LIFE WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "20140706whatcanfundraiserslearnfromrappers-140707171243-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is # TYPE 1 UNCUT about in the context of the Diabetes UK Care.Connect campaign?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "94", "query": "What are the components of a Vendor Interface as shown in the circular diagram?", "reference_answer": "Search/Discover, Highlight, Print, Bookmark, Copy/Paste, Download", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2013alapurchasing-130214144910-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What are the components of a Vendor Interface?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "92", "query": "What is the user experience of an eBook composed of according to the \"Collection decisions have a direct impact on service delivery\" slide in the Purchasing E-books for your Library presentation by Sue Polanka?", "reference_answer": "eBook content, vendor choice", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2013alapurchasing-130214144910-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the user experience of an eBook composed of according to the Purchasing E-books for your Library presentation by Sue Polanka?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "97", "query": "What is the average rating in the sample according to the \"Examples of Analytics: Customer Sentiment\" in the Agile Data Science presentation by Joel S Horwitz?", "reference_answer": "4.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agiledatascience-140624145954-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the average rating in the sample according to the Agile Data Science presentation by Joel S Horwitz?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "95", "query": "What are the components of the Agile Data Science Feedback Loop depicted in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "Cultivating Data Intuition, Instrumentation / Data Collection, Results & Interpretation, Analysis & Design", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agiledatascience-140624145954-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are the components of the Agile Data Science Feedback Loop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "71", "query": "How can the company, as shown in the We Are Social contact details, which details 24 countries in the Global Digital Statistics 2014 report, be contacted?", "reference_answer": "Email, Twitter, Phone, Website", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014globaldigitalsociallandscape-140803004322-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "How can the company which details 24 countries in the Global Digital Statistics 2014 report be contacted?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "88", "query": "According to the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration 2010-2012, is eBook Penetration higher in Public or Academic libraries?", "reference_answer": "Academic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2013alapurchasing-130214144910-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Is eBook Penetration higher in Public or Academic libraries according to the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration 2010-2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "86", "query": "What are the six parts of CONCERN'S COLLABORATION MODEL as shown in the circular diagram with overlapping spheres?", "reference_answer": "Policy & campaigns, Individual Giving, Creative Agency, Donor Care, Media Partner, Comms.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "20140706whatcanfundraiserslearnfromrappers-140707171243-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What are the six parts of CONCERN'S COLLABORATION MODEL?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "89", "query": "Is Penetration of the book, access levels of which range from public domain to short term loan or rentals, higher in Public or Academic libraries according to the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration-2010-2012?", "reference_answer": "Academic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2013alapurchasing-130214144910-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 18 ], "origin_query": "Is Penetration of the book, access levels of which range from public domain to short term loan or rentals, higher in Public or Academic libraries according to the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration-2010-2012?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "96", "query": "What is the example of Open Source Technologies in the Analytics Sandbox, the name of which starts with A?", "reference_answer": "Apache", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agiledatascience-140624145954-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the example of Open Source Technologies, the name of which start with A?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "98", "query": "How many comments were analyzed in the Customer Sentiment section of the Agile Data Science presentation by Joel S Horwitz, as shown in the \"Examples of Analytics: Customer Sentiment\" slide?", "reference_answer": "2796", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agiledatascience-140624145954-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "How many comments were analyzed in the Customer Sentiment section of the Agile Data Science presentation by Joel S Horwitz?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "82", "query": "What does every good hip hop artist know according to the Nonsense Creative Digital Agency presentation about collaboration?", "reference_answer": "power of collaboration", "meta_info": { "file_name": "20140706whatcanfundraiserslearnfromrappers-140707171243-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What does every good hip hop artist know according to the Nonsense Creative Digital Agency presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "99", "query": "What are four examples of addictive drugs that are Biologically Active Amines according to the Chapter 19 presentation?", "reference_answer": "cocaine in coca leaves, nicotine in tobacco, mescaline in peyote cactus, morphine in opium poppies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "19-amines-wade7th-140409034223-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What are four examples of addictive drugs that are Biologically Active Amines?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "87", "query": "What are the six parts of the CONCERN COLLABORATION MODEL where James leads the UK digital strategy?", "reference_answer": "Policy & campaigns, Individual Giving, Creative Agency, Donor Care, Media Partner, Comms.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "20140706whatcanfundraiserslearnfromrappers-140707171243-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 17 ], "origin_query": "What are the six parts of COLLABORATION MODEL of the organization where James has a role of leading the UK digital strategy?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "102", "query": "What does DEVOPS connect to in the diagram within the ThoughtWorks S° presentation titled \"WHEN ENTERPRISE MEETS DEVOPS\" showing the transition from tech problems?", "reference_answer": "BUSINESS PROBLEMS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agile-australia-when-enterprise-meets-devops-150623023618-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What does DEVOPS connect to in the diagram within the ThoughtWorks S° presentation titled \"WHEN ENTERPRISE MEETS DEVOPS\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "107", "query": "What is Marta Klepka, CEE's affiliation in the presentation titled \"Automation, Integration and Effectiveness - Programmatic Buying and Its’ Future in CEE\"?", "reference_answer": "Publicis Groupe", "meta_info": { "file_name": "24042014iforumkievmartaklepkapublicisgroupe-140514070615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is Marta Klepka, CEE's affiliation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "106", "query": "What are the categories of the Key points of differentiation according to the VivaKi slide?", "reference_answer": "Transparency, Programmatic, Scale, reach and quality, Technology, Data policy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "24042014iforumkievmartaklepkapublicisgroupe-140514070615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are the categories of the Key points of differentiation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "100", "query": "What are the components of the ENVIRONMENT in the ThoughtWorks S° presentation on the Enterprise DevOps Adoption Model?", "reference_answer": "People, Organization, Laws, Regulations, Culture, Competitors", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agile-australia-when-enterprise-meets-devops-150623023618-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What are the components of the ENVIRONMENT in the ThoughtWorks S° presentation on DevOps adoption?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "104", "query": "In the diagram \"UNDERSTAND THE ORGANIZATION, PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT,\" what level comes between GENERAL ENVIRONMENT and YOUR ORGANIZATION?", "reference_answer": "INDUSTRY/SECTOR ENVIRONMENT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agile-australia-when-enterprise-meets-devops-150623023618-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What level comes between GENERAL ENVIRONMENT and YOUR ORGANIZATION in the diagram?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "110", "query": "What are the three types of Fabric manufacturing technology highlighted in the flow chart?", "reference_answer": "Weaving, Knitting, Non-Woven", "meta_info": { "file_name": "afabric-manufacturing-150314104020-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What are the three types of Fabric manufacturing technology?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "119", "query": "In the A/B Testing process by Wyatt Jenkins, is the validation of idea generation qualitative or quantitative?", "reference_answer": "Quantitative", "meta_info": { "file_name": "a-btest-150414213438-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Is the validation of idea generation in the A/B Testing process by Wyatt Jenkins qualitative or quantitative?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "117", "query": "What percentage of Users have an average Session Duration of under one minute according to the A/B Testing graphic inspired by Dan Siroker & Wyatt Jenkins?", "reference_answer": "50", "meta_info": { "file_name": "a-btest-150414213438-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of Users have an average Session Duration of under one minute according to the A/B Testing inspired by Dan Siroker & Wyatt Jenkins?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "118", "query": "What are examples of tools that can be used according to the A/B Testing presentation by Wyatt Jenkins in relation to defining quantifiable success metrics?", "reference_answer": "Google Analytics, Parse Analytics, KISSmetrics, mixpanel", "meta_info": { "file_name": "a-btest-150414213438-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of tools that can be used according to the A/B Testing presentation by Wyatt Jenkins?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "105", "query": "What is the Data policy mentioned in the VIVAKI programmatic buying framework according to the Key Points of Differentiation?", "reference_answer": "No data is shared between clients under any circumstances", "meta_info": { "file_name": "24042014iforumkievmartaklepkapublicisgroupe-140514070615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the Data policy mentioned in the VIVAKI programmatic buying framework?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "112", "query": "What are the steps of Weft Preparation between Spinning bobbin and Weaving in the Flow Chart of Weaving?", "reference_answer": "Winding", "meta_info": { "file_name": "afabric-manufacturing-150314104020-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are the steps of Weft Preparation between Spinning bobbin and Weaving?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "103", "query": "What does the process of continuous improvement within the DevOps discussion in the ThoughtWorks S° presentation connect to in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "BUSINESS PROBLEMS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agile-australia-when-enterprise-meets-devops-150623023618-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 10 ], "origin_query": "What does the thing which is a process of continuous improvement connect to in the diagram within the ThoughtWorks S° presentation on DevOps?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "75", "query": "What percentage of the TOTAL POPULATION in North America, where there are 252M mobile broadband subscriptions, are ACTIVE SOCIAL NETWORK USERS?", "reference_answer": "56", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014globaldigitalsociallandscape-140803004322-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16, 17 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the TOTAL POPULATION in the region where there are 252M mobile broadband subscriptions are ACTIVE SOCIAL NETWORK USERS?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "101", "query": "What is Hilton Sydney's star rating in the Business Challenge map view?", "reference_answer": "3.9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agile-australia-when-enterprise-meets-devops-150623023618-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is Hilton Sydney's star rating?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "108", "query": "What did the ONLINE DISPLAY do according to the VIVAKI Automation, Integration and Effectiveness Programmatic Buying presentation by Rubicon Project?", "reference_answer": "HID SERIOUS INEFFICIENCIES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "24042014iforumkievmartaklepkapublicisgroupe-140514070615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What did the ONLINE DISPLAY do according to the VIVAKI Automation, Integration and Effectiveness Programmatic Buying presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "114", "query": "What are the elements of Production & Productivity in the End to End solution across the agri-value chain?", "reference_answer": "Best Practices, Community extension, Farmer field Schools", "meta_info": { "file_name": "141121organicwayforward-141123090600-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What are the elements of Production & Productivity?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "113", "query": "What are the elements of Resource Conservation in the End to End solution across the agri-value chain?", "reference_answer": "Soil Fertility, Water harvesting and Moisture conservation, Seeds and Biodiversity", "meta_info": { "file_name": "141121organicwayforward-141123090600-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What are the elements of Resource Conservation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "43", "query": "What percentage of respondents cited General resistance to change as a BARRIER to Agile ADOPTION according to the VersionOne 2013 report?", "reference_answer": "42", "meta_info": { "file_name": "agileenterprise-reinventingorgs-150402022438-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the percentage of the respondents who answer General resistance to change is the BARRIER to further AGILE ADOPTION?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "91", "query": "Did the penetration of eBooks in school libraries, as shown in the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration 2010-2012, increase or decrease from 2011 to 2012?", "reference_answer": "Decrease", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2013alapurchasing-130214144910-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Did the penetration of eBooks, which can be read through services such as ePUB and Kindle, in school libraries increase or decrease from 2011 to 2012 according to the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration-2010-2012?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "79", "query": "What are the affiliations of Vincenzo De Florio, who states that resilient behaviors are active behaviors intended to retain the system identity, in the document titled \"A Behavioral Interpretation of Resilience and Antifragility\"?", "reference_answer": "MOSAIC, Universiteit Antwerpen, iMinds", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014-11-14-inriaprovappt-141112043127-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 8 ], "origin_query": "What are the affiliations of Vincenzo De Florio, who states that resilient behaviors are active behaviors intended to retain the system identity, in the document \"A Behavioral Interpretation of Resilience and Antifragility\"?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "109", "query": "Which Buy type in the VIVAKI programmatic buying framework, according to the diagram, has the Reservation type specifically classified as Reserved?", "reference_answer": "Automated guaranteed", "meta_info": { "file_name": "24042014iforumkievmartaklepkapublicisgroupe-140514070615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which Buy type in the VIVAKI programmatic buying framework has the Reservation type classified as Reserved?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "123", "query": "When is the Tomb Sweeping Festival according to the China Outbound public holiday list?", "reference_answer": "5 April", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinatourismreport-100310054348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "When is the Tomb Sweeping Festival?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "93", "query": "What is the user experience of the eBook, which had lower penetration in schools compared to public in 2012, composed of according to the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration?", "reference_answer": "eBook content, vendor choice", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2013alapurchasing-130214144910-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the user experience of the eBook, which penetrated less in schools than in public in 2012, composed of according to the Library Journal Survey of Ebook Penetration?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "115", "query": "What role does Sahaja Aharam play in linking farmers to consumers, as shown on their website?", "reference_answer": "consumers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "141121organicwayforward-141123090600-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Sahaja Aharam links farmers to consumers.", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "116", "query": "The Sahaja Aharam F2C initiative to create a meeting ground for nature-friendly consumers and farmers links farmers to whom?", "reference_answer": "consumers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "141121organicwayforward-141123090600-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "The F2C initiative to create a meeting ground for nature-friendly consumers and farmers links farmers to whom?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "125", "query": "What directly follows DNA extraction and PCR on the flow chart in the PhD Credit Seminar presentation by Waseem Hussain on Association Mapping and Its Role in Crop Improvement?", "reference_answer": "Electrophoresis segregation analysis", "meta_info": { "file_name": "associationmappinginplants-150413205026-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What directly follows DNA extraction and PCR on the flow chart in the PhD Credit Seminar presentation by Waseem Hussain on Association Mapping and Its Role in Crop Improvement?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "127", "query": "What are two approaches for Association mapping shown in the diagram illustrating genetic analysis methods?", "reference_answer": "Candidate gene, Genome wide", "meta_info": { "file_name": "associationmappinginplants-150413205026-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What are two approaches for Association mapping?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "126", "query": "How does the cost and ease of LD mapping compare to conventional methods in the Advantages of Association Mapping Over Conventional Mapping presented by Waseem Hussain?", "reference_answer": "Less cost and reduced time", "meta_info": { "file_name": "associationmappinginplants-150413205026-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "How does the cost and ease of LD mapping compare to conventional methods in the context of Association Mapping and its Role in Crop Improvement presented by Waseem Hussain?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "122", "query": "What is the literacy rate as a percentage in the People's Republic of China according to the China Fact Sheet by Stark Tourism Forum?", "reference_answer": "90.9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinatourismreport-100310054348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the literacy rate as a percentage in the People's Republic of China?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "120", "query": "How many major languages are listed in the China Fact Sheet for the People's Republic of China?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinatourismreport-100310054348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many major languages are there in the People's Republic of China?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "134", "query": "What level comes between \"all managers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization who manage first line managers\" and Non-managerial Employees in the Organizational Levels pyramid?", "reference_answer": "First-line Managers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What level comes between \"all managers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization who manage first line managers\" and Non-managerial Employees?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "131", "query": "Who are the authors of the book entitled \"Management\" pictured in the Chapter 1 presentation on Introduction to Management and Organizations?", "reference_answer": "Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter, Robin Stuart-Kotze", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "Who are the authors of the book entitled \"Management\" pictured in the presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "140", "query": "What are two types of bearings in the Classification of Bearings diagram?", "reference_answer": "ANTIFRICTION, FRICTION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bearing1-151117114834-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of bearings?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "111", "query": "What are the three types of manufacturing technology in the flow chart for a manufactured assembly of fibres or yarns that has substantial surface area in relation to its thickness and sufficient cohesion to give the assembly useful mechanical strength?", "reference_answer": "Weaving, Knitting, Non-Woven", "meta_info": { "file_name": "afabric-manufacturing-150314104020-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "What are the three types of manufacturing technology for a manufactured assembly of fibres or yarns that has substantial surface area in relation to its thickness and sufficient cohesion to give the assembly useful mechanical strength?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "130", "query": "What are two advantages to Genome wide Association as indicated in the table of genetic methods for complex traits?", "reference_answer": "Fine mapping, Detection of common alleles", "meta_info": { "file_name": "associationmappinginplants-150413205026-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What are two advantages to Genome wide Association?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "135", "query": "What does management strive for according to Exhibit 1.2 in the Canadian Seventh Edition of \"Management\" by Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter?", "reference_answer": "Low resource waste, High goal attainment", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What does management strive for according to the Canadian Seventh Edition of \"Management\" by Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "129", "query": "How many steps are there in the general procedure for association mapping as illustrated in the diagram of approaches to association mapping?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "associationmappinginplants-150413205026-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many steps are there in the general procedure for association mapping?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "124", "query": "How many days off do people get for National Day according to the China Outbound report by CSTARK Tourism Forum's list of public holidays?", "reference_answer": "3 days off extended to 1 week", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinatourismreport-100310054348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "How many days off do people get for National Day according to the China Outbound report by CSTARK Tourism Forum?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "121", "query": "How many major languages are listed in the China Fact Sheet for the People's Republic of China, which has control over mainland China and territories including Hong Kong and Macau?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinatourismreport-100310054348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "How many major languages are there in the country that has control over mainland China and the largely self-governing territories of Hong Kong (since 1997) and Macau (since 1999)?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "133", "query": "In the Organizational Levels pyramid (Exhibit 1.1), what level comes between Middle Managers and Non-managerial Employees?", "reference_answer": "First-line Managers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What level comes between Middle Managers and Non-managerial Employees?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "148", "query": "Who funds academia according to the Open Science presentation by Peter Murray-Rust at Opencon2015 about the Publisher-Academic complex?", "reference_answer": "Taxpayer, Student", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bologna1-151118100554-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Who funds academia according to the Open Science presentation by Peter Murray-Rust at Opencon2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "139", "query": "Are technical skills, which require knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field, considered more important for top management or lower-level management according to the Canadian Seventh Edition of Management by Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, as shown in Exhibit 1.5?", "reference_answer": "Lower-level Management", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 15 ], "origin_query": "Are technical skills, which require knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field, more important for top management or lower-level management according to the Canadian Seventh Edition of Management by Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "138", "query": "In the Canadian Seventh Edition of Management by Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, are technical skills more crucial for top management or lower-level management?", "reference_answer": "Lower-level Management", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Are technical skills more important for top management or lower-level management according to the Canadian Seventh Edition of Management by Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "147", "query": "The Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics is affiliated with which university, as shown in the ChemicalTagger information?", "reference_answer": "University of Cambridge", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bologna1-151118100554-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "The Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics is affiliated with which university?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "144", "query": "According to the CAB Automotive Buyers Study on key influencers, which factor has the weakest influence on a buyer's consideration list?", "reference_answer": "Likes / tweets by auto manufacturer on social media", "meta_info": { "file_name": "autoreport-cs6-140415111854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which factor has the weakest influence on a buyer's consideration list according to the CAB Automotive Buyers Study?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "143", "query": "In the \"Getting on the Short List: A Buyer’s Vehicle Consideration\" study, what percentage of vehicle buyers include 3 or less brands in their consideration list?", "reference_answer": "82", "meta_info": { "file_name": "autoreport-cs6-140415111854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of vehicle buyers include 3 or less brands in their consideration list?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "149", "query": "What do publishers provide to academia according to the Open Science presentation by Peter Murray-Rust at Opencon2015, as depicted in the Publisher-Academic complex diagram?", "reference_answer": "Glory", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bologna1-151118100554-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What do publishers provide to academia according to the Open Science presentation by Peter Murray-Rust at Opencon2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "132", "query": "Who are the authors of the book titled \"Management\" featured in the presentation about coordinating work activities efficiently and effectively?", "reference_answer": "Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter, Robin Stuart-Kotze", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 7 ], "origin_query": "Who are the authors of the book about the process of coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people pictured in the presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "141", "query": "What are two types of devices mentioned in the classification of bearings that permit constrained relative motion between two parts, typically rotation or linear movement?", "reference_answer": "ANTIFRICTION, FRICTION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bearing1-151117114834-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 5 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of a device to permit constrained relative motion between two parts, typically rotation or linear movement?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "153", "query": "In what year was the 1st oil crisis noted in the BASF Agricultural Resilience slide?", "reference_answer": "1973", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagrosolutions2011-110808043440-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "In what year was the 1st oil crisis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "155", "query": "What has explicit rules for a.com, b.com and c.com according to the reverse proxy illustration?", "reference_answer": "reverse proxy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachecon2014-140414104319-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What has explicit rules for a.com, b.com and c.com?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "154", "query": "How many technology waves are identified in the figure within the BASF Roundtable Agricultural Solutions presentation titled \"Agriculture needs innovation\"?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagrosolutions2011-110808043440-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "How many technology waves are identified in the figure within the BASF Roundtable Agricultural Solutions presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "156", "query": "What does the transparent proxy intercept and proxy to the destination according to the intercepting proxy diagram?", "reference_answer": "HTTP requests", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachecon2014-140414104319-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What does the transparent proxy intercept and proxy to the destination?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "136", "query": "What are examples of identifiable activities for the role of Interpersonal Figurehead in Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (Exhibit 1.4)?", "reference_answer": "Greeting visitors, signing legal documents", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of identifiable activities for the role of Interpersonal Figurehead?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "157", "query": "Is a second response possible during an absolute or relative refractory period according to the refractory period diagram?", "reference_answer": "Relative", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antiarrhythmicdrugs-130925005726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Is a second response possible in an absolute or relative refractory period?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "158", "query": "During the period from 1995 to 2014, did the wine import amounts and volume trend upwards or downwards as shown in the graph?", "reference_answer": "Up", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analysisofkoreanwinemarket-20150902-daejeon-150829090424-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Have wine import amounts and volume been trending up or down during the period from 1995 to 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "152", "query": "Which sector, agriculture or automotive, shows more fluctuation in growth according to the BASF Roundtable Agricultural Solutions presentation on crisis resilience?", "reference_answer": "Automotive", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagrosolutions2011-110808043440-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which fluctuates more, agriculture or automotive growth according to the BASF Roundtable Agricultural Solutions presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "161", "query": "Is differentiation high or low in a niche market according to the InSites Consulting matrix?", "reference_answer": "High", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Is differentiation high or low in a niche market?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "142", "query": "What do extra markings indicate in the context of Deep Groove Ball Bearings specifications chart?", "reference_answer": "special dimensions or grease type and fill", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bearing1-151117114834-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What do extra markings indicate in the context of Deep Groove Ball Bearings?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "128", "query": "What are two approaches for what is also called linkage disequilibrium mapping in association mapping techniques?", "reference_answer": "Candidate gene, Genome wide", "meta_info": { "file_name": "associationmappinginplants-150413205026-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 16 ], "origin_query": "What are two approaches for what is also called linkage disequilibrium mapping?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "160", "query": "In which years did wine import volume dip according to the Wine Import Amounts and Volume Trend presented at the Daejeon International Wine & Spirits Fair Asia Wine Buyer's Conference on Sep. 02, 2015?", "reference_answer": "1998, 2009", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analysisofkoreanwinemarket-20150902-daejeon-150829090424-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "In which years did wine import volume dip according to the Analysis of Korean Wine Market presented at the Daejeon International Wine & Spirits Fair Asia Wine Buyer's Conference on Sep. 02, 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "150", "query": "By what percentage did BASF net income grow from H1 2010 to H1 2011 according to the BASF Group results H1 2011 presentation?", "reference_answer": "75", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagrosolutions2011-110808043440-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "By what percentage did BASF net income grow from H1 2010 to H1 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "159", "query": "Have wine import amounts and volume been trending up or down during the period from 1995 to the year 2014 in which Italy’s yearly growth in sparkling volume was negative?", "reference_answer": "Up", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analysisofkoreanwinemarket-20150902-daejeon-150829090424-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 19 ], "origin_query": "Have wine import amounts and volume been trending up or down during the period from 1995 to the year in which Italy’s yearly growth in sparkling volume was negative?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "164", "query": "What are some content conversion points mentioned in the InSites Consulting six-step content marketing model diagram?", "reference_answer": "Social Media, Other Media, Blog, External Blogs, Influence", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What are some content conversion points mentioned in the InSites Consulting six-step content marketing model?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "163", "query": "What type of market in the InSites Consulting grid has high market head and high differentiation?", "reference_answer": "Focus", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What type of market has high market head and high differentiation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "169", "query": "What are four quantitative characteristics mentioned in the \"This is Your Brain on Visual Data\" presentation slide titled \"How do humans like their data?\"", "reference_answer": "Position, Length, Size, Color Intensity", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brainondatafinal-150314123657-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What are four quantitative characteristics mentioned in the \"This is Your Brain on Visual Data\" presentation by Sasha Pasulka?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "165", "query": "In terms of the table comparing updates, projects, and campaigns, do updates or campaigns have lower intensity?", "reference_answer": "Updates", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Do updates or campaigns have lower intensivity?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "170", "query": "What type of characteristic is shape according to the visualization best practices in the \"How do humans like their data?\" presentation by Sasha Pasulka?", "reference_answer": "ORDINAL, CATEGORICAL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brainondatafinal-150314123657-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What type of characteristic is shape according to the visualization best practices in the \"THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON VISUAL DATA\" presentation by Sasha Pasulka?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "171", "query": "In the presentation \"THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON VISUAL DATA\" by Sasha Pasulka, is position or shape prioritized as more important in how humans prefer their data according to the importance hierarchy?", "reference_answer": "Position", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brainondatafinal-150314123657-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "In the context of the presentation \"THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON VISUAL DATA\" by Sasha Pasulka, is position or shape considered more important in how humans like their data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "151", "query": "What were BASF sales in H1 2011 in billions of euros according to the BASF Group results presentation?", "reference_answer": "37.8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagrosolutions2011-110808043440-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What were BASF sales in H1 2011 in billions of euros?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "178", "query": "Which is larger, Exhibit A or Exhibit B funnel as depicted in Bob Apollo's \"A Tale of Two Funnels\" presentation at the Sales 2.0 Conference?", "reference_answer": "Exhibit B funnel", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bobapollosales2-0london2013presentationfinal-130604015015-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which is larger, the exhibit A or exhibit B funnel as pictured in the image from Bob Apollo's presentation at the Sales 2.0 Conference?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "145", "query": "In the CAB Automotive Buyers Study, which media holds the greatest influence on a buyer's consideration list?", "reference_answer": "TV", "meta_info": { "file_name": "autoreport-cs6-140415111854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the media with the most sway on a buyer's consideration list according to the CAB Automotive Buyers Study?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "146", "query": "Do most buyers type the URL address directly into the Internet or use a search engine every visit according to the CAB Automotive Buyers Study findings shown in the infographic?", "reference_answer": "Type URL address Directly", "meta_info": { "file_name": "autoreport-cs6-140415111854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Do most buyers type the URL address directly into the Internet or use a search engine every visit according to the CAB Automotive Buyers Study?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "162", "query": "In the content differentiation graph by InSites Consulting, is differentiation high or low in a market where not many people are interested, but it differentiates you?", "reference_answer": "High", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "Is differentiation high or low in a market in which not many people are interested in this content, but it does differentiate you in the market?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "174", "query": "In the Heat and Water presentation, what is evaporation which has reached equilibrium with the liquid surface said to have done?", "reference_answer": "reached saturation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter-3-seawater-160218031855_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What is evaporation which has reached equilibrium with the liquid surface said to have done?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "180", "query": "The recommendation is given to support and refine the vision of a person who falls under which category in the context of the buyer's journey as described by Bob Apollo at the Sales 2.0 Conference and labeled as \"QUEST FOR THE GRAIL\"?", "reference_answer": "QUEST FOR THE GRAIL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bobapollosales2-0london2013presentationfinal-130604015015-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "The recommendation is given to support and refine the vision of a person who falls under which category in the context of the buyer's journey as described by Bob Apollo at the Sales 2.0 Conference?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "179", "query": "According to the Sales 2.0 Conference presentation by Bob Apollo, how many seconds are shown on the stopwatch in the \"Winning Deals Flow Through\" image?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bobapollosales2-0london2013presentationfinal-130604015015-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "How many seconds have passed according to the timer in the picture from the Sales 2.0 Conference presentation by Bob Apollo?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "167", "query": "What is the media choice for updates in the InSites Consulting six-step content marketing model table shown?", "reference_answer": "Primarily online channels", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the media choice for updates in the InSites Consulting six-step content marketing model?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "175", "query": "What is the process by which the breaking of hydrogen bonds allows water to change from the liquid phase into the gaseous phase in the 'States of Water' presentation?", "reference_answer": "reached saturation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter-3-seawater-160218031855_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 16 ], "origin_query": "What is the process by which the breaking of hydrogen bonds allows water to change from the liquid phase into the gaseous phase which has reached equilibrium with the liquid surface said to have done?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "182", "query": "According to the \"Taylor Bathtub\" graph in the BetaCodex Network White Paper No. 12 & 13, when was the age of crafts manufacturing?", "reference_answer": "1850/1900", "meta_info": { "file_name": "betacodex-organizeforcomplexity-120624124755-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "When was the age of crafts manufacturing according to the BetaCodex Network White Paper No. 12 & 13?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "168", "query": "What is the media choice for short messages you send out with a certain degree of regularity according to the InSites Consulting six-step content marketing model in the editorial content planning section?", "reference_answer": "Primarily online channels", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the media choice for short messages you send out with a certain degree of regularity according to the InSites Consulting six-step content marketing model?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "172", "query": "What is sublimation in the context of the chapter on the states of water in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "solid changing into gas", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter-3-seawater-160218031855_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is sublimation in the context of the chapter on chemical and physical features of seawater and the world ocean?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "187", "query": "Which two characteristics in the Anatomy of High-Performance Work Systems involve Shared Information, Knowledge Development, Performance-Reward Linkage, and Egalitarianism?", "reference_answer": "Gainsharing, Profit sharing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch16-150313050025-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which two characteristics involve Shared Information, Knowledge Development, Performance-Reward Linkage, and Egalitarianism?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "191", "query": "During which process in the context of the Automotive Materials syllabus prepared by Chirag Bhangale at Rai University Ahmedabad, involving the Four Stroke Engine diagram, is there an explosion?", "reference_answer": "combustion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilematerial-141204051237-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "During which process in the context of the Automotive Materials syllabus prepared by Chirag Bhangale at Rai University Ahmedabad, is there an explosion?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "188", "query": "Which two characteristics involve a shift away from the mentality of command and control toward one more focused on employee commitment, Knowledge Development, Performance-Reward Linkage, and Egalitarianism in the context of High-Performance Work Systems?", "reference_answer": "Gainsharing, Profit sharing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch16-150313050025-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which two characteristics involve a shift away from the mentality of command and control toward one more focused on employee commitment, Knowledge Development, Performance-Reward Linkage, and Egalitarianism?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "181", "query": "In the BetaCodex Network White Paper's Taylor Bathtub graph, is man or machine identified as the formal part of value creation?", "reference_answer": "machine", "meta_info": { "file_name": "betacodex-organizeforcomplexity-120624124755-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "In the BetaCodex Network White Paper, is man or machine identified as the formal part of value creation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "185", "query": "In Developing High-Performance Work Systems, what are three components of System Design?", "reference_answer": "Work flow, HRM practices, Support technology", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch16-150313050025-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are three components of System Design?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "189", "query": "What activity does Gainsharing fall under in the Anatomy of High-Performance Work Systems diagram?", "reference_answer": "Compensation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch16-150313050025-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What activity does Gainsharing fall under?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "137", "query": "What are examples of identifiable activities for the role of the figureheads that involve people and duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature according to Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles?", "reference_answer": "Greeting visitors, signing legal documents", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter1-introductiontomanagementandorganizations-090411125412-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of identifiable activities for the role of the figureheads that involve people and duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "186", "query": "What follows The Implementation Process in the flow chart within the Developing High-Performance Work Systems presentation?", "reference_answer": "OUTCOMES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch16-150313050025-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What follows The Implementation Process in the flow chart within the Creating High-Performance Work Systems presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "176", "query": "What is another name for salty water as described in the Water as a Solvent presentation?", "reference_answer": "Salt solution", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter-3-seawater-160218031855_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is another name for salty water?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "184", "query": "What are two factors of the visible layer above Competencies in the diagram about what makes people complex?", "reference_answer": "Human Nature, Context", "meta_info": { "file_name": "betacodex-organizeforcomplexity-120624124755-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 19 ], "origin_query": "What are two factors of the visible layer above Competencies?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "190", "query": "What are four HR Deliverables according to the Testing Alignment of the HR System chart?", "reference_answer": "Employment stability, Team-based behaviors, Strategy-focused behaviors, High-talent staffing level", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch16-150313050025-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What are four HR Deliverables?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "194", "query": "What type of drug is Penicillin according to the Mechanisms of Antibacterial Drug Action table?", "reference_answer": "Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibition", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antibiotics-141109111447-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What type of drug is Penicillin?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "204", "query": "How many parts are there in the Mobile Application Ecosystem diagram from the Samsung Mobile Portfolio Presentation?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amitpresentation-141220101151-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many parts are there in the Mobile Application Ecosystem?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "199", "query": "In the Carpet Model of the Permeabilization Mechanism diagram, what occurs directly before cell death?", "reference_answer": "Micelles formation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antibiotics-141109111447-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "In the Carpet Model, what occurs directly before cell death?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "200", "query": "What are two types of loop learning mentioned in the Theories in Action diagram?", "reference_answer": "Single, Double", "meta_info": { "file_name": "consultselling-150818132925-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of loop learning?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "192", "query": "In the Four Stroke Engine diagram, what are the components of exhaust?", "reference_answer": "burned gases, exhaust valve, piston", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilematerial-141204051237-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What are the components of exhaust?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "205", "query": "What types of infrastructures exist in the Mobile Application Ecosystem diagram from the Samsung Mobile Portfolio Presentation?", "reference_answer": "Carriers, Cloud, Video", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amitpresentation-141220101151-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What types of infrastructures exist in the Mobile Application Ecosystem?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "207", "query": "How many more total app downloads were there for Android, which had an average of 68 downloaded apps per phone, than iOS in July '14?", "reference_answer": "2,000,000,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amitpresentation-141220101151-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 11 ], "origin_query": "How many more total app downloads were there for the phone which had an average of 68 downloaded apps per phone than iOS in July '14?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "209", "query": "Which type of phone has the highest average number of downloaded apps per phone according to the Mobile Apps Life-Cycle and Ecosystem presentation by Amit Seal Ami on 19-Dec-14?", "reference_answer": "iPhone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amitpresentation-141220101151-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which type of phone has the highest average number of downloaded apps per phone according to the Mobile Apps Life-Cycle and Ecosystem presentation by Amit Seal Ami?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "183", "query": "What are two factors of behavior mentioned in the Human Nature at Work section of the BetaCodex Network White Paper?", "reference_answer": "Human Nature, Context", "meta_info": { "file_name": "betacodex-organizeforcomplexity-120624124755-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are two factors of behavior mentioned in the BetaCodex Network White Paper?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "203", "query": "In the diagram titled \"Theories in Action,\" what are action maps an example of?", "reference_answer": "Theories in Use", "meta_info": { "file_name": "consultselling-150818132925-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What are action maps an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "173", "query": "In the \"States of Water\" diagram, what process changes a gas into a solid?", "reference_answer": "frost formation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter-3-seawater-160218031855_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What changes a gas into a solid?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "208", "query": "What percentage of the most popular Apple App Store categories did Utilities account for in the pie chart showing September 2014 data?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amitpresentation-141220101151-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the most popular Apple App Store categories did Utilities account for in September 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "198", "query": "What substances are involved in the feeding of substrates in the production of penicillin?", "reference_answer": "carbon source, nitrogen source, phenylacetic acid", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antibiotics-141109111447-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What substances are involved in the feeding of substrates?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "201", "query": "What additional step is involved in double loop learning compared to single loop learning in the Theories in Action diagram?", "reference_answer": "Governing Values", "meta_info": { "file_name": "consultselling-150818132925-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What additional step is involved in double loop learning compared to single loop learning?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "193", "query": "What is a cell membrane disruption drug according to Table 35.4 on Mechanisms of Antibacterial Drug Action?", "reference_answer": "Polymyxin B", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antibiotics-141109111447-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is a cell membrane disruption drug?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "196", "query": "What is the flow chart of the penicillin fermentation in the document by Surender Rawat on Antibiotics as shown in Swartz, 1979?", "reference_answer": "Swartz, 1979", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antibiotics-141109111447-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the flow chart of the penicillin fermentation from in the document by Surender Rawat on Antibiotics?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "206", "query": "How many more total app downloads were there for Android than iOS in July '14 according to the Total Apps Downloaded chart?", "reference_answer": "2,000,000,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amitpresentation-141220101151-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "How many more total app downloads were there for Android than iOS in July '14?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "166", "query": "Do updates or the activities described in editorial content planning as shorter and more intense than projects, and frequently supported with offline media, have lower intensivity?", "reference_answer": "Updates", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asixstepcontentmarketingmodel-120206005134-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "Do updates or the activities that are shorter and more intense than projects, and are frequently supported with offline media have lower intensivity?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "202", "query": "What does the mismatch between espoused theories and theories in use cause according to the Theories in Action diagram from the Consultative Selling Workshop?", "reference_answer": "Threatened, Embarrassed, Loss of Control", "meta_info": { "file_name": "consultselling-150818132925-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What does the mismatch between espoused theories and theories in use cause according to the Consultative Selling Workshop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "217", "query": "What are the two types of external business environments in the business environment classification diagram?", "reference_answer": "MICRO, MACRO", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesseppt-140818105213-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What are the two types of external business environments?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "211", "query": "What is the name of Mishael in the language of the Babylonian empire of Nebuchadnezzar shown in the table of names?", "reference_answer": "Meshach", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bookofdaniel-090827093753-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 16 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of Mishael in the language of the empire of Nebuchadnezzar?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "218", "query": "Suppliers and competitors are part of which type of environment in the business environment diagram?", "reference_answer": "MICRO", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesseppt-140818105213-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Suppliers and competitors are part of which type of environment?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "177", "query": "What is another name for the only known substance less dense as a solid than as a liquid, when it is combined with salt, in the context of seawater solutions?", "reference_answer": "Salt solution", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter-3-seawater-160218031855_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 19 ], "origin_query": "What is another name for the only known substance that is less dense as a solid than it is as a liquid combined with salt?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "219", "query": "What are the characteristics of the collectors segment according to the Web 2.0 & Social Media Primer by Grace Rodriguez in the diagram titled \"Who is using it?\"", "reference_answer": "Use RSS, Tag Web pages", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aynbrandt3workshopsocialmediaprimer-1219840114878232-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What are the characteristics of the collectors segment according to the Web 2.0 & Social Media Primer by Grace Rodriguez?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "220", "query": "In the context of Web 2.0 activities, what is the name of the segment that publishes web pages and uploads video to sites like YouTube?", "reference_answer": "Creators", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aynbrandt3workshopsocialmediaprimer-1219840114878232-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the segment that publishes web pages and uploads video to sites like YouTube?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "214", "query": "What are six factors of Business Decisions shown in the diagram titled \"MEANING\"?", "reference_answer": "Sociall, Economic, Political, Technological, Legal, Demographic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesseppt-140818105213-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are six factors of Business Decisions?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "210", "query": "What is the Babylonian Name of Mishael in the meaning chart of their names?", "reference_answer": "Meshach", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bookofdaniel-090827093753-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the Babylonian Name of Mishael?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "222", "query": "What was the top social site in June 2008 according to the Web 2.0 & Social Media Primer presented by Grace Rodriguez?", "reference_answer": "Myspace.com", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aynbrandt3workshopsocialmediaprimer-1219840114878232-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What was the top social site in 06/08 according to the Web 2.0 & Social Media Primer presented by Grace Rodriguez?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "213", "query": "What is the meaning of the person's name, specifically Daniel, who was from the tribe of Judah and possibly a member of the royal family?", "reference_answer": "God is Judge", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bookofdaniel-090827093753-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the meaning of the person’s name who was of the tribe of Judah and probably a member of the royal family?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "216", "query": "Joy of creation and service to society are examples of what in the Business Objectives diagram?", "reference_answer": "BUSINESS GOALS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesseppt-140818105213-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Joy of creation and service to society are examples of what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "224", "query": "Approximately what percent of Gen Y are Inactives according to the XYZ: Youth Dominates Online chart?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aynbrandt3workshopsocialmediaprimer-1219840114878232-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Approximately what percent of Gen Y are Inactives?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "221", "query": "What is the name of the segment that publishes web pages and uploads video to sites like YouTube and Vimeo as shown in the Web 2.0 activity chart?", "reference_answer": "Creators", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aynbrandt3workshopsocialmediaprimer-1219840114878232-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the segment that publishes web pages and uploads video to sites that are used for video sharing along with Vimeo?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "228", "query": "Over time, does cumulative cash flow increase with solar power or utility grid according to the Clean Hydrocarbons & Renewable Electrification cumulative cash flow chart?", "reference_answer": "Solar Power", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleanhydrocarbonsrenewableelectrificationsolarenergyinsouthernalberta-160323184734_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Over time, does cumulative cash flow increase with solar power or utility grid according to the Clean Hydrocarbons & Renewable Electrification document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "197", "query": "What is the flow chart of the 6 aminopenicillinic acid fermentation from, as shown in the production of penicillin by Swartz, 1979?", "reference_answer": "Swartz, 1979", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antibiotics-141109111447-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the flow chart of the 6 aminopenicillinic acid fermentation from?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "212", "query": "What is the meaning of Daniel according to the JESUS CHRIST MH Greatcommissionvimstries BEREAN'S Bible Study document in the context of the meaning of their names?", "reference_answer": "God is Judge", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bookofdaniel-090827093753-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the meaning of Daniel according to the JESUS CHRIST MH Greatcommissionvimstries BEREAN'S Bible Study document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "235", "query": "What are two ways a \"dose\" of training can influence an athlete according to Banister’s impulse-response model?", "reference_answer": "Negative, Positive", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativestotheimpulse-responsemodel-131125154606-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What are two ways a \"dose\" of training can influence an athlete?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "195", "query": "What type of drug is the one discovered in 1928 by Alexander Flemming, as mentioned in the Chemotherapeutic Agents slide?", "reference_answer": "Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibition", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antibiotics-141109111447-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 6 ], "origin_query": "What type of drug is the one discovered in 1928 by Alexander Flemming?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "223", "query": "How much time per person is spent on Meetup.com according to the statistics in \"The Numbers\" from Web 2.0 & Social Media Primer by Grace Rodriguez?", "reference_answer": "0:16:38", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aynbrandt3workshopsocialmediaprimer-1219840114878232-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "How much time per person is spent on Meetup.com according to the Web 2.0 & Social Media Primer by Grace Rodriguez?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "237", "query": "What types of potential are shown in Perl's Performance Potential Meta-model containing strain overflow?", "reference_answer": "strain, response, performance", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativestotheimpulse-responsemodel-131125154606-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What types of potential are shown in the PERPOT meta-model containing strain overflow?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "226", "query": "Who is the author of the presentation Clean Hydrocarbons & Renewable Electrification by Imaginea Energy?", "reference_answer": "Krzysztof Palka", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleanhydrocarbonsrenewableelectrificationsolarenergyinsouthernalberta-160323184734_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "Who is the author of the presentation Clean Hydrocarbons & Renewable Electrification?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "225", "query": "Approximately what percent of Gen Y are among the group who do not participate in at least one Web 2.0 activity according to the XYZ: Youth Dominates Online survey?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aynbrandt3workshopsocialmediaprimer-1219840114878232-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 13 ], "origin_query": "Approximately what percent of Gen Y are among the group who do not participate in at least one Web 2.0 activity?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "234", "query": "A stimulus causes what type of response (strain) in the system according to the document on modeling the relationship between training and performance?", "reference_answer": "strain", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativestotheimpulse-responsemodel-131125154606-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "A stimulus causes a response (strain) in the system according to the document on modeling the relationship between training and performance.", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "227", "query": "In the solar energy system diagram, what component comes between solar panels and a power distribution panel?", "reference_answer": "Inverter", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleanhydrocarbonsrenewableelectrificationsolarenergyinsouthernalberta-160323184734_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What component comes between solar panels and a power distribution panel?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "230", "query": "Where is the largest PV system according to the SkyFire Energy solar farm image?", "reference_answer": "Bassano, Alberta", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleanhydrocarbonsrenewableelectrificationsolarenergyinsouthernalberta-160323184734_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Where is the largest PV system in Western Canada?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "242", "query": "What insights can a shopper's basket provide according to the Evolve or Dissolve section in Nielsen Asia's Shopping Safari presentation?", "reference_answer": "why they stepped in, what's in demand, how they shop in-store", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asiasshoppingsafarifinalwebinardeckforparticipants-141105212832-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What insights can a shopper's basket provide according to the Nielsen Asia's Shopping Safari presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "232", "query": "What can be found in Fort Simpson, NT, according to the Clean Hydrocarbons & Renewable Electrification document, referring to the 104kW project?", "reference_answer": "104kW Largest system in Northern Canada", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleanhydrocarbonsrenewableelectrificationsolarenergyinsouthernalberta-160323184734_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What can be found in Fort Simpson, NT, according to the Clean Hydrocarbons & Renewable Electrification document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "247", "query": "What is the Twitter username for the Moz CEO shown in the Twitter Analytics screenshot?", "reference_answer": "SarahBird", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2b-social-testing-lopez-141009140744-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the Twitter username for the Moz CEO?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "236", "query": "What are two ways in which the daily amount represented by Ws in Banister’s impulse-response model can influence an athlete's performance?", "reference_answer": "Negative, Positive", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativestotheimpulse-responsemodel-131125154606-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "What are two ways in which the daily amount of that represented by Ws in Banister’s impulse-response model can influence an athlete?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "249", "query": "On which day did the most Facebook fans of Moz see their posts according to the \"Post to Facebook?\" slide from Jennifer Sable Lopez's presentation on social media strategy?", "reference_answer": "THU", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2b-social-testing-lopez-141009140744-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "On which day did the most Facebook fans of Moz see their posts according to Jennifer Sable Lopez's presentation on social media strategy?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "241", "query": "Smart pricing is an example of what in the \"Evolve or Dissolve\" strategy diagram?", "reference_answer": "Smart strategies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asiasshoppingsafarifinalwebinardeckforparticipants-141105212832-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Smart pricing is an example of what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "238", "query": "What two categories can Heat-Island Effect be divided into according to the Atlantic Wharf Sustainable Site Highlights?", "reference_answer": "Non-Roof, Roof", "meta_info": { "file_name": "awsustainablefinal-110317140215-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What two categories can Heat-Island Effect be divided into?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "243", "query": "What is the top store choice for pantry stock-up according to the Nielsen Asia's Shopping Safari report depicted in the \"Missions Drive Store Choice\" chart?", "reference_answer": "Supermarkets", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asiasshoppingsafarifinalwebinardeckforparticipants-141105212832-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the top store choice for pantry stock-up according to the Nielsen Asia's Shopping Safari report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "231", "query": "Where is the largest PV system located in the western part of the country with a photovoltaic potential of 600,000 GWh, as shown in the SkyFire Energy presentation?", "reference_answer": "Bassano, Alberta", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleanhydrocarbonsrenewableelectrificationsolarenergyinsouthernalberta-160323184734_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 15 ], "origin_query": "Where is the largest PV system in the western part of the country which has a photovoltaic potential of 600,000 GWh?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "215", "query": "Who is attributed with the quote \"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently\" in the context of social objectives?", "reference_answer": "Henry Ford", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesseppt-140818105213-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Who said \"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "253", "query": "What follows Managed Hadoop in the flow chart within the Executor Abstraction Layer section of Pinterest Data Architecture?", "reference_answer": "Hive Metastore", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataplatformatpinterest-awsloft-150918193740-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What follows Managed Hadoop in the flow chart within the Pinterest Data Architecture section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "233", "query": "What university is the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology affiliated with, as shown in the presentation on training and performance models?", "reference_answer": "Washington University", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativestotheimpulse-responsemodel-131125154606-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What university is the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology affiliated with?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "245", "query": "When is the best time for outreach on Twitter according to Jennifer Sable Lopez's presentation on the best social media outreach times infographic?", "reference_answer": "Mondays - Thursdays 1 pm - 3 pm", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2b-social-testing-lopez-141009140744-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "When is the best time for outreach on Twitter according to Jennifer Sable Lopez's presentation on social media strategy?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "248", "query": "What is the Twitter username for the CEO of the company for which Jennifer Sable Lopez is Director of Community, as shown in the Moz presentation?", "reference_answer": "SarahBird", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2b-social-testing-lopez-141009140744-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the Twitter username for the CEO of the company for which Jennifer Sable Lopez is Director of Community?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "251", "query": "What is the URL for the PRO Perk from UserVoice mentioned in the PageLever demo?", "reference_answer": "http://www.seomoz.org/pro-perks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2b-social-testing-lopez-141009140744-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the URL for the PRO Perk from UserVoice?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "256", "query": "What are three types of automated configuration in Multi-layered Packaging?", "reference_answer": "Software Packages/Libs, Configs, Misc Sys Admin", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataplatformatpinterest-awsloft-150918193740-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are three types of automated configuration?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "244", "query": "According to the Nielsen Shopper Trends 2014, what is the top store choice for the activity which 37% of Malaysians engage in?", "reference_answer": "Supermarkets", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asiasshoppingsafarifinalwebinardeckforparticipants-141105212832-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the top store choice for the activity which 37% of Malaysians engage in?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "255", "query": "What is Bootstrap Script an example of in the context of Multi-layered Packaging?", "reference_answer": "Baked AMI", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataplatformatpinterest-awsloft-150918193740-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is Bootstrap Script an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "257", "query": "According to the Atlantic/Aspen Institute Imagining 2024 survey, by how many percentage points will the perception of total respondents who say they are more likely to get ahead drop from 10 years ago to in 10 years?", "reference_answer": "31", "meta_info": { "file_name": "americalooksto2024keyfindings-140701054257-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "The percentage of total respondents who say they are more likely to get ahead will drop how many percentage points between 10 years ago and in 10 years according to the Atlantic/Aspen Institute Imagining 2024 survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "254", "query": "How many Hadoop Clusters are shown in the diagram under the Pinterest Data Architecture's Decoupling Compute & Storage section?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataplatformatpinterest-awsloft-150918193740-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "How many Hadoop Clusters are shown in the figure within the Pinterest Data Architecture section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "252", "query": "How many people are enjoying the game in the car depicted in the advertisement \"Driverless Car of the Future\" by America's Electric Light and Power Companies?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "autonomouscar-140901094343-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "How many people are enjoying the game in the car depicted in the ad \"Driverless Car of the Future\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "229", "query": "Over time, does cumulative cash flow increase with Utility Grid or the 50kW solar power system with $500 annual operating cost as detailed in the Clean Hydrocarbons & Renewable Electrification document?", "reference_answer": "Solar Power", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleanhydrocarbonsrenewableelectrificationsolarenergyinsouthernalberta-160323184734_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "Over time, does cumulative cash flow increase with Utility Grid or the system which has $500 annual operating cost for a 50kW solar power system as detailed in the Clean Hydrocarbons & Renewable Electrification document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "270", "query": "When was BAJAJ MOTORCYCLES established according to the Company Profile of Bajaj Auto?", "reference_answer": "November 29, 1945", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoncustomerpreferebceandsatisfactiontowardsbajajbikes-150814133516-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "When was BAJAJ MOTORCYCLES established?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "250", "query": "On which day did the most Facebook fans of the Twitter user who had 123,762 Impressions on Thursday, October 2, 2014 see their posts according to Twitter and Facebook Analytics?", "reference_answer": "THU", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2b-social-testing-lopez-141009140744-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "On which day did the most Facebook fans of the Twitter user who had 123,762 Impressions on Thursday, October 2, 2014 see their posts?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "271", "query": "How many employees does Shivam Bajaj have according to the Company Profile of Shivam Bajaj in the 'A Study on Customer Preference and Satisfaction towards Bajaj Bikes' presentation?", "reference_answer": "30", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoncustomerpreferebceandsatisfactiontowardsbajajbikes-150814133516-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "How many employees does Shivam Bajaj have according to the 'A Study on Customer Preference and Satisfaction towards Bajaj Bikes' presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "239", "query": "Were Atlantic Wharf Annual Energy Cost Savings greater for gas or electricity in the Energy & Atmosphere Highlights?", "reference_answer": "electricity", "meta_info": { "file_name": "awsustainablefinal-110317140215-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Were Atlantic Wharf Annual Energy Cost Savings greater for gas or electricity?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "266", "query": "What CYRANOSE model is pictured in the Typical Biosensor diagram?", "reference_answer": "320", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosensorsinfoodindustry-presentation-150607065755-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What CYRANOSE model is pictured?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "267", "query": "What new rules and regulations, like Helmet and Driving Licence requirements, exist for riding two-wheelers according to the 'A Study on Customer Preference and Satisfaction towards Bajaj Bikes' presentation?", "reference_answer": "Helmet, Driving Licence", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoncustomerpreferebceandsatisfactiontowardsbajajbikes-150814133516-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What new rules and regulations, such as Helmet and Driving Licence requirements, exist for riding two-wheelers according to the 'A Study on Customer Preference and Satisfaction towards Bajaj Bikes' presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "265", "query": "How many activities are involved in Biosensor Prototyping according to the Biosensor Prototype system integration diagram?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosensorsinfoodindustry-presentation-150607065755-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "How many activities are involved in Biosensor Prototyping?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "246", "query": "When is the best time for outreach on Twitter, where Moz’s followers are most active between 8-9 AM, according to Jennifer Sable Lopez's insights on social media engagement?", "reference_answer": "Mondays - Thursdays 1 pm - 3 pm", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2b-social-testing-lopez-141009140744-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 10 ], "origin_query": "When is the best time for outreach on Twitter, where Moz’s followers are most active between 8-9 AM, according to Jennifer Sable Lopez's insights?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "260", "query": "What are the biosensor elements called nanowire arrays an example of in the working and elements of a biosensor diagram?", "reference_answer": "Transducers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosensorsinfoodindustry-presentation-150607065755-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are the biosensor element called nanowire arrays an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "272", "query": "Who investigated satisfaction on two-wheelers in 2014 according to the research table?", "reference_answer": "Mrs. G. Mahalakshami", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoncustomerpreferebceandsatisfactiontowardsbajajbikes-150814133516-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Who investigated satisfaction on two-wheelers in 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "261", "query": "What are three parts of a biosensor's electronic system shown in the Working and Elements of a Biosensor diagram?", "reference_answer": "Signal Amplifier, Signal Processor, Display", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosensorsinfoodindustry-presentation-150607065755-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are three parts of a biosensor's electronic system?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "262", "query": "What are three components of a biosensor's electronic system, specifically used in the medical field in India?", "reference_answer": "Signal Amplifier, Signal Processor, Display", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosensorsinfoodindustry-presentation-150607065755-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 16 ], "origin_query": "What are three parts of a type of device's electronic system whose usage is limited to the medical field in India?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "240", "query": "Were Annual Energy Cost Savings greater for gas or electricity for Atlantic Wharf, which reduces the amount of process water used by 15% as compared to a typical building?", "reference_answer": "electricity", "meta_info": { "file_name": "awsustainablefinal-110317140215-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 18 ], "origin_query": "Were Annual Energy Cost Savings greater for gas or electricity for the company which reduces the amount of process water used by 15% as compared to a typical building?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "263", "query": "What do nanotech membranes block according to the usage of biosensors in the food industry diagram?", "reference_answer": "moisture outflow, oxygen inflow", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosensorsinfoodindustry-presentation-150607065755-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What do nanotech membranes block?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "268", "query": "What new rules and regulations for riding two-wheelers in which China is the world’s largest market?", "reference_answer": "Helmet, Driving Licence", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoncustomerpreferebceandsatisfactiontowardsbajajbikes-150814133516-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 7 ], "origin_query": "What new rules and regulations exist for riding devices for which China is the world’s largest market?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "259", "query": "Did more respondents in the Atlantic/Aspen Institute Imagining 2024 survey say they are more or less likely to get ahead in 10 years according to the \"Hard Work and Playing by Rules\" chart?", "reference_answer": "Less", "meta_info": { "file_name": "americalooksto2024keyfindings-140701054257-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Did more respondents in the Atlantic/Aspen Institute Imagining 2024 survey say they are more or less likely to get ahead in 10 years?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "269", "query": "What is Rahul Bajaj's position according to the Company Profile of Bajaj Auto?", "reference_answer": "Chairman", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoncustomerpreferebceandsatisfactiontowardsbajajbikes-150814133516-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is Rahul Bajaj's position?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "274", "query": "Does warm air rise or fall according to the P1b: How to Lose Heat diagram on convection?", "reference_answer": "Rise", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b3m5kaeqm2w8n4bwcesw-140602121350-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Does warm air rise or fall?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "286", "query": "What is Albert Wang's position at LinkedIn according to the \"Recommendation\" slide in the Apache Kafka at LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang?", "reference_answer": "Senior User Experience Designer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachekafkaatlinkedin-150108003805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is Albert Wang's position at LinkedIn according to the Apache Kafka at LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "280", "query": "Were there more sessions in November 2014, December 2014, or January 2015 according to the Mastering Strategic SEO Audits graph by Alan Bleiweiss?", "reference_answer": "November 2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amb-siteaudits-ds15-150204174043-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Were there more sessions in November 2014, December 2014, or January 2015 according to the Mastering Strategic CS SEO Audits by Alan Bleiweiss?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "276", "query": "What are two examples of reflecting surfaces mentioned in the P1c: Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction diagram?", "reference_answer": "shiny object, mirror", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b3m5kaeqm2w8n4bwcesw-140602121350-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What are two examples of reflecting surfaces?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "285", "query": "Where is Sam Shah, the Principal Engineer at LinkedIn, based according to the Recommendation section in the Apache Kafka at LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang?", "reference_answer": "Mountain View, California", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachekafkaatlinkedin-150108003805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Where is Sam Shah, the Principal Engineer at LinkedIn, based according to the Apache Kafka at LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "258", "query": "The percentage of total respondents, which includes 49% of Hispanics, will drop how many percentage points between 10 years ago and in 10 years according to the Atlantic/Aspen Institute Imagining 2024 survey results on hard work and playing by the rules?", "reference_answer": "31", "meta_info": { "file_name": "americalooksto2024keyfindings-140701054257-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "The percentage of total respondents which includes 49% of Hispanics will drop how many percentage points between 10 years ago and in 10 years according to the Atlantic/Aspen Institute Imagining 2024 survey?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "279", "query": "In the context of P1g: Wireless Communication, what is poor radio reception caused by overlapping waves called?", "reference_answer": "Interference", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b3m5kaeqm2w8n4bwcesw-140602121350-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What is poor radio reception caused by overlapping waves called?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "278", "query": "According to the P1c Electromagnetic Waves chart, which has a longer wavelength, gamma ray or radio?", "reference_answer": "radio", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b3m5kaeqm2w8n4bwcesw-140602121350-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which has a longer wavelength, gamma ray or radio?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "289", "query": "What are the two counterparts depicted on the yinyang in the Conducttr Pervasive Entertainment Platform?", "reference_answer": "ENTERTAINMENT, MARKETING", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazileratramidiameetup2-131206154325-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What are the two counterparts depicted on the yinyang?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "282", "query": "Which channel led to the most conversions according to the Mastering Strategic SEO Audits by Alan Bleiweiss, as shown in the Multi-Channel Conversion Visualizer?", "reference_answer": "Direct", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amb-siteaudits-ds15-150204174043-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Which channel led to the most conversions according to the Mastering Strategic CS SEO Audits by Alan Bleiweiss?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "284", "query": "What skill was Shikha Mathur endorsed for in the LinkedIn presentation, specifically within the Newsfeed section by Guozhang Wang at BDTC 2014?", "reference_answer": "Recruiting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachekafkaatlinkedin-150108003805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What skill was Shikha Mathur endorsed for in the LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang at BDTC 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "288", "query": "In the Conducttr Pervasive Entertainment Platform presentation, is the transmedia franchise associated with the old or new world as defined in their diagram?", "reference_answer": "The New World", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazileratramidiameetup2-131206154325-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Is the transmedia franchise associated with the old or new world in the Conducttr Pervasive Entertainment Platform presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "281", "query": "What is the average session duration for desktop according to the data in the Mastering Strategic SEO Audits by Alan Bleiweiss?", "reference_answer": "00:04:14", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amb-siteaudits-ds15-150204174043-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the average session duration for desktop in the Mastering Strategic CS SEO Audits by Alan Bleiweiss?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "264", "query": "What do membranes in nano-sensors offering 3 distinct advantages in food packaging block?", "reference_answer": "moisture outflow, oxygen inflow", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosensorsinfoodindustry-presentation-150607065755-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 18 ], "origin_query": "What do membranes which offer 3 distinct advantages to food packaging block?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "275", "query": "How can heat losses be reduced through the floor according to the P1b: How to Lose Heat module by Halimah Tasnim?", "reference_answer": "fit carpet", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b3m5kaeqm2w8n4bwcesw-140602121350-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How can heat losses be reduced through the floor according to the Energy for the Home module by Halimah Tasnim?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "291", "query": "What is the abbreviation for the Government of India's Ministry of Food Processing Industries as shown in the presentation titled \"Biscuit and Cookies\" by Pintu Choudhary?", "reference_answer": "MOFPI", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biscuitandcookies-150315074901-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is the abbreviation for the Government of India's Ministry of Food Processing Industries?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "287", "query": "What follows Staging Servers in the flow chart depicted in the User Activity Data Flow section of the Apache Kafka at LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang?", "reference_answer": "Hadoop, Data Warehouse", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachekafkaatlinkedin-150108003805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What follows Staging Servers in the flow chart within the Apache Kafka at LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "283", "query": "Who endorsed Shikha Mathur's skills and expertise in the Apache Kafka at LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang at BDTC 2014, as shown in the Newsfeed slide?", "reference_answer": "Raymond Reeves", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachekafkaatlinkedin-150108003805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Who endorsed Shikha Mathur's skills and expertise in the Apache Kafka at LinkedIn presentation by Guozhang Wang at BDTC 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "273", "query": "Who investigated satisfaction in 2014 on the two-wheeler industry that grew by 3.3% in 2013 to reach a value of $61.5 billion?", "reference_answer": "Mrs. G. Mahalakshami", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoncustomerpreferebceandsatisfactiontowardsbajajbikes-150814133516-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 18 ], "origin_query": "Who investigated satisfaction in 2014 on the industry which grew by 3.3% in 2013 to reach a value of $61.5 billion?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "295", "query": "What are three methods of shaping biscuits according to the Classification of Biscuits chart?", "reference_answer": "Embossed cutting, Rotary mounding, Rotary cutting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biscuitandcookies-150315074901-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What are three methods of shaping biscuits?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "299", "query": "When did Citizen Science become an open and inclusive science according to the diagram titled \"Citizen Science & Science\" in the Citizen Science: theory, practice, and policy document?", "reference_answer": "since 2000s", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citizenscience-practiceandpolicy-huji-151214131928_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "When did Citizen Science become an open and inclusive science according to the Citizen Science: theory, practice, and policy document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "305", "query": "How many ad types are shown in the figure within the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, Netpop Research, LLC, that details video ads, sponsored links, and others?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auto-100113133616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How many ad types are shown in the figure within the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, Netpop Research, LLC?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "277", "query": "What are two examples of surfaces that make waves bounce back towards you as mentioned in the reflection section of the P1c: Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction presentation?", "reference_answer": "shiny object, mirror", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b3m5kaeqm2w8n4bwcesw-140602121350-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "What are two examples of surfaces that make waves bounce back towards you?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "290", "query": "What does EPC stand for in the Global Accounting Framework for Service Concession Arrangements?", "reference_answer": "Engineering, procurement, Construction", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cavarunsethi-ifrstrainings-accountingforserviceconcessionarrangements-ifric12-2015lii-150912122837-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What does EPC stand for?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "298", "query": "During what period was early science according to the Citizen Science & Science timeline in the presentation by Muki Haklay?", "reference_answer": "1600's - early 1800's", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citizenscience-practiceandpolicy-huji-151214131928_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "During what period was early science according to the Citizen Science presentation by Muki Haklay?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "308", "query": "According to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009 by Netpop Research, LLC, do more used or new car buyers often go online to have fun?", "reference_answer": "New Car Buyers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auto-100113133616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Do more used or new car buyers go online to have fun according to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, by Netpop Research, LLC?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "294", "query": "What are Krack Jack and Monaco examples of in the Types of Biscuit Dough diagram?", "reference_answer": "Crackers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biscuitandcookies-150315074901-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are Krack Jack and Monaco examples of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "303", "query": "What type of volunteer was Rick Grocke at the Tanami Downs cattle station in the context of Citizen Science & Science?", "reference_answer": "rainfall observer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citizenscience-practiceandpolicy-huji-151214131928_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What type of volunteer was Rick Grocke?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "310", "query": "In the Global Automotive Study, India, how does the loyalty switch percentage for those doing an average of 7.6 activities on manufacturer sites compare with used car buyers?", "reference_answer": "Same", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auto-100113133616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 13 ], "origin_query": "How does the percentage of those who do an average of 7.6 activities on manufacturer sites in the Global Automotive Study, India, whose loyalty switched compare with that of used car buyers?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "307", "query": "What is the difference in hours spent online per day between used-car buyers and those who half or more go online to read reviews, compare specifications or prices, locate dealers or learn about makes according to the Global Automotive Study by Netpop Research, India, May 2009?", "reference_answer": "0.5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auto-100113133616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in hours spent online per day between used-car buyers and those who half or more go online to read reviews, compare specifications or prices, locate dealers or learn about makes according to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, Netpop Research, LLC?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "301", "query": "When was Mary Anning alive according to the Citizen Science & Science timeline?", "reference_answer": "1799-1847", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citizenscience-practiceandpolicy-huji-151214131928_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "When was Mary Anning alive?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "297", "query": "What is the step before storage & distribution in the General Steps in Biscuit Manufacturing?", "reference_answer": "Packaging", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biscuitandcookies-150315074901-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the step before storage & distribution?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "316", "query": "In the Content Marketing World diagram, the sweet spot is where business goals overlap with what?", "reference_answer": "User Tasks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cmw2014workshopv2-140912093008-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "The sweet spot is where business goals overlap with what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "292", "query": "Do soft biscuits, as described in the Ministry of Food Processing Industries document on biscuit and cookie production, have high or less water content according to the \"Types Of Biscuit Dough\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Less Water", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biscuitandcookies-150315074901-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Do soft biscuits, as described in the Ministry of Food Processing Industries document on biscuit and cookie production, have high or less water content?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "302", "query": "In the early science period, what type of science was Citizen Science considered according to the \"Citizen Science as Gentlemen/Gentlewomen science\" section in the illustration?", "reference_answer": "Gentlewoman", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citizenscience-practiceandpolicy-huji-151214131928_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "In the early science period, Citizen Science was considered what type of science according to the Citizen Science as Gentlemen/Gentlewomen science section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "306", "query": "What is the difference in hours spent online per day between used-car buyers and new car buyers according to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, as shown in the Netpop Research, LLC report?", "reference_answer": "0.5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auto-100113133616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in hours spent online per day between used-car buyers and new car buyers according to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, Netpop Research, LLC?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "296", "query": "What are three methods of shaping food items listed in the Classification of Biscuits, specifically for which the major brands are Britannia, Parle, Bakeman, and Priya Gold?", "reference_answer": "Embossed cutting, Rotary mounding, Rotary cutting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biscuitandcookies-150315074901-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "What are three methods of shaping food items for which the major brands are Britannia, Parle, Bakeman, and Priya Gold?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "320", "query": "What comes between initiation and termination in the flow chart of the STEPS FOR SYNTHESIS OF POLYMERS document?", "reference_answer": "Propagation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "applicationandadvancesofpolymers-141224015235-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What comes between initiation and termination in the flow chart of the APPLICATION AND ADVANCES OF POLYMERS document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "314", "query": "What comes under Resources for the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center in the Content Audits section of the CMWHospitals presentation?", "reference_answer": "Overview, Useful Links, Recommended Reading, Tests & Procedures", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cmw2014workshopv2-140912093008-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What comes under Resources for the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center in the Content Audits section of the Hospital Industry L Lab presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "309", "query": "How does the percentage of new car buyers whose loyalty switched compare with that of used car buyers according to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, Netpop Research, LLC featured in the brand loyalty chart?", "reference_answer": "Same", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auto-100113133616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How does the percentage of new car buyers whose loyalty switched compare with that of used car buyers according to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, Netpop Research, LLC?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "318", "query": "What is the chemical name for Teflon according to the Common Addition Polymers chart?", "reference_answer": "poly(tetrafluoroethylene)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "applicationandadvancesofpolymers-141224015235-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the chemical name for Teflon?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "304", "query": "Which ad type was clicked on the least according to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, Netpop Research, LLC, as seen in the comparison of ad types?", "reference_answer": "Gadget", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auto-100113133616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which ad type was clicked on the least according to the Global Automotive Study, India, May 2009, Netpop Research, LLC?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "317", "query": "What is the trade name for the substance with the chemical name of polypropylene displayed in the Common Addition Polymers chart?", "reference_answer": "Herculon", "meta_info": { "file_name": "applicationandadvancesofpolymers-141224015235-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the trade name for the substance with the chemical name of polypropylene?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "323", "query": "Who invented the straw in the context of the \"History of Beer\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "Sumerians", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beerindustryfinalslides-110814110012-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Who invented the straw?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "329", "query": "What are two types of delivery processes in the B2C Europe End-to-End Solution diagram?", "reference_answer": "HOME DELIVERY, PICK UP LOCATION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "companyintroductionb2ceurope-140925083552-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of delivery processes?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "312", "query": "In a microservice architecture diagram labeled \"Solution #1,\" what exists between Banking UI and Account Database?", "reference_answer": "Account Management Service", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildingmicroserviceswithscalafunctionaldomainmodelsandspringbootchrisrichardson-141030115818-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "In a microservice architecture, what exists between Banking UI and Account Database?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "311", "query": "When was Jax LONDON according to Chris Richardson's presentation on building microservices with Scala, functional domain models, and Spring Boot in 2014?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildingmicroserviceswithscalafunctionaldomainmodelsandspringbootchrisrichardson-141030115818-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "When was Jax LONDON according to the presentation by Chris Richardson on building microservices with Scala, functional domain models, and Spring Boot?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "322", "query": "Who is quoted in the Beer Industry presentation as saying, \"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy\"?", "reference_answer": "Benjamin Franklin", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beerindustryfinalslides-110814110012-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "Who said \"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "331", "query": "Notification when parcel is ready for pick-up occurs between which two steps in the B2C Europe CollectYourParcel process diagram?", "reference_answer": "PICK-UP LOCATION, CONSUMER", "meta_info": { "file_name": "companyintroductionb2ceurope-140925083552-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Notification when parcel is ready for pick-up occurs between which two steps in the B2C Europe CollectYourParcel process?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "332", "query": "What is the range of slump in mm for beams & reinforced walls according to the ACI 211.1-91 recommendations?", "reference_answer": "20-100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "concretedesignmixss-140719061802-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the range of slump in mm for beams & reinforced walls?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "324", "query": "When was The Epic of Gilgamesh written according to the agenda presented on Tuesday, 9 August 2011?", "reference_answer": "c. 1,300 - 1,000 BC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beerindustryfinalslides-110814110012-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "When was The Epic of Gilgamesh written?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "315", "query": "What resources are listed for the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, shown prior to the conditions in the chart left of Craniofacial?", "reference_answer": "Overview, Useful Links, Recommended Reading, Tests & Procedures", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cmw2014workshopv2-140912093008-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 16 ], "origin_query": "What comes under Resources for the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center which treats conditions in the column to the left of Craniofacial?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "326", "query": "What are the top four brewers mentioned in the Global Beer Environmental Analysis report who had a sales increase of 2.6% in 2010?", "reference_answer": "A-B InBev, SABMiller, Heineken, Carlsberg", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beerindustryfinalslides-110814110012-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "What are the top four brewers mentioned in the Global Beer Environmental Analysis who had a sales increase of 2.6% in 2010?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "319", "query": "What is a common term for termination in the context of polymer synthesis steps as shown in the \"Steps for Synthesis of Polymers\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "death", "meta_info": { "file_name": "applicationandadvancesofpolymers-141224015235-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is a common term for termination in the context of polymer synthesis steps?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "327", "query": "Where are consolidation effects evident in 2009 according to the BeerIndustry presentation by Jon Oyvind Biornstad and Christian Adeler Normann, specifically in the History of Beer section?", "reference_answer": "Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Western Europe", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beerindustryfinalslides-110814110012-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Where are consolidation effects evident in 2009 according to the BeerIndustry presentation by Jon Oyvind Biornstad and Christian Adeler Normann?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "334", "query": "What is Sir Tim Berners-Lee's position as mentioned in the Semantic Web presentation?", "reference_answer": "Director of W3C", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ce22-1213274533884412-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is Sir Tim Berners-Lee's position?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "328", "query": "What is the choice of delivery an example of in the B2C Europe Consumer Solutions End-to-End Solution section?", "reference_answer": "CONSUMER SOLUTIONS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "companyintroductionb2ceurope-140925083552-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is choice of delivery an example of in the B2C Europe Consumer Solutions section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "337", "query": "What does purple represent in the context of the psychological effects of colors in the Designmantic perception chart?", "reference_answer": "NOBILITY, ROYALTY, LUXURY, AMBITION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colors-141027065047-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What does purple represent in the context of the psychological effects of colors as described in the Designmantic document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "293", "query": "Do soft biscuit food items that are delicate, have crisp crust and peel apart in tender layers have high or less water content?", "reference_answer": "Less Water", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biscuitandcookies-150315074901-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 5 ], "origin_query": "Do soft food items that are delicate, have crisp crust and peel apart in tender layers have high or less water content?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "340", "query": "What are the components of a Windows Phone app in the target architecture for a Xamarin app?", "reference_answer": "Application Layer, UI Layer, Windows Phone SDK assemblies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildingyourfirstandroidappusingxamarin-web-150602093443-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What are the components of a Windows Phone app?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "300", "query": "When did Citizen Science, as outlined in the Citizen Science & Science diagram, become an open and inclusive science?", "reference_answer": "since 2000s", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citizenscience-practiceandpolicy-huji-151214131928_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 12 ], "origin_query": "When did Citizen Science, defined as scientific work undertaken by members of the general public, often in collaboration with or under the direction of professional scientists and scientific institutions, become an open and inclusive science according to the Citizen Science & Science section?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "341", "query": "Which layer of the shared code in the target architecture for a Xamarin app links with cloud services?", "reference_answer": "Service Access", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildingyourfirstandroidappusingxamarin-web-150602093443-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Which layer of the shared code links with cloud services?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "336", "query": "What are four characteristics of Dot Com listed in the Web 2.0 Paradigm Shifts diagram?", "reference_answer": "Web centric, Pull and push, Downloads & hits, Read-only", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ce22-1213274533884412-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are four characteristics of Dot Com?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "313", "query": "In the microservice architecture diagram labeled \"Solution #1,\" what exists between the Banking UI and the Account Database?", "reference_answer": "Account Management Service", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildingmicroserviceswithscalafunctionaldomainmodelsandspringbootchrisrichardson-141030115818-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 15 ], "origin_query": "In a distributed data management architecture, what exists between Banking UI and Account Database?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "321", "query": "What comes between the initiation stage when a relatively unstable molecule decomposes into a free radical and termination in the Steps for Synthesis of Polymers flow chart?", "reference_answer": "Propagation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "applicationandadvancesofpolymers-141224015235-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18, 19 ], "origin_query": "What comes between the stage that starts when a relatively unstable molecule decomposes into a free radical and termination in the flow chart?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "344", "query": "What does the Acute Care product line target in the Rodan+Fields Clinical Results presentation?", "reference_answer": "CROW'S FEET", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesssystempresentation-150211162506-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What does the Acute Care product line target in the Rodan+Fields presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "342", "query": "There has been a shift in power from corporations to individuals, as mentioned in the Rodan+Fields presentation on redefining business ownership within the context of new business opportunities.", "reference_answer": "Individuals", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesssystempresentation-150211162506-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "There has been a shift in power from corporations to individuals, as mentioned in the Rodan+Fields presentation on redefining business ownership.", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "343", "query": "How many billions of dollars are spent annually on anti-aging skincare products according to the Rodan+Fields presentation on traditional business models?", "reference_answer": "3.9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesssystempresentation-150211162506-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many billions of dollars are spent annually on anti-aging skincare products according to the Rodan+Fields presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "347", "query": "What component within the Keystone Architecture of the Mirantis OpenStack Architecture document's diagram contains the endpoint registry?", "reference_answer": "Catalog Backend", "meta_info": { "file_name": "architecture-150102195159-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What component within the Keystone Architecture of the Mirantis OpenStack Architecture document contains the endpoint registry?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "348", "query": "What in the Keystone Architecture diagram contains the registry with a network-accessible address, described by a URL, for accessing an OpenStack service?", "reference_answer": "Catalog Backend", "meta_info": { "file_name": "architecture-150102195159-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "What contains the registry which has a network-accessible address, usually described by URL, from where you access an OpenStack service?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "338", "query": "In the context of split complementary color schemes, what does the color associated with red and green signify?", "reference_answer": "NOBILITY, ROYALTY, LUXURY, AMBITION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colors-141027065047-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 18 ], "origin_query": "What does the color whose split complementary colors are red and green represent?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "325", "query": "What are the top four brewers mentioned in the \"History of Beer – The Last Decade\" presentation by Jon Oyvind Biornstad and Christian Adeler Normann?", "reference_answer": "A-B InBev, SABMiller, Heineken, Carlsberg", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beerindustryfinalslides-110814110012-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are the top four brewers mentioned in the Beer Industry presentation by Jon Oyvind Biornstad and Christian Adeler Normann?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "330", "query": "What follows return handling in the flow chart within the B2C Europe e-commerce logistics process business model?", "reference_answer": "Label printing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "companyintroductionb2ceurope-140925083552-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What follows return handling in the flow chart within the B2C Europe e-commerce logistics process?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "335", "query": "Which is people centric, Dot Com or Web 2.0, according to the Web 2.0 Paradigm Shifts slide from the Sun Microsystems presentation on building vibrant communities?", "reference_answer": "Web 2.0", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ce22-1213274533884412-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Which is people centric, Dot Com or Web 2.0, according to the Sun Microsystems presentation on building vibrant communities?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "353", "query": "According to Ryan Calo's tweet in the Computerworld article, how many years prior to the Jeep hacking fiasco were the car companies warned?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectedcarsecurity-150902031020-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "According to Ryan Calo's tweet, how many years prior to the Jeep hacking fiasco were the car companies warned?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "356", "query": "What is FlexRay's data rate in Mbps according to the network technology chart for E/E architecture?", "reference_answer": "10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectedcarsecurity-150902031020-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is FlexRay's data rate in Mbps?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "333", "query": "What is Scott Adams' email address mentioned in the \"Old World - Business Process\" presentation by Peter H. Reiser?", "reference_answer": "SCOTTADAMS@AOL.COM", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ce22-1213274533884412-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is Scott Adams' email address mentioned in the \"How to build vibrant Communities\" presentation by Peter H. Reiser?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "339", "query": "In the \"How We Perceive Colors\" chart, which color is associated with security and intelligence?", "reference_answer": "Gray", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colors-141027065047-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which color is associated with security and intelligence?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "363", "query": "In the context of staffing firms' challenges, what percentage of employees with 3 to 5 years tenure are more likely to feel underpaid?", "reference_answer": "51", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cboppsinstaffingwebinarslideshare10-151013182434-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of employees with 3 to 5 years tenure are more likely to feel underpaid?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "352", "query": "What COMPUTERWORLD article titled \"Senators call for investigation of potential safety, security threats from connected cars\" is pictured in the presentation?", "reference_answer": "Senators call for investigation of potential safety, security threats from connected cars", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectedcarsecurity-150902031020-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What COMPUTERWORLD article is pictured in the presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "354", "query": "According to Ryan Calo's tweet in the context of the Wired article titled \"Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It\" published on July 21, 2015, how many years prior were the car companies warned?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectedcarsecurity-150902031020-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 5 ], "origin_query": "According to Ryan Calo's tweet, how many years prior to the situation described in the Wired article from July 21, 2015 were the car companies warned?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "359", "query": "What is the formula for NPS as shown in the Net Promoter Score Measures Loyalty in Staffing presentation?", "reference_answer": "% Promoters - % Detractors", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cboppsinstaffingwebinarslideshare10-151013182434-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the formula for NPS?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "346", "query": "What type of award is shown being presented to Rodan + Fields Dermatologists in the Proven, Turnkey Business Support section of the Direct Selling Association Ethos Awards?", "reference_answer": "ETHOS AWARDS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesssystempresentation-150211162506-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What type of award is pictured as being presented to Rodan + Fields Dermatologists in the Direct Selling Association Ethos Awards section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "358", "query": "What group are a firm's strongest allies according to the Net Promoter Score in the Opportunities in Staffing presentation by Eric Gregg, CEO of Inavero, highlighting loyalty measurement?", "reference_answer": "Promoters", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cboppsinstaffingwebinarslideshare10-151013182434-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What group are a firm's strongest allies according to the Net Promoter Score in the Opportunities in Staffing presentation by Eric Gregg, CEO of Inavero?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "351", "query": "What was the catchphrase for the film Speed, as shown in the promotional poster with the tagline \"GET READY FOR RUSH HOUR\"?", "reference_answer": "GET READY FOR RUSH HOUR", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectedcarsecurity-150902031020-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What was the catchphrase for the film Speed?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "361", "query": "Who is more satisfied and optimistic than recruiters and account managers according to the Opportunities in Staffing presentation by Eric Gregg, CEO of Inavero, as highlighted in the Net Promoter Score and optimism statistics?", "reference_answer": "Firm Leadership", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cboppsinstaffingwebinarslideshare10-151013182434-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Who is more satisfied and optimistic than recruiters and account managers according to the Opportunities in Staffing presentation by Eric Gregg, CEO of Inavero?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "364", "query": "What percentage of total hotels do ITC hotels account for according to the ITC Hotels Responsible Luxury pie chart?", "reference_answer": "18", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandmanagement-itchotels-150823162717-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of total hotels do ITC hotels account for according to the ITC Hotels Responsible Luxury overview?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "357", "query": "Whose tweets are pictured in the Opportunities in Staffing presentation by Eric Gregg, CEO of Inavero, under the \"Not All Sources of Information Should Earn Your Trust\" slide?", "reference_answer": "Lindsay Lohan, Jaden Smith, Metta WorldPeace, KANYE WEST", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cboppsinstaffingwebinarslideshare10-151013182434-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Whose tweets are pictured in the Opportunities in Staffing presentation by Eric Gregg, CEO of Inavero?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "369", "query": "What is CLUB ITC's slogan mentioned in the Promotions section about loyalty program for customers?", "reference_answer": "ENRICHING REWARDING EXPERIENCES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandmanagement-itchotels-150823162717-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is CLUB ITC's slogan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "345", "query": "After 8 weeks of use with the Redefine regimen, what percentage of participants experienced an improvement with fine lines, according to Rodan + Fields Clinical Results?", "reference_answer": "55", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businesssystempresentation-150211162506-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "After 8 weeks of use with the Redefine regimen, what percentage of participants experienced an improvement with fine lines?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "374", "query": "In what year was Playdom established according to the timeline where PopCap is mentioned as late?", "reference_answer": "2008", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinajoy-sns-v3-090724053148-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "In what year was Playdom established?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "372", "query": "In the timeline where \"PopCap was late\" is indicated, which company appeared first, Zynga or PopCap?", "reference_answer": "zynga", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinajoy-sns-v3-090724053148-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Which company appeared first, zynga or Pop Cap?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "366", "query": "What is the positioning of the WELCOME HERITAGE brand in the ITC Hotels Brand Extension document under Product Categories?", "reference_answer": "UNIQUE EXPERIENCES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandmanagement-itchotels-150823162717-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the positioning of the WELCOME HERITAGE brand in the ITC Hotels Brand Extension document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "370", "query": "ITC Hotels promotion offers one night stay free for spending how many Rs. in its properties?", "reference_answer": "60,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandmanagement-itchotels-150823162717-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "ITC offers one night stay free for spending how many Rs. in its properties?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "368", "query": "What category does the hotel from ITC Hotels, which had nearly 12000 INR Mn revenue in FY15, belong to?", "reference_answer": "LUXURY COLLECTION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandmanagement-itchotels-150823162717-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "What category does the hotel which had nearly 12000 INR Mn revenue in FY15 belong to?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "355", "query": "What port is pictured in the presentation on Connected Car Security by Suresh Mandava, specifically in the OBD-II port section?", "reference_answer": "OBD-II", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectedcarsecurity-150902031020-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What port is pictured in the presentation on Connected Car Security by Suresh Mandava?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "349", "query": "Where does Horizon send the HTTP request to in the Step 2: Validate Auth Data section of the Mirantis OpenStack Architecture document?", "reference_answer": "Keystone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "architecture-150102195159-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Where does Horizon send the HTTP request to in the Mirantis OpenStack Architecture document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "362", "query": "Who is more satisfied and optimistic than the 61% of internal staff in the Opportunities in Staffing study, specifically compared to account managers, according to the Net Promoter Score® and optimism about next year?", "reference_answer": "Firm Leadership", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cboppsinstaffingwebinarslideshare10-151013182434-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 8 ], "origin_query": "Who is more satisfied and optimistic than the 61% of internal staff included in the Opportunities in Staffing study and account managers?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "367", "query": "What category does ITC HOTEL fall under in the Product Categories of the ITC Hotels Brand Extension Overview?", "reference_answer": "LUXURY COLLECTION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandmanagement-itchotels-150823162717-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What category does ITC HOTEL belong to in the ITC Hotels Brand Extension Overview?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "350", "query": "Where does Horizon, which provides a baseline user interface for managing OpenStack services, send the HTTP request to in the Validate Auth Data step?", "reference_answer": "Keystone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "architecture-150102195159-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 15 ], "origin_query": "Where does that which provides a baseline user interface for managing OpenStack services send the HTTP request to?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "376", "query": "Who wrote the presentation entitled \"pH & Its Measurement,\" affiliated with the Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences?", "reference_answer": "Dr Prasenjit Mitra", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofphitsmeasurementslideshare-140909024224-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "Who wrote the presentation entitled \"pH & Its Measurement\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "360", "query": "What is the formula for the equation which yielded a 45% satisfaction score in 2015 according to the Opportunities in Staffing presentation by Eric Gregg, CEO of Inavero, specifically related to Net Promoter Score?", "reference_answer": "% Promoters - % Detractors", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cboppsinstaffingwebinarslideshare10-151013182434-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the formula for the equation which yielded a 45% satisfaction score in 2015 according to the Opportunities in Staffing presentation by Eric Gregg, CEO of Inavero?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "381", "query": "What are the components of a glass electrode pH meter as shown in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "Membrane, Inner Buffer, Lead-off Element, Shield", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofphitsmeasurementslideshare-140909024224-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are the components of a glass electrode pH meter?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "375", "query": "How many monthly active uniques does Farm Town have according to the Top Facebook Games (today) slide?", "reference_answer": "12,968,126", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinajoy-sns-v3-090724053148-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many monthly active uniques does Farm Town have according to the Lessons from Social Gaming document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "378", "query": "What determines acidity or alkalinity according to the PH8ITSMEASUREMENT document related to the Origin of pH?", "reference_answer": "Number of Hydrogen ions", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofphitsmeasurementslideshare-140909024224-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What determines acidity or alkalinity according to the PH8ITSMEASUREMENT document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "386", "query": "Is breaking the value-cost trade off part of Red or Blue Ocean Strategy in the image defining these strategies?", "reference_answer": "Blue", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategy-100403005918-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Is breaking the value-cost trade off part of Red or Blue Ocean Strategy?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "385", "query": "What website hosted by the ICM and CSIC is pictured in the SeaWatchers citizen science presentation?", "reference_answer": "seawatchers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citclopsravenna-citizenscience2015121411h-151216193708_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What website hosted by the ICM and CSIC is pictured?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "382", "query": "What are the components of a glass electrode in the pH meter device made by Arnold Orville Beckman, shown in the historical diagram?", "reference_answer": "Membrane, Inner Buffer, Lead-off Element, Shield", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofphitsmeasurementslideshare-140909024224-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 7 ], "origin_query": "What are the components of a glass electrode in the device made by Arnold Orville Beckman?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "365", "query": "What percentage of total hotels does ITC, which entered the hotel industry in 1975, account for in terms of luxury rooms?", "reference_answer": "18", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandmanagement-itchotels-150823162717-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of total hotels does the one who entered the hotel industry in 1975 account for?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "384", "query": "In Luigi Ceccaroni’s presentation, \"The role of citizen science in environment management,\" GIS data integration is part of which process?", "reference_answer": "Crowdsourcing processed database", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citclopsravenna-citizenscience2015121411h-151216193708_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "GIS data integration is part of which process?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "371", "query": "The ITC hotel which added 8,000 rooms in the last 2 years offers one night stay free for spending how many Rs. in its properties according to the promotions slide?", "reference_answer": "60,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandmanagement-itchotels-150823162717-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 12 ], "origin_query": "The hotel which added 8,000 rooms in the last 2 years offers one night stay free for spending how many Rs. in its properties?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "390", "query": "Value management helps your company move to a process based on what in the B2B Value Shift slide?", "reference_answer": "customer value", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2bproductsalesforstartupsbylucboillyv0-160406160814_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Value management helps your company move to a process based on what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "388", "query": "Nintendo created a Blue Ocean for Nintendo Wii according to the diagram by doing what?", "reference_answer": "reducing the complexity, add the ease of use and fun", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategy-100403005918-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Nintendo created a Blue Ocean for Nintendo Wii by doing what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "383", "query": "What comes between transfer and crowdsourcing processed database in the flow chart titled Acquisition, processing, delivery: a new way in Luigi Ceccaroni's presentation on the role of citizen science in environment management?", "reference_answer": "Crowdsourcing raw database", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citclopsravenna-citizenscience2015121411h-151216193708_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What comes between transfer and crowdsourcing processed database in the flow chart within the context of Luigi Ceccaroni's presentation on the role of citizen science in environment management?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "391", "query": "The approach to align Product Management, Marketing, Pricing, Sales, and Other business functions in Value Management helps your company move to a process based on what?", "reference_answer": "customer value", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2bproductsalesforstartupsbylucboillyv0-160406160814_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 9 ], "origin_query": "The approach to align Product Management, Marketing, Pricing, Sales, and Other business functions helps your company move to a process based on what?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "379", "query": "On the pH scale of acidity and alkalinity, what is the lowest score an alkaline can have according to the Origin of pH diagram?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofphitsmeasurementslideshare-140909024224-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "On the pH scale, what is the lowest score an alkaline can have?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "389", "query": "Nintendo created a strategy based on four Formulation Principles and two Execution Principles for Nintendo Wii by doing what as shown in the Blue Ocean Strategy example?", "reference_answer": "reducing the complexity, add the ease of use and fun", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategy-100403005918-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 13 ], "origin_query": "Nintendo created a strategy based on four Formulation Principles and two Execution Principles for Nintendo Wii by doing what?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "394", "query": "What are two components of a prokaryotic chromosome shown in the binary fission diagram?", "reference_answer": "Plasma membrane, Cell wall", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter8-geneticscompatibilitymode-141214140247-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are two components of a prokaryotic chromosome?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "392", "query": "What are the three components in \"Your Value Proposition vs Buyers\" that create a foundation for premium fees, sales wins, and loyalty?", "reference_answer": "Resonate, Differentiate, Substantiate", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2bproductsalesforstartupsbylucboillyv0-160406160814_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What are the three components that create a foundation for premium fees, sales wins, and loyalty?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "380", "query": "On the pH scale depicted in the 'Origin of pH' presentation, what is the lowest score an alkaline can have according to Litmus paper?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofphitsmeasurementslideshare-140909024224-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "On the scale indicated by Litmus paper, what is the lowest score an alkaline can have?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "396", "query": "What is Karmaloop's coupon code for Black Friday as mentioned in the Unmetric social media analysis of deals and offers?", "reference_answer": "BLKLIGHT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blackfriday-131210025239-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What is Karmaloop's coupon code for Black Friday as mentioned in the Unmetric social media analysis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "373", "query": "Which company appeared first according to the PopCap timeline: Zynga or the company where James Gwetzman is Vice President, Asia/Pacific?", "reference_answer": "zynga", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinajoy-sns-v3-090724053148-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 2 ], "origin_query": "Which company appeared first, zynga or the company where James Gwetzman is Vice President, Asia/Pacific?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "398", "query": "Which hashtag had the higher engagement score, #tbt or #cybermonday, according to the Old Navy brand analysis on Twitter by Unmetric?", "reference_answer": "#cybermonday", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blackfriday-131210025239-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which hashtag had the higher engagement score, #tbt or #cybermonday, according to the Unmetric analysis of brands on Twitter?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "395", "query": "What are two components of a chromosome in prokaryotic cells undergoing binary fission as shown in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "Plasma membrane, Cell wall", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter8-geneticscompatibilitymode-141214140247-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What are two components of a chromosome belonging to a cell which reproduces by binary fission?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "393", "query": "What do buyers say when there is weak resonance according to the B2B Product Sales for Startups Presentation Support Deck by Luc Boilly in the Value Management section?", "reference_answer": "\"I don't need\"", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2bproductsalesforstartupsbylucboillyv0-160406160814_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What do buyers say when there is weak resonance according to the B2B Product Sales for Startups Presentation Support Deck by Luc Boilly?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "401", "query": "Baloch belongs to which ethnolinguistic group in Afghanistan as shown on the map of Ethnolinguistic Groups?", "reference_answer": "Iranian", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aviewoffruitcultureinafghanistan-141025192131-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Baloch belongs to which ethnolinguistic group in Afghanistan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "387", "query": "Is breaking the value-cost trade off part of the Blue Ocean Strategy, as referenced in the examples of traditional red wines, airlines, and video game consoles?", "reference_answer": "Blue", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategy-100403005918-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "Is breaking the value-cost trade off part of the strategy which includes traditional red wines, airlines, and video game consoles or Blue Ocean Strategy?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "377", "query": "What is Dr Prasenjit Mitra's affiliation in the \"pH & its Measurement\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "Department of Biochemistry, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofphitsmeasurementslideshare-140909024224-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is Dr Prasenjit Mitra's affiliation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "408", "query": "What type of service does the vendor Atterix offer according to the Major Analytics applications in E-Commerce presentation?", "reference_answer": "Predictive Analysis", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allyouwantedtoknowaboutanalyticsine-commerce-amazonebayflipkart-150207221032-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What type of service does the vendor Atterix offer?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "409", "query": "What are some parameters that pricing considers in developing models for real-time pricing of millions of SKUs in Retail Analytics-E-Commerce as shown in Major Analytics applications?", "reference_answer": "competition, inventory, required margins", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allyouwantedtoknowaboutanalyticsine-commerce-amazonebayflipkart-150207221032-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What are some parameters that pricing considers in the context of developing models for real-time pricing of millions of SKUs in Retail Analytics-E-Commerce?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "397", "query": "For the brand Karmaloop with a Facebook Unmetric Score of 42, what is the Black Friday coupon code highlighted in their marketing campaign overview?", "reference_answer": "BLKLIGHT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blackfriday-131210025239-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 16 ], "origin_query": "For the brand Karmaloop, which had a Facebook Unmetric Score of 42, what is the coupon code for Black Friday?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "403", "query": "What are three examples of Turkic ethnolinguistic groups in Afghanistan according to the Ethnolinguistic Groups in Afghanistan map?", "reference_answer": "Kirghiz, Turkmen, Uzbek", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aviewoffruitcultureinafghanistan-141025192131-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are three examples of Turkic ethnolinguistic groups in Afghanistan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "399", "query": "From 2010 to 2013, homeowner households in the National Association of Realtors graph have decreased by how many millions?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "annualresidential110714-141107103135-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "From 2010 to 2013, homeowner households have decreased by how many millions?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "414", "query": "Is typhoid caused by a virus or bacteria according to the problem associated with BMW table?", "reference_answer": "BACTERIA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biomedicalwaste-140703133253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Is typhoid caused by a virus or bacteria?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "400", "query": "From 2010 to 2013, households identified as Recovering Wealth from bubble years or Accumulating Wealth since 2010 have decreased by how many millions according to the National Association of Realtors?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "annualresidential110714-141107103135-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 16 ], "origin_query": "From 2010 to 2013, households that are Recovering Wealth for those who bought during the bubble years or Accumulating Wealth for those who bought since 2010 have decreased by how many millions?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "411", "query": "What does the company that uses predictive analysis to predict customer purchases, as described in Amazon's analytics practices, use for archiving data?", "reference_answer": "Glacier", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allyouwantedtoknowaboutanalyticsine-commerce-amazonebayflipkart-150207221032-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 12 ], "origin_query": "What does the company that uses predictive analysis to predict customer purchases use for archiving data?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "418", "query": "How many hospital merger and acquisition deals were there in 2012 according to the 2010 rebound report in hospital M&A?", "reference_answer": "95", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allconferenceslides-rm-141003103242-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "How many hospital merger and acquisition deals were there in 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "410", "query": "What does Amazon use for archiving data according to their Analytics Practices?", "reference_answer": "Glacier", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allyouwantedtoknowaboutanalyticsine-commerce-amazonebayflipkart-150207221032-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What does Amazon use for archiving data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "406", "query": "What is Adobe Site Catalyst's application in Web Analytics for E-Commerce?", "reference_answer": "increase checkout conversion rates", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allyouwantedtoknowaboutanalyticsine-commerce-amazonebayflipkart-150207221032-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is Adobe Site Catalyst's application?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "416", "query": "Which waste categories are incinerated according to the Colour Coding of Bags chart?", "reference_answer": "1, 2, 3, 6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biomedicalwaste-140703133253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which waste categories are incinerated?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "419", "query": "How many areas of concern to focus future efforts are identified in the \"Concerns: where to focus future efforts\" section of the Forging Healthcare's New Financial Foundation - January 2014 HealthLeaders Media Industry Survey?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allconferenceslides-rm-141003103242-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "How many areas of concern to focus future efforts are identified in the Forging Healthcare's New Financial Foundation-January 2014 HealthLeaders Media Industry Survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "407", "query": "Which tool in the Web Analytics-E-Commerce document measures the effectiveness of a marketing program?", "reference_answer": "Google Analytics", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allyouwantedtoknowaboutanalyticsine-commerce-amazonebayflipkart-150207221032-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which tool in the Retail Analytics-E-Commerce document measures the effectiveness of a marketing program?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "412", "query": "What are examples of discarded medicines and cyto-toxic drug waste according to the WHO waste classification?", "reference_answer": "X-rays, Cancer chemotherapy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biomedicalwaste-140703133253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of discarded medicines and cyto-toxic drug waste?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "417", "query": "Have hospital merger and acquisition deals increased or decreased between 2005 and 2012 according to the \"2010 brings rebound in hospital M&A\" report?", "reference_answer": "Increased", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allconferenceslides-rm-141003103242-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Have hospital merger and acquisition deals increased or decreased between 2005 and 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "405", "query": "Which two seasons in Afghanistan have the lowest rate of rainfall according to the A VIEW OF FRUIT CULTURE IN AFGHANISTAN presentation showing average monthly rainfall by season?", "reference_answer": "Summer, Fall", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aviewoffruitcultureinafghanistan-141025192131-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which two seasons in Afghanistan have the lowest rate of rainfall according to the A VIEW OF FRUIT CULTURE IN AFGHANISTAN presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "413", "query": "What type of waste is chlorine powder categorized under in the waste category table?", "reference_answer": "Chemical Waste", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biomedicalwaste-140703133253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What type of waste is chlorine powder an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "415", "query": "What is the treatment option for waste contained in a yellow plastic bag according to the Colour Coding of Bags chart?", "reference_answer": "Incineration", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biomedicalwaste-140703133253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the treatment option for waste in a yellow plastic bag?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "425", "query": "Which was concluded earlier, the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) or the ASEAN Investment Agreement (AIA) as mentioned in Chart 1: The Path towards ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) from the LSE IDEAS Southeast Asia International Affairs Programme document?", "reference_answer": "AFAS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aseaneconomicintegration-100314152951-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which was concluded earlier, the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) or the ASEAN Investment Agreement (AIA) as mentioned in the LSE IDEAS Southeast Asia International Affairs Programme document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "423", "query": "Which animated series, a Netflix Original produced by DreamWorks, is depicted in the Current Generation Instance Families presentation?", "reference_answer": "TURBO FAST", "meta_info": { "file_name": "awsreinvent2014perftuningec2-141112191859-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which animated series that is available on Netflix and produced by DreamWorks is pictured in the presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "430", "query": "In 2009's Economist report chart, were there more bilateral free-trade agreements in 1993 or 2007?", "reference_answer": "2007", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aseaneconomicintegration-100314152951-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "In which year were there more bilateral free-trade agreements, 1993 or 2007?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "404", "query": "What are three examples of Turkic ethnolinguistic groups in Afghanistan, a country with an economy primarily based on agriculture?", "reference_answer": "Kirghiz, Turkmen, Uzbek", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aviewoffruitcultureinafghanistan-141025192131-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 18 ], "origin_query": "What are three examples of Turkic ethnolinguistic groups in the country whose economy is primarily agriculture-based?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "433", "query": "Which website allows a user to see trends in Twitter related to global warming and climate change as shown in the TrendSpotting Market Research report?", "reference_answer": "TRENDISTIC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "climatechange2009perceptions-091204092626-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Which website allows a user to see trends in twitter?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "420", "query": "In the WS Market Research Respondent Profile, Class A in Thailand is defined as respondents with over how many THB?", "reference_answer": "50,001", "meta_info": { "file_name": "comparativereportonhealthyfoodinthailandindonesiaandvietnamin2015-150612065514-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "In Thailand, Class A is defined as respondents with over how many THB?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "431", "query": "Which group is most likely to believe global warming is happening according to the TRENDS2POTTING Market Research 2009 survey on The Decline In Global Warming Concerns?", "reference_answer": "Leaned Dems, Liberals", "meta_info": { "file_name": "climatechange2009perceptions-091204092626-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which group is most likely to believe global warming is happening according to the TRENDS2POTTING Market Research on public perceptions in 2009?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "435", "query": "What percentage of all iOS App Store downloads were for the iPad according to the App Annie report on downloads by iOS devices in December 2014?", "reference_answer": "Nearly 20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appannieapp012015new0126-150126041258-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of all iOS App Store downloads were for the iPad according to the App Annie report on the App Economy in Taiwan and Worldwide?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "424", "query": "Which animated series produced by DreamWorks and available on Netflix, alongside Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, and Bojack Horseman, is pictured in the presentation?", "reference_answer": "TURBO FAST", "meta_info": { "file_name": "awsreinvent2014perftuningec2-141112191859-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 10 ], "origin_query": "Which animated series that is available on the platform that has Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, and Bojack Horseman and is produced by DreamWorks is pictured in the presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "437", "query": "In the Top Game Companies Worldwide - December 2014 report, how many apps does Supercell make?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appannieapp012015new0126-150126041258-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "How many apps does Supercell make?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "429", "query": "Concerning \"BUY FROM SRI LANKA\" in the \"Why Do Economists Dislike Trade Diversion?\" chart, which is higher before PTA, shipping or tariff?", "reference_answer": "Tariff", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aseaneconomicintegration-100314152951-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Regarding \"BUY FROM SRI LANKA\", which is higher before PTA, shipping or tariff?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "422", "query": "What is the next step in the Netflix Instance Type Selection Flow Chart if it is possible to cache the working set?", "reference_answer": "Select memory to cache working set", "meta_info": { "file_name": "awsreinvent2014perftuningec2-141112191859-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the next step in the Netflix Instance Type Selection Flow Chart if it is possible to cache?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "443", "query": "What percentage of the suggested content mix related to company/product news is in the \"5 Steps to Boosting Recruitment Agency's Brand Through Content\" document?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "contentmarketingplaybookforstaffing-150723060004-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the suggested content mix in the \"5 Steps to Boosting Recruitment Agency's Brand Through Content\" document is devoted to company/product news?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "428", "query": "After PTA as shown in the \"Why Do Economists Dislike Trade Diversion?\" analysis, is the product cost or shipping higher for \"BUY FROM PHILIPPINES\"?", "reference_answer": "Product Cost", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aseaneconomicintegration-100314152951-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Regarding \"BUY FROM PHILIPPINES\", which is higher after PTA, product cost or shipping?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "436", "query": "What percentage of all downloads for the iOS App Store, which generated about 60% more revenue than Google Play in Q3 2014, were for the iPad?", "reference_answer": "Nearly 20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appannieapp012015new0126-150126041258-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 13 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of all downloads for the store which generated about 60% more revenue than Google Play in Q3 2014 were for the iPad?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "421", "query": "In the country where the 2nd influencers for RTE healthy foods were husband/wife at 20.9%, Class A respondents are defined as those with over how many THB according to the respondent profile data?", "reference_answer": "50,001", "meta_info": { "file_name": "comparativereportonhealthyfoodinthailandindonesiaandvietnamin2015-150612065514-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "In the country where 2nd influencers for RTE healthy foods was husband/wife at 20.9%, Class A is defined as respondents with over how many THB?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "439", "query": "What is Hay Day's rank by revenue according to the Top Game Worldwide - December 2014 chart?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appannieapp012015new0126-150126041258-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is Hay Day's rank by revenue?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "402", "query": "Baloch belongs to which ethnolinguistic group in Afghanistan, as shown in the \"Ethnolinguistic Groups in Afghanistan\" map in the presentation \"A VIEW OF FRUIT CULTURE IN AFGHANISTAN\"?", "reference_answer": "Iranian", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aviewoffruitcultureinafghanistan-141025192131-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Baloch belongs to which ethnolinguistic group in Afghanistan, a country with a population that is 76.1% Rural, as mentioned in the presentation \"A VIEW OF FRUIT CULTURE IN AFGHANISTAN\"?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "442", "query": "What content type is published on Tuesday according to the content calendar in the \"5 Steps to Boosting Recruitment Agency's Brand Through Content\" document content plan?", "reference_answer": "Job post link", "meta_info": { "file_name": "contentmarketingplaybookforstaffing-150723060004-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What content type is published on Tuesday according to the content calendar in the \"5 Steps to Boosting Recruitment Agency's Brand Through Content\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "426", "query": "Which was concluded earlier according to the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) timeline, the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) or the ASEAN Investment Agreement (AIA) designed to facilitate direct investment from other ASEAN member countries?", "reference_answer": "AFAS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aseaneconomicintegration-100314152951-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 8 ], "origin_query": "Which was concluded earlier, AFAS or the agreement designed to facilitate direct investment from other ASEAN member countries?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "447", "query": "What are two chat/real-time dealership community social networks mentioned in the ADP Digital Dealer Solutions for social marketing?", "reference_answer": "meeb, Gabbly", "meta_info": { "file_name": "client-adp-socialmrktngreputationmgmnt-v6-091018155253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What are two chat/real-time dealership community social networks?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "434", "query": "Which website, highlighted in the Trendspotting Market Research presentation, allows a user to see trends in web metrics like blogs and search indications?", "reference_answer": "TRENDISTIC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "climatechange2009perceptions-091204092626-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 20 ], "origin_query": "Which website allows a user to see trends in web metrics like blogs and search indications?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "427", "query": "Who is the author of the source used in the Noodle Bowl of Trade Deals figure in the LSE IDEAS presentation on ASEAN and Economic Integration in the Wider Asia-Pacific Region?", "reference_answer": "Bhagwati", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aseaneconomicintegration-100314152951-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Who is the author of the source used in the figure that shows FTA Phase Development in different countries, as referenced in the LSE IDEAS presentation on ASEAN and Economic Integration in the Wider Asia-Pacific Region?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "438", "query": "How many apps does the company which makes Clash of Clans have according to the Top Game Companies Worldwide - December 2014 report?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appannieapp012015new0126-150126041258-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19, 20 ], "origin_query": "How many apps does the company which makes Clash of Clans make?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "446", "query": "What type of website is Blogger an example of in the ADP Digital Dealer Solutions for Social Marketing & Reputation Management?", "reference_answer": "UGC Sites", "meta_info": { "file_name": "client-adp-socialmrktngreputationmgmnt-v6-091018155253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What type of website is Blogger an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "440", "query": "Which company makes Dumb Ways to Die 2 as listed in the Top Game Worldwide - December 2014 report by App Annie?", "reference_answer": "Metro Trains", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appannieapp012015new0126-150126041258-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "Which company makes Dumb Ways to Die 2?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "444", "query": "What action did 56% of employers take regarding salaries last year according to the 5 Steps to Boosting Recruitment Agency's Brand Through Content in the 2015 Hays Salary Guide?", "reference_answer": "INCREASED salaries by less than three per cent", "meta_info": { "file_name": "contentmarketingplaybookforstaffing-150723060004-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What action did 56% of employers take regarding salaries last year according to the 5 Steps to Boosting Recruitment Agency's Brand Through Content?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "452", "query": "Are the conversations on Mahindra e2o primarily positive or negative according to the Sentiment Analysis in the MindShift Interactive campaign report on social media perceptions?", "reference_answer": "Positive", "meta_info": { "file_name": "campaignanalysis02-mahindrae2olaunchmarch282013-130328080338-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Are the conversations on Mahindra e2o primarily positive or negative according to the Sentiment Analysis in the MindShift Interactive campaign report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "432", "query": "Which group is most likely to believe that global warming is happening according to the TRENDS2POTTING Market Research that highlights its high concern in 2006 to 2008?", "reference_answer": "Leaned Dems, Liberals", "meta_info": { "file_name": "climatechange2009perceptions-091204092626-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which group is most likely to believe that global warming, which was a very hot topic in 2006, 2007, and most of 2008, is happening according to the TRENDS2POTTING Market Research?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "455", "query": "Who is the Chairman and Managing Director of Mahindra Group as mentioned in the Top Influencers slide by MindShift Interactive?", "reference_answer": "anand mahindra", "meta_info": { "file_name": "campaignanalysis02-mahindrae2olaunchmarch282013-130328080338-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Who is the Chairman and Managing Director of Mahindra Group?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "454", "query": "Where is Sairee Chahal located according to the Top Influencers section in the Mahindra e2o campaign document?", "reference_answer": "New Delhi", "meta_info": { "file_name": "campaignanalysis02-mahindrae2olaunchmarch282013-130328080338-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Where is Sairee Chahal located according to the Mahindra e2o campaign document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "448", "query": "How many subscribers does Mahindra e2o's YouTube channel have as shown in the Official Social Media Properties slide?", "reference_answer": "108", "meta_info": { "file_name": "campaignanalysis02-mahindrae2olaunchmarch282013-130328080338-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many subscribers does Mahindra e2o's YouTube channel have?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "458", "query": "In the Arab Youth Survey 2014, respondents who believe traditional values are outdated increased by how many percentage points compared to 2011?", "reference_answer": "29", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asdaaburson-marstellerarabyouthsurvey2014-140407100615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "In 2014, respondents who believe traditional values are outdated increased by how many percentage points compared to 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "462", "query": "In the Arab Youth Survey 2014, regarding the uprisings, which year had more respondents believing the Arab world is better off, 2012 or 2014?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asdaaburson-marstellerarabyouthsurvey2014-140407100615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "In the Arab Youth Survey 2014, which year did more respondents believe the Arab world is better off following the uprisings across the Arab world, 2012 or 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "460", "query": "According to the Arab Youth Survey 2014, which country had the highest percentage of respondents who valued traditional values greatly?", "reference_answer": "Oman", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asdaaburson-marstellerarabyouthsurvey2014-140407100615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which country had the highest percentage of respondents for whom traditional values mean a lot according to the Arab Youth Survey 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "441", "query": "Where is the content type event registration published according to the 5 Steps to Boosting Recruitment Agency's Brand Through Content on the content calendar?", "reference_answer": "LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter", "meta_info": { "file_name": "contentmarketingplaybookforstaffing-150723060004-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Where is the content type event registration published according to the 5 Steps to Boosting Recruitment Agency's Brand Through Content?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "461", "query": "In the Arab Youth Survey 2014, which country had the highest percentage of respondents for whom, in aggregate, accounted for 54% of the 2014 respondents?", "reference_answer": "Oman", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asdaaburson-marstellerarabyouthsurvey2014-140407100615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which country had the highest percentage of respondents for whom, in aggregate, accounted for 54% of respondents in 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "465", "query": "What are five types of Performance Products in BASF's 2013 sales overview?", "reference_answer": "Dispersions & Pigments, Care Chemicals, Nutrition & Health, Paper Chemicals, Performance Chemicals", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfcapitalmarketstorymarch2014-140307094857-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are five types of Performance Products?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "451", "query": "What is Mahindra e2o's username on the platform shown in the Official Social Media Properties stating, “Chetan Maini is back to reveal the 3rd super feature of the e2o”?", "reference_answer": "Mahindrae2o", "meta_info": { "file_name": "campaignanalysis02-mahindrae2olaunchmarch282013-130328080338-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 13 ], "origin_query": "What is Mahindra e2o's username on the platform that said, “Chetan Maini is back to reveal the 3rd super feature of the e2o”?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "463", "query": "In which year did more respondents believe the Arab world is better off following the uprisings across the Arab world, in 2012 or the year in which 49% were very concerned about the National economy according to the ARAB YOUTH SURVEY 2014 report on impact and concern?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asdaaburson-marstellerarabyouthsurvey2014-140407100615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 17 ], "origin_query": "In which year did more respondents believe the Arab world is better off following the uprisings across the Arab world, in 2012 or the year in which 49% were very concerned about the National economy according to the ARAB YOUTH SURVEY 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "445", "query": "What are three Reputation websites mentioned in the ADP Digital Dealer Solutions presentation on Social Marketing & Reputation Management?", "reference_answer": "DealerRater, Edmunds, Yelp", "meta_info": { "file_name": "client-adp-socialmrktngreputationmgmnt-v6-091018155253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What are three Reputation websites?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "472", "query": "In the Cisco Innovation Academy's \"Shibumi\" Design Approach, which step has the fewest elements?", "reference_answer": "Apply", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ciscoinnovationacademy-overview2015-150211040101-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "In the \"Shibumi\" Design Approach, which step has the fewest elements?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "450", "query": "What is Mahindra e2o's Twitter username as shown in the Official Social Media Properties slide?", "reference_answer": "Mahindrae2o", "meta_info": { "file_name": "campaignanalysis02-mahindrae2olaunchmarch282013-130328080338-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is Mahindra e2o's Twitter username?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "466", "query": "How many Agricultural Solutions are mentioned in the BASF Capital Market Story March 2014 document related to BASF's 2013 sales portfolio?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfcapitalmarketstorymarch2014-140307094857-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How many Agricultural Solutions are mentioned in the BASF Capital Market Story March 2014 document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "471", "query": "Which area of Business Performance in BASF's report grew the most by percentage between Q4'13 and Q4 of the year when the Dividend per share was 2.60 euro?", "reference_answer": "EBIT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfcapitalmarketstorymarch2014-140307094857-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "Which area of Business Performance grew the most by percentage between Q4'13 and Q4 of the year in which Dividend per share was 2.60 euro?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "453", "query": "Are the conversations in the Facebook Posts Analysis for the car campaign with 1,722 Average Likes primarily positive or negative?", "reference_answer": "Positive", "meta_info": { "file_name": "campaignanalysis02-mahindrae2olaunchmarch282013-130328080338-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 16 ], "origin_query": "Are the conversations on the car whose campaign had 1,722 Average Likes primarily positive or negative?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "474", "query": "How many weeks long is the Innovator's Accelerator X virtual program in the Cisco Innovation Academy's program offerings?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ciscoinnovationacademy-overview2015-150211040101-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "How many weeks long is the Innovator's Accelerator X virtual program?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "456", "query": "What are a growing number of Arab youth embracing according to the ARAB YOUTH SURVEY 2014 poster?", "reference_answer": "MODERN VALUES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asdaaburson-marstellerarabyouthsurvey2014-140407100615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What are a growing number of Arab youth embracing according to the ARAB YOUTH SURVEY 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "457", "query": "What are a growing number of youth, as surveyed in the Arab Youth Survey 2014, from countries including the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, KSA, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon embracing?", "reference_answer": "MODERN VALUES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asdaaburson-marstellerarabyouthsurvey2014-140407100615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 5 ], "origin_query": "What are a growing number of youth surveyed of which the original 2008-10 countries included the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, KSA, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon embracing?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "470", "query": "Which area of Business Performance in the BASF Capital Market Story March 2014 presentation showed the highest percentage growth between Q4'13 and Q4'12?", "reference_answer": "EBIT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfcapitalmarketstorymarch2014-140307094857-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which area of Business Performance in the BASF Capital Market Story March 2014 presentation grew the most by percentage between Q4'13 and Q4'12?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "459", "query": "In the Arab Youth Survey 2014, the year Palestine was added, respondents who believe traditional values are outdated increased by how many percentage points compared to 2011?", "reference_answer": "29", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asdaaburson-marstellerarabyouthsurvey2014-140407100615-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 10 ], "origin_query": "In the year in which Palestine was added to the survey, respondents who believe traditional values are outdated increased by how many percentage points compared to 2011?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "473", "query": "Which virtual program within the Cisco Innovation Academy Program Offerings is longer, the Innovator's Accelerator X or Cisco Innovation Challenger program?", "reference_answer": "Cisco Innovation Challenger", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ciscoinnovationacademy-overview2015-150211040101-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which virtual program is longer, the Innovator's Accelerator X or Cisco Innovation Challenger program?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "464", "query": "In what country is Kuantan, as mentioned in the BASF Capital Market Story March 2014 presentation?", "reference_answer": "Malaysia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfcapitalmarketstorymarch2014-140307094857-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "In what country is Kuantan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "469", "query": "According to the BASF Capital Market Story March 2014, how many billions of euro more was the Reported EPS compared to the Adjusted EPS in Q4 of the year when Free cash flow was 3.2 billion euro, similar to 2007 and 2009?", "reference_answer": "0.22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfcapitalmarketstorymarch2014-140307094857-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "How many billions of euro more was the Reported EPS than the Adjusted EPS in Q4 in the year in which Free cash flow was 3.2 billion euro along with 2007 and 2009 according to the BASF Capital Market Story March 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "468", "query": "How many billions of euro more was the Reported EPS than the Adjusted EPS in Q4'13 according to BASF increased sales and earnings?", "reference_answer": "0.22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfcapitalmarketstorymarch2014-140307094857-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many billions of euro more was the Reported EPS than the Adjusted EPS in Q4'13?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "482", "query": "What is a Parameter example in the framework MyMediaLite within the Algorithmic Implementation table?", "reference_answer": "neighborhoodsize", "meta_info": { "file_name": "benchmark-141008115150-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is a Parameter example in the framework MyMediaLite?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "478", "query": "What is a paper panel as described in the Hobby Electronics Student Projects & Kits Circuits Book on working with paper panels?", "reference_answer": "interface for viewers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "book-130721143302-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is a paper panel as described in the Hobby Electronics Student Projects & Kits Circuits Book?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "475", "query": "On which day is mapping the terrain discussed in the Cisco Innovation Academy Leading For Innovation [L4I] program flow chart?", "reference_answer": "Day 2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ciscoinnovationacademy-overview2015-150211040101-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "On which day is mapping the terrain discussed in the Cisco Innovation Academy Leading For Innovation [L4I] program flow?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "476", "query": "Which two activities happen in advance of the workshop in the Cisco Innovation Academy program flow?", "reference_answer": "Orientation, Pre-Work", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ciscoinnovationacademy-overview2015-150211040101-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Which two activities happen in advance of the workshop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "479", "query": "How many images of cat faces are pictured in the directory \"cats-train\" in the Bigdata Machine Learning Platform presentation?", "reference_answer": "14", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bicubemineren1-150211215036-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many images of cat faces are pictured in the directory \"cats-train\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "486", "query": "In the context of the consumption of 19 million barrels of oil by Americans daily, what percentage of base oil is composed of additives?", "reference_answer": "15-25", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleancartechnology-150606144000-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of base oil is made up of additives?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "485", "query": "What are two vehicles that contribute to pollution caused by Ozone, Particle pollution, and Smog-forming Emission as depicted in the presentation images?", "reference_answer": "Heavy Duty Trucks, Passenger Vehicle", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleancartechnology-150606144000-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 5 ], "origin_query": "What are two vehicles that contribute to the phenomenon caused by Ozone, Particle pollution, and Smog-forming Emission?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "491", "query": "How many more coups were there than attempted coups between 1951 and 2013, according to the GDP growth and political events chart?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many more coups were there than attempted coups between 1951 and 2013e?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "494", "query": "In which year did the number of Line users surpass Kakao Talk users according to the Ardent Capital presentation titled \"Unique Market – LINE has 20M users in Thailand\"?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "In which year did the number of Line users surpass Kakao Talk users according to the Ardent Capital presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "487", "query": "Which country has the greater population, Thailand or Vietnam, according to the SE Asian Population slide in the Ardent Capital presentation?", "reference_answer": "Vietnam", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which country has the greater population, Thailand or Vietnam, according to the Ardent Capital presentation on Southeast Asia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "481", "query": "How many chapters are there in the \"Singular Value Decomposition Tutorial\" as shown in the PDF Parser on Hadoop HDFS?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bicubemineren1-150211215036-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "How many chapters are there in \"Singular Value Decomposition Tutorial\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "483", "query": "What is a Parameter example in the MyMediaLite framework, which contains the Algorithm IB Cosine and RMSE 0,92476162?", "reference_answer": "neighborhoodsize", "meta_info": { "file_name": "benchmark-141008115150-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 12 ], "origin_query": "What is a Parameter example in the framework which contains the Algorithm IB Cosine and RMSE 0,92476162?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "498", "query": "What are the two types of injection in the case of compression ignition in the Internal Combustion Engine diagram?", "reference_answer": "DIRECT, INDIRECT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofautomobilever2compatibilitymode-124724411173-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are the two types of injection in the case of compression ignition?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "493", "query": "When was the Asian Financial Crisis according to the GDP growth chart, despite political instability?", "reference_answer": "1997-98", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "When was the Asian Financial Crisis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "449", "query": "How many subscribers does the Mahindra e2o YouTube channel have, associated with the ‘Think & Ask’ film, as shown in the Official Social Media Properties?", "reference_answer": "108", "meta_info": { "file_name": "campaignanalysis02-mahindrae2olaunchmarch282013-130328080338-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 7 ], "origin_query": "How many subscribers does the YouTube channel have for the Mahindra e2o car brand associated with the ‘Think & Ask’ film?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "480", "query": "Who wrote \"Singular Value Decomposition Tutorial\" according to the Bigdata Machine Learning Platform image?", "reference_answer": "Kirk Baker", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bicubemineren1-150211215036-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "Who wrote \"Singular Value Decomposition Tutorial\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "499", "query": "What are the two types of injection in compression ignition engines where combustion is initiated by heat, on its own?", "reference_answer": "DIRECT, INDIRECT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofautomobilever2compatibilitymode-124724411173-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 13 ], "origin_query": "What are the two types of injection in the case of the engine in which combustion is initiated by heat, on its own?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "477", "query": "How many volts is the Electrolytic Capacitor pictured in the Hobby Electronics Student Projects & Kits Circuits Book on page 7?", "reference_answer": "400", "meta_info": { "file_name": "book-130721143302-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many volts is the Electrolytic Capacitor pictured in the Hobby Electronics Student Projects & Kits Circuits Book?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "502", "query": "What percentage is the typical thermal efficiency of diesel IDI as shown in the thermal efficiency diagram?", "reference_answer": "28-30", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofautomobilever2compatibilitymode-124724411173-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is the typical thermal efficiency of diesel IDI?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "496", "query": "What is the unit of measurement for a cc in the context of engine parameters?", "reference_answer": "Cubic centimeter", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofautomobilever2compatibilitymode-124724411173-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What is the unit of measurement for a cc?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "500", "query": "How many types of ignitions are there in the case of injected spark ignitions according to the internal combustion engine diagram?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofautomobilever2compatibilitymode-124724411173-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "How many types of ignitions are there in the case of injected spark ignitions?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "467", "query": "How many products associated with the 26% of R&D expenditures in 2013 as shown in BASF's innovation commitment are mentioned?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfcapitalmarketstorymarch2014-140307094857-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 20 ], "origin_query": "How many products which made up 26% of R&D expenditures in 2013 are mentioned?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "488", "query": "Which country has the greater population, the country where Ardent HQ is located, specifically Thailand, or Vietnam?", "reference_answer": "Vietnam", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 4 ], "origin_query": "Which country has the greater population, the country which has the Ardent HQ located in it or Vietnam?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "484", "query": "What are two vehicles that contribute to pollution according to the diagram in the Clean Car Technology document?", "reference_answer": "Heavy Duty Trucks, Passenger Vehicle", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleancartechnology-150606144000-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What are two vehicles that contribute to pollution according to the Clean Car Technology document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "507", "query": "What is on the brink of overtaking social networks in user numbers according to the Messaging Apps Are the New Social Media chart in the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 presentation?", "reference_answer": "Messaging Apps", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandinnovators2015trends-150105172645-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is on the brink of overtaking social networks in user numbers according to the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "506", "query": "In the eMarketer June 2014 report on net US mobile Internet search ad revenues, which had a higher percent change in 2013, Yelp or Google?", "reference_answer": "Yelp", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandinnovators2015trends-150105172645-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which had a higher percent change in net US mobile Internet search ad revenue in 2013, Yelp or Google?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "489", "query": "In the \"Internet Penetration is Exploding\" infographic, between 2010 and 2020, Internet penetration in Southeast Asia is expected to increase by how many percentage points?", "reference_answer": "37", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Between 2010 and 2020, Internet penetration in Southeast Asia is expected to increase by how many percentage points?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "490", "query": "Between 2010 and 2020, by how many percentage points is internet penetration expected to increase in Southeast Asia, which is bigger (2x) than the US?", "reference_answer": "37", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "Between 2010 and 2020, Internet penetration in the region that is bigger (2x) than the US is expected to increase by how many percentage points?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "501", "query": "How many types of ignitions are there for injected engines using unleaded petrol, Alcohol, LPG, or CNG as shown in the Classification of Engines diagram?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofautomobilever2compatibilitymode-124724411173-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 13 ], "origin_query": "How many types of ignitions are there in the case of injected engines which use unleaded petrol, Alcohol, LPG or CNG?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "503", "query": "What percentage is the typical thermal efficiency of engines with fuel sprayed onto a separate pre-chamber, according to the thermal efficiency diagram?", "reference_answer": "28-30", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofautomobilever2compatibilitymode-124724411173-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 14 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is the typical thermal efficiency of engines in which FUEL IS SPRAYED ON TO A SEPARATE PRE-CHAMBER?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "511", "query": "In the Knight Frank report for July - December 2014, was there a greater decrease in new residential launches in Mumbai or Hyderabad according to the bar graph depicting six cities?", "reference_answer": "Mumbai", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allindiapressrelease-indiarealestateoutlookreport-150128001550-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "In the Knight Frank report for July - December 2014, was there a greater decrease in new residential launches in Mumbai or Hyderabad?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "516", "query": "A global score greater than what indicates a subject is having poor sleep according to Task 2: Daily Sleep Quality Inference?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chi2014-sleep-140509115813-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "A global score greater than what indicates a subject is having poor sleep?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "512", "query": "In the Knight Frank report for July - December 2014, within the residential section showing new launches, was the decrease greater in Mumbai or in the city with an 18% sales fall from 2013?", "reference_answer": "Mumbai", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allindiapressrelease-indiarealestateoutlookreport-150128001550-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "In the Knight Frank report for July - December 2014, was there a greater decrease in new residential launches in Mumbai or the city where sales fell by 18% compared to 2013?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "504", "query": "In \"The Future of Search and SEM Also Lies Outside of Google,\" did the percentage of total mobile search ad spending for Google increase or decrease from 2012 to 2014?", "reference_answer": "Decrease", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandinnovators2015trends-150105172645-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Did the percentage of total mobile search ad spending for Google increase or decrease from 2012 to 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "519", "query": "How many more percentage points of the market share does Gingerbread have than Kitkat in the Vietnam Mobile Market Overview?", "reference_answer": "0.6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appotamobilemarketreportq1-140409223140-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "How many more percentage points of the market share does Gingerbread have than Kitkat?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "517", "query": "Sleep detection errors are at their highest with how many days of training data according to the General vs. Individual Models comparison?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chi2014-sleep-140509115813-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Sleep detection errors are at their highest with how many days of training data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "505", "query": "Did the percentage of total mobile search ad spending for Google, shown in the eMarketer report on disruptive technology trends, increase or decrease from 2012 to 2014?", "reference_answer": "Decrease", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandinnovators2015trends-150105172645-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 13 ], "origin_query": "Did the percentage of total mobile search ad spending for Google, the company valued near 400 billion dollars, increase or decrease from 2012 to 2014 according to the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "518", "query": "What is the version with the Codename Ice Cream Sandwich in the Vietnam Mobile Market Overview?", "reference_answer": "4.0.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appotamobilemarketreportq1-140409223140-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the version with the Codename Ice Cream Sandwich?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "515", "query": "What are six components of global sleep quality according to Toss 'N' Turn Data Collection Ver.?", "reference_answer": "Subjective sleep quality, Sleep latency, Sleep efficiency, Sleep duration, Use of medication, Sleep disturbances", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chi2014-sleep-140509115813-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What are six components of global sleep quality?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "495", "query": "In which year did the number of users on the LINE platform, which has over 20 million users in Thailand, surpass Kakao Talk users?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "In which year did the number of users on the platform which has >20M users in Thailand alone surpass Kakao Talk users?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "509", "query": "According to the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 presentation map, which app between WHATSAPP or LINE has more users?", "reference_answer": "WHATSAPP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandinnovators2015trends-150105172645-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which app has more users, WHATSAPP or LINE, according to the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "514", "query": "What is the total number of unsold units in December during the year when Sales volume fell by 17% compared to 2013, as per the Knight Frank Residential Market report for 2014?", "reference_answer": "647,484", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allindiapressrelease-indiarealestateoutlookreport-150128001550-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the total number of unsold units in December of the year in which Sales volume fell by 17% compared to 2013 according to the Knight Frank Residential Market report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "520", "query": "In the Vietnam Mobile Market Overview, what is the least used Android screen size for web browsing?", "reference_answer": "800x1280", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appotamobilemarketreportq1-140409223140-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the least used Android screen size for web browsing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "492", "query": "How many more coups were there than attempted coups between 1951 and the year when Online Retail Sales in SEA reached 13.5 billion dollars, according to the Ardent Capital presentation?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ardentcapitalandthailandinvestments2014-01-15v3-140120212530-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "How many more coups were there than attempted coups between 1951 and the year in which Online Retail Sales in SEA were 13.5 billion dollars according to the Ardent Capital presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "510", "query": "Which app has more users, WHATSAPP or the other Asian Competitor besides WeChat, as mentioned in the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 presentation featuring user statistics from readwrite?", "reference_answer": "WHATSAPP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandinnovators2015trends-150105172645-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which app has more users, WHATSAPP or the other Asian Competitor besides WeChat, as mentioned in the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "513", "query": "What is the total number of unsold units in December 2014 according to the Knight Frank Residential Market report on the health of residential markets in six cities?", "reference_answer": "647,484", "meta_info": { "file_name": "allindiapressrelease-indiarealestateoutlookreport-150128001550-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the total number of unsold units in December 2014 according to the Knight Frank Residential Market report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "521", "query": "What is the least used screen size for web browsing in the Vietnam Mobile Market Overview for the OS with 78% of the smartphone device share globally?", "reference_answer": "800x1280", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appotamobilemarketreportq1-140409223140-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the least used screen size for web browsing for the OS with 78% of the smartphone device share globally?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "529", "query": "Which region has the lowest real chemical production ex. pharma in trillions of US dollars according to the BASF Investor Day Asia Pacific, June 2013?", "reference_answer": "ANZ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfinvestordayasia-pacificnanjingday2-130611034439-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which region has the lowest real chemical production ex. pharma as measured by trillions of US dollars?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "528", "query": "What percentage of the world's sports shoes output occurs in Fujian according to the BASF Investor Day Asia Pacific map?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfinvestordayasia-pacificnanjingday2-130611034439-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the world's sports shoes output occurs in Fujian?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "532", "query": "What is Prof. Peter Fisk's email address as shown in the Marketing Genius Live presentation on Big Data?", "reference_answer": "peterfisk@peterfisk.com", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatabigideasbigimpact-150218005331-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is Prof. Peter Fisk's email address?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "522", "query": "What were the dates of the Asia Leaders Summit in Singapore in 2014 according to Appota Updates?", "reference_answer": "February 15-16", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appotamobilemarketreportq1-140409223140-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What were the dates of the Asia Leaders Summit in 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "508", "query": "Where is Kik from according to the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 presentation shown in the global map by readwrite?", "reference_answer": "ONTARIO, CANADA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brandinnovators2015trends-150105172645-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Where is Kik from according to the Brian Solis Disruptive Technology Trends 2015-2016 presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "527", "query": "How many emerging provinces are there in the country with a real GDP of 5.2 trillion US$ in 2012 as shown in the BASF Investor Day presentation?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfinvestordayasia-pacificnanjingday2-130611034439-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "How many emerging provinces are there in the country whose real GDP in 2012 was 5.2 trillion US$?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "523", "query": "In what convention center was the Global Mobile Game Congress held in March 2014 according to the Appota Updates slide?", "reference_answer": "CHINA NATIONAL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "appotamobilemarketreportq1-140409223140-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "In what convention center was the Global Mobile Game Congress held in March 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "526", "query": "How many emerging provinces are identified in China within the BASF Investor Day Asia Pacific presentation?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfinvestordayasia-pacificnanjingday2-130611034439-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many emerging provinces are there in China?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "538", "query": "What are examples of middleware in the IOT OSI overview chart?", "reference_answer": "Dowse, OpenHAB, TheThingSystem, ZIPR, Ponte, WebSphere, RabbitMQ, Dweet", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amethodologyforbuildingtheinternetofthings1-141127194112-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of middleware?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "542", "query": "What unnecessary complexity does OSI add according to the \"IOT OSI Architecture Models\" slide in the \"A Methodology for Building the Internet of Things\" document?", "reference_answer": "unnecessary complexity", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amethodologyforbuildingtheinternetofthings1-141127194112-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What unnecessary complexity does OSI add according to the \"A Methodology for Building the Internet of Things\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "537", "query": "What happens between IoT OSI and Deploy in the iteration steps flow chart?", "reference_answer": "Prototype", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amethodologyforbuildingtheinternetofthings1-141127194112-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What happens between IoT OSI and Deploy in the flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "535", "query": "In the context of the exponential rise of big data, how many GB is in one Zettabyte as illustrated?", "reference_answer": "1 trillion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatabigideasbigimpact-150218005331-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "How many GB is in one Zettabyte?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "524", "query": "What is Dr. Albert Heuser's position at BASF during the Investor Day Asia Pacific event in Nanjing?", "reference_answer": "President Greater China & Functions Asia Pacific", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfinvestordayasia-pacificnanjingday2-130611034439-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is Dr. Albert Heuser's position at BASF?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "543", "query": "What does communication between each layer deal with in the IOT OSI architecture model as shown in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "Authentication, Identification, Management, Telemetry", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amethodologyforbuildingtheinternetofthings1-141127194112-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What does communication between each layer deal with in the IOT OSI architecture model?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "525", "query": "What is Dr. Albert Heuser's position at BASF, a company that is well positioned in China in an increasingly competitive environment as detailed in their presentation at Investor Day Asia Pacific?", "reference_answer": "President Greater China & Functions Asia Pacific", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfinvestordayasia-pacificnanjingday2-130611034439-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 9 ], "origin_query": "What is Dr. Albert Heuser's position at the company that is well positioned in China in an increasingly competitive environment?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "545", "query": "Are New Analytics categorized as a Compute Trend or a Storage Trend in the Big Data with Not Only SQL document under the New Data and Management Economics section?", "reference_answer": "Compute Trend", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataarchitecture-100626102239-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Are New Analytics categorized as a Compute Trend or a Storage Trend in the Big Data with Not Only SQL document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "536", "query": "What are the four V's of big data as illustrated in the infographic by Genius?", "reference_answer": "Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatabigideasbigimpact-150218005331-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What are the four V's of big data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "544", "query": "In the context of Big Data, Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Veracity are part of what concept?", "reference_answer": "Value", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataarchitecture-100626102239-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Veracity are part of what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "534", "query": "Which building block to the future comes directly after Healthcare in the figure within the context of Peter Fisk's presentation on BIG DATA ++BIG IDEAS = BIG IMPACT titled \"Building blocks to the future\"?", "reference_answer": "Resource shortages", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatabigideasbigimpact-150218005331-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which building block to the future comes directly after Healthcare in the figure within the context of Peter Fisk's presentation on BIG DATA ++BIG IDEAS = BIG IMPACT?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "547", "query": "What are two examples of storage arrays mentioned in the Moving Computation to Storage section of the Big Data with Not Only SQL document?", "reference_answer": "SAN, NAS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataarchitecture-100626102239-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What are two examples of storage arrays mentioned in the Big Data with Not Only SQL document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "530", "query": "How many more automotive OEM plants are there in the Middle West Region of China compared to the South Region according to the BASF Investor Day Asia Pacific June 2013 report?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfinvestordayasia-pacificnanjingday2-130611034439-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "How many more automotive OEM plants are there in the Middle West Region of China compared to the South Region?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "550", "query": "In the chart showing company lifespan, how many more years was the S&P 500 Index average company lifespan in 1960 compared to 2011?", "reference_answer": "46", "meta_info": { "file_name": "augustteamsworkpresentation1-151002172254-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "How many more years was the average company lifespan on S&P 500 Index in 1960 compared to 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "540", "query": "What are end points also known as in the IoT OSI overview?", "reference_answer": "things", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amethodologyforbuildingtheinternetofthings1-141127194112-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are end points also known as?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "497", "query": "What is the unit of measurement for the volume displaced by all pistons while moving from top to bottom in the context of engine parameters?", "reference_answer": "Cubic centimeter", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofautomobilever2compatibilitymode-124724411173-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16, 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the unit of measurement for the volume displaced by all pistons while moving from top to bottom?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "552", "query": "Are most companies designed for certainty or uncertainty according to the August 2015 presentation by Mike Arauz shown in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "Certainty", "meta_info": { "file_name": "augustteamsworkpresentation1-151002172254-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Are most companies designed for certainty or uncertainty according to the presentation by Mike Arauz in August 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "556", "query": "What does regular math deal with according to the \"WHAT IS CALCULUS: DR. A K TIWARI\" visual representation of a car on a straight path?", "reference_answer": "Constant Conditions", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofcalculus-150407154114-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What does regular math deal with according to the \"WHAT IS CALCULUS: DR. AKTIWARI\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "554", "query": "What are the two categories of calculus according to Dr. A.K. Tiwari's presentation?", "reference_answer": "Differential, Integral", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofcalculus-150407154114-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What are the two categories of calculus?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "546", "query": "What are three examples of new data structures mentioned in the \"New Data and Management Economics\" section of the \"Big Data with Not Only SQL\" document?", "reference_answer": "Distributed File Systems, NoSQL Database, New SQL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataarchitecture-100626102239-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What are three examples of new data structures mentioned in the \"Big Data with Not Only SQL\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "559", "query": "What is the formula to determine Distance in the context of basic physics calculations by Dr. A K Tiwari?", "reference_answer": "(velocity)(time)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofcalculus-150407154114-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the formula to determine Distance?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "549", "query": "How many years did it take Whatsapp to reach $1b market cap according to the chart on Years to Reach $1b Market Cap?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "augustteamsworkpresentation1-151002172254-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many years did it take Whatsapp to reach $1b market cap?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "551", "query": "Is the average company lifespan on the S&P 500 Index in 2029, as shown in the lifespan projection chart, expected to be higher or lower than in 2011?", "reference_answer": "Lower", "meta_info": { "file_name": "augustteamsworkpresentation1-151002172254-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Is the average company lifespan on S&P 500 Index in 2029 projected to be higher or lower than in 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "553", "query": "Are most companies designed for certainty or WHAT HUMANS NEED TO BE GOOD AT according to the presentation by Mike Arauz, featuring the comparison between company design and human skills in August 2015?", "reference_answer": "Certainty", "meta_info": { "file_name": "augustteamsworkpresentation1-151002172254-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 15 ], "origin_query": "Are most companies designed for certainty or WHAT HUMANS NEED TO BE GOOD AT according to the presentation by Mike Arauz in August 2015?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "557", "query": "Which requires calculus, average velocity during the first 3 seconds or instantaneous velocity at 6 seconds in the Differential Calculus in the Real World slide?", "reference_answer": "Instantaneous Velocity at 6 seconds", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofcalculus-150407154114-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which requires calculus, average velocity during the first 3 seconds or instantaneous velocity at 6 seconds?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "533", "query": "What does the \"Data is the new oil\" presentation claim to be the \"new oil\"?", "reference_answer": "Data", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatabigideasbigimpact-150218005331-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What does the presentation claim is the \"new oil\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "566", "query": "In how many countries are there Independent Overseas Subsidiaries according to Figure 9.2 in the International Business presentation?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chp9-121208092412-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "In how many countries are there Independent Overseas Subsidiaries?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "561", "query": "Which three cities in the figure \"Better access to jobs in San Francisco\" are part of Silicon Valley?", "reference_answer": "Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose", "meta_info": { "file_name": "caltraincapacitymountainview1-150701205750-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Which three cities in the figure are part of Silicon Valley?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "548", "query": "Whose work is the source of the figure \"Years to reach $1b market cap\" in the presentation by Mike Arauz, showing a comparison between typical companies and tech giants like Google and Facebook?", "reference_answer": "Yuri Van Geest", "meta_info": { "file_name": "augustteamsworkpresentation1-151002172254-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Whose work is the source of the figure \"Years to reach $1b market cap\" in the presentation by Mike Arauz?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "560", "query": "What is the percentage of the High Season Capacity for 7:03 AM Northbound Train Number 319 in the \"Trains are crowded\" chart within the \"Keeping up with Caltrain Ridership\" report by Adina Levin - Friends of Caltrain June 2015?", "reference_answer": "158", "meta_info": { "file_name": "caltraincapacitymountainview1-150701205750-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the percentage of the High Season Capacity for 7:03 AM Northbound Train Number 319 in the \"Keeping up with Caltrain Ridership\" report by Adina Levin - Friends of Caltrain June 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "565", "query": "Who works under the Head of Export in the export department structure depicted in Figure 9.1 of Alan M Rugman and Simon Collinson's \"International Business, 5th Edition\"?", "reference_answer": "Export Marketing Staff, Administration, Distribution, Overseas Representatives", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chp9-121208092412-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Who works under the Head of Export in the export department structure depicted in Figure 9.1 of Alan M Rugman and Simon Collinson's \"International Business, 5th Edition\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "562", "query": "Which three cities in the \"Better access to jobs in San Francisco\" figure are part of the area for which Carl Guardino, from the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, is part of the Leadership Group?", "reference_answer": "Palo Alto, Mountain View, San Jose", "meta_info": { "file_name": "caltraincapacitymountainview1-150701205750-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 17 ], "origin_query": "Which three cities in the figure are part of the area for which Carl Guardino, from the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, is a part of the Leadership Group?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "531", "query": "How many more automotive OEM plants are there in the Middle West Region of China compared to the South Region, which includes Guangxi, according to the BASF Investor Day Asia Pacific presentation's 2015 OEM landscape?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfinvestordayasia-pacificnanjingday2-130611034439-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 20 ], "origin_query": "How many more automotive OEM plants are there in the Middle West Region of China compared to the South Region, which contains the city of Guangxi, according to the BASF Investor Day Asia Pacific presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "555", "query": "What are the two categories of calculus as explained in the presentation by Dr. A K Tiwari that includes concepts from algebra and geometry using limits?", "reference_answer": "Differential, Integral", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofcalculus-150407154114-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "What are the two categories of the mathematical branch which includes the concepts learned in algebra and geometry that are extended using the idea of limits?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "571", "query": "What are the two types of connective tissue proper shown in the diagram with loose and dense categories?", "reference_answer": "LOOSE, DENSE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectivetissue-150209063549-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are the two types of connective tissue proper?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "567", "query": "What is the economic voltage level in KV for efficient transmission according to Table-1 when the power transfer requirement is 3500 MW and the distance is 500 km?", "reference_answer": "765", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsdeedesktoptransmissionline12-090228010509-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the economic voltage level in KV for efficient transmission when the power transfer requirement is 3500 MW and Distance is 500 km?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "539", "query": "What are examples of pieces and systems found within the Middleware layer that includes LOCAL MESH GATEWAY, MESSAGE BROKER, and INTERNET CONNECTIVITY in the IOT OSI canvas mapping?", "reference_answer": "Dowse, OpenHAB, TheThingSystem, ZIPR, Ponte, WebSphere, RabbitMQ, Dweet", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amethodologyforbuildingtheinternetofthings1-141127194112-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 16 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of the layer that includes LOCAL MESH GATEWAY, MESSAGE BROKER, and INERNET CONNECTIVITY?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "563", "query": "Which station on the San Francisco Central Subway map is closest to AT&T Ballpark?", "reference_answer": "2ND ST. AND KING", "meta_info": { "file_name": "caltraincapacitymountainview1-150701205750-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which station is closest to AT&T Ballpark?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "573", "query": "What is the tissue distribution of Chondronectin according to the protein tissue distribution table?", "reference_answer": "Cartilage", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectivetissue-150209063549-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the tissue distribution of Chondronectin?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "569", "query": "In the Clearance for Power Line Crossings diagram, how much more is the minimum clearance in mm for a voltage level of 66 KV compared to 132 KV?", "reference_answer": "300", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsdeedesktoptransmissionline12-090228010509-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "How much more is the minimum clearance in mm for a voltage level of 66 KV compared to 132 KV?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "575", "query": "What binds to laminin and type IV collagen in the table of extracellular matrix components?", "reference_answer": "Entactin", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectivetissue-150209063549-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What binds to laminin and type IV collagen?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "568", "query": "Which voltage level in KV has a minimum clearance of 3050 mm according to the table in Clearance for Power Line Crossings?", "reference_answer": "220", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsdeedesktoptransmissionline12-090228010509-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Which voltage level in KV has a minimum clearance of 3050 mm?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "564", "query": "How many lines are mentioned to go through the Union Square/Market Street station in the \"Keeping up with Caltrain Ridership\" presentation by Adina Levin, as shown in the Central Subway map?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "caltraincapacitymountainview1-150701205750-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "How many lines are mentioned to go through the Union Square/Market Street station in the \"Keeping up with Caltrain Ridership\" presentation by Adina Levin?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "577", "query": "Keratan sulfate, according to the table on tissue distribution and functions, is distributed to how many tissue types?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectivetissue-150209063549-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Keratan sulfate is distributed to how many tissue types?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "572", "query": "Elastic connective tissue is a type of what, according to the specialized connective tissue diagram?", "reference_answer": "SPECIALISED CONNECTIVE TISSUE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectivetissue-150209063549-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Elastic connective tissue is a type of what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "558", "query": "In Differential Calculus in the Real World, which requires Changing Conditions & Curves, average velocity during the first 3 seconds or instantaneous velocity at 6 seconds?", "reference_answer": "Instantaneous Velocity at 6 seconds", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofcalculus-150407154114-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 9 ], "origin_query": "Which requires Changing Conditions & Curves, average velocity during the first 3 seconds or instantaneous velocity at 6 seconds?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "578", "query": "What dial appears above VACUUM SUPPLY on the FLEXPANEL in the Triaxial Test Equipment image?", "reference_answer": "AIR SUPPLY", "meta_info": { "file_name": "class8-triaxialtest-150416092344-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What dial appears above VACUUM SUPPLY on the FLEXPANEL pictured?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "570", "query": "How much more is the minimum clearance in mm for a voltage level of 66 KV compared to the voltage level associated with a Meter & Narrow Gauge inside station limit of 9.8 meters as shown in the clearance guidelines for power line crossings?", "reference_answer": "300", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsdeedesktoptransmissionline12-090228010509-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 15 ], "origin_query": "How much more is the minimum clearance in mm for a voltage level of 66 KV compared to the voltage level associated with a Meter & Narrow Gauge inside station limit of 9.8(m)?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "586", "query": "According to Jonathan Champ's presentation \"The Business of Communication,\" are there more Early Adopters or Trailblazers in the Change Acceptance Curve?", "reference_answer": "Early Adopters", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bizofchangeartofcommspublic-141115203118-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Are there more Early Adopters or Trailblazers according to the Change Acceptance Curve in Jonathan Champ's presentation \"The Business of Communication\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "541", "query": "What are the items that include Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ZWave Devices among others, as shown in the IOT OSI Overview and SmartLiving.io implementers Toolbox?", "reference_answer": "things", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amethodologyforbuildingtheinternetofthings1-141127194112-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 17 ], "origin_query": "What are the items that include Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ZWave Devices among others also known as?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "581", "query": "How many trophies are the hands holding up in the \"3 STEPS TO SUCCESS\" slide from the \"HOW TO AVOID DEATH BY POWERPOINT\" presentation by Nancy Verbrugghe at Barcamp Antwerp March 19, 2009?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avoidingdeathbypowerpointslideshare-090322075422-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "How many trophies are the hands holding up in the image in the \"HOW TO AVOID DEATH BY POWERPOINT\" presentation by Nancy Verbrugghe at Barcamp Antwerp March 19, 2009?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "583", "query": "In the diagram \"Organizations Face a Degree of Complexity Greater Than Ever,\" under which category does \"The 'Bitcoin' Effect\" fall?", "reference_answer": "Economic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bizofchangeartofcommspublic-141115203118-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which category does \"The 'Bitcoin' Effect\" fall under in the context of complexity and disruption driving innovation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "584", "query": "According to \"THE GAP, THE CURVE AND THE DIP\" diagram, how many stages of grief are indicated?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bizofchangeartofcommspublic-141115203118-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "How many stages of grief are there?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "595", "query": "In the Continuous Delivery diagram presented by Pivotal, what process is listed between Development and Operations?", "reference_answer": "QA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "archforcdmicroservices-140922113137-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What comes between Development and Operations in the flow?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "593", "query": "What are four issues with LTE as outlined in \"The Right Solution for Mobile Internet\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "Always On, Bursty Traffic, QoS Cost / MB, CAPEX & OPEX", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ariefhamdanigunawan-lte-091119190732-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What are four issues with LTE?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "579", "query": "What is Nancy Verbrugghe into according to her Barcamp Antwerp March 19, 2009 presentation slide?", "reference_answer": "politics", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avoidingdeathbypowerpointslideshare-090322075422-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What is Nancy Verbrugghe into according to the Barcamp Antwerp March 19, 2009 presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "594", "query": "What are four issues with LTE that will ensure the success of Mobile Internet according to the LTE Network Architecture document under the LTE - The Right Solution for Mobile Internet section?", "reference_answer": "Always On, Bursty Traffic, QoS Cost / MB, CAPEX & OPEX", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ariefhamdanigunawan-lte-091119190732-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 10 ], "origin_query": "What are four issues with LTE that Will Ensure the Success of Mobile Internet according to the LTE Network Architecture document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "585", "query": "What determines approach in the context of Comms Goals within \"The Gap, The Curve and The Dip\" presentation by Jonathan Champ?", "reference_answer": "Comms Goals", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bizofchangeartofcommspublic-141115203118-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What determines approach in the context of Comms Goals within the presentation by Jonathan Champ?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "588", "query": "Is HSPA Rel-6 CDMA-based or OFDMA-based according to the 4G Technologies diagram?", "reference_answer": "CDMA - Based", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ariefhamdanigunawan-lte-091119190732-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Is HSPA Rel-6 CDMA-based or OEDMA-based?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "597", "query": "Who wrote the book entitled \"Release It!\" featured in the slide titled Continuous Delivery - How?", "reference_answer": "Michael T. Nygard", "meta_info": { "file_name": "archforcdmicroservices-140922113137-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Who wrote the book entitled \"Release It!\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "601", "query": "Who did the computations to produce the map of scientific collaborations from 2005 to 2009 in the Large Scale Data visualization?", "reference_answer": "Olivier H. Beauchesne", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataanalyticsasocialnetworkapproach-150609111754-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Who did the computations to produce the map of scientific collaborations from 2005 to 2009?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "599", "query": "How many figures are highlighted in the acoustical design consideration for auditorium document?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auditoriumfinal-140407113634-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "How many figures are highlighted in the auditorium design consideration document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "598", "query": "In the context of Monolithic Architecture, HTML is what type of application?", "reference_answer": "Monolithic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "archforcdmicroservices-140922113137-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "HTML is what type of application?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "596", "query": "What is the title of the novel about IT, DevOps, and helping your business win shown in the Pivotal presentation slide?", "reference_answer": "The Phoenix Project", "meta_info": { "file_name": "archforcdmicroservices-140922113137-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of the novel about IT, DevOps, and helping your business win?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "591", "query": "What makes the new Mobile internet business model feasible according to the LTE cost/performance improvement depicted in the chart?", "reference_answer": "LTE significant improvement on cost/performance", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ariefhamdanigunawan-lte-091119190732-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What makes the new Mobile internet business model feasible according to the LTE significant improvement on cost/performance?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "582", "query": "Who wrote the book entitled \"The Back of the Napkin\" shown in the image with illustrations about solving problems and selling ideas?", "reference_answer": "DAN ROAM", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avoidingdeathbypowerpointslideshare-090322075422-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Who wrote the book entitled \"The Back of the Napkin\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "592", "query": "What offers large-scale mobile IP access as mentioned in the LTE - The Right Solution for Mobile internet slide?", "reference_answer": "LTE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ariefhamdanigunawan-lte-091119190732-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What offers large-scale mobile IP access?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "587", "query": "What comes after \"Change owner\" in the diagram within the presentation \"Changing Roles: Leaders, Change Agents and Specialists\" by Jonathan Champ?", "reference_answer": "SME", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bizofchangeartofcommspublic-141115203118-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What comes after \"Change owner\" in the diagram within the presentation \"The Business of Change\" by Jonathan Champ?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "611", "query": "What percent is wheel slip when the wheel is free wheeling according to Figure 2 in the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) illustration?", "reference_answer": "0", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anti-lockabsshow-140614024326-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percent is wheel slip when wheel is free wheeling according to the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "590", "query": "What two items does the node that terminates the interface towards PDN include in the Protocol Overview diagram?", "reference_answer": "UE IP address allocation, Packet Filtering", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ariefhamdanigunawan-lte-091119190732-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 18 ], "origin_query": "What two items does the node that terminates the interface towards PDN include?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "602", "query": "When was #prayforjapan a Twitter trending topic among Indonesian Twitter users according to SalingSilang's report?", "reference_answer": "Mar 2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataanalyticsasocialnetworkapproach-150609111754-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "When was #prayforjapan a Twitter trending topic among Indonesian Twitter users?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "605", "query": "What are three types of data that are part of SCBD research in the Research Roadmap diagram?", "reference_answer": "Online, Structured, Conversational", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataanalyticsasocialnetworkapproach-150609111754-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What are three types of data that are part of SCBD research?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "609", "query": "What are six types of control covered by ABS research on what was first developed for aircraft by the French automobile and aircraft pioneer Gabriel Voisin in 1929?", "reference_answer": "Classical, Optimal, Nonlinear, Robust, Adaptive, Intelligent", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anti-lockabsshow-140614024326-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 7 ], "origin_query": "What are six types of control covered by research on what was first developed for aircraft by the French automobile and aircraft pioneer Gabriel Voisin in 1929?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "612", "query": "After how many miles should brake fluid be replaced according to the ABS Components Overview of the Anti-lock Braking System?", "reference_answer": "45,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anti-lockabsshow-140614024326-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "After how many miles should brake fluid be replaced according to the ABS Components Overview?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "589", "query": "What two items does P-GW include according to the Protocol diagram in the EPC section?", "reference_answer": "UE IP address allocation, Packet Filtering", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ariefhamdanigunawan-lte-091119190732-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What two items does P-GW include?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "580", "query": "What is Nancy Verbrugghe, who made the “HOW TO AVOID DEATH BY POWERPOINT?” presentation, into?", "reference_answer": "politics", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avoidingdeathbypowerpointslideshare-090322075422-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 2 ], "origin_query": "What is the person who made the “HOW TO AVOID DEATH BY POWERPOINT?” presentation into?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "604", "query": "What are two analytics tools mentioned in the BIG DATA STATE OF THE ART section by Chalmers et al (2013)?", "reference_answer": "MLPACK, Mahout", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataanalyticsasocialnetworkapproach-150609111754-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are two analytics tools mentioned in the BIG DATA STATE OF THE ART section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "614", "query": "What type of virus is CryptoWall 2.0 described in \"How My Mom Got Hacked\"?", "reference_answer": "ransomware", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astamos-appseciseatingsecurity-150219111350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What type of virus is CryptoWall 2.0?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "600", "query": "Which has greater reverberation, churches or conference rooms according to the Acoustical Design Consideration for Auditoriums document featuring reverberation and echo graphs?", "reference_answer": "Churches", "meta_info": { "file_name": "auditoriumfinal-140407113634-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which has greater reverberation, churches or conference rooms according to the Acoustical Design Consideration for Auditoriums document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "613", "query": "Who wrote the article \"How My Mom Got Hacked\" shown in the Yahoo! slide?", "reference_answer": "ALINA SIMONE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astamos-appseciseatingsecurity-150219111350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Who wrote the article \"How My Mom Got Hacked\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "617", "query": "In the context of organizations operating at different levels, what does FEAP stand for?", "reference_answer": "FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN AQUACULTURE PRODUCERS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aquacultureproducerorganisationscairo25sept2012-121023231529-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What does FEAP stand for?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "606", "query": "Does an inability to steer that leads to collision with obstacles occur with or without ABS according to the Anti-lock Braking System presentation?", "reference_answer": "Without ABS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anti-lockabsshow-140614024326-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Does an inability to steer that leads to collision with obstacles occur with or without ABS?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "615", "query": "How much does iShower2 cost in dollars on the iDevices website as shown in the Internet of Unpatchable Crap Things slide?", "reference_answer": "99.99", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astamos-appseciseatingsecurity-150219111350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How much does iShower2 cost in dollars on the iDevices website?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "618", "query": "Were there more farmers in 2001 or 2002 according to the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation on improved pond yields?", "reference_answer": "2001", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aquacultureproducerorganisationscairo25sept2012-121023231529-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Were there more farmers in 2001 or 2002 according to the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "608", "query": "What are six types of control covered by ABS research in the Anti-lock Braking System overview?", "reference_answer": "Classical, Optimal, Nonlinear, Robust, Adaptive, Intelligent", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anti-lockabsshow-140614024326-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are six types of control covered by ABS research?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "607", "query": "In the motivation for ABS development, does an inability to steer that leads to collision with obstacles occur with or without the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) designed to prevent the wheels of a vehicle from locking during sudden brake applications?", "reference_answer": "Without", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anti-lockabsshow-140614024326-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 6 ], "origin_query": "Does an inability to steer that leads to collision with obstacles occur with or without the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) designed to prevent the wheels of a vehicle from locking as brake pedal pressure is applied – often suddenly in an emergency or short stopping distance?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "610", "query": "What characteristics can lead to reduced road friction in the Anti-lock Braking System illustration?", "reference_answer": "wet, greasy, loose, frozen", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anti-lockabsshow-140614024326-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What characteristics can lead to reduced road friction?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "622", "query": "Did profit per farmer p.a. increase or decrease from 2005 to 2006 in the Outcomes - Improved Farmer Incomes slide of the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation?", "reference_answer": "Increase", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aquacultureproducerorganisationscairo25sept2012-121023231529-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Did profit per farmer p.a. increase or decrease from 2005 to 2006 in the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "576", "query": "What binds to laminin and type IV collagen, aiding adhesion of epithelial cells in the basal lamina context of extracellular matrix proteins?", "reference_answer": "Entactin", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectivetissue-150209063549-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 15 ], "origin_query": "What binds to that which helps in adhesion of epithelial cells to basal lamina and type IV collagen?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "627", "query": "What are three possible intermediary steps for an immobile infant to reaching the milestone of walking shown in the Variation in the Pattern of Development?", "reference_answer": "Commando crawl, Crawling on all fours, Bottom-shuffling", "meta_info": { "file_name": "childdevelopment-141125142743-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What are three possible intermediary steps for an immobile infant to reaching the milestone of walking?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "603", "query": "What is Wordle.net used to create, as shown in the SalingSilang industry efforts image?", "reference_answer": "Word Cloud", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdataanalyticsasocialnetworkapproach-150609111754-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is Wordle.net used to create?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "625", "query": "Is the opportunity to learn from experience classified as a physical or psychological need in the child development needs diagram?", "reference_answer": "Psychological need", "meta_info": { "file_name": "childdevelopment-141125142743-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Is the opportunity to learn from experience classified as a physical or psychological need in the context of child development?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "574", "query": "What is the tissue distribution of chondronectin which has binding sites for type II collagen, chondroitin sulfates, hyaluronic acid, and integrins of chondroblasts and chondrocytes as seen in the chondronectin table?", "reference_answer": "Cartilage", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectivetissue-150209063549-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the tissue distribution of that which has binding sites for type II collagen, chondroitin sulfates, hyaluronic acid, and integrins of chondroblasts and chondrocytes?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "629", "query": "At how many months old can infants cruise around furniture according to the developmental milestones chart?", "reference_answer": "10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "childdevelopment-141125142743-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "At how many months old can infants cruise around furniture?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "630", "query": "In the context of reflexes essential for independent sitting and walking, is rooting a primitive or postural reflex?", "reference_answer": "Primitive", "meta_info": { "file_name": "childdevelopment-141125142743-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Is rooting a primitive or postural reflex?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "620", "query": "What is the difference in revenue per farmer p.a. between 2005 and 2006 in the Outcomes – improved farmer incomes presentation?", "reference_answer": "1,549", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aquacultureproducerorganisationscairo25sept2012-121023231529-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in revenue per farmer p.a. between 2005 and 2006 in the WorldFish Producer Organizations presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "628", "query": "What are three possible intermediary steps for an immobile infant to achieving what 50% do by the age of 12 months in the context of Motor Development Progression?", "reference_answer": "Commando crawl, Crawling on all fours, Bottom-shuffling", "meta_info": { "file_name": "childdevelopment-141125142743-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "What are three possible intermediary steps for an immobile infant to achieving what 50% do by the age of 12 months in the context of Child Development Milestones?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "624", "query": "What was the net profit generated in dollars from investments totaling $272,000 according to the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation on outcomes and project returns?", "reference_answer": "3,524,444", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aquacultureproducerorganisationscairo25sept2012-121023231529-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What was the net profit generated in dollars from investments totaling $272,000 according to the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "631", "query": "How many employees are in the composites industry in North America according to the ACMA presentation on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites Rebar, as shown in the slide about ACMA?", "reference_answer": "280,000+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buselmay2012-141017152353-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many employees are in the composites industry in North America according to the ACMA presentation on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites Rebar?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "616", "query": "iDevices offers free shipping for orders that are over how many dollars according to their online store advertisement?", "reference_answer": "48", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astamos-appseciseatingsecurity-150219111350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "iDevices offers free shipping for orders that are over how many dollars?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "632", "query": "How many employees are in the North American composites industry according to the American Composites Manufacturers Association, where there are numerous FRP Rebars applications in service?", "reference_answer": "280,000+", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buselmay2012-141017152353-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 6 ], "origin_query": "How many employees are in the composites industry in North America, where there are hundreds of applications of FRP Rebars in service?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "637", "query": "What is the yield strain percentage for steel according to the FRP Properties chart from ACMA?", "reference_answer": ".14 - .25", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buselmay2012-141017152353-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the yield strain percentage for steel?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "626", "query": "How many physical needs does the Child Development presentation's Figure 3.1 identify?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "childdevelopment-141125142743-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How many physical needs does the Child Development presentation identify?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "639", "query": "In the Virus-Introduction, do nonenveloped or enveloped viruses contain proteins in the envelope membrane?", "reference_answer": "Enveloped viruses", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antiviraldrugsfinal-150818153826-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Do nonenveloped or enveloped viruses contain proteins in envelope membrane?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "623", "query": "Did profit per farmer p.a. increase or decrease from 2005 to the year in which total production per annum kg/farmer was 1,192, according to the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation about improved farming incomes?", "reference_answer": "Increase", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aquacultureproducerorganisationscairo25sept2012-121023231529-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 15 ], "origin_query": "Did profit per farmer p.a. increase or decrease from 2005 to the year in which total production p.a. kg/farmer was 1,192 in the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "633", "query": "What are three FRP composite types shown in the ACMA Tensile Stress-Strain Characteristics diagram?", "reference_answer": "CFRP, AFRP, GFRP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buselmay2012-141017152353-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are three FRP composite types?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "636", "query": "Which FRP composite type in the ACMA presentation has the lowest level of tensile strength on the chart comparing it to steel with tensile strength between 70-100 ksi?", "reference_answer": "GFRP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buselmay2012-141017152353-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 14 ], "origin_query": "Which FRP composite type in the ACMA presentation has the lowest level of tensile strength, where for Steel it is between 70-100 ksi?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "640", "query": "Synthesis of early mRNA occurs between which two stages in the viral replication and sites of antiviral drug action diagram?", "reference_answer": "EARLY TRANSCRIPTION, EARLY TRANSLATION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antiviraldrugsfinal-150818153826-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Synthesis of early mRNA occurs between which two stages?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "621", "query": "What is the difference in revenue per farmer p.a. between 2005 and 2006, the year with $31,000 investments, according to the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation?", "reference_answer": "1,549", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aquacultureproducerorganisationscairo25sept2012-121023231529-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 16 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in revenue per farmer p.a. between 2005 and the year in which there was $31,000 in investments according to the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "642", "query": "What are four anti-influenza virus drugs listed in the Classification of Antiviral Drugs chart?", "reference_answer": "Amantadine, Rimantadine, Oseltamivir, Zanamivir", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antiviraldrugsfinal-150818153826-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are four anti-influenza virus drugs?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "635", "query": "Which FRP composite type has the lowest tensile strength according to the Tensile Stress-Strain Characteristics graph?", "reference_answer": "GFRP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buselmay2012-141017152353-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Which FRP composite type has the lowest tensile strength?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "641", "query": "In the viral replication process and sites of antiviral drug action, what occurs directly after viral absorption?", "reference_answer": "Penetration", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antiviraldrugsfinal-150818153826-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What occurs directly after viral absorption?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "646", "query": "What three components are Kernel drivers in the Android graphics path diagram?", "reference_answer": "GPU driver, FB driver, ION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "android-graphics-abs-2014-140429070859-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What three components are Kernel drivers?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "638", "query": "What is the yield strain percentage for steel with a Longitudinal Direction of 6.5 in the FRP Properties?", "reference_answer": ".14 - .25", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buselmay2012-141017152353-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 16 ], "origin_query": "What is the yield strain percentage for that which has a Longitudinal Direction of 6.5?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "643", "query": "Are there more drugs primarily for Hepatitis B or C according to the Classification of Antiviral Drugs table?", "reference_answer": "Hepatitis B", "meta_info": { "file_name": "antiviraldrugsfinal-150818153826-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Are there more drugs that are primarily for Hepatitis B or C according to the Antiviral Drugs Classification section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "634", "query": "What are three FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER composite types mentioned in the FRP Composites Rebar presentation by John P. Busel?", "reference_answer": "CFRP, AFRP, GFRP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buselmay2012-141017152353-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 13 ], "origin_query": "What are three FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER composite types?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "645", "query": "How does using less salt affect bread's texture according to the Substitutions guide in the Bread Maker Recipes document?", "reference_answer": "coarser", "meta_info": { "file_name": "breadmakerrecipes6-3-150603143333-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How does using less salt affect bread's texture according to the Bread Maker Recipes document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "652", "query": "From 1999 to 2009, how much did music sales decrease in billions of dollars according to the Music Industry Decline chart?", "reference_answer": "8.3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "arrestingaudiences-100923234826-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "From 1999 to 2009, how much did music sales decrease in billions of dollars?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "619", "query": "Were there more members of the aquaculture societies, which had 10,175 members in 2009-2010, in 2001 or 2002 according to the Progress in India presentation?", "reference_answer": "2001", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aquacultureproducerorganisationscairo25sept2012-121023231529-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 14 ], "origin_query": "Were there more members of the aquaculture societies, which had 10,175 members in 2009-2010, in 2001 or 2002 according to the WorldFish Producer Organizations workshop presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "649", "query": "According to Google trends in the \"Why? Networked Media StoryTelling\" presentation, has there been more worldwide traffic for the term \"cedar boys\" in 2007 or 2008?", "reference_answer": "2008", "meta_info": { "file_name": "arrestingaudiences-100923234826-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "According to Google trends, has there more worldwide traffic for the term \"cedar boys\" in 2007 or 2008?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "644", "query": "What are three substitutes for dry milk listed in the Substitutions guide for baking?", "reference_answer": "Coffee creamer, non dairy creamer, dry buttermilk", "meta_info": { "file_name": "breadmakerrecipes6-3-150603143333-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What are three substitutes for dry milk?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "659", "query": "What are two characteristics of the blockchain promise as defined in the \"Defining Technology Eras\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Decentralization of Trust, Value Flow without Intermediaries", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analyzingtheblockchaininfinancialservices-151222162557_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What are two characteristics of the blockchain promise?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "657", "query": "According to the ISAAC Phase 3 Thorax study, as of 2007, has the prevalence of childhood asthma been increasing over 10 years on the Indian subcontinent?", "reference_answer": "Increasing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asthmappt2007-130315043240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "As of 2007, has the prevalence of childhood asthma been increasing over 10 years on the Indian subcontinent according to the ISAAC Phase 3 Thorax study?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "651", "query": "What city was ranked number one in worldwide traffic for the term associated with 92 new blog posts on Sep 10 in the Gary Hayes' SOCIAL MEDIA COUNTS presentation?", "reference_answer": "Atlanta, GA, USA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "arrestingaudiences-100923234826-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "What city was ranked number one in worldwide traffic for the term associated with 92 new blog posts on Sep 10 in Gary Hayes' SOCIAL MEDIA COUNTS?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "666", "query": "In which chapter of the BEPS Action Plan is the quotation about \"no or low taxation associated with practices that artificially segregate taxable income from the activities that generate it\" found in the context of Action 4 - Interest deductibility?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beps-webcast-8-launch-2015-final-reports-151005150005-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Which chapter of the BEPS Action Plan is the quotation \"no or low taxation associated with practices that artificially segregate taxable income from the activities that generate it\" from?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "653", "query": "Is inflammation and swelling found in a normal airway or an obstructed airway of a bronchial tube according to the Anatomy of an Asthma Attack diagram?", "reference_answer": "obstructed airway", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asthmappt2007-130315043240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Is inflammation and swelling found in a normal airway or an obstructed airway of a bronchial tube?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "647", "query": "What comes after Skia in the flow chart within \"The Android graphics path\" presentation by 2net Limited on the 2D rendering path?", "reference_answer": "Surface", "meta_info": { "file_name": "android-graphics-abs-2014-140429070859-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What comes after Skia in the flow chart within \"The Android graphics path\" presentation by 2net Limited?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "656", "query": "What is plasma exudation an example of in asthma inflammation effects?", "reference_answer": "Effects", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asthmappt2007-130315043240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is plasma exudation an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "670", "query": "Which performs better on Facebook according to \"THE STATE OF SOCIAL VIDEO by BUSINESS INSIDER\" and the data on total interactions chart, native Facebook videos or YouTube videos posted to Facebook?", "reference_answer": "Native Facebook videos", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessinsiderengageprague2015-150602085442-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which performs better on Facebook according to \"THE STATE OF SOCIAL VIDEO by BUSINESS INSIDER,\" native Facebook videos or YouTube videos posted to Facebook?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "648", "query": "Whose name is highlighted on the Hull Diaries screen in the \"ARRESTING AUDIENCES\" presentation by Gary Hayes?", "reference_answer": "Ben Borthwick", "meta_info": { "file_name": "arrestingaudiences-100923234826-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Whose name is selected in the image showing the Hull Diaries screen in the \"ARRESTING AUDIENCES\" presentation by Gary Hayes?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "669", "query": "What percentage of respondents answered \"no one, unsure, or no answer\" in the Areas Accountable for B2B Small Business Content Marketing chart?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2bsmallbusinesscontentmarketing2015benchmarksbudgetsandtrends-northamerica-150123072037-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of respondents answered \"no one, unsure, or no answer\" when asked what area was responsible for B2B small business content marketing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "662", "query": "What significant event related to HBase occurred in Summer '14 according to the Apache HBase Timeline in the HBaseCon 2014 presentation by Lars George and Jon Hsieh?", "reference_answer": "v1.0.0 released", "meta_info": { "file_name": "casestudies-session7-140616154309-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What significant event related to HBase occurred in Summer '14 according to the HBaseCon 2014 presentation by Lars George and Jon Hsieh?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "650", "query": "What city ranked number one in worldwide traffic for the search term \"gary hayes\" according to the Google Trends data in the Personalizemedia ARRESTING AUDIENCES presentation by Gary Hayes?", "reference_answer": "Atlanta, GA, USA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "arrestingaudiences-100923234826-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What city ranked number one in worldwide traffic for the search term \"gary hayes\" according to the Personalizemedia ARRESTING AUDIENCES presentation by Gary Hayes?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "654", "query": "What is located just below the larynx in the Anatomy of an Asthma Attack diagram?", "reference_answer": "trachea", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asthmappt2007-130315043240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is located just below the larynx?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "667", "query": "Joe Pulizzi is the founder of what organization according to the 2015 B2B Small Business Content Marketing Trends document?", "reference_answer": "Content Marketing Institute", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2bsmallbusinesscontentmarketing2015benchmarksbudgetsandtrends-northamerica-150123072037-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Joe Pulizzi is the founder of what organization?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "663", "query": "Which HBase system, as outlined in \"The physics of Hadoop Storage Systems\" from the HBaseCon 2014 presentation by Lars George and Jon Hsieh, has an Updates workload?", "reference_answer": "log structured", "meta_info": { "file_name": "casestudies-session7-140616154309-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Which HBase system, as discussed in the HBaseCon 2014 presentation by Lars George and Jon Hsieh, has an Updates workload?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "664", "query": "In the Hadoop Storage Systems table, which two workloads do not support HDFS?", "reference_answer": "Random Write, Updates", "meta_info": { "file_name": "casestudies-session7-140616154309-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Which two workloads do not support HDFS?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "655", "query": "What are five types of structural cells listed in the Asthma Inflammation chart?", "reference_answer": "Epithelial cells, Sm muscle cells, Endothelial cells, Fibroblast, Nerves", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asthmappt2007-130315043240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are five types of structural cells?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "665", "query": "In \"Action 3 – Designing Effective CFC rules,\" what is backstop to transfer pricing an example of?", "reference_answer": "Shared policy considerations", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beps-webcast-8-launch-2015-final-reports-151005150005-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What is backstop to transfer pricing an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "660", "query": "In what year was blockchain introduced according to the Defining Technology Eras diagram by Virtual Capital Ventures?", "reference_answer": "2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analyzingtheblockchaininfinancialservices-151222162557_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "In what year was blockchain introduced?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "672", "query": "What are two industries that have been at the forefront of social media according to \"THE STATE OF SOCIAL VIDEO\" by BUSINESS INSIDER, as highlighted in the Media/Publisher Video Posts chart?", "reference_answer": "Media, Publishers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessinsiderengageprague2015-150602085442-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What are two industries that have been at the forefront of social media according to \"THE STATE OF SOCIAL VIDEO\" by BUSINESS INSIDER?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "675", "query": "What were the top 5 brands by subscriber growth in April 2015 according to the YouTube Top Performers chart?", "reference_answer": "GoPro, Nike Football, PlayStation, Red Bull, Ubisoft", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessinsiderengageprague2015-150602085442-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What were the top 5 brands by subscriber growth in April 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "668", "query": "In the 2015 B2B Small Business Content Marketing Trends report by the Content Marketing Institute, how many more respondents in terms of percentage points rated their organization's use of content marketing as Very Effective compared to Not At All Effective?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "b2bsmallbusinesscontentmarketing2015benchmarksbudgetsandtrends-northamerica-150123072037-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many more respondents in terms of percentage points rated the effectiveness of their organization's use of content marketing as Very Effective compared to Not At All Effective in the 2015 B2B Small Business Content Marketing Trends report by the Content Marketing Institute?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "673", "query": "In the YouTube Top Performers chart, which brand's video views have grown more between April 2014 and April 2015, Nike Football or GoPro?", "reference_answer": "Nike Football", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessinsiderengageprague2015-150602085442-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which brand's video views have grown more between April 2014 and April 2015, Nike Football or GoPro?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "677", "query": "How much did BASF pay to acquire Becker Underwood in billions of dollars according to the Ongoing Portfolio Optimization slide?", "reference_answer": "1.02", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagriculturalsolutions2012-121113073506-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How much did BASF pay to acquire Becker Underwood in billions of dollars?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "661", "query": "When was HBase TDG published according to the Apache HBase Timeline?", "reference_answer": "Sept'11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "casestudies-session7-140616154309-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "When was HBase TDG published?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "684", "query": "What stage is shown in the BASF timeline between new molecules and functionalized materials & solutions?", "reference_answer": "Improved applications", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagriculturalsolutions2012-121113073506-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What stage came between new molecules and functionalized materials & solutions?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "687", "query": "What two items does the Controller update in the iOS Model-View-Controller architecture, as described in the \"iOS for Android Developers with Swift\" presentation by David Truxall?", "reference_answer": "View, Model", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androidtoios-141116202814-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What two items does the Controller update in the iOS Model-View-Controller architecture as described in the \"iOS for Android Developers with Swift\" presentation by David Truxall?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "682", "query": "What was BASF's growth target for sales in 2020 in billions of euro according to the 'We Create Chemistry' strategy?", "reference_answer": "115", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagriculturalsolutions2012-121113073506-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What was BASF's growth target for sales in 2020 in billions of euro?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "678", "query": "How much in billions of dollars did BASF, which maintained good business performance in Q3 2012, pay to acquire Becker Underwood?", "reference_answer": "1.02", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagriculturalsolutions2012-121113073506-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "How much did the company who maintained good business performance in Q3 2012 pay to acquire Becker Underwood in billions of dollars?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "671", "query": "According to \"THE STATE OF SOCIAL VIDEO\" by BUSINESS INSIDER, focusing on interactions and content volume, which performs better on Facebook, native Facebook videos or YouTube videos with more than 20,000 videos uploaded between April – July 2014?", "reference_answer": "Native Facebook videos", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessinsiderengageprague2015-150602085442-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 4 ], "origin_query": "Which performs better on Facebook, native Facebook videos or YouTube videos, which had more than 20,000 videos uploaded between April – July 2014 and were posted to Facebook, according to \"THE STATE OF SOCIAL VIDEO\" by BUSINESS INSIDER?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "685", "query": "Who published the book entitled \"Android: Best Practices\" as shown in the presentation slide titled \"About Me\"?", "reference_answer": "Apress", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androidtoios-141116202814-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Who published the book entitled \"Android: Best Practices\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "658", "query": "As of 2007, has the prevalence of childhood asthma, in which 77% experience onset before age 5, been increasing or decreasing over 10 years on the Indian subcontinent according to the ISAAC Phase 3 Thorax study map?", "reference_answer": "Increasing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asthmappt2007-130315043240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 14 ], "origin_query": "As of 2007, has the prevalence of childhood asthma, in which 77% experience onset when they are less than 5 years old, been increasing or decreasing over 10 years on the Indian subcontinent according to the ISAAC Phase 3 Thorax study?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "683", "query": "What was BASF's growth target for sales in billions of euro for the year when Functionalized materials & solutions are scheduled to finish in the BASF strategy overview?", "reference_answer": "115", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagriculturalsolutions2012-121113073506-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 12 ], "origin_query": "What was BASF's growth target for sales in billions of euro for the year in which the Functionalized materials & solutions is scheduled to finish?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "690", "query": "In the timeline of Cadbury's history, when was the first Cadbury solid chocolate bar sold?", "reference_answer": "1897", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cadbury-sdm-151025183849-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "When was the first Cadbury solid chocolate bar sold?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "696", "query": "What are five factors population size can be limited according to the Density-Independent Factors chart?", "reference_answer": "Competition, Predation, Parasitism and disease, Unusual weather, Natural disaster", "meta_info": { "file_name": "conceptsonpopulation-160302134718_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What are five factors population size can be limited?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "686", "query": "What action does the Model take toward the Controller in the iOS Model-View-Controller architecture diagram shown in the \"iOS for Android Developers with Swift\" presentation by David Truxall?", "reference_answer": "Notify", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androidtoios-141116202814-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What action does the Model take toward the Controller in the iOS Model-View-Controller architecture described in the \"iOS for Android Developers with Swift\" presentation by David Truxall?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "692", "query": "What is a beverage produced by Cadbury, as shown in the Popular Brands in India image?", "reference_answer": "Bourn Vita", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cadbury-sdm-151025183849-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is a beverage produced by Cadbury?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "679", "query": "About how many positions in Europe are affected by BASF's Restructuring of Construction Chemicals in the ongoing portfolio optimization?", "reference_answer": "400", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagriculturalsolutions2012-121113073506-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "About how many positions in Europe are affected by BASF's Restructuring of Construction Chemicals?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "701", "query": "In what year was the Megapixel electric vehicle introduced according to Tata Motors: Leading in terms of Innovation & Global presence timeline?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobileindustryinindia-130807012739-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "In what year was Megapixel, an electric vehicle, introduced?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "674", "query": "Which brand's video views, specifically between April 2014 and the month when native Facebook video posts surpassed 3,200, have grown more: Nike Football or GoPro according to YouTube Top Performers?", "reference_answer": "Nike Football", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessinsiderengageprague2015-150602085442-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 8 ], "origin_query": "Which brand's video views have grown more between April 2014 and the month in which native Facebook video posts topped 3 200, Nike Football or GoPro?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "691", "query": "What sizes in grams are Cadbury's chocolate bar available in, as mentioned on the packaging design slide?", "reference_answer": "10.5, 22, 95, 165, OTHER PREMIUM PACKS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cadbury-sdm-151025183849-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What sizes in grams are Cadbury's chocolate bar available in?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "702", "query": "What options are displayed for sharing a contact in the Android Design document Alerts & Feedback image?", "reference_answer": "Bluetooth, Gmail, Share via barcode", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androiddesignbysankalpjoshi-131008043332-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What options are displayed for sharing a contact in the Android Design document image?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "704", "query": "When was Jelly Bean released according to the \"Android, Over the Years\" timeline?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androiddesignbysankalpjoshi-131008043332-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "When was Jelly Bean released?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "697", "query": "How many types of 2-wheeler automobiles are identified in the Segments figure within the XK Fountainhead Automobiles Industry Report 2015?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobileindustryinindia-130807012739-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many types of 2-wheeler automobiles are identified in the figure within the XK Fountainhead Automobiles Industry Report 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "703", "query": "Which range of years is described as \"The Dark Ages\" in the Android Design document timeline?", "reference_answer": "2009 - 2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androiddesignbysankalpjoshi-131008043332-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which range of years are described as \"The Dark Ages\" in the Android Design document figure?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "706", "query": "When this presentation on OS-based fragmentation was created, which two Android OS versions were each being used by 3.1% of users?", "reference_answer": "Froyo, Eclair", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androiddesignbysankalpjoshi-131008043332-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "When this presentation was created, which two OSs were each being used by 3.1% of users?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "695", "query": "What do individuals that are part of the typical species with the random distribution type not do according to the Concepts on Population Patterns of Distribution?", "reference_answer": "interact strongly", "meta_info": { "file_name": "conceptsonpopulation-160302134718_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What do individuals that are part of the typical species with the random distribution type not do according to the Concepts on Population by Prof. Liwayway Memije-Cruz?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "707", "query": "When this \"OS Based Fragmentation\" presentation was created, the majority of iOS users were using which iOS version?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androiddesignbysankalpjoshi-131008043332-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "When this presentation was created, the majority of iOS users were using which iOS version?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "680", "query": "What was BASF's average annual stock performance as a percentage from Nov. 2002 - Oct. 2012, according to the BASF Roundtable Agricultural Solutions presentation?", "reference_answer": "16", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagriculturalsolutions2012-121113073506-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What was BASF's average annual stock performance as a percentage from Nov. 2002 - Oct. 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "699", "query": "What are two types of 3-wheeler automobiles according to the \"Segments\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Passenger Carriers, Goods Carriers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobileindustryinindia-130807012739-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of 3-wheeler automobiles?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "694", "query": "How many types of Warblers are shown in the Ecological Niche presentation slide by Prof. Liwayway Memije-Cruz?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "conceptsonpopulation-160302134718_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How many types of Warblers are shown in the image in the presentation by Prof. Liwayway Memije-Cruz on Concepts on Population?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "689", "query": "What institution is Professor Neeraj Ramnani affiliated with in the Cadbury Sales & Distribution presentation?", "reference_answer": "SOM-LALIT INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cadbury-sdm-151025183849-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What institution is Professor Neeraj Ramnani affiliated with?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "709", "query": "What was the source of the data for the historical prices of the metal cobalt that produces an intense blue colour when associated with silica?", "reference_answer": "Cobalt Development Institute 2010", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cobaltpresentation-110513172526-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What was the source of the data for the historical prices of the metal that has an intense blue colour when associated with silica?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "705", "query": "In the \"Android, Over The Years\" timeline, when was the system used by 37.9% of Android devices, Jelly Bean, released?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "androiddesignbysankalpjoshi-131008043332-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "When was the system being used by 37.9% of Android devices released?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "710", "query": "What event is identified between Post War Infrastructure Buildup and the 1987 Stock Market Crash - Recession in the figure within the Global Cobalt Corporation's World Cobalt Production presentation?", "reference_answer": "Growth in Commercial Aircraft, Military Spending", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cobaltpresentation-110513172526-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What event is identified between Post War Infrastructure Buildup and the 1987 Stock Market Crash - Recession in the figure within the Global Cobalt Corporation presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "712", "query": "In the Pathophysiology diagram, what are epithelial cell foot processes attached by?", "reference_answer": "thin membrane", "meta_info": { "file_name": "atlasnewns-150422224649-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What are epithelial cell foot processes attached by?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "711", "query": "What does fluid leaking out of the blood vessels cause in the context of nephrotic syndrome as described in the ATLAS Hospital presentation by Dr. Rajesh T Eaperv, featuring an image of a child with symptoms?", "reference_answer": "Oedema", "meta_info": { "file_name": "atlasnewns-150422224649-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What does fluid leaking out of the blood vessels cause in the context of nephrotic syndrome as described in the ATLAS Hospital presentation by Dr. Rajesh T Eaperv?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "676", "query": "What were the top 5 brands by subscriber growth in April 2015, the same month when LEGO had 978M video views, as indicated by THE STATE OF SOCIAL VIDEO by BUSINESS INSIDER?", "reference_answer": "GoPro, Nike Football, PlayStation, Red Bull, Ubisoft", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessinsiderengageprague2015-150602085442-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "What were the top 5 brands by subscriber growth in April 2015, the month in which LEGO had 978M video views, according to THE STATE OF SOCIAL VIDEO by BUSINESS INSIDER?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "693", "query": "Which type of Warbler feeds in the middle part of the tree, according to the Ecological Niche diagram?", "reference_answer": "Bay-Breasted", "meta_info": { "file_name": "conceptsonpopulation-160302134718_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which type of Warbler feeds in the middle part of the tree?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "698", "query": "How many types of automobiles for which sales were 15.9 million in FY2013 are identified in the automobile industry and segments figure?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobileindustryinindia-130807012739-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "How many types of automobiles for which sales were 15.9 million in FY2013 are identified in the figure?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "708", "query": "What was the source of the data for Historical Cobalt Metal Prices according to the Global Cobalt Corporation presentation graph?", "reference_answer": "Cobalt Development Institute 2010", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cobaltpresentation-110513172526-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What was the source of the data for Historical Cobalt Metal Prices according to the Global Cobalt Corporation presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "700", "query": "What are two types of automobiles for which sales declined by 10.9 per cent in FY14, according to the 2014 automobile sales report?", "reference_answer": "Passenger Carriers, Goods Carriers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobileindustryinindia-130807012739-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of automobiles for which sales declined by 10.9 per cent in FY14?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "719", "query": "What percentage of doctors use a tablet for medical purposes according to the \"Physicians are Going Mobile\" section of the Specialty Pharmacy: Connecting the Healthcare Industry presentation by Rebecca M. Shanahan?", "reference_answer": "66", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avella-amcpkeynotepresentation-mar2014-140403111858-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of doctors use a tablet for medical purposes according to the Specialty Pharmacy: Connecting the Healthcare Industry presentation by Rebecca M. Shanahan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "717", "query": "What sensory receptor is pictured in the figure titled \"Functions of the Nervous System\" related to the nervous system's structural classification?", "reference_answer": "eye", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter7-nervoussystem-151216152753_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What sensory receptor is pictured in the figure within the context of the nervous system's structural classification?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "715", "query": "What step is between sensory input and motor output in the Functions of the Nervous System diagram?", "reference_answer": "Integration", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter7-nervoussystem-151216152753_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What step is between sensory input and motor output?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "727", "query": "What are three areas of Internal Analysis mentioned in Step Three diagram?", "reference_answer": "Culture, Competencies, Composition", "meta_info": { "file_name": "careerdevelopment-120104020127-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are three areas of Internal Analysis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "718", "query": "What is the central nervous system made up of in the Organization of the Nervous System diagram?", "reference_answer": "brain, spinal cord", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter7-nervoussystem-151216152753_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the central nervous system made up of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "713", "query": "What is another word for the holes in endothelial cells as shown in the Pathophysiology diagram?", "reference_answer": "fenestrations", "meta_info": { "file_name": "atlasnewns-150422224649-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is another word for the holes in endothelial cells?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "681", "query": "What was BASF's average annual stock performance as a percentage from Nov. 2002 - Oct. of the year in which the Outlook 2012 confirmed GDP was +2.2%?", "reference_answer": "16", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basfroundtableagriculturalsolutions2012-121113073506-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 9 ], "origin_query": "What was BASF's average annual stock performance as a percentage from Nov. 2002 - Oct. of the year in which assumed GDP was +2.2%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "714", "query": "What does the compensatory synthesis of proteins by the liver lead to, as illustrated in the nephrotic syndrome diagram?", "reference_answer": "Hyperlipidemia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "atlasnewns-150422224649-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What does compensatory synthesis of proteins by the liver lead to?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "688", "query": "Where is Cadbury World located according to the illustrated Cadbury advertisement?", "reference_answer": "DUNEDIN N.Z.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cadbury-sdm-151025183849-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "Where is Cadbury World?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "730", "query": "Which Republic Act No. allows the full entry of foreign banks in the Philippines as highlighted in the ASEAN 2015 Free Flow of Services document?", "reference_answer": "10641", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asean2015-140727051418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Which Republic Act No. allows the full entry of foreign banks in the Philippines?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "722", "query": "What is the fare quote range in dollars shown in the UBER app image included in the Specialty Pharmacy: Connecting the Healthcare Industry presentation by Rebecca M. Shanahan?", "reference_answer": "17 - 20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avella-amcpkeynotepresentation-mar2014-140403111858-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the fare quote range in dollars in the picture of the UBER app within the Specialty Pharmacy: Connecting the Healthcare Industry presentation by Rebecca M. Shanahan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "720", "query": "Is a human or a computer winning the game show in the photograph within the Specialty Pharmacy: Connecting the Healthcare Industry presentation by Rebecca M. Shanahan showing game scores?", "reference_answer": "Computer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avella-amcpkeynotepresentation-mar2014-140403111858-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Is a human or a computer winning the game show in the photograph within the Specialty Pharmacy: Connecting the Healthcare Industry presentation by Rebecca M. Shanahan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "739", "query": "What were five major search engines in 1999 according to the \"Share of Search, 1999\" chart?", "reference_answer": "Yahoo, Excite, Altavista, Infoseek, Lycos", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citrix2-091030171010-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What were five major search engines in 1999?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "729", "query": "How many parts are there to a Talent Management System as depicted in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "careerdevelopment-120104020127-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "How many parts are there to a Talent Management System?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "716", "query": "What step is between monitoring changes inside and outside the body and motor output in the Functions of the Nervous System diagram?", "reference_answer": "Integration", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter7-nervoussystem-151216152753_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 4 ], "origin_query": "What step is between monitoring changes occurring inside and outside the body and motor output?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "721", "query": "How many more dollars is the computer winning compared to the leading human contestant in the Specialty Pharmacy: Connecting the Healthcare Industry presentation by Rebecca M. Shanahan, showcasing a Jeopardy match?", "reference_answer": "53,147", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avella-amcpkeynotepresentation-mar2014-140403111858-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many more dollars is the computer winning compared to the leading human contestant in the Specialty Pharmacy: Connecting the Healthcare Industry presentation by Rebecca M. Shanahan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "728", "query": "What are three areas of the Internal Analysis component of SWOT Analysis along with External Analysis, as shown in the \"Linking Strategic Planning and Human Resources\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Culture, Competencies, Composition", "meta_info": { "file_name": "careerdevelopment-120104020127-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 12 ], "origin_query": "What are three areas of the other component of SWOT Analysis along with External Analysis?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "723", "query": "What is Robin Hawkes' university affiliation according to his student ID card?", "reference_answer": "Bournemouth University", "meta_info": { "file_name": "barcampbournemouthcanvaskeynote-100410160445-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What is Robin Hawkes' university affiliation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "738", "query": "Which company had the greatest share of search in 1999 according to the chart titled \"I Will Tell You The Truth. Today's Version\"?", "reference_answer": "Yahoo", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citrix2-091030171010-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Which company had the greatest share of search in 1999?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "745", "query": "Are there more steps in classic chemotherapy or CSC-targeted therapy according to the hierarchical tumor model in the nanotechnology diagram?", "reference_answer": "CSC-targeted therapy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cancernanobiotechnology-141126060652-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Are there more steps in classic chemotherapy or CSC-targeted therapy?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "744", "query": "What are the two possible steps that follow CSC-targeted therapy in the flow chart explaining nanotechnology advancements?", "reference_answer": "Phenotype reversal, Tumor remission", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cancernanobiotechnology-141126060652-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are the two possible steps that follow CSC-targeted therapy in the flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "746", "query": "Which was approved first, Rituximab or Abraxane, according to the Nanomedicine innovation and approval timeline?", "reference_answer": "Rituximab", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cancernanobiotechnology-141126060652-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Which was approved first, Rituximab or Abraxane?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "732", "query": "Republic Act No. 10641 replaces which previous Act No. in the ASEAN 2015 Free Flow of Services document?", "reference_answer": "7721", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asean2015-140727051418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Republic Act No. 10641 replaces which previous Act No.?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "737", "query": "What percentage is the trabecular outflow versus uveoscleral outflow according to the Laxmi Eye Institute diagram?", "reference_answer": "90", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqueoushumordynamics-140623224217-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is the trabecular outflow versus uveoscleral outflow?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "734", "query": "What comes between the FINGER LIKE PROJECTIONS 2 MM LONG AND 0.5 IN D and ANTERIOR CHAMBER in the Laxmi Eye Institute flow chart?", "reference_answer": "AQUEOUS IN POSTERIOR CHAMBER", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqueoushumordynamics-140623224217-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 12 ], "origin_query": "What comes between the FINGER LIKE PROJECTIONS which are 2 MM LONG AND 0.5 IN D and ANTERIOR CHAMBER in the flow chart?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "735", "query": "What are the two components of the ANTERIOR CHAMBER in the Laxmi Eye Institute diagram?", "reference_answer": "TRABECULAR MESHWORK, CILIARY BODY", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqueoushumordynamics-140623224217-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are the two components of the ANTERIOR CHAMBER?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "726", "query": "What is the method for clearing all pixels within the given rectangle in the HTML5 Canvas 2D rendering context as shown in the Simple Shapes table?", "reference_answer": "clearRect", "meta_info": { "file_name": "barcampbournemouthcanvaskeynote-100410160445-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What is the method for clearing all pixels within the given rectangle in the HTML5 Canvas 2D rendering context?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "733", "query": "What comes between CILIARY PROCESSES and ANTERIOR CHAMBER in the Laxmi Eye Institute flow chart?", "reference_answer": "AQUEOUS IN POSTERIOR CHAMBER", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqueoushumordynamics-140623224217-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What comes between CILIARY PROCESSES and ANTERIOR CHAMBER in the flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "731", "query": "Which Republic Act No. allows the full entry of foreign banks in the country where the 2015 scenario for the PEDRO shirt was analyzed?", "reference_answer": "10641", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asean2015-140727051418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 20 ], "origin_query": "Which Republic Act No. allows the full entry of foreign banks in the country that made the PEDRO shirt?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "743", "query": "Who authored the publication entitled \"The Influenced\" in the context of social media and consumption?", "reference_answer": "Chris Copeland", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citrix2-091030171010-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Who authored the publication entitled \"The Influenced\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "747", "query": "Which of the drug in the Nanomedicine innovation and approval timeline figure had the longest development phase in the chart?", "reference_answer": "Abraxane", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cancernanobiotechnology-141126060652-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Which of the drug in the Nanomedicine innovation and approval timeline figure had the longest development phase?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "725", "query": "In the HTML5 Canvas 2D rendering context, what is used for alpha transparency in ctx.strokeStyle?", "reference_answer": "RGBA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "barcampbournemouthcanvaskeynote-100410160445-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What should be used for alpha transparency in the HTML5 Canvas 2D rendering context?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "736", "query": "What are the two components of the anterior chamber area shown in the Laxmi Eye Institute diagram which includes the Ciliary band, Scleral spur, Trabecular meshwork, and Schwalbes line?", "reference_answer": "TRABECULAR MESHWORK, CILIARY BODY", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqueoushumordynamics-140623224217-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 12 ], "origin_query": "What are the two components of the area which includes the Ciliary band, Scleral spur, Trabecular meshwork, and Schwalbes line?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "759", "query": "When was Excel created according to the timeline of spreadsheet software evolution?", "reference_answer": "1985", "meta_info": { "file_name": "consofexcelspreadsheets-ifraeem-160315082502_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "When was Excel created?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "749", "query": "What are examples of NoSQL in the Anaconda \"Write Once, Deploy Anywhere\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "MongoDB, Cassandra / DataStax", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bokehwebinar-151215211947_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of NoSQL?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "740", "query": "In the \"5 Ways to Integrate Social Media with Traditional Marketing\" document, is Conversation Marketing described as efficient or inefficient, particularly regarding its transformative impact?", "reference_answer": "Inefficient", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citrix2-091030171010-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Is Conversation Marketing described as efficient or inefficient in the \"5 Ways to Integrate Social Media with Traditional Marketing\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "750", "query": "What are examples of the DATA Analytics Stack besides Hadoop & Hive, Spark, DW & SQL, or Files & Web Services listed in the Anaconda's Modern Analytics Stack?", "reference_answer": "MongoDB, Cassandra / DataStax", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bokehwebinar-151215211947_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of the DATA Analytics Stack besides Hadoop & Hive, Spark, DW & SQL, or Files & Web Services?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "751", "query": "What are two languages used for server-side data processing in Traditional Web Visualization by Continuum Analytics?", "reference_answer": "Python, Java", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bokehwebinar-151215211947_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What are two languages used for server-side data processing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "742", "query": "What increases the success of social media, which is an ingredient along with Email and Search, in the concept of Cross-Media Synergy?", "reference_answer": "Cross-Media Synergy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citrix2-091030171010-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 9 ], "origin_query": "What increases the success of that which is an Ingredient along with Email and Search?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "764", "query": "What problem is caused by hatcheries attempting their own breeding, as discussed in the diagram about dissemination of improved fish strains at AquaAquaria 2013?", "reference_answer": "inbred, genetically vulnerable stocks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "considerationsaboutdissemination-clind-aquaaquaria2013-130220192830-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What problem is caused by hatcheries attempting their own breeding, as discussed in the considerations about dissemination of improved fish strains for aquaculture by Ponzoni et al. at AquaAquaria 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "777", "query": "What was Normal NST previously called according to the NST classification chart?", "reference_answer": "\"Reactive\"", "meta_info": { "file_name": "assessmentoffetalwellbeinginpregnancyandlabour-jaipur-150303105805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What was Normal NST previously called?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "780", "query": "Is NADPH part of mitochondria or cytosol in the acetyl CoA transfer diagram?", "reference_answer": "CYTOSOL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosynthesisoffattyacids-140405023616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Is NADPH part of mitochondria or cytosol?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "788", "query": "Is the operands referred to as data or program in the context of the Stored Program Organization diagram?", "reference_answer": "data", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basiccomputerorganizationanddesign-140519134906-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Is the operands referred to as data or program in the context of Basic Computer Organization and Design?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "784", "query": "What are two types of software described in the Basic Computer Organization and Design document shown in the diagram with layers of computer architecture?", "reference_answer": "Application, Systems", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basiccomputerorganizationanddesign-140519134906-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of software described in the Basic Computer Organization and Design document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "748", "query": "In the Anaconda for Data Science framework, which position is responsible for robust processing for noisy dirty data?", "reference_answer": "Data Engineer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bokehwebinar-151215211947_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which position is responsible for robust processing for noisy dirty data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "755", "query": "When does formation of the medullary cavity occur during the endochondral ossification process as shown in the Anatomy of Bone and Cartilage presentation slide by Dr. Vinay Jain K?", "reference_answer": "just before birth", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyofboneandcartilage1-150828115100-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "When does formation of the medullary cavity occur during the endochondral ossification process as described in the Anatomy of Bone and Cartilage presentation by Dr. Vinay Jain K?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "789", "query": "How many bits is one word as shown in the diagram of Basic Computer Registers and Memory?", "reference_answer": "16", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basiccomputerorganizationanddesign-140519134906-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "How many bits is one word?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "754", "query": "In endochondral ossification, how many stages are there in the process that ossifies bones originating as hyaline cartilage?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyofboneandcartilage1-150828115100-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 17 ], "origin_query": "How many stages are there in the process which ossifies bones that originate as hyaline cartilage?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "773", "query": "What website is the source of the \"Cardiff Count to 10 Activity Chart\" mentioned in the context of DFMC and antenatal fetal testing techniques?", "reference_answer": "MYWANDERINGSTORY.COM", "meta_info": { "file_name": "assessmentoffetalwellbeinginpregnancyandlabour-jaipur-150303105805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What website is the source of the \"Cardiff Count to 10 Activity Chart\" mentioned in the context of antenatal fetal testing techniques?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "786", "query": "In the block diagram of a digital computer, what is IOP short for?", "reference_answer": "Input-output processor", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basiccomputerorganizationanddesign-140519134906-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is IOP short for?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "765", "query": "Which superangel's fund is identified as their personal fund in the context of the Leading Chinese Angel/Seed Funds, specifically related to Hongyi Zhou?", "reference_answer": "Hongyi Zhou", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinakeynoteforeastmeetswest-141107201900-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which superangel's fund is identified as their personal fund in the context of the Leading Chinese Angel/Seed Funds?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "783", "query": "How many generators involved in both REDUCTION phases of the ELONGATION cycle are named in the Fatty Acid Synthesis Diagram?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosynthesisoffattyacids-140405023616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 14 ], "origin_query": "How many generators for that which is involved in both the REDUCTION phases of the ELONGATION cycle are named in the figure?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "761", "query": "How many percentage points higher was wife unsatisfaction for circumcised respondents compared to uncircumcised respondents in the table by Aboubakr Elnashar?", "reference_answer": "32.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "circumsionpsychsexualdysfunction-150510235649-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "How many percentage points higher was wife unsatisfaction for circumcised respondents compared to uncircumcised respondents?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "772", "query": "According to the CELLS AND TISSUES CHAPTER 3 slide, is a greater percentage of the cell plasma membrane composed of phospholipid or cholesterol?", "reference_answer": "Phospholipid", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-cellsandtissues-150929133200-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Is a greater percentage of the cell plasma membrane composed of phospholipid or cholesterol according to the CELLS AND TISSUES CHAPTER 3?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "778", "query": "What follows ELONGATION in the flow chart of the \"Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids\" presentation by Anawiko Banerjee?", "reference_answer": "TERMINATION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosynthesisoffattyacids-140405023616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What follows ELONGATION in the flow chart of the Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids presentation by Anawiko Banerjee?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "769", "query": "Who is the founder of WiTOWN in the Clan Alibaba presentation about 130+ Startups?", "reference_answer": "Jie Lai", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinakeynoteforeastmeetswest-141107201900-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Who is the founder of WiTOWN?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "799", "query": "Micro-Batch is found in the overlap between what two components according to the Batch vs. Streaming diagram?", "reference_answer": "Batch, Streaming", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Micro-Batch is found in the overlap between what two components?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "793", "query": "What are four symptoms of the critical phase of dengue as shown in the Symptoms of Dengue diagram?", "reference_answer": "hypotension, pleural effusion, ascites, gastrointestinal bleeding", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are four symptoms of the critical phase of dengue?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "774", "query": "What is the recommended course of action when there is an atypical/abnormal NST according to Recommendation 1: Fetal Movement Counting in antenatal fetal testing techniques?", "reference_answer": "BPP or CST as soon as possible", "meta_info": { "file_name": "assessmentoffetalwellbeinginpregnancyandlabour-jaipur-150303105805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the recommended course of action when there is an atypical/abnormal NST according to the antenatal fetal testing techniques?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "785", "query": "What are two types of software mentioned in the Description of Basic Computer that consists of instruction and data that the computer manipulates to perform various tasks?", "reference_answer": "Application, Systems", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basiccomputerorganizationanddesign-140519134906-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of that which consists of instruction and data that the computer manipulate to perform various tasks?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "779", "query": "What follows the reaction that includes REDUCTION, DEHYDRATION, and REDUCTION phases in the Elongation step of the Fatty Acid Biosynthesis flow chart?", "reference_answer": "TERMINATION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosynthesisoffattyacids-140405023616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 12 ], "origin_query": "What follows the reaction that includes REDUCTION, DEHYDRATION, and REDUCTION phases in the flow chart of the Fatty Acid Biosynthesis process?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "741", "query": "What increases social media success according to the \"Increase Social Media Success Through Cross-Media Synergy\" image?", "reference_answer": "Cross-Media Synergy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citrix2-091030171010-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What increases social media success according to the \"5 Ways to Integrate Social Media with Traditional Marketing\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "760", "query": "When was the program Excel created, noted for having PRIVACY ISSUES AND POOR BUILT IN CONTROL?", "reference_answer": "1985", "meta_info": { "file_name": "consofexcelspreadsheets-ifraeem-160315082502_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 14 ], "origin_query": "When was the program created that has PRIVACY ISSUES AND POOR BUILT IN CONTROL?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "766", "query": "What were superangel Bob Xu's prior successes according to the Leading Chinese Angel/Seed Funds chart?", "reference_answer": "Jumei, Jiayuan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinakeynoteforeastmeetswest-141107201900-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What were superangel Bob Xu's prior successes?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "791", "query": "How many people per year are killed by humans and mosquitoes combined according to the World's Deadliest Animals infographic?", "reference_answer": "1,200,000475,000+725,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many people per year are killed by humans and mosquitos combined?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "753", "query": "How many stages are there in endochondral ossification as shown in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyofboneandcartilage1-150828115100-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "How many stages are there in endochondral ossification?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "756", "query": "Is the humerus part of the axial or appendicular skeleton in the division of skeleton diagram?", "reference_answer": "Appendicular", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyofboneandcartilage1-150828115100-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "Is the humerus part of the axial or appendicular skeleton?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "782", "query": "How many NADPH generators are named in the figure within the Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids presentation by Anawiko Banerjee?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosynthesisoffattyacids-140405023616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "How many NADPH generators are named in the figure within the context of the Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids presentation by Anawiko Banerjee?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "762", "query": "In the study on traditional practices involving female external organs, how many percentage points higher was wife unsatisfaction for respondents who have had the total or partial cutting compared to uncircumcised respondents?", "reference_answer": "32.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "circumsionpsychsexualdysfunction-150510235649-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 11 ], "origin_query": "How many percentage points higher was wife unsatisfaction for respondents who have had the total or partial cutting away of female external organs compared to uncircumcised respondents?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "812", "query": "What category does the Feedly app belong to in the iOS snippet image?", "reference_answer": "News", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asobarcamp2-ratingsreviews-asoimpactleverage-151003201013-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What category does the Feedly app belong to?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "810", "query": "According to the ASO BARCAMP presentation by Thomas Petit, what percentage of users viewing a listing don't end up installing?", "reference_answer": "80", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asobarcamp2-ratingsreviews-asoimpactleverage-151003201013-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of users viewing a listing don't install according to the ASO BARCAMP presentation by Thomas Petit?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "805", "query": "What is the Stream Source for Spark Streaming as mentioned in the Programming Model Comparison chart in Apache Storm and Spark Streaming Compared document by P. Taylor Goetz?", "reference_answer": "HDFS, Network", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the Stream Source for Spark Streaming as mentioned in the Apache Storm and Spark Streaming Compared document by P. Taylor Goetz?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "770", "query": "What percentage of the plasma membrane is glycolipids in the diagram of the plasma membrane structure?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-cellsandtissues-150929133200-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the plasma membrane is glycolipids?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "815", "query": "Which has a higher affinity value, from H to E or from H to G in the Connections section of the Etsy Activity Feeds Architecture document?", "reference_answer": "from H to G", "meta_info": { "file_name": "arch-jan2011-110114151704-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which has a higher affinity value, from H to E or from H to G in the Etsy Activity Feeds Architecture document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "763", "query": "Was anxiety a bigger issue for circumcised or noncircumcised respondents in the psychosexual dysfunction study at Benha University Hospital by Aboubakr Elnashar and Rabaa Abd-Elhady?", "reference_answer": "Circumcised", "meta_info": { "file_name": "circumsionpsychsexualdysfunction-150510235649-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Was anxiety a bigger issue for circumcised or noncircumcised respondents in the study on psychosexual dysfunction in circumcised females by Aboubakr Elnashar and Rabaa Abd-Elhady at Benha University Hospital?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "816", "query": "According to the Meeting Engagement Level chart from the Art of Facilitation workshop, which is fewer: the number of people on a meeting or people working in a given moment?", "reference_answer": "PEOPLE WORKING IN A GIVEN MOMENT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "art-of-facilitation-xing-150922143331-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which is fewer, the number of people on a meeting or people working in a given moment according to the Art of Facilitation workshop data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "804", "query": "Of Core Storm, the API which has each of the three Reliability Models (At Most Once, At Least Once, Exactly Once), and Spark Streaming, which can be used with the greatest number of languages, according to the Language Options and Reliability Models comparison chart?", "reference_answer": "Core Storm", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 14 ], "origin_query": "Of Core Storm, the API which has each of the three Reliability Models (At Most Once, At Least Once, Exactly Once), and Spark Streaming, which can be used with the greatest number of languages?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "809", "query": "In which two cities is Twitter user Thomasbcn based according to the ASO Barcamp presentation?", "reference_answer": "Berlin, Barcelona", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asobarcamp2-ratingsreviews-asoimpactleverage-151003201013-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "In which two cities is Twitter user Thomasbcn based?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "802", "query": "What three languages are used by the Storm Trident API, which features Micro-Batch processing, Higher Throughput, and operates on Streams of Tuple Batches and Partitions?", "reference_answer": "Java, Clojure, Scala", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "What three languages does the Storm API which includes Micro-Batch, Higher Throughput, and Operates on Streams of Tuple Batches and Partitions use?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "795", "query": "Vomiting is a symptom of which phase of dengue according to the Symptoms of Dengue diagram?", "reference_answer": "Febrile", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Vomiting is a symptom of which phase of dengue?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "768", "query": "When was the company, mentioned in the Clan Alibaba presentation and acquired by Tencent for $100MM, founded?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinakeynoteforeastmeetswest-141107201900-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 13 ], "origin_query": "When was the company that was acquired by Tenecent for $100MM founded?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "820", "query": "Which has higher business value, transactional HR or high-impact HR, according to the Evolution of HR section in the \"Using Analytics to Make Smart HR Decisions\" document chart?", "reference_answer": "High-Impact HR", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analytics1-151203211051-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which has higher business value, transactional HR or high-impact HR, according to the Evolution of HR section in the \"Using Analytics to Make Smart HR Decisions\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "811", "query": "How much does the PocketExpense app cost in dollars according to the iOS snippet?", "reference_answer": "4.99", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asobarcamp2-ratingsreviews-asoimpactleverage-151003201013-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How much does the PocketExpense app cost in dollars?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "767", "query": "When was Dididache founded according to the Clan Alibaba 130+ Startups list?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chinakeynoteforeastmeetswest-141107201900-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "When was Dididache founded?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "752", "query": "As shown in STEP 1 of the hyaline cartilage diagram, what happens to the size of the chondrocytes near the center of the shaft as the cartilage size enlarges?", "reference_answer": "increase greatly", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyofboneandcartilage1-150828115100-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "As the cartilage size enlarges, what happens to the size of the chondrocytes near the center of the shaft?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "826", "query": "What is the altitude of the record for balloon flight in km according to the Earth's Atmosphere chart?", "reference_answer": "34.7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-140622095458-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the altitude of the record for balloon flight in km?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "814", "query": "What is the affinity from J to H in the Connections section of the Etsy Activity Feeds Architecture document?", "reference_answer": "0.75", "meta_info": { "file_name": "arch-jan2011-110114151704-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the affinity from J to H in the Etsy Activity Feeds Architecture document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "822", "query": "Which country shows the greatest capability gap according to the Bersin by Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2015 report as depicted in the HR and people analytics map?", "reference_answer": "Netherlands", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analytics1-151203211051-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which country shows the greatest capability gap according to the Bersin by Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "758", "query": "Is the bone in the rib cage, besides the rib, an example of a long bone or a flat bone as shown in the Classification of Bones by Shape diagram?", "reference_answer": "Flat bone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyofboneandcartilage1-150828115100-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19, 20 ], "origin_query": "Is the bone in the Rib Cage besides the Rib an example of a long bone or a flat bone?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "824", "query": "What is Canada's capability gap score according to the HR and people analytics: Capability gap by region figure in the Bersin by Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2015 report?", "reference_answer": "-35", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analytics1-151203211051-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is Canada's capability gap score according to the Bersin by Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "821", "query": "What is high-impact HR as described by BambooHR and PayScale in the Evolution of HR chart, focusing on analytics for smart HR decisions?", "reference_answer": "HR as a strategic investment", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analytics1-151203211051-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is high-impact HR as described in the context of using analytics to make smart HR decisions by BambooHR and PayScale?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "806", "query": "What is the Stream Source for the Spark Streaming API which uses Java, Scala, and Python?", "reference_answer": "HDFS, Network", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the Stream Source for the API which uses Java, Scala, and Python?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "808", "query": "What is the Hadoop Distro for Apache Storm, noted for having too many Production Deployments to list, mentioned in the Support chart?", "reference_answer": "Hortonworks, MapR", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16, 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the Hadoop Distro for Apache Storm, which has too many Production Deployments to list?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "771", "query": "What percentage of glycolipids constitutes the fragile, transparent barrier of the plasma membrane?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-cellsandtissues-150929133200-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19, 20 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the fragile, transparent barrier that contains the cell contents and separates them from the surrounding environment is glycolipids?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "819", "query": "What type of writing, as described in the Content-Purpose-Audience Strategy by TTMS, Inc., changes mindsets and behaviors according to the Opinion & Persuasive Writing slide?", "reference_answer": "OPINION & PERSUASIVE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chamberpowerofyourideas-120521115632-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What type of writing, as described in the Content-Purpose-Audience Strategy by TTMS, Inc., changes mindsets and behaviors?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "801", "query": "What three languages does Storm Trident use according to the Language Options chart?", "reference_answer": "Java, Clojure, Scala", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What three languages does Storm Trident use?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "775", "query": "What is the recommended course of action in the Fetal Movement Counting when there is an atypical/abnormal type of test with poor evidence for reducing perinatal morbidity or mortality?", "reference_answer": "BPP or CST as soon as possible", "meta_info": { "file_name": "assessmentoffetalwellbeinginpregnancyandlabour-jaipur-150303105805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the course of action when there is an atypical/abnormal type of test for which there is poor evidence that it can reduce perinatal morbidity or mortality?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "800", "query": "That which can be done by the Storm stream processing framework or the Spark batch processing framework is found in the overlap between what two components in Batch vs. Streaming?", "reference_answer": "Batch, Streaming", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 11 ], "origin_query": "That which can be done by the Storm stream processing framework, or the Spark batch processing framework is found in the overlap between what two components?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "797", "query": "Is dengue more prevalent in the northern or southern hemisphere according to the geographical limits shown in the WHO 2011 map of dengue risk areas?", "reference_answer": "southern hemisphere", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Is dengue more prevalent in the northern or southern hemisphere according to the geographical limits of the northern and southern hemispheres for year-round survival of Aedes aegypti, as indicated in the document \"The Role of Weather and Climatic Changes in the Transmission of Dengue\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "776", "query": "Which NST type mentioned in the \"Parameter Baseline Variability Decelerations\" chart can have sinusoidal variability?", "reference_answer": "Abnormal NST", "meta_info": { "file_name": "assessmentoffetalwellbeinginpregnancyandlabour-jaipur-150303105805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Which NST type can have sinusoidal variability?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "813", "query": "According to the ASO BARCAMP data in the Android snippet image, which app has a higher rating: Make Me Old - Free or Racing Fever?", "reference_answer": "Racing Fever", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asobarcamp2-ratingsreviews-asoimpactleverage-151003201013-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which app has a higher rating according to the ASO BARCAMP data, Make Me Old - Free or Racing Fever?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "792", "query": "How many people per year are killed by humans and mosquitoes, the creature that carries dengue, combined according to the \"World's Deadliest Animals\" infographic and introduction about dengue?", "reference_answer": "1,200,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "How many people per year are killed by humans and mosquitoes, the creature that carries dengue, combined according to the document \"The Role of Weather and Climatic Changes in the Transmission of Dengue\" by Emmanuel O. Taiwo?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "830", "query": "Together, what percentage of the bulk Earth composition is made up by oxygen and iron according to the Earth's Components diagram?", "reference_answer": "6530+35", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-140622095458-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Together, oxygen and iron make up what percentage of the bulk earth composition?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "787", "query": "What follows Random-access memory (RAM) in the flow chart of the block diagram of a digital computer in the Basic Computer Organization and Design?", "reference_answer": "Central processing unit", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basiccomputerorganizationanddesign-140519134906-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What follows Random-access memory (RAM) in the flow chart of the Basic Computer Organization and Design?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "835", "query": "What are examples of Thermoset uses according to the \"REACTION ON HEATING\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "kitchen tools, glues, varnishes, electronic components", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativetoplasticandglobalwarming-140912094328-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of Thermoset uses?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "807", "query": "What is the Hadoop Distro for Apache Storm in the support chart?", "reference_answer": "Hortonworks, MapR", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the Hadoop Distro for Apache Storm?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "781", "query": "In the Transfer of Acetyl CoA to Cytosol process, is the reduction of a ketone to a hydroxyl group by Beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase occurring in the mitochondria or cytosol?", "reference_answer": "CYTOSOL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biosynthesisoffattyacids-140405023616-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 11 ], "origin_query": "Is that which is used by Beta-ketoacyl-ACP reductase to reduce the ketone to a hydroxyl group part of mitochondria or cytosol?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "833", "query": "Which type of plastic in the Classification image does not undergo chemical change in their composition when heated and can be molded again and again?", "reference_answer": "Thermoplastic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativetoplasticandglobalwarming-140912094328-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which type of plastic does not undergo chemical change in their composition when heated and can be molded again and again?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "823", "query": "Which country shows the greatest amount for people analytics as the second-biggest challenge overall according to the Bersin by Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2015 report, illustrated in the competency gap figure?", "reference_answer": "Netherlands", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analytics1-151203211051-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "Which country shows the greatest amount for which people analytics was the second-biggest challenge overall according to the Bersin by Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2015 report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "845", "query": "When did amazon.com begin selling eBooks/Kindle according to the Business Model Evolution diagram?", "reference_answer": "2007", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonbusinessmodelfinal-12886154816988-phpapp02-121203003732-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "When did amazon.com begin selling eBooks/Kindle?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "796", "query": "Vomiting is a symptom of which phase of dengue, a disease with 50-100 million cases worldwide each year?", "reference_answer": "Febrile", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 7 ], "origin_query": "Vomiting is a symptom of which phase of the disease which has 50-100 million cases worldwide each year?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "843", "query": "What percentage better is The All-New Kindle's contrast according to the Amazon update infographic?", "reference_answer": "50", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonbusinessmodelfinal-12886154816988-phpapp02-121203003732-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What percentage better is The All-New Kindle's contrast?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "837", "query": "What is the total number of plastic bags used worldwide annually in trillions according to the Plastic Bag Statistics?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativetoplasticandglobalwarming-140912094328-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the total number of plastic bags used worldwide annually in trillions?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "818", "query": "According to Vocoli.com data, out of 100 million people in America who hold full-time jobs, how many million are actively disengaged in the Employee Engagement Matters infographic?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "art-of-facilitation-xing-150922143331-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Out of 100 million people in America who hold full-time jobs, how many million are actively disengaged according to the Vocoli.com data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "831", "query": "Together, oxygen which comprises 20.95% of Earth’s atmosphere and iron make up what percentage of the Bulk Earth Composition shown in the chart?", "reference_answer": "65", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-140622095458-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 6 ], "origin_query": "Together, the element which comprises 20.95% of the Earth’s atmosphere and iron make up what percentage of the bulk earth composition?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "850", "query": "In the year when the Motorola Xoom, HP Slate on Web OS, and Blackberry Playbook were all launched, which region accounted for the majority of tablet sales according to the Tablet Ecosystem in India report's 2011 projection?", "reference_answer": "North America", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cc-indiatabletsreport-november2011-111130102726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "In the year when the Motorola Xoom, HP Slate on Web OS, and Blackberry Playbook were all launched, which region accounted for the majority of tablet sales according to the Tablet Ecosystem in India report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "825", "query": "What is the title of the cover story of the Harvard Business Review on \"Value Perception Crisis\" in the presentation \"Using Analytics to Make Smart HR Decisions\"?", "reference_answer": "IT'S TIME TO BLOW UP HR AND BUILD SOMETHING NEW. HERE'S HOW", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analytics1-151203211051-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of the cover story of the Harvard Business Review pictured in the presentation \"Using Analytics to Make Smart HR Decisions\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "724", "query": "What is the university affiliation of the person who stated in the presentation, “Canvas is my favourite part of HTML5, alongside its video and audio support”?", "reference_answer": "Bournemouth University", "meta_info": { "file_name": "barcampbournemouthcanvaskeynote-100410160445-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the university affiliation of the person who said, “Canvas is my favourite part of HTML5, alongside its video and audio support”?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "851", "query": "In 2011, what percentage of total tablets were sold in Asia according to the Tablet Ecosystem in India report by Convergence Catalyst featuring global sales distribution?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cc-indiatabletsreport-november2011-111130102726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "In 2011, what percentage of total tablets were sold in Asia according to the Tablet Ecosystem in India report by Convergence Catalyst?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "834", "query": "Which type of plastic, derived from the Greek plastikos, does not undergo chemical change when heated and can be molded repeatedly, as shown in the plastics classification presentation?", "reference_answer": "Thermoplastic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativetoplasticandglobalwarming-140912094328-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 6 ], "origin_query": "Which type of item, the word for which is derived from the Greek plastikos, does not undergo chemical change in their composition when heated and can be molded again and again?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "848", "query": "When was the Apple iPad launched globally according to the Timelines of Key Tablets diagram?", "reference_answer": "Apr '10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cc-indiatabletsreport-november2011-111130102726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "When was the Apple iPad launched globally?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "828", "query": "Is there more magnesium or iron in the bulk earth composition as shown in the pie chart?", "reference_answer": "Iron", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-140622095458-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Is there more magnesium or iron in the bulk earth composition?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "853", "query": "What are six typical uses of tablets in the Healthcare industry as listed in the Convergence Catalyst analysis?", "reference_answer": "Electronic Medical Records, Speech Therapy, Digital Imaging, Patient Education, Sign out, Billing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cc-indiatabletsreport-november2011-111130102726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What are six typical uses of tablets in the Healthcare industry?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "790", "query": "Which animals tie for killing the fewest number of people per year in the figure within \"The Role of Weather and Climatic Changes in the Transmission of Dengue\" by Emmanuel O. Taiwo, specifically listed in the \"World's Deadliest Animals\" chart?", "reference_answer": "Shark, Wolf", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Which animals tie for killing the fewest number of people per year in the figure within \"The Role of Weather and Climatic Changes in the Transmission of Dengue\" by Emmanuel O. Taiwo?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "817", "query": "According to the Vocoli.com data in the Art of Facilitation workshop, what is the engagement level of the majority of people in America who hold full-time jobs?", "reference_answer": "not engaged and just there", "meta_info": { "file_name": "art-of-facilitation-xing-150922143331-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the engagement level of the majority of people in America who hold full-time jobs according to the Vocoli.com data in the Art of Facilitation workshop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "844", "query": "What is the difference in cost in dollars between The All-New Kindle with Wi-Fi versus Free 3G+Wi-Fi as shown in the Amazon Kindle advertisement?", "reference_answer": "50", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonbusinessmodelfinal-12886154816988-phpapp02-121203003732-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in cost in dollars between The All-New Kindle with Wi-Fi versus Free 3G+Wi-Fi?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "836", "query": "What are examples of uses for products that are permanently “set” once they’re initially formed and can’t be melted according to the classification of thermosetting materials?", "reference_answer": "kitchen tools, glues, varnishes, electronic components", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativetoplasticandglobalwarming-140912094328-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of uses for products that are permanently “set” once they’re initially formed and can’t be melted?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "832", "query": "What two types of tide are indicated in the diagram about Earth's layers and tides?", "reference_answer": "Low, High", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-140622095458-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What two types of tide are there?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "856", "query": "What type of companies are increasingly attractive according to the \"War for Talent\" section in the Old School Recruiting to Integrated Talent Management document by Andy Finch?", "reference_answer": "Smaller", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectindubaidata-150429172006-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What type of companies are increasingly attractive according to the Old School Recruiting to Integrated Talent Management document by Andy Finch?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "847", "query": "Which was launched globally first, Motorola Xoom or Blackberry Playbook according to the Timelines of Key Tablets Launched Globally?", "reference_answer": "Motorola Xoom", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cc-indiatabletsreport-november2011-111130102726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which was launched globally first, Motorola Xoom or Blackberry Playbook?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "854", "query": "What are six typical uses of tablets in the healthcare industry where 7.3% have deployed tablets?", "reference_answer": "Electronic Medical Records, Speech Therapy, Digital Imaging, Patient Education, Sign out, Billing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cc-indiatabletsreport-november2011-111130102726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 10 ], "origin_query": "What are six typical uses of tablets in the industry in which 7.3% have deployed tablets?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "757", "query": "Is the sternum an example of a long bone or a flat bone according to the Classification of Bones by Shape chart?", "reference_answer": "Flat bone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyofboneandcartilage1-150828115100-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Is the sternum an example of a long bone or a flat bone?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "861", "query": "According to the Digi-Capital report Future Perspective chart, which is expected to be more common in 2020, augmented reality or virtual reality?", "reference_answer": "Virtual Reality", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brennpunkt2015neuburger-151110110849-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which is expected to be more common in 2020 according to the Digi-Capital report, augmented reality or virtual reality?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "841", "query": "What becomes the major currency in content commerce according to the Amazon.com Business Model presentation at Heriot Watt University?", "reference_answer": "ATTENTION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonbusinessmodelfinal-12886154816988-phpapp02-121203003732-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What becomes the major currency in content commerce according to the Amazon.com Business Model presentation at Heriot Watt University?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "858", "query": "Active Pipeline of Candidates is a part of what type of talent acquisition in the \"Modernising Your Approach\" framework?", "reference_answer": "Integrated", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectindubaidata-150429172006-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Active Pipeline of Candidates is a part of what type of talent acquisition?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "863", "query": "According to the Experience Economy section in Brennpunkt eTourism, which is priced higher: commodities or experiences?", "reference_answer": "Experience", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brennpunkt2015neuburger-151110110849-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which is priced higher, commodities or experiences according to the Experience Economy section in Brennpunkt eTourism?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "827", "query": "According to Earth's atmosphere altitude chart, which flies higher: Concorde plane or a commercial jet?", "reference_answer": "Concorde", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-140622095458-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which flies higher, a concorde plane or commercial jet?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "865", "query": "What is the purpose of early CPR in the Chain of Survival diagram?", "reference_answer": "to buy time", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bls1-130817020622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the purpose of early CPR?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "839", "query": "What percentage of household waste is plastic according to the Plastic Bag Statistics in the Percentage of Plastics Used in Different Field document?", "reference_answer": "11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativetoplasticandglobalwarming-140912094328-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of household waste is plastic according to the Alternative to Plastic document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "857", "query": "What are four levels of talent acquisition and recruiting shown in the 'Modernising Your Approach' diagram by Bersin?", "reference_answer": "Optimized Talent Acquisition, Integrated Talent Acquisition, Standardized Operational Recruiting, Reactive Tactical Recruiting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectindubaidata-150429172006-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What are four levels of talent acquisition and recruiting?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "798", "query": "Is the RNA virus, genus: Flavivirus, family: Flavivirida, associated with dengue, documented as more prevalent in the northern or southern hemisphere in \"The Role of Weather and Climatic Changes in the Transmission of Dengue\" by Emmanuel O. Taiwo, and the 2011 WHO map?", "reference_answer": "southern hemisphere", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 8 ], "origin_query": "Is the RNA virus, genus: Flavivirus, family: Flavivirida, which is associated with dengue, more common in the northern or southern hemisphere according to the document \"The Role of Weather and Climatic Changes in the Transmission of Dengue\" by Emmanuel O. Taiwo?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "849", "query": "According to the Tablet Ecosystem in India report by Convergence Catalyst, in which region were the majority of tablets sold in 2011 as shown in the sales by region chart?", "reference_answer": "North America", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cc-indiatabletsreport-november2011-111130102726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "In 2011, according to the Tablet Ecosystem in India report by Convergence Catalyst, in which region were the majority of tablets sold?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "875", "query": "Which of the stores depicted in the technology solutions chart uses Microsoft Exchange Server 2010?", "reference_answer": "PLaNeT ORGANIC MARKET", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beyondomni-channelretailing-140725095427-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Which of the stores shown use Microsoft Exchange Server 2010?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "880", "query": "Which passenger vehicle maker in India includes Renault according to the Reuters graphic?", "reference_answer": "Mahindra & Mahindra", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilesector1-110819081233-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which passenger vehicle maker in India includes Renault?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "859", "query": "In the Brennpunkt eTourism comparison, which requires 3D rendering, augmented reality or virtual reality?", "reference_answer": "Virtual Reality", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brennpunkt2015neuburger-151110110849-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which requires 3D rendering, augmented reality or virtual reality?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "884", "query": "What percentage of employees are not at all aware of their company's official policy regarding employee use of social networking channels according to the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey pie chart results?", "reference_answer": "24", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessethicsandethicsinworkplace-150406115016-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of employees are not at all aware of their company's official policy regarding employee use of social networking channels according to the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey results?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "864", "query": "The artwork entitled \"The Temptation of St. Anthony\" is by which artist, according to the Brennpunkt eTourism presentation on Target Recognition?", "reference_answer": "Hieronymus Bosch", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brennpunkt2015neuburger-151110110849-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "The artwork entitled \"The Temptation of St. Anthony\" is by which artist?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "879", "query": "Which passenger vehicle maker with 1-percent of the market in India's vehicle market has a labor cost of 1.60 USD per hour?", "reference_answer": "Skoda", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilesector1-110819081233-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 12 ], "origin_query": "Which passenger vehicle maker in the country in which the cost of labor per hour is 1.60 USD has 1-percent of the market?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "882", "query": "According to the India Motor Industry Sales data chart, which is a bigger seller in India, motor bikes or 3-wheelers?", "reference_answer": "Motor bikes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilesector1-110819081233-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which is a bigger seller in India, motor bikes or 3-wheelers according to the India Motor Industry Sales data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "852", "query": "In the year when the Apple App Store had 500,000 active applications during September, what percentage of total tablets were sold in Asia according to the Tablet Ecosystem in India report by Convergence Catalyst?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cc-indiatabletsreport-november2011-111130102726-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 7 ], "origin_query": "In the year during which the Apple App Store had 500,000 active applications during September, what percentage of total tablets were sold in Asia according to the Tablet Ecosystem in India report by Convergence Catalyst?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "855", "query": "According to the Old School Recruiting to Integrated Talent Management document by Andy Finch, will attracting and retaining the best talent become more or less difficult as depicted in the \"War for Talent\" slide?", "reference_answer": "More", "meta_info": { "file_name": "connectindubaidata-150429172006-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Will it become more or less difficult to attract and retain the best talent according to the Old School Recruiting to Integrated Talent Management document by Andy Finch?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "862", "query": "Which is expected to be more common in 2020, augmented reality or virtual reality, according to the Brennpunkt eTourism presentation featuring the future perspective chart?", "reference_answer": "Virtual Reality", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brennpunkt2015neuburger-151110110849-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "Which is expected to be more common in 2020, augmented reality, which is supplementing and does not block out the world, or virtual reality, according to the Brennpunkt eTourism presentation by Larissa Neuburger?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "868", "query": "In the Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO) chart, what happens when you ask \"Are you choking?\" in the case of a severe obstruction?", "reference_answer": "Unable to speak, may nod", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bls1-130817020622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What happens when you ask \"Are you choking?\" in the case of a severe obstruction?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "890", "query": "By 2016, the mobile ad market was projected to be worth how many billions of dollars according to the growth chart?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "areyoureadyforthemobilegeddon-150507052350-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "The mobile ad market was projected to be worth how many billions of dollars in 2016?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "872", "query": "Which is greater in width, a Roman or English brick according to the \"Important Terms Used in Brick Masonry\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "ROMAN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cmigq7qvsnisuodbt0y9-140511134622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Which is greater in width, a Roman or English brick?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "891", "query": "Was the mobile ad market worth more in 2014 or 2015 according to the MOBILEGEDDON presentation chart showing growth to $22 billion by 2016?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "areyoureadyforthemobilegeddon-150507052350-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Was the mobile ad market worth more in 2014 or 2015 according to the MOBILEGEDDON presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "885", "query": "According to the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey results regarding employee use of social networking channels, do more companies have a policy giving no restrictions or have no policy?", "reference_answer": "No Policy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessethicsandethicsinworkplace-150406115016-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Concerning employee use of social networking channels, do more companies have a policy giving no restrictions or have no policy according to the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey results?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "887", "query": "Do more executive respondents or more employee respondents believe that social networking sites help employees achieve a better work-life balance according to the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey results shown in the \"Social Networking Sites for better work life for employees\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Executive respondents", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessethicsandethicsinworkplace-150406115016-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Do more executive respondents or more employee respondents believe that social networking sites help employees achieve a better work-life balance according to the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey results?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "866", "query": "In the Chain of Survival diagram, what is the purpose of early CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION?", "reference_answer": "to buy time", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bls1-130817020622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the purpose of early CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "870", "query": "What three types of brick are pictured in the drawing within the Building Construction Chapter 01: Masonry, specifically in the \"Some Important Terms Used in Brick Masonry\" section?", "reference_answer": "American, ROMAN, ENGLiSH", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cmigq7qvsnisuodbt0y9-140511134622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What three types of brick are pictured in the drawing within the Building Construction Chapter 01: Masonry section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "803", "query": "Of Core Storm, Storm Trident, and Spark Streaming, which in the \"Language Options\" table can be used with the greatest number of languages?", "reference_answer": "Core Storm", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apachestormvs-140811162542-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Of Core Storm, Storm Trident, and Spark Streaming, which can be used with the greatest number of languages?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "889", "query": "On what date was the post \"Rolling out the mobile-friendly update\" published on the Google Webmaster Central Blog?", "reference_answer": "Tuesday, April 21, 2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "areyoureadyforthemobilegeddon-150507052350-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "On what date was the post \"Rolling out the mobile-friendly update\" published?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "893", "query": "The emergence of new entrepreneurial players is an example of what within the Porter’s Five Forces Model with respect to the hotel industry?", "reference_answer": "THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "analysisofhotelindustryinportersfivecompetitiveforces-140915041906-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "The emergence of new entrepeneurial players is an example of what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "888", "query": "According to the \"Employees: policies and practices\" survey by Deloitte LLP 2009, what percentage of employees never use SNS?", "reference_answer": "44", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessethicsandethicsinworkplace-150406115016-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of employees never use SNS according to the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey results?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "886", "query": "What percentage of employees disagree or strongly disagree with the statement \"Using social networking sites helps me achieve better work-life balance\" as found in the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey graphic?", "reference_answer": "65", "meta_info": { "file_name": "businessethicsandethicsinworkplace-150406115016-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of employees disagree or strongly disagree with the statement \"Using social networking sites helps me achieve better work-life balance\" according to the Deloitte LLP 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey results?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "871", "query": "What three types of bricks, described in Brick Masonry, are of uniform size and shape, light in weight, fire resistant, have high resale value, low maintenance cost, and are easily available in plain areas, as pictured in the drawing?", "reference_answer": "American, ROMAN, ENGLiSH", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cmigq7qvsnisuodbt0y9-140511134622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "What three types of items which are of uniform size and shape, light in weight, fire resistant, have high resale value, low maintenance cost and are easily available in plain areas are pictured in the drawing?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "897", "query": "What are the four metro circles in India according to the market structure division?", "reference_answer": "DELHI, KOLKATA, MUMBAI, CHENNAI", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoftelecom-1226322381341892-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What are the four metro circles in India?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "877", "query": "How many players were in the pre-1983 market according to the Indian Automotive Industry snapshot?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilesector1-110819081233-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many players were in the pre-1983 market?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "892", "query": "Is Internet traffic from desktops increasing or decreasing according to the Google Mobilegeddon presentation, specifically highlighted in the Mobile Traffic Passed Desktop in 2014 graph?", "reference_answer": "Decreasing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "areyoureadyforthemobilegeddon-150507052350-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Is Internet traffic from desktops increasing or decreasing according to the Google Mobilegeddon presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "894", "query": "In what year did the Indian Radio Telegraph Company form according to the History of Telecom Industries timeline?", "reference_answer": "1923", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoftelecom-1226322381341892-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "In what year did the Indian Radio Telegraph Company form?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "908", "query": "What percentage is the estimated 5-YEAR CAGR for the number of installed IoT devices according to the BI Intelligence Estimates chart?", "reference_answer": "57", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biitheinternetofeverything2015v4-141230135143-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is the estimated 5-YEAR CAGR for the number of installed IoT devices?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "909", "query": "In the BI Intelligence Estimates for 2014, which was smaller, the Internet of Things market or the combined smartphones, tablets, and PC market?", "reference_answer": "Internet of Things market", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biitheinternetofeverything2015v4-141230135143-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "In 2014, which was smaller, the Internet of Things market or combined smartphones, tablets, and PC market?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "876", "query": "During which period in the Indian Automotive Industry timeline did the implementation of VAT occur?", "reference_answer": "1993-2007", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilesector1-110819081233-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "During which period was the implementation of VAT in the Indian Automobile Industry timeline?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "912", "query": "Which is the most expensive of Aqualisa's Core Product Offerings as listed in the Product & Price table?", "reference_answer": "Aquavalve 609", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqualisaquartzsss-120320224240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which is the most expensive of Aqualisa's Core Product Offerings?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "899", "query": "What is another term for \"measuring elements\" in the context of the Arynga Connected Vehicle Playing Field diagram?", "reference_answer": "sensors", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citimonitizingconnectedcar-140114145514-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is another term for \"measuring elements\" in the context of the Arynga Connected Car Symposium?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "905", "query": "Is the Internet of Things expected to grow or shrink between 2014 and the year 2019E when Estimated IoT Revenue is projected to reach $600 Billion?", "reference_answer": "Grow", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biitheinternetofeverything2015v4-141230135143-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 11 ], "origin_query": "Is the Internet of Things expected to grow or shrink between 2014 and the year in which Estimated IoT Revenue is projected to reach $600 Billion?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "838", "query": "What is the total number of plastic bags that look like floating jellyfish to sea turtles used worldwide annually in trillions?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativetoplasticandglobalwarming-140912094328-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the total number of items that look like floating jellyfish to sea turtles used worldwide annually in trillions?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "900", "query": "What are the four elements of the presentation layer in the Connected Vehicle Playing Field diagram?", "reference_answer": "Human input, Human output, Measuring elements, Controls", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citimonitizingconnectedcar-140114145514-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are the four elements of the presentation layer?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "903", "query": "In the Arynga Recent SW Recall Summary, which had more units recalled, the 2011 Nissan Leaf or the 2010 Toyota Prius?", "reference_answer": "2010 Toyota Prius", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citimonitizingconnectedcar-140114145514-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which had more units recalled, the 2011 Nissan Leaf or the 2010 Toyota Prius?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "915", "query": "What are the three possible next steps directly after plumbers in the Aqualisa distribution flow chart?", "reference_answer": "Showrooms, Standard/value buyers, Developers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqualisaquartzsss-120320224240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are the three possible next steps directly after plumbers in the flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "907", "query": "Which market is larger, the 5th largest projected IoT Controller category in 2019 or personal computers as depicted in the BI Intelligence Estimates?", "reference_answer": "Personal Computers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biitheinternetofeverything2015v4-141230135143-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 17 ], "origin_query": "Which market is larger, the 5th largest projected IoT Controller category in 2019 or personal computers?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "917", "query": "What element comes between Gainsborough and DIY/value buyers in the Aqualisa Distribution flow chart?", "reference_answer": "DIY sheds", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqualisaquartzsss-120320224240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What comes between Gainsborough and DIY/value buyers in the Aqualisa Distribution flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "867", "query": "What follows early defibrillation in the Basic Life Support (BLS) flow chart of the Chain of Survival?", "reference_answer": "Post resuscitation care", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bls1-130817020622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What follows early defibrillation in the Basic Life Support (BLS) flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "869", "query": "How many other signs are there in the case of a mild obstruction according to the Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO) chart?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bls1-130817020622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "How many other signs are there in the case of a mild obstruction according to the Basic Life Support guidelines?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "914", "query": "Which type of shower in the Aqualisa product offerings does not require hot water supply?", "reference_answer": "Electric", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqualisaquartzsss-120320224240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which type of shower does not require hot water supply?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "919", "query": "According to the Aqualisa Quartz market analysis in Exhibit 6, which shower type is most common in the showroom channel?", "reference_answer": "Mixer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqualisaquartzsss-120320224240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Which shower type is most common in the showroom channel according to the Aqualisa Quartz market analysis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "904", "query": "Is the Internet of Things expected to grow or shrink between 2014 and 2019 according to BI Intelligence Estimates?", "reference_answer": "Grow", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biitheinternetofeverything2015v4-141230135143-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Is the Internet of Things expected to grow or shrink between 2014 and 2019?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "901", "query": "What has embedded IP sharing in the Arynga Connected Car Domains diagram?", "reference_answer": "Intelligence/Applications", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citimonitizingconnectedcar-140114145514-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What has embedded IP sharing in the Arynga Connected Car Domains?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "895", "query": "What does VSNL stand for in the \"History of Telecom Industries\" timeline?", "reference_answer": "Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoftelecom-1226322381341892-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is VSNL an abbreviation for?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "911", "query": "According to \"THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING: 2015\" report by BI Intelligence, which accounts for greater IoT business revenue, software and services, or hardware?", "reference_answer": "Software and Services", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biitheinternetofeverything2015v4-141230135143-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Which accounts for greater IoT business revenue, software and services, or hardware according to the BI Intelligence Estimates in \"THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING: 2015\" report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "906", "query": "According to the document \"THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING: 2015\" by BI Intelligence and the associated graph, which market is larger, wearables or personal computers?", "reference_answer": "Personal Computers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biitheinternetofeverything2015v4-141230135143-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "According to the document \"THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING: 2015\" by BI Intelligence, which market is larger, wearables or personal computers?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "874", "query": "What is wilde greene's phone system mentioned in the Moving From Omni-Channel to the MULTI-PLEX BRAND EXPERIENCE chart?", "reference_answer": "New Panasonic IP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "beyondomni-channelretailing-140725095427-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is wilde greene's phone system mentioned in the Moving From Omni-Channel to the MULTI-PLEX BRAND EXPERIENCE document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "842", "query": "How many ways are identified for achieving the goal of attention attraction and retention in the Heriot-Watt University presentation on Amazon.com?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonbusinessmodelfinal-12886154816988-phpapp02-121203003732-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "How many ways are identified for achieving the goal of attention attraction and retention?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "913", "query": "Which is the most expensive of Aqualisa's Core Product Offerings with 7% of the UK market share along with Masco?", "reference_answer": "Aquavalve 609", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqualisaquartzsss-120320224240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 13 ], "origin_query": "Which is the most expensive of the brand's Core Product Offerings which has 7% of the UK market share along with Masco?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "924", "query": "In which industry is Plaid used according to the Vertical API Market Map?", "reference_answer": "Finance", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apideck3-150304174454-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "In which industry is Plaid used?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "916", "query": "What are the three possible next steps directly after Plumbers in the flow chart, where the Quartz Value Proposition is highlighted as easy to install?", "reference_answer": "Showrooms, Standard/value buyers, Developers", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqualisaquartzsss-120320224240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 18 ], "origin_query": "What are the three possible next steps directly after the group in the flow chart for whom the Quartz Value Proposition is that it is easy to install?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "931", "query": "According to the Tech Leaders Capital presentation, which is simpler: your plan or reality depicted in the bicycle diagram?", "reference_answer": "Your plan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildakickassteam-nopingpongtablerequired-151117144722-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which is simpler, your plan or reality according to the Tech Leaders Capital presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "881", "query": "Which passenger vehicle maker in India, where the market share includes Renault at 8.3%, correlates with the US$ 6.7 billion component market size?", "reference_answer": "Mahindra & Mahindra", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilesector1-110819081233-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 14 ], "origin_query": "Which passenger vehicle maker in India, where the estimated component market size is US$ 6.7 billion, includes Renault?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "896", "query": "What was the percentage of Airtel's market share as of 6/30/07 in the Group Company wise Market Share chart for India?", "reference_answer": "23.55", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoftelecom-1226322381341892-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What was the percentage of Airtel's market share as of 6/30/07?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "932", "query": "In the Technology Adoption Cycle diagram, between which phases does the Slope of Enlightenment occur?", "reference_answer": "Trough of Disillusionment, Plateau of Productivity", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildakickassteam-nopingpongtablerequired-151117144722-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What stages does the slope of enlightenment come between?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "926", "query": "According to the Catalyze website overview, what can Catalyze turn your HIPAA burden into within its healthcare compliance platform?", "reference_answer": "asset", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apideck3-150304174454-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "According to the Catalyze website, what can Catalyze turn your HIPAA burden into?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "902", "query": "What are two ways car manufacturers provide value according to the Revenue Flows at the Arynga Connected Car Symposium?", "reference_answer": "Access to distinctive and competitive offer, Better user control", "meta_info": { "file_name": "citimonitizingconnectedcar-140114145514-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are two ways car manufacturers provide value according to the Arynga Connected Car Symposium?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "930", "query": "What is Ross Dawson's website URL as seen on the \"Life Next Year and Beyond: Appearing and Disappearing\" infographic?", "reference_answer": "rossdawson.com", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildakickassteam-nopingpongtablerequired-151117144722-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is Ross Dawson's website URL?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "933", "query": "What is Acorns' motto according to the \"Rethinking banking for an Always in Beta world\" report featuring digital natives' financial behaviors?", "reference_answer": "Invest the Change", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alwaysinbetaclaropartnersanthemisgroup1-150929213831-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What is Acorns' motto according to the \"Rethinking banking for an Always in Beta world\" report by Claro Partners and Anthemis Group?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "898", "query": "What are the four metro circles in the country where the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India was created in 1997?", "reference_answer": "DELHI, KOLKATA, MUMBAI, CHENNAI", "meta_info": { "file_name": "astudyoftelecom-1226322381341892-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 11 ], "origin_query": "What are the four metro circles in the country in which the Telecom Regulatory Authority was created in 1997?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "860", "query": "Which requires 3D rendering, an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information, as described in the comparison of Augmented vs. Virtual Reality?", "reference_answer": "Virtual Reality", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brennpunkt2015neuburger-151110110849-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 4 ], "origin_query": "Which requires 3D rendering, an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information on an image of something being viewed through a device (such as a smartphone camera) or virtual reality?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "921", "query": "Approximately how many APIs, referred to as the ‘nervous system’ of our new digital world, were there in 2012 according to the API Proliferation is Exponential presentation?", "reference_answer": "5000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apideck3-150304174454-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "Approximately how many programs which as the ‘nervous system’ of our new digital world were there in 2012?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "883", "query": "In the India Motor Industry Sales chart, where Engine Parts constitute 31% of the auto component industry, are motor bikes or 3-wheelers the bigger seller?", "reference_answer": "Motor bikes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilesector1-110819081233-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 15 ], "origin_query": "Which is a bigger seller in India, where Engine Parts make up 31% of the auto component industry, motor bikes or 3-wheelers?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "928", "query": "What is the title of Francois Mazoudier in the BUILDING A KICKASS TEAM document, who has had 10 YEARS+ IN OPERATIONAL ROLES?", "reference_answer": "CEO", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildakickassteam-nopingpongtablerequired-151117144722-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of Francois Mazoudier, who has had 10 YEARS+ IN OPERATIONAL ROLES, as mentioned in the BUILDINGA|AKICKASS|STEAM document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "920", "query": "Approximately how many APIs were there in 2012 according to the Open API Growth chart?", "reference_answer": "5000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apideck3-150304174454-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Approximately how many APIs were there in 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "846", "query": "When did the company founded in 1994 in Seattle, USA, begin selling eBooks/Kindle according to the business model evolution diagram by Heriot Watt University?", "reference_answer": "2007", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonbusinessmodelfinal-12886154816988-phpapp02-121203003732-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 19 ], "origin_query": "When did the company Founded in 1994 in Seattle, USA begin selling eBooks/Kindle?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "938", "query": "For which key element do Commerce Bank and Citibank score most similarly in the Blue Ocean Strategy graph about changing the paradigm?", "reference_answer": "PC banking", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategypresentation-130214083415-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "For which key element do Commerce Bank and Citibank score most similarly in the Blue Ocean Strategy document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "925", "query": "Validic API is described as the leading what in the context of digital health technology integration?", "reference_answer": "Digital Health Platform", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apideck3-150304174454-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Validic is described as the leading what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "946", "query": "At how many microseconds does the trigger event appear in the figure within the Pulse-Echo Method of Applications Training for Service by Ravindran Padmanabhan?", "reference_answer": "0", "meta_info": { "file_name": "basicsofultrasound2014-aarthiscans-140729093651-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "At how many microseconds does the trigger event appear in the figure within the Applications Training for Service by Ravindran Padmanabhan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "945", "query": "How many times did Cirque du Soleil sales increase in 10 years according to the \"Revolutionising a dying industry\" chart?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategypresentation-130214083415-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many times did Cirque du Soleil sales increase in 10 years?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "936", "query": "What has decreased due to the digital revolution according to the \"Rethinking banking for an Always in Beta world\" report by Claro Partners and Anthemis Group, as shown in the Impact of FinTech on Banking infographic?", "reference_answer": "Cost, Distance, Time, Barries to Entry", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alwaysinbetaclaropartnersanthemisgroup1-150929213831-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What has decreased due to the digital revolution according to the \"Rethinking banking for an Always in Beta world\" report by Claro Partners and Anthemis Group?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "947", "query": "How many more respondents have 0-2 years of UX Experience versus 3-8 according to the attendee responses in the Axure Users Meetup Chicago May 2, 2013 pre-session survey?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "axuremeetup-130504183752-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "How many more respondents have 0-2 years of UX Experience versus 3-8 according to the Axure Users Meetup Chicago May 2, 2013 pre-session survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "953", "query": "In the diagram illustrating Clinical Trials, how many clinical trial phases are there?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bioassaytechniques-150116070330-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many clinical trial phases are there?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "950", "query": "What percentage of Axure Users Meetup respondents, in the pre-session survey, had 4 years and up of experience where 18.52% identified as experts?", "reference_answer": "11.11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "axuremeetup-130504183752-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of respondents had 4 years and up of experience in Axure proficiency where 18.52% of respondents are experts?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "878", "query": "Which passenger vehicle maker in India's vehicle market report holds a 1-percent share?", "reference_answer": "Skoda", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automobilesector1-110819081233-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which passenger vehicle maker in India has 1-percent of the market?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "956", "query": "What method of bioassay of histamine is shown in the Matching Point or Bracketing Method presentation and labeled Fig. 1?", "reference_answer": "matching", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bioassaytechniques-150116070330-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What method of bioassay of histamine is shown in the presentation and labeled Fig. 1?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "958", "query": "In which type of Assay within the Multi Point Bioassay is an 11-point antibody titration created?", "reference_answer": "Antagonist", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bioassaytechniques-150116070330-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "In which type of Assay is an 11-point antibody titration created?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "954", "query": "What are the four agencies responsible for regulatory approvals mentioned in the bioassay classification diagram?", "reference_answer": "FDA, RAC, IRB, IBC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bioassaytechniques-150116070330-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are four agencies responsible for regulatory approvals?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "955", "query": "Which type of gene therapy, highlighted in the Ex Vivo and In Vivo Gene Therapy comparison, involves the introduction of therapeutic DNA directly into the patient's body?", "reference_answer": "In Vivo", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bioassaytechniques-150116070330-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which type of gene therapy involves the introduction of therapeutic DNA directly into the patient's body?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "963", "query": "In the Regions of the Spine diagram, which is positioned higher within the line of gravity: the odontoid or mid femoral heads?", "reference_answer": "Odontoid", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anaofspine-101212113106-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Which is higher, the odontoid or mid femoral heads in the context of the line of gravity in the anatomy of the spine?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "960", "query": "What is the type of spinal curve that functions to protect the spinal cord and nerve roots and internal organs of a 12 week old fetus as shown in the Sagittal Plane Curves image?", "reference_answer": "Kyphotic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anaofspine-101212113106-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the type of that which functions to protect the spinal cord and nerve roots and internal organs of a 12 week old fetus shown in the image?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "918", "query": "What comes between the Gainsborough brand with instantaneous water heating elements and DIY/value buyers in the Aqualisa distribution flow chart?", "reference_answer": "DIY sheds", "meta_info": { "file_name": "aqualisaquartzsss-120320224240-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 12 ], "origin_query": "What comes between the brand in which heating elements instantaneously heat the water to the required temperature and DIY/value buyers in the flow chart?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "939", "query": "For which key element does the bank that ‘dares to be different’ and Citibank score most similarly in the Blue Ocean Strategy document, as shown in the chart comparing Commerce Bank and Citibank?", "reference_answer": "PC banking", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategypresentation-130214083415-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "For which key element does the bank that ‘dares to be different’ and Citibank score most similarly in the Blue Ocean Strategy document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "967", "query": "Which improves ROI more according to the ClearAction Customer Experience Strategy slide, reducing negative buzz or increasing positive buzz?", "reference_answer": "reducing negative buzz", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cembadnewsisgoodnewsclearaction-1227918195013675-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Which improves ROI more according to the ClearAction Customer Experience Strategy, reducing negative buzz or increasing positive buzz?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "944", "query": "What type of circus contrasts with the elimination of Star performers, Animal Shows, Aisle concession sales, and Multiple show arenas in the Cirque du Soleil comparison?", "reference_answer": "Traditional", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategypresentation-130214083415-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 18 ], "origin_query": "That which Eliminated Star performers, Animal Shows, Aisle concession sales, and Multiple show arenas contrasts with what type of circus?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "969", "query": "In the ClearAction Customer Experience Strategy document, what areas does the customer have an impact on in a customer-centric view, as shown in the Key #1 diagram?", "reference_answer": "Engineering, Human Resources, Marketing Sales, Finance, Operations, Production", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cembadnewsisgoodnewsclearaction-1227918195013675-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "In the ClearAction Customer Experience Strategy document, what areas does the customer have an impact on in a customer-centric view?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "952", "query": "What is pictured on the little girl's dress in the photograph from the Axure Users Meetup, Chicago May 2, 2013, during the Axure Planning & Logistics session?", "reference_answer": "strawberry", "meta_info": { "file_name": "axuremeetup-130504183752-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is pictured on the little girl's dress in the photograph from the Axure Users Meetup, Chicago May 2, 2013, Axure Planning & Logistics session?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "949", "query": "Were more of the people surveyed at the Axure Users Meetup, Chicago May 2, 2013, identified as freelance or as members of an in-house team according to the pre-session survey responses?", "reference_answer": "Member of in-house team", "meta_info": { "file_name": "axuremeetup-130504183752-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Were more of the people surveyed at the Axure Users Meetup, Chicago May 2, 2013, freelance or members of an in-house team?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "941", "query": "Which bank scored lower in Atmosphere category, the bank with annual growth of 19% highlighted in \"How Commerce Bank changed the paradigm,\" or Citibank?", "reference_answer": "Citibank", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategypresentation-130214083415-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "Which bank scored lower in Atmosphere, the bank with annual growth of 19% or Citibank?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "962", "query": "What three types of movement associated with Resistance and Elasticity are shown in the Functions of the Spine images?", "reference_answer": "Flexion and Extension, Left and Right Side Bending, Left and Right Rotation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anaofspine-101212113106-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "What three types of movement of that which has Resistance and Elasticity are shown in the images?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "964", "query": "What are two types of notches related to the intervertebral foramen in vertebral structures?", "reference_answer": "Slight, Deep", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anaofspine-101212113106-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of notches related to the intervertebral foramen?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "937", "query": "What is Apple's first move into financial services according to the Claro Partners + Anthemis Group report?", "reference_answer": "Apple Pay", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alwaysinbetaclaropartnersanthemisgroup1-150929213831-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is Apple's first move into financial services?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "965", "query": "What comes between DATACENTER/CLOUD and DEVICE in the flow chart of the IoT Computing Model within the Cisco Internet of Things presentation?", "reference_answer": "DEVICE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cleurkeynoteiot-what-ittakes012715-150205154121-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What comes between DATACENTER/CLOUD and DEVICE in the flow chart within the Cisco Internet of Things presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "951", "query": "What percentage of respondents had 4 years and up of experience in Axure proficiency, specifically in what 18.52% of respondents were proficient in during the Axure Users Meetup in Chicago 2013?", "reference_answer": "11.11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "axuremeetup-130504183752-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of respondents had 4 years and up of experience in Axure proficiency, specifically in what 18.52% of respondents were proficient in?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "923", "query": "What do programs which expose some of an application’s internal functions to the outside world create in the context of APIs and their functions?", "reference_answer": "Ecosystem Around Product", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apideck3-150304174454-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 6 ], "origin_query": "What do programs which expose some of an application’s internal functions to the outside world create?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "974", "query": "The parent cell becomes 2 daughter cells with identical genetic information during what stage in the cell cycle diagram?", "reference_answer": "CYTOKINESIS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cellcyclecheckpointsapoptosisandcancer-141109105010-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "The parent cell becomes 2 daughter cells with identical genetic information during what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "976", "query": "Amazon poached employees from what company, as depicted in the digital driven supply chain slide?", "reference_answer": "Walmart", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonwhitepaper-110511144038-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Amazon poached employees from what company?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "978", "query": "How large in sq feet was Amazon's location in 1995 as shown in the digital supply chain timeline?", "reference_answer": "400", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonwhitepaper-110511144038-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "How large in sq feet was Amazon's location in 1995?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "973", "query": "What does the Mitotic phase include in the Cell Cycle diagram?", "reference_answer": "Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cellcyclecheckpointsapoptosisandcancer-141109105010-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What does the Mitotic phase include?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "972", "query": "The stage that occurs in between the first two DNA damage checkpoints in the Cell Cycle diagram is part of which phase?", "reference_answer": "Synthesis", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cellcyclecheckpointsapoptosisandcancer-141109105010-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 8 ], "origin_query": "The stage that occurs in between the first two DNA damage checkpoints is part of which phase?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "959", "query": "What is the type of spine of a 12-week-old fetus shown in the Sagittal Plane Curves image in the Anatomy of Spine by Dr. Pankaj N Surange?", "reference_answer": "Kyphotic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anaofspine-101212113106-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the type of spine of a 12 week old fetus shown in the image in the Anatomy of Spine by Dr. Pankaj N Surange?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "966", "query": "What is ClearAction's motto as shown in the Customer Experience Strategy slide?", "reference_answer": "Act on clear insights!", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cembadnewsisgoodnewsclearaction-1227918195013675-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is ClearAction's motto?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "971", "query": "DNA replication is part of which phase in the cell cycle diagram?", "reference_answer": "Synthesis", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cellcyclecheckpointsapoptosisandcancer-141109105010-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "DNA replication is part of which phase?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "948", "query": "How many total respondents took the \"Years of UX Experience\" survey at the Axure Users Meetup, Chicago May 2, 2013?", "reference_answer": "27", "meta_info": { "file_name": "axuremeetup-130504183752-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "How many total respondents took the survey \"Years of UX Experience\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "935", "query": "In which city did partner banks of the Always in Beta project come together according to the \"Rethinking banking for an Always in Beta world\" report presentation image by Claro Partners and Anthemis Group?", "reference_answer": "Barcelona", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alwaysinbetaclaropartnersanthemisgroup1-150929213831-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "In which city did partner banks of the Always in Beta project come together according to the \"Rethinking banking for an Always in Beta world\" report by Claro Partners and Anthemis Group?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "980", "query": "In 2010, according to the Amazon.com sales data graph titled \"Limitless categories too,\" were more products sold in the media category or others category?", "reference_answer": "Others", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonwhitepaper-110511144038-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "In 2010, were more products sold in the media category or others category according to the Amazon.com sales data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "910", "query": "In the year 2014, when there was just under 10,000 Exabytes Of Data Globally according to the IoT Device Growth data, which was smaller, the Internet of Things market or combined smartphones, tablets, and PC market?", "reference_answer": "Internet of Things market", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biitheinternetofeverything2015v4-141230135143-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 13 ], "origin_query": "In the year in which there was just under 10,000 Exabytes Of Data Globally, which was smaller, the Internet of Things market or combined smartphones, tablets, and PC market?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "968", "query": "A 1% reduction of negative word-of-mouth results in what percentage revenue growth according to the ClearAction LLC study?", "reference_answer": "0.41", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cembadnewsisgoodnewsclearaction-1227918195013675-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "A 1% reduction of negative word-of-mouth results in what percentage revenue growth?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "922", "query": "In the context of \"Opportunity: API As Core Product,\" what do APIs create?", "reference_answer": "Ecosystem Around Product", "meta_info": { "file_name": "apideck3-150304174454-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What do APIs create?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "987", "query": "In 2009, was more coffee or bottled water consumed according to the U.S. Beverage Consumption chart in the Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010 document?", "reference_answer": "bottled water", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colawarscontinue-final-140515114621-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "In 2009, was more coffee or bottled water consumed according to the Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010 document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "970", "query": "What is the advantage of expediting issues for big customers according to the ClearAction CEM: Take Advocacy To The Next Step strategy?", "reference_answer": "Retain large accounts", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cembadnewsisgoodnewsclearaction-1227918195013675-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the advantage of expediting issues for big customers according to the ClearAction Customer Experience Management (CEM) strategy?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "990", "query": "In Oceania's January 2014 internet and social media statistics, how many more Internet users were there than active social network users?", "reference_answer": "6,862,268", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asiapacificdigitaloverview2014-140919001445-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "In Oceania in January 2014, how many more Internet users were there than active social network users?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "982", "query": "What three factors led to the company becoming the largest online seller of music in 120 days according to the case study from books to music (1995-1998)?", "reference_answer": "Large selection, Convenience, Low prices", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonwhitepaper-110511144038-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What three factors led to the company becoming the largest online seller of music in 120 days?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "957", "query": "What method classified as Invitro, Invivo, or Evivo and involving histamine is shown in the presentation labeled with Fig. 1 as the bioassay technique?", "reference_answer": "matching", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bioassaytechniques-150116070330-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 15 ], "origin_query": "What method classified as Invitro, Invivo, or Evivo and involving histamine is shown in the presentation and labeled Fig. 1?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "996", "query": "What is a characteristic of the inhalation route according to the BIOAVAILABILITY BIOEQUIVALENCE table?", "reference_answer": "Often very rapid onset", "meta_info": { "file_name": "babe-150203065431-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is a characteristic of the inhalation route according to the BIOAVAILABILITY BIOEQUIVALENCE document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "983", "query": "What is CSD an abbreviation for in the Situation Audit presentation?", "reference_answer": "carbonated soft drink", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colawarscontinue-final-140515114621-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What is CSD an abbreviation for in this presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "961", "query": "What three types of movement of the spine are depicted in the images within the \"Functions of the Spine\" section by Dr. Pankaj N Surange?", "reference_answer": "Flexion and Extension, Left and Right Side Bending, Left and Right Rotation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anaofspine-101212113106-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What three types of movement of the spine are shown in the images within the Anatomy of Spine by Dr. Pankaj N Surange?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1000", "query": "Salespeople with how many years of experience, according to the Part IV SALES FORCE COMPETENCIES Chapter 8: Sales Training document, get the most new customers as shown in Table 8-1 Cross-Tabulations from Company Records?", "reference_answer": "2-5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch08-sales-training-1215322718314319-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Salespeople with how many years of experience, according to the Part IV SALES FORCE COMPETENCIES Chapter 8: Sales Training document, get the most new customers?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1004", "query": "In the Bitcoin Supply chart, were more coins created per 10 minutes in 2013 or 2021?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bitcoin-140122035946-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Were more coins created per 10 minutes in 2013 or 2021?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "993", "query": "Was there greater Internet penetration or mobile subscription penetration in Oceania according to the 2014 Asia-Pacific Digital Overview Global Data Snapshot?", "reference_answer": "MOBILE SUBSCRIPTION PENETRATION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asiapacificdigitaloverview2014-140919001445-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 17 ], "origin_query": "Was there greater Internet penetration or mobile subscription penetration in Oceania according to the 2014 Asia-Pacific Digital Overview when there were 2,640,432,161 INTERNET USERS globally?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "984", "query": "When did the per capita CSD consumption start to decline according to the Situation Audit slide?", "reference_answer": "early 2000's", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colawarscontinue-final-140515114621-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "When did the per capita CSD consumption start to decline?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "994", "query": "In the table comparing routes of administration, which route has greater bioavailability, intravenous or inhalation?", "reference_answer": "Intravenous", "meta_info": { "file_name": "babe-150203065431-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which route has greater bioavailability, intravenous or inhalation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "873", "query": "Which is greater in width, a Roman or English brick according to the brick sizes mentioned in the brick masonry diagram?", "reference_answer": "ROMAN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cmigq7qvsnisuodbt0y9-140511134622-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "Which is greater in width, a Roman or English brick in the context of brick masonry where the actual sizes manufactured are slightly smaller to allow for a 3/8 thick layer of mortar to be applied?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "979", "query": "How large in sq feet was the location of Amazon, which reached $2.8 bn in revenues within its first 5 years in 1995?", "reference_answer": "400", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonwhitepaper-110511144038-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 17 ], "origin_query": "How large in sq feet was the location of the company which reached $2,8 bn in revenues within its first 5 years in 1995?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "997", "query": "What happens after evaluating training according to the flow chart in the Sales Training Process diagram?", "reference_answer": "Follow-Up Training", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch08-sales-training-1215322718314319-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What happens after evaluating training according to the flow chart in the Sales Training Process?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "927", "query": "What is Francois Mazoudier's title in the context of the BUILDING A KICKASS TEAM image?", "reference_answer": "CEO", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildakickassteam-nopingpongtablerequired-151117144722-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is Francois Mazoudier's title in the context of the BUILDINGA|AKICKASS|STEAM document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "986", "query": "How many gallons of milk were being consumed in the US in the year when CSDs made up about 60% of the non-alcoholic beverage volume as shown in the U.S. Beverage Consumption chart?", "reference_answer": "20.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colawarscontinue-final-140515114621-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 9 ], "origin_query": "How many gallons of milk were being consumed in the US in the year in which CSDs accounted for approximately 60% of the non-alcoholic beverage volume?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "929", "query": "What is described as a high end, global, active network in the context of TECHLEADERS CAPITAL featuring THE CEO CO-INVESTMENT CLUB?", "reference_answer": "THE CEO CO-INVESTMENT CLUB", "meta_info": { "file_name": "buildakickassteam-nopingpongtablerequired-151117144722-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is described as a high end, global, active network in the context of TECHLEADERS CAPITAL?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "940", "query": "In the context of \"How Commerce Bank changed the paradigm,\" which bank, Commerce Bank or Citibank, scored lower in Atmosphere?", "reference_answer": "Citibank", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategypresentation-130214083415-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which bank scored lower in Atmosphere, Commerce Bank or Citibank?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "829", "query": "Is there more of the element which is 2.1% by weight of the Earth’s crust or iron in the Bulk Earth Composition diagram?", "reference_answer": "Iron", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter3-140622095458-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 15 ], "origin_query": "Is there more of the element which is 2.1% by weight of the Earth’s crust or iron in the bulk earth composition?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1011", "query": "What percentage of app users find apps via friends and family according to the \"Why ASO?\" App Store Optimization presentation?", "reference_answer": "50", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asoextended-150217100406-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of app users find apps via friends and family according to the App Store Optimization presentation by TeamLeadmill?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "975", "query": "What is faberNovel's motto as seen in \"Amazon.com The Hidden Empire\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "ideas with legs", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonwhitepaper-110511144038-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is faberNovel's motto?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1017", "query": "According to the \"What Influences App Rankings\" presentation by TeamLeadmill, how many times are the top 5 apps updated on average every three-month period?", "reference_answer": "1.5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asoextended-150217100406-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many times per three month period are the top 5 apps updated on average according to the App Store Optimization presentation by TeamLeadmill?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "981", "query": "In the year Amazon operated 50 fulfillment centers, according to the Amazon.com fulfillment center data, were more products sold in the media category or others category in the media vs. others graph?", "reference_answer": "Others", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonwhitepaper-110511144038-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17, 18 ], "origin_query": "In the year when Amazon had 50 fulfillment centers, were more products sold in the media category or others category according to the Amazon.com fulfillment center data?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "989", "query": "What comes after SUM in the figure within the section on Structure of Neural Networks (2), Neural Networks + Convolution layer?", "reference_answer": "SIGMOID", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cnn-150512074911-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What comes after SUM in the figure within the section on Neural Networks +Convolution layer?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1003", "query": "How much does the pure gold bar in the \"Bitcoin and Gold, The human economy evolved\" section by Chitpong Wuttanan weigh in grams?", "reference_answer": "1000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bitcoin-140122035946-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How much does the pure gold bar in the image weigh in grams according to the \"Bitcoin and Gold, The human economy evolved\" section by Chitpong Wuttanan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "934", "query": "Who must rethink their business models due to the growing crowd of FinTech startups according to the \"Rethinking banking for an Always in Beta world\" report by Claro Partners and Anthemis Group, as shown in the image with Phil using his smartphone for payments?", "reference_answer": "banks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alwaysinbetaclaropartnersanthemisgroup1-150929213831-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Who must rethink their business models due to the growing crowd of FinTech startups according to the \"Rethinking banking for an Always in Beta world\" report by Claro Partners and Anthemis Group?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "999", "query": "What are three steps within the Sales Training Process for planning which aim to Increase productivity, Create positive attitudes/improve morale, and Improve efficiencies (time and territory) among others?", "reference_answer": "Assess Training Needs, Setting Objectives, Setting Budget", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch08-sales-training-1215322718314319-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What are three steps when planning for that which has the objective to Increase productivity, Create positive attitudes/improve morale, and Improve efficiencies (time and territory) among others?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1008", "query": "How many dollars worth of electricity are used each day by Bit miners to create Bitcoin, the digital currency introduced in 2008 by pseudonymous developer “Satoshi Nakamoto\", according to Bitcoin consumption power statistics?", "reference_answer": "150,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bitcoin-140122035946-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 14 ], "origin_query": "How many dollars worth of electricity are used each day by Bit miners to create the digital currency introduced in 2008 by pseudonymous developer “Satoshi Nakamoto”?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1006", "query": "What processor model was used for the fastest processor example in the Bitcoin mining time comparison?", "reference_answer": "AMD Phenom II X4 810", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bitcoin-140122035946-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What processor model was used for the fastest processor example?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "942", "query": "In the context of comparing Conventional Thinking with Value Innovation approaches, is the assumption that industry conditions can be shaped associated with the Conventional or Value Innovation approach?", "reference_answer": "Value Innovation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategypresentation-130214083415-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Is the assumption that industry conditions can be shaped associated with the Conventional or Value Innovation approach?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "991", "query": "In Oceania in January 2014, according to the 2014 ASIA-PACIFIC DIGITAL OVERVIEW, how many more Internet users were there than active social network users?", "reference_answer": "6,862,268", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asiapacificdigitaloverview2014-140919001445-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 17 ], "origin_query": "In Oceania in January of the year in which the ASIA-PACIFIC DIGITAL OVERVIEW was released, how many more Internet users were there than active social network users?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1020", "query": "In relation to the labeled diagram of the pharynx, which is higher up, the nasopharynx or the laryngopharynx?", "reference_answer": "Nasopharynx", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bariumswallowpresentation-090810084400-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which is higher up, the nasopharynx or the laryngopharynx?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1024", "query": "In the figure within the Kongregate presentation on Maximizing Monetization at Casual Connect SF 2013, is x or y identified as the independent variable in the Quick Math Break section?", "reference_answer": "x", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccsf2013-maximisingmonetizationv2-130801135525-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "In the figure within the Kongregate presentation on Maximizing Monetization at Casual Connect SF 2013, is x or y identified as the independent variable?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "988", "query": "In the year of highest Coca-Cola net profit/sales, did the U.S. Beverage Consumption chart from the Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010 document show more consumption of coffee or bottled water?", "reference_answer": "bottled water", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colawarscontinue-final-140515114621-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 20 ], "origin_query": "In the year in which Coca-Cola net profit/sales were highest, was more coffee or bottled water consumed according to the Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010 document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1013", "query": "Is an app more likely to have the keyword in the app title if it's for iPhone or iPad according to the What Influences App Rankings presentation in App Store Optimization by TeamLeadmill?", "reference_answer": "iPhone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asoextended-150217100406-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Is an app more likely to have the keyword in the app title if it's for iPhone or iPad according to the App Store Optimization presentation by TeamLeadmill?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1023", "query": "What are three parts of that which is formed by the cavity within the pharyngeal arches as shown in the Embryology of Pharynx?", "reference_answer": "Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bariumswallowpresentation-090810084400-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 7 ], "origin_query": "What are three parts of that which is formed by the cavity within the pharyngeal arches?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1005", "query": "In the comparison of Bitcoin creation rates, were more coins created per 10 minutes in 2013 or in the year just before nearly 18 million coins were circulating?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bitcoin-140122035946-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 12 ], "origin_query": "Were more coins created per 10 minutes in 2013 or the year in which almost 18 million coins were in circulation a year before?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "794", "query": "What are four symptoms of the critical phase of dengue transmitted through an \"Infected-person-to-mosquito-to-another-person\" pathway?", "reference_answer": "hypotension, pleural effusion, ascites, gastrointestinal bleeding", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ccdenguetaiwo-150925173124-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What are four symptoms of the critical phase of the disease which is transmitted through “Infected-person-to-mosquito-to-another-person” pathway?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1012", "query": "What is the least common channel used by app users to find apps in the App Store Optimization survey?", "reference_answer": "Preinstalled apps", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asoextended-150217100406-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the least common channel used by app users to find apps?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "985", "query": "How many gallons of milk were being consumed in the US in 2009 according to the U.S. Beverage Consumption chart?", "reference_answer": "20.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "colawarscontinue-final-140515114621-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many gallons of milk were being consumed in the US in 2009?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1027", "query": "What are five sources of individual resistance in the exploreHR.org diagram on resistance?", "reference_answer": "Habit, Economic Factors, Job Security, Fear of the Unknown, Selective Information Processing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "change-management-51890-398_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What are five sources of individual resistance?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1007", "query": "How many dollars worth of electricity are used each day by Bit miners to create bitcoins according to the Bitcoin consumption power infographic by Chitpong Wuttanan?", "reference_answer": "150,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bitcoin-140122035946-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "How many dollars worth of electricity are used each day by Bit miners to create bitcoins according to the Introduction to Bitcoin by Chitpong Wuttanan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "998", "query": "What are three steps when planning for sales training in the Sales Training Process flowchart?", "reference_answer": "Assess Training Needs, Setting Objectives, Setting Budget", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch08-sales-training-1215322718314319-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are three steps when planning for sales training?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1001", "query": "In which region, according to the Table 8-1 Cross-Tabulations from Company Records in the Part IV Sales Force Competencies Chapter 8: Sales Training document, is the average order size per salesperson the smallest?", "reference_answer": "Southwest", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch08-sales-training-1215322718314319-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "In which region, according to the Part IV Sales Force Competencies Chapter 8: Sales Training document, is the average order size per salesperson the smallest?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1014", "query": "According to the App Store Optimization presentation by TeamLeadmill, is an app more likely to have the keyword in the app title if it's designed for iPhone or if it had an Overall APP RATING of 1.3?", "reference_answer": "iPhone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asoextended-150217100406-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 14 ], "origin_query": "Is an app more likely to have the keyword in the app title if it's for iPhone or that which had an Overall APP RATING of 1.3 according to the App Store Optimization presentation by TeamLeadmill?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1037", "query": "How many commissioners were on the Republic of the Philippines Commission on Elections according to the Resolution promulgated on March 4, 2010, under \"Minimum Security Features\"?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyoffraud20102013-batangaspresentation-140911215152-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many commissioners were on the Republic of the Phillippines Commission on Elections promulgated on March 4, 2010?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1015", "query": "In the App Store Optimization analysis, what percentage of apps ranked in the top five for a keyword included the term in the title?", "reference_answer": "60", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asoextended-150217100406-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of apps ranked in the top five for a keyword included the term in the title?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1022", "query": "What are the three distinct parts of the pharynx illustrated in the diagram about the oropharynx?", "reference_answer": "Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bariumswallowpresentation-090810084400-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are three parts of the pharynx?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1043", "query": "In the progression diagram of argumentation, does tactical argumentation focus on the topic or person?", "reference_answer": "topic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "conflictmanagement-090605074329-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Does tactical argumentation focus on the topic or person?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1028", "query": "What is limited focus of change an example of in the Organizational Resistance diagram by exploreHR.org?", "reference_answer": "Organizational Resistance", "meta_info": { "file_name": "change-management-51890-398_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is limited focus of change an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1032", "query": "What are the three types of content identified in the figure from the Content StrategyForum Conference 2014 presentation with axes labeled \"richness of markup\" and \"scalability of process\"?", "reference_answer": "Unstructured, Structured, Smart", "meta_info": { "file_name": "contentstrategyforsmartcontent-140704072211-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What are the three types of content identified in the figure from the Content StrategyForum Conference 2014 presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1038", "query": "In the \"ANATOMY OF FRAUD Automated Election System 2010 and 2013 Elections\" presentation, according to the PCOS audit log report, which ballot cast number was flagged as rejected?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyoffraud20102013-batangaspresentation-140911215152-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "In the \"ANATOMY OF FRAUD Automated Election System 2010 and 2013 Elections\" presentation, which ballot cast number was rejected according to the PCOS audit log report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1041", "query": "What effect does knowing what you are doing through practice have on a game according to \"The Power of Competitive Focus\" by Dr. Russell James at Texas Tech University as illustrated in the slide titled \"Focus, enjoyment, and outcomes\"?", "reference_answer": "makes the game more fun to play", "meta_info": { "file_name": "competitiveoutcomes-091006065143-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What effect does knowing what you are doing through practice have on a game according to \"The Power of Competitive Focus\" by Dr. Russell James at Texas Tech University?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1033", "query": "In the Plant Defense Response diagram, which is slower, local gene activation or systemic gene activation?", "reference_answer": "Systemic gene activation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "biochemicalplantdefences-140527111259-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which is slower, local gene activation or systemic gene activation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1002", "query": "In which region, according to Part IV SALES FORCE COMPETENCIES Chapter 8: Sales Training document and Table 8-1's cross-tabulations, is the average order size per individual who says, “I closed the deal, didn’t I” the smallest?", "reference_answer": "Southwest", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ch08-sales-training-1215322718314319-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "In which region, according to the Part IV SALES FORCE COMPETENCIES Chapter 8: Sales Training document, is the average order size per individual who says, “I closed the deal, didn’t I” the smallest?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1029", "query": "According to Kristina Halvorson's tweet shown in \"We don’t need MORE content,\" what does she think is the very last thing most companies need?", "reference_answer": "MORE CONTENT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "contentstrategyforsmartcontent-140704072211-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What does Kristina Halvorson think is the very last thing most companies need?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1035", "query": "In the Link Layer packet format, which has more octets: the Preamble or the Access Address?", "reference_answer": "Access Address", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bluetoothinsecurity-160203162816_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which is more octets, the Preamble or the Access Address?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1045", "query": "According to the Conflict Management Strategies document graph, is there more bloodshed in war or sports?", "reference_answer": "War", "meta_info": { "file_name": "conflictmanagement-090605074329-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "According to the Conflict Management Strategies document, is there more bloodshed in war or sports?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1009", "query": "Other than creating bitcoins, what can $150,000 worth of electricity power according to the Bitcoin consumption power section in the Introduction to Bitcoin by Chitpong Wuttanan?", "reference_answer": "31,000 HOMES, 50,000 ELECTRIC CARS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bitcoin-140122035946-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Other than creating bitcoins, what can $150,000 worth of electricity power according to the Bitcoin consumption power section in the Introduction to Bitcoin by Chitpong Wuttanan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "943", "query": "Cirque du Soleil contrasts with what type of circus in the \"Revolutionising a dying industry\" image?", "reference_answer": "Traditional", "meta_info": { "file_name": "blueoceanstrategypresentation-130214083415-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Cirque du Soleil contrasts with what type of circus?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1049", "query": "What percentage of text on a webpage does the average person read according to \"The Power of Visuals\" in the Avalaunch Media presentation?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avalaunchpresentationsthatkickasteriskv3copy-150318114804-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of text on a webpage does the average person read according to the Avalaunch Media presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1052", "query": "What does the thermophilic state help to destroy during the composting process?", "reference_answer": "pathogens", "meta_info": { "file_name": "compostingfinal-150126084912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What does the thermophilic state help to destroy?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "995", "query": "Which route, intravenous or inhalation, has a greater rate and extent to which the active ingredient is absorbed and becomes available at the site of action, according to the bioavailability chart?", "reference_answer": "Intravenous", "meta_info": { "file_name": "babe-150203065431-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "Which route has a greater rate and extent to which the active ingredient or active moiety that is absorbed from a drug product and then becomes available at the site of action, intravenous or inhalation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1060", "query": "What is the example Atomic symbol in the \"OK, SO NOW HOW TO READ THIS THING\" figure that has an Atomic number of 2?", "reference_answer": "He", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chapter2-basicchemistry-150904023821-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the example Atomic symbol in the figure that has an Atomic number of 2?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1044", "query": "What comes after threats in the flow chart within the conflict management strategies diagram titled \"Focus on Person\"?", "reference_answer": "Destruction", "meta_info": { "file_name": "conflictmanagement-090605074329-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What comes after threats in the flow chart within the context of conflict management strategies?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1026", "query": "According to the Principles of Change presentation, what is an evolutionary process?", "reference_answer": "Building capacity for change", "meta_info": { "file_name": "change-management-51890-398_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "According to the principles of change, what is an evolutionary process?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1053", "query": "In the composting diagram, what does the state which comes between the mesophilic and maturation phase help to destroy?", "reference_answer": "pathogens", "meta_info": { "file_name": "compostingfinal-150126084912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "What does the state which comes between the mesophilic and maturation phase help to destroy?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1048", "query": "According to the \"4 Sloppy Dress\" presentation slide, what are three bad fonts?", "reference_answer": "Times New Roman, Arial, Comic Sans", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avalaunchpresentationsthatkickasteriskv3copy-150318114804-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "According to the presentation, what are three bad fonts?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1016", "query": "According to the App Store Optimization presentation by TeamLeadmill, what percentage of apps ranked in the top five included the keyword resulting in a 10,3% Ranking Increase?", "reference_answer": "60", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asoextended-150217100406-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 12 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of apps ranked in the top five for including what resulted in a 10,3% Ranking Increase according to the App Store Optimization presentation by TeamLeadmill?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1036", "query": "Who was the chairman of the Republic of the Philippines Commission on Elections, as noted in the document promulgated on March 4, 2010, regarding minimum security features?", "reference_answer": "MELO, Jose A.R.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "anatomyoffraud20102013-batangaspresentation-140911215152-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Who was the chairman of the Republic of the Phillippines Commission on Elections promulgated on March 4, 2010?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1025", "query": "According to the Principles of Change from exploreHR.org, change is a process that can be enabled but not what?", "reference_answer": "managed", "meta_info": { "file_name": "change-management-51890-398_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "According to the principles of change, change is a process that can be enabled but not what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1062", "query": "In the Particle Dimension in Pharmaceutical Disperse System chart, which is smaller: fine emulsion or fine powder?", "reference_answer": "fine emulsion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsamitsirmydocumentsmycompleteddownloadsmicromeritics-090805003354-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which is smaller, fine emulsion or fine powder?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1061", "query": "What is the coarse powder range in micrometers according to the Particle Dimension in Pharmaceutical Disperse System document?", "reference_answer": "150-1000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsamitsirmydocumentsmycompleteddownloadsmicromeritics-090805003354-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the coarse powder range in micrometers according to the Micromeritics document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1058", "query": "What are two types of microbes involved in the beginning of the composting process, where mesophilic bacteria predominate at 0-40°C?", "reference_answer": "Aerobes, Anaerobes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "compostingfinal-150126084912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 13 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of microbes involved in the process that during the beginning (0-40C), mesophilic bacteria predominate?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1055", "query": "According to the compost microorganisms diagram in the On-Farm Composting Handbook, is there more fungi or bacteria per gram of compost?", "reference_answer": "Bacteria", "meta_info": { "file_name": "compostingfinal-150126084912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 12 ], "origin_query": "Is there more fungi or bacteria per gram of compost, the organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment, according to the On-Farm Composting Handbook?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1039", "query": "What year is printed on the t-shirt the man is wearing in the photograph where he holds a plate full of hot dogs during the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest featuring statistics on diminishing marginal utility?", "reference_answer": "2007", "meta_info": { "file_name": "competitiveoutcomes-091006065143-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What year is printed on the t-shirt the man is wearing in the photograph in which he is holding a serving plate full of hot dogs during the IET 9ath 2007 event?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1059", "query": "In the infographic on microorganisms involved in composting, is it aerobes or anaerobes that decompose organic matter in the absence of oxygen?", "reference_answer": "Anaerobes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "compostingfinal-150126084912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Is it aerobes or anaerobes that decompose organic matter in the absence of oxygen?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1042", "query": "What two situations in which strong men engage in fearsome combat are depicted in the figure related to Conflict Management under bloodshed and combat axes?", "reference_answer": "War, Sports", "meta_info": { "file_name": "conflictmanagement-090605074329-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What two situations in which strong men engage in fearsome combat are shown in the figure under the Conflict Management section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1073", "query": "How many total miles had been logged by Garmin Connect users according to the BIG DATATRENDS presentation by David Feinleib and displayed by thebigdatagroup.com?", "reference_answer": "2,509,889,029", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatatrends-120723191058-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many total miles had been logged by Garmin Connect users according to the BIG DATATRENDS presentation by David Feinleib?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1046", "query": "How many children are being read to in the photograph on slide 1 of the Avalaunch Media presentation?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avalaunchpresentationsthatkickasteriskv3copy-150318114804-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many children are being read to in the photograph in the Avalaunch Media presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1066", "query": "In the image from the Coulter Counter Method (Electrical stream sensing zone method) section, what is positioned above the orifice in the Wallace Coulter orifice model from 1948-1956?", "reference_answer": "vacuum", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsamitsirmydocumentsmycompleteddownloadsmicromeritics-090805003354-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "In the image from the Coulter Counter Method (Electrical stream sensing zone method) section, what is positioned above the orifice?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "840", "query": "What percentage of household waste is made from plastics according to the Percentage of Plastics Used in Different Fields document?", "reference_answer": "11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "alternativetoplasticandglobalwarming-140912094328-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 14 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of household waste is from the material that is made from synthetic or semi-synthetic polymerization products that can be molded into a permanent object having the property of plasticity, as mentioned in the Alternative to Plastic document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1074", "query": "What three tabs are displayed on Garmin Connect's interface in the BIG DATATRENDS presentation by David Feinleib?", "reference_answer": "Home, Features, Get Started", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatatrends-120723191058-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What three tabs can be seen on Garmin Connect's interface in the image from the BIG DATATRENDS presentation by David Feinleib?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "977", "query": "The company Amazon, which owns companies such as IMDb, Zappos.com, Alexa, and woot! among others, poached employees from what company?", "reference_answer": "Walmart", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonwhitepaper-110511144038-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 17 ], "origin_query": "The company which owns companies such as IMDb, Zappos.com, Alexa, and woot! among others poached employees from what company?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "992", "query": "Was there greater Internet penetration or mobile subscription penetration in Oceania in January 2014 according to the We Are Social report?", "reference_answer": "MOBILE SUBSCRIPTION PENETRATION", "meta_info": { "file_name": "asiapacificdigitaloverview2014-140919001445-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Was there greater Internet penetration or mobile subscription penetration in Oceania in January 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1070", "query": "What are examples of operational efficiencies that Bharat Forge emphasized improving in their cost-saving measures presentation?", "reference_answer": "Yield, Scrap reduction, energy cost", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automotivecomponentsindustry-100405083435-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of operational efficiencies that Bharat Forge emphasized improving?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1050", "query": "Do people retain a greater percentage of what they read or hear according to \"The Power of Visuals\" presentation by Avalaunch Media?", "reference_answer": "READ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avalaunchpresentationsthatkickasteriskv3copy-150318114804-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Do people retain a greater percentage of what they read or hear according to the Avalaunch Media presentation on effective presentations?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1019", "query": "What part of the esophagus, shown in the diagram of esophageal subsite descriptions, is just above the cardioesophageal junction and lengthens with the descent of the heart and lungs?", "reference_answer": "Lower thoracic esophagus", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bariumswallowpresentation-090810084400-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 19 ], "origin_query": "What part of the esophagus, which is initially short but lengthens with the descent of the heart and lungs, is just above the cardioesophageal junction as seen in the Barium Swallow figure?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1031", "query": "What type of content is interpreted by machines according to the diagram at the Content Strategy Forum Conference 2014 in Frankfurt?", "reference_answer": "Smart Content", "meta_info": { "file_name": "contentstrategyforsmartcontent-140704072211-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What type of content is interpreted by machines according to the Content StrategyForum Conference 2014 in Frankfurt?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1071", "query": "Where did Faurecia close plants according to the Automotive Components Industry January 2010 report by Rahul Razdan and Ravneet Sahi, as mentioned in the cost reduction measures slide?", "reference_answer": "Germany", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automotivecomponentsindustry-100405083435-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Where did Faurecia close plants according to the Automotive Components Industry January 2010 report by Rahul Razdan and Ravneet Sahi?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1069", "query": "Were truck sales in the auto component manufacturer market scenario expected to increase or decrease in 2009 compared to the year in which Europe's new passenger car registrations fell 8.1%?", "reference_answer": "decrease", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automotivecomponentsindustry-100405083435-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 9 ], "origin_query": "Were truck sales expected to increase or decrease in 2009 compared to the year in which Europe new passenger car registrations fell 8.1%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1078", "query": "In Data Science - Context, metadata is a part of which data management process?", "reference_answer": "Store", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bdtc-py-09-140929235634-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "In data management, metadata is a part of which process?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1084", "query": "The overlap of which two capabilities is considered the danger zone in the Drew Conway 2010 Venn diagram?", "reference_answer": "Hacking Skills, Substantive Expertise", "meta_info": { "file_name": "catvsdogdlpycon15se-150512122612-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "The overlap of which two capabilities is considered the danger zone?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1056", "query": "Aspergillus fumigatus is an example of what type of microorganism shown in the compost microorganisms diagram?", "reference_answer": "Fungi", "meta_info": { "file_name": "compostingfinal-150126084912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Aspergillus fumigatus is an example of what type of microorganism?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1085", "query": "What is the title of the publication written by Robert Pratten, depicted in the Transmedia Storyteller presentation?", "reference_answer": "GETTING STARTED IN TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cinemart-120205012042-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of the publication written by Robert Pratten that is pictured in the presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1088", "query": "What is the name of the pervasive entertainment platform mentioned by Robert Pratten, CEO & Founder of Transmedia Storyteller Ltd, shown in the promotional image?", "reference_answer": "CONDUCTTR", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cinemart-120205012042-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the pervasive entertainment platform mentioned by Robert Pratten, CEO & Founder of Transmedia Storyteller Ltd?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1047", "query": "What is the name of the company that created the \"Presentations That Kick Asterisks\" by AVALAUNCH MEDIA presentation?", "reference_answer": "AVALAUNCH MEDIA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avalaunchpresentationsthatkickasteriskv3copy-150318114804-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the company that created the AVALAUNCH MEDIA presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1083", "query": "What is in the overlap area between Hacking Skills, Math & Statistics Knowledge, and Substantive Expertise in Drew Conway's 2010 diagram?", "reference_answer": "Data Science", "meta_info": { "file_name": "catvsdogdlpycon15se-150512122612-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is in the overlap area between Hacking Skills, Math & Statistics Knowledge, and Substantive Expertise?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1089", "query": "What are four components of narrative storytelling in Transmedia Storytelling?", "reference_answer": "Characters, Plot, Events, Things", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cinemart-120205012042-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What are four components of narrative storytelling?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1080", "query": "What four types of analytics are shown in the table within the Data Science Maturity Model & Spark presentation?", "reference_answer": "Isolated, Integrated, Aggregated, Automated", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bdtc-py-09-140929235634-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What four types of analytics are shown in the table within the BigData TECHCON presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1090", "query": "What type of storytelling involves conversation according to Robert Pratten's Transmedia Storytelling presentation Venn diagram?", "reference_answer": "Social(ising)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cinemart-120205012042-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What type of storytelling involves conversation according to Robert Pratten's Transmedia Storytelling presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1076", "query": "What type of service does FICO offer according to The Big Data Landscape diagram?", "reference_answer": "Data As A Service", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatatrends-120723191058-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What type of service does FICO offer?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1034", "query": "What are in the two thought bubbles in the Hedonic Principles image within the Behavioral Economics presentation by Kurt Nelson, PhD?", "reference_answer": "Cruise, Money", "meta_info": { "file_name": "behavioraleconomics-weareirrational-160305030815_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are in the two thought bubbles in the image within the Behavioral Economics presentation by Kurt Nelson, PhD?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1067", "query": "What has led to a drop in consumer sentiment according to the Automotive Components Industry January 2010 report by Rahul Razdan and Ravneet Sahi depicted in the Market Scenario slide?", "reference_answer": "economic downturn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automotivecomponentsindustry-100405083435-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What has led to a drop in consumer sentiment according to the Automotive Components Industry January 2010 report by Rahul Razdan and Ravneet Sahi?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1075", "query": "What are some companies that offer infrastructure as a service according to the BIG DATA LANDSCAPE presentation by David Feinleib?", "reference_answer": "Qubole, amazon web services, Windows Azure, MORTAR, infochimps, Google BigQuery", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatatrends-120723191058-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What are some companies that offer infrastructure as a service according to the BIG DATATRENDS presentation by David Feinleib?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1064", "query": "What apparatus, shown in the figure labeled Fig. 16-8, is used for determining particle sizes expressed in millimeters, micrometers, nanometers, picometers, or fanto meters by the gravity sedimentation method?", "reference_answer": "Andreasen", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsamitsirmydocumentsmycompleteddownloadsmicromeritics-090805003354-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 15 ], "origin_query": "What apparatus is used for determining what can be expressed in Millimeters, Micro meters, nano meters, pico meters, or fanto meters by the gravity sedimentation method?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1093", "query": "What is the top search result pictured on Yahoo France for the term \"toulouse france\" in the CLEF 2015 presentation titled \"Examples of Implicit Signals\" by Mounia Lalmas?", "reference_answer": "Toulouse - Wikipedia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "clef2015-150909194741-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the top search result pictured on Yahoo France for the term \"toulouse france\" in the CLEF 2015 presentation by Mounia Lalmas?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1095", "query": "Which task has greater complexity, to remember or to understand according to the CLEF 2015 Toulouse presentation on user variability in evaluating the search experience?", "reference_answer": "Understand", "meta_info": { "file_name": "clef2015-150909194741-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Which task has greater complexity, to remember or to understand according to the CLEF 2015 Toulouse presentation on evaluating the search experience?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1097", "query": "The collaborations depicted in the Globalization of Research map by Olivier H. Beauchesne occurred during what period according to the \"A way FORWARD for the University in a Digital Age\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "2005 to 2009", "meta_info": { "file_name": "awayforwardfortheuniversityweb-140315180736-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "The collaborations depicted in the map by Olivier H. Beauchesne occurred during what period according to the \"A way FORWARD for the University in a Digital Age\" presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1063", "query": "What apparatus, depicted in Fig. 16-8, is used for determining particle size by the gravity sedimentation method?", "reference_answer": "Andreasen", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsamitsirmydocumentsmycompleteddownloadsmicromeritics-090805003354-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What apparatus is used for determining particle size by the gravity sedimentation method?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1081", "query": "In the Data Science Maturity Model & Spark chart, which analytics type is predictive?", "reference_answer": "Integrated Analytics", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bdtc-py-09-140929235634-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Which analytics type is predictive?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1104", "query": "In thermodynamics, which type of process is described as having a constant temperature according to the law \\( PV^n = \\text{constant} \\) on the MEng 2101 slide?", "reference_answer": "isothermal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chap4firstlawthermodynamics-130703012634-phpapp02-141209125348-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What type of process has a constant temperature?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1092", "query": "What is the description of the search (special) subcategory of websites in the CLEF 2015 Toulouse presentation by Mounia Lalmas, based on the online session data?", "reference_answer": "search for lyrics, jobs, etc.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "clef2015-150909194741-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the description of the search (special) subcategory of websites in the CLEF 2015 Toulouse presentation by Mounia Lalmas?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1077", "query": "Which human sense is represented as having the same bandwidth as a USB key in the \"Bandwidth of Our Senses\" infographic?", "reference_answer": "Touch", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bigdatatrends-120723191058-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Which sense is said to have the same bandwidth as a USB key?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1105", "query": "What is on top of the statue's head in the photograph from the presentation by Arlyn M. Valencia, M.D. on stroke awareness?", "reference_answer": "bird", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cerebralhemorrhage-090619101057-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is on top of the statue's head in the photograph related to the presentation by Arlyn M. Valencia, M.D. on stroke?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1079", "query": "What comes between Reason and Deploy in the Data Science - Context process flow?", "reference_answer": "Model", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bdtc-py-09-140929235634-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What comes between Reason and Deploy in the process flow?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1040", "query": "What year is printed on the t-shirt of the man in the photograph holding a serving plate full of hot dogs during the 2007 competition?", "reference_answer": "2007", "meta_info": { "file_name": "competitiveoutcomes-091006065143-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What year is printed on the t-shirt the man is wearing in the photograph in which he is holding a serving plate full of hot dogs that gives a utility of +10 from consuming 1, assuming standard consumption economics?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1098", "query": "What happens between a Big Idea and Inspiring creative execution in the Beloved Brands 360° branding approach?", "reference_answer": "Create Brand Plans", "meta_info": { "file_name": "belovedbrandsbriefing-120224171308-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What happens between a Big Idea and Inspiring creative execution?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1096", "query": "Where did Olivier H. Beauchesne compute the map of scientific collaborations as shown in the Globalization of Research image?", "reference_answer": "Science-Metrix, Inc.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "awayforwardfortheuniversityweb-140315180736-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Where did Olivier H. Beauchesne compute the map of scientific collaborations?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1107", "query": "What is the death rate per 100,000 for cerebrovascular disease according to the 1995 Major Causes of Death in the United States?", "reference_answer": "60.2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cerebralhemorrhage-090619101057-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the death rate per 100,000 for cerebrovascular disease?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1109", "query": "What is the risk of stroke as a percentage 1 year post-TIA according to the Feinberg study chart?", "reference_answer": "12 - 13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cerebralhemorrhage-090619101057-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the risk of stroke as a percentage 1 year post-TIA?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1018", "query": "What part of the esophagus is just above the cardioesophageal junction as seen in the figure annotated by Dr. Shaik Farid RMMCH during the Barium Swallow study?", "reference_answer": "Lower thoracic esophagus", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bariumswallowpresentation-090810084400-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What part of the esophagus is just above the cardioesophageal junction as seen in the figure within the Barium Swallow study by Dr. Shaik Farid RMMCH?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1057", "query": "What are two types of microbes involved in composting according to the Compost Microorganism diagram?", "reference_answer": "Aerobes, Anaerobes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "compostingfinal-150126084912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of microbes involved in composting?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1091", "query": "What is the most visited category of website according to the CLEF 2015 Toulouse presentation on Yahoo's search experience evaluation, as shown in the Lehmann et al. study?", "reference_answer": "news", "meta_info": { "file_name": "clef2015-150909194741-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the most visited category of website according to the CLEF 2015 Toulouse presentation on Yahoo's search experience evaluation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1099", "query": "What does creating a tight bond with a brand's customers lead to according to the Beloved Brands Creative Brief Workshop, as illustrated in the image?", "reference_answer": "power, profit", "meta_info": { "file_name": "belovedbrandsbriefing-120224171308-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What does creating a tight bond with a brand's customers lead to according to the Beloved Brands Creative Brief Workshop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1051", "query": "Do people retain a greater percentage of what they read or that in which people only remember 10% of what they hear three days later according to the Avalaunch Media presentation on the power of visuals?", "reference_answer": "READ", "meta_info": { "file_name": "avalaunchpresentationsthatkickasteriskv3copy-150318114804-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 18 ], "origin_query": "Do people retain a greater percentage of what they read or that in which people only remember 10% three days later according to the Avalaunch Media presentation on effective presentations?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1106", "query": "Is the death rate higher for cancer or accidents according to the \"Major Causes of Death in the United States, 1995\" chart?", "reference_answer": "Cancer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cerebralhemorrhage-090619101057-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Is the death rate higher for cancer or accidents according to the American Heart Association 1997 Heart and Stroke Statistical Update?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1119", "query": "In the Brazil Startup Report, what is Geeks on a Plane an example of?", "reference_answer": "Meetups", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is Geeks on a Plane an example of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1072", "query": "After saving cash by operating at low volumes in the Growth Strategy for markets – Europe slide, a diversification initiative is planned into what two areas?", "reference_answer": "Infrastructure, Lifting & Material handling equipments", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automotivecomponentsindustry-100405083435-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "After saving cash by operating at low volumes, a diversification initiative is planned into what two areas?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1030", "query": "What is Kristina Halvorson's username on Twitter, as shown in the tweet about content marketing?", "reference_answer": "halvorson", "meta_info": { "file_name": "contentstrategyforsmartcontent-140704072211-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is Kristina Halvorson's username on twitter?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1117", "query": "Did Brazil or India have a higher smartphone penetration rate in 2014 according to the Web and Mobile Statistics?", "reference_answer": "Brazil", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Did Brazil or India have a higher smartphone penetration rate in 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1021", "query": "Which is higher up, the nasopharynx or the laryngopharynx, lined with stratified squamous epithelium, as shown in the anatomical diagram of the pharynx?", "reference_answer": "Nasopharynx", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bariumswallowpresentation-090810084400-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "Which is higher up, the nasopharynx or the laryngopharynx, which is lined with a stratified squamous epithelium, according to the Barium Swallow study by Dr. Shaik Farid RMMCH?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1123", "query": "What comes between Event Data and Electronic Control Module in the flow chart of the vehicle data interface system?", "reference_answer": "Interface Device", "meta_info": { "file_name": "embeddedsysteminvehicles-140413160734-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What comes between Event Data and Electronic Control Module in the flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1054", "query": "Is there more fungi or bacteria per gram of compost according to the On-Farm Composting Handbook's microorganism comparison?", "reference_answer": "Bacteria", "meta_info": { "file_name": "compostingfinal-150126084912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Is there more fungi or bacteria per gram of compost according to the On-Farm Composting Handbook?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1082", "query": "Are analytics in the factory described in the BigData TECHCON presentation \"The Sense & Sensibility of a DataScientist DevOps\" as question-driven or metric-driven?", "reference_answer": "Metric-driven", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bdtc-py-09-140929235634-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Are analytics in the factory described in the BigData TECHCON presentation as question-driven or metric-driven?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1112", "query": "In the Brazil Startup Report, how many percentage points higher was the inflation rate in India in 2014 compared to Brazil, the country described as the gateway to success in Latin America?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "In the Brazil Startup Report, how many percentage points higher was the inflation rate in India in 2014 compared to Brazil, the country identified as the gateway to success in Latin America?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1010", "query": "Other than creating the currency which is not regulated by any government or banking institution, what can $150,000 worth of electricity power according to the Bitcoin consumption power section in the Introduction to Bitcoin by Chitpong Wuttanan?", "reference_answer": "31,000 HOMES, 50,000 ELECTRIC CARS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "bitcoin-140122035946-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 14 ], "origin_query": "Other than creating the currency which is not regulated by any government or banking institution, what can $150,000 worth of electricity power according to the Bitcoin consumption power section in the Introduction to Bitcoin by Chitpong Wuttanan?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1101", "query": "At what four steps of the Managing Creative Development Process is there a management check-in?", "reference_answer": "Focused Brief, Creative Meeting, Feedback Memo, Gain Approval", "meta_info": { "file_name": "belovedbrandsbriefing-120224171308-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "At what four steps is there a management check in?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1122", "query": "What type of gas is inside an air bag in the Airbag System diagram?", "reference_answer": "Nitrogen", "meta_info": { "file_name": "embeddedsysteminvehicles-140413160734-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What type of gas is inside an air bag?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1130", "query": "How many reasons are given for the FDI slump of 2001-2002 in the FDI trends slide showing geopolitical and economic factors?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fdi-110428004543-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "How many reasons are given for the FDI slump of 2001-2002?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1126", "query": "What is the term for the amount of FDI over a period of time in the FDI - Flow versus Stock presentation?", "reference_answer": "Flow", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fdi-110428004543-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the term for the amount of FDI over a period of time?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1125", "query": "Without the Anti-lock Brake System (ABS), for which the main components include the Electronic control unit (ECU) and Hydraulic control unit or modulator, does the vehicle remain steerable when the driver hits the brake?", "reference_answer": "no longer steerable", "meta_info": { "file_name": "embeddedsysteminvehicles-140413160734-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 16 ], "origin_query": "Without that for which the main components include the Electronic control unit (ECU) and Hydraulic control unit or modulator among others, when the driver hits the brake, does the vehicle remain steerable or is it no longer steerable?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1128", "query": "By what percentage did the value of FDI slump according to the FDI trends 2001-2002 slide?", "reference_answer": "almost 60", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fdi-110428004543-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "By what percentage did the value of FDI slump in 2001-2002?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1065", "query": "Who is the source of the image of the cell counter in the Wallace Coulter - Coulter orifice 1948-1956 section of the Micromeritics document?", "reference_answer": "J.Paul Robinson", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cdocumentsandsettingsamitsirmydocumentsmycompleteddownloadsmicromeritics-090805003354-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Who is the source of the image of the cell counter in the Micromeritics document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1138", "query": "What percentage of hospitality respondents use wifi at stores according to the IHL Group Store Infrastructure Survey 2015 graph titled \"Who Has WiFi Installed\"?", "reference_answer": "100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earthlinkweb-150213112111-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of hospitality respondents use wifi at stores according to the IHL Group Store Infrastructure Survey 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1103", "query": "What remains constant according to the thermodynamics law PV^n = constant during an isochoric process?", "reference_answer": "volume", "meta_info": { "file_name": "chap4firstlawthermodynamics-130703012634-phpapp02-141209125348-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is constant when the process is isochoric?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1142", "query": "What moves past the detector in the figure related to the Sanger's Method of DNA sequencing described in the \"Determination of Nucleotide Sequence\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Polynucleotides", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dnasequencing-141109105933-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What moves past the detector in the figure related to the Sanger's Method of DNA sequencing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1141", "query": "What is the full name of AZT in the Chain Termination (Sanger) Sequencing diagram?", "reference_answer": "azidodideoxythymidine", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dnasequencing-141109105933-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the full name of AZT?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1087", "query": "Which movie poster featuring a woman lying down is in the Transmedia Storytelling presentation by Robert Pratten?", "reference_answer": "LONDON VOODOO", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cinemart-120205012042-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Which movie poster in the Transmedia Storytelling presentation by Robert Pratten features a woman lying down?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1102", "query": "What does UBERFLIP help marketers do with the content experience at every stage according to the \"About UBERFLIP\" section?", "reference_answer": "create, manage, optimize", "meta_info": { "file_name": "content-converts-croday-150409140827-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What does UBERFLIP help marketers do with the content experience at every stage?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1121", "query": "The inference of what in the \"Pre-training with RBMs\" slide is mathematically equivalent to the inference of the RBM?", "reference_answer": "single layer NN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deepnnrbm-150817122727-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "The inference of what is mathematically equivalent to the inference of the RBM?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1068", "query": "Were truck sales expected to increase or decrease in 2009 compared to 2008 according to the Automotive Components Industry January 2010 report by Rahul Razdan and Ravneet Sahi on the impact of the auto crisis?", "reference_answer": "decrease", "meta_info": { "file_name": "automotivecomponentsindustry-100405083435-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Were truck sales expected to increase or decrease in 2009 compared to 2008 according to the Automotive Components Industry January 2010 report by Rahul Razdan and Ravneet Sahi?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1108", "query": "What is the death rate per 100,000 for “BRAIN ATTACK” in the Major Causes of Death in the United States, 1995 chart?", "reference_answer": "60.2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cerebralhemorrhage-090619101057-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the death rate per 100,000 for “BRAIN ATTACK”?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1132", "query": "Is \"down to earth\" considered objective or subjective/soft in the Edelman Health Sector's Consumers and the Digital Health Information Journey report, as shown in the preference chart?", "reference_answer": "Objective", "meta_info": { "file_name": "edelmandigitalhealthip-160126155237_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Is \"down to earth\" considered objective or subjective/soft in the Edelman Health Sector's Consumers and the Digital Health Information Journey report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1144", "query": "Are the DNA markers in lane 2 as described in the Shotgun sequencing method diagram?", "reference_answer": "Lane 2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dnasequencing-141109105933-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Are the DNA markers in lane 2 according to the Shotgun sequencing method described in the DNA SEOOENCING document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1124", "query": "In the diagram illustrating vehicle control, without ABS, when the driver hits the brake, is the vehicle depicted as remaining steerable or not?", "reference_answer": "no longer steerable", "meta_info": { "file_name": "embeddedsysteminvehicles-140413160734-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Without ABS, when the driver hits the brake, does the vehicle remain steerable or is it no longer steerable?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1094", "query": "On what website can the article entitled \"Earth's 25 biggest turning points\" be found, according to the Yahoo user engagement presentation?", "reference_answer": "BBC earth", "meta_info": { "file_name": "clef2015-150909194741-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "On what website can the article entitled \"Earth's 25 biggest turning points\" be found?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1135", "query": "What is Lawrence Meyer's position and affiliation mentioned in the Retail TouchPoints presentation?", "reference_answer": "CEO, UNIQLO USA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earthlinkweb-150213112111-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is Lawrence Meyer's position and affiliation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1139", "query": "What percentage of respondents in the Hospitality sector, where 15% are doing promotions to customers over Wi-Fi, use Wi-Fi at stores according to the IHL Group Store Infrastructure Survey 2015?", "reference_answer": "100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earthlinkweb-150213112111-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 14 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of respondents in the Hospitality sector, where 15% are doing promotions to customers over Wi-Fi, use Wi-Fi at stores according to the IHL Group Store Infrastructure Survey 2015?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1137", "query": "What was the smallest respondent segment in the IHL Group Store Infrastructure Survey 2015 Respondent Demographics?", "reference_answer": "Food, Drug, Conv, Mass", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earthlinkweb-150213112111-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What was the smallest respondent segment in the IHL Group Store Infrastructure Survey 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1113", "query": "How many more millionaires were there in the US than in India in 2014 according to the Brazil Startup Report?", "reference_answer": "9,440,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many more millionaires were there in the US than in India in 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1133", "query": "According to the Edelman Health Sector report's video content preferences, which is more engaging and useful, doctor interviews or medical explanations?", "reference_answer": "Medical explanations", "meta_info": { "file_name": "edelmandigitalhealthip-160126155237_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "According to the Edelman Health Sector report, which is more engaging and useful, doctor interviews or medical explanations?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1146", "query": "What are four companies that represent the age of manufacturing mentioned in \"The Age of the Customer\" timeline?", "reference_answer": "Ford, Boeing, GE, RCA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "forresterwebinar-fulldeck-150123102636-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What are four companies that represent the age of manufacturing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1147", "query": "During which age, specifically highlighted in \"The Age of the Customer: A new era led by empowered customers\" timeline, did Beats as a company arise?", "reference_answer": "Age of the customer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "forresterwebinar-fulldeck-150123102636-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Beats is a company that arose during which age?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1115", "query": "What was Brazil's credit card penetration rate as a percentage in the 2013 Web and Mobile Statistics?", "reference_answer": "69", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What was Brazil's credit card penetration rate as a percentage in 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1120", "query": "Deep layers in neural networks are better to be learned by what, according to the Tokyo Institute of Technology's presentation on pre-training necessity?", "reference_answer": "unsupervised learning", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deepnnrbm-150817122727-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Deep layers are better to be learned by what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1110", "query": "What is the risk percentage of stroke one year post-TIA, where each moment of ischemia increases irreversible tissue damage?", "reference_answer": "12 - 13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cerebralhemorrhage-090619101057-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the risk of that for which each moment of ischemia and tissue injury increases the degree of irreversible tissue damage as a percentage 1 year post-TIA?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1134", "query": "According to the GoToWebinar application pictured in the #ConnectedStore webinar context by Retail TouchPoints, who is talking?", "reference_answer": "Beth Gilbert", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earthlinkweb-150213112111-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "According to the GoToWebinar application pictured in the #ConnectedStore webinar context, who is talking?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1157", "query": "On which website can you discover the secret to fundraising success according to the Bloomerang presentation image showcasing the website link?", "reference_answer": "bloomerang.co/features", "meta_info": { "file_name": "donorretentionisntspeeddating-150827141331-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "On which website can you discover the secret to fundraising success according to the Bloomerang presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1148", "query": "What does the age of the customer turn big data into according to the Forrester Research presentation on enhancing the retail omnichannel customer experience focusing on four market imperatives?", "reference_answer": "business insights", "meta_info": { "file_name": "forresterwebinar-fulldeck-150123102636-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What does the age of the customer turn big data into according to the Forrester Research presentation on enhancing the retail omnichannel customer experience?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1161", "query": "According to the Bloomerang presentation \"Donor Retention Isn't Speed Dating,\" which is higher: new donor retention or repeat donor retention?", "reference_answer": "Repeat Donor Retention", "meta_info": { "file_name": "donorretentionisntspeeddating-150827141331-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which is higher, new donor retention or repeat donor retention according to the Bloomerang presentation \"Donor Retention Isn't Speed Dating\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1150", "query": "How many districts were sampled during Wave III in the Nationwide Opinion Survey Research Methodology?", "reference_answer": "44", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalmediafindingspdf-141228031149-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "How many districts were sampled during Wave III?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1114", "query": "How many more millionaires were there in the United States, whose largest internet company is Google, than in India in 2014?", "reference_answer": "9,440,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "How many more millionaires were there in the country whose Largest internet company is Google than in India in 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1086", "query": "What is the title of the publication written by the person whose phone number is +44 7802 805 294 in the presentation on Transmedia Storytelling?", "reference_answer": "GETTING STARTED IN TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cinemart-120205012042-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the title of the publication written by the person whose phone number is +44 7802 805 294 that is pictured in the presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1140", "query": "How many reaction mixtures are shown in the Sanger Sequencing method image with four steps?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dnasequencing-141109105933-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many reaction mixtures are shown in the image related to the Sanger Sequencing method?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1153", "query": "Kailali is in which region of the country where the National Democratic Institute Nepal is located according to the Internews Nepal Media Landscape 2014 National Opinion Survey Wave-III?", "reference_answer": "Far-Western Region", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalmediafindingspdf-141228031149-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 12 ], "origin_query": "Kailali is in which region of the country where the National Democratic Institute is located according to the Internews Nepal Media Landscape 2014 National Opinion Survey Wave-III?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1168", "query": "What are two types of intracoronal direct retainers shown in the diagram of direct retainers?", "reference_answer": "Precision, Semi-precision", "meta_info": { "file_name": "directindirectretainersinrpd-140921213048-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of intracoronal direct retainers?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1100", "query": "In the Beloved Brands Creative Brief Workshop, what does a creative execution amplify?", "reference_answer": "brand story, brand positioning", "meta_info": { "file_name": "belovedbrandsbriefing-120224171308-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What does a creative execution amplify according to the Beloved Brands Creative Brief Workshop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1131", "query": "How many reasons are given for the slump in Foreign Direct Investment during 2001-2002, according to the FDI trends analysis?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fdi-110428004543-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 12 ], "origin_query": "How many reasons are given for the slump in Foreign Direct Investment, which is seen as a way of circumventing trade barriers, during 2001-2002?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1116", "query": "What was the credit card penetration rate as a percentage in 2013 for the country with an area of 8,515,767 km² as shown in the Brazil Startup Report?", "reference_answer": "69", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What was the credit card penetration rate as a percentage in 2013 of the country who has an Area of 8,515,767 km2?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1111", "query": "In 2014, according to the Brazil Startup Report table, how many percentage points higher was the inflation rate in India than Brazil?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "In 2014, how many percentage points higher was the inflation rate in India than Brazil?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1143", "query": "What is the imaging system directly connected to in the context of the Determination of Nucleotide Sequence in Sanger's method of DNA sequencing?", "reference_answer": "Detector", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dnasequencing-141109105933-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the imaging system directly connected to in the context of Sanger's method of DNA sequencing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1167", "query": "How many more debit card users in millions were there in India in 2015 compared to the year 2014 when Mobile internet usage accounted for 61% of the market according to the Accel and Internet and Mobile Association of India Reports?", "reference_answer": "91.77", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommerceopportunityindia-141124010546-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 15 ], "origin_query": "How many more debit card users in millions were there in India in 2015 compared to the year in which Mobile internet usage accounted for 61% of the market according to the Accel and Internet and Mobile Association of India Reports?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1159", "query": "According to the \"Donor Retention Isn't Speed Dating\" presentation by Lynne Wester, has donor retention changed over the past 5 years as depicted in the infographic?", "reference_answer": "Decreased", "meta_info": { "file_name": "donorretentionisntspeeddating-150827141331-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "According to the \"Donor Retention Isn't Speed Dating\" presentation by Lynne Wester, had donor retention increased or decreased over the past 5 years?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1152", "query": "Kailali is in which region of Nepal according to the Wave-III Survey Sample Distribution map?", "reference_answer": "Far-Western Region", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalmediafindingspdf-141228031149-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Kailali is in which region of Nepal?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1158", "query": "In the presentation by Lynne Wester titled \"Donor Retention Isn't Speed Dating,\" what object, specifically identified in the accompanying image, is covering the man's eyes in the photograph?", "reference_answer": "tie", "meta_info": { "file_name": "donorretentionisntspeeddating-150827141331-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "In the presentation by Lynne Wester titled \"Donor Retention Isn't Speed Dating,\" what object is covering the man's eyes in the photograph?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1163", "query": "What is the ebay.in listing for \"milk giving black young buffalo 20 liter per day\" shown in the eBay India screenshot in the image?", "reference_answer": "milk giving black young buffalo 20 liter per day", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommerceopportunityindia-141124010546-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the ebay.in listing for \"milk giving black young buffalo 20 liter per day\" shown in the image?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1175", "query": "What is the total population of Golpahar according to the questionnaire survey table?", "reference_answer": "33000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationbayes-151030084118-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the total population of Golpahar?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1166", "query": "How many more debit card users in millions were there in India in 2015 compared to 2014 according to the Payments Landscape report?", "reference_answer": "91.77", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommerceopportunityindia-141124010546-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "How many more debit card users in millions were there in India in 2015 compared to 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1160", "query": "According to the presentation titled \"Donor Retention isn’t Speed Dating,\" had that which isn’t Speed Dating increased or decreased over the past 5 years?", "reference_answer": "Decreased", "meta_info": { "file_name": "donorretentionisntspeeddating-150827141331-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 10 ], "origin_query": "According to the presentation, had that which isn’t Speed Dating increased or decreased over the past 5 years?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1151", "query": "Were there more fieldwork personnel for Wave I or Wave II in the Internews Nepal Media Landscape 2014 National Opinion Survey as detailed on the research methodology page?", "reference_answer": "Wave I", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalmediafindingspdf-141228031149-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Were there more fieldwork personnel for Wave I or Wave II in the Internews Nepal Media Landscape 2014 National Opinion Survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1145", "query": "Are the markers for the 2nd and 3rd Generation of DNA sequencing, as seen in the Shotgun sequencing diagram, found in lane 1 or lane 2 of the agarose gel electrophoresis?", "reference_answer": "Lane 2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dnasequencing-141109105933-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 16 ], "origin_query": "Are the markers for the 2nd and 3rd Generation of DNA sequencing, which occurred in 2003, found in lane 1 or lane 2 of the agarose gel electrophoresis?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1155", "query": "What Android Market app is depicted in the image within the \"INTRODUCTION TO ANDROID\" document featuring apps like BBC News?", "reference_answer": "Android Headlines News", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finaland-130426204632-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What Android Market app is shown in the image within the \"INTRODUCTION TO ANDROID\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1179", "query": "Who invented the telephone switchboard according to the History of the Telephone timeline?", "reference_answer": "Tivadar Puskas", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything-old-is-new-again-121117053917-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Who invented the telephone switchboard?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1170", "query": "How much was the rainfall sequence in mm in Nabi Nagar, Chittagong from 4 - 10 Sept 2007 as shown in the Background table?", "reference_answer": "452", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationbayes-151030084118-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How much was the rainfall sequence in mm in Nabi Nagar, Chittagong from 4 - 10 Sept 2007?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1185", "query": "How many types of Cultural Ecosystem Services are identified in the image within the Overview of Ecosystem Services slide in the Creating Economies of Nature presentation by Jay Truty?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "creatingeconomiesofnaturepptpresentation04-09-2010-100521023140-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many types of Cultural Ecosystem Services are identified in the image from the Creating Economies of Nature presentation by Jay Truty?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1162", "query": "Which is higher, the Costs to Raise a Dollar close to $1.00 or repeat donor retention, as highlighted in the Bloomerang presentation \"Donor Retention Isn't Speed Dating\"?", "reference_answer": "Repeat Donor Retention", "meta_info": { "file_name": "donorretentionisntspeeddating-150827141331-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which is higher, the Costs to Raise a Dollar near $1.00 or repeat donor retention as discussed in the Bloomerang presentation \"Donor Retention Isn't Speed Dating\"?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1154", "query": "According to the document on the Growth and Pattern of Industrialisation, with corruption, who pays as highlighted in the burden of the public sector?", "reference_answer": "everyone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "eco-130724112826-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "According to the document on the Growth and Pattern of Industrialisation, with corruption, who pays?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1164", "query": "In the Payments Landscape report, what percentage of Indians were Debit Card users in 2016?", "reference_answer": "45", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommerceopportunityindia-141124010546-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "In 2016, what percentage of Indians were Debit Card users?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1169", "query": "According to the diagram of direct retainers, what are two types of intracoronal components of a removable partial denture that consist of a clasp assembly or a precision attachment?", "reference_answer": "Precision, Semi-precision", "meta_info": { "file_name": "directindirectretainersinrpd-140921213048-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of intracoronal component of a removable partial denture that is used to retain and prevent dislodgment, consisting of a clap assembly or a precision attachment (GPT 8)?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1190", "query": "In the Microbe Identification Scheme, is collecting a blood sample part of the microbiological route or the immunological route?", "reference_answer": "Immunological route", "meta_info": { "file_name": "diagnosticmicrobiology-100606060005-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Is collecting a blood sample part of the microbiological route or the immunological route?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1195", "query": "What are two examples of Internetworking devices as shown in the Connecting Devices diagram?", "reference_answer": "Routers, Gateways", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finala-141102115850-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are two examples of Internetworking devices?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1136", "query": "In the IHL Group Store Infrastructure Survey 2015 Respondent Demographics, revenue was under $500 million for what percentage of respondents?", "reference_answer": "30", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earthlinkweb-150213112111-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "In the IHL Group Store Infrastructure Survey 2015, revenue was under $500 million for what percentage of respondents?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1172", "query": "How many people were killed on the Chittagong University Campus on 24 June 2000 related to the rainfall threshold of 170mm in 1 day in Teknaf?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationbayes-151030084118-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 16 ], "origin_query": "How many people were killed on the Chittagong University Campus on 24 June 2000 related to the cumulated amount of which the threshold for initiation of landslide concerns is 170mm in 1 day in Teknaf?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1176", "query": "Railway High School is part of the Batali Hill community as shown in the Participatory Rural Appraisal Surveying diagram.", "reference_answer": "BATALI HILL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationbayes-151030084118-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Railway High School is part of the Batali Hill community.", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1187", "query": "What type of electricity do wind farms produce according to the \"Farm of the Future?\" diagram by Scientific American?", "reference_answer": "nonpolluting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "creatingeconomiesofnaturepptpresentation04-09-2010-100521023140-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What type of electricity do wind farms produce?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1189", "query": "About how many search results for \"financial adviser\" did Google find according to the Clients Have Ample Information slide in the BPV Capital Management presentation?", "reference_answer": "15,000,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "csewt7zsecmmbzjufbyx-signature-24d91a254426c21c3079384270e1f138dc43a271cfe15d6d520d68205855b2a3-poli-150306115347-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "About how many search results for \"financial adviser\" did Google find according to the BPV Capital Management presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1191", "query": "Are there more steps in conventional microbiology or molecular microbiology according to the Microbe Identification Scheme in the Diagnostic Microbiology Identification of Microbes lecture by Dr. Chhaya Sawent Ledure?", "reference_answer": "Conventional microbiology", "meta_info": { "file_name": "diagnosticmicrobiology-100606060005-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Are there more steps in conventional microbiology or molecular microbiology according to the Diagnostic Microbiology Identification of Microbes lecture by Dr. Chhaya Sawent Ledure?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1118", "query": "Did Brazil or the country with 0 World Cup match victories all time have a higher smartphone penetration rate in 2014 according to the Brazil Startup Report?", "reference_answer": "Brazil", "meta_info": { "file_name": "brazilstartupreport-140629211253-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Did Brazil or the country with 0 World Cup match victories all time have a higher smartphone penetration rate in 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1192", "query": "What is an example of a gram negative, oxidase positive bacterium in the Bacterial Classification chart?", "reference_answer": "Pseudomonas", "meta_info": { "file_name": "diagnosticmicrobiology-100606060005-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is an example that is gram negative, oxidase positive?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1200", "query": "What percentage of companies publishes CEO statements on a regular basis according to the survey results in the CEO statements image?", "reference_answer": "0", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fogel-eklips-ceo-online-visibility-survey-121122044702-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of companies publishes CEO statements on a regular basis according to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1206", "query": "Do more CEOs on Nasdaq OMX Large Cap have an extensive or short Wikipedia page according to the survey by Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors shown in the pie chart?", "reference_answer": "Short", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fogel-eklips-ceo-online-visibility-survey-121122044702-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Do more CEOs on Nasdaq OMX Large Cap have an extensive or short Wikipedia page according to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1188", "query": "The Google search results shown in the Clients Have Ample Information section of the BPV Capital Management presentation are for what search term?", "reference_answer": "financial adviser", "meta_info": { "file_name": "csewt7zsecmmbzjufbyx-signature-24d91a254426c21c3079384270e1f138dc43a271cfe15d6d520d68205855b2a3-poli-150306115347-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "The Google search results shown in the BPV Capital Management presentation are for what search term?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1180", "query": "What nationality is Tivadar Puskas, the engineer mentioned in the History of the Telephone timeline?", "reference_answer": "Hungarian", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything-old-is-new-again-121117053917-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What nationality is Tivadar Puskas?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1181", "query": "For how many years did public phones remain useful according to the NEU-MRSTEE document featuring public phone booths in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania?", "reference_answer": "more than 100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything-old-is-new-again-121117053917-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "For how many years did public phones remain useful according to the NEU-MRSTEE document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1156", "query": "What Android Market category does the app Android Headlines News belong to as seen in the Android Market page image?", "reference_answer": "NEWS & MAGAZINES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finaland-130426204632-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What Android Market category does the app Android Headlines News belong to?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1196", "query": "What type of connecting devices are Repeaters and Bridges examples of in the Connecting Devices diagram?", "reference_answer": "Networking devices", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finala-141102115850-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What type of connecting devices are Repeaters and Bridges examples of?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1205", "query": "What percentage of CEOs, of whom 16% have a LinkedIn profile, are searched more than 100 times on Google during one month according to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey depicted in the Google searches pie chart?", "reference_answer": "21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fogel-eklips-ceo-online-visibility-survey-121122044702-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 18 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of CEOs, of whom 16% have a LinkedIn profile, are searched more than 100 times on Google during one month according to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1203", "query": "According to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey, what percentage of companies profile CEOs via video/audio despite only 20% of company websites having transcripts from speeches?", "reference_answer": "21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fogel-eklips-ceo-online-visibility-survey-121122044702-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of companies profile CEOs via video/audio for which only 20% of company websites have transcripts from speeches, according to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1198", "query": "What does the figure in the Network Devices document labeled \"Not an amplifier\" show being input to the repeater?", "reference_answer": "Corrupted signal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finala-141102115850-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What does the figure in the Network Devices document show being input to the repeater?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1194", "query": "What are four examples of strategic outcomes in the Strategy Formulation diagram from exploreHR.org?", "reference_answer": "Satisfied Shareholders, Delighted Customers, Excellent Processes, Motivated Workforce", "meta_info": { "file_name": "diagnosing-organizational-effectiveness-15055_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What are four examples of strategic outcomes?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1184", "query": "What are four types of ecosystem services that sources like DRYLANDS, CULTIVATED, and COASTAL among others include, as shown in the overview diagram?", "reference_answer": "Supporting, Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural", "meta_info": { "file_name": "creatingeconomiesofnaturepptpresentation04-09-2010-100521023140-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "What are four types of that which sources include DRYLANDS, CULTIVATED, and COASTAL among others?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1211", "query": "How many weeks long is step 3, rapid prototype in the city, in the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge diagram?", "reference_answer": "2-3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designcitieslikeyougiveadamn-111006154943-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "How many weeks long is step 3, rapid prototype in the city, in the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1197", "query": "In the \"Connecting devices and OSI model\" diagram, what type of connecting devices are on the Physical layer besides a Hub and Bridges examples of?", "reference_answer": "Networking devices", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finala-141102115850-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What type of connecting devices are devices on the Physical layer besides a Hub and Bridges examples of?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1207", "query": "According to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey, do more of those CEOs whose companies use YouTube for publishing videos have an extensive or short Wikipedia page?", "reference_answer": "Short", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fogel-eklips-ceo-online-visibility-survey-121122044702-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 19 ], "origin_query": "Do more of those CEOs for which 26% of companies use YouTube to publish videos have an extensive or short Wikipedia page according to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1186", "query": "Who is the customer of biodiversity credits according to the \"Farm of the Future??\" presentation by Jay Truty at the Illinois Sustainable Living & Wellness Expo?", "reference_answer": "Conservation trust", "meta_info": { "file_name": "creatingeconomiesofnaturepptpresentation04-09-2010-100521023140-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Who is the customer of biodiversity credits according to the Creating Economies of Nature presentation by Jay Truty at the Illinois Sustainable Living & Wellness Expo?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1208", "query": "What percentage of people in Dhaka have cars according to the \"Meet Dhaka\" graphic in the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge document?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designcitieslikeyougiveadamn-111006154943-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of people in Dhaka have cars according to the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1199", "query": "What does the figure titled \"Not an amplifier\" in the Network Devices document show being input to the Repeater, which cannot connect different network architectures?", "reference_answer": "Corrupted signal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finala-141102115850-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 10 ], "origin_query": "What does the figure in the Network Devices document show being input to the device that cannot connect different network architectures, specifically referring to the Repeater?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1202", "query": "What percentage of companies on Nasdaq OMX Large Cap profile the CEO via video/audio according to the CEO statements survey by Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors?", "reference_answer": "21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fogel-eklips-ceo-online-visibility-survey-121122044702-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of companies on Nasdaq OMX Large Cap profile the CEO via video/audio according to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1149", "query": "In the \"Age of the Customer,\" what does a 20-year business cycle in which successful enterprises evolve to serve powerful customers turn big data into?", "reference_answer": "business insights", "meta_info": { "file_name": "forresterwebinar-fulldeck-150123102636-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16, 17 ], "origin_query": "What does that which is a 20-year business cycle in which the most successful enterprises will reinvent themselves to systematically understand and serve increasingly powerful customers turn big data into?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1218", "query": "According to the Social Media Buzz Analysis Report by Simplify360, which of the top four politicians reached the highest number of daily mentions during March 2014 related to Arvind Kejriwal's visit to Gujarat?", "reference_answer": "Arvind Kejriwal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "electionsreportmarch2014modiandbjpmaintainsleadcongressovertakesaap-140408123044-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which of the top four politicians reached the highest number of daily mentions during March 2014 according to the Social Media Buzz Analysis Report by Simplify360?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1210", "query": "A 4 pm traffic jam in August 2011 is shown in which city, according to the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge document featuring a Jakarta traffic scene?", "reference_answer": "JAKARTA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designcitieslikeyougiveadamn-111006154943-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "A 4 pm traffic jam in August 2011 is shown in which city, according to the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1225", "query": "Is paper classified as non-degradable or slowly degradable in the Structure of Solid Waste diagram?", "reference_answer": "slowly degradable", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-140630033917-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Is paper classified as non-degradable or slowly degradable in the context of solid waste management?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1177", "query": "What does the photograph of Bell in the NEU-MRSTEE document depict him doing with the telephone in New York?", "reference_answer": "using the telephone in New York", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything-old-is-new-again-121117053917-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What does the photograph of Bell in the NEU-MRSTEE document show him doing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1223", "query": "What are examples of bulky waste mentioned in the STRUCTURE OF SOLID WASTE overview?", "reference_answer": "TV, refrigerators goods, Broken furniture", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-140630033917-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of bulky waste mentioned in the SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT overview?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1221", "query": "What is the difference in favorability score between the Bharatiya Janata Party as shown in the Simplify360 Social Index and the party with 1,24,633 unique people talking about it?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "electionsreportmarch2014modiandbjpmaintainsleadcongressovertakesaap-140408123044-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in favorability score between the Bharatiya Janata Party and the party with 1,24,633 unique people talking about it?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1178", "query": "What does the photograph of the person who was ultimately successful in obtaining the first patent for “voice transmission over a wire” show him doing, according to the timeline of telephone invention?", "reference_answer": "using the telephone in New York", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything-old-is-new-again-121117053917-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "What does the photograph of the person who was ultimately successful in obtaining the first patent for “voice transmission over a wire” show him doing?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1182", "query": "Where is the public phone booth located in the photograph from the NEU-MRSTEE document, showing a historical Enterprise Tel. Co. booth?", "reference_answer": "Lancaster county Pennsylvania", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything-old-is-new-again-121117053917-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Where is the public phone booth located in the photograph from the NEU-MRSTEE document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1235", "query": "Which seven sensors are shown in the Fuel System Block Diagrams connected to the ECU in the Electronic Fuel Injection system by Dr. S. John Alexis?", "reference_answer": "ENGINE TEMP, INTAKE AIR TEMP, MASS AIR FLOW, THROTTLE POSITION, HEGO, CRANKSHAFT, CAMSHAFT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "efis-140411041451-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which seven sensors are shown in the figure connected to the ECU in the Electronic Fuel Injection system by Dr. S. John Alexis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1217", "query": "Which four people are identified as new entrants in the Simplify360 Social Index (SSI) presentation about the top 10 most popular politicians?", "reference_answer": "Shashi Tharoor, Sharad Pawar, Yogendra Yadav, Arun Jaitley", "meta_info": { "file_name": "electionsreportmarch2014modiandbjpmaintainsleadcongressovertakesaap-140408123044-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which four people are identified as new entrants in the presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1214", "query": "In which country is the world's largest democratic election featured in the Indian Election 2014 Social Media Buzz Analysis Report?", "reference_answer": "India", "meta_info": { "file_name": "electionsreportmarch2014modiandbjpmaintainsleadcongressovertakesaap-140408123044-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "In which country is the world's largest democratic election?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1229", "query": "Who created the presentation entitled \"Future of being active\" featured in the EuropeActive event in Berlin?", "reference_answer": "Gijsbregt Brouwer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europeactive-140730052811-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "Who created the presentation entitled \"Future of being active\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1201", "query": "What percentage of companies regularly publish CEO statements where 24% lack a CEO biography on the Nasdaq OMX Large Cap corporate website?", "reference_answer": "0", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fogel-eklips-ceo-online-visibility-survey-121122044702-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of companies publishes CEO statements on a regular basis for those for which 24% do not have a CEO biography on the Nasdaq OMX Large Cap corporate website?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1222", "query": "What is written on the green trash bin in the photograph within the \"What are Wastes?\" presentation in the Solid Waste Management Overview document?", "reference_answer": "USE ME", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-140630033917-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is written on the green trash bin in the photograph within the Solid Waste Management Overview document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1220", "query": "What is the difference in favorability score between the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Indian National Congress according to the SSI break-up of top political party in the Social Media Buzz Analysis Report March 2014?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "electionsreportmarch2014modiandbjpmaintainsleadcongressovertakesaap-140408123044-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in favorability score between the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Indian National Congress according to the Social Media Buzz Analysis Report March 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1239", "query": "What are the four components of a demand side platform as shown in the Syndacast infographic?", "reference_answer": "ADVERTISER, BIDDING PLATFORM, AUDIENCE, BANNER DISPLAY", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommercetrend2014mimee-131017121813-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What are the four components of a demand side platform?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1165", "query": "In the year when the number of internet users reached 330 million in India, what percentage of Indians were Debit Card users according to the Accel Reports?", "reference_answer": "45", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommerceopportunityindia-141124010546-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 15 ], "origin_query": "In the year when the number of internet users was 330 million, what percentage of Indians were Debit Card users according to the Accel Reports?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1237", "query": "What is positioned between the sensors and the ECU in the Fuel System Block Diagram by Dr. S. John Alexis?", "reference_answer": "Connection lines", "meta_info": { "file_name": "efis-140411041451-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is positioned between the sensors and the ECU in the Electronic Fuel Injection system diagram by Dr. S. John Alexis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1228", "query": "What is the reference source for Nepal's waste generation in the waste generation rates chart of some Asian countries?", "reference_answer": "UNEP, 2001", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-140630033917-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the reference source for Nepal's waste generation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1245", "query": "According to the benefit illustration, is money now worth more or less than the same amount of money later?", "reference_answer": "more", "meta_info": { "file_name": "f19m9e8bqbidm6xygofz-signature-db77dfcf9d9f155b29e3dab0072c686b42ac4662e12133a70aa65fb69d6a5798-poli-150629084925-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Is money now worth more or less than the same amount of money later?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1227", "query": "According to the \"Waste Generation Rates of Some Asian Countries,\" how much less waste does Cambodia generate than Thailand in terms of kg per capita per day?", "reference_answer": "0.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-140630033917-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "How much less waste does Cambodia generate than Thailand in terms of kg per capita day according to the Waste Generation Rates of Some Asian Countries?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1213", "query": "What does the figure in the \"DESIGN YOUR DHAKA\" initiative suggest is done with roads to regulate land use in South and Southeast Asia?", "reference_answer": "do not build more roads", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designcitieslikeyougiveadamn-111006154943-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What does the figure in the \"DESIGN YOUR DHAKA\" initiative suggest is done with roads to regulate land use?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1234", "query": "The Guardian article, featuring a computer passing the Turing test for humanity, is a part of what series titled \"Loose canon\"?", "reference_answer": "Loose canon", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europeactive-140730052811-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "The Guardian article shown is a part of what series titled \"Loose canon\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1224", "query": "What are examples of bulky unwanted or useless materials mentioned in the Structure of Solid Waste?", "reference_answer": "TV, refrigerators goods, Broken furniture", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-140630033917-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 9 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of bulky unwanted or useless materials mentioned in the SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT overview?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1233", "query": "How many children are sitting in front of the television in the black and white photograph, captioned 'I to many', in the Future of Being Active presentation by Gijsbregt Brouwer?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europeactive-140730052811-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "How many children are sitting in front of the television in the black and white photograph in the Future of Being Active presentation by Gijsbregt Brouwer?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1240", "query": "For what purpose does the data management platform segment the data in the context of the Ecommerce Trend document mentioning optimal banner targeting?", "reference_answer": "Optimal Banner Targeting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommercetrend2014mimee-131017121813-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "For what purpose does the data management platform segment the data in the context of optimal banner targeting as mentioned in the Ecommerce Trend document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1247", "query": "What is the website URL linked to the Climate Leader Series in the example of system dynamics?", "reference_answer": "http://theclimateleader.org", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dempartysystemsworkshopv-150307225705-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the Climate Leader Series' website URL?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1246", "query": "In the software development flow chart, what is the step between Requirements and QA & Test?", "reference_answer": "Design & Build", "meta_info": { "file_name": "f19m9e8bqbidm6xygofz-signature-db77dfcf9d9f155b29e3dab0072c686b42ac4662e12133a70aa65fb69d6a5798-poli-150629084925-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What is the step between Requirements and QA & Test in the flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1251", "query": "What does the figure in the Systainability Asia-2015 seminar illustrate as the consequence of car ownership?", "reference_answer": "Road overcrowding", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dempartysystemsworkshopv-150307225705-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What does the figure in the Systainability Asia-2015 seminar show that car ownership leads to?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1127", "query": "What is the term for the amount of foreign direct investment that involves ownership of an entity abroad for production, marketing/service, R&D, and access to raw materials over a period of time?", "reference_answer": "Flow", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fdi-110428004543-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the term for the amount of that which Involves ownership of entity abroad for production, Marketing/service, R&D, and Access of raw materials or other resources over a period of time?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1183", "query": "What are the four types of Ecosystem Services listed in the Overview of Ecosystem Services chart?", "reference_answer": "Supporting, Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural", "meta_info": { "file_name": "creatingeconomiesofnaturepptpresentation04-09-2010-100521023140-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What are four types of Ecosystem Services?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1232", "query": "According to Moore's law mentioned in The Guardian's article about a computer passing the Turing test, at what rate are computers supposed to get twice as smart?", "reference_answer": "every two years", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europeactive-140730052811-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "According to Moore's law, at what rate are computers supposed to get twice as smart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1249", "query": "What four things is the elephant compared to in the cartoon from the Systainability Asia-2015 Executive Systems Thinking Training Seminar?", "reference_answer": "RUG, ROPE, SNAKE, TREE TRUNK", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dempartysystemsworkshopv-150307225705-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16, 17 ], "origin_query": "What four things is the animal that the five people are staring at being compared to in the cartoon from the Systainability Asia-2015 Executive Systems Thinking Training Seminar?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1244", "query": "DevOps-centric Architecture, Continuous Delivery, and Software Defined Platform are components of what in the context of the magical unicorn illustration?", "reference_answer": "Culture", "meta_info": { "file_name": "f19m9e8bqbidm6xygofz-signature-db77dfcf9d9f155b29e3dab0072c686b42ac4662e12133a70aa65fb69d6a5798-poli-150629084925-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "DevOps-centric Architecture, Continuous Delivery, and Software Defined Platform are components of what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1174", "query": "What is the major issue causing landslides at event ID 05 in Tanker Pahar, Moti Jharna, where rainfall amounts exceed the monthly average?", "reference_answer": "Hill cutting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationbayes-151030084118-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the major issue that caused the events which occur at a much higher rainfall amount compared to the monthly average with the ID 05 in Tanker Pahar, Moti Jharna?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1226", "query": "In the context of 'Sources of Wastes', is the 28.5% attributed to paper and paperboard classified as non-degradable or slowly degradable?", "reference_answer": "slowly degradable", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-140630033917-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "Is that which is responsible for 28.5% of waste non-degradable or slowly degradable?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1257", "query": "What is the purpose of monitoring real-time data in the context of Apache Storm for Stream Data Processing in Hadoop, as described in Patterns Driving Most Streaming Use Cases?", "reference_answer": "Prevent, Optimize", "meta_info": { "file_name": "discoverhdp2-140619164156-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the purpose of monitoring real-time data in the context of Apache Storm for Stream Data Processing in Hadoop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1253", "query": "In 24 months after the date of the presentation in \"Making Sense of Data: Creating a Structured Digital Measurement, Reporting, Testing & Optimisation Framework,\" what is expected to happen to the value of data visualization noted in Macro Environment: Key Finding 3?", "reference_answer": "Increased or sustained", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitalmeasurementframework22feb2011v6novideo-110221233835-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "In 24 months after the date of the presentation in \"Making Sense of Data: Creating a Structured Digital Measurement, Reporting, Testing & Optimisation Framework,\" what is expected to happen to the value of data visualization?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1230", "query": "What is Gijsbregt Brouwer's Twitter username as shown in the social media profile image?", "reference_answer": "gijsbregt", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europeactive-140730052811-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What is Gijsbregt Brouwer's Twitter username?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1219", "query": "Which of the top four politicians reached the highest number of daily mentions during the month depicted in the Simplify360 social media buzz chart for Narendra Modi with 15,29,796 mentions?", "reference_answer": "Arvind Kejriwal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "electionsreportmarch2014modiandbjpmaintainsleadcongressovertakesaap-140408123044-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "Which of the top four politicians reached the highest number of daily mentions during the month in which social media buzz for Narendra Modi was 15,29,796?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1255", "query": "What are five components of Enterprise Hadoop mentioned in the Hortonworks Modern Data Architecture diagram?", "reference_answer": "Governance & Integration, Data Access, Data Management, Security, Operations", "meta_info": { "file_name": "discoverhdp2-140619164156-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are five components of Enterprise Hadoop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1204", "query": "What percentage of CEOs are searched more than 100 times on Google during one month according to the Google searches survey by Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors?", "reference_answer": "21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fogel-eklips-ceo-online-visibility-survey-121122044702-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of CEO's are searched more than 100 times on Google during one month according to the Fogel & Partners and Eklips Digital Advisors survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1259", "query": "What type of storage does HDFS2 provide according to the Hortonworks Hadoop 2.x architecture diagram?", "reference_answer": "redundant, reliable", "meta_info": { "file_name": "discoverhdp2-140619164156-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What type of storage does HDFS2 provide?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1248", "query": "What four things is the elephant being compared to in the cartoon from the Systainability Asia-2015 Executive Systems Thinking Training Seminar?", "reference_answer": "RUG, ROPE, SNAKE, TREE TRUNK", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dempartysystemsworkshopv-150307225705-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What four things is the elephant being compared to in the cartoon from the Systainability Asia-2015 Executive Systems Thinking Training Seminar?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1241", "query": "What step follows \"collect data on your website users\" in the Syndacast Data Management Platform diagram?", "reference_answer": "Process the DATA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommercetrend2014mimee-131017121813-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What step follows \"collect data on your website users\" in the data management platform?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1173", "query": "What is the major issue that caused the landslide with the ID 05 in Tanker Pahar, Moti Jharna according to the Detail Inventory for 57 Past Landslides?", "reference_answer": "Hill cutting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationbayes-151030084118-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the major issue that caused the landslide with the ID 05 in Tanker Pahar, Moti Jharna?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1268", "query": "Improving nutrition and sleep share offer what benefit according to the Biohacker's Handbook by Teemu Arina, shown in the \"Upgrade Yourself\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Life extension", "meta_info": { "file_name": "e2xfrrjftcermz72kj74-signature-0b45b12de4834f19eaaf5a4a50373846a684c4d9cd0e2b8d2c6af550ddb8dbd5-poli-150311084250-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Improving nutrition and sleep share offer what benefit according to the Biohacker's Handbook by Teemu Arina?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1254", "query": "Did more respondents in the \"Integrated, Customer-Centric Marketing. Exposing Marketing's Delusion\" report say they are Product/Brand Focused or Customer Focused according to the Forrester August 2009 data?", "reference_answer": "Customer Focused", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitalmeasurementframework22feb2011v6novideo-110221233835-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Did more respondents in the \"Integrated, Customer-Centric Marketing. Exposing Marketing's Delusion\" report say they are Product/Brand Focused or Customer Focused?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1215", "query": "According to the Simplify360 Social Media Buzz Analysis Report March 2014, are more unique people talking about Sonia Gandhi or Rahul Gandhi?", "reference_answer": "Rahul Gandhi", "meta_info": { "file_name": "electionsreportmarch2014modiandbjpmaintainsleadcongressovertakesaap-140408123044-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Are more unique people talking about Sonia Gandhi or Rahul Gandhi according to the Social Media Buzz Analysis Report March 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1266", "query": "The issue of Nyt pictured in the presentation by Teemu Arina is from which year, as shown on the 2013 cover?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "e2xfrrjftcermz72kj74-signature-0b45b12de4834f19eaaf5a4a50373846a684c4d9cd0e2b8d2c6af550ddb8dbd5-poli-150311084250-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "The issue of Nyt pictured in the presentation by Teemu Arina is from which year?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1270", "query": "What type of date is Daphne Wilson on in the image from the presentation \"The Man-Machine Symbiosis: Are We Becoming More or Less Human?\" by Teemu Arina, where augmented reality displays personal data?", "reference_answer": "blind", "meta_info": { "file_name": "e2xfrrjftcermz72kj74-signature-0b45b12de4834f19eaaf5a4a50373846a684c4d9cd0e2b8d2c6af550ddb8dbd5-poli-150311084250-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What type of date is Daphne Wilson on in the image from the presentation \"The Man-Machine Symbiosis: Are We Becoming More or Less Human?\" by Teemu Arina?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1269", "query": "What message can be read on the televisions in the photograph within the context of \"THE MAN-MACHINE SYMBIOSIS ARE WE BECOMING MORE OR LESS HUMAN?\" by Teemu Arina, featuring quotes from Marshall McLuhan?", "reference_answer": "THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "e2xfrrjftcermz72kj74-signature-0b45b12de4834f19eaaf5a4a50373846a684c4d9cd0e2b8d2c6af550ddb8dbd5-poli-150311084250-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What message can be read on the televisions in the photograph within the context of \"THE MAN-MACHINE SYMBIOSIS ARE WE BECOMING MORE OR LESS HUMAN?\" by Teemu Arina?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1258", "query": "What is the purpose of monitoring real-time data feeds that feed into Stream processing solutions in the Apache Storm section of the Hortonworks presentation?", "reference_answer": "Prevent, Optimize", "meta_info": { "file_name": "discoverhdp2-140619164156-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the purpose of monitoring real-time data feeds that feed into Stream processing solutions in the Hortonworks presentation on Apache Storm?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1252", "query": "What is the format of the Why Data Matters video in the presentation \"Why Data Matters: Extracting Insights, Making Better Decisions\"?", "reference_answer": "wmv", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitalmeasurementframework22feb2011v6novideo-110221233835-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the format of the Why Data Matters video in the presentation \"Making Sense of Data: Creating a Structured Digital Measurement, Reporting, Testing & Optimisation Framework\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1250", "query": "Who wrote the book entitled \"The Fifth Discipline\" mentioned in \"A Little Background on System Thinking\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "PETER M. SENGE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dempartysystemsworkshopv-150307225705-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Who wrote the book entitled \"The Fifth Discipline\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1129", "query": "According to the UNCTAD FDI/TNC database, by what percentage did the value of Foreign Direct Investment slump in 2001-2002, as highlighted in the FDI trends: 2001-2002 report?", "reference_answer": "almost 60", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fdi-110428004543-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 12 ], "origin_query": "By what percentage did the value of Foreign Direct Investment, which is not the investment by individuals, firms, or public bodies in foreign financial instruments, slump in 2001-2002 according to the UNCTAD FDI/TNC database?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1267", "query": "What are five ways to upgrade yourself according to the Biohacker's Handbook by Teemu Arina, as depicted in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "EXERCISE, WORK, NUTRITION, MIND, SLEEP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "e2xfrrjftcermz72kj74-signature-0b45b12de4834f19eaaf5a4a50373846a684c4d9cd0e2b8d2c6af550ddb8dbd5-poli-150311084250-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What are five ways to upgrade yourself according to the Biohacker's Handbook by Teemu Arina?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1261", "query": "What benefits does being a project of Apache, which includes Storm and Ambari, provide according to the Hortonworks presentation on Apache Storm?", "reference_answer": "Brand, governance, large active community", "meta_info": { "file_name": "discoverhdp2-140619164156-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 20 ], "origin_query": "What does being a project of Apache, which includes Storm and Ambari, offer according to the Hortonworks presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1256", "query": "What are five components of the Enterprise Hadoop version that are horizontally scalable like Apache Storm, as shown in A Modern Data Architecture?", "reference_answer": "Governance & Integration, Data Access, Data Management, Security, Operations", "meta_info": { "file_name": "discoverhdp2-140619164156-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 9 ], "origin_query": "What are five components of the Enterprise version of that which is horizontally scalable like Apache Storm?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1264", "query": "In 2011, according to the survey on hotel distribution in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, were more bookings made by phone or through tourism partners in the booking types analysis?", "reference_answer": "By phone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "distributionsurveyhospitalityd-a-chscheggfux2012-120411150112-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "In 2011, were there more bookings made by phone or through tourism partners according to the survey on hotel distribution in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1280", "query": "How many laps is the Formula One circuit at New Delhi, India, in the illustrated track maps of international race circuits?", "reference_answer": "60", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formula1presentation-110611164555-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many laps is the Formula One circuit in New Delhi, India?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1260", "query": "What benefits does being an Apache project provide according to the Hortonworks presentation on Apache Storm for Stream Data Processing in Hadoop, as shown in the \"Why Apache Storm?\" slide?", "reference_answer": "Brand, governance & a large active community", "meta_info": { "file_name": "discoverhdp2-140619164156-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What benefits does being an Apache project provide according to the Hortonworks presentation on Apache Storm for Stream Data Processing in Hadoop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1216", "query": "In the Social Media Buzz Analysis Report March 2014, are more unique people talking about the politician with an AWARENESS score of 70 or Rahul Gandhi?", "reference_answer": "Rahul Gandhi", "meta_info": { "file_name": "electionsreportmarch2014modiandbjpmaintainsleadcongressovertakesaap-140408123044-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Are more unique people talking about the politician with an AWARENESS score of 70 or Rahul Gandhi in the Social Media Buzz Analysis Report March 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1243", "query": "What is an example of a company that uses closed loop mobile payments according to the Mobile Payments Today infographic featuring Starbucks?", "reference_answer": "Starbucks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommercetrend2014mimee-131017121813-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is an example of a company that uses closed loop mobile payments according to the Mobile Payments Today infographic?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1193", "query": "Is streptococcus classified as aerobic or anaerobic in the Bacterial Classification chart?", "reference_answer": "Aerobic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "diagnosticmicrobiology-100606060005-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Is streptococcus aerobic or anaerobic?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1231", "query": "What is the Twitter username of the person named Gijsbregt Brouwer who presented at EuropeActive on June 16th, 2014?", "reference_answer": "gijsbregt", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europeactive-140730052811-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 2 ], "origin_query": "What is Twitter username of the person who presented at EuropeActive on June 16th, 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1238", "query": "What is between the sensors and the ECU that can adjust the exact timing of the spark to provide better power and economy in the Electronic Fuel Injection system diagram in \"Fuel System Block Diagrams - 2\" by Dr. S. John Alexis?", "reference_answer": "Connection lines", "meta_info": { "file_name": "efis-140411041451-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 17 ], "origin_query": "What is between the sensors and the ECU that can adjust the exact timing of the spark (called ignition timing) to provide better power and economy in the Electronic Fuel Injection system diagram by Dr. S. John Alexis?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1285", "query": "What type of Pirelli tires are pictured in the photograph within the F1CARS document by Amit Mangta featuring P ZERO labeling?", "reference_answer": "P ZERO", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formula1presentation-110611164555-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What type of Pirelli tires are pictured in the photograph within the F1CARS document by Amit Mangta?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1278", "query": "In the Supply-Demand Ratio of European Venture Capital chart highlighting a Comeback, was the supply of capital or demand greater in 2003?", "reference_answer": "Supply of Capital", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earlybird-110722143746-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 13 ], "origin_query": "In the Supply-Demand Ratio of European Venture Capital, which has staged a Comeback, was supply of capital or demand greater in 2003?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1288", "query": "What is the source of the \"Retweets by Time of Day\" figure according to the 10 Important New Social Media Stats document by TrackMaven?", "reference_answer": "TrackMaven", "meta_info": { "file_name": "copyofuntitleddesign2-140627143425-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the source of the \"Retweets by Time of Day\" figure according to the 10 Important New Social Media Stats document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1279", "query": "How much longer in miles is the circuit at the Circuit de Spa Francorchamps versus the Autodromo Nazionale di Monza as shown in the racing track diagrams?", "reference_answer": "0.752", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formula1presentation-110611164555-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How much longer in miles is the circuit at the Circuit de Spa Francorchamps versus the Autodromo Nazionale di Monza?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1272", "query": "How many more millions of dollars was the median exit valuation in the USA compared to Europe, where $2.5 billion in Venture Exits occurred over past 24 months, according to the Earlybird Venture Capital presentation slides?", "reference_answer": "63", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earlybird-110722143746-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "How many more millions of dollars was the median exit valuation in the USA compared to Europe, where $2.5 billion in Venture Exits occurred over the past 24 months, according to the Earlybird Venture Capital presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1276", "query": "The presentation within the Supply-Demand Ratio European Venture Capital charts identifies a current major gap in the supply of venture capital, which started to dry out only after 2004, versus the availability of deals.", "reference_answer": "availability of deals", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earlybird-110722143746-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 15 ], "origin_query": "The presentation identifies a current major gap in the supply of venture capital, which started to dry out only after 2004, versus the availability of deals.", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1294", "query": "What is fear of missing out especially associated with according to the Wikipedia article in the image?", "reference_answer": "modern technologies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designpatternsthroughrefactoring-150514053422-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is fear of missing out especially associated with?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1277", "query": "In the Supply-Demand Ratio of European Venture Capital chart, was the supply of capital or demand greater in 2003?", "reference_answer": "Supply of Capital", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earlybird-110722143746-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "In the Supply-Demand Ratio of European Venture Capital, was supply of capital or demand greater in 2003?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1292", "query": "What was the least shared type of post from Facebook pages according to eMarketer's March 2014 data showing Fridays are the best days for engagement?", "reference_answer": "Status", "meta_info": { "file_name": "copyofuntitleddesign2-140627143425-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 15 ], "origin_query": "What was the least shared type of post from Facebook pages on that for which Fridays are the best days for engagement worldwide in March 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1262", "query": "What are examples of Global Distribution Systems mentioned in the glossary of terms, such as Amadeus or Sabre?", "reference_answer": "Amadeus, Sabre", "meta_info": { "file_name": "distributionsurveyhospitalityd-a-chscheggfux2012-120411150112-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What are examples of Global Distribution Systems?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1295", "query": "What is the hand drawing with a pencil in the photograph related to the Design Patterns Through Refactoring presentation, under the slogan \"For architects: design is the key!\"?", "reference_answer": "lightbulb", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designpatternsthroughrefactoring-150514053422-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the hand drawing with a pencil in the photograph related to the Design Patterns Through Refactoring presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1290", "query": "According to the SHARE OF ENGAGEMENT TYPE BY DAY data in the Q1 2014 chart, on which day were likes the lowest?", "reference_answer": "TUESDAY", "meta_info": { "file_name": "copyofuntitleddesign2-140627143425-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Which day were likes lowest in Q1 2014 according to the SHARE OF ENGAGEMENT TYPE BY DAY data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1271", "query": "How many more millions of dollars was the median exit valuation in the USA compared to Europe during the presentation on real performance in venture capital?", "reference_answer": "63", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earlybird-110722143746-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many more millions of dollars was the median exit valuation in the USA compared to Europe at the time of the presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1300", "query": "According to the Internet of Things data analysis infographic, what is the size of our digital universe today?", "reference_answer": "Yottabyte", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deeplearning-realtime-2015-12-14-151215013005_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What size is our digital universe today according to the Internet of Things data analysis?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1302", "query": "What two elements come between \"sport for all\" and \"a way to change society\" in the Goals of Sport for all in the Balkans flow chart by Prof. Dana Badau?", "reference_answer": "Emancipation, Culture of movement and body", "meta_info": { "file_name": "danabadauohridmacedonia23-24may2015-151218201157_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What two elements come between \"sport for all\" and \"a way to change society\" in the flow chart of the International Conference of Science Culture and Sport presentation by Prof. Dana Badau?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1236", "query": "Which seven sensors are shown in the Fuel System Block Diagrams connected to the ECU that determines the quantity of fuel to inject based on a number of parameters?", "reference_answer": "ENGINE TEMP, INTAKE AIR TEMP, MASS AIR FLOW, THROTTLE POSITION, HEGO, CRANKSHAFT, CAMSHAFT", "meta_info": { "file_name": "efis-140411041451-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 17 ], "origin_query": "Which seven sensors are shown in the figure connected to that which determines the quantity of fuel to inject based on a number of parameters?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1263", "query": "What is the Switzerland Travel Centre as mentioned in the glossary of used terms and abbreviations within the survey on hotel distribution in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for 2011?", "reference_answer": "national booking system in Switzerland", "meta_info": { "file_name": "distributionsurveyhospitalityd-a-chscheggfux2012-120411150112-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the Switzerland Travel Centre as mentioned in the survey on hotel distribution in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1296", "query": "Who said \"good design is good business\" in the context of software patterns capturing expert knowledge?", "reference_answer": "THOMAS J WATSON JR.", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designpatternsthroughrefactoring-150514053422-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Who said \"good design is good business\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1273", "query": "Which was greater at the time of the presentation, Europe IPO index value or US IPO index value according to the Turning Venture Capital Data into Wisdom report, featuring a comparison of VC-backed IPO performances?", "reference_answer": "Europe IPO", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earlybird-110722143746-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which was greater at the time of the presentation, Europe IPO index value or US IPO index value according to the Turning Venture Capital Data into Wisdom report by Hendrik Brandis and Jason Whitmire?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1291", "query": "What was the least shared type of post from Facebook pages worldwide in March 2014 according to the eMarketer report?", "reference_answer": "Status", "meta_info": { "file_name": "copyofuntitleddesign2-140627143425-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What was the least shared type of post from Facebook pages worldwide in March 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1303", "query": "What country is in the far south of the Balkans according to the map of the Balkan Peninsula?", "reference_answer": "GREECE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "danabadauohridmacedonia23-24may2015-151218201157_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What country is in the far south of the Balkans?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1301", "query": "How many DVDs is equal to a yottabyte according to the Internet of Things (IoT) signal data visualization?", "reference_answer": "250 trillion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deeplearning-realtime-2015-12-14-151215013005_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many DVDs is equal to a yottabyte?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1265", "query": "In the year where 67% of bookings in Switzerland came from direct sales channels, were there more bookings made by phone or through tourism partners according to the survey on hotel distribution in the 2011 D-A-CH report?", "reference_answer": "By phone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "distributionsurveyhospitalityd-a-chscheggfux2012-120411150112-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 16 ], "origin_query": "In the year in which 67% of bookings in Switzerland were generated via direct sales channels, were there more bookings made by phone or through tourism partners according to the survey on hotel distribution in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for 2011?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1212", "query": "What are the three types of innovation identified in the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge Theory of Change figure?", "reference_answer": "incremental, incremental with unintended consequences, transformative", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designcitieslikeyougiveadamn-111006154943-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What are the three types of innovation identified in the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge figure?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1297", "query": "Who wrote the foreword to the book entitled \"Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software\"?", "reference_answer": "Grady Booch", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designpatternsthroughrefactoring-150514053422-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Who wrote the foreword to the book entitled \"Design Patterns\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1286", "query": "What is the least common time of day (ET) for retweets according to the TrackMaven data on retweets by time chart?", "reference_answer": "6-7am", "meta_info": { "file_name": "copyofuntitleddesign2-140627143425-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the least common time of day (ET) for retweets according to the TrackMaven data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1282", "query": "In what way does the Mercedes W196 Streamliner from 1954 typify the period's obsession with reducing aerodynamic drag in the context of the Evolution of F1 Car diagram?", "reference_answer": "period's obsession with reducing aerodynamic drag", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formula1presentation-110611164555-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "In what way does the Mercedes W196 Streamliner from 1954 typify the period?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1289", "query": "Which was higher on Saturdays in Q1 2014, comments or likes on Facebook according to the SHARE OF ENGAGEMENT TYPE BY DAY chart?", "reference_answer": "Likes", "meta_info": { "file_name": "copyofuntitleddesign2-140627143425-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Which was higher on Saturdays in Q1 2014, comments or likes on Facebook according to the SHARE OF ENGAGEMENT TYPE BY DAY data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1306", "query": "What is TAFISA short for in the BSFAA - Connections presentation?", "reference_answer": "The Association For International Sport for All", "meta_info": { "file_name": "danabadauohridmacedonia23-24may2015-151218201157_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is TAFISA short for?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1307", "query": "In Carl Anderson's presentation at WARBYI PARKER, does reporting in a data-driven organization raise or answer questions?", "reference_answer": "Raise questions", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ddoseattle-150627210357-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Does reporting in a data-driven organization raise or answer questions according to Carl Anderson's presentation at WARBYI PARKER?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1313", "query": "What comes between Reporting and Action in the Analytics Value Chain flow chart diagram?", "reference_answer": "Analysis", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ddoseattle-150627210357-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What comes between Reporting and Action in the Analytics Value Chain flow chart?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1242", "query": "Through what channel does the figure in the Dynamic Creative Retargeting section show a visitor returning to your site?", "reference_answer": "YOUR ADD ON OTHER SITES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ecommercetrend2014mimee-131017121813-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Through what channel does the figure in the Syndacast Dynamic Creative Retargeting section show a visitor returning to your site?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1287", "query": "What is the least common time of day (ET) for retweets, considering that late night is identified as the best time for retweets according to the TrackMaven retweet analysis chart?", "reference_answer": "6-7am", "meta_info": { "file_name": "copyofuntitleddesign2-140627143425-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the least common time of day (ET) for retweets, considering that late night is identified as the best time for retweets according to TrackMaven?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1312", "query": "What are four business activities in analytics that result in a $13 payback for every $1 invested?", "reference_answer": "OPTIMISATION, PREDICTIVE MODELING, FORECASTING, STATISTICAL ANALYSIS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ddoseattle-150627210357-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 12 ], "origin_query": "What are four business activities of that which pays back $13 for every $1 invested?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1332", "query": "According to the eMarketer September 2015 report, US Mobile Ad Spending or US Desktop Ad Spending is increasing at a lower rate?", "reference_answer": "US Desktop Ad Spending", "meta_info": { "file_name": "emarketerwebinarmobileadvertisingfivethingsyouneedtoknownow-160204202435_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which is increasing at a lower rate according to the eMarketer report, US Mobile Ad Spending or US Desktop Ad Spending?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1325", "query": "Which has more floors according to the Evolution of Structural Systems chart, interacting structural systems or tubular structural systems?", "reference_answer": "Tubular Systems", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppthighrise-130504010636-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which has more floors, interacting structural systems or tubular structural systems?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1334", "query": "What is Richy Glassberg's position according to the eMarketer report \"Mobile Advertising: Five Things You Need to Know Now\" as shown in the eMarketer webinar slide?", "reference_answer": "CEO of mobile ad server Medialets", "meta_info": { "file_name": "emarketerwebinarmobileadvertisingfivethingsyouneedtoknownow-160204202435_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is Richy Glassberg's position according to the eMarketer report \"Mobile Advertising: Five Things You Need to Know Now\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1283", "query": "Which vehicle from 1968 was one of the first race cars with a rear wing mentioned in the Evolution of F1 Car diagram?", "reference_answer": "Matra MS 2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formula1presentation-110611164555-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which vehicle from 1968 was one of the first race cars with a rear wing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1321", "query": "Who is the President & CEO at Distributed Capital Group according to the LinkedIn profile snapshot?", "reference_answer": "Zac Pessin", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dw4o1lzzr1urnmyylxae-140519214231-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Who is the President & CEO at Distributed Capital Group?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1314", "query": "What does the RE:WORKIV Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World presentation specifically provide tips for?", "reference_answer": "Modern Work World", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dw4o1lzzr1urnmyylxae-140519214231-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What does the RE:WORKIV Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World presentation provide social media tips for?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1305", "query": "What Sea is located to the east of Bulgaria as shown in the Balkans map?", "reference_answer": "Black Sea", "meta_info": { "file_name": "danabadauohridmacedonia23-24may2015-151218201157_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What Sea is to the east of Bulgaria?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1281", "query": "How many laps is that is referred to as “The pinnacle of Motor Sports” circuit in New Delhi, India according to the Formula One circuits map?", "reference_answer": "60", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formula1presentation-110611164555-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 5 ], "origin_query": "How many laps is that is referred to as “The pinnacle of Motor Sports” circuit in New Delhi, India?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1331", "query": "What has happened to the definition of \"mobile\" according to the eMarketer report titled \"Mobile Advertising\"?", "reference_answer": "expanded", "meta_info": { "file_name": "emarketerwebinarmobileadvertisingfivethingsyouneedtoknownow-160204202435_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What has happened to the definition of \"mobile\" according to the eMarketer report \"Mobile Advertising: Five Things You Need to Know Now\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1311", "query": "What are four business analytics activities depicted in the Levels of Analytics chart?", "reference_answer": "OPTIMISATION, PREDICTIVE MODELING, FORECASTING, STATISTICAL ANALYSIS", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ddoseattle-150627210357-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What are four business analytics activities?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1329", "query": "What are three types of plaque categories by pathogenic effects as shown in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "Cariogenic, periodontal ds' producing, calculogenic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dentalplaqueperio-120125055232-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are three types of plaque categories by pathogenic effects?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1171", "query": "How many people were killed on the Chittagong University Campus on 24 June 2000 as shown in the cumulative rainfall consequences table?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationbayes-151030084118-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How many people were killed on the Chittagong University Campus on 24 June 2000 related to the cumulated rainfall?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1326", "query": "According to the Emporis Corporation April 2004 slide on geographical distribution, how many more skyscrapers does Tokyo have compared to London?", "reference_answer": "189", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppthighrise-130504010636-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many more skyscrapers does Tokyo have than London according to the Emporis Corporation April 2004 slide?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1337", "query": "Which processor does the Spark team use as of Q1 2012 according to the machine specification comparison?", "reference_answer": "Intel Xeon E5-2670", "meta_info": { "file_name": "flink-forword-presentation-151020002756-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Which processor does the Spark team use as of Q1 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1336", "query": "What are the typical DS phases in the TeraSort Hadoop MapReduce program for the annual terabyte sort competition?", "reference_answer": "read, local sort, shuffling, local sort, write", "meta_info": { "file_name": "flink-forword-presentation-151020002756-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are the typical DS phases?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1293", "query": "What are two types of TextEncryption in the \"Design Patterns Through Refactoring\" presentation?", "reference_answer": "DESTextEncryption, AESTextEncryption", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designpatternsthroughrefactoring-150514053422-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of TextEncryption?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1317", "query": "According to the RE:WORKIV Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World slide, what percentage of companies plan to use social media for recruiting this year as indicated in the infographic with a pie chart?", "reference_answer": "92", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dw4o1lzzr1urnmyylxae-140519214231-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "According to the RE:WORKIV Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World slide, what percentage of companies plan to use social media for recruiting this year?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1318", "query": "According to the social media recruiting slide, what percentage of companies plan to use the strategy that 71% of HR Professionals use to source candidates for recruiting this year?", "reference_answer": "92", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dw4o1lzzr1urnmyylxae-140519214231-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "According to the slide, what percentage of companies plan to use that for which 71% of HR Professionals use to source candidates for recruiting this year?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1333", "query": "According to the eMarketer report on Mobile Advertising, which is increasing at a lower rate: the advertising that will trail TV spending in the US by just 19% in 2019 or US Desktop Ad Spending?", "reference_answer": "US Desktop Ad Spending", "meta_info": { "file_name": "emarketerwebinarmobileadvertisingfivethingsyouneedtoknownow-160204202435_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "Which is increasing at a lower rate, that which will trail TV spending in the US by just 19% in 2019 or US Desktop Ad Spending according to the eMarketer report on Mobile Advertising?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1319", "query": "Which social media site did employers use the most to research candidates according to the 2 in 5 employers' statistics image?", "reference_answer": "LinkedIn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dw4o1lzzr1urnmyylxae-140519214231-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which social media site did employers use the most to research candidates?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1308", "query": "Is reporting or analysis considered to be forward-looking in the context of creating a data-driven organization according to Carl Anderson's discussion on analytics?", "reference_answer": "Analysis", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ddoseattle-150627210357-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Is reporting or analysis considered to be forward-looking in the context of creating a data-driven organization as discussed by Carl Anderson?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1299", "query": "What are four elements of the New IT Reality according to Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2016?", "reference_answer": "Adaptive Security Architecture, Advanced System Architecture, Mesh App and Service Architecture, IoT Architecture and Platforms", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deeplearning-realtime-2015-12-14-151215013005_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What are four elements of the New IT Reality?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1310", "query": "According to the Levels of Analytics diagram from the Creating a Data-Driven Organization presentation by Carl Anderson, which has more business value, business analytics or business intelligence?", "reference_answer": "Business Analytics", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ddoseattle-150627210357-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Which has more business value, business analytics or business intelligence, according to the Creating a Data-Driven Organization presentation by Carl Anderson?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1316", "query": "Where can you find the author's notes for the RE:WORKIV Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World presentation according to the \"Steal My Notes\" graphic?", "reference_answer": "makeitbetter.net/stealme", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dw4o1lzzr1urnmyylxae-140519214231-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Where can you find the author's notes for the RE:WORKIV Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1209", "query": "What percentage of people in Dhaka, the city with the fewest Private Autos per 100 population as mentioned in the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge, have cars?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designcitieslikeyougiveadamn-111006154943-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 19 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of people in the city with the fewest Private Autos per 100 population, as mentioned in the Urban Launchpad Design Challenge, have cars?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1349", "query": "What does the hormone aldosterone do in the context of the \"Hormones at Work\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Retain sodium & water", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluidselectrolytesivtherapy-100622133356-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What does the hormone aldosterone do?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1284", "query": "Which vehicle from 1968 was one of the first race cars with a rear wing that generates approximately 33% of the downforce, as shown in the Evolution of F1 Car presentation?", "reference_answer": "Matra MS 2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formula1presentation-110611164555-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 19 ], "origin_query": "Which vehicle from 1968 was one of the first race cars with that which generates approximately 33% of the downforce?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1342", "query": "What are two environmental requirements for sustainable mobility linked to India's accelerating vehicle population?", "reference_answer": "Recycling, Resources", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dr-vorapptchapter1emissionsources-121120210508-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 12 ], "origin_query": "What are two requirements for sustainable mobility, for which the vehicle population in India is accelerating, related to the environment?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1348", "query": "The composition of the human body diagram shows it is largely composed of what?", "reference_answer": "fluid", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluidselectrolytesivtherapy-100622133356-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "The human body is composed largely of what?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1275", "query": "The presentation slide on the supply-demand ratio in the European venture capital market identifies a current major gap in the supply of venture capital versus the availability of deals.", "reference_answer": "availability of deals", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earlybird-110722143746-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "The presentation identifies a current major gap in the supply of venture capital versus the availability of deals in the European venture capital market.", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1338", "query": "Who is the IPA President, Chairman M&C Saatchi Europe, quoted in \"How to get ahead in a recession\"?", "reference_answer": "Moray MacLennan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "economist-ads-on-edge-recession-1225787269595748-9_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Who is the IPA President, Chairman M&C Saatchi Europe?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1330", "query": "What are three types of plaque categories by pathogenic effects in early organisms consisting of streptococci dominating bacterial populations including s.mutans and s.sanguis?", "reference_answer": "Cariogenic, periodontal ds' producing, calculogenic", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dentalplaqueperio-120125055232-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 11 ], "origin_query": "What are three types of categories of that which the early organism consists of streptococci which dominates bacterial populations including s.mutans and s.sanguis by pathogenic effects?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1353", "query": "What are the four steps in the data-driven approach outlined in the RummyCircle.com agenda on data-driven online businesses?", "reference_answer": "Ideate, Create, Measure, Analyze", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datadrivenapproachtomanagedigitalbusinesses-150110001658-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are the four steps in the data-driven approach outlined by RummyCircle.com on how this company works?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1346", "query": "What are two body fluid compositions mentioned in the human body diagram?", "reference_answer": "solutes, solvents", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluidselectrolytesivtherapy-100622133356-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What are two body fluid types in the human body?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1309", "query": "Is that which comes after Data or analysis in the \"Creating a Data-Driven Organization\" presentation by Carl Anderson considered to be forward-looking as shown in the Analytics Value Chain image?", "reference_answer": "Analysis", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ddoseattle-150627210357-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 13 ], "origin_query": "Is that which comes after Data or analysis in the Creating a Data-Driven Organization presentation by Carl Anderson considered to be forward-looking?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1359", "query": "What can you purchase from Nordstrom Frank for 2,500 euro according to the Editorial Toolbox 2009 World Conflicts edition?", "reference_answer": "facts, maps, flags and templates for use in InDesign", "meta_info": { "file_name": "etbworldconflictseng090319-090319105418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What can you purchase from Nordstrom Frank for 2,500 euro according to the Editorial Toolbox 2009?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1323", "query": "Which region accounts for the most skyscrapers according to the Emporis Corporation April 2004 data shown in the Geographical Distribution of Highrise image?", "reference_answer": "Asia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppthighrise-130504010636-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which region accounts for the most skyscrapers according to the Emporis Corporation April 2004 data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1328", "query": "What two types of gingival plaque are there in the classification by location on the tooth?", "reference_answer": "supra, sub", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dentalplaqueperio-120125055232-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What two types of gingival plaque are there?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1368", "query": "What are the three characteristics of core payment functions as depicted in The Shopping Stages diagram?", "reference_answer": "SAFE, SECURE, RELIABLE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fintechver8-thejunction-130112110154-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are the three characteristics of core payment functions?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1341", "query": "What are two environmental requirements for vehicles mentioned in the Global Challenges and Requirements visual?", "reference_answer": "Recycling, Resources", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dr-vorapptchapter1emissionsources-121120210508-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What are two requirements for vehicles related to the environment mentioned in the context of Global Challenges and Requirements?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1355", "query": "What aspect of the Business Intelligence approach reduces the risk of bottlenecks?", "reference_answer": "Business Intelligence", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datadrivenapproachtomanagedigitalbusinesses-150110001658-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What reduces the risk of bottlenecks?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1351", "query": "Which hormone is secreted when plasma osmolarity increases according to the \"Hormones at Work\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Antidiuretic hormone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluidselectrolytesivtherapy-100622133356-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which hormone is secreted when plasma osmolarity increases?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1369", "query": "What is found in the area where the online and offline worlds overlap according to the Traditional Boundaries are Blurring diagram?", "reference_answer": "Mobile", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fintechver8-thejunction-130112110154-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is found in the area where the online and offline worlds overlap according to the On Line Commerce, the Digital Wallet and Beyond document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1354", "query": "What is positioned between Present Data and Inform a Decision in the Business Intelligence Structure flow chart at RummyCircle.com?", "reference_answer": "Enrich Data", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datadrivenapproachtomanagedigitalbusinesses-150110001658-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What comes between Present Data and Inform a Decision in the Business Intelligence Structure flow chart at RummyCircle.com?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1364", "query": "Which are the four provinces in Afghanistan where Swedish forces operate according to \"The World's Conflicts: Afghanistan\" map?", "reference_answer": "Balkh, Samangan, Jawzan, Sari Pul", "meta_info": { "file_name": "etbworldconflictseng090319-090319105418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which are the four provinces in Afghanistan where Swedish forces operate at the time of the presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1358", "query": "What is the email address for Nordstrom Frank as mentioned in the World Conflicts 2009 Editorial Toolbox document?", "reference_answer": "info@nordstromfrank.se", "meta_info": { "file_name": "etbworldconflictseng090319-090319105418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is the email address for Nordstrom Frank as mentioned in the Editorial Toolbox 2009 document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1362", "query": "In what year did the first UN peacekeeping force arrive in Afghanistan according to the Violence Increases in Afghanistan timeline?", "reference_answer": "2002", "meta_info": { "file_name": "etbworldconflictseng090319-090319105418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "In what year did the first UN peacekeeping force arrive in Afghanistan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1376", "query": "How many hours is the Mucinex pictured in the Visual Design Process Simplified slide effective for?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dataviz-designskillshare-140925135007-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "How many hours is the Mucinex pictured effective for?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1361", "query": "How much has the number of suicide bombings in Afghanistan, where armed forces from 41 member countries are present, increased from 2006 to 2007?", "reference_answer": "37", "meta_info": { "file_name": "etbworldconflictseng090319-090319105418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 10 ], "origin_query": "How much has the number of suicide bombings in the country in which there are armed forces from 41 member countries increased from 2006 to 2007?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1315", "query": "What does the RE:WORK IV Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World presentation offer advice on that is reshaping how we find work and how work finds us?", "reference_answer": "Modern Work World", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dw4o1lzzr1urnmyylxae-140519214231-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 4 ], "origin_query": "What does the RE:WORKIV Social Media Tips for the Modern Work World presentation give tips for that is changing the way we find work…and how work finds us?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1371", "query": "What particle is 100 microns according to the ISO 4406:1999 Cleanliness Rating document on Diesel Engine Lubrication and Lube Oil Contamination Control?", "reference_answer": "Grain of table salt", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dieselenginelubrication-150205043455-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What particle is 100 microns according to the Diesel Engine Lubrication and Lube Oil Contamination Control document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1378", "query": "Who wrote the publication entitled \"Freemium Economics\" depicted next to the Angry Birds image?", "reference_answer": "Eric Benjamin Seufert", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Who wrote the publication entitled \"Freemium Economics\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1367", "query": "In the timeline of money shown, what was used before coins?", "reference_answer": "BARTERING", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fintechver8-thejunction-130112110154-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What was used before coins?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1343", "query": "According to the ASPO 2004 data in the presentation on Global Challenges and Requirements by Dr. K. C. Vora, will crude availability shrink or grow by 2050?", "reference_answer": "Shrink", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dr-vorapptchapter1emissionsources-121120210508-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Will crude availability shrink or grow between now and 2050 according to the ASPO 2004 data in the document on Sustainable Mobility by Dr. K. C. Vora?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1352", "query": "Approximately what percentage of the body's fluid is plasma according to the Fluid Compartments illustration?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluidselectrolytesivtherapy-100622133356-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Approximately what percentage of the body's fluid is plasma?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1357", "query": "What are three data sources mentioned in the RummyCircle.com presentation shown by Play Games24x7 Pvt. Ltd.?", "reference_answer": "Internal sources, Operational databases, External sources", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datadrivenapproachtomanagedigitalbusinesses-150110001658-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What are three data sources mentioned in the RummyCircle.com presentation by Play Games24x7 Pvt. Ltd.?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1360", "query": "How much has the number of suicide bombings in Afghanistan increased from 2006 to 2007 according to the \"Violence increases in Afghanistan\" infographic?", "reference_answer": "37", "meta_info": { "file_name": "etbworldconflictseng090319-090319105418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "How much has the number of suicide bombings in Afghanistan increased from 2006 to 2007?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1377", "query": "What does the Design Tips & Tricks slide say is the most powerful drug known to man?", "reference_answer": "Words", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dataviz-designskillshare-140925135007-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What does the slide say is the most powerful drug known to man?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1327", "query": "What is the Sears Tower's structure in the Examples of Steel Structural Systems diagram?", "reference_answer": "BUNDLED TUBE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppthighrise-130504010636-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the Sears Tower's structure?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1347", "query": "What are two types of substances in the human body fluids referred to as solutes and solvents that include Intracellular and Extracellular fluids?", "reference_answer": "solutes, solvents", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluidselectrolytesivtherapy-100622133356-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 4 ], "origin_query": "What are two types of what includes Intracellular and Extracellular in the human body?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1382", "query": "How many billions more smartphones were there expected to be in 2020 versus the year 2014 when the PENETRATION RATE was 50% according to mobile broadband networks and smartphone adoption data?", "reference_answer": "3.3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 12 ], "origin_query": "How many billions more smartphones were there expected to be in 2020 versus the year in which the PENETRATION RATE was 50%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1274", "query": "In the Turning Venture Capital Data into Wisdom report, which was greater at the time of the presentation: the Europe IPO index value or the IPO index value of the United States where VC Investments in Proportion to GDP was 0.150 in 2010?", "reference_answer": "Europe IPO", "meta_info": { "file_name": "earlybird-110722143746-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 17 ], "origin_query": "Which was greater at the time of the presentation, Europe IPO index value or IPO index value in the country in which VC Investments in Proportion to GDP was 0.150 in 2010, as mentioned in the Turning Venture Capital Data into Wisdom report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1379", "query": "How much was data traffic projected to grow between 2014 to 2019 according to the mobile broadband networks and smartphone adoption infographic?", "reference_answer": "TENFOLD", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "How much was data traffic projected to grow between 2014 to 2019?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1322", "query": "According to the quotation in the High Rise Structural Systems presentation, the tower is symbolic of a nation whose future is filled with limitless opportunities.", "reference_answer": "nation whose future is filled with limitless opportunities", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppthighrise-130504010636-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "According to the quotation, the tower is symbolic of a nation whose future is filled with limitless opportunities.", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1385", "query": "What percentage did mobile data traffic grow in the US in 2013 as reported by CTIA according to the \"Mobile Traffic Growth Examples\" table?", "reference_answer": "120", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What percentage did mobile data traffic grow in the US in 2013 as reported by CTIA?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1390", "query": "How many non-iterative method examples are given for the period between 1995 and the year Geurts et al. published Extremely Randomized Trees, as shown in the comparative table of iterative and non-iterative methods?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dmbitalk-150712172913-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 16 ], "origin_query": "How many non-iterative method examples are given for the period between 1995 and the year Geurts et al. published Extremely Randomized Trees?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1386", "query": "What percentage did mobile data traffic grow in the US in 2013 when the time spent on mobile devices in Q1 was 158 minutes per day, as reported by CTIA?", "reference_answer": "120", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 16 ], "origin_query": "What percentage did mobile data traffic grow in the US in the year in which the time spent on mobile devices in Q1 was 158 minutes per day as reported by CTIA?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1373", "query": "The oil film thickness of which diesel engine component is 0 - 1.0 microns as shown in the Dynamic Clearances and Critical Film Thickness chart?", "reference_answer": "Valve Train", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dieselenginelubrication-150205043455-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "The oil film thickness of which diesel engine component is 0 - 1.0 microns?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1395", "query": "What is the focus at 30 years plus, at the top of the pyramid in the DFB Youth Development Programme image?", "reference_answer": "Stabilising peak performance", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-ydp-140711173913-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the focus at 30 years plus, at the top of the pyramid in the DFB Youth Development Programme image?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1339", "query": "What four facts are identified as global challenges in the context of sustainable mobility and emissions from automobiles by Dr. K. C. Vora in the Global Challenges and Requirements slide of the ARAl Academy presentation?", "reference_answer": "Increasing world population, Increasing energy demand, Limited energy supplies, Environmental effects of energy use", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dr-vorapptchapter1emissionsources-121120210508-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What four facts are identified as global challenges in the context of sustainable mobility and emissions from automobiles by Dr. K. C. Vora in the ARAl Academy presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1396", "query": "In the DFB Youth Development Programme structure, what step is positioned between talent development and top-level football?", "reference_answer": "Elite promotion", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-ydp-140711173913-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What step comes between talent development and top-level football?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1392", "query": "What are three interactive goals outlined in the DFB Youth Development Program for the U3 to U6 age-appropriate game of 4 vs 4 (no Goalkeeper) or 4 + Goalkeeper vs 4 + Goalkeeper?", "reference_answer": "Motivation to play and move, Top ranking in international football, Fascination football", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-ydp-140711173913-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 14 ], "origin_query": "What are three interactive goals to play a sport which includes the U3 to U6 age-appropriate game of 4 vs 4 (no Goalkeeper) or 4 + Goalkeeper vs 4 + Goalkeeper?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1298", "query": "How does Autonomous Agents and Things relate to the presentation on Deep Learning Applications Meetup by Greg Makowski, as indicated in the Gartner Tech Trends for 2016 slide?", "reference_answer": "Output to users", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deeplearning-realtime-2015-12-14-151215013005_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How does Autonomous Agents and Things relate to the presentation on Deep Learning Applications Meetup by Greg Makowski?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1393", "query": "There are interactive guidelines for which three types of development in the DFB Youth Development Programme?", "reference_answer": "Systematic, Personal, Individual", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-ydp-140711173913-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "There are interactive guidelines for which three types of development?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1403", "query": "What are two activities that are considered reactive rather than proactive in the \"Becoming Proactive\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "Unaware, Listening", "meta_info": { "file_name": "creatingsocialrecruitingstrategymstvv3-091203185421-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What are two activities that are considered reactive rather than proactive?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1383", "query": "By what percentage was CAGR for global SIM connections expected to increase from 2014 to 2020 according to the infographic on mobile growth?", "reference_answer": "5.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "By what percentage was CAGR for global SIM connections expected to increase from 2014 to 2020?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1394", "query": "For which years is the focus on moving in the DFB Youth Development Programme chart?", "reference_answer": "3-6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-ydp-140711173913-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "For which years is the focus on moving in the DFB Youth Development Programme?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1350", "query": "What does the hormone Aldosterone do in the Hormones at Work diagram regarding fluid and electrolyte balance, given its higher impact than Potassium and Sodium?", "reference_answer": "Retain sodium & water", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluidselectrolytesivtherapy-100622133356-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "What does the hormone Aldosterone, which is higher than Potassium and Sodium, do in the context of fluid and electrolyte balance?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1344", "query": "What are four improvements that sustainable mobility products can make according to the Factors Contributing to Sustainable Mobility diagram?", "reference_answer": "Improve Fuel Efficiencyl, Energy Diversity & Renewable Fuels, Reduction of Engine Emissions, Recyclable Materia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dr-vorapptchapter1emissionsources-121120210508-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What are four improvements that sustainable mobility products can make?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1366", "query": "According to \"The Timeline of Money\" infographic in the \"On Line Commerce, the Digital Wallet and Beyond\" document, when was paper money introduced?", "reference_answer": "c. 806", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fintechver8-thejunction-130112110154-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "When was paper money introduced according to the timeline in the \"On Line Commerce, the Digital Wallet and Beyond\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1387", "query": "According to the chronological table in the machine learning methods diagram, are gradient boosted trees an iterative or non-iterative method?", "reference_answer": "Iterative Method", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dmbitalk-150712172913-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "According to the chronological table, are gradient boosted trees an iterative or non-iterative method?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1401", "query": "How many examples of social media are listed in the Content Marketing Institute presentation slide by Joe Pulizzi?", "reference_answer": "10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fiveelementstoevaluateyourcontentmarketingstrategy-141202050450-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "How many examples of social media are given in the slide from the Content Marketing Institute presentation by Joe Pulizzi?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1398", "query": "What is the component that includes \"For Blocks\" in the Ceph, Docker, Heroku Slugs, CoreOS, and Deis Overview presentation?", "reference_answer": "reliable and fully-distributed block device", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deis-141102221759-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What is that which includes For Blocks in the Ceph, Docker, Heroku Slugs, CoreOS and Deis Overview document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1397", "query": "What does RBD stand for in the Ceph architecture diagram?", "reference_answer": "reliable and fully-distributed block device", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deis-141102221759-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is RBD?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1404", "query": "According to the P101 State of FoodTech report, which year between 2012 and 2013 achieved more investment in food tech/media?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "foodstartups-10settembre-150213043959-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which year achieved more food tech/media investment according to the P101 State of FoodTech report, 2012 or 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1384", "query": "By what percentage was CAGR for global SIM connections expected to increase according to the Mobile Broadband Networks report from the year in which there was 39% 3G/4G CONNECTIONS to 2020?", "reference_answer": "5.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 12 ], "origin_query": "By what percentage was CAGR for global SIM connections expected to increase from the year in which there was 39% 3G/4G CONNECTIONS to 2020?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1400", "query": "What languages does LibRados, which includes RBD and Rados Gateway, support according to the Ceph overview diagram featuring RADOS and CephFS compatibility?", "reference_answer": "C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deis-141102221759-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What languages does LibRados, which includes RBD and Rados Gateway, support according to the Ceph, Docker, Heroku Slugs, CoreOS and Deis Overview document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1363", "query": "In what year did the first UN peacekeeping force arrive in Afghanistan, the country which shares a border with Iran, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan?", "reference_answer": "2002", "meta_info": { "file_name": "etbworldconflictseng090319-090319105418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 11 ], "origin_query": "In what year did the first UN peacekeeping force arrive in the country which shares a border with Iran, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan among others?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1389", "query": "How many non-iterative method examples are detailed in the \"Decision Forest After Twenty Years\" chart for the period between 1995 and 2006?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dmbitalk-150712172913-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many non-iterative method examples are provided in the \"Decision Forest After Twenty Years\" document for the period between 1995 and 2006?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1365", "query": "Which are the four provinces in Afghanistan where the country besides Croatia with 280 personnel operates according to the ISAF forces map and data presentation?", "reference_answer": "Balkh, Samangan, Jawzan, Sari Pul", "meta_info": { "file_name": "etbworldconflictseng090319-090319105418-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which are the four provinces in Afghanistan where the country with 280 Personnel on site besides Croatia operate at the time of the presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1391", "query": "What are three interactive goals to play football according to the DFB Youth Development Programme outlined in the \"Goals\" section?", "reference_answer": "Motivation to play and move, Top ranking in international football, Fascination football", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-ydp-140711173913-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What are three interactive goals to play football according to the DFB Youth Development Programme?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1414", "query": "How many more times did Recruiter A view profiles than Recruiter B according to the InMails report on InMail best practices?", "reference_answer": "11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationdeck-whatwhyhowofcertificationsocial-160324220748_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "How many more times did Recruiter A view profiles than Recruiter B according to the LinkedIn Recruiter Certification report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1356", "query": "What are decisions informed by according to the Business Intelligence Structure in the RummyCircle.com presentation slide showing aggregation and presentation of data?", "reference_answer": "Facts, Data", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datadrivenapproachtomanagedigitalbusinesses-150110001658-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What are decisions informed by according to the Business Intelligence Structure in the RummyCircle.com presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1380", "query": "How much was data traffic projected to grow between 2014, when there were 3.6bn unique subscribers, to 2019 according to the mobile broadband networks graphic?", "reference_answer": "TENFOLD", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 12 ], "origin_query": "How much was data traffic projected to grow between the year in which there were 3.6bn unique subscribers to 2019?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1345", "query": "What are four elements of exhaust mentioned in the Combustion Process diagram?", "reference_answer": "Nitrogen, Water, Carbon Dioxide, Pollutants", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dr-vorapptchapter1emissionsources-121120210508-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What are four elements of exhaust?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1413", "query": "In DIGJOURNEY's Digital Maturity Index (DMI) under the \"Organization\" category, which is higher: Company or Best practice, given the thesis that Digital Maturity Increases Competitiveness?", "reference_answer": "Company", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digjourneydigitalmaturitymatrixenglish150309-150310145548-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 20 ], "origin_query": "Looking at \"Organization\" in the Digital Maturity Index (DMI) from DIGJOURNEY, which is higher, Company or Best practice, in the context of the simple main thesis that Digital Maturity Increases Competitiveness?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1415", "query": "Regarding the InMails, what is the total number of Accepted InMails when the Accepted of Recruiter A and B are combined according to the LinkedIn Recruiter Certification presentation graph?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalpresentationdeck-whatwhyhowofcertificationsocial-160324220748_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the InMails, what is the total number of Accepted InMails when the Accepted of Recruiter A and B are combined according to the LinkedIn Recruiter Certification presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1375", "query": "Which is smaller, a red blood cell particle or a bacteria particle according to the Sizes of Familiar Particles in Microns chart?", "reference_answer": "Bacteria", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dieselenginelubrication-150205043455-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Which is smaller, a red blood cell particle or bacteria particle?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1408", "query": "What is the difference ($M) of the investments in 2014 when BrightFarms and GetYourGuide are compared according to the Food Tech & Media Investments 2014 (January-June) report?", "reference_answer": "0.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "foodstartups-10settembre-150213043959-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference ($M) of the investments in 2014 when BrightFarms and GetYourGuide are compared?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1410", "query": "In the Food Tech & Media Investments 2014 report, which company's investment was more, Foodpanda or Ricebook?", "reference_answer": "Foodpanda", "meta_info": { "file_name": "foodstartups-10settembre-150213043959-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "Which company's investment was more in 2014, Foodpanda or Ricebook?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1417", "query": "What is the difference between the figure of \"Identifiable life\" and that of \"Statistical lives\" in the context of Tom Ahern's presentation on donations by image type, according to the Dan Ariely, Duke U., 2010 chart?", "reference_answer": "1.24", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything10minpano9-15-150904223222-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference between the figure of \"Identifiable life\" and that of \"Statistical lives\" in the context of Tom Ahern's presentation on donations by image type?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1420", "query": "Which age group accounts for the smallest share of donors according to the pie chart in Tom Ahern's presentation on donor demographics?", "reference_answer": "<35", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything10minpano9-15-150904223222-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which age group accounts for the smallest share of donors according to Tom Ahern's presentation on donor demographics?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1370", "query": "What type of E-Commerce site is Zomato according to the E-commerce Industry: Classification diagram?", "reference_answer": "Classifieds", "meta_info": { "file_name": "e-commerceindustryinindia-151009055526-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What type of E-Commerce site is Zomato?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1399", "query": "What languages does LIBRADOS support as shown in the Ceph architecture diagram?", "reference_answer": "C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP", "meta_info": { "file_name": "deis-141102221759-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What languages does LIBRADOS support?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1423", "query": "In the Flux Power addressable market, which is more expensive in terms of the battery average selling price, Walkies or End Riders?", "reference_answer": "End Riders", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluxinvestorpresentation-140122121938-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which is more expensive in terms of the battery average selling price, Walkies or End Riders?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1421", "query": "In Tom Ahern's presentation on donor communications, which age group accounts for the smallest share of people who care about the segment \"You thank. You report\"?", "reference_answer": "<35", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything10minpano9-15-150904223222-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 19 ], "origin_query": "Which age group accounts for the smallest share of the people who care about the part \"You thank. You report\" in Tom Ahern's presentation on donor communications?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1405", "query": "Which year achieved more food tech / media investment according to the Market Overview: Food Tech & Media VC Investments 2012-2013, the year in which Q2 M&A exits were approximately 45 or 2013?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "foodstartups-10settembre-150213043959-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 7 ], "origin_query": "Which year achieved more food tech / media investment, the year in which Q2 M&A exits were approximately 45 or 2013?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1374", "query": "Which two diesel engine components have the same range of oil film thickness according to the Dynamic Clearances and Critical Film Thickness chart?", "reference_answer": "Rod Bearings, Turbocharger Bearings", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dieselenginelubrication-150205043455-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which two diesel engine components have the same range of oil film thickness?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1416", "query": "In Tom Ahern's presentation, concerning donations by image type, which image type receives the highest percentage of donations among the sad, happy, and neutral child categories?", "reference_answer": "Sad child", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything10minpano9-15-150904223222-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the donations by image type in Tom Ahern's presentation, which image type receives the highest percentage of donations among the three types?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1388", "query": "According to the chronological table in the \"Decision Forest After Twenty Years\" document, are gradient boosted trees by Friedman in 1999 classified as an iterative method or as one that mainly reduces variance error?", "reference_answer": "Iterative Method", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dmbitalk-150712172913-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 16 ], "origin_query": "According to the chronological table in the \"Decision Forest After Twenty Years\" document, are gradient boosted trees classified as an iterative method or as one that mainly reduces variance error?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1409", "query": "What is the difference ($M) of the investments in the 2014 Food Tech & Media Investments (January-June) report when Q1 funding for food delivery startups hit over 200 million USD, comparing BrightFarms and GetYourGuide according to the P101 State of FoodTech report?", "reference_answer": "0.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "foodstartups-10settembre-150213043959-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 19 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference ($M) of the investments in the year in which Q1 saw over 200 million USD in funding for food delivery startups when BrightFarms and GetYourGuide are compared according to the P101 State of FoodTech report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1426", "query": "Which has the larger equipment market size in the Flux Power presentation, Walkies or the equipment recognized as one of the additional growth channels along with larger forklifts (= End Riders and Class 1 & 2)?", "reference_answer": "Walkies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluxinvestorpresentation-140122121938-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which has the larger equipment market size, Walkies or the equipment which is recognized as one of the additional growth channels along with larger forklifts (= End Riders and Class 1 & 2)?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1407", "query": "What is the total amount ($M) of the investments in 2013 for Olo and ChowNow combined according to the Food Tech & Media Investments 2013 report?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "foodstartups-10settembre-150213043959-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the total amount ($M) of the investments in 2013 when Olo and ChowNow are combined?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1431", "query": "According to the \"Example of Financial Accounting\" Sale Register, what is the difference between the rate of E5 and that of E10?", "reference_answer": "100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "erpmodule-120905074920-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "According to \"Sale Register\", what is the difference between the rate of E5 and that of E10?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1433", "query": "In the context of Accounts Receivables, where the module of which integrates with the General ledger, Sales and Distribution, and Cash Management Modules, what is the dollar difference in balance between Invoice 3-001153 and 4-001002 as shown on the example screen?", "reference_answer": "506.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "erpmodule-120905074920-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17, 18 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the example of Accounts Receivables, the module of which integrates with the General ledger, Sales and Distribution, and Cash Management Modules, what is the difference of the balance (in dollars) between the Invoice 3-001153 and 4-001002?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1418", "query": "Which age group accounts for the larger share of donors, 45-54 or 55-64, according to the Tom Ahern donor demographics presentation pie chart?", "reference_answer": "55-64", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything10minpano9-15-150904223222-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which age group accounts for the larger share of donors, 45-54 or 55-64, according to the Tom Ahern presentation on donor demographics?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1437", "query": "Which day hit the lower cost, 11/18 or 11/29, according to the CPC Strategy Dynamic Search Ads Total Clicks & Cost presentation?", "reference_answer": "11/18", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dynamicsearchadsr3-151202205352-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which day hit the lower cost, 11/18 or 11/29, according to the CPC Strategy Dynamic Search Ads presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1438", "query": "Regarding the CPC Strategy presentation's Google Only Cost & Revenue data, which day recorded a higher cost, 11/15 or 11/29?", "reference_answer": "11/29", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dynamicsearchadsr3-151202205352-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Google Only Cost & Revenue data in the CPC Strategy presentation, which day recorded a higher cost, 11/15 or 11/29?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1320", "query": "Which type of site, used by 92% of actively hiring companies for recruiting talent, did employers use most to research candidates according to the Career Enlightenment infographic?", "reference_answer": "LinkedIn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dw4o1lzzr1urnmyylxae-140519214231-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 9 ], "origin_query": "Which type of site which 92% of actively hiring companies are using to recruit talent did employers use the most to research candidates?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1435", "query": "In the ERP Finance module's Accounts Receivables example, which invoice between 4-001000 and 3-001151 has an earlier due date?", "reference_answer": "3-001151", "meta_info": { "file_name": "erpmodule-120905074920-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17, 18 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the example of Accounts Receivables in the ERP Finance module, which invoice is due earlier, 4-001000 or 3-001151?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1372", "query": "What particle size corresponds to 3.7 particles per milliliter in the Particle Size Distribution in Used Diesel Engine Oil?", "reference_answer": "Grain of table salt", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dieselenginelubrication-150205043455-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16, 17 ], "origin_query": "What particle is the size in which there are 3.7 particles per milliliter?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1436", "query": "Which day recorded more clicks, 11/17 or 11/28, according to the Total Clicks & Cost chart in the CPC Strategy Dynamic Search Ads data?", "reference_answer": "11/28", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dynamicsearchadsr3-151202205352-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which day recorded more clicks, 11/17 or 11/28, according to the CPC Strategy Dynamic Search Ads data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1381", "query": "How many billions more smartphones were there expected to be in 2020 versus 2014 in the mobile broadband networks and smartphone adoption infographic?", "reference_answer": "3.3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ebs-pgconnectshelsinkisept2016v4-150907095857-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "How many billions more smartphones were there expected to be in 2020 versus 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1427", "query": "Which segment is estimated to have more Walkies, beverage or grocery, according to the Strong Walkie LiFT Pack Customer Pipeline in the FLUX Power OTCQB: FLUX presentation?", "reference_answer": "Beverage", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluxinvestorpresentation-140122121938-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Which segment is estimated to have more Walkies, beverage or grocery, according to the FLUX Power OTCQB: FLUX presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1440", "query": "What is the difference of CTR (%) between CATEGORY=brands/oster/blenders and CATEGORY=blender parts access/oster in the Dynamic Search Ads report?", "reference_answer": "0.81", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dynamicsearchadsr3-151202205352-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference of CTR (%) between CATEGORY=brands/oster/blenders and CATEGORY=blender parts access/oster?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1445", "query": "Which company is ranked #6 in terms of R&D expense according to the 2010 data chart?", "reference_answer": "Pfizer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugdiscoveryanddevelopment-111227060152-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which company is ranked #1 in terms of R&D expense?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1450", "query": "In the 2012 Current Situation by MoHE, how many more students did public universities have than the private universities which had 4000 academics in 2014 according to the Evaluation of Existing Web Structure of Afghan Universities?", "reference_answer": "47411", "meta_info": { "file_name": "evaluationofexistingwebstructureofafghanuniversities-150529151659-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "In 2012, how many more students did public universities have than the private universities which had 4000 academics in 2014 according to the Evaluation of Existing Web Structure of Afghan Universities?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1441", "query": "In the provided timeline of the History of Drug Discovery, which happened earlier, the breakthrough in etiology or the discovery of DNA?", "reference_answer": "Breakthrough in etiology", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugdiscoveryanddevelopment-111227060152-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "According to the history of drug discovery, which happened earlier, breakthrough in etiology or discovery of DNA?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1449", "query": "How many more students did public universities have than private universities in 2012 according to the Current Situation – MoHE 2012 report?", "reference_answer": "47411", "meta_info": { "file_name": "evaluationofexistingwebstructureofafghanuniversities-150529151659-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How many more students did public universities have than private universities in 2012 according to the Evaluation of Existing Web Structure of Afghan Universities by Abdul Rahman Sherzad?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1456", "query": "What process is used to create dry air as shown in the Maintain Space Moisture (Relative Humidity) diagram?", "reference_answer": "dehumidification", "meta_info": { "file_name": "crc149-2-141204045320-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What process is used to create dry air?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1443", "query": "What is the total revenue (in $ billions) when Kendle and PRA International are combined according to the Top CROs by Revenue table?", "reference_answer": "1000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugdiscoveryanddevelopment-111227060152-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the total revenue (in $ billions) when Kendle and PRA International are combined?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1402", "query": "In the context of Social Media Approaches, is active engagement, sourcing, and screening considered to have high or low value?", "reference_answer": "High", "meta_info": { "file_name": "creatingsocialrecruitingstrategymstvv3-091203185421-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Is active engagement, sourcing, and screening considered to have high or low value?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1335", "query": "The Nickel Belt is mainly found on which continent according to the Anglo American Exploration map?", "reference_answer": "North America", "meta_info": { "file_name": "findingtomining-131107104803-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "The Nickel Belt is mainly found on which continent?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1453", "query": "In the MoHE 2014 report, how many more academics were there in public universities compared to private universities?", "reference_answer": "500", "meta_info": { "file_name": "evaluationofexistingwebstructureofafghanuniversities-150529151659-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many more academics were there in public universities than in private universities in 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1442", "query": "According to the History of Drug Discovery timeline, which happened earlier, breakthrough in etiology or discovery of DNA, in the context of methods like random screening and molecular manipulation?", "reference_answer": "Breakthrough in etiology", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugdiscoveryanddevelopment-111227060152-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 12 ], "origin_query": "According to the history of drug discovery, the methods of which are random screening and molecular manipulation among others, which happened earlier, breakthrough in etiology or discovery of DNA?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1434", "query": "Regarding the example of accounts receivables in the ERP MODULE \"FINANCE95\" presentation by Maheshwari Ashok, which invoice is due earlier according to the table, 4-001000 or 3-001151?", "reference_answer": "3-001151", "meta_info": { "file_name": "erpmodule-120905074920-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the example of accounts receivables in the ERP MODULE \"FINANCE95\" presentation by Maheshwari Ashok, which invoice is due earlier, 4-001000 or 3-001151?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1460", "query": "How many sponsors are listed in the CoinDesk State of Bitcoin 2015 document, as shown in the image with Elliptic and Circle logos?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "expert-briefing-state-of-bitcoinslideswithlogo-150303083805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many sponsors are listed in the CoinDesk State of Bitcoin 2015 document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1419", "query": "In the context of Dr. Adrian Sargeant's presentation on why donors stay loyal, which age group, 45-54 or 55-64, accounts for the larger share of people who remain loyal due to establishing a personal link?", "reference_answer": "55-64", "meta_info": { "file_name": "everything10minpano9-15-150904223222-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "Which age group accounts for the larger share of the people who stay loyal because of having established a personal link, 45-54 or 55-64?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1458", "query": "How many filters are in a horizontal clean bench according to the COMPONENTS OF LAMINAR FLOW CABINET diagram in the CLEAN ROOMS & CLASSIFICATION OF CLEAN ROOMS document by Amna Saeed?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "crc149-2-141204045320-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "How many filters are in a horizontal clean bench according to the CLEAN ROOMS & CLASSIFICATION OF CLEAN ROOMS document by Amna Saeed?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1468", "query": "According to the \"Community Growth\" chart in the How Spark Usage is Evolving in 2015 presentation by Matei Zaharia, what was the total size of the community in 2015?", "reference_answer": "46500", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europe2015-151028150748-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What was the total size of the community in 2015 according to the How Spark Usage is Evolving in 2015 presentation by Matei Zaharia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1466", "query": "How many more Developers Contributing were there in 2015 compared to 2014, as shown in the Community Growth chart?", "reference_answer": "250", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europe2015-151028150748-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many more Developers Contributing were there in 2015 in comparison to 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1412", "query": "Looking at \"Organization\" in the Digital Maturity Index (DMI) from DigJourney graphic, which is higher, Company or Best practice?", "reference_answer": "Company", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digjourneydigitalmaturitymatrixenglish150309-150310145548-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Looking at \"Organization\" in the Digital Maturity Index (DMI) from DigJourney, which is higher, Company or Best practice?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1454", "query": "How are the fibers arranged in a filter sheet according to the HVAC system filtration image?", "reference_answer": "randomly", "meta_info": { "file_name": "crc149-2-141204045320-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "How are the fibers arranged in a filter sheet?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1406", "query": "According to the P101 State of FoodTech report chart titled \"FOOD DELIVERY HITS 5-YEAR HIGH,\" which quarter achieved more funding in food delivery, 2010 Q3 or 2011 Q2?", "reference_answer": "2011 Q2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "foodstartups-10settembre-150213043959-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which quarter achieved more funding in food delivery according to the P101 State of FoodTech report, 2010 Q3 or 2011 Q2?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1459", "query": "What is the shape of the icon in the CoinDesk branding image?", "reference_answer": "square", "meta_info": { "file_name": "expert-briefing-state-of-bitcoinslideswithlogo-150303083805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What shape is the CoinDesk icon?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1324", "query": "Which region accounts for the most of the shear wall system as the size of the structure increases, according to the geographical distribution of skyscrapers?", "reference_answer": "Asia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppthighrise-130504010636-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 19 ], "origin_query": "Which region accounts for the most of the shear wall system as the size of the structure increases, so does the size of the supporting wall?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1464", "query": "How many more Summit Attendees were there in 2015 compared to 2014 according to the Community Growth data in the How Spark Usage is Evolving in 2015 presentation by Matei Zaharia?", "reference_answer": "2800", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europe2015-151028150748-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many more Summit Attendees were there in 2015 in comparison to 2014 according to the How Spark Usage is Evolving in 2015 presentation by Matei Zaharia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1451", "query": "What was the total number of universities in the MoHE 2014 report by Noor Bakhsh when public universities and private universities are combined?", "reference_answer": "124", "meta_info": { "file_name": "evaluationofexistingwebstructureofafghanuniversities-150529151659-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What was the total number of universities in 2014 when public universities and private universities are combined?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1457", "query": "Is the person in the image within the Laminar Flow Cabinet section of the CLEAN ROOMS & CLASSIFICATION OF CLEAN ROOMS document by Amna Saeed wearing eye protection?", "reference_answer": "no", "meta_info": { "file_name": "crc149-2-141204045320-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Is the person in the photo within the CLEAN ROOMS & CLASSIFICATION OF CLEAN ROOMS document by Amna Saeed wearing eye protection?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1432", "query": "In the ERP MODULE \"FINANCE95\" presentation by Maheshwari Ashok, what is the balance difference in dollars between Invoice 3-001153 and Invoice 4-001002 in the accounts receivables example?", "reference_answer": "506.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "erpmodule-120905074920-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the example of accounts receivables in the ERP MODULE \"FINANCE95\" presentation by Maheshwari Ashok, what is the difference of the balance (in dollars) between the Invoice 3-001153 and 4-001002?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1444", "query": "What is Today's NPV ($mn) when BG-12 and AMR 101 are combined in the Most Valuable R&D Projects list?", "reference_answer": "8718", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugdiscoveryanddevelopment-111227060152-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is Today's NPV ($mn) when BG-12 and AMR 101 are combined?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1428", "query": "Which segment is estimated to have more equipment, 400 LiFT Pack Units of which is targeted to be sold in FY2017, beverage or grocery, according to the Strong Walkie LiFT Pack Customer Pipeline?", "reference_answer": "Beverage", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluxinvestorpresentation-140122121938-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16, 17 ], "origin_query": "Which segment is estimated to have more of the equipment, 400 LiFT Pack Units of which is targeted to be sold in FY2017, beverage or grocery?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1446", "query": "Which company is ranked #1 in terms of expense in the activity listed in the Top Companies by R&D Expense table, which can be divided into the functions of discovery/basic research, preclinical testing, and clinical trials?", "reference_answer": "Pfizer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugdiscoveryanddevelopment-111227060152-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 10 ], "origin_query": "Which company is ranked #1 in terms of expense in the activity which can be divided into the functions of discovery / basic research, preclinical testing and clinical trials?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1430", "query": "According to the Example of Financial Accounting \"Sale Register\", what is the combined quantity of D2 and D7?", "reference_answer": "11", "meta_info": { "file_name": "erpmodule-120905074920-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "According to \"Sale Register\", what is the combined quantity of D2 and D7?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1461", "query": "What is the highest rung that the price of Bitcoin exceeded in the graph titled \"From Biggest Annual Price Appreciation in History\" within the CoinDesk State of Bitcoin 2015 report?", "reference_answer": "1000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "expert-briefing-state-of-bitcoinslideswithlogo-150303083805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the highest rung that the price of Bitcoin exceeded in the graph within the CoinDesk State of Bitcoin 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1465", "query": "How many more Meetup Members were there in 2015 compared to 2014 according to the Community Growth slide in the How Spark Usage is Evolving in 2015 presentation by Matei Zaharia?", "reference_answer": "30000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europe2015-151028150748-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many more Meetup Members were there in 2015 in comparison to 2014 according to the How Spark Usage is Evolving in 2015 presentation by Matei Zaharia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1474", "query": "What is the name of the person pictured wearing eyeglasses in the DevOps Kaizen presentation by Damon Edwards, shown in connection with high-performing companies and practices?", "reference_answer": "Gene Kim", "meta_info": { "file_name": "devopskaizen-does15-damonedwards-final-151021011812-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the person pictured wearing eyeglasses in the DevOps Kaizen presentation by Damon Edwards?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1425", "query": "Which has the larger equipment market size, Walkies or Airport GSE, according to the FLUX Power presentation in the Addressable Market section?", "reference_answer": "Walkies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluxinvestorpresentation-140122121938-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Which has the larger equipment market size, Walkies or Airport GSE according to the FLUX Power presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1476", "query": "How many people are standing in front of the chalkboard in the photograph featured in the DevOps Kaizen presentation by Damon Edwards during the PDSA discussion?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "devopskaizen-does15-damonedwards-final-151021011812-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many people are standing in front of the chalkboard in the photograph in the DevOps Kaizen presentation by Damon Edwards?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1448", "query": "In the Evaluation of Existing Web Structure of Afghan Universities document, what is the combined total number for ISPs and 3G in the current situation of ICT infrastructure?", "reference_answer": "47", "meta_info": { "file_name": "evaluationofexistingwebstructureofafghanuniversities-150529151659-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the current situation of ICT infrastructure in the Evaluation of Existing Web Structure of Afghan Universities document, what is the total number when ISPs and 3G are combined?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1469", "query": "What is the starting date of the World Cup tournament according to the BBC Advertising document about its global stage?", "reference_answer": "June 12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fifaworldcup2014packagesbbc-140514033946-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the starting date of the World Cup tournament as mentioned in the BB3C Advertising document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1452", "query": "What was the total number of universities in 2014 when the universities which had 99,530 students in 2012 and private universities are combined according to the Evaluation of Existing Web Structure of Afghan Universities report's MoHE 2014 section?", "reference_answer": "124", "meta_info": { "file_name": "evaluationofexistingwebstructureofafghanuniversities-150529151659-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What was the total number of universities in 2014 when the universities which had 99,530 students in 2012 and private universities are combined according to the Evaluation of Existing Web Structure of Afghan Universities report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1477", "query": "How many silos are depicted in the photograph labeled \"Silo Effects\" within the DevOps Kaizen presentation by Damon Edwards?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "devopskaizen-does15-damonedwards-final-151021011812-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many silos are depicted in the photograph within the DevOps Kaizen presentation by Damon Edwards?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1304", "query": "What country is located in the far south of the Balkans region, highlighted in an International Conference of Science Culture and Sport presentation showing four distinct sports goals?", "reference_answer": "GREECE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "danabadauohridmacedonia23-24may2015-151218201157_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "What country is in the far south of the Balkans region where sports have 4 distinct goals according to the International Conference of Science Culture and Sport?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1467", "query": "What was the total size of the community in 2014 according to the Community Growth chart in the How Spark Usage is Evolving in 2015 presentation by Matei Zaharia?", "reference_answer": "13450", "meta_info": { "file_name": "europe2015-151028150748-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What was the total size of the community in 2014 according to the How Spark Usage is Evolving in 2015 presentation by Matei Zaharia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1429", "query": "What is the total number of customers when the consumer products segment and the grocery segment are combined according to the Strong Walkie LiFT Pack Customer Pipeline in the FLUX Power presentation?", "reference_answer": "23", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluxinvestorpresentation-140122121938-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the total number of customers when the consumer products segment and the grocery segment are combined according to the FLUX Power presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1482", "query": "In the slide titled \"iPhone is increasing its lead over Android in the U.S.,\" how much greater is the percentage attributed to iPhone in Q2 2015 compared to Q4 2014 according to the \"iPhone Share of Smartphone Transactions\" diagram?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "criteostateofmobilecommercereportq22015-150623203628-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Looking at the slide titled iPhone is increasing its lead over Android in the U.S. and looking at the diagram on that slide, how much greater is the percentage attributed to iPhone in Q2 2015 than Q4 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1411", "query": "According to the P101 State of FoodTech report, in the year JustEat raised funding from top investors such as Greylock and Index, which company's investment was more: Foodpanda or Ricebook?", "reference_answer": "Foodpanda", "meta_info": { "file_name": "foodstartups-10settembre-150213043959-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17, 19 ], "origin_query": "Which company's investment was more in the year in which JustEat raised funding from top investors such as Greylock and Index, Foodpanda or Ricebook, according to the P101 State of FoodTech report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1439", "query": "What is the total number of clicks when CATEGORY=brands/oster and CATEGORY=brands/oster/kitchen are combined in the Dynamic Search Ads table?", "reference_answer": "111", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dynamicsearchadsr3-151202205352-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the total number of clicks when CATEGORY=brands/oster and CATEGORY=brands/oster/kitchen are combined?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1481", "query": "By what percent did the Top Quartile Mobile Share rate increase from Q4 2014 to Q1 2015 according to the Mobile Share of eCommerce Transactions report?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "criteostateofmobilecommercereportq22015-150623203628-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "By what percent did the Top Quartile Mobile Share rate increase from Q4 2014 to Q1 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1495", "query": "How many paths are connected to ORGANIZED CRIME in the Historic Criminal Structure diagram?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "defconlondondc4420-phonehackinghiddenhistory-davidrogers-140527084352-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many paths are connected to ORGANIZED CRIME?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1472", "query": "In which year, mentioned in the BBC Sport & Football sections examples, were the Olympics held in London?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fifaworldcup2014packagesbbc-140514033946-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What year were the Olympics held in London?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1462", "query": "What's the difference between the high and low of the 2014 Price Summary in the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index 2014 & 2015 YTD by the Numbers?", "reference_answer": "641.52", "meta_info": { "file_name": "expert-briefing-state-of-bitcoinslideswithlogo-150303083805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What's the difference between the high and low of the 2014 Price Summary in the CoinDesk State of Bitcoin 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1493", "query": "What animal is depicted in the logo of Copper Horse Solutions Ltd. on the Mobile Phone Hacking presentation from the Mobile Phone Security website?", "reference_answer": "horse", "meta_info": { "file_name": "defconlondondc4420-phonehackinghiddenhistory-davidrogers-140527084352-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What animal is depicted in the logo of Copper Horse Solutions Ltd. on the Mobile Phone Security website?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1499", "query": "What are the traits of an ECO CITY in the Scenarios for Future Stockholm?", "reference_answer": "WEAK ENERGY/ECONOMY, HIGH SOCIAL CONTROL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designinginthewalkablecity-151107224043-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What are the traits of a ECO CITY?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1475", "query": "How many brand names can be seen next to the picture of the man in the DevOps Kaizen presentation by Damon Edwards with DTO Solutions and #SimplifyOps?", "reference_answer": "39", "meta_info": { "file_name": "devopskaizen-does15-damonedwards-final-151021011812-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "How many brand names can be seen next to the picture of the man in the DevOps Kaizen presentation by Damon Edwards?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1486", "query": "What kind of image is used in the background of the illustration of a house in the \"Property Management\" slide on the \"Feasibility Of Hiring A Property Manager\"?", "reference_answer": "floorplan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "feasibilityofhiringapropertymanager-150811090834-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What kind of image is used in the background of the illustration of a house in the \"Feasibility Of Hiring A Property Manager\" slide?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1479", "query": "By what percent did the average Mobile Share rate increase from Q4 2014 to Q1 2015 according to the Mobile Share of eCommerce Transactions chart?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "criteostateofmobilecommercereportq22015-150623203628-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "By what percent did the average Mobile Share rate increase from Q4 2014 to Q1 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1489", "query": "What kind of Contract is described in the \"Futures v/s Forwards\" comparison for Futures?", "reference_answer": "Standardized", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dhanambazaarcorporatescurrencyhedging-140510045005-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What kind of Contract is used for Futures?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1447", "query": "In the Drug Development Cost Break-up, which R&D function accounts for the biggest share of drug development cost, preclinical testing or clinical trials?", "reference_answer": "Clinical Trials", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugdiscoveryanddevelopment-111227060152-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which R&D function accounts for the biggest share of drug development cost, preclinical testing or clinical trials?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1492", "query": "What model phone is listed in the image on the right in the search query on the slide titled CK Algorithm Breaches in the Copper Horse presentation by mentioning Panasonic?", "reference_answer": "Panasonic GD55", "meta_info": { "file_name": "defconlondondc4420-phonehackinghiddenhistory-davidrogers-140527084352-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What model phone is listed in the image on the right in the search query on the slide titled CK Algorithm Breaches in the Copper Horse presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1502", "query": "What zip code is listed for Citibank in the Check Deposit - Printing and Overview section of the document?", "reference_answer": "10043", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fi-bank-130108041558-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What zip code is listed for Citibank in the Check Deposit - Printing and Overview section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1455", "query": "What kind of pressure is needed to maintain a cleaner space according to the CLEAN ROOMS & CLASSIFICATION OF CLEAN ROOMS document by Amna Saeed, specifically regarding maintaining room pressure (delta P)?", "reference_answer": "positive", "meta_info": { "file_name": "crc149-2-141204045320-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What kind of pressure is needed to maintain a cleaner space according to the CLEAN ROOMS & CLASSIFICATION OF CLEAN ROOMS document by Amna Saeed?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1504", "query": "In what currency was John White's check written according to the Check Deposit - Printing and Overview document from indiantaxhome.com?", "reference_answer": "USD", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fi-bank-130108041558-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "In what currency was John White's check written according to the BankAccounting document from indiantaxhome.com?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1485", "query": "What two attributes associated with Property Management are highlighted in the context of hiring a property manager for rental properties, as shown in the house blueprint image?", "reference_answer": "Boost Your Investment, Free up More Time", "meta_info": { "file_name": "feasibilityofhiringapropertymanager-150811090834-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What two attributes associated with Property Management can be seen in the context of hiring a property manager for rental properties?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1506", "query": "How much greater is the percentage of those surveyed who answered female in the Thailand Laptop Market Consumer Report by Dream Incubator?", "reference_answer": "64", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dim082015-laptopreport-thai-150831071313-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How much greater is the percentage of those surveyed who answered female in the Thailand Laptop Market Consumer Report by DI-Marketing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1484", "query": "How many qualities does a good tenant have according to the \"Qualities Of A Good Tenant\" image?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "feasibilityofhiringapropertymanager-150811090834-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "How many qualities does a good tenant have according to the \"Feasibility Of Hiring A Property Manager\" document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1500", "query": "In the \"DESIGNING IN THE WALKABLE CITY\" presentation by Alexander Stahle, how many Norwegian architects, Swedish planners, and Finnish planners are specifically numbered on the slide titled Votes from 4850 people?", "reference_answer": "1250", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designinginthewalkablecity-151107224043-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Votes from 4850 people in the \"DESIGNING IN THE WALKABLE CITY\" presentation by Alexander Stahle, how many Norwegian architects, Swedish planners, and Finnish planners are specifically numbered?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1424", "query": "Which is more expensive in terms of the battery average selling price according to the Flux Tech presentation, End Riders or the equipment with \"24 Volts; Lifts up to 4k lbs.\" launched in Apr 2014?", "reference_answer": "End Riders", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluxinvestorpresentation-140122121938-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which is more expensive in terms of the battery average selling price, End Riders or the equipment which has the characteristics of \"24 Volts; Lifts up to 4k lbs.\" and was launched in Apr 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1497", "query": "By what year does Oslo expect their Bicycle Strategy 2015-2025 to be fulfilled according to the SPACESCAPE document titled \"Oslo Bicycle Strategy\"?", "reference_answer": "2025", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designinginthewalkablecity-151107224043-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "By what year does Oslo expect their Bicycle Strategy 2015-2025 to be fulfilled according to the SPACESCAPE document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1463", "query": "What's the difference between the high and low of the 2015 Price Summary in the CoinDesk State of Bitcoin 2015 report summary slide?", "reference_answer": "60.82", "meta_info": { "file_name": "expert-briefing-state-of-bitcoinslideswithlogo-150303083805-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What's the difference between the high and low of the 2015 Price Summary in the CoinDesk State of Bitcoin 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1507", "query": "What is the percentage difference between students and the combined percentage of other occupation groups in the Demographic Information section of the Thailand Laptop Market Consumer Report by DI-Marketing?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dim082015-laptopreport-thai-150831071313-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the percentage difference between students and the combined percentage of other occupation groups in the Thailand Laptop Market Consumer Report by DI-Marketing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1473", "query": "How many rings are in the Olympic logo shown in the BBC Sport section example?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fifaworldcup2014packagesbbc-140514033946-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "How many rings are in the Olympic logo?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1512", "query": "On the slide titled Infographic in Indonesia about Video on Demand from the Digital News April 2014 document, looking at the diagram on that slide, how many times greater is the percentage attributed to \"I have done this\" in comparison to \"I wasn't even aware of this type of product or service\"?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitalnewsapril-140511190125-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Infographic in Indonesia from the Digital News April 2014 document, looking at the diagram on that slide, how many times greater is the percentage attributed to \"I have done this\" in comparison to \"I wasn't even aware of this type of product or service\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1513", "query": "On the slide titled Infographic in Indonesia within the Digital News April 2014 document, in the Video on Demand diagram, what variable has the highest percentage attributed to it?", "reference_answer": "I have not done this, but am interested in doing it in the future", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitalnewsapril-140511190125-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Infographic in Indonesia within the Digital News April 2014 document, looking at the diagram on that slide, what variable has the highest percentage attributed to it?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1505", "query": "What is John White's Check Number in the Check Deposit - Printing and Overview section as shown in the example with Citibank N.A.?", "reference_answer": "1234567", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fi-bank-130108041558-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is John White's Check Number in the Check Deposit - Printing and Overview section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1483", "query": "What is the difference in percent between Non-Optimized Sites and Optimized Sites in terms of mobile share of eCommerce transactions according to the Criteo Q2 2015 State of Mobile Commerce Report, showing a 41% gap?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "criteostateofmobilecommercereportq22015-150623203628-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percent between Non-Optimized Sites and Optimized Sites in terms of mobile share of eCommerce transactions according to the Criteo Q2 2015 State of Mobile Commerce Report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1511", "query": "How much greater is the percentage of Mobile Users using Social media over Music according to the Apps Mobile Users Analytics in Indonesia?", "reference_answer": "21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitalnewsapril-140511190125-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How much greater is the percentage of Mobile Users using Social media over Music according to the AppsMobile Users S Analytics in Indonesia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1501", "query": "On the slide titled Manual Check Deposit - Activity Flow in the BankAccounting document from indiantaxhome.com, how many stages are depicted?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fi-bank-130108041558-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Manual Check Deposit - Activity Flow in the BankAccounting document from indiantaxhome.com, how many stages are listed?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1498", "query": "What are the traits of a TECHNO CITY in the 'Scenarios for Future Stockholm' chart?", "reference_answer": "STRONG ENERGY/ECONOMY, HIGH SOCIAL CONTROL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designinginthewalkablecity-151107224043-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What are the traits of a TECHNO CITY?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1517", "query": "How many different categories of Hires are listed in the CareerXroads Referrals Webinar document titled \"Formal Implementation\"?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cxr-bblw-referrals-151206224250-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "How many different categories of Hires are listed in the CareerXroads Referrals Webinar document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1340", "query": "What four facts were addressed as global challenges in the Global Challenges and Requirements presentation, where World Mobility was the lowest ranking factor in 2000?", "reference_answer": "Increasing world population, Increasing energy demand, Limited energy supplies, Environmental effects of energy use", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dr-vorapptchapter1emissionsources-121120210508-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "What four facts are that for which the lowest ranking factor in 2000 was World Mobility?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1519", "query": "What percentage of referrals were not through Social Media according to the Technology for Referrals section of the CXR Brown Bag Lunch Webinar on October 9, 2015?", "reference_answer": "89.74", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cxr-bblw-referrals-151206224250-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of referrals were not through Social Media according to the CXR Brown Bag Lunch Webinar on October 9, 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1516", "query": "On the slide titled Referrals 2015 from the CXR Brown Bag Lunch Webinar Oct 9, 2015, how many men are depicted in the illustration with Chris Hoyt, Mark Mehler, and Gerry Crispin?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cxr-bblw-referrals-151206224250-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Referrals 2015 from the CXR Brown Bag Lunch Webinar Oct 9, 2015, how many men are depicted in the illustration?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1510", "query": "What percentage of those surveyed in the demographic information chart by Dream Incubator Inc. are not between 18 to 25?", "reference_answer": "62", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dim082015-laptopreport-thai-150831071313-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of those surveyed are not 18 to 25?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1529", "query": "What year was the dotcom crash mentioned in the \"My Journey Began in the 90s\" timeline?", "reference_answer": "2000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designintechfinalslides-150315131912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What year was the dotcom crash?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1508", "query": "How much greater is the percentage of those surveyed not in Bangkok according to the Thailand Laptop Market Consumer Report by DI-Marketing as shown in the demographic information chart?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dim082015-laptopreport-thai-150831071313-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How much greater is the percentage of those surveyed not in Bangkok according to the Thailand Laptop Market Consumer Report by DI-Marketing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1522", "query": "On the slide titled Snapshot in the INDONESIA Digital Landscape 2014 document, what brand name is visible that begins with an F, relating to social media?", "reference_answer": "Facebook", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitallandscape2014pdf-141201030854-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Snapshot in the INDONESIA Digital Landscape 2014 document, what brand name is visible that begins with an F?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1531", "query": "How many small chairs can be seen in the context of the Thonet No.14 chairs mentioned in the DesignInTech Report, specifically involving the Vienna coffee house chair?", "reference_answer": "36", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designintechfinalslides-150315131912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many small chairs can be seen in the context of the Thonet No.14 chairs mentioned in the DesignInTech Report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1532", "query": "On the slide titled #DesignInTech M&A Activity in the DesignInTech Report, on the right side of the diagram, is the icon an illustration of a camera or an elephant?", "reference_answer": "Camera", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designintechfinalslides-150315131912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled #DesignInTech M&A Activity in the DesignInTech Report, in the diagram, on the right, looking at the image, is the icon an illustration of a camera or an elephant?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1494", "query": "How many paths are connected to SHOP OR STALL in the Historic Criminal Structure diagram of the Copper Horse Mobile Phone Hacking document?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "defconlondondc4420-phonehackinghiddenhistory-davidrogers-140527084352-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many paths are connected to SHOP OR STALL in the Historic Criminal Structure diagram from the Copper Horse Mobile Phone Hacking document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1521", "query": "What is the total percentage of Prepaid Users combined with Post Paid Users in the Indonesia Digital Landscape 2014 report as shown in the Active Mobile Subscription statistics?", "reference_answer": "100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitallandscape2014pdf-141201030854-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the total percentage of Prepaid Users combined with Post Paid Users in the Indonesia Digital Landscape 2014 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1478", "query": "What year was the 2014 STATE OF DEVOPS REPORT, shown in the diagram with Gene Kim, published?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "devopskaizen-does15-damonedwards-final-151021011812-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What year was the 2014 STATE OF DEVOPS REPORT published?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1535", "query": "What two categories are mapped out regarding population distribution and land cover types in the Sustainable Thurston report maps from 1950, 1970, 1990, and 2010?", "reference_answer": "Homes, Businesses", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datawars3-160229000043_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What two categories are mapped out in the Sustainable Thurston report regarding population distribution and land cover types?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1509", "query": "What percentage of those surveyed in the Thailand Laptop Market Consumer Report by DI-Marketing are listed as not being Under 18 in the Demographic Information section?", "reference_answer": "76", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dim082015-laptopreport-thai-150831071313-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of those surveyed in the Thailand Laptop Market Consumer Report by DI-Marketing are not Under 18?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1515", "query": "On the slide with the diagram titled Smartphone Penetration (%) 2013 in the Digital News April 2014 document, which country holds the second highest smartphone penetration percentage?", "reference_answer": "Thailand", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitalnewsapril-140511190125-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "On the slide with the diagram titled Smartphone Penetration (%) 2013 in the Digital News April 2014 document, what is the country with the second highest percentage attributed to it?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1526", "query": "Is this frame made from metal or bone in the context of Aluminium formwork construction techniques?", "reference_answer": "Metal", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formwork-150318073913-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Is this frame made from metal or bone in the context of the Formwork construction techniques?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1523", "query": "On the slide titled Overview in the INDONESIA Digital Landscape 2014 document, what country that starts with an I can be seen in the blue box drawn with a dashed line?", "reference_answer": "Indonesia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitallandscape2014pdf-141201030854-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Overview in the INDONESIA Digital Landscape 2014 document, what country can be seen in the blue box drawn with a dashed line that starts with an I?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1480", "query": "On the slide titled U.S. Mobile Commerce Trends in the Criteo State of Mobile Commerce Q2 2015 report, looking at the image on the right side of the slide, are the two humans holding and looking at a smartphone or another device?", "reference_answer": "Smartphone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "criteostateofmobilecommercereportq22015-150623203628-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled U.S. Mobile Commerce Trends in the Criteo State of Mobile Commerce Q2 2015 report, looking at the image on the right side of the slide, are the two humans looking at a smartphone or a laptop?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1487", "query": "What kind of Settlement do Futures produce in the context of the Indian Currency Market as shown in the Futures v/s Forwards comparison chart?", "reference_answer": "Cash", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dhanambazaarcorporatescurrencyhedging-140510045005-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What kind of Settlement do Futures produce in the context of the Indian Currency Market?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1538", "query": "What electronic device is the man in the red shirt using during the Concepts of Inverted Classrooms for Teaching and Training session shown in the \"Why flipping, why now?\" presentation slide?", "reference_answer": "laptop", "meta_info": { "file_name": "flippingout-150321205905-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What electronic device is the man in the red shirt using during the Concepts of Inverted Classrooms for Teaching and Training session with Paul Gordon Brown and Susan Marine?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1524", "query": "According to the INDONESIA Digital Landscape 2014 report cover, how many people are depicted in the frame?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitallandscape2014pdf-141201030854-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "How many people are in the frame according to the INDONESIA Digital Landscape 2014 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1518", "query": "What percent of responses in the \"Program Promotion\" section of the CareerXroads Referrals Webinar on Oct 9, 2015, were not \"Not at all\"?", "reference_answer": "87.2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cxr-bblw-referrals-151206224250-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percent of responses in the \"Program Promotion\" section of the CareerXroads Referrals Webinar were not \"Not at all\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1528", "query": "On the slide titled MATERIALS USED in the document \"FORMWORK: A Study of Its Various Types, Materials and Construction Techniques,\" is this frame in the image made from wood or concrete?", "reference_answer": "Wood", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formwork-150318073913-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled MATERIALS USED in the document \"FORMWORK: A Study of Its Various Types, Materials and Construction Techniques,\" is this a frame made from wood or concrete?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1525", "query": "On the slide titled FORMWORK FOR WALL in the document \"FORMWORK: A Study of Its Various Types, Materials and Construction Techniques,\" what kind of visual is this, a diagram or a photograph?", "reference_answer": "Diagram", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formwork-150318073913-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled FORMWORK FOR WALL in the document \"FORMWORK: A Study of Its Various Types, Materials and Construction Techniques,\" what kind of picture is this, a diagram or a photograph?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1514", "query": "On the slide titled Smartphone buying in the Digital News April 2014 document, examining the diagram on that slide, which country between India and Brazil shows the highest amount of total new users?", "reference_answer": "India", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digitalnewsapril-140511190125-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Smartphone buying in the Digital News April 2014 document, looking at the diagram on that slide, which country has the highest amount of total new users between India and Brazil?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1520", "query": "In the CareerXroads Referral Process webinar, what percentage of responders selected BAD or HORRIBLE regarding the difficulty of submitting a referral?", "reference_answer": "15.39", "meta_info": { "file_name": "cxr-bblw-referrals-151206224250-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of responders selected BAD or HORRIBLE?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1490", "query": "In the Futures v/s Forwards comparison chart, what kind of contract is used for Forwards?", "reference_answer": "Customized", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dhanambazaarcorporatescurrencyhedging-140510045005-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What kind of Contract is used for Forwards?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1540", "query": "What color is the glasses-wearing woman's hair in the session on Inverted Classrooms for Teaching and Training with Paul Gordon Brown and Susan Marine at Merrimack College?", "reference_answer": "blonde", "meta_info": { "file_name": "flippingout-150321205905-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What color is the glasses-wearing woman's hair in the session on Inverted Classrooms for Teaching and Training with Paul Gordon Brown and Susan Marine?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1547", "query": "In the m3 Learning Buy/Sales Process diagram, how many words are used to name the steps in both the Seller's Process and Buyer's Process combined?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "daytwo-130pm-skipmiller-sellingtips-140519134141-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many words are used to name the steps in the Seller's Process and Buyer's Process combined?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1546", "query": "In the Buy/Sales Process diagram, what stage is Education and Educate/Discovery associated with?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "daytwo-130pm-skipmiller-sellingtips-140519134141-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What stage is Education and Educate/Discovery associated with?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1527", "query": "Is 20mm Sheeting or 25mm Sheeting an appropriate size based on the slide detailing Timber formwork in the study \"FORMWORK: A Study of Its Various Types, Materials and Construction Techniques\"?", "reference_answer": "25mm Sheeting", "meta_info": { "file_name": "formwork-150318073913-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Is 20mm Sheeting or 25mm Sheeting an appropriate size based on the information in the slide titled Timber formwork in the document \"FORMWORK: A Study of Its Various Types, Materials and Construction Techniques\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1548", "query": "What emotion is the man dressed in a black suit showing, glee or duress, in the context of \"The Energy to Change\" ProActive Selling presentation by Skip Miller?", "reference_answer": "duress", "meta_info": { "file_name": "daytwo-130pm-skipmiller-sellingtips-140519134141-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What emotion is the man dressed in a black suit showing, glee or duress, in the context of the ProActive Selling presentation by Skip Miller?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1542", "query": "How many strategies does the subcategory with the most strategies have in the Dramatic Story Canvas for Holistic Problem Solving (HPS) on the Problem-Solving Platform diagram?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dramaticstorycanvasrodking-140521131948-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "How many strategies does the subcategory with the most strategies have in the Dramatic Story Canvas for Holistic Problem Solving (HPS)?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1470", "query": "What is the end date of the World Cup tournament as mentioned in the BBC Advertising document related to the \"World Cup on a global stage\"?", "reference_answer": "July 13, 2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fifaworldcup2014packagesbbc-140514033946-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the end date of the World Cup tournament as mentioned in the BB3C Advertising document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1488", "query": "What kind of Settlement do Forwards produce in the Futures v/s Forwards comparison chart?", "reference_answer": "Physical Settlement", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dhanambazaarcorporatescurrencyhedging-140510045005-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What kind of Settlement do Forwards produce?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1422", "query": "Which was launched earlier, Class III Walkie or Airport Ground Service Equipment according to the Flux Tech Modular & Scalable release chart?", "reference_answer": "Class III Walkie", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fluxinvestorpresentation-140122121938-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Which was launched earlier, Class III Walkie or Airport Ground Service Equipment?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1536", "query": "On the slide titled \"The Empire Sprawls Back\" from the Oly Ecosystems presentation, what does this map inform us about the country pictured in terms of population distribution and sustainable development challenges?", "reference_answer": "Population Distribution", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datawars3-160229000043_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled \"The Empire Sprawls Back\" from the Oly Ecosystems presentation, what does this map inform us about the country pictured in terms of sustainable development challenges?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1471", "query": "How many pounds did the London Olympics cost according to the BBC Worldwide commercial arm document in the BBC Sport & Football sections example?", "reference_answer": "9bn", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fifaworldcup2014packagesbbc-140514033946-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "How many pounds did the London Olympics cost according to the BBC Worldwide commercial arm document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1561", "query": "How many more instances of Social media activity was recorded from Facebook than Twitter in the Real Madrid section of the Deloitte Money League Sports Business Group January 2014 report?", "reference_answer": "39.2m", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfml2014slideshare-140122111001-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many more instances of Social media activity was recorded from Facebook than Twitter in the Deloitte Money League Sports Business Group January 2014 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1552", "query": "In the Digital Download Thursday presentation by Dominique Hind, on the slide with \"The first Browser 1990\" text, what is the name of the man in a suit looking to the right?", "reference_answer": "Tim Berners-Lee", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digital10120080929-1223105992405955-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that has the text The first Browser 1990 written just above the center in the Digital Download Thursday presentation by Dominique Hind, what is the name of the man wearing a suit and looking to the right?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1543", "query": "What phrase is the white arrow with a black outline pointing toward in the Dramatic Story Canvas for Holistic Problem Solving (HPS) that indicates the final solution phase?", "reference_answer": "BLUE OCEAN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dramaticstorycanvasrodking-140521131948-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What phrase is the white arrow with a black outline pointing toward in the Dramatic Story Canvas for Holistic Problem Solving (HPS)?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1562", "query": "What is on top of the woman's head, sunglasses or a hat, in the meme image related to the Disciplined Agile Consortium document?", "reference_answer": "Sunglasses", "meta_info": { "file_name": "disciplined-agile-business-analysis-160218012713_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is on top of the woman's head in the photograph with two humans in it, sunglasses or a hat, as mentioned in the Disciplined Agile Consortium document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1565", "query": "The blue polygonal stylized image is an artistic representation of a cloud, as mentioned in the FAIRCHILD Investor Presentation September 2014 document.", "reference_answer": "Cloud", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fairchildseptember2014investorpresentation-141014132152-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "The blue polygonal stylized image is an artistic representation of a cloud, as mentioned in the FAIRCHILD Investor Presentation September 2014 document.", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1564", "query": "How many black arrows are part of the DISCIPLINED AGILE logo in the Disciplined Agile Business Analysis presentation?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "disciplined-agile-business-analysis-160218012713_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "How many black arrows are part of the DISCIPLINED AGILE logo?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1541", "query": "What color is the shirt worn by the man standing at the schooldesk in the session on Inverted Classrooms with the presenters from Merrimack College?", "reference_answer": "black", "meta_info": { "file_name": "flippingout-150321205905-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What color is the shirt being worn by the man standing at the schooldesk in the session on Inverted Classrooms with Paul Gordon Brown and Susan Marine?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1533", "query": "What year is OCULUS first listed in the #DesignInTech M&A Activity timeline according to the timeline graphic?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designintechfinalslides-150315131912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What year is OCULUS first listed in the #DesignInTech M&A Activity timeline?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1549", "query": "What kind of uniform is worn by the person shown jumping in the \"The Energy to Change\" presentation by Skip Miller from ProActive Selling?", "reference_answer": "cheerleading", "meta_info": { "file_name": "daytwo-130pm-skipmiller-sellingtips-140519134141-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What kind of uniform is being worn by the person shown jumping in the ProActive Selling presentation by Skip Miller?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1537", "query": "What percentage of facilities in the Port of Olympia Income Statement Management Format 2016 Budget pie chart are not labeled as Local Schools?", "reference_answer": "60.68", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datawars3-160229000043_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of facilities shown in the Port of Olympia Income Statement Management Format 2016 Budget are not Local Schools?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1503", "query": "What was the amount of the check from John White in the Check Deposit - Printing and Overview document?", "reference_answer": "100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fi-bank-130108041558-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What was the amount of the check from John White in the Bank Master Data Check Processing document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1553", "query": "How many years before the first website had been published was the first web browser released as shown in the timeline of Tim Berners-Lee's contributions?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digital10120080929-1223105992405955-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many years before the first website had been published was the first web Browser released?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1544", "query": "What specific word is the red arrow pointing toward in the Dramatic Story Canvas for Holistic Problem Solving (HPS) that references the RED OCEAN concept?", "reference_answer": "OCEAN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dramaticstorycanvasrodking-140521131948-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What specific word is the red arrow pointing toward in the Dramatic Story Canvas for Holistic Problem Solving (HPS)?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1539", "query": "What is the number of humans shown in the black and white photograph labelled \"Structures divide the student and the teacher,\" discussed in the \"Concepts of Inverted Classrooms for Teaching and Training\" session with Paul Gordon Brown and Susan Marine?", "reference_answer": "18", "meta_info": { "file_name": "flippingout-150321205905-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the number of humans shown in the black and white photograph of a classroom in the \"Concepts of Inverted Classrooms for Teaching and Training\" session with Paul Gordon Brown and Susan Marine?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1491", "query": "What is the difference between Day 1 and Day 2 closing prices in the MTM Calculation section of the Indian Currency Market document?", "reference_answer": "0.75", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dhanambazaarcorporatescurrencyhedging-140510045005-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference between Day 1 and Day 2 closing prices in the MTM Calculation section of the Indian Currency Market document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1558", "query": "How many levels are depicted in the pyramid of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs image?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "design12009designlecture5-concept-100319032731-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many levels are there in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1534", "query": "What percentage is not Private Timberland according to the Deschutes River Watershed total area of parcels by zoning designation data?", "reference_answer": "34.7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "datawars3-160229000043_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is not Private Timberland according to the Deschutes River Watershed zoning designation data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1550", "query": "How many hands are depicted on the cover of the PROACTIVE SELLING book by Skip Miller in the M3 Learning presentation?", "reference_answer": "8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "daytwo-130pm-skipmiller-sellingtips-140519134141-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "How many hands are depicted on the PROACTIVE SELLING book cover by Skip Miller?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1545", "query": "What animal is depicted in the statue mentioned in the Dramatic Story Canvas for Holistic Problem Solving by Dr. Rod King, featuring a focus on customer solutions?", "reference_answer": "Bull", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dramaticstorycanvasrodking-140521131948-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What animal is depicted in the statue mentioned in the Dramatic Story Canvas for Holistic Problem Solving by Dr. Rod King?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1551", "query": "What type of advertisement is shown in this image, featuring the first banner ad on HotWired from October 1994?", "reference_answer": "banner", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digital10120080929-1223105992405955-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What type of advertisement is shown in this image asking the user if they clicked, specifically referring to the first banner ad on HotWired in October 1994?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1556", "query": "What is the most basic of Needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as shown in the pyramid diagram?", "reference_answer": "Physical", "meta_info": { "file_name": "design12009designlecture5-concept-100319032731-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the most basic of Needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1578", "query": "In the Hurdle Technology presentation by Drishya Mohan, on the slide featuring \"Hurdles of different intensity,\" how many black arrows appear in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drishya-140612123841-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "On the slide with the text \"Hurdles of different intensity\" written at its center in the Hurdle Technology presentation by Drishya Mohan, how many black arrows are used in this diagram?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1575", "query": "What word is circled in red and does not end with the letter \"n\" in the presentation slide of \"The Trigeminal Pain System\"?", "reference_answer": "Processing", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugsusedinendodontics-140610222907-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What word is circled in red and does not end with the letter \"n\" in the document \"DRUGS USED IN ENDODONTICS\" by Dr. Anoop V. Nair?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1571", "query": "In Q3'14, according to the Facebook Daily Active Users chart, how many millions of users were not from the US & Canada?", "reference_answer": "710", "meta_info": { "file_name": "facebookq3earnings-141028185451-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "In Q3'14, how many millions of users were not from the US & Canada?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1560", "query": "What is the combined percentage of Matchday, Broadcasting, and Commercial revenue for the top 20 clubs in the Deloitte Money League Sports Business Group January 2014 report, specifically highlighted on Real Madrid's revenue profile?", "reference_answer": "100", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfml2014slideshare-140122111001-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined percentage of Matchday, Broadcasting, and Commercial revenue for the top 20 clubs in the Deloitte Money League Sports Business Group January 2014 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1574", "query": "What body part is the woman rubbing in the picture within the Chronic Pain section of the Psychology of Pain presentation, neck or foot?", "reference_answer": "Neck", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-141021055904-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What body part is the woman rubbing in the picture within the Psychology of Pain presentation, neck or foot?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1554", "query": "In the Digital Download Thursday presentation by Dominique Hind, on the slide titled A short history of the internet, what structure can be seen above the water in this image, a bridge or a library?", "reference_answer": "Bridge", "meta_info": { "file_name": "digital10120080929-1223105992405955-8_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled A short history of the internet in the Digital Download Thursday presentation by Dominique Hind, what structure can be seen above the water in this image, a bridge or a library?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1585", "query": "Which group accounts for the second largest share in terms of religious demographics in the UC Web Market Research December 2014 Indonesia report shown in the Country Overview?", "reference_answer": "Christians", "meta_info": { "file_name": "indonesiamobilemarketresearch-ag-150106055934-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which group accounts for the second largest share in terms of religious demographics in the UC Web Market Research December 2014 Indonesia report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1576", "query": "On the slide titled Contents in the presentation \"DRUGS USED IN ENDODONTICS\" by Dr. Anoop V. Nair, how many containers for prescription medicine are shown in the image?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugsusedinendodontics-140610222907-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Contents in the presentation \"DRUGS USED IN ENDODONTICS\" by Dr. Anoop V. Nair, how many containers for prescription medicine can be seen?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1563", "query": "How many people authored the book \"Disciplined Agile Delivery\" featured in the presentation slide?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "disciplined-agile-business-analysis-160218012713_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How many people authored Disciplined Agile Delivery?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1594", "query": "On the slide titled CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS, how many Tweets are attributed to Germanwings, Lufthansa, and Airbus in total in the diagram and table presented?", "reference_answer": "41", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that has CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS written in it's top-left portion and both a diagram and a table, how many Tweets are attributed to Germanwings, Lufthansa, and Airbus in total?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1590", "query": "In the Germanwings 4U9525 Digital Crisis Analysis document, on the slide titled \"CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS,\" how many more Tweets are attributed to Germanwings compared to Airbus?", "reference_answer": "19", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled \"CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS\" in the Germanwings 4U9525 Digital Crisis Analysis document, how many more Tweets are attributed to Germanwings than Airbus?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1586", "query": "According to the UC Web Market Research December 2014 Indonesia report, which year between 2011 or 2010 recorded a higher national illiteracy ratio among females?", "reference_answer": "2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "indonesiamobilemarketresearch-ag-150106055934-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which year hit the higher national illiteracy ratio among female, 2011 or 2010, according to the UC Web Market Research December 2014 Indonesia report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1592", "query": "On the slide titled CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS, with a diagram and table, how many more Tweets are attributed to Lufthansa than Airbus?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that has CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS written in it's top-left portion and both a diagram and a table, how many more Tweets are attributed to Lufthansa than Airbus?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1583", "query": "In the Country Overview of Indonesia, by what percent did \"Smartphone Penetration\" grow between 2013 and 2015?", "reference_answer": "26", "meta_info": { "file_name": "indonesiamobilemarketresearch-ag-150106055934-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Looking at the country overview, by what percent did \"Smartphone Penetration\" grow between 2013 and 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1567", "query": "How many pairs of glasses can be seen in the image of several photographs spliced together in the Fairchild Investor Presentation September 2014 cover?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fairchildseptember2014investorpresentation-141014132152-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "How many pairs of glasses can be seen in the image of several photographs spliced together in the Fairchild Investor Presentation September 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1580", "query": "How many more flowers are there than blue dots in the Basis and Lattice diagram explained by Hari Prasad in the MVJCE-Bangalore lecture notes?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "crystalstructures-141008215641-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "How many more flowers are there than blue dots in the context of the crystal structures discussed by Hari Prasad in the MVJCE-Bangalore lecture notes?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1570", "query": "On the slide titled Organization of the talent development program in the DFB Talent and Elite Development document, what is the median age of the 14,000-promoted talents?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-td-140715151842-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Organization of the talent development program in the DFB Talent and Elite Development document, what is the median age of the promoted talents?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1496", "query": "Looking at the slide titled The Walkable City Stockholm City Plan, what city is named in the image with its name following that title and before the words City Plan?", "reference_answer": "Stockholm", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designinginthewalkablecity-151107224043-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Looking at the slide titled The Walkable City, what city is named in the image with it's name following that title and before the words City Plan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1591", "query": "On the slide titled \"CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS\" featuring a digital activity diagram and table, how many more Tweets are attributed to Germanwings, whose website crashed for about 24 hours, than to Airbus?", "reference_answer": "19", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled \"CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS\" with both a diagram and a table, how many more Tweets are attributed to Germanwings, whose website crashed and remained inaccessible for approximately 24 hours, than to Airbus?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1596", "query": "On the slide titled CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS with a diagram and table, how many Tweets are attributed to both Lufthansa and Airbus in total?", "reference_answer": "17", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that has CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS written in it's top-left portion and both a diagram and a table, how many Tweets are attributed to Lufthansa and Airbus in total?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1587", "query": "What is the name of the second largest telecom operator in terms of the number of subscribers in the period 2013-2014, as shown in the UC Web telecom report?", "reference_answer": "XL", "meta_info": { "file_name": "indonesiamobilemarketresearch-ag-150106055934-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the second largest telecom operator in terms of the number of subscribers in the period 2013-2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1573", "query": "How many PSYCHOLOGICAL factors affect the perception of pain in the Biopsychosocial Model diagram?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-141021055904-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many PSYCHOLOGICAL factors affect the perception of pain?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1589", "query": "On the slide titled CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS, how many more Tweets are attributed to Germanwings, whose website crashed and remained inaccessible for approximately 2 hours, than Lufthansa?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS, how many more Tweets are attributed to Germanwings, whose website crashed and remained inaccessible for approximately 2 hours, than Lufthansa?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1559", "query": "In the Architectural Design Lectures Lecture 4 Design Concept by Dr. Yasser Mahgoub, what is the mustached man in the cartoon standing in front of?", "reference_answer": "Chalkboard", "meta_info": { "file_name": "design12009designlecture5-concept-100319032731-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "In the cartoon with a mustached man in it, what is he standing in front of in the Architectural Design Lectures Lecture 4Design Concept by Dr. Yasser Mahgoub?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1593", "query": "On the CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS slide, how many more Tweets did Lufthansa, which updated their home page within 4 hours of the incident, post compared to Airbus?", "reference_answer": "7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS, how many more Tweets are attributed to Lufthansa, the company that updated their corporate home page with a statement on the incident within the first 4 hours, than Airbus?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1601", "query": "What is the difference in numbers of 2011-2013 entrepreneurs per 100,000 people between Dallas and Detroit as shown in the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity chart?", "reference_answer": "120", "meta_info": { "file_name": "latechmarket-upfrontventures-141007004943-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the numbers of 2011-2013 entrepreneurs per 100,000 people, what is the difference between Dallas and Detroit?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1603", "query": "In the \"Healthcare India Sector Notes MAY 2014\" document by iimjobs.com, which year, 2011 or 2012, recorded a larger healthcare expenditure according to the healthcare expenditure growth chart?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "iimjobshealthcaresector19may2014-140524020649-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "In the \"Healthcare India Sector Notes MAY 2014\" document by iimjobs.com, which year, 2011 or 2012, recorded a larger healthcare expenditure?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1568", "query": "How many more sighted players are there than coaches in the DFB Talent Development Program according to the Organization of the Talent Development Program chart?", "reference_answer": "599000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-td-140715151842-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "How many more sighted players are there than coaches in the DFB Talent Development Program?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1604", "query": "In the \"Healthcare India Sector Notes MAY 2014\" document by iimjobs.com, which year had a higher per capita healthcare expenditure, 2009 or 2011, according to the per capita healthcare expenditure bar chart?", "reference_answer": "2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "iimjobshealthcaresector19may2014-140524020649-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "In the \"Healthcare India Sector Notes MAY 2014\" document by iimjobs.com, which year had a higher per capita healthcare expenditure, 2009 or 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1555", "query": "In Dr. Yasser Mahgoub's Architectural Design Lectures, when comparing the white and red puzzle pieces, is there a greater amount of white or red pieces?", "reference_answer": "White", "meta_info": { "file_name": "design12009designlecture5-concept-100319032731-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "If you compare white puzzle pieces and colored puzzle pieces in the context of the Architectural Design Lectures by Dr. Yasser Mahgoub, is there a greater amount of white or red puzzle pieces?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1566", "query": "On the slide titled Markets That Drive Our Business in the FAIRCHILD Investor Presentation September 2014, how many electronic devices without screens are illustrated?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "fairchildseptember2014investorpresentation-141014132152-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled Markets That Drive Our Business in the FAIRCHILD Investor Presentation September 2014, how many electronic devices without screens can be seen?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1584", "query": "Looking at the UC Web Market Research December 2014 Indonesia country overview, by what percent did \"Smartphone Penetration\" grow between 2013 and 2015, the year the trend of declining ARPU ended?", "reference_answer": "26", "meta_info": { "file_name": "indonesiamobilemarketresearch-ag-150106055934-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 12 ], "origin_query": "Looking at the UC Web Market Research December 2014 Indonesia country overview, by what percent did \"Smartphone Penetration\" grow between 2013 and the year the continued trend of declining ARPU ended?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1588", "query": "On the slide titled CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS with a diagram and a table, how many more Tweets are attributed to Germanwings than Lufthansa?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that has CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS written in it's top-left portion and both a diagram and a table, how many more Tweets are attributed to Germanwings than Lufthansa?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1606", "query": "Among the top five private players listed on the iimjobs.com chart, which has more beds, Apollo Hospitals or Max Hospitals?", "reference_answer": "Apollo Hospitals", "meta_info": { "file_name": "iimjobshealthcaresector19may2014-140524020649-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Among the top five private players, which has more beds, Apollo Hospitals or Max hospital?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1616", "query": "On the slide titled LANDSLIDE LOSSES, in the table displaying economic impact, what is the difference in Yearly losses Million US $ between China and New Zealand?", "reference_answer": "208", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to China and New Zealand in the context of landslide economic impact?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1611", "query": "On the Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics slide marked as number 5, how much greater is the Average (ms) value of System4 compared to System2?", "reference_answer": "2.365", "meta_info": { "file_name": "gcconfessions-150413122429-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "On the slide with the text Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics written across the top and the number 5 on the bottom center of the slide, how much greater is the value attributed to the Average (ms) of System4 than System2?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1600", "query": "According to the AngelList startups by region data, which region, New York or DC, performed better at the monthly startup growth in 2014 1H?", "reference_answer": "New York", "meta_info": { "file_name": "latechmarket-upfrontventures-141007004943-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which region performed better at the monthly startup growth in 2014 1H according to the AngelList startups by region data, New York or DC?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1598", "query": "On the slide that highlights \"LA is #3 largest tech ecosystem in the US\" and includes bar graphs, what is the combined percentage values of both Silicon Valley and New York?", "reference_answer": "38", "meta_info": { "file_name": "latechmarket-upfrontventures-141007004943-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that has the text LA is #3 largest tech ecosystem in the US... on its top and bar graphs, what is the combined percentage values of both Silicon Valley and New York?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1577", "query": "What is the name of the company which produces \"Ibuprofen 200mg Coated Tablets\" in the NSAIDs presentation?", "reference_answer": "Bell's Healthcare", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drugsusedinendodontics-140610222907-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the company which produces \"Ibuprofen 200mg Coated Tablets\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1572", "query": "What is the range of the pain scale mentioned in the Psychology of Pain presentation by Shahid Hussain within the section on Catastrophizing Cognitions?", "reference_answer": "0 to 10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "finalppt-141021055904-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the range of the pain scale mentioned in the Psychology of Pain presentation by Shahid Hussain?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1613", "query": "On the slide titled \"Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics\" with the number 5 at the bottom center of the GC Tuning presentation by Monica Beckwith, how much greater is the Average (ms) value of System4 compared to System3?", "reference_answer": "1.66", "meta_info": { "file_name": "gcconfessions-150413122429-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled \"Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics\" with the number 5 at the bottom center, how much greater is the Average (ms) value of System4 compared to System3 in the GC Tuning presentation by Monica Beckwith?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1595", "query": "On the slide titled \"CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS,\" which includes both a diagram and a table, how many Tweets are attributed in total to Germanwings, the company that updated their corporate home page with a statement on the incident within the first 4 hours, and Airbus?", "reference_answer": "41", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that has CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS written in it's top-left portion and both a diagram and a table, how many Tweets are attributed to Germanwings, the company who updated their corporate home page with a statement on the incident within the first 4 hours, and Airbus in total?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1614", "query": "On the slide titled LANDSLIDE LOSSES, what is the difference in the Yearly losses Million US $ for China and Norway regarding the landslide economic impact?", "reference_answer": "214", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to China and Norway in the context of landslide economic impact?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1612", "query": "On the slide titled \"Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics\" with the number 5 at the bottom center, how much greater is the Average (ms) value of System4 compared to System2, which has a Number of GCs of 34920?", "reference_answer": "2.365", "meta_info": { "file_name": "gcconfessions-150413122429-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "On the slide titled \"Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics\" with the number 5 at the bottom center, how much greater is the Average (ms) value of System4 compared to the system with a Number of GCs of 34920?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1615", "query": "On the slide titled LANDSLIDE LOSSES, what is the difference in Yearly losses Million US $ between China, which experienced a major landslide in 1920, and Norway?", "reference_answer": "214", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to the country that experienced a major landslide in 1920, specifically China, and Norway?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1627", "query": "Which phase in the clinical testing phases of the New Drug Application (NDA) process has the lowest percent successfully completing as shown in the Phases of Clinical Testing chart?", "reference_answer": "Phase3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ndaandaindbyanthonycrasto-141027071531-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Which phase in the clinical testing phases of the New Drug Application (NDA) process is the lowest in percent successfully completing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1602", "query": "Looking at the overall index in the Los Angeles Technology Market report comparing living affordability, which area is more affordable to live, SF or NYC?", "reference_answer": "NYC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "latechmarket-upfrontventures-141007004943-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "Looking at the overall index in the LOS Angeles Technology Market report, which area is more affordable to live, SF or NYC?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1617", "query": "On the slide beginning with LANDSLIDE LOSSES, what is the difference in Yearly losses Million US $ between China, noted for a major 1920 landslide, and New Zealand?", "reference_answer": "208", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to the country that experienced a major landslide in 1920, which is China, and New Zealand?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1608", "query": "On the slide titled Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics with the number 5 at the bottom center, how much greater is the Average (ms) value of System3 compared to System1?", "reference_answer": "13.742", "meta_info": { "file_name": "gcconfessions-150413122429-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "On the slide with the text Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics written across the top and the number 5 on the bottom center of the slide, how much greater is the value attributed to the Average (ms) of System3 than System1?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1599", "query": "Which region, Boston or Chicago, accounts for the larger share of US early-stage startups according to the AngelList data on tech ecosystems?", "reference_answer": "Boston", "meta_info": { "file_name": "latechmarket-upfrontventures-141007004943-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Which region accounts for the larger share of US early-stage startups, Boston or Chicago?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1635", "query": "Which type of mobile phone has more users in 2014 according to the Internet Trends 2015 report by Mary Meeker, as shown in the pie chart of global population penetration?", "reference_answer": "Feature Phone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "marymeekersinternettrends2015underlined-150604010855-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which type of mobile phone has more users in 2014 according to the Internet Trends 2015 report by Mary Meeker?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1620", "query": "On the slide titled LANDSLIDE LOSSES, referring to the table on that slide, what is the difference in the Yearly losses Million US $ value between China and Canada regarding landslide impacts?", "reference_answer": "17", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to China and Canada in the context of landslide impacts?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1610", "query": "On the slide labeled Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics with the number 5, how much greater is the Average (ms) value of System4 compared to System1?", "reference_answer": "15.402", "meta_info": { "file_name": "gcconfessions-150413122429-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "On the slide with the text Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics written across the top and the number 5 on the bottom center of the slide, how much greater is the value attributed to the Average (ms) of System4 than System1?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1619", "query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table from ITC, Netherlands, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to China, the country that experienced a major landslide in 1920 Haiyuan, and Hong Kong?", "reference_answer": "195", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to China, the country that experienced a major landslide in 1920, and Hong Kong?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1624", "query": "What occurs during Block 1 in the Drug Development Process as shown in the \"The Two Translational Blocks\" diagram in the New Drug Application (NDA) document by Dr. Anthony Crasto?", "reference_answer": "Translation from basic science to human studies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ndaandaindbyanthonycrasto-141027071531-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What occurs during Block 1 in the Drug Development Process as described in the New Drug Application (NDA) document by Dr. Anthony Crasto?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1618", "query": "On the slide labeled LANDSLIDE LOSSES, what is the difference in Yearly losses Million US $ between China and Hong Kong according to the table on landslide impacts?", "reference_answer": "195", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to China and Hong Kong in the context of landslide impacts?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1640", "query": "Micro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile was created by what company shown in the cover image?", "reference_answer": "Google", "meta_info": { "file_name": "micromoments-guide-to-winning-shift-to-mobile-download-150925140608-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "Micro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile was created by what company?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1605", "query": "Regarding the projected growth of healthcare expenditure in the Indian Healthcare Sector Notes May 2014 by iimjobs.com, which year was expected to be higher, 2014 or 2015 in terms of USD billion?", "reference_answer": "2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "iimjobshealthcaresector19may2014-140524020649-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the projected growth of healthcare expenditure in the Indian Healthcare Sector Notes May 2014 by iimjobs.com, which year was expected to be higher, 2014 or 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1628", "query": "What is the difference in percent successfully completing between Phase 1 and Phase 2 in the Phases of Clinical Testing table?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ndaandaindbyanthonycrasto-141027071531-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percent successfully completing between Phase 1 and Phase 2 in the New Drug Application (NDA) process?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1607", "query": "Among the key players in the Indian pharmaceuticals market featured in the Healthcare India Sector Notes May 2014 by iimjobs.com, which company's revenue is larger, Lupin Limited or Cipla?", "reference_answer": "Lupin Limited", "meta_info": { "file_name": "iimjobshealthcaresector19may2014-140524020649-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Among the key players in the Indian pharmaceuticals market, which company's revenue is larger, Lupin Limited or Cipla, according to the Healthcare India Sector Notes May 2014 by iimjobs.com?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1609", "query": "On the slide titled Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics with the number 5 at the bottom, how much greater is the Average (ms) value of System3 compared to System2?", "reference_answer": "0.705", "meta_info": { "file_name": "gcconfessions-150413122429-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "On the slide with the text Performance Engineering - Response Time Metrics written across the top and the number 5 on the bottom center of the slide, how much greater is the value attributed to the Average (ms) of System3 than System2?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1623", "query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to the country that experienced a major landslide in 1920, specifically Haiyuan, China, and Spain?", "reference_answer": "280", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to the country that experienced a major landslide in 1920, specifically China, and Spain?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1649", "query": "In the Andreessen Horowitz presentation \"Mobile is Eating the World\" by Benedict Evans, according to the ITU.a16z data shown in the \"Growth into the Bubble\" graph, in which year were there more People online?", "reference_answer": "2000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mewa16z-150619153942-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "In the Andreessen Horowitz presentation \"Mobile is Eating the World\" by Benedict Evans, in which year were there more People online according to the ITU.a16z data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1641", "query": "1 in how many smartphone users has purchased from a company or brand other than the one they intended to because of information provided in the moment they needed it, according to the \"Be There\" Micro-Moments guide by Google?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "micromoments-guide-to-winning-shift-to-mobile-download-150925140608-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "1 in how many smartphone users has purchased from a company or brand other than the one they intended to because of information provided in the moment they needed it, according to the Micro-Moments guide by Google?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1626", "query": "In what stage of the Drug Development Process does the phase whose purpose is some short-term safety but mainly effectiveness take place according to the New Drug Application (NDA) document by Dr. Anthony Crasto in the Phases of Clinical Testing presentation?", "reference_answer": "Clinical studies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ndaandaindbyanthonycrasto-141027071531-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 20 ], "origin_query": "In what stage of the Drug Development Process does the phase whose purpose is some short-term safety but mainly effectiveness take place according to the New Drug Application (NDA) document by Dr. Anthony Crasto?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1632", "query": "Which region represents the second largest percentage of mobile payment market share according to the M-CodeOne Mobile Payments infographic?", "reference_answer": "Asia/ Pacific", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mcodeonev2-130429170936-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which region represents the second largest percentage of mobile payment market share according to the M-CodeOne presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1579", "query": "On the slide with the text \"Hurdles of different intensity\" in the Hurdle Technology presentation by Drishya Mohan, how many more tall hurdles are there than medium in the diagram?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "drishya-140612123841-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "On the slide with the text \"Hurdles of different intensity\" written at its center in the Hurdle Technology presentation by Drishya Mohan, how many more tall hurdles are there than medium?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1631", "query": "What is the difference in percentage of Americans who have used their mobile phone to make a purchase between 2011 and 2012, as shown in the 'How Will You Be Paying?' infographic?", "reference_answer": "15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mcodeonev2-130429170936-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percentage of Americans who have used their mobile phone to make a purchase between 2011 and 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1642", "query": "Which brand shows the least share of interest in the auto insurance industry according to the Micro-Moments guide by Google in \"Know and Grow Your Share of Intent\"?", "reference_answer": "Brand C", "meta_info": { "file_name": "micromoments-guide-to-winning-shift-to-mobile-download-150925140608-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which brand shows the least share of interest in the auto insurance industry according to the Micro-Moments guide by Google?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1633", "query": "What is the change in percentage in USA internet users from 1995 to 2014 as shown in the KPCB internet usage pie charts?", "reference_answer": "-51", "meta_info": { "file_name": "marymeekersinternettrends2015underlined-150604010855-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the change in percentage in USA internet users from 1995 to 2014 globally?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1639", "query": "In what year were there 2.1 billion internet users according to the Global Smartphone Subscriptions chart, 2011 or 2014?", "reference_answer": "2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "marymeekersinternettrends2015underlined-150604010855-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "In what year were there 2.1 billion internet users, 2011 or 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1644", "query": "What is the name of the suggested app ad in the pictured Facebook feed within the Native Ads—Redefining Your Social Strategy section of the Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2014 by FunMobility?", "reference_answer": "Game of War - Fire Age", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobile-advertising-trends-report-2014-140925094854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the suggested app ad in the pictured Facebook feed within the Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2014 by FunMobility?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1530", "query": "How many large chairs can be seen in the DesignInTech Report slide titled \"Combining Design, Tech, and Business: Example 2 (18th c)\"?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "designintechfinalslides-150315131912-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "How many large chairs can be seen in the DesignInTech Report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1651", "query": "Which category has the fewest unit sales in 2014 when during Q4 34% of Chinese teenagers expressed a desire for an iPhone, according to the ANDREESSEN HOROWITZ MOBILE IS EATING THE WORLD report?", "reference_answer": "Game consoles", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mewa16z-150619153942-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 19 ], "origin_query": "Which category has the fewest unit sales in the year in which during Q4 34% of Chinese teenagers said they wanted an iPhone, according to the ANDREESSEN HOROWITZ MOBILE IS EATING THE WORLD report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1637", "query": "What is the total Market Cap for companies situated in China in May 2015 according to the INTERNET TRENDS 2015 report by Mary Meeker, specifically focusing on the Global Public Internet Companies?", "reference_answer": "542157", "meta_info": { "file_name": "marymeekersinternettrends2015underlined-150604010855-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the total Market Cap for companies situated in China in May 2015 according to the INTERNET TRENDS 2015 report by Mary Meeker?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1653", "query": "What is the New tech center of gravity regarding Computing platform according to the Andreessen Horowitz presentation \"Tech center of gravity moves from Seattle and Finland\"?", "reference_answer": "Apple & Google", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mewa16z-150619153942-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What is the New tech center of gravity regarding Computing platform according to the Andreessen Horowitz presentation \"Mobile is Eating the World\"?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1652", "query": "What is the difference in the percentage of phone brands that Chinese teenagers want between Xiaomi and Samsung according to the Chinese handset players growing fast report?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mewa16z-150619153942-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in the percentage of phone brands that Chinese teenagers want between Xiaomi and Samsung?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1581", "query": "On the slide titled \"Country Overview\" featuring a list that begins with \"Population: (July 2013 est.) 251,160,124\" and a chart of GDP per capita, how much greater is the GDP per capita for 2012 than 2011?", "reference_answer": "198", "meta_info": { "file_name": "indonesiamobilemarketresearch-ag-150106055934-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text Country Overview in the top-left corner and is followed with a bulleted list with the first entry in that list being Population: (July 2013 est.) 251,160,124, how much greater is the GDP per capita for 2012 than 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1658", "query": "What is the difference in percentage from Year 0 to Year 3 regarding cumulative abnormal returns for bribing companies as depicted in the Cumulative Abnormal Returns graph from the American Conference Institute's 3rd Asia Pacific Summit on Anti-Corruption Compliance and Risk Management?", "reference_answer": "8.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "managingriskfromtoptobottombyericpesik-141201160350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percentage from Year 0 to Year 3 regarding cumulative abnormal returns in the context of companies that bribe, as discussed in the American Conference Institute's 3rd Asia Pacific Summit on Anti-Corruption Compliance and Risk Management?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1625", "query": "In what stage does Phase II take place in the Drug Development Process outlined within the New Drug Development and Review Process?", "reference_answer": "Clinical studies", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ndaandaindbyanthonycrasto-141027071531-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "In what stage does Phase II take place in the Drug Development Process outlined by Dr. Anthony Crasto?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1629", "query": "What percentage is reported for \"Never seem to have cash on them\" in the M-CodeOne Mobile Payment Corporation presentation titled \"The Future of Money\"?", "reference_answer": "43", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mcodeonev2-130429170936-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is reported for \"Never seem to have cash on them\" in the M-CodeOne Mobile Payment Corporation presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1656", "query": "What is the net profit margin percentage for companies that bribe in Year 0 as shown in the Net Profit Margin chart?", "reference_answer": "-0.20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "managingriskfromtoptobottombyericpesik-141201160350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the net profit margin percentage for companies that bribe in Year 0?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1643", "query": "What percent of smartphone users are likely to buy from companies whose mobile sites or apps provide instructional video content, as shown in the \"How to Be Useful: I-Want-to-Do Moments\" guide by Google?", "reference_answer": "48", "meta_info": { "file_name": "micromoments-guide-to-winning-shift-to-mobile-download-150925140608-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What percent of smartphone users are likely to buy from companies whose mobile sites or apps provide instructional video content according to the Micro-Moments guide by Google?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1650", "query": "Which category has the fewest unit sales in 2014 according to the \"Phones have scale that's unique in tech\" slide from the ANDREESSEN HOROWITZ presentation?", "reference_answer": "Game consoles", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mewa16z-150619153942-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Which category has the fewest unit sales in 2014 according to the ANDREESSEN HOROWITZ Mobile is Eating the World presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1582", "query": "On the UC Web slide starting with \"Country Overview,\" with a bulleted list starting with \"Population: (July 2013 est.) 251,160,124,\" how much greater is the GDP per capita for 2012 than the year with a Gender Ratio of 50.37 Male to 49.63 Female?", "reference_answer": "198", "meta_info": { "file_name": "indonesiamobilemarketresearch-ag-150106055934-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text Country Overview in the top-left corner and is followed with a bulleted list with the first entry in that list being Population: (July 2013 est.) 251,160,124, how much greater is the GDP per capita for 2012 than for the year the Gender Ratio was 50.37 Male to 49.63 Female? ?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1663", "query": "How much has the value of India's metals and mining industry increased (in billions) between 2007 and 2011 according to the IBEF report?", "reference_answer": "67.9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "metalsmining-august2013-130926012516-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How much has the value of India's metals and mining industry increased (in billions) between 2007 and 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1665", "query": "What percentage of India's metals and mining industry is associated with aluminum according to the August 2013 IBEF report?", "reference_answer": "3.2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "metalsmining-august2013-130926012516-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of India's metals and mining industry is associated with aluminum?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1660", "query": "Which Position accounts for 42% of Occupational Fraud in the Occupational Fraud Frequency by Position of Perpetrator chart, Employee or Manager?", "reference_answer": "Employee", "meta_info": { "file_name": "managingriskfromtoptobottombyericpesik-141201160350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "Which Position accounts for 42% of Occupational Fraud, Employee or Manager?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1636", "query": "According to the Internet Trends 2015 report by Mary Meeker, which type of mobile phone has more users in the year with 2.8B internet users?", "reference_answer": "Feature Phone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "marymeekersinternettrends2015underlined-150604010855-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "Which type of mobile phone has more users in the year there were 2.8B internet users according to the Internet Trends 2015 report by Mary Meeker?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1597", "query": "On the slide labeled with \"CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS,\" which includes a diagram and a table, how many more Tweets are attributed to Lufthansa compared to Airbus, the company that updated their corporate home page with a statement on the incident within the first 4 hours?", "reference_answer": "17", "meta_info": { "file_name": "germanwingsdigitalcrisisanalysis-150403064828-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that has CORPORATE ACTIVITY BY THE NUMBERS written in its top-left portion and both a diagram and a table, how many more Tweets are attributed to Lufthansa, the company that updated their corporate home page with a statement on the incident within the first 4 hours, compared to Airbus?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1647", "query": "What vertical accounts for 33.3% of retail mobile ad spend according to the Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2014?", "reference_answer": "Big Box Stores", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobile-advertising-trends-report-2014-140925094854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What vertical accounts for 33.3% of retail mobile ad spend?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1664", "query": "How much has the value of India's metals and mining industry increased (in billions) between 2007 and 2011, the year in which Aluminum Consumption was 1.6 million tonnes?", "reference_answer": "67.9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "metalsmining-august2013-130926012516-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 18 ], "origin_query": "How much has the value of India's metals and mining industry increased (in billions) between 2007 and the year in which Aluminum Consumption was 1.6 million tonnes?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1666", "query": "What percentage of India's metals and mining industry in 2012 is associated with aluminium, whose consumption was 1.7 million tonnes?", "reference_answer": "3.2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "metalsmining-august2013-130926012516-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 18 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of India's metals and mining industry is associated with the metal whose Consumption was 1.7 million tonnes in 2012?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1557", "query": "How many steps are described in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs before reaching Self-Actualization?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "design12009designlecture5-concept-100319032731-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "How many steps are there before reaching Self-Actualization?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1648", "query": "What is the average CTR of Non-Mobile Ads according to the Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2014 by FunMobility in the Finance Industry section?", "reference_answer": ".09", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobile-advertising-trends-report-2014-140925094854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What is the average CTR of Non-Mobile Ads according to the Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2014 by FunMobility?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1646", "query": "How much more projected mobile US ad spend (in millions of dollars) in 2014, the year eMarketer predicts video ad spending will grow by 50%, is attributed to Retail compared to Telecom?", "reference_answer": "2410", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobile-advertising-trends-report-2014-140925094854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 18 ], "origin_query": "How much more projected mobile US ad spend (in millions of dollars) in the year that eMarketer predicts that video ad spending will grow by 50% is attributed to Retail compared to Telecom?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1630", "query": "What percentage of cell phones worldwide use Mobile Payment according to the \"Growing Mobile Payments Market\" slide in the M-CodeOne Mobile Payment Corporation presentation?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mcodeonev2-130429170936-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of cell phones worldwide use Mobile Payment according to the M-CodeOne Mobile Payment Corporation presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1662", "query": "In what year did the Central Government promulgate Industrial Policy Resolution according to the Evolution of the Indian Metals and Mining Sector timeline?", "reference_answer": "1956", "meta_info": { "file_name": "metalsmining-august2013-130926012516-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "In what year did the Central Government promulgate Industrial Policy Resolution?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1672", "query": "What is the Core product of Intel according to the Eight Centres of Gravity: consolidation of power chart?", "reference_answer": "Atom", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobilemegatrends2009visionmobilenew-090226011714-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the Core product of Intel?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1677", "query": "At which frequency did the most LinkedIn users report accessing their profiles according to the \"How Are People Really Using LinkedIn?\" study by Mashable, July 2011?", "reference_answer": "Daily", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedin101ppt-130804174926-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "At which frequency did the most LinkedIn users report regarding how often they access their profiles according to the \"How Are People Really Using LinkedIn?\" Mashable, July 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1569", "query": "How many more bases are there than base coordinators in the Organization of the DFB Talent Development Program?", "reference_answer": "337", "meta_info": { "file_name": "dfb-td-140715151842-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "How many more bases are there than base coordinators in the DFB Talent Development Program?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1683", "query": "According to the IDC Smartphone OS Market Share data for Q2 2014, which has a higher percentage: Windows Phone or Blackberry OS?", "reference_answer": "Windows Phone", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nativesummit-140908132043-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which has a higher percentage in Q2 2014 according to the IDC Smartphone OS Market Share data: Windows Phone or Blackberry?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1654", "query": "What Position reports the highest Median Loss to Fraud in the chart showing Executive/Owner, Manager, and Employee?", "reference_answer": "Executive/Owner", "meta_info": { "file_name": "managingriskfromtoptobottombyericpesik-141201160350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What Position reports the highest Median Loss to Fraud, Executive/Owner or Manager?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1676", "query": "What percentage of users reported that they primarily use Facebook for professional networking according to the \"Maximizing Brand Performance\" presentation by LeapFrog Interactive, in the context of LinkedIn’s professional networking usage data?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedin101ppt-130804174926-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of users reported that they primarily use Facebook for professional networking according to the \"Maximizing Brand Performance\" presentation by LeapFrog Interactive?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1684", "query": "Which Android version makes up 10.6% of the total in the comparison with iOS chart?", "reference_answer": "4.0.3 - 4.0.4 (ICS)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nativesummit-140908132043-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Which Android version makes up 10.6% of the total?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1655", "query": "What position reports the highest Median Loss to Fraud in the 2014 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, Executive/Owner or the position with a 26.2% frequency of occupational fraud?", "reference_answer": "Executive/Owner", "meta_info": { "file_name": "managingriskfromtoptobottombyericpesik-141201160350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 19 ], "origin_query": "What Position reports the highest Median Loss to Fraud, Executive/Owner or the position that is the perpetrator of 26.2% of occupational fraud?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1686", "query": "What is the change in percentage of Android from Q2 2011 to Q2 2014 in IDC Smartphone OS Market Share data?", "reference_answer": "48.6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nativesummit-140908132043-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the change in percentage of Android from Q2 2011 to Q2 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1659", "query": "What is the difference in percentage from Year 0 to the year that sales growth was 1.40% regarding cumulative abnormal returns for companies that bribe, as seen in the American Conference Institute's 3rd Asia Pacific Summit on Anti-Corruption Compliance and Risk Management chart?", "reference_answer": "8.4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "managingriskfromtoptobottombyericpesik-141201160350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percentage from Year 0 to the year that sales growth was 1.40% regarding cumulative abnormal returns in the context of companies that bribe, as discussed in the American Conference Institute's 3rd Asia Pacific Summit on Anti-Corruption Compliance and Risk Management?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1645", "query": "How much more projected mobile US ad spend (in millions of dollars) in 2014 is attributed to Retail compared to Telecom in the 2014 Projected US Mobile Ad Spend chart?", "reference_answer": "2410", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobile-advertising-trends-report-2014-140925094854-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "How much more projected mobile US ad spend (in millions of dollars) in 2014 is attributed to Retail compared to Telecom?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1667", "query": "What country is the second largest producer of crude steel in 2012 according to the IBEF Metals and Mining report?", "reference_answer": "Japan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "metalsmining-august2013-130926012516-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What country is the second largest producer of crude steel in 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1657", "query": "What is the net profit margin percentage for companies that bribe in the year that Sales Growth is marked at 3.20%, according to the given charts?", "reference_answer": "-0.20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "managingriskfromtoptobottombyericpesik-141201160350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the net profit margin percentage for companies that bribe in the year that Sales Growth is 3.20%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1682", "query": "What Smartphone OS had the highest Worldwide Market Share in 2013Q3 according to the Worldwide Smartphone OS Market Share chart, Android or the OS that controls most of the high-end device market?", "reference_answer": "Android", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nativesummit-140908132043-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 8 ], "origin_query": "What Smartphone OS had the highest Worldwide Market Share in 2013Q3, Android or the OS that controls most of the high-end device market?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1622", "query": "On the slide titled LANDSLIDE LOSSES, what is the difference in Yearly losses Million US $ between China and Spain regarding landslide economic impact?", "reference_answer": "280", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to China and Spain in the context of landslide economic impact?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1661", "query": "Which Position accounts for 42% of Occupational Fraud in the 2014 Report to the Nations, Employee or the position who, when perpetrating fraud, is responsible for a median loss (USD) of $130,000?", "reference_answer": "Employee", "meta_info": { "file_name": "managingriskfromtoptobottombyericpesik-141201160350-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 19 ], "origin_query": "Which Position accounts for 42% of Occupational Fraud, Employee or the position who, when perpetrating fraud, is responsible for a median loss (USD) of $130,000?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1681", "query": "What Smartphone OS had the highest Worldwide Market Share in 2013Q3, Android or iOS, according to the IDC Smartphone OS Market Share chart?", "reference_answer": "Android", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nativesummit-140908132043-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What Smartphone OS had the highest Worldwide Market Share in 2013Q3, Android or iOS?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1673", "query": "In which phase, differentiation or utility, of Market Gravity: the Rise and Fall of Market Value, are ring-back tones located?", "reference_answer": "differentiation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobilemegatrends2009visionmobilenew-090226011714-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "In which phase are ring-back tones located, differentiation or utility?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1687", "query": "What is the change in percentage of Android OS, which has 18,796 distinct devices, from Q2 2011 to Q2 2014?", "reference_answer": "48.6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nativesummit-140908132043-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the change in percentage of the OS which has 18,796 distinct devices from Q2 2011 to Q2 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1703", "query": "What is the Source of the data for Facebook's Audience in the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn presentation by Brian Honigman, as shown in the bar chart?", "reference_answer": "eMarketer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the Source of the data for Facebook's Audience in the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn presentation by Brian Honigman?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1669", "query": "What is the name of the company that is presenting the \"Mobile Megatrends 2009\" presentation by VisionMobile?", "reference_answer": "VisionMobile", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobilemegatrends2009visionmobilenew-090226011714-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the company that is presenting the \"Mobile Megatrends 2009\" presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1638", "query": "What is the total Market Cap for companies situated in China in May 2015 according to the INTERNET TRENDS 2015 report by Mary Meeker?", "reference_answer": "542157", "meta_info": { "file_name": "marymeekersinternettrends2015underlined-150604010855-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the total Market Cap for companies situated in China in May of the year in which Facebook saw 29% Y/Y Growth in Q1 according to the INTERNET TRENDS 2015 report by Mary Meeker?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1694", "query": "Were worldwide app revenues higher in 2013 or 2014 according to the App Revenue presentation chart?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "monetizationslides-150116120943-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Were worldwide app revenues higher in 2013 or 2014 according to the IALLAS ADP IEVELOPERS presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1692", "query": "How many total mobile apps were downloaded worldwide in 2016 and 2017 according to the Mobile App Downloads: The Future presentation?", "reference_answer": "493493", "meta_info": { "file_name": "monetizationslides-150116120943-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "How many total mobile apps were downloaded worldwide in 2016 and 2017 according to the IALLAS ADP IEVELOPERS presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1696", "query": "What car manufacturer ad featuring a red vehicle appears on the LinkedIn page example from a site with a reported audience total of 12,838,809 in Africa?", "reference_answer": "Jaguar", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedinsalesdeck-140604040835-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 5 ], "origin_query": "What car manufacturer ad is shown in the example page of the site that has a total audience in Africa of 12,838,809?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1698", "query": "How many LinkedIn members are there in South Africa, where 71% of the audience uses LinkedIn to network with other professionals?", "reference_answer": "3284448", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedinsalesdeck-140604040835-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 14 ], "origin_query": "How many LinkedIn members are there in the country where 71% of the audience uses LinkedIn to network with other professionals?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1675", "query": "How many comments are made under the LinkedIn post by Robert Fouse in the LinkedIn 101 section of the LeapFrog Interactive presentation?", "reference_answer": "6,820", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedin101ppt-130804174926-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "How many comments are made under the Facebook post by Robert Fouse in the LeapFrog Interactive presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1693", "query": "In \"Mobile App Downloads: The Future,\" how many total mobile apps were downloaded in 2016 and the year in which global mobile app revenues was projected to be 76.52 billion US dollars (in millions)?", "reference_answer": "493493", "meta_info": { "file_name": "monetizationslides-150116120943-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 10 ], "origin_query": "How many total mobile apps were downloaded in 2016 and the year in which global mobile app revenues was projected to be 76.52 billion US dollars (in millions)?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1699", "query": "According to the Habari Media slide on how the South African audience uses LinkedIn, which reason has the lowest percentage?", "reference_answer": "Seek career opportunities", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedinsalesdeck-140604040835-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Which reason for using LinkedIn has the lowest percentage according to the South African audience data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1697", "query": "How many LinkedIn members are there in South Africa according to the LinkedIn Audience in Africa map by Habari Media?", "reference_answer": "3284448", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedinsalesdeck-140604040835-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many LinkedIn members are there in South Africa?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1688", "query": "How much did the number of downloads increase from Oct '11 to Oct '14 according to the Apple App Download Growth chart (in billions)?", "reference_answer": "67", "meta_info": { "file_name": "monetizationslides-150116120943-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How much did the number of downloads increase from Oct '11 to Oct '14 (in billions)?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1670", "query": "What position did Nokia start from in the VisionMobile Mobile Megatrends 2009 report as seen in the Eight Centres of Gravity diagram?", "reference_answer": "Hardware platform", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobilemegatrends2009visionmobilenew-090226011714-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What position did Nokia start from in the VisionMobile Mobile Megatrends 2009 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1621", "query": "On the slide titled LANDSLIDE LOSSES, what is the difference in Yearly losses Million US $ between the country with a major landslide in 1920, identified as China, and Canada?", "reference_answer": "17", "meta_info": { "file_name": "landslides-150301232437-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 16 ], "origin_query": "On the slide that starts with the text LANDSLIDE LOSSES, looking at the table on that slide, what is the difference between the Yearly losses Million US $ value attributed to the country that experienced a major landslide in 1920, which is China, and Canada?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1690", "query": "Which store reported more app downloads in Q3 2014, as presented in \"Google Play vs. Apple\"?", "reference_answer": "Google Play", "meta_info": { "file_name": "monetizationslides-150116120943-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which store reported more app downloads in Q3 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1685", "query": "In the Vision Mobile report, which OS version, where 42% of developers use a non-native language, constitutes 10.6% of the total?", "reference_answer": "4.0.3 - 4.0.4 (ICS)", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nativesummit-140908132043-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16, 20 ], "origin_query": "Which version of the OS in which 42% of developers use something other than their native language makes up 10.6% of the total?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1713", "query": "What is the difference in number of online shoppers (in millions) from 2011 to 2012 according to the 2013 PayPal Insights: e-commerce in the Middle East shown in the MENA E-commerce Market image?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in number of online shoppers (in millions) from 2011 to 2012 according to the 2013 PayPal Insights: e-commerce in the Middle East?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1678", "query": "At which frequency did the most users of LinkedIn, according to the chart where 39% have a premium account, report accessing their profiles?", "reference_answer": "Daily", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedin101ppt-130804174926-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 19 ], "origin_query": "At which frequency did the most users of LinkedIn, where 39% of members have a premium account, report regarding how often they access their profiles?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1705", "query": "What age range accounts for the most Facebook users according to the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn presentation by Brian Honigman?", "reference_answer": "25 - 34", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What age range accounts for the most Facebook users according to the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn presentation by Brian Honigman?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1691", "query": "Which store, according to the \"Google Play vs. Apple\" chart, reported more app downloads in Q3 of the year with 138,809 million mobile app downloads?", "reference_answer": "Google Play", "meta_info": { "file_name": "monetizationslides-150116120943-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "Which store reported more app downloads in Q3 of the year in which there were 138,809 million mobile app downloads?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1680", "query": "What percentage of LinkedIn users, with 115 million active users worldwide, pay for a premium account at $39.95 per month or more?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedin101ppt-130804174926-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 19 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of users of the social media platform with 115 million active users world-wide pay for a premium account at $39.95 per month or more?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1711", "query": "In 2013, according to Twitter's Audience data, what is the total percentage of online adult Twitter users in the \"White, Non-Hispanic\" and \"Hispanic\" categories?", "reference_answer": "32", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "In 2013, what is the total percentage of online adult Twitter users in the \"White, Non-Hispanic\" and \"Hispanic\" categories?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1634", "query": "What is the change in percentage in internet users from 1995 to 2014 globally, as shown in the Netscape home country internet market report?", "reference_answer": "-51", "meta_info": { "file_name": "marymeekersinternettrends2015underlined-150604010855-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the change in percentage in internet users in the home country of Netscape from 1995 to 2014 globally?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1722", "query": "In Lebanon, the country with 9% E-Commerce penetration, what is the combined total percentage of Airline Tickets and Hotel bookings purchased online according to the top products purchased report from the MENA E-Commerce Market?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 8 ], "origin_query": "In Lebanon, the country with 9% E-Commerce penetration, what is the combined total percentage of Airline Tickets and Hotel bookings purchased online according to the MENA E-Commerce Market report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1668", "query": "What country is the second largest producer of crude steel in the year India's Aluminum Consumption was 1.7 million tonnes as shown in the IBEF Metals and Mining report?", "reference_answer": "Japan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "metalsmining-august2013-130926012516-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 18 ], "origin_query": "What country is the second largest producer of crude steel in the year in which India's Aluminum Consumption was 1.7 million tonnes according to the IBEF Metals and Mining report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1714", "query": "What is the difference in number of online shoppers (in millions) from 2011 to 2012 in which Cash on Delivery amounted to 80% of payment methods according to the MENA E-Commerce Market report by Mohammad Hijazi?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in number of online shoppers (in millions) from 2011 to the year in which Cash on Delivery amounted to 80% of payment methods according to the MENA E-Commerce Market report by Mohammad Hijazi?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1701", "query": "What is the name of the man whose LinkedIn profile is shown in the Defining Your Audience slide of the HABARI MEDIA document?", "reference_answer": "Jeff Weiner", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedinsalesdeck-140604040835-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the man whose LinkedIn profile is shown in the HABARI MEDIA document?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1717", "query": "In the chart titled \"E-commerce Popularity in the Region,\" what percentage is given for those in Kuwait who have paid their bills online in the past 6 months?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is given for those in Kuwait who have paid their bills online in the past 6 months?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1720", "query": "In the UAE, the country with 46% E-Commerce penetration, which website has a higher percentage of average monthly internet reach: amazon.com or cobone.com?", "reference_answer": "cobone.com", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 7 ], "origin_query": "In the country with 46% E-Commerce penetration, which website has a higher percentage of average monthly internet reach: amazon.com or cobone.com?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1679", "query": "What percentage of LinkedIn users pay for a premium account at $39.95 per month or more, according to the LinkedIn Accounts presentation slide?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedin101ppt-130804174926-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of LinkedIn users pay for a premium account at $39.95 per month or more?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1707", "query": "How many likes does the Facebook post by Disneyland have according to the Facebook Content Types slide in the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn presentation by Brian Honigman?", "reference_answer": "4,257", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "How many likes does the Facebook post by Disneyland have according to the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn presentation by Brian Honigman?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1721", "query": "In the context of Lebanon's top online purchases, what is the combined total percentage of Airline Tickets and Hotel bookings?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "In Lebanon, what is the combined total percentage of Airline Tickets and Hotel bookings purchased online?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1695", "query": "What car manufacturer ad is shown in the example LinkedIn page within the HABARI MEDIA section highlighting TOP 10 Site in South Africa?", "reference_answer": "Jaguar", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedinsalesdeck-140604040835-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What car manufacturer ad is shown in the example LinkedIn page within the HABARI MEDIA section?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1708", "query": "How many likes does the Facebook post by Disneyland have that correlates with the audience percentage of 10.6 for Age 65+?", "reference_answer": "4,257", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "How many likes does the post by Disneyland have on Facebook, which has an audience of 10.6 for Age 65+?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1702", "query": "What is the name of the man whose profile is shown on LinkedIn, a site used by 71% of the South African audience to network with other professionals?", "reference_answer": "Jeff Weiner", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedinsalesdeck-140604040835-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the man whose profile on the site that 71% of the South African audience uses to network with other professionals is shown?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1689", "query": "How much did the number of app downloads increase from the month and year when there were 500,000 available apps in the Apple App # Growth chart to October 2014 according to the Apple App Download Growth data (in billions)?", "reference_answer": "67", "meta_info": { "file_name": "monetizationslides-150116120943-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "How much did the number of downloads increase from the month and year when there were 500,000 available apps on the Apple App Store to Oct '14 (in billions)?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1725", "query": "Which country has a higher percentage of consumer debt (of GDP) in the infographic comparing the Philippines and USA?", "reference_answer": "USA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a higher percentage of consumer debt (of GDP), USA or the Philippines?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1671", "query": "What position did the company whose core product is SOS + S60, as depicted in Eight Centres of Gravity: consolidation of power, start from?", "reference_answer": "Hardware platform", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobilemegatrends2009visionmobilenew-090226011714-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 12 ], "origin_query": "What position did the company whose core product is SOS + S60 start from?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1716", "query": "Which country reports the lowest percentage of E-Commerce money transfer usage in the past 6 months according to E-Commerce Popularity in the Region, Egypt or the country with 25% E-Commerce penetration?", "reference_answer": "Egypt", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Which country reports the lowest percentage of E-Commerce money transfer usage in the past 6 months, Egypt or the country with 25% E-Commerce penetration?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1718", "query": "What percentage is given for those in Kuwait with 35% E-Commerce penetration who have paid their bills online in the past 6 months?", "reference_answer": "13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is given for those in the country with 35% E-Commerce penetration who have paid their bills online in the past 6 months?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1719", "query": "In the UAE's top e-commerce websites chart, which website has a higher percentage of average monthly internet reach: amazon.com or cobone.com?", "reference_answer": "cobone.com", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "In the UAE, which website has a higher percentage of average monthly internet reach: amazon.com or cobone.com?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1724", "query": "What is the difference between the Median age of the USA and the Philippines as shown in the Philippines vis-a-vis USA comparison in the Philippines Startup Report?", "reference_answer": "14", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference between the Median age of the USA and the Philippines, the country identified as having the fastest growing economy in Asia in the Philippines Startup Report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1744", "query": "What is the combined number of NGOs supported by the GF for Serbia and Tajikistan as shown in the UNDP NGO Social Contracting graph?", "reference_answer": "55", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ngosocialcontractingenundpfinal-160224122114_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined number of NGOs supported by the GF for Serbia and Tajikistan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1729", "query": "What is the difference in e-commerce revenue (in billions of dollars) between USA and China according to the Web & Mobile section in the Philippines Startup Report by World Startup Report?", "reference_answer": "233", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in e-commerce revenue (in billions of dollars) between USA and China according to the Philippines Startup Report by World Startup Report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1746", "query": "In the context of NGO Social Contracting's presentation, which country, Ukraine or Moldova, has a higher percentage of HIV prevalence among People who inject drugs?", "reference_answer": "Ukraine", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ngosocialcontractingenundpfinal-160224122114_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a higher percentage of HIV prevalence in the population of People who inject drugs: Ukraine or Moldova?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1742", "query": "In the ART coverage chart by UNDP, which country has the lowest number of PLHIV on ART, Montenegro or Bosnia and Herzegovina?", "reference_answer": "Montenegro", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ngosocialcontractingenundpfinal-160224122114_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Which country has the lowest number of PLHIV - on ART, Montenegro or Bosnia and Herzegovina?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1709", "query": "In the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn document by Brian Honigman, in which year is there a lower percentage of Twitter users from rural locations according to the Pew Research Center's Internet Project Twitter Audience data?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "In the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn document by Brian Honigman, in which year is there a lower percentage of Twitter users from rural locations according to the Pew Research Center's Internet Project?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1748", "query": "What is the change in percentage of internet users who use social networking sites from Winter 2005 to Fall 2010 according to the SNS trend over time graph?", "reference_answer": "53", "meta_info": { "file_name": "pacaaronsmithpresentation-140729112205-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the change in percentage of internet users who use social networking sites from Winter 2005 to Fall 2010?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1736", "query": "Regarding the Apache Flink Stack in the Chicago Apache Flink Meetup June 30th, 2015 document, which row is the Cluster block located in under the DEPLOY section?", "reference_answer": "DEPLOY", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofapacheflinkbyslimbaltagi-150707030808-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Apache Flink Stack in the Chicago Apache Flink Meetup June 30th, 2015 document, which row is the Cluster block located in?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1749", "query": "In Fall 2012, what percentage of internet users used social networking sites according to the SNS trend over time chart?", "reference_answer": "67", "meta_info": { "file_name": "pacaaronsmithpresentation-140729112205-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "In Fall 2012, what percentage of internet users used social networking sites?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1751", "query": "In 2013, according to Pew Research Center, which social media site had the highest percentage of online adults using it?", "reference_answer": "Facebook", "meta_info": { "file_name": "pacaaronsmithpresentation-140729112205-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "In 2013, which social media site had the highest percentage of online adults using it?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1754", "query": "What percentage of U.S. adults consume news on Facebook as shown in the Pew Research Center's data?", "reference_answer": "30", "meta_info": { "file_name": "pacaaronsmithpresentation-140729112205-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of U.S. adults consume news on Facebook?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1727", "query": "In the Web & Mobile data comparison, which country has 516MM internet users, China or USA?", "reference_answer": "China", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which country has 516MM internet users, China or USA?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1740", "query": "What is the difference in the number of PLHIV - on ART compared to PLHIV - not registered in Kyrgyzstan according to the NGO Social Contracting ART coverage report?", "reference_answer": "1415", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ngosocialcontractingenundpfinal-160224122114_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in the number of PLHIV - on ART compared to PLHIV - not registered in Kyrgyzstan according to the NGO Social Contracting report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1732", "query": "Regarding the Key Vision of Apache Flink slide, how many bullet point items are listed under Draws on concepts from MPP Database Technology?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofapacheflinkbyslimbaltagi-150707030808-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Key Vision of Apache Flink, how many bullet point items are listed under Draws on concepts from MPP Database Technology?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1728", "query": "In the Web & Mobile statistics, which country has 516MM internet users, China or the country with a median age of 37?", "reference_answer": "China", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Which country has 516MM internet users, China or the country with a median age of 37?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1731", "query": "What is the Alexa rank for Zalora (Zappos) as detailed in the Rocket Internet properties table?", "reference_answer": "112", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What is the Alexa rank for Zalora (Zappos)?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1741", "query": "What is the difference in the number of PLHIV - on ART compared to PLHIV - not registered in Kyrgyzstan, a country with 28 NGOs supported by the GF in the NGO Social Contracting report?", "reference_answer": "1415", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ngosocialcontractingenundpfinal-160224122114_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in the number of PLHIV - on ART compared to PLHIV - not registered in the country with 28 NGOs supported by the GF in the NGO Social Contracting report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1734", "query": "Regarding the Key Vision of Apache Flink, from which technology does User Defined Functions draw concepts according to the diagram?", "reference_answer": "Hadoop MapReduce Technology", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofapacheflinkbyslimbaltagi-150707030808-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Key Vision of Apache Flink, from which technology does User Defined Functions draw concepts?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1757", "query": "What is the difference in Avg. Weekly Hours between 2013 and 2014 when Streaming had a 20% share of the BUSINESS according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nielsen2015musicbizpresentation-final-150526143534-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in Avg. Weekly Hours between 2013 and the year when Streaming had a 20% share of the BUSINESS according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1730", "query": "What is the difference in e-commerce revenue (in billions of dollars) between the USA, with a population of 313.9 million, and China according to \"Web & Mobile\" stats?", "reference_answer": "233", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in e-commerce revenue (in billions of dollars) between the country with a population of 313.9 M and China?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1715", "query": "In the E-Commerce Popularity in the Region chart, which country reports the lowest percentage of money transfer usage in the past 6 months, Egypt or KSA?", "reference_answer": "Egypt", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofe-commerceinthemiddleeast-140508065901-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which country reports the lowest percentage of E-Commerce money transfer usage in the past 6 months, Egypt or KSA?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1674", "query": "In which phase of Market Gravity: the rise and fall of market value, are ring-back tones located—differentiation or the stage that includes device technologies of core operating systems?", "reference_answer": "differentiation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "mobilemegatrends2009visionmobilenew-090226011714-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 16 ], "origin_query": "In which phase are ring-back tones located, differentiation or the stage that includes device technologies of core operating systems?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1750", "query": "In the Fall 2012 data from SNS trend over time, what percentage of internet users used social networking sites when 20% of online adults used LinkedIn?", "reference_answer": "67", "meta_info": { "file_name": "pacaaronsmithpresentation-140729112205-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 13 ], "origin_query": "In Fall of the year when 20% of online adults used LinkedIn, what percentage of internet users used social networking sites?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1763", "query": "What is the difference in total volume (000) between the rank 1 and rank 10 top albums in the Nielsen report \"The Top Albums Achieve Success in Different Ways\"?", "reference_answer": "976", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nielsen2015musicbizpresentation-final-150526143534-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in total volume (000) between the rank 1 and rank 10 top albums in the Nielsen \"The Complete View of Music\" report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1756", "query": "What is the difference in Avg. Weekly Hours spent listening to music between 2013 and 2014 according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report featuring a 30% increase?", "reference_answer": "6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nielsen2015musicbizpresentation-final-150526143534-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in Avg. Weekly Hours spent listening to music between 2013 and 2014 according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1712", "query": "In 2013, what is the total percentage of online adult users in the \"White, Non-Hispanic\" and \"Hispanic\" categories on Twitter, including metrics such as Followers and Tweet Reach?", "reference_answer": "32", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 18 ], "origin_query": "In 2013, what is the total percentage of online adult users in the \"White, Non-Hispanic\" and \"Hispanic\" categories on the platform whose metrics include Followers, Tweet Clicks, Video Views, Tweet Reach, Engagement Rate, Completion Rate, Engagement: Mentions, Retweets, Likes, Top Tweet, Top Mention, Top Follower, Top Media Tweet, and Twitter Referral Traffic?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1738", "query": "Regarding the Apache Flink Stack diagram, is Google's GCE listed within Local or Cloud deployment options?", "reference_answer": "Cloud", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofapacheflinkbyslimbaltagi-150707030808-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Apache Flink Stack, is Google's GCE listed within Local or Cloud?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1759", "query": "In 2015, when Total Music Volume reached 183M, which category had the largest percentage share of the business according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report?", "reference_answer": "Streaming", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nielsen2015musicbizpresentation-final-150526143534-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "In the year when Total Music Volume was 183M, which category makes up the largest percentage of share of the business according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1700", "query": "Which reason for using LinkedIn, as detailed in the LinkedIn Audience 360 Survey, has the lowest percentage for obtaining business insight according to the South African audience?", "reference_answer": "Seek career opportunities", "meta_info": { "file_name": "linkedinsalesdeck-140604040835-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 14 ], "origin_query": "Which reason for using LinkedIn, the site that provides tools for obtaining business insight, has the lowest percentage according to the LinkedIn Audience 360 Survey?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1710", "query": "In which year is there a lower percentage of users from rural locations on Twitter as shown in the Twitter's Audience statistics, measured by tools like Twitter Analytics, Followerwonk, Buffer, and TweetReach?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15, 19 ], "origin_query": "In which year is there a lower percentage of users from rural locations on Twitter, whose measurement tools include Twitter Analytics, Followerwonk, Buffer, and TweetReach?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1762", "query": "What percentage of the Rock genre share of total is attributed to Streams % according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report as shown in the genre share of total chart?", "reference_answer": "23", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nielsen2015musicbizpresentation-final-150526143534-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the Rock genre share of total is attributed to Streams % according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1704", "query": "What is the Source of the data for the audience of the platform with metrics like page likes and video views in the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn presentation by Brian Honigman?", "reference_answer": "eMarketer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the Source of the data for the audience of the platform whose metrics are page likes, post clicks, video views, post reach, hide, report as spam, unlikes, 30-second views++, post types, engagement: reactions, shares, comments, and FB referral traffic in the Measuring Success on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn presentation by Brian Honigman?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1735", "query": "Regarding the Key Vision of the Apache Flink framework, which means agile or swift in German, from which technology does User Defined Functions draw concepts?", "reference_answer": "Hadoop MapReduce Technology", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofapacheflinkbyslimbaltagi-150707030808-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Key Vision of the Apache framework which means agile or swift in German, from which technology does User Defined Functions draw concepts?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1780", "query": "What percentage of consumers reported that Starbucks was High Quality according to the consumer feedback presentation on Starbucks?", "reference_answer": "46.2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-150429012118-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of consumers reported that Starbucks was High Quality according to the presentation on how and why Starbucks failed in Australia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1778", "query": "What is the difference in price of an espresso (similar sized cup) (in $) between McCafe and Starbucks in the table showing competition in the Australian specialty coffee chain market in 2008?", "reference_answer": "0.35", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-150429012118-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in price of an espresso (similar sized cup) (in $) between McCafe and Starbucks in the context of the Australian specialty coffee chain market in 2008?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1768", "query": "What is the combined total demand of gold (in tonnes) for medical and dentistry in the 2012 Inventory Analysis of Gold?", "reference_answer": "176.21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined total demand of gold (in tonnes) for medical and dentistry in 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1774", "query": "What is the total number of Gloria Jeans and Coffee Club stores in Australia according to the 2008 specialty coffee market competition review?", "reference_answer": "720", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-150429012118-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the total number of Gloria Jeans and Coffee Club stores in Australia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1770", "query": "What is the difference in percentage of supply flow as production between mine production and recycled gold in Chart 5.1.2 of the Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Selected Commodities report?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percentage of supply flow as production between mine production and recycled gold in the Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Selected Commodities report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1758", "query": "In 2015, which category makes up the largest percentage of share of the business according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report that highlights streaming?", "reference_answer": "Streaming", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nielsen2015musicbizpresentation-final-150526143534-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "In 2015, which category makes up the largest percentage of share of the business according to the Nielsen Complete View of Music report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1775", "query": "What is the total number of Gloria Jeans and Coffee Club stores in Australia where global brand Starbucks failed?", "reference_answer": "720", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-150429012118-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 8 ], "origin_query": "What is the total number of Gloria Jeans and Coffee Club stores in the country where global brand Starbucks failed?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1752", "query": "What is the combined percentage of online adults using Pinterest and Twitter in 2013 according to the Pew Research Center's social media sites survey?", "reference_answer": "39", "meta_info": { "file_name": "pacaaronsmithpresentation-140729112205-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined percentage of online adults using Pinterest and Twitter in 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1788", "query": "What is the combined total of Revenue ($M) and Segment Profit ($M) for the Medical segment in Q4 FY14 in the Segment Analysis report?", "reference_answer": "2768", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined total of Revenue ($M) and Segment Profit ($M) for the Medical segment in Q4 FY14?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1743", "query": "Which country has the lowest number of PLHIV - on ART, Montenegro or Bosnia and Herzegovina, with 9 NGOs supported by the GF?", "reference_answer": "Montenegro", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ngosocialcontractingenundpfinal-160224122114_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 10 ], "origin_query": "Which country has the lowest number of PLHIV - on ART, Montenegro or the country with 9 NGOs supported by the GF?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1760", "query": "What is the combined percentage of Album Sales % and Song Sales % for the Country genre in the Nielsen report \"Rock Dominates Albums, Pop Drives Song Sales\"?", "reference_answer": "23", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nielsen2015musicbizpresentation-final-150526143534-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined percentage of Album Sales % and Song Sales % for the Country genre in the Nielsen \"The Complete View of Music\" report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1784", "query": "What is the difference in Revenue (in $M) between Q4 FY14 and Q4 FY13 according to the Cardinal Health Q4 FY2014 Financial Summary?", "reference_answer": "2526", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in Revenue (in $M) between Q4 FY14 and Q4 FY13 according to the Cardinal Health Q4 FY2014 earnings report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1771", "query": "What is the difference in percentage of supply flow as per production between mine production and recycled sources of gold as known for the heart and improved blood circulation in the US?", "reference_answer": "22", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 14 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percentage of supply flow as production between mine production and recyclied sources of the element which has been known in the US for the heart and improved blood circulation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1739", "query": "Regarding the Stack of the open source framework engine in Apache Flink, whose engine exploits data streaming and in-memory processing and iteration operators to improve performance, is Google's GCE listed within Local or Cloud?", "reference_answer": "Cloud", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofapacheflinkbyslimbaltagi-150707030808-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Stack of the open source framework engine whose engine exploits data streaming and in-memory processing and iteration operators to improve performance, is Google's GCE listed within Local or Cloud?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1776", "query": "Which coffee chain in the presentation \"HOW AND WHY A GLOBAL BRAND STARBUCKS FAILED IN AUSTRALIA\" has the most expensive price of an espresso (similar sized cup) according to the Literature Review Competition in the Australia Coffee Market 2008?", "reference_answer": "Starbucks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-150429012118-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which coffee chain in the presentation \"HOW AND WHY A GLOBAL BRAND STARBUCKS FAILED IN AUSTRALIA\" has the most expensive price of an espresso (similar sized cup)?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1792", "query": "What is the name of the President who has the highest Job Approval Ratings in October of Third Year of 2nd Term according to the GPG report on approval ratings?", "reference_answer": "Eisenhower", "meta_info": { "file_name": "publicopinionlandscape-election201610-151013152816-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the name of the President who has the highest Job Approval Ratings in October of Third Year of 2nd Term?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1761", "query": "What is the combined percentage of Album Sales % and Song Sales % for the Country genre with a 9% Share of Total Activity in music statistics?", "reference_answer": "23", "meta_info": { "file_name": "nielsen2015musicbizpresentation-final-150526143534-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined percentage of Album Sales % and Song Sales % for the genre with a 9% Share of Total Activity?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1747", "query": "Which country, Ukraine or Moldova, with 22 NGOs supported by the GF, has a higher percentage of HIV prevalence in the population of people who inject drugs according to the charts?", "reference_answer": "Ukraine", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ngosocialcontractingenundpfinal-160224122114_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 10 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a higher percentage of HIV prevalence in the population of People who inject drugs: Ukraine or the country with 22 NGOs supported by the GF?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1773", "query": "In 2012-13, according to the Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Selected Commodities report, what was the difference in gold consumption between the USA and Australia, where gold is noted as a cancer treatment?", "reference_answer": "32", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 15 ], "origin_query": "In 2012-13, what was the difference between USA and Australia in consumption of gold, the element which has been used to cure cancers, according to the Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Selected Commodities report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1723", "query": "What is the difference between the Median age of the USA and the Philippines according to the data in the \"By the Numbers: Philippines vis-a-vis USA\" infographic?", "reference_answer": "14", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference between the Median age of the USA and the Philippines?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1781", "query": "What percentage of consumers used the phrase “High Quality” to describe Starbucks according to the presentation \"How and Why a Global Brand Starbucks Failed in Australia\"?", "reference_answer": "46.2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-150429012118-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 16 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of consumers used the phrase “High Quality” to describe Starbucks in the presentation \"How and Why a Global Brand Starbucks Failed in Australia\"?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1767", "query": "In which year was the physical bar demand of gold highest according to the Inventory Analysis of Gold in the Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Selected Commodities report?", "reference_answer": "2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 12 ], "origin_query": "In which year was the physical bar demand of gold, the world’s oldest international currency, the highest according to the Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Selected Commodities report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1794", "query": "What is the difference in percentage between the Job Approval Ratings in October of Third Year of 2nd Term of Clinton and Reagan according to the Historical Gallup Poll Data?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "publicopinionlandscape-election201610-151013152816-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percentage between the Job Approval Ratings in October of Third Year of 2nd Term of Clinton and Reagan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1764", "query": "In the Inventory Analysis of Gold, what was the mine supply of gold (in tonnes) in 2011?", "reference_answer": "2835", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What was the mine supply of gold (in tonnes) in 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1772", "query": "What is the difference in gold consumption (in tonnes) in 2012-13 between USA and Australia as shown in the Countrywide production and consumption table?", "reference_answer": "32", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in gold consumption (in tonnes) in 2012-13 between USA and Australia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1783", "query": "What is the amount (in $M) of Operating cash flow in Q4 FY2014 Financial Summary when the Segment profit margin was 1.88%?", "reference_answer": "716", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the amount (in $M) of Operating cash flow in the quarter when the Segment profit margin was 1.88%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1726", "query": "In the data comparison between the Philippines and USA, which country has a higher percentage of consumer debt (of GDP), given that the Philippines has 7% credit card penetration?", "reference_answer": "USA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "phstartupreportv5-130727005123-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a higher percentage of consumer debt (of GDP), USA or the country with 7% credit card penetration?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1796", "query": "Which political party has a higher percentage of voters saying that the Environment will be very important to their vote for president in the 2016 Pew Research Center report regarding which registered/leaned Democrats were polled for their Primary Preference?", "reference_answer": "Democrats", "meta_info": { "file_name": "publicopinionlandscape-election201610-151013152816-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 16 ], "origin_query": "Which political party has a higher percentage of voters saying that the Environment will be very important to their vote for president in the year regarding which registered/leaned Democrats were polled for their Primary Preference?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1789", "query": "What is the combined total of Revenue ($M) and Segment Profit ($M) for the Medical segment in Q4 FY2014 Financial Highlights when Operating Cash Flow was $2,524M?", "reference_answer": "2768", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 18 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined total of Revenue ($M) and Segment Profit ($M) for the Medical segment in Q4 of the financial year when Operating Cash Flow was $2,524M?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1777", "query": "Which coffee chain has the most expensive price (for a similar sized cup) of Espresso as listed immediately below Tea in the table titled “Consumer Preference Vs Starbucks”?", "reference_answer": "Starbucks", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-150429012118-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 18 ], "origin_query": "Which coffee chain has the most expensive price (for a similar sized cup) of the beverage listed immediately below Tea in the table titled “Consumer Preference Vs Starbucks”?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1782", "query": "What is the amount (in $M) of Operating cash flow in Q4 FY14 according to the Cardinal Health Financial Summary?", "reference_answer": "716", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the amount (in $M) of Operating cash flow in Q4 FY14?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1799", "query": "In June, according to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey results shown in the chart, what was the percentage of respondents who could see themselves supporting Hillary Clinton?", "reference_answer": "92", "meta_info": { "file_name": "publicopinionlandscape-election201610-151013152816-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "In June, what was the percentage of respondents who could see themselves supporting Hillary Clinton according to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1779", "query": "Between McCafe and Starbucks, what is the difference in price of a similar sized cup of Hot Chocolate in the table titled “Consumer Preference Vs Starbucks” in the presentation on how and why a global brand Starbucks failed in Australia?", "reference_answer": "0.25", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-150429012118-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 18 ], "origin_query": "Between McCafe and Starbucks, what is the difference in price of a similar sized cup of the beverage listed immediately above Coffee in the table titled “Consumer Preference Vs Starbucks” in the presentation on how and why a global brand Starbucks failed in Australia?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1790", "query": "In the FY2014 financial summary, what is the amount (in $M) of Diluted EPS from continuing ops for GAAP Basis in FY13?", "reference_answer": "0.97", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "In GAAP Basis, what is the amount (in $M) Diluted EPS from continuing ops in FY13?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1787", "query": "When was the pharmaceutical segment profit higher: Q4 FY14 or the quarter with a (5)% change in Revenue in the Cardinal Health Q4 FY2014 earnings report?", "reference_answer": "Q4 FY13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "When was the pharmaceutical segment profit higher: Q4 FY14 or the quarter when the % change in Revenue was (5)% in the Cardinal Health Q4 FY2014 earnings report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1733", "query": "Regarding the Key Vision of Apache Flink, the community-driven open-source framework for distributed Big Data Analytics originating from Stratosphere, how many bullet point items are listed under Draws on concepts from MPP Database Technology?", "reference_answer": "3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofapacheflinkbyslimbaltagi-150707030808-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Key Vision of the community-driven open-source framework for distributed Big Data Analytics which has its origins in a research project called Stratosphere, how many bullet point items are listed under Draws on concepts from MPP Database Technology?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1766", "query": "In which year was the physical bar demand of gold the highest according to the Inventory Analysis of Gold (In Tonnes)?", "reference_answer": "2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "In which year was the physical bar demand of gold the highest according to the Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Selected Commodities project report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1786", "query": "In the Q4 FY2014 Pharmaceutical Segment Business Analysis, when was the segment profit higher: Q4 FY14 or Q4 FY13?", "reference_answer": "Q4 FY13", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "When was the pharmaceutical segment profit higher: Q4 FY14 or Q4 FY13?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1785", "query": "What is the difference in Revenue (in $M) between Q4 FY14 and the quarter when Segment profit was $395M, as mentioned in the Cardinal Health Financial Summary and Pharmaceutical Segment Business Analysis?", "reference_answer": "2526", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in Revenue (in $M) between Q4 FY14 and the quarter when Segment profit was $395M?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1793", "query": "In HuffPost Pollster Trend data, during the Third Year of their 2nd Presidential Term, which president had the highest Job Approval Ratings in the month when Clinton showed 44.4% support?", "reference_answer": "Eisenhower", "meta_info": { "file_name": "publicopinionlandscape-election201610-151013152816-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 16 ], "origin_query": "In the Third Year of their 2nd Presidential Term, who had the highest Job Approval Ratings in the month when Clinton had 44.4% support according to HuffPost Pollster Trend?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1755", "query": "What percentage of U.S. adults consume news on the social media site highlighted in the Pew Research Center's 2013 surveys, used by 71% of online adults?", "reference_answer": "30", "meta_info": { "file_name": "pacaaronsmithpresentation-140729112205-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 20 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of U.S. adults consume news on the social media site used by 71% of online adults in 2013?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1795", "query": "Which political party, according to the Pew Research Center data, shows a higher percentage of voters considering the Environment very important to their presidential vote in 2016?", "reference_answer": "Democrats", "meta_info": { "file_name": "publicopinionlandscape-election201610-151013152816-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which political party has a higher percentage of voters saying that the Environment will be very important to their vote for president in 2016?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1797", "query": "What is the difference in percentage between Democrats who want a candidate that will make compromises compared to a candidate that will stick to their positions according to the results shown in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey from September 20-24, 2015?", "reference_answer": "25", "meta_info": { "file_name": "publicopinionlandscape-election201610-151013152816-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the difference in percentage between Democrats who want a candidate that Will make compromises compared to a candidate that Will stick to their positions according to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey, September 20-24, 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1769", "query": "What is the combined total demand of gold (Chemical Symbol Au) for medical and dentistry in 2012 according to the Inventory Analysis of Gold?", "reference_answer": "176.21", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined total demand of the element whose Chemical Symbol is Au (in tonnes) for medical and dentistry in 2012?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1809", "query": "How many projects is PETROBRAS implementing in the Investment overview from 2012-2016 BP?", "reference_answer": "833", "meta_info": { "file_name": "procurement-policy-and-critical-equipment-supply-rio-oil-gas-2012-petrobras-121003090733-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "How many projects is PETROBRAS implementing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1819", "query": "Which country has a higher Percentage of fans, Brazil or USA, according to the Simplify 360 graph on percentages of fans in various countries?", "reference_answer": "Brazil", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a higher Percentage of fans, Brazil or USA, according to the Football in India 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1816", "query": "What percentage of exploration from 2012-2016 was the Pre-Salt layer, identified as the new exploratory border, in the Petrobras E&P Investments presentation?", "reference_answer": "24", "meta_info": { "file_name": "procurement-policy-and-critical-equipment-supply-rio-oil-gas-2012-petrobras-121003090733-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 12 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of exploration from 2012-2016 was the Pre-Salt layer, identified as the new exploratory border, in the RIO OIL & GAS 2012 presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1745", "query": "What is the combined number of NGOs supported by the GF for Serbia and Tajikistan, the country with 2,167 PLHIV - on ART, as shown in the UNDP charts?", "reference_answer": "55", "meta_info": { "file_name": "ngosocialcontractingenundpfinal-160224122114_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 10 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined number of NGOs supported by the GF for Serbia and the country with 2,167 PLHIV - on ART?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1737", "query": "Regarding the Stack of the open-source framework Apache Flink that joined the Apache incubator in April 2014 and graduated as an Apache Top Level Project in December 2014, which row is the Cluster block located in?", "reference_answer": "DEPLOY", "meta_info": { "file_name": "overviewofapacheflinkbyslimbaltagi-150707030808-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the Stack of the open-source framework that joined the Apache incubator in April 2014 and graduated as an Apache Top Level Project in December 2014, which row is the Cluster block located in?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1811", "query": "What is the value of the projects of PETROBRAS under evaluation in US$ Billion during the 2012-2016 period?", "reference_answer": "27.8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "procurement-policy-and-critical-equipment-supply-rio-oil-gas-2012-petrobras-121003090733-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the value of the projects of PETROBRAS under evaluation in US$ Billion?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1810", "query": "How many projects is Petrobras, the company whose reserve replacement ratio has been 100% for the 20th consecutive year, implementing?", "reference_answer": "833", "meta_info": { "file_name": "procurement-policy-and-critical-equipment-supply-rio-oil-gas-2012-petrobras-121003090733-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 8 ], "origin_query": "How many projects is the company whose reserve replacement ratio has been 100% for the 20th consecutive year implementing?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1798", "query": "In the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey, September 20-24, 2015, among supporters of the Democratic party with six candidates vying for the nomination, what is the percentage difference between those who prefer a candidate willing to make compromises versus one who will stick to their positions?", "reference_answer": "25", "meta_info": { "file_name": "publicopinionlandscape-election201610-151013152816-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 10 ], "origin_query": "Among supporters of the Democratic party where six candidates are vying for the nomination, what is the difference in percentage who want a candidate that Will make compromises compared to a candidate that Will stick to their positions according to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey, September 20-24, 2015?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1813", "query": "What percentage of the PETROBRAS projects under implementation during the 2012-2016 period are RTM?", "reference_answer": "24.8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "procurement-policy-and-critical-equipment-supply-rio-oil-gas-2012-petrobras-121003090733-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the projects of PETROBRAS under implementation are RTM?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1791", "query": "In the GAAP Basis of the FY2014 financial summary, what is the amount (in $M) Diluted EPS from continuing ops in the financial year when Q4 Revenue for the Medical segment was $2,697M?", "reference_answer": "0.97", "meta_info": { "file_name": "q4fy14earningspresentationfinalschedules-140804061403-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 18 ], "origin_query": "In GAAP Basis, what is the amount (in $M) Diluted EPS from continuing ops in the financial year when Q4 Revenue was $2,697M?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1817", "query": "According to the Football in India 2015 report's chart on fan percentages, which country, Italy or Spain, has the highest?", "reference_answer": "Italy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which country has the highest percentage of fans, Italy or Spain, according to the Football in India 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1815", "query": "In the Petrobras E&P Investments chart from 2012-2016, what percentage of exploration was pre-salt?", "reference_answer": "24", "meta_info": { "file_name": "procurement-policy-and-critical-equipment-supply-rio-oil-gas-2012-petrobras-121003090733-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of exploration from 2012-2016 was pre-salt?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1706", "query": "What age range accounts for the most users of Facebook, whose measurement tools include Facebook Insights, Sumall, and Agora Pulse?", "reference_answer": "25-34", "meta_info": { "file_name": "measuringsuccessonfacebooktwitterlinkedin-160317142140_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 14 ], "origin_query": "What age range accounts for the most users of the platform whose measurement tools include Facebook Insights, Sumall, and Agora Pulse?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1827", "query": "What was VALENCIA's UEFA Official Ranking in 2013 according to the Mailman Group recap?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What was VALENCIA's UEFA Official Ranking in 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1800", "query": "What percentage of global public very much or somewhat support solar power according to the chart from the Ipsos May 2011 survey on energy sources?", "reference_answer": "97", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of global public very much or somewhat support solar power according to the Ipsos May 2011 survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1753", "query": "What is the combined percentage of online adults using Pinterest and the social media platform which 8% get their news from in Pew Research Center's 2013 survey?", "reference_answer": "39", "meta_info": { "file_name": "pacaaronsmithpresentation-140729112205-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 19 ], "origin_query": "What is the combined percentage of online adults using Pinterest and the social media platform which 8% get their news from in 2013?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1821", "query": "What is the percentage of football fans in India as reported in the Football in India 2015 report chart by Simplify 360?", "reference_answer": "13.82", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the Percentage of fans in India according to the Football in India 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1825", "query": "According to the Football in India 2015 report, what percentage of football fans in India has ISL reached, as stated in the image from www.sportskeeda.com?", "reference_answer": "3.02", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of football fans in India has ISL reached according to the Football in India 2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1805", "query": "According to the Status of Germany slide on Renewable Electricity Production, did Germany have a goal related to solar energy generation?", "reference_answer": "2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Was more solar energy generated globally in 2003 or 2011 according to the Global SSustainable Energy: Current trends and Future Prospects by Hashem AL-ghaili?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1765", "query": "What was the mine supply of gold (in tonnes) in the year 2011 when 342.13 MT of Silver were produced in India?", "reference_answer": "2835", "meta_info": { "file_name": "newmicrosoftpowerpointpresentation-140302025348-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 20 ], "origin_query": "What was the mine supply of gold (in tonnes) in the year when 342.13 MT of Silver were produced in India?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1833", "query": "In the Timeline of Clubs in China, which team launched a Tencent account first, Real Madrid or AC Milan?", "reference_answer": "REAL MADRID", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which team launched a Tencent account first, Real Madrid or AC Milan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1802", "query": "What percentage of global public very much or somewhat support hydroelectric power according to the Ipsos May 2011 survey on energy sources?", "reference_answer": "91", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of global public very much or somewhat support hydroelectric power according to the Ipsos May 2011 survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1807", "query": "Which renewable energy was most produced in Germany in 2011 according to the 'Status of Germany' graph?", "reference_answer": "Wind", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "Which renewable energy was most produced in Germany in 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1820", "query": "Which country has a higher Percentage of fans, Brazil or the country where Simplify360's headquarters are located in Carrollton, as shown in the Simplify360 presentation?", "reference_answer": "Brazil", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 18 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a higher Percentage of fans, Brazil or the country where Simplify360 has its headquarter in Carrollton?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1850", "query": "Which city had a higher Annual Pct Change in Foreclosure Activity in Oct 2014, San Diego or Los Angeles, according to the \"October Foreclosure Activity a Tale of Two Cities\" chart?", "reference_answer": "San Diego", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which city had a higher Annual Pct Change in Foreclosure Activity in Oct 2014, San Diego or Los Angeles?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1837", "query": "In what year was Brisbane founded according to the Two Cities: Case Study Locations presentation?", "reference_answer": "1824", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "In what year was Brisbane Founded?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1829", "query": "Which team had a higher UEFA Official Ranking in 2013, BARCELONA or MANCHESTER UNITED, according to the Mailman Group recap of last year's results?", "reference_answer": "BARCELONA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which team had a higher UEFA Official Ranking in 2013, BARCELONA or MANCHESTER UNITED?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1828", "query": "What was VALENCIA's UEFA Official Ranking in the year Manchester United Trophy Tour visited three cities in China as detailed in the 2013 Highlights?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "What was VALENCIA's UEFA Official Ranking in the year Manchester United Trophy Tour visited three cities in China?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1854", "query": "Which state had a higher Oct 2014 REO Monthly Pct Change according to the Recent REO Surge chart, Nevada or Virginia?", "reference_answer": "Nevada", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which state had a higher Oct 2014 REO Monthly Pct Change, Nevada or Virginia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1849", "query": "What city had the highest Annual Pct Change in Foreclosure Activity in the month Nevada's REO Monthly Pct Change was 247, as shown in RealtyTrac's October report?", "reference_answer": "Washington, DC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 9 ], "origin_query": "What city had the highest Annual Pct Change in Foreclosure Activity in the month Nevada's REO Monthly Pct Change was 247?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1855", "query": "What is the TOTAL POPULATION of USA according to the Background and Methodology section in the news survey image?", "reference_answer": "313,847,465", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the TOTAL POPULATION of USA?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1823", "query": "How much is the Total PR value from Social Media to Sponsors in connection with the Indian Super League shown in the image?", "reference_answer": "1.5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "How much is the Total PR value from Social Media to Sponsors on association with Indian Super League in USD M?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1857", "query": "What percent INTERNET PENETRATION is there in the UK according to the Background and methodology section of the digital news report?", "reference_answer": "84", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What percent INTERNET PENETRATION is there in the UK?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1839", "query": "What was the Population of Sapporo in 2011 in millions according to the two cities case study locations image?", "reference_answer": "1.9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What was the Population of Sapporo in 2011 in millions?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1852", "query": "Which state had the highest REO Monthly percent change in October 2014 according to the REO Rebound report?", "reference_answer": "Maryland", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Which state had the highest REO Monthly percent change in October 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1814", "query": "What percentage of the Petrobras projects, which must withstand the challenges of the Strategic Plan under implementation, are classified as RTM in the Investments during the 2012-2016 period?", "reference_answer": "24.8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "procurement-policy-and-critical-equipment-supply-rio-oil-gas-2012-petrobras-121003090733-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 19 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of the projects of Petrobras, whose projects and contracts must withstand the challenges of the Strategic Plan under implementation, are RTM?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1812", "query": "What is the value of the projects under evaluation by Petrobras, where Ronald M.L. Martins is affiliated, in US$ Billion according to the Rio Oil & Gas 2012 presentation?", "reference_answer": "27.8", "meta_info": { "file_name": "procurement-policy-and-critical-equipment-supply-rio-oil-gas-2012-petrobras-121003090733-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1, 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the value of the projects of the company which Ronald M.L. Martins is affiliated with under evaluation in US$ Billion?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1845", "query": "Where is IGS use as child higher according to the results of remembered use in childhood in the study on informal urban greenspace in Brisbane, Australia, and Sapporo, Japan?", "reference_answer": "Sapporo", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Where is IGS use as child higher according to the study on informal urban greenspace in Brisbane, Australia, and Sapporo, Japan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1834", "query": "Which team launched a Tencent account first, Real Madrid or the team AC Milan whose total points were 69 on the 2014 China Digital Football Red Card table?", "reference_answer": "REAL MADRID", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "Which team launched a Tencent account first, Real Madrid or the team whose total points were 69 on the 2014 China Digital Football Red Card table?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1842", "query": "In the study comparing Brisbane and Sapporo, which city has a higher population density, Sapporo or the city where 85% of children/teens use Informal Urban Greenspace (IGS)?", "reference_answer": "Sapporo", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 10 ], "origin_query": "Which has a higher Pop. density, Sapporo or the city where 85% of children/teens use Informal Urban Greenspace (IGS) according to the study on Brisbane and Sapporo?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1808", "query": "Which renewable energy was most produced in 2011 in Germany, the country where 24.24 GWh of electricity was produced with solar power between 6th June and 9th June?", "reference_answer": "Wind", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "Which renewable energy was most produced in 2011 in the country where 24.24 GWh of electricity was produced with solar between 6th June and 9th June?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1832", "query": "In what year did the team, ranked 18th in the UEFA Official Rankings 2013, launch Guilin academy according to the Timeline of Clubs in China?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "In what year did the team which was ranked 18th in the UEFA Official Rankings 2013 launch Guilin academy?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1843", "query": "According to the study on informal urban greenspace use in the case study locations of Brisbane, Australia, and Sapporo, Japan, which city has more park space per person?", "reference_answer": "Brisbane", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which city, Brisbane or Sapporo, has more park space per person according to the study on informal urban greenspace use in Brisbane, Australia, and Sapporo, Japan?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1862", "query": "According to the 2014 Digital News Report methodology chart, which country has a larger TOTAL POPULATION, JAPAN or SPAIN?", "reference_answer": "JAPAN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a larger TOTAL POPULATION, JAPAN or SPAIN?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1851", "query": "In October 2014, when the annual pct change of scheduled foreclosure auctions was 118 in New Jersey, which city had a higher annual pct change in foreclosure activity, San Diego or Los Angeles?", "reference_answer": "San Diego", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 8 ], "origin_query": "In the month the annual pct change of scheduled foreclosure auctions was 118 in New Jersey, which city had a higher annual pct change in foreclosure activity, San Diego or Los Angeles?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1856", "query": "What is the total population of the USA where 30% are less interested in news according to the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2014?", "reference_answer": "313,847,465", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the total population of the country where 30% are less interested in news according to the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1868", "query": "What makes up a bigger share of the pie chart, State Highways or National Highways in the Indian road sector size overview published by Sharif Qamar Tndia Infrastructure Publishing?", "reference_answer": "State Highways", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roadsectorppt-july7-100901040020-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What makes up a bigger share of the pie chart, State Highways or National Highways in the Indian road sector overview by Sharif Qamar Tndia Infrastructure Publishing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1848", "query": "What city had the highest Annual Pct Change in Foreclosure Activity in October 2014 as shown in the \"October Foreclosure Activity a Tale of Two Cities\" chart?", "reference_answer": "Washington, DC", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What city had the highest Annual Pct Change in Foreclosure Activity in Oct 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1824", "query": "How much is the Total PR value (in USD M) from Social Media to Sponsors on association with the Indian Super League whose SSI score is 33.3?", "reference_answer": "1.5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "How much is the Total PR value (in USD M) from Social Media to Sponsors on association with the league whose SSI score is 33.3?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1853", "query": "In the month the annual pct change in foreclosure activity was -23 in Tampa, which state had the highest REO monthly percent change in the RealtyTrac October 2014 report?", "reference_answer": "Maryland", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 9 ], "origin_query": "In the month the annual pct change in foreclosure activity was -23 in Tampa, which state had the highest REO monthly percent change according to the RealtyTrac October 2014 report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1801", "query": "What percentage very much or somewhat support solar power with which Germany produces half of energy according to the Global Sustainable Energy presentation by Hashem AL-ghaili?", "reference_answer": "97", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 13 ], "origin_query": "What percentage very much or somewhat support the power with which Germany produces half of energy according to the Global Sustainable Energy presentation by Hashem AL-ghaili?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1846", "query": "When was U.S. Foreclosure Activity higher, Apr-05 or Apr-10, according to the U.S. Foreclosure Activity graph?", "reference_answer": "Apr-10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "When was U.S. Foreclosure Activity higher, Apr--05 or Apr-10?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1831", "query": "In what year did Liverpool launch Guilin academy according to the Timeline of Clubs in China?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "In what year did Liverpool launch Guilin academy?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1863", "query": "Which country has a larger total population, Japan or the country where 35% were interested in sports news according to the data in the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2014?", "reference_answer": "JAPAN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 11 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a larger total population, Japan or the country where 35% were interested in sports news according to the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2014?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1861", "query": "Which country has a STARTING SAMPLE of 2116 according to the Background and Methodology news survey?", "reference_answer": "GERMANY", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a STARTING SAMPLE of 2116?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1838", "query": "In what year was the city mentioned in the Griffith University presentation on informal urban greenspace, where the sample size was 99, founded?", "reference_answer": "1824", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 9 ], "origin_query": "In what year was the city whose sample N was 99 in the study, as mentioned in the Griffith University presentation on informal urban greenspace, founded?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1822", "query": "What is the percentage of fans in India, the country with the world's largest football fan base of 170 million, as shown in the chart?", "reference_answer": "13.82", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 4 ], "origin_query": "What is the percentage of fans in the country which is the home to world's largest football fan base (170 million)?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1826", "query": "What percentage of football fans in India, where the combined social media reach of Messi and Ronaldo is 14 million, has ISL reached?", "reference_answer": "3.02", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 12 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of football fans in the country where social media reach of Messi and Ronaldo combined is 14 million has ISL reached?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1858", "query": "What percent internet penetration is there in the UK, the country where 8% says radio is their main platform for accessing news?", "reference_answer": "84", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 8 ], "origin_query": "What percent internet penetration is there in the country where 8% says radio is their main platform for accessing news?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1859", "query": "In the Background and Methodology survey, which country has a larger FINAL SAMPLE, FINLAND or SPAIN?", "reference_answer": "SPAIN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a larger FINAL SAMPLE, FINLAND or SPAIN?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1847", "query": "In the U.S., where home flipping spiked briefly at the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010, when was U.S. Foreclosure Activity higher, Apr-05 or Apr-10?", "reference_answer": "Apr-10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realtytrac-auctionwebinarnovember2014-141113150706-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 14 ], "origin_query": "In the country where home flipping spiked briefly at the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010, when was Foreclosure Activity higher, Apr--05 or Apr-10?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1877", "query": "In the Google Market Share chart for end of 1st Qtr 2015 by Region, which place is represented by 92.47%?", "reference_answer": "Europe", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Google market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015, which place is shown as 92.47%?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1803", "query": "What is more supported, coal or wind power according to the Global public support for energy sources presentation by Hashem AL-ghaili at Jacobs University Bremen?", "reference_answer": "Wind", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What is more supported, coal or wind power according to the Global Sustainable Energy presentation by Hashem AL-ghaili at Jacobs University Bremen?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1841", "query": "Which city, Brisbane or Sapporo, has a higher population density according to the Griffith University study on informal urban greenspace use in the case study locations slide?", "reference_answer": "Sapporo", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Which city, Brisbane or Sapporo, has a higher population density according to the Griffith University study on informal urban greenspace use?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1860", "query": "Which country, Spain or Finland, has a larger FINAL SAMPLE in the news survey methodology where 13% of 55+ says their main platform for news is online?", "reference_answer": "SPAIN", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reutersinstitutedigitalnewsreport2014-140620083406-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 10 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a larger FINAL SAMPLE, Spain or the country where 13% of 55+ says their main platform for news is online?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1818", "query": "Which country has the highest percentage of fans, Italy or Spain, which has 18,406,397 football fans according to the fan statistics?", "reference_answer": "Italy", "meta_info": { "file_name": "researchreportonfootballinindia2015-150122112755-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "Which country has the highest Percentage of fans, Italy or the country which has 18,406,397 football fans?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1835", "query": "Who is the top player on Sina Weibo, according to the 2014 China Digital Red Card report, Rio Ferdinand or Gareth Bale?", "reference_answer": "Rio Ferdinand", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "Who is the top player on Sina Weibo according to the 2014 China Digital Red Card, Rio Ferdinand or Gareth Bale?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1881", "query": "In the image titled \"Top Search Engine as of end 1st Qtr 2015: South Korea,\" what percentage is shown for Yahoo?", "reference_answer": "2.04", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Regarding top search engines in South Korea as of end 1st Qtr 2015, what percentage is shown for Yahoo?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1840", "query": "In 2011, what was the population (in millions) of Sapporo, the city which Hiroko is from, as mentioned in the Griffith University study on informal urban greenspace in Japan and Australia?", "reference_answer": "1.9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 8 ], "origin_query": "In 2011, what was the population (in millions) of the city which Hiroko, 52, female is from, as mentioned in the Griffith University study on informal urban greenspace in Japan and Australia?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1885", "query": "Which has a greater surface area, Singapore or Latvia, in the table titled \"Some perspective\" by Estonian Information System Agency?", "reference_answer": "Latvia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which has a greater Surface area, Singapore or Latvia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1804", "query": "According to the Global Sustainable Energy report on public support and energy costs, which is more supported, wind power or solar power, whose cost per kilowatt-hour is cheaper than natural gas but higher than wood?", "reference_answer": "Wind", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 20 ], "origin_query": "What is more supported according to the Global SSustainable Energy report, wind power or solar power, whose cost per kilowatt-hour is cheaper than natural gas but higher than wood?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1882", "query": "Regarding top search engines in South Korea as of end 1st Qtr 2015, what percentage is shown for Yahoo, whose market share in Oceania was 1.51% as of end 1st Qtr 2015?", "reference_answer": "2.04", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 20 ], "origin_query": "Regarding top search engines in South Korea as of end 1st Qtr 2015, what percentage is shown for the search engine whose market share in Oceania was 1.51% as of end 1st Qtr 2015?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1836", "query": "According to the 2014 China Digital Red Card report, who is the top player on Sina Weibo, Rio Ferdinand or the player paid a record transfer fee during the summer window in 2013?", "reference_answer": "Rio Ferdinand", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 18, 19 ], "origin_query": "Who is the top player on Sina Weibo, Rio Ferdinand or the player who was paid a record transfer fee during the summer window in 2013, as mentioned in the 2014 China Digital Red Card report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1844", "query": "Which city has more park space per person, Brisbane or the city identified in the study \"Remembering vacant lots: Residents' use of informal urban greenspace as children and teenagers in Japan and Australia,\" where 13% of respondents prefer IGS over parks and gardens due to lower crowding?", "reference_answer": "Brisbane", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rememberingvacantlots-residentsuseofinformalurbangreenspaceaschildrenandteenagersinjapanandaustralia-150529114046-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 12 ], "origin_query": "Which city has more park space per person, Brisbane or the city where 13% of respondents in the study \"Remembering vacant lots: Residents' use of informal urban greenspace as children and teenagers in Japan and Australia\" said they prefer IGS over parks and gardens because it's not crowded?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1806", "query": "Was the global generation of energy, similar to that produced at the Ivanpah Facility in the US and the Shams Station in the UAE, greater in 2003 or 2011 according to renewable energy trends?", "reference_answer": "2011", "meta_info": { "file_name": "presentation-140726083339-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 15 ], "origin_query": "The energy, the same type of which is generated at the Ivanpah Facility (US) and Shams Station (UAE), was generated globally more in 2003 or 2011?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1887", "query": "Which has a smaller population according to the \"Some perspective\" data, United States or Russian Federation?", "reference_answer": "Russian Federation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Which has a smaller Population, United States or Russian Federation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1898", "query": "According to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs—2015 survey results, what percentage of organizations had an employee recognition program in 2015?", "reference_answer": "80", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrm-globoforce-employee-recognition-2015-150615144858-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of organizations had an employee recognition program in 2015 according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 survey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1879", "query": "Which search engine holds the highest percentage in the Top Search Engine chart for South Korea at the end of the 1st Quarter of 2015?", "reference_answer": "Google", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Regarding top search engines in South Korea as of end 1st Qtr 2015, which has the highest percentage?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1889", "query": "What is the PPP gross national income per capita of Singapore according to the Estonian Information System Agency 2014 report?", "reference_answer": "71,900", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the PPP gross national income per capita of Singapore?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1872", "query": "In the state road sector comparison, which state has a greater road density, Kerala or Bihar?", "reference_answer": "Kerala", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roadsectorppt-july7-100901040020-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Which state has a greater Road density, Kerala or Bihar?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1893", "query": "What percentage was Employee retention/turnover in the year in which revenue per FTE was 7% according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report?", "reference_answer": "40", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrm-globoforce-employee-recognition-2015-150615144858-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "What percentage was Employee retention/turnover in the year in which revenue per FTE was 7% according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1900", "query": "What percentage of organizations use leaderboards, rankings, or badges for employee recognition according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs—2015 report on gamification?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrm-globoforce-employee-recognition-2015-150615144858-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of organizations use leaderboards, rankings, or badges for employee recognition according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1873", "query": "In the graphic titled \"Google Market Share as of end 1st Qtr 2015: Region,\" what percentage is shown for Africa?", "reference_answer": "93.10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Google market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015, what percentage is shown for Africa?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1902", "query": "Regarding the \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" by research2guidance, affiliated with Ralf-Gordon Jahns, what percentage of survey respondents are located in North America?", "reference_answer": "38", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "Regarding \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" done by the research company which Ralf-Gordon Jahns is affiliated with, what percentage of survey respondents are in North America?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1866", "query": "What share of the pie chart is Major District Roads and Rural Roads in the Indian Road Sector Overview by Sharif Qamar in India Infrastructure Publishing, as shown on slide 2?", "reference_answer": "79.81", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roadsectorppt-july7-100901040020-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What share of the pie chart is Major District Roads and Rural Roads in the Indian Road Sector Overview by Sharif Qamar Tndia Infrastructure Publishing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1875", "query": "Regarding Google market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015 in the regions chart, which is a greater percentage, Asia or North America?", "reference_answer": "Asia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Google market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015, which is a greater percentage, Asia or North America?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1896", "query": "According to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report shown in the \"Most Important Challenges HR Professionals Face\" chart, was relieving employee frustration a lesser percentage in 2015 or 2012?", "reference_answer": "2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrm-globoforce-employee-recognition-2015-150615144858-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "When was Relieving employee frustration a lesser percentage according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report, 2015 or 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1878", "query": "Regarding Google market share with the largest share of 58.80% in Japan as of end 1st Qtr 2015, which place is shown as 92.47% in the regions chart?", "reference_answer": "Europe", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 19 ], "origin_query": "Regarding market share of the search engine with the largest share of 58.80% in Japan as of end 1st Qtr 2015, which place is shown as 92.47%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1905", "query": "Regarding \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" by research2guidance, what share in percentage of survey respondents were in South America according to the regional distribution chart?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Regarding \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" done by research2guidance, what share in percentage of survey respondents were in South America?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1880", "query": "Regarding top search engines in South Korea as of the end 1st Qtr 2015, Yahoo market share was 0.04% in China, which search engine has the highest percentage?", "reference_answer": "Google", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 20 ], "origin_query": "Regarding top search engines in South Korea as of the end Qtr Yahoo market share was 0.04% in China, which has the highest percentage?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1899", "query": "What percentage of organizations had an employee recognition program in the year when employee satisfaction was 22% according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report?", "reference_answer": "80", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrm-globoforce-employee-recognition-2015-150615144858-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of organizations had an employee recognition program in the year in which employee satisfaction was 22% according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1890", "query": "According to the data on GNI per capita trends, what is the PPP gross national income per capita of the country with a GNI per capita lower than 40000 in 1995 but surpassing 60000 in 2010?", "reference_answer": "71,900", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the PPP gross national income per capita of the country whose GNI per capita was lower than 40000 in 1995 but higher than 60000 in 2010?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1876", "query": "Regarding Google market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015 shown in the map chart, which is a greater percentage, Asia or the region where Bing market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015 was 8.61%?", "reference_answer": "Asia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 7 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Google market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015, which is a greater percentage, Asia or the region where Bing market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015 was 8.61%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1909", "query": "What percentage of revenues for the year in which iOS is ranked No.1 for mobile operating systems with highest business potential for mHealth apps was from Services according to the research2guidance report?", "reference_answer": "69", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 20 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of revenues of the year for which iOS is ranked No.1 as the mobile operating system with highest business potential for mHealth apps was from Services?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1891", "query": "What is the surface area of the United States according to the Estonian Information System Agency 2014 report?", "reference_answer": "9,832", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the surface area of United States?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1908", "query": "What percentage of 2017 Revenues was from Services according to the mHealth App Market Report 2013-2017 by research2guidance, as shown in the global mHealth market revenue chart?", "reference_answer": "69", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of 2017 Revenues was from Services according to the mHealth App Market Report 2013-2017 by research2guidance?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1903", "query": "In the \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" by research2guidance, were there more survey participants reported from Europe or Africa?", "reference_answer": "Europe", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Regarding \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" done by research2guidance, were there more survey participants in Europe or Africa?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1906", "query": "In the \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" by research2guidance, which is a market-leading analyst and advisory company, what percentage of survey respondents were from South America?", "reference_answer": "12", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "Regarding \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" done by the company which is a market leading analyst and advisory company in the mHealth app market, what share in percentage of survey respondents were in South America?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1912", "query": "Was the EBITA-margin percentage higher in Q1 2013 or Q1 of the year sales growth was driven by high construction activity in Q2 in Sweden, according to the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015 figures on profitability?", "reference_answer": "Q1 2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 12 ], "origin_query": "Was the EBITA-margin percentage higher in Q1 2013 or Q1 of the year sales growth was driven by high construction activity in Q2 in Sweden, as reported in the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1897", "query": "When was relieving employee frustration a lesser percentage, 2015 or the year where 28% cited recruitment as the key challenge in the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report?", "reference_answer": "2015", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrm-globoforce-employee-recognition-2015-150615144858-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 7 ], "origin_query": "When was relieving employee frustration a lesser percentage, 2015 or the year in which 28% said recruitment was the most important challenge HR professionals face in their organization according to the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs-2015 report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1921", "query": "In the Cafe Coffee Day Service Marketing Project, what percentage of the pie chart is attributed to Students among CCD customers?", "reference_answer": "66", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding CCD customers, what percentage of the pie chart is Students in the Cafe Coffee Day Service Marketing Project?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1915", "query": "In Denmark Q2/2015: Cost reduction measures showing results, what were Net sales for 4-6/14?", "reference_answer": "9.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Denmark, what were Net sales for 4-6/14?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1884", "query": "What is the population density of Estonia, which is indicated as a small open economy in Northern Europe?", "reference_answer": "31", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the population density of the country which is a small open economy in Northern Europe?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1867", "query": "What share of the pie chart in Sharif Qamar Tndia Infrastructure Publishing's Indian road sector context is occupied by Major District Roads and roads under the jurisdiction of rural development agencies?", "reference_answer": "79.81", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roadsectorppt-july7-100901040020-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "What share of the pie chart is Major District Roads and the roads which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rural Development, state governments, rural road development agencies, and village panchayats in the Indian road sector context provided by Sharif Qamar Tndia Infrastructure Publishing?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1910", "query": "What is the slogan of RAMIRENT as shown in the Q2 2015 interim report cover?", "reference_answer": "MORE THAN MACHINES", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "What is the slogan of RAMIRENT?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1926", "query": "Regarding customers of Cafe Coffee Day, whose market share is 54%, is a greater percentage Students or Professionals according to the Key Target Audience analysis?", "reference_answer": "Students", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 12 ], "origin_query": "Regarding customers of Cafe Coffee Day, whose market share is 54%, is a greater percentage Students or Professionals?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1922", "query": "Regarding customers of the Café Coffee Day company whose SBU includes Coffee Day Fresh 'n' Ground and Coffee Day Xpress, what percentage of the pie chart is specifically attributed to Students?", "reference_answer": "66", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding customers of the company whose SBU includes Coffee Day Fresh 'n' Ground and Coffee Day Xpress, what percentage of the pie chart is Students?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1907", "query": "What is Ralf-Gordon Jahns' email address as listed in the Research2guidance mHealth app market image?", "reference_answer": "ralf.jahns@research2guidance.com", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "What is Ralf-Gordon Jahns' email address?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1931", "query": "Regarding the global iOS breakdown in the Vietnam Mobile Apps Report Q3 2015, what percentage of the pie chart was the OS version with a 13% adoption rate in Q3/2015 in Vietnam?", "reference_answer": "51", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reportq32015-151009093138-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7, 15 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the global iOS breakdown, what percentage of the pie chart was the OS version whose adoption rate was 13% in Q3/2015 in Vietnam?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1927", "query": "What is the age group of the main consumer base of Café Coffee Day according to the Service Marketing Project by Archana, Hardik, Sanjay, and Tirthankar (SIESCOMS) detailed in their S-T-P-D model?", "reference_answer": "16-30", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "What is the age group of the main consumer base of Café Coffee Day according to the Service Marketing Project by Archana, Hardik, Sanjay, and Tirthankar (SIESCOMS)?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1914", "query": "In the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015, what was the Capex for Denmark in the term where Norway's EBITA was reported at 2.9?", "reference_answer": "0.7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13, 14 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Denmark, what was the Capex for the term in which EBITA was 2.9 in Norway according to the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1888", "query": "Which country has a smaller population according to the Estonian Information System Authority, the one with GNI per capita lower than Singapore but higher than Latvia in 2001, or the Russian Federation?", "reference_answer": "Russian Federation", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Which has a smaller population, the country whose GNI per capita was lower than Singapore but higher than Latvia in 2001 or Russian Federation, according to the Estonian Information System Authority document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1874", "query": "Regarding the Google market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015, what percentage is shown for Africa where Yahoo market share was 2.35%?", "reference_answer": "93.10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "searchenginemarketshareqtr12015-150514071542-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 10 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Google market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015, what percentage is shown for the region where Yahoo market share as of end 1st Qtr 2015 was 2.35%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1869", "query": "In the Indian Road Sector pie chart, does State Highways or the National Highways Development Project, launched in 1999 costing Rs 3,000 billion, have a larger share?", "reference_answer": "State Highways", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roadsectorppt-july7-100901040020-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 10 ], "origin_query": "What makes up a bigger share of the pie chart, State Highways or the National Highways Development Project, which was launched in 1999 and cost Rs 3,000 billion?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1936", "query": "In the Vietnam Mobile Apps Report Q3 2015, how many million apps were available on Google Play Store in 2014?", "reference_answer": "1,3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reportq32015-151009093138-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the global mobile apps by number, how many million was Google Play Store in 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1925", "query": "Regarding CCD customers in the SERVICE MARKETING PROJECT by Archana, Hardik, Sanjay, and Tirthankar (SIESCOMS), is a greater percentage Students or Professionals in the Key Target Audience data?", "reference_answer": "Students", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding CCD customers in the SERVICE MARKETING PROJECT by Archana, Hardik, Sanjay, and Tirthankar (SIESCOMS), is a greater percentage Students or Professionals?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1886", "query": "In the perspective overview of 2010, which has a greater surface area, the country whose GNI per capita surpassed the USA or Latvia?", "reference_answer": "Latvia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Which has a greater surface area, the country whose GNI per capita was higher than the USA in 2010 or Latvia?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1871", "query": "In the context of the State road sector overview, where about 137 projects worth Rs 648 billion are completed or under construction, what is the road length in km in Orissa?", "reference_answer": "242,736", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roadsectorppt-july7-100901040020-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12, 13 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the sector where about 137 projects worth Rs 648 billion have been completed or are under construction, what is the road length in km in the state of Orissa?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1923", "query": "In the Cafe Coffee Day Service Marketing Project, what percentage of the pie chart represents CCD customers who are Above 30?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding CCD customers, what percentage of the pie chart are Above 30 in the Cafe Coffee Day Service Marketing Project?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1913", "query": "In the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015, what was the Capex for Denmark during the period 4-6/15?", "reference_answer": "0.7", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Denmark in the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015, what was the Capex for the period 4-6/15?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1934", "query": "In the Vietnam Mobile Apps Report Q3 2015 by Appota Inc., regarding the global mobile developers mindshare, what was a greater percentage, Java or WP?", "reference_answer": "Java", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reportq32015-151009093138-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the global mobile developers mindshare, what was a greater percentage, Java or WP?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1930", "query": "Regarding the Global iOS Breakdown in the Vietnam Mobile Apps Report Q3 2015, what percentage of the pie chart was iOS 9?", "reference_answer": "51", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reportq32015-151009093138-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 7 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the global iOS breakdown, what percentage of the pie chart was iOS 9?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1919", "query": "Regarding CCD customers in the SERVICE MARKETING PROJECT by Archana, Hardik, Sanjay, and Tirthankar (SIESCOMS), is a greater percentage MALE or FEMALE in the Key Target Audience section?", "reference_answer": "FEMALE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding CCD customers in the SERVICE MARKETING PROJECT by Archana, Hardik, Sanjay, and Tirthankar (SIESCOMS), is a greater percentage MALE or FEMALE?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1945", "query": "What is the Basic Proposition of Car Sharing according to the comparison with Car Rental?", "reference_answer": "Alternative to car ownership or people who don't own a car", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shouldyoubecomeacarsharingoperator-introduction-140313165726-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "What is the Basic Proposition of Car Sharing?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1933", "query": "In the Global Android Breakdown pie chart, related to the OS with an 82.8% global share in Q2 2015, which has a greater percentage: KitKat or Gingerbread?", "reference_answer": "KitKat", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reportq32015-151009093138-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 8 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the global breakdown of the OS whose global share was 82.8% in Q2 2015, what makes up a greater percentage of the pie chart, KitKat or Gingerbread?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1904", "query": "Regarding the \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" by Research2Guidance, were there more survey participants in Europe or Africa based on the survey participants and mHealth app numbers map?", "reference_answer": "Europe", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "Regarding \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" done by the company which is a strategy advisory and market research company concentrating on the mobile app eco-system, were there more survey participants in Europe or Africa?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1947", "query": "What percentage of net sales was Packaging and Forest Products in 2000 according to the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation slide on increasing hygiene sales?", "reference_answer": "54", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of net sales was Packaging and Forest Products in 2000 according to the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1911", "query": "Was the EBITA-margin percentage higher in Q1 2013 or Q1 2015 according to the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015, specifically detailed in the Finland Q2/2015 section?", "reference_answer": "Q1 2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Was the EBITA-margin percentage higher in Q1 2013 or Q1 2015 according to the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1917", "query": "In the Europe Central Q2/2015 report, which was higher, ROCE percentage for 1-6/15 or 1-6/14?", "reference_answer": "1-6/15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 16 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Europe Central, which was higher, ROCE percentage for 1-6/15 or 1-6/14?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1932", "query": "In the Global Android Breakdown, which has a greater percentage in the pie chart, KitKat or Gingerbread?", "reference_answer": "KitKat", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reportq32015-151009093138-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the global Android breakdown, what makes up a greater percentage of the pie chart, KitKat or Gingerbread?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1924", "query": "In the Cafe Coffee Day Key Target Audience figure, what percentage of the pie chart represents customers Above 30?", "reference_answer": "9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 12 ], "origin_query": "Regarding customers of Cafe Coffee Day, whose share of mind is 68%, what percentage of the pie chart are Above 30?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1901", "query": "In the \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" by research2guidance, what percentage of survey respondents are located in North America?", "reference_answer": "38", "meta_info": { "file_name": "research2guidancemhealthappdevelopereconomicsslideshare-140522052520-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Regarding \"mHealth App Developer Economics Study 2014\" done by research2guidance, what percentage of survey respondents are in North America?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1949", "query": "In 2010, according to the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation, did Packaging and Forest Products or Hygiene products have a higher percentage of net sales?", "reference_answer": "Hygiene products", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "In 2010, what had a higher percentage of net sales, Packaging and Forest Products or Hygiene products according to the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1865", "query": "What does good connectivity of the 3.3 million km Indian road network ensure in terms of social and economic development?", "reference_answer": "all round - social and economic development of any region", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roadsectorppt-july7-100901040020-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "What does a good connectivity of the thing, 3.3 million km of which is networked in India, ensure?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1952", "query": "Regarding the European market for publication papers as shown in the SCA market share chart, which is a higher percentage, Holmen or Norske Skog?", "reference_answer": "Norske Skog", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the publication papers market in Europe, which is a higher percentage, Holmen or Norske Skog?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1946", "query": "What is the basic proposition of the car sharing service whose key customers are college educated + and medium level income?", "reference_answer": "Alternative to car ownership or people who don't own a car", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shouldyoubecomeacarsharingoperator-introduction-140313165726-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 17, 20 ], "origin_query": "What is the basic proposition of the service whose key customers are college educated + and medium level income?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1960", "query": "In 2009, according to the Web SEO Services.in report, which geographic region had the most Internet users, 39% of whom used it to check news?", "reference_answer": "Asia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "seotrainingbywebseoservices-120104095209-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "In 2009, which geographic region had the most users of the Internet, which 39% used to check news, according to the Web SEO Services.in report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1935", "query": "In the Global Mobile Developers Mindshare report, what was a greater percentage, Java or Windows Phone whose share was 6% among smartphone users in Vietnam?", "reference_answer": "Java", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reportq32015-151009093138-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 14 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the global mobile developers mindshare, what was a greater percentage, Java or the OS whose share was 6% in Vietnam?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1944", "query": "When was the article \"Why Young Americans are Driving So Much Less Than Their Parents\" published according to the Trends Favoring Car Sharing presentation?", "reference_answer": "APR 10, 2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shouldyoubecomeacarsharingoperator-introduction-140313165726-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "When was the article \"Why Young Americans are Driving So Much Less Than Their Parents\" published?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1950", "query": "What percentage of Corrugated board is attributed to SCA in the European market for Packaging and Publication papers?", "reference_answer": "10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of Corrugated board is SCA?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1883", "query": "What is the Population density of Estonia according to the Estonian Information System Agency 2014 table?", "reference_answer": "31", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdmwebinar-140721120644-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "What is the Population density of Estonia?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1954", "query": "What is the GROWTH percentage of SCA Group as mentioned in the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation slide?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the GROWTH percentage of SCA Group as mentioned in the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1966", "query": "What percentage was Very concerned in 2015 according to the Organization Concern About Controlling Health Care Costs in the SHRM 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey?", "reference_answer": "74", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindingsstrategic-benefits-health-care-151014192447-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "What percentage was Very concerned in 2015 according to the SHRM 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey on Health Care?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1956", "query": "In the WebSEO Services.in report on daily internet activities, what percentage is attributed to Online search?", "reference_answer": "49", "meta_info": { "file_name": "seotrainingbywebseoservices-120104095209-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the daily internet activities in the WebSEO Services.in document, what percentage is attributed to Online search?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1958", "query": "What is a greater percentage, Check weather or Email, according to the WebSEO Services.in daily internet activities data graph?", "reference_answer": "Email", "meta_info": { "file_name": "seotrainingbywebseoservices-120104095209-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What is a greater percentage, Check weather or Email, according to the WebSEO Services.in daily internet activities data?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1963", "query": "What was the Top Browser in Mar 2010 according to the StatCounter Global Stats graph?", "reference_answer": "IE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "seotrainingbywebseoservices-120104095209-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What was the Top Browser in Mar 2010?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1970", "query": "In the 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey—Health Care, how did 84% of organizations respond to the concern about controlling health care costs in 2012?", "reference_answer": "Very concerned", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindingsstrategic-benefits-health-care-151014192447-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the concern of organizations about controlling health care costs, how did 84% respond in 2012?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1959", "query": "In December 2009, according to Web SEO Services chart, which Geographic Region had the most Internet Users?", "reference_answer": "Asia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "seotrainingbywebseoservices-120104095209-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "In 2009, which Geographic Region had the most Internet Users?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1870", "query": "In the state road sector comparison table, what is the road length in km for the state of Orissa?", "reference_answer": "242,736", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roadsectorppt-july7-100901040020-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the state road sector, what is the road length in km in the state of Orissa?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1937", "query": "Regarding the Vietnam Mobile Apps Report Q3 2015, how many million was Google Play Store in the year when the global mobile apps revenue reached 34.99 billion U.S. dollars?", "reference_answer": "1,3", "meta_info": { "file_name": "reportq32015-151009093138-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the global mobile apps by number, how many million was Google Play Store in the year in which the global mobile apps revenue in billion U.S. dollars was 34.99?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1920", "query": "Regarding customers of the company Café Coffee Day, founded in 1996 and aiming to provide the best experience to their guests, is a greater percentage MALE or FEMALE?", "reference_answer": "FEMALE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "siecomsservicemarketingapril201424042014ver2-140505001912-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding customers of of the company which was founded in 1996 and strives to provide the best experience to their guests, is a greater percentage MALE or FEMALE?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1972", "query": "In the 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey by SHRM, what percentage \"Remained the same\" regarding the actual change in total health care costs in 2013?", "reference_answer": "19", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindingsstrategic-benefits-health-care-151014192447-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the actual change in total health care costs, what percentage \"Remained the same\" in 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1962", "query": "Which geographic region, Europe or Africa, had more users of the Internet, where 13% used it to visit social networking sites, according to the figures from the Web SEO Services.in report of December 2009?", "reference_answer": "Europe", "meta_info": { "file_name": "seotrainingbywebseoservices-120104095209-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "Which geographic region, Europe or Africa, had more users of the Internet, where 13% used it to visit social networking sites, according to the Web SEO Services.in report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1918", "query": "In the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015, concerning Europe Central, which was higher: the ROCE percentage for 1-6/15 or the term when net sales were 18.7 MEUR in Denmark?", "reference_answer": "1-6/15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 16 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Europe Central in the Ramirent Interim Report January-June 2015, which was higher, the ROCE percentage for 1-6/15 or the term in which net sales was 18.7 in Denmark?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1941", "query": "In the year when Car2Go was launched in Austin, Texas, as shown in the History Of Car Sharing presentation, what was a greater number, per person or per registered vehicle according to the Trends Favoring Car Sharing graph?", "reference_answer": "per registered vehicle", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shouldyoubecomeacarsharingoperator-introduction-140313165726-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 11 ], "origin_query": "In the year in which Car2Go appeared in Austin, Texas, what was a greater number, per person or per registered vehicle?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1971", "query": "Regarding the concern of organizations about controlling health care costs, how did 84% respond in the 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey by SHRM in the year in which 17% said total health care costs last plan year remained the same compared with the previous plan year?", "reference_answer": "Very concerned", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindingsstrategic-benefits-health-care-151014192447-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the concern of organizations about controlling health care costs, how did 84% respond in the year in which 17% said total health care costs last plan year remained the same compared with the previous plan year?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1965", "query": "What percentage is Yes, we provide employer-based health care insurance plans according to the 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, shown in the Health Care Coverage graph?", "reference_answer": "96", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindingsstrategic-benefits-health-care-151014192447-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What percentage is Yes, we provide employer-based health care insurance plans according to the 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey by the Society for Human Resource Management?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1916", "query": "Regarding Denmark in Q2/2015, what were Net sales for the term in which capex was 4.7 in Europe East?", "reference_answer": "9.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rrresultsq22015enfinal-150806063426-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 14, 15 ], "origin_query": "Regarding Denmark, what were Net sales for the term in which capex was 4.7 in Europe East?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1830", "query": "Which team had a higher UEFA Official Ranking in 2013, BARCELONA or the team which launched Sina Account in July 2013, as seen in the Recap Last Year's Results and Timeline of Clubs in China?", "reference_answer": "BARCELONA", "meta_info": { "file_name": "redcardfinal-140220002603-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "Which team had a higher UEFA Official Ranking in 2013, BARCELONA or the team which launched Sina Account in July 2013?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1964", "query": "What was the Top Browser in March of the year in which the Global Search Trends showed Asia Pacific accounted for 40.1% of the worldwide internet audience in October?", "reference_answer": "IE", "meta_info": { "file_name": "seotrainingbywebseoservices-120104095209-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "What was the Top Browser in Mar of the year in which Asia Pacific accounted for 40.1% of the worldwide internet audience in October?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1967", "query": "In the 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, what percentage was \"Very concerned\" in the year when 21% \"Offered HMO health plan in place of more costly health care plans\"?", "reference_answer": "74", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindingsstrategic-benefits-health-care-151014192447-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 15 ], "origin_query": "What percentage was \"Very concerned\" in the year in which 21% \"Offered HMO health plan in place of more costly health care plans\" according to the 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey by the Society for Human Resource Management?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1986", "query": "If you were to lay down the wires that make up SCE's extensive transmission and distribution network end to end, approximately how many times would they traverse the United States according to the Southern California Edison infographic?", "reference_answer": "40", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "If you were to lay down the wires that make up SCE's extensive transmission and distribution network end to end, approximately how many times would they traverse the United States?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1988", "query": "What was the SCE Year End Headcount in 2006 according to the 'How We Got Here - SCE Workforce Trends' chart?", "reference_answer": "15,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "What was the SCE Year End Headcount in 2006?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1984", "query": "What percent of electricity that it provides to its customers does SCE generate according to the Southern California Edison infographic?", "reference_answer": "36", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What percent of electricity that it provides to its customers does SCE generate?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1981", "query": "In the 2011 India's Global Statistics, what was the HDI of India, where 9.0% of the installed power generation was gas in 2013?", "reference_answer": "0.52", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "In 2010, what was the HDI of India, the country where 9.0% of the installed power generation was gas in 2013?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1974", "query": "What percentage of installed power generation in India in 2013 was identified as anti-green and hazardous for human health?", "reference_answer": "68", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the installed power generation in India, what percentage was generation anti-green & hazardous for human health in 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1976", "query": "Regarding the installed power generation in India, what percentage of the pie chart was Coal in 2013 according to the data on power sources distribution?", "reference_answer": "58.6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the installed power generation in India, what percentage of the pie chart was Coal in 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1998", "query": "In the Business Insider Intelligence report on U.S. consumer media consumption, what was the percentage share of Radio in 2011?", "reference_answer": "15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the U.S. consumer media consumption share, what was the percentage of Radio in 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1994", "query": "Regarding the smartphone sales in the United States from 2005 to 2014 chart, what is the number shown for 2010?", "reference_answer": "18,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the smartphone sales in the United States from the UniversalMind Mobile Customers 8&the Digital Experience document, what is the number shown for 2010?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1977", "query": "In the pie chart of installed power generation in India during 2013, what percentage is attributed to the source with a 2011 production of 540 million tonnes and a reserve estimate of 294 billion tonnes?", "reference_answer": "58.6", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 5 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the installed power generation in India in 2013, what percentage of the pie chart was the source whose 2011 production was 540 million tonnes and whose reserve estimate was 294 billion tonnes?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1996", "query": "In the UniversalMind Mobile Customers 8 & the Digital Experience document, do smartphone sales in the United States show a greater number for the year 2013 or 2014?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the smartphone sales in the United States from the UniversalMind Mobile Customers 8 & the Digital Experience document, is there a greater number shown for 2013 or 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1894", "query": "Was Employee satisfaction a higher percentage in the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs report for 2012 or 2013 according to the challenges faced by HR professionals?", "reference_answer": "2012", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrm-globoforce-employee-recognition-2015-150615144858-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Was Employee satisfaction a higher percentage in the SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Programs report for 2012 or 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1992", "query": "In the Workforce Planning Model at Edison, what kind of strategy do OUs determine their workforce forecast based upon?", "reference_answer": "business", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 20 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the workforce planning model at Edison, what kind of strategy do OUs determine their workforce forecast based upon?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1939", "query": "In the Metavera webinar about car sharing services that include fuel, insurance, parking, maintenance, and cleaning, how does a member reserve a vehicle?", "reference_answer": "via web or mobile app", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shouldyoubecomeacarsharingoperator-introduction-140313165726-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the function of the car sharing service whose rates include fuel, insurance, parking, maintenance, and cleaning, how does a member reserve a vehicle according to the Metavera webinar?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2000", "query": "In the U.S. Consumer Media Consumption Share report by BI Intelligence, was there a greater percentage of Mobile in 2011 or 2013?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the U.S. consumer media consumption share, was there a greater percentage of Mobile in 2011 or 2013?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1983", "query": "In the India's Global Statistics 2011, which country, China or South Africa, had a greater GNI at PPP in the year when India imported about 124 million tons of crude oil?", "reference_answer": "South Africa", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 20 ], "origin_query": "Which country had a greater GNI at PPP in the year when India imported about 124 million tons of crude oil, according to the India's Global Statistics 2011, China or South Africa?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1999", "query": "Regarding the U.S. consumer media consumption share in the Business Insider Intelligence report, what was the percentage of Radio in the year when smartphone sales in the United States reached 27,500 million U.S. dollars?", "reference_answer": "15", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the U.S. consumer media consumption share, what was the percentage of Radio in the year in which the smartphone sales in the United States was 27,500 million U.S. dollars?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2004", "query": "In what year did REITs start in the US according to the Evolution of REITs timeline?", "reference_answer": "1960", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realestateinvestmenttrust-141212011105-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "In what year did REITS start in the US?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1978", "query": "In the 2013 Installed Power Generation in India chart, what had a greater percentage, Hydro or Nuclear?", "reference_answer": "Hydro", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the installed power generation in India, what was a greater percentage in 2013, Hydro or Nuclear?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1991", "query": "Was the Year End Headcount of Southern California Edison, which maintains over 115,000 miles of transmission lines, larger in 2001 or 2010 according to SCE Workforce Trends?", "reference_answer": "2010", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 19 ], "origin_query": "Was the Year End Headcount of the company which maintains more than 115,000 miles of transmission lines larger in 2001 or 2010?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1948", "query": "According to the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation, what percentage of net sales in 2000 was made up by the items whose share in 2010 was 24% for Packaging and 16% for Forest Products?", "reference_answer": "54", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of net sales was the items whose 2010 share was 24% and the items whose 2010 share was 16% in 2000 according to the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2009", "query": "What is the No. of REITs in France according to the Evolution of REITs in India chart?", "reference_answer": "37", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realestateinvestmenttrust-141212011105-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the No. of REITs in France?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2005", "query": "In what year did REITS start in the country whose market size (USD billion) is 621 according to the Global REIT Survey 2013?", "reference_answer": "1960", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realestateinvestmenttrust-141212011105-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "In what year did REITS start in the country whose market size (USD billion) is 621?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1990", "query": "Was the SCE Year End Headcount larger in 2001 or 2010 according to the SCE Workforce Trends chart?", "reference_answer": "2010", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 19 ], "origin_query": "Was the SCE Year End Headcount larger in 2001 or 2010 according to the Workforce Planning Model at Edison?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2013", "query": "What was the rank of L'Oréal Group in 2011 according to the Euromonitor International report?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "regionalkeyaccountstrategy-loral-130220142130-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What was the rank of L'Oréal Group in 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1957", "query": "Regarding the daily activities of Internet users in the Web SEO Services.in report, what percentage is attributed to Online search in December 2009, when an estimated 1.8 billion people used the Internet?", "reference_answer": "49", "meta_info": { "file_name": "seotrainingbywebseoservices-120104095209-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 5 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the daily activities of Internet users, as reported in the Web SEO Services.in document, what percentage is attributed to Online search in December 2009, when an estimated 1.8 billion people used the Internet?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2002", "query": "What was the Change in Ad Revenues for Local TV from 2011-2012 in percentage, as shown in the Money Matters slide?", "reference_answer": "10.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11 ], "origin_query": "What was the Change in Ad Revenues for Local TV from 2011-2012 in percentage", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2017", "query": "What was Moody's short-term rating of L'Oréal Group in June 2011 according to the Company Background report?", "reference_answer": "Prime 1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "regionalkeyaccountstrategy-loral-130220142130-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What was Moody's short-term rating of L'Oréal Group in June 2011?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1997", "query": "Regarding the smartphone sales in the United States, is there a greater number shown for 2014 or the year 2013 in which ~200M iPads and iPhones were sold worldwide according to the UniversalMind Mobile Customers 8&the Digital Experience document?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 5 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the smartphone sales in the United States, is there a greater number shown for 2014 or the year in which ~200M iPads and iPhones were sold worldwide according to the UniversalMind Mobile Customers 8&the Digital Experience document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1982", "query": "In the context of India's Global Statistics 2011, which country had a greater GNI at PPP in 2010, China or South Africa?", "reference_answer": "South Africa", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "Which country had a greater GNI at PPP in 2010, China or South Africa?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2023", "query": "In 2015's Wellness Initiatives Offered and Change in Investment survey, what percentage of organizations reported a decrease in their investment in employee wellness initiatives compared to the previous fiscal year?", "reference_answer": "1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindings-strategic-benefits-wellness-initiatives-151014165419-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "In 2015, what percentage responded that their organization's investment in employee wellness initiatives decreased in the fiscal year compared with the last fiscal year?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1955", "query": "What is the growth (in percentage) of the SCA Group whose Sales split in 2010 shows a 24% share of Personal Care, according to the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 strategic focus areas?", "reference_answer": "5", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the growth (in percentage) of the SCA Group whose Sales split 2010 reads 24% share of Personal Care according to the SCA Capital Market Day 2011 presentation?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2008", "query": "Did REITs come first in Australia or Canada according to the Global Evolution of REITs timeline?", "reference_answer": "Australia", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realestateinvestmenttrust-141212011105-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5 ], "origin_query": "Did REITs come first in Australia or Canada?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1973", "query": "Regarding the actual change in total health care costs from the SHRM 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey, what percentage \"Remained the same\" in the year when 9% said \"None - We have not conducted any activities to control the costs of health care\"?", "reference_answer": "19", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindingsstrategic-benefits-health-care-151014192447-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 16 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the actual change in total health care costs, what percentage \"Remained the same\" in the year in which 9% said \"None - We have not conducted any activities to control the costs of health care\"?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2027", "query": "What percentage responded that their organization did not evaluate the ROI nor the cost-savings in 2014 according to the SHRM 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey?", "reference_answer": "72", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindings-strategic-benefits-wellness-initiatives-151014165419-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage responded that their organization did not evaluate the ROI nor the cost-savings in 2014?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2015", "query": "What was the net financial debt/equity of L'Oréal Group on 12.31.2011 in percentage as reported in the 2012 Annual Report?", "reference_answer": "-2.9", "meta_info": { "file_name": "regionalkeyaccountstrategy-loral-130220142130-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2 ], "origin_query": "What was the net financial debt/equity of L'Oréal Group on 12.31.2011 in percentage?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2047", "query": "What are the types of snippets for graph construction according to the Oracle presentation?", "reference_answer": "manual construction, expression as the snippet", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014-04-24graalmodularity-140505094942-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What are the types of snippets for graph construction?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "2049", "query": "How many characteristics do resilient/active behavior have according to Vincenzo De Florio's Resilient Behaviors slide?", "reference_answer": "4", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2014-11-14-inriaprovappt-141112043127-conversion-gate02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 13 ], "origin_query": "How many characteristics do resilient/active behavior have?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "2038", "query": "What percentage Internet penetration is shown for POR in the Reuters Institute 2014 study?", "reference_answer": "65", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdnrchartsslideshare-151023092547-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4 ], "origin_query": "What percentage Internet penetration is shown for POR?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2046", "query": "Who is the CEO of Nestlé according to the 2011 Full Year Roadshow slide?", "reference_answer": "Paul Bulcke", "meta_info": { "file_name": "2012-02-20fy11roadshow-120221022442-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 1 ], "origin_query": "Who is Netstlé's CEO?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1979", "query": "Regarding installed power generation in India in 2013, was Hydro or Nuclear, with a 7-year gestation period and 80% availability, a greater percentage?", "reference_answer": "Hydro", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 6 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the installed power generation in India, what was a greater percentage in 2013, Hydro or the source whose gestation period was 7 and whose availability was 80%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2001", "query": "According to the Business Insider report on U.S. Consumer Media Consumption Share, was there a greater percentage of Mobile in 2013 or the year in which cable video subscribers fell below 43,000 in Q2?", "reference_answer": "2013", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 10 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the U.S. consumer media consumption share, was there a greater percentage of Mobile in 2013 or the year in which the number of cable video subscribers fell just below 43,000 in Q2 according to the Business Insider report?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1951", "query": "What percentage of corrugated board is the company with an 18% share in the Latin American consumer tissue market according to SCA European Market data?", "reference_answer": "10", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 9 ], "origin_query": "What percentage of corrugated board is the company whose Latin American share in consumer tissue market is 18%?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1943", "query": "In the year Flexcar launched in Seattle, as shown in the \"History of Car Sharing,\" what was lesser: the annual vehicle mileage rate per household or per licensed driver?", "reference_answer": "per licensed driver", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shouldyoubecomeacarsharingoperator-introduction-140313165726-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 9, 11 ], "origin_query": "In the year in which Flexcar appeared in Seattle, what was a lesser number, per household or per licensed driver?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2063", "query": "How many years does mastering strategic SEO audits have in the context of internet consulting expertise?", "reference_answer": "20", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amb-siteaudits-ds15-150204174043-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3 ], "origin_query": "How many years does mastering strategic SEO audits has in internet consulting?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "1995", "query": "Regarding the smartphone sales in the United States, what is the number shown for the year in which TV accounted for 44% of the U.S. consumer media consumption share according to the U.S. Consumer Media Consumption Share chart?", "reference_answer": "18,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the smartphone sales in the United States, what is the number shown for the year in which TV accounted for 44% of the U.S. consumer media consumption share according to the UniversalMind Mobile Customers 8&the Digital Experience document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2062", "query": "What are the three customer sets in the Heriot Watt University slide about Amazon?", "reference_answer": "consumer, seller, developer", "meta_info": { "file_name": "amazonbusinessmodelfinal-12886154816988-phpapp02-121203003732-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8 ], "origin_query": "What are the three customer sets?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "2033", "query": "What is the starting sample for Poland, where 18% use tablets to access news?", "reference_answer": "2060", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdnrchartsslideshare-151023092547-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the starting sample for the country in which 18% use tablets to access news?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2012", "query": "Which country has a greater percentage of the global REITs market, Japan or the country that started REITs in Singapore in 2002?", "reference_answer": "Japan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realestateinvestmenttrust-141212011105-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a greater percentage of global REITs market, Japan or the country which started REITs in 2002?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2040", "query": "In the Reuters Institute report, what percentage is shown for Urban Turkey regarding the proportion that use social media as a source of news?", "reference_answer": "67", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdnrchartsslideshare-151023092547-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 15 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the proportion that use social media as a source of news, what percentage is shown for Urban Turkey?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1985", "query": "What percent of electricity that it provides to its customers does Southern California Edison (SCE), which is closing its nuclear plants after 40 years of safe, reliable service, generate?", "reference_answer": "36", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 12 ], "origin_query": "What percent of electricity that it provides to its customers does the company which is closing its nuclear plants after 40 years of safe, reliable service generate?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2044", "query": "What is the abbreviation of SIA in the context of the 2013 LARR Act?", "reference_answer": "social impact assessment", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1-150711120533-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 12 ], "origin_query": "What is the abbreviation of SIA?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2003", "query": "What was the change (in percentage) in ad revenues for Local TV from the year in which Mobile accounted for 9% of the U.S. consumer media consumption share to the year in which the smartphone sales in the United States reached 33,700 million U.S. dollars according to the Money Matters document?", "reference_answer": "10.1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "rjowen-digitalexperiences-140714083730-phpapp01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 3, 4, 11 ], "origin_query": "What was the change (in percentage) in ad revenues for Local TV from the year in which Mobile accounted for 9% of the U.S. consumer media consumption share to the year in which the smartphone sales in the United States was 33,700 million U.S. dollars according to the UniversalMind Mobile Customers 8&the Digital Experience document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2026", "query": "In which year, 2014 or the year with 46% extending wellness initiatives to dependents, was a greater percentage reported offering wellness programs to employees according to the SHRM 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey?", "reference_answer": "2014", "meta_info": { "file_name": "shrmsurveyfindings-strategic-benefits-wellness-initiatives-151014165419-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 8, 14 ], "origin_query": "In which year, 2014 or the year in which 46% said any of their organization's wellness initiatives were extended to dependents, did a greater percentage respond that their organization currently offers any type of wellness program, wellness resources or wellness services to their employees according to the SHRM 2015 Strategic Benefits Survey?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2039", "query": "What percentage Internet penetration is shown for Portugal, where Noticias ao Minuto is the second popular digital-born news brand?", "reference_answer": "65", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sdnrchartsslideshare-151023092547-lva1-app6891_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 13 ], "origin_query": "What percentage Internet penetration is shown for the country in which Noticias ao Minuto is the second popular digital-born news brand?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1975", "query": "Regarding the installed power generation in India where GNI at PPP was 3400, what percentage was generation anti-green & hazardous for human health in 2013?", "reference_answer": "68", "meta_info": { "file_name": "renewableenergypresentation-150404092630-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the installed power generation in the country in which GNI at PPP was 3400, what percentage was generation anti-green & hazardous for human health in 2013?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2011", "query": "In the Evolution of REITs in India document, which country between Japan and Singapore has a greater percentage of the global REITs market?", "reference_answer": "Japan", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realestateinvestmenttrust-141212011105-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6 ], "origin_query": "Which country has a greater Percentage of global REITs Market, Japan or Singapore?", "query_type": "single_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2010", "query": "What is the No. of REITs in the country which started REITs in 2003 along with Hong Kong as shown in the Evolution of REITs table?", "reference_answer": "37", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realestateinvestmenttrust-141212011105-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "What is the No. of REITs in the country which started REITs in 2003 along with Hong Kong?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2018", "query": "What was Moody's short-term rating of L'Oréal Group in June 2011, the year when the company had 3,676 research employees?", "reference_answer": "Prime 1", "meta_info": { "file_name": "regionalkeyaccountstrategy-loral-130220142130-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 4 ], "origin_query": "What was Moody's short-term rating of L'Oréal Group in June of the year in which the company had 3,676 research employees?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1989", "query": "In 2006, what was the Year End Headcount of Southern California Edison, the company serving nearly 14 million people in a 50,000-square-mile service area?", "reference_answer": "15,000", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 19 ], "origin_query": "In 2006, what was the Year End Headcount of the company which serves nearly 14 million people in a 50,000-square-mile service area within Central, Coastal and Southern California?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2014", "query": "In the L'Oréal Group 2011 Annual Report, what was the rank of L'Oréal Group in the year when the North America market growth was reported at +4.3%?", "reference_answer": "2", "meta_info": { "file_name": "regionalkeyaccountstrategy-loral-130220142130-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 2, 3 ], "origin_query": "What was the rank of L'Oréal Group in the year in which the market growth was +4.3% in North America?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1953", "query": "Regarding the European publication papers market, where Duni has a 4% share of the AFH tissue market, which company—Holmen or Norske Skog—holds a higher percentage?", "reference_answer": "Norske Skog", "meta_info": { "file_name": "sca-capital-market-day-2011-presentation-110920022831-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 6, 10 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the publication papers market in the region in which Duni has 4% share of the AFH tissue market, which is a higher percentage, Holmen or Norske Skog?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "1987", "query": "If you were to lay down the wires that make up Southern California Edison's extensive transmission and distribution network, approximately how many times would they traverse the United States?", "reference_answer": "40", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 19 ], "origin_query": "If you were to lay down the wires that make up extensive transmission and distribution network of the company which historically hasn't done a good job managing the size of the workforce end to end, approximately how many times would they traverse the United States?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } }, { "uid": "2020", "query": "What was the number of patents in 2009, since which the sales of Hair Care have grown 7.5%, according to the L'OREAL NORTH AMERICA Regional Key Account Strategy document?", "reference_answer": "674", "meta_info": { "file_name": "regionalkeyaccountstrategy-loral-130220142130-phpapp02_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 4, 17 ], "origin_query": "What was the number of patents in the year since which the sales of Hair Care have grown 7.5% according to the L'OREAL NORTH AMERICA Regional Key Account Strategy document?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2042", "query": "What is the new act section for 5a hearing and interest process in the Comparative Provisions of Old and New Act document?", "reference_answer": "15, 80", "meta_info": { "file_name": "1-150711120533-lva1-app6892_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 10, 11 ], "origin_query": "What is the new act section for 5a hearing and interest process?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "multi_span" } }, { "uid": "1993", "query": "Regarding the workforce planning model at Southern California Edison, where employees donated over 240,000 volunteer hours in 2012, what kind of strategy do OUs determine their workforce forecast based upon?", "reference_answer": "business", "meta_info": { "file_name": "roleofhrbusinesspartner-141201132920-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 11, 20 ], "origin_query": "Regarding the workforce planning model at the company whose employees donated more than 240,000 volunteer hours in 2012, what kind of strategy do OUs determine their workforce forecast based upon?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "single_span" } }, { "uid": "2007", "query": "Over the past 50 years, over how many billion USD have the REITs in the United States with 163 REITs attracted in market capitalization?", "reference_answer": "600", "meta_info": { "file_name": "realestateinvestmenttrust-141212011105-conversion-gate01_95.pdf", "reference_page": [ 5, 6 ], "origin_query": "Over the past 50 years, over how many billion USD have the REITs of the country with 163 REITs attracted a market capitalization of?", "query_type": "multi_hop", "source_type": "non_span" } } ] }